DUPL A 518769 LIBRARY GENERA) * SCIENTIA MICHIGAS UNIVERSI TR 257 ,68 Deidl 1 ſhall kuda chrany ibrary March 1, 10 | PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS, EK A BRID G M ENTS Or Specifications RELATING TO ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION I. CENERATION OF ELECTRICITY AND ILAGNETISMI. PART II.-A.D. 1867-1876. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. LONDON: PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS SALE DEPARTMENT. 38, CURSITOR STREET, CHANCERY LAND, 9.C. [Price la 1982. 500 gt. BritPatentynes S PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS. A BRIDGMENTS OF Specifications RELATING TO ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, DIVISION I. GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. PART II.-A.D. 1867-1876. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. ZIE LONDON: PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS' SALE DEPARTMENT, 38, CURSITOR STREET, CHANCERY LANE, E.C. 1882. TK 257 G8 Divol Rey, et Quipom 14.44 49091 PREFACE. 9 The present volume forms Part II. of the series of abridg- ments of inventions relating to the “Generation of Electricity " and Magnetism," and embraces the period from A.D. 1867 to 1876 inclusive. The abridgments of this class from the earliest date down to the end of the year 1866 will be found in the general series (" Electricity and Magnetism."-Parts I. and II.) embracing the whole subject of electricity and magnetism. It has been decided to separate the general series into the following six divisions, and to republish, as Part I. of each of such divisions, the abridgments belonging thereto already printed in Parts I. and II. of the general series :- Division I. "Generation of Electricity and Magnetism." Division II. Conducting and Insulating.” Division III. • Transmitting and Receiving Signals, “ Controlling Mechanical Action, and Exhibiting "6 Electric Effects.” Division IV. "Electric Lighting, Igniting, and Heat- ing.” Division V. "Electro-deposition and Electrolysis." Division VI. • Electric Motive Power Engines and • Similar Apparatus." It should be borne in mind that the abridgments are merely intended to serve as guides to the specifications, which must, themselves be consulted for the details of any particular in- ventions. At the foot of each abridgment is stated the price at which a printed copy of the specification may be purchased at the Commissioners of Patents' Sale Department (38, Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, E.C.). By means of the “key” at page 20 of the appended List of Works, the reader will be able to find out what series of abridgments contains any class of inventions to which he may desire to refer. Q 3753. Wt. 12883. 66 a 2 4 PREFACE. Beside the particular classes of inventions indicated by the title, this series also contains those relating to accumulators, condensers, and secondary batteries. A detailed list of the various kinds of inventions comprised in the present series of abridgments is furnished by the sub- ject-matter index at the end of this volume. H. READER LACK. March, 1882. INDEX OF NAMES. [The names printed in Italic are those of the persons by whom the Invention have been communicated to the Applicants for Letters Patent.] Page ....30 .60 .19 .120 .68 Abel, C. D....... Adams, E. M....... Albini, A....... Alexander, E. P....... Allen, W. T.. Alteneck, F. von H. Anderson, I. E...... , Anthony, T. T.... Apps, A.. Aubry, A Page Chutaux, T............34, 38, 108 Clamond, C. .22, 98, 115 J. C...... ...103 Clark, A. M....10, 21, 81, 103, 106, 126, 128, 135 J. L.......... .117 .110 Cole, J. ...139 Cooke, C. W.. ..82 Courtenay, R. H...79, 99, 112 Coxeter, J... .134 S. J. 134 Crandall, J. N..... .122, 132 W... .84 .113 ..105 .....1 ......115 9 53 Baker, J..... .4 Barjon, V. Barker, C. S...... .14 Bartlett, E. W. A... .79 Bastet, L.... 55 Batchelder, W. W. 61 Beard, R.... ....7 Bell, A. G.... .58 Benary, F.H. .105 Bennett, A..... .99, 112 Bertin, E... ..126 Bonneville, H. A...34, 38, 108 Boulay, C...... Bousfield, G. T. .97 Brandon, A. H. .143 (App.) Brandt, J.... .133 Browne, A.. .124 Bürgin, E...... .120 Burroughs, J .37 Byrne, J......... .135 Daniell, W.. ........ 1.40 Darkin, F.. 127 Darlow, W...63, 64, 66, 72, 93 Davies, G... ..19 J.... .57 Delaurier, E. J..... 30 Dick, C. J. A......... .45 D'Ivernois, E. L. C....... 28, 63 D'Ivernois, E. L. C............41 Dronier, P... .97 Elcock, C......... Errani, C.......... Evans, M...... ..112 .143 (App.) .... 74, 84 Camacho, J. S............91, 127 Cerpaux, J.. .126 Chauvin, F. M. A.............115 Chislett, J. R....... .76 Fairfax, H........ ...93 Faulkner, J....... 113 Faure, C....... ..37 C. A.... 67, 93, 118, 137 Field, E. .....89 Figatner, H........ ......64 6 INDEX OF NAMES. ...131 Page Fitz-Gerald, D. G.......20, 28, 44, 68, 87, 87, 136 Fontaine, H.. .78 Foveaux, H. J. F. H.. 12 Fréret, L.... Frost, M. S... .39 Fuller, G.... .121, 125 Fuller, J. B... 122, 132 Fuller, J. C....... .121, 125 Page Jablochkoff, P........... Jacobs, I..... 43 Jacquemard, L. V .26 Jenkin, F. .26 Jensen, P. 133 Johnson, J. H, .4, 63,78 Jones, R. B.. .13 .90 Kilner, W. J Kimball, D. F. Kirkland, H. B... Kirkman, C. F.... .119, 130 .124 ..41 42 Guiffe, L. A........ Galloway, G. B. Gardner, H.... Garratt, A. C... Gedge, W. E... Goizet, L. II.... Graham, D..... Graham, J. L. Gramme, Z. T. Gramme, Z. T.. Gray, E.... Greer, F. H Gruet, Félix... -., Frédéric Guerot, H..... .103 .52 .114 .19, 24, 70 .16, 26 .115 .62 .48 41 .63 .13 .86 21 21 .90 ...99 48 Lake, W. R......13, 28, 53, 56, 60, 61, 90, 102, 116, 122, 125, 129, 132, 135 Lambrecht, W'.. .102 Leclanché, G. L... Leiter, J.... 109 Lenoir, J. J. E. Lesourd, 0.... ..90 Little, G..... .83 Lontin, D. F'. 110, 128 D. F. J. 28, 135 Lund, H... .40 Lyon, W. P.... .123 Lyte, F. Maxwell. .91 Lyttle, W. A......... 23, 25, 27, 29, 50 Haddan, H. J... 140 Harling, W.. .128 Harper, R. R.. 110 Haseltine, G........... .70, 80 Hayward, J. R. S. .72 Henley, W'. T...... ..56 Hequet, T. A.... .116 Highton, H......51, 52, 59, 65, 77, 91, 97 Hjorth, S.. .6 Hoghton, F. R. .89 Hollingworth, M. H. ..57 Holmes, F. H....10, 11, 17, 30 .20 Horstman, H. .56 Hughes, E.T. 22 Hunt, B... .24, 70 Husson, J. R... .41 --, N. J... JcCracken, E. D. .41 Valderen, J. N. v. ran...... 4 Martin, S. M.. .9, 14, 18 Maxwell-Lyte, F.. .91 Mennons, M. A. F..............6 Molloy, B. C.......... ..87, 87 Monckton, E. H. C..5, 31, 36, 95, 103, 141 Jorrell, J. A. .60 Moseley, W.... .75, 90 Moses, J. ..70 Mowbray, G. DI.. .114 Muirhead, A.... .111 J.. .106, 117 Jure, L...... Ivernois, E. L. C. d'...... .28, 63 Ivernois, E. L. C. d'...... .41 INDEX OF NAMES. 7 > 3 16 Page Page Nawrocki, G. W. von......... ..133 Teuchert, W. C....... ..74 Nelson, L ..113 Theiler, M.. .129 Newton, A. V....41, 48, 55, 99 Ꭱ.. .129 Newton, H. J... 41 Thomson, Sir W. Newton, W. E...39, 48, 91, 95 .8, 43, 47 Toselli, J. B..... ....10 Trouvé, G..... 129 Owen, A. S.......... 74 Tyer, E..... .81, 110 Paine, E. L..... ...113 Vaglica, J. .19 H. M. .39,113 Van Malderen, J. N. M. .4 Planté, G..... ..81 Van Tenac, C. L... .125 Pope, F.L. .80, 90 Varley, C. 7 Powell, W.. 13 F H.....11, 33, 54, 88, Prévost, E.. 22 0. .33 Prévost, E. .53 S. A...... ....7, 9, 14, Pulvermacher, I. L. ....15, 21, 18, 23, 35, 46, 49, 142 32, 49, 62, 71, 77, 83, 92, T. .54 107, 133, 138 Vaughan, E. P. H. .45 Verdeau, E.. 94 Rogers, J ..119 Voison, J. A.. .97 | Rondel, P. Von H. Alteneck, F.. .84 Rooke, F... .122 Von Nawrocki, G. IV. .133 Sandy, J. H... ...85 Walker, T........ .16 Sawyer, W.E. .106 Warden, W. M. 117 ..80 Weber, L.... Schaub, G........ 39, 78 .139 Weil, F. .91 Seimunds, C. H. E.. .105 Welch, E. J. C... .47 Seligman, H... ..55 Welton, T.... 75, 100, 124 Seymour, P. W. .58,74 Werdermann, R... .101 Siemens, C. W.. .2, 68, 84 Weston, E... ..140 Siemens, W.... .2, 68, 84 Wetton, C. E. .73, 117 Slater, T.... .34, 64, 100 Wheatstone, Sir C.... Smith, G. E. .53, 59 ..102 Whiting, H. G. .121 Smith, H. J. ..97 Wigham, J. R. ....36 J... ..56 | Wilde, H... Smithers, J.. ..3, 76 .32 Winter, G. K. 101 Stanley, W.F. 25, 69 Wippern, F.... .102 Stearns, J. B.. 94 F. IV... .116 Stone, J. B.. ..95 Wirth, F. .109 Stroh, J. M. A..........36, 53, 59 Wollaston, C. J........ 108 Such, H. J... .105 Wray, C...... L. .131 Taylor, H. A.. .111 Tenac, C. L. van .... .125 Zanni, G..........40, 54, 89, 134 W. H...... .131 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION I. GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 1867. A.D. 1867, January 24.–No. 177. APPS, ALFRED.—“ Improvements in electrical apparatus." 1st. Electro-magnetic coils.—The shaft carrying the strain. ing screw of the spring of the vibrator is continued through the upright carrying the platinum-pointed screw. An insu. lated milled head is fixed on the shaft outside the upright. This arrangement avoids the risk of shocks during adjust- ment. 2nd. Simultaneous contacts or breaks for an electrical engine. 3rd. Double vibrators or contact breakers for an automatic commutator. 4th. In electro-magnets or in permanent magnets surrounded by electrical conductors, the wire consisting of one or more strands is arranged in series of layers, which are connected in regular progression or by pairs or otherwise." 5th. The layers or series of conductors referred to in the 4th improvement are insulated from one another “ with two picces of insulating material, the one next towards either " end of the series and the other next their common axis." Q 3753. Wt. 12885. A 2 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF 6th. “The use of a single tube or of several tubes fitting into one another and extending lengthwise of the combined “ series of layers of conductor beyond the end of the same “ for the purpose of insulation.” The layers are those referred to in the 4th improvement. 7th. Contact breaker for electro-magnetic engines. 8th. Connections for galvanic batteries.-In constructing a single cell, the negative plate is connected to a central rod, and the positive plates are attached to a tube placed over the rod, “ the tube and rod together being the means of raising “ and depressing the plates into the fluid, the connections to “ the binding screws being preserved in whatever position the plates are placed." [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1867, January 31.—No. 261. SIEMENS, CHARLES WILLIAM.—(Partly a communication from Werner Siemens.)—“ Methods for developing powerful electri- “ cal currents and discharges principally applicable to the " production of lights at sea," and "apparatus for determining “ electricai resistances in connection with such and other “ currents.” That portion of the invention which relates to the produc- tion of electric currents is as follows: · In the electro-magnetic apparatus which carry out the method of this invention, rotary motion is imparted to the armature in the opposite direction to that in which it would move consequent on an electric current passing round the electro-magnets, and á galvanic battery being momentarily inserted into the system, or a magnetic impulse being im- parted in any other way to the arrangement during rotation, an increasing electric current is developed in the coils, which soon becomes a powerful current available for practical purposes. One apparatus consists of the rotating armature described in No. 2107, A.D. 1856, mounted between the opposite poles of a horseshoe electro-magnet or electro-magnets. This machine has a commutator (that operates “in a precisely ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 3 a “ similar manner to the arrangement for reversing currents “ usually adopted in electro-magnetic motive-power machines") for suitably directing the currents. In another apparatus, a compound ring is made up of a curred bar of soft iron (or it may be of steel) and a piece of brass, which is inserted between the poles of the bar so as to complete the annulus. This ring forms the electro-magnet, and, being supported by three grooved rollers, is capable of rotation through central holes in fixed coils, which are arranged in a circle. By means of a projecting steel fillet formed round the inner circumference of the electro-magnet, combined with the action of bell-crank levers and springs, all the coils excepting those nearest the north pole of the electro- magnet are kept out of the circuit that furnishes the available electric power. [Printed, 28. 2d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1867, March 23.-No. 842. WILDE, HENRY.-" Improvements in electro-magnetic and magneto-electric induction machines.” One machine acts by the residual magnetism of an even number of bar electro-magnets and the same number of coiled keepers. The electro-magnets are circumferentially fixed in two sets, between rings, and a circular brass frame, carrying the keepers, rotates concentrically between the two sets and between the opposing poles of the electro-magnets. The polarity of the electro-magnets is alternately north and south. The electro-magnets are excited by another magneto-electric machine. The extremities of the cores of the electro-magnets are made to overlap, so that the magnetic circuit is never broken during the movement of the apparatus. Another part of this invention consists in devoting two of the coiled keepers to exciting the electro-magnets, their alternating currents being turned in one direction by a com- mutator-see Nos. 3006, A.D. 1863, and 2762, A.D. 1865. Another method of separating the current which excites the electro-magnets from the working current is to coil each keeper with two coils. The plan of coiling separate circles A 2 4 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF of keepers, fixed in an iron disc, with separate coils, as in No. 1567, A.D. 1861, may be used to obtain separate electric currents from the same axis. The residual magnetism of the machine described in Nos. 3006, A.D. 1863, and 2762, A.D. 1865, may be used to excite its own electro-magnet by having two magnet cylinders, one above the other, the alternating current in the upper and smaller magnet cylinder being turned in one direction by a commutator. Another part of this invention consists in a commutator which short-circuits between the coils of the keepers and of the electro-magnets. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, April 26.–No. 1210. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY.—(4 communication from Joseph Nicolas Maximilien Van Malderen.)—(Provisional protection only.)-"Improvements in magneto-electric machines.” This machine is well adapted for use on shipboard for the production of the electric light, as it is not affected by the “ rolling of the ship." Permanent magnets are used, in connection with moving electro-magnets, having long coils, extending the full width of the machine. The cores consist of a series of parallel bars of a T section, over which the wire is coiled longitudinally ; they are secured to supporting discs keyed on to the ends and middle of the main shaft of the machine. The electro-mag- nets revolve in front of the extremities of the permanent magnets ; they are placed at a uniform distance therefrom by adjusting tbe bearings in which the spindle rotates. The bearings consist of oil boxes ; undue heating is thus pre- vented. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, May 4.-No. 1314. BAKER, JAMES.—“Improvements in apparatus for genera- “ ting electricity, and applying it to produce motive power." The thermo-electric battery which forms the subject of a part of this invention consists of bars of thermo-electric ma- ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 5 terial arranged “in a row with intervals between them, in “ which intervals conductors are placed so as to connect one “ end of each bar with the opposite end of the next, or to “ connect any of the bars with a main conductor.” The intervals may be filled with a non-conducting material. Another row of bars similarly arranged is placed at a little distance from the first row, so as to afford a passage for heat between the rows. The bars are laid at an angle to the hori- zon, the heated ends being higher than the other ends, which are kept cool. The ends of the bars are mounted in German silver caps having side lips and a core. The air flames of gas burners may be used to heat this thermo-electric battery, which is cooled by the percolation of water or other medium through fibrous substances. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, May 21.—No. 1503. MONCKTON, EDWARD HENRY CRADOCK.—(Provisional pro- tection only.)—" Improvements in the construction of a steam vessel suitable for ferrying laden trains across the ocean complete, together with its landing places, breakwaters, and “ modes of protection from marine insects and fouling, which “ improvements are also generally applicable to other vessels, “ and to the protection of iron and wood exposed to the action “ of the sea water." The fourth part of this invention describes arrangements for employing the electric light on board such ships. A magneto-electric machine of the following kind is set forth therein. It consists of a coiled permanent magnet, which is further magnetised by the current that is excited in the arma- tures which revolve between the coils of the permanent magnet; the armatures being mounted on a large brass wheel, the contacts are made and broken many times in a second, and "as each bar overlaps the other behind it” the stream of electricity is "continuous.” The motive power is fornished by the steam engines of the ship. It is also stated that the electrical action of the ship’s bottom may be utilized. Printed, 10d. No Drawings.] 6 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF 9 A.D. 1867, May 30.–No. 1611. MENNONS, MARC ANTOINE FRANÇOIS. (A communication from Sóren Hjorth.)—“Improvements in the construction of magneto-electric batteries." Armature discs or coils are mounted in the circumferences of rings that are fixed on a central revolving shaft. Parallel to the shaft and with their poles opposite to those of the coils, also in the circumference of a circle, a number of small per- manent magnets are fixed. There are several circles of permanent magnets; two are shown in the drawings. The armatures have false poles, the dimensions of which corre- spond with a certain number of magnets of similar polarity. In another arrangement the armatures and magnets are alike in number. The armatures are coiled with wire, exter- nally and internally. The armature wheel is provided with two rings composed of vertical bars overlapping each other. In arranging series of discs upon one shaft, they should be placed “ stepways" so that when the armatures of the first series have completely passed between the magnets, those of the following series reach half way, and those of the third series only commence to be drawn in between the magnets. " The force of attraction being thus added to the power applied to the central shaft the motion of the latter is necessarily facilitated by increase in the power of the magnets." [Printed, 1s. 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, June 5.-No. 1654. BOULAY, CHARLES.—"Improvements in galvanic batteries." Each metallic element is in direct contact with an exciting material in a moistened state. The moisture is supplied by little and little from a solution or from partly dissolved crystals, from which the exciting materials are separated by a porous vessel or partition. A layer of cement covers the whole cell, In one arrangement, the elements are, amalgamated or ordinary zinc, in contact with a mixture of flowers of sulphur and chloride of sodium, in a cylindrical porous vessel, and ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 7 carbon or copper, in contact with a mixture of crystals of sul- phate of copper and nitrate 'of potash, in the cylindrical external vessel. A small funnel and air tube, projecting above the cement in the exterior vessel, enable water to be supplied thereto. In another arrangement, the porous vessel is annular in cross section, and it contains a zinc and copper cylinder, the latter being separated from the former by a cylinder of stont paper. A second copper cylinder (joined to the first by an outside strip of copper) is placed in the open interior of the annular porous vessel. The portion of the porous vessel next the zinc is filled with the mixture of flowers of sulphur and salt. Next the copper cylinder in the porous vessel is the mixture of cupric and potash salts. Some crystals of sul- phate of copper are at the bottom of the exterior vessel, to which water is added to the proper height. [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, June 15.–No. 1750. BEARD, RICHARD. - "Improvements in flexible galvanic “ batteries applicable to medico-electric purposes.” A series of discs of positive and negative metals are attached to a strip of waterproof fabric by means of rivets. The discs are preferably copper and magnesium and are arranged alternately, in a continuous line, more or less apart from each other. All the copper discs are connected together at the back of the fabric by metallic cords ; all the magnesium discs are similarly connected. The stems of the rivets, and washers thereon, are used to connect the cords to the discs. This battery “when worn with the positive and negative “ metal surfaces " " in close contact with the skin of a patient “ becomes self-acting.” [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, June 15.-No. 1755. VARLEY, CORNELIUS, and VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED, “ Improvements in electric telegraphs.” A part of this invention consists in generating electricity by mechanical force alone, or by mechanical force in combination 8 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF with chemical action, being an improvement npon the inven- tion described in No. 3394, A.D. 1866. Electro-dynamic bobbins revolve between the poles of two pairs of electro-magnets, and the currents from the bobbins originally induced by the residual magnetism in the electro- magnets are all turned in one direction by one or more com- mutators and pass round the electro-magnets. The total current increases by reaction until the requisite magnetism and therefore the desired electric current is obtained. The axis of rotation of the bobbins is between the electro-magnets, and the bobbins are parallel to it and on opposite sides. Soft- iron horns are attached to the electro-magnets, to prolong the duration of the induced currents. When four electro- magnets are employed, they are coiled with a double series of coils. In an apparatus for ringing electric bells, a bobbin is mounted at the end of a lever, and works to and fro between the poles of compound permanent horseshoe magnets. Or the permanent magnets are vertical and the bobbia is rolled over the poles. In another arrangement, the keeper, in a widened core, may be moved over the magnets, the bobbin being fixed. Motion may be communicated to the keeper by a wave-line wheel. In another arrangement, an electro-magnet is mounted over a permanent magnet, and a disc carrying pieces of soft iron revolves between the magnets. In a compound galvanic battery, a series of open cylinders contains the plates, each cylinder being a separate cell. The cylinders are lowered into a trough with semi-fluid insula- ting cement and the lower ends of the cylinders are thereby sealed. When the cylinders want recharging, the frame carrying them is risen up and the fluids are simultaneously changed; the cylinders are then lowered and again sealed. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] > A.D. 1867, July 23.–No. 2147. THOMSON, Sir WILLIAM. Improvements in receiving or “ recording instruments for electric telegraphs." For use in these instruments electricity at a high potential is supplied by means of an induction apparatus. A number of ELECTRICITY' AND MAGNETISM. 9 - ور 6 " " called pieces of metal called carriers are attached to the rim of a wheel of vulcanite which rotates rapidly round a fixed axis. “ The carriers are very lightly touched at opposite ends of a diameter by two fixed tangent springs. One of these springs “ is connected with the earth, and the other" "with an insu- “lated piece of metal” “called the receiver, which is analogous “ to the prime conductor' of an ordinary electric machine. The point of contact "" of the earth spring with the carriers "" is exposed to the influence of an electrified body “ the inductor. When this is positively electrified each carrier “ when leaving the contact with the carth spring carries away negative electricity, which it gives up through the “ receiver spring to the receiver. The receiver and inductor are each placed so as to surround as nearly as may be the point of contact of the corresponding spring." “ The “ inductor induces a negative charge on all the carriers inside it, and each carrier in succession gives up this negative charge to the receiver.” For the good working of the machine, the inductor “should “ be kept electrified to a high and constant potential. This “ is effected by an adjunct called the replenisher,” which “ is “ similar in shape and general arrangement to the inductor, “ but two contact springs are added,” “and the connections are differently arranged.” The effect of the replenisher is that there is an indefinite accumulation of positive electricity on that inductor which is in connection with the induction machine. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1867, July 30.–No. 2207. MARTIN, SAMUEL MANLEY, and VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. _"Improvements in signalling upon railway trains, parts of “ which apparatus are applicable to electric telegraphs “ generally." This invention “ consists of improvements in the arrange- “ ment and construction of parts of the apparatus and galvanic batteries for electrical train intercommunication” described in No. 966, A.D. 1866. Galvanic batteries are constructed in the following manner : -Copper chambers are placed in jars or cells. Each jar or 10 DIVISION I.--GENERATION OF cell is made of an insulating material. The zinc plate of each cell is placed a little distance above the copper chamber, and the jar is filled with a weak solution of sal ammoniac and sulphate of zinc. Each copper chamber or negative element is closed, “with the exception of the top, which is left open "for the insertion of sulphate of copper.” [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1867, August 1.-No. 2221. HOLMES, FREDERICK HALE.—(Provisional protection only.) - “ Improvements in apparatus for the production of electric “ light." A magneto-electric machine is described, which works at a reduced speed of rotation.—A series of armatures are disposed round the shaft of the machine, parallel to the shaft; a cor- responding number of electro-magnets are fixed. Or the armatures may be fixed and the electro-magnets may be placed round the shaft, so as to rotate within the series of fixed armatures. A small portion of the wire which passes round the several armatures is used to magnetise the electro- magnets, which, at the commencement of their action, operate by residual magnetism. To increase or diminish the electrical power of the machine, a double or treble set of coils is employed. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, August 10.-No. 2303. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE.—(A communication from Jean Baptiste Toselli.)—" Improvements in refrigerating apparatus applicable for the manufacture of ice and for other refrige- rating purposes.” The freezing operation is accomplished by the evaporation of a liquid, the vapour of which is condensed in a vacuum. The vessels used are a boiler or generator, and a condenser; these are connected by a metallic tube. The generator and condenser are styled “ elements.” “On removing one of the " elements” “ from the heated bath and placing it in the “ freezer by insulating it with non-conducting supports it “ will become a powerful dymnamic electrical element, and ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 11 “ in order to ascertain the force and duration of the current " it is simply necessary to attach a conducting wire in com- “ munication with a galvanometer.” “By connecting the negative pole of one element to the positive pole of the next element, and keeping the said elements suitably isolated, a battery may be formed capable of producing the most powerful effects.” [Printed, 1s. 2d. Drawings.] 66 66 A.D. 1867, August 10.–No. 2307. HOLMES, FREDERIC HALE.—“Improvements in apparatus for the production of the electric light.” The magneto-electric machine used works with a low speed of rotation. A radiating series of armatures are fixed in the periphery of a wheel parallel to its axis and they pass between the opposite poles of fixed electro-magnets. A. portion of the wire which passes round the armatures is used to magnetise the electro-magnets. The current from a galvanic battery sent round the electro-magnets, in the first instance, deter- mines the residual magnetism in their soft-iron cores by which the machine is worked. In this machine, and in a modification thereof which is described, the cores of the arma- tures “cut all the magnetic curves in a manner so as to pro- "' duce the greatest quantity of electricity.” The electro- magnets have two or more coils which can be used separately or conjointly, “so as to economise the power required to “ turn the machine when less light will suffice.” A current changer with an adjustable radiating arm and fixed contact plates is “so arranged that the two or more coils around the electro-magnets may be connected or disconnected by it at any instant without stopping the light or reducing the speed of the machine.” [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 66 1.D. 1867, September 18.--No. 2622. VARLEY, FREDERICK HENRY.-" Improvements in apparatus “ for testing telegraph conductors, part of the invention being applicable to other purposes." A portion of this invention consists of a small hand electric machine for producing static electricity and constructed "on 12 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF “ the principle invented by the late Cornelius John Varley" with economical modifications. The electric to be excited is a glass tube or ebonite rod fixed in a handle. A piece of wood is grooved lengthwise with two semicircular grooves ; the rubber containing the amalgam, or other electric excitant, is fixed into one of the grooves. A piece of leather or cloth is wrapped round the grooved wood, so that it forms with " the groove on one side a cylindrical chamber to hold the “ condenser or electric accumulator and a flap,” which, when the machine is used, “can be wrapped round the electric and form a continuation of the rubber. A ring conductor is con- “ nected to the condenser and made to go over the electric,” so that as the rubber is moved to and fro “along the electric “ it receives the charge from the excited electric and con- veys a charge of electricity into the condenser." 'In the above arrangement the condenser only receives its charge when the electric is moving in the direction from the rubber towards the ring." To utilise the return motion of the moving electric, a rubber is placed on each side of the condenser ring; or two or more condenser rings are placed at each end of the rubber. (Printed, 18. 4d. · Drawing.] ) A.D. 1867, December 6.-No. 3476. FOVEAUX, HENRY JOSEPH FRANCIS HUBERT.—(Provisional protection only.) —"An improved construction of cell for gal- “ vanic batteries.” “When the cell is in one position the fluid surrounds the battery metals, and when the cell is reversed the fluid is out of contact with the metals." A false bottom divides the cell into two compartments, one of wbich contains the battery metals ; a diaphragm with a middle aperture constitutes the false bottom. The reversal of the cell takes the fluid out of contact with the metals, as it then flows, through the diaphragm, into the other compart- ment, out of contact with the metals. Modifications of this plan may be used. [Printed, 4d. No Dravings.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 13 LS A.D, 1867, December 7.-No. 3483. JONES, RICHARD Boulton, and POWELL, WILLIAM.—"Im. “ provements for the prevention of incrustation in steam " boilers." An apparatus for generating electricity by means of the steam of a steam boiler is used for the above purpose. A compound circular metallic plate, having spaces cut out of its circumference, has a platinum wire or band at its peri- phery. There are also a number of radial conductors, in sectorial spaces in the plate, that point towards the centre of the generator and are pointed with platinum. A metallic arm, in connection with the plate, has a ring in its end to admit an insulated bolt for fixing the apparatus to the boiler. Binding nuts at end of the arm receive a conducting wire. “The steam in its way to the steam pipe will pass through “ the divisions or spaces in the metal plate, and between the “ conductors placed within such divisions, and in doing so “the electricity contained in the steam will be collected thereby, and the metal plate become charged with electri- “ city, and the platina band will increase the intensity of the electricity. The result of these arrangements duly used is " that the generator becomes an electrical battery and by connecting it and the boiler by the wire or wires before “ mentioned, during the generation of steam, the boiler will “ receive a succession of electrical shocks, and incrustation in “ the boiler will be thereby prevented, or where it has taken place will be removed." [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 66 1868. A.D. 1868, January 1.–No. 3. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from Elisha Gray.) -“ Improvements in electric telegaph apparatus.” 14 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF a An inductive apparatus, or inductorium, in connection with a relay is described, the relay being in the secondary circuit. In the inductive apparatus, two horseshoe electro-magnets, in a horizontal plane, are excited by a galvanic battery, and are connected together so that their polarity will be opposite when facing each other. A bar electro-magnet is placed be- tween each pair of poles of the horseshoe magnets, and in line with them. On the completion of the battery circuit, an in- duction current is given by the bar magnets in one direction; and on breaking the battery circuit, there is an induction current in the opposite direction. [Printed, 18. 4.d. Drawings.] f A.D. 1868, January 22.-No. 232. BARKER, CHARLES SPACKMAN.—" Improvements in the con- “ struction of organs.” : In this invention arrangements of combined electric and pneumatic apparatus are used. The fifth part of this invention relates to suspending auto. matically the action of the galvanic battery which is used to excite electro-magnets applied to the working of organs. The jars carrying the solution are mounted on bellows, “which " being inflated when the organ is in use will cause the jars “ to rise, and virtually plunge the electrodes into the " solution,” the electrodes being fixed; when the bellows collapse, the cells descend and are withdrawn from the plates or electrodes. [Printed, 28. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1868, January 29.--No. 315. MARTIN, SAMUEL MANLEY, and VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED.-. “ Improvements in electrical train intercommunication, parts “ of which invention are applicable to electro-magnetic and “ other electrical apparatus.” The fifth part of this invention relates to the construction of cells for galvanic batteries. A mould of the shape of a cell is wrapped with a piece of varnished calico, over that a sheet of india-rubber (of extra length) is placed, then thin sheets of wood are bound on by tape. Another india-rubber sheet is wrapped over the whole, and the extra length of the first sheet a ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 15 of india-rubber is folded back over the outer sheet and made to adhere thereto. In each case in which sheet india-rubber is employed, the bottom is closed and the seams united by warmth and pressure, so as to form a cell. The sixth part of the invention relates to the renewal of sulphate batteries and to tools for that purpose. The zinc plates are so mounted that they can be replaced when the power of the battery becomes reduced. The copper strips attached to the positive and negative elements lie flat against one another, so that a soldering iron like a pair of tongs (heated by a spirit lamp) can unsolder the old plates and solder the new plates without removing the batteries. The seventh part of the invention relates to “a method of generating electricity by mechanical force.” Two sets of permanent magnets are mounted on an iron plate opposite to each other. The keeper of each set of magnets is cut into teeth. A soft-iron toothed wheel, attached to an iron axle, moves freely between the poles of the two sets; when the teeth of the wheel are opposite the teeth of the keeper of one set of magnets, the spaces between the teeth of the wheel are opposite the teeth of the other set of magnets. On revolving the wheel, a coil on its axis yields positive and negative electric currents alternately. [Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1868, March 6.-No.773. PULVERMACHER, ISAC LOUIS.-" Improvements in appa- “ ratus or means for producing, applying, and ascertaining " the power of electric currents.” The first part of this invention relates to a single liquid “ battery for constant currents.” The zinc and copper plates are stamped so that a series of tongues project on one side of each plate, and so that there are slots or openings between the tongues. The zinc plate and the copper plate are placed together, to form a galvanic ele- ment, so that the projecting parts of the one come between the projecting parts of the other, metallic contact of the cop- per and zinc being prevented by interposing india-rubber threads across the tongues. The elements being openworked, 16 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF the exciting liquid, the gases, and the oxygen of the atmo- sphere can circulate freely. In a modification of this invention, two parallel copper tubes are wound with a flat open helix of copper wire to form the negative element, the wire being insulated from the accompanying zinc plate by means of a winding with cotton thread. In a third method, zinc rods are placed within openworked plates that are formed into tubes. Methods of supplying the batteries with liquid, by means of a tube, and by immersion in a box, are described in detail. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1868, March 11.-No. 838. WALKER, THOMAS.—(Provisional protection only.) — " Im- provements in the construction of electric telegraph cables “ and lines, and in the mode of and apparatus for or con. nected with the transmission of electric currents." One of these improvements consists in making a portable battery as air-tight as possible. When the battery is used “ with fluids which generate gases," the inventor uses “a “ valve opening outwards which allows the gases to escape " and closes again thereby preventing the evaporation of the “ fluids; some substances, such as alkalies, may be used “ without a valve.” Acids, alkalies, or other exciting agents, are mixed with any suitable substance to thicken them or give them body. “ The gases may be conveyed away by pipes to " avoid the noxious fumes." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, April 17.-No. 1258. GEDGE, WILLIAM EDWARD.-(4 communication from Pierre Rondel.)–(Provisional protection only.) —“A new chemical product applicable to the electrical pile and to other uses." This product is obtained“ by the reaction of a mixture of “ chlorate of potash and of chlorhydric acid on mercury. “ The immediate result is a chlorhydrate of a double chloride “ of mercury and potassium.” In one galvanic arrangement, the melted product is poured up to a certain height into a or vessel of suitable vase ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 17 shape. “After its solidification a cavity is made in it and “ filled with mercury, into which the end of a platina wire is “ made to plunge ; a zinc cylinder is placed in the upper part “ of the vase. To complete the pile there is added a solution “ of chloride of potassium or of sodium, or of the double “ chloride of this invention, or even water acidulated with chlorhydric acid.” In another arrangement, the bottom of a vessel is covered with mercury, in which is placed the bare end of an insulated platinum wire. “At the upper part of the vase is placed a “ zinc cylinder, one of the liquids above indicated is added, and a quantity of the new salt is projected upon the mer- cury depending upon the time during which the pile is to act." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1868, June 26.-No. 2060. HOLMES, FREDERIC HALE.—"Improvements in electro-mag- “ netic and magneto-electric machines.” These magneto-electric machines have either permanent magnets or electro-magnets excited by certain coils in the machine. The inventor prefers to fit the helices to fixed rings, and to attach the magnets to a rotating shaft. By means of a commu- tator, when helices are used that carry a secondary as well as a primary coil, the primary current is interrupted at the moment when the greatest quantity of electricity is developed, thus forcing it to pass through the secondary helices. The commutator has half of each tooth cut away parallel to the axis; the space is filled with vulcanite. Connection between the fixed helices and the magnetic helices may be suddenly broken, and at the same instant a contact may be made by a pin so as to discharge the whole current of the magnetic helices at once, and thus to effect explosions in mines, &c. Radiating arms from a coiled central shaft constitute the magnéts. These magnets may be permanent magnets without coils. The cores of the helices that are fixed in the rings are made of two pieces of half-round iron ; each piece is attached to 18 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF a separate iron plates, by means of which the helices may be screwed on to the gun-metal ring. Certain helices are fixed in a short gun-metal framing at the lower part of the machine, near the path of the rotating electro-magnets; these are used to magnetise the electro- magnets. Their cores are split two-thirds of their length, and semicircular plates are attached at one end, the other end being fixed in the framing. In a machine for working the electric light, an arrange- ment of circuits is adopted in connection with the coils for magnetising the electro-magnets, by which the light may be modified without stopping the machine. The terminations of each series of helices are brought to insulated metal blocks. Other metal blocks are in connection with the rubbers of the machine. By inserting plugs in a suitable manner, the currents of four, six, eight, ten, or twelve helices may be brought to bear upon the magnets. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, July 28.—No. 2369. MARTIN, SAMUEL MANLEY, and VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. “ Improvements in train intercommunication, parts of which “ invention are applicable to electro-magnetic and electric “ telegraph apparatus." This invention relates to improvements on the following former inventions :-Nos. 966, A.D. 1866; 2207, A.D. 1867; and 315, A.D. 1868. In each of these inventions galvanic batteries are described. The fourth part of this invention consists in the construc- tion of galvanic batteries, so as to prevent the too rapid diffu- sion of sulphate of copper solution. Copper chambers are supplied with sulphate of copper, and rest upon the bottom of the cells forming the battery box. Each copper chamber is the negative element in its cell; it is closed, with the exception of an orifice through which the crystals of sulphate of copper are inserted, and with the exception also of two glass tubes. The first-mentioned orifice is usually closed by a cork, and the tabes serve to limit the diffusion of the sulphate of copper solution. The zinc plate hangs over the copper chamber. A ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 19 piece of felt may be placed horizontally between the negative and positive elements. The conductors between cell and cell may be flexible " to “ enable the batteries to be readily recharged.” [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, July 30.-No. 2392. DAVIES, GEORGE.-(4 communication from Alfred Charles Garratt.) — A “ pile or portable battery for generating elec- " tricity." Compound bars of zinc and copper are fixed in a frame of insulating material, in alternating series, each bar being sepa- rated from its neighbour by a capillary space for the reception of exciting fluid. A distance-piece of glass determines the width of the space, and the series is, zinc-fluid-copper, zinc -fuid-copper, and so on. The larger sizes have a horizontal slot; a piece of cotton, flannel, or other porous substance may be saturated with vivegar containing a very small proportion of sulphate of copper, and may be drawn longitudinally through all the slots. The frames have metallic end clasps to hold them together, and holes are provided at intervals in the series, for the inser- tion of conductors, so as to include a greater or less number of cells in the circuit, as may be required. A “vibrator" in the circuit is attached to the frame at one end. This apparently consists of a tongue that alternately connects and disconnects the poles. The bars may be an alloy of zinc and magnesium coupled with brass or yellow metal. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, August 17.--No. 2571. ALBINI, Agusto, and VAGLICA, JOSEPH.—(Provisional pro- tection only.) -"Improvements in electro-magnets." Instead of coiling the core with a continuous coil that is made round one magnetic pole and then round the other pole, the two free ends, one from one pole the other from the other pole, being connected to the galvanic battery ; each magnetic 20 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF pole has its own coil, so that the battery current is divided and enters both coils simultaneously. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, August 18.- No. 2576. FITZ-GERALD, DESMOND GERALD.-(Provisional protection only.)—A “ mode of constructing electric telegraphs and " voltaic batteries." A compound voltaic arrangement or battery is made by surrounding a voltaic element "with one or more hollow cylinders or vessels of which the interior surface or surfaces constitute voltaic elements dissimilar to the above-men- “ tioned central element, and of which the exterior surface or surfaces constitute voltaic elements of similar nature to “ the central element, these compound hollow cylinders (or “ vessels of any desired form) being by preference enclosed “ within another vessel, of which the interior surface only “ constitutes a voltaic element of opposite nature to the “ central element. These vessels are merely separated by intervening layers of electrolytic fluid or non-metallic " material.” A secondary battery is constructed " in similar manner with “ the exception of surfaces of dissimilar metals." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, August 28.–No. 2665. HOLMES, NATHANIEL JOHN.—" Improvements in electric telegraphs and apparatus connected therewith.” The magneto-electric machine which is used in the commu- nicator of this telegraphic arrangement consists of a horse- shoe magnet and coils securely planted upon a base plate. “ The coils, four in number, with soft iron cores are placed “two upon the opposite faces of the N. pole of the magnet, " and two upon the opposite faces of the S. pole of the magnet, “ and are so fixed that each side or face of the magnet presents “ two coils representing N. and S. pole, the soft iron cores of “ which are situated in a vertical line." Two soft-iron arma- tures, upon a horizontal axis, oscillate before the ends of the soft-iron cores of each pair of coils. “The position of the ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 21 armatures on the axle with reference to the coils is so arranged that the approach of the one takes place simul- taneously with the recession of the other.” Uniform alternate currents are thus passed into the circuit. The oscillating motion is given by a crank arm attached to the armatures by a pin. Suitable gearing, actuated by hand, works the arm. [Printed, 6. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, September 5.-No. 2740. PULVERMACHER, Isac Louis.—“ Improvements in appara- “ tus or means for producing and applying electric currents." This invention relates to the construction of flexible chain batteries. Cylinders of zinc are inserted into cylinders formed of open-work sheet copper which are partly covered with thread; links are thus made. Thread-covered wires may be wound helically upon two metal tubes, so as to form a flat plate which may be rolled into a cylinder. Caoutchouc tubes are fitted over the tops of the zinc cylinders, so that, by presº sure, the requisite fluid may be supplied to the cells or links. Two copper wires project from the outer end of the central zinc cylinder; these wires grasp staples by which the links are connected to form a chain, thus establishing voltaic con- tact between neighbouring elements. Both zinc and copper cylinders are provided with movable rings, each having a projection at one part of its circumference, by means of which either contacts for quantity or for intensity may be made. A box, and cover, is made for exciting the chains ; it is fitted with pins and cylinders upon which the chains are stretched and dipped in the exciting liquid. The chains and the cover may then be raised, still retaining them on the box, by means of bars, levers, and screws. In a garment worn next the skin, galvanic batteries may be formed by sewing into it zinc wires and metallic threads, which are afterwards connected, so as to form suitable voltaic contacts. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, September 16.-No. 2854. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE.—(A communication from Félix Gruet and Frédéric Gruet.)—(Provisional protection only.) - Improvements in electro-magnets.” 22 DIVISION 1.--GENERATION OF The cores of vertical coils are supported endwise, by means of pins, upon a horizontal soft-iron plate. The other ends of the cores are mounted in a horizontal copper plate, which is united by vertical ties to the iron plate. Seven coils are preferably used ; four of these have their south poles in the iron plate, the other three coiled cores being placed in the reverse position. The keeper to this arrangement may be a soft-iron plate applied to the face of the copper plate, or it may be a similar arrangement of coiled cores to that described above. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] > A.D. 1868, September 25.-No. 2951. PRÉVOST, EMILE.—(Provisional protection only.)—"Improve. ments in electro-magnets." To make a horseshoe electro-magnet, a bar of iron of the best quality is bent and allowed to cool very slowly in a bath of molten lead. Subsequent heating and slow and uniform cooling may be repeated in a similar manner six or seven times. “During the last re-heating of the bar the temperature of the lead must be kept down to the melting point only, " and flour of sulphur must be added from time to time to " the bath until the bar bends with ease." The bar is then polished and plunged into a bath of alcohol at an elevated temperature, “until the metal assumes a yellowish color, whereupon finely divided salammoniac is to be added to the “ alcoholic bath, and the whole is allowed to cool as slowly as “possible.” The wrought.iron core, thus prepared, is wrapped with a three-strand copper wire. “ One of the three twisted wires may be applied if required to an induction coil." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, October 7.-No. 3060. HUGHES, EDWARD THOMAS.—(A communicatian from Louis Mure and Charles Clamond.)—“Means and apparatus for gen- “ erating electricity by heat.” In this thermo-electric battery, the elements are galena and sheet iron. Circular layers of simple elements are arranged radially, and several layers are superposed to form a battery. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 23 To form the bars of galena, the sulphuret of lead ore is powdered and proto-sulphuret of copper is added thereto; the mixture is melted and run into moulds where the blades of sheet iron have been arranged beforehand. Mica is used to insulate the sheet iron from the galena, where such insulation is required; the layers are separated by intermediate rings of cardboard impregnated with silicate of soda. A heating cylinder of metal passes through the central aperture in the superposed layers. This cylinder is perforated so that air can be mixed with the gas that is used for heating it; "the jets of gas on account of the contact with the jets of " air entering through the perforations” resemble “ those " that would be formed by a multiple blowpipe.” [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 2 A.D. 1868, October 13.-No. 3129. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Provisional protection only.) _“Improvements in electro-telegraphic conductors and the " batteries connected therewith.” To guard against diffusion, a battery is employed that has rectangular cells, each cell being divided into two compart- ments for the opposite solid elements by a porous diaphragm formed as follows :-“A thin plate of clay is formed, and “whilst still wet is made to adhere to another plate consisting “ of a mixture of clay and oxide of zinc. The plate is then “ burnt in the usual way and placed in the battery cell with “ its oxide of zinc side turned to the zinc element.” Or, “ two common thin porous plates are placed parallel and a little “ distance apart, and the space between them is filled with “ oxide of zinc wetted with sulphate of zinc solution or 56 water.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, October 31.--No. 3329. VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. — (Provisional protection only.)- Improvements in generating static electricity." To prevent the condensation of moisture on their inner surfaces, the glass tubes or cylinders used in this invention 24 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF CC 9) have their inner surfaces coated with a cement composed of Stockholm pitch, black resin, and beeswax. “These tubes are mounted on bearings and arranged in one plane and are made to revolve by means of a band passing round pulleys attached to the glass tubes and driven by a multi- plying wheel or by any other suitable means. Rubbers “ coated with amalgam' pressed against the one side of “ the revolving glass tubes, and collecting points in metallic “ connection with an insulated conductor are arranged on the opposite side over the glass tubes." The inner surfaces of Leyden jars are similarly treated with cement. The jars are constructed “of a number of glass “ tubes arranged side by side and hermetically sealed at one end;" these are placed in a box, and all the inner surfaces are connected together by metallic connections; the outer surfaces are similarly connexed. The two poles of the appa- ratas are brought out of the box, and the box is then filled up with cement. When less quantities of electricity are required, a single glass tube hermetically sealed at one end, and prepared as above, is rubbed by hand and passed through a collecting ring connected to the inner surface of the Leyden jar. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, November 5.–No. 3359. HUNT, BRISTOW. - (4 communication from Alfred Charles Garratt.)—An “electro-physiological battery for application — “ to the human body.” A series of pairs of dissimilar metal plates are arranged as elements completely insulated from each other and from the base to which they are attached. The plates of each pair are firmly connected and the exciting fluid is the natural perspira- tion of the skin. The base to which the pairs are attached is flexible and non-conducting. The elements are zinc and copper plates, thin and made of rolled metal; they overlap, and each pair is insulated from its neighbour by soft rubber. The base may be either circular or rectangular. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 25 A.D. 1868, November 23.-No. 3556. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Provisional protection only.) -" Improvements in electro-telegraphic apparatus." One part of this invention consists of a galvanic battery for telegraphic purposes, which is made in the following manner: -In a bath formed of copper or other electro-negative ele- ment, a number of zinc cells are placed. The cells are not in immediate contact with the bath, and each cell has a slip of copper in it to form the negative plate. The outer bath con- tains an acid or other exciting solution, and a similar solution a is placed in the cells. All the minor cells are arranged for intensity, whilst their outer zinc surfaces together with the copper bath form one large voltaic pair. The conductor con- nected to the last zinc of the minor series forms the negative pole, and that connected to the last copper element of the minor series together with the sides of the bath forms the positive pole. The earthenware pots that serve as the cells of a battery are not glazed, but they are rendered non-conducting and also proof against the action of the battery liquids, by heating them and immersing them in boiling pitch or in melted paraffin. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] - A.D. 1868, December 21.-No. 3878. STANLEY, William FORD. — “Improvements in the con- “ straction of machines for exciting frictional electricity." The framework consists of two slips of wood united at the one pair of ends to form a handle, and at the other to form a clamp. This arrangement is in the place of the stand of the ordinary frictional electric machine; it is held in the hand at onc end and pressed against the edge of a table at the other end. The circular plate is of common sheet glass; its axis is made of wood and has bearings in the slips, between which it revolves by means of a handle placed on the exterior and pro- jecting part of the axis. The rubbers are pieces of covered felt glued between the slips. The conductor is a metallic ball fixed on a glass or vulcanite stem that projects from one of the slips that constitute the frame, the stem being parallel to the face of the glass plate. From the side of the conductor a a 26 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF collecting comb made of wire gauze embraces the top portion of the glass plate. " These improvements may be applied to electrifying “ machines either separately or united to form one machine." [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1868, December 23.-No. 3925. GEDGE, WILLIAM EDWARD. — (A communication from Léon Victor Jacquemard.) – An "electric bell, sounding and tele- “ graphing apparatus for domestic use." A galvanic battery adapted to work this apparatus, consists of a rectangular box containing a supply reservoir of fluid, a carbon negative plate, and a rod of zinc. The reservoir occupies the greater portion of the box and is rectangular in shape, with a projection at the bottom that has an aperture in its top through which the metallic elements enter. By this means the exciting liquid is always at the same level. Sulphate of lead solution is mentioned as the exciting liquid. The zinc rod is usually kept out of the liquid by a spiral spring, but it may be depressed by pressure on an external knob. In a modification of this battery, an ordinary corked bottle (inverted and having an opening in the neck) is substituted for the rectangular reservoir. The inverted bottle dips into a vessel at the bottom of the box. [Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] 1869. A.D. 1869, February 8.—No. 390. JENKIN, FLEEMING. “Improvements in apparatus for “ producing electric light." This invention is for generating or inducing the electricity in a form suitable for producing the electric light on beacons or buoys. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 27 The voltaic battery is placed on shore and communicates with the beacon by means of a submarine cable. “The light “ is produced by a rapid succession of sparks due to succes- “ sive charges and discharges of a condenser charged directly “ from a voltaic battery, without the intervention of any “ induction coil.” The condenser, which is on the beacon, is charged and discharged by a tongue, which moves backwards and forwards between the battery terminal and an earth terminal. The motion of the tongue may be produced by clockwork, by electro-magnets, or by the motion of the buoy. It is not essential that the condenser and tongue should be on the buoy. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, February 9.-No. 391. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Provisional protection only.) —“ Improvements in the construction and application of " those combinations of an insulated electrical conductor “ with soft iron known either as electro-magnetic or magneto- “ electric apparatus.” When a horseshoe electro-magnet is used as the keeper to a horseshoe permanent magnet and each end of the armature has a similar polarity to that of the adjacent magnet pole, “ the “ full power of the latter becomes evinced ;” a reverse current “ short-circuits” the magnetic lines of force. A "syetem of “ magnets braced together” may be used with similar results. Another or second armature in connection with this arrange- ment will be acted upon inductively; a feeble current may thus be made to evolve “great magnetic power.” Coils being fixed upon the permanent magnet poles, the passage of the current by a commutator will develop electric currents. If the induced currents be made to flow in one direction only, 6. the armatures of another and more powerful system may be actuated thereby. A secondary wire may be used in connection with the above electro-magnets. In winding electro-magnetic or magneto-electric coils, on the completion of one helix or layer, the wire is carried back to the end of commencement, so that each layer is an exact counterpart of the underneath one. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 28 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF 66 A.D. 1869, February 18.-No. 501. FITZ GERALD, DESMOND GERALD. A "mode of constructing “ electric telegraphs and voltaic batteries.” A compound voltaic arrangement is constructed" by sur. rounding a voltaic element, which may be of any desired “ form, with several hollow cylinders or vessels of which the “ interior surfaces constitute voltaic elements dissimilar to the “ above-mentioned central element, and of which the exterior " surfaces constitute voltaic elements of similar nature to “ the central element, these compound hollow cylinders (or “ vessels of any desired form) being by preference enclosed “ within another vessel of which the interior surface only “ constitutes a voltaic element of opposite nature to the central “ element.” These vessels are separated by intervening layers of electrolytic fluid. The battery has the same electro- motive force as a battery of the same number of couples constructed in the ordinary manner. A secondary battery may be similarly constructed with one metal only, instead of two dissimilar metals. [Printed, 18. Drawing.! 9 A.D. 1869, March 25.--No. 917. LAKE, William ROBERT.—(A communication from Dieudonné François Joseph Lontin and Eardley Louis Charles D'Ivernois.) -An“ electro-magnetic machine." The magneto-electric machine which forms the subject of this invention works by means of the residual magnetism in fixed electro-magnets with soft iron cores. This invention consists in “the combination upon a single "5 axis of rotation of a number of soft iron armatures with two “ branches in the form of electro-magnets (but not magne- “ tized) placed upon one circumference of which they assume “ the curvature.” “ Also the combination of a number of electro-magnets united electrically initially magnetized “ and placed in a fixed position at the exterior of the circum. “ ference described by the soft iron armatures in such a manner that their poles lie in another circumference cor- “ centric with and in close proximity to the first." " a ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 29 The electric current generated in some of the rotating electro-magnets is passed through a special commutator (to convert the original alternating currents into a current in one direction) and flows round the fixed electro-magnets to increase their magnetism according to the speed of the ma- chine. The other rotating electro-magnets furnish the current for useful purposes by means of a special commutator. As each armature, in one rotation, produces its effect a number of times, the speed of rotation of the machine may be moderate. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1869, April 23.--No. 1250. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Improvements in voltaic " batteries for telegraphic and other purposes." 1st. In making roltaic cells of earthenware, bituminous, resinous, or fatty matter is substituted for a vitreous glaze. A battery of small cells arranged in series may be combined in series with one or more cells with large elements. 2nd. Zinc, sal ammoniac, and charcoal (or graphite or iron) may be used to form a cell by wrapping the zinc in linen and filling the cell with broken animal charcoal or binoxide of manganese, moistened with the sal ammoniac solution. 3rd. To retain the polarization of the elements, a very feeble current may be allowed to pass constantly by keeping the poles connected by fine wires separated by a liquid resis: tance. 4th. In arranging pairs in series, they are placed in the same exciting fluid, if a single-fluid combination be used, and the negative element is connected with any given positive element so that the fluid resistance between elements in dif. ferent pairs is greater than that between the plates of the same pair. In a double-fluid arrangement, all the negative plates are placed on one side of a porous diaphragm, and all the positive plates on the other side, the connections being made across the diaphragm according to the above prin- ciple. 5th. To maintain the strength of the sal ammoniac solution in the charcoal battery, each cell is made double by a per- forated partition, and one half of the cell contains the solid 30 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF elements (moistened), the other half contains crystals of sal ammoniac and water. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, May 11.–No. 1441. ABEL, CHARLES DENTON.-A communication from Emile Joseph Delaurier.)—“Improvements in galvanic batteries." A double-fluid arrangement consists of a cylindrical earth- enware vessel containing a large porous cell. In the porous cell are two carbon plates, near to the cylindrical sides of the cell and separate from each other, but connected by an outside copper ring. A curved zinc plate is in the outer vessel. The fluid in the porous cell is an aqueous solution containing sul- phuric acid, bichromate of potash, proto-sulphate of iron, and sulphate of soda; water saturated with sea salt is placed in the outer vessel. In this battery all the products are utilised. A similar solution to that contained in the porous cell in the above arrangement, but weaker and containing less sul- phuric acid, may be used in a single-fluid arrangement. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, June 5.—No. 1744. HOLMES, FREDERICK HALE. --“Improvements in electro- magnetic machines.” This invention relates to magneto-electric machines in which electro-magnets with residual magnetism are used instead of permanent magnets. The improvements are :- 1st. The combination of split tubes with soft-iron end plates to cover the ends of the coils, so as to enable them to be bolted to a brass circular standard fixed to the base plate of the machine. The end plates are also split. 2nd. In small machines, the helices are separated into two sets. Alternate helices, in the set which yield the current, are coupled in series. By means of a Wheatstone's bridge arrangement, a greater or lesser number of helices, in the second set, may be used to magnetise the electro-magnets. 3rd. Horseshoe electro-magnets are firmly bolted to hollow brass boss on the shaft of the machine. A brass hoop ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 31 adjusts the distance between their poles, and an outer brass disc maintains the coils in their places. 4th. A hollow copper ring is applied to each side of the helix ring for the circulation therethrough of cold water during the working of the machine. 5th. The teeth of the commutator are so made as to make short circuit for one fourth of the time of passing one tooth. Or the short circuit may be made by means of a metallic rubber, by its breadth. 6th. Holes in the outer brass disc allow a current of air to pass freely amongst all the coils, to keep them cool. 7th. In large machines to work at low speeds, the series of helices for magnetising the electro-magnets give their current at an intermediate time to the others. The latter are coupled up, not alternately, but in succession. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1869, June 19.-No. 1890. MONCKTON, EDWARD HENRY CRADOCK.—“ Improvements in " the manufacture of iron and steel." A method of forming galvanic batteries as follows is de- scribed. A long cistern of brickwork is portioned off into cells by brick walls ; these are plastered and pitched over. Powdered and moistened sulphide of iron is placed on one side of a cell, between it and a wall of powdered and moistened gas carbon packed between frames of canvas or wickerwork. Nitric or other suitable acid is then poured into the other part of the cell. “Thus both electrodes are of carbon.” According to another plan, “the moistened carbon powder " is packed along one side of the cell within a wicker or canvas frame, and the remainder of the cell is filled with " the powdered sulphide; the acid is then supplied from a vessel outside furnished with a tap and tubes, which being " inserted into the carbon wall at various depths keep it “ always supplied with liquid, and thus cause it to perform " the double function of porous cell and electrode, the carbon “ electrode on the other side being inserted into the sulphide or into pieces of carbon intermingled with it, which thus causes a more extended surface." Waste dipping acids may be used in this battery. If nitric acid be used, the pro- 32 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF ducts of the battery when exhausted “yield sulphur, sulphuric “ acid, and nitrate of iron, which latter would on distillation yield back its acid, which could be used over again." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, July 2.-No. 2003. SMITHERS, JOSEPH.— (Provisional protection only.) — “Im- provements in galvanic batteries.” Chloride of lead, either fused or unfused, is used to remove the hydrogen from the surface of the negative element in constant batteries. The chloride does not touch the positive element, but is moistened by the liquid which excites it. “ Chloride of ammonium may be conveniently used as the “exciting liquid." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, July 8.—No. 2062. PULVERMACHER, Isac Louis. • Improvements in the “ construction of chains, batteries, and apparatus for pro- ducing electric currents, also in means of applying the same for medical and other purposes." The copper or platinum plates in these chains are made with notches, and the zinc plates with projections. The projections of both plates are bent over to confine ribbons or tapes within them. The batteries may be fan shaped. The elements may be strung upon cords, wires, or stems. Turned up edges or sides of the elements may act as distancing conducting pieces; spikes or pins from the plates themselves may be employed. Channels or grooves may be formed in the plates for a tube containing the exciting liquid to pass through. The elements may consist of rings or washers concentrically disposed. Negative plates of open-worked form, as described in No. 2740, A.D. 1868, may be used to form constant elements by means of such insoluble salts as sulphate of lead, bisulphate of mer. cury, or chloride of silver ; central cores or rods of metallic wire formed into spirals may be used in this arrangement, and the spirals may be covered with thread. End pieces, bent into shape, may form mechanical and conducting voltaic con- ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 33 nections, and the metallic salts may be in cores adherent to the metallic surfaces. Another part of the invention consists of an induction coil fastened in the battery and used as a handle. An oval block, turned by a button and supporting a number of platinum pins, can be used to obtain more or less pressure upon a flat spring to produce a more or less rapid automatic vibration of the armature of the electro-magnet. The application of the current for medical purposes is also treated of. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1869, August 25.-No. 2525. VARLEY, OCTAVIUS, and VARLEY, FREDERICK HENRY. Improvements in instruments for transmitting and record. “ ing electric signals, part of the invention being applicable " to other parposes.' In an electro-dynamic machine, a rotating gun metal axle is placed between two fixed and parallel bar electro-magnets. Near one extremity of the axis, opposite to the curved flanges of the fixed electro-magnets, the two members of a short horseshoe electro.magnet are placed, and near the other ex- tremity of the axis, opposite to the other poles of the fixed electro-magnets, another short horseshoe electro-magnet is mounted. The fixed electro-magnets being magnetised by a galvanic battery, and the axle being rotated, a dynamic cur- rent is set up in the short electro-magnets or armatures, and is made to flow in one direction by commutators. The current thas set up in one of the armatures is made to reinforce the magnetism in the fixed bar electro-magnets, which re-act on the armatures, giving rise to a continuous electric current. The current generated in the other armature flows into induc. tion plates. By this means the minimum magnetic retarda- tion is attained. The induction plates are of carbon and palla- dium inserted in a cell filled with acid and water. The electric charge stored up in the induction plates can be utilised. The carbon plates may be rendered porous with hydrofluoric acid, so as to ircrease their capacity for oxygen. The galvanic battery above mentioned acts by “gravity and “ diffusion” and consists of a cell with two partitions; the first Q 3753. ER LEI ES 0 B 34 DIVISION I-GENERATION OF partition reaches from the bottom nearly to the top; the second from the top nearly to the bottom. In the first or nega- tive compartment sulphate of copper is placed. The space under the second partition is covered with sawdust. The out- side compartment contains the zinc plate. The cell is filled with acidulated water a little higher than the first partition. (Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1869, September 3.-No. 2597. SLATER, THOMAS.—"Improvements in the construction of electro-magnetic machines as motors, and in the construc- “ tion and mode of exciting batteries, and in the application " of such motors and batteries to various useful purposes." The galvanic arrangement is a Bunsen's battery, cylindrical in shape, with soft iron substituted for the zinc cylinder in the outer vessel. Nitrous or nitric acid is used in the porous cell, and a saturated solution of nitrate of soda next to the iron. The acid in the porous cell is higher than the solution in the outer vessel. A mixture of nitrous and muriatic acids may be used in the porous cells; or nitric or nitrous acid combined with sulphuric or muriatic acid may be employed, dilute nitric acid being placed in the outer vessel. For telegraphic batteries the nitrate of soda solution may be placed in both cells, or weak acetic acid may be added to the porous cell. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] - A.D. 1869, September 9.-No. 2655. BONNEVILLE, HENRI ADRIEN. — (A communication from Théophile Chutaux.)—“Improvements in electric batteries." In this galvanic arrangement the cells are placed one above the other on shelves fixed to a wall. The exciting fluid from an upper reservoir drops from one cell to the next lower cell, till (having passed through the lowermost cell) it collects in a lower vessel or reservoir ; to allow this traverse of the fluid, each cell has a hole in its bottom. Each cell, in the upper half of the total number of cells, has for its electrodes gas-retort carbon and iron; the lower cells have carbon and zinc. When dilute nitric acid is used as the exciting fluid, the nitrate of iron formed in the upper half of the cells, “ by its contact with a ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 35 “ the zinc in the lower cells, suffices of itself to produce the “ electric action.” The upper ends of the carbons are electro- coated with copper. The cells are filled with fine sand. If zinc only be used as the positive element in this battery, the exciting liquid contains bichromate of potash, bisulphate of mercury, and sulphuric acid. An ordinary cap of copper may be used to the upper ends of the carbons, instead of the coating of copper. Instead of filling each cell with sand, the iron or zinc may be surrounded with sand, and the carbon with bruised retort carbon, the “sand and bruised coal being in contact at their “ vertical surfaces." Instead of arranging the cells vertically, they may be placed in two sets on horizontal frames, one frame being beneath the other. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, September 20.-No. 2728. VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED." Improvements in electric tele- “ graphs, and in apparatus employed in their construction, parts of which improvements are applicable to other pur- “ poses." Galvanic batteries are constructed as follows, with the inten- tion of lessening the polarisation of the negative elements. The cast-iron or gas-carbon plates are corrugated; platinum or other wire in the form of wire gauze may be used as a nega- tive plate. The positive element is entirely surrounded by the negative element. In constant batteries neutral salts, such as chloride of sodium, sal ammoniac, or alum are preferred as exciting agents, and the zinc plates are amalgamated. The battery troughs are closed on the top; a small pipe is inserted to allow gas to escape. The trough may be rotated upon trunnions which form the battery connections. The exciting fluid is filled half- way up the plates. On the weakening consequent upon polari. sation, the trough is turned halfway round, and the other half of the plates become immersed. When the galvanic action is occasionally required only, the trough is double the depth of the battery plates; in one posi- B 2 36 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF tion the plates are out of the liquid, when rotated halfway round they are immersed. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawing.] ) A.D. 1869, September 27.–No. 2809. WIGHAM, JOHN RICHARDSON.—"Improvements in the means " and apparatus employed in illuminating buoys, beacons, “ lighthouses, and other establishments or localities, which improvements are partly applicable to other purposes." One of these improvements consists in employing (for various purposes) a system of electric batteries laid on the “ bottom of the sea, constructed in a similar manner to the “ ordinary voltaic pile, by which from the action of the sea water a constant current of electricity may be obtained.” [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, October 18.—No. 3028. STROH, John MATTHIAS AUGUSTUS. — “Improvements on electro-magnetic clocks, parts of which improvements are applicable to mechanical clocks." According to the first part of this invention, the pendulum of a “driving clock” produces magneto-electric currents to communicate motive power to a number of other clocks in circuit with the said clock. For the usual pendulum bob is substituted one or more “ hollow coil or coils of insulated wire ” “ oscillating over the pole or poles of a permanent magnet,' or over the similar “ poles of two magnets. An electric current is produced at e each oscillation of the pendulum, which current is in one “ direction when the coil passes from left to right, and in the opposite direction when it proceeds from right to left.” [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 66 » 66 A.D. 1869, October 30.-No. 3147. MONCKTON, EDWARD HENRY CRADOCK. Improvements “ in electricity and means of telegraphing." The part of the invention which relates to generating electric currents is as follows:-A copper wire is coiled over a soft-iron wire "as is effected in a pianoforte wire where steel ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 37 “ is used in lieu of iron.” Each wire is previously insulated and the whole is covered with insulating material, and externally with tarred hemp. The coiled wire, so prepared, is used “ for " the ordinary wires and methods of telegraphing. The iron “ rod or wire is rendered by means of a battery into a long magnet intensified in induction according to its length and “the length of copper coil upon it. . The sea itself is an “ ample battery.” More than one of these coiled wires "may " be united together so as to form one cable.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, November 18.-No. 3324. FAURE, CAMILLE.— "Improvements in galvanic batteries." A porous bottle, made of a mixture of plumbago and clay, is filled with nitric acid. The bottle is shaped like a ginger beer bottle, and has a stopper to which the conducting wire is attached by means of a binding screw. The bottle forms one element in an external jar containing a zinc cylinder placed in a solution of chloride of sodium. The gas from the nitric acid does not escape, but, by its pressure, forces the acid through the pores of the bottle, thereby maintaining “ the constancy of “ the battery." In a modification of the invention, the bottle may be filled with solution of sal ammoniac and closed by a stopper of gutta percha which carries a bar of zinc. Powdered peroxide of manganese fills the space between the bottle and the onter jar. The conducting wire is attached at the neck of the bottle. When a strong battery is required for a very short time, solid pieces of the porous material may be dipped into nitric acid shortly before use. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, November 20.-No. 3363. BURROUGHS, JOSEPH, junior.-(Provisional protection only.) “Improvements in electro-magnetic machines and in magnets for the same and for other purposes." 1st. Making the limbs of an electro-magnet" sectors or the approximates of segments of a circle.” 66 66 38 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF 2nd. A "method of binding the limbs of the magnet together by means of a tie bolt and washer.” The inventor is thus “ enabled to compound an indefinite number of magnets by a “ continuous bolt." 3rd. The compounding of electro-magnets having helices or coils of plane surfaces brought in close contact with each 66 other." 4th. “The interposition of layers of foil or thin sheets of " metal more or less ductile between the layers of the coils." 5th. This improvement relates to electro-magnetic machines. Permanent magnets may be constructed “ of the same shape as the electro-magnets above described.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, November 23.—No. 3378. BONNEVILLE, HENRI ADRIEN. — (4 communication from Théophile Chutaux.)—"Improvements in electric batteries." A stone-ware non-porous jar is divided into two compart- ments vertically; the larger compartment communicates with the smaller by means of an aperture near the bottom. In the larger compartment, the metallic elements are placed ; it has a hinged lid and a waste pipe. The smaller compart- ment acts as a supply cistern to the other and is surmounted by an inverted bottle containing the exciting liquid. The metallic elements are bruised retort carbon (in the middle of which is placed a tortuous platinum wire as a conductor) and a block of zinc. The liquid used “ may be composed as it has “ been indicated ” in No. 2655, A.D. 1869. The bruised retort carbon lays on the bottom of the compartment, and the zinc is fixed underneath the lid, which is fastened down during the immersion of the zinc and the consequent action of the battery. When the battery is not in action, a flat spring raises the lid together with the zinc. “ To restore the im- " poverished liquid it suffices to withdraw the zinc;" when the zinc is again immersed, the impoverished liquid runs off through the waste pipe. This battery may be combined with that described in the former Patent. [Printed, 6. Drawing.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 39 1870. A.D. 1870, January 3.-No. 17. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD.—(A communication from Henry Monroe Paine and Mahlon Smith Frost.) -—.“ Improvements in electro-magnets and the application of the same for obtain- "ing motive power." The following description relates to the construction of electro-magnets :- Each leg or plate of soft iron forms one pole of the electro- magnet; it is flat and of a sector-like shape, with a hole near its narrow end for the reception of a tie bolt. A horseshoe electro-magnet consists of two of these plates bolted together, the flat sides being parallel and a washer being between the plates to afford the necessary space for the coils. Shield plates “are secured on the legs to hold the wire within the required bounds." Sheets of tin foil are arranged between the wire on the opposite poles " for the purpose of reversing “ by electrical induction the order of the currents, and there- “ by preventing the retardation in their action which is con- sequent upon the attraction to each other of like currents brought in close proximity, and which detracts from the power of the magnet.” The magnet may be compound and consist of four legs, two north poles adjacent and two south poles adjacent, a tie bolt with washers passing through the series. [Printed, ls. Drawings.] > A.D. 1870, April 9.-No. 1055. WEBER, LIONEL.—“Improvements in galvanic cells and ““ batteries." The bottom of each glass cell is covered with a layer of chloride of sodium or chloride of ammonium. Sawdust mixed with the salt is next, and upon the layer of sawdust is placed a horizontal zinc disc surrounded with the mixture of sawdust and salt, which separates the vertical carbon plate that forms the negative electrode from the zinc disc or positive electrode. The carbon plate is embedded in a charge composed of a mix- 40 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF tare of plumbago and peroxide of manganese. A vertical tube for receiving the exciting fluid passes down from the top of the jar to the sawdust mixture; the top of this tube may be closed by a cork. A vertical and insulated rod rises up from the zinc disc to furnish the current. Melted wax is poured over the charge and round the rod, carbon plate and tube ; thus the jar is hermetically sealed. “Other fluids and matters generative of electricity may be “ used in cells of galvanic batteries constructed in the manner " above described.” [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1870, May 13.–No. 1364. DANIELL, WILLIAM, and LUND, HARDAKER.—AD “electro- “ magnetic engine." “A new constructed form of battery " is shown. In an outer external cylindrical jar there are two concentric porous cells. The outermost and innermost spaces contain zinc or iron cylinders; the middle space contains vertical carbon rods. Weak sulphuric acid is supplied to the zincs and nitric acid, or impure sulphate of soda, or “the refuse cake from " the manufacture of nitric acid,” is placed next to the carbons. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] A.D. 1870, May 19.-No. 1445. ZANNI, GEMINIANO. - (Provisional protection only.)—"Im- “provements in magneto-electric telegraphic apparatus." In the magneto-electric machine, the armature is cylindrical and is channelled longitudinally so as to form a bobbin which is filled with covered wire in the usual manner. The armature rotates between the poles of a magnet which are brought together and are cut out so as to form a circular recess. Or, a bobbin of two flat circular plates of iron, connected together by a flat strip of the same metal, is filled with covered wire as above. This armature is rotated " at the end “ either in front or at one side of the poles of the magnet." In another plan, two of these armatures, one on each side of the magnet, are mounted on one end of the same spindle and serolve together. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 41 By means of this invention“ a current of electricity in one “ direction” is obtained. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, June 9.-No. 1668. GRAMME, ZENOBE THEOPHILE, and D'IVERNOIS, EARDLEY Louis CHARLES. -"Improvements in magneto-electric ma- " chines.” This machine furnishes a continuous current in one direc- tion, without the aid of a pole changer. The soft-iron armature is annular and is coiled with a con- tinuous or endless coil; it revolves upon an axis at right angles to the plane of the ring, and is magnetised" by the “ influence of one or more either permanent or electro- magnets." “At each junction of the wire of the series of small bobbins, “ which by their connection constitute the large endless bobbin," ," is soldered a connecting rod of conductive ma- terial. These rods are kept properly insulated from each other, whilst two or more conducting rubbers “coming in regular succession in contact with the free end of each of " the said rods serve for conveying the induction currents in " the required respective directions, and allow of applying, “ if required, part of the currents for charging the electro- “ magnets (in case these latter be made use of),” and of applying the currents to any useful purpose. Either the armature may revolve and the permanent magnets may be fixed, or vice versa. The continuity of the revolution of the armature procures in it a continuous displacement or advancing of the magne- tism, without demagnetisation or interruption. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, October 5.-No. 2642. NEWTON, ALFRED VINCENT.—(A communication from Edwin Dodd McCracken, Henry Jotham Newton, Henry Burnham Kirk- land, and Joseph Roderick Husson.)—“ Improvements in the “working of galvanic batteries.” The object of this invention is to aid the continuity of action of galvanic batteries. The invention is principally applicable to bichromate batteries. 42 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF The improvements are : 1st. The combination, in the same electric circuit, of two or more batteries and a switch. Two metallic arms which are capable of swinging on two binding screws in the telegraphic or other electric circuit, are connected by a non-conducting bar, and can be placed by hand on one or other pair of con- tacts, according to the battery to be retained in circuit. 2nd. To bring one of two batteries into circuit, a circuit breaker is operated by a clock movement. Platinum-pointed set screws work in connection with two springs at the ex- tremity of vertical switch arms, by which any intermission in the circuit current is obviated during the time of changing the position of the switch ; thus one battery is thrown into circuit just before the other is thrown out. The clock move- ment rotates a disc, with alternate conducting and non- conducting portions, and thus enables a fixed spring to bring the batteries into action alternately and at regular intervals. 3rd. The armature of an electro-magnet worked by a separate local battery may be used to close each of the two circuits in turn, a clockwork movement being employed to interrupt the local circuit at regular intervals. [Printed, ls. Drawing.] A.D. 1870, October 6.-No. 2653. KIRKMAN, CHARLES FELTON. "Improvements in treating sewage, and in the apparatus and means employed therein." “On its way to the filtering chambers," "the liquid sewage passes through a chamber," " in which are suspended “ voltaic batteries composed of pairs of zinc and copper plates or gratings.” Between the pairs are layers of flannel, woollen cloth, or felt. This arrangement “is con- “sidered a perpetual electric machine.” “The metal plates are square and are set lozenge fashion, " the lower points resting between two strips of glass, “ fixed on a long board," " and are supported by side rails of " baked wood, varnished.” “ The side rails are secured to “ blocks” “ at the extremities of the base." “ Two screws, one at each end, pass through these terminating blocks by “ which the series may be a little compressed, they serve ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 43 “ also as the conducting terminations of the pile.” These points furnish all the “ electrical effects of the pile.” The sewage water itself keeps up the electric action, [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1870, November 12.-No. 2978. JACOBS, ISAAC.—“ Improvements in penholders and pens.' 1st.“ Making the metallic or barrel part of penholders of * two concentric tubes,” one of zinc and the other of copper or other metal, so as to form a voltaic couple when the pen. holder is gripped for writing. The outer tube of the pen- holder is perforated, so as to allow the fingers and thumb to come into contact with each metal. The moisture of the skin where the contact takes place causes a gentle voltaic current to be set up, “which current gives steadiness to the hand of a nervous person using the penholder.” 2nd. The heel part of the pen is made semi-tubular, in order that it may clip the semi-tubular end of the zinc tube. By this means the metallic pen is allowed to have contact only with the zinc tube of the compound holder. With this penholder an ordinary quill pen may be used ; a portion of the quill is left “ to form a barrel.” [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1870, November 23.-No. 3069, THOMSON, Sir WILLIAM.—(Provisional protection not al- lowed.) —“Improvements in electric telegraph transmitting, " receiving, and recording instruments and in clocks." This invention consists partly in improvements on the recording instrument set forth in No. 2147, A.D. 1867. A retentive or signal electro-magnet.—A steel core is pro- vided with a coil that is always ready to magnetise it power- fully. A coil is constructed of fine bare wire, so as to partially short-circuit the coil between successive layers. The induc- tion thus produced diminishes injurious oscillations. A galvanic battery of a peculiar construction is used to occasionally magnetise the above-mentioned signal electro- magnet and to drive the electro-magnetic engine which moves DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF the paper in the receiving instrument. This part of the in. vention is an improvement on the battery set forth in No. 2047, A.D. 1860, namely, “the sawdust Daniell's or the tray “ battery." Trays of copper contain the cupric sulphate, the liquid and the sawdust. False bottoms of thin sheet copper facilitate the removal of the deposited copper. Each tray is varnished, and its bottom is provided with exterior contact pieces: the tray has an inside wooden frame to bear the weight of the zinc and of the superincumbent column and to confine the sawdust so as to allow of the addition of fragments of cupric sulphate and of water. The zinc is cast in flat slabs with ridges to bear the tray next above and to provide dry contacts. Instead of copper trays, wooden trays lined with lead may be employed; a copper electrode is soldered to the bottom of the lead and protrudes through a hole in the wood to make connection. An ordinary Wollaston battery-copper, dilute sulphuric acid, and zinc-may be used to re-magnetise the signal electro-magnet. (Printed, 18. 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, December 19.-No. 3308. FITZ-GERALD, Desmond GERALD.—" Portable sustaining “ voltaic batteries." These batteries are “excited and sustained by means of “ Auids in combination with insoluble or partially soluble “ metallic oxides or salts (or substances capable of oxidising “ nascent hydrogen), the latter being in contact with the negative elements of the couples." Each link of a chain battery is formed of a hollow cylinder of negative metal enclosing a solid cylinder of zinc; the hollow cylinder is closed at the extremities, so as to contain the charging materials. Each link constitutes a permanently-charged voltaic couple. In another arrangement “the elements may be disposed upon two or more surfaces in such manner " that when the surfaces are brought into apposition a com- plete voltaic series is formed.” These forms of voltaic battery can be used simply with acid fluids held by an absorbent substance. They do not require to be charged or excited each time they are used. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 45 The charging compound may be binoxide of manganese mixed with potassic disulphate or with sal ammoniac. The following are examples of other charging compounds :- “ Plumbic binoxide or plumbic sulphate in admixture with “ potassic disulphate, hydrated oxycarbonate of copper (chessylite), hydrated dibassic, carbonate of copper (mala- "chite or mineral green '), cupric oxide or argentic chloride “ in admixture with chloride of ammonium, or with the “ chlorides of ammonium and of calcium.” [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, December 31.-No. 3402. VAUGHAN, EDWARD PRIMEROSE HOWARD.-(A communication from Charles James Adolphus Dick.)—“ Improvements in preventing incrustation in and corrosion of steam boilers " and other vessels." No. 13,322, A.D. 1850, is referred to as furnishing voltaic action to a boiler by means of zinc for the above purpose, and it is stated that, in a very short time from the commencement of the action of the apparatus, layers of oxide are formed upon the zinc. The object of the present invention is to maintain continu. ous voltaic action. The invention consists in feeding into the boiler whilst under pressure, or heated, either continuously or inter- mittently, a wire or ribbon of zinc. The wire is electrically connected to the boiler and is fed through an ordinary or through an insulated stuffing box into the water contained in the boiler. The voltaic current thus generated not only prevents incrustation, but in the case of acidulated or corro- sive waters) prevents the corrosive action of the water on the metal of the boiler. When an insulated stuffing box is used, a galvanometer may be employed to test the voltaic action within the boiler. The vessel or chamber to be protected from incrustation or corrosion may be in electrical communication with a boiler, fed with zinc as described above. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 46 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF 1871. 65 A.D. 1871, January 18.--No. 131. VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. — (Provisional protection not al- lowed. –“Improvements in electric and magnetic telegraph apparatus, and in lightning protectors to be used therewith, parts of which improvements are applicable for other purposes.” The first part of this invention consists of improvements in the construction of magneto-electric machines. Allusion is made to the magneto-electric machine described in No. 315, A.D. 1868. The permanent magnet of the machine comprised in the present invention consists of a number of magnetised steel bars, of equal length, mounted parallel to one another (with all their similar poles in the same direction) in metal plates through which holes are drilled for the magnets to pass through. The plates keep the magnets at a fixed distance from one another. The magnets are placed between armature plates, one of which has a central seat or journal to bear an axle that carries an iron wheel with an odd number of teeth. From the opposite armature two iron bars proceed, so as to complete the magnetic circuit and thus to collect and utilise the magnetic influence exerted by the rotation of the wheel. “Generator coils” surround the bars and give a current in accordance with the increase or decrease of magnetic polarity, by the approach and recession of the teeth of the iron wheel. Positive and negative electric currents are alternately developed by this machine. Modifications of this arrangement are described. By means of a wooden disc, on the toothed wheel, and pointed levers, the rotation of the wheel in one direction is ensured. [Printed, 62. No Drawings.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a a A.D. 1871, March 22.-No. 776. WELCH, EDWARD John COWLING.—“Apparatus for generating " a current of electricity for discharging fuses for mining and “ other purposes." A magneto-electric arrangement consists in a permanent magnet carrying, apon its ends, soft-iron cores upon which coils are placed. A soft-iron armature is placed against the ends of the soft-iron cores, and through the centre of the armatare, at right angles thereto, is fixed a spindle that carries a metallic weight or ram which is capable of sliding longitudinally thereon. A collar is between the armature and the ram. Between the ram and one of the bearings carrying the spindle is a spiral spring. Another spindle, at right angles to the first, and beneath it, carries a ratchet catch which takes into a groove in the ram, the spindle being free to revolve through a portion of a circle. Upon the turning of the last- mentioned spindle, by means of a key, it draws back the ram and compresses the spring. When the spring is fully com- pressed, the catch slips out of the groove, and the ram, being impelled by the spring, removes the armature from the cores, thus inducing a powerful electric current in the coils. A spring-lever and bolt prevents the return of the armature until the spindle carrying the catch is returned to its former position. To effect the breaking of the electric circuit, at the proper moment, a lever and pin arrangement (in connection with the armature) is employed. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, March 25.-No. 810. THOMSON, Sir William.—Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.)—"Improvements in clocks and apparatus " for giving uniform motion.” An electro-magnet is described which is especially applic- able for alternate reversals. The soft-iron core of this magnet is constructed “altogether or in great part of thin iron wires “ varnished and pressed close together.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 48 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF A.D. 1871, April 12.-No. 974. NEWTON, ALFRED VINCENT.—(A communication from Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir.)—(Provisional protection only.)—"Means “ for the establishment of telegraphic communication." The sea is made“ to act as the liquid of the battery, while “ the earth forms the vase or receptacle which contains it." " To connect telegraphically two distant sea ports, at one place there is immersed in the sea zinc, and at the other copper, which will together constitute a battery ready to operate. It is only necessary to close the circuit to set the battery in operation, and this is done by a simple submergei “ metallic conductor." A sheet of water or a river may be used instead of the sea. " When the river or sea to be traversed by the electric current “ does not communicate with a town, a sufficiently deep well “ must be dug to communicate with the river or sheet of " water.” “ Reservoirs of acidulated or salt water can be “ constructed, and so placed as to communicate through porous substances with the river or sea." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, April 19.–No. 1035. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD. — (A communication from James Lorimer Graham.)—“Improvements in the manufacture “ of mastics, cements, or bituminous compounds, and in the application thereof, among other uses, for the formation of “ roads, pavements, floors, roofs, or for coating, enamelling, or japanning metallic or other surfaces, so as to protect “ them from the action of the air, acids, alkalies, alcohol, and “ other chemical agents.” A substance sometimes known as “Ritchie coal," or crys" tallized petroleum,” but which the inventor calls grahamite, is mixed with a large proportion of turpentine or of coal tar, and, in this state, may be used as a material “ for insulating " electric and voltaic machines, batteries, conductors, wires, “ and apparatus generally. In voltaic batteries the resistance of grahamite to chemical agents co-operates with its high “ insulating power in giving value to these compositions.” [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. • 49 A.D. 1871, April 29.-No. 1150. VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. "Improvements in electric telegraph apparatus, parts of which improvements are applicable for other purposes." A magneto-electric mach ne consists of horizontal bar mag. nets made of steel and mounted in vertical iron plates called " magnetic conductors.” The bar permanent magnets are parallel and are kept a little distance apart. All the poles of the same name are in one direction and are forced into contact with one magnetic conductor; those of the opposite name are in contact with the other magnetic conductor. In a projecting piece attached to one of the magnetic con- ductors is a seat, in which revolves a vertical axis with radiating bars of iron. The star wheel thus formed opens and closes the magnetic circuit through two soft-iron surrounded with insulated wire, and which are attached to the other magnetic conductor. When the vertical axis is rotated, twice as many currents are induced in the coils of the cores as there are radiating bars. The currents are alternately positive and negative. To construct iron cores that require but little electric power to magnetise them, an electro-deposited thin shell of iron may be used, or iron wire may be wrapped helically round a cylinder. In the latter case, rapid alternate currents from a local battery passed through the iron wire tend to neutralise any permanent magnetism which may be retained by the soft- iron core, and to increase the sensitiveness of the iron core to electric impulses of longer duration. [Printed, ls. 4d. Drawing.] cores 66 A.D. 1871, June 1.–No. 1460. PULVERMACHER, Isac Louis. — “ Improvements in the construction of electric, galvanic, and magnetic chains, “bands, and garments, and in means of applying such to the “ human body for treating diseases and complaints, and for “other purposes, also in fasteners and electro-conductors in " connection with such chains and bands." 1st. Plates or pieces of metal are secured upon a backing of porous or absorbent material having a sticky substance such 50 DIVISION I GENERATION OF A as wax, diachylon, or sparadrap on the exposed parts by which to fasten the article on to the body. Plates may be used with tongues to make contact, or the contacts may be made by coiled wire or by projecting lips. Tongues of metal may be passed into loops in the tissue of a fabric. Tinsel plates may be placed in clusters, connected in voltaic order by wires. Narrow strips of metal may be bent into flat helices round a flat core of linen. Overlapping plates may hold the absor- bent. 2nd. To apply magnetism to the body magnetised steel plates are arranged in groups upon a fabric to form magnetic staves or horseshoes. 3rd. Galvanic and magnetic elements are combined in the same article for the above purposes. 4th. Improvements in the bands referred to in Nos. 2656, A.D. 1861 ; 773, A.D. 1868; and 2740, A.D. 1868.—Bands composed of two wires, copper and zinc, are helically wound round longitudinal cords inserted into their edges; a tissue in a central channel imbibes the exciting material. 5th. Fasteners for the chains, &c.—These are composed of cupped discs with holes and studs, so that they may be easily fastened or unfastened for regulating the length of the band. 6th. Referring to Nos. 582, A.D. 1866; 773, A.D. 1868 ; 2740, A.D. 1868; and 2062, A.D. 1869, the central zinc ele- ment is wound helically upon a core, and (by means of a notch) can be drawn out of the openworked exterior copper tube, there being a space for the exciting or depolarising substance between the zinc and the copper tube. The voltaic connections are made by eyes that fit on to stoppers. An openworked sleeve may be slidden over the exterior tube. The exciting material is a pasty compound of binoxide of manganese, bi- Bulphite of potassium, and graphite powder. 7th. Plain cylinders, double eyes and pins, and trough- shaped plates, or a series of metal boxes, may be used. A frame for arranging the pairs may consist of ebonite sticks or rods. [Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, June 10.-No. 1535. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Provisional protection only.) -“ Improvements in voltaic batteries." ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 51 A well insulated long trongh is charged with a suitable solution and is furnished with zinc and copper plates, the zinc plates being arranged along one side thereof and the copper plates along the other side. In a similar adjoining trough, a precisely similar arrangement is made, and the zinc plates of one trough are connected to the copper plates of the other trough by conductors, in series, so as to leave a free terminal zinc plate at one end and a free terminal copper plate at the other end of the double arrangement. The free plates have conductors which are the poles of the compound battery. The two troughs may be separate compartments of one box, and the positive and negative sides of each trough may be separated by a porous diaphragm. The liquid or liquids may be supplied from reservoirs by gravitation, so as to maintain the strength of the combina- tion. Carbon, surrounded by binoxide of manganese, in separated porous compartments or in bags, may be used in connection with zinc, sal ammoniac solution being next the carbon and water next the zinc--the reverse arrangement of solutions to that of the Leclanché battery. When a waterproof coating is applied to a battery box, the coated surfaces may be covered with a closely woven fabric saturated with the coating and applied in a warm state. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, June 22.-No. 1643. HIGHTON, HENRY.-" Improvements in galvanic batteries." 1st. To oxidate the zinc, sulphur is placed with it, or a liquid may be used which admits of a higher state of oxida- tion, such as sulphurous, ferrous, or manganous compounds. Sugar, sawdust, or decaying wood, may be employed. 2nd. Next the negative plate, to supply oxygen, salts of iron in conjunction with nitric acid may be used. When a very high potential is required, the bi-chromates of soda, lime, or baryta, are dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid to form a solution next to the negative plate. Another solution for this purpose is a permanganate dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid. Cinders are tightly packed round the carbon or pla- tinum plate standing partly in the air, so as to be freely per- 52 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF meable to the atmosphere, and thus to enable the deoxidised substances to recover their oxygen. 3rd. To prevent injurious local action in the battery, such a liquid is used next the zinc as will precipitate the injurious soluble salts formed. Thus in a Daniell's battery, a solution containing a soluble silicate or alkaline or earthy carbonate is placed next the zinc, so as to prevent the deposition of copper on the zinc. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a a A.D. 1871, July 26.-No. 1958. GALLOWAY, GEORGE BELL.—“ Improved means of obtaining “ and applying motive power, and in apparatus connected " therewith." One part of this invention tr of producing currents of electricity without the aid of wet acids. The method consists “ in taking the requisite quantity of zinc and copper or other dry substances, such as ammonia, the constituents of mag- nesium, and other electrical compounds," and uniting them in a dry state, “and by the application of heat which is the “ base of all electricity, or other chemical agent," effecting their union “ so as to produce electricity either in a vaporized “ form of power or the ordinary form of electrical currents as by which any description of what is commonly mechanism can be operated or worked." [Printed, 6d. Woodcut.] 66 A.D. 1871, August 7.-No. 2084. HIGHTON, HENRY.—“ Improvements in galvanic batteries." Heat is applied to the battery whilst in use, and steam is generated on the surface of the negative plate. A hollow cylinder of moulded carbon is placed in a thin earthenware cell which is heated by gas flames. A porous pot, containing the zinc plate, is placed in the centre of the earthenware cell. Cinders are placed around the carbon, and dilute sulphuric acid is furnished to this plate. A solution of chloride of ammonium is next the zinc. As the liquid is eva- porated the loss is made good from time to time. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 53 A little sulphate of copper is added to the sulphuric acid contained in the copper cell in a copper-zinc arrangement. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1871, August 18.-No. 2172. WHEATSTONE, Sir CHARLES, and STROH, John MATTHIAS AUGUSTUS.—(Provisional protection only.)—“ Improvements in " electro-magnetic telegraphic apparatus." The fourth improvement consists in a magneto-electric machine to ring electro-magnetic bells. In one arrangement, each pole of a compound permanent magnet carries the soft-iron core of a coil or bobbin. A soft- iron armature is hinged on a brass slab, and, by the rotation of the axis to which the pull handle is attached, three cams, arranged in a circle, raise the armature from the cores three times for each forward motion of the handle, thus producing three positive and three negative currents. A click and click wheel arrangement prevents the return motion of the handle from having any effect upon the armature. Contact springs are so disposed in connection with insulated brass pieces, that when the pall handle is in its position of rest, the circuit is interrupted, but when the pull is moved forward, or depressed, the currents pass to the bells; the ringing of other bells in the same system is thus avoided. Another arrangement is a modification of the above. The motion of the poll is rectilinear and horizontal instead of rotary. A rod, having wave-line indentations, is attached to the pull handle, and, when the handle is drawn out, it raises the lever armature from the cores several times in succession. A spring, in the electrical circuit, presses on an insulated portion of the guide piece of the rod and thus interrupts the circuit when the pull is in its position of rest; when the pull is drawn out the circuit is completed. (Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, August 23.-No. 2219. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. — (A communication from Emile Prevost and Victor Barjon.)—“An improved galvanic battery " and liquid to be used in such batteries." 54 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF The exterior vessel of this double-fluid battery is conical, I being widest at the bottom ; it contains a piece of zinc bent round so as to form a cone also widest at the bottom. The carbon element is a cylindrical vessel, placed concentrically within the cone of zinc and having upon its upper exterior & collar of gutta percha or india rubber to separate it from the zinc. The liquid in the exterior vessel is dilute sulphuric acid and that in the carbon vessel contains bichromate of potash, together with a small quantity of sulphuric acid and lime. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, October 2.–No. 2596. VARLEY, THEOPHILUS, and VARLEY, FREDERICK HENRY. Improvements in electric telegraphs, part of the invention " being applicable to other purposes." A battery to obtain uniform currents is described. In a double-fluid battery, the partition between the fluids is a copper plate with a covering of felt folded over both its sides to neutralise the polarity of the surfaces of the conducting partition. [Printed, 1s. 10d. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1871, October 13.-No. 2721. ZANNI, GEMINIANO.- Improvements in magnetic bells and “ signals to render the same more simple and economical for telegraphic and domestic purposes." These apparatus consist of means of generating the electric current for the above purposes by a small magneto-electric machine within the case to which the handle of the bell pull or other motive agent is affixed. In one instance the cylindrical case is fixed against a wall, the lever or crank handle of the bell pull being capable of partial rotation upon an axis which carries spur gear that communicates motion to the bobbins of the machine. The permanent magnets are circular and concentric to the case. The circular form of the magnets is interrupted at one part of the circumference by the axis carrying the bobbins. In another instance (to obtain rapid rotation of the armature) ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 55 connection between the bell pull and the axis is made by a train of wheels. In each of the above plans, the handle is brought back to its position by a coiled spring upon the axis. In another plan the handle is pulled out horizontally, and carries a toothed rack which actuates the wheelwork; a belical spring brings back the pull to its position of rest. To give signals by the opening of a door or window, the magneto-electric machine is set into motion by a cord attached to the door, a weight being at the other end of the cord. To indicate the presence of fire, the cord and weight are set at liberty by well known means. The last apparatus is worked by a central spring barrel. The clockwork is released by the pulling of a string, which removes a stop. (Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, October 17.-No. 2759. NEWTON, ALFRED VINCENT.—(4 communication from Louis Bastet and Henry Seligman.)—“Improvements in electric bat- “ teries, and in the means for exciting the same.” By this invention, a double-fluid battery of great intensity and quantity is made and the strength of the arrangement is prolonged. An exterior glass cell contains a porous cell, a zinc plate with weak sulphuric acid being in the exterior cell, and carbon plates, together with a solution containing bichromate of potash, nitrate of potash, and sulphuric acid, being in the porous cell. The carbon element is made in two rectangular plates, slightly separated vertically and clamped with a top filling piece between them. The element has thus a larger surface than asual. The porous cell has a transverse vertical partition, per- forated so as to afford free access of the liquid to both compart- ments. The larger compartment contains the carbon plates ; the smaller is charged with the above-mentioned salts in the dry state. The porous cell is provided with a snfficient quantity of sulphuric acid. This arrangement prevents the undissolved salts from adhering to the carbon. a 56 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF Another chemical compound is formed in the exterior cell to which water only need be added when the porous cell is recharged. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1871, October 20.-No. 2800. HENLEY, WILLIAM THOMAS, and HORSTMAN, HENRY.- A “self-acting method of signalling by magneto-electric apparatus." An iron armature passes “by or over but not to touch" permanent magnet coiled with wire; or, a permanent magnet passes over a coiled armature; the electric currents arising from this action show corresponding indications on the indi- cating instrument in the circuit. If the armature be on the locomotive or brake van of a railway train, and the coiled magnet imbedded in the ground, in a suitable protective case, the passage of the locomotive over the magnet may be made to signal the train from station to station, or to indicate its arrival at a distant and known position. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, December 12.–No. 3366. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-A communication from James Smith.)—“Improvements in galvanic batteries." This double-fluid galvanic battery will operate continuously as long as it is provided with the requisite exciting substances. Inside an outer vessel there is a porous vessel or a vessel of carbon. The outer vessel contains the zinc plate and weak sulphuric acid. In the porous vessel is a platinum plate and a mixture of black oxide of manganese with sulphate of mer- cury. If the interior vessel be of carbon, a platinum plate alone is used; the plate is connected to the carbon to form the nega. tive element. If the interior vessel be a porous cell, the platinum plate is held between two cheeks of carbon. The action of the battery produces metallic mercury, which falls to the bottom of the inner vessel and can be reconverted into sulphate of mercury. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 57 The addition of water and sulphate of mercury keeps the arrangement at work constantly. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] а A.D. 1871, December 22.-No.3469. DAVIES, John.-(Provisional protection only.) — "Improve. “ments in the application and adaptation of electrical currents “ to certain parts of the body, and in the means for effecting " the same.' 1st. The permanent application of a voltaic current to the feet.—Voltaic pairs of metallic plates, ribbons, or wires are applied, in series, to the upper surface of an inner sock, which is made of a non-conductor of electricity. The sock may be worn next the foot or outside the stocking, and the current may be made to pass over the instep and around the foot by means of a metallic sandal. The moisture of the feet main- tains the roltaic action. 2nd. The permanent application of voltaic pairs to the head.- The plates or ribbons extend round the inner circumference of the head covering, between the hat body and the inner leather band. Portions of the band are removed to allow of contact between the plates and the head of the wearer. 3rd. The permanent adaptation of voltaic pairs to the limbs. The plates, ribbons, or wires are enclosed within stockings, sleeves, or belts of webbing; the voltaic pairs thus formed are in partial or sufficient contact with the limbs or body. "In the first instance the current should be induced by the " use of acid and water, after which the moisture of the body " will maintain the action." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 1872. A.D. 1872, January 24.–No. 229. HOLLINGWORTH, MARGARET HARRIS.—(Provisional protec- tion only.)—"Improvements in boots and shoes and other coverings or protectors for the feet.” 60 58 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF 66 Small thin oblong pieces of zinc are fixed in the upper soles of boots, shoes, or slippers, or in clogs; one piece is fixed in the front part of the upper sole and the other in the heel part, each piece being distinct from the other. “Copper or silver “ wires are placed lengthways and in rows on the zinc pieces, " and rest on them; the wires being in contact with the zinc cause an electric current to be set up, and the electricity emanating from the body escapes by the wires which pass “ through the sole coming out at the toe and at the heel respectively of the boot, shoe, slipper, or clog, thus pro- "ducing a preventive force, and gradually and silently dis- charging from the body any excess of electric fluid, and causing a healthy electric action in a mild and continuons 66 form.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1872, January 30.–No. 288. SEYMOUR, PHILIP WILLIAM.-"Improvements in the con. “struction of portable magnets to be employed for curative and other purposes." A magnet which is flexible and protected from oxidation is constructed by “employing thin strips or small chains of steel or iron embedded in or covered by a coating of india rubber or other flexible and protecting material.” The pieces of iron or steel are magnetised by any of the ordinary modes " after they are covered with the protecting material.” Crinoline steel is preferred, and if iron be used, it is case- hardened. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, February 5.- No. 362. BELL, ALBERT GEORGE.-A “galvanic belt.” Zinc and copper plates and layers of cloth are arranged along the internal surface of the belt, as in the voltaic pile. The whole is riveted or secured to the belt, so as to present overlapping surfaces. The terminals are connected to fine helical wire spring tension pieces to which final copper and zinc convex discs are attached, clear from the belt, for contact with the body, the belt being held in position by a band of ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 59 fabric attached to metal loops, one at each end of the belt. The moisture of the skin excites this galvanic arrangement. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, February 15.-No. 473. WHEATSTONE, Sir CHARLES, and STROH, JOHN MATTHIAS AUGUSTUS.—“ Improvements in electro-magnetic telegraphs " and in apparatus connected therewith, parts of which im- provements are applicable to other purposes." The fourth improvement consists in the construction of a magneto-electric apparatus to ring electro-magnetic bells. This apparatus occupies a small space and consists in a compound permanent magnet of nearly an annular form, each pole of which carries the core of a coil. By its movement, the pull handle partially rotates an axis on which is a cam that raises the hinged armature from the cores of the coils and thus induces alternate electric currents. The electrical circuit is interrupted until the pull handle is worked; this is accomplished by means of two springs in the electrical circuit that press on an insulated piece of brass mounted on the axis of the pull handle; they are not both on the brass piece until the handle is moved. In another arrangement, the handle is simply made to pull straight out from the case and it raises the hinged armature by ondulations on the rod that forms the prolongation of the pull. In this instance, a horseshoe permanent magnet is used. The pulling out of the handle causes a spring in the circuit to press into the conducting part of the guide and thus to send the currents into the line wire. [Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] - 66 A.D. 1872, February 15.-No. 485. HIGHTON, HENRY. — (Provisional protection only.) - "Im- — . provements in galvanic batteries." In a Grove's battery, the fumes are absorbed “by placing " above the surface of the acid an oxidising material, such as a layer of peroxide of manganese in a granulated state." The second improvement consists in placing“ the negative " element of a battery in a mixture of broken carbon and 66 60 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF peroxide of lead, or chromate or other insoluble persalt of “ lead, or peroxide of iron.” The third improvement consists in using a solution of a “ salt of ammonia as the exciting fluid in contact with both “ elements of the battery.” The positive and negative elements are separated by means of a porous cell, and bitar. trate of potash is used therein in contact with the negative element to prevent the liberation of ammonia. The fourth improvement consists in using a solution of “ nitrate of soda in contact with the zinc element, and a “ solution of sulphate of copper in contact with a carbon or “ other negative element.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9) A.D. 1872, March 4.-No. 664. ADAMS, EDWARD MOORE.—“Galvanic apparatus to be used “ for curative purposes." Plates of copper and zinc are so placed or connected together that they will partially overlap each other, and “ form a continuous series of positive and negative elements “ alternately arranged.” “The copper or positive plates are “ formed with ribs or corrugations thereon, in order to allow “ of the retention of a sufficient quantity of acidulated fluid “ between the plates for the generation of the electric car- “ rent. The plates are mounted upon a surface of gutta percha or other suitable insulating material, a similar “ surface being arranged so as to fold over and cover the “ other sides of the series.” The gutta percha is covered with cloth having holes at the ends to apply the terminal plates to the skin; the terminal plates are electro-plated smooth convex discs. “ To place the apparatus in a condition for use the plates “ should be severally lifted and a small quantity of diluted vinegar" "applied to the surfaces thereof, an electric current is thereby produced.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, March 5.—No. 680. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. - (4 communication from James Augustine Morrell.)—"Improvements in the manufacture of ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 61 66 refined sugar, part of which improvements relate to the production of currents of heated air for the same and for “ other purposes." A current of air is driven through a pipe or system of pipes or an air chamber in which are placed a series of wires or ' pieces of metal of diverse oxidizable properties, so arranged in relation to one another as to form a battery.” The wires may be extended into the fluid subject to evapora- tion, but this is not absolutely necessary. The passage of the air through the pipes induces voltaic' action and thereby develops heat. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] ) A.D. 1872, March 14.-No. 783. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(A communication from William W. Batchelder.)-An “ electric torch for lighting gas.” An electrophorus is used for the purposes of this inven- tion. A metallic disc has its surface covered with leather and is fixed to a hard rubber stem attached to the handle of the instrument. The di-electric is a movable disc of hard rubber attached to a sleeve upon the stem. Another outer sleeve is added and enables the discs to be brought together. The combination permits of the turning of the movable disc inde- pendent of the approach of the discs. Metallic shells are in contact respectively with the fixed and movable generating surfaces. The separation of the shells from electric contact is effected in advance of the separation of the leather facing and the hard rubber disc. The rubber disc is forced up against the leather facing by a spring, in connection with the inner sleeve, which yields to the pressure of the thumb against a thumb piece. Another spring brings the lips of the shells together so as to communicate the charge to the lighting apparatus. The electric current is generated by a slight revolving movement of the hard rubber disc in contact with the leather disc. The metallic back holds the charge upon the surface of the rubber. Whenever the generating surfaces are brought together, successive sparks are given to the lighting appa- ratus by the contact of the shells. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 62 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF A.D. 1872, March 18.-No. 807. : GRAHAM, DAVID, junior.--"Improvements in electric bell apparatus." A galvanic battery, which forms a part of this invention, consists of a glass cell on the bottom of which is fitted a disc of copper or of lead. A grating-shaped piece of zinc is placed horizontally at a little distance above; it is supported by lugs that rise up from the zinc and bend over, so as to rest on the edge of the glass cell. An earthenware cup, resting on the zinc, has a tube which projects downwards, through a central hole in the zinc, to within a small distance of the bottom. The bottom and sides of the zinc are surrounded by a porous- cell arrangement of parchment paper or membrane. The covered wires from each electrode project above the cell. Crystals of sulphate of copper are in the cup and solution of sulphate of zinc is filled into the cell. A modification, for use on board ship, has an inverted earthenware vessel (perforated on the top and open at the bottom) in contact with the copper plate and in connection with the cup by a vertical central tube. The membrane is placed over the earthenware vessel instead of round the zinc. The cell is filled with sawdust and is covered. There is a lip to the glass cell for filling in liquid and to allow of the escape of gas. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1872, March 18.-No. 809. PULVERMACHER, Isac Louis.-(Provisional protection only.) -“ Improvements in electro-conducting and electro-generat- ing apparatus or appliances for medico-electric and other purposes." ist. An electro-generating plaster has metallic surfaces grouped upon it in alternate order, with the sticky substance by which the plaster adheres to the body. One or more central plates are used; they are alternately of positive and negative metals, and layers of fibrous absorbent materials are placed between them. The plates have cramps, which are passed through the backing and bent down. A galvanic bat- tery is formed when the absorbent material imbibes the exciting liquid. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 63 2nd. Electro-generating respirators.-Hollow metals, com- bined as in a voltaic battery, and analogous to the channelled elements described in No. 1460, A.D. 1871, carry an absorbent material to absorb the damp exhalation from the breath and thus furnish electricity. 3rd. Chain batteries. The elements are hollow and have cores that can be pushed in and drawn out. The cores (if hollow) may be of woven, braided, or twisted wire ; they may be made up of a metal enveloped in felt or other porous tex- ture; the elements may thus be separated. To retain the chemical compound for depolarisation, the wires (when twisted) may be covered with paper pulp or sheet. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, March 23.—No. 888. DARLOW, WILLIAM.—(Provisional protection only.)--" Im- provements in portable magnets for curative and other purposes." These improvements are applicable to flexible magnets in the form of chains, wires, or parts. These may be arranged to be worn on the body or limbs, &c. Each separate part of the magnets is enclosed in a cover of flexible magnetic substances. The cover is formed as in No. 2886, A.D. 1866. A permanent magnet consisting of a thin piece of steel is embedded in the cover, In some cases, a thin sheet of steel (perforated) is placed between two sheets of the magnetic compound described in No. 2886, A.D. 1866, and the whole is fixed by pressure. These compound magnetic sheets may be cut up into strips of suit- able shape and size to form separate magnets, the cut edges being covered with varnish. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, April 26,-No. 1254. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY. — (4 communication from Zenobe Theophile Gramme and Eardley Louis Charles d’Ivernois.) — Improvements in magneto-electric machines.” In the magneto-electric machine described in No. 1668, A.D. 1870, and in similar machines, the rubbers or conductors 66 64 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF for collecting the currents are "composed each of a number “ of wires united together in the form of a bundle, brush, or " sheaf.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, May 2.–No. 1334. DARLOW, WILLIAM.—(Provisional protection not allowed.)- " Improvements in the construction of portable magnets for “ curative and other purposes." These magnets are in the form of magnetised strips, plates, or particles of steel, combined with india rubber, gutta percha, or with guminy, glutinous, resinous, or bituminous substances. They may be woven or otherwise made up into fabrics, or they may be combined with woven or other fabrics or “ materials.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, May 25.-No. 1596. FIGATNER, HENRY.-" Improvements in voltaic or galvanic “ batteries.” 1st. The use of focal matters obtained from water-closets and elsewhere, or the excrements of animals, guano of dif- ferent kinds (rendered fluid or semi-fluid by mixing urine therewith), blood, milk, gall, urine, or other animal matters for exciting galvanic batteries. A carbon element and a zinc element are used in connection with these liquids. 2nd. The surfaces of the zinc plates are protected by var- nish, their edges only being exposed to the action of the ex- citing liquid. 3rd. The troughs or cells of galvanic batteries are formed with lime, chalk, hydraulic or other suitable porous cement. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, May 29.-No. 1628. SLATER, THOMAS.—(Provisional protection only.)—" Improve- “ ments in apparatus for obtaining electric light, and in magneto-electric machines to be used therewith, which " machines are applicable for other purposes.” A portion of this invention relates to a dynamo-machine. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 65 Rings of helices are in pairs. Each ring is composed of an annular core made up of a number of concentric rings of hoop iron lapped with insulated copper wire, so as to form a series of distinct helices; the terminal wire of each helix is connected with one of a number of studs which are disposed in a circle in the insulating material which carries the ring of helices. To the terminal wire is connected the wire of the next preceding helix, and so on throughout the series. A U-shaped permanent or electro-magnet is covered with several convolutions of insulated wire, and has one pole opposed to the periphery of one ring of the pair and the other pole to the periphery of the other ring. Another similar magnet is similarly placed on the opposite side of the same pair of helices ; but the poles of the latter magnet are in the reverse position to those of the former. As the studs revolve, they successively come into contact with two springs which are in connection with the magnet coils. As each helix is brought, in succession, into circuit with the coils on the magnets, an accumulation of electric power is obtained by the action and re-action of the helicos and magnets. Powerful currents are thus speedily obtained. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, Díay 30.-No. 1638. HIGHTON, HENRY.—“Improvements in galvanic batteries." 1st. In a double-fluid battery, the negative element is a plate of carbon packed with broken carbon freely exposed to the air, or with a mixture of carbon and peroxide of man. ganese; this plate is placed in a solution containing sulphate of copper and chloride of ammonium. The zinc is placed in a solution of chloride of ainmonium. Instead of the above arrangement, the negative plate may be used in connection with the bichlorides of mercury and tin; chloride of sodium or potassium is next to the zinc. 2nd. In a single-fluid battery, the negative element is the same as that described above, or lead may be substituted for the carbon plate; a woollen bag retains the broken carbon round the negative plate. Zinc and dilute sulphuric acid completes the arrangement. Q 3753. с 66 DIVISION I.--GENERATION OF а 3rd. In a double-fluid battery similar to that described above, sulphuric acid is next to the negative plate (which may be of lead) and the zinc is in an alkaline solution, or in a solu- tion of the salt of an alkali. A small quantity of a soluble salt of mercury may be used in this battery, unless iron be employed instead of zinc. With iron a carbon negative is used. 4th. In a double-fluid battery, carbon or platinum is packed in a mixture of sulphur and peroxide of manganese; dilute sulphuric acid is next to the carbon. Next to the zinc, the solution of an alkali or an alkaline salt is placed, in which is a small quantity of a salt of mercury. Chromic acid or a bichromate may be added in small quan- tity to the solutions next the negative plate. A mixture of nitric and chromic acids gives a strong current. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] а A.D. 1872, June 1.-No. 1665. DARLOW, WILLIAM.—“Improvements in the construction “ of portable magnets for curative and other purposes." Magnetisable material mixed with gummy matter is en- closed between two surfaces of flexible material. The mixture is spread upon the surface of one sheet, which is then covered by another sheet of flexible material. The whole is then pressed firmly together. Another process is to coat the pieces of enclosing fabric with adhesive material, and to sift the magnetisable matter on to one of such surfaces. The other prepared adhesive surface is placed over the magnetic particles and the whole is pressed. After sifting the magnetic material on to the prepared fabric, a magnet is drawn over the surface to arrange the particles. The edges of each separate permanent magnet are protected by varnish. The inventor prefers to employ magnetic metallic oxide in a pure state, as the magnetisable material, by heating pieces of iron or steel in a retort whilst exposed to a current of steam. The magnetic oxide thus prepared is then made up to form portable magnets, by enclosing it in a cover of tinfoil, which is afterwards enclosed in an envelope of fabric. The resulting magnet is then magnetised in the usual manner. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 67 In another plan, the magnetic particles, in a loose state, are enclosed, in a thin layer, between pieces of a fabric either in tubes or sheets. The particles are secured in position by channels. The edges are permanently secured together by adhesive matter. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1872, June 10.-No. 1740. FAURE, CAMILLE ALPHONSE.—(Provisional protection only.)- “ Improvements in the manufacture of thermo-piles or " thermo-electric batteries or apparatus for producing or exciting electric currents." This invention comprises new dispositions of parts in the construction of the above batteries, also new modes of putting the parts together, and new combinations of metals. The elements are united together like a series of letters V V V joined together; they are united in a plane. This combination is called a band. The bands are placed upon one another, with slate and cement between, so as to form, when completed, a brick-shaped arrangement, which is to be dried and slightly baked. All the bands are jointed together, having regard to the electrical sequence of the elements. In a block go formed, the elements are held at one end, and their other ends and the greater part of their length project from the cementing material. A number of such blocks are disposed along the side of a fur. nace, one face being heated thereby ; the other face is cooled by contact with the external air. The elements may be long and short, leaving the ends to collect and disperse the heat. The positive element is an alloy of nickel and copper, or it may be German silver. The negative element is iron, or an alloy of antimony and zinc. The bands may be made by disposing the wires or strips in a box having pegs, clamping them between bars, and dipping each edge in solder. According to another plan, the strips may be made to intersect, so that, when all the points of contact are jointed, the resulting grating can be cut into bands. C 2 68 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF In large apparatus, the elements may be wide plates; each band will then form a block. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, June 25.-No. 1919. SIEMENS, CHARLES WILLIAM.—(A communication from Werner Siemens.)—“Improvements in the means of obtaining and “ applying magneto-electric currents, and apparatus there- " for.” In a magneto-electric arrangement, one of the poles or polar extensions of a permanent or electro-magnet is pierced, and the second pole enters the cavity, so that only a narrow annular space is left between the two polar surfaces for the reception of a conducting coil. By moving this coil to and fro, in the annular space (parallel to the axis of the poles), an electric current will be produced in the circuit of which the coil forms a part. In one instance the poles are vertical, and the coil vibrates upwards and downwards within the annular space between the magnetic poles, thereby generating alternating electric currents in the wires of the coil. The magnetic poles may be horizontal; in this case the coil is suspended by four filaments of silk. The axis of the coil may be a part of an annulus and the coil, being on the exterior magnetic pole, may be made to travel round the interior magnetic pole, and thus to generate electric currents. In another apparatus, a vertical axis carrying the coil is made to rock. The axis of the coil is annular, and it moves on a ring-shaped magnetic pole round the other pole, which has also an exterior ring. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.. A.D. 1872, July 24.–No. 2208. ALLEN, WILLIAM THOMAS, and FITZGERALD, DESMOND GERALD.—(Provisional protection not allowed.)—"Improvements “ in the electro-deposition of metals, and in the application of “ electro-deposition to the protection of iron, also in the ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 69 " battery and apparatus used in electro-deposition, such battery being applicable to other purposes.” The fourth part of this invention consists in a constant galvanic battery. A trough of wood, has, near to one of its extremities, a partition, extending vertically from the top to within a certain distance of the bottom of the trough. The trough is partly filled with fragments of carbon mixed with binoxide of man- ganese; this layer extends above the lower level of the partition. In the larger of the two divisions of the trough, the carbon mixture is covered with a layer of plaster which constitutes a porous diaphragm upon wbich is placed mercury together with zinc fragments. “The battery is charged by means of “ dilute acids or other suitable solutions." A strip or wire of platinum in contact with the carbon, and an amalgamated copper wire in contact with the mercury and zinc, conduct away the electric current. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, July 25.- No. 2213. STANLEY, WILLIAM FORD.:-“Improvements in electrical apparatus." 1st. The interior height of a galvanic cell is double the length of the active portion of the plates, so that when the battery is turned upside down, the exciting fluid is away from the plates. 2nd. A galvanic cell is sealed, and within the sealing is placed a valve for the escape of the internal gases. A glass tube, closed at its upper end, has an opening in the side over which a short piece of india-rubber tube is drawn; the glass tube extends half way down the cell. 3rd. A small screwed cap is placed in the water-tight cover ing of the cell. The cap admits of the renewal of the zinc or fluid. In the cap is an internal screw to receive the screwed end of the zinc rod. 4th. A box which may be closed contains the cells ; instead of binding screws as terminals, the box has studs or plates screwed solidly on the box. 5th. The battery is contained in a double case. 6th. A bell arrangement. a 70 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF 7th. A bichromate battery is in the same case as a Ruhm- korff coil; the coil is set into action by the reversal of the apparatus. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, August 21.-No. 2483. HUNT, BRISTOW.-(4 communication from Alfred Charles Garratt.)—A “physiological or 'button' battery.” The object of this battery is to attain greater elasticity, in application to uneven surfaces of the body or limbs, than can be attained in other apparatus. The arrangement is equivalent to a single pair of plates, or a galvanic cell of copper and zinc. Buttons or discs of copper and zinc, or their equivalents, are adjusted upon a flexible insulation as a base, with metallic connections upon the back. The buttons are attached to the base by metal eyes rivetted into a metal plate," and connected upon the back of the battery oby copper wires in all “ directions, such as crosswise, diagonally, and lengthwise, making the metallic connections between the buttons per- fectly sure.” [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1872, August 22.–No. 2493. HASELTINE, GEORGE.—(A communication from Judah Moses.) Improvements in electrical apparatus to be worn upon the “ head for the alleviation and cure of nervous affections." This invention consists in the combination of a galvanic battery with a metallic spring band, clasp, or conductor, designed to be worn on the head and so arranged that an electric current may be passed through the head. The battery consists of circular plates of zinc and platinum and of pieces of cloth, arranged so as to form a voltaic series charged with lime or acidulated water. These plates are secured to the spring or band by a rivet of insulating materials. In one instance, the spring is made to clasp the head over the top. A battery, of two alternations, is thus brought to ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM.. 71 bear upon each side of the head ; the plates which rest against the skin, one on one side of the head, the other on the other side, are of opposite polarity. A pair of spectacles has, at the extremity of each bow, two voltaic pairs, as in the head spring. In a pair of eye glasses, the voltaic pairs are secured to the nose piece, so as to rest against opposite sides of the nose. (Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, September 18.–No. 2771. PULVERMACHER, Isac Louis.—“Improvements in electro- “ conducting and electro-generating apparatus or appliances “ for medico-electric and other purposes, and in apparatus for “ measuring and graduating electric currents." Adhesive electro-generating substances. Leaves of thin metal are stuck upon paper. Shapes stamped out from the metallised paper are stuck to cloth or skin, leaving interstices upon which the adhesive substance is to be placed. The two metals are thus arranged and fixed in voltaic groups, the serrated projections of one metal passing into the indentations of the other metal. These adhesive substances may be used as conductors into the human body instead of as generators. A flexible tube supplies the electro-conductor with fluid. Respirators with wires and threads, wound helically, may be used to conduct electric currents; or they may be made of positive and negative metals, so as to be self-acting, by means of the moisture of the breath. Bands may have longitudinal threads upon which copper and zinc wires are wound. Cylindrical elements are made from plates with prongs or projections and with insulated fillets. The cylinders may have insulated, capped ring-shaped carriers. To retain the che. mical compound, an insulating body envelopes the elements. Sliding bars between the links may convert electric tension into quantity. Notches, shoulders, and eyes are employed upon the cylinders in the chain batteries. Openworked cylinders with solid or hollow cores are covered with bags. A chain made up of platinum and platinum black may be used 72 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF as a "polarizing" [induction ?] pile, by putting it into con- nection with a constant battery. Other modifications and details are set forth. [Printed, 1s. 4d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, October 10.–No. 2996. HAYWARD, JOHN ROBERT SAMUEL.—“Improvements in the application of electricity to the cure of certain bodily “ ailments, and in apparatus for the same." To form a galvanic belt, copper and zinc discs or plates are sewn together, in superposed pairs, on a belt, a disc of woollen cloth being between them. The several pairs are juxtaposed and connected by metallic links, which connect the zinc plate of one pair with the copper plate of the next. The belt is of leather and is lined on the inside with oiled silk, which is continued in the form of a loose flap along the under side of the belt. This flap is folded over and serves to prevent con- tact of the plates with the body and the evaporation of the exciting liquid. Two discs on the belt, one of copper the other of zinc, at a distance from the pairs of plates, form the poles of the series. When it is desired to convey the current to the organs of generation, a lap of cloth and oiled silk covers the zinc disc or pole, and wires are conveyed therefrom, along elastic webbing, to the wires of a suspensory bag enveloping the scrotum. The bag is of netted silk and uncovered gold or silver wire. In electrical connection with the bag is a circle composed of metallic beads strong on elastic threads, to be placed on the penis; the beads are alternately copper and zinc. Printed, 88. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, October 31.-No. 3221. DARLOW, WILLIAM.-"Improvements in portable magneto apparatus for curative and other purposes, and in the mode of applying the same.” 1st. Making portable magnets by cutting thin steel into suitable shapes, so that the poles of the magnets may be made to act readily (one upon the other “and so complete the magnetic circuit.” Horseshoe magnets are embedded in a ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 73 strip of india rubber; these magnets may either be placed with their dissimilar poles in contact, or with keepers to join their poles. The keepers may be made of magnetine. The magnetic circuit may be completed by soft iron keepers sus- pended mechanically and kept in the desired position by india rubber. Portable magnets may be round or oval and in sets. The poles may be placed in a bed of soft iron filings. To prevent corrosion, magnets are coated with zinc or with india rubber. 2nd. Horseshoe magnets overlap and are jointed together by a hinge from the centre. Bar magnets, or horseshoe magnets, are placed with their dissimilar poles in contact and are jointed together. Bar magnets are placed one above another so as to form small magnetic batteries; each end of the battery is connected by a keeper. Bar magnets of different lengths and widths are superposed, the narrowest and longest bar being in the centre; the whole battery is connected by keepers. The magnets above described are covered with flexible matter so that they may be adapted to belts, bands, &c. These magnets may be adapted to trusses, their poles being suitably arranged. Keepers are provided when the magnets do not form keepers to themselves. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, November 22.–No. 3492. WETTON, CHARLES EDGAR. “ Improvements in portable appliances in magneto therapeutics." The magnets which form the subject of this invention need not be covered with an elastic or flexible material. The magnet is of any form that will give it the required flexibility, and its outer surface is coated by electro-deposition “ with various metals in order to prevent oxydation.” The magnet may be made “in the form of a metallic web- bing woven of the requisite width and in such a manner as to give it the required degree of flexibility, such metallic webbing being electro-plated for the prevention of chemical " action as required.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 1 74 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF A.D. 1872, November 29.-No. 3600. SEYMOUR, PHILIP WILLIAM.—"Improvements in magnetic " therapeutic plasters." Upon any suitable fabric, a thin layer of magnetic com po- sition is spread. The magnetic composition is a mixture of iron or steel filings and an adhesive compound; another thin sheet of fabric is laid over the magnetic composition and is caused to adhere thereto. Or the plaster may be formed by employing strips or pieces of iron or steel, magnetised, in lieu of filings. The plasters may be perforated or medicated. The metallic ingredients may be magnetised after they are applied to the fabric. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, December 4.-No. 3666. EVANS, MORTIMER.-(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.) --- An “apparatus or mechanism for signalling “ in railway trains.” This invention consists “in the employment of the motive “ force of the train for generating electricity” for the above purposes. The apparatus consists “of a series of permanent magnets " arranged on one or more axles of the engine or carriage “ wheels, or the axles of other vehicles constituting the train, “ and which magnets in rotating with the axles generate electricity. A conductor is situate in connection with each carriage and with the magnets, and communication is “ effected between the carriages throughout the train by jambing a metal block by means of a cam handle between " that handle which constitutes the end of the conductor of one carriage and a powerful spring constituting the adja- cent end of the conductor of the preceding or succeeding carriage. The current so established throughout the train “ is a positive or constant current.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, December 4.-No. 3672. OWEN, ARTHUR SMITH.-(A communication from TVenzel Carl Teuchert.)—“Means for obtaining electric currents.” ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 75 In a double-fluid galvanic cell, the porous vessel is charged with carbon and peroxide of manganese together with chromic acid in crystals. The external vessel contains zinc and salt and water. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] for very A.D. 1872, December 16.-No. 3802. MOSELEY, WALKER. :“Improvements in governors for “ marine and other engines.” To work the electro-magnetic apparatus which is used in this invention, a galvanic battery of the following construction and arrangement is employed. The object of the arrangement is “to obviate the necessity strict attention to the batteries on board ship.” A barrel full of the usual bichromate of potash solution is provided. The battery box is furnished with an inlet and outlet tube, so that, a stop-cock being fixed to each, a weak battery may be emptied and filled in half a minute. Το further prevent doubt or mishap, two relays are introduced into a triple battery. The battery has carbon and zinc plates. When No. 1 battery is too weak, its weakness causes the relay armature to remain in contact with the No. 2 battery connections, and, every time the current passes, a bell is rung to indicate that No. 1 battery wants refilling. A relay is used between Nos, 2 and 3 in the same manner. The inventor also employs, where desirable, "a relay and intensity battery—a Leclanché or similar constant battery “ in order to work the long and short circuits to the best advantage.” [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, December 17.-No. 3823. WELTON, THOMAS. — (Provisional protection only.) — “ The application of natural permanent magnets to articles of wearing apparelor jewellery for curative and other purposes." “Hematite, magnetic iron ore (known as loadstone)” is applied to “wearirg apparel in the form of buttons, discs, or “ tablets, which may be wholly or in part composed of the " said ore, or the same may be placed in any suitable or 76 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF 66 “ convenient covering, such, for instance, as inserting or “ otherwise fixing the same between metal or between leather, cloth, or other textile material. “In the case of jewellery for example a zone ring or small pieces of the magnetic ore may be mounted or set therein. “ Furthermore, pulverised or small pieces of the hematite, “ loadstone, or other natural magnetic iron ore may be mixed “ with the articles or used separately." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 1873. A.D. 1873, January 8.-No. 87. CHISLETT, JOSEPH RALPH.—"Improvements in apparatus “ for employing electricity for curative and remedial pur- poses, and in appliances to be used in connection there. 66 with.” A coil machine for these purposes consists of a conical coil of insulated wire spirally arranged, having a central core of soft iron wires which is capable of being inserted or withdrawn as may be desired. A graduated scale is attached longitudinally to the core, by which “the strength of the current can be regulated and “ noted." Conductors for the application of the current consist of a belt conductor, and other metallic conductors shaped suitably for application to the part of the body which is to be subjected to the electrical influence. These conductors are plated with silver. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, February 19.-No. 618. WILDE, HENRY.-"Improvements in machinery and appa- ratus for producing, regulating, and directing electric light, “ part of which is applicable to other purposes." ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, 77: The first part of this invention relates to improvements on the dynamo-machine described in No. 842, A.D. 1867. ' In this machine, a circle or circles of armatures rotate between a fixed circle of coiled electro-magnets to produce the requisite currents. In the improvements which constitute the present invention the electric currents are not induced in separate armatures but in coils fixed to iron extremities of the electro-magnets, and an iron wheel or disc is made to revolve between the circles of stationary electro-magnets and thus to generate the required electric currents. The electro-magnets may be excited by a separate machine, or by the current from one or more of the stationary coils, in which the major current is induced through the intervention of a commutator. The remaining coils furnish the current for use externally to the machine. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.) A.D. 1873, March 21.–No. 1067. PULVERMACHER, Isac Louis.—(Provisional protection only.) -“ Means of and appliances for the application of magnetism “ in connection with electricity for curative purposes." Magnetised spring steel is tempered and shaped to fit the portion of the body to which it is applied. It may be enclosed in a covering on one or both sides. The magnetised spring steel may be applied direct for con- ducting electric currents to the body; in this case it is coated with nickel or other incorrodible metal. The magnetised steel may be coated partially or wholly with a metal of opposite electric character, so as to produce local electric currents in contact with the skin. It may be perforated and its ends may overlap. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, March 29.—No. 1178. HIGHTON, HENRY.-" Improvements in electric telegraphs part of which improvements are applicable to the construc. " tion of induction coils.” A number of horseshoe electro-magnets, with their poles bronght near to each other, are arranged in pairs, resting the one on the other, so as to form two sets, an upper set and a 78 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF lower set. One set is connected to the primary circuit, the other set forms a secondary circuit. The magnets are of plate iron, the flat sides of the same magnet being opposite to each other. According to another plan, the magnets are not arranged in pairs, and each magnet has a primary and secondary wire. “ The wires of either set may be so joined as to act together “ in the same manner as if they were one thick wire with the current divided through all, or as if they were two, three, or more thinner wires through which the current passes in “ succession,” so as to lessen or increase the resistance to any required extent. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1873, March 31.—No. 1180. JOHNSON, John HENRY.—(A communication from Hippolyte Fontaine.)—“Improvements in magnets.” Instead of rigid bars of steel, a series of very thin flexible magnetised blades is used. These are united into a bundle by bands or bonds of wood or metal. In an arrangement suitable for Gramme's magneto-electric machine, V-shaped bundles of magnetised straight steel blades are secured to armatures or pole pieces that surround the Gramme's ring or annular coil. In another plan, a curved bundle of steel blades is main- tained laterally by two parallel bar magnets, which are con- nected together by copper bands. A pressure screw tightens the blades at the top. . Or the bundle may be fastened at the curved part by a strap. In another form, a circular shape of blades, fastened by a copper band and a lower distance piece of copper, is inserted into iron sockets. In another arrangement, rigid or straight V-shaped steel blades are maintained between two bars of magnetised iron inserted into a wooden frame. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, April 5.-No. 1270. WEBER, LIONEL.—“Improvements in galvanic batteries." This battery consists of carburet of iron, chloride of ammo- nium solution, and amalgamated zinc. The carburet surrounds a ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 79 the negative plate (which may be of lead or retort carbon) and is packed into a porous cell. The porous cell is placed in a glass or porcelain jar having a very much smaller aperture than the body of the jar. The aperture has vertical sides and is made only of sufficient size to admit the porous cell and the zinc connection, so that the overflow of the fluid by the deposit of crystals above the liquid is obviated. The carburet of iron is a mineral, in hard whitish grey lumps. The iron is in large proportion in a high state of oxidation, and the principal feature of this arrangement is that during the working of the battery the oxygen is given up on the carbon or lead plate to form water with the hydrogen that would otherwise be evolved, thus furnishing a strong and lasting galvanic current. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, April 22.-No. 1450. COURTENAY, ROBERT HENELADE. - (Provisional protection only.)- "magneto-electric induction machine." 1st improvement. The whole of the helices are connected, at one of their ends, to a collar of copper; the other ends are connected to a central insulated rod. The currents do not require a commutator to change them. The current is induced by iron wheels in soft iron rods revolving past per. manent or electro-magnets. On the opposite side a series of helices form a half circle, which receives the magnetism from the revolving wheels. On both sides of the iron wheels a series of helices are screwed into iron plates, between which plates the wheels revolve. 2nd improvement.-Collecting from a revolving cylinder of electro-helices the currents generated into a box of mercury for transmission or for use. 3rd improvement.-- Driving the axle of a magneto-electric machine by means of a lever connected with a fly wheel; to the latter is attached a smaller wheel by means of a second leгer. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, April 30.–No. 1567. BARTLETT, EDWARD WILLIAM AUGUSTUS.—“Means for the relief and cure of diseases of the feet.” 80 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF This invention relates to an electric sock, or inner sole, to be placed in the boot or shoe or to be worn inside the stocking. Pairs of zinc and copper discs or plates are embedded at intervals in the soft woollen lining of the sock. The pairs are made so that one metal surrounds the other. The centres are stelliform, and the encircling plates are similarly pointed on the inside. The centres are alternately of zinc and copper. The pairs are uncovered and are coupled by brass wires enclosed in the thickness of the sock, " so as to form a voltaic “ series.” The plates are excited by the moisture of the feet or by a weak aqueous solution of salt or vinegar. The drawings show three pairs of discs arranged in two closed circuits. [Printer, 6d. Drawing.] T A.D. 1873, May 7.- No. 1641. HASELTINE, GEORGE. (A communication from Frank Leonard Pope and William Henry Sawyer.)—A “ process and apparatus for effecting and maintaining a separation “ between two dissimilar liquids, or between a liquid and any substance held in solution or suspension therein, parts of which invention are applicable to the construction of galvanic batteries, and to the refining of spirituons and vinous liquors.” A continuous wire is coiled into a series of flat spirals and placed within the vessel which contains the liquid to be operated upon. The faces of the spirals are horizontal and the spirals are all made in the same direction. On being traversed by an electric current, these spirals become polarised, and if the liquid be a compound its constituents are separated. In a mixed solution of sulphate of zinc and sulphate of copper, the latter will be separated and fall to the bottom. This principle is applied to a double-fluid battery, as a sub- stitute for a porous cell, by having a negative or copper element composed of two spirals, one at the bottom of the vessel and the other about half way up. At the top of the cell a zinc plate is suspended. In another arrangement, a central feeding tube communi. cates with the lower liquid and also with the spirals. The ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, 81 battery can thus be supplied with sulphate of copper crystals without interrupting the action of the battery. [Printed, 81. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, May 10.-No. 1713. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. — (A communication from Gaston Plante.)" Apparatus for lighting lamps, candles, “ and similar purposes." The platinum wire for lighting the lamp is held in clips which unite the poles of a small secondary pair formed of two lead or silver strips coiled helically, dipping in a glass vessel filled with dilute sulphuric acid. The secondary pair is prepared, before it is used for lighting purposes, by passing through it, in opposite directions, once for all, a comparatively powerful current. This preliminary . preparation enables it to accumulate a considerable amount of electric force. The secondary pair, thus prepared, is main- tained by the prolonged action of a weak current from three or four elements of a battery composed of copper, sulphate of copper, zinc, and pure water. The secondary pair may he used after disconnection from the charging battery, even days after charging. A circuit breaker for the primary current is fixed on the base of the box containing the apparatus. It consists of a pin or bolt with a conical catch. In another plan, the poles of the secondary battery curve upwards from the box, and, for charging, they may be placed against a vertical board carrying the poles of the battery. This apparatus may be combined with electric bells. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] , و A.D. 1873, May 21.–No. 1845. TYER, EDWARD.—" Improvements in electric telegraphic apparatus for train signalling on railways.” One of the improvements consists in arranging magneto- electric machines with revolving armatures that overlap the poles of fixed electro-magnets. Four coils are fixed on the poles of two horseshoe permanent magnets; the centres of their soft-iron cores form the four corners of a square. Upon each core is fixed a very thick and broad soft-iron horn 82 DIVISION 1.–GENERATION OF directed towards the centre of the square; the extremity of each horn is cut out in the arc of a circle. The breadth of each horn is equal to the intervening space between neigh. bouring horns at their extremities. An armature, rotating on an axis in the centre of the four coils has its ends shaped off to correspond with the curvature of the extremities of the horns. The armature overlaps the ends of the two opposite horns. Another improvement consists in arranging galvanic batteries so that the negative element is contained in a perforated cell, and the positive elements are supported in slots around the exterior of the cell with their lower ends immersed in a mercury trough formed around the foot of the cell. This cell is placed upon a ledge in the upper portion of the battery jar. The mercury trough also serves to make electric connection with the next battery jar. [Printed, 38. 4d. Drawings.] > 66 A.D. 1873, May 27.-No. 1903. COOKE, CONRAD WILLIAM.—“Improvements in apparatus for winding electro-magnets with insulated wires." This apparatus is applied in the case in which the core can. not be made to revolve so as to wind the insulated wire thereon. The invention is applicable to cores that are curved in outline and irregular in cross section. A sheave is clamped on the soft-iron core of the electro- magnet, and arms that carry bobbins and guide pulleys revolve round the sheave. An eccentric band on the sheave carries the arms, and, on being rotated, it coils the wire or wires on a certain width of the core. The sheave is then shifted, another width is coiled, and so on till the coiling is finished. Instead of being clamped on the core, the sheave may be made to travel along it; this arrangement is used when the same wire has to be coiled continuously. The guide pulleys are so arranged and the wire and winding instrument are so connected to electric indicators as to show any defect of insulation that may be. In the circuit of the wire and the sheave a relay arrangement is included; any want of insulation calls a local electric current into action which rings a bell. If two separate wires are coiled, the relay ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 83 brings into action one of two bells (one to each wire) of different tones. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, May 31.-No. 1969. PULVERMACHER, Isac Louis.—(Provisional protection only.) -“ Improved constructions of metal plates, positive and “ negative," and " methods of attaching or connecting plates " or elements to form chains or batteries for medico-electric “ and other parposes," also “appliances connected therewith “ for the application of electric currents.” 1st. The construction of the positive and negative plates.- In the negative plate two wings are formed, with projecting tongues between them. One wing is larger than the other, and each wing is rolled at the edges. The spaces between the wings receive insulated rolled zinc plates. According to another construction, a portion is cut out between the two wings, and the hooks at each end are formed double. When folded one upon the other the hooks become single but of doubled strength. The wings are rolled. The zincs are of sheet and wire zinc and are connected at the bottom. In another plan, one of the wings is coiled and the other is flat. The method of exciting these batteries may be that of No. 2062, A.D. 1869. 2nd. Methods of attaching the elements to form a chain. The tip of one of the hooks is bent at right angles to its body and goes into a slot in the zinc of the next element. 3rd. An apparatus to interrupt the current.-Between the prongs of a two-armed apparatus an insulated block is placed. The block carries a pair of pinions, with teeth upon a portion only of the periphery. An interrupting wheel is thereby. rotated. 4th. An electric brush.—This instrument is composed of an insulated fabric into which wires are inserted like those of a card. The fabric is secured to two plates. Electric currents are established in the brush by a chain battery, the chain being in a hollow between the plates, or in the handle of the apparatus. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 84 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF A.D. 1873, May 31.-No. 1970. EVANS, MORTIMER.–An "apparatus or mechanism for signal- “ling," also“ operating the brakes, and fastening the carriage “ doors of railway trains.” A portion of this invention relates to magneto-electric machines for working the above mechanism. The magnets may either be permanent magnets or electro-magnets having residual magnetism. In one machine, the bar permanent magnets are fixed to an axle of one of the vans or carriages, parallel thereto. The permanent magnets are in two series, and have a case con- taining bobbins placed between the series. The bobbins are held stationary by means of strong cords that allow the bobbin case to be moved through half a circle when the train is sta- tionary. The apparatus gives alternate electric currents whenever the train is in motion. In another apparatus, the permanent magnets are similarly placed on an axis within the van and are rotated by fric- tion gearing on a shaft that is actuated by the wheel axle of the van. near In a third arrangement, the revolving permanent magnets are placed between two bobbin cases. The bobbins are ar- ranged in two series, one in a circle near the centre of the case, the other series the outside of the case. Radial soft-iron bars connect each coil in the inner series with its corresponding coil in the outside series; the permanent magnets are also arranged in inner and outer series. In a fourth arrangement, the magnets are electro-magnets with residual magnetism, and the current is supplied from a ring-shaped bobbin. In a fifth plan, an upright, fixed, permanent horseshoe magnet carries bobbins in front of which a lever armature vibrates in a vertical plane. This machine is worked by a cam on the wheel axle of the van. (Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, June 5.-No. 2006. SIEMENS, CHARLES WILLIAM.—(A communication from Werner Siemens and Friedrich Von Hefner Alteneck.)" Improvements ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 85 " in apparatus for producing and regulating electric currents, “ such apparatus being particularly applicable for electric “ ligbting.” In the dynamo-machine which forms the subject of this invention, a coiled shell revolves in an annular space between fixed magnetic poles and a fixed internal cylinder of iron, which may be independently magnetised. This shell is coiled longitudinally. The wire, instead of being coiled along a shell, may be coiled longitudinally over the external surface of an iron cylinder which revolves within magnetic poles. The shell may be coiled both externally and internally and may be com- bined with external and internal magnets. The wires may be coiled singly or in duplicate. Spring terminals are used for the wires of the coils. These may be arranged cylindrically or radially, so as to be brought by rotation successively into contact with spring rollers. The contact springs yield a little to the pressure of the roller and thus remain for a longer period in contact with it, so that before one is removed from contact another comes into con- tact and thus sparks are avoided. According to the arrangements for conducting away the currents from the machine, they may be continuous or inter- mittent in one direction, or they may be alternately reversed by means of commutators. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, June 10.-No. 2053. SANDY, JOHN HENRY.—“ Improvements in galvanic batteries, " and in the fittings, mountings, and apparatus connected “ therewith.” The exciting fluid is applied through the interposition of pads of absorbent material, kept moist by capillary attraction. The pads are carried in a frame that may be moved up or down in the battery case, so as to raise them between the bat- tery plates when the battery has to be used, and to depress them into a chamber containing the exciting liquid when the battery is to be put out of action. The battery may be contained in a case or box having a 86 DIVISION I.- GENERATION OF hinged cover which raises or lowers the pads by means of a toothed rack and pinion or a quadrantal rack, or by a lever arm or slide. Or the pads may be mounted on a shaft, each being like a single eye glass and carried in a separate frame. The acid reservoir is entirely clear of the plates and may be filled with india rubber sponge or other absorbent material. The number of elements or pairs in circuit is regulated by means of a a “coupler” which consists of a longitudinal screw carrying a "traverser.” The traverser acts as a bind- ing screw to make contact with a greater or less number of plates according to its position on the screw; it acts by means of springs or contact pieces, in connection with buttons or screw heads on the plates. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, June 13.—No. 2101. GREER, FREDERICK HENRY.—(Provisional protection only.) Improvements in telegraphing and in collecting electricity “ for telegraphing and other purposes.” In order to produce electric power, the electrical stratum high in the air is connected with the earth. Cones, or weather vanes of large size, are placed on the highest points of the most lofty mountains, or upon “tele- "scopic towers." They are placed horizontally or vertically. Each vane is made in sections insulated from each other ; the first section is of copper and has a mouth from which removable lightning rods project; the second section is of zinc and terminates in a ventilator from which projects a copper vane which points upwards and carries a lightning rod. The mouth of the vane is in the direction from which the wind blows. The vanes revolve upon a mast well insulated from the earth and capped with copper plating. The circuit wires are taken from the copper plating and the vane. According to another plan, an upper and an under air current may form the electrical circuit with or without arti- ficial batteries. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 87 66 A.D. 1873, June 13.-No. 2102. FITZ-GERALD, DESMOND GERALD, and MOLLOY, BERNARD CHARLES.—"Improvements in the production of chromic acid, compounds containing chromic acid, and certain other compounds of chromium.” The inventors use as oxidising agents in voltaic batteries and otherwise, “the insoluble chromates of chromium, pro- " duced under certain conditions by adding a solution of the " normal chromate of potash to a solution of sulphate of “ chromium or of chrome alum.” [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, June 13.-No, 2103. FITZ-GERALD, DESMOND GERALD, and MOLLOY, BERNARD CHARLES.—“Improvements in the construction and working " of voltaic batteries.” 1st. The negative element (preferably carbon)—which may be either flat or cylindrical-divides the cell into two compart- ments, and is pierced with apertures which are filled up with a non-conducting porous material, so as to allow of the passage of local currents from the polarised surface of the element to the other surface which is maintained in contact with a fluid capable of oxidising nascent hydrogen. One compartment contains the positive element and an electrolyte. The other compartment contains the fluid that oxidises nascent hydrogen. When the carbon elements are of large surface, they are built up of numerous fragments of carbon, the spaces between which are filled up with porous material. 2nd. The negative element of these batteries is excited by the insoluble chromates of lime, baryta, and chromium, which may be mixed with sulphuric acid. A little nitric acid may be added for powerful effects. Next the negative element, or in the negative compartment, a mixture of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid is used by preference. The positive compartment is charged with dilute sulphuric acid, or solution of sal ammoniac, or of common salt. 88 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF a a In single-fluid batteries the zinc is protected by a casing of plaster of Paris. When a mixture of chromate of lime and oil of vitriol is used, the valuable salt sulphate of chromium exists in solution with sulphate of zinc. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, June 17.-No. 2133. LITTLE, GEORGE.—(Provisional protection only.) —"Improve- “ ments in automatic telegraph apparatus for preparing paper, “ and transmitting and receiving messages.” The condenser used in carrying out this invention is made of lead. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, June 27.-No. 2232. VARLEY, FREDERICK HENRY--—"Improvements in trans- “ mitting and recording telegraph signals, and means of “ transcribing, and apparatus connected therewith.” A galvanic battery, which forms a part of this invention, secures mechanical separation and chemical continuity between the positive and negative electric excitants in the following manner :- The negative element is made in the shape of a fluid-tight chamber, open at the top. Over the sides, on the exterior and interior, a porous fabric is placed, so as to act as a capillary syphon. The chamber is placed in an outer vessel which contains the positive element. The battery is complete when the chamber and the outer vessel are charged with an exciting fluid. Sulphate of copper may be placed in the negative chamber and acidulated water outside of it. According to another arrangement, a compartment with a partition made of the negative element may be substituted for the fluid-tight chamber; in this case a separate negative element appears also to be used in the negative compartment. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 89 A.D. 1873, June 28.-No. 2254. FIELD, EDWARD.—“Counteracting incrustation in and de- “ taching it from steam boilers or apparatus for imparting “ heat to liquids." The galvanic battery nsed in connection with this invention is a constant gravitating battery. A circular copper plate lies on the bottom of a jar which has internal lugs upon which the circular zinc plate is supported horizontally. The cover of the jar has a central hole through which a glass tube passes nearly to the bottom of the jar; the tube contains sulphate of copper crystals. A wire from the copper passes up the tube and one from the zinc passes through the aperture in the cover. Upon the jar being filled up with warm water, the apparatus is ready for action. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, June 30.--No. 2266. ZANNI, GEMINIANO.-—"Improvements in magneto-electric Morse ink printing telegraphic apparatus.” In the magneto-electric machine employed with this appara- tus a compound permanent horseshoe magnet is arranged with an armature that revolves by clockwork, the speed of which is regulated by a governor actuated by spur gear in connection with the armature. A compensating rotating fly may be substituted for the governor. (Printed, 18. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1873, July 7.—No. 2343. HOGHTON, FRANCIS ROBERT.-An "instrument or appliance for treating and caring deafness and noises in the head.” Two short and tapered tubes, one of copper, the other of zinc, are inserted one into the other, so as to leave a concentric annular space between them into which exciting fluid can be poured to generate a galvanic current. The instrument is inserted into the ear, a disc preventing it from entering too far. (Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 90 DIVISION I-GENERATION OF . A.D. 1873, August 7.-No. 2656. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. - (4 communication from Frank Leonard Pope.)—"Improvements in railway signal apparatus." In a magneto-electric arrangement, a soft-iron armature, wound longitudinally with insulated wire, is vibrated between the poles of a number of adjacent horseshoe permanent magnets by a lever handle, thus generating alternate electric currents. In another plan, a revolving Siemens' armaturc is mounted, between permanent magnets, upon the shaft of the semaphore signal, to generate to-and-fro electric currents whenever the signal is worked. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, September 9.—No. 2956. FRÉRET, LEON.-(A communication from Hyppolyte Guerot and Oscar Lesourd.)–(Provisional protection only).--An "electric battery.” In this galvanic battery the porous cell is coated over nearly its entire surface with enamel or varnish to prolong the process of filtering. The charge for the battery is in a comparatively dry state and contains bichromate of potash, sulphate of iron, sulphate of soda, and oil of vitriol. Or bichromate of potash with oil of vitriol may be used; or bichromate of potash with sulphate of magnesia, or other soluble body that contains a large quantity of oxygen. Water is placed in the exterior jar and gradually dissolves the saline mixture in the porous cell in which is the zinc; carbon is the negative plate. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, September 10.-No. 2969. MOSELEY, WALKER.—"Improvements in electrical signal apparatus.” In an apparatus for indicating a water level, when the water rises above the slab or top plate of the battery, it partially dissolves some sulphate of mercury at the bottom of the battery trough and puts the battery into action, Sea water may be used without the mercurial salt, ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 91 In a sulphate of lead battery employed in carrying out this invention, the negative plate is made up of cups of pure solid tin into which the sulphate of lead is placed. The cups are fixed one above the other on a central tin wire so as not to touch the porous cell containing them. A zinc cylinder surrounds the porous cell, and the whole is placed in an earthenware jar containing a saturated solution of sea salt. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, September 25.--No. 3136. WEIL, FRÉDÉRIC, and MAXWELL-LYTE, FARNHAM.- “ Modifications and improvements in coating iron and steel “ with certain metals, with special application to coppering or covering iron ships with an adherent and protective “ coating of a less oxydable metal, and in general coating large or small pieces of iron and steel, and particularly iron “ ships with copper, and in apparatus for that purpose.' Instead of keeping metallic zinc in contact with the object to be coated, as in No. 497, A.D. 1864, a kind of alkaline battery is employed. In a vessel composed of porous material or furnished with a porous septum, is placed a zinc plate in a solution of caustic alkali. The porous vessel is placed in the metallic bath of the metal to be deposited and is connected by a wire, as in the single-cell process, with the article to be coated. When the alkaline solution becomes saturated with zinc, it is withdrawn and replaced by fresh strong alkaline solution. This withdrawn solution may be regenerated by precipitating the zinc with an alkaline sulphide. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1873, October 24.-No. 3461. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD.—(A communication from José Santiago Camacho.)—"Improvements in the construction of " electro-magnets." This electro-magnet is made of a series of concentric tubes of soft iron, all of equal length. Each tube is surrounded by one or more coils of insulated conducting wire. The several cylinders are placed upon a plate. 92 DIVISION 1.- GENERATION OF The currents induced upon each coil, from the central coil to the exterior coil, strengthen each other so that the outer tube has the greatest magnetic power. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, October 29.-No. 3519. PULVERMACHER, Isac Louis.-"Generating, conducting " and applying electricity for medical and other purposes." 1st. In constructing negative plates for chain batteries, plates with wings are rolled to receive the positive plates; these batteries may be excited either by perspiration, or as single-fluid cells, or as constant batteries by fitting cores to the arrangement as in No. 2062, A.D. 1869. Thread, in open wrappings, may be temporarily gummed to the positive metals to permit of their being subsequently bent without disturbing the threads. 2nd. The formation of metallic bands.—Positive and negative wires are wound separately upon edge tapes or cords. A sticky substance may be used to fix these bands to the body. A band may be provided with a cover or bag, the exciting liquid being forced between the positive and negative metals. Depolarising chemicals may be employed in the form of paste or solution to be absorbed by a porous coating. Hooks may form the connection between the links of the chain or band. Insulating materials may be used to keep neighbouring spirals from contact when they are rolled into a block. 3rd. Mechanical interruptors.-A two-armed apparatus has prongs which can be brought into contact by toothed pinions and bars in connection with a star wheel or disc with studs. The disc may be kept out of contact when desired; it is operated by a lever from the outside. 4th. An electric brush is composed of an insulating fabric with a metallic backing. Wires are inserted through the fabric, like a "card"; the fabric is secured to the edges of two plates curved in opposite directions to form a hollow between them for the insertion of a voltaic chain. [Printed, 28. Dravings.] a ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 93 A.D. 1873, October 30.-No. 3540. FAURE, CAMILLE ALPHONSE.—(Provisional protection only.) Improvements in the construction of thermo-electric " batteries or piles, and in the application of the electric “ currents derived therefrom through the medium of a novel arrangement of electro magnets." A thermo-pile is constructed by laying two plates of metal face to face with a space between them which is filled with powdered galena. In practice, the galena is placed between two hollow concentric cylinders of cast iron, the inner one forming the flue to a furnace, the outer one being a trough to contain water. For galena may be substituted “nickel and its copper compounds, selenium, or sulphate of copper.” A Cornish boiler with a double shell may thus be converted into a thermo-pile. The magnetic arrangement, for use in connection with the above themo-pile, consists of an electro-magnet with a number of insulated strands, the extremities of which are connected separately to the poles of the thermo-pile. A revolving arma- ture in front of the magnetic poles furnishes the current for use. When currents of high tension are required, a secon- dary wire is wound round the electro-magnet; the interrup- tions of the primary circuit generate the required currents in the secondary wire. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, November 18.--No. 3736. DARLOW, WILLIAM, and FAIRFAX, HENRY.—“Improve- “ ments in magneto appliances and in magneto-electric apparatus for curative and other purposes." 1st. The protection and insulation of portable magnets.—A permanent portable magnet is covered with a thin non-conduct- ing waterproof case; or it may be covered with varnish or with metallic foil. The insulating material is placed so as to overlap the edges of the magnet enclosed therein. The margin of insulating material enables the magnet to be attached to a garment. The poles of the magnet may be insulated as above, but the central portion may be covered with sealing wax. The magnets may be of corrugated shape 94 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF so that they may be interlaced in any garment and thus attached to it. Another improvement consists in rendering the centre of the steel magnet soft, " thereby intensifying the magnetic power of the magnets at the poles.” 2nd. Magneto-electric machines.--"A spiral of magnets" is revolved, so as to act on a series of soft iron or other “ magnetic conductors attached to or forming part of a brass or other electrical conducting keyboard or comb." [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, November 27.—No. 3879. STEARNS, JOSEPI BARKER. -“Improvements in electric “ telegraph apparatus.” A condenser may be made in the form of a submarine cable. A metal of high specific resistance, either in the form of fine wire or thin ribbon, may be used for the conductor. The wire is wound helically round a thick cord and is covered with “a coating as thin as possible of some dielectric possess- “ ing great inductive capacity.” [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, December 2.-No. 3943. VERDEAU, ERNEST. —An "electric pile to be used in tele- graphy, locomotion, and electrical lighting." In this double-fluid battery, a worm or helix of iron wire surrounds a porous cell that contains retort carbon ; the whole is placed in a glass vessel. The liquid in each vessel is hydro- chloric acid ; nitric acid may be used in the porous cell when great power is required. The addition of urine to the hydro- chloric acid neutralises the evolved gas. A modified form of this battery is in three pieces instead of four, namely, a cast-iron vessel, a porous cell and retort carbon. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1873, December 30.–No. 4277. HIGHTON, HENRY.-"Improvements in electric telegraphs." A small magneto-electric machine, of a peculiar construc- tion, is used at the receiving end of a telegraph line "to multiply the power of a current." 1 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 95 The line-wire current passes round the legs of a horseshoe magnet. The prolonged poles of the magnet are bent towards each other, so as nearly to meet, but they are separated by brass strips so as to allow a Siemens' armature to revolve between them. From the armature, by means of com- mutators, a secondary current is produced, which acts more powerfully upon the receiving instrument than the line-wire current. Instead of passing round a magnet, the line wire may be formed into a coil. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 1874. A.D. 1874, January 7.-No. 94. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD.—(A communication from James Bennett Stone.)—“Improvements in electro-magnets, and in " the application of the same for obtaining motive power.” The faces of the electro-magnets are constructed in corru- gated or channelled courses. The backs of the magnets are loaded with iron or other magnetic metal. (Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, January 21.–No. 265. MONCKTON, EDWARD HENRY CRADOCK.—“Improvements in magnetic engines, and in producing motive power, and in “ the apparatus for producing such motive power.” Condensers are used in this invention; they may be made of thin sheet copper, thin sheet iron, or tinned or zinced sheet iron, or sheet zinc, or of electro-plated metals or metallic coats burnished. A condenser may be made by filling large iron tubes “with iron turnings covered with thick insulated copper wire;" the iron tubes are split longitudinally. In a galvanic battery, sheet silver is embedded in a block of chloride of silver. The block is folded up in porous paper or cloth, moistened with chloride of zinc solution, and is placed 66 a 96 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF in contact with zinc plates. The chloride may be compressed into porous cells for use, and these may be immersed in com- mon salt solution. Another battery consists of a porous cell packed with peroxide of manganese, carbon, chloride of sodium solution and zinc. Nitrate of silver damped with nitric acid, carbon, and lime, forms a battery. Another battery is formed by a mixture of graphite, coal, charcoal, and peroxide of man. ganese damped with dilute sulphuric acid; the whole in a porous cell is placed in a saline solution together with the positive element, which may be zinc or iron. Porous cells may be made of sand agglutinated by heat, or of Burnet's woven hose. Zinc in sea water, in connection with the iron hull of a vessel, forms another galvanic arrangement; in wooden vessels, separated sheathings of zinc and copper are used. Electric piles consist of plumbago paper, and thin sheet zinc. In induction coils or electro-magnets, insulation is accom- plished by sheets of paper covered with sulphur or its pre- parations. The wire may be coated with sulphur or arsenic. Coils may have spaces of air between them, and may be en- cased in vapour of turpentine. For tension coils, glass lined with sulphur is used as a base. In electro-magnets, very long and thin magnets are used with a single coil of wire. The thin poles of these magnets are secured to solid pieces of soft iron. A thin coil may be placed at the poles, and a thicker coil in the middle of the magnet. For curative purposes, large circular magnets are employed, or coiled magnetised steel wire is wound round the diseased part. In magneto-electric machines, the poles of the electro-mag- nets are tapered and are curved so as to fit the circle of the revolving armatures; the outer ends of the armatures are also · curved. Magnetised iron rings, or discs, together with copper rings, are employed. Armatures may have spokes like a wheel. The magnet is preferably placed in connection with the earth by means of a conductor. In thermo-electric batteries, an alloy of antimony, bismuth, and arsenic is used. Air which has been heated, and thus deprived of oxygen, is employed to excite these batteries. [Printed, 2s. 20. Drawings.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 97 а A.D. 1874, January 29.-No. 380. BOUSFIELD, GEORGE TOMLINSON. (A communication from Henry Julius Smith.)—“Improvements in electrical machines.” This machine consists of an outer vulcanite covering con- taining a frame plate, a flat condenser, a generating plate and a handle with an axis. The whole is enclosed in a wooden box. The frame plate and the condenser are connected together by four posts, and they are movable on the axis to a certain extent. The generating plate lies between the condenser and the frame plate; it revolves between two cushions with springs of hard rubber. The condenser is formed of alternate layers of vulcanite and tin foil. At the forward motion of the handle, the condenser rotates through a small arc, so that its terminals go away from the electrodes. The condenser is discharged by a retrograde motion of the handle which brings two of the posts into con- tact with the electrodes. The casing is air-tight, and a pouch surrounds the machine, thus keeping the same atmosphere within it. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] - 66 A.D. 1874, February 3.-No. 439. HIGHTON, HENRY.-- (Provisional protection only.) — “Im- provements in electric telegraphs.” A secondary battery consists of “pairs of plates of metal or “ carbon arranged in the manner of plates in a galvanic " battery excepting that only one conducting liquid is used, and the two plates in each pair are similar to one another.” (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1874, April 4.–No. 1169. VOISIN, JEAN Alexis, and DRONIER, PIERRE.—A "method of and apparatus for producing a light." In this invention a bichromate of potash battery with car- bon negative plates and zinc positive plate is used. The zinc plate is short and is mounted between the carbon plates, so that, ordinarily, the zinc is out of the liquid, but it Q 3753. D 98" DIVISION I. GENERATION OF a can be immersed to a definite depth in the solution by means of a rod continued upwards from the zinc and carrying a helical spring. The carbon plates are kept immersed in the liquid. When the knob, at the top of the rod, is depressed, by the finger, to the utmost, the zinc plate is lowered until it meets with a non-conducting stop piece passing transversely between the carbons. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, April 6.-No. 1199. CLAMOND, CHARLES.—“Improvements in thermo-electric - piles.” This invention is based upon that set forth in No. 3060, A.D. 1868, but it differs from it in respect to the construction of the bars and to the method of applying the heat. The bars are radial, so as to form a cylinder having & vertical and central passage for the application of heat. A tube of refractory earth, having perforations upon its circum- ference, is placed in the vertical passage, leaving an annular space between it and the internal extremities of the bars for the radiation of heat. The tube is provided with a Bunsen burner. Coke may be used, instead of gas, to heat the pile; it is enclosed in a column of cast iron and rests upon a jointed grate, by opening which the residues can be removed. The fire is fed at the top of the column. Each bar is preferably made of an alloy of antimony and zinc. To collect the current each bar is provided with plates. Those which are in contact with the hot parts of the bars are sealed by means of a metallic ring soldered to the receiving plate. The ring is placed in the mould previous to the casting of the bar therein and becomes sealed in the bar. Those plates which are at the cold parts of the bars are sealed flat- wise thereon. To prevent cracks in the ars, the moulds are previously heated almost to the point of fusion of the alloy, and the filled moulds are allowed to cool slowly. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 99 A.D. 1874, April 11.–No. 1255. BENNETT, ALFRED. — “ Improvements in galvanic bat. “ teries." This battery consists of a porous cell containing graphite, packed with pieces of graphite, either alone, or together with peroxide of manganese and caustic potash or soda. The external vessel in which the porous cell is placed contains a rod of zinc placed in caustic potash or soda. A cover is sealed over the whole, the outer jar being, for that purpose, higher than the porous cell. Water, poured into the outer vessel, brings the battery into action. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, June 23.–No. 2179. COURTENAY, ROBERT HENRY.—(Provisional protection only.) -"Improvements in induction coils.” A soft-iron core is surrounded by a copper wire coil, which is also surrounded by a hollow iron cylinder, then a copper coil, then an iron cylinder, and so on alternately to any re- quired extent. The wires are so connected as to give the proper magnetic polarity to the core and the cylinders, as in ordinary coils. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, July 14.- No. 2462. NEWTON, ALFRED VINCENT.-(A communication from George Lionel Leclanché.)—“Improvements in the manufacture of electric batteries.” In this single-fluid galvanic battery, the negative element is formed by the agglomeration of solid depolarising mixtures by hydraulic pressure. The mixture may contain an oxide of manganese, carbon, and a binding material such as resin; these are in a state of powder before being compressed in the heated mould. The mixture is compressed so as to form a cylindrical block. A plag of graphite is inserted into the top of the block, and a binding screw is fitted to the upper end of the plug which is protected by a metal binding tube filled with resin. D 2 J00 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF A zinc rod is connected by bands to the block, a filling piece of wood being interposed to keep them apart. The battery may be excited by a solution of sal ammoniac. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1874, July 28.--No. 2625. SLATER, THOMAS.—“Improvements in electro-magnets and “ in batteries or apparatus to be employed therewith.” In the galvanic battery, a series of carbon plates are arranged around a cylindrical porous cell, either on its inside or outside, so as to be quite close to the cell. A metallic ring, with openings to receive the carbon plates, serves to make metallic contact with the carbons. Zinc or iron is the posi. tive metal and the battery may be worked as a Bunsen battery. The core of the electro-magnet is conical. At the apex of the cone a screw and nut secures the magnet to the apparatus to which it is to be applied. The base of the cone forms the pole of the magnet. The base of the cone may be twice the height of the cone. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, July 28.-No. 2628. WELTON, THOMAS.—"Apparatus for generating and apply- “ing electricity for therapeutic parposes." The apparatus consists of a galvanic locket.” In one instance, a plate of gilt copper stamped into a con- cave form is joined to a similar plate with tongues and loops, so as to enclose between the two concavities a piece of zinc surrounded with flannel and insulated from the exterior plates. The flannel is charged with the exciting liquid. The locket is suspended by a loop on the copper plates, and has a metallic appendage to the zinc plate. Other instances :—The box may be of zinc, magnesium, or aluminium, and may contain carbon. The carbon may be ex. terior and may contain within it the positive metal. One side of the box may be positive, the other negative. The plates may be affixed by sewing or otherwise. The exterior plates may be perforated. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 101 A.D. 1874, July 28.–No. 2637. WINTER, GEORGE KIFT.-" Electrical intercommunication in " trains." In this invention, a modification of Leclanché's battery is employed; the cell has a high electro-motive force and small internal resistance. The porous cell containing the carbon and manganese is placed in a vessel containing sand moistened with sal ammoniac solution. The porous cell is surrounded by a cylindrical zinc plate. The sand may be covered with a layer of pitch having holes to supply the solution and for the escape of air or gas. [Printed, 28. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, September 16.-No. 3156. WERDERMANN, RICHARD.-" Improvements in magneto- " electric machines.” The electric currents from these machines flow in the same direction. In one machine, an armature or coil with an annular core revolves on an axis at right angles to the plane of the an- nulus, between horseshoe permanent magnets. Electro- magnets may be used instead of permanent magnets, and they may be excited by one or more currents from the annular armature. The magnets are so placed that the wire on one side of the annulus is constantly influenced by magnetic poles of the same polarity, and on the other side by the opposite polarity. The sections of the wire of the armature are so connected with brass blocks that the electro-motive force of the current can be regulated by the insertion of plugs, as it is regulated by joining up the cells of a galvanic battery. A number of armatures may be placed on the same axis between" polyfurcated" electro-magnets of opposite polarities. Collectors or hoops on the axis, but insulated therefrom, are connected with the coil so as to collect the current or currents from the axis by rubbers. In another plan, a horseshoe electro-magnet has polar extensions, between which an ellipsoid coiled with wire may revolve, the axis passing through the polar extensions so that 102 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF each half of the core is exposed to opposite polarities ; each half of the core is wound in opposite directions. The current is collected from the ends of the axis by mercury cups in which the ends of the insulated conductors revolve. In another machine, the armature is screw-formed; the outside of the screw is exposed to one magnetic polarity and the inside to the opposite polarity. The polar extensions of the electro-magnets are of electro- deposited iron, and the parts opposite the armatures are roughened. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] 99 A.D. 1874, September 21.--No. 3222. SMITH, GEORGE EDWARD. Improvement in galvanic “ batteries." This invention consists in using, as an exciting fluid, an aqueous solution containing a mixture of chlorates [chlorides ?] and hydrates of sodium, potassium, or ammo- nium. The battery preferred consists of a carbon plate packed in a porous cell with small pieces of carbon, together with a zinc positive plate. The exciting fluid contains sodic chloride and sodic hydrate. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, September 30.-No. 3351. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from William Lambrecht and Frederick Wippern.)–(Provisional protection only.)--" Improvements in galvano-hydrostatic apparatus for “ igniting, illuminating, and telegraphic purposes." Pneumatic pressure, by blowing in or pumping in air, brings the liquid of a galvanic pair into contact with the plates, as long as the air is not allowed to escape. A glass vessel, widened at the bottom, receives the liquid and the metallic elements, zinc and carbon for instance. The carbon element consists of a fluted cylinder which rests on a carbon disc, arranged on the top of a cylinder of slag lead, the inner space of which is connected by a tube to a pump or other apparatus for compressing air. The carbon and the zinc ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 103 cylinder within it, and concentric with it, are fastened to the cover. The apparatus, as a whole, can be lifted out of the glass. A modification consists of horizontal elements shaped like discs. The lower zinc disc floats on mercury in an ebonite plate, and the carbon disc rests on an insulating flange of vulcanite. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, October 6.-No. 3420. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE.—(A communication from Joseph Charles Clamond and Ladislas Adolphe Gaiffe.)—“An improved " electric battery, and methods of preparing the same.” This galvanic battery consists of a carbon element contain- ing hydrated sesqui-oxide of iron, prepared as a depolarising agent, in combination with zinc and a solution of an ammo- niacal salt, chloride of ammonium being preferred. One method of preparing the carbon element is :-Sesqui- oxide of iron is precipitated by ammonia from perchloride of iron. This precipitate is moistened, made into a paste, mixed with small coke, and filled into a porous cell around a carbon prism. In another method, the carbon is immersed in a solution of perchloride of iron and then in ammonia, so as to precipitate the sesquioxide in the pores of the carbon. According to another plan, finely-divided iron is mixed with the substances of which carbon, prepared by calcination, is made. The mixture is then calcined and moistened with a solution of an ammoniacal salt. The iron is oxidised by ex- posure to the air. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, October 12.-No. 3509. MONCKTON, EDWARD HENRY CRADOCK.—" Improvements in galvanic batteries, and in the means of generating the electric current, and in their application to produce motive power and other useful objects, and for the apparatus and appliances necessary to effect the same.” 104 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF a The method of producing galvanic electricity from a ship's bottom and propeller, described in No. 265, A.D. 1874, is mentioned as being improved upon by the present invention. Sea water, the sheathing of a ship, and zinc, or its alloys with lead, are used to produce galvanic electricity; for this purpose, woollen cloth, or other fabric, is interposed between the zinc and the negative metal. The screw propeller is surrounded with a cylindrical case in a fixed cylinder of zinc, separated from it by a piece of cloth. A sheet zinc and copper couple, or a cast- iron and zinc arrangement, is introduced into longitudinal tubes in the hull of the vessel. The carbons for a carbon battery may be made from charred wood, coal, or peat. While at a red heat in the mould, the carbons are subjected to strong electric action to consolidate them. They are then saturated with plumbago and again charred. Pieces of this carbon, mixed with manganese, and in conjunction with zinc, and with salt and dilute sulphuric acid, form a battery. Another plan is with carbon or copper together with zinc or iron and the acidulated common salt solution. Or the exciting fluid may be nitrate of soda or potash solution; or nitrate, sulphate, or chloride of copper, with a little sulphuric acid. Or silver and zinc, or iron may be used with nitrate of silver with a little sulphuric acid. Or (with a carbon battery) solution of sulphate or nitrate of iron with common salt or chloride of iron, "actuated with nitric “ acid," may be employed. Various devices are used to approach the metals near to one another, a circulation of liquid between the plates being kept up by a vibratory or rotary motion. The cases to hold the materials composing these batteries are made deep, so that the part of the solution which is saturated with zinc salt may be drawn off from the bottom. In the above batteries, porous cells may or may not be used. Carbon and lead, with acetic acid baving a cnrrent of carbonic acid gas passing through it, may be used. Copper and carbon electrodes, with acetate of soda, actuated by sulphuric acid, give acetate of copper. When common salt actuated by pyroligneous acid is the solution, chloride of zinc. and acetate of soda is the result. The battery plates may be immersed in a solution of common salt and sulphuric acid made into a mud by the admixture of powdered manganese a ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, 105 and carbon. Batteries may be made of carbon and mercury, with a perchloride solution, to effect the reduction of zinc from the chloride, and to aid amalgamation, &c. Reflectors and lenses are employed to heat the junctions of thermo-electric arrangements by the concentration of the T sun's rays. In electro-magnets, the coils are cased with iron slit cylin- ders. These may be superposed so as to form compound magnets. Rods or thin sheets of iron may be used as cores ; other similar plans are mentioned. Permanent circular mag- nets are magnetised by rotation over the poles of electro. magnets continued whilst tbey are being withdrawn from them. Electro-magnets with “ continuous polarity” are made by coiled thin iron plates joined up to a back plate of iron. Holtz's machine or other rotating electric discs,” have the electric current from them modified by passing it through condensers of various sizes. In induction coils, iron cylinders enclose the wire, which is of smaller and smaller diameter, “ progressionally,” outside each successive cylinder. Cylinder magnets have several bar magnets united together circularly at one end to an iron disc, at the other to a ring. The curved part of horseshoe magnets are united in a circle to iron discs and their poles to iron rings. Discs with slots or with spiral grooves, may be coiled to form electro-magnets; modifications are mentioned. [Printed, 18, 4l. Drawing.] d 2 9 A.D. 1874, October 14.- No. 3539. SUCH, HERBERT John.-(A communication from Felix Henry Benary, Thomas T. Anthony, and Carl Heinrich E. Seimunuls.)— Improvements in arranging and mounting ships' compasses to prevent local attraction.” This invention relates to a “system of galvanic isolation.” An ordinary compass in a wooden box is placed in a zinc box, which has zinc plates extending at right angles from its exterior surface. The whole apparatus is placed in a box lined with glass cemented together, or in a glass vessel within an outer box. a RE 106 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF 9 Glass tubes are secured on the outside of the zinc box, These are filled with a solution of sal ammoniac and salt "to “ cool the battery.” Platinum wires may pass through the glass tubes and may be united together where they meet at the top of the compass. The space between the wooden box and the zinc box is filled with powdered charcoal closely compressed and slightly sprinkled with an aqueous solution containing alum and gum arabic. A fine copper wire is rove through holes in the zinc plates, commencing at the bottom and ending on the top so as to surround the box; the ends of the wire are united. Thin leaves of tinfoil are pasted over the glass plates, and the space between the zinc box and the glass vessel is filled with powdered glass, closely compressed, completely covering the copper wire, and forming a compact mass, which is saturated with a solution containing salphuric acid, muriatic acid, ether, and distilled water. A sheet of tinfoil is placed over the powdered glass, and the whole is covered with cotton and surmounted with a wooden top that has an aperture through which the compass may be seen. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1874, October 23.-No. 3663. MUIRHEAD, Joun, junior.-" Improvements in electric tele- graphs.” An accumulator or condenser, used in this invention, is made by taking two strips of thin metal or tinfoil and laying the one over the other separated by an insulating material. The tinfoil is arranged in a continuous line, so that a resistance is obtained corresponding to the length of metal employed. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] - A.D. 1874, November 14.—No. 3935. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. - (4 communication from William Edward Sawyer.)-“ Improvements in chemical copy. ing telegraphs, electrical circuits, and apparatus connected " therewith, otherwise designated as facsimile autographic or "pantographic telegraphs or pantelegraphs, the said im- provements being also applicable to other telegraphs." 66 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 107 An accumulator or condenser, used in this invention, is made by taking two strips of thin metal or tin-foil and laying them one over the other separated by an insulating material. The tin-foil is arranged in a continuous line, so that a resis- tance is obtained corresponding to the length of metal em- ployed. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] 9) A.D. 1874, November 16.-No. 3937. PULVERMACHER, Isac Louis.—" Generating, conducting, " measuring, or testing and applying electricity for medical " and other purposes." A series of dished or cone-shaped plates are strung upon a central tube perforated at intervals. The plates are of posi- tive and negative metal and are separated by fibrous texture so as to form galvanic elements. The tube furnishes the means of automatic feed and the negative plates are open-worked. The connections may be quickly changed from quantity to tension and vice versa. In a modification of this arrangement the conductable connections, in superposed elements, are effected by ordinary dress pins. An exciting solution of chloride of sodium and pyrogallic acid is used. When flat spirals or helices of zinc and copper wire aro employed, the naked wires are prevented from touching one another by strips of gutta percha having grooves. End buckles enclose the terminal elements and shut like a hinge. They are like those described in No. 3519, A.D. 1873. Threads are fastened on zinc cylinders to prevent their con- tact with the copper cylinders, in chain batteries, by means of a series of diagonally stamped slots, into which the threads are compressed by the pinching of the surrounding copper cylinder. Galvanic and magnetic band batteries are made from plates united together by threads shaped into loops, forming simple flexible batteries. These flexible batteries may be made in two rows which fold upon one another so as to enclose between them a fabric moistened with the exciting fluid. [Printed, 18. 21. Drawing.] a 108 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF A.D. 1874, December 28.-No. 4453. BONNEVILLE, HENRI ADRIEN. - (A communication from Theophile Chutaua.)-An "electric battery, and obtaining an “ excitant for working the same." This galvanic battery is made up of an exterior cylindrical vessel and a porous cell ; in the former is placed a zinc plate, circular in plan ; in the latter a carbon rod, surrounded by fragments of retort carbon. The porous cell is much higher than the outer vessel, so as to form a constant feed tank; it rests upon a perforated vessel which receives the waste pro- ducts of the outer cell. Syphons are used to discharge or charge the cells respectively, without stopping the working of the arrangement. The aqueous solution used contains the persulphate of potas. sium made by dissolving ordinary sulphate of potassium in heated sulphuric acid and crystallising. The porous cell may be charged with a solution of bichromate of potassium and of the persulphate, and the outer cell with a solution of the per- sulphate only. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 1875. A.D. 1875, January 6.- No. 58. WOLLASTON, CHARLTON JAMES. · Improvements in " thermo-electric apparatus." For this thermo-electric battery the elements preferred are strips of German silver and tinned iron; when a moderate heat is used, they are united with tin solder. Aluminium, or its alloys, may, however, form one of the elements. The elements are arranged on a perforated or indented semicylindrical fire tile, the ends projecting to the interior of the tile, where burners of combined air and gas are placed. Or a cylindrical tile may be employed; this serves as a chimney to the gas burner. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 109 a According to another plan, when the elements will with. stand the heat, they are insulated with a vitreous glaze. Each strip is wide at the heated end and narrow at the ex- ternal extremity. In the case of the semicylindrical tile, the strips radiate so as to form a half circle of elements. When glazed terminals are used, they form a continuous chain, coiled, so as to enclose a conical space for a chimney. The external junctions may dip into water, or may have water dropping upon them. At the broad end, the joints may be folded together and riveted through. A regulator, adapted for electro-plating, consists of a galva- nometer needle (actuated by the current) in connection with clockwork apparatus and two levers ; according to the lever in contact with the needle, the gas is turned on or off. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, January 26.–No. 296. WIRTH, FRANK.-(4 communication from Josef Leiter.) Improvements in electric apparatus." In one method of constructing a galvanic battery for easy transport, the box containing the elements is divided hori. zontally into two compartments, the upper one for the plates, the lower one for the exciting liquid when the apparatus is ont of action; the lower compartment is air-tight. The communication between the compartments is by tubes, and air blown into the lower compartment forces the liquid into the upper compartment and thus puts the battery into action. Stoppers or cocks, that can be handled from the top of the upper compartment, retain the liquid therein or discharge it therefrom. Each cell in the upper compartment has its con- necting pipe with the lower compartment, and the elements in neighbouring cells are held together by tie pieces and bolts. Spring keys, on the lid of the apparatus, made tele- scopic, make the requisite electrical contacts. In a modification, there are two lower compartments, so that two different liquids may be used in the arrangement. Each compartment has its own set of tubes. When the liquid is in the lower compartment and the cocks are closed, the apparatus is fit for transport. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a 110 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF - A.D. 1875, January 28.--No. 336. HARPER, RICHARD ROBERT. - "Improvements in electric “ telegraph apparatus for train signalling and working the “ traffic on railways upon the block or space system, parts of “ which apparatus are applicable to and for other purposes." The fifth improvement relates to a modification of Smee's galvanic battery in which the central silver plate is corru. gated vertically, and in which the lower ends of the lateral zinc plates stand in pockets (one to each plate) in the cell Each pocket is filled with mercury, and it may form a foot on which the cell stands. The conductors from the zinc plates are insulated wires, the bare ends of which dip into the mercury [Printed, 28. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, February 6.-No. 449. TYER, EDWARD.—"Improvements in galvanic batteries." The object of this invention is to provide that the parts which are subject to fouling may be readily taken out, cleansed, and replaced, and that ready access is given for cleansing to all parts. A cylindrical jar of glass or other non-conducting and im. pervious material has lugs or grooves in its interior, or notches in its upper edge, by which a slab of like material, perforated with small holes, may be slid into the interior of the vessel, so as to divide it into two compartments, one for each element. The liquid contents communicate through the perforations in the slab. On the faces of the porous slabs paper or porous fabric is applied, to prevent the commingling of the liquids, when they differ in specific gravity. A square cell may be constructed on the above principles. One vessel may contain several cells, in each of which the .elements are separated by perforated slabs. A perforated slab of the negative metal may be used instead of the glass or earthenware slab. [Printed, 10d. Drawing? A.D. 1875, February 8.-No. 473. CLARK, William. (A communication from Dieudonné François Lontin.) - "Improvements in the application of ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 111 “ electro-dynamic machines for obtaining metals from their " salts, regenerating galvanic batteries, and obtaining other chemical reactions." In the dynamo-magneto-electric machine employed for the above purposes, the whole of the continuous current pro- duced by the machine is returned to the primary electro- magnets; the work to be performed is placed in the circuit of this continuous current. To re-constitute a galvanic battery, the above-mentioned continuous current is sent through a battery whose action is exhausted, in the reverse direction to the current produced by the battery. By this process, for instance, an exhausted Smee's battery, which consists of platinum, zinc, sulphate of zinc and water, is returned to its original form of platinum, zinc, sulphuric acid, and water. Another application of this invention consists in “employ- “ ing electricity, as above mentioned, for charging a second “ machine with magnetism.” This second machine may be used to produce alternate currents. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] > A.D. 1875, February 24.-No. 684. TAYLOR, HERBERT ARNAUD, and MUIRHEAD, ALEXANDER. -“Improvements in the construction of the balancing ap- “ paratus or imitation telegraph line or cable to be used in duplex or other telegraphy, also of electric condensers and " resistances." A portion of this invention relates to the construction of a condenser. Paper is prepared of pulp which is intimately mixed with plumbago or other conducting powder. Other sheets of paper are prepared with shellac or with paraffin wax. The condenser is formed by placing sheets, the one on the other, in the following order :- Paraffin paper, tin-foil, paraffin paper, plumbago paper, paraffin paper, tin-foil, and so on; the sheets of plumbago are connected into a continuous series by rivets, and the tin-foil is also made into a continuous series by means of projecting tongues. A number of these piles, more or less considerable, are combined into one to form the balancing apparatus. [Printeil, 4d. No Drawings.] 112 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF 9 A.D. 1875, March 4.-No. 807.' ELCOCK, CHARLES.—(Provisional protection only.)—"An arti. “ ficial animal charcoal suitable as a filtering, decolorising, “ and deodorising agent, and for forming into blocks for so various purposes." Amongst other uses, this charcoal may “be made into slabs or plates, as a substitute for the carbon plates hitherto used “ in galvanic batteries." Powdered ferruginous clay is mixed with sawdust in a pag mill; sufficient moisture is added to enable the particles to hold together. The mixture is charred in closed vessels sub- jected to a red heat. According to another process, clay is mixed with glue, gela- tine, or size; the mixture is then charred. To form plates, the mixture is pressed into a mould previous to charring [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a 9 A.D. 1875, March 31.--No. 1169. BENNETT, ALFRED.—"Improvements in galvanic batteries.” The negative plate is of platinum, gold, silver, nickel, or cobalt, packed in a porous cell with pieces of carbon, coke, &c., or with a mixture of these with peroxide of manganese. Near the bottom of the porous cell is placed a small quantity of nitrate of cobalt, pyrogallic acid, pyrogallate of potash or pyrogallate of soda. The positive plate, of zinc or amalga- mated zinc, is immersed in a solution of caustic potash or caustic soda. When great power and constancy is required, nitrate of chromium may be used to the negative plate, and chloride of ammonium to the zinc plate. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, April 23.—No. 1487. COURTENAY, ROBERT HENELADE. — (Provisional protection only.)--An “electro-magnetic motor." This invention relates to "the increase or multiplication of magnetic power, by which means electricity is the initial power or prime mover of other powers, such as air and “ water.” ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 113 66 The induction coil described in No. 2179, A.D. 1874, is im. proved as follows :—“Having formed either by junction or bending a piece of iron into a U shape I place across the " two limbs and at any convenient distance apart one or more induction coils, each one being in itself an electro. magnet with north and south poles, and so arranged that “ similar poles are placed on the same side, the ends of the “ coils being connected with springs attached to the con- " ductors by insulated binding screws, so as to allow all or any of the coils to be employed at discretion. Each com pound magnet arranged as described is worked with a quan- tity arrangement of electricity, one element of the battery " to one coil preventing as far as possible counter currents." [Printed, 4d. No. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1875, May 14.—No. 1800. FAULKNER, JOHN. — “Improvements in electrical appli- ances." This method of constructing an electro-magnet is applicable to electro-magnetic and magneto-electric purposes, and con- sists in using a round, square, or other shaped iron tube to cover the outside of the coil, the iron core being firmly secured or not to an end base or bottom. One end of the insulated wire of the coil is in contact with the inside of the iron case, or both the ends may be free. The iron case may have an armature at one or both ends, or the case may be a segment. The method is also applicable where secondary coils are used. To obtain the maximum magnetic power, alternate coils and iron cases may be employed. To regulate the magnetic force, the iron cases are shifted more or less on or off the coils. Any suitable number of coils and cases may be placed in lines, circles, or planes, so as to act in concert. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, June 3.-No. 2049. NELSON, LYLE, and ANDERSON, Isaac EDWARD.—(A com- munication from Henry M. Paine and Edwin L. Paine.)—"Im- 114 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF 66 a provements in electro-magnetic motors, parts of which im. provements are applicable also to other purposes." 1st. A galvanic battery.-In the internal porous cell are carbon and strong sulphuric acid ; in the external vessel com- minuted zinc and water. The zinc is “first amalgamated by being immersed in a Rhumkorff solution of mercury.” The heavy acid percolates through the cell, so that the salts form principally at the bottom of the vessel. To drain off the salts without disturbing the action of the battery, a tube is passed down to the bottom of the vessel and around the porous cell, where there are small holes to withdraw the saline liquid by the application of an exhaust pump to the top of the tube. 2nd. An electro-magnet.—To form the core a number of plates are combined till the required breadth of limb is attained. Two limbs of opposite polarity have circular tops which are pierced with holes through which a shaft enters. One end of each coil is connected to the limbs, the other ends are combined and insulated, they proceed through the axis of the shaft. Thus the electric current passes simultaneously around each limb. To increase the duty of the electro-magnet, a groove or grooves is or are made in the armature parallel to its axis. 3rd. A rheostat. (Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, June 10.-No. 2132. GARDNER, HENRY.—(A communication from George M. Mow- bray.)-A “frictional electric battery." The axis of a cylindrical machine is of hard rubber with a sunken socket for a crank handle. The exciting cylinder, mounted on the axis, is between two curved and concentric di-electrics which have metal armatures arranged to form fixed condensers or accumulators; the inner surface of one condenser is in electric connection with the outer surface of the other. The rabbing cushion is mounted on an oscillating and concentric cylinder, independent of the condensers and between them and the exciting cylinder; it is formed of a resinous surface to receive the amalgam, and of a felted portion to cleanse and polish the exciting surface. The collecting rod is stationary and passes through slots in the oscillating a ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 115 cylinder. In one position, the oscillating cylinder insulates the condensers from the rubber, collector, and terminals, and in another position, it discharges the condensers through the completed circuit. In a third position, the charge is con- ducted from the rubber and from the exciting surface to the condensers. Violent movement is cushioned by elastic wires between the fixed knobs and the moving knobs. The whole of the above apparatus may be enclosed in a water-tight cask having an exsiccator. A test gange to regulate the power has sliding connections for the terminals. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, June 15.—No. 2205. CLAMOND, CHARLES.—(Provisional protection only.) -—“ Im- provements in electro-motor machines, also applicable for " the generation of electricity." In the inventor's thermo-electric generator, the current of the "raised pile” is utilised “in quantity, because this ar- rangement transforms into electricity a larger quantity of heat, and consequently augments the yield of the thermo- “ electric generator. I attain this object by separating the single current of the pile into several distinct currents, proceeding parallelly through several coils and electric magnets, so as to constitute the magnetic polarities neces- sary for the prodnction of a continuous movement. This “ mode of distributing the currents is one of the characteristic “ features of my invention.” [Printed, 42. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, July 3.-No. 2410. CHAUVIN, FRANÇOIS MARIE ALEXANDRE, GOIZET, Louis HENRIQ and AUBRY, ALFRED. - An electric submerged " lamp." a The bichromate battery, which forms a distinct feature of this invention, is placed in a box ; it is actuated mechanically and has an arrangement for regulating the amount of immer- sion of its metallic elements. 116 DIVISION 1.- GENERATION OF The box has a hinged lid and a removable bottom; it contains two cells, each comprising several pairs of plates. At the back, the cells rest upon a fixed bracket ; in front, they rest upon blocks which can be lifted by an exterior handle, so as to agitate the liquid. The metals are wedged to a wooden plank with an anderneath sheet of gutta percha. The plank is carried by two rods, one of which in connection with a sleeve) acts as a guide to plunge the metals into the liquid, or to remove them therefrom ; the other traverses a partition between the cells, and, under the action of screw pressure, maintains the metals at the desired degree of immersion. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, July 12.–No. 2509. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. — (A communication from F. W. Wippern.) - (Provisional protection not allowed.) — " Improve. “ments in galvanic apparatus and in contrivances connected “therewith, applicable to telegraphic and lighting pur. poses.” Compressed air is nsed to raise the liquid of galvanic element into contact with the metals. A cylindrical glass vessel has a horizontal diaphragm, which separates the lower part from the upper; the vessel is closed by a cover. By means of an air tube, the air is caused to press on the liquid in the lower part and raises it (the liquid) to the metals, thus establishing an electric current. The zinc is placed within a hollow carbon cylinder, and the pair is inserted into the diaphragm. A hole in the diaphragm conducts back to the lower part of the vessel any liquid which may have been forced up through the carbon cylinder into the apper part. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1875, July 17.-No. 2564. HEQUET, THEOPHILE ADOLPHE—(Provisional protection only.) - Improvements in electro-magnets." To diminish or annihilate residual magnetism, the two bobbins of the electro-magnet are separated magnetically from ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 117 each other “either by dividing the iron yoke which joins " them or by introducing non-magnetic material between the " bobbins and the said yoke at their points of junction * therewith.” The separated parts of the yoke, bar, or back-piece may move in slides, by means of a screw, so as to be in contact or not. The bar may be non-magnetic, and an iron slide with a sloping piece of copper may be made to introduce a greater or less thickness of non-magnetic material between the cores and the slide. This invention can be applied to existing electro-magnets either by the above means, or by surrounding their cores with non-magnetic material, or by inserting prepared cores into the holes of the bar, the cores being fitted with sloping pieces a of copper. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, July 30.-No 2707. WARDEN, WILLIAM Marston, MUIRHEAD, Joux, and CLARK, JOSIAH LATIMER.—"Improvements in galvanic bat- " teries.” In manganese batteries, the external vessel contains the negative plate and the inner cell, containing the zinc, is non- porous but perforated. The negative plate consists of plati. nised carbon or platinum “surrounded by graphite and man- “ ganese (pyrolusite),” each in small lumps; the carbon lamps may be platinised. The zinc plate is a hollow cylinder with slits up the side. A solution of chloride of ammonium is the exciting liquid. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, August 3.- No. 2729. WETTON, CHARLES EDGAR. -" Improvements in magnetic “ apparatus and its application to various purposes." "Adapting and applying” to the magnetic appliances "a "disc of zinc and another disc of silver, connected by means " of a wire of copper or other suitable conducting material, is thereby producing an united magnetic and electric action." a 118 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF The invention also consists in arranging magnets in such a manner that when applied to human or other bodies they are covered externally with cork, india-rubber, silk, or other non- conducting materials, thereby producing increased action, and also preventing the escape of heat, electricity, or magne- tism, from the said bodies. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, August 21.-No. 2946. FAURE, CAMILLE ALPHONSE.-(Provisional protection only.) Improvements in thermo-electric batteries and electro- “ motors.” The heating or cooling piece or appendage attached to each pair of elements is dispensed with, and the appendage or “ caloriator” is introduced between the pairs. The caloriator is made as follows:-A series of copper bars, in parallel lines, have their ends protruding right and left alternately beyonda common axis perpendicular to the length of the bars and in such a manner that the bars overlap each other. The right hand projections may be cooled and the left hand heated. In another plan, one of the usual thermo-electric elements is dispensed with, the metal of the caloriator has thermo. electric power, and each set of caloriators touch one another. In a modification of the invention, the thermo-electric elements are deposited in cups or receptacles cut out of the caloriators. The face of the caloriator opposite the cup of the next caloriator carries a pin which reaches the element at the bottom of the cup; the space surrounding the pin is then filled with Portland cement. In another modification, the caloriator is formed of copper rings having a circular groove on one edge and a circular tongue on the other. A pile of these cylinders is adjusted, tongue to groove. One cylinder has its heating surface inside, the next has its cooling surface outside, and so on alternately, The materials of the elements are in the grooves. The tongue of the caloriator is in metallic contact with the element at the bottom of the groove, but does not touch the metal of the groove, the space left being filled up with a non-conductor. This battery may be constructed around the cores of electro- magnets. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 119 A magnet is constructed of steel bars arranged round a dram, so that, when electricity is applied to its ends, by means of certain caps, it may rotate. The caps may serve as caloriatorg. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1875, August 26.–No. 2996. KILNER, WALTER JOHN.-(Provisional protection only.)—“ Pro- ducing a continuous current of electricity by means of a rotating magnet or magnets in combination with or with- “ out an apparatus for regulating the tension of the current.” The part of this invention relating to the production of a continuous electric current is as follows: A rotating magnet or magnets is or are placed either on the inside or on the outside, or partly within and partly without, a soft-iron ring with coils of insulated copper wire placed around it. Brushes terminating the coils of wire impinge against a copper disc formed of an inner and outer ring, each ring being divided into segments or collectors corresponding to double the number of rotating magnets used. Each of the ends of the coils is in electric connection, first with one bind- ing screw or pole of the apparatus and then with the other, thus yielding a continuous current of electricity in the same direction. An electro-magnet may be used instead of a permanent magnet. (Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, September 11.–No. 3187. ROGERS, JOSEPH.—(Provisional protection only.) —A "galvanic "shield or protector for imparting electricity to the chest and lungs and other parts of the human body." A series of galvanic batteries, of copper and zinc, are formed as follows:-A plate of copper or of zinc is bent double, and has included within it a narrow space for the insertion of the exciting material which is hermetically enclosed. A copper plate, thus prepared, is connected (by a wire or chain) to a zinc plate similarly treated. The entire series may be made in the above form. 120 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF In another plan, the fabric intervenes between the copper and zinc plates that are secured by an eyelet rivet. The entire series of plates are connected, throughout the flannel or other fabric of which the “protector” is composed, by means of conductors on the principle of a galvanic battery. The positive and negative elements are insulated by the inter. vention of gutta percha. In the chest and back protector, there is an independent plate to obtain a positive current through the body. Instead of copper and zinc, other equivalent metals may be used. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, September 16.-No. 3243. ALEXANDER, EDWIN POWLEY. — (A communication from Emile Bürgin.)--" Improvements in magneto-electric ma- “ chines and in electro-motive engines.” This invention relates to “the construction and arrange- “ ment of the generative cylinders employed in magneto. “ electric machines." It consists of four or more elements of soft iron, provided with two coils, the wire of which is wound in different ways according to the results to be obtained. 1st method.—The coils are wound in the same direction so that they represent one coil. The elements are arranged upon an axis radially, the whole appearance of the ends of the coils in successive sets or layers being that of a helix. The several points of junction of the coils meet in their corresponding sections of a wheel commutator which has its lines of separa- tion disposed obliquely to obtain continuous contact. 2nd method.—The elements have their two coils wound in opposite directions. Each coil is connected with the corte- sponding coil of its neighbour, and the second set of coils is connected in sequence with the first set so as to form a con. tinuous series and so as to give currents of high tension. 3rd method.—The element employed consists of a cross formed of two of the before mentioned elements. These ele. ments are disposed as above, and each arm of the cross has a separate coil wound in the same direction. The coils, as in the other arrangements, form a closed circuit and their 1 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 121 junctions meet in corresponding sections of the commu. tator. 4tb method.-The elements, in the form of a cross, generate great quantity. The coils of the opposite branches, in the same direction, are joined the one to the other so that they form one coil. The generative cylinder is situated between opposite poles of one or more electro-magnets. As the cylinder rotates, " the elements successively form, as it were, interties between " the two magnetic poles.” “The wire of the magnetizing “coils communicates through the rubbers and commutator " with the wire that is wound on the cylinder, so that on rotating the cylinder the generated current successively “ reinforces the electro-magnets." The electro-magnets may be excited by a battery, or they may be replaced by permanent magnets. [Printed, 1s. Drawing.] > A.D. 1875, September 24.-No. 3340. FULLER, JOHN CRISP, and FULLER, GEORGE.—A "galvanic " battery applicable to telegraphic and other purposes." This invention consists in employing a column of mercury, or amalgam of zinc, in a porous cell into which is plunged the zinc plate. Preferably, any part of the zinc plate which is not required for chemical action is covered with a suitable insulating material. The insulated portion of the zinc plate is only so far inserted into the mercury as is found to be necessary for the perfect action of the battery. This invention is particularly useful when applied to a bi- chromate battery. (Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, September 24.–No. 3345. WHITING, HENRY GOTHWICKE. Appliances for the cure or relief of nervous and other diseases." Magnetised plates of thin steel are perforated, thereby giving them not only an end polarity, but also a polarity around the circumference of the holes. 122 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF Crystals of quartz or fluor spar may be combined with the magnets to intensify the action of the apparatus.” To protect the magnets from oxidation by contact with the moisture of the body, they are coated with a flexible paint or varnish and attached to a woven fabric. Magnets of wire gauze may be used; thin steel wire is woven into a gauze when in a soft state. Strips of this gauze are hardened and tempered to a spring temper and magnetised. Flexible magnets may be produced by incorporating par- ticles of steel or iron with india rubber or similar material, [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 6 66 66 A.D. 1875, September 25.-No. 3354. ROOKE, FREDERICK. — (Provisional protection only).—“Im- ) provements in intensifying coils and contact breakers for “ electric circuits." A continuous iron wire coiled lengthwise on a wooden dia- phragm is employed for the core of the coil. On this core the insulated electric wire is wound, so that the electric current “ in each revolution round the core passes over two opposite magnetic fields and two opposite points where the mag. “ netic field is interrupted by the edges of the wooden diaphragm." The contaet breaker, which is suitable for this coil and con- verts continuous into intermittent currents, consists of a horseshoe bar of iron with one limb longer than the other. The hammer spring is fixed to the end of the longer limb. The armature is fixed on the free end of the spring, facing the shorter limb, which is coiled. The adjustable contact screw is behind the spring. Preferably, a condenser, connected into the circuit on each side of the point of intermittent contact, is employed for physiological purposes. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, September 25.-No. 3364. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from Jim Billing Fuller and John Newland Crandall.) — “ Improvements in magneto-electric machines." ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 123 These “ improvements relate to combining the electric " waves or impulses induced alternately in opposite direc- " tions in the armature of a magneto-electric machine, and “ forming them into constant currents flowing uniformly in one direction, by the employment of radial arms arranged around a shaft or cylinder and wound with coils of insu- lated wire, the ends of which are so joined as to form a series of connected radial electro-magnetic coils communi- " cating at proper points with corresponding parts of a sec- “ tional commutator, and caused to revolve between or near " alternately opposite magnetic poles, whereby said electric waves thus induced in the said coils are collected together " in two equal electric carrents of similar name, and caused "to flow each in opposite directions from said pole through “ all the intermediate coils to a point in said wire nearest the “ next opposite pole, where said currents meet and combine, “ passing through an external circuit in one direction, and “ whereby said currents are also delivered at the points in the armature, which for the time being are situated nearest the " said magnetic poles where the magnetic and electric energy " is the strongest.” The improvements also relate to magnetic poles "having points or angles tapering towards the neutral magnetic point." [Printed, 8d. Drawing.) A.D. 1875, September 28.-No. 3382. LYON, WILLIAM PENMAN.—“ Improvements in the means or " method of applying magnetism for curative and other pur- poses." In a prior invention, No. 1954, A.D. 1874, it was proposed to introduce into woven or knitted fabrics, during their manu- facture, tubes, beads, or wires of iron or steel; such pieces of metal being subsequently or previously magnetised. In the present invention the magnets are arranged on the fabric in groups at such distances apart, in each group, as to be within the range of combined action. The fabrics have loops through which the magnets can be passed. 2nd. Magnetic appliances of cloth with the warp or weft of steel wire. 124 DIVISION I.--GENERATION OF 3rd. The insertion, in the stock of a brush, of a number of separate magnets, so arranged as to regulate the degree of magnetic potency in the brush when used. 4th. The steel teeth of curry combs are rendered magnetic, or magnets are inserted between the rows of teeth. 5th. Arranging magnets in connection with floors to form grating that conveys or gives out magnetic currents. 6th. Manufacturing beds, mattresses, chairs, footstools, &c., with magnetised springs, rods, or bars. The north pole of one spring or bar is contiguous to the south pole of the spring or bar nearest to it. 7th. Applying to respirators steel plates or wires, tinned or electroplated "for the purpose of magnetising the oxygen of " the atmosphere received into the lungs of the wearer." [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] - A.D. 1875, October 27.--No. 3727. WELTON, THOMAS. - (Provisional protection only.) —" Por- “ table magnetic appliances in magneto therapeutics." The magnets consist of thin plates of steel, perforated or otherwise, or of woven wire or woven wire cloth, in the form of lockets, bracelets, girdles, respirators, &c.; they may be enamelled, varnished, or japanned, and may be magnetised during manufacture or afterwards. Compounds or alloys of iron or steel with phosphorus, nickel, silver, &c., may be used, or the iron or steel may be covered with a metallic coating, by cementation, or other pro- cess, except electro-plating. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, November 18.-No. 3999. BROWNE, ALEXANDER.-(4 communication from Daniel F. Kimball.)—“ Improvements in electro-magnetic engines and “ galvanic battery to be used therewith, the said battery being “ also applicable for other purposes." The galvanic battery consists of a carbon cylinder in a porous cell and having at its bottom a sieve to support a mix- ture of nitrate of sodium or potassium and sulphate of copper ; the porons cell is filled up with dilute sulphuric acid. The a ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 125 arrangement also comprises an unamalgamated zinc cylinder in the outer vessel; the liquid employed contains nitro-hypo- sulphate of sodium or potassium. [Printed, 81. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, December 4.-No. 4206. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(4 communication from Charles Louis Van Tenac.)—“Electrical apparatus for producing fire " and light, and designed to be carried in the pocket.” Chloride of silver batteries are constructed so as to be placed in the pocket receptacle or in the handle of the walking stick or ambrella, and so as to be removable therefrom, as may be done with gun cartridges. They are hermetically enclosed within a vessel or case of hard rubber or of glass. The chloride is cast over an undulated wire of silver or platinum. Curved sheets or other forms of the chloride element enclose sheets of zinc suitably shaped and separated from the chloride by sawdust, blotting paper or sand, or they may be simply placed apart. The exciting liquid is weak chloride of zinc or a solution of sea salt. This battery wears only when the circuit is closed; it may be of a form in ac- cordance with the article into which it is to be fixed. The chloride of silver clement is cast in an ingot mould by means of screwed or other cores, casting pieces and pressing pieces. Hermetically closed batteries with bichromate of potash or with mercurial salts may be used instead of chloride batteries. The solution is taken away from the metals when the apparatus is not at work. The zinc is helical in shape and is surrounded by a hollow cylinder of carbon. The containing vessel is closed, but has a lower elastic and compressible reservoir for liquid and an upper bladder for the exit of the air during the action of the battery. The battery is momentarily excited by pressure of the underneath reservoir by the finger; when the finger is removed the action ceases. [Printed, 28. Drawings.] the A.D. 1875, December 9.--No. 4270. FULLER, JOHN Crisp, and FULLER, GEORGE.—“ Improve- ments in galvanic elements.” 126 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF This invention consists in improvements on that set forth in No. 944, A.D. 1853. The porous diaphragm is dispensed with, and the mixture of granulated carbon, plumbago, and peroxide of manganese is placed in the bottom of the cell or containing vessel of the battery. The carbon plate is placed in the midst and the zinc plate, ring, or cylinder is mounted over the granulated carbon, There is mixed with the granulated carbon such salts as sulphate of alumina and salts of muriatic acid to charge the battery. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1875, December 10.-No. 4289. CERPAUX, JULES.—(Provisional protection only.)—“An electric “pile.” Plates of copper and zinc are united and separated by a lath of wood. These compound plates are immersed in damp sand or earth, or they are put in a gaseous place; an electric current is thus produced. Urine, chloride of sodium or analogous material is poured upon the sand or earth to produce a strong current. Urinals or waterclosets are good places for this arrangement. Acids, as well as graphite and peroxide of manganese may be used. Impregnated earth in the state of paste may be employed In a flat galvanic battery or pile, the plates are vertical. In a round form, the copper and zinc plates are united at the centre; this pile is inserted horizontally in the earth and a vertical rod of zinc (insulated by a gutta percha tube) in a copper tube, are its poles. Another form of pile is annular. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1875, December 11.--No. 4311. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE, (A communication from Emile Bertin.)——" Improvements in dynamo and magneto- “ electric machines." According to the usual method, the commutator consists of a pair of contact rings, which only admit of the total power > ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 127 of the machine being used. According to the present inven- tion, as many collectors (or pairs of contact rings) are placed upon the shaft as there are induction coils or groups of coils; thus the coils may be coupled for tension or quantity. Or, in large machines, each coil may be made up of several wires, each pair of which may be connected to a pair of contact ringe of its own or has a certain relation to the commutators of the machine. Another part of this invention relates to dynamo-electric machines that yield a continuous electric current. It consists in completely closing the circuit apon itself, and interposing the work in a derived current taken from the poles which furnish the current to the electro-magnets, if the work to be performed be constant. Thus, by means of rubbers making contact with the collectors, the current produced in each corresponding coil may be utilised separately. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 1876. 66 а A.D. 1876, January 5.-No. 52. DARKIN, FRANK.-(4 communication from Jose Santiago Camacho.)- An “electric battery.” In a bichromate of potash galvanic battery, the component parts are so arranged as to cause a circulation of the bichro- mate solution through each of the cells containing the carbon element and thus to give constant action to the battery. In a series the vessels are placed in a row, each being a little lower than the preceding one. A spout on the outlet tube conveys the liquid from one cell to the next. An apper reser- voir supplies the liquid, and a lower reservoir receives the liquid from the lowest cell. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] ]28 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF A.D. 1876, January 14.—No. 162. HARLING, WILLIAM.-An“ electric disc and bell instrument " for railway signaling, applicable also in part to other pur- poses." The special electro-magnet which actuates the above instru- ment “is formed of a series of pairs of poles, each pair “ turning inwards towards one another and all surrounding “ the core or generator, and arranged according to require. "ments.” [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, January 31.-No. 386. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. — (A communication from Dieudonné François Lontin.)—“ Improvements in dynamo- “ electric machines.” The inducing electro-magnets have rotary motion and the induced coils or helices remain stationary. The length of the inducing electro-magnets is sufficient to enable one or more conducting wires to be placed thereon, from the ends of which are taken the current or currents produced. No collector is necessary for those currents which are alternate in direction. In an improvement on the Alliance machine, an induction wheel revolves in front of fixed electro-magnets; in this machine, say, fifty induced portions furnish fifty sources of electricity, which may be used, separately or collectively, for electric lights. In another instance, one of the inventor's ordinary dynamo- machines is employed. The electro-magnets have longer cores than usual. Upon this additional length one or more conducting wires is or are coiled; the electric power is col. lected from the free ends. From the induction wheel is obtained currents in one invariable direction ; from the fixed electro-magnets alternate currents may be obtained. Steel permanent magnets may be employed as inducers in place of the electro-magnets. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 129 A.D. 1876, February 9.-No. 524. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from Gustave Trouvé.) "Improvements in galvanic batteries." A double-fluid galvanic battery is made by separating the horizontal electrodes by a mass of porous material, such as paper, felt, cloth, &c. The ele ent so made is first immersed completely in the weaker of two solutions, and then half way in the stronger solution; other means may be employed to saturate the porous substance with the requisite liquids. Zinc is the upper electrode, copper or carbon the lower elec- trode. A containing vessel is not absolutely nccessary to carry out this invention, as the arrangement acts by the retention of the liquids in the porous material, but a vessel may be used simply to prevent evaporation. In the case of a sulphate of copper element, the arrange- ment may have only one liquid. The resistance of the circuit on the exterior surface of the porous body may be augmented, so as to cause the molecular changes to take place towards the centre of the porous body ; for this purpose the porous body is of different diameters, and at different heights; one or more crowns of non-co -conducting “ material are interposed in the mass of the porous body. Printed, 8d. Drawings.] 60 3 A.D. 1876, February 22.–No. 731. THEILER, RICHARD, and THEILER, MEINRAD.-(Provisional protection only.)—“Improvements in electric telegraphs, part " of these improvements being applicable in all apparatus " where electro-magnets are employed.” Constructing a magnetic armature and its combination with an electro-magnet so that the electro-motive force of an electric current “is thoroughly utilized." Two soft-iron bars are movable round a centre, with their flat sides facing each other, but they are kept apart and parallel by a non-magnetic substance in the middle of their length. The armature is so magnetised by an inducing mag- net that each bar has the same polarity at each extremity, the polarity of one bar being opposite to that of the other. The projecting cores of an electro-magnet being between the bars or forks of the armatures, one core between one pair Q 3753. E 130 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF of forks of opposite polarity, and the other core between the remaining pair of forks, an electric current passing through the coils of the electro-magnet will exercise a quadruple influence upon the armature, namely, on each bifurcated extremity of the armature a repelling as well as an attracting influence. Sometimes each bar is allowed to turn upon a separate centre; the bars are induced with the same polarity, and the other pole of the inducing magnet is screwed to the sole of the electro-magnet. If the bar be of hardened steel (magnetised with opposite poles), each bar is bent into a fork, between the prongs of which is one pole of the electro-magnet. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1876, February 26.–No. 802. KILNER, WALTER JOHN.—(Provisional protection only.) “ Improvements in apparatus for producing a continuous current of electricity by means of the rotation of one or more magnets in combination with or without an apparatus for regulating the tension of the current." The magnets rotate, either within or without, or partly within and partly without, a fixed ring of soft iron having coils of insulated wire placed round it, which yield a con- tinuous current. Each coil is terminated in a metal knob or brush. These knobs are arranged in two circles, an onter and an inner circle. The collectors of the various currents are mounted upon the rotating axis of the machine and they are comprised in a disc formed of an outer and an inner ring of sheet copper; the collectors are the segments into which each ring is divided, the number of which is equal to double the number of rotating magnets used; they touch success sively all the metal knobs or brushes, and are collected into two series which are connected to two binding screws. By this arrangement each coil terminal is in connection with each binding screw alternately. To modify the tension of the current, metallic studs are arranged upon circles of ebonite. The coils being compound and having many wires, cach stud is connected to a junction of the coils and other connections are made by which, with the ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 131 assistance of contact springs, the coupling up in various ways of all the circuits is effected. [Printed, 6. Drawing.] a A.D. 1876, February 29.--No. 836. JABLOCHKOFF, PAUL.–An “electro-magnet." The partially insulated conductor is wound, in a flat spiral, round a wooden core, so that the edge of the metallic con- ductor rests against the face of an iron disc. A similar arrangement may be applied to the opposite side of the disc. This electro-magnet has one pole at the centre of the disc and the other at the circumference. A central stud and an outer ring being furnished to this electro-magnet, enable armature to be applied to it. A horseshoe magnet may be coiled with a helical band or strip, the metallic part of which rests against the core. When the core is of rectangular section, the strip can be wound round it by folding it over at the angles. When the core is cylindrical, a coil is prepared by electro-deposition from a sulphate of copper solution; for this purpose a helical disc is rotated in the solution. The deposited metal, being stripped off, produces a continuous helix that can be wound on an an iron core. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1876, March 6.-No. 976. WRAY, Cecil, and WRAY, LEONARD, junior.-“Improve. ments in electrical apparatus.” The thermo-electric batteries to which this invention re- lates have their bars or metallic elements built up radially, in series, around a heating chamber. The heating chamber consists of a cylinder or casing of fire clay. A Bunsen burner is placed inside the cylinder, so as to leave an annular space between the burner and the cylinder; to this space air is admitted. Concentrically, inside the combustion chamber, is placed a wire gauze cylinder, to equally distribute the inflammable vapour and to prevent ex- plosions on lighting or extinguishing the burner. One end of each bar or couple abuts against the outside of the casing. E 2 132 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF 9 Between each layer of bars is placed an annular disc, of non-conducting material, which has projections to carry the superincumbent bars and discs; the bars are thus relieved from undue pressure. The tiers of bars are built up in sections, so that any number of sections may be added to or taken from the apparatus as required. To hold the whole together, vertical binding rods pass through projections on the discs. The form of the end of the positive bars is that of a dove. tail having perforations. The apparatus may be heated by coke instead of by gas. In this case, the heating chamber is of fire clay. The bars are arranged against the outer sides of this furnace. In the fire chamber is a vertical opening, which is provided with doors, to ascertain the condition of the fire and to remove clinkere. The bars are cast under the pressure of a head of metal. If the bars be of bismuth and antimony, they are cast upon a piece of iron which serves to connect them and to carry the current. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 1 A.D. 1876, April 12.—No. 1557. LAKE, WILLIAM. ROBERT. — (A communication from Jim Billings Fuller and John N. Crandall.)—(Provisional protection only.)—“Improvements in magneto-electric machines." This invention relates “to magneto-electric machines which employ two sets of electro-magnets and two revolving “ armatures and which have a bridge or connecting plate so arranged and connected to said magnets as to constitute “ the neutral magnetic point in both sets." The bridge is a heavy iron plate firmly secured to the magnet cores. The magnets are coiled so that they produce in the bridge piece the same polar condition. Armatures of ordinary construction may revolve between the poles of these magnets. The currents from one armature may excite the electro-magnets, those from the other may be used for the results desired. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] 1 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 133 A.D. 1876, April 29.— No. 1810. JENSEN, PETER.—(A comm mmunication from J. Brandt and G. W. v. Nawrocki.)--(Provisional protection only.)-" Improvements “ in galvanic batteries." By means of this invention, a quick separation of the metals from the fluids and the fluids from each other is produced by simply lifting the plates out of the cells. The method is applicable to double-fluid batteries. The lower part of the porous cell, say about two-fifths of the height, is glazed, and the liquids are not higher than the glazed part of the cell until the plates are immersed. The lower part of each element has a projecting portion, which acts as a plunger, so that, when the frame carrying the plates is lowered, the fluids are forced out of the lower parts of their respective vessels into the upper parts; in this position the fluids may diffuse and the battery is active. When the plates are raised, the fluids return into the lower parts of their vessels. In this position, not only is the bat- tery inactive but the fluids cannot mix, as they are separated by the impenetrable part of the diaphragm. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, May 5.-No. 1900. PULVERMACHER, ISAC LOUIS.-(Provisional protection only.) -“ Improvements in apparatus or appliances connected with generating, conducting, measuring, or testing and applying " electricity." 1st. Carbon vessels of a certain porosity and of various shapes are employed to generate a galvanic current. Each vessel has a cylinder of zinc placed within it, but so as not to make contact. The space between the zinc and the carbon vessel is filled with pulverized salt of ammonia, which is slightly moistened with water. Owing to the porosity of the carbon and to the salt of ammonia, atmospheric oxygen de- polarises the carbon and thus secures a constant electric current. These arrangements may be used in stationary batteries and in chain batteries. 2nd. Hollow vessels are composed partly of zinc and partly of carbon, so united that there is no conductible contact between 134 DIVISION I-GENERATION OF the zinc and the carbon ; exciting materials or salts are placed within the vessels. 3rd. For the carbon parts in the second improvement, platinised silver coated with platinum black is substituted. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1876, May 16.-No. 2053. COXETER, JAMES, and COXIETER, SAMUEL JOSEPH.-(Pro- visional protection only.)—" Improvements applicable to bat- “ teries, especially useful for surgical purposes.” “ Each set of zinc plates is attached to suitable framing, " which secures the whole set of zinc plates together, and “ from said framing a rod proceeds, said rod passing through the supporting board of the elements, terminating in a screw nut, which on being removed, allows of the separa- “ tion of set of zinc plates from the battery.” The carbon plates are secured by attaching to each carbon a projecting piece of wire which passes 'through openings made in the supporting board of the elements through the collecting plates, to which they are secured by screws or other suitable “ modes of fastening.” By the above arrangements facility is afforded for replacing the plates. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] 66 > ? A.D. 1876, July 11.–No. 2821. ZANNI, GEMINIANO. “Improvements in magneto-electric " and electro-magnetic apparatus or machines.” This invention consists in the construction of an induction coil and in the combination of the same with the other parts of the above apparatus. To form the coil, a series of soft-iron arms project radially from a central tube, which is fixed on a rotating axis. The outer flange of each arm is curved, so as to form a part of the surface of the cylinder, which is the external form of the coil; the surface is therefore not continuous but consists of separate flanges. The arms are coiled with insulated wire like ordinary electro-magnetic bobbins. This wire is extended across the axis, so that each pair of opposite bobbins are connected. The a ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 135 ends of the coils are connected to a commutator on the axis. To form a magneto-electric machine, the coil, thus con- structed, is arranged in combination with a “natural “ magnet” as described in No. 3245, A.D. 1870. To increase the effect of the machine, the magnet may be coiled and the coil connected up with the commutator. In a modification of this invention, the external surface of the coil consists of an iron tube or cylinder. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 9 > A.D. 1876, July 18.–No. 2938. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. (1 communication from John Byrne.)--" Improvements in the negative plates or elements “ of galvanic batteries." According to one plan of preparing these negative plates, a plate of high conductivity, such as copper, is enveloped with a thin solid sheet of platinum, or other extremely negative metal, by soldering and rolling or beating. In another plan, the copper plate is similarly covered on one side with a sheet of lead and on the other face with thin platinum plate or foil. The lead may be coated with asphalte varnish. In making up the battery, tbe zinc plate is placed between the platinum faces of two negative plates. A peculiar clamp with lips is used to fix the negative plates. The binding screw of the zinc passes through the clamp, but is insulated from it by an india-rubber plate and washer. To excite this combination a mixture of bichromate of potash and dilute sulphuric acid is used. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] - A.D. 1876, August 19.-No. 3264. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. — (A communication from Dieudonné François Joseph Lontin.) – Improvements in “ dynamo-electric and magneto-electric machines.” A rotary induction wheel for use in these machines consists in an iron tube, on which are mounted, radially, soft-iron coiled cores, so that an electric current is induced by the passage of the cores in front of the poles of permanent 136 DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF magnets or electro-magnets. The induction wheel is trans- formed into an inductor wheel, when it is acted upon by any source of electricity so that its rotation induces currents in fixed iron cores, thus enabling currents to be taken separately from cach core. Several induction wheels may be arranged on the same axis and may be provided with collectors, commutators, or friction rings to give as many distinct currents as are required. In continuous current machines, the whole of the electricity is returned into the inductor magnets; reference is made to No. 473, A.D. 1875. The coils to be induced are placed either between the in. duction wheels, instead of on their arms, or both upon the arms and in the intervals between each wheel. Condensers are used to destroy the extra current. To avoid the oxidising effect of the electricity on the com- mutators in the presence of air, they are enclosed in a bath of non-drying oil. A large number of commutators may be used by connecting to them, respectively, the circuits of several wires on each coil, or of several coils in the same machine, acting at different times. To adjust the rubbers, they are movable by means of a slide that works in an insulated hinged arc. In a commutator for a large machine, a second toothed wheel gears with the collecting wheel; the latter has in- sulated teeth. The axis of the second wheel is capable of movement in a quadrant; the maximum effect can thus be obtained from the machine. Polar extensions to permanent magnets or electro-magnets, are used in connection with coils that are individually separable. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, September 2.—No. 3466. FITZ-GERALD, DESMOND GERALD.—“Improvements in elec- " trical condensers or accumulators." Paper, partially coated with a metallic substance, so as to present an uncoated margin on three sides of the sheet, is dipped into paraffin wax. The metallic substance may be foil or plumbago or a conducting material in powder. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 137 The sheets are laid together alternately, in opposite direc- tions, and are consolidated by pressure and heat. The alternate conducting surfaces are then exposed by cutting a thin slice from the two opposite ends of the slab formed by consolida- tion; plumbago is applied to the cut ends of the slab to make the requisite electric contacts. Instead of plumbago, an amalgam may be used, or the metal to connect the alternate conducting surfaces electrically may be thrown down electrolytically. Metallic plates are placed so as to connect the two sets of con- ducting surfaces to terminal binding screws. To improve the insulation, sheets of paraffin paper may be interposed between the metallised sheets of insulating material. In hot climates, instead of paraffin, a mixture of resin and paraffin may be used to prepare the paper. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, September 19.--No. 3670. FAURE, CAMILLE ALPHONSE.—“ Improvements in thermo. “ electric generators and in electro-motors." In a thermo-electric battery, the active metals are galena and an alloy of zinc and antimony, separated by plates of copper which project on alternate sides and act as heating and cooling surfaces. The series is therefore :--Copper, galena, copper, zinc-antimony, copper, galena, and so on. The active metals are short wide blocks. The elements being disposed in a line, are pressed together by a strong clamp, with screws and bolts. The clamps are elastic, or the screws press upon springs, so as to allow the metals to expand while under pressure and heat. In a circular pile, the clamp is a stiff corrugated ring, or is made up of parts with flanges which are bolted together with bolts and spring washers. The copper plates are joined by solder to the alloy, and by electro-deposit of platinum and copper, and then by solder, to the galena. Another kind of joint is made by cap- ping with silver the ends of the zinc-antimony element and giving the copper plates silver eyelets. When the areas of contact are very great, a wire gauze or a corrugated plate is interposed to form the joint; or each element may be made ap of a number of small elements united by a thin belt. 138 DIVISION I.--GENERATION OF In another arrangement, the above thermo-electric series is placed in small longitudinal holes in an earthenware hollow cylinder, so that alternate copper plates project into the inte- rior of the cylinder which is heated by a flame. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, September 28.-No. 3782. PULVERMACHER, Isac LOUIS.-" Improvements in appara- “ tus or appliances connected with generating, conducting, " measuring, or testing and applying electricity." An open-ended vessel of gas retort or carbon has an end wad of gutta percha; it is combined with an interior zinc vessel and an exciting salt, the two latter being enclosed in a cartridge or envelope of parchment paper. Voltaic pairs, thus constructed, are arranged in voltaic conduction as a chain or band by means of metallic bases with raised flanges and lips. The negative vessels may be of carbon intermixed or com- pressed with peroxide of manganese, or peroxide of iron and chloride of silver, or chloride of platinum. Zinc cylinder vessels are constructed with recesses. Thread- coated carbon stems are so fixed in the recesses that a portion of each of them projects beyond the exterior of the cylinder to enable them to be retained and united in the recesses by an annular conducting wire. Instead of carbon rods or stems, silver, coated with platinum black, may be used. Cords with a surface rendered smooth and uniform by a braided exterior, are used as edge cords in wire elements for bands described in No. 3519, A.D. 1873. Web or strips of straw or reeds, held by threads, are em. ployed to hold the exciting liquid within hollow bands. Shanked buttons of insulating material are applied to the central line on one side of a hollow band. When the band is rolled up, the buttons take into a central groove formed on the other side of the band; by this means the coils of the hand are kept apart without slipping out, and insulation during use is ensured. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 139 A.D. 1876, October 26.-No. 4153. COLE, JAMES. Improvements in the construction and " arrangement of magnetic apparatus to be employed for " curative and remedial purposes." To protect the cloth of the band or belt, into which the bar magnet is fastened, from being cut by the metal, thin sheets of specially-prepared cork are used to envelope the magnet. The cork is soaked in Stockholm tar thinned down with benzoline. The strips of magnetised steel are placed between two pieces of the prepared cork, the edges of which are then cemented together. The strips of magnetised steel are placed in parallel rows, as it is not necessary that any closed current should be “ formed by bringing the opposite poles of the magnets into " contact with each other." For the above purposes, saddles, crutches, and trusses may be fitted with magnets, also " whip handles, pen-holders, pens, walking sticks, umbrellas, stirrups, spectacles, thimbles,” &c. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 2 66 A.D. 1876, November 4.-No. 4269. SCHAUB, GEORGE.--"Improvements in electro-magnetic en- "gines and in means or apparatus for generating thermo- electricity for that purpose, parts of which improvements are also applicable to other electrical purposes." In the thermo-electric battery, the elements bismuth and antimony are arranged in series, one series above another. Each series is composed of united strips alternately positive and negative. The whole forms a multilateral box with rectilinear sides, heated by gases which circulate in a circuitous course. The strips are S-shaped and are soldered or welded together at their extremities. Each series is separated by an insulator, such as asbestos, from the series above and beneath. The vertical edges of the box are packed with wood; one piece carries the binding screws. Flues for the circulation of the heat, which is applied beneath the box, are made by means of interior frames or rectilinear tubes. The flame from the stove passes upwards in a 140 DIVISION I.--GENERATION OF i the space next the inner joints of the elements, it then proceeds down the next rectilinear compartment, and up the next, and so on until it reaches the cpen air at the central exit passage. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, November 6.-No. 4280. HADDAN, HERBERT JOHN.-(A communication from Edward Weston.)--"Improvements in magneto-electric machines." This invention relates to dynamo-magneto-electric machines, sometimes called simply dynamo-machines. A fixed iron ring (which may be wrapped with insulated wire) has a namber of electro-magnets projecting radially inwards. A rotating shaft is placed transversely in the centre of the ring; it carries an iron centre from which a series of coiled armatures project radially outwards. When the shaft is rotated, the outward extremities of the armatures pass the inward extremities of the magnets closely, but without touch- ing, and the armatures thereby have their coils alternately charged with positive and negative electricity. The alternate currents are all turned into one direction by a commutator and are passed round the fixed magnets, which, having a small amount of residual magnetism imparted to them, soon become capable of inducing the maximum amount of electric current which the steam power can yield. It is a feature in the in. vention that the coils of the fixed magnets are in the main circuit of the machine. Methods of short-circuiting a depositing trough in the cir- cuit until the machine attains a certain speed, and before it declines to a fixed speed are set forth. Mercury, in a rotating cup, short-circuits the depositing trough, except when the speed of rotation causes the mercury to rise towards the side of the cup. The commutator is made in two parts only; to one part one half of the coils are brought, and to the other part the remain- ing half are attached. The parts are indented so that the strips of each part fit into each other alternately. The number of projecting pieces or strips corresponds to the number of magnets in the armature. A clamping ring and nut keeps the two parts of the commutator together. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 141 To obtain for the fixed magnets more than simply residual magnetism, steel cores may be used; or, preferably, steel plates are fastened longitudinally to soft-iron cores. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, November 28.-No. 4597. MONCKTON, EDWARD HENRY CRADOCK.—“Improvements in generating and applying the electric current and in pro- ducing motive power, and in the apparatus necessary for “ carrying the same into effect.” In a magneto-electric machine horseshoe electro-magnets are placed round circular frames, with their poles turned aside ; slotted iron or steel discs revolve between them to generate electric currents. A wheel of electro-magnets may be sub- stituted for the disc. Electro-magnets have thin sheet iron interposed between successive layers of coils. The magnetic poles are cup-shaped. The ends of horseshoe magnets are curved inwards, so that they face each other; bowl-shaped dished poles are applied to these magnets. Circular condensers are made by coiling strips of tin-foil alternately with non-conducting material. Induction coils are constructed in a similar manner. Carbon, with clay, compressed and baked, is used to make electrodes and porous cells. Steel rails are magnetised by running magnetised wheels over them. Constructing electro-magnets with interposed sheets of iron lapped over at the ends. The dished or bowled extremities are secured on the magnet bar by screws. Revolving magnetic cylinders are made with small magnets of such power that the interior and exterior cylinders balance each other in attractive power. An annular coiled armature or magnet, like the Gramme armature, has interposed sheets of thin iron. Modifications and details are set forth. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 142 DIVISION I.-GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY, &c. A.D. 1876, December 19.-No. 4905. VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED.—“Improvements in apparatus “ for producing the electric light, parts of which invention are applicable to other purposes. This invention is an improvement on the inventions set forth in Nos. 3394, A.D. 1866, and 1755, A.D. 1867, which comprise dynamo-machines. By this invention a high degree of magnetic potential is obtained in the armatures, by cutting their coils out of the electric circuit at determined positions, when their cores ac- quire magnetism only. The magnetism is further increased by passing the current developed in other parts of the machine round the armatures after they have been again put into circuit, but before their magnetic polarity is reversed. The high magnetic potential so acquired is converted into electricity at the next reversal of magnetic polarity of the cores of the armatures. The raising of the magnetic potential is accomplished by dividing the armatures into groups, there being as many magnets as groups. In each group, each armature in succes- sion is traversed by a current, then cut out of the circuit, and finally thrown into the circuit to receive an induced current in the same direction from the next armature, and thus raise its magnetic potential. The whole of the electric current developed in the armatures flows round the magnets. In the commutator a special disc is reserved for cutting out the armatures from the circuit. The current that goes to the electric light is obtained from a separate coil round the magnets; this coil is of less resistance than the magnetising coil, and its current passes across a car- bon rod resting on a carbon disc, which is rotated and joggled by a motive power arrangement worked by the circuit of greater resistance. [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] P 143 APPENDIX. A.D. 1869, November 2.–No. 3178. BRANDON, ALEXANDER HORACE.-(4 communication from Madam Charles Errani.) --Motive power engines and “mecha- “ nism for generating such power.” This invention relates to a gas engine. According to one modification the gas is ignited by an electric spark which is obtained from a charged conductor every time the piston passes it. The electricity is generated “by means of two rotating discs of hardened india-rubber, the surfaces of which turn in close proximity, but without actual contact, these discs being " rotated by the engine itself.” A rubber or cushion is pressed against the lateral surfaces of one of these discs, " whilst from the other induced electricity is obtained.” [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. [The numbers refer to the pages on which the Abridgments commence. The names printed in Italic are those of the persons by whom the Inventions have been communicated to the Applicants for Letters Patent.] Accumulators. See Con. densers; Electro-dynamic coils ; Frictional electric machines (induction); Leyden jars; Secondary batteries. Air used to excite voltaic electricity : Lake (Morrell), 60. Batteries. See Galvanic bat. teries; Secondary batteries; Thermo-electric batteries. Condensers : Circular; Monckton, 141. Continuous in length; Muirhead, 106. Clark (Saroyer), 106. Helically-wound wire; Stearns, 94. Little, 88. Plumbago; Taylor and Muirhead, 111. Fitz-Gerald, 136. Thin sheet metal; Monckton, 95. Worked directly by a galvanic battery; Jenkin, 26. Dynamic electric element in a freezing apparatus : Clark (Toselli), 10. Dynamo-electric machines : Armature cylinders (longitudi- nally coiled); Siemens (Siemens), 2. Wilde, 3. Siemens (Siemens and Von H. Alteneck), 84. Q 3753. Dynamo-electric machines-- cont. Armatures with two coils Wilde, 3. Clark (Bertin), Clark (Lontin), 128. Circular arrangement; Wilde, 3. Holmes, 10. Holmes, 11. Holmes, 17. Lake (Lontin and D'Ivernois), 28. Holmes, 30. Wilde, 76. Werdermann, 101. Alexander (Bürgin), 120. Clark (Lontin), 128. Zanni, 134. Clark (Lontin), 135. Haddan (Weston), 140. Varley, 142. Coils between the magnetic poles ; Varley and Varley, 7. Holmes, 11. Lake(Fuller and Crandal), 132, Varley, 142. Commutators; Wilde, 3. Holmes, 11. Holmes, 17. Holmes, 30. Johnson (Gramme and D'Ivernois), 63. Siemens (Siemens and Von H. Alteneck), 84. Werdermann, 101. Alexander (Bürgin), 120. Clark (Bertin), 126. Clark (Lontin), 135. Haddan (Weston), 140. Varley, 142, Lead; F 146 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. Disc; Dynamo-electric machines, | Electro-magnets : cont. Cores; Electro-magnetic engines used Albini and Vaglica, 19. inversely; Clark (Gruet and Gruet), Siemens (Siemens), 2. 21. Prévost, 22. Galvanic batteries re-con- Burroughs, 37. stituted by; Newton (Paine and Frost), Clark (Lontin), 110. 39. Horseshoe arrangement; Thomson, 43. Siemens (Siemens), 2. Thomson, 47. Holmes, 30, Varley, 49. Slater, 64. Newton (Camacho), 91. Werdermann, 101. Newton (Stone), 95. Part of the armatures excite Monckton, 95. the electro-magnets; Slater, 100. Wilde, 3. Monckton, 103. Holmes, 10. Faulkner, 113. Holmes, 11. Nelson and Anderson Holmes, 17. (Paine and Paine), 118. Lake (Lontin and Hequet, 116. D'Ivernois), 28. Harling, 128. Holmes, 30. Clark (Lontin), 128. Wilde, 76. Theiler and Theiler, 129. Monckton, 141. Ring armature; Siemens (Siemens), 2. Gramme and D'Ivernois, 41. Jablochkoff, 131. Johnson (Gramme and Insulation; D’Ivernois), 63. Apps, 1. Evans, 84. Newton (Graham), 48. Siemens (Siemens and Monckton, 95. Von H. Alteneck), 84. Wire; Werdermann, 101. Apps, 1. Two armature cylinders (longi- Albini and Vaglica, 19. tudinally coiled); Clark (Gruet and Gruet), Wilde, 3. Prévost, 22. Electric power produced from Cooke, 82. an electrical stratum high Newton (Camacho), 91. in the air: Faure, 93. Monckton, 95. Greer, 86. Monckton, 103. Jablochkoff, 131. Electro-dynamic coils : Coiled telegraph wire; Frictional electric machines: Monckton, 36. Glass ; Compound; Varley, 23. Courtenay, 112. Stanley, 25. Zanni, 134. Induction; Horseshoe; Lake (Gray), 13. Thomson, 8. Lyttle, 27. Varley, 11. Brandon Varley and Varley, 33. (Errani), 148 Highton, 77. (Appendix). Make-and-break piece; Lake (Batchelder), 61. Apps, 1. Bousfield (Smith), 97. Monckton, 103. Pulvermacher, 32. Rooke, 122. Gardner (Mowbray), 114. Wire; Galvanic batteries : Thomson, 43. Chislett, 76. Air-tight; Courtenay, 99. Walker, 16. Monckton, 103. Automatic action ; Rooke, 122. Barker, 14. Zanni, 134. Moseley, 75. 21. : INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. 147 53. Galvanic batteries-cont, Boiler fed with zinc to give elec- tric power; Vaughan (Dick), 45. Carbon; Boulay, 6. Gedge (Jacquemard), 26. Lyttle, 29. Abel (Delaurier), 30. Monckton, 31. Slater, 34. Bonneville (Chutaux), 34. Varley, 35. Faure, 37. Bonneville (Chutaux), 38. Weber, 39. Daniell and Lund, 40, Lyttle, 50. Highton, 51. Highton, 52. Lake(Prevost and Barjon), Newton (Bastet and Selig. man), 58. Lake (Smith), 56. Highton, 59. Figatner, 64. Highton, 65. Allen and Fitz-Gerald, 68, Owen (Teuchert), 74.) Moseley, 75. Weber, 78. Fitz-Gerald and Molloy, 87. Fréret (Guerot and" Le. sourd), 90, Verdeau, 94. Monckton, 95. Voisin and Dronier, 97. Bennett, 99. Newton (Leclanché), 99. Slater, 100. Welton, 100. Winter, 101. Smith, 102. Lake (Lambrecht and Wip. pern), 102. Clark (Ciamond and Gaiffe), 103. Monckton, 103. Such (Benary, Anthony, and Seimunds), 105. Bonneville (Chutaux), 108. Elcock, 112. Bennett, 112. Nelson and Anderson (Paine and Paine), 113. Lake (Wippern), 116. Warden, “Muirhead and Clark, 117. Browne (Kimball), 124. Lake (Van Tenac), 125. Fuller and Fuller, 125. Cerpaux, 126. Darkin (Camacho), 127. Lake (Trouvé), 129. Pulvermacher, 133, Galvanic batteriescont. Carbon--cont. Coxeter and Coxeter, 134. Pulvermacher, 138. Charged by pneumatic pres- sure; Lake (Lambrecht and Wippern), 102. Wirth (Leiter), 109. Lake (Wippern), 116. Charged by reversal ; Foveaux, 12. Stanley, 69. Chromates of chromium (inso. Tuble), for exciting; Fitz-Gerald and Molloy, 87. Connections; Apps, 1. Pulvermacher, 15. Newton (McCracken, New- ton, Kirkiand, and Hus. son), 41. Stanley, 69. Pulvermacher, 71, Moseley, 75. Clark (Planté), 81. Tyer, 81. Sandy, 85. Wirth (Leiter), 109. Copper ; Boulay, 6. Beard, 7. Martin and Varley, 9. Martin and Varley, 14. Pulvermacher, 15. Martin and Varley, 18. Davies (Garratt), 19. Pulvermacher, 21. Hunt (Garratt), 24. Lyttle, 25. Pulvermacher, 32. Varley and Varley, 33. Kirkman, 42. Jacobs, 43. Thomson, 43. Newton (Lenoir), 48 Pulvermacher, 19 Lyttle, 50. Highton, 51. Highton, 52. Hollingworth, 57. Bell, 68. Adams, 60. Graham, 62. Hunt (Garratt), 70. Hayward, 72. Bartlett, 79. Haseltine (Pope and Sawyer), 80. Clark (Planté), 81, Varley, 88. Field, 89. 148 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. Galvanic batteries-cont. Copper-cont. Hoghton, 89.; Monckton, 95. Welton, 100. Monckton, 103. Such (Benary, Anthony, and Seimunds), 105. Pulvermacher, 107. Cerpaux, 126. Lake (Trouvé), 129. Copper coated with platinum; Lake (Byrne), 135. Cylindrical ; Boulay, 6. Varley and Varley, 7. Fitz-Gerald, 20. Pulvermacher, 21. Fitz-Gerald, 28. Slater, 34. Pulvermacher, 71. Fitz-Gerald and Molloy, 87. Pulvermacher, 133, Flexible; Beard, 7. Pulvermacher, 21. Hunt (Garratt), 24. Pulvermacher, 32. Fitz-Gerald, 44. Pulvermacher, 49. Davies, 57. Hollingworth, 57. Bell, 58. Adams, 60. Pulvermacher, 62. Hunt (Garratt), 70. Haseltine (Moses), 70. Pulvermacher, 71. Hayward, 72. Bartlett, 79. Pulvermacher, 83. Pulvermacher, 92. Pulvermacher, 107. Rogers, 119. Pulvermacher, 133 Pulvermacher, 138. Mercury; Gedge (Rondel), 16. Metal partition of double fluid; Varley and Varley, 54. Varley, 88. Pads of absorbent material ; Sandy, 85. Porous cell; Boulay, 6. Lyttle, 23. Lyttle, 29. Abel (Delaurier), 30. Monckton, 31. Varley and Varley, 33. Slater, 34. Weber, 99. Danieli and Lund, 40.. Lyttle, 50. Galvanic batteries-cont. Porous cell-cont. Newton (Bastet and Selig. man), 55. Lake (Smith), 56. Highton, 59. Graham, 62. Allen and Fitz-Gerald, GS. Owen (Teuchert), 74. Weber, 78. Fitz-Gerald and Molloy, 87. Fréret (Guerot and Le sourd), 90. Moseley, 90. Weil and Maxwell-Lyte, 91. Verdeau, 94. Monckton, 95. Bennett, 99. Slater, 100. Winter, 101. Smith, 102. Monckton, 103. Bonneville (Chutaru), 108. Tyer, 110. Bennett, 112. Nelson and Anderson (Paine and Paine), 113. Browne (Kimball), 124. Lake (Van Tenac), 125. Lake (Trouvé), 123. Jensen (Brandt and Naw- rocki), 133, Monckton, 141. Re-constituted by dynamo electric action; Clark (Lontin), 110. Regulating the immersion of plates; Chauvin, Goizet, and Aubry, 116. Removal of hydrogen from negd. tive surface; Smithers, 32. Sea water; Wigham, 36. Newton (Lenoir), 48. Moseley, 90. Monckton, 95. Monckton, 103. Silver; Monckton, 95. Monckton, 103. Harper, 110. Wetton, 117. Lake (Van Tenac),125. Pulvermacher, 133. Pulvermacher, 138. Zinc immersed in mercury; Fuller and Fuller, 121. Heat in conjunction with dry substances to produce elec- tricity : Galloway, 52, INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. 149 : Hydro-electric arrangement : Jones and Powell, 13. Inductoriums. See Electro- dynamic coils. Leyden jars : Glass tubes ; Varley, 23. Magneto-electric machines : Magneto-electric machines cont. Lever arrangement; Varley and Varley, 7. Evans, 84. Lake (Pope), 90. Regulation of speed by a governor; Zanni, 89. Ring armature; Siemens (Siemens), 2. Gramme and D'Ivernois, 41. Johnson (Gramme and D'Ivernois), 63. Johnson (Fontaine), 78. Werdermann, 101. Kilner, 119. Kilner, 130. Monckton, 141. Wave-line wheel arrangement; Varley and Varley, 7. Magnets, permanent: Covered with insulating ma- terial; Darlow and Fairfax, 93. Wetton, 117. Whiting, 121. Welton, 124. Enveloped in cork to protect the magnetic band; Cole, 139. Flexible; Seymour, 58. Darlow, 63. Darlow, 64. Darlow, 66. Darlow, 72. Wetton, 73. Seymour, 74. Pulvermacher, 77. Johnson (Fontaine), 78. Whiting, 121. Lyon, 123. Welton, 124. Loadstone; Welton, 75. Ruhmkoff coils. See Electro- dynamic coils : Secondary batteries : Cylindrical; Fitz-Gerald, 20. Fitz-Gerald , 28. Clark (Planté), 81. Lead; Clark (Planté), 81, Metal; Highton, 97. Palladium; Varley and Varley, 53. Armature cylinders (longitudi. nally, coiled); Johnson (Van Malderen), 4. Zanni, 40. Lake (Pope), 90. Highton, 04. Circular arrangement; Monckton, 5. Mennons (Hjorth), 6. Holmes, 17. Evans, 74. Courtenay, 79. Tyer, 81. Evans, 84. Darlow and Fairfax, 93. Monckton, 95. Werdermann, 101. Alexander (Bürgin), 120. Lake (Fuller and Cran- dall), 122. Clark (Lontin), 128. Zanni, 134. Clark (Lontin), 185. Monckton, 141. Circular permanent magnets ; Zanni, 54. Wheatstone and Stroh, 59. Johnson (Fontaine), 78. Coiled permanent magnets; Monckton, 5. Varley, 46. Henley and Horstman, 56. Slater, 64. Contact broken between arma- ture and magnet; Welch, 47. Wheatstone and Stroh, 53. Wheatstone and Stroh, 59. Disc moving between electro- magnet and permanent mag. Varley and Varley, 7. Martin and Varley, 14. Holmes, 20. Varley, 46. Varley, 49. Disc moving between electro- magnets; Monckton, 141. Hollow coils moving over per. manent magnets; Stroh, 36. Siemens (Siemens), 68. net; 150 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. Thermo-electric batteries : Thermo-electric batteries- cont. Galena ; Hughes (Mure and Cla. mond), 22. Faure, 93. Faure, 137. Heated by reflectors and lenses which concentrate the sun's rays; Monckton, 103. Separation of the single electric current into several: Clamond, 115. Voltaic batteries. See Gal. Alloy of antimony, bismuth, and arsenic; Monckton, 95. Box heated by gases which cir. culate in a circuitous course ; Schaub, 139. Circular arrangement; Hughes (Mure and cla. mond), 22. Faure, 93. Clamond, 98. Wollaston, 108. Faure, 118. Wray and Wray, 131. Faure, 137. Elements in rows; Baker, 4. Faure, 67. Faure, 118. Faure, 137. vanic batteries : LONDON: Printed by GEORGE E. EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. [12885.-1000.-3/82.] Foul MOUDNO ISSUE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. All communications relating to the Patent Office, Museum, Registry of Designs, or Registry of Trade Marks, to be ad- dressed to Mr. H. READER LACK, Clerk of the Commissioners of Patents, Superintendent of the Patent Museum, Regis- trar of Designs, and Registrar of Trade Marks, at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. LIST OF WORKS printed by order of TAE COMMIS- SIONERS OF PATENTS FOR INVENTIONs, and sold at their Sale Department, 38, Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, London, E.C. I. 1. SPECIFICATIONS of PATENTS for INVENTIONS, DIS- CLAIMERS, &c., enrolled under the Old Law, from A.D. 1617 to Oct. 1852, comprised in 13,561 Blue Books, or 690 thick vols, imp. 8vo. Total cost price about 6001. 2. SPECIFICATIONS of INVENTIONS, DISCLAIMERS, &c. deposited and filed under the Patent Law Amendment Act from Oct. 1, 1852, to June 30, 1881, comprised in 110,493 Elve Books, or 2,853 thick vols. imp. 8vo. Total cost price about 3,1931. Q 3759. Wt. 12885. II. The prices of the Indexes of Patents, Old and New Law for the years 1617 10 1870, have been reduced to the following uniform rates. INDEXES to PATENTS of INVENTION under the Old Law, from A.D. 1617 to October 1852:--- CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 2 vols. (1554 pages.) Price 10s. ; by post, 133. 2d. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 1 vol. (647 pages.) Price 58.; by post, 6s, 5d. SUBJECT-MATTER INDEX. 2 vols. (970 pages.) Second Edi- tion, 1857. Price 108.; by post, 12s. 8d. REFERENCE INDEX of PATENTS of INVENTION, pointing out the Office in which each enrolled Specification may be con- sulted and the Books in which Specifications. Law Proceedings connected with Inventions, &c. have been noticed. 1 vol. (710 pages.) Second Edition. 1862. Price 58.; by post, 68. 5. APPENDIX to the REFERENCE INDEX, containing abstracts from such of the early Patents and Signet Bills as describe the nature of the Invention. I vol. (91 pages.) l'rice 18.; by post, 18. 6d. 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Locks, LATCHES, BOLTS, AND SIMILAR FASTENINGS, price 1s. 6d., by post 1s. 9d. 61. COOKING, BREAD-MAKING, AND THE PREPARATION OF CONFECTIONERY.- Part I. A.D. 1631-1866, price 1s. 10d., by post 2s. 11d.-Part II. A.D. 1857- 1876, price 1s. 6d., by post 18. 8 d. 62. AIR, GAS, AND OTHER MOTIVE POWER ENGINES.- Part I., A.D. 1635-1866, price 18. 10d., by post 28.13d.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 8s. 6d., by post 4s. 0}d. 63. WATER CLOSETS, EARTI CLOSETS, URINALS, &c., price 10d., by post ls. 64. SAFES, STRONG ROOMS, TILLS, AND SIMILAR DEPOSITORIES, price 6d., by post 7d. 63 WEARING APPAREL. DIVISION I.-IIEAD COVERING8, price 1s. 4d., by post 18.6}d. 66. WEARING APPAREL. DIVISION II.-BODY COVERING8, price 28.4d., by post 28. 8 d. 67. WEAKING APPAREL. Division III.-Foot COVERINGS, price 18.10d.bs post 2s. 1 d. 68. WEARING APPAREL. DIVISION IV.-DRESS FASTENINGS AND JEWEL. LERY, price 28. 10d., by post 3s. 11d. 69. ANCHORS, price 6d, by post 7d. 70. METALLIC PIPES AND TUBE8.-Part I., A.D. 1741–1866, price 18. 8d., by post 18. 11d.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 1s. Sd., by post 18.5}d. 41. MINING, QUARRYING, TUNNELLING, AND WELL-SINKING, price 18. 4d., by post ls. 6}d. 72. MILKING, CHURNING, AND CHEESE-MAKING, price 6d., by post 7d. 73. MASTS, SAILS, RIGGING, &c.; INCLUDING APPARATUS FOR RAISING AND LOWERING Sur?' Boats, price 1s., by post ls. 2d. 74. CASKS AND BARRELS, price 8d., by post 9ļd. 75. STEERING AND MANQUVRING VESSELS, price 18., by post 18. 2d. 76. OPTICAL, MATHEMATICAL, AND OTHER PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS INCLUDING NAUTICAL, ASTRONOMICAL, AND METEOROLOGICAL IN. STRUMENTS, price 28. 10d., by post 3s. 2d. 77. HARBOURS, Docks, CANALS, &c., price 18. 2d., by post 18. 4d. 73. GRINDING GRAIN AND DRESSING FLOUR AND MEAL, price 28. 1d., by post 28. 6 d. 6 79. PURIFYING AND FILTERING WATER.-Part I., A.D. 1676-1886, price 18. 2d., by post 18.3}d.-- Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 6d., by post 7d. 80. ARTIFICIAL LEATHER, FLOORCLOTH, QILCLOTH, OILSKIN, AND OTHER WATERPROOF FABRICB, price 18. 10d., by post 28. 0fd. 81. AGRICULTURE. DIVISION I.-FIELD IMPLEMENTS (including methods of tilling and irrigating land).- Part I, A.D. 1618-1866, price 5s. 80., by post 68. 24d.-Part II. A D. 1867-1876, price 28., by post 28.3}d. 89. AGRICULTURE. Division II.-BARN AND FARBYARD IMPLEMENTS (in- cluding the cleansing, drying, and storing of grain).-Part I., A.D. 1630- 1866, price 38., by post 3s. 3}d.-Part II, A.D. 1867-1876, price ls. 3d., by post, 18. 5d. 83. AGRICULTURE. DIVision III.-AGRICULTURAL AND TRACTION ENGINES (in course of preparation). 84. TRUNKS, PORTMANTEAUB, BOXES, AND BAGS, price 18., by post 18. 11d. 85. ICE-MAKING MACHINES, ICE SAFES, AND ICE HOUSES (including the use of freezing agents for preserving alimentary substances), price 6d., by post 7d, 86. UNFERMENTED BEVERAGES, AERATED LIQUIDS, MINERAL WATERS, &c., price 1s., by post 18. ltd. 87. TBA, COFFEE, CHICORY, CHOCOLATE, Cocoa, &c., price 8d., by post 9d. 88. FIRE ENGINES, EXTINGUIBHERS, ESCAPES, ALARMS, &c. (including fire- proof dresses and fabrics), price 23., by post 25. 27d. 89. WASHING AND WRINGING MACHINES.--Part I., A.D. 1691-1866, price 18. 6d., by post ls. 8d.--Part IL, A.D. 1867-1876, price 9d., by post 101d. 90. CHAINS, CHAIX CABLES, &c.- Part I., A.D. 163-1866, price 9d., by post 10d. Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 6d., by post 7d. 31. DRESSING AND FINISHING WOVEN FABRICS, AND MANUFACTURING FELTED FABRICS (including folding, winding, measuring, and packing). - Part I., A.D. 1620-1866, price 38. Ed., by post 38. 1030.--Part II., A.J). 1867-1876, price ls. 6d., by post 18 8 d. 92. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION 1.-GENERATION OF ELEC- TRICITY A'D MAGNETISM, A.D. 1766-1866.- Part I., 8ee Series No. 15.;- Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price ls., by post ls. 13d. 93. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION II.--CONDUCTING AND INS- LATING, A.N. 1766-1866, set Series, No. 15.;-A.D. 1867-1876 (in course of preparation). 91. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING SIGNALS, CONTROLLING MECHANICAL ACTION AND Ex. HIBITING EL-CTRIC EFFECTS, A.D. 1766- 1866, see Series No. 15.;- A.D. 1867-1876 (in course of preparation). 95. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Division IV.- ELECTRIC LIGHTING, IGNITING, AND HEATING.–Parts I. and II. (in one vol.) A.D. 1839-1876, price 9d., by post 109d. 96. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION V.-- ELECTRO-DEPOSITION AND ELECTROLYSIS.-- Parts I. and II. (in one vol.) A.D. 1805-1876, price 1s. 6d., by post 18. 8d. 97. ELECTBICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION VI. - ELECTRIC MOTIVE POWER ENGINES AND SIMILAR APPARATUS. A.D. 1760-1866, see Series No. 15. ;--A.D. 1867-1876 (in course of preparation). 5. CARRIAGES AND OTHER VEHICLES FOR COMMON ROADS, price 5s., by post Bs. 8 d. 99. BREWING, Winf-MAKING, AND DISTILLING ALCOHOLIC LIQUIDS, price 88. 6d., by post 3s. 10d. A Key to the contents of the above volumes of Abridgments will be found in pages 20 to 32. IV. COMMISSIONERS of PATENTS' JOURNAL, published on the evenings of Tuesday and Friday in each week. Price 2 d.; by Post, 31. Annual Subscription, including postage. 25s. which may be remitted by Post Office Order, made payable at the Post Office, Chancery Lane, to Mr. H. Reader Lack, Clerk of the Commissioners of Patents. Subscriptions to the Commissioners of Patents' Journal will not be received for a shorter period than three months, such period to com- mence on either of the following dates:- 1st January, 1st July, or 1st April, 1st October. Annual subscriptions to date from 1st January in each year. All subscriptions must be paid in advance. ContentS OF JOURNAL. 1. Applications for Letters Patent. duty of 501. before the expiration 2, Grants of Provisional Protection of the third year. for six months. 12. Patents on which the seventh 3. Inventions protected for six months year's stamp duty of 1001. has by the deposit of a Complete been paid. Specification. 13. Patents which bave become poid 4. Notices to proceed. by non-payment of the stamp 5. Patents sealed. duty of 1001. before the expira. 6. Specifications filed. tion of the seventh year. 7. Putents; confirmation and exten. 14. Listy of Colonial Patents. sion of. 15. Lists of Foreign Patents. 8. Patents cancelled. 16. Designs registered. 9. Lists of Disclaimers and Memo- 17. Trade Marks registered. randa of Alterations. 18. Weekly price lists of printed 10. Patents on which the third year's Specifications, &c. stamp duty of 501, has been paid. 19. Official advertisementsand notices 11. 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INDEX to ALL INVENTIONS PATENTED in ENGLAND from 1617 to 1854 inclusive, arranged under the greatest 8 = number of heads, with parallel references to INVENTIONS and DISCOVERIES described in the scientific works of VARIOUS NATIONS, as classified by Professor Schubarth. By B. WOOD- CROFT, F.R.S. Price 18. ; by post, ls. 1d. The foreign works thus indexed form a portion of the Library of the Commissioners of Patents, where they may be consulted. 5. SUPPLEMENT to the SERIES of LETTERS PATENT and SPECIFICATIONS, from A.D. 1617 to Oct. 1852; consisting for the most part of Reprints of scarce Pamphlets, descriptive of the early patented Inventions comprised in that Series. CONTENTS. 1. Metallica ; or the Treatise of Metallica, briefly coin prebending the doctrine of diverse new metallical inventionis, &c. By SIMON STURTRVANT. (Let- ters Patent, dated 29th February 1011.) Price 18. 4d.: by post, 18, 5d. 2. A Treatise of Metallica, but not that which was published by Mr. Simon Sturtevant, upon his Patent, &c. By Joux ROVENZON. (Letters Patent granted A.D. 1612.) Price 4d.; by post, 4d. 3. & Commission directed to Sir Richard Wynne and others to inquire upon oath whether NICHOLAS Page or Sir NICHOLAS HALSE was the first in- ventor of certaine kilnes for the drying of malt, &c. &c. (Letters Patent Nos. 716 and 85, respectively dated 10th July 1634, and 23rd July 1635.) Price 2d.; by post, 25d. 4. DOD DODLEY's Metallum Martis ; or iron made with pit-coale, sea-coale, &c. (Letters Patent, Nos. 18 and 117, respectively dated 22nd February 1820, and 2nd May 1638.) Price 8d.; by post, 8 d. 6. Description of the nature and working of the Patent Waterscoop Wheels invented by WILLIAM WIELER, as compared with the raising wheels now in common use. By J, B, W. Translated from the Dutch by Dr. Tolhausen. (Letters Patent, No.127, dated 24th June 1642.) Price 2s.; by post, 28. 11d. 6. Anexact and true definition of the stupendous Water-commanding Engine invented by the Right Honourable (and deservedly to be praised and admired) EDWARD SOMERSET, Lord Marquis of WORCESTER, &c., &c. (Stat. 18 Car. II. c. 12. A.D. 1663.) Price 4.1.; by post, 4d. 7. Navigation improved ; or the art of rowing ships of all rates in calms with a more easy, swift, and steady motion than oars can. By THOMAS SAVERY. (Letters Patent, No. 347, dated 10th Jan. 1696.) Price 1s.; by post, 18. 0fd. 8. The Miner's Friend; or an engine to raise water by fire, described, &c, By THOMAS SAVERY. (Letters Patent, No. 356, dated 25th July 1698, and stat. 10 & 1 Will. III. No.61, A.D. 1699.) Price 18.; by post, ls. 1d. Specimina Ichnokraphica; or a brief narrative of several new inventions and experiments, particularly the navigating a ship in a calm, &c. By JOHN ALLEN, M.D. (Letters Patent No.513, dated 7th August 1729.) Price 8d.; 1 by post, 9d. 10. A description and draught of a new.invented Machine for carrying vessels or ships out of or into any harbonr, port, or river against wind and tide, or in a calm, &c. By JONATHAN HULLE. (Letters Patent, No.556, dated 218t December 1736.) Price 8d.; by post, 9d. 11. An historical account of a new method for extracting the foul air out of ships, &c., with the description and dranght of the machines by which it is performed, &c. By SAMUEL SUTTON, the Inventor. To which are an- nexed two relations given thereof to the Royal Society by Dr. Mead and Mr. Watson. (Letters Patent, No.602, dated 16th March 1744.) Price 18.; hy post, 18. 1d. 12. The letter of Master WILLIAM DRUMMOND for the construction of machines, weapons, and engines of war for attack or defence by land or sea, &c. Dated the 29th September 1626. (Scotch Patent, temp. Car. II.) Price 4d.; by post, 40. 13. Contributions to the History of the Steam Engine, being two deeds relating to the erection by Messrs. Boulton and Watt of steam engines on the United Mines at Gwennap, Cornwall, and at Werneth Colliery, near Oldham, Lan. cashire. From the originals in the Patent Office Library. Price 10d., by post, 10 d. ! 9 . A FREE LIBRARY and READING ROOMS are open to the Public daily, from 10 till 4 o'clock, in the Office of the Commis- sioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. In addition to the printed Specifications, Indexes, and other publications of the Commissioners, the Library includes a Cole lection of the leading British and Foreign Scientific Journals and text-books in the various departments of science and art. The Commissioners' publications can also be consulted daily at the Patent Museum, see page 19. Complete sets of the Commissioners of Patents' publications (each set including more than 3,790 volumes and costing for print- ing and paper upwards of £3,844) have been presented to the authorities of the most important towns in the kingdom, on condition that the works shall be rendered daily accessible to the public, for reference or for copying, free of all charge. The following list gives the names of the towns, and shows the place of deposit of each set of the works thus presented :- Aberdeen (Mechanics' Institution). London (British Museum). Belfast (Queen's College). Macclesfield (Useful Knoro. Society). Birmingham (Central Free Library- Maidstone (Museum and Public Reference Department, Ratclif Library). Place). Manchester (Free Reference Librari, Blackburn (Free Library and Mu- King Street). seum, Library Street). Bolton-le-Moors (Public Library, Ex- Newcastle-upou-Tyne (Literary and Philosophical Society). change Buildings). Bradford, Yorkshire (Public Free Newport, Monmouth (Commerciai Room, Town Hall). Library). Brighton (Free Library, Toron Hall). Northampton (Museum, Guildhall) Bristol (Free Library, King Street). Nottingham (Free Public Libraries). Burnley (Office of the Burnley In- Oldham (School of Arts and Sciences provement Commissioners). Lyceum). Bury. (Athenæum). Paisley (Government School of De- Carlisle (Pub. Free Liby, Police () Mice). sign, Gilmour Street). Cork (Royal Cork Instn, Nelson Place). Plymouth (Free Library). Crewe (Railway Station). Preston, Lancashire (Dr. Shepherd's Derby (Free Library and Museum). Library, the Institution, Avenham), Dorchester (County Museum and Li- brary). Reading (Literary, Scientific, and Mechanics' Institution, London St.) Dublin (National Library of Ireland, Rochdale Kildare St.) (Free Public Library, Town Hall). Dundalk (Free Library). Rotherham (Board of Health Ofices, Gateshead-on-Tyne Mechanics' In- Howard Street). stitute), Salford (Royal Museum and Library, Glasgow (Stirling's Liby, Miller St.) Peel Park). Halifax (Town Hall). Sheffield (Free Library, Surrey Hudderstield (Corporation Offices). Street). Hull (Mechanics' Inst., George St.) Southampton (Hartley Institution). Ipswich (Museum Library, Museum Stockport (Central Free Library). Street). Swansea (Free Library). Keighley (Mechanics' Inst., North St.) Wakefield (Mechanics' Institution, Kidderminster (Public Free Library, Barstow Square). Warrington Public Buildings, Vicar Street). (The Aluseum and Leamington (Free Public Library, Library). Bath Street). Wexford (Mechanics' Institute, Leeds (Public Library, Infirmary Crescent Quay). Buildings). Wigan. Leicester (Free Library, Wellington Wolverhampton (Free Library). Street). Wolverton (Railway Station). Liverpool (Free Public Library, Wil. York ( Lower Council Chamber, Guild- liam Brown Street). hall). 1 10 The Commissioners' publications have also been presented to the following Public Offices, Seats of Learning, Societies, British Colonies, and Foreigo States :- Public Omces, &c. Admiralty--Chatham Dockyard. India Omice. Sheerness ditto. Royal School of Mines, &c., Jermyn Portsinouth ditto. Street, Piccadilly Devouport ditto, Dublin Castle, Dublin. Pembroke ditto. Record and Writ Office, Chancery, Dublin. Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich. Office of Chancery, Edinburgh. War Office, Pall Mall. Museum of Science and Art, Edin- Small Arms Factory, Enfield. burgh. Seats of Learning and Societies, Cambridge University. Queen's College, Galway. Trinity College, Dublin, Incorporated Law Society, Chancery Lane, London. British Colonies. Barbados. India-Bengal, South Australia-Colonia! British Guiana. Bombay. Institute, Adelaide. Madras. Tasmania. Canada-Library of Par. Jamaica. Trinidad. liament, Ottawa. Malta. Victoria-Parliamentary Bureau of Agri. Mauritius. Library, Mel. culture, Toronto. bourne. Board of Arts New Brunswick. Newfoundland. Patent Office, and Manufactures, New South Wales. Melbourne. Montreal New Zealand. Public Library, Cape of Good Hope. Nova Scotia. Melbourne. Ceylon. Prince Edward Island. Foreign States. Argentine Republic-Buenos Ayres. Austria-Polytechnic University, Prague. Polytechnic University, Vienna. Belgium-Ministère de l'Intérieur, Brussels. Musée de l'Industrie, Brussels. France - Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, Paris. Germany-Kaiserliches Patentamt, Berlin. Alsace-Société Industrielle Mulhouse. Bavaria-Königliche Bibliothek, Munich. Gotha-Ducal Friedenstein Collection, Prussia-Königliche Polytechnische Schule, Aix-la-Chapelle. Königliche Bibliothek, Berlin. Königliche Polytechnische Schule, Hanover. Saxony-Königliche Polytechnische Schule, Dresden. Würtemberg-Bibliothek des Musterlagers, Stuttgart, Italy-Ufficio delle Privative, Rome. Netherlands-Harlem. Russia-Bibliotheque Imperiale. St. Petersburg. Polytechnic School, Riga. Spain-Mairid. Sweden-Teknologiska Institutet, Stockholm. United States-Patent Office, Washington. Astor Library, New York. State Library, Albany. Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. Free Public Library, Boston. Library Company, Philadelphia. Free Public Library, Chicago. Peabody Institute, Baltimore. Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Mercantile Library, St. Louis. Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco. 11 Grants of complete series of Abridgments of Specifications have been made to the undermentioned Mechanics' Literary and Scientific Institutions:- Aberystwith (Literary and Working Brigg, Lincolnshire (Reading so- Men's Reading Room). ciety) Alnwick (Scientific and Mechanical Bristol (Atheneum). Institution). (Institution), Alton (Mechanics' Institution). (Laro Library Society). Altrincham (Altrincham and Boudon (Museum and Library, Literary Institution). Queen's Road). Ashburton (Ashburton Library, East Bromsgrove (Literary and Mecha- Street). nics' Institute). Ashby-de-la-Zouch (Mutual Improve Burnley (Literary Institution). ment Society). (Mechanics' Institution). Ashton-under-Lyne, (Free Library, Burslem (Wedgwood Institute). Town Hall). Bury (Athenæum). (Mechanics' In- Bury St. Edmund's (Athendum). stitution). Mechanics'Inst.) Aston, near Birmingham(Aston Manor Calne (Literary Institution). Public Library). Canterbury (Westgate Towers). Aylesbury (Kingsbury Mechanics' In- Carharrack (Literary Institute). stitute). Carmarthen (Literary and Scientific Bacup (Mechanics' Institution). Institution). Banbury (Mechanics’ Institution). Cheddar (Literary Institution). Barnstaple (Literary and Scientific Cheltenham (Permanent Library). Institution). Chertsey (Literary and Scientific Barrow-in-Purness (Barrow Working Institution). Men's Club and Institute). Chester (City Library and Reading Basingstoke (Mechanics' (nstitute Room). and Club). Chesterfield (Mechanics' Institution). Bath (Athenæum). Chichester (Literary Society and (Royal Literary and Scientific Mechinics' Institute). Institution). Chippen ham (Literary and Scientific Batley (Mechanics' Institution). Institution). Battle (Young Men's Christian Asso- Christchurch (Working Men's Insti. ciation). tute). Belfast (Athenaeum). Cockermouth (Mechanics' Institu. (Northern Law Club). tion). (People's Literary Institute). Coggeshall (Literary and Mechanics' Berkhampstead, Great (Mechanics' Institution). Institute). Colchester (Literary Institution). (Working Men's (Young Men's Christian College). Association), Birkenhead (Literary and Scientific Compstall (Atheneum). Society). Coventry (Free Library). Birmingham (Bloomsbury Institu. (Institute). tion). (School of Art). (Central Lending Libra. Crewe (Mechanics' Institution). ry). Deal (Deal and Walmer Institute). (Free Library and News Derby (Mechanics’ Institution). Room, Gosta Green). Devouport (Mechanics' Institute). (Graham Street Institu- Dewsbury (Mechanics' Institution). tion). Diss (Reading Room and Library). Bodmin (Literary Institution). Doncaster (Free Library). Bolton (Mechanics' Institute). (Great Northern Mecha. (School of Art). nics' Institute). Bournemouth (Library and Reading (Young Men's Christian Room). Association). Bradford, Yorkshire(Church Institute). Dorchester (County Museum and (Library and Library). Literary Society). -( Working Men's Institute). (Bechanics' Dudley (Mechanics' Institution). Institute). Dukinfield (Village Library and Braintree (Braintree and Bocking Reading Room). Literary and Mechanics' Institu- Dumbarton (Philosophical and Lite- tion). rary Society). Brampton, near Chesterfield (Local Dumfries (Mechanics' Institution). Museum and Literary Institute). Dundee (Young Men's Christian As. Breage, Cornwall (Institution). sociation and Literary Institution). 12 Durham (Mechanics' Institute). Eagley, Bolton-le-Moors (Library and Institute). Ealing (Young Men's Institute). East Retrorů (Literary and Mutual Improvement Society). Ebbw Vale (Literary and Scientific Institute). Edinburgh (Advocates Library). (Association of Science and Art). (Philosophical Institution), (Royal Scottish Society of Arts). (Watt Institution and School of Art), (Working Men's Club). Egham (Literary Institute). Egremont (Mechanics' Institute). (Workmen's Institute). Bieter (Devon and Exeter Albert Memorial Museum, School of Sci. ence and Art, and Free Library). (Devon and Ereter Institution). Farnbam (Young Men's Association). Faversham (Institute). Fowey (Working Men's Reading Rooms). Frome (Literary and Scientific Insti. tution). (Mechanics' Institution). Gainsborough (Literary, Scientific and Mechanics' Institute). Garforth, near Leeds (Working Men's Club). Glasgow (Atheneum). (Central Working Men's Club and Institute). (City Industrial Museum, Kelpingrove Park). (Institution of Engineers in Scotland). (Mechanics' Institution, Bath Street) (Philosophical Society). Glastonbury (Literary Institute). Godmanchester (Working Men's Reading Room). Gosport (Gosport and Alverstoke Literary and Scientific Institution). Grantham (Puhlic Literary Institn.) Gravesend (Gravesend and Milton Library and Reading Rooms). Greenock Library, Watt Monument). Guernsey (Working Men's Associa- tion). Guildford ( Working Men's Institution). Hadleigh The Readirg Room). Halesworth (Mechanics' Institute). Halifax (Literary and Philosophical Society, (Mechanics Institute). (Working Men's College). Halstead (Literary and Mechanics' Institute). Haslingdon (Institute). Hastings (Literary anu.. stitute). (Mechanics’ Inslitution). Hender Bridge, Dear Todmorden (M«. charies' Institution). 13 Helston(Reading Room and Library). Hemel Hempsted (Mechanics' Inst.) Hereford (Natural History, Philoso- phical, Antiquarian, and Literary Society). Hertford (Literary and Scientific Institution). Heywood (Mechanics' Institute). Hitchin (Mechanics' Institute). Holbeck (Mechanics' Institution). Hollingwood (Working Men's Club). Holt, Norfolk (Literary Society). Holywell Green (Mechanics" Insti. tution). Horncastle (Mechanics' Institution). Huddersfield ( 11echanics'Institution) Hull (Church Institute). (Literary, Scientific, and Mecha. nics' Institute). (Lyceum Library). (Royal Institution, Albion Street). (Young People's Institute). Huntingdon (Literary and Scientific Institution). Ipswich (Working Men's College). Kendal (Christian and Literary Insti. tute), (Highgate Mechanics' Inst.) (Working Men's Institute). Kilmarnock (Library). Kingston - on - Thames (Workmen's Club and Institute, Fairfield Road). Lancaster (Mechanics' Institute and School of Science). Lee, Kent (Working Men's Institu- tion). Leeds (Chapeltown Branch Library). Church Institute). (Holbeck Branch Library). Hunslet Branch Library). (Leeds Library), (Mechanics' Institution and Literary Society). (Philosophical and Literary Society). (Working Men's Institute). (Young Men's Christian Asso. ciation). Leek, Staffordshire (Literary and Mechanics' Institution). Leicester (Law Society). Leighton Buzzard (Working Men's Mutual Improvement Society). Leith (Mechanics' Subscription Li. brary). Lewes (Fitzroy Memorial Library). (Mechanics' Institute). (School of Science and Art). Lincoln (Mechanics' Institute). Liverpool (Institute). (Medical Institution). (Polytechnic Society). Llanelly (Chamber of Commerce and Reading Room). Lockwood (Mechanics' Institution). London (Bank of England Library and Literary Association). (Beaumont Institute, Mile End). (Bedford Working Men's In- stitute, Spitalfields), 7 no London (Birkbeck Institution, South- ampton Buildings, Chancery Lane). (Bow and Bromley Institute, Bow Road). -(Christchurch Working Men's Club, New Street Lark Hall Lane, Clapham). (Free Public Library, Great Smith Street, Westminster). (Hackney Working Men's Club). (King's College). (Literary and Scientific Insti- tution, Walworth). (London Association of Fore- men Engineers and Draughtsmen). (London Institution, Fins- bury Circus). (London Library, St. James'). -(Parkes Museum of Hygiene, University College). -(Royal Architectural Mu. seum and School of Art, Tufton Street, Westminster). (Royal Institute of British Architects, Conduit Street, Hanover Square). -(St. James and Soho Working Men's Club, Rupert Street, Soho). (Working Men's Club, Drix- ton Hill). (Working Men's Club and Institute, Battersea). (Working Men's Club and Institute Union, Strand). -(Working Men's College, Great Ormond Street). Longwood (Mechanics' Institution). Lowestoft (Library and Reading Room). Lye (Institution). Madeley, Shropshire (Anstice Memo. rial, Workmen's Club and Institute). Maidstone (St. Paul's Literary Inst.) (Working Men's Club and Institute). Manchester (Ancoats Branch Free Library): (Campfield Free Lending Library). (Cheetham Branch Li- brary). (Chorlton and Ardwick Branch Free Libraryl. (Hulme Brinch Free Library). ( Law Library). ( Mechanics' Institution). -(Naturul History Museum, Peter Street). (Owen's College). (Portico Library Mos. ley Street). (Rochdale Road Branch Free Library). (Royal Exchange Li. brary). (Scientific and Mechani. cal Society).. Manningtree(Manningtree and Hist- ley Literary and Scientific Institre tion). Manstield (Co-operative Industrial Society). (Mechanics', Artizans', and Apprentices' Library). (Mechanics Institute). Marlborough (Reading and Mutsal Improvement Society). ( IVorking Men's Hall). Melton Mowbray (Literary Institute). Mere, near Bath (Literary Associa- tion). Middlesborough (Iron and Steel 1:. stitute). (Mechanics' Institu- tion). Middlewich (Literary and Scientifie Institution). Mildenhall (Suffolk Literary Inst.) Newark (Mechanics’Institute). Newbury (Literary and Scientific Institution). Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Mechanics' In- stitution). (Working Men's Club), New Mills, near Stockport (Mechanics' Institute). Newport, Isle of Wiglut (Young Men's Society and Reading Room). Northampton (Mechanics' Institute). North Shields (Free Library). Nottingham (Mechanics' Institution). (Subscription Library, Bromley House). Oldham (Mechanics’Institution, TV'er. neth). Old Kilpatrick, near Glasgow (Public Library). Ormskirk (Public Library). Oswestry (Instituto). Over, Cheshire (Working Men's In- stitute). Patricroft (Mechanics' Institution). Pembroke Dock (Mechanics'Institute). Pendleton (Free Library). Penzance (Institute). (Penzance Library). -(Working Men's Association). Perry Barr near Birmingham (Inst.) Perth (Mechanics' Library, High $ Street). Peterborough ( Mechanics'Institution). Poole (Literary and Scientific Insti- tution). Port Glasgow (Public Library). Portsea Island (Young Men's Chris. tian Association). Preston (Institution) for the Diffusion of Knowledge). Redruth (Redruth Institution). Reigate (Mechanics' Institution). Richmond, Surrey (Free Public Li- brary). ! 14 Rotherham (Rotherham and Jasbro' Literary and Mechanics' Institute). Royston (Institute). Rusholme (Public Hall and Library). Ryde, Isle of Wight (Philosophical and Scientific Society). (Young Men's Christian Association and Literary Institute). Saffron Walden (Literary and Scien. tific Institution). St. Helens (Public Library). St. Just (Institution). St. Leonards ( Mechanics Institution). Salford (Working Men's College). Salisbury (Literary and Scientific Institution). Saltaire (Literary Institute). Scarborough (Mechanics' and Literary Institute, Vernon Place). Selby (Mechanics' Institute). Sevenoaks (Literary and Scientific Institution). Shaftesbury (Literary Institution). Sheerness (Literary Institute). Sheffield (Branch Free Library). (Brightside Branch Library). (Literary and Philosophical Society, School of Arts). Shepton Mallet (Reading and Mutual Improvement Society). Sidmouth (Mechanics' Hall). Skipton, Yorkshire (Mechanics’ Inst.) Slough (Mechanics' Institute). Smethwick, Staffordshire (Library, Reading Room, and Literary Insti- tute). Southampton (Polytechnic Institu- tion). (IVorkmen's Hall). South Shields (Public Free Library). Bouthwell (Literary Institution). Spalding (Christian Young Men's As- sociation). (Mechanics' Institute). Stailord (Mechanics' Institution). Staines (Mechanics' Institute). Stalybridge. Cheshire (Mechanics' Institution). Stamford (Institution). Stockton-on-Tees (Young Men's Christian Association). Stourbridge (Associated Institute). (Church of England Association). (Iron Works Reading Room and Library). (Mechanics' Institution). (Working Men's Insti- Stowmarket (Literary Institution). Stratford (Working Men's Hall). Sudbury, Suffolk (Literary and Me. chanics' Institute). Swansen (Royal Institution of South (South Wales Institute of Engineers). (Working Man's Institute). Tavistock (Mechanics' Institute). (Public Library). Thornton, near Bradford (siechanics' Institute). Truro (Cornwall County Library). · (Institution). (Royal Institution of Cornwall). Tunbridge (Literary and Scientific Institute). (Mechanics' Institute). Tunbridge Welis (Mechanics' Institu- tion). (Society of Literature and Science). Turton, near Bolton (Chapel Town Institute). Tynemouth (Free Public Library). Ulverston (Temperance Hall). Uttoxeter (Mechanics' Literary Insti- tute). Uxbridge (Uxbridge and Hillingdon. Reading and Newsroom Institute). Wakefield (Mechanics' Institute). Wallingford (Mechanics' Institute). Walsall (Free Library). Walsham-le-Willows, Suffolk (Inst.) Ware (Institute). Warminster (Athenæum). Watford (Literary Institute). (Public Library). Wednesbury (Free Library). Wellingborough (Working Men's Club). Wellington (Young Men's Christian Association). Wells, Somerset (Young Men's Society). West Bromwich (Free Library). Whaleybridge (Mechanics' Institute). Whitby (Institute). (Museum). (Subscription Library). Whitehaven (Mechanics’ Institute). Whitstable (Institute). Wilton (Literary Institute). Winchester (Mechanics Institution). (Training College). Winsford (Town Hall Reading Room). Wirksworth (Mechanics'Institution). Wisbeach (Mechanics' Institute). Witham (Literary Institution). Witney (Atheneum). Wolverhampton (Law Library). (Library). Wolverton (Institute). Woodbridge(Literary and Mechanics' nstitute). Worcester (Public Library and Has- tings Museum). (Railway Literary Inst.) (Workman's Hall). Workington (Mechanics' Institute). Yarmouth, Great (Parochial Library and Museum). Yeovil (Mutual Improvement So- ciety). York (Institute of Popular Science, &c.) (North Eastern Railway Li- brary and Reading Room). tute). Wales). + 1 15 ofices PRESENTATIONS of portions of the Works, published by order of the Commissioners of Patents, have been made to the following Libraries :- Armagh (Town Clerk's Office). London (British Horological Insti- Aylesbury (Mechanics' Institution and tute). Literary Society, Kingsbury). (General Post Ofice). (Guildhall Library). Market Place). (Inst. of Civil Engineers). Cambridge( Free Library, Jesus Lane). (Institution of Alechanical Cardiff (Free Library and Museum). Engineers). Chester (Mechanics Institute, St. (Metallurgical Department, John Street). King's College). Coalbrookdale (Literary and Scien. (Odontological Society). tific Institution). (Royal Society). Coventry (Watchmakers' Association). (Society of Arts). Dublin (Dublin Library, D'Olier (Society of Telegraph Es. Street). gineers). Dundee (Association of Watchmakers (United Service Museum). and Jewellers). Manchester (Literary and Philoso- Ennis (Public Library). phical Society, George Street). Gloucester (Working Men's Institute, (Mechanics' Institution, Southgate Street). David Street). Guernsey (Public Record Office). Newcastle-upon-Tyne (North of Eng. Guildford (Mechanics' Institute). land Institute of Mining Engi. Ipswich (Mechanics' Institute, Tavern neers). Street). Over Darwen (Free Public Library). Kew (Library of the Royal Gardens). Oxford (Bodleian Library). Leominster (Literary Institute). Stretford, near Manchester (Mecha. London (House of Lords). nics' Institute). (House of Commons). Swindon, New' (Mechanics' Iusti. (Hon. Soc. of Gray's Inn). tution), Inner Temple), Tamworth (Library and Reading Lincoln's Inn). Room, George Street). Middle Temple). Yarmouth, Norfolk (Public Library, (Aeronaụtical Society). South Quay). British Colonies and Foreign States. British Columbia-Mechanics' Insti. United States-American Society of tute, Victoria, Civil Engineers, New York. Public Library, City Library Associa- New Westminster. tion, Springfield, Massachusetts. France-Academy of Science. Paris. Industrial University, Germany - Imperial and Provincial Champaign, Illinois. Library of the University, Stras- Law Association, burg. Philadelphia. Imperial Statistical Office, Mechanics’ Institute, Berlin, San Francisco. Polytechnic School, Carls- Mercantile Library As. ruhe, Baden. sociation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Italy-Communal Library, Palermo. Minnesota Historical Royal Institution for the Eu- Society, Saint Paul, Minnesota. couragement of Science, Naples. Odd Fellows' Library Netherlands - Library of the Poly. Association, San Francisco. technic School, Delft. Patent Office Bar As- New Zealand-Athenwum and Me- sociation, Washington. chanics' Institute, Dunedin. Russia-Imperial Technological Insti. Public Library, De- troit, Michigan. tute, St. Petersburg. Smithsonian Insti- Switzerland - Federal Polytechnic hool, Zurich. tute, Washington. Wabash College, Turkey-Literary and Scientific Insti- Crawfordsville, Indiana. tute, Smyrna. United States-American Academy of Young Men's Chris. Arts and Sciences, Bogton. tian Association, Scranton, Pennsyl- American Institute, vania. New York, Victoria-School of Mines, Ballaarst. 16 NOTICE RESPECTING THE DRAWINGS ACCOMPANYING PROVISIONAL, COMPLETE, AND FINAL SPECIFICA- TIONS. Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. The Commissioners of Patents having decided that the Drawings accon panying the provisional, complete, and final Specifications of 1876 and subsequent years shall be copied by the process of photo- lithography, the regulations prescribing the mode in which the extra copy of such Drawings shall be prepared must be strictly observed, in order that correct copies may be made. All Specifications and Drawings filed in pursuance of Letters Patent should be left at the Office of the Commissioners at least six days before the expiration of the time for filing the same, in order that the Officers may examine the extra copy of the Drawing and ascertain that it has been prepared in conformity with the rules. By Order, H. READER LACK, Clerk of the Commissioners 1st June 1876. of Patents, &c. XOTICE RELATIVE TO NEW EDITIONS OF PRINTED SPECIFICATIONS OF EXPIRED PATENTS. Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. In every case where the Specification of an expired Patent is out of priut, the Commissioners of Patents will be willing to reprint the same and supply copies thereof at cost price, on the prepayment of a sum of money sufficient to cover the cost of reprinting by the person requiring them. By Order, H. READER LACK, Clerk of the Commissicners 23rd November 1876. of Patents, &c. NOTICE RELATIVE TO FULL-SIZE COPIES OF DRAWING BELONGING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS OF PATENTS. Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. For legal or other purposes the Commissioners of Patents are willing to supply, at the undermentioned rates, full-size copies of Drawings belonging to Specifications printed under the new system by the process of Photo-lithography: No. of Copies. Whole sheets Imperial. Half-sheets Imperial. Single Copies Not exceeding 6 copies 12 25 8. d. 25 0 29 0 300 32 0 8. d. 15 0 18 0 20 0 22 0 17 In cases where from the use of color or other causes a satisfactory Photograph cannot be obtained from the original Drawing, an extra charge will be made to cover the expense of taking a tracing. There will also be a small additional charge for coloring the copies of colored original Drawings. Applications stating the number of copies required and accompanied by a remittance sufficient to cover the cost should be addressed to the Clerk of the Commissioners. By Order, H. READER LACK, Clerk of the Commissioners 24th April 1877. of Patents, &c. 1 TRADE MARKS JOURNAL; INDEXES TO APPLICATIONS ; RULES, ACTS, &c. The Trade Marks Journal is issued by the Registrar of Trade Marks, in numbers, royal 4to., price One Shilling each. This publication contains illustrations of all the trade marks applied for under the Trade Marks Registration Acts, as well as the name and calling of each applicant, the description of goods, and the length of time for which such mark has been used, thus affording all persons interested in the use of rade marks authentic information as to the nature of the marks applied for in their respective trades. The first number was published on Wednesday the 3rd of May 1876. The Journal is sold by Knight & Co., 90, Fleet Street, E.C. ; Stevens & Sons, 119, Chancery Lane, W.C.; E. Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, S.W.; Shaw & Sons, Fetter Lane, E.C.; Waterlow & Sons, “Limited," 24 and 25, Birchin Lane, E.C., 60, 61, and 65, London Wall, E.C., and 49, Parlia- ment Street, S.W.; Butterworths, 7, Fleet Street, E.C.; George Down- ing, 8, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, E.C.; Trübner & Co., 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, E.C., J. M. Johnson & Sons, Limited, 3, Castle Street, Holborn, E.C., and 56, Hatton Garden, E.C.; Palmer & Howe, 1, 3, and 5, Bond Street, Manchester; Alex. Thom, 87 and 88, Abbey Street, Dublin ; and Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh. Copies will be sent oy post by any of the above firms on receipt of an application, giving the name and address of the sender, and accompanied by a Post Office Order for the amount due in respect of the copies required. 7 Indexes to the applications for the Registration of Trade Marks, and Lists of Proprietors of Trade Marks registered, which have been advertised in the Trade Marks Journal, have been published in volumes as follow, at Three Shillings each :- Indexes to applications from- January to December 1876. January to June 1877. July to December 1877. (including alphabetical list of proprietors of trade marks registered up to December 20, 1877.) January to June 1878. 18 Indexes to applications from- July to December 1878. (including alphabetical list of proprietors of trade marks registered from December 21, 1877, to December 19, 1878.) January to December 1879. (including alphabetical list of proprietors of trade marks registered from December 20, 1878, to December 18, 1879.) January to December 1880. (including alphabetical list of proprietors of trade marks registered from December 19, 1879, to December 16, 1880.) January to December 1881. (including alphabetical list of proprietors of trade marks registered from December 17, 1880, to December 14, 1881.) A pamphlet containing the Rules under the Trade Marks Registra- tion Acts, 1875–7, together with the Acts and the Registrar's Instruc- tions to Applicants, has also been published, price One Shilling. Copies of this pamphlet and of the Indexes can be obtained of the firms who sell the Trade Marks Journal. PATENT MUSEUM, SOUTH KENSINGTON. Tris Museum is open to the public daily, free of charge. The hours of admission are as follow : Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, 10 A.», till 10 P.M. through- out the year. Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, during the months of November, December, January, and February from 10 A.M. till 4 P.M. Wednesdays, Thursdays and I'ridays during the months of March and October from 10 A.M, till 5 P.M. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September from 10 A.M. till 6 P.M. If any Patentee should be desirous of exhibiting a model of his invention in London, he may avail himself of this Museum, which has been visited since its opening on the 22nd June 1857 by more than 5,340,000 persons. The model will be received either as a gift or loan ; if deposited as a loan, it will be returned on demand. Before sending a model it is requested that the size and description of it shall first be given to the Superintendent of the Patent Museum. No charge is made for the exhibition of models. THE LIBRARY OF THE PATENT MUSEUM contains a complete set of the Commissioners of Patents' publications, which can be consulted by the public daily, free of charge, during the above-named hours. 19 Abridgments of Specifications. The following is a KEY to the classes already published. The numbers refer to the list of Abridgments on pages 4, 5, 6, and 7, where the full titles, prices, &c., are given :- A. Anchors, 69. Anchors for steam ploughing. See Agriculture, 81. Anemometers. See Optical, &c.,76. Aniline. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Animal charcoal. See Sugar, 48. Animals, medical and surgical treat- ment of. See Farriery, &c., 58. Annealing furnaces. See Puel, &c., 30. Anthracite furnaces. See Fuel, &c., 30. Antimony. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, &c., 40. Aqueducts. See Bridges, &c., 36. Arches. See Bridges, &c., 36. Armour plates, rolling. See Iron and Steel, 6. Armour plates, shaping. See Ship- building, 21. Arsenic. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, &c., 40. Arsenic acid and arsenious acid. See Acids, 40. Artificial lenther, 80. Artists' instruments, &c., 54. Asphalte. See Roads, &c., 35. Astronomical instruments. See Opti- cal, &c., 76. Avellers. See Agriculture, 82. Axles, axletrees, and axleboxes, for common road carriages. See Com. mon road carriag's, 98. Axles, axletrees, and axleboxes, for railway carriages, &c. See Carriages for railways, 46; Steam engine, 49. B. Accordions. See Music, &c., 26. Accoutrements. See l'ire-arms, &c., 10. Acetic acid. See Acids, 40. Acids, &c., 40. derated liquids. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86. Aerating water. See Purifying, &c., water, 79. Aeronautics, 41. Ageing fabrics. See Bleaching, &c.,14. Agricultural engines. See Steam en- gine, 49. Agriculture-barn and farmyard im- plements (including the cleansing, drying, and storing of grain), 82. Agriculture--field implements and processes, 81. Agriculture, steam. See Steam cul. ture, 8. Air, &c., engines, 62. Air guns. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Air pumpe of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Alarum clocks. See Watches, &c., 9. Alarums, electric. See Electricity, 15, 94. Alarums, fire. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Alarums, gas. See Gas, 17. Albums. See Photography, 19; Books, 43. Alcohol, distilling. See Brewing, &c., 99. Alkalies. See Acids, &c., 40. Alloys. See Metals, &c., 18. Alum. See Acids, &C.. 40. Alumina. See Acids, &c., 40. Aluminium. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, &c., 40. Amalgamating metals. See Metals, &c., 18. Ambulances. See Medicine, &c., 25 ; Common road carriages, 98. Ammonia. See Acids, &c., 40. Ammonium. See Acids, &c., 40. Ammunition. See Fire-arins, &c., 10. Bagatelle tables. See Toys, &c., 51. Bags. See Trunks, &c., 81. Bags. paper, See Cutting. &c., 12, Baking-powders. See Cooking, 61. Balances. See Raising, &c., 31. Balancing, &c. millstones. See Grind. ing grain, 78. Balloons. See Aeronautics, 41. Balloons, toy. See Toys, 51. Balls. See Toys, 51. Band boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. 20 68. Boxes for pens, leads, &c. See Wri. ting, 37. Boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Bracelets. See Werning apparel, 68. Braces. See Wearing apparel, 66. Braid. See Lare-making, 29. Brakes. See Carriages for railways, 46; Steam-engine, 49; Mining, 71. Brakes for common road carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Brass. See Metals, &c., 18. Bread-making. See Cooking, &c., 61. Breakfast powders. See Tea, &c., 87. Breakwaters. See Harbours, &c., 77. Breast pins. See Wearing apparel, Breast-plates. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Breer he's. See Wearing apparel, 66. Brewing, wine-making and distilling alcoholic liquids, 99. Bricks and tiles, 22. Bricks, ventilating. See Ventilation, 52. Bridges, &c., 36. Bridles. See Saddlery, 34. Broadshares. See Agriculture, 81. Bromine. See Acids, &c., 40. Brooches. See Wearing apparel, 68. Bruising mills for beans, grain, gorse, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Brushes for artists. See Artists' in- struments, 54; Brushing, 57. Brushing, &c., 57. Buckles. See Wearing apparel, 68. Buffers. See Carriages, &c., for rail. ways, 46. Bugles. See Music, &c., 26. Bullet-m' king machines. See Fire arms, &c., 10. Bungs. See Preparing and cutting cork, 56. Buoys. See Harbours, &c., 77. Bustles. See Wearing apparel, 66. Buttons. See Wearing apparel, 68. C. Bands and belts. See Wearing appa- rel, 66. Barium. See Acids, &c., 40. Barley hummellers. See Agriculture, 82. Barley mills. See Grinding grain, 78. Barometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Barrels, 74. Barrows. See Common road car- riages, 98. Baryta. See Acids, &c., 40. Baskets. See Trunks, &c., 84. Bath chairs. See Common road car- riages,'98. Baths for medical use. See Medicine, &c., 25. Bayonets. See Firo-arms, &c., 10. Beacons. See Harbours, &c., 77. Beads. See Wearing apparel, 68. Beds and bedsteads. See Furniture, 39. Beds and bedsteads for invalids. See Medicine, &c., 25; Furniture, 39. Beer engines. See Hydraulics. 32. Beetling. See Dressing, &c., 91. Bellows. See fuel, &c., 30. Bells, church and musical. See Music, &c., 26. Belts, surgical. See Medicine, &c., 25. Beverages, anfermented, 86. Bicycles. See Common road car- riages, 98. Billiards. See Toys, &c., 51. Bins for corn, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Biscuits. See Cooking, 6i. Biscuit ware. See Pottery, 24. Bismuth. See Acids, &c., 40. Bits. See Saddlery, 34. Blacking. See Skins, &c., 55 ; Wearing apparel, 67. Blast furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6. Bleaching, &c., fabrics, 14. Bleaching fibrous substances. See Paper 11 ; Spinning, 28. Blinds. See Furniture, 39. Blinds, ventilating. SeeVentilation,52. Blocks. See Raising &c., 31 Boas. See Wearing apparel, 66. Boat-building. See Ship-building, 21. Boats, raising and lowering. See Raising, &c., 31; Masts, &c., 73. Bobbin net. See Lace-making, 29. Boiler plates. See Iron and steel, 6. Boiler tubes. See Metallic pipes, 70. Boilers of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Bolting, &c., flour. See Grinding grain, 78. Bolts. See Locks, &c., 60. Bolts. See Nails, &c., 58. Bonnet boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Bonnets and bonnet boxes. See Wearing apparel, 65. Books, &c., 43. Boot-cleaning machines. See Brush. ing, 57. Boot hooks. See Wearing apparel, 67. Boot jacks. See Wearing apparel, 67. Boots. See Wearing apparel, 67. Boracic acid. See Acids, 40. Bottling. See Preparing, &c., cork, &c., 66. Cable stoppers. See Raising, &c., 31. Cables, telegraphic. See Electricity, 15. Cabs. See Coinmon road carriages, 98. Caddies. See Trunks, &c., 84. Cadmium. See Acids, &c., 40. Cages, miners' safety. See Mining, 71. Caissons. See Harbours, &c., 77. Cake breakers. See Agriculture, 82. Calcining farnaces. See Metals, &c. 18; Fuel, &c., 30. Calcium. See Acids, &C., 40. Calculating machines. See Optical, &c., 76. Calendering. See Dressing and finish- ing, &c., 91. Calico, bleaching, dyeing, and print. ing, 14. Cameras. See Photography, 19; Op- tical, &c., 76. Canal navigation. See Marine pro. pulsion, 5. 21 Canals. See Harbours, &c., 77. Candles. See Oils, &c., 27. Candlesticks. See Lamps, &c., 44. Canes, walking sticks, &c. See Um- brellas, &c., 47. Cannon. See Firearms, 10. Canvas. See Weaving, 20. Capes. See Wearing apparel, 66. Caps and cap fronts. See Wearing apparel, 65. Caps and capsules. See Preparing and cutting cork, 56. Capstans. See Raising, &c., 31. Carbon. See Acids, &c., 40. Carbonic acid. See Acids, 40. Cardboard. See Paper, 11. Card cases. See Books, &c., 43. Carding engines. See Spinning, 28. Cards. See Cutting, &c. paper, 12; Letterpress printing, &c., 13. Cards, playing. See Toys, &c., 51. Cargoes, ventilating. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Carpet bags. See Trunks, &c., 84. Carpets. See Weaving, 20. Carriage lamps. See Lamps, 44. Carciages for guns. See Fire-arms, &c., 10, Carringes for invalids. See Medicine, &c., 25. Carriages and other vehicles for com- mori roads, 98. Carriages, &c., for railways, 46. Cartridges. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Cartridges, miner's. See Mining, 71. Carts. See Common road carriages, 98. Cask stands. See Casks, 74. Caskets. See Trunks, &c., 84. Casks, 74. Casks, cleaning. See Brewing, &c., 99. Castors. See Furniture, 39. Cattle food, medicated. See Farriery, &c., 53. Cattle food, preparing on the farm, not manufacturing for sale. See Agri- culture, 82. Cattle medicines. See Farriers, &c., 53. Cement, brush maker's. See Brushing, 57. Centre boards. See Steering, 75. Cesspools. See Waterclosets. &c., 63. Chaff-cutters. See Agriculture, 82. Chains, chain cables, &c., 90. Chains, jewellery. See Wearing Ap- parel, 68; Chains, &c., 90. Chairs. See Furniture, 39. Chairs, invalid. See Medicine, 25; Furniture, 39. Chalybeate waters. See Unfer- mented beverages, &c., 86. Chamber utensils. See Waterclosets, &c., 63. Chandeliers. See Lamps, &c., 41. Charcoal, animal. See Sugar, 48. Cheese making. See Milking, &c., 72, Chemises. See Wearing apparel, 66. Chenille. See Lace-making, 29. Chess, Sce Toys, 51. Chests. See Trunks, &c.. 84. Chicory, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87. Chimes. See Music, 26. Chimneys and chimney tops. See Fuel, &c., 30. Chimneys sweeping. See Brushing, 57. Chinaware. See Pottery, 24. Chlorine. See Acids, &c., 40. Chocolate or cocoa, concentrated er. tracts of. See Tea, &c., 87. Chocolate or cocoa, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87. Chocolate, preparing as a drink. Set Unfermented beverages, &c., 86. Chromium. See Acids, &c., 40. Chromo-lithography. See Letterpress and similar printing, 13 ; Ornament- ing paper, &c., 12. Churning. See Milking, &c., 72. Cigars, cigarettes, and cigar holders. See Tobacco, 42. Cinder sifters. See Fuel, &C., 30. Cisterns. See Hydraulics, 32. Citric acid. See Acids, 40. Clasps and clips. See Writing, &c.. 57. Cleaning grain. See Agriculture, 82. Clinometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Clipping horses. See Farriery, &c.,53 Cloaks. See Wearing apparel, 66. Clocks. See Watches, &c., 9. Clod crushers. See Agriculture, 81. Clogs. See Wearing apparel, 67. Coal scuttles. See Puel, &c., 30. Coating metals. See Metals, &c., 18. Plating, &c., metals, 23. Coats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Cobalt. See Metals, 18; Acids, &c., 40. Cocks. See Hydraulics, 32. Cocoa or chocolate, concentrated ei. tracts of. See Tea, &c., 87. Cocoa or chocolate, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87. Cocoa, preparing as a drink. See Un- fermented beverages, &c., 86. Coffee, concentrated extracts of. Sce Tea, &c., 87. Coffce, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87. Coffee mills. See Grinding grain,&c..78. Coffee, preparing as a drink. See Un. fermented beverages, &c., 86. Coffer dams. See Bridges, 36; Har. hours, &c., 77. Coke ovens. Ser Fuel, &c., 30. Collars. See Wearing apparel, 66. Collars for horses. See Saddlery, 34. Colours. See Paints, 60, Colours, artists'. See Artists instru. ments, &c., 54. Combing machines. See Spinning, Commodes. See Furniture, 59; Water- closets, &c., 63. Compasses, drawing. See Optical, &c., 76. Compasses, magnetic. See Optical, &c., 76. Compasses, mariners'. See Optical, &c., 76. Concertinas. See Music, &c., 26. Condensers of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. 1 22 Confectionery. See Cooking, &c., 61. Confectionery ices. See Ire-making, &C., 85. Conveying water. See Hydraulics, 32. Cooking, &c., 61. Copper. See Metals, &c., 18. Copper oxides, &c. See Acids, &c., 40. Copying presses. See Writing, &c., 37. Corkcutting, &c.,56. Corkscrews. See Preparing and cut- ting cork, 56. Corn, thrashing.cleansing, drying, and storing. See Agriculture, 82. Cornets. See Music, 26. Cots and cradles. See Furniture, 39. Cotton gins, See Spinning, 28. Couches. See Furniture, 39. Counting number of passengers in common road carriages. See Com- mon road carriages, 98. Couplings for tubes. See Metallic pipes, &c., 70. Covers of vehicles. See Common road carriages, 9s. Crab-winches, steam. See Raising, &c., 31; Steam engine, 49. Cranes. See Raising, &c., 31, Cranes, hydraulic. See Raising, &c., 31; Hydraulics, 32. Cranes, steam. See Raising, &c., 31; Steam engine, 49. Crates. See Trunks, &c., 84. Cravats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Crayons. See Artists' instruments, &c., 54. Crayons and crayon holders. See Writing, &c., 31 ; Artists' instru. ments, &c., 54. Cricket. See Toys, &c., 51. Crinolines. See Wearing apparel, 6. Crochet needles and holders. Needles, 45. Croquet. See Toys, &c., 51. Crushing grain, &c. See Grinding grain, 78. Crushing, breaking. &c., ores,&c. See Iron, 6; Metals, &c., 18; Roads, 35. Crushing mills for beans, gorse, grain, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Cuirasses. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Cultivators. See Agriculture, 81. Curricle bars. See Common road car- riages, 98. Currycombs. See Saddlery, 34. Curtains. See Furniture, 39. Cutting, &c. paper, 12. Cutting metallic pipes. See Pipes, 70. Cutting roots, straw &c. See Agri. culture, 82. Cyanogen. See Acids, &c., 40. Decorticating grain and seeds. See Grinding grain, 78. Dentistry. See Medicine, 25. Derricks. See Raising, &c., 31. Derricks, steam. See Raising, &c., 31; Steam engine, 49. Desks. See Writing, 37. Despatch boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Detonating signals. See Railway sig. nals, 38. Dibbles. See Agriculture, 81. Dies. See Ornamenting paper, &c., 12. Diggers and digging machines. See Agriculture, 81. Distance indicators for common road carriages. See Common road car- riag's, 98. Distilling alcoholic liquids. See Brew- ing, &c., 99. Diving apparatus. See Raising, &c., 31. Vocks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Dolls. See Toys, 51. Door-springs. See Hinges, &c., 59. Drags. See Common road carriages, 98. Draining mines. See Mining, 71. Drain pipes, laying. See Agriculture, 81. Drain ploughs. See Agriculture, 81. Drain tiles and pipes. See Drains, &c., 1. Drains and sewers, 1. Draughts and draughtboards. See Toys, 51. Drawers. See Wearing apparel, 66. Drawing instruments. See Writing, &c., 37; Artists', &c., 54; Optical, mathematical, &c., 76. Dredgers, steam. See Steam engine, 49; Harbours, &c.. 77. Dredging. See Raising, &c., 31; Har- bours, &c., 77. Dresy fastenings. See Wearing ap- parc), 68. Dressing and finishing woven fabrics, &c., 91. Dressing cases. See Trunks, &c., 84. Dressing flour and meal. See Grinding grain, 78. Dressing millstones. See Grinding grain, 78. Drills, seed and manure. See Agti. culture, 81. Drums. See Music, &c., 26. Dry rocks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Drying grain, hops, roots, hay, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Dyeing. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Dynamometers. See Optical, &c., 76. See E. D. Earrings. See Wearing apparel, 68. Earth closets. See Waterclosets, &c., Dams. See Harbours, &c., 77. Dash wheels. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Decoctions, unconcentrated.” See Un. formented beverages, &c., 86. 63. Earthenware. See Pottery, 24. Easels. See Artists' instruments, 54. Effervescing drinks. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86. Elastic bands. See India rubber, 16 ; Lace-making, 29. Elastic cloths. See Weaving, 20; Lace-making, 29. Electric generators, 92. Electricity, &c., 15; 92; 93 ; 94 ; 95; 96; 97. Electric lighting, &c., 95. Electro-deposition, &c., 96. Electro-etching. See Electro-deposi. tion, &c., 96. Electrolysis, 96. Elevators or stackers. See Agricul. ture, 82. Embankments. See Harbours, &c.,77. Embossing. See Ornamenting paper, 12; Letterpress printing, 13 ; Dres. sing, &e. fabrics, 91. Embroidering. See Sewing, 2. Emery cloth, &c. Sce Cutting, &c., paper, 12. Endless travelling railways. See Aids to locomotion,7; Common road car- riages, 98. Engraving, embossing, and printing rollers. See Ornamenting paper, 12 ; Bleaching, &c. fabrics, 14. Engravings Nee Letterpress printing &c., 13; Artists' instruments, 54. Envelopes. See Cutting, folding, &c. paper, 12. Envelopes, fastenings for. See Writing, &c., 37. Excavating. See Harbours, &c., 77. Exercises. See Toys, &c., 51. Explosive compounds. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Explosive compounds for blasting. See Mining, &c., 71, Extracts of hops, &c. See Brewing, &c., 99. Extracts, unconcentrated. See Un. fermented beverages, &c., 86. Eyelets. See Wearing apparel, 68. Fire bars. See Fuel, &c., 30. Fire engines, 88. Firo escapes, 88. Fire extinguishers, 88. Fire-grates. See Fuel, &c., 30. Fire-proof depositories. See Safes, &c., 64. Fire-proof dresses and fabrics. See Pire engines, &c., 88. Fireworks. See Toys, 51. Fittings for metallic pipes. Ses Pipes, 70. Flageolets. See Music, &c., 26. Flesh brushes. See Brushing, 57. Floating docks. See Harbours, &C., 77. Floorcloth, 80. Flues. See Fuel, &c., 30. Fluorine. See Acids, &c., 40. Flutes. See Music, &c., 26. Fog signals. See Railway signals, 38. Folding fabrics. See Dressing, &c., 91. Folding paper. See Cutting, &c., 12: Letterpress printing, &c., 15. Food for cattle, preparing on the farm, not manufacturing for sale. See Agriculture, 82. Food, preservation of. 4. Footways. See Roads, &c., 35. Fountains. See Hydraulics, 32. Fraud, preventing. See Paper, 1); Ornamenting, 12; Printing, 13. Freezing mixtures, See Ice-making, &c., 85. Frills and frillings. See Wearing ap. parel, 66. Fringe. See Lace-making, &c., 29. Fruit-cleaning machines. See Brush- ing, 57. Fruit, machinery for paring, slicing &c. See Cooking, &c., 61. Fuel, 30. Fulling. See Dressing and finishing. &c., 91. Funeral carriages, See Coinmon road carriages, 98. Furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6; Metals and alloys, 18; Fuel, &c., 30 Steam- engine, 49. Furniture, &c., 39. Furze crushers. See Agriculture, 82. Funees and fusee cases. See Tobacco, 42. Fuses for firing blasting charges. Sce Mining, 71. F. G. Fan blowers. See Fuel, &c., 30. Fans, rotary. See Ventilation, 52. Fares, checking, &c. See Common road carriages, 98. Farriery, &c., 53. Fats. See Oils, &c., 27. Feeding bottles. See Medicine, 25. Feeding troughs. See Agriculture, 82. Felting. See Dressing and fiuishing, &c., 91. Fermented beverages, &o. See Brew- ing, &c., 99. Field implements and processes for agriculture, 81. Filters, water. See Purifying, &c. water, 79. Filters, sugar. See Sugar, 48. Finings for malt, &c. See Brewing, &c., 99. Finishing fabrics. See Dressing, &c.91. Fins, steering. See Steering, &c., 75. Fire-arms, &c., 10. Fire-aris, toy. See Toys, 51. Gaiters. See Wearing apparel, 66. Galvanic batteries. See Electricity, 15 ; 92. Galvanic action. See Electro-deposi- tion, &c., 96. Games. See Toys, 51. Garters. See Wearing apparel, 66. Gas, 17. Gas engines. See Air, &c., engines, 62. Gas meters. See Gas, 17. Gasometers. See Gas, 17. Gas stoves. See Gas, 17; Fuel, &c., 30. Gas tubes. See Metallic pipes, 70. 24 28. Gates, dock. See Harbours, &c., 77. Gates, lock. See Harbours, &c., 77. Gauges, air. See Ventilation, 52. Gauges, steam. See Steam engine, 49. Gauges, water. See Hydraulics, 32; Steam engine, 49. Gig mills. See Dressing, &c., 91. Gilding, &c. paper. See Ornamenting, 12. Girths. See Saddlery, 34. Glass paper, &c., 12. Globes. See Optical, &c., 76. Globes for lamps. See Lamps, 44. Glove fastenings. See Wearing ap- parel, 68. Gloves. See Wearing apparel, 66. Gloves of thread. See Lace-making, 29. Gold. See Metals,&c.,18; Acids, &c.,40. Goloshes. See Wearing apparel, 67. Gorse and grain crushers. See Agri- culture, 82. Giain, preparing for brewing, &c. See Brewing, &c., 93. Grain, thrashing, cleansing, sorting, measuring, weighing, preserving, storing, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Granaries. See Agriculture, 82. Graphometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Grates. See Fuel, &c., 30. Graving docks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Gridirons for repairing ships. See Harbours, &c., 77. Gridirons. See Cooking, &c., 61. Grinding grain, 78. Grooming horses by machinery. See Brushing, 57. Grubbers. See Agriculture, 81. Guitars. See Music, &c., 26. Gunboats. See Ship-building, 21. Gunpowder. See Fire-arms, 10. Gutta-percha. See India-rubber, 16. Gutters. See Drains, 1; Roads, 35. Gymnastics. See Medicine, &c., 25 ; Toys, 51. Hay rakes. See Agriculture, 81. Hay,stacking, packing, and cutting. See Agriculture, 82. Head coverings. See Wearing ap- parel, 63. Hearses. See Common road car- riages, 98. Heating by electricity. See Elect- ricity, 95. Heckling machines. See Spinning, Heliography. See Photography, 19. Helmets. See Fire-arms, &c., 10; Wearing apparel, 65. Hides. See Skins, 55. Hinges and hinge joints, 59. Hoes. See Agriculture, 81. Hoists. See Raising, &c., 31. Hoists, steam. Seo Raising, &c., 31 ; Steam-engine, 49. Hooks and eyes. See Wearing ap- parel, 68. Hop cultivation. See Agriculture.81. Hops, drying and pocketing. Sec Agriculture, 82 ; Brewing, &c., 93. Horns. See Music, &c., 26. Horse gear. See Agriculture, 82. Horse medicines. See Farriery, 53. Horse shoes and horse nails. See Farriery, 53, Hoso pipes. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Hosiery. See Wearing apparel, 66. Hospitals. See Medicine, &c., 25. Hot pressing. See Dressing, &c., 91. House carts. See Common road car- riages, 98. Hulling, &c., grain. See Grinding grain, 78. Hummellers. See Agriculture, 82. Hydrants. See Hydraulics, 3... Hydraulics, 32. Hydrochloric acid. See Acids, 40. Hydrocyanic acid. See Acids, 40. Hydrogen. See Acids, &c., 40. Hydrometers. See Brewing, &c., 99. Hydro-propulsion. See Marine pro. pulsion, 5. Hygrometers. See Optical, &c., 76. H. I. Habits. See Wearing apparel, 66. Hair-brushing machinery. See Brush. ing, 57. Hair cloth. See Weaving. 20. Hair pins. See Needles, &c., 45. Hammers, steam. See Steam engine, 49. Hammocks. See Furniture, 39. Hand barrows. See Common road carriages, 98. Harbours, &c., 77. Farmoniums. See Music, &c., 26. Harness. See Saddlery, 34. Harps and harpsichords. See Music, &c., 26. Harrows. See Agriculture, 81. Harvesters. See Agriculture, 81. Hassocks. See Furniture, 39. Hat boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Hats, hat bands, and hat boxes. See Wearing apparel, 65. Haymakers. See Agriculture, 81. Ice creams. See Ice-making, &c., 85. Ice houses, S5. Ice-making machines. 85. Ice pails. See Ice-making, &c., 85. Ice safes, 85. Ice wells. See Ice-making, &c., 85. Igniting by electricity. See Elect- ricity, 95. India-rubber, 16. India-rubber horse-shoes. See Far. riery, 53. Indicators for common road carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Infusions, unconcentrated. See Un- fermented beverages, &c., 86. Ink and inkstands. See Writing, &c. 37. Ink, printers'. See Printing, &c., 13. Insulators. See Electricity, 15; 93. Invalid bedsteads. See Medicine, &c., 25; Furniture, 39. Invalid carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Iodine. See Acids, &c., 40. Iron and steel, 6. Iron oxides, &c. See Acids, &c., 40. Ironing. See Dressing and finishing, &c., 91. Irrigating and watering land. See Agriculture, 81. J. Jackets. See W'caring apparel, 66. Jacks, hydraulic. See Hydraulics, 32. Jacks, roasting. See Cooking, 61. Jacks, screw. See Raising, &c., 31. Jacquard machines. See Weaving, 20; Lace, 29. Jewellery. See Wearing apparel, 68. Joints and connections. See Pipes, 70. Lee boards. See Steering, &c., 75. Leggings. See Wearing apparel, 66. Lemonade. See Unfermented beve rages, &c., 86. Lemon and other fruit squeezers. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86 Lenses. See Optical, &c., 76. Letterpress and similar printing, 13. Levels. See Optical, &c., 76. Lifts. See Raising, 31. Lifts, steam. See Raising, 31; Steam engine, 49. Light, electric, &c., 95. Lighthouse lamps. See Lamps, 44. Lighthouses. See Harbours, &c., 77. Lighting mines. See Mining, 71. Limus, artificial. Soe Medicine, &c., 25. Lime. See Acids, &c. 40. Lime light. See Lamps, &c., 44. Links. See Chains, &c. 90. Linoleum. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Liqueurs. See Unfermented bere rages, &c., 86. Lithography. See Printing, 13; Orna. menting paper, 12. Loading hay, straw,&c. See Agricul- ture, 81, Lockets. See Wearing apparel, 6s. Locks, &c., 60. Locks, canal, &c. See Harbours, &c.,77. Locks for guns. See Fire-arms, 10. Locomotion, aids to, 7. Locomotive steam carriages. See Steam engine, 49. Lors. See Optical, &c., 76. Looking-glasses. See Furniture, 39. Looms. See Weaving, 20. Looped fabrics. See Lace-making, &c., 29. Lowering apparatus. See Raising, &c., 31. Lozenges. See Medicine, 25; Cooking, 61. Lubricants. See Oils, &c., 27. K. Kaleidoscopes. See Optica), &c., 76. Kamptulicon. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Keels, sliding. See Steering, 75. Kegs. See Casks, 74. Kettles for the table. See Unfor- mented beverages, &c., 86. Kilns for drying hops, grain, malt, &r. See Agriculture, 82; Brewing,&c., 99. Kilns. See Bricks and tiles, 22; Pov- tery, 24; Fuel, &c., 30. Kites. Soe Aeronautics, 41; Toys, 51. Knapsacks. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Kneading machines. See Cooking, &c 01. Knife cleaners. See Brushing, 57. Knitting machines. See Lace, 29. Knobs. See Furniture, &c., 39; Locks, 60. 로 ​M. L. sssr Labels. See Writing, &c., 37. Lace-making, knitting, netting, &c., 29. Lampblack. See Paints, 50. Lamps, &c., 44. Lamps, cooking. See Lamps, 44; Cooking, 61. Lasts for making hoots and shoes. See Wearing 67. Latches. See Locks, &c., 60. Launching vessels. See Ship-build- See PreT. Machine needles. See Needles, 45. Magic lanterns. See Toys, 51. Magnesia. See Acids, &c., 40. Magnesium. See Acids, &c., 40. Magnetism. See Electricity, 15; 92 ; 93; 94; 95; 96; 97. Malt, drying. See Brewing, &c., 99. Malt, grinding. Seo Brewing, &c., 99. Malt mills. See Grinding grain, 78; Brewing, &c., 99. Manganese. See Acids, &c., 40. Mangers. See Saddlery, &c., 34. Mangling. See Dressing and finishie ing, &c., 91. Manifold writers. See Writing, 37. Manæuvring ships and vessels. See Steering, &c., 75. Mantillas and mantles. See Wearing apparel, 66. ing, 21. Lead. See Metals, &c., 18. Lead for paints. See Paints, 50. Lead, oxides, &c. See Acids, &c., 40. Leather. See Skins, &c., 55. Leather cloth. See Artificial leather, 80. be Wear 26 Manure, 3. N. Nails, &c., 58. Nails, horse-shoe. See Farriery, 53. Nails, 58. Nautical instruments. See Optical, &c.. 76. Necklaces and necklets. See Wearing apparel, 68. Neckties. See Wearing apparel, 66. Needle cases. See Sewing, 2. Needles and pins, 45. Needles for knitting. See Lace- making. &c., 29. Net, bobbin. See Lace-making, &c., 29. Nets, fishing. See Lace-making, &c., 29. Nickel. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, &c., 10. Nitre. See Acids, &c., 40. Nitric acid. Sce Acids, 40. Nitrogen. See Acids, &c., 10. Nosebags. See Saddlery, 34. Nuts. Scc Nails, &c., 58. 0. Oars. See Marine propulsion, 5. Oat mills. See Agriculture, 82. Oats, thrashing, cleaning, drying, storing, &c. See Agriculture, sz. Octants. See Optical, &c., 76. Oilcloth, 80. Oils, &c., 27. Oilskin, so. Optical, &c., instruments, 76. Ordnance. See Fire-arms, 10. Organs. See Music, &c., 26. Ovens. See Fuel, &c., 30. Ovens, bakers'. See Fuel, &c., 30 Cooking, 61. Overalls. See Wearing apparel, 66. Overcoats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Overshoes. See Wearing apparel, 67. Oxalic acid. See Acids, 40. Oxides. See Acids, &c., 40. Oxygen. See Acids, &c., 40. P. 76. Minnure distributors. See Agricul- ture, 81. Marine engines. See Marine propul. sion,5; Steam engine, 49. Marine propulsion, 5. Mariners' compasses. See Optical, &c., 76. Mashing apparatus. See Brewing, &c., 99. Masts, &c., 73. Mathematical instruments. See Art- ists' instruments, 54; Optical, &c., Mattresses. See Furniture, 39. Seat screens. See Cooking, 61. Medicine, &c., 25. Medicine, and medicated food for animals. See Farriery, 53. Memorandum books. See Books, 43. Mercury. See Acids, &c., 40. Meridian instruments. See Optical, &c., 76. Metallic pipes and tuhes, 70. Metallic surfaces, protecting. See Electro-deposition, &c., 96. Metals and alloys, 18. Metals, plating. See Coating, &c., 23; Electro-deposition, &c., 96. Metals, separating. See Metals, &c., 18. Meteorological instruments. See Op. tical, &c., 76. Meters, gas. See Gas, 17. Meters, water. See Hydranlies. 32. Micrometers. Seo Optical, &c., 76. Microscopes. See Optical, &c., 76. Milking, &c., 72. Millboard. See Paper, 11. Mills, barley. See Grinding grain, 78 Mills, coffee. See Grinding grain, 78. Mills, flour. See Grinding grain, 78. Mills, malt. Seo Grinding grain, 78 ; Brewing, &c., 99. Miils, pain See Paints, 50. Mills, sugar. See Sugar, 48. Mills, water. See Hydraulics, 32; Grinding grain, 78. Millstones. See Grinding grain, 78. Millstones, balancing. See Grinding grain, 78. Millstones, dressing, &c. See Grinding grain. 78. Mincing machines. See Cooking. 61. Mineral waters. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86. Miners' lamps. See Lamps, 44. Mines, ventilating. See Ventilation 52. Vining, &c., 71. Mittens. See Wearing apparel, 66. Mordants. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Motive power. See Hydraulics, 32; Steam engine, 49; Air and gas en- gines, 62. Moulds, sugar. Sec Sugar, 48. Mowers. See Agriculture, 81. Muffs. See Wearing apparel, 66. Mules. See Spinning, 28. Muriatic acid. See Acids, 40. Music and musical instruments, 26. Music stands and stools, See Music, &c., 26. Packing cases. See Trunks, &c.,84. Packing fabrics. See Dressing and finishing, 91. Packing for pistons of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Paddle-wheels. See Marine propul. sion, 5. Paints, &c., 50. Paints for artists. See Artists' instru- ments, &c., 54. Pantaloons. See Wearing apparel, 66. Paper, cutting, folding, and ornament. ing, 12. Paper making, 11. 27 Potash water. See Unfermented be verages, &c., 86. Potassium. See Acids, &c., 40. Potato diggers. See Agriculture, 87. Pottery, 24. Pouches for tobacco. See Tobacco, 42. Powder flasks. See Fire-arms, &c., 16. Power looms. See Weaving, 20. Precious stones, cutting, &c. Sce Wearing apparel, 68. Precious stones, setting. See Wearing apparel, 68. Presses, hydraulic. Soe Hydraulics, 32. Presses, printing, 13. Pressing fabrics. See Dressing and finishing, 91. Printing fabrics, yarns, &c. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Printing, letterpress, &c., 13. Projectiles. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Propellers. See Marine propulsion, 5. Propulsion, marine, 5. Prussic acid. See Aeids, 40. Puddiing furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6. Pug mills. See Bricks and tiles, 28. Pulleys. See Raising, &c., 31. Pulverizers. See Agriculture, 81. Pumps. See Hydraulics. 32. Pumps, steam. See Hydraulics, 32; Steam engine, 49. Punkas. See Ventilation, 52. Purifying alcohol. See Brewing, &c., 99. Purifying and filtering water, 79. Pyrometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Q. Quadrants. See Optical, &c., 76. Quarrying. See Mining, &c., 71. Quays. See Harbours, &c., 77. Quinine. See Acids, &c., 40. R. Paperhangings. See Ornamenting puper, 12. Papier maché. See Paper, 11. Parachutes. See Aeronautics, 41. Parasols. See Umbrellas, 47. Passenger register for vehicles. See Common road carriages, 98. Pasteboard. See Paper making, 11; Cutting, &c., paper, 12. Pattens. See Wearing apparel, 67. Paving. See Roads, 35. Peat. See Fuel, &c., 30. Pedometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Pencil cases and holders. See Wri. ting, &c., 37; Artists' instruments, 54, Pencil cases, boxes to hold leads for. See Writing, &c., 37. Pens and penholders. See Writing, &c., 37 ; Artists' instruments, 54. Pens, boxes for holding. See Writing, &c., 37. Pepper, hulling. See Grinding grain, 78. Perambulators. See Common road carriages, 98. Perforating paper. See Cutting, &c. paper, 12. Perpetual motion. See Hydraulics, 32; Air, &c., engines, 62. Petticoats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Phenakistoscopes. See Photography, 19; Optical, &c., 76. Phenic acid. See Acids, 40. Philosophical instruments. See Op- tical, &c., 76. Phosphoric acid. See Acids, 40. Phosphorus. See Acids, &c. 40. Photography, 19. Pianofortes. See Music, &c., 26. Picture frames. See Furniture, 39. Piers. See Harbours, &c., 77. Pile drivers, steam. See Steam en- gine, 49; Harbours, &c., 77. Pile fabrics. See Weaving, 20; Lace- making, 29. Pile or nap, raising and cutting. See Dressing, &c., 91. Piles. See Harbours, &c., 77. Pins. See Needles, &c., 45. Pipes. See Tobacco, 42. Pipes, drain. See Drains, &c., 1. Pipes, metallic, 70. Pistols. See Fire-arms, 10. Pistons of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Pit chains. See Mining, &c., 71. Plaiting. See Lace, &e.. 29. Plating metals. See Electro-deposi- tion, 96. Playing cards, See Toys, 51. Ploughs and ploughing machines. See Agriculture, 81. Plumb levels. See Optical, &c., 76. Pocket books. See Books, 43. Porcelain. See Poitery, 24. Portfolios. See Books. 43. Portfolios for music. See Music, 26. Portmanteans. See Trunks, &c., 84. Potash. See Acids, &c., 40. Rafts. See Ship-building, 21. Railway carriages. See Carriages &c. for railways, 46. Railway signals, &c., 38. Railways, 33. Railways, portable endless. See Aids to locomotion, 7; Common road carriages, 98. Raising, &c., 31. Raising and lowering ships' boats. See Raising, &c., 31; Masts, &c., 73. Raising ships for repairing. See Ship- building, &c., 21. Raising water. See Hydraulics, 32. Rakes. See Agriculture, 81. Ranges, cooking. See Fuel, &c.,.S0; Cooking, 61. 23 Reaping and mowing machines, See Agriculture, 81. Reflectors. See Lamps, 44. Refrigerators. See Ice-inaking, &c., 85. Registering nuinber of passengers in common road carriages. See Com- mon road carriages, 98. Reservoirs. See Harbours, &c., 77. Respirators. See Medicine, &c., 25. Reticules. See Trunks, &c., 84. Retorts for burning animal charcoal. See Sugar, 18. Retorts, gas. See Gas, 17. Reverberatory furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6. Rice, hulling, &c. See Grinding grain, 78. Rice, milling, polishing, and otherwise preparing for the market. See Agri- culture, 82. Rick covers. See Artificial leather, &c., 80, Ricks. See Agriculture, 82. Riddles for grain, &c. See Agricul. ture, 82. Rigging. See Masts, &c., 73. Rings, finger. See Wearing apparel, 68. Rinsing. See Washing, &c., 89. Rivets. See Nails, &c, 58. Road sweepers. See Brushing, 57. Roads and ways, 35. Roasting jacks. See Cooking, 61. Rockets. Sre Fire-arms, &c., 10. Rocking chairs and horses. See Toys, 51. Rollers for calico printing. See Bleach- ing, &c., 14. Rollers for roads. See Roads, &c., 35. Rollers, land. See Agriculture, 81. Roots, cutting, slicing, pulping, wash- ing, drying, and sorting. See Agri- culture, 82. Ropes and bands for mines. See Mining, 71. Roughing horses. See Farriery, 53. Rudders. See Steering, 75. Ruffles and rufl's. See Wearing ap- parel, 66. Ruling paper. See Cutting, folding, &c., 12; Writing, 37 ; Artists' in- struments, 54. Sausage making machines. See Cook- ing, 61. Scales. See Raising, &c., 31. Scarifiers. See Agriculture, 81. Screening grain, &c. See Agricul. ture, 82, Screens. See Furniture, 39. Screw propellers for carriages and agricultural implements. See Aids to locomotion, 7. Screw propellers for ships. See Mg. rine propulsion, 5. Screws. See Nails, &c., 58. Scythes. See Agriculture, 81. Sealing wax. See Writing, &c., 37. Seams and joints. See Pipes, 70. Sea walls. See Harbours, &c., 77. Seed sowing. See Agriculture, 81. Seltzer water. See Unfermented be- verages, &c., 86. Semaphore signals. See Railway sig. nals, 38. Sewage farming. See Agriculture, 81, Sewers. See Drains, &c., 1. Sewers, ventilating. See Ventilation, 52. Sewing, &c., 2. Sextants. See Optical, &c., 76. Shackles. See Chains, &c., 90. Shades. See Lamps, 44. Shakos. See Fire-arms, &c., 10; Wearing apparel, 65. Shaving brushes. See Brushing, 57. Shawl pins. See Wearing apparel, 68. Shawls. See Wearing apparel, 66. Shawls, weaving. See Weaving, 20. Shear legs. See Raising, &c., 31. Shearing fabrics. See Dressing, &c., 91. Shearing sheep. See Farriery, &c., 63. Sheathing metals. See Metals, &c., 18. Sheep washes, dips, &c. See l'arriery, &c., 53. Ship-building, &c., 21. Ship lamps and lanterns. See Lamps, Ships, steering and maneuvring. See Steering, 75. Ships, ventilating. See Ventilation, 52. Shirts. See Wearing apparel, 66. Shoes. See Wearing apparel, 67. Sickles and reaping hooks. See Agri- culture, 81. Signal lamps. See Lamps, 44. Signals. See Electricity, 15; 94; Rail- way signals, 38. Silicic acid. See Acids, 40. Silver. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids,&c., 40. Singeing fabrics. See Dressing, &c. 91. Singeing horses. See Saddlery, &c., 34 ; Farriery, 53. Siphons. See Hydraulics, 32; Pre- paring, &c., cork, 56. Sizing machines. See Weaving, 20. Skates. See Toys, 51. Skidding wheels. See Common road carriages, 98. Skins, &c., 55. Skirts. See Wearing apparel, 66. Sleeve links. See Wearing apparel, 68. Slide rules. See Optical, &c., 76. 44. S. Sacks. See Weaving, 20. Saddlery &c., 34. Safes, &c., 64. Safety lamps. See Lamps, 44. Esfety pockets. See Wearing apparel, Safety valves of steam boilers. See Steam enzine, 49 Sails. See Masts, &c., 73. Salt, common. See Acids, &c., 40. Saltpetre. See Aciis, &c., 40. Salts. See Acids, &c., 40, Salt water, obtaining fresh water from. See Purifying &c., water, 79. 29 Storing grain, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Stoves. See Fuel, &c., 30. Straw elevators. See Agriculture, 82. Straw plait. Soe Lace-making, &c., 29. Strong rooms. See Safes, &c., 64. Strontia. See Acids, &c., 40. Strontium. See Acids, &c., 40. Studs. See Wearing Apparel, 68. Submarine cables. See Electricity &c., 15; 93. Subsoil ploughs. See Agriculture, sl. Sugar, 48. Sulphur and sulphuric acid. See Acids, &c., 40. Sun dia's. See Optical, &c., 76. Sunshades. See Umbrellas, &c., 47. Surgery for animals. See Farriers, &c., 53. Surgery. See Medicine, &c., 25. Surgical instruments. See Medicine, &c., 25. Surveying instruments. See Optical, &c., 76. Suspension bridges. See Bridges, 36. Sweeping. See Brushing, &c., 57. Sweeping chimneys. See Fuel,&c., 30. Sweeping roads. See Roads, &c., $5. Sweetmeats. Soe Cooking, 61. Swings. See Toys, 51. Swivel links aud swivel hooks. See Chains, &c., 90. Swivels and swivel rings. See Wear ing apparel, 68. Swords. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Syringes. See Hydraulics, 32. Syringes, surgical. See Medicine, &r., 25. T. Slippers. See Wearing apparel, 67. Slips. See Harbours, &c., 77. Sluices. See Harbours, &c., 77. Smelting furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6; Metals, &c., 18. Smutters. See Agriculture, 82. Snuff and snuff boxes. See Tobacco, 42. Soap. See Oils, &c., 27. Socks. See Wearing apparel, 66. Soda. See Acids, &c., 40. Soda water. See Unfermented beve- rages, &c., 86, Sodium. See Acids, &c., 40. Solitaires. See Wearing apparel, 68. Sounding apparatus. See Optical, &c., 76. Spectacles. See Optical, &c., 76. Spectroscopes. See Optical, &c., 76. Spinning, 28. Spirit levels. See Optical, &c., 76. Spittoons. See Tobacco, &c., 42. Spontaneous combustion, preventing. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Spring balances. See Raising, &c., 31. Springs for common road carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Springs for railway carriages. See Carriages, &c. for railways, 46. Spurs. See Saddlery, &c., 34. Stable brushes. See Brushing, 57. Stable fittings. See Saddlery, &c., 34. Stacks and stackers. See Agriculture, 82. Stamping. See Cutting, &c. paper, 12; Printing, 13. Stands for casks. See Casks, 74. Stands for music. See Music, &c., 26. Stannates. See Acids, &c., 44). Stationery. See Paper making, 11; Cutting, folding, &c., 12; Writing, &c., 37. Staves, cutting, shaping, &c. See Casks, 74. Stay fastenings. See Wearing ap- parel, 68. Stays. See Wearing apparel, 66. Steam boilers. See Stean engine, 49. Steam culture, 8. Steam engine, 49. Steam gauges. See Steam engine, 49. Steam rams. See Ship-building, 21. Steel. See Iron, &c., 6. Steelyards. See Raising, &c., 31. Steering ships and vessels, 75. Stencil plates. See Printing, 13. Stereoscopes. See Optical, &c., 76. Stereotype. See Letterpress printing, 19. Stirrups. See Saddlery, &c., 34. Stocking fabrics. See Lace-making, 29. Stocking frames. See Lace-making, &c., 29. Stockings. See Wearing apparel, 66. Stockings, elastic. See Medicine, &c., 25. Stone breakers. See Roads, 35. Stoneware. See Pottery, 24. Stools, music. See Music, 28. Stoppers. See Preparing, &c, cork, 56. Stored goods, ventilating to prevent spontaneous combustion. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Tables. See Furniture, 39. Tags for laces. See Wearing apparel, 68. Tailors' irons. See Wearing apparel, 66. Tannic acid. See Acids, 40. Tanning leather. See Skins, 55. Targets. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Tarpaulin. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Tartaric acid. See Acids, 40. Tea, concentrated extracts of. See Tea, &c., 87. Tea, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87. Tea, preparing as a drink. Sec Un. ferniented beverages, &c., 86. Teasles. See Dressing, &c., 91. Teeth, artificial. See Medicine, &c., 25. Telegraphs, electric. See Electricity. 15; 93 ; 94. Telescopes. See Optical, &c., 76. Tent covers. See 'Artificial leather, &c., 80. Tentering. . See Dressing, &c., 01. Testing chains. See Chains, &c., 90. Theodolites. See Optical, &c., 76. Thermometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Thimble. See Sewing, 2. 30 Thrashing machines. See Agricul. ture, 82. Throstles. See Spinning, 28. Tickets. See Cutting, &o, paper, 12; Letterpress printing, 13. Tiles. See Drains, &c., 1; Bricks,&c.,22. Tilling land. See Agriculture, 81. Tills. See Safes, &c., 64. Tin. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, &c., 40. Tinning. See Plating or coating Metals, 23. Tips, boot and shoe. See Wearing apparel, 67. Tobacco, 42. Toilet boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Tooth brushes. See Brushing, 57. Tops. See Toys, 51. Torpedo boats. See Ship-building, 21. Toys, &c., 51. Tracing cloth and paper. See Artists' instruments, &c., 54. Traction engines. See Steam engine, 49. Traction ropes. See Agriculture, 81. Tramcars. See Common road car- riages, 98. Travelling bags. See Trunks, &c., 84. Trees, boot and shoe. See Wearing apparel, 67. Tricycles. See Common road car- riages, 98. Troughs for washing. See Washing, &C., 89. Trouser strap fastenings. See Wear. ing apparel, 68. Trousers. See Wearing apparel, 66. Trucks. See Common road carriages, 98. Trunks, &c., 84. Tuhe brushes. See Brushing, 57. Tubs, washing. See Washing ma- chines, &c., 89. Tangstic acid. See Acids, 40. Tunnelling. See Mining, &c., 71. Turbines. See Hydraulics, 32. Turf cutters. See Agriculture, 81. Turnip cutters. See Agriculture, 82. Tuyeres. See Fuel, &c., 30. Type. See Letterpress printing, 13. Valves, engine. See Steam engine,49;, U. Umbrellas, &c., 47. Unfermented heverages, 86. Unions for tubes. See Metallic pipes, 70. Upholstery. See Furniture, 39. Urinals. See Waterclosets, &c., 63. Urns for tea, &c. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86. V. Air, gas, &c. eugines, 62. Valves, gas. See Gas, 17. Valves, water. See Hydraulics, 32. Valves, watercloset. See Water- closets, 63. Varnish, boot and shoe. See Wearing apparel, 67. Varnishes. See Paints, &c., 50. Vehicles for common roads. See Com- mon road carriages, 98. Vehicles, ventilating. See Ventilation, 52. Velocipedes, &c. See Common road carriages, 98. Vent pegs and spiles. See Preparing and cutting cork, &c., 56. Ventilating mines. See Ventilation, 52; Mining, 71. Ventilating railway carriages. Sce Carriages, &c. for railways, 46; Ventilation, 52. Ventilation, 52. Vermin on animals, destroying. See Farriery, 53. Veterinary art. See Farriery, 53. Viaducts. See Bridges, &c., 36. Vinegar. See Acidis, &c., 40. Violing. See Music, &c., 26. Vitriol. See Acids, &c., 40. W. Wadding, See Dressing and finish- ing, &C., 91. Wafers. See Writing, &c., 37. Waggon covers. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Waggons. See Common road car. riages, 98. Wagkons, railway. See Carriages, &c., for railways, 46. Waistcoats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Walking-sticks. See Umbrellas, &c. 47. Wallets. See Trunks, &c., 84. Wardrobes. See Furniture, 39. Warping land. See Agriculture, 81. Warping machines. See Weaving, 20. Warp inachines or frames. See Lace- making, &c., 9. Washing and sifting ores. See Metals, &c., 18. Washing clothes, &c. See Washing machines, &c., 89. Watches, &c., 9. Watch protectors. See Wearing ap. parel, 68. Water Derating. See Purifying, &c., water, 79. Water, chemical treatment op. See Purifying, &c., water, 79. Waterclosets, &c., 63. Watercourses. See Harbours, &c., 77. Watering land. See Agriculture, 81. Watering roads. See Roads, 35. Water meters. See Hydraulics, 32. Water mills. See Hydraulics, 32. Waterproof fabrics, so. Vacuum pans for sugar. See Sugar, 48 Valises. See Trunks, &c., 84. Valves, air. See Ventilation, 52, 31 66. Waterproofing leather. See Skins, &c., 65. Waterproofing paper. See Cutting, &c., paper, 12. Water, purifying and filtering, 79. Water-wheels. See Hydraulics, 32. Wearing apparel,--body coverings, Wearing apparel, - dress fastenings and jewellery, 68. Wearing apparel,-foot coverings, 67. Wearing apparel,--head coverings, 65. Weaving, 20. Weighing. See Raising, &c., 31. Well-sinking. See Mining, &c., 71. Wet docks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Wharves. See Harbours, &c., 77. Wheat, thrashing, cleansing, drying, storing, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Wheelbarrows. See Common road carriages, 98. Wheels, railway. See Carriages, &c. for railways, 46. Whips and whip sockets. See Sad- dlery, &c., 34. Whistles. Seo Railway signals, 38. Wicks. See Lamps, &c., 14. Winding drums. See Raising, &c., 31 ; Mining, 71 ; Agriculture, 81. Winding fabrics. See Dressing, &c., 91. Windlasses. See Raising, &c., 31. Windlasses, steam. See Raising, &c., 31; Steam engine, 49. Windmills. See Air, &c., engines, 62. Windmills used to propel ships. See Marine Propulsion 5; Masts, &r. 73. Window fastenings. See Locks, &c., 60. Wine coolers. See Ice-making, &c. 85. Wine-making. See Brewing, &c., 99. Winnowing machines for graiu, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Wire brushes. See Brushing, 57. Wood paving. Se Roads, 35. Work bags and work boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Worts, cooling. See Brewing, &c., 98. Wringing. See Washing, &c., 89. Wristbands. See Wearing apparel, 66. Writing instruments, c., 37. Y. Yeast, preparing. See Brewing, £e, 99. Yeast, substitutes for. See Cooking, 61. z. Zinc. See Metals, &c., 18. Zinc for paint. Seo Paints, 50. Zinc oxides, &c. See Acids, &c., 40. LONDON: Printed by GEORGE E. EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Ollice. (12885.-1000.-4/82.] April, 1882. 1 not gt.Bart. Botning BSI PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS. A BRIDGMENTS OP Specifications RELATING TO ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION III. TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING SIGNALS, CONTROLLING MECHANICAL ACTION, AND EXHIBITING ELECTRIC EFFECTS. PART II.-A.D. 1867-1876. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. LONDON: PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS' SALE DEPARTMENT, 38, CURSITOR STREET, CHANCERY LANE, E.C. 1883. TK 257 .68 Div. 3 Filt. Gogin 1.44 19091 PREFACE. This volume forms Part II. of the series of abridgments relating to "Electricity and Magnetism." Division III.- " Transmitting and Receiving Signals, Controlling Mecha- "nical Action, and Exhibiting Electric Effects," and embraces the period from A.D. 1867 to 1876, inclusive. The abridg- ments of this class from the earliest date down to the end of the year 1866 will be found in the general series ("Electricity and Magnetism,”-Parts I. and Ia.), comprising the whole subject of electricity and magnetism. It has been decided to separate the general series into the following six divisions, and to republish, as Part I. of each of guch divisions, the abridgments belonging thereto already printed in Parts I. and II. of the general series :- Division I. “Generation of Electricity and Magnetism.” Division II. "Conducting and Insulating." “ Division III. “ Transmitting and Receiving Signals, “ Controlling Mechanical Action, and Exhibiting " Electric Effects." Division IV. “Electric Lighting, Igniting, and Heating." Division V. “ Electro-deposition and Electrolysis." Division VI. “ Electric Motive Power Engines and Similar Apparatus." It should be borne in mind that the abridgments are merely intended to serves guides to the specifications, which must themselves be cot ulted for the details of any particular in- ventions. At the foot of each abridgment is stated the price at which a printed copy of the specification may be purchased at the Commissioners of Patents' Sale Department (38, Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, E.C.). By means of the "key" at page 20 of the appended List of Works, the reader will be able to find out what series of abridgments contains any class of inventions to which he may desire to refer. R. 705. Wt. 19008. & 2 iv PREFACE. This series is devoted to inventions having for their object the action of electricity at a distance from its source, for the purpose of signalling, controlling mechanical action, or exhibiting an electric effect which is neither motive power, heat, nor light. Signalling instruments, whether for preparing messages, transmitting them or receiving them, enter into the scope of this work, as well as alarums, logs, organs, clocks, stopping mechanism for looms, and apparatus for ft testing the integrity and value of electric circuits and currents. Brakes controlled by electricity and the arrange- ment of circuits of a telegraphic character are also included in this division. A detailed list of the various kinds of inventions comprised in the present series of abridgments is furnished by the sub- ject-matter index at the end of this volume. H. READER LACK. January, 1883. > INDEX OF NAMES. (The names printed in Italic are those of the persons by whom the inventions have been communicated to the Applicants for Letters Patent.) ....372 .73 5 Page Abel, C. D...10, 62, 199, 226 Aldis, 0. C. V. .223 Alexander, E. P. .357 Allan, G. .290, 352 Alley, S.. ..217 Allman, H. ..54 Alteneck, F. von H. ..204 Anders, G. L. .115, 173 Anderson, J. ..283, 313, 332 Andrews, E. W.....33, 85, 88, 106, 131, 131 Andrews, W. S. .16, 16 Anfonso, L. A. .6 Ansingh, E. W.... .253 Apps, A........ 2 Arlincourt, L. C. A. J. G. d' 63, 124, 268 Armstrong, W. N. ...239 Arnaud, A. .358 Ash, W. H 283, 332 Ashcroft, J..............358, 381 Augsburger Kammgarnspin- nerei... Averell, E. D. ..172 Baggs, J. ........... .123, 234 Bagot, A. C. 294 Bailey, W. H.......51, 133, 197 Baines, W. ..101, 187 Bairnsfather, S.. 331 Ballard, J. A.. Banderali, D, J. F. S.......350 Barbarin, A. 45 Barker, C. S. 29 Barlow, C. P. .139, 178 Page Barnes, F...... .30 Barney, W.C. 186, 187 Barr, H. J.. 250, 251 Bartholomew, E. G....60, 106, 238 Barton, E. M. ..168 Baudot, J. M. E... ...318 Baudry, C. J. .281 Bauer, A. .195 Baylis, J. Beach, A. E. Bejar O'Lawlor, L. de ......206 Bejar y O’Lawlor, L. de... 346 L. M. de 304 Bell, A. G.......... .382, 383 Bennet, J. F. .356 Benson, M.. .330 Bergmüller, A. ...10 A. de.. 62 Bernier, C. N....... .182 Bernstein, A........ .177, 177 Bevan, W. .279 Bezer, H.... 159, 167, 217, 375 Bidder, S. P........ 366 Billet, A..... .315, 346 Bishop, C. K. K. .96 Blamires, T. H. .384 Blarcom, A. L. van .,219 Bogler, P. 57 Boire, E. 298 Bolton, F. J. .183 Bondi, C. 298, 333 Bondi, C..... .319 Bonhomme, E. .87 b ...153 80 B B 705. vi INDEX OF NAMES. > > Page Bonneville, H. A....9, 56, 232, 306 Bousfield, G. T. 353 Boyd, R..... .100 Boyle, R. K..... 263 Boyle, R. K. .306 Bradford, J. M. .262 Brewer, E. G.... 371 Bright, C. T. ...69 Brittain, J. 60 Brookes, W..........40, 153, 191 Brooman, C. E. .2, 27 Brown, J. W....254, 290, 352, 364 W. Morgan- ...146, 147, 155, 274, 382 Browne, A. 206 J. C. .236 Brownson, W. G.......... 20 Brunius, F.. .378 H. .302 Bryceson, H. .36, 54 J..... 36, 54 Bull, E. .104, 313 ..328 Bullough, J. .316 Bundy, J. K .24 Burg, 0. 89 Burton, E. G.... .344 Page Clark, A. .,8 A. M., 63, 73, 112, 119, 124, 181, 198, 220, 227, 239, 248, 262, 268, 278, 280, 282, 305, 329 J. ... 23 J. L....32, 85, 114, 212, 224, 314 W.... .8, 309 Clarke, J. S... .242 Clongh, J.... 284 Coddington, R...192, 269, 299 Coffee, W.F... .193 Cole, H. 260 Conod, A. .305 Cook, H... .36 Cook, H. W ..55 Cooke, C. W 200 Cour, P. la.... .264, 343 Craig, D. ..161 Crookes, W. .326 Curren, J. 341 Currer, R.. .263 Cutler, W. C..... ,154 W. Calahan, E. A... ..33 Calahan, E. A..... .140, 151 Caldbeck, J. 213 Caldwell, s. D..... .249 Calvert, C. A.. 77, 303 Calvo, N. A...... 304, 346 Camp, W. A..... .249 Carpenter, J. .357 Carr, D. A. .139, 178 Cavell, J. S...... ..11 Chambers, J. W. .149 Chapin, W. B... 159 Chassan, E. .125 Chauvassaignes, P. A. M......2 Cheeswright, F. .385 Choute, S. F. van .25 Choate, S. F. van. .165 Clapp, W. H..... 254 D'Arlincourt, L. C. A. J. G. 63, 124, 268 Davies, W. H....210, 233, 258, 369 Davis, W.M. .158 Day, Saint J. V.. ........ .373 De Bejar O'Lawlor, L.......206 De Bejar y O’Lawlor, L....346 L. M. 304 De Bergmüller, A. .... ..62 D’Humy, P. R. de F.. .264 D’Infreville, G....... 239 Delay, V. 9 Delebécque, E. 350 De Mersanne, F. E. .312 De Mignot, A. V........ ..139 De Pass, E. .347 Der Mey, S. C. van. .253 Dewar, J..... .363 De Wilde, S..... ...1 De Zuccato, E. .118 Dibbin, H. A.. .94 INDEX OF NAMES. vii Franz, J......... Frécot, A. A.... Page ...31 .335, 336 ... Page Dickenson, W.. .....360 Digney, J. D...... ..176 T. S. .176 Dion, C. ...372 Dixwell, G. B.. .297, 316 Dodwell, R. V........ .235 Donna, G.......... 274 Dornowo, D.......134, 144, 157 Doubelt, M. ......134, 144, 157 Douchy, A. Lemaire....... 357 Douillard, C. M. J. .141 Dubern, G.. .373 Dubern, G. .345 Duchamp, J. J... .138 Dujardin, P. A. J... .12 Duncan, W....... ........ .120 Edison, T. A....138, 184, 193, 217, 289, 365 Edson, M. B....... ..300 Edwards, J. ... 66 Elder, J. 22 Evans, M. .169, 201 Eyles, G. .342 W. H..... .342 ŠGA Gaiffe, P. E. 5 Galahoff, P.. .19 Gallaher, R. H... 146 Gally, M. .152 Gally, M.....192, 240, 269, 299 Ganter, J. ...139 Garau, 180 Garan, S.. 382 Gardner, C. H..... .116 H. .378 Gedge, W. E. ...52 Gensoul, H. ........ ..53 Gent, J. T... 286 Gianoli, G.......... .274 Gilbee, W. A.... .319 Gilbert, E. .143 Girarbon, F. F. 190 Gisborne, F N.... .52, 54 J. S..... 26 Gledhill, G........ Glossop, J.T. 301 Godener, J.... .313 Goldstone, C. 272, 276 Gondolo, E. J...... ...315 Gooch, F. S. .292 Gooding, R. A..... 90, 102 Gordon, A. I. L. ......5 Graham, D., jun.. 129 Gray, E., 22, 28, 168, 262, 295, 353 Gray, M...... .272, 276 Grechi, C. ....188 Greenwood, H. B......78, 209, 267 Greer, F.H. .203 Grosvenor, W. S. ...336 Groubman, C.. .244 Guerrant, J. C. ... .347 Guest, J. H......... .....354 > 9 ...129 Fahie, J. A........ .338 J. J. .338 Fairbanks, H...... .87 Fairchild, J. M. .24 Fairholme, c. 150 Farmer, J. S. .257 Fastre, J. T. Faucher, F. .362 Field, G. B., 85, 106, 131, 131 Finger, L....... ..229, 251 Fisk, F.. ..195 Fitzgerald, D. G....55, 77, 326 Fletcher, J. W. ...154 Fontaine, L. H......... .62, 76 Foote, T. M....... 108, 163, 259 Forest, H. .176 Foster, J. .219 Foucaut, A... .38 Fournier, J. B. N. .44 Fowler, J. C. .59, 74 Fox, Saint G. L. .366 Francis, F. R. .164 ......243 Haas, J... Haddan, H. J. J.C. Haggard, W. N. Hall, T. S......... ..119 340 .79 296 .219 viii INDEX OF NAMES. .............223 223 ........... ...239 ... 64 .... 274 Page Page Hamar, L.......... .40 Husson, J. R.............. 89 Hamilton, A .104 Hyde, John Hancock, D. ..30 Joseph Hansen, M. 84 R. M. .130 Imray, J.. 236 Hargreaves, H. E........... 288 Infreville, G. d. Harling, E. J. .........123, 170 Inshaw, J...... 13 --- R.. 45 W.. .334 Jacquemard, L. V. 52 Harper, R. R.... 288, 331, 371 Jaite, G......... .80 Harrington, G.... ..142 Jamieson, A. .322 Harrison, W. S... 41, 198 Jaynor, A... .196 Haseltine, G. ... 101, 120, 168, Jenkin, F. .202, 343 179, 219, 300 Jennings, E W. ..161 Haüy, V.......... .127, 128 Jensen, P....84, 175, 264, 276, Hazlehurst, G. S. 343 Henley, G. .65 Johnson, A. F'............. .179 W. T. ..118 Johnson, J. H......45, 53, 176, Henry, M......6, 62, 76, 82, 90 237, 262, 266, 281, 295, 312, Herbert, T.. 74 315, 324, 372 Herlert, R. 236 Joly, A. 232 Herring, R. .91, 110 Jones, G, H. Hicks, J. J..... .222 Jürgensen, C. P... .130 Hidden, E. S.. 76 Higgins, F. H. W....210, 233, Kayser, H..... ..57 258, 273, 369 Kellow, J.. .272 Higgs, R. W. H. P........ : 379 Kelway, C.E. .349 Highton, H......122, 137, 174, Kennedy, s. A. ....56 182, 189, 226, 230 Kingsley, E. F.... .240 Hill, G....... 298 Kirkland, H. B.... 89 L...... .213 Kitson, J. .293 P. 49 Klingelhoefer and Co.........260 Hodson, V. 329 Kniaghininsky, P.............19 Hollmann, H. L. 120 Kniaghininsky, P.....134, 144, Holmes, E..... 157 Holmes, N. J.... .43 Kreb, F............ .195 Holten, S. E. ..130, 209 Hooker, J..... 355 Lacanan, A.... .68 Hore, W. H. ..380 La Cour, P. .264, 343 Hornstedt, N. W. .214 Ladd, W. .322 Horstman, H. ... .118 Lake, W.R., 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, House, R. E...... 31, 76, 85, 88, 95, 106, 107, Howe, A. S. ..270 108, 131, 131, 151, 154, 179, G. W.. .265 180, 193, 212, 252, 265, 270, Hubert, F. T. .15 275, 308, 336, 339, 350 Hughes, E. T.... .24 Lalance, A. A. Humy, P. R. de F. d' .264 Lambert, L. C........ ..341 Hunt, B............ 115, 173 Lambrecht, w W..... .......270 91 232, ...362 .... INDEX OF NAMES. ix. ...39 Page Lambrigot, J. P......... 2 Langdon, W. E.. .83 Lartigue, H.......176, 181, 278 Lauritzen, 8............ ...371 Lay, J. L. 249 Laycock, W. S. ..289, 293 Leblan, J.. ..48 Leclanché, G. L... .122 Lefferts, M...... ..10 Lemaire, C. A.. .44 Lemaire-Douchy, A. .357 Lemon, C........... .236 Lent, J. 34 Leullier, .341 Little, G.........7, 66, 113, 135 Little, G. .24, 203 Loeffler, J. C. L..............379 Lowne, R. M... 248 Lufbery, G F. .187 Lund, J. A... .375 Lyttle, W. A..., 46, 47, 50, 58, 61, 63, 109 Page Miles, D.......... ...75 N. .116 Millàr, A. .159 Mills, B. J. B. ....158 Mimault, L. V. 237, 266 Moffatt, A. ..317 Molony, J. F. ..258 Moore, B. T......... .296 Morgan, J. Morgan-Brown, W., 146, 147, 155, 274, 382 Mori, F............ .327 Moritz, P...... .380 Morley, R... Morten, T. H. 36, 54 Morton, J. A. .322 Moseley, W.......171, 216, 358 Mouillard, A. ...271 Muirhead, A .292 Muirhead, A....... ...360 Muirhead, J...... .277 J., jun. ...114, 321, 354, 360 Muller, J. A......... ....285 ...... ...313 ...... ........ .156 McCracken, E. D. 89 McEvoy, C. A....97, 148, 196, 255, 311 Macintosh, J....... .43 McKellen, S. D. .247 Mackie, A..... ..103, 259 S. J........ ...231 Maddock, J.. Marchant, J.... .230 Marsh, C. .242 Martin, G.. .357 S. M...... .19, 29, 41 Massey, J. E. .369 Masui, T. .293 Mathieson, J... .211 Mauger, V. E.. .116 Mennons, M. A. F...... ...36 Merriman, J. D...............188 Mersanne, F. E. de....... Meulen, W. H. ter............100 Mewburn, J.C. ..129 Mey, S. C. van der.. .253 Meyer, B....... .119 Mignot, A. V. de ..139 Mildé, C. F...............87, 184 Napier, J. M. ....... 109 Neale, J. .225, 238 Neech, R. W. ..320 New Eng. Elect. Gas Light Co. 75 Newsome, W....... 337 Newton, A. V.,..89, 121, 172, 184, 188 H. E. .142 Newton, H. J. Newton, J. W. E., 33, 44, 87, 91, 133, 141, 259 Nisbeth, A. F. H. Nolet, P... ..345 Nordenfelt, T. ....378 Novare, R. A........ ..86, 91 9 .89 ...56 ............302 ...312 Oesterley, E......... .255 OʻLawlor, L. de Bejar ...... 206 O’Lawlor, L. de Bejar y...346 L. M. de Bejar y 304 х INDEX OF NAMES. 9 Page ..112 .173 .191 Page Olmstead, J....... ....95 Olmsted, J.......... .330 Olsen, C. H. G... 175 Oppenheimer, J.......136, 266 Ossipoff, N....... Otis, O. R........ .121 N. P. ..121 Owen, C. ...132, 155, 165, 182 Ozanne, E........ ..127 ..19 Robinson, W.. Robinson, W.. Roetger, E..... Rooke, F. Roome, H. C.... Roos, S..... Rossignol, A. A Rousseau, D... Rowe, J.. Rowell, C. C..... Ruiz, L. M. Rusbridge, S... Russell, C.H... .320 ..91 ..8 .59, 134 ..309 ..155 .120 .38 .307 .142 Pass, E. de.. .347 Pastorelli, F. J.........323, 351 Pattyson, W. D. C. 340 Peebles, D. B. ...368 Phelps, G. M.....171, 208, 368 Piceni, G........ .274 Piggott, G........ .35 W. P....... .34 Pignel, H.... .225 Planté, G........ ..198 Pocknell, G.. ...283 Pond, C. H.... 23 Poole, G. A.. 223, 256 Pope, F. L... ...151, 212 Preece, W. H......83, 175, 276 Prévost, E. ... 46 Price, G. E... J. W. Pritchett, G. E...... Protheroe, P.... ..359 Prud'homme, P. D. ..........181 Pulvermacher, .I. L....32, 281, 354, 373 von.. Salomons, Sir D. L..........274 Sanderson, S............110, 141 Sangster, J. ..336 Saunders, J. B.. .126 Sawyer, W. E...220, 227, 280, 282, 305, 329 Sax, J.........56, 104, 142, 361 Schanschieff, A........ .127, 128 Scheliha, ..166 Schiebel, A....... .89 Schneider, G...... 133 Schwendler, L.... .255 Sewastganof, N... 134, 144, 157 Shakespear, W. H...323, 349, , 367 Shawk, G. W. ..31 Sherring, W. A. .160 Siccardi, E.. --, Le Comte E. de... 378 Siemens, C. H. 4, 37, 145, ...102 ..235 ...374 .348 .156 C. W..... 204, 245 .138 Radcliffe, J....... .272, 276 Randall, C. A.... ..108, 259 Randall, C. A.... ...163 Rapier, R. C.. .42 Rault, L. 125 Ray, A. Redslob, F. A. E 226 Render, F... ..27, 280 Richard, J. S.... 137 Richardson, T. H.. Ridout, R. H..... ..365 Ridpath, T. A. ..160 Ritchie, F. J .147 Roberts, M. J..........308, 309 39, Siemens, E. W.. 245 W....4, 37, 145, 156, 204 Simpson, J. H. ...6 Sington, T.. 286 Smalley, J.... 316 Smellie, R.. .191 Smith B.. .333 Smith, H. J.. .179 Smith, J. ....57 Smith, J. G. Smith, L. J. 201 ...317 .220 INDEX OF NAMES. xi 9 Page Tunks, D............ ....13 Tyer, E......70, 199, 241, 257, 340 Tylor, A.... ..377 J.J. ...377 ...... > Upham, J. C........ .227 = 5 Page Smith, T. J...............80, 348 W......... 201, 218, 371 Société Digney Frères et Co.... 82, 90 Sortais, T. A. M... 27 Sowden, T..... ...56 Spagnoletti, C. E.......72, 98, 150, 207 Sparkes, A. L... .242 Spence, W..... .190 Spraque, J. T. 194 Spratt, G. O. 313 Stanley, W. F. 149 Stearn, C. H.. ..301 Stearns, J. B....162, 215, 223, 227 Stevens, J. J. F.......... .222 Stewart, C....... ....351 Stockman, B. P.. 287 Stroh, J. M. A...71, 92, 112, 125 Stroudley, W.... .307 Sturgeon, T.. 50 Sutton, C.. Sykes, W.R.. 164, 291 Symington, R. S.......221, 356 Tatters, J. G..... .7 Taylor, H. A.. .292 Ter Meulen, W. H. ...100 Tesse, P.. ..181 Theiler, M..... .40, 328, 342 M., jun. .11 M., sen.. R.........11, 328, 342 Thompson, W. .83 W. P......341, 367 Thomson, E. H.. ...314 Sir W....18, 93, 99, 102, 202, 343 Thorneloe, J...... ..180 Ticozzi, .180 Tirrell, J. P. ..154 Tobin, T. W. .75 Tommasi, F. .86 Tongae, J. G.... 48, 187 Truscott, H. D. G... .15 Tucker, E..... 294 Van Blarcom, A. L....... .219 Vance, J...... .191 Van Choate, S. F.. 25 Van Choate, S. F.. .165 Van der Mey, S. C... .253 Varley, C..... ..14 C. F...... .81 F. H.......21, 65, 117, 205, 209 O............. ..65 S. A.... 14, 19, 29, 41, 68, 97, 105, 385 T...... .....117 Vaughan, E. P. H...320, 335, 336 Veillet, A....... 115 Verny, C...... ..115 Vianisi, L. 252 Viault, J.. .182 Vimard, L. C....... .184 Vispé, J. L...... .302 Von H. Alteneck, F.. ..204 Von Scheliha, ..166 .74 ... ..11 > 3 Waldenström, E. 1.........259 Walker, C. V. .241 H. A. .154 T.......33, 67, 79, 210, 229 Wallace, J.S. .294 Warden, H. W. .327 Warden, H. W. .354 Watkins, W.B.. ..101, 339 Watson, J. ..75 Watson, J. E... .275 Wattinne, H.. .191 Webber, C. E..... .183 Webster, W., the younger... 376 Welch, E. B......... .115, 173 xii INDEX OF NAMES. F. W.. Page Welch, E. J. C..................96 Wellesley, F. A.. .166 Werdermann, R.... 337 Wessman, M. F.. ..147 Westinghouse, G., jun........199 Wheatstone, Sir C...3, 92, 112, 125, 310 White, R. G..... ...........274 Whitehouse, E. O. W ...111, 224 Whiteman, W. T........ .228 Wbitworth, C. F. ..17 Whyte, G.......... 245, 278, 319 Wignall, J. W. .246 Wilde, A.. .72 8. de .1 Wilder, H. B... 31 Wilkin, M..... ..23 Wilkinson, F.... ..215, 317 Wilson, J. E..... ..98 Page Wiman, G. A.................276 Winder, R........... .268 Winter, G. K.....169, 185, 261 Wippern, F... ..270 .308 Wise, W. L..... .293 Wolcott, C. O... .324 Wollaston, C. J....... 233, 287 Wolters, W... ....62 Wood, J. W...... .323, 349, 367 Wright, E. G.......... ..270 Wrigley, A... ..370 Wynne, F.G ....302 Yeates, S. M.................284 Young, W...............144, 167 Zanni, G...... 47, 94, 118, 161, 206, 325 Zuccato, E. de................118 . ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION III. TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING SIGNALS, CONTROLLING MECHANICAL ACTION, AND EXHIBITING ELECTRIC EFFECTS. 1867. : A.D. 1867, January 14.–No. 98. DE WILDE, SYLVAN.-"Apparatus used when probing for " balls or projectiles.” Two insulated electrical conductors are capable of sliding within a non-conducting probe, which acts as a sheath to them. The conductors form a part of an electric circuit in which is the electro-magnet of a bell alarum. The probe is introduced into the wound until it meets with an obstruction, when the wires are protruded through the end of the probe; if they come into contact with metal, the electric circuit is completed and the bell is sounded. The apparatus comprises the galvanic battery, the alarum, the probe and the forceps. These, with their accessories, are contained in a box. The armature of the alarum is mounted upon a blade spring and carries the bell bammer. When the circuit is complete, the armature is attracted towards the electro-magnet, rings the bell and remains in contact with the electro-magnet until the circuit is broken. R 705. Wt. 19008. A 2 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The wires of the probe are of tempered steel and they have keen points. The forceps consist of two tempered steel limbs, which turn on a pivot, but are insulated from each other in all positions; when contact with the ball is lost, the hammer of the bell falls back. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, January 24.-No. 177. APPS, ALFRED. .-" .“ Electrical apparatus.” 1. In the contact breaker of an electro-magnetic coil, the shaft carrying the straining screw of the spring is continued through the upright that carries the platinum-pointed screw; the spring is strained by a milled head outside the upright. 2. One axis carries studs for simultaneous breaks of several currents; this contact breaker is used with clockwork as a self-acting break. 3. To improve the rate of making and breaking contact, the contact breaker is double; it may be in connection with one or more galvanic batteries. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] & A.D. 1867, January 24.-No. 181. BROOMAN, CLINTON EDGCUMBE.—A communication from Paul Antoine Marie Chauvassaignes and Jacques Paul Lam. brigot.)—“ Working electric telegraphs; construction of “ the instruments and manufacture of the material employed " therein." A telegram is printed by a composing instrument, upon a strip of tin paper, in a non-conducting ink containing war, resin, bitumen and suet. It may be received, for re-trans. mission, apon a second strip of tin paper; or it may be received electro-chemically, in a wave-line form, from a strip of tin paper in an automatic instrument, by a similar automatic instrument. The composing instrument consists of a clock movement which is liberated by a manipulating lever, according to the sign to be printed. A cup, with a slit at the bottom and heated by a gas barner, contains the ink, and the paper passed horizontally under it. a is DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 3 The re-transmitting instrument is similar to the composing instrument, but it works automatically by means of electro- magnets. The automatic transmitter or receiver contains a clock movement working a pair of rollers to draw along the paper from the supply reel, and giving reciprocating movement to the style or pen. To change the instrument from a trans- mitter to a receiver, a commutating pin is displaced. The electrolytic liquid used to impregnate the paper contains nitrate of ammonia, yellow prussiate of potash, gallic acid, and white sugar. In another electro-chemical receiver, the electrolytic liquid is furnished to the paper by a glass tube or pen in a wave line, and is decomposed when the electric circuit is com- pleted. To make the tin paper, tin foil is pasted on to paper; the whole is dried and pressed by rollers. The receiving instrument prints or marks whenever the metal of the tin paper strip, in the transmitting instrument, is in the telegraphic circuit. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] are A.D. 1867, January 28.–No. 220. WHEATSTONE, CHARLES.—Electric telegraph apparatus. Nos. 1239 and 1241, A.D. 1858, and 2462, A.D. 1860, referred to in this invention. The perforator for the dot-printing telegraph is modified, so as to enable it to prepare the strips of paper with an unin- terrupted series of central apertures. The perforator with five punches is so arranged that the depression of the first key acts upon three punches, the de- pression of a second key upon four punches and the depression of a third key upon a single central punch only. The paper is advanced according to the key pressed down. Additional keys and panches are used to cause lines of various lengths to be marked by the receiving instrument. A modification of the transmitter, in which the central needle alone has a to-and-fro motion. A modification of the transmitter, in which short alternate currents, at various intervals, determine the occurrence of A 2 4 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. printed lines and intervals. One current-governing needle has a to-and-fro motion simultaneously with the central needle. A modification of the transmitter which sends into the telegraphic circuit currents of various lengths in one direction only. A modification of the dot-printing receiving instrument, in which the pens are acted upon by one set of electro- magnets and magnetic bars. A modification of the printing apparatus of certain re- ceiving instruments, in which the inking disc and tracing disc are independently kept in action, and the ink is re. tained on the circumference of the inking disc by capillary attraction, [Printed, 18. 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, January 31.-No. 261. SIEMENS, CHARLES WILLIAM.—(Partly a communication from Werner Siemens.) * Apparatus for determining electrical “ resistances,” &c. “Two insulated coils, both connected to one and the same “ battery, but one including the resistance to be measured in “ its circuit are made the one to advance to and the other simultaneously to recede from a galvanometer needle sus. pended between the two in order to produce a balance of “ effect thereon, the position of such coils when the equili- “ brium is established being made to indicate the unknown " resistance." The motion of the coils is effected " by means of a curved “ slide, against which the bar carrying the coils rests, and “ which slide in being moved in one direction or the other “ for adjusting the coils indicates directly upon a scale the “ number of conventional units of resistance in the resist. ance to be measured, the curved surface of the slide being so formed that equal effects are produced by moving the “ slide through equal distances.” [Printed, 28. 2. Drawings.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 9 A.D. 1867, February 8.--No. 364. GAIFFE, PIERRE ELIE, and LALANCE, AMÉDÉE ARTHUR.-- “ A mechanical process of electro engraving by means of an “ electro-magnetic engraving machine." This machine is to reproduce relievo and intaglio engrav- ing from drawings of any kind with the requisite reductions. The system is identical with that of the copying electric telegraph. The apparatus consists of “two or more plates having " simultaneous rotary motion and imparting motion to two carriers, one furnished with one or more tracers, and the “ other with one or more diamonds or gravers; these two “ parts, as also the carriers have each a transverse motion, “ the action of the graver being regulated by that of the tracer " by means of an electric current and electro magnet." [Printed, 18. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, February 22.–No. 488. GORDON, Alice Isabel LUCAN. — “Connecting the wires "employed for transmitting electric signals on railway “ trains.” According to the present invention, the wires in the system set forth in No. 1543, A.D. 1865, and in other systems, are joined by a coupling which completes an electric circuit and gives a signal whenever a carriage becomes detached from the train. The coupling is 60 formed that, upon sliding the two halves together in a longitudinal direction, the respective wires are brought into electric contact by means of flat metallic springs. An additional spring with a T head is also pro- vided in each half of the coupling, which, when the two halves are disconnected from each other, makes connection between the two wires in the same half and thus completes a circuit which gives warning to the guard that a carriage has become detached from the train. Spring catches retain the coupling together, when in working position, and are able to resist any ordinary shock; but, if a carriage becomes de- tached, the two parts of the coupling are drawn asunder and the signal is given. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 6 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1867, March 8.—No. 663. HENRY, MICHAEL. — (A communication from Louis Alfred Anfonso.)—“ Apparatus for measuring the speed of ships - “ and other vessels, and the velocity of running or flowing " water." A submerged screw revolves by the progress of the vessel through the water, and it transmits, by means of electricity, its velocity of rotation to one or more indicators or pointers travelling over a dial or dials which is or are fixed in a con- venient part of the vessel. “ The dial apparatus consists of clockwork, and of an “ electro-magnetic coil with an armature or pallet which “ carries a rod, one end of which actuates an escapement movement at the end of the train or system of clockwork. " When the current passes through the coil the armature will “ be attracted and the rod will work the escapement, thereby moving the escapement wheel one tooth and actuating a “ pointer which is worked by the same and travels over a When the current is interrupted the armature is “ restored to a state of rest by a spring. From the first wheel “ of the train of wheels motion may be transmitted to other “ wheels and other pointers at pleasure. This apparatus is “ connected by a wire or cable with a screw working on an • axis fitted to a hollow cylinder containing arrangements for obtaining electrical contact.” A cam arrangement in the immersed part of the log enables electric contact to be made at each turn of the screw, thus the number of revolutions in a given time are indicated on the dial, [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 66 66 dial. A.D. 1867, March 21.–No. 816. SIMPSON, JOHN HAWKINS.-Printing telegraphs and appa- ratus. Nos. 893, 2260, and 2687, A.D. 1864, are referred to. The type or punches are cast with the lines of relief widely distant from each other. The electric current need not pass through the type, but the type may be made of a non-conducting material and used to actuate a contact lever. At the recording station, the electric DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 7 current may act on electro-magnets to attract armatures; which either carry a style or pen, or raise the paper to the style. Only one armature is in contact with the desk or prepared paper at one and the same time. To transmit two or more messages simultaneously by one revolution of the printer, two or more desks have a correspond. ing number of independent electric circuits. To clean the points of the styles, they pass over a cushion. To define the forms of the letters at the recording station, the paper is ruled so that the styles pass between the lines ; or, the lines are ruled after the letters are formed. The address of the telegram is printed on the envelope through the agency of the electric current. An alphabet may be developed by the passage of two styles. The dots and dashes come side by side, and are so arranged that the letter is easily read; or, the marks forming the letters may occupy two parallel lines, and are so placed in the lines that the majority of the letters are immediately decipherable. [Printed, 4d. 'No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, April 5.--No. 1021. TATTERS, JAMES GRAHAM.—"Communicating between the several parts of railway trains." An electric circuit is made from carriage to carriage in the train. In each compartment of the carriages is a flat disc provided with a spring and catch. The release of the catch, by a pas- senger or guard, throws out the disc, breaks the electric cir- cuit, releases the armature of an electro-magnet in connection with the steam whistle, and causes the latter to sound. If when the armature is lifted to the electro-magnet it is not attracted thereby, a passenger has given the alarm as indi- cated by the disc; if the armature is attracted, the guard has signalled. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] > A.D. 1867, April 8.-No. 1053. LITTLE, GEORGE.-" Apparatus for regulating and trans- “ mitting electric currents, more especially designed for use 8 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. “ in connection with telegraphic recording instruments for “ long submarine lines." The general principle of the apparatus is that a magnet is supported by a float, in a liquid of nearly the same specific gravity, between the two poles of a battery, and is surrounded by a coil or coils of insulated wire connected with the line wire or cable. In a rheotrope or reversing instrument, the local battery, the current of which is to be reversed, is in connection with two floating magnets, one half of the battery with one mag. net, the other half with the other magnet. According to the direction of the line-wire current in the coils, the local circuit is completed by one or other magnet; its direction depends apon the magnet in circuit. A pair of floating magnets and coils is also adapted to Wheatstone's bridge to detect faults in the telegraph line or cable. The instrument being put into connection with the resistance to be determined, the voltaic battery and the variable but known resistance, the floats immediately rise. As the resistance is varied, a sight bar is adjusted, by hand, until the upper extremities of the float are level with the top of the bar. Instead of two floats, one float in connection with the coils may be used. [ (Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] 1 A.D. 1867, April 26.—No. 1213. CLARK, ALEXANDER (executor of William Clark).-(4 com- nie unication from Secondo Roos.)—“Electric telegraph appa- " ratus." In a telegraphic manipulator, the electric communications are obtained by combining, two and two, a given number of contact points ; with eight contacts, for instance, twenty. eight electrical communications are effected. In a contact box with springs, each communication is composed of a con- tact for the positive battery pole, and another for the negative battery pole. The characters or type are set up in a composing stick; each character has two inclined surfaces. For eight contacts, each contact is one-eighth of the total length of the type, DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, & c. 9 a and the contacts are further disposed to form twenty-eight combinations. By means of a weighted endless chain, the composing stick is slid along under a comb having eight teeth, so as to esta- blish communication between the contact points. The manipulator may be applied to a Hughes' telegraphic apparatus. Two pawls are used, one being raised from its rack, the other is in gear with its rack; one pawl arrests the motion of the composing stick by means of an electro-magnet which acts by repulsion and carrent of long duration, the second pawl returns the parts to position. The duration of the line current is lengthened by connect. ing it with the axis of a cam. A relay consists of a wheel train, in which the last axis turns at the speed of the cam axis, and for which the arma- ture of the electro-magnet serves as a disconnector. The circuit is constantly closed, a transmitting battery and a neutralising battery being used for this purpose. A local or regulating current may be used to move the com- posing stick. To dispense with some of the printing mechanism, the composing sticks may be formed like jacquard plates. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, May 2.- No. 1275. BONNEVILLE, HENRI ADRIEN. (A communication from Victor Delay.)–(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specifica- tion.)—“ Transmitting by electricity the hour and the syn- "chronism of the hours between public and private clocks.” The elements of the galvanic battery, or pile, used in this invention are divided into several series placed at stated “ distances with groups of houses between, so that as the " electric conducting wire is constantly steeped at certain " intervals in the partial elements of the pile, the electric " flaid never loses anything of its power. The motion of the " hands of each clock is obtained by the oscillating lever, “ one of the arms of which carries a little moveable plate on “ which acts an electro-magnet, whilst on the other arm is “ fixed a weight counterbalancing the attraction of the elec- “ tro-magnet, so that according as the electric current passes 10 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. or is interrupted the oscillation of the lever is produced, “ and the movement is transmitted to the hands by connect- ing wheels through the agency of an anchor fixed on the “ lever near the pivot on which it oscillates. In order to “ obtain the intermittent action of the electro-magnet by the " intermittent passage of the electric current, the extremity " of the bobbin wires is in contact with a wheel where the “ wire of the pile ends, the circumference of which wheel is “ half in copper and half in wood, so as to interrupt the pas- sage of the current. This wheel is fixed on the scapement “ wheel of a regulating apparatus carrying the pendulum. “ The same disposition of mechanism is applied to the striking work by means of the regulator of said striking " work." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, May 2.-No. 1279. ABEL, CHARLES DENTON.-(4 communication from Adolphe Bergmüller.)-A “system of and apparatus for administrative “ telegraphy." This invention is to convey notice of accidents to a head office. The face plate of the transmitting apparatus has a number of finger keys corresponding to the number and kind of acci- dent, the description of which is to be telegraphed. There is a separate key for ordinary messages. The communicator consists of:-An inscription plate with revolving contact lever. A clockwork mechanism. A system of finger keys. A striking apparatus and interruptor. A A hand lever with a commutator. An indicating needle. When a key is depressed, a catch is raised, so as to permit the rotation of the clockwork and of the contact lever for one revolution. Only one finger key can be depressed at a time. The interruptor is turned as soon as the contact lever begins to move. The simultaneous forwarding of two messages is prevented by the striking apparatus and interruptor, by means of a per: manent magnet with a soft iron armature, in connection with an electro-magnet. If a finger key be depressed during the conveyance of a message, the fly of the clockwork is stopped by DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 11 the armature. As soon as a message is completed, a reversed current is sent through the line wire in order that the clock- work may be released. [Printed, 1s. Drawings. A.D. 1867, May 7.-No. 1334. CAVELL, John Scott.—“Automaton figures or toys." To excite the electro-magnets that actuate these figures, keys, handles, or commutators like those used in telegraphy are employed. The electro-magnets and their armatures are placed near the joints, so that as the wires to any particular limb are connected to the galvanic battery, the limb is moved accordingly by the attraction of the armature in the movable limb to the electro-magnet in the trunk. When the current is cut off by the commutator, a spring brings back the limb to its normal position. [Printed, 18. Drawing.) A.D. 1867, May 23.–No. 1531. THEILER, MEINRAD, sen., THEILER, RICHARD, and THEILER, MEINRAD, jun.—(Provisional protection only.) - “ Telegraphic instruments and electric clocks." 1st. Electro-magnets and armatures act upon a bar or needle so as to produce deflections from a central position, similar to those of a galvanometer. The bar, at its ends, is split into a fork and is pivoted between the electro-magnets. When the electric current round the electro-magnets ceases, the bar is drawn back to its central position by iron tongues projecting from the poles of the magnets. This arrangement may be applied to galvanometers, indicators, relays and electric clocks. 2nd. The above arrangement of magnets and armatures is applied to a portable needle instrument, the pointer being on the axis of the armature. When ordinary galvanometer needles are employed, they may be drawn back to their central position by a spiral spring acting like a watch spring. These indicators may be worked by two contacts or tappers, or by a single key. 3rd. A Morse instrument is worked by reversed currents, each of them actuating a separate magnet and printing a а 12 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. separate line of marks. The positive current works both magnets; the negative current only one. The dashes are printed in a double line, thus 4th. To facilitate the release of the armature from the electro-magnet, after the current has ceased, and to prevent sparks, an extra circuit is established to the passing current by the lever of the armature. 5th. In a type printer, worked by two tappers (one for dots, the other for dashes), a clockwork acts upon a type wheel held at any point by a catch which can be released by either of two electro-magnets. The printing is accomplished by a hammer and electro-magnet or by the clockwork. After printing, the type wheel may be driven round to zero, or, at the next motion of the keys, jumped to the desired letter. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, May 27.-No. 1565. DUJARDIN, PIERRE ANTOINE JOSEPH.—“ Electric telegraphs." 1st. Cross type wheels are made to oscillate on one common axis, so as to allow of printing either letters or figures. This is accomplished when the transmitter of the apparatus sets the end of a double lever in contact with a spring which vibrates by means of the clockwork. In another plan, a rotating flexible finger acts upon the end of the double lever. 2nd. An inking piston pad, for use with the cross type wheels, consists of a brass tube containing the oleic ink, & velvet pad at its top, and a piston pressure screw. The whole oscillates, and is thrown on the type wheel by a spring. 3rd. An electro-magnet to distribute the printing currents. -In one form of this electro-magnet, which is actuated by the line current, a suspended soft-iron cylinder enters a part of the coil and acts as an armature. On the ceasing of the line current, in order to print the letter, the cylinder is raised from the coil and, by its suspending lever, completes the local printing circuit. In another plan, the local circuit is com- pleted by a disc, which is capable of oscillation in front of the poles of the line-wire electro-magnet. The line-wire current is bifurcated, one branch actuating DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 13 the distributing electro-magnet, the other the electro-magnet that rotates the type wheel. 4th. A gear regulator to operate the tra nsmitter.-A cross bar carries balls on the ends of vertical rods. The rotation of the cross bar by the clockwork causes the balls to recede from each other and to force leathers down on to a hori- zontal circle, and thus, by their friction, to prevent the acceleration of the speed of the transmitter. [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] - A.D. 1867, May 29.- No. 1583. TUNKS, DAVID. - (Provisional protection only.)—" Galvano. “ meters for receiving signals through submarine and other “ electric telegraph lines, and for testing them.” The instrument which forms the subject of this invention consists of an electro-dynamic coil in two halves and having its axis horizontal. The two halves act as one coil upon a horizontal magnetic needle, which is mounted on a vertical axis that passes freely through the division between the coils ; the axis works in jewel holes that are placed on cocks rising from the foundation plate that carries the coil. There is a horizontal graduated dial plate and an aluminium pointer. The normal position of the magnetic needle is parallel to the coils. A feature of the invention consists in the use of an adjust- able pendalam or hair spring in connection with the vertical axis. The object of the spring is, first, to neutralize the weight of the axis and its appendages, second, to neutralize the directive influence of the earth's magnetism apon the magnetic needle. In a modified instrument, the axis of the needle is horizontal and the action of the spring to counteract the weight of the needle, &c. is not employed. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, June 4.—No. 1641. INSHAW, John. — “Improvements in electrical clocks, " which improvements may also be applied to other electrical “ instruments." 14 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The electric contact or commutator which is the subject of this invention is described in relation to electric clocks that are driven by electro-magnets, the action of which is regulated by the pendulum. A vertical rod is fixed between two tappets that are on the pendulum rod. Towards the end of each vibration of the pendulum one of the tappets makes contact with the wire. The vertical wire is connected with a slide, the intermittent reciprocating traverse of which completes the electric circuits and interrupts them according to the position of certain pro- jections upon the slide in relation to fixed projections in con- nection with the galvanic battery or other source of electric power, the slide itself being in connection with one battery pole. The contact wbich completes the electric circuit with supplementary clocks is formed with a bowed spring attached to a vertical standard. By this arrangement, when the electric current is feeble (and the arc of vibration of the pendulum is small), it is allowed to pass through the coils of the primary and supplementary clocks during the whole time that the contact is not interrupted by the commutator. When the current is strong (and the arc of vibration of the pendulum is great), the current passes for a short time only through the coils of the primary clock and during the remaining time of contact is sent through the coils of the supplementary clocks. The slides and contacts are immersed in oil. Two modifications are set forth, in which there is no spring contact; one of the arrangements is adapted for the right hand side of the pendulum. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 9 A.D. 1867, June 15.-No. 1755. VARLEY, CORNELIUS, and VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. “ Electric telegraphs.” A method of ringing bells, by apparatus in connection with a magneto-electric machine, consists in traversing the core of a rolling coil over the poles of vertical electro-magnets by means of a lever and connecting rod. To communicate motion to the lever or lovers, when the machine is used for an alphabetical telegraph, two rollers, mounted on the levers, are kept in contact (by springs) a DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 15 with the circumference of a wave-line wheel of thirteen teeth. To actuate a wheel of twenty-six teeth on the index axis of a receiver, a pivoted soft iron magnet is excited by the in- daction of the electro-magnet in the telegraphic circuit. The two poles of a permanent magnet are curved to form portions of a circle concentric with the pivoted magnet. The axis of the soft iron magnet moves the driving escapement in accordance with the currents transmitted. To reduce the number of wires required for signalling.- Two insulated wires are used. The two poles of a galvanic battery are connected to the two wires through the two coils of a differential galvanometer and through two relays; the middle pair of elements of the galvanic battery is connected to earth. Two signals are given by connecting either insu. lated wire to earth ; a third signal is given by connecting the two insulated wires together with a resistance between. [Printed, 1s. Drawing.] a A.D. 1867, July 1.--No. 1917. HUBERT, FRANÇOIS THIERRY, and TRUSCOTT, HENRY DAVID GREEN.—“ Construction of general electric telegraphic “ machines and the mode of working them.” This invention consists in the combination with the mechanism of the dial, described in No. 1725, A.D. 1866, of certain apparatas for printing either on a cylindrical or a flat surfaco. The dial indicator has mounted behind it a printing wheel and a paper cylinder or a frame with a flat surface of paper extended on it and susceptible of longitudinal and transverse motion. A system of levers actuated by electro-magnets raises the cylindrical or flat surface plate carrying the paper into contact with the types on the printing wheel. An electro-magnetic arrangement is combined with wheel. work and an alarm to raise an indicator and to strike a bell. A ratchet wheel and catch lever prevent the wheelwork of the dial from turning in more than one direction. Projecting commutators are applied, so as to avoid any interruption in the transmission or reception of messages. 16 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Levers actuated by electro-magnets move the paper after the printing of each letter, in order to obtain the blanks and spaces. The printing mechanism may be adapted to other tele- graphic dials. The printing mechanism is disposed so as to print on paper of any size that may be required. [Printed, 26. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, July 9.-No. 2015. ANDREWS, WILLIAM STRATFORD. “Means or apparatus “ used in effecting telegraphic communications." One part of this invention enables the Hughes type-printing instruments set forth in No. 938, A.D. 1858, and other instru- ments, to work long distances, by providing, at one or more points between two termini, a relay or relays to renew the electric current. The following apparatus is provided in duplicate :- A lever armature and electro-magnet excited by a local battery, together with insulated banking stops, contact pieces and springs; also a pecker, through the rest point of which the local battery current circulates. This arrangement enables the current from the up line to be discharged to earth and a corresponding reinforcing current to be sent into the down line. The contacts are then automatically replaced in their original position. In another part of this invention (in cases where inter- mediate relays are not employed to discharge underground or submarine circuits, or to neutralise, at the termini, the current of discharge) the contact maker of the Hughes type. printer is prolonged by a separate piece, working on the same vertical shaft, which, by an arrangement of connections, effects the required discharge. In sending neutralising currents, an insulated disc, on the vertical sbaft of the contact maker, is in contact with a spring from the neutralising battery. [Printed, 28. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, July 9.-No. 2016. ANDREWS, WILLIAM STRATFORD." Effecting telegraphic " communications." 9) DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 17 In this invention, instruments of the Morse character make indications by means of short currents of equal duration and of opposite polarity on one line wire. In the Morse apparatus, the marker is moved to the paper. The dots are recorded on two different lines on the same paper band in different coloured inks; one colour for dashes,” the other for “dots." In “ Jones' improved "Morse” two writing pens are used ; two levers depress the pens and two electro-magnets actuate the levers. In the trough ink writer, the inventor duplicates the inking wheel, the levers, and the electro-magnets. In the “Mourillon" endless inked chain marker the arbors on which the pulleys are fixed are extended and two or more pulleys and a second endless chain are attached; the lever and electro-magnet are duplicated. A polarised relay, working according to the direction of the line-wire current, actuates one or other electro-magnet. In the relay, two or four coils and four magnetised needles are used; giving, with one electro-magnet, eight forces; with two, sixteen forces. In relay working, the rest stops are connected with a spring conducting from one of the above to the relay through two rest stops. When either armature is depressed, it removes this spring from its rest stop, thus breaking off the relay and preventing the local circuiting of the line-wire current. [Printed, 28. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, July 20.—No. 2123. WHITWORTH, CHARLES FREDERICK.—“Apparatus for pre- venting accidents at junctions, crossings, and sidings of * railways." 1st. To assure the pointsman that the distant switch rails are close home to the rail on one side and duly open on the other.—The working of the switch puts into action an adjust- able rod connected with a bell-crank lever, from the longer arm of which descends a metallic projection that completes the circuit of an electrical bell, except when the lever is in one of its extreme positions. The contact itself consists of two rods curved to the radius of the lever; the projection slides between these (with friction) whenever it is moved from either of its extreme positions. 18 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 2nd. Signals operate relatively with switches to prevent the opening of a line or road, except when the junction is gaarded and the switches properly set.—The electric alarum or bell circuit is only complete by the concurrence of separate con- tacts when the dangerous condition exists. The lever arms of the switches have clamps upon them which only in certain positions insert insulated bars to connect up their portion of the circuit. In a modification, the clamps may insert a metallic arm between parallel conductors to make contact. Analogous apparatus may be used when the breaking of contact is required. 3rd. Control at a distance is given over switches or scotch blocks, and their position is made known to the pointsman.- This is accomplished by means of an electro-magnetic arrange- ment. The electric contacts are numerous; in each contact a metallic arm is inserted between parallel conductors. [Printed, 3s. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, July 23.—No. 2147. THOMSON, Sir WILLIAM.—"Receiving or recording instru- “ ments for electric telegraphs.” The object of this invention is to produce an instrument to record, by permanent marks, such electric signals as have hitherto been received by the mirror galvanometer set forth in No. 329, A.D. 1858. To the body moved by the received current is attached a light marking glass tube, or syphon, from the end of which ink is spurted upon paper by means of an electric force or by rapid vibrations imparted to the tube. The paper moves in a vertical plane and the short leg of the syphon dips into an ink reservoir; its long leg points obliquely downwards at the paper and is close to it. The receiving instrument consists of a light coil with a small number of turns of fine wire; part of this coil is placed in a powerful magnetic field. To multiply the power, two or more coils may be used, each attached to the marker near its axis. A multiplying train of two or more markers may be employed. To damp the vibrations of the marker, vanes DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 19 may dip into a liquid, or a small spring may press on the silk fibre which connects the coil with the syphon. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, July 30.-No. 2207. MARTIN, SAMUEL MANLEY, and VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. -“ Signalling upon railway trains;” parts of the apparatus " are applicable to electric telegraphs generally." Improvements in parts of the apparatus for electrical train signalling set forth in No. 966, A.D. 1866. An “electric lock” gives a heavy blow upon the bell. When the circuit is closed, an armature is attracted and liberates a light lever which, in its fall, liberates a second lever which kuocks away a detent liberating a heavy hammer actuated by a powerful spring. It is preferred to make the alarm by a striking lever working in the centre of the electro-magnet and at right angles to its core, when the circuit is open; when the circnit is closed, the piece of soft iron which actuates the striking lever moves through nearly a quarter of a circle and causes the hammer to strike the bell. Or the alarm may be made to ring continuously by means of a make and break lever. No. 315, A.D. 1868 is referred to in connection with this part of the invention. [Printed, 1s. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, August 24.–No. 2432. KNIAGHININSKY, PIERRE, GALAHOFF, PIERRE, and OSSIPOFF, NICHOLAS. Machinery for setting up and " distributing printing types." Inclined cases have grooves which contain the types. A collector on the nut of a screw in front of the grooves can be traversed in either direction, so as to take a type from any one of the grooves. When the screw is next turned, the collector is brought opposite the composing stick and is made, by successive movements, to deposit the types therein, in the order required. Electro-magnetic coils, one pair at each end of the screw, are constantly rotating in opposite directions. When either 20 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. coil is excited, it carries the screw round with it. The dae regulation of the electricity supplied to the coils causes the types to be collected and arranged in the order required. A band of paper, perforated according to the matter to be printed, effects this transmission of electric power by being passed over a roller made in two insalated portions which are respectively connected with the terminals of the galvanic battery. In this position a number of metallic “feelers press on the paper; some make the requisite electric con. nections to send the letters of the dispatch; others maintain the current until the collector is brought to the position required. Electro-magnetic brakes are employed to stop the collector instantly. The same machine, with a slight modification, is capable of distributing the types. [Printed, 28. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, September 14.-No. 2599. BROWNSON, WALTER GALE. Telegraphic relays, re- peaters, and commutators.” Rendering the sensitiveness of the armature lever of the receiving magnet dependent upon the force of the line-wire current, so that the relation of the two may be uniform. This is accomplished by one or more adjusting or counter-balance magnets in the line-wire circuit. The local battery circuit of one of two main lines is com- bined with the repeater of the other lino, by extra wires which intercept the local current between the sounder magnet and the relay of the first line, and are so arranged that the local circuit is closed by the repeater when not closed by the relay, and vice versa. Pins pass through the sounder lever of a repeater to open or close the connections of the cut off wires or of the main line. Switch levers, or buttons, together with connecting plates and springs, are used to change the direction of the electric currents to or from one main line to another, or in other ways. Independent switch buttons are used as a battery com. mutator. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 21 Combining and uniting batteries by means of buttons, points, and a condensing key. To make ground connections, a revolving head plate and spring are combined with a metallic post. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, September 18.-No. 2622. VARLEY, FREDERICK HENRY. Apparatus for testing “ telegraph conductors," &c. 1st. A galvanometer in which the deflection of the magnet is measured by means of a telescope in conjunction with a reftecting surface. 2nd. In galvanometers, a microscope is used in conjunction with reflecting surfaces, with movable arms, and with microscopic photographs. 3rd. In an arrangement of resistance coils, the battery or testing current passes through two coils; from one coil, the current is shunted off to two other coils and successive shuntings or loopings of portions of the current are made to successive pairs of resistance coils, so that an effect equivalent to enormous resistances can readily be obtained. The diffe. rential galvanometer is used to measure the force flowing through the loops. 4th. A potential measurer, to obviate the error of the Wheatstone's bridge, consists of two pairs of director plates and a pair of movable insulated plates. A suspended metallic arm is free to move between the plates and is used to equalize the potential of a cable and of a galvanic battery. The amount of motion to bring the testing plates into this position is measured on a scale, 5th. The director plates can be charged with statical elec- tricity by a hand machine in which the exciting cushion and the condenser surround the glass tube or other electric. 6th. A regulator to charge or discharge the cable at desired intervals of time.-Small auxiliary pendulums are raised by electro-magnetism and fall by gravity, to give impulse to a large pendulum. 7th. A mercurial air pump to exhaust the air-tight case in which is placed the pendulum apparatus. (Printed, 18. 4d. Drawing.] 22 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1867, September 28.-No. 2743. ELDER, JOHN. — " Propelling and manæuvring floating “ batteries and other vessels." Apparatus to steer these vessels automatically. – The rudders or steering blades are operated by a donkey engine, which is controlled by an “electro-magnetic” (magneto- electric ?] apparatus rotated by the main propelling engine. When an engraved annular plate, in connection with the compass card, is moved from a given bearing, the magneto- electric apparatus is called into action, by the completion of its electric circuit, and opens the valve of the donkey engine until the bearings of the annular plate and of the card coincide. In a similar manner, stopping, starting, and reversing gear may be governed or controlled. Also the movement of certain water jets and jet pipes may be effected. [Printed, 88. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, October 12.-No. 2879. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(4 communication from Elisha Gray.)" Electric telegraph apparatus." The object of this invention is to obviate the difficulties that attend the use of the ordinary relay, in consequence of the variable action of the residual magnetism therein. The present self adjusting relay is independent of residual magnetism. Local batteries are in connection with a pole changer; this instrument is combined with an arrangement of the relay magnets, in which their polarity is in opposite directions, and in which they act upon a permanently magnetised and pivoted armature with combined force. The pole changer consists of two horizontal horse-shoe electro-magnets, as in the relay; immediately under these is a vertical electro-magnet, the double core of which is capable of vibrating on a pivot. The pole-changing points are on a gatta percha plate, which also carries current changing points. The vibration of the core of the vertical electro- magnet changes the poles. This apparatus is operated by a key, in which the circuit is always closed when the lever is DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 23 either up or down ; the circuit is broken when neither point is in contact. This arrangement enables the operator, at any point on the line, to reverse the current over the relay from the main battery. In the pole changer, one magnet is actuated by the local current, the opposite magnet by the main current. As often as the key is depressed, the poles of the main battery change and all the relay armatures move forward; when the key rises, the armatures move back. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, October 17.–No. 2908. WILKIN, MARMADUKE, and CLARK, JOHN.—“ Signalling upon railways." One part of this invention relates to the working of the block system. To show a portion of the line to be "clear" after a train has passed, an electric arrangement in the van sends a current to the last signal passed. The same arrange- ment may transmit a message in advance of the train, and a slight modification of it may enable it to receive a signal from a station in advance. A galvanic battery in the van is in connection with a vertical rod, free to swing backwards, which projects upwards from the roof of the van and comes into electric contact with a wire which is laid diagonally across the line. When this contact is made, the current is sent back to the last signal passed and operates the electro-magnet and armature at that place, so as to pull a catch and show the signal “clear.” The current may be communicated to the conducting wire by a guide rail, instead of a vertical rod. To effect a con- nection with the earth more certainly, a vertical sliding rod is fixed inside a tube attached to the carriage framing, so that the point rests upon the axle of the wheel. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, October 17.-No. 2909. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. — (4 communication from C. H. Pond. )-(Provisional protection only.) -" Electric telegraph apparatas." 2+ ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. This invention is to obviate the difficulties arising from the variability of the residual magnetism developed in the apparatus. Electro-magnets are combined with a vibrating armatore lever, the backward stroke of which is regulated by an ad- justing screw and which works between a forked arm which may be carried along with the armature. Two contact points and spring connections are employed, one comes into use only when weak currents circulate and both are used when a heary current passes over the magnets. Thus the armature is stopped by spring power, which is always equal to the power of the electric current. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1867, October 21.-No. 2960. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(4 communication from George Little.)—“Electric telegraph apparatus." In a recording instrument, a pen is attached to a magnet, which is supported in a suitable fluid. The vessel containing the fluid is surrounded by coils of insulated wire. An electric current passing through the coils moves the pen into contact with the surface of a paper strip caused to travel past the point of the pen. The vessel may be vertical or horizontal, and the opening for the pen may be above or below or sideways. A regulating tube is attached to the vessel, by means of which the pressure of the ink is nearly balanced. A hammer attached to the floating magnet may strike a bell to form a call or alarm. The floating magnet may carry a mirror whose rays are directed upon photographic paper. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, November 23.-—No. 3317. HUGHES, EDWARD THOMAS.-(4 communication from John Murray Fairchild and Joseph Kidder Bundy.)—(Provisional protection only.)—“Telegraphic apparatus." 1st. A box for enclosing fire alarm telegraphing instru- ments.-A horizontal partition separates the Morse instrument with bell and finger key (in the upper compartment) from a DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 25 mechanical arrangement (in the lower compartment) for operating tbe key. Unless the shutter to the upper compart- ment is unlocked, the mechanism to designate the position of the box can alone be worked. 2nd. The mechanism for mechanically operating the sending key of the instrument is constructed to rotate from the outside by means of a handle. On the release of a pivoted arm and on the turning of the handle, gearing rotates a pin wheel until a special pin drops again into the notch of the arm. The pins on the wheel act upon the finger key through a lever and springs. An insulating piece in the end of the lerer insulates this mechanism from the key. 3rd. In a sending apparatus for certain signals, a grooved cam, in a face wheel which is rotated by hand, gives motion to a lever and to a contact against a fixed contact. The signals are determined by the shape of the cam. 4th. A self-adjusting magnet for a Morse instrument.- Centrally, in the core of the magnet, is a spindle capable of moving outwards and inwards, slightly forced from the magnet by an encircling spring. The spindle has a soft-iron head and is drawn inwards in proportion to the strength of the magnet. By this means the distance of the head from the armature is regulated according to the strength of the exciting current. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] a A.D. 1867, November 26.-No. 3346. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from Silvanus Frederic Van Choate.)—“ Electric telegraph apparatus.” This invention is for working long submarine telegraph lines, either by the sounding or by the printing system. The apparatus is worked on the open-circuit system, that is to say, when the main line circuit is open, a dot or a line is made; when it is closed, a space that separates the letters and words is produced. The telegraphic system is worked with a main or line-wire circuit which can either be placed to earth to receive, or be placed to include a battery, to send messages. The main circuit, when active, calls into work a local circuit in which is a local battery, and a sounder or printer. a 26 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A relay of peculiar construction is nsed to complete the local circuit. Two horizontal bar electro-magnets in the main circuit bave, between their poles, a vibrator or contact maker. One electro-magnet is of the ordinary kind with a soft iron core, the other has a permanent magnet for a core, so arranged that the transmission of the electric current reverses the polarity of the permanent magnet. The vibrator may be permanently magnetic, or it may be of soft iron; in the former case, it is of opposite polarity to the magnetic core and, in either case, it is attracted towards the core when the main circuit is inactive. The vibrator is a part of the local circuit and is between two stops ; one of the stops is a non-conductor, the other is in the local circuit. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, December 19.-No. 3608. GISBORNE, JOHN SACHEVERELL. — “ Electric telegraphic apparatus," &c. The apparatus at the sending station consists of:-Two finger keys, a rocking key, and a lever, to send positive and negative currents. At the receiving station, the apparatus consists of:-A rocking armature carrying two markers or contacts, a revers- ing relay, a galvanometer for testing, and an ordinary single- needle instrument. It is preferred to make the rocking armature in two lengths (each with independent motion), one length over one electro-magnet, the other over the other electro-magnet. In a modification, a double lever single coil registering apparatus with two markers, has its armatures (one to each pole) connected by levers. In another modification, a single needle operates two markers on the horns of a crescent. In a third modification, a pair of needles carry markers. In a fourth plan, two ordinary deflecting needles operate two suspended needle-like markers. [Printed, 2s. Drawings.] a a DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 27 A.D. 1867, December 24. —No. 3660. RENDER, FREDERICK. “Traps for pigeon and other " shooting.” Electro-magnetism is used as a means of opening or holding down these traps. To open a trap, an electro-magnet therein acts upon bolts. The conducting wires from the several traps are connected to a galvanic battery and to a movable part which acts as a commutator. This part, being pressed, brings one of the wires into connection with the battery and a certain trap is opened. The operator does not know the position of the commutator and is therefore unable to tell the trap about to be opened. In the above apparatus, the electro-magnet liberates a catch to open the trap, but the electro-magnet may take the place of the catch and act apon a keeper, attached to the trap, to keep it closed. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, December 27.-No. 3684. BROOMAN, CLINTON EDGCUMBE. — (A communication from Theodore Auguste Marie Sortais.)—(Provisional protection only.) _" The application of electricity to clocks, watches," &c. The electric movement is taken from the apparent hand of the dial. A system of interruptors is employed that maintain the circuit open which sends the current from a battery to the several striking apparatus and which close the circuit when they are actuated by the hour hand of the primary timekeeper. When several apparatus are actuated from a clock, the interruptor consists of a piece of ivory into which two con- dactors enter; it is terminated, at one end, by two elastic arms of inoxidizable metal, at the other end by guides with pressure screws to receive the conductors from the battery. The ivory piece is so mounted that it can be moved in any required direction. At the right time, the hand makes contact between the two arms. When an alaram is the actuating medium, the interruptor is an insulating plate carrying a sheet of platinum; this is 28 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. rivetted to an oscillating spindle. The end of a circular fiat spring bears on a projection of the spindle. The battery wires make contact when an ivory abutment opposite to the desired hour is met by the hand and causes the wires to touch the platinum sheet. When a watch is the actuating medium, it is placed open, face downwards, on a support and a barrel is fitted to the square pivot of the hands. From the barrel a weighted silk thread hangs; the weight, by its descent, makes contact with elastic arms. Indicating the hours from one striking clock without addi. tional clocks.—The hammer of the clock actuates the inter- ruptor, so as to close the electric circuit and thus to canse other striking apparatus to strike simultaneously with the clock. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 1868. A.D. 1868, January 1.-No. 3. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. (A communication from Elisha Gray.)—“ Electric telegraph apparatus.” In this invention an induction apparatus or coil is used to work a relay by means of its to-and-fro current. The relay has its electro-magnets wound with coarse wire, 80 as to be used with a quantity battery on a short circuit. The electro-magnets are placed with their poles opposite to one another, and a pivoted permanent magnet is between them, so that when they are excited, one will repel while the other will attract the permanent magnet and thus the three magnets concur to throw the armature in one direction. The next current causes the three forces to throw the armature in the opposite direction. The relay is self adjusting; it will work through all weathers and with small battery power. In the induction apparatus, a compound induction may be had; one from magnetism alone, the other from the battery current in connection with the magnetism developed by it. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] DIVISION II.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 29 9) A.D. 1868, January 22.–No. 232. BARKER, CHARLES SPACKMAN.—"Construction of organs.” Combined electric and pneumatic apparatus connects the keys with the pallets of the sound boards by a sustained action. The inflation of a small action bellows under each pallet is accomplished by a compound valve worked by an electro-magnet with a hinged armature, the electro-magnet being excited on the depression of the corresponding key by a wire attached to its backfall which enters mercury cups. The cups are in groups composed of parallel rows. The sub- sequent collapse of the action bellows is done by a spring. A single battery is used for all the electro-magnets to any one key board. The augmentation of the number of rows of cups enables key boards to be coupled. To bring the couplers under the control of the performer an interrupter is established in con- Dection with each row of coupling cups. To effect the draw stop movement a momentary action is produced and the sound board slider is connected with two bellows, the inflation of one of which necessitates the collapse of the other, one being to open the slider, the other to close it. The disc valves for these bellows are worked by accessory power bellows, the valve of which is operated by an electro- magnet in connection with a second electro-magnet which acts to retain the position of the slider. The above combination of two electro-magnets may also be applied to the intercepting valves of wind chests. To prevent waste of the battery elements they are mounted on bellows so as only to be in action when the bellows are inflated. [Printed, 28. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1868, January 29.—No. 315. MARTIN, SAMUEL MANLEY, and VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. -"Electrical train intercommunication,” &c. This invention relates to the two inventions set forth respectively in No. 966, A.D. 1866, and No. 2207, A.D. 1867. In giving notice when a train has broken away, an addition is made to the spring hook-and-eye coupling described in a 30 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. No. 2207, A.D. 1867. The box containing the hook is jointed to the lower part of a “back plate " attached to the carriage. At the upper part, a lag is attached; the lug may be moved forward to any desired fixed amount. When the couplings are undaly strained, the box is pulled forward and a contact spring drops down behind the lag, so as to close the circuit and actuate the alarums on the train. The coupling eyes then become detached from the hooks. In actuating an alarum, a piece of soft iron is pivoted on the centre of the electro-magnet, and is attached to a striking lever, the normal position of which is at right angles to the When the circuit is closed, the piece of soft iron moves a quarter of a circle and causes the hammer to strike the bell. To make the bell ring continuously, a make-and-break lever is brought into action. To enable passengers to communicate with the guards and engine driver, lever boxes are used. A lever is attached to a cam axle and is mounted in the box; it can be moved by a handle projecting through the box. A detent rests on the cam. When the handle is pulled, the detent drops and a pin completes the electric circuit. The handle can only be replaced by means of a special key. [Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] core. A.D. 1868, February 10.-No. 447. BARNES, FREDERIC, and HANCOCK, DAVID.-(Provisional protection only.) — " Communicating motion to signals on “ railways." The rails themselves are employed as a medium whereby the signals are worked. The electric circuit is only complete at the time the wheels of a carriage, united by their axles, pass over the two rails. When the circuit is complete, an electro-magnet attracts a lever which acts on the semaphore to indicate danger; on the interruption of the circuit, a weighted lever throws the signal to clear or caution. At the signal post, one rail is disconnected from the other, so as to leave a space, however small, between the otherwise continuous rails. As an engine approaches the junction, the signal is at clear; the instant the wheels cross the space DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 31 dividing the rails, the circuit is completed and the signal is pat to danger. When the last wheels of the last carriage have passed over the next division in the rails, the circuit is broken and the signal is thrown to clear. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, February 22.-No. 599. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. -(A communication from George Washington Sharok and Job Franz.)—“Electrical signal or “ alarm apparatus.” In a fire alarm or signalling apparatus, the armatures to two electro-magnets are on opposite sides of the same lever, the pivot being between the armatures and the electro-mag- nets acting in opposite directions. An adjustable extension of the armature lever carries a ball, which, at every attrac- tion of the armatures, strikes a bell; the ball comes back, by means of the armature spring, against a cushion. The in- strument is worked by an ordinary contact key. The instrument may be so constructed that, by opening or closing the main or line-wire circuit, any number of local circuits may be respectively closed or opened. A kind of relay for this purpose consists of a line-wire electro-magnet, the vibrating keeper of which is kept against a stop by a spring, so as to complete the local circuit whenever the line-wire circuit is open. When the line-wire circuit is closed, the attracted armature moves away from the stop and breaks the local circuit. Each breaking of the line-wire circuit strikes the bell once. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, February 29.-No. 691. WILDER, HENRY Beaufor.—"Magnetic electric telegraphic “ apparatus for signs, letters, or sentences, with bell and self. acting mechanical switch.” The transmitting instrument, or sender, consists of a mag- neto-electric arrangement by which alternate positive and negative electric currents are sent into the telegraphic circuit. For this purpose, a compound permanent magnet, disposed horizontally, has electro-magnets fixed vertically on its poles, 32 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. and an iron plate (having a number of notches depending on the number of symbols), on being rotated, determines the electric currents accordingly. The receiving instrument consists of an electro-magnet, which being alternately positively and negatively excited, causes the vibration of a magnetised needle. Each vibratory movement of the needle liberates one tooth of an escape wheel which is propelled by clockwork. The movements of the receiver thus correspond to those of the sender. A clockwork arrangement strikes a bell, and a self-acting switch is so arranged as to bring the instrument or bell into circuit at pleasure, and to return of its own accord to the stod which brings the bell into circuit. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, March 5.-No. 764. CLARK, Josiau LATIMER.—“Differential galvanometers." In this invention a shunt or derived circuit is attached to both coils of a differential galvanometer. Suitable plags are provided, and an arrangement of terminals and connections, together with a key, is used to make the instrument equally capable of measuring delicate currents, of testing the insu- lation of telegraph lines, of measuring powerful currents and of ascertaining the internal resistance of galvanic bat- teries. [Printed, 8d. Drawing. ] A.D. 1868, March 6.-No. 773. PULVERMACHER, Isac LOUIS.—"Applying and ascertain. “ ing the power of electric currents.” A current breaker or interruptor.–A thin strip or spring of steel is secured to a metallic plate which is insulated from an exterior case. The spring is weighted and is capable of vibrating between the two poles of the galvanic battery, when a pivoted arm, connected with one pole, is moved to one side or the other. The case is connected to the other battery pole. An instrument to ascertain the power of electric currents.- A voltameter is in a vessel that is closed with the exception DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 33 of a graduated glass tube which dips into the liquid, and the lower end of which is curved upwards. The time the colored liquid takes to be forced up the tube, by the evolution of gas, to certain graduations on the tube, is an indication of the power of a given electric corrent. Printed, 10d. Drawing.) 66 A.D. 1868, March 11.-No. 838. WALKER, THOMAS.—(Provisional protection only.) -- " Trans- 's mission of electric currents,” &c. Electric currents are transmitted through insulated con- ductors by employing earth plates and batteries of several different electrical elements at each end, to act positively, negatively, or neutrally to each other as may be required. Each battery or earth plate is brought into contact with the line by suitable apparatus. “For cables in use," the inventor substitutes two or more dissimilar earth plates at each end “ brought into contact with the line or batteries as required " for receiving or sending signals.” Another part of the invention consists in using a galvano- meter coil and needle as a relay. In the horizontal galvano- meter, the needle axis is connected to one battery pole ; an arm on the axis may be “made to touch a projection connected " with the battery or earth.” In a vertical galvanometer, the bearing in which the axis works is connected to the battery or earth. Resistance coils are made "by twisting the fine conductors helically around any suitable body." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, March 16.-No. 892. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD.—(A communication from Elisha Whittelsey Andrews and Edward Augustine Calahan.)-"Tele- "graphic apparatus." This invention is intended for registering at several places the quotations of commercial values. Two telegraph wires are used, one to move the type wheel, the other for giving the impression. R 705, B 34 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. When two type wheels are used, one for letters, the other for figures, three wires are required. The two wheels are side by side, with their shafts in line with each other, so that the impression is on one strip of paper. Each type wheel is operated by an electro-magnet, by a pawl and ratchet-wheel action that blocks the wheel at each vibration of the armature. To impress the type on the paper, the proper rmature acts through a lever and impression roller, and moves the paper as the armature recedes from the magnet. The sender for setting the type wheels is preferably a dial of alternate conducting and non-conducting material, with a rotating index arm. The impression circuit is closed by a separate key after the type wheels are set. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, March 25.-No. 1026. PIGGOTT, WILLIAM PETER.—“ Transmitting electric tele- “ graph messages" and apparatus. This invention relates to a process of and apparatus for working the cables set forth in No. 2957, A.D. 1860 and in No. 2213, A.D. 1865. Any number of batteries are connected with one end of the transmitting wire or wires; each battery is connected with one or more of the contact points with which the keys of the transmitter are brought into contact. Each key repre- sents a different letter of the alphabet and sends a corre- sponding electric current. The letters are indicated on the receiving instrument by the amount of deflection of a galvanometer needle, each letter having its own particular deflection to the right or left as the case may be. Illuminated slits may be opposite to the letters, the letter indicated being obscured. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, March 31.–No. 1092. LENT, JULIUS.-(Provisional protection only.)—“Electric tele. “ graphs" and apparatus. Three key boards in one transmitting apparatus are in con- nection with a round disc of ivory, the path of spring 1 35 DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. contacts called the “sled” which is rotated by clockwork. One group of contact points and two groups of contact sur- faces are arranged in three concentric circles; the groups are equal one to another, each filling up a third of a circle, and each group of contact points or surfaces corresponds to one keyboard. When a single system is employed, the contacts are arranged on the entire circle. In one keyboard, vertical frames carry nine stationary shafts, forty-eight flat bars in eight series and a single bar. The tappets on the bars represent different positions of Morse dots corresponding to the letters on the keys of the keyboard. Sixty-one pivoted grids, corresponding to sixty-one keys, afford passage to the flat bars, and have corresponding levers. On being depressed, each key acts upon a stopping apparatus, and thus remains stationary until a releasing rod has been pulled down and a lever moved. The three despatches by the three keyboards are recorded by an ink writer on a paper strip. When the electro-magnet receives a constant negative current, there is “recorded " alternately on the strip the letters of the three dis- patches." The sender may be used with other recording instru- ments. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, April 3.-No. 1132. PIGGOTT, GEORGE.-- (Provisional protection only.)—“ Electric “ telegraphs.” In a transmitting apparatus, a toothed barrel is moved one revolution at a time, each revolution corresponding to one letter at the receiving end. Every time a pawl passes over a tooth, a current is sent into the line wire. The pawl is moved backwards and forwards along a slide that has on it the letters of the alphabet ; it can be placed instantly over any letter. In a receiving apparatus, a clockwork escapement is re- leased by an electro-magnet; each current moves the escape- ment one division. Between the needle axis and the escapement shaft is a spiral spring, so that the needle may be B2 36 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. placed to zero, at any division, by means of a handle. This handle then transmits an electric current to the sender to acknowledge the message. In a printing arrangement, adapted to the needle receiver, the handle, being turned backwards, moves the printing machinery. The needle axis carries a double type wheel. The paper strip passes through two sets of rollers and is close to the type wheel, against which it is pressed by the handle immediately the letter is received on the dial. The return motion, by a ratchet wheel, moves the paper along. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, April 6.-No. 1149. BRYCESON, HENRY, BRYCESON, John, and MORTEN, Tuomas Honor.—“Construction of organs” and the “appli- “cation of electricity thereto." A sound board pallet has a diagonal bellows, the inflation or exhaustion of which is determined by the position of a double action valve ; on pressing the finger key, the vertical rod of the valve may be drawn down by electro-magnetic action. Another double action valve with a horizontal rod is acted upon by the depression of the finger key, which, by completing an electric circuit, draws down the upper board of the pallet-pneumatic means being combined with electro- magnetic. To draw and shut the slides, pneumatic power is used and is controlled by a valve acting by electro-magnetism. An index shows the performer the actual position of the sound board slides; the index lever is attached to the arma- ture of an electro-magnet; the slide on moving, makes contact, excites the electro-magnet and causes the lever to carry the label indicating the slide opened in front of a hole in the draw stop jamb. For a composition movement in con- nection with an electric draw stop action, a T contact piece is connected to each slide by the middle arm. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1868, April 6.- No. 1155. MENNONS, MARC ANTOINE François.-(4 communication from Henry Cook.)—“ Transmission and reception of typo. graphic or autographic telegrams.". DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 37 This invention relates to a method of applying synchronism in apparatus for the above purposes. The clockwork of the transmitting and retuiving instru- ments respectively acts synchronically upon a serew move- ment imparted to the tracers. The chief feature is a shaft having two similar screw threads cut in it in opposite directions. The tracing point is secured to a carriage or rider, which traverses over type, or over antographic dispatches on a metallic sheet at the trans- mitting station and causes the electro-chemical reproduction of the dispatches, at the receiving station, by means of an exactly similar screw and tracer. Each carriage travels to and fro on its screw without interruption and in like manner. At the transmitting station, a composing case is placed on cross rails, and, at each transit, is impelled forwards at right angles to the movement of the point carrier to one-fifth of the height of the types. To dispense with the necessity of perfect synchronism, two tracing points are used. If imperfect synchronism exists under these conditions, the vertical line of the printing is inclined. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] A..D. 1868, April 17.-No. 1253. SIEMENS, CHARLES WILLIAM, - (4 communication froni Werner Siemens.)—" Electrical apparatus for transmitting "signals and for ascertaining the distance of objects,” &c. The Specifications referred to, in the description of this intention, are, No. 2366, A.D. 1854, No. 2107, A.D. 1856, and No. 1540, A.D. 1862. In a system of perforating strips of paper for transmitting Eignals, a succession of short contrary currents is employed to transmit messages in dots and dashes. The paper strip, in its centre line, has a row of equidistant guiding holes. The distance between the guiding holes has a definite relation to the number of currents produced by the transmitting instrument. The transmitting instrument has a feed roller with eqni. distant pins. The electric contacts are produced by metallic brushes which are combined with a studded metallic roller. 38 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Rerersed currents are conveyed into the brushes through the two holes. A key, in connection with three punches and two levers, is in the punching apparatus. In another plan, a series of finger keys is used; a lever and pawl causes the nuovement of the paper. In a magneto-electric machine, the revolutions of the arma- ture have a definite relation to the speed of the feed and contact rollers. A battery and commutator may convey alternate reversed currents through the studded guide roller. Electro-magnets, for quickly reversed currents, hare flat sheet iron cores. The receiving instrument has an inking roller of alu- minium. In ascertaining the distance of object, a sun-and-planet- wheel mechanism is operated by electro-magnetism. A mirror, in combination with a graduated scale and with electric currents from the distant station, is employed, in conjunction with a telescope, to ascertain the distance of objects. [Printed, 58. Drawings.] A.D. 1868, April 20.-No. 1280. RUIZ, Louis Maria.-(A communication from Alfred Foucaut.) -Provisional protection only.) - Signalling on board ships, &c. This telegraph is to enable the captain to control the helms- man by the motion of one or more finger keys or switches and by the sound of bells of different pitch. The transmitting apparatus consists of switches which sweep over alternate segments of conductors and non- conductors. The receiver is in front of the steering wheel. An index hand combined with marked panes of glass, is connected, by means of toothed gear, with the armatures of two electro- magnets. A spring and notch, normally, retains the index hand in a central position, even if the vessel rolls ; but if the proper circuit be established, the index moves over to “port" or “ starboard,” as the case may be. Three electro-magnetic bells are used to convey the intended signal. DIVISION III.TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 39 A table in combination with electric contacts, is counected to the rudder head, so that the oscillations of the rudder are made known to the captain. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] > а A.D. 1868, May 23.-No. 1702. RICHARD, JOSEPH SIGISBERT.-—" Stopping the motions of spinning machinery,” &c., "when a thread breaks or a " bobbin is exhausted, or the tension of a thread is too great." Each thread passes between two pieces, one of which is fired and the other is carried by a spring, the thread being retained in correct position by guides. On each side of the spring is a contact piece, one of which may, on occasion, ag above, come into contact with one or other of two fixed contact pieces and thus complete the electric circuit and stop the machine. The stopping apparatus consists of an electro-magnet, the armature of which has a hook catch, which retains the driving wheel in gear as long as the circuit is broken ; but, when the circuit is complete and the armature attracted, the driving wheel is taken out of action and the machine is stopped. Modifications of the contacts are set forth; these are re. spectively applied to a shuttle and to a comb bar. Also, a modification of the stopping apparatus is described by which the driving band of the machine is slackened. (Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, May 26.—No. 1729. MORGAN, JABEZ.-(Provisional protection only.) -"Regula- ting the temperature of and ventilating hot houses,” &c. The regulation of the temperature is accomplished by a thermometer, the mercury of which is included in a galvanic circuit when it rises to a pre-determined degree. On the mercury making contact with a wire in the thermo- meter tube, an electro-magnet is excited and gives motion to an armature, which opens the window. On the decline of temperature, the armature is no longer attracted, and the window "which is properly balanced for the purpose returns to the normal or closed position.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 40 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1868, June 5,-No. 1840. THEILER, MEINRAD.—(Provisional protection only.)—Punch- ing strips of paper for telegraphic messages, and regulating the speed of telegraphic instruments. A punching instrument has three keys; two, on being de- pressed, cut the marks of Morse's alphabet, the third moves the paper for producing the spaces. The paper is drawn for- ward by rollers, between which it passes. Each key, on being depressed, mores a lever that is connected with a ratchet wheel and click arrangement, by means of which, the rising of the key pushes the paper rollers forward to the requisite amount, whether it be for a mark or for a space. An apparatus to facilitate the working of the punching instrument, consists of a treadle which rotates a spindle upon which are several ratchet wheels. Each wheel is a primary to a secondary wheel, and each secondary wheel has some of its teeth taken off, so as to allow of its being stationary while the primary rotates. The depression of a key causes the secondary wheel to gear with its primary, and through levers to work the punches. To regulate the speed of a transmitting or recording instru. ment, a fly is used at the end of a clock train. The fly can lie shifted along its axis by a lever; the projecting part of the fly, which determines its speed, is thereby alterable, [Printed, 4d. No Dravrings.] a A.D. 1868, July 1.-No. 2102. BROOKES, WILLIAM.—(A communication from Leon Hamar.)- Electro-magnetic railway breaks." According to this invention, the hand brakes now in use may be combined with the electro-magnetic apparatus, the latter being only used in emergency. In the electro-magnetic brake, ordinarily, a screw wheel is kept away from a screw on one of the axles of the carriage by a spring rod worked by hand. When the brake is to be applied, the spring rod is released from the tension of the spring by the action of an electro-magnet, and the screw wheel engages with the screw so as to wind up the chain of the brake on the axis of the screw wheel. This winding-up action continues as long as the axle rotates. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 41 By this system the brakes of several carriages may be brought into operation by the same apparatus. [Printed, 1s. Drawings.] A.D. 1868, July 23.–No. 2317. HARRISON, WILLIAM SAMUEL.—"Construction of clocks," &c., and “apparatus for regulating and setting them by the " aid of electricity." A regulator clock, which keeps normal time, corrects any number of other clocks, at a distance, by means of an electric current which is caused to circulate, in a single circuit including all the clocks, during the last few seconds of each hour. The completion of the circuit detaches the motion work of the hands from the going mechanism, and unlocks the fly of a special movement which sets the hour, minute, and second hands backwards or forwards to the exact time. When the regulator indicates the completion of the time and breaks electric contact, the other clocks are instantly thrown into gear with the going mechanism, so that the starting of all the clocks at each hour is synchronous and exact. During the last five seconds, a cam on the minute wheel of the regulator completes the circuit and excites an electro- magnet in each clock, thus moving an armature and releasing the fly of the special movement. The setting mechanism may be driven by the same mainspring as the going mecha- nism. A pin on the minute-hand wheel falls into a notch in a lever actuated by the fly, and thus sets the minute hand. The second's hand is set by the action of a lever on a heart wheel. By comparing an ordinary clock dial on the synchronous clock with the corrected dial, the rate of the pendulum may be ascertained and rectified. The normal clock is provided with frictional electric contacts. [Printed, 18. Drawing. ] A.D. 1868, July 28.--No. 2369. MARTIN, SAMUEL MANLEY, and VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED.- " Train intercommunication, parts of which invention are 42 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISY. " applicable to electro-magnetic and electric telegraph appa- "6 ratus.' This invention relates to improvements upon those set forth in No. 966, A.D. 1866, in No. 2207, A.D. 1867, and in No. 315, A.D. 1868. The electric bell apparatus which constitutes a part of the present invention is as follows:-The whole of the working parts are fitted on a cast-iron frame which forms part of the electro-magnets. A permanent magnet (or “stopping lever'') works between a horn, or soft-iron extension of one of the poles of one electro-magnet, and the pole of another small electro-magnet. A striking lever carrying a hammer is attached to the armature, which is attracted by the electro- magnet when the latter is excited. A stopping piece on the striking lever catches on the top of the stopping lever and prevents the hammer from striking the bell by simple oscilla. tion. When the circuit is closed, the magnetism of the small magnet is reversed, and the stopping lever is repelled thereby, but is attracted by the horn. Just before the striking of the bell, the electric circuit is interrupted, the electro-magnets become inactive, and the hammer returns to its normal posi- tion. The contact maker now again closes the circuit. Thus the bell continues to ring. Instead of the foregoing arrangement, the magnetic make- and-break set forth in No. 315, A.D. 1868, may be employed ; in this case, the contact maker is a permanent magnet. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, August 12.-No. 2523. RAPIER, RICHARD CHRISTOPHER.-(Provisional protection only.) -Electric clocks and apparatus connected therewith. Instead of the break as described in No. 549, A.D. 1866, with all four legs of the break fixed on one centre piece and turning together, two separate breaks are made, each with a single leg on each side and turning independently. Magnets are only in one half of the length of the magnet bar. Cheeks or guides and a friction roller are used to control the motion of a pendulum. An apparatus, worked by the clock, with discs, star wheels, DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 43 and cam pieces, is used to turn the gas on and off, according to the lengthening or shortening of the days. In working groups of clocks, simply a controlling pendulum and contacts are employed. The break is mounted on a knife-edge piece. In working the clocks at different stations of a railway, a pendulum of considerable length and weight is used at the principal or controlling station. This pendulum is furnished with a break, and transmits a current at every beat to the controlling pendulum of cach station. In an electric striking clock, an ordinary striking train is wound up by a lever actuated by the pendulum, and at its free end working into a pallet wheel of the striking train. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 $6 A.D. 1868, August 15.-No. 2547. MACINTOSH, JOHN.—“Submarine telegraphy.” " This invention consists in dividing long submarine lines into sections united by relays in conjunction with local bat- teries or induction coils (or simply by induction coils), these being inclosed within air and water-tight vessels submerged together and in connection with the cable at the bottom of “the sea, the object being to obtain signals through long submarine telegraph lines with greater rapidity than here- tofore, or the speed being the same with a reduction in the weight of materials in the core of the cable." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 46 9 A.D. 1868, August 28.-No. 2665. HOLMES, NATHANIEL JOHN.—“Electric telegraphs.” This invention relates to an alphabetical step-by-step letter- showing telegraph that works by alternate currents. The first part of the invention relates to a magneto-commu- nicator which produces and controls the succession of currents flowing into the line wire. The gearing wheels are so arranged as to rotate an index wheel in correspondence with the back- ward-and-forward movements of the armatures. Round the dial plate are placed the finger keys. When no finger key is depressed and the machine is in action, the index wheel con- 44 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, tinuously revolves and the currents flow into the telegraphic circuit. Upon the depression of any one finger key, the advancing motion of the index wheel is arrested, the sequence of currents is interrupted, and a letter is signalled. In the indicator, two pivoted, permanent, bar magnets have their north and south poles respectively in juxtaposition. The line-wire currents through two parallel electro-magnets oscil. late the bar magnets so as to work the pallets in connection with the index wheel and cause a step-by-step advance of the pointer, which is regulated by the depression of the keys in the communicator. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, September 4.-No. 2733. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD.—(A communication from Jean Baptiste Napoleon Fournier, and Charles Armand Lemaire.) “ Thermometers." This invention relates to thermometers (composed of a compound metal body) that show the changes of temperature by variation of form and position. The invention consists in signalling, at a distance, eleva- tions or depressions of temperature beyond determined limits. Gas, or other heating apparatus, may be regulated auto- matically. A pointer connected, by means of wheelwork, with the com- pound rod, indicates the temperature upon a dial and, at certain limits, between which the temperature is to be main. tained, comes into contact with one or other of two stops, which completes an electric circuit and operates signalling apparatus. In one instance, a gas valve, at the extremity of an arma- ture, is operated by an electro-magnet, when the heat is too great. Or, the gas valve is in a pipe surrounded by an electro- dynamic coil. The compound metal blades may have thin steel blades, which, at a pre-determined temperature, make contact with screws, or with adjustable cams, to complete the electric circuit. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 45 A.D. 1868, September 19.-No. 2898. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY.-(4 communication from Arthur Darbarin.) — "Lighting and regulating the flow of gas "employed for illuminating purposes." The first pa of this invention relates to igniting and extinguishing any number of gas jets simultaneously and at any given hour by self-acting mechanism. A self-acting gas lighter, a self-acting circuit closer and a timepiece to make the requisite contacts are combined with a main and local battery. Arms in the clock complete the circuit at the desired time and the resulting movement of the armature of the electro-magnet in the circuit closer releases a detent lever and causes a pointer to revolve over contact pins corresponding to the hours, thus completing the main circuit and exciting the electro-magnet of the gas lighter so as to release a detent lever which allows motion to a spring-propelled rotary valve spindle. A valve at one extremity of the spindle regulates the flow of the ordinary illuminating gas and another valve at the other extremity regulates the flow of a current of hydrogen to a piece of spongy platinum so as to ignite the hydrogen and then the ordinary gas, which barns until the hour arrives for extinguishing the lights when the electric circuits are again completed and the valve rotated so as to shut off the gas. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, September 22.–No. 2916. HARLING, ROBERT.-—“ Telegraphic instruments.” The objects of this invention are to reduce the friction which the electro-magnetic power has to overcome and to give the pen (when that is used) a continuous supply of ink. The spindle that carries the pen is mounted in a forked bearing keged to the axle of the armature of a Morse instrumento The pen consists of two concave steel discs placed nearly together, so as to form a hollow chamber. The discs are attached to an ink reservoir or thimble, and are rotated on their central spindle by the friction of contact with the paper, which is marked whenever the circumference of the pen is pressed against it. 46 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. For marking or embossing, instead of the pen, a knife edge roller is employed. The paper passes over a notched anvil in each case. To read by sound. The arm on which the anvil is mounted is tipped on its fulcrum by a cam, so that the paper is put out of reach of the pen or marker. The heat of the armature on its bankings forms the signals. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, October 8.–No. 3078. PRÉVOST, EMILE.-(Provisional protection only.)—"Control- ling restive and vicious horses by application of an electric " current." When a magneto-electric machine is used, wires pass along the reins and connect it with the bit of the horse. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, October 13.-No. 3129. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Provisional protection only.) - Electro-telegraphic conductors," &c. This invention relates principally to the arrangement of telegraphic circuits to assist the transmitting power of the system. In this system, two voltaic batteries are employed, one at each end of the line wire; one end is connected to the posi. tive, the other to the negative battery pole. Either a return wire or earth circuit may be used. At or near one or both ends of the conductors, a zinc plate, or electro-positive ele- ment, is attached, so as to form, with the wire, a single voltaic pair ; this“ auxiliary element acts best when connected with “ the line at the dispatching end of the system.” If magneto- electric machines furnish the signalling current, the currents from them are made to flow in one direction only. When voltaic batteries with two or more exciting liquids are used, their poles are connected by a resistance, so that a very feeble current passes when the battery is not in use; thus the elements of the battery are preserved in proper electrical relation to each other, and “ diffusion” is avoided. To guard still further against diffusion, a battery is em. ployed, having "rectangular cells, each cell being divided DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 47 " into two compartments for the opposite solid elements by “ means of a peculiar compound porous diaphragm.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, October 26.—No. 3272. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.-(Provisional protection only.) —“ Electro-telegraphic instruments.” A stop drum in connection with a row of lever keys is employed as a transmitting instrument. A train of clock- work propels the drum. When a key is depressed, the drum revolves till it is stopped by the proper pin striking against the end of the key. The depression of any one key liberates all others which may then be down. The dram rotating between any two stops causes as many electrical impulses as there are intervening keys. The contact breaker consists of a forked conductor in connection with spur gear and lever mechanism. In the printer, a revolving disc, controlled by electro- magnetism, has, one side, a number of radiating spring types which are capable of being pressed through a hole in the disc, 80 as to print on paper fastened to a cylinder mounted on a screw axle. The type is depressed by a reverse current from the transmitting station acting through a permanent magnet with coiled poles. By liberating all the keys, the transmitting drum may be converted into a pointer or dial instrument. A universal switch for communicating from any one office to any other consists of hands rotating near a circle connected to earth. The hands can break the earth connection at any place and carry the line-wire current onwards in the required direction. A similar arrangement is used in a testing board or box for trying the electrical state of the lines; the terminals are in parallel rows. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, October 27.-No. 3283. ZANNI, GEMINIANO.—" Electro-magnetic telegraph printing instruments." 66 48 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 3 These instruments are worked by electro-magnets instead of by clockwork. Two sets of electro-magnets are employed; one set drives the type wheel and the other set locks the type wheel and holds it in position for printing, it also brings down the block or presser upon the paper strip and thus causes the printing to take place. Upon the same axis as the type wheel is mounted a ratche wheel, which receives a step-by-step motion from one set of electro-magnets. When the type wheel is correctly placed for printing, the circuit of its driving electro-magnet is broken; at the same time the electro-magnets are excited which act upon an arma- ture to which is connected the pressing piece, and bring it down on the paper strip. When pressure is removed from the key that breaks the circuit of the driving electro-magnet, it is again excited and moves the type wheel. In practice, a relay is employed to work the receiving instrument. The transmitter consists of a contact-making arm which is revolved by the operator. Or, simply two keys may be employed; one to work the type wheel, the other to print. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, October 28.--No. 3304. TONGUE, JOHN GARRETT.—(A communication from Jules Leolan.)--Signalling the presence of fire, &c. Two thermometers of unequal sensitiveness are combined with electric alarum apparatus so that the normal variations of temperature do not bring the signal apparatus into action. When, however, the temperature changes suddenly, the warning is given. Also when the temperature rises above a predetermined limit, the warning is continuously main. tained. In the case of two liquid thermometers, the mercury in each is connected with a battery pole. A float and bent rod with parallel branches is used to connect the two thermo- meters. If the rod be adjusted, say, one degree above the mercury in the sensitive thermometer, and the normal varia. 9 DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 49 a tions occur, the less sensitive instrument will have time to place itself according to the temperature of the room or place and the electric circuit will not be completed; but, if a sudden change in the temperature takes place, the sensitive thermo- meter will be effected sooner than the other and the necessary contact for the warning will be made. To give the signal at the maximum temperature, a stop is placed accordingly, so that the rod cannot pass above the pre- determined degree; therefore at the maximum temperature it completes the electric circuit and the warning is given continuously. The unequal expansion by heat of different metals in compound metallic bands may be employed in each thermo- meter; or, one thermometer may be liquid and the other metallic. [Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1868, November 14.-No. 3462. HILL, PEARSON.–Apparatus to prepare the strips of paper for conveying electric telegraphic signals. All the perforations required for one letter or symbol, as well as guiding perforations, are produced at one operation. This is accomplished by means of a series of plates, acting on the jacquard principle, which are consecutively interposed between a series of punches and a pressing lever. The jacquard plates may be arranged to project round the circumference of a disc; or, they may be placed one above the other, like cards in a pack, inside a box. The forward motion of the paper strip is proportionate to the length of the symbol previously punched; it is effected by a ratchet wheel and pawl mechanism in connection with the pressing lever. One of the guide rollers, over which the paper strip passes from the reel to the punch, is mounted upon a spring arm, so as to yield to any sudden jerk. After being punched, the paper strip is separated by a V-shaped cutter, so as to indicate the end to be fed into the transmitter. [Printed, 28. 6d. Drawings.] 50 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 66 9 A.D. 1868, November 23.-No. 3556. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Provisional protection only.) _“Electro-telegraphic apparatus." In the Morse printer, two separate levers are employed, each with an inking roller. One lever is of soft iron ; the other is a permanent magnet or is a magnet by induction from a permanent magnet. Each lever has an end which is attracted by the underneath electro-magnet. A current in one direction attracts both levers and prints double dots; a current in the opposite direction attracts only the soft-iron lever and makes a single mark. A common single-needle sending apparatus thus produces, at the receiving station, the dots and double dots (for dashes) of the Morse code. The paper band may be drawn along by electro-magnetic means, using the local battery power as a relay for the purpose ; the local current may be laid on automatically by the line current. An ordinary single-needle galvanometer or receiver shows the signals that pass through the Morse printer. The current used for printing is the secondary current of an in- duction coil, the primary current of which is supplied from a local battery Modifications of the above apparatus are applied to sounders. The electro-magnet of the printer or sounder, may be worked by a local circuit governed by a relay which has two electro-magnets brought into action in accordance with the deflections of an ordinary single-needle instrument. The coils of the sounder may have secondary wires for utilizing them as an induction-coil relay to send momentary currents- as above set forth—to the printer at the distant station. A double polarised relay, with a single magnetic blade standing vertically on the pole of the permanent magnet, is used for the purposes of this invention. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, December 9.-No. 375.. STURGEON, THOMAS.-(Provisional protection only.) - Elec- “ trical apparatus for communicating between passengers, guards and engine drivers of trains,” for “ displaying the names of stations in carriages," &c. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 51 Besides the usual connections, the ordinary vibrating bell has another connection direct to the wire of the electro- magnet. When the latter circuit is closed, the electro- magnet attracts the hammer and prevents the battery from acting on the bell in the usual manner; when this circuit is interrupted, the battery acts in the ordinary way upon the bell through the other circuit. To communicate in trains, a bell is fixed in the above man- ner in the guard's van. Each compartment has one or more contact breakers, in each of which is a roller carrying a piece of metal that normally completes the circuit. By pushing in a handle, the roller is moved round, the metallic piece is re- moved from the circuit, and the bell is rung. A signal fixed to the roller indicates the signal-making compartment. A catch prevents the return of the signal until it is released by the guard's key. Luggage trains are provided with these arrangements to show the breaking away of any portion of the train. To communicate the names of the stations to the passen. gers, an instrument having a name band wrapped on a roller is placed in each compartment. The tendency of another roller, which has a spring, is to wrap the band off the first roller on to itself. An escapement, together with catches and an armature lever, gives the band the proper step-by-step movement for the display of the names at the right times, a contact breaker being placed in the guard's van. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, December 11.-No. 3771. BAILEY, WILLIAM HENRY.—“ Apparatus for indicating and regulating heat." A part of this invention consists in arranging a pyrometer, 80 that, when the temperature rises to a certain height, a bell rings. The metallic pointer is included in a galvanic circuit which is only completed when the pointer is in contact with a piece of metal connected to the other pole of the battery; in this case an electric bell in the circuit is rung. The piece of metal is adjustable, on the face of the dial, to any required temperature. Another part of this invention relates to a means of regis. 52 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. tering the number of times a certain temperature has been reached. The pointer is connected to the battery as before, and the current is passed round an electro-magnet which, when active by the completion of the circuit, attracts a lever and thus gives motion to an ordinary counter, [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, December 22.-No. 3907. GISBORNE, FREDERICK NEWTON. — (Provisional protection only.) —"Means or apparatus for effecting the explosion of “ torpedoes and other explosive charges, part of which im- provements is applicable to electric telegraphy." A local electric circuit, or circuit within the torpedo, is completed whenever an iron vessel passes over the torpedo, so as to actuate a pivoted magnetic needle in connection with a contact piece. In another arrangement, two magnetic needles, oppusitely magnetised, are used to complete the circuit. Instead of using needles, large magnets mounted upon centres of motion, may be reversed in their position to make the requisite contact. “ “ This mode of deflecting a needle is also applicable to “ telegraphing without the aid of a conducting wire." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, December 23.—No. 3925. GEDGE, WILLIAM EDWARD.-(4 communication from Léon Victor Jacquemard.)—"Electric bell sounding and telegraph- ing apparatus for domestic use." Each signalling place has its separate battery. The signal is transmitted by the depression of the zinc plate of the battery into the liquid. Each battery has a horseshoe magnet and armature, by means of which the vibrations of the bell hammer at a distance are made manifest to the sender of the message. A bell instrument contains two parallel, bar, electro-mag- nets, which actuate the hammer armatures of two bells. One armature is worked by one pair of poles of the electro- magnets; the other armature by the opposite pair of poles of DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 53 the same electro-magnets. One armature only interrupts the current. In the indicator, each number (or apartment) has an electro- magnet, one arm of which only is coiled. Each number plate of the indicator is on the extremity of a lever which is tipped by the attraction of the electro-magnet, so that the number is visible in front of the case. A permanent magnet is used by hand to return the number plate to its normal position, [Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1868, December 24.-No. 3932. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY. — (A communication from Henri Gensoul.) - (Provisional protection only.)" Preparation and apparatus for transmission of electric telegraphic des- patches.” Rapidity of transmission is ensured by a stenographic ar- rangement of the letters of the alphabet and of certain combinations of two or more letters. In one plan, the message is printed on a strip of metallised paper, in non-conducting ink, by the aid of types worked by three series of keys. The signs (which are in transverse lines) consist of broad and narrow square dots, used either singly or combined. The types are on the ends of levers that all work on the same rod; each type is moved by a spur on its boss upon which the key acts. The inking roller is rotated by the gearing which gives intermittent motion to the paper. The printed message is taken to the transmitting instrument, in which tracers traverse each line of signs and direct corres- ponding electric currents into the line wire; the message is received by a Morse instrument. In another plan, in transmitting a message, paper may be dispensed with, and non-conducting discs, with conducting portions corresponding to the symbols, may be used ; or, the discs may be conducting and the symbols non-conducting. The depression of keys, and the placing of corresponding discs, enables the message to be composed and transmitted in the same machine. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a 11 54 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 1869. A.D. 1869, January 11.–No. 75. GISBORNE, FREDERIC NEWTON, and ALLMAN, HERBERT.- (Provisional protection only.)—“ Apparatus to be employed “ for signals on railway trains, and for other like parposes.” The fifth part of this invention consists of an electrical apparatus to operate the steam whistle on the engine by means of a galvanic battery in the guard's van. The apparatus on the engine consists of a permanent mag- net and an electro-magnet, which, by their adhesion, keep the whistle cock shut. When the circuit is completed from the guard's van, through the conducting wire, the electro. magnet is excited, repels the permanent magnet and opens the whistle cock. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, February 4.-No. 340. BRYCESON, HENRY, BRYCESON, John, and MORTEN, Thomas Honor.–Application of electricity to the construction of organs. In the draw stop apparatus, to ensure correspondence between the position of each slider and of the knob at the keyboard to which it belongs, each draw stop trace is pro- vided with a forked metal spring. Metal contact plates, against which the spring bears, determine whether the electric circuit is completed through the positive or nega- tive electro-magnet according to the position of the draw stop trace. To maintain for the requisite time the current round the electro-magnets, however great the rapidity with which the knobs are moved by the performer, electric connection is established between two mercury cells by means of metallic points mounted on a small “contact bellows” kept distended by a spring. Each time the trace is moved out or in, electric connection is made, but when it is either quite out or quite in the bellows are slowly raised by the spring and the electric circuit is broken. In case the knob has been moved while DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 53 the wind was not in the bellows of the organ, a tube connec- tion between the contact bellows and the main bellows moves the slider into correspondence with the position of the knob by the completion of the electric circuit and the consequent excitation of one of the electro-magnets. To facilitate the removal of the keys, rocking levers and contacts in the console, they are fixed to a hinged frame which may be folded over to the front and again folded back to its original place. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 9 66 A.D. 1869, February 18.–No. 501. FITZGERALD, DESMOND GERALD.-" Constructing electric telegraphs," &c. In this invention, "electrolytic insulation " is used, that is insulation by means of “ an electro-motive force which opposes the escape of the signalling current when the latter is transmitted in a particular direction." If voltaic batteries be used as electrolytic insulators and if the supports for the line wire attached to the electrolytic insulators constitute positive poles, then the positive poles of the signalling batteries are brougbt into contact with each end of the line wire, and vice versa. If secondary batteries be used as electrolytic insulators, either pole of the signalling batteries may be connected with the line wire, but the poles must be similar. The signals are sent by short-circuiting the battery at the transmitting station. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] 46 A.D. 1869, March 8.-No. 698. COOK, HARRY WHITESIDE.—“Modes of and apparatus for regulating clocks.” The clock to be regulated is set to gain, and an electric contact on one of the wheels completes an electric circuit through an electro-magnet at stated intervals. The electro- magnet catches and stops the pendulum at the end of its swing, on the completion of the circuit, until the circuit is broken, at the correct time, by the regulating clock. [Printed, 1s. 2d. Drawings.] 1 56 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1869, March 10.-No. 733. SAX, JULIUS. — “ Receiving instruments of A.B.C. telegraphs (magnetic) and bells." The step-by-step movement of the pointer round the dial is accomplished by means of a small ratchet wheel on the pointer axis. This wheel is rotated, according to the alternate currents passed into the telegraphic circuit, by means of a light bar permanent magnet which carries two light steel springs. The magnet is moved to-and-fro by an electro- magnet. To prevent false currents from being sent by the trans. mitter, a roller wedge enters the notched iron plate or armature of the magneto-electric machine and only permits it to be turned in ore direction. In a bell instrument, a light bar permanent magnet may be moved right and left by an electro-magnet, so that, when it is deflected to the right, the clockwork train is liberated by a lever until a third of a revolution of a wheel actuated by the barrel. Pins on the wheel then replace the lever and the mechanism. The bell hammer has, at its end, a pallet which is worked by a ratchet wheel rotated by the clockwork. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] a 9 9 A.D. 1869, March 25.–No. 918. SOWDEN, THOMAS, and NEWTON, JOSEPH.-—"Regulating " the motion of bobbins" in spinning machinery, &c. Instead of the weighted string to prevent the bobbin from revolving as rapidly as the spindle or flyer, a plate of soft iron is placed at the bottom of each bobbin ; a magnet acts upon the soft iron and retards the motion of the bobbin. The re- tardation may be regulated by the proximity of the magnet to the bobbin. The magnet may be either a permanent magnet, or a piece of soft iron magnetised by induction, or an electro- magnct. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, March 25.--No. 919. BONNEVILLE, HENRI ADRIEN. (4 communication from Samuel A. Kennedy.)-An“ electric clock.” DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 57 In this clock, the battery connections are made and broken by means of a vibrating bar operated by the pendulum. A bar magnet is mounted in the bob of the pendulum and is kept in motion by two electro-dynamic coils, one of which it enters at each extremity of its swing. A ratchet wheel, connected with the clock train, is moved by a pawl lever that is actuated by a vertical lever on the same axis, the vertical lever being vibrated by the swing of the pendulum. By means of a horizontal bridge piece across the pendulum carrying projections that are suitably connected to the battery and to the coils, together with the above-mentioned vibrating bar having a depression in which the pendulum works, the coils are polarised just before the approach of the bar magnet, so that they repel the magnet and the pendulum at each extremity of its swing and thus drive the clock. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.) 9 66 A.D. 1869, April 17.-No. 1185. BOGLER, PHILIPP, and KAYSER, HEINRICH.—(Provisional protection only.)- Apparatus for controlling the delivery of railway tickets, a part of this invention being “ applicable to telegraphic purposes." A button, which is pressed in order to enable the cashier to take a ticket, is applicable to working telegraphic apparatus. The button acts“ by pressure on a lever, the turning point " of which is fitted with a spiral spring." " The spiral spring also returns the lever and button to "their normal positions when the pressing operation is over." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] ) A.D. 1869, April 26.-No. 1286. SMITH, JOHN.—“Self-acting signal apparatus for preventing " collisions on railways.” The apparatus indicates the approach of two trains within a given distance from each other on the same line of rails. Electric contacts are made as the train passes a semaphore, thus establishing electric communication with each alternate 58 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. semaphore in front and rear. The signal on each semaphore that has been previously set to danger is restored to all clear as the train advances. The armatures of electro-magnets act upon detents at the semaphores. In another plan, an interrupted insulated conductor along the line of rails is con by means of metallic rollers, to one of the poles of a battery attached to the train ; the other battery pole is electrically connected with the earth. Coils and magnets (forming alarums or signal instruments) are on another train on the same line of rails; one end of the coil is put to earth, the other is connected to a roller which makes electric contact with the insulated conductor along the line of rails. The groups of conductors are disposed at given dis- tances along the line and are electrically connected in alternate order, so as to constitute two distinct sets of con- ductors. If the two trains approach each other within about half the length of the connected groups, the indication accordingly will be given, showing the approach of the trains within the given distance. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, May 13.-No. 1467. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.)—" Electro-telegraphic apparatus." In the Morse printer or embosser, two separate levers and adjuncts (pen, &c.) are employed. One lever is terminated by a soft-iron armature, the other by a magnetised armature. Each armature may be acted upon by one or more electro- magnets, so that an electric current in one direction attracts both the levers and in the other direction attracts only the soft iron armature. By this means, dots and double dots (corresponding to Morse dots and dashes) are produced. The paper be drawn forward by clockwork or by electro-magnetic means. In the latter case, the local battery power is used for the purpose. The end of one of the inking levers engages in a ratchet wheel, on the axis of which is coiled a piece of watch spring, the free end of which rubs against the drum which draws forward the paper band. Thus the drum is kept moving some time after the current has ceased. band may DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 59 As only momentary currents are needed, the secondary current from an induction coil may be used for signalling, only the current set free on breaking contact in the primary circuit being allowed to pass to the line wire. In employing this plan to telegraph by sound, the levers act as hammers. If both levers be magnetised, one or other of two bells may be struck. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, May 20.-No. 1560. ROSSIGNOL, ALEXANDRE AMÉDÉE.—“ Electric clocks." The intermittent motion of the lever armature to an electro- magnet is transferred to a clock axis by means of a catch spring, which, at certain intervals, moves one tooth of a ratchet wheel on the clock axis. The ratchet wheel is con. nected with the centre toothed wheel by a spiral spring. Pins, on a second wheel driven by the centre wheel, regulate the admission of the electric current to the coils of the electro. magnet by means of spring poles. A helical spring with- draws the armature when the electro-magnet is inactive. An escapement for marking the time given by a regu. lator at a distance is worked by an electro-magnet; this escapement stops the passage of the teeth. Two electro-magnets may be employed. In this case, the spiral spring between the ratchet wheel and the clock axis is not required. Each electro-magnet acts alternately and works a separate catch spring, as in the first movement. This invention may be applied to an ordinary clock movement. [Printed, 81. Draroing.] 66 A.D. 1869, May 20.-No. 1564. HERBERT, THOMAS, and FOWLER, JAMES CALVERT. Transmitting signals and alarms." This invention has for its object improvements on that set forth in No. 975, A.D. 1865. The invention relates to contact pieces or transmitting arrangements by means of which signals are given from one part of a building to another part thereof; for instance, by 1: 60 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. the opening of a door or window by a burglar. By this inven- tion the contact pieces are effectually insulated from each other, so as to prevent the possibility of a false signal being given. In the former invention, an insulated metal washer is em- ployed in combination with two metal tubes, one working within the other, and a spiral spring to make and break the electric contact. According to the present invention, a hole is formed large enough to admit of the outer tube being readily pushed in. The outer tube has lugs to keep it in posi. tion; it is insulated from the washer by a disc of india. rubber. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 義 ​A.D. 1869, May 24.-No. 1600. BRITTAIN, JOnx. “ Construction of telegraphic instru- mente.” Supplying ink to the marker of printing instruments.- In the inking trough is inserted a wheel, the circumference of which is notched, so that, as it rotates, it may lift the ink and present a continuous supply to the pen. The pen or worker is a nipple fitted to the lid of the trough, over which the paper band passes. The band is, from time to time, brought into contact with the marker by a pad carried by the armature lever. Transmitting messages by sustained sounds. A sonorous vibration of the armature of a Ruhmkorff coil is made to indicate Morse signals. As long as the transmitting key is depressed, the vibrations of the armature continue. In a modification of the sounding instrument, a sonorons spring is used, so that a musical tone is produced. The electric current may be turned from the printer to the sounder, or vice versa, by means of a switch. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, May 26.-No. 1627. BARTHOLOMEW, EUGENE GEORGE.—(Provisional protection only.)“ Construction and arrangements of electrical appa- ratus.” DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 61 This invention relates to a commutator which is applicable io double or single needle telegraph instruments, or to other purposes in which the direction of a battery current is to be reversed at will. According to one part of this invention, the tie bars or stretchers of the instrument are used as electrical conductors, and as supports to which certain portions of the apparatus may be fixed. The invention also consists in pressing against the back end of the prolonged axle of the instrument by the line springs, so that every movement of the axle may cause a rubbing action and thus insure electric contact. When the axle is moved, the line circuit is broken by an insulated stud pin, which then completes the battery circuit through the axle. Another part of the invention consists in making the dial of a telegraphic indicator revolve within a fixed outer ring. The invention also consists in the employment, for tele- graphic purposes, of helices of insulated wire withvut iron cores. Residuary magnetism is thus avoided. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1869, June 11.-No. 1801. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—“Electro-telegraphic appa " ratas." A “threading” arrangement, which acts as a distinctive telegraph call by starting a bell at the particular station called. -The apparatus to perform the threading operation is :-An electro-magnet with two magnetic lever armatures ; a third lever bell-cranked to the second armature; a disc with central ratchet wheel, capable of being brought back to zero by a spiral spring, and having a recess into which the pin of the third lever can pass to thread the disc as a sewing needle is threaded. At any one station, the disc can only be threaded when the first lever has rotated the ratchet wheel a definite number of teeth, and when the third lever is permitted to place a pin in the recess, by the attraction of the armature of the second lever. When threading is effected, the third lever is in a position to liberate a clockwork, or to complete a local battery circuit, so as to ring a bell. The first and second levers of the threading arrangement a 62 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 1 may actuate the hammers of two bells, for signalling by sound. Or, they may tilt over a needle pointer according to which lever is active, thus signalling by sight. By means of a magnetised lever in connection with the vibrating armature of an ordinary trembler bell, when once the bell is started, a continuous and independent local current may be laid on to the trembler bell. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] མ་མ་ 9 A.D. 1869, June 22.-No. 1902. ABEL, CHARLES DEnton. — (A communication from Adolphe de Bergmüller and Wilhelm Wolters.)—“ Opening and closing • gates, doors, or barriers," and "actuating semaphore signals by means of electricity.” An armature of an electro-magnet, on the completion of an electric circuit, releases mechanism actuated by a weight or spring, and thus allows the mechanism to set in motion the gate or semaphore to be acted upon. An axle carrying a stop is held by a lever which is put into communication with the armature of the electro-magnet by means of a system of three levers. A friction brake apparatus regulates the motion of the gate or semaphore. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, June 22.- No. 1912. HENRY, MICHAEL. - (A communication from Louis Henri Fontaine.) — (Provisional protection only.) — “ Typographical composing and printing.” The apparatus is similar to the disc printing electric tele. graph. A revolving disc and a dial bearing characters are used. The printing is effected by types impressed on a continous paper band. Transfer paper and transfer ink are employed. In the following arrangement electricity is the motive power :-Two discs, on a spindle, are notched in the periphery for the reception of the types, and are actuated by a handle. The handle being in the notch of a type, that type is brought to a fixed point which is under a hammer actuated by an DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 63 electro-magnet. The falling of the hammer causes the type to slide in the notches of the plates, and presses it on to the paper band, thus printing the paper. The electric contact is made by the depression of the handle against a screw. Me. chanism is described which regulates the feed of the paper to the spaces between the letters and to their breadth. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, June 23.-No. 1920. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. (A communication from Ludovic Charles Adrien Joseph Guyot d'Arlincourt.) --" Electric " telegraph apparatus.” This invention relates to mechanical and electrical means of insuring the synchronous action of the receiver and trans- mitter. In autographic telegraphic apparatus, the reversing of the line-wire current is produced by an electro-magnet which may also serve as a relay. The receiver works faster than the transmitter, and is stopped at every turn, when it is again started electrically at the moment the two apparatus correspond. Two systems of wheelwork are employed for this purpose. The motion of the wheelwork may be regulated by the cir- cular vibrations of a tuning fork or the rectilinear vibration of a stretched cord. Disconnecting gear is used to change the relative speed of the two apparatus. Or, their motion may be arrested alter. nately one by the other. The above-mentioned electro-magnet is a combination of coils with a permanent magnet. By means of a wheel and rack arrangement, a to-and-fro motion is conveyed to a sheet of prepared paper in a sliding frame; this is a substitute for the roller action usually em- ployed. [Printed, 58. 2d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1869, July 28.-No. 2281. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.-(Provisional protection only.) -"Electro-telegraphic apparatus." In the Morse ink writer, to produce the mark, either dot or dash, a lever is used, which has its end furthest from the .64 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. electro-magnet curved into a hook. The point of the lever is split, like the point of a drawing pen, in the direction of the lever ; when not elevated by the electro-magnet, the book is immersed in the ink. The hook takes the place of the inking rollers now used. The ink cistern has a lid with openings in it only sufficient for the free play of the pen hook. A split tube, carried downwards into the ink from the lid, around the opening for the hook point, acts, by capillary attraction, to preserve a high level of ink around the hook point. To enable this inking arrangement to act by reversal of current, two magnetised armatures are employed, so arranged that a current which will attract one will not attract the other, and vice versa. To one armature is attached a single inking pen hook, to the other a forked arm carrying two or more pen hooks. Thus an electric current in one direction gives a single mark on the Morse paper; in the opposite direction, two or more marks. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1869, August 4.-No. 2335. HAZLEHURST, GEORGE STEWARD.—"Communication be- tween passengers, guard, and engine driver on railway trains.” An electric circuit is formed from carriage to carriage, and in the return wire, in each compartment, are spring catch terminations. By pulling a transverse cord, a passenger disconnects the spring from the catch and breaks the electric circuit. Whilst the circuit is complete, a train of wheels in the guard's van is prevented from running down by an electro. magnetic detent. When, however, the detent is removed by the de-magnetisation of the electro-magnet, the wheels actuate a striker which gives a succession of raps upon a bell. The compartment sending the alarm is indicated by a semaphore arm which is thrown out at the time the signal is given. The semaphore is restored to its normal position by the guard. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 65 A.D. 1869, August 25.-No. 2525. VARLEY, OCTAVIUS, and VARLEY, FREDERICK HENRY.- “ Instruments for transmitting and recording electric signals, part of the invention being applicable to other purposes.” In the commutating axles of needle instruments and in transmitting keys, the moving axle, when cylindrical, works in V-shaped pieces and is kept loosely in its bearings by an inverted springs press the axle upon the under V. The axle and the handle pin may be made of one piece. Where a reciprocated motion is required, the rock-bar axle is of a knife-edge form. In some cases a steel rod is attached to the rock bar parallel and coincident with the axis. In the commutating arrangement, to keep the earth and line contact springs from injury and to support them, a standard or cock is used that has a top piece of ebonite to which is fixed the bridge contact. In the rock bar last described, a portion of the lower edge is cot out to enable springs to press down the steel rod to its cradle. The rock-bar axle is applied to the transverse axle of trans- mitting keys, and is kept in its place by springs. The recording instruments have moving coils suspended, by means of torsion wires, between the poles of a powerful per- manent magnet, so that electric currents through them cause their deflection. The coils are light and have a very thin coating of an efficient insulator, such as sulphuret of silver. The moving coil may be supported on knife-edges. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1869, September 3.–No. 2603. HENLEY, GEORGE.—" Dial or needle and alphabetical tele- graphs, relays, and recording instruments." In a recording instrument marking two rows of dots and lines, also in dial and sounding receiving instruments, a method of exciting magnetic needles is employed. An electro- magnet has suspended in front of each pole a small permanent bar magnet. These magnets act independently of each other ; they are attracted by the core of the electro-magnet, but are R 705, с 66 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. - prevented from contact with the same by brass screws let into the poles. The lower poles of the permanent magnets are of the same polarity. In recorders, ink markers are attached to the needles ; in dial or needle instruments, the permanent magnets give vibrating motion to pointers; and in sounders, they sound bells of different pitch according to the direction of the electric current. In the recorder, the ink reservoir is a box covered at every part, except a slot where the pens rest on a roller which moves on bearings near the top. An endless band connects this roller with another roller near the bottom of the box. On the rotation of the upper roller, the band brings up sufficient ink to supply the pens. The magneto-electric machine, which is used in the trans- mitter of the alphabetical arrangement, has the lower flanges of its coils made of sheet iron. The connection between the axis of the magneto-electric machine and the pointer axis is by toothed-wheel gearing. Motion is communicated to the coils of the magneto-electric machine, from the handle, by band pulleys. The small palley on the axis of the coils has studs which lock into holes pierced in the band. [Printed, 38. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1869, September 6.-No. 2618. EDWARDS, John.-(Provisional protection only.)-Communi. cating from one railway carriage to another. According to a portion of this invention, when electricity is used as a means of communication, the conducting wire is carried “along the carriages in the usual way” and the con- nection“ in each carriage” is formed by a scarf joint. Over this joint is placed a ring to keep the joint together; "this “ ring being pulled off the joint is broken and the signal given from one carriage to another." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] > A.D. 1869, September 7.-No. 2634. LITTLE, GEORGE.-" Apparatus for composing, transmitting, “ and receiving telegraphic communications." DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 67 This invention relates to a perforator, a transmitter and an electro-magnetic engine to give motion to the telegraphic apparatus. In the perforator, one electro-magnet moves the punch and transfers the current to the second electro-magnet which with. draws the punch. A third electro-magnet acts, upon a feed roller, to advance the paper. The first two electro-magnets act upon a lever; the armature of the third electro-magnet swings on the axis of the feed wheel. A non-conducting surface, having grooves, one to each letter of the alphabet, is worked by a stylus, which passes over conductors in the grooves according to the letter to be punched. In the transmitting instrument, the perforated paper is drawn between a metallic roller and a small disc with an edge of platinum, so as to yield the requisite currents to the line- wire circuit. The strip of paper is drawn beneath a brush which gives the requisite tension to the strip. To drive the transmitting and receiving instruments in a regular and uniform manner, an electro-magnetic engine is used to each of these machines. On a vertical revolving spindle are iron ribs that form armatures to the electro-magnets of the apparatus. A pair of governor balls regulates the speed by means of friction. The spindle is on a spring step, so that it may be adjusted for synchronous rotation and may be risen up by the action of the governor balls. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] > A.D. 1869, September 8.-No. 2643. WALKER, THOMAS.—(Provisional protection only.)--"Electro- " telegraphy.” A number of conductors in a cable are separated from one another by porous or non-porous materials. A corresponding number of messages may be thereby transmitted, without induction interference, by passing the currents “in opposite directions in the different conductors." In aërial lines and single cables, a battery between the earth plates and instruments prevents the interference of earth currents. Characters are transmitted by pointers passing over metallic surface written on with insulating ink. The record a C 2 68 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. is upon chemically-prepared paper or by embossing. Ncedle galvanometers, with stops to prevent vibration, may be used; the stops may be placed so as to touch the needles or anything connected with them.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1869, September 18.-No. 2721. LACANAU, ALEXIS.-(Provisional protection only.)--" Thermo- “ electric alarum." This invention is to give notice at a distance, by the com- pletion of a telegraphic circuit, of an increase or decrease of heat, in lighthouses, signal lights, drying stores, rooms, &c. An adjustable spiral, or other suitable spring, formed of three strips of metal (namely platinum, gold, and silver) has one end fixed to a pivot and the other end free to press on a spring lever which otherwise makes contact with a stud and completes an electric circuit in which there is an alarum. In this case, the action of heat is to distend the spiral spring, and thus to relax its pressure on the lever, so as to allow the circuit to be completed. By another arrangement, the contraction of the spiral spring may allow the circuit to be completed. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, September 20.-No. 2728. VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED.-Electric telegraphs, apparatus, &c. Nos. 1867, A.D. 1866, and 315 and 2369, A.D. 1868, are referred to; the first in commutators and the two last in alarms. Commutators.--The metal blocks which limit the motion of the axle of the telegraph instrument are made of the same piece of metal as that which forms the bush through which the axle works. The circuit may, if desired, be permanently closed by a pin inserted through the front of the case. The bridge contacts may be made circular. Other general arrange- ments are described. Differential galvanometers.—The connections are arranged in various ways by means of springs connected to the ex- DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 69 a tremities of the coil wires, contact pieces, a commutator barrel, eccentrics, and a key. Commutators for closing electric circuits through resistance coils. These are constructed of a circle of metal divided into segments, over which pass independent metal arms working from the centre of the circle. The circuit passes from one arm, through the coils, to the other arm. Boilers for equalising temperature in making differential galvanometers.—These are made of plates and pipes of lead and are heated by gas. The uniformity of temperature is maintained by a mercurial valve. Leyden arrangement for testing.– An open glass tube has an inner coating of thin brass; to form the outer coating, a pasteboard holder, lined with tin foil, is placed over the tube. Casting bells for alarums.—To enable a sonorous, composi. tion to be used, a concave mould and a fly press are employed. Electric alarums.-A pair of electro-magnets acts upon an armature pivoted over the electro-magnets. The circuit is closed through one pair of electro-magnets at a time. Coils for telegraph instruments. These are not affected by currents of high tension. A circle of soft iron is divided into segments which are connected to small electro-magnets. A permanent magnet induces magnetism in the cores of the electro-magnets. An external pivoted needle is deflected according to the position of the maximum magnetism. Regulating the speed of telegraphic apparatus.-An electric governor, has its arms in contact with a disc when the speed is too high, thus closing the circuit through a retarding electro-magnet. [Printed, 18. 60. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, October 4.-No. 2875. BRIGHT, CHARLES Tilston.—" Electric telegraphs.” The circuit for transmitting signals is arranged as follows:- At the receiving station, one of the poles of a galvanic battery is connected to one coil of an indicator or receiving instrument; the other end of the coil is in contact with the line wire. The same battery pole is connected to one end of another coil of the receiving instrument, the other end of which is joined to one end of a series of resistance coils. The 70 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. other end of the series is connected to the other battery pole, which is also placed to earth. A current proceeding through the coil in contact with the line wire brings the indicator to zero; but a current passing through the other coil makes & signal. At the sending end, a key is employed in which the line wire is placed to earth during the intervals between the signals. A greater resistance than that used at the receiving end, is inserted when a signal is made. In another arrangement, a series of relays or instruments may be used with different resistances, so that on the passage of a current one or other of the relays are brought to zero by the equality of the currents through both coils, the resistance being varied at the sending station. In a sounder, two permanent magnets (one to each bell) are influenced by two electro-magnets; one permanent magnet is influenced by positive, the other by negative currents. The sending apparatus consists of two keys, one transmitting positive currents, the other negative. In each case, the currents pass only through the receiving apparatus at the receiving end. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, October 6.-No. 2907. TYER, EDWARD.-"Electro-magnetic telegraphic apparatus “ for train signalling,” &c. Giving angular motion to pointers of receiving instruments. -These pointers have, on their axes, soft iron needles, which are deflected by coils through which the line-wire current passes. To avoid drag on their pivots, permanent magnets are used, with coils round them for reinstating their magnetism by a local current; or, one half of the needle may be enclosed in a magnetising coil; or, the axis of the needle may be enclosed in the magnetising coil. The deflection of telegraphic galva- nometer needles may be maintained by electro-magnets with suitably-placed horns. Commutators for coupling up, breaking, transmitting, or reversing currents.—Mercurial commutators have rocking chambers; or, plungers raise the mercury to complete circuits. Non-mercurial commutators are made so that the operator can i DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 71 only send by the ringing key currents of like name to that last sent. Double lever commutators have their contact pieces mounted in the upper surfaces of the levers; the contacts are made on a spring parallel to the levers. Electro-magnetic apparatus combined with railway signals, points, or levers, so that either of the levers, &c. may be locked or fixed. A locking instrument, placed near the tail end of the lever, is attracted by an electro-magnet worked by a local battery or otherwise. The method of working the pointers may be combined with the railway levers to act as a repeating signal; or, the method may be combined with the commutators, so as to form a com- plete instrument for train signalling purposes. [Printed, 4s. 60. Drawings.] A.D. 1869, October 18.- No. 3028. STROH, John MATTHIAS AUGUSTUS. Electro-magnetic clocks,” &c. In a regulating or driving clock, which has the usual parts of an ordinary clock, the pendulum bob consists of a coil which oscillates over the pole of a permanent magnet and thus sends electric currents into the circuit of the other clocks, so as to regulate them. The friction of the teeth of the escape wheel on the pallets is obviated by spiral springs on the axes of the pallets; this arrangement confines the friction to these axes. In one case, the other clocks are regulated by an auxiliary pendulum mounted so that it may slide up and down. At certain times a rod is forced against a cam by electric action, so as to adjust the length of the regulating pendulum. In another case, the action of the cam adjusts the length of the suspension spring of the main pendulum. To regulate any number of clocks from a single driving clock which completes a momentary circuit at periodical intervals, a notch, in a cam in connection with an electro- magnet and with the regulating pendulum, adjusts the rate of the pendulum. In a modification, the length of the pendulum is adjusted by the position of the poleg of an electro-magnet which rotates with the train wheels of the clock. In the last part of the invention, motion is communicated 72 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. to the clock train by means of the continued rotation of one or more magnetised needles with a galvanometric coil. Alter- nate currents are sent by the driving clock. A coiled ring or disc may be used instead of the galvanometer coil, [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, October 18.-No. 3038. SPAGNOLETTI, CHARLES ERNESTO.-"Apparatus for sig. “ nalling by means of electricity.” To construct a telegraph needle which is not liable to be de-magnetised by atmospheric electricity. The needle is formed of soft iron in two parts connected at the centre; each part has a portion of the axis of a piece with it. This com- pound magnet is magnetised by the induction of a horseshoe magnet, the poles of which are bored to receive the opposite extremities of the axis ; it therefore has two opposite poles. The horseshoe magnet may be a permanent magnet or an electro-magnet. In apparatus for signalling railway trains, it is sometimes possible to neutralise a transmitted signal by means of the finger keys at the receiving end. To prevent this, certain electro-magnets in the circuit have armatures that, when a current is passed, give motion to their respective levers. Each lever has a block upon it and locks the finger key to which it belongs. finger keys (except the one in use), at both ends of the circuit, are locked. The levers may be used as relays. (Printed, 10d. Drawing.] this way, all > A.D. 18(9, November 4.-No. 3196. WILDE, HENRY.—“ Construction and working of electric “ telegraphs." No. 516, A.D. 1863, is alluded to. Acoustic receiving instruments are worked so as to produce a succession of long and short sounds as in the Morse system. A magneto-electric machine, driven by the foot, as in No. 516, A.D. 1863, generates a rapid succession of alternat. ing currents. The receiving instrument has two drums, facing each other, with a bammer between them. The hammer DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 73 is attached to a permanent magnet which oscillates between the poles of an electro-magnet. The alternate blows on the drums are sufficiently rapid to produce a nearly continuous musical sound, which the action of the Morse key breaks up into the long and short sounds required. A writing desk is added and is so mounted as to contain the magneto-electric machine. Another part of the invention consists in working a single needle telegraph by magneto-electric currents instead of by voltaic. A magneto-electric machine is driven by a foot motion similar to that set forth in No. 516, A.D. 1863. The alternating currents from the machine are turned in one direc- tion by a commutator on the armature axis and are sent into the line wire, by means of a reversing key, so as to produce the required signals on the receiving instruments. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, November 9.-No. 3229. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE.—(A communication from Alfred Ely Beach.)—Transportation of letters, &c. by atmospheric pressure, and apparatus. At a way station, one of the conveying tubes may have its end made movable, so as to discharge its contents at the station. If the tube be not moved, the parcels go through the main line of tubes. The moving of the tube may be so adjusted as to establish communication with a diverging ronte. The movable end is capable of being partially rotated, into position, on a central socket or joint with the main pipe. The rotation of the movable tube may be acco complished by means of an electro-magnet worked from a central station. For this purpose, the tubular end has a link, in connection with a ratchet wheel rotated by a pawl on the end of the armature. A circuit closer, in combination with pins on the ratchet wheel, signals the position of the tube back to the central station. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] 1 1 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a A.D. 1869, November 11.–No. 3245. HERBERT, THOMAS, and FOWLER, JAMES CALVERT.- (Provisional protection only.)-—" Signalling between various " parts of a railway train." In each compartment, the conductors which go from end to end of the train are capable of being brought together so as to complete the electric circuit and give the requisite signal from the passengers to the guard, or from the guard to the engine driver. The transmitting apparatus consists of a lever, in connec- tion with one conductor, which may be brought into contact with a plate on the other conductor. When this contact is made, a semaphore arm is caused to indicate the signalling compartment. The signalling apparatus employed is the ordinary chat- tering bell, the hammer of which is placed with its head below the centre of the bell, so as to prevent any signal from being given by the vibration of the train. A sand battery is in the guard's van, and where there is more than one battery in a train, all the negative poles are connected to one conductor and the positive poles to the other conductor. To provide for the battery carriages being turned end for end, a pole changer is employed. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, November 13.-No. 3280. SUTTON, CHARLES.—(Provisional protection only.) —" Means " of and apparatus for ascertaining the presence of certain “ bodies which are concealed from view, and for discrimina- “ ting between one body and another." Into the drawer of a suitable box, a number of wooden blocks are fitted, within each of which a small magnet is placed. An eye tube, with a compass needle within it, is prosided. “On applying the eye tube to the box or case “ when the blocks or bodies are concealed in it the needle “ aleins itself with or directs itself to the magnet or magnetic substance in the nearest concealed body, and the presence and identity of such body are in this way at once “ determined." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 75 A.D. 1869, November 24.- No. 3396. MILES, Dawson.—(A communication from the New England Electric Gas Lighting Company.)-A “mode of and apparatas " for lighting and extinguishing gas by electricity.” In the first part of this invention, the gas valve at each light is opened or closed by means of a pawl and electro- magnet. The ralve is operated at each lamp by a contact maker at the previous lamp. There are two wires in each of these successive circuits; one to turn on the gas, the other to turn it off. The circuit breaker consists of springs and a cam. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 9 A.D. 1869, December 3.-No. 3503. TOBIN, THOMAS WILLIAM.-(Provisional protection not allowed.) _" Electric telegraph apparatus.” This invention relates to the use of the gases given out in galvanic arrangements, in related quantities, as a means of signalling through electric conductors. generated in air-tight chambers and their quantities are registered. The liberated gas is employed to register “prearranged "signals from place to place in air-tight chambers." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] The gases are A.D. 1869, December 7.-No. 3537. WATSON, JAMES.—(Provisional protection only.)—“ Electric " telegraphic apparatus for continuous printing.” The characters are printed off continuously upon sheets of paper, in place of narrow tapes, so that the successive lines may be read off at once as in ordinary printed sheets. The paper is printed by ordinary electric telegraph printing apparatus; it is mounted upon a cylinder which is fitted with an internal screw which works on an external screw, so as to cause the cylinder to rotate and travel under the printing apparatus. By this means, the impression is continuong. An india-rubber band, at each end of the cylinder, holds the paper in position, 76 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. In order to facilitate the removal of the sheets, they are perforated throughout their entire length directly inside the line of pressure of the bands. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, December 15.-No. 3620. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(4 communication from Edward Seymour Hidden.)—" Apparatus for making and breaking “ electro-magnetic circuits, chiefly designed for governing “ short or local circuits for operating signals on long telegraphic lines.” This invention relates to improvements upon the apparatus set forth in Nos. 1053 and 2960, A.D. 1867. In this relay, the moving instrument which makes and breaks the secondary circuit is a float arranged in a reservoir containing liquid which is surrounded by a coil. The principal features in the present invention are :—The prongs connecting the two cups of the local circuit are at the same end of the float. In one arrangement, the reservoir is open at the bottom and the prongs and cups are below the reservoir. The apparatus is supported in gimbals; a weight attached to the stand levels itself and may then be fixed. The mercury cups are adjustable vertically and the float has a guide. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, December 20.–No. 3679. HENRY, MICHAEL.—(A communication from Louis Henri Fontaine.)—“ Typographical composing and printing." The apparatus is similar, in many respects, to the disc printing telegraph apparatus. By means of a revolving disc and a dial bearing letters or characters, together with a rotating lever-handle that can be depressed, the required type is brought to a fixed point, and then struck, so as to print on the paper roller; the striking is accomplished by the arma- ture of an electro-magnet, which acts as a hammer on the type, only when the handle is depressed to the end of its stroke. Besides the above apparatus there is paper feeding mecha- nism and an arrangement for obtaining the necessary spaces DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 77 between the letters. The position of the paper roller is like- wise regulated for the spaces between the lines. The types print the paper with transfer ink, the paper used is transfer paper, and the impression is applied to a litho- graphic stone, so that any required number of copies may be struck off. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, December 21.-No. 3696. FITZ GERALD, DESMOND GERALD.-(Provisional protection only.)—“Constructing electric telegraphs.” This invention consists in improvements upon that set forth in No. 501, A.D. 1869. Balancing the electro-motive force of an earth couple by means of a signalling battery at each station, so as to “effect " the electrolytic insulation of the signalling current except “ when and at the point whence signals are required to be “ transmitted." Also adopting certain means for obtaining a comparatively high degree of electro-motive force opposing the lateral passage or escape of the signalling current before it has completed the line circuit and for preserving chemically “ intact the wire wires or electrolytically insulated cable " through which the signalling current is transmitted.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 6 66 66 1870. A.D. 1870, January 20.–No. 178. CALVERT, CHARLES ALEXANDER. “ Apparatus for self- * “ registering and checking" money, &c. , If there be a money taker and a check taker at a place of public entertainment, for instance, the money taker obtains checks from a chamber (locked by an authorised person) which can only yield checks to him by means of a graduated tubo and suitable mecbanism. The check taker has a similar 78 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. tube into which he places all the checks, as he receives them. These apparatus should correspond at all times. To indicate the amount of the receipts at a distance, a trigger, below the orifice from which the checks issue in the money taker's apparatus, makes an electric contact as each check falls out. The contact is in connection with an ordinary electric counting apparatus in the manager's room. The check taker's apparatus is provided with a funnel having a slit, through which only one check can pass at a time, with two slides, connected together by a lever, so that when one is open the other is shut. Each vibration of the lever indicates one check and makes another electric contact to indicate (in the manager's room) the number of checks received. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1870, January 25.-No. 225. GREENWOOD, HENRY BROWN.—(Provisional protection only.) -“ Electric telegraphs.” This invention relates to the transmission of a fac-simile of & written message. The message is written on metal foil covered with a non- conducting substance, so as to expose the metal by the writing. The foil is fastened round the circumference of a metallic dram which is caused to revolve uniformly and continuously. A metallic point bears upon the surface of the foil; a slow sideway movement is given to the point. This arrangement is placed in a telegraphic circuit and sends electric currents into the line wire in accordance with the contacts of the metallic point and the uncovered part of the foil. The recording or receiving instrument has an electro- magnet with a lever armature which carries an ink reservoir and tubular writer or pen. The paper drum on which the pen marks, when the electro-magnet is excited, revolves synchronously with the drum of the transmitting instrument. To ensure the flow of ink, a wire is passed through the reser- voir and projects very slightly from the pen; the contact of the pen with the paper forces the wire back, for the time, and causes the ink to flow. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 79 A.D. 1870, January 28.–No. 257. HADDAN, JOHN COOPE. “ Apparatus for taking and "registering votes." This invention consists of a chamber or chambers, into and out of which the voter is required to pass, provided with passage ways that afford a choice as he may desire to vote. The result of his choice is registered. Electric or telegraphic apparatus may be employed for either the registering or preventive purposes of this invention. The registering may be effected at a distance from the place of voting. An electric alarum denotes the improper use of the voting apparatus; or the exit door may be locked against the egress of the voter by electric telegraphic contrivances. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 9) 66 A.D. 1870, January 31.- No. 274. WALKER, THOMAS. (Provisional protection only.)—“Im- provements applicable to telegraphic purposes." * In some cases I use a galvanometer (horizontal) with a “ reflector attached to the needle, and with or without a stop or stops placed so that the needle may move in one direction only, the reflector to be placed edgeways to the light. When at rest no light will be thrown on the screen, but when in use the light will be short or long according to the length of “ time appointed to the trarsmitting key. For sending cur- “ rents I use in some cases a transmitting key with two levers. “ I divide the bridge into two parts. I attach the receiving “ instrument to each part of the bridge, and when sending “ currents I use a plug to connect the two parts of the bridge. "I use the plug with or without a lever attached. “I use a register or recording instrument with suitable “ machinery cansing pointers or levers to pass over the sending " and receiving materials, which I prepare by the usual che- "mical processes; or I make the pointers hollow, so that liquid colouring matter will flow to make marks when pressed by electro-magnets. In some cases I use ink " marking discs, black leads, or other marking substances. For the sending apparatus I use characters either written with insulating materials upon metallic surfaces or type set up.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 64 80 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, A.D. 1870, February 9.-No. 382. SMITH, THOMAS JAMES. — (A communication from John Archibald Ballard.)—“ Controlling and guiding the more- “ments of torpedo boats, rams, and other similar vessels.” Electricity is applied to torpedo boats, &c., moved by steam, compressed air, " or similar methods." The person guiding the vessel sends currents to it through a telegraph cable to open and shut valves, to put machinery into and out of gear, and to close such work“ as is necessary “ for guiding and manoeuvring the vessel.” The cable is wound on a reel on board the torpedo, so that it may run out easily through a pipe in the bottom of the boat; one end is fixed near the operator. The steam valves may be opened by the action of an electro- magnet upon the armature lever of the valve; when the electric current ceases, the valve drops. In a steam steering apparatus, the piston rod projects on either side of the cylinder; to its extremities are attached ropes which move the helm. The exhaust valves are opened, according to the direction to be given to the helm, by electro- magnets in a local circuit operated by the main circuit through a relay. To operate a clutch, an electro-magnet acts upon a lever armature in one direction ; a spring restores the clutch to its normal position when the electric circuit is broken. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1870, March 15.-No. 765. JAITE, Gustav.—(Provisional protection only.)- A telegraph. In this apparatus are:-Two Hughes' electro-magnets and couplings—see No. 241, A.D. 1863 ; a Hughes' clockwork and regulator ; and wheels for conducting the strip of paper. In the transmitting instrument, two batteries are employed, one supplying positive, the other negative currents to the line wire ; each battery has its own key lever. One electro-magnet acts with the positive, the other with the negative current. There are two axes with cog wheels and two axes with catches; the former are called exterior coupling axes, the latter interior coupling axes ; "the exterior coupling axes participate for one DIVISION III. - TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 81 - revolution in the motion of the inner axes turning constantly " at a very great speed.” Perforating the paper strip.-By means of the exterior axes, the interior axes, electro-magnets, eccentrics and punches, the paper is punched with a double row of holes. “The strips of * paper on all offices engaged at the translation or transmission of telegrams can be perforated and so prepared for an auto- " matic transmission of the despatches.” Translation.—The revolving of exterior coupling axes causes springs to make contacts with metal pieces. A double system of electro-magnets is used with an automatic commutator. [Printed, 18. 8d. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1870, April 8.-No. 1044. VARLEY, CROMWELL FLEETWOOD.—“ Electric telegraphs.” By this invention more than one operator can signal inde- pendent messages at the same time upon the same line wire to and from independent stations. Upon the ordinary telegraph currents are superposed rapid undulations or waves. The electric waves may be generated by a tuning fork and contact springs between the poles of an clectro-magnet. The current signals and the wave signals are received upon separate instruments. A wave signal receiving instrument or cymaphen" con- sists of a strained wire vibrating in unison with the electric waves and magnetised by them ; it gives the same sound or signal as the tuning fork of the sender. The main line may be worked with current signals; inter- mediate stations with wave signals. The wave signals of each section are prevented from interfering with those of the neighbouring sections by means of an echocyme,” ” which may be a simple electro-magnet, placed in the main circuit. Condensers consisting of thin sheets are attached to the line at places where wave signals are used. The wave signals may be received by a Morse or other ordi. nary receiving instrument, a current reverser being employed. Dr. Gintl and Frischen's double speaking apparatus and a Lollow helix may be connected between the receiver and the line wire, the helix having pieces of iron inserted into it to remove the difficulty arising from the inductive capacity of the line. 66 82 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. “Two sets of wave signals may be transmitted and received " simultaneously through the same wire, and independently 66 of the current signals.” Other details and applications of the joint employment of current signals and wave signals are given. [Printed, 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1870, April 12.-No. 1072. HENRY, MICHAEL.--(A communication from Société Digney, Frères, et Co.)—"Telegraphic apparatus." This invention relates mainly to printing telegraphs. To drive the printing disc of the receiving instrament, gearing is used. An ink reservoir is furnished with a valve and brush; by turning a handle, the valve is opened and the ink is agitated by the brush. A releasing contrivance, worked by electro-magnetic action, at each flow of the current, unrols the paper strip a little at a time, so as to leave a space between each telegram recorded. A lever armature presses the paper against the disc for direct and intermittent current instruments ; a spring tends to clear the armature from the coil. In continuous current appa- ratus, a modification is employed to avoid using batteries at each post. Hughes' electro-magnet (for type printers) is applied to the Morse receiver to unrol the paper rapidly and reduce the mag. netic power required. Chronometric clockwork movement unrols the paper strip with precision. The tension of the armature spring is regulated by a screw with elongated thread working a nut. The electro-magnet may be movable in a guide way and worked by a screw. In this case, the armature spring is dis. pensed with. The armature spring may be worked by a pinion and rack instead of a screw and nut. [Printed, ls. 6d. Drawings.] DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 83 A.D. 1870, May 3.- No. 1268. PREECE, WILLIAM HENRY, and LANGDON, WILLIAM EDWARD.—"Mode of and apparatus for working railway sig. nals." To diminish the risk of danger to passing trains, the hand lever for working the semaphore signal is locked by the aid of electricity.-A stop, in connection with the armature lever of an electro-magnet, is ordinarily in such a position as to lock a steel catch piece belonging to the hand lever. A current from the distant station, or from the pointsman, attracts the armature, raises the stop and releases the hand lever. To provide evidence that the signal of “clear” or “ blocked," transmitted to a distant station, has been duly received, the signal is acknowledged by a visible proof or record of its receipt at the distant station.—The instrument has a commu- tator for signalling "clear” and “ blocked,” which consists of a spring tappet lever, the stop pins of which operate a pair of tumbling levers (“on” and “off”) either of which may be detained by the catch of a spring armature belonging to its own electro-magnet. When the line is signalled “clear," for instance, the receiver acknowledges it by sending currents to release the tumbling lever “off” of the sender's instrument and to present it in front of the dial. This signal remains visible until a contrary signal is sent. The recording and semaphore instruments are worked through the same line wire. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1870, May 6.- No. 1301. THOMPSON, WARREN.—" Apparatus for recording electric " telegraph signals." In this instrument, the manner in which the paper is led, step-by-step, past the type wheel, is similar to that described in No. 2262, A.D. 1863 ; printing apparatus therein set forth is used in combination with the train of wheels and type wheel hereinafter mentioned. The object of this invention is to enable the operator to print a message as it is received, letter by letter, without with- drawing his eyes from the receiving instrument. 84 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A horizontal circular key board is placed below the receiving instrument. The depression of a finger key liberates (by means of levers) a clockwork movement which turns the pointer; the pointer moves round the key board until it comes against the stem of the depressed key. When the key is relieved from pressure, the pointer moves round until its motion is again arrested by the stem of another depressed key, or by its coming against the stop from which it started. The axis of the pointer is connected with a train of wheels which drives a suitable type wheel, as mentioned above. When the motion of the pointer, and therefore of the type wheel, is arrested, a roller or hammer presses the paper on to the type which is then opposite to it. The printing parts are actuated by another train of wheels set in motion when the type wheel pauses. [Printed, 1s. 8d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1870, May 14.–No. 1385. JENSEN, PETER.—(A communication from Malling Hansen.) - “ Means for writing and telegraphic purposes." A “writing ball” serves to imprint characters on paper by the depression of spring pistons on its exterior. The paper is wound round a cylinder which is rotated by electro-magnetism. By each depression of a piston, the electric circuit is closed and a hook, connected with the armature, turns a toothed wheel (on the axis of the cylinder) one tooth forward. A plate or table may be substituted for the cylinder. According to another plan, the axle may be moved by a spiral spring, and the motion may be regulated by electric power. The writing ball may be used in the telegraphic service. If the pistons be made with cogs according to the Morse alphabet, each depression of a key completes electric circuits accordingly and signals a certain letter. Printing telegraph.-By means of spring pistons, each con- sisting of two rods, one above the other, together with a circle of keys, a vertical wheel, a pivoted arm and a printing die on the lower rod, electric contacts are transmitted into the line. wire circuit, so as to act upon a writing ball as a receiving instrument. The wheel at the transmitting station moves DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 85 synchronously with the corresponding wheel at the receiving station. (Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 9 A.D. 1870, June 8.–No. 1657. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(A communication from Elisha Whittelsey Andrews and George Baker Field.)—“ Printing telegraph apparatus." Several printers are in one main circuit. Positive and negative lide-wire currents operate these instruments. The positive current sets the type wheel, the negative currents effect the printing and feeding of the paper. A compound electro-magnet has four helices and soft-iron cores. Near the pairs of coils are iron or steel switches. When a positive current is employed, the switches throw the entire current through two of the coils. A negative current reverses the poles, moves the switches, and causes the electric current to pass through the other two coils. In another plan, the current passes through all the helices and the switches block certain armatures. The pawls that operate the type wheel act in both direc- tions, so that the attraction of the armature moves the type wheel half a space, and its repulsion completes the movement. The type wheel is made of two or more rings, the ink is sup- plied from a hollow drum, the magnets are below the bed of the machine, and the paper feed consists of a roller and two swinging pawls. All the machines in a line may be stopped at a zero point by an arm on the type wheel shaft, which comes into contact with a circuit closer. (Printed, 10d. Drawing.) A.D. 1870, June 30.–No. 1861. CLARK, Josiah LATIMER. “ Electric telegraph instru. "ments." Recording instruments.-A marking tube is used in con- nection with a Morse apparatus. The tube is actuated by the armature of an electro-magnet. The ink is supplied to the marking point, from a fixed or movable reservoir, by means $6 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. of an india-rubber tube. The ink flows from the reservoir at a constant level, which, in one case, is determined by a tube descending nearly to the bottom of the reservoir and, in another form of reservoir, by an inverted cylindrical vessel with a valve. The tube may be moved transversely over the travelling surface. Electro-magnetic apparatus to work as a relay or to give direct signals.- The soft-iron cores of an electro-magnet are polarised permanently by steel magnets. Between the poles of the electro-magnet, a magnetised needle is pivoted. In its normal condition the needle is central; when the electro- magnet is excited, the needle is deflected one way or the other. Differential galvanometers. The two coils are separated from each other towards the end of the winding, one being at one end, the other at the other end of the bobbin. The needle carries a mirror and is mounted on a sliding frame, which is adjustable by a screw to find the neutral point of the two coils. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1870, July 5.-No. 1899. NOVARE, ROBERT ALEXANDER.--(Provisional protection only.) -"Morse telegraph printing apparatus." The style attached to the armature of the electro-magnet is composed of two separate parts or styles, one presenting & smaller surface than the other; one style forms dots, the two parts combined make the dashes. The smaller style is only brought level with the larger style when the armature is effected by the larger of the two local batteries. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, July 6.-No. 1915. TOMMASI, FERDINAND.-"Submarine hydro-electric tele. graph cable.” This cable is composed of small copper tubes, protected by an external coating from the action of the sea water. Each tube is filled with water, which, being depressed at the trans- mitting station, raises a column of mercury at the receiving station, and thus completes the circuit of a local galvanic DIVISION 111.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 87 a battery, which actuates a Morse or other receiving instrument according to the motions communicated to the mercury. The depression of the plunger of the transmitting apparatus may be accomplished by hand or by the lever armature of an electro-magnetic arrangement. Any alteration in the volume of liquid in the tube may be automatically signalled by an electric bell. [Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1870, August 25.-No. 2339. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD. - (A communication from Edouard Bonhomme and Charles Ferdinand Milde.)“ Electric clockwork.” A regulating electric clock, worked entirely by electricity, is in communication with the clocks to be regulated, all of which are on the same principle as the regulating clock. These clocks may have striking action. In each clock, electro-magnets act on armatures to vibrate them through a limited space whenever the electric pulsations take place. This is effected by making and breaking the electric circuit. To these vibrating armatures are connected ratchet clicks which pull round a ratchet wheel and thus act upon a central toothed wheel which moves the clockwork train of the clock hands. The escapements are acted on in like manner and the time is controlled by an insulated pendulum. All the clocks that are in electrical connection act to. gether, for the electric circuit is made and broken in all simultaneously. (Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1870, September 10.–No. 2456. FAIRBANKS, HENRY.-" Weighing machines," &c. The third part of this invention treats of a scale in which both the sliding poise upon the scale beam and the register wheels by which the weight is indicated are put under electro-magnetic control, so that the weighing is mainly automatic. The motion of the beam makes electrical connection with one of two electro-magnets when the poise requires to be 88 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 1 moved; when the scale is balanced the electrical connection is broken. A double clutch is controlled by armatures of electro- magnets. If, when the load is upon the scale, the poise is not out far enough to balance it, the electrical contact will magnetise one of the electro-magnets, its armature will move and the clutch will be so placed that the poise is moved forward by wheel and screw motion, until the balance is attained. If the poise had been out too far, the other electro-magnet would have acted on its armature to engage the clutch to give left- handed instead of right-handed motion, which would have continued until the poise was at the proper point. When the poise stops at the balancing point, certain mechanism, consisting of wheels and pawls, stops the motion of the clockwork of the register. The winding of the stopping mechanism withdraws the stop for weighing another load. [Printed, 4s. 2d. Drawings.] 1 A.D. 1870, September 28.-No. 2578. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(4 communication from Elisha Whittlesey Andrews.)–(Provisional protection only.)—“Electro- magnets." These electro-magnets work with great rapidity and are used in telegraphic work when rapidity and accuracy are required. To the end of the core of the bar electro-magnet, a perma- nent magnet is attached, the shape of which is such tbat it passes up the side of the helix and extends towards the exposed end of the core ; upon the free end of the permanent magnet is a hinged tongue which is attracted by the core, the amount of attraction being regulated by a spring. An electric current or pulsation breaks contact between the tongue and the core; the cessation of the pulsation allows the tongue to be again attracted. This apparatus may be used to close and break the relay circuit simultaneously with that through the helix of th) electro-magnet. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 89 9 A.D. 1870, October 5.--No. 2642. NEWTON, ALFRED VINCENT.—(A communication from Edwin Dodd McCracken, Henry Jotham Newton, Henry Burnham Kirkland, and Joseph Roderick Husson.)—“ The working of “ galvanic batteries.” By this invention the continuity of action of galvanic batteries, in telegraphic and other electric circuits is ensured. Two or more batteries are capable of being placed in the same electric circuit; a switch, being operated by hand at suitable intervals, brings each battery in turn into operation. The switch has two metallic arms which can be placed on the proper contacts at will. In another plan an automatic switch is worked by a separate local battery and electro-magnet under the control of a clock movement; one battery is thrown into circuit just before the other is thrown out. The latter result is secured by means of platinum-pointed screws in connection with springs at the extremities of the switch arms. [Printed, 1s. Drawing.] a 66 A.D. 1870, October 6.-No. 2645. BURG, OTTO, and SCHIEBEL, AUGUST.-"Electro-dynamic apparatus for keeping off thieves.” An attempt at burglary signals to the watch station and points ont where the burglary is being committed. The con- nection of the apparatus of one house or room with other houses and, finally, with the watch station, is attained by four electric circuits. The conducting wires are in protecting pipes, and the apparatus are in safety receptacles. A signalizer and despatch regulator is placed in every house that communicates with the watch station. By opening and closing the various circuits the watchman receives a message and separates the despatches if more than one burglary is being committed at the same time. A conduction lock and interpolating apparatus are in the wall of the room to lock its door. Keys and pushers insert ladders in the lock which restores the conduction. The lock can only be opered by closing and opening electric circuits in which are electro-magnets, so as to enable wheelwork to run down either with the escapement or without. An interpo- 90 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. lating apparatus prevents intruders from exciting certain electro-magnets that are used when the lock is to be opened quickly; in this case the escapement is freed. Double armed contacts are employed for the conduction lock and interpolating apparatus. A hydrostatical railing or piping being divided, signals are conveyed accordingly to the watch station. Glycerine being lost and taking mercury away from contacts, breaks the circuit. Numerous details are described. [Printed, 38. Drawings.] A.D. 1870, October 11.-No. 2688. HENRY, MICHAEL.--(A communication from the Société Digney, Frères et Co.)-(Provisional protection only.) —" Electro-tele- “ graphic apparatus." A screw, with an elongated screw thread, communicates to- and-fro travel to a nut connected with the armature spring of the electro-magnet; thus the electro-magnet is advanced towards or receded from the armature. The nut may act without a spring; in that case, it acts directly on the electro- magnet which slides in guide grooves. A pinion and rack may be substituted for the screw and nut. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, October 15.-No. 2726. GOODING, RICHARD ALPHÆUS.-(Provisional protection only.) - Apparatus for simultaneously printing and delivering checks or tickets consecutively numbered. To tell off, at any distance from the register, the number of tickets, as delivered consecutively, electro-magnetism is employed. Each movable perforator has a projection which acts as a detent to an electro-magnet, so as, by its to-and-fro action, to connect and disconnect the poles of the galvanic battery which excites the electro-magnet. Thus the electric circuit is broken at each delivery of a ticket, and the fingers of indi. cating dials are made to show the number of persons who have received tickets. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 91 The tickets, as delivered to the check-taker, fall on to plat. forms which are retained in their open position by catches acted upon by vertical wires, “the upward sliding motion of " which is obtained through the medium of an electric wire actuating a rack which is so arranged that with any stated number of tickets received into the box the rack and catch * will be raised so as to relieve one of the lids." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] #4 66 A.D. 1870, October 28.-No. 2845. HERRING, RICHARD, and NOVARE, ROBERT ALEXANDER.-- Telegraphic printing apparatus.” Instead of making the “dots and signals” run in a line, all the “dashes or strokes" are arranged vertically. This is accomplished by two electro-magnets, one for the dots, the other for the dashes. A compound style consists of a central style for the dots and a style having long narrow edges to form a dash. Each style is mounted on the same centre, but has its own armature. The transmitted currents are positive for dots and negative for dashes. The positive currents deflect the arm of a double acting relay, and close the local circuit in which is the electro- magnet of the dot-marking style. The negative currents, in like manner, bring into action the style that marks dashes. The plane of the inking disc is at right angles to the paper ; it is momentarily stopped when the styles are brought down on the paper. The progress of the paper band is momentarily checked, for printing, by a clamp formed by the printing lever and a fixed spring lever. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] &$ A.D. 1870, November 1.-No. 2876. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD.—(A communication from Edwin Holmes and Henry Clay Roome.) — Safes, vaults, &c., and alarm apparatus or telegraphs connected therewith.” A pliable electric envelope or lining is applied to the safe and is combined with an electric bell arrangement, so that perforation of the envelope or breakage of the circuit sounds an alarm. 92 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a The electric envelope is formed of separate plates connected by a resistance coil. Insulated metallic ribbon is placed in a zig-zag form over the separate plates. One plate is con- nected to a battery pole, the other to the ribbon; the other end of the ribbon is connected to the other battery pole. In the battery, or primary, circuit there is a galvanometer, the needle of which is influenced by variations in the electric current. When no current passes through the galvanometer coils, the galvanometer needle completes a secondary or bell circuit through an electro-magnet and rings a bell. When the slight current passes through the envelope, the secondary or bell circuit is inactive. If the current be increased, the deflection of the needle is increased sufficiently to bring it against a contact which completes the secondary circuit through the electro-magnet, which instantly releases a drop and diverts the secondary circuit to the bell. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1870, November 3.-No. 2897. WHEATSTONE, CHARLES, and STROH, JOHN MATTHIAS Augustus.—“Fast speed electro-magnetic telegraphs." This invention is an improvement upon those described in No. 1239, A.D. 1859, No. 2462, A.D. 1860, and No. 220, A.D. 1867. Transmitter.—The paper strip is drawn forwards with a continuous motion by means of a spur wheel. Besides the inversion commutator, another commutator transmits a weaker current after the ordinary current in the same direction, by the automatic insertion of an artificial resistance into the battery and line circuit. Relay for induction currents.—The oscillating tongue of the relay makes and breaks the primary circuit of an induction coil; the secondary currents are transmitted further along the line wire. Perforator.—The power is applied by means of a treadle and a small fly wheel. Hand reversing key.-Alternate currents last only during the upward and downward motions of the lever respectively. The separation of the battery from the line and the connection of line and earth take place at the limits of the lever's motion. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 93 Reversing key with fly.--An ordinary inverting key is com. bined with a mechanical interruptor. Printing magnet. The difference between the moments of the two parts of an electro-magnet, with reference to the curved permanent steel magnets which oscillate between them, is eliminated by introducing the tension of a helical spring on one side or other of the zero position. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1870, November 23.-No. 3069. THOMSON, William.—(Provisional protection not allowed.) - Electric telegraphs and clocks. This invention consists partly in improvements on the recording instrument described in No. 2147, A.D. 1867. No. 329, A.D. 1858, and No. 2047, A.D. 1860, are referred to. This invention comprises :- A rectangular receiving coil between the poles of the magnetising magnet. Inductive damping of the moving coil. Attaching the soft-iron core, &c., to a single supporting plate. Suspending the movable coil by double bifilar suspension-see No. 329, A.D. 1858; also by torsional elasticity. Supporting the syphon on stretched wire, Tightening the fibre connecting the syphon with the coil. Removing the marking tube. Substitution of a fine tube for the syphon. Urging liquid through the marking tobe; freeing it from obstructions. Using the torsion of a long fine glass tube for the signalling arm. Attaching a counterpoise to the signalling arm. Adjusting the signalling arm. Substituting a solvent for the ink bottle. Applying oil to the syphon or tube. Giving a slow motion to the paper. Driving the paper by an electro-magnetic engine, which may assist in spurting ink from the syphon; the circuit and bear- ings of the engine ; a hanging shaft for the same; regulating the speed and economy of the engine. Regulating the speed of the paper shaft. Marking minutes and hours. Drawing perforated paper. Syphon recorder for sent signals. Sending by perforated paper. Steinheil signals. Signalling by different degrees of potential. A hand key. Perforating paper. Elec- trifying the syphon and enclosing parts of the syphon recorder in a glass case. Drawing telegraphic receiving paper. Fric. tion governor for electro-magnetic clock. Breaking contacts 94 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. in electro-magnetic engine. Compensation pendulum. Drir. ing the striking mechanism of electro-magnetic clocks. [Printed, 16. 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, December 6.--No. 3203. DIBBIN, HENRY ARTHUR.“ Signalling on railways." By this invention, a railway train is informed, by a deto- nating signal, if there be a train before it within a prescribed distance. At certain distances (each quarter of a mile, say) on the line of railway, a series of voltaic batteries is placed. The batteries are in connection with conducting wires, contact breakers, and detonating or other signals. The first battery is so connected with the second battery, by means of the earth and conducting wires, that when the circuit of the first battery is completed, it acts upon a needle or magnet at the second battery, and thereby closes an inter- ruption of the circuit of the second battery. The current from the second battery proceeds back past the first battery, and is connected with a detonating signal; the distance between the signal and the first battery is greater than the length of a train. The circuit of the second battery has a second interruption near the signal. By a passing train, a contact is made in the circuit of the first battery, and the circuit of the second battery is closed, except the interruption near the signal. If, before a train reaches the second battery, a second train reaches the signal at the rear of the first battery, the second train closes the interruption near the signal and deto- nates the signal at the rear of the first battery, thus informing the driver of the second train that the first train has not past the second battery. This arrangement is continued the whole length of the line of railway. The detonators are discharged by electro-magnetism or by a wire heated by electricity. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1870, December 10.–No. 3245. ZANNI, GEMINIANO. Magnetic and electric telegraph “ apparatus.” DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 95 In a magneto-electric printing instrument, the same power which actuates the mechanism for moving the paper strip, or the printing mechanism, gives motion to the coils or armature of the magneto-electric machine. The gearing, in one case, is driven by a spring; in another instance by a weight. A relay is applied to a printer.-A needle instrument has, on its needle axis, an arm which is between two fixed contact points for the local current which operates the printing mechanism. In a needle instrument, a magneto-electric machine is employed instead of a galvanic battery. The coils or arma- tare of the machine are moved by levers, springs, or weights, the action of which is maintained by the power applied to the handles or keys of the instrument when transmitting messages. [Printed, 28. Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1870, December 13.-No. 3266. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(4 communication from Joseph Olmstead.)—"Electrical brake for railway carriages.” This invention is referred to in No. 2973, A.D. 1872. A mechanical brake is worked by an electro-magnetic friction clutch that is controlled by a key-board in each carriage, so that the electric circuit may be opened and closed simultaneously throughout the train and the brakes released or applied accordingly. Parallel to one of the carriage axles is a secondary shaft whereon is carried a freely revolving electro-magnetic wheel geared with the carriage axle; an armature plate is within the rim of the wheel. The electric conductors are connected from the battery to the coils of the electro-magnets of the wheel by means of collars loose upon the shaft. The contact of the wheel with its rim winds the brake chain upon the shaft and applies the brake shoes to the carriage wheels. The key-board has ropes and pulleys in connection with a lever; by pulling one rope the brake operates, by pulling the other the electric circuit is broken. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 96 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1870, December 14.-No. 3279. BISHOP, CHARLES KENWRICK KENELM.-—“ Organs.” The ordinary valve which admits the air from the wind chest to the organ pipe is not connected directly with the key, but is attached by a wire to a valve immediately below it on the underside of the windchest. The lower valve is enclosed by a flexible leather envelope and communicates with the compressed air chamber by an aperture covered by a “ back- s« fall valve.” One part of the invention consists in working the backfall valve by connecting its lever with the armature of an electro-magnet which is excited by the depression of the key. The finger key is combined with a spring which returns the key to its normal position and also acts, by the depression of the key, to complete the electric circuit. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 1871. 9 A.D. 1871, January 2.-No. 3. WELCH, EDWARD JOHN COWLING.-" Electric indicators." In an electric bell, which also indicates what is wanted, on the completion of the circuit, or the ringing of the bell, an iron shutter is drawn towards an electro-magnet, and a lever falls down and shows a number, or other signal, in front of the opening in the indicator frame. When the ringing ceases, the shutter falls back. The hand lever, attached to the case, then lifts the signal lever into its position of rest, ready again to make a signal. In the bell belonging to this indicator, instead of the electric circuit being broken each time the hammer strikes the bell, the coils of the bell magnets are cut out of the circuit. The whole battery current is thus sent alternately through the coils of the indicator and of the bell. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 97 A.D. 1871, January 3.-No. 10. McEVOY, CHARLES AMBROSE. Effecting explosion, also testing electric circuit, &c., applicable to torpedoes. One part of this invention relates to torpedoes wherein the shock of contact closes the circuit to effect the explosion. A firing arrangement that may be separated from the torpedo consists of a tube that contains the conductors, the fuze, and the priming. At the end of the tube, in a cylinder of ebonite, is a ball at the extremity of a spring in the electric circuit. A metal ring surrounding the ball is also in the circuit, but interrupts it until the ring is struck by the ball. In the quiescent state of the torpedo, the ball is central and is in contact with a thin metal bridge which completes the electric circuit independent of the fuze and which allows a testing current to be sent tbrough the circuit without firing the torpedo. This arrangement enables a number of torpedoes to be included in the same electric circuit. In self-acting ramming or projecting torpedoes, a metal plug carries the terminals, and a bridge, attached to a spring spindle, completes the circuit when a thin metallic dome is crushed by the shock. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, January 18.-No. 131. VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. (Provisional protection not allowed.)—"Electric and magnetic-telegraph apparatus" and "lightning protectors to be used therewith." The magneto-electric machine or “ generator” in this invention is used for relays, in a similar way to an ordinary double-current key. When the generator is used for working an alphabetical telegraph, its iron wheel is constructed with thirteen teeth, so as to give thirteen positive and thirteen negative currents. These currents actuate a propelling escape- ment which drives a ratchet wheel and indicates letters by means of a pointer. The ratchet wheel is magnetised so as to attract the pallet levers; springs are thus dispensed with. In relays, the iron cylinders, or cores, are formed by a helical wrapping of iron wire over a wooden cylinder, or by electro-coating an electro-deposit of copper with iron. This R 703. D 98 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. soft-iron core is attached to a torsion wire. The bobbin in which the core works is placed between the poles of a horse- shoe magnet. A commutator is composed of a key lever carrying two insulated metal discs, together with levers. The levers are held by magnetic attraction. The discs are in connection with the galvanic battery and two of the levers with the telegraphic circuit. The result is that direct and reversed currents are sent into the line wire and the relay connection is made at the termination of the key's action. Sometimes a tell tale is attached to the commutator. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, January 25.–No. 192. WILSON, JAMES EDWARDS.—" Apparatus for working rail- way switches, points, crossings and signals,” &c. To signal intelligence of altered points, &c. to the next signal box, the telegraph wires are led from the box into such positions that the levers, when moved out of or returned to their normal position, may make or break the electric circuit and thus signal automatically. Working points, &c. by the aid of electro-magnetism, so that they are operated by the passing trains. A catch, in connection with the point, is raised by means of an electro- magnet, by the attendant making battery contact in the ordinary manner. When raised, the catch is struck by the passing train and the point is shifted into the necessary position, while, the electric contact being broken, the catch returns to its normal position. A return wire gives an indication of the position of the switch by means of a pointer. [Printed, 28. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, January 25.-No. 198. SPAGNOLETTI, CHARLES ERNESTO.-" Electric signalling “ and telegraphic apparatus." To signal, from one signal station to another, the passage of railway trains, a screen, or disc, or indicator is employed. The screen is carried by an axis, on which two bent needles DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 99 9 a are also mounted, one at or near each end of the axis. Each needle is in two parts connected to the axis and to each other by a piece of brass; the parts are magnetised by two magnets parallel to the axis. One part receives north polarity, the other south. The poles of an electro-magnet are between the ends of the needles; when the electro-magnet is excited, each pole attracts one end and repels the other end of the needle adjacent to it. The weighted indicators remain in their last position until they are moved by a reverse current. To prevent the signal from being altered without the con- currence of the man at the other end, two wires are used ; at each extremity of the line, a spring key is employed, which has to be compressed to complete the circuit. If a bell be in the arrangement, one man gives notice by the bell, the other, concurring in the alteration, presses the key. In an electric bell, the hammer has a coiled iron axis, which, together with the actuating electro-magnets, is mag- netised, in order to obtain powerful action. In telegraphic instruments, bar electro-magnets, pivoted iron arms, and a coil encircling the axis, the latter excited by means of a relay and local carrert, enable permanent magnets to be dispensed with. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, January 31.—No. 252. THOMSON, Sir William.--" Transmitting, receiving, and “ recording instruments for electric telegraphs.” Tbis invention consists in improvements apon the siphon recorder described in No. 2147, A.D. 1867, whereby it can be used as a sensitive, effective and adjustable sending and receiving instrument. Each side of the suspended coil is in a magnetic field. Graduated shunts are applied to the signal coil to regulate " the damping,” that is, to prevent injurious oscillation. The signal coil is attached to a removable plate, and the torsional elasticity of stretched wires gives it directive force; the wires serve as electrodes. The siphon is carried similarly to the coil. A fine glass tube may be used instead of the siphon; its outer end is free to be moved by a fibre in consouance with the oscillations of D 2 100 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. the signal coil; other details respecting the tabe or siphon, to steady it and to regulate the flow of ink, are given. The paper and statical induction apparatus are driven by an electro-magnetic engine; minute particulars of this plan are stated. The speed of the paper is regulated by an electric chronometer; a punch on the wheelwork marks the time on the paper. The same motive power and gearing draws for. ward the punched paper for signalling; the punched paper may also record the sent signals or the received signals, suit- able switches being used. Positive and negative signals are given by two contact springs. More rows of perforations may be used on the paper. After each perforation, the paper moves gradually until it attains a maximum speed, then it comes gradually to rest. The slack of the paper behind the drum (in the punching machine) is pulled back by a spring or weight. [Printed, 48. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, February 1.–No. 263. BOYD, ROBERT. (A communication from Willem Hendrik ter Meulen.)—“ Probes or searchers for use in sand, mud, and “ soft ground," &c. The third part of this invention consists of an electric probe for metallic objects. On striking the object, an electric alarm or signal is given. The probe consists of a metal tube with a hose to supply effluent water. Screwed on to the end of the probe is an insulated extremity so sliding or moving, in pressing against a hard object as to complete an electric circuit. In one instrument, a metallic tube is fixed to the extremity of the probe and centrally within the tube is a pin which is forced a little beyond the tube by a helical spring. When the instrument meets with a metallic object, the pin recedes and allows the tube also to make contact with the object. In another instrument, the contact of a helical spring with the object causes it to recede and allow a central rod also to make contact with the metallic object and thus to complete the electric circuit. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 101 A.D. 1871, February 14.–No. 373. HASELTINE, GEORGE.—(A communication from William B. Watkins.)-" Telegraphic apparatus" "for detecting fire and — " for signalling the locality of the same.” The apparatus for opening and closing the telegraph line is located in each building with which the wire is connected and consists of a break composed of a stationary plate and revolving arm, which is operated by any suitable motor. The armature of the motor has a continuously automatic vibrating motion, derived from the electric current, for producing rotary motion by means of a ratchet wheel and pawls; it may have an alarum bell operated by the armature lever. The revolving arm of the break is insulated from the plate and moves over metallic and insulating portions of the plate, or over spaces cut therein, so as to indicate thereby the street and number of the house. Two breaks may be used for the purpose of working an extra telegraph line wbich may also be used to telegraph between a place of business and a residence. To put the electric mechanism to work automatically, a heat indicator consists of two different metals and an adjust- able arm to complete the circuit by the action of heat. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1871, March 22.-No. 779. BAINES, WILLIAM.—“ Working, locking, and controlling signals or switches on railways,” &c. An apparatus is applied to the self-locked levers of switches to unlock them from a distance. “A sliding rod connected with the lever has a catch on it " passing through a slot in a disc moved from the distance by electricity.” “Until the disc is properly placed the "catch cannot pass, and the lever is locked. The catch “ yields with a spring and opposes no resistance to the motion of the lever in the contrary direction, or a slide acting on the lever bolt may be substituted for the disc.” In another part of the Specification, it is stated " an electric telegraph instrument may for this purpose be caused to give sufficient motion to work a ratchet and thus remore 102 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 66 a catch or part which locks the signal lever or rods, arms or parts coupled to it, and the signal can then be lowered “ with safety." [Printed, 28. 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, March 25.-No. 810. THOMSON, Sir WILLIAM.—(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.) - “ Clocks and apparatus for giving “ uniform motion." To regulate a clock driven by electro-magnetism, the escapement wheel and chronometer shaft of a differential motion carry, one of them a ring, the other a metallic spring touching the ring. The ring is partly of insulating material and partly of metal. The spring and metallic ring are con- nected with two fixed conductors which are attached to the coil of the driving electro-magnet. When the spring makes contact with the metallic part of the ring, the electro-magnet is shunted or its circuit is broken. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.} A.D. 1871, March 29.-No. 843. PRICE, GEORGE EDWARD.(Provisional protection only.) - "Signalling on railways." Instead of placing fog signals on the rails by hand, fog signals are stationed, at short distances apart, along the line of railway. These are fired, by a fuze, on the completion of an electric circuit by a passing train, if an earth contact has already been made within a given distance; which distance is determined by the amount of current (regulated by resistances) that is able to discharge the signal. The earth connection may be made by means of a button on a telegraph post, or by switch and signal levers. If a portion of the circuit be put to earth by a passing train, a following train coming within the given distance will fire the signal. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1871, April 13.—No. 978. GOODING, RICHARD ALPHAEUS.—“ Printing and delivering " checks, tickets," &c. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 103 An electric apparatus, applied to the register of the de. livering mechanism, enables the number of tickets delivered consecutively to be told at any distance from the place of delivery. “A projection from the movable knives or per- “ forators,” acts as a detent to an electro-magnet. The to- and-fro motion of the detent breaks the electric circuit as each ticket is delivered, and indicates accordingly on a dial the number of persons who have received tickets. " The tickets as delivered are placed in the check taker's “ box and fall on to platforms that are arranged to enclose at " intervals of time those already received. These platforms " are constructed similar to internal lids at different heights " in the box, and are retained in their open position by means " of catches acted upon by vertical wires, the upward sliding “ motion of which is obtained through the medium of an “ electric wire actuating a rack which is so arranged that with any stated number of tickets received into the box the “ rack and catch will be raised so as to relieve one of the lids, thus checking at intervals of time the consecutive " numbers placed in each compartment, preventing thereby " an advanced number being placed amongst the lower " ones." The platforms may be allowed to fall, at a certain number of tickets delivered, by means of a suspended bar and ratchet plate ; the catch to the ratchet plate is worked by an electro- magnet. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, April 15.-No. 996. MACKIE, ALEXANDER.-Perforating paper, &c., “ to re- “present words, characters, numerals, or letters of the " alphabet.” This invention relates to apparatus in which the letters or words are represented by combinations of perforations. The perforated paper is used in connection with the inventor's composing machines or with apparatus for transmitting telegraphic messages. In the apparatus at present in use, each punch is actu. ated by its own finger key. In one part of this invention, a number of coupling keys are employed, so that upon pressing 104 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 66 one finger key, the requisite symbol is formed by a number of the punches acting together. In another part of this invention master plates " are used; these transmit the pressure of a lever only to those punches which are required to act. [Printed, 18. Drawing.) A.D. 1871, April 18. - No. 1027. HAMILTON, Angus, and SAX, JULIUS.—(Provisional protec- tion only.)-Apparatus to enable a passenger in a cab to communicate with the driver. The apparatus is electrical and consists of four finger keys within the vehicle and a dial indicator in front of the driver. When the index of the dial is at zero, a weighted lever, con- nected with the index by a toothed arc and a pinion, is held in a raised position. The lever falls a greater or less distance according to the finger key depressed and the sign given thereby. The driver acknowledges the signal by bringing the index back to zero, by which action the lever is raised to its original position and the parts are placed ready for the next signal. In connection with the dial there are as many electro- magnets, armatures, and props as there are keys or signals. The excitement of any one of the electro-magnets withdraws its own prop, and, by means of a dropper, excites other electro-magnets which withdraw such other props as may have to be moved out of the way; the dial index is affected accordingly. Whenever the lever falls, it makes a contact for an ordinary electric ałorum, which then sounds until the driver puts back the index to zero. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, April 25.-No. 1094. BULL, EDWARD.—(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.)—“ Electric telegraph apparatus." A set of apparatus completes the circuit for the transmission of a fresh current, at each intermediate station, so as to enable any station along the line to hold direct communication with DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 105 any other station. Different strengths of current may le used, also alternate currents or a single current for Morse or double Morse instruments. The principal instrument of the set is a "translator ;” it consists of a needle (suspended between coils traversed by the line-wire current), connected, by two insulating fibres, to another light needle or bar of aluminium. The bar is in metallic contact with the line wire and is suspended on the translator stand by a metal or fibre connection; when actu- ated by the current on one section of the line, the bar connects the next section to the poles of fresh batteries. The motion of relays working receiving instruments is guided in direction (according as the line is worked up or down) by a reversible switch. To adjust the sensitiveness of the translator, right and left handed screws, working in two brass slides, are used; two compass-like legs may be employed instead of screws. An electro-magnetic switch is used, in conjunction with a condenser, to prevent the current of the translator on the down line from passing through the coils of the translator on the up line. Condensers are used on cable circuits between the end of the line of each particular section and the earth. [Printed, 1s. 2d. Drawings.] " A.D. 1871, April 29.-No. 1150. VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED.—“ Electrie telegraph apparatus," &c. A "magnetic commutator," belonging to a magneto-electric machine, is constructed with thirteen arms, so as to send into the telegraphic circuit thirteen positive and thirteen negative currents corresponding to the twenty-six letters of the alphabet. In the indicator, the above-mentioned currents actuate a propelling escapement, which drives a ratchet wheel one tooth at a time and indicates the letters by & pointer. Magnetic attraction, in place of springs, keeps the pallet levers in contaet with the ratchet wheel. The reciprocating motion is communicated to the pallet frame by means of a pivoted cylinder of soft iron surrounded by a coil. Horns attached a 106 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. to the cylinder vibrate between the poles of two permanent magnets. Iron cores, which require but little electric power to render them magnetic, are constructed by electro-depositing a thin shell of iron, or by wrapping iron wire helically over a cylinder. When a second commutator is used for sending signals, the commutator handle passes over a ring with notches, one notch to each letter; it drops into the notch over the desired signal. An arrangement of levers and discs, connected through a current reverser, enables the signals to be sent through the line wire. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, May 8.-No. 1238. BARTHOLOMEW, EUGENE GEORGE.—"Signalling by elec- " tricity." A subsidiary, armature or needle is so placed with respect to the line-wire electro-magnet that it is operated by the line- wire current and makes a contact whereby a local battery is brought into action. The local current increases the effect of the line-wire current, and continues in action until its circuit is broken by the main needle or armature. Thus there is no necessity to employ an additional coil for the purposes of a relay, for instance, to act efficiently upon the needles of the receiving instrument. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1871, May 24.–No. 1400. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. — (A communication from Gecrge Baker Field and Elisha Whittelsey Andrews.)—“ Printing tele- graphs." One of the two type wheels is used at a time; it is revolved by a step-by-step movement. The paper is impressed and drawn along in the usual manner. The chief features of the invention are :- 1st. The paper passes between an impression pad and a thin shield which has an opening to allow of an impression from only one type wheel. DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 107 2nd. At blank places in the type wheels, either the wheels may be shifted or the shield and pad may be moved, to deter- mine which of the type wheels is to make the impression. 3rd. The shifting movement is derived from the printing lever and acts through a T-shaped lever that is connected either with the type wheels or with the pad and shield. Stops are so placed that, at one position of the type wheel the shift- ing takes place in one direction and, at another position, in the other direction. 4th. A notched disc is employed, in connection with a slide and cam block, to prevent the parts from becoming aecidentally displaced. 5th. To bring the instruments in the circuit into unison, the type wheels are automatically arrested. A stop, set to swing upon a stud, works in a screw on the type-wheel shaft; by this means another part of the stop may be brought into contact with a pin and may thus arrest the farther movement of the type wheel whilst other instruments in the circuit more on till they are in unison. The impression lever, in con- junction with a special armature, then lifts the stop out of the screw, [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1871, May 31.-No. 1444. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from Marshall Lefferts.)–(Provisional protection only.)“ Printing telegraphic apparatas." Either of two type wheels can be rotated, the other remain- ing stationary, so that the character to be impressed can be selected from either wheel. Either one line-wire may convey reversed currents to act upon two electro-magnets, or two line-wires may be employed, one to each magnet. The rotation of the selected type wheel is accomplished in manner following :-Each type wheel has a sleeve and ratchet wheel so as to be able to revolve independently upon a sta- tionary shaft. Each ratchet wheel has its own lever and pawl, and the armature of the printing electro-magnet is connected with a locking bolt so as to revolve only one of the two type wheels according to the position of the locking bolt. 108 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, A separate electro-magnet may be used to move the bolt. In this case, spring closers are arranged to allow the line-wire current to pass direct through the separate electro-magnet “and not through the greater resistance" of another eleetro. magnet in the same circuit. Once in every revolution of the type wheel, a cam arm, on its sleeve, unlatches the bolt and allows a spring to draw it back. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, June 2.-No. 1474. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from Theodore Marshall Foote and Charles Adams Randal.) —“Telegraphic “ printing apparatus," arrangements of batteries, circuits, &c. 1st. A compound electro-magnet has three pairs of electro- magnets with a switeh bar passing through the centre helices. To move the type wheel by step-by-step motion, a double pallet oscillates between the teeth of ratchet wheels. An anchor and pins on the type wheel enable it to stop uniformly at a certain point. The paper feed motion consists of two elastic rollers intermittently rotated. 2nd. A one-wired printer with compound electro-magnet, vibrating bar, and escapement.--The paper feed is by pawls in connection with a ratchet wheel. There is a drum pole changer as well as a friction governor for the transmitter. 3rd. A single type wheel is used instead of the two type wheels generally employed in one wire telegraphs, where figures as well as letters are to be signalled. Impressions are taken from the type wheel by means of a spring instead of an electro-magnet. 4th. In printing telegraphs, the type wheel is rotated by a clockwork train. An escapement, in combination with elec- tricity, governs the train and places the type wheel ; a com. pound electro-magnet has a vibrating escapement lever arma- ture which also acts as a local circuit breaker. A revolving pole changer with platinum contacts is used. 5th. In Morse telegraphs, the adjusting spring of the relay is dispensed with, the work, in the relay, being done by the line current; this is also the case with the sounder, At one or more distant stations, the poles of a local battery may be automatically changed, for use in different circuits or in the > DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 109 same circuit. A repeater antomatically closes the circuit of a local battery as well as the continued line circuit with the same polarity. In using a local battery (which may be at the sending or receiving station or both) a switch is employed. [Printed, 38. 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, June 24.-No. 1657. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Provisional protection not allowed.)—" Telegraphic signalling apparatus." The single needle instrument has a case which is resonant like the belly of a violin. To a stem at the top of the case, or to the top itself, at the middle, are attached two strings, which pass vertically down the front of the case, so that the needle may strike one or other of them on its movement to either side. One or two permanent magnets may be shifted to suitable positions around the coils, in order to correct the effects of moderate atmospheric or earth currents. A light lever striking one or two wires (one of the two acting like a back stop) strained against a sounding box, can be employed to signal by the Morse code. When the reading is only by sound, the wires may be horizontal. The coils may be movable to correct disturbing deflections. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1871, June 30.–No. 1705. NAPIER, JAMES MURDOCH.—“Weighing machines.” These machines are for weighing and classifying according to their weights, the articles weighed such as coin. The feeding slide moves across the weighing beam, and electro-magnetic action is used to place the coin in a receptacle according to its weight. When the weighing beam is free, it completes an electric circuit, in which there is an electro-magnet which operates, through its armature and connections, upon “a directing edge “ or directing tube to place it in a position so as to cause the off-coming coin after it has been weighed to pass into one “ of several receptacles for classification.” [Printed, 18. Drawing.] &6 ) 110 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1871, July 20.–No. 1899. SANDERSON, SOLOMON.—"Apparatus for extinguishing fire.” The completion of an electric circuit, by an extra amount of heat, acts on a valve, so as to allow water, or other suitable fluid, to escape for the purpose of extinguishing the fire. A thermometer and an electro-magnet are in the circuit of a galvanic battery. The electro-magnet has a lever armature with a catch at its free end. When the mercury is risen by heat, and therefore the circuit completed, the armature, by means of its catch, releases a weighted cranked lever, which falls on the end of a detaining lever and allows a weight to descend by which the valve is opened. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a a A.D. 1871, July 21.–No. 1916. HERRING, RICHARD.—(Provisional protection only.)" Re- “ cording or printing telegraphs.” This invention relates to the recording instruments with two styles set forth in No. 2845, A.D. 1870. Operating the feed rollers. No clockwork is used for this purpose; the motion is simply effected by one of the armature levers. The rock lever and pawl of a ratchet wheel is con- nected to the armature by means of a link and vertical arm; the bottom roller is driven by spur gear in connection with the ratchet wheel. Working printing instruments with two styles, in a direct manner, by means of the line-wire current.-In each writing lever, an electro-magnet is placed vertically upon the hori- zontal limb of an L-shaped permanent magnet at the top of which the armature of the lever is pivoted. At the free end of the lever is an adjustable helical spring. When no current is passing, the attraction of the permanent magnet is counter- acted by the spring. When a current passes, the influence of the permanent magnet is either neutralised or intensified; the lever which is affected in the last-mentioned manner is drawn down, and the paper is marked accordingly. In a modification, the style is held off the paper by the permanent magnet, and the depolarisation of the electro-magnet acts to allow the spring to draw down the style. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 9 DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 111 > A.D. 1871, July 29.–No. 1998. WHITEHOUSE, EDWARD ORANGE WILDMAN. Receiving “ and recording instruments for electric telegraphs,” and “ the utilization of earth currents at telegraphic receiving “ stations." In the fourth head of this invention, No. 2617, A.D. 1855, is referred to. The object of this invention is to ensure accuracy and sensitiveness, and to give simplicity of working. The invention consists of: 1st. The use, in the recording instrument, of a moving coil within the magnetic field of powerful permanent magnets or electro-magnets. The coil surrounds one magnetic pole and is encircled by the prolongation of the other. Or, both poles may be encircled by a double or compound coil; or the pole may be divided into parts which are surrounded with moving coils. Preferably, the coil is mounted upon a fine elastic sheet or membrane in a state of tension“ as a drum head." The membrane is enclosed in an air-tight chamber, which it divides into two parts as a diaphragm. From each compart- ment of the chamber, a tube leads to a smaller chamber whose free end is closed by another membrane. The movements of the drum heads of the smaller chambers are proportionate to that of the coil. 2nd. The conducting wire in the coil is of magnesium or alaminiam. 3rd. The coil carries a light capillary siphon pen to make the signals; the other end of the pen dips into a fluid ink composed of distilled water, glycerine and aniline dye. 4th. The earth current is utilised, so that the disturbing force compensates itself on the receiving instrument. A large magnetic needle is placed within suitable coils, so that the blow action of the earth currents deflects the needle and the rapid signal currents have no action upon it. The deflection thus produced opposes an effect proportionate to the earth current, in the opposite direction, either by means of a magnetic adjustment, as in No. 2617, A.D. 1855, or by means of coils with their terminals in mercury, which conducts the current and acts as a damper to the vibrations of the coil. [Printed, 18. 8d. Drawings.] a 112 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1871, August 18.–No. 2172. WHEATSTONE, Sir CHARLES, and STROH, JOHN MATTHIAS AUGUSTUS.—(Provisional protection only.) -" Electro-magnetic “ telegraphic apparatus.” 1st. In step-by-step telegraphs, the heavy pointer of a large dial can be moved as rapidly as the indicator of a small dial. The propelment of the pointer is transferred to the action of maintaining power. The work performed by the transmitted currents is limited to the controlling of the escape wheel. To obviate the retarding effect due to the weight of the pointer, gearing with stopping arm is used with a fixed pointer, or a notch and escape-wheel pin may be employed with a counterbalanced loose pointer. 2nd. Type-printing telegraphs. The first part of the in- vention, as described above, regulates the motion of the type wheel. The stamping wheel has separate maintaining power which acts automatically. The ink is supplied to the type wheel by means of a brush-inking wheel. 3rd. A switch, consisting of a series of studs, is so disposed that, on the pressure of any one key, the current is diverted into a new channel, and at the same time diverted from the previous channel. The studs are in connection with springs with which they may make contact, but, as the position of the studs is controlled by a chain of fixed length passing over rollers, as in No. 1241, A.D. 1858, only one contact can be made at the same time. 4th. A wave-line wheel, in connection with a rotating handle, or a wave-line rack, in connection with a pall, serves to actuate the coils of a magneto-electric machine to ring a domestic or other bell. The position of contact springs regulates the passage of the currents into the line. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1871, August 30.—No. 2280. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. (A communication from William Robinson.)-“ Electric gate and signal apparatus for “ railroads." 1st. A lever, depressed by the wheels of a train, actuates the circuit closer of an electro-magnetic apparatus to operate a signal, gate, &c. DIVISION III.— TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 113 A pneu- 2nd. A circuit closer, shifted by the action of the train, returns antomatically to its normal position. The momen- tary carrent attracts the armature of a relay which establishes another circuit passing through the relay coils. 3rd. The relay has a circuit breaker which, after the electro- magnet has attracted its armature, throws a part of the battery a out of the circuit. The circuit breaker is automatically a circuit closer. 4th. Signal mechanism is worked by electro-magnetism. Swinging gates are operated by electric apparatus. matic gate is raised by a weight and lowered by the action of compressed air upon a piston, electric apparatus controlling the outflow of air from its reservoir. 5th. The same current which operates the signal gives notice to way stations of approaching trains. Telegraph poles have an attachment by which the conductor of a wrecked train informs approaching trains of the fact. 6th. An instrument for giving notice, in offices along- the road, of the position and direction of motion of the train. 7th. A drawbridge and switch mechanism, acted upon by the train, to indicate, electrically, the condition of the bridge or switch. 8th. A land slide and overflow signal to give warning of such accidents. [Printed, 28. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, August 30.-No. 2286. LITTLE, GEORGE. “ Electric telegraph apparatus, and circuits for the same.” 1st. In a single-wire telegraph, without local circuits or batteries, in order to leave copies of the message at several stations, a portion of the current is diverted through each receiving instrument, the other portion being allowed to proceed on the main line. The instrument may be in a branch circuit with a resistance and earth connection, or a split circuit, without an earth connection, may be used. 2nd. The transmitting instrument is connected with the main line and with earth. In the line leading to earth is one battery; the other battery is in a circuit united to the earth 114 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. circuit at one side of the instrument and to the main line at the other side. The negative of one battery is connected to the negative of the other. When the transmitting current is interrupted, a reverse current is brought into action, to clear the line, &c. 3rd. The transmitting instrument, in connection with per- forated paper, consists of a plain metal roller and a second roller having numerous yielding projections, which close the circuit by passing through certain perforations. A resistance arrangement consists of a coil and an adjuster sliding in contact with the surface of the coil. It may have two wires. In a recorder, a horizontal fountain pen is vibrated by the electro-magnet. The armature may be withdrawn by a special electro-magnet instead of by a spring. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] . A.D. 1871, September 14.—No. 2418. CLARK, Josian LATIMER, and MUIRHEAD, John, jun. - “ Telegraph instruments." No. 1861, A.D. 1870, is referred to in the first part of this invention. 1st. Instead of using a flexible supply tube for the ink, in recording instruments, the ink vessel is spherical and is mounted on pivots. A marking tube is fixed to the ink vessel, which is caused to rock and to mark the travelling paper by means of an electro-magnet. The ink vessel is filled from an open reservoir. In another form, the ink may be supplied by a pump-like apparatus placed below the ink vessel. 2nd. The roller round which the paper passes is connected with the handle that stops and starts the clockwork, in such a manner that when the machine is stopped, the roller is withdrawn from its proximity to the pen point. 3rd. For giving electrical signals by sound, a hammer strikes a flat plate, the whole being enclosed in a sounding board, reflector, or frame to confine the sound and reflect it in one direction only. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 115 a A.D. 1871, September 15.-No. 2435. HUNT, BRISTOW.-(4 communication from George Lee Anders and Ebenezer Baker Welch.)—“ Electric printing telegraph “ instruments," &c. In this invention, two separate messages are transmitted simultaneously over one line wire. Two printing apparatus are arranged in one instrument, and their “magnetic attachment” is included in one circuit. Two of these double instruments are placed at stations apart from each other, one at one station, the other at the other station; they are connected by a single line wire and earth connections. Each instrument includes the motor, commutator, and key-board of a transmitting apparatus. The commutator of one instrument transmits positive currents, and causes the printing of one message at the distant station; that of the other instrument transmits negative currents and causes the printing of the other message at the distant station. The printing mechanism of each instrument consists of a permanent magnet together with two electro-magnets, one responding to positive currents, the other to negative; the printing mechanism consists also of a type wheel, a crank to reciprocate a lower slide plate, an upper slide plate (locked with the lower when currents pass), catches with retaining stops, paper presses to hold the paper against the type wheel, pins, bell crank levers, and feed plates. Two paper strips are thus operated simultaneously, one by one press, the other by the other press. (Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1871, September 16.- No. 2441. VEILLET, ADRIEN, and VERNY, CHARLES.—-(Provisional protection only.)—“ A system of electric signals for preventing railway accidents.” Two ordinary electric conductors proceed along the rail. way line; they are placed lower than the steps of the car. riages and are in disconnected sections. The end of each length of one conducting wire corresponds to the centre of each length of the other and parallel conducting wire. An apparatus is fixed to the tender by means of which the galvanic battery and bells of each train are put into connec- 116 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. tion with the successive sections. This apparatus is either a metallic brush, a spring pulley, a chain palley, or a metallic tassel. By this method two trains cannot approach each other on the same section without informing each other recipro- cally. Besides the above-mentioned conducting wires for signalling between trains, a third wire is placed along the railway line, the function of which is to permit each train to signal to stations, or to tell the position of points or switches in advance. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, September 20.-No. 2472. MILES, NATHANIEL.—(Provisional protection only.)—“ Bell, gong, or alarum table.” One method of working the bell is “ by means of electro- magnetic agency, or by electricity, or galvanism," in con- nection with pulls, keys, or knobs. “An ordinary single stroke action” is fixed under the table “to sound the bell in such a manner that it can be “ made to act by pressing or pulling a communicator attached to the table, the electricity for ringing the bell being ob. “ tained from a set of constant acting galvanic batteries “ which are attached to the table or placed in any convenient part of the room or apartment.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1871, September 21.-No. 2488. GARDNER, CHARLES HENRY.—(A communication from Victor Eugene Mauger.)–(Provisional protection only.) —"Composing “ and distributing type,” &c. Electro-magnetic power is used for this purpose. A magnet draws the types in proper order from their receptacles and conveys them to grippers which take and retain them so as to place them into a printer's form. Or, the bottom of the form may be made magnetic, to draw the types from convey- ing tubes and hold them properly upright. To enable the type to be subjected to electro-magnetic influence, a wire or piece of iron or steel is inserted in its base; these types may be used to be readily retained in the galleys and forms even DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 117. without connection with the setting or composing machine or the distributing machine. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, October 2.-No. 2596. VARLEY, THEOPHILUS, and VARLEY, FREDERICK HENRY.- “ Electric telegraphs,” &c. 1st. Transmitting keys.-In these instruments, the knock contact and rubbing contact are combined. The double. current key has levers insulated from each other but in con- nection with the handle of the key. Upright pieces are attached to the levers and carry blocks of an angular form. When the key lever is raised, two back contact screws are in contact with the blocks, when the key is depressed, the levers are in contact with two front contact screws. The blocks have springs which assist their rubbing action. A single current key is made upon similar principles, but the blocks are rectangular. 2nd. Relays.-A double electro-magnet has two armatures, one to transcribe the signals, the other to regulate the amount of electricity flowing round the electro-magnets by shunting the excess of electric force. In another instance, a resistance is introduced by the armature of the second electro-magnet. Residual magnetism is overcome by using helices without iron cores, in combination with a magnetic armature. To obtain uniform adjustment for the armatures, the rela- tive difference of tension between two springs is kept the same by means of levers. 3rd. Receivers.--The recording of signals on a moving strip of paper is by means of a pencil. The pencil is a cylinder of plumbago or of any of the solid inks. The cylinder is pressed against a stop, and the tube containing the pencil revolves, so as to keep it always pointed. An armature lever raises the paper strip against the point of the pencil. In the driving train, a gyroscopic governor is used, in which the rate of rotation is regulated by the retardation of the air against a disc piston. Fluids may be used instead of air. Another plan is to rotate a screw fan in a box with adjustable apertures. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] 118 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1871, October 13,-No. 2721. ZANNI, GEMINIANO.—“Magnetic bells and signals,” &c. The motion of the coils of a magneto-electric machine to ring a vibrating bell is caused by moving a crank handle half a revolution. The axis of the handle is connected to the axis of the coils by spur-wheel gear. In another plan, a pull or rod is used. A toothed rack on the rod drives a pinion to rotate the coils. A burglary alarum is worked by a weighted cord passing over a pulley on the axis of the magneto-electric machine ; one end of the cord is attached to the door or window to be protected. In a fire alarum, the apparatus may be set in motion at a given temperature by the expansion of mercury. The magneto-electric machine may be worked by a spring barrel and train of wheels. The pinion which rotates the coils actuates a stop wheel, the motion of which is arrested by an arm carried by lever which is connected by a cord to a door or window to give signals of fire or burglary. This invention is applicable to domestic, railway, or other purposes. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A " A.D. 1871, October 20.-No. 2800. HENLEY, WILLIAM THOMAS, and HORSTMAN, HENRY.- self-acting method of signalling by magneto-electric apparatus." An armature is attached to an engine, brake, or other moving body and passes over a fixed magnet, thereby gene- rating a momentary electric current in the coils surrounding the armature or magnet and transmitting a signal to a distant receiving or recording instrument. This arrangement may be used to detect burglary and is applicable to wheels, turnstiles, gates, and the like. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, October 27.-No. 2883. DE ZUCCATO, EUGENIO.--" Making and copying drawings " and writings." 66 DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 119 The drawing is made with a style upon the coated surface of a metallic plate, so as to remove the non-conducting coating according to the marks of the style. Upon a sheei of tin, sheets of soaked paper are laid, and the above-mentioned plate is placed on the top ; the whole is pressed in an ordinary copying press and the metallic sheet and plate are respec- tively connected up in a galvanic circuit, so that the plate is the positive pole and the sheet the negative pole. The non-conducting coating is a varnish or alcoholic solu- tion of resin ; the metallic plate is made of steel with a zinc border; and the solution for soaking the paper contains " prussiate of potash, muriatic or nitric acid and gum arabic." The copy produced upon the sheets of paper by the electro- deposition of the chemical solution is blue in colour. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, October 27.-No. 2890. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. - (4 communication from Bernard Meyer and Jonas Haas.) “ Electric telegraph " apparatus." This invention relates to apparatus for transmitting several messages at one time through a single wire and without preliminary composition ; it is applicable to printing, writing, and other telegraphic apparatus. The principle of the invention is based upon the equal division, amongst several operators, of the time usually em- ployed in sending a single message. The emissions of the current are successive and distinct and are received or collected in the receiving instrument by a distributor which apportions the currents to the divisions of the receiving instrument appropriated to each operator. A clockwork arrangement operates all the receiving apparatus. To maintain the concordance of the manipulator and the receiver at the distant station, an electro-magnetic correcting apparatus is applied to the shaft which carries the pen or marking instrument, so that the receiver cannot work more or less quickly than the transmitter. In the transmitter, there is a manipulator and a distributor. The manipulator sends dots and dashes by means of four long 120 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. keys and four short ones. The distributor is a fixed metallic cylinder having a contact roller. The cylinder has as many insulated proportional parts as there are transmitters in the apparatus ; each part is divided into sections and spaces, by which the dots and dashes are conveyed to each particular instrument in turn. The receiver has a helix divided into as many separate parts as there are separate messages to be received ; at each revolu. tion, the helix marks a signal or letter transversely on the paper. A chemical receiver and a relay are also described. [Printed, 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, November 10.-No. 3036. HOLLMANN, HEINRICH LUDWIG. — (Provisional protection only.)—“ Electric telegraphs applicable to both land and “ submarine wires." A relay is employed which allows land and submarine lines to be worked by the same system. The coil of the signal instrument is vertically suspended between the poles of a permanent magnet; inside the coil is a core which admits of the free oscillation of the coil. Con. nected to the coil by a fibre is a platinum hammer, balanced at the shorter end, so as to keep the longer arm (when at rest) nearly in a vertical position. The hammer is connected to one battery pole, its anvil to the other. For long lines, the anvil may be covered with chemically-prepared paper, A self-acting Morse instrument, adapted for double current, put in circuit between hammer and anvil, reproduces the signal given through the cable and allows of the signals being sent to a more distant station. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, November 16.—No. 3108. HASELTINE, GEORGE. (A communication from Calvin Christy Rowell and William Duncan.) —" Electro-magnetic apparatus for protecting safes." · The safe is combined with an electric circuit, in which there is a galvanic battery, a magnetic coil and armatures, DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 121 together with an alarum apparatus. The action of this arrangement is such that the opening of the door, or the perforation of the walls of the safe or of the surrounding case, when the alarum is set, will break the circuit and sound the alarum. The walls of the surrounding case and of the safe enclose a space or spaces from which the air is exhausted. If a break or perforation be made in the surrounding case, the rush of air causes a disc to collapse and to break the circuit. To make the safe secure, more circuit wires than one, and an assemblage of magnets and armatures, are used. Clockwork and double gongs are in connection with the electric circuit; there is also a second alarum gong. The clockwork has two or more driving springs in case one should break. Part of the alarum box is constructed of a series of perforated plates to emit the sound of the alarum. A perfo- rated plate and stud are so placed that if the plate be moved inwards, the circuit will be broken. A lock locks the alarum box, connects and disconnects the armature lever and controls the movement of the clockwork. In a modification, only the door is protected, in a similar manner to that above described. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, December 18.–No. 3430. NEWTON, ALFRED VINCENT.—(4 communication from Charles Rollin Otis and Norton Prentiss Otis.)-" Hoisting apparatus," &c. A part of this invention consists of an 'annunciator" (operated by electricity) in the cage of a hoisting apparatus, to signal to the operator in the cage, from any one of the floors in the building, the particular floor the cage is next required at, so that the operator may control the motion of the cage accordingly. An electric circuit is established with a galvanic battery, with circuit closers, one on each floor, and with the annun. ciator in the cage. Each circuit closer has its corresponding electro-magnet in the annunciator and is thereby enabled to show its particular signal when it is touched. 1 2 2 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. To make electrical connection with the annunciator, a flexible tube containing the conductors is affixed to the cage; by this means provision is made for the movement of the cage. [Printed, 18. 8d. Drawings.] > A.D. 1871, December 30.-No. 3521. LECLANCHÉ, GEORGE LIONEL.–An“ electrical contact for “ clockwork or other applications." By this invention, a metallic contact is obtained without oxidation and which is independent of the pressure of the surfaces. An hermetically closed glass barrel is formed of two halves united by flanges and separated by a glass partition, which has a hole bored through it at a certain distance from its centre. The barrel contains sufficient mercury to half fill each compartment, together with a gaseous or liquid reducing agent, such as hydrogen, alcohol, benzine, &c. Instead of the reducing agent a vacuum may be made. The mercury of each compartment is connected with one of the poles of a galvanic battery. At each revolution of the barrel, the two bodies of mercury are united and contact is made. By using a low level of mercury and two holes in the par. tition, contact may be obtained at each half rotation of the barrel. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 1872 6 A.D. 1872, January 1.---No. 4. HIGHTON, HENRY.-" Electric telegraphs." The gold leaf galvanoscope described in No. 11,070, A.D. 1846, is adapted for use in this invention. The object of this invention is to signal by means of sub. marine or other telegraph lines which are imperfectly insu- lated. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 123 The above-mentioned gold leaf galvanoscope requires only feeble currents of low intensity to work it. The gold leaf in the telegraphic circuit is enclosed by flat glasses and is exposed to the action of a powerful electro-magnet. The apparent motion of the gold leaf is increased by means of lenses; or, an enlarged image of the gold leaf may be thrown upon a screen ; or the signals may be registered photographically upon photographic paper having continuous motion. In another plan a galvanometer is used; it has thick and long wire enveloping a thin sheet of soft iron. The earth connection may be by means of a hot solution. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] а 66 A.D. 1872, January 10.–No. 81. HARLING, ERNEST JOHN.-"Telegraphic apparatus." This invention is applicable to single needle instruments and to " clear and block” and recording instruments. "Instead of the magnetic needle mounted and arranged as heretofore, a soft iron ball, which may be either solid or hollow, is suspended between the arms of a permanent “ horse-sboe magnet, such ball being used for the same pur- poses as the needle hitherto employed. The ball is formed “ with a diaphragm therein of brass or other suitable insu- lating substance, the same being placed either vertically “ or horizontally." A soft-iron ring, with diaphragm, may be substituted for the ball. This apparatus is "less subject to be deranged by atmo. spheric and other disturbing influences than any of the " arrangements previously employed for the like purposes." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, January 13.-No. 108. BAGGS, ISHAM.—"Cutting, marking, stamping, and pro- ducing lines, indentations, and devices on metallic and other surfaces." These effects are produced by electro-magnetism. An engraved plate, having its lines filled with non-con- ducting varnish, is moved by mechanical means underneath a 124 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. tracer which has motion in a direction at right angles to that of the plate. Similar motion is given to the plate to be engraved and to the diamond, pecker, or other engraving point. To the latter point an armature is attached, so that the pattern surface, tracing point, and electro-magnet of the armature are all included in the same electric circuit. Thus, whenever the pattern plate is in metallic contact with the tracer, the armature holds the engraving point away from the plate to be engraved; but where the design prevents metallic contact, the engraving point falls and produces a fac simile of the design on the pattern plate. Any surface, which presents topical conduction and non- conduction, is available as a pattern. In a modification, the electric contacts may produce the marks and the non-conducting parts of the copy the whites. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, January 25.-No. 255. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. - (A communication from Ludovic Charles Adrien Joseph Guyot d'Arlincourt.)—“ Electro- magnets applicable for use in electric and electro-telegraphic apparatus." No. 1920, A.D. 1869, is alluded to in this invention. The invention consists :- 1st. In improvements upon the system of electro-magnets trented of in No. 1920, A.D. 1869.-Electro-magnetic coils are combined with a permanent or polarised magnet, or with an electro-magnet round which a permanent current passes. The coil or coils is or are disposed conjointly, end to end, with an oscillating tongue or pallet alternately attracted and repelled. Immediately the exciting current of the electro-magnet ceases, the inverse magnetic effect is produced. A reverse current repels the pallet; at its cessation, the pallet is attracted. The pallet may be magnetised. If non-polarised iron be used, the residuary magnetism may be utilised. And. Improrements in telegraphic apparatus by the use of the above-mentioned electro-magnets.— The abore arrange- ment may be employed as a relay. In translators, a soft-iron jullet and spring is used. The line-wire circuit may be dis- charged by a vibrating pallet, by a local current, or, at the DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 125 transmitter, by a discharging battery and small additional relays. In translating relays, the battery current, before entering the line-wire, passes to electro-magnets in which the pallet has a bias to one side. Two pallets may be operated at the same time, by the same electro-magnet, to make two contacts at one time. Inverted horse-shoe electro-magnets may be employed, the shank end acting on the pallet. (Printed, 28. Drawings.} A.D. 1872, January 31.—No. 304. RAULT, LEON, and CHASSAN, EUGÈNE.—“Telegraphic " printing apparatus." Inking the paper.—The ink is directly deposited, from a closed reservoir, upon the band of paper. The reservoir is a cylinder composed of two hollow portions, placed one against the other and in contact by their edges where there is a pro- tuberance from which the ink is supplied to the paper. Advancing the paper.—A toothed wheel catches the band. A curved spring presser maintains the paper under the action of the toothed wheel. The paper passes between two small cylinders, which act as a guide. The parts for the inking and travelling of the band are placed above the gearing and between the plates. A flat spring, controlled by a cam, produces the action of the armature. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, February 15.-No. 473. WHEATSTONE, Sir CHARLES, and STROH, John MATTHIAS Augustus.—" Electro-magnetic telegraphs,” apparatus, &c. No. 1241, A.D. 1858, is alluded to. The propelment of a fixed heavy index hand or type wheel is transferred to the action of a maintaining power. The transmitted currents control the escape wheel and retard the effect due to the weight of the index hand. A stop is with- drawn at every movement of the pallets. The escape wheel is driven by a spiral spring, which is wound up by the main- taining power. The recoil of the index hand, when suddenly arrested, is prevented by a spring catch with limited motion. A modification, with loose index hand, is described. 126 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, The maintaining power which lifts the hammer of a printing instrument is distinct from that which imparts motion to the type wheel. By this means, the hammer acts immediately upon the type wheel being brought to the required position. To ink the type wheel, an arm revolves in a reservoir, and supplies with ink, periodically, the revolving brush of the type wheel. In transferring electric currents from one line to another by means of finger keys, the elevation of the last used finger key is effected on pressing any other. A chain, fixed at each end, passes alternately over and under pulleys in connection with the finger keys, with only sufficient slack to allow of one key being depressed at a time. See No. 1241, A.D. 1858. Magneto-electric machines for ringing bells are made to occupy a small space so as to be inserted in a wall. In one case, the armature is raised from the cores by cams, arranged in a circle, and actuated by a circular pull. When the poll is direct, the cams are arranged horizontally. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, March 1.-No. 644. SAUNDERS, JOIN BREWER.-"Electrical instruments for "signalling on railways." This invention consists of an arrangement by which the block signal instrument shows, on the dial or screen, whether an up or down train is on line or not.—The blocking of the handle, or the pressing in of the plunger whereby the current is passed, throws up a disc bearing suitable words. In instru. ments worked by a permanent current, the disc remains in position until the block pin is removed, when the disc dis- appears behind the dial plate. When the current is inter- mittent, the pressing in of one of two plungers throws up the disc into position ; the same action with the other plunger displaces it. This invention further consists of an arrangement whereby the blocking pin bears upon it a plate having a suitable inscription to show whether it is the up or down line that is blocked. The pin is so formed that, when placed in the aperture, it can only show in one direction. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.! DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 127 A.D. 1872, March 7.-No. 707. OZANNE, ERNEST.-(Provisional protection only.)—“Opening " and shutting gas valves," &c. Street lamps are lighted and extinguished from a distance by means of this invention. The gas passes to each lamp through a mercurial regulator, which serves as a valve for cutting off the gas. An inverted cup, within the regulating bell, surrounds the inlet passage and is provided with a weight to cut off the supply of gas to the burner. An electro-magnetic apparatus is capable of raising the weight when excited by an electric current, which may be sent through any number of lamps. The gas may be ignited by electric or other means. Sometimes each apparatus, in acting, completes the circuit to the next lamp, and so on throughout the series. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, March 14.-No. 767. SCHANSCHIEFF, ALEXANDER. (A communication from Valentine Haüy.)—“Apparatus for facilitating telegraphic "signalling upon railways." The guard of a train or a signalman may, by this invention, send the news of an accident up and down the line. For this purpose a commutator is fixed in the signalman's box, so that the guard or signalman may instantaneously attach thereto a transmitting instrument which he has in his possession. The commutator consists of three metallic plates insulated from each other; these are held in position by pins with con- cave heads, screwed at the ends so as to establish connection between the instrument and the telegraph line. Electric contact between two of the plates is made by means of a screwed bolt with a cone-shaped plug; the bolt has a shoulder, against which, and the flange of a socket piece, a spring is caused to bear. By this means the line-wire circuit is always complete whether the transmitter is attached or not. The third plate is connected to earth and is used as a lightning conductor. The transmitting instrument for attachment to the com- mutator consists of appliances enclosed in a box. The box contains the “coils of an electrometer," the armature of which 128 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. is put into contact by one or other of a series of discs which are attached to a sleeve capable of being slid along a shaft to bring a pointer opposite to the division of the plate on which the signal to be communicated is engraved. On turning a handle, the discs are rotated and the message sent. At the same time the message is recorded upon a ribbon of paper brought into contact with a printing roller. The feet of the instrument are placed in the concave heads of the pins of the commutator. Pins, sliding in concentric or radial slots, may be substituted for the discs. [Printed, 28. 6d. Drawings.] а A.D. 1872, March 14.–No. 769. SCHANSCHIEFF, ALEXANDER. (A communication from Valentine Haüy.)—“ Apparatus for receiving telegraphic “ signals and despatches." In this invention, the springs and clockwork in the Morse receiver are dispensed with. The maintaining power consists of one or more weights, suspended by an endless cord, which is passed round or over pulleys. To check and regulate the rotation of the set of pulleys, one pulley is on the shaft of a wheel with blades that dip into a trough of water, the depth of immersion of the blades being adjustable. The movement of the paper strip and ink roller is accom- plished by the weight; that of the style by the receiving electro-magnets, the style being attached to a rod in connec. tion with the armature. Thus all the parts of the receiver work simultaneonsly. The cylinder for receiving the paper ribbon is driven by friction and has a screw thread on its axis which gives it a delicate to-and-fro horizontal adjustment. Guides and ad- justments are furnished to the electro-magnetic part of the instrument. The ink box is partially open at the top for the ink roller to work in for printing the paper, the other part being closed in, so that, when the table top is lifted, the ink flows into the closed portion. [Printed, 38. Drawings.] DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 129 A.D. 1872, March 14.-No. 779. MEWBURN, JOHN CLAYTON.-(A communication from Jean Theodore Fastré) — (Provisional protection only.) — “ Safety “ thermometer or alarm apparatus for steam boilers and other purposes.” In this invention, air dilates with elevation of temperature and, at a certain temperature, raises a column of mercury so as to cover the points of two separate platinum wires con- nected to the electrodes of a galvanic battery, in the circuit of which is an alarum. A reservoir of air is terminated by a long S tube containing mercury; at its end, the tube unites with a long cap con- taining free air. A small claw, at the edge of the cap, maintains rigidly two platinum wires at the same pre- arranged level in the cup. In applying this aero-electric thermometer to steam boilers, the air reservoir is horizontal and the S tube has one leg long enough to pass through the side of the boiler, termin- ating outside in the S shape and uniting with the cup. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 6 A.D. 1872, March 18.-No. 807. GRAHAM, DAVID, jun.-" Electric bell apparatus.” Two or more circuit wires are combined with a single electric bell and with an indicating apparatus. The bell is in the return wire or circuit from the indicating apparatus to the battery. The indicator consists of a case, the front of which has a number of vertical grooves, and knobs sliding in the grooves, corresponding to the number of touches or wires in connection with one bell. When the circuit of any particular knob is completed, the electro-magnet behind it removes a catch and allows the knob to drop down its groove and thus to signal the place where attention is required; the knob is returned to its upper position by the attendant. The touch or fixed contact maker consists of an elastic metallic diaphragm, which is fixed over a cavity in a piece of wood that carries a metal button. The circuit wires are re- spectively connected with the diaphragm and with the button, R 705, E 130 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. so that the pressure of a knob on the diaphragm completes the circuit. Screw clips may be secured to the fixed contact maker, so that a portable contact maker may be connected thereto, if necessary. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1872, March 19.-No. 823. HOLTEN, Soros EMIL.—(A communication from Rasmus Malling Hansen and C. P.Jürgensen.)—“ Writing instruments applicable for reporting,” &c. A half spherical ball has spring pistons which pass throngb it. The ends of the pistons stand in a straight line or in two or more straight lines, so that the ends of one line do not come transversely opposite the ends of another line. Each piston bas a knob marked with a letter of the alphabet. The bottom of each piston forms a blunt point. On depressing a piston against a band of white paper, it indents it. The paper is conductive of electricity and is propelled in a direction perpendicular to the row of pistons, either by clockwork or by electro-magnetism. A series of stationary metal points, equal in number to the number of pistons, is arranged in a diagonal direction under the paper, so that the indents made during the movement of the paper coincide with and touch the metal points. Each metal point is in connection with an electro-magnet, the armature of which, at its prolonged end, carries a type corre- sponding to that on the piston. When the electro-magnets are excited, the types make impressions on one edge of the paper band through the intervention of a carbonised strip of paper moved by the clockwork in a direction perpendicular to that of the paper band. The type ends of the electro- magnets stand in a row along one edge of the paper band ; the piston points and the type ends are thus at right angles to each other. The indents formed in the paper by the depression of the pistons are brought into contact with the stationary metal points as the paper is moved; the corresponding electro- magnets are excited and the types on their keepers impressed on the paper. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 131 66 9 A.D. 1872, March 19.-No. 828. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(communicatios from George Baker Field and Elisha Whittelsey Andrews.)—" Printing telegraphs." This invention relates to improvements in printing tele- graphs with two adjacent type wheels, as in that described in No. 1400, A.D. 1871. The type wheel shaft is supported upon the pointed ends of screws. A hinged link is employed between the T-lever and the part to be moved. The inking roller is made of discs of woven cloth clamped between heads. The screw on the shaft which acts as a unison is separate from the type wheels and is attached thereto by a pin which acts as a stop for the swinging lever. The paper is advanced during the upward movement of the printing lever. The electro-magnets are adjustable. The shield is a three-sided spring plate. The type wheels may be contractable, or, being attached to the shaft by slots and screws, they may be lifted by a spring, so as to put either type wheel out of action. The type be moved by separate step-by-step motions, one type wheel being stationary at zero. A transverse bolt, in the armature lever, unlocks either step-by-step motion; the bolt is under the control of the sender, either from the impres- sion magnet or from a separate magnet. The machines may be arranged so that the transmitter may send the message to one station only. This is accomplished by a notched disc on the type wheel shaft and other accessories. The same armature may move the type wheel and feed the paper. T'he feeding of the paper is accomplished by a polar- ised stop, which limits the movement of the armature to one tooth at a time. The drawing aside of the stop allows the armature to effect the printing. Other details are described in this Specification. [Printed, ls. 22. Drawings.] wheels may A.D. 1872, March 19.- No. 829. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from George Baker Field and Elisha Whittelsey Andrews.)“ Printing telegraphs." 44 E 2 132 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The instrument is a transmitting as well as a receiving instrument. “When used as a transmitting instrument a small magnetic “ motor driven by a local battery makes and breaks the main “ circuit by a rotary pulsator, and the pulsations operate through a magnet in the transmitting machine and also in “ the receiving machine or machines to rotate the type “ wheels by a step-by-step movement, and the type wheels “ bence move in harmony." The depression of a finger key stops the type wheel of the transmitting instrument and thus causes the simultaneous stoppage of pulsations over the main line and the arresting of all the type wheels. During the paase, the printing circuit is closed and the impression is made. The movement of the impression lever breaks the printing circuit until the type wheel is moved again, when a switch closes the printing circuit ready for the next stoppage of the type wheel. The pulsator is a cylinder with alternate conducting and non-conducting surfaces. It is stopped by the key acting on the type wheel shaft. The pulsators at the receiving stations are disconnected, and that at the transmitting station is the only one in operation. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, March 23.-No. 886. OWEN, CHARLES.—(Provisional protection only.)—"Prevention “ of accidents in railway tunnels.” At each end of the tunnel is fixed an electric bell, and above each line of rails a signal. A second line of insulated rails is parallel to the ordinary rails. Or, the ordinary rails may, for the length of the tunnel, be disconnected and insulated from the earth. By one terminal, each bell is connected by a conductor with the pole of a galvanic battery. The other terminal is connected with one of the lines of rails. The other battery pole is connected with the other line of rails. The circuit is completed by spring plates on the engine or carriage; the plates press upon the line of rails. When the engine enters DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 133 the tonnel, the circuit is completed, the alarm bells ring, and the signals fall at each end of the tunnel. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, March 26.-No. 917. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD.-(4 communication from Georg Schneider.) — (Provisional protection only.) — “ Telegraphic apparatus.” 1st. Cutting the ordinary Morse signals through strips of paper to transmit the electric signals.—The strip of blank paper to be perforated is drawn at a uniform speed over the face of a fixed stud. A rotating cutter wheel is mounted beneath this stud and is carried on the end of an axis mounted upon arms projecting from one side of a rocking shaft. Another arm projecting from the opposite side of the rocking shaft carries the keeper of an electro-magnet. When a current of electricity is passed round the electro-magnet, by means of a Morse key, the cutter will cut co corresponding perforations in the travelling paper strip. 2nd. Transmitting the Morse signals, perforated as above, to a distant station.–Upon the drawing of the paper strip, at a uniform speed, through a transmitting instrument which acts upon the principle of automatically breaking the electric current, the Morse signals are transmitted according to the perforations in the paper strip. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, March 30.-No. 949. BAILEY, WILLIAM HENRY." Apparatus for indicating “ heat." This invention relates to a pyrometer in which the expansion of a platinum rod actuates the indicating mechanism, For recording the temperature of a hot blast or other Auids or liquids in motion, a damper is opened periodically by means of a clock in connection with an electro-magnet. When the damper is open, the blast is admitted to the pyro- meter. The electric current is established periodically by means of a cam on the hour or minute hand spindle of the clock. The cam, at certain intervals, depresses a spring rod, 134 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. which completes an electric circuit and excites the electro- magnet. When excited, the electro-magnet attracts an armature lever which withdrawe the damper until the electric contact is broken by the further revolution of the cam axis. The temperature is recorded by means of a toothed rack in gear with a pinion connected to the index spindle of the pyrometer; the rack carries a pencil which moves over a drum revolved by the clockwork mechanism. [Printed, 18. 41. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, April 4.-No. 990. ROSSIGNOL, ALEXANDRE AMÉDÉE.—“ Apparatus for tracing “ music played on the pianoforte," &c. Strokes are formed in various lengths and in two colors. The duration of the note is indicated by the length of the stroke and its value by the position of the stroke. Thus the piece of music is marked, or traced, so that the composer may play it again or copy it in the ordinary manner. Spring mechanism rotates a metallic cylinder over which a strip of prepared paper passes. The cylinder is connected to the negative pole of a galvanic battery. Iron and brass points are insulated from each other and are connected to the positive battery pole. The brass points trace, in red, the stave lines of continuous length. The iron points mark, in blue, notes of music or other signs according to the key depressed by the player. The wire which conducts the current to the brass points, passes round the electro-magnet of a bell arrangement; by this means, when the paper is torn, or the supply fails, the current passes directly into the metallic cylinder, and, by establishing a sufficiently strong current, sets the bell in action. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, April 20.-No. 1189. DOUBELT, MICHEL. (A communication from Pierre Kniaghininsky, Nicolas Sewastganoff and Dmitry Dornowo.)— (Provisional protection only.) —"Transmission and registration “ of telegraphic despatches." DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 135 This invention relates to a printer in wbich one distinct signal is transmitted by each manipulation of the apparatus. A revolving cylinder has, say, twelve divisions along its length and forty round its circumference. Some divisions are enamelled, the rest have the metal exposed ; it is connected with the forked armature of an electro-magnet by clutch wheel gear. Eleven metal hooks pressed against each side of the divided cylinder (twenty-two hooks in all) are connected by conducting wires to the keys of the keyboard. The two end keys are connected to the positive pole of the battery, the other twenty keys to the negative pole. One of the end keys and the key bearing the signal being pressed sends the signal desired. The printing of the message is effected by a wheel on the same axis as the cylinder. The wheel is mounted directly over another wheel keyed to an axis beneath that of the cylinder. On the lower wheel is a stop which comes into contact with the upper wheel during its revolution. This system is intended to be used in submarine or under- ground lines. With modifications, it is applicable to land lines. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, April 22.-No. 1207. LITTLE, GEORGE. “Electric telegraph apparatus” and “ circuits employed in telegrapbing." No. 2286, A.D. 1871, is referred to. In a transmitter, perforated paper is moved along by a roller and delivered by a thin blade running in a groove. The roller is propelled by an electro-magnetic engine with revolving armatures and stationary electro-magnets; the shaft of the electro-magnetic engine is insulated and a yielding pressure, and friction from a screw, regulates its speed. In the transmitting part of the instrument, small rollers on spring arms transmit the pulsations. This instrument may be used for receiving by substituting a style for the small roller and a strip of chemical paper for the perforated paper. The roller or style may be mounted on an adjustable armature. To ascertain that the line is in working order, a galvanometer has its needle hung in a tube filled with alcohol. To regulate 136 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. the force of the current, an adjustable rheostat, like that set forth in No. 2286, A.D. 1871, is used; it may have two parts connected together and other distinctive features. To vibrate an armature without using a retractile spring, two electric circuits are employed; details are given suitable to sounders, &c. The circuit for the receiving instrument, on land lines, is operated by the movement of the armature. The line being normally charged, the indication may be made by a short circuit at the transmitting station. In submarine circuits, the transmitter draws from a condenser at the distant station. The chemical paper may be a sheet instead of a strip; the characters run alternately from side to side. The chemical paper contains iodide of potassium and starch ; or chloride of calcium, ferro-cyanide of potassium, chromic acid and chloride of sodium may be used with an iron style. The perforator has a series of punches, keys, and a sliding bar vibrated by electro-magnetism. The special features of this invention consist of the abore points together with numerous details. [Printed, 4s. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, April 26.-No. 1253. OPPENHEIMER, Joseph. -- (Provisional protection only.)- JOSEPH -- “ Recording votes” and “apparatus connected therewith.” A lobby is divided into compartments, one to each candi- date. Beneath each name is a knob. The voter presses a knob in accordance with his desire to vote. The knob is held by mechanical means until it is released as hereinafter set forth. The pressure of the knob causes an electric bell to ring, informing the returning officer that a vote has been given. When the voter has given all the votes he is entitled to, he completes an electric circuit which locks all the other knobs by electro-magnetism. “The voter having passed out “ of the voting apartment the official unlocks all the knobs by “ the aforesaid means and they are then ready for another “ voter.” When a knob is thrust in, an electric or mechanical arrangement effects another operation, namely, the corres- ponding movement of the pointer of a "count.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9 DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 137 A.D. 1872, April 27.-No. 1271. RICHARD, JOSEPH SIGISBERT.–Stopping warping or beam. ing machines upon the breaking of a thread, &c. A forked instrument hanging on the thread, combined with mercury troughs in circuit with a galvanic battery and an electro-magnet, enables the breaking of the thread to complete the electric circuit by which the armature is attracted and the stopping apparatus is actuated. In one case, the stopping apparatus consists of a hammer which is allowed to fall, when the armature is attracted, and to knock away the knocking off lever out of a retaining notch in the frame of the machine, thereby shifting the driving strap from the fast to the loose pulley. In another method, a bar carries a friction roller that, by means of two other rollers, communicates motion to the machine. A helical spring on the bar is prevented from withdrawing the friction roller from contact with the other rollers until the armature is attracted, when the roller is withdrawn and the machine is stopped. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1872, May 10.--No. 1428. HIGHTON, HENRY.-" Electric telegraphs.” A relay telegraph instrument consists of a gold leaf in the line-wire circuit; the gold leaf is in a magnetic field and its deflection completes the circuit of a secondary battery and recorder or relay. To diminish the effects of a spark upon the gold leaf, a shunt, such as a length of fine wire, is inserted in the secondary circuit. The gold leaf may complete a secondary circuit with a stonter gold leaf; this secondary circuit works a tertiary circuit in which is a receiving instrument. To avoid sparks, instead of including an electro-magnet in the secondary circuit, a needle suspended in a coil may make contacts for a tertiary circuit. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a 138 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 66 A.D. 1872, May 11.-No. 1439. RAY, ANTOINE.—(A communication from Julien Jules Duchamp.) -(Provisional protection only.)—" Transmitting telegraphic signals by the employment of two corrents." This system consists :-“1°, to keep up along the line during all the time of the transmission, as its name indi. " cates a constant current which has no other end but to “ annul all the resistances, otherwise to suppress both the “ variable period and the return corrent; 2°, to throw along "s this line, and in the same sense as the constant corrent, a “ broken current, the function of which is to transmit the "signals; 3° to place under the pliable iron bars of the electro-magnet of the receptor such a magnet as it might “ neutralize the magnetism produced into the helix by the passage of the constant current." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1872, May 13.-No. 1453. EDISON, THOMAS ALVA.-"Printing telegraphs." A transmitting instrument or pulsator consists of an electro- magnetic engine, made of a shaft and armature revolved by stationary electro-magnets, which gives motion by a friction clutch to a circuit breaker of alternate conducting and non-conducting material. The type wheel at the distant station is moved round by these pulsations in unison with a revolving arm at the transmitter. The depression of a finger key stops the pulsator and the type wheel; the printing circuit, which may be a relay circuit, is then brought into action. A governor regulates the speed of the pulsator by short-circuiting. When many printers are worked in several circuits by one transmitter, short relay magnets with slotted cores and relay circuits may be employed. At a certain position of the type wheels, either type wheel may be brought into action by the printing electro-magnet. If the armature of the printing electro-magnet be permanently magnetised, one type wheel will be brought into action by a positive current, the other by a negative. In another instance, the spaces between the types are utilised for this purpose. In another case, the printing levers have separate pads. The DIVISION 111.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 139 resistance to the movement of the printing lever may be by a weight, a spring, or an air cylinder. To bring all the type wheels to a harmonious starting point, the continued rotation of the type wheel brings an arm into the path of a stop. Or, à tooth may be removed from the driving ratchet wheel for this purpose. The paper is drawp along by a swinging claw pressed upon the paper by a spring ; the movement is by means of a swinging segment. Other details and modifications are put forth. [Printed, 26. 2d. Dravings.] A.D. 1872, May 15.-No. 1481. DE MIGNOT, AUGUSTE VOLEY, and GANTER, JACQUES.- Using gas pressure as a motive power. When the pressure in the main receiver becomes greater than that in the combustion chamber, which occurs when the gas does not burn, an electric circuit is completed which sounds an alarm. The completion of the circuit is accom- plished by a valve with a rod and catch. So long as the pressure of the combustion chamber exceeds that of the main receiver, the valve is uplifted, the gases pass, and the alarm circuit is broken; if otherwise, the valve lowers, the catch presses on a contact plate, and the alarm is sounded until those cocks are opened and closed that cause the pressure in the combustion chamber to exceed that in the main receiver. [Printed, ls. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, May 18.-No. 1520. CARR, DAVID ALEXANDER, and BARLOW, CRAWFORD PETER. -"Electric distant signal apparatus for railways, to signal to and from a train as it approaches a signal station.” The train announces its approach to the man at the signal station, the signal man then telegraphs to the train, and the signal received by the train is repeated back in the signal station. The warning signal is put into action by means of a spring placed by the side of one of the rails, about a mile from the signal station. Each wheel of the train presses down the spring and thereby moves a contact maker. The conductor 140 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. from the contact maker to the signal station is connected witk an electro-magnetic instrument at the signal station, so that it gives one stroke to a gong for each wheel that passes over the spring. The signal to the train is made by an ordinary contact maker at the signal station and is received on the engine by an instrument with a disc which is moved from its normal position (“stop”) by an electro-magnet (when the contact is made) to the position “go on.” Rollers beneath the rails and bars beneath the engine conduct the current. The engine driver then puts back the screen in front of the disc which the contact has moved together with the disc. To repeat the signal back to the signal station.- When the disc is moved (as above) a contact between the extremities of two other insulated wires is made, so that when the engine arrives twenty yards nearer to the station a similar instru- ment to that on the engine makes a similar signal. These signals may be registered by a time register worked by the clock in the signal station. [Printed, 38. Drawings.] 9 a A.D. 1872, May 20.--No. 1537. CALAHAN, EDWARD AUGUSTINE.—"Electric telegraph signal or alarm apparatus." A signalling instrument is so made that any number of the instruments may be in a circuit in connection with a central apparatus. Each one not in use is short circuited and each instrument shows whether or not the line is clear. The instrument is connected with a local circuit which has a wire extended to any desired part of the house. On the entrance of a burglar, the wire is broken and transmits to a police station a series of persistent signals. Each instrument, in order to signal its locality to the central station, has a break wheel operated by clockwork. The number of notches in the break wheel determines the signal which can be sent. The release of the break wheel breaks the short circuit and transmits the signal. By the depression of a shunt key, the current passes through the electro-magnet only and the armature vibrates if the line be not clear. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 141 In an automatic apparatus, the normal position of the armatare lever is that of contact with the electro-magnet; the rupture of a fine wire (connecting the battery and electro- magnet), by the burglar, releases the break wheel and signals are sent. In another instrument the normal position of the armature lever is that of separation from the electro-magnet. The rupture of the fine wire causes the current to magnetise the electro-magnet, to release the break wheel, and to send the sigual. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, May 22.—No. 1569. SANDERSON, Solomon. — (Provisional protection only.) – “ Fire indicating apparatus." This invention relates to arrangements for actuating a whistle, these arrangements being suitable for the apparatus for extinguishing fires described in No. 1899, A.D. 1871. The whistle is to sound an alarm when opening the cock or valve for letting off steam or other fire extinguishing fluid. The battery, that works the electro-magnet in the former invention, is connected with a special electro-magnet acting on the end of a rocking armature. The other end of the rocking armature is connected with a lever having a balance weight; the lever being attached to the axis of the cock, the combined aetion of the electro-magnet and of the balance Weight opens the cock. In another plan, a clockwork alarum may be released. A weight or spring, held by a pin, is released by the above- mentioned rocking armature, so that it acts upon and rings a bell. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, June 7.-No. 1729. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD.-(A communication from Con. stant Marie Joseph Douillard.) —"Nocturnal telegraphic appa- ratus” for ships at sea, &c. A lantern has a disc, by which the light is flashed and obscured according to the signal to be made. The disc is 142 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. worked by means of an electro-magnetic apparatus. The arma- ture of an electro-magnet, in the lower part of the lantern, is connected by a rod to the lever of the disc. The attraction of the electro-magnet pulls down the dise, so as to prevent the emission of light. Conducting wires extend from the electro-magnet to an instrument for making and breaking electric contact according to the signal to be sent. To the contact instrument a recording apparatus is fitted. A band of paper is moved forwards under pointers; the paper receives a mark in accordance with the signal sent. More lanterns than one may be used. [Printed, ls. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, June 7.-No. 1731. RUSSELL, CHARLES HENRY, and SAX, JULIUS.-Scoring at billiards, indicating the number of games played, &c. In a modification of the apparatus which forms the subject of this invention, the whole apparatus is worked by electro- magnetism. There is one index pointer to each ball and each pointer has its own electro-magnet and gearing The arma- ture carries & pusher, which engages in the teeth of a wheel on the axis of its pointer. The coils of the electro-magnets are respectively in connection with contact knobs fitted in the frame of the billiard table, one knob for each ball. In one arrangement, the connection between the scoring apparatus and the game reckoning apparatus is effeeted by electro-magnetism. A disc is rotated by the gearing of one or other pointer, and is caused to act upon a contact breaker which breaks or makes contact with a game indicating appa- ratas. At every game the circuit is completed and the pointer on the game indicating dial moves one degree or space. This apparatus may be at some distance from the billiard rooms and may act as a tell-tale. [Printed, 28. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, June 10.-No. 1751. NEWTON, HENRY EDWARD.-(A comm amunication from George Harrington.) —“ Mechanism for perforating paper for trans- "mitting telegraphic messages." DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 143 A range of finger keys is employed, one to each letter. The depressing of any one key makes the entire group of perforations necessary for the corresponding letter; it also feeds the paper. Sliding plates, with notches for the finger key levers, are made for each finger key, so that only the proper slides and punches are brought into operation. The connection from the finger keys to their respective levers are made by slides and cams or links. The paper is moved by a pawl which releases its hold when moving back the distance required for the character to be punched. The perforations are in two lines and they represent dots and dashes; the dashes are obtained from perforations in both lines. For smaller perforating machines, five finger keys may be ased, one for a dot, another for a dash, and the others for moving the paper a greater or less distance, (Printed, 18. 20. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, June 11.-No. 1753. GILBERT, EDWARD.--"Signalling on railway trains." This invention relates to electric communication between passengers and guards, between the guards themselves, and the guards and engine driver. The electric circuit comprises an insulated line wire with couplings between carriage and carriage and an earth circuit through the axles of the carriages. On the van or engine are a signal bell, galvanometer needle and transmitting key for the guard or engine driver. In each compartment is a trans- mitting apparatus or push for the passengers. In the couplings, the drawing out of a socket part, which blade springs bold in position, makes an earth connection, so as to signal the breaking away of any of the carriages of the train. The push for the passengers oonsists of a stem with a large head which works a spring switch catch so as to make contact between the line wire and the earth wire. A loose disc, with segmental parts, is also connected with the stem, so that it revolves and displays a signal that "the guard is warned," when the push is actuated. At the same time, a signal board is pushed out so as to denote the signalling carriage. The 144 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. disc and signal board can only be restored to position by means of a key possessed by the guard. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, June 17.-No. 1822. DOUBELT, MICHEL.—(4 communication from Pierre Knia- ghininsky, Nicolas Sew rstganoff, and Dmitry Dornowo.)— Trans- mitting telegraph despatches, and “strengthening and main- “ taining the power of the currents." This invention relates to means of telegraphing between two points at an unlimited distance apart, also to strengthen- ing the power of a weak current at any part of the line during its transmission. A series of galvanometer coils, mounted vertically, have needles which are preserved in a horizontal position (until acted upon by the current) by means of permanent horse-shoe magnets which embrace the coils. In attaching this appa- ratus to a receiving instrument, a lever upon the axis common to all the needles moves another lever for releasing a third lerer. By this means the “muffle" or clutch becomes united by the help of a spring and the wheels of the instrument are allowed to turn. To again set the apparatus, the second lever is employed ; its end is lifted by one of the toothed wheels. A weak current is strengthened, by the "induction method," by placing between the end of the cable and the earth plate, say, ten electro-magnets with two coils of different thick- nesses upon each of their legs. The ends of the thick wire of, say, the sixth electro-magnet are united to the cable and to the earth, while the ends of the thin wires are united with the ends of the thick wires of the neighbouring electro- magnets. “ The farther the induction flood moves itself the “ stronger it becomes for acting upon the electro-magnets.” [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, June 24.—No. 1912. YOUNG, WILLIAM.-Printing by electro-magnetism. “ The roller on which the paper is placed is made of zinc. “ Two magnets are fixed near it, then the ends of the wire of DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 145 1 & " the north pole of one and the south pole of the other are “ attached to this roller. Next the south pole of the first " and the north pole of the last mentioned magnet terminate “ in two copper plates supported on insulated bearings close to each other but not in contact. The paper is prepared by being wetted with an acid solution such as ferro prussiate of potash for instance; now therefore, when the copper point of the type rod whilst being propelled against the paper passes between and comes in contact with the copper plates above mentioned, the electrical circuit is thereby completed and the character on the point of the type rod " will be imprinted on the prepared paper. This method is “ applicable to a flat surface also.” [Printed, 28. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, June 25.-No. 1919. SIEMENS, CHARLES WILLIAM.—(A communication from Werner Siemens.)—" Applying magneto-electric currents.” In working telegraphs through long lines, to obtain the effect from the least possible current, a coil is suspended in an annular magnetic field. The coil is composed of very fine wire and the annular field is made by causing the second pole of a permanent magnet or electro-magnet to enter the cavity of the first. A slight line-wire current decides the motion of the coil in one direction or the other according to the direction of the electric current. The motion thus ob- tained may work recorders, release detents, or move optical signals; it may also make relay contacts, or establish local circuits. To prevent the tremulous motion of the coil, it may be surrounded by a cylinder of aluminium, or an oil cylinder may be used. To diminish the inertia of the coil, it may be made of aluminium. The coil may be made to surround a ring connected with one magnetic pole while the other pole forms a central stud within the ring and also a ring-shaped extension surrounding The coil is supported from a central axis, so that motion may be induced in it by alternating currents sent through the coil. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] the same. 246 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 9 A.D, 1872, July 9.-No. 2064. MORGAN-BROWN, WILLIAM.—(A communication from Robert H. Gallaher.) —"Type wheels for printing telegraphs." A monogrammic type-wheel having condensed combina- tions or symbols on its circumference instead of the usual letters and figures. The type wheel is employed to express the rate of value of any railroad stock or similar quotation of a commercial character. This type wheel may be combined with tbe ordinary type wheel. The wheel or wheels is or are operated by electro- magnets, the armatures of which rotate ratchet wheels or move the type wheel in a horizontal line. The monogram mic symbols may be attachable to the type wheel detachable therefrom. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1872, July 10.-No. 2073. MORGAN-BROWN, William.—(A communication from Robert H. Gallaher.) -"Printing telegraph instruments.” The type wheel is revolved and the types are impressed on the paper by the direct action of the armatures of the electro- magnets. The armatures are placed under the downwardly pointing poles of the electro-magnets, so that the weight of the armature, in each case, effects the reverse movement thereof. Rods proceed from the armature upwards through the cores of the electro-magnet and thus give longitudinal vibratory movement. In the type-wheel electro-magnet, a cross bar rests on the magnet to sustain the armature at its lowest descent, and is 80 connected to a pallet lever as to work the type wheel by its ascent and descent. The printing electro-magnet acts in a similar manner. The magnet poles, or the armature surfaces, are electro. coated with a non-magnetic metal. To move the type-wheel, a single rigid arm projects up- wards from the cross bar. This arm bends round a ratchet wheel on the type-wheel axis and has pawls or dogs by which the axis is rotated by the downward as well as by the upward a DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 147 movement of the arm. Sharp projections on the arm act as detents to prevent the ratchet wbeel from turning round. Centrally, under the type wheel, a fixed transverse wire or bow keeps the paper strip away from the type wheel. The type wheel and the printing magnet each have their own line wire, to which a galvanic battery or part of a galvanic battery is connected. The printing key is either one with the key of the type wheel or it is mounted upon the same. (Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, July 10.--No. 2078. RITCHIE, FREDERICK JAMES.—“ Sympathetic clocks.” Giving motion to the pendulum of the sympathetic clock or subsidiary clock by transmitting, by means of electricity, the beats of the normal or regulating clock, without the aid of any other driving power in the subsidiary clock. Propelling a train of wheelwork (which carries the hands) by the oscillations of a pendulum acting on two arme, sus- pended on arbors or springs, alternately pressing on the teeth of the escapement wheel. Using a pendulum loaded above its centre of suspension, so as to beat approximately with the normal pendulum. For this purpose a coil or coils of wire or magnetic bars are used below, and the same above, the point of suspension, working into or around fixed magnets or coils. Adapting the above-described means of propulsion to enable a half-seconds pendulum to beat seconds. Only one gravity arm is used, which presses forward the wheel at every alter- Date swing of the pendulum. These improvements may be applied to a balance instead of to a pendulum. [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, July 10.-No. 2081. MORGAN - BROWN, WILLIAM. - (A communication frona Martin F. Wessman.)—“Unison stops for printing tele- "graphs." The type-wheel axis has a cog or single tooth, which works into the cogs of a disc. The disc is pivoted loosely upon a 9 148 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a pin of the instrument frame; it has a partial step-by-step turning movement and a lateral movement on its pin. A side helical spring reverses the turning movement of the disc and a spring coiled round its pin reverses the lateral movement. The disc has ratchet teeth to receive its detent, as well as the above-mentioned cogs. When all the cogs have been moved, the tooth strikes against a place on the edge where there is no depression and is prevented from further movement; this position is the zero position of the type wheel. During the revolution of the type-wheel axis, the printing electro-magnet is inactive, but, when all the type wheels in the circuit are brought to zero, the printing electro-magnet is excited (by the depression of its key), and, by means of a lever, moves the disc laterally and enables it to resume its original position. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.) 9 A.D. 1872, July 10.-No. 2085. McEVOY, CHARLES AMBROSE._" Circuit closers for tor- “ pedoes.” If the torpedo be struck by a ship, the canting over of the torpedo allows an electric current to pass and thus to ignite the fuze and explode the torpedo. A conical weight, in a cylinder, has its broad base resting on the bottom of the cylinder, so as to prevent a spindle from rising to make electric contact, although it is pressed upwards by a spring. If the torpedo be struck by a ship, the conical weight is canted over, the spindle is forced up, contact is made, and the torpedo is exploded. Instead of the conical weight, mercury may be employed. The mercury partially fills a cup of insulating material, through the bottom of which a metal pin is passed. The pin is connected to one battery pole, a metallic cap on the cup is connected to the other. If the torpedo be struck, the mercury comes into contact with the cap and completes the circuit. The circuit closer may be in the torpedo itself, or it may be carried in a float and made to signal to the shore whenever it is struck by a passing vessel. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 149 A.D. 1872, July 12.–No. 2103. CHAMBERS, JOHN WILKINSON. — (Provisional protection only.)—"Affording additional security to safes," &c. The door, or the lock, of the safe is so connected, by con- dacting wires, with a signal apparatus at the police station (or in any other suitable situation) that, whenever the lock or door is opened, or if it has not been properly closed, the breakage of the electric circuit signals accordingly, As an additional security, an electric circuit may be com. pleted when all the tumblers of a lock are raised, thus exciting a powerful electro-magnet which withdraws the bolt. This lock may be used by itself, or in connection with the above electric alarum or signal apparatus. In some cases, there may be an internal bolt to the door which can only be withdrawn by an electro-magnet on com- pleting the electric circuit. This completion may be at the police office or elsewhere. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1872, July 25.-No. 2213. STANLEY, WILLIAM FORD.—"Electrical apparatus." A part of this invention relates to the arrangement of a portable electric bell. A box is divided into two parts, one (which is closed) to contain the battery, the other to contain the bell together with a roller to roll up the conducting wires with the contacts or touches. Another part of this invention is to connect a galvanic battery with a Ruhmkorff coil. The coil takes the place of the bell in the above-mentioned apparatus; the reversal of the battery puts it into action. In another part of the invention, the portable battery, which form a distinct feature of the invention, is put into connection with bells or other telegraphic apparatus. The cells are packed tightly in a wooden box, which, being placed in an outer case, makes the necessary electric connections by contact pieces on the exterior of the box pressing against other contact pieces in the case. (Printed, 8d. Drawing.) 150 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 3 A.D. 1872, July 27.-No. 2240. SPAGNOLETTI, CHARLES ERNESTO.—"Tell-tale, indicating, “ and registering arrangements and mechanism.” The object of this invention is to register the visits of watchmen at certain places and to detect omissions and tam. perings with the apparatus. A roller is rotated by clockwork and draws off a strip of paper from a paper drum at a given rate. The paper strip bears on it a scale of bours and minutes corresponding to the rate at which it is drawn off. The paper may be chemically prepared; from the paper drum it proceeds under a roller, then between the marking rollers to the drawing rollers. The number of marking rollers (or needles in one holder) is equal to the number of places to bo visited. At each place to be visited is a box containing two contact springs brought into contact by the insertion of a peculiar key; the needle, at the receiving or marking instrument, corresponding to the key then marks the paper. Instead of using chemically-prepared paper, electro-magnets may draw down levers on the end of which are marking rollers. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, July 29.—No. 2260. FAIRHOLME, CHARLES. “ Electrical communication in “ railway trains,” and apparatus. The signal from the passenger to the guard is given by breaking an electric circuit which leads from each compart- ment to the bell or indicator in the guard's van. The contact breaker consists of a case containing a blade spring, normally in contact with a metal piece, so as to complete the electric circuit. When a knob is pressed by the passenger, the blade spring is forced away from the metal piece, contact is broken, and the guard is signalled. The knob has a groove in its stem, so that, on being pushed, a tumbler, pivoted on the centre of a keyhole, drops into the groove and keeps the knob depressed until the guard's key replaces the tumbler and restores the continuity of the electric circuit. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 151 A.D. 1872, August 3.-No. 2327. CALAHAN, EDWARD AUGUSTINE. — “Telegraphic printing “ instruments,” and apparatus. In an instrument with two type wheels, latches or catches are so positioned and operated that the type wheel moved by the step-by-step motion turns the type wheel that would other- wise be quiescent until it arrives at the zero or unison point, and there leaves it. In one plan, the pawls of the ratchet wheels have arms; in a modification, they are provided with V-shaped points and notches. A switch instrument whereby one of two or more printers may be connected with the battery and the remainder detached from the same.-The switch consists of an electro-magnet and armature lever which carries at its upper end a pawl which engages in a commutator or switch wheel; as many springs bear upon this wheel as there are instruments to be connected. The printing lever is arranged between springs, and thereby may or may not establish connection with the switch instru- ment. As long as the printing lever is at rest, that is, in contact with the lower spring, that printer, which by its connection with one of the springs of the switch is connected with one metallic portion of the switch wheel, has a circuit established round its electro-magnet; all the other printers have their circuits broken by the insulating pieces of the switch wheel. When the printing lever is raised, and a key, in the earth connection of the switch, is depressed (but not otherwise), a circuit is established through the switch, so as to bring another switch spring into metallic contact with the switch wheel, and thus to put a different printer into the circuit. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, August 19.-No. 2461. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. — (A communication from Frank Leonard Pope.)—"Electro-magnetic signalling apparatus.” Sem aphoric railway signals, with discs of alternate contrast. ing colours, are constructed so as to be of sufficient size, and yet capable of being actuated by a small electro-magnet. The electro-magnet acts by "axial magnetism,” that is, its core is divided transversely into two parts, one part attached, 152 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. to the armature and movable therewith, the other fixed in the coil. The cores are of hardened steel, so as to allow of the attraction of the armature by residual magnetism, until it is set free by an opposite electric current; by this means, the signalling apparatus is retained in position until it is released by an operator at a different station from that first signalling. In one case, the electro-magnet acts on the vertical spindle of the disc by means of an armature-lever, toothed segment and pinion arrangement. The semaphoric signal is worked by an electric circuit through the rails; the circuit is limited by the abutting rails being placed in separate chairs. Circuit closers can be operated automatically by the train as it passes, and thus a signal can be displayed and that dis- played at the previous station can be released. By a circuit closer and suitable arrangements, the position of a switch may be indicated to the engine driver of an approaching locomotive. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] 5 A.D. 1872, August 21.-No. 2181. GALLY, MERRITT.-" Constructing forms for printing com- “ munications,” &c. A part of this invention consists in the combination of a mechanism for automatically arranging types, dies, or matrices with an electric telegraph instrument for the purpose of securing, at a distance, the arrangement of a line or lines before an impression is taken. For giving motion to certain die strips, racks are employed. The racks are only moved so long as they are held by catch bolts in connection with triggers; trippers trip the bolts, and thus shorten, more or less, the movement of the racks. To engage the rack, and, after a proper interval, to trip the trigger, at a distance from the machine, electro-magnetic power is used. A lever armature is in connection with the cam which engages the rack. If the electro-magnets of two machines are connected by a conductor, and the machines are driven at the same velocity, both machines may be worked alike by one operator. Or, a timed key board may be used for this purpose ; this key board works with a chronometer movement in accordance with the distant machine, DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 153 For telegraphic messages, an inking roller is attached to the machine ; this inks the dies as they are brought forward, and prints letters (properly justified) upon paper. [Printed, 18. 4d., Drawing.] > a A.D. 1872, August 22.-No. 2498. BROOKES, WILLIAM.-(A communication from the Augsburger Kammgarnspinnerei.)—“Stopping the working of apparatus “ on the breaking or failure of thread," in roving, spin- ning, &c. An electro-magnetic register is used for the purposes of this invention; it is described with reference to its application to " Koechlin's bobinoir" for combed wool yarn. The gear for disengaging the driving band of the machine consists of a pivoted lever, the horizontal arm of which sup- ports an electro-magnet, the armature of which bears at its extremity a wedge piece that, in its normal state, is away from the horizontal arm. The vertical arm of the lever bears against a pulley that carries the weighted chain of a bar con- nected to the rod of the disengaging forks of the fast and loose pulleys. The lever also carries, on a pivot of its own, a tongue, which is raised twice at every revolution of a cam on the feeding cylinder of the machine. At the entrance of the doubling threads is a lever circuit closer for each thread, which is ordinarily against its thread. When thread breaks at this part of the machine, the lever falls against a contact plate aud completes the circuit. At the exit of the doubled thread, in front of the spooling cylinder of the roving machine, is a brass thread protector, which ordinarily rests on the thread, but, when the thread breaks at this part of the machine, the tail of the thread pro- tector falls and completes the circuit. At the completion of the circuit by the entrance or by the exit apparatus, the insertion of the wedge piece, by the electro- magnet, enables the cam, at its next half revolution, to dis- engage the chain pulley, when the weight falls and the fork shifts the driving band to the loose pulley. A break is operated by the descent of the weight. [Printed, ls. 6.1. Drawings.] m 154 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1872, August 30.-No. 2587. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. — (4 communication from Jacob Porter Tirrell, John Ware Fletcher, and William Clark Cutler.) -“ Electrical apparatus for lighting gas and other burners." By means of a single electric current the gas cock is turned on, the gas is ignited, and the current is thrown into the electro-magnet of the next burner. An electro-magnet at each burner acts upon its lever arma- ture so as to constantly make and break the circuit (thus ig- niting the gas) and, at the same time, to open the gas valve by a step-by-step motion. When the valve has been opened to its fullest extent, the position of certain arms upon sector wheels has cut off the current from the electro-magnet and admitted it to the electro-magnet of the next burner by means of its " letting on ” wire, at the same time establishing the circuit of the magnet in question with the “shutting off” wire, ready for that operation when it is necessary. When the shutting off is completed, the apparatus is again left ready to relight the gas. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, September 13.-No. 2723. WALKER, HENRY ALFORD. —"Apparatus for registering “ and checking the receipt of monies from persons entering theatres,” &c. To show the number of persons admitted, the amount of money taken, and the proper delivery of the checks, at the office of the proprietor or manager, an indicator is worked by electric currents. The dial of the indicator has two unit pointers; one is actuated from the money taker's apparatus, the other from the check taker's apparatus. The electric circuit is completed at these apparatus at the passage of each check. Each com- pletion of the circuit in, say, the money taker's apparatus, excites an electro-magnet in the dial instrument, and causes its armature to advance the corresponding pointer one unit, by ratchet-wheel and pawl mechanism. The same takes place with another electro-magnet, ratchet work, and pointer, corresponding to the check taker's apparatus. When the last check is delivered, the two pointers are in the same DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 155 position, and indicate the number of checks withdrawn and delivered. [Printed, 1s. Drawing.] - a A.D. 1872, September 14.—No. 2739. MORGAN-BROWN, WILLIAM.-(A communication from James Rowe) -“Telegraph apparatus." An escapement for a printer.-A lever operates upon a ratchet wheel secured to a sleeve on the type-wheel shaft. An escapement wheel engages wedge-shaped pallets on the arma- ture lever. The ratchet wheel is connected to the escapement wheel by a spiral spring. Telegraphic printing. – A printing electro-magnet (and lever) is operated by a switch circuit which offers an alterna. tive route for a part of the current whenever the escapement lever is allowed to remain in contact with a certain pin. Feeding the paper strip.-Step-by-step movements, co- ordinate with those of the type wheel, are made by means of an upright arm attached to the printing lever, a link sus- pended at an angle, and a vertical bar moving in a horizontal slide. The printing pad is composed of cork. Securing unison between the transmitter and the printers.- A sliding sleeved collar on the type-wheel shaft is connected to a fixed pin by means of a spiral spring. The collar has an elbowed arm projecting from the side opposite to the spiral spring. A locking bar has a stop pin that projects across the path of the elbowed arm. When the elbowed arm strikes the stop, the bar is unlocked, and the receiving machines again start from the same point. Opening and closing the circuit of the transmitter.- A sliding bar has a connection block operated by a link. The block is connected to rotating gearing, and is thus brought into contact with a corresponding connection block attached to a spring, thereby completing the circuit. [Printed, 16. 2d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, September 24.-No. 2815. OWEN, CHARLES. Prevention of accidents in railway “ tunnels.” 3 56 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. At each end of the tunnel is an electric bell, and above each line of rails a signal. When a train enters the tunnel, an electric circuit is com- pleted, the bells are rung, and the signals fall, indicating danger. The contact apparatus consists of a metal plato carrying two springs; these press upon a special line of rails or con. ductors. This apparatus is attached to each end of the carriage or engine. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, September 26.-No. 2846. MADDOCK, JOHN.—"Apparatus for controlling and locking “ railway signals." A vibrating bar is fixed near the ordinary signal and points locking frame. An electro-magnet, excited from a distance, attracts the vibrating bar into a slot in connection with the signal levers or slide bar of the ordinary locking machinery, and thereby locks and controls the signals until they are re- leased by the distant signal man, or, automatically, by the passing of a train. The return wire to the signal or transmitting station indi. cates on a semaphore, or other signal instrument, that the signals in the rear of the train are locked. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, October 3.-No. 2923. SIEMENS, CARL HEINRICH.-(Partly a communication from Werner Siemens.)-Electric telegraph instruments, railway signals, &c. In dial step-by-step instruments, one dial at a station serves both to transmit and to receive messages. The alternating currents from a Siemens' armature are sent into the telegraphic circuit until an arm baving a spring pawl is stopped by the tail of a finger key. By a latch arrangement, any one key is held down until it is released by the depression of another key. The stoppage of the arm breaks electrical contact for trans- mission and makes contact for receiving a message. a DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 157 In the type printer used with the above instruments, a polarised lever between the poles of the type wheel electro- magnet, and polarised levers which vibrate in unison with it, make contact by wbich the printing is effected when the step- by-step currents cease. In respect to railway signals, the signals can only be given or altered by the operation of a number of successive, alter- nating positive and negative currents. A semaphore arm or other index is moved by the shifting of a weight, when that is permitted by an escapement worked by alternating currents. The electrical instrument cannot send “line clear” to another station until the standard signal is placed to danger.” The standard signal cannot be placed at "line clear” until the electrical line clear signal has been received from another station. The points and signals may be interlocked with electrical signalling apparatus. Alternate currents may, by a commutator, have certain currents of the same name (either positive or negative) utilised for producing other effects than those produced by the alternate currents. (Printed, 38. 4d. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1872, October 5.-No. 2945. DOUBELT, MICHEL.—(A communication from Pierre Knia- ghininsky, Nicolas Sewastganoff and Dmitry Dornowo.) – (Provisional protection only.) —"Means and apparatus for the " transmission and registration of telegraphic despatches.” This invention relates to a printing telegraph in which one distinct signal is transmitted by each manipulation of the ap- paratus. A revolving cylinder is marked out into a certain number of divisions along its length and round its circumference; some compartments are enamelled, others have the metal exposed. A non-conducting fork, attached to an armature, forces one of two clutch wheels (on a lower axis) into gear or relieves them, according as the current allows the armature to move. On each side of the divided cylinder are eleven metal hooks. Each set of eleven hooks is pressed against the cylinder and to each hook are wires which lead to the key- board. The end hooks of each series are connected to the positive pole of the battery; the hooks of all the other keys to 158 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 9 the negative. To transmit a signal, an end key, as well as the signal key, is depressed. The printing is effected by a wheel, mounted outside the frame, on the same axis as the cylinder. The wheel is mounted over another wheel keyed to the lower axis in which is a stop which comes into contact with the apper wheel in its revolution. This system is applicable to submarine or underground cables. To adapt it to ordinary land lines, the cylinder is divided into a number of lines, in each of which the respective position of two points form the signal; there are also modi. fications “in the mode of conducting the electric current." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, October 9.--No. 2970. MILLS, BENJAMIN JOSEPH BARNARD.-(A communication from William Monroe Davis.)-"Electro-magnetic clocks." In these electric clocks, the impulsion is wholly due to the electro-magnetic force which regulates them; a primary pendulum communicates its motion isochronously to other clock movements, near or distant. The reduction of the spark and the avoidance of its evils is accomplished by immersing the contact points in kerosene or other suitable liquid. A sparkless current-shifter changes the route of the electric current from one closed circuit to another without breaking its continuity; by this means the spark is entirely suppressed. To obviate the effects of failure of contact, or of double contacts, in the rheotome, a secondary "pulsator” is inter- posed between the electro-magnetic helix and the tram of wheels which moves the hands of the secondary clock. Vari. ous forms of vibrating, oscillating, or gyrating masses, used to regulate timekeepers, are included in the term pulsator. The normal beats of the secondary pulsator are isochronous with those of its primary and have sufficient inertia to rectify false contacts or double contacts. The switch in the shifter of the primary pendulum) for changing the course of the current, has a convex protuber- ance of hard metal, usually iridosmium. The shifter is her- metically closed by a trough or seal containing glycerine. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 159 A “check bar" is moved by the secondary pendulum to equalise its action on the clock train. The contacts may be made above the surface of the liquid medium. When the pendulum attains more than its normal amplitude of swing, the electro-magnet is cut out of the cir- cuit by a properly-placed contact. (Printed, 18. 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, October 9.-No. 2973. CHAPIN, WALTER BARTLETT.-—“ Apparatus for operating rail- " way brakes.” This mechanism may be connected with electric arrange- ments for applying the brakes. The electrical apparatus set forth in No. 3266, A.D. 1870 is alluded to in the description of of the present invention. The brake shoes are attached to a suspended cross bar, which is itself connected to a horizontal lever central to the carriage. The movement of the lever simultaneously actuates the brakes at both ends of the carriage. When the above- mentioned electrical apparatus is connected with the brakes, a vertical lever (attached to the horizontal lever) is connected by a chain to a shaft which carries the friction plate and armature. When the friction plate and armature are in con- tact, the chain is wound upon the shaft, moves the vertical lever and forces the brake shoes into contact with the wheels. In a modification, another lever is used, and is connected to the central horizontal lever. A switch, or key board, has its radial arm in connection with the battery; the metal pieces over which the arm moves are in connection with the brake apparatus. In another key board, battery contact is made by contact springs in connec- tion with the radial arm and with plates connected to a num- ber of the battery cells and to the actuating electro-magnets. A circuit is also completed with a galvanometer by another main wire. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, October 22.-No. 3114. BEZER, HENRY, and MILLÀR, ALEXANDER.-(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.) —"Registering the num. 160 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. "s ber of persons travelling by any conveyance, and the exact “ distance from any point of the journey and to any point, or “ for the full journey which each person travels.” An electro-magnetic apparatus is used in conjunction with clockwork. The clockwork moves a paper under certain spring hammers. There are as many spring hammers with spiked wheels at their ends (each having an electro-magnet) as there are seats in the vehicle. A person taking & seat brings the conducting wires of his own special circuit into contact and excites a particular electro-magnet which pulls down the corresponding spiked wheel on to the moving paper. When the seat is vacated, the contact is broken and the hammer is raised from the paper. The driver's seat is similarly furnished, and, as its hammer registers the full journey, the distance travelled by each per- son can be ascertained by comparison. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, October 25.-No. 3167. RIDPATH, THOMAS ALEXANDER, and SHERRING, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. — Applying magneto-electric power “to train “ signalling," &c. One or more conducting wires run along the whole length of the train. Intercommunication between passengers, guard and driver may be effected by bell pulls or by pressing on buttons. Thus an alarum is sounded in the guard's van and on the engine. Simultaneously an indicator is moved so as to show to guard and engine driver the carriage giving the signal. A lamp in the indicator throws light in the direction of the guard and driver. A semaphore arm (connected to the bell pull) also appears outside the signalling carriage. Thus four distinct signals are given simultaneously; three are self acting and are given when any portion of the train becomes detached. When the signal is given, the electric current is broken, and a hammer, attached to the armature of an electro-magnet, falls on to the bell. A shade, also attached to the armature is, at the same time, withdrawn from the light, and a parl rotates an indicator wheel. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 161 A larger magneto-electric apparatus than that above de- scribed, but with the same arrangement, may “be applied to " the simultaneous bolting or unbolting of all the carriage * doors on one side or other of the train." [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, October 31.—No. 3230. JENNINGS, EDWARD WILLIAM. - (4 communication from Daniel Craig.)-(Provisional protection only.) -- " Preparing, “ transmitting, and receiving telegraphic despatches." This invention consists in a perforator, a transmitter, and a recorder. The Morse signals are marked in lines across the paper strip. In the perforator, a hammer, pierced with holes containing spring panches, strikes against an anvil. The anvil is on the end of an arm that moves according to the letter to be punched. By rotating a handle round a semicircular dial, the anvil is brought to the required letter and allows correspond- ing punches to go through the paper. Thus one blow of the hammer forms the whole letter, according to the dot and dash system, by the pressnre of the handle downwards. The paper is drawn forward on raising the handle. In a modification of the perforator, iron rods, raised by keys, are substituted for the anvil. A wheel, worked by a treadle, drives the hammer. The transmitter is a wire brush connected with the tele- graphic conductors. The paper is introduced and moved between the brush and a plate in the telegraphic circuit. The recorder is a strip of damp chemically-prepared paper, passing between plated metal rollers. The operator turns a handle and rotates a brass band to which are attached three metallic spring pens, one of which is always passing across the paper; the handle also turns the plated roller. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, November 2.-No. 3262. ZANNI, GEMINIANO. — Magneto-electric railway block and other signalling instruments, and “means for communicating signals from one part of a railway train to another." No. 2721, A.D. 1871 is referred to. R 705. F 162 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The application of apparatus similar to that described in No. 2721, A.D. 1871 to give distant signals according to the block system.—The pulling of one of two hand levers gives motion to a train of wheels which revolves the coils of the magneto-electric machine, and so moves the “line clear” sig- nal into and out of position according to the direction of the electric current. The “line clear" signal is moved into and out of position by the action of one pole of a bar electro-mag- net upon a horse shoe permanent magnet on the axis of the signal arm. The other pole of the electro-magnet at the same time withdraws a bent arm or locking stop from the signal arm; the locking of the “line elear" signal prevents it from being acted upon by vibration. One hand lerer sends the electric current in one direction, the other in the other direction. Signalling from one part of a train to another by the use of apparatus described in No. 2721, A.D. 1871.—The magneto- electric machine is worked from a wheel axis of the train, and a conductor proceeds from carriage to carriage, & contact being placed in each compartment. Thus bell and dial in- struments in the guard's van are operated. A numbered tablet is also projected from the carriage, and, if necessary, illuminated. Giving self-acting blocking signals.—The circuit of a mag- neto-electric machine, in the train, is completed by the con- tact of an arm, attached to the carriage, with a metal plate between the rails. The electric current moves a disc of red glass by means of a spur gear operated by an armature, and (at night) illuminates a vacuum tube. The disc is replaced by a second rail contact. When a break down occurs, a portable magneto-electric machine is connected to a line wire to signal to a station. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, November 11.-No. 3344. STEARNS, JOSEPH BARKER.—“ Electric telegraphs." This invention relates to apparatus for transmitting tele- graphic communications simultaneously in opposite directions over the same conductor. Electro-magnets of receiving instruments, in which the effect of the out-going currents upon the armatures is DIVISION 1.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 163 practically neutralised.-Two sets of wires are coiled upon the electro-magnets. The outer coil on one leg of the electro. magnet is connected with the inner coil on the other leg and vice versa. The rheostats are so arranged in combination with the circuit breaker, that the resistance opposed to the battery at each station is always the same. The key or circuit breaker, on being depressed completes a local circuit through an electro-magnet, which sends the current of the main battery through an electro-magnet of a relay, which is neutralised as described above, one part of the current going into the line wire, the other part to earth through a resistance coil. Each relay responds only to the action of the distant battery, not to that of the battery at its own station. In working submarine lines, & condenser is placed between the relay and the resistance coil, one part of its metallic sheets being in connection with earth. Instead of the neutralised relay, as described above, a common relay may be used in connection with a "bridge” wire to accomplish the same result. In a repeater at an intermediate station, the local circuit from each relay is conducted to the magnet of the circuit breaker on the opposite side. Branch offices are able to operate the circuit breaker at the main office; the receiving relay at the main office operates a receiving instrument at the branch office to establish direct communication between the branch offices or between a branch office and the main office. Way stations may communicate with terminal stations, employing duplex instruments or double transmitters. [Printed, ls. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, November 12.-No. 3368. RANDALL, CHARLES ADAMS.—(Partly a communication from Theodore Marshall Foote.)-(Provisional protection only.) - “ Printing telegraphic apparatus,” and “the arrangement “ of the circuits to be used in connection therewith.” This invention relates to " reporting” instruments, to an automatic transmitting apparatus and to the arrangement of circuits. 66 F 2 164 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. In the recorder, a single type wheel is changed by the sending operator, so as to print figures or letters at will, The two sets of characters are arranged alternately, and the shifting is accomplished by means of arms and jointed rods. A key in the transmitter enables the printing magnet or the printing current to act upon the above-mentioned mechanism and thus to change the type wheel. The type-wheel shaft carries two ratchet wheels operated by the type-wheel magnets. The shifting type wheel is combined with an automatic stop to bring the receiving instrument into unison with other instruments in the same circuit. In the transmitting instrument, the key-board is circular and has a centre key for printing. A current in a telegraphic circuit polarises one or more soft- iron armatures with a known polarity and sends extra power over the same circuit to charge the printing magnets and to print from the wheel. Other electro-magnets, in this com- bination, with reversed currents, rotate the type wheel. In another arrangement, a soft-iron armature vibrates between the two type-wheel magnets, and currents are caused thereby to pass alternately through the type-wheel magnets and one helix of the printing magnet for rotating the type wheel, the printing being effected by a simultaneous current on both circuits. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] . A.D. 1872, November 19.-No. 3448. SYKES, WILLIAM ROBERT, and FRANCIS, FRANK RICHARD. Working railway signals," "registering the arrivals and “ departures of trains,” and apparatus employed therein, &c. The objects of this invention are to work railway signals without the necessity of employing signalmen, and to register automatically the times of arrival and departure of the trains. A passing train depresses a strong spring on a level with one of the rails and completes the electric circuits of electro- magnets which place the arms or signal lights at “danger." Another contact, at a distance from the first, being made, the arms are returned to “caution.” One electro-magnet is used for the “ danger” signal, another for the “caution” signal. One of a pair of light balanced discs is raised or lowered by 1 1 DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 165 the corresponding electro-magnet. Or, a single lamp with colored glasses may be employed. To register the times of arrival and departure of the trains, the rail spring is connected electrically with electro-magnets which actuate a marker. The marker makes a perforation on a travelling strip of paper at the time the rail spring is depressed by the train. As the strip travels by clockwork, the hours and minutes are impressed upon it by rollers ; exact marking or registration is thus ensured. This register- ing apparatus may be adapted to other registering purposes, such as “checking the working of ordinary block signalling “ instruments," or, as a tell-tale for night watchmen, &c. [Printed, 13. 4d. Drawings.] 6 A.D. 1372, November 21.-No. 3474. VAN CHOATE, SilvaNUS FREDERICK.—(Provisional protec- tion only.)-“ Mode of and apparatus for telegraphing." The communicating agent between place and place is electricity, but, in the apparatus, the signals are produced either by actinism or by a chemical agent. The stencil plate which determines the signal is traversed by a beam of light moved by electro-magnetism. When the beam is immovable, a second plate is movable by electro- magnetism. When a chemical agent or fluid is used, a camel's hair pencil is attached to the moving armature of an electro- magnet; the pencil laterally traverses a stencil plate. In a modification, the armature is moved to and from the surface of the moving paper and the stencil plate may be dispensed with. In the latter arrangement, the dots and lines are produced by electro-magnetic power located at the receiving station and without the aid of the line-wire current. The blanks are produced by an electric current acting on the receiving magnet from the distant station. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, November 23.-No. 3512. OWEN, CHARLES.—" Electrical inter-communication between passenger and guard, guard and guard, and guard and engine driver.” 3 166 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A forward wire and return wire form the circuit throughout the train. A push, one in each compartment, is capable of connecting these wires together and of ringing the bell in the guard's van. In the push, when a stud is depressed, an indicator lever falls against a stop and completes the electric circuit. The indicator lever shows the guard the signalling compartment. The carriage from which the signal proceeds is indicated by a falling signal. Communication between guard and engine driver.-By making or breaking contact by a lever spring, the bell on the engine does not ring when a passenger signals to a guard. When one guard communicates with another, he " presses upon the front of his bell case, thus dispensing with armatures." For night signalling, when the signals fall, they release a spring catch, which displaces shutters and exposes a red light to front and rear guards. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a stud A.D. 1872, November 25.-No. 3536. WELLESLEY, FREDERICK ARTHUR.—(A communication from Colonel Von Scheliha.) (Provisional protection only.) - Torpedoes.” These torpedoes are locomotive; they can be directed in their course from a distance, by means of electric currents transmitted through an insulated wire which is paid out by the torpedo as it advances. The wire is wound on a reel. Electric currents transmitted through the wire excite electro-magnets within the torpedo and cause them to attract or repel a permanently magnetic armature. A lever, in connection with the armature, sap- ports two rods with pawls upon them to act upon two ratchet wheels. The rods receive from the engine a to-and-fro move- ment. According to the direction of the electric current, one or other of the two pawls acts upon its ratchet wheel and moves the rudder accordingly; in one direction by one ratchet wheel and in the other direction by the other ratchet wheel. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 167 A.D. 1872, November 26.-No. 3548. YOUNG, WILLIAM.--" Electric telegraph apparatus," &c. No. 1912, A.D. 1872, is alluded to in reference to a barrel wheel which may be used instead of the herein-after mentioned horizontal wheel or disc. This invention consists of a mechanical typographer for producing stereotype plates and for ordinary printing. Also of a commutator similar to the typographer but with additional apparatus to enable it to be used for electric tele- graphic purposes. Also of a recording apparatus somewhat similar to the commutator and used in connection with it. So far as its mechanism is applicable to the commutator, the typographer consists of a horizontal revolving wheel with holes arranged in a spiral or helical form on its circumference -the type wheel of the commutator-and corresponding keys, one to each letter. Any one key being depressed, stops the type opposite the point where the printing is effected. In the special arrangement as a commutator, a hand lever being depressed, gives motion (by pawl and ratchet wheel gear) to a contact-making bar which sends currents into the line wire, according to the place where the horizontal wheel is stopped by the finger key, which perform three operations on the receiver, namely bringing the type wheel of the recorder into place, pushing the type rod, and propelling the paper. Two line wires are used, one to work synchronously the contact-making bars of the commutator and receiver, the other to perform the above-mentioned three operations. To cause the types to produce impressions upon chemically- prepared paper, the paper passes over a metallic roller con- nected to one battery pole. The other battery pole is coupled to a metal spring clip through which the types have to pass when they are propelled forward against the paper. [Printed, 48. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, November 27.-No. 3565. BEZER, HENRY.—“ Apparatus for registering the distances " by persons travelling in any vehicle, the number of travellers, and the distances travelled by the vehicle “ itself.” 168 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. а Electric wires are distributed so that three kinds of marks are made, corresponding to the three data given above. The marks are produced upon paper, either by electro-magnets, or by the discoloration of chemically-prepared paper mored forward by clockwork at a certain speed. The electric circuits are completed by the weight of a passenger or by the revolu. tion of a wheel of the vehicle. To register the number of passengers. The electric circait is completed by the hinged footboard or entrance step, which has a spring which, on depression, comes into contact with & spring in the flooring. The distance travelled by each person is registered by the completion of the electric circuit on the passenger taking his seat. A spring footboard may operate upon a spring seat. The contact is reversing, so as to suspend the marks instan- taneously, when required. To register the distance passed over by the vehicle, one of the wheels of the vehicle is connected by a cog wheel and pinion with a contact maker, which makes contact at every revolution of the cog wheel. The registration may take place upon a paper disc in con- centric circles, or, upon a band moved forward by rollers. A marker, having contact at certain intervals, marks time upon the travelling paper. The paper may be travelled at a greater speed when passengers are entering and leaving or changing seats. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1872, November 28.-No. 3586. HASELTINE, GEORGE.—(A communication from. Elisha Gray and Enos Melancthon Barton.) --“ Printing telegraph apparatus." In this invention, positive and negative currents are used. A main battery and pole changer is dispensed with at every station, except the principal station. The pole changer , may be controlled by an operator at any point on the line. A switch is dispensed with. The instrument is always ready for use. The invention consists in an automatic pole changer, a novel DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 169 arrangement of the disc or “sunflower” and its keys, and an automatic unison stop and shunting device. The pole changer consists of insulated blocks and springs which complete the line-wire circuit in alternate directions, according to the vibrations of the armature of the electro- magnet in the type-wheel local circuit. A cable, formed of the wires connected respectively with the sending keys, has each of its wires in connection with one of the metallic pieces of the “sunflower,” from which the current goes to the printing and feeding mechanism when a sending key is depressed. The automatic unison stop consists of a spiral groove in the face of a disc together with a pivoted arm, spring, steel pin working in the groove, and platinum pin supported by which acts as a shunting device to exclude the acting magnets from the circuit; this contact is made at the termination of three uninterrupted revolutions of the type wheel of the principal machine. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] the arm, 9 A.D. 1872, December 4.-No. 3666. EVANS, MORTIMER.-(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.)-“ Signalling in railway trains." This invention relates to effecting inter-communication between passengers and guard or driver, or between guard and driver. A magneto-electric current generated by the motion of the train, and conveyed from end to end by suitable conductors, is a positive or constant current.” The pulling of a handle, in any compartment, breaks electric contact, sounds a bell in the guard's van, and raises an indicator to show the signalling compartment. The guard and driver communicate electrically in the ordinary manner by transmitting keys. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, December 6.-No. 3701. WINTER, GEORGE KIFt. — (Provisional protection only.) - - Electric telegraphs." 170 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 9 To obtain a high speed on long circuits.-The line current is only allowed to pass through the receiving instrument while it is varying in strength, a portion passing in one direction during its increase and in the reverse direction during its decrease. This is accomplished by adjusting the resistances of a Wheatstone's bridge accordingly. The second branch on the right-hand side and the first branch on the left-hand side are simultaneously wound on a core of soft iron, so that the currents each tend to produce magnetism of the same kind. The first branch on the right hand and the second branch on the left hand are wound on separate reels into the cores of which can be inserted, more or less, a soft- iron rod. At the junctions of the branches, the receiver is inserted. To record feeble signals.-An induction coil causes a rapid series of sparks to pass between a platinum point (which is moved by the line current) and a metal plate. A paper strip passing between the point and the plate is marked by the sparks or by chemical colorations. For duplex telegraphy in opposite directions, an induction coil is used. A compensation current may be produced by one induction coil and a separate induction coil may produce the line current. Two induction coils may receive the line current as X primary, the relay or receiver being worked by induced currents. The sending current is applied between the two coils. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, December 13.-No. 3779. HARLING, ERNEST JOHN.—“Construction of keys and com- “ mutators for telegraph instruments." To render the key susceptible to delicate pressure, a flat ebonite spring is placed over or under its metallic portion. Thin plates of ebonite are employed to insulate the metallic portions of keys and commutators from the wooden stand. To impart steadiness of action to the key, it is provided with a slot. A vertical metallic guide plate is fixed to the stand and passes through the slot. Two small brackets are DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 171 attached to the key on the respective sides of the slot and act as guides to the guide plate. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] > A.D. 1872, December 16.-No. 3802. MOSELEY, WALKER.-"Governors for marine and other “ engines." This invention is chiefly designed to control the working of marine engines, so as to prevent the “ racing” of the engines of screw propellors. An electro-magnet attracts an armature and thereby puts into work constantly moving gear, so as to act upon the throttle valve automatically. The pitching and rising of the vessel and the immersion of the screw propellor are employed separately or conjointly for regulating the operation of the electric gear. Contact makers are used that will act at various degrees of immersion of the propellor, by means of a mercury foat, the mercury of which has its height pro- portional to the depth of immersion of the propellor. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, December 27.–No. 3936. PHELPS, GEORGE May.--" Printing telegraphs.” This instrument is adapted to transmitting or receiving. The transmitter consists in a pulsator wheel revolved by clockwork; the connection to the clockwork is frictional. The wheel operates a lover that sends pulsations or inter- mittent currents along the line. The type wheel of the receiver and the pulsator wheel move synchronously. An arm, connected with the pulsator wheel, revolves below ranges of finger keys, and is arrested by the depression of a key. The type wheel of the receiver is stopped at the same point and the printing is effected by the pause that allows a local battery to operate. The type wheel is revolved by clockwork and its movements are controlled by an electro-magnetic escapement worked by the pulsations. An important feature of the invention consists of a circuit changer that revolves with the type wheel ; it moves the 172 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. escapement by directing the current alternately to the electro. magnets. When two line wires are used, the pulsator closes their circuits alternately, thus acting on the type wheel by alternate movements of the armature. The line wires pass through compound coils in connection with a horse-shoe magnet on the printing lever; hence the printing is effected when the polarity of the current is changed. The clockwork is regulated by a weight on a spring arm revolving within a stationary shell. The pulsators have yielding spring arms for contacts. A unison mechanism consists of a screw on the type-wheel shaft, together with weighted levers. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] 1873. 66 6 A.D. 1873, January 1.- No. 20. NEWTON, ALFRED VINCENT.—A communication from Ellicott David Averell.)–(Provisional protection only.)—"Paper ruling “ machines.” “ One part of this invention relates to electro-magnetic striking attachments to ruling machines operating to cause “ the pens to strike the paper on a head line or head lines at any distance from the head of the sheet of paper, to rule down lines' of any desired length, and to strike and rise from the sheet at any point or any number of different points in its length, for the purpose of ruling down lines “ of any desired length from one or from any number of “head lines. This part of the invention consists in a com- “ bination with an electro-magnet or magnets and pen beam “ actuated thereby, of a cam circuit breaker and closer operating device, composed of two or more sets of adjust- " able cams set in motion by the drum, cylinder, or revolving ruling beam, and a stop gate operating in a “ mechanical manner to determine the feed of the paper to " the rulers.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 173 A.D. 1873, January 3.--No. 40. HUNT, BRISTOW.-(4 communication from George Lee Anders and Ebenezer Baker Welch.) –“ Printing telegraph instru- “ ments.” This invention relates to automatic step-by-step instruments. A series of mechanical devices operate in combination with an electro-magnet and a polarized electro-magnet, so that each electro-maguet releases an escapement. The polarized / electro-magnet releases the type-wheel escapement, the electro-magnet that of the printing mechanism. These escapements are actuated separately by two trains of wheels impelled by one mainspring. When alternate currents are passed through the polarized electro-magnet and the electro-magnet simultaneously, the type wheel is advanced to the required letter. At the cessation of these currents, the printing mechanism is released. The nnison of the type wheels of a number of instruments in the same circuit is obtained by means of a toothed unison bar provided with slots which slide on screw stems. The bar is carried along one tooth at each revolution of the type wheel and is released by the printing mechanism, being then drawn back to its original position. When the type wheel makes three uninterrupted revolutions, a stop engages with the end of an arm and brings the type wheel to the standard point. Non-magnetic springs are on each side of the armature, extending between the poles of the polarized electro-magnet. They prevent the magnetic contact of the armature with the poles of the electro-magnet and they aid the armature in freeing itself from one pole, whilst it is being neutralised by tbe corrent, and in carrying it within the superior attraction of the opposite pole. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, January 6.-No. 67. ROBINSON, WILLIAM.-"Electro-magnetic railway signal- ling apparatus." By means of this invention, the approach and movement of a train towards a station is automatically indicated. a 174 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The signals operate by a circuit, controlled by the passage of the train, acting in concert with track sections, disconnected from each other and arranged in connection with electro- magnetic appliances. Normally, a visual signal is held out of sight until the wheels an axle diminish the electric resistance; the changing of the circuit also sounds a bell. When the circuit is formal, the current is divided; the second portion of the current actuates a distant signal. When a less resistance, through the wheels and axle, is offered than is afforded by the second circuit, the distant signal is released. By a “cut-out” or key, the whole current may be diverted into the second circuit, thus releasing the above-mentioned visual signal, so that it (the visual signal) may be actuated from the distant point berein- “ before indicated.” Switches and contact plates direct the current as desired. In a modification of the invention, contact is made between rail sections, in the circuit, so as to signal. In eonnection with the rail sections, an active relay changes the current and makes it continuous round its electro-magnet, to main- tain additional signalling circuits until the electro-magnet is de-magnetised by short-circuiting the current. This invention also comprises a signal bell operated by • axial magnetism." [Printed, 1s. 2d. Drawings.] 66 7 A.D. 1873, January 8.-No. 85. HIGHTON, HENRY.—" Electric telegraphs." No. 4, A.D. 1872, is referred to. When a powerful magnetic field is employed, a strong earth current destroys the gold leaf of the gold leaf indicator. To prevent this, the line wire is passed round an induction coil; all the currents which pass along the line traverse that wire only. The gold leaf instrument is connected to a secondary wire on the same coil, so that it is only affected by the induced currents. Rapidity of signalling is obtained by the use of currents of different intensities in combination with the gold leaf indicator. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.) DIVISION NII.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 175 а A.D. 1873, January 14.-No. 149. JENSEN, PETER.—(A communication from C. H. G. Olsen.) — (Provisional protection only.) — " Automatic telegraphic – * printing apparatus." The perforator. Each key of the keyboard has its own letter, excepting two keys which mark intervals between the words and give letters and signs alternately. At the depres- .sion of a key, a needle, 'placed above the paper cylinder, makes a small round hole in the paper; the needle can move along a screw. A revolving shaft has twenty-eight arms, each attached to a key. The printer.-A cylinder and screw enable a needle that is trailing against the perforated paper to fall into a hole and thus to send a current by which the corresponding letter can be printed by the printing mechanism. On one side of the type wheel is an ink roller and under it the paper passes to receive the printed letters. The instrument is moved by clockwork, the speed of which is regulated by a governor consisting of a reund box, against the side of which a brake of cork works. A corrector screw and corrector wheel move the type wheel forwards or backwards, so as to mark equal intervals between the letters. Ratchet mechanism, worked by an arm and eccentric, advances the paper. Another eccentric, on the printing shaft, operates another arm which moves the paper up to the type wheel. When the armature is at rest, the printing shaft is locked. The magnet is a permanent magnet having coiled soft iron cores between its poles. [Printed, 4d. No Drevinge.] A.D. 1873, January 14.-No. 153. PREECE, WILLIAM HENRY.—“ Signalling on railways.” Semaphore electrical signalling instruments, may, by means of this invention, be worked with one line wire with- out being affected by lightning. For this purpose, the release of the semaphore, when standing at danger," is dependent upon the co-operation of the signalmen at opposite ends of a section of railway. Two electro-magnets are employed, one in the line-wire circuit, the other in a local circuit. A slotted disc is affixed 176 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. to the pivot of the semaphore. A pin, carried by a vertical rod, is in connection with the magnetised armature of the line-wire electro-magnet. When the line-wire current ceases, the rod falls and leaves the semaphore free to fall when a prop belonging to the local electro-magnet is removed by the completion of the local circuit. The line-wire electro-magnet is used to set the instrument at" danger.” An audible signal, at the home station, informs the signal. man that his detent rod is dropped out of action. In acknow- ledging the signal, he sends a current through the home circuit to withdraw the support from the semaphore. To prevent two opposing currents from neutralising cach other, an apparatus, on the principle of the differential gal. ranometer or of Wheatstone's bridge, is provided at each station. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, January 21.-No. 247. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY. - (4 communication from Jeans Dedier Digney, Théodore Sebastien Digney, Henry Lartigue, and Henri Forest.)—“ Apparatus for transmitting signals “ and for opening and closing cocks and valves," "applicable to the prevention of railway accidents." A steam whistle, on the boiler of a locomotive, has a cock which is opened by the action of a helical spring and is kept shut by a Hughes' electro-magnet. The cock is connected to a lever which is connected to a lower lever which is held up by the electro-magnet. The release of the lower lever is accomplished by sending a current in a certain direction through the coils of the electro-magnet. The circuit of the coils includes the earth, through the wheels of the locomotive, and a brush contact with a fixed metallic surface. A commutator, on the signal post, is so arranged that, at “ line clear,” the connection between the battery and the earth is broken, but at danger," the commutator completes the circuit. When a locomotive arrives at the fixed contact, if the signal be set to “danger," the lower lever of the DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 177 steam whistle arrangement is released and the whistle sounds antil the lever is restored to its place by the engine driver. This system of electro-automaton whistle may be applied to other cases in which a danger signal is required. (Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, January 28.- No. 332. BERNSTEIN, ALEX.-" Self-acting apparatus for effecting “ electric contact by passing trains,” &c. This apparatus is to set in action an alarum placed in the superintendent's office to give notice of the arrival of the train. The wheels of the passing train press down parts of extra spring rails projecting above the ordinary rails; the spring rails are attached at one end, by an extra cross bar, to the ordinary rails. At the other end of the spring rails is a con- necting angle-iron bar, running under the line, parallel to the cross bar. When both spring rails are simultaneously depressed (but not when one only is depressed) the angle-iron bar compresses a double arched spring by means of a bolt, which carries, at its lower portion, a plate. The plate presses on an india rubber bladder, thereby moving a metal plate that carries a platinum pin into electrical contact with a platinum plate carried on the lower surface of a strip of spring metal attached to the side of the containing box. The contact thus made gives a signal. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1873, January 28.-No. 333. BERNSTEIN, Alex.-"Apparatus for controlling switches." The object of this invention is to obtain, at the station master's room, control over the position of the switches leading to the station and an indication of their relative positions. The switches are actuated by rods and lever arms, by the person in charge. Rods with “ enlargements or conuses effect variable electrical communication at the station. 9 178 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Electrical contact for the circuits is formed in the “ current “ turner”) by plugs in recesses for them in plates, so as to connect the respective currents to the respective switches or shut them off, as may be desired, by which divers circuits can be placed in communication and opened or closed by approaching trains by the self-acting pneumatic contact which also operates electric alarum apparatus. The station master, on the approach of a train, places a plug into the hole of the “current turner" corresponding with the switch into which the train is to run. If the switch be not set properly, the alarum is sounded. In the case of three switches leading off from the main line, the station master's room contains a relay to effect a constant circuit by a single electric action, two alarum apparatus and a galvanometer as well as the "current “ turner.” [Printed, 18. Drawing.] [1s ) 9 A.D. 1873, January 28.-No. 344. CARR, DAVID ALEXANDER, and BARLOW, CRAWFORD PETER, _" Railway electrical signal apparatus.” By this invention, no train can approach within a limited distance of the preceding train without receiving a warning signal. Along the line are stations at which a signal can be trans- mitted electrically on to the engine through insulated bars placed as set forth in No. 1520, A.D. 1872 ; in between these are places at which a train, passing over a lover, causes the insulated bar, at the station just left, to be uncoupled from the battery and, at the same time, couples up the same battery with a wire leading back to the preceding station and causes the insulated bar at such station to be again coupled up with its battery. The coupling up is accomplished by an electro- magnetic apparatus. Thus the line in rear of a train is automatically blocked for any predetermined distance. To enable a man to have control, under exceptional cir. cumstances, a control instrument is "connected to the wires “ from trigger to trigger," which indicates the state of the line in each section-whether blocked or clear. In connec- tion with this instrument is a time register consisting of DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 179 a a travelling paper strip on which a marker is brought down by means of an electro-magnet. The arrangement above described is modified when every train does not stop at each station. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, January 29.-No. 351. HASELTINE, GEORGE.—(4 communication from Henry Julius Smith.)—"Submarine torpedo launches,” and “ apparatus " connected therewith." This launch is propelled under water by compressed air and is steered by the same power regulated by electro-magnetism. It is divided, by bulkheads, into three compartments; the forward compartment contains the explosive material; the middle compartment carries the reservoir of compressed air, as well as a reel of insulated wire to establish electric com. munication between the launch and the shore; the stern compartment is fitted with the propelling and steering apparatus. In the electric circuit from the shore is a galvanometer, which is secured between the stern and middle compartments. The needle of the galvanometer carries a yoke ; according to the deflection of the needle, the yoke acts upon one or other of two bell-crank levers to bring one or other of two electro- magnets into action and thus to open one or other of two valves in connection with the air reservoir, so as to force a movable cylinder in one direction or the other. The motion of the cylinder is communicated to the rudder by a rack in connection with a toothed sector. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] -- A.D. 1873, January 30.-No. 371. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. - (A communication from Albert Francis Johnson.) (Provisional protection only.) — “ Fire alarm and water supply apparatus for preventing con- flagrations.” The fire alarum placed in each building consists of a cam wheel, which is rotated by a spring coil and is provided with a number of bosses on its periphery. There is also a tele- graph key, attached to the ordinary telegraph wires. 180 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The rotation of the cam wheel is prevented, except when a fire breaks out, by means of a pawl, one end of which is influenced by a column of mercury. The tube containing the mercury is placed within a larger tube which communicates with each apartment of the building. When a fire occurs, the end of the pawl is raised by the expansion of the mercury, and the cam wheel is released and rotates over each boss in succession. The number of bosses corresponds to the locality of the building to be protected, and the passage of the cam wheel over them sends a corre- sponding number of currents through the telegraph key into the telegraphic circuit. Water supply apparatus is used in connection with this alarum. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, February 3.-No. 402. THORNELOE, JAMES.—“ Organs and harmoniums." To open the pallets by the agency of electricity, “the “ armature of an electro-magnet " is connected to each key by means of two metallic plates, one fixed to the rail the other to the sticker. “ The sticker when raised is pressed by a spring so as to bring its metallic plate into contact with " that on the rail and thus complete the electric circuit. “ The apparatus may be thrown out of action by the raising “ of the rails carrying the fixed plates and the springs." [Printed, 18. 6. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, February 6.—No. 441. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from Messrs. Garau, Ticozzi, & Co.) – (Provisional protection only.)- - “ Electrical brakes for railway trains.” The electrical mechanism consists of two bobbins in a galvanic circuit with a contact button placed within reach of the driver. The armature is pivoted above and free below, and is in two parts unconnected ; it is united at its lower end by a joint to a small pivoted hollow cylinder, in the periphery of which is a longitudinal groove for a part of its length. A handle winds up a cord (carrying a weight) upon a drum which is ordinarily retained in position by a lever. When a a DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 181 the brake is applied, the button is pressed, the armature is attracted, and the hollow cylinder turns on its pivots, liber- ating the lever which releases the drum and the weight descends putting in action the ordinary brake mechanism. To open the brake and reset the apparatus, the handle is tarned so as to raise the weight, which is retained in its position by a notched disc in which the lever engages. Provision is made for working this brake by hand. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, February 10.- No. 490. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE.—(A communication from Paul Tesse, Henry Lartigue, and Pierre Désiré Prud'homme.) " Railway signalling apparatus.” This apparatus is electrical and is actuated by the working of the railway signals, so that the apparatus indicates when a train enters upon a section of the line, and (in single lines) shows whether the line is cleared or blocked by a train travelling in the opposite direction. In the semaphore signal apparatus, the arms of correspond- ing posts are connected electrically so as to work together. They are set by hand and unset by electricity. In the electric signal apparatus, a Hughes' electro-magnet, in combination with a tappet and oscillating stop, lowers the signals. A second Hughes' electro-magnet is combined with the above for checking the receipt of a signal by negative current. A commutator, revolving in one direction, operates the semaphore arms in co-operation with the crank of the instrument. A bell mechanism for intermediate points and stations (to indicate the presence of trains in a given section) is actuated by an arrangement of permanent magnets between which are the armatures of a pivoted core which is excited by positive or negative currents. In a method of working distance signals (that are operated by balance weights) by the electric signal apparatus, the disc is set at danger, and the tappet is released from the stop by an electric current from the corresponding signal station. [Printed, 28. 10d. Drawings.] 182 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1873, February 13.-No. 534. OWEN, CHARLES.-(Provisional protection only.)-" Electrical “ inter-communication between passenger and guard, guard “ and guard, and guard and engine driver.” If any carriage becomes disconnected from the train by accident, the guards are apprised of the fact by means of a metal plate screwed at the top of the coupling between carriage and carriage. When the coupling becomes taut, the metal plate is brought into contact with two brass studs fised at the bottom of the coupling box; the studs, being connected to the train wires, complete the circuit when brought together and cause bells to ring in the guards' vans. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, February 13.-No. 543. VIAULT, JULES, and BERNIER, CLAUDE NOËL. – "An “ electric detonating disc and other signals for preventing “ railway accidents, applicable to railways.” Signals operated by toothed gearing.–The train is always between two disc signals which are mechanically placed at “ danger" by the passage of the locomotive; this is called the “first signal.” At the moment of turning the discs, pulleys in the signal posts make electric contacts which sound electric bells mounted in short telegraph posts near the line of railway; this is called the "second signal." A third signal is a horn worked by pneumatic action, and a fourth signal is a detonating signal in case the other signals have proved inoperative. Signals operated without toothed gearing.–The two disc signals that form the “first signal” are operated by pulleys, chains, and wires. The second signal is made by the con. nection of the electric wires by a pulley. The third and fourth signals are worked by mechanical means. [Printed, 18. 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, February 13.-No. 545. HIGHTON, HENRY.—“ Electric telegraphs.” In using the gold leaf instrument, arrangements are necessary to prevent the injury of the gold leaf by the strong DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 183 outgoing current. For this purpose, the finger key is arranged so that, when it is depressed, it gives rise to two currents, which, tending to traverse the gold leaf, at the sending station, in opposite directions, neutralise each other. Both currents enter the line wire and the incoming currents are indicated by the gold leaf whether or not the finger key be depressed, so that the line may be worked at both ends simultaneously. The zinc of one battery and the copper of another are both permanently connected with a point between the instrument and a resistance on an earth contact. The other copper and zinc are, by means of the finger key, connected when and as required at the same instant with the line and earth. Thus two similar currents go to the receiving end of the line and two opposing currents balance each other on the instrument at the sending end. Or, the instrument of the sending station may be cut out of circuit or shunted whenever the key is depressed. Or, where two wires are available, one is used as the sending line, the other as the receiving line. To prevent the earth connections of the sending line from affecting the receiving instrument, the sending key passes & neutralising current through the receiving instrument. [Printed, 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, February 24.–No. 686. BOLTON, FRANCIS JOHN, and WEBBER, CHARLES EDMUND.- (Provisional protection only.)-"Method of obtaining photo- " metric measurements, and apparatus for that purpose." The principle applied in this invention is "that certain “ bodies when exposed to light of greater or less intensity “ become changed in their electrical conductivity or resist- os ance. 95 The body to be acted upon by the light is placed in an electric circuit together with an “electrometer.” The light being directed on the body, the measurement of the electro- meter is taken as a measurement of the intensity of the light. "By this method and apparatus photometric measurements may be obtained in terms of electrical measurement." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] > 184 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 6 A.D. 1873, February 25.-No. 706. NEWTON, ALFRED VINCENT.—(A communication from Charles Ferdinand Milde and Louis Charles Vimard.)-"Electric " clocks." This invention relates to driving clocks by electro- magnetism. The electro-magnet which maintains the action of the mainspring is mounted upon the pillar plate of the clock; its armature is pivoted and is fitted with an adjust- able counterpoise. An arm is connected with the armature and is pivoted on the same centre. Another arm presses against the first arm and is in the same plane therewith; it carries, at its free end, a pawl which engages with the teeth of the ratchet wheel that winds up the mainspring. Each time the armature is attracted by the electro-magnet, the pawl is brought into action. Making and breaking contact.-An elastic contact piece is brought into contact with a contact pin by the revolution of a double cam which is driven by the clockwork. The con- tinued rotation of the cam allows the contact piece to fall back and thereby to break contact. The parts are locked when they are not in movement. This apparatus may be used to regulate a group of clocks by the transmission of intermittent currents. The armature, as it approaches the electro-magnet, strikes against an elastic contact piece and completes the circuit so as to establish electric pulsations for operating clocks at a distance from the regulating clock. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, February 27.–No. 735. EDISON, THOMAS ALVA.-" Circuits and instruments for “ chemical telegraphs." This invention relates to cutting off the tailings of the dots and dashes by neutralizing the attenuation of the pulsations." The counter current set up in an electro-magnet or induction coil, when the circuit is broken, is applied for this purpose. The magnet is introduced in a shunt contiguous to the receiving instrument or in a branch circuit from the line to earth. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 18.5 9 “ Two or more stylus or pens, with shunt circuits and “ differing magnets to each, ensure legible characters in one * of the several lines of characters." " When a resistance is placed in the main line, and a “ circuit breaker is in the line operated with great rapidity so as to keep the line charged statically, the message will be “ sent by the perforated paper and stylus acting in a shunt " that is connected with the line at both sides of the - resistance." To repeat a message.—In an induction coil, the primary circuit from the transmitting instrument acts in one coil and the induced secondary current acts in another coil connected with the receiving instrument. One or more batteries, in the main line, or connected there. with, having their poles opposed to the main-line current is or are employed to neutralise tailings. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, March 1.-No. 761. WINTER, GEORGE KIFT.-The application of duplex tele. graphy to submarine cables. 1st. Opposing batteries applied to duplex working - A battery at each station has similar poles to earth. The receiving instrument is inserted between the battery and the line. A key is connected at a certain point in the coil of the receiving instrument; the other terminal of the key is placed to earth. The whole is adjusted by resistance coils. In a somewhat similar arrangement, the coil is shunted by a slide resistance, and the key is joined to the movable contact of the resistance and to earth. 2nd. The static induction of the cable is counteracted by magneto-electric or by battery induction. The induction may be initiated in a local circuit. 3rd. The receiving instrument may be placed between two condensers; or in the secondary circuit of a coil; or in the common circuit of two induction bridges. 4th. When two sources of electricity are used, in place of splitting a single current, these currents are produced by magneto-electric induction; more or less of the reverse current that is sent into the cable is cut off, but the reverse current in the local circuit bas its full effect. a 186 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 5th. A galvanometer for feeble currents has a portion of its axle bent into three sides of a square. Light passed through the interior is spread into a horizontal band by cylindrical lenses. The image (on a screen) of the vertical bar of the square moves horizontally with the motions of the needle. [Printed, 28. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, March 4.—No. 785. BARNEY, WILLIAM CHASE.—"Electric telegraphs.” At the transmitting station, the necessary electric contacts are made by a travelling strip of perforated paper; in the receiving instrument, the currents received pass through chemically-prepared paper. The principles employed are:-1. The Leyden jar charge of long insulated cables. 2. The cable becomes charged with the electricity of that pole to which it is connected, the other pole being placed to earth. 3. The terminus of a charged line is the virtual pole of the battery to which it is connected. 4. The earth's resistance is nil. The transmitting instrument is on short circuit with its own battery (modified by resistance coils) until connected with the cable and earth, when it is influenced by the battery that con- stantly charges the cable from the receiving station. The receiving instrument is connected with its battery and with the cable on one side and, on the other, with the earth through resistance coils. The positive battery pole, at each station, is connected to the cable. One set of resistance coils is connected to the negative battery pole, thus keeping a modified current constantly through the cable ; between the latter set of resistance coils and the instrument is a small bat- tery (negative pole to earth) and resistance, to assist in causing the distinctness of the marks received. To transmit signals.- At the transmitting station, when the battery is short circuited, the current from the receiving station passes through the transmitting instrument. At the same time, at the receiving station, a current passes from earth to the instrument and marks the paper in proportion to the duration of the contacts at the transmitting station. Thus the cable is always connected to the battery; the signals are made at the terminns of the charged line which is the virtual DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 187 pole of the battery with which it is connected; and the sig. nals never pass into the insulated line. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, March 6.-No. 820. BAINES, WILLIAM.—"Apparatus for working, locking and “ controlling the action of railway switches,” &c. No. 779, A.D. 1871 (the “ former invention "), is referred to. A part of the present invention relates to a method of pre- venting "a signal lever from being used to take off a danger “ signal until the lever has been anlocked by a telegraphic signal from a station in front of the signal.” In the former invention this was effected by an electric current operating npon a sliding bar or rotary disc. In the present invention a notched rotating instrument is actuated from the distant station by an electro-magnet; this instrument is placed immediately over a projection on the catch bar of the lever it is required to control. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, March 10.-No. 861. BARNEY, WILLIAM CHASE.—"Electric telegraphs." To prevent the tailings which sometimes occur in electro- chemical telegraphs, the positive current (or that which acts on the recording paper) is sent from the transmitter to the earth plate direct. The positive current from the receiver at the distant station may also act upon a recording instrument in the transmitting station, To verify the correctness of messages when tailing is pro- duced on the recording paper, à recording instrument is placed between the transmitter and the earth plate at the sending station. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, March 17.-No. 973. TONGUE, JOHN GARRETT.—(A communication from George Freeman Lufbery.)—“Stopping motions or apparatus appli- cable to knitting and other machinery.” 188 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 2 . Mechanical arrangements combined with an electro-magnet are employed for this purpose. To stop the driving pulley of the machine, an armature catch is suddenly withdrawn from under a weighted lever which moves and causes a sheet of metal to fall between the two frictional pulleys that drive the machine, then brings the arms of jointed levers together, so as to withdraw one pulley from the other and to stop the machine. By opening the arms, the driving pulley is again put into gear. When the machine is in motion, a plate on the support of the driving pulley makes contact with a fixed plate, so as to connect up the electric conductors. The breaking or failure of supply of the thread canses a small weight, which ordinarily rests upon the thread, to descend and to complete the electric circuit through mercury cups. The breakage of a needle causes its top or bottom to come into contact with a lever which allows a hammer to fall and to complete the electric circuit. In the case of an uneven thread, a small split piece stops the inequality, breaks the thread and establishes the electric current. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, March 18.–No. 993. MERRIMAN, James DUCKETT.—(Provisional protection only.) —“Lighting and extinguishing public and other lights." A stop cock at the top of the service pipe is opened by the lever armature of an electro-magnet which also liberates a spring and thus moves a hammer which emits sparks (by striking against a piece of metal attached to the nose piece) and lights the issuing gas. The hammer then falls back to allow the current to pass to the next lamp. The gas is shut off by breaking the electric circuit at the gas office or workg. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, March 29.-No. 1172. NEWTON, ALFRED VINCENT.—(A communication from Cava- lier Carlo Grechi.)—“Apparatus for ascertaining the rise and DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 189 “ fall of temperatures, also for indicating the pressure and " for arresting the spread of fires." The thermic apparatus, when operative, completes an elec- tric circuit in which are indicators. In the thermic apparatus, a metallic helix uncoils by the application of heat and coils ap by cold. The helix is formed of strips of zinc and platinum soldered together, the platinum face being inside the coil. The range of motion of the instru- ment is limited by a divided quadrant on the loose end of the helix, which may be set, as required, to a fixed pointer. When the heat rises, a strip of metal connected to the loose end of the helix makes contact with a fixed strip and completes the before-mentioned electric circuit. In the indicator box are as many electro-magnets as there are thermic apparatus. An armature, pivoted above each electro-magnet, has a plate bearing a number which is brought into view when the electro-magnet is excited, thus indicating the locality of the rise of temperature. Each arma- ture has a tail which sounds a continuous alarum. To show the changes from a mean temperature in theatres, &c., calliper-shaped arms, connected with the loose end of the helix, dip into mercury cups, one cup for the rise of tempera- tore and the other for the fall. A fire annihilator, or a rose head connected with a tank, may be brought to bear upon a fire by an electro-magnetic arrangement. Similarly, a hammer may fall on an explosive material and light a signal lamp, when the heat rises. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] a a A.D. 1873, March 29.-No. 1178. HIGHTON, HENRY.—“ Electric telegraphs,” &c. The object of this invention is to increase the force of the current acting on the relay or receiving instrument. The length and resistance of the primary and secondary coils of an induction coil, ased in conjunction with the receiver, is apportioned to the resistance offered by the receiver and to the insulation and resistance of the line wire. By this means “the force of the current acting on the relay or receiving instrument may be multiplied to any extent.” 190 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A number of horseshoe electro-magnets are arranged in pairs, resting one on the other, pole to pole. The electro- magnets being thus arranged in two sets, upper and lower, the coils of one set form a part of the line-wire circuit (or primary circuit); the coils of the other set form a secondary circuit which is connected with the receiver. The wires of either set may be joined together to suit the circumstances of the case. The rules are given on which the amount of current passing through the receiver depends, so as to calculate in what manner the wires should be joined up. Or, the method of coupling may be ascertained experimentally by finding the primary arrangement that gives the maximum magnetism of the cores; then (with this primary arrangement) finding the arrangement of the secondary coils which gives the strongest signal upon the receiver. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, March 31.-No. 1188. SPENCE, WILLIAM.—(A communication from François Felix Girarbon.)-" Electric telegraphs." The object of this invention is “the employment of suc- “ cessive alphabetical series for the purposes of telegraphic “ transmission, either automatic or manipulated.” To produce automatic transmission, composite chains are used with movable cross pieces which extend beyond the sides of the chain. When the cross pieces are marked with a letter, any sign may be transmitted by a single current. A drawing cylinder, for unrolling the chain, gears with the wheel on the axis of the types of a Hughes’ telegraph. The transmission is produced by a lever which is raised by the cross pieces as they pass. For transmitting alone, the wheelwork has a fly with movable wings, a disque immergé,” and a brake. A typo-translator, which sends short currents at each turn of the drawing cylinder, is composed of alphabetical series of variable lengths placed one over another. In a manipulator, the “key stops” remain lowered until the emission of the current, and become replaced of them- selves. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 191 A receiver, with four type wheels, receives on wide paper ; it has correcting apparatus to enable the letter to be marked at the proper place at the beginning of each line. The bobbins are of variable resistance; two coils are used in each bobbin. An electro-motor, to wind up the apparatus, has electro- magnets placed over one another and with hinges. For winding up by a circular movement, the soft irons ars arranged on an endless chain which passes into the interior of the bobbins. [Printed, 28. Drawings.] (6 A.D. 1873, April 1.-No. 1194. SMELLIE, ROBERT, and VANCE, John. — “Self-acting “ railway signal apparatus." This invention " is applicable for working either mechani. “cally operated or electrically operated signals.” Stops” connected with the signal apparatus move ver- tically, horizontally, or at an angle; they are situated at the side of the rails. The passage of the train depresses a stop and completes an electric circuit, which raises the signal, thereby indicating the approach of the train. When the train reaches the distant stop and depresses it, the signal is lowered. " When the wheels of the train have fairly passed the stops " these will rise to their normal position, and so break the “ current." [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, April 15.-No. 1357. BROOKES, WILLIAM.—(A communication from Henry Wattinne and Edouard Roettger.) ——“Manufacture of pile fabrics." A series of hooks is suspended to a horizontal bar above and a little behind the table over which the fabric travels. Each hook is bent so as to rest upon the table and is (by means of a needle point) made to pass through one of the loops formed by the weft threads which are to be cut by a small cutter in the hook. To ensure the proper direction of the point of each hook, a plate of magnetised steel or an electro-magnet is inserted in the table. 192 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. To stop the loom, in case the points of the hooks traverse the groundwork or miss any of the loops, a metal plate above the fabric and another below the fabric are electric contacte with which the hooks complete a circuit in which is the electro-magnet disconnecting the machine. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] 9 A.D. 1873, April 17.—No. 1395. CODDINGTON, ROBERT.-(4 communication from Merritt Gally.)—" Telegraphic apparatus." This invention has particular reference to multiplex tele. graphy, but parts of it may be adapted to other systems. The multiplex action is by avoidance of conflict of messages in point of time. Any number of instruments may be used on a line, with an interval of time for each instrument; the unison of the instruments is provided for, as well as the ascertainment whether or not any interval is in use and the adjustment of any instrument to an unemployed interval. A small circuit closer is used, with only a sufficient number of conductors to represent the different letters of a type wheel, or the elements from which the dot and dash alphabet may be formed. There is a key to each letter of the alphabet; the key movement is similar to that described in No. 2481, A.D. 1872. A break is made between the keys and the circuit closer, and in the circuit closer itself. In multiplex telegraphy, a group of fixed conductors repre. sents the series of intervals to which the instruments may be respectively set. Switches connect the line or include the receiving instrument or the transmitter, and a revolving con- nector brings into circuit the intervals in rotation. To set the register to correspond with the interval of the instrument, the spaces between the letters of the type wheel correspond to the letters of another, or partial gear may be employed. For a marking register partial movement is given to the paper roller. The printing is line after line. To give equality of movement the motor, a conical pendulum is employed and a line pulsator secures the unison of all the instruments. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 193 A group of small electro-magnets is used to produce speedy magnetic movements. Other details and modifications are set forth. (Printed, 18. 2d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, April 25.–No. 1508. EDISON, THOMAS ALVA.—“ Electric telegraphs.” To enable perfect signals to be transmitted and received in cables and long telegraph lines, an artificial line is placed on the opposite side of the receiving instrument to the cable. The receiving instrument is thus interposed at the point of no electric tension. The artificial line has the same resistance and capacity for producing static charges as that of the cable. Between the receiving instrument and the earth one or more condensers or other accumulators of static electricity are interposed. A very low resistance is placed between the line and the ground at the transmitting station. The transmitting battery is always in circuit and another battery, of equal power and opposite poles, is included in the same circuit. When the circuit is closed at the transmitting station, the neutralising battery is short circuited and a current is sent upon the line. When an electro-magnet is energized and the circuit broken, a return corrent is momentarily set up, or a condenser may be used to set up a momentary re rn current. Either these arrangements is so placed, with respect to the receiving or transmitting instrument, that the reactionary discharge aids in restoring the normal condition of the cable or receiving instrument. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 9) A.D. 1873, April 29.— No. 1554. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. (A communication from William, Francis Coffee).-"Printing telegraph apparatus." This step-by-step printer is for reporting stock exchange quotations and requires the line-wire circuit only. The type wheel is moved by clockwork and is controlled by its own electro-magnet. When the alternate currents from the transmitter halt, the current is diverted from the type- wheel electro-magnet to the printing electro-magnet, by a R 705. G 19+ ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. shunt. A dead beat escapement and a polarised armature are used in connection with the type wheel. Unison mechanism brings the type wheel into harmony with the transmitter. A pin, on the type-wheel shaft, is held by the clockwork until released by levers actuated by electro- magnetism. The type wheel has odd digits (which occur as numerators in the fractions used) placed before a fractional sign; the even digits, for denominators, are placed on the other side of the fractional sign. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1873, April 29.-No. 1558. SPRAGUE, John Toby.—“Instruments for measuring electric “ currents, resistances, and forces." This invention relates to the construction of galvano. meters. The wire of a galvanometer is so arranged as to form a series of circuits having a definitely increasing influence upon a magnetic needle. The number of turns of wire in each circuit, and its position and distance from the needle is balanced against the length of the needle employed. A com- mutator, consisting of a series of metallic blocks, one for each circuit, and a single collecting block, together with a plug, is used to neutralise all actions except those of the coils themselves; neutralising wires are led from each terminal to the coils. The dials of galvanometers are graduated to indicate definite units of electric current and to any work done, such as weight of a given metal deposited in a unit of time. For electro-metallurgy, the needle may be mounted outside a single turn; or a part of the current may traverse a second circuit; or the needle may be mounted upon a slide to alter its distance from the wires; or the conductor may vary; or the turn of wire may move on an axis " in the line of the “ needle's position of rest.” Vertical galvanometers may be utilized by a controlling magnet and shifting weight. The dials may show graduated resistances in ohms, without the use of resistance coils. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 195 By using a definite resistance, the electro-motive force of a battery may be read off, direct, in definite units. In reflecting galvanometers, the scales are graduated. The dial may be graduated in degrees, and may be accom- panied by a table, to ascertain the corresponding values in any definite units that may be desired. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, May 2.-No. 1584. FISK, FRANK.—(A communication from Alois Bauer, and Ferdinand Kreb.)—" Electric printing telegraphs.” This invention is applicable to the communication, from a central station to a number of places simultaneously, of fluctuations in the money market, &c. The type wheel is worked by two electro-magnets and two ratchet wheels, one to each electro-magnet. Each electro- magnet has its own circuit; the currents are alternately sent into each circuit. A third is the printing electro-magnet in its own circuit. In inserting instruments into the circuit, from ten to thirty are in one group and in one circuit, only the last electro- magnets of one group being put to earth. Certain projections on the armature levers prevent the type wheel from being moved more than one letter at a time. The paper-moving roller is on the end of the printing lever and is operated by a hanging pawl. When the printing has taken place, a switch puts the printing electro-magnet out of circuit and opens the passage to the next station. A second switch is employed to print the same type several times successively without displacing the type wheel. To set the type wheel in unison with that of the other instruments, a polarised relay is inserted into the printing circuit at the zero point. If all the instruments are not at zero, the printing circuit is interrupted and propelling currents are sent until the instruments are right. This method is modified when the type wheel has been forcibly cisplaced. Six transmitting keys are used. Nos. 1 and 2 give motion to the type wheel. No. 3 is the printing key. No. 4 trans- mits the controlling current during the zero position of the G2 196 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. instrument. No. 5 successively prints the same type. No. 6 displaces the type wheel when it is out of position with the others. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1873, May 2.-No. 1586. McEVOY, CHARLES AMBROSE.-(Provisional protection only.)- Apparatus to be used when firing fuses by electricity." In apparatus for indicating the ignition of electric fuzes, when a fuze has been fired, the insulated wire leading to it is at once disconnected from the galvanic battery and the ignition is indicated. Thus the full strength of the battery is maintained for igniting the remaining fuzes. In the battery circuit there is a spring contact maker, an electro-magnet and the electric fuze. Above the spring contact maker is a drum having within it a coiled spring. The passage of the electric current to ignite the fuze excites the electro-magnet, thereby releasing the dram which revolves until a projection upon it cuts off the insulated wire from the battery, thus giving sufficient duration to the battery current to ensure ignition. Before its release, the drum indicates “set ; ” after its release it shows the word “fired." In place of a revolving drum, a falling screen, with the words “set” and “fired,” may be used. When battery contact is to be made at will, the contact maker consists of an ebonite cylinder containing an insulated contact piece; within the cylinder works a spring plunger containing the other contact piece. On the pressure of the plunger, the contact is made. This apparatus is applicable generally as a contact maker. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1873, May 9.-No. 1684. JAYNOR, ALBERT. — (Provisional protection only.)—"Auto- “ matic telegraph transmitting instrumeuts.” These instruments may be substituted for the Morse key and do not require a skilled operator to transmit messages. A circular brass box contains a central wheel revolved by hand and wholly insulated from the rim of an outer box. By the depression of a key (mounted on the outer box) corre- DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 197 sponding to the letter to be transmitted, a segmental piece of oopper, with the dots and dashes of the Morse system cut thereon is pushed forward from an outer circle of segments so as to come within range of the contact of copper springs on the central wheel and thus to send the requisite currents for the transmission of the letter into the line-wire. Thus, by turning the handle of the central wheel and depressing the keys, in the circle of keys, as required, the message is sent with rapidity. Two circular rims may be used in the same instrument to send small words, &c. In another plan, in which "instantaneous contact” is made, a central wheel, with a broad surface on its outer periphery, is employed. Instead of the segments, frames with small wheels are used. Each small wheel has dots and dashes cut on its onter circumference. Roman type attached to each key, an inking apparatus and a travelling strip of paper, enable a record of the telegram to be takeo. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, May 10.-No. 1706. BAILEY, WILLIAM HENRY.—“Sound and flash-light tele- “ graphs,” &c. The code adopted for these telegraphs is the Morse code of signals. Each alphabetical signal has & corresponding cam which conveys motion, through levers, to the equilibrium valve attached to the whistle. In one instance, an electro-magnet actuates the valve ; a series of keys is placed in front of the camas (the circuit being broken when the keys are at rest), so that by depressing any one of the keys and rotating the cams, the variation of that particular cam in circuit is given to the signal. A rocking shaft receives the movement of the particular key in action. If this rocking shaft be connected to an ordinary electric telegraphing instrument, it will work it with certainty instead of the handles usually employed. On ship-board, when the signals are at some distance from the operator, an electro-magnet may work the stop attached 198 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. to each key for causing the varying motion of the cam to be imparted to the rocking shaft and thence to the audible signal or flash light. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] . A.D. 1873, May 10.-No. 1713. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. — (A communication from Gaston Planté.) —" Apparatus for lighting lamps, candles, " and similar purposes.” The electric lighting apparatus may be connected with the wires of an electric bell apparatus, so as to be worked by the same battery without interfering with the action of the bells. The lighting apparatus, actuated by a secondary battery, is placed in a derived circuit. The bells may be actuated by the primary or charging battery alone, or by the secondary pairs by reason of the electric force accumulated therein while they are being charged. As the bells work only intermittently, sufficient intervals of time are allowed for charging the secondary pairs of the lighting apparatus. Both apparatus will work simultaneously without interfering with one another, for the closing of the derived circuit by the incan- descent platinum wire does not give passage to the whole of the current, a portion of the current, passing through the primary circuit, rings the bell or bells. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1873, May 12.-No. 1717. HARRISON, WILLIAM SAMUEL.—(Provisional protection not allowed.) — " Transmitting, indicating and recording time signals," and “the method of and apparatus for controlling horological instruments.” “ The objects of this invention are,- "1. That electric time signals may be transmitted on tele- graph wires in use for telegraph or other purposes without interrupting, except for very short periods, the regular " functions of such telegraph wires. “ 2. To protect electrically controlled clocks and other " indicators of time signals against the influence of electric “ currents other than time signal currents, DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 193 66 “ 3. To improve the method of electrically controlling horological instruments. “ 4. Recording time signals whether mechanically or electrically transmitted. “ 5. A method whereby telegraph or other electric appa- “ ratus may be electrically connected or separated from a “ wire line without breaking its electric continuity." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, May 13.—No. 1735. ABEL, CHARLES DENTON.-(A communication from George Westinghouse, junior.)" Working brakes and communicating “ signals on railway trains by fluid pressure.” In this invention, compressed air is transmitted from the pressure-producing apparatus through brake pipes to brake cylinders. Instead of compressed air the exhaustion of air may be used; other fluids may be employed; and the system may be applied to signalling apparatus. One part of this invention relates to applying the brakes, according to the above system by the agency of electro- magnetism. The armatures of electro-magnets are placed on an axis that carries a lever for working the valves that open and close communication between the brake cylinder and reservoir and between the latter and the external atmo. sphere. On breaking the electric circuit, the valves are operated by the release of the armatures, so that the brake cylinder receives a supply of compressed air from the reservoir and the brakes are applied. The apparatus can be arranged so that the brakes are applied on completing the electric circuit and released by breaking it. [Printed, 78. Drawings.] > 9 A.D. 1873, May 21.—No. 1845. TYER, EDWARD.-" Electric telegraphic apparatus for train "signalling on railways." In the receiving instrument, a notched hollow cylinder, of soft iron or steel, is mounted on an axle transversely between the opposite poles of a permanent magnet. An electro- 200 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. magnet has its poles similarly disposed at right angles to the permanent magnet. Thus friction on the axle is avoided and the indices remain deflected by the last current. This arrangement, in connection with a ratchet wheel and pawl, may be used for step-by-step instruments, for sounding alarums, &c. This part of the invention is an improvement upon that set forth in No. 3015, A.D. 1861. The indicating portion of the apparatas is kept distinct from the line circuit and is only connected therewith for a definite period. A wheel commutator and disc is combined with a transmitting key that consists of a spring plunger and catch. The catch is released by a lever combined with a hydro-dynamic, pneumatic, or mechanical contrivance that allows an interval to elapse before the release of the catch. In the hydro-dynamical contrivance, a mercurial commutator described in No. 2907, A.D. 1869, is employed. In an electro-magnetic apparatus for communicating be- tween one part of a train and another, after the circait has been interrupted by the passenger, it is reinstated auto- matically. The electric current is constantly flowing and a modification of the transmitting key described above is employed. [Printed, 38. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, May 27.-No. 1903. COOKE, CONRAD WILLIAM.—Testing the insulation of wire wound upon electro-magnets as it is being coiled, &c. A sheave is made in halves or parts; to the core on which the wire is to be coiled this sheave is clamped. To test the insolation of the wire as it is being coiled.- One pole of a battery is connected to the end of the part already coiled and the sheave is connected to the other pole ; a bell, galvanometer, or other indicator is also included in the circuit. When very minute defects are to be tested for, the deflec- tion of the galvanometer needle, or relay tongue, completes the circuit of a powerful current that rings a bell. When two wires are being coiled, two bells of different tones may be employed as fault indicators. The relay needle, by means of commutators, operates upon one indicator when DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 201 it is deflected in one direction by a fault in one wire, and upon the other when it is deflected in the other direction by a fault in the other wire. [Printed, 100 Drawing.) A.D. 1873, May 31.-No. 1970. EVANS, MORTIMER.--" Apparatus or mechanism for signal- " ling" in railway trains. Among other points, this invention relates to electric signalling between the passengers, guard and driver respec- tively. The magneto-electric current established by the motion of the train “is a positive or constant current." To communi. cate from any compartment, with the driver or guard, contact is broken and an electric bell sounds on the engine or guard's van. At the same time an indicator is raised to show the carriage from which the signal proceeds ; the compartment is indicated by the slack portion of the cord. The driver and guard communicate with each other by means of ordinary transmitting keys. To communicate from a compartment to the guard or driver, a cord is pulled, which stretches a spring and throws a pin into a recess, cants the tube containing the spring and breaks electric contact. The alarum preferred is Siemens' polarised bell. [Printed, ls. 6d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1873, June 6.-No. 2019. SMITH, WILLIAM, and SMITH, LANCELOT JOHN.—“ Electric “ time ball apparatus." This invention relates to the indication of a definite hour by the dropping of a time ball at exactly the proper time by means of a special train of wheelwork in connection with the regulating clock and with an electro-magnet. The driving wheel of the train is actuated by a spring or a weight. The winding drum of the cord in connection with the time ball is connected with the wheelwork by a clutch and its axis is capable of longitudinal motion, so as to engage or disengage the clutch. The upper part of the train is 202 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. therefore separable from the lower part and the motive power. The train being wound up, is released, a short time before the ball is to fall, by means of a snail wheel and lever in connection with the regulating clockwork. The train, in ranning down, winds up the cord connected with the ball, in readiness for the ball to drop. Shortly after this first move. ment, the clutch is disengaged by a cam. The ball is then sustained by the upper part of the wheelwork only until the liberating electric current excites the electro-magnet. The weight of the ball then allows it to descend. [Printed, 38. Drawings.] 1 A.D. 1873, June 12.-No. 2086. THOMSON, Sir WILLIAM, and JENKIN, FLEEMING.-—" Tele- graphic apparatus." The sending apparatus which forms part of this invention is to make the contacts for many of the compensated signals described in No. 2047, A.D. 1860, in No. 329, A.D. 1858, in No. 1784, A.D. 1865, in No. 206, A.D. 1860, and in No. 3453, A.D. 1862. An improvement in the receiving apparatus set forth in No. 2147, A.D. 1867, and in No. 252, A.D. 1871, also forms a part of the present invention. The improvement in the syphon recorder consists in binding a small paint brush to the end of the syphon. The mouse mill and electro-static arrangements are thus dispensed with. Ring sender. The message is prepared in type by touching keys on the circumference of a wheel, or endless band, when in motion. After the contacts have been made, the message is obliterated by rollers ; thus each part of the wheel comes round to the operator ready to have the message set up. There are no loose types. The right-hand contacts give positive, and the left-hand negative, signals. The projection determines which group of contacts is to be made; the length and arrangement of each group depends on the contact. making cam. Automatic paper sender. For high speed, punched paper is used as in No. 252, A.D. 1871. The fly wheel therein described is rendered unnecessary, the crank being carried past the dead points by a spring which acts as an alternative DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 203 accumulator and restorer of the work employed to turn the crank. The final position of the paper-drawing roller is determined by a catch. When the roller is to be free, the catch is lifted ont of gear by a cam. [Printed, 28. 6d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1873, June 13.–No. 2101. GREER, FREDERICK HENRY.—(Provisional protection only.)- "Improvements in telegraphing and in collecting electricity " for telegraphing and other purposes.” The electric stratum high in the air is connected with the earth so as to form a circuit for telegraphing. Cones, or vanes, are placed on the tops of lofty mountains or on telescopic towers. Each cone is in two or more sections insulated from each other. The first section is of copper and has lightning rods projecting from it. The second section is of zinc and terminates in a ventilator from which a vane carrying a lightning rod projects. The mouth of the cone is always in the direction from which the wind blows. An insulated wire connects the cone with the telegraph office below. “The circuit being broken and closed would give a corresponding effect with all stations that are connected by " the aerial electrical current." A feature of this invention is the use of the aerial current entirely with artificial batteries or without artificial batteries, the upper and under current forming the circuit. The circuit is broken "whenever necessary for an office.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, June 17.-No. 2133. LITTLE, GEORGE.-(Provisional protection only.) - "Automatic " telegraph apparatus for preparing paper, and transmitting " and receiving messages." No. 1207, A.D. 1872, is mentioned as being improved upon by the present invention. Punching paper.—The perforations for one letter are made at one operation. A cross plate, in connection with the alphabetical key and with the punches, determines the punches required for the particular letter. 204 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Ink, used in a pen that is moved into and out of contact with the paper, is composed of aniline blue dissolved in glycerine. The pen is of gold with iridium points, flexible and guarded. The fountain is filled with a syringe: There are two rollers on the same shaft, insulated from one another; one for the transmitting paper strip, the other for tbe receiving strip. The paper is drawn along by means of drums, brushes, and rollers that are moved by the same levers ; the movement of these, on the transmitting side, opens and closes the line-wire circuit. The pen is vibrated between the poles of an electro-magnet. The pen for mark- ing may be used in the Wheatstone instruments with the rocking beam. A condenser is connected with the main line at both sides of the receiving pen. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, June 27.-No. 2225. SIEMENS, CHARLES WILLIAM. (A communication from Werner Siemens and Friedrich Von Hefner Alteneck.) —"Elec- trical apparatus for sending by means of finger keys, and " for receiving and printing telegraphic messages," &c. Sending apparatus.- The depression of a finger key actuates levers and protrudes one, two, or more pins at the side of a travelling chain. The protruded pins make electric contacts for the transmission of a signal, according to the key depressed. The pins may be protruded on both sides, one side sends positive currents, the other negative currents. A cylinder with peripheral pins may be substituted for the chain; in tñis case, a pointer is made to travel over the pins. A contact maker for the pins consists of a spring commutator; a blade spring, bent to one side, makes contact in one direction and, on being pushed a little past its middle position, bends suddenly so as to make contact in the other direction. Receiving apparatus.—Electrical currents, in one direction, cause the type wbeel, or other index, to move, step-by-step, one division at a time; currents, in the other direction, cause it to move over two or more divisions at a time. In a print- ing instrument, a relay vibrates a spring contact lever which does not make contact while the type wheel revolves; when it stops, contact is made, the printing is done and the relay is DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 205 rendered inert. In a receiving instrument, an index or type oglinder has both rotary and longitudinal motion ; each movement is from an independent electro-magnet. A slide may be substituted for the cylinder ; the slide has both lateral and longitudinal movements governed by the armatures of two electro-magnets. [Printed, 23. Drawings.] > A.D. 1873, June 27.-No. 2232. VARLEY, FREDERICK Henry.—“Transmitting and recording “ telegraph signals, and means of transcribing, and apparatus “ connected therewith.” The object of this invention is to enable the message to be readily transcribed by the operator or telegraph clerk. A magnetised arm, of iron or steel, moves in a uniform magnetic field, so that the deflection of the needle is propor. tional to the potential of the electric current. A combination of audible and visual signals is used in conjunction with recorded signals. The dial of the instru. ment, or the paper slip, is presented optically at one view upon the transcribing paper, so that the operator uses only one direction of sight in reading and transcribing the message. A "gyrograph" is used to cause the reflected image to be superposed upon the objects seen by transmission. This instrument consists of a circular plane of glass, partly sil- vered and partly unsilvered; the plane or disc is rotated at an angle of 45° to the planes of the dial and of the transcribing paper. The paper strip of a recorder moves along an arm which is brought into contact with the inking wheel, on the passage of a current. The length of the strip exposed to view on the arm is sufficient to show an ordinary word. Concurrently with the beat of the armature, the mark enters into view. In a transmitting instrument, a commutator, with blade springs, insulated blocks and a contact piece, is worked by the projection from an oscillating axle. Glass prisms throw the image of the dial, or of the paper slip, on to the gyrograph. A lever reversing key for long circuits, with only a small 206 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. amount of motion, consists of contact springs in conjunction with metal blocks and earth contacts. [Printed, ls. Drawing.] 9 " A.D. 1873, June 30.-No. 2266. ZANNI, GEMINIANO.—“Magneto-electric Morse ink printing telegraphic apparatus." This apparatus is arranged in accordance with " Zanni's system,” having inking apparatus applied thereto. By pushing in a sliding rod, the clock-work mechanism of the magneto-electric apparatus is stopped, and by drawing it out it is started. In the printing mechanism, an armature lever carries a roller to press the paper strip against a disc to which the ink is conducted, from the reservoir, by an endless chain. The paper is fed by feed rollers, which (as well as the inking disc and endless chain) are rotated by the clockwork of the mag- neto-electric apparatus and toothed wheel gear. In another inking apparatus, the ink is contained in a revolving perforated cylinder which is covered with cloth; the ink is transferred to a revolving marker which consists of two concave discs forming a chamber for holding ink. In another arrangement, the ink is transmitted from the reser- voir by a rotating disc to the marking disc. In another arrangement, the endless chain transmits the ink direct to the paper. In another plan, the ink is contained in an inverted bottle, secured by a felt stopper, which allows the ink to flow gradually on to the revolving printing disc. In the last method, the inking disc is carried by the armature. [Printed, 1s. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, July 4.--No. 2327. BROWNE, ALEXANDER. - (A communication from Luis de Bejar O'Lawlor.) —"Electro-telegraphy." In each town, a main line, composed of four wires, is used to indicate theft, fire, &c. to a central office or to any other house or office in the system. Messages may be sent between two separate houses, stopping, during that time, the action of the apparatus placed in other houses. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 207 The electric apparatus for alarm bells and telegraphy are in connection with several wires forming the line and with four different receivers. The working of the apparatus for one of the receivers does not interfere with the action on another receiver at the same time. An "auto-quinetic "[auto-kinetic P] receiving apparatus is used in connection with the main line of four wires. The receiving apparatus is worked by a transmitter which has a handle that, in its rotation, comes into contact with four studs or contacts-i, doctor ; ii, fire; iii, thief; iv, earth contact. When the receiving apparatus is in action, an electro-magnet permits the rotation of a cylinder that is actuated by clock- work, so as to make the requisite indication. When the floor is cut by a burglar, a circuit is interrupted which completes another circuit to work the auto-quinetic and acts on a bell. In sending despatches from one house to another, the form of the auto-quinetic is not altered. [Printed, 28. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, July 11.-No. 2401. SPAGNOLETTI, CHARLES ERNESTO. “ Working railway " signals by electricity." The signals on the line for the guidance of engine drivers are worked at any distance. Two pairs of electro-magnets are placed opposite each other. A sheet of soft iron, on a rocking shaft, is under the influence of that set of electro-magnets which is brought into action. A toothed wheel, or part of a wheel, multiplies the arc given by the rocking shaft and works into another toothed wheel attached to the semaphore arm, &c., which is to be operated. The galvanic circuit may be completed by hand levers in connection with a slotted bar, so that only one lever can be worked at a time. Or a treadle or spring contact may be depressed by a passing train. The electro-magnets are worked by a local battery for which lengthened contact is secured. A signal being put up or taken down remains locked until it is altered by the action of the opposite electro-magnets. 208 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 90 The treadles may be the ordinary slotted spring treadle, or the centre hinged treadle, or the tipping treadle or a multi- plying lever. At junctions the signals are locked and only one can be worked at a time. The time a signal is in a given position is yn by a tell-tale clock attached to the ordinary locking frame. By means of a signal repeater, the condition of the signal at the passing of every train is shown. A repeater or tell-tale, in the signal lamp, advises the signalman whether the lamp is burning or not. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] 21 A.D. 1873, July 14.-No. 2430. PHELPS, GEORGE MAY.—“Printing telegraphs." * In the receiving instrument, which is the subject of this invention, clockwork is used to move the type wheel; another train of clockwork, moved by a separate spring, is ready to work the printing mechanism when it is set free. There are three electro-magnets in the line-wire circuit; two control the revolution of the type wheel; the third sets free the printing mechanism when the to-and-fro currents that work the type wheel cease. The alternating currents through the first two electro-magnets vibrate an armature between them and thus cause pallets to work the type wheel escapement. The third electro-magnet is only fully mag. netised when the current lasts long enough; for delaying the magnetisation its poles are elongated and there is a non- magnetic tube round the core. In printing, the pressure pad and paper are drawn back from the type wheel before the mechanism is stopped. By means of a screw and lever, in connection with the clockwork, all the type wheels are stopped at the unison point; or, a slowly-revolving unison wheel has a stop, which arrests the movement of the type wheel and is turned back to zero each time the impression lever is actuated; or, the unison stop may be operated by an electro-magnet by revers- ing the current; or the type wheel has a recoil escapement in combination with a unison stop. Printed, 18. Drawings.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 209 A.D. 1873, July 16.- No. 2446. HOLTEN, Sofus Emil, and VARLEY, FREDERIC HENRY. — “ Counting, indicating and signalling apparatus, partly “ applicable to horological instruments.” The apparatus is for counting the number of revolutions of machinery, or for signalling on railways, either close by or at a distance. A cylinder revolves with its spindle and, at the same time, moves longitudinally. The machine whose strokes are to be counted completes an electric circuit at a given number of strokes and causes the pointer armature of an electro-magnet to mark on paper or card fixed on the revolving cylinder which is divided into spaces that represent intervals of time. In a modification of the invention in which the counting may continue for a long period of time, the card is circular and is fitted on a disc in which is cut a spiral groove with several turns near the edge. In another modification, the card is attached round a short drum which does not travel longitudinally; for longer periods a strip of paper, wound from one roller to another, may be employed. A clock fitted with a pendulum, having one or two secondary pendulums, is used with the above apparatus. The secondary pendulum is thrown to one side by the attraction of an electro-magnet. The circuit is broken by the swinging of the main pendulum against the secondary pendulum. The oscil- lations of the main pendulum are maintained by the impulses of the secondary pendulum. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, July 25.–No. 2545. GREENWOOD, HENRY Brown.-(Provisional protection only.) —“ Applying electricity to locks for operating and securing " the same." In this invention, the lock, when properly secured, can only be opened by a special key and the use of another key or pick is indicated by the condition in which the lock is left. 210 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. One electric circuit includes the insulated pin of the lock and an electro-magnet in the lock. When the armature is attracted to the electro-magnet, the lock bolt cannot slide back, but when the armature is released from the electro- magnet, the movement of the bolt is free. If a key or pick be inserted in the lock, the electric circuit is completed and the lock is immovable. A branch circuit from that named above includes another electro-magnet and the two parts of a divided metallic plate. By the interposition of a conductor between the two parts of the plate, the second electro-magnet is excited, a stop lever is withdrawn from the armature of the first electro-magnet and the lock bolt is left free. By using a key in which the inside and outside of the key barrel are insulated from one another, the electric circuit is not completed by the insertion of the key and the lock bolt can be moved. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, July 29.-No. 2568. WALKER, THOMAS.—(Provisional protection only.)—“Elec- “ trical apparatus applicable to telegraphy and other purposes. The second part of this invention “consists in using as a relay, register, or translator an electro-magnet, the iron core of which passes only partially through the coil, the “ other part being left hollow and a permanent magnet pro- perly adjusted to work freely therein. When a current passes the magnet is drawn in or repelled. “A permanent magnet may be substituted for the iron core “ and iron for the armature, or the core may be fixed and the “coil made moveable, or the coil may be constructed with. out any core, and the magnet adjusted to work freely " therein." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, July 29.-No. 2576. DAVIES, WILLIAM HENRY, and HIGGINS, FREDERIC HERBERT WILLIAM.-" Electric telegraphs.” DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 211 A printer has type wheels driven by the oscillation of pallets actuated by an electro-magnet. Two type wheels are on the same axis ; one at a time is caused to print. The incline of the pallets is such that the momentum of the escapement wheel cannot move the pallets independently of the electro-magnet. The inking roller is of piano felt covered with velvet ribbon with the pile outwards, and is counterbalanced. A pad of sponge rubber is placed under the base of the printer to prevent its vibrations from being communicated to the support. The transmitter has a governor which allows its actuating train to start at full speed on being released by the finger keys. A rocking lever has motion imparted to it by the actuating train and an arm is so connected with it that the resistance of the arm augments rapidly as the speed increases. A condenser is in connection with the distributing relays to receive a portion of the charge from the line when battery contact is broken and to discharge it when the line tension falls, to produce a momentary reversal of the electro-magnets in the receivers. A second contact point is adapted to the distributing relay; it is carried by a spring and makes contact whilst the main contact points are still slightly separated. The spark occurs in one place only; one set of points is left clear. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, July 30.—No. 2588. MATHIESON, JAMES.—Construction of and mode of firing torpedoes. Mechanism for closing or breaking the electric circuit for firing torpedoes.-A short central rod carries an insulated contact disc; the rod is lightly weighted and is connected with the base by a coil of stout wire. A collar, having con- tact springs, is also supported by the base. When the apparatus is struck, the disc is thrown into contact with one or other of the springs, thereby completing the circuit. This plan gives a prolonged electrical contact. 212 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Firing torpedoes.-Instead of inserting within the torpedo any means of firing the same, a given length of electric cable is led off from the placed torpedo; the end of the cable is buoyed. When an enemy is expected, and not until then, a battery is applied to the cable. The battery will act under water and is sunk. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, August 5.-No. 2629. CLARK, Josiah LATIMER.—" Apparatus for recording the “ number of passengers conveyed in public vehicles, and the “ distance each has travelled." Against a travelling strip of chemically-prepared paper, a row of metallic points is caused to bear. On a passenger taking a seat, it is depressed and makes electric contact with its own metallic point. A line from that point continues to be marked on the paper as long as the seat is occupied; the line is a series of dots, as battery contact is made once every minute. To indicate when the vehicle is in motion, one of the wheels may complete the circuit when it revolves; or, when the vehicle is in motion, a spring balanced pendulam is fre- quently jerked against a contact stop, thereby producing marks on the paper. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] & A.D. 1873, August 7.-No. 2656. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. — (A communication from Frank Leonard Pope.)" Railway signal apparatus." This invention relates to operating semaphore and audible signals by electricity. 1st. Arranging these signals, at suitable intervals, apon line of railway, and combining with them electro-magnets, relays, batteries, and circuit closers that may be actuated by a passing train, so that a safety signal can only be given to an approaching train when the line between consecutive signals is unobstructed. 2nd. The combination with the above apparatus of a circuit changer with the movable rails of a switch. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 213 3rd. Combining with an insulated section of the main line, a branch line having insulated spaces, to confine an electric circuit to the main line, &c. 4th. Electric circuits with circuit closers, so that visual or audible signals may be worked by a single battery. 5th. The combination of a signal disc, actuated by suitable mechanism, with electro-magnetic detents, to control the movements of the signal. 6th. A semaphore signal, operated at a distance by electro- magnetism, so that its movements may be repeated back, or indicated any where in the circuit by the production of a variation in the strength of the current. 7th. The application of a locking magnet and armature to retain the signal disc of a semaphore signal in position after it has been moved until the operating circuit is broken. 8th. Combining commutators with magneto-induction apparatus, for the above purposes, so that the indicating apparatus may be affected by received currents but not by transmitted currents. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, August 15.-No. 2710. HILL, LAURENCE.—“Speed regulating apparatus for marine " engines." An electro-magnet acts on the lever of the throttle valve, either directly or through the intervention of a frictional clutch moved by the engine. The electro-magnet is excited by the closing of an electric circuit on the propeller becoming too little immersed in the water. According to one modification, the external water has access to a small float or diaphragm by means of a connecting tabe. The diaphragm is connected to an electric contact which excites the electro-magnet when the outside water level descends relatively to the tube. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, August 16.– No. 2715. CALDBECK, JOHN. — (Provisional protection not allowed.)— " Checking the number of passengers travelling by convey- ances. 214 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The checking takes place “ by means of electrical connec- “ tion between the seats & a recording apparatus.” “1st. Instead of the seats occupied being recorded the moment passengers sit down, this is effected automatically once or oftener during the progress of a conveyance on a “ journey. “2nd. The points at which the registering is to be effected are unknown to the person entrusted with the collecting " & rendering of fares. “ 3rd. The points at which the registering is effected may “ be altered every journey by a person at the starting point “ of the journey. Combined with these improvements the person in charge “ of the conveyance or fares of passengers keeps a register of passengers entering & leaving. The numbers represented by this registry are recorded at the same time that the seats occupied are registered (vide improvement No. 1). By this means the number of passengers entering & leaving can be compared with & tested by the numbers auto- “ matically registered as occupying seats.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, August 26.-No. 2808. HORNSTEDT, NICHOLAS WILLIAM. — (Provisional protection only). — “ Establishing communication between a railway “ train and the stations or other part of the line of railway, “ and vice versa, or between one train and another." Between the two rails, two insulated wires are fixed, one connected with the positivo pole of a battery, the other with the negative. These wires are connected with the stations. A grooved metal wheel, in connection with a conductor that passes through the flooring of the guard's van, rolls on each insulated wire. A transmitting instrument is connected with these conductors ; by this means the signals are sent. Switches at the stations divert the electric current as desired. The rails may be insulated and may convey the electric current; the carriage wheels may make the requisite contacts. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 215 or a A.D. 1873, September 1.--No. 2870. STEARNS, JOSEPH BARKER.—“ Electric telegraph appa- " ratus.” In duplex telegraphy, the charge and discharge of a sub- marine line by the action of a key that makes line contact, then breaks it, and, finally makes an earth contact, becomes troublesome. To obviate the effects of the charge and dis- charge upon the receiving instruments, condensers induction apparatus have been employed, as in the invention described in No. 3344, A.D. 1872. To obtain a condenser of exactly the desired capacity, the two wires from a differential relay are connected, one to the cable, the other to an arti- ficial line or rheostat provided with a condenser ; connections are then made with the condenser and the artificial line so that both the cable and condenser receive "charge.” On the key being reversed, the charge from the cable, also that from the condenser, pass round the relay, and do not affect it, if the two charges be equal. To render the charges equal, a portion of the artificial line is included between the instrument and the condenser. If the condenser be of less capacity than the line, resistance is introduced between the instrument and the line. When polarised relays are employed in duplex telegraphy, they are combined with the bridge wire of a Wheatstone's bridge. A reversing or clearing battery and key are used. Instead of the condenser, an induction coil may be used, or the instantaneous current from the sending battery, or a secondary battery. When earth currents are troublesome, a second wire is substituted for the earth. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, September 5.—No. 2924. WILKINSON, FREDERICK.—(Provisional protection only.) - Ascertaining and indicating the work done by machinery " used in preparing, spinning, doubling, and weaving cotton " and other fibrous materials,” and “ apparatus connected therewith.” To make a record of the performance of each machine, an electric current records, upon a travelling surface, the &6 216 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. intervals between the stopping of the machine and its being again put to work. The travelling surface is moved at & regular speed and ruled with divisions for periods of time. This arrangement is repeated in columns raled side by side, each division representing a particular machine. For machines which vary in their operations, extra electric wires and corresponding columns on the travelling surface are provided. Registration of time and of quantity of material is effected by the clockwork of the apparatus. The electric wires may be connected “to magnets which cause an index in any desired place to move and denote “ when any particular machine is not at work.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, September 10.—No. 2969. MOSELEY, WALKER.--" Electrical signal apparatus." This invention relates to apparatus for the transmission of signals on board sbips, in hotels, &c. 1st. The vibrating motion of the French trembling bell is made by short-circuiting the battery corrent each time the hammer approaches the bell. 2nd. Indicators.—The needle pivot works in crystal or stone bearings. A latch or detent prevents the rebound of the moving magnet and card ; a soft-iron spring puts away the detent and acts on the permanent magnet simultaneously by the same electro-magnet. The permanent magnet and card may be mounted on a vertical spindle, so as to revolve through half a circle. In one modification, each signal causes 'a the preceding one to disappear. 3rd. Contact makers.-A non-conducting front piece is fitted with a centre piece supported on three curved wire legs. An eboníte piece is below and through this the battery wire passes. Modifications of the third part of the invention are described for ringing bells from entrance doors, for an ordinary pull, for collieries, for a hot bearing indicator, for indicating water level, and for giving fire alarms. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 217 a A.D. 1873, September 11.–No. 2988. EDISON, THOMAS ALVA.-" Perforated paper for telegraphic " purposes,” and “means for receiving and transmitting " with the same.” The machine for perforating the paper is a modification of that described in No. 1751, A.D. 1872. Instead of being perforated in telegraphic characters, the paper is perforated in gronps that represent Roman or block letters. The message is received upon chemical paper in dots sufficiently close together to represent the letters trans- mitted. In the above-mentioned machine, the punches are massed together in a square; "the connections between each key and the punches are such as to select and operate such of the " punches as will perforate the paper to represent the letter " or character upon the finger key." There are as many telegraph wires, styles and pens as there are rows of perforations. This invention may also be used “with transmitting and “ receiving mechanism that will operate with only one line " wire." [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1873, September 26.- No. 3148. ALLEY, STEPHEN.-—" Apparatus to be used in connection “ with bearings or parts of machinery requiring lubrication." In one method of carrying out this invention, the undue heating of the bearing expands mercury in a tube in a cavity in the bearing and thereby completes an electric circuit in which an alarum is included. More than one alarum may be sounded at distant parts. “ The electric circuit may also be arranged by means of an electro-magnet to act on a valve so as to lead an “ increased supply of lubricant to the bearing.” [Printed, 8d. Draring.) A.D. 1873, September 27.–No. 3160. BEZER, HENRY.-" Passenger or fare registering apparatus “ for omnibuses," &c. 218 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Electrical means may be employed to effect the registra. tion. “The registering apparatus has a keyboard on which “ all the stations of the journey are marked, there being a separate key for each station." Each key contact completes an electric circuit and actuates an electro-magnet which brings a marker down upon paper. A pedal, used by the conductor at the entrance of each passenger, also makes electric contact (in its downward move. ment only) and a corresponding mark is made upon the paper. The entrance of a passenger makes two marks upon the paper, one from the depression of the key, the other from the pedal. One mark only (from the pedal) is made on the exit of a passenger. A register by numbers may be used. “A frame of fixed magnets ” is employed, “in connection with which is a “ movable set of counters." As each station is arrived at, a set of counters is put into connection with the electro- magnets. Thus the entrances and departures at each station are shown, as well as the bookings for the other stations. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1873, October 4.-No. 3213. SMITH, WILLIAM.—“ Indicating the movements of railway switches or points and signals,” and “the apparatus for recording such movements.” Electro-magnetic apparatus is preferably used in this invention. The motion of any part of the switches, &c., is recorded independently, or relatively to the motion of any other part. The levers, &c., of point and signal working gear are connected with recording apparatus for making marks on strips or sheets of paper. A reciprocating part of the point and signal working and locking gear actuates pens for recording the movements of the point and signal apparatus, in connection with time indications. The recording mechanism is contained within a case con- nected with a point-working or signal-working apparatus, or set up in a signal box. The contact maker and the electro- magnets are placed in a separate box, and there is synchronous DIVISION III.-- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 219 action between them and a timekeeper. The deflection of the pen from the right to the left, or vice versa, indicates the lever moved and the direction in which it is moved. By a similar pen, divisions of time are indicated. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] - A.D. 1873, October 10.–No. 3290. HASELTINE, GEORGE. (A communication from Thomas Sheppard Hall and Abram Lines Van Blarcom.)—“ Electro- magnetic railway signal apparatus.” A series of signal houses are arranged in pairs alongside a railway, in combination with two line wires; one battery is in circuit with electro-magnets in the signal honses and with contact instruments, or track levers, which are acted upon by passing trains. Signals of safety are combined with signals of danger arranged along a line of railway in pairs; the components of each pair are about one thousand feet from each other. These signals are operated alternately by electro- magnetism and by gravitation; the safety signal indicates danger whenever the electric apparatus is out of order. Combined with each signal is a locking lever ; when the electro-magnet of the signal is excited, the signal is retained in its position and is not permitted to resume its position of rest until the electro-magnet of the locking lever is excited. A piston is combined with the key lever of a circuit closer and with a track lever, so that, when the piston acts upon the key lever by being forced upwards, an air cushion is formed in the cylinder which prevents the piston from being slammed against the cylinder head. By means of a valve, the passage of air is controlled and the circuit is thereby held closed for a time after the train has passed the track lever. The entrance of dust into the cylinder is prevented by movable plates in connection with the track lever. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1873, October 13.-No. 3316. FOSTER, JOHN.-(Provisional protection only.) -"Signal appa- ratus for railways.” 220 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. arm. This invention relates to indicating the position of the eemaphore arm at the distant signal, also to indicating whether the light at the signal post is in or out. The distant post has contact plates in connection with the battery poles and a spring attached to the semaphore Contacts are thus made, by the movement of the semaphore arm, to a “repeater” which has similar movements to the semaphore arm. When a current is sent to tbe re- peater, its arm is prevented from going more than half-way down by a pin interposed by an electro-magnet. When the semaphore arm has passed the second plate, the soft iron is released from the electro-magnet and the repeater falls. To indicate whether the light is in or out.-An extra pair of coils, in the repeater, in communication with an indicating needle, is acted upon by the completion or breakage of the electric circuit; the expansion and contraction of a column of mercury may effect this. The indicating needle of the repeater is held in its last position by residual magnetism, so that the apparatus is self- locking The battery is only in work when the signal "on off" is pnlled. If the signalman breaks the glass and puts the arm down or up, as the case may be, the instrument will right itself to the position of the arm at the distant post. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] or A.D. 1873, October 13.-No. 3317. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. - (4 communication from William Edward Sawyer and James Gilmore Smith.) — “ Electric telegraph apparatus.” To increase the rapidity of cable telegraphy, the signals of the reflecting galvanometer in the cable circuit are recorded (as they are received), by operators, by means of transmitting keys, a receiving cylinder, and a printer, in a local circuit. The transmitting instrument, in the cable circuit sends a current to the receiving instrument by the breakage of a local circuit. This transmitter consists of a cylinder with pro. jecting teeth which act as contacts according to the key DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 221 depressed, each key representing a letter. The currents sent are of four kinds, long, short, negative and positive. At the receiving station, in order to print the signals rapidly, there are four keys in the local circuit. Two opera- tors work the keys which send long, short, negative or positive corrents, according to the key depressed, to the printer. These corrents are a counterpart of those seen on the galvano- meter scale; one operator works the positive, the other the negative currents. The receiving cylinder has divisions for the four kinds of currents and revolves synchronously with the transmitter; it receives the currents from the keys and transmits them to the corresponding electro-magnets in the printer. The printer has 26 printing hammers, each radiating from the centre of the instrument and having its own electro- magnet. Each of the four local keys has an electro-magnet to break the connection the instant it is made, and thus to prevent the contact from continuing long enough to print a second letter. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, October 27.-No. 3482. SYMINGTON, ROBERT STEVENSON.-"Giving alarms on the "occurrence of change of temperature.” A mercurial thermometer is fitted with platinum wires in electric circuit with a galvanic battery and a trembling bell. One wire communicates with the lower part of the mercury, the other is fixed at a definite temperature. When the mercury reaches the definite temperature, the circuit is complete and the bell sounds. The mercury tube has a bend; in case the bulb bursts, the remaining mercury completes the circuit at the lower part of the bend. A number of separately insulated wires may be fixed in one mercury tube at different temperatures. The mercury tube, when overheated, may exude the mercury into a cup and thus complete the circuit. The mercury being hermetically enclosed in a small glass bulb, which is placed in a cup containing the electrodes, the heat bursts the bulb and the mercury completes the circuit. 222 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. By well known means, the alarum may be sounded by the lowering of the temperature to a given degree. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, November 6.-No. 3619. STEVENS, JAMES John FREDERICK.—(Provisional protection only.)—“Contact apparatus for electric indicators for railway "signals." A piece of brass has a division, so as to form two distinct pieces insulated from each other. Each piece is electrically connected to an indicator. Opposite these pieces is a quadrant, mounted loosely on an axis and held in place by a metal spring which is fastened thereto and bears against one of the pieces. On the same axis is fixed an arm, which is capable of being moved along the curved arm of the quadrant, by means of connections attached to the rod which moves the signal arm or lamp. “When this rod is moved in the ordinary manner, “ the arm above mentioned moves along the quadrant and pushes against a projection thereon, thereby moring the quadrant with its spring until the said spring bears partly against each of the two brass pieces; contact is thus made by means of the spring. Again, when the rod is mored in “ the reverse direction, the arm pushes against another pro- jection on the quadrant, and moves it together with the spring until the spring bears only against one of the brass pieces, when the contact is consequently broken." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, November 8.-No. 3647. HICKS, JAMES JOSEPH.—"Testing solar radiation thermo- “ meters." These thermometers are sealed within vacuum chambers. This invention consists in testing the degree of vacuum within the chamber by means of an electric current; the quality of the electric light produced shows the amount of vacuum. In one method of carrying out the invention, the current from the source of electricity is passed into the chamber by means of platinum wires sealed therein. In another method, a piece of tinfoil is wrapped round each extremity of the vacuum chamber, and around each of these DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 223 pieces of tin foil the inventor winds a copper wire; when each copper wire forms a part of an electric circuit, "the degree of vacuum in the vacuum chamber will be indicated, as before " described." [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 6 A.D. 1873, November 19.—No. 3761. HYDE, JOAN, HYDE, JOSEPH, and ALDIS, OSBORNE CHARLES VYSE.—“ Electric alarm lamp for mining purposes.” A fusible link is melted, as soon as the gauze becomes ignited by the entrance of the foul air, and allows an outer casing to fall and to make contact with a metal bracket, so as to complete an electric circuit in which are placed alarum bells. The bells continue ringing until they are stopped by the attendants. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, November 22.-No. 3823. POOLE, GEORGE ALFRED. (Provisional protection only.) - "Indicating the depth of water under vessels afloat, partly by "mechanical means and partly by electricity.” Warning of approach to land, or of submerged ground is given by means of this invention. A pendulum, suspended from the fore part of the vessel, is connected with an arrangement of wheels, clockwork and a dial. On the extremity of the pendulum meeting with an obstruction, the pendulum is moved from its free or vertical position and actuates the clockwork accordingly; the pointer on the dial indicates the depth in fathoms corresponding to the deflection of the pendulum. At each fathom of depth, the extremity of an arm on the dial axis enters between contact springs and causes an electric bell to ring in the engine room or elsewhere. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, November 27.-No. 3879. STEARNS, JOSEPH BARKER.—“Electric telegraph apparatus.” This invention relates to improvements in the apparatus described in Nos. 3344. A.D. 1872, and 2870, A.D. 1873. 224 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 4. When a condenser or induction coil of less capacity than the cable is employed, it is charged by a special battery of greater electro-motive force than the signalling battery, using for that purpose a two-point key. The condenser may be in the form of a submarine cable having great resistance and capacity. To neutralise the effect of the static charge returned from the cable, mechanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic means may be used in the receiving instrument. The static balance may be effected independently of the magnetic compensation ; in this case the condenser may be of small capacity. The receiving wire of a differential receiving instrument may be used as the bridge wire of a duplex bridge in connection with a condenser, or induction coil, &c., charged and discharged through the other wire. Or, the receiving instrument may be wound with three wires, two used as in the ordinary duplex working, the static com- pensation being effected by means of the third wire. Instead of the third wire, a separate compensating means may be employed. When earth currents exist in a cable worked duplex, two rheostats are used, one for the positive current, the other for the negative. In working long submarine cables, the current from the signalling battery is not sent into the cable, but into one set of plates of a condenser, the other set being connected to the cable; the receiving end of the cable is similarly connected. Thus the cable is never in direct communication either with the battery or earth. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, December 11.-No. 4082. CLARK, Josian LATIMER, and WHITEHOUSE, EDWARD ORANGE WILDMAN.—" Apparatus for recording the number of passengers conveyed in public vehicles, and the distance each bas travelled.” Each passenger, on taking his seat, closes a portion of an electric circuit; these circuits are, at intervals, automatically tested, counted, and recorded by the instrument. The recording is effected, either by electro-chemical means by capillary siphon pens, or by type wheels. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 225 The counting apparatus consists of an arm or traveller," driven by a train of wheels and passing over as many insulated contacts as there are seats to be counted, thus recording the number of seats occupied. The traveller is liberated at intervals to test the various circuits. Besides the marks recording the number of passengers, the travelling paper strip is marked for time, and, side-by-side with the time marks, the movement of the vehicle itself is recorded. A portable counter and recorder combined may be used as a check upon the above method of noting the fares. Studs, corresponding to the fares, on being pressed, record the accounts. The pressure on different studs may sound different bells. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, December 17.—No. 4143. NEALE, John.—“Electric telegraphs.” This invention relates to a sounding receiving instrument, in which the motion of the needle in one direction gives a blow to a sounding pin which is transmitted to a sounding drum, and, in the other direction, to another sounding pin in connection with a sounding drum of a different pitch. The two poles of an electro-magnet project from the dial plate, so as to vibrate a pivoted magnetic needle in one direction or the other. In its movement, the needle strikes one or other of the two pins, each connected to its own sounding box. The message can thus be heard and written down without interruption. In a modification of this invention, the poles of the electro- magnet are in the same straight line and the sounding pins work through the hollow cores, each pin to its own sounding box. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] a use on A.D. 1873, December 27.-No. 4253. PIGNEL, HENRY. Signalling apparatus for railways." A signalling disc is “ worked automatically by the trains “ as well as by hand.” One object of this invention is “to R 705. н 226 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. “ give warning by means of an electric alaram to stations or junctions of the arrival of these trains while they are still “ at a distance of from 1200 to 1500 yards." [Printed, ls. 4d. Drawings.] 9) A.D. 1873, December 30.-No. 4277. HIGHTON, HENRY.—“Electric telegraphs.” The object of this invention is to multiply the power of a current at the receiving end of a telegraph line. For this purpose, the line wire is passed round the legs of a horseshoe magnet. A coiled armature is made to rotate rapidly in the magnetic field of the magnet, so that, by means of commutators, a secondary current is produced which acts inore powerfully than the original line current. The rapidity of rotation being constant, the power of the line current is multiplied “in a constant ratio." The secondary current thus produced "may be either " applied directly to the relay or receiving instrument, or “ else by being thrown upon a condenser, or an induction coil, or electro-magnet, or other such instrument, may produce a tertiary current, which shall act more strongly “ and effectually than the original current passing through “ the line wire, or instead of an electro-magnet the line wire may be formed into a coil, within which the armature may 66 be made to rotate.” [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 66 1874. A.D. 1874, January 13.–No. 168. ABEL, CHARLES DENTON. — (A communication from Frederic Adolphe Emile Redslob). — (Provisional protection only.)- “Electric tell-tales for pressure gauges.” When the index of the gauge reaches a certain point, elec- tric contact is made and an electric bell sounds. To make electric contact, the movement of the index brings together two springs in the circuit. The springs can DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 227 com. be set so as to be acted upon at any desired position of the index. The electro-magnet of the bell is formed of a number of iron wires enclosed in a coil, with their ends bent back so as to form a magnet of three branches. The armature is " posed of a number of pieces of thin sheet iron secured one “ above the other on vibrating plate, to which is attached “ the bell hammer, and on which is fixed a contact piece “ which may be shifted from time to time to present a fresh “ surface to the contact spring, with which in its vibration it alternately makes and breaks contact.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, January 20.-No. 253. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. (A communication from William Edward Sawyer.)—"Electric telegraph apparatus," &c. A ray of light is, by means of an eye in the cross piece of a galvanometer needle, directed over a photographically sensi. tized strip of travelling paper, so as to mark it, according to the deflection of the needle, in broken or continuous angular lines which form the alphabetical symbols of the system. A lettered key board, in connection with a cylinder which is adapted for reciprocating rotary movement and provided with projecting metal strips and teeth applied to its periphery, acts as a transmitting instrument. The key of a given letter being depressed, not only sends the requisite positive and negative currents into the line wire, but it completes a local circuit, the electro-magnet of which keeps down the key for the proper time and prevents the depression of another key until the cylinder has been carried round sufficiently to send the given letter. The cylinder then moves back and releases the key by breaking the local circuit. The kind of currents, their sequence and duration, are determined by the contacts on the cylinder. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, January 21.-No. 256. STEARNS, JOSEPH BARKER.-(Partly a communication from James C. Upham.) -“Electric telegraph apparatus." H 2 228 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. This invention relates to apparatus whereby two different messages may be transmitted at the same time in one direction upon a single wire, and either one message or two different messages may be transmitted in the opposite direction at the same time upon the said wire. At each of two stations, the following instruments are placed :-Three polarised relays; three electro - magnetic transmitters like those set forth in No. 3344, A.D. 1872 ; two finger keys; two receivers; three line batteries ; two local batteries to work the receivers; and three local batteries in connection with the transmitters. The relays are connected in the bridge wire of a Wheat- stone bridge, in which the cable forms one arm, and a rheostat and earth circuit, together with another rheostat form the other arms. Two of the transmitters are operated respectively by the keys and local batteries; the third is placed in a Wheatstone bridge, one arm of which is operated by the com- bined movements of the other two transmitters. One receiver is placed in a Wheatstone bridge, one arm of which is kept closed by the “rest” contacts of two of the relays. When one key only is closed (sending a positive corrent), the receiver with the bridge is actuated; when the other key is closed (sending a negative current), the other receiver is actuated; when both keys, at the same station, are closed, the strong current called into action works both receivers. A condenser, applied as set forth in Nos. 3344, A.D. 1872, 2870, A.D. 1873, and 3879, A.D. 1873, compensates for the static charge and discharge of the line. Other modifications, methods of working the instruments as repeaters or translators, as well as methods of operating the transmitters are put forward. [Printed, 28. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, January 22.-No. 270. WHITEMAN, WILLIAM THOMAS.—" Apparatus for signalling “ on railways." This invention relates to automatic electric signalling from one train to another. Visible or audible signals are given when a train has approached within a prescribed distance of the signalling train. An automatic signal of “line clear" DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 229 may be given by the signalling train after the prescribed distance has been passed. Springs or brushes on the train receive an electric current from an insulated conductor or conductors on the permanent way, either from the conductors themselves from a battery on another train, or from a battery on the train in question. A current is thus caused to pass from one or other of the batteries to the relay of a distant conducting apparatus on the permanent way; thus the completed circuit includes the local battery at that station, and danger” signal is given. The current then passes to the relay of another distant con- dacting apparatus so as to give the signal “line clear.” The visible signals are given by one of two electro-magnets in the electric circuit, the audible signals by the other electro- magnet. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] a 66 A.D. 1874, January 23.-No. 293. WALKER, THomas.—(Provisional protection only.)—“Trans- mitting electric currents for telegraphic and other pur- poses.” The first part of this invention relates to the means of rendering uninsulated, or partially insulated, wires available for the above purposes, by interposing a galvanic battery between the receiving instrument and the near end of the line wire. The line wire is connected to the positive plate of the battery and the receiving instrument to the negative plate. • Electric currents sent into the line wire at its distant end “ will be transmitted to the receiving instrument, notwith- “ standing the defective insulation of the line wire." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, January 23.-No. 298. FINGER LOUIS.—“Electro-magnetic annunciators.” In the transmitting part of the instrument, a ball descend- ing inclined planes makes electric contacts, according to the number of inclined planes that it traverses, and thereby rotates a signal cylinder in the receiving part of the instru- ment, so as to bring into view, opposite an aperture in the 230 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. instrument, the signal or the name of the thing wanted. As many strokes on a bell as there are inclined planes that have been traversed are also made. The cylinder is then put back, by the attendant, by a stud, into its original position. The mechanism in the receiver consists of an electro-magnet, the armature of which rotates the cylinder, by wheel work, a certain part of a revolution for each contact made. Another electro-magnet is used to actuate the bell hammer, In another receiver, a card is brought into the proper posi. tion by electro-magnetism. To detect the presence of fire, the occurrence of andue heat expands mercury in a bulb and makes contact with an en- closed wire, or gives motion to a tilting arm, or sends a drop of mercury into a cell in which the battery poles are enclosed, or causes a hall to roll down an inclined plane, either of these contrivances making contact to sound an alarum. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1874, February 2.-No. 415. MARCHANT, Join.—“Guard or safety signals for railway "points or switches.” The object of this invention is to inform the pointsman that a train is passing over a set of points. A trigger, or counterbalanced lever, is mounted inside a rail near to the point of the switch. The horizontal axis of the lever works in a covered casing containing spring contacts and an arm, projecting from the axis, bears on the uppermost of the two springs. When the train passes, the lever is depressed by each wheel until the train has passed entirely, thereby completing the electric circuit and actuating any ordinary electric signalling instrument in the signal box. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, February 3.—No. 439. HIGHTON, HENRY.—(Provisional protection only.)—“Electric “ telegraphs.” The object of this fnvention is to obviate retardation in submarine cables. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 231 At either end or at each end of the line, also at an inter. mediate point thereof, an arrangement of pairs of plates is placed. The pairs are of metal or carbon arranged as a galvanic battery, except that the plates of each pair are similar and only one conducting liquid is used. The " electrical effect of this is similar to the mechanical effect of " a spring in machinery, and immediately the electrical impulse ceases the original electrical condition of the line “ is restored by the reaction of the plates so as to be ready to “ receive a fresh impulse.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, February 3.-No. 440. MACKIE, SAMUEL JOSEPH.—“Apparatus for signalling on “ railway trains." This invention has partly for its object to improve the electric signalling apparatus described in No. 3512, A.D. 1872. The instrument acted upon by the passenger to give an alarm has an index by which the passenger can see that the bells in the guard's vans continue to ring. When the guards have observed the alarm, they break the electric circuit closed by the passenger, stop the ringing of the bells and set the wires free for the guards to communicate with each other. The alarm instrument in each carriage has a plate, which, being pressed inwards when the alarm is given, brings an armature into contact with an electro-magnet which is excited by a contact made at the same time. Thus the electro-magnet retains the contact maker in the closed position, and the bells continue to ring until the circuit is broken by the guards. To show the compartment that requires attention, a disc or mirror is thrust out from the side of the carriage. By means of extra springs, a break-away signal is made by the coupling between carriage and carriage when the coupling gives way, the circuit being completed by the withdrawal of one part of the coupling from the other. Another break- away signal is by using insulated draw tubes and causing springs to make contact between contiguous tubes when the coupling is drawn apart. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] 232 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1874, February 5.-No. 477. HOOKER, JOHN.—“Type setting and distributing machines." Electro-magnets are used to give motion to the pasbers at the bottom of the several reservoirs of type-setting machinery, which can thus be worked by an operator at a distance from the machine. When the operator touches the plate (or battery pole) corresponding to the required letter with the terminal of the opposite battery pole, the type is expelled by its pusher. The types are expelled sidewise and are worked by arms carried by axes in connection with electro-magnets; by using vertical levers carrying armatures, the type may be expelled lengthwise. In type-distributing machines, electro-magnets and contact- making apparatus push the types one by one from the end of a line of type and control their delivery into their proper reservoirs by opening the corresponding switches. At the same time that a switch is opened, the electric current excites an electro-magnet of another series that controls the width of the opening through which the types are pushed for distri- bution. A combination arrangement of contact apparatus reduces the number of wires for working the type-setting machines. [Printed, 3s. 10d. Drawings.] a 66 A.D. 1874, February 10.–No. 518. BONNEVILLE, HENRI ADRIEN. — (4 communication from Alphonse Joly.)-(Provisional Protection only.)—“A domestic “fire alarm." The electric conductors between a galvanic battery and a sounding signal are coated with gutta percha. * This wire “ being bent upon itself, the two wires thus being placed “ close to each other are twisted together, so that a single “ wire will be formed,” the length of which is only limited by the extent of the rooms, &c., to be preserved from fire. When a fire breaks out, the gutta percha melts, the electric circuit is completed and the alarum sounds. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 233 A.D. 1874, February 17.-No. 596. WOLLASTON, CHARLTON JAMES. “Railway recording “ apparatus.” No. 3213, A.D. 1873, is referred to as the arrangement which is employed to indicate the movements of the signal or switch levers, by the signalman, upon the same paper that is employed to carry ont the present invention. As a check upon the work of the persons employed, the present invention gives an automatic registration of the messages received and of the movements of the signal and switch levers. For this purpose, a sheet of paper travels for. ward continuously at a uniform speed. Each electric message, or each movement of a signal or switch lever excites an electro-magnet, or influences an electro-magnet, so as to make a time record upon the same travelling paper. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 66 а 66 A.D. 1874, February 19.-No. 640. DAVIES, WILLIAM HENRY, and HIGGINS, FREDERICK HERBERT WILLIAM.—"Electric telegraphs for giving signals " and alarms." By means of this invention a number of stations in one circuit may communicate a limited number of call signals (such as "police," "fire," "cab," , messenger”) to receiving station. “The transmitting instrument is provided with finger keys, conveniently four in number, which serve to transmit as many call signals. The depression of either of these keys “ winds up a spring which drives a train of wheels giring “ motion to a cam wheel, and also to a fly, which regulates " the speed of the train in running down. The finger keys serve to wind the spring to different amounts, one winds it sufficiently to rotate the cam wheel once, another twice, “ and so on.” The electric circuit is broken by the cam according to projections upon it. Each instrument has its peculiar cam wheel as well as a galvanometer indicator to show when the line is free, and when therefore signals may be sent to the receiving instrument. An instrument of the Morse type at the receiving station marks the paper on the release of the armature; at the same 234 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. time, the paper starts into motion and stops shortly after contact is made. Instruments analogous to the above-described transmitter are used as fire alarums. A graduated glass bulb and stem, filled with mercury, bursts when the heat rises beyond a predetermined point and frees the trigger of the call instrument. A handle on the trigger winds ap the spring. The locality of the fire is shown by the signals which are marked on the paper according to the projections on the particular cam. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, February 23.-- No. 673. BAGGS, ISHAM. -- (Provisional protection only.) -"Electric “ telegraphy," and "arrangement of apparatus." No. 8809, Old Law, A.D. 1841, and No. 1654, A.D. 1865 are referred to. Giving great power to faint currents in line-wire circuit.- Instead of making contact to bring into action a local battery, the result is obtained by breaking contact. A very slight deflection of the signalling needle, the axis of which is in the local circuit, breaks this circuit and causes the current to pass through a coil that influences the needle to any extent that may be desired. The needle then strikes an opposite stop, making a fresh contact, and rebounds to its original position from the action of a counter current which is so produced, " and in this way the motions are continued with great facility, force and swiftness." The partial influence of the battery on the coil when the needle is at rest is balanced by any convenient force as magnetism, for instance, according to the principles set forth in No. 1654, A.D. 1865. This plan applies to other recording instruments, such as those which give their indications by the process described in No. 8809, Old Law, A.D. 1841. Giving a directive force to a current of electricity from a “ remote station.”—The line-wire is connected with the middle of a local battery of equal strength to that used at the transmitting station. By the separate currents so produced, two separate needles are moved. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 235 66 To send a message in duplicate, two messages may be perforated upon the same paper strip " in two distinct lines, the blanks or spaces of each respectively corresponding “ with the telegraphic indications of the other." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, February 28.--No. 747. PRICE, JAMES WILLIAM.—“ Producing sound signals upon “ railways, especially during fogs and dark weather.” “The object of this invention is to combine with the ordinary danger signal appliances an electrical communica- “ tion to a gong or bell at a distance from such signal, the gong or bell being caused to sound through the wheels " of an approaching train bearing upon a stud or lever " which is arranged to complete the electric circuit as the • train is travelling." When the band lever of the danger signal is moved to danger position, a contact is made in an electric circuit. The electric conductor is carried to any distant post upon the line in advance of the danger signal itself, the gong being fitted to the post. The circuit is complete when the danger signal contact is made and when a train depresses a vertical bolt that passes through a hole in the rail. By this means a series of sounds is produced by the wheels of a train as the bolt is depressed by them in snccession. [Printed, 100. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, March 2.-No. 761. DODWELL, ROBERT VALENTINE.-(Provisional protection only.) -“ Producing electrical signals,” &c. In this invention, telegraphic signals are obtained “by means of a beam or ray of light (polarised or otherwise), “ acted upon or influenced by currents of electricity or light." According to the first part of this invention, the ray of light is prepared and obtained by passing a battery current through an induction coil having a condenser in connection with a vacuum tube. If the latter be placed between the poles of an electro-magnet, and a line-wire current be passed a 236 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 9 round the electro-magnet, the ray of light will be deflected and signals may be given by right and left hand beats or other movements. Secondly, a sensitive surface is adapted or applied to receive and retain an imprint, register, or record of the signals; mechanical apparatus moves sensitised surfaces at a regalar speed, so that, as the deflections are produced, they become marked upon the surface. These markings may be rendered indelible by known chemical processes. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 3) A.D. 1874, March 6.-No. 822. IMRAY, JOHN.--(A communication from C. Lemon.)--(Provi- sional protection only.) - "Electric telegraph sending appa- ratus." By this invention telegraphic messages are transmitted automatically by sending currents of longer or shorter duration with longer or shorter intervals, so as to actuate a Morse instrument at the receiving station. A strip of paper is punched with holes and slots that correspond to the dots and dashes of the Morse system and is led over a conducting roller that revolves at a suitable speed. The roller has a groove round it that corr rresponds to the line of holes or slots in the paper strip. A signalling current is sent into the line wire when a conducting disc (on the end of a lever), that presses on the paper, comes into metallic contact with the roller by a hole or slot in the paper strip. When the paper strip intervenes, the disc lever is raised so as to send a neutralising current into the line wire. “When the apparatus described above is employed to “ transmit currents in comparatively slow succession or through a short line, the alternating contact for discharge ing the line may be dispensed with.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 6 A.D. 1874, March 7.--No. 842. BROWNE, John COLLIS. — (Partly a communication from Robert Herlert.)—Moving or setting and regulating clocks. The hands of any number of clocks are acted upon by electrical means from one standard clock. The movement or DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 237 regulation is effected intermittently by some part of the standard clock coming into contact with a pallet for com- pleting the circuit at given periods. By special appliances to the above clocks a corresponding record at fixed intervals can be registered or exhibited. The hands are fixed for definite periods after cach alternate movement. A standard timekeeper has a pin projecting from a disc upon the second's hand spindle. Once every revolution this pin completes the electric circuit in which are subsidiary clocks or dials each having an electro-magnet, armature claw and ratchet wheel. In this way, the minute hand of the subsidiary dial is made to keep time with that of the standard clock. The motion of the ratchet wheel may be by means of a poll claw or of a push pawl. The degree of action is governed by a set screw on the end of a balanced beam which locks and sets free the ratchet wheel. The recorder is attached to the timekeeper. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, March 10.--No. 870. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY. — (A communication from Louis Victor Mimault.) --" Printing telegraphs." The letters are formed of elementary signals obtained by the aid of five simultaneous or successive emissions of a current; the currents have the relative values, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. By grouping together these elementary signals, 31 different symbols or letters may be produced, and, by the employment of an auxiliary sign, the number may be doubled. The transmitting apparatus sends the line-wire current to an apparatus at the receiving station which distributes the current from a local battery to the points of the printing comb to form the contour of the letter or symbol sent. In the tranımitting apparatus a keyboard has keys cor- responding to the letters and two additional keys for passing from letters to figures and vice versa. The number of springs in the keys determines which of the five wires is to receive any one current. Thus a multiple effect is produced by a single action. The distributor has five electro-magnets and a multiplier to change from letters to figures and vice versa. The first 238 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. electro-magnet distributes a local current to two conductors, the second to four, and so on. The arriving currents for any one letter effect only one electro-magnet in the receiver. Springs in connection with the one electo-magnet (out of twenty-six) in the receiver transmit the current from a second local battery to certain plates out of forty-nine plates in communication with wires leading to the printing comb. The intermittent movement of the paper strip is accom- plished by an electro-magnet, with lever, pawl, and ratchet arrangement, in the local circuit of the distributor. When only one line-wire is employed, the five currents are successive. [Printed, 28. 2d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1874, March 13.—No. 917. BARTHOLOMEW, EUGÈNE George, and NEALE, Jr.- “Signalling by electricity " and appliances. The main feature of this invention is to make a doable or treble action apparatus for signalling purposes. The invention relates to improvements in the commutator, in which a throw over handle, working on a centre against a face plate, operates a disc on which contact plates are fitted. When the disc is partially rotated in one directior, a spring bears upon the under side of one of the contact plates; in the reverse movement, the spring bears on the upper side of the other contact plate. Either the line or earth wire is put into contact with one or other pole of the battery, according to the direction in which the disc is moved, whereby a needle receiving instrument is actuated. Another spring completes the circuit with the other battery pole by means of separate plates upon the disc. The disc may be lifted or depressed by push button central to the axle of the bandle; in this positon of the dise, the bell only is operated upon. The current sent to the bell is in the same direction as that last sent to the indicator. Contacts made by other portions of the disc maintain the continuity of the line circuit. Thus, by the movement of the handle an indirator and bell are influenced. Or a bell without the indiator may be DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 239 actuated. Also the character of the signals last transmitted is recorded. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, March 17.-No. 954. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. (A communication from Georges d’Infreville and William Nevins Armstrong.) - Electric telegraphy and apparatus. The object of this invention is to send messages simulta- neously over the same wire, in opposite directions, either between terminal, or terminal and way, or way and way stations. The messages are sent with the least possible change of instruments already in use. The similar poles of the terminal batteries are opposed, so that they have a common circuit and neutralise each other. A single contact key is used at each station in working the line for duplex transmission ; its anvil is in contact with the earth, its lever with a proper point in the wire of the coil of the man electro-magnet. The electro-magnet is so made that direct contact can be made at any desirable point in the coil. A shun; circuit, of proper resistance, has one extremity attached to the wire connecting the key with the coils and the other ex remity, when required, to either end of the wire going out of the electro-magnet. In the above common circuit, if an earth contact be made, two distinct circuits are establishel. If the two coils, one to each polo, of an electro- magnet bi traversed by opposing currents, their effect is neutralisec The invation consists in the combination of the above- mentioned opposing batteries, electro-magnet, and single contact key (with shunt circuit if necessary), so that the depressing of the key at the sending station divides the above-mentoned common circuit into two independent circuits, oneof the receiving station, the other a short circuit of the battey at the sending, station. When keys are simultaneousy depressed at terminal stations, each station records only he signal of the other. Circuit renrsers are used with the Morse plan. In an intemediate station, an open circuit key and branch circuit conected to the main electro-magnet, between its 240 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. terminals, enables simultaneous signals to be given in both directions, or a duplex line with one terminal may be formed. [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, March 19.—No. 964. KINGSLEY, EDWARD FANNING. - (A communication from Merritt Gally.)- A telegraph. In a transmitter, the key moves backwards and forwards, upon its index, to the positions of the letters. The index is reversible. Two sets of keys may be alternately operated. Each key, by a single stroke, produces its letter upon the receiver. This key may be adapted to dial or printing receivers ; in the latter case a strong pulsation is given to print. In a printer, a pair of keys, in the transmitting part of the instrument, may be operated alternately, so as to lose no time by the printing. A copy of the message, in the "dot and dash" alphapet, is made, in print, by a copier. The line of printing is rond the circumference of a paper-holding cylinder. The printing receiver has a type wheel with tw faces, adjoining on its circumference; the wheel is rocked to print from either face. A friction presser, attached to an aijustable stop lever, is used to correct the instruments to unison. A balanced escapement may be employed. Two lins of con- ductors are used in the circuit closer. A local sropelling circuit is arranged to be mechanically in unison with the printing circuit. A double type wheel motor his a single armature with two lever arms, each propelling its wheel. For multiplex transmission, the conductors of the circuit closers of the different instruments occupy differnt relative positions during their revolutions. A group of single switches each having a group of three buttons determinesthe circuits used. In a centrifugal circuit closer, the stem of tle pendulum stands between the faces of a guard when the motor is at its proper speed, not otherwise. When it is off the gard, it cuts the irregular instrument out of the telegrapbic ircuit. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 241 a A.D. 1874, March 23.-No. 1013. TYER, EDWARD.— "Electric telegraph apparatus for train * signalling on railways." In No. 1845, A.D. 1873, an apparatus is described for giving motion to a semaphore arm, in which permanent magnets act in conjunction with electro-magnets. By the present in- vention, to counteract loss of magnetism in the permanent magnets the working currents pass always in the same direction through coils wound round them. In a “repeater,” to indicate the position of an outdoor semaphore arm, a thin rectangular frame or armature of soft iron is mounted on a longitudinal axle which carries, at its extremity, a minature semaphore arm and is mounted between the poles of an electro-magnet. In an apparatus to make contacts at distant signals, an india-rubber tube encloses the contact points and acts as a spring to approach them. In making electric contacts to show the extinguishing of the light in signal lanthorns, the rarefaction of the air in a tube keeps the contacts apart. As soon as they are a certain distance apart, they are maintained at that distance until con- traction takes place. An electro-magnetic apparatus is used, in ground and distant signal lights, to move a lamp wick or gas jet in front of one of two colored bull's eyes. In signal bells, the excitement of the electro- magnet calls into action a local current in the same direction as the line current and then shuts it off. A continuously trembling bell may be called into action by a single intermittent current from a distant station. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, March 24.-No. 1026. WALKER, CHARLES VINCENT.—"An electrical train describer for indicating on a distant dial the names of trains, appli- “ cable also for other purposes." The train describer consists of a sender and a receiver ; each has a similar circular dial and index or pointer. In the sender, a running train of wheels is connected to the pointer axis, which carries a disc having a pin corresponding a 242 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. to each division of the dial. The pins, as they pass, come into electric contact with a spring and send currents (one for each passage of a pin) into the telegraphic circuit. Each division of the dial has a lever, which, being pulled, stops the pointer axis by means of an arm or stop thereon. In the receiver, the pointer axis carries an escape wheel. This is driven, at each action of an electro-magnet, by means of a pair of pallets. By the combined action of the sender and receiver, the motion of the index at the sending station imparts a step-by- step motion to that at the receiving station, so that, by depressing a lever at the sending station, the clockwork is stopped, the pointer is fixed and the same signal is shown on both dials. A single-stroke bell may be used in connection with this system, in the same circuit. The first attraction of the hammer armature strikes the bell and locks the armatare, which may be liberated by hand or by the key or plunger which makes the block signal. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, March 25.-No. 1034. CLARKE, JOHN STEPHEN.—(Provisional protection only.) – “ Audibly indicating the removal from their ordinary stands of bottles and vessels containing poisonous substances." A contact lever, in an electric circuit which also includes a bell, is placed under each poison bottle when on its stand. On the removal of the bottle, electric contact is made, and the bell sounds until the bottle is replaced. In another plan, the removal of the bottle breaks the main electric circuit and, by completing a local circuit, causes the bell to ring; or, the bell may be kept ringing except when a bottle is removed. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, April 2.—No. 1147. SPARKES, ARTHUR LEE, and MARSH, CLEMENT. — “An “ instrument for ascertaining and indicating any extraor. “ dinary temperature in buildings and apartments of every 66 kind.” DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 243 a A graduated horizontal glass tube has a wire fixed into its bulb. The bulb is partially filled with mercury; above the mercury is a bubble of air or other expansible body. Another wire works freely in the other end of the tabe, and its extremity can be set to any degree or graduation of tempera- ture. The wires being made to form a part of a galvanic circuit, when the heat of the apartment becomes equal to that at which the shifting wire is placed, the circuit is complete and a bell is rung at a distance from the contact made. When a very rapid action is not required, the bulb may be wholly filled with mercury. The same plan may be applied to a thermometer with two stems, one to indicate heat, the other cold, a wire connected to the same battery pole being placed in each stem and the other wire being connected to the mercury. One of the wires in the stems is able to be shifted to any desired degree. [Printed, 61. Drawing.] # A.D. 1874, April 8.-No. 1225. GUEST, JOHN HENRY.-"District and fire alarm telegraphs." The locality of a fire is shown at a central station without interfering with the district alarum instruments connected in the same line. Hard rubber, in the form of a rod or tube, or of a convex disc, is employed as a thermostat. In another instance, a mercurial bulb which breaks, by expansion, at a certain temperature, is employed; a circuit-closing spring is thereby liberated so as to give the signal at the distant station; or a clock mechanism is liberated so as to give the signal. The thermostat may have a contrivance for indicating the tem- perature. Plates of metal in connection with the hard rubber may be employed to complete the circuit by the bending of the double plate. The thermostat may liberate a circuit-closing wheel, the revolution of which gives contacts so as to denote the locality by the pulsations sent. The electric circuits that include the district telegraph instruments, the thermostat and the instrument at the central station are arranged either to short circuit the current through the earth to the instrument at the central station, or 244 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. (by branch circuits and earth connections) to send the proper signal so as to effect none of the other district alarum instru. ments in the line. An annunciator or press button may be combined with the thermostat so that the circuit may be completed either through the button or through the thermostat. [Printed, 1s. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, April 10.-No. 1251. GROUBMAN, CHAIM.—" Electric apparatus for indicating " the progress of trains on railways." The position of a train is indicated, both at the station which the train has just left and at that which it is approach. ing, as well as to the engine driver. Notice is giren of the approach of the train to intermediate places, such as points, &c. A permanent record may be obtained of the speed and stoppages, and warning may be given in the event of a train breaking away or of accidents occurring. Electrical apparatus at each station is in connection with a line wire extending between one station and the next and through which an electric current is continuously passing. Similar apparatus is on the engine. Along the line, say one mile apart, are lever apparatus which serve as commutators and circuit interruptors. This apparatus is acted upon by projections on the train; the engine has curved arms which break the contact of the levers and include in the main circuit an electro-magnet thereon ; arms projecting beneath the last carriage of the train interrupt the circuit. On the engine is a dial-plate with two hands, one to indi- cate time, the other to show the distance travelled. These indications may also be recorded upon a moving paper strip, or a bell may be sounded when a commutator is passed over. At the station is an electro-magnetic dial instrument worked, by the interruption of the current, on the train passing each circuit interruptor ; recording apparatus may be added. A bell apparatus, similarly worked, warns gatekeepers, &c. of the approach of the train. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 245 A.D. 1874, April 16.-No. 1307. SIEMENS, CHARLES WILLIAM.—(A communication from Ernst Werner Siemens.)—" Method of transmitting telegraphic signals by submarine or other insulated electric conductors, “ and apparatus for that purpose.” In this invention, a current of electricity, in the same direction, is always maintained in the line. The receiver is placed at the point of neutral tension in the line and is affected simply by a change of potential in the line. To establish points of neutral tension, resistances, condensers, or batteries are employed. To shorten the waves that are sent into the circuit, when signalling, and to diminish their mutual influence on each other, each signal is composed of two or more impulses following each other in the same direction, but of different duration and intensity. In one method of working the receiver, the line, at its point of neutral tension, is connected directly to the instru- ment which is placed to earth; or the line is connected to one coating of a condenser, the other coating of which is placed to earth through the receiver; or the receiver is con- nected to a condenser, and also, by a shunt circuit through a resistance, to the point of neutral tension. The above-mentioned resistance may be a primary coil, the secondary coil of which is closed through the receiver. If the point of neutral tension be not at the receiver, a proportional battery power is in connection with the receiver. Using galvanoscopes instead of receivers, the position of a fault may be ascertained, by adjusting resistances at each end to restore the galvanoscopes to a neutral condition. If the fault be made to coincide with the point of neutral tension, the working of the cable may possibly be accomplished. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, April 21.–No. 1371. WHYTE, GEORGE.—" Signalling on railways by electricity and apparatus. This invention relates to an absolute block system of signal- ling along the entire length of railway; also to signalling between trains and stations. 246 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a a On the train is placed a series of metallic contacts, which come down so near the roadway as to make contact with corresponding metallic plates thereon. Four contacts may be employed; the first and second are connected; the second and fourth are connected with a bell in the circuit ; the third and fourth are connected with a battery and bell in the circuit. There is also a stud terminated by a small wheel to depress a lever of the apparatus fixed on the road. The apparatus for block signalling on the road consists of conducting wires, depressing lever and contact plates, together with electro-magnets and keepers which are arranged so as to complete its own circuit when acted upon by the third and fourth contacts of the passing train and to break the circuit closed at the previous apparatus. The electro-magnets are enclosed in dust-tight and water-tight boxes. If, before the contact is broken, as mentioned above, a second train comes up to an apparatus, the electric bell on the train warns the driver that the first train is on the same section of the line. Other contact plates on the road, corresponding with the first and second contacts on the train, are connected to a battery and bell in the signal box. As the train passes over them electric connection is made and its approach to the station is announced by the ringing of he bell thereat. The bell on an approaching or leaving train may be rung from a station by means of the second and fourth contacts on the train. An apparatus to continue the ringing of the bell on the train consists of an electro-magnet in the bell circuit, the keeper of which (when it is attracted) is retained by a catch. A switch stops the ringing. [Printed, 18. 6. Drawings.] A..D. 1874, April 25.-No. 1412. WIGNALL, JOHN WILLIAM.-“ Self-winding apparatus for “ clocks,” &c. In this invention, a galvanic battery and electro-magnet are employed. They are so connected with the main weight of the clock that the descent of the latter to a certain point fets free a catch and lowers the battery plates into the solution, which causes the electro-magnet to attract its DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 247 armature. The armature, acting through a lever, or through a cord and pulley, draws up the main weight together with the plates of the battery. “The apparatus is then in a “ position to wind up the weight again as soon as the latter " has descended again to the given point.” " All that is requisite to keep the movement perpetual is to supply “ fresh solution when the action becomes too weak to lift “ the weight and to renew the zinc electrode when necessary.' Another plan of putting the battery into action is to lower a float into the solution and thus to raise it up to the plates. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.) 66 A.D. 1874, April 30.-No. 1505. MCKELLEN, SAMUEL DUNSEITI.—“Impelling the pendulums " of horological or other apparatus.” An impelling weight acts upon the pendulum at intervals. Between the intervals, the weight is thrown out of action by electro-magnetic force. A three-armed lever, or impelling lever, is mounted on a stud placed at the centre of the arc of vibration of the pendulum. One arm carries a weight which, when free to act, causes the second arm to press against the rod of the pendulum. A withdrawing lever, or armature lever, is pro- vided with a weight which is sufficient to raise the impelling weight when the end of the withdrawing lever rests upon the third arm of the impelling lever. When the arc of vibration of the pendulum shortens to within a certain amount, the impelling weight is allowed to act upon the pendulum rod, the withdrawing lever being then raised by the attraction of its armature. The contact for exciting the electro-magnet of the armature is made by a swivelling finger on the pendulum rod. When the pendulum is in full swing, the finger trails over the upper- most of two contact springs without moving it, but, when the arc of vibration is short, the finger enters a notch in the upper spring and depresses it into contact with the lower spring. Modifications of this invention are set forth. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 248 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1874, May 2.-No. 1559. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE.-(A communication from Jean Baptiste Toselli.)—" Apparatus for grappling submerged “ objects and taking soundings." Two or more arms are pivoted to the shank at their apper ends. They are held apart, or suspended, by the attraction of two electro-magnets “so contained within the sbank of “ the apparatus as to leave only the two poles exposed.” The conducting wire from the battery on board the vessel is enclosed in the rope by which the grapnel is suspended. The depression of a finger key breaks the electric circuit, unexcites the electro-magnet and releases the grapnel arms, which fall by their own weight. Another plan employs the completion of an electric circuit to release the grapnel arms. Coiled permanent magnets support the arms. The closing of the circuit, by an electric stud, sends a current round the permanent maguets, so as to neutralise their action and allow the arms to fall. Other methods dispensing with electric action and variations of details are set forth. [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, May 4.-No. 1567. LOWNE, ROBERT Mann.-“ Anemometers and other fluid metres.” In the centre of a tube along which the current of air moves, is placed the axis of a fan wheel, the axes of the wheel and of the tube being coincident. The wheel has there- fore the same rate of motion as the current to be measured. The motion of the wheel is transferred to registering mechanism by means of magnetism. For this purpose the axis of the wheel carries a bar magnet mounted transversely and the screw shaft of the registering mechanism (in a line with the axis) carries similarly a light bar of soft iron. The soft iron is magnetised by induction from the bar magnet and revolves at the same speed, thus giving motion to the wheels and pointers of the registering apparatus. The tube is fixed into an aperture in a flat metal plate; the box containing the hands and dial is also fixed to the plate. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 249 The whole instrument is contained within a box which forms a stand for it when in use. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, May 11.–No. 1673. CALDWELL, STEPHEN DYKEMAN.-(4 communication from John L. Lay.)-(Provisional protection only.)– Torpedo boats or vessels and the modes of propelling and controlling the same. The torpedoes are propelled by a screw propeller worked by engines and are steered by the same or other engines. “ The engines are worked by means of carbonic acid gas “ contained in the boat in a condensed or liquefied form, “ which is liberated and utilized by the application of “ electricity. Every movement of the boat and of the engines is also directed and controlled from shore or from a ship by an operator by means of an electric wire, insu. "lated by means of gutta percha or other insulating material, such cable being carried within and paid out from the torpedo boat while in motion. The torpedo boat can thus " at the will of the operator be made to go ahead, stop, back, “ dive, steer in any desired direction, and change from one position to another. Also when the boat comes in contact with a ship or other obstruction ahead, the operator is instantly notified of the fact through the wire above- “ mentioned. The magazine in the boat can be exploded by “ the operator through the same wire, or can be so arranged as to explode by concussion on coming in contact with the “ obstructive vessel or obstacle." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, May 12.-No. 1684. CAMP, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS.-(Provisional protection only.) — "Telegraphic signalling apparatus." By this invention, conventional signals are transmitted “ from a number of signal boxes placed at intervals along circuits, all connected with a recording apparatus at the “ central station." The transmitting apparatus consists of three weighted levers with finger knobs. The weighted end of each lever 250 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a is a segment of a circle the periphery of which is provided with points and insulations to form the characters or letters. Perforated paper may be pasted on the periphery on which contact rollers bear. The keys are connected to earth; the rollers are connected with each other and with the line wire. “By depressing a key the weighted end of the lever rises “ and transmits a number of irregular pulsations to the “ central station, setting the recording apparatus in motion by actuating an electro-magnet, which releases clockwork. “ If now the finger is taken off the said key the lever drops by gravity, and pulsations necessary for the signal are “ transmitted over the wire and recorded upon chemically- prepared paper always in a regular manner.” The clockwork for traversing the paper strip of the re- corder is released by an electro-magnet in a local circuit which is opened and closed by a relay in the same circuit as that which marks the paper. “ The signalling apparatus or instruments are placed within interrupted derived circuits connected to the line at inter- “vals, and not in the usual manner. When a signal is trans- “ mitted the main circuit is closed the necessary number of “ times to form the signal. When no signals are being trans- “ mitted from any box the main line is open.” [Printed, 41. No Drawings.] 1 1 1 1 A.D. 1874, May 16.—No. 1745. BARR, HENRY JAMES.—“Automatic signals " " for use on “ railways where the block' system of signalling is em- “ployed." * Each train in passing a signal post sets the danger signal, “ which remains exposed until the train reaches the next post," " when the danger signal is exposed from this post, " and that belonging to the preceding post is withdrawn to " 'all clear." A certain interval between the trains is thus ensured. A sliding vertical bar raises or lowers the semaphore arm. In the signal post is a metal slot capable of receiving a spring bolt from the sliding bar, to keep the bar elevated and the semaphore arm at “ danger," until the bolt is withdrawn by electro-magnetic force. Attached to the signal post is a metai DIVISION III --TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 251 clamp projecting beyond the sliding bar and supporting an electro-magnet connected with a galvanic battery at the foot of the post. When the electrical circuit is completed, the electro-magnet is excited and a cross head armature on the spring bolt withdraws the bolt from the slot. To complete the local circuit which comprises the galvanic battery and electro-magnet, a galvanometer needle, in the circuit from post to post, with transverse copper wire and mercury cups is used. Wben the needle is deflected by the passage of the line-wire electric current, the ends of the copper wire come into contact with the mercury and the electro-magnet is excited. The electrical connections are such that the raising of the sliding bar at the second signal brings the line wire into connection with the earth circuit for a moment. This occurs when the train arrives at the second signal post and excites the electro-magnet of the first signal post, liberating the danger signal thereof. A modification of this apparatus is applied to working a single line of rail. Other functions, not electrical, are performed by this invention. [Printed, 1s. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, May 19.-No. 1779. FINGER, LOUIS.-"Electro-magnetic annunciators” for use in hotels and other buildings. A tilting rod or arm bears, upon its upper end, a plate with the number of the room marked upon it. When the contact knob is pressed, this plate is placed in front of the aperture in the dial; it may be retired from the aperture by pressing a rod with the tinger. An electro-magnet tilts the tilting rod over its vertical position, the centre being at the lower part of the rod, and allows it to fall against a suitably-placed stop. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, May 29.-No. 1881. BARR, HENRY JAMES.—(Provisional protection only.)—“ Appa- ratus for indicating the number of revolutions of the paddle wheels or screw propellors of steam vessels, applicable also “ to denoting the speed of steam engines.” 252 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A time dial, rotated by clockwork, bas metal pins upon its periphery which cause the lever of an indicator dial to mark half minutes, say, upon the latter. The indicator dial has a tendency to revolve, by means of a strong spring, and bas teeth which can only be liberated by a lever escapement. This escapement may be worked by mechanical means or by an electro-magnet. In the latter case, the electric circuit (in which is the electro-magnet and its galvanic battery) is momentarily com- pleted once every revolution of the paddle shaft and a tooth of the dial is allowed to escape. Thus the numbers (one for each escaped tooth) between two of the half minute marks made by the lever, indicate the number of revolutions of the paddle shaft during half a minute. The electrical indicator may be at a distance from the shaft, say on deck or upon the bridge. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, June 3.—No. 1932. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(4 communication from Luigi Vianisi.) (Provisional protection only.) — “ Electric tele- “ graphs." In this invention,"messages are transmitted in opposite “ directions simultaneously on the same wire.” One terminal of the receiving instrument, at either station, is connected with the line wire through two opposing gal. vanic batteries, one weak, the other strong; its other ter- minal is connected to earth. At the point where the similar poles of these batteries are connected, an earth contact is made, with an intervening resistance, so that the effect on the receiver is nil until a line current neutralises the stronger of the two batteries. The weaker battery then acts on the receiver. In another combination, adapted to submarine circuits, the union of two galvanic batteries, each at the corresponding station to the other, constitutes the stronger battery of the transmitting station which neutralises the current of the weaker battery. When the two stations are simultaneously transmitting, the weaker batteries develope their currents and cause their respective instruments to operate. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 253 A transmitting lever carries two insulated springs, resting on right angled pieces. When it is depressed, the lower spring strikes a contact block and remains insulated from the lever. In a Morse transmitter, when a principal lever is depressed, two small levers are detached from stops and move with it to establish contact. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] fixed upon A.D. 1874, June 3.-No. 1933. VAN DER MEY, SIMON CORNELIS.-(4 communication from Edzard Willem Ansingh.) - (Provisional protection only.) - " Apparatus for preventing the collision of railway trains.” Part of the apparatus is carried by the locomotives and part the railway. “On the left side of the way from station to station,” and at a certain distance apart, inside and outside vertical rods are placed All the inside rods being risen by electro- magnetism, the train can then leave the station. A bar on the locomotive depresses a lever as it passes and causes the inside rod to fall. A spring stop being withdrawn by electro- magnetism, the inside rod again rises ready for the passage of another train. On the locomotive, an arrangement of levers and chains, acted on by the withdrawal of a bolt, is used to cut off the steam and to open the steam whistle. The withdrawal of the bolt causes a weight to fall, which puts this mechanism into action. Ordinarily the weight cannot fall because of a glass tube in the way of the chain. When the tube is crushed by the passage of a locomotive in the wrong direction, the bolt is withdrawn and the mechanism acts upon the steam valve upon the whistle. Instead of depressing the rods by a bar, the driving wheel of the locomotive may be used for the purpose. The core of the horseshoe magnet for raising the inside rods is a wrought iron tube closed at each end by an iron wad. The spring stop has an armature with projections to prevent the effects of residual magnetism. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] and 23+ ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. . A.D. 1874, June 4.-No. 1950. CLAPP, WILLIAM HENRY.—" Transmitting signals," &c. A part of this invention relates to transmitting keys and to instruments for recording electric telegraphic messages. Although the Morse may be used, the Steinheil system is preferred. Two ordinary transmitting keys for rererse currents and a single-needle instrument are used. A feature of this inten- tion is to make the deflection of the needle record the messages transmitted. The lower part of the needle ter. minates in a fine toothed rack which gears into a pinion, the arbor of which carries two recorders or pens. The pens are placed at such an angle to each other, and in such a position on the arbor, that, when the needle is at zero, neither pen touches the paper and that deflection of the needle in one direction causes the red pen to rock across the paper and to mark it, and in the other, the black pen to nark it. The marks are made in two parallel lines upon a travelling paper strip. A similar arrangement may be used to strike bells of different tones. The positive and negative electrical state of the atmosphere may be recorded by the needle recorder. [Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, June 5.-No. 1966. BROWN, JAMES WALLACE. -" Transmitting telegraphic “ signals.” This invention relates to the working of chemically- recording telegraphs through submarine cables and other long circuits. A paper strip, with three rows of perforations, is used in combination with three transmitting styles, set abreast and insulated from each other. Two pens are connected respec- tively to opposite battery poles; the third or "compensation" pen is led to earth with or without an interposed resistance coil. The perforations only admit of one pen at a time being in contact with the metal drum of the transmitting instru. ment. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 255 When transmitting a dash to the receiver, a strong current is sent, then an earth contact is made through the compen- sation pen, then a second strong current, and, finally, a reversed current. Instead of three pens to produce the above result, three drums with connected pens, or three rocking beams, insulated and having contacts, may be employed. Methods of arranging the circuit, either with a permanent a leak in line beyond the transmitter, or with a magnetic shunt, or with both, are set forth. Thas the tendency, on long circuits, to run the dashes into the dots is obviated and the speed of tranmission is increased. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, June 16.–No. 2088. McEVOY, CHARLES AMBROSE.--"Torpedoes." This invention applies to torpedoes which explode when strack externally; they have no electrical firing arrangement. The invention consists in a safety electrical locking appa- ratus. The firing apparatus is a ball mounted on a spring arm, which, when free and when the torpedo is struck, vibrates so as to strike and break sealed glass tubes and thus to liberate the acid or other means of ignition. The locking apparatus consists of an electro-magnet and an armature on the end of the spring arm; as long as a current is transmitted from the torpedo boat through the cable in connection with the torpedo, the electro-magnet attracts the armature and the spring arm is fixed. In approaching the electro-magnet the armatore closes a second circuit in which is included a galvanometer on board the torpedo boat or vessel, so as to signal back to the operator, the efficient action of the locking apparatus. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, June 27.-No. 2235. OESTERLEY, EMIL.-(A communication from Louis Schwend- ler.)" Duplex telegraphy" and apparatus. In the double balance method which forms the subject 256 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. matter of this invention, received currents travel along one branch and sent currents (when the station in question alone is signalling) travel along the other branch of a loop line at at each station. Therefore arriving signals can be read from the receiving instrument in the first branch without inter- ference from the sent currents; whilst the sent signals can be read from the receiving instrument in the second branch without interference from the received signals. Also, when the balance is disturbed in the first branch, it can be restored by a single adjustment in the other branch. By the adjunct of an adjustable resistance, the internal resistance of the battery is made the same as the four other resistances in the first branch ; each resistance is made, in magnitude, equal to half the observed resistance of the line. In the second branch, the resistance is one-sixth of the line resistance. Regulators are used to adjust the several resistances; an indicator shows the direction in which to turn the arms of the regulator. By means of a galvanoscope in the second branch, the battery and its adjustable resistance is maintained at a fixed amount. The indicator is an instru. ment which shows any disturbance in the first branch long before the receiving instrument is sensible of it. When the regulator is to be worked automatically, an “operator” is placed between it and the indicator. In a constant resistance key, the two principal contacts coexist only for an infini. tesimal time which is independent of the signalling speed. Translation at any intermediate station is accomplished by the same arrangements as are made at terminal stations; the armature of the signalling instrument acts as an automatic key to transmit received signals. The automatic adjustment in the second branch employs a regulator with only one arm; a shunt for the receiving instrument may be in this branch. In connection with the branch to the earth contact, a length of cable of known ratio to that of the telegraph cable is employed. ]Printed, 28. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, July 6.-No. 2351. POOLE, GEORGE ALFRED. — “ Apparatus for indicating the depth of water under vessels." DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 257 66 “ The object of this invention is the application of elec- tricity and use of apparatus for the purpose of indicating “ the depth of water beneath vessels under way, and by such “ indications to give warning of the approach to land or the presence of banks or submerged ground." A weight is suspended from the end of a lever by a chain of a given length. The lever is attached to a small shaft placed below the end of the bridge of a steam vessel, so as to overhang the side of the vessel. The length of the chain limits the depth at which the obstacles are to be indicated (by an arrangement of wheels) upon a dial. An electric bell rings at each record on the dial. This invention is a modification of that described in No. 3823, A.D. 1873. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.) A.D. 1874, July 10.-No. 2423. FARMER, John Stinson, and TYER, EDWARD.—“Safety “ signals for railways.” In this invention, the signalman can always raise the sema- phore to danger but can lower it to safety only when no other signalmen at a distance require it to stand at danger. The distant signalman may raise the signal to danger or keep it in that position. Either at the signal post or in the signal box is an electro- magnet and a remontoir ; the contact to work this is at a distance. When the hand lever is moved, the remontoir is wound up and is held by a detent connected to the armature of the electro-magnet. The attraction of the armature releases the detent; or this may be done by the cessation of the current and of the attraction. Another method of effecting the connection of the signal lever with the signal.--- At the point of disconnection, the iron contact surfaces are the poles of an electro-magnet. When the poles move with the lever, it acts upon the signal but not otherwise. Economy of electrical power is made by a contact near the lever which only completes the circuit when the lever is about to be moved or is moved. [Printed, 28. 4d. Drawings.] R 705. I 258 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 66 SO 66 A.D. 1874, July 15.-No. 2473. MOLONY, JOHN FREDERICK.—(Provisional protection only.), Apparatus for warning ships of their approach to shallow " and dangerons waters.” A sounding rod is fitted to each mast or to one only, as to work vertically through an open tube in the hull and pass down below the keel to the required depth, upon the “ ends of which rod guys are employed leading to the fore “ foot and passing through a tube to the upper deck for maintaining the rods in a staid and vertical position, in “ such manner that a ball placed on the end thereof coming “ in contact with the earth or other foreign substances will “ immediately communicate electric motion to an alarum bell, “ and give the necessary warning." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, July 15.--No. 2478. DAVIES, WILLIAM HENRY, and HIGGINS, FREDERICK HER- BERT WILLIAM.-—“ Telegraphic signalling instruments for transmitting a number of fire and other alarms or calls upon a single wire.” No. 640, A.D. 1874 is referred to. The calls are made by the interruption of an electric current. Each interruption releases the armature of a relay and is recorded upon the travelling paper strip of a Morse instru- ment which is self starting as soon as signals commence to be transmitted. One part of the invention consists in a transmitter in which all the signals are of the same length, and the different forms of certain contact discs indicate from which instrument the signal is being sent as well as its meaning. Upon depressing a key, its spring is wound up to a certain degree; the continued upward movement of the end of the key lever releases the spring and its train of wheels and revolves the discs once, so as to break electrical continuity according to the position of notches on the discs. There may be four finger keys, namely, "fire," "police," "messenger," "cab;" they are radially disposed. Another part of the invention consists of a switch which allows the electric current to flow only through the spring and disc of the depressed finger key. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 259 A galvanometer in the circuit shows when the line is free, as any interruption taking place in the continuity of the circuit sets its indicator in motion. The galvanometer may be cut out of the circuit. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.) A.D. 1874, July 17.-No. 2510. MACKIE, ALEXANDER, and WALDENSTRÖM, Eric HUGO. —“ Apparatus for perforating paper," &c. The apparatus is adapted to produce groups of perforations ; each group represents a letter, word, or other symbol. The paper so perforated is employed in type composing machinery, also in some telegraphic apparatus. The perforating punches are actuated by means of finger keys through the medium of levers or lever frames, a single key being connected with one or more levers, so that when- ever required a group of perforations may be made by acting on a single key. The paper is fed by apparatus connected with each lever frame. The return movement of each lever frame is effected by springs which withdraw the punches from the paper being perforated. In another part of the iuvention, perforated plates are used to govern the action of the punch levers. Each perforated plate may have the perforations necessary for a single letter or for a combination of let.ers. The paper is ſed forwards after each perforating operation by means of a pawl and ratchet wheel arrangement, as in the first described perforat. ing apparatus. When duplicates of the perforated paper are repuired, two or more strips of paper are fed simultaneously through the perforating apparatus. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, July 20.-No. 2539. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD. - (A communication from Theodore Marshall Foote and Charles Adams Randall.)— “ Chemical telegraphs" and apparatus. In this invention, the makes and breaks in the circuit are made, at the transmitting instrument, by a perforated paper strip. IS 269 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 1 3 To prevent tailings, two currents of opposite polarity are employed, one for marking, the other for clearing the marks. An extra line of perforations on the paper strip gives this result. The contacts are made by a drum in connection with two styles, one for the positive, the other for the negative currents. To obtain a copy of the transmitted message at the sending office, an insulated receiving drum is fitted on the shaft of the transmitting drum. Obtainment of synchronism.—"A frictional speed governor “ is adapted to the last shaft of the motive power, the speed “ being obtained through the compression of a spring placed so thereon." In a relay, a pivoted armature passes through and works in its polarising helices. The armature is normally attracted by neighbouring electro-magnets. On being excited by the line - wire circuit, opposite electro - magnets attract the armature. The polarities are so arranged that the attractive force of one set and the repelling force of another set act simultaneously, so that there is a full pull and push action. When short currents or pulsations are used for Morse signals, the dash is represented by an extra space of unperforated paper and the currents are equal and alternate. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] ) - A.D. 1874, July 27.-No. 2619. COLE, HENRY.-(A communication from Klingelhoefer & Co.)— (Provisional protection only.)—"An automatic fire alarm." An alarm, a galvanic battery and a non-graduated mercurial thermometer are in one electric circuit. The thermometer is fixed to the ceiling and is supported from a small metallic box by a platinum or iron wire that forms one battery pole, and which is extended into the tube to a point corresponding to 40° C. or 50° C. The mercury is connected up with the alarm and thence with the electric circuit. In the inside of the box is a small metallic toothed rod included in the electric circuit. The wire from the above-mentioned battery pole and the other wire may be prolonged so as to include between them several thermometers. As soon as a fire takes place, the mercury rises, the circuit DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 261 is completed, and the alarm rings. If the thermometer bursts, certain gutta percha cylinders, which support and insulate the metallic box, melt and allow the upper part of the box to fall on the toothed rod and to complete the circuit, so that the alarm continues to act. The alarm is an electro-magnet with a hammer armature that strikes a bell by its vibrations during the passage of the electric current. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 9 A.D. 1874, July 28.-No. 2637. WINTER, GEORGE Kift. — “Electrical intercommunication “ in trains." In one method of forming the circuit, the forward circuit is along the wires and through the hooks on one side of the carriages and the return circuit is along the wires and through the hooks on the otber side of the carriages. In another method, the two side chains at each end of the car. riage are joined, making an insulated circuit from end to end of the train; the return circuit is by the wheels and rails aided by the centre chains. To work the circuit, opposing batteries are used, so far as the front and rear vans and the carriages between them are con- cerned. The front van speaks to the engine driver by sending a current through to his bell. When the forward and return wires are joined by a contact, both guards' bells are rung. The opposing battery system may be dispensed with if the passengers and guards alike may call the attention of the driver, as in the cord system; or if, in addition to this, the front guard is able to communicate with the driver only. The battery and bell on the engine are joined up, in series, in the train circuit. In the bell, a light hammer is used and the same electro- magnet may liberate a visible signal. Break-away signals may be given by the hanging chain, which allows a lever in the forward circuit to make contact with a stud in the return circuit. An electro-magnet on the engine may liberate a weight and thus sound a whistle. [Printed, 28. 6d. Drawings.] 262 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 66 1 - A.D. 1874, July 29.-No. 2646. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY. — (A communication from Elisha Gray.)—“ Method of and apparatus for transmitting musical “ tones by electricity." Producing musical tones of any desired pitch at any point in an electrical circuit." -" Transmitting a series “ of impulses of induced electricity of high tension, cor- responding in number to the number of audible vibrations “ constituting said musical tone, through living tissue in “ contact with any resonant substance, or through a coil surrounding a bar of iron or the core of an electro-magnet, “ the succession of currents being produced by an induction “ coil or other apparatus for inducing a secondary current, “ and being caused by the action of any suitable circuit “ interruptor situated in a primary circuit.” In telegraphy, tones of different pitch corresponding to the letters may be employed, dots of the Morse alphabet being signified by one tone and dashes by another. Or, the signals may consist of tones of various combinations." [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, July 29.-No. 2648. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE.—(4 communication from Julien May Bradford.) Electro-magnetic governors for steam heating and drying apparatus." “ This invention comprises an engine for working a cut-off “ valve and a throttle valve of steam heating apparatus with “ automatic apparatus for opening and closing the valves ; “ also for reversing and stopping and starting the engine, " the apparatus being controlled by electric currents closed “ and broken by the variations of the heat through the - medium of thermometers in the heated room. The ar. rangement is adapted to ensure a uniform temperature “ of any required degree." An eccentric on the crank shaft of the engine works a reciprocating sleeve on the rod which connects the cut-off and the reversing valves. An electro-magnet closes the cut-off valve by pulling down an armature connected with one end of a pawl on the sleeve ; to open the cut-off valvo, a spring is connected with the other end of the pawl. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 263 Another electro-magnet controls the stopping and starting valve. A contact arrangement for this apparatus is above the pawl. Two thermometers are in the room to be heated; these are fitted with steel rods to complete circuits at different degrees of heat. The first thermometer is in the circuit of the first-described electro-magnet and the second thermo- meter is in the circuit of the latter electro-magnet. Or, both circuits may be maintained by one large thermo- meter. To operate and reverse the regulating valve, a third electrc- magnet is used. By its means an eccentric may be connected or disconnected with an arm which works a pinion to the right or left according to the position of the rod of the cut-off valve. [Printed, ls. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, July 30.--No. 2659. BOYLE, ROBERT KIRK. (Provisional protection only.) – “ Electric telegraph apparatus.” In a telegraphic apparatus in which the transmission of the messages is by means of a travelling strip of perforated paper, one or more induction coils and a circuit breaking armature are provided at the transmitting station ; there is an induction coil at the receiving station. Induced currents are sent over the line wires and produce secondary induced currents in the receiving coil suitable for chemical writing. "One or more induction coils are connected with the outer “ helix of the receiving coil for the purpose of adapting the “ induced current obtained from the last coil for writing on chemically prepared moist paper.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, August 6.-No. 2724. CURRER, ROBERT. Signalling on railways" and ap- paratus. This invention comprises a modification of the block system of signalling. Each semaphore is placed to danger as each train passes and is maintained in that position during 264 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. the entire interval until the next train is signalled as ap- proaching The apparatus which forms the subject of this invention, as arranged for a single line, is attached to an ordinary electric transmitting instrument and is fitted with two keys, “signal on " and "signal off.” The former, being depressed, shows, at the next station on each side, that the sending station is blocked; the latter shows the sending station to be clear. When "signal off" key is depressed, a detent is released and a cover is moved over the end of the key. The key can only be depressed a second time after removal of the covering or locking slide by means of a separate and distinct releasing button. In a double line, the "signal off” key is covered when “signal on ” key is depressed. The apparatus is repeated for the up and down lines. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, August 27.–No. 2929. D'HUMY, Paul RAOUL DE FAUCHEUX.—(Provisional protection only.)—“Call bell.” This invention relates to bells for signalling, that is, either as a simple call bell or as a bell for giving signals at a distant point through a connecting electric wire and by means of apparatus as now employed in telegraphic signalling. “The invention consists in the adaptation of a convolute “ coil of metallic wire (similar to that used for the striking part of some clocks) of a tone suitable for the intended purpose." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, September 2.–No. 2999. JENSEN, PETER.—(A communication from Paul la Cour.) “ Transmitting and printing telegraphic messages " and apparatus. In this invention, the apparatus is worked by the isochron. ously-vibrating currents that are given by the contacts, with DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 265 a fixed point, of one of the legs of a tuning fork, or similar vibrating appliance which produces a definite musical tone. At the receiving station, electro-magnets are acted upon by the vibrating current, so as to alternately draw apart and contract the legs of a tuning fork of the same musical pitch as that at the sending station. If the tuning fork at the receiving station be not of the same pitch as that at the sending station, the rate of vibra- tion of the currents that excite its electro-magnet will not correspond to its rate of vibration and it will remain silent. A transmitting apparatus consists of a number of tuning forks or “keys,” corresponding either singly or by combina- tion with the letters of the alphabet and with tuning forks of the same musical pitch at the receiving station, the latter being acted upon by electro-magnets as described above. The contacts at the receiving station may actuate a relay, a printer, or other signal instrument. A signal can be sent from one point to another without its being indicated at the other points in the same circuit. Several keys may be used simultaneously to act upon several receivers at once. This invention is applicable to copying telegraphs. Positive and negative currents may be sent alternately and several telegrams can pass through the same wire at the same time. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, September 4.-No. 3037. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT. -(A communication from George Washington Howe.)–(Provisional protection only.)-" Printing “ telegraph apparatus." This system provides a printing instrument which is rapid and which allows two or more additional instruments, of a like kind, to be attached through it to the same line, governed and controlled thereby. Each instrument trans- mits or receives in regular order, one machine after the other, without conflicting with each other in any manner. At regular and fixed intervals of time, from one to three electrical impulses, either positive or negative, for each letter, are transmitted. On arriving at the distant instrument, these impulses follow separate paths through different mag- 266 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. nets controlling a series of six pins which control the printing mechanism. A local circuit, completed automa- tically, actuates the printing mechanism and, after printing, replaces the pin or pins in their normal position, ready " for “ another impulse.” The complete arrangement is :-The key board, the print- ing register, and the revolving circuit-closer with automatic unison stop. The additional instruments to be attached are only the key board and register. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 3 A.D. 1874, September 4.-No. 3041. OPPENHEIMER, JOSEPH.--(Provisional protection only.), “ Electric telegraph instruments.” In instruments in which the message is recorded прои travelling paper strip, motion is given to the strip by means which are independent of the instrument. Thus, when several instruments are required, they are arranged in 3 line parallel to a rotating shaft, which is connected by bands and pulleys to a roller or rollers over which the strip passes. Each instrument has a clutch to throw the strip out of gear when it is not in use. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, September 5.-No. 3056. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY.—(A communication from Louis Victor Mimault.)—(Provisional protection only.)—“ Printing “ telegraphs,” &c. This invention relates partly to the telegraphic system described in No. 870, A.D. 1874. Instead of five emissions of an electric current, each having, according to its relative position or the order of its emission, the numerical value of one of the first five numbers of geometrical progression, six terms and six line wires are employed The letters of the alphabet are approximated to in shape, in the signals of this system. When a single line wire is used, elementary signals or strokes are successively given to compose the perfect letter when the transmission is completed. DIVISION III.--TRANSMI ITING SIGNALS, &c. 267 According to another part of the invention, in printing telegraphs, any desired number of transmissions may be obtained simultaneously in the same direction, either with or without synchronism between the transmitting and receiving apparatus. In the latter case the despatches are printed daplicate. The apparatus consists of:- Two key boards, each having six keys; two double receiving apparatus; and regulating clockwork. Dispensing with synchronism. - The paper strip may be drawn in an inclined direction over its cylinder. Or, two despatches may be transmitted in duplicate and received upon paper strips disposed in reverse directions. By an arrangement of pawls and contact pins, a break in the current is nted when a sign of any length is to be produced. The combination of elementary contacts necessary for the signals is automatically made. By using a number of segments of helices, a number of despatches may be transmitted simultaneously. Type wheels may be worked by this system. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, September 9.-No. 3089. GREENWOOD, HENRY Brown.--(Provisional protection only.) "Electro-magnetic apparatus for operating clocks or timekeepers.” By this invention, any number of clocks in an electric circnit may be operated and made to keep accurate time. The operative mechanism is :-An electro-magnet and battery, a spring balance wheel and forked lever, and a circuit breaker. A disc on the axis of the lever makes contact with another disc at definite intervals and causes the electro-magnet to pull down the lever so as to give an impulse to the balance wheel. Another electro-magnet in the same circuit, in connection with a ratchet wheel and spring pawl, closes the circuit of the subsidiary clocks at regulated intervals. Each subsidiary clock has an electro-magnet, spring pawl and ratchet wheel similar to that above described. The 268 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. ratchet wheel is fixed on the long hand axis; the short hand is moved from the long hand axis by the ordinary mechanism. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, September 14.-No. 3137. WINDER, ROBERT.-" Type composing machinery." The ninth head of this invention relates to enabling an operator to compose type from one or more machines at a distance. In the composing machine, an electro-magnet is used for controlling the ejection of any desired type from the type reservoir. To compose type from a distance, each machine is provided with a dial around which the wires of the electro- magnets actuating the ejector bars are connected. The dials in connection with the machines have fingers which travel by clockwork synchronously. When a contact piece is thrown out in the home dial and the revolving finger comes round to the piece thrown out, it completes the circuit with the next finger which has been carried by the clockwork to the same position on its dial, thus actuating the corresponding ejector bar magnet of the second machine. In a similar way, the current can be passed to a third machine, and so on. One or more machines can be operated from a dial instead of from a machine. [Printed, 28. 4d. Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1874, September 22.-No. 3250. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. (A communication from Ludovic Charles Adrien Joseph Guyot d'Arlincourt.)—“Electric “ printing telegraphs." 1st.—The principle of the electro-magnetic relay set forth in No. 255, A.D. 1872, is applied to dial printing tele. graphs. By this arrangement, the magnetism is completely reversed after each passage of the current. Two pallets are applied to an electro-magnet, one at the polar end, the other at the butt end. 2nd.-A second armature is placed at the butt end having the same function as the one with which it is combined. This plan facilitates the adjustment of the impression. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 269 3rd.—Two supplementary coils are placed on either side of the armature, whereby the residuary magnetism acting on the armature is neutralised. 4th. In those alphabetical dial transmitters which act upon the printer by the depression of a rotating handle at a particular letter, the turning of the bandle presses a spring roller against angular teeth on the peripbery of the sinuous wheel. By this means the sinuous wheel is forced forward, from time to time, in advance of the rotary movement of the handle, so as to avoid a cessation of the current. 5th.-In working short distances in which two line wires are used—one for printing the other for actuating the receivers—the position of certain insulated parts on discs that are keyed on to the type-wheel axes is the means of bringing the instruments to the zero point by the sounding of an alarım to attract the operator's attention or by automatic arrangements. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, September 25.-No. 3289. CODDINGTON, ROBERT.-(A communication from Merritt Gally.)—" Telegraphy.” This invention comprises an “accumulative" system which may be used either in single or multiplex telegraphy and for either signal or code receiving. In one instance, a punched strip is used. The operator may continue to punch the strip although the line is occupied and the strip accumulates until the way is open, when the lever armature of an electro-magnet liberates the motor mechanism of the transmitter and allows the punched message to pass into the line wire, until the slack of the paper strip is all used up and the paper strip becomes taut, when an electric contact is made which interposes the cam of the lever armature and stops the transmission until another accumulation of the paper strip has been made and the line is again open. In another instance, finger keys act upon five bars with inclined cams. This instrument may be used for direct trang- mission by means of a moving connector, or for accumulated transmission by means of a wheel which has a constant m 270 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. tendency to turn in one direction. Slips, on the circum- ference of the wheel are forced out to make contact with a connector according to the key depressed. The connector is released by an electro-magnet when the accumulated matter is io pass into the line wire. In multiplex telegraphy, to control the intervals, the releasing electro-magnet is in connection with the main line; in this case the intervals are marked by a polarised electro. magret and reverse current and the connector is released only after a certain number of movements of the armature. Or, the armature may be worked by an additional line wire. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, September 28.-No. 3311. WRIGHT, EDWARD GREETHAM. — (A communication from Albert S. Howe.)—(Provisional protection only.)—“ Electrical “ burglar alarms." The doors, windows, and other places that are to be pro- tected are included in the same galvanic circuit as the alarum apparatus. No opening of a door, &c., can be effected without interrupting the circuit and putting the aiarum into action. The clockwork of a bell alarum is released by the spring armature detent of an electro-magnet in the circuit when the armature ceases to be attracted. At the same time an electric switch within the casing of the alarum is moved so as to break contact. The switch can only be replaced, and contact restored, by means of a special key. The alarum may be placed at a distance from the building to be protected, say, at a police station. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, September 30.-No. 3351. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from William Lambrecht and Frederick Wippern.) - (Provisional protection only.) -" Galvano-hydrostatic apparatus” for “telegraphic purposes." “ The galvano-hydrostatic principle” consists in causing the liquid of a galvanic battery to be brought into contact with the metals by blowing in air. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 271 The telegraphic arrangements are :--A compressor; an element and indicator; a telegraphic circuit with ordinary electromagnetic ringing apparatus. The compressor is a casing, in which a ring-shaped balloon may be completely compressed by turning a crank with a screw-like arrangement once fully round. The compressor has a divided dial plate. The metals are contained in a vessel which has a cover fastened by luting. The zinc is moved down as it wears. A glass tube extends downwards from the cover and forms an indicator, being divided to correspond to the divisions of the compressor. To work the telegraph, the crank is wholly turned round, whereby the liquid rises to the element. “The crank is then " turned back to that part of the division which is intended " to be indicated." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1874, October 1.-No. 3359. MOUILLARD, AMEDÉE. - (Provisional protection only.)-- * Apparatus for composing and transmitting the signs or “ letters of Morse's telegraphic apparatus.” In a key board, certain keys are appropriated to dashes and others to dots. By depressing simultaneously several keys, in proper order, any given letter may be produced at the receiving station. In a second form of transmitter, the finger keys are alphabetical. The depression of a single finger key produces the required combination of dots and dashes for the corre- sponding letter. In the first apparatus, cross bars extend over levers, which (on the depression of a key) act upon sliding plates to pro- trude sliding blades from the circumference of a wheel which has a tendency to rotate and which does rotate when any one of the levers has completed a stroke. The blades protruded by the depression of a finger key or finger keys determine the letter sent into the line wire. In the second apparatus independent levers are employed. The contacts for the blades are mounted on a swing frame, so as to adjust the speed of transmission to that of the receiving instrument. “ As the blade wheel continues its 272 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. “ intermittent rotation the protruded blades are successively pushed back to their normal position ready to be again protruded as they pass the sliding plate operated on by the keys." In each instrument certain keys act to produce the spaces and do not protrude blades when depressed. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, October 2.--No. 3370. KELLOW, JOSEPH.—“ Apparatus for signalling to and from “ drivers, conductors, and guards of railway trains," &c. The object of this invention is to signal, in either direction, between a station and a train in progress. The combination consists of station apparatus, line appa- ratus, train apparatus and electric apparatus; the first three are mechanical arrangements. The purpose of the electro-magnetic or electro-galvanic apparatus is to communicate to the station from the train to acknowledge the receipt of a signal by the above-mentioned mechanical arrangements, and for other purposes. A rod on the locomotive and worked from its platform, is capable of raising a lever which lifts up a pulley in connection with a conductor supported along the line of railway, so as to make contact with the conductor, or line wire, and transmit the telegraphic signal to the station; when electric connection is established at the train by the engine driver, as abore, signalling can be carried on in both directions, the usual instruments being employed. A battery and electro-magnetic signal instrument are on the locomotive; another battery is at the station. Electricity may also be used “for lighting a lamp on the “ engine when the appliance at the station is worked.” [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, October 3.-No. 3381. GOLDSTONE, CHARLES, RADCLIFFE, JAMES, and GRAY, MATTHEW.—(Provisional protection not allowed.) —"Communi- “cating between passengers and the guard and engine driver “ of railway trains.” DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 273 The signals are transmitted to either end of a train, or to both ends simultaneously, by electricity. The line wire consists of a rope with two insulated copper wires; one for the forward circuit, the other for the return circuit. A battery is placed at each end of the train ; the electric circuit established from carriage to carriage is normally closed. The line wires are so coupled up with couplings that the currents from the two sources neutralise each other and prevent any action on the signal apparatus. When the circuit is broken, the batteries are brought into independent action on a local circuit, and each signal apparatus is set into action. Each coupling is fitted with a spring clip which, when the coupling is forced apart, completes the circuit through the two wires in the same rope and gives a signal by means of a local circuit. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1874, October 6.—No. 3414. HIGGINS, FREDERICK HERBERT WILLIAM.—“Automatic fire "and burglar alarms,” &c. The instrument, in the place to be protected, by which an alarm is communicated to a distant station, consists of a train of wheels driven by a spring which is wound by a trigger on the face of the instrument. A detent prevents the train from running down until it is withdrawn by an electro-magnet. The liberation of the train causes two revolutions of a slotted disc which interrupts an electrical circuit in a manner dependent on the arrangement of the slots. The number and grouping of the interruptions shows where the danger is, at a distant station, by a line-wire in the circuit of which a number of instruments may be included. The circuit which liberates the alarums is constantly flowing, but cannot pass through the coil of the electro-magnet because of a derived circuit which includes a thermostat or contact breaker. In the thermostat, the end of a compound bar of zinc and steel rests upon a platinised point to complete the derived circuit. The contact is broken by heat; the current then excites the electro-magnet and liberates the train. 274 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A rupture of the line circuit is indicated by a bell at the receiving office. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, October 10.-No. 3482. MORGAN - BROWN, WILLIAM. (A communication from Giacomo Gianoli, Giovanni Piceni and Giacomo Donna.)- “ Railway brakes.” This invention relates to a brake in which a skid-shoe is interposed between the wheel and the rail. Electro-magnetic agency is used to release the pallets which keep the skid-shoe suspended. Conducting wires of a galvanic battery are attached to insulators on the sides of each waggon and terminate at the transverse bar wbich holds the hook and coupling chains to each other. By touching a contact button, the engine driver can act on all the brake-shoes in a train simultaneously. [Printed, ls. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, October 13.-No. 3511. JONES, GEORGE HORAtio, and WHITE, RICHARD GEORGE.-- (Provisional protection only.)-“ Lighting and extinguishing gas lamps by galvanic and electro-magnetic influence." The plunger of a stop-cock which has to-and-fro longi. tudinal motion is moved either way by electro-magnets according to whether the gas is to be turned on or shut off. One electro-magnet and its circuit is devoted to opening the cock; the other, also with a circuit of its own, to shutting off the gas. The same battery works these circuits and lights the gas. Street lamps may thus be lighted or extinguished simultaneously from the same station. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, October 13.-No. 3515. SALOMONS, Sir David LIONEL.—“Electric communication “ between railway trains in transit or otherwise, and signals, “ stations, or termini, and in the apparatus employed there. " for.” DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 275 The first part of this invention relates to establishing the electric circuit by means of wheels, connected with the train, that run on an insulated or third rail. The second part of the invention relates to apparatus in connection with the above-mentioned wheels and third rail. The permanent way, at suitable distances apart, is provided with an arrangement of levers and sliding bolts carrying tappets which can be retained or released by an electro- magnetic apparatus in connection with the electric rail. The trains have apparatus communicating with the shut-off valve and whistle of the locomotive and with the electric, pneu- matic or steam brake. Thus a person at a station or on another train may shut off the steam and apply the brakes automaticaliy. Modifications are suggested and indicated. Bells, recorders, and other communicating apparatus are set forth, and modifications of them for special conditions are described. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, October 13.-No. 3518. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(4 communication from John Edward Watson.)—"Apparatus for ascertaining and indicating " the height of water in steam boilers.” An alarm bell and a contact apparatus are in one galvanio circuit. The contact apparatus is in connection with a steam boiler and is operated by a float therein. The axis of the float lever is connected to one battery pole and two springs, one for high water mark, the other for low water mark, are connected to the other battery pole. An arm that carries a platinum point is on the axis and is between the two springs. When the arm touches either of the springs, the circuit is completed and the alarm bell is sounded. When the alarm bell is not within sight of the water guage, & switch is used consisting of contacts, separate and insulated from each other, on the one side in connection with the bell and on the other side in connection respectively with the two springs by independent wires. By disconnecting one or other switch contact from the circuit it can be ascertained whether the larm is given for high water or for low water. [Printed, 81. Drawing.] 276 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1874, October 13.-No. 3521. PREECE, WILLIAM HENRY, GOLDSTONE, CHARLES, RAD. CLIFFE, James, and GRAY, MATTHEW.—“Communicating “ between passengers and the guard and engine driver of “ railway trains. The electric circuit throughout the train consists of a rope containing two insulated wires. A passenger, by pulling at an exposed portion of the rope, breaks the electric contact and thereby makes a signal. The circuit is arranged on the “ equilibrium circuit” prin. ciple, so that when the rope wires are coupled up the currents neutralise one another, but when the continuity is broken the two wires of the same rope are electrically connected and signals are made. The signalling contact is made by metal plates which come together when the continuity of the rope wires is broken. If any link or chain coupling of the train should break, and a portion of the train become detached, an alarm is given, owing to the simultaneous disconnection of the rope contain- ing the insulated wires. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, October 14.–No. 3533. JENSEN, PETER.– A communication from Gustaf Adam Wiman.) “ Electric bell apparatus for signalling in “ hotels," &c. In this invention, the indicator showing the room that gives the signal acts by means of a single electro-magnet and clock mechanism. When a particular contact is made, the current passes to corresponding contact springs in the indicator, excites the electro-magnet, releases the clockwork and rotates an arm. The keeper is then released from the electro-magnet and the arm, during its rotation, bends all the contact springs out of the way, except that which is in connection with the above. mentioned contact, which again excites the electro-magnet and causes a numeral or signal disc to be shown at the aperture that corresponds to the contact worked. The driving or clockwork gear then stops until the contact is broken or until another contact (possibly in another room) is made. DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 277 The ringing of the bell is accomplished by hammers fixed to the escapement pallets. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, October 23.-No. 3663. MUIRHEAD, JOHN.-“Electric telegraphs.” Recorders.—The marker is an upright capillary tube dipping at its lower end into an ink cup. The ink rises to the upper end of the tube and marks on a travelling strip o paper ; the flow of ink may be assisted by the passage of a current from a galvanic battery. The marking tube is con- nected with the indicator of the instrument, which raises it from time to time into contact with the paper, so as to record dot and dash signals. Or, the indicator may give the marking tube a lateral movement and thus cause it to trace a con- tinuous line upon the paper. Receivers or indicators.--An electro-magnet has semi- circular head pieces above which a piece of iron wire is suspended, having attached to one end the above-mentioned marker. “ To obtain a great concentration of magnetic force," a double coil, in the line-wire circuit, joined up to form a figure 8, may be suspended or pivoted between the poles of a powerful magnet. Chemical marker3.- Instead of marking chemically-pre- pared paper by a metal style, a capillary tube is employed; the tube is charged with liquid which conveys the current of a galvanic battery. A receiver to indicate by sound is made by stretching two sheets of silvered paper, back to back, and placing one in connection with the line and the other to earth. The signals are indicated by a noise each time the paper is discharged. A visual signal may be made by attaching a mirror to one of the above-mentioned silvered sheets, so as to render visible the slight motion of the sheet when a discharge takes place. Or, primary and secondary coils may be used to connect the line wire with the sounder. Or, the sonorous vibrations of an iron bar within a coil may be employed. An accumulator or condenser, especially suited to duplex working, may be made in one continuous length, "so that 278 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a resistance is obtained corresponding with the length of metal em loyed." [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, October 28.-No. 3722. WHYTE, GEORGE.-" Railway signals” and apparatus. The present invention relates to improvements on that set forth in No. 13 I, A.D. 1874. 1st.-Apparatus to warn the engine driver of the separation of carriages from the engine.-In conjunction with line wires across each carriage, a series of elastic insulated metal contacts are appended to each carriage. These are kept apart ordi- narily, but the separation of a carriage causes the neighbour- ing contacts to come together and to ring a bell on the engine. 2nd.--A locking semaphore.—The contact is effected by the lever of the “road apparatus " raising the semaphore, which is locked when raised and unlocked when the train arrives at the next succeeding apparatus, by the action of the battery on the engine. Two contact brushes come into contact with two insulated metallic contacts which are con- nected by wires to an electro-magnet at the semaphore. The semaphore falls when the electro-magnet is excited and then breaks electric contact. 3rd.— The “train apparatus” consists of brush contacts on the engine attached to signal apparatus ; these contacts come down on to the contact plates of the “road apparatus," at suitable intervals, and thus enable a train to signal to and from a station or signal box. [Printed, 1s. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, October 31.–No. 3771. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE.—(A communication from Henry Lartigue.)—"Electrical commutator," together with appli- cations of the same. In this instrument the conducting power of mercury is utilised, as well as its fluidity, to establish electrical com. inunications under certain conditions, “whether as regards " the duration and the automatic interruption of the cir- DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 273 cuits, or in respect of the direction or inversion of the currents." The general principle of the commutator is to use mercury hermetically enclosed in a box (of insulating material), which has poles or contacts introduced or sealed into it. The mercury occupies only a portion of the interior and the box may have internal compartments or apertures. The tilting of the box so alters the position of the mercury as to make or reverse contacts. For many purposes, the commutator is fixed on the end of a counterbalanced lever. To indicate the level of a liquid in a vat, the lever has a funnel which is fixed beneath a suitably. placed nozzle. When the liquid flows from the nozzle the apparatus is oscillated. Sudden changes of pressure are indicated, alarm apparatus at level crossings are operated, torpedoes are exploded, and railway switches, signals, doors, &c., are controlled by means of this invention. [Printed, 23. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, November 3.-No. 3793. BEVAN, WILLIAM.—“Electric point indicator apparatus for " railways." This invention is to indicate to the signalman in his box the opening and closing of the points, so that be may know whether or not the points answer to the pull or throw over of his lever. A bolt projecting from one of the point rails and an indi- cator are in the same galvanic circuit. When the points' lever is pulled over, say, to close the points of a siding, the bolt comes into contact with its contact plate, completes the circuit, and causes a signal plate, with the word “shut” upon it, to be placed in position by the armature of an electro- magnet in the indicator, and retained there until the points’ lever is again moved to open the points; the falling of the armature then brings the word " open " into position showing that the points have been effectually shifted. A sound signal and danger signal may be actuated by separate electro-magnets. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] L 280 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1874, November 6.-No. 3837. RENDER, FREDERICK.—(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.)—" Apparatus for guarding against the absence of wheat and other grain from mill-stones when at work." A disc is “capable of turning upon a centre within the pipe which conducts the grain, and the weight thereof keeps the said disc downward, but when the said grain is “ becoming exhausted a spring turns the said disc upward “ and brings two parts together, which complete an electric " circuit, and by these means a bell may be rung in any • desired situation." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, November 14.-No. 3935. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. — (A communication from William Edward Sawyer.)—“Chemical copying telegraphs, “ electrical circuits, and apparatus." This invention is to prevent tailings, to maintain rapid synchronous movement, to transmit and receive messages upon continuous sheets of paper, and to enable any number of copies to be dropped. The invention is “founded upon a principle of commuta- “ tion of indefinite extent and elasticity at the transmitting “ end of the wire only, the reception of the message being “ accomplished practically as now by a single point.” Five styles may be employed at the transmitter, having at their terminals fine platinum rollers. Each style is connected with a platinam piece placed in the arc of a circle upon the periphery of a wheel. A metallic roller, in connection with the line wire, bears upon the pieces and transmits, in succession, the currents which the message permits to proceed through the styles. In the receiving instrument, five or other number of stýles bear upon the paper longitudinally in the arc of a circle. The vibratory, or semi-rotary, motion of the message-trans- mitting and chemically-prepared paper effects the drawing of longitudinal fine lines on the chemically-prepared paper in the receiver, so as to record the message in fac-simile. The message is written in insulating ink upon metallic paper. The DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 281 insulating ink and the chemical preparation of the receiving paper are special features of this invention. To obtain synchronous movement, compressed air, on the turbine principle, acts directly on the commutator. At every revolution, an electro-magnet is excited, so as to stop a detent on the revolving apparatus and thus to ensure syn. chronism. In repeaters, the spark of a tension current, or the secondary current of an induction coil is used. To prevent the sur. charging of the line by the battery current, a reversed battery of less power is employed. Retardation is prevented by a discharge of opposite polarity, or by a coil of fine wire sur. rounding a large number of fine iron wires. To send messages to intermediate and final stations simultaneously, the battery current is divided by putting the intermediate stations to earth through resistances. [Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, November 16.- No. 3937. PULVERMACHER, ISAC LOUIS.-Generating, conducting, measuring or testing electricity. The last improvement in this invention consists of a testing and measuring apparatus for electric currents. This is a voltameter so arranged as to indicate the strength of a voltaic a current on a scale. Three glass tubes are arranged concen- trically, so as to form a containing vessel, an inner adjustment and a graduated thermometer tube. The electrodes of platinum wire are fixed, one set to the outer tube, the other set to the middle tube which is capable of adjustment so as to vary the distance between the electrodes. The three tubes being partially filled with coloured water and the electric circuit being completed, the gas evolved cannot escape ; the water displaced is forced up the inner tube and the quantity of gas produced by the current is read upon the scale at the surface of the coloured water. [Printed, 1s. 2d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, November 19.-No. 3984. JOHNSON, John Henry.—(A communication from Charles Joseph Baudry." Apparatus for indicating fire or increase 282 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. “ of temperature, which apparatus is partly applicable to “ other signalling purposes.” This invention consists in the combination of an apparatas operated by the elevation of temperature with an ordinary electric bell for domestic purposes. The apparatus for ringing the bell in the usual manner, is a spring knob, the depression of which closes the electric circuit. To close the circuit by the elevation of temperature, a thermometer tube is used with contacts sealed into it; one in connection with the mercury in the bulb, the other in the upper part of the tube terminating at the temperature at which the alarm is to be given. The wires in the tube are connected to the conducting wires of the bell. A second thermometrical tube may be connected with an alarm bell by a special wire, or the fire alarm may be used without being combined with the call bell. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 9 A.D. 1874, November 26.-No. 4063. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. - (4 communication from William Edward Sawyer.) – “ Automatic chemical tele- graphs," &c. No. 3935, A.D. 1874 is alluded to in respect to the present invention; the principles of either invention may be applied to the operation of the other. The commutator is essentially the same as that set forth in No. 3935, A.D. 1874. In the present invention metallic points or rollers fall through perforations in a sheet or strip of paper which is perforated crosswise, so as to read as an ordinary printed page. The message is recorded by a current from the main battery; to clear the line from tailings, the impulse resulting from induction is used. The induction coil used to produce the impulse has its primary wire connected to its fine second- ary wire, and its primary wire together with its battery is placed in a shunt or branch circuit. The primary and secondary wires are included in the line circuit. A double wire induction coil may be employed at any point in the line or in a shunt or branch circuit. The wires of the coil are DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 283 placed alternately in the circuit by means of a rapidly re- volving circuit diverter. At the cessation of an impulse, a perfect ground or earth contact is made at the transmitting end outside of the battery by a special contact point and row of perforations. Equating batteries may be introduced at the receiving apparatus. A non-inductive resistance consists of insulated wire in parallel returning layers. Many modifications are set forth. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] 6 A.D. 1874, November 27.-No. 4075. ANDERSON, JAMES, and ASH, WILLIAM HENRY.--"Electric “ telegraphs.” In duplex telegraphy, the condenser is dispensed with, or is greatly reduced, by placing an electro-magnet or induction coil in the line-wire circuit, immediately after the differential relay or Wheatstone bridge, or any other similar instrument or arrangement for duplex working. When the Wheatstone antomatic instruments are used, this plan may be employed. The single working of a cable or telegraph line is improved by placing an electro-magnet immediately after the sending key and with or without resistance after the receiving instru- ment. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, November 28.-No. 4083. POCKNELL, GEORGE.—(Provisional protection only.)—"Com. municating between the guard of a train in motion and “the station master during the transit from station to “ station." The electric circuit of this arrangement is formed by a wire laid down in separate lengths (of, say, 100 yards each), bringing the ends in close to the edge of the line ; each end is furnished with a stop acted upon by a spring from beneath. A further length of wire forms a connection between the ends of the separate lengths when the spring presses the stops against it. The stops are brought in close to the edge of the sleepers and slightly project. The guard's carriage is fur- nished with the means of pressing the stops when passing, 284 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. thus breaking contact and intercepting the current which passes up into the carriage, in which is an electro-magnetic bell and telegraphic apparatus. Another wire, laid down in a similar manner with stops, makes the train record its approach and progress by means of an indicator fixed at the station. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, November 28.–No. 4086. CLOUGH, JOHN.-"Method of and apparatus for signalling " trains." The object of this invention is to make the signalling of trains, by means of electricity, self-acting. The electric circuits necessary for the working of this invention are formed by means of three metal rods placed between the two rails upon which the train runs. Galvanic batteries are situated at convenient distances (say, 1 mile apart) along the line, in connection with the rods, so that at each battery the contact of one of the outside rods is broken, right-hand and left-hand alternately. The centre rod conducts the return current. Three wheels, attached to the tender or guard's van, run respectively upon the three metal rods and complete the electric circuit in which (on the engine) is the electro-mag- netic signalling apparatus. By the connection of these circuits from time to time as the train proceeds, it receives currents from two batteries, unless a train is on the next battery circuit or division, when the current is from only one battery, and shows on the signalling apparatus “line blocked," until the front train has passed onward to the next circuit or division. Thus each train has notice of a clear mile of any other train in front. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, December 2.-No. 4141. YEATES, STEPHEN MITCHELL.-- (Provisional protection only.) — “Telegraphic apparatus," &c. In an alphabetical telegraph, the transmitter can be worked either backwards or forwards. A tongue is brought into con- DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 285 tact with one of two points by turning the handle to the right or left. A fy with toothed gear in connection with the vibrating tongue prolongs electric contact. A wheel, on the handle axis, having, say, twenty-eight contact pins, makes the requisite number of contacts. At the same time a blade be- tween two of these contact pins acts upon a long lever to make contact with one or other of two pins according to the direction in which the handle is turned. In the receiving instrument, the hand or index moves back- wards or forwards according to the motion of the handle of the transmitter. The impelment of the index is so acted upon by electro-magnets that a positive current moves the index in one direction and a negative current in the opposite direction. Or, a spring and clock train, having an escapement and rocking detent, with wheelwork in connection with the arma- ture of an electro-magnet, may be used to effect the same result. By similar arrangements, the position and movement, in either direction, of any axis at a distance, say that of a weather vane, may be indicated. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1874, December 9.-No. 4228. MULLER, JAN ANTHONY. Apparatus for measuring water or other liquids, applicable also as a current meter and motor." This apparatus consists of an air-tight and water-tight ressel, in which a central vertical spindle is capable of rota- ting freely. The spindle has radial arms on which are carried floats and magnets. Two horseshoe magnets, opposite to one another and with their opposite poles opposed, are used; the whole combination of spindle, floats and magnets is of the same specific gravity as that of the liquid to be measured. By means of a tongue and shields, the water is caused to enter the vessel tangentially and follows the direction of its inner circumference; thus only the current caused by the inflowing water is able to rotate the spindle. The motion of the spindle is communicated to the registering wheelwork by means of a light iron needle carried by a spindle in the same vertical line as the float spindle but outside the vessel. The needle is 286 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. acted upon by the magnets so that its spindle rotates exactly as the float spindle does, and thus causes correct registration. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, December 14.-No. 4300. GENT, JOHN THOMAS.—" Apparatus for signalling." In this apparatus, an indicating tablet --- showing, for instance, the room from which the call is made—is actuated by mechanical means, wbich at the same time completes the circuit of an electric bell. In one instance, a rod is raised, either by a line or by the compression of air, so as to liberate a disc, which is weighted on one side by the signal plate, and cause the signal plate to fall against the glass case of the instrument and thus to come into view. The disc is replaced by hand when the call is attended to. The raising of the rod also raises a crank arm which presses against a spring contact and completes the bell circuit. In another instance, a similar action is made by a crank lever, moved by a horizontal push, to release the disc and to close the bell circuit. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 1875. - A.D. 1875, January 6.-No. 57. SINGTON, THEODORE. “ Construction and working of “ railway signals." In one case, a face and edge signal is able to be turned on a projecting horizontal arm, the face showing “danger." Between the post and the signal is a box containing an electro-magnet and an arm of the signal. The keeper of the electro-magnet is, by the action of the electric carrent, rotated through an angle of 45°, and its prolongation bears against the arm and rotates the signal through 90°. When the current ceases, the keeper is acted upon by weights to DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 287 66 return to its inclined position and the signal replaces itself to danger.” In another case, the ordinary semaphore signal is actuated, by an electro-magnet, through levers. The signal and semaphore levers are ranged, in boxes, on a table in a line continuous to the point levers. Each lever consists of a sinall lever handle which works round 180° and makes electric contact with buttons when moved into certain positions. A mechanical method of interlocking the sema- phore levers with the point levers is described. A fog-bell with electro-magnet and armature may be worked in a similar manner to the working of the above signal. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, January 6.--No. 58. WOLLASTON, CHARLTON JAMES.— " Thermo-electric appa- “ ratus." To obtain uniformity in the quantity of electricity passing, an automatic regulator renders the supply of gas and air dependent on the amount of the electric current. A galva- nometer needle is deflected by the current; at short intervals of time the needle is held stationary and clockwork raises up to the needle two levers, which either come into contact with the needle or not. According to the lever which comes into contact with the needle, the gas or air valve is opened or closed. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, January 22.—No. 255. STOCKMAN, BENJAMIN PRYOR. “ Electric signalling apparatus." A sending key for submarine lines.—By this apparatus currents may be sent varying in duration, tension, or quality ; these currents are blended or overlapped. If sending currents from induction coils, the sudden rebound of the secondary current is prevented. After each signal, the end of the line is put to earth and then insulated. A curved lever has two screw pegs adjustable in slots, and, during depression, makes line 288 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. contacts with rollers in the battery circuit, and, finally, with an earth contact. There is one key for positive, another for negative currents. A receiving instrument.--A fine wire, looped and suspended, is included in the secondary circuit of an induction coil whose primary wire is in the line-wire circuit. A permanent or electro-magnet being suitably arranged, the passage of a current through the wire causes it to deflect according to the direction of the current. The image of one of the wires may be thrown on a screen by a magic lantern arrangement. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, January 28.-No. 336. HARPER, RICHARD ROBERT.-—“ Electric telegraph apparatus “ for train signalling," &c. In a signalling instrument for working the block system, the exterior portion of one of the two tappers is covered by a guard plate that slides over one of the dials of the instrument, thus enabling one tapper only to be worked at a time. In the dial portion of the signalling instrument, the electro- magnet has two poles of opposite names, together with a soft iron circular armature in conjunction with a needle of the opposite polarity, and consequently having two poles of the The pointer on the armature axis is thus actuated according to the direction of the electric current. By means of springs and contact pieces (upon the key of the receiving portion of the instrument being depressed) the earth wire of the sending portion is severed, also the line circuit of the other couple of springs, one of which is in direct contact with the line wire and receiving coil. In interlocking, a double-ended lever arm alternately connects “the battery or earth connections as between two or more instruments.” [Printed, 28. 4d. Drawings.] same name. A.D. 1875, January 30.--No. 353. HARGREAVES, HENRY EDWARD.-" Indicating the speed of “ ships.” Screw vanes in connection with a log have a worm on their spindle which rotates a worm wheel, on which is a stud that DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 289 acts intermittently on electric contacts. The contacts are in circuit with the condacting wires of a cable. The contacts being made at intervals corresponding to the speed of the log, corresponding marks are made on moving paper having time divisions on it. Thus the speed of the ship is registered. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, February 2.-No. 384. EDISON, THOMAS ALVA. -"Duplex and multiplex tele- “ graphs." At each terminal station, two operators may transmit and two receive messages simultaneously over one line wire; this concurrent working of eight operators constitutes quadruplex telegraphy. One operator works a distant instrument by a rise and fall of the electric tension, the other operator at the same station signals by a change in the polarity of the current. The instruments for receiving messages are :-A receiving magnet, a polarised receiving magnet, an artificial line, adjustable rheostats, and local circuits. The latter contain batteries and electro-magnets for a Morse receiver for instance. With the duplex system operated by rise and fall of tension, the polarised relay is not required, but the receiving magnet is placed at a point neutral to the outgoing message. The receiving magnet may have two helices wound so as to oppose each other; one belix is in the artificial line, the other in the main line. A condenser, in a shunt round the rheostat, neutralises the static charge and discharge. In a quadruplex repeater, the signals made in one circuit are repeated to the receiving instruments in the other circuit The main line circuit is divided and is provided with local batteries and circuits. Switches divide the local circuits to allow each quadruplex line to work independently. [Printed, ls. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, February 9.-No. 478. LAYCOCK, WILLIAM SAMUEL.-" Applying brakes to railway “ engines and carriages.” R 705. к a 290 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. This invention consists in the use of electro-magnetism for applying single or continuous brakes to the wheels of railway carriages. The electric current may apply the brakes, or it may keep them out of action; in the latter case, the interruption of the circuit by accident or otherwise puts the brakes at once into operation. The electric current may be employed to control machinery, worked from an axle of the train, for actuating hydraulic pumps, air compressors, exhausters, &c., for brake purposes. In one instance, the electro-magnet acts upon soft-iron bars or armatures, in connection with levers, to apply the brakes. To move the brake lever through a great distance, several levers may be successively brought into action by the electro- magnet until the required brake power is obtained. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, February 12.–No. 525. ALLAN, GEORGE, and BROWN, JAMES WALLACE.--"Electric “ telegraphs.” This invention is suited for submarine circuits. Its object ie to record dots and dashes by closing and breaking a local circuit in which is any ordinary recorder ; also to translate signals from one circuit to another by a simple arrangement of line and battery connections with a single relay; also to translate from land line to submarine cable without sending the land line current through the cable or the cable current through the land line. To record dots and dashes, the relay has a movable contact, the bar on which the insulated stops are placed being capable of longitudinal motion. In another instance, a circular disc is carried by the contact maker ; one half of the disc is an insulator, the other half a conductor. Compensating springs are applied to the relay armature. In the translation of signals, the two circuits are connected outside the relay, the armature of which is connected to the line. The relay stops are respectively connected through the right-hand and left-hand coil of an electro-magnet to the poles of a battery, the battery being earthed at its centre. In a modification, a receiving relay has its armature placed to DIVISION VII.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 291 line; it has a receiving battery, the centre of which is put to earth and its stops are respectively connected to the battery poles. To translate from land line to submarine cable, two diffe- rential relays are employed in combination ; by this arrange- ment, the weak current is sent through the cable and the strong current through the land line. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] a A.D. 1875, February 23.-No. 662. SYKES, WILLIAM ROBERT.—“ Signalling or working signals on railways," &c. This system is a combined lock and block system ; the movement of a signal lever for a train to proceed locks that lever until the lock is released by the movement of a lever at the next station after the train has passed it. The levers are worked in connection with and interlocked with the ordinary signal and point levers ; they may also be worked in connection with the ordinary telegraph instruments. To work the invention, an upright oblong box has two circalar openings. The requisite discs to convey or alter the signals are moved up before one or other of the openings by means of the starting lever if certain catch bars be free. The starting lever is connected with the signal discs by means of levers and slotted vertical rods having extensions beyond the rods which lift the catch bars. The freeing of the catch bars is accomplished by the armatures of electro-magnets worked by an electric current from the previous station or from the forward station as the case may be. The lock of the forward station is taken out by the back motion of the starting lever at a given station, an electric contact being then made with a pin on a plate. In a modification, the vertical rod receives a pin attached to a slide-instead of a catch bar. Another modification is adapted for use on a single line of rail, and in one plan there is a double lock. [Printed, 28. Drawings.] K 2 292 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1875, February 24.—No. 684. TAYLOR, HERBERT ARNAUD, and MUIRHEAD, ALEXANDER. “ Construction of the balancing apparatus or imitation telegraph line or cable to be used in duplex or other telegraphy." A condenser (consisting of sheets placed the one on the other in the order, paraffin paper, tin foil, paraffin paper, plumbago paper, paraffin paper, tin foil, and so on) is made up in units. To form a complete artificial line a number of these units are electrically connected. One end of the artificial line is connected with the transmitter, the other to earth; the sheets of tin foil in the condenser have a direct earth connection. The unit in the artificial line may represent (both in resistance and capacity) a given length of the cable; in this case the units are coupled up in continuous circuit to correspond to the entire length of the cable. In another instance, the units may have high resistance in comparison with their capacity; then the units are arranged in parallel circuit. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, March 3.-No. 775. GOOCH, FRANCIS SHERLOCK.—(Provisional protection only.) _"Regulating the flow of liquids in apparatus employed for reducing such liquids from a higher to a lower tem. “ perature." In brewing, the liquid should be progressively cooled, so that, at the point of delivery, it is about the temperature desired. The supply to the cooling medium is checked automatically. Electro-thermometers in the tun, at certain critical times, actuate small electro-magnets that operate upon lever arma- tures so as to complete the circuit of a powerful electro- magnet, the armature of which controls the flow of the liquid through the refrigerator, or the flow of the refrigerating medium, so as to obtain the desired temperature. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 293 A.D. 1875, March 3.-No. 792. WISE, WILLIAM LLOYD.-(A communication from Théodore Masui.) — "Electric brakes for railway carriages and wag. “ gons." An Achard's electro-magnet is arranged upon the axle of the vehicle whose brake blocks are to be operated. On the completion of the electric circuit, iron discs adhere to the electro-magnet and carry round certain collars on the axle, so as to wind up the chain which actuates the brake blocks. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, March 4.-No. 805. LAYCOCK, GEORGE.—" Controlling horses by the use of “ magnetic electricity." To control a runaway horse, the bridle bit is made in two parts, one insulated from the other. Wires from each part of the bit proceed to the magneto-electric machine through conductors attached to the reins. To urge on the horse, pieces of copper in the electric circuit are fixed to the belly band. The conductors to control kicking horses are fixed in straps that are lined with copper, and are fastened on each hind leg; or, a metal spring in the circuit may be fixed on each fore leg. The magneto-electric machine for a saddle horse is placed immediately in front of the saddle and worked by the rider. In driving, the machine is placed on the driver's seat. To prevent a horse running away when left in a carriage alone, a contact break wheel sends shocks to the animal as soon as the wheel of the carriage to which the break wheel is attached begins to move. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, March 8.—No. 855. KITSON, JAMES.—(Provisional protection only.)—“Indicati or detecting the removal or opening” of jewel cases, &c. This invention relates to the application the above-mentioned cases, &c., to prevent Morse instrument a local circuit be vuro- ing the -, only the 294 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A box, fitted underneath a table top, contains a balance flap that ordinarily bears up against the table top, but when the case or box is stood upon the table, studs on the bottom of the case go through holes in the top of the table, depress the balance flap and close the electric circuit. When the box is removed from its place, the circuit is broken and an alarum is rung by means of a relay. A commutator in the circuit enables the owner of the property to stop the ringing of the alarum. The detector may consist of a tube partially filled with mercury and containing a spring. When the box is placed upon the tubes, a plunger in each tube is depressed into the mercury and completes the electric cirouit. In either of the above arrangements, electrical contacts in the box, near the lock, are broken when the lid is raised. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, March 10.--No. 890. WALLACE, JOHN STEWART, and TUCKER, EDWARD.- Protection of structures from fire. In No. 1487, A.D. 1874, the elevation of temperature effects the combination of gas generating materials kept apart at ordinary temperatures. In No. 3746, A.D. 1874, blocks of gas generating compounds are placed inside the building to be protected, and are ignited by the elevation of temperature or otherwise. The present invention provides for the use of two vessels, each containing one of the gas generating ingredients which are kept apart by a fusible connection which is broken or destroyed by an electric current. Or, a conducting wire is arranged in connection with the blocks, so that, when an electric current is passed through it, the compound is ignited on the outbreak of fire. The electrical apparatus may be worked by hand inside or outside of the building. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] thru medium A.D. 1875, March 13.-No. 945. [Prinun, CHARLES.—"Pressure or temperature indicator stus." DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 295 An apparatus to complete an electric circuit at a given degree of heat or pressure is placed in the subterranean passage, or ship, or coal pit of which it is desired to be warned of the temperature or pressure. This apparatus is connected with a battery and with a bell or other alarum or signal instrument, the latter being at a distance from the place where the warning is given. The thermometric or barometric instrument has an indi. cating finger moving over a graduated dial plate and an adjustable insulated contact piece sliding in a traverse, so as to be set at any required degree of temperature or pressure. The finger is in connection with one battery pole, the contact piece with the other. When the finger comes against the contact piece, the circuit is completed and the alarum or signal instrument is actuated. The indicator has drop cards to show the locality in which the temperature or pressure is raised to a dangerous degree. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, March 16.–No. 974. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY.—(4 communication from Elisha Gray.)“ Transmitting musical vibrations or signals by “ means of electricity.” The vibrations are transmitted as in No. 2646, A.D. 1874. The present invention relates to a telephone; by its means two or more musical notes of different pitch may be trans- mitted, simultaneously or otherwise, on a single circuit. Also these vibrating currents may operate Morse sounders or printers by the completion of a series of local circuits; two or more messages may thus be sent on a single line wire. In the transmitter, the closing of a local circuit (by means of a key) magnetises an electro-magnet which makes and breaks contact and thus vibrates & thin bar of steel. At the same time the bar conveys a series of like impulses to the line wire. The receiver is somewhat like the transmitter; its bar is tuned to the same pitch, and is vibrated by the electro- magnet, which is in the line-wire circuit. During the depression of the key at the transmitting station, only the receiver of the same pitch is actuated. If a local circuit be completed by the bar, the armature of a Morse instrument 296 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. will be attracted as long as the key is kept down, as the speed of the vibrations does not allow the Morse magnet to be de-magnetised at each vibration. The keys of the transmitter (arranged like the notes of a piano,) in connection with properly tuned bars and with corre- sponding receivers, enable a melody consisting of chords and notes to be transmitted and received. A vibrating plate may be ased as a receiver; any simple tone may be selected from this by a suitable resonator or organ pipe. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, March 17.-No. 990. MOORE, BENJAMIN THEOPHILUS.- “Determining the direc- “ tion or magnetic bearing of deep sea or other currents." A shell of brass is elongated on one side into a pointed form and, on the opposite side, has a rudder-like tail. It is supported by pivots from a swivelled stirrup to which a cord is attached. When the instrument is lowered by the cord into running water, the axis of the tail takes the direction of the stream. Inside the shell is a cylindrical vessel, suspended by gimbals, which is provided with a compass card and a pivoted magnetic needle, also with a train of clockwork, so connected with the compass card that, at a given instant, the card is fixed by it. To use the instrument, the clockwork is wound up and set so as to fix the card at any desired time. The shell is closed, lowered into the current and stopped at the required depth. When the card is fixed, the instrument is drawn up, the shell opened and the position of the card noted. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, March 18.–No. 995. HAGGARD, WILLIAM NICKSON.-" Electro-magnetic signal- ling apparatus." Semaphoric or other signals, on double-line railways, are worked by the block system, entirely by automatic means. Each set of signals is, by suitable gear, put under the control of a shaft contained in a box or chamber near the DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 297 line. When at one limit of partial rotation, the shaft puts the signals to danger; when at the other, it puts them to safety. The signals are influenced by springs or by gravity to indicate danger. To put the signals to safety, an electro-magnetic motive power engine works a suitable wheel through intermediate gearing. This wheel is loose on the shaft, but is engaged therewith (by ineans of a sliding toothed piece) as soon as the signals indicate danger. When a train reaches the first box, the signals being at Bafety, a rail contact lever is depressed and a catch is released, so as to allow the shaft to run down and to put the signals to danger. An engagement is then effected between the shaft and the loose wheel and an electric contact is also made. When the train reaches the second box, it depresses a rail, completes the circuit and causes the electro- magnetic engine to wind up the signals to safety. The circuit is then broken in both boxes, the shaft and wheel are disengaged, and everything is as it was before the train passed. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, March 19.-No. 1012. DIXWELL, GEORGE BASIL. Thermometric apparatus for steam engines. To audibly indicate the tom perature of a superheater, an adjustable metallic slide is applied to the scale of a pyrometer. To the slide is attached a wire of an electro-magnetic cir. cuit. When the index arrives at the position in which the circuit is completed with the slide, an alarm bell is rung. An auxiliary slide is also in connection with the index pointer to complete the circuit of a bell of another tone, which is rung when the heat in the superheater has descended below a given minimum temperature. In a thermometric apparatus for steam engine cylinders, the pyrometer may have an arm by means of which the circuit of an electric bell is completed at the selected maxi. mum temperature and of another bell at the selected mini. mum temperature. [Printed, 1s. 2d. Drawings.] 298 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1875, March 19.—No. 1022. BOIRE, EMILE. Steam engines." The third part of this invention relates to "an apparatus “ for indicating generally the working of the engine. In engines in which the distribution of steam is controlled by a governor, it is desirable to know, at any instant, the duration of the admission of steam, which is “ in direct ratio “ with the steam pressure and the amount of resistances to 66 be overcome." To know whether the variation of the resistances is due to normal or abnormal causes, an apparatus is attached to the engine; this apparatus consists of (1) a manometer in connection with the steam chests, (2) a mano. meter for the condenser, (3) an indicator (to show the regalar- ity of working of the engine) which is actuated by one of the operating shafts of the governor, and (4) a graduated sector showing, at any instant, the degree of admission of steam and corresponding horse power. These indications “ may be transmitted by means of electric “ wires and electro-magnets to similar apparatus situated at any required place and distance." [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, March 22.-No. 1040. HILL, GEORGE.—(Provisional protection only.)—“Gas meters." The second part of this invention consists in an alarum to give notice when the water is too low. A float in the meter sinks and, when the water is too low, completes an electric circuit (by resting on two insulated contacts) so as to ring an electric bell. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, March 24.-No. 1075. BONDI, CAMILLO.—(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.)-"Signalling on railways." In this invention, electrical communication is effected between a moving train and the stations between which it is moving; also with the signal boxes and with the train, before and behind, on the same line of rails. At each station, DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 299 signal box, and train is placed an instrument for indicating, by means of hands, the motion and speed of each train. Batteries are placed at each station, signal box, and train. The right hand and left hand rails are connected with different battery poles, so that the passing locomotive completes the circuit by means of its first pair of wheels. The wheels being insulated from their axles, the whole of the instruments and signals on the train are included in the circuit. In front of the locomotive, two very elastic springs are placed, which are kept in contact with the two rails respec- tively and establish a circuit including the telegraphic ap- paratus on the train. A similar arrangement is made on the brake van, which sets up communication with the station left, or with the train which is behind on the same line of rails. By the above arrangements, "several trains can run at the same time on the same line of rails between two stations "" without risk of collision." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, March 27.—No. 1128. CODDINGTON, ROBERT. — (A communication from Merritt Gally.) --" Telegraphy." In duplex telegraphy, at each station, a main battery is used in connection with a subsidiary battery, a magnetic switch, a key, and a receiver so constructed as to obviate the necessity of resistance coils, equating batteries or divided currents. When the sending key is used, a current passes to line without influencing the home receiver, as its magnet is rendered inoperative by the subsidiary battery. The receive ing magnet is provided with an additional helix and core, the adjustment of which from the armature being independent of the other magnetic poles enables the effect of the current to be balanced without balancing the batteries. The sub- sidiary battery is in a circuit which may be brought into connection with the main line and more than one subsidiary battery and circuit may be employed. These batteries may be reverse or direct in their action. The receiver may have a compound armature, polarised at the extreme ends to be acted 300 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 9 upon by the main battery and soft in the middle to be acted upon by the subsidiary battery. When receiving from both directions simultaneously, a key with an electro-magnet may be used as a receiver or repeater. Star-wheel and ratchet-wheel arrangements, in connection with a printer, enable certain circuits to be worked only by prolonged pulsations. A polarised magnet, in connection with pawls and with the type wheel, enables positive currents to be used only for turning the type wheel and negative currents to print as well as to move the type wheel. Perforated paper with connectors, tripping circuits, dropping messages by repeating points in the receiver, and other matters, are treated of in detail. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, April 1.–No. 1181. HASELTINE, GEORGE. — (4 communication from Marmont B. Edson.)—“Recording steam gauges." In connection with the mechanical recording steam ganges which form a part of this invention, there is combined a signal bell, which, in connection with suitable mechanism, will sound an alarm whenever the pressures rise to & pre- determined point within any boiler or pipe to which the bell is attached. In one method of operating the alarm, clockwork may be dispensed with wholly or in part. An insulated post is placed at the top of the frame of the instrument, and is connected with a galvanic battery by a wire or wires and with a bell or “sounder" placed at any required distance; or several bells may be included in the circuit. The post is provided with a regulating screw, so located as to meet the end of an arm (on the rock shaft that operates the record marker and the indi. cating hand) when the pressure rises sufficiently. The electric bell may either be actuated by the completion or by the interruption of the circuit. The post is mounted“ on a “ pivoted or yielding base, so that as the pressure rises above " the point of contact the point of the set screw may yield 66 with it." [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 301 A.D. 1875, April 2.-No. 1200. GLOSSOP, JOSEPH THOMPSON.-"Apparatus for signalling on “ railways.” This invention relates to a combination of apparatus, in which the ordinary sight signals are dispensed with, and the signal is given to the driver of a passing train, and to the pointsman, by apparatus of a mechanical nature partly in a box near the station and partly on the engine. To enable the driver of an approaching train to signal to the pointsman, or to a succeeding train, an electrical apparatus is combined with the above-mentioned system of signalling. Lengths of conductors extend from each station to a con- venient distance beyond the signal box and an insulated projection on the passing engine completes an electric circuit, including a battery on the tender, so as to notify to the signal. man the approach of the train. An electric bell is also provided on the tender, so as to allow of a warning being sounded on a following train. The rocking arms of the mechanical arrangement are combined with two sets of auxiliary electric apparatus, the one operated antomatically by a passing train, the other con. trolled by the signalman to signal the change of the points to an approaching train. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, April 16.-No. 1399. STEARN, CHARLES HENRY. Apparatus for detecting counterfeit coin.” The coin to be tested is made the positive element of a galvanic cell, in the case of its being of inferior metal to the standard which is taken ; in this case the electric current produced excites an electro-magnet, which deflects a magnetic needle from the word “good on a dial plate to "bad.” If the coin be good no electric current is excited, and the needle remains pointing to “good.” A galvanometer or voltaic electrometer may be used instead of an electro - magnet for the purposes of this invention. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 302 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. . A.D. 1875, April 23.--No. 1493. WYNNE, FRANK GEORGE. — “Railway signalling," and apparatus. Railways are furnished with rows of consecutive insulated conducting rods, having intervals of insulation between them. Electric power is generated on the train ; by means of a com- mutator, the direction of the electric current along the rods is made alternate. By this system signalling at or near points is accomplished without the aid of additional elec- trical apparatus, in order to signal between trains and stations. Metal wheels impinge on the rods, so that in that condition the electric current passes through the rods. The safe passage of trains from one line to another is arranged by the usual movement of the lever handle of the switch putting one or other of the signalling rods to earth by mechanical means. In one system the rods are put alternately to earth and to battery if one train comes within signalling distance of another train; these alternations or "commutations” occur every time that the contacts in the two trains are made simultaneously. In another system the commatations occur only once during the passage of a train over each rod. In a third system the commutators are so arranged that a train, on receiving an indication of a block ahead, breaks the connection of that rod extending furthest ahead with the battery, until it is time enough for the block to be raised. Many modifications are suggested and details given. [Printed, 28. 22. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, May 5.—No. 1666. VISPÉ, JEAN LUCIEN, and NISBETH, ADOLP FREDRIK HUGO.- (A communication from Hakon Brunius.)—"Communicating “ between railway trains and any station or other part of the “ line of railway, and vice versa.” The objects of this invention are to prevent the collision of trains, to automatically register their arrival, departure, and position, and to give the driver a stop signal at a previously determined point from a railway bridge which is more or less open, a DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 303 As it proceeds the train makes contacts with the line wire, so as to be put into electric communication with each station. The station apparatus consists of a line battery, a local battery, a current reverser with dial, electro-magnet and clockwork spring, a clockwork regulated from the station clock by electro-magnetism, a marking cylinder rotated by clockwork, and having ink markers on paper, two relays, and a bell. The train apparatus, besides the above-mentioned contacts, consists of an instrument with two dials, one divided into miles, the other with signals “clear" and "stop.” To give the stop signal near the railway bridge a lever contact apparatus, contained in a box, is placed under the permanent way, and close behind the bridge approach. A telegraph cable extends from the bridge to the porter's lodge, in which is a battery. The locomotive receives a signal according to the position of the bridge. [Printed, 18. Dravoing.] 9 A.D. 1875, June 2.-No. 2034. CALVERT, CHARLES ALEXANDER. (Provisional protection only.)—" Signalling on railways with the aid of electricity." By this invention a station master may communicate with a train, or one train may communicate with another. The guard's van carries a projection or electric contact, which, as it passes along, depresses one after another of a series of tapping levers in connection with line wires. If the station master wishes to communicate with a train which may be approaching danger, he includes his battery in the circuit, which is completed when the train arrives at the first tapping lever ; the danger signal is consequently exhibited or sounded in the guard's van. The guard then signals to the engine driver to stop, electrically attaches his van battery to the line wire, and communicates in a direct manner with the station. The guard of a delayed train can attach his appliance to any of the wires at the tapping levers, so as to communicate with the station, or so as to communicate with other trains by means of the tapping levers. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a 304 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 66 A.D. 1875, June 8.-No. 2101. DE BEJAR Y O’LAWLOR, LUIS MARIE, and CALVO, NICHOLAS ANTONIO. Electric telegraphy.” The object of this invention is to prevent collisions on railways. A system of electric communication is so arranged that the positions of trains approaching or following one another is indicated automatically, each to the other, if they approach within a certain distance. Also, “the trains themselves give “ the signals of danger, mark their passage past the stations, “ and indicate the distances they may be from the said “ stations." Self-acting commutators on the telegraph posts are in electric communication with metallic plates fixed, near the rails, at optional distances apart. In these commutators, the lever armature of an electro-magnet has a click, which takes into a pinion and thus rotates a disc of insulating material having projections upon it, which make and break contact, so that the position of the apparatus is either normal, in pre- paration, or giving a signal or alarm. On the train the following apparatus are placed :-A battery, a telegraph instrument, and a box. The box contains a colored liquid ; when an alarm is to be given, the electric current effects the displacement of some of the liquid into a trans- parent vessel. The apparatus is connected, by wires and rollers attached to the lower part of the carriage, with the plates fixed near the rails, as the train passes them. From a train in motion, an electric current passes to one of the plates, thence to the commutators next in front and behind it, so as to place them in preparation so long as the train remains in the space between them. When the train reaches the commutator in front, it closes that behind it and opens the next one in front. Consequently no signal is given in the train unless another train is on the same line. If the second train passes a commutator which has been prepared by the first, an electric communication is established between the two trains, and signals pass. (Printed, 18. Drawing.] a DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 305 A.D. 1875, June 26.-No. 2335. CONOD, AUGUSTE.—"Electric clock apparatus, parts of which are applicable to ordinary clocks." The object of this invention is to prevent derangement of turret clocks, for instance, by atmospheric or electric dis- turbances of the atmosphere. A regulator clock transmits electrical impulses at regular intervals to all the clocks in the electric circuit. A contact piece on the escapement pallet, bu insulated from it, com- pletes an electric circuit with a too. on the escape wheel once in every revolution; this contact wues not interfere with the motive power of the clock. In the electric clock mechanism, the two hands of the dial are rotated by a train of wheels operated by an electro-magnet which is excited once every minute by the contact of the above-mentioned tooth. The armature of the electro-magnet acts through a compound lever forming a parallelogram to wind ap a spring; at the same time it completes the circuit through the coil of another electro-magnet, and thus allows the spring wound up by the first electro-magnet to move the hands of the dial one minute. The striking mechanism is of the usual description, and is actuated by electrical impulses sent through the circuit by the regulator. A compound lever and electro-magnet, similar to that for the minute hand mechanism, actuates the bell hammer. To prevent the derangement of the hands of the dial by gusts of wind, the ordinary gear wheels which connect the two hands are furnished with a ratchet wheel and pawl arrangement. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, June 28.-No. 2351. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. — (A communication from William Edward Sawyer.)—“Telegraphic circuits." This invention is applicable to the fac simile telegraph set forth in No. 3935, A.D. 1874. The chief feature consists in a division of the transmitting a battery current and the placing of that battery at the receiving 306 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. end of a line. By this means, although tailings may exist to any degree in the line wire, they are not allowed to affect the receiving instrument. To produce discoloration of chemical paper in the receiver, the closing of the circuit at the transmitting end sets the current to the place of division, a part of it flowing towards the transmitting end. The current need not travel any distance on the line wire, but the potential that acts upon the receiver is reduced. In one plan, the transmitter is directly connected to the line wire and to earth. The other or receiving end of the line is connected to earth through the battery or induction appa- ratus. The receiver is connected to the line through an artificial line or resistance and to earth; the resistance is greater than that of the line. In the circuit in which the receiver is placed, any circuit- breaking device, circuit disturber,” may be included with advantage. The circuit should never be wholly broken. In one case, a local battery and adjustable resistance are in a local shunt round the receiver. Other modifications at the receiving end are set forth. Batteries at the transmitting end may be employed with the above arrangements at the receiving end. The line-wire may be duplexed by this invention; one circuit may be used for chemical discoloration, the other to regulate the apparatus for synchronous motion. [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] or . A.D. 1875, July 1.-No. 2395. BONNEVILLE, HENRI ADRIEN. - (A communication from Robert Kirk Boyle.) ---"Electro-magnetic telegraphs where “ induced currents are used,” also “ apparatus for producing " such induced currents.” 1st. A brush or key is combined with a series of induction coils. The key moves over the surface of a disc composed of alternate conducting and non-conducting segments. Electric currents of the same polarity are thus induced successively in the coils, so as to produce a constant current of electricity. 2nd. Two induction coils, one in each terminus of the line, are combined with a line battery, so that the battery circuit DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 307 being always closed and acting on the style of the receiver, the breaks in the mark on the paper (from the alteration of the electric power by the coils) record the signals. At the receiver, a local battery contact may send an induction current further on the line. 3rd. Local batteries, one at the sending station, the other at the receiving station, are combined with the line battery, with electro-magnets and induction coils, so that the dispatch received is transmitted over an additional line wire without the aid of the operator. 4th. An induction coil, main line needle instrument and relay are combined at the receiving station to produce distinct markings on the paper. The lower end of the needle sup- porting wire is in contact with mercury, which closes the circuit of the secondary helix by the action of a main line signal. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, July 6.--No. 2434. STROUDLEY, WILLIAM, and RUSBRIDGE, STEPHEN.-- “Signalling between parts of a railway train," &c. No. 336, A.D. 1875 is referred to in respect to the use of a sliding plate to continue the contact, and therefore the ringing of an electric trembling bell. The bell instrument for the guard's van or engine may be an ordinary trembling bell. Instead of electric contact being made in the usual way, a double action is applied, so that the contact is made by pulling an elastic arrangement at either end; by the interposition of an elastic stop and buffing piece on each of the polls, the amount of motion limited and insulation is effected. A button projects in front of the instrument and may be used to bring it into action, so as to simply ring the bell or give pre-arranged signals. When the instrument is placed in the guard's van, springs are situated as to instantaneously include it in the circuit that goes from end to end of the train. A gripper may be used to attach the signal line to both ends of the elastic pull arrange- ment. It does not interfere with the working of the arrange- ment, even if two passengers pull the line at once. The key or pall for making the electric circuit by a SO 308 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. passenger cannot be replaced without a suitable instrument in the hands of the guard. The act of operating the pull sets free an arm with a weighted disc, to show, on the exterior of the carriage which pull has been acted upon. To provide against the breaking away of a portion of the train, two parts of an electric connection are placed at each end of each carriage, which are only brought together on that occasion. A spring clip coupling is used when a portion of the train has to be “slipped.” [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, July 12.-No. 2509. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(A communication from F. W. Wippern.)-(Provisional protection not allowed.)—" Galvanic “ apparatus," &c., "applicable to telegraphic and lighting purposes." This invention is applicable to pneumatic telegraphic alarms and signals, for short distances. The compression of an india-rabber cylinder communicates air pressure to an indicator by means of a connecting tube. The indicator is in connection with a galvanic element, also by a pneumatic tube. After it has passed through the valves of the pneumatic indicator, the compressed air acts upon the galvanic element to raise the exciting liquid up to the plates, so as to generate an electric current and cause an electric alarm bell to sound; the “bell is connected by suitable conducting wires to the said galvanic element." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, Jaly 24.–No. 2634. ROBERTS, MARTYN JOHN.-“ Low water alarum apparatus “ for steam boilers." To give an alarm when the water level is too low, a float on the water is connected with a rocking tube containing two contact points in an electric circuit that includes a bell. The tube is sealed and contains a small quantity of mercury. When the level of the water becomes too low, the float causes DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 309 the tube to turn and the mercury falls upon the points so as to complete the circuit and ring the bell. The rocking tube may work in a pipe 8 arate from the boiler closed at its apper end, but having its lower end in communication with the boiler. Other methods of making contact are put forth, such as a collapsible case or a twisting contact maker. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.) A.D. 1875, July 24.-No. 2635. ROBERTS, MARTYN JOHN.—“Signalling or communicating “ between different parts of railway trains," &c. One part of this invention consists of a "tipping tube.” The tipping tube is a case which contains the two points, electric connection between which is necessary to send a signal. A solid metallic body, or it may be mercury, in the tube, in one position of the tube, falls away from the points and, in another position, it falls upon the points ; in the latter case electric contact is made and the signal is given at the desired place in the train. The same apparatus may be employed to send the signal by breaking contact. Each railway carriage has a holder to receive the tipping tube or other contact maker. When the holder is acted upon by a passenger through a cord, contact is made or broken, as the case may be, and the signal is given. The tipping of the tube may be made to raise or depress a disc to indicate the signalling compartment. To indicate automatically the accidental separation of a carriage or carriages from the train, the conducting wire is led through a guide and over a pulley on each carriage to the tipping tube, so as (in that case) to tip the tube and produce a signal. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, August 4.-No. 2740. CLARK, WILLIAM.-(A communication from David Rousseau.) -"Electric railway signalling apparatus." This invention relates to an electric apparatus for working railroad signals from several different points by means of a 310 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. single electro-magnet, the circuit of which is completed by a train on its approach, also on its reaching & second station. This part of the invention consists in contact pins on the rotary signal stem; these are respectively connected with “ the two instruments at opposite sides of the line,” one being in circuit when the other is out of circuit. Also in placing in metallic connection with the signal and stems, an electro- magnet whose one wire is connected with the battery; the armature locks the clockwork of the signal stem. Also in compelling the clockwork to be wound up before the removal of the signal lamp. In this part of the invention, a rotary pin, trigger, hook, friction rollers, slide and other arrange- ments are employed. Another object of this invention is to produce an instrument which will enable the station superintendent to control the movement of trains without leaving his station. The principal features of this part of the invention are:-The indication of the condition of a given section of the line by the position of an index clapper vibrating between two gongs; moving the clapper by the lever armature of an electro-magnet; and the application of projections to the clapper which make contacts to enable the position of the clapper to be altered by each successive electric current. The details comprise a lever pivoted to the clapper, also pins applied to the same together with an insulated plate and springs'; an annunciator is combined with the clapper arrangement. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, August 5.—No. 2771. WHEATSTONE, Sir CHARLES.—" Applying electricity to give “ telegraphic signals and work telegraphic relays.” When mercury is in contact with an electrolytic liquid, within a capillary tube, and electric currents are transmitted through the metal and liquid, certain motions are produced which are employed for telegraphic purposes. 1st. The employment of these motions as telegrapbic signs.-A horizontal capillary tube, turned upwards at its ends, is filled with mercury, except a small quantity of dilate sulphuric acid which is kept in the middle by levelling. Platinum wires plunge into the mercury. The transmitting DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 311 instrument is a current inverter. The motion of the mercury, giving the signs, is in the direction of the current. Modifications are set forth. 2nd. The employment of these motions to complete one or more local circnits. If the receiving instrument, in the local circuit, be worked by the alternate action of an electric current and a reacting spring, the line-wire circuit is con- nected with the mercury on each side of the electrolytic liquid and the local circuit with a plunger in the tube and with the nearest line-wire contact in the mercury thread. If the receiving instrument be actuated by alternate corrents, two plungers are used, and the electro-magnet of the receiving instrument has two independent coils and two galvanic batteries ; when the line current is positive, the mercary in one end of the tube ascends and completes one local circuit, when it is negative, the mercury in the other end ascends and completes the other local circuit. (Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, August 7.-No. 2786. McEVOY, CHARLES AMBROSE.--"Firing torpedoes," &c. One part of this invention relates to means of causing torpedoes to explode when required. Where the torpedo is to explode either when touched by a ship or when seen from the shore or from a torpedo boat, the torpedo is connected to the shore or to a torpedo boat by a cable containing three electric conductors. Two conductors or wires lead from the battery on shore to the contact maker on the torpedo, which is so arranged that the circuit is com- pleted by the touching by a vessel. The third wire connects the fuze on the torpedo with a contact maker on shore or on the torpedo boat. The contact maker on the nose of the torpedo may be constructed so that the nose is provided with a spindle carrying projecting arms. When the base of the spindle strikes a projection in the inside of the torpedo, the circuit is established. In torpedoes carried by a spar from a torpedo boat, direct pressure on the nose brings a button into contact with the ends of the circuit wires and explodes the torpedo. 312 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Another plan is to cause a spindle to be thrown against a ball, and thus complete the circuit when the torpedo is struck by a vessel “Circuit closers constructed above described are " applicable not only for firing torpedoes, but also for signalling purposes.' [Printed, 18. Drawing.] as > a A.D. 1875, August 7.-No. 2787. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY.—(4 communication from Francois Ernest de Mersanne.)—"Producing electric signals, fires, and lights,” &c. This apparatus is adapted to produce night signals in accordance with the international maritime code of signals. The apparatus comprisos a divider, manipulator and lamps. A single electric current causes several signal lights to act simultaneously. For this purpose, one of the electrodes has a rapid vibratory motion so as to produce a series of sparks ; the vibration is obtained by an electro-magnetic arrangement in a derived circuit or in a circuit separately supplied by a small battery. This separate or “motive" current is so divided that two lamps never vibrate together. The motive current is divided by means of a star wheel with multiple arms insulated electrically from the shaft and from one another and passing in frictional contact between two springs. Or, by an arrangement of cam rings on & drum working in frictional contact with a metallic key board. In a distributing manipulator or commutator only three distinct motive currents are received at one time. The contacts are made by springs, and metals upon the circum- ference of a cylinder that is capable of revolving. An interrupting commutator is interposed in each of the circuits of the distributed currents, so as to intercept the current or allow it to pass as required. A cylinder carries bars, twice bent at right angles to form the requisite contacts. Another intercepting commutator can be worked by hand and does not necessitate the use of the divider when & number of sources of electricity are at command. This is an arrangement of discs with contact makers. [Printed, 28. 10d. Drawings.] DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 313 A.D. 1875, August 9.-No. 2803. MORLEY, ROBERT.—(A communication from Julien Godener.) “ Electric telegraphs.” This invention avoids the indecision in the marks that form the letters in electro-chemical telegraphs, by discharging a battery upon the receiver at the same time that the line is traversed by currents from two batteries alternately positive and negative. The pen of the transmitter and its metallic cylinder are connected to opposite poles of the same battery, the former to the copper pole. The cylinder has also an earth connection. The line is connected to the copper pole and to earth through a resistance. At the receiving station, a battery, assisting the above battery, is inserted into the line; a second battery is connected to the line by its copper pole and to the metallic cylinder (as well as to earth through a resistance) by its zinc pole. Between the two batteries an earth connection is made through a rheostat and the pen is connected to earth. To transmit signals at the same time in opposite directions over one wire, two instruments are included in a local earth circnit at the transmitting station, the cylinders of the instru- ments being joined to the line. The earth connection of one instrument is made through a resistance, of the other through the battery and possibly through another resistance. At the receiving station, the pen of each instrument is joined to the lino, one instrument through a battery whose current is in the same direction as that of the sending battery, the other instrument in the same local earth circuit as that of the first instrument, but with a smaller battery interposed, [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, August 12.—No. 2844. ANDERSON, Sir James, BULL, EDWARD, and SPRATT, GEORGE Oscar.—“ Electric telegraph apparatus.” The object of this invention is to produce an instrument which will work with weak currents and is capable of closing local circuits for translation. Double sets of electro-magnets (with or without inserted condenser capacity) have two pivoted tongues at right angles 314 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. to their poles. The extremity of one of the tongues is fork- shaped, one leg being insulated from the other which is in connection with the tongae; the two legs are in connection with the translating and recording apparatus. The other tongue, the free end of which works between the forks of the first-mentioned tongue, and on which are contacts, is in connection with one pole of the local battery. When a current passes, “the tongues move in inverse “ direction” and the contacts of the tongue joined to the local battery are pressed to either side of the fork, according to the direction of the current. To obtain multiple range of the contact points, lever bars are inserted between the ends of the tongues, the local contacts being made by the levers; modifications are described. Two sets of Morse coils and two printing beams are employed. Instead of the ordinary disc spindle, & cone- shaped tube is used; one printing disc is secured to the tubo, the other to a flexible spindle attached to the smaller end of the tube. The ends of the armatures are each provided with insulated contact pieces, one in connection with the line the other with earth. A suitable arrangement of plugs and switches enables the down line current, say, to actuate the relay which alternately closes and opens the local circuit through the translator. Another arrangement of plugs enables the up or down line to be worked. The system can be worked with ordinary submarine reversing keys. There are no dashes; therefore there is no surcharge of cable. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, August 13.—No. 2864. CLARK, JOSIAH LATIMER, and THOMSON, EDWARD HAMIL- TON.—(Provisional protection not allowed.)—" Recording the number of passengers in public vehicles.” No. 4082, A.D. 1873, is alluded to. In the first part of the present invention, a sliding or revolving bar runs the whole length of the seats and enables 68 DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 315 the electric contact to be maintained when the passenger rises; it is released only when he sits down on another seat or leaves the vehicle. The fourth improvement consists in making the recording instruments, described in the former invention, self acting, an electro-magnet and circuit being devoted to this purpose. The fifth improvement consists in making the terminal board of the instrument a separate and independent apparatus, while the traversing contact spring remains part of the instrument. Thus the instrument can be replaced without altering or disconnecting any contacts. (Printed, 4d. No Draroings.] A.D. 1875, August 19.-No. 2919. BILLET, AUGUSTIN.—(Provisional protection only.)—" Auto- “ matical apparatus applicable to electric telegraphs for " regulating their working." This invention is to obviate any want of regularity in the movement of the printing wheel, or of the disengaging motion for passing rapidly from one letter to the other of the printing wheel, and for other similar purposes. A spring is rapidly vibrated by the printing wheel electro- magnet and, by mechanism, when the operator ceases momentarily to work the apparatus, closes an electric circuit in which is an electro-magnet, the armature of which acts upon the disengaging mechanism of the printing wheel; the parts then resume their original position. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, August 19.—No. 2921. JOHNSON, John Henry. — (A communication from Emile Joanni Gondolo.)—“ Electric clocks or clockwork." In this invention the pallet is liberated by electro-magnetic action; the clockwork is driven in the ordinary manner. The contact maker consists simply of a spring arranged above another spring; each spring is connected with one battery pole. A wheel, with circumferential projections, brings the springs together at definite times. In a modifica- tion, a ratchet-toothed wheel acts upon a tooth on the lower spring. a 316 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The escapement of the receiver is liberated by a pallet attached to the armature of an electro-magnet and worked by it whenever the contact maker completes the circuit. The receiver may be utilised as a relay and interraptor. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, August 20.-No. 2934. DIXWELL, GEORGE BASIL.-" Steam engines." In preventing cylinder condensation, to ascertain whether the temperature of the internal surfaces exceeds 400° Faht., a thermo-electric pile is applied to a convenient point of the surfaces. A differential galvanometer is connected to this pile and to another pile which is placed in contact with a constant source of heat of 400° Faht. Whenever the temperature exceeds 400° Faht., the galvanometer shows the fact. A mercarial thermometer and electric alarum apparatus are employed to indicate the extremes of temperature to be main- tained in the cylinder. Electric contact is made in the thermometer when the heat in the cylinder reaches a certain amount, say 400° Faht.; an electric bell in the circuit is thus made to ring. By means of an electro-magnet in the thermometer circuit, another bell in another circuit is called into action when the temperature falls to a minimum, say 370° Faht. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1875, August 26.-No. 3002. BULLOUGH, John, and SMALLEY, JOSEPH.—“ Stopping “ motions, applicable to machinery for preparing cotton and yarn and other fibrous substances.” These improvements are based upon those described in No. 34, A.D. 1863. When a thread, sliver, or web breaks, an electric contact is made which excites an electro-magnet, the armature of which pulls the knocker off into action either directly or indirectly. In one instance, the sliver proceeds between rollers; when the sliver breaks, the circuit is completed by the rollers coming into contact. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 317 In another instance, the thickness of the fibre prevents the completion of the circuit; when the sliver breaks or ceases to run out of the can, certain feelers come into contact and complete the electric circuit. To interrupt the circuit as soon as the machine is stopped, the metallic parts are severed by the action which transfers the strap to the loose pulley. [Printed, 28. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, August 28.—No. 3032. WILKINSON, FREDERICK.—“Stop motions for machines for slubbing, roving, and weaving cotton, wool, and other " fibrous materials." This invention relates to a method of arresting the motion of the machine when a strand or thread is broken. The material under operation keeps apart two contact surfaces in an electric circuit. When a breakage of the material occurs, the surfaces come into contact and complete the electric circuit, thus exciting an electro-magnet and causing a lever to operate upon any of the stop motions now in use. In one instance in which two strands are to be doubled at a slubbing or roving frame, they pass between two rollers. One roller has a concave periphery and projects into a groove formed in the other. The axes of the rollers are connected respectively with the battery poles. When one of the strands breaks, the remaining one travels to the centre of the concave roller, and allows it to fall on the metallic surface of the lower roller and to make electric contact. In the case of weaving, when the weft thread is present it prevents a pivoted finger from touching a metal plate extending from the shuttle race. When the weft is absent, the finger touches the plate and establishes the circuit. Or, the tension of the yarn may be employed to keep the two surfaces apart. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, September 2.-No. 3085. RICHARDSON, Thomas Hustwit, and MOFFATT, ALFRED. -“ Means of communication from passengers to guards and " drivers of trains," and apparatus. 318 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. In connection with the electric circuit that proceeds throughout the train are bells on the engine or tender or guard's van. Each compartment has one or more press buttons also in connection with the circuit. The guard's van has a press button to communicate with the driver. Instead of a press button, an "indicator” may be used. In this arrangement, a pivoted handle, inside the carriage, rotates a ratchet segment which makes electric contact, and exposes a red disc, at the slightest movement. A pawl pre- vents the return of the segment to its original position. The segment can only be returned to its original position by a guard's key. [Printed, ls. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, September 3.—No. 3096. BAUDOT, JEAN MAURICE EMILE. “ Electric telegraph " apparatus." This invention comprises a system of printing telegraph apparatus in which the combination of a few simple effects produced by distinct emissions of currents gives a large number of effects which form the telegraphic signals. The combiner is the characteristic part of the system ; it selects, say, 31 characters by the combination of 5 elementary parts. The time necessary for selecting any character is divided into five distinct parts. Thirty-one pins are fixed to a frame by springs which tend to draw them downwards, but they are held up by the teeth of one or more of five toothed bars. Any pin may be depressed by combining the action of the five bars, which are connected with the armatures of electro-magnets; a cam holds up the pins during the motion of the bars. The combinations may be transformed either electrically or mechanically. The manipulator is composed of, say, five keys; by the lowering of a key, the current transmitted by the following key is modified; the keys are maintained lowered until the signal or letter is sent. The receiver is composed of a com- biner and a printer. In the printing mechanism, a tooth supporting the paper takes into a toothed wheel fixed to the type wheel to advance the paper. In a distributor, the trans- mitting and receiving contacts are rendered independent. a DIVISION HII.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 319 The electro-magnets of the same station are commanded by the manipulator; a transmission of control is thas given at the departure and of correction at each turn. A distinct motor is employed for the distributor which regulates the working of the printing motor. [Printed, 1s. 10d. Drawings.] - A.D. 1875, September 7.-No. 3131. WHYTE, GEORGE. — “Mechanism for warning the engine • driver in the event of any of the carriages becoming sepa- “ rated from the engine, and for intercommunication between " the passengers, guards, and engine drivers." To form an electric circuit or circuits throughout the train, two line wires are used; the rails may be employed as a third metallic way. An electric bell is on the engine and another on the guard's van. A switch on the van completes the circuit with the arrangements on the engine ; there is also a switch on the engine to work the bell in the guard's van. Cords and contact makers, in each carriage, enable the bells on the engine and van to be actuated by the passengers. To warn the driver of the separation of the carriages, anto- matic means are employed. A spring completes the circuit when the connections between the carriages are separated. An indicator shows the signalling carriage. To prevent the ringing of the bell by vibration of the engine or van, the hammer is underneath the bell and strikes it up- wards. The electro-magnet of the bell, in the line wire cir- cuit, couples a local battery to maintain the ringing until it is stopped by the guard or driver. These electric circuits may be used for telegraphic commu- nication between the guard and driver. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] ] > A.D. 1875, September 24.-No. 3335. GILBEE, WILLIAM ARMAND.-(A communication from Camillo Bondi.) — (Provisional protection only.) — " Apparatus for * “ signalling on railways." By means of this invention, “communication is effected " between a moving train and the stations between which 320 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. “ it is moving; also with the signal boxes and with the train “ before and behind on the same line of rails. And at each station, signal box, and train in motion is placed an instru. “ ment for indicating by means of hands the motion and speed " of each train." At each station, signal box, and train batteries are placed ; positive poles are connected to the left rail and negative to the right rail. There is no contact between the rails. When the train has left a station and runs towards the next station, the circuit is completed by the first pair of locomotive wheels. If the wheels are insulated from the axle, a tele- graphic instrument and signals, under the control of the guard, may be included in the circuit. Two very elastic springs in the front of the locomotive are kept in contact with the rails; signalling apparatus on the train may thus be worked. A similar arrangement, with elastic springs, is made on the last carriage or brake van, in order to set up communication with the station just left or with the train which is behind on the same line of rails. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, September 24. —No. 3341. VAUGHAN, EDWARD PRIMEROSE HOWARD. A communication from Robert William Neech.)--(Provisional protection only.) - “ Alarm apparatus for steam and other pressure gauges.” The contact pieces for completing an electric circuit are in connection with the gauge. The electric circuit includes a bell or other signalling instrument. On the front of a Bourdon manometer is an adjustable plate of insulating material. This plate is attached to the dial and is provided with two flexible spring metallic contact pieces. On the arrival of the index at the division chosen for a maxi. mum pressure (for which the plate is set), the contact pieces are brought together and the bell is sounded. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, September 25.–No. 3354. ROOKE, FREDERICK.-(Provisional protection only.) - "Con- tact breakers for electric circuits." 66 DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 321 This contact breaker is for converting continuous into in- termittent currents. It consists of a horse-shoe-shaped iron bar, one limb being longer than the other. The vibrating spring is fixed to the end of the longer limb; the armature or hammer to the other or free end of the spring facing the shorter limb. The shorter limb only is coiled. Behind the spring is mounted an adjustable contact screw in the ordinary manner. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, September 27.-No. 3374. MUIRHEAD, John, junior.-" Electrio telegraphs." 1st. Artificial lines in duplex telegraphy.-A metallic wire acts as the conductor; it has the requisite - resistance. To obtain the necessary capacity, the wire is covered with an insulator which is wound over with a thin strip of copper. In another method; tinfoil sheets are separated by an imperfect dielectric. The artificial line may have greater resistance and correspondingly less capacity than the cable. 2nd. Eliminating disturbances or kioks that take place on the receiving instruments in duplex working.– First method, by conneeting up so that the receiving instrument is not im- mediately in connection with a circuit of high capacity. Second, by increasing the capacity of the receiving instru- ment or of the portions of the circuits with which it is imme- diately conneoted. Third, by constructing the two sides of the bridge so as to have capacity to receive a charge. Fourth, by the introduction of a condenser of small capacity, with variable high resistance box, at a suitable point in the arti. ficial circuit. 3rd. Working the artificial line when the main line is con- nected at both ends with condensers.—The distant end of the conductor of the artificial line is left free and a smaller con- denser is placed at an intermediate point of the length of the artificial line. An analogous method is to place the primary wire of an induction coil (in connection with the extremity of the bridge at one end) to earth and to make its secondary wire a shunt to the recorder. Another method is to make the first part of the cable and of the artificial line exactly the Another arrangement is to move one terminal of the recorder a short distance down the artificial line. R 705, a same. L 322 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 4th. Instead of placing a condenser between the receiving instrument and the earth, a coil of high resistance and great capacity is inserted. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1875, October 2.-No. 3431. MORTON, JOHN ALLEN.-"Self-adjusting electric bell indi. “ cator." This invention relates to electric call bells for domestic purposes, or for hotel attendance. The indicator is self-adjusting and does not require re- adjustment before a second call can be made. As many numbered pendulums are employed as there are rooms that require attendance. Each pendulum carries an armature on its stem and ngs in front of an electro-magnet. When a call button is pressed, an alaram in the electric cir. cait is sounded as long as the pressure continues ; also one of the pendulums is attracted to its electro-magnet and remains out of the vertical line until the current ceases, thereby indi- cating which room it is that calls. When the pressure is removed from the call button, the pendulum oscillates for a short time before it comes to rest, thus showing the room that requires attendance although the signal has ceased. To prevent the effects of residual magnetism, the face of the soft iron in front of the electro-magnet is covered with s strip of paper. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, October 16.- No. 3600. LADD, WILLIAM.-(A communication from Andrew Jamieson.) -(Provisional protection only.)—“An automatic combined key “ switch for use in connection with submarine or other “ telegraphic wires." The object of this invention is “ to construct a key switch “ which will prevent the telegraph clerks from leaving their “ switches over for sending signals when they should be in a position for receiving, or vice versa,' and also to combine “ on the same base the whole arrangement of sending key " and switch.” 3 DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 323 The switch is applied to the ordinary sending key. By means of a rocking shaft and two cam pieces, one under each key, the keys may be locked from below, so as to prevent sending until the switch is turned for the same. A counter- weight, on the rocking shaft, serves as a rest for the operatoris hand when sending; when the sending is finished, the hand is removed, the shaft is turned, and the instrument is auto- matically placed in a receiving position. As the end terminal of the left-hand sending key has permanent electrical connection with the rocking shaft when joined to the recorder the out-going currents split between the sending shunt and the instrument coil; the greater current goes to the line through the sending shunt and the sending signals are produced on the recorder as well as at the distant station. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, October 26.-No. 3706. PASTORELLI, FRANCIS JOHN.—(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.)-" Instruments for measuring and recording the velocity of air or other currents, and the speed of vessels moving through water." This invention “consists of the attaching to an apparatus “ which has caps, fans, or vanes revolving on an axis, and “ which are acted apon and moved by currents of air or water, of a battery and an electro-magnet connected with a train of wheels which register on a dial or dials in feet, “ miles, or other measurements, the velocity of such currents " or motions." [Printer, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, October 30.—No. 3772. WOOD, JOSEPH Wilman, and SHAKESPEAR, WILLIAM HENRY.—“Train signalling," and apparatus. This invention consists in electric arrangements for com- munication between passengers, guard, and engine driver ; also to give warning if a carriage gets off the line or a coupling breaks. L 2 324 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Any source of electricity is placed on the engine and in the guard's van. Electric bells are in the circuit on the engine and in the van. The two sources of electricity, or batteries, are joined up by conductors along the train, so as to form a neutralised circuit-that is, the two positive poles are joined together and the two negativo poles together. When, how. ever, a passenger pulls a signal rope, in his carriage, the contacts at the ends of the carriage are drawn apart and then press against certain guard rails, in electric connection with the draw bars and couplings of the train, thus establishing separate circuits, one to the engine the other to the van. A circuit is also established if a coupling breaks or if a carriage gets off the line. If the guard and driver wish to communicate, the line wires are connected to the draw bars and coupling rods of the train. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, November 1.--No. 3789. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY.-(4 communication from Christopher Columbus Wolcott.) — (Provisional protection only.) - Motive power engines and apparatus connected therewith. A marine engine governor is constructed by making and breaking an electric circuit by the motion of the vessel and thereby controlling the throttle valve of the engine. This invention is also applicable to other engines. A cylinder and piston arrangement, or small engine, is operated by a valvo controlled by the lever armature of an electro-magnet; the piston rod of this engine is connected with the throttle valve spindle of the marine engine to be governed. The contact for exciting the electro-magnet is a mercurial contact, one screw in the circuit being constantly in con- Dection with the mercury, the other only being in contact with the mercury when the motion of the vessel is such as to induce the engines to “race.” As long as no electric circuit exists, the small engine is inactive; when the circuit is complete, the small engine is worked and the arm of the throttle valve spindle is oper. ated so as to partially or wholly close the throttle valve. The contact may be made without the mercurial receptacle, & DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 325 simply by the sea water itself. In this instance, when the circuit is broken, the throttle valve is closed. The throttle valve of the main engine may be controlled by the electric contacts. An arm, hung to the spindle of the throttle valve, is vibrated by the engine, but only connected to the valve arm when the electric circuit is broken or restored. Projections from a loose arm may complete a circuit to cut off the steam at the desired points in the stroke of the engine. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] " A.D. 1875, November 1.-No. 3795. ZANNI, GEMINIANO.—(Provisional protection only.) —“Mag. “ neto-electric telegraph signalling, indicating and printing “ apparatus applicable for steering vessels," and "signalling for mining, railway, and other purposes." Steering vessels, &c.- A magneto-electric machine is worked by an axis which is rotated by hand, or by the steam engine of the vessel, or by other means. Keys in connection with the machine transmit the signals as required. The receiver is similar to a Morse instrument; the star wheel which determines the messages is worked by a verge and controlled by the vibrating bar of the Morse arrangement. In a type printer, the sender has an alphabetical key. board. When the current is reversed the printing is accom- plished; a verge then liberates the escapement of a train of wheels and actuates a hammer to press down the paper. On the release of the reversing key, the paper strip is moved ready for the next impression. An A B C instrument.-By pressing a key of the alpha- betical key-board, the current inade by the rotation of the axis is cut off and the pointer of the receiver is stopped. In each part of the invention, a battery may be used instead of a magneto-electric machine, suitable modifications being made. “ The apparatus previously described” may be used (with a disc instead of a pointer, to work the block system upon a line of railway) in combination with the apparatus described in No. 3262, A.D. 1872. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 326 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1875, November 2.–No. 3807. FITZ-GERALD, DESMOND GERALD. - " Signalling through " long submarine telegraph cables and other circuits." This invention aims at increasing the speed of signalling. A current induction apparatus forms a part of the cable and is composed two wires helically coiled upon a core ; each wiro is connected at one extremity to earth, and at the other extremity to one of the two sections of cable between which the apparatus intervenes. In another plan, the apparatus forms a part of the cable and consists of a single wire coiled upon a core and connected at one extremity to the cable conductor and at the other extremity to earth. The above apparatus, in a simplified form, may be used on dry land between two sections of submarine cable, or two sections of underground or aerial line. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] - A.D. 1875, November 5.-No. 3860. CROOKES, WILLIAM. Apparatus for indicating the in- “ tensity of radiation.” This invention relates to the “radiometer,” which is actuated by “the rays of light, heat, or actinism." In one instance, a small magnet is affixed to the pith ; a large magnet, outside the instrument, controls the movement and may be used to bring the pith bar to zero when radiation ceases to fall on it. In another instance, a small magnet is suspended below the pith bar and a large controlling magnet can be moved up and down on the tube. The motions of the bar are made inani- fest by a mirror suspended below it; the mirror reflects s beam of light on to a graduated scale at a distance. In one case, a bar magnet is attached to the arms and they are held steady by an external magnet; radiation causes the glass envelope to rotate. An instrument to register the rotation is made like the preceding, but the interior magnet is the more powerful. At each rotation, the external magnet completes an electric circuit in which is a Morse instrument travelling at a known a DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 327 rate. To start the radiometer an electric current is passed through a coil which surrounds the bulb. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, November 10.- No. 3904. MORI, FREDRICK.-" Thermo-regulators.” 1st. Arranging a generator of electricity in connection with a contact-making mercurial thermometer and an electro- magnetic apparatus, to set free a clock mechanism that closes the gas-supply valve when the thermometer is acted on by heat. When the circuit is broken the valve is free to open. 2nd. An electro-magnetic valve for regulating the supply of gas and heated air.- The gas passes through the hollow core of an electro-magnet; when the electro-magnet is excited, a ball is raised ap to the aperture of the core and stops the supply. 3rd. To work the thermo-regulator, thermo-electric piles are arranged inside the case of a vulcaniser for dental pur- poses. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, November 11.-No. 3924. WARDEN, HOWARD WILLIAM.—(Provisional protection only.) -"Apparatus for igniting and extinguishing a number of “ gas lamps simultaneously." An electric circuit includes every lamp, a battery, and an electro-magnet with a primary coil. In one method of turning the gas on and off, the working of a pawl a certain number of times, by the electro-magnet, rotates a ratchet wheel on the tap until it is opened. The continu'd working of the pawl further rotates the tap until it is br«ught to its original position and shuts off the gas. In another arrangement, two sets of teeth are in opposite directions on the ratchet wheel. Each set of teeth has its own pawl which turns the ratchet wheel through a fixed angle. The pawl which is active is determined by a spring and an air chamber. A succession of electric currents acts upon the electro-magnet of the pawl and opens the tap. The 328 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. first pawl is put out of gear by the expansion of the heated air chamber, which at the same time raises the second parl into gear; the second pawl continues in gear during the whole time the air chamber is heated by the gas light. Then, when a succession of electric currents is sent, the tap is turned in the reverse direction and the gas shut off. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, November 16.-No. 3976. THEILER, RICHARD, and THEILER, MEINRAD.-“ Electric “ telegraphs." In a polarised relay, the relay armature consists of a soft- iron bar attached crosswise to a soft-iron vertical spindle. This armature is magnetised or polarised by means of a single magnetic pole; the centre of the armature has, say, a south polarity and the ends a north polarity. According to the direction of the electric current round an adjustable horse- shoe electro-magnet, the poles of which are opposite to the armature in the usual way, so is the deflection of the spindle from a central position, to make local battery contacts, for instance, by means of an arm attached to the armature spindle. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, December 4.-No. 4200. BULL, WILLIAM.-(Provisional protection only.) -“ Applying “ heat in evaporating saline and other liquids "; and ap- paratus. To ensure uniformity of temperature, the brine pans are fitted with a mercurial bell thermometer, which makes and breaks contact with battery poles placed, say, 5º one abore and one below the other; on the positive wire is placed a “sharp" bell and on the negative a “flat” bell. The damper, fan, and feed mechanism are regulated accordingly by the fireman. To indicate and regulate the heat in a furnace, & bell pyrometer is placed therein; two finger pieces on a recipro- cating pyrometer rod make contact with opposite battery poles. The connecting wires are fitted respectively with 1 DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 339 sharp and flat bells. By snitable mechanism the rod opens and closes a valve to admit hot or cold air. (Printed, 4d. No Draroings.] A.D. 1875, December 7.-No. 4240. HODSON, VONROSE.—" Apparatus for extinguishing fires." The object of this invention is to discharge, automatically, carbonic acid or other suitable gas, so as to extinguish a fire; also to signal to the watchman that the apparatus is in action. The building to be protected is fitted with an arrangement of pipes leading from a gasholder, in which the carbonic acid is stored and retained under pressure. In each apart- ment the gas supply pipes are fitted with one or more dis- charge valves, which are held to their seats by an ignitable composition, forming a solid packing above the valve. Through an opening in the cap containing the composition a loop of platinum wire, in the circuit of a galvanic battery, is inserted. There is also in the battery circuit a contact- making thermometer, which completes the circuit at any desired temperature, and an alarum to warn the watchman. On the occurrence of a fire, the thermometer completes the circuit, the composition is ignited, and the discharge valve is forced open by the internal pressure of gas so as to allow the gas to escape into the apartment and to extinguish the fire. At the same time the watchman, being warned, shuts off the gas as soon as the fire is extinguished. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, December 21.-No. 4426. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. — (A communication from William Edward Sawyer.)—"Autographic or copying tele. “ graphs.” To obtain regular and steady motion of the mechanism, instead of attaching the driving weight to the slow moving wheel and actuating the style from the quick moving wheel, the driving power is quick and is applied to the transmitting or recording mechanism at a slower speed. Electro-magnetic power is used by preference. 330 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Synchronism between the mechanism at different stations is obtained by regulation from the line current. The instru- ments are brought periodically to a stop and are started together without disturbing the motion of the driving mechanism. The variations of the electro-magnetic engine or motor are corrected by a centrifagal governor which works by the friction of a shoe against a flange, the pressure being deter- mined by the throwing outwards of an adjustable weight. A rheostat is also in the motor circuit and a galvanometer assists in the regulation. The message is written on ordinary paper and is transferred to a metallic surface which is placed upon a semi-cylinder. The styles are two in number, one or other of which is always bearing on the message or on the receiving paper; they move transversely. The recorder is similar to the transmitter. The receiving semi-cylindrical surface is moved longi. tudinally in an opposite direction to that of the transmitter by means of a screw of the opposite denomination; the semi-cylinder is actuated by a right and left handed screw. [Printed, 28. 4d. Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1875, December 24.–No. 4482. BENSON, MARTIN.—(A communication from Joseph Olmsted.) -Simultaneous transmission, on a single wire, of four signals, two in each direction. The battery power is directed to the line wire in three separate and unequal powers, or the power may be wholly neutralised. For this purpose are employed, the line wire, two main batteries, two ground connections, four finger keys, four sounders, resistance coils or rheostats, four transmitters, two shunts, six relays and several local batteries. Two of the four transmitters have an armature lever, so constructed that each of its bars may communicate with one of the two usual contact stops ; these transmitters avoid a resistance coil when the full force of the current is required. Two rheostats are controlled by the transmitters and a shunt is combined with three relays having armatures variously weighted. In transmitting, as above, the battery current is ander DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 331 the control of fonr finger keys without changing the relation between the battery poles and the line wire, so that the current may be wholly cut off from the line or it may be employed at three different powers. Two relay magnets are used in combination with a sounder and its local battery. The sounder is operated only when call is made from its own transmitting key. A relay wbich works the sonuder by a local current, when its armature lever is on its back stop, is combined with a second relay which holds its own armature lever to its front stop by a greater force than that exerted by the first relay, 80 as to shunt the current received by it to a ground wire and to protect the weaker magnet in the performance of its duty. In a transmitter, the armature of an electro-magnet has two separate insulated bars arranged so that one municates with the front stop and the other with the back stop, whereby each bar serves as a conductor, independently of the other. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawing.] com- 1876. A.D. 1876, January 1.-No. 5. BAIRNSFATHER, STENHOUSE, and HARPER, RICHARD ROBERT.— "Signalling apparatus for railways," &c. Giving an audible danger signal to the driver or guard of a railway train by means of apparatus on the engine and in the guard's van. This apparatus is employed to warn the driver should the train run past the fixed signal when it is at danger; the contact of the audible signal is placed in advance of the fixed signal, and is in connection with an electric repeater (such as that described in No. 336, A.D. 1875) in the signal cabin. The repeater shows the position of the treadle, that is placed between the rails, which, on the passage of the train, acts mechanically apon the gong on the engine, &c. Another part of the invention consists in establishing such a connection between the signal lover and the semaphore 332 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. signal as will render the movement of the lever active or inactive, for the time, upon the signal, as may be desired, from a distant station. This is effected by interposing between the signal lever and the rod of the semaphore signal a lever apparatus having a tumbler piece which is released if an electro-magnet be excited, and thus places the signal to danger. A peculiar disposition of springs and contact pieces, in connection with the armature, enables battery power to be economised. To prevent the signal from being placed to 'danger," after the train is taken “on line" by the signal. man at a station in advance of such signal, until the front portion of the train has passed over the treadle, az additional electro-magnet is used in connection with miniature signals. [Printed, 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, January 1.–No. 14. ANDERSON, Sir JAMES, and ASH, WILLIAM HENRI.- “ Electric telegraphs." 1st. “Means whereby two messages can be sent in the same “ direction at the same time.”—Two batteries are oppositely arranged, one of which is divided and connected to earth; they are worked by means of two keys. When both keys are at rest, a strong zinc current goes into the line ; when one key is depressed, a copper current is transmitted ; and when the other key is depressed, a weak zinc current is sent. When both keys are depressed, no current passes. At the receiving end, one receiving instrument is in connection with a relay which completes a local circuit when a copper current passes, also when no current is passing. The other receiving instrument is in connection with two relays; one relay breaks the local circuit when the strong zinc current is passing; the other breaks the circuit when the copper current passes ; contact is made by both relays when no current is passing. Another arrangement works only when a current passes by the depression of a key, one current to one key, the opposite current to the other key. At the receiving end, the relay of one receiving instrument completes its local circuit when a zinc current passes; in the other receiving instrument, the DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 333 batteries of the local circuits are short-circuited until a copper current or a powerful zinc current passes. In a modification, one battery only (split or divided) may be used at the sending end ; this is accomplished by double contact keys. The current is split equally at the receiving end. This arrangement may be employed in connection with the ordinary duplex methods. To prevent breaks in the signals, contact is maintained with the relay tongue whilst it is travelling; contact is broken when the tongue comes against the insulated stop. 2nd. Making contacts for a cable by means of a key operating in conjunction with a relay and local circuit.-By this means the main battery is put to the line at the com. mencement of the depression of the key; before the key reaches its stop a weaker battery is applied by the relay. On the rising of the key, the local circuit is broken. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] - A.D. 1876, January 5.-No. 47. SMITH, BENJAMIN.-"Signalling by electricity in opposite “ directions through the same wire simultaneously." 1st. To prevent the "kick," or the result of charge and discharge.-An adjustable resistance is inserted, at the termini of the cable, between the Wheatstone bridge, or other differential arrangement, and the artificial line, or between the other point of union of the differential arrange- ment and the cable, or between either or both points. 2nd. To give greater definition than has heretofore been given to the signals transmitted with a less amount of battery power. The condensers are placed in such a position as to avoid using resistances to obtain the Wheatstone balance, namely, between the key and the instrument on the one side, and between the key and the instrument on the other side. [Printed, 4d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1876, January 12.-No. 128. BONDI, CAMILLO.—(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.)" Signaling and telegraphing on railways and • tramways." 334 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. According to this invention, electric communication is effected between carriages and other like carriages, and between carriages and stations. Electric clocks, chain telegraph apparatus, and bells indicate the place, the direction of motion, and the speed of traina, to stations, &c. Each single line is divided into intervals which are insulated from each other. All the intervals are connected electrically with all the block signal stations. A separate electric current is between each block station. The 1st, 5th, and 9th intervals are connected to the positive pole of a battery and the 3rd, 7th, and 11th intervals to the negative polo. In a similar way, the 2nd, 6th, and 10th intervals and the 4th, 8th, and 12th intervals are respectively connected to a second battery. From the rails the current is conveyed, through the wheels of a given train and their axles, to a local battery and signal apparatus, 30 that the circuit is closed from different trains on the same line between neighbouring block stations. The given train then has its local battery placed out of action by the line current. The automatic interruption of the line current closes local circuits on the other trains. If shuntings or crossings be wrongly placed, the line current is interrupted. The interruption of the line current may open the steam whistle by electro-magnetism. Each ghunting has its electro-magnet and a corresponding electro-magnet on a model in the office of the chief points- man; each change is thereby shown on the model. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, January 14.–No. 162. HARLING, WILLIAM. “ Electric disc and bell instrument " for railway signaling," &c. The electro-magnet used in this invention is formed of a series of poles, each pair turned inwards towards one another and all surrounding the core. The working of the disc, bell and locking needle is accom- plished by the same electro-magnet. One pair of poles is on each side of the core and one pair at the top ; one side pair strikes the bell, the other side pair locks the disc needle, which is worked by the top pair of poles. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 335 In working the up and down lines of railway two addi. tional electro-magnets are employed. In applying this electro-magnet to a semaphore instru- ment, two of the above electro-magnets are placed side by side, so as to allow of a double armature being used. The message sent blocks the sending station and clears the receiving In another instance, the line semaphore arms are worked simultaneously, with the instrument above described, by means of one electro-magnet and a counterbalanced sema- phore. In a single stroke bell, a spring keeps the hammer off the poles when the electro-magnet is inactive. An instrument for continual ringing has a lock piece in connection with a flag spindle. A disc step-by-step instrument is worked by a pallet and levers in connection with the armature. An escapement, driven by a train of wheels, has an electro- magnet with a pair of poles at one side; it is worked by alternate currents. In a reading and block dial, the electro-magnet has two pairs of poles, and the needle is locked as in the first instru- ment. The direction of the motion of the needle depends upon the direction of the electric current. [Printed, 61. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, January 21.-No. 249. VAUGHAN, EDWARD PRIMEROSE HOWARD.—(4 communication from Alexandre Athénodore Frécot.) —"Fire alarm and gas intercepter.” A mercurial or other tube thermometer is made so that the expansion of the liquid at a certain heat breaks the thermo- meter and frees a helical spring, which then forces up a central rod so as to complete the electric circuit by pressing against contact springs. The alarm bell in the circuit then sounds until the circuit is interrupted. A fusible-metal wire may be substituted for the thermometer tube. In the gas intercepter, a grooved pulley, on the axis of the gas cock, carries a weighted cord which is set free, by an electro-magnet, upon the completion of the electric circait by the above contact apparatus and closes the cock. 336 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. In a modification of thiş apparatus, the cord and weight is replaced by a fixed weight secured to the rim of the pulley. This apparatus may be applied to the instantaneous opening or.closing of steam or water pipes. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, January 22.-No. 266. VAUGHAN, EDWARD PRIMEROSE HOWARD.—(A communication from Alexandre Athénodore Frécot.) — “ Safety brake for “ machinery." By means of this electro-maguetic brake, steam machinery may be stopped quickly. To arrest the rotation of a fly wheel, horizontal levers are brought together by the falling of weights liberated by the completion of a galvanic circuit that includes an electro- magnet. The requisite contact being made, the electro- magnet attracts.its keeper, which allows a lever to fall and to free a trigger, so as to liberate the weights and bring the horizontal levers together, causing the brake blocks on the levers to clasp the rim of the fly wheel and to stop its rotation. When the machinery cannot be stopped by brake power alone, similar gear to the above may be used to cut off the steam before the operation of the brake. The auxiliary apparatus forms a part of a fire alarm and gas interceptor described in No. 249, A.D. 1876; the fire alarm may be included in the combination. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] m A.D. 1876, January 25.—No. 299. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(A communication from James Sangster and William Shelton Grosvenor.)—“Electro-magnetic “ regulators for marine engines." This invention affords the means of operating valves for controlling the speed of a marine engine. The necessary action is produced while an armature is in close contact with an electro-magnet. The danger of catching on the centre is avoided by forming or breaking an electric circuit by means DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 337 of a float operated by the vessel in a rough sea or by the officer in the pilot house or by both. One or more electro-magnets have a reciprocating motion communicated to them, so that when one electro-magnet is excited, it moves the valve lever in one direction, and when the other is excited, the valve lever is moved in the other direction, the extremity of the lever carrying an armature which is attracted to one or other electro-magnet according to the direction of the electric current. When the electric circuit is broken, the valve is stationary in the position in which it has been left by the electro-magnet. The recipro. cating movement is such that the valve is moved as required only when the crank will not catch on the centre. The foat is at or near the stern of the vessel, [Printed, 6d. Drawing.) A.D. 1876, January 29.–No. 374. WERDERMANN, RICHARD.—" Brakes for railway trains," &c. The electro-magnetic brake is an electro-magnet, or a pair of electro-magnets whose poles are applied to the rails, or to an iron cylinder fixed on the running wheels of the carriage. The electric circuit is continued throughout the train, so that all the brakes can be operated from the brake van or from the locomotive; this arrangement can be used in connection with a galvanometer and with alarm keys for the travellers. A keyboard in the guard's van enables currents of various strengths to be applied to the brakes simultaneously, according to the distance in which it is required to stop the train. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, February 1.--No. 406. NEWSOME, WILLIAM.—“ Signalling to railway trains while " in motion," &c. For the prevention of accidents, “ danger posts” are placed along the line and in electric communication with stations. According to the signal made by the semaphore arms of the danger posts, any given train in motion can be stopped ur directed to shunt as required. 338 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Danger posts differ in dimensions and colour from ordinary signal posts. The electric conductors which connect the danger posts to the stations may be the single line of rails for one wire and the ordinary telegraph wires to complete the circuit. Whenever a signal is made from a station, an electro- magnet inside the post pulls aside a catch on an armature 80 as to release a spring or falling weight and cause a central bar to fall and arms to rise up to the required extent. Each danger post has also a lamp which is worked at the same time as the arm. Each post has a corresponding disc or contact at the station. One touch of the contact is for the cantion signal; two touches for the danger signal. After the signal the arms are replaced in their vertical position by hand. The electrical apparatus may also fire rockets or port fires, in connection with the danger posts, to signal danger. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, February 3.-No. 433. FAHIE, JAMES ANGELO.-(4 communication from John Joseph Fahie.)—(Provisional protection only.)— Electric telegraphs and relays. 1st. Duplex working, from two stations, can be accom- plished by the addition of a rheostat to the ordinary apparatus for single working. Two galvanic batteries, one at each station, are so included in the telegraphic circuit that their carrents are in the same direction; they have equal internal resistance and electro-motive force and the internal resistance in each is small. A relay and galvanoscope, at each station, are also in the telegraphic circuit. The resistance coils are about one-sixth the combined resistance of the line and the distant station apparatus. The key is between the rheostat and the earth plate and has its wire connection slidden along the resistance coil until breaking contact with earth has no effect upon the home galvanoscope. When the keys are at rest, the armatures of the relays are attracted. When one key is depressed, only the relay at the distant station is affected. When both keys are working, each key affects its distant relay without interference. DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 339 2nd. The ordinary unpolarised relay is altered for duplex transmission as follows:-When the relay, at certain times, completes a local circuit, its armature is an electro-magnet and opposes its attraction to the pulling force of the counter- acting springs ; so that, if need be, the coils have only to overcome the inertia of the lever. For sirgle working, the counteracting springs are made parts of the local battery circuits and bar magnets are placed within them. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, February 8.-No. 503. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(A communication from William Barney Watkins.)—" Apparatus for transmitting and register- “ ing fire and burglar alarm and other signals.” By this invention, the outbreak of a fire, or an attempt at burglary, is automatically detected. Signals of the same are transmitted to receiving stations while at the same time the telegraph circuits may be used for other purposes. A main metallic and auxiliary earth circuit is employed for transmitting two simultaneous and independent signals to the receiving station. A clockwork apparatus has an actuating maguet, and other appliances, whereby fire and burglar alarms are transmitted to the receiving station not- withstanding that tho main circuit is broken or short-circuited. Revolving circuit breakers are combined with the above circuits, and with a train of wheels, to transmit signals over a closed or open circuit. A stop lever is combined with automatic apparatus for stopping the train when the current ceases through the actuating magnet with the revolving circuit breaker in the same position. A revolving circuit- breaker arm, secured to the axis of a stationary circuit-breaker wheel, in connection with other apparatus, transmits a signal throagh the closed circuit of the main line; another arrange- ment transmits a definite series of signals. A pointer on the axis of a train of wheels indicates when the train has run down. A circuit breaker with long and short circumferential insulating spaces transmits fire alarms by the long spaces and burglar alarms by the short spaces; a switch is used in con- nection with this plan. A metal hub is combined with the 340 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. axis of the revolving circuit-breaker wheel; on thc hab revolving, a circuit is closed and an alarm signal is trans- mitted should any person tamper with the train of wheels. [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] - > A.D. 1876, February 11.-No. 557. TYER, EDWARD. “Electrical communication in railway " trains.” This invention relates more particularly to the pulls, in the several carriages, for passengers to actuate. The circuit throughout the train includes a wire cord. At certain places, near the ceiling of each carriage, the cord is led through portions of non-conducting tube with parts of the cord exposed, so that passengers can pull the cord downwards into a loop and thus interrupt the electric circuit and give a signal on the engine or in the van. The loop of the cord serves to inform the guard, of the carriage that signals. To give a signal by the completion of the circuit, the polling of the cord draws a brush, on the conductor, into a tube. Other modifications of the brush and tube principle, for a signalling contact, are set forth. Jointed levers and comb teeth may also be employed as signalling contacts. To indicate when a carriage is detached, a magnet and armaturo are used to form a coupling. The armature is somewhat separated from the magnet by a non-conducting piece, the circuit being then made through the train con- ductors; but, when the separation of a carriage occurs, the armature comes into contact with the magnet and completes the circuit, giving the requisite signals. This arrangement is adapted for working on the equilibrium circuit principle. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, February 12.-No. 567. HADDAN, HERBERT JOHN.-(A communication from William David Creighton Pattyson.)—“Distributing type." This invention relates to an electro-magnetic machine by which the types used in printing are separated, and each particular character out of the column is deposited in a distinct receptacle. DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 341 By the rotation of an axis and by intermediate machinery, each type descends through a tabe (as it comes to it) on to a lever, which completes an electric circuit; thus exciting an electro-magnet, bringing a friction cone into action and rotating a shaft one revolution for each type that is dropped. This rotation works a distributing barrel to carry the type to •* selectors" and thence to its receptacle. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, February 14.–No. 599. CURREN, JAMES.—"Electric indicators.” This instrument is for hotels, domestic, or other purposes, and it enables the operator to repeat the same signal or order several times, without the apparatus requiring to be set for each repeat by the receiver of the signal. The sending apparatus is a tablet having as many buttons as there are separate articles to be ordered and one button for the bell. The receiving instrument contains as many electro- magnets as there are buttons in the sender. One electro. magnet works the bell; each of the others is connected with a horizontal cylinder by means of a lever armature and ratchet wheel which act to rotate the cylinder step-by-step. The facets of the cylinder correspond in number to the number of repeats of the same message that may be sent. When the indicator is reset by the receiver of the signal, the rotation of the cylinder winds up its spring ready for another signal or set of signals. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, February 17.-No. 663. THOMPSON, WILLIAM PHILLIPS.—(4 communication from L. Cahen Lambert and Leullier.)-(Provisional protection only.) “ Indicating, recording, and preventing (by giving alarm or “ otherwise) an undesirable rise in pressure in steam boilers " and other structures." The piston rod of a piston and cylinder arrangement, in connection with the steam boiler, communicates its motion to the pointer of a dial. At its highest point, the piston rod completes an electric circuit “ by the aid of two metallic 342 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. “ conductors.” By this means, the alarm bell in the inspector's room is rung when the pressure is too high. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1876, February 22.-No. 731. THEILER, RICHARD, and THEILER, MEINRAD.—(Provisional protection only.)—"Electric telegraphs,” &c. 1st. A magnetic armature and its combination with an electro-magnet, whereby the exciting electric current is thoroughly utilised. The armature is mounted on an axle and resembles a double tuning fork, each fork being stem to stem. This armature is magnetised by induction, or it may be a steel or electro-magnet. The polarity is such that the poles on the same side of the longitudinal axis are similar; the poles of the same fork are unlike. If the polcs of an electro-magnet are inside the forks, an electric current passing through the coil of the electro-magnet will exercise a quadruple influence upon the armature. Sometimes each tongue of the armature turns upon : separate centre; in this case, the tongues have the same polarity, and the other pole of the inducing magnet is screwed to the sole of the electro-magnet. 2nd. Electro-chemical marking telegraphs.—The paper is steeped in the chemical solution and allowed to dry. When in use, in the receiver, it is moistened by a sponge, in con. nection with a reservoir, as it runs through the apparatus. Or the reservoir may contain the chemical solution. If the paper be moistened with a highly evaporable liquid, it dries very quickly. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, February 23.-No. 753. EYLES, WILLIAM HENRY, and EYLES, GEORGE.-Stopping the motion of railway trains, &c. A grip is taken upon the rails and the train is raised entirely therefrom by electro-magnets or other means. The electro-magnets are all included in one circuit, so that all the wheels are elevated at the same time that suitable frames are depressed on to the rails. When the circuit is broken at one of the contact makers, the vehicles return to the rails again. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 343 A.D. 1876, February 29.-No. 813. JENSEN, PETER.—(A communication from Paul La Cour.) Telegraphy and apparatus. This invention relates to the insochronously-vibrating currents in the system of telegraphy set forth in No. 2999, A.D. 1874. 1st. By including the tuning fork and its electro-magnet in circuit with a galvanic battery, a vibrating current may be continuously produced and admitted to the telegraphic circuit when required. The self-vibrating tuning fork may be pro- vided with sliding weights, to vary its tone as required. Fine regulating mechanism is applied to give each impulse a desired duration in proportion to the impulse intervals. 2nd. When the vibrating currents are sent into the line by means of induced currents (which are alternate), the telegraph line may be used for ordinary signals at the same time, as there is no break therein. When direct currents are used in this manner, a key to close the telegraphic line and two batteries, together with a rheostat, are employed. 3rd. Closing a local circuit by a receiving tuning fork.-In this case the receiving tuning fork is exceedingly small and is notched out of a bar that forms the core to two coils. Alternate impulses being obtained from the transmitting tuning fork, require a receiving tuning fork (which simply interrupts the impulses) to be one octave higher than that of the transmitting arrangement. Only one line wire may be used to unite many transmitting and receiving instruments, if each transmitter has its corre- sponding receiver with a tuning fork of the same tone. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] a a A.D. 1876, March 13.—No. 1095. THOMSON, Sir WILLIAM, and JENKIN, FLEEMING. — Telegraphic apparatus." This invention relates to improvements in the mode of carrying out a part of that described in No. 2086, A.D. 1873. In the transmitting apparatus, a friction governor consists of revolving weights, the centrifugal tendency of which is counteracted by adjustable springs. In another governor, 344 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. supported by a "geometrical slide," the adjustment is made by altering the relative speed of the machine and the governor. A change is made in the arrangement of the electrical contacts, 80 as to prevent the short-circuiting of the battery; for the same purpose, contact springs are substituted for contact stads. In the drawing off mechanism of the paper ribbon, & single toothed roller is used instead of a toothed roller and a countergank wheel. "The power pancher” may be driven by clockwork, by steam power, or by electro-magnetic power from a distance. It is released by detent, and packing pieces are introduced by the releasing action. It has panching and feed discs, and the paper starts and stops gradually and is held rigidly during the operation of punching. If the detent, packing pieces, &c., be omitted a central row of holes can be contindonsly punched. In the "single lever pancher " there are packing pieces and three keys; the resulting motion of the paper is the same as that in the power pancher. In the side hole puncher there is a key pawl and ratchet wheel with two punches. A pivoted handle, working in three paths, may be ased in combination with either of the above punches. [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, March 14.-No. 1107. BURTON, EDWARD GEORGE.-(Provisional protection only.)- “ Producing telegraphic messages at a very rapid rate, “ printed in bold type letters, and the appliances therefor." “ Firstly. Two trains of clockwork (one at each end of the wire) are accurately regulated, one by the other, by means “ of one of two duplex electric currents (the other current being ased to produce the required signals) by which arrangement the speed of sending is under the perfect control of the receiving station.” Secondly. Two distinct and powerful electric motions are “ obtained without the aid of a relay, by the current neutral. “ izing the magnetism in one pair of coils, and strengthening “ the same in another pair, the magnetism being induced in “ the two pairs of coils by two permanent bar magnets. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 345 “ Thirdly. The paper roller is shifted from the letter wheel " to the figure wheel (two type wheels are employed, one for letters and one for figures), and replaced by the reverse current. “ Fourthly. Both stations send to the line exactly the same “ number of currents and of equal duration at the same " time." “ Fifthly. Only one hole is required to be punched in tho sending slip for each letter, which boles are made by " 27 moveable pins arranged round a small cylinder, which (when brought from their position of rest by the finger keys) perforate the paper as the cylinder revolves." [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, March 21.–No. 1198. NOLET, PAUL.—(Provisional protection only.)—“ Working “ telegraphic lines and especially submarine cables and anderground lines.” At each end of the line, two equal batteries are connected so as to neutralise one another when no signal is sent, the negative poles being connected to the line through ihe receiving instrument and the key, and the positive poles being placed to earth. On the depression of the key at a given station, a direct earth contact is made, to the exclusion of the receiving instrument and battery at that station, and a signal appears at the distant instrument from its own battery. [Printed, 4d. Drawing.] 9 A.D. 1876, March 25.-No. 1298. DUBERU, GEORGES.—(Provisional protection only.)—"Tele- “ graphic instruments.” The pivoted armature of the electro-magnet belonging to the instrument is placed cross-wise between the poles, so that both ends of the armature project right and left as far as the poles of the electro-magnet and in close proximity to them. The armature is diverted from its position in relation to the poles of the excited electro-magnet by two equal antagonistic springs or magnetic poles. 346 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. m a In indicators," on one end of the armature works a long “ index by means of a short projecting lever." One end of the armature may also have a translation spring. In polarised relays, the antagonistic springs are replaced by two magnetic or electro-magnetic poles. When the armature is attracted, there is no friction on its bearings ; moreover, the disposition of the armature is "favor. “ able to the excitation of induced magnetism." [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, March 27.-No. 1303. DE BEJAR Y O'LAWLOR, Luis, and CALVO, NICHOLAS ANTONIO. — “ Electric telegraphy.” This invention relates to improvements in the auto-quinetic (“auto-kinetic”) apparatus set forth in No. 2327, A.D. 1973. It consists :-Firstly, of automatic receiving apparatus which, when started, interrupt the corrent in one wire and establish it in another to give messages. Secondly, of sending appa ratus, in the houses, connected with manipulator instruments which give current to the apparatus in the houses if no other sending apparatus is operating, thus enabling signals to be sent to the stations. If another apparatus be operating, the corresponding apparatus is not actuated until the one in operation has ceased its action. The manipulators give notices, messages, &c. The special features of the present invention are:-1. By the use of the above arrangements in connection with two general wires only, one apparatus can never stop the signals from another that may be operating, until the latter has ceased working. 2. The apparatus prepare themselves auto- matically and dispatch the messages from each other in rotation only, without the sender of the message knowing whether or not the line is free. 3. “One apparatus may be “ adapted to serve for several houses or other places instead “ of a separate apparatus being required for each." [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, March 28.-No. 1320. BILLET, AUGUSTIN.—“Printing telegraph apparatus." DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 347 In one printer, "clockwork is employed to move the type " wheel and the mechanism for impressing and moving the paper, the type wheel being permitted to move step by step by the action of an armature making limited oscillations " under the influence of electric currents rapidly succeeding each other, and the impressing and paper moving " mechanism being released by the larger movement of the “ armature resulting from the cessation of the succession of currents." In another printer, " the type wheel is moved step by step " by the action of an armature making limited oscillations “ under the influence of electric currents rapidly succeed- ing each other, and the impressing and paper moving • mechanism are actuated by the larger movement of the armature resulting from the cessation of the succession of “ currents.” In this instance the armature itself produces the movements and there is no clockwork employed. When the armature is only influenced by the rapidly succeeding electric corrents which rotate the type wheel, it oscillates against spring stops; but, when it acquires increased force, on the cessation of the succession of currents, the spring stops yield to the attractive force of the fully magnetised electro-magnet upon the armature, and a lever, in connection with the latter, releases the impressing and paper moving mechanism. The corrents that act on the printer, as set forth above, are local currents, alternately admitted to one side or the other of the armature by the contacts made by the tongue of a relay in the line-wire circuit. A dial telegraphic receiving instrument may be formed " by “ substituting an index for the type wheel, and by dispensing " with the impressing and paper moving mechanism. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, March 29.-No. 1344. DE PASS, ERNEST.—(A communication from John C. Guerrant.) -“ Electro engraving machines.” To dispense with non-conducting fillings in the faces of the pattern, the tracer (which is used to open or close the electric circuit including the electro-magnet which lifts the engraving 348 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a tool) is formed of a fine platinum wire. The wire is surrounded by a non-conducting case with a slightly conical surface next the pattern. The article to be engraved is carried by a reciprocating bed which actuates a pantograph in connection with the tracer of the stationary pattern. “ The article to be engraved is secured to the bed, if fat, “ but if circular it is attached to a shaft either upon the “ surface thereof if convex, or within a chuck if concave, and “ the engraving tool is positioned accordingly so as to reach “the surface to be engraved.” “ The shaft having partially or entirely revolved moves the rack, tracer, and panto- graph at the same time that the article is moved, thereby flat pattern is transferred to the convex or concave engraved surface. “ A pin on the shaft gives motion to a pawl, and moves a “ ratchet wheel and screw, and each revolution of the shaft “ moves the carriage the distance required between one engraved line and the next." [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 9 8 A.D. 1876, March 30.-No. 1374. SMITH, THOMAS JAMES.-(4 communication fron Emile Siccardi.)–(Provisional protection only.) —" Telegraphic, re- “ceiving, and recording apparatus." The object of this invention is to apply the Morse system to submarine telegraphy. In this invention, the mirror galvanometer is used as & means of completing a local circuit to ring a bell or to actuate a printing receiver. The galvanometer has two needles, each having at its end a sharp platinum point. These points are respectively opposite to mercury tubes. The contact of the platinum point of a needle with the mercury in one of the tubes completes the above local circuit. The needles are far apart; one needle is acted upon by the positive electric current, the other by the negative corrent. In this manner, two separate armatures are actuated according to the direction of the line current, and points are obtained printed to the right or left of the central line of the paper band. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 349 The adhesion of the needle to the mercury is overcome by causing a reverse local current to pass over the “ Varley “ condensator,” and thus to instantly discharge it. Two points near to each other on the paper band represent a dash, in the Morse code; points impressed at a certain distance from each other represent dots. (Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] 8 A.D. 1876, April 5.-No. 1455. KELWAY, CORNELIUS EDWARD.—“Apparatus for ascertaining “ the rate at which vessels are passing through the water; also applicable to ascertaining the rate at which streams or currents are flowing." This invention is a modification of Massey's log, in which electrical communication is made, at regular intervals, between the ends of two insulated wires in the tow rope of the apparatus. The other ends of these wires are connected with an indicating apparatus and galvanic battery on board the vessel. The electric contacts are made by projections on the mile spindle striking the end of an insulated lever, so as to cause its spring top to make the requisite contact. The compart- ment of the log in which the contacts are made is preserved water tight by a flexible tube, one end of which is attached to the partition, the other embraces the lever. In one instance, the revolving spindle actuates the lever through a flexible water-tight diaphragm. In another case, a non-conducting disc revolves between two springs; a metallic plug in the disc completes the circuit at the required intervals. The insulated conductors may be connected to the contact pieces by means of metal studs screwed through non-con- ducting plugs in the end of the log and coated with non- conducting composition. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, April 7.–No. 1478. WOOD, JOSEPH Wilman, and SHAKESPEAR, WILLIAM HENRY. - (Provisional protection only.) - "Signalling on railways" and apparatus. 350 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A special rail, or thin metallic rod, between the main rails, and the main rails themselves form the conductors of an electric circuit. In each signal box a switch is placed to connect up with this circuit either a battery or bell or telegraph instrument. A similar arrangement may be placed on each locomotive and guard's van. The special rail is connected with the switch by a metallic spring carrying : wheel which runs on the rail. By this means one locomotive may communicate with another or with a signal box. The apparatus may be used for block signalling by having the connection of the special rail broken at each block. This line signal system may be worked in connection with the train signal plan set forth in No. 1263, A.D. 1876 (3772, A.D. 1875 ?), care being taken that the electric circuits are kept distinct from each other. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings. ) A.D. 1876, April 10.-No. 1524. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(4 communication from Edouard Delebécque and David Jean Frédéric Sosthêne Banderali.) - “Automatically retarding or stopping railway trains." An apparatus is placed on the line in the way of a train ; it is either connected or not with the stopping signal, and is actuated at any desired distance from the point to be pro- tected and is controlled at this point, operating mechanically or electrically the brake apparatus, also operating the valve for admitting steam to the cylinders. These two operations may thus be accomplished without any action on the part of those in charge of the train. An electric contact fixed close to the rails, and a brush attached to the engine, bring into action an electric current from a distance upon the actuating mechanism of the brakes and control the entry of steam into the cylinders. The fixed electric contact may be that used in Lartigue Forest and Digney's method. In one example, a Hughes electro-magnet is caused to lose its power and to liberate the weighted lever of the valve when the electric circuit is complete. In another example, an automatic valve (worked by a DIVISION III. –TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 351 re-action spring, through levers, on the loss of power by the magnet) throws the air brake out of gear. An electric brake may be controlled from the station by bell mechanism. A preceding train may, according to this Invention, operate the brakes upon a given train and shut off the steam there. from. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1876, April 13.-No. 1590. STEWART, CHARLES.—“ Apparatus for signalling or com- “ municating between the passengers, drivers, and guards of “ railway trains." This invention is a combination of the carriage-indicating mechanis set forth in No. 3309, A.D. 1875, with certain electric apparatus for sounding an alarm in the guard's van and on the engine, at the same time that a flag is displayed from the side of the carriage whence the alarm proceeds. A cord which passes through all the compartments, on being released by pulling within the carriage, allows the flag roller to project from the side of the carriage and the flag to unroll itself by its own gravity, thus indicating the signalling carriage. At the same time, an electric circuit is completed by the outward movement of the rod that carries the flag roller ; the electro-magnets of the bells are thus actuated and the alarm is given. The apparatus is then reset by the guard, so as to be ready for another signal or alarm. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.) A.D. 1876, April 15.-.No. 1598. PASTORELLI, FRANCIS JOHN.-"Measuring and recording " the velocity of air or other currents, and the speed of “ vessels moving through water." The apparatus for indicating the velocity of air currents may be used in coal mines. A vertical spindle is caused to rotate by the current of air the velocity of which is to be measured. This spindle is at 352 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. the top of the case or framework that contains the mechanism for completing an electric circuit in accordance with the number of revolutions of the spindle. The upper part of the spindle carries hollow hemispherical caps at the extremities of radiating arms. The lower part of the spindle (in the case) carries a cam which vibrates a lever and thus makes contacts which are indicated in the receiving apparatus. The receiving instrument may be at a distance from the contact apparatus and consists of a dial with a pointer which is rotated in accordance with the movements of the armature of an electro-magnet in the same circuit as the contact maker. The armature operates on the pointer by means of a driving pallet and pallet wheel. A log works also by means of hemispherical.cups and has a contact-making cylinder on its axis. [Printed, 6d.. Drawing.) A.D. 1876, April 26.--No. 1757. ALLAN, GEORGE, and BROWN, JAMES WALLACE.-" Electric “ telegraphs.” The object of the present invention is to provide relays or receiving instruments which will make and break a local circuit upon very slight rise and fall of potential in the actuating current. 1st. An electro-magnet, excited by the line-wire current, is suspended horizontally, by a thread from a brackot, between fixed permanent magnets or local electro-magnets. When no line-wire current passes, the suspended electro-magnet takes up a neutral position between the poles of the fixed.magnets. The suspended electro-magnet may work a contact arm, or the arm may record or mark. A “jockey” armature (see No. 525, A.D. 1875) may be used in connection with the suspended electro-magnet. 2nd. A relay has "an armature playing between the poles of electro or permanent magnets polarized in a novel “ manner by means of the line current." The interior of the coil traversed by the line current is formed of a cylinder of soft iron in segments with spaces between. 3rd. “ Jockey or duplex armatures."-On the main armature is a jockey armature, the outer end of which traverses a DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 353 a friction surface; its inner end makes and breaks contact. In & second plan, the jockey armature may be in two pieces connected at the working centre and operating together by friction. In a third plan, the jockey armature may have its outer end connected to a second main armature. In another arrangement, there are two main armatures and two jockey armatures; a modified form of this consists in centreing one of the jockey armatures on a fixed pin. In another plan, the jockey armature and the main armature are pivoted on the same centre. Lastly, the two armatures are carried on a suspended bar; they have friction at their point of support. [Printed, 6d. Drawing. ] A.D. 1876, May 4.-No. 1874. BOUSFIELD, GEORGE TOMLINSON.—(A communication from Elisha Gray.)-“ Transmitting and analysing musical impres- " sions or sounds telegraphically,” and apparatus. This invention relates to electro-harmonic telegraphs as set forth in Nos. 2646, A.D. 1874, and 974, A.D. 1875. 1st. Transmitting.–To ensure the transmission of tones of uniform amplitude of wave, each musical tone transmitter is combined with its respective section of the main battery by a short circuit, so that each section is utilised for the trans- mission of vibrations of its own tone only. The main circuit is always closed and a smooth current passes through this circuit when all the transmitters are quiet. 2nd. Receiving.-Local batteries are dispensed with, as well as all adjustment at the receiving end of the line. A tuned reed is attached to an electro-magnet and the whole is mounted upon a suitable resonant box. Composite tones are thus analysed and the operator is enabled to read directly from the tone transmitted. 3rd. Recording.–An attachment is made to the analysing apparatus, by which corresponding vibrations to those of the resonant box are produced in a diaphragm mounted in front of the cavity of the box. These vibrations are communicated to a bar operating a local circuit in which is any ordinary recording instrument. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] R 705. M 354 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1876, May 5.-No. 1900. PULVERMACHER, Isac Louis. - (Provisional protection only.)- Apparatus for “conducting, measuring, or testing" electricity. The fourth and fifth improvements comprised in this in- vention are:- 4th. “Making a resistance coil for measuring and testing “ the strength of an electric current from bands made of thin “ German silver wire, spun by the process and in the manner" used by the inventor for making his other bands. 5th. “A voltameter or electrolytic current measurer, com- “ bined with a variable resistance changer, and measurer, and graduator of the strengths of the currents." [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1876, May 6.- No. 1917. GLEDHILL, GIDEON.—(Provisional protection only.)—" Elec- “ trical stop motions or alarms for machinery for carding, “ roving, spinning, weaving, and other operations connected “ with the preparation and manufacture of fibrous sub- stances." Instead of using rollers between which the material passes to complete the electric circuit, a light finger some inches in length is hinged at one end to a support in the electric circuit; the other end of the finger rests upon the thread or sliver under operation. If the thread should break the finger falls and completes the electric circuit, so as to actuate the stop motion or the alarm. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, May 9.-No. 1951. MUIRHEAD, John, junior.—(A communication from Howani William Warden.)—(Provisional protection only.)—" Igniting “ and extinguishing a number of gas lamps simultaneously." From a principal station a primary electric circuit is esta. blished which includes every lamp. In one method of turning the gas off and on, the making and breaking the contact a certain number of times acts (by means of an electro-magnet, DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 355 click-armature, and ratchet wheel) to open the tap; a further making and breaking of contact brings the ratchet wheel back to its original position, and shuts off the gas. In another arrangement a ratchet wheel with two sets of teeth cut in opposite directions is employed. To move the respective olicks one is fixed to a spring, the other is connected to the flexible cover of an air chamber, which is in connection with another air chamber above the burner. A succession of electric currents opens the tap. The expansion of air by the heat of the burning gas puts the second ratchet into gear, so that when a further succession of electric currents is sent the tap is turned in the reverse direction, and the gas is shut off. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] -- A.D. 1876, May 12.–No. 2005. HOOKER, John. - (Provisional protection only.)-"Distri. “ buting and setting up type.” This invention relates to improvements on that set forth in No. 477, A.D. 1874. In type-distributing machinery the contacts for operating the electro-magnets that control the action of the pusher, the width of the opening through which the types are pushed for distribution, and the intercepting plates or shunts, are arranged in a similar manner to the contact board of the type setting machinery described in the above-mentioned Specification, except that there are two contact plates in each division; one to control the action of the class electro-magnets, the other to control the electro-magnets which work the intercepting plates. The class of the type is determined by its thickness, and certain electro-magnets are devoted to each class. The contacts for working the pusher are effected by the class electro-magnets. Other contact plates control the movement of the intercepting plates. In apparatus for setting up type at a distance from the operator only two wires are required. Sending and receiving instruments, similar to Wheatstone's dial instruments, are used for this purpose. A local circuit may be completed by a second wire if desirable. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] M2 356 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1876, May 13.-No. 2013. SYMINGTON, ROBERT STEVENSON. -- (Provisional protection only.)—“Electric telegraph apparatus." 1st. Apparatus for use at a central telegraph station to which a number of wires are lead from different stations.- The apparatus allows of any two wires being coupled and used for private messages. The several wires are led down to a non-conducting bar, from which springs may connect any of them to electric bells. A connecting slip may connect one line wire to another. Another slip may interpose a sender and receiver. A needle in the circuit shows, by its quiescence, when the private message is finished. 2nd. Fire alarms.-Any fire alarm communicator may be put into connection with a portable sender or receiver. Casings are fixed in various places in a town and wires are led therefrom to a central fire station. Each casing has a protected transmitting key and an electric bell to acknow. ledge the signal. A portable sender and receiver may be attached to the key. The upper part of the casing receives a battery. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, May 15.-No. 2032. BENNET, JOHN FREDERICK.-(Provisional protection only.)— Electric commutator for transmitting telegrams by use of “ an alphabetical keyboard." To each key is fastened a lever, which, when pressed down, comes into contact with a revolving wheel. The pivot of the wheel is connected to one battery pole and the axes of the levers are connected to the other battery pole. The wheel has incisions on it which correspond to each letter according to the code adopted. The contacts of each lever may therefore send Morse signals, or they may point the hand on the dial of a receiving instrument. Two rods pass underneath all the levers ; one rod holds the depressed lever down during the whole of one revolution of the wheel and prevents another key from being depressed until the lever is released ; the other rod holds the wheel stationary until a key is depressed and allows it to revolve once. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 357 > A.D. 1876, May 18.—No. 2107. ALEXANDER, EDWIN POWLEY.—(A communication from Alex- andre Lemaire-Douchy.) — " Apparatus for facilitating the “ ascertaining at the surface of mines the composition of “ the atmosphere in the subterranean workings,” &c. Samples of the atmosphere in any of the underground workings are automatically and continuously withdrawn to the surface and are supplied to analysing apparatus. A continuous air exhauster is used to form a vacuum by means of the exit of water. Tabes and cocks communicate with the subterranean workings, so that during the pro- daction of the vacaum, a sample of the atmosphere in a particular working may be admitted into it. Other cocks communicate with analysers or testing apparatus. Any one of the cocks is capable of being opened and closed from the surface by electro-magnetic agency. The wires from the coils of the electro-magnets of the cocks are carried up to a commutator, outside the mine, which indicates the several corresponding cocks below; thus the air from any given working may be dealt with. An electric bell may be in connection with the analysers, so as to give due notice before the mixture of gas and air becomes dangerous. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, May 19.-No. 2119. CARPENTER, JAMES, and MARTIN, GEORGE.—“Clocks or similar time keepers.” In this invention the spring or weight of the clock is wound up by electro-magnetic power. The armature of an electro-magnet has, at its extremity, a pash pawl, which, at definite intervals, engages in the teeth of a ratchet wheel upon the same axis as the spring of the clock and winds up the spring which at one end is attached to the escape wheel, the latter being used to maintain the motion of the pendulum by pallets. The proper electric con- tacts are made by the cratch pin against one side of the aperture in the pendulum rod in which it works ; the other side is insnlated by ebonite. In a modification of the foregoing, the armature is connected 358 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. with a horizontal bar having a pawl and spring detent. The contacts are made in a mercury trough by the bar, which vibrates a fork that carries the contact wire. In another case, the clock is “ kept going by the spring “ like an ordinary clock having a pendulum or balance." The armatures and coils are distinct and are on opposite extremities of the back plate, but they work simultaneously, One bar has a loose pawl, the other a push pawl; the former acts by its weight to assist the travel of the wheel. The contacts are made by a wire and mercury trough. The coils of distant clocks may be acted upon by an attach. ment to the armature of the above-described clocks. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, May 26.-No. 2217. ARNAUD, ANTOINE.—(Provisional protection only.)—" Thief detecter and fire-alarm apparatus." Thief detecter.-When the doors or windows are closed, an electric circuit is complete through an electro-magnet. When any one of the doors or windows is opened, the current passes through a bell apparatus and gives the alarm. Fire alarm.—A break in the circuit causes the bell to ring. For this purpose, pieces of wire, made of a fusible alloy, are included in the circuit at any desired places. When the temperature is such as to melt any one of the wires, the circuit is broken and the alarm is given. [Printed, 22. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, May 30.-No. 2263. ASHCROFT, James, and MOSELEY, WALKER.—(Provisional protection only.)—" Marking and recording billiard, pool, and other games," &c. A "billiard dial,” placed in the centre of an ordinary marking board, has two pointers-one for spot, the other for plain scores. Attached to this are ordinary decimal counters which keep a record of the number of games played. The billiard dial is worked by contact makers (spot and plain) suspended over the billiard table. Each contact maker is connected, by its own conductor, to its own escapement, for DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 359 working the hand which belongs to it. On each circuit " short circuit patent trembling bells" are placed. Every time a contact is made, an electro-magnet in the billiard dial frees the escapement wheel and completes a circuit round another electro-magnet which pulls the escapement wheel one slot or nick; the escapement wheel is held securely by the toothed armature of the first electro-magnet when the current ceases. If the hand marker be used, a similar mechanism, on the counting apparatus, is actuated by the current. A similar arrangement is used when marking for pool and pyramid pool; a long slide is attached to the pointer and electric contact is made by a plate and two springs, so that the contact maker is entirely hid from view. In field games, the apparatus is used for scoring in the tent. Targets may have separate rings with corresponding electric circuits and the hit may thus be recorded on a dial as above. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, June 12.-No. 2431. PROTHEROE, PRYSE.—“ Apparatus for signalling by divers “ under water." An electric circuit includes a signal instrument above water and a contact apparatus within reach of the diver. The two instruments are connected by an insulated conductor or con- ductors passing down a cord to which the contact apparatus is attached. The contact apparatus consists of a water-tight tube containing the terminals of the conducting wires. These terminals are springs which have contact faces. A vulcanite sliding piece passes through holes in the tube and has a recess in which the ends of the springs engage. An external caoutchouc tube is fixed water-tight over the whole. When either of the projecting ends of the sliding piece is pressed apon, the faces are brought into contact and the electric circuit is completed. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 360 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1876, June 19.-No. 2541. DICKENSON, WILLIAM. — (Provisional protection only.) Arrangements and working of electric telegraphs." This invention is applicable “to long cable lines or lines partly cable and partly over land. “ At the receiving station the battery is permanently con- " nected at the zinc end with one side or set of plates of a condenser and also with the line. The other pole of the battery is to earth. The other side of the condenser is s connected with earth through the relay or receiving instrument. * At the sending station the key when making a signal puts the line to earth, causing a partial discharge of the “ line and the condenser at the receiving station, and the discharge of the condenser operates upon the relay or “ receiving instrument. " When the line is not in use it is connected with the “ batteries at both terminals, and the batteries are opposed " the one to the other, but when either station desires to “ communicate the battery and condenser at the sending “ station is disconnected, and the sending key is coupled up " with the line." A small galvanometer, in connection with the key, shows " the sender that the battery at the receiving end of the line “ is connected. When the receiver desires to break in during “ the receipt of a message he disconnects his battery, and immediately the indicator at the sending station ceases to “ be influenced by the key.” [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, June 21.-No. 2564. MUIRHEAD, John, junior.-(Partly a communication from Alexander Muirhead.) —" Electric telegraphs.” Methods of duplex working, especially on submarine cables, in conjunction with compensating circuits to correct any want of perfect similarity between the cable and the artificial line, and to gain speed. Condensers may be used :-Between the battery key and the junction of the branches of a Wheatstone bridge; or, one set DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 361 at the end of each branch of the bridge (“ bridge condensers "); or, in circuit with the receiver, as a shunt thereto, or on the arm of the bridge. To perfect the balauce, a cross circuit joining the ends of the branches of the bridge, of adjustable resistance, may bave an intermediate point in it connected to earth or to the junc- tion of the bridge branches; this cross circuit may join the artificial line at any suitable and predetermined point. Primary electro-magnetic coils (between the key and the bridge) may be used; the secondary, with adjustable resist- ance, may be used as a shunt to the receiver, or to a bridge branch; or may be placed in the arm of the bridge or as a bridge branch; or the primary wire may be directly connected to the extremity of the cable and the secondary (daly shunted with resistance) directly to the extremity of the artificial line. Resistances may be interposed between the earth terminals and the earth, or directly connected to the extremity of the cable and of the artificial line-gee No. 3374, A.D. 1875– or to the condensers at these extremities. In some instances, the bridge may be placed to earth through a condenser of small capacity. Modifications of the above arrangements may be used with a differential receiving instrument instead of by the bridge method. The arrangements may be used separately or in various combinations. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, July 5.--No. 2746. SAX, Julius. — (Provisional protection only.) — “ Guago for " shewing by electricity the depth and quantity of water in a tank, cistern, or other receptacle of water, and to give “ alarm if the water should be reduced below a certain depth or attain a higher level than required.” Outside the tank is pivoted an insulated lever, the lower end of which carries a float. The short end of the lever has a spring, which plays between two insulated blocks of metal, so arranged that they may be set to any required height. The bottom block is adjusted eo that the short end of the lever, by means of its spring, presses apon it at high water mark and 362 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. completes the electric circuit so as to ring the alarm bell in connection with it. If, on the other hand, the water attains low water mark, the float falls and presses the short end of the lever against the top block of metal, completing the electric circuit and ringing the bell in connection with it. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, July 5.—No. 2750. FAUCHER, FRÉDÉRIC. - (Provisional protection only.) , “ Electric brake for subduing and arresting vicious or runaway horses instantaneously." The electric current from a magneto-electric machine, placed under the coach box, is transmitted to the horse through conductors, One conductor is connected to the bit, the other is fixed under the tail to a ring of copper enclosing the centre of the crupper dock. When the driver or the occupant of the carriage moves one of the handles of the machine, the electricity operates at the head and rear of the horse, enclosing the latter in the electric circuit and arresting him. The arrangement admits of the graduation of the electric current and may be applied to a pair or more horses or to saddle horses. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, July 13.-No. 2855. HOUSE, ROYAL EARL.—" Automatic reproducing record telegraphs." This invention relates to the transmission of a message automatically over a succession of telegraph lines, so that there is no necessity for the re-preparation of the message at the end of each line. The message is automatically reproduced at the terminal station. The invention is comprised in four divisions :- 1st. A system of harmonised mechanism constituting : complete electric telegraph.-An instrument or “recorder" by which the written messages received at a station are recorded on a paper strip to be used to automatically transmit the messages from one station to another; batteries ; line DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 363 9 wires; an automatic sender in connection with the strip; an automatic receiver giving a fac-simile of the strip at the sending station ; and, mechanism to receive the fac-simile and therefrom automatically to produce a dispatch for delivery, printed in typographic characters. 2nd. Two or more independent telegraph lines are com- bined with harmonised antomatic senders, receivers and reproducers, so that either an original strip or a reprodụced strip of one line can be used equally well to automatically operate any other line. 3rd. The paper strip having been slitted by the recorder, this message is transmitted along the telegraph line and a fac-simile is reproduced at any or all the stations. In the strip, straight slits are arranged alternately in parallel lines; the length of the slit is symbolic. The strip operates a local circuit changer which sends alternate currents into the line wire. The symbols are reproduced, in the receiving strip, by the alternate reciprocation of two slitting knives. 4th. An instrument for printing in typographic characters, from a paper strip, consists of feed mechanism to supply the paper strip, mechanism for setting the type in position by the movements of the strip, and mechanism for printing upon a plain paper strip after the types have been set. In this invention, there are 350 essential points. [Printed, 28. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, July 14.- No. 2886. DEWAR, JAMES. — (Provisional protection only.) — "Electro- " meters," "apparatus for applying electricity to give tele- graphic signals and work telegraphic relays," and “ standards of electro-motive force to be employed in the “ graduation of electrometers, and for other uses.” 1st. Electrometers, signal apparatus, and relays. - Instead of employing a horizontal capillary tube, in connection at one or both ends with a reservoir, the tube having a globule of electrolytic liquid between two columns of mercury in the reservoirs, the horizontal tube is of larger bore and is not capillary. By this means the sensitiveness of the apparatus is increased and the exact measurement of electro-motive forces is rendered possible. The distance traversed by the 364 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. globule “is proportional to the electro-motive forces acting “ thereon"; other means of measuring may be used. 2nd. Standards of electro-motive force. A reservoir of mercury has at its lower end a capillary orifice dipping into an electrolytic liquid. The height of mercury in the reser- voir is at a constant distance above the level of the liquid. By the dropping of mercury from the capillary orifice into the liquid, a definite electric potential is obtained. The electro- motive force is found by comparison with a standard battery, say, of one-third of a Daniell's cell. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, July 19.-No. 2941. BROWN, JAMES WALLACE.--"Electric telegraphs." The object of this invention is to obtain increased speed iz recording dots and dashes. The invention consists in employing alternately a positive and a negative current, so that each current causes a symbol to be recorded. 1st. Perforations, in a paper strip, in a transmitter to acs as stated above, are placed alternately in two parallel lines. 2nd. A centre line of perforations in the paper strip pro- vides for spacing. 3rd. A method of spacing, in which the line wire is con- nected to the positive battery pole and the other wire to the negative. The perforations are alternately on each side of the centre line. 4th. In the perforator, after each perforation has been made, the punches are adjusted for the next perforation, 5th. In the receiver, a relay with a single armature brings into action one or other of two local circuits. 6th. A double armature relay, one for positive the other for negative currents. 7th. A transmitting key, operated by hand, makes a positive and negative connection alternately. 8tb. Two keys, one for positive, the other for negative currents, may be used; or three keys, the third for an earth contact. 9th. Employing two styles in the receiver, one for the posi- tive the other for the regative current. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 365 10th. The relay armature connects through the centre spacing perforations to the line; one of the stops gives a posi- tive, the other a negative current. 11th. To obtain an increase or decrease of potential, a switch is operated by the main-line relay, so as to reverse locally the direction of the received current when there is a variation of potential. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, July 25.-No. 3003. RIDOUT, ROLAND HARRY. (Provisional protection only.) -- “ Constructing galvanometers.” In this invention, the central portion of the galvanometer coil is undisturbed. The coil is constructed in one solid and continuous piece. The magnetic ncedle is supported on a point which is placed on a base within the coil on the lower sur- face. Arms that protrude through the coil are turned down and continued under it to the centre, where another needle is attached to form the astatic combination. The lower needle may be within the coil and the opper one may rest on the pivot, which is then fixed on the upper part of the coil. In the first arrangement, a dependent rod suspended from the centre of the lower needle, may pass through a perforated piece of glass so as to control the vertical oscillations of the needle. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1876, July 26.–No. 3012. EDISON, Thomas Alva. (Provisional protection only.) "Acoustic telegraphs." Two similar steel forks vibrate at the same rate. This principle is used, in this invention, to work an electric tele- graph, either singly or as a multiplex arrangement in which a number of messages may be transmitted in either direction at the same time. The instruments are of different tones; the instrument at one end energises the instrument of the same tone at the other end by means of electro-magnetism. By contact devices, the electric current which works the fork of any particular magnet may be transferred to a second electro- 366 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. magnet; Morse relays operating sounders controlled by a key may be excited in this manner, or, in a similar way, the sig. nals may be transferred from one circuit to another, or may be duplexed or quadruplexed, or local circuits may be com- pleted and reverse currents called into action. Electrically. actuated forks may be situated in the local circuits and may have split circuits in which are placed signalling instruments. Each branch or split may have a Wheatstone bridge, resist- ance, condenser, or electro-magnet; the last two balance the static charge of the line—two simultaneous opposite messages may thus be sent upon each branch. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, July 26.-No. 3017. BIDDER, SAMUEL PARKER.—"Electric telegraphs.” This invention relates to recording telegraphs in which the message is sent by means of a perforated paper strip. Instead of marking the message in ink, the receiving instru- ment perforates its paper strip precisely in the same manner as the sending paper strip is perforated. The receiving paper strip may serve either as a record or to forward the message to another station. To accomplish this, punches are arranged in connection with the armature of the receiving instrument. The panches have imparted to them by clockwork a rapid axial rotary motion, as well as the usual up-and-down motion imparted by the lever of the armature, and have their end surfaces slightly concave and somewhat oblique. In order to perforate the paper according to the Morse code, and to form dashes as well as dots, the axis of the panch has an oblique groove, so that if the duration of the depression of the key at the sending station be longer than is required for a dot, the lever of the punch will impart to it a quick ap-and- down motion for that period and will cause the strip to be slotted for a dash. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, Augast 8.-No. 3138. FOX, SAINT GEORGE LANE. -"Lighting and extinguishing • gas lamps by electricity." DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 367 In order that any number of lamps may be lighted or ex- tinguished simultaneously from one station, they are all included in one main circuit and each lamp has a fixed electro. magnet which, when excited, can turn a permanent steel magnet, in connection with each lamp, half a revolution on a vertical axis, strike against a lever and thus open the gas valve. To extinguish the lights, a reverse electric current causes the permanent magnet to return to its former position and to shut off the gas. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, August 11.-No. 3171. WOOD, JOSEPH WILMAN, SHAKESPEAR, WILLIAM HENRY, and THOMPSON, WILLIAM PHILLIPS.—(Provisional protection only.)—"Signalling on railways," and apparatus. This invention relates chiefly to improvements on that set forth in No. 3772, A.D. 1875. 1st. Communication of the driver with stations or with another train on the same line of rails. By means of an insu. lated subsidiary rail or conductor, a wheel or brush travelling contact on the engine, and a switch at the station (to make connection with the subsidiary rail), the station and train are in circuit. Batteries and receivers are on the engine and at the station. A similar arrangement, placed on the locomo. tive, completes the circuit with the nearest bell, whether at a station or on a locomotive. 2nd. With the train-signalling arrangement set forth in No. 3772, A.D. 1875, a horizontal spiral spring is preferred; the disc is on a horizontal spindle passing through the spring. Instead of the guard rail, a thin flexible blade spring is used. This projects from the top of the carriage, through the frame of the disc spindle but clear of it. A second disc makes con. tact, when the spindle is shot out to its full extent. The pull cord is attached to the blade spring. If there be no battery in the guard's van, the driver can communicate with the guard by a key or make and break con- tact. By reversing the process the guard replies. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] 368 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. $6 A.D. 1876, August 14.-No. 3203. PHELPS, GEORGE Mar.–“ Printing telegraphs" and appa- ratus. This invention relates to a receiving instrument that prints upon a paper strip and is controlled by a transmitter that is driven at the same speed. An electro-magnetic motive power engine drives the instru. ments at the two ends of the line in perfect synchronism; this is accomplished by a circular range of stationary electro- magnets and a range of revolving armatures. The type wheel revolves by friction and is liberated by the action of an electro-magnet upon a star pin wheel which is also revolved by friction. Finger keys transmit the electric pulsations so that the message is printed in the same order as that of the depression of the finger keys; the circuits may be arranged so that the transmitter of one instrument opera the receiver of the other and distant instrument. The paper strip is punched with holes at snch distances apart as correspond to the relative distances apart of the letters on the type wheel. The instrument employed with the paper strip closes the electric circuits at such relative periods of time that the printer prints the message as it has been spelled out on the paper strip at the sending station. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, August 16.—No. 3231. PEEBLES, David BRUCE. Apparatus for governing or “ regulating and adjusting, or otherwise acting on the flow or pressure of illuminating gas," &c. The arrangement for regulating the action of governors at a distance is especially suited for the plan set forth in No. 2328, A.D. 1875, in which a large governor is controlled by means of a comparatively small governor. A separate weight is applied to the diaphragm of the small governor. Apart from the action of the weight, the governor is adjusted to allow a certain small flow of gas to pass. The weight gives the maximum flow, and is connected to the armature lever of an electro-magnet. The excitement of the electro-magnet lowers the weight upon the diaphragm ; when the electro-magnet becomes inactive, the lever lifts the weight. DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 369 This apparatus may be used “in combination with clock- work or other mechanism for giving flashing or intermittent lights from lighthouses or signal stations, the gas being ** economised and saved between the flashes instead of being " wasted whilst hid by shutters." [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1876, August 26.—No. 3361. DAVIES, WILLIAM HENRY, and HIGGINS, FREDERICK HERBERT WILLIAM.-" Telegraphic signalling instruments for transmitting fire and other calls or alarms.” This invention relates to that described in No. 2478, A.D. 1874, and is to prevent any confusion of signals by two or more transmissions at the same time. According to the present invention, each transmitting instrument has a second clock train which is wound simul. taneously with the main train. If the line be preoccupied, an electro-magnet releases the second train, locks the main train and delays the transmission of the signal until the other signals have been made. If the line be not preoccupied, the main train transmits its signal, locks the second train of its own instrument and maintains an earth contact. Instead of employing a second train, an electro-magnet may act to prevent the train from starting unless the line is free. A polarised relay, actuated by the refersal of the current, puts the electro-magnet out of circuit. Immediately the receiver starts into motion the current is reversed, thus retaining in inaction all the transmitters of the line except the one in use. A galvanometer with screen indicates whether the current is reversed or not, and therefore whether or not the line is occupied. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, August 30.-No. 3412. MASSEY, JOHN EDWARD.—“Ships' logs," &c. The sixth and last part of this invention consists of a mode of communicating the revolutions of the fly to the registering gear inboard by means of electricity. A flexible electric cable is attached to the box which is thrown into the water. The cable passes into an inner flexible 370 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. water-tight case. The wires of the cable are respectively formed into small coils and they have discs attached at their extreme ends. The outer metallic case contains an endless screw, worked by the fly, and gearing into a toothed wheel having six pins or studs which successively complete the electric circuit through a lever which acts upon a soft iron plate within the water-tight case to bring it into contact with the discs whenever the lever is moved. At the other end of the cable is the galvanic battery and registering apparatus. Every time a contact is made, an electro-magnet acts upon a ratchet wheel in the train of wheels of the register. In a modification, the line is of ordinary rope and the contact apparatus is inboard; the electric current is conveyed by wires to a dial in the cabin. Or, the rope may be dispensed with, the whole of the mech- anism, except the rotator or fly, being inboard. [Printed, 8d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1876, August 31.-No. 3439. WRIGLEY, ARTHUR.--" Automatically signalling on railway “ lines and automatically intersignalling and recording the “ time or period of trains passing signals.” To indicate to coming trains the time at which the pre- ceding train has passed the signal, a clockwork arrangement is used in connection with a time signal post. To intersignal from one signal to another, so as to indicate whether a train has passed the signal, and to show the different positions of trains on the line in respect to each other at the same time, a door of glass or a semaphore is arranged in con. junction with the time signal post and is actuated by an electro-magnetic arrangement fitted to the next signal post. The electric circuit is completed by the passing train, so as to show whether the preceding train has passed the next following signal post. If the preceding train has so passed, the semaphore indicates “ line clear.” The train puts the semaphore to "danger" as it passes the signal post. The signal posts are at given distances along the line; each 'post has a time indicator, an intersignal indicator, and a battery. This constitutes an automatic method of block signalling. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] 9 DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 371 A.D. 1876, September 8.-No. 3537. BREWER, EDWARD GRIFFITH.-(A communication from Severin Lauritzen.)—“Telegraphic instrument, chiefly applicable to " the receiving of telegraphic messages." In a "printing” apparatus, two steel magnets are fixed on to and parallel to a vertical axis which passes between them. The axis is prolonged upwards through a stand on which is an ink reservoir ; on the prolongation of the axis is a boss, which carries a silver tube that projects into the ink reservoir. The movements of the bent extremity of the tube mark a travelling paper strip in a wave-like line, the marks reaching more or less away from the central line of the paper as the deflections of the vertical axis are greater or less. These deflections are produced by the passage of the line current through the coils of four adjustable electro-magnets, which are so arranged " that a current produces such a co-operation of all the poles as to turn the steel magnets round their axis." The vertical axis is kept in its normal position by means of a brass helical spring, attached to the end of one of the magnéts and adjust- able by a screw slide. Every difference in the charge of the line produces a signal. [Printed, 611. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, September 20.—No. 3688. SMITH, WILLIAM, and HARPER, RICHARD ROBERT.- “ Arranging and disposing the connections of electro- magnetic signalling instruments." Nos. 336, A.D. 1875, and 5, A.D. 1876, are referred to. According to the present invention, errors in working the block signalling telegraph instruments are prevented. The plan is chiefly applicable to single line working of out-door signals controlled by electricity. The instruments may be connected together either in one or more wire systems. In the one-wire system of working, the current having been transmitted or received in one direction (in the case of a block signalling station), no alteration in the position of the visual indicator of the sending portion of the indicating apparatus can be effected until the current is sent and received in an opposite direction; this is effected by making the receiving portion of the block 372 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. signalling telegraphs disconnect the earth contact of the sending part of the apparatus. The receiving portion of the apparatus is able to be worked from the distant station to disconnect the sending portion, so that if the receiving portion be shifted from its normal position, it becomes im- possible to join up the sending portion of the apparatus ; this is effected either by relay or by insulating the stop pins of the dials of telegraph signalling apparatus. The present invention also consists in making and breaking the contact of the sending portion of the block signalling telegraph instruments by a current received through the receiver. When both instruments are at their normal position of "blocked,” either of the signalmen of the section can work the sending portion of the instruments. If “clear" be sig. nalled to a given station, it is unable to be transmitted thence to a distant station. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, September 21.-No. 3706. JOHNSON, John HENRY.—(A cominunication from Charlas Dion and James Baylis.)— Tempering iron and steel. A pyrometer is used, in conuection with an electro- magnetic arrangement, to regulate automatically the tem- perature of the furnace. The pyrometer has a dial with a pointer, and a plate adjustable on the dial to the degree of heat required. The plate is divided and forms contacts to the circuits of two electro-magnets respectively. When one electro-magnet is excited (or when the heat is not above the desired degree), the blast is brought to the under side of the grate, but when the other is excited, a drum is revolved half a turn and the blast is cut off from the under side of the grate and admitted into the fire chamber. By the diminution of heat the inverse action occurs. The electric contacts with the plate are made by the pointer, thereby completing the circuit through one plate for a less degree of heat than that assigned and through the other for a greater degree of heat. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] 1 DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 373 A.D. 1876, September 22.–No. 3710. DAY, Saint John Vincent.—(4 communication from Georges Dubern.)—" Telegraphic instruments.” The armatures of sounders or of bells, or the tongues of relays, are pivoted about their centre of gravity and are placed crosswise between the magnetic poles, so that the pivot is in the line joining the poles. To avoid the friction of the pivot, a pair or pairs of springs pall upwards on the armature ; or, a helical spring is placed concentrically with the pivot of the armature. A frictionless armature may have its ends bent right and left into the shape of a Z, so as to penetrate into the central parts of its coils ; a polarising magnet is used in this caso. In sounders, to produce as lond a sound as possible, a metallic split sounding pipe is employed in conjunction with the armature. The free end of the pipe strikes against plati- num points. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, September 28.–No. 3782. PULVERMACHER, Isac LOUIS." Meaguring or testing “ and applying electricity." In the Final Specification, the fifth part of the invention consists of a voltameter combined with a variable resistance changer, and with a measurer and graduator of the strength of the currents. In the voltameter, one of the electrodes is led down a central, vertical, graduated tube which is open at the top and into which the liquid enters. The other electrode is con- nected to a tube, partly circular and lying at the bottom of the vessel. The vessel is closed and the vertical tube, at its lower part, is bent into a circular form, so that it may, on rotation, enter the larger bottom tube. A finger, attached to the vertical tube, moves radially over a scale at the edge of the vessel, to indicate the amount which the electrodes are apart by the rotation of the vertical tube. Thus the volume of gas is indicated by the height to which the water is driven up the vertical tube and the resistance is measured by the position of the finger upon the edge scale. In a modification 374 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. of this apparatus, a helical body of water is formed between the bottom tube and the inserted tube. In an automatic compensating galvanometer, the needles consist of magnetised dished plates capable of vibrating on a horizontal axis. The index finger passes vertically throngh these and has a bob at its lower end that works in oil. A circular hood encloses the needles and has a strip of conduct. able paper passed over it. The strip is included in the electric circuit and, by being unwound in proportion to the deflection of the needles, opposes resistance in proportion to the increase of the deflection, thus compensating for the increase of the current; but, as the current becomes weakened, the strip opposes less resistance. The index finger moves graduated arc. The sixth part of the invention consists in making a resist- ance coil, for testing purposes, from bands of thin German silver wire spun as for the inventor's voltaic bands. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] over 66 A.D. 1876, September 28.--No. 3785. PRITCHETT, GEORGE EDWARD.—“ Utilising clocks, clock- work, or timekeeping movements, so as to put the same in “ communication with distant buildings, rooms, ships, mines, or places.” Various methods of regulating clocks to current mean time, upon the action of a single signal, are described. In one case, when the regulating clock completes the circuit the J.-shaped armature of an electro-magnet forces a V-shaped piece against the hand of the clock, so as to adjust it. In another case, at the critical time, segmental arms are risen up against a polygonal star attached to the prolongation of the axis to be corrected. In a third instance, a bar of iron or steel, pivoted on an extension of the minute-hand axis, is deflected at the critical time, so as to set the hands to the true time. By means of a wheel at the extremity of a spring that is mounted on the extension of the minute-hand axis, contacts may be made to ring distant bells at the quarters, &c. A similar action may be caused by a disc with contact points in connection with a notched disc and mercury contact. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 375 Writings, or numbers, or indications may thus be shown and then automatically retired. A bell hammer, by falling back against a contact, may be automatically put into action and placed ont of action. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, September 30.-No. 3805. BEZER, HENRY. — “ Apparatus to be used in rinks for “ indicating the direction in which the skaters have to " travel.” In this invention, automatic means intimates the change of direction of the travel at stated and regular intervals, and, at the same time, one or more hands or indexes indicate the direction. A galvanic battery is connected with clockwork which has pins placed on one of its wheels, so as to come into contact with springs, and to complete the required circuits every half hour. Two other circuits lead to electro-magnets having an armature in connection with the index; one set of electro- magnets act to bring one index into view, the other set to bring the other index into view. An electric bell is rung, at each change, by means of a relay. An electro-magnet may be made to release clockwork every half hour, and so to ring a bell. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, October 11.-No. 3924. LUND, JOHN ALEXANDER.—" Synchronizing clocks or other timekeepers” and “ transmitting seconds or other time, or “ intermittent currents.” To syncbronise clocks, a primary timekeeper is connected electrically with all the clocks to be synchronised. The electric circuit being completed (with all the clocks) every hour, causes an electro-magnet, in each clock, to draw together pins that pass through the dial at points equidistant from the zero point. Should the minute hand not be exactly at zero, the pins act upon it and set it there. The electric current then ceases and the adjusting mechanism returns to its normal position. Two methods of moving the pins are set 376 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. forth-one by a weighted armature and levers; the other by forks connected to the armature. In a modification, suitable for turret clocks, the setting of the hands is not effected immediately by the electric current itself, but by an inter- mediate weight discharged by the electric current. To transmit seconds currents, or other time, or intermittent currents from a primary timekeeper.—To either of the clock plates a wheel of ebonite is fixed concentric with the escape- ment wheel. The ebonite wheel is divided into, say, 120 equal parts, and each alternate part is furnished with metal teeth, which are connected with the same metal ring. A metal brush or rubber, on the arbor of the escapement, travels over the periphery of the ebonite wheel and makes the requi. site electric contacts. Two wheels are used when alternate currents are required. [Printed, 8d. Drawings.] 5 A.D. 1876, October 16.-No. 3993. WEBSTER, WILLIAM, the younger.-" The application of “ endosmose action to apparatus for detecting the presence of hydrogenous gases in mines or elsewhere." This invention consists in the means by which the action completes electri: circuits, so as to signal or record the presence of these gases at a distance from the mine. A closed but porous vessel, filled with air, being placed in an atmosphere of hydrogen, discharges its air into the hydrogen and, at the same time, more rapidly imbibes the hydrogen; so that the vessel rapidly fills with a gaseous mixture under considerable pressure. Again, if, during the tension of the mixture within the vessel, the surrounding hydrogen is removed and air supplied in its place, the con- tained hydrogen escapes more rapidly than the air passes into the vessel and the result is a partial vacuum in the vessel; nevertheless the air is again absorbed until the same pressure in or out of the vessel is attained. Either the pressure or the vacuum may be employed to complete the above-mentioned signalling circuits. The porons vessel is prepared by using a suitable varnish over a portion of the vessel and by filling it with cotton wool. Thus prepared, a more sensitive action and greater DIVISION III.—TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 377 pressure is obtained than would be yielded by the porous vessel only. The vessel is connected, in an air-tight manner, with an inverted syphon containing mercury, so that a rise in the column of mercury completes an electric circuit by the mercury coming into contact with an electrode in one limb of the tube. Or, the lower part of the vessel may be placed in a reservoir of Huid; or, the mercury may be allowed to over- flow ; either of these methods complete the circuit. In some cases, a magnetic iron float may act to make, break, or reverse the current, so as to indicate the three states of the apparatus. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, October 20.-No. 4056. TYLOR, ALFRED, and TYLOR, Joseph Joun.-" Measuring “ and recording the movements, speed, and quantity of “ substances, liquids, and fluids," &c. In applying this invention to the measurement of currents of air, the velocity may be recorded on a cylinder (revolved by clockwork) by the aid of electricity; a magnet may be used to regulate the vertical movement of the marking point. The cylinder has a smoked or blackened surface. Two points, one at the lower part of the cylinder, the other half- way up, form the poles of two batteries and are placed at a short distance from the cylinder. If, for instance, an impulse is passed through water in a coil of pipe by means of a valve at each end, and a constant stream of sparks passes on to the steel surface, as soon as the impulse effects the valves in succession contact is broken and the sparks cease, first from one point and then from the other. The duration of the impulse is thus measured. A sounding apparatus may be connected with a ship by a telegraph cable which allows it to act on an electric arrange- ment to show the depth of the sea, or the number of seconds the sounding instrument is in falling; or a permanent record of the results may be obtained. [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] 378 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1876, October 21.-No. 4081. GARDNER, HENRY.—(A communication from Le Comte Emilio de Siccardi.) — (Provisional protection only.) — “ Apparatus connected with submarine telegraphy.” The object of this invention is :-Firstly, to obtain (by the feeble currents used in submarine telegraphy) contacts to complete a local circuit. Secondly, to apply the Morse system to submarine telegraphy. In a galvanometer somewhat similar to the ordinary mirror galvanometer, a light pivoted magnetic needle is introduced into each extremity of the coil; the needles are so acted apon by exterior magnets that their poles of contrary names are opposite to one another. Each needle has two platinum points at one of its ends, which, when the needle is deflected, complete the same local circuit by means of mercury in suitably-placed tubes. A line current acts apon one or other of these needles, according to its direction, and closes the local circuit. The line current is sent in alternate directions by means of a manipulator which has the general form of a Morse key, but which is provided with a catch that acts upon an inverter, so that each depression of the key sends a reverse current to that sent at the previous depression. Instead of the usual Morse alphabet, with dots and dashes, dots only are used, a dash being represented by two dots near together. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, October 23.-No. 4084. NORDENFELT, THORSTEN.-(4 communication from Flakon Brunius.)-(Provisional protection only.) — " Electric railway signalling and the effects thereof." This invention consists of an arrangement for raising & semaphore and for causing it to fall; also for shutting off steam, for applying brakes, or for other purposes; by a combination of clockwork or springs with the effect of electric currents. Semaphores on signal boxes can thus be automatically worked by arrangements described in No. 1666, A.D. 1875, or by other methods. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 379 Points of contact on the train, or points and studs by which contact is given by a passing train may be used. The semaphore may be raised by clockwork and released by electricity, or vice versa. Clockwork may be combined with electricity to act upon levers or eccentrics to shut off steam or to apply brakes. In a swing bridge, or level crossing, a lock bolt in the bridge or crossing acts upon an apparatus for reversing electric currents, so as to work a semaphore, or so as to effect other purposes. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] - A.D. 1876, November 18.-No. 4461. LOEFFLER, JOHANN CARL LUDWIG, and HIGGS, RICHARD WILLIAM HENRY PAGET. — (Provisional protection only.) — ) – “Electric telegraphs." The object of this invention is to give greater distinctness of signals and greater rapidity of working in long lines. By means of a bridge arrangement of regulated resistances, the receiving instrument is placed under a definite difference of potential derived from a source of electricity at the receiving station in the battery branch of the bridge, but so that the instrument does not operate for signalling except when the said difference is varied by an impulse from the sending station. The battery, or rheomotor, is at one extremity of the bridge and is placed to earth, the branches of the bridge have resistance coils and the instrument is placed in the cross arm, one of the extremities of which is connected to the line, the other (through a resistance) to earth. In modifications of this plan, the branch connected to earth may have a condenser or electro-magnet and, in this case, even the battery at the receiving station may be dispensed with. The receiver preferred is similar to one set forth in No. 1919, A.D. 1872, but the coil therein is divided into two equal parts. Alphabets are shown, in which reversals of current or changes of potential to high and low alternately, immediately succeed each other. Marks are produced on a paper strip alternately in one or other of two parallel lines. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] 380 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1876, November 22.-No. 4530. HORE, WILLIAM HENRY. — (Provisional protection only.) - " Apparatus to indicate whether iron doors or shutters in a “ building or other structure are open or shat.” The object of this invention is to secure against the extension of fire owing to iron doors, &c., not being closed at night time. Outside the building, near the doorway, is placed a box or signalling apparatus similar to that used in hotels to show the number of the room giving a call. All the doors and shutters to be indicated arc in the same electric circuit, which is only complete when every door, &c., is closed. When a lever, near the box, is turned and all the doors, &c., shut, a signal is made to appear, or a bell to ring, but if all the doors, &c., are not shut, no signal or sound is made. Each door may have a distinct signalling apparatus and the actual bolting of a door may be necessary to complete the circuit. A similar apparatus may be applied to the water-tight compartments of ships to indicate when all the doors in the bulkheads are closed. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1876, November 30.--No. 4636. MORITZ, PROSPER. “ Electric night signal apparatus, “ simultaneously illuminating the horizon and automatically “ registering the signals." The automatic registration of the electric light signals (white or red flashes), which form a part of this invention, is accomplished as follows: The flashes are registered by two pencils, one red and the other blue, on a paper drum driven by clockwork. A pin pricks the paper after each signal. A fly wheel regulates the speed and a lever stops the movement. In place of the above registering apparatus, a modification of Morse's plan may be used. “A small wheel whose pro- “ jections print on the paper is added to the manipulator, " and to the end of the axis of the second wheel of the “ clockwork a pulley is added drawing the paper of the DIVISION III.--TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 381 “ index; this paper guided by small rollers passes above a pad impregnated with red ink beneath the manipulating " roller, so that the registering is effected automatically. In " the same manner the pencils may be replaced by one or more of the wheels above referred to." By a telegraphic arrangement, the signals may be made some distance from the senders thereof, who may have the register before them. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, December 1.-No. 4651. ASHCROFT, JAMES.—"Marking and recording billiard, pool, and other games,” &c. In the centre of a billiard marking board a “billiard dial” is placed which has a finger for spot and another for plain scores. A decimal counter is attached. This dial is worked by two contact makers (spot and plain) suspended over the billiard table. A trembling bell, in the circuit, acts by short- circuiting the magnet coil without breaking the circuit; the suspension spring is continued the whole length of the armature. In the recording dials, an iron arm joins the back end of the electro-magnet to the armature. In recording the game of shell-nut, the armature of one electro-magnet has a lock catch wbich locks the escapement wheel of the counter after another electro-magnet in the same circuit has propelled it. In a dial for pool, a metal pin on the axis makes contact for again starting whenever the three lives are placed in position, a game is then scored on the game indicator dial. The slide for each player has a contact knob with an ivory side and a brass side, so that when the slide is pulled out, the contact piece does not record. The contact maker is entirely concealed from view. In field games the scoring is shown at the tent. Targets arranged in separate rings record the position of the hit according to the ring struck by the shot. [Printed, 8d. Drawings.] 382 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1876, December 8.-No. 4763. GARAU, SALVATORE.-—"Apparatus for governing or con- “ trolling railway brakes.” Under ordinary circumstances, the usual hand wheel arrangement works the brakes, but to apply them instan. taneously the present invention is employed. A drum, loose on the vertical axis of the band wheel, has a cord wound round it to which is attached a weight. The rotation of the drum is prevented by a projection on the short arm of a lever the long arm of which is connected with electro-magnetic releasing apparatus which may be brought into action at once by the guard or brakesman by means of a contact key. The connection between the drum and the axis is effected by means of a stud and pawl, thus allowing the axis to be turned by hand independently of the drum, but ensuring the turning of the axis by the drum when the latter is actuated by the weight. The releasing mechanism consists of an electro-magnet with a toothed armature that, being attracted, allows a spring sector to partially revolve, and to remove its tooth or pro- jection from a curved bar jointed to the long arm of the lever in connection with the drum, and thus to release the drum and to allow it to revolve and to put on the brake. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, December 9.–No. 4765. MORGAN - BROWN, WILLIAM. - (A communication from Alexander Graham Bell).—“Electric telephony." 1st. Transmitting two or more messages simultaneously along a single wire by means of instruments of different pitch or tone.—The steel spring armature of an electro-magnet is kept in constant vibration by a local battery, and its vibratory currents are admitted to the line - wire circuit on the depression of a key. All the instruments of the same pitch are brought into action by corresponding keys at each station. 2nd. To secure communication in both directions upon a single circuit.—This plan is similar to the first except that an induction coil is used and that only the terminal stations have earth plates. DIVISION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 383 means. 3rd. In the above methods, intermittent currents are used ; in this plan an undulatory current is employed. Such a current is induced by the vibration of a permanent magnet in front of an electro-magnet. or it may be induced by other The loudness of the musical note is transmitted in this case. 4th. A single instrument may have its armature vibrated by a musical instrument or by the voice. A stretched membrane is attached, by its centre, to one extremity of the armature; or a plate of thin steel vibrates in front of the electro-magnet. 5th. The telephone is without a galvanic battery and consists simply of a permanent magnet with coiled poles; or electro - magnets may have secondary wires in the line-wire circuit. The coiled poles of the former arrangement may be of soft iron and the permanent magnet may be of the horse- shoe form ; the whole may be placed in a sounding box, the metallic plate being secured by a cup-shaped block which has a central orifice and tube for speaking or hearing. Modi- fications are mentioned. 6th. During the vibration of an armature, a circuit breaker, or flat spring, opens or closes a local circuit in which may be placed a Morse sounder. 7th. By an arrangement, at a pair of stations, respectively, of transmitting instruments and messages to be copied, on the one hand, and of receiving magnets, circuit breakers and chemically-prepared paper, on the other hand, fac-similes may be produced automatically. There are as many systems of instruments as styles. The messages are written on tinfoil in non-conducting ink. A.D. 1876, No. 4765*. Disclaimer and Memorandum of Alteration to the Specifica- tion of the preceding invention, filed A.D. 1878, February 13, by William Morgan-Brown. The claims in the amended Specification have relation principally to the fourth and fifth plans set forth in the above Specification. 1st. A permanent magnet with a closed cir- cuit, so that the vibration of the one occasions electrical úndu. lations in the other, or in itself, or so that both vibrate with this result. 2nd. The intensity of the electric current varies 384 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. in proportion to the density produced in the air by the sounds to be transmitted. 3rd. In the same case, the intensity and polarity of the current varies in proportion to the velocity and direction of motion of the particles of air. 4th. The electric union of two or more telephones, so that if the plate of any one of them be moved, the plates of all the others will be moved in like manner. 5th. The production, in each re- ceiving instrument of a number, of any given motion or sound by subjecting its armature to an attraction varying in intensity. 6th. The combination of an electro-magnet with an iron or steel plate which is vibrated by air or by a magnet. 7th. The plate has its magnet coiled, on the ends nearest the plate. 8th. The combination with a permanent magnet and plate of a soft-iron pole piece forming the core for the coil. The gold-beater's skin membrane, in the fourth plan, in the Specification, is disclaimed. [Specification printed, 1s. 4d. Drawings.] [Disclaimer, 6d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, December 13.-No. 4816. BLAMIRES, THomas HOWARD.-“ Apparatus for automatically “ opening and closing taps, valves, ventilators, and other • similar purposes." In the main this invention consists of using the expansion and contraction of liquids for these purposes. There is, however, one modification in which the necessary motive power is obtained by means of electro-magnetism. A flask or thermometer is sealed at the neck; through its stopper is passed a tube which descends nearly to the bottom of the flask. This apparatus being charged with mercury only or with mercury and oil, the raising of the temperature expands the mercury and enables it to reach one electrode of a galvanic battery (the other being always in contact with the mercury), and thus to complete an electric circuit and excite an electro-magnet which operates the valve rod by means of its lever armature. [Printed, 8d. Drawings.] DI" ION III.-TRANSMITTING SIGNALS, &c. 385 A.D. 1876, December 14.-No. 4841. CHEESWRIGIT, FREDERICK,—“Working railway signals." This invention avoids the necessity for compensation for temperature (by right and left handed screws) in the wires from the signal box to the semaphore signal. The wire is disconnected from the signal arm, but when the signalman acts on the lever an electric circuit is completed which operates the signal. The wire is run out to the signal post in the usual way and passes over a pulley; to the end of the wire is attached a compensating weight. Within the pulley are electro-magnets and on the pulley shaft is a loose disc, which is, in its normal condition, kept from contact with the pulley, and the latter is free to turn to allow for expansion or contraction. When the signalman's lever is pulled over, the electric circuit in which are the electro. magnets is completed and the electro-magnets attract the disc and transmit the motion of the pulley to the disc, so that the signal is moved to “all clear.” When the lever is returned to its normal position, the electric circuit is broken and the arm returns by its weight to “ danger." To provide for the lever not being returned, the train may, on passing a given point, press a spring, break the circuit and set the signal free. This invention may be applied when one signal is controlled by two or more boxes. [Printed, 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, December 19.-No. 4905. VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED.—“ Electric light;" parts of this invention are applicable to other purposes." A part of this invention, which is applicable to purposes other than the electric light, is that relating to the ascertain. ment of the amount of electric force by means of an “electric gauge." To insulate, from external magnetism, the coils inside the brass cylinder, or hollow bobbin, which constitutes the gauge, a number of convolutions of soft iron wire are wound round the cylinder. In the axis of the cylinder is pivoted a spindle that carries radiating permanent magnets. Circular or R 705. N 386 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. segmental coils receive the current to be measured and are mounted above and below the poles of the radiating magnets. A number of these coils may be placed, at equal distances apart, round the inside of the cylinder to increase the sensitiveness of the instrument. A pointer moves over a divided scale, and is connected by a spiral spring to the upper pivot of the magnet. When the apparatus is in action, the divided scale is turned on till the torsion of the spring brings the pointer back to zero. The distance travelled by the pointer shows the amount of electric force. [Printed, 10d. Drawings.] 387 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. [The numbers refer to the pages on which the Abridgments commence The names printed in Italic are those of the persons by whom the Inventions have been communicated to the Applicants for Letters Patent.] Alarums : Burglar; Herbert and Fowler, 59. Burg and Schiebel, 89. Newton (Holmes and Roome), 91. Zanni. 118. Henley and Horstman, 118. Haseltine (Rowell and Dun. can), 120. Calahan, 140. Chambers, 149. Browne (OʻLarolor), 206. Davies and Higgins, 233. Davies and Higgins, 258. Wright (Howe), 270. Higgins, 278. Kitson, 293. Lake (Watkins), 339. Arnaud, 358. Fire; Hughes (Fairchild and Bundy), 24. Lake (Shawk and Franz), 31. Tongue (Leblan), 48. Haseltine (Watkins), 101. Sanderson, 110. Zanni, 118. Sanderson, 141. Lake (Johnson), 179. Newton (Grechi), 189. Browne (O’Lawlor), 206. Moseley, 216. Hyde, Hyde, and Aldis, 223. Finger. 229. Bonneville (Joly), 232. Davies and Higgins, 233. Guest, 243. Davies and Higgins, 258. Cole (Klingelhoefer and Co.), 260. Higgins, 273. Johnson (Baudry), 281. Alarums-cont. Fire-cont. Wallace and Tucker, 294. Hodson, 329. Vaughan (Frécot), 335. Lake (Watkins), 339. Symington, 356. Alexander (Lemaire Douchy), 357. Arnaud, 358. Davies and Higgins, 369. Hore, 380. Gases detected in mines; Webster, 376. Heat; Newton (Fournier and Le- maire), 44. Lacanau, 86. Mewburn (Fastré), 129. Bailey, 133. Newton (Grechi), 189. Alley, 217. Symington, 221. Sparkes and Marsh, 242. Bagot, 294. Dixwell, 297. Dixwell, 316. Height of water indicated ; Lake (Watson), 275. Hill, 298. Roberts, 308. Sax, 361. Millstones, absence of grain from ; Render, 280. Poison bottles, removal of ; Clarke, 242. Pressure; De Mignot and Ganter, 139. Newton (Grechi), 189. Abel (Redslob), 226. 388 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. Alarums-cont. Pressure-cont. Clark (Lartigue), 278. Bagot, 294. Boire. 298. Haseltine (Edson), 300. Vaughan (Neech), 320. Thompson (Lambert and Leullier), 341. Telegraphic; Varley, 68. Herbert and Fowler, 74. Spagnoletti, 98. Miles, 116. Stanley, 149. Spagnoletti, 150. Clark (Planté), 198. Moselev, 216. D’Humy. 264. Jensen (Wiman), 276. Gent. 286. Morton, 322. Automaton figures or toys actuated by electro-magnet- ism : Cavell, 11. Balls, projectiles, or other objects, probing for : De Wilde, 1. Boyd (Meulen), 100. Bobbins, regulating motion of by electro-magnetism : Sowden and Newton, 56. Brakes acted on by electro- magnetism : Brookes (Hamar), 40. Lake (Olmstead), 95. Chapin, 159, Lake (Garau, Ticozzi, and Co.), 180. Abel (Westinghouse), 199. Morgan - Brown (Gianoli, Piceni, and Donna), 274. Laycock, 289. Wise (Masui), 293. Vaughan (Frēcot), 336. Werdermanr., 337. Eyles and Eyles, 342. Nordenfelt (Brunius), 378. Garau, 382. Circuits, arrangement of : Apps, 2. Gordon, 5. Little, 7. Varley and Varley, 14. Brownson, 20. Circuits, &c.-cont. Lake (Van Choate), 25. Walker, 33. Piggott, 34. Macintosh, 43. Lyttle, 46. Gisborne, 52. Fitzgerald, 55. Walker, 67. Bright, 69. Pitz Gerald, 77. Varley, 81. Newton (McCracker, Ver. ton, Kirkland, and Has. son), 89. McEvoy, 97. Little, 113. Graham, 129. Little, 135. Ray (Duchamp), 158. Doubelt (Rniagheninsky. Sewastganoff, and Dora- owo), 144. Randall (Foote), 163. Winter, 169. Edison, 184. Winter, 185. Barney, 186. Barney, 187. Highton, 189. Edison, 193 Fisk (Bauer and Kred), 145. Cooke, 200. Greer, 203. Browne (O'Larolor), 206 Highton, 226. Walker, 229. Highton, 230. Siemens (Siemens), 245. Camp, 249. Boyle, 263. Allan and Brown, 200, Bonneville (Boyle), 506. Fitz-Gerald, 326. Nolet, 345. De Bejar y O'Lawlor and Calvo, 346. Dickenson, S60, Brown, 364. Loeliler and Higgs, 579. Clocks, electric, working or controlling: In a circuit; Apps, 2. Bonneville (Delay), 9. Inshaw, 13 Brooman (Sortais), 27. Harrison, 41. Rapier, 42. Cook, 55. Rossignol, 69. Stroh, 71, Newton (Bonhomme and Milde), 87. INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. 389 Clocks, electric, &c.--cont. In a circuit-cont. Ritchie, 147. Mills (Davis), 158. Newton (Milde aná Vim- ard), 181. Harrison, 198. Smith and Smith, 201. Browne (Herlert), 236. Greenwood, 267. Conod, 305. Johnson (Gondolo), 315. Carpenter and Martin, 357. Pritchett, 374. Lund, 375. Single; Apps, 2. Theiler, Theiler, and Theiler, 11. Inshaw, 13. Bonneville (Kennedy), 56. Rossignol, 59. Thomson, 102. Leclanché, 122. Holten and Varley, 209. Wignall, 246. McKellen, 247. Fuzes, indicating the igni. tion of electric: McEvoy, 196. Galvanometers. See Testing. Gas pressure, regulating: Peebles, 368. Horses controlled by the electric current: Prévost, 46. Laycock, 293. Faucher, 362. Lighting and extinguishing gas lights at a distance : Johnson (Barbarin), 45. Miles (New Eng. Elec. Gas Lighting Co.), 75. Ozanne, 127. Lake (Tirrell, Fletcher, and Cutler), 154. Merriman, 188. Jones and White, 274. Warden, 327. Muirhead (Warden), 354. Fox, 366. Coin, detecting counterfeit: Stearn, 301. Direction of deep sea currents determined : Moore, 296, Lightning protectors for telegraph instruments : Varley, 97. Schanschief (Haüy), 127. Locks, electro - magnetism applied to : Ridpath and Sherring, 160. Greenwood, 209. Distance of objects ascertain- ed by electro-magnetism : Siemens (Siemens), 37. Duplex telegraphy. See Simultaneous messages. Engraving copies by means of electro-magnets : Gaiffe and Lalance, 5. Bagys, 123. De Pass (Guerrant), 347. Logs, electro-magnetic: Measuring speed; Henry (Anfonso), 6. Muller, 285. Hargreaves, 288. Pastorelli, 323. Kelway, 319. Pastorelli, 351. Massey, 369. Tylor and Tylor, 377. Sounding; Poole, 223. Poole, 256. Molony, 258. Tylor and Tylor, 377. Evolution of gas used in signalling: Tobin, 75. Finding concealed substances by a magnetic needle : Sutton, 74. Measuring. See Testing. 390 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. Mechanical action controlled by electro-magnetism. See also. Bobbins, regulating, &c.; Brakes acted on by electro-magnetism; Clocks, electric; Lighting and ex- tinguishing, &c.; Locks, &c.; Steam engines, &c.; Steering vessels at a dis- tance, &c.; Stop motion, automatic: Air taps ; Alexander (Lemaire - Douchy), 357. Various purposes ; Elder, 22. Render, 27. Richard, 39. Morgan. 39. Moseley, 171. Newton (Averell), 172. Johnson (Digney, Digney, Lartigue, and Forest), 176. Clark (Toselli), 248. Lowne, 218. Organs, electric: Barker, 29. Bryceson, Bryceson, and Morten, 36. Bryceson, Bryceson, and Morten, 54. Bishop, 96. Thorneloe, 180. Photometry by means electric resistance : Bolton and Webber, 18. Printing types, setting ap and distributing by electro- magnetism: Kniaghininsky, Galahol, and Ossinoff, 19. Henry (Fontaine), 62. Gardner (Manger), 116. Hooker, 2:2, Winder, 268. Haddan (Pattyson), 340. Hooker, 355. Quadruplex telegraphy. See Simultaneous messages; Multiplex arrangements. Radiometer controlled by electro-magnetism : Crookes, 326. Money, registering and checking : Calvert, 77. Gooding, 90. Gooding, 102. Walker, 154. Multiplex telegraphy. See Simultaneous messages. Musical tones signalled : Johnson (Gray), 262. Jensen (La Cour), 264. Johnson (Gray), 295. Jensen (La Cour), 343. Bousfield (Gray), 353. Edison, 365. Music traced by electricity as it is played : Rossignol, 134. Number of persons travel- ling, registering: Bezer and Millar, 159. Bezer, 167. Clark, 212. Caldbeck, 213. Bezer, 217. Clark and Whitehouse. 224. Clark and Thomson, 314. Railway trains, signalling in : Gordon, 5. Tatters. 7. Martin and Varley, 19. Martin and Varley, 29. Martin and Varley, 41. Sturgeon, 50. Gisborne and Allman, 54. Hazlehurst, 64. Edwards, 66. Herbert and Fowler, 74. Gilbert, 143. Fairholme, 150. Ridpath and Sherring, 16. Zanni, 161. Owen, 165. Evans, 169. Owen, 182. Tyer, 199. Evans, 2012 Mackie, 231. Winter, 261. Goldstone, Radcliffe, and Gray, 272. Preece, Goldstone, Rad. cliffe, and Gray, 276. INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. 391 Railway trains, signalling in -cont. Whyte, 278. Stroudley and Rusbridge, 307. Roberts, 309. Richardson and Moffatt, 317. Why'e, 319. Wood and Shakespear, 323. Tyer, 310. Stewart, 351. Wood, Shakespear, and Thompson, 367. Railways, signalling on: Semaphore; Abel (De Burgmüller and Wolters), 62. Preece and Langdon, 83. Lake (Pope), 151. Maddock, 156. Siemens (Siemens), 156. Sykes and Francis, 164. Preece, 175. Clark (Tesse, Lartigue, and Prud'homme), 181. Spagnoletti, 207. Lake (Pope), 212. Foster, 219. Tyer, 211. Parmer and Tyer, 257. Currer, 263. Whyte, 278. Sington, 286. Sykes. 291. Haggard, 296. Bairnsfather and Harper, 331. Wrigley, 370. Nordenfelt (Brunius), 378. Cheeswright, 385. Signalling instruments; Spagnoletti, 72. Preece and Langdon, 83. Spagnoletti, 98. Clark (Robinson), 112. Saunders, 126. Zanni, 161. Spagnoletti, 207. Holten and Varley, 209. Lake (Pope), 212. Haseltine (Hall and Van Blarcom), 219. Stevens, 222. Walker, 241. Whyte, 245. Harper, 238. Zanni, 325. Harling, 334. Newsome, 337. Lake (Delebecque and Ban- Railways, signalling on-cont. Switches, controlling ; Whitworth, 17. Tyer, 70. Wilson, 98. Baines, 101. Bernstein, 177. Bames, 187. Lake (Pope), 212. Smith, 218. Marchant, 230. Wollaston, 2/3. Clark (Lartigue), 278. Bevan, 279. Wood and Shakespear, 319. Train to station ; Wilkin and Clark, 23. Barnes and Hancock, 30. Clark (Robinson), 112. Veillet and Verny, 115. Owen, 132. Carr and Barlow, 139, Owen, 155. Zanni, 161. Sykes and Francis, 164. Robinson, 173. Bernstein, 177. Clark (Tesse, Lartigue, and Prud'homme), 181. Viault and Bernier, 182. Smellie and Vance, 191. Spagnoletti, 207. Hornstedt, 214. Haseltine (IIall and Van Blarcom), 219. Piguel, 225. Price, 235, Groubman, 244. Whyte, 245. Barr, 250. Van der Mey (Ansingh), 253. Kellow, 272. Salomons, 274. Whyte, 278. Pocknell, 283. Clough, 284. Bondi, 298. Wynne, 302. Vispé and Nisbeth (Bru. nius), 302. Calvert, 303. Clark (Rousseau), 309. Gilbee (Bondi), 319. Bairnsfather and Harper, 331. Bondi, 333. Wood and Shakespear, 349. Wood, Shakespear, derali), 350. Smith and Harper, 371. Thompson, 367. Train to train ; Smith, 57. Dibbin, 94. Price, 102. and 392 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. Receiving instruments, &c.- Receiving instruments, &c.- cont. cont. Train to train-cont, Indicating-cont. Veillet and Verny, 115. Newton (Otis and Otis), Carr and Barlow, 178. 121. Clark (Tesse, Lartigue, Highton, 122. and Prud'homme), 181. Harling, 123. Hornstedt, 214. Wheatstone and Stroh, 125. Whiteman, 228. Grahaın, 129. Glossop, 301, Highton, 137. Calvert, 303. Russell and Sax, 142. De Bejar y O'Lawlor and Doubelt (Kniaghiairsty: Calvo, 304. Sewastganoff, and ir Wood and Shakespear, 349. Moro), 144. Wood, Shakespear, and Highton, 174. Thompson, 367. Bailey, 197. Siemens (Siemens and Tes Receiving instruments, tele. H. Alteneck), 204. Varley, 205. graphic: Moseley, 216. Copying; Clark (Sawyer and Sailk, 220. Greenwood, 78. Clark (Sawyer), 227. De Zuccato, 118. Finger, 229. Jensen (La Cour), 264. Baggs. 234. Clark (Sawyer), 280. Dodwell, 235. Clark (Sawyer), 282. Bartholomew and Neale, Clark (Sawyer), 305. 238. Clark (Sawyer), 329. Finger, 251. Indicating; Jensen (Wiman), 276. Abel (Bergmüller), 10. Muirhead, 277. Theiler, Theiler, and Thei. Yeates, 284. ler, 11. Stockman, 287. Tunks, 13. Wheatstone, 310. Varley and Varley, 14. Johnson (De Versanse) 812. Hubert and Truscott, 15. Gisborne, 26. Zanni, 325. Wilder, 31. Curren, 311. Piggott. 34. Dubern, 315. Piggott, 35. Ashcroft and Moseley, 358 Dewar, 363. Ruiz (Foucaut), 38. Peebles, 368. Holmes, 43. Lyttle, 47. Bezer, 375. Moritz, 380. Gedge (Jacque mard), 52. Ashcroft, 381. Sax, 56. Bartholomew, 60. Lyttle, 61. Marking; Varley and Varley, 65. Brooman (Chaurassaignes Henley, 65. and Lambrigot), 2. Varley, 68. Wheatstone, 3. Bright, 69. Simpson, 6. Tyer, 70. Little, 7. Spagnoletti, 72. Theiler, Theiler, and Thei. Wilde, 72. ler, 11. Walker, 79. Andrews, 16. Zanni, 94. Thomson, 18. Welch 6. Lake (Little), 24. Wilson, 98. Hughes (Fairchild Qad Spagnoletti, 98. Bundy), 24. Haseltine (Watkins), 101. Lake (Van Choate), 23. Hamilton and Sax, 104. Gisborne, 26. Varley, 105. Lent, 3k Bartholomew, 106. Mennons (Cook), 36. Lyttle, 109, Siemens (Šiemens), 3. Wheatstone and Stroh, 112. Theiler, 40. INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. 393 Receiving instruments, &c.- cont. Marking-cont. Harling, 45. Lyttle, 50. Johnson (Gensoul),53. Lyttle, 58 Brittain, 60. Clark (D’Arlincourt), 63. Lyttle, 63. Henley, 65. Walker, 67. Walker, 79. Clark, 85. Novare, 86. Toumassi, 86. Herring and Novare, 91. Thoinson, 93. Thomson, 99. Lake (Poote and Randall), 108. Herring, 110. Whitehouse, 111. Little, 113. Clark and Muirhead, 114. Varley and Varley, 117. Clark (Meyer and Haas), 119. Hollmann, 120. Schanschietf (Haüy), 127. Schanschieff Haüy), 128. Doubelt (Kniaghininsky, Sevastganoff and Dor- nowo), 134. Little, 135. Newton (Douillard), 141. Siemens (Siemens), 145. Spagnoletti, 159. Jennings (Craig), 161. Var. Choate, 165. Edison, 184. Barney, 186. Barney, 187. Thomson and Jenkin, 202. Little, 203. Varley, 205. Zanni, 206. Baggs, 234. Camp, 249. Clapp, 254. Brown, 254. Newton (Foote and Ran- dall), 259. Oppenheimer, 266. Muirhead, 277. Morley (Godener), 313. Anderson, Bull, and Spratt 313. Theiler and Theiler, 342. Brown, 364. Bidder, 366. Gardner ( Siccardi), 378. Loeffler and Higgs, 379. Morgan-Brown (Bell), 382, Receiving instruments, &c.- cont. Residual magnetism obviated ; Lake (Pond), 23. Bartholomew, 60. Varley and Varley, 117. Van der Mey (Ansingh), 253. Clark (D'Arlincourt), 268. Morton, 322. Sounding ; Lake (Van Choate), 25. Harling, 45. Lyttle, 50. Gedge (Jacquemard), 52. Sax, 56. Lyttle, 58. Brittain, 60. Lyttle, 61. Henley, 65. Bright, 69. Wilde, 72. Welch, 96. Lake (Foote and Randall), 108. Lyttle, 109. Clark and Muirhead, 114. Bailey, 197. Varley, 205. Neale, 225. Muirhead, 277. Day (Dubern), 373. Morgan-Brown (Bell), 382. Type printing ; Theiler, Theiler, and Theiler, 11. Dujardin, 12. Hubert and Truscott, 15. Newton (Andrews and Calahan), 33. Piggott, 35. Lyttle, 47. Zanni, 47. Watson, 75. Henry (Fontaine), 76. Henry (Société Digney Frères et Cie.), 82. Thompson, 83. Jensen (Hansen), 84. Lake (Àndrews and Field), 85. Henry (Société Digney Frères et Cie.), 90. Wheatstone and Stroh, 92. Zanni, 94. Lake (Field and Andrews). 106. Jake (Lefferts), 107. Lake (Foote and Randall), 108. Wheatstone and Stroh, 112. Hunt (Anders and Welch), 115. 394 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. Relays—cont. Forwarding messages-oont. Lake (Andreros), 88. Henry (Société Digues Fréres et Cie.), 90. Wheatstone and Stroh, 92 Bull, 104. Lake (Foote and Randall, 108. Wheatstone and Strob, 112. Hollmann, 120. Clark (D'Arlincourt). 124. Siemens (Sienens), 145. Calahan, 151. Walker, 210. Allan and Brown, 991 Anderson, Bull, and Spratt. 313, Symington, 356 House, 362. Day (Dubern), 373. Local circuit; Clark (Roos), 8. Theiler, Theiler, and The ler, 11. Dujardin, 12 Andrew's, 16. Brownson, 20. Lake (Gray), 22. Lake (Van Choate), 25. Lake (Gray), 28. Lyttle, 50. Lake (Hidden), 76. Varley, 97. Lake (Foote and Randal?). 108. Varley and Varley, 117. Clark (Meyer and Hogs). 119. Highton, 137. Siemens (Siemens), 145. Cooke, 200. Walker, 210. Wheatstone, 310. Theiler and Theiler, 328. Fahie (Fahie), 338. Theiler and Theiler, 349 Allan and Brown, 352. Dewar, 363. Day (Dubern), 373. Gardner (Siccardi), 378 Resistance coils. See Testing. Simultaneous messages : Receiving instruments, &c.- cont. Type printing-cont. Rault and Chassan, 125. Wheatstone and Stroh, 125. Holten (Hansen and Jän- gensen), 130. Lake (Field and Andrews), 131. Lake (Field and Andrews), 131. Edison, 138. Young, 144. Morgan-Brown (Gallaher), 146. Morgan-Brown (Wessman), 147. Calahan, 151. Morgan-Brown (Rowe), 155. Siemens (Siemens), 156. Doubelt (Kniaghininsky, Sewastganof, and Dor- Nowo), 157. Randall (Foote), 163. Young, 167. Haseltine (Gray and Barton), 168. Phelps, 171. Hunt (Anders and Welch), 173. Jensen (Olsen), 175. Spence (Girarbon), 190. Coddington (Gally), 192. Lake (Coffee), 193. Fisk (Bauer and Kreb), 193. Siemens (Siemens and Von H. Alleneck), 204. Phelps, 208. Davies and Higgins, 210. Clark (Saroyer and Smith), 220. Johnson (Mimault), 237. Kingsley (Gally), 240. Lake (Howe), 265. Johnson (Mimauit), 266. Clark (D'Arlincourt), 268. Billet, 315. Baudot, 318. Zanni, 325. Burton, 344. Billet, 346. Smith (Siccardi), 349. House, 362. Phelps, 368. Brewer (Lauritzen), 371. Relays: Forwarding messages; Brooman (Chauvassaignes and Lambrigot), 2. Andrews, 16. Brownson, 20. Walker, 33. Clark, 85. Duplex arrangements; Hunt (Anders and Well, 115. Stearns, 162. Winter, 169. Preece, 175. Highton, 182 Winter, 185. INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. 395 Simultaneous messages—cont. Duplex arrangements-cont. Stearns, 215. Stearns, 223. Stearns, 227. Clark (D’Infreville and Armstrong), 239. Lake (Pianisi), 252. Oesterley (Schwendler), 255. Muirhead, 277. Anderson and Ash, 283. Edison, 289. Taylor and Muirhead, 292. Coddington (Gally), 299. Morley (Godener), 313. Muirhead, 321. Anderson and Ash, 332. Smith, 333. Fahie (Fahie), 338. Muirhead (Muirhead), 360. Morgan-Brown (Bell), 382. Independent circuits; Simpson, 6. Fisk (Bauer and Kreb), 195. Multiplex arrangements ; Varley, 81. Clark (Meyer and Haas), 119. Coddington (Gally), 192. Kingsley (Gally), 240. Jensen i La Cour), 264. Johnson Mimault), 266. Coddington (Gally), 269. Edison, 289. Benson (Olmsted), 330. Jensen (La Cour), 313. Edison, 365. Steering vessels at a distance, &c.—cont. Wellesley (Von Scheliha), 166. Haseltine (Smith), 179. Caldwell (Lay), 249. Zanni, 325. Stop motion, electro - mag- netic and automatic : Knitting machinery; Tongue (Lujbery), 187. Looms; Brookes (Wattinne and Retger), 191. Wilkinson, 317. Gledhill, 354. Spinning machinery, electro- magnetic; Richard, 39. Brookes (Augsburger Kammgarnspinnerei),153. Bullough and Smalley, 316. Gledhill, 354. Warping or beaming machines; Richard, 137. Telephones : Morgan-Brown (Bell), 382. Temperature regulated by electro-magnetism : Morgan, 29. Newton (Fournier and Lemaire), . Bailey, 51. Newton (Grechi), 189. Clark (Bradford), 262. Gooch, 292. Dixwell, 316. Mori, 327. Bull, 328. Johnson (Dion and Baylis), 372. Blamires, 384. Testing : Electro-magnetic coils used for ; Varley, 385. Fault in a cable; Little, 7. Varley, 21. Siemens (Siemens), 245. Galvanometers; Siemens (Siemens), 4. Theiler, Theiler, and Theiler, 11. Tunks, 13. Spinning machinery, record- ing work done by : Wilkinson, 215. : Steam engines, regulating the speed of: Hill, 213. Barr, 251. Clark (Bradford), 262. Boire, 298. Johnson (Wolcott), 324. Lake (Sangster and Gros- venor), 336. Steering vessels at a distance or automatically: Elder, 22. Ruiz (Foucaut), 38. Smith (Ballard), 80. 396 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. Testing-cont. Galvanometers-cont. Varley, 21. Clark, 32. Varley, 68. Little, 135. Winter, 185. Sprague, 194. Cooke, 200. Wollaston, 287. Ridout. 365. Pulvermacher, 873. Leyden jar arrangement; Varley,68. Resistance coils ; Siemens (Siemens), 4. Varley, 21. Walker, 33. Varley, 68. Little, 113. Little, 135. Pulverinacher, 354. Pulvermacher, 373. Voltameters; Pulvermacher, 32. Pulvermacher, 281. Pulvermacher, 354. Pulvermacher, 373. Wheatstone's bridge; Little, 7. Transmitting Testing vacuum by electric light: Hicks, 222. Torpedoes, from a distance, effecting the firing of: Gisborne, 52. McEvoy, 97. McEvoy, 148. Mathieson, 211. McEvoy, 255. Clark Lartigue), 278. McEvoy, 311. Torpedoes, steering. See Steering vessels, &c. Transmitting instruments, telegraphic: Clockwork ; instruments, &c.-cont. Clockwork-cont. Siemens (Siemens), 57. Theiler, 40. Lyttle, 47. Clark (D'Arlin-court), 63. Varley, 68. Wheatstone and Stroh, 92 Newton (Schneider), 133 Jennings (Craig), 161. Phelps, 171. Barney, 186. Spence (Girarbon), 192. Lake (Coffee), 193. Davies and Higgins, 210. Imray (Lemon), 236. Brown, 254. Oppenheimer, 266. Thomson and Jenkin, 313. Bezer, 375. Copying; Greenwood, 78. Jensen (La Cour), 264. Clark (Sawyer), 280. Clark (Saroyer), 305. Clark Saroyer), 329. Driven by electro-magnetism; Little, 66. Jaite, 80. Lake (Andrews), S&. Thomson, 99. Holten (Hanson and Jär gensen). 130. Lake (Field and Andretes), 131. Little, 135. Edison, 188. Newton (Douillard), 141. Spence (Girarbon), 190. Thomson and Jenkin, 262. Rooke, 320. Clark (Sawyer), 329. Finger key; Gisborne, 26. Bogler and Kayser, 57, Bright, 69. Tyér, 70. Herbert and Fowler, 74. Wheatstone and Stroh, Thomson, 93. Hamilton and Sax, 104. Newton (Otis and Otis), 121. Wheatstone and Stroh, 185. Graham, 129. Russell and Sax, 142. Harling, 170. Highton, 182 Fisk (Bauer and Kreb), 195. Varley, 205. Brooman (Charvassaignes and Lambrigot), 2. Wheatstone, 3. Abel Bergmüller), 10. Dujardin, 12. Lent, 34. Mennons (Cook), 36. 1 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. 397 Transmitting instruments, &c.-cont. Finger key-cont. Moseley, 216. Clark (Sawyer and Smith), 220. Stearns, 223. Camp, 249. Curren, 341. Protheroe, 359. Ashcroft, 381. Keyboard ; Wheatstone, 3. Abel ( Bergmüller), 10. Lent, 34. Lyttle, 47. Jensen (Hansen), 84. Hunt (Anders and Welch), 115. Holten (Hansen and Jur. gensen), 130. Doubelt (Kniaghininsky, Sewastganoff, and Dor. nowo), 13. Doubelt (Kniaghininsky, Sewastganoff, and Dor- nowo), 157. Randall (Fonte), 163. Haseltine (Gray and Bar- ton), 168. Coddington (Gally), 192. Jaynor, 196. Bailey, 197. Siemens (Siemens and Von H. Alteneck), 204. Clark (Sawyer and Smith), 220. Clark (Sawyer), 227. Johnson (Mimault), 237. Kingsley (Gally), 240. Lake (lewe), 265. Johnson (Mimault), 266. Mouillard, 271. Zanni, 325. Bennet, 356. Magneto-electric key ; Varley and Varley, 14. Wilder, 31. Siemens (Siemens), 37. Holmes, 43. Lyttle, 61. Henley, 65. Zanni, 94. Varley, 47. Varley, 105. Wheatstone and Stroh, 112. Zanni, 118. Wheatstone and Stroh, 125. Siemens (Siemens), 156. Zanni, 206. Mechanical key; Hughes (Fairchild and Bundy), 24. Transmitting instruments, &c.-cont. Mechanical key-cont. Newton (Andreros and Calahan), 33. Piggott, 35. Ruiz (Poucaut), 38. Zanni, 47. Barı holomew, 60. Varley and Varley, 65. Varley, 68. Clark (Beach), 73. Walker, 79. Lake (Foote and Randall}, 108. Little, 113. Varley and Varley, 117. Schanschieff (IIaüy), 127. Morgan-Brown (Rowe), 155. Highton, 192. Browne (O’Lawlor), 206. Finger, 229. Bartholomewand Neale, 233, Clark (D'Arlincourt), 268. Yeates, 28 +. Stockmin, 287. Ladd (Jamieson), 322. Anderson and Ash, 332. De Bejar y O'Lawlor and Calvo, 346. Punching apparatus ; Wheatstone, 3. Siemens (Siemens), 37. Theiler, 40. Hill, 49. Little, 66. Jaite, so. Wheatstone and Stroh, 92. Thomson, 93. Thomson, 99. Mackie, 103. Holten (Hansen and Jür. gensen), 130. Newton (Schneider), 133. Little, 135. Newton (Harrington), 142. Jennings (Craig), 161. Jensen (Olsen), 175. Little, 203. Edison, 217. Mackie and Waldenström, 259. Thomson and Jenkin, 343. Raising battery ſuid; Lake (Lambrecht and Wip. pern), 270. Lake (Wippern), 30s. Type actuating; Simpson, 6. Clark (Rovs), 8. Mennons (Cook), 36. Johnson (Gensoul), 53, Walker, 79 Gally, 152. 398 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. Transmitting instruments, &c.-cont. Type actuating-cont. Young, 167. Thomson and Jenkin, 202. Thomson and Jenkin, 313. Traps for pigeon shooting, actuating from a distance : Render, 27. Voltameters. See Testing. Votes, registering: a Haddan, 79. Oppenheimer, 136. Weighing machines with electro - magnetic indica- tors; Fairbanks, 87. Napier, 109. ERRATUM. Page 345, line 29, for DUBERU read DUBERN. LONDON: Printed by GEORGE E. B. EYRE and WILLIAN SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 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Price 58.; by post, 58. 7d. d. 1853 (291 pages), price 5 0; by post 5 11 1854 (311 „ ) 5 0 1855 (311 ) 5 5 11 [1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864 out of print.] 1865 (474 ) 5 6 1 1866 (465 ) 5 0 (1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874 out of print.] ) 2 0 2 23 [1876, 1877 out of print.] 1878 (184 ) 2 0 2 4.1 1879 (187 ) 0 2 4 1880 (209 ) 0 2 5 1881 (in course of preparation), *1882 ( 99 » ) 2 0 2 2 [For temporary use). 0 29 1875 (103 » 99 2 2 » * See notice on page 18. 3 o 2 III. ABRIDGMENTS (in Classes and Chronologically arranged) of SPECIFICATIONS of PATENTED INVENTIONS, from the carliest enrolled to those published under the Act of 1852. These books are of 12mo. size, and each is limited to inventions of one class only. They are so arranged as to form at once a Chrono- logical, Alphabetical, and Subject matter Iudex to the class to which the relate. Inventors are strongly recommended, before applying for Letters Patent, to consult the classes of A bridgments of Specifications which relate to the subjects of their inventions, and by the aid of these works to select the Specifications they may consider it necessary to examine in order to ascertain if their inventions are new. The preface of each volume explains (in most cases) the scope of the series of Abridgments which it contains. The following series of Abridgments (except Nos. 6, 12, 13,'14, 19, 26, 37, 47, 53, 61, 62,20, 79, 81, 82, 85, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, and 96) do not extend beyond the end of the year 1866 ; but it is intended, to continue them to the end of the year 1876. Until that is done the Inventor can continue his search by the aid of the Subject Matter Indexes and the Specifications. The classes already published are,- 1. DRAINS AND SEWERS; INCLUDING THE MANUFACTURE OF DRAIN TILE AND PIPEs, price 1s., by post 18. 2d. 2. SEWING AND EMBROIDERING (2nd edition), price 18. 6d., by post 18. 9d. 3. MANURE.-Part I., A.D. 1721-1855, price 4d., by post 5d.-Part II., A.D. 1856- 1866, price 1s. 2d., by post 18.3}d. 4. PRESERVATION OF Food.-Part I., A.D. 1691-1855, price 4d., by post 5d.- Part II., A.D). 1856-1866, price 6d., by post 7d. 8. MABINE PROPULSION.-Parts I., II., & III., A.D. 1618-1857, price 18. 10d., by post 28.1d.-Part IV., A.D. 1857-1866, price ls. 10d., by post 2s. 2d. 6. MANUFACTURE OF IRON AND STEEL.-Parts I., II., and III.. A.D. 1821-1857 price 1s. Ad.. hy post 18. 8td.-Part IV., A.N. 1857-1865 (out of print). (A new volume for the period from A.D. 1621 to 1866, to be styled "Part I. (second edition)' is in course of preparation, to be substituted for the foregoing Parts I., II., III., and IV.) Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 48.6d., by post 58. 2 d. 7. AIDS TO LOCOMOTION, price 6d., by post 7d. 8. STEAM CULTURE, price 8d., by post 9}d. 9. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND OTHER TIMEKEEPER8.—Part I., A.D. 1651-1856, price d.. by post 9}d.-Part II., A.D. 1857-1866, price 8d., by post 91d. 10. FIRE-ARMS AND OTHER WEAPONS, AMMUNITION, AND ACCOUTREMENTS.- Part I.. A.D. 1588-1858, price 1s. 4d., by post ls. 7td.- Part II., A.D. 1858 1866, price 28. 2d., by post 2s.6d. 11. MANUFACTURE OF PAPER, PASTEBOARD, AND PAPIRR-MÁCHR-Part I. A.D. 1665-1857, price 10d., by post 18.-Part II., A.D. 1858-1866 (284 edition), price 1s. 4d., by post 1s. 6td. 12. COITIN 1, Folding, AN ORNAMENTING PAPER : (including the general treatment of paper alter its manufacture).-Part I. A.D. 1646-15- (2nd edition), price 28., by post 28. 3d.-Part II. A.D, 1867-1870, pride is. 6d., by post is. sid. 13. LETTERPRESS AND SIMILAR PRINTING.-Part I., A.D. 1617-1857. prica 28. Ad., by post 38. 3d.-Part la. A.D. 1858-1866. (2nd edition), price 28.6.6. by post 28. Od.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 2s. 3d., by post 28.74d. . 14. BLEACHING, DYBING, AND PRINTING CALICO AND OTHER FABRICS AND YABN8.- Part I., A.D. 1617-1867, price 88. 4d., by post 48. 1d.-Part II, A.D. 1858-1866 (2nd edition), price 38. 6d., by post 3s. 10d.-Part III. A.D. 1867-1876, price 1s. 6d., by post ls. 9d. 15. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, THEIR GENERATION AND APPLICATIONS.- Part I., A.D. 1766-1857, price 8s. 2d., by post 38. 11d.- Part Ia., A.D. 1858- 1866 (2nd edition) price 28. 8d., by post 38. 2d. For continuations from A.D. 1867-1876 see series Nos. 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 and 97. 26. PREPARATION OF INDIA-RUBBER AND GUTTA-PERCHA (2nd edition), price ls. 2d., by post 1s. 4 d. 17. PRODUCTION AND APPLICATIONS OP GAB.-Part I., A.D. 1681-1858, price 28. 4d., by post 28. 11d.-Part II., A.D. 1859–1866 (2nd edition), price 2s. 4d., by post 2s. 8d. 18. METALS AND ALLOY8, price 1s. 10d., by post 28. 3}d. 19. PHOTOGRAPHY.-Part I., A.D. 1839-1859, price 8d., by post 10d.- Part II., A.D. 1860-1866 (2nd edition), price 10d., by post ligd.-Part III., A.D. 1867-1876, price 9d., by post 10 d. 20. WEAVING.- Part I., A.D. 1620–1859, price 49, by post 45. 111d.-Part II., A.D. 1860-1866, price 28. 8d., by post 3s. Id. 21. SHIP BUILDING, REPAIRING, SHEATHING, LAUNCHING, &c.-Part I., A.D. 1618-1860, price 29. 4d., by post 28. 11d.-Part II., A.D. 1861-1866, price 28. 6d., by post 28. 11d. 22. BRICKS AND TILES.-Part I., A.D. 1619–1860, price 18., by post 18.3}d.-Part II A.D. 1861-1866, price 8d., by post 9fd. 23. PLATING OR COATING METALS WITH METALS.--Part I., A.D. 1637-1867, price 10d., by post 18.0ļd.-Part II., A.D. 1861–1866 (2nd edition), price 6d. by post 7d. 94. POTTERY.-- Part I., A.D. 1626–1861. price 10d., by post 18.-Part II., A.D. 1882-1866, price 6d., by post 7d. 25. MEDICINE, SURGERY, AND DENTISTRY (2nd edition), price 18. 10d., by post 28. 1 d. 26. MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Part I., A.D. 1691–1866 (2nd edition), price ls. 10d., by post 28. 1$0.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price ls. 6d., by post 1s. 8d. 27. OILS, FATB, LUBRICANTS, CANDLES, AND SOAP (2nd edition), price 2s. 10d. by post 3s. 4d. 28. SPINNING; INCLUDING THE PREPARATION OP FIBROUS MATERIALS, AND THE DOUBLING OP YARNS AND THREADS.--Part I., A.D. 1624-1863 (out of print).-Part II., A.D. 1864-1866, price 2s. by post 28. 4d. 29. LACE-MAKING, KNITTING, NETTING, BRAIDING, AND PLAITING (includ. ing also the manufacture of fringe and chenille), (2nd edition), price 78., by post 78.7d. 30. PREPARATION AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL (out of print). 31. RAISING, LOWERING, AND WEIGHING (2nd edition), price 38. 8d., by post 48. 3 d. 32. HYDRAULICS (2nd edition), price 48. 8d., by post 58. 5d. 33. RAILWAYS (2nd edition), price 28. 6d., by post 2s. 11d. 34. SADDLERY, HARNESS, STABLE FITTINGS, &c., price 18., by post 1s. 2d. 35. ROADS AND WAY8, price 18., by post 18. 2d. 36. BRIDGES, VIADUCTS, AND AQUEDUCTS, price 10d., by post 1$. 37. WRITING INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIALS.- PART I., A.D. 1635-1866, price 18. 4d., by post 18.7d.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 1s., by post ls. 1}d. 38. RAILWAY SIGNALS AND COMMUNICATING APPARATUS (out of print) 39. FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY price 29., by post 2s. 4d. 40. ACIDS, ALKALIES, OXIDES, AND SALT8, price 38. 8d., by post 4s. 3d. 41. AERONAUTICS, price 4d., by post 5d. 42. PREPARATION AND Use op TOBACCO, price 10d., by post 1s. 43. Books, PORTFOLIOS, CARD-CASES, &c., price 10d., by post, 18. 5 44. LAMPS, CANDLESTICKS, CHANDELIERS, AND OTHER ILLUMINATING APPA: RATUS, price 2s. 6d., by post 28. 10 d. 45. NEEDLES AND Pins, price 6d., by post 7d. 46. CARRIAGES AND OTHER VEHICLES FOR RAILWAYS, price 58. 6d., by post 88. 4d. 47. UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, AND WALKING STICKS.-Part I., A.D. 1780-19, price 10d., by post 11 d.-- Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 18., by post is.led. 48. SUGAR, price ls. 10d., by post 2s. ltd. 49. STEAM ENGINE.- Part I. (in 2 yols.), A.D. 1618-1859, price 98. 44... by post 108. 10$d.--Part II. (in 2 vols.), A.D. 1860-1866, price 43. 10a. by post 58. 70, 50. PAINTS, COLOURS, AND VARNISHES, price 18. 10d., by post 2s. itd. 51. Tors, GAMES, AND EXERCISE8, price 18., by post 1s. 2d. 52. VENTILATION, price 1s. 10d., by post 2s. O d. 53. FARRIERY; INCLUDING THE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL TREATYEXT OT ANIMALS.- Part I. A.D. 1719-1866, price 18., by post ls. 14d.-Part Il. A.D. 1867-1876, price 1s., by post ls. 1d. 54. ARTISTS' INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIALS, price 10d., by post 18. 55. SKINS, HIDES, AND LEATHER, price 18. 6d., by post 18. 8 d. 56. PREPARING AND CUTTING CORK; BOTTLING LIQUIDS; SECURING AND OPENING BOTTLES, &c., price 18 6d. by post ls. 9d. 57. BRUSHING AND SWEEPING, price 1s., by post 18. 2d, 58. Nails, RIVETS, BOLTS, SCREWS, NUTS, AND WASHERS, price 18.,8d., by post ls. 11 d. 59. HINGES, HINGE JOINTS, AND DOOR SPRINGS, price 8d., by post 9td. 60. LOCKS, LATCHES, BOLTS, AND SIMILAR FASTENINGS, price 1s ... by post ls. 92. 61. COOKING, BREAD-MAKING, AND THE PREPARATION OF CONFECTIONERY.- Part I. A.D. 1631-1866, price 1x. 10d., by post 2s. ltd.-Part II. A.D. 1887- 1876, price Is. 6d., by post 18. 8 d. 62. AIR, GAS, AND OTHER MOTIVE POWER ENGINES.- Part I., A.D. 1835-1868, price 18. 10d., by post 28. 11d.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price Ss. 6d., by post 48.0ļd. 63. WATER CLOSETS, EARTI CLOSETS, URINALS, &c., price 20d., by post ls. 61. SAFES, STRONG Rooms, TILLS, AND SIMILAR DEPOSITORIES, price 6d., by post 7d. 65. WEARING APPAREL. DIVISION 1.-HEAD COVERINGS, price 1s. 4d., by post Is. 6td. 66. WEARING APPAREL. Division II.-BODY COVERINGS, price 28. 4d., by post 28. 8}d. 67. WEAKING APPAREL. DIVISION III.-Foot COVERINGS, price 18.10d., by post 28. 1 d. 68. WEARING APPAREL. DIVISION IV.-DRESS FASTENINGS AND JEWEL- LERY, price 2s. 10d., by post 38. 1}d. 69. ANCHOR8, price 6d. by post 7d. 70. METALLIC PIPES AND TUBES.- Part I., A.D. 1741-1866, price 18. 8d., by post 18. 11d.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 18. 3d., by post Is. itd. 71. MINING, QUARRYING, TUNNELLING, AND WELL-SINKING, price 18. 4d., by post Is. 6 d. 72. MILKING, CHURNING, AND CHEESE-MAKING, price 6d., by post 7d. 73. Masts, Sails, RIGGING, &c.; INCLUDING APPARATU8 rog RAISING ASD LOWERING SHIPS' Boats, price 18., post ls. 2d. 74. CASKS AND BARRELS, price 8d., by post 9fd. 75. STEERING AND MANQUYRING VESSELS, price 1s., by post 1s. 2d. 76. OPTICAL, MATHEMATICAL, AND OTHER PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS, INCLUDING NAUTICAL, ASTRONOMICAL, AND METEOROLOGICAL IN. STRUMENTS, price 28. 10d., by post 38. 2d. 77. HARBOURS, Docks, Canals, &c., price 1s. 2d., by post 1s. 4d. 78. GRINDING GRAIN AND DRESSING FLOUR AND MEAL, price 28.4d, by post 28.6 d. 6 79. PORIFYING AND FILTERING WATER.-Part I., A.D. 1675-1866, price 1s. 2d., by post 18.3}d.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 6d., by post 7d. 80. ARTIFICIAL LEATHER, FLOORCLOTH, OILCLOTH, OILSKIN, AND OTHER WATERPROOF FABRICS, price is. 10d., by post 2s. Oğd. 81. AGRICULTURE. DIVISION I.--Field IMPLEMENTS (including methods of tilling and irrigating land).- Part I, A.D. 1618-1866, price 58. 8d., by post 68. 2 d.-Part II. A D. 1867-1876, price 28., by post 2s. 31d. 82. AGRICULTUBE. DIVISION II.-BARN AND FARMYARD IMPLEMENTS (in- cluding the cleansing, drying, and storing of grain).--Part I., A.D. 1636- 1866, price 38., by post 38. 31d.--Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price ls. 3d., by post, 18. 3d. 83. AGRICULTURE. DIVISION III.-AGRICULTURAL AND TRACTION ENGINES (in course of preparation). 84. TRUNKS, PORTMANTEAUS, BOXES, AND BAGS, price 18., by post 1s. 1d. 85. ICE-MAKING MACHINES, ICE SAFES, AND ICE HOUSES (including the use of freezing agents for preserving alimentary substances).–Part I., A.D. 1819-1866, price 6d., by post 7d.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 18. 6d., by post 18.7d. 86. UNFERMENTED BEVERAGES, AERATED LIQUIDS, MINERAL WATERS, &c., price 18., by post 18. ltd. 87. TEA, COFFEE, CHICORY, CHOCOLATE, Cocoa, &c., price 8d., by post 9d. 88. FIRE ENGINES, EXTINGUISHERS, ESCAPES, ALARMS, &c. (including fire- proof dresses and fabrics), price 28., by post 28. 2 d. 89. WABHING AND WRINGING MACHINES.- Part I., A.D. 1691-1866, price 18.6d., by post 18. 8d.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 9d., by post 101d. 90. CHAINS, CHAIN CABLEB, &c.--Part I., A.D. 1634-1866, price 9d., by post 10d. Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 6d., by post 7d. 91. DRESSING AND FINISHING WOVEN FABRICS, AND MANUFACTURING FELTED FABRICS (including folding, winding, measuring, and packing). - Part I., A.D. 1620-1866, price 3s. 6d., by post 38. 100.- Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 18. 6d., by post 18 8}d. 92, ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION I.--GENERATION OF ELEC- TRICITY AND MAGNETISM, A.D. 1766-1866.- Part I., see Series No.15.;- Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 1s., by post 18. 1 d. 93. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSU. LATING, A.D. 1766-1866.-Part I., see Series, No. 15.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 18., by post 18. 1 d. 94. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING SIGNALS, CONTROLLING MECHANICAL ACTION AND Ex- HIBITING ELECTRIC EFFECTS, A.D. 1766-1866.- Part I., see Series No. 15.;- Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 28., by post, 28. 3d. 95. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION IV.- ELECTRIC LIGHTING, IGNITING, AND HEATING.-Parts I. and II. (in one vol.) A.D. 1839-1876, price 9d., by post 104d. 96. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION V.- ELECTRO-DEPOSITION AND ELECTROLYSIS.-- Parts I. and II. (in one vol.) A.D. 1805-1876, price 18. 6d., by post 18. 8}d. 97. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION VI. - ELECTRIC MOTIVE POWER ENGINES AND SIMILAR APPARATUS. A.D. 1766-1836, see Series No. 15. ;--A.D. 1867-1876 (in course of preparation). 98. CARRIAGES AND OTHER VEHICLES FOR COMMON ROADS, price 5s., by post 58.85d. 99. BREWING, WINB-MAKING, AND DISTILLING ALCOHOLIC LIQUIDS, price 38. 6d., by post 3s. 10d. A Key to the contents of the above volumes of Abridgments will be found on pages 20 to 32. 7 IV. COMMISSIONERS of PATENTS' JOURNAL, published on the evenings of Tuesday and Friday in each week. Price 2 d. ; by Post, $d. Annual Subscription, including postage, 258. which may be remitted by Post Office Order, made payable at the Post Office, Chancery Lane, to Mr. H. Reader Lack, Clerk of the Commissioners of Patenis. Subscriptions to the Commissioners of Patents' Journal will not be received for a shorter period than three months, such period to com- mence on either of the following dates:- 1st January, 1st July, or 1st April, 1st October, Annnal subscriptions to date from 1st January in each year. All subscriptions must be paid in advance. CONTENTS OF JOURNAL. 1. Applications for Letters Patent. duty of 501. before the expiration 2. Grants of Provisional Protection of the third year. for six months. 12. Patents on which the seventh 3. Inventions protected for six months year's stamp duty of 100%, has by the deposit of a Complete been paid. Specification. 13, Patents which have become void 4. Notices to proceed. by non-payment of the stamp 5. Patents sealed. duty of 1001. before the expirs. 6. Specifications filed. tion of the seventh year. 7. Pintents; confirmation and exten- 14. Lists of Colonial Patents. sion of. 15. Lists of Foreign Patents. 8. Patents (arcelled. 16. Designs registered. 9. Lists of Disclaimers and Memo. 17. Trade Marks registered. randa of Alterations. 18. Weekly price lists of printed 10. Patents on which the third year's Specifications, &c. stamp duty of 502. has been paid. 19. Official advertisements and notices 11. Patents which have become void of interest to Patentees and In- by non-payment of the stamp ventors generally. V. 1. PATENT LAW AMENDMENT ACTS (15 & 16 Vict. cap. 83, A.D. 1852; 16 Vict. cap. 5, A.D. 1853; and 16 & 17 Vict. cap. 115, A.D. 1853); together with the RULES and REGULATIONS issued by the Commissioners of Patents for Inventions, and by the Lord Chancellor and the Master of the Rolls, under the Acts 15 & 16 Vict. c. 83, and 16 & 17 Vict. c. 115. Price 6d. ; by post, 7d. 2. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of the PATENT OFFICE, arranged alphabetically, in two volumes. Vol. I.-Authors, Price, 31s. 6d. ; by post, 338. Vol. II.-Subjects (in course of preparation). 3. APPENDIX to the SPECIFICATIONS of ENGLISH PA- TENTS for REAPING MACHINES. By B. WOODCROFT,F.R.S. Price 6s. 6d. ; by post, 6s. 11d. 4. INDEX to ALL INVENTIONS PATENTED in ENGLAND from 1617 to 1854 inclusive, arranged under the greatest number of heads, with parallel references to INVENTIONS and 8 DISCOVERIES described in the scientific works of VARIOUS NATIONS, as classified by Professor Scbubarth. By B. Wood. CROFT, F.R.S. Price 18.; by post, 1s. ld. The foreign works thus indexed form a portion of the Library of the Commissioners of Patents, where they may be consulted. 5. SUPPLEMENT to the SERIES of LETTERS PATENT and SPECIFICATIONS, from A.D. 1617 to Oct. 1852; consisting for the most part of Reprints of scarce Pamphlets, descriptive of the early patented Inventions comprised in that Series. CONTENTS. 1. Metallica ; or the Treatise of Metallica, briefly comprehending the doctrine of diverse new metallical inventions, &c. By SIMON STURTEVANT. (Let- ters Patent, dated 29th February 1011.) Price 18. 4d.; by post, 18.5d. 2. A Treatise of Metallica, but not that which was published by Mr. Simon Sturtevant, 1 pon his Patent, &c. By John Rovenzon. (Letters Patent granted A.D. 1612.) Price 4d.; by post, 4fd. 3. A Commission directed to Sir Richard Wynne and others to inquire upon oath whether NICHOLAS PAGE or Sir NICHOLAS Halse was the first in- ventor of certaine kilnes for the drying of malt, &c. &. (Letters Patent Nos. 716 and 85, respectively dated 10th July 1634, and 23rd July 1635.) Price 2d.; by post, 21d. 4. DUD DUDLEY's Metallum Martis ; or iron made with pit-coale, sea-coale, &c. (Lettors Patent, Nos. 18 and 117, rospectively dated 22nd February 1620, and 2nd May 1638.) Price 8d. ; by post, 8td. 8. Description of the nature and working of the Patent Waterscoop Wheels invented by WILLIAM WHELER, as compared with the raising wheels now in common use. By J. B. W. Translated from the Dutch by Dr. Tolhausen. (Letters Patent, No.127, dated 24th June 1642.) Price 28.; by post, 28. 1}d. 6. An exact and true definition of the stupendous Water-commanding Engine invented by the Right Honourable and deservedly to be praised and admired) EDWARD SOMERSET, Lord Marquis of WORCESTER, &c., &c. (Stat. 15 Car. II. c. 12. A.D. 1663.) Price 4d.; by post, 4fd. 7. Navigation improved ; or the art of rowing ships of all rates in calms with a more easy, swift, and steady motion than oars can. By Thomas SAVERY. (Lotters Patent. No. 347, dated 10th Jan. 1696.) Price is.; by post, 18.0fd. 8. The Miner's Friend; or an engine to raise water by fire, described, &c. By THOMAS SAVERY. (Letters Patent, No. 356, dated 25th July 1698, and Siat. 10 & 1 Will. III. No.61, A.D. 1699.) Price 18.; by post, is. ld, 9. Specimina Ichnorraphica; or a brief narrative of several new inventions and experiments, particularly the navigating a ship in a calm, &c. By Joun ALLEN, M.D. (Letters Patent No.513, dated 7th August 1729.) Price 8d.; by post, 9d. 10. A description and draught of a new-invented Machine for carrying vessels or ships out of or into any harbour, port, or river against wind and tide, cr in a calm, &c. By JONATHAN HULLs. (Letters Patent, No.556, dated 21st December 1736.) Price 8d., by post, 9d. 11. An historical account of a vew method for extracting the fou air out of ships, &c., with the description and draught of the machines by which it is performed, &c. By SAMUEL SUTTON, the Inventor. To which are an. nered two relations given thereof to the Royal Society by Dr. Mead and Mr. Watson. (Letters Patent, No.602, dated 16th March 1744.) Price 18.; by post, 18. 1d. 12. The letter of Master WILLIAM DRUMMOND for the construction of machines, weapons, and engines of war for attack or defence by land or sea, &c. Dated the 29th September 1626. (Scotch Patent, temp. Čar. 11.) Price 4d.; by post, 4}d. 13. Contributions to the History of the Steam Engine, being two deeds relating to the erection by Messrs. Boulton and Wattof steam engines on the United Mines at Gwennap, Conwall, and at Werneth Colliery, near Oldham, Lan- cashire From the originals in the Patent Office Library. Price 10d., by post, 10 d. A FREE LIBRARY and READING ROOMS are open to the Public daily, from 10 till 4 o'clock, in the Office of the Commis. sioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. In addition to the printed Specifications, Indexes, Abridgments, and other publications of the Commissioners, the Library includes a collection of the Patent Laws and Regulations and Trade Marks Laws and Regulations of Foreign States and of the British Colonies ; it also contains the leading British and Foreiga Scientific Journals and text-books in the various departments of science and art. The Commissioners' publications can also be consulted daily at the Patent Museum, see page 20. Complete sets of the Commissioners of Patents’ publicatio s (each set including more than 3,850 volumes and costing for print- ing and paper upwards of £3,960) have been presented to the authorities of the most important towns in the kingdom, on condition that the works shall be rendered daily accessible to the public, for reference or for copying, free of all charge. 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Free Liby, Police Office). sign, Gilmour Street). Cork (Royal Cork Instr, Nelson Place). Plymouth (Free Library). Crewe (Railway Station). Preston, Lancashire (Dr. Shepherd's Derby | Free Library and Museum). Library, the Institution,Arenkam), Dorchester (County Museum and Li- Reading (Literary, Scientific, and brary). Mechanics' Institution, London St.) Dublin (National Library of Ireland, Rochdale (Free Public Library, Kildare S.) Town Hall). Dundalk (Free Library). Rotherham (Board of Health Ofires Gateshead-on-Tyne (Mechanics' In- Howard Street). stitute). Salford (Royal Museum and Library, Glasgow (Stirling's Liby, Miller St.) Peel Park). Halifax ( Town Hall). Sheffield (Free Library, Surrey Huddersfield (Corporation Offices). Street). Hull' ( Mechanics' Inst. George St.) Southampton (Hartley Institution). Ipswich (Museum Library, Museum Stockport (Central Free Library). Street). Swansea (Free Library). Keighley (Mechanics' Inst., North St.) Wakefield (Mechanics" Institution, Kidderminster (Public Free Library, Barstow Square). Public Buildings, Vicar Street). Warı ington (The Museum and Leamington (Free Public Library, Library). Bath Street). Wexford (Mechanies' Institute, Leeds (Public Library, Infirmary Crescent Quay). Buildings). Wigan. Leicester (Free Library, Wellington Wolverhampton (Free Library). Street). Wolverton (Railway Station). Liverpool (Free Public Library, Wil. York ( Lower Council Chamber, Grild. liam Brown Street). hall). 10 The Commissioners' publications have also been presented to the following Public Offices, Seats of Learning, Societies, British Colonies, and Foreign States :- Public Offioes, &c. Admiralty-Chatham Dockyard. India Ofice. Sheerness ditto. Royal School of Mines, &c., Jermyn Portsmouth ditto. Street, Piccadilly. Devouport ditto. Dublin Castle, Dublin. Pembroke ditto. Record and Writ Office, Chancery, Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich. Dublin. Office of Chancery, Edinburgh. War Office, Pall Mall. Museum of Science and Art, Edins Small Arms Factory,Enfield. burgh. Seats of Learning and Societies. Cambridge University. Queen's College, Galway. Trinity College, Dublin, Incorporated Law Society, Chancery Lane, London. British Colonies. Barbados. India-Bengal. Queensland, British Guiana. Bombay. South Australia-Colonial Madras, Canada-Library of Par. Institute, Adelaide. Jamaica, Tasmania. liament, Ottawa. Bureau of Agri- Malta. Trinidad. Mauritius. Victoria-Parliamentary culture, Toronto. Board of Arts New Brunswick. Library, Mel. and Manufactures, Newfoundland. bourne. Montreal. New South Wales. Patent Office, New Zealand. Melbourne. Cape of Good Hope. Nova Scotia. Public Library, Ceylon. Prince Edward Islands Melbourne. Foreign States. Argentine Republic-Buenos Ayres. Austria-Polytechnic University, Prague. Polytechnic University, Vienna. Belgium-Ministère de l'Intérieur, Brussels. Musée de l'Industrie, Brussels, France-Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, Paris. Germany-Kaiserliches Patentamt, Berlin. Alsace-Société Industrielle Mulhouse. Bavaria-Königliche Bibliothek, Munich. Gotha-Ducal Friedenstein Collection, Prussia-Königliche Polytechnische Schule, Aix-la-Chapelle. Königliche Bibliothek, Berlin. Königliche Polytechnische Schule, Hanover. Saxony-Königliche Polytechnische Schule, Dresden. Würtemberg-Bibliothek des Musterlagers, Stuttgart, Italy-Ufficio delle Privative, Rome. Netherlands-Harlem. Russia, Bibliothèque Impériale, St. Petersburg, Polytechnic School, Riga, Spain-Madrid, Sweden-Teknologiska Institutet, Stockholm. United States -Patent Office, Washington, D.O. Astor Library, New York, N.Y. State Library, Albany, N.Y. Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Free Public Library, Boston, Mass. Public Library, Cincinnati, Ohio. Frce Public Library, Chicago, Ill. Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md. Historical Society, Madison, Wis. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Mercantile Library, St. Louis, Mo. Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco, Cal. 11 Grants of complete series of Abridgments of Specifications have been made to the undermentioned Mechanics' Literary and Scientifie lastitutions:- Aberystwith (Literary and Working Breage, Cornwall (Institution). Men's Reading Room). Brick, Lincolnshire (Reading Se. Alnwick (Scientific and Mechanical ciety). Institution). Bristol Atheneum). Alton (Mechanics' Institution). (Institution). Altrincham (Altrineham and Bordon (Law Library Society). Literary Institution). (Museum and Library, Ashburton (Ashburton Library, East Queen's Road). Street). Browusgrove (Literary and Necka- Ashby-de-la-Zouch (Mutual Improve nics Institute). ment Society). Burnley (Literary Institution). Ashton-under-Lyne, (Free Library, (Mechanics' Institution). Town Hal). Burslem (Wedgwood Institute). (Mechanics' In- Bury (Atheneum). stitution). Aston, near Birmingham (Aston Manor Bury St. Edmund's (Atheneum). Mechanies" Inst) Public Library). Aylesbury (Kingsbury Mechanics' In- Calne (Literary Institution). stitute). Canterbury (Westgate Towers). Bacup (Dechanics' Institution). Carharrack (Literary Institute). Banbury (Mechanics' Institution). Carmarthen (Literary and Scientife Barnstaple (Literary and Scientific Institution). Institution). Cheddar (Literary Institution). Barrow-in-Furness (Barrow Working Cheltenhain (Permanent Library). Men's Club and Institute). Chertsey (Literary and Scientific Basingstoke (Mechanics Institute Institution). and Club). Chester (City Library and Reading Bath (Atheneum). Room). (People's Club and Institute). Chesterfield (Mechanics' Institution). (Royal Literary and Scientific Chichester (Literary Society and Institution). Mechanics' Institute). Batley (Mechanics' Institution). Chippenham (Literary and Scientifie Battle (Young Men's Christian Asso- Institution). ciation), Christchurch (Working Men's Insti. Belfast (Athenoum). tute). (Northern Law Club). Cockermouth (Mechanics' Institu- (People's Literary Institute). tion). Berkhampstead, Great (Mechanics' Coggeshall (Literary and Mechanics' Institute). Institution). (Working Men's Colchester (Literary Institution). College). (Young Men's Christian Birkenhead (Literary and Scientific Association), Society). Compstall (Athenaum). Birmingham (Bloomsbury Institu. Coventry (Free Library). tion). (Institute). (Central Lending Libra. School of Art). ry). Crewe (Mechanics' Institution). (Free Library and News Deal (Deal and Walmer Institute), Room, Gosta Green). Derby (Mechanics’ Institution). (Graham Street Institu- Devonport (Mechanics' Institute). tion). Dewsbury Mechanics' Institution). Bodmin (Literary Institution). Diss (Reading Room and Library). Bolton (Mechanics' Institute). Doncaster (Free Library). (School of Art). (Great Northern Mecha. Bournemouth (Library and Reading nios' Institute). Room). (Young Men's Christian Bradford, Yorkshire(Church Institute). Association). (Library and Dorchester (County Museum and Literary Society). Library). (Mechanics -(Working Men's Institute). Institute), Dudley (Mechanics' Institution). Braintree (Braintree and Bocking Dukinfield (Village Library and Literary and Mechanics" Institu- Reading Room). tion). Dumbarton (Philosophical and Lite Brampton, near Chesterfield (Local rary Society). Museum and Literary Institute). Dumfries (Mechanics' Institution). 12 Dundee (Young Men's Christian A8- sociation and Literary Inst.) Durham (Mechanics' Institute). Bagley, Bolton le-Moors (Library and Institute). Ealing (Young Men's Institute). East Retford (Literary and Mutual Improvement Society). Ebbw Vale (Literary and Scientific Instituer). Eccles, near Manchester (Provident Industrial Co-operative Society). Edinburgi (Advocates Library): (Association of Science and Art). (Philosophical Institution), (Royal Scottish Society of Arts). (Watt Institution and School of Art). (Working Men's Club). Egham (Literary Institute). Egremont (Mechanics' Institute). (Workmen's Institute). Exeter (Devon and Exeter Albert Memorial Museum, School of Sci- ence and Art, and Free Library). (Devon and Ereter Listitution). Farnham (Young Men's Association). Faversham (Institute). Powey (Working Men's Reading Rooms). Frome (Literary and Scientific Insti- tution). ( Mechanics' Institution). Gainsborough (Literury, Scientific and Mechanics' Institute). Garforth, near Leeds (Working Men's Club). Glasgow (Atheneum). (Central Working Men's Club and Institute). (City Industrial Museum, Kelvingrove Park). (Institution of Engineers in Scotland). (Mechanics' Institution, Bath Street). (Philosophical Society). Glastonbury (Literary Institute). Godmanchester (Working Men's Reading Room). Gosport (Gosport and Alverstoke Literary and Scientific Institution). Grantham (Public Literary Institn.) Gravesend (Gravesend and Milton Library and Reading Rooms). Greenock Library, Watt Monument) Guernsey (Working Men's Associa- tion), Guildford ( Working Men's Institution). Hadleigh (The Reading Room). Halesworth (Mechanics’ Institute). Halifax (Literary and Philosophical Society). (Mechanics’ Institute). (Working Men's College). Halstead (Literary and Mechanics' Institute). Handsworth (Free l'ublic Library), Haslingdon (Institute). Hastings (Literary and Scientific In- stitute). (Mechanics' Institution). Hebden Bridge, near Todmorden (Me- chanics' Institution). Helstou ( Reading Room and Library). Hemel Hempsted (Mechanics' Inst.) Hereford (Natural History, Philoso- phical, Antiquarian, and Literary Society). Hertford (Literary and Scientific Institution). Heywood (Mechanics’ Institute). Hitchin (Mechanics’ Institute). Holbeck (Mechanics' Institution). Hollingwood (Working Men's Club). Holt, Norfolk (Literary Society). Holywell Green (Mechanics' Instit.) Horncastle (Mechanics' Institution), Huddersfield (Mechanics'Institution) Hull (Church Institute). (Literary, Scientific, and Mecha. nics Institute). (Lyceum Library). (Royal Institution, Albion Street) (Young People's Institute). Huntingdon (Literary and Scientific Institution), Inverness (The Free Library). Ipswich (Working Men's College). Kendal (Christian & Literary Instit.) (Highgate Mechanics' Inst.) (Working Men's Institute). Kilmarnock (Library). Kingston - on - Thames (Workmen's Cluband Institute, Fairfield Road). Lancaster (Mechanics' Institute and School of Science). Lee, Kent (Working Men's Instit.) Leeds (Chapeltown Branch Library). (Church Institute). (Holbeck Branch Library). (Hunslet Branch Library). (Leeds Library). Mechanics' institution and Literary Society). (Philosophical and Literary Society). (Working Men's Institute). (Young Men's Christian Arso- ciation). Leek, Staffordshire (Literary and Méchanics' Institution). Leicester (Law Society). Leighton Buzzard (Working Men's Mutual Improvement Society). Leith (Mechanics' Subscription Li. brary). Lewes (Fitzroy Memorial Library). (Mechanics' Institute). (School of Science and Art). Lincoln (Mechanics' Instituto). Liverpool (Instituto). (Medical Institution). (Polytechnic Society). Clanelly (Chamber of Commerce and Reading Room). Lockwood (Mechanics' Institution). London (Bank of England Library and Literary Association). - (Bansımout Inst., Mile Erd). 13 London (Birkbeck Institution, South- ampton Buildings, Chancery Lane). (Boro and Bromley Institute, Bow Road). -(Christchurch Working Men's Club, New Street Lark Hall Lane, Clapham). (Free Public Library, Great Smith Street, Westminster). (Hackney Working Men's Club). (King's College). (Literary and Scientific Insti. tution, Walworth). (London Association of Fore- men Engineers and Draughtsmen). (London Institution, Fins- bury Circus). (London Library, St. James'). (Parkes Museum of Hygiene, University College). -(Royal Architectural Mu- seum and School of Art, Tufton Street, Westminster). (Royal Instituts of British Architects, Conduit Street, Hanover Square). (St. James and Soho Working den's Club, Rupert Street, Soho). (Working Men's Club, Brix. ton Hill). (Working Men's Club and Institute, Battersea). (Working Men's Club and Institute Union, Strand). -(Working Men's College, Great Ormond Street). Longwood (Mechanics' Institution). Lowestoft (Library and Reading Room). Lye (Institution). Madeley, Shropshire (Anstice Memo. rial, Workmen's Club and Institute). Maidstone (St. Paul's Literary Inst.) (Working Men's Club and Institute). Manchester (Ancoats Branch Free Library). (Campfield Free Lending Library). (Cheetham Branch Li. brary). (Chorlton and Ardwick Branch Free Library). (Hulme Branch Free Library). (Laro Library). (Mechanics' Institution). (Natural History M118eum, Peter Street). (Owen's College). (Portico Library Mos. ley Street). (Rochdale Road Branch Free Library). (Royal Erchange Li. brary). (Scientific and Mechani. cal Society). Manningtree( Manningtree and Mist- ley Literary and Scientific Institu- tion). Mausfield (Co-operative Industrial Society). (Mechanics', Artizans', and Apprentices' Library). (Mechanics' Institute). Marlborough (Reading and Nutsal Improvement Society). (Working Men's Hall). Melton Mowbray (Literary Institate). Mere, near Bath (Literary Associa- tion), Middlesborongh (Iron and Steel ls. stitute). (Mechanics' Institu- tion). Middlewich (Literary and Scientific Institution). Mildenhall (Suffolk Literary Inst.) Newark (Mechanics'Institute). Newbury (Literary and Scientifie Institution). Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Mechanics' ls. stitution). (Working Mes's Club). New Mills, near Stockport (Mechanics' Institute). Newport, Isle of Wight (Young Men's Society and Reading Room). Northampton (Mechanics Institute). North Shields (Free Library). Nottingham (Mechanics' Institution). (Subscription Library. Bromley House). Oldham (Mechanics'Institution, Wer. neth). Old Kilpatrick, near Glasgow (Public Library). Ormskirk (Public Library). Oswestry (Institute). Over, Cheshire (Working Men's In- stitute). Patricroft (Mechanics' Institution). Pembroke Dock (Mechanics'Institute). Pendleton (Free Library). Penzance (Institute). (Penzance Library). --(Working Men's Association). Perry Barr, near Birmingham (Inst.) Perth (Mechanics' Library, High Street). Peterborough (Mechanics'Institution). Poole (Literary and Scientific Insti- tution), Port Glasgow (Public Library). Portsca Island (Young Men's Chris. tian Association). Preston ( Institution) for the Difasios of Knowledge). Redruth (Redruth Institution). Reigate (Mechanics' Institution): Richmond, Surrey (Free Public I.i. brary). 14 Rotherham (Rotherham and Masbro' Literary and Mechanics' Institute). Royston (Institute). Rusholme (Public Hall and Library). Ryde, Isle of Wight (Philosophical and Scientific Society). (Young Men's Christian Association and Literary Institute). Saffron Walden (Literary and Scien. tific Institution). St. Helens (Public Library). St. Just (Institution). St. Leonards ( Mechanics' Institution). Salford (Working Men's College). Salisbury (Literary and Scientific Institution). Saltaire (Literary Institute). Scarborough(Mechanics and Literary Institute, Vernon Place). Selby (Mechanics' Institute). Sevenoaks (Literary and Scientific Institution). Shaftesbury (Literary Institution). Sheerness (Literary Institute). Sheffield (Branch Free Library). (Brightside Branch Library). (Literary and Philosophical Society, School of Arts). Shepton Mallet (Reading and Mutual Improvement Society). Sidmouth (Mechanics' Hall). Skipton, Yorkshire (Mechanics' Inst.) Slough (Mechanics' Institute). Smethwick, Staffordshire (Library, Reading Room, and Literary Insti- tute). Southampton (Polytechnic Institu- tion). (Workmen's Hall). Southend (Mechanics' Institute). South Shields (Public Free Library). Southwell (Literary Institution). Spalding (Christian Young Men's As. sociation). ( Mechanics' Institute). Stafford ( Mechanics' Institution). Staines (Mechanics' Institute). Stalybridge. Cheshire (Mechanics' Institution). Stamford (Institution). Stockton-on-Tees (Young Men's Christian Association). Stourbridge (Associated Institute). (Church of England Association). (Iron Works Reading Room and Library). (Mechanics' Institution). (Working Men's Inst.) Stowmarket (Literary Institution). Stratford (Working Men's Hall). Sudbury, Suffolk (Literary and Me. chanics' Institute). Swansea (Royal Institution of South Wales). (South Wales Institute of Engineers). (IVorking Man's Institute). Tavistock (Mechanics' Institute). (Public Library). Thornton, near Bradford (Mechanics' Institute). Truro (Cornwall County Library). (Institution). (Royal Institution of Cornwall). Tunbridge (Literary and Scientific Institute). (Mechanics' Institute). Tunbridge Welis (Mechanics’ Institu. tion). (Society of Literature and Science). Turton, near Bolton (Chapel Town Institute). Tynemouth (Free Public Library). Ulverston (Temperance Hall). Uttoxeter (Mechanics' Literary Insti- tute). Uxbridge (Uxbridge and Hillingdon. Reading and Newsroom Institute). Wakefield (Mechanics' Institute). Wallingford (Mechanics’ Institute). Walsall (Free Library). Walsham-le-Willows, Suffolk (Inst.) Ware (Institute). Warminster (Atheneum). Watford (Literary Institute). (Public Library). Wednesbury (Free Library). Wellingborough (Working Men's Club). Wellington (Young Men's Christian Association). Wells, Somerset (Young Men's Society). West Bromwich (Free Library). Whaleybridge (Mechanics’ Institute). Whitby (Institute). (Museum). (Subscription Library). Whitehaven (Mechanics' Institute), Whitstable (Institute). Wilton (Literary Institute). Winchester (Mechanics' Institution). (Training College). Winsford (Town Hall Reading Room). Wirksworth (Mechanics'Institution). Wisbeach (Mechanics' Institute). Witham (Literary Institution). Witney (Atheneum). Wolverhampton ( Law Library). (Library). Wolverton (Institute). Woodbridge(Literary and Mechanics' Institute). Worcester (Public Library and Has. tings Museum). (Railway Literary Inst.) (Workman's Hall). Workington (Mechanics' Institute). Yarmouth, Great (Parochial Library and Museum). Yeovil (Mutual Improvement So. ciety). York (Institute of Popular Science, &c.) (North Eastern Railroay Li. brary and Reading Room). 15 PRESENTATIONS of portions of the Works, published by order of the Commissioners of Patents, have been made to the following Libraries :- Armagh (Town Clerk's Office). London (General Post Office). Aylesbury (Mechanics' Institution and (Guildhall Library), Literary Society, Kingsbury). Institute of British Car Boston, Lincolnshire (Public Offices riage Manufacturers). Market Place). (Inst. of (ävil Engineers). Cambridge( Pree Library, Jesus Lane). (Institution of Mechanical Cardiff (Free Library and Museum). Engineers), Chester (Mechanics Institute, St. (Metallurgical Departsent, John Street). King's College). Coalbrookdale (Literary and Scien. (Odontological Society). tific Institution). (Royal Society). Coventry (Watchmakers' Association). (Society of Arts). Dublin i Duhlin Library, D'Olier St.) (Society of Telegraph Es- Dundee (Association of Watchmakers gineers). and Jewellers). (United Service Museum), Ennis (Public Library). Manchester (Literary and Philoss. Gloucester (Working Men's Institute, phical Society, George Street). Southgate Street). (Mechanics' Institutios, Guernsey (Public Record Office). David Street). Guildford Mechanics' Institute). Newcastle-pou-Tyno (North of Eng. Ipswich (Mechanics' Institute, Tavern land Institute of Mining Engi. Street). nesrs). Kew (Library of the Royal Gardens). Over Darwen (Proe Public Library). Leominster (Literary Institute). Oxford (Bodleian Library). London (House of Lords). Stretford, near Manchester (Mecke (House of Commons). nics' Institute). (Hon. Soc. of Gray's Inn). Swindon, New (Mechanies' lasti. Inner Temple). tution). Lincoln's Inn). Tamworth (Library and Reading Middle Temple). Room, George Street). Aeronautical Society). Yarmouth, Norfolk (Public Library, (British Horological Instit.) South Quay). 9) British Colonies and Foreign States. British Columbia--Mechanics’ Insti- United States--American Society of tute, Victoria. Civil Engineers, New York. Public Library, City Library Associs. New Westminster. tion, Springfield, Massachusetts. France-Academy of Science, Paris. Industrial University, Germany - Imperial and Provincial Champaign. Illinois. Library of thie University, Stras- Law Association, burg. Philadelphia. Imperial Statistical Office, Merrantile Library Berlin. Association, San Francisco. Polyte-hnic School, Carls- Mercantile Library As- ruhe, Baden. sociation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylfsnis. Italy-Communal Library, Palermo. Minnesota Historical Royal Institution for the En- Society, Saint Paul, Minnesota. couragement of Science, Naples. Odd Fellows' Library Netherlands Library of the Poly- Association, San Francisco. technic School, Delfi. Patent Oflice Bar As. New Zealand-Athenæum and Me. sociation, Washington. chanics'Institute, Dunedin. Public Library, De Russia-Imperial Technological Insti. troit, Michigan. tute, St. Petersburg. Rose Polytechnic In- Switzerland - Federal Polytechnic stitute, Terre Haute, Indiana. School, Zurich. Smithsonian Insti- Turkey-Literary and Scientific Insti- tute, Washington. tute, Smyrna. Wabash College, United States-American Academy of Crawfordsville, Indiana. Arts and Sciences, Boston. Young Men's Chris. American Institute, tian Assoc., Scranton, Pennsylvania New York, Victoria-Schcol of Mines, Ballasrat. 16 NOTICE RESPECTING THE DRAWINGS ACCOMPANYING PROVISIONAL, COMPLETE, AND FINAL SPECIFICA- TIONS. Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. The Commissioners of Patents having decided that the Drawings acompanying the provisional, complete, and final Specifications of 1873 and subsequent years shall be copied by the process of photo- lithography, the regulations prescribing the mode in which the extra copy of such Drawings shall be prepared must be strictly observed, in order that correct copies may be made. An Specifications and Drawings filed in pursuance of Letters Patent should be left at the Office of the Commissioners at least six days before the expiration of the time for filing the same, in order that the Officers may examine the extra copy of the Drawing and ascertain that it has been prepared in conformity with the rules. By Order, H. READER LACK, 1st June 1876. Clerk of Commissioners of Patents, &c. NOTICE RELATIVE TO NEW EDITIONS OF PRINTED SPECIFICATIONS OF EXPIRED PATENTS. Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. In every case where the Specification of an expired Patent is out of pript, the Commissioners of Patents will be willing to reprint ihe same and supply copies thereof at cost price, on the prepayment of a sum of money sufficient to cover the cost of reprinting by the person reqairing them. By Order, H. READER LACK, 23rd November 1876. Clerk of Commissioners of Patents, &c. NOTICE RELATIVE TO FULL-SIZE COPIES OF DRAWINGS BELONGING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS OF PATENTS. Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. For legal or other purposes the Commissioners of Patents arc willing to supply, at the undermentioned rates, full-size copies of Drawings belonging to Specifications printed under the new system by the process of Photo-lithography: Half-sheets No. of Copies. Whole sheets Imperial. Imperial. d. 25 0 28 0 30 0 32 0 8. d. 15 0 6 20 0 22 0 18 Single Copies Not exceeding 6 copies 12 25 In cases where from the use of color or other causes a satisfactory Photograph cannot be obtained from the original Drawing, an extra charge will be made to cover the expense of taking a tracing. There will also be a small additional charge for coloring the copies of colored original Drawings. Applications stating the number of copies required and accompanied by a remittance sufficient to cover the cost should be addressed to the Clerk of the Commissioners. By Order, H. READER LACK, 24th April 1877. Clerk of Commissioners of Patents, &c. 17 ISSUE OF MONTHLY ALPHABETICAL AND SUBJECT- MATTER INDEXES OF APPLICATIONS FOR PATENTS. Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Okancery Lane. In consequence of the inconvenience occasioned to intending Patentees by the long interval which necessarily elapses between the expiration of each year and the publication of the alphabetical and subject matter indexes of patents for that year, the Commissiɔners of Patents have decided to issue for temporary use, until the annual indexes are ready, a monthly index of names of applicants for patents, and also a monthly index of subjects of invention compiled from the " titles” only of the inventions (as the Provisional Specifications .cannot be referred to), each succeeding monthly index from the second month to the twelfth month of the year, including and superseding the preceding index. This arrangement will come into force with the applications for patents of the current year (1882); but as the year is so far advanced, it is intended that the indexes shall be published in four parts, the first part embracing the months of January, February, and March, the second extending to June, the third to September, and the last to the end of the year; but the monthly form of issue will be adopted for the applications of 1883. The first part of each kind of index (alphabetical and subject-matter) will be published at the beginning of November, price 6d. per eopy, and the subsequent parts will be issued as early as possible. The issue of the monthly indexes will render uppecessary the publi- cation of the indexes of names and subjects now printed with each volume of Specifications, which will therefore cease with the last volume for the year 1881, By Order, H. Reader LACK, 23rd October 1882. Clerk of Commissioners of Patents, &e. TRADE MARKS JOURNAL; INDEXES TO APPLICATIONS, RULES, ACTS, &c. The Trade Marks Journal is issued by the Registrar of Trade Marks, in numbers, royal 4to., price One Shilling each. This publication contains illustrations of all the trade marks applied for under the Trade Marks Registration Acts, as well as the name and calling of each applicant, the description of goods, and the length of time for which such mark has been used, thus affording all persons interested in the use of trade marks authentic information as to the nature of the marks applied for in their respective trades. The first number was published on Wednesday the 3rd of May 1876. The Journal is sold by Knight & Co., 90, Fleet Street, E.C. ; Stevens & Sons, 119, Chancery Lane, W.C.; E. Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, S.W.; Shaw & Sons, Fetter Lane, E.C.; Waterlow & Sons, “ Limited,” 25, 26 and 27, Great Winchester Street, E.C., 95 and 96, London Wall, E.C., and 49, Parliament Street, S.W.; Waterlow Bros. and Layton, 23, 24, and -25, Birchin Lane, E.C., and 28, 29 and 30, Lime Street, E.C.; Butter. worths, 7, Fleet Street, E.C.; George Downing, 8, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, E.C.; Trübner & Co., 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, E.C.; J. M. Johnson & Sons, “ Limited," 1, Castle Street, Holborn, E.C.; Palmer & Howe, 73, 75 and 77, Princess Street, Manchester ; Aler. 18 35., 38., 38., 38., >> 38.9 Thom, 87 and 88, Abbey Street, Dublin ; and Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh. Copies will be sent by post by any of the above firms on receipt of an application, giving the name and address of the sender, and accompanied by a Post Office Order for the amount due in respect of the copies required. Indexes to the Applications for the Registration of Trade Marks, and' Lists of Proprietors of Trade Marks registered, which have been advertised in the Trade Marks Journal, have been published in volumes as follow :- Alphabetical List of Proprietors of Trade Marks registered from 1st January 1876 to 31st December 1880, price 3s., by post 3s. 2d. Indexes to applications from- January to December 1876, price 3s., by post 3s. 2d. January to June 1877 3s., 3s. 2d, July to December 1877 3s. 14d. January to June 1878 3s. 1£d. July to December 1878 3s. 15d. January to December 1879 3s, 2d. January to December 1880 3s, 2d. January to December 1881 (including alphabetical list proprietors of trade marks registered from December 17, 1880, to December 14, 1881'), pricu 4s. 8d., by post 4s. 101d. A pamphlet containing the Rules under the Trade Marks Registra- tion Acts, 1875-7, together with the Acts and the Registrar's Instruc- tions to Applicants, has also been published, price One Shilling. Copies of this pamphlet and of the Indexes can be obtained of the firms who sell the Trade Marks Journal. The forms to be used in making applications for the registration of trade marks can be purchased at the Commissioners of Patents Sale Department, 38, Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, E.C., and at the Trade Marks Branch Registry, 48, Royal Exchange, Manchester. There are three sets of forms- 1. For applications to register new trade marks. 2. For applications to register old trade marks. 3. For applications for registration by assignment or transmission. They are sold at (d. per set. PATENT MUSEUM, SOUTH KENSINGTON. This Museum is open to the public daily, free of charge. The hours of admission are as follow :- Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, 10 A.M. till 10 P.M. through- out the year. Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, during the months of November, December, January, and February from 10 till 4. Wednesdays. Thursdays and Fridays during the months of March and October from 10 A.m. till 5 P.M. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September from 10 till 6. If any Patentee should be desirous of exhibiting a model of his invention in London, he may avail himself of this Museum, which has been visited since its opening on the 22nd June 1857 by more than 5,540,000 persons. The model will be received either as a gift or loan ; 10 if deposited as a loan, it will be returned on demand. Before sending a model it is requested that the size and description of it shall first be given to the Superintendent of the Patent Museum. No charge is made for the exhibition of models, THE LIBRARY OF THE PATENT MUSEUM contains a complete set of the Commissioners of Patents' publications, which can be consulted by the public daily, free of charge, during the above-named hours. > Abridgments of Specifications. The following is a KEY to the classes already published. The numbers refer to the list of Abridgments on pages 4, 5, 6, aud 7, where the full titles, prices, &c., are given :- Anchors, 69. A. Anchors for steam ploughing. Ses Agriculture, 81. Accordions. See Music, &c., 26. Anemometers. See Optical, &c. 76. Accoutrements. See lire-arms, &c., 10. Aniline. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Acetic acid. See Acids, 40. Animal charcoal. See Sugar, 48. Acids, &c., 40. Animals, medical and surgical treat. Aerated liquids. See Unfermented ment of. See Farriery, &c., 53. beverages, &c., 86. Annealing furnaces. See Fuel, &c., So. Aerating water. See Purifying, &c., Anthracite furnaces. See Fuel, &c. so. water, 79. Antimony. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, Aeronautics, 41. &c., 40. Ageing fabrics. See Bleaching, &c.,14. Aqueducts. See Bridges, &c., 86. Agricultural engines. See Steam en- Arches. See Bridges, &e., 36. gine. 49. Armour plates, rolling. See Iron and Agriculture-barn and farmyard im- Steel, 6. plements (including the cleansing, Armour plates, shaping. See Ship- drying, and storing of grain), 82. building, 21. Agriculture-field implemente and Arsenic. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, processes, 81. &c., 40. Agriculture, steam. See Steam cul- Arsenic acid and arsenious acid. See ture, 8. Acids, 40. Air, &c., engines, 62. Artificial leather, 80. Air guns. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Artists' instruments, &c., 54. Air pumps of steam engines. See Asphalte. See Roads, &c., 35. Steam engine, 49. Astronomical instruments. See Opti. Alarum clocks. See Watches, &c., 9. cal, &c., 76. Alarums, electric. See Electricity, 15, Avellers. See Agriculture, 82. 94. Axles, axletrees, and axleboxes, for Alarums, fire. See Fire engines, &c., common road carriages. See Com. 88. mon road carriages, 98. Alarums, gas. See Gas, 17. Axles, axletrees, and axleboxes, for Albums. See Photography, 19; Books, railway carriages, &c. See Carriages 43. for railways, 46; Steam engine, 4%. Alcohol, distilling. See Brewing, &c., 99. Alkalies. See Acids, &c., 40. B. Alloys. See Metals, &c., 18, Alum. See Acids, &c., 40. Bagatelle tables. See Toys, &c., 51. Alumina. See Acids, &c., 40. Bags. See Trunks, &c., 84. Aluminium. See Metals, &c., 18; Bags, paper, See Cutting. &c., 12. Acids, &c., 40. Baking-powders. See Cooking, 61. Amalgamating metals. See Metals, Balances. See Raising, &c., 3i. &c., 18. Balancing, &c. millstones. See Grivd. Ambulances. See Medicine, &c., 25; ing grain, 78, Common road carriages, 98. Balloons. See Aeronautics, 41, Ammonia. See Acids, &c., 40. Balloons, toy. See Toys, 51. Ammonium. See Acids, &c., 40. Balls. See Toys, 51. Ammunition. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Band boxes. See Trunks, &c. St. 20 Boxes for pens, leads, &c. See Wri ting, 37. Boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Bracelets. See Wearing apparel, 68. Braces. See Wearing apparel, 66. Braid. See Lace-making, 29. Brakes. See Carriages for railways, 46; Steam-engine, 49; Mining. 71; Electricity, 15; 94; 97. Brakes for common road carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Brass. See Metals, &c., 18. Bread-making. See Cooking, &c., 61. Breakfast powders. See Tea, &c., 87. Breakwaters. See Harbours, &c., 77. Breast pins. See Wearing apparel, 68. Breast-plates. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Breeches. See Wearing apparel, 66. Brewing, wine-making and distilling alcoholic liquids, 99. Bricks and tiles, 22. Bricks,ventilating. See Ventilation, 52. Bridges, &c., 36. Bridles. See Saddlery, 34. Broadshares. See Agriculturc, 81. Bromine. Sec Acids, &c., 40. Brooches. See Wearing apparel, 68. Bruising mills for beans, grain, gorse, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Brushes for artists. See Artists' in- struments, 54; Brushing, 57. Brushing, &c., 57. Buckles. See Wearing apparel, 68. Buffers. See Carriages, &c., for rail. ways, 46. Bugles. See Music, &c., 26. Bullet-making machines. See Fire arms, &c., 10. Bungs. See Preparing and cutting cork, 56. Buoys. See Harbours, &c., 77. Bustleg. See Wearing apparel, 66. Buttons. See Wearing apparel, 68. C. Bands and belts. See Wearing appa- tel, 66. Barium. See Acids, &c., 40. Barley hummellers. See Agriculture, 82. Barley mills. See Grinding grain, 78. Barometers. See Optical, &c. 76. Barrels, 74. Barrows. See Common road car- riages, 98. Baryta. See Acids, &c., 40. Baskets. See Trunks, &c., 84. Bath chairs. See Conimon road car- riages, 98. Baths for medical use. See Medicine, &c., 25. Bayonets. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Beacons. See Harbours, &c., 77. Beads. See Wearing apparel, 68. Beds and bedsteads. See Furniture, 39. Beds and bedsteads for invalids. See Medicine, &c. 25; Furniture, 89. Beer engines. See Hydraulics, 32. Beetling. See Dressing, &c., 91. Bellows. See Fuel, &c., 30. Bells church and musical. See Music, &c., 26. Belts, surgical. See Medicine, &c., 25. Beverages, anfermented, 86. Bicycles. See Common road car. riages, 98. Billiards. See Toys, &c., 51. Bins for corn, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Biscuits. See Cooking, 67. Biscuit ware. See Pottery, 24. Bismuth. See Acids, &c., 40. Bits. See Saddlery, 34. Blacking. See Skins, &c., 55 ; Wearing apparel, 67. Blast furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6. Bleaching, &c., fabrics, 14. Bleaching fibrous substances, See Paper 11 ; Spinning, 28. Blinds. See Furniture, 39. Blinds, ventilating. SeeVentilation,62. Blocks. See Raising, &c., 31. Blotters. See Writing, 37. Boas. See Wearing apparel, 66. Boat-building. See Ship-building, 21. Boats, raismg and lowering. See Raising, &c., 31: Masts, &c., 7%. Bobbin net. See Lace-making, 29. Boiler plates. See Iron and steel, 6. Boiler tubes. See Metallic pipes, 70. Boilers of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Bolting, &c., flour. See Grinding grain, 78. Bolts. See Locks, &c., 60. Bolts. See Nails, &c., 58. Bonnet boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Bonnets and bonnet boxes. See Wearing apparel, 65. Books, &c., 43. Boot-cleaning machines. See Brush. ing, 57. Boot hooks. See Wearing apparel, 67. Boot jacks. See Wearing apparel, 67. Boots. See Wearing apparel, 67. Boracic acid. See Acids, 40. Bottling. See Preparing, &c., cork, &c., 86. Cable stoppers. See Raising, &c., 31. Cables, telegraphic. See Electricity, 15 ; 93. Cabs. See Common'road carriages, 98, Caddies. See Trunks, &c., 84. Cadmium. See Acids, &c., 40. Cages, miners' safety. See Mining, 71, Caissons. See Harbours, &c., 77. Cake breakers. See Agriculture, 82. Calcining furnaces. See Metals, &c. 18; Fuel, &c., 30. Calcium. See Acids, &e., 40. Calculating machines. See Optica), &c., 76. Calendering. See Dressing and finish. ing, &c., 91. Calico, bleaching, dyeing, and print. ing, 14. Cameras. See Photography, 19; Op• tical, &c., 76. Canal 'navigation. See Marine prone pulsion, 5. Canals. See Harbours, &c., 77. 21 Candles. See Oils, &c., 27. Candlesticks. See Lamps, &e., 44. Canes, walking sticks, &c. See Um- brellas, &C., 47. Caunon. See Fire-aris, 10. Canvas. See Weaving, 2. Capes. See Wearing apparel, 66. Caps and cap fronts. See Wearing apparel, 65. Caps and capsules. See Preparing and cutting cork, 56, Capstans. See Raising, &c., 31. Carbor, See Acids, &c., 40. Carbonic acid. See Acids, 40. Cardboard. See Paper, 11. Card cases. See Books, &c., 43. Carding engines. See Spinning, 28. Cards. See Cutting, &c. peper, 12; Letterpress printing, &c., 13. Cards, playing. Sve Toys, &c., 51. Cargoes, ventilating. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Carpet bags. See Trunks. &c., 84. Carpets. See Weaving, 20. Carriage lamps. See Lamps, 44. Carriages and other vehicles for com- mon roads, 98. Carriages, &c., for railways, 46. Carriages for guns. See Fire-arms &c., 10. Carriages for invalids. See Medicine, &c., 25. Cartridges. See Fire-arms, &c., 19. Cartridges, miner's. See Mining, 71. Carts. See Coinmon road carriages, 98. Cask stands. See Casks, 74. Caskets. See Trunks, &C., 84. Casks, 74. Casks, cleaning. See Brewing, &c.,99. Castors. See Furniture, 39. Cattle food, mcdicated. See Farriery, &c., 53. Cattle food, preparing on the farm, not manufacturing for sale. Soe Agri- culture, 82. Cattle medicines. See Farriery, &c., 53. Cement, brush maker's. See Brushing, 57. Centre boards. See Steering, 75. Cesspools. See Waterclosets, &c., 63. Chaff-cutters. See Agriculture, 82. Chains, chain cables, &c., 90. Chains, jewellery. See Wearing Ap- parel, 68; Chains, &c., 90. Chairs. See Furniture, 39. Chairs, invalid. See Medicine, 25; Furniture, 39. Chalyheate waters. See Unfer- mented beverages, &c., Sh. Chamber utensils. See Waterclosets, &c., 03. Chandeliers. See Lamps, &c., 44. Charcoal, animal. See Sugar, 48. Cheese making. See Milking, &c., 72, Chemises. See Wearing apparel, 66. Chenille. See Lace-making, 29. Chess, See Toys, 51. Chests. See Trunks, &c., 84. Chicory, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87. Chimes. See Music, 26. Chimneys and chimney tops. See Fuel, &c., 30. Chimneys sweeping. See Brushing, 57. Chinaware. See Pottery, 24 Chlorine. See Acids, &c., te. Chocolate or cocoa, concentrated ef- tracts of. See Tes, &c., 87. Chocolate or cocoa, manufacturingud preparing for sale. See Tea, &c... Chocolate, preparing as a drink. See Untermented beverages, &c.$. Chromium. See Acids, &c. 40 Chromo-lithography. Soe Letterpress and similar printing, 13; Ornament ing paper, &c., 12 Churning. See Milking, &c, 72. Cigars, cigarettes, and cigar holder See Tobacco, 42. Cinder sifters. Se Fuel, &c., Cisterns. See Hydraulics S2. Citric acid. See Acids, 40. Clasps and clips. See Writing, &c Cleaning grain. See Agriculture, Clinometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Clipping horses. Ses Farriery, ke, Cloaks. See Wearing apparel, 66. Clocks. See Watches, &o., 9. Clod crushers. See Agriculture, si. Clogs. See Wearing apparel. 67. Coal scuttles. See Fael, &c., 30. Coating metals. See Metals, &c., 18. Plating, &c., metals, 23. Coats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Cobalt. See Metals, 18; Acids, &C... Cocks. See Hydraulics, 32. Cocoa or chocolate, concentrated er tracts of. See Tea, &c., 87. Cocoa or chocolate, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c.,8. Cocos, preparing as a drink. See Un- fermented beverages, &c., 86. Coffee, concentrated extracts of. See Tea, &c., 87. Coffee, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87. Coffee mills. See Grinding grain,&c.78. Coffee, preparing as a drink. See UR- fermented beverages, &c., 86. Coffer dams. See Bridges, 56; Har bours, &c., 77. Coke ovens. See Fuel, &c., 30. Collars. See Wearing apparel, 66. Collars for horses. See Saddlery, $4. Colours. See Paints, 50. Colours, artists'. See Artists instra ments, &c., 54. Combing machines. See Spinning, Commodes. See Furniture, S9: Water- closets, &c., 63. Compasses, drawing. See Optical, der 76. Compasses, magnetic. See Optical, &c., 76. Compasses, mariners'. See Optical &c., 76, Concertinas. See Music, &c. 26. Condensers of steam engines. Se Steam engine, 49. Conductors, electric. See Electricity, &c., 15; 93. 22 Confectionery. See Cooking, &c., 61. Confectionery ices. See Ire-making, &c., 85. Conveying water. See Hydraulics, 32. Cooking, &c., 61. Copper. See Metals, &c., 18. Copper oxides, &c. See Acids, &c., 40. Copying presses. See Writing, &c., 37. Copying writings. See Writing, 37. Corkcutting, &c.,56. Corkscrews. See Preparing and cut. ting cork, 56. Corn, thrashing.cleansing, drying, and storing. See Agrieulture, 82. Cornets. See Music, 26. Cots and cradles. See Furniture, 39. Cotton gins, See Spinning, 28. Couches. See Furniture, 39. Counting number of passengers in common road carriages. Sce Com- mon road carriages, 98. Couplings for tubes. See Metallic pipes, &c., 70. Covers of vehicles. Ses Common road carriages, Is. Crab-winches, steam. See Raising &c., 31; Steam engine, 49. Cranes. See Raising, &c., 31. Craues, hydraulic. See Raising, &c., 31; Hydraulics, 32. Cranes, steam. See Raising, &c., 31; Steam engine, 49. Crates. See Trunks, &c., 84. Cravats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Crayons. See Artists' justruments, &c., 54. Crayons and crayon holders. See Writing, &c., 37; Artists' instru- ments, &c., 54. Cricket. See Toys, &c., 51. Crinolines. See Wearing apparel, 66. Crochet needles and holders. See Needles, 45. Croquet. See Toys, &c., 51. Crushing, breaking, &c., ores,&c. See Iron, 6; Metals, &c., 18; Roads, 35. Crushing grain, &c. See Grinding grain, 78. Crushing mills for beans, gorse, grain, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Cuirasses. See Fire-arms. &e., 10. Cultivators. See Agriculture, 81. Curricle bars. See Common road car- riages, 18. Currycombs. See Saddlery, 34. Curtains. See Furniture, 39. Cutting, &c. paper, 12. Cutting metallic pipes. See Pipes, 70. Cutting roots, straw &c. Scc Agrie culture, 82. Cyanogen. See Acids, &c., 40. Decorticating grain and seeds. Sce Grinding grain, 78. Dentistry. See Medicine, 25. Derricks. See Raising, &c., 31. Derricks, steam. See Raising, &c., 31; Steam engine, 49. Desks, despatch boxes, and stationery cabinets. See Writing, 37. Despatch boxes. See Writing, 37 ; Trunks, &c., 84. Detonating signals. See Railway sig. nals, 38, Dibbles. See Agriculture, 81. Dies. See Ornamenting paper, &c., 12, Diggers and digging machines. See Agriculture, 81. Distanee indicators for common road carriages. See Common road car- riages, 98. Distilling alcoholie liquids, See Brew. ing, &c., 99. Diving apparatus. See Raising, &c., 31. Docks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Dolls. See Toss, 51. Door-springs. See Hinges, &c., 59. Drags. See Common road carriages, 98, Draining mines. See Mining, 71. Drain pipes, laying. See Agriculture, 81. Drain ploughs. See Agriculture, 81. Drain tiles and pipes. See Drains, &c., 1. Drains and sewers, 1. Draughts and draughtboards. See Toys, 51. Drawers. See Wearing apparel, 66. Drawing instruments. See Writing, &c., 87; Artists', &c., 54; Optical, mathematical, &c., 76. Dredgers, steam. Soe Steam engine,, 49; Harbours, &c., 77. Dredging. See Raising, &c., 31; Har. bours, &c., 77. Dress fastenings. See Wearing ap- parel, 68. Dressing and finishing woven fabrics, &c., 91. Dressing cases. See Trunks, &c., 84. Dressing flour and real. See Grinding grain, 78. Dressing millstones. See Grinding grain, 78. Drills, seed and manure. See Agri: culture, 81. Drums. See Music, &c., 26. Dry docks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Drying grain. hops, roots, hay, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Dyeing. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Dynamometers. See Optical, &c., 6, E. D. Dampers for stamps, envelopes, copy- ing paper, &c. See Writing, 37. Dams. See Harbours, &c., 77. Dash wheels. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Decoctions, unconcentrated. See Un- fermented beverages, &c., 86. Earrings. See Wearing apparel, 68. Earth olosets. See Waterclosets, &c., 63. Earthenware. See Pottery, 24. Easels. See Artists' instruments, 54. Effervescing drinks. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86. 23 Elastic bands. See India rubber, 16; Lace-making, 29. Elastic cloths. See Weaving, 20; Lace-making, 29. Electric generators, 92. Electricity, &c., 15; 92; 93 ; 94 ; 95; 96; 97. Electric lighting, &c., 95. Electro-deposition, &c., 96. Electro-etching. See Electro-deposi. tion, &c., 98. Electrolysis, 96. Elevators or stackers. See Agricul. ture, 82. Embankments. See Harbours, &c., 77. Embossing. See Ornamenting paper, 12; Letterpress printing, 13 ; Dres- sing, &c. fabrics, 91. Embroidering. See Sewing, 2. Emery cloth, &c. See Cutting, &C., paper, 12. Endless travelling railways. See Aids to locomotion,7; Common road car- riages, 98. Engraving, embossing, and printing rollers. See Ornamenting paper, 12 ; Bleaching, &c. fabrics, 14. Engravings See Letterpress printing &c., 13; Artists' instruments, 54. Envelope-fasteners. See Writing, &c., 37. Envelopes. See Cutting, folding, &c. paper, 12. Epaulets. See Wearing apparel, 66. Erasers, See Writing, 37. Excavating. See Harbours, &c., 77. Exercises. See Toys, &c., 51. Explosive compounds. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Explosive compounds for blasting. See Mining, &c., 71. Extracts of hops, &c. See Brewing, &c., 99. Extracts, unconcentrated. See Un- fermented beverages, &c., 86. Eyelets. See Wearing apparel, 68. Fiąs, steering. See Steering, &c., 15. Fire-arms, &c., 10. Fire-arms, toy. See Toys, 51. Fire bars. See Fuel, &c., 30. Fire engines, 88. Fire escapes, 88. Fire extinguishers, 88. Fire-grates. See Fuel, &c., 30. Fire-proof depositories. See Safes, te, 64. Fire-proof dresses and fabrics. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Fireworks. See Toys, 51. Fittings for metallic pipes. See Pipes 70. Flageolets. See Music, &c, 26. Flesh brushes. See Brushing, 57. Floating docks. See Harbours, &c. The Ploorcloth, 80. Flues. See Fuel, &c., 30. Fluorine. See Acids, &c., 40 Flutes. See Music, &c., 26. Fog signals. See Railway signals, Folding fabrics. See Dressing, &c., 9L Folding paper. See Cutting, &c., 19: Letterpress printing, &c., 13. Food for cattle, preparing on the farm. not manufacturing for sale. Se Agriculture, 82. Food, preservation of, 4. Footways. See Roads, &c., $5. Fountains. See Hydraulics, 32. Fraud, preventing. See Paper, 11; Ornamenting. 12: Printing, 13. Freezing mixtures; freezing processes applied to preserving food and to icing water and beverages; freezing water. See Ice-making, &c., 85 Frills and frillings. See Wearing ap- parel, 66. Fringe. See Lace-making, &c., 23. Fruit-cleaning machines. See Brush. ing, 57. Fruit, machinery for paring, slicing &c. See Cooking, &C., 61. Fuel, 30. Fulling. See Dressing and finishing, &c., 91. Funeral carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6; Metals and alloys, 18; Fuel, &c., 80 Steam engine, 49. Furniture, &c., 59. Furze crushers. See Agriculture, 82. Fusees and fusee cases. See Tobacco, 42. Fuses for firing blasting charges. Ses Mining, 71. F. Fan blowers. See Fuel, &c., 30. Fans, rotary. See Ventilation, 52. Fares, checking, &c. See Cominon road carriages, 98. Ferriery, &c., 53. Fats. See Oils, &c., 27. Feeding bottles. See Medicine, 25. Feeding troughs. See Agrioulture, 82. Felting. See Dressing and finishing, &c., 91. Feriented beverages, &c. See Brew- ing, &c., 99. Field impleinents and processes for agriculture, 81. Files, binders, clips, and holders for paper. See Writing, &c., 37. Filters, sugar. See Sugar, 48 Filters, water. See Purifying, &c. water, 79. Finings for malt, &c. See Brewing, &c., 99, Finishing fabrics. See Dressing, &c.01. G. Gaiters. See Wearing apparel, 66. Galvanic action. Seo Electro-deposi- tion, &c., 96. Galvanic batteries. See Electricity, 15; 92. Games. See Toys, 51. Garters. See Wearing apparel, 66. Gas, 17. Gas engines. See Air, &c., engines, 6%. 24 Gas lighting, automatic. See Elec- tricity, 91; 95. Gas meters. See Gas, 17. Gasometers. See Gas, 17. Gas stoves. See Gas, 17; Pael,&c., 90. Gas tubes. See Metallic pipes, 70. Gates, dock. See Harbours, &c. 77. Gates, lock. See Harbours, &c., 77. Gauges, air. See Ventilation, 52. Gauges, steam. See Steam engine, 49. Gauges, water. See Hydraulics, 32 ; Steam engine, 49. Gig mills. See Dressing, &c., 91. Gilding, &c. pape See Ornamenting, 12. Girths. See Saddlery, 34, Glass paper, &c., 12. Globes. See Optical, &o., 76. Globes for lamps. Sce Lamps, 44. Glove fastenings. See Wearing ap- parel, 68. Gloves. See Wearing apparel, 66. Gloves of thread. See Lace-making, 29. Gold. See Metals,&c., 18; Acids, &c., 40. Goloshes. See Wearing apparel, 67. Gorse and grain crushers. See Agri- culture, 82 Grain, preparing for brewing, &c. See Brewing, &c., 99. Grain, thrashing, cleansing, sorting, measuring, weighing, preserving, storing, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Granaries. See Agriculture, 82. Graphometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Grates. See Fuel, &c., 30. Graving docks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Gridirons for repairing ships. See Harhours, &c., 77. Gridirons. See Cooking, &c., 61. Grinding grain, 78. Grooming horses by machinery. See Brushing, 57. Grubbers. See Agriculture, 81. Guitars. See Music, &c., 26. Gunboats. See Ship-building, 21. Gunpowder. See Pire-arms, 10. Gutta-percha See India-rubber, 16. Gutters. See Drains, 1; Roads, 35. Gymnastics. See Medicine, &c., 25 ; Toys, 51. Hat boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Hats, hat bands, and hat bóxes. See Wearing apparel, 65. Haymakers. See Agriculture, 81. Hay rakes. See Agriculture, $1. Hay, stacking, packing, and cutting. See Agriculture, 82. Head coverings. See Wearing ap- parel, 65. Hearses. See Common road car- riages, 98. Heating by electricity. See Elect- ricity, 95. Heckling machines. See Spinning, 28. Heliography. See Photography, 19. Helmets. See Wearing apparel, 65. Hides. See Skins, 55. Hinges and hinge joints, 59. Hoes. See Agriculture, 81. Hoists. See Raising, &c., 31. Hoists, steain, See Raising, &c., 31; Steam-engine, 49. Hooks and eyes. See Wearing abre parel, 68. Hop cultivation. See Agriculture, 81. Hops, drying and pocketing. See Agriculture, 82 ; Brewing, &c., 99. Horns. See Music, &c., 26. Horse gear. See Agriculture, 82. Horse medicines. See Farriery, 53. Horse shoes and horse shoe nails. See Farriery, 03. Hose pipes. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Hosiery: See Wearing apparel, 66. Hospitals. See Medicine, &c., 25. Hot pressing. See Dressing, &c., 91. House carts. See Common road car- riages, 48. Hulling, &c., grain. See Grinding grain, 78. Hummellers. See Agriculture, 82. Hydrants. See Hydraulics, 32. Hydraulics, 32. Hydrochloric acid. See Acids, 40. Hydrocyanic acid. See Acids, 40. Hydrogen. See Acids, &c., 40. Hydrometers. See Brewing, &c., 99. Hydro-propulsion. See Marine pro- pulsion, 5. Hygrometers. See Optical, &c., 76. I. H. Habits. See Wearing apparel, 66. Hair-brushing machinery. See Brush- ing, 57, Hair cloth. See Weaving, 20. Hair pins. See Needles, &c., 45. Hammers, steam. See Steam engine, 49. Hammocks. See Furniture, 39. Hand barrows. See Common road carriages, 98. Harbours, &c., 77. Harmoniums. See Music, &c., 26. Harnes. See Saridlery, 34. Harps and harpsichords. See Musie, &c., 26. Harrows. See Agriculture, 81. Harvesters. See Agriculture, 81. Hassocks. See Furniture, 39. 25 Ico creams. See Ice-making, &c., 85. Ice houses, 85. Ice-making maehines, 85. Ice pails. See Ice-making, &c.,85. Ice safes, 85. Ice wells. See Ice-making, &c., 85. Igniting by electricity. See Elect- ricity, 95. India-rubber, 16. India-rubber horse-shoes. See Far. riery, 53. Indicators for common road carriages. See Common road carriges, 98. Infusions, uneoncentrated. See Un. fermented beverages, &c., 86. Ink, printers'. See Printing, &c., 13. Ink writing, copying, and marking) and inkstunds. See Writing, &c., 37. Insulation, electric. See Electricity, ! Lee boards. Ser Steering, &c., 73. 15; 93. Leggings. See Wearing apparel, t. Invalid bedsteads. See Medicine, &c., Lemonade. See Unfermented bere 25; Furniture, 39. rages, &c., 86. Invalid carriages. See Common road Lemon and other fruit squeezers, Sa carriages, 98. Unfermented beverages, &c., S6 Iodine. See Acids, &c., 40. Lenses. See Optical, &c., 76. Iron and steel, 6. Letterpress and similar printing, IL Iron oxides, &c. See Acids, &c., 40. Levels. See Optical, &c., 76. Ironing. See Dressing and finishing, Lifts. See Raising, 31. &c., 91. Lifts, steam. See Raising, 31; Steam Irrigating and watering land. See engine, 49. Agriculture, 81. Light, electric, &c., 95. Lighthouse lamps. Soe Lamps, 44. Lighthouses. See Harbours, &c., . J. Lighting mines. See Mining, 71. Limbs, artificial. See Medicine, &c., Jackets. See Wearing apparel, 66. 25. Jacks, hydraulic. See Hydraulics, 32. Lime. See Acids, &c. 40. Jacks, roasting. See Cooking, 61, Limelight. See Lamps, &C., 41. Jacks, screw. See Raising, &c., 31. Links. See Chains, &c. 90. Jacquard machines. See Weaving, Linoleum. See Artificial leather, der 20: Lace, 29. 80. Jewellery. See Wearing apparel, 68. Liqueurs. See Unfermented beve- Joints and connections. See Pipes, 70. rages, &c., 86. Lithography. See Printing, 18; Oris menting paper, 12. K. Loading hay, straw, &c. See Agricul- ture, 81 Kaleidoscopes. See Optical, &c., 76. Lockets. See Wearing apparel, 68. Kamptulicon. See Artificial leather, Locks, &c., 60. &c., 80. Locks, canal, &c. See Harbours, &c.,77. Keels, sliding. See Steering, 75. Locks for guns. See Fire-arms, 10. Kegs. See Casks, 74. Locomotion, aids to, 7. Kettles for the table. See Unſer- Locomotive steam carriages. See mented beverages, &c., 86. Steam engine, 49. Kilns for drying hops, grain, malt, &c. Logs. See Optical, &c., 76. See Agriculture, 82; Brewing,&c., 99. Looking-glasses. See Furniture, 39. Kilns. See Bricks and tiles, 22; Pot. Looms. See Weaving, 20. tery, 24; Fuel, &c., 30. Looped fabrics. See Lace-making, &c. Kites. See Aeronautics, 41; Toys, 51. Knapsacks. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Lowering apparatus. Soe Raising, Kneading machines. See Cooking, &c 61. Lozenges. See Medicine, 25; Cooking, Knife cleaners. See Brushing, 57. 61. Knitting machines. See Lace, 29. Lubricants. See Oils, &c., 27. Knobs. See Furniture, &c., 39; Locks, 60. 29. &c., 31. M. L. Labels, separating, distributing, damp- ing, and applying. See Writing, &c., 37. Lace-making, knitting, netting, &c., 29. Lampblack. See Paints, 50. Lamps, &c., 44. Lamps, cooking. See Lamps, 44; Cooking, 61. Lasts for making hoots and shoes. See Wearing apparel, 67. Latches. See Locks, &c., 60. Launching vessels. See Ship-build- ing, 21. Lead. See Metals, &c., 18. Lead for paints. See Paints, 50. Lead, oxides, &c. See Acids, &c., 40. Leather. See Skins, &c., 55. Leather cloth. See Artificial leather, 80. Machine needles. See Needles, 45. Magic lanterns. See Toys, 51. Magnesia. See Acids, &c., 40. Magnesium. See Acids, &c., 10. Magnetism. See Electricity, 15; 99; 93 ; 94; 95; 96; 97. Malt, drying. See Brewing, &c., 99. Malt, grinding. See Brewing, &c., 99. Malt mills. See Grinding grain, 73; Brewing, &c., 99. Manganese. See Acids, &c., 40. Mangers. See Saddlery, &c., 54. Mangling. See Dressing and finish- ing, &C., 91. Manifold writers. See Writing, 37. Maneuvring ships and vessels. See Steering, &c., 75. Mantillas and mantles. See Wearing apparel, 66. 26 Marrure, s. N. Nails, &c., 58. Nails, horse-shoe. Ste Farriery, 53, Nails, 58. Nautical instruments. See Optical, &e., 76. Necklaces and necklets. See Wearing apparel, 68. Neckties. See Wearing apparel, 66. Needle cases. See Sewing, 2. Needles and pins, 45. Needles for knitting. See Lace- making, &c., 29. Net, bobbin. See Lace-making, &c., Nets, fishing. See Lace-making, &c., 29. Nickel. See Metals, &e., 18; Acides &c., 10. Nitre. See Acids, &C., 40. Nitric acid. See Acids, 40. Nitrogen. See Acids, &c., 40. Nosebags. See Saddlery, 34. Nuts See Nails, &e., 58. Manure distributors. Ses Agrienl. Inre, si. Marine engines. See Marnie propul. sion,5; Steam engine, 49. Marine propulsion, 5. Mariners' compasses. See Optical, &c. 76. Mashing apparatus. See Brewing, &c., 99. Masts, &c., 73. Mathematieal instruments. See Art- ists' instruments, 54; Optical, &c., 76. Mattresses. See Furniture, 39. Meat screens. See Cooking, 61. Medicine, &c., 25. Medicine, arul medicated food for animals. See Parriery, 53. Memorandum books. See Books, 43. Mercury. See Acids, &c., 40. Meridian instruments. See Optical, &c. 76. Metallie pipes and tubes, 70. Metallic surfaces. protecting. See Electro-deposition, &c., 96 Metals and alloys, 18. Metals, plating. See Coating, &e., 23; Electro-deposition, &c., 96. Metals, separating. See Metals, &c., 18. Meteorological instruments. See Op- tical, &c., 76. Beters, gas. See Gas, 17. Meters, water. See Hydraulics, 32. Micrometers. See Optical, &e., 76. Microscopes. See Optical, &c., 78. Milking, &e., 72. Millboard. Sce Paper, 11. Mills, barley. See Grinding grain, 78. Mills, coffee. See Grinding grain, 78. Nills, flour, See Grinding grain, 78. Mills, malt. See Grindmg grain, 78 ; Brewing, &c., 99. Mills, paint. See Paints, 50, Mills, sugar. See Sugar, 48. Millstones. See Grinding grain, 78. Millstones, balancing. See Grinding grain, 78. Willstones, dressing, &e. Ses Grinding krain, 78. Mills, water. See Hydraulics, 32; Grinding grain, 78. Mincing machines. See Cooking. 61. Mineral waters. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86. Miners' lamps. See Lamps. 14. Mines, ventilating. See Ventilation 52. Mining, &c., 71. Mittens. See Wearing apparel, 66. Mordants. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Motive power. See Hydraulics, 32; Steam engine, 49; Air and gas en- gines, 62. Moulds, sugar. See Sugar, 48. Mowers. See Agriculture, 81. Muffs. See Wearing apparel, Ch. Mules. See Spinning, 28. Muriatic acid, See Acids, 40. Music and musical instruments, 26. Music stands and stools. Seo Music, &c., 26. 27 Oars. See Marine propulsion, 5. Oat milfs. See Agriculture, 82. Oats, thrashing. cleaning, drying, storing, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Octants. See Optical, &c., 76. Oilcloth, 80. Oils, &e., 27. Oilskin, 80. Optical, &c., instruments, 76. Ordnance. See Fire-arms, 20. Organs. See Music, &c., 26. Ovens. See Fuel, &c., 30. Ovens, bakers'. See Fuel, &c., 30: Cooking, 61. Overalls. See Wearing apparel, 66. Overcoats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Overshoes. See Wearing apparel, 67, Oxalic aeid. See Acids, 40. Oxides. See Acids, &e., 40. Oxygen, See Acids &c., 40. P. Packing cases. See Trunks, &c.,84. Packing fabrics. See Dressing and finishing, 91. Packing for pistons of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Paddle-wheels. See Marine propulo sion, 5. Paints, &c., 50. Paints for artists. See Artists' instru. ments, &c., 54. Pantaloons. See Wearing apparel, 66 Paper, cutting, folding, and ornament- ing, 12. Paper-fasteners, and apparatus for classifying and arranging papers See Writing, 37. Potash. See Acids, &C., 40. Potash water. See Unfermented be verages, &c., 86. Potassium. See Acids, &c., 40. Potato diggers. See Agriculture, 81. Pottery, 24. Pouches for tobacco. See Tobacco, Powder flasks. See Fire-arms, &c., ie. Power looms. See Weaving, 20. Precious stones, cutting, &e. Wearing apparel, 6s. Precious stones, setting. See Wearing apparel, 68. Presses, copying, See Writing, 37. Presses, hydraulic. See Hydraulis, 32 Presses, printing, 13. Pressing fabrics. See Dressing and finishing, 91. Printing fabrics, yarns, &c. Bleaching, &c., 14. Printing, letterpress, &c., 13. Projertiles. See Fire-arıns, &c., 10. Propellers. See Marine propulsion. S. Propulsion, marine, 5. Prussic acid. See Acids, 40. Puddling furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6. Pug mills. See Bricks and tiles 22. Pulleys. See Raising, &c., 31. Pulverizers. See Agriculture, 81. Pumps. See Hydraulies, 32. Pumps, steam. See Hydraulics, $i; Steam engine, 49. Punkas. See Ventilation, 52. Purifying alcohol. See Brewing, seg 99. Purifying and filtering water, 79. Pyrometers. See Optieal, &c., 76. Q. Quadrants. See Optical, &c., 76. Quarrying. See Mining, &c., 71. Quays. See Harbours, &c., 77. Quinine. See Acids, &c., 10. R. Paperhangings. See Ornamenting paper, 12. Paper making, 11. Papier maché. See Paper, 11. Parachutes. See Aeronautics, 41. Parasols, See Umbrellas, 47. Passenger register for vehicles. See Common road carriages, 88. Pasteboard. See Paper making, 11; Cuttinx, &c., paper, 12. Pattens. See Wearing apparel, 67. Paving. See Roads, 35. Peat. See Fuel, &c., 30. Pedometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Pencil cases and holders. See Wri. ting, &c., 37; Artists' instruments, 54. Pencil cases, boxes to hold leads for. See Writing, &c., 37. Pens and pen holders. See Writing, &c., 37 ; Artists' instruments, 54. Pens, boxes for holding. See Writing, &c., 37. Pepper, kulling. See Grinding grain, 78. Perambulators. See Commen road carriages, 98. Perforating paper. See. Cutting, &c. paper, 12. Perpetual motion. See Hydraulics, 32; Air, &c., engines, 62. Petticoats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Phenakistoscopes. See Photography, 19; Optical, &c., 76. Phenic acid. See Acids, 40. Philosophical instruments. See Op. tical, &c., 76. Phosphoric acid. See Acids, 40. Phosphorus. See Acids, &c. 40. Photography, 19. Pianofortes. See Music, &c., 26. Picture frames. See Furniture, 39. Piers. See Harbours, &c., 77. Pile drivers, steam. See Steam en- gine. 19; Harbours, &c., 77. Pile fabrics. See Weaving, 20; Lace. making, 29. Pile or nap, raising and cutting. See Dressing, &c., 91. Piles. See Harbours, &c., 77. Pins. See Needles, &c., 45. Pipes. See Tohacco, 42. Pipes, drain. See Drains, &c., 1. Pipes, metallic, 70. Pistols. See Fire-arms, 10. Pistons of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Pit chains. See Mining, &c., 71. Plaiting. See Lace, &c., 29. Plating metals. See Electro-deposi- tion, 96. Playing cards, See Toys, 51. Ploughs and ploughing machines. See Agriculture, 81. Plumb levels See Optical, &c., 76. Pocket books. See Books, 13. Porcelain. See Poitery, 24. Portfolios. See Books, 43. Portfolios for music. See Music, 26. Portmanteaus. See Truuks, &c., 84. Rafts. See Ship-building, 21. Railway carriages. See Carriages &c. for railways, 46. Railway signals, &c., 38. Railways, 33. Railways, portable endless. See Aids to locomotion, 7; Common road carriages, 98. Raising, &c., 31. Raising and lowering ships' boats. See Raising, &c., 31 ; Masts, &c., 73. Raising ships for repairing. Se Ship buililing, &c., 21. Raising water. See Hydraulics. 59. Rakes. See Agriculture, 81. Ranges, cooking. See Fuel, &c., So; Cooking, 61. Reaping and mowing machines. See Agriculture, 81. 28 Reflectors. See Lamps, 44. Refrigerators. See Ice-making, &c.,85; Brewing, &c., 99. Registering number of passengers in common road carriages. See Com- mon road carriages, 98. Reservoirs. See Harbours, &c., 77. Respirators. See Medicine, &c., 25. Reticules. See Trunks, &c., 84. Retorts for burning animal charcoal. See Sugar, 48. Retorts, gas. See Gas, 17. Reverberatory furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6. Rice, hulling, &c. See Grinding grain, 78. Rice, milling, polishing, and otherwise preparing for the market. See Agri- culture, 82. Rick covers. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Ricks. See Agriculture, 82. Riddles for grain, &c. See Agricul. ture, 82. Rigging. See Masts, &c., 73. Rings, finger. See Wearing apparel, 68. Rinsing. See Washing, &c., 89. Rivets. Soe Nails, &c, 58. Road sweepers. See Brushing, 57. Roads and ways, 35. Roasting jacks. See Cooking, 61. Rockets. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Rocking chairs and horses. See Toys, 51. Rollers for calico printing. See Bleach- ing, &c., 14. Rollers for roads. See Roads, &c., 35. Rollers, land. See Agriculture, 81. Roots, cutting, slicing, pulping, wash- ing, drying, and sorting. See Agri- culture, 82. Ropes and bands for mines. See Mining, 71. Roughing horses. See Farriery, 53. Rudders. See Steering, 75. Ruffles and ruffs. See Wearing ap- parel, 66. Rulers. See Writing, 37. Ruling paper. See Cutting, folding, &c., 12; Artists' instruments, 54. Scales. See Raising, &c., 31. Scarifiers. See Agriculture, 81. Screening grain, &c. See Agricul. ture, 82. Screens. See Furniture, 39. Screw propellers for carriages and agricultural implements. See Aids to ločomotion, 7. Screw propellers for ships. See Ma- rine propulsion, 5. Screws. See Nails, &c., 58. Scythes. See Agriculture, 81. Sealing wax. See Writing, &c., 37. Seams and joints. See Pipes, 70. Sea walls. 'See Harbours, &c., 77. Seed sowing. See Agriculture, 81. Seltzer water. See Unfermented be. verages, &c., 86. Semaphore signals. See Railway sig. nals, 38. Sewage farming. See Agriculture, 81, Sewers. See Drains, &c., 1. Sewers, ventilating. See Ventilation, 52. Sewing, &c., 2. Sextants. See Optical, &c., 76. Shackles. See Chains, &c., 90. Shades. See Lamps, 4. Shakos. See Wearing apparel, 65. Shaving brushes. See Brushing, 57. Shawl pins. See Wearing apparel, 68. Shawls. See Wearing apparel, 66. Shawls, weaving. See Weaving, 20. Shear legs. See Raising, &c., 31. Shearing fabrics. See Dressing, &c., 91. Shearing sheep. See karriery, &c., 53. Sheathing metals. See Metals, &c., 18. Sheep washes, dips, &c. See Farriery, &c., 53. Ship-building, &c., 21. Ship lamps and lanterns. See Lamps, 44. Ships, steering and mancuvring. See Steering, 75. Ships, ventilating. See Ventilation, 52. Shirts. See Wearing apparel, 66. Shoes. See Wearing apparel, 67. Sickles and reaping hooks. See Agri- culture, 81. Signal lamps. See Lamps, 44. Signals. See Electricity, 15; 94 ; Rail- way signals, 38. Silicic acid. See Acids, 40. Silver. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids,&c., 40. Singeing fabrics. See Dressing, &c. 91. Singeing horses. See Saddlery, &c., 34; Farriery, 53. Siphons. See Hydraulics, 32; Pre- paring, &c., cork, 56. Sizing machines. See Weaving, 20. Skates. See Toys, 51. Skidding wheels. See Common road carriages, 98. Skins, &c., 55. Skirts. See Wearing apparel, 66. Sleeve links. See Wearing apparel, 69. Slide rules. See Optical, &c., 76. Slippers. See Wearing apparel, 67. Slips. See Harbours, &c., 77. Sluices. See Harbours, &c., 77. S. Sacks. See Weaving, 20. Saddlery &c., 84. Safes, &c., 64, Safety lamps. See Lamps, 44. Safety pockets. See Wearing apparel, 68. Safety valves of steam boilers. See Steam engine, 49. Sails. See Masts, &C., 73. Salt, common. See Acids, &c., 40, Saltpetre. See Acids, &c., 40. Salts. See Acids, &c., 40. Salt water, obtaining fresh water from, See Purifying &c., water, 79. Sausage making machines. See Cook- ing, 61. 29 Smelting furnaces. See Iron and steel. 6; Metals, &c., 18. Smutters. See Agriculture, 82. Snuff and snuff boxes. See Tobacco, 42. Soap. See Oils, &c., 27. Socks. See Wearing apparel, 66. Soda. See Acids, &c., 40. Soda water. See Unfermented beve- rages, &c., 86. Sodiuin. See Acids, &C., 40. Solitaires. See Wearing apparel, 68. Sounding apparatus. See Optical, &c., 76. Spectacles. See Optical, &c., 76. Spectroscopes. See Optical, &c., 76. - Spinning, 28. Spirit levels. See Optical, &c., 76. Spittoons. See Tobacco, &c., 42. Spontaneous combustion, preventing. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Spring balances. See Raising, &c., 31. Springs for common road carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Springs for railway carriages. See Carriages, &c. for railways, 46. Spurs. See Saddlery, &c., 34. Stable brushes. See Brushing, 57. Stable fittings. See Saddlery, &c., 34. Stacks and stackers. See Agriculture, 82. Stamping. See Cutting, &c. paper, 12; Printing, 13. Stamps, separating. distributing, lamping, and applying. See Writ- ins, 37. Stands for casks. See Casks, 74. Stands for music. See Music, &c., 26. Stannates. See Acids, &c., 40. Stationery cases and cabinets. See Writing. &c., 37. Staves, cutting, shaping, &c. See Casks, 74. Stay fastenings. See Wearing ap. parel, 68. Stays. See Wearing apparel, 66. Steam boilers. See Steam engine, 49. Steam culture, 8. Steam engine, 49. Steam gauges. See Steam engine, 49. Steam rams. See Ship-building, 21. Steel. See Iron, &c., 6. Steelyards. See Raising, &c., 31. Steering ships and vessels, 75. Stencil plates. See Printing, 13. Stereoscopes. See Optical, &c., 76. Stereotype. See letierpress printing, 13. Stirrups. See Saddlery, &c., 34. Stockins fabrics. See Lace-making, 29. Stocking frames. See Lace-making, &c., 29. Stockings. See Wearing apparel, 66. Stockings, elastic. See Medicine, &c., 25. Stone breakers. See Roads, 35. Stoneware. See Pottery, 24. Stools, music. See Music, 26. Stoppers. See Preparing, &c. cork, 56. Stored goods, ventilating to prevent spontaneous combustion. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Storing grain, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Stoves. See Fuel, &c., 30. Straw elevators. See Agriculture, 82 Straw plait. See Lace-making, &c., 29. Strong rooms See Safes, &c., 64. Strontia. See Acids, &c., 40. Strontium. See Acids, &c., 40. Studs. See Wearing Apparel, 68. Submarine cables. See Electricity &c., 15: 93. Subsoil ploughs. See Agriculture, Sl. Sugar, 48. Sulphur and sulphuric acid. Se Acids, &c., 40. Sun dials. See Optical, &c., 76. Sunshades. See Umbrellas, &c., 47. Surgery for animals. See Farriers, &c., 63. Surgery. See Medicine, &c., 25. Surgical instruments. See Medicine, &c., 25. Surveying instruments. See Optical, &c., 76. Suspension bridges. See Bridges, Se. Sweeping. See Brushing, &c., 57. Sweeping chimneys. See Fuel, &c., 30. Sweeping roads. See Roads, &C., SS. Sweetmeats. See Cooking, 61. Swings. See Toys, 51. Swivel links and swivel hooks. See Chains, &c., 90. Swivels and swivel rings. See Wear ing apparel, 68. Swords. See Fire-arms, &o., 10. Syringes. Soe Hydraulics, 32. Syringes, surgical. See Medicine, &c., 25. 66. T. Tables. See Furniture, $9. Tags for laces. See Wearing apparel, 68. Tailors' irons. See Wearing apparel. Tannic acid. See Acids, 40. Tanning leather. See Skins, 55. Targets. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Tarpaulin. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Tartaric acid. See Acids, 40. Tea, concentrated extracts of. See Tea, &c., 87. Tea, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87. Tea, preparing as a drink. See Un. fermented beverages, &c., 86. Teasles. See Dressing, &c., 91. Teeth, artificial. See Medicine, &c., 25. Telegraph poles or posts. Sea Elec- tricity, 15°; 93. Telegraphs, electric. See Electricity, 15; 93 ; 94. Telescopes. See Optical, &c.,76. Tent covers. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Tentering. See Dressing, &c., 91. Testing chains. See Chains, &c., 90. Theodolites. See Optical, &c., 76. Thermometers. See Optical, &c., 76 Thimble See Sewing, 2. 30 Thrashing machines. See Agriculo ture, 82. Throstles. See Spinning, 28. Tickets. See Cutting, &c., paper, 12; Letterpress printing, 13. Tiles. See Drains, &c., 1; Bricks, &c., 22. Tilling land. See Agriculture, 81. Tills. See Safes, &c., 64. Tin. See Metals, &c., 18 ; Acids,&c., 40. Tinning. See Plating or coating Metals, 23. Tips, boot and shoe. See Wearing apparel, 67. Tobacco, 42. Toilet boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Tooth brushes. See Brushing, 57. Tops. See Toys, 5). Torpedo boats. See Ship-building, 21. Toys, &c., 51. Tracing cloth and paper. See Artists' instruments, &c., 54. Traction engines. See Steam engine, 49, Traction ropes. See Agriculture, 81. Tramcars. See Common road car- riages, 98. Travelling bags. See Trunks, &c., 84. Trees, boot and shoe. See Wearing apparel, 67. Tricycles. See Common road car- riages, 98. Troughs for washing. See Washing, &c., 89. Trouser strap fastenings. See Wear. ing apparel, 68. Trousers. See Wearing apparel, 66. Trucks. See Common road carriages, 98. Trunks, &c., 84. Tube brushes. See Brushing, 57. Tubes, metallic. See Metallic pipes, 70. Tubs, washing. See Washing ma- chines, &c., 89. Tungstic acid. See Acids, 40. Tunnelling. See Mining, &c., 71. Turbines. See Hydraulics, 32. Turf cutters. See Agriculture, 81. Turnip cutters. See Agriculture, 82. Tuyeres. See Fuel, &c., 80. Type. See Letterpress printing, 13. Valves, engine. See Steam engine,43; Air, gas, &c. engines, 62. Valver, gas. See Gas, 17. Valves, water. See Hydraulics, 32. Valves, watercloset. See Water- closets, 63. Varnish, boot and shoe. See Wearing apparel, 67. Varnishes. See Paints, &c., 50. Vehicles for common roads. See Como mon road carriages, 98. Vebicles, ventilating. Sce Ventilation, 52. Velocipedes, &c. See Common road carriages, 98. Vent pegs and spiles. See Preparing and cutting cork, &c., 56. Ventilating mines. See Ventilation, 52; Mining, 71. Ventilating railway carriages. See Carriages, &c. for railways, 46 ; Ventilation, 52. Ventilation, 52. Vermin on animals, destroying. See Farriery, 53. Veterinary art. See Farriery, 53. Viaducts. See Bridges, &c., 36. Vinegar. See Acids, &c., 40. Violins. See Music, &c., 26. Vitriol. See Acids, &c., 40. U. W. Wadding, See Dressing and finishi- ing, &c., 91. Wafers. See Writing, &c., 37. Waggon covers. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Waggons. See Common road car. riages, 98. Waggons, railway. See Carriages &c., for railways, 46. Waistcoats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Walking-sticks. See Umbrellas, &c. 47. Wallets. See Trunks, &c., 84. Wardrobes. See Furniture, 39. Warping land. See Agriculture, 81. Warping machines. See Weaving, 20. Warp inachines or frames. See Lace- making, &c., 29. Washing and sifting ores. See Metals, &c., 18. Washing clothes, &c. See Washing machines, &c., 89. Watches, &c., 9. Watch protectors. See Wearing ap- parel, 68. Water aerating. See Purifying, &c., water, 79. Water, chemical treatment of, See Purifying, &c., water, 79, Waterclosets, &c., 63. Watercourses. See Harbours, &c., 77. Watering land. See Agriculture, 81. Watering roads. See Roads, 35. Water meters. See Hydraulics, 32. Water mills. See Hydraulics, 32. Waterproof fabrics, 80. Umbrellas, &c., 47. Unfermented beverages, 86. Unions for tubes. See Metallic pipes, 70. Upholstery. See Furniture, 39. Urinals. See Waterclosets, &c., 63. Urns for tea, &c. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86. V. Vacuum pans for sugar. See Sugar, 48 Valises. See Trunks, &c., 84. Valves, air. See Ventilation, 52. 31 60. Waterproofing leather. See Skins, &c., 55. Waterproofing paper. See Cutting, &c., paper, 12. Water, purifying and filtering, 79. Water-wheels. See Hydraulics, 32. Wearing apparel,-body coverings, 66. Wearing apparel,- dress fastenings and jewellery, 68. Wearing apparel,-foot coverings, 67. Wearing apparel,--head coverings, 65. Weaving, 20. Weighing. See Raising, &c., 81. Well-sinking. See Mining, &c., 71. Wet docks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Wharves. See Harbours, &c., 77. Wheat, thrashing, cleansing, drying, storing, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Wheelbarrows. See Common road carriages, 98. Wheels, railway. See Carriages, &c. for railways, 46. Whips and whip sockets. See Sad. dlery, &c., 34. Whistles. See Railway signals, 38. Wicks. See Lamps, &c., 14. Winding drums. See Raising. &c., 31 : Mining. 71 ; Agriculture, 81. Winding fabrics. See Dressing, &c., 91. Windlasses. See Raising, &c., 31. Windlasses, steam. See Raising, &c., 31; Steam engine, 49. Windmills. See Air, &c., engines, 62. Windmills used to propel ships. See Marine Propulsion $; Masts, &e, 73. Window fastenings. See Locks, de, Wine coolers. See Ice-making, &c 85. Wine-making. See Brewing, &c, . Winnowing machines for grain, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Wire brushes. See Brushing, 57. Wood paving. See Roads, 35. Work 'bags and work bores. See Trunks, &c., 84 Worts, cooling. See Brewing, &c., 99. Wringing. See Washing, &e., 89. Wristbands. Soe Wearing apparel, 66. Writing instrumente, c., 37. Y. Yeast, preparing. See Brewing, £e., 99. Yeast, substitutes for. See Cooking, 61. Z. Zinc. See Metals, &c., 18. Zinc for paint See Paints, 50. Line oxides, &c. See Acids, &c., 40. LONDON: Priutod hy GEORGE E. B. EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. (19008.-1000.–2/83.] January, 1883. GI. Brito Patavil nogice PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS. ABRID G M ENTS OF Specifications RELATIXG TO ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION II. CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. PART II.-A.D. 1867-1876. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENT&. LONDON: PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS' SALE DEPARTMENT, 38, CURSITOR STREET, CHANCERY LANE, E.C. 1882. TK 257 G8 Div.2 Ry.sh Gul, try 1-1944 -79081 PREFACE, This volume forms Part II. of the series of abridgments relating to “ Electricity and Magnetism. Division II. Conducting and Insulating, and embraces the period from A.D. 1867 to 1876, inclusive. The abridgments of this class from the earliest date down to the end of the year 1866 will be found in the general series ("Electricity and Magnetism," -Parts I. and II.), embracing the whole subject of electricity and magnetism. It should be borne in mind that the abridgments are merely intended to serve as guides to the specifications, which must themselves be consulted for the details of any particular in- ventions, At the foot of each abridgment is stated the price at which a printed copy of the specification may be purchased at the Commissioners of Patents’ Sale Department (38, Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, E.C.). By means of the “key” at page 20 of the appended List of Works, the reader will be able to nd out what series of abridgments contains any class of inventions to which he may desire to refer. This series is exclusively devoted to inventions connected with the construction and maintenance of over-land, under- ground, and sub-marine wires or cables for the efficient insu. lation of electric currents or static conditions. A detailed list of the various kinds of inventions comprised in the present series of abridgments is furnished by the sub- ject-matter index at the end of this volume. H. READER LACK. May, 1882. Q4487. a 2 INDEX OF NAMES, [The names printed in Italic are those of the persons by whom the inventions have been communicated to the Applicants for Letters Pater.t.) 68 146 幻 ​2, 40 Page Pass Achard, F. F. A..... .104 Bullivant, W. M.......22, 119 Allan, T. ..13 Allibon, G Calvo, N. A. .136 Allman, H. .38 Capanema, G. S. de.... 112 Andrews, W. S.. .12 Carter, J. T. .15 Archinard, Cary, A...... Arnold, J. 15 Chapin, W. B.. 91 Aspinall, J. 31 ,39 Chapınan, G. T. .75 Atkinson, J .75 Choate, S. F. van.. 19 Choch, G. de... .147 Balestrini, P. A......... .42 Clark, A. M........42, 104, 144, Barnes, F..... 21 147 Batcheller, J. M. W. .138 Bayliss, M.. 49 Clifford, H. 35 W.. 49 Clough, J. 228 Beamish, W. .58 Cockshott, T.. .80 Becker, L. M..... .19, 20 Collingridge, A Bedwell, F. le B........ .145 Cony beare, H. 123 Pejar y O'Lawlor, L. M. de Courtenay, J. M. 136 Craddock, E.. Bellotti, S...... ..147 Crispin, W. H. .101 Bestwick, T.... Croskey, J. R..... W... .55 Bohlken, A.. 47 Danckwerth, L.. .148 Bondi, C..... 132 Daniel, G... ..5 Bondi, C. .140 Davies, G...... .3, 12 Bonneville, H. A.. .103, 141 Davis, C...... ..74 Bousfield, G. T... 146 Day, A. G.... .16, 71 Bradley, R. F. .147 De Bejar y O'Lawlor, L. M. Britton, B. F..... 71 136 Brooks, A.... .55 De Capanema, G. S...... .112 Brooks, D. .3, 12 De Choch, G....... ..147 Brooks, H. ..55 Deiss, A..... .150 Brounell, H. T. Delperdange, L.......... 9 Buchanan, J... 46 Desgoffe, J. A......76, 85, 152 55 ...103 INDEX OF NAMES, V ...05 .28 29 .32 9 Hyatt, T... Page Page Devlan, P. S............ .65 Guest, W .......... Devriès, M....... ,130 De Wolfe, A. G. .74 Haenlein, P. ...9 Dibbin, H. A.... .63 Hale, T... .128 Dick, C. J. A. .. 91 Hancock, D..... .21 G. A.. .91 Harper, J. R. R.. ..53 Harrison, C. W. ...154 Dunk, S. C...... .108 Harrop, J. J....... 117 Dunlop, J. M.. .110 Hawkins, F... Hazlehurst, G. S........... .43 Edwards, J......... .44 Heasler, W.. Elkington, J. B. ..61 Henley, W. T....7, 51, 57, 61, Elmsley, R... .99 143, 148 Eustace, M. .121, 124 Henry, M. .92 Evans, M.. .95, 101 Herbert, T. ..48 Ewen, F. W. .134 | Hibell, W.. ....154 Highton, H.... .83, 90, 123 Fairholme, C....... .89 Hiler, S.... 87 Farmer, M. G. .40 Hood, W. .119 Fenwick, G. 56 Hooper, W. 23, 108, 110 Field, F. 135 House, R. E. .150 Fisher, J.... ...9 Humfrey, C........... 25 R. G. 9 .116 Fitzgerald, D. G... 36, 52 Fixsen, B.... .148 Imray, J... J......... .117 Fletcher, J. W.. ..62 Fottrell, J.. .107 Jaloureau, A. F....... .14 Foucaut, A......... .40 James, G. F.. .129, 134 Fowler, J. C......... .48 Jamieson, A. ..155 Fuller, J. C......... .9 Jenkin, F ..48 Jobson, L.... ..88 Garrard, J. G....... ... 103 R... ..88 Gibson, L........ .10, 25 Johnson, J. H.... ..2, 40 Gilbee, W. A... .140 W.C...129, 142, 153, Gilbert, E. ...86 153 Gisborne, F.N .38 Glossop, J. T..... .133 Kesterton, H....... .97 Goldstone, C......... .125, 126 Kilner, J. M.... ..5 Gordon, A. I. L.. ....2 King, W. F. .155 Graham, J. L....... .70 Knowles, F. C..... .120 Gray, M.... 10, 10, 11, 24, 25, 29, 37, 60, 109, 109, 125, Lackersteen, J. F. .141 126 Lake, W. R.... 16, 17, 42, 65, T. W..............8, 20, 27 74, 87, 89, 96, 103, 105 Green, R... .32 Lambert, F. .111, 131 Greener, J. H.. .30 Lardy, C. L... .14 Greening, F....... ,135 Larmuth, M. H.... .84 > 9 ........ vi INDEX OF NAMES. Part O'Lawlor, L. M. de Bejar Page Lee, R. B..... .72, 98 Lenoir, J. J. E.. .69 Lichtenfeller, G.. 4 Lloyd, E .95 Lucas, F. R... .137 Lyttle, W. A....33, 38, 45, 78, 82, 83, 84, 93, 97, 100, 100 Oppenheimer, J...,16, 49, 120 Owen, C...........82, 90, 94, 9! ܕ Parnacott, E. J. W. Perkins, W..... Petersen, J. Phillips, S. E.....56, 142, 153, 153 T. ..148 Piggott, G. W.R. ... W. P. Pocknell, G........ Pope, F. L........ .89, 905 Prall, W. E..... 118 Preece, W. H.. .......19 Prentiss, E. F. Protheroe, P....... .149 187 9 9 103 Mc Comb, D...... .5 Mc Comb, J. J... .5 Mc Cool, J...... .120 Mc Evoy, C. A.. .61, 81, 88 Mc Gregor, W ..29 Macintosh, J.... .115 Mackie, S. J.. 115 Mc Kinley, A.... .72 Madsen, O. L..... 112 Mallock, H. A..... .72 Marshall, T. B.. .7 W. A........ .50, 60 Martin, S. M....... 13, 21, 27 Masui, T...... .132 Matthiessen, A.. .52 Maury, M.F .11, 17 Mayall, T. J... ..26 Menier, H..... 155 Merrick, J. M., junr. .36 Michie, C. Y .42 Milliken, G. F... 40 Minor', P. E...... .71 Moffatt, A...... 139 A.C.. 104 Monckton, E. H. C.... 47, 114 Moody, J.... 38 Moseley, W.. 106 Muirhead, J., junr. .122 Murray, G.W.... .42 Naphegyi, G..... 123 Neare, Š. J...... .132 Newall, R. S... .67 Newton, A. V....... .69 H. E.. .155 W.E. 1.70 Nicoll, D...... .3, 14, 135 Nisbeth, A. F. H. ......134 Norton, F..... .84 Radcliffe, J.............125, 126 Radde, WV......... Reed, D..... .13 Richardson, T. H. 139 Roberts, M. J.. .138 S...... .184 Robinson, W.... .98 Robson, A..... .78 Rogers, H. J... .92 Rogers, J..... 24,63 S. A........ .72,48 Rolls, J. G....... 87 Ross, G. B. Mc K. Rostaing, C. S... Rousseau, D..... .13 H.... .141 Rowett, W... ..102, 110 Rubery, J...............113, 15 Rusbridge, S... 137 Rylands, T. G............ ... 2 Salomons, D. L.............123 Scaife, R.......... .....130 Scott, H. P... ....151 Shakespear, W. H... 142, 147, 151 Sharrock, S...........18, 31, 13 9 ........ INDEX OF NAMES. vii Tuddenham, S........ Tugwood, J... Tyer, E........... Page ..96 .118 ........146 9 Van Choate, S. F.............17 Varley, C. F.......... .......30 -, S. A...,13, 21, 27, 64, 70 Veillet, A.... .76 Verny, C...... ...76 Vispė, J. L....... .134 3 W.. > Page Siemens, C. H.... ..85 C. W ..33 Simmons, 2. G. .96 Simonuls, W. E .42 Sintzenich, E. R.. .18 Slade, H. H.... .130 W. A.. 130 Smith, G. B.... 1 H. ..116 ..145 Socin, .146 Sohn, C. E. ..4 Spagnoletti, C. E. .46 Spill, D...........35, 46, 56, 59 D., junr. ....57 Sterne, L..... 127 Stoner, J. B...... .61, 68 Story, J. ..53 Strickler, W.... .151 Stroudley, W..... .137 Struthers, T. ..74 Sturgeon, T..... Talling, R....... .135 Tandy, G. G....... 22 Tasker, S. P. M.. Tatters, J. G.... ..6 Temple, E. D..... .44 Thomas, J...... ..94 Thompson, W. P.. 151 Timmins, H..... 127 Tommasi, F...... .59 Tongue, J. G. ..130 Truman, E.T........53, 57, 80, 113 ..34 Walker, T..23, 41, 51, 105, 114 Walsh, W ......68 Walton, F.. ...28 Ward, T 141 Warren, T. T. P. B. 66 IVatei's, T.J. .117 Webb, F. C. .50 Welch, E. J. C. .100 Wenulell, I. P.. .65 Whitehouse, E. O. W. ..21 Whyte, G.... 119, 140 Wilkinson, A. 107 Willcox, R... .41 Williams, J.R. .62 Winter, G. K.. 95, 123 Wise, W. L... .132 Wolfe, A. G. de...... .74 Wood, J. W. .142, 147, 151 Wright, J. .....71 Wynne, F. G........ ..133 .65 Zanni, G............ ..122 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION I I. CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 1867. A.D. 1867, January 3.-No. 16. SMITH, GEORGE BOND.—(Provisional protection only.)—"Im- provements in supports for the insulators of electric tele- graphs, and in affixing the said supports to the posts of the " said telegraphs." The supports for the insulators consist of wrought iron tubing, rectangular and oblong in cross section. Each length is equal to that of two of the ordinary supports together with the width of the post. Each end of the tubing is closed by an iron block, and holes are made near the ends of the tubes and through the blocks to receive the insulator pins. Holes, near the middle of the tube and across it, in the direction of its longer diameter, receive pegs. Each post is of iron or of wood and has transverse holes near the top to receive the insulator supports which are fixed in the middle by the pegs and project on each side right and left from the post, thus forming a double support. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] Q 4487. Wt. 16082. A ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1867, January 26.-No. 212. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY.—(A communication from John Mont- gomery Batcheliler.)" Improvements in electric telegraph con. " ductors and cables." 1st. The conductors are made of braided wire having any required number of strands. The braiding of the wires pre- vents kinking, and the cord has no tendency to revolve axially when under tension. 2nd. The use of different metals in the same braided con- ductor, so as to give any reqnired proportion between the strength of the wire and its conducting power, according to the number of wires of each kind in the conductor. 3rd. The use of an iron or steel wire covered with copper, as a telegraphic conductor or in a cable. The copper is used for its superior conductivity and lightness and the iron or steel for its tensile strength. The coating may be by casting and drawing, or by electro-deposition and drawing. The con- ductor may be a single wire or it may consist of several wires braided together. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1867, February 22.- No. 488. GORDON, ALICE ISABEL LUCAN.—“ Apparatus for fastening or connecting the wires employed for transmitting electric " signals on railway trains." These coupling connections are for the signal wires described in No. 1543, A.D. 1865, and for similar uses. The coupling consists of two rectangular halves, which may slide together in a longitudinal direction, and, by means of flat springs, bring the respective wires into electric contact. The two halves are exactly alike, and an additional spring (not in the electric circuit) with a T-head is provided in each half. When the parts of the coupling are joined, the T-headed springs force each other out of contact with the flat springs in the circuit; but, when the parts are asunder, they connect the flat springs so as to complete the circuit at that point. Ordinarily, spring catches keep the parts of the coupling together, but when the coupling chains break (for instance), DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 3 the two parts of the electric coupling are detached, and the T-headed springs come into action. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, March 7.-No. 632. DAVIES, GEORGE.-(4 communication from David Brooks.)- (Provisional protection only.)-"Improvements in insulators for telegraph wires." 1st. Thee mployment of paraffin as an insulating medium. “ Before applying the insulator to the post it is inverted, and “ the socket as well as the space between the two flanges or cups is filled with melted paraffine, and then emptied, a portion of the paraffine remaining as a coating on the " entire inner surface of the insulator, which is then secured to the post in the usual manner.” If the insulator be porous, it may be thoroughly impregnated with paraffin. 2nd. It is preferred to apply the first improvement to insulators made in the following manner :--The stem and inner end of a cast-iron wire holder (having at its other end two bent arms for retaining the wires) is covered with strong cartridge paper cemented to its place. The heated and pre- pared stem is dipped into melted paraffin, and, when cold, is secured by sulphur in a glass block and is closed at one end. The block is then similarly covered with a paper cylinder,which is impregnated with paraffin as above. The whole is then secured by sulphur into a cast-iron cylinder or casing, melted paraffin being poured into the annular space between the paper cylinder and the papered stem; after a short time, the greater part is poured out again, leaving a coating on the interior surface. The cast-iron cylinder or casing is similarly pre- pared with paper and paraffin, and, finally, the instrument is secured by sulphur into an orifice in the arm of the tele- graph post. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 1 A.D. 1867, March 11.--No. 694. NICOLL, DONALD.—"Improvements in the construction of “ electric telegraph conductors, and in the method of pre- A 2 4 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. " paring the same; also in the machinery and in the applica- “ tion of certain other machinery and apparatus employed " therein." To improve upon the methods set forth in No. 480, A.D. 1866, before laying conducting wires in rigid sections, and in troughs or blocks of insulating substances, they are covered with strands of a fibrous substance by a twisting or braiding machine; the strands are worked loose to leave spaces for the insulating compound. The covered wire is dipped into a bath of insulating sub- stance, and, whilst plastic by heat, the insulating compound is pressed into and through the interstices of the strands by a roller. The covered wire may be rolled between flat surfaces. These wires may be used for temporary purposes without troughs, and the dipping and rolling may be repeated if desired. A further covering of plaited fibrous material and of insulating substance is given when troughs are not used. The junction of the wires may be made as in the former Specification, or the split ends of the wires may receive wedge. formed ends of other wires, a helix of wire being placed over the junction and compressed thereon. The junction is then ready for insulation. [Printed, 81. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, March 26.-No. 887. SOHN, CHARLES EMILE.—(A communication from Guillaume Lichtenfelder.)-(Provisional protection only.)—"Improvements “ in the construction of posts, poles, and similar supports for telegraphic, agricultural, or other purposes." These posts are constructed of “strips or bands of sheet “ iron rolled into a cylindrical or tubular form either spirally, “ longitudinally, or otherwise, so as to admit of being held “ together by joints vertically or in one piece;” they may be formed of any thickness and length, and coated with tar. Papier mâché or pasteboard, in combination with asphalte, may for some purposes be used in lieu of iron. [Printed, 4.1. No Drawings.] DIVISION II.--CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 5 A.D. 1867, March 28.-No. 905. ARNOLD, John, and DANIEL, GEORGE.--(Provisional prolec- tion only.) — “Means of communication between a railway “ station and the guard or other person in charge of a train " at a distance, or between the guards of two trains on the same line.” To carry out this invention, an electric current is conveyed by a continuous insulated rail, rod, or wire mounted either " inside or outside the ordinary rails.” The rail may be central between the ordinary rails, and is supported by insulators. At crossings, the insulated rail is carried underneath the ground. A spring bracket, underneath the guard's van, carries a flanged friction wheel which runs in contact with the insulated rail. The bracket is in electric communication with a battery and instrument in the guard's van, and the insulated rail is in similar communication with a battery and instrument in the station. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1867, March 30.-No. 951. McCOMB, JAMES JENNINGS.-(A communication from David McComb.)—“A mode of coupling telegraph and other wires." Instead of using binding wire to secure the ends of the wires to be coupled, they are caused to interlock one with the other. At the extremity of each wire is formed a hook and an eye. The hook is formed by bending the end to an acute angle or to a right angle. At the rear of the hook, at the same dis- tance from it in each wire, an eye is formed by lapping the wire over a round pin, the direction of the lap of the wire to form the eye being the reverse in one wire to that of the other. When the books are inserted into the eyes, the tension of the wires tightens the coupling. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, April 4.--No. 1015. KILNER, JAMES MAZE.—“Improvements in apparatus to be “ used for towing ships or vessels, and in apparatus for laying “ submarine telegraph cables.” 6 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a To submerge telegraph cables, an inclined tube passes down through the vessel, and is furnished with a hawse pipe lip at the top and bottom. The lower end of the pipe is at or near the centre of the length of the vessel, and near the upper end of the pipe on the deck of the vessel is the brake apparatus for checking the speed at which the cable runs out. Instead of a lip, a large sheave may be placed at the lower part of the tube. An old line-of-battle ship may carry the cable, and it may be towed by three steamers, the vessels proceeding one ahead of the other, connected by the inventor's towing apparatus. The foremost vessel tows the other three vessels a third of the distance, until her supply of coals are nearly exhausted; the second vessel now takes up the towing until another third of the distance has been completed ; finally the third vessel tows for the rest of the voyage, [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, April 5.-No. 1021. TATTERS, JAMES GRAHAM. --A "method of and apparatus " for communicating between the several parts of railway 66 trains." The method of making electric connection throughout the train is as follows :-Each side of each carriage has a narrow copper band near the roof, which passes down the ends of the carriage and terminates near the buffers or coupling chains. The ends of the bands are connected together by spiral coils of copper wire or otherwise, so that the carriages may be separated to the fullest extent of the coupling chains, without interrupting the electric circuit. The two ends of the bands that terminate at the end of the train are joined by one of the coils of wire. The circuit is thus closed, and includes an electro-magnet and battery on the engine. A signal by a passenger inter- rupts the circuit. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION II.--CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 7 A.D. 1867, April 5.-No. 1022. MARSHALL, THOMAS BEAUMONT.--" Improvements in the " insulation of subterranean electric telegraph wires, and in laying the same. These wires are insulated, or enclosed within an insulating compound, by extending them upon a layer of insulating material when it is safficiently hard for the wires to rest upon it without sinking below the surface, and then covering them over with a further quantity of insulating material. Rows of wires and layers of material may be added alternately until the required number of wires are laid. The insulating substance may be simply in the trench to receive the wires, or it may be in a channel or tube. The lay- ing is performed, in the place where the wires are intended to remain, by means of a gauge to lay the materials, a truck with a reels to supply the wire, and a gauge to lay the wires. If desired, the wires may be insulated previous to being laid in the trench, channel, or tube. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, April 8.-No. 1048. HENLEY, WILLIAM THOMAS.—“ Improvements in posts or “supports particularly applicable to posts or supports for telegraph wires.” These posts are constructed of flat plates of wrought iron or steel, bent at an angle and fastened together. In one case, a flat tapered plate has tapered webs riveted on each side, so as to present, in section, four ribs at right angles to each other. Flanges for riveting the webs are formed by bending them on alternate sides from the bottom to the top of the post. Where great strength is required, horizontal gusset pieces may be introduced between the webs. Lengths of iron may be horizontally wedged into holes in the webs, near the base, to form a foot for the post. Another post, with three webs or flanges, is formed, in a similar manner, of one taper plate and one taper web. Each flange or web is at an angle of 120° to its neighbour. Instead of bending the plates to form the edges for riveting, 8 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. the webs or flanges may be secured to the main piece by lengths of angle iron. The post with four ribs may be made of four tapered plates, riveted, and with or without angle iron. The post with three ribs may be similarly made. The iron for these posts may be rolled in a trough-shaped section, and then cut lengthwise on the slant. * The posts may be made in short lengths fastened together, and clamps of iron or steel may be driven over the plates. The whole may be then galvanised together. [Printed, 18. 8d. Drawings.] 66 A.D, 1867, April 16.-No. 1127, GRAY, Thomas Wood.—“ Improvements in Sir William Snow “ Harris's lightning conductors for ships, vessels, buildings, " and other structures. This invention relates to improvements upon that set forth in No. 957, A.D. 1853. In vessels, the conductors are permanently fixed from the highest point of the mast to the sea, so as to admit of the free motion of the portions of the masts, and so as to be always ready for danger. The metals are applied in series and in a given way to the movable parts of the masts, and to the head of the lower or fixed mast, in connection with conductors fixed along the shrouds by metal grip fastenings, and connected to the heads of the lower masts and to the metallic hull or bottom of the vessel in the sea by double universal joints. The con- ductors may be disconnected by withdrawing a pin bolt. In iron masts, flat metal conductors are fixed and screwed to the iron mast head and over the top of the head and are connected to the top mast by a metal hinge. The other kinds of masts are similarly fitted. In the case of buildings, the conductors are fixed to all the important points and are connected to the metal gutters, rain water pipes, and to all metal on the roofs, also to one main conductor, which is led direct to the earth with branches into the ground. Each chimney stack has a band of metal round the top connected to the main conductor. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] a DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 9 A.D. 1867, May 4.–No. 1307. DELPERDANGE, LÉON.-A “method of and apparatus for " laying and protecting underground telegraphic wires." The wires are laid in cast-iron tubes that have longitudinal slots or grooves ; the slots are then filled up with cement. The cement may rest on a metallic band which is introduced into the tubes and fastened (with keys) at the exterior of the tubes. Or the cement may be held firmly in its place by a strip of T-iron inserted in the slot and supported by any suitable appliances. When the joints of the tubes are secured by india rubber, the india rubber rings may be severed and placed over the rims of the tubes ; they are then closed and are held by studs. A collar is placed over the india rubber to keep the same on the terminal rings of the tubes. [Printed, 8a. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, May 6.—No. 1319. HAENLEIN, PAUL, FISHER, JOSEPH, and FISHER, ROWLAND GEORGE.—(Provisional protection only.) —“Improvements in telegraph posts, also applicable to ships' masts and posts or supports for other purposes." These posts are constructed of wrought-iron or steel tubes, in which portions of the metal are punched out, so as to pro- duce an open structure. The holes are punched in the sheet of metal previous to its being bent into the tubular form. When bent, the sheet is riveted or welded up the longitudinal joint. The post may be of one length, or of several lengths of tubes joined together. The base of the post is formed of a cast-iron corrugated plate; or it may consist of sheet metal arms with angle iron or T-iron strengthening pieces. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, June 11.–No. 1720. FULLER, John CRISP.—“An improvement in telegraphic insulators, and in caps or shields for the same.” This invention consists in making insulators and the caps or shields for the same with perforations or apertures. 10 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The drawings show an insulator with a cap which has apertures at its lower part from the outside to the inside, si as to expose to view the insulator beneath. This arrangement allows the wind to pass through the cap and to come into contact with the insulator. The telegraph wire is attached by means of lugs on the shield at its upper part. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 9 A.D. 1867, June 17.–No. 1770. GRAY, MATTHEW.—“Improvements in the manufacture of “ electrical telegraphic conductors." The object of this invention is to preserve telegraphic con- ductors, especially those in submarine cables. The conducting wire, or series of conducting wires, is coated with gutta percha or any of its compounds, or with india rubber or compounds thereof; a covering is then applied of strands of manilla, hemp, silk, or other yarn, saturated with tar, and an external coating of gutta percha is given. To carry out this invention, the series of wires, already in- sulated, is passed through a box containing the preserving compound of gutta percha, bitumen, and tar. The yarn is passed simultaneously through other holes around, at some distance from that through which the series of wires enters. and wires pass out from the box through the same die, so that they are compressed upon the insulated conductor. The whole may then be passed through a chamber for giving the compound conductor an outer coating of gutta percha. In some cases, the whole is enclosed in coils of tape. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] The yarns a A.D. 1867, June 17.-No, 1771. GRAY, MATTHEW, and GIBSON, LEMUEL.—“Improvements “ in means or apparatus employed in examining the coating “ of electrical telegraphic communicators.” The object of this invention is to give the entire control of the movement of the winding-on creel to the examiner, so that no attendant is necessary during the operation. In carrying out this invention, a band from a steam engine passes over a pulley on the axis of the creel. The band is DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 11 loose and only rotates the creel when it is acted upon by the pressure of a pulley that is mounted on a foot lever. The foot lever is under the control of the person employed in making the examination of the coated telegraphic wire. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 23 A.D. 1867, June 17.-No. 1772. GRAY, MATTHEW.—"Improvements in the manufacture of “ electrical telegraphic conductors and in the means or appa- ratus employed therein." The several wires which are to be twisted round a central core are coated with a covering which is adapted to fill up any space between them. The revolving twisting frame carries a steam-heated chamber in which is placed a coating solution composed of gutta percha, bitumen, and tar, or of gutta percha and tar only. The wires which proceed from the bobbins on the frame to the inner core pass through openings in the chamber and become coated. When coating wires (single or compound) with gutta percha, or a compound thereof, in a heated state, the coated wire is, at separate parts of its progress, drawn through cooling media before winding it on to the reels, so as to avoid injury to the coating while it is cooling. The fresh coated wire is drawn through a trough of cold water, it then passes partly round a grooved pulley, to which separate motion given to the reels which are driven by friction. To facilitate the removal of moisture from the coated wire, it is placed in hanks, on suitable supports, in a close passage or closet, with doors to change the hanks. [Printed, 28. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, June 26.–No. 1856. MAURY, MATHEW FONTAINE.—(Provisional protection only.)-- Submarine cables. The paying out of deep sea cables is facilitated by a system of keeping the cable in sections; each section being coiled so that it may be paid out from the heart, and packed in separate movable watertight cases filled with water. [Printeil, 4d. No Drawings.] 12 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 9 A.D. 1867, July 9.-No. 2016. ANDREWS, WILLIAM STRATFORD.—"Improvements in means or apparatus used in effecting telegraphic communica- 66 tions." Insulators for supporting conductors, on posts or othe supports, have sheaths to the insulator bolts. The earthen. ware sheath to each bolt is formed with a closed end to cover the upper extremity of the bolt; it extends down the bolt to its collar. A small space between the sheath and the bolt is filled with cotton saturated with paraffin. A sheath of this kind may be fixed inside a bell insulator, Or the sheath may have a cup or bell formed in the same piece with it and may be shaped to support the wire without the use of a cup or bell. [Printed, 28. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, July 29.—No. 2192. DAVIES, GEORGE.—(4 communication from David Brooks.)- Improvements in insulators for telegraphic wires." 1st. The ordinary form of insulator (of porous earthenware), whilst warm from the kiln, is immersed in molten paraffin and remains therein until its pores are completely filled. The bracket, to which the prepared insulator is to be attached, is heated to expel moisture and then dipped into molten paraffin. This improvement may also be applied to the cast-iron shield of an insulator. 2nd. In the construction of insulators, blown glass is sub- stituted for cast or pressed glass or earthenware, in conse- quence of its superior insulating properties. 3rd. A wire holder, consisting of a rod flattened at one end, and having two bent arms at the other, is embedded in a vessel of blown glass by means of cement. The vessel is embedded in shield, by means of melted sulphar which is allowed to absorb paraffin, and an additional quantity of paraffin is poured both into the shield and the vessel, leaving a coating over the whole of the interior. 4th. To prevent damage by lightning to insulators. The arms of the wire holder are placed nearer to the lower edge of DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 13 the metallic shield than any other part of the holder is to any other part of the shield. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, July 30.–No. 2207. MARTIN, SAMUEL MANLEY, and VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. Signalling upon railway trains," &c. No. 966 A.D. 1866 is referred to in the present Specifi- cation. A spring hook grips an eye to form a coupling between carriage and carriage. The coupling rope is attached to one end of the eye. A coupling that releases itself, when unduly strained, con- sists of a galvanised cast-iron box containing a pivoted metallic hook actuated by a spring (either flat or helical), which presses the eye against a projection on the box. The coupling rope is attached to the carriage by means of a cast-iron block, screwed against the carriage so as to clamp the coupling rope. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] 2 A.D. 1867, August 2.—No. 2241. ALLAN, THOMAS.-" Improvements in submarine telegraph cables, and in the mode of joining the same.” This invention refers to improvements on that set forth in No. 1889, A.D. 1853. 1st. Iron and copper wires are combined in submarine cables, in such relative proportions as to obtain the maximum of conductibility (for the sectional area of the conductor) with the minimum amount of iron or steel consistent with the breaking strain. In one instance, a copper wire may be sur- rounded with fine steel wires slightly spiralled; the combined conductor may be run through a liquid solution of insulating material. In another instance, the small steel wires are alternated with small copper wires, so as to increase the conducting power of the core without increasing its sectional area. 2nd. These combined conductors are joined by means of a steel tube (with or without a longitudinal slit) which has been previously prepared by having its interior surface coated with 14 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. solder. This tube is slipped over the end of one length of cable. The copper wires of the two ends to be joined are bevilled and soldered, and the space, if any, is filled up to the thickness of the steel wire covering. The tube is then slipped over the joining in equal parts each way, and the whole is heated till the solder runs. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9 66 A.D. 1867, August 31.-No. 2480. NICOLL, DONALD. - "Improvements in electric telegraph “ conductors, and in the means of laying and securing the same; also in the machinery and apparatus to be employed " therein.” Nos. 480, A.D. 1866, and 694, A.D. 1867 are referred to. Any number of wires, prepared in blocks or slabs, are laid or, deposited in a trench, by means of a traction steam engine. The engine carries a ploughshare for cutting the trench in soft soils or clay. For hard ground, a pick is attached to the engine; or an instrument with steel teeth set in bearings may be employed. Two cauldrons are placed over the engine furnace in an adjustable manner; in one there is molten bitumen with materials to form a hard conglomerate; in the other is the insulating material for the junctions of the lengths of wire. The first cauldron has agitators and a valve to permit a suff- cient quantity of the molten mass to fall into the trench to form the slab in which the wires are to be imbedded; when the wires are laid, an additional quantity of the conglomerate is supplied to further protect them, and the trench is filled up. To join the wires by percussion, when the number is small, a screw press is used in conjunction with a matrix; or lever power may be employed for the same purpose. When the number of wires is large, the stronger percussive or com- pressive action of a steam hammer is employed. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, October 19.-No. 2942. JALOUREAU, Alfred Fauvin, and LARDY, CHARLES Louis. “Improvements in the construction of telegraphic cables, " and in the apparatus for the manufacture thereof." DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 15 The copper conducting wire is first covered with thread previously prepared with bitumen. The covered wire is passed through a bath of hot bitumen and then is coated with bituminised paper, then again subjected to a bituminising bath, again covered with bituminised paper, and so on for several alternate coatings and a coating of bituminised thread, the last bituminous coating being sanded. The cable thus formed may be strengthened by iron bands wound helically round it previously to the final coating and sanding. The machinery consists of several successive apparatus, disposed in a line, so that the wire on a reel may be unwound regularly therefrom and finally passed over ganging and smoothing pulleys to the drum that originally supplied the copper wire. The first apparatus is a pair of rollers which press the wire closely and regulate its delivery. The next is a hollow wheel carrying bobbins of thread on its circum. ference and having a bath of bitumen and a gauge. Then follow several apparatus similar to the thread-supplying apparatus, and supplying a paper strip and having a bitu- minous bath. Then bituminised thread is supplied to the cable. The cable is finally passed through a box of sanded bitumen and over the gauging and smoothing rollers. Modifications are described and a wooden case is shown for laying the cable in towns; the case is grooved and has a a cover'. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1867, October 29.-No. 3046. CARTER, JOSEPH TURELFALL.-(Provisional protection only.) - “ Improvements in the manufacture of circular webbing or gasket, applicable as packing for steam engines, as cover. ing for telegraph cables, and other useful purposes, and in “ the machinery employed therein." The webbing is made from several strands of hemp, wire, or other material. One or more wires or threads “are passed over one strand, under another, over the third, and so on " continuously." In carrying out this invention, “5, 7, 9, or other number of “ strands " " are led as warps to the centre of the machine at “ the top from reels placed outside an arm or bobbin carrying 16 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 66 “ the wire thread or cord which acts as the weft; this arm or “ bobbing is caused to revolve on a slide on the middle plate of “ the machine, the arm or slide acts on the strands or warp and “ allows the wire or weft to pass under and over the strands or warps as required, thereby securing or binding them “ together and producing a webbing." In applying the webbing as a covering to telegraph cables, “ the conducting wires covered with any ordinary insulator “ form the core, round which the webbing is made ; each “ strand of the webbing may consist of one or more wires or “ rods wrapped round with hemp or other material.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, November 4.—No. 3108. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(4 communication from Austin Goodyear Day.)- An“ artificial compound chiefly designed for use as a substitute for india rubber or caoutchouc." The compounds which are comprised in this invention are three in number, namely, an elastic material, a semi-elastic compound and an article which may be used instead of hard rubber. The semi-elastic compound is suited for covering telegraph wires and cables; it is made by mixture and beat and con- tains certain proportions of cotton seed oil, linseed oil, coal oil, coal tar, or heavy petroleum, spirits of white turpentine, camphor, carbonate of soda, or caustic soda or potash, and sulphur, united with india rubber. The whole is vulcanised for a longer period than is necessary for soft rubber and mid- way between that and the period employed for vulcanising bard rubber. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, November 20.-No. 3286. OPPENHEIMER, JOSEPH.-" Improvements in telegraph “ posts and in apparatus for fixing the same.' Telegraph posts are made by joining together a series of wrought iron tubes of decreasing diameter upwards. The two tubes to be joined are one smaller than the other, the larger one is heated and the smaller tube (whilst cold) can DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 17 then be passed into it. The shrinking of the heated tube, by cooling, binds the two together. Hoops are shrunk round the tubes, or the end of the larger tube may have a collar which is heated with the tube. This operation is repeated for as many lengths as may be desired. The top length is closed by a rod which carries an insulator. Cross bars are clamped on to the tube with a screw and are provided with sockets for insulators. The earth plates (as many as are necessary) are strengthened by ribs, and have bosses through which two arms of a clamp pass. The clamp embraces the bottom tube and is drawn tightly thereon by nuts. The part of the bottom tube in the earth may have a thick. ness of iron cast round it, the tube being first tinned. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1867, November 26.—No. 3346. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from Silvanus Frederic Van Choate.)“ Electric telegraph apparatus.” A lightning arrester to intercept the atmospheric current before it can reach the instruments or cables.—This apparatus operates upon the principles of the lightning rod. A central disc is directly connected with the earth ; deflecting points or teeth are arranged circumferentially on the disc. A band or external ring surrounds the central disc and has corresponding teeth, which interlock with the central teeth in a zig-zag The edge surfaces of the disc and ring are very near each other, but not in actual contact. The outer band is made a part of the line-wire circuit. The tendency of a change of atmospheric electricity is to dart from the points of the band to those of the disc, or vice versa. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] manner. A.D. 1867, November 29.-No. 3390. MAURY, MATHEW FONTAINE.-(Provisional protection only.).- Submarine cables. A system of protecting cables and facilitating the paying of them out consists in cutting the cables into suitable lengths, 18 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 7 coiling each section, and packing the same in separate portable water-tight casings filled with water and sealed, the two ends of each section being left outside. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, November 30.–No. 3406. SHARROCK, SAMUEL.—“Improvements in the posts or up “ rights for electric telegraphs.” 1st. Strengthening and protecting hollow metal telegraph posts by slipping short tubes on to the lower ends and joints of the posts. These tubes fit tightly and are three or four diameters in length. 2nd. Posts for carrying telegraph wires over wide and large bodies of water. -Screw piles are sunk into the bed of the river in, say, a triangular form, spaced at distances apart. Upon the piles, a system of hollow or solid pillars is erected and thoroughly braced together. The pillars are built up tapering to any desired height, and, on the top, they carry the ordinary metal telegraph post, strengthened as in the first improvement. According to another plan, a single hollow metallic tube may be sunk into the bed of the river and built upwards with hollow tubes of varying diameter to any desired height. The interior of the metal tubes may be filled with earth, &c. In one case, the telegraphic support is erected by excava- tion from the interior of sunken cylinders. (Printed, 1s. 81. Drawings.] A.D. 1867, December 13.-No. 3542. SINTZENICH, EDWARD REED.—(4 communication from Daniel Reed.)-(Provisional protection only.)——"Improvements in the treatment of gutta percha, india-rubber, Honduras gum, and the other allied gums for the production of a preparation or preparations applicable as a varnish, cement, paint stain, water and air proof material, solid or elastic “ material, and for other purposes." The gums are dissolved in benzol. Upon adding alcohol in sufficient quantity, the purer portions of the gums separate DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 19 and rise in the form of a curd, which for the finer uses may be re-dissolved in benzol. For coating solid substances, one part of the curd is re- dissolved in benzol and the other part is dissolved in bi-sulphuret of carbon. The two solutions are mixed together and, upon evaporation, yield a solid material. Telegraph wires may be insulated by being coated one or more times with the substance or material. Or the coating may be effected by the processes ordinarily used for covering with gutta percha and india rubber. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1867, December 19.–No. 3609. BECKER, LEWIS MATTHEWS.—"Improvements in the arrange- “ ment of electric telegraph and other wires, and the apparatus employed or connected therewith, and in laying and supporting wires for telegraphic and other purposes.” The object of this invention is to maintain the telegraph wires at the same degree of tension under all circumstances of temperature, by self-acting means. An insulated spring barrel arrangement is attached to a bracket on the telegraph pole, and has the wire wound on to it. When the wires become lengthened by heat, the spring winds up the slack, and, when they become shortened by cold, the strain winds up the spring ready for use when expansion takes place. Pulleys, placed upon brackets on the telegraph post, carry the wires to the drum of the spring barrel. The continuity of the electric attachment is accomplished by doubling the wires and passing the doubled portion in one direction round the barrel a sufficient number of times. Or a separate grooved sheave, together with a chain for the barrel, may be used. Brackets, projecting from houses, &c., are used to carry the wires. The wires are supported by projections that are in- sulators, or that carry insulators; the projections may slide in grooves. The wires are conducted over corners by insulated sheaves or runners. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] 20 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 1868. A.D. 1868, January 15.—No. 130. BECKER, LEWIS MATTHEWS.—“Improvements in the mode of “ laying, supporting, and maintaining the wires used foz “ electric telegraph and other purposes, parts of which im. provements are applicable to other purposes." For these purposes, the compression or exhaustion of air o other bodies is used. The wires are laid in lengths of triangular blocks of glass or other suitable substance. Longitudinal tubes are formed through the blocks through which the wire or wires may be fed, passed or maintained, so as to be insulated. The blocks fit into sockets; they are held together by collars, so as to form any length required. To lead off the wire in different directions, certain blocks have side apertures with collars. To feed the wire into the tubes, a chamber is clamped to the end or ends of the block. The chamber is air-tight and has a stuffing box through which the wire passes. A pipe from the air-pump is attached to the chamber; the air acts against a piston to which the wire is fixed. A paying on and off machine feeds the wire without the necessity of the lengths being disarranged or the earth removed. [Printed, 1s. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, January 22.-No. 233. GRAY, Thomas Woon.-(Provisional protection only.)—"Im- “provements in lightning conductors.” This invention relates to instances in which it is not adris. able to employ the system set forth in No. 1127, A.D. 1867. Instead of fitting metal strips from higher masts to lower mast head, thence overboard by tubular conductors down the rigging, the lower, top, and higher masts are fitted with metal strips which are connected to the hull of the vessel. In a composite vessel, the strips are fitted on wood or other non- conducting material, or otherwise, over the iron beams of the vessel or on the under side of the wood deck and thence to the DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 21 ship's side, with through metal bolts to the copper sheathing, and connections from the heel of the lower mast fitted in a similar manner, so that the hull has an entirely distinct line of conductors, independent of any iron and removed from contact with the same. In iron vessels with wood masts, the strips of metal are taken from the bottom of the masts on deck along the apper side of the wood deck to the ship's side, thence overboard. This system is more especially applicable where the mast stops at the upper deck. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, January 29.-No. 315. MARTIN, SAMUEL MANLEY, and VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. -"Electrical train intercommunication,” &c. This invention relates to improvements on those set forth in No. 966. A,D. 1866, and in No. 2207, A.D. 1867. In constructing electric coupling ropes that connect carriage with carriage, a wire rope or hempen core is used. The con- ducting wires are wound helically round the core. An external serving of hemp insulates and protects the conductors. In another plan, the conducting core is of crinoline steel plates, and is covered externally with hemp. To indicate to the guard when a carriage breaks away, the box described in No. 2207, A.D. 1867, is spring jointed to a back plate attached to the carriage, and when the box is un- duly pulled forward, a lug is moved, which permits a blade spring to come into contact with a stop and thus to complete the electric circuit. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1868, February 10.-No. 447. BARNES, FREDERIC, and HANCOCK, DAVID.-- (Provisional protection only.)—A "method of and apparatus for working “ and communicating motion to signals on railways.” The signals are worked by electric apparatus and the con- ductors are the rails themselves. The wheels of a carriage, being united by their axles, com- plete the electric circuit when they pass over certain portions 22 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. of the rails, for the two rails are then electrically connected across. The portion of the rails required to complete the circuit i disconnected from the rest of the railway by a small insulating space, so that the signal is actuated only during the passage of the train over the allotted portion of the rails. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, February 18.-No. 535. PERKINS, WILLIAM, and TANDY GEORGE GRAINGER.—“ An improved preparation or compound applicable for insulating “ electric conductors, and for such purposes as india-rubber “ and other vulcanizable gums are applicable.” This compound is produced by the combination of anthra- cene or naphthalene or compounds thereof with vulcanisable substances. An insulating compound for covering telegraph wires or electric conductors is made by a combination of fifty parts of sulphurised rubber, gutta percha or gum ballata with fifty parts of naphthaline or anthracene. In this compound porosity is “obviated.” The combination is effected in the ordinar manner. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1868, February 27.-No. 668. BULLIVANT, WILLIAM MUNTON. - (Provisional protection only.)—"A"composition for preventing the fouling of iron “ and other ships' bottoms, and for preserving metal and “ other surfaces generally.” This invention may be applied to the preservation of sub- marine cables. This composition contains red lead, beef suet, wax, pitch, brimstone, arsenic, Russia tallow, rosin, and blue butter; these ingredients are mixed and boiled together. The re- sulting composition is applied while hot with a brush or trowel. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION II.- CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 23 A.D. 1868, March 11.- No. 838. WALKER, THOMAS.—(Provisional protection only.) —“Electric “ telegraph cables and lines,” &c. The cables and lines are made of uninsulated conductors; they consist of a single wire, or of a bundle, or of conductors twisted helically into a strand to form one conductor, which is connected with positive, negative, or neutral earth plates. Each conductor in a cable is kept apart by a porous material. In land lines, the uninsulated conductors are laid in the earth, "keeping them sufficiently apart to prevent confu- “ sion.” Or, they may be suspended, without insulators. " The conductors can be covered with any suitable material " to obtain strength or weight.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, March 19.-No. 939. HOOPER, WILLIAM. "Improvements in treating india- “ rubber, and in the manufacture therefrom of fabrics and of “ insulated telegraphic conductors." In the manufacture of india rubber, when the crude india rubber has been washed and cleaned, and before it is masticated, compressed, ground, or dissolved, it is placed in a closed heated chamber and raised to 250° Faht., the heat being maintained for two hours. The compound used to insulate telegraphic conductors is a mixture of india rubber (treated as above) and oxide of zinc. Three hours grinding by heated rollers makes the composition work through a die. In the case of a telegraphic conductor with a strand of wires, the central wire of the strand is coated with the india- rubber compound. The outer wires bed themselves into this coating and thus form a solid strand. Heat necessary for vulcanisation can be used without in- jury in filling up the interstices of conducting strands. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, March 25.–No. 1026. PIGGOTT, WILLIAM PETER.—"Improvements in transmitting “ electric telegraph messages and in apparatus employed " therein." 1 24 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. This invention relates to the improvements upon the methods and apparatus set forth in Nos. 2957, A.D. 1860, and 2213, A.D. 1865. A method of and apparatus for “working the electrically statically charged or induced land or submarine wires or “ cables” described in the above Specifications. One end of the charged wire is connected to any number of batteries, each battery being attached by a wire to one or more of the contact points of the transmitting instrument to create a greater or less disturbance of the electrical equilibrium, and thus to transmit signals. When a single wire is used, the batteries at one end of the wire and the receiving instrument at the other are connected to earth. One of the pair of elements of a charged cable is in the form of a tube or trough which may be open along the upper surface to introduce therein the wires of the opposite element. The tube forms a protective casing to the wires. Copper wires (surrounded with gypsum saturated with a deliquescent salt) may be placed in an iron tube, or if iron wires be used, they are so connected to batteries as to render them in the opposite electric condition to the tube. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, April 23.-No. 1336. ROGERS, JOSEPH.-—"Improvements in the preparation and “ utilization of certain vegetable and bituminous products." The second part of this invention consists of a material for coating telegraphic wires. This compound contains the solid residuum resulting from the treatment of vegetable oils (such as cotton seed oil) and the liquid foots from the rectification of petroleum combined with gutta percha or india rubber. The mixture is acted upon by a solvent, such as benzol : the solution is used for coating the wire. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, May 27.—No. 1750. GRAY, MATTHEW.—"Improvements in the manufacture of “ insulated electric conductors." 9 DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 25 The object of this invention is to facilitate the junction of lengths of submarine cables which are insulated with vulcanised india rubber. The vessel for vulcanising by steam heat has openings through which the ends of the cable or conductor project; thus the ends are left uncured, and adjacent lengths can be easily joined. In a modification of the above process, the end of the cable to be protected is embedded in a bad conductor of heat in a tube contained within the vulcanising vessel; the tube has a jacket through which a stream of cold water circulates. When a fault has to be cut out of the cable, the insulating compound is cut away for a few inches from the extremity of each of the ends that require to be joined. The joint is then made by soldering and is covered with uncured rubber com- pound. The uncured part is then placed in a small vulcanis- ing vessel, or cast-iron box with flanges, and is submitted for the requisite time to the action of steam. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, June 13.-No. 1932. HUMFREY, CHARLES.—(Provisional protection only.) — “A compound applicable to insulating purposes." Prepared gas tar is used as a solvent for the pitch resulting from the acidification and distillation of palm oil. The gas tar is ordinary gas tar with a part of the dead oil and all the creosote and napthaline driven from it by heat. This compound is freed from oxide of iron and other impurities, so as to be applicable for insulation, by liquefaction by heat and by being allowed to stand for twenty-four hours for the im. purities to subside to the bottom. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, June 22.-No. 2012. GRAY, MATTHEW, and GIBSON, LEMUEL.—"Improvements “ in coating or covering electric conductors." 1st. Equalizing the thickness of the covering applied to conducting wires.—In the case of a die plate with a number of dies, the wire conducting tubes are separately adjustable by longitudinal motion, during the action of the 26 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. ; apparatus. Or the dies themselves may be separately adjust- able. The plastic gutta percha is supplied, at such a pressure as to ensure its ready discharge through the die plate, by means of a double cylinder press fitted with plongers and cos off valves ; the gutta percha is forced forward by each plunger alternately through a moulding instrument which is clamped into a conical seating. The moulding instrument is a conical plug with side openings for the supply of gutta percha from the press ; the front end of the instrument is the die plate which is provided with steady pins and a flattened hollow core within the case to carry nozzles that are immediately behind the die plate. The wire conducting tubes carry, at their outer extremi- ties, the above-mentioned nozzles, which are separately adjust- able longitudinally by square heads and keys in connection with spur gear working on screws on each tube. Apertures for the supply of gutta percha are made in the nozzle plate. 2nd. A compound, containing gum balata, rosin, oil, and pitch, is used to facilitate the adhesion of the gutta percha to the wire or to a previous coating of gutta percha. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1868, July 8.—No. 2160. MAYALL, THOMAS JEFFERSON.—“Improvements in electric “ telegraph cables." A wrapper of cloth or woven fabric is applied over the usual insulating coating of india rubber or gutta percha. The cloth is “frictioned” on both sides with a solution of the insulating substance. For additional protection to the cable, a layer of pure rubber is applied to a cotton sheet by means of a solvent and (the vulcanising compound being applied over the rubber) is then vulcanised by heat. The vulcanising compound contains rubber, gutta percha, zinc, pipeclay, sulphur, shellac, French chalk, and white resin. The cotton sheet being removed, strips of the vulcanised sheet are wrapped over the cable ; the over- lapping ends are thoroughly secured. Submarine cables are strengthened by wire rope or other suitable substance; the above protective covering is applied over the wire rope. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 27 A.D. 1868, July 20.--No. 2271. GRAY, Thomas Wood.—“ Improvements in lightning con- so ductors.” In cases in which it is not advisable to use the system set forth in No. 112 A.D. 1867, the plan described in the present invention is employed. This invention consists in fitting conductors to composite vessels of wood and iron, so that there is a direct line of con- ductors free from contact with any iron in the interior of the vessel, thus avoiding the magnetising of the iron and any possible explosive action in double-skinned vessels. In a vessel of wood and iron with wood lower masts, the iron beams are to be covered with wood, and the metal con. ducting plates are to be fixed on the same or on the under side of wood deck to ship's side and partly down the side with direct metal bolts to the metal outside. The connections from the heel of masts to the bottom of the vessel are made in a similar manner. A vessel, with masts stepping on the deck, is to be fitted from the heel of the mast along the upper side of wood deck to the ship's side and thence overboard to the sea direct. Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1868, July 28.-No. 2369. MARTIN, SAMUEL MANLEY, and VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. Train intercommunication,” &c. This invention relates to improvements upon those set forth in No. 966, A.D. 1866, No. 2207, A.D. 1867, and No. 315, A.D. 1868. Flexible conductors for the electric connections joining car- riage to carriage.--The conducting wires are helically wound round a soft core of hemp to form a conductor strand. A number of strands are placed side by side and are bound together by hemp to form the flexible conductor. Completing the electric continuity by the act of coupling ap the carriages. — The flexible conductors pass through the buffer plates and are attached to metal plates fastened to the wooden faces of the buffers. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 28 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 4 A.D. 1868, July 29.-No. 2380. HARPER, JOHN ROBERT. — (Provisional protection only.) - “ Improvements in the production or manufacture of strips or ribbons of zinc or alloys of zinc suitable for being em- ployed in the manufacture of telegraphic cables.” The cast zinc is rolled into a plate and cut into strips by means of a circular saw. The strips are annealed, drawi through a die, and freed from burts. The annealing and drawing processes are then repeated, the burrs being remored between each drawing process, until the strip is reduced to the form of a wire of a suitable size for the subsequent opera- tion. The wire is then reduced to the form of a strip by rolling and annealing processes repeated several times until the metal is of the required thickness and width. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, August 8.—No. 2489. WALTON, FREDERICK.—“ Improvements in the treatment of “ resins or resinous gums, and in the application of the pro- “ ducts obtained therefrom." One of the uses of this invention is to insalate electric conductors. Gum kowrie, or New Zealand gum, is combined with castor oil by heating the gum until it becomes fluid or semi-fuid, and then adding castor oil to it in such a quantity as will yield the kind of compound required; copal, dammar, or san- darach, may be used instead of gum kowrie. Oxidised or solidified oils may be mixed with the compound. The compound of gum kowrie and castor oil may be pressed or moulded on copper wire for electrical purposes. Or, gum kowrie, castor oil, and oxidised linseed oil, are mixed, and the compound is put on to the wire to be insulated "by the same “ method as is adopted in using gutta percha, vizt., by “ forcing it through a die.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 29 A.D. 1868, August 11.—No. 2505. GRAY, MATTHEW, and HAWKINS, FREDERICK.—“Improve- ments in the mode of and apparatus used in manufacturing telegraphic insulated wires and cables.” 1st. Covering wire “ with a secondary or it may be a “ primary insulating coat of plastic compound.”—To econo- mise material and to ensure sound side joints, when ribbons of rubber compound are pressed on to the wire by means of a pair of half round grooved pressing rollers, the rollers are formed with several half round grooves which are separated by square edged fillets with the angles removed. A wire is passed through each groove and is furnished with an upper and under ribbon of india rubber of a width suitable for covering all the wires; the rubber is thus pressed closely round the wire so as to coat it effectually. 2nd. Combining covered strands or wires into one cable so as to facilitate the drawing out of the ends of the several wires from the cable to make electric connections and so as to effect economy in the vulcanising process.—Over the wires (covered as in the first improvement) while still in the uncured state, French chalk or flour is dusted, and the wires are laid together in the usual way to form a cable. The grouped wires are enclosed in a coating of rubber and the whole is vulcanised by heat. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, August 28.-No. 2672. MCGREGOR, WILLIAM.—(Provisional protection only.) —“ Im- provements in the construction of telegraph and signal posts.”. When great height is required, the post is made in tele- scopic sections. All the parts may thus be made to slide together and may be contained in the lowest or largest section for transport. When put up, the sections are fitted together by screws or otherwise. The cast-iron basement socket is hollow and has a wide flange at top and bottom; the socket is built into the ground. When the posts are of very considerable height, they have chain stays which are secured to anchors in the ground. 30 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A non-conducting material is interposed at the junction between each section to insulate the sections from one another, The top section for carrying the wires may be wholly or partly of wood. Each telegraph post is furnished “with a lightning Con. “ ductor projected above and passing down the centre of same, from which however it is entirely insulated.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9 " a A.D. 1868, August 29.-No. 2683. VARLEY, CROMWELL FLEETWOOD.—“Improvements in electric “ telegraphs." 1st. In constructing a telegraphic cable, a cord or cords of hemp or other similar fibrous material is or are combined with the insulated conductor. The insulated conductor is slightly twisted (that is twisted in a helix of great pitch), with the strands or cords of the cable " so that the insulated conductor “ occupies the place of one of the spiral strands in an ordi- nary cable.” Lashing the insulated conductor to the cords is mentioned as a possible means of constructing a cable. 2nd. “The use in the manufacture of telegraphic cables of “ cords, yarns or tape impregnated by chloride of sodium or calcium, and then coated with pitch and chloride of sodium or calcium.” [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1868, September 2.–No. 2707. GREENER, John Henry. -- (Provisional protection only.) - Improvements in the construction of insulators for tele- graph wires." This invention consists in the construction of insulators with iron coated with a non-conducting enamel, by preference that manufactured in accordance with the invention set forth in No. 1646, A.D. 1863. In these insulators there is no necessity for separate metallic hoods. [Printed, ud. No Drawings.] DIVISION II.--CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 31 A.D. 1868, September 4.- No. 2735. SHARROCK, SAMUEL.—“Improvements in metallic stand- “ ards or posts for electric telegraphs and signal masts.” The telegraph posts are to carry wires over wide rivers or other places where considerable span and height are neces- sary. The central upright is of iron or steel, in convenient lengths all fitted together and tubular. The lengths are attached by means of flanges and bolts or rivets. The central upright is braced by iron or steel rods from the top to screw moorings in the ground. In lofty telegraph standards, an iron or steel ladder is provided, to ascend to the top, for fixing the insulators or wires. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1868, October 6.-No. 3051. ASPINALL, JOSEPH. — (Provisional protection only.) — "Im. provements in telegraphic and other ropes or cables, part " of which improvements are also applicable in hardening “ the surface of india-rubber and gutta-percha.” Telegraphic cables are formed of hair or animal fibre. When hemp or vegetable fibre is used, the cable is protected by enveloping it in felt or other fabric made of animal fibre, * which may be applied as a spiral serving." The animal fibre repels the teredo or other marine-boring animals. Preferably, the felt is saturated with a compound of gutta percha and pitch or rosin, which causes it to adhere firmly to the cable. The compound may have silica or other hard powder, or a silicate (soapstone for instance) mixed with it; in the latter case the silica is set free by means of an acid, or chloride of calcium may be used to convert the silicate into a hard stony substance. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, October 21.–No. 3224. WHITEHOUSE, EDWARD ORANGE WILDMAN.-A “mode of “ protecting insulated telegraph wires." 32 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. An external coating is applied to wires that are coated with india rubber or gutta percha. This coating is composed of gun cotton together with a volatile solvent (such as a mixture of alcohol and ether) and oils, resin, paraffin or pigments. The homogeneous plastie compound thus produced is applied to the wire by any of the wire coating apparatus now employed in the covering of wires with gutta percha. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] ] A.D. 1868, October 26.–No. 3268. HEASLER, WILLIAM.—(Provisional protection only.)—“Im- provements in machinery for coating wire with india. “ rubber, gutta percha, and other materials for telegraphic " and other purposes." A toothed wheel is keyed upon each end of a driving shaft, which extends the whole length of the machine. The further toothed wheel rotates a shaft which carries the drum con. taining the wire to be coated. The wire is led over a guide pulley and passes through a hollow shaft; the gutta percha or other coating material is supplied from a grooved wheel at the side and is laid on as the wire passes. “The covered wire passes through another bollow shaft " which is united to a frame with another shaft at the other “ end carrying a toothed wheel in gear with the first toothed " wheel on the main driving shaft, and by this means rotary “ motion is communicated to the two shafts and the wire." The latter frame carries a drum round which the coated wire is coiled. The drum revolves with the frame as well as on its own axis, worm-wheel gear being provided for this purpose. In this manner the drum not only twists the wire, but at the same time draws it, when coated, round its circumference. [Printeil, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, November 17.-No. 3490. GREEN, ROBERT.-(Provisional protection only.)-A" method or means of covering telegraph wires employed under “ water." The wires and their insulating medium are encased tightly within a metallic tubing of lead or other soft metal. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 33 66 One or more series of such tubular coverings or casings may be employed when desired.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, November 18.–No. 3501. SIEMENS, CHARLES WILLIAM.-“ Improvements in apparatus " for fastening and adjusting telegraphic line wires." A ready means for fastening and adjusting telegraphic wires to insulators, so that they may be released when re- quired. A cam, carried by a pin upon which it can turn, is situated between two grooves in such a manner that when the cam is turned into a certain position, the telegraphic wire can pass freely between its edge and the grooves, but when turned into another position, it presses upon the wire between the grooves to bend it down and securely hold it. One groove may be used instead of two, and studs may take the place of grooves. To turn the cam and to fix it, a part of it is formed like a nut. Other means may be used to fix the cam. When adjustment of the line wire is to be provided for, the insulator has two cams, &c., so that a loop of wire is fixed at two separate points. (Printed, 8d. Drawing.] [ A.D. 1868, November 23.-No. 3556. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.-—(Provisional protection only.) _“ Electro-telegraphic apparatus.” A material for insulating the telegraph wires.—“Frederick " Walton's patent oxidised oil solution," is used “in conjunc- “ tion with any of the present processes,” or as a substitute for india rubber. The oxidised oil solution may be pure or mixed with india rubber, &c., with or without vulcanisa- tion. Battery cells are rendered non-conducting by heating the biscuit ware of which they are composed, and immersing it in boiling pitch, or in melted paraffin ; it is then drained, and, when cold, is ready for use. The aerial conducting wires are freed from ice and snow by Q 4487. B 34 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. the transmission through them of a powerful electric current, which heats the wires for a long distance. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, December 2.-No. 3661. ROSTAING, CHARLES SYLVESTER. (Provisional protectia only.)——“ Improvements in electric telegraph cables.” The chief feature of this invention is the winding of the conducting wire helically on an elastic core. Between each thread of the screw there is a space of, say, half an inch. When several conducting wires are in the same cable, they are twisted as in thread or cord to "prevent » induction. The elastic cord with its helices (preferably two, separated from each other by a ribbon or layer of non-conducting material) is covered with thin bands of india rubber, one wound in the contrary direction to the other. Similar succes. sive coats may be given and they may have metal strengthen. ing wires. The last coat or layer but one is composed of hemp saturated with caoutchouc or resinous solution, and the last or external layer is of iron or steel wire, in two portions wound in contrary directions. The protecting layers may be saturated with solutions of gum resins. A plastic compound may be used as a varnish to the wires or to saturate the fabric which is wound round the core. Tbe compound is a mixture of gutta percha with tannin or catechu. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1868, December 9.-No. 3752. STURGEON, THOMAS.—(Provisional protection only.)-Elec- trical apparatus for communicating between passengers guards, and engine drivers on trains. A part of this invention consists of a means of connecting the conducting wires of electric apparatus. A metallic sila is used “similar in principle to the ordinary necklace snap. " which consists of a hollow socket, into which fits a little “ spring pin having a projection which catches against s “ shoulder or edge formed in the socket.” A ring may be DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 35 used instead of a complete socket. The ring has sharp edges, so as to scrape away any dirt that may be on the spring pin. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, December 24.-No. 3938. CLIFFORD, HENRY.-" Improvements in the manufacture of “ submarine telegraph cables.” The object of this invention “is to protect the core of the “ cable from the attacks of submarine insects. The invention consists in coating the core with powdered silica. “The silica is preferably made to adhere to yarn or tape which has been previously steeped in tar or pitch, or s other suitable material, the yarn or tape being afterwards “ wound upon the core outside the usual serving of yarn. “ The core is afterwards surrounded by the usual outer “ covering." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1868, December 31.—No. 3984. SPILL, DANIEL.--" Improvements in the production of com- pounds containing xyloidine." One of the applications of these compounds is for the cover- ing or protecting of telegraph wires. The compounds of xyloidine are produced by employment of non-volatile solvents. To form a solvent for xyloidine, an oil, oxidised or other- wise, is made to combine with or to dissolve paraffin, camphor, resins, fat, wax, india rubber, gutta percha, or balata. For coating telegraph wires, the xyloidine (or product which results from the action of a mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids upon ligneous or vegetable fibre) is dissolved in a solvent containing camphor, camphor oil, or liquid camphor together with castor or linseed oil, either oxidised or not. The mixture is masticated as in the preparation of gutta percha or india rubber, [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] B 2 36 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 1869. A.D. 1869, January 25.-N. 222. MERRICK, JOHN MUDGE, jun.--Composition, and process of treating and moulding the same (such compound being for various useful purposes). Telegraphic wire insulators may be made therefrom. The ingredients are gum shellac and finely powdered silica. It is preferred to use the silica in the form of diatomaceous or infusorial deposits. The materials are mixed, brought to a semi-plastic con- dition by heat, and run between one or more pairs of heated cylinders until the ingredients are sufficiently incorporated. The compound, whilst hot, is passed between moulding rollers and then pressed, by dies, with strong pressure (whilst warm), into the shape required. Instead of the above process, the composition may be run from the cylinders into sheets and cut up into the required forms; or, the sheet may be subjected to the action of stamping or cutting mechanism. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, February 18.-No. 501. FITZ GERALD, DESMOND GERALD.—“ Constructing electric telegraphs,” &c. This invention principally consists in “electrolytic" insula- tion as distinguished from ordinary or “dieletric" insulation. A signalling current is insulated by means of good conductors (metals and electrolytes), so disposed as to generate an electro- motive force which opposes the escape of the signalling current when the latter is transmitted in a certain direction. In overland lines, the insulators that support the line wire consist of a small primary galvanic battery of suitable form and power. In one instance, a three-cell insulator consists of a galvanised iron hook enclosed within cones of the metals composing the battery separated by moist felt. In another case a voltaic chain is formed. A modification of a secondry battery may be used. DIVISION II.--CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 37 In underground wires and submarine cables, the conductor is surrounded with successive layers of an electrolytic insulator. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] & A.D. 1869, February 20.-No. 531. GRAY, MATTHEW.—“An improvement in the manufacture of “ covered electrical conductors." This invention relates to electric conductors or submarine cables ; its object is to ensure the central position of tue wires in the india rubber envelope, in which they are enclosed, during vulcanisation. The strength of the copper conductor is such as to admit of its being safely used without the addition of a hempen or metallic covering. The conductor is first enclosed in pure india rubber in the ordinary way; the whole is overlaid with a plastic compound of india rubber and sulphur by means of the machine set forth in No. 2505, A.D. 1868, or otherwise ; tape is then coiled helically over the compound and the cloth covering is payed over with a solution of the rubber com- pound. In like manner the inward surface of a second tape is similarly prepared and coiled over the first, in the opposite direction. As a modification, the first cotton tape placed on the wire longitudinally. The prepared conductor is next submitted to heat to convert the rubber compound into vulcanised rubber. The cloth pre- vents the oozing out of the heated compound through the joints. The conductor is preferably wound upon a large hollow iron drum covered on the outside with a soft substance, such as cotton. Upon the cotton the conductor is uniformly wound and placed in the vulcanising chamber. The drums may be one within another to save space. The conductors may be used as cores for submarine tele. graph cables, or they may be employed without further pro. tection. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 38 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1869, February 25.—No. 584. MOODY, John. - (Provisional protection only.) — " Mooring “ vessels or floating bodies." This invention is applicable to electric telegraph cables to buoy them up so as to clear deep gulphs or pass over rocks “ or other places as desired.” The cable is divided into lengths of thirty or forty fathoms. The buoys are secured to the cable, by means of a chain shackle or other appliance, as the strain on the cable requires to be eased. The uppermost buoy is immersed to such a depth below the surface that a vessel of any draft of water can pass over it. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, March 2.- No. 635. GISBORNE, FREDERIC NEWTON, and ALLMAN, HERBERT.- “ Improvements in the manufacture of tubes of metal to be employed in the construction of tubular telegraph poles, masts, and spars, steam tubes, and similar purposes." These tubes are made by coiling strips of metal “spirally" [helically?] round a mandril, so as to form a helical lap joint. The laps are fastened by riveting or other means. The base of a telegraph pole is made of strips of galvanised iron, and a plate of larger diameter is applied thereto, so that, when it is sunk into the ground, it may be filled internally with earth previously to the upper portion of the tube being fitted thereto. An insulating block is screwed to the inside of the upper part of the tube. Ebonite is fitted into the block, and the arms that support the telegraph wires are secured to the insu. lating parts by nuts or keys. The arms pass through aper- tures in the tube without contact therewith. The tubes may be made of two helical coils, wound one over the other in opposite directions. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, March 16.-No. 797. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. “ Improvements in the “ means and apparatus employed for sustaining and insulating electro-telegraphic overland line wires." DIVISION II.--CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 39 The stems that support the insulating caps are made of enamelled iron; they are insulated from the telegraph post by a wrapping of leather, &c., well saturated with india-rubber solution, and by an insulating washer between the nut of the stem and the post itself. If the latter precautions be adopted, insulating caps may be dispensed with, the top of each enamelled stem being directly secured to the line wire. Anything hard attached to ena- melled iron is packed to prevent the scaling off of the enamel. Two separate coats of very thin enamel are preferred. In the case of long lines, the wire (at the insulating stem) may be wrapped with paraffin paper or with cotton felt tape. In another plan, a square or circle of enamelled iron is fastened to the telegraph post, at two opposite points, and carries, at its outer edge, the required number of wires. Tubular iron telegraph posts may be filled in the interior with hydraulic cement or concrete. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, April 9.–No. 1076. ASPINALL, JOSEPH. Improvements in the construction " and protection of telegraphic cables, and in machinery for " the manipulation of the same, part of the invention being applicable also to the preservation of vegetable substances from marine animals." A part of this invention consists of improvements apon the cable described in No. 2683, A.D. 1868, and which has two strands and an insulated conductor spun into a rope. The cable, as it comes from the spinning machine, is served with yarn laid in the opposite direction and with a shorter lay than that of the two strands or ropes and insulated conductor. In another plan, the cable is wormed with a worming of yarn more elastic than the material of which the strands are composed. The serving and wormings may be prepared with pitch, tar, or other preservative material. The cable is preserved from the attacks of sea boring animals by strips of a paper composed of animal hair and vegetable fibre. The paper may be saturated with pitch, &c., and is wound on the cable prior to its being served. 40 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. On submerging cables of light specific gravity, a jockey wheel is placed on the paying-out wheel; these wheels are grooved so as to fit the cable. In picking up the cable, it passes alternately over grooved drums, and then through jockey wheels, each successive groove being two per cent. smaller in diameter than the pre- vious one; thus the cable slightly slips over each wheel. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, April 13.--No. 1136. JOHNSON, JOHN HENRY.-(4 communication from Alanson Cary, Moses Gerrish Farmer, George F. Milliken, and John Montgomery Batchelder.)"Making compound telegraph wire or conductors." Steel or other wire is covered with copper or other metal by winding a ribbon of the covering metal helically round the wire. The machinery is arranged to bend the ribbon longitudinally into a trough-like form by passing it between revolving die wheels, with concave and convex edges respectively. These wheels not only revolve on their own axes but also round the wire, which passes along with the sheathing through a hollow revolving shaft carrying a face plate and pair of jaws. Thus the sheathing is applied helically to the wire, and at the same time the wire and sheathing are both drawn through a draw plate. The compound wire is then coiled on a drum and may be used for the above purposes, or it may be previously pro. tected by a coating of tin. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1869, July 2.-No. 2008. FOUCAUT, ALFRED.—“ Improvements in telegraphic cables." The chief points in this invention are:-1st. The inter. position between the several conductors of a metallic partition for collecting the earth currents. 2nd. The employment of white lead (carbonate of lead), in cables, as an insulating and as a preservative material which hardens under water. Each conductor in the cable (composed of a single wire or twisted wires) is covered with gutta percha and then wrapped DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING, 41 with cotton thread, so as to completely cover the gutta percha. The thread is saturated with white lead. Outside the white leaded cotton, a sheet of thin tin foil is applied; for this pur- pose it is cut into bandelets of about one-third of an inch in breadth, which are helically wound upon each conducting wire. The conductors are united into a cable core whi is covered with gutta percha or white lead. Then the core is enveloped with a strip of linen, saturated with a mastic of white lead, and whole is served with a tarred rope, and finally covered with a tarred cloth. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1869, July 14.—No. 2121. WILLCOX, ROBERT.-" Improvements on appliances or in- “ struments for finding and for picking up submarine cables “ and apparatus connected therewith.” The cable finder consists of a metal bar, of an elongated conical shape, and carrying a shackle to which the hauling line is secured. The shackle is linked to the bar near to its pointed end, and so that the weight of this end is very much less than that of the back part, when the finder is being hauled along the bottom of the sea. If the pointed end comes into contact with a rock, the heavy portion of the finder is raised and drawn forward over the obstruction. On coming across the cable, the latter passes over the pointed end and is stopped between it and the shackle. When the hauling rope is raised the cable is lifted with it and is supported between the shackle and the finder, the weighted end keeping the bar vertical until the whole apparatus reaches the surface. To lock the cable between the shackle and the finder, after it has been found, the weight of the cable forces a lever against the shackle, or teeth are formed on the shackle and on the finder, or the shackle is U-shaped. The cable may pass into a groove in the finder. For a soft muddy bottom, the shackle carries a pair of feelers or grapnels. To cut the submerged cable, a knife, fitted to the finder is placed between the arms of the shackle. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] > a 42 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1869, July 19.-No. 2177. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE.—(A communication from Pier Alberto Balestrini.)—“Improvements in cables for the trans- “ mission of electric currents." Three or other number of insulated conductors are laid round a central core of cord steeped in insulating matter, in the usual manner of making a cable. The conductors are not laid side by side, but each conductor is separated from its neighbouring conductor by a cord coated with insulating material. The core thus formed is coiled with a fibrous material steeped in insulating matter. Outer strands (impregnated with insulating matter) are twisted on the covering in elongated helices, in the reverse direction to the twist of the core. Some- times an exterior covering of yarn or of india-rubber cloth may be given to the cable; this covering is laid in the same direc- tion as the core. [Printed, 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1869, July 22.-No. 2235. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(A communication from William Edgar Simonds.)—“ Improvements in telegraph wire insula- " tors." In the case of an insulator supported upon a standard, an insulating substance such as paraffin is contained in a cup placed upon the standard. The cup is rigidly fastened to the standard, and its edge projects upwards into a groove in or surrounding the bottom of the insulator, so that the edge of the cup and the sides of the groove interlap but do not touch each other. The glass or other substance that insulates the stem or standard extends down into the cup nearly to the bottom. By this invention the formation of a continuous film of moisture on the insulator, even in damp weather, is avoided. A similar arrangement is used for hook insulators. [Printed, 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1869, July 24.-No. 2255. MICHIE, CHRISTOPHER Young, and MURRAY, GEORGE Wilson.-(Provisional protection only.) —"Improvements in 66 DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 43 نور pillars or standards for straining and supporting wires for “ fences and other useful purposes.' Telegraph wires may be strained by this invention. Iron bars are inserted into cast iron sockets and bases, buried in the earth or otherwise fixed. Near the surface of the ground, the bars pass through an aperture formed in a cross arm, so that the pillars or bars are secured in position and tightened by cotters. The straining brackets are formed of two iron plates bolted together, and leaving spaces for the passage of the pillar and for the straining rollers which have their horizontal bearings in the plates. One axis has a square head for the turning key, and holes in the roller are entered by pins which also pass through the plates to keep the wire strained. Vertical sheaves may be used to secure the post when ravines are spanned. In another arrangement, incasements are placed in two or more divisions on the pillars. These are bound to the pillars with rings which slide on to the divisions. The sheaves, one on each side, are held by the divisional sections. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, August 4.-No. 2335. HAZLEHURST, GEORGE STEWARD. Improvements in “ mechanism or apparatus to be employed as a medium of “ communication between passengers, guard, and engine “ driver on railway trains.” The electric circuit which is employed to carry out this invention is made up of a forward wire and a return wire, also of certain connections from carriage to carriage. The forward wire proceeds along the top of each carriage to a peculiar coupling. The return wire has terminations in each carriage compartment to form the means of breaking the circuit when a signal has to be made. The coupling from carriage to carriage consists of a horizontal bar mounted in bearings near the end of each carriage so that it can slide longitudinally. Each bar has, at its extremity, a block of wood to the outer surface of which are attached contact plates of copper connected up with the circuit, an upper plate with the forward wire and an under plate with the return wire. 44 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The surfaces of the plates slightly protrude. When a carriage is coupled to another carriage, its block is forced against the block of the next carriage by a weight acting through a rope which passes over a pulley to the inner extremity of the bar. Thus the approach or recession of the carriages to or from each other is allowed for, and the circuit is kept perfect ander all, the motions of the carriages during the transit of the train. (Printed, 10d. Drawing.] > A.D. 1869, September 3.-No. 2595. TEMPLE, EDWIN DANIEL. — (Provisional protection only.)— Improvements in the construction of telegraph, railway, signal, scaffold, and other posts." 1st. These posts are made of wrought or cast-iron tubes of convenient lengths, bent or otherwise, and connected by metal joints and bearing plates. 2nd. The tubes are tied firmly together by means of wire or other ropes, fixed externally to the tubes, and subjected to tension by wheel and ratchet or other apparatus. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, September 6.-No. 2618. EDWARDS, JOHN.-(Provisional protection only.) - "Improve- “ ments in railway carriages and in means for communicating " from one to another of the same.” When electricity is to be used as a means of signalling, a conducting wire is carried along the carriages in the usual way. The connection in each carriage is formed by a scarf joint; a ring is placed over the joint to keep it together. The ring pulled off, the joint is broken and the signal given from one carriage to another. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, September 8.–No. 2643. WALKER, THOMAS. — (Provisional protection only.) —"Im. “ provements in electro-telegraphy.” Several conductors in a cable are separated from each other by cocoa-nut fibre or other porous or non-porous material. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 45 A number of messages may be transmitted at the same time (without the currents interfering with each other by induction) by passing the currents in opposite directions in the different conductors. The number of messages so transmitted depends upon the number of conductors in the cable. Single conductors or cables may be covered with cocoa-nut fibre, or the conductor, or conductors, may be placed ex- ternally to a rope of cocoa-nut fibre. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, September 11.–No. 2671. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Provisional protection only.) “ Improvements in telegraph posts." A wrought iron tube or rod forms the core or axis of the post, upon which is cast an external casing, or shell of cast. iron. The cross section of the post thus made may be a ring with two or more webs. The post may be secured in the earth by a buckled plate; when a wrought-iron earth screw is used, this is welded to the wrought-iron core before the core is placed in the mould. Cross arms (for insulators) are added subsequently, or they may be formed as branches of the core, and be included with that core either wholly or partially in the cast-iron shell. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9) A.D. 1869, September 17.-No. 2712. COLLINGRIDGE, AUGUSTUS.—" Improvements in the mode “ of stowing and laying submarine telegraph cables." The cable is coiled on a horizontal axis, or drum, which can rotate in a well within the vessel, but to which the outer sea water has free access. The paying out of the cable (by the ordinary machinery) is by this means rendered free from liability to twist or to kink the cable. Brakes may be applied to the periphery of the drum to assist in controlling the delivery of the cable. The cable may be wound on the drum, or picked up, by steam power applied to the axis of the drum, [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 46 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1869, October 18.–No. 3038. SPAGNOLETTI, CHARLES ERNESTO.-"Improvements in ap- paratus for signalling by means of electricity." A part of this invention relates to the electric coupling (between the carriages) used when signals are to be conveyed from one part of a railway train to another. Each coupling consists of a spring clip and a cone. The metallic clip is made up of four springs arranged so as to embrace and hold fast the cone when it is thrust into the clip. The cone is also metallic and has a narrow part at its base against which the ends of the springs press. Each carriage carries at either end both a cone and a clip. If a strain be thrown on the couplings they will part without injury. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1869, October 21.–No. 3070. BUCHANAN, JAMES.—“Improvements in apparatus for coil- ing electric telegraph cables or ropes." A frame revolves about an upright axis in the centre of the coil, and has an arm which is capable of sliding to and from the centre. The cable to be coiled passes down a tube in the centre of the frame, and is led to a roller at the outer end of the arm. The roller lays the cable in a close spiral from the centre of the coil to the circumference and then back again, in a second layer from the circumference to the centre, and so The sliding in and out of the arm is accomplished by teeth and a pinion, as in a mangle motion, or it may be done in other ways. The frame is supported on three conical rollers which rest on the coil, it therefore rises as the coil accumu- lates. The weight of the rollers renders the coil compact, and prevents the convolutions from rising after they have been laid. The same apparatus may be used in uncoiling or paying out the cable. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] on. A.D. 1869, October 26.-No. 3102. SPILL, DANIEL.—“The preparation and use of solvents of xyloidine so as to render the same more suitable for “ industrial applications." DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 47 The principal application of this invention is “for the cover- ing or protecting of telegraph wires.” No. 3984, A.D. 1868, is referred to in this specification. The principal ingredients of the solvents, these ingredients being combined in various ways, are:-Camphor or camphor oil ; hydro-carbons with a boiling point ranging from 220° Fabt. to 400° Faht. ; alcohol ; castor oil; bisulphide of carbon; aldehyde. The material suitable for the above application contains xyloidine, castor oil, camphor, and one of the above solvents. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, October 30.-No. 3147. MONCKTON, EDWARD HENRY CRADOCK.—“Electricity and means of telegraphing.” This invention relates to the construction of a light tele- graphic cable. An insulated copper wire is coiled over an insulated iron wire, as in pianoforte wire. The whole is then insulated, and covered with a woven coating of hemp saturated with pitch and tar. The iron wire is rendered magnetic by means of a gal- vanic battery, which may have for its fluid the sea itself. Mak- ing or breaking electric contact renders the iron wire mag- netic or non-magnetic; thus the iron wire becomes the medium of communication. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1869, November 10.–No. 3231. BOHLKEN, ANTON.—“Improvements in terriers or ground augers.” Augers of small diameter (say two inches) are applicable for camp telegraph posts Augers of from five to twelve inches diameter serve to bore holes for the erection of large telegraph posts. This invention consists in constructing these augers with central boss pointed at its lower extremity, and having on its lower part a screw thread or blade of small size; upon the upper part of the boss a screw blade of comparatively large size is fixed. The pitch of the large screw is greater than that a 48 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. of the small screw. The small screw penetrates into the ground, the large screw breaks up and loosens the earth to the extent of its diameter. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, November 10.–No. 3236. JENKIN, FLEEMING.—"Improvements in submarine telegraph "s cables.” The deep sea cable is constructed “with a continual alterna- “ tion of strong and weak sections.” The stronger and shorter portions are fit to be recovered by grappling or haul- ing back. The weak sections are of simple gutta-percha-covered wire, and the strong sections are such as are now usually employed for deep sea cables. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1869, November 11.-No. 3245. HERBERT, THOMAS, and FOWLER, JAMES CALVERT.-(Pro- visional protection only.)—“Signalling between various parts “ of a railway train.” Two electric conductors are employed in this invention. One is a length of wire carried along the bottom of each carriage; the other consists of draw bars which are connected at their inner ends by a wire clamped thereto. The draw bars of adjoining carriages are connected together by means of a spring hook and a length of coiled wire at each end thereof. From each of these conductors branch wires are led into each compartment of the carriage to form the contacts for signalling. When it is desired to slip coaches, a slip coupling is em- ployed for the wire conductor in which an arm is retained by a catch until the carriages are uncoupled; then a cord acts on the catch and releases “the arm whereby the wire conductors are disconnected.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 49 A.D. 1869, November 16.-No. 3308. OPPENHEIMER, JOSEPH.—" Improvements in fixing and " staying telegraph posts." Fixing telegraph posts by driving them into the ground.- The post is provided with a pointed shoe, and is adjusted in a vertical position. A projecting collar is then clamped upon the post, and a weight is allowed to fall from a height upon the collar and to force the post into the earth by repeated blows. In a modification of the above method, the post is formed in two parts, one enters the ground and the other or upper part, above the ground, is placed in a cavity in the lower part. Instead of the weight falling upon the clamp, it strikes the surface of the lower part of the post and drives it into the ground. Another part of the invention consists in supporting the post laterally by adapting thereto a plate resting upon the surface of the ground and through which it passes. The lower end of telegraph posts may have screws, and thus may be screwed into the ground. An anchor for staying telegraph posts consists of a link, at the lower end of which are jointed flukes which may be folded inwards. The folded flukes are dropped below the surface of the soil; when they are drawn upwards hey tend to fix themselves in the earth. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1869, Norember 19.-No. 3340. BAYLISS, William, and BAYLISS, Moses.-“ Means for “ making or producing cast-iron earth screws for the lower " parts of fence, telegraph, and other posts or supports, and which said improvements are also applicable for other purposes." A moulding bed is so formed as to permit one half of the screwed portion to lie within it, with a plane surface upon the top, except the axis of the screw. When the pattern is turned half round in its bed, the worm lies above the plane surface of the bed and can then receive a mould frame or box. The 50 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. frame can be lifted by turning the pattern of the screw half round. In like manner the other half of the screw is moulded and the pattern is withdrawn. The two moulds can then be placed together and the metal can be run into the complete mould. Provision is made in the mould, in the usual manner, for the collar bearing on the earth, and for the shank to con- nect the upper part of the post to the screwed part. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, December 2.–No. 3489. WEBB, FREDERICK CHARLES.—“Improvements in the manu- “ facture of submarine telegraphic cables, and in the machi. nery employed in such manufacture.” This invention is to avoid the accidental piercing of the in- sulating coating of the conductors by portions of the external strengthening wires. The insulated conductors are served with wet yarn and a metal sheath is formed around the whole. This sheath con- sists of a lapped tube of soft steel; it is closed by a serving of tarred yarn. Protecting wires being laid around the core thus formed, the cable is complete. The machine for carrying out this invention receives the insulated wire protected by the above-mentioned wet serving and coiled upon a drum. A ribbon of sheet steel is also coiled upon a drum. The wire and the ribbon are led through a die so constructed that the ribbon is lapped round the wire in the form of an open tube. The enclosed wire is led off to a rotating driving drum, and from this drum it is led to another drum on which it is allowed to accumulate. The tube is closed as it leaves the die by being led through a rotating disc, on which are mounted bobbins by means of which the tube is surrounded with tarred yarn. In a cable for shallow waters, a sheathing of copper or of iron may be used. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] a A.D. 1869, December 11.-No. 3587. MARSHALL, WILLIAM ALFRED. * Improvements in the “ manufacture of electric telegraph cables, and in apparatus employed therein." DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 51 a An air pump Strands of cotton are boiled in paraffin wax, and are wound helically round the telegraph wire, one layer in one direction, another in the contrary direction. The coated wire is then laid in a length of soft metal tubing, and the whole is wound on a skeleton drum furnished with a hollow spindle that carries a pipe spirally coiled for the convenient connection of one end of the soft metal tube thereto. The drum, with its length of cable (or tube containing the wire) is then placed in a heated tank containing paraffin wax in a liquid state. being attached to the free end of the lead tube, the air is ex- hausted therefrom and liquid paraffin wax is admitted from a supply tank, so that it is forced through the whole length of the tube. To provide for the contraction of the paraffin on cooling, the cable is closed at the disengaged end and passed, in a vertical direction, into a cold water tank at a speed slow enough to allow of the solidification of the paraffin on the tube leaving the tank. By this means, spaces left by the con- traction of the wax at the parts cooled are immediately filled ap by the liquid wax above that point, and the cable uitimately becomes a perfectly solid body. The lengths or sections of cable are then united by any suitable means. More than one insulated conductor may be placed in the same soft metal tube. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1869, December 16.-No. 3637. HENLEY, WILLIAM THOMAS.—" Improvements in protecting telegraph wires and cables.” This invention relates to improvements on the invention set forth in No. 1779, A.D. 1853, in which iron troughs or pipes were applied as a protection to wires or cables laid under. ground, or in a nearly horizontal position. The present invention consists of pipes applied to the pro- tection of the shore ends of submarine cables, when they lie on a considerable incline. The upper half and the lower half of each pipe fit over each other by means of lugs and recesses. The ends are partly spherical; the sockets are of a similar shape and receive the enlarged ends. By this means the pipes 52 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. are prevented from separating from each other, whether they are on an incline or hanging vertically. In order to get the enlarged end into the socket, the lugs are wedge-shaped. Projecting pieces on the body of the half pipe drop into notches in the other half; the displacement of one half of the pipe from the rest is thus prevented. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1869, December 21.-No. 3696. FITZ GERALD, DESMOND GERALD,– (Provisional protection only.)—“ Constructing electric telegraphs.” Improvements upon the invention set forth in No. 501, A.D. 1869. This invention consists in a substitution for the electro- lytically insulated cable comprised in the former invention and in an augmentation of the electrolytic insulation of the signalling current in a cable forming a primary or secondry voltaic combination. The substitution consists in balancing the electro-motive force of an earth couple by means of a signalling battery at each station, so as to effect the electro- lytic insulation of the signalling current except when and at the point whence signals are required to be transmitted. The augmentation of the electrolytic insulation is obtained by a high electro-motive force opposing the escape of the signal. ling current before it has completed the line circuit. The cable is preserved chemically intact. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] . A.D. 1869, December 31.-No. 3778. MATTHIESSEN, AUGUSTUS.-An "insulating substance for " the covering of electric telegraph conducting wires, and for " electric telegraph apparatus and insulators." This invention consists in the application, as above-de- scribed, of “ozokerite” or “ earth wax." Ozokerite may be applied in its natural state, or its residues or products may be used. These residues or products may be obtained by partial or complete distillation. Or the natural substance, or its residues or products may be incorporated with gutta percha, DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 53 india rubber, or other known insulating substances with or without the admixture of fibrous substances. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 1870. A.D. 1870, January 5.-No. 41. TRUMAN, EDWIN THOMAS.—" Machinery for cleansing and “ preparing gutta percha, india-rubber, and like substances.” This invention is referred to in No. 124, A.D. 1874. The instrument for dividing the materials is double wedge- shaped, formed by cutting a double reverse screw in the sur- face of a cylinder or spindle. The spindle rotates inside a metal case, in which corresponding projections to those on the spindle are formed. This instrument is, preferably, worked under water, and the gutta percha is introduced into it by a hopper. Apertures, of large dimensions, are made in the case to allow of the access and escape of the water. In a modification, the sections of the double-threaded screw are fixed on the spindle. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9) A.D. 1870, January 31.—No. 272. DICK, ROBERT.—“ Covering and insulating the wires of " electric telegraphs." A part of this invention consists in applying, to the bare wire, a coating of shellac, and then, whilst the coating is hot and sticky, a powdering of dry, hot, hard, wood sawdust. Another part of the invention consists in applying to the wire (previously coated with silk or with the coating of shellac and sawdust) a combined duplex coating of vulcanised india rubber and of gutta-percha solution. One method of coating a single wire consists of applying the vulcanised india rubber in long narrow strips longitudi. 54 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. nally or helically so as to form a butt joint, or sufficiently wide to form an overlap joint. The vulcanised india-rubber is passed through a hot solution of gutta-percha cement. The laying or pressing down and cementing of the coating may be done by hand or by machinery; in the latter case, rollers of a suitable section are employed. When more layers than one are used, their respective joints are on opposite sides of the wire. In the helical coating, a revolving conoidal eye or friction ferrule is used. When more than one wire is covered, the strips are grooved accordingly and a thin strip of pure gutta percha may be fed in between the vulcanised india rubber and the wires. According to another part of the invention, the wires, coated with a first insulating coating, may be embedded within grooves formed in bands or lengths of vulcanised india rubber or of gutta percha. The wires, thus prepared, may be used as single telegraph wires or as the cores of telegraph cables. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1870, January 31.- No. 274. WALKER, THOMAS. - (Provisional protection only.) - "Im- provements applicable to telegraphic purposes." To ensure insulation, electrical conductors are covered with gutta percha or india rubber dissolved in naptha or other volatile solvent, either pure or mixed with gums, resins, pitch, bitumen, paraffin, or other water-resisting substance and lampblack, powdered glass, or fine sand, either in combina- tion or singly; the solvent is evaporated by heat or in the air. Oil, varnish, or paint may be used in admixture with the above mentioned substances, alone or combined without the gutta percha or india rubber. When an inferior insulating material is used, two or more conductors form a complete circuit. One conductor is used as the return wire to any number of lines. Two or more insulated conductors are used, connected in the same way to form the circuit or circuits. An insulated conductor or conductors may be used in circuit · with any number of uninsulated lines. DIVISION II.--CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 55 For land lines, the return wire (instead of earth plates) is a buried or partly buried line. Any number of lines may be connected with the buried line. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, February 7.-No. 344. BROOKS, HENRY, BROOKS, ADAM, BESTWICK, THOMAS, and BESTWICK, WILLIAM.--(Provisional protection only.)- " Improvements in machinery for covering telegraph wires." By this invention, telegraph wires are covered with one or more layers of hemp, and then the whole is coated with tar. Feeding rollers deliver the wire to a hollow spindle mounted in a headstock. The spindle has a face plate carrying bobbins, on which the hemp is woand as the spindle rotates. The strands are wound helically over the wire, which is then taken through a vessel of tar. The wire is then taken through a similar arrangement by which other strands are laid in the opposite direction and then coated with tar. Any number of coverings may thus be supplied to the wire. Metal wires may be wound over the other coverings in a similar manner. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, February 11.-No. 409. STORY, JAMES.-(Provisional protection only.)-A "method of constructing submarine telegraph cables for the support " of insulated conductors for communicating intelligence “ between nations and foreign countries by electricity.” The central portion of the cable is a flat chain furnished on both sides with small teeth, The chain is covered with a web made of the strongest hemp cord; it is held in its place by the small teeth which do not penetrate through the web. The metal chain is passed through hot pine tar before the web is put on. The web is stretched longitudinally and is coated with prepared gutta percha. The insulated conductors are placed on the flat sides of the chain and are slightly corrugated. In preparing the conducting wire, it is first coated with gutta percha, then longitudinally with silk or cotton web. The insulated wires being secured to the body of the cable, 56 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. the whole is saturated with gutta percha, then covered with another web of hemp cord that is put on without being stretched; this outer web is saturated with gutta percha so as to receive and hold a coating of sea sand, over which is spread a coating of tar and zinc paint, and another coating of sand. Over the sanded coating is firmly cemented one or more sheets of gutta percha, and the outside of the whole cable is bound together with small wire which is varnished over with a coat of pine pitch. In a lighter cable a metallic plate or sheet may be used instead of the chain. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, March 3.-No. 627. PHILLIPS, SAMUEL ELKENS.—“ Improvements in electric “ cables or conductors." This invention consists in lapping with strips of gutta percha, in one or more layers, a conducting wire or wires and cementing and covering the same with shellac or with a thin tape of xylonite,” and finally applying an outer coating of a flexible waterproof material. The material pre- ferred contains xyloidine as described in Nos. 3224 and 3984, A.D. 1868. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, March 16.-No. 787. SPILL, DANIEL.—“Improvements in the production of com- " pounds containing xyloidine." These compounds may be used for the covering of telegraphic wires. This invention consists in the employment, for the produc- tion of compounds containing xyloidine, of an evaporating or concentrating apparatus containing a mechanical mixing arrangement in conjunction with a condensing apparatus, either alone or in combination with an exhauster or current producing machinery. By this means the contents of the chambers or vessels are kept in motion, evaporation is faci. litated and the volatile products are condensed and rendered capable of utilisation. At the termination of the process, DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 57 the resulting mass is in a plastic condition and of a uniform consistency; it may be rolled into sheets, or spread upon sur- faces, or pressed or moulded into forms. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, March 25.–No. 878. TRUMAN, EDWIN THOMAS.—“Treating and preparing gutta percha and other like substances” and “ machinery used in “ the preparing process." Gutta percha, prepared according to this invention, is said to be peculiarly applicable to the insulation of deep sea tele- graphic cables. The cleansed material is placed in a cylindrical metal case containing a three-bladed screw; at the top of the case is a hopper, and, at one end, an exit opening. The material, supplied to the cylinder by the hopper, is forced, by the rota- tion of the screw, to the exit opening. The material is forced into a bent tube back again into the hopper, to have the cut- ting and pressing action of the screw again exercised upon it. This operation is repeated upon the material, the tube being heated in the early part of the operation, until the gutta percha passes out of the tube a thoroughly dessicated and consolidated mass. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1870, April 6.-No. 1017. HENLEY, WILLIAM THOMAS, and SPILL, DANIEL, junior.- Manufacture of a flexible material for insulating purposes. Collodion, which forms the basis of this material, is made from a substance obtained by treating esparto grass in the following manner :-It is caused to be finely divided by being fed between drums with pins or points (one drum rotating), and is acted upon by a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids. When the fibre is saturated, the liquid is pressed out again as quickly as possible. The fibre is then, in the moist state, sub- jected to a temperature below 130° Faht., until thoroughly soluble, and well washed; it is finally dried. The flexible material is made from the collodion by dissolving it in a solvent which contains oil, fat, tar, or gum. It is 58 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. filtered, placed in a still and mixed until it is similar to india- rubber dongh; it is then fit for use. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1870, April 25.–No. 1192. FENWICK, GEORGE.—" Improvements in the manufacture of ropes or cables to be used for telegraphic or other purposes, “ and in machinery for producing such cables or ropes.” The cable is produced complete and in one continuous length. The protecting wires are each surrounded with hemp or other fibrous material twisted round them; they enter the centre of each set of yarns forming a strand without any twist being put upon them; their full strength is thereby utilised. Each set of yarns is carried on a drum which has in its centre the wire bobbin. The drum revolves, and the wire bobbin is stationary relatively to the bobbins that carry the yarn. In the machine to which this invention is applied, there are several wire bobbins, one to each drum, and each drum carries the number of yarn bobbins necessary to form its own strand. The wire bobbins are connected with a ring combined with cranks, wheels, belts, or other suitable means, so as to pro- duce a kind of sun and planet motion. The drums are held upon the central hollow shaft by rings, upon which are regu- lating and draw-off motions to equalise the strain upon the yarns. At the top of the shaft is a motion for closing the strands into the cables and a draw-off motion to change by wheels suited to the different lengths of lay. The machine may be worked in a vertical or in a horizontal position. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1870, May 30.–No. 1574. BEAMISH, WILLIAM.—“ Constructing a cylindrical iron kerb “ for the reception, repairing, and maintaining telegraph “ wires." This invention relates to the kerb, usually of stone, which is placed at the edge of pavements in streets. The iron kerb is to be cast of the same external form as the stone kerb. Each length is connected by tongues or bolts. At convenient distances there are openings, with hinged lids, DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 59 through which the telegraphic wires can be supplied or re- paired. Branches of similar form may pass through the pave- ment. When a roadway is crossed, there is a fall toward the centre of the roadway and then a corresponding rise towards the opposite pavement. The top of the whole of the kerb is roughened or grooved. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, June 4.-No. 1626. SPILL, DANIEL. —"Improvements in compounds for insulat- " ing telegraph wires, the manufacture of flexible tubing, and “ other like purposes." These compounds “may be applied to the coating of tele. “ graph wires, or fuses for blasting purposes," " by any “ of the well-known machinery or apparatus used for such purposes.” In one example, gum lac, copal, or kowrie and camphor are used. The camphor is dissolved in mineral naphtha; the gam is then moistened with the solution and the mass is heated until the whole becomes soft or semifluid. In another, the combination of gum with camphor is mixed with caoutchouc, either by heat alone or by means of masti- cators. Or caoutchouc may be mixed with camphor only. Another type contains castor or linseed oil, kowrie gum and sulphur. The gum is dissolved in the oil by heat and the sulphur is added thereto. Gutta percha or caoutchouc may be incorporated with the other ingredients. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, July 6.-No. 1915. TOMMASI, FERDINAND.— A submarine “hydro-electric” telegraph cable. This invention does not relate to an electric conductor, but to a cable containing a tube or tubes filled with water, and acting by means of pistons upon electrical receiving instru. ments, the local electric circuit being completed by the rising of a column of mercury. [Printed, ls. 6d. Drawings.] 60 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. - A.D. 1870, August 29.-No. 2367. GRAY, MATTHEW, and HAWKINS, FREDERICK. — “Im- “provements in the manufacture of marine telegraph "6 cables.” The object of this invention is to protect from oxidation the external strengthening wires of the cable. Instead of overlaying the strengthening wires with threads of hemp coiled round the several wires, each wire is lapped separately, that is before its application to the cable, with strips of woven cloth saturated with a waterproof composition. The composition is applied to the cloth by means of a heated bath he same; the cloth passes under a guide roller mounted in the vessel, and is led up to a pair of hollow nip- ping rollers heated by steam. The compound contains veget- able pitch, tar, rosin, and india rubber. The wires have two coatings of cloth, one in the opposite direction to the other. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1870, September 17.-No. 2512. MAESHALL, WILLIAM ALFRED.—“Improvements in eartb- " boring apparatus." The earth-boring apparatus is designed for use in fixing poles or posts for telegraphic and other purposes. The auger is made in the form of a disc of metal severed radially from the boss to the circumference; the two jaws present in edge view) a V-shaped opening. The part which projects from the lower part of the disc forms the cutting edge. The earth passes through the opening on to the upper surface of the plate, whence it is removed, from time to time, by raising the anger from the hole. The point and the cutter plate are connected to the stock by a socket piece; the point has a quick helical groove or grooves. Thus a hole is drilled in advance of the boss of the auger. The stock is formed of tubes. A passage communicating with the hollow slock is provided for the admisson of air, to permit of the auger being easily lifted from tenacious ground. A valve in the cutter point is worked by a stem in the stock and a trigger. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 61 A.D. 1870, September 20.—No. 2525. ELKINGTON, JAMES BALLENY.—“Manufacture of wire for “ electric telegraph conductors.” The conductor is made from electro-deposited copper, with- out melting the copper, by depositing rods of copper and uniting them by tongue-joints. The joint is placed in the electro-depositing solution of copper and is thus coated and caused to adhere perfectly. The rods are drawn down, by rollers and dies, into wire of the required diameter. [Printed, 4d. Woodcuts.] A.D. 1870, October 3.- No. 2625. STONER, JOHN BENJAMIN.—(Provisional protection only.) “ Floating lighthouse and telegraph and life boat station.” This station comprises a buoy or float which has an inner and an outer cylinder. The inner cylinder rises to the floor of the lighthouse. It has a central tube open at top and bottom; the space between the tube and the inner cylinder is filled with water. The outer cylinder is in distinct sections, each o which is watertight. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] . A.D. 1870, October 6.- No. 2649. HENLEY, WILLIAM Thomas, and SPILL, DANIEL, junior.- (Provisional protection only.) --“ Apparatus for the manufacture “ of compounds of collodion.” A flexible material for insulating purposes is made as follows:-The gun cotton used in this invention is prepared according to the method set forth in No. 1017, A.D. 1870; it is dissolved in a solvent containing oil, fat, tar, or gum, and an additional quantity of oil, fat, tar, or gam is added to the solution. The whole is then filtered and heated in a still which is fitted with a mixer and a condensing apparatus. The resulting compound is similar to india rubber or gutta percha dough, and may be worked in like manner. For hard or rigid substances the material is composed of dissolved fibre and pigments or colours, such as are used for 62 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. compounding india rubber. The composition may be ground between rollers working in a closed heated chamber. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1870, October 7.-No. 2658. FLETCHER, JOHN WILLIAM.—“ Apparatus and fuel for facili. “ tating the soldering of the joints of electric telegraph and “ other wires." This invention is especially adapted for overhouse work. The apparatus, in general form, is cylindrical, with a handle projecting at right angles to the axis of the cylinder ; it is provided with a space to receive the fuel and a central trough to contain the solder when melted. The space is so formed that the joint can be placed against the solder. The sides of the fuel-containing part of the apparatus are perforated all The fuel is composed of charcoal, nitrate of potash and mucilage. Modifications are described, in which the end piece removes for the supply of fuel, or the bottom is fitted with a door, or the solder trough is removable, or the apparatus may be double or have an inner casing. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] over. 9 A.D. 1870, October 21.-No. 2775. WILLIAMS, JAMES ROBERT.-(Provisional protection only.)- A “ground anchor to form the base of straining post tele- graph post, also applicable to any other purpose where great “ strain is required.” This ground anchor is composed of a piece of gas barrel, of size and length in proportion to the strain required; it has an iron wedge at its bottom to open the ground as the barrel is driven down. The wedge forms a splitting base for opening or dividing four or more iron fangs or rods, which are driven in at the top of the gas barrel. The heads of the rods are held firmly together and their points, coming on the top of the wedge, spread in every direction like the roots of a tree. A standard post may be made fast to a socket screwed to the top of the barrel. а DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 63 When necessary, the anchor can be removed by unscrewing the socket and drawing each fang separately. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1870, December 6.–No. 3203. DIBBIN, HENRY ARTHUR.—"Signalling on railways." One of the points in this invention relates to a fog signal which is exploded by heat induced by an electric current. " In order to insure a clean metallic surface at the points of “ junction between the line wires and those of the cartridge (which project) the latter are covered with a coating of common solder, and the cartridge when secured in its place has these ends permanently immersed in insulated cups of mercury." [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] A.D: 1870, December 19.-No. 3314. ROGERS, JOSEPH.—(Provisional protection only.)—"Improve- “ ments in insulating telegraph wires, and in the machinery or apparatus to be employed therein." To insulate a single wire conductor (or a conductor composed of a single strand of wires), it is drawn from a reel, together with yarns that are arranged lon a series of bobbins (which surround the wire), through a trough constructed in divisions. The first division contains heated air, the second forms a cauldron of insulating material, and the others are constructed to repeat the process. A guide in the partition between the air chamber and the cauldron, and a rotating frame, enable the coated yarns to be coiled round the wire. The whole is then compressed through a trumpet-mouthed tube. A second insulating coating may be applied in a similar manner and further coatings may be given. The conductor is ultimately drawn through a die, dusted over with chalk or other earthy material, and passed through water. A number of insulated conductors may be similarly treated to form a rope. To insulate a number or series of wires by one process, they are laid between two cloths or fabrics, by means of an arrange- ment of discs, and a frame with slots for the passage of the 64 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. cloth and apertures for the wires. The cloth and wires are passed through a heated air chamber and cauldron, then drawn off and dusted as above. The insulating material preferred is that described in No. 1336, A.D. 1868. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 1871. A.D. 1871, January 3.-No. 10. McEVOY, CHARLES AMBROSE.-—“Improvements in the means " or apparatus for effecting the explosion of torpedoes or other explosive charges." A part of this invention consists in the formation of tem- porary joints or connections for electric conductors “used for torpedoes and other purposes." The ends of the conductors are run through holes in metallic discs and turned over. When the discs are screwed together, the joint is formed. When this connection is used under water, it is inserted in a case of wood or ebonite, made in two parts, in which there are twoʻpieces of india-rubber packing and an ebonite washer. When the two parts of the case are screwed together, the compres- sion of the packing prevents the access of moisture to the joint. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, January 18.–No. 131. VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED. (Provisional protection not allowed.) -"Electric and magnetic-telegraph apparatus," and lightning protectors to be used therewith,” &c. Lightning bridges for protecting electric circuits :- This part of the invention is an improvement on the instrument described in No. 1867, A.D. 1866. Holes are cut in a piece of wood, so as to form a chamber into which the points of metal DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 65 cylinders enter and approach one another, say, to within one. thirtieth of an inch. The chamber is nearly filled with a powder containing carbon and a non-conductor. The improvement on the former invention consists in pro- viding for the rotation of the pieces of wood on the pointed cylinders, so as to bring fresh particles of the powder between the pointed conductors, after a powerful electric discharge between them or at any other time. In adapting this invention to a telegraphic instrument, one of the pointed cylinders is connected to the line wire, the other to the earth connection. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, January 19.-No. 142. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from Patrick Sarsfield Devlan, Isaac Pennington Wendell, and Stephen Paschall Morris Tasker.)-“ Improvements in electric tele- graph cables.” These cables are constructed so that they are not injured by salt water; they have the least possible weight in comparison to strength, and are elastic enough to yield to the weight and prevent breakage when subjected to great strain. The conducting wire is made of “spiral or wave-like" form ; it is insulated with gutta percha, or other non- conductor, mixed with fibrous material. The outer portion of the cable is of fibrous material and is saturated with a water- proof substance. When a number of conducting wires are used in the cable, the bends or curves of the conductors should not cross each other, or run in different directions, at any point so as to counteract their flexibility. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, January 20.-No. 144. GUEST, WILLIAM, and CRADDOCK, EDWARD.—"Improve- “ments in machinery or apparatus for the manufacture of ropes, cords, and wire ropes, the covering for telegraph wires or cables, and the tubes or hollow spindles to be used " therewith.” Q 4487. с 66 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Four or more frames, each formod of two or more discs of equal diameter, revolve, each on its own axis, in an ontside frame which has fixed guides. Notches at the edges of the discs receive hollow spindles, inside of which are weights to keep the strands taut. A bobbin, containing its strand, for forming the covering for the cable, is on the upper end of each spindle. The discs overlap to the depth of a spindle. Each frame revolves in an opposite direction to the next. In the centre of the outside frame is a fixed pillar on which are two curved “ conductors,” the movement of which is regulated or reversed by a tappet motion. The duty of the conductors is to direct the spindles to the proper notches on the discs. The bobbins are thus delivered from one frame to the next, and so on until they arrive at the frame from which they started, alternating their motion in their passage from one frame to the next, that is at every revolution, but travel- ling always in the same direction. The strands thus paid off from the bobbins meet at the top in a common point of union, and are led upwards in the required form of rope to cover the cable as it proceeds through the central pillar. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, February 28.–No. 537. WARREN, THOMAS THOMAS PETER BRUCE.—“Improvements in “the treatment of india-rubber and other materials so as to “ render them suitable for insulating telegraph wires, and in “ the method of applying such insulating materials, and also “ for rendering india-rubber so treated suitable for re-manı. “ facture.” The wires are insalated with india rubber and consolidated ; they are then submitted to the action of bromine, iodine, or chlorine (preferable to the action of iodine), dissolved in such menstrua as cannot act upon india rubber. Or, the insulated wires may be buried in French chalk with which iodine or bromine bas been triturated. The coatings of india rubber, whether they are applied to the wire helically, longitudinally, or by means of dies, are consolidated by being coiled round iron drums which are afterwards heated, the heat being applied inside the cylinder. Or the wire, in coils, may be placed in a heated chamber. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 67 9 a To ensure the adhesion of the india rubber to the conductor under the process of consolidation, and between the india- rubber coatings, when more than one is used, a compound containing shellac, gutta percha and Canada balsam is ap- plied. The conductor, whether iron or copper, may be coated with tin prior to insulation. To make joints in these insulated wires, the ends of the conductor being united, the insulator is tapered down and the surface pared off for a few inches on either side. The ingu- lator is then applied, longitudinally or helically, and is tightly bound with tape. The whole is solidified with heat, then cooled. Finally the tape covering is removed and the joint is dipped in melted iodine or is painted over with bromine. In re-manufacturing the india rubber which has been treated with iodine or bromine, it is submitted to a dry heat of 280° Faht., so as to expel the iodine or bromine, and is then mixed with a fresh quantity of india rubber. By satarating pure oils at their boiling points with sulphur, a spongy elastic substance is produced. This material may be used as the outer coating to insulated wires when mixed with either French chalk, magnesia, gum thus, pitch, or a mixture of these substances. Substances equivalent to the latter, in effect, may be incorporated with the sulphurised oil. [Printed, 10d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, March 7.-No. 611. NEWALL, ROBERT STIRLING.—"Improvements in the manu “ facture of ropes, and in machinery for making them.” One of the applications of the first part of this inventiou is to manufacture a rope or cable for telegraphic purposes. Strands of yarn are formed from cops of yarn in tubes, supported in revolving carriers, and arranged in one or moro concentric circles around a hollow axle. A wire proceeds through the axle and is covered with yarn during the revolu. tion of the cop tubes. To convert the strands into a round rope, a number of the carriers are arranged round a common centre throagh which passes the insulated wire to be covered. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] a C 2 68 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a a A.D. 1871, March 15.–No. 693. ALLIBON, GEORGE, and WALSH, WILLIAM. Telegraph poles, &c. The pole need only be long enough to reach to within a foot, say, of the ground line. A cast-iron standard, broad at the base and tapering upwards to the ground line, has a socket at the upper end for the reception of the lower extremity or foot of the pole, which may be secured in the socket by wedges. After the insertion of the pole the socket may be filled with bitumen. A shear legs, having a ring to grasp the pole at its upper end, and being adjustable in height, is used to support the pole during the fixing operation. This inven. tion may be employed to reinstate existing telegraph poles which have become rotten at or below the ground line, the rotten portion being sawn off and the sound part of the bottom of the pole placed in the standard. This operation may be conducted by means of the shear legs without any derange- ment of the wires, or any interruption to the telegraphic service. [Printed 1s. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, March 18.--No. 731. STONER, JOHN BENJAMIN.-A floating telegraph station. If moored in deep waters, a buoy is formed of an inner and outer cylinder. The inner cylinder has a central tube to pass the cable through to the telegraph office and, when filled with water, acts as ballast to the structure. In shallow waters, the inner and outer cylinders are dispensed with and a skele- ton framework, under water, carries the requisite ballast. The slack of the cable under water is protected from the action of tides, &c. A large wheel with a pulley on its axis and two small pulleys fixed to the ceiling of the office are employed. The free end of the cable is attached to the rim of the large wheel, at, say, fifty feet from its end and is passed once round the pulley, then over the two small pulleys, between which is allowed some twenty feet of slack. From the second pulley the cable is carried to the telegraph desk. A weight, attached to a middle sized drum on the wheel axis by a chain that passes over its periphery, is used to oppose the > > > DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 69 weight of the cable and to keep an equal strain upon it. The use of the slack between the two pulleys in the office is to secure the end attached to the desk from motion or strain. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] 6 A.D. 1871, March 21.--No. 756. RYLANDS, THOMAS GLAZEBROOK. (Provisional protection only.) -" Improvements in machinery for stretching and testing wire in the manner commonly known as “killing,' " the wire so treated to be used for telegraphic and for any " other purposes for which such wire may be employed.” The wire has imparted to it, in addition to the motion given by its being wrapped upon a receiving pulley, another motion which is direct, cycloidal, or cpicycloidal. By this means a certain strain is imparted to the wire. In one instance, the receiving pulley is mounted upon a pedestal, and between the pedestal and the supply reel is placed another pulley, round which the wire is passed so often as to cause it to revolve, without slipping, in the same diroc- tion and at the same rate as the receiving pulley. The wire being fastened to the receiving palley, the pedestal is made to travel at a rate in accordance with the strain to be imparted to the wire. Another machine is formed by placing upon a table three studs, two of which are capable of revolving round the third as a centre. Each stud carries a shaft and each shaft has the same motion in the same direction. The receiving pulley is on the central shaft; the other two pulleys are carried round it at an additional rate in accordance with the amount of strain to be imparted to the wire. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, April 12.-No. 974. NEWTON, ALFRED VINCENT.-(A cominunication from Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir.)-(Provisional protection only.)—“Means " for the establishment of telegraphic communication." Earth plates and sea water are the elements of the tele- graphic battery which takes the place of the earth return circuit, one earth plate being of zinc, the other of copper. In 70 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. submarine lines a submerged cable constitutes the main line. Ordinary transmitting and receiving instruments are used. For inland stations “ reservoirs of acidulated or salt water “ can be constructed, and so placed as to communicate through porous substances with the river or sea.” [Printed, 4d. No. Drawings.] A.D. 1871, April 19.-No. 1035. NEWTON, WILLIAM EDWARD.-(4 communication from James Lorimer Graham.)—“ Manufacture of mastics, cements, or “ bituminous compounds,” and the application thereof. A part of this invention is to form a material which has high insulating powers. The hard bituminous mineral found in Ritchie county, West Virginia, known as Ritchie coal or crystallized petro- leum, is combined with a material of a tarry, resinous, balsamic, pitchy, or asphaltic nature to form a material “ for insulating electric and voltaic machines, batteries, con- “ ductors, wires and apparatus generally." It is preferred to mix turpentine with pulverised Ritchie coal and then to apply heat with constant stirring until the mags becomes homogeneous. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] . « A.D. 1871, April 29.—No. 1150. VARLEY, SAMUEL ALFRED.—“Electric telegraph apparatus," &c. A part of this invention relates to lightning protectors for telegraphic receiving instruments. In a chamber formed in a piece of wood, the points of two horizontal metallic cylindrical conductors approach one another within, say, one-thirtieth of an inch. The chamber is nearly full of powdered carbon, or of a mixture of carbon and a non-conducting material, in a minute state of division ; the top of the chamber is closed. The chamber rotates freely on the cylinders, so as to bring fresh particles of powdered material between the pointed conductors. One conductor is connected to the line wire, the other to the earth plate. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 71 In a modification of the apparatus, the linę joining the points of the conductors is vertical and only the lower point is covered with powdered carbon. In another plan, a spring, attached to a suspended metallic lever, takes the place of the finely-divided matter. [Printed, 1s. 4d. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, May 4.-No. 1208. WRIGHT, JAMES.-(A communication from Peter E. Minor and Benjamin F. Britton.)-"Improvements in waterproof “ compounds for coating cloth, wood, metals, and other sur. "faces.” The inventor states that collodion alone, when dry, is a non-conductor of electricity, and when mixed with shellac, is non-explosive and barely combustible. The compound, which is tbe subject of this invention, is a non-conductor, and is adapted for electric and telegraphic in- sulators as well as for telegraph wires and submarine cables. The compound is a mixture of collodion, Venice turpentine, castor oil, shellac dissolved in alcohol, and glycerine; an equal weight of castor oil may be substituted for the gly. cerine. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, May 20.—No. 1364. DAY, AUSTIN GOODYEAR. — A “protective and insulating " covering for telegraphic conducting wires and compound for forming the same.” The elastic compound, used in this invention and described in No. 1010, A.D. 1871 (which has no claim to this series of Abridgments), 'is composed of cotton seed oil, linseed oil, asphalt, coal tar, and sulphur. The insulating compound contains india rubber, the above- described elastic compound, sulphur, and oxide of lead. The compound is applied to the wire, in a soft condition, by means of a die; it is then vulcanised. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 72 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 66 66 A.D. 1871, June 16.-No. 1597. LEE, ROBERT BRISTOW, and ROGERS, SIMON ALFRED.-—"Im. provements in metal pillars, posts, masts, or poles for telegraphic and other purposes, and in the method of “ manufacturing the same.” These posts are formed of two or more strips of wrought iron or steel, or of two or more sets of strips. One strip is bent into a right-handed “spiral” (helix ?) and the other strip into a left-handed helix, so that when one strip is superposed on the other, or interwoven with the other, the convolutions of the helices will intersect each other at & number of points. The heliees are connected together at their points of intersection by rivets or other suitable means. The helices are, by preference, formed on a mandril having right-handed and left-handed helical grooves. The poles are fixed to cast iron bases and have caps. The cross bars which carry the insulators fit in the diamond, shaped spaces between the helices ; or, a metal frame may be made to slip on the upper part of the post. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, July 8.-No. 1792. MALLOCK, HENRY ARCHIBALD.—(Provisional protection only.) -“ .“ Improvements in electric conductors.” This electric conductor may be used for telegraphic purposes, and is composed of a single copper wire round which any number (say six) of iron wires are wound to form a strand. The copper wire is coated with tin previous to its being covered with the iron wire. The whole strand may be protected from oxidation by tinning, varnishing, &c. [Printed, 4d, No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, July 14.-No. 1842. CROSKEY, JOSEPH RODNEY.-(4 communication from Andrew Mc Kinley.)—A “composition for pavements, roofing, and “ other useful purposes." The composition is useful "for the insulation of telegraph “ wires and other similar purposes.” DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 73 To form the composition, the following substances are com- bined by heat :-Bitumen, "refuse gas house lime," and dry clay. Dry calcareous earths, pulverized and heated, may sometimes be added to the mixture. The composition may be applied immediately, in its heated state, or it may be run into moulds and pressed. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, August 4.-No. 2057. PARNACOTT, EDWARD JOSEPH WILLIAM.—"Improvements " in consolidating or solidifying oils to be used in the manu. “ facture of floorcloths; in the method of manufacturing the " floor cloth, and for other purposes requiring oils similarly “ treated and in machinery or apparatus employed therefor.” The solidified oil which forms the subject of this invention, is used as a covering for telegraph wires. The oil to be solidified is placed in a covered tank or re- ceiver into which is fitted a perforated tube that communicates with a second and smaller covered receiver. The second receiver contains sulphate of copper or other drying ingre- dients, powdered and kept warm. The powder is forced from the second receiver, through the perforated tube, into the oil receiver, by a blowing apparatus. The powdered material is a . thus thoroughly mixed with the oil and solidifies it into an elastic or plastic substance. The oil, being brought to the required consistency by the above operation, is passed through rollers, and is then fit for covering telegraph wires. The material " is put on to the wire " in the same manner as is adopted in using gutta percha, “ viz. by forcing it through a die." [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, August 8.-No. 2089. SHARROCK, SAMUEL.-" Improvements in telegraph posts." Each post consists of a cast-iron socket or foot piece fixed into a cast-iron disc or base, and of, lengths of galvanised wrought-iron tubes. The lowest length fits on to the foot piece with a cone joint, and the lengths above fit the one on the other with similar joints. A central hole in the base has 74 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 3 1 a coarse screw thread into which the foot piece screws; or the foot piece may drop through a hole in the base and may be fastened by a cottar, or by turning it partly round so that it cannot retnrn. According to this invention, every different size or strength of post forms a part of a series. Out of the different sized posts required for distinct purposes high posts of different aeights may be formed on the spot. In a telegraph line formed of one size of post, the next stronger size may be used for angle or terminal posts. For ravines, three, four, or more tubes may be used in one post. The brackets are curved so that the telegraph wires are placed at alternate heights. A double bracket, for the upper wires, slips on to the top of the post and is fixed by a set screw. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 1 A.D. 1871, August 10.–No. 2106. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(4 communication from A. G. de Wolfe.)--A "machine for covering wire with india-rubber or compounds of the same or similar substances, and for manu. facturing tubes of such compounds or substances.” That part of the invention which relates to covering wire is for covering telegraphic wires with an insulating substance such as india rubber, gutta percha, or their compounds. In a cylinder, which contains the substance in a liquid condition, is a screw of the same external diameter as the bore of the cylinder. The screw extends through one end of the cylinder and is rotated by external gearing. The die for effecting the covering of the wire is at the other end of the cylinder, and at right angles to its axis. An extension piece, kept at the proper temperature, contains the die. The wire passes through a tubular guide, in a line with the die, into the extension piece and out at the die. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, August 28.–No. 2256. DAVIS, CHARLES, and STRUTHERS, THOMAS.—(Provisional protection only.)-A“material or composition for boot-soling, “ waterproofing, insulating and other purposes." DIVISION II.—CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 75 This composition may be used for covering telegraph wires. This material is composed of cane or cocoa-nut fibre, bottoms of varnish, gutta percha, and stone ochre. The fibre is cut up fine and mixed with the other ingredients. The whole is then exposed to a moderate heat and stirred by any suitable apparatus. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1871, September 6.-No. 2352. ATKINSON, JOSEPH.—(A communication from Elijah Freeman Prentiss.)"Improvements in metalic telegraph poles.” The object of this invention is to combine strength, light- ness, and portability. The pole is made of iron tubes, the largest in diameter being next the ground. The joint between each tube and the next is made by screw sockets, which have a screw larger in diameter for the lower tube and smaller for the upper tube. A cast-iron base has stays or ribs and“ projectors” or rods that enter the earth to the depth required. The insulator arms are made of tubular iron and are secured to a collar or sliding piece by set screws. The sliding piece is fastened to the pole by a screw or key. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1871, September 16.—No. 2440. CHAPMAN, GEORGE TEMPLE. — A “ process for forming a “ hard protective or ornamental covering of india-rubber or gutta percha upon the suface of metal, wood, clay, and " other materials." One of the objects to be attained by this invention is im- provements in telegraphic insulation. The chief feature of this invention is that vulcanisable gums, melted by heat or in solution by means of a hydro- carbon solvent, can be hardened as a coating on any material capable of bearing strong heat, by the use of heat alone without employing sulphur or any other substance whatever. For coating wires used in telegraphy, the melted gum is used without diluting with solvents. The hardening is effected by heating in an oven from 290° to 2950 Faht. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 76 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1871, September 16.-No. 2441. VEILLET, ADRIEN, and VERNY, CHARLES.—(Provisional protection only.)—“Electric signals for preventing railway “ accidents.” The electric connection of the train with the conducting wires is by means of an “excitator" fixed against the box of one of the wheels of the tender. In one method, a brush of iron or copper wires passed over the conducting wires. In another method, a hollow pulley has radiating helical springs. In a third method a pulley is caused to rotate by the action of the wind on the blades of a screw ; around its circumference are placed chains which form a conducting fringe. A fringe of chain may be suspended to a ring. The telegraph wires, against which the excitator rubs, are supported either between the railway lines or by the side of the rails under the steps of the carriages; they are insulated by plates of porcelain. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] a 66 9 A.D. 1871, November 23.-No. 3170. DESGOFFE, JULES AUGUSTE.—(Provisional protection only.)- Improvements in sheet iron telegraphic posts, in the manu- “ facture of the same, and in their being used as signal masts " and ship masts, also apparatus for the manufacture of the same.” The sheet iron is previously cut into suitable lengths; it is then bent, by means of an apparatus of semi-triangular form, within the supports of the frame, “forming which are two cast- “ iron pieces of uniform shape according to the model adopted." " At the upper end of the frame are locking screws whose pressure is exercised on a mandrel, the raised or convex ", form of which is reproduced in a hollow or concave manner on the sheet iron, the edges of which are then beaten down by a mallet, and the several pieces are then united by rivets or bolts. “ The insulating wire suspenders may be either fixed directly on to the posts or on strips of iron rivetted thereto. Steps are placed at convenient distances apart on one of a 66 DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 77 " the wings of the posts to facilitate the adjustment and inspection of the wires when necessary.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 65 66 A.D. 1871, December 8.-No. 3324. PETERSEN, JÜRGEN.—(Provisional protection only.)-"Means of protecting submarine telegraph cables, pipes, or hose, “partly applicable also for protecting sea walls or shores, and “ river banks, and for reclaiming lost foreshores." To protect the shore ends or other parts of a submarine telegraph cable, it is enclosed " in a covering of spiral wires “ twisted together or interlaced,” so as to form an elastic covering of which the cable is the core. The covering may be woven on the cable as it is paid out. To the covering “ a “ number of loose spiral wires are attached, which becoming "embedded in the ground serve as roots for holding the “ cable.” If the specific gravity of the cable be not sufficient to keep it stationary when so protected, hollow blocks are placed upon the cable. The blocks are made of minerals or stones, bound together by hydraulic cement, water glass, or a bituminous substance, in two halves dovetailed together, and they are sunk with the cable; they are provided "with projecting hooks and spiral wires serving as roots, which soon become covered with vegetable matters, sand or earth depositing " thereon.” A protecting sleeve for a submarine cable may be formed by passing ropes or fibres "through each spiral of the circular “ wire covering above mentioned and coating the whole with “ bituminous substance.” Thus a tube is formed through which the cable can be readily drawn when it is required to raise it for repairs. [Printed, 4d. No Drarvings.] 66 66 78 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 1872. A.D. 1872, January 11.-No. 86. ROBSON, ALEXANDER.—“ Improvements in straining the “ wires of wire fences and in apparatus employed therefor, “ the same being applicable to straining telegraph wires." In straining telegraph wires a shoulder is formed on one of the straight wires by doubling it at the end and twisting it back upon itself and round the plain part of the wire. The end of this wire is turned under the other wire and the strain. ing apparatus is applied. The straining apparatus bears against the shoulder; it is a rectangular frame, in the end whereof furthest from the “ opening through which the straight wire passes a roller pro- “ vided with a ratchet and pall is situated. The end of the straight wire is passed into a hole in the roller, and a handle wrench being applied thereto it is turned round, thus coiling the wire on itself until strained to the required “ degree, the ratchet wheel and pall preventing it from becoming again uncoiled.” “When the straining is finished the apparatus may be partially inverted, causing a partial turning of the wires again, after which the wire is cat, the straining apparatus removed, and the joint finished ; or previous to removing “ the straining apparatus, and in lieu of inverting it, a grip- “ping apparatus may be fixed to the ends of both wires, by “ which the wires are retained at the proper strain until the “ joint or tie is effected.” The joint is completed with metal in the usual manner. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] or A.D. 1872, January 13.-No. 109. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Provisional protection only.) Improrements in telegraph poles, and in the means and ap- paratus for fastening and securing the telegraph wires " thereto, which improvements are partly applicable to other purposes and to existing telegraph poles and insulators." DIVISION II.--CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 79 The pole is made up of pieces of hollow cast iron. The end of each piece to be joined on to the next piece has a widely projecting flange. Each joint consists of two flanges which are bolted together or are braced together by rods extending from one joint to the next or to the bottom joint. The butt or foundation of the pole is a shoe piece projecting across at opposite points. The projections form places of attachment for the above-mentioned rods. To bind the wire to the insulator a U-shaped clamp is em- ployed. Each leg of the clamp is screwed and has two nuts; it is placed in the groove at the top of the insulator, and the line wire is clamped firmly between the two pairs of nuts. To secure the insulator from injury by stone throwing, it is surrounded with a piece of sheet iron bent into a cylindrical or truncated form. The sheet iron is slotted at two points so that it can be slipped between the nuts of the U clamp. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 66 A.D. 1872, January 30.-No. 286. PIGOTT, GEORGE West RoystoN.—" Improvements in covered wire and in the means or apparatus for effecting the same." This invention relates to insulating wire. The first part of the invention is to prevent the oxidation of the wire, and it consists in coating it with tin or zinc by pass- ing it through the melted metal. Iron wire may be passed through a bath of sulphate of copper or alloy of lead and tin, and subsequently through a solution of gutta percha, “india-rubber, or other insulating or adhesive matters." The second part of the invention relates to covering wire with thread or yarn. A hollow spindle is mounted in a frame and rotates at a high velocity ; one end of the spindle projects and is tapered to receive a bobbin of the thread. The wire passes through the hollow spindle at a suitable speed. A col. lar and a helical spring enable the bobbin to turn with friction on the spindle which carries a flyer to conduct the yarn from the bobbin and to lap it on the wire. To remove the empty bobbins, each bobbin is made in two parts laterally, beld together by clips. Any number of spindles may be used, in line, on the wire, according to the number of threads to be a 80 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. delivered simultaneously and wound consecutively on to the wire. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, February 8.--No. 412. COCKSHOTT, THOMAS.—(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.) -A “method of laying submarine telegraph “ cables in connection with shipping in different rivers, har. “ bours, and seas, and other places.” A telegraph cable is adapted alongside of a ship's chain and a short distance below the deck, outside the bow of the ship. To prevent the fouling of the ship's chain with the cable, the former has a swivel at a short distance below the bow of the ship. Around the swivel is placed a conical piece of metal capable of moving freely round the swivel. To one part of the conical piece another piece is connected by an upright bolt. The upper part of the cable is passed throagh a vertical hole in the latter piece of metal, so that the cable can be discon- nected from the chain by lifting the bolt. To enable the ship to pass free of the cable, when she is moving in a circle.—Two short pieces of chain are each con. nected by one end to the swivel, their other ends being con- nected to the ship's cable on deck. One of the short chains is disconnected from the deck attachment and allowed to pass through the hawse pipe and to pass clear of the cable, it is then brought through the hawse pipe and attached as before. The other short chain is similarly manipulated, and the cable is thus cleared. The insulated wires of a submarine cable may be extended beyond the core, so as to make connection with the place or places required, according to the wire or wires employed in the cable. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, February 15.-No. 482. TRUMAN, EDWIN THOMAS.—“Covering wire or other suitable “ conductors with insulating materials,” and “ machinery “ employed in thc covering process." In this invention, the wire or strand is held concentrically 9) DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 81 in its coating, and is made to rotate on its axis of travel at the same time that it travels forward. The coating material is circumferentially compressed and afterwards cooled and set. A tube leads the wire into a chamber which is supplied in a uniform manner, with covering material. The exit from this chamber is through a glass tube, the internal diameter of which regulates the thickness of the covering. At the exit end of the glass tube a copper tube is fixed; this tube has a portion of its upper part removed for the space of two or three feet, so as form an opon trough, which is refrigerated by the appli- cation of suitable refrigerating liquids. The wire is furnished from a supply drum and, from the copper trough, is taken on to a receiving drum; both drums rotate at an equal speed, in such a manner that the wire rotates round itself during its transit through the chamber and through the refrigerating trough. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, March 19,-No. 832. MCEVOY, CHARLES AMBROSE.—(Provisional protection only.) — Improvements in connecting electric cables and conduc- “ tors." In connecting the ends of electric cables for use with torpedoes, for instance, a hollow coupling is employed. This coupling takes hold of the external wires; the connection of the electric conductors is made, within the hollow coupling, by a separate small coupling, which maintains their insula- tion. The main or outer coupling consists of two similar pieces with a socket at one end into which the extremity of the cable is introduced. The ends of the covering wires, having been turned outwards, are held tight by a screw plug, which is screwed into the socket and jams the ends of the wires fast against the bottom of the socket. The other ends of the main coupling are held ogether by a screw ring, which is put on when the electric connection is completed. The electric coupling consists of a metal tube receiving two screw plugs, one at each end. The insulated wires are passed through the plugs and india-rubber washers are threaded upon them. The bared conductors are inserted through metal 82 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. discs and bent over. The screwing of the plugs home com. presses the washers and makes an insulated water-tight joint. Instead of using an inner coupling, the exterior coupling may be made water tight. India-rubber discs are compressed by screwing down metal plugs apon them. The conductors are twisted or soldered together. Other modifications are described. Two insulated conductors are connected by means of a lined cylindrical metal box, made in two parts, which screw together. A screw socket and plug arrangement connects the ends of the bared conductors. The screwing home of the lid of the box compresses india-rubber discs, so as to make an insulated and water-tight joint. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, March 22.-No. 867. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—"Improvements in poles for telegraphic and other purposes." These posts may be made of cast iron, or of malleable or annealed cast iron, or partly of ordinary cast iron and partly of malleable or annealed cast iron. Lengths of cast iron are formed of a double T or other open shape in cross section and are joined by oblong or oral flanges and short bolts. Wrought iron or steel rods carried from lugs at the sides of the top joint to holes or slots at the opposite ends of the longer axis of the flanges, and strained by nuts or keys, convert the pole into a bowsprit girder. The short bolts in the flanges may be dispensed with and fish plates may be used instead thereof. The pedestal or lower joint is of hollow cast iron. The arms for supporting the telegraph wires are bolted into recesses in the poles. To enable the pole to be climbed for repairs, suitably placed lugs project from the pole. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, March 23.-No. 886. OWEN, CHARLES.—(Provisional protection only.)—“Means and apparatus for the better prevention of accidents in railway " tunnels.” DIVISION II.--CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 83 When an engine enters the tunnel, it completes an electric circuit, thereby ringing a bell at each end of the tunnel and causing the fall of signals. The electric current is conducted from end to end of the tunnel by means of a second line of rails that is insulated from the earth. Or, the line of rails upon which the train travels may be disconnected and insulated from the earth, so as to act as a conductor. Spring plates, attached to the engine, connect across the two rails of the second line of rails, or of the ordinary line, and thus complete the signalling circuit. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1872, April 23.-No. 1213. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Provisional protection not allowed.)—“Improvements in poles for telegraphic and other purposes.” The poles are formed “ either wholly of cast iron or of cast “ iron braced longitudinally with rods, bars, or wires of wrought iron, each of such bracings being either in one “ continuous piece from the top to the bottom of the pole, or " being strained to it longitudinally in any desired shorter " sections. The poles may either be of one continguts casting or of any number of separate lengths connected by “ sockets, flanges, fish plates, or any other description of “ joint;" the castings may be either of ordinary brittle metal or they may be rendered malleable. The castings may be tubular or of other sectional form. A screw of cast iron at the foot of the pole screws the pole into the earth. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872. April 29.-No. 1279. HIGHTON, HENRY.—(Provisional protection only.) —"Inn- provements in submarine or other cables for the conveyance “ of electricity." “The application to the conducting wires of cables which are covered with gutta percha," caoutchouc, or similar materials, of a solution of paraffin, ozokerit, or shellac to fill 84 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. up the minute pores and improve the insulation. Or, the coated wire may be rubbed with a volatile solvent. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, May 2.-No. 1320. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.-(Provisional protection only.) -“ Improvements in the means and apparatus for attaching telegraph wires to insulators, and for protecting such and “ other insulators from breakage." A U-shaped iron rod has both legs scre rewed, and each leg is provided with one or more nuts. This U clip carries a cross piece of metal or ebonite furnished with a hole at each end, so that it may slip freely on to the legs of the clip before the nuts are screwed on. The clip is placed in the groove at the top of the insulator and the wire is firmly clamped between the cross piece and the two nuts. Modifications in the clip and the insulator are described. To prevent these insulators from breakage, metal shields are employed, these are open at the top and are provided with holes through which the legs of the U clip project, having the nuts outside. When the telegraph wire is clipped home, it rests against the side of the shield and secures it in posi. tion. When a stem that depends from the bell of the insulator carries the telegraph wire, the shield has an arm by which to attach it to the cross arm. Or, the shield may rest in a groove at the top of the insulator and be clamped thereto. To secure the shield to the insulator and the wire to the shield by the same clamping, the shield has a projecting rim and a transverse slot through which the telegraph wire can be clamped. One screwed leg and one nut will suffice for the U clip, if the other leg be formed with its end turned up like the heel of a horse-shoe, so as to hold the telegraph wire if pressed against it. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, May 9.–No. 1412. LARMUTH, Matthew HENRY, and NORTON, FRANK.—“Im- provements in standards or supports for telegraph wires." DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 85 In constructing these standards or poles, clusters of metallic rods, bars, or tubes are connected together at intervals throughout their lengths by one of the following methods:- Cast-iron frames are formed with orifices into which the bars are passed and keyed. The frames are bolted together in sections. Jaws, in each frame, may be drawn together by bolts. Arms, cast on the bars, are bolted together. An inner frame is drawn ap, by bolts, so as to grip the bars between itself and an outer frame. A separate foot is cast on the lower end of each bar. In some cases, the bars are in two or more lengths connected together by separate fastenings or by the parts described above. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] 9 A.D. 1872, May 13.-No. 1447. DÉSGOFFE, JULES AUGUSTE.—“ Improvements in the con- "struction of telegraph posts and in the apparatus in connec- " tion therewith." Sheet iron telegraph posts are constructed, without the aid of heat, by means of a screw press. The press has a longi- tudinal bar of iron of the form to be imparted to the metal sheets. The sheet iron is cut, bent by the bar of the press, and its edges are rivetted together. The sheet is thinnest towards the top. The socket is of thick metal and is embedded in the earth; it may be galvanised, enamelled, or coated with tar. The insulators are fixed on the ridges of the post; if they are many, they are alternately on the ridges and on arms. At a crossing or a testing post, the line wires are secured to ingulators; other insulated wires are connected to the line wires and pass down the interior of the post to a cable or a testing box, as the case may be. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, May 15.-No. 1473. SIEMENS, CARL HEINRICH.-"Improvements in the supports, " fastenings, and joints of overground telegraph wires." 86 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A mode of joining tubular poles, such as those described in No. 464, A.D. 1863.-The tapered end of the tube is inserted in the taper socket. Either taper surface may be made with rings or projections ; in this case the spaces may be filled in with cement. Fixing telegraph wires to insulators, being improvements on the method set forth in No. 3501, A.D. 1868.-An eccentric sector, mounted on an axis transverse to the wire, pinches i: when the wire is pulled in either direction. Other moditica. tions are set forth, such as a double wedge-shaped piece com- bined with a roller, a roller resting on a concave surface, a grooved stem and an eccentric sector, a hooked stem and a hook slid over a curved surface, a hooked stem with a gab, and a cam with steps. Securing stalks of insulators.-A projection near the lower end of the stalk passes through a slot in the socket and the insulator is fixed by turning it round. Joining the lengths of telegraph wires. The ends of the wires are inserted (end to end) in a short piece of tube and soldered therein. Holes may be provided in the sides of the tube for the admission of fluid solder. Instead of a tube, a strip or strips may be bent round the wire longitudinally. If the solder should give way and thus break the electric con- tinuity, the mechanical continuity of the wire is broken and shows visibly where the electric fault is. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] - A.D. 1872, June 11.-No. 1753. GILBERT, EDWARD. — “Improvements in signalling on railway trains, and in the mechanism and appliances " therefor." The signalling is accomplished by means of electric currents through a single line of telegraph wire, placed and connected throughout the train. The insulated wire, or wire rope, that forms the conductor is placed in an enclosed space along the side, roof, or floor of each carriage, and is attached, at each end, to metallic flanged socket coupling pieces, wbich are screwed to the out- side of each carriage, near each end, so that a prepared portable coupling piece of insulated wire may be coupled or DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 87 connected to the sockets by cylindrical stems with flat sides. A vertical transverse round hole is bored through both socket and stem, and a loose fixing pin is inserted in the hole, by hand, to make the coupling. The fixing pin is secured to the socket by a short chain. The above wire connections are sufficient for the engines, but, for detachable carriages, the fixed socket parts are made duplex with a sliding stem, a slot and pin, with blade spring. By this means an earth contact is made when the stem is drawn out. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawing.] 66 A.D. 1872, June 13.-No. 1786. ROLLS, JESSE GOULDSMITH. "A new material adapted for use as an electric insulator for tele aphic and other pur- poses, and also in a hardened state adapted for use as a vulcanite." The material is the gum or juice of the euphorbia tree. To extract the water of composition from this gum or juice, it is pounded in a mortar or ground in a drug mill, and dried by heat at a low temperature. It is then dissolved in “ bisul. phate” (bisulphide ?] of carbon, benzol, or other solvent, and may be hardened by admixture with paints, or by adding shel- lac or other dryers. The material is then ready for use. To adapt the gum for use as a vulcanite, it is dried, reduced, heated, and sulphurised in the ordinary manner. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1872, June 19.-No. 1847. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(A communication from Selah Hiler.) -" Improvements in the manufacture of copper covered and copper cored wire.” The wire made according to the invention, when the metals are not alloyed, is more particularly suitab for electric tele. graph line wires; the copper being the conducting medium, and the steel the strength-giving material. The invention relates to the treatment of the two metals before they are rolled into a rod, preparatory to being drawn into a wire. 88 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. To make copper-coated wire without alloying the two metals together, a rod of steel is heated as highly as it will bear, and whilst hot is inserted into a closely fitting copper tube, also somewhat heated. The combined rod and tube is then rolled and drawn. To make copper-cored wire, a hollow cylinder of steel is heated to a high heat, and a closely fitting rod of copper is inserted therein. The combined metals are then rolled and drawn. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, June 29.—No. 1961. JOBSON, LILLIAS, widow and executrix of ROBERT JOBSON.- Improvements in the manufacture of supports for telegraph “ insulators.” Instead of welding a collar on to the wrought iron bar or support, according to the usual practice, the bar is reduced at one end, so as to leave a shoulder at the point where the collar is to be fixed. When heated, a separate collar is driven on to the bar up to the shoulder. The top of the support has a notched or flattened end, on to which the insulator is cemented. The support may be coated with zinc (galvanised); when the screw thread is cut upon it, it may receive the insulator. Printed, 8. Drawings.] a A.D. 1872, July 10.-No. 2085. MCEVOY, CHARLES AMBROSE.- Connecting electric cables “ and conductors for use with torpedoes,” &c. A hollow coupling, consisting of two similar socket pieces and screw plugs joined by a screw ring, takes hold of the external protecting wires of the cable. The electric con- nection is made by a separate small coupling within the hollow coupling, in which a metal tube has a screw plug at each end, and india-rubber washers, having metal discs, compress the conductors together. In another plan, the joints between the two parts of the hollow coupling may be made water-tight by means of a washer. The insulated conductors enter the cavity of the coupling through india-rubber discs, and are compressed by DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 89 metallic screw plugs. The conductors are simply soldered together. In a third plan, a tube receives a screw plug at each end. The ends of the conductors pass through the plugs. When the conductors have been joined by an insulating conpling, two half tubes and screw plugs secure the outer wires. To connect two conductors which are simply insulated, a cylindrical metal box is in two parts which screw together; the box is lined with vulcanite, and india-rubber washers, toge- ther with a screw socket and plug of metal, complete the electric connection. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, July 29.–No. 2260. FAIRHOLME, CHARLES.—"Improvements in the means of effecting electrical communication in railway trains, and apparatus therefor.” The communicating rods and chains which operate the brakes are utilised for the purpose of electrical conduction throughout a train. In the brakes, lengths of rod extend along each carriage, and short pieces of chain couple these lengths from carriage to carriage. The rods are insulated by passing them through guides or over rollers of non-conducting materials; or the rollers or guides may be insulated. In order that the electric circuit may be broken at pleasure in any carriage, the rod that passes along the carriage is divided into lengths, which are coupled by a non-conducting material. The junction consists of a pulley of glass or other non-conducting material; the end of one length of the rod is passed round its periphery and secured by twisting, and the end of the other length is similarly passed through the central hole of the pulley and secured. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, August 19.–No. 2461. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.---(A communication from Frank Leonard Pope.)" Improvements in electro-magnetic signal- ling apparatus." 90 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A portion of this invention relates to limiting the extent of an electric circuit wherein the rails of a railway and the axles and wheels of a passing locomotive or carriage become a part of the circuit. The abutting ends of two rails are insulated from each other by being secured to the longitudinal sleeper by hook-headed spikes in the ordinary manner. The ends of the rails are separated by a small space and are placed upon separate chairs. A bar of hard wood is then bolted upon the rails, so as to keep them in line with each other. The space between the ends of the rails may be filled up with an insulating sub- stance. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, August 27.–No. 2547. HIGHTON, HENRY. Improvements in submarine and • other cables for the conveyance of electricity." Over the gutta-percha-covered wires is applied a coating of boiled linseed oil or other drying oil, mixed with red lead. In place of a drying oil, vegetable tar containing snitable oils may be employed, and litharge may be substituted for red lead. To keep the composition sufficiently fuid for application and so that it may fill up minute pores in the gutta percha, a diluent is used, such as naptha or turpentine. The outer strands may be applied immediately over the composition, or with an intermediate coating of gutta percha or india rubber. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, September 24.-No. 2815. OWEN, CHARLES.-—"Means for the better prevention of acci- " dents in railway tunnels.” A part of an electric circuit to indicate danger, in the tunnel, is made to pass along a second set of rails parallel to the ordinary rails; the second set of rails are insulated from the earth. A metal plate, attached to the carriage or engine, carries two springs which make electrical connection with the DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 91 second set of rails during the passage of the carriage through the tunnel. Instead of laying down a second set of rails, the ordinary rails may be used for completing the electric circuit by dis- connecting them for the length of the tunnel and insulating them from the earth. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, September 25.-No. 2827. DICK, CHARLES JAMES ADOLPH, aud DICK, GEORGE ALEXANDER. -"Improvements in the manufacture of wires applicable to " telegraphic purposes." No method of manufacturing wire is described, but copper alloyed with from two to five-and-a-half per cent of tin, and with or without phosphorus, is claimed to be used as an alloy from which wire may be made, useful for all purposes where inoxidisability, tensile strength, and conductive capacity are desirable qualities. The quantity of phosphorus may be from half a per cent. to one-eighth per cent. ; it decreases as the quantity of tin increases. The metals composing the alloy are treated so as to prevent the presence of oxides in the per. fected alloy. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, October 9.—No. 2973. CHAPIN, WALTER BARTLETT.—“ Improvements in apparatus " for operating railway brakes." When an electrical apparatus, similar to that described in No. 3266, A.D. 1870 (Electricity and Magnetism, Division VI.), is used to adjust the brake, a special contrivance for coupling the conducting wires between the carriages of a railway train is employed. This contrivance or apparatus consists of four small curved metal rods inserted in a stock and surrounded by an adjustable conical ring. The stock is permanently attached to one of the conducting wires to be coupled; the end of the other is inserted between the four rods and the ring is drawn forwards. [Printed, ls. Drawings.] 92 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. - A.D. 1872, October 10.-No. 2987. HENRY, MICHAEL. - (A communication from Henry Joseph - - Rogers.) – (Provisional protection only.) - "Improvements in apparatus for sustaining and insulating telegraph wires." A series of insulators, and of surfaces that are dry under all circumstances, are interposed between points liable to be brought into electric connection by the presence of moisture. An insulated cross bar carries three insulators :- 1. An insulating column with right and left screw threads on its opposite ends, and with one or more annular depressions round its supporting end. 2. An insulating column supported on a pin. 3. A suspended insulator secured to the cross bar between the supporting columns, and having an annular concavity between the central support of the line wire and the outer part of the insulator. The line wire, if detached, will not fall to the ground, but will be caught and held between the supporting insulators. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] sur- A.D. 1872, October 22.—No. 3109. ROSS, GEORGE BALFOUR MCKENZIE.—“ Improvements in pre- “ serving telegraph poles, the posts of wooden fencing, and “ other similarly exposed or partly embedded woode “ faces, and in the means employed therefor.” The lower extremity of the pole is encased in a waterproof foundation composed of fire clay or other impervious material. A sole or palm is formed at the lower end of the foundation; it rests on the bottom of the excavation which is made to re- ceive the pole. The casing is of sufficient depth to project considerably above the ground when the post has been erected in position; it is slightly larger in diameter than the base of the pole, so that a coating or cement may be poured between the casing and the pole. The coating contains pitch, tar, lime, sand, and red or other ochre. In some cases the foundation may consist of a separate sole plate with a neck to receive a socket fixed or cemented on to the end of the pole. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 93 The above composition may be used alone, to preserve wooden surfaces embedded in the ground or submerged in water. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1872, October 29.-No. 3206. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—(Provisional protection only.) -“Improvements in the means and apparatus for attaching telegraph wires to insulators, in the construction of insu- “ lators specially adapted to such apparatus, and also in the construction of protecting shields and guards for use there- " with, which improvements are partly applicable to existing “ forms of insulator." To attach the wire to the insulator, a U-shaped rod is fitted to the groove which encircles the top of the latter, The wire is secured to the ends of the rod by a wedge key or screw nuts. When a wedge is employed, the unequal legs of the U are hooked upward and backward, so that the telegraph wire being inside the hooks, the U can be slipped upon the insu- lator and placed in the binding groove. A wedge key, with serrated edges, is then driven between the wire and the hook at the longer end of the U. Instead of jamming the wire into the groove, an ebonite bar, furnished with slots and a rib, may be used; the wire is jammed into a recess in the bar by the wedge key. The U-shaped rod may be so bent that it touches the insulator at two or three points only. Or the top of the insalator may be of horse-shoe outline, in its cross section, and the key may be dispensed with. To provide for the cleansing of the insulator, it has an iron stem which is formed with a screw at its upper end and with a collar at its lower end, so that it can be easily detached from the insulator and from the arm of the telegraph pole. When side guards are required to perform the functions of the present hoop guards, a U-shaped rod is enclosed in the mould, when the shank is to be cast, so that the middle of the U passes through the collar. One side of the U may be omitted, so as to have a guard on one side only. To protect the insulator from breakage, a shield of sheet 94 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. iron is dropped over the insulator and is secured by the U. shaped rod and the wedge or nuts. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, November 20.—No. 3462. THOMAS, John.-(Provisional protection only.)—“Improve- “ ments in supporting and protecting telegraph wires." Slate is applied to these purposes. Slate bearers are fastened to wooden or slate posts. The telegraph wire is attached to the bearers by means of holes therein for the wire to pass through ; or it may be secured in grooves by small binding wires. The hearers may be fixed directly to the sides of tunnels, and may be protected by slate slabs in long lengths. The slate posts are made in pieces or lengths, which are fastened together by hoops or other connecting pieces. For subterranean telegraphy, the wires are enclosed between two pieces of slate with countersunk grooves that lie face to face. The slates are fastened together by bolts or otherwise and have lap joints. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, November 23.-No. 3512. OWEN, CHARLES. “Means for electrical inter-communi. “cation between passengers and guard, guard and guard, “ and guard and engine driver.” A portion of this invention relates to the conductors and couplings necessary to establish the electric circuit from car. riage to carriage in the train. Two wires run along the top of each railway carriage and are brought down about a foot at each end; they are connected to two rings to couple carriage to carriage. The coupling is effected by two gutta-percha-covered copper wires, which are cemented between two layers of webbing. At each end of the wires is soldered a hook which drops into one of the rings; spring pressure ensures contact. Thus metallic communica- tion is established from end to end of the train. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 95 A.D. 1872, December 3.—No. 3638. LLOYD, EDWIN.- An "iron construction for the erection of “ buildings, machinery, and bedsteads." One application of this invention relates to the construction of telegraph posts. Iron bars are trussed together at intervals by bosses bolted or rivetted through. The truss consists of two rings; the inner one is solid and has notches to keep the bars in position. Each bar is held firmly in its notch by an outer ring which passes over all the bars. Beneath the lowest tross the bars extend for some distance and spread out laterally so as to form a large base. The bottom ends turned inwards form feet. The portion of the post below the lowest truss may be embedded in the ground. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1872, December 4.-No. 3666. EVANS, MORTIMER.—(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.)—“Mechanism for signalling in railway trains." “ Communication is effected between the carriages through- “ out the train by jambing a metal block by means of a cam " handle between that handle which constitutes the end of the “ cundactor of one carriage and a powerful spring constitut- ing the adjacent end of the conductor of the preceding or “ succeeding carriage." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] ) A.D. 1872, December 6.-No. 3701. WINTER, GEORGE Kirt.-(Provisional protection only.)—"Im- “ provements in electric telegraphs.” A part of this invention relates to lightning conductors to prevent injury to telegraph instruments. On each side of the telegraph instrument a discharger is commonly placed, which consists of two plates. The two line plates are therefore con ected by the coils of the instrument. To provide a way for the discharge without passing through the coils, the two line plates are connected to a third dis- charger, one plate being connected with one side of the third discharger, and the other with the other side. Or the line 96 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. plates may be brought near together so that a row of points on each plate may project towards the other. When a fine wire is introduced into the circuit to protect the instrument, and the lightning discharge fuses the fine wire, the wire is caused to sustain an arm connected with the line on one side. When the wire is fused, the arm falls upon a contact point connected with the line on the other side of the instrument, or in the case of a terminal instrument with earth. The instrument is thus temporarily thrown out of circuit, and continuity of the circuit is preserved. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, December 9.–No. 3736. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from Zalmon G. Simmons.)-An“ insulating compound for telegraphic pur- poses.” This compound contains coal tar or its equivalent, together with charcoal, sawdust, tan bark, or any other organic body having a fibre, and being a poor conductor of electricity. The organic material may be baked to eliminate the watery or gaseous particles therefrom, before mixing it with the tar. Insulators of this compound may be cast in moulds. Tele- graph wire holders of wood may be coated with the compound; they are then placed in an oven and baked. The compound need not contain all the articles specified at the same time, for the invention extends to the use of either material in combination with coal tar. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1872, December 11.-No. 3762. TUDDENHAM, STEPHEN.—“Improvements in the manufac- “ ture of ornamental metal work, and in the machinery or “ apparatus employed therein." Telegraph posts may be constructed after the manner described. Bars or tubes of metal are combined together in juxta-posi- tion, or side by side, in the form of helices. The metal is coiled in the cold state. The helices are alternately right and left handed, and are secured at their points of junction by DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 97 bolts, cast bosses, or otherwise. Increased strength may be obtained by passing a tube or solid bar down some or each of the helices, and bolting it to its surrounding helix. The coiling machinery consists of a smooth mandril, which is secured to a master screw of the desired pitch and rotated. The master screw works in a fixed nut. Rollers guide the bar to be coiled on to the mandril, and a pressing roller holds the bar firmly down at the point where it commences to coil. Other pressing rollers are employed. [Printed, 1s. 4d. Drawings.] 1873. A.D. 1873, January 4.-No. 52. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.- Improvements in roofs, “partly applicable also to floors and pavements." This invention relates to water tank roofs, and to methods of rendering them water-tight. With reference to the sheet of water on the roof, the in. ventor states that “ a lightning conductor connected electri- cally with this sheet of water or wet roof, and also with the earth in the usual way, will act with greater protective power by reason of the increased conducting surface con- "nected therewith, and also through the inductive action " between the sheet of water and the thunder cloud over. 66 * head.” [Printed, 6d. Drawing.) A.D. 1873, January 4.-No. 54. KESTERTON, HENRY. — (Provisional protection only).—" Im. provements in the construction of metal telegraph posts.” A taper tube, of the length of the post required, is rolled and cut into lengths convenient for transport. Upon the end of each section, true and square with the axis of the tube, Q 4487. D 98 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a ring, having lugs upon it, is placed; the ring is fixed by ex. panding the tube. “ In erecting the posts the end of each lower section which projects somewhat beyond its ring enters into the ring upon “ the upper section, and the sections are fixed the one to the " other by means of 1-formed clips which are inserted when “ red hot between the lugs, and lightly clenched upon them." [Printed, 4l. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1873, January 6.-No. 67. ROBINSON, WILLIAM.-" Improvements in electro-magnetic " railway signalling apparatus." A part of this invention relates to the completion of the electric circuit by the passage of a railway carriage along the rails of a railway, which act as conductors. In a railway switch, the insulation from each other of the switch rails is maintained by insulating the rail sockets at their ends from each other. The circuit wires are attached to the rails by means of a casting bolted against the flange of the rail. In another part of this invention, the conducting rail sections are separated or insulated from each other, and contact is established by the carriage wheels. The electric separation is accomplished by means of separate chairs, or wooden fish plates, or both combined. A carriage truck, with metallic side frames, when astride of the insulating joints or separations, establishes electrical con- nection between two adjoining rail sections. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, January 17.—No. 190. LEE, ROBERT BRISTOW, and ROGERS, SIMON ALFRED.-"Im. provements in the manufacture of metal pillars, posts, “ masts, or poles, for telegraphic and other purposes, and in machinery employed in such manufacture.” This invention relates to No. 1597, A.D. 1871, and consists in mechanical means of forming the helices for use in the posts described in the former invention. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 99 A revolving plain mandril is mounted in bearings, and a traversing carriage guides the bar or rod into the required position upon the mandril. A differential motion is imparted to the carriage, or it may be to the mandril, when forming taper poles. This may be effected by means of conical chain drums or with a screw cut with a differential pitch. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, January 22.-No. 251, ELMSLEY, REMY.--" Improvements in electric communica- " tion between railway trains in transit and stations or “ termini, and in the apparatus connected therewith.” An electric conducting wire is supported, parallel to the line of rail, upon insulating brackets at the top of poles, so that grooved metallic rollers on the guard's van maintain a perfect and continuous contact with the wires by running upon them. The rollers are secured to the guard's vans by yielding joints and arms, so that they may rest upon the wire whilst the train is in motion. Two rollers are employed, so that while one roller is passing over the brackets upholding the wire, the other maintains electric contact. A lever in the guard's van raises the rollers when necessary, so as to escape diverging lines. Thus telegraphic communication is established with stations or with other trains on the same line of rail. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, February 13.-No. 534. OWEN, CHARLES.-(Provisional protection only.)-"Improve- “ments in electrical inter-communication between passenger " and guard, guard and guard, and guard and engine driver." When a carriage not fitted with the apparatus described in No. 3512, A.D. 1872, has to be attached to a train already so fitted, the electric circuit is completed by means of gutta-percha covered wires secured by screw clips to the end eaves of the carriage. Eyes or rings on the clip attached to the train wire are pressed upon by a spring, so as to ensure contact when the carriages are coupled together. D 2 100 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. If a carriage be disconnected by accident, the coupling becomes perfectly tant, which enables a metal plate, at the top end of the coupling, to complete the electric circuit. In the case of a slip carriage, two telescope tubes are in- troduced between the ordinary coupling wires. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, March 4.-No. 778. WELCH, EDWARD Joux Cowling.“ Improvements in the “ construction of telegraph posts, the same being applicable “ also to fencing posts and other purposes." The posts are hollow and are of a rectilinear, cylindrical, or conical elevation, and of a circular, elliptical or polygonal cross section. A strip or band of sheet iron, or other suitable material, is wound round a mandril, so that each succeeding convolution may either join or partially lap over the preceding one. When the convolutions join, the post is of one diameter throughout its length; when they lap over, the post is taper. When the convolutions simply meet a strip of iron is wound over the joints. The tube being formed is dipped in a bath of cementing materials or of molten tin or zinc. The joints may be further secured by means of rivets. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, March 5.-No. 791. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Improvements in tram- “ ways and the vehicles to be used therewith, which “ improvements are partly applicable to other purposes." Heavy telegraph poles may be constructed of timber com- pounded of creosoted boards with the grain longitudinal, and strongly cramped together with cross bolts passing through the compounded material at intervals. [Printed, 18. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, April 21.–No. 1434. LYTTLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER.—"Improvements in the pre- " servation of timber.'' DIVISION II.--CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 101 Telegraph poles are prepared in the manner described. Timber is boiled in pitchy creosote, or in any tarry or heavy hydro-carbon oil remaining after the rectification of coal, shale, tar, or petroleum; this operation expels from the wood all water as steam. A solution of sulphur may be incorporated with the hydro-carbon pickle. The boiling pro- cess of creosoting may be applied to timber which has been treated with an aqueous solution of a preservative salt. An artificial bark may be given to the wood by cementing to the timber coats of paper, canvas, or sheet iron with bituminous cement; or the timber, after boiling, may be dusted with a fine mineral dust. Instead of securing the insulator arms to the post by grooves cat in the wood, iron brackets are nailed to the post; the arms are bolted to the brackets by bolts that pass through them and through the post. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] (6 A.D. 1873, May 17.—No. 1797. CRISPIN, WILLIAM HENRY.-(Provisional protection only.) - “ Improvements in the construction of masts and spars for ships, the same being also applicable to the construction of " telegraphic, railway, and other signal posts." Each post is formed of a series of iron or steel tubes, con- centri arranged. The interstices between the tubes may be filled in with wood; the whole is bound together with a series of iron hoops at suitable distances apart. A taper pust is composed of successively smaller tubes ; a wooden core is employed in this case. In a strong post, a cross of flat iron is continued the entire length of the post; the angular spaces are filled in with the above-mentioned tubes in combination with wood, and the whole is hooped together. The lengths of the tubes may be screwed together and are arranged so as to break joint. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, May 31.–No. 1970. EVANS, MORTIMER.-"Mechanism for signalling"in railway trains, &c. 102 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, 66 “ Communication is effected throughout the train by jamb- ing a metal block by means of a cam handle, between that “ handle which constitutes the end of the conductor of one “ carriage and a powerful spring constituting the adjacent “ end of the conductor of the preceding or succeeding carriage.” Or, the connection between the carriages is made by a flexible insulated copper wire, which communicates with the wires of the carriages. One end of the flexible wire is soldered to a stud in the end of the carriage and its opposite end is connected to a spring plug, which is placed in a socket in the end of the next carriage. A socket and a stud is at the end of each carriage; when a carriage is disconnected, the plug is pushed into the socket of the same end of the same carriage, so that the electric circuit remains complete. [Printed, 18. 6. Drawings.] - A.D. 1873, June 11.-No. 2077, ROWETT, WILLIAM. — (Provisional protection only.) — "Im. “provements in the construction and manufacture of electric telegraph cables or ropes.” The insulated telegraph wire is preferred to be in the centre of the cable in one or more strands, but it may be placed, as worming, on the outside of the cable. The conductors may be in straight lines secured by twine. The strongest manilla or hemp lines are placed in the inter- stices of the compound core. The components of the core may be put together in combination with Rowett's preserving “ elastic marine glue.” The uninsulated electric conductor may be placed simply in the hemp envelope prepared with Rowett's preserving marine glue. The strands of the cable are formed from “wrong way ' yarn;" the yarn is wound on conical spindles of that shape, 80 as to keep the turn in the yarn instead of untwisting it. The conical spindle bobbin is equally applicable to the strands, and may be used when forming the cable. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 103 A.D. 1873, June 13.–No. 2090. GARRARD, John GOODJER.—A "peg or holdfast for secur- " ing tents, strengthening telegraph poles, tethering horses, “ and for other similar purposes." A modification of the peg converts it into a shoe for enabling telegraph posts to be more easily driven into the ground. When used as a peg, it is made of short pieces of iron, of any convenient cross section. A hole at the top of the peg receives a ring or hook. Below the hole is a cross piece; the part of the peg which enters the ground is curved inwards towards the point and is tapered from back to front like sword. When used as a shoe, it is of the required length and cross section and is fixed to the post by bolts or otherwise. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, June 13.-No. 2091. BONNEVILLE, Henri ADRIEN. — (A communication from William Railde.)-—" Improvements in conductors for tele. graph wires." An insulated bridge is enclosed in a box, which forms the connecting link between sections of pipes. The pipes enclose one or more telegraph wires. By opening the box, access can be had to the wires. A pipe contains a series of insulated passages which are separated from each other, and from the enclosing shell, by a layer of bituminous or other cement. A separated passage is thus obtained for each of a series of telegraph wires. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, July 2.-No. 2302. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.-(4 communication from Henry Tudor Brownell.)--Processes for plating metals with nickel. This invention is applicable to coating telegraph wires. The wires " can be twisted or bent without impairing the con- “ tinuity of the plating." After the nickel coating is applied to the metal surface by any ordinary process, the metal so plated is subjected to a temperature of from 480° to 700° Faht. 104 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. According to another method, the metal to be coated is heated in water to the boiling point, and is then immersed in the plating fluid heated to the same temperature. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, July 8.-No. 2350. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. — (A communication from François Ferdinand Auguste Achard.) - "Improvements in “ railway brakes." This invention relates to electric railway brakes. The conducting wires which couple adjoining carriages are connected by means of two jaws fixed outside the carriage. Within each jaw is stretched a series of wires which form flexible contacts. A link in the electric circuit, being inserted between the jaws, and the jaws being pressed together by a spring, efficient electric contact is made at several points by the series of wires. [Printed, 28. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, July 10.-No.2386. MOFFATT, ALEXANDER CHARLES. (Provisional protection only.) —"Improvements in machinery for serving or covering " wire, and for such like purposes." These improvements relate to machinery such as is described in No. 1325, A.D. 1859. According to the present invention, a hollow shaft carries a skeleton cylinder, formed by a disc at one end and an iron ring at the other, the two being kept apart by stays. The bobbins are supported on the skeleton shaft. The cylinder being ro. tated, the yarns are drawn off the full bobbins and are laid around the wire to be covered. The bobbins are in halves, hinged together on one side and having a catch on the oppo- site side. On the shaft, in the rear of the skeleton frame, is a small driving pulley, which has a pair of stud pins projecting from its face. Corresponding holes in the bobbin enable it to revolve with the pulley and the yarn to be wound on to the wire. A length of shaft, between the pulley and the skeleton frame, sufficient to hold two or three bobbins, enables a supply DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 103 of full bobbins to be always ready to be slipped forward, and to take the place of empty bobbins, which are removed from within the skeleton frame. There is room for the empty bobbin to be placed on the shaft next to the small driving pulley. The studs on the pulley drive the empty bobbin and thus enable it to be filled with yarn. The laying of the yarn on to the bobbin is effected by a guide caused to move to and fro. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, July 29.–No. 2568. WALKER, Thomas. — (Provisional protection only.) - "Im- – “provements in electrical apparatus applicable to telegraphy “ and other purposes.” The first part this invention consists in arrangements whereby electric currents can be transmitted through con- ducting wires "which may be entirely or imperfectly insulated or wholly insulated.” “For this purpose any desired number of permanent mag- “ nets, or of pieces of iron or steel (either alone or combined “ with other elements, and fluids placed either in cells in the " earth or made up as a condenser with a non-conducting “ substance between the plates) or electro-magnets, are placed “ in connection with the transmitting and receiving ends of “ the conducting wire, and also, if desirable and practicable, “ in connection with other parts thereof.” An electric cur- rent sent through this circuit is said to be equally effective whether the wires are insulated or not. The several wires of a cable are separated from each other by means of “any suitable substance,” and are connected with the above arrangements and currents sent through either or all of such wires. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, August 7.-No. 2656. LAKE, WILLIAM ROBERT.—(A communication from Frank Leonard Pope.)" Railway signal apparatus." The electric conductors used are the rails of a railway. The line of railway is divided into insulated sections, so that each 106 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. a section forms a continuous conductor. The ordinary wooden ties and sleepers are sufficient to insulate the rails from the earth and from each other, if suitable batteries and accessories are employed. The connection between the two rails of the same line that is necessary to make a signal is accomplished by the wheels and axles of a passing train. The ties or braces of the movable rails of a switch are wholly or partially of insulating material. The rails of the branch line are divided and suitably insulated. The movable rails are electrically connected with the fixed rails. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, September 10.–No. 2969. MOSELEY, WALKER.—" Electrical signal apparatus." The conducting wires are insulated and fixed by using a metal covering for the wire, so that it forms an hermetically sealed case for the several portions of the wire. In connecting a branch wire to the main wire, the ends of the metal coverings are sealed, leaving the joint bare. A wooden socket is filled with resin ; into this the ends of the main wire and its metal covering are dipped, as well as the end of the branch wire. The wires are connected outside by twisting and soldering. To avoid the use of staples, india-rubber insulated wire is used. For the second wire, bare wire is employed. The wires are sewn or woven together between strong tape, which is afterwards saturated with a mixture of gum and boiled lin- seed oil. An ebonite insulator protects the wire from contact with the metal tube through which the wire passes. In another plan, the conductor is covered with three layers of india rubber, then with hemp, and the whole is immersed in boiled oil and gum. When the coating is dry, it is covered with a ribbon of tin and lastly with a plaiting of tinned copper wire, A layer of oiled india rubber and cotton may be inter- posed between the tin and the wire. The wires are insulated according to their position. An insulator for suspended wires is made of a block of china surrounded by ebonite. i DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 107 An insulator for vertical lines has a hollow piece of china surrounded at the ends with ebonite. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, September 19.-No. 3083. WILKINSON, ALEXANDER.—“Improvements in coating and “ preserving telegraph wires, ropes and cables.” The ingredients of the composition or covering are:- White lead, pitch, japan, shellac, tallow, naphtha, and oil, to which, in some cases, is added a small proportion of glycerine, gutta percha, or litharge. Rosin or tar may be substituted for pitch, and varnish for shellac. To coat naked wires. The surface of the wires is cleaned and passed through a bath of Brunswick black, or of gutta percha. The wires are then covered with filaments coated with the above-mentioned composition, and are exposed to the air, passed through a second similar bath of composition, and, finally, through a bath of “white lead or one or more of the " ingredients before referred to.” To coat a rope or cable.-A number of wires (coated as above described) are passed through a bath of the same ingredients, so that they become coated to the desired thickness. Or, the series of coated wires is first wrapped with a fibrous body, to form a proper cable, then passed through the bath of com- position. Single coated wires, for land or overhead telegraphy, may be enclosed in a metallic compound drawn into a tube. A submarine cable may have metal wire or lead in strips wound upon it. This invention further consists in the employment of a mixture containing white lead, boiled oil, and gutta percha for the above purposes. The wire or cable is drawn through a bath containing the ingredients, placed in a tank containing hot water or steam, and then drawn through dies by pressure. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, September 20.-No. 3086. FOTTRELL, Jonn.--A “composition for the manufacture of " pipes and tubes suitable for water at high pressure, and as 108 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, “ conduits for sewage purposes, gas, brine, and other saline “ liquors." The composition is adapted for the "manufacture of in- sulators, and for all insulating purposes in all kinds of telegraphic constructions." The ingredients of the composition are:--Finely powdered stone or sand, shale oil or its equivalent, Trinidad bitumen, and bituminous rock. The whole is intimately mixed and kept well stirred whilst boiling, till it comes to the proper consistency: it is then run into moulds previously prepared to give colour to the material. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, October 22.–No. 3436. DUNK, SAMUEL CHARLES. — (Provisional protection only.) “ Means of preserving telegraph, signal, gate, and other wood posts from dry rot and decay." The lower part of these posts is surrounded with a collar of zinc or other suitable metal; the upper and lower edges of the collar are bevilled off, and either forced into the wood, or caused to enter a saw cut formed at an angle around the post. When the plate or collar of zinc is fixed round the post, the edges are soldered together. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, November 20.-No. 3780. HOOPER, WILLIAM.—(Provisional protection only.)—“Im. provements in the manufacture of telegraph cables and in covering telegraphic conductors.” The insulating compound, which is the subject of this in- vention, may be applied, either directly to the conductor, or over another insulator, say india rubber. The compound is suitable for embedding the fibrous yarns and for covering the wires with which the cable core is surroi rounded; it may also be applied, together with tape or yarns, to land lines, in tunnels for instance. The compound is made as follows:-The soft tar obtained from the distillation of cotton seed oil is oxidised by treating it, whilst hot, with nitric acid. The product is mixed with the DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 109 hard pitch obtained from the distillation of cotton seed oil. Instead of cotton seed oil, other vegetable drying oil may be ased. The compound is sufficiently fluid at somewhat more than 300° Faht. The fibrous yarns employed in telegraph cables are satu. rated with the soft pitch from the distillation of cotton seed oil, and are thus rendered non-absorbent. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, November 26.-No. 3862. GRAY, MATTHEW.-A “modo of maintaining the insulation of “ underground telegraphic wires." Gutta percha, on becoming dry, has a tendency to shrink and deteriorate. According to the present invention, water is let into the pipes enclosing land lines, in order to maintain the quality of the gutta percha. Diaphragms of elastic india rubber are in- terposed between the flanges of the pipes; the diaphragms are pierced with holes to admit the wires but to prevent the escapo of water past the diaphragm. A testing chamber is likewise filled with water, but has taps to let it off when the wires are repaired. The wires leave the chamber through stuffing boxes for connection with the tele- graph station. (Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, November 26.—No. 3863. GRAY, MATTHEW.-A “ method of insulating and maintaining " the insulation of underground telegraphic wires." By this invention naked or uncovered wires are made avail. able as conductors under roads and ways. The wires are supported at tension by leading them through perforated blocks or discs of insulating material fixed at suitable intervals in a continuous length of piping. Dry air may be passed through the pipes, so as to carry off moisture. The discs are pierced with holes to allow of free circulation of air through the pipes. Chambers are made, of an increased breadth, at convenient 110 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. points along the line. These chambers are for coupling up the wires or for leading them to the local telegraph instrument. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, December 4.–No. 3997. HOOPER, WILLIAM, and DUNLOP, JOHN MACMILLAN._"Im. “provements in the manufacture of telegraph cables, and in “ covering telegraph conductors, and in compounds therefor.” The object of this invention is to produce an insulating compound for covering the conductors of telegraph cables. The compound may be applied directly to the conductor or over another insulator, say india rubber; it may also be used to embed the fibrous yarns of a cable and to cover the wire by which the cable core is surrounded. Together with tape or yarns, it may be applied to land lines, in tunnels for instance. To produce the compound.-Soft tar from the distillation of cotton seed oil is oxidised by treating it, whilst hot, with nitric acid. The product is mixed with the bard pitch from the distillation of cotton seed oil. The compound is sufficiently fluid for use at somewhat above 300° Faht. “ Ondroic" (obtained from the distillation of matters containing stearine) may be substituted for the soft pitch wbich has been oxidised by nitric acid. To render the fibrous yarns in telegraph cables non-absor- bent, they are saturated with the above-mentioned soft pitch. Other vegetable drying oil may be used instead of cotton seed oil. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9) A.D. 1873, December 11.--No. 4079. ROWETT, WILLIAM.--(Provisional protection only.)—"Improve- ments in the construction and manufacture of electric telegraph cables or ropes, and in appliances connected " therewith." The conductor or conductors may be placed in any position in the cable, each conductor being inserted in a separate strand or as a worming on the outside of the cable; it is pre- ferred to place the conductor in the centre of the cable. The conductors are in straight lines secured by a tape or DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 111 twine fastening. In the exterior interstices of the combined core, prior to securing with tape, hemp lines are placed, so that every fibre will take its share of tensile strain. The several components of the core may be further improved by being put together in combination with Rowett's elastic marine glue. A non-insulated conductor, or conductors, may be placed simply in a hemp envelope prepared with Rowett’s marine glue. Four or more strands of prepared yarn cover all or either of the conductors. The strand of the cable may be formed from “ wrong-way yarn.” Conical spindles or bobbins are used of that shape. By this means the turn is kept in the yarn. The conical spindle bobbins are equally applicable to the strands, and may be used when forming the cable. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1873, December 12.–No. 4100. LAMBERT, FRANCIS.—“ Improvements in grapnels for rais. ing submarine telegraph cables.” The grapnel resembles an anchor in form, and has two pairs of prongs, each pair converging at the points, so as to form an open or skeleton fluke. The prongs are fixed in sockets, so as to be readily replaced when broken. The shank is formed into a frame at the lower part to carry the gripping and cutting devices, which are fitted in guides or boxes between each fluke and the shank. Each box contains a platform upon which is pivoted a pair of eccentric or cam-shaped spring gripping jaws, which grip the cable more tightly as the strain upon them increases. The guide boxes have slots to guide the cable between the eccentric jaws, and are furnished with spring shutters which close the slots and the top of the boxes, so as to prevent the eccentrics being choked with mud. The shutters are only opened by the cable when properly grappled. The cutters are fixed and cut merely by the strain of the cable upon them. According to a modified arrangement, the two pairs of jaws are carried on one platform, and the cutters consist of a pair of shear blades actuated by the movement of the platform a 112 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. carrying the gripping devices. When the weight of the cable comes on the platform, its spring catches yield, the platform is oscillated, and the shear blades sever the cable. [Printed, 1s. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1873, December 18.-No. 4167. MADSEN, CHRISTIAN LUDVIG.—"Improvements in electric “ telegraph cables, and in insulating telegraph conductors." The insulating material contains wax, resin, paraffin, and turpentine. Small proportions of other fats, oils, or greases may be added to the compound. Tapes of fibrous materials are dipped in the melted insu- lating compound. If necessary, a second coating may be given. T'he wire or strand is dipped in a bath of the com- pound and served with the prepared tapes from reels fixed on discs, which are made to revolve round the conductor as it passes along Over the tapes, a plain tape of dry fibrous material is laid tightly round the core, after which the core is passed between rollers and it is thus completed. In some cases, the inventor uses a central wire or strand of copper with iron wires round it, or a central strand of iron with copper round it. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1873, December 19.–No. 4171. DE CAPANEMA, GUILHERME SCHÜCH.-"Improvements in “ insulators for telegraph line wires, and in the means of securing the wires thereto." The insulator is a bell insulator having a stem, and is made entirely of a non-conducting material. According to this invention it is provided with a transverse groove at the top, in which the telegraph wire is held by a protuberance on the wire engaging in a recess in the groove, or by protuberances on the wire at each end of the groove, a transverse pin being inserted over the wire when required. The collars that form the protuberances may be cast on the wire by an instrument like a bullet mould, or they may be • DIVISION II.- CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 113 strung on the wire or put on in halves and soldered to the wire in the required positions. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1873, December 20.-No. 4193. RUBERY, John.-(Provisional protection only.)—"Improve- “ ments in telegraphic wires or conductors." These wires are of hardened and tempered steel covered with copper or other good conductor. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 1874. a A.D. 1874, January 9.–No. 124. TRUMAN, EDWIN THOMAS.- Manufacture of insulated tele- graphic conductors, machinery, and preparation of materials. In reference to the process and machinery described in No. 482, A.D. 1872, the present invention consists in giving rota- tion to the wire by the ordinary rotation of the carrying drum on its axis. The wires, on their way to the receiving drum, are led out of the straight line and the deflected part is rotated round the line of travel. By means of a mould and a sailor's splice, a solid covering and joint are formed at the union of each length of wire. In relation to the machines described in No.878, A.D. 1870, for giving out a uniform supply of gutta percha, two screws are used; the first delivers the material from the hopper to the second screw, and the second delivers it to a die, or to the above-mentioned mould. In relation to the machines set forth in No. 41, A.D. 1870, the openings for the access and escape of the water are pro- vided with the means of closing or partly closing them, so that, until the agglomeration has taken place, the material in the raw state cannot escape. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] 114 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A.D. 1874, January 21.–No. 265. MONCKTON, EDWARD HENRY CRADOCK. —“Magnetic en- " gines," " producing motive power," and apparatus. Preparations for insulation :--1. Sulphur, either fused or in powder. 2. A mixture of sulphur and yellow orpiment. 3. A mixture of white arsenic and sulphur. Either of these preparations may be combined, in a state of fusion, with shreds of fibrous material; the sulphur may be combined with resins and gums, or its solution in oils may be used. Solutions of silk in metallic ammoniacal solutions. Solutions of shellac combined with fibrous material. Sulphur and its solutions form insulators for telegraphic wires. Telegraphic wires may have an insulated core of iron or steel and an insulated copper or other wire wound thereon helically; the core forms a long magnet. Copper wire coated with zinc is preferred. A system of weighting light telegraphic cables is by clamp- ing on them slit rings. Railways have insulated copper rods secured between the rails. Wheels on the engine make electric contact with the rods. [Printed, 28. 2. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, January 23.–No. 293. WALKER, THOMAS.-(Provisional protection only.) — "Im- provements in the means of transmitting electric currents “ for telegraphic and other purposes." To render an uninsulated or partially insulated wire avail. able as a conductor or telegraphic line wire, between the re- ceiving instrument and the near end of the line wire a battery is interposed. The battery is of iron and copper. The line wire is connected to the iron pole and the receiving instrument to the other pole. “Electric currents sent into " the line wire at its distant end will be transmitted to the receiving instrument, notwithstanding the defective insula- " tion of the line wire.” The action of the above wire as a conductor can be very “ much improved by partially insulating it." For this pur- 66 DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 115 pose a mixture of shellac, rosin, and tar, or of rosin, tar, and oil is used. A tape saturated with the insulating mixture may be applied to the wire. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, February 3.—No. 440. MACKIE, SAMUEL JOSEPH.--"Improvements in apparatus for “ signalling on railway trains.” The coupling between the carriages used in this invention consists of two metallic cables, each insulated and bound together, and respectively terminating in metal hooks, there being two at each end. A wooden shoe is fitted over each pair of hooks. The hooks make contact by being fixed into sockets forming bayonet joints. The sockets are in contact with metallic conductors fitted over the carriages of the train. The conductors consist of flat bars screwed to the carriages and extending downwards upon the front and rear panels. Under ordinary circumstances, the conductors at the front and rear of the carriage respectively spring together ; this con- tact is broken by the insertion of the hooks. In another mode of break-away, the couplings are jointed at the centre and have two insulated draw tubes to fit two others of the like nature. When the two half couplings are drawn apart, the springs make contact between the contiguous tubes and cause electric bells to ring. Carriages not fitted with electric apparatus have a long wire rope secured over or under them, by clips, so that they may not interfere with the electric circuit. A double line of electric wires may be formed by a single cord containing two insulated wires. The break-away may be a single tube divided longitudinally contact of the halves of the tube being broken by a wedge. [Printed, 1s. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, February 4.-No. 447. MACINTOSH, JOHN. “ Improvements in materials for insulating telegraphic wires, part of which material is also “ applicable to covering other substances and rendering them " waterproof." 116 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The first part of this invention relates to insulating tele- graphic wires; it consists" in mixing cotton seed pitch with “ caoutchouc by means of rollers or otherwise until it becomes hot plastic heterogenous mass, in which state it can be put on the wires by the machines ordinarily used for this purpose.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] а A.D. 1874, February 4.-No. 452. SMITH, HENRY.—“ Improvements in or in connection with “ window blind raising, lowering, and arresting apparatus, “ and in blind rollers, parts of such improvements being “ applicable to boat, telegraph cable, and other weight lowering and arresting and holding apparatus." This apparatus is applicable for laying out and arresting telegraph wires and submarine cables. The object of this invention is to afford means for raising and lowering in such manner that, on releasing a cord, the article being raised or lowered is instantaneously arrested in its motion. A weighted lever between two jaws is carried by a spindle supported by the jaws. The part of the lever between the jaws carries an eccentric. When one end of the lever is pulled, the weighted end is raised and the rope passed between the eccentric, and the bedplate of the jaws is then free to travel through. On releasing the lever, the weighted end causes the eccentric to fall and thus to grip and to arrest the progress of the rope. Other modifications are set forth. (Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, February 5.-No. 478. HYATT, THADDEUS.—“Improvements in the treatment of asbestos, and in its applicatiou to various useful purposes " in the arts and manufactures." One of the applications of this invention is “for insulating purposes to be used in supporting telegraph wires." A portion of this invention relates to a method of obtaining asbestos, in block, sheet, and board, from the disintegrated DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 17 and comminuted mineral. The material is reduced to the form of slip or paste. The crude material is first purified by means of hydrofluoric acid. The shortest fibres are ground and comminuted and the mass is placed in water. The heavier particles having subsided, the parts remaining in suspension are drawn off, and the liquid is separated by filtration. From the pure asbestos slip insulators may be made. [Printed, 6d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, February 6.-No. 485. HARROP, JAMES JOHN.—“Improvements in the manufacture “ of tin-lined lead piping, and of tin and lead piping, and of “ soil and water pipes, and in the apparatus employed in such " manufacture, and in the covering of telegraph cables with " lead.” In an apparatus for covering telegraph cables with lead, the ressel that contains the lead, or the container, is situated in the fixed cross head of a vertical hydraulic press. A tubular core bar is fitted to slide in the container, and is, for this par- pose, connected to the ram head. The cable or cluster of in- sulated wires to be coated passes through a gland in the upper end of the tubular core, and traverses the hollow within the core to the die, which is fixed in the upper end of the hollow ram. At the commencement of the operation, the end of the cable is drawn through the core and die, and the outlet between the die and the core is stopped with clay. The container is then charged with molten lead, the ram is forced upwards, and a leaden tube issues from the die and encloses the cable. Melted paraffin is pumped under pressure into the tubular core, so as to fill all the interstices, and the cable passes round a pulley that is mounted just above the active portion of the ram, or it may pass through a hollow ram and issue downwards. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] 1 (6 A.D. 1874, March 10.-No. 862. IMRAY, John.—(A communication from T. J. Waters.)—"Im- provements in laying telegraph cables or other insulated “ electric conductors and apparatus therefor.” 118 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The apparatus consists of a kind of plough mounted on wheels, which can be drawn along the bottom of the water or along the surface of the soil in which the cable or conductor is to be embedded. The plough is provided with a tubular shank extending obliquely downwards behind its wheels, so as to cut a furrow in the soil or bottom. · At or near the lower end of the shank are two thin flukes extending horizontally, which serve to cut the furrow and to maintain the shank in its embedded position. The cable or conductor is passed down the interior of the hollow shank, and is thus guided to the bottom of the furtow. Being paid out at a rate equivalent to the travel of the plough, the cable is laid continuously and embedded in the soil. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, March 19.-No. 979. PRALL, WILLIAM EDGAR.-A “method of and apparatus for “ utilising compressed air in the management of railways, in “ signalling trains, elevating water, protecting telegraph wires, and for other purposes.” The object of the sixth feature of this invention is "to ensure a more perfect insulation of the telegraph wires, and to protect them more completely from atmospheric disturb. ances, by enclosing them in an envelope of compressed 66 "s air." This part of the invention consists in protection to tele- graph wires or cables by means of a continuous main pipe charged with compressed air. The wires are supported and extended within the pipes, or in suitable sockets connecting them by means of rubber blocks. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, March 20.–No. 983. TUGWOOD, Joun. Improvements in railway keys for “ securing railway line in chairs, and in the cement employed, which is applicable to similar purposes and to structures.” One application of part of the invention is for preserving “ telegraph posts," and for assisting in maintaining them DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 119 more firmly in the ground. The cement employed therefor is a mixture of “ tar, pitch, turps, rosin and sand.” It is applied hot, and whilst still warm may be covered with sand or grit. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, April 2.-No. 1159. BULLIVANT, WILLIAM MUNTON.—“Improvements in tele- graph cables.” The cable is constructed of hempen yarns shrunk, then dried and saturated with Stockholm tar. No protecting wires are used in this cable. The yarns are prepared from uncut Manilla hemp. They are immersed in water or steamed, then dried in a drying room and passed through Stockholm tar kept fluid by heat. The prepared yarns are laid around the insulated conductor in a very long helix or lay, one layer in one direction, the other in the opposite direction. The layers are separated with pitch containing silica or sand. Binding yarns may be laid over the above-mentioned yarns in a short helix. The whole cable is passed through prepared pitch mixed with sand, and then through a die to remove the surplus pitch and sand. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, April 16.—No. 1306. HOOD, WILLIAM.—(Provisional protection not allowed.)—" The “ improvement and durability of telegraph and signal posts, “ columns, pilasters, boundary posts, mile posts, and stan- “ dards for the support of machinery, or other matters." These posts are “in one or more pieces entirely of cast iron “ in the form of a tube either cylindrical or polygonal, but lightened by casting vertical or other openings, ornamental or otherwise, in the thickness of the tube.” [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, April 21.-No. 1371. WHYTE, GEORGE.—“Signalling on railways by electricity." The train carries four contacts, which perform various func. tions. One pair of contacts joins up the conductors, so that 120 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. when a second train is suitably placed a signal is sent. Each contact consists of either a metallic brush, or a piece of metal hinged and with springs, so as to allow a backward and for- ward movement; when the train passes the brushes make contact with the road apparatus. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1874, April 30.–No. 1526. KNOWLES, FRANCIS CHARLES.—(Provisional protection only.) Preventing decay of wood and other ligneous fibres." This invention is claimed to be, amongst other purposes, “ specially intended” for telegraph poles. The wood to be preserved is steeped in pulpy peat having a little water added to the mass, or in vats containing the “ liquor or palp produced by the saturation of peat in its “ natural state.” The wood may be placed in closed vats from which the air is then exhausted; the liquor is afterwards forced in under steam or hydraulic pressure. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] - A.D. 1874, May 14.—No. 1712. McCOOL, John. -(Provisional protection only.) -"Improve- ments in sockets to receive the ends of telegraph and other posts or uprights, and in apparatus to be employed in “ lowering the posts or uprights into and withdrawing them “ from their sockets." The socket is made so that the post may be readily inserted therein and withdrawn therefrom. When in the socket the post is held securely. The socket is constructed of a vertical tube having a section corresponding to that of the end of the post, preferably wedge-shaped or tapering internally to its lower end; it has an enlarged base or foot. One side of the upper part of the socket is removable, and, when in place, is secured by clamps or otherwise. On the inner face of this removable portion are projections which take into corresponding recesses in the post, and on its lower edge is a tongue which fits between the fixed part of the socket and the post. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 121 The post is placed in the socket and secured by the clamp- ing of the removable piece thereto. To lower the post a three-legged shears is used. The upper ends of the legs are connected to a collar which fits loosely round the post. The legs can be elongated by hydraulic means. A clamp is fixed round the post above the collar. The post is lifted by the elongation of the shear legs, brought over the socket, and then allowed to descend by its own weight. To raise a post from its socket, the same apparatus is em- ployed in combination with an ordinary jack that acts against a clamp on the post. [Printed, 4d. No.Drawings.] - A.D. 1874, May 19.-No. 1766. EUSTACE, MARCUS. — (Provisional protection only.) ——“ Im. provements in means and apparatus for joining and tight- ening wires, such as are employed for fences, telegraphs, " and other purposes.” Joining lengths of wire together.The ends are inserted into a socket piece, side by side and from opposite directions, and are made fast by a taper key driven through transverse holes in the socket. Or wedges may be driven between the wires at each end of the socket. Or, the socket may be in two or three ferrules and the wires bulged by a grooved piece of metal driven between them. Tightening the wires.—Two plates of metal, each with a clamp securing its end of the wire, are screwed together by a spindle having a right and left-handed screw. Or, the spindle may be screwed at one end and provided with a collar at the other end. Or, the wires may be secured to spindles that screw into nuts on one plate, the plate being turned round. Rack bars and a pinion may take the place of the spindles. The ends of the wire being brought together by the tight- ening apparatus can be secured by the socket above-men. tioned, or by other means. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 122 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 66 a A.D. 1874, May 27.-No. 1855. ZANNI, GEMINIANO. Improvements in submarine and “ other telegraphic cables." The conductor (consisting of one or more copper wires) is enclosed within a series of soft iron or steel wires, which are united together to form a core by passing the whole through molten tin. The core is then insulated, covered with tape and passed through molten tin ; or, the insulated core may be wrapped with tin-foil. Finally, tape, immersed in tar, is wound round the core to protect the metal foil or protecting metal casing from injury or corrosion. Several of the core conductors may be combined together in one cable. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, June 15.-No. 2074. MUIRHEAD, John, junior.—“Improvements in iron tele- graph poles." These poles are made with especial reference to lightness combined with strength. The socket is of cast iron, thin, hollow, and conical with openwork. Into this is inserted a compound tube of very thin wrought iron welded up upon a cylindrical liner of steel or iron, which becomes a part of the post; diaphragms may be inserted within the liner to strengthen it. The upper part of the tube is taper and into its upper end is welded an iron plug which has a central hole tapped to receive the insulator stem. A wire guard and lightning discharger are formed together and are secured or clamped by the insulator stem. For additional wires malleable cast iron brackets are employed. Each bracket has a boss, which keys on to the post, and two inclined arms with sockets to receive insulators. To increase the strength of the post, it may have an oval cross section with the longer diameter in the line of strain. [Printed, 18. Drawings.] a DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 123 A.D. 1874, June 17.-No. 2106. CONYBEARE, HENRY, and NAPHEGYI, GABOR. — (Pro- visional protection only.)--" Treating the juice of a certain “ tree called zapote or chickley in order to prepare or adapt “ it for useful purposes, and ducing materials and useful " and ornamental articles therefrom." This product “is applicable for the insulation of telegraph “ wires and for other purposes to which gutta percha is “ applied.” The juice is dissolved in alcohol or ether; the solvent is then distilled off. The residuum possesses most of the qualities of gatta percha. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, July 28.–No. 2637. WINTER, GEORGE KIFT.—“Improvements in electrical inter- "communication in trains." The safely chains between carriage and carriage are used to complete the electric communication throughout the train and the number of loose joints is reduced to a minimum. That part of the hook of each chain which is likely to bear against the hook of the next carriage is coated with a non- oxidable metal, preferably gun metal. Two wires, insulated from each other, extend from one end of the carriage to the other; they are prolonged at the end of the carriage, and, at each end, run through loops fastened to the links, and are connected to the hook at the end of the chain. [Printed, 28. 6d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, September 2.-No. 3006. HIGHTON, HENRY. — (Provisional protection only.) — "Im- provements in submarine telegraphy." These improvements consist in the use of phosphor bronze or other alloy of copper combining strength with power of electric conduction and non-liability to corrosion. 1st. The core of a cable is made wholly of the above-men- tioned metal, or partly of the metal and partly of copper, and is insulated. Preferably, the core is enclosed in an envelope a 124 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. of hemp or tape covered with a mixture of pitch and silica or tar and red lead. 2nd. The core is of insulated copper wire and is surrounded by a covering of six strands of phosphor bronze wire, each covered with hemp to the same diameter as the core. These are twisted round tho core to form a cylindrical cable. The strands are more than six if smaller than the core, and fewer if larger. For shore ends, a cable having a covering of iron or steel is conjoined to the deep sea cable by a cable made as in the first improvement. 3rd. The core is covered with a number of thinner wires of phosphor bronze, the core being previously served with hemp or tape. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] a A.D. 1874, September 17.--No. 3172. EUSTACE, Marcus.—“Improvements in means and apparatus “ for jointing and tightening wires, such as are employed for “ fences, telegraphs, and other purposes." In joining together the ends'of wires, they are inserted longi- tudinally into a socket piece side by side and from opposite directions, and are made fast by a taper key driven through transverse holes in the socket; the socket is preferably a little bellied in the middle. Or, the ends of the wires, after being passed through the socket, may be bent into chases provided at each end; the wires are secured by keys driven transversely across the bent ends. The socket may be a short cylinder with its axis transverse to the wires; the ends are inserted through opposite holes in the periphery of the socket and, the wires being bent, a transverse key driven through an oblique hole, fixes the wires. In another plan, two ferrules embrace the wires at some distance apart, the wires being first bent over a saddle piece; a middle ferrule may be used. To tighten the wires, a spindle with a right and left screw thread works in bracket nuts formed on two plates; this ap- paratus may be used to fix the sockets in the joining of the ends. In a modification, the spindle may have a screw at one end and a collar at the o her; or, only a single plate may be DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 125 used with guide holes, nut pieces and two screwed spindles ; or, racks and a pinion may be employed instead of screws. [Printed, 81. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, October 3.-.No. 3381. GOLDSTONE, CHARLES, RADCLIFFE, James, and GRAY, MATTHEW.—(Provisional protection not allowed.) — “Improved means for communicating between passengers and the guard and engine driver of railway trains.” A rope, extending along the roof of each carriage has a core of two wires, insulated from each other, and it acts as an electrical conductor along the train. The coupling which connects the conductor from carriage to carriage consists of a pair of elongated clip springs fitted to a block of vulcanite. The wires are respectively soldered to the springs. Strips of vulcanite, wedge-shaped at their ends, triangular in cross sections and tapering inwards, are attached to the inner faces of the springs. On one of their inclined sides, in metallic connection with the clip springs, a metal plate is secured which comes into contact with a similar plate on the counter- part clip coupling when the two are interlocked. In coupling up, the stads on the metal plates are forced apart. When the continuity of the wires is broken. the studs are brought together and complete an electrical circuit. The couplings have a waterproof covering of vulcanised india-rubber. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, October 13.-No. 3515. SALOMONS, David LIONEL. —“An improved electric com. “ munication between railway trains in transit or otherwise, and signals, stations, or termini, and in the apparatus em. ployed therefor." The first part of this invention consists in the conductors necessary to carry out the method of signalling. The perma. bent way is provided with a third or electric rail, laid in sections or blocks; each section, at its commencement and termination, overlapping so as to run in parallel lines, and so as to admit of metallic signal wheels, connected with the 126 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. engine and train, to run upon the parallel lines and to main. tain contact between the trains and the third rail. The signal wheels are insulated from each other and from the engine, and have insulated electric conductors communicating with the signalling apparatus. At level crossings, the continuity of the electric circuit is effected by connecting the separated ends of the rail by an underground insulated wire, or by a wire supported on poles in such a position as to allow two contact-making wheels on the engine to run thereon. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, October 13.-No. 3521. PREECE, WILLIAM HENRY, GOLDSTONE, CHARLES, RAD. CLIFFE, JAMES, and GRAY, MATTHEW.-" Improved means “ for communicating between passengers and the guard and engine driver of railway trains." Each carriage of the train has a rope containing, as a core, two insulated copper wires. The rope may extend along the whole train, or it may have couplings between each carriage. The lengths of rope terminate at each end in a coupling, one being a counterpart of the other. The coupling not only connects each length electrically, but on an emergency can connect its own wires together so as to destroy the equilibrium of the circuit and to put the signal apparatus into action. To each end of rope a block of vulcanite is attached which carries a pair of elongated clip springs to which the ends of the wires are respectively soldered. To the inner faces of the springs strips of vulcanite are fixed; the strips are wedge-shaped at their ends, triangular in cross section and tapering inwards. On one of their inclined sides, in metallic connection with the clip springs, a metal plate is secured, which comes into con- tact with a similar plate on the counterpart clip coupling when the two are fastened. Each metal plate is provided at its outer end with a stud piece which is kept apart by the act of coupling, but which, when the continuity of the ropes is broken, is forced into contact by the closing of the spring clip. A waterproof covering of vulcanised india-rubber slides upon the respective ropes to protect the couplings from rain DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 127 and dust. Drums are also provided upon which sufficient rope can be wound for a train or a part of a train. [Printed, 1s. 4d. Drawings.] "Im- A.D. 1874, November 4.-No. 3800. TIMMINS, HENRY. (Provisional protection only.) - provements in apparatus and arrangements for connecting and joining the wires used for electric telegraphs, and also “ the wires and wire ropes used for fencing.” In joining electric telegraph wires, a piece of tubing has its inside, at one end, cut in the form of a right-handed screw, and, at the other end, in the form of a left-handed screw. Similar external screws are cut respectively on the ends of the wires and are inserted into their corresponding internal screws in the tubing. On the tubing being turned round in one direction with a spanner, the two ends of the wires are drawn together and strained. By turning the tubing in the opposite direction, the ends of the wires come apart. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D, 1874, November 18.-No. 3974. STERNE, LOUIS.-(Provisional protection only.)- "Improve- "ments in telegraph insulators.” These insulators are constructed of non-conducting material so that they will hold and clamp the telegraph wire without employing a tie wire. They are formed with two or more (preferably three) lugs under which the telegraph wire en- gages. The lugs are out of the line of the telegraph wire, so that when the wire is engaged therein, it assumes a bent form at the insulator. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, November 28.-No. 4083. POCKNELL, GEORGE. - (Provisional protection only.) – A “ mode or method of communicating between the guard of a " train in motion and the station master during the transit " from station to station." 128 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. In this invention the electric current for effecting the com- munication is conveyed by means of a wire laid down in separate lengths along the line of rail “from the telegraph " posts or otherwise.” The ends are brought in close to the edge of the line or sleepers, and each end is furnished with a stop acted upon by a spring from beneath. A further length of wire connects the stops with the separate lengths. The guard's carriage is furnished with a means of pressing down the stops and of thereby "intercepting” the electric current. The telegraphic apparatus is on the carriage. Another wire, also furnished with stops, is laid down to record the approach and progress of the train by an indicator at the station. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1874, November 28.-No. 4086. CLOUGH, JOHN. -- "Improvements in the method of and “ apparatus for signalling trains." In this invention, the conductors consist of three metal rods, placed at equal distances apart, between the two rails upon which the train runs. The conductors are carried upon insulators. The outer lines of rods are disconnected at certain points for the interposition of galvanic batteries; the central rod is continuous from end to end. To either the guard's van or the engine are attached three whoels, one for each conductor; the bearings of the wheels are connected to fixed bearings by vertical guide rods having helical springs. The wheels convey the electric current from the lines of rods to the engine, on which there is an electro- magnetic indicator. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, December 2.-No. 4144. HALE, THOMAS.—"Improvements in preserving wooden posts " when fixed in the ground.” This invention is applicable to the preservation of telegraph posts. The post is fitted in a socket of glazed earthenware or stone. ware, closed at the bottom. The lower part of the post fits DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 129 loosely in the socket to admit a filling of pitch or like material. The post may have an overhanging lip which covers the top of the socket and prevents rain water from entering between the post and the sides of the socket. To strengthen the socket a hoop iron band may be embedded in the thickness of the clay at the top of the socket. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, December 10.-No. 4253. JOHNSON, WALTER CLAUDE.—"Improvements in grapnels “ for raising submarine cables.” The object of this grapnel is to cut the cable and to raise one end only. Two strong, deep, tapering jaws are formed at the base of the shank. A hinged clip in each jaw is capable of gripping the interposed cable. A bolt of lead under the clip keeps it in the best position for receiving the cable, and a steel spring keeps the sides of the clip pressed against the cheeks of the jaws. Near one end of the clip is a V knife, as in ordinary cutting grapnels. The working parts are protected by a shield of india rubber through which the cable can force itself. Projecting arms, on each side, cause one of the prongs always to be in the right position for hooking the cable. The hinged clip is fitted with sliding wedges, which encircle that portion of the cable which is retained ; the wedges slide by the lifting of the cable and in the direction of strain. A mid-feather, in the clip, prevents the cable from falling below the wedges. The cable, when hooked, passes through the shield, and rests on the knife and in the clip until the grapnel is dragged or raised. Then the clip breaks through the leaden bolt and descends into the jaws, thus gripping the cable fast. As the cable is lifted, the strain causes it to be cut by the knife. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, December 10.-No. 4261. JAMES, GEORGE FREDERICK.-" Improvements in circular “ braiding machines.” Q 4487. E 130 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. One of the applications of these machines is to give an outer casing of braided yarns or wires to telegraph wires. The improvements in the machines which adapt them to this work are :- 1st. The weight by which the yarn or wire is kept taut is placed concentric to and outside the spindle of the bobbin. 2nd. A spring is applied under each governor whereby the number of spindles can be varied. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, December 18.-No. 4360. SLADE, HENRY HARMAN, and SLADE, WILLIAM ARTHUR.- (Provisional protection only.)-" Improvements in telegraph “ poles, and for affording better protection to the insulators." The insulators are placed inside or on the inner side of the telegraph poles according to one of the following methods :- 1st. By splitting the pole and placing the insulators on pins or bolts between the two halves. At the lower part of the post a piece of timber is bolted between the two halves. 2nd. A piece of wood is bolted on the side of the pole, and the insulators are placed between the wood and the pole. More than one piece may be bolted to the pole. 3rd. The pole may be in two or more pieces with openings at the top to allow the insulators to be placed therein in one or more lines. 4th. Fixing the wires on insulators wedged into mortice holes cut in the post. 5th. The same as the fourth plan, but with the mortice holes in the side of the pole instead of in the centre. 6th. The insulators are fixed between rings with india- rubber between them and the insulators. 7th. Wooden supports, as described above, are fixed to suitable iron columns. A wooden screen is placed to protect the insulators. The screen need not be a part of the pole. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1874, December 18.-No. 4361. TONGUE, Join GARRETT.—(A communication from Marcus Devriès.) -(Provisional protection only.)-- " Improvements in DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 131 " splints, clamps, or apparatus for repairing carriage shafts, axles, masts, and other articles of like character.” The system which forms the subject of this invention is applicable to telegraph posts. In this system of splints, two or more collars open by means of a hinge and close by a latch. The collars are kept together by longitudinal bars which are connected to one of the two hinged parts of the collars in order to form one piece. Other bars are fixed to the other part of the collars by means of screws fixed in the latter ; the screws being turned one way or the other, secure or release the bars. The pressure of the iron cramps or collars is also given by the screws, which are pointed so as to indent the pole or mast. The cramps may be provided with points. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, December 18.–No. 4369. LAMBERT, FRANCIS.—" Improvements in grapnels for raising " submarine telegraph cables.” This invention relates more particularly to the grapnel described in No. 4100, A.D. 1873. Instead of the pivoted eccentric jaws in the former inven. tion, the present invention consists in employing pairs of sliding wedge-shaped blocks to hold the cable when cut. The wedges are retained in inclined guides and move between them. The inner faces of the wedges are parallel and are held apart to receive the cable between them by a detent, which is removed by the pressure of the cable; or they may be closed by springs. In the latter case, the upper surfaces of the wedges are inclined and are forced apart when the cable comes between them. The wedges may slide independently or together. The inclined guides may be fixed on descending platforms, or they may be pivoted on a horizontal axis at one end. In lieu of decending platforms, the inclined guides may be fixed to the frame of the grapnel and the wedges may be so deep as to allow cutters to sever the cable, the cutters being fixed to E 2 132 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. the frame of the grapnel. The cable is held by the wedges as it is severed. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1874, December 30.–No. 4475. NEAVE, STEPHEN Joun.-(Provisional protection only.) - “ Improvements in conducting cores for submarine and other “ electric telegraph cables.” “ This invention consists in substituting a spiral” (helical?] conducting wire or core instead of the straight one hitherto 66 in use." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 1875. A.D. 1875, March 3.-No. 792. WISE, William LLOYD.-(4 communication from Théodore Masui.)“ Electric brakes for railway carriages and wag. gons." To join the wires together in this invention, a coupling is used in which, of four insulated wires, two are connected together in one circuit and the other two in another circuit, This coupling consists of an internal metal cylinder which fits into an external metal cylinder; each coupling is fitted with cylinders of ebonite as well as with springs and metal plates that join the circuits up in the way required when the cylinders are fitted together. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, March 24.-No. 1075. BONDI, CAMILLO.—(Letters Patent void for want of Final Specification.)" Signalling on railways." In this invention the rails are the conductors; they are insulated from each other. The right hand rail is in con. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 133 nection with the negative pole and the left hand rail with the positive pole. The axles of the wheels are insulated from the wheels. In front of the locomotive are placed two very elastic springs, which are kept in contact with the two rails; a similar arrangement is made on the last carriage. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, April 2.-No, 1200. GLOSSOP, JOSEPH THOMPSON.--"Apparatus for signalling on “ railways." The oonductor from and to a battery on the tender consists of a wire six inches above and outside the rails, in suitable lengths. A projection hinged to an insulated bar is carried by the tender. The wires are attached to earthenware carriers secured by arms to the web of the rail and to the sleepers. Or, the wires may be fastened on to a metal plate carried in a similar manner. [Printed, 18. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, April 23.–No. 1493. WYNNE, FRANK GEORGE.-Railway signalling and apparatus therefor. The electric conductors consist of two or more rows of insulated metal bars placed on the railway track between the rails. The electric current, from apparatus on the engine, is communicated to the conductors by a commutating apparatus, which puts the bars, either separately or collectively, alter- nately to earth and battery, so that signalling may be accomplished between trains, or between the parts of the same train, or between trains and stations. The bars are supported on metallic insulated chairs; they may be parallel to the rails, or, to allow for expansion and contraction, they may be wavy. Intervals of non-continuity are left between them at suitable points. [Printed, 28. 2d. Drawings.] 134 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, 63 A.D. 1875, May 5.-No. 1666. VISPÉ, JEAN LUCIEN, and NISBETH, ADOLF FREDRIK Hugo. -(A communication from Hakon Brunius.)—“Means of com- " municating between railway trains and any station or other part of the line of railway, and vice versa.” A main conducting wire, attached to the ordinary telegraph posts, is furnished, at suitable distances asunder, with project- ing arms, to which are fixed bundles of wires within easy reach of the train. The apparatus on the locomotive is connected to the main conducting wire by insulated projecting pieces or contacts of T-iron, which may be placed along the roof or side of the carriage. In another plan, the telegraph line may be run along the rails; the contacts are then close to the ground. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, May 8.-No. 1719. EWEN, FREDERICK WILLIAM, and JAMES, GEORGE FREDERICK. -“ Improvements in insulating electric telegraph wires, and “ in machinery or apparatus for manufacturing the same." Reference is made to No. 2045, A.D. 1871. The present invention consists in the use of ground glass, fine sand, or other non-conducting powder for the above pur- poses and in the machinery involved. The wires to be insulated are carried throngh a hopper con- taining the ground glass; the requisite number of yarns are guided through holes in the top or bottom of the hopper to carry forward the powder, which is surrounded by any con- venient number of yarns or wires that pass through guides below the hopper. The core thus formed is taken through a conical tube placed above a circular braiding machine, which plaits a case of threads or wires over the core. The whole is then passed through a solution of india rubber or through melted tar. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] a DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 135 66 A.D. 1875, May 26.—No. 1933. NICOLL, DONALD.-(Provisional protection only.)-- "Improve- " ments in the construction of ships, boats, and other vessels, and in preserving the bottoms thereof from oxidation and incrustation, parts of wbich improvements are applicable to the preservation of metal, wood, and other substances." One application of part of the invention is for preserv. ing telegraph poles from the effects of oxidation. A “carbon “ compound” is for this purpose applied to the article. It consists of soot, or other plentiful kind of carbon, mixed with so much caoutchouc as will cause the whole to cohere and unite sufficiently. The materials are heated and made to undergo pressure by rollers, so as to form sheets of any thickness required. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, May 27.-No. 1938. FIELD, FREDERICK, and TALLING, RICHARD.—"Improve. “ ments in the preparation of insulating compounds for coating electric telegraph wires and other purposes." The compounds made according to the invention set forth in No. 3778, A.D. 1869, namely, by mixing together ozokerit and gutta percha, or like substances, by heat, having been found to be brittle and therefore useless as coatings for tele- graph wires, the present invention consists in using solvents to dissolve the ozokerit and elastic guni; or simply in masti- cating the ingredients by any known mechanical means, with or without the use of solvents. Telegraph wires may be coated with the compound in plastic state, or the compound may be applied in sheets. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] с a A.D. 1875, June 4.-No. 2059. GREENING, FREDERICK.- Improvements in the manufac- “ ture and use of compounds containing soluble gun cotton, or of compounds analogous thereto.” The principal use of these compounds is for the insulation of telegraph wires. 136 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. This invention consists in submitting the above compounds to the solvent action of kreosote ; the kreosote may be em. ployed in conjunction with any other solvent. The compounds consist of mixtures of paraffin, shellac, resin, or gum (e.g., copal); also of the distillation residues of the heavy oils of tar, or of the same with soluble gun cotton. These mixtures being incorporated and converted into a uniform plastic condition, the mass is moulded into any desired form, or is made to cover telegraph wires. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, June 8.-No. 2101. DE BEJAR Y O'LAWLOR, LUIS MARIE, and CALVO, NICHOLAS ANTONIO.—“ Improvements in electric telegraphy" for preventing collisions on railways. The only part of this invention which belongs to this series is that relating to the support used for the telegraph wires and the special insulators in which they are placed. The insulator is mounted upon a wooden post projecting out of the ground about two feet. A porcelain cylinder is fixed (by means of glue and gypsum) on an iron tenon screwed into the top of the post. An iron cap, by means of teeth and vertical grooves, is fastened on to the cylinder by a joint analogous to a bayonet joint. The cap is fixed in its place by melted sulphur. A groove at the top of the cap receives the conducting wire. Plates, in connection with the locomotive, graze the cap of the insulator to establish communication between the train and the conducting wires. “ Instead of placing at intervals the means of communi- “ cating with the stations, a special continuous wire may be " placed near the rail, and the contact maker on the train “ kept in constant contact with it.” [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, June 18.-No. 2240. OPPENHEIMER, JOSEPH.-—“Improvements in apparatus for “ fixing telegraph posts.” This invention is an improvement upon the method set forth in No. 3286, A.D. 1867. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 137 According to the present invention, the metal earth plate employed is a malleable cast-iron dish ; a projection from its middle is cast separately. The post is tightened against the projection by means of a clamp. The dish is represented in a vertical plane. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] a A.D. 1875, July 6.-No. 2434. STROUDLEY, WILLIAM, and. RUSBRIDGE, STEPHEN.- Apparatus for the method of signalling between parts of a railway train, &c. The circuit between the extreme ends of the train may either be formed by a metallic wire circuit or by a single line wire and earth contact. In the latter case, the carriages are electrically connected by short lengths of elastic coupling pieces, at each end of which is a metallic loop with a transverse taper reduction formed in one side thereof to admit of a corre- spondingly formed loop fixed upon the buffer plank. When a metallic wire circuit is used, a double set of such couplings is employed. The line wire is atttched to the instrument case by means of a screw gripper, so that, when the line from the reel has been drawn out from either or both of the guard's vans, the line is secured to the instrument at each end of the train by means of the gripper. When the accidental breaking away of a portion of the train occurs, a metallic contact is made at the end of the carriage. When the train is made up of two portions, one of which has to be slipped, a spring clip couples up the circuit. [Printed, 18. 10d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, July 24.–No. 2633. LUCAS, FRANCIS ROBERT.—“ Improvements in submarine « cables." In deep sea telegraph cables, the materials are arranged so as to give the greatest possible strength together with light specific gravity and compactness of space, The core, after being served with yarn in the usual manner, is "closed" with yarns and wires laid side by side helically 138 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. round the core, either alternately or with two or more yarns between the wires. The cable may be protected, as usual, with an outside serving of yarn and compound of tar and pitch. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 6 A.D. 1875, July 24.-No. 2635. ROBERTS, MARTYN JOHN.—“ Means or apparatus for signal- “ ling or communicating between different parts of railway “ trains," &c. In this invention the electric cable consists of two copper wires insulated from each other; it is carried along the tops of all the carriages of the train, and may be allowed to drop down to any position between the carriages. The cable is supplied from a reel in the guard's van. Branches from the main line are led to each carriage. To make contact between the main line and the instrument in the carriage, a tipping tube is used; a similar device is em- ployed to complete the circuit in the event of the train becom- ing accidentally divided. The tipping tube is of glass, and contains a ball ; electric connection is made (or broken) by turn. ing the tube on a pivot. Mercury may be employed in the tipping tube instead of a ball. Another contact maker consists of a closed case with flexible sides; the metallic parts are brought into contact by press- ing the elastic sides, or the case may be made to turn on a pivot. [Printed, 18. 6. Drawings.] . A.D. 1875, July 27.-No. 2657. CLARK, WILLIAM.—(4 communication from David Rousseau.) “ Circuit closers for electric railway signalling apparatus.” The line-wire circuit may be through the rails, or they may be used as a ground connection for the electric current. The elasticity of railroad rails in connection with the weight of trains passing over them is employed to make electric contacts. Beneath that part of the rail whose depression is to be utilized, is placed a plate supported on a cushion. In the DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 139 normal condition the plate is out of contact with a metal spring beneath it. The passage of a train over the rail lowers the plate into contact with the spring, and completes the electric circuit. In a modification a pendant sleeve is attached to the upper part of the circuit closer. The sleeve carries at its lower end an annular plate, and above it another annular plate ; both plates embrace a rod which projects upwards through them. Between the plates a circuit-closing sleeve is fitted upon the rod, so that breakage or closing of metallic contact with the apper annular plate is caused by the least depression of the rail. Where an underground wire enters the instrument, a waterproof joint is provided. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] > A.D. 1875, September 2.–No. 3085. RICHARDSON, Thomas HUSTWIT, and MOFFATT, ALFRED. -“Communication from passengers to guards and drivers of “ trains," &c. The conducting wires proceed along each carriage and are joined between one carriage and the next by means of two short lengths of cable. The exterior of each cable is a vul. canised india-rubber tubing; the interior is india-rubber tubing, with a coiled copper wire for a core. Each end of each cable has an eye; the eyes are of different sizes, so that no mistake can occur in the coupling. Hooks, in connection with the conductors along the carriages and screwed into the carriages receive the eyes of the cables, so that the main current, and the return current are continuous throughout the train. According to another plan, three copper wires are in each cable, one of the external wires being used for the return current, and binding screws completing the circuit from carriage to carriage. [Printed, 18. 6d. Drawings.] 140 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. - A.D. 1875, September 7.–No. 3131. WHYTE, GEORGE. “ Intercommunication between the “ passengers, guards, and engine drivers" of a railway train, &c. This invention consists mainly in the substitution of insulated metallic rods and tubes, having ball and socket universal joints, at the ends of the carriages, for the series of insulated elastic metal conductors described in No. 2722, A.D. 1874. The rods and tubes are maintained in their straight position by means of conical springs secured at one extremity to the end frame of the carriage, and at the other extremity to the stems of the rods and tubes. Each end of each carriage has a rod and a tube, a tube being opposite to a rod on one side, and a rod being opposite to a tube on the other side of the central line of the carriages. The tubes are bell-mouthed, and, as well as the rods, are made in two parts longitudinally, so as to form two complete lines of insulated metallic con- ductors throughout the train. A small spring oscillates in one of the parts of the rod. By this means, when the carriages separate, the electric circuit is closed automatically, and the driver is warned of the occurrence. The rails may form a third metallic conductor. Or, a third set of conductors may be placed in the centre line of the train and corresponding rods and tubes in the centre of the ends of the carriages. [Printed, 18. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, September 24.-No. 3335. GILBEE, WILLIAM ARMAND.-(4 communication from Camillo Bondi.)-(Provisional protection only.)-" Apparatus for sig- “ nalling on railways." This is a method of signalling by electricity; one battery pole is connected to one rail and the other to the other rail, there being no metallic contact between the two rails. The telegraphic apparatus is on the train, and the conduc- tion of the electric current to the train is accomplished by means of two very elastic springs on the locomotive which are DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 141 respectively kept in contact with the two rails. A similar arrangement with springs is made on the last carriage or brake van. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, October 11.-No. 3522. BONNEVILLE, HENRI ADRIEN.-(4 communication from Henri Rousseau.)-Furniture casters which may be applied to “ the feet of instruments used in the study of physics,” as non-conductors of electricity. The caster consists of a ring fitted to the foot of the instru- ment and of three or more clasps in the shape of a goose's foot fastened to the ring. The clasps form a light spring and each is provided with a boss which is the support and pivot of a spherical ball lodged between the clasps. When the caster is used as a non-conductor of electricity, the ball is of wax, glass, or crystal. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, October 19.-No. 3617. WARD, Thomas.-- (Provisional protection only.) -" Railway “ breaks and signalling apparatus in connection therewith.” The continuous rope of the brake is fitted with a central strand of copper, encased in gutta percha, and is continued in sections through the centre of the couplings, so that when they are connected together, a continuous line of electric communication is maintained in the centre of the brake con. nections and insulated from contact with the surrounding metal. In each vehicle the length of rope is the same length over all, and is fitted at each end with a special coupling consisting of a cavity to receive the end of the ropo, a bevilled hook, and a cylindrical cover to prevent the hooks becoming disengaged. The cover is held in position by internal springs. (Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, October 21.-No. 3666. LACKERSTEEN, JAMES FREDERICK.--(Provisional protection only.)--A "telegraph cable." 9) 142 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The copper conductor or core is protected by a casing of iron, steel, or other suitable metal. The core and casing are drawn together into a wire, which is insulated by valcanised india rubber. The india rubber is curved after its application to the wire. Or, the wire may be covered with gutta percba or other insulating material. The whole is then covered with woven, plaited, or twisted wires. Two or more of these cables may be combined by twisting them together; the whole may be further protected in the usual manner of covering the outside of cables. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, October 30.-No. 3772. WOOD, JOSEPH WILMAN, and SHAKESPEAR, WILLIAM HENRY.-Train signalling and apparatus. Two similar battery poles are connected through the draw bars and couplings. With each coupling hook is connected a long flat spring surmounted by a disc. When the train is coupled up, the discs press strongly against each other. Round each spring (but not in contact with it) is a metallic guard rail fixed to the carriage ; these rails do not touch each other when the train is coupled up. When the pressure of the opposing discs is removed, the springs press against the rails. The rails are electrically connected over the roofs of the car. riages; this portion of the electric circuit is connected with the remaining battery poles. By this arrangement, signalling between passengers, guard, and engine driver can be accomplished; the arrangement also gives warning of the breakage of a coupling, or of a car- riage getting off the line. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, November 2.-No. 3798. PHILLIPS, SAMUEL EDMUND, and JOHNSON, WALTER CLAUDE.—(Provisional protection only.) — “Improvements in telegraph cables.” This invention relates to the serving of telegraphic cables. The serving may either be applied internally, for the pro- tection of the core, or externally over the protecting wires. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 143 The serving is composed of strips of canvas, or Hession," without selvage, laid helically round the cable. The canvas may overlap, or, preferably, is laid without overlapping. The canvas is of jute and is saturated with a compound containing tar, pitch, and silica. The machinery that lays the serving lays it helically in one direction, and if more than one serving is used, it is laid right and left-handed alternately. Before the first serving, and after each serving, the cable is covered with the above compound; the external covering is smoothed by rollers. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1875, November 26.-No. 4115. HENLEY, WILLIAM THOMAS.—" Improvements in the con- “struction of submarine telegraph cables, and in the mode “ of insulating the conductors used therewith, applicable to “ other telegraphic purposes.” In these cables lightness is combined with strength. Strengthening wires are combined with strands or cords of strong fibrous material to form a casing for the core. A number of strong cords, of Manilla hemp, are laid, in long helices, round the core. Around the cords is laid a short helical tape or web of jute, saturated with marine glue. Steel wires are laid over the webbing, in the same direction and with the same length of lay as the cords, so that the wires lay in the interstices formed by the cords, the webbing being pressed in by the wires, but preventing the latter from forcing their way between the cords. The external coating is of com- pound webbing; the cable is then passed through hot marine glue. The improvements in the method of insulating the con- ductors consists in curing the india-rubber-covered conductor in ozokerit, paraffin, or other similar hydro-carbon, instead of in high pressure steam. A double vessel or steam jacketted cylinder is used, the outer vessel or jacket only being charged with steam; the inner vessel is charged with hot hydro- carbon. According to another plan, the core is cured by high pres. 144 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 1 sure steam, dried, and treated with ozokerit or paraffin under heat and pressure. [Printed, 1s. 2d. Drawings.] A.D. 1875, November 30.-No. 4148. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE.:-(A communication from John Mervin Courtenay.)—A bnoy which may be used to anchor telegraph cables in mid ocean. The waves during their upward and during their downward motion produce automatic signals to indicate the position of the buoy. A steadying disc is at such a distance below the surface as to be unaffected by the waves and is chained to the buoy, so tbat the rising and the falling of the waves acts upon air in the buoy to sound a whistle or other sounding device. The buoy having ribs or flanges to prevent its rotation round its axis, and the disc preventing its up and down motion, the anchoring devices are not subjected to the usual strain. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, December 9.-No. 4278. ROBERTS, SAMUEL. — “Improvements in apparatus to be “ used in the manufacture of cast flanged pipes, columns, “ telegraph posts, lamp pillars, and other cast, hollow, and “ solid flanged articles.” In manufacturing telegraph posts the same process is used as for a flanged pipe. Annular hollow collars are formed by casting; these collars are of the diameter of the flanges to be cast on the pipe, and they are fitted on the core bar. They have a cup form, and in their base there is a series of equidistant holes parallel to the axis of the collar. Cores are inserted in the holes which pro- ject into that part of the mould in which the flanges of the pipe are cast. A pattern is used having apon each end a broad collar or print; a cylindrical space is left at each end of the mould to receive the collars on the core bar and to form those parts of the mould in which the flanges of the pipe are cast. The faces of the collars may be prepared with loam when they are fixed on the core bar, or the collars may be detached from the core bar and their faces coated with loam and dried. The prepared collars are then fixed to the core a DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 145 bar, and the combined core bar and collars are inserted into the mould. Or, one or both collars may be inserted from the end of the mould, after the core bar has been put in its place. [Printed, 10d. Drawing.] A.D. 1875, December 17.-No. 4384. SMITH, WILLOUGHBY.-" Improvements in joining telegraph " wires.” In this invention the insulating material used is that de- scribed in No. 1811, A.D. 1858. A clamp is employed consisting of two plates of vulcanite. Each plate has a longitudinal semicircular groove, so that, when the two plates are held face to face, there is a passage between somewhat smaller than the covered wire. A fine screw thread is cat at each end of the groove and the central portion is enlarged. The conductor is connected in the usual way and the insu- lating material is placed over the joint. The clamp is then put on, and its two plates are squeezed together by a portable vice; screws are then inserted through the plates to retain them. [Printed, 8d. Drawing.] 1876. A.D. 1876, January 29.-No. 367. BEDWELL, FREDERICK LE BRETON.- Connecting submarine “ telegraph cables with light or other ships or floating stations or buoys." A mooring swivel or toggle has a hollow spindle, through the centre of which a telegraph cable passes. From the swivel one or more chains lead to the moorings in a downward direc- tion; in an upward direction, a chain or chains lead to the inside or the vessel in the ordinary manner. The end of the cable below the vessel is passed up through the swivel, over a sheave to inboard the vessel. 146 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. To prevent the cable from being injured by the swinging of the vessel, a sufficient quantity of cable is wound on a revolv- ing drum, which is placed in a revolving frame. The whole or any part of the apparatus may be kept in a tank containing water. The cable which is wound on the drum may be payed out should it be necessary to veer the ship’s chain cable. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, February 2.—No. 421. BOUSFIELD, GEORGE Tomlinson.—(A communication from Messrs. Archinard and Socin.)—" Preservation of telegraph " and other wooden posts." For six inches above and ten inches below the surface, the post is enveloped with sheet zinc or iron ; the post is slightly grooved beneath the upper edge of the sheet, so as to leave a flush surface. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] 9 A.D. 1876, February 11.-No. 557. TYER, EDWARD. .“ Effecting electrical communication in railway trains.” A portion of this invention relates to the couplings of the electric conductor between each carriage to render the circuit continuous throughout the train. At the end of each carriage the electric connection or con- tact is established by means of a wire brush, which is slipped into a tube; or the brush may be fitted to the interior of the tube and the contact may be made by a metal rod that slips into the tube. Wire cord of sufficient length extends in a slack condition from carriage to carriage, between the con. nections or contacts. In another plan, a lever arm, in connection with each car. riage, carries a brush at its extremity. When the carriages are brought together, the brushes make co The contact from carriage to carriage may also be accom- plished by magnetic attraction. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 147 A.D. 1876, February 28.–No. 821. BELLOTTI, SALVATORE, and DE CHOCH, GRÉGOIRE.—(Pro- visional protection only.)" Apparatus for mending, joining, “ or fishing broken shafts, poles, axles, masts,” &c., in- cluding telegraph posts. These splints or fishes do not need to be made for the special purpose to which they are applied, as they are capable of adjustment. Two, three, or a greater number of collars embrace longi. tudinal bars or splints that bind the two parts of the post, so as to form a rigid whole. Each collar opens on a hinge and is closed by a screw or catch. Screws, placed in the jointed parts of the collar, give pressure to the splints or bars and keep the whole apparatus tightly in place. [Printed, 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, March 16.-No. 1145. CLARK, ALEXANDER MELVILLE. - (A communication from Robert Foster Bradley.)-An ocean station for submarine " telegraphs." This station is constructed of a hollow sectional column with a base plate, attached by a ball-and-socket joint; the column is lowered into the water and anchored to the ground. The branch cable is coupled to the main cable and carried upwards, by the side of the vertical column, to the surface of the water, to be there placed in connection with instruments on board of vessels. The stakes for anchoring the column are driven into the ground by a charge of powder ignited by a spark in the cir- cuit of a galvanic battery at the surface of the water. The branch cable serves “to increase the working power of " the main cable, as the surcharge of electricity may be equalized by finding an outlet into the branch cable.” [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, April 7.-No. 1478. WOOD), JOSEPH Wilman, and SHAKESPEAR, WILLIAM HENRY.-(Provisional protection only.) - "Signalling on railways." - 148 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A rail or rod is placed between the main rails; this acts as a conductor and is brought into the circuit of a locomotive, so that signals may be sent through it from the locomotive to the signalman or to another locomotive by means of a metallie spring carrying a wheel in bearings at its end. The wheel runs on the special rail. This rail may be made of numerous pieces with fished joints overlapping each other and connected by flexible metallic loops ; it may be made of gas piping or of T-iron. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, April 22.-No. 1704. FIXSEN, BURCHARD.—(A communication from Ludwig Danck. werth.)—“Manufacture of india-rubber and gutta percha com- pounds." These compounds are used as electric insulators, also for the manufacture of telegraph cables. A caoutchouc compound contains caoutchouc, ozokerite, and sulphur. A gatta percha compound contains simply ozokerite and gutta percha. A compound may consist of ozokerite, caoutchonc, and gatta percha. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, May 3.-No. 1858. PHILLIPS, THOMAS. -(Provisional protection only.)-Fixing telegraph posts. The posts are not buried in the ground, but work in a fixed circular socket. They are supported by strong helical springs fixed to the ground and to the posts. [Printed, 20. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, May 9.-No. 1944. HENLEY, WILLIAM T'HOMAS.-" Improvements in insulated “ electric telegraph conductors, and in the mode and means “ for protecting telegraph wires when used for subterranean, “ submarine, or other lines.” DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 149 Reference is made to the curing process set forth in No. 4115, A.D. 1875. When there is more than one conductor, the wire or strand of wires is covered with a coat or coats of pure india rubber laid on helically, then with a layer of felt, without first apply. ing the india rubber compound for vulcanising. The covered wires are passed through ozokerit or paraffin and then laid up helically into a strand. The rope of wires is then covered with the india-rubber compound for vulcanising, so that, when submitted to the above curing process, the whole is pro. tected.' In another method, the wire is covered with a fibrous ma. terial, then heated in an air-tight vessel and the air and moisture exhausted therefrom. The heated insulating com- pound then passes into the vessel, and, when cold, the insulated wire is taken out and smoothed by dies or rollers. In subterranean lines, the wires are enclosed in longitudi- nally-divided galvanised pipes or troughs. Wood troughs, with previously-fitted wrought-iron lids, or pipes of thin iron or steel rolled longitudinally, so as to over- lap, may be used to enclose the conductors. In a submarine cable, to obriate the attacks of insects, smaller wires are laid in the interstices formed by the larger ones. [Printed, 8d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, July 3.-No. 2725. PROTHEROE, PRYSE.—“Establishing electric telegraphic “ communication with lightships.” This invention is to obviate the dragging and twisting of electric cables that are secured to lightships. The cable from the shore is secured to a floating buoy aud from the buoy another conductor proceeds to the light- ship. The buoy is anchored by means of an immovable mooring set forth in No. 2468, A.D. 1876, for a sandy bottom, or by means of an anchor, described in the present invention, for a chalky or rocky bottom. The buoy has a universal joint to which the cable from the shore is connected, and within the buoy are rubbing electric contacts which permit oscillating or 150 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. rotary movements of the buoy relatively to those of the light- ship. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, July 6.–No. 2759. RUBERY, JOHN.—" Improvements in wire for electric tele- graphs, and for other similar uses." Iron or steel wire, with a trough-like cross station, has laid within the trough a copper wire of high conducting power. These wires are supplied from separate reels and are drawn through a draw plate, so as to close the iron wire upon the а copper wire. The other purposes to which this wire is applied are where a light, strong, good conductor of electricity is required. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, July 13.-No. 2855. HOUSE, ROYAL EARL. — “Automatic reproducing record “ telegraphs.” In this invention lightning arresters are interposed in the telegraphic circuit, so as to cut off the receiving magnet, at each side, from the effects of atmospheric electricity. Each lightning arrester consists of two grooved half cylin. ders of metal clamped together upon a piece of fine insulated wire placed in the main wire ; the outside of each cylinder is joined by a large wire to the opposite end of the main wire beyond the opposite cylinder, so as to conduct a strong atmo- spheric current along the main line past the station without permitting it to enter and burn the fine wire of the receiving magnet. [Printed, 28. 4d. Drawings.] A.D. 1876, July 13.–No. 2866. DEISS, AUGUSTUS, and SCAIFE, REGINALD. — Process for treating vegetable gums, also “ ceraffine," ozokerite, and other mineral and animal products to purify them and render them fit for various useful purposes. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 151 This invention is applicable to the insulation of telegraph wire and to other cases in which electric insulation is required. The materials are treated with solvents, and are subjected to heat, pressure, and filtration to free the product from the solvent, which is collected for the next operation. In the case of telegraph wire, solutions of different gums or bitumen are mixed. A mixture is mentioned that contains ozokerite, bitumen, and animal gums, together with india rubber, gatta percha, and other vegetable gums in a small proportion. [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] > A.D. 1876, August 3.--No. 3099. SCOTT, HENRY POTTS.--(A communication from Wilson Strick- ler.)- "Improvements in telegraph wires and cables, and in “ the means of insulating the same when used for subterranean, " submarine, and other lines.” The wire is made with longitudinal grooves, and is provided with a covering of prepared mica, either in sheet or in powder, so as to secure and maintain "atmospheric presence” in direct contact with the wire. The mica is prepared by being heated to a cherry red heat, then cooled in water and dried. Outside the mica coating is a covering of fibrous material which is treated with mineral asphalt made liquid by the addition of mineral tar or naphtha. The cable is finally wound with paper or other suitable material. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, August 11.–No. 3171. WOOD, JOSEPI WILMAN, SHAKESPEAR, WILLIAM HENRY, and THOMPSON, WILLIAM Puillips.—(Provisional protection only.) - "Signalling on railways" and apparatus. This invention relates chiefly to improvements on that set forth in No. 3772, A.D. 1875. To communicate with stations, or with another train on the same line of rails, an insulated subsidiary rail is used as a conductor, in the form of a series of gas pipes connected by T-bolts or by other elastic connection. An insulated spring 9 152 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. on the engine has a wheel or brush which runs on the subsi- diary rail; this rail is connected with one battery pole and the main rails are connected with the other pole. In the train signalling arrangement described in No. 3772, 1875, a horizontal helical spring is used and the disc is placed on a horizontal spindle going throngh the spring. Instead of the guard rail, a small upright blade spring is used. This spring projects upwards from the top of the carriage, through the frame of the disc spindle, and is connected with the ground line. A second disc, on the other end of the disc spindle, makes contact with the blade whenever the pressure is removed from the main spring. Two wires are stretched across the top of each carriage by means of screw pins like the pegs on a harp. Thus the whole can be rapidly fixed or removed. Each disc may have a central projecting cone and a project- ing rim. To bridge over a milk truck, the mechanism is placed on two posts and a cross piece; or, a bamboo and wire is used with metallic caps that fit on to the opposing discs. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] > A.D. 1876, August 12.–No. 3186. DESGOFFE, JULES AUGUSTE.—“Sheet iron uprights for tele- “ graphic posts,” &c. A telegraph post, especially intended for military use, con. sists of a cast-iron foot, a sheet steel post or upright, and a wooden insulator support. The foot (in horizontal section) forms a cross : it is fixed to the upright by locking a ring round the two. The sheets of steel for the upright are rivetted together with a steel band at each side and between the edges of the sheets. The insulator support, at the head of the post, is cylindrical except where it joins the upright. A tool, or lever, is used against lugs upon the foot, in order to fix or remove the post. In other telegraph posts, the foot may be cast in one or more pieces, and the sheet steel upright may be of various forms in cross section. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 153 A.D. 1876, September 8.-No. 3533. JOHNSON, WALTER CLAUDE, and PHILLIPS, SAMUEL ED- MUND.—“Improvements in the manufacture of submarine and " other telegraph cables, and in apparatus connected there- " with.” This invention relates to the manufacture of external or internal serving for the above purposes. The basis of the serving is of a fabric called Hessian. As an external serving, the fabric is about forty inches in width and is in lengths of about 200 yards. It is wound upon & spindle and re-wound on a second spindle. Between the spindles is placed a dipping bath filled with a silicated com- pound, so that the fabric in passing from the first to the second spindle is saturated with the compound. The fabric passes through edge scrapers and is cooled by jets of water before it arrives at the second spindle, which revolves and draws the fabric through the bath and scrapers; on the second spindle are a number of wooden bosses which are pressed against each other and against a circular plate at the end of the spindle ; the plate serves as a guide for the edge of the fabric whilst winding. The latter spindle is then placed in a machine, which, by means of the bosses and by a peculiar knife, cuts the fabric from the centre to the circumference into thin discs. These discs are used in the cable coreing machine without further preparation. A thinner fabric, or tape, may be applied next the core. This fabric is previously treated with fine oil and silica and is dressed with dry silica as it leaves the dipping bath. [Printed, 41. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, September 8.-No. 3534. JOHNSON, WALTER CLAUDE, and PHILLIPS, SAMUEL ED. MUND.—“ Insulators for telegraph wires." In these insulators a non-conducting fluid is introduced between the line and earth. The usual cup-shaped space is upwards and the wire is be- neath. Above this space a dish cover is placed and is free to rotate on a central pin, which keeps it at a distance from the 154 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. porcelain portion of the insulator. A fan-shaped projection enables the wind to rotate the cover. The cup is filled with a fluid hydro-carbon. Instead of the cup being upwards, the lower edge of the insulator may be turned up inwardly to form the cup. In another plan, a cup-shaped insulator is secured to the bracket in the usual way, and below this is another cup-shaped vessel, clear of the insulator and filled with the insulating fluid. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] > 6 A.D. 1876, September 16.-No. 3623. HARRISON, CHARLES WEIGHTMAN. Preserving metals, wood, stone, and other substances or materials from decay “ and fouling,” &c. “ A protecting varnish for suspended or open air telegraph “ wires" is made “by coating them with a fluid formed by mixing together and heating at a low boiling point for a “ short time à lb. ozocerit, 4 lb. gutta percha or india rubber, “ 1 lb. rectified resin oil, and 2 lbs. linseed oil varnish." Submarine telegraph cables are protected from injury by marine animals " by coating or surrounding the insulated core “ with a compound formed of equal parts or thereabouts of “ ozocerit, caoutchouc, gutta percha, and gum euphorbia or « alkaloide extract, which are melted together and laid on the core while still plastic or fluid." [Printed, 4d. No Drawings.] 66 A.D. 1876, October 26.-No. 4159. HIBELL, WILLIAM.—(Provisional protection only.)—" Joining iron and steel wire.” This invention is applicable to joining lengths of telegraph wire, telegraph cables, &c. According to this invention, the ends of the wire to be joined are so shaped that each end has a semi-cylindrical por. tion extending about an inch from the end of the wire. Each extreme end is wedge-shaped, so that the wedge may enter an undercut shoulder that terminates the semi-cylindrical por- tion. The wires being thus placed are brazed or hard soldered together. DIVISION II.-CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. 155 In wires of small diameter, the ends have simply an inclined figure for brazing or hard soldering. [Printed, 2d. No Drawings.] A.D. 1876, October 27.-No. 4167. JAMIESON, ANDREW.—(Partly a communication from William Falconer King.) – “Grapnels for submarine or submerged " cables.” This grapnel is self-relieving when it meets with rocks. It has its toes movable on centres. At the lower end of the shank is a boss containing a volute spring, which acts upon the inner ends of the toes in order to restore them to their normal position when not engaged with rocks. Near the joint or centre of motion of the toe, two steel knives may be mounted on fulcra; the cable rests on their upper sides, and, when strained, falls between them and is sheared. Serrated clamps may be employed on alternate toes to retain one end of the cable. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] A.D. 1876, December 5.-No. 4705. NEWTON, HENRY EDWARD.-(4 communication from Henri Menier.)" Manufacture of telegraphic and other conductors “ covered with caoutchouc or other insulating substance." In order to quickly harden the insulating substance upon the covered wire, the whole is submitted to the action of cold before vulcanisation is performed. To coat the wires, they are passed from a roller, through the centres of two half-round grooves (of which there are several) in the peripheries of two cylinders, which rotate at a uniform speed. Behind the cylinders there is a hopper in which is placed the covering composition. The coated wires, that issue from the cylinders are passed through a tank sup- plied with cold air, or with a refrigerating liquid such as glycerine mixed with chloride of calcium and water. From the drawing rollers that are outside this tank the coated wires pass to a receiving tank, which is a cylindrical vessel rotating upon its vertical axis. [Printed, 6d. Drawing.] INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. [The numbers refer to the pages on which the Abridgments commence. The names printed in Italic are those of the persons by whom the Inventions have been communicated to the Applicants for Letters Patent.] Buoying submarine cables : Moody, 38. Stoner, 61. Stoner, 68. Clark (Courtenay), 144. Bedwell, 145. Clark (Bradley), 147. Protheroe, 149. Cables : See Buoying; Con. ductors, telegraphic ; Hy- dro-electric telegraph ca- ble; Insulation; Joints ; Laying; Picking up. Conductors, telegraphic: Braided wire; Johnson (Batchelder), 2. Lake (Pope), 89. James, 129. Copper alloyed with tin; Dick and Dick, 91. Highton, 123. Different metals; Johnson (Batchelder), 2. Pigott, 79. Elastic core and helical con. ductor; Rostaing, 31. Clark (Balestrini), 42. Rowett, 102. Rowett, 110. Neave, 132. Electro-deposited copper ; Elkington, 61. Examining the coating of; Gray and Gibson, 10. Helical conductor and elastic exterior; Lake (Devlan, Wendell, and Tasker), 65. Neave, 132. Conductors, telegraphic- cont. Iron and copper wires com- bined; Allan, 13. Monckton, 47. Mallock, 72. Madsen, 112. Monckton, 114. Zanni, 122. Lackersteen, 141. Rubery, 150. Iron or steel wire coated with copper; Johnson (Batchelder), 2. Johnson (Cary, Farmer Milliken, and Batchel der), 40. Pigott, 79. Lake (Hiler), 87. Rubery, 113. Nickel plated ; Lake (Brownell), 103. Preserving ; Bullivant, 22. Mayall, 26. Aspinall, 31. Whitehouse, 31. Green, 32. Rostaing, 34. Clifford, 35. Spill, 35. Aspinal), 3.. Foucaut, 40. Clark (Balestrini), 42 Spill, 46. Webb, 50. Henley, 51. Phillips, 56. Spill, 56. Fenwick, 58. Gray and Hawkins, 60. Guest and Craddock, 65. Warren, 66. Day, 71. Parnacott, 73. Petersen, 77. 158 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. Conductors, telegraphic- cont. Preserving-cont. Highton, 90. Rowett, 102. Moseley, 106. Wilkinson, 107. Rowett, 110. Harrop, 117. Prall, 118. Zanni, 122. Lucas, 137. Phillips and Johnson, 142. Henley, 143. Henley, 148. Johnson and Phillips, 153. Harrison, 154. Railway rails (insulated); Arnold and Daniel, 5. Barnes and Hancock, 21. Owen, 82. Owen, 90. Robinson, 98. Lake (Pope), 103, Bondi, 132. Clark (Rousseau), 138. Whyte, 140. Gilbee (Bondi), 140. Uninsulated; Walker, 23. Rowett, 102. Walker, 105. Moseley, 106. Rowett, 110. Walker, 114. Weak and strong sections ; Jenkin, 48. Webbing as a covering; Carter, 15. Story, 55. Zinc strips as coverings for cables; Harper, 28. Couplings : See Joints. Earth plates that constitute a galvanic battery : Newton (Lenoir), 69. Electro-heating line wires to free them from snow: Lyttle, 33. Electrolytic-insulation : Piggott, 23. Fitzgerald, 36. Fitzgerald, 52. Hydro-electric telegraph ca- Insulation by : Anthracene; Perkins and Tandy, 22. Bitumen ; Jaloureau and Lardy, 14, Newton (Graham), 70. Croskey (McKinley), 72. Fottrell, 107. Deiss and Scaife, 150. Castor oil; Walton, 28. Spill, 59. Collodion ; Henley and Spill, 57. Henley and Spill, 61. Wright (Minor and Brito ton), 71. Greening, 135. Cotton seed oil; Lake (Day), 16. Day, 71. Hooper, 108. Hooper and Dunlop, 110. Euphorbia tree, juice of; Rolls, 87. Fibrous substances; Nicoll, s. Gray, 10. Varley, 30. Walker, H. Brooks, Brooks, Bestwick, and Bestwick, 55. Rogers, 63. Newall, 67. Davis and Struthers, 74, Pigott, 79. Lake (Simmons), $6. Moffatt, 104. Moseley, 106. Wilkinson, 107. Rowett, 110. Madsen, 112. Monckton, 114. Bullivant, 119. Henley, 148. Gum kowrie; Walton, 28. Spill, 59. Gutta-percha; Gray, 11. Sintzenich, 18. Gray and Gibson, 25, Heasler, 32. Truman, 53. Dick, 53. Walker, 54. Story, 55. Truman, 57. Davis and Struthers, 74. Chapman, 75. Truman, 80. Highton, 90. Wilkinson, 107. Gray, 109. Truman, 113. Fixsen (Danckwerth), 148. ble : : Tommasi, 59. INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. 159 Insulators in form of furniture castors : Bonneville (Rousseau), 141. Insulation by-cont. India-rubber; Sintzenich, 18, Hooper, 23. Gray and Hawkins, 29. Gray, 37. Truman, 53. Dick, 53. Walker, 53. Spill, 59. Warren, 66. Lake (De Wolfe), 74. Chapman, 75. Moseley, 106. Macintosh, 115. Fixsen (Danckwerth), 148. Henley, 148. Newton (Menier), 155. Mica; Scott (Strickler), 15). Naphthaline; Perkins and Tandy, 22. Oxidised oil ; Lyttle, 33. Ozokerit ; Matthiessen, 52. Highton, 83. Field and Talling, 135, Henley, 143. Fixsen (Danckwerth), 148. Deiss and Scaife, 150, Paraffin; Davies (Brooks), 3. Davies (Brooks), 12. Lyttle, 33. Marshall, 50. Highton, 83. Madsen, 112. Henley, 143. Pitch; Humfrey, 25. Lyttle, 33. Lake (Simmons), 96. Bullivant, 119. Porcelain plates; Veillet and Verny, 76. Moseley, 106. Residuum from cotton seed oil, &c.; Rogers, 24. Rogers, 63. Silica; Merrick, 36. Ewen and James, 134. Sulphur; Monckton, 114. De Bejar y O’Lawlor and Calvo, 136. Fixsen (Danckwerth), 148. Tan bark ; Lake (Simmons), 96. Zapote; Conybeare and Naphegyi, 123. Insulators, telegraphic: Asbestos; Hyatt, 116. Blown glass; Davies (Brooks), 12. Caps; Fuller, 9. De Bejar y O'Lawlor and Calvo, 136. Cup with paraffin; Lake (Simonds), 42. Johnson and Phillips, 153. Fastening line wires; Siemens, 33. Lyttle, 78. Lyttle, 81. Siemens, 85. Henry (Rogers), 92. Lyttle, 93. De Capanema, 112. Sterne, 127. Slade and Slade, 130. Metallic (coated); Davies (Brooks), 3. Greener, 30. Sheaths to bolts; Andrews, 12. Supports; Smith, 1. Lyttle, 38. Jobson, 88. Henry (Rogers), 92. Lyttle, 93. Thomas, 91. Slade and Slade, 130. Desgoffe, 152. Joints, electric : : Cables ; Allan, 13. Gray, 24. Gray and Hawkins, 29. McEvoy, 64. McEvoy, 81. McEvoy, 88. Smith, 145. Hibell, 154. Line wires; Nicoll, 3. MeComb (McComb), 5. Elkington, 61. Fletcher, 62. Warren, 66. Robson, 78. Siemens, 85. Moseley, 106. Truman, 113. Eustace, 121. 160 INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. Laying submarine cables: Kilner, 5. Maury, 11. Maury, 17. Aspinall, 39. Collingridge, 15. Buchanan, 46. Cockshott, 80. Smith, 116. Imray (Waters), 117. Lightning conductors for : Ships; Joints, electric-cont. Line wires-cont. Eustace, 124. Timmins, 127. Smith, 115. Hibell, 154. Railway train signals; Gordon, 2 Tatters, 6. Martin and Varley, 13. Martin and Varley, 21. Martin and Varley, 27. Sturgeon, 34. dazlehurst, 43. Edwards, 44. Spagnoletti, 46. Herbert and Fowler, 48. Dibbin, 63. Veillet and Verny, 76. Owen, 82. Gilbert, 86. Fairholme, 89. Chapin, 91. Owen, 94, Evans, 95. Elmsley, 99. Owen, 99. Evans, 101. Clark (Achard), 101. Monckton, 114. Mackie, 115. Whyte, 119. Winter, 123. Goldstone, Radcliffe, and Gray, 123. Salomons, 125. Preece, Goldstone, Radcliffe, and Gray, 120. Pocknell, 127. Clough, 128. Wise (Masui), 132. Bondi, 132. Glossop, 133. Wynne, 133. Vispe and Nisbeth (Bril- : Gray, 8. Gray, 20. Gray, 27. Structures; Gray, 8. Lyttle, 97. Telegraphs ; Davies (Brooks), 12. Lake (Van Choate), 17. McGregor, 29. Varley, 64. Varley, 70. Winter, 95. House, 150. Picking up submarine cables : Aspinall, 39. Willcox, 41. Lambert, 111. Smith, 116. Johnson, 129. Lambert, 131. Jamieson (King), 155. Poles : See Posts, telegraph. Posts, telegraph : nius), 134. De Bejar y O’Lawlor and Calvo, 136. Stroudley and Rusbridge, 137. Roberts, 138. Clark (Rousseau), 138. Richardson and Moffatt, 139. Whyte, 140. Gilbee (Bondi), 140. Ward, 141. Wood and Shakespear, 142. Tyer, 146. Wood and Shakespear, 147. Wood, Shakespear, and Thompson, 151. Subterranean telegraphs; Nicoll, 14. Clustered rods; Larmuth and Norton, 84. Lloyd, 95. Tuddenliam, 98. Curved plates; Désgolfe, 76. Désgoffe, 85. Fixing: Bohlken, 47. Oppenheimer, 49. Bayliss and Bayliss, 19. Marshall, 60. Williams, 62. Allibon and Walsh, 68, Ross, 92. Garrard, 103. Tugwood, 118. McCool, 120. Oppenheimer, 186. Phillips, 148. Flat plates ; Henley, 7. Désgoife, 152. : INDEX OF SUBJECT MATTER. 161 Posts, telegraph-cont. Helically disposed strips ; Lee and Rogers, 72. Tuddenham, 96. Lee and Rogers, 98. Slate; Thoinas, 94. T-shaped in cross section; Lytile, 82. Tubular; Sohn (Lichtenfelder), t. Haenlein, Fisher, and Fisher, 9. Oppenheimer, 16. Sharrock, 18. McGregor, 29. Sharrock, 31. Gisborne and Allman, 38. Lyttle, 38. Temple, 44. Lyttle, 45. Sharrock, 73. Atkinson (Prentiss), 75. Lyttle, 78. Lyttle, 83. Larmuth and Norton, SI, Siemens, 83. Kesterton, 97. Welch, 100. Crispin, 101. Hood, 119. Muirhead, 122. Roberts, 144. Wooden ; Allibon and Walsh, 69. Ross, 92. Lyttle, 100. Lyttle, 100. Dunk, 108. Posts, telegraph-cont. Wooden-cont. Tugwood, :18. Knowles, 120. Hale, 128. Slade and Slade, 130. Tongue (Devriès), 130. Nicoll, 135. De Bejar y O'Lawlor and Calvo, 138. Bousfield (Archinard and Socin), 146. Bellotti and De Choch, 147. Stretching telegraph wires : Becker, 19. Michie and Murray, 42. Rylands, 69. Robson, 78. Eustace, 121. Eustace, 124. Subterranean telegraph wires : Laying in a trench; Nicoll, 14. Imray (Waters), 117. Laying in a tube; Marshall, 7. Delperdange, 9. Becker, 20. Beamish, 58. Bonneville (Radde), 103. Gray, 109. Gray, 109. Prail, 118. Henley, 148. Wires, conducting: See Con- ductors, telegraphic. Q 4497. F 11 1 LONDON: Printed by GEORGE E. EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's inost Excellent Majesty, For Her Majesty's Stationery Omice. [16082.–1000.-6/82.] ราคา MOUTRO DIEU OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS. All communications relating to the Patent Office, Museum, Registry of Designs, or Registry of Trade Marks, to be ad- dressed to Mr. H. READER LACK, Clerk of the Commissioners of Patents, Superintendent of the Patent Museum, Regis- trar of Designs, and Registrar of Trade Marks, at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. LIST OF WORKS printed by order of The Commis- SIONERS OF PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS, and sold at their Sale Department, 38, Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, London, E.C. I. 1. SPECIFICATIONS of PATENTS for INVENTIONS, DIS. CLAIMERS, &c., enrolled under the Old Law, from A.D. 1617 to Oct. 1852, comprised in 13,561 Blue Books, or 690 thick vols. imp. 8vo. Total cost price about 6001. 2. SPECIFICATIONS of INVENTIONS. DISCLAIMERS, &c., deposited and filed under the Patent Law Amendment Act from Oct. 1, 1852, to June 30, 1881, comprised in 110,493 Blue Books, or 2,853 thick vols. imp. 8vo. Total cost price about 3,1931. Q 4487. Wt. 16082. a II. The prices of the Indexes of Patents, Old and New Law for the years 1617 to 1870, have been reduced to the following uniform rates. INDEXES to PATENTS of INVENTION under the Old Law, from A.D. 1617 to October 1852 :- CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 2 vols. (155+ pages.) Price 108.; by post, 135. 2d. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 1 vol. (647 pages.) Price 58.; by post, 6s. 5d. SUBJECT-MATTER INDEX. 2 vols. (970 pages.) Second Edi- tion, 1857. Price 108.; by post, 12s. 8d. REFERENCE INDEX of PATENTS of INVENTION, pointing out the Cffice in which each enrolled Specification may be con- sulted and the Books in which Specifications, Law Proceedings connected with Inventions, &c. have been noticed. 1 vol. (710 pages.) Second Edition. 1862. Price 5s.; by post, 6s. 5d. APPENDIX to the REFERENCE INDEX, contaiving abstracts from such of the early Patents and Signet Bills as describe the nature of the Invention. I vol. (91 pages.) Price 18.; by post, 1s. 6d. INDEXES of APPLICATIONS for PATENTS and PATENTS GRANTED under the Patent Law Amendment Act, 1852:- CHRONOLOGICAL INDEXES : For 1852 (Oct. 1-Dec. 31) and 1853. (258 pages.) Price 28. ; by post, 3s. 8. d. 8. d. 9 0 2 2 0 2 2 ର ଖ ଗ ର ମ ର ଖ ଖ ଗ 2 > 2 (1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858 out of print] 1859 (196 pages), price 2 0; by post 2 7 1860 (209 » ) 2 0 2 7 1861 (215 ) 2 7 1862 (237 ) 0 28 1863 (220 ) 2 7 1864 (222 ) 0 7 1865 (230 ) 2 7 1866 (239 , ) 2 0 2 8 1867 (254 ) 2 0 1868 (274 ) 2 0 2 8 ALPHABETICAL INDEXES :- For 1852 (Oct. 1—Dec. 31) and 1853. (181 pages.) Price 25.6d.; by post, 3s. 2d. 8. d. 1854 (119 pages), price 2 6 by post 3 1 1855 (129 2 6 3 1 0 to 00 00 8 99 8. d. » ) ALPHABETICAL INDEXES-cont. 8. d. 6 9) > 2 > > > > 8. d. 1856 (143 pages), price 2 6; by post 3 1 [1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862 out of print.] 1863 (218 ) 2 6 3 2 1864 (220 ). 2 3 2 1865 (236 ) 2 6 3 2 1866 (243 ) 6 3 2 1867 (258 ) 2 6 3 2 1868 (291 ) 2 6 3 4 1969 (272 ) 2 6 3 1870 (242 2 6 3 1871 ( 52 ) 2 0 2 1 1872 ( 61 ) 2 2 15 1873 ( 62 ) 2 0 2 1874 ( 54 ) 2 0 2 15 [1875 out of print.] 1876 (135 , ) 2 0 2 3 [1877 out of print.] 1878 (156 ) 2 0 4 1879 (173 ) 2 0 2 41 1880 (176 ) 2 0 2 44 1881 (190 » ) 2 0 2 4} N N N N o Co Co CO CO CO CSC 3 2 0 9 > > 99 99 > 8. 8. d. 0 > SUBJECT-MATTER INDEXES:- For 1852 (Oct. 1-Dec. 31). (132 pages.) Price 58.; by post, 58. 7d. d. 1853 (291 pages), price 5 0; by post 5 11 1854 (311 ) 5 0 6 0 1855 (311 ) 5 5 11 [1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864 out of print.] 1865 (474 » ) 5 0 6 1 1866 (465 ) 5 0 0 [1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874 out of print.] 1875 (103 ) 2 0 2 2} (1876, 1877 out of print.] 1878 (184 ) 24} 1879 (187 ) 2 2 45 > 99 > 2 0 0 » 3 a 2 III. ABRIDGMENTS (in Classes and Chronologically arranged) of SPECIFICATIONS of PATENTED INVENTIONS, from the carliest enrolled to those published under the Act of 1852. These books are of 12mo. size, and each is limited to inventions of one class only. They are so arranged as to form at once a Chrono- logical, Alphabetical, and Subject matter Index to the class to which they relate. Inventors are strongly recommended, before applying for Letters Patent, to consult the classes of Abridgments of Specifications which relate to the subjects of their inventions, and by the aid of these works to select the Specifications tbey may consider it necessary to examine in order to ascertain if their inventions are new. The preface of each volume explains (in most cases) the scope of the series of Abridgments which it contains. The following series of Abridgments (except Nos. 6, 12, 13, 14, 19, 26, 37, 47,53,61,62,70, 79, 81, 82, 89, 90, 91,92,93,95, and 96) do not extend beyond the end of the year 1866 ; but it is interded, to continue them to the end of the year 1876. Until that is done the Inventor can continue his search by the aid of the Subject Matter Indexes and the Specifications. The classes already published are,- 1. DRAINS AND SEWERS ; INCLUDING TIE MANUFACTURE OF DRAIN TILES AND PIPEs, price 1s., by post 18. 2d. 2. 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BLEACHING, DYEING, AND PRINTING CALICO AND OTHER FABRICS AND YARNS.- Part I., A.D. 1617-1857, price 38. 4d., by post 48.1d.-Part II. A.D. 1858-1866 (2nd edition), price 3s. 6d., by post 33. 10d.-Part III. A.D. 1867-1876, price 1s. 6d., by post 18.9d. 15. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, THEIR GENERATION AND APPLICATIONS.- Part I., A.D. 1766-1857, price 38. 2d., by post 38. 11d.- Part Ia., A.D), 1858- 1866 (2nd edition) price 28. 8d., by post 38. 2d. For continuations from A.D. 1867-1876 see series Nos. 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 and 97. 16. PREPARATION OF INDIA-RUBBER AND GUTTA-PERCHA (2nd edition), price 18. 2d., by post ls. 4 d. 17. PRODUCTION AND APPLICATIONS OF GAS.-Part I., A.D. 1681-1858, price 2s. 4d., by post 28. 11d.-Part II., A.D. 1859-1866 (2nd edition), price 2s.4d., by post 2s. 8 d. 18. METALS AND ALLOYS, price 18. 10d., by post 28. 31d. 19. PAOTOGRAPHY.-Part I., A.D. 1839-1859, price 8d., by post 10d.- Part II., A.D. 1860-1866 (2nd edition), price 10d., by post iifd. 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METALLIC PIPES AND TUBES.- Part I., A.D. 1741-1866, price 1.s. 8d., by post 18. 11d.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 18. 3d., by post 1s.5}d. 71. MINING, QUARRYING, TUNNELLING, AND WELL-SINKING, price 18.4d., by post 18.611. 72. MILKING, CHURNING, AND CHEESE-MAKING, price 6d., by post 7d. 73. Masts, SATLA, RIGGING, &c.; INCLUDING APPARATUS FOR RAISING AND LOWERING SHIPS' Boats, price 18., by post 2d, 74. CASKS AND BARRELS, price 8d., by post 9fd. 75. STEERING AND MANEUVRING VESSELS, price 18., by post 18. 2d. 76. OPTICAL, MATHEMATICAL, AND OTHER PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS, INCLUDING NAUTICAL, ASTRONOMICAL, AND METEOROLOGICAL IX. STRUMENTE, price 2s. 100., by post 3s. 2d. 77. HARBOURS, Docks, CANALS, &c., price 18. 2d., by post 18. 4d. 78. GbindiNG GRAIN AND DRESSING FLOUR AND MEAL, price 28. 4d., by post 28.63d. 6 79. PURIFTING AND FILTERING WATER.- Part I., A.D. 1675-1866, price 18. 2d. by post ls. 31d.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 6d., by post 7d. 80. ARTIFICIAL LEATHER, FLOORCLOTH, OILCLOTIT, OILSKIN, AND OTHER WATERPROOF FABRICS, price 18. 10d., by post 28. 0fd. 81. AGRICULTURE. DIVISION I.-FIELD IMPLEMENTN (including methods of tilling and irrigating land).- Part I, A.D. 1618-1866, price 58. Sul., by post 68. 244.- Part II. A D. 1867-1876, price 2s., by post 2s. 31d. 82. AGRICULTURE. DIVISION II.-BARN AND FARMYARD IMPLEMENTS (in- cludinx the cleansing, drying, and storing of grain.--Part I., A.D. 1636- 1466, price 38., by post 38. 31d.--Part II., A.D. 1867-1976, price 18. 3d., by post, 13, 3d. 83. AGRICULTURE. Division III.-AGRICULTURAL AND TRACTION ENGINES (in course of preparation). 84. TRUNKS, PORTMANTEATS, BOXES, AND Bags, price 18., by post is. 11d. 85. ICE-MAKING MACHINES, ICE SAFES, AND ICE Horses (including the use of freezing agents for preserving alimentary substances), price 6d., by post 7d. 86. UNFERMENTED BEVERAGES, AERATED LIQUIDS, MINERAL WATERS, &C., price 18., by post 1s. 11d. 87. TEA, COFFEE, CHICORY, CHOCOLATE, Cocoa, &c., price &d., by post 9d. 88, FIRE ENGINES, EXTINGUISHERS, ESCAPE8, ALARMS, &e. (including fire- proof dresses and fabrics), price 28., by post 28. 24d. 89. WASHING AND WRINGING MACHINES.--Part I., A.D. 1691-1866, price 1s. fd., by post 1s. 8d.--Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 9d., by post 105d. 80. CITAINS, CHAIN CABLES, &c.--Part I., A.D. 163-1886, price 3d., by post 10d. Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price od., by post 7d. 91. DRESSING AND FINISHING WOVEN FABRICS, AND MANUFACTURING FELTED FABRICS (including folding, winding, measuring, and packing). --Part I., A.D. 1620-1360, price 38. ed. by post 3s. 10d.-Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 1s. 6d., by post 18 8 d. 92. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION I.--GENERATION OP Elec. TRICITY AND MAGNETISM, A.D. 1766-1866.- Part I., see Series No. 15.;- Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 1s., by post ls. 1}d. 53. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION II.--CONDUCTING AND INSU- LATING, A.D. 1766-1866.---Part !., see Series, No. 15.--Part II., A.D. 1867-1876, price 18., by post 18. lfi. 94. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION III.- TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING SIGNALS, CONTROLLING MECHANICAL ACTION AND Ex- HIBITING ELECTRIC EFFECTS, A.D. 1766-1866, see Series No. 15.;- A.D. 1867-1876 (in course of preparation). 95. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISH. Division IV.- ELECTRIC LIGHTING, IGXITING, AND HEATING.-Parts I. and II. (in one vol.) A.D. 1839-1876, price 9d., by post 101d. 96. ELECTRICITY AND MAGXETISM. DIVISION V.-ELECTRO-DEPOSITION AND ELECTROLYSIS.- Parts I. and II, (in one vol.) A.D. 1805-1876, price 18. 6d., by post 18. 8}d. 97. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Divistos VI. - ELECTRIC MOTIVE POWER ENGINES AND SIMILAR APPARATUS. A.D. 1766-1856, see Series No. 15. ;-A.D. 1867-1876 (in course of preparation). 99. CARRIAGES AND OTHER VEHICLES FOR COMmon ROADS, price 58., by post 58. 8 d. 99. BREWING, WINE-MAKING, AND DISTILLING ALCOHOLIC LIQUIDS, price 38. 6d., by post 38. 10d. A Key to the contexts of the above rolumes of Abridgments will be found on pages 20 to 32. IV. COMMISSIONERS of PATENTS' JOURNAL, published on the eveaings of Tuesday and Friday in each week. Price 3d.; by Post, 31. Annual Subscription, including postage, 258. which may be remitted by Post Office Order, made payable at the Post Office, Chancery Lane, to Mr. H. Reader Lack, Clerk of the Commissioners of Patenis. Subscriptions to the Commissioners of Patents' Journal will not be received for a shorter period than three months, such period to com- mence on either of the following dates:- 1st January, 1st July, or 1st April, 1st October. Annnal subscriptions to date from 1st January in each year. All subscriptions must be paid in advance. CONTENTS OF JOURNAL. 1. Applications for Letters Patent. duty of 501. before the expiration 2. Grants of Provisional Protection of the third year. for six months. 12. Patents on which the seventh 3. Inventions protected for six months year's stamp duty of 1001. has by the deposit of a Complete been paid. Specification. 13. Patents which have become void 4. Notices to proceed. by non-payment of the stamp 5. Patents sealed. duty of 1001. before the expira. 6. Specifications filed. tion of the seventh year, 7. Pitents; confirmation and exten- 14. Lists of Colonial Patents. sion of. 15. Lists of Foreign Patents. 8. Patents cancelled. 16. Designs registered. 9. Lists of Disclaimers and Memo- 17. Trade Marks registered. randa of Alterations. 18. Weekly price lists of printed 10. Patents on which the third year's Specifirations, &c. stamp duty of 501, has been paid. 19. Official advertisements and notices 11. Fatents which have become void of interest to Patentees and In. by non-payment of the stamp ventors generally. A collection of the Patent Laws and Regulations and Trade Marks Laws and Regulations, of Foreign States and of the British Colonies, can be inspected at the Free Public Library in the Patent Office. V. 1. PATENT LAW AMENDMENT ACTS (15 & 16 Vict. cap. 83, A.D. 1852; 16 Vict. cap. 5, A.D. 1853 ; and 16 & 1? Vict. cap. 115, A.D. 1853); together with the RULES and REGULATIONS issued by the Commissioners of Patents for Inventions, and by the Lord Chancellor and the Master of the Rolls, under the Acts 15 & 16 Vict. c. 83, and 16 & 17 Vici. c. 115. Price 6d. ; by post, 7d. 2. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of the PATENT OFFICE, arranged alphabetically, in two volumes. Vol. I.-Authors. Price, 31s. 6d. ; by post, 338. 3, APPENDIX to the SPECIFICATIONS of ENGLISH PA- TENTS for REAPING MACHINES. By B. WOODCROFT, F.R.S. Price 68. 6d.; by post, 6s. 11d. 4. INDEX to ALL INVENTIONS PATENTED in ENGLAND from 1617 to 1854 inclusive, arranged under the greatest 8 number of heads, with parallel references to INVENTIONS and DISCOVERIES described in the scientific works of VARIOUS NATIONS, as classified by Professor Schubarth. By B. Wood. CROFT, F.R.S. Price 1s. ; by post, 1s. ld. The foreign works thus indexed form a portion of the Library of the Commissioners of Patents, where they may be consulted. 5. SUPPLEMENT to the SERIES of LETTERS PATENT and SPECIFICATIONS, from A.D. 1617 to Oct. 1852 ; consisting for the most part of Reprints of scarce Pamphlets, descriptive of the early patented loventions comprised in that Series. CONTENTS. 1. Metallica ; or the Treatise of Metallica, briefly coin prehending the doctrine of diverse new metallical inventious, &c. By Simon STURTEVANT. (Let- ters Patent, dated 29th February 1611.) Price 18. 4d.: by post, 18.5d. 2. A Treatise of Metallica, but not that which was published by dir. Simon Sturtevant, upon his Patent, &c. By John Roverzon. (Letters Patent granted A.D. 1612.) Price 4d.; by post, 45d, 3. Å Commission directed to Sir Richard Wynne and others to inquire upon oath whether NICHOLAS Park or Sir NICHOLAS HALSB was the first in- ventor of certaine kilnes for the drying of malt, &c. &c. (Letters Patent Nos. 716 and 85, respectively dated 10th July 1634, and 23rd July 1636.) Price 2d.; by post, 21d. 4. DOD DUDLEY's Metallum Martis ; or iron made with pit-coale, sea-coale, &c. (Letters Patent, Nos. 18 and 117, respectively dated 22nd February 1620, and 2nd May 1638.) Price 8d. ; by post, 8 d. 6. Description of the nature and working of the Patent Waterscoop Wheels invented by WILLIAM WIELER, as compared with the raising wheels dow in common use. By J. B. w. Translated from the Dutch by Dr. Tollausen. (Letters Patent, No.127, dated 24th June 1642.) Price 28.; by post, 28. 1 d. 6. Anexact and true definition of the stupendous Water-commanding Engine invented by the Right Honourable (and deservedly to be praised and admired) EDWARD SOMERSET, Lord Marquis of WORCESTER, &c., &c. (Stat. 1. Car. II. c. 12. d.D. 1663.) Price 4d.; by post, 45d. 7. Navigation improved; or the art of rowing ships of all rates in calms with a more easy, swift, and steady motion than oars can. By Thomas SAVERI. (Letters Patent. No. 347, dated 10th Jan. 1696.) Price 18.; by post. 18.0fd. 8. The Miner's Friend; or an engine to raise water by fire, described, &c. By THOMAS SAVERY. (Letters Patent, No. 356, dated 25th July 1698, and Stat. 10 & 11 Will. III. No.61, A.D. 1699.) Price 18.; by post. 18. ld. 9. Specimina Ichnokraphica; or a brief narrative of several new inventions and experiments, particularly the navigating a ship in a calm, &c. By JOIN ALLEN, M.D. (Letters Patent No.513, dated 7th August 1729.) Price 8d.; by post, 9d. 10. A description and draught of a new-invented Machine for carrying vessels or ships out of or into any harbour, port, or river against wind and tide, cr in a calm, &c. By JONATHAN HULLs. (Letters Patent, No.556, dated 21st December 1736.) Price 8d.; by post, 9d. 11. An historical account of a new method for extracting the fouu air out of ships, &c., with the description and dranght of the machines hy which it is performed, &c. By SAMUEL SUTTON, the Inventor. To which are all- nexed two relations given thereof to the Royal Society by Dr. Mead and Mr. Watson. (Letters Patent, No.602, dated 16th March 1744.) Price 18.; by post, 18. 1d. 12. The letter of Master WILLIAM DRUMMOND for the construction of machines, weapons, and engines of war for attack or defence by land or sea, &c. Dated the 29th September 1626. (Scotch Patent, temp. Čar. II.) Price 4d. ; by post, 4td. 13. Contributions to the History of the Steam Engine, being two deeds relating to the prection by Messrs. Boulton and Wattof steam engines on the United Mines at Gwennap, Cornwall, and at Werneth Colliery, near Oldham, Lan- cashire From the originals in the Patent Office Library. Price 100., by post, 10 d. 9 A FREE LIBRARY and READING ROOMS are open to the Public daily, from 10 till 4 o'clock, in the Office of the Commis. sioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. In adılition to the printed Specifications, Indexes, and other publications of the Commissioners, the Library includes a Code lection of the leading British and Foreign Scientific Journals and text-books in the various departments of science and art. The Commissioners' publications can also be consulted daily at the Patent Museum, see page 19. Complete sets of the Commissioners of Patents' publications (each set including more than 3,790 volumes and costing for print- ing and paper upwards of £3,844) have been presented to the authorities of the most important towns in the kingdom, on condition that the works shall be rendered daily accessible to the public, for reference or for copying, free of all charge. The following list gives the names of the towns, and shows the place of deposit of each set of the works thus presented :- Aherrieen (Mechanics' Institution). London (British Museum). Belfast (Queen's College). Macclesfield (Useful Know. Societu), Biriningham (Central Free Library- Maidstone (Museum and Public Reference Department, Ratclif Library). Place). Manchester (Free Reference Library Blackburn (Free Library and Mu. King Streeti. seum, Library Street). Bolton le-Moors (Public Library, Ex- Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Literary and change Buildings). Philosophical Society). Bradford, Yorkshire (Public Free Newport, Monmouth (Commercial Room, Town Hall). Libriry). Brighton (Frce Library, Town Hall). Northampton (Museum, Guildhall) Bristol (Free Library, King Street). Nottingham (Free Public Libraries). Burnley (O lice of the Burnley Im- Oldham (School of Arts and Sciences provement Commissioners). Lyceum). Bury. (Athenaeum). Paisley (Government School of De Carlisle (Puh. Free Liby, Police Office). sign, Gilmour Street). Cork (Royal Cork Instr, Nelson Place). Plymouth (Free Library). Crewe (Railway Station). Preston, Lancashire (Dr. Shepherd's Derhy ( Free Library and Museum). Library, the Institution,Atenham), Dorchester (County Museum and Li. Reading (Literary, Scientific, and brary). Dublin (National Library of Ireland, Mechanics' Institution, London St.) Rochdale Kildare S.) (Free Public Library, Tiron Hall). Dundalk (Free Library). Rotherhamn (Board of Health Ofices, Gateshead-on-Tyne (Mechanics' In- Howard Street). stitute). Salford (Royal Museum and Library, Glasgow (Stirling's Liby, Miller St.) Peel Park). Halifas ( Town Hall). Sheffield (Free Library, Surrey Huddersfield (Corporation Offices). Street). Hull (Plechanics' Inst. George St.) Southampton (Hartley Institution). Ipswich (Buseum Library, Museum Stockport (Central Free Library). Street). Swansea (Free Library). Keighley ( Mechanics' Inst., North St.) Wakefield (Mechanics Institution, Kidderminster (Public Free Library, Barstow Square). Public Buildings, Vicar Street). Warı ington (The Museum and Leamington (Free Public Library, Library). Bath Street). Wexford (Mechanical Institute, Leeds (Public Library, Infirmary Crescent Quay). Buildings). Wigan. Leicester (Free Library, Wellington Wolverhampton (Free Library). Street). Wolverton (Railway Station). Liverpool (Free Public Library, Wil- York ( Lower Council Chamber, Guild. liam Brown Street). hall). 10 The Commissioners' publications have also been presented to the following Public Officea, Seats of Learning, Societies, British Colonies, and Foreign States :- Public Offices, &c. Admiralty-Chatham Dockyard. India Ofice. Sheerness ditto. Royal School of Mines, &c., Jermyn Portsinouth ditto. Street, Piccadilly. Devonport ditto, Dublin Castle, Dublin. Pembroke ditto. Record and Writ Office, Chancery, Dublin. Royal Artillery Institution, Wcolwich. Office of Chancery, Edinburgh. War Office, Pall Mall. Museum of Science and Art, Edin- Small Arms Factory,Enfield. burgh. Seats of Learning and Societies. Cambridge University. Queen's College, Galway. Trinity College, Dublin. Incorporated Law Society, Chancery Lane, London. British Colonies, Barbados. India-Bengal. South Australia-Colonia! British Guiana. Bombay. Institute, Adelaide. Canada-Library of Par. Madras, Tasmania, Jamaica, Triuidad. liament, Ottawa. Malta. Victoria-Parliamentary Bureau of Agri- Mauritius. Library, Mel- culture, Toronto. bourne. Board of Arts New Brunswick. and Manufactures, Newfoundland. Patent Office, New South Wales. Melbourne. Montreal. New Zealand. Public Library, Cape of Good Hope. Nova Scotia. Melbourne. Ceylon. Prince Edward Island, Foreign States. Argentine Republic-Buenos Ayres. Austria-Polytechnic University, Prague. Polytechnic University, Vienna. Belgium-Ministère de l'Intérieur, Brussels. Musée de l'Industrie, Brussels. France-Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, Paris. Germany--Kaiserliches Patentamt, Berlin. Alsace-Societe Industrielle Mulhouse. Bavaria-Königliche Bibliothek, Munich, Gotha-Ducal Friedenstein Collection. Prussia-Königliche Polytechnische Schule, Aix-la-Chapelle. Königliche Bibliothek, Berlin. Königliche Polytechnische Schule, Hanover. Saxony-Königliche Polytechnische Schule, Dresden. Würtemberg-Bibliothek des Musterlagers, Stuttgart. Italy-- Ufficio delle Privative, Rome. Netherlands-Harlem. Russia-Bibliotheque Impériale. St. Petersburg. Polytechnic School, Riga. Spain-Ma'irid. Sweden-Teknologiska Institutet, Stockholm. United States-Patent Office, Washington. Astor Library, New York. State Library, Albany. Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. free Public Library, Boston. Library Company, Philadelphia. Free Public Library, Chicago. Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Mercantile Library. St. Louis. Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco. 11 Geants of complete series of Abridgments of Specifications have been made to the undermentioned Mechanics' Literary and Scientific Institutions: Aberystwith (Literary and Working Breage, Cornwall (Institution). den's Reading Room). Brigg, Lincolnshire (Reading so Alnwick (Scientific and Mechanical ciety). Institution). Bristol (Atheneum). Alton (Mechanics' Institution). Institution). Altrincham (Altrincham and Bowdon (Law Library Society). Literary Institution). (Museum and Library, Ashburton (Ashburton Library, East Queen's Road). Street), Browusgrove (Literary and Mecha. Ashby-de-la-Zouch (Dutual Improve nics' Institute). ment Society). Burnley (Literary Institution). Ashton-under-Lyne, (Free Library, (Mechanics' Institution). Town Hall). Burslem (Wedgwood Institute). (Mechanics' In- Bury (Atheneum). stitution). Aston, near Birmingham (Aston Manor Bury St. Edmund's (Athenaum), Public Library). Mechanics'Inst) Aylesbury (Kingsbury Mechanics' In. Calne (Literary Institution). stitute). Canterbury (Westgate Towers). Bacup (Mechanics' Institution). Carharrack (Literary Institute). Banbury (Mechanics' Institution). Carmarthen (Literary and Scientific Barnstaple (Literary and Scientific Institution). Institution). Cheddar (Literary Institution). Barrow-in-Furness (Barrow Working Cheltenham (Permanent Library), Men's Club and Institute). Chertsey (Literary and Scientific Basingstoke (Mechanics' Institute Institution). and Club). Chester (City Library and Reading Bath (Athenreum). Room). (People's Club and Institute). Chesterfield (Mechanics' Institution). (Royal Literary and Scientific Chichester (Literary Society and Institution). Mechanics' Institute). Batley (Mechanics' Institution). Chippenham (Literary and Scientific Battle (Young Men's Christian Asso- Institution). ciation). Belfast (Atheneum). Christchurch (IT'orking Men's Insti. tute). (Northern Law Club). Cockermouth (Mechanics' Institu. (People's Literary Institute). tion). Berkhampstead, Great (Mechanics' Coggeshall (Literary and Mechanics' Institute). Institution). (Working Men's Colchester (Literary Institution). College). (Young Men's Christian Birkenhead (Literary and Scientific Association), Society). Compstall (Atheneum). Birmingham (Bloomsbury Institu. Coventry (Free Library). tion). (Institute). (Central Lending Libra- (School of Art). ry). Crewe (Mechanics' Institution). (Free Library and News Deal (Deal and Walmer Institute). Room, Gosta Green). Derby (Mechanics' Institution). (Graham Street Institu. Devouport (Mechanics' Institute). tion). Dewsbury (Mechanics' Institution). Bodmin (Literary Institution). Diss (Reading Room and Library). Bolton (Mechanics' Institute). Doncaster (Free Library). (School of Art). (Great Northern Mecha- nics' Institute). Room). (Young Men's Christian Bradford, Yorkshire( Church Institute). Association). (Library and Dorchester (County Museum and Literary Society). Library). (Mechanics' -(Working Men's Institute). Institute). Dudley (Mechanics’ Institution). Braintree (Braintree and Bocking Dukinfield (Village Library and Literary and Mechanics' Institu. Reading Room). tion). Dumbarton (Philosophical and Lite• Brampton, near Chesterfield (Local alruseum and Literary Institute). rary Society). Dumfries (Mechanics" Institution). Bournemischen Leioa ating and Reading 12 Dundee (Young Men's Christian As- sociation and Literary Institution). Durham (Mechanics Institute). Eagley, Bolton le-Moors (Library and Institute). Ealing (Young Men's Institute). East Retford (Literary and Mutual Improvement Society). Ebbw Vale (Literary and Scientific Institute). Edinburko (Advocates Library). (Association of Science and Art). (Philosophical Institution). (Royal Scottish Society of Arts). (Watt Institution and School of Art). (Working Men's Club). Egham (Literary Institute). Egremont (Mechanics' Institute). (Workmen's Institute). Exeter (Devon and Exeter Albert Memorial Museum, School of Sci- ence and Art, and Free Library). (Devon and Ereter Institution). Farnham (Young Men's Association). Faversham (Institute). Fowey (Working Men's Reading Rooms). Frome (Literary and Scientific Insti- tution). ( Mechanics' Instilætion). Gainsborough (Literury, Scientific and Mechanics’ Institute). Garforth, near Leeds (Working Men's Cluó). Glasgow (Atheneum). (Central Working Men's Club and Institute). (City Industrial Museum, Kelvingrove Park). (Institution of Engineers in Scorland). (Mechanics' Institution, Bath Street). (Philosophical Society). Glastonbury (Literary Institute). Godmanchester (Working Men's Reading Room). Gosport (Gosport and Alverstoke Literary and Scientific Institution). Grantham (Public Literary Institn.) Gravesend (Gravesend and Milton Library and Reading Rooms), Greenocki Library, Watt Monument) Guernsey (Working Men's Associa- tion). Guildford (Working Men's Institution). Hadleigh (The Readir.g Room). Halesworth (Mechanics' Institute). Halifax (Literary and Philosophical Society). (Mechanics' Institute). (Working Men's College). Halstead (Literary and Mechanics' Institute). Haslingdon (Institute), Hastings (Literary and Scientific In. stitute). (Mechanics' Institution). Hebden Bridge, near Todmorden (Me chanics' Institution). Alston Reading kovmand Library). Hemel Hempsted (Mechanics' Inst.) Hereford (Natural History, Philoso- phical, Antiquarian, and Literary Society). Hertford (Literary and Scientific Institution). Heywood (Mechanics' Institute). Hitchin (Mechanics' Institute). Holbeck (Mechanics' Institution). Hollingwood (Working Men's Club). Holt, Norfolk (Literary Society). Holywell Green (Mechanics' Insti. tution). Horncastle (Mechanics' Institution). Huddersfield (Mechanics'Institution) Hull (Church Institute). (Literary, Scientific, and Mecha. nics Institute). (Lyceum Library). -(Royal Institution, Albion Street). (Young People's Institute). Huntingdon (Literary and Scientific Institution). Ipswich (Working Men's College). Kendal (Christian and Literary Insti. tute). (Highgate Mechanics' Inst.) (Working Men's Institute). Kilmarnock (Library). Kingston - on - Thames (Workmen's Cluband Institute, Fairfield Road). Lancaster (Mechanics' Institute and School of Science). Lee, Kent (Working Men's Institu. tion). Leeds (Chapeltown Branch Library). (Church Institute). (Holbeck Branch Library). Hunslet Branch Library). (Leeds Library). Mechanics Institution and Literary Society). (Philosophical and Literary Society). (Working Men's Institute). Young Men's Christian A$80. ciation). Leek, Staffordshire (Literary and Mechanics' Institution). Leicester (Law Society). Leighton Buzzard (Working Men's Mutual Improvement Society). Leith (Mechanics' Subscription Li. brary). Lewes (Fitzroy Memorial Library). (Mechanics' Institute). (School of Science and Art). Lincoln (Mechanics' Institute). Liverpool (Institute). (Medical Institution). (Polytechnic Society). Llanelly (Chamber of Commerce and Reading Room). Lockwood ( Mechanics' Institution). London (Bank of England Library and Literary Association). (Beaumont Institute, Mile End). 13 - London (Birkbeck Institution, South. ampton Buildings, Chancery Lane). (Boro and Bromley Institute, Bow Road). -(Christchurch Working Men's Club, New Street Lark Hall Lane, Clapham). (Free Public Library, Great Smith Street, Westminster). (Hackney Working Men's Club). (King's College). (Literary and Scientific Insti. tution, Walworth). (London Association of Fore- men Engineers and Draughtsmen). (London Institution, Fins. bury Circus). (London Library, St. James'). -(Parkes Museum of Hygiene, University College). -(Royal Architectural Mu. seum and School of Art, Tufton Street, Westminster). (Royal Institute of British Architects, Conduit Street, Hanover Square). (St. James and Soho Working Men's Club, Rupert Street, Soho). (Working Men's Club, Brix- ton Hill), (Working Men's Club and Institute, Battersea). (Working Men's Club and Institute Union, Strand). -(1Vorking Men's College, Great Ormond Street). Longwood (Mechanics' Institution). Lowestoft (Library and Reading Room). Lye (Institution). Madeley, Shropshire (Anstice Memo. rial, Workmen's Club and Institute). Maidstone (St. Paul's Literary Inst.) (Working Men's Club and Institute). Manchester (Ancoats Branch Free Library). (Campfield Free Lending Library). (Cheetham Branch Li- brary). (Chorlton and Ardwick Branch Free Library). (Hulme Branch Free Library). (Laro Library). (Mechanics' Institution). -(Naturul History Museum, Peter Street). (Owen's College). (Portico Library Mos. ley Street). (Rochdale Road Branch Free Library). (Royal Exchange Li. brary). (Scientific and Mechani- cal Society), Manningtree(Manningtree and Mist. ley Literary and Scientific Institu• tion). Mansfield (Co-operative Industrial Society). (Mechanics', Artisans', and Apprentices' Library). (Mechanics Institute). Marlborough (Reading and Mutuel Improvement Society). (Working Men's Hall). Melton Mowbray (Literary Instituti). Mere, near Bath (Literary Assoc 4- tion). Middlesborongh (Iron and Steel In- stitute). (Mechanies' Instin. tion). Middlewich (Literary and Scientifie Institution). Mildenhall (Suffolk Literary Inst) Newark (Mechanics' Institute). Newbury (Literary and Scientifle Institution). Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Mechanics' In- stitution). (Working Xen's Club). New Mills, near Stockport (Mechanics' Institute). Newport, Isle of Wight (Young Men's Society and Reading Room). Northampton (Mechanics' Institute). North Shields (Free Library). Nottingham (Mechanics' Institution). (Subscription Library, Bromley House). Oldham (Mechanics'Institution, Wet- neth). Old Kilpatrick, near Glasgow (Public Library). Ormskirk (Public Library). Oswestry (Institute). Over, Cheshire (Working Men's In- stitute). Patricroft (Mechanics' Institution). Pembroke Dock (Mechanics'Institute). Pendleton (Pree Library). Penzance (Institute). (Penzance Library). --(Working Men's Association). Perry Barr, near Birmingham (Inst.) Perth (Alechanics' Library, High Street). Peterborough ( Mechanics'Institution). Poole (Literary and Scientific Insti- tution), Port Glasgow (Public Library). Portsea Island (Young Men's Chris- tian Association). Preston (Institution) for the Diffusion of Knowledge), Redruth (Redruth Institution). Reigate (Mechanics' Institution Richmond, Surrey (Free Public Li- brary). 14 Rotherham (Rotherham and Masbro' Literary and Mechanics' Institute). Royston (Institute). Rusbolme (Public Hall and Library). Ryde, Isle of Wight (Philosophical and Scientific Society). (Young Men's Christian Association and Literary Institute). Saffron Walden (Literary and Scien. fific Institution). St. Helens (Public Library). St. Just (Institution). St.Leonarris ( Mechanics' Institution). Salford (Working Men's College). Salisbury (Literary and Scientific Institution), Saltaire (Literary Institute). Sarborough (Mechanics and Literary Institute, Vernon Place). Selby (Mechanics’ Institute), Sevenoaks (Literary and Scientific Institution). Shaftesbury (Literary Institution). Sheerness (Literary Institute). Sheffield (Branch Free Library). (Brightside Branch Library). (Literary and Philosophical Society, School of Arts). Shepion Mallet (Reading and Mutual Improvement Society). Sid maith (Mechanics' Hall). Skipton. Yorkshire (Mechanics' Inst.) Slough (Mechanics' Institute). Smethwick, Staffordshire (Library, Reading Room and Literary Insti. tute). Sonthampton (Polytechnic Institute tion). (Workmen's Hall). Southend (Wechanics' Institute). South Shiekis (Public Free Library). Southwell (Literary Institution). Spalding (Ciristian Young Men's As. sociation). (Mechanics' Institute). Stafford (Mechanics' Institution). Staines (Mechanics' Institute). Stalybririge. Cheshire (Mechanics' Institucion). Stamford (Institution). Stockton-on-Tees (Young Men's Christian Association). Stourbridge (Associated Institute). (Church of England Association). (Iron Works Reading Room and Library). (Mechanics’ Institution). ( Working Men's Inst.) Stowmarket (Literary Institution). Stratford (Working Men's Hall). Sudbury, Suffolk (Literary and Me. chanics' Institute). Swansea (Royal Institution of South Wales). (South Wales Institute of Engineers). (IVorking Man's Institute). Tavistock (Mechanics' Institute). (Public Library). Thornton, near Bradford (Mechanics' Institute). Truro (Cornwall County Library). (Institution). (Royal Institution of Cornwall), Tunbridge (Literary and Scientific Institute). (Mechanics' Institute). Tunbridge Welis (Mechanics' Institu- tion). (Society of Literature and Science). Turton, near Bolton (Chapel Town Institute). Tynemouth (Free Public Library). Ulverston (Temperance Hall). Uttoxeter Mechanics' Literary Insti. tute). Uxbridge (Uxbridge and Hillingdon. Reading and Newsroom Institute). Wakefield (Mechanics Institute). Wallingford (Mechanics’ Institute). Walsall (Free Library). Walsham-le-Willows, Suffolk (Inst.) Ware (Institute). Warminster (Athenceum). Watford (Literary Institute). (Public Library). Wednesbury (Free Library). Wellingborough (Working Men's Club). Wellington (Young Men's Christian Assuciation), Wells, Somerset (Young Men's Society). West Broin wich (Free Library). Whaleybridge (Mechanics' Institute). Whitby (Institute). (Museum). (Subscription Library). Whitehaven (Mechanics' Institute). Whitstable (Institute). Wilton (Literary nstitute). Winchester (Mechanics Institution). (Training College Room). Winsford (Town Hall Reading). Wirksworth (Mechanics'Institution). Wisbeach (Mechanics’ Institute). Witham (Literary Institution). Witney (Atheneum). Wolverhampton (Lar Library). (Library). Wolverton (Institute). Woodbridge ( Literary and Mechanics' Institute), Worcester (Public Library and Has- tings Museum). 1 Railway Literary Inst.) (Workman's Hall). Workington (Mechanics' Institute). Yarmouth, Great (Parochial Library and Museum). Yeovil (Mutual Improvement So. ciety). York (Institute of Pupular Science, &c.) (North Eastern Railway Li. brary and Reading Room). 15 PRESENTATIONS of portions of the Works, published by order of the Commissioners of Patents, have been made to the following Libraries :- Armagh (Toron Clerk's Office). London (British Horological Insti Aylesbury (Mechanics' Institution and tute). Literary Society, Kingsbury). (General Post Office). Boston, Lincolnshire (Public Offices (Guildhall Library). Market Place). (Inst. of Civil Engineers). Cambridge( Free Library, Jesu* Lane). (Institution of Mechanial Cardiff (Free Library and Museum). Engineers). Chester (Mechanics Institute, St. (Metallurgical Department, John Street). King's College). Coalbrookdale (Literary and Scien- (Odontological Society). tisic Institution). (Royal Society). Coventry (Watchmakers' Association). (Society of Arts). Dublin (Dublin Library, D'Olier (Society of Telegraph 3*. Street). gineers): Dundee (Association of Watchmakers (United Service Museum). and Jewellers). Manchester (Literary and Philoso Ennis (Public Library). phical Society, George Street). Gloucester (Working Men's Institute, (Mechanics' Institutis, Southgate Street). David Street). Guernsey (Public Record Office). Newcastle-upon-Tyne (North of Eng. Guildford Mechanics' Institute). land Institute of Mining Engi. Ipswich (Mechanics’ Institute, Tavern neers). Street). Over Darwen (Free Publie Libra-y). Kew (Library of the Royal Gardens). Oxford (Bodleian Library). Leominster (Literary Institute). Stretford, near Manchester (Micka- London (House of Lords). nics' Institute). (House of Commons). Swindon, New' (Mechanics' Insti- (Hon. Soc. of Gray's Inn). tution). Inner Temple). Tamworth (Library and Rading Lincoln's Inn). Room, George Street). Middle Temple). Yarmouth, Norfolk (Public Library, (Aeronautical Society). South Quay). British Colonies and Foreign States. British Columbia-Mechanics' Insti- United States-American Society of tute, Victoria, Civil Engineers, New York. Public Library, City Librry Associa. New Westminster. tion, Springfield, Massachusetts. France --Academy of Science. Paris. Industria University, Germany - Imperial and Provincial Champaign, Illinois. Library of the University, Stras. Law Association, burg. Philadelphia. Imperial Statistical Office, Mechanics' Institute, Berlin. San Francisco. Polyto :hnic School, Carls- Mercantile Library As. ruhe, Baden. sociation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Italy-Communal Library, Palermo. Minnesota Historical Royal Institution for the En- Society, Saint Paul, Minnesota. couragement of Science, Naples. Netherlands Library of the Poly- Odd Fellows' Library Association, San Francisco. technic School, Delft. Patent Office Bar As. New Zealand-Atheneum and Me. chanics' Institute, Dunedin. sociation, Washington. Russia-Imperial Technological Insti- Public Library, De tute, St. Petersburg. troit, Michigan. Smithsonian Insti Switzerland - Federal Polytechnic tute, Washington. School, Zurich. Wabash College, Turkey-Literary and Scientific Insti. Crawfordsville, Indiana. tute, Smyrna. United States-American Academy of Young Men's Chris. Arts and Sciences, Boston. tian Association, Scranton, Pennsyl. American Institute, vania. New York. Victoria-School of Mines, Ballaart. 16 NOTICE RESPECTING THE DRAWINGS ACCOMPANYING PROVISIONAL, COMPLETE, AND FINAL SPECIFICA- TIONS. Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. The Commissioners of Patents having decided that the Drawings accompanying the provisional, complete, and final Specifications of 1876 and subsequent years shall be copied by the process of photo- lithography, the regulations prescribing the mode in which the ex copy of such Drawings shall be prepared must be strictly observed, in order that correct copies may be made. | All Specifications and Drawings filed in pursuance of Letters Patent should be left at the Office of the Commissioners at least six days before the expiration of the time for filing the same, in order that the Officers may examine the extra copy of the Drawing and ascertain that it has been prepared in conformity with the rules. By Order, H. READER LACK, Clerk of the Commissioners 1st June 1876. of Patents, &c. NOTICE RELATIVE TO NEW EDITIONS OF PRINTED SPECIFICATIONS OF EXPIRED PATENTS. Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. In every case where the Specification of an expired Patent is out of print, the Commissioners of Patents will be willing to reprint ihe same and supply copies thereof at cost price, on the prepayment of a sum of money sufficient to cover the cost of reprinting by the person requiring them. By Order, H. READER LACK, Clerk of the Commissioners 23rd November 1876. of Patents, &c. NOTICE RELATIVE TO FULL-SIZE COPIES OF DRAWINGS BELONGING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS OF PATENTS. Office of the Commissioners of Patents, 25, Southampton Buidings, Chancery Lane. For legal or other purposes the Commissioners of Patents are willing to supply, at the undermentioned rates, full-size copies of Drawings belonging to Specifications printed under the new system by the process of Photo-lithography: No. of Copies. Whole sheets Imperial. Half-sheets Imperial. Single Copies Not exceeding 6 copies 12 25 S. d. 25 0 28 0 30 0 32 0 8. d. 15 0 18 0 20 0 22 0 92 17 In cases where from the use of color or other causes a satisfactory Photograph cannot be obtained from the original Drawing, an extra charge will be made to cover the expense of taking a tracing. There will also be a small additional charge for coloring the copies of colored original Drawings. Applications stating the number of copies required and accompanied by a remittance sufficient to cover the cost should be addressed to the Clerk of the Commissioners. By Order, H. READER Lack, Clerk of the Commissioners 24th April 1877. of Patents, &c. TRADE MARKS JOURNAL; INDEXES TO APPLICATIONS ; RULES, ACTS, &c. The Trade Marks Journal is issued by the Registrar of Trade Marks, in numbers, royal 4to., price One Shilling each. This publication contains illustrations of all the trade marks applied for under the Trade Marks Registration Acts, as well as the name and calling of each applicant, the description of goods, and the length of time for which such mark has been used, thus affording all persons interested in the use of rade marks authentic information as to the nature of the marks appiied for in their respective trades. The first number was published on Wednesday the 3rd of May 1876. The Journal is sold by Knight & Co., 90, Fleet Street, E.C.; Stevens & Sons, 119, Chancery Lane, W.C.; E. Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, S.W.; Shaw & Sons, Fetter Lane, E.C.; Waterlow & Sons, “ Limited," 24 and 25, Birchin Lane, E.C., 60, 61, and 65, London Wall, E.C., and 49, Parlia- ment Street, S.W.; Butterworths, 7, Fleet Street, E.C. ; George Down. ing, 8, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, E.C.; Trübner & Co., 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, E.C., J. M. Johnson & Sons, Limited, 3, Castle Street, Holborn, E.C., and 56, Hatton Garden, E.C.; Palmer & Howe, 1, 3, and 5, Bond Street, Manchester ; Alex. Thom, 87 and 88, Abbey Street, Dublin; and Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh. Copies will be sent by post by any of the above firms on receipt of an application, giving the name and address of the sender, and accompanied by a Post Office Order for the amount due in respect of the copies required. Indexes to the applications for the Registration of Trade Marks, and Lists of Proprietors of Trade Marks registered, which have been advertised in the Trade Marks Journal, have been published in volumes as follow, at Three Shillings each :- Indexes to applications from- January to December 1876. January to June 1877. July to December 1877. (including alphabetical list of proprietors of trade marks registered up to December 20, 1877.) January to June 1878. 18 Indexes to applications from July to December 1878. (including alphabetical list of proprietors of trade marks registered from December 21, 1877, to December 19, 1878.) January to December 1879. (including alphabetical list of proprietors of trade marks registered from December 20, 1878, to December 18, 1879.) January to December 1880. (including alphabetical list of proprietors of trade marks registered from December 19, 1879, to December 16, 1880.) January to December 1881. (including alphabetical list of proprietors of trade marks registered from December 17, 1880, to December 14, 1881.) A pamphlet containing the Rules under the Trade Marks Registra- tion Acts, 1875-7, together with the Acts and the Registrar's Instruc- tions to Applicants, has also been published, price One Shilling. Copies of this pamphlet and of the Indexes can be obtained of the firms who sell the Trade Marks Journal. PATENT MUSEUM, SOUTH KENSINGTON. This Museum is open to the public daily, free of charge. The hours of admission are as follow :- Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, 10 A.m. till 10 v.m. through- out the year. Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, during the months of November, December, January, and February from 10 A.M. till 4 P.M. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during the months of March and October from 10 A.M. till 5 P.M. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September frem 10 A.M. till 6 P.M. If any Patentee should be desirous of exhibiting a model of bis invention in London, he may avail himself of this Museum, which has been visited since its opening on the 22nd June 1857 by more than 3,360,000 persons. The model will be received either as a gift or loan; if deposited as a loan, it will be returned on demand. Before sending a model it is requested that the size and description of it shall first be given to the Superintendent of the Patent Museum. No charge is made for the exhibition of models, THE LIBRARY OF THE PATENT MUSEUM contains a complete set of the Commissioners of Patents' publications, which can be consulted by the public daily, free of charge, during the above-named hours. 19 Abridgments of Specifications. The following is a KEY to the classes already published. The numbers refer to the list of Abridgments on pages 4, 5, 6, and 7, where the full titles, prices, &c., are given :- A. Anchors, 69. Anchors for steam ploughing. Ses Agriculture, 81. Anemometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Aniline. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Animal charcoal. See Sugar, 48. Animals, medical and surgical treat ment of. See Farriery, &c., 55. Annealing furnaces. See Fuel,&c., 30. Anthracite furnaces. See Fuel. &c., 39. Antimony. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, &c., 40. Aqueducts. See Bridges, &c., 36. Arches. See Bridges, &c., 36. Armour plates, rolling. See Iron and Steel, 6. Armour plates, shaping. See Ship- building, 21. Arsenic. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, &c., 40. Arsenic acid and arsenious acid. Set Acids. 40. Artificial leather, 80. Artists' instruments, &c., 54 Asphalte. See Roads, &c., 35. Astronomical instruments. See Opti- cal, &c., 76. Avellers. See Agriculture, 82. Axles, axletrees, and axleboxes, for common road carriages. See Comº mon road carriages, 98. Axles, axletrees, and axleboxes, for railway carriages, &c. See Carriages for railways, 46; Steam engine, 4. B. Accordions. See Music, &c., 26. Accoutrements. See l'ire-arms, &c., 10. Acetic acid. See Acids, 40. Acids, &c., 40. derated liquids. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86. Aerating water. See Purifying, &c., water, 79. Aeronautics, 41. Ageing fabrics. See Bleaching, &c.,14. Agricultural engines. See Steam en- gine, 49. Agriculture-barn and farmyard im- plements (including the cleansing, drying, and storing of grain), 82. Agriculture-field implements and processes, 81, Agriculture, steam. See Steam cul. ture, 8. Air, &c., engines, 62. Air guns. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Air pumps of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Alarum clocks. See Watches, &c., 9. Alarums, electric. See Electricity, 15, 94. Alarums, fire. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Alarums, gas. See Gas, 17. Albums. See Photography, 19; Books, 43. Alcohol, distilling. See Brewing, &c., 99. Alkalies. See Acids, &c., 40. Alloys. See Metals, &c., 18. Alum. See Acids, &c., 40. Alumina. See Acids, &c., 40. Aluninium. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, &c., 40. Amalgamating metals. See Metals, &c., 18. Ambulances. See Medicine, &c., 25; Common road carriages, 98. Ammonia. See Acids, &c., 40. Ammonium. See Acids, &c., 40. Ammunition. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Bagatelle tables. See Toys, &c., 51. Bags. See Trunks, &c., 84. Bags, paper, See Cutting, &c., 12. Baking-powders. See Cooking, 6l. Balances. See Raising, &c., 3i. Balancing, &c. millstones. See Grind. ing grain, 78. Balloons. See Aeronautics, 41. Balloons, toy. See Toys, 51. Balls. See Toys, 51. Band boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. 20 Bands and belts. See Wearing appa- rel, 66. Barium. See Acids, &c., 40. Barley hummellers. See Agriculture, 82. Barley mills. See Grinding grain, 78. Barometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Barrels, 74, Barrows. See Common road car. riages, 98. Baryta. See Acids, &c., 40. Baskets. See 'Trunks, &c., 84. Bath chairs. See Coinmon road car- riages, 98. Baths for medical use. See Medicine, &c., 25. Bayonets. See Firo-arms, &c., 10. Beacons. See Harbours, &c., 77. Beads. See Weuring apparel, 68. Beds and bedsteads. See Furniture, 39. Beds and bedsteads for invalids. See Medicine, &c., 25; Furniture, 39. Beer engines. See Hydraulics, 32. Beetling. See Dressing, &c., 91. Bellows. See fuel, &c., 30. Bells, church and musical. See Music, &c., 26. Belts, surgical. See Medicine, &c., 25. Beverages, unfermented, 86. Bicycles. See Common road car- riages, 98. Billiards. See Toys, &c., 51. Bins for corn, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Biscuits. See Cooking, 6i. Biscuit ware. See Pottery, 24. Bismuth. See Acids, &c., 40. Bits. See Saddlery, 34. Blacking. See Skins, &c., 55 ; Wearing apparel, 67. Blast furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6. Bleaching, &c., fabrics, 14. Bleaching fibrous substances. See Paper 11 ; Spinning, 28. Blinds. See Furniture, 39. Blinds, ventilating. SeeVentilation,52. Blocks. See Raising, &c., 31. Blotters. See Writing, 37. Boas. See Wearing apparel, 66. Boat-building. See Ship-building, 21. Boats, raising and lowering. See Raising, &c., 31: Masts, &c., 73. Bobbin net. See Lace-making, 29. Boiler plates. See Iron and steel, 6. Boiler tubes. See Metallic pipes, 70. Boilers of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Bolting, &c., flour. See Grinding grain, 78. Bolts. See Locks, &c., 60. Bolts. See Nails, &c., 58. Bonnet boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Bonnets and bonnet boxes. See Wearing apparel, 65. Books, &c., 43. Boot-cleaning machines. See Brush- ing, 57. Root hooks. See Wenring apparel, 67. Boot jacks. See Wearing apparel, 67. Boots. See Wearing apparel, 67. Boracic acid. See Acids, 40. Bottling. See Preparing, &c., cork, &c., 56. Boxes for pens, leads, &c. See Wri. ting, 37. Boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Bracelets. See Wearing apparel, 68. Braces. See Wearing apparel, 66. Braid. See Lace-making, 29. Brakes. See Carriages for railways, 46; Steam-engine, 49; Mining, 71. Brakes for common road carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Brass. See Metals, &c., 18. Bread-making. See Cooking, &c., 61. Breakfast powders. See Tea, &c., 87. Breakwaters. See Harbours, &c., 77. Breast pins. See Wearing apparel, 68. Breast-plates. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Breeches. See Wearing apparel. 66. Brewing. wine-making and distilling alcoholic liquids, 99. Bricks and tiles, 22. Bricks,ventilating. See Ventilation, 52. Bridges, &c., 36. Bridles. See Saddlery, 34. Broadshares. See Agriculture, 81. Bromine. See Acids, &c., 40. Brooches. See Wearing apparel, 68. Bruising mills for beans, grain, gorse, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Brushes for artists. See Artists' in. struments, 54; Brushing, 57. Brushing, &c., 57. Buckles. See Wearing apparel, 68. Buffers. See Carriages, &c., for rail. ways, 46. Bugles. See Music, &c., 26. Bullet-making machines. See Fire arms, &c., 10. Bungs, See Preparing and cutting cork, 56. Buoys. See Harbours, &c., 77. Bustles. See Wearing apparel, 66. Buttons. See Wearing apparel, 68. C. Cable stoppers. See Raising, &c., 31. Cables, telegraphic. See Electricity, 15; 93 Cabs. See Common road carriages, 98. Caddies. See Trunks, &c., 84. Cadmium. See Acids, &c., 40. Cages, miners' safety. See Mining, 71. Caissons. See Harbours, &c., 77. Cake breakers. See Agriculture, 82. Calcining furnaces. See Metals, &c. 18; Fuel, &c., 30. Calcium. See Acids, &c., 40. Calculating machines. See Optical, &c., 76. Calendering. See Dressing and finish- ing, &c., 91. Calico, bleaching, dyeing, and print. ing, 14. Cameras. See Photography, 19; Op- tical, &c., 76. Canal navigation. See Marine pro- pulsion. 5. Canals. See Harbours, &c., 77 21 Candles. See Oils, &c., 27. Candlesticks. See Lamps, &c., 44. Canes, walking sticks, &c. See Um- brellas, &c., 47. Cannon. See Fire-arms, 10. Canvas. See Weaving, 20. Capes. See Wearing apparel, 66. Caps and cap fronts. See Wearing apparel, 65. Caps and capsules. See Preparing and cutting cork. 56. Capstans. See Raising, &c., 31. Carbon. See Acids, &c., 40. Carbonic acid. See Acids, 40. Cardboard. See Paper, 11. Card cases. See Books, &c., 43. Carding engines. See Spinning, 28. Cards. See Cutting, &c. paper, 12; Letterpress printing, &c., 13. Cards, playing. See Toys, &c., 51. Cargoes, ventilatiug. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Carpet hags. See Trunks, &c., 84. Carpets. See Weaving, 20. Carriage lamps. See Lamps, 44. Carriages for guns. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Carriages for invalids. See Medicine, &c., 25. Carriages and other vehicles for com- mon roads, 98. Carriages, &c., for railways, 46. Cartridges. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Cartridges, miner's. See Mining, 71. Carts. See Coinmon road carriages, 98. Cask stands. See Casks, 74. Caskets. See Trunks, &c., 84. Casks, 74. Casks, cleaning. See Brewing, &c.,99. Castors. See Furniture, 39. Cattle food, medicated. See Farriery, &c., 53. Cattle food, preparing on the farm, not manufacturing for sale. See Agri- culture, 82. Cattle medicines. See Farriery, &c. 53. Cement, brush maker's. See Brushing, 57. Centre boards. Sce Steering, 75. Cesspools. See Waterelosets. &c., 63. Chatf-cutters. See Agriculture, 82 Chains, chain cables, &c., 90. Chains, jewellery. See Wearing Ap. parel, 68; Chains, &c., 90. Chairs. See Furniture, 39. Chairs, invalid. See Medicine, 25; Furniture, 39. Chalyheate waters. See Unſer- mented beverages, &c., 86. Chamber utensils. See Waterclosets, &c., 63. Chandeliers. See Lamps, &c., 44. Charcoal, animal. See Sugar, 48. Cheese making. See Milking, &c., 72, Chemises. See Wearing apparel, 66. Chenille. See Lace-making, 29. Chess. See Toys, 51. Chests. See Trunks, &c., 84. Chicory, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87. Chimes. See Music, 26. Chimneys and chimney tops. See Fuel, &c., 30. Chimneys sweeping. See Brushing, 57. Chinaware. See Pottery, 24. Chlorine. See Acids, &c., 40. Chocolate or cocoa, concentrated es- tracts of. See Tea, &C., 87. Chocolate or cocoa, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 8. Chocolate, preparing as a drink. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86. Chromium. See Acids, &c., 40. Chromo-lithography. See Letterpress and similar printing, 18; Ornament- ing paper, &c., 12. Churning. See Milking, &c., 72. Cigars, cigarettes, and cigar bolders. See Tobacco, 42. Cinder sifters. See Fuel, &c., SO. Cisterns. See Hydraulics, 32. Citric acid. See Acids, 40. Clasps and clips. See Writing, &c., 87. Cleaning grain. See Agriculture, 8.2. Clinometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Clipping horses. See Farriery, &c., 53. Cloaks. See Wearing apparel, 66. Clocks. See Watches, &c., 9. Clod crushers. See Agriculture, sl. Clogs. See Wearing apparel, 67. Coal scuttles. See Fuel, &c., 80. Coating metals. See Metals, &c., 18. Plating, &c., metals, 23. Coats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Cobalt. See Metals, 18; Acids, &c., 48. Cocks. See Hydraulics, 32. Cocoa or chocolate, concentrated ex- tracts of. See Tea, &C., 87. Cocon or chocolate, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87, Cocou, preparing as a drink. See Un- fermented beverages, &c., St. Coffee, concentrated extracts of. See Tea, &c., 87. Coffee, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87. Coffee mills. See Grinding grain.&c..78. Coffee, preparing as a drink. See Un- fermented beverages, &c., 86. Coffer dams. See Bridges, 36; Har. bours, &c., 77. Coke ovens. See Fuel, &c., 30. Collars. See Wearing apparel, 66. Collars for horses. See Saddlery, 34. Colours. See Paints, 50. Colours, artists'. See Artists instru- ments, &c., 54. Combing machines. See Spinning, 28. Commodes. See Furniture, 39; Water- closets, &e., 63. Compasses, drawing. See Optical,&c., 76. Compasses, magnetic. See Optical, &c., 76. Compasses, mariners'. See Opticnl, &c., 76. Concertinas. See Music, &c.,26. Condensers of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Conductors, electric. See Electricity, &c., 15; 98. 1 22 Confectionery. See Cooking, &c., 61. Confectionery ices. See Ice-making, &c., 85. Conveying water. See Hydraulics, 32. Cooking, &c., 61. Copper. See Metals, &c., 18. Copper oxides, &c. See Acids, &c., 40. Copying presses. See Writing, &c., 37. Copying writings. See Writing, 37. Corkcutting, &c.,56. Corkscrews. See Preparing and cut- ting cork, 56. Corn, thrashing,cleansig, drying, and storing. See Agriculture, 82. Cornets. See Music, 26. Cots and cradleg. See Furniture, 39. Cotton gins, See Spinning, 28. Couches. See Furniture, 39. Counting number of passengers in common road carriages. See Com- mon road carriages, 98. Couplings for tubes. See Metallic pipes, &c., 70. Covers of vehicles. See Common road carriages, 9s. Crab-winches, steam. See Raising, &c., 31; Steam engine, 49. Cranes. See Raising, &c., 31. Cranes, hydraulie, See Raising. &e., 31; Hydraulics, 32. Cranes, steam. See Raising, &e., 31; Steam engine, 49. Crates. See Trunks, &c., 84. Cravats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Crayons. See Artists' instruments, &c., 54. Crayons and crayon holders. See Writing, &c., 37; Artists' instru- ments, &c., 54. Cricket. See Toys, &c., 51. Crinolines. See Wearing apparel, 66. Crochet needles and holders. See Needles, 45. Croquet. See Toys, &c., 51. Crushing grain, &c. See Grinding grain, 78. Crushing, breaking, &c., ores,&c. See Iron, 6; Metals, &c., 18; Roads, 35. Crushing mills for beans, gorse, grain, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Cuirasses. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Cultivators. See Agriculture, 81. Curricle bars. See Common road car- riages, 98. Currycombs. See Saddlery, 34. Curtains. See Furniture, 39. Cutting, &c. paper, 12. Cutting metallic pipes. See Pipes, 70. Cutting roots, straw &c. See Agri. culture, 82. Cyanogen. See Acids, &c., 40. D. Decorticating grain and geeds. See Grinding grain, 78. Dentistry. See Medicine, 25. Derricks. See Raising, &C., 31. Derricks, steam. See Raising, &c., 31; Steam engine, 49. Desks, despatch boxes, and stationery cabinets. Ses Writing, 37. Despatch boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Detonating signals. See Railway sig. nals, 38. Dibbles. See Agrieulture, 81. Dies. See Ornamenting paper, &c., 12. Diggers and digging machines. See Agriculture, 81. Distance indicators for common road carriages. See Common road car- riages, 98. Distilling alcoholic liquids. See Brew- ing, &c., 99. Diving apparatus. See Raising, &c., 31. Docks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Dolls. See Toys, 51. Door-springs. See Hinges, &c., 59. Drags. See Common road carriages, 98. Draining mines. See Mining, 71. Drain pipes, laying. See Agriculture, 81. Drain ploughs. See Agriculture, 81. Drain tiles and pipes. See Drains, &c., 1. Drains and sewers, 1. Draughts and draughtboards. See Toys, 51. Drawers. See Wearing apparel, 66. Drawing instruments. See Writing, &C. 37; Artists', &c., 54; Optical, mathematical, &c., 76. Dredgers, steam. See Steam engine, 49; Harbours, &c., 77. Dredging. See Raising, &c., 31; Har. bours, &c., 77. Dress fastenings. See Wearing ap- parel, 68. Dressing and finishing woven fabrics, &c., 91. Dressing cases. See Trunks, &c., 84. Dressing flour and meal. See Grinding grain, 78. Dressing millstones. See Grinding grain, 78. Drills, seed and manure. See Agri. culture, 81. Drums. See Music, &c., 26. Dry docks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Drying grain, hops, roots, hay, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Dyeing. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Dynamometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Dampers for stamps, envelopes, copy- ing paper, &c. See Writing, 37. Dams. See Harbours, &c., 77. Dash wheels. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Decoctions, unconcentrated. See Un- fermented beverages, &c., 86. E. Earrings. Soe Wearing apparel, 68. Earth closets. See Waterclosets, &c., 63. Earthenware. See Pottery, 24. Easels. See Artists' instruments, 54. Effervescing drinks. See Unfermented beverages, &C., 86. 23 Elastic bands. See India rubber, 16; Lace-making, 29. Elastic cloths. See Weaving, 20; Lace-making, 29. Electric generators, 92. Electricity, &c., 15; 92; 93 ; 94 ; 95; 96; 97. Electric lighting, &c., 95. Electro-deposition, &c., 96. Electro-etching, See Electro-deposi- tion, &c., 96. Electrolysis, 96. Elevators or stackers. See Agricul. ture, 82. Embankments. See Harbours, &c.,77. Embossing. See Ornamenting paper, 12; Letterpress printing, 13 ; Dres. sing, &c. fabrics, 91. Embroidering. See Sewing, 2. Emery cloth, &c. See Cutting, &c., paper, 12. Endless travelling railways. Soe Aids to locomotion,7; Common road car- riages, 98. Engraving, embossing, and printing rollers. See Ornamenting paper, 12 ; Bleaching, &c. fabrics, 14. Engravings Nee Letterpress printing &c., 13; Artists' instruments, 54. Envelope-fasteners. See Writing, &c., 87. Envelopes. See Cutting, folding, &c. paper, 12. Erasers, See Writing, 37. Excavating. See Harbours, &c., 77. Exercises. See Toys, &c., 51. Explosive compounds. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Explosive compounds for blasting. See Mining, &c., 71. Extracts of hops, &c. See Brewing, &c., 99. Extracts, unconcentrated. See Un fermented beverages, &c., 86. Eyelets. See Wearing apparel, 68. F. Fins, steering. See Steering, &c., 75. Fire-arms, &c., 10. Fire-arms, toy. See Toys, 51. Fire bars. See Fuel, &c., 30. Fire engines, 88. Fire escapes, 88. fire extinguishers, 88. Fire-grates. See Fuel, &c., 30. Fire-proof depositories. Sée Safes, &c., 64. Fire-proof dresses and fabrics. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Fireworks. See Toys, 51. Fittings for metallic pipes. See Pipes, 70. Flageolets. See Music, &c., 26. Plesh brushes. See Brushing, 57. Floating docks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Floorcloth, 80. Flues. See Fuel, &c., 30. Fluorine. See Acids, &c., 40. Flutes. See Music, &c., 26. Fog signals. See Railway signals, 38. Folding fabrics See Dressing, &c.,!1. Folding paper. See Cutting, &c., 19: Letterpress printing, &c., 13. Food for cattle, preparing on the farm, not manufacturing for sale. Ses Agriculture, 82. Food, preservation of. 4. Footways. See Roads, &c., 35. Fountains. See Hydraulics, 32. Fraud, preventing. See Paper, 11; Ornamenting, 12; Printing, 13. Freezing mixtures. See Ice-making, &c., 85. Frills and frillings. See Wearing apo parel, 66. Fringe. Sem Lace-making, &e. 23. Fruit-cleaning machines. See Brush- ing, 57. Fruit, machinery for paring, slicing &c. See Cooking, &c., 61. Fuel, 30. Fulling. See Dressing and finishing, &c., 91. Funeral carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6; Metals and alloys, 18; Fuel, &c., 30 Steam- engine, 19. Furniture, &c., 39. Furze crushers. See Agriculture, 82. Fusees and fusee cases. See Tobacco, 42. Fuses for firing blasting charges. See Mining, 71. Fan blowers. See Fuel, &c., 30. Pans, rotary. See Ventilation, 52. Fares, checking, &c. See Common road carriages, 98. Farriery, &c., 53. Fats. See Oils, &c., 27. Feeding bottles. See Medicine, 25. Feeding troughs. See Agriculture, 82. Felting. See Dressing and finishing, &c., 91. Fermented beverages, &c. See Brew. ing, &c., 99. Field implements and processes for agriculture, 81. Files, binders, clips, and holders for paper. See Writing, &c., 37. Filters, sugar. See Sugar, 48. Filters, water. See Purifying, &c. water, 79. Finings for malt, &c. See Brewing, &c., 99. Finishing fabrics. See Dressing, &c.91. G. Gaiters. See Wearing apparel, 66. Galvanic batteries. See Electricity, 15; 92. Galvanic action. See Electro-deposi. tion, &c., 96. Games. See Toys, 51. Garters. See Wearing apparel, 66. Gas, 17. Gas engines. See Air, &c., engines, 62. Gas meters. See Gas, 17. Gasometers. See Gas, 17. 24 Gas stoves. Sce Gas, 17; Fael, &e., 30. Gas tubes. See Metallic pipes, 70. Gates, dock. Soe Harbours, &c., 77. Gates, lock. See Harbours, &c., 77. Gauges, air. See Ventilation, 52. Gauges, steam. See Steam engine, 49. Gauges, water. See Hydraulics, 32; Steam engine, 49. Giv mills. See Dressing, &c., 91. Gilding, &c. paper. See Ornamenting, 12. Girths. See Saddlery, 34. Glass paper, &c., 12. Globes. See Optical, &c., 76. Globes for lamps. See Lamps, 44. Glove fastenings. See Wearing ap- parel, 68. Gloves. See Wearing apparel, 66. Gloves of thread. See Lace-making, 29. Gold. See Metals,&c.,18; Acids, &c., 40. Goloshes. See Wearing apparel, 67. Gorse and grain crushers. See Agri- culture, 82. Grain, preparing for brewing, &c. See Brewing, &c., 99. Grain, thrashing, cleansing, sorting, measuring, weighing, preserving, storing, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Granaries. See Agriculture, 82. Graphometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Grates. See Fuel, &c., 30. Graving docks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Gridirons for repairing ships. See Harhours, &c., 77. Gridirons. See Cooking, &c., 61. Grinding grain, 78. Grooming horses by machinery. See Brushing, 57. Grubbers. See Agriculture, 81. Guitars. See Music, &c., 26. Gunboats. See Ship-building, 21. Gunpowder. See Fire-arms, 10. Gutta-percha. See India-rubber, 16. Gutters. See Drains, 1; Roads, 35. Gymnastics. See Medicine, &c., 25 ; Toys, 51. H. Haymakers. See Agriculture, 81. Hay rakes. See Agriculture, 81. Hay, stacking, packing, and cutting. See Agriculture, 82. Head coverings. See Wearing ap- · parel, 65. Hearses. See Common road car- riages, 98. Heating by electricity. See Elect- ricity, 95. Heckling machines. See Spinning, 28. Heliography. See Photography, 19. Helmets. See Fire-arms, &c., 10; Wearing apparel, 65. Hides. See Skins, 55. Hinges and hinge joints, 59. Hoes. See Agriculture, 81. Hoists. See Raising, &c., 31. Hoists, steam. See Raising, &c., 31 ; Steam-engine, 49. Hooks and eyes. See Wearing ap- parel, 68. Hop cultivation, See Agriculture, 81. Hops, drying and pocketing. See Agriculture, 82 ; Brewing, &c., 99. Horns. See Music, &c., 26. Horse gour. See Agriculture, 82. Horse medicines. See Farriery, 53. Horse shoes and horse shoe nails. See Farriery. 53. Hose pipes. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Hosiery. See Wearing apparel, 66. Hospitals. See Medicine, &c., 25. Hot pressing. See Dressing, &c., 91. House carts. See Common road car- riages, 98. Hulling, &c., grain. See Grinding grain, 78. Hummellers. See Agriculture, 82. Hydrants. See Hydraulics, 32. Hydraulics, 32. Flydrochloric acid. See Acids, 40. Hydrocyanic acid. See Acids, 40. Hydrogen. See Acids, &c., 40. Hidrometers. See Brewing, &c., 99. Hydro-propulsion. See Marine pro- pulsion, 5. Hygrometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Habits. See Wearing apparel, 66. Hair-brushing machinery. See Brush- ing, 57. Hair cloth. See Weaving. 20. Hair pins. See Needles, &c., 45. Hammers, steam. See Steam engine, 49. Hammocks. See Furniture, 39. Hand harrows. See Common road carriages, 98. Harbours, &c.,77. Harmoniums. See Music, &c., 26. Harne-s. See Saddlery, 34. Harps and harpsichords. See Music, &c., 26. Harrows. See Agriculture, 81. Harvesters. See Agriculture, 81. Hassocks. See Furniture, 39. Hat boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Hats, hat bands, and hat boxes. See Wearing apparel, 65. I. Ice creams. See Ice-making, &c., 85. Ice houses, 85. Ice-making machines, 85. Ice pails. See Ice-making, &c., 85. Ice safes, 85. Ice wells. See Ice-making, &c., 85. Igniting by electricity. See Elect. ricity, 95. India-rubber, 16. India-rubber horse-shoes. See Far. riery, 53. Indicators for common road carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Infusions, unconcentrated. See Un. fermented beverages, &c., 86. Ink, printers', See Printing, &c., 18. Ink (writing, copying, and marking) and inkstands. See Writing, &c., 37. 25 Insulation, electric. See Electricity, 15 ; 93. Invalid bedsteads. See Medicine, &c., 25; Furniture, 39. Invalid carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Iodine. Soe Acids, &e., 40. Iron and steel, 6. Iron oxides, &c. See Acids, &c., 40. Ironing. See Dressing and finishing, &c., 91. Irrigating and watering land. See Agriculture, 81. J. Jackets. See Wearing apparel, 66 Jacks, hydraulic. See Hydraulics, 32. Jacks, roasting. See Cooking, 61. Jacks, screw. See Raising, &c., 31. Jacquard machines. See Weaving, 20; Loce, 29. Jewellery, Soe Wearing apparel, 68. Joints and connections. See Pipes, 70. Lee boards. See Steering, &c.,76. Leggings. See Wearing apparel, 66. Lemonade. See Unfermented beve rages, &c., 86. Lemon and other fruit squeezers. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86 Lenses. See Optical, &c., 76. Letterpress and similar printing, 13. Levels. See Optical, &c., 76. Lifts. See Raising, 31. Lifts, steam. See Raising, 81; Steam engine, 49. Light, electric, &c., 95. Lighthouse lamps. See Lamps, 44. Lighthouses. See Harbours, &c., 77, Lighting mines. See Mining, 71. Limbs, artificial. See Medicine, &c., 25. Lime. See Acids, &c. 40. Lime right. See Lamps, &c., 41. Links. See Chains, &c. 90. Linoleum, See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Liqueurs. See Unfermented beve- rages, &c., 86. Lithography. See Printing, 13; Orna- menting paper, 12. Loading hay, straw, &e. See Agricul- ture, 81. Lockets. See Wearing apparel, 63. Locks, &c., 60. Locks, canal, &c. See Harbours, &c., 77. Locks for guns. See Fire-arms, 10. Locomotion, aids to, 7. Locomotive steam carriages. See Steam engine, 49. Logs. See Optical, &c., 76. Looking-glasses. See Furniture, 39. Looms. See Weaving, 20. Looped fabrics. See Lace-making, &c., 29. Lowering apparatus. See Raising, &c., 31. Lozenges. See Medicine, 25; Cooking, 61. Lubricants. See Oils, &c., 27. K. Kaleidoscopes, See Optical, &c., 76. Kamptulicon. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Keels, sliding. See Steering, 75. Kegs. See Casks, 74, Kettles for the table. See Unfer- mented beverages, &c., 86. Kilns for drying hops, grain, malt, &c. See Agriculture, 82; Brewing,&c., 99. Kilns. See Bricks and tiles, 22 ; Pote tery, 24; Fuel, &c., 30. Kites. See Aeronautics, 41; Toys, 51. Knapsacks. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Kneading machines. See Cooking, &c 61. Knife cleaners. See Brushing, 57. Knitting machines. See Lace, 29. Knobs. See Furniture, &c., 39; Locks, 60. L. M. Labels, separating, distributing. danıp. ing, and applying. See Writing, &c., 87. Lace-making, knitting, netting, &c., 29. Lampblack. See Paints, 50. Lamps, &c., 44. Lamps, cooking. See Lamps, 44; Cooking, 61. Lasts for making hoots and shoes. See Wearing apparel, 67. Latches. See Locks, &c., 60. Launching vessels. See Ship-build- ing, 21. Lead. See Metals, &c., 18. Lead for paints. See Paints, 50. Lead, oxides, &c. See Acids, &c., 40. Leather. See Skins, &c., 55. Leather cloth, See Artificial leather, 80. Machine needles. See Needles, 45. Magic lanterns. See Toys, 51. Magnesia. See Acids, &c., 40. Magnesium. See Acids, &c., 40. Magnetism. See Electricity, 15; 12; 93 ; 94; 95; 96; 97. Malt, drying. See Brewing, &c., 99. Malt, grinding. See Brewing, &c., 99. Malt mills. See Grinding grain, 78 ; Brewing, &c., 99. Manganese. See Acids, &c., 40. Mangers. See Saddlery, &c., 34. Mangling. See Dressing and finish. ing, &c., 91. Manifold writers. See Writing, 37. Manoeuvring ships and vessels. See Steering, &c., 75. Mantillas and mantles. See Wearing apparel, 66. 26 Manure, 3. N. Nails, &c., 58. Nails, horse-shoe. See Farriery, 53, Nails, 58. Nautical instruments. See Optical, &c., 76. Necklaces and necklets. See Wearing apparel, 68. Neckties. See Wearing apparel, 66. Needle cases. See Sewing, 2. Neeilles and pins, 45. Needles for knitting. See Lace- making. &c., 29. Net, bobbin. See Lace-making, &c., 299, Nets, fishing. See Lace-making, &c., 29. Nickel. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, &c., 40. Nitre. See Acids, &c., 40. Nitric acid. See Acids, 40. Nitrogen. See Acids, &c., 40. Nosebags. See Saddlery, 34. Nuts. See Nails, &c., 59. O. Manure distributors. See Agriculo ture, 81. Marine engines. See Marine propul. sion, 5; Steam engine, 49. Marine propulsion, 5. Mariners' compasses. See Optical, &c., 76. Mashing apparatus. See Brewing, &c., 99. Masts, &c., 73. Mathematical instruments. See Art- ists' instruments, 54; Optical, &c., 76. Mattresses. See Furniture, 39. Meat screens. See Cooking, 61. Medicine, &c., 25. Medicine, and medicated food for animals. See Farriery, 53. Memorandum books. See Books, 43. Mercury. See Acids, &c., 40. Meridian instruments. See Optical, &c., 76. Metallic pipes and tubes, 70. Metallic surfaces. protecting. See Electro-deposition, &c., 96. Metals and alloys, 18. Metals, plating. See Coating, &c., 23; Electro-deposition, &c., 96. Metals, separating. See Metals, &c., 18. Meteorological instruments. See Op. tical, &c., 76. Meters, gas. See Gas, 17. Meters, water. See Hydraulics, 32. Micrometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Microscopes. See Optical, &c., 76. Milking, &c., 72. Millboard. See Paper, 11. Mills, barley. See Grinding grain, 78. Mills, coffee. See Grinding grain, 78. Mills, flour. See Grirding grain, 78. Mills, malt. Se• Grinding grain, 78 ; Brewing, &c., 99. Mills, paint. See Paints, 50, Mills, sugar. See Susar, 48. Millstones. See Grinding grain, 78. Millstones, balancing. See Grinding grain, 78. Millstones, dressing, &c. See Grinding grain, 78. Mills, water. See Hydraulics, 32; Grinding grain, 78. Mincing machines. See Cooking. 61. Mineral waters. See Untermented beverages, &c., 86. Miners' lamps. See Lamps. 44. Mines, ventilating. See Ventilation 52. Mining, kc., 71. Mittens. See Wearing apparel, 66. Mordants. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Motive power. See Hydraulics, 32; Steam engine, 49; Air and gas en- gines, 62. | Moulds, sugar. See Sugar, 48. Mowers. See Agriculture, 81. Muffs. See Wearing apparel, 66. Mules. See Spinning, 28. Muriatic acid. See Acids, 40. Music and musical instruments, 26. Music stands and stools. See Music, &c., 26. Oars. See Marine propulsion, 5. Oat mills. See Agriculture, 82. Oats, thrashing, cleaning, drying, storing, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Octauts. See Optical, &c., 76. Oilcloth, 80. Oils, &c., 27. Oilskin, 80. Optical, &c., instruments, 76. Ordnance. See Pire-arms, 10. Organs. See Music, &c., 26. Ovens. See Fuel, &c., 30. Ovens, bakers'. See Fuel, &c., 30 Cooking, 61. Overalls. See Wearing apparel, 66. Over onts. See Wearing apparel, 66. Overshoes. See Wearing apparel, 67. Oxalic acid. See Acids, 40. Oxides. See Acids, &c., 40. Oxygen. Seo Acids, &.., 40. P. Packing cases. See Trunks, &c., 84. Packing fabrics. See Dressing and finishing, 91. Packing for pistons of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Paddle-wheels. See Marine propul. sion, 5. Paints, &c., 50. Paints for artists. See Artists' instru. ments, &c., 54. Pantaloons. See Wearing apparel, 66. Paper, cutting, folding, and ornament- ing, 12. Paper-fasteners, and apparatus for classifying and arranging papers. See Writing, 37. 27 Potash. See Acids, &c., 40. Potash water. See Unfermented be- verages, &c., 86. Potassium. See Acids, &c., 40. Potato diggers. See Agriculture, &l. Pottery, 24. Pouches for tobacco. See Tobacco, 12. Powder flasks. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Power looms. See Weaving, 20. Precious stones, cutting, &c. See Wearing apparel, 63. Precious stones, setting. See Wegring apparel, 68. Presses, copying. See Writing, 87. Presses, hydraulic. See Hydraulics, 32. Presses, printing, 13. Pressing fabrics. See Dressing and finishing, 91. Printing. fabrics, yarns, &c. See Bleaching, &c., 14. Printing, letterpress, &c., 13. Projertiles. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Propellers. See Marine propulsion, 5. Propulsion, marine, 5. Prussic acid. See Acids, 40. Puddling furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6. Pug mills. See Bricks and tiles, 22. Pulleys. See Raising, &c., 31. Pulverizers. See Agriculture, 81. Pumps. See Hydraulics, 32. Pumps, steam. See Hydraulics, 32; Steam engine, 49. Punkas. See Ventilation, 52. Purifying alcohol. See Brewing, &c., 99. Purifying and filtering water, 79. Pyrometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Paper making, 11. Paperhangings. See Ornamenting pper, 12. Papier maché. See Paper, 11. Parachutes. See Aeronautics, 41. Parasols. See Umbrellas, 47. Passenger register for vehicles. See Common road carriages, 98. Pasteboard. See Paper making, 11 ; Cuttiny, &c., paper, 12. Pattens. See Wearing apparel, 67. Paving. See Roads, 35. Peat. See Fuel, &c., 30. Pedometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Pencil cases and holders. See Wri. ting, &c., 37; Artists' instruments, 54. Pencil cases, boxes to hold leads for. See Writing, &c., 37. Pens and penholders. See Writing, &c., 37 ; Artists' instruments, 54. Pens, boxes for holding. See Writing, &c., 37. Pepper, hulling. See Grinding grain, Perambulator's. See Common road carriages, 98. Perforating paper. See Cutting, &c. paper, 12. Perpetual motion. See Hydraulics, 32; Air, &c., engines, 62. Petticoats. See Wearing apparel, 66. Phenakistoscopes. See Photography, 19; Optical, &c., 76. Phenic acid. See Acids, 40. Philosophical instruments. See Op. tical, &c., 76. Phosphoric acid. See Acids, 40. Phosphorus. See Acids, &c. 40. Photography, 19. Pianofortes. See Music, &c., 26. Picture frames. See Furniture, 39. Piers. See Harbours, &c., 77. Pile drivers, stenm. See Steam en- gine, 49; Harbours, &c., 77. Pile fabrics. See Weaving, 20; Lace- making, 29. Pile or nap, raising and cutting. See Dressing, &c., 91. Piles. See Harbours, &c., 77. Pins. See Needles, &c., 45. Pipes. See Tobacco, 42. Pipes, drain. See Drains, &c., 1. Pipes, metallic, 70. Pistols. See Fire-arms, 10. Pistons of steam engines. See Steam engine, 49. Pit chains. See Mining, &c., 71. Plaiting. See Lace, &c., 29. Plating metals. See Electro-deposi- tion, 96. Playing cards, See Toys, 51. Ploughs and ploughing machines. See Agriculture, 81. Plumb levels. See Optical, &c., 76. Pocket books. See Books, 13. Porcelain. See Poitery, 24. Portfolios. See Books, 43. Portfolios for music. See Music, 26. Portmanteaus. See Trunks, &c., 84. 778. Q. Quadrants. See Optical, &c., 76. Quarrying. See Mining, &c., 71. Quays. See Harbours, &c., 77. Quinine. See Acids, &c., 40. R. Rafts. See Ship-building, 21. Railway carriages. See Carriages &c. for railways, 16. Railway signals, &c., 38. Railways, 33. Railways, portable endless. See Aids to locomotion, 7; Common road carriages, 98. Raising, &c., 31. Raising and lowering ships' bonts. See Raising, &c., 31; Masts, &c., 73. Raising ships for repairing. See Ship- building, &c., 21. Raising water. See Hydraulics, 52. Rakes. See Agriculture, 81. Ranges, cooking. See Fuel, &c., SO: Cooking, 61. Reaping and mowing machines. See Agriculture, 81. 28 Reflectors. See Lamps, 44. Refrigerators. See Ice-making, &c., 85. Registering number of passengers in common road carriages. See Com- mon road carriages, 98. Reservoirs. See Harbours, &c., 77. Respirators. See Medicine, &c., 25. Reticules. See Trunks, &c., 84. Retorts for buraing animal charcoal. See Sugar, 48. Retorts, gas. See Gas, 17. Reverberatory furnaces. See Iron and steel, 6. Rice, hulling, &c. See Grinding grain, 78. Rice, milling, polishing, and otherwise preparing for the market. See Agri- culture, 82. Rick covers. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Ricks. See Agriculture, 82. Riddles for grain, &c. See Agricul. ture, 82. Rigging. See Masts, &c., 73. Rings, finger. See Wearing apparel, 68. Rinsing. See Washing, &c., 89. Rivets. See Nails, &c, 58. Road sweepers. See Brushing, 57. Roads and ways, 35. Roasting jacks. See Cooking, 61. Rockets. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Rocking chairs and horses. See Toys, 51. Rollers for calico printing. See Bleach- ing, &c., 14. Rollers for roads. See Roads, &c., 35. Rollers, land. See Agriculture, 81. Roots, cutting, slicing, pulping, wash- ing, drying, and sorting. See Agri. culture, 82 Ropes and bands for mines. See Mining, 71. Roughing horses. See Farriery, 53. Rudders. See Steering, 75. Ruffles and ruffs. See Wearing ap- parel, 66. Rulers. See Writing, 37. Ruling paper. See Cutting, folding, &c., 12 ; Artists' instruments, 54, Scales. See Raising, &c., 31. Scarifiers. See Agriculture, 81. Screening grain, &c. See Agricul- ture, 82. Screens. See Furniture, 39. Screw propellers for carriages and agricultural implements. See Aids to locomotion, 7. Screw propellers for ships. See Ma- rine propulsion, 5. Screws. See Nails, &c., 58. Scythes. See Agriculture, 81. Sealing wax. See Writing, &c., 37. Seams and joints. See Pipes, 70. Sea walls. See Harbours, &c., 77. Seed sowing. See Agriculture, 81. Seltzer water. See Unfermented be- verages, &c., 86. Semaphore signals. See Railway sig. nals, 38. Sewage farming. See Agriculture, 81. Sewers. See Drains, &c., 1. Sewers, ventilating. See Ventilation, 52. Sewing, &c., 2. Sextants. See Optical, &c., 76. Shackles. See Chains, &c., 90. Shades. See Lamps, 41. Shakos. See Fire-arms, &c., 10, Wearing apparel, 65. Shaving brushes. See Brushing, 57. Shawl pins. See Wearing apparel, 68. Shawls. See Wearing apparel, 66. Shawls, weaving. See Weaving, 20. Shear legs. See Raising, &c., 31. Shearing fabrics. See Dressing, &c., 91. Shearing sheep. See Farriery, &c., 53. Sheathing metals. See Metals, &c., 18. Sheep waslies, dips, &c. See Farriery, &c., 53. Ship-building, &c., 21. Ship lamps and lanterns. See Lamps, 44. Ships, steering and mancuvring. Seo Steering, 75. Ships, ventilating. See Ventilation, 52. Shirts. See Wearing apparel, 66. Shoes. See Wearing apparel, 67. Sickles and reaping hooks. See Agri. culture, 81. Signal lamps. See Lamps, 44. Signals. See Electricity, 15; 94; Rail- way signals, 38. Silicic acid. See Acids, 40. Silver. See Metals, &c., 18; Acids, &c., 40. Singeing fabrics. See Dressing, &c. 91. Singeing horses. See Saddlery, &c., 34; Farriery, 53. Siphons. See Hydraulics, 32; Pre- paring, &c., cork, 56. Sizing machines. See Weaving, 20. Skates. See Toys, 51. Skidding wheels. See Common road carriages, 98. Skins, &c., 55. Skirts. See Wearing apparel, 66. Sleeve links. See Wearing apparel, 68. Slide rules. See Optical, &c., 76, Slippers. See Wearing apparel, 67. Slips. See Harbours, &c., 77. Sluices. See Harbours, &c., 77. S. Sacks. See Weaving, 20. Saddlery &c., 31. Safes, &c., 64. Safety lamps. See Lamps, 44. Safety pockets. See Wearing apparel, 68. Safety valves of steam boilers. See Steam engine, 49. Sails. See Masts, &c., 73. Salt, common. See Acids, &c., 40. Baltpetre. See Acids, &c., 40, Salts. See Acids, &c., 40. Salt water, obtaining fresh water from. See Purifying &c., water, 79. Sausage making machines. See Cook- ing, 61. 29 Smelting urnaces. See Iron and steel. 6: Metals, &c., 18. Smutters. See Agriculture, 82. Snuff and snuff boxes. See Tobacco, 42. Soap. See Oils, &c., 27. Socks. See Wearing apparel, 66. Soda. See Acids, &c., 40. Soda water. See Unfermented beve- rages, &c., 85. Sodium. See Acids, &c., 40. Solitaires. See Wearing apparel, 68. Sounding apparatus. See Optical, &c., 76. Spectacles. See Optical, &c., 76. Spectroscopes. See Optical, &c., 76. Spinning, 28. Spirit levels. See Optical, &c., 76. Spittoons. Nee Tobacco, &c., 42. Spontaneous combustion, preventing. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Spring balances. See Raising, &c., 31. Springs for common road carriages. See Common road carriages, 98. Springs for railway carriages. See Carriages, &c. for railways, 46. Spurs. See Saddlery, &c., 34. Stable brushes. See Brushing, 57. Stable fittings. See Saddlery, &c., 34. Stacks and stackers. See Agriculture, 82. Stamping. See Cutting, &c. paper, 12; Printing, 13. Stamps, separating, distributing, damping, and applying. See Writ- iny, 37. Stands for casks. See Casks, 74. Stands for music. See Music, &c., 26. Stannates. See Acids, &c., 40. Stationery cases and cabinets. See Writing, &c., 37. Staves, cutting, shaping, &c. See Casks, 74. Stay fastenings. See Wearing ap- parel, 68. Stays. See Wearing apparel, 66. Steam boilers. See Steam engine, 49. Steam culture, 6. Steam engine, 49. Steam gauges. See Steam engine, 49. Steam rams. See Ship-building, 21. Steel. See Iron, &c., 6. Steelyards. See Raising, &c., 31. Steering ships and vessels, 75. Stencil plates. See Printing, 13. Stereoscopes. See Optical, &c., 76. Stereotype. See Letterpress printing, 13. Stirrups. See Saddlery, &c., 34. Stockins fabrics. See Lace-making, 29. Stocking frames. See Lace-making, &c., 29. Stockings. See Wearing apparel, 66. Stockings, elastic. Se Medicine, &c., 25. Stone breakers. See Roads, 35. Stoneware. See Pottery, 24. Stools, music. See Music, 26. Stoppers. See Preparing, &c. cork, 56. Stored goods, ventilating to prevent spontaneous combustion. See Fire engines, &c., 88. Storing grain, &c. Sce Agriculture, 82. Stoves. See Fuel, &c., 30. Straw elevators. See Agriculture, 82. Straw plait. See Lace-making, &C., 29, Strong rooms. See Safes, &c., 64. Strontia. See Acids, &c., 40. Strontium. See Acids, &c., 40. Studs. See Wearing Apparel, 68. Submarine cables. See Electricity &c., 15; 93. Subsoil ploughs. Soe Agriculture, 81. Sugar, 48. Sulphur and sulphuric acid. See Acids, &c., 40. Sun dia's. See Optical, &c., 76. Sunshades. See Umbrellas, &c., 47. Surgery for animals. See Farriery, &c., 53, Surgery. See Medicine, &c., 25. Surgical instruments. See Medicine, &c., 25. Surveying instruments. Sce Optical, &c., 76. Suspension bridges. See Bridges, 86. Sweeping. See Brushing, &C., 37. Sweeping chimneys. See Fuel, &C., 30. Sweeping roads. See Roads, C., 35. Sweetmeats. See Cooking, 61. Swings. See Toys, 51. Swivel links and swivel hooks. See Chains, &c., 90. Swivels and swivel rings. See Wear. ing apparel, 68. Swords. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Syringes. See Hydraulics, S2. Syringes, surgical. See Medicine, &c., 25. T. Tables. See Furniture, 39. Tags for laces. See Wearing apparel, 68. Tailors' irons. See Wearing apparel, 66. Tannic acid. See Acids, 40. Tanning leather. See Skins, 55. Targets. See Fire-arms, &c., 10. Tarpaulin. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Tartaric acid. See Acids, 40. Tea, concentrated extracts of. See Tea, &c., 87. Tea, manufacturing and preparing for sale. See Tea, &c., 87. Tea, preparing as a drink. See V.. fermented beverages, &c., 86. Teasles. See Dressing, &c., 91. Teetli, artificial. See Medicine, &c.. 25. Telegraph poles or posts. See Elec- tricity, 15 ; 93. Telegraphs, electric. See Electricity, 15; 93 ; 94. Telescopes. See Optical, &c., 76. Tent covers. See 'Artificial lenther, &c., 80. Tentering. See Dressing, &c., 91. Testing chains. See Chains, &c., 90. Theodolites. Seo Optical, &c., 76. Thermometers. See Optical, &c., 76. Thimble. See Sewing, 2. 30 Thrashing machines. See Agricul. ture, 82. Throstles. See Spinning, 28. Tickets. See Cutting, &c., paper, 12; Letterpress printing, 13. Tiles. See Drains, &c., 1; Bricks,&c., 22. Tilling land. See Agriculture, 81. Tills. See Safes, &c., 64. Tin. See Metals, &c., 18 ; Acids, &c., 40. Tinning. See Plating or coating Metals, 23. Tips, boot and shoe. See Wearing apparel. 67. Tobacco, 42. Toilet boxes. See Trunks, &c., 84. Tooth brushes. See Brushing, 57. Tops. See Toys, 51. Torpedo boats. See Ship-building, 21. Toys, &c., 51. Tracing cloth and paper. See Artists' instruments, &c., 54. Traction engines. See Steam engine, 49. Traction ropes. See Agriculture, 81. Tramcars. See Common road car- riages, 98. Travelling bags. See Trunks, &c., 84. Trees, boot and shoe. See Wearing apparel, 67. Tricycles. See Common road car- riages, 98. Troughs for washing. See Washing, &c., 89. Trouser strap fastenings. See Wear- ing apparel, 68. Trousers. See Wearing apparel, 66. Trucks. Sec Common road carriages, 98. Trunks, &c., 84. Tube brushes. See Brushing, 57. Tubes, metallic. See Metallic pipes, 70. Tubs, washing. See Washing ma- chines, &c., 89. Tungstic acid. See Acids, 40. Tunnelling. See Mining, &c., 71. Turbines. See Hydraulics, 32. Turf cutters. See Agriculture, 81. Turnip cutters. See Agriculture, 82. Tuyeres. See Fuel, &c., 30. Type. See Letterpress printing, 13, Valves, engine. See Steam engine,49; Air, yas, &c. engines, 62. Valves, gas. See Gas, 17. Valves, water. See Hydraulics, 32. Valves, watercloset. Sce Water- closets, 63. Varnish, boot and shoe. See Wearing apparel, 67. Varnishes. See Paints, &c., 50. Vehicles for common roads. See Com- mon road carriages, 98. Vehicles, ventilating. See Ventilation, 52. Velocipedes, &c. See Common road carriages, 98. Vent pegs and spiles. See Preparing and cutting cork, &c., 56. Ventilating mines. See Ventilation, 52; Mining, 71. Ventilating railway carriages. See Carriages, &c. for railways, 46 ; Ventilation, 52. Ventilation, 52. Vermin on animals, destroying. See Farriery, 53. Veterinary art. See Farriery, 53. Viaducts. See Bridges, &c., 36. Vinegar. See Acids, &c., 40. Violius. See Music, &c., 26. Vitriol. See Acids, &c., 40. W. U. Wadding, See Dressing and finish- ing, &e., 91. Wafers. See Writing, &c., 37. Waggon covers. See Artificial leather, &c., 80. Waggons. See Common road car. riages, 98. Waggons, railway. See Carriages, &c., for railways, 46. Waistcoats. See Wearing apparel, 66, Walking-sticks. See Umbrellas, de. 47. Wallets. See Trunks, &c., 84. Wardrobes. See Furniture, 39. Warping land. See Agriculture, 81. Warping machines. See Weaving, 20. Warp inachines or frames. See Lace. making, &c., 9. Washing and sifting ores. See Metals, &c., 18. Washing clothes, &c. See Washing machines, &c., 89. Watches, &c., 9. Watch protectors. See Wearing ap- parel, 68. Water arrating. See Purifying, &c., water, 79. Water, chemical treatment of. See Purifying, &c., water, 79. Waterclosets, &c., 63. Watercourses. See Harbours, &c., 77. Watering land. See Agriculture, 81. Watering roads. See Roads, 35. Water meters. See Hydraulics, 32. Water mills. See Hydraulics, 32. Waterproof fabrics, 80. Umbrellas, &c., 47. Unfermented heverages, 86. Unions for tubes. See Metallic pipes, 70. Upholstery. See Furniture, 39. Urinals. See Waterclosets, &c., 63. Urns for tea, &c. See Unfermented beverages, &c., 86. V. Vacuum pans for sugar. See Sugar, 48 Valises. See Trunks, &c., 84. Valves, air. See Ventilation, 52. 31 Waterproofing leather. See Skins, &c., 55. Waterproofing paper. See Cutting, &c., paper, 12. Water, purifying and filtering, 79. Water-wheels. See Hydraulics, 32. Wearing apparel,-body coverings, 66. Wearing apparel, - dress fastenings and jewellery, 68. Wearing apparel,-foot coverings, 67. Wearing apparel,--head coverings, 65. Weaving, 20. Weighing. See Raising, &c., 31. Well-sinking. See Mining, &c., 71. Wet docks. See Harbours, &c., 77. Wharves. See Harbours, &c., 77. Wheat, thrashing, cleansing, drying, storing, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Wheelbarrows. See Common road carriages, 98. Wheels, railway. See Carriages, &c. for railways, 46. Whips and whip sockets. See Sad. dlery, &c., 34. Whistles. See Railway signals, 38, Wicks. Soe Lamps, &c., 44. Winding drums. See Raising, &c., 31 ; Mining, 71; Agriculture, 81. Winding fabrics. See Dressing, &c., 91. Windlasses. See Raising, &c., 31. Windlasses, steam. See Raising, &c., 31; Steam engine, 49. Windmills. See Air, &c., engines, 6. Windmills used to propel ships. See Marine Propulsion 5; Masts, &e. 73. Window fastenings. See Locks, &c., 60. Wine coolers. See Ice-making, &c. 85. Wine-making. See Brewing, &c., 9. Winnowing machines for grain, &c. See Agriculture, 82. Wire brushes. See Brushing, 57. Wood paving. See Roads, 35. Work bags and work boxes. See Trunks, &c. 84. Worts, cooling. See Brewing, &c., 99. Wringing. See Washing. &c., 88. Wristbands. See Wearing apparel, 66. Writing instruments, &c., 37. Y. Yeast, preparing. See Brewing, &c., 99. Yeast, substitutes for. See Cooking. 61, z. Zinc. See Metals, &c., 18. Zinc for paint See Paints, 50. Zinc oxides, &c. See Acids, &C., 10. LONDON: Printed by GEOBOR E. EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. (16082.-1000.-6/82.] May, 1882. Aull suti Libra. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS. A BRIDGMENTS OF Specifications RELATING TO ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. DIVISION 11. CONDUCTING AND INSULATING. PART II.-A.D. 1867-1876. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERB OF PATENTS. 曼 ​LONDON: PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE COMMISSIONERS OF PATENTS' SALE DEPARTMENT. 38, CURSITOR STREET, CIIANCERY LANE, 5.c. lirice 18. 1882. 1 0 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06396 0789 ان : دندا OCT 25 1946 Univ. OF MICH. LIERARY .