828 543rk 04 Scott Rokel A 520489 A VAIKO MATTE ARTES LIBRARY 1837 KEFÉRTI VERITAS CAWUZGADOREZ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E PLURIOUS UMUNT |||||||||||……………… TUEBOR SI-QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM AMⱭN CIRCUMSPICE SCIENTIA OF THE Gil NAM Mundu CMU OKO,ON ………………………… THE GIFT OF Moore & Wetmore English Library PRICE THE ELZEVIR LIBRARY. A Weekly Magazine UNIVERSITY VOL. III. No. 131. EIGHT CENTS. [Entered at the Post-Office, New Yorks Second Matte MARCH 20, 1881 MARatte9 1911 A OF $5.00 MICHIGAN ROKEBY. BY SIR WALTER, SCOTT. LITERARY REVOLUTION ECHOES. "I am glad to see your enterprise flourishing. The books I got from you meet my highest expectations. I wish to assign our students' courses of reading from your list. By this I will turn them to the pure and free fount of literature at 18 Vesey St., N. Y., so please send me 100 of your cata- logues, and I'll insure a hearty return."-A. P. BoURLAND, A.M., Prof. Eng. Language and Literature, Southwestern Baptist University, Jackson, Tenn. "I received those books in good order, and I am well pleased. They are as cheap books as I ever saw, and I think I have made a wise purchase. "-SHERMAN WILLOUGHBY, Staunton, Ind. "Books to hand. They are perfect beauties. You are doing a noble work. Success to you. Shall order more soon. -R. M. OLIVER, Millwood, N. C. NEW YORK: JOHN B. ALDEN, PUBLISHER, 18 VESEY STREET; P. O. Box 1227. ***** + 2 THE ELZEVIR LIBRARY A it is intended that each number of THE ELZEVI LIBRARY shall contain a complete literary gem, characteristic specimen of the best work of th Mha mumahana takon t rld se PRESENTED TO THE ENGLISH LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1 BY MOORE & WETMORE OF ANN ARBOR ܝ 10 16 er. ... # TIC ESSAY? 63 Mud-King's Daughter, and Other Stories. Hans Andersen. Illus…….. 62 The Ugly Duck, and Other Stories. By Hans Andersen. Illus... 61 The Picture Book without Pictures. By Hans Andersen. Illus. (Continued on third cover-page.) ** *** A JAGTER K ROKEBY. A POEM: IN SIX CANTOS. ADVERTISEMENT. THE scene of this poem is laid at Rokeby, near Greta Bridge, in Yorkshire, and shifts to the adjacent fortress of Barnard Castle, and to other places in that Vicinity. The Time occupied by the Action is a space of Five Days, Three of which are supposed to elapse between the end of the Fifth and the beginning of the Sixth Canto. ? The date of the supposed events is immediately subsequent to the great Battle of Marston Moor, 3d of July, 1644. This period of public confusion has been chosen, without any pur- pose of combining the Fable with the Military or Political Events of the Civil War, but only as affording a degree of probability to the Fictitious Narrative now presented to the Public. CANTO FIRST. 828 S43r 04 THE Moon is in her summer glow, But hoarse and high the breezes blow, And, racking o'er her face, the cloud Varies the tincture of her shroud; On Barnard's towers, and Tees's stream,1 She changes as a guilty dream, When Conscience, with remorse and fear, Goads sleeping Fancy's wild career. Her light seems now the blush of shame, Seems now fierce anger's darker flame, 1514 R f C } 38 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. ♥ Shifting that shade, to come and go, Like apprehension's hurried glow; Then sorrow's livery dims the air, And dies in darkness, like despair. Such varied hues the warder sees Reflected from the woodland Tees, Then from Old Baliol's tower looks forth, Sees the clouds mustering in the north, Hears, upon turret-roof and wall, By fits the plashing rain-drop fall, Lists to the breeze's boding sound, And wraps his shaggy mantle round. Those towers, which in the changeful gleam Throw murky shadows on the stream, Those towers of Barnard hold a guest, The emotions of whose troubled breast, In wild and strange confusion driven, Rival the flitting rack of heaven. Ere sleep stern OSWALD's senses tied, Oft had he changed his weary side, Composed his limbs, and vainly sought By effort strong to banish thought. Sleep came at length, but with a train Of feelings true and fancies vain, Mingling, in wild disorder cast, The expected future with the past. Conscience, anticipating time, Already rues the enacted crime, And calls her furies forth, to shake The sounding scourge and hissing snake; While her poor victim's outward throes Bear witness to his mental woes, And show what lesson may be read Beside a sinner's restless bed. Thus Oswald's laboring feelings trace Strange changes in his sleeping face, 1515 1516 1517 1518 ROKEBY. 39 Rapid and ominous as these With which the moonbeams tinge the Tees. There might be seen of shame the blush, There anger's dark and fiercer flush, While the perturbed sleeper's hand Seem'd grasping dagger-knife, or brand. Relax'd that grasp, the heavy sigh, The tear in the half-opening eye, The pallid cheek and brow, confess'd That grief was busy in his breast; Nor paused that mood-a sudden start Impell'd the life-blood from the heart: Features convulsed, and mutterings dread, Show terror reigns in sorrow's stead. That pang the painful slumber broke, And Oswald with a start awoke. He woke, and fear'd again to close His eyelids in such dire repose; He woke,-to watch the lamp, and tell From hour to hour the castle-bell. Or listen to the owlet's cry, Or the sad breeze that whistles by, Or catch, by fits, the tuneless rhyme With which the warder cheats the time, And envying think, how, when the sun Bids the poor soldier's watch be done, Couch'd on his straw, and fancy-free, He sleeps like careless infancy. Far town-ward sounds a distant tread, And Oswald, starting from his bed, Hath caught it, though no human ear, Unsharpen'd by revenge and fear, Could e'er distinguish horse's clank, Until it reach'd the castle bank. } 1518 1519 1520 40 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Now nigh and plain the sound appears, The warder's challenge now he hears," Then clanking chains and levers tell, That o'er the moat the drawbridge fell, And, in the castle court below, Voices are heard, and torches glow, As marshalling the stranger's way, Straight for the room where Oswald lay; The cry was,-" Tidings from the host, Of weight-a messenger comes post." Stifling the tumult of his breast, His answer Oswald thus express'd- "Bring food and wine, and trim the fire; Admit the stranger, and retire." The stranger came with heavy stride, The morion's plumes his visage hide, And the buff-coat, an ample fold, Mantles his form's gigantic mould.³ Full slender answer deigned he To Oswald's anxious courtesy, But mark'd by a disdainful smile, He saw and scorn'd the petty wile, When Oswald changed the torch's place, Anxious that on the soldier's face Its partial lustre might be thrown, To show his looks, yet hide his own. His guest, the while, laid low aside The ponderous cloak of tough bull's hide, And to the torch glanced broad and clear The corslet of a cuirassier; Then from his brows the casque he drew, And from the dank plume dash'd the dew, From gloves of mail relieved his hands, And spread them to the kindling brands, And, turning to the genial board, Without a health, or pledge, or word 1521 1522 1523 1524 ROKEBY. 41 { ". Of meet and social reverence said, Deeply he drank, and fiercely fed; As free from ceremony's sway, As famish'd wolf that tears his prey. With deep impatience, tinged with fear, His host beheld him gorge his cheer, And quaff the full carouse, that lent His brow a fiercer hardiment. Now Oswald stood a space aside, Now paced the room with hasty stride, In feverish agony to learn Tidings of deep and dread concern, Cursing each moment that his guest Protracted o'er his ruffian feast. Yet, viewing with alarm, at last, The end of that uncouth repast, Almost he seem'd their haste to rue, As, at his sign, his train withdrew, And left him with the stranger, free To question of his mystery. Then did his silence long proclaim A struggle between fear and shame. Much in the stranger's mien appears, To justify suspicious fears. On his dark face a scorching clime, And toil, had done the work of time, Roughen'd the brow, the temples bared, And sable hairs with silver shared, Yet left-what age alone could tame- The lip of pride, the eye of flame; The full-drawn lip that upward curl'd, The eye, that seem'd to scorn the world. That lip had terror never blench'd; Ne'er in that eye had tear-drop quench'd J 1525 1526 1527 42 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. The flash severe of swarthy glow, That mock'd at pain, and knew not woe. Inured to danger's direst form, Tornade and earthquake, flood and storm, Death had he seen by sudden blow, By wasting plague, by tortures slow,4 By mine or breach, by steel or ball, Knew all his shapes, and scorn'd them all. But yet, though BERTRAM's harden'd look, Unmoved, could blood and danger brook, Still worse than apathy had place On his swart brow and callous face; For evil passions, cherish'd long, Had plough'd them with impressions strong. All that gives gloss to sin, all gay Light folly, past with youth away, But rooted stood, in manhood's hour, The weeds of vice without their flower. And yet the soil in which they grew, Had it been tamed when life was new, Had depth and vigor to bring forth The hardier fruits of virtuous worth. Not that, e'en then, his heart had known The gentler feelings' kindly tone; But lavish waste had been refined To bounty in his chasten'd mind, And lust of gold, that waste to feed, Been lost in love of glory's meed, And, frantic then no more, his pride Had ta'en fair virtue for its guide. Even now, by conscience unrestrain'd, Clogg'd by gross vice, by slaughter stain'd, Still knew his daring soul to soar, And mastery o'er the mind he bore; For meaner guilt, or heart less hard, Quail'd beneath Bertram's bold regard. 1528 1529 1530 1531 ROKEBY. 43 And this felt Oswald, while in vain He strove, by many a winding train, To lure his sullen guest to show, Unask'd, the news he long'd to know, While on far other subject hung His heart, than falter'd from his tongue. Yet naught for that his guest did deign To note or spare his secret pain, But still, in stern and stubborn sort, Return'd him answer dark and short, Or started from the theme, to range In loose digression wild and strange, And forced the embarrass'd host to buy, By query close, direct reply. Here, in your towers by circling Tees, You, Oswald Wycliffe, rest at ease; Why deem it strange that others come To share such safe and easy home, From fields where danger, death, and toil, Are the reward of civil broil ?"— A while he glozed upon the cause Of Commons, Covenant, and Laws, And Church Reform'd-but felt rebuke Beneath grim Bertram's sneering look, Then stammer'd-" Has a field been fought? 1533 Has Bertram news of battle brought? For sure a soldier, famed so far In foreign fields for feats of war, On eve of fight ne'er left the host, Until the field were won and lost.". (6 1532 1534 "Nay, mock not, friend! since well we know The near advances of the foe, To mar our northern army's work, Encamp'd before beleaguer'd York; Thy horse with valiant Fairfax lay, And must have fought-how went the day ?”_ 41 SCOTT'S POÉTICAL WORKS. & "Wouldst hear the tale ?-On Marston heath 5 Met, front to front, the ranks of death; Flourish'd the trumpets fierce, and now Fired was each eye, and flush'd each brow; On either side loud clamors ring, 'God and the Cause!'-' God and the King!' Right English'all, they rush'd to blows, With naught to win, and all to lose. I could have laugh'd-but lack'd the time— To see, in phrenesy sublime, How the fierce zealots fought and bled, For king or state, as humor led; Some for a dream of public good, Some for church-tippet, gown and hood, Draining their veins, in death to claim A patriot's or a martyr's name.- Led Bertram Risingham the hearts, That counter'd there on adverse parts, No superstitious fool had I Sought El Dorados in the sky! Chili had heard me through her states, And Lima oped her silver gates, Rich Mexico I had march'd through, And sack'd the splendors of Peru, Till sunk Pizarro's daring name, And, Cortez, thine, in Bertram's fame. "Still from the purpose wilt thou stray! Good gentle friend, how went the day ?" "Good am I deem'd at trumpet-sound, And good where goblets dance the round, Though gentle ne'er was join'd, till now, With rugged Bertram's breast and brow.— But I resume. The battle's rage Was like the strife which currents wage, Where Orinoco in his pride, Rolls to the main no tribute tide, 1535. 1536 1537 1538 ROKEBY. 45 T } But 'gainst broad ocean urges far A rival sea of roaring war; While, in ten thousand eddies driven, The billows fling their foam to heaven, And the pale pilot seeks in vain, Where rolls the river, where the main. Even thus upon the bloody field, The eddying tides of conflict wheel'd Ambiguous, till that heart of flame, Hot Rupert, on our squadrons came, Hurling against our spears a line Of gallants, fiery as their wine; Then ours, though stubborn in their zeal, In zeal's despite began to reel. What wouldst thou more ?-in tumult tost, Our leaders fell, our ranks were lost. A thousand men, who drew the sword For both the Houses and the Word, Preach'd forth from Hamlet, grange, and down, To curb the crosier and the crown, Now, stark and stiff, lie stretch'd in gore, And ne'er shall rail at mitre more. Thus fared it, when I left the fight, With the good Cause and Commons' right."— "Disastrous news!" dark Wycliffe said; Assumed despondence bent his head, While troubled joy was in his eye, The well-feign'd sorrow to belie.— "Disastrous news!-when needed most, Told ye not that your chiefs were lost? Complete the woful tale, and say, Who fell upon that fatal day; What leaders of repute and name Bought by their death a deathless fame. If such my direst foeman's doom, My tears shall dew his honor'd tomb.- 1 Ag 1539 1540 1541 t " 46 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. No answer ?-Friend, of all our host, Thou know'st whom I should hate the most, Whom thou too, once, wert wont to hate, Yet leavest me doubtful of his fate.". With look unmoved,-" Of friend or foe, Aught," answer'd Bertram, "wouldst thou know, Demand in simple terms and plain, A soldier's answer shalt thou gain; For question dark, or riddle high, I have nor judgment nor reply.” The wrath his art and fear suppress'd, Now blazed at once in Wycliffe's breast; And brave, from man so meanly born, Roused his hereditary scorn. "Wretch! hast thou paid thy bloody debt? PHILIP OF MORTHAM, lives he yet? False to thy patron or thine oath, Trait'rous or perjured, one or both. Slave! hast thou kept thy promise plight, To slay thy leader in the fight ?" Then from his seat the soldier sprung, And Wycliffe's hand he strongly wrung; His grasp, as hard as glove of mail, Forced the red blood-drop from the nail- "A health!" he cried; and, ere he quaff'd, Flung from him Wycliffe's hand, and laugh'd: -"Now, Oswald Wycliffe, speaks thy heart! Now play'st thou well thy genuine part! Worthy, but for thy craven fear, Like me to roam a buccaneer. What reck'st thou of the Cause divine, If Mortham's wealth and lands be thine? What carest thou for beleaguer'd York, If this good hand have done its work? Or what though Fairfax and his best Are reddening Marston's swarthy breast, 1542 1543 1544 1545 ROKEBY. 47 7864 F ご If Philip Mortham with them lie, Lending his life-blood to the dye ?- Sit, then! and as mid comrades free Carousing after victory, When tales are told of blood and fear, That boys and women shrink to hear, From point to point I frankly tell The deed of death as it befell. "When purposed vengeance I forego, Term me a wretch, nor deem me foe; And when an insult I forgive, Then brand me as a slave, and live!— Philip of Mortham is with those Whom Bertram Risingham calls foes; Or whom more sure revenge attends, If number'd with ungrateful friends. As was his wont, ere battle glow'd, Along the marshall'd ranks he rode, And wore his vizor up the while. I saw his melancholy smile, When, full opposed in front, he knew Where ROKEBY'S kindred banner flew. 'And thus,' he said, 'will friends divide!'- I heard, and thought how, side by side, We two had turn'd the battle's tide, In many a well-debated field, Where Bertram's breast was Philip's shield. I thought on Darien's deserts pale, Where death bestrides the evening gale, How o'er my friend my cloak I threw, And fenceless faced the deadly dew; I thought on Quariana's cliff, Where, rescued from our foundering skiff, Through the white breakers' wrath I bore Exhausted Mortham to the shore; And when his side an arrow found, 1546 1547 1548 1549 48 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. " + I suck'd the Indian's venom'd wound. These thoughts like torrents rush'd along, To sweep away my purpose strong. "Hearts are not flint, and flints are rent; Hearts are not steel, and steel is bent. When Mortham bade me, as of yore, Be near him in the battle's roar, I scarcely saw the spears laid low, I scarcely heard the trumpets blow; Lost was the war in inward strife, Debating Mortham's death or life. 'Twas then I thought, how, lured to come, As partner of his wealth and home, Years of piratic wandering o'er, With him I sought our native shore. But Mortham's lord grew far estranged From the bold heart with whom he ranged; Doubts, horrors, superstitious fears, Sadden'd and dimm'd descending years; The wily priests their victim sought, And damm'd each free-born deed and thought. Then must I seek another home, My license shook his sober dome; If gold he gave, in one wild day I revell'd thrice the sum away. An idle outcast then I stray'd, Unfit for tillage or for trade. Deem'd, like the steel of rusted lance, Useless and dangerous at once. The women fear'd my hardy look, At my approach the peaceful shook; The merchant saw my glance of flame, And lock'd his hoards when Bertram came; Each child of coward peace kept far From the neglected son of war. 1 1550 1551 1552 } ANGRÉS DE POV MOUN I ~ERENZADAS SASKANKAGES > STAR Fazer"ople, C ROKEBY. "But civil discord gave the call, And made my trade the trade of all. By Mortham urged, I came again His vassals to the fight to train. What guerdon waited on my care? I could not cant of creed or prayer; Sour fanatics each trust obtain'd, And I, dishonor'd and disdain'd, Gain'd but the high and happy lot, In these poor arms to front the shot!- All this thou know'st, thy gestures tell; Yet hear it o'er, and mark it well. 'Tis honor bids me now relate Each circumstance of Mortham's fate. 46 Thoughts, from the tongue that slowly part, Glance quick as lightning through the heart. As my spur press'd my courser's side, Philip of Mortham's cause was tried, And, ere the charging squadron's mix'd, His plea was cast, his doom was fix'd. I watch'd him through the doubtful fray, That changed as March's moody day, Till, like a stream that bursts its bank, Fierce Rupert thunder'd on our flank. 'Twas then, midst tumult, smoke, and strife, Where each man fought for death or life, 'Twas then I fired my petronel, And Mortham, steed and rider, fell. One dying look he upward cast, Of wrath and anguish-'twas his last. Think not that there I stopp'd, to view What of the battle should ensue; But cre I clear'd that bloody press, Our northern horse ran masterless; Monckton and Mitton told the news, How troops of roundheads choked the Ouse, 49 1553 1554 1555 1556 $ 4 50 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. And many a bonny Scot, aghast, Spurring his palfrey northward, past, Cursing the day when zeal or meed First lured their Lesley o'er the Tweed.6 Yet when I reach'd the banks of Swale, Had rumor learn'd another tale; With his barb'd horse, fresh tidings say, Stout Cromwell has redeem'd the day:7 But whether false the news, or true, Oswald, I reck as light as you." Not then by Wycliffe might be shown, How his pride startled at the tone In which his complice, fierce and free, Asserted guilt's equality. 66 In smoothest terms his speech he wove, Of endless friendship, faith, and love; Promis'd and vow'd in courteous sort, But Bertram broke professions short. 'Wycliffe, be sure not here I stay, No, scarcely till the rising day; Warn'd by the legends of my youth, I trust not an associate's truth. Do not my native dales prolong Of Percy Rede the tragic song, Train'd forward to his bloody fall, By Girsonfield, that treacherous Hall ?8 Oft, by the Pringle's haunted side, The shepherd sees his spectre glide. And near the spot that gave me name, The moated mound of Risingham, Where Reed upon her margin sees Sweet Woodburne's cottages and trees, Some ancient sculptor's art has shown An outlaw's image on the stone;9 Unmatch'd in strength, a giant he, - With quiver'd back, and kirtled knee. 1557 1558 1559 ROKEBY. 51 Ask how he died, that hunter bold, The tameless monarch of the wold, And age and infancy can tell, By brother's treachery he fell. Thus warn'd by legends of my youth, I trust to no associate's truth. 'When last we reason'd of this deed, Naught, I bethink me, was agreed, Or by what rule, or when, or where, The wealth of Mortham we should share; Then list, while I the portion name, Our differing laws give each to claim. Thou, vassal sworn to England's throne, Her rules of heritage must own; They deal thee, as to nearest heir, Thy kinsman's lands and livings fair, And these I yield:-do thou revere The statutes of the Bucanier. 10 Friend to the sea, and foeman sworn To all that on her waves are borne, When falls a mate in battle broil, His comrade heirs his portion'd spoil; When dies in fight a daring foe, He claims his wealth who struck the blow; And either rule to me assigns Those spoils of Indian seas and mines, Hoarded in Mortham's caverns dark; Ingot of gold and diamond spark, Chalice and plate from churches borne, And gems from shrieking beauty torn, Each string of pearl, each silver bar, And all the wealth of western war. I go to search, where, dark and deep, Those Trans-atlantic treasures sleep. Thou must along-for, lacking thee, The heir will scarce find entrance free; 1560 1561 1562 1563 52 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. I haste to try And then farewell. Each varied pleasure wealth can buy; When cloy'd each wish, these wars afford Fresh work for Bertram's restless sword." An undecided answer hung On Oswald's hesitating tongue. Despite his craft, he heard with awe This ruffian stabber fix the law; While his own troubled passions veer Through hatred, joy, regret, and fear:- Joy'd at the soul that Bertram flies, He grudged the murderer's mighty prize, Hated his pride's presumptuous tone, And fear'd to wend with him alone. At length, that middle course to steer, To cowardice and craft so dear, "His charge," he said, "would ill allow His absence from the fortress now; WILFRID on Bertram should attend, His son should journey with his friend." A Contempt kept Bertram's anger down, And wreathed to savage smile his frown. "Wilfrid, or thou-'tis one to me, Whichever bears the golden key. Yet think not but I mark, and smile To mark, thy poor and selfish wile! If injury from me you fear, What, Oswald Wycliffe, shields thee here? I've sprung from walls more high than these, I've swam through deeper streams than Tees. Might I not stab thee, ere one yell Could rouse the distant sentinel? Start not-it is not my design, But, if it were, weak fence were thine; 1564 1565 1566 3 } ¿ ROKEBY. And, trust me, that, in time of need, This hand hath done more desperate deed. Go, haste and rouse thy slumbering son; Time calls, and I must needs be gone." Naught of his sire's ungenerous part Polluted Wilfrid's gentle heart; A heart too soft from early life To hold with fortune needful strife. His sire, while yet a hardier race Of numerous sons were Wycliffe's grace, On Wilfrid set contemptuous brand, For feeble heart and forceless hand; But a fond mother's care and joy Were centred in her sickly boy. No touch of childhood's frolic mood Show'd the elastic spring of blood; Hour after hour he loved to pore On Shakespeare's rich and varied lore, But turn'd from martial scenes and light, From Falstaff's feast and Percy's fight, To ponder Jaques' moral strain, And muse with Hamlet, wise in vain; And weep himself to soft repose O'er gentle Desdemona's woes. In youth he sought not pleasures found By youth in horse, and hawk, and hound, But loved the quiet joys that wake By lonely stream and silent lake; In Deepdale's solitude to lie, Where all is cliff and copse and sky; To climb Catcastle's dizzy peak, Or lone Pendragon's mound to seek. Such was his wont; and there his dream Soar'd on some wild fantastic theme, ļ 53 1567 1568 1569 1570 } K The J 54 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Of faithful love, or ceaseless spring, Till Contemplation's wearied wing The enthusiast could no more sustain, And sad he sunk to earth again. He loved as many a lay can tell, Preserved in Stanmore's lonely dell; For his was minstrel's skill, he caught The art unteachable, untaught; He loved his soul did nature frame For love, and fancy nursed the flame; Vainly he loved-for seldom swain Of such soft mould is loved again; Silent he loved-in every gaze Was passion, friendship in his phrase. So mused his life away-till died His brethren all, their father's pride. Wilfrid is now the only heir Of all his stratagems and care, And destined, darkling, to pursue Ambition's maze by Oswald's clue. Wilfrid must love and woo the bright Matilda, heir of Rokeby's knight. To love her was an easy hest, The secret empress of his breast; To woo her was a harder task To one that durst not hope or ask. Yet all Matilda could, she gave In pity to her gentle slave; Friendship, esteem, and fair regard, And praise, the poet's best reward! She read the tales his taste approved, And sung the lays he framed or loved; Yet, loath to nurse the fatal flame Of hopeless love in friendship's name, 1571 1572 1573 { OG GAL AYOTE Kak ROKEBY. 55 In kind caprice she oft withdrew The favoring glance to friendship due, Then grieved to see her victim's pain, And gave the dangerous smiles again. So did the suit of Wilfrid stand, When war's loud summons waked the land. Three banners, floating o'er the Tees, The wo-foreboding peasant sees; In concert oft they braved of old The bordering Scot's incursion bold: Frowning defiance in their pride, Their vassals now and lords divide. From his fair hall on Greta banks, The Knight of Rokeby led his ranks, To aid the valiant northern Earls, Who drew the sword for royal Charles. Mortham, by marriage near allied,— His sister had been Rokeby's bride, Though long before the civil fray, In peaceful grave the lady lay,— Philip of Mortham raised his band, And march'd at Fairfax's command; While Wycliffe, bound by many a train Of kindred art with wily Vane, Less prompt to brave the bloody field, Made Barnard's battlements his shield, Secured them with his Lunedale powers. And for the Commons held the towers. The lovely heir of Rokeby's Knight Waits in his halls the event of fight; For England's war revered the claim Of every unprotected name, And spared, amid its fiercest rage, Childhood and womanhood and age. 1574 1575 1576 1577 f SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 56 ƒ } Повто 1 But Wilfrid, son to Rokeby's foe, Must the dear privilege forego, By Greta's side, in evening gray, To steal upon Matilda's way, Striving, with fond hypocrisy, For careless step and vacant eye; Calming each anxious look and glance, To give the meeting all to chance, Or framing as a fair excuse, The book, the pencil, or the muse; Something to give, to sing, to say, Some modern tale, some ancient lay. Then, while the long'd-for minutes last,— Ah! minutes quickly over-past!- Recording each expression free, Of kind or careless courtesy, Each friendly look, each softer tone, As food for fancy when alone. All this is o'er-but still, unseen, Wilfrid may lurk in Eastwood green, To watch Matilda's wonted round, While springs his heart at every sound. She comes!-'tis but a passing sight, Yet serves to cheat his weary night; She comes not-He will wait the hour, When her lamp lightens in the tower; 'Tis something yet, if, as she past, Her shade is o'er the lattice cast. "What is my life, my hope ?" he said; "Alas! a transitory shade." Thus wore his life, though reason strove For mastery in vain with love, Forcing upon his thoughts the sum Of present woe and ills to come, While still he turn'd inpatient ear From Truth's intrusive voice severe. 1578 1579 1580 ROKEBY. 57 Gentle, indifferent, and subdued, In all but this, unmoved he view'd Each outward change of ill and good: But Wilfrid, docile, soft, and mild, Was Fancy's spoil'd and wayward child; In her bright car she bade him ride, With one fair form to grace his side, Or, in some wild and lone retreat, Flung her high spells around his seat, Bathed in her dews his languid head, Her fairy mantle o'er him spread, For him her opiates gave to flow, Which he who tastes can ne'er forego, And placed him in her circle, free From every stern reality, Till, to the Visionary, seem Her day-dreams truth, and truth a dream. Woe to the youth whom Fancy gains, Winning from Reason's hand the reins, Pity and woe! for such a mind Is soft, contemplative, and kind; And woe to those who train such youth, And spare to press the rights of truth, The mind to strengthen and anneal, While on the stithy glows the steel! O teach him, while your lessons last, . To judge the present by the past; Remind him of each wish pursued, How rich it glow'd with promised good; Remind him of each wish enjoy'd, How soon his hopes possession cloy'd! Tell him, we play unequal game, Whene'er we shoot by Fancy's aim; And, ere he strip him for her race, Show the conditions of the chase. Two sisters by the goal are set, 1 1581 1582 1583 1584 1 58 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 1 Cold Disappointment and Regret; One disenchants the winner's eyes, And strips of all its worth the prize. While one augments its gaudy show, More to enhance the loser's woe. The victor sees his fairy gold, Transform'd, when won, to drossy mold, But still the vanquish'd mourns his loss, And rues, as gold, that glittering dross. More wouldst thou know-yon tower survey, Yon couch unpress'd since parting day, Yon untrimm'd lamp, whose yellow gleam Is mingling with the cold moonbeam, And yon thin form!-the hectic red On his pale cheek unequal spread; The head reclined, the loosen'd hair, The limbs relax'd, the mournful air. See, he looks up;-a woful smile Lightens his wo-worn cheek awhile,- 'Tis fancy wakes some idle thought, To gild the ruin she has wrought; For, like the bat of Indian brakes, Her pinions fan the wound she makes, And soothing thus the dreamer's pain, She drinks his life-blood from the vein. Now to the lattice turn his eyes, Vain hope! to see the sun arise. The moon with clouds is still o'ercast, Still howls by fits the stormy blast; Another hour must wear away, Ere the East kindle into day, And hark! to waste that weary hour, He tries the minstrel's magic power. 1585 1586 1587 ! ! } 1 K } > ROKEBY. 59 SONG. TO THE MOON. Hail to thy cold and clouded beam, Pale pilgrim of the troubled sky! Hail, though the mists that o'er thee stream Lend to thy brow their sullen dye! How should thy pure and peaceful eye Untroubled view our scenes below, Or how a tearless beam supply To light a world of war and woe! Fair Queen! I will not blame thee now, As once by Greta's fairy side; Each little cloud that dimm'd thy brow Did then an angel's beauty hide. And of the shades I then could chide, Still are the thoughts to memory dear, For, while a softer strain I tried, They hid my blush, and calm'd my fear. Then did I swear thy ray serene Was form'd to light some lonely dell, By two fond lovers only seen, Reflected from the crystal well, Or sleeping on their mossy cell, Or quivering on the lattice bright, Or glancing on their couch, to tell How swiftly wanes the summer night! He starts-a step at this lone hour! A voice!-his father seeks the tower, With haggard look and troubled sense, Fresh from his dreadful conference. "Wilfrid!—what, not to sleep address'd? Thou hast no cares to chase thy rest. 1588 1589 1590 60. { I SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Mortham has fall'n on Marston-moor; Bertram brings warrant to secure His treasures, bought by spoil and blood, For the state's use and public good. The menials will thy voice obey; Let his commission have its way, In every point, in every word.” Then, in a whisper,-"Take thy sword! Bertram is-what I must not tell. I hear his hasty step-farewell!" CANTO SECOND. FAR in the chambers of the west, The gale had sigh'd itself to rest; The moon was cloudless now and clear, But pale, and soon to disappear. The thin gray clouds wax dimly light On Brusleton and Houghton height; And the rich dale, that eastward lay, Waited the wakening touch of day, To give its woods and cultured plain, And towers and spires, to light again. But, westward, Stanmore's shapeless swell, And Lunedale wild, and Kelton-fell, And rock-begirdled Gilmansear, And Arkingarth, lay dark afar; While, as a livelier twilight falls, Emerge proud Barnard's Lammer'd walls, High crown'd he sits, in dawning palc, The sovereign of the lovely vale. What prospects, from his watch-tower high, Gleam gradual on the warder's eye!- Far sweeping to the east, he sees Down his deep woods the course of Tees,11 1591 1592 1593 1 ROKEBY. 61 And tracks his wanderings by the steam Of summer vapors from the stream; And ere he paced his destined hour By Brackenbury's dungeon-tower, These silver mists shall melt away, And dew the woods with glittering spray. Then in broad lustre shall be shown That mighty trench of living stone, And each huge trunk that, from the side, Reclines him o'er the darksome tide, Where Tees, full many a fathom low, Wears with his rage no common foe; For pebbly bank, nor sand-bed here, Nor clay-mound, checks his fierce career, Condemn'd to mine a channell'd way, O'er solid sheets of marble gray. Nor Tees alone, in dawning bright, Shall rush upon the ravish'd sight; But many a tributary stream Each from its own dark dell shall gleam: Staindrop, who, from her silvan bowers, Salutes proud Raby's battled towers; The rural brook of Egliston, Į 1594 159. And Balder, named from Odin's son; And Greta, to whose banks ere long We lead the lovers of the song; And silver Lune, from Stanmore wild, And fairy Thorsgill's murmuring child, And last and least, but loveliest still, Romantic Deepdale's slender rill. Who in that dim-wood glen hath stray'd, Yet long'd for Roslin's magic glade ? Who, wandering there, hath sought to change Even for that vale so stern and strange, Where Cartland's Crags, fantastic rent, Through her green copse like spires arc sent? 1596 1596 62 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Yet, Albin, yet the praise be thine, Thy scenes and story to combine! Thou bid'st him, who by Roslin strays, List to the deeds of other days; 'Mid Cartland's Crags thou show'st the cave, The refuge of thy champion brave; Giving each rock its storied tale, Pouring a lay for every dale, Knitting, as with a moral band, Thy native legends with thy land, To lend each scene the interest high Which genius beams from Beauty's eye. Bertram awaited not the sight Which sunrise shows from Barnard's height, But from the towers, preventing day, With Wilfrid took his early way, While misty dawn, and moonbeam pale, Still mingled in the silent dale. By Barnard's bridge of stately stone, The southern bank of Tees they won; Their winding path then eastward cast, And Egliston's gray ruins pass'd; 12 Each on his own deep visions bent, Silent and sad they onward went. Well may you think that Bertram's mood, To Wilfrid savage seem'd and rude; Well may you think bold Risingham Held Wilfrid trivial, poor, and tame; And small the intercourse, I ween, Such uncongenial souls between. Stern Bertram shunn'd the nearer way, Through Rokeby's park and chase that lay, And, skirting high the valley's ridge, They cross'd by Greta's ancient bridge. 1597 1598 1599 T } ፦ ROKEBY. 63 Descending where her waters wind Free for a space and unconfined, As, 'scaped from Brignall's dark-wood glen, She seeks wild Mortham's deeper den. There, as his eye glanced o'er the mound, Raised by that Legion 13 long renown'd, Whose votive shrine asserts their claim, Of pious, faithful, conquering fame, "Stern sons of war!" sad Wilfrid sigh'd, "Behold the boast of Roman pride! What now of all your toils are known? A grassy trench, a broken stone!"- This to himself; for moral strain To Bertram were address'd in vain. Of different mood, a deeper sigh Awoke, when Rokeby's turrets high 14 Were northward in the dawning seen To rear them o'er the thicket green. O then, though Spenser's self had stray'd Beside him through the lovely glade, Lending his rich luxuriant glow Of fancy, all its charms to show, Pointing the stream rejoicing free, As captive set at liberty, Flashing her sparkling waves abroad, And clamoring joyful on her road; Pointing where, up the sunny banks, The trees retire in scatter'd ranks, Save where, advanced before the rest, On knoll or hillock rears his crest, Lonely and huge, the giant Oak, As champions, when their band is broke, Stand forth to guard the rearward post, The bulwark of the scatter'd host- All this, and more, might Spenser say, Yet waste in vain his magic lay, P 1600 1601 1602 1603 64 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. { While Wilfrid eyed the distant tower, Whose lattice lights Matilda's bower. The open vale is soon pass'd o'er, Rokeby, though nigh, is seen no more; Sinking mid Greta's thickets deep, A wild and darker course they keep, A stern and lone, yet lovely road, As e'er the foot of minstrel trode! 15 Broad shadows o'er their passage fell, Deeper and narrower grew the dell; It seem'd some mountain, rent and riven, A channel for the stream had given, So high the cliffs of limestone gray Hung beetling o'er the torrent's way, Yielding, along their rugged base, A flinty footpath's niggard space, Where he, who winds twixt rock and wave, May hear the headlong torrent rave, And like a steed in frantic fit, That flings the froth from curb and bit, May view her chafe her waves to spray, O'er every rock that bars her way, Till foam-globes on her eddies ride, Thick as the schemes of human pride That down life's current drive amain, As frail, as frothy, and as vain! The cliffs that rear their haughty head High o'er the river's darksome bed, Were now all naked, wild, and gray, Now waving all with greenwood spray; Here trees to every crevice clung, And o'er the dell their branches hung; And there, all splinter'd and uneven, The shiver'd rocks ascend to heaven; 1604 1605 1606 ROKEBY. 65 Oft, too, the ivy swathed their breast, And wreathed its garland round their crest, Or from the spires bade loosely flare Its tendrils in the middle air, As pennons wont to wave of old O'er the high feast of Baron bold, When revell'd loud the feudal rout, And the arch'd halls return'd their shout; Such and more wild is Greta's roar, And such the echoes from her shore. And so the ivied banners gleam, Waved wildly o'er the brawling stream. Now from the stream the rocks recede, But leave between no sunny mead, No, nor the spot of pebbly sand, Oft found by such a mountain strand; Forming such warm and dry retreat, As fancy deems the lonely seat, Where hermit, wandering from his cell, His rosary might love to tell. But here, 'twixt rock and river, grew A dismal grove of sable yew, With whose sad tints were mingled seen The blighted fir's sepulchral green. Seem'd that the trees their shadows cast The earth that nourish'd them to blast; For never knew that swarthy grove The verdant hue that fairies love; Nor wilding green, nor woodland flower, Arose within its baleful bower: The dank and sable earth receives Its only carpet from the leaves, That, from the withering branches cast, Bestrew'd the ground with every blast. Though now the sun was o'er the hill, In this dark spot 'twas twilight still, K me d 1607 1608 1609 1610 ZA 1 66 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Save that on Greta's farther side Some straggling beams through copsewood glide; And wild and savage contrast made That dingle's deep and funeral shade, With the bright tints of early day, Which, glimmering through the ivy spray, On the opposing summit lay. The lated peasant shunn'd the dell; For Superstition wont to tell Of many a grisly sound and sight, Scaring its path at dead of night. When Christmas logs blaze high and wide, Such wonders speed the festal tide; While Curiosity and Fear, Pleasure and Pain, sit crouching near, Till childhood's cheek no longer glows, And village maidens lose the rose. The thrilling interest rises higher, The circle closes nigh and nigher, And shuddering glance is cast behind, As louder moans the wintry wind. Believe, that fitting scene was laid For such wild tales in Mortham glade: For who had seen, on Greta's side, By that dim light fierce Bertram stride, In such a spot, at such an hour,- If touch'd by Superstition's power, Might well have deemed that Hell had given 1613 A murder's ghost to upper heaven, While Wilfrid's form had seem'd to glide Like his pale victim by his side. Nor think to village swains alone Are these unearthly terrors known; For not to rank nor sex confined Is this vain ague of the mind: 1611 1612 ROKEBY. 67 Hearts firm as steel, as marble hard, 'Gainst faith, and love, and pity barr'd, Have quaked, like aspen leaves in May, Beneath its universal sway. Bertram had listed many a tale Of wonder in his native dale, That in his secret soul retain'd The credence they in childhood gain'd: Nor less his wild adventurous youth Believed in every legend's truth; Learn'd when, beneath the tropic gale, Full swell'd the vessel's steady sail, And the broad Indian moon her light Pour'd on the watch of middle night, When seamen love to hear and tell Of portent, prodigy, and spell: What gales are sold on Lapland's shore,1 How whistle rash bids tempests roar,17 Of witch, of mermaid, and of sprite, Of Erick's cap and Elmo's light; 18 Or of that Phantom Ship, whose form Shoots like a meteor through the storm; When the dark scud comes driving hard, And lower'd is every topsail-yard, And canvas, wove in earthly looms, No more to brave the storm presumes! Then, 'mid the war of sea and sky, Top and top-gallant hoisted high, Full spread and crowded every sail, The Demon Frigate braves the gale; 19 And well the doom'd spectators know The harbinger of wreck and woe. 16 Then, too, were told, in stifled tone, Marvels and omens all their own; How, by some desert isle or key,2 Where Spaniards wrought their cruelty, 20 1614 1615 1616 1617 68 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 1 } 1 Or where the savage pirate's mood Repaid it home in deeds of blood, Strange nightly sounds of woe and fear Appall'd the listening Bucanier, Whose light-arm'd shallop anchor'd lay In ambush by the lonely bay. The groan of grief, the shriek of pain, Ring from the moonlight groves of cane; The fierce adventurer's heart they scare, Who wearies memory for a prayer, Curses the road-stead, and with gale Of early morning lifts the sail, To give, in thirst of blood and prey, A legend for another bay. Thus, as a man, a youth, a child, Train'd in the mystic and the wild, With this on Bertram's soul at times Rush'd a dark feeling of his crimes; Such to his troubled soul their form, As the pale Death-ship to the storm, And such their omen dim and dread, As shrieks and voices of the dead,- That pang, whose transitory force Hover'd 'twixt horror and remorse; That pang, perchance, his bosom press'd, As Wilfrid sudden he address'd:- "Wilfrid, this glen is never trod Until the sun rides high abroad; Yet twice have I beheld to-day A Form, that seem'd to dog our way; Twice from my glance it seem'd to flee, And shroud itself by cliff or tree. How think'st thou ?-Is our path waylaid ? Or hath thy sire my trust betray'd? If so "- Ere, starting from his dream, That turn'd upon a gentler theme, 1618 1619 1620 ROKEBY. 69 Wilfrid had roused him to reply, Bertram sprung forward, shouting high, "What'er thou art, thou now shalt stand!"- And forth he darted, sword in hand. As bursts the levin in its wrath, He shot him down the sounding path; Rock, wood, and stream, rang wildly out, To his lond step and savage shout. Seems that the object of his race Hath scaled the cliffs; his frantic chase Sidelong he turns, and now 'tis bent Right up the rock's tall battlement; Straining each sinew to ascend, Foot, hand, and knee, their aid must lend. Wilfrid, all dizzy with dismay, Views, from beneath, his dreadful way: Now to the oak's warp'd roots he clings, Now trusts his weight to ivy strings; Now, like the wild goat, must he dare An unsupported leap in air; Hid in the shrubby rain-course now, You mark him by the crashing bough, And by his corslet's sullen clank, And by the stones spurn'd from the bank, And by the hawk scared from her nest, And ravens croaking o'er their guest, Who deem his forfeit limbs shall pay The tribute of his bold essay. See, he emerges!-desperate now All farther course-Yon beetling brow, In craggy nakedness sublime, What heart or foot shall dare to climb ? It bears no tendril for his clasp, Presents no angle to his grasp: 1621 1622 1623 1624 70 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Sole stay his foot may rest upon, Is yon earth-bedded jetting stone. Balanced on such precarious prop, He strains his grasp to reach the top. Just as the dangerous stretch he makes, By heaven, his faithful footstool shakes! Beneath his tottering bulk it bends, It sways, . . . it loosens, it descends! And downward holds its headlong way, Crashing o'er rock and copsewood spray. Loud thunders shake the echoing dell!- Fell it alone ?-alone it fell. • • Just on the very verge of fate, The hardy Bertram's falling weight He trusted to his sinewy hands, And on the top unharm'd he stands! Wilfrid a safer path pursued; At intervals where, roughly hew'd, Rude steps ascending from the dell Render'd the cliffs accessible. By circuit slow he thus attain'd The height that Risingham had gain'd, And when he issued from the wood, Before the gate of Mortham stood.21 'Twas a fair scene! the sunbeam lay On battled tower and portal gray: And from the grassy slope he sees The Greta flow to meet the Tees; Where, issuing from her darksome bed, She caught the morning's eastern red, And through the softening vale below Roll'd her bright waves, in rosy glow, All blushing to her bridal bed, Like some shy maid in convent bred; While linnet, lark, and blackbird gay, Sing forth their nuptial roundelay. 1625 1626 1627 1628 ROKEBY. 4. 71 'Twas sweetly sung that roundelay; That summer morn shone blithe and gay; But morning beam, and wild-bird's call, Awaked not Mortham's silent hall. No porter, by the low-brow'd gate, Took in the wonted niche his seat; To the paved court no peasant drew; Waked to their toil no menial crew; The maiden's carol was not heard, As to her morning task she fared: In the void offices around, Rung not a hoof, nor bay'd a hound; Nor eager steed, with shrilling neigh, Accused the lagging groom's delay; Untrimm'd, undress'd, neglected now, Was alley'd walk and orchard bough; All spoke the master's absent care, All spoke neglect and disrepair. South of the gate, an arrow flight, Two mighty elms their limbs unite, As if a canopy, to spread O'er the lone dwelling of the dead; For their huge boughs in arches bent Above a massive monument, Carved o'er in ancient Gothic wise, With many a scutcheon and device: There, spent with toil and sunk in gloom, Bertram stood pondering by the tomb. "It vanish'd, like a flitting ghost! Behind this tomb," he said, "'twas lost- This tomb, where oft I deem'd lies stored Of Mortham's Indian wealth the hoard. 'Tis true, the aged servants said Here his lamented wife is laid; But weightier reasons may be guess'd For their lord's strict and stern behest, 1629 1630 1631 72 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. That none should on his steps intrude, Whene'er he sought this solitude.- An ancient mariner I knew, What time I sail'd with Morgan's crew, Who oft, 'mid our carousals, spake Of Raleigh, Frobisher, and Drake; Adventurous hearts! who barter'd, bold, Their English steel for Spanish gold. Trust not, would his experience say, Captain or comrade with your prey; But seek some charnel, when, at full, The moon gilds skeleton and skull: Their dig, and tomb your precious heap; And bid the dead your treasure keep; 22 Sure stewards they, if fitting spell Their service to the task compel. Lacks there such charnel ?-kill a slave, Or prisoner, on the treasure-grave; And bid his discontented ghost Stalk nightly on his lonely post.- Such was his tale. Its truth, I ween, Is in my morning vision seen.”— S W Wilfrid, who scorn'd the legend wild, In mingled mirth and pity smiled, Much marvelling that a breast so bold In such fond tale belief should hold; But yet of Bertram sought to know The apparition's form and show.- The power within the guilty breast, Oft vanquish'd, never quite suppress'd, That unsubdued and lurking lies To take the felon by surprise, And force him, as by magic spell, In his despite his guilt to tell,-28 That power in Bertram's breast awoke; Scarce conscious he was heard, he spoke; 1632 1633 1634 1635 ROKEBY. 73 *** < penghant M "Twas Mortham's form, from foot to head! His morion, with the plume of red, His shape, his mien-'twas Mortham, right As when I slew him in the fight.”. "Thou slay him ?-thou ?"-With conscious start He heard, then mann'd his haughty heart— “I slew him ?—I!—I had forgot Thon, stripling, knew'st not of the plot. But it is spoken-nor will I Deed done, or spoken word, deny. I slew him; I! for thankless pride; 'Twas by this hand that Mortham died." Wilfred, of gentle hand and heart, Averse to every active part, But most averse to martial broil, From danger shrunk, and turn'd from toil; Yet the meek lover of the lyre Nursed one brave spark of noble fire; Against injustice, fraud, or wrong, His blood beat high, his hand wax'd strong. Not his the nerves that could sustain, Unshaken, danger, toil, and pain; But, when that spark blazed forth to flame, He rose superior to his frame. And now it came, that generous mood; And, in full current of his blood, On Bertram he laid desperate hand, Placed firm his foot, and drew his brand. "Should every fiend, to whom thou'rt sold, Rise in thine aid, I keep my hold.- Arouse there, ho! take spear and sword! Attach the murderer of your Lord!” 1. A moment, fix'd as by a spell, Stood Bertram-it seem'd miracle, 1636 1637 1638 74 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. ? That one so feeble, soft, and tame, Set grasp on warlike Risingham. But when he felt a feeble stroke, The fiend within the ruffian woke! To wrench the sword from Wilfrid's hand, To dash him headlong on the sand, Was but one moment's work,—one more Had drench'd the blade in Wilfrid's gore; But, in the instant it arose, To end his life, his love, his woes, A warlike form, that mark'd the scene, Presents his rapier sheathed between, Parries the fast-descending blow, And steps 'twixt Wilfrid and his foe; Nor then unscabbarded his brand, But, sternly pointing with his hand, With monarch's voice forbade the fight, And motion'd Bertram from his sight. Go, and repent,"-he said, "while time Is given thee; add not crime to crime." Mute, and uncertain, and amazed, As on a vision Bertram gazed! 'Twas Mortham's bearing, bold and high, His sinewy frame, his falcon eye, His look and accent of command, The martial gesture of his hand, His stately form, spare-built and tall, His war-bleach'd locks-'twas Mortham all. Through Bertram's dizzy brain career A thousand thoughts, and all of fear; His wavering faith received not quite The form he saw as Mortham's sprite, But more he fear'd it, if it stood His lord, in living flesh and blood.- What spectre can the charnel send, So dreadful as an injured friend? 1639 1640 1641 1642 ţ ! > 1 1 da me ROKEBY. 75 за да не ***** ko pale yoyage Loan BERN NAGOY Then, too, the habit of command, Used by the leader of the band, When Risingham, for many a day, Had march'd and fought beneath his sway, Tamed him—and, with reverted face, Backwards he bore his sullen pace; Oft stopp'd, and oft on Mortham stared, And dark as rated mastiff glared; But when the tramp of steeds was heard, Plunged in the glen, and disappear'd, Nor longer there the Warrior stood, Retiring eastward through the wood; But first to Wilfrid warning gives, "Tell thou to none that Mortham lives." Even now we fought-but, when your tread Announced you nigh, the felon fled." In Wycliffe's conscious eye appear A guilty hope, a guilty fear; On his pale brow the dewdrop broke, And his lip quiver'd as he spoke:- Still rung these words in Wilfrid's ear, Hinting he knew not what of fear; When nearer came the coursers' tread, And, with his father at their head, Of horsemen arm'd a gallant power Rein'd up their steeds before the tower. "Whence these pale looks, my son ?" he said: "Where's Bertram?-Why that naked blade ?”— Wilfrid ambiguously replied, (For Mortham's charge his honor tied,) "Bertram is gone-the villain's word Avouch'd him murderer of his lord! "A murderer!-Philip Mortham died Amid the battle's wildest tide. Wilfrid, or Bertram raves, or you! Yet, grant such strange confession true, 1643 1644 1645 3 As } .76 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Pursuit were vain-let him fly far- Justice must sleep in civil war." A gallant Youth rode near his side, Brave Rokeby's page, in battle tried; That morn, an embassy of weight He brought to Barnard's castle gate, And followed now in Wycliffe's train An answer for his lord to gain. His steed, whose arch'd and sable neck An hundred wreaths of foam bedeck, Chafed not against the curb more high Than he at Oswald's cold reply; He bit his lip, implored his saint, (His the old faith)-then burst restraint. "Yes! I beheld his bloody fall, By that base traitor's dastard ball, Just when I thought to measure sword, Presumptuous hope! with Mortham's lord. And shall the murderer 'scape, who slew His leader, generous, brave, and true? Escape, while on the dew you trace The marks of his gigantic pace? No! ere the sun that dew shall dry, False Risingham shall yield or die.— Ring out the castle 'larum bell! Arouse the peasants with the knell! Meantime disperse-ride, gallants, ride! Beset the wood on every side. But if among you one there be, That honors Mortham's memory, Let him dismount and follow me! Else on your crests sit fear and shame, And foul suspicion dog your name!" Instant to earth young REDMOND sprung; Instant on earth the harness rung 1646 1647 1648 1649 ROKEBY. 77 + } Of twenty men of Wycliffe's band, Who waited not their lord's command. Redmond his spurs from buskins drew, His mantle from his shoulders threw, His pistols in his belt he placed, The green-wood gain'd, the footsteps traced, Shouted like huntsman to his hounds, "To cover, hark!"-and in he bounds. Scarce heard was Oswald's anxious cry, “Suspicion! yes-pursue him-fly— But venture not, in useless strife, On ruffian desperate of his life, Whoever finds him, shoot him dead! Five hundred nobles for his head!” The horsemen gallop'd, to make good Each path that issued from the wood. Loud from the thickets rung the shout Of Redmond and his eager route; With them was Wilfrid, stung with ire, And envying Redmond's martial fire, And emulous of fame.--But where Is Oswald, noble Mortham's heir? He, bound by honor, law, and faith, Avenger of his kinsman's death ?- Leaning against the elmin tree, With drooping head and slacken'd knee, And clenched teeth, and close-clasp'd hands, In agony of soul he stands! His downcast eye on earth is bent, His soul to every sound is lent; For in each shout that cleaves the air, May ring discovery and despair. makakage What 'vail'd it him, that brightly play'd The morning sun on Mortham's glade? 1650 1651 1652 78 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. All seems in giddy round to ride, Like objects on a stormy tide, Seen eddying by the moonlight dim, Imperfectly to sink and swim. What 'vail'd it, that the fair domain, Its battled mansion, hill, and plain, On which the sun so brightly shone, Envied so long, was now his own? The lowest dungeon, in that hour, Of Brakenbury's dismal tower, 24 Had been his choice, could such a doom Have open'd Mortham's bloody tomb! Forced, too, to turn unwilling ear To each surmise of hope or fear, Murmur'd among the rustics round, Who gather'd at the 'larum sound; He dared not turn his head away, E'en to look up to heaven to pray, Or call on hell, in bitter mood, For one sharp death-shot from the wood! At length o'erpast that dreadful space, Back straggling came the scatter'd chase; Jaded and weary, horse and man, Return'd the troopers, one by one. Wilfrid, the last, arrived to say, All trace was lost of Bertram's way, Though Redmond still, up Brignall wood, The hopeless quest in vain pursued.— O, fatal doom of human race! What tyrant passions passions chase! Remorse from Oswald's brow is gone, Avarice and pride resume their throne; The pang of instant terror by, They dictate us their slave's reply:- ،، Ay-let him range like hasty hound! And if the grim wolf's lair be found, 1653 1654 1655 1656 1 ! } ܐܬܪܥܝ ܕ ܐܬ ܚ ܟ ܝ ܐ ܘ ROKEBY. 79 Small is my care how goes the game With Redmond, or with Risingham.- Nay, answer not, thou simple boy! Thy fair Matilda, all so coy To thee, is of another mood To that bold youth of Erin's blood. Thy ditties will she freely praise, And pay thy pains with courtly phrase; In a rough path will oft command- Accept at least―thy friendly hand; His she avoids, or, urged and pray'd, Unwilling takes his proffer'd aid, While conscious passion plainly speaks In downcast look and blushing cheeks. Whene'er he sings, will she glide nigh, And all her soul is in her eye; Yet doubts she still to tender free The wonted words of courtesy. These are strong signs!-yet wherefore sigh, And wipe, effeminate, thine eye? Thine shall she be, if thou attend The counsels of thy sire and friend. "Scarce wert thou gone, when peep of light Brought genuine news of Marston's fight. Brave Cromwell turn'd the doubtful tide, And conquest bless'd the rightful side; Three thousand cavaliers lie dead, Rupert and that bold Marquis fled; Nobles and knights, so proud of late Must fine for freedom and estate. Of these, committed to my charge, Is Rokeby, prisoner at large; Redmond, his page, arrived to say He reaches Barnard's towers to-day. Right heavy shall his ransom be, Unless that maid compound with thee! 25 1657 1658 1659 80 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Go to her now-be bold of cheer, While her soul floats 'twixt hope and fear; It is the very change of tide, When best the female heart is tried- Pride, prejudice, and modesty, Are in the current swept to sea; And the bold swain, who plies his oar, May lightly row his bark to shore." CANTO THIRD. THE hunting tribes of air and earth Respect the brethren of their birth; Nature, who loves the claim of kind, Less cruel chase to each assign'd. The falcon, poised on soaring wing, Watches the wild-duck by the spring; The slow-hound wakes the fox's lair; The greyhound presses on the hare; The eagle pounces on the lamb; The wolf devours the fleecy dam: Even tiger fell, and sullen bear, Their likeness and their lineage spare, Man, only, mars kind Nature's plan, And turns the fierce pursuit on man; Plying war's desultory trade, Incursion, flight, and ambuscade, Since Nimrod, Cush's mighty son, At first the bloody game begun. The Indian, prowling for his prey, Who hears the settlers track his way, And knows in distant forest far Camp his red brethren of the war, He, when each double and disguise To baffle the pursuit he tries, 6 1 1660 1661 1662 1663 ROKEBY. 81 I Low crouching now his head to hide, Where swampy streams through rushes glide, Now covering with the wither'd leaves The foot-prints that the dew receives;26 He, skill'd in every silvan guile, Knows not, nor tries, such various wile, As Risingham, when on the wind Arose the loud pursuit behind. In Redesdale his youth had heard Each art her wily dalesmen dared, When Rooken-edge, and Redswair high, To bugle rung and blood-hound's cry, 27 Announcing Jedwood-axe and spear, And Lid'sdale riders in the rear; And well his venturous life had proved The lessons that his childhood loved. Oft had he shown, in climes afar, Each attribute of roving war; The sharpen'd ear, the piercing eye, The quick resolve in danger nigh; The speed, that in the flight or chase, Outstripp'd the Charib's rapid race; The steady brain, the sinewy limb, To leap, to climb, to dive, to swim; The iron frame, inured to bear Each dire inclemency of air, Nor less confirm'd to undergo Fatigue's faint chill, and famine's throe. These arts he proved, his life to save, In peril oft by land and wave, On Arawaca's desert shore, Or where La Plata's billows roar, When oft the sons of vengeful Spain Track'd the marauder's steps in vain. These arts, in Indian warfare tried, Must save him now by Greta's side. 1664 1665 1666 82 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 1 'Twas then, in hour of utmost need, He proved his courage, art, and speed. Now slow he stalk'd with stealthy pace, Now started forth in rapid race, Oft doubling back in mazy train, To blind the trace the dews retain; Now clombe the rocks projecting high, To baffle the pursuer's eye; 1667 Now sought the stream, whose brawling sound The echo of his footsteps drown'd. But if the forest verge he nears, There trample steeds, and glimmer spears; If deeper down the copse he drew, He heard the rangers' loud halloo, Beating each cover while they came, As if to start the silvan game. "Twas then-like tiger close beset At every pass with toil and net, 'Counter'd, where'er he turns his glare, By clashing arms and torches' flare. Who meditates, with furious bound, To burst on hunter, horse, and hound, 'Twas then that Bertram's soul arose, Prompting to rush upon his foes: But as that crouching tiger, cow'd By brandish'd steel and shouting crowd, Retreats beneath the jungle's shroud, Bertram suspends his purpose stern, And couches in the brake and fern, Hiding his face, lest foemen spy The sparkle of his swarthy eye.28 Then Bertram might the bearing trace Of the bold youth who led the chase; Who paused to list for every sound, Climb'd every height to look around, Then rushing on with naked sword, 1668 1669 25 1670 f $ 虚 { KOMA PAREZ, MAN ROKEBY. 83 Each dingle's bosky depths explored. 'Twas Redmond-by the azure eye; 'Twas Redmond-by the locks that fly Disorder'd from his glowing cheek: Mien, face, and form, young Redmond speak. A form more active, light, and strong, Ne'er shot the ranks of war along; The modest, yet the manly mien, Might grace the court of maiden queen; A face more fair you well might find, For Redmond's knew the sun and wind, Nor boasted, from their tinge when free, The charm of regularity; But every feature had the power To aid the expression of the hour: Whether gay wit, and humor sly, Danced laughing in his light-blue eye; Or bended brow, and glance of fire, And kindling cheek, spoke Erin's ire; Or soft and sadden'd glances show Her ready sympathy with woe; Or in that wayward mood of mind, When various feelings are combined, When joy and sorrow mingle near, And hopes bright wings are check'd by fear, And rising doubts keep transport down, And anger lends a short-lived frown; In that strange mood which maids approve Even when they dare not call it love; With every change his features play'd, As aspens show the light and shade. Well Risingham young Redmond knew: And much he marvell'd that the crew, Roused to revenge bold Mortham dead, Were by that Mortham's foeman led; For never felt his soul the woe, 1671 1672 1673 84 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. That wails a generous foeman low, Far less that sense of justice strong, That wreaks a generous foeman's wrong. But small his leisure now to pause; Redmond is first, whate'er the cause: And twice that Redmond came so near Where Bertram couch'd like hunted deer, The very boughs his steps displace, Rustled against the ruffian's face, Who, desperate, twice prepared to start, And plunge his dagger in his heart! But Redmond turned a different way, And the bent boughs resumed their sway, And Bertram held it wise, unseen, Deeper to plunge in coppice green. Thus, circled in his coil, the snake, When roving hunters beat the brake, Watches with red and glistening eye, Prepared, if heedless step draw nigh, With forked tongue and venom'd fang Instant to dart the deadly pang; But if the intruders turn aside, Away his coils unfolded glide, And through the deep savannah wind, Some undisturb'd retreat to find. But Bertram, as he backward drew, And heard the loud pursuit renew, And Redmond's hollo on the wind, Oft mutter'd in his savage mind- "Redmond O'Neale! were thou and I Alone this day's event to try, With not a second here to see, But the gray cliff and oaken tree,- That voice of thine, that shouts so loud, Should ne'er repeat its summons proud! No! nor e'er try its melting power M 1674 1675 1676 1677 ROKEBY. 85 ** Again in maiden's summer bower." Eluded, now behind him die, Faint and more faint, each hostile cry; He stands in Scargill wood alone, Nor hears he now a harsher tone Than the hoarse cushat's plaintive cry Or Greta's sound that murmurs by; And on the dale, so lone and wild, The summer sun in quiet smiled. He listen❜d long with anxious heart, Ear bent to hear, and foot to start, And, while his stretch'd attention glows, Refused his weary frame repose. 'Twas silence all-he laid him down, Where purple heath profusely strown, And throatwort with its azure bell,29 And moss and thyme his cushion swell. There, spent with toil, he listless eyed The course of Greta's playful tide; Beneath, her banks now eddying dun, Now brightly gleaming to the sun, As, dancing over rock and stone, In yellow light her currents shone, Matching in hue the favorite gem Of Albin's mountain-diadem. Then, tired to watch the current's play, He turn'd his weary eyes away, To where the bank opposing show'd Its huge, square cliffs through shaggy wood. One, prominent above the rest, Rear'd to the sun its pale gray breast; Around its broken summit grew F The hazel rude, and sable yew; A thousand varied lichens dyed Its waste and weather-beaten side, And round its rugged basis lay, 1678 1679 1680 1681 86 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. IF YO } By time or thunder rent away, Fragments, that, from its frontlet torn, Were mantled now by verdant thorn. Such was the scene's wild majesty, That fill'd stern Bertram's gazing eye. In sullen mood he lay reclined, Revolving, in his stormy mind, The felon deed, the fruitless guilt, His patron's blood by treason spilt; A crime, it seem'd, so dire and dread, That it had power to wake the dead. Then, pondering on his life betray'd By Oswald's art to Redmond's blade, In treacherous purpose to withhold, So seem'd it, Mortham's promised gold, A deep and full revenge he vow'd On Redmond, forward, fierce, and proud; Revenge on Wilfrid-on his sire Redoubled vengeance, swift and dire!— If, in such mood, (as legends say, And well believed that simple day,) The Enemy of Man has power To profit by the evil hour, Here stood a wretch, prepared to change His soul's redemption for revenge! 30 But though his vows, with such a fire Of earnest and intense desire For vengeance dark and fell, were made, As well might reach hell's lowest shade, No deeper clouds the grove embrown'd, No nether thunders shook the ground;— The demon knew his vassal's heart, And spared temptation's needless art. Oft, mingled with the direful theme, Came Mortham's form-Was it a dream? 1682 1683 1684 ROKEBY. 87 Or had he seen, in vision true, That very Mortham whom he slew ? Or had in living flesh appear'd The only man on earth he fear'd ?- To try the mystic cause intent, His eyes, that on the cliff were bent, 'Counter'd at once a dazzling glance, Like sunbeam flash'd from sword or lance. At once he started as for fight, But not a foeman was in sight; He heard the cushat's murmur hoarse, He heard the river's sounding course; The solitary woodlands lay, As slumbering in the summer ray. He gazed, like lion roused, around, Then sunk again upon the ground. 'Twas but, he thought, some fitful beam, Glanced sudden from the sparkling stream; Then plunged him from his gloomy train Of ill-connected thoughts again, Until a voice behind him cried, "Bertram! well met on Greta side.” 66 Instant his sword was in his hand, As instant sunk the ready brand: Yet, dubious still, opposed he stood To him that issued from the wood: Guy Denzil!-is it thou ?" he said; "Do we two meet in Scargill shade!— Stand back a space!-thy purpose show, Whether thou comest as friend or foe. Report hath said, that Denzil's name From Rokeby's band was razed with shame.”. "A shame I owe that hot O'Neale, Who told his knight, in peevish zeal, Of my marauding on the clowns Of Calverley and Bradford downs.31 1685 1686 1687 1688 14 88 Le S SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 1 Ireck not. In a war to strive, Where, save the leaders, none can thrive, Suits ill my mood; and better game Awaits us both, if thou'rt the same Unscrupulous, bold Risingham, Who watch'd with me in midnight dark, To snatch a deer from Rokeby-park. How think'st thou ?"-"Speak thy purpose out; I love not mystery or doubt."— 1689 (C Then, list.-Not far there lurk a crew Of trusty comrades, stanch and true, Glean'd from both factions-Roundheads, freed From cant of sermon and of creed; And Cavaliers, whose souls, like mine, Spurn at the bonds of discipline. Wiser, we judge, by dale and wold, A warfare of our own to hold, Than breathe our last on battle-down, For cloak or surplice, mace or crown. Our schemes are laid, our purpose set, A chief and leader lack we yet.- Thou art a wanderer, it is said; For Mortham's death, thy steps way-laid, Thy head at price-so say our spies, Who range the valley in disguise. Join then with us:-though wild debate And wrangling rend our infant state, Each to an equal loath to bow, Will yield to chief renown'd as thou." J 1690 1691 "Even now," thought Bertram, "passion-stirr'd, I call'd on hell, and hell has heard! What lack I, vengeance to command, But of stanch comrades such a band? This Denzil, vow'd to every evil, Might read a lesson to the devil. > ROKEBY. 89 *.**.*** Well, be it so! each knave and fool Shall serve as my revenge's tool.". Aloud, "I take thy proffer, Guy, But tell me where thy comrades lie ?"- "Not far from hence," Guy Denzil said; "Descend, and cross the river's bed, Where rises yonder cliff so gray.' "" "Do thou," said Bertram, "lead the way." Then mutter'd, "It is best make sure; Guy Denzil's faith was never pure. He follow'd down the steep descent, Then through the Greta's streams they went; And, when they reach'd the farther shore, They stood the lonely cliff before. With wonder Bertram heard within The flinty rock a murmur'd din; But when Guy pull'd the wilding spray, And brambles, from its base away, He saw, appearing to the air, A little entrance, low and square, Like opening cell of hermit lone, Dark, winding through the living stone. Here enter'd Denzil, Bertram here; And louder and louder on their ear, As from the bowels of the earth, Resounded shouts of boisterous mirth. Of old, the cavern strait and rude, In slaty rock the peasant hew'd; And Brignall's woods, and Scargill's wave, E'en now, o'er many a sister cave,32 Where, far within the darksome rift, The wedge and lever ply their thrift. But war had silenced rural trade, And the deserted mine was made The banquet-hall and fortress too, Of Denzil and his desperate crew.- 1692 1693 1694 1695 y 90 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. } There Guilt his anxious revel kept; There, on his sordid pallet, slept Guilt-born Excess, the goblet drain'd Still in his slumbering grasp retain'd; Regret was there, his eye still cast With vain repining on the past; Among the feasters waited near Sorrow, and unrepentant Fear, And Blasphemy, to frenzy driven, With his own crimes reproaching Heaven; While Bertram show'd, amid the crew, The Master-Fiend that Milton drew. Hark! the loud revel wakes again, To greet the leader of the train. Behold the group by the pale lamp, That struggles with the earthy damp. By what strange features Vice hath known, To single out and mark her own! Yet some there are, whose brows retain Less deeply stamp'd her brand and stain. See yon pale stripling! when a boy, A mother's pride, a father's joy! Now, 'gainst the vault's rude walls reclined, An early image fills his mind: The cottage, once his sire's, he sees, Embower'd upon the banks of Tees; He views sweet Winston's woodland scene, And shares the dance on Gainford-green. A tear is springing-but the zest Of some wild tale, or brutal jest, Hath to loud laughter stirr'd the rest. On him they call, the aptest mate For jovial song and merry feat: Fast flies his dream-with dauntless air, As one victorious o'er Despair, He bids the ruddy cup go round, 1696 1697 1698 ROKEBY. 91 Till sense and sorrow both are drown'd; And soon, in merry wassail, he, The life of all their revelry, Peals his loud song!-The muse has found Her blossoms on the wildest ground, Mid noxious weeds at random strew'd, Themselves all profitless and rude.— With desperate merriment he sung, The cavern to the chorus rung; Yet mingled with his reckless glee Remorse's bitter agony. SONG. O, Brignall banks are wild and fair, And Greta woods are green, And you may gather garlands there, Would grace a summer queen. And as I rode by Dalton-hall, Beneath the turrets high, A Maiden on the castle wall Was singing merrily,- M CHORUS. “O, Brignall banks are fresh and fair, And Greta woods are green; I'd rather rove with Edmund there, Than reign our English queen." "If, Maiden, thou wouldst wend with me, To leave both tower and town, Thou first must guess what life lead we, That dwell by dale and down? And if thou canst that riddle read, As read full well you may, Then to the greenwood shalt thou speed, As blithe as Queen of May.". 1699 1700 1701 1702 ? SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 92 Yet sung she, "Brignall banks are fair, And Greta woods are green; I'd rather rove with Edmund there, Than reign our English queen. CHORUS. "I read you, by your bugle-horn, And by your palfrey good, I read you for a Ranger sworn, To keep the king's greenwood.' A Ranger, lady, winds his horn, And 'tis at peep of light; 66 His blast is heard at merry morn, And mine at dead of night.". * CHORUS. Yet sung she, "Brignall banks are fair, And Greta woods are gay; I would I were with Edmund there, To reign his Queen of May! 66 "} 'With burnish'd brand and musketoon, So gallantly you come, I read you for a bold Dragoon, That lists the tuck of drum." "I list no more the tuck of drum, No more the trumpet hear; But when the beetle sounds his hum, My comrades take the spear. CHORUS. And, O! though Brignall banks be fair, And Greta woods be gay, Yet mickle must the maiden dare, Would reign my Queen of May! 1703 · 1704 NOBRALETACKSAMANA ROKEBY. 93 1 "Maiden! a nameless life I lead, A nameless death I'll die; The fiend, whose lantern lights the mead, Were better mate than I! And when I'm with my comrades met, Beneath the greenwood bough, What once we were we all forget, Nor think what we are now. CHORUS. "Yet Brignall banks are fresh and fair, And Greta woods are green, And you may gather garlands there Would grace a summer queen." When Edmund ceased his simple song, Was silence on the sullen throng, Till waked some ruder mate their glee With note of coarser minstrelsy. But, far apart, in dark divan, Denzil and Bertram many a plan, Of import foul and fierce, design'd, While still on Bertram's grasping mind The wealth of murder'd Mortham hung; Though half he fear'd his daring tongue, When it should give his wishes birth, Might raise a spectre from the earth! At length his wondrous tale he told: When, scornful, smiled his comrade bold; For, train'd in license of a court, Religion's self was Denzil's sport; Then judge in what contempt he held The visionary tales of eld! His awe for Bertram scarce repress'd The unbeliever's sneering jest 1705 1706 1707 1708 94 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 7- "Twere hard," he said, "for sage or seer, To spell the subject of your fear; Nor do I boast the art renown'd, Vision and omen to expound. Yet, faith if I must needs afford To spectre watching treasured hoard, As bandog keeps his master's roof, Bidding the plunderer stand aloof, This doubt remains-thy goblin gaunt Hath chosen ill his ghostly haunt; For why his guard on Mortham hold, When Rokeby castle hath the gold Thy patron won on Indian soil, By stealth, by piracy, and spoil ?”. At this he paused-for angry shame Lower'd on the brow of Risingham. He blush'd to think, that he should seem Assertor of an airy dream, And gave his wrath another theme. "Denzil," he says, "though lowly laid, Wrong not the memory of the dead; For, while he lived, at Mortham's look Thy very soul, Guy Denzil, shook! And when he tax'd thy breach of word To yon fair Rose of Allenford, I saw thee crouch like chasten'd hound, Whose back the huntsman's lash hath found. Nor dare to call his foreign wealth The spoil of piracy or stealth; He won it bravely with his brand, When Spain waged warfare with our land.83 Mark, too-I brook no idle jeer Nor couple Bertram's name with fear; Mine is but half the demon's lot, For I believe, but tremble not.- Enough of this.-Say, why this hoard 1709 1710 1711 ROKEBY. 95 } Thou deem'st at Rokeby castle stored; Or think'st that Mortham would bestow His treasure with his faction's foe ?" Soon quench'd was Denzil's ill-timed mirth; Rather he would have seen the earth Give to ten thousand spectres birth, Than venture to awake to flame The deadly wrath of Risingham. Submiss he answer'd,-" Mortham's mind, Thou know'st to joy was ill inclined. In youth, 'tis said, a gallant free, A lusty reveller was he; But since return'd from over sea, A sullen and a silent mood Hath numb'd the current of his blood. Hence he refused each kindly call To Rokeby's hospitable hall, And our stout knight, at dawn of morn Who loved to hear the bugle-horn, Nor less, when eve his oaks embrown'd, To see the ruddy cup go round, Took umbrage that a friend so near Refused to share his chase and cheer; Thus did the kindred barons jar, Ere they divided in the war. Yet, trust me, friend, Matilda fair Of Mortham's wealth is destined heir." "Destined to her! to yon slight maid! The prize my life had wellnigh paid, When 'gainst Laroche, by Cayo's wave, I fought my patron's wealth to save!- Denzil, I knew him long, yet ne'er Knew him that joyous cavalier, Whom youthful friends and early fame Call'd soul of gallantry and game. p 1712 1713 1714 1715 → 96 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. C A moody man, he sought our crew, Desperate and dark, whom no one knew; And rose, as men with us must rise, By scorning life and all its ties. On each adventure rash he roved, As danger for itself he loved; On his sad brow nor mirth nor wine Could e'er one wrinkled knot untwine; Ill was the omen if he smiled, For 'twas in peril stern and wild; But when he laugh'd, each luckless mate Might hold our fortune desperate. Foremost he fought in every broil, Then scornful turn'd him from the spoil; Nay, often strove to bar the way Between his comrades and their prey; Preaching, even then, to such as we, Hot with our dear-bought victory, Of mercy and humanity. (6 I loved him well-His fearless part, His gallant leading, won my heart. And after each victorious fight, 'Twas I that wrangled for his right, Redeem'd his portion of the prey That greedier mates had torn away: In field and storm thrice saved his life, And once amid our comrades' strife.-84 Yes, I have loved thee! Well hath proved My toil, my danger, how I loved! Yet will I mourn no more thy fate, Ingrate in life, in death ingrate. Rise if thou canst!" he look'd around, And sternly stamp'd upon the ground- "Rise, with thy bearing proud and high, Even at this morn it met mine eye, And give me, if thou darest, the lie!" Maell 1716 1717 1718 ROKEBY. 97 냠 He paused-then, calm and passion-freed, Bade Denzil with his tale proceed. 'Bertram, to thee I need not tell, What thou hast cause to wot so well, How Superstition's nets were twined Around the Lord of Mortham's mind; But since he drove thee from his tower, A maid he found in Greta's bower, Whose speech, like David's harp, had sway, To charm his evil fiend away. I know not if her features moved Remembrance of the wife he loved; But he would gaze upon her eye, Till his mood soften'd to a sigh. He, whom no living mortal sought To question of his secret thought, Now every thought and care confess'd To his fair niece's faithful breast; Nor was there aught of rich and rare, In earth, in ocean, or in air, But it must deck Matilda's hair. Her love still bound him unto life; But then awoke the civil strife, And menials bore, by his commands, Three coffers, with their iron bands, From Mortham's vault, at midnight deep, To her lone bower in Rokeby-Keep, Ponderous with gold and plate of pride His gift, if he in battle died.". "Then Denzil, as I guess, lays train, These iron-banded chests to gain; Else, wherefore should he hover here, Where many a peril waits him near, For all his feats of war and peace, For plunder'd boors, and harts of greese?* 7 1719 1720 1721 1722 f 98 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS, Since through the hamlets as he fared, What hearth has Guy's marauding spared, Or where the chase that hath not rung With Denzil's bow, at midnight strung?" "I hold my wont-my rangers go, Even now to track a milk-white doe,35 By Rokeby-hall she takes her lair, In Greta wood she harbors fair, And when my huntsman marks her way, What think'st thou, Bertram, of the prey? Were Rokeby's daughter in our power, We rate her ransom at her dower." "Tis well!-there's vengeance in the thought. Matilda is by Wilfrid sought; And hot-brain'd Redmond, too, 'tis said, Pays lover's homage to the maid. Bertram she scorn'd-If met by chance, She turn'd from me her shuddering glance, Like a nice dame, that will not brook On what she hates and loathes to look; She told to Mortham she could ne'er Behold me without secret fear, Foreboding evil:-She may rue To find her prophecy fall true!— The war has weeded Rokeby's train, Few followers in his halls remain; If thy scheme miss, then, brief and bold, We are enow to storm the hold; Bear off the plunder, and the dame, And leave the castle all in flame."- "Still art thou Valor's venturous son! Yet ponder first the risk to run: The menials of the castle, true, And stubborn to their charge, though few; The wall to scale-the moat to cross- mo⠀ M 1723 172-4 1725 ROKEBY. 99 The wicket-grate-the inner fosse "2 "Fool! if we blench for toys like these, On what fair guerdon can we seize? Our hardiest venture, to explore Some wretched peasant's fenceless door, And the best prize we bear away, The earnings of his sordid day.' "Awhile thy hasty taunt forbear: In sight of road more sure and fair, Thou wouldst not choose, in blindfold wrath, Or wantonness, a desperate path? List, then;-for vantage or assault, From gilded vane to dungeon-vault, Each pass of Rokeby-house I know: There is one postern, dark and low, That issues at a secret spot, By most neglected or forgot. Now, could a spial of our train On fair pretext admittance gain, That sally-port might be unbarr'd: Then, vain were battlement and ward!". SONG. 'A weary lot is thine, fair maid A weary lot is thine! To pull the thorn thy brow to braid, And press the rue for wine! "Now speak'st thou well:-to me the same, 1728 If force or art shall urge the game; Indifferent, if like fox I wind, Or spring like tiger on the hind. But, hark! our merry-men so gay Troll forth another roundelay.". A lightsome eye, a soldier's mien, A feather of the blue, ma 房 1726 } 1727 1729 Less 100 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. A doublet of the Lincoln green,- No more of me you knew, My love! No more of me you knew. Mad M "This morn is merry June, I trow, The rose is budding fain; But she shall bloom in winter snow, Ere we two meet again." He turn'd his charger as he spake, Upon the river shore, He gave his bridle-reins a shake, Said, "Adieu for evermore, My love! And adieu for evermore. 86 "What youth is this, your band among, The best for minstrelsy and song? In his wild notes seem aptly met A strain of pleasure and regret.". “Edmond of Winston is his name; The hamlet sounded with the fame Of early hopes his childhood gave,- Now centred all in Brignall cave! I watch him well-his wayward course Shows oft a tincture of remorse. Some early love-shaft grazed his heart, And oft the scar will ache and smart. Yet is he useful;-of the rest, By fits, the darling and the jest, His harp, his story, and his lay, Oft aid the idle hours away: When unemploy'd, each fiery mate Is ripe for mutinous debate. He tuned his strings e'en now-again He wakes them, with a blither strain." 1730 1731 1732 - pa va B ROKEBY. 101 SONG. ALLEN-A-DALE. Allen-a-Dale has no fagot for burning, Allen-a-Dale has no furrow for turning, Allen-a-Dale has no fleece for the spinning, Yet Allen-a-Dale has red gold for the winning. 1733 Come, read me my riddle! come, hearken my tale! And tell me the craft of bold Allen-a-Dale. The Baron of Ravensworth 37 prances in pride, And he views his domains upon Arkindale side. The mere for his net, and the land for his game, The chase for the wild, and the park for the tame; Yet the fish of the lake, and the deer of the vale, Are less free to Lord Dacre than Allen-a-Dale! Allen-a-Dale was ne'er belted a knight, Though his spur be as sharp, and his blade be as bright; 1734 Allen-a-Dale is no baron or lord, Yet twenty tall yeomen will draw at his word; And the best of our nobles his bonnet will vail, Who at Rere-cross 38 on Stanmore meets Allen-a- Dale. Allen-a-Dale to his wooing is come; The mother, she ask'd of his household and home: "Though the castle of Richmond stand fair on the hill, My hall," quoth bold Allen, "Shows gallanter still; 'Tis the blue vault of heaven, with its crescent so pale, And with all its bright spangles!" said Allen-a- Dale. 1735 Her M 102 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. The father was steel, and the mother was stone; They lifted the latch, and they bade him be gone; But loud, on the morrow, their wail and their cry: He had laugh'd on the lass with his bonny black eye, And she fled to the forest to hear a love-tale, And the youth it was told by was Allen-a-Dale! "Thou see'st that, whether sad or gay, Love mingles ever in his lay. But when his boyish wayward fit Is o'er, he hath address and wit; O! 'tis a brain of fire, can ape Each dialect, each various shape."- "Nay, then, to aid thy project, Guy- Soft! who comes here ?"-"My trusty spy. Speak, Hamlin! hast thou lodged our deer ?" 89 "I have-but two fair stags are near. I watch'd her, as she slowly stray'd From Eglistone up Thorsgill glade; But Wilfrid Wycliffe sought her side, And then young Redmond, in his pride, Shot down to meet them on their way: Much, as it seem'd, was theirs to say: There's time to pitch both toil and net Before their path be homeward set." A hurried and a whisper'd speech Did Bertram's will to Denzil teach; Who, turning to the robber band, Bade four, the bravest, take the brand. CANTO FOURTH. WHEN Denmark's raven soar'd on high, Triumphant through Northumbrian sky, Till, hovering near, her fatal croak Bade Reged's Britons dread the yoke,40 1736 1737 1738 f ROKEBY. 103 And the broad shadow of her wing Blacken'd each cataract and spring, Where Tees in tumult leaves his source, Thundering o'er Caldron and High-Force; 41 Beneath the shade the Northmen came, Fix'd on each vale a Runic name,42 Rear'd high their altar's rugged stone, And gave their gods the land they won. Then, Balder, one bleak garth was thine, And one sweet brooklet's silver line, And Woden's Croft did title gain From the stern Father of the Slain; But to the Monarch of the Mace, That held in fight the foremost place, To Odin's son, and Sifia's spouse, Near Stratforth high they paid their vows, Remember'd Thor's victorious fame, And gave the dell the Thunderer's name. Yet Scald or Kemper err'd, I ween, Who gave that soft and quiet scene, With all its varied light and shade, And every little sunny glade, And the blithe brook that strolls along Its pebbled bed with summer song, To the grim God of blood and scar, The grisly King of Northern War. O, better were its banks assign'd To spirits of a gentler kind! For where the thicket-groups recede, And the rath primrose decks the mead, The velvet grass seems carpet meet For the light fairies' lively feet. Yon tufted knoll, with daisies strown, Might make proud Oberon a throne, While, hidden in the thicket nigh, Puck should brood o'er his frolic sly; 1739 1740 1741 104 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. } And where profuse the wood-vetch clings Round ash and elm, in verdant rings, Its pale and azure-pencill'd flower Should canopy Titania's bower. Here rise no cliffs the vale to shade; But, skirting every sunny glade, In fair variety of green The woodland lends its silvan screen. Hoary, yet haughty, frowns the oak, Its boughs by weight of ages broke; And towers erect, in sable spire, The pine-tree scathed by lightning fire; The drooping ash and birch, between, Hang their fair tresses o'er the green, And all beneath, at random grow Each coppice dwarf of varied show, Or, round the stems profusely twined, Fling summer odors on the wind. Such varied group Urbino's hand Round Him of Tarsus nobly plann'd, What time he bade proud Athens own On Mars's Mount the God Unknown! Then gray Philosophy stood nigh, Though bent by age, in spirit high: There rose the scar-seam'd veteran's spear, There Grecian Beauty bent to hear, While Childhood at her foot was placed, Or clung delighted to her waist. "And rest we here," Matilda said, And sat her in the varying shade. "Chance-met, we well may steal an hour, To friendship due from fortune's power. Thou, Wilfrid, ever kind, must lend Thy counsel to thy sister-friend; Maa⠀⠀ 1 1742 1743 1744 1745 7/ ROKEBY. And, Redmond, thou, at my behest, No farther urge thy desperate 'quest. For to my care a charge is left, Dangerous to one of aid bereft, Wellnigh an orphan, and alone, Captive her sire, her house o'erthrown." Wilfrid, with wonted kindness graced, Beside her on the turf she placed; Then paused, with downcast look and eye, Nor bade young Redmond seat him nigh. Her conscious diffidence he saw, Drew backward as in modest awe, And sat a little space removed, Unmark'd to gaze on her he loved. Wreath'd in its dark-brown rings, her hair Half hid Matilda's forehead fair, Half hid and half reveal'd to view Her full dark eye of hazel hue. The rose, with faint and feeble streak, So slightly tinged the maiden's cheek, That you had said her hue was pale; But if she faced the summer gale, Or spoke, or sung, or quicker moved, Or heard the praise of those she loved, Or when of interest was express'd Aught that waked feeling in her breast, The mantling blood in ready play Rivall'd the blush of rising day. There was a soft and pensive grace, A cast of thought upon her face, That suited well the forehead high, The eyelash dark, and downcast eye; The mild expression spoke a mind In duty firm, composed, resign'd;— 'Tis that which Roman art has given, To mark their maiden Queen of Heaven. } 105 1746 1747 1748 106 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. In hours of sport, that mood gave way To Fancy's light and frolic play; And when the dance, or tale, or song, In harmless mirth sped time along, Full oft her doting sire would call His Maud the merriest of them all. But days of war, and civil crime, Allow'd but ill such festal time, And her soft pensiveness of brow Had deepen'd into sadness now. In Marston field her father ta'en, 1749 Her friends dispersed, brave Mortham slain, 1750 While every ill her soul foretold, From Oswald's thirst of power and gold, And boding thoughts that she must part With a soft vision of her heart,- All lower'd around the lovely maid, To darken her dejection's shade. Who has not heard-while Erin yet Strove 'gainst the Saxon's iron bit- Who has not heard how brave O'Neale In English blood imbrued his steel, 48 Against St. George's cross blazed high The banners of his Tanistry, To fiery Essex gave the foil, And reign'd a prince on Ulster's soil? But chief arose his victor pride, When that brave Marshal fought and died,44 And Avon-Duff to ocean bore 1751 His billows red with Saxon gore. 'Twas first in that disastrous fight, Rokeby and Mortham proved their might. 1752 There had they fallen amongst the rest, But pity touch'd a chieftain's breast; The Tanist he to great O'Neale; 45 He check'd his followers' bloody zeal, ROKEBY. 107 To quarter took the kinsmen bold, And bore them to his mountain-hold, Gave them each silvan joy to know, Slieve-Donard's cliffs and woods could show, Shared with them Erin's festal cheer, Show'd them the chase of wolf and deer, And, when a fitting time was come, Safe and unransom'd sent them home, Loaded with many a gift, to prove A generous foe's respect and love. Years speed away. On Rokeby's head Some touch of early snow was shed; Calm he enjoy'd, by Greta's wave, The peace which James the Peaceful gave, While Mortham, far beyond the main, Waged his fierce wars on Indian Spain.- It chanced upon a wintry night, That whiten'd Stanmore's stormy height, The chase was o'er, the stag was kill'd, In Rokeby Hall the cups were fill'd, And by the huge stone chimney sate The Knight in hospitable state. Moonless the sky, the hour was late, When a loud summons shook the gate, And sore for entrance and for aid A voice of foreign accent pray'd. The porter answer'd to the call, And instant rush'd into the hall A Man, whose aspect and attire Startled the circle by the fire. His plaited hair in elf-locks spread 46 Around his bare and matted head; On leg and thigh, close stretch'd and trim, His vesture show'd the sinewy limb: 1753 1754 1755 108 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. In saffron dyed, a linen vest Was frequent folded round his breast; A mantle long and loose he wore, Shaggy with ice, and stain'd with gore. He clasp'd a burden to his heart, And, resting on a knotted dart, The snow from hair and beard he shook, And round him gazed with wilder'd look. Then up the hall, with staggering pace, He hasten'd by the blaze to place, Half lifeless from the bitter air, His load, a Boy of beauty rare. To Rokeby, next, he louted low, Then stood erect his tale to show, With wild majestic port and tone, Like envoy of some barbarous throne.47 "Sir Richard, Lord of Rokeby, hear! Turlough O'Neale salutes thee dear; He graces thee, and to thy care Young Redmond gives his grandson fair. He bids thee breed him as thy son, For Turlough's days of joy are done; And other lords have seized his land, And faint and feeble is his hand; And all the glory of Tyrone Is like a morning vapor flown. To bind the duty on thy soul, He bids thee think on Erin's bowl! If any wrong the young O'Neale, He bids thee think of Erin's steel. To Mortham first this charge was due, But, in his absence, honors you.— Now is my master's message by, And Ferraught will contented die.' "" His look grew fix'd, his cheek grew pale, He sunk when he had told his tale; 1- 1756 1757 1758 1759 > * ROKEBY. 109 For hid beneath his mantle wide, A mortal wound was in his side. Vain was all aid-in terror wild, And sorrow, scream'd the orphan Child. Poor Ferraught raised his wistful eyes, And faintly strove to soothe his cries; All reckless of his dying pain, He blest, and blest him o'er again! And kiss'd the little hands outspread, And kiss'd and cross'd the infant head, And, in his native tongue and phrase, Pray'd to each saint to watch his days; Then all his strength together drew, The charge to Rokeby to renew. When half was falter'd from his breast, And half by dying signs express'd, "Bless the O'Neale!" he faintly said, And thus the faithful spirit fled. 'Twas long ere soothing might prevail Upon the Child to end the tale: And then he said, that from his home His grandsire had been forced to roam, Which had not been if Redmond's hand Had but had strength to draw the brand, The brand of Lenaugh More the Red, That hung beside the gray wolf's head.- 'Twas from his broken phrase descried, His foster-father was his guide,48 Who, in his charge, from Ulster bore Letters, and gifts a goodly store; But ruffians met them in the wood, Ferraught in battle boldly stood, Till wounded and o'erpower'd at length, And stripp'd of all, his failing strength Just bore him here-and then the child Renew'd again his moaning wild. I re 1760 1761 1762 1763 ! 110 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. The tear, down childhood's cheek that flows, Is like the dewdrop on the rose; When next the summer breeze comes by, And waves the bush, the flower is dry. Won by their care, the orphan Child Soon on his new protector smiled, With dimpled cheek and eye so fair, Through his thick curls of flaxen hair, But blithest laugh'd that cheek and eye, When Rokeby's little Maid was nigh; 'Twas his, with elder brother's pride, Matilda's tottering steps to guide; His native lays in Irish tongue, To soothe her infant ear he sung, And primrose twined with daisy fair, To form a chaplet for her hair. By lawn, by grove, by brooklet's strand, The Children still were hand in hand, And good Sir Richard smiling eyed The early knot so kindly tied. But summer months bring wilding shoot From bud to bloom, from bloom to fruit; And years draw on our human span, From child to boy, from boy to man; And soon in Rokeby's woods is seen A gallant boy in hunter's green. He loves to wake the felon boar, In his dark haunt on Greta's shore, And loves, against the deer so dun, To draw the shaft, or lift the gun: Yet more he loves in autumn prime, The hazel's spreading boughs to climb, And down its cluster'd stores to hail, Where young Matilda holds her veil. And she, whose veil receives the shower, Is alter'd too, and knows her power; 1764 1765 1766 ROKEBY. 111 ༔ Assumes a monitress's pride, Her Redmond's dangerous sports to chide; Yet listens still to hear him tell How the grim wild-boar fought and fell, How at his fall the bugle rung, Till rock and greenwood answer flung; Then blesses her, that man can find A pastime of such savage kind! But Redmond knew to weave his tale So well with praise of wood and dale, And knew so well each point to trace, Gives living interest to the chase, And knew so well o'er all to throw His spirit's wild romantic glow, That, while she blamed, and while she fear'd, She loved each venturous tale she heard. # Oft, too, when drifted snow and rain To bower and hall their steps restrain Together they explored the page Of glowing bard or gifted sage; Oft, placed the evening fire beside, The minstrel art alternate tried, While gladsome harp and lively lay Bade winter-night flit fast away; Thus from their childhood blending still Their sport, their study, and their skill, An union of the soul they prove, But must not think that it was love. But though they dared not, envious Fame Soon dared to give that union name; And when so often, side by side, From year to year the pair she eyed, She sometimes blamed the good old Knight, As dull of ear and dim of sight, Sometimes his purpose would declare, That young O'Neale should wed his heir. 1767 1768 1769 1770 ; - 112 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 본 1 The suit of Wilfrid rent disguise And bandage from the lovers' eyes; 'Twas plain that Oswald, for his son, Had Rokeby's favor wellnigh won. Now must they meet with change of cheer, With mutual looks of shame and fear; Now must Matilda stray apart, To school her disobedient heart: And Redmond now alone must rue The love he never can subdue. But factions rose, and Rokeby sware, No rebel's son should wed his heir; And Redmond, nurtured while a child In many a bard's traditions wild, Now sought the lonely wood or stream, To cherish there a happier dream, Of maiden won by sword or lance, 51 As in the regions of romance; And count the heroes of his line, Great Nial of the Pledges Nine,¹9 Shane-Dymas 50 wild, and Geraldine,5 And Connan-more, who vow'd his race Forever to the fight and chase, And cursed him, of his lineage born, Should sheathe the sword to reap the corn, Or leave the mountain and the wold, To shroud himself in castle hold. From such examples hope he drew, And brighten'd as the trumpet blew. If brides were won by heart and blade, Redmond had both his cause to aid, And all beside of nurture rare That might beseem a baron's heir. Turlough O'Neale, in Erin's strife, On Rokeby's Lord bestow'd his life, And well did Rokeby's generous Knight 1771 1772 1773 LLSATSERRATED MANGKITARANCE TROVA ROKEBY. ↓ Young Redmond for the deed requite. Nor was his liberal care and cost Upon the gallant stripling lost: Seek the North Riding broad and wide, Like Redmond none could steed bestride; From Tynemouth search to Cumberland, Like Redmond none could wield a brand; And then, of humor kind and free, And bearing him to each degree With frank and fearless courtesy, There never youth was form'd to steal Upon the heart like brave O'Neale. Sir Richard loved him as his son; And when the days of peace were done, And to the gales of war he gave The banner of his sires to wave, Redmond, distinguish'd by his care, He chose that honor'd flag to bear, 52 And named his page, the next degree In that old time to chivalry.53 In five pitch'd fields he well maintain'd The honor'd place his worth obtain'd, And high was Redmond's youthful name Blazed in the roll of martial fame. Had fortune smiled on Marston fight, The eve had seen him dubb'd a knight; Twice, 'mid the battle's doubtful strife, Of Rokeby's Lord he saved the life, But when he saw him prisoner made, He kiss'd and then resign'd his blade, And yielded him an easy prey To those who led the Knight away; Resolved Matilda's sire should prove In prison, as in fight, his love. When lovers meet in adverse hour, 'Tis like a sun-glimpse through a shower, 8 1- 113 1774 1775 1776 1777 3 114 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. A watery ray, an instant seen The darkly closing clouds between. As Redmond on the turf reclined, The past and present fill'd his mind: "It was not thus," Affection said, "I dream'd of my return, dear maid! Not thus, when from thy trembling hand, I took the banner and the brand, When round me, as the bugles blew, Their blades three hundred warriors drew, And, while the standard I unroll'd, Clash'd their bright arms, with clamor bold. Where is that banner now ?-its pride Lies 'whelm'd in Ouse's sullen tide! Where now these warriors ?-in their gore, They cumber Marston's dismal moor! And what avails a useless brand, Held by a captive's shackled hand, That only would his life retain, To aid thy sire to bear his chain!" Thus Redmond to himself apart; Nor lighter was his rival's heart; For Wilfrid, while his generous soul Disdain'd to profit by control, By many a sign could mark too plain, Save with such aid, his hopes were vain.- But now Matilda's accents stole On the dark visions of their soul, And bade their mournful musing fly, Like mist before the zephyr's sigh. "I need not to my friends recall, How Mortham shunn'd my father's hall A man of silence and of woe, Yet ever anxious to bestow On my poor self whate'er could prove A kinsman's confidence and love. 1778 1779 1780 1 ROKEBY. 115 My feeble aid could sometimes chase The clouds of sorrow for a space: But oftener, fix'd beyond my power, I mark'd his deep despondence lower. One dismal cause, by all unguess'd, His fearful confidence confess'd; And twice it was my hap to see Examples of that agony, Which for a season can o'erstrain And wreck the structure of the brain. He had the awful power to know The approaching mental overthrow, And while his mind had courage yet To struggle with the dreadful fit, The victim writhed against its throes, Like wretch beneath a murderer's blows. This malady, I well could mark, Sprung from some direful cause and dark; But still he kept its source conceal'd, Till arming for the civil field; Then in my charge he bade me hold A treasure huge of gems and gold, With this disjointed dismal scroll, That tells the secret of his soul, In such wild words as oft betray A mind by anguish forced astray." MORTHAM'S HISTORY, "Matilda! thou hast seen me start, As if a dagger thrill'd my heart, When it has happ'd some casual phrase Waked memory of my former days. Believe, that few can backward cast Their thoughts with pleasure on the past; But I!-my youth was rash and vain, And blood and rage my manhood stain, 1781 · 1782 1783 1784 116 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. And my gray hairs must now descend To my cold grave without a friend! Even thou, Matilda, wilt disown. Thy kinsman, when his guilt is known. And must I lift the bloody veil, That hides my dark and fatal tale! I must-I will-Pale phantom, cease! Leave me one little hour in peace! Thus haunted, think'st thou I have skill Thine own commission to fulfil ? Or, while thou point'st with gesture fierce, Thy blighted cheek, thy bloody hearse, How can I paint thee as thou wert, So fair in face, so warm in heart!- K "Yes, she was fair!-Matilda, thou Hast a soft sadness on thy brow; But hers was like the sunny glow, That laughs on earth and all below! We wedded secret-there was need- Differing in country and in creed; And when to Mortham's tower she came, We mentioned not her race and name, Until thy sire, who fought afar, Should turn him home from foreign war, On whose kind influence we relied To soothe her father's ire and pride. Few months we lived retired, unknown, To all but one dear friend alone, One darling friend-I spare his shame, I will not write the villain's name! My trespasses I might forget, And sue in vengeance for the debt Due by a brother worm to me, Ungrateful to God's clemency, That spared me penitential time, Nor cut me off amid my crime.- 1785 1786 1787 1788 ROKEBY. 117 "A kindly smile to all she lent, But on her husband's friend 'twas bent So kind, that from its harmless glee, The wretch misconstrued villany. Repulsed in his presumptuous love, A 'vengeful snare the traitor wove. Alone we sat-the flask had flow'd, My blood with heat unwonted glow'd, When through the alley'd walk we spied With hurried step my Edith glide, Cowering beneath the verdant screen, As one unwilling to be seen. Words cannot paint the fiendish smile, That curl'd the traitor's cheek the while! Fiercely I question'd of the cause; He made a cold and artful pause, Then pray'd it might not chafe my mood- There was a gallant in the wood!'. We had been shooting at the deer; My cross-bow (evil chance!) was near: That ready weapon of my wrath I caught, and, hasting up the path, In the yew grove my wife I found, A stranger's arms her neck had bound! I mark'd his heart-the bow I drew- I loosed the shaft-'twas more than true! I found my Edith's dying charms Lock'd in her murder'd brother's arms! He came in secret to enquire Her state, and reconcile her sire. A "All fled my rage-the villain first, Whose craft my jealousy had nursed; He sought in far and foreign clime To 'scape the vengeance of his crime. The manner of the slaughter done Was known to few, my guilt to none; 1789 1790 1791 apor * ! f 118 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Some tale my faithful steward framed- I know not what-of shaft mis-aim'd; And even from those the act who knew, He hid the hand from which it flew. Untouch'd by human laws I stood, But God had heard the cry of blood! There is a blank upon my mind, A fearful vision ill-defined, Of raving till my flesh was torn, Of dungeon-bolts and fetters worn- And when I waked to woe more mild, And question'd of my infant child- (Have I not written, that she bare A boy, like summer morning fair ?)— With looks confused my menials tell That armed men in Mortham dell Beset the nurse's evening way, And bore her, with her charge, away. My faithless friend, and none but he, Could profit by this villany; Him then, I sought, with purpose dread Of treble vengeance on his head! He 'scaped me-but my bosom's wound Some faint relief from wandering found; And over distant land and sea I bore my load of misery. "Twas then that fate my footsteps led Among a daring crew and dread, With whom full oft my hated life I ventured in such desperate strife, That even my fierce associates saw My frantic deeds with doubt and awe. Much then I learn'd, and much can show, Of human guilt and human woe, Yet ne'er have, in my wanderings, known A wretch, whose sorrows match'd my own!- 1792 1793 1794 1795 ROKEBY. 119 It chanced, that after battle fray, Upon the bloody field we lay; The yellow moon her lustre shed Upon the wounded and the dead, While, sense in toil and wassail drown'd, My ruffian comrades slept around, There came a voice-its silver tone Was soft, Matilda, as thine own- 1796 · Ah, wretch!' it said, 'what makest thou here, While unavenged my bloody bier, While unprotected lives mine heir, Without a father's name and care?' "I heard-obey'd-and homeward drew; The fiercest of our desperate crew I brought at time of need to aid My purposed vengeance, long delay'd. But, humble be my thanks to Heaven, That better hopes and thoughts has given, And by our Lord's dear prayer has taught, Mercy by mercy must be bought!- Let me in misery rejoice— I've seen his face-I've heard his voice- I claim'd of him my only child- As he disown'd the theft, he smiled! That very calm and callous look, That fiendish sneer his visage took, As when he said, in scornful mood, 'There is a gallant in the wood!'- I did not slay him as he stood- All praise be to my Maker given! Long suffrance is one path to heaven.” A P Thus far the woful tale was heard, When something in the thicket stirr'd, Up Redmond sprung; the villain Guy, (For he it was that lurk'd so nigh,) 1797 1798 3 * 120 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Drew back-he durst not cross his steel A moment's space with brave O'Neale, For all the treasured gold that rests In Mortham's iron-banded chests. Redmond resumed his seat;-he said, Some roe was rustling in the shade. Bertram laugh'd grimly, when he saw His timorous comrade backward draw; "A trusty mate art thou, to fear A single arm, and aid so near! Yet have I seen thee mark a deer. Give me thy carabine-I'll show An art that thou wilt gladly know, How thou mayst safely quell a foe." On hands and knees fierce Bertram drew The spreading birch and hazels through, Till he had Redmond full in view; The gun he levell'd-Mark like this Was Bertram never known to miss, When fair opposed to aim there sate An object of his mortal hate. That day young Redmond's death had seen, But twice Matilda came between The carabine and Redmond's breast, Just ere the spring his finger press'd. A deadly oath the ruffian swore, But yet his fell design forbore: "It ne'er," he mutter'd, "shall be said, That thus I scathed thee, haughty maid!" Then moved to seek more open aim, When to his side Guy Denzil came: "Bertram, forbear!-we are undone Forever, if thou fire the gun. By all the fiends, an armed force Descends the dell, of foot and horse! We perish if they hear a shot- 1799 1800 1801 1802 Sports 2000, Albase 2 jadi madh talaamunan alkuósartan Redknectandarvi sastankeverikandidaadikana The Lad de MAA Lindoval. Momstbata vonkajšimi storita achat ou da kantaan nou. Povecanvisedarica un tratu tuketasar wanajul ROKEBY. 121 Madman! we have a safer plot- Nay, friend, be ruled, and bear thee back! Behold, down yonder hollow track, The warlike leader of the band Comes, with his broadsword in his hand.” Bertram look'd up; he saw, he knew That Denzil's fears had counsell'd true, Then cursed his fortune and withdrew, Threaded the woodlands undescried, And gain'd the cave on Greta side. They whom dark Bertram, in his wrath, Doom'd to captivity or death, What Mortham's closing tale declared. Ile spoke of wealth as of a load, By Fortune on a wretch bestow'd, In bitter mockery of hate, His cureless woes to aggravate; But yet he pray'd Matilda's care Might save that treasure for his heir- His Edith's son-for still he raved As confident his life was saved; In frequent vision, he averr'd, He saw his face, his voice he heard, Then argued calm-had murder been, The blood, the corpses, had been seen; Some had pretended, too. to mark On Windermere a stranger bark, 1803 Their thoughts to one sad subject lent, Saw not nor heard the ambushment. Heedless and unconcern'd they sate, While on the very verge of fate; Heedless and unconcern'd remain'd, When Heaven the murderer's arm restrain'd; 1804 As ships drift darkling down the tide, Nor see the shelves o'er which they glide. Uninterrupted thus they heard 1805 122 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Whose crew, with jealous care, yet mild, Guarded a female and a child. While these faint proofs he told and press'd, Hope seem'd to kindle in his breast; Though inconsistent, vague, and vain, It warp'd his judgment, and his brain. These solemn words his story close:- "Heaven witness for me, that I chose My part in this sad civil fight, Moved by no cause but England's right. My country's groans have bid me draw My sword for gospel and for law;- These righted, I fling arms aside, And seek my son through Europe wide. My wealth, on which a kinsman nigh Already casts a grasping eye, With thee may unsuspected lie. When of my death Matilda hears, Let her retain her trust three years; If none, from me, the treasure claim, Perish'd is Mortham's race and name. Then let it leave her generous hand, And flow in bounty o'er the land; Soften the wounded prisoner's lot, Rebuild the peasant's ruin'd cot; So spoils, acquired by fight afar, Shall mitigate domestic war." The generous youths, who well had known Of Mortham's mind the powerful tone, To that high mind, by sorrow swerved, Gave sympathy his woes deserved; But Wilfrid chief, who saw reveal'd Why Mortham wish'd his life conceal'd, In secret, doubtless, to pursue The schemes his wilder'd fancy drew. 1806 1807 1808 1809 ROKEBY. 123 Thoughtful he heard Matilda tell, That she would share her father's cell, His partner of captivity, Where'er his prison-house should be; Yet grieved to think that Rokeby-hall, Dismantled, and forsook by all, Open to rapine and to stealth, Had now no safe-guard for the wealth Intrusted by her kinsman kind, And for such noble use design'd. "Was Barnard Castle then her choice," Wilfrid enquired with hasty voice, "Since there the victor's laws ordain, Her father must a space remain ?" A flutter'd hope his accents shook, A flutter'd joy was in his look. Matilda hasten'd to reply, 66 For anger flash'd in Redmond's eye;- Duty," she said, with gentle grace, "Kind Wilfrid, has no choice of place; Else had I for my sire assign'd Prison less galling to his mind, Than that his wild-wood haunts which sees And hears the murmur of the Tees, Recalling thus, with every glance, What captive's sorrow can enhance; But where those woes are highest, there Needs Rokeby most his daughter's care." He felt the kindly check she gave, And stood abash'd-then answer'd grave:- "I sought thy purpose, noble maid, Thy doubts to clear, thy schemes to aid. I have beneath mine own command, So wills my sire, a gallant band, And well could send some horseman wight To bear the treasure forth by night, 1810 1811 1812 t ! 124 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. And so bestow it as you deem In these ill days may safest seem."- "Thanks, gentle Wilfrid, thanks," she said: "O, be it not one day delay'd! And, more thy sister-friend to aid, Be thou thyself content to hold, In thine own keeping, Mortham's gold, Safest with thee."-While thus she spoke, Arm'd soldiers on their converse broke, The same of whose approach afraid, The ruffians left their ambuscade. Their chief to Wilfrid bended low, Then look'd around as for a foe. "What mean'st thou, friend," young Wycliffe said. T "Why thus in arms beset the glade ?”. "That would I gladly learn from you; For up my squadron as I drew, To exercise our martial game Upon the moor of Barninghame, A stranger told you were waylaid, Surrounded, and to death betray'd. He had a leader's voice, I ween, A falcon glance, a warrior's mien. He bade me bring you instant aid; I doubted not, and I obey'd." Wilfrid changed color, and, amazed, Turn'd short, and on the speaker gazed; While Redmond every thicket round Track'd earnest as a questing hound, And Denzil's carabine he found; Sure evidence, by which they knew The warning was as kind as true. Wisest it seem'd, with cautious speed To leave the dell. It was agreed, That Redmond, with Matilda fair, 1813 1814 1815 1816 ROKEBY. 125 And fitting guard, should home repair; At nightfall Wilfrid should attend, With a strong band, his sister-friend, To bear with her from Rokeby's bowers To Barnard Castle's lofty towers, Secret and safe the banded chests, In which the wealth of Mortham rests. This hasty purpose fix'd, they part, Each with a grieved and anxious heart. CANTO FIFTH. THE sultry summer day is done, The western hills have hid the sun, But mountain peak and village spire Retain reflection of his fire. Old Barnard's towers are purple still, To those that gaze from Toller-hill; Distant and high, the tower of Bowes Like steel upon the anvil glows; And Stanmore's ridge, behind that lay, Rich with the spoils of parting day, In crimson and in gold array'd, Streaks yet awhile the closing shade, Then slow resigns to darkening heaven The tints which brighter hours had given. Thus aged men, full loath and slow, The vanities of life forego, And count their youthful follies o'er, Till Memory lends her light no more. 3 The eve, that slow on upland fades, Has darker closed on Rokeby's glades, Where, sunk within their banks profound, Her guardian streams to meeting wound. } W 1817 1818 1819 126 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 1 The stately oaks, whose sombre frown Of noontide made a twilight brown, Impervious now to fainter light, Of twilight make an early night. Hoarse into middle air arose The vespers of the roosting crows, And with congenial murmurs seem To wake the Genii of the stream; For louder clamor'd Greta's tide, And Tees in deeper voice replied, And fitful waked the evening wind, Fitful in sighs its breath resign'd. Wilfrid, whose fancy-nurtured soul Felt in the scene a soft control, With lighter footstep press'd the ground And often paused to look around; And, though his path was to his love, Could not but linger in the grove, To drink the thrilling interest dear, Of awful pleasure check'd by fear. Such inconsistent moods have we, Even when our passions strike the key. Now, through the wood's dark mazes past, The opening lawn he reach'd at last, Where, silver'd by the moonlight ray, The ancient Hall before him lay. Those martial terrors long were fled, That frown'd of old around its head: The battlements, the turrets gray, Seem'd half abandon'd to decay;54 On barbican and keep of stone Stern Time the formu's work had done. Where banners the invader braved, The harebell now and wallflower waved; In the rude guard-room, where of yore Their weary hours the warders wore, 1820 1821 1822 1823 ROKEBY. 127 Now, while the cheerful fagots blaze, On the paved floor the spindle plays; The flanking guns dismounted lie, The moat is ruinous and dry, The grim portcullis gone-and all The fortress turn'd to peaceful Hall. But yet precautions, lately ta'en, Show'd danger's day revived again; The court-yard wall show'd marks of care, The fall'n defences to repair, Lending such strength as might withstand The insult of marauding band. The beams once more were taught to bear The trembling drawbridge into air, And not, till question'd o'er and o'er, For Wilfrid oped the jealous door, And when he enter'd, bolt and bar Resumed their place with sullen jar; Then, as he cross'd the vaulted porch, The old gray porter raised his torch, And view'd him o'er, from foot to head, Ere to the hall his steps he led. That huge old hall, of knightly state, Dismantled seem'd and desolaie. The moon through transom-shafts of stone, Which cross'd the latticed oriels, shone, And by the mournful light she gave, The Gothic vault seem'd funeral cave. Pennon and banner waved no more O'er beams of stag and tusks of boar, Nor glimmering arms were marshall'd seen, To glance those silvan spoils between. Those arms, those ensigns, borne away, Accomplish'd Rokeby's brave array, But all were lost on Marston's day! Yet here and there the moonbeams fall 1824 1825 1826 128 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Where armor yet adorns the wall, Cumbrous of size, uncouth to sight, And useless in the modern fight! Like veteran relic of the wars, Known only by neglected scars. Matilda soon to greet him came, And bade them light the evening flame; Said, all for parting was prepared, And tarried but for Wilfrid's guard. But then, reluctant to unfold His father's avarice of gold, He hinted, that lest jealous eye Should on their precious burden pry, He judged it best the castle gate To enter when the night wore late; And therefore he had left command With those he trusted of his band, That they should be at Rokeby met, What time the midnight-watch was set. Now Redmond came, whose anxious care Till then was busied to prepare All needful, meetly to arrange The mansion for its mournful change. With Wilfrid's care and kindness pleased, His cold unready hand he seized, And press'd it, till his kindly strain The gentle youth return'd again. Seem'd as between them this was said, 'Awhile let jealously be dead; And let our contest be, whose care Shall best assist this helpless fair." There was no speech the truce to bind, It was a compact of the mind, A generous thought, at once impress'd On either rival's generous breast. 1827 1828 1829 1830 ROKEBY. 129 Matilda well the secret took, From sudden change of mien and look; And-for not small had been her fear Of jealous ire and danger near- Felt, even in her dejected state, A joy beyond the reach of 1ate. They closed beside the chimney's blaze, And talk'd and hoped for happier days, And lent their spirits' rising glow Awhile to gild impending woe;— High privilege of youthful time, Worth all the pleasures of our prime! The bickering fagot sparkled bright, And gave the scene of love to sight, Bade Wilfrid's cheek more lively glow, Play'd on Matilda's neck of snow, Her nut-brown curls and forehead high, And laugh'd in Redmond's azure eye. Two lovers by the maiden sate, Without a glance of jealous hate; The maid her lovers sat between, With open brow and equal mien;-- It is a sight but rarely spied, Thanks to man's wrath and woman's pride. While thus in peaceful guise they sate, A knock alarm'd the outer gate, And ere the tardy porter stirr'd, The tinkling of a harp was heard. A manly voice of mellow swell, Bore burden to the music well. SONG. "Summer eve is gone and past, Summer dew is falling fast; I have wander'd all the day, Do not bid me farther stray! 9 1831 1832 1833 > → 130 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Gentle hearts, of gentle kin, Take the wandering harper in!" But the stern porter answer gave, With "Get thee hence, thou strolling knave! 1834 The king wants soldiers; war, I trow, Were meeter trade for such as thou." At this unkind reproof, again Answer'd the ready Minstrel's strain. SONG RESUMED. 'Bid not me, in battle-field, Buckler lift, or broadsword wield! All my strength and all my art Is to touch the gentle heart, With the wizard notes that ring From the peaceful minstrel-string."- The porter, all unmoved, replied,- "Depart in peace, with Heaven to guide; If longer by the gate thou dwell, Trust me, thou shalt not part so well." Gadg With somewhat of appealing look, The harper's part young Wilfrid took; "These notes so wild and ready thrill, They show no vulgar minstrel's skill; Hard were his task to seek a home More distant, since the night is come; And for his faith I dare engage― Your Harpool's blood is sour'd by age; His gate, once readily display'd, To greet the friend, the poor to aid, Now even to me, though known of old, Did but reluctantly unfold." "O blame not, as poor Harpool's crime, An evil of this evil time. MA 1835 1836 ROKEBY. 131 He deems dependent on his care The safety of his patron's heir, Nor judges meet to ope the tower To guest unknown at parting hour, Urging his duty to excess Of rough and stubborn faithfulness. For this poor harper, I would fain He may relax:-Hark to his strain!" SONG RESUMED. "I have song of war for knight, Lay of love for lady bright, Fairy tale to lull the heir, Goblin grim the maids to scare. Dark the night, and long till day, Do not bid me farther stray! "Rokeby's lords of martial fame, I can count them name by name; 55 Legends of their line there be, Known to few, but known to me; If you honor Rokeby's kin, Take the wandering harper in! "Rokeby's lords had fair regard For the harp, and for the bard; Baron's race throve never well, Where the curse of minstrel fell. If you love that noble kin, Take the weary harper in!" "Hark! Harpool parleys-there is hope," Said Redmond, "that the gate will ope.". "For all thy brag and boast, I trow, Naught know'st thou of the Felon Sow," 56 Quoth Harpool, nor how Greta-side She roam'd, and Rokeby forest wide; Nor how Ralph Rokeby gave the beast CC 1837 1838 1839 1840 132 SCOTT S POETICAL WORKS. To Richmond's friars to make a feast. Of Gilbert Griffinson the tale Goes, and of gallant Peter Dale, That well could strike with sword amain, And of the valiant son of Spain, Friar Middleton, and blithe Sir Ralph; There were a jest to make us laugh! If thou canst tell it, in yon shed Thou'st won thy supper and thy bed." 66 Matilda smiled; "Cold hope," said she, From Harpool's love of minstrelsy! But, for this harper, may we dare, Redmond, to mend his couch and fare ?" O, ask me not!-At minstrel-string My heart from infancy would spring; Nor can I hear its simplest strain, But it brings Erin's dream again, When placed by Owen Lysagh's knee, (The Filea of O'Neale was he,57 A blind and bearded man, whose eld Was sacred as a prophet's held,) I've seen a ring of rugged kerne, With aspects shaggy, wild, and stern, Enchanted by the master's lay, Linger around the livelong day, Shift from wild rage to wilder glee, To love, to grief, to ecstasy, And feel each varied change of soul Obedient to the bard's control.- Ah, Clandeboy! thy friendly floor Slieve-Donard's oak shall light no more; Nor Owen's harp, beside the blaze, Tell maiden's love, or hero's praise! The mantling brambles hide thy hearth Centre of hospitable mirth; All undistinguish'd in the glade, 58 1841 1842 1843 ROKEBY. 133 My sires' glad home is prostrate laid, Their vassals wander wide and far, Serve foreign lords in distant war, And now the stranger's sons enjoy The lovely woods of Clandeboy!" He spoke, and proudly turn'd aside, The starting tear to dry and hide. Matilda's dark and softened eye Was glistening ere O'Neale's was dry. Her hand upon his arm she laid,— "It is the will of Heaven," she said. Leaving to wild neglect whate'er Even from my infancy was dear ? For in this calm domestic bound Were all Matilda's pleasures found. That hearth, my sire was wont to grace, Full soon may be a stranger's place; This hall, in which a child I play'd, Like thine, dear Redmond, lowly laid, The bramble and the thorn may braid; Or, pass'd for aye from me and mine, It ne'er may shelter Rokeby's line. Yet is this consolation given, My Redmond,-'tis the will of Heaven." Her word, her action, and her phrase, Were kindly as in early days; For cold reserve had lost its power, In sorrow's sympathetic hour. "And think'st thou, Redmond, I can part From this loved home with lightsome heart, 1845 Young Redmond dared not trust his voice; But rather had it been his choice To share that melancholy hour, Than, arm'd with all a chieftain's power, In full possession to enjoy Slieve-Donard wide, and Clandeboy. 1844 1846 1847 2 ¿ " SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. The blood left Wilfrid's ashen cheek; Matilda's sees, and hastes to speak.— "Happy in friendship's ready aid, Let all my murmurs here be staid! And Rokeby's Maiden will not part From Rokeby's hall with moody heart. This night at least, for Rokeby's fame, The hospitable hearth shall flame, And, ere its native heir retire, Find for the wanderer rest and fire, While this poor harper, by the blaze, Recounts the tale of other days. Bid Harpool ope the door with speed, Admit him, and relieve each need.- Meantime, kind Wycliffe, wilt thou try Thy minstrel skill ?-Nay, no reply— And look not sad!-I guess thy thought, Thy verse with laurels would be bought; And poor Matilda, landless now, Has not a garland for thy brow. True, I must leave sweet Rokeby's glades, Nor wander more in Greta shades; But sure, no rigid jailer, thou Wilt a short prison-walk allow, Where summer flowers grow wild at will, On Marwood-chase and Toller-Hill; 5 Then holly green and lily gay Shall twine in guerdon of thy lay." The mournful youth, a space aside, To tune Matilda's harp applied; And then a low sad descant rung, As prelude to the lay he sung. 134 THE CYPRESS WREATH. O, Lady, twine no wreath for me, Or twine it of the cypress-trec! Į 1848 1849 1850 gtas, ka tas atera ganarena mema naj mengeringa ana ment en kan angryggerne TNT gee WATANA (APNYA JANNA DEY ea au duciasuPİYADAN ZAScheildartu Havokadozione data e in at mask wat van de a statikmahkota und Nebieskikokivatumbakket, skatta ROKEBY. 135 ? Too lively glow the lilies light, The varnish'd holly's all too bright, The May-flower and the eglantine May shade a brow less sad than mine; But, Lady, weave no wreath for me, Or weave it of the cypress-tree! Let dimpled Mirth his temples twine With tendrils of the laughing vine; The manly oak, the pensive yew, To patriot and to sage be due; The myrtle bough bids lovers live, But that Matilda will not give; Then, Lady, twine no wreath for me, Or twine it of the cypress-tree! Let Merry England proudly rear Her blended roses, bought so dear; Let Albin bind her bonnet blue With heath and harebell dipp'd in dew; On favor'd Erin's crest be seen The flower she loves of emerald green- But, Lady, twine no wreath for me, Or twine it of the cypress-tree. S Yes! twine for me the cypress bough; But, O Matilda, twine not now! Stay till a few brief months are past, And I have look'd and loved my last! { 1851 Strike the wild harp, while maids prepare 1853 The ivy meet for minstrel's hair; And, while his crown of laurel-leaves, With bloody hand the victor weaves, Let the loud trump his triumph tell; But when you hear the passing bell, Then, Lady, twine a wreath for me, And twine it of the cypress-tree. 1852 1854 D 136 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. A When villagers my shroud bestrew With pansies, rosemary, and rue,— Then, Lady, weave a wreath for me, And weave it of the cypress-tree. O'Neale observed the starting tear, And spoke with kind and blithesome cheer- "No, noble Wilfrid! ere the day When mourns the land thy silent lay, Shall many a wreath be freely wove By hand of friendship and of love. I would not wish that rigid Fate Had doom'd thee to a captive's state, Whose hands are bound by honor's law, Who wears a sword he must not draw; But were it so, in minstrel pride The land together would we ride, On prancing steeds, like harpers old, Bound for the halls of barons bold, Each lover of the lyre we'd seek, From Michael's Mount to Skiddaw's Peak, Survey wild Albin's mountain strand, And roam green Erin's lovely land, While thou the gentler souls should move, With lay of pity and of love, And I, thy mate, in rougher strain, Would sing of war and warriors slain. Old England's bards were vanquish'd then, And Scotland's vaunted Hawthornden,60 And, silenced on Iernian shore, M'Curtin's harp should charm no more!" 61 In lively mood he spoke, to wile From Wilfrid's woe-worn cheek a smile. “But,” said Matilda, "ere thy name, Good Redmond, gain its destined fame, 1855 1856 1857 SDH DAS PART ROKEBY. 137 Say, wilt thou kindly deign to call Thy brother-minstrel to the hall? Bid all the household, too, attend, Each in his rank a humble friend; I know their faithful hearts will grieve, When their poor Mistress takes her leave; So let the horn and beaker flow To mitigate their parting woe." The harper came;-in youth's first prime Himself; in mode of olden time His garb was fashion'd, to express The ancient English minstrel's dress,62 A seemly gown of Kendal green, With gorget closed of silver sheen; His harp in silken scarf was slung, And by his side an anlace hung. It seem'd some masquer's quaint array, For revel or for holiday. He made obeisance with a free Yet studied air of courtesy. Each look and accent, framed to please, Seem'd to affect a playful ease; His face was of that doubtful kind, That wins the eye, but not the mind; Yet harsh it seem'd to deem amiss Of brow so young and smooth as this. His was the subtle look and sly, That, spying all, seems naught to spy; Round all the group his glances stole, Unmark'd themselves, to mark the whole. Yet sunk beneath Matilda's look, Nor could the eye of Redmond brook. To the suspicious, or the old, Subtle and dangerous and bold Had seem'd this self-invited guest; But young our lovers,-and the rest, 1858 1859 1860 1861 # 9 138 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 1? Wrapt in their sorrow and their fear At parting of their Mistress dear, Tear-blinded to the Castle-hall, Came as to bear her funeral pall. All that expression base was gone, When waked the guest his minstrel tone; It fled at inspiration's call, As erst the demon fled from Saul. More noble glance he cast around, More free-drawn breath inspired the sound, His pulse beat bolder and more high, In all the pride of minstrelsy! Alas! too soon that pride was o'er, Sunk with the lay that bade it soar! His soul resumed, with habit's chain, Its vices wild and follies vain, And gave the talent, with him born, To be a common curse and scorn. Such was the youth whom Rokeby's Maid, With condescending kindness, pray'd Here to renew the strains she loved, At distance heard and well approved. SONG. THE HARP. I was a wild and wayward boy, My childhood scorn'd each childish toy; Retired from all, reserved and coy, To musing prone, I woo'd my solitary joy, My Harp alone. My youth, with bold Ambition's mood, Despised the humble stream and wood, 1862 1863 1864 Make a Meme plates amarnegara den KAMANDA DAARM SPECIVA PONATO ISSUEPASSIN ROKEBY. 139 Where my poor father's cottage stood, To fame unknown;— What should my soaring views make good? My Harp alone! Love came with all his frantic fire, And wild romance of vain desire: The baron's daughter heard my lyre, And praised the tone;- What could presumptuous hope inspire? My Harp alone! At manhood's touch the bubble burst, And manhood's pride the vision curst, And all that had my folly nursed Love's sway to own; Yet spared the spell that lull'd me first, My Harp alone! Woe came with war, and want with woe; And it was mine to undergo Each outrage of the rebel foe:- Can aught atone My fields laid waste, my cot laid low ? My Harp alone! Ambition's dreams I've seen depart, Have rued of penury the smart, Have felt of love the venom'd dart, When hope was flown; Yet rests one solace to my heart,- My Harp alone! Then over mountain, moor, and hill, My faithful Harp, I'll bear thee still; And when this life of want and ill Is wellnigh gone, 1865 1866 1867 } 140 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. k + Į ? } Thy strings mine elegy shall thrill, My Harp alone! "A pleasing lay!" Matilda said; But Harpool shook his old gray head, And took his baton and his torch, To seek his guard-room in the porch. Edmund observed-with sudden change, Among the strings his fingers range, Until they waked a bolder glee Of military melody; Then paused amid the martial sound, And look'd with well-feign'd fear around;- "None to this noble house belong," He said, "that would a Minstrel wrong, Whose fate has been, through good and ill, To love his Royal Master still; And, with your honor'd leave would fain Rejoice you with a loyal strain." Then, as assured by sign and look, The warlike tone again he took; And Harpool stopp'd, and turn'd to hear A ditty of the Cavalier. SONG. 1868 1869 THE CAVALIER. While the dawn on the mountain was misty and gray, My true love has mounted his steed and away, Over hill, over valley, o'er dale, and o'er down; Heaven shield the brave Gallant that fights for the Crown! 1870 1 He has doff'd the silk doublet the breast-plate to bear, He has placed the steel-cap o'er his long flowing hair, ROKEBY. 141 M From his belt to his stirrup his broadsword hangs down,- Heaven shield the brave Gallant that fights for the Crown! For the rights of fair England that broadsword he draws, Her King is his leader, her Church is his cause; His watchword is honor, his pay is renown,— GOD strike with the Gallant that strikes for the Crown! They may boast of their Fairfax, their Waller, and all 1871 The roundheaded rebels of Westminster Hall; But tell these bold traitors of London's proud town, That the spears of the North have encircled the Crown. There's Derby and Cavendish, dread of their foes; There's Erin's high Ormond, and Scotland's Mon- trose! Would you match the base Skippon, and Massey, and Brown, With the Barons of England, that fight for the Crown? Now joy to the crest of the brave Cavalier! Be his banner unconquer'd, resistless his spear, Till in peace and in triumph his toils he may drown, In a pledge to fair England, her Church, and her Crown. 1872 "Alas!" Matilda said, "that strain, Good Harper, now is heard in vain! 142 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 1 N The time has been, at such a sound, When Rokeby's vassals gather'd round, An hundred manly hearts would bound; But now, the stirring verse we hear, Like trump in dying soldier's ear! Listless and sad the notes we own, The power to answer them is flown. Yet not without his meet applause Be he that sings the rightful cause, Even when the crisis of its fate To human eye seems desperate. While Rokeby's Heir such power retains, Let this slight guerdon pay thy pains:- And, lend thy harp; I fain would try, If my poor skill can aught supply, Ere yet I leave my fathers' hall, To mourn the cause in which we fall.” The Harper, with a downcast look, And trembling hand, her bounty took.- As yet, the conscious pride of art Had steel'd him in his treacherous part; A powerful spring, of force unguess'd, That hath each gentler mood suppress'd, And reign'd in many a human breast; From his that plans the red campaign, To his that wastes the woodland reign. The failing wing, the blood-shot eye,— The sportsman marks with apathy, Each feeling of his victim's ill Drown'd in his own successful skill. The veteran, too, who now no more Aspires to head the battle's roar, Loves still the triumph of his art, And traces on the pencill'd chart Some stern invader's destined way, Through blood and ruin, to his prey; 1873 1 1874 1875 1 ROKEBY. 143 Patriots to death, and towns to flame, He dooms, to raise another's name, And shares the guilt, though not the fame. What pays him for his span of time Spent in premeditating crime ? What against pity arms his heart ?— It is the conscious pride of art. But principles in Edmund's mind Were baseless, vague, and undefined. His soul, like bark with rudder lost, On Passion's changeful tide was tost; Nor Vice nor Virtue had the power Beyond the impression of the hour; And, O! when Passion rules, how rare The hours that fall to Virtue's share! Yet now she roused her-for the pride, That lack of sterner guilt supplied, Could scarce support him when arose The lay that mourn'd Matilda's woes. SONG. THE FAREWELL. The sound of Rokeby's woods I hear, They mingle with the song: Dark Greta's voice is in mine ear, I must not hear them long. From every loved and native haunt The native Heir must stray, And, like a ghost whom sunbeams daunt, Must part before the day. Soon from the halls my fathers rear'd, Their scutcheons may descend, A line so long beloved and fear'd May soon obscurely end. 1876 1877 1878 顺 ? 144 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. No longer here Matilda's tone Shall bid those echoes swell; Yet shall they hear her proudly own The cause in which we fell. The Lady paused, and then again Resumed the lay in loftier strain. Let our halls and towers decay, Be our name and line forgot, Lands and manors pass away,- We but share our Monarch's lot. If no more our annals show Battles won and banners taken, Still in death, defeat, and woe, Ours be loyalty unshaken! Constant still in danger's hour, Princes own'd our fathers' aid; Lands and honors, wealth, and power, Well their loyalty repaid. Perish wealth, and power, and pride! Mortal boons by mortals given; But let Constancy abide, Constancy's the gift of Heaven. While thus Matilda's lay was heard, A thousand thoughts in Edmund stirr'd. In peasant life he might have known As fair a face, as sweet a tone; But village notes could ne'er supply That rich and varied melody; And ne'er in cottage-maid was seen The easy dignity of mien, Claiming respect, yet waving state, That marks the daughters of the great. Yet not, perchance, had these alone His scheme of purposed guilt o'erthrown; 1879 1880 1881 1882 ROKEBY. 145 But while her energy of mind Superior rose to griefs combined, Lending its kindling to her eye, Giving her form new majesty,-- To Edmund's thought Matilda seem'd The very object he had dream'd; When, long ere guilt his soul had known, In Winston bowers he mused alone, Taxing his fancy to combine The face, the air, the voice divine, Of princess fair, by cruel fate Reft of her honors, power, and state, Till to her rightful realm restored By destined hero's conquering sword. "Such was my vision!" Edmund thought; "And have I, then, the ruin wrought Of such a maid, that fancy ne'er In fairest vision form'd her peer? Was it my hand that could unclose The postern to her ruthless foes? Foes, lost to honor, law, and faith, Their kindest mercy sudden death! Have I done this? I! who have swore, That if the globe such angel bore, I would have traced its circle broad, To kiss the ground on which she trod!- And now-O! would that earth would rive, And close upon me while alive!- Is there no hope? Is all then lost ?— Bertram's already on his post! Even now, beside the Hall's arch'd door, I saw his shadow cross the floor! He was to wait my signal strain- A little respite thus we gain: By what I heard the menials say, Young Wycliffe's troop are on their way- 1883 1884 1885 1 10 146 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Alarm precipitates the crime! My harp must wear away the time." And then, in accents faint and low, He falter'd forth a tale of woe. BALLAD. "And whither would you lead me then ?" Quoth the Friar of orders gray; And the Ruffians twain replied again, "By a dying woman to pray."— (6 "I see," he said, a lovely sight, A sight bodes little harm, A lady as a lily bright, With an infant on her arm."- "Then do thine office, Friar gray, And see thou shrive her free! Else shall the sprite, that parts to-night, Fling all its guilt on thee. "Let mass be said, and trentals read, When thou'rt to convent gone, And bid the bell of St. Benedict Toll out its deepest tone." The shrift is done, the Friar is gone, Blindfolded as he came- Next morning, all in Littlecot Hall Were weeping for their dame. Wild Darrell is an alter'd man, The village crones can tell; He looks pale as clay, and strives to pray, If he hears the convent bell. 1886 1887 1888 ROKEBY. 147 If prince or peer cross Darrell's way, He'll beard him in his pride- My If he meet a Friar of orders gray, He droops and turns aside.63 ،، 66 Harper! methinks thy magic lays," Matilda said, can goblins raise! Wellnigh my fancy can discern, Near the dark porch, a visage stern; E'en now, in yonder shadowy nook, I see it!-Redmond, Wilfrid, look!— A human form distinct and clear- God, for thy mercy!-It draws near!" She saw too true. Stride after stride, The centre of that chamber wide Fierce Bertram gain'd; then made a stand, And, proudly waving with his hand, Thunder'd-"Be still, upon your lives!- He bleeds who speaks, he dies who strives." Behind their chief, the robber crew Forth from the darken'd portal drew, In silence-save that echo dread Return'd their heavy measured tread. The lamp's uncertain lustre gave Their arms to gleam, their plumes to wave; File after file in order pass, Like forms on Banquo's mystic glass. Then, halting at their leader's sign, At once they form'd and curved their line, Hemming within its crescent drear Their victims, like a herd of deer. Another sign, and to the aim Levell❜d at once their muskets came, As waiting but their chieftain's word, To make their fatal volley heard. Back in a heap the menials drew; Yet, even in mortal terror, true, 1889 1890 1891 1892 } ¿ 148 SCOTTS POETICAL WORKS. Their pale and startled group oppose Between Matilda and the foes. "O, haste thee, Wilfrid!" Redmond cried; "Undo that wicket by thy side! Bear hence Matilda-gain the wood- The pass may be awhile made good- Thy band, ere this, must sure be nigh— O speak not-dally not-but fly!" While yet the crowd their motions hide, Through the low wicket door they glide. Through vaulted passages they wind, In Gothic intricacy twined; Wilfrid half led, and half he bore, Matilda to the postern-door, And safe beneath the forest tree, The Lady stands at liberty. The moonbeams, the fresh gale's caress, Renew'd suspended consciousness;- "Where's Redmond?" eagerly she cries: "Thou answer'st not-he dies! he dies! And thou hast left him, all bereft Of mortal aid-with murderers left! I know it well-he would not yield His sword to man-his doom is seal'd! For my scorn'd life, which thou hast bought At price of his, I thank thee not." The unjust reproach, the angry look, The heart of Wilfrid could not brook. "Lady," he said, "my band so near, In safety thou mayst rest thee here. For Redmond's death thou shalt not mourn, If mine can buy his safe return." 'He turn'd away-his heart throbb'd high, The tear was bursting from his eye; The sense of her injustice press'd Upon the Maid's distracted breast,- 1893 1894 1895 1 ROKEBY. 149 1 “Stay, Wilfrid, stay! all aid is vain!” He heard, but turn'd him not again; He reaches now the postern-door, Now enters-and is seen no more. With all the agony that e'er Was gender'd 'twixt suspense and fear, She watch'd the line of windows tall, Whose Gothic lattice lights the Hall, Distinguish'd by the paly red The lamps in dim reflection shed, While all beside in wan moonlight Each grated casement glimmer'd white. No sight of harm, no sound of ill, It is a deep and midnight still. Who look'd upon the scene, had guess'd All in the Castle were at rest: When sudden on the windows shone A lightning flash, just seen and gone! A shot is heard-Again the flame Flash'd thick and fast-a volley came! Then echo'd wildly, from within, Of shout and scream the mingled din, And weapon-clash and maddening cry, Of those who kill, and those who die!- As fill'd the Hall with sulphurous smoke, More red, more dark, the death-flash broke; And forms were on the lattice cast, That struck, or struggled, as they past. What sounds upon the midnight wind Approach so rapidly behind? It is, it is, the tramp of steeds, Matilda hears the sound, she speeds, Seizes upon the leader's rein— “O, haste to aid, ere aid be vain! 1896 1897 1898 1899 M 150 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Fly to the postern-gain the Hall!" From saddle spring the troopers all; Their gallant steeds, at liberty, Run wild along the moonlight lea. But, ere they burst upon the scene, Full stubborn had the conflict been. When Bertram mark'd Matilda's flight, It gave the signal for the fight; And Rokeby's veterans, seam'd with scars Of Scotland's and of Erin's wars, Their momentary panic o'er, Stood to the arms which then they bore; (For they were weapon'd and prepared Their Mistress on her way to guard.) Then cheer'd them to the fight O'Neale, Then peal'd the shot, and clash'd the steel; The war-smoke soon with sable breath Darken'd the scene of blood and death, While on the few defenders close The Bandits, with redoubled blows, And, twice driven back, yet fierce and fell Renew the charge with frantic yell. Th 1900 1901 Wilfrid has fall'n-but o'er him stood Young Redmond, soil'd with smoke and blood, Cheering his mates with heart and hand Still to make good their desperate stand. "Up, comrades, up! In Rokeby halls Ne'er be it said our courage falls. What! faint ye for their savage cry, Or do the smoke-wreaths daunt your eye? These rafters have return'd a shout As loud at Rokeby's wassail rout, As thick a smoke these hearths have given At Hallow-tide or Christmas-even.64 Stand to it yet! renew the fight, For Rokeby's and Matilda's right! 1902 A ROKEBY. 151 Y These slaves! they dare not, hand to hand, Bide buffet from a true man's brand." Impetuous, active, fierce, and young, Upon the advancing foes he sprung. Woe to the wretch at whom is bent His brandish'd falchion's sheer descent! Backward they scatter'd as he came, Like wolves before the levin flame, When, mid their howling conclave driven, Hath glanced the thunderbolt of heaven. Bertram rush'd on-but Harpool clasp'd His knees, although in death he gasp'd, His falling corpse before him flung, And round the trammell'd ruffian clung. Just then, the soldiers fill'd the dome, And, shouting, charged the felons home So fiercely, that, in panic dread, They broke, they yielded, fell, or fled, Bertram's stern voice they heed no more, Though heard above the battle's roar; While, trampling down the dying man, He strove, with volley'd threat and ban, In scorn of odds, in fate's despite, To rally up the desperate fight. Soon murkier clouds the Hall enfold, Than e'er from battle-thunders roll'd; So dense, the combatants scarce know To aim or to avoid the blow. Smothering and blindfold grows the fight- But soon shall dawn a dismal light! Mid cries, and clashing arms, there came The hollow sound of rushing flame; New horrors on the tumult dire Arise-the Castle is on fire! Doubtful, if chance had cast the brand, Or frantic Bertram's desperate hand. 1903 1904 1905 1900 152 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. ŕ Matilda saw-for frequent broke From the dim casements gusts of smoke. Yon tower, which late so clear defined On the fair hemisphere reclined, That, pencill'd on its azure pure, The eye could count each embrazure, Now, swath'd within the sweeping cloud, Seems giant-spectre in his shroud; Till, from each loop-hole flashing light, A spout of fire shines ruddy bright, And, gathering to united glare, Streams high into the midnight air; A dismal beacon, far and wide That waken'd Greta's slumbering side. Soon all beneath, through gallery long, And pendant arch, the fire flash'd strong, Snatching whatever could maintain, Raise, or extend, its furious reign; Startling, with closer cause of dread, The females who the conflict fled, And now rush'd forth upon the plain, Filling the air with clamors vain. But ceased not yet, the Hall within, The shriek, the shout, the carnage-din, Till bursting lattices give proof The flames have caught the rafter'd roof. What! wait they till its beams amain Crash on the slayers and the slain? The alarm is caught-the drawbridge falls, The warriors hurry from the walls, But, by the conflagration's light, Upon the lawn renew the fight, Each straggling felon down was hew'd, Not one could gain the sheltering wood; But forth the affrighted Harper sprung, And to Matilda's robe he clung. 1907 1908 1909 1910 ROKEBY. 153 Her shriek, entreaty, and command, Stopp'd the pursuer's lifted hand. Denzil and he alive were ta'en; The rest, save Bertram, all are slain. And where is Bertram ?-Soaring high, The general flame ascends the sky; In gather'd group the soldiers gaze Upon the broad and roaring blaze, When, like infernal demon, sent Red from his penal element, To plague and to pollute the air,- His face all gore, on fire his hair, Forth from the central mass of smoke The giant form of Bertram broke! His brandish'd sword on high he rears, Then plunged among opposing spears; Round his left arm his mantle truss'd, Received and foil'd three lances' thrust; Nor these his headlong course withstood, Like reeds he snapp'd the tough ash-wood. In vain his foes around him clung; With matchless force aside he flung Their boldest,-as the bull, at bay, Tosses the ban-dogs from his way, Through forty foes his path he made, And safely gain'd the forest glade. Scarce was this final conflict o'er, When from the postern Redmond bore Wilfrid, who, as of life bereft, Had in the fatal Hall been left, Deserted there by all his train; But Redmond saw, and turn'd again.- Beneath an oak he laid him down, That in the blaze gleam'd ruddy brown, 1911 1912 1913 154 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. And then his mantle's clasp undid; Matilda held his drooping head, Till, given to breathe the freer air, Returning life repaid their care. He gazed on them with heavy sigh,- "I could have wish'd even thus to die!" No more he said-for now with speed Each trooper had regain'd his steed; The ready palfreys stood array'd, For Redmond and for Rokeby's Maid; Two Wilfrid on his horse sustain, One leads his charger by the rein. But oft Matilda look'd behind, As up the Vale of Tees they wind, Where far the mansion of her sires Beacon'd the dale with midnight fires. In gloomy arch above them spread, The clouded heaven lower'd bloody red; Beneath, in sombre light, the flood Appear'd to roll in waves of blood. Then, one by one, was heard to fall The tower, the donjon-keep, the hall. Each rushing down with thunder sound, A space the conflagration drown'd; Till, gathering strength, again it rose, Announced its triumph in its close, Shook wide its light the landscape o'er, Then sunk-and Rokeby was no more! CANTO SIXTH. THE summer sun, whose early power Was wont to gild Matilda's bower, And rouse her with his matin ray Her duteous orisons to pay, 1914 1915 1916 1 ROKEBY. 155 That morning sun has three times seen The flowers unfold on Rokeby green, But sees no more the slumbers fly From fair Matilda's hazel eye; That morning sun has three times broke On Rokeby's glades of elm and oak, But, rising from their silvan screen, Marks no gray turrets' glance between. A shapeless mass lie keep and tower, That, hissing to the morning shower, Can but with smouldering vapor pay The early smile of summer day. The peasant, to his labor bound, Pauses to view the blacken'd mound, Striving, amid the ruin'd space, Each well-remember'd spot to trace. That length of frail and fire-scorch'd wall Once screen'd the hospitable hall; When yonder broken arch was whole, 'Twas there was dealt the weekly dole; And where yon tottering columns nod, The chapel sent the hymn to God.— So flits the world's uncertain span! Nor zeal for God, nor love for man, Gives mortal monuments a date Beyond the power of Time and Fate. The towers must share the builder's doom; Ruin is theirs, and his a tomb: But better boon benignant Heaven To Faith and Charity has given, And bids the Christian hope sublime Transcend the bounds of Fate and Time. Now the third night of summer came, Since that which witness'd Rokeby's flame. On Brignall cliffs and Scargill brake The owlet's homilies awake, 1917 1918 1919 1920 156- SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. The bittern scream'd from rush and flag, The raven slumber'd on his crag, Forth from his den the otter drew,- Grayling and trout their tyrant knew, As between reed and sage he peers, With fierce round snout and sharpen'd ears, Or, prowling by the moonbeam cool, Watches the stream or swims the pool;- Perch'd on his wonted eyrie high, Sleep seal'd the tercelet's wearied eye, That all the day had watch'd so well The cushat dart across the dell. In dubious beam reflected shone That lofty cliff of pale gray stone, Beside whose base the secret cave To rapine late a refuge gave. The crag's wild crest of copse and yew On Greta's breast dark shadows threw; Shadows that met or shunn'd the sight, With every change of fitful light; As hope and fear alternate chase Our course through life's uncertain race. Gliding by crag and copsewood green, A solitary form was seen To trace with stealthy pace the wold, Like fox that seeks the midnight fold, And pauses oft, and cowers dismay'd, At every breath that stirs the shade. He passes now the ivy bush,— The owl has seen him, and is hush; He passes now the dodder'd oak,- Ye heard the startled raven croak; Lower and lower he descends, Rustle the leaves, the brushwood bends; The otter hears him tread the shore, And dives, and is hebeld no more; 1921 1922 1923 ROKEBY. } 157 1 And by the cliff of pale gray stone The midnight wanderer stands alone. Methinks, that by the moon we trace A well-remember'd form and face! That stripling shape, that cheek so pale, Combine to tell a rueful tale, Of powers misused, of passion's force, Of guilt, of grief, and of remorse! 'Tis Edmund's eye, at every sound That flings that guilty glance around; 'Tis Edmund's trembling haste divides The brushwood that the cavern hides; And, when its narrow porch lies bare, 'Tis Edmund's form that enters there. 1924 1925 His flint and steel have sparkled bright, A lamp that lent the cavern light. Fearful and quick his eye surveys Each angle of the gloomy maze. Since last he left that stern abode, It seem'd as none its floor had trod; Untouch'd appear'd the various spoil, The purchase of his comrades' toil; Masks and disguises grimed with mud, Arms broken and defiled with blood, And all the nameless tools that aid Night-felons in their lawless trade, Upon the gloomy walls were hung, Or lay in nooks obscurely flung. Still on the sordid board appear The relics of the noontide cheer: Flagons and emptied flasks were there, And bench o'erthrown, and shatter'd chair; 1927 And all around the semblance show'd, As when the final revel glow'd, When the red sun was setting fast, And parting pledge Guy Denzil past. 1926 मे ì 1 158 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. "To Rokeby treasure-vaults!" they quaff'd And shouted loud and wildly laugh'd, Pour'd maddening from the rocky door, And parted-to return no more! They found in Rokeby vaults their doom,- A bloody death, a burning tomb! 66 There his own peasant dress he spies, Doff'd to assume that quaint disguise; And shuddering thought upon his glee, When prank'd in garb of minstrelsy. O, be the fatal art accurst," He cried, "that moved my folly first; Till, bribed by bandits' base applause, I burst through God's and Nature's laws! Three summer days are scantly past Since I have trod this cavern last, 1928 A 1929 A thoughtless wretch, and prompt to err— But, O, as yet no murderer! Even now I list my comrades' cheer, That general laugh is in mine ear, Which raised my pulse and steel'd my heart, As I rehearsed my treacherous part- And would that all since then could seem The phantom of a fever's dream! But fatal Memory notes too well The horrors of the dying yell, From my despairing mates that broke, When flash'd the fire and roll'd the smoke; When the avengers shouting came, And hemm'd us 'twixt the sword and flame! My frantic flight,-the lifted brand,- That angel's interposing hand! If, for my life from slaughter freed, I yét could pay some grateful meed! Perchance this object of my quest May aid "-he turn'd, nor spoke the rest. 1931 1930 ROKEBY. 159 Due northward from the rugged hearth, With paces five he metes the earth, Then toil'd with mattock to explore The entrails of the cavern floor, Nor paused till, deep beneath the ground, His search a small steel casket found. Just as he stoop'd to loose its hasp, His shoulder felt a giant grasp; He started, and look'd up aghast, Then shriek'd!-'Twas Bertram held fast. "Fear not!" he said; but who could hear That deep stern voice, and cease to fear? "Fear not!-By Heaven, he shakes as much As partridge in the falcon's clutch:" He raised him, and unloosed his hold, While from the opening casket roll'd A chain and reliquaire of gold. Bertram beheld it with surprise, Gazed on its fashion and device, Then, cheering Edmund as he could, Somewhat he smooth'd his rugged mood: For still the youth's half-lifted eye Quiver'd with terror's agony, And sidelong glanced, as to explore, In meditated flight, the door. him 1932 1933 1934 "Sit," Bertram said, "from danger free: Thou canst not, and thou shalt not, flee. Chance brings me hither; hill and plain I've sought for refuge-place in vain. And tell me now, thou aguish boy, What makest thou here? what means this toy? Denzil and thou, I mark'd, were ta'en; What lucky chance unbound your chain? I deem'd, long since on Baliol's tower, Your heads were warp'd with sun and shower. Tell me the whole-and, mark! naught e'er 160 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. > Chafes me like falsehood, or like fear.” Gathering his courage to his aid, But trembling still, the youth obey'd. "Denzil and I two nights pass'd o'er In fetters on the dungeon floor. A guest the third sad morrow brought; Our hold dark Oswald Wycliffe sought, And eyed my comrade long askance, With fix'd and penetrating glance. 'Guy Denzil art thou call'd?'-'The same.' 'At Court who served wild Buckinghame; Thence banish'd, won a keeper's place, So Villiers will'd, in Marwood-chase; That lost-I need not tell thee why- Thou madest thy wit thy wants supply, Then fought for Rokeby:-Have I guess'd My prisoner right?'-' At thy behest.'- He paused awhile, and then went on With low and confidential tone;- Me, as I judge, not then he saw, Close nestled in my couch of straw.— 'List to me, Guy. Thou know'st the great Have frequent need of what they hate; Hence, in their favor oft we see Unscrupled, useful men like thee. Were I disposed to bid thee live, What pledge of faith hast thou to give?' "The ready Fiend, who never yet Hath failed to sharpen Denzil's wit, Prompted his lie-His only child Should rest his pledge.'-The Baron smiled, And turn'd to me- Thou art his son ?' I bow'd-our fetters were undone, And we were led to hear apart A dreadful lesson of his art. 1935 1936 1937 1938 ROKEBY. 161 ? Wilfrid, he said, his heir and son, Had fair Matilda's favor won; And long since had their union been, But for her father's bigot spleen, Whose brute and blindfold party-rage Would, force per force, her hand engage To a base kern of Irish earth, Unknown his lineage and his birth, Save that a dying ruffian bore The infant brat to Rokeby door. Gentle restraint, he said, would lead Old Rokeby to enlarge his creed; But fair occasion he must find For such restraint well-meant and kind, The Knight being render'd to his charge But as a prisoner at large. "He school'd us in a well-forged tale, Of scheme the Castle walls to scale, To which was leagued each Cavalier That dwells upon the Tyne and Wear; That Rokeby, his parole forgot, Had dealt with us to aid the plot. Such was the charge, which Denzil's zeal Of hate to Rokeby and O'Neale Proffer'd, as witness, to make good, Even though the forfeit were their blood. I scrupled, until o'er and o'er 1939 1940 His prisoners' safety Wycliffe swore; And then-alas! what needs there more? I knew I should not live to say The proffer I refused that day; Ashamed to live, yet loath to die, I soil'd me with their infamy!" "Poor youth," said Bertram, "wavering still, Unfit alike for good or ill! But what fell next?"-"Soon as at large 1941 1 } 11 162 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Was scroll'd and sign'd our fatal charge, There never yet, on tragic stage, Was seen so well a painted rage As Oswald's show'd! With loud alarm He call'd his garrison to arm; From tower to tower, from post to post, He hurried as if all were lost; Consign'd to dungeon and to chain The good old Knight and all his train; Warn'd each suspected Cavalier, Within his limits, to appear To-morrow, at the hour of noon, In the high church of Eglistone.". 66 "Of Eglistone!-Even now I pass'd," Said Bertram, as the night closed fast; Torches and cressets gleam'd around, I heard the saw and hammer sound, And I could mark they toil'd to raise A scaffold, hung with sable baize, Which the grim headsman's scene display'd, Block, axe, and sawdust ready laid. Some evil deed will there be done, Unless Matilda wed his son;- She loves him not-'tis shrewdly guess'd That Redmond rules the damsel's breast. This is a turn of Oswald's skill; But I may meet, and foil him still! How camest thou to thy freedom?"-"There Lies mystery more dark and rare. In midst of Wycliffe's well-feign'd rage, A scroll was offer'd by a page, Who told, a muffled horseman late Had left it at the Castle-gate. He broke the seal-his cheek show'd change, Sudden, portentous, wild, and strange; The mimic passion of his eye 1942 1943 1944 1945 # ROKEBY. 163 Was turn'd to actual agony; His hand like summer sapling shook, Terror and guilt were in his look. Denzil he judged, in time of need, Fit counsellor for evil deed; And thus apart his counsel broke, While with a ghastly smile he spoke:- "As in the pageants of the stage, The dead awake in this wild age, Mortham-whom all men deem'd decreed In his own deadly snare to bleed, Slain by a bravo, whom, o'er sea, He train❜d to aid in murdering me,— Mortham has 'scaped! The coward shot The steed, but harm'd the rider not.' Here, with an execration fell, Bertram leap'd up, and paced the cell:- "Thine own gray head, or bosom dark, He mutter'd, "may be surer mark!” Then sat, and sign'd to Edmund, pale With terror, to resume his tale. Wycliffe went on:- Mark with what flights Of wilder'd reverie he writes:- THE LETTER. "Ruler of Mortham's destiny! Though dead, thy victim lives to thee. Once had he all that binds to life, A lovely child, a lovelier wife; Wealth, fame, and friendship, were his own- Thou gavest the word, and they are flown. Mark how he pays thee:-To thy hand He yields his honors and his land, One boon premised;-Restore his child! And, from his native land exiled, 1946 1947 1948 } Hang Ký Valge 17 / 164 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Mortham no more returns to claim His lands, his honors, or his name; Refuse him this, and from the slain Thou shalt see Mortham rise again.'- S Př "This billet while the Baron read, His faltering accents show'd his dread; He press'd his forehead with his palm, Then took a scornful tone and calm; 'Wild as the winds, as billows wild! What wot I of his spouse or child? Hither he brought a joyous dame, Unknown her lineage or her name: Her, in some frantic fit, he slew; The nurse and child in fear withdrew. Heaven be my witness! wist I where To find this youth, my kinsman's heir,- Unguerdon'd, I would give with joy The father's arms to fold his boy, And Mortham's lands and towers resign To the just heirs of Mortham's line.'. Thou know'st that scarcely e'en his fear Suppresses Denzil's cynic sneer;- 'Then happy is thy vassal's part,' He said, 'to ease his patron's heart! In thine own jailer's watchful care Lies Mortham's just and rightful heir; Thy generous wish is fully won,- Redmond O'Neale is Mortham's son.' 1949 1950 1951 "Up starting with a frenzied look, His clenched hand the Baron shook: 'Is Hell at work? or dost thou rave, Or darest thou palter with me, slave! Perchance thou wot'st not, Barnard's towers Have racks, of strange and ghastly powers.' 1952 Denzil, who well his safety knew, ļ ROKEBY. 165 Firmly rejoin'd, 'I tell thee true. Thy racks could give thee but to know The proofs, which I, untortured, show.- It chanced upon a winter night, When early snow made Stanmore white, That very night, when first of all Redmond O'Neale saw Rokeby-hall, It was my goodly lot to gain A reliquary and a chain, Twisted and chased of massive gold. -Demand not how the prize I hold! It was not given, nor lent, nor sold.- Gilt tablets to the chain were hung, With letters in the Irish tongue. I hid my spoil, for there was need That I should leave the land with speed; Nor then I deem'd it safe to bear On mine own person gems so rare. Small heed I of the tablets took, But since have spell'd them by the book, When some sojourn in Erin's land Of their wild speech had given command. But darkling was the sense; the phrase And language those of other days, Involved of purpose, as to foil An interloper's prying toil. The words, but not the sense, I knew, Till fortune gave the guiding clew. 1953 1954 "Three days since, was that clew reveal'd, 1955 In Thorsgill as I lay conceal'd, And heard at full when Rokeby's Maid Her uncle's history display'd; And now I can interpret well Each syllable the tablets tell. Mark, then: Fair Edith was the joy Of old O'Neale of Clandeboy; 166 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. But from her sire and country fled, In secret Mortham's Lord to wed. O'Neale, his first resentment o'er, Despatch'd his son to Greta's shore, Enjoining he should make him known (Until his farther will were shown) To Edith, but to her alone. What of their ill-starr'd meeting fell, Lord Wycliffe knows, and none so well. 1956 "O'Neale it was, who, in despair, Robb'd Mortham of his infant heir; He bred him in their nurture wild, And call'd' him murder'd Connel's child. Soon died the nurse; the Clan believed What from their Chieftain they received. His purpose was, that ne'er again The boy should cross the Irish main; But, like his mountain sires, enjoy The woods and wastes of Clandeboy. Then on the land wild troubles came, And stronger Chieftains urged a claim, And wrested from the old man's hands His native towers, his father's lands. Unable then, amid the strife, To guard young Redmond's rights or life, Late and reluctant he restores The infant to his native shores, With goodly gifts and letters stored, With many a deep conjuring word, To Mortham and to Rokeby's Lord. Naught knew the clod of Irish earth, Who was the guide, of Redmond's birth; But deem'd his Chief's commands were laid 1959 On both, by both to be obey'd. How he was wounded by the way, I need not, and I list not say.' 1957 1958 ROKEBY. 167 “A wondrous tale! and, grant it true, What,' Wycliffe answer'd, 'might I do? Heaven knows, as willingly as now I raise the bonnet from my brow, Would I my kinsman's manors fair Restore to Mortham, or his heir; But Mortham is distraught-O'Neale Has drawn for tyranny his steel, Malignant to our rightful cause, And train'd in Rome's delusive laws. Hark thee apart!'-They whisper'd long, Till Denzil's voice grew bold and strong:- My proofs! I never will,' he said, 'Show mortal man where they are laid. Nor hope discovery to foreclose, By giving me to feed the crows; For I have mates at large, who know Where I am wont such toys to stow. Free me from peril and from band, These tablets are at thy command; Nor were it hard to form some train, To wile old Mortham o'er the main. Then, lunatic's nor papist's hand Should wrest from thine the goodly land.' 'I like thy wit,' said Wycliffe, 'well, But here in hostage shalt thou dwell. Thy son, unless my purpose err, May prove the trustier messenger. A scroll to Mortham shall he bear From me, and fetch these tokens rare. Gold shalt thou have, and that good store, And freedom, his commission o'er; But if his faith should chance to fail, The gibbet frees thee from the jail.' Mag "Mesh'd in the net himself had twined, What subterfuge could Denzil find? 1960 1961 1962 168 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. He told me, with reluctant sigh, That hidden here the tokens lie; Conjured my swift return and aid, By all he scoff'd and disobey'd, And look'd as if the noose were tied, And I the priest who left his side. This scroll for Mortham Wycliffe gave, Whom I must seek by Greta's wave: Or in the hut where chief he hides, Where Thorsgill's forester resides. (Thence chanced it, wandering in the glade, 1964 That he descried our ambuscade.) I was dismiss'd as evening fell, And reach'd but now this rocky cell." "Give Oswald's letter."-Bertram read, And tore it fiercely, shred by shred:- "All lies and villany! to blind His noble kinsman's generous mind, And train him on from day to day, Till he can take his life away.- And now, declare thy purpose, youth,- Nor dare to answer, save the truth; If aught I mark of Denzil's art, I'll tear the secret from thy heart!". J (6 "It needs not. I renounce," he said, My tutor and his deadly trade. Fix'd was my purpose to declare To Mortham, Redmond is his heir; To tell him in what risk he stands, And yield these tokens to his hands. Fix'd was my purpose to atone, Far as I may, the evil done; And fix'd it rests-if I survive This night, and leave this cave alive." "And Denzil ?"-"Let them ply the rack, Even till his joints and sinews crack! 1963 1965 1966 * ROKEBY. 169 F If Oswald tear him limb from limb, What ruth can Denzil claim from him, Whose thoughtless youth he led astray, And damn'd to this unhallow'd way? He school'd me, faith and vows were vain; Now let my master reap his gain.". 66 "answer'd Bertram, "'tis his meed; There's retribution in the deed. But thou-thou art not for our course, Hast fear, hast pity, hast remorse: And he, with us the gale who braves, Must heave such cargo to the waves, Or lag with overloaded prore, While barks unburden'd reach the shore." He paused, and, stretching him at length, Seem'd to repose his bulky strength. Communing with his secret mind, As half he sat, and half reclined, One ample hand his forehead press'd, And one was dropp'd across his breast. The shaggy eyebrows deeper came Above his eyes of swarthy flame; His lip of pride awhile forbore The haughty curve till then it wore; The unalter'd fierceness of his look A shade of darken'd sadness took,- For dark and sad a presage press'd Resistlessly on Bertram's breast,- And when he spoke, his wonted tone, So fierce, abrupt, and brief, was gone. His voice was steady, low, and deep, Like distant waves when breezes sleep; And sorrow mix'd with Edmund's fear, Its low unbroken depth to hear. "Edmund, in thy sad tale I find The woe that warp'd thy patron's mind: 1967 1968 1969 1970 170 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 'Twould wake the fountains of the eye In other men, but mine are dry. Mortham must never see the fool, That sold himself base Wycliffe's tool; Yet less from thirst of sordid gain, Than to avenge supposed disdain. Say, Bertram rues his fault;―a word, Till now, from Bertram never heard: Say, too, that Mortham's Lord he prays To think but on their former days; On Quariana's beach and rock, On Cayo's bursting battle-shock, On Darien's sands and deadly dew, And on the dart Tlatzeca threw;- Perchance my patron yet may hear More that may grace his comrade's bier. My soul hath felt a secret weight, A warning of approaching fate: A priest had said, 'Return, repent!' As well to bid that rock be rent. Firm as that flint, I face mine end; My heart may burst, but cannot bend. "The dawning of my youth, with awe And prophecy, the Dalesmen saw; For over Redesdale it came, As bodeful as their beacon-flame. Edmund, thy years were scarcely mine, When, challenging the Clans of Tyne To bring their best my brand to prove, O'er Hexham's altar hung my glove; 5 But Tynedale, nor in tower nor town, Held champion meet to take it down. My noontide, India may declare; Like her fierce sun, I fired the air! Like him, to wood and cave bade fly Her natives, from mine angry eye. ნ 1971 1972 1973 ROKEBY. 171 ? Panama's maids shall long look pale When Risingham inspires the tale; Chili's dark matrons long shall tame The froward child with Bertram's name. And now, my race of terror run, Mine be the eve of tropic sun! No pale gradations quench his ray, No twilight dews his wrath allay; With disk like battle-target red, He rushes to his burning bed, Dyes the wide wave with bloody light, Then sinks at once-and all is night.- "Now to thy mission, Edmund. Fly, Seek Mortham out, and bid him hie To Richmond, where his troops are laid, And lead his force to Redmond's aid. Say, till he reaches Eglistone, A friend will watch to guard his son. Now, fare-thee-well; for night draws on, And I would rest me here alone." Despite his ill-dissembled fear, There swam in Edmund's eye a tear; A tribute to the courage high, Which stoop'd not in extremity, But strove, irregularly great, To triumph o'er approaching fate! Bertram beheld the dewdrop start, It almost touch'd his iron heart:- "I did not think there lived," he said, "One, who would tear for Bertram shed." He loosen'd then his baldric's hold, A buckle broad of massive gold;— "Of all the spoil that paid his pains, But this with Risingham remains; And this, dear Edmund, thou shalt take, And wear it long for Bertram's sake. 1974 1975 1976 1977 172 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 1 Once more to Mortham speed amain; Farewell! and turn thee not again." -The night has yielded to the morn, And far the hours of prime are worn. Oswald, who, since the dawn of day, Had cursed his messenger's delay, Impatient question'd now his train, "Was Denzil's son return'd again?" It chanced there answer'd of the crew, A menial who young Edmund knew: "No son of Denzil this,”-he said; 66 A peasant boy from Winston glade, For song and minstrelsy renown'd, And knavish pranks, the hamlets round.' "Not Denzil's son!-From Winston vale!- Then it was false, that specious tale; Or, worse-he hath despatch'd the youth To show to Mortham's Lord its truth. Fool that I was!-but 'tis too late;— This is the very turn of fate!— The tale, or true or false, relies On Denzil's evidence!-He dies!- Ho! Provost Marshal! instantly Lead Denzil to the gallows-tree! Allow him not a parting word; Short be the shrift, and sure the cord! Then let his gory head appal Marauders from the Castle-wall. Lead forth thy guard, that duty done, With best despatch to Eglistone.- -Basil, tell Wilfrid he must straight Attend me at the Castle-gate.”— "Alas!" the old domestic said, And shook his venerable head, 1978 1979 1980 ROKEBY. 173 Alas, my Lord! full ill to-day May my young master brook the way! The leech has spoke with grave alarm, Of unseen hurt, of secret harm, Of sorrow lurking at the heart, That mars and lets his healing art." "Tush, tell not me!-Romantic boys Pine themselves sick for airy toys, I will find cure for Wilfrid soon; Bid him for Eglistone be boune, And quick!-I hear the dull death-drum Tell Denzil's hour of fate is come." He paused with scornful smile, and then Resumed his train of thought agen. "Now comes my fortune's crisis near! Entreaty boots not-instant fear, Naught else, can bend Matilda's pride, Or win her to be Wilfrid's bride. But when she sees the scaffold placed, With axe and block and headsman graced, And when she deems, that to deny Dooms Redmond and her sire to die, She must give way.-Then, were the line Of Rokeby once combined with mine, I gain the weather-gage of fate! If Mortham come, he comes too late, While I, allied thus and prepared, Bid him defiance to his beard.- -If she prove stubborn, shall I dare To drop the axe ?-Soft! pause we there. Mortham still lives-yon youth may tell His tale-and Fairfax loves him well;- Else, wherefore should I now delay To sweep this Redmond from my way ?— But she to piety perforce Must yield.-Without there! Sound to horse." 1981 1982 1983 1984 X - 174 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. 'Twas bustle in the court below,- "Mount, and march forward!"-Forth they go; Steeds neigh and trample all around, Steel rings, spears glimmer, trumpets sound. Just then was sung his parting hymn; And Denzil turn'd his eyeballs dim, And, scarcely conscious what he sees, Follows the horsemen down the Tees; And scarcely conscious what he hears, The trumpets tingle in his ears. O'er the long bridge they're sweeping now, The van is hid by greenwood bough; But ere the rearward had pass'd o'er, Guy Denzil heard and saw no more! One stroke, upon the Castle bell, To Oswald rung his dying knell. O, for that pencil, erst profuse Of chivalry's emblazon'd hues, That traced of old, in Woodstock bower, The pageant of the Leaf and Flower, And bodied forth the tourney high, Held for the hand of Emily! Then might I paint the tumult broad, That to the crowded abbey flow'd, And pour'd, as with an ocean's sound, Into the church's ample bound! Then might I show each varying mien, Exulting, woful, or serene; Indifference, with his idiot stare, And Sympathy, with anxious air, Paint the dejected Cavalier, Doubtful, disarm'd, and sad of cheer; And his proud foe, whose formal eye Claim'd conquest now and mastery; And the brute crowd, whose envious zeal Huzzas each turn of Fortune's wheel, 1985 1986 1987 ROKEBY. 175 And loudest shouts when lowest lie Exalted worth and station high. Yet what may such a wish avail? 'Tis mine to tell an onward tale, Hurrying, as best I can, along, The hearers and the hasty song;- Like traveller when approaching home, Who sees the shades of evening come, And must not now his course delay, Or choose the fair, but winding way; Nay, scarcely may his pace suspend Where o'er his head the wildings bend, To bless the breeze that cools his brow, Or snatch a blossom from the bough. The reverend pile lay wild and waste, Profaned, dishonor'd, and defaced. Through storied lattices no more In soften'd light the sunbeams pour, Gilding the Gothic sculpture rich Of shrine, and monument, and niche. The Civil fury of the time Made sport of sacrilegious crime; For dark Fanaticism rent Altar, and screen, and ornament, And peasant hands the tombs o'erthrew Of Bowes, of Rokeby, and Fitz-Hugh. And now was seen, unwonted sight, In holy walls a scaffold dight! Where once the priest, of grace divine Dealt to his flock the mystic sign; There stood the block display'd, and there The headsman grim his hatchet bare; And for the word of Hope and Faith, Resounded loud a doom of death. Thrice the fierce trumpet's breath was heard, And echo'd thrice the herald's word, 1988 1989 1990 1991 176 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Dooming, for breach of martial laws, And treason to the Common's cause, The Knight of Rokeby and O'Neale To stoop their heads to block and steel. The trumpets flourish'd high and shrill, Then was a silence dead and still; And silent prayers to heaven were cast, And stifled sobs were bursting fast, Till from the crowd began to rise, Murmurs of sorrow or surprise, And from the distant aisles there came Deep-mutter'd threats, with Wycliffe's name. 1992 But Oswald, guarded by his band, Powerful in evil, waved his hand, And bade Sedition's voice be dead, On peril of the murmurer's head. Then first his glance sought Rokeby's Knight; Who gazed on the tremendous sight, As calm as if he came a guest To kindred Baron's feudal feast, As calm as if that trumpet-call Were summons to the banner'd hall; Firm in his loyalty he stood, And prompt to seal it with his blood. With downcast look drew Oswald nigh,- He durst not cope with Rokeby's eye!— And said, with low and faltering breath, "Thou know'st the terms of life and death." The Knight then turn'd, and sternly smiled; "The maiden is mine only child, Yet shall my blessing leave her head, If with a traitor's son she wed." Then Redmond spoke: "The life of one Might thy malignity atone, On me be flung a double guilt! Spare Rokeby's blood, let mine be spilt!" 1993 1994 1995 ROKEBY. 177 ་ Wycliffe had listen'd to his suit, But dread prevailed and he was mute. And now he pours his choice of fear In secret on Matilda's ear; "An union form'd with me and mind, Ensures the faith of Rokeby's line. Consent, and all this dread array, Like morning dream shall pass away; Refuse, and, by my duty press'd, I give the word-thou know'st the rest." Matilda, still and motionless, With terror heard the dread address, Pale as the sheeted maid who dies To hopeless love a sacrifice; Then wrung her hands in agony, And round her cast bewilder'd eye. Now on the scaffold glanced, and now On Wycliffe's unrelenting brow. She veil'd her face, and, with a voice Scarce audible,-“I make my choice! Spare but their lives!—for aught beside, Let Wilfrid's doom my fate decide. He once was generous!"-As she spoke, Dark Wycliffe's joy in triumph broke:- "Wilfrid, where loiter'd ye so late? Why upon Basil rest thy weight?— Art spell-bound by enchanter's wand?- Kneel, kneel, and take her yielded hand; Thank her with raptures, simple boy! Should tears and trembling speak thy joy ?”— "O hush, my sire! To prayer and tear Of mine thou hast refused thine ear; But now the awful hour draws on, When truth must speak in loftier tone." He took Matilda's hand:— Dear maid, Couldst thou so injure me," he said, 1998 CC 1996 1997 } 12 178 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. "Of thy poor friend so basely deem, As blend with him this barbarous scheme? Alas! my efforts made in vain, Might well have saved this added pain. But now, bear witness earth and heaven, That ne'er was hope to mortal given, So twisted with the strings of life, As this-to call Matilda wife? I bid it now forever part, And with the effort bursts my heart." His feeble frame was worn so low. With wounds, with watching, and with woe, That nature could no more sustain The agony of mental pain. He kneel'd-his lip her hand had press'd,— Just then he felt the stern arrest, Lower and lower sunk his head,— They raised him,-but the life was fled! Then, first alarm'd, his sire and train Tried every aid, but tried in vain. The soul, too soft its ills to bear, Had left our mortal hemisphere, And sought in better world the meed, To blameless life by Heaven decreed. The wretched sire beheld, aghast, With Wilfrid all his projects past, All turn'd and centred on his son, On Wilfrid all-and he was gone. "And I am childless now," he said; Childless, through that relentless maid A lifetime's arts, in vain essay'd, Are bursting on their artist's head!— Here lies my Wilfrid dead--and there Comes hated Mortham for his heir, Eager to knit in happy band With Rokeby's heiress Redmond's hand. 1999 2000 2001 2002 ROKEBY. 179 And shall their triumph soar o'er all The schemes deep-laid to work their fall ? No!-deeds, which prudence might not dare, Appal not vengeance and despair. The murderess weeps upon his bier- I'll change to real that feigned tear! They all shall share destruction's shock;- Ho! lead the captives to the block!". But ill his Provost could divine His feelings, and forbore the sign. 'Slave! to the block!-or I, or they, Shall face the judgment-seat this day!" The outmost crowd have heard a sound, Like horse's hoof on harden'd ground; Nearer it came, and yet more near,- The very deaths-men paused to hear. 'Tis in the churchyard now-the tread Hath waked the dwelling of the dead! Fresh sod, and old sepulchral stone, Return the tramp in varied tone. All eyes upon the gateway hung, When through the Gothic arch there sprung A horseman arm'd, at headlong speed- Sable his cloak, his plume, his steed. 66 Fire from the flinty floor was spurn'd, The vaults unwonted clang return'd!- One instant's glance around he threw, From saddlebow his pistol drew. Grimly determined was his look! His charger with the spurs he strook- All scatter'd backward as he came, For all knew Bertram Risingham! Three bounds that noble courser gave; The first has reach'd the central nave, The second clear'd the chancel wide, The third-he was at Wycliffe's side. Ma S 2003 2004 2005 180 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. Full levell'd at the Baron's head, Rung the report—the bullet sped― And to his long account, and last, Without a groan dark Oswald past! All was so quick, that it might seem A flash of lightning, or a dream. 2 2006 While yet the smoke the deed conceals Bertram his ready charger wheels; But flounder'd on the pavement-floor The steed, and down the rider bore, And, bursting in the headlong sway, The faithless saddle-girths gave way. 'Twas while he toil'd him to be freed, And with the rein to raise the steed, That from amazement's iron trance All Wycliffe's soldiers waked at once. Sword, halberd, musket-but, their blows Hail'd upon Bertram as he rose; A score of pikes, with each a wound, Bore down and pinn'd him to the ground; But still his struggling force he rears, 'Gainst hacking brands and stabbing spears; 2008 Thrice from assailants shook him free, Once gain'd his feet, and twice his knee. By tenfold odds oppress'd at length, Despite his struggles and his strength, He took a hundred mortal wounds, As mute as fox 'mongst mangling hounds; And when he died, his parting groan Had more of laughter than of moan! -They gazed, as when a lion dies, And hunters scarcely trust their eyes, But bend their weapons on the slain, Lest the grim king should rouse again! Then blow and insult some renew'd, And from the trunk, the head had hew'd, 2007 2009 ROKEBY. 181 But Basil's voice the deed forbade; A mantle o'er the corse he laid:- "Fell as he was in act and mind, He left no bolder heart behind: Then give him, for a soldier meet, A soldier's cloak for winding sheet." -This chanced upon a summer morn, When yellow waved the heavy corn: But when brown August o'er the land Call'd forth the reaper's busy band, A gladsome sight the silvan road From Eglistone to Mortham show'd. Awhile the hardy rustic leaves The task to bind and pile the sheaves, 2010 No more of death and dying pang, No more of trump and bugle clang, Though through the sounding woods there come Banner and bugle, trump and drum. Arm'd with such powers as well have freed Young Redmond at his utmost need, And back'd with such a band of horse, As might less ample powers enforce; Possess'd of every proof and sign That gave an heir to Mortham's line, And yielded to a father's arms An image of his Edith's charms,— Mortham is come, to hear and see Of this strange morn the history. What saw he ?-not the church's floor, Cumber'd with dead and stain'd with gore; What heard he ?-not the clamorous crowd, That shout their gratulations loud: Redmond he saw and heard alone, Clasp'd him, and sobb'd, “My son, my son!" 2012 2011 182 1 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS. And maids their sickles fling aside, To gaze on bridegroom and on bride, And childhood's wondering group draws near, And from the gleaner's hands the ear Drops, while she folds them for a prayer And blessing on the lovely pair. 'Twas then the Maid of Rokeby gave Her plighted troth to Redmond brave; And Teesdale can remember yet How Fate to Virtue paid her debt, And, for their troubles, bade them prove A lengthen'd life of peace and love. Time and Tide had thus their sway, Yielding, like an April day, Smiling noon for sullen morrow, Years of joy for hours of sorrow! نمر 哦 2013 2014 History of the Reformation. ILLUSTRATED EDITION. By J. H. Merle D'Aubigne. In one Large Quarto Volume, Long Primer type, 751 pages, illustrated with about 200 engravings on wood. Cloth, $1.50. See also ELZEVIR LIBRARY No. 129, 2 cents. Chambers's Cyclopedia says: "It is written with the utmost vivacity, and is sometimes eloquent. 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WILLIAM BLACK'S Complete WORKS. New Caxton Edition. In 6 volumes, large 12mo. Long 'rimer type. Price, per set, $4.00. Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia. THIS will be recognized as the most important literary announcemeut I have ever made. All previous under- takings, successes, and failures have been preparation for this. The Manifold Cyclopedia will be the most comprehensive single work of reference ever undertaken in the English language. It will include: An English Dictionary, based upon the new Imperial Dictionary," recently published in England. The "Im- perial" is very much larger than either Webster's or Worcester's Unabridged Dictionary; and, being many years more recent in its compilation, its editors had, of course, the benefit of all that schol- arship had gained by either Webster or Worcester. It will be thor- oughly revised and enlarged (rather than abridged) by its former chief editor. #6 Six Other Languages. Languages. It will It will also include a concise dictionary of the six other principal literary languages of the world-GREEK, LATIN, FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, and SPANISH. A Cyclopedia. Its cyclopedia features will be based upon "Chambers's Encyclopedia," but will be very much more comprehensive, covering more thoroughly than any other single work heretofore published all departments of human knowl edge usually comprehended in a Cyclopedia or Library of Universal Knowledge. Over 5000 Illustrations. It will be fully il- lustrated, including more than 5000 wood-cuts and reproductions, and such numerous maps as will constitute a complete atlas of the world, ancient and modern, sacred and political. One Alphabet. The entire contents of THE MANIFOLD CYCLOPEDIA will be included in one alphabetical arrange. ment, thus giving the utmost fac.lity for reference. Editors-in-Chief. The former Editor-in-Chief of "The Library of Universal Knowledge," Rev. RICHARD GLEASON GREENE, Will have charge of the work, his principal Associate being JAMES HUNTER, formerly of Glasgow, Scotland, where for nearly ten years he was principal editor of the new "Imperial Dictionary,” and more recently, in this country, Editor of the Supplement to Worcester's Unabridged Dictionary." The scholarship and skill of these trained cyclopedists will be supplemented by other experi enced workers from the former editorial staffs of "The Library of Universal Knowledge" and of Appletons' and Johnson's Cyclope- dias, and by many others. 61 Price. THE MANIFOLD CYCLOPEDIA will be pub- Ilshed in convenient, double-column octavo volumes, of about 800 pages each, at the price of $1.25 per volume, cloth binding, and will probably be completed in twenty volumes. Specimen Pages, with more detailed prospectus, will be ready in a few days, and wi'l be sent free upon applicatiou.' DORÉ GALLERY Of Bible Illustrations and Stories. One large quarto volume, including 52 cartoons and a portrait of Doré. New edition, very finely printed and richly bound, extra cloth, bevelled boards, red edges, gold title and ornamentation. Price only $2. The unrivalled cartoons of this most widely famous artist of modern times, the most graphic delineator whose pencil has ever illustrated the sublime events and truths of the Bible, are, in this edition, for the first time placed within the reach of thousands who have longed to possess them. Heretofore the battles of the Literary Revolution have been fought principally in the interest of choice literature for the masses. It is pro- posed to win also for them the best works of the great masters in art, illustrating choice literature. I have just printed a new edition, which is very much finer than the one heretofore sold, both in contents and binding. It is really elegant. A Wonderful Offer! Notwithstanding the already marvelouslly low price, I offer the following amazing discounts to clubs and agents: Five or more copies, 66 (C 看着 Ten $1.50 each. 1.25 64 ON CONDITIONS.—First. That orders under this offer are received on or before May 15, 1884. Second. That names and addresses of all members of clubs are sent with orders. Third. That not more than one name in each club shall be of a customer who has purchased books from me since January 1, 1882, all the other members being new customers. The point to this "wonderful offer" is that I want new customers-which practically means permanently increased trade-and offer these terms on this one book only--No discounts allowed on any books except this. 1 your CREENWOOD JUVENILES. GRACE GREENWOOD is so famous as a delightful and instructive writer of books for young people, that a new edition of her well-known works, named below, will be cordially welcomed, both by the young folks who read the books, and by the older people who are anxious to supply them with reading that is healthful and instructive, as well as fascinating. The volumes are handsomely printed, FINELY ILLUSTRATED, and neatly bound in cloth, in the usual style of the ELZEVIR EDITIONS. Sold sepa- rately at 35 cents each. History of My Pets. 168 pages. Recollections of My Childhood. 192 pages. Stories from Famous Ballads. 182 pages. Stories and Legends of Travel and History. 288 pages. Merrie England. 262 pages. Bonnie Scotland. 280 pages. Stories and Sights of France and Italy. 292 pages. Stories of Many Lands. 216 pages. These books were formerly published, printed from these same plates, by well-known Boston publishers, at prices ranging from 75 cents to $1.25 per volume. My price for the set of eight volumes is $2.50. See also ELZEVIR LIBRARY No. 121, price 2 cents. :^ Historical "Wonder-Book." CONTAINING IN ONE VOLUME, Mod- el Octavo, large Brevier type, beautifully printed and bound, the following works, unabridged: Green's Larger History of the Eng- lish People; Carlyle's French Revolution; Creasy's Decisive Battles of the World; Schiller's Thirty Years' War in Germany. 1005 pages; price, in half Russia, red edges, $1.50. 66 A Wonder Book" in the amount and quality of its contents-the cheapest well-made historical volume ever published. I publish also finer editions of the above celebrated works, as described below. LARGER HISTORY of the ENGLISH People. By John Richard Green. Elzevir Edition. In 5 vols., Brevier type, leaded, 2426 pages. Per set, cloth, $1.75. Fairly ranking with Macaulay's great work in the absorbing in- terest of its narrative, it exceeds that in adaptation to popular needs."-Methodist Recorder, Pittsburg. HISTORY of the FRENCH REVOLU- tion. By Thomas Carlyle. Elzevir Edition. Brevier type, leaded, 1228 pages. Per set, cloth, 80 cts. "After perusing the whole of this extraordinary work we can allow, almost to their fullest extent, the high qualities with which Mr. Carlyle's idolaters endow him."-Times, London. DECISIVE BATTLES of the WORLD, from Marathon to Waterloo. By E. S. Creasy. Elzevir Edition. Brevier type, leaded, 439 pages. Cloth, 40 cts. It may fairly be called a history of the world in itself, since about these turning points of history cluster the great facts of the story of the world's progress. HISTORY of the THIRTY YEARS' WAR in Germany. By Frederick Schiller. Translated by A. J. W. Mor rison. Elzevir Edition. Brevier type, leaded, 518 pages. Cloth, 40 cts. "An epoch unexcelled, in the chronicles of time, in the long and terrible fierceness of the conflicts waged, and in its far-reaching in- fluence upon the subsequent history of the world; and the story is told by the greatest literary genius of Germany." L I Library of Science. The publication of this series is an event of the highest interest to thousands. For the first time it brings within their reach the scholarly pro- ductions of the Masters in modern science. Each volume is complete in itself. Volume I., Model Octavo, 657 pages, Long Primer and Brevier type, 74 illustrations. Half Russia, $1.50. Contains: Vignettes from Nature. G. Allen Philosophy of Style. H. Spencer The Mother Tongue. Alex. Bain Religions of India. John Caird Religion of China. Geo. Matheson Religion of Persia. John Milne Evolution and Biology. Huxley | T. H. Origin of Nations. Rawlinson Evolutionist at Large. G. Allen Landholding in England. Fisher Fashion in Deformity. Flower Facts and Fictions in Zoology. A. Wilson | The Study of Words. R. C. Trench Hereditary Traits, etc. A. Proctor Volume II., Model Octavo, 778 pages, Bourgeois type, 105 illustrations. Half Russia, $1.50. Contains: Light Science for Leisure Hours. Conservation of Energy. Stewart R. A. Proctor Study of Languages. C. Marcel Data of Ethics. Herbert Spencer Sound in Relation to Music. Bla- on the Amazon. The Forms of Water. J. Tyndall Physics and Politics. W. Bagehot Man's Place in Nature. Huxley Education. Herbert Spencer Town Geology. Chas. Kingsley | Volume III., Model Octavo, 652 pages, Bourgeois type, 121 illustrations. Half Russia, $1.50. Contains · Mind and Body. Alex. Bain Wonders of the Heavens. Flam- marion Longevity. John Gardner Origin of Species. T. H. Huxley Progress: its Law and Cause. Spencer Lessons in Electricity. Tyndall serna Naturalists Bates. Lectures on Light. J. Tyndall Geological Sketches. Geikie Scientific Evidence of Organic Evolution. Geo. Romanes Palaeontology and Evolution. T. H.Huxley Natural Selection and Natural Theology. Eustace R. Conder Current Discussions in Science. W. M. WIlliams Familiar Essays. R. A. Proctor Romance of Astronomy. R. K. Miller Volume IV., Model Octavo, 600 pages, Long Primer and Brevier type; with 47 illustrations. Half Russia, $1.50. Contains · Physical Basis of Life. Huxley Seeing and Thinking. Clifford Scientific Sophisms. Wainwright Popular Scientific Lectures. Helmholtz Science of Polities. By Frederick Pollock Darwin and Humboldt. By Hux- ley, Romanes, Geikie, Dyer, and Prof. Agassiz Dawn of History. C. P. Keary Diseases of Memory. Th. Ribot Childhoo' of Religions. Edward Clod ! I iLife in Nature, James Hinton CHOICE BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. In this series it is intended to include only the very choicest works of the great authors of the world, whose writings are suited to and ap- proved by the young, people. Each volume is complete in itself, and unabridged. All are in good type, most of them in larger type than shown by these lines. Some of them are pro- fusely or finely illustrated. All are large 12mo, handsomely bound. Rasselas, by Samuel Johnson; The Vicar of Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith; Paul and Virginia, by St. Pierre. In one vol., 306 pages. Cloth, 45c. Gulliver's Travels, by Dean Swift, and the Adventures of Baron Munchausen. In one volume, 460 pages. Cloth. 45c. Child's History of England, by Charles Dickens. 362 pages. Cloth, 45c. Child's History of France, by Charlotte M. Yonge. 288 pages. Cloth, 45c. Child's History of Germany, by Charlotte M. Youge. $10 pages. Cloth, 45c. With numerous illustrations. 898 pages. Arabian Nights. 386 pages, With numerous illustrations. Cloth, 45c. See also ELZEVIR LIBRARY NO. 52, price 2c. Robinson Crusoe. Cloth, 45c. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Parts 1 and 2 complete. 316 pages. With numerous illustrations by Barnard. Cloth, 45c. See also ELZEVIR LIBRARY No. 14, price 10c. Book of Fables, by Esop and others. 252 pages. Profusely illus. Cloth, 45c. See also ELZEVIR LIBRARY No. 51, price 3c. Stories and Ballads. By ELLEN TRACY_ALDEN.-A Collection of Stories in Prose and Stories in Ballads, with shorter Poems, Rhymes, and Jingles. With very beautiful illustrations. Price, elegantly printed and richly bound in cloth, 50c. Queen Mabel, Princess, Gerda, etc., illustrated, Elzevi Library No. 10, price 3c., is taken from Stories and Ballads. "One of the pleasantest child-books we have seen for many a day. Everything in it is good. It is more than good. It comes down to child-life with a reality that makes the stories wholly enjoyable."- Inter-Ocean, Chicago. { SURVEYOR BOY. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LIFE of GEORGE WASHINGTON. By William M. Thayer. Elzevir Edition, 466 pages, Brevier type, leaded. With illustrations. Extra cloth 50 cents; finer edition, heavy paper, fine cloth, richly ornamented, 65 cents. Edward Everett spoke but the verdict of the world when he pronounced Washington, "of all the men that have ever lived, the greatest of good men, and the best of great men." Frederick the Great, whose own name ranks with those of Alexander, Cæsar and Napoleon, declared his deeds to be "the most brilliant of any in the annals of military achievement." Whether as school-boy, surveyor boy, Indian fighter, member of Congress, Commander-in- Chief, or President, his life was full of striking incident, and ever an example to thrill and in- spire any youth whose heart pulsates with the free and vigorous blood of the Anglo-Saxon race. "Mr. Thayer's volumes of life stories for boys are well known. No American writer has been so successful in this line. The present is a freshly-told story of the boyhood and manhood of the father of his country."-Zion's Herald, Boston. "Replete with anecdote and incident told in a graphic way. The book is stimulating as well as interesting, and the boy who reads it will get an exalted idea of the nobility of Washington's character and career."-The Press, Portland, Me. "Mr. Thayer gives a spirit to his work that makes it very readable to mature people as well as to those for whom it is more specially designed."-Morning Herald, Rochester, N. Y. "Mr. Thayer has a picturesque and interesting style, and his pre- vious biographies have had a large sale. There is no reason why this one should not follow the common success.”—Commonwealth, Boston, Mass. "The style is decidedly readable in view of the fact that it is a young people's book; but this fact will be found a blessing by older people grateful for a brightness of treatment which enables them to read a biography, which is also a history, with ease and pleasure. The author has produced a volume that will be pretty certain to se ¿ure for itself a tremendous circulation.”—The Mail, Toronto. + CHOICE GIFT-BOOKS. * PRESENTATION EDITION OF THE POETS. Richly-bound editions of the Poetical Works of the great standard authors, are universally counted among the most acceptable of holiday and other gifts. I publish editions of the works of the following famous authors, very hand- somely bound in cloth, finely ornamented with black and gold designs, and with gilt edges. The editions are, in the main, equivalent to the popu- lar "Red-Line Editions" of the poets, but with out the red lines, thus leaving a wider, neater margin, much more acceptable to many persons of the best taste; while the prices are usually far below those charged for the red-line editions. Volumes are sold separately at the prices affixed. All are now ready for delivery. Edwin Arnold... 70c. Milton Aytoun and Macaulay….. 70c. | Moore. Burns. Mrs. Browning 70c. Ossian ... Byron.... Campbell. Chaucer. Coleridge Cowper. Crabbe. Daute. Dryden. George Eliot .. Favorite Poems. Goethe, including Faust. Goldsmith Hemans.. 75c. Poe... 70c. Poetry of Flowers. 60c. 80c. Pope.. Proctor. 80c. Rogers 80c. D. G. Rossetti. 70c. Schiller. 70c. Scott 70c. 60c. 65c. 90c. 70c. 70c. 70c. Herbert Homer's Iliad and Odyssey 90c. Hood.. 70c. Ingelow. 70c. Keats 6'c. Meredith, including Lucile 70c. Shakespeare Shelley. Spencer H. Taylor Tennyson. Thomson. Virgil.. Charles Wesley H. Kirke White N. P. Willis.. Wordsworth • ·· • 70c SOC. 70c. GOC. 70c. 70c. 65c. GOC. 70c. 60c. 70c. 95c. 700. 90c. 60c. 80c. 65c. 65c. 65c. 70c. 60c. 80c. Cheaper Editions, in plain, neat cloth binding, in other respects the same as above, are published at prices 20 cents per copy lower than above named. BACON'S ESSAYS. THE COMPLETE ESSAYS OF LORD BACON, with the Notes of Joseph Devey. Elzevir Edition, Brevier type, leaded. Paper, 15 cents; cloth, 25 cents. Lord Bacon was one of the most extraordinary men of which any age can boast. A scholar, a wit, a lawyer, a judge, a statesman, a philo- sopher, his writings will endure as long as the languages in which they were written can be read. 66 The Essays of Bacon are still peerless. One never fails to wonder, as he reads them, that in so busy a life Lord Bacon should find time and have a taste for the sober and impressive meditations found in these remarkable pages.”—Zion's Herald, Boston, Mass. "'Bacon's Essays' are a part of the mental furniture of nearly all reading people. They can be read now with as much profit as when they were first written."-Observer, New York. Conduct of the Understanding. Uniform with By JOHN LOCKE. Elzevir Edition. Bacon's Essays. Bourgeois type. Price, in paper, 10 cents; cloth, 25 cents. “The work that has eclipsed every other, and given to such inquiries whatever popularity they ever possessed."-HALLAM. "His writings have diffused throughout the civilized world the love of civil liberty and the spirit of toleration. If Bacon first discovered the rules by which knowledge is improved, Locke has most contributed to make mankind at large observe them. .. Locke will ever be regarded as one of the great ornaments of the English nation.”—MACKINTOSH. BACON AND LOCKE. The two volumes as above described, bound in one, neat, half russia, red edges. Price, 45 ceuts. { CURIOUS MYTHS. By Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. S. Baring-Gould, author of "Legends of the Patriarchs and Proph- ets," etc. Former published price, $2. New Elzevir edition, 272 pages, Bourgeois type. Price in cloth, 35 cents. This neat volume is one of rare and curious in- terest, really one of the quaintest in literature. Some of the subjects fully treated are the Legend of the Wandering Jew, The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, William Tell, The Fortunate Isles, etc. The price of the work heretofore issued by a lead- ing Philadelphia publisher has been $2. SACRED LEGENDS. Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets. By S. Baring-Gould. A New and Beautiful Elzevir Edition, 440 pages, Bourgeois type. Cloth, 40 cents. An incredible number of Legends exist con- nected with the personages whose history is given in the Old Testament. This handsome volume is a collection of those most interesting and important, gleaned from Musselman and Jewish sources. It is a work of unique literary interest. THE KORAN. The Koran of Mohammed. Translated by George Sale. Large 12mo, 336 pages, Erevier type. Cloth, 40 cts. Mohammed wins no followers in Christendom, but every intelligent reader is interested to know what was the inspiration that, during centuries, held his sword victorious over a large part of Asia, Africa and Europe, and still holds for him 130,000,000 followers in the Eastern world. Until I brought out this edition, the only "Koran" published in this country (the same translation) was sold at $2.75 per copy. The volume will al- ways be, at the least, a literary curiosity. (Continued from second cove-page.) ……… ……………✦ I The Ice-Maiden, and Other Stories. By ans Andersen. Illus...... 10c The Christmas Greeting. By Hans Andersen Illus.. 100 The Shoes of Fortune, and Other Stories. By Hans Andersen. Illus. 10c Fairy Tales. By Hans Andersen. Illus... The Story-teller, and Other Tales. By Hans Andersen. Illus.. The Great Bridge. By Hon. A. S. Hewitt and R. S. Storrs, D.D. Young Folks' Series, I., Nos. 10, 13, 40, 51, 52, 53, combined.. Adventures of Baron Munchausen. 10c 10c 3c 12c 2c 2c 3c 10e 10c 10c .. Tak indbad the Sailor.. ables from Esop. Illustrated. • Biography Series, I., Nos. 4, 11, 16, 38, combined. Humor Series, I., Nos. 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, combined. cience Series, I., Nos. 5, 12, 42, 44, 46, combined.. oetry Series, I., Nos. 6, 25, 26, 27, 28, 36, combined. hilosophy of Style. By Herbert Spencer.... vidences of Evolution. By T. H. Huxley. Illustrated. uddhism. By John Caird.. •• 10c Sc 20 20 vilizations of Asia. By George Rawlinson... 20 10c .. fe of Peter Cooper. By C. Edwards Lester. Illustrated.. shine, and Other Stories. By Ellen Tracy Alden. Illustrated. 3c e of Richard Wagner. By Bertha Thomas. Portrait. arls of the Faith. By Edwin Arnold. 3c 15c 2c iller's Song of the Bell, and Other Poems. 6c e of Alexander H. Stephens. By Frank H. Norton. Illustrated. 10c e Indian Song of Songs. By Edwin Arnold. ghways of Literature. By David Pryde.. ongs of Seven, and Other Poems. By Jean Ingelow. Low Lisa Loved the King. By George Eliot.. he Cotter's Saturday Night, and Other Poems. Robert Burns. he Deserted Village; The Traveler. Oliver Goldsmith.. merican Humorists-Mark Twain.. merican Humorists-Artemus Ward. merican Humorists-James Russell Lowell.. he Cricket on the Hearth. Dickens. Illustrated,. merican Humorists-Oliver Wendell Holmes. fe of Gustave Dore. By Frank H. Norton. Illustrated. merican Humorists-Irving • .. 2 The Burning of Rome. By Canon Farrar. 1 Rip Van Winkle. By Washington Irving. • ··· • ··· unyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Complete. Illustrated.. A Half Hour in Natural History. By S. H. Peabody. World Smashing, etc. By W. Mattieu Williams.. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. By James Parton..... 10 Queen Mabel, etc. By Ellen Tracy Alden.... 9 Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. By Shakespeare. 8 Life of Frederick the Great. By T. B. Macaulay.. ……. C ·· • .. •• • L • · 7 The Motive and Habit of Reading. By Chas. F. Richardson. 6 Enoch Arden. By Alfred Tennyson.. 5 The Sea-Serpents of Science. By Andrew Wilson. 4 Life of Washington Irving. By R. H. Stoddard. 8 The Words of Washington. His most celebrated papers. ... · → • • 10 2c 20 20 20 20 20 4c 1'c 20 Sc 2c 10c 3c 20 20 3c TC 7c 2c 2c 2c 6422 ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ 6c 4c 2c 2c "The books have arrived. I am perfectly delighted with them. same books could not be bought for twice the money at any bookstore.” -W. R. VAN WERT, Raymertown, N. Y. The "I have received the books. I am delighted with them,-their style of binding and makeup exceeding my most sanguine expectations.”— LUTHER PACKARD, Theol. Sem., Chicago, Ills. "I have examined the books and found them even above my highest expectations. There is no danger of your losing any customers after they have the first trial. I inclose $33.64."-JOHN A. JOHNSON, Martinez, Calif. JUVENILE JOY! ✓ :i "The old-fashioned biographers tell us how thei subjects became learned by perusing borrowed books by the light of a pine-knot fire. Others saved their money for months to bu single volume. This is all over now; and if reading is the road greatness, great men ought to be plentiful."-The Champion, A¹ son, Kan. What IS the world coming to? The poorest man now put on an equality with the richest, so far as books are cop cerned."-Central Baptist, St. Louis, Mo. 1 "In my study I am sure to converse with none b wise men; but abroad it is impossible for me to avoid the society fools."--SIR WILLIAM WALLER. "You do tantalize me so. Such an abundance o cheap, delicious food, and no means to procure it. I can't stand any longer. I have saved up $5, intending to buy clothes, but must go. Please send for it. * * *."-E. BOYNTON, Calistoga, Cal. Give a man this taste [for good books], and thi means of gratifying it, and you can hardly fail of making a happ man. You place him in contact with the best society in every perio of history-with the wisest, the wittiest, the tenderest, the braves and the purest characters who have adorned humanity. You mak him a denizen of all nations, a contemporary of all ages.”—SIĘ HERSCHEL. J "I am a young man of 25; am living on a claim alone-300 miles to the nearest railway. Your catalogue came to me like a Godsend. My mother sent me five dollars to buy some comfort in the shape of meat, and this is the use I make of it, stint- ing my stomach to give my mind a treat. I have thumbed your catalogue over night after night trying to make a choice of five dollars' worth of your excellent works. My heart fairly jumps when I see the extraordinarily low prices-yet too much for my limited purse. Inclosed, $5 for the following: ***"-R. M. MASON, Prince: Albert, N. W. Ter., Canada. "I make up my mind that books I must stop buying from that man Alden, or else-well, say, farewell to tobacco. Your circular comes to hand calling for votes, and for what? That we may receive $5 for every $1 invested, and everlasting pleasure to boot. I can't resist-away, dear tobacco! Please record my voté, viz.: Rawlinson, Ruskin, and perhaps, though I can't promise, Guizot."-C. M. EDWARDS, Barrie, Canada. "I received your catalogue, and immediately ordered four dollars' worth, and received them. I was much more than pleased, and think it quite marvelous. If ever a man deserved to.. succeed, it is you. I am a poor boy, and possess an immense appe- tite for books, and a short purse; therefore the 'Literary Revolu tion' is an incalculable boon to me, and, I doubt not, to tens of thou sands just like me. God bless and prosper you."-NELSON F. BIRD Foxboro, Ontario hei I UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06396 0259