---------------------------- ---- ·titiae·|-ſrael #################№teſae -----……·----- -----_ ae --------------- Intuititutiºn 2 ºr tº rarrº 3y .#/3-, , /\\ $%. * **-*------- ------------- __- A COLLECTION OF H Y M N S , For the use of the METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, . Principally from the collection of T H E R E v. Jo HN w Es LEY, A. M. Late Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. REVISED AND CORRECTED. WITH A S UP P L E MENT, “I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live; I fill sing praise unto my God while I have my eing,” Psalm civ, 33. {{ fºil sing with the spirit, and I will sing with he understanding also,” I Cor. xiv., 15. N E W - Y OR K : . . . . Published by G. Lane & P. P. Sandford, For the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the Conference Office, 200 Mulberry-st, J. Collord, Printer, 1843. “Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1836, by T. Mason and G. Lane, in the Clerkh Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New-York.” rº TO The Members and Friends OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. THE Hymnbook heretofore in use among us is been thought by many to be defective, partly n account of the mutilated state of many of the , and partly because of its being divided to two books. To remedy these inconveniences, leasures have been adopted to prepare a revis lition of our Hymnbook, such a one as should kclude the defects and retain the excellences of he one heretofore published. This revised edition re now present to you. The greater part of the hymns contained in the }rmer selection are retained in this, and several rom Wesley's and Coke's collections, not before ublished in this country, are added. The prin- ipal improvements which have been made, consist h restoring those which had been altered, as is elieved for the worse, to their original state, as hey came from the poetical pen of the Wesleys; pr the following hymns were, except a few which (*) ºr -- ~ : -, 3-, 4 have been taken from other authors, composed by the Rev. John and Charles Wesley; names º will ever be held dear and in high estimation b every lover of sacred poetry. The following hymns, arranged under their ap ropriate heads, were submitted to our Genera Conference, approved by that body, and ordere: for publication. In presenting this revised Hymnbook to you fo your use, we bumbly trust that we are putting int your hands one of the choicest selections of evan gelical hymns, suitable for private devotion, as well as for family, social, and public worship, by whi you will be much aided in the performance of thes: important parts of divine service. We are the more delighted with this design, a no personal advantage is concerned, but the publi good alone. For after the necessary expenses o publication are discharged, we shall make it noble charity, by applying the profits arising there from to religious and charitable purposes. No motive of a sinister nature has therefore in fluenced us in any degree to publish this excellen compilation. As the profits of the former edition have been scrupulously applied as above, so th: same appropriation of the profits of the presen shall be conscientiously observed. We must there 5 by ore earnestly entreat you, if you have any respect for the authority of the conference, or of us, or any regard for the prosperity of the Church of which ou are members and friends, to purchase no ap Hymnbooks but what are published by our own *agents, and signed with the names of your bishops. And as we intend to keep a constant supply, the º: of our congregations, “that they cannot rocure our Hymnbooks,” will be stopped. * we exhort you to sing with the spirit and with * the understanding also: and thus may the high * praises of GoD be sent up from east to west, from * north to south; and we shall be happily instru. * mental in leading the devotion of thousands, and shall rejoice to join you in time and eternity. s We are, dear brethren, li Your faithful pastors in Christ, d ROBERT R. ROBERTS, JOSHUA SOULE, 6 ELIJAH HEDDING, JAMES O. ANDREW, BEVERLY WAUGH, THOMAS A. MORRIS. | N OT'ſ CE. IN this improved edition of the Methodis Hymnbook, the tunes adapted to the hymns, as contained in the Methodist Harmonist, are named at the head of each hymn, together with the page of the Harmonist at which the tune may be found. The page of the Harmonist is signified by the letter “p.” following the name of the tune. The hymns are numbered as hereto- fore, but the word hymn is left out. C.A. UTION. ALL persons desirous of possessing the true revised and improved official edition of the Meth- odist Hymnbook, with the Supplement, are advised to be careful to examine the imprint, and to purchase those only published by our General Book Agents, for the Methodist Episcopal Church, or by the Agents at Cincinnati. A COLLECTION OF HYMNS, AWAKENING AND INVITING, 1 Majesty—p. 49. C. M. FIRST PART. FOR a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise! The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace! * My gracious Master, and my God, Assist me to proclaim, Tº. through all the earth abroad e honours of thy name. 3 Jesus! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancell'd sin, He sets the prisºner free; His blood can make the fouleat clean; His blood avail'd for me. 5 He speaks—and, listening to his voi j; the dead : Cº., The mournful, broken hearts rejoice; The bumble poor believe. - 9. AWARENING: 6 Hear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb, Your loosen'd tongues employ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come, And leap, ye lame, for joy. SECOND PART. LOOK unto Him, ye nations; own Your God, ye fallen race; Look, and be saved through faith alone, Be justified by grace. 3 See all your sins on Jesus laid: The Lamb of God was slain His soul was once an offering made For every soul of man. 3 Awake from guilty nature's sleep, And Christ shall give you light; Cast all your sins into the deep, And wash the Ethiop white. 4. With me, your chief, ye then shall know, Shall feel your sins forgiven; Anticipate your heaven below, And own that love is heaven. 2 Calvary—p.237.] 8th P.M. 87,81,47. CQºſº, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore, Jesus ready stands to save you Full of pity, love, and power; e e He is willing, ãoubt rig pºore. 2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify: True belief and j entance, h very grace that brings you uigh; ºff. money 3. Come to Jesus Christ and buy. AND INVITING. 3 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream: All the fitness he requireth Is to feel your need of him; This he gives you, 'Tis the Spirit's glimm'ring beam. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy-lade Bruised and mangled by the à, Not the righteous, Sinners Jesus came to call. 5 Agonizing in the garden, ! }. r prostrate lies : On the bloody tree behold him! Hear him cry before he dies, * It is finish’d ſº? Sinners, will not this suffice? 6 Lo! th’ incarnate God ascending, Pleads the merit of his blood; Wenture on him, venture freely; Let no other trust intrude: None but Jesus } Can do helpless sinners good. 7 Saints and angels, join’d in concert, Sing the praises of the Lamb, While the blissful seats of heaven Sweetly echo with his name: , Hallelujah! Sinners here may do the same. Forest—p. 76.] L. M. COM; sinners, to the gospel feast, Let eve e Jesus’ guest: . Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden aſ I mankind. 1% 10 AWAKENING 2 Sent by my Lord, on you I call; The invitation is to all: ome, e world ! come, sinner, thou! All things in Christ are ready now. 3 Come, all ye souls by sin oppress'd, Yerestless wand'rers after rest; Ye § and maim’d, and halt, and blind, In Christ a hearty welcome find. 4. My message as from God receive; Ye all may come to Christ and live: Olethis love your hearts constrain Nor suffer him to die in vain! 5 His love is mighty to compel; His conqºring love consent to feel : hat precious, bleeding sacrifice His offer'd benefits embrace, And freely now be saved by grace: 6 See him set forth before your eyes, 7. This is the time, no more delay! This is the acceptable day; Come in this moment at his call, And live for him who died for all. 4 Benevento—p. 222.] 7th P. M.8 lines 7s. Sº, turm, why will ye die? - God, your Maker, asks you why t God, who did your being give, Why, ye less creatures, why § cross his love, and die? AND IN WITING. 11 2 Sinners, turn, why will ye die? God, your Saviour, asks you why : §: ye ransom'd sinners, wh Will ye slight his grace, and die? 3 Simmers, turn, why will ye die? God, the i. asks you why : He who all your lives hath strove, Will ye still refuse to live? Why, you long-sought sinners, why Will you grieve your God, and die? 4 Dead already, dead within, Spiritually dead in sin: Dead to God, while here you breathe; Pant you after second death 2 Will3. still in sin remain, §: y of etermal pain h ye dying sinners, why Wii, #. ye for ever diº 5 Alfreton—p. 77.] L. M. FIRST PART. SINNERS, obey the gospel word: Haste to the supper of my Lord; Be wise to know your gracious day; things are ready, come away! 2 Ready the Father is to own, And kiss his late-returning son; Ready your loving Saviour stands, And spreads for you his bleeding hands. 12 Awaken ING 3 Ready the Spirit of his love, Just now the stony to remove; Tº apply and witness with the blood, .And wash and seal the sons of God. 4 Ready for you the angels wait, To triumph in your blest estate: Tuning their harps, they long to praise The wonders of redeeming grace 5 The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Are ready with their shining host: All heaven is ready to resound, “The dead’s alive? the lost is found !” Wayland—p. 82.] SECOND PART, COME, then, ye sinners, to your Lord, In Christ to paradise restored : His proffer'd benefits embrace, The plenitude of gospel grace. 2 º written with his blood, The favour and the peace of God; The seeing eye, the feeling sense, The mystic joys of penitence. . ." 3 The godly fear, the pleasing smärt, The meltings of a broken heart; s The tears that tell your sins forgiven; The sighs that waſtyour souls to heaven. 4. The guiltless shame, the sweet distress, The unutterable tenderness; e genuine, meek humility; The wonder, “Why such love to me!” 5. Th’o'erwhelming power of saving grace The sight that veils the seraph's face; g The speechless awe that dares not move, And all the silent heaven of love. AND IN WITING. 13 Portsmouth—p. 185.] 3d P. M. 46s & 28s. BHºw ye the trumpet, blow, The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 2 Jesus, our great high priest, Hathfull atonement made: Ye weary spirits, rest, Ye mournful souls, be glad; The year of jubilee is come; eturn, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 3 Extol the Lamb of God, The all-atoning Lamb; Redemption in his blood Throughout the world proclaim, The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. . 4 Yeslaves of sin and hell, * And safe in Jesus dwell, And blest in Jesus live; The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 5 Ye who have sold for naught Your heritage above, Shall have it back unbought, The gift of Jesus' love; The year of jubilee is comé; m’d sinners, home, . 6 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of heavenly grace; And, saved from earth, appear Before your Saviour's face; 14 AWAKENING The year of jubilee is come; ſ Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 7 Confidence—p.285.] 13th P. M. 1010, 11 11 O ALL that pass by, to Jesus draw near: He utters a cry, ye sinners, give ear! From hell to retrieve you, he spreads out hi s : Now, now to receive you, he graciously stands. Ifany man thirst, and happy would be, The vilest and worst may come unto me; May drink of my Spirit, excepted is noné, Lay claim to my merit, and take for his own. 3 Whoever receives the life-giving word, 4 My God and my Lord! thy call I obey; My soul on thy word of promise I stay: hy kind invitation I gladly embrace, Athirst for salvation, salvation by grace. hasten the hour, send down from above The Spirit of power, of health, and of love: Qf filial fear, of knowledge and grace; f wisdom and prayer, of joy and of praise: 6. The Spirit of faith, of faith in thy blood, Which say m wrath, and brings us to e b e li e W e r sp ri n § u p ; * h e s ki e3, Removes the huge mountain of indwelling sin, And opens a fountain that washes us clean. 8 Confidence—p.285.] 13th P. M. 10 10, 11 il. THy faithfulness, Lord, each moment we find, So true to thy word, so loving and kind: AND INVITING. 15 y mercy so tender to all the lost race, he vilest offender may turn and find grace. The mercy I feel, to others I show, set to my seal that Jesus is true: e all may find favour, who come at his call, come to my Saviour, his grace is for all. To save what was lost from heaven he came; ome, sinners, and trust in Jesus's name! e offers you pardon; he bids you be free; Ifsin be your burden, O come unto me!” Olet me commend my Saviour to you; he publican's friend, and advocate foo: or you he is pleading his merits and death; ith God interceding for sinners beneath. Then let us submit his grace to receive: all down at his feet, and gladly believe: e all are forgiven for Jesus's sake: ur title to heaven, his merits we take. 9 Bethany—p. 217.] 6th P. M.6 lines 7s. WEARY souls that wander wide From the central point of bliss, Turn to Jesus crucified, Fly to those dear wounds of his; Sink into the purple flood; Rise into the life of God. 3 Qhelieve the record true, God to you his Son hath given; 16 AWAKENING Ye may now be happy too, Find on earth the life of heaven: Live the life of heaven above, All the life of glorious love. 4 This the universal bliss, iss for every soul design'd ; God's original promise this, God's greatgift to all mankind. Blest in Christ this moment be, Blest to all eternity : IO Howard—p. 1.] C. M. LOYERS of pleasure more than God, For you he suffer'd pain; Swearers, for you he spilt his blood; And shall he bleed in vain? 2 Misers, his life for you he paid, Your basest crimes he bore; Drunkards, your sins on him were laid, That you might sin no more. 3 The God of love, to earth he came, That you might come to heaven: Believe, believe in Jesus' name, 1 your sin’s forgiven. 4 Believe in him who died for thee, sure as he hath died, Thy debt is paid, thy soul is free, And thouart justified. 11 Bromley—p.95.] L. M. WAKE, Jerusalem, awake, No longer in thy sinslie down: The garment of salvation e Thy beauty and thy strength put on. AND INVITING. 17 # 2 Shake off the dust that blinds thy sight, And hides the promise from thine eyes; Arise, and struggle into light, e great Deliverer calls, Arise! 3 Shake off the bands of sad despair, Sion, assert thy liberty; Look up, thy broken heart prepare, And God shall set the captive free. 4 Vessels of mercy, sons of grace, Be purged from every sinful stain, Be like your Lord, his word embrace, Norbear his hałówáname in vain. 5 The Lord shall in your front appear, And lead the pompous triumph on; His glory shall bring up the rear, perfect what his grace begun. I2 Bishop—p. 73.] L. M. O; every one that thirsts, draw nigh, "Tis God invites the fallen race; Mercy and free salvation buy, Buy wine, and milk, and gospel grace. 2 Come to the living waters, come! Sinners, obey your Maker's call; “Return, ye weary wand'rers, home, d find my grace is free for all.” 3 See from the Rock a fountain rise; For you in healing streams it rolls; Money ye need not bring, nor price, Ye lab’ring, burden'd, sin-sick souls. 4. Nothing ye in exchange shall give, we all you have, and are, behind ' Frankly the gift of Göd receive, Pardon and peace in Jesus find. 18 AWAKENING 5 “Why seek ye that which is not bread, Nor can your hungry souls sustain? On ashes, husks, and air ye feed; Ye spend your little all in vain. 6 “In search of empty joys below, Ye toil with unavailing strife; Whither, ah! whither would ye go I have the words of endless life. 7 “Hearken to me with earnest care, And freely eat substantial food; The sweetness of my mercy share; And taste that I alone am good. 8 “I bid you all my goodness prove, y promises for all are free: Come, taste the manna of my love And let your souls delight in me. 9 “Your willing ear and heart incline, words believingly receive; Quicken'd your souls by faith divine, An everlasting life shall live.” I3 Parma—p. 25.] C. M. Lºſ every mortal ear attend, And every heart rejoice; The trumpet of the gospel sounds ith an inviting voice. 2 Ho! all ye hungry, starving soul That feed upon ifié wind, 8, And vainly strive with earthly toys To fill an empty mind; 3 Eternal Wisdom hath preparod ań tº. feast, nd bids your longing appetites The rich § AND INVITING. 19 4 Hot ye that pant for living streams, ine away and die, Here you may quench your raging thirst With springs that never dry. 5 Rivers of love and mercy here a rich ocean join; - Salvation in abundance flows, Like floods of milk and wine. 6 The happy gates of gospel grace Stand open night and day: rd, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away. 14 Edgefield—p.232.] 7th P.M. slinests. FIRST PART. ET the beasts their breath resign, Strangers to the life divine; Who their God can never know, Let their spirits downward go. Ye for higher ends were born; Ye may all to God return: Dwell with him above the sky: Why will ye for ever die? 2 Ye on whom he favours showers, Ye, possess'd of nobler powers Creatures capable o Noblest of his creatures, why, Why will ye for ever die? 3 Ye, who own his record true; Ye, his chosen people too; Ye, who call the Saviour, Lord, Ye, who read his written word; 20 AWAKENING Ye, who see the gospel light, Claim a crown in Jesus' right; Why will ye, ye Christians, why Will the house of Israel die? Brown—p.226.] SECOND PART. 7th P.M. 87s, WHAT could your Redeemer do, More than he hath done for you? To procure your peace wit y ould he more than shed his blood? ll his drawings from above, Why will ye your Lord deny? Why will ye resolve to die? 2 Turn; he cries, ye sinners, turn: By his life your God hath sworn, e would have you turn and live, He would all the world receive; If your death were his delight, Would he you to life invite? Would he ask, beseech, and cry, Why will ye resolve to die? 3 Sinners, turn, while God is near: I)are not think him insincere: Now, e'en now, your Saviour stands, All day long he spreads his hands; Me, who life to none deny; Why will ye resolve to die?” 4 Can ye doubt if God is love? If to all his bowels move? Will ye not his word receive? Will ye not his OATH believe? , the suffering God appears; Jesús weeps, believe his tears! AND INVITING. 21 Mingled with his blood they cry, “Why will ye resolve to die?” t 15 Fremmington—p. 167. 1st P.M. Glines &. Sº, sinners, in the gospel glass, The Friend and Saviour of mankind I Not one of all th’apostate race, may in him salvation find ; His thoughts, and words, and actions prove, His life and death—that God is love. 2 Behold the Lamb of God, who bears The sins of all the world away ! A servant's form he meekly wears He sojourns in a house of clay; His glory is no longer seen, But God with God, is man with men. 3 See where the God incarnate stands, And calls his wand'ring creatures home: He all day long spreads out his hands; me, weary souls, to Jesus come! Ye all may hide you in his breast; Believe, and he will give you rest. 4 “Ah! do not of my goodness doubt, My saving grace for all is free; I will in no wise cast him out hat comes a sinner unto me: I can to none myself deny; Why, sinners, will ye perish, why?” 16 Omnipotence—p. 168.j 1st P.M., 6 lines 8. SINNERS, believe the gospel word, Jesus is come your souls to save : Jesus is come, your common ; Pardon ye all through him may have; May now be saved whoever will This man receiveth sinners still. 22 Awaken ING 2 See where the lame, the halt, the blind, The deaf, the dumb, the sick, the poor, Flock to the Friend of human kind, And freely all accept their cure! To whom did he his help deny? m, in his days of flesh, pass by ? 3 Did not his word the fiends expel, lepers cleanse, and raise the dead? Did he not all their sickness heal, And satisfy their every need? Did he reject his helpless clay, Or send them sorrowful away? 4 Nay, but his bowels yearm'd to see The people hungry, scatter'd, faint; Nay, but he utter'd over thee, 17 Peckham—p. 119.) S. M. SINNERS, the call obey, The latest call of grace: . The day is come, the vengeful day Of a devoted race: IJevils and men combine To plague the faithless seed, And vials full of wrath divine Are bursting on your head. 2 Enter into the Rock Yetrembling slaves of sin, The Rock of your salvation, struck, And cleft to take you in: - To shelter the distress'd He did the cross endure; Enter into the clefts, and rest n Jesus' wounds secure. AND INVITING. 23 3 Jesus, to thee we fly From the devouring sword; Our city of defence is nigh; Our help is in º Or if the scourge o'erflow, augh at innocence, Thine everlasting arms, we know, Shall be our souls' defence. 4 We in thy word believe, And on thy F. stay; Our life, which still to thee we give, hall be to us a prey; Abov 3. And shelter'd in thy wounds abide t. 5 Believing against hope, e hang upon thy grace, Through ev'ry ...; cloud look up, And wait for happy days: Their sins in Christ forgiven And walk awhile with Gºd below, And then fly up to heaven. 18 confidence—p.285.] 18th P.M. 1010, 1111. YE º for God, To Jesus give ear, And take, through his blood, A pow'r to draw 4. Rear; His kind invitation, Ye sinners, embrace, Accepting salvation, Salvation by grace. 2 Sent down from above, Who governs the skies, In vehement love, To sinners he cries, * Drink into my spirit, Who happy would be, ' And all things inherit, By coming to me.” 24 AWAKENING 3 O Saviour of all, Thy word we believe, ; And come at thy call, Thy grace to receive: The blessing is given Wherever thou art: The earnest of heaven Is love in the heart, 4. To us at thy feet, The Comforter give: Who gasp to admit Thy Spirit, and live; The weakest believers Acknowledge for thine, And fill us with rivers Of water divine ! 19 Magdalen—p. 84.] L. M. ORD, we are vile, conceived in sin, And born unholy and unclean; Sprung from the man whose guilty fall orrupts his race, and taints us all. 2 Soon as we draw our infant breath, The seeds of sin grow up for death; Thy law demands a perfect heart, But we’re defiled in every part. 3 Great God, create my heart anew, And form my spirit pure and true; 0 make me wise betimes to Bee My danger and my remedy. 4 Behold, I fall before thy face; My only refuge is thy grace: No outward forms can make me clean; The Jeprosy lies deep within. 5 No bleeding bird, nor bleeding beast, Nor hyssop branch, nor sprinkling priest, Nor running brook, nor flood, nor sea, an wash the dismal stain away. , a 6 Jesus, my God, thy blood alone Hath power sufficient to atone; Thy blood can make me white as snow; No Jewish types could cleanse me so. AND INVITING. 25 1 While guilt disturbs and breaks my peace, Norflesh nor soul hath rest or ease; Lord, let me hearthy pardoning voice, And make my broken heart rejoice. 20 Arlington—p. 3.} C. M. INNERS, the voice of God regard; 'Tis mercy speaks to-day; He calls you by his sacred word rom sin's destructive way. 2 Like the rough sea that cannot rest, You live, devoid o º: A thousand stings within your breast Deprive your souls of ease. . 3 Your way is dark, and leads to death: Why will you persevere Can you in endless torments breathe, Shut up in black despair? 4 Why will you in the naked ways Of sin and folly go 2 In pain you travel all your days, T rnal wo. 5 But he that turns to God shall live, Through his abounding grace: His mercy will the guilt forgive Of those that seek his face. 6 Bow to the sceptre of his word, Renouncing every sin, Submit to him, your sovereign Lord, .And learn his will divine. , 21 Woodland—p. 13.]. C. M. HOU Son of God, whose flaming eyes Our inmost thoughts perceive, - 2 26 AWAKENING Accept the evening sacrifice Which now to thee we give. 2. We bow before thy gracious throne, And think ourselves sincere: But show us, Lord, is every one hy real worshipper ?, 3 Ishere a soul that knows thee not, Nor feels his want of thee; A stranger to the blood which bought is pardon on the tree ? 4 Convince him now of unbelief, His desperate state explain: And fill his heart with sacred grief, And penitential pain, 5 Speak with that voice that wakes the dead And bid the sleeper rise; And bid his guilty conscience dread The death that never dies. 6 Extort the cry, “What must be dome To save a wretch like me? How shall a trembling sinner shun That endless misery? 7 “I must this instant now begin Out of my sleep to wake, And turn to God, and every sin Continually forsake. 8 “I must for faith incessant cry, And wrestle, Lord, with thee; I must be born again, or die To all etermity!” 22 Randall—p. 16.] C. M. OME, O thou all-victorious Lord, Thy power tous make known; AND INVITING. 27 Strike with the hammer of thy word, And break these hearts of stone, 20 that we all might now begin Our foolishness to mourn . And turn at once from every sin, And to the Saviour turn. 3 Give us ourselves and thee to know, In this our gracious day; Repentance unto life bestow, An e our sins away. 4 Convince us first of unbelief, And freely then release; ill every soul with sacred grief, And then with sacred peace. 5 Impov'rish, Lord, and then relieve, And then enrich the poor; The knowledge of our sickness give, The knowledge of our cure. 6 That blessed sense of guilt impart, And then remove the load; Trouble, and wash the troubled heart In the atoning blood. 7 Our despºrate state, through sin, declare, And speak our sins forgiven: By perfect holiness prepare, And take us up to heaven. 23 Greenwalk—p.69.1 c. M. TERRIBLE thought! shall I alone, Who may be saved, shall I, Of all, alas! whom I have known, hrough sin for ever die? 2. While all my old companions dear, With whom Ionce did live, 28 PENITENTIAL, Joyful at God's right hand appear, A blessing to receive. 3 Shall I, amidst a ghastly band, Dragg'd to the judgment seat, Far on the left with horror stand, My fearful doom to meet? 4 Ah! no ;-I still may turn and live, For still his wrath delays; He now vouchsafes a kind reprieve, And offers me his grace. 5 I will accept his offers now : rom every sin depart; Perform my oft-repeated vow, - eart. 6 I will improve what I receive, The grace through Jesus given; Sure, if with God on earth I live, To live with God in heaven. PENITENTIAL. 24 M. Kingswood—p.278.1 12th P.M.76.76.78,76. e nº y: From this bondage, Lord, release: No longerlet me be oppress'd: Jesus, Master, seal my peace And take me to thy breast! 2 Wilt thou casta sinner out, o humbly comes to thee! PENITENTIAL. 29 No, my God, I cannot doubt hy mercy is for me: Let me then obtain the grace, e of paradise possess'd : Jesus, Master, seal my peace, And take me to thy breast! 3 Worldly good I do not want; Be that to others given: Only for thy love Ipant; My all in earth or heaven; This is the crown I fain would seize, e good where with I would be blest: Jesus, Master, seal my peace, And take me to thy breast! 4 This delight I fain would prove, then resign my breath; Join the happy few whose love Was mightier than death : Let it not my Lord displease, That I would die to be thy guest! Jesus, Master, seal my peace, take me to thy breast : 25 Shoel—p. 91.] L. M. THOU, whom once they flock'd to hear! Thy words to hear, thy power to feel: Suffer the sinners to draw near graciously receive us still. 2 They that be whole, thyself hast said, No need of a physician have; But I am sick and want thine aid, d wait thine utmost power to save. 3 Thy power, and truth, and love divine, The sam e to age endure: A word, a gracious word of thine, The most invet'rate plague can cure. 30 PENITENTIAL. 4 Helpless, howe'er, my spirit lies, And long hath languish'd at the pool, A word of thine shall make it rise, And speak me in a moment whole. 5 Eighteen or eight-and-thirty years, Orthousands, are alike to thee: Soon as thy Ioving grace appears, My plague is gone, my heart is free. 6 Mat..: this the acceptable hour: Come, Omy soul's physician, thou! Display thy sanctifying power, And show me thy salvation now. 26 Waverly—p. 72.] L. M. Y sufferings all to thee are known Tempted in every point like me? Regard my grief, regard thy own; Jesus, remember Calvary! 2 O call to mind thy earnest prayers : ny and sweat of blood | Thy strong and bitter cries and tears! #. mortal groan, “My God! my God!” 3 For whom didst thou the cross endure? Who mail'd thy body to the tree? Did not thy death my life procure? 0 let thy bowels answer me ! 4 Art thou not touch'd with human woº Hath pity left the Son of man? Dost thou not all my sorrows know, claim a share in all my pain? 5 Have I not heard, have I not known, That thou, the everlasting Lord, Whom heaven and earth their Maker own, Art always faithful to thy word? PENITENTIAL." 3H eed Or quench the smallest spark of grace Till §: the soul thy power is spread, Thy all-victorious righteousness. 7 The day of small and feeble things | I know thou never wilt despise; I know, with healing in his wings, he Sun of righteousness shall rise. 8 With labour faint, thou wilt not fail, Qr, Nº. the sinner o'er, Till in this earth thy judgments dwell, d, born of God, I sin no more. 27 Devizes—p. 14.] C. M. OW sad our state by nature is: Our sin, how deep it staina? And Satan binds our captive souls Fastin his slavish chains. 2. But there’s a voice of sovereign grace Word : And trust a faithful 3 Mysoul obeys the gracious call, And runs to this relief; I would believe thy promise, Lord, help my unbelief! 4 To the blest fountain of thy blood, ncarnate God, ; Here let me wash my spotted soul From crimes of deepest die. 5. A guilty, weak, and helpless wo p: th; armi . p rm, thou my strength and righteousness; My Jesus and my all. Ho! ye despairing sinners, come, Iord. 32 PENITENTIAL. 28 Quincy—p. 179] 2d P. M. 6 line, 8. ATHER of lights, from whom proceeds Whate'er thy every creature needs; Whose goodness, providently nigh, Feeds the young ravens when they cry, To thee I look, my heart prepare; Suggest and hearken to my prayer. 2 Since, by thy light, myself I see Naked, and poor, and void of thee: Thine eyes must all my thoughts survey, Preventing what my lips would say: Thou seest my wants, for help they call, And ere I speak thou know'st them all. 3 Thou know'st the baseness of my mind, Wayward, and impotent, and blind; Thou know'st how unsubdued my will, Averse to good, and prone to ill; Thou know'st how wide my passions rove, Nor check’d by fear, nor charm'd by love. 4 Fain would I know, as known by thee, And feel the indigence I see; Fain would I all my vileness own, And deep beneath the burden groanſ Abhor the pride that lurks within, Detest and loathe myself and sin. 5 Ah, give me, Lord, myself to feel, My total misery reveal: Ah, give me, Lord, (I still would say,) A heart to mourn, a heart to pray: My business this, my only care, My life, my every breath be prayer. 29 Golden Hill—p. 120.] S. M. O THAT I could repent! O that I could believe PENITENTIAL. 33 Thou, by thy voice, the marble rent, he cleave: Thou, by thy two My soul and spirit part; Strike with the hammer of thy word, And break my stubborn heart. -edged sword, 2 Saviour and Prince of peace, he double grace bestow; Unloose the bands of wickedness, And let the captive go: Grant me my sins to feel, Wound, and pour in, my wounds to heal, The balm of pard’ning love. 3 For thine own mercy's sake, The hind’rance now remove; And into thy protection take The prisoner of thy love: In every trying hour Stand by my feeble soul, And screen me from my nature's power, . Till thou hast made me whole. 4 This is thy will, I know, That I should holy be; Should let my sins this moment go, his moment turn to thee: egºi gra. Thy all-sufficient power; And never more to sin give place, And never grieve thee more. 30 Penitence—p.280.1 12th P.M.76,76,78,76. ESUS, let thy pitying eye J Čaii bac ...; sheep; False to thee, like Peter, I Would fain like Peter weep, 2* PENITENTIAL. Let me be by grace restored; On me be all long-suff'ring shown; Turn, and look * me, Lord, And break my heart of stone. 2 Saviour, Prince, enthroned above, Repentance to impart, Give me, through thy dying love, The humble, contrite heart: Give what I have long implored A portion of thy grief unknown; Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone. 3 For thine own compassion's sake, The gracious wonder show; 4 See me, Saviour, from above, Nor suffer me to die : ro Speak the reconciling word, And let thy mercy melt me down; Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone. 5 Look, as when thine eye pursued The first apostate man: Saw him weſtºring in his blood, And bade him rise again : Speak my paradise restored; Redeem me by thy grace alone: Turn; and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone. PENITENTIAL. 35 6 Look as when thy languid eye Was closed that we might live; “Father,” (at the point to die y Saviour gasp'd,) “forgive.” Surely with that dying word turns, and looks, and cries, “'Tis done!” 0 my bleeding, loving Lord Thou break'st my heart of stone. 31 Euphrates—p.214.1 12th P.M.1616,1816, ET the world their virtue boast, Their works of righteousness; I, a wretch undone an m freely saved by grace; Other title I disclaim ; This, only this, is all my plea, I the chief of sinners am, ut Jesus died for me. 2 Happy they whose joys abound, Like Jordan's swelling stream: Who their heaven in Christ have found, And give the praise to him; Meanest follower of the Lam I the chief of sinners am, IBut Jesus died for me. 3 I, like Gideon's fleece, am found, Unwater'd still and dry; While the dew on all around Falls plenteous from the sky; Yet my Lord I cannot blame, The Saviour's grace for all is free; I the chief of sinners am, ut Jesus died for me. 4 Surely he will lift me up, For I of him have need ; 36 PENITENTIAL. I cannot give up my hope, Though I am cold and dead: I the chief of sinners am, But Jesus died for me. 5 Jesus, thou for me hast died, nd thou in me wilt live; I shall feel thy death applied; I shall thy life receive: Yet when melted in the flame Of lowe, this shall be all my plea, I the chief of sinners am, But Jesus died for me. 32 Pirginia—p. 69.] C. M. WITH glorious clouds encompass'd round, Whom angels dimly see; Will the unsearchable be found, 2 Will he forsake his throne above, Himself to worms impart? Answer, thou Man of grief and love, And speak it to my heart. 3 In manifested love explain hy wonderful design; What meant the suffering Son of man, The streaming blood divine 2 4 Didst thou not in our flesh appear, And live and die below That I might now perceive thee near, And my Redeemer know P 5 Come, then, and to my soul reveal The heights and depths of grace, PENITENTIAL. 37 The wounds which all my sorrows heal, That dear disfigured face. 6 Before my eyes of faith confess'd, Stand forth a slaughter'd Lamb; d wrap me in thy crimson vest, And tell me all thy name. 7 JEHOVAH in thy person show, JEHOVAH crucified : And then the pard'ning God I know, And feel the blood applied. 8 I view the Lamb in his own light, Whom angels dimly see; And gaze, § at the sight, To all eternity. 33 Brighton—p. 143. 1st P.M. 6 lines 8s. JFº if still the same thou art, .* If all thy promises are sure, Set up thy kingdom in my An ke me ri To me be all thy treasures given, The kingdom of an inward heaven. 2 Thou hast pronounced the mourner blest, And lo! for thee I ever mourn; I cannot, no, I will not rest, Till thou, my only rest, return; Till thou the Prince of peace appear, nd I receive the Comforter. 3 Where is the blessedness bestow'd I hunger now, I thirst for God; See the poor fainting sinner, see; And satisfy with endless peace, And fill me with thy righteousness. 38 PENITENTIAL. 4 Ah! Lord, if thou art in that sigh, Then hear thyself within me pray; Hear in my heart thy Spirit's cry, Mark what my lab’ring soul would say; Answer the deep, unutter'd groan, And show that thou and I are one. 5 Shine on thy work, disperse the gloom; Light in thy light i then shafi See ; y t ul, “Thy light is come, Głory divine is risen on thee; Thy warfare's past, thy mourning's o'er; Look up, for thou shalt weep no more.” 6 Lord, I believe thy promise sure, And trust thou wilt not long delay; Hungry, and sorrowful, and poor, Upon thy word Inyself I stay; Into thy hands my all resign, And wait till all thou art is mine. 34 Wells—p. 91.] L. M. WHERE WITH, O Lord, shall I draw near, And bow myself before thy face P How in thy purer eyes appear? What shall I bring to gain thy grace R 2 Will gifts delight the Lord Most High 2 Will multiplied oblations please? housánds of rams his favour buy P Or slaughter'd hecatombs appease 3 Cam these avert the wrath of God? these wash out my guilty stain 2 Rivers of oil, and seas of blood, Alas! they all must flow in vain: 4 Whoe'er to thee themselves approve, Must take the path thyself hast show'd : PENITENTIAL. 39 Justice pursue, and mercy love, And humbly walk by faith with God. 5 But though my life benceforth be thine, resent for past can ne'er atone: Though I to thee the whole resign, I only give thee back thine own. 6 What have I then wherein to trust; I nothing have, I nothing am; Excluded is my every boast; My glory swallow’d up in shame. 7 Guilty I stand before thy face; On me I feel thy wrath abide : 'Tis just the sentence should take place, 'Tis just-but 0, thy Son hath died 8 Jesus, the Lamb of God, hath bled, ore our sins upon the tree; 'Tis finish’d he hath died for me ! 9 See where before the throne he stands, nd pours the all-prevailing prayer . Points to his side, and lifts his hands, And shows that I am graven there ! 10 He ever lives for me to pray; He prays that I with him may Amen, to what my Lord doth say Jesus, thou canst not pray in vain. , 35 Hotham—p. 223.] 7th P. M.8 lines 7s. ESUS, lover of my soul, reign; ſ e the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past; 40 PENITENTIAL. Safe into the haven guide, 0 receive my soul at last. 2 Other refuge have I none All my trust on thee is stay’d, rom thee I bring, . Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of thy wing. 3 Thou, O Christ, art all I want; More than all in thee I find : Raise the fallen, cheer the faint H - eal the sick, and lead the bind. * Just and holy is thy n e; m all unrighteousness; False, and fu sin I am, hou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin: Let the healing streams abou Make and keep me pure within : Thou of life the fountain art; reely let me take of thee: Spring thou up within my heart, Rise to all etermity! 36 Peru—p. 199.j 4th P. M. 886,886. LOVE divine, how sweet thou art! When shall I find my willing heart All n lee : , I thirst, I faint, I die to prove The greatness of redeeming love, The love of Christ to me. . 2 Stronger his love than death or hell, Its riches are unsearchable; *PENITENTIAL, 41 The first-born sons of light Desire in vain its depths fosee; They cannot reach the mystery, e length, the breadth, and height. 3 God only knows the love of God; O that it now were shed abroad In this poor ston For love I sigh, for love I pine, This only portion, Lord, be mine ! Be mine this better part! 4 Q that I could for ever sit, With Mary, at the Master's feet! Be this my happy choice; My only care, delight, and bliss, My º my heaven on earth be thus, To lear the bridegroom's voice! 37 Sunbury—p. 141.] S. M. H ! whither should I go, Burden'd, and sick, and faint! To whom should I my troubles show, 2 What is it keeps me back om which I cannot part? Which will not let the Saviour take - Possession of my heart? 43 PENITENTIAL. Some cursed thing unknown Must surely lurk within; me idol which I will notown, ret bosom sin. 3 Jesus, the hind’rance show, Which I have fear'd to see; And let me now consent to know What keeps me back from thee. Searcher of hearts º: trying power display; Into #. darkest corners #. And tak - 4 I now believe in thee assion reigns alone; According to my faith, to me 0 let it, Lord, be done ! In me is all the bar, ich thou wouldst fain remove; Remove it, and I shall declare That God is only love. 38 Bellville—p. 144. 1st P. M. 6 lines 8. FAº: of Jesus Christ, the just, ... My Friend and Advocate with thee, But only thou canst make him known And in my heart revealthy Son. 2 If, drawn by thine alluring grace My want of living faith I £5. 9 Show me in Christ thy smiling face, What flesh and blood can ne'er reveal; Thy co-eternal Son display, And speak my darkness into day. 3 The gift unspeakable impart: Command the light of faith to shine; PENITENTIAL. 43 To shine in my dark, drooping heart, And fill me with the life divine : Now bid the new creation be; O God, let there be faith in me ! 39 Atwood—p.262) 10th P. M.8 liness. Cº., holy, celestial Dove, To visita sorrowful breast ! My burden of guilt to remove, And bring me assurance in rest. Thou only hast power to relieve A sinner o’erwhelm’d with his load ( , The sense of acceptance to give, And sprinkle his heart with thy blood. And kindly continue to strive, And hold, till I yield thee my heart. 3 # call if I ever have known, And sigh’d from myself to get free, And groan'd the unspeakable d!ong'd to be happy in thee; Fº the imperfect desire; 4 If when I had§ thee to grief, And madly to folly return'd, Thy pity hath been my relief, And lifted me up as I mourn’d; Most pitiful Spirit of grace, Relieve me again, and restore; 44 PENITENTIAL. My spirit in holiness raise, To fall and to suffer no more 5 If now I lament after God, And gasp for a drop of thy love; If Jesus hath bought thee with blood, For me to receive from above; Come, heavenly Comforter, come t True witness of mercy divine, And make methy permanent home, And seal me eternally thine ! 40 Windham—p. 115.] L. M. STAY, thou insulted Spirit, stay, Though I have done thee such despite; Nor castasiuner quite awa Nor take thine everlasting flight. 2 Though I have steel'd my stubborn heart, And still shook off my guilty fears; And vex'd and urged thee to depart, For many long rebellious years: 3 Though I have most unfaithful been, Of all who eer thy grace received; Ten thousand times thy goodness seen; Ten thousand times thy goodness grieved: 4 Yet O ! the chief of sinners spare, In honour of my great High Priest; Nor in thy righteous anger swear Tº exclude me from thy people's rest. 5 This only wo I deprecate; This only plague I pray remove; Nor leave me in my lost estate; Nor curse me with this want of love. 6 Now, Lord, my weary soul release, Upraise me with thy gracious hand, And guide me into perfect peace, And bring me to the promised land. PENITENTIAL. 45 41 Euphrates—p.214.] 12th P. M. 76,7678,76. 2 Welcome as the water-spring To a dry, barren place; 0 descend on me and bring Thy sweet refreshing grace! O'er a parch'd and weary land, As a great rock extends its shade, Hide me, Saviour, with thy hand, And screen my naked head. 3 In the time of my distress Thou hast my succour been, In my utter helplessness, Restraining me from sin; O how swiftly didst thoumove To save me in the trying hour! Still protect me with º love, And shield me with thy power. 4 First and last in me perform Work tunnu ull . Be my shelter from the storm, y shadow from the sun; eary, parch'd with thirst, and faint, Tiſſiºn th; abiding spirit breathe, ry moment, , I want The merit of thy death. 5 Never shall I want it less, When thou the gift hast given, 46 . PENITENTIAL, Fill'd me with thy righteousness, And seal'd the heir of heaven; I shall hang upon my 3. Till I thy perfect glory see; Till the sprinkling of thy blood Shall speak me up to thee. 42 Rosetta—p. 71.] C. M. O THAT I could my Lord receive, Who did the World red º etern Who #. his life that I might live A life conceal’d in him : 2 O that I could the blessing prove, y heart's extreme desire? Live # in my Saviour's love, And in his arms expire . 3 Mercy. I ask to seal my peace, That, kept by mercy's power, I may from every evil cease, And never grieve thee more. 4 Now, if thy gracious will it be, E’en now my sins remove, And set my soul at liberty By thy victorious love. 5 Inanswer to tenthousand prayers, Thou pard’ning God, descend: er me with salvation's heirs, My sins and troubles end. 6 Nothing I ask or want beside, Of all in earth or heaven: But let me feel thy blood applied, live and die forgiven. 43 Hotham—p.223.1 7th P. M. Blinate. Dºg soul, shake off thy fears; Fearful soul, be strong, be bold; i l PENITENTIAL. 47 Calmly for his coming stay, Leave it, leave it all to him. 2 Fainting soul, be bold, be strong: ait the coming of th º Though it seem to tarrylon True - - Everyone that asks shall have Cliff the Saviour of mankind, Willing, able all to save; I shall his salvation see: in faith on Jesus call; I from sin shall be set free Perfectly set free from ail. 4 Lord, my time is in thine hand, Weak and helpless as I am; Surely thou canst makeme stand; I believe in Jesus' name; Saviour in temptation thou, tsaved me heretofore; u shalt gave ºne evernmore, 44 Jºacbridge—p. 17.] C. M. WHy should the children of a king Go mourning all their § ring Great Comforter, descend and The tokens of thy grace. 48 PENITENTIAL; 2 Dost thou not dwell in all thy saints, nd seal the heirs of heaven? When wilt thou banish my complaints, And show my sins forgiven? 3 Assure my conscience of her part In the Redeemer's blood : And bear thy witness with my heart, That 1 am born of God. 4 Thou art the earnest of his love, The pledge of joys to come; May thy blest wings, ce.estial dove, Safely convey me home ! 45 Nichols—p. 28.] C. M. Y drowsy powers, why sleep ye so? Awake, my sluggish soul | Nothing hathhäftlywºotlo, . Yet nothing's halfso dull. 2 Go to the ants; for one poor grain See how they toil and strive! Yet we, who have a heaven tº obtain, ow negligent we live : 3 We, for whose sake all mature stands, And stars their courses move: We; for whose guard the angel bands Come flying from above 4 We, for whom God the Son came down, And labour'd for our good : How careless to secure that crown He purchased with his blood! 5 Lord, shall we live so sluggish still, And never act our parts 2 Come, holy dove, from th' heavenly hill, And warm our frozen hearts, PENITIENTIAL. 49 6 Give us with active warmth to move, ith vigºrous souls to rise; With hands of faith and wings of love, To fly and take the prize. 46 Fountain—p. 29.] C. M. Gº is in this and every place . But O ! how dark and void; To me 'tis one great wilderness, This earth without my God. 2 Empty of Him who all things fills, Till he his light impart: Till he his glorious self reveals, he veil is on my heart. 3 O thou who seest and know'st my grief, Thyself unseen, unknown; Pity my helpless unbelief, And break my heart of stone. ſº 4 Regard me with a gracious eye, ! The long sought blessing give; And bid me, at the point to die, Behold thy face and live. 5 A darker soul did never yet P. help implore: 0 that I now my Lord might meet, And never lose him more 6 Now, Jesus, now the Father's love Shed in my heart ab y The middle wall of sin remove, And let me into God. #7 Devotion—p. 46.1 C. M. HOU hidden God, for whom I groan T Till thou ºf declare: y God, inaccessible, unknown, Regard a sinner's prayer! 3 50 PENITENTIAL, A sinner welt’ring in his blood, Unpurged and unforgiven; Far distant from the living éod, far as hełl from heaven 2 An unregenerate child of man, To thee for faith I cali; Pity thy fallen creature's pain, And rai m my fall. The darkness which through thee I fee; hou only canst remove; Thy own eternal power reveal, Thy everlasting love. 3 Thou hast in unbelief shut up, grace may let me go; In hope, believing against hope, I wait the to know. thy name, Thou wilt thy light afford; Bound and oppress'd, yet thine I am, The prisoner of the Lord 4 I would not to thy foe submit; I hate the tyrant's chain; Send forth the prisoner from the pit, or let me cry in vain. Show me the blood that bought my peace, The covenant b! pply, And all my griefs at once #n cease, And all my sins shall die. 5 Now, Lord, if thou art power, descend, untain sin remove: A ray of living faith impart, And God is all my own. PENITENTIAL. 51 48 Windham—p. 115.] L. M. HOU man of griefs, remember me, Who never canst thyself forget, Thy last mysterious agony, hy fainting pangs and bloody sweat! 2. When wrestling in the strength of prayer Thy spirit sunk beneath its load; Thy feeble flesh abhorr'd to bear T rath of an almighty God. 3 Father, if I may call thee so, ard my fearful heart's desire: Remove this load of guilty wo, or let me in my sins expire! 4 I tremble, lest the wrath divine, Which bruises now my wretched soul, Should bruise this wretched soul of mine 5 To thee my last distress I bring; The heighten’d fear of death I find; The tyrant, brandishing his sting, Appears, and hell is close behind. 6 I deprecate that death alone, That endless banishment from thee; 0 save, and give me to thy Son, Who trembled, wept, and bled for me. 49 Valentia—p. 104.] L. M. ORD Jesus, when, when shall it be aſſimo'more haſ break with thee? When will this war of passions cease, d my free soul enjoy thy peace? 2 Here I repent, and sin again; ow I revive, and now am slain; Slain with the same unhappy dart, Which 0, too often wounds my heart! 52 PENITENTIAL, 3 O Saviour, when, when shall I be A garden seal’d to all but thee No more exposed, no more undone; But live and grow to thee alone? 4 Guide thou, O Lord, guide thou my course, And draw me on with thy sweet force; By thee, my way, to thee, my end! 50 Surrey—p. 106.] L. M. GOD, to whom in flesh reveal’d The helpies aii for succour came: The sick to be relieved and heal’d, And found salvation in thy name: 2. With publicans and harlots, I, In these thy Spirit's gospel days, o thee, the sinner's friend, draw nigh, And y sue for saving grace. 3 Thou seest me helpless and distress'd, Feeble, and faint, and blind, and poor; Weary, I come to thee for rest, And, sick of sin, implore a cure. 4 My sin’s incurable disease, Thou, Jesus, thou alone canst heal; hº me with thy power and peace, d pardon on my conscience seal. 5 A touch, a word, a look from thee, Can turn my heart, and make it clean; Purge the foul inbred leprosy, nd save me from my bosom sin. 6 Lord, if thou wilt, I do believe Thou canst the savin impart; ou canst this instant now forgive, And stamp thine image on my heart. PENITENTIAL. 53 7 My heart, which now to thee I raise, I know thou canst this moment cleanse; The deepest stains of sin efface, And drive the evil spirit hence. 8 Be it according to thy word; Accomplish now thy work in me, And let my soul, to health restored, Devote its little aſ to thee; 51 Brentford—p. 111.] L. M. ESUS, thy far-extended fame My drooping soul exults to hear: Thy name, thy all-restoring name, Is music in a sinner's ear. 2 Sinners of old thou didst receive ith comfortable words, and kind; Their sorrows cheer, their wants relieve, Heal the diseased, and cure the blind. 3 And art thou not the Saviour still, In every place and age the same Hast thou forgot thy gracious skill, Or lost the virtue of thy name 2 4 Faith in thy changeless name I have, The good, the kind physician, thou Art able now our souls to save, Art willing to restore them now. 5 Though eighteen hundred years are past Since thou didst in the flesh appear; hy tender mercies ever last, And still thy healing power is here. 6 Wouldst thou the body's health restore; not regard the sin-sick soul ? The sin-sick soul thou lov'st much more, And surely thou wilt make it whola. 54 PENITENTIAL. 7 All my disease, my every sin, To thee, O Jesus, I confess: In pardon, Lord, my cure begin, And perfect it in holiness, 8 That token of thine utmost good, Now, Saviour, now, on me bestow; And purge my conscience with thy blood, And wash my nature white as snow. 52 Emory—p. 217.] 6th P. M. 6 line, i. SAVº Prince of Israel's race, Save me!—from thy lofty throne Give the sweet relenting grace, Soften this obdurate stone: Stone to flesh, O God, convert; Cast a look, and break my heart! 2 By thy Spirit, Lord, reprove, All mine inmost sins reveal; Sins against thy light and love, Let me see, and let me feel; Sins that crucified my God, Spilt again thy precious blood. 3 Jesus, seek thy wand'ring sheep, ake me restless to return; 4. Bid me look on thee, and weep, Bitterly as Peter mourn: Till I say, by grace restored, “Now, thou know'st, I love thee, Lord.” 4 Might I in thy sight appear, As the publican distress'd; Stand, not daring to draw near; Smite on my unworthy breast; roan the sinner's only plea, * God be merciful to me!” B O remember me for good, Passing through the mortal vale; PENITENTIAL. 55 £how me the atoning blood en my strength and spirits fail; Give my gasping soul to see Jesus crucified for me. 53 New-Haven—p. 21.] C. M. FOR that tenderness of heart which bow, before the iord ; Acknowledging how just thou art, .And trembling at thy word : O for those humble, contrite tears, Which from repentance flow; That consciousness of guilt which fears The long-suspended blow ! 2 Saviour, to me in pity give The sensible distress; The pledge thou wilt, at last, receive, And bid me die in : Wilt from the dreadful day remove, Before the evil come; My spirit hide with saints above, § body in the tomb. 54 Guilford—p. 140.] S. M. O THAT I could repent, With all my idols part; And to thy gracious eye present An humble, contrite heart: 2 A heart with grief oppress'd For having grieved my God; A troubled heart that cannot rest Till sprinkled with thy blood. 3 Jesus, on me bestow The penitent desire: With true sincerity of wo My aching breast inspire; 56 PENITENTIAL. 4 With soft'ning pity look, And melt m #: down; Ftrike with º love's resistless stroke, And break this heart of stone ! 55 Sunbury—p. 141.] S. M. O THAT I could revere much-offended God | If mercy cannot draw Thou by thy threatºning move : d keep an abject soul in awe, That will not yield to love. 0 let me tremble at thy word, nd to my ways take heed t With 8acred horror rom every sinful snare: Nor ever in my Judge's eye My Judge's anger dare. 3 Thou great tremendous God, The conscious awe impart; e grace be now on me bestow'd, The tender fleshly heart: he stony heart pemove: And melt at last, O melt me down, Into the mould of love. 56 Warwick—p. 47.] C. M. ENSLAYED to sense, to pleasure prone, Fond of created good: Father, our helplessness we own, And, trembling, taste our food. PENITENTIAL. 57 2 Trembling we taste; for ah! no more To theeffie creatures leadſ: cº, they exert a baneful power, And poison while they feed. 3 Cursed for the sake of wretched man, y now engross him whole; With pleasing force on earth detain, d sensualize his soul. 4 Grov'ling on earth we still must lie, Till Christ the curse repeal : Till Christ, descending from on high, Infected nature heaf. 5 Come, then, our heavenly Adam, come, hy healing influence give; Hallow our food, reverse our doom, d bid us eat and live. 6 The bondage of corruption break; For this our spirits groan Thy only will we fain would seek; O save us from our own: 7 Turn the full stream of mature's tide; t all our actions ten - To thee, their source; thy love the guide, Thy glory be the end. Earth then a scale to heaven shall be ; Sense shall point out the road; he creatures all shall lead to thee, .And d. 57 Kingswood—p.277.1 12th P.M. 76,76,78,76. RETCHED, helpless, and distress'd, Ah! whither shall I fly Ever gasping after rest, I tann it nigh: 58 PENITENTIAL. Naked, sick, and poor, and blind, ast bound in sin and misery, Friend of sinners, let me find elp, my all in thee! 2 I am all unclean, unclean, Thy purity I want; My whole heart is sick of sin, And my whole head is faint: Full of putrefying sores, Of bruises, and of wounds, my soul Looks to Jesus, help implores, gasps to be made whole. 3 In the wilderness I stray, My foolish heart is blind; Nothing do Iknow; the way f peace I cannot find : Jesus, Lord, restore my sight, And take, Q take the veil away, Turn my darkness into light; My midnight into day. 4 Naked of thine image, Lord, Forsaken, and alone: Over me thy mantle spread, Send down thy likeness from above; Let thy goodness be display’d, And wrap me in thy love! . 5 Poor, alas! thou know'st I am, And would be poorer still; des My soul is all an aching void, Till thy Spirit here abides, And I am fill'd with God. PENITENTIAL. 59 6 Jesus, full of truth and grace, In thee is all I want: Be the wand'rer's resting-place, A cordial to the faint; e me rich, for I am poor: thee may I m e To the dying, health restore, And eye-sight to the blind. 7 Clothe me with thy holiness, meek humility: Put on me thy glorious dress, Endue my soul with thee: Let thine image he restored y name and nature let me prove; With thy fulness fill me, Lord, And perfect me in love. 58 Tremont—p. 60.] C. M. ATHER of Jesus Christ, my Lordſ I humbly seek thy face; Encouraged by the Saviour's word To ask thy pard'ning grace. 3 Far from the paths of men, to thee I solemnly retire : See thou, who dost in secret see, And grant my heart's desire. Thy grace I languish to receive, The Spirit of love and power; Blameless before thv face to live, ive and sin no more - 5 Fain would I all thy goodness feel, And know my sins forgiven 60 PENITENTIAL. And do on earth thy perfect will A Yi, sangels do in heave 6 O Father, glorify thy Son, An nt what I require; For Jesus' sake the gift send down, And answer me by fire. 7 Kindle the flame of love within, Which may to heaven ascend; And now the work of grace begin, Which shall in glory end. 59 Minorca—p. 161.1 1st P. M. 6 line, 8. WHEN my relief will most display Thy glory in thy creature's good, Then, Jesus, take the veil away Sprinkle me with th' atoning blood: The power of living faith impart, And breathe thy love into my heart. 2 Jesus, the promised help supply; Support #. feeble, fainting iºd; Nor let me from thy presence fly, But seek till I acceptance find: But ask till I am saved from sin, - And knock till mercy takes me in. 60 Gilman—p. 169.1 1st P. M. 6 lines 8. ESUS, in whom the w Their late, but permanent repose; Physician of the sin-sick mind elieve my wants, assuage my woes; And let my soul on thee be Till life's fierce tyranny be past. 2 Loosed from my God, and far removed, Long have I wander'd to and fro O'er earth in endless circles roved, Nor found whereon to rest below; PENITENTIAL. 61 61 Back to my God at last I fly; For 0, the waters still are high. 3 Selfish pursuits, and nature's maze, The things of earth, for thee I leave; Put forth thy hand, thy hand of grace; Into the ark of love receive; Take this poor fluttºring soul to rest, And lodge it, Saviour, in thy breast. 4 Fill with inviolable peace; 'Stablish and keep my settled heart; In thee may all my wanderings cease, rom thee no more may I depart: Thy utmost goodness call'd to prove, ved with an everlasting love! Sherburne—p. 196.] 4th P.M. 886,886. Aºi. of faith, to thee I cry, To thee, who wouldst not have me die, But know the truth and live Open mine eyes to see thy face; Work in my heart the saving grace, The life eternal give. 2 Shut up in unbelief I groan, And blindly serve a God unknown, Till thou the veil remove; The gift unspeakable impart, And write thy name upon my heart, ove. 3 I know the gº is only thine, The gift of faith is all divine; ut if on thee we call, Thou wilt the benefit bestow And give us hearts to feel and know That thou hast died for all, 4 Thou bidst us knock and enter in, Come unto thee, and rest from sin, blessing seek an : 62 PENITENTIAL. Thou bidst us ask thy grace, and have; Thou canst, thou wouldst this moment save Both me and all manki 5 Be it according to thy word; Now let me find my pard'ning Lord; Let what I ask be given : The bar of unbelief remove, Open the door of faith and love, And take me into heaven ; 62 Aylesbury—p. 140.] S. M. ND wilt thou yet be found? And may I still draw near 2 Then listen to the plaintive sound Of a poor sinner's prayer. 2 Jesus, thine aid afford, If still the same thou art, To thee I look, to thee, my Lord! Lift up a helpless heart. 3 Thou seest my troubled breast, The strugglings of my will, The foes that interrupt my rest, The agonies I feel. 4 The daily death I prove, Saviour, to thee is known; *Tis worse than death my God to love, And not my God alone. 50 my offended Lord, Restore my inward peace: I know thou canst; pronounce the word, And bid the tempest cease! 6 I long to see thy face, Thy Spirit I implore, The living water of thy grace, That I may thirst no more. PENITENTIAL. 63 63 Canterbury New—p. 52.] C. M. FIRST PART. ESUS, if still thou art to-day, yesterday, the same, Present to heal, in me display The virtue of thy name ! 2 If still thou goest about to do Thy needy creatures goo On me, that I thy praise may show, Be all thy wonders show’d. 3 Now, Lord, to whom for help I call, Thy miracles repeat; With pitying eyes behold me fall A leper at thy feet. 4 Loathsome, and vile, and self-abhorr'd, I sink beneath my sin; But if thou wilt, a gracious word ine can make me clean 5 Thou seest me deaf to thy command, pen, , my ear: Bid me stretch out my wither'd hand, lift it up in prayer. 6 Silent, (alas ! thou know'st how long,) voice I cannot raise: But 04 when thou shalt loose my tongue, e. The dumb shall sing thy praise. 7 Lame at the pool I still am found: Give, and my strength employ; Light as a hart I then shall bound; The lame shall leap for joy. 8 Blind from my birth to guilt and thee, And ithin : The love of God I cannot see, The sinfulness of sin, 64 PENITENTIAL. 9 But thou, they say, art passing byl 0 let me find thee near: Jesus, in mercy hear my cry, Thou son of David, hear ! - 10 Behold me waiting in the way ; Command me to be brought, and say, “Sinner, receive thy sight!” Gainsborough—p. 7..] SECOND PART. WHILE dead in trespasses I lie, Thy quick’ning Spirit give; Call me, thou Son of God, that I y hear thy voice and live. 2. While full of anguish and disease, My we istemper'd soul Thy love compassionately sees, O let i et it make me whole 3 Cast out thy foes, and let them still To Jesus’ name submit: Clothe with thy righteousness, and heal, And place me at thy feet. 4. To Jesus' name, if all things now embling homage pay; Q let my stubborn spirit bow, * My stiff-neck'd will obey ! 5 Impotent, dumb, and deaf, and blind, sick, and poor I am : But sure a remedy to find in Jesus' name. 6 I know in thee all fulness dwells, And all for wretched º i. Fill every want my spirit fee And break off every chain. PENITENTIAL. 65 7 If thou impart thyself to me, No other good I need: If thou, the Son, shalt make me free, ishail be free indeed. 8 I cannot rest, till in thy blood I full redemption have But thou, through whom Canst to the utmost saw 9 From sin, the guilt, the rºyer, the pain, *II : 'I come to God, te Thou wilt redeem my so rd, I believe, and not in vain: My faith shall make me whole. 10 I too, with thee, shall walk in white, With all thy saints shall prove What is the length, and breadth, and height, d depth of perfect love. 64 Geneva-p. 65.] C. M. ET the ...ºf thanks and praise To a forgiving * voice I cannot raise, ill wash’d in Jesus’ blood : 2 Till at thy coming from above, My mountain-sin depart, And fear gives place to filial love, d peace o'erflows my hear 3 Prisoner of hope, I still attend 'appearance of my ? These endless doubts and fears to end, And speak my soul restored: 4 Restored by reconciling grace; With present pardon blest; And fitted by true holiness For my eternal rest, 66 PENITENTIAL. 5 The peace which man can ne'er conceive, The love and joy unknown, Now, Father, to thy servant give, And claim me for thine own. 65 Shoel—p. 91.] L. M. Lº: I despair myself to heal; I see my sin, but cannot feel: I cannot till thy Spirit blow, And bid th’ obedient waters flow. 2 Tis thine a heart of flesh to give: Thy gifts I only can receive; Here, then, to thee I all resign, To draw, redeem, and seal—are thine. 3 With simple faith on thee I call; My light, my life, my Lord, my aii: I wait the moving of the pool; i wait the word that speaks me whole. 4. Speak, gracious Lord, my sickness cure; Make my infected nature pure: Peace, righteousness, and joy impart, And pour thyself into my heart! 66 Jłrmley—p. 114.1 L. M. JEsº, the sinner's friend, to thee, Lost and undone, for aid I flee: Weary of earth, myself, and sin; Open thine arms, and take me in 2 Pity and heal my sin-sick soul; 'Tis thou alone canst make me whole; Fall'n, till in me thine image shine, And lost i am till thou art mine. PENITENTIAL. 67 3 Awake, the woman's conquering seed, Awake, and bruise the serpent's head : Tread down thy foes, with power control The beast and devil in my soul. 4 The mansion for thyself prepare, Dispose my heart by entering there ! *Tis this alone can make me clean; 'Tis this alone can cast out sin. 5 Atlast I own it cannot be That I should fit myself for thee: Here, then, to thee I all resign; Thine is the work, and only thine, 6 What shall I say thy grace to move? ord, I am sin, -but thou art love: I give up every plea beside, “Lord, I am lost—but thou hast died.” 67 Watchman—p. 118.] S. M. EIRST PART. WHEN shall thy love constrain, And force me to thy breast? When shall my soul return again To her eternal res 2 Ah! what avails my strife, My wandering to and fro Thou hast the words of endless life; Ah! whither should I go? 3 Thy condescending grace To me did freely move; It calls me still to seek thy face, 4 Lord, at thy feet I fall, I groan to be set free; I fain would now obey the call, And give up all for thee. 68 PENITENTIAL. 5 To rescue me from wo Thou didst with all things part, Didst lead a suff'ring life below o gain my worthless heart. 6 My worthless heart to gain, The God of all that breathe Was found in fashion as a man, died a cursed death. Little Marlborough—p. 141.] SECOND PART, AN n elay My little all to give? To tear my soul from earth away or Jesus to receive 7 2 Nay, but I yield, I yield I can hold out no more: I sink, by dying love compell'd, And own thee conqueror! 3 Though late, I all forsake; My triends, my all resign? Gracious Redeemer, take, 0 take, me ever thine ! 4 Come, and possess me whole, r nence again remove : Settle and fix my wavºring soul With all thy weight of love. 5 My one desire be this, Thy only love to know: To seek and taste no other bliss, No other good below. 6 My life, my portion thou, Thou all #. art; Mº; my heavenly treasure, now nter and keep my heart. PENITENTIAL. 69 68 Lanesborough—p. 5.] C. M. FIRST PART. THAT thou wouldst the heavens rent, ajesty come down; Stretch out thine arm omnipotent, And seize me for thine own . 2 Descend, and let thy lightnings burn The stubble of thy foe; My sins o'erturn, o'erturn, o'erturn, And e mountains flow ! 3 Thou my impetuous spirit guide, And curb my headstrong will Thou only canst drive back the tide, And bid the sun stand still. 4 What though I cannot break my chain, re'er throw off my load; The things impossible to men Are possible to God. 5 Is there a thing too hard for thee, Almighty Lord of all; Whose threatºning looks dry up the sea, And the mountains fall P 6 Who, who shall in thy presence stand, And match Omnipotence 2 Ungrasp the hold of thy right hand, Or pluck the sinner thence? 7 Sworn to destroy, let earth assail; Nearer to save thou art ; Stronger than all the powers of hell, And greater than my heart. 8 Lo! to the hills I liſt mine eye; Thy promised aid I claim: Father of mercies, glorify Thy favourite jºurname. 70 PENITENTIAL. 9 Salvation in that name is found, Ealm of my grief and care; A medicine for my every wound, All, all I want is there. New-Bedford—p. 19.] SECOND PART, JESUS: Redeemer, Saviour, Lord, The weary sinner's friend; Come to my help, pronounce the word, And bid my troubles end. 2 Deliv'rance to my soul proclaim, And life and liberty; Shed forth the virtue of thy name, And Jesus prove to me ! 3 Faith to be heal'd thou know'st I have, , For thou that faith hast given; Thou canst, thou wilt the sinner save, A e me meet for heaven. 4 Thou canst o'ercome this heart of mine; Thou wilt victorious prove: For everlasting strength is thine, And everlasting love. 5 Thy powerful Spirit shall subdue Unconquerable sin; Cleanse this foul heart, and make it new, And write thy law within 6 Bound down with twice ten thousand ties, Yet let me hear thy call, My soul in confidence shall rise, Shall rise and break through all. 7 i. and the deaf shall hearthy voice, he blind his sight receive; The dumb in songs of praise rejoice; The heart of stone believe, PENITENTIAL. 71 8 The Ethiop then shall change his skin; The dead shall feel thy power; The loathsome leper shall be clean, I sin no more. 69 Althlone—p. 200.] 4th P. M. 886,886. PART. TH; Jesus, thee, the sinner's friend, I follow on to apprehend, o Divinely confident and bold, With faith's strong arm on thee lay hold, ee, my eternal life. 2 Thy heart, I know, thy tenderheart Doth in my sorrow feel its part, ears relent : My powerful sighs thou canst not bear, Nor stand the violence of my prayer, My prayer omnipotent. 3 Give me the grace, the love I claim; Thy Spirit now demands thy name hou know'st the Spirit's will; He helps my soul's infirmity, And strongly intercedes for me With groans unspeakable 4 Answer, O Lord, thy Spirit's groan 0 make to me thy nature known; y hidden name impart 1 (Thy name and nature are the same) Tell me thy nature, and name, , And write it on my heart. Emma—p. 202.] SECOND PART. PRISONER of hope, to thee I turn, And, calmly confident, I mourn, And pray, and weep for thee : 72 PENITENTIAL. Tell me thy love, thy secret tell, Thy mystic name in me reveal, Reveal thyself in me! 2 Descend, pass by me, and proclaim, O Lord of hosts, thy glorious name, “The Lord, - 3. Long-suffering, merciful, and kind, The God who always bears in mind His everlasting word.” 3 Plenteous he is in truth and grace; He wills that all the fallen race sgression, sin, iniquity, He freely doth forgive. 4 Mercy be doth for thousands keep; He goes and seeks the one lost sheep, d brings his wand’rer home: b Come, then, my Lord, and gather me, y Jesus, quickly come. 5 Take me into thy people's rest, O come, and with my sole request, y one desire comply Make me partaker of my hope, Then bid me get me quickly up, And on thy bosom die! 70 Hedding—p. 203.] 4th P. M. 886,886. Sºlº Lord, I languish for thy grace; Reveal face, veal the beauties of thy The middle wall remov PENITENTIAL, 73 2 0 | conquer this rebellious will: - Willing thou art, and ready still, Th º is always nigh: r heart remove, And give me, Lord, Ogive me love, Or at thy feet I die. 3 To thee I lift my mournful eye; yam I thus? 'O tell me why I cannot love my God! It cannot in my Saviour be; itness that streaming blood: 4. It cost thy blood my heart to win: To buy me from the power of sin, , make me love again: Come, then, my Lord, thy right assert, Take to thyself my ransom'd heart, Nor bleed nor die in vain. 71 Wells—p. 91.] L. M. OD of my life, what just return - Can sinful dust and ashes give? I only live my sin to mourn; To love my God I only live. 2 To thee, benign and saving power I consecrate my lengthen'd days: While, mark'd with blessings, every hour raise. i speak thy co-extended p 3 Be all my added life employ'd Thine image in my soul to see: Fill with thyself the mighty void : Enlarge Iny heart to 4 Q give me, Saviour, give memore: Thy mercies to my soul reveal! Alas! I see their endless store; ut, O, I cannot, cannot feel. 4 74 PENITENTIAL. 5 The blessing of thy love bestow, For this my cries shall never fail; restling, I will not let thee go, I will not, till my suit prevail. - 6 I’ll w thee with my complaint; Here *::: feet for ever lie; plaint; With longing, sick; with groaning, faint; 0 give melove, or else I die. 7 Come them, my hope, my life, my Lord jºy". Be mindful of thy gracious word! Thou, with thy promised Father, come, 8 Prepare, and then possess my heart; O § s , seize me i. p Thee may I love, for God thou art; Thee may I feel, for God is love & 72 Ward—p. 109.] L. M. FAIN would I go to thee, my God, Thy mercies and my wants to tell; To feel my pardon seal’d in blood: Saviour, thy love I wait to feel. 2 Freed from the power of cancell'd sin, When shall my soul triumphant prove? y breaks not out the fire within, In flames of joy, and praise, and love? 3 Jesus, to thee my soul aspires; earthly, base desires, y God, my Saviour, and my spouse. 4 Fountain of all-sufficient bliss, Thou art the seek below; Fulness of joy in thee there is; Without, 'tis misery all, and wo. PENITENTIAL. 75 * 73 Gainsborough—p. 7.] C. M. Y God, my God, to thee I cry; Th *::: onl º: } ow : purityung blood apply %; washºne while show. 2 Touch me, and make the leper clean, Purge my º s Unless thou wash my soul from sin, I have no part in thee. 3 But art thou not already mine P wer, if mine thou art! Whisper within, thou love divine, A. cheer my drooping heart. 4 Behold, for me the victim bleeds, His wounds are open wide; For me the blood of sprinkling pleads, And speaks me justified. - s 74 Morrison—p. 112.] L. M. My soul before thee prostrate lies. To thee, her source, my spirit flies; My wants I mourn, my chains I see; 0 let thy presence set me free 2 Jesus, vouchsafe my heart and will With thy meek lowliness to fill ; No more her power let mature boast, But in thy will may mine be lost. 3.And well I know thy tender love; Thou never camst unfaithful prove: And well I know thou stand'st by me, Pleased, from myself, to set me free. 4 Still will I watch and labour still #i. . thought of ill; ill thou, in thy good time, appear And º me #. theºlºmºre. 76 PENITENTIAL. 5 Already springing hope I feel, God will destroy the power of hell; God, from the land of wars and pain, Leads me where peace and safety reign. One only care my soul shall know, Father, all thy commands to do; d feel, what endless age shall prove, ou, my Lord, my God, art love. . 75 Greenwalk—p. 69.] C. M. WHEN rising from the bed of death, O'erwhelm'd with guilt and fear, I view my Maker face to face, O how shall I appear ! 2 If yet, while pardon may be found, And mercy may be sought, My soul with inward horror shrinks, And trembles at the thought: 3 When thou, O Lord, shalt stand disclosed majesty severe, And sit in judgment on my soul, 0 how shall I appear! 4 O may my broken, contrite heart, Timely my sins lament, And early with repentant tears, nal wo prevent. 5 Behold the sorrows of my heart, Ere yet it be too late; And hear my Saviour's dying groan, To give those sorrows weight ! 6 For never shall my soul despair Her on to secure, Who knows thine only Son hath died To make that pardon Bure, PENITENTIAL. 77 76 Kingslridge—p. 117.] L. M. FOR a glance of heavenly day, To take this stubborn heart away; And thaw, with beams of love divine, This heart, this frozen heart of mine 2 The rocks can rend; the earth can quake; The seas can roar; the mountains shake:: Of feeling, all things show some sign, But this unfeeling heart of mine 3 To hear the sorrows thou hast felt, O Lord, an adamant would melt: But I can read each moving line, And nothing moves this heart of mine. 4 Thy judgments, too, unmoved I hear (Amazing thought!) which devils fear; Goodness and wrath in vain combine To stir this stupid heart of mine 5 But something yet can do the deed; And that blest something much I need : Thy Spirit can from dross refine, . . And melt and change this heart of mine. 77 Liberty—p. 146.1 1st P.M. 6 liness. Wrestling Jacob. - FIRST PART COME, O thou traveller unknown, Whom still I hold, but cannot see! My company before is gone, And I am left alone with thee: With thee all night I mean to stay, And wrestle till the break of day. 2 I need not tell thee who I am; y sin and misery declare; Thyself hast call'd me º my name, Look on thy hands and read it there; 78 PENITENTIAL. But who, I ask thee, who art thou? Tell me thy name, and tell me now. - 3 In vain thou strugglest to get free, . I never will unl my hold; Till I thy name, thy nature know. . 4 Wilt thou not yet to me reveal hy new, unutterable name? Tell me, I still beseech thee, tell; o know it now resolved I am : Wrestling, I will not let thee go, Till I thy name, thy nature know. 5 What though my shrinking flesh complain, And murmur to contend go long: I rise superior to my pain: When I am weak, then I am strong: And when my all of strength shall fail, I shall with the God-man prevail SECOND PART. 2 Tis love! 'tis love 1 thou diedst for me; hearthy whisper in §. The morning breaks, the shadows flee, Pure, universal love thou art: 3 My prayer hath power with God; the grace Unspeakable I now receive; PENITENTIAL. 79 Through faith I see thee face to face; r I see thee face to face and live! In vain I have not wept and strove; Thy nature and thy name is Love. 4 I know thee, Saviour, who thou art, Jesus, the feeble sinner's friend : Nor wilt thou with the night depart, Thy mercies never shall remove; Thy nature and thy name is Love. 5 The Sun of righteousness on me Hath rose, with healing in his wings; * soul its life and succour brings; My help is all laid up above; Thy nature and thy name is tove. 6 Contented now }. my thigh I halt, till life's short journey end; All helplessness, all weakness, I On thee alone for ... depend ; Nor have I power from thee to move; Thy nature and thy name is Love. 7 e as I am, I take the prey; Hell, earth, and sin, with ease o'ercome; i leap for joy, pursue my wa al 78 Broadmead—p. 150.1 1st P.M.6 liness. O THOU, whom ſain my soul would love, Whom I would gladly die to know; This veil.of unbelief remove, And show me all thy goodness, show; Vesus, thyself in me reveal, telline thy name, thy nature tell. 80 DESCRIBING 2 Hast thou been with me, Lord, so long, Yet thee, my Lord, have I not known: H claim thee with a failing tongue; I pray thee in a feeble groan, Tàº, O tell me, who thou art : And speak thy name into my heart. 3 If now thou talkest by the way With such an abject worm as me, The mystery of grace display; Open mine eyes that I may see: That I may understand thy word, And now cry out, “It is the Lord!” DESCRIBING FORMAL RELIGION. 79 Wilmington—p. 12.] C. M. ONG have I seem'd to serve thee, Lord, With unavailing pain: Fasted, and pray’d, and read thy word, And heard it preach'd in vain. 2 0ft did I with th'assembly join, And near thy altar drew ; A form of godliness was mine The power I never knew. 3 Irested in the outward law, or knew its deep design: The length and breadth I neversaw, d height of love divine. To please thee thus at length I see, Wainly I hoped and strove; For what are outward things to thee, Unless they spring from love? FORMAL RELIGION. 8I 5 I see the perfect law requires Truth in the inward parts; Our full consent, our * ole desires, ur undivided 6 But I of means have made my boast, idol made : eans O The spirit in the letter lost, The substance in the shade. 7 Where am I now, or what my hope? . What can my weakness do? Jesus, to thee my soul looks up: 'Tis thou must make it new. 80 Oldford—p. 125.] S. M. FIRST PART. MY gracious, loving Lord, To thee what shall I say? Well may I tremble at thy word, And scarce presume to pray! Ten thousand wants have I; Alas! I all things want! But thou hast bid me always cry, d never, never faint. 2 Yet, Lord, well might I fear, Fear even to th ce; 3 Nigh with my lips I drew; ... My lips were all unclean: Thee with my heart I never knew; My heart was full of sin: 4+ 82 DESCRIBING Far from the living Lord, As far as hell from heaven; Thy º I still abhorrºd, Nor look'd to be forgiven. 4 My nature I obey'd; y own desires Fº And still a den of thieves I made The hallow’d house of God. The worship he approves, To him I would not pay; My selfish ends, and creature loves, Had stole my heart away. 5 My sin and nakedness I studied to disguise; Spoke to my soul a flattering peace, And put out my own eyes: In fig leaves I appear'd ; or with my form would part; But still retain’d a conscience sear'd, A hard, deceitful heart. SECOND PART. A GODLY, formal saint, I long º. in sight; By self an y tomb, my nature, w e Pharisee within Still undisturb’d remain'd; The strong man, arm'd with guilt of sin, Safe in his palace reign'd. 2. But, 0: the i. God In may behalf came down My spirit he alarm And brought into distres: FORMAL RELIGION. 83 He shook and bound the strong man arm'd In his self-righteousness. 3 Faded my virtuous show, form without the power; The sin-convincing Spirit blew, And blasted every }. : y mouth was stopp'd, and shame Cover'd my guilty face; I fell on the atoning Lamb, And I was saved by grace. 81 Litchfield—p. 11.] C. M. STHL, for thy loving kindness, Lord, I in thy temple wait: I look to find thee in thy word, Or at thy table meet. 2 Here, in thine own appointed ways, I wait to learn thy will : • Silent Istand before thy face, And hee say, “Be still 3 “Be still and know that I am God!” 'Tis all I live to know : To feel the virtue of thy blood, And spread its praise below: 4 I wait my vigour to renew, Thine image to retrieve , The veil of outward things pass through, And gasp in thee to live. 5 I work; and own the labour vain; And thus from works I cease: I strive; and see my fruitless pain, Till Goºdreate my peace. 6 Fruitless, till thou thyself impart, Must all my efforts prove; 84 ON BACKSLIDING. They cannot change a sinful heart, h ove They cannot purchase 7 I do the thing thy laws enjoin, And then the strife give o'er; To thee I then the whole resign, st in means no more. 8 I trugt in Him who stands between The Father's wrath and me: Jesus, thou great eternal mean, I look for all from thee! ON BACKSLIDING. 82 Albany—p. 157.] 1st P. M. 6 lines 8. WEARY of wand'ring from my God, And now made willing to return, I hear and bow me to For thee, not without hope, imourn: I have an Advocate above, A Friend before the throne of love. 20 Jesus, full of truth and grace, More full of grace than I of sin; Yet once again I seek thy face, Open thine arms and take me in : And freely my backslidings heal Andiove the faithless sinnerstii. 3 Thou know'st the way to bring me bat . Mºlº spirit to restore; O ! for thy truth and mercy's sake, Forgive, and bid me sin no more: The ruins of my soul repair, And make my heart a house of prayer. ON BACKSLIDING. 85 4 The stone to flesh again convert; e veil of sin again remove: Sprinkle thy blood upon my heart, And melt it by thy dying lovel This rebel heart by love subdue, And make it soft, and make it new. 5 Give to mine eyes refreshing tears, And kindle my relentings now; Fill my whole soul with filial fears; To thy sweet yoke my spirit bow; Bend by thy grace, O bend or break, The iron sinew in my neck. 6 Ah, give me, Lord, the tender heart, That trembles at th; approach of sin : A #. fear of sin impart; mplant and root it deep within, That I may dread # gracious power, And never dare tº offend thee more. 83 Kingswood—p.27.] 12th P.M.76,76,78,76. Jºš, friend of sinners, hear, Yet once again I pray : me sin ºg møre, 2 For my selfishness and pride hou hast withdrawn thy grace; Left me long to wander wide, n outcast from thy face Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more. 86 ON BACKSLIDING. 3 Sin's deceitfulness hath spread hardness o'er my heart; But if thou thy Spirit shed, he stony shall depart: Shed thy love, thy tenderness, And ſet me feel thy soft'ning power, Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more. - My struggling spirit fre Perfect righteousness bring in, Unspotted purity: Speak, and all this warshall cease, And sin shall give its raging o'er Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more. 4 From th' oppressive Fºr of sin. & . 5 For this only thing I pray, And this will I require, e the power of sin away Fill me with chaste desire; Perfect me in holiness; Thine image to my soul restore, Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more. 84 Providence—p. 276.1 12th P.M. 76,76,78,76. ON of God, if thy free grace gain ha ised me up; Call'd me still to seek thy face, nd given me back my hope: Still thy timely help afford, And all thy lowing kindness show; kºme, keep me, gracious Lord, By me, O my Saviour, stand, In bore temptation's hour; ON BACK8LIDING, 87 Save me with thine outstretch'd hand, . And show forth all thy powe Obe mindful of thy word! Thy all-sufficient grace bestow; Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord, And never let mego. 3 Give me, Lord, a holy fear, And fix it in my heart; That I may from evil near With time #. depart; Sin be more than hell abhorr'd Till thou destroy the tyrant fe; Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord And never let me go. n y M; exceeding great reward, n heaven above and earth below ; Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord, And never let me go. 5 Never let me go, till I, borne on wings of iove, Gain the region of the sky, And take my seat above; See thee by all heaven adored, And all thy glorious fulness know ; Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord, And never let me go. 85 Euphrates—p.214.1 12th P.M. 76,76,78,76. Loº, and is thine anger gone, And art thou pacified ? After all that I have done, Dost thou no longer chide? \ , 88 ON BACKSLIDING, Let thy love my heart constrain, And restless passions sway: Keep me, lest I turn again Out of the narrow way. 2 If I have begun once more sweet return to feel : Still and quiet may I lie, or struggle out of thine embrace: Never more resist or fl From thy pursuing grace. 3 To the cross, thine altar, bind Me with the cords of love; Freedom never let me fin rom thee, my Lord, to move ; That I never, never more May with my much-loved Master part, To the posts of mercy's door il my willing heart! ne; O preserve in perfect peace, rid 8 e for thine own. More and more thyself revea resence let me always find, Comfort, and confirm, and heal My feeble, sin-sick mind. 5 As the apple of thine eye, hy weakest servant keep; Help me at thy feet to lie, And there for ever weep; Tears of joy mine ‘. oerflow That I have any hope of heaven; Much of love I ought ow, For I have much forgiven. 4 See my utter helplessness, nd leave m g ON BACKSLIDING. 89 86 Forsyth st—p. 332.] 15th P. M. 119,119. FIRST PART. HQ. happy are they Who their Saviour obey, And have laid up their treasures above : Tongue canno ress The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in its earliest love : yune I first found in the blood of the Lamb; heart it believed, What a joy I received, Whata heaven in Jesus's name ! 3 Twas a heaven below eemer to know, Than fall at his feet, And the story repeat, And the lover of sinners adore. 4 Jesus all the day long as my Joy - 0 that all his salvation might see : He hath loved me, I cried, He hath suffer'd and died, To redeem such a rebel as me. 5 On the wings of his love Was carrie We - All sin, and temptation, and pain; I could not believe That I ever should grieve, That I ever should suffer again. 6 I rode on the sky, Freely justified I Nor did envy Élijah his seat: • 90 ON BACKSLIDING. My soul mounted higher In a chariot of fire, And the moon it was under my feet. 7 O the rapturous height Of that holy delight Which I felt in the lºving blood : na iour possess'd, I was perfectly blest, As if fill'd with the fulness of God. SECOND'PART. AH ! where am I now : When was it, or how, That I fell from my heaven of grace? I am brought into thrall; I am stripp'd of my all ; I am banish’d from Jesus's face : 2 #. yet do I know How I let my Lord go, So insensibly starting aside; When the tem - With his own subtle sin, And infected n's spirit with pride. 3 But I felt it too soon, . That my Saviour was gone, Swiftly vanishing out of my sight; My triumph and boast. On a sudden were lº, - And my day it was turn'd into night. 4 Qnly pride could destroy hat innocent joy, And make ºy Redeemer depart, But whate'er was the cause, I lament the sad loss, For the veil is come over my heart ON BACKSLIDING. 91 5 Ah! wretch that I am! I can only exclaim, Like a devil tormented within; My Saviour is gone, And has left me alone To the fury of Satan and sin. 6 Nothing now can relieve; Without comfort I grieve; I have lost all my peace and my power; No access do I find To the Friend of mankind : I can ask for his mercy no more. 7 Tongue cannot declare nt I bear, - (While no end to my troubles I see,) niy could tell On the day that he fell And was turn'd out of Eden like me. 8 Driven out from my Gbd, I wander abroad, Through a desert of sorrows I rove: How great is my pain That I cannot regain My Eden of Jesus's love! int hope That at last he will stoop, And his pity shall bring him to me. 87 Carma—p. 253.1 10th P.M.s lines 8. OW ahall alcst sinner in pain Recover his forfeited peace? When brought into bondage again, What hope of a second release; 92 ON BACKSLIDING. Will mercy itself be so kind To spare such a rebel as me? And Q, can I possibly fin Such plenteous redemption in thee? 2 Q Jesus, of thee I inquire, 3 Q Jesus, in pity draw near, Come quickly to help a lost soul, To comfort a mourner appear, †l e a poor Lazarus whole; The balm of thy mercy apply, Thou seest the sore anguish I feel; Save, Lord, or I perish, I die, O save, or I sink into hell ? 4 I sink, if thou longer delay Thy pardoning mercy to show: Come quickly, and kindly display he power of thy passion below; By all thou hast done for my sake, One drop of thy blood I implore; Now, now let it touch me, and make The sinner a sinner no more. 88 Rochester—p. 18.] C. M. THAT I were as heretofore? When warm in my first love; I only lived my God tº adore, And seek the things above! 2. Upon my head his candle shone, And lavish of his grace, ON BACKSLIDING, 93 With cords of love he drew me on, And half unveil'd his face. 3 Butter and honey did I eat, And, lifted up on high, I saw the clouds beneath my feet, d rode upon the sky. 4 Far, far above all earthly things Triumphantly I rode; I soard to heaven on eagles' wings, And found and talk'd with God. 5. Where am I now? from what a height Of happiness cast down | The glory swallow’d up in night, And faded is the crown. 6 O God, thou art my home, my rest, For which I sigh in ini How shall I'scape into thy breast, My Eden now regain? 89 Chester—p. 48.] C. M. FOR a closer walk with God, cal d heavenly frame; A light to shine upon the road T s one }. the b 2. Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord P Where is the soul-refreshing view 3 What peaceful hours I once enjoy'd, ow sweet their memºry still ! But they have left an aching void The world can never fill. 4 Return, Oholy Dove, return, Sweet messenger of restl 94 ON BACKSLIDING. * I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast. 5 The dearest idol I have known, Whate'er that idol be, Help me to tear it from thy throne, And worship only thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God, alm and serene my frame; So purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. 90 Islington—p. 78.] L. M. SHOW pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive, Let a repenting rebel live; Are not thy mercies large and free? May not a sinner trust in thee P 2 My crimes are great, but don't surpass The power and glory of thy grace; Great God, nature hath no bound, So let thy pard'ning love be found. wash my soul from every sin! § conscience clean! Here on my - And past offences pain my eyes. 4 My lips with shame my sins confess, Against thy law, against thy grace; Lord, should thy judgments grow severe, I am condemn'd, but thou art clear. - 5 Should sudden vengeance seize my breath, I must pronounce thee just in death; And if my soul were sent to hell, Thy righteous law approves it well. 6 Yet save a tº: sinner, Lord, . . Whose hope, still hov'ring round thy word, ON BACKSLIDING. 95 Would light on some sweet promise there, ome sure support against despair. 91 Wells—p. 91.1 L. M. . A}} Lord, with trembling I confess, A gracious soul may fall from grace; The salt may lose its seasoning power, And never, never find it more! 2 Lest that my fearful case should be, Each moment knit my soul to thee: And lead me to the mount above, Through the low vale of humble love 92 Woolwich—p. 212.1 5th P.M.4 lines 7s. Dºº of mercy! can there be Mercy still reserved for me? Can my God his wrath forbear? Me, the chief of sinners, spare? 2 I have long withstood his grace; Long provoked him to his face; § not hearken to his calls: Grieved him by a thousand falls. 3 Kindled his relentings are, Me he now delights to spare; Cries, “How shall I give thee up ºn Lets the lifted thunder drop. Jesus weeps and loves me still. 5 º: from above, Is not all thy nature'love? Wilt thou not the wrong forget? ffer me to kiss thy feet? 96 ON BACKSLIDING. 6 Now incline me to repent! Let me now my fall lamient! Now my foul revolt deplore! • Weep, believe, and sin no more. 93 Richmond–p.267.] 11th P.M. 76,76,7776. WILL hearken what the Lord Will say concerning me; , , IHast thou not a gracious wor For one who waits on thee P Speak it to my soul, tha May in thee have peace and power; Never from my Saviour fly, Auld never grieve thee more. 2 IIow have I thy Spirit grieved, ince first with me he strove! 3. After all that I have done To drive thee from my heart, . Still thou wilt not leave thine own, Thou wilt not yet depart; Wilt not give the sinner o'er: Ready art thou now to save; Bidst me come as heretofore, That I thy life may have. 4 0 thou meek and gentle Lanub 1 Fury is not in thee; Thou continuest still the same, And still thy grace is free; Still thine arms are open wide, Wretched sinners to receive: ON BACKSLIDING.'. 97. Thou hast once for sinners died, That all may turn and live. 5 Lo! I take thee at thy word, My foolishness I mourn; Unto thee, my bleeding Lord, turn : I yield, I yield at last, Listen to thy speaking blood; Me, with all my sins, I cast On my atoming God. 94 Jìctom—p. 88.] L. M. AVIOUR, I now with shame confess My thirst for creature happiness; By base desires I wrong'd thy love, And forced thy mercy to remove. 2 Yet would I not regard thy stroke, But when thou didst thy grace revoke, And when thou didst thy face conceal, Thy absence I refused to feel. 3 I knew not that the Lord was gone; In my own froward will went on; I lived to the desires of men, And thou hast all my wand'rings seen. 4. Yet, 0 the riches of thy grace : Thou, who hast seen my evil ways, Wilt freely my backslidings heal, And pardon on my conscience seal. 5. For this I at thy footstool wait, Till thou my peace again create: Fruit of thy gracious lips restore My peace, and bid me sin no more! 6 Far off, yet at thy feet Ilie, (Till thou again thy blood apply; 5 98 ON BACK8LIDING, Till thou repeat my sins forgiven,) As far from God as hell from heaven. 7 But, for thy truth and mercy's sake, y comfort thou wilt give me back; d lead me o grace to grace, In all the paths of righteousness: 8 Till throughly saved, my new-bora soul, And º; º faith #. whole, Shall bright in thy full image rise, To share thy glory in the skies. 95 Minorca—p. 161.1 1st P. M. 6 line, 8, O TIS enough, my God, my God! * Here let me #. my wand'rings o'er; e on thy blo d No more thy º; anger move, r si - y light and love. 2 O Lord, if mercy is with thee, Now let it all on me be shown | On me, the chief of sinners, me, Who humbly for thy mercy groan; Me to thy Father's grace restore. Nor let me ever grieve thee more 3 Fountain of unexhausted love, Of infinite compassion, hear: My Saviour, and my Prince above, nce more in my appear; Repentance, faith, and pardon give; 0 let me turn again and live. 96 ophir—p. 218.j 6th P.M. 6lines 7s. Jºš, I believe thee near, Now my guilty soul restore: Now my guilty conscience clear: Give me back my peace and power, ON BACKSLIDING, Stone to flesh again convert, Write forgiveness on my heart. 2 I believe thy pardºning grace, As at the beginning, free: Open are th tº embrace, Me, the worst of rebels, mei In me all the hind’rance iies: Call'd, I still refuse to rise. 3 Now the gracious work begin; Now for good some token give; Give me now to feel my sin; Bid me to thy arms return 4 Take this heart of stone away: Melt me into gracious tears; Till thy favour I retrieve, Till by faith again I live. 97 Covington—p. 62.] C. M. WHY did I my Saviour leave, So soon unfaithful prove 1 How could I thy good Spirit grieve, And sin against thy love! 2 I forced thee first to disappear, I turn'd thy face aside; Ah, Lord ; if thou hadst still been here, #y servant had not died. 3 But 0, how soon thy wrath is o'er, And pard'ning love takes place! Assist me, Saviour, to adore The riches of thy grace, 100 ON BACKSLIDING. 4 0 could I lose myself in thee; Thy depth of mercy prove; hou vast, unfathomāble sea {}f unexhausted love . 5 My humbled soul, when thou art near, In dust and ashes lies: How shall a sinful worm appear, r meet thy purer eyes 6 Iloathe myself when God I see, And into nothing fall; Content if thou exalted be, And Christ be ſill in All. 98 Guilford—p. 140.] S. M. O JESUS: full of grace, To thce I make my moan; Let me again behold thy face, Call home thy banish’d one. 2 Again my pardon seal, Again my soul restore, And freely my backslidings heal, And bid me sin no more. 3 Wilt thou not bid me rise? peak, and my soul shall live : Forgive, my gasping spirit cries, Abundantly forgive. 4 For thine own mercy's sake, Relieve my wretchedness; And O, my pardon give me back, And give me back my peace ; 5 Again thy love reveal, Restore that inward heaven: O #. me once again to f eel, rough faith, my sins forgiven ; ON BACKSLIDING, 101 6 Thy utmost mercy show, |ay to my drooping soul, InF. and full assurance go, hy faith hath made thee whole. , 99 Plymouth Dock—p. 148) ist P.M. Gliness. O GOD, thy righteousness we own : Judgment is at thy house begun . With humble awe thyrod we hear, And guilty in thy sight appear: We cannot in thy judgment stand; But sink beneath thy mighty hand. 2 Our mouth as in the dust we lay, And still for mercy, mercy, pray: Unworthy to behold thy face; nfaithful stewards of thy grace; Our sin and wi ness we own, And deeply for acceptance groan. We have not, Lord, thy gifts improved, İut basely from thy statutes roved; And done thy loving Spirit despite, sinn’d against the clearest light; rought back thy º: pain, nd nail'd thee to the cross again. Yet do not drive us from thy face, A stiff-neck'd and hard-hearted race; ut, 0.1 in tender mercy break ſhe iron sinew in our neck: The soft'ning power of love impart, And melt the marble of our heart. 100N Kingswood—p.278.112th P.M.75,16,1876. FA.Hää if thou must reprove, have done, ; Forail that I haved Not in anger, but in love Chastise thine humbled SOn 102 ON BACKSLIDING, Use the rod, and not the sword: Correct with kind severity; Bring me not to nothing, Lord, , But bring me home to thee. 2 True and faithful as thou art o church and me, Give a new, believing heart, nows and cleaves to thee. Freely our backslidings heal; And by thy balmy blood restored, rant that every soul may feel Thou art our pard’ning Lord. When we our whole heart resign, O Jesus, to be fill'd with thee, Thou art ours, and we are thine, Through all eternity! 101 Clarke—p. 149.) Istp, M. 6 lines & GOD, if thou art love indeed, if itºnºmorète proved in me, That I thy mercy'sº may spread, For every child of Adam free; , let me now the gift embrace; O, let me now be saved by grace! 2 If all long-suffering thou hast shown On me, that others may believe, Now make thy loving kindness known, Now the all-conqu'ring Spirit give; Spirit of victory and power hat I may never grieve thee more. 3 Grant my importunate request: It is not my desire, but thine; ON BACKSLIDING. I03 Since thou wouldsthave the sinner blest, No me in thine i ine; Nor ever from thy footsteps move, But more than conquer through thy love. 4 Be it according to thy will Set my imprison'd spirit free; (The counsel of thy grace fulfil:) Into thy glorious liberty My "F. soul, and flesh restor And I shall never grieve thee more. 102 Zion—p. 155. 1st P.M.6 line, 8. YES, from this instant, now, I will To my offended Father cry; Mºr ingratitude I feel, ilest of all thy children, I; Not .# be call'd thy son; Yet will I thee, my Father, own. Nor let the greedy grave devour; And wilt |. thy wrath retain, Nor ever love thy child again? 3 Ah! camst thou find it in thy heart To give me up, so long pursued 2 Ah! Canst thou #. depar And leave thy creaſure in his blood? Leave me, out of thy presence cast, To perish in my sins at last? 4 If thou hast call'd me to return; If j; at thy feet I fall, The prodigal thou wilt not spurn, But pity and forgive me all; In answer to my Friend above; - in honour of his bleeding love. 104 PRAYER AND PRAYER AND INTERCESSION, 103 Kingsbridge—p. 117.J L. M. HEPHERD of souls, with pitying eye, S The housands of ourisrael ee ; To thee in their behalf we cry, Ourselves but newly found in thee. 2 See where o'er desert wastes they err, And neither food nor feeder have; Norfold nor place of refuge near; F. man cares their souls to save. 3 Wild as the untaught Indian's brood, The Christian savages remain; Strangers, yea, enemies to God, They make thee spill thy blood in vain. 4 Thy people, Lord, are sold for naught; Nº. they their Redeemer ; ;" They perish whom thyself hast bought; Their souls for lack of knowledge die. 5 The pit its mouth hath open'd wide, To swallow up its careless prey: Why should they die, when thou hast died; Hast died to bear their sins away? - 6 Why should the foe thy purchase seize? Remember, Lord, thy dying : The meed of all thy sufferings these; 0 claim them for thy ransom'd ones. 7 Extend to these thy pard'ning grace: To these be thy salvation show'd : 0 add them to thy chosen race : 0 sprinkle all their hearts with blood! INTER CESSION. 105 8 Still let the publicans draw near: pen the door of faith and heaven; And #. their hearts thy word to hear, And witness all their sins forgiven. 104 Hebron—p. 111.] L. M. Jºš my Advocate above, My friend before the throne of love, If now for me prevails thy prayer ey, And sweetly prompt my heart to pray; Hear, and my weak petitions join, Almighty Advocate, to thine. , 2 Fain would I know my utmost ill, And groan my nature's weight to ſee! ! To feel the clouds that round me roll, The night that hangs upon my soul : The darkness of my carnal mi Wy will perverse, my passions blind g Sºtteriºrii the earth abroad, mmeasurably far from - 3 Jesus, my heart's desire obtain; My earnest suit present and gain: Myfulness of corruption show, The knowledge of myself bestów ; A deeper displacence at sin; 4.0 sovereign love, to thee I cry! Give methyself, or else I die! Save me from death; from hell set free! Death, hell, are but the want of thee. Quicken'd §y thy imparted flame; * Saved, when poseº of thee I am : 5% I06 PRAYER AND My life, my only heaven thou art; O might I feel thee in my heart! 105 Pelham—p. 128.] S.M. PIRIT of faith, come down, Reveal the things of God; And make to us the Godhead known, And witness with the blood : 'Tis thine the blood tº apply, nd give us eyes to see; Who did for every sinner die, Hath surely died for me. 2 No man can truly say That Jesus is the Lord ; Unless thou take the veil away, And breathe the living word : od; And cry, with joy unspeakable, “Thou art my Lord, my God ºn 3 O that the world might know The all-atoning Lamb : Spirit of faith, descend and show he virtue of his name: grace which all may find, The saving power impart; And testify to all mankind, And speak in every heart. 4 !º the living faith Which whosoe'er receives, The witness in himself he hath, And consciously believes: The faith that conquers all, And doth the mountain move: d saves whoe’er on Jesus call, And perfects them in love, INTERCESSION. 107 106 Amsterdam—p.22, 11th P.M.76,767,76. AKER, Saviour of mankind, Who hast on me bestow'd An immortal soul, design'd d: 2 Bid me in thine image rise, A saint, a creature new : True, and merciful, and wise, pure, and - This thy primitive design, That I should in thee be blest; Should within thine arms divine, or ever, ever rest. 3 Let thy will in me be done; Fulfil my heart's desire, Thee to know; and love alone, And rise in raptures higher. Thee descending on a cloud, Till with ravish'd eyes I see; Then shall I be fill'd with God To all etermity! 107 Euphrates—p.214.1 12th P.M.76,7678,76. GOP of . salvation, hear, And help me to believe ; Simply do I now draw near, Thy blessing to receive; Full of guilt, alas! I am, But to thy wounds for refuge flee: Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me. 108 PRAYER AND 2 Standing now as newly slain, To thee I lift mine eye, Balm of all my grief and pain, hy is always migh. Now as yesterday the same hou art, and wilt for ever be: Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me. 3 Nothing have I, Lord, to pay, Nor can grace procure; Empty send me not away, For I, thou know'st, am poor; Dust and ashes is my name; º ery : Friend of sinners, s . Lamb, lood was shed for me. 4 No good word, or work, or thought, Bring I to buy thy grace; Pardon I accept, unbought, Thy proffer I embrace, Coming as at first I came, o take, and not bestow on thee: Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, by blood was shed for me. 5 Saviour, from thy wounded side I never will depart; Here will I my spirit hide, When I am pure in heart: Till my place above I claim, This only shall be all my plea, riend of sinners, spotless #. Thy blood was shed for me. 108 New-Haven—p. 21.1 C. M. GQ of all grace and majesty, Supremely great and y F INTERCESSION. 109 If I have mercy found with thee Through the atoning blood; The guard of all thy mercies give, o my pardon join A fear lest I should ever grieve Thy gracious Spirit divine, 2 If mercy is indeed with thee, May I obedient prove, Noreer abuse my liberty, r sin against thy love: This choicest fruit of faith bestow On a poor sojourner; And let me pass my days below In humbleness and fear. 3 Still may I walk as in thy sight, er see : And th y My childlike heart to thee: Still let me, till my days are past, At Jesus’ feet abide : So shall he lift me up at last, And seat me by his side, 109 Shirland—p. 135.] S. M. MY God, my life, my love, To thee, to thee I call: I cannot live if thou ºve, For thou art all in all. 2 Thy shining grace can cheer This dungeon where I dwell: *Tis j. when thou art here, If thou depart 'tis hell. 3 The smilings of thy face, How amiable they are : 'Tis heaven to rest in thine embrace, And nowhere else but there. 1 10 PRAYER AND 4. To thee, and thee alone, e angels owe their bliss: They sit around thy gracious throne, And dwell where Jesus is. 5 Not all the harps above make a heavenly place, If God his residence remove, Or but conceal his face. 6 Nor earth, nor all the sky, Can one delight afford; No, not one drop of real joy, Without thy presence, Lord. 7 Thou art the sea of love here all my pleasures roll: The circle where my passious move, centre of my soul. 8 To thee my spirits fly, With infinite desire: And yet how far from thee I lie! O Jesus, raise me higher. 110 Hamilton—p. 80.] L. M. 3. thou wounded Lamb of God, o Is sweet, and life or death is gain. 2. Take my poor heart, and let it be For ever closed to all but thee! Seal thou my breast, and let me wear That pledge of love for ever there. How blest are they who still abide Close shelter'd in thy bleeding side Who life and strength from thence derive, y thee move, and in thce live, INTER CESSION. 1II 4.What are our works but sin and death, Till thou thy quick'ning Spirit breather Thou giv'st the power thy grace to move; 0 wondrous grace : O boundless love 1 How can it be, thou heavenly King, That thou shouldst us to glory bring; Make slaves the partners of thy throne, Deck'd with a never-fading crown? 6 Hence our hearts melt, our eyes o'erflow, Qur words are lost, nor will we know– Nar will we think of aught beside, {{ rd, my love is crucified.” 1Ah! Lord, enlarge our scanty thought, To know the wonders thou hast wrought; Unloose our stamm'ring tongues to tel Thy love immense, unsearchable 1 - 8 First-born of many brethren thou, To thee, lo, all our souls we bow: To thee our hearts and hands we give; Thine may we die, thine may we live, 111 St. Jago—p. 50.] C. M. JESS, thou all-redeeming Lord, Thy blessing we implore; Open the door to preach thy word, , The great, effectual door. * 2 Gather the outcasts in, and save From sin and Satan's power; And let them now acceptance have, An ow their gracious hour. 3 Lover of souls l thou know'st to prize ou hast bought so dear: Come, then, and in thy people's eyes, With all thy wounds appear ! 112 PRAYER AND 4 Appear, as when of old confess'd, The suffering d : 5 The hardness from their hearts remove, Thou who for all hast died; Show them the tokens of thy love, Thy feet, thy hands, thy side. 6 Thy feet were mail'd to yonder tree To ple down their sin; Thy hands stretch'd out they all may see, To take thy murderers in. 7 Thy side an open fountain is, Where all may freely go, And drink the living streams of bliss, And wash thern white as snow. 8 Ready thou art the blood tº apply, nd prove the record true: And all thy wounds to sinners cry, yy “I suffer'd this for you 112 Stow—p. 26.] C. M. COM; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God in persons thr ee Bring back the heavenly being lost By all mankind and me. 2 Thy favour and thy nature too, To me, to all restore; Forgive, and after God renew, And keep me evermore. 3 Eternal Sun of righteousness, Display thy beams divine, And cause the glories of thy face Upon my heart to shine, INTERCESSION. 113 4 Light, in thy light, O may I see, Thy grace and mercy prove! Revived, and cheer'd, and blest by thee, The God of pard'ning love. 5 Liſt up thy countenance serene, And let thy happy child Behold, without a cloud between, The iled. 6 That all-comprising peace bestow On me, through grace forgiven; The joys of holiness below, then the joys of heaven! 113 Amsterdam—p.271.] 11th P.M.76,767,76. O ALMIGHTY God of love, y holy arm display; In this my evil day: Arm my weakness with thy power, lºnirl 2 Could I of º strength take hold, always feel thee near, Confident, divinely bold, My soul would scorn to fear: Nothing should my firmness shock; Though the gates of hell assail;S 3 Were I built upon the rock, They never could prevail. Save me in the frying hour; Thou my sure protection be ; II.4 PRAYER ANY) Shelter me from Satan's power, Till I am ſix’d on thee. 4 Set upon thyself my feet, And make me surely stand; From temptation's rage and heat Cover me with thy hand; Let me in the cleft be placed; Never from my fence remove; In thine arms of love embraced, Of everlasting love. II4. Matthias—p. 127] S. M. 3 Then kindle in my soul a fir Which shall for ever Shine. 2 Thy gracious readiness To save mankind assert; . ine image, love, thy name impress, ` Thy nature on my heart: her of mercies, hear ! nto my soul come down; t it throughout my life appear, [hat I have Christ put on. 30 plant in me thy mind! fix in me thy home : So shall I cry to all mankind, me to the waters, come! Jesus is full of grace, To all his bowels move; Behold in me, ye fallen race, That God is only love. : INTERCESSION. 115 115 Castle Street—p. 102.] L. M. REAT God, indulge my humble claim; Be thou my hope, my joy, my rest; The glories that compose thy name Stand all engaged to make me blest. 2 Thou great and good, thou just and wise, Thou art my Father and my God! d I am thine by sacred ties, Thy son, thy servant, bought with blood. 3 With heart, and eyes, and lifted hands, For thee I long, to thee I look, As travellers in thirsty lands ant for the cooling water brook. 4 º'en life itself, without thy love, o lasting pleasure can afford; * 'twould a tiresome burden P.” I were banish'd from thee, Lord! 5 I'll lift my hands, I'll raise my voice, hile I have breath to pray or praise: This work shall make my heart rejoice, spend the remnant of my days. 116 JAlfreton—p. 77.] L. M. O THOU, to whose all-searching sight The darkness shineth as the ; Search, prove my heart, it pants for thee, Öburst these boºds and set it freei 2 Wash out its stains, refine its dross, Nail my affections e cross;... Hallow each thought, let all within Be clean, as thou, my Lord, art clean. ofoes, no violence I fear, No fraud, while thou, my God, art near. 116 PRAYER AND 4 When rising floods my soul o'erflow, When sinks my heart in waves of wo, Jesus, thy timely aid impart, And raise my head and cheer my heart, 6 Saviour, where'er thy steps I see, Dauntless, untired, I follow thee; Q let thy hand support me still, And lead me to thy holy hill! 6 If rough and thorny be the way, My strength proportion to my day; Till toil, and grief, and pain shalſ cease, Where all is calm, and joy, and peace. 117 Bourton—p.292) 14th P.M. 1011,1011, OME, Lord, from above, the mountains remove, O'erturn all that hinders the course of thy love; My bosom inspire, enkindle the fire, And wrap my whole soul in the flames of desire, 2 I languish and pine for the comfort divine, Q when shall I say my beloved is mine! I've chose the good part, my portion thou art: O Love, let me find thee, O God, in my heart! 3 For this my heart sighs, nothing else can ce : How, ...'an I purchase the pearl of great rice It cannot be bought, thou know'st I have naught, Not an action, a word, or a truly good thought. 4. But I hear a voice say, Without money you may Receive it, whoever hāh nothing to pay: o on Jesus relies, without money or price, The pearl of forgiveness and holiness buys, INTERCESSION. 117 5 The blessing is free, so, Lord, let it be: I yield that thy love should be given to me; I freely receive what thou freely dost give, And consent to thy love, in thine Eden to inve. 6 The gift I embrace, the giver I praise, And ascribe my salvation to Jesus's grace; It came from above, the foretaste I prove And I soon shall receive all thy fulness of love. 118 Meriden—p. 57.1 c. M. BENG of beings, God of love, To thee our hearts we raise; Thy all-sustaining power we prove, And gladly sing thy praise. 2 Thine, wholly thine, we pant to be, Our sacrifice receive; Made, and preserved, and saved by thee, To ihee ourselves we give. 3 Heavenward our every wish aspires, or all thy mercy's store; , The sole return thy love requires, 5 We ask iOr in Ore. 4 For more we ask, we open then ur hearts tº embrace thy will; Turn, and begetus, Lord, again; With all thy fulness fill. 5 Come, Holy Ghost, the Saviour's love Shed in our hearts abroad; So shall we ever live and move, And be with Christ in God. 119 Olmutz—p. 124.] S. M. Jººs, my Lord, attend #. feeble creature's cry; . . And show thyself the sinner's friend, And set mé up on high. 118 PRAYER AND From bell's oppressive power y struggling soul release; And to thy Father's grace restore; And to thy perfect peace. 2 Thy blood and righteousness I make my o Jea; My present and eternal peace Are both derived from thee, . Rivers of life divine rom thee, their fountain, ſlow; And all who know that lové of thine, The joy of angels know. Come, then, impute, impart, To me thy righteousness; And let metaste how good thou art, How full of truth and grace: That thou canst here forgive, Grant me to testi { And justified by faith to live, And in that faith to die. 120 Hanover—p. 57.] C. M. O SUN of righteousness, arise With healing in thy wing; To my diseased, my * soul ife ing. 2 These clouds of pride and sin dispel, -piercing beam; Lighten mine eyes with faith, my heart With h inflame. 3 My mind, by thy all-quick'ning power, From low desires set free; Unite my scatter'd thoughts, and fix My love entire on thee. 4 Father, thy long-lost son receive; Saviour, thy purchase own; INTERCESSION. 119 Blest Comforter, with peace and joy, new-made creature crown. 5 Eternal, undivided Lord, Co-equal One in three, On thee all faith, all hope be placed, All love be paid to thee. 121 Ephesus—p.213., 5th P.M.4 lines 7s. SQ. of God, thy blessing grant, Still supply our every want! Tree of life, thy influence shed : With thy sap my spirit feed. m my soul in 3 Unsustain'd by thee I fall; Send the help for which I call: Weaker than a bruised reed, Help I every moment need. 4 All my hopes on thee depend; Love me, save me e end; Give me the continuing grace, Take the everlasting praise. 122 Boston—p. 213.1 5th P.M.4 lines 7s. Loºp we come before thee now, At thy feet we humbly bow; Q! do not our suit disdain; Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain? 2 Lord, on thee our souls depend; n compassion now descend; Fill our hearts with thy rich grace, Tume our lips to sing thy praise. . 120 PRAYER AND 3 In thine own appointed way Now we seek thee, here we stay;, Lord, we know not how to go, Till a blessing thou bestow. 4 Send some message from thy word, That may joy and peace ; Let thy Spirit now impar Full salvation to each heart. 5 Comfort those who weep and mourn, Let the time of joy return; Those that are cast down lift up; Make them strong in faith and hope. 6 Grant that all may seek and find ee a gracious God, and kind; Heal the sick, the captive free; Let us all rejoice in thee. 123 Newry—p. 88.] L. M. JESUS: from whom all blessings flow, Great builder of thy church below; If now thy Spirit move my breast Hear, and fulfil thine own request. 2 The few that truly call thee Lord, And wait thy sanctifying word, And thee their utmost Saviour own, Unite and perfect them in one, 30 let them all thy mind express Stand forth thy chosen witnesses; Thy power unto salvation show, And perfect holiness below. 4 In them let all mankind behold How Christians lived in days of old; Mighty their envious foes to move, A proverb of reproach—and love. INTERCESSION. 12|{ 5 Call them into thy wondrous light Worthy to walk with thee in white; Make up thy jewels, Lord, and show Thy glorious, spotless church below. rom every sinful wrinkle free, Redeem'd from all iniquity, The fellowship of saints make known, And 0, my God, may I be one : 70 might my lot be cast with these; The least of Jesus' witnesses; O that my Lord would count me meet To wash his dear disciples' feet! 8. This only thing do I require : hou know'st 'tis all my heart's desire, Freely what I receive to give, The servant of thy church to live. 9 After my lowly Lord to go, And wait upon thy saints below; Enjoy the grace to angels given, And serve the royal heirs of heaven. 10 Lord, if I now thy drawings feel, And ask according to thy will, Confirm the prayer, the seal impart, And speak the answer to my heart 11 Tell me, or thou shalt never go, “Thy prayer is heard; it shall be so:” The word hath.pass'd thy lips, and I Shall with thy people live and die. 124 Magdalen—p. 84.] L. M. Y hope, my all, my Saviour thou, M To inée, }. º soul I bow I feel the bliss thy wounds impart, H find Saviour, in my heart. 6 122 PRAYER AND 2 Be thou my strength, be thou my way, Protect me through my life's short day: In all my acts may wisdom guide, And keep me, Saviour, near thy side. 3 Correct, reprove, and comfort me; As I have need, m four be: And if I would from thee º Then clasp me, Saviour, to thy heart. 4 In fierce temptation's darkest hour, Save me from sin and Satan's power; Tear every idol from thy throne, And reign, my Saviour, reign alone. 5 My suffiring time shall soon be o'er, Then shall I sigh and weep no more; My ransom'd soul shall soar away, To sing thy praise in endless day. 125 Gratitude—p. 30.] C. M. Jºš. the all-restoring Word, My fallen spirit's hope, After thy lovely likeness, Lord, Ah! when shall I wake up ! 2 Thou, O º God, thou only art The ife, the Truth, the Way; Quicken my soul, instruct my heart, My sinking footsteps stay. 3 Of all thou hast in earth below, In heaven above, to give, Give me thy . love to know, In thee to walk and live. 4 Fill me with all the life of love; In mystic union join Me to thyself, and let me prove The fellowship divine. INTERCESSION. I23 5 Open the intercourse between My longing soul and thee, Never to be broke off again To all eternity. 126 Brookfield—p. 115.j L. M. HEN, gracious Lord, when shall it be That I shall find my all in thee? The fulness of thy promise prove, The seal of thine eternal love? 2 A poor blind child I wander here, If haply I may feel thee near : 0 dark'ſ dark'ſ dark? I still must say, Amidst the blaze of gospel day. 3 Thee, only thee, I fain would find, And cast the world and flesh behind: Thou, only thou, to me be #. Of all thou hast in earth or heaven. en from the arm of flesh set free, Jesus, . soul shall fly to thee: Jesus, when I have lost my all, I shall upon thy bosom fall. I27 Windham—p. 115.] L. M. HOM man forsakes thou wilt not leave, .# the outcasts ive: Though all my simpleness I own, And all my faults to thee are known. 2 Ah wherefore did I ever doubt? Thou wilt in nowise cast me out A helpless soul that comes to thee, With only sin and misery. 3 Lord, I am sick, my sickness cure: I want, do thou enrich the poor: Underthy mighty hand I stoop; 0 lift the abject sinner up ! 124 PRAYER AND 4 Lord, I am blind, be thou my º rd, I am weak, be thou my might: A helper of the helpless be, d let me find my all in thee! 128 Newton—p. 59.] C. M. ESUS, Redeemer of mankind, Display thy saving power: Thy mercy let these outcasts find, And know their gracious hour. 2 Ah! give them, Lord, a longer space, Nor suddenly consume: But let them take the proffer'd grace, d flee the wrath to come. 3 O wouldst thou cast a pitying look, l goodness as thou art, Like that which faithless Peter's broke, On each obdurate heart! 4 Who thee beneath their feet have trod, And crucified afresh, Touch with thine all-victorious blood, And turn the stone to flesh. 5 Open their eyes cross to see, .Their ears to iº crie Sinner, thy Saviour weeps for thee, For thee he weeps and dies. 6 All the day long he meekly stands, is rebels to receive, And shows his wounds, and spreads his hands, And bids you turn and live. 7 Turn, and your sins of deepest die He will with blood efface: E’en now he waits the blood tº apply; Be saved, be saved by grace 1 INTERCESSION. 125 8 Be saved from hell, from sin, and fear; e speaks you now forgive Walk with your God, be per And then come up to heav 129 Brainerd—p. 61.1 c. M. OME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickºning powers, Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Look how we grovel here below, Fond of these earthly toys; Our souls how heavily they to, heternal joys! In 3 fect here, ea. 3 In vain we tune our fºrmal songs, In vain we strive to rise; Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4 Father, and shall we ever live. At this poor dying rate Our love so faint, so cold to thee, - great? 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickºning powers; Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. 130 Mount Pleasant—p. 4.1 C. M. AH. glory to the dying Lamb, And never-ceasing praise; While angels live to know thy name, Or men to feel th ce: 2 With this cold stony heart of mine, Jesus, to thee I flee; - And to thy grace my soul resign, To be renew’d by thee, 126 PRAYER AND 3 Give me to hide my blushing face, While thy dear cross appears; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, ~ And melt mine eyes to tears. 40 may the uncorrupted seed Abide and reign within : And thy life-giving word forbid My new-born soul to sin. 5 Father, I wait before thy throne; Call me a child of thine: Send down the Spirit of thy Son, y heart divin 6 There shed thy promised love abroad, e my comfort strong; Then shalli say, tºy Father dod!” With an unwavºring tongue. 131 Brainerd—p. 61.] C. M. FA. I stretch my hands to thee, No other help I know; If thou withdraw thyself from me, Ah, whither shall 1 go 2 What did thine only Son endure, Before I drew my breath ; What pain, what labour to secure y soul from endless death! 3 O Jesus, could I this believe, I now should feel thy power; Now my poor soul thou wouldst retrieve, Nor let me wait one hour. 4 Author of faith, to thee I liſt y weary, longing eyes: oief mendºreºve §: gift, My soul without it dies, INTERCESSION. 127 5 Surely thou canst not let me die; g and I shall live; And here i will unwearied lie, ill thou thy Spirit give. 6 The worst of sinners would rejoice, Could they but see thy face: 0 let me hearthy quick’ning voice, te thy pard'ning grace! 132 St. Thomas—p. 134.] S. M. Y thy powerful word Inspire a feeble worm To rush into thy kingdom, Lord, An it as by storm. 2 O may we all improve ce already #. To seize the crown of perfect love, .And scale the mount of heaven. 133 Holly—p. 1601 1st P.M. 6liness. O WONDROUS power of faithful prayer: What tongue can tell th' almighty grace? God's hands or bound or open are, - As Moses or Elijah prays; Let Moses in the Spirit groan, And God cries out, “Let me alone! 2 “Let me alone, that all my wrath May rise, the wicked to consume; While justice hears thy praying faith, It cannot seal sinner's doom : My Son is in my servant's prayer, And Jesus forces me to spare.” 3 O blessed word of gospel grace #.º.º. i.e. flead. 128 prayer ANP A faithless and backsliding race, Whom thou hast out of Egypt freed; O do not thou in wrath chastise, Nor let thy whole displeasure rise! 4 Father, we ask in Jesus' name; us' power and spirit pray; Divert thy vengeful thunder's aim : O threat'ning wrath away! Our guilt and punishment remove, d magnify thy pard’ning love. 5 Father, regard thy pleading Son, Accept his all-availing prayer; And send a peaceful answer down In honour of our spokesman there : Whose blood proclaims our sins forgiven, And speaks thy rebels up to heaven. 134. JDawson—p. 84.] L. M. O GOD, most merciful and true, Thy nature to my soul impart; stamp thine image on my heart. 2 To real holiness restored let me gain my Saviour's mind, And in ãº. of my 3. Fulness of life eternal find ; 3 Remember, Lord, my sins no more, tº: may no more forget; But, sunk in - guiltless shame, adore With speechless wonder at thy feet. ad 4 O'erwhelm'd with thy stupendous graea, I shall not in thy presence move, But breathe unutterable praise, pturous awe, and silent love. INTERCESSION. I29 5 Then every murmuring thought, and vain, Expires, in sweet confusion lost: I cannºt of my cross complain, I cannot of my goodness boast. 6 Pardon'd for all that I have done, My mouth as in the dust I hide; And glory ſº to God alone, My God for ever pacified : 135 Incarnation—p.215.] 6th P.M. 6 lines 7s. Why not now, my God, my God: Ready if thou always art, Make in me thy mean abode, e possession of my heart: If thou canst so greatly bow, Friend of sinners, why not now * 2 God of love, in this thy day, For thyself to thee I cry; Dying, if thou still delay, Must I not for ever die? Enter now thy poorest home; Now, my utmost Saviour, come ! I36 Gorham—p. 12.] C., M. OUNTAIN of life, to all below Let thy salvation roll; Water, replenish, and o'erflow, Every believing soul. 2 Into that happy number, Lord, Us weary sinners take; Jesus, fulfil thy gracious word, For thine own mercy's sake. 3 Turn back our nature's rapid tide, And we shall flow to thee, 6% 130 PRAYER AND * While down the stream of time we glide To our eternity. 4 The well of life to us thou art, Ofjoy the swelling flood; Waſted by thee, with willing heart, We swift return to God. 5 We soon shall reach the boundless sea, Into thy fulness fall; Be lost and swallow'd up in thee, . " O , our all in all. 137 Bramcoat—p. 79.] L. M. THOU, whom all thy saints adore, We now with all thy saints agree, ..And bow our inmost souls before Thy glorious, awful majesty. 2 The King of nations we proclaim; Who would not our great Sovereign fear? We long tº experience a name, And now we come to meet thee here. 3 We come, great God, to seek thy face, And for thy loving kindness wait; And O, how dreadful is this F. 'Tis God's own house, 'tis heaven's gate! 4 Tremble our hearts to find thee nigh, To thee our trembling hearts aspire; And lo! we see descend from hig The pillar and the flame of fire. 5 Still let it on th'assembly stay, And all the house with glory fill: - To Canaan's bounds point out the way, d lead us to thy holy hill. 6 There let us all with Jesus stand, And join the general church above; INTERCESSION. 131 d take our seats at thy right hand, And sing thine everlasting love. 7 Come, Lord, our souls are on the wing Now on thy great white throne appear, And let mine eyes behold my King, And let me see my Saviour there. 138 Quebec—p. 110.] L. M. SA; which of you would see the Lord? You all may now obtain the grace: Behold him in the written word, ere John unveils the Saviour's face 1 2 Clear as the trumpet's voice he speaks To every soul that turns his ear; Amid the golden candlesticks He walks: and lo, he now is here! 3 Present to all believing souls; They see him with an eagle eye; Down to his feet a garment rolls, Stain'd with a glorious crimson dye. 4 A ſº girdle binds his breast, Whence streams of consolation flow; Milk for his new-born babes, who rest In him, nor other comfort know. 6 His form is as the Son of man, His eyes are as a flame of fire, They dart a sin-consuming pain And life, and joy divine inspire. 6 His spotless purity of soul We by a lovely emblem know, His head and hair are white as wool, White are they as the driven snow. 7 Glitter his feet like burnish’d brass, That long hath in the furnace shone, 132 PRAYER AND Brighter than lightning is his face, Brighter than the meridian sun. 8 As many waters sounds his word; Seven stars he holds in his right hand; Out of his mouth a two-edged sword Goes forth; before it who can stand? 9 Lord, at thy feet we fall as dead, y thy right hand upon our soul; Scatter our fear, thy Spirit shed, And all our unbelief control. 10 Tell us, “I am the First and Last, Who lived and died for all, am II And lo, my bitter death is past, d lo, I live no more to die. 11 “I have the keys of death and hell;” Amen! thy record we receive, And wait till thou our spirits seal, ..And all in all for ever live. 139 Savannah—p.300.] 17th P.M.4 line, 10. IN boundless mercy, gracious Lord, appear, Darkness dispel, the humble mourner cheer; Vain thoughts remove, melt down this flinty heart; Cause every soul to choose the better part. 2 Thy presence fills the universal space; Th ce appears to all the fallen race; O. visit us with light and life divine, Fill every soul, for every soul is thine. 3 The blessed Jesus is my Lord, my love; He is my King, from him I would not move; Away, then, all ye objects that divert, Nor seek to draw from my dear Lord'my heart, INTERCESSION. 133 4 That uncreated beauty which hath gain'd. My ravish'd heart, hath all your glory stain'd; His loveliness my soul hath pre º And left no room for any other guest. 140 Peterborough—p. 18.] C. M. Lººp, all I am is known to thee; In vain my soul would try To shun thy presence, or to flee The notice of thine eye. 2 Thy all-surrounding sight surveys My rising and my rest, My public walks, my private ways, The secrets of my breast. 3 My thoughts lie open to thee, Lord, Before they're form'd within, And ere my #. pronounce the word, Thou know'st the sense I mean. 40 wondrous knowledge: deep and 1.4gh ! can a creature hide P Within thy circling arms I lie, Beset on every side. 5 So let thy grace surround me still, And like a bulwark prove, To guard my soul from every ill, Secured by sovereign love. 141 Upton—p. 101.] L. M. O THOU, who camest from above, The pure celestial fire tº impart, Kindle a flame of sacred love n the mean altar of my heart. 2 There let it for thy glory burn, With inextinguishable blaze, 134 PRAYER AND And trembling to its source return, In humble love, and fervent praise. 3 Jesus, confirm my heart's desire, o work, and speak, and think for thee; Still let me guard the holy fire, And still stir up thy gift in me. 4 Ready for all thy perfect will, y acts of faith and love repeat; Till death thy endless mercies seal, And make the sacrifice complete. 142 Salisbury—p. 163. 1st P. M. 6 lines & ET God, who comforts the distress'd, Let Israel's consolation hear; Hear, Holy Ghost, our joint request, And show thyself the Comforter; And swell th' unutterable groan, And breathe our wishes to the throne. 2 We weep for those that weep below, And burden'd for the afflicted, sigh; The various forms of human wo Excite our softest sympath Fill every heart with mournful care, nd draw out all our soul in prayer. 3 We wrestle for the ruin’d race, By sin eternally undone, Unless thou magnify thy grace, And make thy richest mercy known: And make thy vanquish’d rebels find, Pardon in Christ for all mankind. Our guilt and sufferings to remove, Our deep, original wound to heal: And bid the fallen race arise, turn our earth to paradise. INTERCESSION. 135 143 New-Haven—p. 21.] C. M. And seek thee in thy Son. Well pleased in him thyself declare, Thy pard'ning love reveal, The peaceful answer of our prayer To every conscience seal. 2 Meanest of all thy servants, I ose happier spirits meet, And mix with theirs my feeble cry And worship at thy feet. On me, on all some gift bestow, Some blessing now impart, The seed of life eternal sow nevery mournful heart. 3 Thy loving, powerful Spirit shed, And speak our sins forgiven, Or haste throughout the lump to spread e sanctifying leaven. Refresh us with a ceaseless shower graces from above Till all receive the perfect power Of everlasting love. 144 Belmont—p. 25.] C. M. JEHOVAH, God the Father, bless, And thy own work defend . With mercy’s outstretch'd arms embrace, And keep us to the end. . 2 Preserve the creatures of thy love; By providential care Conducted to the realms above, To sing thy goodness there. 136 PRAYER AND 3 Jehovah, God the Son, reveal The brightness of thy face; And all thy pardon'd people fill With plenitude of grace. 4 Shine forth with all the Deity, Which dwells in thee alone; And lifts us up thy face to see, On thy eternal throme. 5 Jehovah, God the Spirit, shine, Father and Son to show : With bliss ineffable, divine, ur ravish'd hearts o'erflow. 6 Sure earnest of that happiness Which human hope transcends, Be thou our everlasting peace, hen grace in glory ends. 145 Framingham—p. 1661 1st P.M.6liness. JEğ, thou sovereign Lord of all, The same through one eternal day, Attend thy feeblest follower's call, And 0 instruct us how to pray : Pour oct the supplicating grace, And stir us up to seek thy face. 2 We cannot think a gracious thought, e cannot feel a go esire, Till thou who call'dst a world from naught e power into our hearts inspire; And then we in the Spirit groan, en we give thee back thine own. 3 Jesus, regard the joint complaint Of all thy tempted followers here, And now supply the common want, And send us down the Comforter; The spirit of ceaseless prayer impart, d fix thy agent in our heart. INTERCESSION. 137 4 To help our souls' infirmity, To thy sin-sick people's care, To urge our God-commanding plea, And make our heart a house of prayer, The º: Intercessor give, And let us now thyself receive. 5 Come in thy pleading Spirit down, To us who for thy coming stay; Of all ". gifts we ask but one, We ask the constant power to pray: Indulge us, Lord, in this request, Thou canst not then deny the rest. 146 Penitence—p.280.] 12th P.M.76,76,78,7s, JESUS, thou hast bid us pray, Pray always, and not faint; With the word a power convey o utter our complaint; Quiet shalt thou never know, - rom sin are fully freed: 0 avenge us of our foe, ruise the serpent's head : 2 We have now begun to cry, And we will never end Till we find salvation nigh, And grasp the sinner's Friend: Day and night we'll speak our wo, With thee importunately plead; 0avenge us of our foe, And bruise the serpent’s head Î 3 Speak the word, and we shall be | From all our bands released : Only thou canst set us free, By Satan long oppress'd : Now thy power #. show, Arise, the woman's conqu'ring seed: 138 PRAYER AND 0 avenge us of our foe, And bruise the serpent's head : 4 To destroy his work of sin, Thyself in us reveal ; Manifest thyself within Our flesh, and fully dwell With us, in us, here below : Enter, and make us free indeed : 0 avenge us of our foe, And bruise the serpent's head : 5 Stronger than the strong man, thou His fury canst control: Cast him out, by ent'ring now, our ranso : 0 avenge us of our foe, And bruise the serpent's head! 6 To the never-ceasing cries Of thine elect attend: Thy mighty Spirit send: Though to man thou seemest slow, Our cries thou seemest not to heed: 0 avenge us of our foe, bruise the serpent's head : 7 Come, O come, all-glorious Lord! No longer now delay, With thy Spirit's two-edged sword The § serpent slay! are thine arm and give the blow, Root out and kill the hellish seed: 0 avenge us of our foe, And bruise the serpent's head! 8 Jesus, hearthy Spirit's call, Thy Bride, who bids thee come: INTERCESSION. 139 Come, thou righteous Judge of all, ronounce the tempter's doom; 147 Camberwell—p. 125.] S. M. JESS, I ſain would find Thy zeal for God in me: Thy yearning pity for mankind, hy burning charity. 2 In me thy Spirit dwell El Ex, wels move! So shall the fervour of my zeal ure flame of love. 148 Gorham—p. 133.) 4th P.M. 886,886. SAYº: on me the want bestow, Which all that feel shall surely know, Their sins on earth forgiven; And taste, in holiness divine, he happiness of heaven. 2 Meeken my soul, thou heavenly Lamb, That I in the new earth may claim n My # inheritance possess, Co-heir with the great Prince of peace, Co-partner with my Lord. g 3 Me with that restless thirst inspire, That sacred, infinite desire, And feast my hungry heart; Less than thyself cannot suffice; M; soul for all thy fulness cries, or all thou hast and art. 140 PRAYER AND 4 Mercy who show shall mercy find; Thy pitiful and tender mind e, Lord, on me bestow'd; So shall I still the blessing gain, And to eternal life retain 5 Jesus, the crowning grace impart: Bless me with º of heart, That now beholding thee, I soon may view thy open face, On all thy glorious beauties gaze, An 6 Not for my fault, or folly's sake, he name, or mode, or form I take, But for true holiness; Let me be wrong'd, reviled, abhorr'd, d thee, my sanctifying Lord, In life and death confess. ronounce me do t; And let thy #. Spirit, Lord, Assure me of my great reward, In heaven's eternal feast. 149 Kendall—p. 27.] C. M. HEE, Jesus, full of truth and grace, Thee, Saviour, we adore; Thee in affliction's furnace praise, *And magnify thy power. 2 Thy power, in human weakness shown, Shall make us all entire: We now thy guardian presence own, And walk unburnt in fire. 3 Thee, Son of man, by faith we see, d glory in our guide; - INTERCESSION. 141 Surrounded and upheld by thee, he fiery test abide. 4 The fire our graces shall refine, Till, moulded from above, e bear the character divine, The stamp of perfect love. 150 Darwen—p. 114.1 L. M. O LET the prisoners’ mournful cries As incense in thy sight appear! • Their humble wailin F. the skies, If haply they may feel thee near. 2 The captive exiles make their moans, From sin impatient to be free: Call home, call home thy banish'd ones! captive their captivity : 3 Show them the blood that bought their peace The anchor of their steadfast hope; And bid their guilty terrors cease, d bring the ransom'd prisoners up. 4 Out of the deep regard their cries, he fallen raise, the mourners cheer; 0 Sun of righteousness, arise, And scatter all their doubt and fear! 5 Pity the day of feeble things; 0 gather every halting soul And drop salvation from thy wings, ..And e the contrite sinner whole. 6 Stand by them in the fiery hour, Their feebleness of mind defend: And in their weakness show thy power, And make them patient to the end. 7 O satisfy their soul in drought! Give them thy saving health to see, 142 PRAYER AND And let thy mercy find them out; And let thy mercy reach to me. 8 Hast thou the work of grace begun, And brought them to the birth in vain? O let thy children see the sun; Let all their souls be born again! Answer our faith's effectual prayer; id every struggling child be born! 151 Gilman—p. 169.1 1st P.M. 6 lines & UR earth we now lament to 8 With floods of wickedness o'erflow'd, With violence, wrong, and cruelty, One wide-extended field of blood, Where men like fiends each other tear, In all the hellish rage of war. 2. As listed on Abaddon's side, They mangle their own flesh, and slay, Tophet is moved, and opens wide And myriads sink beneath the grave, And plunge into the flaming wave. 3 O might the universal Friend This havoc of his creatures see! eclare us reconciled in thee: Write kindness-on our inward parts, And chase the murderer from our hearts : 4 Who now against each other rise, The nations of the earth, constrai To follow after peace, and prize e blessings of thy righteous reign, INTERCESSION. 143 The joys of unity to prove, The paradise of perfect love. 152 Lancaster—p. 86.] L. M. AU. Hº of faith, we seek thy face, For all who feel thy work begun: Confirm and strengthen them in grace, And bring thy feeblest children on. 2 Thou seest their wants, thou know'st their es n º He mindful of thy youngest care; Be tender of the new-born lambs, And gently in thy bosom bear. 3 The lion roaring for his prey, With ravening wolves on every side, Watch over them to tear and slay, If found one moment from their Guide. 4 Satan his thousand arts essays His agents all their powers employ, To blast the blooming work of grace, he heavenly offspring to destroy. * 5 Baffle the crooked serpent's skill, turn his sharpest darts aside: Hide from their eyes the dev'lish ill, them from the demon, pride! 6 In safety lead thy little flock : From hell, the world, and sin secure: And set their feet upon the rock And make in thee their goings sure. 144 PRAYER AND PRAYER AND watchFULNESs. 153 New Bedford—p. 19.1 C. M. f pride, or fond desi To catch the wand'ring of my will, And quench the kindling fire. 2. From thee that I no more may part, No more thy goodness grieve, The filial awe, the fleshly heart, The tender conscience give. Quick as the apple of an eye, O God, my conscience makeſ Awake my soul when sin is nigh, And keep it still awake. 3 If to the right or left I stray, That mom Lo I want the first approach to feel, re; y And drive me to the blood again, Which makes the wounded whole. 154 Eucern—p. 121.] S. M., THE praying spirit breathe, The watching power impart; From all entanglements beneath Call off my peaceful heart; WATCH FULNESS. 145 My feeble mind sustain, By worldly thoughts oppress'd; Appear, and bid me turn again To my eternal rest. 2 Swift to my rescue come, Thine own this moment seize; Gather my wand'ring spirit home, d keep in Suffer'd no more to row 'er a e earth abroa Arrest the prisoner of thy love, nd shut me up in God. 155 Clarendon—p. 33.] C. M. SHEPHERD divine, our wants relieve, d In this our evil day: To all thy tempted followers give The power to watch and pray. 2 Long as our fiery trials last, Long as the cross we bear, O let our souls on thee be cast In never-ceasing prayerſ 3 The spirit of interceding grace, Give us in faith to claim; To wrestle till we see thy face, know thy hidden name. 4 Till thou thy perſect love impart; Till thou thyself bestow; Be this the cry of every heart, I will not let thee go. 5 I will not let thee go unless Thou tell thy name to me; With all thy great salvation bless, And make meal) like thee, 7 146 PRAYER AND 6 Then let me on the mountain top Behold thy open face; ere faith in sight is swallow'd up, And prayer in endless praise. 156 Camberwell—p. 125.] S. M. JEJ; my strength, my hope, On thee I cast my care, With humble confidence look up, d know thou hear'st my prayer. Give me on thee to wait, Till I can all things do, On thee, almighty to create, .Almighty to renew. 2 I want a sober mind, A self-renouncing will, That tramples down, and casts behind The baits of pleasing ill. A soul inured to pain, To hardship, grief, and loss: Bold to take up, firm to sustain, The consecrated cross. Té t k s t o t h e e W h e Il s] n ls near 9 Iloi see A spirit still prepared, And arm'd with jealous care, For ever standing on its guard, ching unto prayer. 4 I want a heart to pray, To pray and never cease, Never to murmur at thy stay, Or wish my sufferings less. This blessing, above all, Always to pray, I want. WATCHFULNESS. I47 Out of the deep on thee to call, And never, never faint. 5 I want a true regard, A single, steady aim, Unmoved by threatening or reward, To thee and thy great name; A jealous, just concern or thine immortal praise; 6 I rest upon thy word, The promise is for me; My succour and salvation, Lord, Shall surely come from thee; But let me still abide, or from my hope remove, Till thou my patient spirit guide, Into thy perfect love. 157 Byzantium—p. 197.] 4th P.M. 886,886. HPº, Lord, to whom for help I fly, And still my º soul stand by Throughout the evil day; The sacred watchfulness impart, And keep the issues of my heart, And stir me up to pra 2 My soul with thy whole armour arm, In each approach of sin alarm, And show the danger near: urround, sustain, and strengthen me, And fill with godly jealousy, And sanctifying fear. 0 let me see thy gathering frown, And feel thy warning eve; 3 Whene'er my careless hands hang down, 148 PRAYER AND And starting, cry from ruin’s brink, 1 Save, Jesus, or I yield, I sink save me, or I die : 4 If near the pit I rashly stray, Before I wholly fall away, The keen conviction dart | Recall me by that pitying look, That kind, upbraiding glance, which broke tnfaithful'Éetershºt. - 5 In me thine utmost mercy show, And make me like thyself below, Unblameable in grace; Ready prepared and fitted here, By perfect holiness, t'appear Before thy glorious face. 158 Retirement—p. 100.] L. M. JESUS: my Saviour, Brother, Friend, On whom I cast my every care, On whom for all things I depend, Inspire, and then accept my prayer. 2 If I have tasted of thy grace, The grace that sure salvation brings; If with me now thy Spirit stays, And hov'ring, hides me in his wings: 3 Still let him with my weakness stay, Nor for a moment's space depart; Evil and danger turn away, And keep till he renews my heart. 4. When to the right or left I stray, His voice behind me may I hear, “Return, and walk in Christ thy way, Fly back to Christ, for sin is near!” 5 His sacred unction from above, Be still Bay comforter and guide, WATCH FULNESS. 149 Till all the stomy he remove, And in my loving heart reside. 6 Jesus, I fain would walk in thee, - rom nature's every path retreat: Thou art my way, my leader be, And set upon the rock my feet. 7 Uphold me, Saviour, or I fall; reach me out thy gracious hand 1 Only on thee for help I call; Only by faith in thee I stand. 159 - Kentucky—p. 142.] S. M. CHARGE to keep I have, A God to glorify; A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky. To serve the present age, y calling to fulfil, O may it all my powers engage, To do my Master's will 2 Arm me with jealous care, . As in thy sight to live; And O, thy servant, Lord, prepare, A strict account to give! y Assured if I my trust betray, I shall for ever die. 160 Zemira—p.201.1 4th P.M. S86,886, BE it my only wisdom here To serve the Lord with filial fear, With loving gratitude; Superior sense may I display, By shunning every evil way, And walking in the 150 PRAYER AND 2 O may I still from sin depart; A wise and understanding heart, Jesus, to me be given And let me through thy Spirit know, To glorify my God below, And find my way to heaven. 16I Lanesborough—p. 5.1 c. M. HOW vain are all things here below, How false, and yet how fair! Each pleasure hath its poison too, every sweet a snare 2 The brightest things below the sky Give but a flatt'ring light; We should suspect some danger nigh, ere we possess delight. 3 Qur dearest joys and nearest friends,s he partners of our blood How they divide our wavºring minds, And leave but half for God! 4 The fondness of a creature's love, How strong it strikes the sense! Thither the warm affections move, 5 Dear Saviour, let thy beauties be My soul's eternal food; And grace command my heart away From all created good. 162 Shepherd—p. 130.] S. M. GOP of almighty love, By whose sufficient grace, I lift †. heart to things above, umbly seek thy face: Through Jesus Christ the Just, My faint desires receive, WATCHFULNESS. 151 And let me in thy goodness trust, And to thy glory live. 2 Whate'er I say or do, The ever-blesse Jesus, my single eye Be fix’d on thee alone: h, Thy name be praised on earth, on hig Thy will by all be done; " 3 Spirit of faith, inspire rt: Thy glory be my aim; My offerings all be offer'd through ] Ilalue. Filline with pure celestial fire, With all thou hast and art. My feeble mind transform, And perfectly renew'd, Into a saint exalt a worm; A worm exalt to God : 163 Armley—p. 114.1 L. M. PIERC; fill me with an humble fear My utter helplessness reveal; Satan and sin are always near; hee may I always nearer feel. 20 that to thee my constant mind Might with an even flame aspire; Pride in its earliest motions find, And mark the risings of desire. 30 that my tender soul might fly The first abborr'd approach of ill; Quick as the apple of an eye, The slightest touch of sin to feel. 4 Till thou anew my soul create, Still may I strive, and watch, and pray; Humbly and confidently wait, And i. to see the perfect day. 152 PRAYER AND 164 Ashburton—p. 170.] 1st P.M. 6 line,8. Watch Night. OFT have we pass'd the guilty night In revelling and frantic mirth; The creature was our sole delight, Our happiness the things of earth: But 0, suffice the season past ! We choose the better part at last. 2 We will not close our wakeful eyes, We will not let our eyelids sleep; But humbly lift them to the skies, And all a solemn vigil keep; So many mights on sin bestow'd, Can we not watch one hour for God? 3 We can, O Jesus, for thy sake, Devote our every hour to thee; Speak but the word, our souls shall wake, And sing with cheerful melody. Thy praise shall our glad tongues employ, .And every heart shall dance for joy. 4 Bless'd object of our faith and love, we listen for thy welcome voice; Our persons and our works approve, Now let us hear the mighty cry, And shout to find the Bridegroom nigh. 5 Shout in the midst of us, 0 Kin Of Saints, and let our joys abound; Let us rejoice, give thanks, and sing, And triumph in redemption found : We ask in faith for every soul; 0 let our glorious joy be full ! 6 Q may we all triumphant rise, With Joy upon our heads return, WATCH FULNESS. 153 And, far above these mether skies, ee on eagle's wings upborne, Through all yon radiant circles move, And gain the highest heaven of love. 165 Romney—p. 42.] C. M. HY presence, Lord, the place shall fill, My heart shall be thy throne; Thy holy, just, and perfect will, Shall in my flesh be done. 2 I thank thee for the present grace, d now in hope rejoice; In confidence to see thy face, And aiways hear thy voice. 3 I have the things I ask of thee, What shall I more require? That still my soul may restless be, And only thee desire. 4 Thy only will be done, not mine, But make me, Lord, t ome, Come when thou wilt, I that resign, y Jesus, come 166 Watchman—p. 118.] S. M. GBAGIQs Redeemer, shake This slumber from my soul! Say to me now, “Awake, awake, And Christ shall make thee whole.” 2 Lay to thy mighty hand, Alarm me in this hour: And make me fully understand The thunder of thy power! 3 Give me on thee to call, Always to watch and pray, 7+ I54 PRAYER AND T Lest I into temptation fall, And cast my shield away. 4 For each assault prepared, y may I be For everstanding on my guard, nd looking up to thee. 5 O do thou always warn My soul of evil near ! When to the right or left I turn, Thy voice still let me hear: 6 “Come back! this is the way ! Come back alld walk therein (2) O may I hearken and obey, And shun the paths of sin! 167 Southfield—p. 121.] S. M. THou seest my feebleness, Jesus, be thou my power, My help and refuge in distress, y fortress and my tower. 2 Give me to trust in thee; Be thou my sure abode: My horn, and rock, and buckler be, My Saviour and my God. 3 Myself I cannot save, Myself I cannot keep; But strength in thee I surely have, Whose eyelids never sleep. 4 My soul to thee alone, Now, therefore, I commend: Thou, Jesus, love me as thine own, And love me to the end WATCHFULNESS. 155 168 St. Thomas—p. 134.] S. M. ID me of men beware, And to my ways take heed; Discern their every secret snare, nd circumspectly tread. 20 may I calmly wait Thy succours from above And stand against their open hate, And well-dissembled love. 3 My spirit, Lord, alarm, When men and devils join : 'Gainst all the powers of Satan arm, Iles 4 O may I set my face, His onsets to repel ! Quench all his fiery darts, and chase The fiend to his own hell. 5 But above all, afraid Of my own bosom foe, Still let me seek to thee for aid, To thee my weakness show. 6 Hang on thy arm alone, With self-distrusting care, And deeply in the spirit groan The never-ceasing prayer. 169 Spilsby—p. 123.1 S. M. IVE me a sober mind A quick discerning eye, The first approach of sin to find, And all occasions fly. 2 Still may I cleave to thee, ever more depart, But watch with godly jealousy Over my evil heart. 156 PRAYER AND 3 Thus may I pass my days Of sojourning beneath, And languish to conclude my race, And render up my breath. 4 In humble love and fear, Thine image to regain, And see thee in the clouds appear, And rise with thee to reign : . 17O Comfidence—p. 96.] L. M. O THOU who all things canst control, Chase this dread slumber from my soul; With joy and fear, with love and awe, Give me to keep thy perfect law. O may one beam of thy blest light Pierce through, dispel the shade of night; Touch my cold breast with heavenly fire, With holy, conqu'ring zeal inspire. 3. For zeal I sigh, for zeal I pant, Yet heavy is my soul and faint; With steps unwav'ring, undismay’d, Give me in all thy paths to tread. 4 With outstretch'd hands, and streaming eyes, Oft I begin to grasp the prize; I groan, I strive, I watch, I pray; Hut ah; how soon it dies away : 5 The deadly slumber soon I feel resh upon my spirit steal; Rise, Lord, stir up thy quick’ning power, And wake me, that Isleep no more. 6. Single of heart, O may I beſ Nothing may I desire Lat thee; Far, far from me the world remove, Andalithat hºme from thy love! WATCH FULNESS. I57 171 St. Asaphs—p.282.1 12th P.M.76,76,7876. OME, ye followers of the Lord, In Jesus' service join : Let us his command obey, And ask and have whate'er we want; Pray we, every moment pray, And never, never faint. 2 Place no longer let us give To the old tempter's will: Sever more our duty leave, While Satan cries, “Be still:” Stand we in the ancient way, And here with God ourselves acquaint; Pray we, every moment pray, nd never, never faint. 3 Be it weariness and pain To slothful flesh and blood; Yet we will the cross sustain, And bless the welcome load; All our griefs to God display, And humbly pour out our complaint; Pray we, every momen y nd never, never faint. 4 Let us patiently endure, And still our wants declare; All the promises are sure To persevering prayer: Till we see the perfect day, And each wakes up a spotless saint, Pray we, every moment pray, And never, never faint. 5 . we on when all renew'd, And perfected in love, 158 PRAYER AND Till we see our Saviour God Descending from above; All his heavenly charms survey, d what angel minds can paint, Pray we, every moment pray, And never, never faint. 172 Josiah—p.263.] 11th P. M.76,76,7,78. To the hills I lift mine eyes, The everlasting hills; Streaming thence in fresh supplies, My soul the Spirit feels: Will he not his help afford? Help, while yet I ask is given : God comes down : the God and Lord That made both earth and heaven. 2 Faithful soul, pray always; pray, And still in God conſide; He thy feeble steps shall stay, Nor snffer thee to slide; Lean on thy Redeemer's breast; H Thy watchman never sleeps. 3 Neither sin, nor earth, nor hell, can surprise Careless slumbers cannot steal n his all-seeing eyes; He is Israel's sure defence; Israel all his care shall prove Kept by watchful Providence, nd ever-waking 4 See the Lord, thy keeper, stand, Omnipotently near: Lo! he holds thee by thy hand, And banishes thy fear; WATCH FULNESS. 159 173 Shadows with his wings thy head; Guards from all impending harms; Round thee and beneath are spread le everlasting arms Shall bless thy comin Kindly compass thee about, Ti art saved from sin, Like thy spotless Master thou Fill'd with wisdom, love, and power; Holy, pure, and perfect now, Henceforth and evermore. Pensford—p.265.) 11th P.M. 76,76,77,76. EARKEN to the solemn voice, The awful midnight cry : Waiting souls, rejoice, rejoice, And see the Bridegroom nigh . Lo, he comes to keep his word, Light and joy his looks impart ; Go ye forth to meet your Lord, And meet him in your heart. 2 Ye who faint beneath the load Of sin, your heads lift up; See your great redeeming God; e comes, and bids you hope! In the midnight of your grief, Jes is mourners cheer; Lo, he brings you sure relief; Believe, and feel him here ! 3 Ye whose loins are girt, stand forth, hose lamps are burning bright; Worthy in your Saviour's worth, To walk with him in white; Jesus bids your hearts be clean; Bids you all his promise prove; 5 Christ shall bless thy going out, in ; 160 PRAYER AND Jesus comes to cast out sin, And perfect you in love. 4 Wait we all in patient hope, Till Christ, the Judge, shall come; We shall soon be all caught up, To meet the gen'ral doom: In an hour to us unknown, As a thief in deepest night, Christ shall suddenly come down With all his saints in light. 5 Happy he whom Christ shall find Watching to see him come; Him the Judge of all mankind - bear triumphant home: Who can answer to his word 2 Which of you dares meet his day 2 “Rise, and come io judgment!”—Lord, We rise and come away. 174 JAlfreton—p. 77.] L. M. PBAYER is appointed to convey The blessings God designs to give: Long as they live should Christians pray, 'hey learn to pray when first they live. 2 If pain afflict, or wrongs oppress, If cares distract, or fears dismay; If guilt deject; if sin distress; In every case, still watch and pray. 3 Tis prayer supports the soul that's weak: Though thought be broken, language lame, Pray if thou canst, or canst not speak: But pray with faith in Jesus' name. 4 Depend on him; thou canst not fail; Make all thy wants and wishes known; Fear not; his merits must prevail: Ask but in faith, it shall be done. h a. |} WATCH FUL|NESS. I61 175 Edgware—p. 43.] C. M. THQ'ſ, Lord, hast blest my going out, O bless my coming in Compass my weakness round about, And keep me safe from sin. 2 Still hide me in thy secret place, Thy tabernacle spread; Shelter me with preserving grace, reen my maked head. 3 To THEE for refuge may I run, From sin's alluring snare: Ready its first approach to shun, nd watching unto prayer. 40 that I never, never more Might from thy ways depart; Here let me give my wand'rings o'er, y giving thee my heart. 5 Fix my new heart on things above, And then from earth release; I ask not life, but let me love, And lay me down in peace. JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. 176 Portugal—p. 75.) L. M. UTHOR of faith, eternal Word, Whose Spirit breathes the active flame, Faith, like its finisher and Lord, o-day as yesterday the same: 2 To thee our humble hearts aspire, And ask the gift unspeakable: I62 JUSTIFICATION Increase in us the kindled fire, In us the work of faith fulfil. 3. By faith we know thee strong to save, (Save us, a present Saviour thou!) Whate'er we hope, by faith we have; Future and past subsisting now. 4 To him that in thy name believes, Eternal life with thee is given; Into himself he all receives, on, and holiness, and heaven. 5 The things unknown to feeble sense, Unseen by reason's glimm'ring ray, With strong commanding evidence, Their heavenly origin display. 6 Faith lends its realizing light, The clouds disperse, the shadows fly, Th’ invisible appears in sight And God is seen by mortal eye. 177 Oxford—p. 123.] S M, FIRST PART. OW can a sinner know His sins on earth forgiven? How can Iny gracious Saviour show My name inscribed in heaven? 2 What we have felt and seen ith confidence we tell; And publish to the sons of men The signs infallible. 3. We who in Christ believe That he for us hath died, We all his unknown peace receive, And feel his blood applied. BY FAITH, I63 4 Exults our rising soul, Disburden'd of her load, And swells unutterably full Of glory and of God. 5 His love, surpassing far The love of all beneath, We find within our hearts, and dare The pointless darts of death. 6 Stronger than death or hell The sacred power we prove; And conqu'rors of the world, we dwell In beaven, who dwell in love. Olney—p. 134.] SECOND PART. WE by his Spirit prove, And know the things of God, The things which freely of his love He hath on us bestow'd. 2 His Spirit to us he gave, And dwells in us we know ; The witness in ourselves we have, And all its fruits we show. 3 The meek and lowly heart That in our Saviour was, To us his Spirit does impart, And signs us with his cross. 4 Our nature 's turn'd, our mind Transform'd in all its powers; And both the witnesses are join'd, The Spirit of God with ours. 5 Whate'er our pard’ning Lord ommands, we gladly do; And guided by his sacred word, We all his steps pursue 164 JUSTIFICATION 6 His glory our design, We live our God to please; And rise with filial fear divine To perfect holiness. 178 Witham—p. 192.] 4th P.M. 886,88. HOU great mysterious God unknown, Whose love hath gently led me on, E’en from my infant days; Thy justifying grace. 2 If I have only known thy fear, *And follow'd, with a heart sincere, e; Now, now the farther grace bestow, And let my sprinkled conscience know Thy sweet forgiving love. 3 Short of thy love I would not stop, A stranger to the gospel hope, The sense of sin forgiven: I would not, Lord, my soul deceive, ithout the inward witness live, That antepast of heaven. 4 If now the witness were in me, Would he not testify of thee, n Jesus reconciled 2 And should I not with faith draw nigh, And boldly, Abba, Father, cry, know myself thy child? 5. Whate'er obstructs thy pard'ning love, Or sin, or righteousness remove, Thy glory to display; My heart of unbelief convince, And now absolve me from my sins, And take them all away. BY FAITH. 165 6 Father, in me reveal thy Son, And to my inmost soul make known ow merciful thou art: The secret of thy love reveal, And by thy hallowing Spirit dwell For ever in my heart; 179 Lenor—p. 184.1 3d P.M.46s&28s. RISE, my soul, arise, Shake off thy guilty fears, The bleeding Sacrifice eſhaſt appears; Before the throne my Surety stands, ly name is written on his hands. 2 He ever lives above, me to intercede; His all-redeeming love, His precious blood, to plead ; His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. 3 Five bleeding wounds he bears, Received on Calvary; Forgive him, O forgive, they cry NoFit that rangoºd sinneſſ diēl 4 The Father hears him pray, His dear anoint ne: not turn awa The presence of his Son: His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God. 5 My God is reconciled, His pard’ning voice I hear: He owns me for his child, I can no longer fear: I66 JUSTIFICATION With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, cry. 180 Rochester—p. 18.] C. M. REAT God! to me the sight afford To him of old allow'd ; And let my faith behold its Lord, Descending in a cloud! 2 In that revealing Spirit come down, Thine attributes proclaim, And to my inmost soul make known The glories of thy name. 3 Jehovah, Christ, I thee adore, Who gav'st my soul to be . Fountain of being, and of power, And great in majesty. 4 The Lord, the mighty God, thou art, ut let me rather prove That name inspoken to my heart, That favºrite name of Love 5 Merciful God, thyself proclaim In this polluted breast; Mercy is thy distinguish’d name, And suits the sinner best. 6 Our misery doth for pity call, Our sin implores thy grace; And thou art merciful to all Our lost, apostate race. 181 Craven—p. 36.] C. M. I ASK the gift of righteousness, The sin-subduing power; Power to believe, and go in peace, And never grieve thee more. BY FAITH. 167 2 I ask the blood-bought pardon seal’d, The liberty from sin: The grace infused, the love reveal’d, The kingdom fix’d within. 3 Thou hear'st me for salvation pray; Thou seest my heart's desire ; Made ready in thy powerful day, Thy fulness I require. 4 My vehement soul cries out, oppress'd, Impatient to be freed . Nor can I, Lord, nor will I rest, Till I am saved indeed. 5 Art thou not able to convert? Art thou not willing too To change this old rebellious heart, To conquer and renew 2 6 Thou canst, thou wilt, I dare believe, 3. - y power, That I to sin may never cleave, May never feel it more. 182 Trowbridge—p. 164.] 1st P.M.6 liness. XPAND thy wings, celestial Dove, And brooding o'er my nature's night, Call forth the ray of heavenly love, et there in my dark soul be light; And fill th’ illustrated abyss With glorious beams of endless bliss. 2 “Let there be light,” again command, And light there in our hearts shall be; e then through faith shall understand y great mysterious majesty; And º the shining of thy grace, Behold in Christ thy glorious face. 168 JUSTIFICATION 3 Father º everlasting grace º Be mindful of thy changeless word; We worship toward that holy place n which thou dost thy name record; Dost make thy gracious nature known, That living temple of thy Son 4 Thou dost with sweet complacence see The temple fill'd with light divine; And art thou not well pleased with me, Who, turning to that heavenly shrine, Through Jesus to thy throne apply, Through Jesus for acceptance cry? 5 With all who for redemption groan, Father, in Jesus' name we pray ! And still we cry and wrestle on Till mercy take our sins away: Hear from thy dwelling place in heaven, And now pronounce our sins forgiven. 183 Aithione—p.200.] 4th P.M. 886,8S. O THOU who hast our sorrows borne, Help us to look on thee and mourn, 2 Vouchsafe us eyes of faith, to see The man transfix’d on Calvary! To know thee who thou art, The one eternal God and true; And let the sight affect, subdue, And break my stubborn heart. 3 Lover of souls, to rescue mine, Reveal the charity divine, That suffer'd in my stead : BY FAITH, I69 That made thy soul a sacrifice, And quench'd in death those flaming eyes, º bow'd that sacred head. 4 The veil of unbelief remove, And by thy manifested love, And by thy sprinkled blood, Destroy the love of sin in me And get thyself the victory, And bring me back to God. 5 Now let thy dying love constrain soul to love its God again, Its God to glorify: And lo! I come º cross to share, Echo thy sacrificial prayer, And with my Saviour die! 184 Marion—p. 1621 1st P. M. 6 line, 8. THQ. God unsearchable, unknown, Who still conceal'st thyself from me, Hear an apostate spirit groan, Broke off, and banish'd far from thee; But, conscious of my fall, I mourn, And fain I would to thee return. 2 Send forth one ray of heavenly light, Of gospel hope, of humble fear, To guide me through the gulf of night, ſy poor desponding soul to cheer, Till thou my unbelief remove, And show me all thy glorious love. 3. A hidden God indeed thou art; Thy absence I this moment feel; Yet must I own it from my heart, Conceal’d, thou art a Saviour still: And though thy face I cannot see, I know thine eye is fix’d on me. 8 170 JUSTIFICATION 4 My Saviour thou, though not reveal’d, Yet will I thee my Saviour call: Adore thy hand, from sin withheld; Thy hand shall save me from my fall: Now, Lord, throughout my darkness shine, And show thyself for ever mine. 185 St. Peter's—p. 75.] L. M. ESUS, whose glory's streaming rays Though duteous to thy high Sommand, Not seraphs view with open face, But veil'd before thy presence stand: 2 How shall weak eyes of flesh, weigh’d down With sin, and dim with error's might, Dare to behold thy awful throne rview thy unapproached fight! 3 Restore my sight! let thy free grace An entrance to the holiest give! Open mine eyes of faith, thy face So shall I see: yet seeing live. 4 The golden sceptre from above Reach forth; see, my whole heart I bow; Say to my soul, “Thou art my love, y chosen 'midst ten thousand thou!” 5 O Jesus, full of graceſ the sighs Of a sick heart with pity view : Hark, how my silence speaks, and cries, “Mercy, thou God of mercy, show !” 6 I know thou canst not but be good; How shouldst thou, Lord, thy grace restrain, Thou, Lord, whose blood so freely flow'd, To save me from all guilt and pain? 7. By faith I to the fountain fly, Open'd for all mankind and me, RY FAITH. 171 To purge my sins of deepest die My #. and heart's impurity ! 8 From Christ, the smitten rock, it flows, he purple and the crystal stream; Pardon and holiness bestows, And both I gain through faith in him. * THE GOODNESS OF GOD IN REDEMPTION. 186 Irene—p. 307.] 20th P. M. 66,77,77. AVIOUR, the world's and mine, 6 : Was ever grief like thin Thou my pain, my curse, hast took l my sins were laid on thee: Help me, Lord, to thee I look; raw me, Saviour, after thee. 2 'Tis done! my Lord hath died; My Love is crucified; Break, this stony heart of mine; mine eyes, a ceaseless flood ; Feel, my soul, the pangs divine; Catch, my heart, the issuing blood! 3. When, O my God, shall I For thee submit to die? How the mighty debt repay? Rival of thy passion prove? Lead me in thyself, the way, elt my hardness into love. 4. To love is all my wish; I only live for this: 172 THE GOODNESS OF Grant me, Lord, my heart's desire, There by faith for ever dwell This I always will require, Thee, and only thee, to feel. power I pant to prove, Rooted and #f in love; Strengthen’d by thy Spirit's might, Wise to fathom things divine, - What the length, and breadth, and height, What the depth of love like thine. 6 Ah! give me this to know, With all thy saints below ; Swells my soul to compass thee asps in thee to live and move; Fill'd with all the Deity, All immersed and lost in love! 187 Brighton—p. 143. 1st P. M.6 line,8. LOVE divine, what hast thou done! Th’ immortal God hath died for me ! The Father's co-eternal Son Bore all my sins upon the tree! Th’ immortal God for me hath died: My Lord, my love, is crucified. 2 Behold him, all ye that pass by, The bleeding Prince of life and peace! Come see, ye worms, your Mal - nd say, was ever grief like his? Come, feel with me his blood applied My Lord, my love, is crucified. 3 Is crucified for me and you, o bring us rebels back to God: Believe, believe the record true, Ye all are bought with Jesus' blood; Pardon for all flows from his side: - My Lord, my love, is crucified. le, GoD IN REDEMPTION. 173 4 Then let us sit beneath his cross, And gladly catch the healing stream: All things for him account but loss, And give up all our hearts to him; Of nothing think or speak beside Iy Lord, my love, is crucified. - 188 Bangor—p. 70.] C. M. Bººp the Saviour of mankind Nail'd to the shameful treeſ How vast the love that him inclined To bleed and die for thee! 2 Hark, how he groans; while nature shakes, And earth's strong pillars bend The temple's veil in sunder breaks, The solid marbles rend. 3 Tis done! the precious ransom's paid : “Receive my soul 9, he cries: See where he bows his sacred head : e bows his head, and dies! 4 But soon he'll break death's envious chain, And in full glory shine: O Lamb of God! was ever pain, Was ever love, like thine! 189 Doddridge—p. 99.] L. M. OF Him who did salvation bring, I could for ever think and sing; Arise, ye needy, he'll relieve; Arise, ye guilty, he'll forgive. 2 Ask but his grace, and lo, 'tis given 1 Ask, and he turns your hell to heaven Though sin and sorrow wound my soul : Jesus, thy balm will make it whole. 174: THE GooDNESS OF 3 To shame our sins he blush'd in blood, He closed his eyes to show us God; Let all the world fall down and know That none but God such love can show. 4 'Tis thee I love, for thee alone I shed my tears and make my moanſ Where'er I am, where'er I move, I meet the object of my love. 5 Insatiate to this spring I fly; I drink, and yet am ever dry; Ah! who against thy charms is proof? Ah! who that loves can love enough? 190 Templeton—p. 11.] C. M. PLNGEP in a gulf of dark despair, We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheering beam of hope, Or spark of glimm'ring day. 2. With pitying eyes the Prince of grace Beheld our helpless grief; He saw, and (0 amazing love 1) He ran to our relief. . Down from the shining seats above With joyful haste he fled: Enter'd the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. 4 O for this love let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break | And all harmonious human tongues The Saviour's praises sp 5 Angels, assist our mighty joys; §. aii your harps of gold; 3. But when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told : GOD IN REDEMPTION. 175 191 Jºsbury—p. 68.] C. M. AIA. and did my Saviour bleed? And did my Sovereign die? Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I? 2 Was it for crimes that I have done He groan'd upon the tree ? Amazing pity! grace unknown And love beyond degree : 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in ; When Christ the mighty Maker died For man the creature's sin . 4 Thus might I hide my blushing faca, While his dear cross appears; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, nd melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I give myself away, #..º.º. 192 Portuguese—p. 288.113th P.M. 1010, 1111. E heavens, rejoice in Jesus's grace, Let earth make a noise, and echo his praises Qur all-loving Saviour hath pacified God, And paid for his favour the price of his blood. •ºy 4.- : d vales, in prai Ye hills and ye dales, continue the sound; Break forth into singing, ye trees of the wood, For Jesus is bringing lost sinners to God. 1. Af 3 Atonement he made for every one The debt he hath paid, the work he hath done ; 176 THE. GooDNEss or Shout, all the creation, below and above, Ascribing salvation to Jesus's love. 4 His mercy hath brought salvation to all, Who take it unbought, he frees them from thrall, Throughout the believer his glory displays, .And perfects for ever the vessels of grace. 193 Valentia—p. 104.] L. M. XTENDED on a cursed tree, Besmear'd with dust, and sweat, and blood, See there, the King of i. See : Sinks, and expires, the Son of God . 3 I,--I alone have done the deed! rTis I thy sacred flesh have torn; My sins have caused thee, Lord, to bleed; ointed the nail, and fix'd the thorn. 4 For me the burden to sustain Too great, on thee, my Lord, was laid. To heal me thou hast börme the pain; To bless me, thou a curse wast made, 6 My Saviour, how shall I proclaim, ow pay the mighty debt I owe Let all I have, and all I am, Ceaseless to all thy glory show. 7 Too much to thee I cannot give; oo much I cannot do for thee: GoD IN REDEMPTION. 177 Let all thy love, and all thy grief, ven on my heart for ever be: 8 The meek, the still, the lowly mind, may I learn from thee, my God; And love, with softest º join'd, For those that trample on thy blood. 9 Still let thy tears, thy groans, thy sighs, O'erflow my eyes, and heave my breast: Till loose from flesh and earth I rise, ever in thy bosom rest. 194 Darwen—p. 114.] L. M. YE that pass by, behold the man The man of griefs, condemn'd for you! The Lamb of God, for sinners slain, Weeping to Calvary pursue ! 2 See'ſ how his back the scourges tear, While to the bloody pillar bound ! e ploughers make long furrows there, Till all his body is one wound. 3 Nor can he thus their hate assuage; is innocence, to death pursued, Must fully glut their utmost rage; Hark! how they clamour for his blood 4 To us our own Barabbas give; Away with him, (they loudly cry:) Away with him, not fit to live, The vile seducer crucify 5 His sacred limbs they stretch, they tear, With nails they fasten to the wood! His sacred limbs, exposed and bare, Or only cover'd with his blood. 6 See there, his temples crown'd with thor: His bleeding hands extended wide: 8+ 178 THE GOODNESS OF His streaming feet transfix’d and torn! The fountain gushing from his side : 7 Where is the King of glory now? The everlasting Son .#God? Th’ Immortal hangs his languid brow; The Almighty faints beneath his load 1 8 Beneath my load he faints and dies: I fill'd his soul with pangs unknown: I caused those mortal groans and cries, I kill'd the Father's only Son! 195 Limehouse—p. 116.1 L. M. O THOU dear suffering Son of God, How doth thy heart to sinners move 1 Help me to catch thy precious blood! Help me to taste thy dying love! 2 Give me to feel thy agonies, One drop of thy sad cup afford; I fain with thee would sympathize, And share the sufferings of my Lo 3 The earth could to her centre quake, Convulsed while her Creator died : 0 let my inmost nature shake, And die with Jesus crucified 4 At thy last gasp the graves display'd Their horrors to the upper skies : 0 that my soul might burst the shade, And, quicken'd by thy death, arisel 5 The rocks could feel thy powerful death, tremble, and asunder part : 0 rend with thine expiring breath der marble of my heart! GOD IN REDEMPTION. 179 196 Waterford—p.270.] 11th P.M. 76,767,76, ESUS drinks the bitter cup, The winepress treads alone Tears the graves and mountains up, By his expiring groan: Lo, the powers of heaven he shakes, ature in convulsion lies; Earth's profoundest centre quakes, The great Jehovah dies! 2 O my God, he dies for me, I feel the mortal smart | See him hanging on the tree, A sight that breaks my heart! 0 that all to thee might turn , Sinners, ye may love him too; Look on him ye pierced, and mourn For one who bled for you. 3 Weep o'er your desire and hope, With tears of humblest love! Sing, for Jesus is gone up, And reigns enthroned above! Lives our Head to die no more, Worshipp'd as he was before, The immortal King of heaven. 4 Lord, we bless thee for thy grace And truth, which never fail; 180 THE GOODNESS OF 197 Creation—p 153. 1st P.M. 6 lines &. WHERE shall my wond'ring soul begin? How shall I all to heaven aspire? A slave redeem'd from d alſº siri º rand pluck'd from eternal fire: How shall I equal triumphs raise, Or sing my great Deliverer's praise? I should be call'd a child of God : Should know, should feel my sins forgiven, Blest with this antepast of heaven! 3 And shall I slight my Father's love? r basely fear his gifts to own Unmindful of his favours prove 2 I, the hallow'd cross to shun, Refuse his righteousness tº impart By hiding it within my heart? 4 No, though the ancient dragon rage And call forth all his hosts to .. y Though earth's self-righteous sons engage, Th d their god alike I dare; the sinner's Friend proclaim; Jesus to sinners still the same. 5 Come, O my guilty brethren, come, Groaning beneath your load of sin; His bleeding heart shall make you room, is open side shall take you in: He calls you now, invites you home: Come, O my guilty brethren, come. 6 For you the purple current flow'd, In pardons from his wounded side; Languish’d for you the Son of God, For you the Prince of glory died: S h GOD IN REDEMPTION. 181 Believe, and all your sin’s forgiven: Only believe, and yours is heaven. I98 Quito—p. 94.] L. M. In thee let every sinner find. 2 Our Surety, thou alone hast paid The debt we to thy Father owed: For the whole world atonement made, And seal'd the pardon with thy blood. 3 Thee, the Paternal Grace Divine, A universal blessing gave; A Light, in every heart to shine; A Saviour, -every soul to save. 4 Light of the Gentile world, appear, Command the blind thy rays to see: Our darkness.chase, our sorrows cheer, And set the plaintive prisoner free. 5 Me, me, who still in darkness sit, Shut up in sin and unbelief, Deliver from this gloomy pit, This dungeon of despairing grief. 6 Open mine eyes the Lamb to know, Who bears the general sin away; And to my ransom'd spirit show The glories of eternal day. 199 Luther's—p. 147.] 1st P.M. 6 lines 8. Woºlp Jesus have the sinner die? Why hangs he then on yonder What means that strange expiring cry? (Sinners, he prays for you and me; tree? 182 THE GOODNESS OF “Forgive them, Father, 0 forgive, ey know not that by me they live!” 2 Jesus descended from above, Our loss of Eden to retrieve; reat God of universal love, If all the world through thee may live, In us a quick’ning spirit be, And witness thou hast died for me. 3 Thou loving, all-atoming Lamb, Thee by painful agony, Thy bloody sweat, thy grief and shame, Thy cross and passion on the tree, # precious death and life—I pray Take all, take all my sins away. 4 O let me kiss thy bleeding feet, d bathe and wash them with my tears; The story of thy love repeat nevery drooping sinner's ears That all may hear the quick’ning sound; Since I, e'en I, have mercy found. 50 let thy love my heart constrain, • Thy love for every sinner free, That every fallen son of man May taste the grace that found out me; That all mankind with me may prove, Thy govereign, everlasting love. 200 Kilburn—p.270.] 11th P.M. 76,76,7,76. GQº of unexampled grace, Redeemer of mankind, Matter of etermal praise e in thy passion find: Still our choicest strains we bring, Still the joyful theme pursue, Thee the Friend of sinners sing, ose love is ever new. rºoD IN REDEMPTION. 183 2 Endless scenes of wonder rise, With that mysterious tree, Crucified before our eyes, Where we our er 86e : esus, Lord, what hast thou done? Publish we the death divine, Stop, and gaze, and fall, and own Was never love like thine ! See him stretch'd on yonder cross, d crush’d beneath our load 4 Now discern the Deity, ow his heavenly birth declare! Faith cries out, “Tis he, 'tis he, My God that suffers there!” THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 201 JArchdale—p. 6..] C. M. FA.H.E. how wide thy glory shines! How high thy wonders rise! Known through the earth by thousand signs, By thousands through the skies: Those mighty orbs proclaim thy power: Their motions speak thy skill: And on the wings of every hour We read thy patience still. 2 Part of thy name divinely stands, On all thy creatures writ; They show the labour of thy hands, Or impress of thy feet: 184 THE ATTRIBUTES But when we view thy strange design To save rebellious worms, Where vengeance and compassion join In their divinest forms: 3 Here the whole Deity is known, Nor dares a creature guess Which of the glories brightest shone, The justice or the grace; Now the full glories of the Lamb Adorn the heavenly plains: Bright seraphs learn Immanuel's name, And try their choicest strains. 4 O may I bear some humble part In that immortal song ! Eternal glory bel 202 Roberts—p. 158.1 1st P. M. 6 lines 8. W HEN Israel out of Egypt came, And left the proud oppressor's land Supported by the great I º Safe in the hollow of his hand . The Lord in Israel reign'd alone ..And Judah was his favourite throne. 2 The sea beheld his power, and fled, ondrous rod; an ran backward to its head, And Sinai felt th’ incumbent God : The mountains skipp'd like frighten’d rams, The hills leap'd after them as lambs. 8 What ail'd thee, 0 thou trembling sea? What horror turn'd the river back? * OF GOD. 185 $Was nature's God displeased with thee? And why should hills or mountains shake? Ye mountains huge, that skipp'd like rams? Ye hills, that leap'd as frighten’d lambs? 4 Earth, tremble on, with all thy sons, n presence of thy awful Lord, Whose power inverted nature owns, Her only law his sovereign word: He shakes the centre with his rod, ..And heaven bows down to Jacob’s God. 5 Creation, varied by his hand, Th' omnipotent Jehovah knows! The sea is turn'd to solid land, e rock into a fountain flows: , , And all things, as they change, proclaim The Lord eternally the same. 203 Coronation—p. 28.1 c. M. TERNAL Wisdom! thee we praise, Thee the creation sings: With thy loved name, rocks, hills, and seas d heaven's high palace, rings. 2 Thy hand, how wide it spreads the sky, How glorious to behold ! Tinged with a blue of heavenly die, And starr'd with sparkling gold. 3 There thou hast bid the globes of light heir endless circuits run: There the pale planets rule the night: The day obeys the sun. 4 If down I turn my wond'ring eyes On clouds and storms below ; Those under regions of the skies y numerous glories show. 5 The noisy winds stand ready there, Thy orders to obey 186 THE ATTRIBUTES With sounding wings they sweep the air To make thy chariot way. y 6 There, like a trumpet loud and strong, Thy thunder shakes our coast; While the red lightnings wave along e banners of thy host. 7 On the thin air, without a prop, Hang fruitful showers around; At thy command they sink and drop Their fatness on the ground. 8 Lo! here thy wondrous skill arrays The earth in cheerful green; A thousand herbs thy art displays, A thousand flowers between. 9 There the rough mountains of the deep Obey thy strong command: Thy breath can raise the billows steep, r sink them to the sand. 10 Thy glories blaze all nature round, And strike the wond'ring sight, Through skies, and seas, and solid ground, With terror and delight. 11 Infinite strength and equal skill Shine through thy works abroad: Our souls with vast amazement fill, nd speak the builder God : 12 But the mild glories of thy grace Our softer passions move: Pity divine in Jesus' face, e see, adore, and love. 204 Majesty—p. 49.1 c. M. PRAISE ye the Lord, ye immortal choirs That fill the worlds above; Praise him who form'd you of his fires, And feeds you with his love. OF GOD. 187 2 Shine to his praise, ye crystal skies, The floor of his abode: Or veil in shades your thousand eyes, Before your brighter God. 3 Thou restless globe of golden light, Whose beams create our days, Join with the silver queen of night, n your borrow’d rays. 4 Winds, ye shall bear his name aloud Through the ethereal blue; For when his chariot is a cloud, es his wheels of you. 5 Thunder and hail, and fire and storms, The troops of his command, Appear in all your dreadful forms, And speak his awful hand. 6 Shout to the Lord, ye surging seas, In your eternal roar: Let wave to wave resound his praise; And shore reply to shore. 7 While monsters, sporting on the flood, In scaly silver shine, Speak terribly their maker, God, And lash the foaming brine. 8 But gentler things shall tune his name To softer notes than these : Young zephyrs breathing o'er the stream, Or whisp'ring through the trees. 9 Wave your tall heads, ye lofty pines, To Him that bids you É . Sweet clusters, bend the fruitful vines e ul bough. 10 Let the shrill birds his honours raise, And climb the mºrning sky; H.88 THE AT THIBUTES While grov'ling beasts attempt his praise, In hoarser harmony. 11 Thus while the meaner creatures sing, Ye mortals, take the sound ; Echo the glories of your Kin Through all the nations round. 205 St. Helen's—p. 177.] 24 P.M. 6 lines & O GOD, of good th’ unfathom'd sea! Who would not give his heart to thee? Who would not love thee with his might? O Jesus, lover of mankind ; Who would not his whole soul and mind, With all his strength, to thee unite? 2 Thou shin'st with everlasting rays; Before th' insufferable blaze, Angels with both wings veil their eyes; Yet, free as air thy bounty streams: On all thy works, thy mercy's beams, Diffusive as thy sun's, arise. 3 Astonish'd at thy frowning brow, Earth, hell, and heaven's strong pillars bow; errible majesty is thine ! ho then can that vast love express, Which bows thee down to me, who less Than nothing am, till thou art mine! 4 High throned on heaven’s eternal hill, In number, weight, and m - Thou sweetly orderest all that is: And yet thou deign'st to come to me, And guide my steps, that I, with thee nthroned, may reign in endless bliss. 5. Fountain of good! all blessing flows rom thee; no want thy fulness knows: What but thyself canstthou desire? OF GOD. 1so Yes; self-sufficient as thou art Thou dost desire my worthless heart; This, only this, dost thou require. 6 Primeval Beauty in thy sight The first-born fairest sons of light See all their brightest glories fade: What then to me thine eyes could turn? In sin conceived, of woman born, A worm, a leaf, a blast, a shade : 7 Hell's armies tremble at thy nod, And, trembling, own th' almighty God, Sovereign of earth, hell, air, and sky! But who is this that comes from far, Whose garments roll’d in blood appear? is God made man, for man to die! 8 O God, of good th’ unfathom'd sea 1 Who would not give his heart to thee? Who would not love thee with his might? O Jesus, lover of mankind, Who would not his whole soul and mind, With all his strength, to thee unite? 206 Litchfield—p. 11.] C. M. AIL, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, me God in persons three ; Of thee we make our joyful boast, And homage pay to thee. 2 Present alike in every place, Thy Godhead we adore : Beyond the bounds of time and space Thou dwell'st for evermore. And every thought of every heart Is fully known to thee. 190 THE ATTRIBUTEs 4. Whate'er thou wilt, in earth below, Thou dost in heaven above; But chiefly we rejoice to know Th’ almighty God of love. 5 Thou lov'st whate'er thy hands have mada y ess we renearse, In shining characters display'd Throughout our universe. 6 Mercy, with love, and endless grace, O'er all thy works doth reign; But mostly thou delight'st to bless Thy favourite, creature man 7 Wherefore let every creature give T ise design'd; But chiefly, Lord, the thanks receive, The hearts of all mankind. 207 Park-street—p. 97.] L. M. FIRST PART. O GOD, thou bottomless abyss! Thee to perfection who can know? 0 height immense ; what words suffice #. countless attributes to show 2 Unfathomable depths thou art : nge me in thy mercy's sea! Void of true wisdom is m ith love embrace and cover me ! While thee, all infinite, I set By faith, before my ravish'd eye; My weakness bends beneath the weight, O'erpower'd I sink, I faint, I die. 2 Eternity thy fountain was, Which, like thee, no beginning knew; Thou wastere time began its race, Ere glow’d with stars th' ethereal blue. OF GOD. 19|| Greatness unspeakable is thine, Greatness, whose undiminish’d ray, When short-lived worlds are lost, shall shine, hen earth and heaven are fied away: Unchangeable, all perfect Lord, Essential life's unbounded sea; hat lives, and moves, lives by thy word; It lives and moves, and is from thee! 3 Thy parent hand, thy forming skill, Firm fix’d this universal chain: Else empty, barren darkness still Had held his unmolested reign. Whate'er in earth, or sea, or sk Thy wisdom, equal to thy migh Only to thee, O God, is known! 4 Heaven's glory is thy awful throne, Yet earth partakes thy gracious sway; Wain man! thy wisdom folly own, Lost is thy reason's feeble ray. What our dim eye could never see Is plain and naked to thy sight; What thickest darkness veils, to thee Shines clearly as the morning light. In light thou dwell'st; light, that no shade, No variation ever knew; Heaven, earth, and hell stand all display'd, And open to thy piercing view. Job—p. 103.] SECOND PART. THOU, true and only God, lead'st forth Th’ immortal armies cf the sky: 192 THE ATTRIBUTES Thou laugh'st to scorn the gods of earth; Thou thund’rest, and amazed they flyi With downcast eye th’angelic choir pear before thy awful face; Trembling, they strike the golden lyre, And thro’ heaven's vault resound thy praise, In earth, in heaven, in all thou art: The conscious creature feels thy nod, Thy forming hand on every part Inhpress'd the image of its God. 2 Thine, Lord, is wisdom, thine alone! Justice and truth before thee stand : Yet nearer to thy Sacred throne Mercy withholds thy lifted hand. Each evening shows thy tender love, ach rising mornſ thy plenteous grace: Thy waken'd wrathºdoes slowly move, Thy willing mercy flies apace To thy benign, indulgent care, Father, this light, this breath we owe; And all we have, and all we are, From thee, great Source of being, flow. 3 Parent of good thy bounteous hand Incessant blessings now distils; d all in air, or sea, or land, With plentenus food and gladness fills. All things in thee live, move, and are; Thy power infused doth all sustain: E’en those thy daily favours share Who thankless spurn thy easy reign. Thy sun thou bidst his genial ray Alike on all impartial pour; On all who hate or bless thy sway Thou bidst descend the fruitful shower. Yet, while at length, who scorn'd thy might, fire: hall feel thee a consuming OF GOD, I93 How sweet the joys, the crown how bright, Of those who to thy love aspire : All creatures praise th' eternal name ! Ye hosts that to his court belong, Cherubic choirs, seraphic flames, Awake the everlasting song | Thrice holy! thine the kingdom is, The power omnipotent is thine; And when created mature di Thy never-ceasing glories shine. 208 Amsterdam—p.272.] 11th P.M.76,767:6. LORIOUS God, accept a heart None thy majesty can tell, Or all thy Godhead know. 2 All thine attributes we own, Thy wisdom, F. and might: Happy in thyself alone In goodness infinite; Thou thy goodness hast display'd, O e e r y w o r in p r e ss ; But man thou lov'st the best. 3 Willing thou that all should know ; With strictest justice give: Thou with perfect righteousness Renderest every man his due: Paithful in º, promises, And in thy threat'nings too. 9 I94 THE AT TRIBUTES 4 Thou art merciful to all Who truly turn to thee! 209 Atlantic—p. 105.1 L. M. OLY as thou, O Lord, is none : Thy holiness is all thy own; A drop of that unbounded sea Is ours, a drop derived from thee. 2 And when thy purity we share, Thy only glory we declare; And humbled into nothing, own Holy and pure is God alone. 3 Sole, self-existing God and Lord, By all thy heavenly hosts adored; Let all on earth bow down to thee, And own thy peerless majesty: 4 Thy power unparallel’d confess, Establish'd on the Rock of peace; The Rock that never shall remove, The Rock of pure, almighty love. 210 siloam—p.275.] 12th P.M.76,7678,16. THQ', the great, eternal God, Art high above our thought! OF GOD. 195 2 Of thy great unbounded power, To thee the praise we give: Infinitely great, and more Than heart can e'er conceive: When thou wilt to work proceed y purpose fºrm can none withstand, Frustrate thy determined deed, Or stay th’s lmighty hand. 3 Thou, O God, art wise alone, Thy counsel ãoth excel ; Wonderful thy work we own, y ways unsearchable; Who can sound the mystery, Thy judgments' deep abyss explain: Thine, whose eyes in darkness see, And search the heart of man. 211 Nichols—p. 28.] C. M. BºsT. be our everlasting Lord, Our Father, God, and King! Thy sovereign goodness we record, Thy glorious power we sing 2. By thee the victory is given: The majesty divine, And strength, and might, and earth, and heaven, And all therein is thine. 3 The kingdom, Lord, is thine alone, Who dost thy right maintain; And high on thy eternal throne, O'er men and angels reign. 5 Thou hast on us the grace bestow'd, Thy greatness to proclaim; 196 THE ATTRIBUTES And therefore now we thank our God, And praise thy glorious name. 6 Thy glorious name, and nature's powers, Thou dost to us make nown; And all the Deity is ours, Through thy incarnate Son. 212 Canada—p. 89.] L. M. ETERNAL Power, whose high abode Becomes the grandeur of a God; Infinite lengths, beyond the bounds 3. Where stars revolve their little rounds. 2 Thee while the first archangel sings, He hides his face behind his wings And ranks of shining thrones around Fall worshipping, and spread the ground. 3 Lord, what shall earth and ashes do? We would adore our Maker too ! rom sin and dust to thee we cry, The Great, the Holy, and the High 4 Earth from afar hath heard thy fame, And worms have learn'd to lisp thy name; But 0: the glories of thy mind Leave all our soaring thoughts behind ; 5 God is in heaven, and men below: Be short our tunes; our words be few : solemn reverence checks our songs, And praise sits silent on our tongues. 213 Benevento—p.222.] 7th P.M. slines's. HQº, holy, holy Lord, God the Father, and the Word, God the Comforter, receive Blessings more than we can give; OF GOD. 197 Mix'd with those beyond the sky, Chanters to the Lord most high, We our hearts and voices raise, Pchoing thy eternal praise. 2 One, inexplicably three, One, in simplest unity: God, incline thy gracious ear, Us thy lisping creatures hear: Thee, while dust and ashes sings, ngels shrink within their wings; Prostrate seraphim above Breathe unutterable love. 3 Happy they who never rest, With thy heavenly presence blest! They the heights of glory see, Sound the depths of Deity: Fain with them our souls would vie, S; v, and mount as high ; Fall, o'erwhelm'd with love, or soar, Shout, or silently adore : 214 Bedford—p. 10.] C. M. HA; holy, holy, holy Lord : m one in three we know; By all thy heavenly host adored, By all thy church below. 2 One undivided Trinity With triumph we proclaim ; Thy universe is full of thee And speaks thy glorious name. 3 Thee, holy Father, we confess; Thee, holy Son, adore: Thee, Spirit of truth and holiness, We worship evermore. 4 The incommunicable right, Almighty God, receive! 198 THE ATTRIBUTES Which angel-choirs, and saints in light, And saints embodied give. 5 Three Persons equally divine e magni ove : And both the choirs ere iong shall join To sing thy praise above. 6 Hail! holy, holy, holy Lord, r heavenly song shall be,) sº essential One adored n co-eternal Three : 215 Wilmington—p. 12.] C. M. A. THOUSAND oracles divine Their common beams unite; That sinners may with angels join o worship God aright. 2 To praise a Trinity adored By all the hosts above; And one thrice holy God and Lord Through endless ages love. 3 Triumphant host!, they never cease To laud and magnif The triune God of holiness, Whose glory fills the sky. # Whose . to this earth extends, When God himself imparts, And the whole Trinity descends Into our faithful hearts. 5 By faith the upper choir we meet, And challenge them to sing Jehovah, on his shining seat, our Maker and our ki 6 But God made flesh is wholly ours, asks our noblest strain; OF GOO. 199 The Father of celestial powers, The Friend of earth-born man 7 Ye seraphs, nearest to the throne, With rapturous amaze On us, poor ransom'd worms, look down, For heaven's superior praise! 8 The King, whose glorious face ye see, For us his crown resign'd; That fulness of the Deity, He died for all mankind 1 216 Plymouth Dock—p. 148.] 1st P.M.6liness. CQM; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Whom one all-perfect God we own, Restorer of thy image lost, Thy various offices make known: Display, our failen souls to raise, Thy whole economy of grace 2 Jehovah, in three Persons, come, And draw, and sprinkle us, and seal, Poor, guilty, dying worms, in whom Thou dost eternal life reveal : The knowledge of thyself bestow, And all thy glorious goodness show. 3 Soon as our pardon'd hearts believe That thou art pure essential love; The proof we in ourselves receive Of the three Witnesses above; Sure, as the saints around thy throne, That Father, Word, and Spirit are one. Wake we in thy similitude, tamp'd with the triune character; Flesh, spirit, soul, to thee resign; And live and die entirely thine i 200 SACRAMENTAL. 217 Shirland—p. 135.] S. M. O ALL-CREATING God, At whose supreme decree Our body rose, a breathing clod, Our souls sprang forth from thee: 2 For this thou hast design'd, And form'd us man for this; To know, and love thyself, and find In thee our endless bliss. 218 Surrey—p. 108.] L. M. MY soul, through my Redeemer's care, Saved from the second death, I feel; My eyes from tears of dark despair, My feet from falling into hell. 2. Wherefore to him my feet shall run; y eyes on his perfections gaze: My soul shall live for God alone, And all within me shout his praise. SACRAMENTAL, THE LoRD's supper. 219 Minorca—p. 161.1 1st P.M. 6 lines & IN that sad memorable night, Wh us was for us betray’d, He left his death-recording rite, ok, and bless'd, and brake the bread; And gave his own their last bequest, And thus his love's intent express'd: SACRAMENTAL. 20I 2 “Take, eat, this is my body, given To purchase life and peace for you, Pardon, and holiness, and heaven; is my dying love to show: Accept your precious legacy, And thus, my friends, remember me.” 3 He took into his hands the cup, To crown the sacramental feast, And full of kind concern look’d . And gave to them what he had blest: “And drink ye all of this, (he said,) In solemn memory of the dead. 4 “This is my blood, which seals the new Eternal cov'nant of my grace: My blood so freely shed for you, For you and all the sinful race; My blood that speaks your sins forgiven, jy And justifies vour claim to heaven. 220 Troas—p. 135.] S. M. ET all who truly bear The bleeding Saviour's name, Their faithful hearts with us prepare, And eat the Paschal Lamb; Our Passover was slain At Salem's hallow'd place, Yet we who in our tents remain Shall gain his largest grace. 2 This eucharistic feast ur every want supplies, And still we by his death are blest, nd share his sacrifice; And God out of his h Shall all his gifts bestow. 9% 202 SACRAMENTAL. Beneath his cross had stood, And seen him heave, and heard him groan, And felt his gushing blood. 4 O God ; 'tis finish’d now ! The mortal pang is past! By faith his head we see him bow, nd hear him breathe his last. Shall lift us to the skies. 221 New-Haven—p. 21.] C. M. ESUS, at whose supreme command d Obedient to thy gracious word, We break the hallow’d bread, Commemºrate thee, our dying Lord, And trust on thee to feed. 2 Now, Saviour, now thyself reveal, And make thy nature known, Affix thy blessed Spirit's seal, And stamp us for thy own. The tokens of thy dying love et us all receive, And feel the quickºning Spirit move, And sensibly believe : 3 The cup of blessing, blest by thee, Let it thy blood impart; SACRAMENTAL. 203 The bread thy mystic body be, nd cheer each languid heart, The grace which sure salvation brings, et us herewith receive; Satiate the hungry with good things, he hidden manna give. 4 The living bread sent down from heaven In us vouchsafe to be; Thy flesh for all the world is given, And all may live by thee. Till all our souls are fill'd below With all the life of God. 222 Olney—p. 134.] S. M. JESS, we thus obey Thy last and kindest word; Here in thine own appointed way o meet our Lord. 2 The way thou hast enjoin'd, Thou wilt therein appear; e come with confidence to find Thy special presence here. 3 Whate'er th' Almighty can To 'd si an; e here with Christ receive. 223 Pilgrim—p.273.J 11th P.M.78*6,778. RQº of Israel, cleft for me, For us, for all mankind, See, thy feeblest followers see, Who y death to mind: Still the fountain of thy blood Stands for sinners open'd wide; 204 SACRAMENTAL. Now, e'en now, my Lord, my God, wash me in thy side. 2 Now, e!en now, we all plunge in, nd drink the purple wave; This the antidote for sin, }Tis this our souls shall save: With the life of Jesus fed, Lo from strength to strength we rise, Follow'd by our Rock, and led To meet thee in the skies. 224 Wells—p. 91.] L. M. UTHOR of our salvation, thee With lowly, thankful hearts we praise, Author of this great mystery, Figure and means ºf saving grace. 2. The sacred, true, effectual sign, Thy body and thy blood it shows; The glorious instrument divine, Thy mercy and thy strength bestows. 3 We see the blood that seals our peace; y pardºning mercy we receive; The bread doth visibly express The strength through which our spirits live. 4 Our spirits drink a fresh supply nd eat the bread so freely given, Till borne on eagles' wings we fly, And banquet with our #. in heaven. 225 Nuremburg—p.207.] 5th P. M.4 linests. ESUS, all-redeeming Lord, . Magnify thy dying word, In thine ordinance appear, Come and meet thy followers here. SACRAMENTAL. 205 226 227 2 In the rite thou hast enjoin'd, us now our Saviour find; Drink thy blood for sinners shed, Taste thee in the broken bread. . 3 Thou our faithful hearts prepare: Thou thy pard’ning grace declare, Thou that hast for sinners died, Show thyself the crucified : ll the powers of sin remove; Fill us with thy perfect love; mp us with the stamp divine; Seal our souls for ever thine. Bavaria—p. 246.] 9th P. M. 87,87,87,87. OME, thou everlasting Spirit, ring to every thankful mind All the Saviour's dying merit, All his suff'rings for mankind: True recorder of his passion, Now the living fire impart, Now reveal his great salvation, Preach his gospel to our heart. 2 Come, thou witness of his dying, ancer divine, Let us groan thine inward groaning, on him we pierced and grieve, All receive the grace atoning, All the sprinkled blood receive. Minorca—p. 161.] 1st P. M. 6 lines 8s. THOU eternal Victim slain, sacrifice for guilty man By the eternal Spirit made An offering in the sinner's stead; 206 SACRAMENTAL. Our everlasting Priest art thou, And plead'st thy death for sinners now ! 2 Thy offering still continues new, Thy vesture keeps its bloody hue; Thou stand'st the ever-slaughter'd Lamb, Thy priesthood still remains the same; Thy years, O God, can never fail, Thy goodness is unchangeable 30 that our faith may never move, But stand unshaken as thy love : 282 Euphrates—p.275.] 12th P.M.76,76,78,76, LAº of God, whose dying love w d, e now recall to min Send the answer from above, And let us mercy find; Think on us, who think on thee, And every struggling soul release! 0 remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace : 2 By thine agonizing pain, By thy dying love to man, Take Burst our bonds and set us free, From all iniquity release: 0 remember Calvary, id us go in peace 1 3 Let thy blood, by faith applied, The sinner's pardon seal, Speak us freely justified, And all our sickness heal: SACRAMENTAL. 207 By thy passion on the tree, Let all our griefs and troubles cease; O remember And bid us go in peace 4 Never will we hence depart Till thou our wants relieve; Write forgiveness on our heart, And all thine image give: Still our souls shall cry to thee, Till perfected in holiness: Q remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace! 229 Kendall—p. 27.] C. M. OME. Saviour, let thy tokens prove, Fitted by heavenly art, As channels to convey thy love To every faithful heart. 2 The living bread, sent down from heaven, In us vouchsafe to be; Thy flesh for all the world is given, And all may live by thee. 3 Now, Lord, on us thy flesh bestow, And ſet us drink thy blood, Till all our souls are fill'd below, With all the life of God. 4 Determined nothing else to know But Jesus crucifie I will not from my Jesus go, Or leave his wounded side. 230 Walsal—p. 70.] C. M. THAT doleful night before his death, The Lamb for sinners slain, Did, almost with his dying breath, This solemn feast ordain. . 208 SACRAMENTAL. 2 To keep the feast, Lord, we have met, And to remember thee: Help each poor trembler to repeat, “For me, he died for me!” 3 These sacred signs, thy suffrings, Lord, o our remembrance bring: We eat and drink around thy board, ut think on nobler things. 40 tune our tongues, and set in frame Each heart that pants for thee, To sing “Hosanna to the Lamb,” The Lamb that died for me ! 231 St. Albans—p. 44.] C. M. E wretched, hungry, starving poor Behaidari ifest poor, Where mercy spreads her bounteous store or every humble guest. 2 See, Jesus stands with open arms; He calls, he bids you come: 0 stay not back, though fear alarms: or yet there still is room. 3 O come, and with his children taste The blessings of his love; While hope attends the sweet repast Of nobler joys above . 4 There with united heart and voice, Before the eternal throne, Ten thousand thousand souls rejoice, n ecstasies unknown. b And yet ten thousand thousand more Are welcome still to come : Ye happy souls, the grace adore; Approach, there yet is room. SACRAMENTAL. 209 232 Suffolk—p. 24.1 c. M. THE King of heaven his table spreads, And blessings crown the board; Not paradise, with all its joys, Could such delight afford. 2 Pardon and peace to dying men, d endless life are given: Through the rich blood that Jesus shed To raise our souls to heaven. 3 Millions of sculs, in glory now, e fed and feasted here: And millions more still on the way, Around the board appear. 4 All things are .# come away, Nor weak excuses frame, Crowd to your places at the feast, And bless the Founder's name. 233 Thacher—p. 136.] S. M. LORY to God on high; Our peace is made with Heaven; The Son of God came down to die That we might be forgiven. 2 His precious blood was shed, is ruised for sin: Remember this in eating bread, And this in drinking wine. 3 Approach his royal board, In his rich garments clad ; Join every tongue to praise the Lora, And every heart be glad. 4 The Father gives the Son : The Son his flesh and blood The Spirit applies, and faith puts on The righteousness of God. 210 SACRAMENTAL. BAPTISM. 234 St. Ann's—p. 2.] C. M. ELESTIAL Dove, descend from high, And on the water brood: Come, with thy quick’ning power apply the wateriºd the blood. pp 2 I love the Lord, that stoops so low o give his word a scal; But the rich grace his hands bestow Exceeds the figure still. 3 Almighty God, for thee we call, And our request renew ; Accept in Christ, and bless withal, The work we have to do. 235 Jºthol—p. 132.] S. M. MY Saviour's pierced side Pour'd out a double flood: By water we are purified, And pardon'd by his blood. 2 Call'd from above, I rise, wash away my sin; The stream to which my spirit flies Can make the foulest clean. 3. It runs divinely clear, ountain deep and wide; ‘Twas open'd by the soldier's spear, In my Redeemer's side : 236 Newry—p. 88.] L. M. COME, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Hono means ordain’d by thee; ake good our apostolic boas And own thy glorious ministry. REJoſcING AND PRAISE. 211 2 we now thy promised pººre claim; Sent to disciple all mankind; Sent to baptize into thy name; e now thy promised presence find. 3 Father, in these reveal thy Son, In these for whom we seek thy face; The hidden mystery make ? The inward, pure, baptizing grace. 4 Jesus, with us thou always art, Effectuate now the sacred sign, | The gift unspeakable impart, ess the ordinance divine. 5 Eternal Spirit, descend from high, Baptizer of our spirits thou! The sacramental seal apply, nd witness with the water now ! 6 O that the souls baptized herein now thy truth and mercy feel; May rise and wash away their sin: Come, Holy Ghost, their pardon seal: REJOICING AND PRAISE. 237 Devonshire—p.284.] 13th P.M. 1010, 1111. O HEAVENLY King, look down from above, Assist us to sing thy mercy and love: So .# o'erflowing, so plentecus the store, Thou still art bestowing, and giving us more. 20 God of our life, we hallow thy £, Our business and strife is thee to proclaim : 212 REJOICING Accept our thanksgiving for creating grace! The living, the living shall show forth thy praise, 3 Our Father and Lord, almighty art thou; Preserved by thy word, we worship thee now, The bountiful donor of all we enjoy; ur tongues to thy honour, and lives we employ. 4. But 0 1 above all, thy kindness we praise, From sin and from thrall, which saves the lost race; hy Son thou hast given, a world to redeem, And bring us to heaven, whose trust is in him. 5. Wherefore of thy love we sing and rejoice, Like angels above, we lift up our voice: Thy love each believer shall gladly adore, For ever and ever, when time is no more. 238 Warwick—p.316.] 23d P.M. 88,88,77. THE voice of my Beloved sounds, While o'er the mountain top he bounds; He flies exulting o'er the hills, And all my soul with transport fills: Gently doth he chide my stay, Rise, my love, and come away.” 2 The scatter'd clouds are fled at last, The rain is gone, the winter’s past, The lovely vernal flowers appear, The warbling choir enchants our ear; ow with sweetly pensive moan, Coos the turtle dove alone. 239 New Gabriel—p. 5S.I C. M. COME, let us who in Christ believe, Yºkoº Saº ºr 3raise To him, with joyful voices, give The glory of his grace. AND PRAISE. 213 2 He now stands knocking at the door every sinner's heart: The worst need keep him out no more, Or force him to depart. Through grace we hearken to thy voice, Yield to be saved from sin; In sure and certain hope rejoice, That thou wilt enter in. 4 Come quickly in, thou heavenly guest, Nor ever hence remove : But sup with us, and let the feast Be everlasting love. 240 Morning Hymn—p. 159.] 1st P.M.6lines 8a. THQu hidden source of calm repose, Thou all-sufficient love divine, And lo! from sin, and grief, and shame, I hide me, Jesus, in thy name. 2 Thy mighty name salvation is And keeps my happy soul above: Comfort it brings, and power, and peace, joy, and everlasting love : To me, with thy great name are given, on, and holiness, and heaven. 3 Jesus, my all in all thou art, My rest in toil, my ease in pain; The med'cine of my broken heart; In war, my peace; in loss, my gain; My smile beneath the tyrant's frown; In shame, my glory and my crown. 4 In want, my plentiful supply; In weakness, my almighty power; t 214 REJOICING In bonds, my perfect liberty; My light, in Satan's darkest hour; In grief, my joy unspeakable; My life in death, my all in all. 241 Randall—p. 16.] C. M. TA; with us, Lord, thyself reveal While here o'er earth we rove ; Speak to our hearts, and let us feel The kindlings of thy love. 2. With thee conversing, we forget All time, and toil, and care: Labour is rest, and pain is sweet, If thou, my God, art here. 3 Here then, my God, vouchsafe to stay, And bid my heart rejoice; My bounding heart shall own thy sway, And echo to thy voice. 4 Thou callest me to seek thy face; Tº: all I wish to seek: attend the whispers of thy grace And hear thee inly speak. 3. 5 Let this my every hour employ Till I thy glory see; t Enter into my Master's joy, And find my heaven in thee! 242 Arlington—p. 3..] C. M. ESUS, to thee I now can fi On whom my help is laid: Oppress'd by sins, 1 lift #. eye, And see the shadows fade. 2 Believing on my Lord, I find sure and present aid : AND PRAISE. 215 On thee alone my constant mind t Be every moment stay’d 3 Whate'er in me seems wise or good, r strong, I here disclaim: I wash my garments in the blood 10, Of the atoning Lamb 4 Jesus, my strength, my life, my rest, On thee will I depend, Tiſſ summon'd to the marriage feast, When faith in sight shall end 243 Rapture—p. 195.1 4th P.M. SS6,8S6. Hoº. happy, gracious Lord, are we! Divinely drawn to follow thee, Whose hours divided are Between the mount and multitude : Our day is spent in doing good, ight in praise and prayer. 2. With us no melancholy void, No moment lingers unemploy'd, Or unimproved below: Our weariness of life is gone, Who live to serve our God alone, y thee to know. 3 The winter's might, and summer's day, Glide iº away, Too short to sing thy praise; Too few we find the *. hours, And haste to join those heavenly powers, In everlasting lays. 4 With all who chant thy name on high, And holy, holy, holy, cry, A bright onious throng; We long thy praises to repeat, ceaseless sing, around thy seat, The new eterming 216 REJOICING 244 Framingham—p. 166.] 1st P. M. 6 lines 8s. THEE will I love, my strength, my tower; Thee will I love, my joy, my crown; Thee will I love with all my power, In all thy works, and thee alone: Thee will I love, till the pure fire ill my whole soul with chaste desire. 2 Ah! why did I so late thee know, Thee, lovelier than the sons of men : Ah! why did I no sooner To thee, the only ease in pain : Ashamed } sigh, and inly niburn, That I so late to thee did turn. 3 In darkness willingly I stray'd: I sought thee, yet from thee Iroved : Far wide my wand'ring thoughts were spread; Thy creatures more than thee I loved; now, if more at length I see, 'Tis through thy light, and comes from thee. 4 I thank thee, uncreated Sun, That thy bright beams on me have shined; I thank thee who hast overthrown My foes, and heal’d my wounded mind; I thank thee, whose enliv'ning voice Bids my freed heart in thee rejoice. 5 Uphold me in the doubtful race, or suffer me again to stray; My soul and flesh, O Lord of might, Fill, satiate with thy heavenly light. 6 Give to mine eyes refreshing tears; Give to my heart chaste, hallow'd fires; Give to my soul, with filial fears, The love that all heaven's host inspires; AND PRAISE, 217' That all my powers, with all their might, In thy sole glory may unite. 7 Thee will I love, my joy, my crown, . Thee will I love, my Lord, my God; 245 Suffolk—p. 24.1 c. M. NFINITE, unexhausted love; Jesus and love are one: If still to me thy bowels move, - r. They are restrain'd to none. 2 What shall I do my God to love, My loving God to praise; , ; - r The length, and breadth, and height to prove, And depth of sovereign grace? . '. 3 Thy sovereign grace to all extends, F rnmenSè all º . rom age to age it never ends, It reaches i mankind. . . , - 4 Throughout the world its breadth is known, S Wide as infinity: 'd-b - - o wide it never by one, Or it had º by me. 5 Myrtrespass was grown up to heaven; ...) But far above the skies, 9 Through Christ abundantly forgiven, I see thy mercies rise. 6 The depth of all-redeeming love, at angel tongue can tell ? O may I to the utmost prove . The gift *b ,- 218 . REJOICING 7 Come quickly, gracious Lord, and take ossession of thine own; My longing heart vouchsafe to make %; everlasting throne. 8 Assert thy claim, maintain thy right, Come quickly from a ; And sink me to perfection's height, The depth of humble love. 246 Parvus—p. 74.] L. M. JBºſs, thou everlasting King, †. the tribute which we bring; Accept thy well-deserved renown, And wear our praises as thy crown. 2 Let every act of worship be, . Like our espousals, Lord, to thee: Like the blest hour, when from above We first received the pledge of love. 3 The gladness of that ha day 0 ma f ever, ever mºry 3. Nor let our faith forsake its hold, or hope decline, nor love grow cold! 4 Each following minute as it flies, Increase thy praise, improve our joys, Till we are raised to sing thy name, At the great supper of the Lamb. 247 Bradley—p. 256.] 10th P. M. 8 lines & THQu Shepherd of Israel and mine, The joy and desire of my heart, For closer communion I pine, I long to reside where thou art: The pasture I languish to find, ere all who their Shepherd obey, Are fed, on thy bosom reclined, And screep'd from the heat of the day. ' AND PRAISE, 219. 2 Ahl show me that happiest plac ºf My spirit to Calvary bear, To suffer and triumph with thee. 3 Tis there with the lambs of thy flock, There only I'covet to rest; To lie at the foot of the rock, Or rise to be hid in thy breast: 'Tis there I would always abide, never a moment depart: Conceal’d in the cleft of thy side, Eternally held in thy heart. 248 Trinity—p. 304.] 19th P. M. 664,6664. COM: thou almighty King, Help us thy name to sing, us to praise! Father all glorious, O'er all victorious, Come, and º over us, Ancient of days. 2 Jesus, our Lord, arise, Scatter our enemies, And make them fall; Let thine almighty aid Our sure defence be made, Our souls on thee be stay’d; Lo r call ! 3 Come, thou incarnate Word, Gird on thy mighty sword, Our prayer attend; 220 REJOICING Come, and thy people bless, And give thy word success: Spirit of holiness, n us descend! 4 Come, holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear In this glad hour: And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power! 5 To the great One and Three Eternal praises be nce—evermore! ove and adore. 249 Solitude—p. 261.] 10th P. M. 8 lines & OW tedious and tasteless the hours, When Jesus no longer I see; Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flow'rs, Have all lost their sweetness to me; The midsummer sun shines but dim, The fields strive in vain to look gay; But when I am happy in Him, December's as pleasant as Ma 2 His name yields the richest perfume, And sweeter than music his voice; His presence disperses my gloom, And makes all within me rejoice; I should, were he always thus nigh, Have nothing to wish or y No mortal so happy as I, My summer would last all the year, AND PRAISE, 221 3 Content with beholding his face, o his pleasure resign'd; No changes of season or place ould make any change in my mind: While bless'd with a sense of his love, A palace a toy would appear; And prisons would palaces prove ifjesus would dwell with methere. 4 Dear Lord, if indeed I am thine, If thou art my sun and my song, why are my winters so long? 0 drive these dark clouds from my sky, y soul-cheering presence restore; Or take me to thee up on high, Where winter and clouds are no more. 250 Queensborough—p.242.19th P.M.8s and 7. Cº., thou Fount of every blessing, unemy heart to sing thy grace; Streams of mercy never ceasing Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand'ring from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed his precious blood! 3 0 to grace how great a debtor Daily I’m constrain'd to be! 222 REJOICING Let thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandºing heart to thee: r, Lord, I feel it; rone to leave the God I love- Here's º heart, O take and seal it; Seal it for thy courts above. 251 Burnham—p. 180.1 3d P. M. 46, & 28. sinners, c s Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me, We shall from all our sins be free. 2 Let others hug their chains, For sin and Satan plead, And say, from sin's remains hey never can be freed; Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me, We shall from all our sins be free. 3 In God we put our trust; If we our sins confess, Faithful is he, and just, From all unrighteousness To cleanse us all, both you and me: We shall from all our sins be free. On your triumphant brow: AND PRAISE. 223 fejoice in hope, rejoice with me, We shall from all our sins be free. 6 The word of God is sure, And never can remove : And perfected in love: Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me, We shall from all our sins be free. 7 Then let us gladly bring ur sacrifice of praise: Het us give thanks and sing, Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me, "We shall from all our sins be free. 252 Lisbon—p. 118.] S. M. While ye surround his throne. Let those refuse to sing never knew our God ; But servants of the heavenly King May speak their joys abroad. 2 The God that rules on high, That all the earth surveys, That rides upon the stormy sky, And calms the roaring seas; This awful God is ours, er and our love; He will send down his heavenly powers, o carry us above 3 There we shall see his face, And never, never sin; There from the rivers of his grace JDrink endless pleasures in: 224 REJORCING Yea, and before we rise To that immortal state, The thoughts of such amazing bliss Should constantjoys create. 4 The men of grace have found Glory begun below: Celestial fruit on earthly ground From faith and hope may grow : Then let our songs abound, r be dry: We're marching through Immanuel's ground, To fairer worlds on high. - 253 Portugal—p. 75.] L. M. HA. the man that finds the grace, The blessing of God's chosen race; The wisdom coming from above, The faith that sweetly works by love. 2 Happy beyond description he . Who knows “the Saviour died for me!” The ; unspeakable obtains, And heavenly understanding gains. 3 Wisdom divine ! who tells the price Of wisdom's costly merchandise? Wisdom to silver we prefer, ..And gold is dross compared to her. 4. Her hands are fill'd with length of days, True riches, and immortal praise: Riches of Christ on all bestow'd, And honour that descends from God. 5. To purest joys she all invites, Chaste, holy, spiritual delights; er ways are ways of pleasantness, . And all her flowery paths are peace. AND PRAISE. 225 6 Happy the man who wisdom gains: Thrice happy who his guest retains: He owns, and shall for ever own, Wisdom, and Christ, and heaven are one. 254 Devizes—p. 14.] C. M. HA. the souls to Jesus join'd, And saved by grace alone; Walking in all his ways, they find eir heaven on earth begun. 2 The church triumphant in thy love, Their mighty joys we know: They sing the Lamb in hymns above, And we in hymns below. 3 Thee in thy glorious realm they praise, And bow before thy throne : We, in the kingdom of thy grace: The kingdoms are but one. 4 The holy to the holiest leads; rom thence our spirits rise; And he that in thy statutes treads, Shall meet thee in the skies. 255 Wesley—p. 299.] 16th P.M. 11 12, 11 12. MY God, I am thine, what a comfort divine, . What a blessing to know that my Jesus is Intine In the heavenly Lamb, thrice lº I am; e And my heart doth rejoice at the sound of his Ilarºlē, 2 True pl bound in the raptu d; And whoever bath found it, hath #. found, My dear Jesus to know, and feel his blood flow It is life everlasting, * heaven below. º 226 REJOICING 3. Yet onward I haste to the heavenly feast; That, that is the fulness; but this is the taste! And this I shall prove, till with joy I remove To the heaven of heavens in Jesus's love. 256 Darwell—p. 187.1 3d P.M. 46s & 28. ET earth and heaven agree, ngels and men be join'd, To celebrate wit The Saviour of mankind: Tº adore the all-atoning Lamb, And bless the sound of Jesus' name. 2 Jesus! transporting sound ! The joy of earth and heaven: No other help is found, No other name is given, By which we can salvation have; JBut Jesus came the world to save. 3 Jesus! harmonious name ! It charms the hosts above; They evermore im, And wonder at his love? 'Tis all their happiness to gaze, 'Tis heaven to see our Jesus’ face. 4 His name the sinner hears, And is from sin set free; 'Tis music in his ears : 2Tis life and victory: New songs do now his tips employ, And dances his glad heart for joy. 5 Stung by the scorpion, sin, y poor expirin j The balmy sound drinks in, And is at once made whole: See there my Lord upon the treet I hear, I feel he died for me. AND PRAISE. 227 60 unexampled love! 0 all-redeeming grace . . How swiftly didst thou move To save a fallen race . What shall I do to make it known What thou for all mankind hast done? 7 Q for a trumpet voice, On all the world to call! was crucified : For all, for all my Saviour died. 257 Medford—p. 79.] L. M. Lº: how secure and bless'd are they Who feel the joys of pardon'd sin! Should storms of wrath shake earth and sea Their minds have heaven and peace within. 2 The day glides sweetly o'er their heads, Made up of innocence and love; And soft, and silent as the shade Their nightly minutes gently move. 3 Quick as their thoughts, their joys come on, But fly not half so swift away: * Their souls are ever bright as noon, And calm as summer evenings be. 4 How oft they look to th’ heavenly hills, ves of living pleasure grow ! And longing hopes, and cheerful smiles, Sit undisturb’d upon their brow. 5 They scorn to seek our golden toys, But spend the day, and share the night, In numb'ring o'er the richer joys That heaven prepares for their delight, 228 REJOICING 258 Kingston—p. 43.] C. M., THy ceaseless, unexhausted love, Unmerited and free, Delights our evil to remove, And help our misery. 2 Thou waitest to be gracious still, Thou dost with sinners bear: That saved, we may thy goodness feel, And all thy grace declare. 3 Thy goodness and thy truth to me, o every soul abound; A vast unfathomable sea, . . Where all our thoughts are drown'd. 4 Its streams the whole creation reach, So plentedus is the store; Enough for all, enough for each, Enough for evermore. 5 Faithful, O Lord, thy mercies are: A rºhat cannot move : A thousand promises declare Thy constancy of love. 6 Throughout the universe it reigns, Unalterably sure; And while the truth of God remains, His goodness must endure, 259 Carmarthen—p. 181.] 3d P.M.46s&28, EJOICE, the Lord is King; Your Lord and King adore; Mortals, give thanks and sing, g tri rmore; Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I say, rejoice. AND PRAISE. 229 2 Jesus, the Saviour, reigns, The God of truth and love; When he had purged our stains, e took his seat above; Lift up your hearts, &c. 3 His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o'er earth and heaven; The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus given; Lift up your hearts, &c. 4 He sits at God's right hand Till all his foes submit, And bow to his command, And fall beneath his feet; Lift up your hearts, &c. 5 He all his foes shall quell, Shall all our sins destroy: And every bosom swell With pure seraphic joy; Lift up your hearts, &c. To their eternal home; We soon shall hearth’ archangel's voice, The trump of God shall sound, Rejoice! 260 Holborn—p.293.] 14th P.M. 1011, 1011 O TELL me no more of this world's vain store, The time for such trifles with me now is o'er country I’ve found where true joys abound, o dwell I'm determined on that happy ground. 2 The souls that believe in paradise live And me in that number will Jesus receive º ^. 230 REJOICING My soul, don't delay—he calls thee away, Rise, follow thy Saviour, and bless the glad day. 3 No mortal doth know what he can bestow, What light, strength, and comfort—go after him, 3. - Lo, onward I move to a city above, , one guesses how wondrous my journey will p Wē, 4 Great spoils I shall win from death, hell, and sin "Midst outward afflictions shall feel Christ within: And when I’m to die, receive me, I'll cry, For Jesus hath loved me, I cannot tell why. 5 But this I do find, we two are so join'd, He'll not live in glory and leave me behind: So this is the race I’m running through grace, Henceforth—till admitted to see my Lord's face. 6 And now I'm in care, my neighbours may share These blessings: to seek them will none of you In bondage, O why, and death will you lie, When one here assures you free grace is so nigh? 261 Broomsgrove—p. 30.] C. M., MY God, the ºf of all my joys, - elights, The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights! 2 In darkest shades, if thou appear, My dawning is begun; Thou art my soul's bright morning star, And thou my rising sun. 3 The *. heavens around me shine With beams of sacred bliss, AND PRAISE. 231 If Jesus show his mercy mine, nd whisper I am his. 4 My soul would leave this heavy clay At that transporting word, Run up with joy the shining way, o see and praise my Lord. 5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I'd break through every foe; The wings of love and arms of faith Would bear me conqu'ror through. 262 Martin's Lane—p. 114.12d P. M.6 lines 8s I'H'. praise my Maker while I've breath, And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers; My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. 2 Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God; he made the s # earth, and seas, with all their train; His truth for ever stands secure; He saves th' oppress'd, he feeds the poor, And none shall find his promise vain. 3 The Lord pours eyesight on the blind; The Lord supports the fainting mind; He sends the labºring conscience peace; He helps the stranger in distress, he widow and the fatherless And, grants the prisoner sweet release. 4 I'll praise him while he lends me breath, d when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers; My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. 232 REJOICING 263 Lanesborough—p. 5. C. M. Lº every tongue thy goodness speak, Thou sovereign Lord of all; Thy strength'ning hands uphold the weak, And raise the poor that fall. 2. When sorrows bow the spirit down, When virtue lies distress'd : Beneath the proud oppressor's frown Thou giv'st the mourner rest. 3 Thou know'st the pains thy servants feel, Thou hearst thy children's cry; And their best wishes to fulfil Thy grace is ever migh. 4 Thy mercy never shall remove - eart sincere: Thou sav'st the souls whose humble love Isjoin'd with holy fear. 5 My lips shall dwell upon thy praise, d spread thy fame abroad; Let all the sons of Adam raise honours of their God. 264 Truro–p. 87.] L. M. PRAISE ye the Lord, 'tis good to raise Your hearts and voices in his praise: His nature and his works invite To make this duty our delight. 2. He form'd the stars, those heavenly flames; He counts their numbers, calls their names; His wisdom's vast, and knows no bound, A deep where all our thoughts are drown'd. 3. Sing to the Lord, exalt him high, Who spreads his clouds along the sky; AND PRAISE. 233 There he prepares the fruitful rain, Nor lets the drops descend in vain 4 He makes the grass the hills adorn; He clothes the smiling fields with corn : he beasts with food his hands supply, And the young ravens when they cry. 5. What is the creature's skill or force? The sprightly man, or warlike horse? The piercing wit, the active limbº Ali are too mean delights for him. 6 But saints are lovely in his sight, He views his children with delight; He sees their hope, he knows their fear, He looks, and loves his image there. 265 Otley—p. 208.] 5th P. M. 4 lines 7s. G|LººY be to God on high, God, whose glory fills the sky; Peace on earth to man forgiven, Man, the well-beloved of Heaven. 2 Sovereign Father, heavenly King, 'Thee we now presume to sing; Glad thine attributes confess, Glorious all, and numberless. 3 Hail, by all thy works adored : Hail, the everlasting Lord Thee with thankful hearts we prove, God of power, and God of love. 4 Christ our Lord and God we own, Christ, the Father's only Son; anº) 0 , for sinners slain, Saviour of offending man. 5 Bow thine ear, in mercy bow; Hear, the world's Atonement, thou! 234 REJOICING Jesus, in thy name we pray, ake, O take our sins away ! 6 Powerful Advocate with God, Justify us by thy blood; thine ear, in mercy bow, Hear, the world's Atonement, thou! 7 Hear, for thou, O Christ, alone, Art with thy great Father one; One the Holy Ghost with thee; One supreme eternal THREE. 266 Old Hundred—p. 87.1. L. M. Bºgº Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he destroy. 2 His sovereign power, without our aid, de us of clay and form'd us men And when like wand'ring sheep we stray'd, He brought us to his ſold again. High as And earth, with her ten thousand tongues Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. 4 Wide as the world is thy command; Vast as eternity thy love; Firm as a rock thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. 267 Templeton—p. 11. C. M. SAHATON ! 0 the joyful sound! What pleasure to our ears! A sovereign palm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. AND PRAISE. 235 Glory, honour, praise, and power, Be unto the Lamb for ever! Jesus Christ is our Redeemer ? Hallelujah! praise the Lord! 2 Salvation; let the echo fly he spacious earth around While all the armies of the Conspire to raise the sound. Glory, &c. 3 Salvation: 0 thou bleeding Lamb . . To thee the praise belongs: Salvation shall inspire our hearts, And dwell upon our tongues. Glory, &c. 268 old Hundred—p. 87.] L. M. 3. Thy praise shall sound %. shore to shore, Till sums shall rise and set no more. 2 Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring, In songs of praise divinely sing: The great salvation loud proclaim And shout for § the Saviour's name, In every land begin the song: To every land the strains belong; In cheerful sounds all voices raise, And fill the world with loudest praise. 269 Mount Pleasant—p. 4.1 c. M. CQM; let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 236 REJOICING 2 Worthy the Lamb that died, they cry, To be exalted thus: Worthy the Lamb, our hearts reply, For he was slain for us. 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine; And blessings more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever thine. 4 The whole creation join in one To bless the sacred m Of Him that sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. 270 God of Abram-p.311.121st P.M. 66,84,6884, TH: God of Abram praise, Who reigns enthroned above: Ancient of everlasting days, God of love: of love: JEHOVAH, GREAT I AM By earth and heaven confess'd; I bow, and bless the sacred name. or ever - 2 The God of Abrºam praise, At whose supreme command From earth I rise—and seek the joys At his right hand : I all on earth forsake, Its wisdom, fame, and power; And him my only portion make, My shield and tower. 3 The God of Abram praise, Whose all-sufficient grace Shall guide me all my happy days 13 ways : e calls a worm his friend ? He calls himself my God! AND PRAISE. 237 And he shall save me to the end Through Jesus' blood : 4 He by himself hath sworn; I on his oath depend; I shall, on eagles' jº upborne, And sing the wonders of his grace 271 Lexington—p. 64.] C. M. Y. Saviour, my almighty Friend, en I begin thy praise, Where will the growing numbers end? The numbers of thy grace. - 2 Thou art my everlasting trust; hy goodness I adore: Send down thy grace, O blessed Lord, That I may love thee more. 3 My feet shall travel all the length §. celestial road : And march with courage in thy strength, To see the Lord my God. 4 Awake! awake! my tuneful powers, With this delightful song, And entertain the darkest hours, Northink the season long. 272 Holstein—p.255.] 10th P.M. stines ss. THIS, this is the God we adore, - Our faithful, unchangeable Friend, Whose love is as great as his power, And neither knows measure nor end 238 REJOICING 'Tis Jesus, the First and the Last, Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home; We'll praise him for all that is past, And trust him for all that's to come. 273 Oliphant—p. 239.] 8th P. M. 87,87,47, O THOU God of my salvation, My Redeemer from all sin; Moved by thy divine compassion, Who hast died my heart to win, I will Fº thee, I will praise thee: Where shall I thy praise begin? 2 Though unseen, I love the Saviour; He hath brought salvation near: Manifests his pard'ning favour, And when Jesus doth appear, Soul and body Shall his glorious image bear. 3 While the angel choirs are crying, Glory to the great I AM . I with them will still be vying, ory ! glory to the Lamb : O precious Is the sound of Jesus' name : 4 Angels now are hov'ring round us, erceived they mix the throng, Wond'ring at the love that crown'd us, ad to join the holy song: Hallelujah, Love and praise to Christ belong : 5 Now I see with joy and wonder, Whence the gracious spring arose; Angel minds are lost to ponder Dying love's mysterious cause: et the blessing, n to all, to me it flows. AND PRAISE, 239 6 This hath set me all on fire; Strongly glows the flame of love; Higher mounts my soul, and higher, Struggles for its swift remove: hen I'll praise him, In a nobler strain above : 274 Arundel—p. 10.] C. M. HQ. happy every child of grace, Who knows his sins forgiven : This earth, he cries, is not my place, I seek my place in heaven: Yet 0 by faith I see; The land of rest, the saints' delight, The heaven prepared for me 20 what a blessed hope is ours! While here on earth we stay, We more than taste the heavenly powers, And antedate that day: Our life in Christ conceal’d, And with his glorious presence here ur earthen vessels fill’d. 30 would he more of heaven bestow ! And let the vessels break; And let our ransom'd spirits go, grasp we seek ; In raptºrous awe on him to gaze, Who bought the sight for me, And shout and wonder at his grace To all eternity. 275 Triumph—p. 320.1 25th P.M. 77,8777,87. EAD of the church triumphant, We joyfully adore thee; Till thou appear, thy members here Shall sing like those in glory: 240 REJOICING . We lift our hearts and voices With blest anticipation, And cry aloud, and give to God The praise of our salvation. 2 While in affliction's furnace, And passing through the fire, Thy love we praise which knows no days, And ever brings us nigher: We clap our hands exulting In thiné almighly favour: The love divine, which made us thine, an keep us thine for ever. 3 Thou dost conduct thy people Through torrents of temptation; Nor wiłł we fear, while thou art near, The fire of trihulation : - The world, with sin and Satan, - n vain our march opposes; By thee we shall break through them all, nd sing the song of Moses. We each, as dying Stephen, Shall see thee stand at God's right hand, To take us up to heaven. 276 Charing—p. 129.] S. M. LMIGHTY Maker, God, How glorious is thy name ! Thy wonders how diffused abroad, hroughout creation's frame ! 2 In native white and red e rose and lily stand, AND PRAISE. 241 And free from pride, their beauties spread, To show thy skilful hand. 3 The lark mounts up the sky, ith unambitious song; And bears her Maker's praise on high, Upon her artless tongue. - 4 Fain would I rise and sing o my Creator too: Fain would my heart adore my King, d give him praises due. 5 Descend, celestial fire, eixe me from above : Wrap me in flames of pure desire, A sacrifice of love. 6 Let joy and worship spend The remnant of my days: And to my God my soul ascend In sweet perfumes of praise. 277 Lyons—p.289.] 13th P.M. 1010, 1} 11. EJOICE evermore with angels above, In Jesus's power, in Jesus's º : “ With glad exultation your triumph proclaim, Aºi. salvation to God and the B. - 2 Thou, Lord, our relief in trouble hast been; Hast saved us from grief, hast saved us from sin; The power of thy Spirit hath set our hearts free, And now we inherit all fulness in thee, 3 All fulness of peace, all fulness of joy, And spiritual bliss that never shall cloy, o us it is given in Jesus to know, A kingdom of heaven, a heaven below. 4. No longer we join, while sinners invite, Nor envy the swine their brutish delight; 11 2:12 REJOICING Their joy is all sadness, their mirth is all vein, Thei ir laughter is madness, their pleasure is pain. 5.0 might they at last with sorrow return, The pleasure to taste for which they were born: us receiving, our happiness prove, Our Jes The joy of believing, the heaven of love. 278 Baltimore—p.318.] 24th P.M. 6666,8.6% YE simple souls that stra Far from theFº of peace, That unfrequented way To life and happiness: How long will ye your folly love, And throng the downward road, And hate the wisdom from above, And mock the sons of God! 2 Mad d #. . Ye count our lives beneath, And nothing great can see, Or glorious in our death : born to suffer and to grieve, Beneath your feet we lie; And utterly contemnºd we live, And unlamen ie. 3 Poor pensive sojourners erwhelm'd with griefand woes, Perplex'd with needless fears, And pleasure's mortal foes; More irksome than a gaping tomb, Our sight ye canno $ Wrapp'd in the melancholy gloom Of fanciful despair. 4. So wretched and obscure, The men whom ye despise, So foolish, weak, and poor, Above your scorn we rise; AND PRAISE, 243 Our conscience in the Holy Ghost an witness better things For He whose blood is all our boast Hath made us priests and kings 5 Riches unsearchable In Jesus' love we know, And pleasures from the well Of life our souls o'erflow : From him the Spirit we receive, Of wisdom, grace, and power, And always sorrowful we live, Rejoicing evermore. - A in d in t he ; h 3. n d g t h e y b 7 with him we walk in white; e : And claim, in virtue of our birth, A never-fading crown. 379 Zealand—p.288.1 nth P.M.76;t&n,76. OF. I in my heart have said, Mount to Christ, my glorious Head, bring him from the sky? Borne on contemplation's wing, Surely I shall find him there, 244 REJOICING Where the angels praise their King, And gain the morning star. 2 Oft I in my heart have said, Who e deep shall stoop, Sink with Christ among the dead, From thence to bring him up 2 By unfeign'd humility, Christ would quickly enter there, And ever dwell in me. 3 But the righteousness of faith Hath taught me better things; “Inward turn thine eyes,” it saith, while Christ to me it brings: “Christ is ready to impa ife to all for life who sigh: In thy mouth and in thy heart The word is ever migh. 280 Conquest—p. 315.] 22d P.M.88,88,84. Hº: how the gospel trumpet sounds? Through all the world the echo bounds, - Od Is bringing sinners back to God’; And guides them safely by his word To endless day. 2 Hail! all-victorious, conquering Lord! Be thou by all thy works adored, ho undertook for sinful man And brought salvation through thy name, That we with thee may ever reign In endless day. - Fight on, ye conquering souls, fight on! And when the conquest you have won, Then palms of victory you shall bear, And in his kingdom have a share; AND PRAISE. 245 \ And crowns of glory ever wear In endless day. 4.There we shall in full chorus join, With saints and angels all combine, To sing of his redeeming love, When rolling years shall cease to move, And this shall be our theme above, in endless day 281 M'Kendree—p.246.1 9th P.M. 87,87.87,87. HAP : thou once despised Jesus, Hail, thou everlasting King! Thou didst suffer to redeem us: Thou didst free salvation bring. Hail, thou agonizing Saviour, earer of our sin an t Py thy merits we find favour; Life is given through thy name. 2 Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our sins on thee were laid: By almighty love anointed, Thou hast full atonement made: All thy people are forgiven, Through the virtue of thy blood: Open'd is the gate of heaven; Peace is made 'twixt man and God. 3 Jesus, hail! enthroned in glory, There for ever to abide . . . All the heavenly hosts adore thee, Seated at thy Father's side: here for sinners thou art pleading, There thou dost our place prepare: Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 4 Worship, honour, power, and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive: 246 REjoicing Loudest praises withou Meet it is for us to give; . Help, ye bright angelic spirits, Bring your sweetest, noblestlays; Help to sing our Saviour's merits; elp to chant Immanuel's praise. 282 puren—p.287.1 13th P. M. 1010, 1111. O WHAT shall I do my Saviour to praise! So faith ful and true, soP. In grace; So strong to deliver, so good to redee ceasing, We The weakest believer that hangs upon him. 2 How happy the man whose heart is set free! The people that can be joyful in thee: Their joy is to walk in the light of thy face; And still they are talking of Jesus's grace. 3 Their daily delight shall be in thy name; hey shall as their right thy righteousness claim: Thy righteousness wearing, and cleansed by thy blood, Bold shall they appear in the presence of God. 4 For thou art their boast, their glory, and power, And I also trust to see the glad hour, My soul's new creation, a life from the dead, The day of salvation that lifts up my head. 5 For Jesus, my Lord, is now my defence; , I trust in his word, none plucks me from thence ; Since I have found favour, he all things will do; King and my Saviour shall make me anew. Yes, Lord, I shall see the bliss of thine own; Thy secret to me shall soon be made known; Or sorrow an ness I joy shall receive, And share in the gladness of all that believe, AND PRAISE, 24? 283 Atlantic—p. 105.1 L. M. INº thy gracious hands I fall, And with the arms of faith embrace; O King of glory, hear my call ! 0 raise me, heal me by thy grace! Now righteous through thy grace I am : o condemnation now I dread; H taste salvation in thy name; Alive in thee, my living head. 2 Still let thy wisdom be my guid Nor lake thy flight from me away; Mº - ill perfect I am found in thee. 3 Arm me with thy whole armour, Lordi Support my weakness with thy might; Gird on my thigh thy conqu'ring sword, And shield me in the threatºning fight: From faith to faith, from grace to grace, So in thy strength shall I go on ; Tii heasºn and earthfiee from thy face, 284 Acton—p. 88.] L. M. THE day of Christ, the day of God, We humbly hope with joy to see, Wash'd in the sanctifying blood Of an expiring Deity: 2 Who did for us his life resign: ere is no other ut one; For all the plenitude divine Resides in the eternal Son. 248 REJOICING 3 Spotless, sincere, without offence, may we to his day remain : Who trust the blood of Christ to cleanse souls from every sinful stain. 4 Lord, we believe the promise sure! The purchased Comforter impart: Apply thy blood to make us pure: To keep us pure in life and heart! 5 Then let us see that day supreme, When none thy Godhead shall deny; T; sovereign Majesty blaspheme, r count thee less than the Most High . 6 When all who on their God believe, here thy last appearing love, Shall thy consummate joy receive, see thy glorious face above. 285 Plymouth Dock—p. 148.] Istp.M.6linus. L0 ! God is here let us adore, And own how dreadful is this place! Let all within us feel his power, And silent bow before his face : Who know his power, his grace who prove, Serve him with awe, with rev'rence love. 2 Lo! God is here ! him day and night Th’ united choirs of angels sing; To him enthroned above all height, Heaven's host their noblest praises bring; Disdain not, , our meaner song, Who praise thee with a stamm'ring tongue. 3 Gladly the toys of earth we leave th, pleasure, fame, for thee alone; To thee out will, soul, flesh, we give, O seal them for thine own . Thou art the God, thou art the Lord: Re thou by all thy works adoredº, AND PRAISE. 249 4 Being of beings! may our praise Thy courts with grateful fragrance fill: Still may we stand before thy fac Still hear and do thy sovereign will:- To thee may all our thoughts arise, Ceaseless, accepted sacrifice 5 In thee we move :-all things of thee Are full, thou source and life of all Thou vast unfathomable sea ; (Fall prostrate, lost in wonder fall, Ye Sons of men for - ) All may we lose, so thee we gain! . 6 As flowers their op'ning leaves display, And glad drink in the solar fire, So Inay we catc y every ray, o may thy influence us inspire; Thou beam of the eternal beam : Thou purging fire, thou quick'ning flame ! 286 Burnham—p. 180.] 3d P.M.46s&28. The Lord of earth and sky: Him Three in One, and One in Three, Extol to all eternity. 2 The universal King Let all the world proclaim; Let every creature sing His attributes and name ! im Three in One, and One in Three, Extol to all eternity. 3 In his great name alone ll excellences meet: Who sits upon the throne, nd shall for ever sit : 11 * 250 REJOICING Him Three in One, and One in Three, ty. Extol to all etermity 4 Glory to God belongs; Glory d be given; Above the noblest songs, Of all in earth and heaven: Him Three in One, and One in Three, Extol to all etermity. 287 Milton—p. 145.1 st P.M.6 liness. AND can it be that I should gain An interest in the Saviour's blood P Died he for me, who caused his pain? For me, who him to death pursued 2 Amazing love! how can it be That thou, my Lord, shouldst die for me ! 2 Tis mystery all! th? Immortal dies! Who can explore his strange design : In vain the first-born sera - Emptied himself of all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race; 'Tis mercy all, immense and free, For, O my dºi, it found out me ! 4 Long my imprison'd spirit lay, Fast bound in sin and nature’s night: Thine eye diffused a quick’ning ray; .. I woke; the dungeon flamed with light! My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and follow'd thee. AND PRAISE. 251 5 No condemnation now I dread, Jesus, and all in him is mine! Alive in him, my living Head, , And clothed in righteousness divine, Bold I approach th' eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ, my own. 288 Triumph—p.820.] 25th P.M.77,877,87. JEğ. take all the glory ! Thy meritorious passion The pardon bought, ſhy mercy brought To us the t salvation. - Thee gladly we acknowledge Our only Lord and Saviour, Thy name confess, thy goodness bless, * 2. With angels and archangels We prostrate fall before thee; Again we raise our souls in praise, And thankfully adore thee. Honour, and power, and blessing, To thee be ever given By all who know love below, And all our friends in heaven. 289 Brewer—p. 76.] L. M. JESS, thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress: "Midst flaming worlds in these array'd, With joy shall I lift up my head. 2 Bold shall I stand in thy great º; For who aught to my charge shall lay? Fully absolved through these I am, rom sin and fear, from guilt and shame. 3 The holy, meek, unspotted Lamb, Who from the Father's bosom came; 252 REJOICING Who died for me, even me tº atone, Now for my Lord and God I own. 4 Lord, I believe thy precious blood, Which at the mercy seat of God For ever doth for sinners plead, even for my soul was shed. 5 Lord, I believe, were sinners more Than sands upon the ocean shore, Thou hast for ALL a ransom paid, For ALL a full atonement made. 290 Woodbridge—p. 253.] 10th P.M.8lines 8. A. FOUNTAIN of life and of grace In Christ, our Redeemer, we see: The streams of immortal delight hat flow from his heavenly throne. As soon as in him we believe, By faith of his Spirit we take: And, freely forgiven, receive The mercy for Jesus's sake! e gain a pure drop of his love; The life of eternity know ; Angelical happiness prove, nd witness a heaven below. 291 Fremmington—p. 167.] ist P.M.6line,8. WHAT am I, O thou glorious God . And what my Father's house to thee? That thou such mercies hast bestow'd n me, the vilest reptile, me! I take the blessing from above, And wonder at thy boundless love, AND PRAISE. 253 2 Me in my blood thy love pass'd by, And stopp'd, my ruin to retrieve; Wept o'er my soul thy pitying eye; wels yearn'd, and sounded, “Live!” Dying, I heard the welcome sound, ...And pardon in thy mercy found. 3 Honour, and might, and thanks, and praise, I render to my pardining God . Extol the riches of thy grace, d spread thy saving name abroad; That only name to sinners given Which lifts poor dying worms to heaven. 4 Jesus, I bless thy gracious power, And all within me shouts thy name; Thy name let every soul adore, Thy power let every tongue proclaim : Thy grace let every sinner know, And find in thee their heaven below. 292 Josiah—p.263.] 11th P.M. 76,767,76 EET and right it is to sing, In every time and place, Glory to our heavenly King, 'The God of truth and grace, Join we then with sweet accord, All in one thanksgiving join: Holy, holy, holy Lord, Eternal praise be thine! 2 Thee, the first-born sons of light, In choral symphonies, Praise by day, day without night, And never, never cease; Angels, and archangels, al Praise the mystic Three in One; Sing, and stop, and gaze, and fal O'erwhelm'd before thy throne : 254 REJOICING 3 § with that heavenly choir, ho chant thy praise above; We on eagles' wings aspire, The wings of faith and love; Thee they sing, with § crown'd; We extol the slaughter'd Lamb; Lower if our voices sound, Our subject is the same. 4 Father, God, thy love we praise, ich gave thy Son to die; Alike we glorify; Spirit, Comforter divine, Praise by all to thee be given, Till we in full chorus join, - And earth is turn'd to heaven. 293 Olmutz—p. 124.] S. M. FATHºl. in whom we live, In whom we are and move, The glory, power, and praise receive Of thy creating love. 2 Let all the angel throng Give thanks to God on º While earth repeats the joyful song, And echoes through the sky. 3 Incarnate Deity, Let all the ransom'd race Render in thanks their lives to thee, For thy redeeming grace: 4 The grace to sinners show’d Ye heavenly choirs proclaim, And cry, Salvation to our God, Salvation to the Lamb . AND PRAISE. 255 5 Spirit of holiness, Let all thy saints adore Thy sacred energy, and bless Thy heart-renewing power. 6 Not angel tongues can tell Thy love's ecstatic height The glorious joy unspeakable, The beatific sight : 7 Eternal triune Lord, Let all the hosts above, Let all the sons of men, record, And dwell upon thy love: 8 When heaven and earth are fled Before thy glorious face, • Sing, all the saints thy love hath made, Thine everlasting praise! 294 Benevento–p. 222.] 7th P. M. 81ines 7s. 0’tis more than tongue can tell Only to believers shown Glorious and unspeakable. 2 Christ, our Brother and our Friend, e; 256 REJorcing . 295 Conway—p. 1.] C. M. O TIS delight, without alloy, Jesus, to hearthy name; My spirit leaps with inward joy, I feel the sacred flame. 2 My passions hold a pleasing reign, When love inspires my breast, Love, the divinest of the train, The sovereign of the rest. 3 This is the grace must live and sing hen faith and hope shall cease Must sound from every joyful string Through the sweet groves of bliss. 4 Let life immortal seize my clay; Let love refine my blood; er flames can bear my soul away, Can bring me near my God. 5 Swift I ascend the heavenly place, And hasten to my home, I leap to meet thy kind embrace, I come, O Lord, I come. 6 Sink down, ye separating hills, Let sin and death remove : 'Tis love that drives my chariot wheels, And death must yield to love. 296 New-Bedford—p. 19.3 c. M. THE wisdom own’d by all thy sons, AND PRAISE. 257 297 2 'Tis life, eternal life, to know The heavenly persons mine: Father, and Son, and Spirit bestow That precious faith divine! A Trinity in unit My soul shall them adore: And love, and praise, and worship thee, JEHOVAH, evermore. Gilead—p. 264.] 11th P. M.76,76, 77,76. GQº of Israel's faithful three, Who braved the tyrant's ire, Nobly scorn'd to bow the knee, And walk’d unhurt in fire : Breathe their faith into my breast; in this fiery hour; Stand, O Son of man, confess'd In all thy saving power! 2 For while thou, my Lord, art nigh, My soul disdains to fear; Sin and Satan I de Still impotently near; Earth and hell their wars may wage, Calm I mark their vain design; Smile to see them idly rage Against a child of thine. 3 Unto thee, my ºf: my hope, y safeguard, and my tower, Confident I still look up, d still receive thy power; All the alien's host I chase, last and scatter with mine eyes; Satan comes; I turn my face; And, lo! the tempter flies: 4 Sin in me, the inbred foe, while subsists in chains 258 REJoicing AND PRAISE. But thou all thy power shalt show, And slay its last remains; Thou hast conquer'd my desire, Thou shalt quench it with thy blood; Fill me with a purer fire, And make me all like God. 298 New Sabbath—p. 921 L. M. THE spacious firmament on º With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, (a shining frame,) Their great Original proclaim: Th'unwearied sun from day to day Both his Creator's power display, And publishes to every lan The work of an Almighty hand. 2 Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly to the list'ning ear §º. the story of her birth: While all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. 3 What though in solemn silence, all Move round the dark terrestrial ball; What though no real voice nor sound Amid the radiant orbs be found; For ever singing as they shine, * The hand that made us is divine.” ^* For FULL REDEMPTION. 259 FOR F U L L RED EMPTION. 299 Spaulding—p.206.] 5th P.M.4 lines 7s. JESS comes with all his grace, Comes to save a fallen race; Object of our glorious hope, Jesus comes to lift us up ! 2 Let the living stones cry out; Let the sons of Abrºam shout: Praise we all our lowly King; Give him thanks; rejoice and sing. 3. He hath our salvation wrought; He our captive souls hath bought; He hath reconciled to God : He hath wash’d us in his blood. 4. We are now his lawful right; Walk as children of the light: We shall soon obtain the grace, Pure in heart to see his face. 5 We shall gain our calling's prize; After God we all shall rise, Fill'd with joy, and love, and peace, Perfected in holiness. 6 Let us then rejoice in hope, Steadily to Christ look up; Trust to be redeem'd from sin, Wait, till he appear within. 7 Fools and madmen let us be, Yet is our sure trust in thee: Faithful is the promised word, We shall all be as our Lord Hasten, Lord, the perfect day: Let thy ev'ry servant say, 260 For FULL REDEMPTION. “I have now obtain'd the power, Born of God to sin no more.” 300 Derby New—p. 93.] L. M. O JESUS, full of truth and grace, all-atoning Lamb of God, I wait to see thy lovely face I seek redemption in thy blood! 2 Now in thy strength I strive with thee, My Friend and Advocate with God; Give me the glorious º Grant me the purchase of thy blood. 3 Thou art the anchor of my hope, The faithful promise I receive; Surely thy death shall raise me up For thou hast died that I might live. m the gospel hope can move; I shall receive the graciousE.; And find the pearl of perfect love. 5 My flesh, which cries, “It cannot be,” Shall silence keep before the Lord; And earth, and hell, and sin shall flee At Jesus' everlasting word. 301 Benson—p. 105.] L. M. COM; Saviour, Jesus, from above: Assist me with thy heavenly grace; Empty my heart of earthly love, And for thyself prepare the place. 2 Q let thy sacred presence fill And set my longing spirit free; Which pants to have no other will, But night and day to feast on thee. For FULL REDEMPTION. 261 * 3 while in this region here below, o other good will I pursue: - I'll bid this world of noise and show, ith all its glitt'ring snares, adieu. 4 That path with humble speed I'll seek, In which my Saviour's footsteps shine, Nor will I hear, nor will I speak, Of any other love but thine. 5 Henceforth may no profane delight Divide this consecrated soul; Possess it thou, who hast the right, Lord and Master of the whole, 6 Nothing on earth do I desire But thy pure love within my breast; This, only this, will I require, And freely give up all the rest. 302 Southfield—p. 121.J. S. M. THE thing my God doth hate, That I no more may do, Thy creature, Lord, again create, nd al reſlew : My soul shall then, like thine, bhor the thing unclean, And, sanctified by love divine, or ever cease from sin. 2 That blessed law of thine, esus, to impart, The Spirit's law of life divine, write it in my heart! en The law of liberiy from sin, The perfect law of love. 3 Thy nature be my law, Tby spotless sanctity; 262 For FULL REDEMPTION, And sweetly every moment draw My happy soul to thee, Soul of my soul, remain : Who didst for all fulfil, In me, O Lord, fulfil again Thy heavenly Father's will. 303 Canterbury New—p. 52.J. C. M. FOR a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free! A heart that always feels thy blood, So freely spilt for me. 2 A heart resign'd, submissive, meek, * My great Redeemer's throne: Where only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone 3 O for a lowly, contrite heart, ieving, , and clean? Which neither life nor death can part From Him that dwells within: 4. A heart in every thought renew’d, And full of love divine; Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, A copy, Lord, of thine. 5 Thy tender heart is still the same, And melts at human wo; . Jesus, for thee distress'd I am, I want thy love to know. 6 My heart thou know'st can never rest, Till thou create my peace; Till of my Eden repossess'd, - From every sin Icease. 7 Fruit of thy gracious lips, on me Bestow that peace unknºwn; * FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 263 The hidden manna, and the tree . Of life, and the white stone 8 Thy mature, gracious Lord, impart, Come quickly from above; Write thy new name upon my heart, Thy new, best name of love. 304 Framingham—p. 166.] 1st P. M. 6 lines 83. THQ. hidden love of God, whose height, Whose depth unfathom’d, no man knows, I see from far thy beauteous light, nly I sigh for thy repose: My heart is pain'd, nor can it be At rest, till it find rest in thee. 2 Thy secret voice invites me still The sweetness of thy yoke to prove; And fain I would; but though my will Seem wide my passions rove; Yet hind’rances strew all the way; I aim at thee, yet from 3 Tis mercy all, that thou hast brought My mind to seek her peace in thee! Yet while I seek, but find thee not o peace my wand'ring soul shall see ; 0 when shall all my wand'rings end, And all my steps to thee-ward tendl 4 is there a thing beneath the sun That strives with thee my heart to share Ah, tear it thence, and reign alone, h rd of every motion there : Then shall my heart from earth be free, When it hath found repose in thee. 5 Q hide this self from me, that I No more, but Christ in me may live! *::: affections cruci 3. or let one darling lust survive! 264 For FULL REDEMPTION. In all things nothing may I see, Nothing desire or seek but thee! 6 O Love, thy sovereign aid impart, o save me from low-thoughted care; Chase this self-will through all my heart, Through all its latent mazes the Make me thy duteous child, that I Ceaseless may Abba, Father, cry. 7 Ah no; ne'er will I backward turn: O help, that I may never move From the blest footsteps of thy love! 8 Each moment draw from earth away To feel thy power, to hearthy voice, To taste thy love, be all my choice. 305 Stephens—p. 50.] C. M. OR ever here my rest shall be, Close to thy bleeding side; This all my hope, and all my plea, For me the Saviour died. 2 My dying Saviour, and my God, Fountain for guilt and sin inkle me ever with thy blood, And cleanse and keep me clean. 3 Wash me, and make me thus thine own; Wash me, and mine thou art: Wash me, but not my feet alone, My hands, my head, my heart. FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 265 4 Th” atonement of thy blood appl Till faith to sight improve; pply, Till hope in full fruition die, And all my soul be love. 306 Lancaster—p. 64.] C. M. ESUS, my life, thyself appl J Thºi, y Špirit . y; My vile affections crucify, onform me to thy death. 2 Conqu'ror of hell, and earth, and sin, Still with the rebel strive : Enter my soul and work within And kill and make alive. 8 More of thy life, and more I have, * B As the old #. ury me, Saviour, in thy grave #: I'with thee may rise. 3. 4 Reign in me, Lord, thy foes control, Who would not own thy sway; Diffuse thine image through my soul, Shine to the perfect day. 5 Scatter the last remains of sin, me thine abode: 0 make me glorious all within, A temple built by God. 307 Philadelphia—p.21215th P.M.4 line". HQ. Lamb, who thee receive, Who in thee begin to live, Day and night they cry to thee, ou art, so let us bel 2 Jesus, see my panting breast! See I pant in thee to rest! * * 12 266 Fort FULL REDEMPTION. Gladly would I now be clean; Cleanse me now from every sin. Earthly passions far remove; Swallow up my soul in love. 4. Dust and ashes though we be, Full of sin and misery, Thine we are, thou Son of God; Take the purchase of thy blood! 5. Who in heart on thee believes, He th” atonement now receives: He with joy beholds thy face, Triumphs in thy pard’ning grace. 6 See, ye sinners, see the flame, Rising from the slaughter'd Lamb, ks the new, the living way, Leading to eternal day. 7 Jesus, when this light we see, l, our soul's athirst for thee; When thy quick’ning power we prove, All our heart dissolves in love. 8 Boundless wisdom, power divine, Love unspeakable are thine; Praise by all to thee be given, Sons of earth, and hosts of heaven. 308 Irene—p. 307.1 20th P. M. 66,77,77. ESUS, thou art our King! o me thy succour bring- Christ the mighty One art thou, Help for all on thee is laid : This the word; I claim it now; Send me now the promised aid. FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 267 2 High on º Father's throne, look with pity down: Help, Q help, attend my call, Captive lead captivity: King of glory, Lord of all, Christ, be forá, be King to me ! 3 I pant to feel thy sway, And only thee tº obey; Thee my spirit gasps to meet: This my one, my ceaseless prayer, Make, 0 make my heart thy seat; 0 set up thy kingdom there! 4 Triumph and reign in me, pread thy victory; 309 Paradise—p. 40.] C. M. Lº, I believe thy every word, hy every promise true; And lo! I wait on thee, my Lord, . Till I my strength renew. 2 If in this feeble flesh I may while show forth thy praise, Jesus, support the totl’ring clay, And lengthen out my days. 3 If such a worm as I can spread e common Saviour's name, Let him who raised thee from the dead Quicken my mortal frame. 4 Still let me live thy blood to show, Which purges every stain; 268 For För, L. REDEMPTION. And #. linger out below A few more years in pain. - 5 Spare me till I my strength of soul, ill I thy love retrieve: . . Till faith shall make my spirit whole, And perfect soundness give. - 6 For this in steadfast hope I wait, ow, Lord, my soul restore; Now the new heavens and earth create, And I shall sin no more. 310 Love Divine—p.245.19th P.M.87,878787, Lº; divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heaven to earth come £wn; Fix in us thy humble dwelling, All thy faithful mercies crewn Jesus, thou art all compassion, ure unbounded love thou art; Visit us with thy salvation; Enter every trembling heart. 2 Breathe, O breathe thy loving Spirit, Into every troubled breast ! Let us all in thee inherit, àt us t second rest. Take away our bent to sinning, Alpha an be, End of faith as its beginning, Set our hearts at liberty. 3 Come, almighty to deliver, Let us all thy life receive, Suddenly return, and fiewer, Never more thy temples leave: For FULL REDEMPTION. 269 311 Forest—p. 76.] L. M. O THAT my load of sin were gone! O that I could at last submit, At Jesus' feet to lay it down! o lay my soul at Jesus' feet! 2 Rest for my soul I long to find: Saviour of all, if mine thou art Give me thy meek and lowly mind, And stamp thine image on my heart. 8 Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit free; I cannot rest till . within, Till I am wholly lost in thee. 4 Fain would I learn of thee, my God, Thy light and easy burden prove; The cross all stain'd with hallow'd blood, The labour of thy dying love. 5 I would, but thou must give the power; My heart from every sin release; Bring near, bring near the joyful hour, And fill me with thy perfect peace. 6 Come, Lord, the j sinner cheer, Nor let thy chariot wheels delay: p in my poor heart appear y God, my Saviour, come away! 270 For FULL REDEMPTION. 312 Damascus—p. 225.1 7th P. M.8 kma". LIGHT of life, seraphic fire, Love divine, thyself impart: Every fainting soul inspire; Shine in every drooping heart: Every mournful sinner cheer, Scatter all our guilty gloom: Son of God, appear! appear! To thy human temples come. 2 Come in this accepted hour: Bring thy heavenly kingdom in; Filt us with thy glorious power, e se • Nothing more can we require, e will covet nothing less; Be thou all our heart's desire, our joy, and all our peace, 313 Hotham—p. 223.] 7th P.M. sline, 7. OD of .# grace, By thy pard'ning love compell’d, Up to thee our souls we rais Up to thee our bodies yield; Thou our sacrifice receive, Acceptable through thy Son, While to thee alone we live While we die to thee alone. 2 Meet it is, and just, and right, hat we should be wholly thine; In thy only will delight, In thy blessed service join: O that every work and o g Still be written on our heart! FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 271 314 St. Jago—p. 50.] C. M. Lº Him to whom we now belong His sovereign right assert! 2 He justly claims us for his own, Who bought us with a price: The Christian lives to Christ alone, o Christ alone he di 3 Jesus, thine own at last receive, ulfil our heart's desire; And let us to thy glory live, And in thy cause expire! 4 Our souls and bodies we resign; ith joy we render thee Our all, no longer ours, but thine To all eternity. -- * 315 Plymouth Dock—p.148.1 isºm.6liness. EHOLD, the servant of the Lord 1 I wait # guiding eye to feel, . ep thy eve ? To prove and do thy perfect will; Joyful from my own works to cease, Glad to fulfil all righteousness. 2 Me, if thy grace vouchsafe to use, Meanest # all thy creatures, me, The deed, the time, the manner choose; all my fruit be found of thee; Let all my works in thee be wrought, By thee to full perfection brought. 3 My every weak, though good design, §:or change, as seems thee meet; Jesus, let all my work be thine! Thy work, O Lord, is all complete, 272 For FULL REDEMPTION. And pleasing in thy Father's sight; Thou only hast done all things right. Serve with a single heart and eye, And to thy glory live and die. 316 stanton—p.215.] 6th P. M. 6 lines 7s. FAº Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One, As by the célestial host, Let thy will on earth be done; Praise by all to thee be given, Gracious Lord of earth and heaven, 2 Wilest of the sinful race, ! I answer to thy call: Meanestºvessel of thy grace, Grace divinely free for all; Lo! I come to do thy will All thy counsel to fulfil. 3 If so poor a worm as I . May to thy great glory live, All my actions sanctify, ords and thoughts receive; Claim me for thy serviee, claim e; 4 Take my soul and body's powers: ake my memory, mind, and will: All my goods, and all my hours, All I know, and all I feel; All I think, or speak, or do; Take my heart, but make it newl 5 Now, my God, thine own I am, Now I give thee back thine own: FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 273 Freedom, friends, and health, and fame, Consecrate to thee alone: Thine I live, thrice happy I: Happier still if thmeiºſi. . . 6 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, - ree, and Three in One, n e Praise by all to thee be given, Glorious Lord of earth and heaven! 317 Golden Hill—p. 120.] S. M. JESS, my Truth, my Way, Mys igh On thee my feeble steps I stay which thou will idearight. 2 My Wisdom and my Guide, My Counsellor thou art; 0 never let me leave thy side, Or from thy paths depart. 3 I lift mine eyes to thee, Thou gracious bleeding Lamb, That I may now enlighten’d be, And never put to shame. 4 Never will I remove Out of thy hands my cause; But rest in thy redeeming love, An g upon thy cross. 5 Teach me the happy art, In all things to depend On thee; O never, Lord, depart, But love me to the end. 6 Still stir me up to strive With thee in strength divine; .12% 274 For FULL REDEMPTION. And every moment, Lord, revive This fainting soul of mine. 7 Persist to save my soul Throughout the fiery hour, Till I am every whit made whole, And show forth all thy power. 8 Through fire and water bring Into the wea acé 3, And teach me the new song to sing, hen perfected in grace? 90 make me all like thee, Before I hence remove . Settle, confirm, and 'stablish me, And build me up in love. 10 Let me thy witness live, When sin is all destroyd; And then my spotless soul receive, And take me home to God. 318 Canterbury New—p. 52.1 C. M. MY God, I know, I feel thee mine, And will not quit my claim, Till all I have is lost in thine, And all renew’d I am 2 I hold thee with a trembling hand, And will not let thee go, Till steadfastly by faith I stand, And all thy goodness know. 3 Jesus, thine sº love road : Then shall my feet no longer rove, Rooted and fix’d in God. 4 O that in me the sacred fire Might now begin to glow : For FULL REDEMPTION. 275 Burn up the dross of base desire, And make the mountains flow : 50 that it now from heaven might fall, all my sins consume: Come, Holy Ghost, for thee I call, Spirit of burning, come. 6 Refining fire, go through my heart, Illuminate my soul; Scatter thy life through every part, And sanctify the whole. I only live my God tº admire, ſy God for ever bless'd : 8 My steadfast soul, from falling free, Shall then no longer move; But Christ be all the world to me, And all my heart be love. 319 Auburn—p.260. 10th P.M. slines 8. WHAT now is my object and aim P What now is my hope and desire? To follow the heavenly Lamb, On earth thy salvation to see, d then to enjoy it above. 2 I thirst for a life-giving God, A God that on Calvary died: .A fountain of water and blood That gush'd from immanuel's side: I gasp for the streams of thy love, The spirit of rapture unknown: 276 for FULL REDEMPTION. 320 Mendom—p. 279.1 12th P. M. 76,7678,16. EVER fainting with desire fºr the ºchrist faii; Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love. Lamentin y days Shali I never, never know tifying graç y sanctifyin e 2 Wilt thou not thy light afford, The darkness from my soul remove? Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love 3 Lord, if I on thee believe, Thy§. love impart;. With th' indwelling Spirit give A new, a contrite heart; If with love thy heart be stored, If now o'er me thy bowels move, Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love. 4 Let me gain my calling's hope, O make the sinner clean : Dry corruption's fountain up, %. off th? entail of sin : Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love. 5 Thou, my life, my treasure be, My portion here below: FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 277 Nothing would I seek but thee, M hee only would I know : exceeding great reward § heaven on earth, my heaven above: Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love. 6 Grant me now the bliss to feel “ Of those that are in thee Son of God, thyself reveal, Engrave name on me! As in heaven, be here adored, let me now the promise prove, Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love, 321 Spring Grove—p.165. 1st P.M., 6 lines & FIRST PART. ESUS, thy boundless love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare; 0 knit my thankful heart to thee, nd reign without a rival there ! Thine wholly, thine alone I am; Be thou alone my constant flame. 20 grant that nothing in my soul May dwell, but thy pure love alone! may thy love ess Ine who yjoy, my treasure, and my crown! Strange flames far from my heart remove, My every act, word, thought, be love. - -- 3 Qlove, how cheering is thy ray: 1 pain before thy presence flies; Care, anguish, sorrow, melt away, Where'er thy healing beams arise; Q Jesus, nothing may I see, Nothing desire or seek but thee! w 278 FoR FULL REDEMPTION. 4 Unwearied may I this pursue, Dauntless to the high prize aspire; Hourly with, n my soul renew This holy flame, this heavenly fire: And day and night be all my care To guard the sacred treasure there. SECOND PART, MY Saviour, thou thy love to m I - e n shame, in want, in pain, hast show'd; For me, on the accursed tree, Thou pouredst forth thy guiltless blood! Thine image on my heart impress, Nor aught shall the loved stamp efface. 2 More hard than marble is my heart, And foul with sins of deepest stain; But thou the mighty Saviour art; or flow'd thy cleansing blood in vain. Ah, soften, melt this rock, and may Thy blood wash all these stains away! 3 O that I, as a little child May follow thee and never rest, Till sweetly thou hast breathed thy mild And lowly mind into my breast; Nor ever may we parted be, Till I become one spirit with thee. 4 Still let thy love point out my way; How wondrous things thy love hath wrought; Still lead me, lest I go astray: irect my work, inspire my thought; And if I fall, soon may I hear Thy voice, and know that love is near. 5 In suff'ring be thy love my peace, In weakness be thy love my power; FoR FULL REDEMPTION. 279 And when the storms of life shall cease, Jesus, in that important hour, In death as life be thou my guide, And save me, who for me hast died. 322 Spring—p.206.] 5th P.M.4 linests. SAM19A of the sin-sick soul, Give me faith to make me whole; Finish th twork of grace; Cut it short in righteousness. 2. Speak the second time, “Be clean!” Take away my inbred sin: Every stumbling-block remove; Cast it out by perfect love. 3. Nothing less will I require, Nothing more can I desire; None but Christ to me be given; None but Christ in earth or heaven. 40 that I might now decrease; 0 that all I am might cease ! Let me into nothing fall! Let my Lord be all in all! 323 Jordan—p. 54.] C. M. Loºp, I believe a rest remains T thy people known; . A rest where pure enjoyment reigns, And thou art loved alone: 2 A rest where all our soul's desire Is fix’d on things above; - Where fear, and sin, aud grief expire, Cast out by perfect love. 30 that I now the rest might know, º Believe and enter in . 280 For FULL REDEMPTION. . Now, Saviour, now the power bestow, And let me cease from sin! 4 Remove this hardness from my heart, This unbelief remove : To me the rest of faith impart, The sabbath of thy love. 5 I would be thine, thou know'st I would, And have the affi my own; Thee, O my all-sufficient good! I want, and thee alone . 6 Thy name to me, thy nature grant: This, only this be given: Nothing besides my God I want; Nothing in earth or heaven. 7 Come, O my Saviour, come away ! Into my soul descend! No ğ. from thy creature stay, My Author and my End 8 The bliss thou hast for me prepared, No longer be delay'd, p Come, my exceeding great Reward, For whom I first was made. 9 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, And seal me thine abode : Let all I am in thee be lost; Let all be lost in God . 324 Jerusalem—p. 31.] C. M. O JOYSUL sound of gospel grace, Christ shall in me appear! I, even I, shall see his face; I shall be holy here. 2 The glorious crown of righteousness To me reach'd out I view; For FULL REDEMPTION. 28t Conqu'ror through him, I soon shall seize, .A. it as my due. 3 The promised land from Pisgah's top I now exult to see: My hope is full (0 glorious hope I) Of immortality. 4 He visits now the house of clay; e shakes his future home: 0 wouldst thou, Lord, on this glad day, Into thy temple come! 5 With me, I know, I feel thou art; But this cannot suffice, Unless thou plantest in my heart A constant paradise. 6 My earth thou water'st from on high, But make it all a pool : Spring up, O well, ſever cry, Spring up within my soul! 7 Come, O my God, thyself reveal, Fill aſ this mighty void; Thou only canst . spirit fill: Come, O my God, my God! 325 Piety—p. 56.] C. M. Jº hath died that I might live, Might live to God alone; In him eternal life receive, d be in spirit one. 2 Saviour, I thank thee for the grace, The gift unspeakable; d wait with arms of faith tº embrace, And all thy love to feel. 3 My soul breaks out in strong desire The perfect bliss to prove; 282 For FULL REDEMPTION. My longing heart is all on fire o be dissolved in love. 4 Give methyself, from every boast, From every wish set free; Let all I am in thee be lost, But give thyself to me. 5 Thy gifts, alas: cannot suffice, Unless thyself be given; Thy presence makes my paradise, And where thou art is heaven. 326 Sharon—p.266.) 11th P.M.76,76,7,15. OW! e'en now, I yield, I yield, With all my sins to part; Jesus, speak my pardon seal’d, And º my heart! Purge the love of sin º Then I into nothing fall; Then I see the perfect day, And Christ is all in all. 2 Jesus, now our hearts inspire With that pure love of thine; Kindle now the heavenly fir o brighten and refine : Purify our faith like gold; All the dross of sin remove; Melt our spirits down, and mould Into thy perfect love. 327 Blandford—p. 48.] C. M. CQº thou omniscient Son of man, fisplay thy sifting power; Come with thy Spirit's winnowing fan, And throughly purge thy floor. For FULL REDEMPTION. 283 2 The chaff of sin, th’ accursed thing, ar from our souls be driven; The wheat into thy 5. bring, And lay us up for heaven. 3 Look through us with thine eyes of flame, The clouds and darkness chase, And tell me what by sin I ain, And what I am by grace 4 Whate'er offends thy glorious eyes, Far f our hearts remove; As dust before the whirlwind flies, Disperse it by thy love. 5 Then let us all thy fulness know, From every sin set free; Saved to the utmost, º below, thee. 328 Ashburton—p. 169. 1st P. M. 6 lines as: AVIOUR from sin, I wait to prove That Jesus is thy healing name; To lose, when perfected in love, Whate'er I have, or can, or am: 2 Answer that gracious end in me . For which thy precious life was given: Redeem from all iniquity, Restore, and make me meet for heaven! Unless thou purge my every stain, y suff'ring and my faith are vain. 3 Didst thou not in the flesh appear, - nd man to save In In holiness #: forth thy .. And serve thee all my spotless days? 3- 284 FOR FULL REDEMPTION, 4 Didst thou not die that I might live No longer to myself but thee? Might body, soul, and spirit give o Him who gave #.F. me? Come, then, my Master and my God, Take the dear purchase of thy blood. 5 Thy own peculiar servant claim, For thy own truth and mercy's sake; Hallow in me thy glorious name; 329 Milo—p. 77.1 L. M. AN inward baptism of pure fire, Wherewith to be baptized, I have; 'Tis all my longing soul's desire; This, only this my soul can save. 2 Straiten’d I am till this be done; Kindle in me the living flame; Father, in me revealthy Son; ptize me into Jesus' name. 3 Transform my nature into thine, Let all my powers thine impress feel, Let all my soul become divine, - And stamp me with thy Spirit's seal. 4 Love, mighty love, my heart o'erpower; Ah! why dost thou so long delay Cut short the work, bring near the hour, et me see the perfect day. 5 Behold, for thee I ever wait, Now let in me thine image shine, Now the new heaven and earth create, And plant with righteousness divine, § For FULL REDEMPTION. 285 6 If with the wretched sons of men It still be thy delight to live, ome, Lord, beget my soul again, Thyself thy quick’ning Spirit give. 330 Sutton-p. 119.] S. M. ATHER, I dare believe Thee merciful and true: Thou wilt my guilty soul forgive, My fallen soul renew. { 2 Come then, for Jesus' sake, And bid my heart be clean; An end of all my troubles e; An end of all my sin. 3 I cannot wash my heart, But by believing thee; And waiting for thy blood tº impart The spotless purity. 4 While at thy cross I lie, esus, the grace bestow; Now thy all-cleansing blood apply, And I am white as snow. 331 zuara—p. 204.1 4th P.M. 886, 886. GLORIOUS hope of perfect love! It lifts me up to things above; It bears on eagles' wings; - It gives my ravish’d soula tast A es me for some moments feast ith Jesus' priests and kings. 2 Rejoicing now in earnest hope, I stand, and from the mountain top See all the land below: Rivers of milk and honey rise, d all the fruits of paradise, In endless plenty grow. 286 For FULL REDEMPfIon. 3. A land of corn, and wine, and oil, Favour'd with God's peculiar smile, ith every blessing bless'd ; - - There dwells the Lord our righteousness, nd keeps his own in perfect peace, And everlasting rest. 4.0 that I might at once go up ! 2. No more on this side Jordan stop, But now the land possess! This moment end my legal years; Sorrows, and sins, and doubts, and fears, A howling wilderness. 5 Now, O my Joshua, bring me in : Cast out thy foes; the inbred sin, he carnal mind remove ; The purchase of thy death divide; And, 0 , with all the sanctified, Give me a lot of love! 332 Swanwick—p. I5.] C. M. I KNOW that my Redeemer lives, And ever prays for me : A token of his love he gives, A pledge of liberty. 2 I find him lifting up my head, He brings salvation near; His presence makes me free indeed, And he will soon appear. 3 He wills that I should holy be! What can withstand his will P The counsel of his grace in me He surely shall fulfil. 4 Jesus, I hang upon thy word; I jºij, Thou wilt return, and claim me, Lord, And to thyself receive. For FULL REDEMPTION. 287 5 Joyful in hope, my i. Soard * To meet thee from above: Thy goodness thankfully adores: And sure I taste thy love. - 6 Thy love I soon expect to find, In all its depth and height; To comprehend th’Eternal Mind, And grasp the Infinite. 7 When God is mine, and I am his, , f paradise possess'd, I taste unutterable bliss, And everlasting rest. 8 The bliss of those that fully dwell, Fully in thee believe, - 'Tis more than angel tongues can tell, Orangel minds conceive. 9 Thou only know'st who didst obtain, And die to make it known; The great salvation now explain, And perfect us in one, 333 Sabbath—p. 21.] Th P. M. 8 line, 1. FIRST PART. HEAVEN. Father, sovereign Lord, Ever faithful to thy word, All in cheerful green array'd, Opening sweets they all disclose, Bud blossom as the rose. 3 Hark! the wastes have fºund a voice : Lonely deserts now rejoice! 288 For FULL REDEMPTION. Fladsome hallelujahs sing : . All around with praises ring. # C 4 I #. is hither come: S 3 See, these barren souls of ours loom, and put forth fruits and flowers— Flowers of Eden, fruits o ce Jesus will not tarry ...; Fear not lest his truth should fail, 3esus is unchangeable. .* 5 God, your God, shall surely come, Quell your foes, and sea their doom He shall come, and save you too: e; rd, have found thee true! 31ind we were, but now we see: Deaf; we hearken now to thee: Dumb; for thee our tongues employ: Lam o! we leap for joy. Faint we were, and parch'd with drought; Water at thy word gush'd out: For FULL REDEMPTION. 289 Make the thirsty land a pººl, Fix the Spirit in our soul. SECOND PART. WHERE the ancient dragon lay, way ! In the path of righteousness, ever by the sinner trod, Till he feels the cleansing blood. 2 There the simple cannot º Babes, though blind, may find the way Find, nor ever thence depart, Safe in lowliness of heart Far from fear, from danger far, No devouring beast is there; There the humble walk secure, God hath made their footsteps sure. 3 Jesus, mighty to redeem, Let our lot É. cast with them; Ransom'd by thy dying love. Leave us not below to mourn; Fain we would to thee return: Crown'd with righteousness, arise Far above these mether skies. 290 For FULL REDEMPTION. 334 Cookham—p. 209.] 5th P.M.4linuſ, LOWING Jesus, gentle Lamb, In thy gracious hands I am; ake me, Saviour, what thou art, Live thyself within my heart. 2 I shall then show forth thy praise, Serve thee all my happy days, hen the world shall always see Christ the holy child in me. 335 Newcourt—p.175. 2d P.M. 6iinas O JESUS, source of calm repose, Fairest among ten thousand fair: E’en those whom death's sad fetters bound, Whom thickest darkness compass'd round, Find light and life if thou appear. Didst not abhor the virgin's womb, - was man with man. 3 The world, sin, death oppose in vain; Thou, by thy dying, death hast slain, My great Deliverer, and my God! In vain does the old dragon In vain all hell its powers engage; one can withstand thy conquering blood, Like humble Mary, lo! I sit; Speak, Lord, thy servant heareth now. For FULL REDEMF't Ion. 291 5 Renew thine image, Lord, in me, Lowly and gentle may I be; o charms but these to thee are dear; No anger may'st thou ever find, No pride in my unruffled mind, But faith and heaven-born peace be there. 6. A patient, a victorious mind, That life and all things casts behind, Springs forth obedient to thy call : A heart that no desire can move, But still tº adore, believe, and love, Give me, my Lord, my life, my all ! 336 Gildersome—p. 41.] C. M. JESUS, the I.ife, the Truth, the Way, In whom I now believe, As taught by thee, in faith I pray, Expecting to receive. 2 Thy will by me on earth be done, s by the powers above, Who always see thee on thy throne, And glory in thy love. 31 ask in confidence the grace, That I may do thy will, As angels who behold thy face, And all thy words fulfil. 4 Surely I shall, the sinner I, Shall serve thee without fear, If thou my nature sanctify In answer to my prayer. 337 Meriden—p. 57.] C. M. OME, Lord, and claim me for thine own, And reign thyself in me: In my poor #. erect thy throne, And make re truly tree. 292 For FULL REDEMPTION. 2 The day of thy great power I feel, - And pant for liberty; . . I loathe myself, deny my will, give up all for thee, 3 I hate my sins, no longer mine, For I renounce them too; My weakness with thy strength. I join, Thy strength shall all subdue. 4 So shall I bless thy pleasing sway, And sitting at thy feet, Thy laws with all my heart obey, With all my soul submit. 5 Thy love the conquest more than gains, To all I shall proclaim, - Jesus, the King, the conq'ror reigns; Bow down to Jesus' name. 6 To thee shall earth and hell submit, And every foe shall fall, Till death expires beneath thy feet, And God is all in all. 338 Forest—p. 76.] L. M. ras O how shall I, most gracious Lord, This mark of true perfection find? 2 Thy sinless mind in me reveal; Thy Spirit's plenitude impart; And all my spotless life shall tell Th’ abundance of a loving heart. 3 Saviour, I long to testify The fulness of thy saving 6 : O might thy Spirit th' blood apply Which bought for me the j peace! FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 293 4 Forgive, and make my nature whole; My inbred malady remove; To perfect health restore my soul, To perfect holiness and love. 339 Gilford—p. 86.] L. M. JESUS, let thy dying cry Pierce to the bottom of my heart; Its evils cure, its wants supply, nd bid my unbelief depart. 2 Slay the dire root and seed of sin Prepare for thee the holiest place'. Then, O essential love, come in : And fill thy house with endless praise. 3 Let me, according to thy word, A tender, contrite heart receive, Which grieves at having grieved its Lord, nd never can itself forgive 4 A heart, thy joys and griefs to feel, A heart that cannot faithless prove: A heart where Christ alone may dwell, All praise, all meekness, and all love. Swanwick—p. 15.] C. M. OD of eternal truth and grace, Thy faithful promise seal Thy word, thy oath, to Abraham's race, nus, e'en us, fulfil. 2 Let us, to perfect love restored, Thy image here retrieve: And in the presence of our Lord, The life of angels live. 3 That mighty faith on me bestow Which cannot ask in vain; Which holds, and will not let thee go, Till I my suit obtain: ...) g 294 For FULL REDEMPTION. 4 Till thou into my soul inspire The perfect love unknown: And tell my infinite desi re, $6 Wh ate'er thou wilt, be done.” 5 But is it possible that I Should live, and sin no more? Lord, if on thee I dare rely, The faith shall bring the power. 6 On me the faith divine bestow, Which doth the mountain move; And all my spotless life shall show Th' omnipotence of love. 341 Danvers—p. 100.] L. M. FIRST PART. OD of all power, and truth, and grace G Which .. from age to age endure; Whose word, when heaven and earth shall pass, Remains and stands for ever sure: 2 That I thy mercy may proclaim, That all mankind thy truth may see: Halkow thy great and glorious name, And perfect holiness in me. 3 Thy sanctifying Spirit pour, To quench my thirst and make me clean : Now, Father, let the gracious shower escend, and make me pure from sin. 4 Purge me from every sinful blot, My idols all be cast aside Cleanse me from every sinful thought, From all the filth of self and pride. FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 295 6 O take this heart of stone away! Thy sway it doth not, cannot own; In me no longer let it stay; O take away this heart of stone : 70 that I now, from sin released Thy word may to the utmost prove 1 Enter into the promised rest, he Canaan of thy perfect towe. Canada—p. 89.] SECOND PART. FATHER, supply my every need; Sustain the life thyself hast given; O grant the never-failing bread, The manna that comes down from heaven 2 The gracious fruits of righteousness, Thy blessings' unexhausted store, In me abundantly increase, Nor ever let me hunger more : & Let me no more in deep complaint, “My leanness, O my leanness!” cry: Alone consumed with pining want, Of all my Father's children, I. 4 The painful thirst, the fond desire, Thy joyous presence shall removet But my full soul shall still require A whole eternity of love. Pilesgrove—p. 95.] THIRD PART. HOLY, and true, and righteous Lord, I want to prove thy perfect will Be mindful of thy gracious wo } And stamp me with thy Spirit's seal. 2 Qpen my faith's interior eye; Display thy glory from above; 296 FOR FULL REDEMPTION. And all I am shall sink and die, Lost in astonishme love . 4 Now let me gain perfection's height, Now let me into nothing fall; s less than nothing in thy sight, And feel that Christ is all in all ! 342 Bether—p.216.j 6th P.M. 6inaw. SINº. the Son hath made me free, Let me taste my liberty Thee behold with open face, Triumph in thy saving grace? Thy great will delight to prove, Glory in thy perfect love. 2 Abba, Father, hearthy child, Late in Jesus reconciled ; Hear, an the graces shower, All the joy, and peace, and power; All my Saviour asks above, ..All the life and heaven of love. 3 Lord, I will not let thee go Till the blessing thou bestow: +Hear º Advocate divine! Lo! to his my suit I join : Join'd to his, it cannot fail: Bless me; for will prevail. 4 Heavenly Father, life divine, Change my nature into thi Move, and spread throughout my soul, Actuate, and fill the whole ! eit I no longer now Living in the flesh, but thou. For FULL REDEMPTION. 297 ne inward witness bear, Strong, a ermanent, and clear: Spring of life, thyself impart; Rise eternal in my heart! 343 Paradise—p. 40.] C. M. JESUS 1 at thy feet we wait, Till thou shalt bid us rise; Restored to our unsinning state, To love's sweet paradise. 2 Saviour from sin, we thee receive, From all indwelling sin; Tº blood, we steadfastly believe, Shall make us throughly clean. 3 Since thou wouldst have us free from sin, And above; Make haste to bring thy nature in, And perfect us in love! 4 The counsel of thy love fulfil: Come quickly, gracious Lord! 50 that the perfect grace were given, Thy love diffused abroad 1 0 that our hearts were all a heaven, For ever fill?d with God : 344 Gorham—p. 12.1 c. M. HAT is our calling's glorious hope, But inward j For this to Jesus I look up, I calmly wait for this. 13% 298 For FULL REDEMPTION. 2 I wait, till he shall touch me clean, Shall life and power impart, Give me the faith that casts out sin, And purifies the heart. 3 This is the dear redeeming grace, or every sinner free; Surely it shall on me take place, The chief of sinners, me. 4 From all iniquity, from all, He shall my soul redeem : In Jesus I believe, and shall Believe myself to him. 5 When Jesus makes my heart his home, My sin shall all depart; And, lo: he saith, “I quickly come, To fill and rule thy heart!” 6 Be it according to thy word, eem me from all sin: My heart would now receive thee, Lord; Come in, my Lord, come in 345 chaplin—p.269.] 11th P.M.76,76.7% NONE is like Jeshurun's God, So t, so strong, so high! Lo! he spreads his wings abroad, He rides upon the sky! Israel is his first-born son: God, th' almighty God, is thine; See him to thy help come down, The excellence divine ! 2 Thee the great Jehovah deigns To succour and defend ; Thee th' eternal God sustains Thy Maker and thy Friend. FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 299 * Israel, what hast thou to dread? Safe from all impending harms, Round thee and beneath are spread The everlasting arms. 3 God is thine; disdain to fear The enemy within : God shall in thy flesh appear, And make an end of sin; God the man of sin shall slay, God shall thrust him out, and say, “Destroy them all, destroy tº 4 All the struggle then is o'er, And wars and fighting cease: Israel then shall sin no mo But dwell in perfect peace. All his enemies are - have in him no part: Israel now shall dwell alone, With Jesus in his heart. 5 In a land of corn and wine His lot shall be below : Comforts there, and blessings join, And milk and honey flow : Jacob’s well is in his soul : racious dews his heavens distil, Fill his soul, already full, And shall for ever fill. 6 Blest, O Israel, art thou! What people is like thee! Saved from sun, by Jesus, now Thou art and still shalt be. Jesus is thy seven-fold shield, Jesus is thy flaming sword; Earth, and Heijinshall yield To God's almighty word. 300 For FULL REDEMPTION. 346 Upton—p. 101.] L. M. HE wills that I should holy be: Thatholiness I long to feel; That full divine conformity To all my Saviour's righteous will, 2 See, Lord, the travail of thy soul, Accomplish’d in the change of mine; And plunge me, every whit made whole, In all the depths of love divine ! 3. On thee, O God, my soul is stay’d, And waits to prove thine utmost will: The promise by thy mercy made, Thou canst, thou wilt in me fulfil. No more I stagger at thy power, Or doubt thy truth, which cannot move: Hasten the long-expected hour, nd bless me with thy perfect love. 347 Doddridge—p. 99.] L. M. JESUS: thy loving Spirit alone Can lend me forth and make me free; Burst every bond through which I 3. nd set my heart at liberty. 2 Now let thy Spirit bring me in, And give thy servant to possess e land of rest from inbred sin, The land of perfect holiness. 3 Lord, I believe thy power the sam The same thy truth and grace endure; And in thy blessed hands I am, And trust thee for a perfect cure. Come, Saviour, come, and make me wholes. 4 Entirely all my sins remove : Tº. health restore my soul, o perfect holiness and love. FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 301 348 Douglass—p. 5.] C. M. JBºſſ, my Lord, I cry to thee, 2 Expel the fiend out of my heart, By love's almighty power: Now, now command him to depart, nd never enter more. 3 Thy killing and thy quick’ning power, esus, in me display; The life of nature, from this hour, My pride and passion slay. 4 Then, then, my utmost Saviour, raise My soul with saints above, To serve thy will, and spread thy praise, And sing thy perfect love. 5 This moment I thy truth confess; This moment I receiv a • The heavenly gift, the dew of grace, - .And by thy mercy live. On me thy Spirit pour: And bless me, who believe thy word, With that last glorious shower! 349 .Alfreton—p. 77.] L. M. THQu God that answerest by fire, On thee in Jesus' name we Fulfil our faithful hearts' desire, let on us thy Spirit fall. 2 Bound on the altar of thy cross ur old offending nature lies; Now, for the honour of thy cause, Come, and consume the sacrifice! 302 For FULL REDEMPTION. 3 Consume our lusts as rotten wood; Consume our stony hearts within ; Consume the dust, the serpent's food, d dry up all the streams of sin. 4. Its body totally destroy! Thyself the Lord, the God approve: And fill our hearts with .# And fervent zeal, and perfect love. 50 that the fire from heaven might fall! urgins its ready victims find: Seize on our sins, and burn up all, orieave the ieast remain behind. ord, he is the God, confess He is the God of saving power! He is the God of hallowing grace. 350 Salem—p. 9.] C. M. Cº, O my God, the promise seal, This mountain sin remove | Now in my waiting soul reveal The virtue of thy love, 2 I want thy life, thy purity, righteousness brought in: I ask, desire, and trust in thee redeem'd from sin. 3 For this, as taught by thee, I pray, And can no longer doubt . Remove from hence, to sin I say, Be cast this moment out. 4 Anger and sloth, desire and pride, This moment be subdued Be cast into the crimson tide Of my Redeemer's blood. 6 Then shall our prostrate souls adore; The - ; For FULL REDEMPTION. 303 5 Saviour, to thee my soul looks up y present Saviour thout In all the confidence of hope claim the blessing now ! 6 'Tis done; thou dost this moment save, With full salvation bless; Redemption through thy blood I have, nd spotless love and peace. 351 Bramcoat—p. 79.1 L. M. UICKEN’D with our immortal Head, Who daily, Lord, ascend with thee, Redeem'd from sin, and free indeed, We taste our glorious liberty. 2 Saved from the fear of hell and death, With joy we seek the things above And all thy saints the spirit breathe Of power, sobriety, and love 3 Power o'er the world, the fiend, and sin, We through thy gracious Spirit feel: Full power the victory to win, nd answer all thy righteous will. 4 Pure love to God thy members find, re love to every soul of man; And in thy sober, spotless mind, Saviour, our heaven on earth we gain. x 352 Norwich- p.211.] 5th P. M.4 lines", WIEN: my Saviour, shall I be Perfectly resign'd to thee? Poor and vile in my own eyes, Only in thy wisdom wise! 2 Only thee content to know, Ignorant of all below? 304 For FULL REDEMPTION. Only guided by thy light; Only mighty in thy might? 3 So I may thy Spirit know, Let him as he listeth blow: Let the manner be unknown, So I may with thee be one, 4 Fully in my life express All the heights of holiness; Sweetly let my spirit prove All the depths of humble love. 353 Nahant—p. 110.] L. M. Jººs, in whom the Godhead's rays Beam forth with mildest majesty; I see thee full of truth and grace, nd come for all I want to thee. 2 Save me from pride, the plague expel, Jesus, thine humble self impart; J let thy mind within me dwell: O give me lowliness of heart! 3 Enter thyself and cast out sin: y spotless purity bestow; Touch me and make the leper clean, ash me and I am white as snow. 4 Sprinkle me, Saviour, with thy blood, And all thy gentleness is mine; And plunge me in the purple flood, Till all I am is lost in thine. 354 Shoel—p. 91.] L. M. Jººs, to thee my heart I bow; Strange flames far from my soul remove; Fairest among ten thousand thou, e thou my Lord, my life, my love, FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 305 2 All heaven thou fill'st with pure desire, shine upon my frozen breast ! With sacred love my heart inspire, Let me thy hidden sweetness taste. 3 I see thy garments roll'd in blood, hy streaming head, thy hands, thy side: All hail, thou suff'ring, conqu'ring God! Now man shall live, for Christ hath died. 40 kill in me this rebel sin, And triumph o'er my willing breast ! Restore thine image, Lo erein And lead me to thy Father's rest. 5 Let earthly love be far away: Saviour, be thou my love alone; No more may mine usurp the sway; In me thy only will be done. 6 And thou true Witness, spotless Lamb All things for thee I count but loss; My sole desire, my constant aim, My only glory, be thy cross. 355 Derby New—p. 93.] L. M. F now I have acceptance found With thee, or favour in thy sight, Still with thy grace and truth surround. m me with thy Spirit's might. 20 may I hear thy warning voice, And timely fly from danger near With rev'rence unto thee rejoice, And love thee with a filial f 3 Still hold my soul in second life, y feet to slide: Support me in the glorious strife, And comfort me on every side. 306 For FULL REDEMPTION. 4 O give me faith, and faith's increase; Finish the work begun in me Preserve my soul in perfect peace, And let me always rest on thee! 50 let thy gracious Spirit guide And bring me to the promised land: Where righteousness and peace reside, And all submit to love's command ; 6 A land where milk and honey flow, And springs of pure delights arise, Delights which I shall shortly know, en I regain my paradise. 356 Proclamation—p. 130.) S.M. COME, and dwell in me, Spirit of power within : And bring the glorious liberty From sorrow, fear, and sin 2 This inward, dire disease, rit of health, remove; Spirit of finish'd holiness, Spirit of perfect love. 3 Hasten the joyful day Which shall my sins consume; n old things shall be done away, And all things new become. That • According to thy will and word, Well pleasing in thy sight. 5 I ask ao higher state; Indulge me but in this; And snon or later then translate o my etermal bliss. For FULL REDEMPTION. 307 357 Quito—p. 94.] L. M. 0ME, 0 thou greater than our heart, And make thy faithful mercies known; The mind which was in thee impart: Thy constant mind in us be shown. 20 let us by thy cross abide, Thee, only thee, resolved to know The Lamb %. sinners crucified A world to save from endless wo. 3 Take us into thy people's rest, nd m our own works shall cease; With thy meek spirit arm our breast, And keep our minds in perfect peace. 4 Jesus, for this we calmly wait, 0 let our eyes behold thee near ! Hasten to make our heaven complete, Appear, our glorious God, appear ! 358 Sherburne—p. 196.] 4th P.M.886,886. Bºº can it be that I should prove For ever faithful to thy love, From sin for ever cease I thank thee for the blessed hope; It lifts my drooping spirits up, Its gi ce, 2 In thee, O Lord, I put my trust; Mighty, and merciful, and just, hy sacred word is past; And I who dare thy word believe, Without committing sin shall live, Shall live to God at last. 3. I rest in thine almighty power, The name of Jesus is my tower That hides my life above: 308 For FULL REDEMPTION. Thou canst, thou wilt my helper be; y confidence is all in thee, The faithful God of love. 4. While still to thee for help I call, Thou wilt not suffer me to fall, hou wilt not let me sin: .And thou shalt give me power to pray, Till all my sins are . away, And all tºy mind brought in. 5. Wherefore in never-ceasing prayer, M; soul to thy continual care faithfully commend; Assured that thou through life wilt save, And show thyself beyond the grave My everlasting Friend. 359 Winter—p. 16.] C. M. WHEN shall I see the welcome hour That plants my in me! Spirit of health, and life, and power, And perfect liberty. 2 Love only can the conquest win, The strength of sin subdue, Come, O my Saviour, cast out sin, And form my soul anew I 3 No longer then my heart shall mourn, While sanctified by grace, I only for his glory burn, And always see his face. 360 Elliott—p. 152.1 1st P. M. 6 lines & OUNTAIN of life and all my joy, Jesus, thy mercies I embrace; The breath thou giv'st, for thee employ, And wait to taste thy perfect grace; FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 309 No more forsaken and forlorn, I bless the day that I was born 1 2 Preserved through faith, by power divine miracle of grace I stand . I prove the strength of Jesus mine! Jesus, upheld by thy right hand, Though in my flesh I feel the thorn, I bless the day that I was born. 3 Weary of life, through inbred sin, I was, but now defy its power: When as a flood the foe comes in, My soul is more than conqueror: I tread him down with holy scorn, And bless the day that I was born. My soul, from out the body torn, Shall bless the day that I was born 361 Spencer—p. 172. 2d P. M.e.ines 8s. COME, Holy Ghost, alºng fire, Come, hallow'd heart inspire, Sprinkled with th'atoning blood; Now to my soul thyself reveal, Thy mighty working let me feel, And know that I am born of God. 2 Thy witness with my spirit bear, That God, my God, inhabits there: Thou, with the Father, and the Son, Eternal life's coeval beam, Be Christ in me, and I in him, Till perfect we are made in one. 310 For FULL REDEMPTION. 3 When wilt thou my whole heart subdue? Come, Lord, and form my soul anew, Emptied of pride, and wrath, and hell: Less than the least of all thy store Of mercies, I myself a : my vileness may I feel. 4 Humble, and teachable, and mild, O may I, as a little child, My lowly Master's steps pursue ! Be anger to my soul unknown; Hate, envy, jealousy, be gone; In love create thou all things new. 5. Let earth no more my heart divide; With Christ may I be crucified; 6 Be thou my joy, be thou my dread; In battle cover thou my head, or earth, nor hell I then shall fear; I then shall turn my steady face: Want, pain defy—enjoy disgrace— Glory in dissolution near. 7 My will be swallow'd up in thee! Light in thy light still may I see, Beholding thee with open face: Call'd the full power of Éh to prove, et all my hallow'd heart be love, all my spotless life be praise. 8. Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickºning fire, My consecrated heart inspire, Sprinkled with the atoming blood: Still to my soul thyself reveal: Thy mighty working may I feel, And know that I am one with God. For FULL REDEMPTION. 311 362 Merico—p. 34.1 c. M. FATHER of Jesus Christ, my Lord, My Savi ea I trust in thee, whose pºwerful word Hath raised him from the dead. 2 Thou know'st for my offence he died, And rose again for me; Fully and freely justified, hat I might live to thee. 3 Eternal life to all mankind Thou hast in Jesus given: And all who seek, in him shall find The happiness of heaven. 40 God, thy record I believe, In Abraham's footsteps tread; And wait, expecting to receive The Christ, the promised Seed. 5 Faith in thy power thou seest I have, For thou this faith hast wrought; Dead souls thou callest from their grave, And speakest worlds from naught. 6 Things that are not, as though they w Thou callest by their name ; ere, Present with thee the future are, With thee, the great I AM. 7 In hope, against all human hope, Self-desperate I believe; Thy quick’ning word shall raise me up Thou shalt thy Spirit give. 8 The thing surpasses all my thought; But faithful is my Lord; Through unbelief I stagger not For § hath spoke the word. 312 For FULL REDEMPTION. 9 Faith, mighty faith the promise sees, And looks to that alone; Laughs at impºsiliº, And cries, “It shall be done ſº 10 To thee the glory of thy power And faithfulness I give : I shall in Christ, at that glad hour, nd Christ in me shall live. ever wilt reprove; But thou wilt form thy Son in me, And perfect me in love. 363 Clarendon—p. 33.] C. M. EEPEN the wound thy hands have made this weak, helpless soul; Till mercy, with its balmy aid, Descend to make me whole. 2 The sharpness of thy two-edged sword Enable me tº endure; Till bold to say, my hallowing Lord, Hath wrought a perfect cure. 3 I see th’ exceeding broad command, Which all contains in one; Enlarge my heart to understand The mystery unknown. 4 O that with all thy saints I might By sweet experience prove, What is the length, and breadth, and height, And depth of perfect love . 364 Pensford—p.265.1 11th.P.M.76,76776. GIVEme the enlarged desire, - open, Lord, my soul, Thy own fulness to require, And comprehend the whole: FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 313 Stretch my faith's capacity Wider and yet wider still: Then with all that is in thee y soul for ever fill I 365 Sedbury—p. 151. Ist P.M.6linea. OME, Holy Ghost, all-quick'ning fire, Come, and in me delight to rest; Drawn by the lure of strong desire, ome and consecrate my breast! The temple of my soul prepare, d y sacred presence there! A point my good, a drop my store, Eager I º, pant for more. 3 Eager for thee I ask and pant, So strong the principle divine Carries me out with sweet constraint, Till all my hallow'd soul is thine; Plunged in the Godhead's deepest sea, d lost in thy immensity. 4 My peace, my life, my comfort th ; #. # my all thou art! ou, True witness of my sonship now, Engraving pardon on my Seal of my sins in Christ forgiven, Earnest of love, and pledge of heaven. 5 Come, then, my God, mark out thine heir Of heaven à larger earnest gi With clearer light thy witness bear; More sensibly within me live: tall my powers thine entrance feel, And deeper stamp thyself the seal! 14 314 For FULL REDEMPTIon. 366 Monmouth—p. 173.] 2d P. M. 6 lines & FA.HER of everlasting grace, Thy goodness and thy truth we praise, Thy goodness and thy truth we prove; Thou hast, in honour of thy Son, The gift unspeakable sent down, The Spirit of life, and power, and love. 2 Send us the Spirit of thy Son, To make the depths of Godhead known, To make us share the life divine: Send him the sprinkled blood tº apply, Send him our souls to sanctify, And show and seal us ever thine. 3 So shall we pray, and never cease, So shall we thankfully confess Thy wisdom, truth, and power, and love! With joy unspeakable adore, And bless and praise thee evermore, And serve thee as thy hosts above. 4 Till added to that heavenly choir We raise our songs of triumphs higher, raise thee in a bolder strain; Out-soar the first-born seraph's flight, And sing, with all our friends in light, Thy everlasting love to man. 367 Neginoth—p. 171.1 1st P. M. Glina & I WANT the spirit of power within, Of love, and of a healthful mind; Of power to conquer inbred sin: Of love to thee and all mankind; Of health, that pain and death defies, Most vigorous when the body dies. 2. When shall I hear the inward voics, Which only faithful souls can hear? For FULL REDEMPTION. 315 Pardon, and peace, and heavenly joys, Attend the promised Comforter: 0 come, and righteousness divine, And Christ, and all with Christ are mine! 3 O that the Comforter would come! Nor visit as a transien d keep possession of my breast: And make my soul his loved abode, The temple of indwelling God! 4 Come, Holy Ghost, my heart inspire Attest that I am born again; Come, and baptize me now with fire, Nor let thy former gifts be vain: I cannot rest in sins forgiven: Where is the earnest of my heaven? 5. Where the indubitable seal That ascertains the kingdom mine? The powerful stamp I long to feel, he signature of love divine! 0 shed it in my heart abroad, Fulness of love, of heaven, of God! 368 Holly—p. 160.1 1st P.M. 6 lines 88. e: When wilt thou come into my heart? From sm and sorrow set me free, And swallow up my soul in thee! 2 Come, 0 thou universal good | Balm of the wounded conscience, come! The hungry, dying spirit's food, The weary, wand'ring pilgrim's home’ Haven to take the shipwreck'd in, My everlasting rest from sin! 316 For FULL REDEMPTIon. 3 Be thou, O love, whate’er I want: Support my feebleness of mind; Relieve the thirsty soul, the faint, Revive, illuminate the blind; The mournful cheer, the drooping lead, And heal the sick and raise the dead. 4 Come, O my comfort and delight! My strength and health, my shield and sun, My boast, and confidence, and might, y joy, my gl nd my crown My gospel hope, my calling's prize; My tree of life, my paradise. 5 The secret of the Lord thou art, he mystery so long unknown Christ in a pure and perfect heart! e name inscribed on the white stone! The life divine, the little leaven, My precious pearl, my present heaven. 369 Richmond—p.267.] 11th P.M.76,767; FIRST PART. O GREAT mountain, who art thou? Immense, immoveable! * High as heaven aspires º brow, Thy foot sinks deep as hell Thee, alas, I long have known, ng have felt thee fix’d within . Still beneath thy weight I groan; ou art indwelling sin. 2 Thou art darkness in y mind, Perverseness in my will Love inordinate and blind, That always cleaves to ill: Every passion's wild excess; Anger, lust, and pride thou art: For FULL REDEMPTION. 317 Thou art sin, and sinfulness, And unbelief of heart! 3 Not by human might or power Canst thou be moved from hence: But thou shalt flow down before ivine Omnimotence: My Zerubbabel is near: I have not believed in vain: Thou, when Jesus doth appear, Shalt sink into a plain. 4 Christ, the head, the corner stone, Shall be brought forth in me: Glory be to Christ alone! All the work of grace proclaim, Of sanctifying grace. 5 Christ hath the foundation laid, And Christ shall build me up : Surely I shall soon be made Ağ of m .. Perfect love shall seal me his termity SECOND PART. Him I now rejoice to see With the plummet in his hands, . To build and finish me 318 FOR FULL REDEMPTION. 2 I right early shall awake ºš see the perfect day; of God shal Sin for ever shall depart; Jesus takes up all the room m a believing heart. Reign thou in my heart alone; Speak the sanctifying word, And seal me all thine own. 370 Belville—p. 144.] 1st P.M. 6lines & Pºliºs of hope, lift up your heads, The day of liberty draws near ! The Lord will to his temple come; Prepare your hearts to make him room. 2 Ye all shall find whom in his word Himself hath caused to put your trust, The Father of our dying H." Is ever to his promise just; Faithful, if we our sins confess, To cleanse from all unrighteousness. 3 Yes, Lord, we must believe thee kind, Thou never canst unfaithful prove: Surely wes y mercy and ; o ask, shall all receive thy love: Nor canst thou it to me deny; I ask, the chief of sinners, II For FULL REDEMPTION. 319 4 O ye of fearful hearts, be .# Your downcast eyes and hands lift up Hope to the end, in Jesus hopel Tell him, ye wait his grace to prove; And can il, if is love? 5 Prisoners of hope, be strong, be bold; Cast off your doubts, disdain to fear! Wrestle with Christ in º prayer; Tell him, “We will not let thee go, Till we thy name, thy nature know.” 6 Hast thou not died to purge our sin And rose, thy death for us to plead; To write thy law of love within earts, and make us free indeed? That we our Eden . regain, Thou diedst, and could not die in vain. 7 Lord, we believe, and wait the hour Which all thy great salvation brings; The Spirit of love, and health, and power, § come and make us priests and kings; Thou wilt perform thy faithful word; “The servant shall be as his Lord.” 8 The promise stands for ever sure, And we shall in thine image shine, artakers of a nature pure, Holy, angelical, divine; In spirit join'd to thee, the Son, thou art with thy Father one. 371 Pilcsgrove—p. 95.] L. M. ET not the wise their wisdom boast; The mighty glory in his might: The rich #. riches trust. Which take their everlasting flight. 320 For FULL REDEMPTIon. The rush of numerous years bears down The most gigantic strength of man; And where is all his wisdom gone, When dust he turns to dust again? 2 One only gift can justify The boasting soul that knows his God; When Jesus doth his blood apply, I glory in his sprinkled blood. e Lord my º teousness I praise, I º: in t º: divine, h of e wisdom, wealth, and strength o B, In Christ to endless ages mine. grac 372 Dover—p. 120.] S. M. ORD, in the strength of grace Lº º Mr. my residue of days, consecrate to thee. 2 Thy ransom'd servant, I Restore to thee own; And from this moment live or die, To serve my alone. 373 Belville—p. 144.1 1st P. M. 6 line & O GOD, what offering shall 3 give To thee, the Lord of earth and skies 2 My spirit, soul, and flesh receive, • . A holy, living sacrifice; Small as it is, 'tis all my store; More shouldst thou have, if I had more. 2 Now then, my God, thou hast my soul; No longer mine, but thine I am : Guard thou thine own, possess it whole I Cheer it with hope, with love inflame" Thou hast my spirit; there display Thy glory to the perfect day. For FULL REDEMPTION. 321 3 Thou hast my flesh, thy hallow'd shrine, Devoted Solely to thy will: 4 0 never in these veils of shame (Sad fruits of sin,) my glorying be: Clothe with salvation, through thy name, My soul, and let me put on thee! Be living faith my costly dress, nd my best robe thy righteousness. 5 Send down thy likeness from above, And let this my adorning be: Clothe me with wisdom, patience, love, With lowliness and purity: Than gold and pearls more precious far, And brighter than the morning star. Lord, arm me with thy Spirit's might, Since I am call’d by thy great - Thy love attend me all my days, And my sole bus'ness be thy praise! 374 Salem—p. 9. C. M. ATHER, into thy hands alone M have my all º : y all thy property I own: The ; of the Lord. 2 Hereafter none can take away My life, or goods, or fame; Ready at thy demand to lay hem down, I always am. , 3 Confiding in thy only love, Through Jesus strength'ning me, 14% 322 For FULL REDEMPTION. I wait thy faithfulness to prove, d give back all to thee. 4 Take when thou wilt into thy hands, And as thou wiłt require; Resume by the Chaldean bands, Or the devouring fire. 5 Determined all thy will tº obey, Thy blessings I restore; Give, Lord, or take thy gifts away, I praise thee evermore. 375 Resignation—p. 41.] C. M. ATHER, to thee my soul I liſt; My soul on thee depends; Convinced that every perfect gift From thee alone descends. 2 Mercy and grace are thine alone, nd power and wisdom too: Without the Spirit of thy Son We nothing good can do. 3 We cannot speak one useful word, One holy thought receive; nless, in answer to our Lord, Thyself the blessing give. 4 His blood demands the purchased grace; His blood's availing plea Obtain'd the help for all our race, sends it down to me. 5 Thou all our works in us hast wrought, Our good is all divine: The praise of every virtuous thought, And righteous word, is thine. 6 From thee, through Jesus, we receive The power on thee to ; For FULL REDEMPTION. 323 In whom we are, and move, and live, Our God is ALL in ALL. 376 Monmouth—p. 173.] 2d P. M. 6 lines 8s. THQu, Jesus, thou my breast inspire, And touch my lips with hallow'd fire, d loose a stamm'ring infant's tongue: Prepare the vessel of thy grace; Adorn me with the robes of praise, Mercy that earth and heaven transcends; ve, that o'erwhelms the saints in light: The length, and breadth, and depth, and height Of love divine, which never ends. 2 A faithful witness of thy grace, Well may I fill th’ allºted: ace, When I have lived to thee alºne, { Pronounce the welcome word, well done º And all etermity employ n praise, and ecstasy, and love. 324 TRUSTING IN GRACE TRUSTING IN GRACE AND PROVIDENCE. 377 Clarendon—p. 33.] C. M. HEN all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise! 20 how can words with equal warmth The gratitude declare, That glows within my ravish'd heart? But thou camst read it there ! 3 Thy providence my life sustain'd, And all my wants redress'd, While in the silent womb I lay, And hung upon the breast. 4 To all my weak complaints and cries Thy . lent an ear, Ere yet my feeble thoughts had learn'd To form themselves in prayer. 5 Unnumber'd comforts on my soul Thy tender care bestow'd, Before my infant heart conceived whom those comforts flow?d. 6 When in the slippery paths of youth With heedless steps I ran, y Thine arm, unseen, convey'd me safe, And led me up to man. 7 Through hidden dangers, toils, and deaths, It gently clear'd my way; And through the pleasing snares of vice, More to be fear'd than they. AND PROVIDENCE. 325 ene That tastes those gifts with joy. 9 Through every period of my life Thy goodness I’ll pursue; And after death, in distant worlds, he pleasing theme renew. 10 "...# all etermity to thee A grateful song I’ll raise; Bº 0; eternity's too short 378 St. Asaphs—p.282.1 12th P.M. 16,7678,76. WAº, delusive world, adieu, With all of creature good! Only Jesus I pursue, o bought me with his blood! All thy pleasures I ‘...; I trample on thy wealth and pride, Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. 2 Other knowledge I disdain, 'Tis all but vanity: Christ, the Lamb of God, was slain, He tasted death for me! Me to save from endless wo he sin-atoming victim died? Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified 1 whither houſinner go? His wounds for me stand open wide; 326 TRUSTING IN GRACE Only Jesus will I know, ..And Jesus crucified . 4 Him to know is life and peace, And pleasure without end; This is all my happiness, On Jesus to depend; Daily in his grace to grow, And ever in his faith abide, Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified . 5 0 that I could all invite, This saving truth to prove: Show the length, the breadth, the height, epth of Jesus' love! Fain I would to sinners show The blood by faith alone applied Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified : 379 Woodland—p. 13.]. C. M. ITH joy we meditate the grace Of our High Priest above; His heart is made of tendern His bowels melt with love. 2 Touch'd with a sympathy within, e knows our feeble frame; He knows what sore temptations mean, For he hath felt the same. 3 He in the days of feeble flesh Pour'd out strong cries and tears, And in his measure feels afresh at every member bears. 4 He'll never quench the smoki But raise i §. ng flax, The bruised reed he never breaks, Nor scorns the meanest name. AND Provide NCE. 327 5 Then let our humble faith address is mercy and his power; We shall obtain deliv'ring grace In the distressing hour. 380 Antigua–p. 81.] L. M. JESUS: my all, to heaven is gone; He whom I fix my hopes upon; His track I see, and I’ll pursue he narrow way, till him I view. 2. The way the holy prophets went, The road that leads from banishment, The King's .. of holiness, I'll go, for all his paths are peace. 3 This is the way I long have sought, And mourn'd because I found it not; My grief a burden long has been, Because I was not saved from sin. more I strove against its power, I felt its weight and guilt the more; ill late I heard my Saviour say, “Come hither, soul, I AM THE WAY.” 5. Lo! glad I come, and thou, bless'd Lamb Shalt take me to thee, whose I am ; Nothing but sin have 1 to give, Nothing but love shall I receive. 6 Then will I tell to sinners round a dear Saviour I have found; I'll point to thy redeeming blood, say, “Behold the way to God!” 381 St. Ann's—p. 2.] C. M. God, my portion, and my love, My everlasting all, I’ve none but thee in heaven above, r on this earthly ball. 328 TRUSTING IN GRACE 2 What empty things are all the skies, And this inferior clod There's nothing here deserves my joys, There's nothing like my God. 3 In vain the bright, the burning sun, Scatters his feeble light; 'Tis thy sweet beams create my noon; If thou withdraw, 'tis might. 4 And while upon my restless bed, Among the shades I roll, If my Redeemer shows his head, 'Tis morning with my soul. 5 To thee we owe our wealth, and friends And health, and safe abode: Thanks to thy name for meaner things; But they are not my God. 6 How vain a toy is glitt'ring wealth, If once compared to thee: Or what's my safety, or my health, Or all my friends to me? 7 Were I gº of the earth, And call'd the stars my own, Without thy graces and thyself I were a wretch undone. 8 Let others stretch their arms like seas, And grasp in all the shore: Grant me the visits of thy face, And I desire no more. 382 Cookham—p. 209.] 5th P.M.4 lines 7. CHILDREN of the heavenly King, e journey, let us sing; Sing our Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in his works and ways. AND PROVIDENCE, 329 We are travelling home to God, In the way our fathers trod; They are happy now, and we Soon their happiness shall see. 3.0 ye banish’d seed, be glad, Christ our Advocate is made: Us to save our flesh assumes, Brother to our souls becomes. 4 Fear not, brethren, joyful stand On the borders of our land; Jesus Christ, our Father's Son, ds us undismay’d go on. 5 Lord! obediently we'll go, Gladly leaving all below: nly thou our er be, And we still will follow thee. 383 Ward—p. 109.] L. M. HQ. do thy mercies close me round? For ever be thy name adored; I blush in all things to abound; he servant is above his Lord! 2 Inured to poverty and pain, A suff'ring life my Master led; The Son of God, the Son of man, He had not where to lay his head. 3 But lo! a place he hath prepared me, whom watchful angels keep; Yea, he himself becomes my guard; e smooths my bed, and gives me sleep. 4 Jesus protects; my fears, begones What can the Rock of ages move : Safe in thy arms I lay me down, Thy everlasting arms of love. 330 TRUSTING IN GRACE 5 While thou art intimately nigh, ho, who shall violate my rest? Sin, earth, and hell, I now defy; I lean upon my Saviour's breast. 6 I rest beneath th' Almighty's shade, My griefs expire, my troubles cease; Thou, Lord, on whom my soul is stayſa, Wilt keep me still in perfect peace. ‘7 Me for thine own thou lovºst to take In time and in etermity; Thou never, never wilt forsake A helpless worm that trusts in thee. 384 Troas—p. 135.] S. M. OMMIT thou all thy griefs And ways into His hands, To His sure trust and tender care, Who earth and heaven commands: Who points the clouds their course, Whom winds and seas obey, He shall direct thy wand'ring feet, He shall prepare thy way. 2 Thou on the Lord rely, So safe shalt thou go on; Fix on his work thy steadfast eye, So shall thy work be done. By self-consuming care; . . To him commend thy cause, his ear Attends the softest prayer. 3 Thine everlasting truth, Father, th for each will prove; And whatsoe'er thou will'st, Thou dost, O King of kings! AND PROVIDENCE. 331 What's thy unerring wisdom's choice, power to being brings. 4 Thou everywhere hast wa And all §: serve thy #ht; Thine every act F. essing is Thy path unsullied light; When thou arisest, Lord, What shall thy work withstand 2 When all thy children want, thou giv'st: o, who shall stay thy hand? 385 Pelham—p. 128.] S. M. IVE to the winds thy fears, Hope, and be jã ; God hears thy sighs, and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head: Through waves, and clouds, and storms, He gently clears thy .# Wait thou his time, so shall this night Soon end in joyous day. 2 Still heavy is thy heart? Still sink thy spirits down? Cast off the weight, let fear depart, e 3 Leave to his sovereign swa - To choose and to command; So shalt thou, wond'ring, own his way, How wise; how strong his hand! Far, far above thy thought His counse appear, When fully he the work hath wrought That caused thy needless fear. w f 332 TRUSTING IN GRACE 4 Thou seest our weakness, Lord, Our hearts are known to thee; O lift thou up the sinking hand, Confirm the feeble knee : W.et us in life, in death, Thy steadfast truth declare; And publish with our latest breath Thy love and guardian care. 386 OD of my life, whose gracious power Through various deaths my soul hath led, Or turn’d aside the fatal hour, Or lifted up my sinking head : 2 In all my ways thy hand I own, Thy ruling providence I see: Assist me still my course to run, And still direct my paths to thee. Bridgewater—p. 85.] L. M. 3 Whither, 0 whither should I fi But to . oving Saviour's breast! Secure within thine arms to lie, And safe beneath thy wings to rest. 4 I have no skill the snare to shun, But thou, O Christ, my wisdom art: I ever into ruin run, But thou art greater than my heart. 5 Foolish, and impotent, and blind, ead me a way I have not known; Bring me where I my heaven may find, The heaven of lowing thee alone. 6 Enlarge my heart to make thee room; Enter; and in me ever stay: The crooked then shall straight become, The darkness shall be lost in day. AND PRCVIDENCE. 333 387 Provision—p.289.] 13th P.M. 1010, 1111. THQUGH troubles assail, and dangers affright, , e. Though friends should all faii, and foes all unlie Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide, The promise assures us, the Lord will provide, 2. The birds, without barn or storehouse, are fed, From them let us learn to trust for our bread : His saints what is fitting shall ne'er be denied, So long as 'tis written, the Lord will provide. 3. We all may, like ships, by tempest be toss'd On perilous deeps, but need not be lost; hough Satan enrages the wind and the tide, Yet Scripture engages, the Lord will provide. 4 His call we obey, like Abr'am of old : We know not the way, but faith makes us bold; For though we are strangers, we have a sure guide, And trust in all dangers, the Lord will provide. 5. When Satan appears to stop up our path And fills us with fears, we triumph by faith; He cannot take from us (though oft he has tried) The heart-cheering promise, the Lord will provide. 6 He tells us we're weak, our hope is in vain, The at we seek we ne'er shall obtain : But when such suggestions our f. have tried, This answers all questions, the Lord will providé. Qur trust is all thrown on Jesus's name; In this our strong tower for safety we hide; he Lord is our power, the Lord will provide. 1. No strength of our own, nor goodness we claim, e = 8. When life sinks apace, and death is in view, The word of his grace shall comfort us through; 334 TRUSTING IN GRACE Not fearing or doubting, with Christ on our side, We hope to die shouting, the Lord will provide. • 388 Belville—p. 144. 1st P. M. 61ines & 2. When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales and dewy meads My weary wand'ring steps he leads, %. peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow With gloomy horrors overspread, ou Thy friendly crook shall give me aid, And guide me through the dreadful shade. 4 Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious, lonely wilds I stray, Thy bounty shall my pains beguile The barren wilderness shall smile With sudden greens and herbage crown'd, And streams shall murmur all around. 389 Bedford—p. 10.] C. M. GOP moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea, d rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill, t; y AND PROVIDENCE. 335 He treasures up his bright designs, And works his sovereign will. 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. 5 His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour: The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain: od is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain. 390 Doddridge—p. 79.] L. M. AWAY, my unbelieving fear ! Fear shall in me no more have place My Saviour doth not yet appear, e hides the brightness of his face: But shall I therefore let him go, d basely to the tempter yield P No, in the strength of Jesus, no, I never will give up my shield. 2 Although the vine its fruit deny, though the olive yield no oil, The withºring fig trees droop and die, The fields elude the tiller's toil, The empty stall no herd afford, And Fº all the bleating race, Yet will I triumph in the Lord, The God of my salvation praise. 336 TRUSTING IN GRACE 3 Barren although my soul remain, And not one bud of grace appear, No fruit of all my toil and pain, ut sin, and only sin is here; Although my gifts and comforts lost, My blooming hopes cut off I see; Yet will I in my Saviour trust, And glory that he died for me. 4 In hope believing against hope i.my Lord, my God, I ãº, Jesus, my strength, shall lift me up, To me he soon shall bring it º, My soul shall then outstrip the wind; On wings of love mount up on hig And leave the world and sin behind. 391 Quebec—p. 110.] L. M. Fº troubled soul, thou need'st not fear! eat Provider still is near : Who fed thee last, will feed thee still, Be calm, and sink into his will. 2 The Lord who built the earth and sky, In mercy stoops to hearthy cry; His promise all may freely claim, 4. and receive in Jesus’ name.” 3 His stores are open all, and free To such as truly upright be: Water and bread he'll give for food, ith all things else which he sees good. 4 Your sacred hairs, which are so small, By God himself are number'd all; This truth he's published all abroad, That men may learn to trust the Lord. AND PROVIDENCE. 337 5 The ravens daily he doth feed, And sends them food as they have need; Although they nothing have in store, Yet as they lack he gives them more. Then do not seek, with anxious care, What ye shall eat, or drink, or wear; Your heavenly Father will you feed, He knows that all these things you need. 7 Without reserve give Christ your heart; Let him his righteousness impart; Then all things else he'll freely give; With him you all things shall receive. 8. Thus shall the soul be truly blest, hat seeks in God his only rest: May I that happy person be, n time and in eternity 392 Gorham—p. 193.j 4th P.M. 886,886. COME on, my partners in distress, My comrades through the wilderness, Who still your bodies feel: Awhile forget your griefs and fears, And look beyond this vale of tears, To that § hill. 2 Beyond the bounds of time and space Look forward to that heavenly place, saints' secure a On faith's strong eagle-pinions rise, And force your passage to the ski And scale the mount of God. 3 Who suffer with our Master here, We shall before his face appear, And by his side sit down; To patient faith the prize is sure; And all that to the end endure cross, shall wear the crown. 15 338 TRUSTING IN GRACE 4 Thrice blessed bliss-inspiring hope; It lifts the fainting spirits up, rings to life the dead: Our conflicts here shall soon be past, d you and I ascend at last v. Triumphant with our Head. - 5 That great mysterious Deity We soon with open face shall see; The beatific Shall fill the heavenly courts with praise, And wide diffuse the golden blaze Of everlasting light The Father, shining on his throne, The glorious co-eternal Son, The Spirit, One and seven Conspire our rapture to complete; .And lo! we fali before his feet, silence heightens heaven. 7 In hope of that ecstatic pause, Till thou our hidden life reveal, Till thou our ravish'd spirits fill, And God be all in all. 393 Bundee—p. 2.] C. M. ESUS, great Shepherd of the shee º .for help }. fly : Ps Thy little flock in safety kee #. the wolf is #. p, 2 He comes, of hellish malice full, To scatter, tear, and slay ; He seizes ...; so As his own lawful prey. 3 Us into thy protection take, .And gather with thy arm; AND PROVIDENCE. 339. Unless the fold we first forsake, The wolf can never harm. 4 We laugh to scorn his cruel power, While by our Shepherd's side; The sheep he never can devour, Unless he first divide. 50 do not suffer him to part The souls that here agree: But make us of one mind and heart, d keep us one in thee. 6 Together let us sweetly live, Together let us die; And each a starry crown receive, And reign above the sky. 394 Liberty—p. 146.1 1st P.M. 6liness. ASTER, Iown thy lawful claim, Thine, wholly thine, I long to be Thou seest, at last, I willing am, here'er thou goest, to follow thee: Myself in all things to deny; Thine, wholly thine, to live and die. 2 Whate'er my sinful flesh requires, For thee I cheerfully forego; My covetous and vain desires, 3 Pleasure, and wealth, and praise no more Shall lead my captive soul astray; 340 TRUSTING IN GRACE 4 All power is thine in earth and heaven; 395 Asylum—p. 281.] 12th P.M.76,7678,16. AST on the fidelity O redeeming Lord, I shall his salvation see, According to his word: Credence to his word I give, My Saviour in distresses past, Will not now his servant leave, ut bring me through at last. 2 Better than my boding fears To me thou oft hast proved; Oft observed my silent tears, And challenged thy beloved: Mercy to my rescue flew, And death ungrasp'd his fainting preys Pain before thy face withdrew, And so e 3 Now as yesterday Jhe same, . In all #. troubles nigh, Jesus, on t { word Elaine I steadfastly rely: Sure as now the grief I feel, promised joy I soon shall have; AND PROVIDENCE. 341 Saved again, to sinners tell Thy power and will to save. 4 To thy blessed will resign'd, And stay’d on that alone, I thy perfect strength shall find, Thy faithful mercies own: Compass'd round with songs of praise, My all to my Redeemer give; Spread thy miracles of grace, And to thy glory li 396 Gilford—p. 86.] L. M. THQU Lamb of God, thou Prince of peace, For thee my thirsty soul doth pine; My longing heart implores thy grace; make me in thy likeness shine ! 2. With fraudless, even, humble mind, hy will in all things may I see; In love be every wish resign'd, And hallow'd my whole heart to thee. 3 When pain o'er my weak flesh prevails, With lamb-like patience ārm my breast; When grief my wounded soul assails, In lowly meekness may I res 4 Close by thy side still may I keep, Howe'er life's various currents flow; With steadfast eye mark every step, And follow thee where'er thou go 5 Thou, Lord, the dreadful fight hast won; ift thou hast the wine- º: trod; me thy strengthening grace be shown, 0 may I conquer through thy blood! 6 So, when on Sion thou shalt stand, ... nd all heaven's hosts adore their King, Shall I be found at thy right hand, , free from pain, thy glories sing. 342 TRUSTING IN GRACE 397 Hebron—p. 111.] L. M. ETºAI. Beam of light divine, Fountain of unexhausted love; In whom the Father's glories shine, Through earth beneath, and heaven abovel 2 Jesus, the weary wanderer's rest, Give me thy easy yoke to bear; With steadfast patience arm my breast, With spotless love, and lowly fear. 3 Thankful I take the cup from thee, repared and mingled by thy skill: Though bitter to the taste it be, Powerful the wounded soul to heal. 4 Be thou, O Rock of ages, nigh! So shall each murm'ring thought be gone; And grief, and fear, and care shall fly, As clouds before the mid-day sun. 5 Speak to my warring passions, “Peace;” Say to my trembling heart, “Be still;” Tº power my strength and fortress is, or all things serve thy sovereign will. 6 0 death ! where is thy sting? Where now Thy boasted victory, O grave? Who shall contend with God? or who urt whom God delights to save? 398 Roseland—p.286.1 13th P.M. 1010, 111. HE earth is the Lord's, and all it contains; The truth of his word for ever remains; The saints have a mountain of blessings in him; His grace is the fountain, his peace is the stream, 2. To him our request we now have made knowl, Who sees what is best for each of his own ; AND PROVIDENCE, 343 Gur heathenish care, we cast it aside; e heareth the prayer, and he will provide. 3. The modest and meek the earth shall possess: #: kingdom § seek of Jesus's grace, e power of his Spirit shall joyfully own, And all things inherit, in virtue of #: 399 Ledbury—p. 151.1 1st P. M. 6 liness. OW I have found the ground wherein Sure my soul's anchor may remain; The wounds of Jesus for my sin, Before the world's foundation slain; Whose mercy shall unshaken stay, en heaven and are fied away. 2 Father, thine everlastin Our scanty thought su Thy heart still melts with tenderness, rms of love still open are Returning sinners to receive, , . That mercy they may taste, and live. 3 O love, thou bottomless abyss: My sins are swallow'd up in thee; Cover'd is my unrighteousness, Nor spot of guilt remains on me, - While Jesus' blood, through earth and skies, Mercy, free, boundless mercy, cries! 4. By faith I plunge me in this ere is my hope, my joy, my rest; Hither, when hell assails, I flee; flook intº my Saviour's b s Away, sad doubt and anxious ſear, Mercy is all that's written there. 5 Though waves and storms go o'er my #. Though strength, and health, and friends gone; 344 THE CHRISTIAN’s warf ARE., Though joys be wither'd all and dead, Though every comfort be withdrawn; On this my steadfast soul relies, , Father, thy mercy never dies. THE CHRISTIAN'S WARFARE. 400 Pelham—p. 128.] S. M. FIRST PART. SOLDIERs of Christ, arise, And r armour on, Strong in the strength which God supplies Through his eternal Son; Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in his mighty power, Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. 2 Stand, then, in his great might, Wi is strength endued; or ht, t having all things done, And all your conflicts Fº Ye may o'ercome through Christ alone, d stand entire at last. 3 Stand, then, against your foes, In close and firm array : THE CHRISTIAN's waRFARE. 345 tº: of wily fiends oppose ughout the evil day: But mock their vain design, Arm'd in the arms of heavenly light, Of righteousness divine. 4 Leave no unguarded place No ess of the soul; y ut arm yourselves with all the mind t was in Christ your Head. Charing—p. 129.] SECOND PART. BUT, above all, lay hold n faith’s victorious shield : Armd with that adamant and gold, Be sure to win the field: If faith surround your heart, R º º be sº rt, epell'd his every fiery da And jºi. Jesus’ blood. 2 Jesus hath died for you f at can his love withstand? Believe, hold fast your shield, and who Shall pluck you from his hand? Believe that Jesus reigns, All power to him is given: Believe, till freed from sin's remains, elieve yourselves to heaven! 3 To keep your armour bright, s: "...º. º: care; !ght, ill walking in your Captain's slg And º unto prayer. * 5 346 THE chººlsTIAN's wARFARE. Ready for all alarm Steadfastly set your face, And always exercise your arms, And use your every grace. 4 Pray, without ceasing, pray, (Your Captain gives the word,) His summons cheerfully obey In instant prayer display: - Pray always; pray, and never faint; Pray, without ceasing, pray. Charlestown—p. 138] THIRD PART, IN fellowship alone, To God with faith draw near : Approach his courts, besiege his throne, With all the power of prayer; Go to his temple, go, Nor from his altar move; Let every house his worship know, And every heart his love His mercy now implore, And now show forth his praise, In shouts, or silent awe, adore is miracles of grace 3 Pour out your souls to God, And bow them with your knees; And spread your hearts and hands abroad, p Your guides and brethren bear, For ever on your mind; THE CHRISTIAN’s waRFARE. 347 Extend the arms of ; prayer, In grasping all mankind. 4 From strength to strength go on Wrestle, and fight, º#. y Tread all the powers of darkness down, And win the well-fought day; Still let the Spirit c In all his soldiers, 2. Come,” Till Christ the Lord descend from high, An e the conquerors home. 401 Watchman—p. 118.] S. M. FIRST PART. HA; how the watchmen cry! Attend the trumpet’s sound ; Stand to your arms, the foe is nigh; The powers of hell surround; Who bow to Christ's co d, Your arms and hearts prepare; The day of battle is at hand 1 Go forth to glorious war ! See, on the mountain top The standard of your §§ In Jesus' name I lift it up, All stain’d in hallow'd blood. His standard-bearer, I To all the nations call: Let all to Jesus' cross draw migh; He bore the cross for all. 3 Go up with Christ your Head, Your Captain's footsteps see; Follow your Captain, and be led To certain victory. All power to him is given: He ever reigns the same: 348 THE CHRISTIAN's warfare. Salvation, º and heaven, Are all in Jesus’ name. 4. Only have faith in God : In faith your foes assail: Not wrestling against flesh and blood, ut all the powers of hell ; rom thrones of glory driven, By flaming vengeance hurl’d, They throng the air, and darken heaven, And rule this lower world. SECOND PART. ANGELS your march oppose, Who still in strength excel, Your secret, sworn, eternal foes, With rage never ends, Their hellish arts they §. Legions of dire, malicious fiends And spirits enthroned on high 2 On earth th? º: reign ul p s * Or see the bloody cross appear m their powers #. ;" 3 Jesus' tremendous name Puts all our foes to flight! fight. By all hell's host withstood, We all hell's host o'erthrow ; uering them through jesus' blood, We on to conquer go, THE CHRISTIAN’s waRFARE. 349 4 Qur Captain leads us on ; e beckons from the skies, And reaches out a starry crown And bids us take the prize. “Be faithful unto death; artake my victory, - And thou shalt wear this glorious wreath, And thou shalt reign with me.” . 402 .Annapolis—p. 22.] C. M. HEN I can read my title clear o mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to every fear, wipe my weeping eyes. 2 Should earth against my soul en And fie . hurl’d, gage, Then I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. 3 Let cares like a wild deluge come, Let storms of sorrow fall: So I but safely reach my home, ? 4 There I shall bathe my weary soul, n seas of heavenly rest, And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast. 403 Cranbrook—p. 131.] S. M. EQIP me for the war, M ..And *. my tº: to fight; y simple, upright heart prepare And guide my words .# y 2 Control my every thought; My whole of sin remove; Let all #. in thee be wrought; Let all be wrought in love. 350 THE CHRISTIAN's warfARE, 3 O arm me with the mind, mb, that was in thee! And let my knowing zeal be join'd With perfect charity. 4 With calm and temper'd zeal Let me enforce thy call; And vindicate thy gracious will, Which offers life to all. 5 O may I love like thee! In all thy footsteps tread : Thou hatest all iniquity, But nothing thou hast made. 6 O may I learn the art, With meekness to reprove : To hate the sin with all my heart, But still the sinner love, Eatom—p. 154.] 1st P. M.6 lines 8s. AVIOUR of all, what hast thou done What hast thou suffer'd on the tree? Why didst thou groan thy mortal groan, Obedient unto death for me? The mystery of thy passion show, The end of all thy griefs below. 2 Pardon, and grace, and heaven to buy, # bleeding sacrifice expired: But didst thou not my pattern die, That by thy glorious Spirit fired, Faithful to death I might endure, d e the crown by suff'ring sure? 3 Thou didst the meek example leave, That I might in thy footsteps tread; Might like the Man of sorrows grieve, An an, and bow with thee my head: The dying in my body bear, And all thy state of suff’ring share. THE CHRISTIAN’s waRFARE, 351 4 Thy every suff'ring servant, Lord, Shall as his perfect Master be; To all thy inward life restored, And outwardly conform'd to thee: Out of thy grave the saint shall rise, And grasp, through death, the glorious prize. 5 This is the strait, the royal wa That leads us to the courts above: Here let me ever, ever stay Till on the wings of perfect love, I take my last triumphant flight, From Calvary’s to Sion's height. 405 Nºginoth—p. 171.1 ist P.M.6liness. URROUNDED by a host of foes, Storm'd by a host of foes within; Nor swift to flee, nor strong t” oppose, . Single against hell, earth, and sin; Single, yet undismay’d, I dare believe in Jesus' name. 2. What though a thousand hosts engage, thousand worlds my soul to shake; I'have a shield shall quell their rage, rive the alien armies back; Portray’d it bears a bleeding Lamb, I dare believe in Jesus' name. 3 Me to retrieve from Satan's hands e from this evil world to free, To purge my sins, and loose my bands, nd save from all iniquity, My Lord and God, from heaven he came, I dare believe in Jesus' name. 4 Salvation in his name there is, Salvation from sin, death, and hell; Salvation into glorious bliss'; ow great salvation who can tell ? 352 THE CHRISTIAN's waRFARE. But all he hath for mine I claim, I dare believe in Jesus' nam 406 Trowbridge—p. 164.] 1st P.M. 6 liness. PBAº doubting heart, my God's I am; whoſłońº: man, forbids my fear: The Lord hath call'd me by my name; The Lord protects, for ever near: His blood for me did once atone, And still he loves and guards his own. 2. When ing through the watery dee I ask . ; aid ry deep, The waves an awful distance keep, And shrink from my devoted head: Fearless their violence I dare; They cannot harm; for God is there : To him mine eye of faith I turn, And through the fire pursue my way; The fire forgets its power to burn, The lambent flames around me play; I own his power, accept the sign, And shout to prove the Saviour mine. 4 Still nigh me, O my Saviour, stand! nd guard in fierce temptation's hour; Hide in the hollow of thy hand; Show forth in me thy saving power; Still be thy arms my sure defence; Nor earth nor hell shall pluck me thence. 5 Since thou hast bid me come to thee, as throu art, and strong to save,) I'll walk o'er life's tempestuous sea, rne by the unyielding wave, Dauntless, though rocks of pride be near, And yawning whirlpools of despair. - 6 When darkness intercepts the skies, And sorrow's waves around me roll, THE CHRISTIAN’s waRFARE. 353 And high the storms of trouble rise, And half o'erwhelm my sinking soul; My soul a sudden calm shall feel, ear a whisper, “Peace; be still ºn 7 Though in affliction's furnace tried, on snares and death I'll tread: Though sin assail, and hell, thrown wide, Pour all its flames upon my head; Like Moses' bush I'll mount the higher, And flourish, unconsumed, in fire. 407 Spring Grove—p. 1651 1st P.M.6 liness. O GOD, my hope, my heavenly rest, My all of happiness below, Grant my importunate reques To me, to me thy goodness show ; Thy beatific face display The brightness of eternal day. 2 Before my faith's enlighten’d eyes Make all thy gracious goodness pass; Thy goodness is the sight I prize: 3 There, in the place beside thy throne, Where all that find acceptance stand, 4 O put me in the cleft; empower My soul the glorious sight to bear! Descend in this accepted hour; by me, and thy name declare; *: wrath withdraw, § hand remove, show thyself the God of love. 354 THE CHRISTIAN’s warf ARE, 408 Zion—p.155.1 1st P. M.6lina% To thee, great God of love, I bow ! And prostrate in thy sight adore: By faith I see thee passing now; have, but still I ask for more; .A glimpse of love cannot suffice My soul for all thy presence cries. 2 I cannot see thy face and live! Then let me see thy face and die!— Now, , my gasping spirit receive, Give me on eagles' wings to fly; With eagles' eyes on thee to gaze, And plunge into the glorious blaze. 3 The fulness of my vast reward, A blest eternity shall be:— But hast thou not on earth ºr. Some better thing than this for me? . What,--but one drop —one transient sight? I want a sum—a sea of light. 4 Moses thy backward parts might view, ut not a perfect sight obtain; The gospel doth thy fulness show To us, by the commandment slain: e dead to sin shall find the grace The pure in heart shall see thy face ; ho now by faith approach to thee, - ol The nature of thy sinless Son 6 This, this is our high calling's prize! Thine image in thy Son I claim And still to higher glories rise, Till, all transform'd, I know thy name: THE CHRISTIAN’s waRFARE. 355 And glide to all my heaven above, y highest heaven in Jesus' love. 409 Rapture—p. 195.] 4th P.M.S$6,886. * O GOD, thy faithfulness I plead: My present help in time of need, My great Deliverer thou ! Haste to my aid : thine ear incline, And rescue this poor soul of mine ! claim the promise now ! How can I my destruction shun ? How can I from my nature run? Answer, O Lord, for me ! 3 One only way the erring mind Oſman, short-sighted man, can find, From inbred sin to fly: Stronger than love, I fondly thought, Death, only death, can cut the knot, Which love cannot untie 4 But thou, O Lord, art full of grace; Thy love can find a thousand ways To foolish man unknown: ſy soul upon thy love I cast; I rest me till the storm be past, Upon thy love alone. 5 Thy faithful, wise, almighty low ś, make an open way : Thy love shall burst the shades of death, d bear me from the gulf beneath, To everlasting day 356 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 410 Morrison—p. 112.] L. M. ONDLY my foolish heart º: Tº augment the source of perfect bliss, JLove's all-sufficient sea to raise With drops of creature happiness. 2 0 Love, thy sovereign aid impart; And guard the gift thyself hast given; My portion, thou, my treasure art, My life, and happiness, and heaven. 3 Would aught on earth my wishes share; Though dear as life the idol be, 4 Whate'er I fondly counted mine, To thee, my , I here restore; Gladly I all to thee resign; Give methyself, I ask no more. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 411 Troas—p. 135.] S. M. ANP are we yet alive, And see each other's face? " Glory and praise to Jesus give For his redeeming grace! Again in Jesus' praise we join, And in his sight appear. 2 What troubles have we seen, What conflicts have we past, CHRISTIAN FELLOwsHIP. 357 Fightings without, and fears within, ince we assembled last; But out of all the Lord Hath brought us by his love; And still he doth his help afford, .And hides our life above. 3 Then let us make our boast Qf his redeeming power, Which saves us to the uttermost, Till we can sin no more: Let us take up the cross, Till we the crown obtain; And gladly reckon all things loss, So we may Jesus gain 412 Rowley—p.296) 15th P.M. 119,119. COME away to the skies, my beloved arise, And rejoice in the day thou wast born On this festival day, come exulting away, nd with singing to Sion return 2 We have laid up our love and our treasure algoye Though our bodies continue below : Frik, —f *_º y - *- his yy wrd, And with singing to paradise go. 3 With singing we praise the original grace, By our heavenly Father bestow'd ; I. Our being receive from his bounty, and live To the honour and glory of God. 4 For thy glory we are, created to share Both the nature and kingdom divine; Created again, that our souls may remain ime and eternity thine 5 With thanks we approve the design of thy love Which hath join'd us in Jesus's name; 358 CHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. So united in heart, that we never can part, Till we meet at the feast of the Lamb. 6 There, there at his feet, we shall suddenly meet, And be parted in body no more! We shall sing to our lyres, with the heavenly choirs And our saviour in glory adore. 7 Hallelujah we sing, to our Father and King, And his rapturous praises repeat: To the Lamb that was slain, hallelujah again, Sing all heaven, and fall at his feet! 8 In assurance of hope, we to Jesus look up, Till his banner unfurl’d in the air, From ; graves we shall see, and cry out, “It is he º' And fly up to acknowledge him there. 413 Tenham—p. 301.1 18th P.M. 10,5,11. CoMº. let us anew our journey pursue, With vigour arise and press to our permanent place in the skies. Of heavenly birth, though wand'ring on earth, his is not our place, But strangers and pilgrims ourselves we confess. 2 At Jesus's call, we gave up our all; And still we forego, For Jesus's sake, our enjoyments below. No longing we find for the country behind; e And still we are seeking a cºuntry above. 3. A country of joy without any alloy, e thither repair: Our hearts and our treasure already are there. We march land iu and to Immanuel's land; cHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 359 No matter what cheer We meet with on earth; for etermity's here ! 4 The rougher our way, the shorter our stay; he tempests that rise Shall gloriously hurry our souls to the skies. The fiercer the blast, the sooner’tis past; roubles that come Shall come to our rescue, and hasten us home. Plá Salem—p. 294.) 15th P. M. 119,119. OME, let us ascend, My companion and friend, To a taste of the banquet above: hy be as mine If for Jesus it pine, Come up into the chariot of love. 2 Who in Jesus confide, We are bold to outride The storms of affliction beneath; With the prophet we soar o the heavenly shore, And outfly all the arrows of death. 3. By faith we are come eg For the heaven of heavens is iève. 4 Who on earth can conceive How happy we live - In the palace of God, the great King! When our Jesus's grace - The whole heavenly company sing! 5 What a rapturous song, When the glorified throng 360 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. In the spirit of harmony join; Join all the glad choirs, Hearts, voices, and lyres, And the burden is “Mercy divine.” 6 Hallelujah they cry, o the King of the sky, To the great everlasting I AM; To the Lamb that was slain, .And that liveth again, Hallelujah to God and the Lamb; 7. The Lamb on the throne, Lo! he dwells with his own And to rivers of pleasure he leads; With his mercy's full blaze, With the sight of his face, Our beatified spirits he feeds. 8 Our foreheads proclaim His ineffable name; Our bodies his glory display; day without night, in his sight; And eternity seems as a day. 415 Jinnapolis—p. 22.] C. M. TRY us, O God, and search the ground Of every sinful heart: Whate'er of sin in us is found, O bid it all depart! 2. When to the right or left we stray, But guide our feet into the way Of everlasting peace. 3 Help us to help each other, Lord, Each other's cross to bear : Let each his friendly aid afford, And feel his brother's care. CHRISTIAN FELLOwsHIP. 361 4 Help us to build each other up, Our little stock improve; Increase our faith, confirm our hope, And perfect us in love. 5 Up into thee, our living Head, Let us in all things grow; Till thou hast made us free indeed, And spotless here below. 6 Then, when the mighty work is wrought, Receive thy ready bride: Give us in heaven a #y lot With all the sanctified. 416 Haddam—p.183) ad P.M. 46,828. THQſ God of truth and love, We seek thy perfect way, Ready thy choice tº approve, hy providence tº obey; Enter into thy wise design, And sweetly lose our will in thine. 2. Why hast thou cast our lot In the same age and place? And why together brought To see each other's face,; To join with softest sympathy, mix our friendly souls in thee? 3 Didst thou not make us one, hat we might one remain; Together travel on - A each other's pain; Till all thy utmost goodness prove, And rise renew’d in perfect love? 4 Surely thou didst unite r kindred spirits here, 16 362 chrisTIAN FELLowsHIP. That all hereafter might Before thy throne *. Meet at the marriage of the Lamb And all thy gracious love proclaim. 5 Then let us ever bear ill all receive the starry crown. 6 O may thy Spirit seal Our souls unto that day ! With all thy fulness fill, Away to our eternal rest, Away to our Redeemer's breast! 417 Zealand—p. 268.] 11th P. M. 76,7677ſ, ATHER of our dying Lord, Remember us for good; 0 fulfil his faithful word, And hear his speaking blood! Give us that for which he prays: Father, glorify thy Son! Show his truth, and power, and grace, send the promise down. 2 True and faithful witness, thou, O Christ, the Spirit give : Hast thou not received him now, That we might now receive? Art thou not the.living Head? Life to all thy limbs impart; hed thy love, thy Spirit shed, g heart. n every waitin 3 Holy Ghost, the Comforter, The gift of Jesus, come; cHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 363 Glow our hearts to find thee near, And swell to make thee room; Present with us thee we feel, ome, O come, and in us be With us, in us, live and dwell, t To all eternity: 418 Douglass—p. 5.] c. M. JEğ, united by thy grace, And each to each endear'd, With confidence we seek thy face, And know our prayer is heard. 2 Still let us own our common Lord, ine easy }. ; A band of love, a threefold cord, Which never can be broke. 3 Make us into one spirit drink; Baptize into thy name; And ſet us always kindly think, And sweetly speak the same. 4 Touch'd by the loadstone of thy love, Let all our hearts agree; And ever toward each other move, And ever move toward thee. 5 To thee inseparably join'd, Let all our spirits cleave; O may we all the loving mind That was in thee receive : 6 This is the bond of perfectness, e spotless charity; 0 let us (still we pray) possess he mind that was in thee! 7 Grant this, and then from all below Insensibly remove: 364 CHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. Our souls the change shall scarcely know, Made perfect first in lové! 8 With ease our souls through death shall glide Into their paradise; And thence on wings of angels ride, Triumphant through the skies. 9 Yet when the fullest joy is given, The same delight we prove, In earth, in paradise, in heaven, our afi'in'aii is love. 419 Boston—p. 213.] 5th P. M.4 linests. ESUS, Lord, we look to thee, Let us in thy name agree; Show thyself the Prince of peace, Bid our jars for ever cease. 2. By thy reconciling love, Every stumbling block remove; Each to each unite, endear; Come, and spread thy banner here. 3 Make us of one heart and mind, Courteous, pitiful, and kind; Lowly, meek, in thought and word, Altogether like our Lord. 4 Let us for each other care, Each the other's burden bear : To thy church the pattern give; Show how true believers live. 5 Free from anger and from pride, t us thus in abide; All the depths of love express, All the heights of holiness. 6. Let us them with joy remove To the family above; cHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 365 n the wings of angels fly: Show how #. j ie. 420 Damascus—p.225.] 7th P. M. 8 lines 7s. I, O V E FEAST. FIRST PART. COME, and let us sweetly join, \ Christ to praise in hymns divine ! Give we all, with one accord, Glory to our common * Hands, and hearts, and voices raise; Sin in the ancien g as all Antedate the joys above, Celebrate the feast of love. 2 Strive we, in affection strive: Let the purer flame revive; Such as in the martyrs glow’d, * lying champions for their God; We like them may live and love; Call'd we are their joys to prove; Saved with them from future wrath : ers of like precious faith. 3 Sing we then in Jesus' name, Now as yesterday the same; One in every time and place, Full for all of truth and grace: We for Christ, our Master, stand, Lights in a benighted land : We our dying Lord confess, e are Jesus’ witnesses. 4 Witnesses that Christ hath died: We with him are crucified : Christ hath burst the bands of death, We his quickºning Spirit breathe: Christ is now gone up on high; Thither all our wishes fly: 366 chRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. Sits at God's right hand above; There with him we reign in love! SECOND PART. COME, thou high and lofty Lord! word: Lowly, meek, incarnate Forºthyself our hearts prepare: Come, and sit, and banquet there ! 2 Jesus, we thy promise claim : We are met in t name: In the midst do thou appear, Manifest thy presence here ! Sanctify us, Lord, an x Breathe thy Spirit, give thy peace; Thou thyself within us move: ur feast a feast of love. 3 Let the fruits of grace abound; Let us in thy bowels sound, Faith, and love, and joy increase, t e; Full of goodness, full of thee. 4 Make us all in thee complete; r glory meet; Meet tº appear before thy sight, tartners with the saints in light. Call, O call us each by name, e Let us lean upon thy breast, . Love be there our endless feast! CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 367 THIRD PART. LET us join, ('tis God commands,) Let us join our hearts and hands Help to gain our calling's hope, Build we each the other up: God his blessing shall dispense; God shall crown his ordinance: Meet in his appointed ways; Nourish us with social grâce. 2 Let us then as brethren love, Faithfully his gifts improve; Carry on the earnest strife, Walk in holiness of life: stiliforget the things behind, ollow Christ in heart and mind; Toward the mark unwearied press, Seize the crown of righteousness. 3 Plead we thus for faith alone, Faith which by our works is shown es; Qnly faith the grace applies: Active faith that lives within, onquers earth, and hell, and sin; Sanctifies, and makes us whole, Forms the Saviour in the soul. 4 Let us for this faith contend; Sure salvation is its end; Till we see our Lord appear; 368 chrisTIAN FELLowsHIP, FOURTH PART, PARTNERS of a glorious hope, lift your hearts and voices up Jointly let us rise and sing, hrist, our Prophet, Priest, and King: (onuments of Jesus' grace, #: we by our lives his praise: alk in him we have received : Show we not in vain believed. While we walk with God in light, 3od our hearts doth still unite: : n the bonds of duty join'd, Feels the cleansing blood applied, Daily feels that Christ hath died. 3 Still, O Lord, our faith increase; Cleanse from all unrighteousness: Thee th’ unholy cannot see: , O make us meet for thee: Every vile affection kill; Root out every seed of ill; utterly abolish sin; Write thy law of love within. 4 Hence may all our actions flow, Love the proof that Christ we know; Mutual love the token Only love to us be given - - Lord, we ask no other heaven. eRRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 369 421 Warwick—p. 47.] C. M. COME, let us use the grace divine, And all with one accord, In a º covenant join Ourselves to Christ the Lord. 2 Give up ourselves through Jesus' power, His name to iſy; And promise, in this sacred hour, For God to live and die. 3 The covenant we this moment make Be ever kept in mind; We will no more our God forsake, r cast his words behind. 4 We never will throw off his fear, Who hears our solemn vow; And if thou art well pleased to hear, Come down, and meet us now ! 5 Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Let all our hearts receive; Present with the celestial host, e peaceful answer give, 6 To each the covenant blood apply, Which takes our sins away; And register our names on bigh, alº’s 422 Sabbath—p.227.1 7th P.M. 3 line ta. PEACE be on this house bestow'd, 370 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 2 Christ, my Master and my Lord, Let me thy forerunner be: O be mindful of thy word, Visit them, and visit me, o this house and all herein Now let thy salvation come: Save our souls from inbred sin Make us thy eternal home! 3 Let us never, never rest Till the promise is fulfiiid: “ . Till we are of thee possess'd, Pardon'd, sanctified, and seal’d; Till we all, in love renew’d Temples of the living God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! 423 Rochdale—p. 205.] 4th P.M. 886,886. XCEPT the Lord conduct the plan, The best concerted schemes are vain, And never can succeed; We spend our wretched strength for naught; But if our works in thee be wrought, ey shall be bless'd indeed. 2 Lord, if thou didst thyself inspire Our souls with this intense desire, hy goodness to proclaim; Thy glory if we now intend, 0 let our deeds begin and end Complete in Jesus' name ! 3. In Jesus' name behold we meet, Far from an evil world retreat, , And all “s frantic ways; One only thune resolved to know, And square our useful lives below By reason and by grace ChrisTIAN FELLowship. 371 4. Not in the tombs we pine to dwell, Not in the dark monastic cell, By vows and grates confined; Freely to all ourselves we give, Constrain’d by Jesus' love to live The servants of mankind. 5 Now, Jesus, now thy love impart, To govern each devoted heart, And fit us for thy will Deep founded in the truth of grace, Build up thy rising church, and place The city on the hill. 6 0 let our love and faith abound ! O let our lives to all around With purest lustre shine ! That all around our works may see, And give the § Lord, to thee, The heavenly light divine! 424 Devonshire—p.284.] 13th P.M. 1010, 1111. ALL thanks to the Lamb, who gives us to meet: His love we proclaim, his praises repeat: e own him our Jesus, continually near, To pardon and bless us, and perfect us here. 2. In him we have peace, in him we have power, Preserved by his grace throughout the dark hour: In all our temptation he keeps us, to prove His utmost salvation, his fulness of love. 3 Pronounce the glad word, and bid us be free; Ah! hast thou not, Lord, able sing for me? The u hast given this moment impart, And open thy heaven, 0 love, in my heart. 372 chRIsTIAN FELLowsHIP. 425 Morning Hymn—p. 159.] 1st P.M.6 lines&. WATCHP by the world's malignant eye, Who load us with reproach and shame; As servants of the Lord most high, We ought in all his paths to move, With holy fear and humble love. 2 That wisdom, Lord, on us bestow, From every evil to depart: To stop the Inouth o ry foe #. upright both in life and heart, The proofs of godly fear we give, And show them how the Christians live. 426 JAmherst—p. 14.] C. M. SE; Jesus, thy disciples see, The promised blessing give : Met in thy name, we look to thee, Expecting to receive. 2 Thee we expect, our faithful Lord, - name are join'd; e wait, according to thy word, Thee in the midst to find. 3 With us thou art assembled here, But 0, thyself reveal : Son of the living God, appear! t us thy presence feel, 4 Breathe on us, Lord, in this our day, And these dry bones shall live; Speak peace into our hearts, and say, “The Holy Ghost receive.” 5 Whom now we seek, O may we meet! Jesus, the crucified; Show us thy bleeding hands and feet, Thou who for us hast died. cHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 373 6 Cause us the record to receive : peak, and the tokens show, “O be not faithless, but believe In me, who died for you!” 427 Amana—p. 291.] 13th P.M. 1010, 1111. APFOINTER by thee, we meet in thy name, And meekly agree to follow the Lamb; To trace thy example, the world to disdain, And constantly trampie on pleasure and pain. 20 what shall we do our Saviour to love! o make us anew, come, Lord, from above, The fruit of thy passion, thy holiness give: ive us the salvation of all that believe! 3 O Jesus, appear, no longer delay, To sanctify ere, and bear us away; The end of our meeting on earth let us see; Triumphantly sitting in glory with thee! 428 Fountain—p. 29.1 c. M. BLESSD be the dear uniting love . That will not let us part; Our bodies may far off remove, We still are one in heart. 2 Join'd in one spirit to our Head, Where he appoints we go; And still in Jesus' footsteps tread, show his praise below. 3 O may we ever walk in him, And nothing know beside, Nothing desire, nothing esteem, But Jesus cruci 4. Closer and closer let us cleave To his beloved embrace; 374 CHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. Expect his fulness to receive, An answer grace. 5 Partakers of the Saviour's grace, The same in mind and heart, Nor joy, nor grief, nor time, nor place, Nor life, nor death, can part, 6 But let us hasten to the day Which shall our flesh restore; When death shall all be done away, And bodies part no more. 429 Flixton—p. 182.] 3d P. M. 46s &2& Jºãº, accept the praise That to thy name belongs! Matter of all our lays, Subject of all our songs; Through thee we now together came, n ting in thy name. 2 In flesh we part awhile, But still in spirit join'd y toi u hast to each assign'd; *. And while we do thy blessed will, We bear our heaven about us still. Keep us and every seeking soul, Till all attain the heavenly 4 There we shall meet again, en all our toils are o'er, And death, and grief, and pain, parting are no more: We shall with all our brethren rise, thee in the flaming skies. cHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 375 5 0 happy, happy da #.ºft. #. º: home . The heavens shall pass away, The earth receive its doom : Earth we shall view, and heaven destroy'd, And shout above the fiery void. 6 These eyes shall see them fall, untains, and stars, and skies! These eyes shall see them all ul of their ashes rise : These lips his praises shall rehearse, Whose nod restores the universe, 7 According to his word, His oath to sinners given, We look to see restor The ruin’d earth and heaven : In a new world his truth to prove, A world of righteousness and love. 8 Then let us wait the sound That shall our souls release, .And labour to be found im in spotless peace: In perfect holiness renew’d; Adorn'd with Christ, and meet for God : 430 Schaeffer—p. 62.] C. M., GQR of all consolation, take The glory of thy grace Thy gifts to thee we render back In ceaseless songs of praise. 2 Through thee we now together came, In singleness of heart; We met, O Jesus, in thy name; d in thy fame we p 8 We part in body, not in mind; Our minds continue one: 376 CHRISTIAN FELLowship. And each to each in Jesus join'd, We hand in hand go on. 4 Subsists as in us all one soul; No power can make us twain; And mountains rise, and oceans roll, To sever us in vain 5 Present we still in spirit are, And intimately nigh; While on the wings of faith and prayer We each to other fly. 6 In Jesus Christ together we In heavenly places sit: Clothed with the sun, we smile to see e moon beneath our feet 7 Our life is hid with Christ in God : Our Life shall soon appear, And shed his glory all abroad n all his members here 8. The heavenly treasure now we have n a vile house of clay; - But He shall to the utmost save, And keep us to that day. 9 Our souls are in his mighty hand, And he shall keep them still; And you and I shall surely stand With him on Zion's hill. 10 Him eye to eye we there shall see, Our flºº. #. shall shine: O what a glorious company When saints and angels jºin! 11_0 what a joyful meeting there ! In robes of white array'd: Palms in our hands we all shall bear, And crowns upon our head. CHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 377 12 Then let us lawfully contend, And fight our pas through: Bear in our faithful minds the end, eep the prize in view. 13. Then let us hasten to the day When all shall be brought home ! Come, 0 Redeemer, come away! O Jesus, quickly come ! 431 Shepherd—p. 130.) S.M. ANP let our bodies part, To different climes repair; hº join’d in heart The friends of Jesus are. 2 Jesus, the corner-stone, id first our hearts unite; And still he keeps our spirits one, Who walk with him in white. 30 let us still proceed In Jesus' work below; And, following our triumphant Head, To farther conquests go. 4 The vineyard of the Lord Before his labºrers lies; d lo! we see the vast reward Which waits us in the skies. That haven of repose to find Where all our labours end 6 Where all our toils are o'êr, Qur suff’ring and our pain; Who meet on that eternal shore Shall never part again. 378 CHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 70 happy, happy place, Where saints and angels meet ! There we shall see each other's face, And all our brethren greet. 8 The church of the first-born, We shall with them be bless'd, And, crown'd with endless joy, return To our eternal rest. 9 With joy we shall behold, In yonder bless'd abode, The patriarchs and prophets old, And all the saints of God. 10 Abram and Isaac, there, And Jacob, shall receive The followers of their faith and prayer, Who now in bodies live. 11 We shall our time beneath Live out in cheerful hope, ess pass the vale of death, And gain the mountain top. 12 To gather home his own shall his angels send, And bid our bliss, on earth begun, In deathless triumphs end. 432 Braintree—p. 29.] C. M. LIFT up your hearts to things above, Ye followers of the Lamb, And join with us to praise his love, rify his name. 2 To Jesus' name give thanks and sing, Whose mercies never end: Rejoice! rejoice! the Lord is King! The King is now our Friend! chrisTIAN FELLowsHIP. 379 3 We for his sake count all things loss, On earthly good look down: And joyfully sustain the cross, Till we receive the crown 40 let us stir each other up, Our faith by works tº approve, By holy, purifying hope, And the sweet task of love. 5 Let all who for the promise wait, he Holy Ghost receive; d, raised to our unsinning state, With God in Eden live : 6 Live, till the Lord in glory come, And wait his heaven to share : He now is fitting up your home: Go on, we'll meet you there! 433 Haven—p. 231.1 7th P.M.8 lines 7s. LORY be to God above, A. God from whom all blessings flow; e we mention of his lov Publish we his praise below: Call'd together by his grace re met in Jesus' name; See with joy each other's face, Followers of the bleeding Lamb. 2 Let us then sweet cohnsel take, . How to make our calling sure; 3 More and more let love abound: Let us never, never rest, 380 chrisTIAN FELLowship. Till we are in Jesus found, Of Our ise possess'd : He removes the flaming swo Calls us back from Eden driven: To his image here restored, Soon he takes us up to heaven! 434 Olney—p. 134.] S. M. SAM19A of sinful men, Thy goodness we proclaim, Which brings us here to meet again, .And triumph in thy name: Thy mighty name bath been Our safeguard er : Hath saved us from the world and sin, And all th’ accuser's power 2 Jesus, take all the praise, That still on earth we live; 3 Awhile in flesh disjoin'd, friends that went before, We soon in paradise shall find, And meet to part no more; In yon thrice *: seat, Waiting for us they are: ou shalt there a husband meet, And i a parent there: 4 O what a mighty ge hall Jesus' ;*rers know? While o'er the happy plains they range, Incapable of wo: CHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 381 No ill-requited love S ere our spirits wound: No base ingratitude above; No sin in heaven is found. 5 There all our griefs are spent! There all our sorrows end : one : No #. there, in passion loud, Cries, “O my son, my son!” 6 No slightest touch of pain, or sorrow's least alloy, Can violate our rest, or stain o clouds or tempests rise: There gushing tears are wiped away For ever from our eyes. 435 Elliot—p. 152] 1st P.M.6lines 8. Jººs, to thee our hearts we lift, May all our hearts with love o'erflow: With thanks for thy continued gift, That still thy gracious name we know; etain our sense of sin forgiven, And wait for all our inward heaven. 2 What º troubles hast thou shown t Thy feeble, tempted follºwers here! We have through fire and water gone; ut saw thee on the floods appear; But felt thee present in the flame, And shouted our Deliverer's name. 3 Thou who hast kept us to this hour, 0 keep us faithful to the end 382 CHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. When robed in majesty and power, Our Jesus shall from heaven descend, His friends and confessors to own, nd seat us on his glorious throne. 436 Sicily—p. 122.] S. M. ESUS, we look to the Thy promised presence claim; Thou in the midst of us shalt be, Assembled in thy name: - º; Thy name is life, and health, and peace, And everlasting love. 2 Not in the name of pride Or selfishness we meet; From nature's paths we turn aside, And worldly thoughts forget; We meet the grace to take, Which thou hast freely given; We meet on earth for thy dear sake, That we may meet in heaven. But, O, thyself reveal Now, Lord, let every bounding heart emighty comfort feel ! And bid our inmost souls rejoice, In hope of perfect love! 437 Broomsgrove—p. 30.] C. M. Aſºº praise to our redeeming Lord, Who joins us by his grace, And bids us, each to each restored, Together seek his face. * CHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 383 2 He bids us build each other up; An er'd into one, To our high calling's glorious hope, e hand in hand go on. We hand 3 The gift which he on one bestows, We all delight to prove, e grace through every vessel flows, In purest streams of love. 4 Even now we think and speak the same, And cordially agree, United all through Jesus' name In perfect harmony. 5 We all partake the joy of one, he common peace we feel; A peace to sensual minds unknown, Ajoy unsp 6 And if our fellowship below n Jesus be so sweet, What height of rapture shall we know, When round his throne we meet! 438 Walley—p. 113.] L. M. NCHANGEABLE, almighty Lord, ur souls upon thy truth we stay; Accomplish now thy faithful word, give, O give us all one way: 20 let us all join hand in hand, o seek redemption in thy blood; Fast in one mind and spiri d, d build the temple of our God. 3 Thou only canst our wills control, Our wild unruly passions bind; Tame the ol am in our soul, And make us of one heart and mind. 384 CHRISTIAN FELLowship. 4 S but the i. word, he winds shall cease, the waves subside; We all shall praise our common Lord, Our Jesus, and him crucified. 5 Giver of peace and unity, Send down thy mild, pacific Dove; We all shall then in one agree, - And breathe the spirit jº, love. 6 We all shall think and speak the same Delightful lesson of thy e : One undivided Christ proclaim, nd jointly glory in thy praise. 7 O let us take a softer mould; Blended and gather'd into thee; Under one Shepherd make one fold, here all is love and harmony. 8 Regard thine own eternal prayer, nd send a peaceful answer down; To us thy #. name declare: nite and perfect us in one : 9 So shall the world believe and know That God hath sent thee from above, When thou art seen in us below, And every soul displays thy love. 439 Philadelphia—p. 212.] 5th P.M.4 lines". GOP of love, that hear'st the prayer, Kindly for thy people care; Who on thee alone depend: Love us, save us to the end. 2 Save us in the prosperous hour, From the flattering tempter's power; From his unsuspected wiles, From the world's permicious smiles. chrisTIAN FELLowsHIP. 385 3 Cut off our dependance wain On the help of feeble man; very arm of flesh remove; Stay us on thy only love! 4 Men of worldly, low design, Let not these thy people join, Poison our simplicity, g us from our trust in thee. 5. Save us from the great and wise, Till they sink in their own eyes Tamely to thy yoke submit, Lay their honour at thy feet. 6. Never let the world break in, Fix a . gulf between; Keep us little and unknown, Prized and loved by God alone. 7 Let us still to thee look up, Thee, thy Israel's . and hope; Nothing {. or seek begide Jesus, and him crucified. 8 Far above all earthly things, Loo own on earthly kings: Taste our glorious liberty; Find our happy all in thee! 440 Ward—p. 109. L. M. AVIOUR of all, to thee we bow, And own thee faithful to thy word We hearthy voice, and open now Our hearts to entertain our Lord. 2 Come in, come in, thou heavenly guest, Delight in what thyself hast given; On thy own gifts and graces feast, And make the contrite heart thy heaven. 17 -- 386 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 3 Smell the sweet odour of our prayers, Our sacrifice of praise approve; And treasure up our gracious tears, Who rest in thy redeeming love. 4 Beneath thy shadow let us sit, Call us º friends, and love, and bride; And bid us freely drink and eat Thy dainties, and be satisfied. 5 O let us on thy fulness feed : And eat thy flesh, and drink thy blood! Jesus, thy blood is drink indeed; Jesus, thy flesh is angels' food. 6 The heavenly manna faith imparts: Faith makes thy fulness all our own; We feed upon thee in our hearts, And find that heaven and thou art one. 441 Rest—p.214.1 6th P.M. 6 line, 7. CENTº of our hopes thou art, End of our enlarged desires; sº thine image on our heart; Fill us now with heavenly fires; Cemented by love divine, Seal our souls for ever thine! * All our works in thee be wrought, Levell'd at one common aim: Every word and every thought Purge in the refining flame: Lead us ...; the paths of peace On to perfect holiness. 3 Let us all together rise, To thy glorious light restored; Here regain our paradise prepare to meet our Lord: Here enjoy the earnest given: Travel hand in hand ºia CHRISTIAN FELLOws HIP. 387 442 Salisbury—p. 163. 1st P.M. 6 lines 8. Jºãº, with kindest pity see The souls that would be one in thee If now accepted in thy sigh ou dost our upright hearts unite, Allow us e?en on earth to prove The noblest joys of heavenly love : 2. Before thy glorious eyes we spread e wish which doth from thee proceed: Our love from earthly dross refine; Holy, angelical, divine, Thee, its great Author, let it show, And back to the pure fountain flow. 3. A drop of that unbounded sea, Lord, resorb it into thee! - While all our souls, with restless strife, Spring up into eternal life: And lost in endless raptures, prove y whole immensity of love. 4. A spark of that ethereal fire, Still let it to its source aspire: o thee in every wish return, Intensely for thy glory burn: ile all our souls fly up to thee, And blaze through all eternity. #43 Gratitude—p. 30.1 c.M. Q: what an entertaining sight Those friendly brethren prove, Whose cheerful hearts in bands unite and love 2. Where streams of bliss from Christ the spring Descend on eve ul : And heavenly peace with balmy wing Shades and revives the whole. 388 chrisTIAN FELLowsHIP. 3 Tis pleasant as the morning dews That fall on Zion's hill h - ere God his mildest glory shows, And makes his grace distil. - 444 Sabbath—p. 227.] 7th P. M. 8 line. 1 FA.H.E.R. at thy footstool see Those who now are one in thee! -- Let us in thy name be join'd; Keep us still in perfect peace. 2 Heavenly, all-alluring Dove, Shed thy overshadowing love; Love, the sealing grace, impart; Dwell within our single heart. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Be to us what Adam lost; Let us in thine image rise; Give us back our Paradise! 445 Murray—p. 137.] S. M. LESS’D are the sons of peace, Whose hearts and hopes are one; Whose kind designs to serve and please Through all their actions run 2 Bless'd is the pious house here zeal and friendship meet; Their songs of praise, their mingled vows, Make their communion swe 3 Thus on the heavenly hills The saints are bless'd above, Where joy, like morning dew, distils, And all the air is love. cHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 389 446 Crawford—p. 34.) C. M. Glº of concord, Prince of peace, Meek, lamb-like Son of God, Bid our unruly passions cease, y thy atoning blood. 2 Rebuke our rage, our passions chide, ur stubborn wills control; Beat down our wrath, root out our pride, calm our troubled soul. 3 Subdue in us the carnal mind, Its enmity destroy, With cords of love our spirits bind, nd melt us into joy. 4 Us into closest union draw, nd in our inward parts Let kindness sweetly write her law, And love command our hearts. 5 Saviour, look down with pitying eyes, urjarring wills control, . Let cordial, kind affections rise, nd harmonize the soul. 60 let us find the ancient way, Our wond'ring foes to move, And force the heathen world to say, “See how these Christians love!” 47 BathAlley—p.233.J 7th P.M. sines". Cºlºr from whom all blessings flow, Still for more on thee we call, Thou who fillest all in all ! 390 CHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 2 Move, and actuate, and guide: Divers gifts to each divide : Let us daily growth receive, More and more in Jesus live. 3 Sweetly may we all agree, Touch'd with softest sympathy; Kindly for each other care; Every member feel its share. Many are we now and one, We who Jesus have put on : Names, and sects, and parties fall: Thou, O Christ, art all in all. 448 Nashville—p. 176.] 2d P.M.6 lina & OUR friendship sanctify and guide, Unmix'd with selfishness and pride, Thy glory be our single aim In all our intercourse below, Still let us in thy footsteps go, nd never meet but in thy name. Fix on thyself our single eye; Still let us on thyself rely e help that each conveys; The help as from thy hand receive, And still to thee all glory give, All thanks, all might, all love, all praise. 2 Whate'er thou dost on one bestow, Let each the double blessing know, the common burden bear; In comforts and in griefs agree, or his friends with thee, In all th' omnipotence of prayer. chRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 391 I n 3. 11 t º # º o r] g u § s e l f e And joy, and happiness, and love. True yoke-fellows, by love compell'd To labour in the gospel field, ur all let us delight to spend In gathering in thy lambs and sheep, Assured that thou our souls wilt keep, Wilt keep us faithful to the end. 449 Upton—p. 101.] L. M. O THOU, our Husband, Brother, Friend, Behold a cloud of incense rise ! The prayers of saints to heaven ascend, Grateful, accepted sacrifice! 2 Regard our prayers for Sion's peace: Shed in our hearts thy love abroad: Thy gifts abundantly increase: Enlarge, and fill us all with God | 3 Before thy sheep, great Shepherd, go, And guide into thy perfect will; Cause us thy hallow’d name to know, The work of faith in us fulfil. 4 Help us to make our calling sure; 0 let us all be saints indeed! And pure as thou thyself art pure; Conform'd in all things to our 392 CHRISTIAN FELLowship. ~ 5 Take the dear purchase of thy blood; Thy blood shall wash us white as snow, Present us sancti o God, And perfected in love below. 6 That blood which cleanses from all sin, That efficacious blood º And wash, and make us wholly clean, And change, and throughly sanctify. 450 Praise—p. 194.1 4th P. M. 48s & 26. OME, wisdom, power, and grace divine! Come, Jesus, in thy name to join A happy chosen band; Who fam would prove thine utmost wilk, And all thy righteous laws fulfil, in love's benign command. 2. If pure essential love thou art, Thy nature into every heart º loving self inspire: Bid all our simple souls be one, United in a bond unknown, Baptized with heavenly fire. 3 Still may we to our centre tend, To spread thy praise our common end, To help each other on; Companions through the wilderness; To share a moment’s pain, and seize An everlasting crown. 4 Jesus, our tender'd souls prepare : Infuse the softest social care, e warnest charity; The bowels of our bleeding Lamb, The virtues of thy wondrous name, The heart that was in thee. 5 Supply what every member wants; To found the fellowship of saints, Thy Spirit, Lord, supply; CHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 393 So shall we all º love receive, Together to thy glory live, And to thy glory die. 451 Willowly—p. 191.] 4th P. M. 886, 886. SAVIOUR, cast a gracious smile ! Our gloomy guilt, and selfish guile, And shy distrust remove; The true simplicity impart, To fashion every passive heart, And mould it into love. Our naked hearts to thee we raise; , Whate'er obstructs the work of grace, For ever drive i - Exert thy all-subduing power, And each regenerate soul restore To child-like innocence. 3 Soon as in thee we gain a part, Our spirit purged from nature's art ears, by grace forgiven; We then pursue our sole design, To lose our melting will in thine, And want no other heaven. 40 that we now the power might feel, To do on earth thy blessed will, As angels do above . In thee, the life, the truth, the way, To walk, and perfectly obey hy sweet constraining love! 394 CHRISTIAN FELLowsHIP. 452 Eastburn—p. 189.] s. M. LESS’D be the tie that binds ur hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred min 3. Owe. 2 Before our Father's throme We pour our ardent prayers; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our coinforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes; Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows sympathizing tear 4. When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be join’d in heart, I Il. 5 This glorious hope revives Qur courage by the way; While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day. 6 From sorrow, toil, and pain, And sin we shall be free : Aud perfect love and friendship reign Through all eternity. 453 Consolation—p.284.1 7th P.M.8linesſ. #. in all thy footsteps go, y Walk as Jesus walk'd below. PASTORAL. 395 2 While thou didst on earth appear, Servant to thy servants here, Such our whole employment be, Works of faith and charity; Works of love on man bestow'd, Secret intercourse with God. here by wrestling faith obtain Power to work for God again; Power his image to retrieve, Power like thee, our Lord, to live. 4 Vessels, instruments of grace, Pass we thus our happy days, 'Twixt the mount and multitude, Doing or receivin : Glad to pray and labour on, Till our earthly course is run; ill we on the sacred tree Bow the head and die like thee, P A S TO R. A. L. 454 Gilford—p. 86.] I. M. ESUS, thy wand'ring sheep behold ! See, Lord, with ..º.º. see, Poor souls that cannot find the fold, Till sought and gather'd in by thee. 396 PASTORAL. 2 Lost are they now and scatter'd wide, In pain, and weariness, and want: With no kind shepherd near, to guide e sick, and spiritless, and faint. 3 Thou, only thou, the kind and good, nd sheep-redeeming Shepherd art; Collect thy flock, and give them food, And pastors after thine own heart. 4 Give the pure word of general grace, And great shall be the preachers' crowd; Preachers who all the sinful race Point to the all-atoning blood. 5 Open their mouth, and utterance give, Give them a trumpet-voice to .# A world, who all may turn and live, Through faith in Him who died for all. 6 In every messenger reveal The grace they preach divinely free; That each may by thy Spirit tell, “He died for all, who died for me.” 7 A double portion from above, f that all-quick’ning Spirit impart; Shed forth thy universal love In every faithful pastor's heart. 8 Thine only glory let them seek, let their hearts with love o’erflow : Let them believe, and therefore speak, And spread thy mercy's praise below. 455 Spilsby—p. 123.] S., M. ORD of the harvest, hear hy needy servants' cry; Answer our faith's effectual prayer, And all our wants supply. PASTORAL. 397 2 On thee we humbly wait, ur wants are in thy view; The harvest truly, Lord, is great, The labourers are few. 3 Convert, and send forth more Into thy church abroad, And let them speak thy word of power, workers with their God. 4 Give the pure gospel word The W.Pof ; race ; Then let them preach the common Lord Saviour of human race. 50 let them spread thy name, Their mission fully prove; Thy universal grace proclaim, hine all-redeeming love : 456 .Ashford—p. 124.] S. M. HQW. beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill; That bring salvation on their tongues, words of peace reveal. 2 How charming is their voice, So sweet the tidings are; “Zion, behold thy Saviour Kin; He reigns and triumphs here!” 3 How happy are our ears, - That hear the joyful sound, Which kings and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found ! 4 How blessed are our eyes, That see this heavenly light; Prophets and kings desired it long, But died without the sight! 398 PASTORAL. 5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. 6 The Lord makes bare his arm Through all the earth abroad: Let every nation now behol Their Saviour and their God. 457 Rockingham—p. 101.1 L. M. FATHER, if justly still we claim To us and ours the promise made, To us be graciously the same, nd crown with living fire our head. 2 Our claim admit, and from above, Of holiness the Spirit shower, Of wise discernment, humble love, zeal, and unity, and power. 3 The spirit of convincing speech, Of power demonstrative impart: Such as may every conscience reach, And sound the unbelieving heart. 4 The Spirit of refining fire, earching the inmost of the mind, To º; all fierce and foul desire, And kindle life more pure and kind. 5 The Spirit of faith in this thy day, To break the power of cancell'd sin; down its strength, o'erturn its sway, And still the conquest more than win. 6 The Spirit breathe of inward life, hich in our hearts thy laws may write; Then grief expires, and pain, and strife; 'Tis nature all,—and all delight. PASTORAL. 399 # 458 Park-street—p. 97.] L. M. ON all the earth thy Spirit shower, The earth in righteousness renew: Thy kingdom come, and hell's o'erpower, And to thy sceptre all subdue. 2 Like mighty winds or torrents fierce, Let it opposers all o'erturn, And every law of sin reverse, That faith and love may make all one. 3 Yea, let thy Spirit in every place is richest energy declare; While lovely tempers, fruits of grace, The kingdom of thy Christ prepare. 4 Grant this, 0 holy God and true! The ancient seers thou didst inspire: To us perform the promise due, escend and crown us now with fire. 459 Job-p. 103.] L. M. COMFORT, ye ministers of grace, Comfort the people of your Lord; O '...}. up the fallen race, And cheer them by the gospel word. 2 Go into every nation, go, Speak to their º: hearts, and cry, Glad tidings unto all we show: erusalem, thy God is nigh. 3 Hark! in the wilderness a cry, A voice that loudly calls, Prepare; Prepare your hearts, for God is nigh, And means to make his entrance there: 4 The Lord your God shall quickly come; Sinners, repent, the call obey: Open your hearts, to make him room: Ye desert souls, prepare his way. 400 PASTORAL, 5 The Lord shall clear his way through all; Whate'er obstructs, obstructs intvain; The vale shall rise, the mountain fall, Crooked be straight, and rugged plain. 6 The glory of the Lord display'd Shall all mankind together view, And what his mouth in truth hath said, His own almighty hand shall do. 460 Uxbridge—p. 98.] L. M. HIGH on his everlasting throne, The King of saints his work surveys, Marks the dear souls he calls his own, And smiles on the peculiar race. 2 He rests well pleased their toils to see; Heneath his easy yoke & With all their heart and strength agree In the sweet labour of his love. 3 See where the servants of the Lord, A busy multitude, :#. For Jesus day and night employ'd, His heritage they toil to clear. 4 The love of Christ their hearts constrains, And strengthens their unwearied 8; They spend their sweat, and blood, and pains, To cultivate Immanuel's lands. 5 Jesus their toil delighted sees, Their industry vouchsafes to crown; He kindly gives the wish’d increase, And sends the promised blessing down. 6 The sap of life, the Spirit's powers, He rains incessant from above; He all his gracious fulness showers, To perfect their great work of love.' PASTORAL. 401 7 Q multiply thy sowers' º And fruit they ...Y hour shall bear: Throughout the world thy#: spread, Thine everlasting truth declare! 8 We then, in perfect love renew’d, Shall know the greatness of thy power, Stand in the temple of our God As pillars, ;Pgo out no more. 461 Uxbridge—p. 98.] I. M. D ear , 0 Sön dra w n tar | 3 Make good their apostolic boast, Their high commission let them prove, Be temples of the Holy Ghost, And fill'd with faith, and hope, and love. 4 Their hearts from things of earth remove, Sprinkle them, Lord, from sin and fear; Fix their affections all above, And lay up all their treasures there. 5 Give them an ear to hear thy word; Thou 5 est to the churches now: And let all tongues confess their Lord, Let every knee to Jesus bow. 462 Arnold—p. 98.] L. M. SHALL I, for fear of feeble man, . The Spirit's course in me restrain? Or, undismay’d in deed and wo Be a true witness of my Lord? 3. 402 PASTORAL. 2 Awed by a mortal's frown, shall I Conceal the word of God Most High! How then before thee shall I dare To stand, or how thine anger bear? 3 Shall I, to sooth th' unholy throng, Soften thy truth, or smooth my tongue, To gain earth's gilded toys, or flee The cross endured, my Lord, by thee? 4 What then is he whose scorn I dread Î Whose wrath or hate makes me afraid P A man! an heir of death ! a slav To sin a bubble on the wave : 5 Yea, let men rage; since thou wilt spread Thy shadowing wings around my head : Since in all pain thy tender love Will still my sure refreshment prove. 463 Gilford—p. 86.] L. M. SAYºu; of men, thy searching eye Doth all my inmost thoughts descry: Doth aught on earth my wishes raise, Or the world's pleasures, or its praise? 2 The love of Christ doth me constrain To seek the wand'ring souls of men; With cries, entreaties, tears, to save, To snatch them from the gaping grave. 3 For this let men revile my name, o cross I shun, I fear no shame; All hail reproach, and welcome pain; y terrors, Lord, restrain. 4. My life, my blood, I here present, If for thy truth they may be spent, Fulfil thy sovereign counsel, Lord! Thy will be done, thy name adored: * PASTORAL. 403 5 Give me thy strength, O God of power, Then let winds blow, or thunders roar, Thy faithful witness will I be: 'Tis fix'd; I can do all through thee. 464 walley—p. 118.] L. M. THE Lord is King, and earth submits, Howe'er impatient, to his sway; Between the cherubim he sits, And makes his restless foes obey. 2 All power is to our Jesus given; O'er earth's rebellious sons he reigns; He mildly rules the hosts of heaven d holds the powers of hell in chains. 3 In vain doth Satan rage his hour, Beyond his chain he cannot go; Our Jesus shall stir up his power, soon avenge us of our foe. 4 Jesus shall his great arm reveal; esus, the woman's conquering seed; (Though now the serpent bruise his HEEL; Jesus shall bruise the serpent's HEAD. 5 The enemy his tares hath sown, But Christ shall shortly root them up; Shall cast the dire accuser down, d disappoint his children's hope: 6 Shall still the proud Philistine's noise; Baffle the sons of unbelief; Nor long permit them to rejoice, But turn their triumph into grief. 7 Come, glorious Lord, the rebels spurn; Scatterthy foes, victorious King; And Gath and Tiš. shall mourn, And all the sons of God shall sing: 404 PASTORAL. 8 Shall magnify the sovereign grace Of Him that sits upon the throne; And earth and heaven conspire to praise Jehovah, and his conquering Son. 465 Praise—p. 194.] 4th P.M. 886, 886. AB; there not in the labourer's da Twelve hours, in which he safely may His calling's work pursue? Though sin and Satan still are near, Nor sin nor Satan can I fear, With Jesus in my view. 2 Light of the world, thy beams I bless ; On thee, bright Sun of righteousness, My faith hath fix’d its eye; Guided by thee through all I go, Nor fear the ruin spread below, For thou art always migh. 3 Ten thousand snares my paths beset, Yet will I, Lord, the work complete, Regardless of the pains I feel, Close by the gates of death and hell, I urge my way to heaven. 4 Still win Istrive, and labour still With humble zeal to # thy will, And if he can obtain thy leave, Let Satan pluck me thence. 466 - St. Peter—p. 75.] L. M. 0 preach my gospel, saith the Lord G Bid the whole ; my grace receive ; He shall be saved who trusts my word; He shall be damn'd that won't believe. PAST ORAL. 405 2 I'll make your great commission known, And }. shall prove my gospel true, By all the works that I have done, By all the wonders yes 3 Teach all the nations my commands; “I’m with you till the world shall end; All power is trusted in m I can destroy, and I defend.” 467 Winter—p. 16.] C. M. ESUS, the word of mercy give, And let it swiftly run; And let the priests themselves believe, And put salvation on. 2 Clothed with the Spirit of holiness, all thy people prove The plenitude of gospel grace, The joy of perfect love. 3 Jesus, let all thy lovers shine, Illustrious as the sun; And bright with borrow'd rays divine, Their glorious circuit run. 4 Beyond the reach of mortals, spread Their light where'er they go; And heavenly influences shed On all the world below. 5 As giants may they run their race, Exulting in their might; As burning luminaries chase The gloom of hellish might. 6 As the bright Sun of righteousness, eir healing-wings display; And let their lustre still increase Unto the perfect day, 406 PASTORAL. 468 Hanover—p. 57.] C. M. JESUS: the name high over all, In hell, or earth, or sky! Angels and men before it fall, And devils fear and fly. 2 Jesus, the name to sinners dear, he e to sinners given : It scatters all their guilty fear; t turns their hell to heaven. 3 Jesus the prisoner's fetters breaks, d bruises Satan's head; Power into strengthless souls it speaks, And life into the dead. 4 O that the world might taste and see The riches of his grace : The arms of love that compass me, Would all mankind embrace : 5 His only righteousness I show, His saving truth proclaim: 'Tis all my business here below, To cry, “Behold the Lamb ºn 6 Happy, if with my latest breath I may but gasp his name! Preach him to all, and cry in death, “Behold, behold the Lamb!” 469 .#bridge—p. 42.] C. M. Jºš. my strength and righteousness, My Saviour and my King, Triumphantly thy name I bless, Thy conq'ring name I sing. 2 Thou, Lord, hast magnified thy name, Thou hast maintain'd thy cause, And I enjoy the F. shame, The scandal of thy cross. PASTORAL. 407 3 Thou gavest me to speak thy word, In the appointed hour: ve proclaim'd my dying Lord, And felt thy Spirit's power. 4 Superior to my foes I stood, Above their smile or frown: On all the strangers to thy blood With pitying love look down. 5 0 let me have º presence still, Set as a flint my face, To show the counsel of thy will, Which saves a world by grace: 6 0 never let me blush to own The glorious gospel word; Which saves a world through faith alone, Faith in a dying Lord 1 | 470 Ashford—p. 124.] S. M. | &t I THE good fight have fought,” O when shall I declare : The victory by my Saviour got I long with Paul to share. 20 may I triumph so, When all my warfare's º And dying, find my latest foe Under my feet at last ! 3 This blessed word be mine, Just as the port is gain’d ; “Kept by the power of grace divine, I have the faith maintain'd.” 4 Th’apostles of my Lord, To whom it first was given, They could not speak a greater word, Nor all the saints in heaven. 40s PASTORAL. 471 JArabia—p. 51.] C. M. , I ET Zion's watchmen all awake, . nd take th'alarm they give, Now let them from the mouth of God . eir awful charge receive 2 Tis not a cause of small import - e pastor's care demands; But what might fill an angel's heart, And fill'd a Saviour's hands. 3. They watch for souls, for which the Lord Did heavenly bliss forego! ‘For souls which must for ever live In raptures, or in wo. 4 And to the great tribunal haste, Th? unt to render there; And shouldst thou strictly mark our faults, Lord, where should we appear! 5 May they that Jesus whom they preach, Their own Redeemer see, And watch thou daily o'er their souls, That they may watch for thee. 4. Luton—p. 74.] L. M. STEEL me to shame, reproach, disgrace, Arm me with all thine armour now ; Set like a flint my steady face, en to my brow 2 Bold may I wax, exceeding bold, My high commission to perform, Nor shrink thy harshest truths tº unfold; But more than meet the gathering storm. PASTORAL. 409 4. Give me thy might, thou God of power: Then let or men or fiends assail, Strong in thy strength I’ll stand, a tower Impregnable to earth or hell. 473 Marion—p. 162. 1stP.M. Siness. 2 I want an even, strong desire, I want a calmly ſervent zeal, To save poor souls out of the fire, ... To snatch them from the verge of hell, d turn them to a pard'ning God, And quench the brands in Jesus' blood. 3 I would the precious time redeem, And longer live for this alone, To spend, and to be spent for them, Who have not yet my Saviour known; Fully on these my mission prove, And only breathe, to breathe thy love. 4 My talents, gifts, and graces, Lord, intomºi hands receive ; And let me live to preach thy word; And let me to thy glory live; . . My every sacred moment spend In publishing the sinner's Friend. 5 Enl inflame, lead them to thy open side, The sheep for * their Shepherd died, 410 ON THE SPREAD ON THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEI, 474 Willowly—p. 191.] 4th P.M. 886,886. JESUS: thou soul of all our joys, For whom we now lift up our voice, And all our strength exert; Vouchsafe the grace we humbly claim; Compose into a thankful frame, And tune thy people's heart. 2. While in the heavenly work we join, Thy glory be our whole design, Thy glory, not our own :- Still let us keep our end in view, And still the pleasing task pursue, To please our God alone. - 3 The secret pride, the subtle sin, 0 let it never more steal in Tº offend thy glorious eyes! o desecrate our hallow’d strain, And e our solemn service vain, And mar our sacrifice. 4. To ify thy awful name, To spread the honours of the Lamb, Let us our voices raise; Our souls' and bodies' powers unite, Regardless of our own delight, And dead to human praise. 5 Still let us on our guard be found, And watch against the power of sound, With sacred jealousy: , , haply, sense should damp our zeal, And music’s charms bewitch and steal Our heart away from thes. OF THE GOSPEL. 411 6 That hurrying strife far off remove, That noisy burst of selfish love, Which swells the formal song; The joy from out our hearts arise And speak and sparkle in our eyes, And vibrate on our tongue. 7. Thee let us praise, our common Lord, And sweetly join with one accord Thy goodness to proclaim Jesus, thyself in us reveal, And all our faculties shall feel 8 With calmly reverential joy, * 0 let us all our lives employ In setting forth thy love! - And raise in death our triumph higher, And sing, with all the heavenly choir, at endless song above. Arbridge—p. 17.] C. M. ONGE more we come before our God; Once more his blessings ask: , O may not duty seem a load Nor worship prove a task: 2 Father, thy quickºning Spirit send From heaven, in Jesus’ name To make our waiting minds attend, And put our souls in frame. 3 May we receive the word we hear Each in an honest heart; And keep the precious treasure there, And never with it part. 4 To seek thee all our hearts dispose, To each thy blessings suit, And let the seed thy servant sown Produce abundañttruit. 412 ON THE SPREAD 476 stonefield—p. 99.1 L. M. ATHER of all, whose powerful voice Call'd forth this universal frame : Whose mercies over all rejoice, Through endless ages still the same ; Thou by thy word upholdest all ; Thy bounteous love to all is show’d ; Thou hear'st thy every creature's call; And fillest every mouth with good. 2 In heaven thou reign'st enthroned in light, Nature's expanse before thee spread; 3 Thee, sovereign Lord, let all confess That move i , or air, or sky; Revere thy power, thy goodness bless, Tremble before thy piercing eye; All ye who owe to him your bir In praise your every hour employ: Jehovah reigns, be glad, 0 earth; And shout, ye morning stars, for joy! Bishop—p. 73.J SECOND PART. SON of thy Sire's eternal love Take to thyself thy mighty power; 3. 's sons thy mercy ë, Let all thy wondrous gra ; OF THE GOSPEL. 413 2 Spirit of grace, and health, and power; Fountain of light and love below; Abroad thy healing influence shower, O'er all the nations let it flow : Inflame our hearts with perfect love, In us the work of faith fulfil; So not heaven's host shall swifter move, we on earth to do thy will. 3 Father, 'tis thine each day to yield Thy children's wants a fresh supply; Thou cloth'st the lilies of the field, And hearest the young ravens cry; On thee we cast our care; we live Through thee, who know'st our every need; ofeed jºin th grace, and give r souls this day the iiving Bread Î THIRD PART. ETERNAL, spotless Lamb of God, Before the world's foundation slain! Sprinkle us ever with thy blo y eep us ever clean : To every soul, (all praise to thee!) Our bowels of compassion move: And all mankind by this may see, God is in us; for God is love. 2 Giver and Lord of life, whose power ardian care for all is free To thee, in fierce temptation's hour, From sin an 8 Blessing and honour, praise and love, , co-eternal Three, 414 ON THE SPREAD T And when created nature dies, . y never-ceasing glories shine. 477 Talmon—p.228] 7th P.M.8line.". EE how great a flame aspires, S Kindled by a spark of grace: O that all might catch the flame, All partake the glorious bliss: 2. When he first the work begun, Small and feeble was his day: Now the word doth swiftly run, Now it wins its widºning way: More and more it spreads and grows, Ever mighty to prevail; Sin's strongholds it now o'erthrow es the trembling gates of heli. 3 Sons of God, your Saviour praise! He the door hath open'd wide;’ He hath given the word of grace, J - - Worthy is the work of him Him who spake a world from naught. 4 Saw ye not the cloud arise, Little as a human hand 2 Now it spreads along the skies, Hangao'er all the thirsty ; OF THE GOSPEL. 415 10 ! the promise of a shower Drops already from above; But the Lord will shortly pour t All the Spirit of his lové 478 Lockport—p. 126.1 s. M. FIRST PART. JESUS: the Conqueror, reigns, In glorious strength array'd: His kingdom over all maintains, And bids the earth be glad! Ye sons of men, rejoice In Jesus’ mighty love: Lift : your heart, lift up your voice, ‘To him who above. 2 Extol his kingly power, Kiss the exalted Son Who died, and lives to die no more High on his Father's throne: Our Advocate with God, He under Our cause, - And spreads through all the earth abroad The victory of his cross. 3 That bloody banner see, And in your Captain's sight, Fight the good fight of faith with me, My fellow soldiers, fight; xj Arm'd with th? unconquerable mind ich was in Christ your Head. Charlestown—p. 138.) SECOND PART URGE on your rapid course Ye blood be prikled bands; The heavenly kingdom suffers force; *Fis seized by violent hands; 416 ON THE SPREAD See there the starry crown That glitters through the skies! orld, and sin, tread down, e the glorious prize! . 2 Through much distress and pai #. many a conflict º, Through blood ye must the entrance gain, et, O disdain to fear: “Courage,” your Captain cri (Who all your toil foreknew, “Toil ye shall have, yet all despise, ve o'ercome for you.” 3 The world cannot withstand Its ancient conqueror: The world must sink beneath the hand Which arms us for the war: This is the victory, Before our faith they fall, Jesus hath died for you and me; Believe, and conquer all ! 479 Litchfield—p. 90.] L. M. JESUS shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run; His kingdom spread from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 From north to south the princes meet To pay their homage at his feet; While western empires own their Lord, And savage tribes attend his word. 3 To him shall endless prayer be made, And endless praises crown his head; His name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice 4 People and realms of every tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song, OF THE GOSPEL. 417 And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. 480 Kimbolton—p. 106.1 L. M. ABM of the Lord, awake, awake Thine own immortal strength put on 1 With terror clothed, hell's kingdom shake, cast thy foes with fury down. 2. As in the ancient days appear! e sacred annals speak thy fame; Be now omnipotently near o endlessages still the same. 3. By death and hell pursued in vain, To thee the ransom'd seed shall come; Shouting, their heavenly Sion gain, And pass through death triumphant home. 4 The pain of life shall then be o'er, The anguish and distracting care; There sighing grief shall weep no more, And sin shall never enter there. 5. Where pure essential joy is found, -> The Lord's redeem'd their heads shall raise, With everlasting gladness crown'd, . And fill’d ºš love, and lost in praise. 1 Kingswood—p.277.1 12th P.M. 1678,1876. ESUS, from thy heavenly place, ..Thy dwelling in the sky, Fill our church with righteousness, d F. with all its power; 'Stablish our posterity, Till time º be no more. 18% 418 ON THE SPREAD 2 Let the Spirit of grace o'erflow Our re-converted land: w to COrmrnand : Wisdom, §. religious fear, Our land's peculiar treasure prove; Bless'd with piety sincere; Inspired with humble love. 482 Ascription—p. 229.] 7th P.M. slines". APPY soul, who sees the day, The glad day of gospel grace: Thee, my Lord, (thou then wilt say :) Thee will I for ever praise; Though thy wrath against me burn'd, Thou dost comfort me again; All thy wrath aside is turn'd, Thou hast blotted out my sin. 2 Me, behold : thy mercy spares; g Jesus my salvation is; Just in righteousness divine; He is my triumphal so has, and is, is - Mine;—and yours, whoe'er believe; On his name whoe'er shall call, Freely shall his grace receive; He is full o all. 4 Therefore shall ye draw with joy Water from salvation's well; OF THE GOSPEL. 419 Praise shall your glad tongues employ, While his streaming ; ye feel. Each to each, ye then shall say, “Sinners, call upon his name; 0 rejoice to see his day; See it, and his praise proclaim!” 5 Glory to his name belongs, Great, and marvellous, and high: Sing unto the Lord your songs, to every nation, : wº things the Łąith done, Excellent his name we find;. This to all mankind is known; Be it known to all mankind! 6 Sion, shout thy Lord and King, Israel's HOLY ONE is HE . Give him tha rejoice, and sing, Great is he, and dwells in thee. the grace unsearchable! While eternal ages roll, God delights in man to dwell, Soul of each believing soul! 483 Paris—p. 82.] L. M. LORY to God, whose sovereign grace Hath animated senseless stones; Call'd us to stand before his face, .And raised us into Abraham's sons. 2 The people that in darkness lay, In sin and error's deadly shade, Have seen a glorious gº; In Jesus' lovely face display’d. 3 Thou only, Lord, the work hast done, And bared thine arm in all our sight; o Hast made the reprobates thine own, And claim'd § outcasts as thy right. 420 spread of THE Gospel. 4 Thy single arm, almighty Lord, o us the great salvation brought: Thy Word, thy all-creating Word, . hat spake at first the world from naught. 5 For this the saints lift up their voice, ceaseless praise to thee is given; For this the hosts above rejoice:- º We raise the happiness of heaven. 6 For this, (no longer sons of night,) To thee our thankful hearts we give; To thee, who call’dstus into light: To thee we die, to thee we live. ATHER of me and all mankind, And all the hosts above, Let every understanding mind Unite to praise thy love! 2 To know thy nature and thy name, One God in persons Three; And glorify the great I AM, Through all etermity. 3 Thy kingdom come, with power and grace, To every heart of man: Thy peace, and joy, and righteousness, In all our bosoms reign 4 Thy righteousness our sins keep down, y peace our passions bind; And let us, in thyjoy unknown, #: The first dominio, find. 5 The righteousness that never ends, But es an end of sin: The joy that human thought transcends, Into our souls bring in 484 Dorchester—p. 27.1 c. M. CHRISTMAS. 421 6 The kingdom of establish'd peace, hich can no more remove; The perfect power of godliness, Th' omnipotence of iove. CHRISTMAS. 485 Portland—p.251.1 10th P.M.stine,8. . AH. lory to God in the sky, And peace upon earth be restored . O Jesus, exalted on high, ear our omnipotent Lord! Who meanly in Bethlehem born, Didst stoop to redeem a lost race, nce more to thy creatures return, And reign in thy kingdom of grace. 2. When thou in our flesh didst appear, All nature acknowledged thy birth; Arose the accep And heaven was open'd on earth; Receiving rom above, The Giver of concord and love, e Prince and the Author of peace. 3 Q wouldst thou again be made known, Again in thy Spirit descend, And set up in each of thine own A ki hat never shall end ? Thou only art able to bless, And make the glad nations obey, And bid the dire enmity cease, And bow the whole world to thy sway : 422 CHRISTMAS. * 4 Come then to thy servants again, Who long thy appearing to know; 5 No horrid alarum of war Shall break our eternal repose; No sound of the trumpet is there, And kindly each other embrace And love with a passion like thine. 486 Pelham—p. 128.] S. M. Fº our .. lift othy gracious throne, And º º:or the precious gift Of thine incarnate Son . The gift unspeakable e thankfully receive, And to the world thy goodness tell, And to thy glory live. and man are reconciled, And one in him we are. Salvation through his name mankind is given, And loud his infant cries proclaim A °tween and heaven. 3 A peace on earth he brings, ich never more shall end; CHRISTMAS. 423 The Lord of hosts, the King of kings, Declares himself our Friend; * our flesh an - t we his grace may gain: The everlasting Son of God, mortal son of man. 4 His kingdom from above e doth to us impart, d pure benevolence and love O'erflow the faithful heart: Changed in a moment, we The sweet attraction find, With open arms of charity Embracing ind. 5 O might they all receive The new-born Prince of peace" And meekly in his Spirit live, And in his love increase! Cry every soul aloud, & cº §: of nations, come, '. take us up to God! 487 Watt.—p.298.1 15th P. M. 119,119. Aſºº hail! happy day, When, enrobed in our clay, The Redeemer appear'd upon earth; retrain, f For to join the glad strain And to hiſ our inmanuel's birth 2 How boundless that love, irst begotten above, And through Jesus to sinners made known Lift, lift up your voice, And ti - - remon For i.; º: conne down? 424 CHRISTMAS, 3 Ye angels of God, Sound his praises abroad And acknowledge him jah, the IAM: We also will join m a nym divine, Giving glory to God and the Lamb 1 4 To Christ we will sing, As our High Priest and King, And our Prophet to teach us the road: But more than all this For almighty he is: And we own him our Saviour and God. 5 To Jesus's praise Let us spend all our days : For 'tis he who our surety hath stood; He soiourn’d below this mercy might flow, * , And he purchased our pardon with blood. 6 Q may the return Of this once blessed morn Be for ever remember'd with joy: Sweet accents of praise ! our voices shall raise; Hallelujahs shall be our employ! 7 Let echo prolo The harmonious song, jahs again and again; om the nations desire, And to him we devote the glad strain. 8 Bless'd Jesus, while we Pay our tribute to thee, Let us worship, admire, and adore; Accept as thy crown, hat before was thine own, Hallelujahs and praise evermore. CHRISTMAS. 425 488 Bristol—p. 44.1 C. M. {{ SHEPHERDS, rejoice, lift up your eyes, And send your fears away News from the regions of the skies— A Saviour’s born to-da 2 “Jesus, the God whom angels fear, Comes down to dwell with you; To-day he makes his entrance here, ut not as monarc 3 “No gold, nor purple swaddling bands, Nor royal shining things; A manger for his cradle stands; And holds the King of kings. 4 “Go, shepherds, where the infant lies, And see his humble throne; With tears of joy in all your eyes, Go, shepherds, kiss the Son.” 5 Thus Gabriel sang, and straight around The heavenly armies throng; They tune their harps to lofty sound, And thus conclude the song : 6 “Glory to God that reigns above, et peace surround the earth; Mortals shall know their Maker's love, At their Redeemer’s birth.” 7 Lord! and shall angels have their songs, And men no tunes to raise? 0 may we lose these useless tongues When we forget to praise! 8 Glory to God that reigns above, #. us * We join to sing our love, For there’s a Saviour born. 426 CHRISTMAS. 489 Christmas—p. 39.] C. M. I Tº char, herºe war-taſk?,A §1, air ºl, alre hºnish All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, glory shone around. 2 “Fear not,” said he, (for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind,) “Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind. 3 “To you, in David's town, this day, Is born of David's line, The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord; d this shall be the sign: 4 *The heavenly babe you there shall find To human view display'd, All meanly wrapp'd in swathing bands, And in a manger laid.” 5 Thus spake the seraph, and forthwith Appear'd a shining throng Of §: praising God, on high, And thus address'd their song: 6 “All glory be to God on high, And to the e & #. Good will henceforth, from heaven to men, Begin and never cease.” 490 Taimon—p. 228.1 7th P.M. stina". ARK! the herald angels sing “Glory to the new-born King; Peace on earth, and mercy mild; ; Joyful all ye nations rise, Join the triumphs of the skiest CHRISTMAS. 427 With th' angelic hosts proclaim, “Christ is born in Bethlehem.” 2 Christ, by highest heaven adored, the asti rd : Hail th’ incarnate Deity l as man with men tº appear, Jesus our Immanuel here. 3 Hail the heaven-born Prince of peace! - ess : il the Sun of º eousn Light and life to all he brings, isen with healing in his wi Born to give them second birth. 4 Come, Desire of nations, come! Fix in us thy humble home; Stamp thine image in its ice; Second Adam from above, Reinstate us in thy love 491 December—p. 8.1 c. M. ORTALS, awake, with angels join, And chant the solema lay; º love, and gratitude combine, o hail th’ auspicious day. 2 In heaven the rapturous song began, d sweet º; re Through all the shining legions ran, And strung and tuned the lyre. 428 NEW-YEAR. | 3 Swift through the vast expanse it flew, And loud the echo roll'd; The theme, the song, the joy was new *Twº more than heaven could hold. 4 Down through the portals of the sky The impetuous torrent ran; And angels flew with eagerjoy o e news to man 5 With joy the chorus we'll repeat, “Glory to God on high; Good will and peace are now complete, Jesus was born to die.” - 6 Hail, Prince of life, for ever hail : Redeemer, Brother, Friend Though earth, and time, and life shall fail, Thy praise shall never end. 7 Hark! the cherubic armies shout, And glory leads the song: Good will and peace are heard throughout Th’ harmonious heavenly throng. NEW-YEAR. 492 Tenham—p. 301.] 18th P.M. 10,5|| OME, let us anew our journey pursue, Roll round with the year, And never stand still till the Master appear ! His adorable will let us gladly fulfil, And our talents improve, By the patience of hope, and the labour of love. 2 Our life as a dream, our time as a stream Glides swiftly away; And the fugitive moment refuses to stay. NEW-YEAR. 429 he arrow is flown, the moment is gone; The millennial year ushes on to our view, and eternity's here. 0 that each in the day of his coming may say, “I have fought my way through; ave finish'd the work thou didst give me to do!” imatº, from his Lord may receive the glad word, “Well and faithfully done! nter into my joy, and sit down on my throne.” who lengthens out our trials here, # And spares us yet another year 2 Barren and wither'd trees, We cumber'd long the ground ! No fruit of holiness Another and another year. - 3 When justice bared the sword, To cut the fig tree down, The pity of the Lor - Cried, “Let it still alone!” The Fathér mild inclines his ear, And spares us yet another year, 4 Jesus, thy speaking blood From God obtain'd the grace; Who therefore hath bestow'd On us a longers Thou didst in our § appear, And lo! we see another year! 430 NEW-YEAR. 494 Wareham—p. 37.] C. M. SING to the great Jehovah's praise : All praise to him belon r varioll We all with vows and anthems new Before our God appear. 2 Father, thy mercies past we own, Thy still continued care: To thee presenting, through thy Son, Whate'er we have or are: Our lips and lives shall gladly show The wonders of thy love, While on in Jesus' steps we go To seek thy face above. 2 our residue of days or hours, Thine, wholly thine, shall be; And all our consecrated powers A sacrifice ee; Till Jesus in the clouds appear To saints on earth forgiven, And bring the grand sabbatic year, The jubilee of heaven. FAMILY WORSHIP. 431 F A M H L Y WO R S HIP. MORNING AND EVENING. 95 Albany—p. 1571 1st P.M. 6 lines 8. HERE is my God, my joy, my hope, The dear desire of nations, where? Jesus, to thee my soul looks up To thee directs her morning prayer; And spreads her arms of faith abroad, Tº embrace my hope, my joy, my God! g 2 Mine eyes prevent the morning ray, Looking and longing for thy word: Come, O my Jesus, come away, And let my heart receive its Lord; Which pants and struggles to be free, And breaks to be detain’d from thee. 3 Appear in me, bright Morning Star, And scatter all the shades of night! I saw thee once, and came from far, But quickly lost the transient light: nd no in in darkness pine, Till thou throughout my nature shine, 4 In patient hope I now take heed To the sure word of promised grace; whºse rays a feeble lustreshed,..., Till thoºtºus light impart, And rise the ſay-star in my heart. 5 Come, Lord, be manifested here, And all the devil's works destroy; Now, without sin, in me a pear, And fill with everlasting joy; 432 FAMILY worship. Thy beatific face display; Thy presence is the perfect day. 496 ..?thol—p. 132.] S. Mſ. W E lift our hearts to thee, 0 Day-star from on high . The sun itself is but thy shade, Yet cheers both earth and sky. 20 let thy orient beams The night of sin disperse, The mists of error and of vice Which shade the universe : 3 How beauteous nature now : How dark and sad before : With joy we view the pleasing change, And mature's God adore. 40 may no gloomy crime Pollute the rising day; Or Jesus' blood, like evening dew, W its stains away : 5 May we this life improve, o mourn for errors past: And live this short revolving day, s if it were our last 6 To God, the Father, Son, And Spirit, One in Three, Be glory, as it was, is now, And flaii for ever be. 497 Coronation—p. 28.] C. M. Aºi. praise to Him who dwells in bliss, Who made both day and night: Whose throne is darkness in th’ abyss Of uncreated light. 2 Each thought and deed, his piercing eyes With striotest search survey; FAMILY WORSHIP. 433 The deepest shades no more disguise Than the full blaze of day. 3 Whom thou dost guard, O King of kings, No evil shall molest: Under the shadow of thy wings they securely rest. 4 Thy angels shall around their beds Their constant stations keep: Thy faith and truth shall shield their heads, For thou dost pewer sleep 5 May we with calm and sweet repose, And heavenly thoughts refresh'd, Our eyelids with the morn unclose, nd bless thee, ever bless'd, 498 Barby—p. 33.) C. M. GºR and guardian of my sleep, To praise thy name I wake: Still, Lord, thy helpless servant keep, or thine own mercy's sake. 0 may 1 only thee obey, And to thy glory live! 3 Wouchsafe to keep my soul from sin. Its cruel power suspend, - Till all this strife and war within n perfect peace shall end. 4. Upon me lay #. mighty hand, My words and thoughts restrain: Bow my whole soul to thy command, Nor let my faith be vain. 5 Prisoner of hope, I wait the hour Which shall salvation bring: 19 434 FAMILY WORSHIP. When all I am shall own thy power, And call my Jesus King. 499 Framingham—p. 166.] 1st P.M.6lints & WHEN quiet in my house I sit, Thy book be my companion still ; My joy, thy sayings to repeat, Talk o'er the records of thy will : And search the oracles divine, Till every heartfelt word be mine. 0 may the gracious words divine So shall my heart his presence prove, d burn with everlasting love. 3 Oft as I lay me down to rest, may the reconciling word Sweetly compose my weary breast; While on the bosom of my Lord I sink in blissful dreams away, And visions of eter 4 Rising to sing my Saviour's º ee may I publish all day long; And let thy precious word of grace Flow from my heart and fill my tongue, Fill all my life with purest love, t d join me to the church above. 500 Howard—p. 1.] C. M. ONº. more, my soul, the rising day Salutes thy waking eyes; Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay To Him that rules the skies. . 2 Night unto night his name repeats, he day renews the sound: FAMILY WORSHIP. 435 Wide as the heavens on which he sits, To turn the seasons round. 3 Tis he supports my mortal frame; My tongue shall speak his praise; My sins might rouse his wrath to flame, But yet his wrath delays. 40 God, let all my hours be thine, While I enjoy the light; Then shall my sun in smiles decline, And bring a pleasing night. 501 Westford—p. 47.] C. M. ORD, thou wilt hear me when I pray, I am for ever thine: I fear before thee all the day, r are to sin 2 And while I rest my weary head, From cares and bus'ness free, 'Tis sweet conversing on my bed With my own heart and thee. 3 I pay this evening sacrifice; And when my work is done, Great God, my faith and hope relies thy grace - 4 Thus, with my thoughts composed to peace, 'll give mine eyes to sleep; Thy hand in safety keeps my days, And will my slumbers keep. 502 Colchester—p. 55.1 c. M. Lººp, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye: 436 FAMILY WORSHIP. 2 Up to the hills where Christ is gone To plead for all his saints, Presenting at the Father's throne Our songs and our complaints. 3 Thou art a God before whose sight The wicked shall not stand, Sinuers shall ne'er be thy delight, Nor dwell at thy right hand. 4 Q may thy Spirit guide my feet In ways of righteousness Make every path of duty straight, And plain before my face. 5 Now to thy house will I resort, To taste thy mercies there; I will frequent thy holy court, And worship in thy fear. 503 Margate—p. 132.J. S. M. SE; how the morning sun Pursues his shining way; And wide proclaims his Maker's praise, With every bright'ning ray. 2 Thus would my rising soul Its heavenly Parent sing; And to its great origin The humble tribute bring. 3 Serene I laid me down, Beneath his guardian care; I slept, and I awoke, and found My kind Preserver near ! 4 My life I would anew Devote, O Lord, to thee; And in thy service I would spend A long eternity. FAMILY WORSHIP. 437 504 Wayland—p. 82.) , L. M. MY God, how endless is thy love! Thy gifts are every evening new; And morning mercies from above Gently descend like early dew. 2 Thou spread'st the curtains of the night, Great Guardian of my sleeping hours; Thy sovereign word restores the light, And quickens all my drowsy powers. 3 I yield myself to thy command; thee devote my nights and days; Perpetual blessings from thy hand emand perpetual songs of praise. 505 Benevento—p. 222.1 7th P.M.8 lines 7s. e Be this might about my bed very evil thought restrain: Lay thy hand upon my soul, God of my unguarded hours! All my enemies control, Hell, and earth, and nature's powers. 20 thou jealoes God! come down, God of spotless purity; Claim and seize me for thine own, Consecrate my heart to thee: Under thy protection take; in t 3 Let me of thy life partake, y own holiness impart; 0 that I may sweetly wake, With my Saviour in my heart! 438 FAMILY WORSHIP. O that I may know thee mine! O that I jº thee receive : Only live the life divine ! Only to thy glory live. 506 Carver—p. 32.] C. M. AWA; my soul, to meet the day, ** Unfold thy drowsy eyes, And burst the pond’rous chain that loads Thine active faculties. 2 God's guardian shield was round me spread In my defenceless sleep; Let him have all my waking hours doth my slumbers keep. 3 Pardon, O God, my former sloth, And arm my soul with grace; As rising now, I seal my vows To prosecute thy ways. 4 Bright Sun of righteousness, arise; Thy radiant beams display, And guide my dark, bewilder'd soul, To everlasting day. 507 Clarence—p. 32.] C. M. OW from the altar of our hearts Let warmest thanks arise; Assist us, Lord, to offer up Our evening sacrifice. 2 This day God was our sun and shield, Our keeper and our guide; His care was on our weakness shown, His mercies multiplied. 3 Minutes and mercies multiplied Have made up all this day; FAMILY WORSHIP. 439 Minutes came quick, but mercies were More swift and free than they. 4 New time, new favours, and new joys, ong require: Till we shall praise thee as we would, ccept our heart's desire. 08 Morning Hymn—p. 159.1 1st P.M.6liness. ATHER, to thee I liſt mine eyes, nging eyes, and restless heart; Before the morning watch I rise, And wait to taste how good thou art; Tº obtain the grace I humbly claim, The saving power of Jesus' name. 2 This slumber from my soul, O shake! Warn'd by thy Spirit's inward call, Let me to righteousness awake, And pray that I no more may fall; Or give to sin or Satan #: But walk in all thy righteous ways. 30 wouldst thou, Lord, thy servant guard 'Gainst every known or secret foe; A mind for all assaults prepared, sober, vigilant mind bestow, Ever apprized of danger nigh, And when to fight, and when to fly 40 never suffer me to sleep Secure within the verge of hell, But still my watchful spirit keep n lowly awe and loving zeal; And bless me with a godly fear, And plant that guardian angel here 5 Attended by that sacred dread, And wise from evil to depart, 440 FAMILY WORSHIP. Let me from strength to strength proceed, And rise to purity of heart: Through all the paths of duty move, From humble faith to perfect love. 509 Derby New—p. 93.] I. M. HUS far the Lord hath led me on, Thus far his power prolongs my days, And every evening shall make known Some fresh memorial of his grace. 2 Much of my time has run to waste, And I perhaps am near my home: But he forgives my follies past, gives me strength for days to come. 3 I lay my body down to sleep, Peace is the pillow for my head; While well-appointed angels keep Their watchful stations round my bed. 4 Thus when the night of death shall come, y flesh shall rest beneath the ground And wait thy voice to rouse my tomb, With sweet salvation in the sound, 510 Petersburgh—p. 83.] L. M. O GOD, my God, my all thou art : Ere shines the dawn of rising day, Thy sovereign light within my heart, Thy all-enlivening power display. 2 For thee my thirsty soul doth pant, hile in this desert land I live; And hungry as I am, and faint Thy love alone can comfort give. 3 In a dry land, behold I place My whole desire on thee, O Lord, FAMILY WORSHIP. And more I joy to gain thy grace Than all earth's treasures can afford. 4 More dear than life itself, thy love My heart and tongue shall still employ; And to declare thy praise will prove ſy peace, Iny glory, and my joy. 5 in blessing thee with grateful songs, My happy life shall glide away; The praise that to thy name belongs, Hourly with lifted hands I’ll pay. 6 Abundant sweetness, while I sing - 'hy love, my ravish'd heart o'erflows; Secure in thee, m ing Of glory that no period knows. "Thy name, O God, upon my bed, Dwells on my lips, and fires my thought; With trembling awe, in midnight shade, I muse on all thy hands have wrought. 8 In all I do I feel thine aid; Therefore thy greatness will I sing, 0 God, who bidd'st my heart be glad, Beneath the shadow of thy wing! 9 My soul draws nigh and cleaves to thee: Then let or earth or hell assail, Thy mighty hand shall set me free; For whom thou sav'st, he ne'er shall fail. PARENTS AND MASTERS. 5II Craven—p. 36.] C. M. GQ9. only wise, almighty, good, Send forth thy truth and light, To point us out the narrow road, nd guide our steps aright. : 19% 442 FAMILY WORSHIP. 2 To steer our dangerous course between And fix us in the golden mean, And bring our charge to land. 3 Made apt by thy sufficient grace To teach as taught by thee, We come to train in ail thy ways Our rising progeny. 4 Their selfish will in time subdue, And mortify their pride; And lend their youth a sacred clew To filld the Crucified. 5 We would in every step look up, By thy º: taught, T'alarm their fear, excite their hope, And rectify their thought. 6 We would persuade their hearts tº obey, With mildest zeal proceed: And never take the harsher way, When love will do the deed. 7 For this we ask in faith sincere, The wisdom from above; To touch their hearts with filial fear, And pure ingenuous love! 8 To watch their will, to sense inclined, Withhold the hurtful food: . And gently bend their tender mind, And draw their souls to God. 512 Kingston—p. 43.] C. M. ATHER of lights, thy needful aid To us that ask impart; Mistrustful of ourselves, afraid four own treach’rous heart. FAMILY WORSHIP. 443 2 O'erwhelm'd with justest fear, agam To thee for help we call: Where many mightier have been slain, By thee unsaved, we fall. 3 Unless restrain’d by grace we are, In vain the snare we see: We see, and rush into the smare Of blind idolatry. 4 We plunge ourselves in endless woes, Our helpless infants sell: Resist the light, and side with those Who send their babes to hell. 5 Ah what avails superior light, Without superior love We see the truth, we judge aright, nd wisdom's ways appro 6 We mark the idolizing throng; Their cruel fondness blame; Their children's souls we know they wrong. And we shall do the same. 7 In spite of our resolves, we fear Our own infirmity; And tremble at the trial near, ry, O God, to thee! 8 We soon shall do what we condemn, And down the current borne, With shame confess our nature's stream oo strong for us to turn. 9 Our only help in danger's hour, Our only strength thou art; Above the world and Satan's power, And greater than our heart. 10 Us from ourselves thou canst secure, In nature's slippery ways '. 444 FAMILY worship. And make our feeble footsteps sure, By thy sufficient grace 11 If on thy promised grace alone We faithfully depend, Thou surely wilt preserve thy own, And keep them to the end: 12 Wilt keep us tenderly discreet, To guard what thou hast given: And bring our child with us to meet At thy right hand in heaven. 513 Peru—p. 199.] 4th P.M. 886,883. HOW shall I walk my God to please, And spread content and happiness O'er all É.i. my care A pattern to my household give, And as a guardian angel live, As Jesus' messenger 2 The opposite extremes I see, Remissness and severity, d know not how to shun The precipice on either hand, • Whiſe in the narrow path I stand, And dread to venture on. 3. Shall I, through indolence supine, Neglect, betray my charge divine,— y delegated power The souls I from my Lord receive, Of whom Ian account must give, At that tremendous hour 4 Lord over all, and God most high Jesus, to thee for help I fly, For constant power and grace: That by thy Spirit taught and led, I may with confidence proceed, d all thy footsteps trace. Y. - FAMILY WORSHIP. 445 5.0 teach me thy first lesson now ! That I to thy sweet yoke may bow, hine easy service prove: Lowly and meek in heart, I see The art of governing like thee, is governing by love. 514 Eliot—p. 152.1 1st P.M.6lines 8. COME, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, To whom we for our children cry: he good desired and wanted most, Out of thy richest grace supply The sacred discipline be given, in and bring them up for heaven. 2 Answer on them the end of all ur cares, and pains, and studies here; On them recover'd from their fall, Stamp'd with the humble character! Raised by the mature of the Lord, To all their paradise restored. orance remove, Their blindness both of heart and mind; Give them the wisdom from above, Spotless, and peaceable, and kind: In knowledge pure their minds renew; And store with thoughts divinely true. 4 Learning's redundant part and wain Be here cut off, and cast aside: Butlet them, Lord, the substance gain, In every solid truth abide; Swiftly acquire, and ne'er forego The knowledge fit for man to know. 5 Unite the pair so long disjoin'd, Knowledge and vital pi Learning and holiness combined, And truth and love let all men see, 446 FAMILY WORSHIP. • In those whom up to thee we give, Thine, wholly thine, to die and live. 6 Father, accept them through thy Son, d ever by thy Spirit guide : Thy wisdom in their lives be shown, name confess'd and glorified; Thy power and love diffused abroad, Till all the earth is fill'd with God. 515 Magdalem—p. 84.] L. M. MASTER supreme, I look to thee For grace and wisdom from above; Wested with thy authority, Endue me with thy patient love: 2 That taught according to thy will, To rule my family aright, I may th' appointed charge fulfil, With all my heart and all my might, 3 Inferiors, as a sacred trust, rom the sovereign Lord receive, That what is suitable and just, Impartial I to all may give: 4 O'erlook them with a guardian eye; From vice and wickedness restrain; Mistakes and lesser faults pass by, nd govern with a looser rein. 5 The servant faithfully discreet, entle to him, and good, and mild, Him I would tenderly entreat, And scarce distinguish from a child. 6 Yet let me not my place forsake, Th' occasion of his stumbling prove, The servant to my bosom take Or mar him by familiar love. FAMILY WORSHIP. 447 I hearken to the gospel sound, nd trace the providential way. 8 As far from abjectness as pride, With condescending dignity: Jesus, I make thy word my guide, And keep the post assign'd by thee. 9 () could I emulate the zeal Thou dost to thy poor servants bear! The troubles, grieſs, and burden feel, Of souls intrusted to my care! 10. In daily prayer to God commend The souls whom Christ expired to save; And think how soon my sway may end, And all be equal in the gravel 516 Zemira—p.201.1 4th P.M. 886,886. I AND my house will serve the Lord; But first obedient to his word I must myself appear By actions, words, and tempers, show That I my heavenly Master know, And serve with heart sincere. 2 I must the fair example set: From those that on my pleasure wait The stumbling block remove; | Their duty by my life explain, And still in all my works maintain The dignity of love. 3 Easy to be entreated, mild, Quickly appeased and reconciled, A follower of my God: A saint indeed I long to be, d lead my faithful family In the celestial road. 448 FAMILY WORSHIP. 4 Lord, if thou didst the wish infuse, A vessel fitted for thy use Into thy hands receive: Work in me both to will and do: .And show them how believers true And real Christians live. 5. With all-sufficient grace supply, And, lo I come to testify The wonders of thy name : Which saves from sin, the world, and hell, Whose virtue every heart may feel, every tongue proclaim. 6 A sinner, saved myself from sin, I come my family to win, o preach their sins forgiven; Children, and wife, and servants seize, And through the paths of pleasantness Conduct them all to heaven 517 Canada—p. 89.] L. M. FIRST PART. FATHER of all, by whom we are, For whom was made whatever is ; Who hast intrusted to our care A candidate for glorious bliss: 2 Poor worms of earth, to thee we cry, For grace to guide what grace has given; We ask for wisdom from on high, To train our infant up for heaven. 3 We tremble at the danger near, And crowds of wretched parents see, Who, blindly fond, their children rear In tempers far as hell from 4 Themselves the slaves of sense and praise, Their babes they pamper and admire; FAMILY WORSHIP. 449 And make the helpless infants pass To murderer Moloch, through the fire. kbridge—p. 98.] SECOND PART. OR, if thou grant a longer date, With resolute wisdom us endue, To point him out his lost estate, His dire apostacy to show : 2 To time our every smile or frown; To mark the bounds of good and ill; And beat the pride of nature down, And bend or break his rising will. 3 Him let us tend severely kind, As guardians of his giddy youth: As set to form his tender mind, By principles of virtuous truth. 4 To fit his soul for heavenly grace; Discharge the Christian parent's part; And keep him till thy love takes place d Jesus rises in his heart. 18 Broadmead—p. 150.] 1st P. M. 6 lines 8a. APTAIN of our salvation, take The souls we here present to thee, And fit for thy great service m nese heirs of immortality And let them in thine image rise, And then transplant to paradise. 2 Unspotted from the world and pure, Preserve them for thy glorious cause, Accustom'd daily to endure The welcome burden of thy cross, Inured to toil and patient pain, Till all thy perfect mind i. gain. 3 Qur sons henceforth be wholly thine, And serve and love thee all their days; 450 FAMILY worship. Infuse the principle divine m all wh y grace, Let each improve the grace bestow'd; Rise every child a man o 4 Train up thy hardy soldiers, Lord, In all their Captain's steps to tread : Or send them to proclaim thy word, Thy gospel through the world to spread; reely as they receive to give, And preach the death by which we live, 519 Margate—p. 132.] S. M. HE power to bless my house Belongs to God alone; Yet rendering him my constant vows, e sends his blessings down. 2 Shall I not then engage My house to serve the Lord, To search the soul-converting page , And feed upon his word: In prayer and praise to offer up Their daily sacrifice 4 Let each his sin eschew, Through thy restraining grace, Our father Abram's steps pursue, And walk in all thy ways 5 Saviour of Inen, incline The hearts which thou hast m de, Which thou hast bought with blood divine, To ask thy promised aid. 6 Me and my house receive, Thy family tº increase, And let us in thy favour live, And let us die in peace. BIRTHDAY. 451 B I R. T. H. D. A. Y. 520 Harwich—p. 189.] 3d P.M.46s &28s. GOR of my life, to thee My cheerful soul I raise! Thy goodness bade me be And still prolongs my days; I see my natal hour return, And bless the day that I was born. . 2 A clod of living earth, Creating and preserving grace, Let all that is within me praise. 3 Long as I live beneath, To thee O let me live, To thee my every breat In thanks and praises give! Whate'er I have, whate'er I am, Shall magnify my Maker's name. Me to thine image now restore, I shall praise thee evermore. 5 I wait thy will to do, els do in heaven: 452 BIRTHDAY. 6 Then when the work is done The work of faith with power, Receive thy favour’d son, In death's triumphant hour, Like Moses to thyself convey, , And kiss my raptured soul away. 521 Oakham—p.297.] 15th P.M. 119, 119. WAY with our fears! the glad morning appear When an heir of Salvation was born 1 From Jehovah I came, for his glory I am, And to him 1 with singing return. 2 Thee, Jesus, alone, the fountain Iown, Of my life and felicity here: . And cheerfully sing my Redeemer and King, ill his sign in the heavens appear. 3 With thanks I rejoice in thy fatherly choice f my state and condition below: If of parents I came who honour'd thy name, 'Twas thy wisdom appointed it so. 4 Ising of thy grace, from my earliest days #. ău. and defend; ys, Hitherto hast thou been my Preserver from sin, And I trust thou wilt save to the end. 50 the infinite cares, and temptations, and snares, Thy hand hath conducted me through! O the blessings bestow'd by a bountiful God, And - 3. the mercies eternally new 6 What a mercy is this; what a heaven of bliss; How unspeakably happy am I? Gather'd into thy fold, with thy people enroll'd, With thy people to live and to die! BIRTHDAY. 453 70 the goodness of God, in employing a clod, His tribute of glory to raise; His standard to bear, and with triumph declare His unspeakable riches of grace! 80 the fathomless love that has deign'd to approve And Hºsper'the work of my hands ! - With my pastoral crook, I went over the brook, And behold I am spread into bands! 9 Who, I ask in amaze, hath begotten me these ? And inquire from what quarter they came ; My full heart it replies, They are born from the les And gives glory to God and the Lamb. 10 All honour and praise to the Father of grace, To the Spirit and Son, I return! The business pursue he hath made me to do, And rejoice that I ever was born. ll. In a rapture of joy my life I employ, The Č. of my life to #; - 'Tis worth living for this, to administer bliss, salvation in Jesus's name. 12 My remnant of days I spend in his praise, Who died the †. world to redeem : Be they many or few, my days are his due, And they all are devoted to him. 454 RESURRECTION. . RESUR RECTION. EASTER. 522 Braintree—p. 29.] C. M. THE Lord of sabbath let us praise, In concert with the blest, Who, joyful in harmonious lays, mploy an endless rest 2 Thus, Lord, while we remember thee, We blest and pious grow ; By hymns of praise we learn to be Triumphant here below. 3 Qn this glad day a brighter scene f glory was display’d, By God, th' eternal Word, than when This universe was made. 4 He rises, who mankind has bought . With grief and pain extreme: 'Twas great to speak the world from naught; was greater to redeem. He rises as a God. 6 The Sun of righteousness appears, To set in blood no more; Adore the Scatterer of your fears, Your rising Sun adore. 523 JArnold—p. 98.] L. M. OU: Lord is risen from the dead; Our Jesus is gone up on high . The powers of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. RESURRECTION. 455 There his triumphal chariot waits, nd angels chant the solemn lay; Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates; 'e everlasting doors, give way. 2 Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold th' ethereal scene; He claims these mansions as his right, Receive the King of glory in. Who is the King of glo ho The Lord that all our foes o'er y The world, sin, death, and hell o'erthrew;- d Jesus is the conqueror's name 3 Lo! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay; Lift up you? heads, ye heavenly gates; Ye everlas, ing doors, give way. Who is the King of glory? Who? The Lord, of glorious power possess'd; The King of saints and angels too, God over all, for ever bless'd. 524 Nahant—p. 110.] L. M. HE dies : the Friend of sinners dies! Lo! Salem's daughters weep around; A solemn darkness veils the skies, A sudden trembling shakes the ground: Come, saints, and drop a tear or two For him who groan'd beneath your load: He shed a thousand drops for you, A thousand drops of richer blood. 2 Here's love and grief beyond degree, e Lord of glory dies for man! But lo! what sudden joys we see: Jesus the dead revives again! º: God forsakes the tomb; o vain the tomb forbids his rise; 456 RESURRTECTION. Cherubic legions guard him home, .And shout him “Welcome to the skies 9) 3 Break off your tears, ye saints, and tell ow high your great Deliv'rer reigns; Sing how he spoil'd the hosts of hell, nd led the monster death in chains ! Say, “Live for ever, wondrous King! Born to redeem, and strong to save tº Then ask the monster, “Where's thy sting?” And, “Where's thy victory, boasting grave?" 525 Rothwell—p. 76.] L. M. YE faithful souls, who Jesus know, If risen indeed with him ye are, Superior to the joys below, is resurrection's power declare. 2 Your faith by holy tempers prove: By actions show your sins forgiven: And seek the glorious things above, And follow Christ, your Head, to heaven, 3 Thére your exalted Saviour see, Seated at God's right land again, In all his Father's majesty, In everlasting pomp to reign. 4 To him continually aspire, Contending for your native place: And emulate the angel choir, And only live to love and praise. 5 For who by faith your Lord receive, Ye nothing seek or want beside; Dead to the world and sin ye live; Your creature love is crucified. 6 Your real life with Christ conceal’d, Deep in the Father's bosom lies; And glorious as your Head reveal’d, Ye soon shall meet him in the skies. § * FOR THE SABBATH. 457 FOR THE S A B B A T H. 526 Devotion—p. 112.] L. M. WEET is the work, my God, my King. o praise thy name, give thanks, and sing! To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth by night. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest, No mortal cares shall seize my breast, may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound ! 3 When grace has purified my heart, Then I shall share a glorious 5. And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy jº. cheer my head. 4.Then shall I see, and hear, and know All I desired or wish'd below; And every hour find sweet employ In that eternal world of joy. Warwick—p. 47.] C. M. AY I, throughout this day of thine, - irit, Lord, e Spirit of humble fear divin That trembles at thy word. 2 Spirit of faith, my heart to raise, And fix on things above; Spirit of sacrifice and praise, oliness and love. . ...Athol—p. 132.] S. M. WELCOME, sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes! 20 458 For THE SABBATH. 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day; Here we may sit, and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray. 3. One day in such a place, here thou, my , art seen, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasurable sin. 4 My .# soul would stay n such a frame as thi And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. 529 Effingham—p. 103.1 L. M. ETURN, my soul, enjoy thy rest, ########, ºd, Another six days' work is done, Another sabbath is begun 2 Come, bless the Lord, whose love assigns sweet a rest to wearied minds, Provides a blest foretaste of heaven, On this day more than all the seven. 3 O that our thoughts and thanks may rise, As grateful incense to the skies; And draw from Christ that sweet repose, Which none but he that feels it knows. 4 This heavenly calm within the breast Is the blest pledge of glorious rest, ich for the church of God remai The end of cares, the end of pains. 5. With joy, great God, thy works we scan, tion's scene, redemption's plan With H. we think on mercies past, With hope we future pleasures taste. FOR THE SABBATH. 459 6 In holy duties let the day In holy comforts pass away; How sweet, a sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne'er shall end , 530 Milton–p. 145. 1st P. M.6liness. THE Saviour meets his flock to-day, Shall I in sloth abide at home 2 Shall I behind the }. le stay, When Jesus kindly bids me come? I'll go; it is a place of prayer, In hope that God may meet me there. 2 How long did faithful Hannah wait, And served the Lord for many years, Attending at the temple gate, ith fasting, and with many tears | She seldom left the house of prayer, Till God was pleased to meet her there. 3 Then, O my Lord! give me the power; And like the saints, I'll watch for thee; In earnest wait the joyful hour When thou shalt be reveal’d in me: Now give the justifying grace, And saw m sin, show me thy face. 4 Remove temptation, O my Lord, And let mine enemies be slain, Which would withdraw me from thy word, And plunge me in the world again : And always ready may I stand To take my seat at thy right hand. 460 READING THE scripTURES, READ IN G THE SCRIPTURES 531 Westford—p. 47.] C. M. COME, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, t us thine influence prove; Source of the old prophetic fire, Fountain of life and love. 2 Come, Holy Ghost, for, moved by thee, e prophets wrote and spoke; Unlock the truth, thyself the key, nseal the sacred book. 3 Expand thy wings, celestial Dove, Brood o'er our nature's night; On our disorder'd spirits move, And let there now be light. 4 God, through himself, we then shall know, If thou within us shine; And sound, with all thy saints below, The depths of love divine. 532 Clarence—p. 32.1, c.M. ATHER of all, in whom alone live, and move, and breathe, One . celestial ray dart down, And cheer thy sons beneath. 2 While in thy word we search for thee, (We search with trembling awe () Open our eyes, and let us see The wonders of thy law. 3 Now let our darkness comprehend The fight that shines so clear; Now the revealing Spirit send, And give us ears to hear READING THE SCRIPTURES. 461 4 Before us make thy goodness pass, Which here by faith we know; Let us in Jesus see thy face, And die to all below. 33 Brighton—p. 143. 1stP.M., 6 liness. IN.IRER of the ancient seers, Who wrote from thee the sacred page, The same through all succeeding years; To us, in our degenerate age, The Spirit of thy word impart, And breathe the life into'our heart. 2. While now thine oracles we read, With earnest #. and strong desire, 0 let thy Spirit from thee proceed, Our soul en - 3 Whene'er in error's paths we rove, The living God through sin forsake, Our conscience by thy word reprove, Convince, ring the wand’rers back; Deep wounded by thy Spirit's sword, And then by Gilead's balm restored Fulfil thy love's redeeming plan, And bring us to a perfect man. 5 Furnish'd out of thy treasury, may we always ready stand, To help the souls redeem'd by thee, In what their various states demand; 0 teach, convince, correct, reprove; And build them up in holiest love. 462. READING THE scr1PTURES, 534 Stow—p. 26.] C. M. TH: counsels of redeeming grace, The sacred leaves unfold :'' And here the Saviour's lovely face Our raptured eyes behold. 2 Here light .# from above irects our doubtful feet; Here promises of heavenly love Our ardent wishes meet. 3 Our numerous griefs are here redress'd, And all our wants supplied: Naught we can ask to make us blest Is in this book denied. 4 For these inestimable gains, That so enrich the mind O may we search with eager pains, Assured that we shall find. 535 .4scension—p. 38.] C. M. FAº of mercies, in thy word ** What endless glory shines : For ever be thy name ador or these celestial lines. 2 Here may the wretched sons of want xhaustless riches find, s Riches above what earth can grant, And lasting as the mind. 3 Here the fair tree of knowledge grows, And yields a free repast, Sublimer sweets than nature knows! Invite the longing taste. 4 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around; READING THE scripTUREs: 463 And life, and everlasting jo º: the blissful º 50 may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight; . And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light ! 6 Divine Instructer, gracious Lord, Be thou for ever hear; Teach me to love thy sacred word, And view my Saviourthere. 586 Muton—p. 145. 1stp.M.6liness. SºT of truth, essential God, - ho didst thy ancient saints inspire, Shed in their hearts thy love abroad And touch their hallow'd lips with fires Qur God from all eternity, , . World without end we worship thee. 2 Still we believe, ; Lord, resence fills both earth and heaven, e meaning of the written word Thou only dost thyself explain The secret mind of God to man. Who was, and is, for evermore. 464 Prospect of HEAVEN. PR O S P E C T OF H E A V E N. 537 Clarke—p. 149.1 1st P.M. 6 line, & EADER of faithful souls, *. guide y On thee alone our spirits stay, While held in life's uneven way. 2 Strangers and pilgrims here below, This earth we know is not our place; But hasten through the vale of wo, d, restless to behold thy face, Swift to our heavenly country move, Our everlasting home above. 3 We have no biding city here, But seek a city out of sight; T. .# fºr, iring to the plains of Il id: the saints' abode, ght, ose founder is the living God. 4 Patient th’ appointed race to run, This w world we cast behind; From strength to strength we travel on, The New Jerusalem to find ; Our labour this, our only aim, To find the New Jerusalem 5 Through thee, who all our sins hast borne Freely and graciously forgiven, With songs to Zion we return, contending for our native heaven; That palace of our glorious King; We find it nearer while we sing. PROSPECT OF HEAVEN, 465 6 Raised by the breath of love divine, We urge our way with strength renew'd, The church of the first-born to join, travel to the mount of God, With joy upon our heads arise And meet ºur saviour in the skies. 538 Richmond—p.259.1 10th P.M.8liness. I LONG to behold him array'd With glory and light from above; The King in his beauty display'd, His beauty of holiest love: I languish and sigh to be there, #. Jesus hath fix’d his abode; 0 when shall we meet in the air, And fly to the mountain of God! 2. With him I on Sion shall stand For Jesus hath spoken the word, The breadth of Immanuel's land Survey by the light of my Lord: Myfulness of rapture I find, y heaven of heavens in thee. 3 How happy the people that dwell Secure in the city above . No pain the inhabitants feel, ickness or sorrow shall prove; Physician of souls, unto me orgiveness and holiness give; And then from the body set free, And then to the city receive. . 539 Paradise—p. 40.1 c. M. THERE is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign; 20% 466 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. 3 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood, Stand dress'd in living green; So to the Jews old Canaan. stood, While Jordan roll'd between. 4 Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er; Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the shore. 540 Neginoth—p. 171.1 1st P.M.6lina& HOU, Lord, on whom I still depend, Shait keep me faithful to the end; I trust thy truth, and love, and power, Shall save me till my latest hour; And when I lay this body down, eward with an immortal cro Jesus, in thy great name I go, To conquer death, my final foe; And when I quit this cumbrous clay, d soar on angels' wings away, My soul the second death defies, And reigns eternal in the skies. o Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard What Christ hath for his saints prepared; Who conquer through their Saviour's might, Who sink into perfection's height, And trample death beneath their feet, And gladly die their Lord to meet. Prospect of HEAVEN. 467 r 4 Dost thou desire to know or see What thy mysterious name shall be? Contending for thy heavenly home, Thy latest foe in death o'ercome; Till then thou searchest out in vain, What only conquest can explain. 541 Portland—p. 251.1 10th P.M.8liness. AWAY with our sorrow and fear, We soon shall recover our home; The city of saints shall appear; The day of eternity come. From earth we shall quickly remove, And mount to our native abode; The house of our Father above, The palace of angels and God. 2 Our mourning is all at an end, When, raised by the life-giving Word, We see the new city descend, Adorn’d as a bride for her Lord: The city so holy and clean No gloom of affliction or sin; o shadow of evil is there ! inds as 5 And brightly her Builder displays, . And flames with the glory of God. 4 No need of the sun in that day Which never is follow'd by night, Where Jesus's beauties display A pure and a permanent light: 468 PRosPECT OF HEAvºn. The Lamb is their light and their sun, And lo! by reflection they shine; With Jesus ineffably one, And bright in effulgence divine ! 5 The saints in his presence receiv Their great and eternal reward; In Jesus, in heaven they live; hey reign in the smile of their Lord: The flame of angelical love Is kindled at Jesus's face; And all the enjoyment above Consists in the rapturous gaze! 542 Hope—p. 139.] S. M. E know, by faith we know, If this vile house of clay, This tabernacle sink below, In ruinous decay; d firm as o That heavenly fabric stands. 2. It stands securely high, Indissolubly sure; Our glorious mansion in the sky Shall evermore endure: 3 For this in faith we call; or this we weep and pray: O might the tabernacle fall: might we 'scape away ! Full of immortal hope, , . We urge the restless strife, PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 469 543 * And hasten to be swallow'd up Of everlasting life. 4 Absent, alas! from God, We in the body mourn, And pine to quit this mean abode, And languish to return. Jesus, regard our vows, And change our faith to sight; And clothe us with our nobler house Of everlasting light ! 50 let us put on thee In perfect holiness! And rise prepared thy face to see, Thy bright, unclouded face: Thy grace with glory crown, Who hast the earnest given; And then triumphantly come down, e us up to heaven! Sardinia—p. 258.j 10th P.M. 8 times 8s. THE church in her militant state Is weary, and cannot forbear! see agal The Spirit invites in the Bride, Her heavenly to descend; And place her enthroned at his side, In glory that never shall end. 2 The news of his coming I hear, And join in the catholic cry O Jesus, in triumph º Appear in the clouds of the sky! Whom only Ilanguish to love, In fulness of majesty come; And give me a mansion above; And take to my heavenly home! 470 PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 544 Car —p. 235.] 7th P.M.8 lines 71, IFT your eyes of faith, and see Saints and angels join’d in one: What a countless compan Stand before yon dazzling throne! Each before his Saviour stands, All in whitest robes array'd : Palms they carry in their hand rowns of glory on their head. 2 Saints, begin the endless song, ry aloud in heavenly lays, Glory doth to God belong, God the glorious Saviour praise: All salvation from him came ; Him who reigns enthroned on high: Glory to the bleeding Lamb, Let the morning stars reply. 3 Angel-powers the throne surround, Next the saints in glory they ; Lull'd with the transporting sound, They their silent homage pay: Prostrate on their face, before God and his Messiah fall; Then in hymns of praise adore, Shout the Lamb that died for all 4 Be it so, they all reply: Him let all our orders praise; Him that did for sinners die 545 Edgefield—p.233.J 7th P.M. Blines", H0 are these array'd in whi Brighter than the noon-day sun ? PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 471 Foremost of the sons of light; earest the eternal throne? & Followers of the dying God. 2 Out of great distress they came; Wash'd their robes by faith below In the blood of yonder Lamb, Blood that washes white as snow; Therefore are they next the throne, Serve their Maker day and night: God resides among his own, God doth in his saints delight. 3 More than conquerors at last, Here they find their trials o'er; They have all their sufferings past, Hunger now and thirst no more: No excessive hea the sun's directer ray; In a milder clime they dwell, gion of eternal day. 4 He that on the throne doth reign, m the Lamb shall always feed; With the tree of life sustain; the living fountains lead: Wipe the tears from every face; Fill up every soul with love. 546 Arlington—p. 3.) - C. M. ON Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye, To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. 472 PRosPECT of HEAVEN. 2 O the transporting, rapt’rous scene, That rises to my sight! Sweet fields array'd in living green, And rivers of delight! 3 There gen’rous fruits that never fail On trees immorta w: There rocks, and hills, and brooks, and vale, With milk and honey flow. 4 All o'er those wide extended plains Shines one eternal day; There God the Son for ever reigns, And scatters might away. 5 No chilling winds nor pois'nous breath r that healthful shore; ickness and sorrow, pain and dea Are felt and fear'd no more. 6 When shall I reach that happy place, And be for ever blest? When shall I see my Father's face, And in his bosom rest? 7 Fill'd with delight, my raptured soul ould here no longer stay! Though Jordan's waves around me roll, Fearless I’d launch away. 8 There on those high and flowery plains Our spirits ne'er shall tire; But in perpetual joyful strains edeeming love admire. 547 Devotion—p. 46.1 c. M. Y span of life will soon be done, The jº moments say; As length'ning shadows o'er the mead j. the close of day. - PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 473 0 that my heart might dwell aloof From all created thin And learn that wisdom from above, Whence true contentment springs! 2 Courage, my soul, thy bitter cross, In every trial here, Shall bear thee to thy heaven above, But shall not enter there. The sighing ones that humbly seek - s below, Shall in eternity rejoice, ess comforts flow. 3 Soon will the toilsome strife be o'er Of su º care, And life's dull vanities no more his anxious breast insnare. A thousand ways has Providence To bring believers home. 4 Ere first I drew this vital breath, From nature's prison free, in number, measure, weight, Were written, Lord, for me: But thou, my Shepherd, Friend, and Guide, Hast led me kindly on, Taught me to rest my fainting head On Christ, the corner stone. 5 So comforted, and so sustain'd, ith dark events I strove, And found, when rightly understood, messengers of love; With silence and submissive awe, Adored a chastºnin p Revered the terrors # his law, humbly kiss'd the rod. 474 PRosPECT of HEAVEN. 548 Alderton—p. 190.] 4th P.M. 886,3% OW happy is the pilgrim's lot; H How free from every anxious thought, From worldly hope and fear! Confined to neither court nor cell, His soul disdains on earth to dwell, He only sojourns here. 2 This happiness in part is mine, Already saved from low design, rom every creature love . Blest with the scorn of finite good, My soul is lighten’d of its load, And seeks the things above. 3 The things eternal I pursue; A happiness beyond the view Of those that basely pant For things by nature felt and seen; Their honours, wealth, and pleasures mean, I neither have nor want. 4 I have no babes to hold me here: But children more securely dear Or Inline Better than daughters or than sons Temples divine of living stones, 5 No foot of land do I possess; No cottage in this wilderness: poor way-faring man, I lodge awhile in tents below; Or gladly wander to and fro, Till I my Canaan 6 Nothing on earth I call my own; A stranger to the world, unknown, I all their goods despise; PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. 475 I trample on their whole delight, And seek a city out of sight, ity in the skies. 7. There is my house and portion fair; My treasure and my heart are there, And my abiding home; For me my elder brethren stay, And angels beckon me away, d Jesus bids me come ! 8 I come, thy servant, Lord, replies; I come to meet thee in the skies, And claim my heavenly rest : Now let the pilgrim's journey end; ow, Q my Saviour, Brother, Friend, Receive me to thy breast! 549 Atwood—p.262.1 10th P.M.8 line,8. STEL out of the deepest abyss Of trouble, I mournfully cry: 3. hese passionate longings for home; 0, when shall my spirit be there; O! when will the messenger come. 2 Thy nature I long to put on, me image on earth to regain; And then in the grave to lay down This burden .#; and pain. O Jesus, in pity draw near And lull me to sleep on thy breast, Appear, to my rescue appear, - . And gather me into thy rest! 3 To take a poor fugitive in, The arms of thy mercy display, And give me to rest from all sin, And me triumphant away; 476 FUNERAL, HYMNS, Away from a world of distress, mansions above; The heaven of seeing thy face, The heaven of feeling thy love. FUNERAL HYMNS. 550 China—p, 7.] C. M. THE we adore, eternal Name! And humbly own to thee How feeble is our mortal frame, ying worms we bel 2 Our ºf lives grow shorter still, As days and months increase: And every beating pulse we tell eaves but the number 3 The {. rolls round, and steals away The breath that first it gave: Whate'er we do, where'er we be, We're travelling to the grave. 4 Dangers stand thick through all the ground To push us to the tomb; d fierce diseases wait around To hurry mortals home. 5 Great God 1 on what a slender thread Hang everlasting things: rnal Upon life's feeble strings. 6 Infinite joy or endless wo Attends on every breath; And yet how unconcern'd we go Upon the brink of death! FUNERAL, HYMNS. 477 7 Waken, O Lord, our drowsy sense To walk this dangerous road; And if our souls are hurried hence May they be found with God! 551 Aylesbury—p. 140.] S. M. FIRST PART. NI) am I born to die rom my s ! And see the Judge with glory crown'd, And see the flaming skies! 3 How shall I leave my tomb? With triumph or regret? A fearful, or a joyful doom, A curse, or blessing meet? Will angel bands convey Their brother to the bar? Or devils drag my soul away, o meet its sentence there? Who can resolve the doubt That tears my anxious breast? Shall I be with the damn'd cast out, Or number'd with the bleat? 478 FUNERAL, HYMNS. I must from God be driven, Or with my Saviour dwell; Must come at his command to heaven, Or else—depart to heli. Little Marlborough—p. 141.] SECOND PART, O THOU that wouldst not have One wretched sinner die; Who diedst thyself, my soul to save m endless misery : ow me the way to shun Thy dreadful wrath severe; That when thou comest on thy throne, I may with joy appear. 2 Thou art thyself the way, Thyself in me reveal; So shall I spend my life's short day edient to thy will : my Because he first lovei me; And praise thee in thy bright abode, To all etermity. 552 Hedding—p.203.] 4th P.M. SS6,8% ANP am I only born to die? And must I suddenly comply With nature's stern decree ? What after death for me remains? Celestial jºvs, or hellish pains, 2 How then ought I on earth to live, While God prolongs the kind reprieve, And props the house of clay: My sole concern, my single care, ’ To watch, and tremble, and prepare Against that fatal day ! FUNERAL, HYMNS. 479 3 No room for mirth or trifling here, For worldly hope, or worldly fear, If life so soon is gone; If now the Judge is at the door, And all mankind must stand before Th” inexorable throne : # 4. No matter which my thoughts employ, A moment's misery or joy; But 0 , when both shall end, Where shall I find my destined place? Shall I my everlasting days, With fiends or angels spend? 5 Nothing is worth a thought beneath, But how I may escape the death A mansion in the skies. 6 Jesus, vouchsafe a pitying ray, Be thou my Guide, be thou my Way' To glorious happiness! Ah! write the pardon on my heart! And whensoe'er I hence depart, Let me depart in peace! 3 Gainsborough—p. 7..] C. M. O GOD, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home: 2 Under the shadow of thy throne, Still may we dwell secure ; . . . Sufficient is thine arm alone, d our defence is sure. 3 Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, 480 FUNERAL, HYMN8. From everlasting thou art God, 4. A thousand ages in thy sight Are like an evening gone; Short as the watch that ends the night efore the rising sun. 5 The busy tribes of flesh and blood, it their cares an #. Are carried downward by the flood, d lost in following years. 6 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Be - away; They fly, forgotten, as a dream Dies at the op'ning day. 7 O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come: Be thou our guide while life shall last, d our perpetual home ! 554 Egypt—p. 136.] S. M. ND must this body die, This well-wrought frame decay? And must these active limbs of mine Lie mould'ring in the clay 7 2 Corruption, earth, and worms, Shall but refine this flesh, Till my triumphant spirit comes To put it on afresh. 3 God my Redeemer lives, .And ever from the skies Looks down and watches all my dust, Till he shall bid it rise. 4 Array'd in glorious grace . Shall these vile bodies shine, EU NERAL, HYMNS. 481 And every shape, and every face, Be heavenly and divine. 5 These lively hopes we owe, rd, to thy dying love: 0 may we bless thy grace below, And sing thy grace abovel 6 Saviour, accept the praise Of these our humble songs, Till tunes of nobler sounds we raise With our immortal tongues. 555 Shields—p. 68.] C. M. AND let this feeble body fail, d - And let it faint or die ar to worlds on high: Shall join the disembodied saints, And find its long sought rest: That only bliss for which it pants, In the Redeemer's breast. 2 In hope of that immortal crown e cross sustain; - And gladly wander up and down, And smile at toil and pain: I suffer on my threescore years, Till my Deliverer come; And wipe away his servant's tears, And take his exile home. 8 0 what hath Jesus bought for me! Before my ravish'd eyes - Rivers of life divine I see, • radise! I see a world of spirits bright, Who taste the pleasures there! They all are robed in spotless white, And conquiring palms they bear. 21 482 FUNERAL HYMNS. 4 O what are all my suff'rings here, If, Lord, thou count me meet In that eternal day. 556 Welch—p.242.] 9th P.M. & & is HAº soul, thy days are ended, All thy mourning days below; Go, by angel guards attended, to the sight of Jesus go. Waiting to receive thy spirit, e Saviour stands above , Shows the purchase of his merit, Reaches out the crown of love. 2 Struggle through thy latest passion, To thy great Redeemer's breast; To his uttermost salvation, To his º res For the joy he sets before thee, Bear a momen ain: Die to live a life of glory ! Suffer, with thy Lord to reign. 557 Carma—p. 253. 10th P.M.8lina& H, lovely appearance of death ; ‘What sight upon earth is so fair? Not all the gay pageants that brea n with a compare t ; solemn *:::::::::::: fled The corpse, when the spirit is fled; ove with the jºclay, And longing to lie in its stead. . 3. FUNERAL, HYMNS. 483 2 How blest is our brother, bereft of all that could burian his mind! No longer in misery now, No longer a sinner like me. ~ 3 This earth is affected no more With sickness, or shaken with pain; The war in the members is o'er, And never shall vex him again: No anger, henceforward, or shame, Shall redden this innocent clay: Extinct is the animal flame, passion is vanish'd away. 4 This languishing head is at rest, Its thinking and aching are o'er; This quiet, immoveable breast, Is h iction no more: It never shall flutter again. 5 The lids he so seldom could close, By sorrow forbidden to sleep, Now seal’d in their mortal repose, Have strangely forgotten to weep! The fountains can yield no supplies, These hollows from water are free; The tears are all wiped from these eyes, devil they never shall see. 6 To mourn and to suffer is mine, While bound in a prison I breathe, And still for deliverance pine, And press to the issues of death: 484 FUNERAL HYMNS. What now with my tears I bedev, O might I this moment become ! Mºº created anew, y flesh be consign'd to the tomb. 558 Northampton—p. 187.1 10th P.M.8linas EJOICE for a brother deceased, Our loss is his infinite gain; .A soul out of prison releas And freed from its bodily chain; With songs let us follow his flight, And mount with his spirit above; Escaped to the mansions of light, And lodged in the Eden of love. 2 Qur brother the haven hath gain'd, Outflying the tempest and wind, d left his companions behind; Still toss'd on a sea of distress, Hard toiling to make the blest shore, Where all is assurance and peace, And sorrow and sin are no more. 3 There all the ship’s com meet, Who sail?d with #. jh ; With shouting each other they greet, And triumph o'er sorrow and dea The voyage of life’s at an end, The mortal affliction is past: The age that in heaven they spend, For ever and ever shall last, 559 Amana—p. 291.] 13th P.M. 1010, 11th Tiš finish'd, 'tis done, the spirit is fled; The prisoner is gone, the Christian is dead; The Christian is living, through Jesus's love, And gladly receiving a kingdom above. FUNERAL, HYMNS. 485 2 All honour and praise are Jesus's due: Supported by grace he fought his way through; Triumphantly glorious through Jesus's zeal, And more than victorious o'er sin, death, and 40 Jesus! lead on thy militant care; And give us the crown of righteousness there, Where, dazzled with glory, the seraphim gaze; Or prostrate adore thee, in silence of praise. 5 Come, Lord, and display thy sign in the sky, rus away to mansions on high: The kingdom be given, the purchase divine, crown us in heaven eternally thine. 560 Northampton—p.257.110th P.M. Bline, 8. HOSANNA to Jesus on high . Another has enter'd his rest; Another has 'scaped to the sky, And lodged in Immanuel's breast; The soul of our sister is gone To heighten the triumph above; Exalted to Jesus's throne, And clasp'd in the arms of his Jove. The blessings ineffable meet : . He smiles—and they faint at his sight, And fall overwhelm’d at his feet. 486 FUNERAL HYMNS. 3 How happy the angels that fall, Transported at Jesus's name; No longer imprison'd in clay, ho next from his dungeon shall fly? Who first shall be summon'd awa My merciful Lord—is it I? 4 O Jesus, if this be thy will, That suddenly I should depart; Thy counsel of mercy reveal, And whisper the call in my heart; 0 give me a si o know, If soon thou wouldst have me remove; And leave the dull body below, fly to the regions above. 561 Nassau—p. 230.1 7th P.M.8 line". BLESSING, honour, thanks, and praise, Pay w cious God, to thee; Thou, in thine abundant grace, ivest us the victory; True and faithful to thy word, Thou hast glorified thy Son, Jesus Christ, our dying Lord, He for us the fight hath won. 2 Lo! the prisoner is released, Lighten’d of his fleshly load: Grief and suffering are no more. 3 Yes, the Christian's course is run, £i. is the glorious strife; FUNERAL, HYMNS. 487 Fought the fight, the work is done, eath is swallow'd up of life! Borne by angels on their wings, ar from earth the spirit flies: Finds his God, and sits, and sings, iumphing in paradise 4 Join we then with one accord In the new, the joyful song: Absent from our lovin We shall not continue long : We shall quit the house of clay, We a better lot shall share; We shall see the realms of day, Meet our happy brother there. 5 Let the world bewail their dead, Fondly º: loss complain: Brother, friend, by Jesus freed, eath, to thee, to us, is gain: Thou art enter'd into joy: he unbelievers mourn: We in songs our lives employ Till we all to God return. 562 Morrison—p. 487.] L. M. WHY should we start and fear to die? at tim’rous worms we mortals Death is the gate to endless joy, And yet we dread to enter there. the dying strife, Fright our ºl. souls away; d we shrink back again to life, Fond of our prison and our clay. 8 0 if my Lord would come and M º: would stretch her ºut. Fly fearless through death's iron gate, Nor feel the terrors as she pass'd? 488 FUNERAL, HYMNS. 4 Jesus can make a dying bed While on his breast Ilean my head, And breathe my life out sweetly there. 563 Windsor—p. 67.] C. M. HAºk. from the tombs a doleful sound, My ears attend the cry: “Ye living men, come view the ground ere you must shortly lie. 2 “Princes, this clay must be yourbed, In spite of all your towers; The tall, the wise, the reverend head, Shall lie as low as ours.” 3 Great God! is this our certain doom 1 And are we still secure! • Still walking downward to the tomb, And yet prepared no more : 4 Grant us the #. of quick’ning grace, To fit our souls to fly; Then when we drop this dying flesh, e'll rise above the sky. 564 Condolence—p. 209.] 5th P. M.8 lina". ARK! a voice divides the sky; Happy are the faithful dead! In the Lord who sweetly die, They from all their toils are freed h declared Blest, unutterably blest; Jesus is their great reward, Jesus is their endless rest. 2 Follow'd by their works, th Where t #. Head is : §, Reconciled by grace below, Grace hath open'd mercy's door; FUNERAL HYMNS. 489 Justified through faith alone, Here they knew their sins forgiven; Here they laid their burden down, ow'd, and made meet for heaven. 3 Who can now lament the lot Of a saint in Christ deceased ? Mortals cry, “A man is dead º Angels sing, “A child is born ſº 4 Born into the world above Jesus smiles, and says, “d Well done, Good and faithful servant thou! Enter, and receive thy crown, Reign with me triumphant now.” 5 Angels catch th' approving sound, , and bless the just award; Hail the heir with glory crown'd, w rejoicing with his Lord: Fuller joys-ordain’d to know, Waiting for the general doom, When th’ archangel's trump shall blow, “Rise, ye dead, to judgment come.” 565 Canton—p. 71.] C. M. W HY do we mourn for dying friends, arms 2 Or shake at death’s al 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To them to his arms. 2 Are we not tending upward too, As fast as time can move 2 21* 490 FLINERAL, HYMNS. Nor should we wish the hours more slow eep us from our love. 3 Why should we tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb 2 There once the flesh of Jesus lay, And left a long perfume, 4 The graves of all his saints he blest, And soften’d every bed: Where should the dying members rest, But with their dying Head P 5 Thence he arose, ascending high, d show'd our feet the way: Up to the Lord our flesh shall fly, At the great rising day. 6 Then let the last loud trumpet sound, And bid our #. rise: Awake, ye nations under ground; Ye saints, ascend the skies! 566 Quito—p. 94.1 L. M. SHRINKING from the cold hand of death, I soon shall gather up my feet; Shall soon resign this fleeting breath, die, -my father's God to meet. 2 Number'd among thy people, I Expect with joy thy face to see:- Because thou didst for sinners die, Jesus, in death remember me ! 3 0 that without a ling'ring groan I may the welcome word receive! My body with my charge lay down, ease at once to work and live : 4 Walk with me through the dreadful shade, And, certified that thou art mine, M; spirit, calm and undismay’d, ‘shall into thy hands resign. FUNERAL HYMNs. 491 5 No anxious doubt, no guilty gloom, Shall damp whom Jesus' presence cheers: My light, my life, my God is come, And glory in his face appears! 567 Kingslridge—p. 111.1 L. M. PASS a few swiftly fleeting years, And all that now in bodies live Shall quit, like me, the vale of tear Their righteous sentence to receive. 2. But all, before they hence remove ay mansions for themselves prepare, In that eternal house above: And, O my God, shall I be there? 568 . Limehouse—p. 116.1 L. M. HE morning flowers display their sweets, And gay their silken leaves unfold, As careless of the noontide heats, As fearless of the evening cold. 2 Nipp'd by the wind's unkindly blast, Parch'd by the sun's directer ray, The momentary glories waste, The short-lived beauties die away. 3 So blooms the human face divine, When youth its pride of beauty shows, Fairer than spring the colours shine, And sweeter than the virgin rose. 4 Or worn by slowly-rolling years, Or broke by sickness in a day, The fading glory disappears, The short-lived beauties die away. 5 Yet these, new rising from the tomb, With lustre brighter far shall shine, Revive with ever during bloom, Safe from diseases and decline. 492 FUNERAL HYMNS. 6 Let sickness blast, let death devour, If heaven must recompense our pains: Perish the grass, and fade the flower, If firm the word of God remains. 569 Slateford—p.306.1 20th P.M., 66,77,77. AGAIN we liſt our voice, And shout our solemn joy! Cause of highest raptures this, See a soul escaped to bliss, Keep the Christian festiva..! 2 Our friend is gone before To that celestial shore; He hath left his mates behind, He hath all the storms outrode; Found the rest we toil to find, ed in the arms of God. 3 And shall we mourn to see Our fellow prisoner free? Free from doubts, and griefs, and fears, In the haven of the skies: Can we weep to see the tears Wiped for ever from his eyes? 4 No, dear companion, no! We gladly let thee go, Thou hast more than conquer'd death; Thou art crown'd with life and love. o Thou in thy youthful prime Hast leap'd the bounds of time: Suddenly from earth release ! we now rejoice for thee; Taken to an early rest, Caught into eternity, FUNERAL, HYMNS, 493 6 Thither may we repair, That glorious bliss to share : We shall see the welcome day, We shall to the Summons bow: Come, Redeemer, come away: Now prepare, and take us now! 570 Poland—p. 65.] C. M. AIN man, thy fond pursuits forbear; igh : Repent, thy end is nigh: Death at the farthest can’t be far: 0 think before thou die. 2 Reflect; thou hast a soul to save; Thy sins, how high they mount! What are thy hopes beyond the grave? How stands that dark account 2 3 Death enters, and there's no defence; is time there’s none can tell ; He’ll in a moment call thee hence, eaven, or down to hell. 4 Thy flesh, perhaps thy greatest care, Shall crawling worms consume: But ah! destruction stops not there; Sin kills beyond the tomb. ON THE DEATH OF A CHILD, 571 Brainerd—p. 61.] C. M. HY life I read, my gracious Lord, With transport all divine; Thine image trace in every word, Thy love in every line. 2 Methinks I see a thousand charms Spread o'er thy lovely face, While infants in thy tender arms eceive the smiling grace. 494. DEscRIBING JUDGMENT. 3 “I take these little lambs,” said he, “And lay them in my breast; Protection they shall find in me, In me t can’t dissolve m Millions of infant souls compose 4 “Death may the bands of life unloose, love: 5 “Their feeble frames my power shall raise, And mould with heavenly skill; I’ll give them tongues to sing my praise, And hands to do my will.” 6 His words the happy parents hear, And shout with joys divine; O Saviour, all we have and are Shall be for ever thine. DESCRIBING JUDGMENT. 572 Sutton—p. 119.J. S. M. HOU Judge of quick and dead, Before whose bar severe, With holy joy, or guilty dread, We all shall soon appear; Our caution'd souls prepare or that tremendous day, And fill us now with watchful care, And stir us up to pray: 2 To pray, and wait the hour, That awful hour u º When, robed in majesty and power, Thou shalt from heaven come down, DEscRIBING JUDGMENT. 495 Th’ immortal Son of man, o judge the n race, With all thy Father's dazzling train, With all thy glorious grace. 3 To damp our earthly joys, Tº increase our gracious ſears, For ever let th' archangel's voice Be sounding in our ears; Arise, and meet him in the sky, d meet your instant doom " () may we thus be found Obedient to thy word, Attentive to the trumpet's sound, And looking for our ! 0 may we all ensure A lot among the blest: And watch a moment to secure An everlasting rest. 573 zion—p. 241.1 8th P.M 87.87,47. 0! He comes, with clouds descending, Once for favour’d sinners slain | Thousand thousand saints attending, Swell the triumph of his train! Halleluiah . God appears on earth to reign. 2 Every eye shall now behold him Robed in dreadful majesty; - who set at naught and sold him, Pierced and nail'd him to the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah see. 3 The dear tokens of his passion Still his dazzling body bears 496 DEscRIBING JUDGMENT. Cause of endless exultation To his ransom'd worshippers; With what rapture Gaze we on these glorious scars! 4 Yea, Amen! let all adore thee, High on thy eternal throne Saviour, take the power and glory, Claim the kingdom for thine own! ah Jehovah : Everlasting God, come down! 574 Stonefield—p. 99.] L. M. HE comes he comes! the Judge severe! The seventh trumpet speaks him near; His lightnings flash, his thunders roll; ow welcome to the faithful soul . 2 From heaven angelic voices sound; See the almighty Jesus crown'd? Girt with omnipotence and grace, And glory decks the Saviour's face. do The kingdoms all obey his word, And hail him their triumphant Lord! 4 Shout, all the people of the sky, nd all the saints of the Most High; r Lord, who now his right obtains, For ever and for ever reigns. 575 Emma—p. 202.] 4th P.M. 886,886. THQu God of glorious majesty, To thee, against myself, to thee, A worm of ear cry! A half awaken'd child of man, An heir of endless bliss or pain, A sinner born to die! DESCRIBING JUDGMENT. 2 Lo! on a narrow neck of land, *Twixt two unbounded seas I stand, Secure, insensible,; A point of time, a moment's space, Removes me to that heavenly place, r shuts me up in hell. 3 O God, mine inmost soul convert, And deeply on my thoughtful heart Eternal things impress: Give me to feel their solemn weight, And tremble on the brink of fate, And wake to righteousness! 4 Before me place in dread arra s To judge the nations at thy bar; And tell me, Lord, shall I be there, To meet a joyful doom? * 5 Be this my one great business hers, With serious industry and fear º Eternal bliss tº ensure; Thine utmost counsel to fulfil, And suffer all thy righteous will, And to the end endure. 6. Then, Saviour, then my soul receivs, Transported from this vale, to live And reign with thee above: Where faith is sweetly lost in sight, And hope in full, supreme delight, And everlasting love. TAND th' omnipotent decree! Jehovah's will be done : Nature's end we wait to see, And hear her final groan; • * 576 St. Asaphs—p. 2S2] 12th P.M. 76,7678,76. 498 DEscRIBING JUDGMENT. Let this earth dissolve, and blend In death the wicked and the just; Let those pond’rous orbs descend, And grind us into du 2 Rests secure the righteous man, At his Redeemer's beck, Lo! the heavenly spirit towers, Li es o'er nature's funeral pyre, Triumphs in immo 3. And claps his wings of fire : 3 Nothing hath the just to lose, y worlds on worlds destroyd; Farbeneath his feet he views, With smiles, the flaming void; sº. *::::::::::: y e grand millennial reign begun; Shouts with all the sons of God, g Around th? eternal throne! 4 Resting in this glorious hope, To be at last restored, Yield we now our bodies up, o earthquake, plague, or sword: List’ning for the call divine, e latest trumpet of the seven, Soon our soul and dust shall join, And both fly up to heaven. 57.7 Malden—p. 66.] C. M. AND must I be to judgment brought, And answer in that da For every vain and idle thought, And every word I say? 2 Yes, every secret of my heart Shall shortly be made known, DESCRIBING JUDGMENT. 499 And I receive my just desert For all that I have done. 3 How careful then ought I to live! With what religious fear, Who such a strict account must give For my behaviour here ! 4 Thou awful Judge of quick and dead, The watchful power bestow; So shall I to my ways take hee To all I speak or do. 5 If now thoustandest at the door, 0 let me feel thee near ! And make my peace with God, before I at thy bar appear. 578 Old Hundred—p. 87.] L. M. THE great archangel’s trump shall sound, (While twice ten thousand thunders roar,) Tear up the graves, and cleave the ground, And make the greedy sea restore 2 The greedy sea shall yield her dead, e earth no more her slain conceal; Sinners shall lift their guilty head, d shrink to see a yawning hell. 3 But we, who now our Lord confess, And faithful to the end endure, hall stand in Jesus' righteousness, Stand as the Rock of ages, sure. 4 We, while the stars from heaven shall fall, n - e on mountains hurl’d, Shall stand unmoved amidst them all d smile to see a burning world. 5 The earth, and all the works therein, Dissolve, by raging flames destroyed; 500 DESCRIBING JUDGMENT. While we survey the awful scene, And mount above the fiery void. 6 By faith we now transcend the skies, And on that ruin’d world look down: By love above eight we rise, And share the everlasting throne. 579, Bangor—p. 70.] C. M. HAT awful day will surely come, Th' appointed hour makes haste, When I must stand before my Judge, And pass the solemn test. 2 Jesus, thou source of all my joys, Thou ruler of my heart, How could I bear to hear thy voice Pronounce the sound, “Depart!” 3 The thunder of that awful word Would so torment my ear, 'Twould tear my soul asunder, Lord, With most tormenting fear. 4 What, to be banish'd from my Lord, And yet forbid to die! To linger in eternal pain, * And death for ever fly! 50 wretched state of deep despair, To see my God remove, And fix my doleful station where I must not taste his love 1 580 Siberia—p. 240.] 8th P. M. 87,87,47. LI. your heads, ye friends of Jesus, Partners in his patience here: Christ, to all believers precious, d of lords, shall soon appear: the tokens ar Of his heavenly kingdom near. DESCRIBING JUDGMENT, 501 2 Hear all nature's groans proclaiming Nature's swift-approaching doom! War, and pestilence, and famine, Signify the wrath to come; Cleaves the centre, Nations rush into the tomb. 3 Close behind the tribulation Earth and heaven Melt before the Judge's face: 4 Sun and moon are both confounded, Darken'd into endless might, When with angel hosts surrounded, In his Father's glory bright, eams the Saviour, Shines the everlasting light. 5 See the stars from heaven falling; Hark, on earth the doleful cry; Men on rocks and mountains calling, While the frowning Judge draws nigh, ide us, hide us, Rocks and mountains, from his eyeſ” 6. With what different exclamation Shall the saints his banner see : By the monuments of his passion, By the marks received for me ! I discern him, 4. All with shouts cry out, “'Tis he? 7 “Lo! 'tis he our hearts' desire, Come to join us with his choir, Come to make our joys o'erflow: Palms of victory Crowns of glory to bestow.” 502 DESCRIBING JUDGMENT, 8 Yes, the prize shall soon be given; is open face shall see Love, the earnest of our heaven, Love our full reward shall be: Love shall crown us Kings through all eternity : 581 Coleshill—p. 66.] C. M. O to the men on earth who dwell, Nor dreadth' Almighty's frown; When God doth all his wrath reveal And shower his judgments down. 2 Sinners, expect those heaviest showers: To meet your God preparel For, lo the seventh angel pours His via on; e air. 3 Lo! from their seats the mountains leap; The mountains are not found; Transported far into the deep, jºrin the oc n'd. 4 Who then shall live and face the throne, And face the Judge severe? When heaven and earth are fled and gone, 0 where shall I appear? 5 Now, only now against that hour We may a place provide; Beyond the grave, beyond the power Of hell our spirits hide: 6 Firm in the all-destroying shock, view the final scene; For, lo! the everlasting Rock Is cleft to take us in 582 Zealand—p. 268.] 11th P. M. 76,76,77,76. Jº, faithful to bis word, Shall with a shout descend: DESCRIBING JUDGMENT. 503 All heaven's host their glorious Lord Shall joyfully attend. Christ shall come with dreadful noise, Lightnings swift, and thunders loud; With the great archanger, voice, And with the trump of God. 2 First the dead in Christ shall rise; Then we that yet remain Shall be caught up to the skies, ee our Lord again. We shall meet him in the air; All wrapt up to heaven shall be; Find, and love, and praise him there, To all eternity. 3 Who can tell the happiness This glorious hope afford; Joy unutter'd we possess, eviving words: Happy while on earth we breathe; Mightier bliss ordain'd to know : Trampling down sin, hell, and death, To the third heaven we go 583 Geneva–p. 65.] C. M. B% faith we find the place above, Th : e rock that rent in twain Beneath the shade of dying love, And in the cleft remain. 2 Jesus, to thy dear wounds we flee; We sink into º side; . " Assured that all who trust in thee Shall evermore abide. mountains melt; the solid ground 504 DESCRIBING JUDGMENT. 4 The huge celestial bodies roll Amidst the general fire; And shrivel as a parchment scroll, And all in smoke expire! 5 Yet still the Lord, the Saviour reigns, When nature is destroy'd : And no created thing remains, Throughout the ſlaming void. 6 Sublime upon his azure throne, - He speaks th’ almighty word: His fiat is obey'd : 'tis done; And paradise restored. 7 So be it! let this system end: This ruinous earth and skies! The New Je escend ? he new creatiºn rise! 8 Thy [. omnipotent assume! Thy brightest majesty . And when thou dost in glory come, My Lord, remember me! 584 Witham—p. 192.1 4th P.M. 886,885. Hº happy are the little flock, Who, safe beneath their guardian rock, In all commotions res When war's and tumult's waves run high, Unmoved above the storm they lie, They lodge in Jesus' breast. 2 Such happiness, Q Lord, have we, And while the bursting cloud comes down, We mark the vengeful day begun, And calmly wait the end. DEscribing JudgMENT. 505 3 The plague, and dearth, and din of war, Our Saviour's swift approach declare, d bid our hearts arise: is shook, confirms our hope: Its cities' fall but lifts us up, meet thee in the skies. 4 Thy tokens we with joy conf The war proclaims the #. of peace; The earthquake speaks thy power; The famine all thy fulness brings; e plague presents thy healing wings, And nature's final hour. 5. Whatever ills the world befall, A pledge of endless good we call; sign of Jesus near; His chariot will not long delay; e hear the rumbling wheels, and pray, “Triumphant Lord, appear!” 6 Appear with clouds on Sion's hill, The word and mystery to y Thy confessors tº approve: Thy members on thy throne to place, And stamp thy name on every 3. In glorious heavenly love! 585 oldford—p. 125.] S. M. BEHOLD: with awful pomp The Judge prepares to come; º sounds the dreadful trump, W s 2 Nature, in wild amaze, Her dissolution mourns; Blushes of blood the moon deface, e sun to darkness turns. 3 The living look with dread; The frighted dead arise: 22 506 DESCRIBING JUDGMENT. Start from the monumental bed, And lift their ghastly eyes. 4 Horrors all hearts appal, They quake, they shriek, they cry; Bid rocks and mountains on them fall; But rocks and mountains fly. 5 Ye wilful, wanton fools, gers make you wise: Carnal pro careless souls, Unclose your sleeping eyes. 6 *Tis time we all awake : e dreadful day draws near: Sinners, your proudſººn check, And stop your wild career. 7 Now is th' accepted time, To Christ for mercy fly: O turn, repent, and trust in him, And you s never die. 8 Great God, in whom we live, Prepare us for that day: Help us in Jesus to believe, * To watch, and wait, and pray. 586 Drummond—p.250.1 9th P.M.87,875; RIGHTEQIS God! whose vengeful vials All our fears and thoughts ex ; Big with woes and fiery trials, Hanging, bursting o'er our head: While thou visitest the nations, Thy selected people spare; our caution'd souls with patience, Fill our humbled hearts with prayer. 2 If thy dreadful controversy º all flesh is now begun; DISMISSION. 507 In thy wrath remember mercy; Mercy first and last be shown; Plead thy cause with sword and fire: Shake us till the curse remove; Till thou com'st, the world's desire, Conquering all with sovereign love. 3 Every fresh alarming token More confirms the faithful word; 4 Vanish, then, this world of shadows; Pass the form ings away: O conclude this mortal story ! Throw this universe aside : Come, eternal King of º - Now descend, and take thy Bride! DISMISSION. 587 Busing—p.374.1 9th P.M. sists.si. ORD, dismiss us with thy blessing, Bid us now depart in peace; Still on heavenly manna feeding, Let our faith and love increase: | Fill each breast with consolation; | Up to thee our hearts we raise: When we reach our blissful station, Then we'll give thee nobler praise. Hallelujah! ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 508 588 Kingswood—p. 277.1 12th P.M.76,7678% L9; I come with joy to do. The Master's blessed will— Him in outward works pursu Serve with careful Martha’s And loving Mary's heart. 2 Careful without care I am, feel my happy toil: 3 Thou, O Lord, in tender love Dost all my burdens bear! Lift my heart to things above, And fix it re 1 Calm on tumult's wheel I sit, "Midst busy multitudes alone, Sweetly waiting at thy feet, Till all thy will be done. 4 Thou, O Lord, my portion art efore I hence .. ! 9 Now, my treasure and my heart Are all laid up above: Far above all earthly things, hile yet my hands are here employ'd, Sees my soul the King of kings, And freely talks with God. ADDITIONAL HYMNs. 509 589 50 that all the art might know Of living thus to thee! Find their heaven begun below, See : - y th Till they gain their full reward, see thy glorious face 1 Pensford—p.265.1 11th P.M.76,767,76. Serve my Maker all my days, And my Redeemer love. 2 For my life, and clothes, and food, comforthere For the blessings numberless, ich thou hast already given: For my smallest spark of grace, And for my hope of heaven. sins forgive, And thy º: Spirit impart! see Who my cause hath undertoºk, And ever prays for me. 4 Grace, in answer to his prayer, And every grace bestow; 510 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. That I may with zealous care y, Still in every state resign'd, Plant, almighty Lord, in me A meek and lowly mind. 5 Poor and vile in my own eyes, ith self-abasing shame Still I would myself despise, And magnify thy name; Thee let every creature bless, Praise alone to God be given; God alone deserves the praise Of all in earth and heaven. 590 omnipotence—p. 1681 1st P. M. 6 line & AH; things are possible to him That can in Jesus' name believe: Lord, I no more thy truth blaspheme, Thy truth I lovingly receive; I can, I do believe in thee, All things are possible to me. 2 The most impossible of all esu If nothing is too hard for thee, I things are possible to me. 3 Though earth and hell the word gainsa The word of God can never fail; y, 4. When thou the work of faith hast wrought, I here shall in thine image shine, ADDITIONAL HYMNs. 511 Nor sin in deed, or word, or thought; Let men exclaim and fiends repine, They cannot br All things are possible to me, 5 Thy mouth, O Lord, hath spoke, hath sworn, That'ſ shall serve the without fear ; Shall find the peari which others spurn, Holy, and pure, and perfect here; The servant as his shall be; ings are possible to me. 6 All things are possible to God, To Christ, the power of God in man, To me, when I am all renew'd, When I in Christ am form'd again, And witness, from all sin set free, All things are possible to me. 591 spring Grove—p. 165. 1st P.M.6liness. O GOD of our forefathers, hear, And make thy faithful mercies known; To thee, through Jesus, we draw near, 3. Acceptance through his only name, Forgiveness in his blood we have; But more abundant life we claim, T im who died our souls to save; To sanctify us # his bi And iſ with iſ the ſite of God. 512 AppitionAI, HYMNs. 4 Father, behold thy dying Son And hear the bloºd that speaks above On us let all thy grace be shown: eace, righteousness, and joy, and love! Thy kingdom come to every heart, And all thou hast, and all thou art. 59 Dawson—p. 84.] L. M. Aºi. when severely tried, His faith by his obedience show’d; He with the harsh command comp ied, And gave his Isaac back to God. 2 His son the father offer'd up, Son of his age, his only son; Object of all his joy and hope, And less beloved than God alone. 3 O for a faith like his, that we he bright example º ºne: Maygladly give up all to thee #. yg tº more thanai'is due. 4 Now, Lord, to thee our all we leave, Our willing soul thy call obeys; Pleasure, and wealth, and fame, we give, Freedom, and life, to win thy grace. 5 Is there a thing than life more dear? A thing from which we cannot part? e can; we now rejoice to tear ihe idol from our bleeding heart. 6 Jesus, accept our sacrifice; All things for thee we count but loss: Lo! at thy word our idol dies, Dies on the altar of thy eross. 7 For what to thee, O Lord, we giv fº" And soon with thee shall all receive, And loss shall be eternal gain. AdditionAL HYMN.s. 513 593 Dedication—p.309.1 20th P.M. 66,77,77. Høy weak the thoughts and vain Of self-deluded men . h O L o ; o Il t b e e What can our foundation shock 2 Though the shatter'd earth remove, Stands our city on a roc On the Rock of heavenly love. 3. A house we call our own, Which cannot be o'erthrown : In the general ruin sure, Storms and earthquakes it defies; Built immoveably secure; Built eternal in the skies, ve to our steadfast mansion theſe Our inheritance above (Unalienabl Bloom, our infinite reward; ise, our permanent abode; From the founded world prepared; Purchased e blood of God. shadows flee away; Let the new-made world appear ! 22+ 514 ADDITIONAL HYMNs. 7 High on thy great white throne, O own | King of saints, come d In the New Jerusalem Now triumphantly. §escend ; Let the final trump proclaim Joys begun which ne'er shall end. 594 Pisgah—p.821.] 25th P.M.77,877,87. ORSHIP, and thanks, and blessing, And strength, ascribe to Jesus! Jesus alone defends his own hen earth and hell oppress us. Jesus with joy we witness, Almighty to deliver; Our seals set to that God is true, And reigns a King for ever. 2 Omnipotent Redeemer Our ransom'd souls adore thee; Our Saviour thou, we find it now, nd give thee all the glory. We sing thine arm unshorten’d Brought through our sore temptation: With heart and voice in thee rejoice, he God of our salvation. 3 Thine arm hath safely brought us A way no more expected, Than when thy sheep pass'd through the deep, By crystal walls protected. 4 Thy works we now acknowledge, Thy wondrous loving kindness, Which help'd thine own, by means unknown, And smote our foes with blindness: ADDITIONAL HYMNs. 515 By Satan's host surrounded Thou didst with patience arm us, But wouldst not give the Syrians leave, Or Sodom's sons, to harm us. 5 The world’s and Satan's malice – Thou, Jesus, hast confounded And by thy grace, with songs of praise Our happy souls resounded. Accepting our deliverance, We triumph in thy favour, And for the love which now we prove, Shall praise thy name for ever. 595 Josiah—p.263. 11th P.M.1616,776. WHQ is this gigantic foe That proudly stalks along : Overlooks the crowd below, In brazen armour stron Loudly of his strength he boasts: On his sword and spear relies: Meets the God of Israel’s hosts, And all their force defies. 2 Tallest of the earth-born race, ey tremble at his power; Flee before the monster's face, And own him conqueror. Who this mighty champion is, Nature answers from within; gº He is my own wicked My own besetting sin. 3 In the strength of Jesus' name I with the monster fight, Feeble and unarm'd I am, But Jesus is my might: 516 ADDITIONAL HYMNs. * Mindful of his mercies past, Still I trust the same to prove: Still my helpless soul I cast On his redeeming love. 4 With my sling and stone I go To fight the Philistine; God hath said it shall be so, And I shall conquer sin; Sure to win the ...; For he hath spoke the word. 5 In the strength of God I rise, I run to meet my foe; Faith the word of power applies, ow : Rise, ye men of Israel, rise, Your routed foe pursue; Shout his praises to the ski o conquers sin for you: Jesus doth for you appear, He his conquering grace affords; Saves you, not with sword and spear, The battie is the Lord's. 7 Every day the Lord of hosts § His mighty power displays; Conq’ror over sin proclaim; O that all the earth might know The power of Jesus' name: ADDITIONAL HYMNs. 517 a’ 596 spring—p.206.] 5th P.M.4 lines is. Jººs, shall I never be Firmly grounded upon thee? Never by thy work abide? Never in thy wounds reside? 20 how wavering is my mind! Toss'd about with every wind 1 O how quickly doth my heart From the living God depart! 3 Jesus, let my nature feel Thou art God unchangeable: JAH, JEHOVAH, great I AM, peak into my soul thy name. 4 Grant that every moment I May believe and feel thee nigh, Steadfastly behold thy face, 'Stablish’d with abiding grace. 5 Plant, and root, and fix in me All the mind that was in thee; Settled peace I then shall find; Jesus' is a quiet mind. 6 Anger I no more shall feel, Always even, always still ; Meekly on my God reclined; Jerus' is a gentle mind. 7 I shall suffer and fulfil . All my Father's gracious will; Be in all alike resign'd; Jesus' is a patient mind. 8 When 'tis deeply rooted here, Perfect love shall cast out fear; ear doth servile spirits bind; Jesus' is a noble mind. 9 When I feel it fixed within, I shall have no power to sin; 518 ADDITIONAL HYMNs. How shall sin an entrance find? lild, Jesus’ is a spotless mind 10 I shall nothing know beside Jesus, and him crucified : Perfectly to him be join'd: J - - * Jesus' is a loving mind. 11 I shall triumph evermore, Gratefully my God adore; God so good, so true, so kind; Jesus' is a thankful mind. 12 Lowly, loving, meek, and pure, I shall to the end endure; He no more to sin inclined: Jesus' is a constant mind. 13 I shall fully be restored To the image of my Lord ; Witnessing to all mankind Jesus’ is a perfect mind 597 Broadmead—p. 150.] 1st P.M. 6 lines & JEß, the gift divine I know, The gift divine I ask of thee; 2 Thee let me drink, and thirst no more For drops of finite happiness: Spring up, O Well, in heavenly power, In streams of pure, perennial peace; In joy that none can take away, In É, which shall for ever stay. 3 Father, on me the grace bestow, Unblameable before thy sight, ADDITIONAL HYMNs. 519 Whence all the streams of mercy flow; Mercy thy own supreme delight, To me, for Jesus' sake impart, And plant thy nature in my heart. 4 Thy mind throughout my life be shown, While listining to the wretches' cry, mercy's wings I º fly leve, My life, my all for them to give. 5 Thus may I show the Spirit within, Which purges me from every stain, tºº from the world and sin, My faith's integrity maintain The truth of my religion prove By perfect purity and love. 598 Euphrates—p.214) 12th P.M.1678,1816. ATHER, see this living clod, This spark of heavenly fire! See my soul, the breath of God, ; 3. m love divine 2 Lord, if thou from me hast broke he power of outward sin; Burst this Babylonish yoke, And eme free within; Bid my inbred sin depart, And I thy utmost word shall prove, Upright both in life and heart, And perfected in love. 3 God of all-sufficient grace, My God in Christ thou art: x, 520 ADDITIonAL HyMNs, Bid me walk before thy face, heart: Till I am pure in - Till transform'd by faith divine, I gain that perfect love unknown, Bright in all thine image shine, By putting on thy Son. *.. 4 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, In council join again, To restore thine image, lost By frail, apostate man O might I thy form express, Through faith begotten from above, Stamp'd with real holiness, And fill'd with perfect love! 599 Wayland—p. 82.) L. M. THE voice that speaks Jehovah near, The still, small voice, I long to hear, O might it now my Lord proclaim, And fill my soul with holy shameſ 2 Ashamed I must for ever be, Ashamed the God of love to see, If saints and prophets hide their face, ..And angels tremble while the ! 600 Ledbury—p. 151.1 1st P.M., 6 lines& LAX to thy hand, O God of grace! O God, the work is worthy thee; See at thy feet, of all the race The chief, the vilest sinner see; And let me all thy mercy prove, Thine utmost miracle of love. 2 Speak, and a holy thing and clean Shall strangely be brought out of me; Mºś soul shall change her skin, eem'd from all iniquity; ADDITIONAL HYMNs. 521 I, even I, shall then proclaim e wonders wrought by Jesus' name. 3 Thee I shall then for ever praise, In spirit and in truth adore: While all I am declares thy grace, And born of God, I sin no more: Thy pure and heavenly nature share, And fruit unto perfection bear. ON THE DEATH of A widow. 601 Auburn—p.260.1 10th P.M.8liness. GIVE glory to Jesus our Head, With all that encompass his throne; A widow, a widow indeed, mother in Israel is gone! The winter of trouble is past; rms of affliction are o'er; Her struggle is ended at last, sorrow and death are no more. 2 The soul has o'ertaken her mate, And caught him again in the sky: Advanced to her holy estat Converse in their happy abode; As stars in the firmament bright, And pure as the angels of God. 3 Behold what a triumph is there, 522 ADDITIONAL HYMNs. 4 In loud hallelujahs they sing, And harmony echoes his praise: When lo! the celestial King Pours out the full light of his face; The joy neither angel nor saint Can bear, so #; great; But lo! the whole company faint, .And heaven is found—at his feet. FOR THE MOHAMMEDANS. 602 Clarke—p. 149.1 1st P.M. 6lines & SUN of unclouded righteousness, With healing in thy wings arise, .A sad benighted world to bless, Which now in sin and error lies, Wrapp'd in Egyptian night profound, With chains of hellish darkness bound. 2 The smoke of the infernal cave, Which half the Christian world o'erspread, Disperse, thou heavenly light, and save he souls by that impostor led, The Arab thief, as Satan bold, Who quite destroy'd thy Asian fold. 3 O might the blood of sprinkling cry For those who spurn †. sprinkled blood; Assert thy glorious Deity . Stretch out thy arm, thou triune God; The Unitarian fiend expel, And chase his doctrine back to hell. 4 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Thou Three in One, and One in Three, Resume thy own, for ages lost Finish the dire apostacy; Thy universal claim maintain, And Lord of the creation reign : ADDITIONAL HYMNs. 523 FOR THE HEATHEN, 603 Plymouth Dock—p.148.1 1st P. M.6line.8a. When will it reach to all mankind 2 2 Art thou the God of Jews alone, And not the God of Gentiles too? To Gentiles make thy goodness known; hy judgments to the nations show; Awake them by the fi. call; Light of the world, illumine all ! dark Americans convert, And shine in every pagan heart! 4 As lightning launch'd from east to west, The coming of thy kingdom be; To thee, by angel hosts confess'd, Bow every soul and every knee: Thy 5. let all flesh behold | And then fill up thy heavenly fold. 604 Roberts—p. 158] 1stP.M. Ginas. O COME, thou radiant Morning Star, . Again in human darkness shine! royalty divine, # sway o'er all the earth maintain, now begin thy glorious reign. 524 ADDITIONAL HYMNs. 2 Thy kingdom, Lord, we long to see: y sceptre o'er the nations shake; Tº erect that final monarch om for thy possession take: Take (for thou didst their ransom find) The purchased souls of all mankind. 3 Now let thy chosen ones appear, And valiantly the truth maintain : DOXOLOGIES. 605 Luton—p. 74.] L. M. RD, our God, we bless thee now, To thee our souls and bodies bow: With humblest awe fall down before Thy throne, and joyfully adore. Čš four ancestors, we praise The Father, Son, and Spirit of grace! One glorious God, in Persons T ! ( to all eternity. 606 old Hundred—p. 87.1 L. M. PRAISE God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. ADDITIONAL HYMNs. 525 607 China—p. 7.] C. M. The Christian Soldier. M I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name? 2 Must I be carried to the skies n flowery beds of ease; - While others fought to win the prize, And sail'd through bloody seas? 3 Are there no foes fºr me to face R Must I not stem the flood P Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? 4 Sure I must fight, if I would reign; ncrease my courage, Lord; - I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. 5 Thy saints in all this glorious war Shall conquer, though they die; They see the triumph from afar, By faith they bring it migh. 6 When that illustrious day shall rise, And all thy armies shine In robes of victory through the skies, The glory shall be thine. 527 A SUPPLEMENT TO THE col L E c T 1 o N of HYMNs FOR THE USE OF THE METHOD IST EPISCO PAL CHURCH. ADVERTISEMENT. The last General Conference recommended to |he Editors and Agents of the Book Concern the publication of some additional Hymns in the form of a Supplement to our Hymn Book. For various reasons, not now necessary to mention, this has been delayed until the present time, though a con- siderable number had been prepared for that pur- pose * 4.- ...? & *** l *g Yºº - Yi º i - i.i. y º and some being original. These, however, were all consumed by the late fire which destroyed our Book-room. As the plates for the Hymn Book were destroyed by that disastrous event, by which it has become necessary to prepare anew set, we have availed our- telves of this opportunity to add the following 528 ADVERTISEMENT. Supplement, consisting chiefly of hymns adapted to special occasions, such as dedications, anniversaries, &c. Some of these are original, having been pre- pared expressly for this purpose, but the most of them are selected from the festival and other Hymns of the late Rev. Charles Wesley, than whom no man ever united the spirit of poetry, fervent piety, and evangelical sentiment more firmly and delight. fully together. But though his poetical genius led him to write on almost all subjects within the range of Christian doctrine and duty, yet there were some usages not so familiar in his day, such as Sunday School and Missionary anniversaries, to which but few of his Hymns, however excellent in other respects, seem to be adapted. This led the Editor to seek to other sources for supplying this deficiency, N. BANGS, New-York, March 18, 1836. SU PPL E MENT, ON LAYING THE FOUNDATION FOR A NEW CHURCH. 608 Mear—p. 3.} C. M. Bºº the sure foundation stone Which in Sion lays, To build our heavenly hopes upon, And his eternal praise. 2 Chosen of God, to sinners dear, We now adore thy ; We trust our whole salvation here, Nor can we suffers e 3 The foolish builders, scribe and priest, Reject it with disdain: Yet on this rock the church shall rest, And envy rage in vain. 4 What though the gates of hell withstood, Yet must this building rise: 'Tis thine own work, almighty God, And wondrous in our eyes. 609 Beihany—p. 217.] 6th P. M. 6 lines?. Rogº of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee; Let the water and the 9 m thy wounded side which flow'd, Be of sin the double *:::: Save from wrath and eme pure, 2. Could my tears or ever flow, Could my zeal no languor know, 23 530 SUPPLEMENT. These for sin could not atone; Thou must save, and thou alone: In ; hand no price I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling. 3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold thee on thy throne, ck of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee, 610 Euphrates—p.214.] 12th P.M. 76,76.78% Hear us, Architect divine! Great builder of thy church below; Now upon thy servants shine, Who y praise to show. 2 Earth is thine; her thousand hills - hand : O'er all thy glory reigns: Yet the place § .# ºd y avid's favour’d son, Thy peculiar blessing shared, And stood thy chosen throne. SUPPLEMENT. 531 4 Father, Son, and Spirit, send e; Row in º escend, Inscribe the living name t great name by which we live, Now write on this accepted stone; Us into thy hands receive, ur temple make thy throne. 611 Arundel—p. 10.] C. M. GREAT God who laid on Sion's moun A precious corner-stone; MoreP. than the gates of hell, And sacred as thy throne: 2 Regard us, who before thee spread Our hands in solemn prayer; For by thy cloud and pillar led, The ark hath rested here. 3 The patriarchs and prophets proved, A sure foundation given; e martyrs rested there unmoved In holiest hope of heaven. 4 That rock was Christ—fore'er the same, e Lord our righteousness: O may this altar bear thy name, And thou our labour bless! 5 And though in sº temple high, Eternal is thy throne; . 0 let us find thy footstool nigh, And prove this place thine own. 612 Leyden—p. 107.] L. M. THOU before whose lofty throne '...The holy ones of heaven bow; With them we would thy glory own, And grateful sing thy mercy now. 532 SUPPLEMENT. 2. When first thy light the east array'd, d morning stars shone on the Earth's corner-stone with joy was iaid, The sons of glory sung on high. 3 Then Eden rose in heaven's light; Beneath f creation stood; Thy word dispell’d chaotic might— Thy smile approved—the work was good. 4 Tous 0 may thy smile be given, This corner-stone º: by thee; Our work complete, O Lord of heaven; hyglory here let thousands see. 6.13 Dover—p. 120.] S. M. SUREL. the Lord is here, And loves this º place; He hears the voice of fervent prayer, And gives the promised grace. 2 How blest is this abode Where l 3 Our corner-stone shall tell The place where we have found The Lord, who deigns with man to dwell, And seals this holy ground. 4 Our altar here we raise, For he our help hath been; - With angel hosts his name we'll praise, Who have his wonders seen. 5 Our rock the Son of God, The Lord's anointed one; Eternal life is in his word, wation his alone. 6 When in his house above His gather'd tribes appear; SUPPLEMENT. 533 May we partake his endless love, - here. 614 Slateford—p.306.) 20th P.M. 66,71,77. The Lord's Prayer. F**ś, liy : O that earth and heaven might join, Thy perfections to proclaim; Praise the attributes divine, Fear and love thy awful name! 2. When shall thy Spirit reign f man 2 Father, bring the kingdom near, onour thy triumphant Son; of heaven, on earth appear, Fix with us thy glorious throne. 3 Thy good and holy will Let all on earth fulfil ; 4 This day with this day's bread hy hungry children feed; Fountain º blessings, grant OW the na from above; Now supply our bodies' want, ow sustain our souls with love. 5 Qur trespasses forgive: And when absolved we live, Then our life of grace maintain; . Lest we from our God depart, Lose thy pardoning grace again, Grant us a forgiving heart. 6 In every fiery hour Display thy guardian power; 534 SUPPLEMENT. Near in our temptation stay, With sufficient strength defend; Bring us through the evil day, e us faithful to the end. wn universe to thee; Spirit of grace and glory too, Reign through all eternity. ON DEDICATING A HOUSE OF WORSHIP. 615 Brewer—p. 76.] L. M. GREAT God, thy watchful care we bless, Which guards these sacred courts in peace; Nor dare tumultuous foes invade To fill thy worshippers with dread. Long may they echo And thou descending, fill the place With choicest tokens of thy grace. 3 And in the great decisive day, When God the nations shall survey, May it before the world appear - That crowds were born to glory here. 616 Paris—p. 82.] L. M. HOW pleasant, how divinely fair, O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are: With strong desire my spirit faints To meet th'assemblies of thy saints. 2 Blest are the saints that sit on high, Around thy throne of majesty; Thy brightest glories shine above, And all their work is praise and love. SUPPLEMENT. 535 3. Blest are the souls that find a place Within the temple of thy grace: Here they behold thy ſº er rays, . And seek thy face, and learn thy praise. 4 Blest are the men whose hearts are set To find the way to Sion's gate; God is their ...; and through the road They lean upon their helper, God. 5 Cheerful they walk with growing strength, Till all shall º: in heaven at length; Till all before thy face appear, And join in nobler worship there. 617 Luton—p. 74.] L. M. REAT God, attend, while Sion sings The joy that from thy presence springs; To spend one day with thee on e xcee mirth. 3. Might I enjoy the meanest P. Within thine house, O God o ce, Not tents of ease, nor thrones of power, Should tempt my feet to leave thy door. 3. God is our sun, he makes our day: God is our shield, he guards our way From all th'assaults of hell and sun; From foes without, and foes within. 4 All needful grace will God bestow, d crown grace with glory too; He gives us all things, and withholds No real good from upright souls, 5.0 God our King, whose sovereign sway The glorious hosts of heaven obey, And devils at thy presence flee Blesſ is the manºin thee. 536 SUPPLEMENT. 618 Stafford—p. 142.] S. M., And bulwarks of our land 3 In Sion God is known A refuge in distress; How bright has his salvation shone Through all her palaces ! 4 In every new distress We'll to his house repair; We'll think upon his wondrous grace, And seek deliverance there. 619 Brewer—p. 76.] L. M. WITH glory clad, with strength array'd, The foºd that o'er aii nature reigns, The world's foundations strongly laid, vast fabric still - 2 How sure establish’d is thy throne, Which shall no ; : or period see! For thou, O Lord, and thou alone, Art King from all eternity. 3 The floods, O Lord, lift up their voice, And toss their troubled waves on high: e angry sea comply. 4 Thy promise, Lord, is ever sure: And they that in thy house would dwel), That happy station to secure, Must still in holiness excel. SUPPLEMENT. 537 620 Forty-sixth P.- p. 178] 2d P.M.6liness. HQ. lovely are thy tents, O Lord! Where'er thou #: to Thy name, or place thy house of prayer, My soul outflies the angel choir And faints, o'erpower'd with strong desire, To meet thy special presence there. 2 Happy the men to whom 'tis given To dwell within that gate of heaven, And in thy house record thy praise; Whose strength and confidence thou art, Who feel thee, Saviour, in their heart, he way, the truth, the life of grace: That flows replenish'd from above; From strength to strength advancing here, Till all before their God appear, And each receives the crown of love. 4 Better a day thy courts within Than thousands in the tents of sin: the noblest pleasures there! How great the weakest child of thine! His meanest is all divine, 5 T protects and cheers his Their light and strength, their shield and sun; hall bo an No real good they e'er shall want All, all is theirs who righteous five. osts, how blest is he 538 SUPPLEMENT. 621 Ledbury—ſ. 151.1 1st P.M. 6 lines 8. HO Jesus our Example know, And his apostles' footsteps trace, We gladly to the temple go, Frequent the consecrated place At every solemn hour of prayer, And meet the God of mercy there. 2 His offering pure we call to mind, There, on the golden altar laid, Whose Godhead, with the tºº join'd, e; And have whate'er we ask of God, Through faith in that all-saving blood. 622 Pilgrim—p.280.1 12th P.M.76,76,776 - ing Lord, G In power, and truth, and grace; - natine raise is known, Glorious thy perfections shine; E y works are all divine. 3 See the gospel church secure, And founded on a rock; e Count her every precious shrine; Tell, to after ages tell, SUPPLEMENT. 539 Fortified by power divine, The church can never fail. 4 Sion's God is all our own, Who on his love rely; We his pardoning love have known, And live to Christ, and die: To the New Jerusalem He our faithful guide shall be; Him we claim, and rest in him, Through all eternity. 623 Bishop—p. 73.] L. M. : BEHOLD thy temple, God of grace, The house that we have rear'd for thee; Regard it as thy resting place, And fill it with thy majesty. 2. With outstretch'd hands on thee we call Prostrate before thy throne we bow; 0 let the cloud of glory fall y waiting servants now! 3 Now by thy presence sanctify This ear sang , Lord; And to its courts be ever nigh, And here thy hallow'd Lame record. en from its altar shall arise Joint supplication to thy name, Deign to accept the sacrifice, - Thyself our answering proclaim. 5 And when from hence the voice of praise Shall lift its triumphs to thy throne, Show thy acceptance of our lays, making all thy glory known. 6 When here thy ministers shall stand, To speak what thou shalt bid them say, Maintain thy cause with thine own hand, And give thy truth a winning way. 540 SUPPLEMENT. 7 Now, therefore, O our God, arise, In this thy resting F. appear; And let thy ; º; eyes Behold thee fix thy dwelling here. 624 Litchfield—p. 90.] L. M. O thee, thou High and Lofty One, First in the glorious Trinity, And thou, the great co-equal Son And Holy Spirit, unto thee, Whose rays combined, fill boundless space, Who dwelleth in immensity— We come to consecrate this place, That it henceforth thy rest may be. : 2 Assembled here before thy throne, Thy congregated people wait; Aºp e who thy power have known, And own thy name exceedi 3 O ! may that consecrated ray which from the Godhead's splendours shine, a That they in thy pavilion hide. , And while we now our offering bring, To dedicate it to name, O'ershadow us as with thy wing, Thyself our answering God proclaim. SUPPLEMENT. 541 ANNIVERSARY HYMNS-MISSIONARY. 625 Irene—p. 307.] 20th P. M. 66,7,77. Jºãº, my God and King, r Bless'd, immortal, thou alone... 2 Essay your choicest strains, The King Messiah reigns! Joyful all your voices raise; Christ, than earth-born monarchs higher, Sons of men and angels, praise 3 Hail your dread Lord and ours Dominions, thrones, and weri Source of power, he rules alone: Weil your eyes and prostrate fall; Cast your crowns before his throne, Hail the cause, the Lord of all! 4 Let earth's remotest bound . With echoing joys resound; Christ to praise let all conspire; Praise doth all to Christ belong: Shout, ye first-born sons of fire; - Earth, repeat the glorious song. 5 Worthy, O Lord, art thou, That every knee shall bow, Universal nature join, Strong and mighty, thee to bless, Gracious, merciful, benign. Wisdom is due to thee, And might and majesty; 542 SUPPLEMENT. Thee in mercy rich we prove: Glory, honour, praise receive; Worthy thou of all our love, More than all we pant to give. 7 Justice and truth maintain Thine everlasting reign: One with thine almighty Sire, Partner of an equal throne, King of saints, let all conspire tefully thy sway to own. 626 Southampton—p.207.15th P.M.4line; tı. ARTH, rejoice, our Lord is King! Sons of men, his praises sing; Singye in triumphant strains, Jesus our Messiah reigns! 2 Power is all to Jesus given, Lord of hell, and earth, and heaven! Everv knee to him shall bow; Satan, hear and tremble now . ngels and archangels join, All triumphantly combine; I in Jesus' praise agree, Carrying on his victory. 4 Though the sons of night blaspheme More there are with us #. |. 3. with us, we cannot fear, Fear, ye fiends, for Christ is here! 5 Lo! to faith's enlighten’d sight All the mountain flames with light; Hell is migh, but God is nigher, Circling us with hosts of fire. 6 Our Messias is come down, Claims the nations for his own, Bids them stand before his face, iumph in his saving grace. ŠUPPLEMENT. 543 627 Siberia—p.240.] 8th P.M., 87,87,47. OME, thou Conq'ror of the nations, Now on thy white horse appear; Earthquakes, deaths, and desolations Signify thy kingdom near True and faithful : Stablish thy dominion here. Thine the kingdom, power, and glory; Thine the ransom'd nations are; Let the heathen fall before thee, Let the isles thy power declare; udge and conquer All mankind in righteous war. 3 Thee let all mankind Admire, li essence None, except thyself, can read. 3. By the Father's grace bestow'd, Meanly clothed in human narure, ee we call the Word of God: Flesh thy vesture, Dipp'd in thy own sacred blood. 5 Captai o - Thou who hast the wine-press trod, Borne th' Almighty's indignation quench'd the fiercestºath ofGod, e the kingdom, Claim the purchase of thy blood. 6 Qn thy thigh and vesture written Show the world thy heavenly name, That, with loving wonders smitten, All may glorify the Lamb; ore thee, - All the Lord of hosts proclaim. 544 SUPPLEMENT. 7 Honour, glory, and salvation To the Łºrd our God we give; Power, and endless adoration, Th worthy to receive; Reign triumphant, King of kings, for ever live! 628 Sicily—p. 122.] S. M. ATHER of boundless grace, Thou hast in part fulfill’d Thy promise made to Adam's race, In God incarnate seal’d. A few from every land At first to Salem came And saw the wonders ofthy hand, nd saw the tongues of e 2 Yet still we wait the end, ing of our 3. The full accomplishment attend Of th hetic word. Thy promise deeper lies In unexhausted grace, And new-discover'd worlds arise To sing their Saviour's praise. 3 Beloved for Jesus’ i. By him redeem'd of old, All nations must come in, and make One undivided fold: While gather'd in by thee, º erfected in one, They all at once thy glory see In thy co-equal Son. 629 Danvers—p. 100.] L. M. HEAP of thy church, whose Spirit fills, And flows through every faithful soul, Unites in mystic love, and seals Them one, and sanctifies the whole: SUPPLEMENT. 545 2 “Come, Lord,” thy glorious Spirit cries, And souls beneath the altar groan; “Come, Lord,” the Bride on earth replies, *And perfect all our souls in one.” 3 Pour out the promised gift on ail, Answer the universal “Come !” The fulness of the Gentiles call, take thine ancient people home. 4 To thee let all the nations flow, Let all obey the gospel word; Let all their bleeding Saviour know, Fill'd with the glory of the Lord. 50, for thy truth and mercy's sake, te F. of thy passion claim; Thine heritage, the Gentiles, take, And cause the world to know thy name. 630 Elliot—p. 152] 1st P.M.6lines &. ET:RNA. Lord of earth and skies, * We wait thy Spirit's latest call: Bid all our fallen race arise, .. ou who hast purchased life for all; e only name to sinners given, Snatches from hell, and lifts to heaven. 2 The word thy sacred lips has past, sure, irrevocable word, yie The kingdoms of the earth shall be For ever subjected to thee. 3 Jes for this we still attend, Thy kingdom in the isles to prove, The law ; and death to º 546 SUPPLEMENT. 4 O might it now from thee proceed, With thee into the souls of men ; And let thy glorious Spirit reign, On all the ransom'd race bestow'd; And let the world be fill?d with God! 631 Stonefield—p. 99.] L. M. ET Sion in her King rejoice, Satan rage and kingdoms rise; He utters his almighty voice, The nations melt, the tumult dies. 2 The Lord of old for Jacob fought; nd Jacob's God is still our aid: Behold the works his hand hath wrought! What desolations he hath made : 3 From sea to sea, through all their shores, tº: es the noise of battle cease; When from on high his thunder roars He awes the trembling world to peace. 4 He breaks the bow, he cuts the spear; Chariots he burns with heavenly flame; *::: silence, all the earth, and hear The sound and glory of his name: 5 “Be still, and learn that I am God, xalted over all the lands: I will be known and fear'd abroad; For still my throne in Sion stands.” 6 O Lord of hosts, almighty King! While we so near thy presence dwell, Our faith shall rest secure, and sing efiance to the gates of hell. 632 Marion—p. 162. 1st P. M. 6 lines 8. AFM of the Lord, º: awake : The terrors of the Lo display; SUPPLEMENT. 547 Out of their sins the nations shake, Tear their vain confidence away; Conclude them all in unbelief, ir hearts with sacred grief. 2 Of judgment now the world convince, The end of Jesus' coming show ; To sentence their usurping prince, im and his works destroy below; To finish and abolish sin, And bring the heavenly nature in. 3 Then the whole earth again shall rest, see its paradise restored; Then every soul in Jesus blest Shal he image of its Lord, In finish'd holiness renew’d, Immeasurably fill'd with God. 40 wouldst thou bring the final scene, Accomplish the redeeming plan, Thy great millennial reign begin; That every ransom'd child of man, That every soul, may bow the knee, And rise to reign with God in thee! 633 Rothwell—p. 109.] L. M. HE heavens declare thy glory, Lord, In every star thy wisdom shines; But when our eyes behold thy word, We read thy name in fairer lines. 2 The rolling sun, the changing light, And night and day, thy power confess; But the bless'd volume thou hast writ Reveals thy justice and thy grace. 3 Sun, moon, and stars convey thy praise Round the whole earth, and never stand; So when thy truth began its race, It touch'd and glanced on every land. 548 SUPPLEMENT. 4 Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest Till through the world thy truth has run; Till Christ has all the nations blest That see the light or feel the sun. 5 Great Sun of righteousness, arise, ess the dark world with heavenly light; Tº gospel makes the simple wise; hy laws are pure, thy judgments right. 634 Gilead—p. 264.] 11th P.M. 1676,778. SAYº, whom our hearts adore, To bless our earth again, d o'er the nations reign: Christ, the world's desire and hope, Power complete to thee is given; Set the last great empire up, Eternal Lord of heaven. 2. Where they all thy laws have spurn'd, Thy holiest name profaned, Where the ruin’d world hath mourn’d With blood of millions slain: Open there th' ethe scene, Claim the heathen tribes for thine; II There the endless reign begi ith majesty divi co : None shall in thy mount destroy; s hen be learn’d no more: Saints shall their great King enjoy, And all mankind adore. 4 Then according to thy word, Salvation is reveal’d! SUPPLEMENT. 549 With thy glorious knowledge, Lord, The new-made earth is fill'd : Then we sound the mystery, The depths and heights of Godhead prove, Swallow’d up in mercy's sea, For ever lost in love. 635 - Castle-street—p. 102.] L. M. THE law and prophets all foretold, That Christ should die, and leave the grave Gather the world into his fold, The church of Jews and Gentiles save. 2 Yet by the prince of darkness bound, The fiations still are wrapp'd in night; In mildest majesty of grace, And bring the great salvation near, And claim our whole apostate race. 636 Jeshurun—p. 137.] S. M. JESUS, the word bestow, z The true immortal seed; Thy gospel then shall greatly grow, And all our land o'erspread; Through earth ext Shall mightily prevail, Destroy the works of self and pride, d tes of hell. shake the gates 2. Its en er 3 Light of the world, again appear e pure consummate love, And fill with all thy life below, And give us thrones above. 550 SUPPLEMENT. 637 Haddam—p. 183.] 3d P.M.46s &28. SAVIOUR, we know thou art In eve e Uſle gaſºle : Now, Lord, in ours exert The virtue of thy name; And daily, through thy word, increase Thy blood-besprinkled witnesses 2 Thy people, saved below From every sinful stain, Shall multiply and grow, y command ordain; And one into a thousand rise, And spread thy praise through earth and skies, 3 In many a soul, and mine, Thou hast display'd thy power, But to thy people join Ten thousand thousand more; Saved from the guilt and strength of sin, In life and heart entirely clean. 638 Inquiry—p. 139.] S. M., arge increase shall give, And multiply the faithful race, Who to thy glory live. 2 Now, then, the ceaseless shower f gospel blessings send, And let the soul-converting power Thy ministers atteud. On multitudes confer And by the joy of grace pre ###, ºp pare SUPPLEMENT. 551 639 Daughter of Sion-p.326.]28 P.M.6lines Ils. LºN: Q Sion! Jehovah hath spoken, . The Lord thy Redeemer commands thee arise; Far o'er the earth reigns darkn en, Whilst heaven's bright day-star illumines thy skies, Listen t O Sionſ Jehovah hath spo The Lord thy Redeemer commands thee arise. Rise to their rescue lo! error is stealing Q'er souls thy Redeemer has bought for his fold! iew Calvary's scenes! are they not appealing? The light thence enkindled, O bid them behold. 3 Christian, awaken! thy darkness hath vanish'd, Thy sky has been lit by its radiant glow ; Joy that the shades that enwrapp'd thee are banish'd, And haste all may thy blessedness know. 4 Rouse thee to action, . Saviour is pleading, Hook upward, the strength of the mighty is thine; Gmnipotent faith, through Christ interceding, Will soon bid the world in God's image to shine. Miss. Hymn—p. 322.] 26th P.M. 7s & 6s, FRQM Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand; Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand; many an ancient river, Though every prospect pleases, And only 3. is wiłe: In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown; The heathen in his blindness and ston 552 SUPPLEMENT. 3 Shall we whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted e lamp of life deny? ation : Sal T ; io n O e joyful sound proclaim, Till earth’s remotest nation Has learn’d Messiah’s name. 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, nd you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, t spreads from pole to pole: Till o'er our ransom'd nature, mb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, t In bliss returns to reign. . 64I. Wayne—p. 107.] L. M. Loºp, haste to claim thy purchased right, The nations ransom'd by thy ; its might 4. We dare not doubt thy gracious will, Thou mighty, merciful, and just thaste, 0 hasten to fulfil Thy word, in which thy servants trust! 5 Earnest they ...; and wait, and pray, To see that time by prophets told; When nations, new- in a day, Shall be ingather'd to thy fold. SUPPLEMENT. 553 ANNIVERSARY-BIBLE SOCIETY. 642 New Sabbath—p. 92.) L. M. G9, holy book! thou word divin Öf Him who spake as man ne'er spake, Go! for omnipotence is thine, And to thy truths the nations wake. 2 Go—and wherever man hat s - Where there is one for whom Christ died, Open the treasures of our God, And tell them of the crucified. 3 Fly-fly on wing of angel-speed, And bea - Q} bid it pass from shore to shore. * Ah, can the Christian, who hath known Its big •commanding § On whom this light of iife shone. In death's deep shade his brother see, 24 554 SUPPLEMENT. Nor send to him this only ra That beams from Deity on earth, To show to dying man the way That leads to an immortal birth 2 3. It cannot be—the voice of blood, A brother's blood, would loudly call; And incensed Heaven command the fidod Of gather'd vengeance quickly fall: This light shall spread; though man may hide, All earth must see—’tis Heaven’s intent— Its truths will triumph far and wide, orming whereunto 'twas sen ANNIVERSARY-SUNDAY SCHOOLS, 644 Wayne—p. 107.] L. M. S wave on wave years pass away, And in their flight returns the day; When in thy house, O Lord! to thee We raise the voice of melody. 2 To thy great name, O God! belongs r main outh, and infant songs; And join'd in chorus, here we raise One loud hosanna to thy praise. 3. On wings of light swift mounting high, 0 may our lay ascend the sky, There find acceptance at thy throne, God our annual festal own. 4 We here present our charge to thee, O ! as in thy humanity, May they be to thy bosom press'd, And with preserving grace be bless'd. d as - Crown our frail efforts in this cause, - meet a smiling Heaven's applause. SUPPLEMENT. 555 645 Randau–p. 16.) C. M. MERC; descending from above, In softest accents pleads; 0 may each tender bosom move, When mercy intercedes! 2 Children our kind protection claim, And God will well approve, When infants learn to lisp his name, And their Creator love. 3 Delightful work! young souls to win, And turn the rising race From the deceitful paths of sin, T ir Saviour’s face. 4 Almighty God! thine influence shed, To aid this blest design; The honour of thy name be spread, And all the glory thine. 646 Darwell—p. 1st. 3d P.M.46;&28. Children. COME, let our voices join In one glad song of praise; To God, the God of love, Our grateful hearts we raise: ongregation To God alone your praise belongs: His love demands your earliest songs. Children. 2 Now we are taught to read The book of life divine; Where our Redeemer's love And brightest glories shine: C ation. ongreg - To God alone the praise is due, Who sends his word to us and you. 556 SUPPLEMENT. Children. 3 Within these hallow’d walls Our wand'ring feet are brought; Where prayer and praise ascend, And heavenly truths are taught: ongregat - To God alone your off-rings bring; Here in his chur; praises sing. . r eºs Congregation. Great God, accept their infant songs; To thee alone their praise belongs. oth, 5 Lord, bid this work of love e crown'd with meet success; ess : Thus shall the praise resound to th Now, and through all eternity. 647 Oliphant—p.239.1 sth P.M. 87,87,47. THQ. who didst with love and blessing Gather Sion's babes to thee, Still a Saviour's love expressing, These, the babes of Sion, see; i. the l - ul That would bring them up for thee. 2 Smile upon the weak endeavour, Wain, if thou thy smile deny; Lo! they rise—to live for ever! Train, 0.1 train them for the sky, Neer may Satan - Plunder Sion's nursery. SUPPLEMENT. 557 3 Let no self-applauding feeling- §. £5 8è tºre intºlº es Sink the pride of every one. 4 Love to thee, and pure affection For the lambs that need a fold, These should give our zeal direction, And prevent its growing cold; r support us, E’en if blessing thou withhold. 5 Yet with humble fervour bending, We that blessing would entreat: On the youthful heart descending, Make the toils of learning sweet: ill to Sion Guide the young disciples' feet. Side by side in common ith thy ransom'd people number'd With th'assembly of the just, Child and viour ! own our humble trust. FOR ASCENSION DAY, 648 Spaulding—p.206.1 5th P.M.4 linest. HAL the day that sees Him ri Ravish'd from our wishful eyes! Christ, awhile to mortals given, Reascends his native heaven. 3 There the pompous triumph waits: “Lift your heads, eternal gates; 558 SUPPLEMENT. Wide unfold the radiant scene; 133 ake-the King of glory in 3 Circled round with angel powers, Their triumphant Lord, and ours, onq'ror over death and sin; Take the King of glory in : 4 Him though highest heaven receives, Still he loves the earth he leaves; hough returning to his throne, Still he calis mankind his own. 5 See, he lifts his hands above: See, he shows the prints of love! ark, his gracious lips bestow Blessings on his church below ! 6 Still for us his death he pleads; Prevalent he intercedes; Near himself prepares our place, Harbinger of human race. 7 Master, (will we ever say,) Taken from our head to-day; See thy faithful servants, see, Ever gazing up to thee. 8 Grant, though parted from our sight, High above yon azure height, Grant our hearts may thither rise Following thee beyond the skies. 9 Ever upward let us move, Wafted on the wings of love; Looking when our Lord shall come, Longing, gasping after home. .0 There we shall with thee remain, Partners of thy endless reign; There thy face unclouded see, Find our heaven of heavens in thee- SUPPLEMENT. 559 649 Wilmot—p.210.] 5th P.M.4 lines 7s. ONS of God, triumphant rise, Shout th? accomplish'd sacrifice: Shout your sins in Christ forgiven Sons of God, and heirs of heaven? 2 Ye that round our altars throng, º: join the song; Sing with us, ye heavenly powers, Pardon, grace, and glory ours : 3 Love's mysterious work is done; Greet we now th’ atoning Son; Heal’d and quicken'd by his blood, Join'd to Christ, and one wi 4 Him by faith we taste below, Mightier joys ordain’d to know, When his utmost grace we prove, Rise to heaven by perfect love. 650 Gilead—p.264.] 11th P.M.76,767,76. FAº, God, we glorify Thy love to Adam's seed; Love that gave thy Son to die, And raised him from the dead: . Him for our offences slain, That we all might pardon find, Thou hast brought to life again, The Saviour of mankind. 2. By thy own right hand of power hou hast exalted him, Sent the mighty Conqueror y people to redeem : King of saints and Prince of peace, im thou hast for sinners given, Sinners from their sins to bless, And lift them up to heaven. 560 SUPPLEMENT. 3 Father, God, to us impart rts - Let us in thy Spirit rise, Rise to all thy life restored, less thee in the skies. 651 Calcutta—p. 72.1 L. M. WHAT equal honours shall we bring To thee, O Lord our God, the Lamb, Since all the notes that angels sing Are far inferior to thy name 2 2 Worthy is he who once was slain, - The Prince of peace, that groan’d and died, orthy to rise, and live, and rei At his almighty Father's side. 3 Power and dominion are his due o stood condemn’d at Pilate's bar; Wisdom belongs to Jesus too, Though he was charged with madness here. 4 Immortal praises must be paid Instead of scandal and of scorn; While glory shines around his head, And a bright crown without a thorn. 5 Honour for ever to the Lamb Who bore our sin, and curse, and pain; .And every creature say, AMEN 1 0. 652 Darwell—p. 187.] 3d P.M.46s&2& GQ is gone up on high, With a triumphant noise The clarions of the sky Proclaim th’ angelicjoys! SUPPLEMENT, 561 Join all on earth, rejoice and sing; Glory ascribe to glory's King. 2 God in the flesh below, For us he reigns above: Let all the nations know Our Jesus' conquering love! Join all on earth, rejoice and sing; Glory ascribe to glory's King. 3 All power to our great Lord Is by the Father given; By angel hosts adored He reigns supreme in heaven: Join all on earth, rejoice and sing; Glory ascribe to glory's King. 4 High on his holy seat bears the righteous sway; His foes beneath his feet Shall sink and die away: Join all on earth, rejoice and sing ; Glory ascribe to glory's King. 5 His foes and ours are one, Satan, the world, and sin; But he shall tread them down, 6 Till all the earth renew’d n righteousness divine, With all the hosts of God In one great chorus join, Join all on earth, rejoice and sing; Glory ascribe to glory's King. 24+ 562 SUPPLEMENT. CHRIST'S INTERCESSION. 653 Kingswood—p.277.1 12th P.M.76,76,1876, OMING through our great High Priest, We find a pard'ming God: Jesus' spirit in our breast ears witness with the blood; ur Father pacified Toward every soul that Christ receives; Tells us, once our Surety died, And now for ever lives. For all that trust in him; I my soul on Jesus stay ighty to redeem : He shall purify my heart, Who in his blood forgiveness have, his hallowing power exert, And to the saves THE DAY OF PENTECOST. 654 st. Peter's—p. 75.1 L. M. OME. Holy Spirit, raise our so C to reach 3. of the ; When with the fiery cloven tongues Thou didst those glorious scenes display. SUPPLEMENT. 568 20 'twas a most auspicious hour, Season of grace and sweet delight, When thou didst come with mighty power, And light of truth divinely bright. 3. By this the blest disciples knew Their risen Head enter'd heaven; d now obtain'd the promise due, Fully by God the Father given. 4 Lord, we believe to us and ours The apostolic promise given; We wait the pentecostal powers, The Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, 5 Ah! leave us not to mourn below, Or long for thy return to pine; Now, Lord, the Comforter bestow, And fix in us the guest divine. 6 Assembled here with one i. almly we wait the promised grace, The purchase of our dying Lord: Come, Holy Ghost, and fill the place. 7 If everyone that asks may find, lf still thou dost on sinners fall, Come as a mighty rushing wind; reat grace be now upon us all. 8 Behold, to thee our souls aspire, And languish thy descent to meet: Kindle in each the living fire, fix in every heart thy seat. 655 Gloucester-missi it?.M.6kness. REATOR, Spirit, by whose aid The world's foundations first were laid, Come pour thy joys on human Kind ; From sin and sorrow set us free, And make thy temples worthy thee. 564 suPPLEMENT. * 20 source of uncreated heat To sanctify us while we sing. 3 Plentecus of grace, descend from high, ich in thy sevenfold energy : Thou strength of his almighty hand Whose power does heaven and earth command, Refine and purge our earthly And stamp thine image on our hearts. 4 Create all new; our wills control, Subdue the rebel in our soul: Chase from our ministhºinternal foe; And peace, the fruit of faith, bestow: And, lest again we go astra The Saviour Son be glorified, Who for lost man's redemption died; An - d equal adoration be É: Comforter, to thee! THE PROMISED COMFORTER, 656 Park-street—p. 97.] L. M. Jºš, we on the words º, Spoken by thee while present here, “The Father in my name shall send The Holy Ghost, the Comforter.” 2 That promise made to Adam’s race, Now, Lord, in us, e'en us, fulfil; And give the Spirit of thy grace, To teach us all thy perfect will. SUPPLEMENT. 565 3 That heavenly Teacher of mankind, That Guide infallible impart, To bring thy sayings to our mind, And write them on our faithful heart. 4 He only can the words apply, Through which we endless life possess; And deal to each his legacy, ur Lord's unutterable peace. 6 That peace of God, that peace of thine, O might he now to us bring in, And fill our souls with power divine, n e an end of fear and sin! 6 The length and breadth of love reveal, The height and depth of Deity; And all the sons of glory seal,... And change, and make us all like thee. 657 Peterborough—p. 18.] C. M. Soy:REIGN of all the worlds on high, Allow my humble claim; . Nor while, unworthy, I draw nigh, Disdain a Father's name. 2 “My Father God!” that gracious sound Dispels my guilty fear; Not all the harmony of heaven Could so delight my ear. 3 Come, Holy i. seal the grace On my e ing heart; And show that in the Father's love I share a filial Dart. 4 Cheer'd by a witness so divine, Unwavering I believe; And “Abba, Father,” humbly cry; Nor can the sign deceive. 566 SUPPLEMENT. 658 Dedication—p.309.] 20th P.M.66.7m. TERNAL Spirit, come l Life, and power, and love divine, in us for ever dwell 659 Benjamin—p.219.] 6th P.M.6lina's ATHER, glorify thy Son; Answ'ring his all-powerful prayer, Send that Intercessor down end that other Comforter, Whom believingly we claim, Whom we ask in Jesus’ name. 2 Then by faith we know and feel Him, the Spirit of truth and grace: With us he vouchsafes to dwell, ith us while unseen he stays: All our help and gond, we own, Freely flows from him alone. 3 Wilt thou not the se g Good and faithful as thou art, Send the Comforter to dwell Every moment in our heart SUPPLEMENT. 567 Yes, thou must the grace bestow; Truth hath said it shall be so. THE GOD OF ABRAHAM PRAISE. 660 Johnst—p.310) 21st P.M.66,84,66,84. [For first part of this Hymn see p. 236.] SECOND PART. HOUGH nature's strength decay, And earth and hell withstand, To Canaan's bounds I urge my way, Ilú. The wat'ry deep I With Jesus in my view; And through the howling wilderness y way pursue. 2.The goodly land I see, With peace and plenty bless'd ; A land of sacred liberty, nd endless rest. There milk and honey flow ; And oil and wine abound; And trees of life for ever grow, ith mercy crown'd. 3 There dwells the Lord our King. e Lorū our righteousnes His kingdom still maintains; .. d glorious with the saints in light, 4. He keeps his own secure, He guards them by his side, Arrays in garments white and pure His spotless bride; 568 SUPPLEMENT, With groves of living joys, With streams of sacred bliss, With all the fruits of paradise, He still supplies. THIRD PART. BEFORE the great Three-one They all exulting stand, And tell the wonders he hath done Throug ir land : The list'ning spheres attend, swell the growing fame; . And sing, in songs which never end, The wondrous name. 2 The God who reigns on high The great archangels sing, And “Holy, holy, holy,” cry, “Almighty King! o was and is the same, And evermore shall be; Jehovah, Father, great I AM, We worship thee.” - 3 Before the Saviour's face e ions bow; O'erwhelm’d at his almighty grace, or ever new : e shows his prints of love- They kindle to a flame! nd sound, through all the worlds above, The slaughter'd Lamb. 4. The whole triumphant host Give thanks to God on high; “Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,” They ever cry: Hail, Abraham's God, and mine! (Ijoin the heavenly lays,) All might and majesty are thine, And endless praise, SUPPLEMENT. 569 FOR NEW-YEAR'S DAY. 661 Rockingham—p. 101.1 L. M. ETERNAL Source of every joy, * Well may thy praise our lips employ, While in thy temple we appear, ose goodness crowns the circling year. 2. The flowery spring, at thy command, Embalms the air, and paints the land; The summer rays with vigour shin To raise the corn and cheer the vine. 3 Thy hand in autumn richly i. Through all our coasts, redundant stores; And winters, soften’d by thy care, No more a face of horror wear. 4 Seasons, and months, and weeks, and days, Demand successive songs of praise: Still be the cheerful homage paid With opening light, and evening shade. 5 Here in thy house shall incense rise, As circling sabbaths bless our eyes, Still we will make thy mercies known und thy board, and round our own. may our more harmonious tongue In worlds unknown pursue the song; And in those brighter courts adore, Where days and years revolve no more, 662 creation—p. 153. 1stP.M.6 lines. WISpom ascribe, and might, and praise, To God, who jengthens out our days; Who spares us yet another year, And makes us see his goodness here: Q may we all the time redeem, And henceforth live and die to him 570 SUPPLEMENT. 2. How often, when his arms were bared, Hath he our sinful Israel spared: “Let me alone,” his mercy cried, And turn'd the vengeful bolt aside; ur hearts to pay thee all thy praise? Our hearts shall beat for thee alone : Our lives shall make thy goodness known; Qur souls and bodies shall be thine, A living sacrifice divine. O Lord, my God, I give thanks unto thee. 663 Truro–p. 87.] L. M. When anxious cares wou my rest, And griefs would tear my throbbing breast, Thy funeful praises, raised on high, Shall check the murmur and the sigh. 3 When death o'er nature shall prevail, And all the powers of language fail, Joy through my swimming eyes shall break, And mean the thanks I canno 4 But O, when that last conflict’s o'er, And I am chain'd to earth no more, With what glad accents shall I rise o join the music of the ski 5. Soon shall I learn the exalted strains Which echo through the heavenly plains; And emulate, with joy unknown The glowing seraphs round the throne. SUPPLEMENT. 57t 6 The cheerful tribute will I give, Long as a deathless soul shall live: A work so sweet, a theme so high, Demands and crowns eternity. DEATH. 664 Salisbury—p. 163. 1st P.M. 6 liness. *. Jººs, was ever love like thine? Thy life ascene of wonder is; And like the Prince of life expire. 2 Thy death supports the dying saint “ Thy death my sovereign comfort be; While feeble flesh and nature faint 3 O let thy death's mysterious power, With all its sacred weight, descend, To consecrate my final hour, And, breathed into the hands divine, My spirit be received with thine ! Bridgewater—p. 85.] H. M. TREMENDous God, with humble fear Prostrate before thy awful throne, Th’ irrevocable word we hear The sovereign righteousness we own. 2 "Tis fit we should to dust return, Since such the will of the Most High; In sin conceived, to trouble born, Born only to lament and die. 572 SUPPLEMENT, 3 Submissive to thy just decree, e all shall soon f rth remove; But when thou sendest, Lord, for me, 0 let the messenger be love! 4. Whisper y love into my heart, arn me of my approaching end; And then I joyfully depart, And then I to thy arms ascend. 666 Gloucester—p. 156.1 1st P.M. 6lina & CALL the world's Redeemer mine; He lives who died for me, I know; Who bought my soul with blood divine, esus, shall reappear below, Stand in that dreadful day unknown, fix on earth his heavenly throne. 2 Then the last judgment day shall come; And though the worms this skin devour, The Judge shall call me from the tomb Shall bid the greedy grave restore, And raise this individual me, in the flesh, my God, to see. 3. In this identic body I, With eyes of flesh refined, restored, Shall see that self-same Saviour nigh, or in iling Lo See with ineffable delight: Nor faint to bear the glorious sight. 4 Then let the worms demand their prey, he greedy grave my reins consume; With joy I drop my mouldering clay, And rest till my Redeemer come; Qn Christ my life, in death rely, Secure can never die. SUPPLEMENT. 573 667 Providence—p.276.1 12th P.M.76,76,78,75. MA. not a creating God, Who built this house of clay, Re-inspire the breathless c In his appointed day? From the dust he form'd us man, d shall we circumscribe his power? Doubtless the Almighty can 2 He who breathed into our earth The breath of life divine, By a new celestial bi Can and sinners joinſ Will a quick’ning Spirit become, ur souls extinct again to raise, Call'd out of our nature's tomb, The opener of our graves Joyfully the pledge receive Of blissful immortality, Sure our bodies too shall live For ever one with thee. 668 Waverly—p. 72.] L. M. ALMIGHTY Maker of my frame, Teach me the measure of Iny days, Teach me to know how frail I am, 574 SUPPLEMENT. He heaps up treasures mix’d with wo, And dies, and leaves them all behind. 4 O be a nobler Dortion mine ! My God, I bow before thy throne: Earth's º I resign, And fix my hope on thee alone. Sion—p. 252.] 10th P. M. 8dines 8s. WHEN shall we sweetly remove, hen shall we enter our rest, Return to the Sion above, The mother of spirits distress'd : That city of God the great King, Where d death are 2 Not all the archangels can tell The joys of that holiest place, Where Jesus is pleased to rew The light of his heavenly face; " When caught in the rapturous flame, The sight beatific they prove, And walk in the light of th. Lamb, Enjoying the beams of his love. 3 Thou know'st in the spirit of prayer See We long Resign'd to the burden we bear, But longing to triumph with thee: 'Tis good at thy word to be here, *Tis better in thee gone, And see thee in glory a 3ºs The tears shall be wiped from our eyes, thee we behold in the cloud, SUPPLEMENT. 575 And echo the joys of the skies, And shout to the trumpet of God. 670 Ward—p. 109.] L. M. Whose hand doth earth and heaven sustain, Whose Spirit leads believing souls: 2 For thee we leave our native shore, We whom thy love delights to keep,) In other climes thy works explore, And see thy wonders in the deep. 3 Tis here thine unknown paths we trace, Which dark to human eyes appear; While through the mighty waves we pass, Faith only sees that God is here. 4 Throughout the deep thy footsteps shine, We own thy way is in the sea, O'erawed by majesty divine, And lost in thine immensi Amazing heights of boundless power, Unfathomable depths of love. SECOND PART. INFINITE God, th tness spann'd These heaven, .#. out the skies; Lo! in the hollow of thy hand measured waters sink and rise : 2 Thee to perfection who can tell Barth and her sons beneath thee lie, Lighter than dust within thy scale, And less than nothing in thine eye. : 576. SUPPLEMENT. 3 Yet, in thy Son, divinely great, We claim thy providential care; IMMORTALITY. 671 Fountain—p. 29.1 c. Grº me the wings of faith, to rise Within the veil, and se M. e The saints above, how great their joys, How bright their glories be. 2 Once they were mourners here below, And pour’d out cries and tears: They wrestled hard, as we do now, With sins, and doubts, and fears. 3 I ask them whence their victory came: o his death. 4 They mark'd the footsteps that he trod, His zeal inspired their breast; And following their incarnate God ess the promised rest 5 Our glorious Leader claims our praise For his own pattern given; While the long cloud of witnesses how the same path to heaven. 672 Sharon—p.266.1 11th P.M.76,76,7,76. HERE shall true believers go, When from the flesh they fly? Glorious joys ordain'd to know, They mount above the sky, SUPPLEMENT. 57.7 To that bright celestial place; There they shall in raptures live, More than tongue can e'er express, r heart can e'er conceive. 2. When they once are enter'd there, Their mourning days are o'er; Pain, and sin, and want, and care Glorious ecstasy is given; This is their supreme delight, nd makes a heaven of heaven. 4 Him beholding face to face, To him they glory give, - Bless his name and sing his praise, As long as God shall live. While eternal ages roll, . Thus employ'd in heaven they are: rd, receive my happy sou With all thy servants there! FAMILY RELIGION. 673 Forest—p. 76.] L. M. FATHER of all, thy care we bless, Which crowns our famiies with peace; From thee they spring; and by thy hand They are, and shall be still sustain'd. . 25 578 SUPPLEMENT. 2. To God, most worthy to be praised, Be our domestic altars raised : o, Lord of heaven, yet deigns to come And sanctify our humblest home. 3 To thee may each united house Morning and night present its vows: Our servants there, and rising race, Be taught thy precepts, and thy grace. 4 each future age proclaim The honours of thy glorious name; d each succeeding race remove To join the family above. BAPTISM OF CHILDREN. 674 Eaton–p. 154.) ist P.M. 6lines &. GQ of eternal truth and love Vouchsafe the promised aid we claim, Thine own great ordinance approve, The child baptized into thy name, er of thy nature make, And give him all thine image back. 2 Father, if such thy sovereign will, If Jesus did the rite enjoin, Annex thy hallowing Spirit's seal, And let thy grace attend the sign; The seed of endless life impar Take for thine own this infant’s heart. 3 Answer on him thy wisdom's end, rese n w;intend, ou hast on man bestow'd, Now to this favour’d child be given, Pardon, and holiness, and heaven. 4 In presence of thy heavenly host, Thyself we faithfully require: SUPPLEMENT. 579 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, By blood, º water, and by fire, And fill up all thy human shrine, And seal our souls for ever thine. 675 Crawford—p. 34.] C. M. OW large the promise, how divine, To Abrºam and his seed . “I am a God to thee and thine, Supplying all their need.’ 2 The words of his extensive love rom age to age endure; The Angel of the covenant proves, seals the blessing sure. And calls them heirs of heaven. 4 O God, how faithful are thy ways! Thy love endures the same; Nor from the promise of thy grace Blots out our children's name. 676 Bermuda—p. 221.] 6th P.M.6 line, i. LORD of all, with pure inten From their tend’rest infancy, In thy temple we present Whom we first received from thee; Through thy well-beloved Son, Ours acknowledged for thine own. 2 Seal’d with the baptismal seal, Purchased by th” atoning blood, Jesus, in our children dwell, Make their heart the house of God; Filthy consecrated shrine, Father, Son, and Spirit divine As § 580 SUPPLEMENT. 677. Belmont—p. 26.] C. M. Sº Israel's gentle Shepherd stand With all-engaging charms: Hark how he calls the tender lambs, And folds them in his arms : 2 “Permit them to approach,” he cries, * Nor scorn their humble name: The Lord of angels came.” 3 We bring them, Lord, in thankful hands, And yield them up to thee; Joyful that we ourselves are thine, Thine let our offspring be. INSTITUTION OF THE GOSPEL MINISTRY, 678 Milo—p. 77.] L. M. HE Saviour, when to heaven he rose, In splendid triumph o'er his foes, Scatter'd his gifts on men below d wide his royal bounties flow. 2 Hence sprang th' apostles' honour'd name; Sacred beyond heroic fame: In lowlier forms before our eyes, Pastors from hence, and teachers rise. rom Christ their varied gifts derive, And fed by Christ their graces live: While guarded by his mighty hand, *Midst all the rage of hell they stand. 4. So sh right succession run e tors and people shout thy praise Through the long round of endless days. SUPPLEMENT. 581 679 Murray—p. 137.] S. M. Jºš, thy servants bless, Who, sent by thee, proclaim The peace, and joy, and righteousness Experienced in thy name: 2 Their souls with faith supply, With life and liberty; And then they preach and testify The thi cerning thee: y grace to minister, And all thou hast for simmers done, n life and death declare. RENEWING THE COVENANT, 680 Zion—p. 155.1 1st P. M. 6 lines 8s. O GOD ! how often hath thine ear To me in willing mercy bow’d ; While worshipping thine altar near, wly I wept and strongly vow'd: Now bid the sin thou hat'st expire; t me desire what thou *F. t Thou dost approve what I desire; 582 SUPPLEMENT. And thou wilt deign to call me thine, .And I will dare to call thee mine. 4 This day the covenant I sign, The bond of sure and promised peace; Nor can I doubt its power divine, Since seal’d with Jesus' blood it is; That blood I take, that blood alone, And make the cov'nant peace mine own. 5 But, that my faith no more may know r c , or interval, or end,- Help me in all thy paths to go, now, as e'er, my voice attend, And gladden me with answers mild, commune, Father, with thy child : 681 Woodbridge—p.254.] 10th P.M.8lina& O HOW shall a sinner perform The vows he hath wow'd to the Lord? e my word 2 I tremble at what I have done: O send me thy help from above 2 My solemn engagements are vain, ises empty as air; My vows, I shall break them again, And plunge in eternal despair: Unless my omnipotent God The sense of his goodness impart, And shed by his Spirit abroad The love of himself in my heart. 3 O lover of sinners, extend To me thy compassionate grace: Appear my affliction to end, Afford me a glimpse of thy face! SUPPLEMENT. 583 That light shall enkindle in me e of reciprocal love; And then I shall cleave unto thee, And then I shall never remove. 40 come to a mourner in pain, Thy peace in my conscience reveal! And then I shall love thee again And sing of the goodness I feel: Constrain’d by the grace of my Lord, My soul shall in all things obey, And wait to be fully restored, And long to be summon'd away. 682 Dunstan—p. 96.] L. M. O HAPPY day that fix'd my choice On thee, my Saviour and my God Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And .# its raptures all abroad. 2 O º bond, that seals my vows To Him who merits all my love! Let cheerful anthems fill his house, While to that sacred shrine I move. 3 Tis done, the great transaction's done, am my Lord's, and he is mine; He drew ine, and I follow'd on, Charm'd to confess the voice divine. 4 Now rest, my ; : heart; Fix'd on this blissful centre, rest: Nor ever from thy Lord depart, With Him of every good possess'd. 5 High Heaven, that heard the solemn vow, That vow renew'd shall daily hear, Till in life's latest hour I bow, And bless in death a bond so dear. 584 SUPPLEMENT. DELIGHT IN CHRIST. 683 Southamptom—p.207.] 5th P.M.4lines", ARK, my soul, it is the Lord! 'Tis thy Saviour, hear his word : Jesus speaks, he speaks to thee: “Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me? 2 “I deliver'd thee when bound, And, when bleeding, heal’d thy wound, Sought thee wand'ring, set thee right, Turn'd thy darkness into light. 3 **Can a mother's tender care Cease toward the child she bare? Yes, she may forgetful be, Yet will I remember thee. 4 “Mine is an unchanging love, Higher than the heights above, Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and faithful, strong as death. 5 Lord, it is my chief complaint That my love is still so faint; Yet I love thee and adore O for grace to love thee more! 684 Hinton—p. 324.) 27th P.M.411. HOU sweet gliding Kedron, by thy silver streams, - Our Saviour at midnight, when moonlight's pale 3 Shone brighton the waters, would frequently straſ, And lose, in thy murmurs, the toils of the day. suPPLEMENT. 585 * * * * * * * 2 Hººp were the vapours that fell on his How hard was his pillow, how humble his bed; he angels, astonish'd, grew sad at the sight And follow'd their Master with solemn delight. e theme most transporting to seraphs above; The triumph of sorrow, the triumph of love! 4 Conſe, saints, and adore him; come, bow at 0, give him the glory, the praise that is meet; tjoyful hosannas unceasing arise, And join the full chorus that gladdens the skies. MEETING Foà BUSINESS. 685 Luthers—p. 147.] 1st P. M. Gines 8. HOU fount of every good required, Thou source of wisdom, depth of skill, Thou who hast our hearts inspir To seek the counsels of thy will, Q! let our schemes thy impress bear, Matured with j, art and care! 2 To thy omniscient sight alone, Past, present, future, all are seen; W Omnipotence 3 Therefore to thee we turn the eye, The longing look, the earnest prayer, Imploring wisdom from on high, on thee our every care; The honour of thy cause maintai Nor let us ask thy help in vain. 25* 586 SUPPLEMENT. 4 Behold, thy willing servants stand, And wait thy gracious influence, Lord; United as a brother band, . We look to thee with one accord, Fully agreed in thy great name To make thy glory our sole aim. MISCELLANEOUS HYMNS. 686 Nuremburg—p.207.] 5th P.M.4 lines 7s. On going on Shipboard. ORD, whom winds and seas obey, Guide us through the watery way; In the hollow of thy hand Hide, and bring us safe to land. Rest, on thee alone reclined; Every anxious thought repress, Keep our souls in perfect peace. 3 Keep the souls whom now we leave; Bid them to each other cleave; All who on thy love depend; Waft our happy spirits o'er; Land us on the heavenly shore. 687 Euphrates—p.214.] 12th P.M. 16,767878. Jºnother. LQº of earth, and air, and sea, Supreme in power and grace, Under thy protection we Our souls and bodies place. Bold an unknown land to try, We launch into the foaming deep; SUPPLEMENT. 587. Rocks, and storms, and deaths defy, With Jesus in the ship. 2 Who the calm can understand, In a believer's breast? Winds may rise, and seas may roar, We on his love our spirit stay: Him with quiet joy adore winds and seas obey. 688 Medford—p. 79.] L. M. The dying Malefactor's Prayer. FIRST PART. THOU that hangedst on the tree, Our curse and sufferings to remove, Pity the souls that look to thee, And save us by thy dying love. 2 We have no outward righteousness, No merits or good works, to plead; We only can be saved by grace; Thy grace will here be free indeed. 3 Save us by grace, through faith alone, A faith thou must thyself impart; A faith that would by works be shown, A faith that purifies the heart. 4. A faith that doth the mountains move, A faith that shows our sins forgiven, ith that sweetly works by love, ascertains our claim to heaven. 5 This is the ſaith we humbly seek, The faith in thy all-cleansing blood; That faith which doth for sinners speak, 0 let it speak us up to God! * 588 SUPPLEMENT. SECOND PART. CANST thou reject our dying ºr. Or cast us out who come to thee? Our sins, ah! wherefore didst thou bear? Jesus, remember Calvary 1 g 2 Number'd with the transgressors thou, Between the felons crucified Speak to our hearts, and tell us now, Wherefore hast thou for sinners died? 3 For us wast thou not lifted up 2 For us a bleeding victim made? That we, the abjects we, might hope, Thou hast for all a ransom paid? O might we, with believing eyes, Thee in thy bloody vesture see; cast us on thy sacrifice! Jesus, my Lord, remember me! 689 Clifton—p. 23.] C. M. Hymn to God the Father. AIL, Father, whose creating call Unnumber'd worlds attend; Jehovah, comprehending all, om none can comprehend? 3 From thee, through an eternal now, n, thine offspring, flow'd; An everlasting Father, thou, An everlasting God. * 4 Nor quite display'd to worlds above, ite on ear ceal’d; By wondrous, unexhausted love, To mo eveal’d SUPPLEMENT. 589 5 Supreme and all-sufficient God, en nature shall expire, And worlds created by i. Dod Shall perish by thy fire; 6 Thy name, Jehovah, be adored By creatures without end; Whom none but thy essential Word And Spirit comprehend. 690 Strafford—p. 308.] 20th P.M. 66,77,77. The Trinity in Unity. HAL, co-essential Three, In mystic unity : Father, Son, and Spirit, hail : God by heaven and earth adored, God incomprehensible; One supreme, almighty Lord. 2 Thou sittest on the throne, ity in one: Plu - Saints behold thine open face, Bright, insufferably bright; Angels tremble as they gaze, Sink into a sea of light. . 3 Ah! when shall we increase Their heavenly ecstasies? Chant, like them, the Lord most high, Fall like them who dare not move; “Holy, holy, holy,” cry, Breathe the praise of silent love? 4 Come, Father, in the Son And in the Spirit down; Glorious Triune Majest Go Make us meet thy face to see,_ Then receive us to thy breast. 590 suppleMENT. 691 Liberty—p. 146.] 1st P. M. 6 lines &. “Tb Deum law.damnus.” FIRST PART. INFINITE God, to thee we raise B We worship thee, the common Lord; The everlasting Father own, And bow our souls before thy throne. 2. Thee all the choir of angels sings, The Lord of hosts, the King of kings; Cherubs proclaim thy praise aloud, And seraphs shout the triune God; And, “Holy, holy, holy,” cry, “Thy glory fills both earth and sky!” 3. God of the patriarchal race, ancient seers record thy praise; The goodly apostolic band - In highest joy and glory stand; And all the saints and prophets join Tº extol thy majesty divine. 4 Head of the martyrs' noble host, Of thee they justly make their boast; The church to earth’s remotest bounds Her heavenly Founder's praise resounds; d strives with those around the throne o hymn the mystic Three in One. 5 Father of endless majesty, All might and love they render thee; , ignity and power; And God the Holy Ghost declare, The saints' eternal Conforter. Creation—p. 153.] SECOND PART. 1st P.M.6% ESSIAH, joy of every heart, Thou, thou the King of glory art; e suPPLEMENT. 591 The Father's everlasting Son, Thee it delights thy church to own; or all our hopes on thee depend, Whose glorious mercies never end. 2 Bent to redeem a sinful race, Thou, Lord, with unexampled grace, Into our lower world didst come, And stoop to a poor virgin's womb;. Whom all the heavens cannot contain, Our God, appear'd a child of man! 3 When thou hadst render'd up thy breath, And, dying, drawn the sting of death, Thou didst from earth triumphant rise, nd ope the portals of the skies, That all who trust in thee alone Might follow, and partake thy throne. 4 Seated at God's right hand again, Thou dost in all his glory reign; Thou dost, thy Father's image, shine In all the attributes divine; And thou with judgment clad shalt come, To seal our everlasting doom. 5. Wherefore we now for mercy pray, O Saviour, take our sins away! y When all thy church shall chant above The new eternal song of love. rºw-º-º-º-º-º-º-tº -s. . . g g - } - • 59: SUPPLEMENT. Gloucester—p.155.1 THIRD PART. Istp.M.68. SAYº, we now rejoice in hope, That thou at last wilt take us up; With daily triumph we proclaim, And bless and magnify thy name; And wait thy greatness to adore, And save thy servants to the end. 3 Still let us, Lord, by thee be blest, Who in thy guardian mercy rest: Extend thy mercy's arms to me, . The weakest soul that trusts in thee; And never let me lose thy love, Till I, even I, am crown'd above. 692 Antigua–p. 81.1 - L. M. . GQR is a name my soul adores, , t Th? almighty Three, th' eternal One; Nature and grace, with all their powers, Confess the Infinite unknown. , 2 Thy voice produced the sea and spheres, B waves roar, the planets shine: But nothing like thyself appears -- rough all these spacious works of thine. 3 Still restless nature dies and grows, - From change to change the creatures run; Thy being no succession knows, And all thy esigns are one. ' 4. A giance of thine runs through the globe #. the bright worlds and moves their frame; Of light thou form'st thy dazzling robe, . Thy ministers are living flame, SUPPLEMENT. 593 5 How shall polluted mortals dare To sing thy glory or thy grace? Beneath thy feet we lie afar, And see but shadows of thy face. 6 who can behold the blazing light? Who can approach consuming e? None but thy wisdom knows thy might, None but thy word can speak thy name. 693 Grove—p. 186.1 3d P.M. 46s &28s. The Greatness and Condescension of God. THE Lord Jehovah reigns, His throne is built on high; The garments he assumes Are light and majesty: His glories shine with beams so bright, . No mortal eye can bear the sight. 2 The thunders of his hand Keep the wide world in awe; His wrath and justice stand y I And where his love resolves to bless, His truth confirms and seals the grace. 3 Through all his mighty works - isdom shines : Confounds the powers of hell, And breaks their dark designs; Strong is his arm, and shall fulfil His great decrees and sovereign will. t 4 And will this sovereign King Of glory condescend ? *; Father and my Friend? I love his name, I love his word; Join all my powers to praise the Lord! 594 SUPPLEMENT. 694 Pilesgrove—p. 95.] I. M. The earthly and the heavenly Sabbath. On this thy day, in this thy house; 8, The songs which from thy servants rise. 2 Thine earthly sabbaths, Lord, we love: But there's a nobler rest above; To that our lab’ring souls aspire, With ardent pangs of strong desire. 3 No more fatigue, no more distress, Nor sin nor hell shall reach the place; No sighs shall mingie with the songs Which warble from immortal tongues, 4. No ruác arms of raging foes; No cares to break the long repose; No midnight shade, no clouded sun, But sacred, high, eternal moon. 5 0 long-expected day, begin; wn on these realms of wo and sin: Fain would we leave this weary road, And sleep in death, to rest with God. 695 Lancaster—p. 86.] L. M. The same Subject. AGAIN our weekly labours end, And we the sabbath's call attend; Improve, our souls, the sacr And seek to be for ever blest. 2 This day let our devotions rise To heaven, a grateful sacrifice: d God that peace divine bestow, Which none but they who feel it know. Which for the sons of God remains; The end of cares, the end of pains. SUPPLEMENT. 595. 4 In holy duties let the day, In holy pleasures pass away: How sweet the sabbath thus to spend, In hope of that which ne'er shall end: 696 Neginoth—p. 171.] 1st P. M.6 lines 8. The Goodness of God acknowledged FA; as creation’s bounds extend Thy mercies, heavenly Lord, ãescend; One chorus of perpetual praise To thee thy various works shall raise; Thy saints to thee in hymns impart The transports of a grateful heart. 2 They chant the splendours of thy name, Delighted with the wondrous theme; And bid the world's wide realms admire The glories of th’ almighty Sire - whº throne intº wreck survives, Whose power through endless ages lives. 4. Who ask thine aid with heart sincere, Shall find thy succours ever near; To thee their prayer in each distress, Thy suffering servants, Lord, address; And prove thee, verging on the grave, Nor slow to hear, nor weak to save. 697 Park-street—p. 97.] E. M. The Condescension o - ETERNAL depth of love divine, n Jesus, God with us, display’d; How bright thy beaming glories shine ! How wide thy healing streams are spread! 596 SUPPLEMENT 2. With whom dost thou delight to dwell? Sinners, a vile and thankless race; O God, what tongue aright can tell ow vast thy love, how great thy grace? 3 The dictates of thy sovereign will With ; our grateful hearts receive: All thy delight in us fulfil ; Lo! all we are to thee we give. 4 To thy sure love, thy tender care, ur flesh, soul, spirit, we resign; O fix thy sacred presence there, And seal th’ abode for ever thine. 5 O King of glory, thy rich grace Our feeble thought surpasses far; Yea, e?en our crimes, though numberless, Less numerous than thy mercies are 6 Still, Lord, thy saving health display, d'arm our souls with heavenly zeal; So fearless shall we urge our way Through all the powers of earth and hell. 597 C O N TENTS, WAKENING and Inviting . emitenti e - - - escribing formal Religion - n Backslidin - - s rayer and Intercession rayer and Watchfulness Watchnight . . Justification by Faith łoodness of God i The Attributes of God . s Sacramental—The Lord's Suppe Baptism . g Rejoicing and Praise . For full Redemption ith . . . . . n Redemption . t r Trusting in Grace and Providence The Christian's Warfare Christian Fellowship . . Öral . . . . Qn the Spread of the Gospel Christmas & 2 a. ew year . . . . . . . . . . : • Family Worship—Morning and Evening –— Parents and Masters . Birthday . e For the Sabbath . - Reading the Scriptures Prospect of Heaven * Fune ymns . . . Describing Judgment . . Dismission . . . Additional Hymns . Doxologies . . . The Christian Soldier SUPPLEMENT . . 598 A T A B L E of TExts of scripTURE, Illustrated in this volume. lua. nºs, Ch. Ver. Hymn|Ch.Ver. Hymn|Ch. Ver. Hymn I 3 24 (5 5I6 |23 I-3 24? 3 15 66 Judges. - - 3 17 56|| 6 40 31 23 4 2 3 23, 24 433 1 Samuel. [24 7-10 5 8 9 60|20 3 570|32 7 3 17 1,2 270; 2 Samuel. |36 22 14 387; 7 18 291 – — 28 16, 17 137|... 1 Kings. ... 39 1, &c. : * -º 285| 18 2 8|42 { 32 24-31 78] 18 31–39 349 42 4 - - 1,77|19 1 7|45 2 Exodus. 2 Kings. - - 3 3 7 30|| 2 11 414|46 1–10 32 10 133 Job. - - 2. 33 20, 22 407 3 17, 18 557|49 8 l - - 08: 3 19 563|50 15 l 34 6 180 | 16 22 550; 51 5–7 5-7 69|22 27 174|51 7 Leviticus..., |29 2–5 85|51 11 10,40,1 141 – – 88, 89/65 1 8-13 6||33 15 Bošč7 i–4 5 Fºrmony Psalms. 68 9. 27 24|| 1 1, 2 3 6 7 — — 111,278||1326 f 33 20–29 345 112 §: 1–3 331; 16 11 09 9. Joshua. 19 1–6 201|89 26 37. 7 13 1, &c. & TABLE OF TEXTS. 599) Psalms. Canticles. lsaiah. Ch. Ver. Hymn|Ch. Ver. Hymn|Ch. Ver. Hymn 1 35| 2 9, 10 238|60 ! 33 95 1–6 209 || 5 |0 35463 3 196 95 9–11 40|| 8 6 24|— — 396 100 }–5 210 Isaiah. 64 1. 68 - 266 5,6 57|66 2 53, 80 102 1,2 127| 6 3 13 eremiah. 104 33 276|— — 214. 1 17 472 I06 1–3 588) 12 1–6 192 8 ll 80 113 6–9 2051— — 482| 9 23, 24 371 114 1-8 202:30 21 158,355|1621 475 116 7-9 218;32 2 41 || 17 5 439 - - 529 |33 1?-24 538|23 6 289 118 24 284 35 ;-10 333|23 2 , 54 119 72 535|35 5, 6 1,6350 l 119 96 - 77 Lamentations 121 1 69, 172|35 10 320, 537 3 26 127 l 423 30 zekiel 130 1 9|40 1,8 459|{l 19 55,82 1 40 568|16 139 5–12 139/40 | | 530, 18 31 14 139 23,24 37|42 16 386|33 || 1 4, 14 — — 115,415|43 2 6||34 147 1, &c. 264|45 22 - - 48 1, &c. 20348 4 8236 26 63,75 148 12, 13 20451 9 - - 3. 149 1, 2 26852 1–15 li 32 96 Proverb - - 170 Dan 3 - - 189| 3 19,20 297 3 13–18 253,53 3-5 149 3 17 254|53 4 183, 186 Hosea. 6 6 45 7 92 7 2 153,162.55 1–3 12, 1314 4 82,94 8 15, 21 211|– – 113, 117 Micah. 13, 15 . - 53 6–8 34 Ecclesiastes. |57 20,21 20|| Habakkuk. 12 14 577'58 13 526, 1 13 34 600 TABLE OF TEXTS. Habakkuk Matthcw. - - Luke. Ch. Ver. Hymn Ch. Ver. Hymn Ch. Ver. Hym 43| l n 1 12 132| 2 14 265,48 3 2 39,215||11 19 S|— — . .489,49 317-19 390|11 28,29 8, 15| 6 18, 19 5 Haggai. - - I 6 40 40 586] 12 29 1.46 Zechariah. 12 37 33S) 736–50 3 2 473||13 25 464 || 8 35 § 7–10 369|| 15 13 80|10 5,6 4 9 12 64,69] 16 16, 17 38||10 41,42 - - 150 16 26 551,532|11 22 1. Malachi. 17 20 47|12 22 384, 1 11 479| 18 14 571 || 12 32 5 3 299||1820 426,436||12 49 31,47 4. 77,120/20 22 329||13 7, 8 4. Matthew. |20 30, 31 63|— — ** 3 12 327|24 14 1|14 16–23 3, 4 16 483|25 1-13 164 || 15 2 7, 1 5 2, 4, 6 33|- — 173| 15 4 6 -- - 14S|25 6 572; 15 20, &c. 5 9 445|25 21 376, 564|16 24–28 6 6 58|26 4 18 1 tº 8–2 28|26 75 30, 157|18 5 6 9–13 476 6| 18 10–14 7 7–11 43,61|27 51, 52 188|22 19 219,2 7 2 14|- — - - 8 2,3 63|28 19 466|22 29 I 8 I 63 Mark. 22 61,62 30, 8 19 394 4 39 6S$23 IS 1. 8 25 87| 9 24 27|23. 34 8 26 62| 9 50 24 1 9 20–22 63| 10 27 68|24 31,32 9 27-29 63| 11 24 165 – — 9 3 63 L & 9 37,38 455 1 5 106| 1 1-14 98 l l l 6 TABLE OF TEXTS. 601 c. * Ch w:"H Gº"; Wer. Hymn|Ch. Ver. Hymn ... wer. Hymn $ ym 10| 12 31 105 129, 1, 15,3414 435; 13 13 295 3 7 21 | 16 29, 30 21 || 14 15 474 § 16 17 : 61, 207|15 52 578 1 35, 62|17 294 || 15 55 —16 25, 65|22 235 15 5 436 onnarus, 15 57 560, 561 * 532 || 3 2 81 Corin –33 12, 13| 4 12, 25 362| 3 || 6 67| 4 18, 20 47 14 46,61 , 38 7| { 46 18 310,408 ; l º § 1–8 Igº 3 - 63| 72" 28|| 5 10 74 \{} 11-14 393 -23 49 14 3, 463 13 8, 9 305 re 361 17 356 } x 36 4 5 2 59 14 6, 14 125|| 8 26 33,69,145|| 6 8 168 — — 317, 336|| 9 | 315 1–5 346 14 16, 17. 417|10 6, 8 279; 8 9 ... 32, 57 1426 39, 129|10 I 456|12 9, 11 . , 435 - - 367|ll 3 210|— – 167, 352 15 y? }21 || 1% 374| Galatians. $6 7-15 366 | 12 | 418 220 287, 361 17 296 || 12 10-12 142] 4 130 19 34 191 || 12 1: 452, 5 11 469 20 2 426||3 14 113| 6 21 1 52 || 14 8 313, 314|| Ephesians. 21 2. 31|14 17 33,65,484 || 1 Acts 15 I: 1 13, 14 364 2 38, 39 457| 1 Corinthians. 2 1 63 - - 458| ? 378, 428, 2 35l. 3 26 119 || || 2 8 64 4 ; 240, *: & 1.04] 2 14 9 446 5 31 52, 9410 16,17419,444|| 3 18,19 63,187 & 7 467|10 3 56; 4 4-12 461 26 : ... . . . ' ' , y - “... . *: *Ch. Wer. n 4 14-18 *: 5 1 r • 5.18 347 * 526,27 6 11-18 400 Philippians. gº 3 8 187,411 3 21 554 4. 86 _ _ Colossians, 2 6 246 2 14, 15 . , 524 1 524 3 3 42 3 11 3 15, 16 283 Thess 4 15–17 582 5 22 1. 523, 24 373 1 Timothy. 1 15 8, 31 6 12 478 2Timothy. 3 5 3 14, 17 533 4 7.328,470 IIlls, 2 14 Hebrews. I 3 Ch. V. 0 3 # | 2 1 35 7 9 # i , -2 18 # 3 ni-l ... • 802 * TABLE of Texts. i º: tºe * * Revelation. 73 7 5 10 627 11–20 138 20 461 17 303,433 17 57 20 239,440 21 540 9 412 17 580 9-12. 212 7 13-17 434 *m amm 645 292 14 4 427,453 19 13 $2 1 [2] I 541 21 3 574 22 539 22 ſt 543 y| º INDEx T. O.THE 603 HYMNS. w when severely tried . . Page 512 | charge to keepi have y , a - • 149 am descended from above . . . . . \ . ; A fountain of life and of grâce . . . . . Again we lift our voice . . . . . . . . . .4% |Aºy, formal aint • . . . . . . . . § Añº Lord, with trembling'ſ confess: . . i* Ah! lovely appearance of death . . . . . . . 482 An where am I now . . . . . . 90. Añº, whither should I go . • ‘. . . 41 Alas! and did my Saviour bleed . . . 115 All glory to the dying Lamb'. . . - . 125 All thanks to the Lamb, who gives us to meet 371. ! glory to God in the sky . . . . 421 ! hail! happy day : g e e , 423 |All praise to Him who dwells º . . 432 \All praise to our redeemin & e - 382 ll things are possible to him . . . " .. 510 lmighty Maker, God . . . . . . 240 thm I a soldier of the cross . . . . 525 d can I yet delay . . . . e - 68 And can it be that I should gain . 250 ºnd are we yet alive : s e • 356 am I born to die e º - - . 477 dam I only born to die . e . . . .478 ... nd let our bodi - . 377 t espa e e * 4 nd let this feeble body fail . . s And must I be to judgment brought . . . 498 A nd must this body die . . . . . . 480 Ind wilt thou yet be found . . . . . thgels your march oppose . . . 8 ºl in ptism of pure fire • Tº a , ppointed by thee, we meet in thy name . 878 * 604 INDEX. Are there not in the lab'rer's day . . Page 4 sº-Arise, § Boul, arise . . . . . Arm of the Lord, awake, awake . . A thousand oracles divine . . . Author of faith, eternal Word . . º thor of faith, to thee I cry tº a Author of faith, we seek thy face . . Author of our salvation, thee g Awake, Jerusalem, awake s $ Awake, my soul, to meet the day. Away, my unbelieving fear . . . . . . Away with our fears! the glad morning Away with our sorrow and fear . . Before Jehovah’s awful throne . . Behold the Saviour of mankind Behold the servant of the Lord . . Behold ! with awful pomp . . . Being of beings, God of love . . . Be it my only wisdom here . . . Bid me of men beware . . . . Blessing, honour, thanks, and praise e Blest are the sons of peace .. g Blest be our everlasting Lord . . . Blest be the dear uniting love . g Blest be the tie that binds. * & - Blow ye the trumpet, blow . e t But above all, lay hold . . . . . But can it be that I should prove . . By faith we find the place above . . * Captain of our salvation, take Cast on the fidelity . * • g Celestial Dove, descend from high e Centre of our hopes thou art . . . . • Children of the heavenly King . . . Christ, from whom all blessings flow . INDEX, 605 ſ me, and let us sweetly join . . Page 365 y | a tº Xome away to the skies, my beloved arise º 357 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. . . . ; Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, whom one all-perfect, &c. . . . . . . . . . Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, honour the 112 Inêans, &c. - . . . . . . . . . . . | Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, to whom, 445 Come, Holy Ghost, all-quick’ning fire . . .309 Come, Holy Ghost, all-quick'ning fire, come and in me, &c. . - e e e . 313 ome, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire . . 460 ome, Holy Spirit, *. Dove . . . 125 eerful songs . e £yne samew our jo pursu * e ome, let us anew our journey pursue, with vigour arise . . . . . . . 358 ome, let us ascend . . . . e e • 359 ome, let us who in Christ believe • 212 ome, let us use the grace divi 369 1Wine g g e ome, Lord, and claim me for thine own . 291 ome, Lord, from above . & e s •-1 I6 lºome, Q my God, the promise seal . . 302 e on, my partners in distress . . . 337 'ome, Saviour, Jesus, from above . . . 260 Øme, Saviour, let thy tokens prove . . 207 Tº ers, to the gospel feast . . . . 9 me, then, ye sinners, to your Lord . 12 me, thou Fount of every blessing . . . 221 \me, thou everlasting Spirit g 205 e, tho ighty King . . . . 219 e, thou omniscient Son of man . . e, thou high and lofty Lord . . , 366 606 INDEX. Come, wisdom, power, and grace divine Page 3: the Lord . , li Commit thou all thy griefs . . . . Deepen the wounds thy hands have mad ... 3 Depth of mercy can there be . . . Draw near n of God, draw near g & Drooping soul, shake off thy fears. . . Enslaved to sense, to pleasure prone a 3 Equip me for the war . . . . . . Eternal Beam of light divine . . . . § Eternal Power, whose high abode e g +* Eternal, spotless of God . . . . Eternal Wisdom thee we praise . . . ; Ever fainting with desire . . . Except the Lord conduct the plan. . Expand thy wings, celestial Dove . Extended on a cursed tree . & * * Fain would I go to thee, my God . . . Father, at thy footstool see . . . . . . Father, behold with gracious eyes . g . . ather, how wide thy glory shines . . ather, I dare believe . • * * * * Father, in whom we live . e e g Father, into thy hands alone . . . . . . § Father, I stretch my hands to thee e º w Father of all, by whom we are e ... • *. Father of all, in whom alone • , a * Father of lights, from whom proceeds ... • . Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord . . . . . . Father of Jesus Christ, º Lord, my Saviour, &c. 3 : Father of Jesus Christ, • * * * INDEX. - 607 ther of our dying Lord . . . Page 362 ather of everlasting . . . . 814 at h e T o f e ather of lights, thy needful aid . . . 44: ather of mercies, in wo e . . 462 ather, our hearts we lift . . . . . ather, see this living clod . . . . . 519 ther, Son, and Holy Ghost . . . . . 272 puntain of life to all below . e . 129 m all that dwell below the skies . . . 235 we glory to Jesus our Head. . . . 521 ind º s & g • 155 ive me the faith which can remove . 409 ive me the enlarged desire . . . 312 iver and guardian of my sleep . . . iver of concord, Prince of peace . . . ive to the winds thy f s 331 lory be to God above . . . . . 379 be to God on high tº gº lory to 3. º g g 9 ose sovereign grace . - 41 lorious God, accept a º . . . . 193 is is and every place * º & moves in a mysterious way . . Od of all con ion, take g • 375 all grace and majesty . . . . 108 #######nia;...' . . . ; og º ºſ ºoºyers agº. £e s • od of a iº º * . . . 270 rnal th e e * * 293 608 INDEX. God of Israel's faithful three we that hear'st the prayer º ee - God of my salvation, hear . God of unexampled grace . . . -God only wise, almighty, good . . Go, preach my gospel, saith the Lord Gracious Redeemer, shake . - e. t God, indulge my humble claim Great God, to me the sight afford. Hail! thou once despis 8 . . Happy soul, thy days are ended . Happy soul, who sees the - divides the s turn . . . y life, whose gracious power y - s e tombs a doleful sound angels sing - e - Head of the church triumphant - Hearken to the solemn voice . - Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord . e corn es! mes; the Judge sev He dies, the Friend of sinners dies Holy, o 1Hol Hol Ho and true, and righteous y as thou, O Lord, is none . . y, holy, holy Lo - ly Lamb, w floº cºnſes. 4! 8 ; T INDEX. 609 Holy Lamb, who thee receive . . . Page 265 Hosanna to Jesus on high . º . . 485 How beauteous are their feet . . . , 397 How can a sinner know . . . . 162 How do thy mercies close me round . . . 829 How happy are the little flock . . . . . . 504 ow happy are they, who their Saviour obey . . 89 How happy every child of grace . . . 239 w happy, gracious Lord, are we . . . 215 How happy is the pilgrim's lot . . . 474 ow sad our state by nature is . . . . 31 How shall a lost sinner in pain . . . 91 How shall I walk my God to please. . • 444 How tedious and tasteless the hours . e o ; How vain are all things here below . . . 150 § How weak the thoughts and vain . . . 613 ; I and my house will serve the Lord . . . 447 | I ask the gift of righteousness • . . 1 § now I have acceptance found . . . 305 #| ||long to behold him array'd : . . . . . . 4.5 : Hºl praise my Maker while I've breath . . ; 3 I know that my Redeemer lives . & e º oundless mercy, gracious Lord . . . 132 § In fellowship alone . . . . . 346 § {n nite, unexhausted love . . . . 217 #, inspirer of the ancient seen. . . • 461 7 In that sad memorable night . . . 200 § Into thy gracious hands I fall . . . .247 : I the good fight have fought . 407 ? I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God . . 110 ! it wan principle within * • 144 ; want the spirit of power within . . . .314 T will hearken what the Lord • 96 : Jehovah, God the Father, bless . . . 135 6 Jesus, Redeemer, Saviour, Lord g tº e & 4 Fesus, shall I never be g * . 547 610 INDEX, Jesus, the word of mercy give . . . Page 405 es . .25% Jesus drinks the bitter cup . . . . 179 Jesus, faithful to his word. . . . 508 . Jesus, Friend of sinners, h 85 J Jesus, from thy heavenly place . . 417 J Jesus, from whom all º flow 20 J Jesus, great Shepherd of the sheep . . J Jesus hath died that I m 1*e a • 28i J Jesus, I believe thee . . . . . 98 J us, I fain wo r: . . . 13% J Jesus, if still the same thou art. . . . : J. Jesus, if still thou art to-day . & Jesus, in whom the Godhead's rays . . . 36: Jesus, in whom the weary find . . . 60 us is our common Lord . . . . 26 Jesus, let thy pitying eye. . . . . . § esus, Lord, we look to thee . . . . 364 Jesus, lover of my soul . . . . . § Jesus, my Advocate above . . . . . 1ſ: Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone . * & Jesus, my life, thyself apply . g . . 265 Jesus, my Lord, attend ". - & Jesus, my Lord, I cry to thee . . . . 801 Jesus, my Saviour, Brother, Friend . . esus, my strength and righteousness . . 4 s, my strength, hop e & Jesus, my truth, y way . & © Jesus, Redeemer of mankind e s & Jesus shall reign where'er the sun . . . Jesus, the all-restoring Word . & • * 1. esus, take all the glory. e e gº º Jesus, the conq'ror reigns . . . . Jesus, the life, the truth, the way . . . 89 g Le INDEX. 611 Jesus, the name high over all .. • Jesus, the sinner's Friend, to thee. Jesus, to thee I now can fi & & Jesus, to thee my heart I bow * Jesus, to thee our hearts we lif - Jesus, thou all-redeeming Lord , esus, thou art our King . & e Jesus, thou everlasting King . 8 Jesus, thou hast bid us pray e - Jesus, thou soul of all our joys º Jesus, thou sovereign Lord of all . Jesus, thy blood and righteousness. J es li S, th y º vi n g S p iri ſº Lamb of God, for sinners slain . Lamb of God, whose dying love . Lay to thy hand, O God of grace . Leader of faithful souls, and guide . Let all who truly bear'. g & Let eart Let the beasts their breath resi Let the world their virtue boast Let us join ('tis commands) . Let Zion's watchmen all awake . Page *: .214 e 2 6 6 ... 3 82 " . . . ſº Igll s , , * Let the redeem'd give thanks and praise * 6 612 INDEX. Lift up your eyes of faith, and see . Lift up your hearts to things above Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus . Light of life, seraphic fire . . e Lo! I come with joy to Lo! in thy hand I lay . a e Lo! what an entertaining sight e Lord, all I am is known to thee Lord, and is thine an Lord, I despair myself to heal . e Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear Lord, in the strength of grace . . . Lord Jesus, when, when shall it be Lord of the harvest, hear . e e Lord over all, if thou hast made . Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray Lord, we are vile, conceived in sin Lord, we come before thee now & Love divine, all.loves excelling . Lovers of pleasure more than God . Loving Jesus, gentle Lam º Maker, Saviour of mankind o! he comes with clouds descending . . o e s s ..ong have I seem'd to serve thee, Lord g INDEX. | My hope, my all, my Saviour thou . My Saviour, my almighty Friend. My Saviour's pierced side . . . My Saviour thou, thy love to me . My soul before thee prostrate lies . My soul through my Redeemer's care . My span of life will soon be done . My sufferings all to thee are known . None is like Jeshurun's God ow, even now, I yield, I yield . . . Now from the altar of our hea -- Now I have found the ground wherein 0 all-creating God . - - & 0 almighty God of love . . e 0 all that pass by, to Jesus draw near 0 Come and dwell in me . - Q come, thou radiant Morning Star . 38 0 for that tenderness of heart * & have we pass'd the guilty night . 0ft I in my heart said . . O God, if thou art love indeed . Q God, most merciful and true º Qºod, my God, my all thou art . . 282 14 i e # ; 614. INDEX. ! for a glance of heavenly day . - Jesus! at thy feet we wait Jesus' full of heavenly King, look down from above. - . 211 raC6 . . . Jesus, full of truth and grace . . . 260 Q God, our help in ages past . . . Page 419 God, thou bottomless abyss * - • 190 O God, thy faithfulness I plead. . . 355 O God, thy righteousness we own . . 101 O God, t in flesh reveal’d. . . . 52 God, what offering shall I give . . . 320 glorious hope of perfect love . . . . 285 t mountain, who art thou - 316 Jesus, let thy dying cry' . . . .293 esus, source of calm repose . . . . 290 joyful sound of gospel grace . . 280 let the prisoner's mournful cri . . 141 Lord, our we bless thee now . . 524 love divine, how sweet thou art . . . 40 love divine! what hast thou done . . 172 love, I languish at thy e . . 315 y thy powerful word ' . . . 127 mnipresent God, whose aid . . . . 437 n all the earth thy Spirit shower • . 399 n Jordan's stormy ban n . . . 471 nce more, my soul, the rising day nce more we come before our God . . . 411 Saviour, cast a gracious smile . . . 393 Sun of righteousness, arise . . . . 118 tell me no more of this world's vain store. 229 that I could repent . . . . . 33 that I could repent with all my idols part 55 that I could my Lord receive . . . 45 that I could revere . . . . . 56 that ſ were as heretofore . . . 92 that my load of sin were gon . 269 that thou wouldst the heavens rent . . # l INDEX. thou etermal Victim slain . . . Page 205 oth my salvati e . 238 thou, our Husband, Brother, Friend . . .391 Ul hose all-searching si . 115 thou who all things camst control . . . 156. who camest fr £ . e • 133 thou who hast our sorrow Irè a t • I58 thou, whom all thy saints ador 130 thou, whom fain ". soul would love . . 79 thou, whom once they flock'd to hear . .29 Q 'tis delight, without alloy . e e ... 256 'tis enough, m . . . 98 ur earth we now lament to Be . . . 142 Qur friendship sanctify and guide . . . .390 ur Lord is risen from the dead e º . 454 what shall I do my Saviour to praise . . 246 why did I my Saviour leave . . . . 99 wondrous power of faithful prayer . . 127 Partners of a glorious hope . . . . 368 a few swiftly fleeti g g . 491 Peace be on this house bestow'd - • 369 Peace, doubting heart, my God's I am 35? Peace, troubled soul, thou need'st not fear .. 336 Pierce, fill me with an tear e I5] Plunged in a gulf of dark despair . . 174 Praise God from whom all blessings flow .. 524 Praise ye the Lord, 'tis good to raise . . . 232 Praise ye the Lord, ye inmortal choirs. . 186 Prayer is appointed to convey . e g • 160 Prisoner of hope, to thee I turn . . 71 Prisoners of hope, lift up your heads ... • 318 Quicken'd with our immortal Head . 303 Rejoice evermore, with angels above . • 241 Rejoice for a brother deceased . . 484 Rejoice, the Lord is King . . . . . 228 616 INDEX. Return, my soul, enjoy thy rest - Righteous God! whose vengeful vials Rock of Israel, cleft for me . . , Salvation 1 O the joyful sound . aviour from sin, I wait to prove . aviour, I now with shame confess aviour of all, to thee we bow . . aviour of all, what hast thou done aviour of men, thy searching eye . viour of sinful men . . . aviour of the sin-sick soul º aviour, on me the want bestow . our, Prince of Israel's race. e aviour, the world's and mine . “Say, which of you would see the Lord ee how great a flame aspires . ee how the morning sun . . . ee, Jesus, thy disciples see . . e, sinners, in the gospel glass. . hall I, for fear of feeble man e hepherd divine, our wants relieve . hepherd of souls, with pitying eye hepherds, rejoice, lift üp your eyes. ity, Lord, rd forgive . W nce the Son hath made me free ng to the great Jehovah's praise . nners, believe the gospel word . mers, obey the gospel word . & nners, the call obey . tº e nners, the voice of God regard . nners, turn, why will ye die . oldiers of Christ, arise . . . pirit of faith, come down - - i 9 g g • 27 • 1 ... 1 ... • 1 • 4 & • 4 • 3 & e • 4 ... • 1 • 1 e • 4 o . .. 4 • 2 . . 4. . . 3. . . 1 ... 4 . . ] INDEX. Spirit of truth, essential God . . . Page 463 Stand the omnipotent decree. g . 497 Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay . . . . 44 Steel me to shame, reproach, disgrace , 408 Still for thy loving kindness, Lord . & . 83 Still, Lord, I languish for thy grace . 72 sil'out of the deepest abyss . . . . 475 Sun of unclouded righteousness g 522 Surrounded by a host of foes . . . . . . 351 Sweet is the work, my God, my King . . 457 reveal . . . 214 . . . 27 . . . 500 . . 207. . . . 469 . . . 462 . . . . 24? . 342 . 236 • 499 . 209 , 403 . 429 • 454 . 334 • 491 . 450 • 144 • 459. 258 . 261 • 212 , 520 256 • 140 . 71 • 476 618 INDEX. Thee will I love, my strength, my tower. P. 216 There is a land of pure delight . . . 465 This, this is the God we adore . . . . 237 Thou God of glorious majesty . . . 4% Thoi, God of truth and love . . . . .361 Thou God that answerest by fire . . . 301 Thou God unsearchable, unknown . . . 169 Thou great mysterious God unknown . . 164 Thou hidden God, for whom I groan . . . 49 Thou hidden love of God, whose height * Thou hidden source of calm repose . º . 213 Thou, Jesus, thou my breast inspire . . 823 Thou Judge of quick and dead . . . . . 494 Thºu Lamb of 3. thou Prince of peace . 341 Thou, Lord, hast bless'd my going out . . . 161 Thou, Lord, on whom I still depend . . 466 Thou Man of griefs, remember me . . . fil Thou, my God, art good and wise. . . 50% Thou seest my feebleness . . . . . 154 Thou Shepherd of Israel and mine . . 2 18 Thou Son o , whose ing eyes . . .25 Thou, the great, eternal God. . . . . 194 Thou, true and only God, lead'st forth . . . . 191 Though troubles assail, and dangers affright. 333 Thus far the Lord hath led me on . . . 440 hy ceaseless, unexhausted love . . . . Thy faithfulness, Lord, each moment we prove . . . . . . . . . . 14 Thy life I read, my gracious Lord . . 493 y presence, Lord, the place shall fill . . 13 *Tis finish'd, 'tis done, the spirit is fled . . 434 6. e a º To the haven of thy breast . . . . . .4% To the hills I lift mine eyes . . . . ; us, O God, and search the ground . 360 Unchangeable, almighty Lord . . . . § Ürge on your rapid course . . . . . . . . 415 INDEX. Wain, delusive world, adie ll . . . ain man, thy fond pursuits forbear . . Watch'd by the world's malignant eye . e by his Spirit prove . . . . . . We know, by faith we know of wand'ring from my God * Wea s that wander wide & - your Redeemer do. . . What is our calling's glorious hope . What! never speak one evil word . & What now is my object and aim . . . . When all thy mercies, O my * - hen, gracious Lord, when shall it be e When I can read my title clear . e When Israel out of Egypt came . . When, my Saviour, shall I be . . . . When my relief will most display & sº here the ancient ...; ay . - te Wherewith, O Lord, shall I draw near ge While dead in trespásses I lie while hephers watch; their flock, by night . s - e e * º Who are these array'd in white . . Who hath slighted or contemn'd g Who is this gigantic foe Whom manºesthou wilt not leave e e g y do we mourn for dying friends . Why not now, my God, my God g 620 INDEX. Why should the children of a King. Why should we start, and fear to die . Page 47 . . 487 With glorious clouds encompass'd round . With § we meditate the grace . Wo to the men on earth who dwell. Wretched, helpless, and distress'd Ye faithful souls, who Jesus know Ye heavens rejoice in Jesus's grace Ye simple souls that stray - Ye ransom'd sinners, hear . - Ye that pass by, behold the man . Ye thirsty for God, to Jesus give ear Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor . Yes, from this instant, now I will . Yield to me now, for I am weak Young unen and maidens, raise . . 36 326 502 . Éi. . 181 - 57 62I . . 1NDEX TO THE SUPPLEMENT. AGAIN our weekly labours end . . Page 594 Almighty Maker of my frame. . . . 573 Arm of the Lord, awake, awake . . . 546 wave on wave, years pass away . . 554 Before the great Three-one . - * , 568 Behold the sure foundation stone . . . 529 Behold thy temple, God of grace . - . 539 Canst thou reject our dying prayer . . 588 Come, thou conq’ror of the nations . * • 543 Come, let our voices join . & e g SCome, Holy Spirit, raise our songs . . . . . 562 Coming through our great High Priest. .. 562 reator, Spirit, by whose aid . . 563 Earth, rejoice, our Lord is King . . . 542 Eternal depth of love divine . . . 595 Eternal Lord of earth and skies . . . 545 Eternal Spirit, come . . . . . 566 Eternal Source of every joy . . . . . 569 Far as creation's bounds extend . . . 595 Father, God, we glorify . . . . 553 Father, glorify thy Son . . . . . 566 Father of all, thy care we bless . . . 577 Father of boundless grace. . . . . 544 i. of earth and sky Go, holy book, thou word divine . . . . 553 , is gone up on high . . . . . . . . 560 Sod of my life, through all my days. . . . 570 God of eternal truth and love . . . . 578. God is a name my soul adores . . . . . 583 622 INDEx to suppleMENT. 4." egub * , , itsion in her King rejoice. . . . . . 2isten! 0 Sion 1 Jehovah hath spoken . . reat God, attend while Sion sings reat is t our e e reat is our redeeming Lord . " il, co-essential Three e ail the day sees him rise , my soul, it is the Lord ow pleasant, how divinely fair ow large the promise, how divine ow lovely are thy tents, O Lord ..I call the world's Redeemer mine: nfinite God, thy greatness spann'd - thee we raise. . ard, if at thy command A3 Lord of all, with pure intent. Lord of éarth, and air, and sea. Lord of the sabbath, hear our vows Lord of the wide, extensive main ord, whom winds and seas obey . how shall a sinner orm & thou, before whose lofty throne thou that tree - reat God, who laid on Sion's mount reat God, thy watchful care we bless 3. ... , 8. ail, Father, whose creating call . a * ar 5 s º ead of thy church, whose Spirit fills. rd, haste to claim thy purchased right . . s * * : * * * "...Page 531 • 534 535 536 - 538 . 589 • 588 te * * A \ - univ. of were | UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ||||||||||| - 3 9015 06436 61.83 A ######-äſſäſiſää:##liſë ſae################ ---- · tae |- - ------ --- --- - - - --- ------------- } |- |- 1 | | |- |- |- |- { ------ - ---------------- --