+ " 1 · F i t.1 F こく 1 1 1 1 " 1 5 13 4 - + 3 ་ A 57658 7 ARTES 1837 SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLUNIDUS TCEBOR SI QUER'S PENINSULAM·AMⱭINAM CIRCUMSPICE SCIENCE LIBRARY QE 367 .C466 ; CHAPMAN'S MINERAL CHARACTERS. In 8vo. cloth, with numerous Illustrations, price 7s. PRACTICAL MINERALOGY; OR, A COMPENDIUM OF THE DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. By which the Name of any Species or Variety in the Mineral Kingdom may be speedily ascertained. With 305 Illustrations, and a copious Index. BY EDWARD J. CHAPMAN. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "This work was a great desideratum, and we rejoice to see it so ably exe- cuted. The student and mineralogist could have no better guide."-Literary Gazette. "Mr Chapman's very creditable work, however, is free from the principal objections of former ones. It is compendious, yet not too brief; it is, in fact, just such a work as was wanted, and will lighten the labours of many a pro- ficient mineralogist. A production more effective of its object, whether that of an old or young author, we have not met with."-The Chemist. "This volume will be found of the greatest importance, both as a work for study and of reference. The method of classification adopted brings the whole complicated system into the most simple form before the student."-Mining Journal. "This work is a very creditable production."-Geologist. "The work before us is certainly far in advance of its predecessors in this respect. Its arrangement is remarkably simple, and its expositions perspic- uous and comprehensive. In addition to upwards of 300 lithographed figures, there is added a long and copious index, forming a complete table of syno- nymes for all English, German, and French authors."-Atlas. London: H. BAILLIÈRE, Publisher, 219 Regent street. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE CHARACTERS OF MINERALS: FORMING A FAMILIAR INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE OF MINERALOGY. BY EDWARD J. CHAPMAN, AUTHOR OF PRACTICAL MINERALOGY.' WITH THREE PLATES. LONDON: H. BAILLIÈRE, PUBLISHER, 219 REGENT STREET. PARIS: J. B. BAILLIÈRE. LEIPSIG: T. O. WEIGEL. 1844. LONDON: PRINTED BY REYNELL AND WEIGHT, LITTLE PULTENEY STREET. Mineralogy Sark 11-10-25 12219 ADVERTISEMENT. THE following pages are intended as an intro- duction to my Treatise on Mineralogy,' lately published by Mr Baillière, of Regent street, or as an easy introduction to the science in general. They have not been written for the perusal of the advanced mineralogist, as their contents must be of course already familiar to him, but are offered to the unassisted student, as a simple and easy means of gaining a sufficient knowledge of the details of the science, as to enable him (with the assistance of the above-named work) to dis- vi ADVERTISEMENT. tinguish any mineral substance that he may chance to meet with. An elementary description of the principles of any science must necessarily be in part derived from the combined labours of preceding writers ; the present brief essay will be found, however, to contain no inconsiderable portion of original matter and observation, and I am not aware of any other volume comprising so complete a unión and exposition of the two principal divisions of mineral characters. I have annexed a list of the works which have assisted me (in some instances very materially) in the construction of the following pages. WERNER'S External Characters of Fossils. MOHS's Mineralogy, vol. i. ROSE's Crystallography. BEUDANT'S Traité de Minéralogie, vol. i. BERZELIUS'S Blowpipe Treatise. GRIFFINS'S Chemical Recreations. ADVERTISEMENT. vii i FRESENIUS'S Qualitative Analysis.* CHAPMAN'S Practical Mineralogy. Northampton, Feb. 3, 1844. E. C. * A translation of this excellent work has lately been given to the British public by Mr BULLOCK. The work, however, treats only of those elements and their combinations which are employed in pharmacy or the arts; all mention of titanic acid, tungstic acid, zirconia, selenium, &c., being designedly omitted, and this omission renders it incomplete for the purposes of the mineralogist. A defect like this (for it is surely such) might have been easily remedied without having greatly increased the cost and bulk of the volume. CONTENTS. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS Aspect, or Kind of Lustre Colour Hardness Specific Gravity Streak Form 1. Regular Form A. Preliminary Remarks B. Principal Forms of Crystals C. Theory of Primary or Primitive Forms D. Systems of Weiss E. Method of describing Crystals F. Modification of Rose's Catalogue of Crystallized Minerals 2. Irregular Form Structure and Cleavage Surface Tenacity Transparency Degree of Lustre Fracture Form of Fragments Frangibility PAGE 1 2 3 4 7 10 13 14 15 id. 17 • 24 26 28 32 *45 45 47 48 49 • 50 51 52 id. X CONTENTS. Flexibility Touch Soiling Odour PAGE 53 id. id. 54 • id. Sound Adhesion to the Tongue Taste Magnetism Electricity Phosphorescence THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS OF MINERALS Action of Acids Description, Manipulation, and Action of the Blow- pipe, and of its Accompanying Apparatus Preliminary Remarks A. Description of the Blowpipe B. Of the Combustible for the Blowpipe Flame C. Method of using the Blowpipe D. Different Parts of Flame E. Size and Shape of the Assay F. Supports for the Assay F. 1. Charcoal F. 2. Platinum Forceps F. 3. Platinum Foil F. 4. Platinum Wire • F. 5. Glass Tubes (closed) F. 6. Glass Tubes (open) 55 id. • id. · 56 60 61 id. 62 id. 63 • 66 68 • 70 • 71 72 id. 73 75 76 · • 77 • 78 79 • 83 • • 84 86 • id. • G. Other necessary or useful Instruments H. Blowpipe Reagents, and Method of using them H. 1. Carbonate of Soda H. 2. Borate of Soda H. 3. Microcosmic Salt CONTENTS. xi H. 4. Bisulphate of Potash H. 5. Nitrate of Cobalt H. 6. Nitre H. 7. Tin H. 8. Silica H. 9. Oxide of Copper H. 10. Bone Ashes, and Refined Lead H. 11. Test Papers H. 12. Other Reagents I. Simple Blowpipe Operations . I. 1. Oxidation I. 2. Reduction I. 3. Roasting and Sublimation • FAGE 87 id. 88 id. • 89 id. 90 id. • L id. 91 id. I. 4. Trial of Fusion, &c.-Characters developed during the Trial.-Results of the Trial I. 5. Production of Coloured Flames I. 6. Flaming ུ དྲྭ་ ཾ་ 93 96 99 . 100 101 • • 102 I. 7. Cupellation K. General Method of examining a Mineral Sub- stance APPENDIX:-A Brief Compendium of the Elements of Qualitative Mineral Analysis. I. Preliminary Remarks II. Discrimination of the Class or Order to which a Mineral may belong, and Detection of its Component Elements 105 109 • ADDITIONS. The following figures have been added to PLATE II, since the article Form (p. 14) was in type. Fig. 12 a. The cube with truncated angles, forming the transition into the regular octahedron, fig. 3. See p. 18, line 1. Fig. 10 a. The regular hexahedral prism and pyramid, de- scribed at p. 28 as the common form of quartz crystals. Fig. 12 a. line 13, et seq. The four-sided right square pyramid. See p, 22, ERRATA. Page 20, line 14, for Fig. 10 read Fig. 12. line 20, for Fig. 18 read Fig. 13. Page 22, line 6, for Fig. 11 read Fig. 10. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. EVERY mineral substance possesses two distinct sorts of characters, by one, or by a combination of both, of which, it may be distinguished from other substances. These two sorts of characters are generally termed the "external" and "chemical" characters :-the former being those which are immediately apparent to our senses, or which may be rendered so, without destroying the natural state of the mineral; and the latter being those which are only made evident by, or during, the chemical decomposition of the mineral, by means of various reagents with or without heat, or by means of heat alone. B 2 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. + THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS.* These characters (as given below) are rather nume- rous, but the student will find that the whole of them are not possessed by any one mineral; several of them being, in fact, only applicable to a very few sub- stances, and of course, as such, highly characteristic, though of limited utility. Others, though generally applicable, are of little utility, from their indistinct- ness; but those at the commencement of the following list, are not only generally applicable, but also in most instances highly characteristic, particularly when com- bined. Aspect, or Kind of Lustre. Colour. Hardness. Specific Gravity. Streak. Form. Structure and Cleavage. Surface. Tenacity. Transparency. Degree of Lustre. Fracture. Form of Fragments. Frangibility. Flexibility. Touch. Soiling. Odour. * Including the characters sometimes termed "Physical." THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 3 ૭ Sound. Adhesion to the tongue. Taste. Magnetism. Electricity. Phosphorescence. Aspect; or Kind of Lustre. (L.) A character of considerable importance. The fol- lowing tabular view exhibits its chief and subordinate divisions; the terms, by means of the examples given, will explain themselves. Metallic Aspect. Non-metallic Aspect. Metallic-Ex. Native Copper; Iron Pyrites. Semi-metallic, or imperfectly Metallic-Ex. Chromate of Iron. Adamantine:-Ex. The Diamond. Vitreous:-Ex. Rock Crystal. Resinous:*-Tungstate of Lead. Pearly:-Ex. Margarite; Satin Spar (a var. Silky: of Calcite). Indefinite:-Ex. Lithomarge. Note. These kinds of lustre are often blended in the same mineral. Thus we have metallic-adamantine: Ex. Anglesite; metallic-pearly: Ex. Bronzite; vitreo-resinous: Ex. Vesuvian; vitreo-pearly: Ex. Cryolite; &c. Many minerals possess also two distinct kinds of lustre, one externally, and the other in- ternally. Thus Stilbite has a vitreous external, and a pearly internal, lustre; in which case both should be noticed, though it must be generally borne in mind, that the characters of mi- *Greasy or waxy in appearance. 4 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. nerals as developed on their newly-fractured surfaces, are always more to be relied upon, than those taken from the external sur- faces, and this particularly applies to the two following cha- racters-Colour and Hardness. The true metallic lustre may be always distinguished from the metallic-pearly or metallic-adamantine lustre, by the two following signs, namely: by being always combined with perfect opacity, and by remaining unaltered on the scratched surface, the others being often combined with transparency, and losing always their false metallic lustre upon being scratched with the knife; thus Bronzite in the streak becomes of a dull greyish- white. Colour. (C.) A character also of considerable importance when combined with a metallic aspect, but when joined to non-metallic lustre, of little use except in some few peculiar cases. For instance, we have varieties of Fluor Spar, Quartz, &c., of almost all colours, whilst the Crocoisite (chromate of lead), Orpiment, Real- gar, and a few other minerals, possess but one. The different colours also have different degrees of impor- tance; thus, white being common to a vast number of minerals, is far below red as a "characteristic," the latter being confined to a few. The non-metallic colours are:-white, grey, black, blue, green, yellow, red, and brown, with their various shades and intermixtures: as reddish-brown, greenish- black, &c.; and sometimes the peculiar shade of THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 5 colour is expressed by reference to well-known or familiar objects; as orange-yellow, blood-red, violet- blue. The depth of colour is also often mentioned; as light or clear greyish-green, pale blue, dark cherry- red. The metallic colours are:- White Grey Black Yellow Red { Silver-white: Ex. Native Silver; Mispickel. Tin-white: Ex. Native Antimony; Native Mer- cury. The tin-white colour possesses a slight shade of bluish-grey. Lead-grey, the colour of pure lead, a metallic bluish grey: Ex. Galena; Stibine; Molybde- nite. Steel-grey, the colour of steel, a metallic blackish- grey: Ex. some varieties of Grey Copper; Syl- vanite; Manganite. Iron-black: Ex. Aimantine; Pyrolusite; Miar- gyrite. Brass-yellow, a clear metallic yellow: Ex. Cop- per Pyrites; Radiated Iron Pyrites. Bronze-yellow, a metallic brownish-yellow: Ex. Magnetic Iron Pyrites. Gold-yellow, a pure deep yellow: Ex. Native Gold. { Copper-red: Ex. Native Copper; Nickeline; Phillipsine. In addition to the above, we have also to notice several other properties appertaining to this character, if they be present in the minerals under examination. These properties are the following:- B 2 6 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. The disposition of the colours,-which may be either uniform, or in stripes, spots, veins, &c. The play of colour, -as exhibited by the precious variety of Opal, the Labradorite, &c.; and which consists in the mutable reflection of various bright colours, upon turning the minerals which possess it, to and fro in the light. Iridescence,—a reflection of the prismatic rays, chiefly arising from fissures in the interior, or from the lamellar structure of the mineral; the former being observed in iridescent rock crystals, the latter, on the terminal plane of the pyramidal crystals of Apophyllite. Opalescence,—a reflection of a floating milky-light from the interior of the minerals which possess it, as the Cat's-eye, the adularia variety of Feldspar, some varieties of Corundum, &c. The variety of the last-named mineral, called "asteria sap- phire," owes its beauty and value to the possession of a mutable opalescent star of six rays, evidently arising from structure. This character (opalescence) is often termed "chatoyance," and it should perhaps (as remarked by WERNER) be rather con- sidered as a mutable reflection of lustre than of colour. The silky lustre is, in fact, a variety of opalescence. Tarnished colours.-These occur chiefly on the surfaces of minerals possessing a metallic lustre; but, in some instances, the tarnish extends through the entire mass, as in the Phillip- sine. The tarnish may be either simple, consisting of one colour; or variegated, consisting of several colours. The terms "rain- bow tarnish," "pigeon's neck tarnish," &c., sufficiently explain themselves. Dicröism. This is the property of exhibiting different colours where viewed by transmitted light in opposite directions. The Iolite, and some varieties of Tourmaline and Mica, are examples of this curious character. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 7 Hardness. (H.) This is one of the most important and useful of mineral characters, and it may be very definitely noted by means of the comparative scale of Professor Möhs, now universally adopted. This scale consists of the following ten minerals, of progressive degrees of hardness, to some one of which, by a simple com- parative process, the hardness of all other minerals can be referred, or approximated. 1. TALC, of a greenish colour. 2. ROCK-SALT, a pure variety. 3. CALCAREOUS SPAR, a cleavable variety. 4. FLUOR SPAR, a cleavable variety. 5. APATITE, the variety from Salzburg. 6. ADULARIA FELDSPAR. 7. ROCK CRYSTAL, a transparent variety. 8. TOPAZ. 9. CORUNDUM. * 10. THE DIAMOND. The following is an account of Möhs's description of the method of using this scale. When we wish, by means of this scale, to ascertain the hardness of a * As the diamond is the only substance which corresponds to this degree, the scale may of course terminate at No. 9, and the minerals composing it will then be within the means of all. 8 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. mineral, we first try which of the members of the scale is scratched by it. In order to save the spe- cimens of the scale, it is advisable to begin with the highest members, and proceed downwards, until we reach the one which is scratched. We next take a fine hard file, and draw along its surface, with the least possible force, the specimen we are examining, and also the two members of the scale with which it appears to agree the nearest in hardness. From the resistance these bodies oppose to the file, from the noise occasioned by their passing over it, and from the quantity of powder left on its surface, we estimate securely their relative degrees of hardness. When, after several experiments, we are satisfied as to which member of the scale the mineral under examination is most nearly allied, we attach to it the numeral be- longing to that member, as given above, and say— supposing its hardness to be equal to that of fluor spar -H. 40, or to that of apatite H. = 5·0, or if it do not exactly agree with either thus placing it between the two. K H. = 4.5, As a useful appendix to the above, the following note (reprinted from my late treatise*) may not be un- acceptable to the student. “As the minerals comprising the scale of hardness constructed by Professor Möhs may not be always * · Practical Mineralogy,' &c. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 9 at hand, especially in travelling, the following scale, exacting only objects always to be met with, and which agrees in its most essential respects with that of Möhs, may be sometimes found convenient, but the minerals and file should always be used in preference, if possible." CHAPMAN'S CONVENIENT SCALE OF HARDNESS, TO CORRESPOND WITH THAT OF MÖнS. 1. Yields easily to the nail. 2. Yields with difficulty to the nail, or receives merely an impression from it. Does not scratch a copper coin. 3. Scratches a copper coin, but is also scratched by it, being of about the same degree of hardness. 4. Not scratched by a copper coin. Does not scratch glass. 5. Scratches glass, though rather difficultly, leaving its powder on it. Yields easily to the knife. 6. Scratches glass easily. Yields with difficulty to the knife. 7. Does not yield to the knife. Yields to the edge of a file, though with difficulty. 8, 9, 10. Harder than flint. Note.—2.5 scratches a copper coin slightly, and 3′5 is scratched by one in about the same degree. 10 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Specific Gravity. (Sp. gr.) The high importance of this character was fully per- ceived by the older mineralogists, almost at the dawn of the science. The specific gravity of a body, is its weight com- pared with that of another body of the same size or volume. This latter body is assumed as a standard, and the standard with which bodies are almost uni- versally compared, is pure water of a temperature of 60° Fahr. Thus, if a cubic foot of water weigh 2.0 x, and a cubic foot of silver weigh 20.0 x, we should say that silver was ten times heavier than water, or that its specific gravity=10.0. The specific gravities of solids (to which we shall confine ourselves in the present place) is determined by weighing them first in air and then in pure water, the loss of weight occasioned by the support of the water in the latter case, being equal to that of a mass of the fluid of the same dimensions as the solid itself. The best practical instrument for taking specific gravities for mineralogical purposes, is the Areometer, or Nicholson's Portable Balance, which, fitted up with weights and forceps in a small case, costs from THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 11 30s. to 35s.* This instrument is represented by fig. 1, plate 1; it is made of brass or German silver. A, represents the upper cup; B, the notch or index mark (explained below) on the stem; C, the lower cup; D, the perforated cover to the cup C, which slides up and down, and serves to prevent the mineral from being washed out of the cup when placed in the water. At the point E, within the cylinder, is enclosed a certain quantity of lead, so as to make the instru- ment float in an upright position. The following method of using this instrument is reprinted from 'Practical Mineralogy,' p. 154. First place the instrument in any convenient vessel full of rain water (a common bed-room ewer for example).† Secondly place the weights one by one in the upper cup, until the notch on the stem, which supports it, be exactly on a level with the surface of the water, and note down the amount of weight which causes this depression (calling it A). : Thirdly remove the weights, and place in the cup the mineral (the Sp. gr. of which you wish to ascertain), adding the weights as before, until the notch on the stem again coincide * Cheaper kinds may however be had, made of tinned iron- plate, at as low a price as eight or nine shillings, and which will probably answer every purpose; but having never used one of this price, I cannot, of course, testify as to their giving cor- rect results. † Distilled water of a temperature of 60° Fahr. must be used in delicate investigations, but rain water, at the common tem- perature, is generally sufficient for practical purposes. Broken into small fragments, if possible. 12 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. with the surface of the water, and note down this weight (calling it B). Fourthly remove the weights, and place the mineral in the lower cup (beneath the water), again placing the weights in the upper cup until the notch on the stem once more coincide with the surface of the water, and note down this weight, which will be greater than the last (calling it C). Lastly: subtract B (the second weight) both from A and from C, separately, and divide the greater remainder by the lesser, when the quotient will be the specific gravity sought. Example, referring to a crystal of LIEVRITE, from Elba. GRS. 130.50 A 20.20 B 110.30 GRS. 47.60 C 20.20 B 27.40 27.40) 110.30 ( 4·0, &c. 109.60 700 The Sp. gr. therefore = 4.0. Note.-The first weight (A) ought to be always the same, and may therefore be called the Balance or Standard Weight, and its amount should be scratched on the cup, or on some other part of the instrument, so as to avoid the necessity of always taking it before commencing operations. Also, when the mineral is removed to the lower cup, the weights in the upper cup need not be taken away, but fresh ones added until the notch on the stem be sunk to the level of the water; in which case B must only be subtracted from A (the balance weight), and the amount of these newly added weights will be the divisor for the remainder of the sum, as a glance at the preceding example will show. It is, however, better perhaps to follow the first method, and to clear the cup entirely, as it lessens the chance of error. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 13 Streak. (Sk.) A simple and very effective character. It might the more properly, perhaps, be denominated colour of powder, as it signifies the colour of powder produced by drawing or "streaking" a mineral across a file, or piece of biscuit porcelain. The best way to dis- tinguish the streak, is to take a fine file, and drawing it once or twice across the mineral under examination, pass it lightly over your own finger, when the colour will be left thereon, and may be noted easily. The shining lustre produced on some minerals, by scratch- ing them with a sharp instrument, is also, however, sometimes comprehended under this term. The greater number of minerals of a non-metallic aspect possess an uncoloured or white streak; whilst the greater number of those possessing a metallic aspect yield a black streak or powder; when, there- fore, in either of these divisions, a mineral gives a streak of a different colour, its discrimination is greatly facilitated, and easily effected by the addition of one or two other characters. Thus, in minerals of a non-metallic aspect, the following only yield a red streak, and they may be discriminated from one another by the other charac- ters attached. C 14 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Kermesite.-H. below 2.0; volatilizable before the blow-pipe, leaving a white crust* on the charcoal. Minium.-H. below 2.0; volatilizable before the blow-pipe, leaving a yellow crust* on the charcoal. Cinnabar.-Sp. gr. above 6.6. Ruberite.-H. the blow-pipe. 3.5—4·0. Yields a bead of copper before Proustite.-Yields a garlic-like odour before the blow-pipe on charcoal. Argyrythrose.-Sp. gr. 5·8—5·9. Miargyrite.-Sp. gr. 5·2—5·4. A Anhydro-Ferrite (some varieties).—Magnetic after roasting, Fusible only on the edges. Note.- Miargyrite and Anhydro-Ferrite have generally a metallic aspect. Form. (In the following article, all figures in italics refer to the illus- trations of Chapman's Practical Mineralogy.') ( A character (when regular) of the highest interest, yet of limited utility in the discrimination of minerals; for although the greater number of mineral bodies are certainly found sometimes in a crystallized state, that is, possessing a regular or definite form, yet they occur far more frequently in an amorphous state, pos- ' * This disappears in the reducing flame.-See Action of the Blowpipe,' further on. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 15 sessing an irregular or indefinite form; a character, of course, utterly useless as a means of discrimina- tion. There are, also, many minerals which have hitherto never been found crystallized. 1. Regular Form.-It is impossible, in a brief treatise like the present, to enter into the details of the abstruse and complicated science of crystallogra- phy in a very satisfactory manner; all that can be done, therefore, is to give as clear and simplified an account as possible of its general principles, with their application to mineralogy. A. Regular Form. Preliminary Remarks.—All inorganic substances, possessing a regular or symme- trical form, are termed "crystals," and this, whether they be opaque or transparent. Crystals possess, externally, planes, edges, and angles; and, for convenience, they are supposed to contain, internally, certain imaginary lines termed "axes", Planes are (apparently) level surfaces, bounded by right lines. Where two planes meet, an edge is formed; where three edges join, a solid angle (or corner) is produced. The union of planes, edges, and angles, therefore, constitutes a regular geometrical solid, or crystal; and if we suppose certain right lines to pass through the exact centre of this crystal, crossing each other at the centre, and terminating in the middle of the 16 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. external surfaces, edges, and solid angles, we shall have a just idea of a system of axes. (To illustrate this, cut out of an apple, or a piece of cork, a small cube, and taking three pins, run one through the centre of the cube from top to bottom, another from left to right, and the third from back to front; these pins will then represent three principal axes; and others might be supposed to run diagonally, downwards from the four top (or upwards from the four bottom) corners-and two crossing the horizon- tal pins on the same level, from the centres of the alternate lateral edges, &c.) The top and bottom planes of crystals are called the terminal planes, or bases; the side planes (which are generally the longest) are named lateral planes. A crystal is said to be truncated when some or all of its solid angles appear as though cut off, a single plane occurring where a point or edge should be.* Or the part wanting, is said to be replaced by a single plane, or simply replaced: ex. the corners of figs. 2, 9, 23. A crystal is said to be bevelled, when some or all of its edges, planes, or solid angles, are so altered as to present, in the altered part, two smaller converging planes terminating in an edge.* Or the part altered * Werner. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 17 is said to be replaced by two planes: ex. the edges of figs. 6, 13, 22. * A crystal is said to be acuminated, when it loses some or all of its angles or planes, presenting in their stead, at the altered part, three or more planes con- verging together. Or the part altered, is said to be replaced by three or more planes, as the case may be: ex. the planes of fig. 14, the corners of figs. 10, 11. The following are the chief crystalline forms, with their divisions, or chief modifications, which occur in nature. B. Regular Form. Forms of Crystals. The Tetrahedron (pl. ii, fig. 1) is a solid contain- ing four equilateral triangular faces, which incline to each other at an angle of about 70° 32'. It has also four solid angles, and six edges. The chief modifica- tions of this figure are formed by the truncation or cutting off of all the corners or solid angles at right angles to the base, when the cube (fig. 2) is produced; or in an oblique direction, when the regular octuhe- dron (fig. 3) is formed. The Hexahedron or Cube (pl. ii, fig. 2) has six square faces, inclining to each other at an angle of 90°. It has also eight solid angles, and twelve edges. Its * Werner. c 2 18 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. principal modifications are, the octahedron, formed by cutting off the solid angles; the rhomboidal dodeca- hedron, formed by truncating the solid edges, and the tetragonal icositetrahedron (pl. ii, fig. 5), by a replace- ment of each of the solid angles by three planes till they join. The regular tetrahedron (fig. 1), and numerous other modifications, may also be formed from this solid. (See Chapman's Practical Miner- alogy,' figs. 1 to 35). The Regular Octahedron (pl. ii, fig. 3) possesses eight equilateral triangular faces, inclining to each other at an angle of 109° 28′ 16″. It has also six solid angles, and twelve edges. The plane angles of the triangular faces are all 60°; and the angle of incidence of two faces over a point or solid angle, is 70° 32'. The cube formed by cutting off the solid angles; the rhomboidal dodecahedron (fig. 4) pro- duced by cutting off the solid edges; the tetrahedron, &c., are the chief modifications of this solid. (See as above.) The Rhomboidal Dodecahedron (pl. ii, fig. 4) has twelve rhombic faces, inclined to each other at an angle of 120°. The plane angles of the faces are 109° 28′ 16″, and 70° 32′ 44″. Its chief modifications are the cube and the regular octahedron. The Tetragonal Icositetrahedron (pl. ii, fig. 5) possesses twenty-four similar trapezoidal faces. Its modifications are similar to the above. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 19 Thus, the forms represented by figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, may be said to belong to one, or the same, system of crystallization, as each may be derived from the others. The Rhombohedron (pl. ii, figs. 6 and 7) is a solid containing six equal and similiar rhomboidal faces. Fig. 6 represents an obtuse, fig. 7 an acute rhombo- hedron, each of which may be formed from the other. If a rhombohedron be placed in one of the positions shown at fig. 8, and lines be drawn from each of the solid angles, except the two vertical ones, to a horizontal plane, then the connexion of these lines by other right lines on the plane, will form a regular hexagon as shown in the figure. This is termed the horizontal projection of the Rhombohedron, and it may be shown almost as well by the projection of its shadow by candle-light. To effect this, support the crystal or model on one of the solid angles, by holding the opposite corner with the point of the finger, and take care to let a solid angle be exactly facing the light, so that its rays may fall directly upon it. From the above, it will be perceived that the regular hexagonal or six-sided prism (pl. ii, fig. 9) is a modification of the rhombohedron (see "six-sided prisms"). It has also other modifications of a pyramidal form (pl. ii, figs. 10, 11. See also 'Practical Mineralogy,' fig. 64 to 138). Prisms are solids which must have at least three parallel lateral planes, and two parallel terminal planes. 20 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Prisms are, however, rarely found with only three lateral planes, but have usually four, six, eight, or twelve; the latter numbers being apparently formed by the truncation of lateral edges. (Examine figs. 139 and 140.) Prisms are termed "right prisms" when their lat- eral and terminal planes are at right angles to each other; and "oblique prisms,” when such is not the case. The Regular Six-sided Prism (pl. ii, fig. 9), a modification of the rhombohedron, as stated above, is a “right prism,” and it may be distinguished from other six-sided* (though irregular) prisms, by the angle across any of its vertical edges being = 120°. The Right Square Prism (pl. ii, fig. 10) has its terminal planes of equal measurement both ways across, thereby forming squares, but with its lateral planes either longer or shorter than the width of its terminal planes. A cube cut horizontally in half, or two cubes placed one upon another will illustrate this. For modifications, see Chapman's 'Practical Miner- alogy,' fig. 36 to 63a. 3 The Right Rectangular Prism (pl. ii, fig. 18) is a right prism, with rectangular, though not square, ter- minal planes. For modifications, see Practical Mineralogy,' fig. 139, &c. 6 The Right Rhombic Prism (pl. ii, fig. 14) is a right prism, with rhombic planes; that is to say, with * Liable to an occasional exception. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 21 lateral planes which meet together at a greater or less angle than one of 90°. For modifications, see as before, fig. 150, &c. Note. The Right Rectangular, and the Right Rhombic, prisms, are modifications of, and pass into, each other; they, therefore, belong to the same system. The Oblique Rectangular, and the Oblique Rhombic Prisms, also belong to one system of crystallization. These terms have been explained above. For modi- fications see 'Practical Mineralogy,' fig. 162a, &c. Doubly Oblique Prisms can scarcely be described in an intelligible manner to the beginner, without the aid of models. The meaning of the term, "doubly oblique," may, however, be illustrated by a reference to oblique prisms. Oblique prisms, if placed on a table or plane surface, will be found to lean on one side, or to overhang their base, in one direction ;- doubly-oblique prisms, in the same position, will be per- ceived to incline in two directions (see 'Practical Mineralogy,' fig. 239, &c.) We have now to consider the forms of pyramidal crystals, all varieties of which are referrible to one or the other of the above systems. Pyramids are, geometrically speaking, solids com- posed of one plane surface, from which rise three or more inclined triangular faces meeting in a point, called the "vertex," or "apex;" but, crystallogra- phically speaking, pyramids have six or more inclined triangular faces, meeting, in equal numbers, in two 22 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. opposite points. Two geometrical pyramids joined base to base will illustrate this. From the above, it will be seen, that the regular octahedron (pl. ii, fig. 3) is a pyramid of four sides; but it differs from all other pyramids in being of equal dimensions in regard to its height, and two transverse widths. That is to say, it has three axes, at right angles to each other, of equal length.* The Regular Six-sided Pyramid (pl. ii, fig. 10) belongs to the same system of crystallization as the rhombohedron and the regular six-sided prism, and it may be formed from this latter solid in the same man- ner as the regular octahedron is formed from the cube, namely, by the deep truncation of all the solid angles or bevelment of the edges. In this way other pyramids may, of course, be formed from any other prism, and the right square prism (pl. ii, fig. 12) considered as the type of its system of crystallization, is modified in this manner in an extraordinary degree of frequency, so as to have obtained for this system the name of "pyramidal." (See further on: 'Systems of Weiss.') Pyramidal modifications also occur very frequently in the other systems described above, except the last. Pyramids are said to be "perfect" if they possess points or apices, and "imperfect" if they be trun- * Other four-sided pyramids are frequently termed obtuse or acute octahedrons, octahedrons with rectangular bases, &c. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 23 cated on the apices. Prisms and pyramids are very generally combined in the same crystal, as in fig. 45 to 64, 112 to 114, &c. ('Practical Mineralogy') for perfect pyramids; and 38 to 44, 137a, 138, &c., for imperfect pyramids. Pyramids are occasionally acuminated on the apices, or the apex of a pyramid in that case, be said to be replaced by three or more planes. These acuminating planes are, of course, always more obtuse than the original planes, otherwise re-entering angles would be formed. (Figs. 58, 59, 89, 197, &c.) may, In like manner, if a pyramid be combined with a prism, the terminal planes of that prism may be said to be each replaced by three or more planes, as the case may be. Retrospect. The following is a tabular view of the above sys- tems of crystallization, with the most commonly occurring, or best defined, individuals, belonging to each. Regular Tetrahedron. Cube, or Hexahedron › Combinations of these two 1. Regular Octahedron 2. Rhomboidal Dodecahedron. Tetragonal Icositetrahedron. Right Square Prism. forms. Obtuse Pyramids with Square Common Base. Acute Pyramids Combinations of Square Prisms and Pyramids. 24 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Obtuse Rhombohedrons. Acute Rhombohedrons. 3. Regular Six-sided Prism. 4. 5. Regular Six-sided Pyramid. Combinations of the two latter. Right Rectangular Prisms. Right Rhombic Prisms. Octahedrons with rectangular bases. Octahedrons with rhombic bases. Truncated modifications of these forms. Oblique Rectangular Prisms. Oblique Rhombic Prisms. Pyramidal modifications of the above, with oblique bases; and with oblique terminal planes, if imper- fect. 6. Doubly-oblique Prisms. C. Regular Form. Theory of Primary or Pri- mitive Forms.—Nearly all crystallized minerals, and those possessing a crystalline structure, may be me- chanically divided or "cleaved" in certain definite. directions (see "Cleavage") by means of a knife or other sharp instrument, and the application of a greater or less degree of force, into certain definite forms. These forms are the solids described in the preceding section, and they were termed "primary" or "primitive," by the orginal founders of this crys- tallographic doctrine, in the supposition that they resembled the molecules or composing atoms (or germs, as it were) of the crystals to which they belong. A THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 25 consideration of the truth or fallacy of this theory, does not come within the limits of the present brief treatise; but it may be remarked, that the prin- cipal objection to it is the fact, that some minerals may be cleaved into two or more distinct forms be- longing to different systems of crystallization, and that consequently, in such cases, one of these forms. has to be selected arbitrarily, as the "primitive" one. However, a somewhat similar fact might be ad- vanced against the principles of crystallography it- self, inasmuch as that many compounds of the same elements in the same proportions crystallize under different circumstances, in forms peculiar to different systems. By the term of "Primitive or Primary Form," we are therefore to understand the form into which a mineral may be split or cleaved, by following the direction of certain natural joints, which it may pos- sess; and, for a further consideration of which, we refer the reader to the article "cleavage." Before, however, concluding this section, it must be men- tioned that many minerals, to which a "primary form" has been assigned by mineralogists, have never been cleaved into that form, but are only supposed, from various coinciding circumstances, to be cleav- able into it, were purer specimens to be procured, or were our means of producing mechanical cleavage more effective. Many of the native metals, however, D 26 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. and some other minerals, appear to possess a perfectly compact or uncleavable structure. D. Regular Form. Systems of WEISS.-We have shown above, that all crystalline forms are referrible and peculiar to one of six systems, and that all the forms belonging to any one of these systems may be deduced or derived from each other, but that they have no connexion with the forms of the other sys- tems. These are the fundamental principles of the doctrine of WEISS, and the forms belonging to each of the six systems described above, are peculiar also to each of the six systems of his school of crystallography; but the specific differences of each system are founded. on the relations of the axes of crystals to each other. These assumed lines or axes, and their various posi- tions, have been already explained; we have now, therefore, to consider the relations which they bear to each other, in the "six systems of axes of crys- tallization" of WEISS, and his renowned follower, ROSE. The group of forms, numbered 1 (page 23), is the first system of the Germans, and is named "the Regular System." The crystals or forms belonging to it, must have three axes, all of equal length, and placed at right angles to each other. This system is better known in England as the octahedral, or the tessular, system,-the regular octahedron or the cube being taken as its type; but the original name is far THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 27 more rigorously definite, and less liable to miscon- ception, and therefore far better. The group, numbered 2, is termed by ROSE, "the Two-and-one-axed System," and the forms belonging to it must have three axes, two of the same length, and one of a different length (either longer or shorter), and all placed at right angles to each other. This system is also termed the pyramidal system, from the constant occurrence of pyramidal combinations in its comprised forms; but here again, for the same reasons as the last, the original name is infinitely better. The third group (3) is called "the Three-and-one- axed System," and the forms composing it must have four axes, three of equal length crossing each other (on the same plane) at an angle of 60°, and the fourth of a different length (longer or shorter), and placed at right angles to the rest. The English name for this system is the Rhombohedral system, but the Ger- man term is certainly the more definite, and, as such, preferable. The fourth group (4), is termed "the One-and- one-axed System," but it might, perhaps, the more properly be termed "the Right unequiaxed System.” The forms of which it is composed must have three axes, all of different lengths, and placed at right an- * These positions the student will easily comprehend if he examine a crystal or model of the regular six-sided prism, and imagine the direction of the axes as given above. 28 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. gles to each other. The English name for this group is "the Prismatic system." The fifth group (5) is called "the Two-and-one- membered System," but it might also be termed "the Oblique unequiaxed System." Its included forms must have three axes of unequal lengths, two of which cross each other obliquely, and are perpendi- cular to the third. The English name for this group is "the Oblique-prismatic System." The sixth and last group (6) is named "the one- and-one-membered System," but it might also be called "the doubly-oblique unequiaxed System." The forms belonging to it must have three axes, all of unequal lengths, and all placed obliquely to each other. The English synonym is "the doubly-oblique prismatic System." E. Regular Form. Method of describing Crystals.— Before concluding our account of the "regular forms" of mineral bodies, with a modification of Rose's Catalogue of Crystallized Minerals, we would briefly mention the methods of describing crystals at present in use. These methods are two, namely: by words at full length, and by signs or abbreviations. The former may be illustrated by the following descrip- tions of the common form of quartz crystals.-(Chap- man's 'Min.,' fig. 134.) (1) A six-sided prism, acuminated at the terminal planes, with six planes, the acuminating planes being set on the lateral planes. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 29 (2) A six-sided prism, having the terminal planes replaced by six planes forming a six-sided pyramid. (3) A six-sided prism, combined with a perfect six-sided pyramid, &c. A simple method (not before published) of describ- ing crystals by signs, is the following:- It consists in first marking down the number of the system to which the crystal under examination may belong; secondly, the chief form of that system from which it may have been derived; and thirdly, the modifications which this form may be supposed to have undergone to produce the crystal under examination. This may be done by using, for the third place, the signs given below, and setting down, in the second place, merely the first letter or two of the principal form as mentioned above. Thus: I.; C.; signifies the cube -I.; O.; the regular octahedron:-2; P. 4; the square four-sided prism of the second system :- 3; Py. 6; the six-sided pyramid of the third system: —4; Rh. P. 4; a rhombic four-sided prism of the fourth system; and so on, using other abbreviations. to express the different forms. The signs of the modifications to be used in the third place, are the following: T. or t. signifies truncated; if the truncating planes be large, the capital letter is used, and vice versa. B. or b. signifies bevelled, the letters to be used as above. A. or a. signifies acuminated. The number of the acuminat- ing planes must be marked after; as, A. 6, &c. D 2 30 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Truncation, it will be remembered, expresses a single plane; bevelment, two planes meeting in an edge; and acumination, three or more planes meet- ing in a point. These letters are always to be placed above, and separated by a line (in the manner of fractions) from those which follow. p. signifies planes. e. edges. a. solid angles. 1. lateral. t. terminal. + obtuse. acute. If the above letters be used without any figure being attached, the whole of the planes, angles, &c., are supposed to have undergone the expressed modi- fication; otherwise, the number of the planes, &c., which have experienced that modification, is to be attached. Thus: T. 2 + l. e. signifies, deeply truncated on the two obtuse lateral edges.* These few signs are sufficient to describe any crystal, however complicated, in a neat and clear The following examples are annexed, to manner. familiarize the student with the method. * The numeral (2) might, however, be omitted in this case, as the sign + (obtuse) is attached to the lateral edges. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 31 : ! The cube truncated deeply on the angles. 1; C.; T. a. The regular octahedron slightly bevelled on all its edges. 1.; O.; b. e. The four-sided square prism, having its terminal planes replaced by a large four-sided pyramid. 2; P. 4; A. 4. t. P. A four-sided square obtuse pyramid, slightly trun- cated on the vertices or terminal solid angles. 2; + Py. 4; t. t. a. The letter V (vertex) may be used instead of t. a. The regular hexahedral prism acuminated on its terminal planes, with six planes having their common summits deeply truncated. A. 6; T. 3; P. 6; t. p.; v. An oblique four-sided rhombic prism, having its obtuse lateral edges deeply truncated. T. 5; Rh. P. 4; + 1. e. 6 Fig. 107 of Chapman's Practical Mineralogy.' 3; P. 6. T.; A. 6; a. 6; a. 6; T. 1. e.; t. p.; V.; V.; V. 32 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. The above may be described, in words, as-a regu- lar six-sided prism (belonging to the third system of crystallization), having its lateral edges deeply trun- cated, its terminal planes acuminated with six large planes, these again acuminated with six small planes, and these last also acuminated with six small planes, having their common vertices deeply truncated. In concluding our description of this method, we may state, that it possesses the advantage of requiring, when intended for press, merely the ordinary type of the printing office. For other methods of describing crystals by signs, we refer the reader to complete works on Crystal- lography, and especially to the System of Crystal- lography' of Mr J. J. GRIFFIN, of Glasgow, a work which we regret not to have met with before the greater part of this section was in type, and which, for clearness, simplicity, and correctness, we believe to be unequalled, especially as an elementary treatise. The price of this work is about 12s., and the London publisher, Mr Tegg, of Fleet street. F. Regular Form. Modification of Rose's Cata- logue of Crystallized Minerals.-In the following catalogue, the minerals belonging to each system will be classed according to the arrangement adopted in Practical Mineralogy,' Chapter III. It must be remembered that many mineral substances which occur in nature will not be mentioned in the present · THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 33 classification, as they are never met with in a crys- tallized state, or do not present a crystalline or cleavable structure. SYSTEM 1. The Regular System. Octahedral System. Tessular System. Native Substances. Platinum. Palladium. Gold. Silver. Mercury. Native amalgam. Bismuth. Lead. Copper. Iron. Carbon (the diamond). Arseniurets. Smaltine. Seleniurets. Seleniuret of silver and lead. Seleniuret of lead and mercury. Clausthalite. Seleniuret of lead and copper. Seleniuret of lead and cobalt. Berzeline? Sulphurets. Argyrose. 34 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Galena. Phillipsine. Iron pyrites. Koboldine. Alabandine. Zinc-blende. Fahl-ore. Hartmannite. Cobaltine. Simple Oxides and Acids. 'Ruberite. Aimantine. Franklinite. Arsenic acid. Titaniates. Fyrochlore. Chromates. Chromoferrite. Aluminates. Pleonaste. Gahnite. Spinel. Silicates. Silicate of bismuth. Ferrugino-calcareous garnet. Ferrugino-aluminous garnet. Manganesian garnet. Chrome garnet. Calcareo-aluminous garnet. Lazulite (lapis lazuli). Ittnerite. Hauyne. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 35 Analcime, Sodalite. Spinellane. Borates. Boracite. Arseniates. Pharmacosiderite. Sulphates. Soda-alum. Alum. Amonalum. Fluorides. Yttrocerite. Fluor spar. Chlorides. Kerargyrite. Rock salt. Sal ammoniac. SYSTEM 2. The Two-and-one-axed System. Pyramidal System. Tellurets. Elasmose. Sulphurets. Copper pyrites. Simple Oxides and Acids. Hausmannite. Braunite. Cassiterite. み 36 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Rutile. Anatase. Columbates. Fergusonite. Tungstates. Scheelitine. Scheelite. Molybdates. Melinose. Silicates. Zircon. Mellilite. Gismondine? Apophyllite. Idocrase. Wernerite. Gehlenite. Phosphates. Uranite. Chalkolite. Phosphyttrite. Fluorides. Cryolite. Chlorides. Chloride of mercury. SYSTEM 3. The Three-and-one-axed System. Rhombohedral System. Native Substances. Antimony. : THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 37 Arsenic. Tellurium. Arseniurets. Nickeline. Tellurets. Bornine? Sulphurets. Cinnabar. Magnetic Iron Pyrites. Capillose. Molybdenite. Argyrythrose. Polybasite. Proustite. Carburets. Graphite. Simple Oxides and Acids. Anhydro-Ferrite. Corundum. Quartz. Titaniates. Titanio-Ferrite. Chrichtonite. Vanadiates. Johnstonite. Silicates. Dioptase. Cronstedite. Pyrodmalite. Cerite. Eudyalite. Talc. E 38 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Chlorite. Emerald. Mica: some varieties. Davyne. Chabasite. Levyne. Gmelinite. Nepheline. Pinite. Tourmaline. Phosphates. Pyromorphite. Apatite. Arseniates. Mimetese. Euchlorose. Sulphates. Alumstone. Carbonates. Siderose. Manganese Spar. Smithsonite. Breunnerite. Magneso-Calcite. Ankerite. Calcite. Nitrates. Nitrate of Soda. Fluorides. Flucerine. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 39 SYSTEM 4. The One-and-one-axed System. The Right unequiaxed System.-CHAPMAN. Prismatic System. Native Substances. Osm-Iridium. Sulphur. Antimoniurets. Discrase. Arseniurets. Mohsine. Tellurets. Sylvane. Mullerine. Sulphurets. Stromeyerine. Sternbergite. Bismuthine. Aikinite. Chalkosine. Radiated Iron Pyrites. Stibine. Orpiment. Psaturose. Donacargyrite. Zinkenite. Jamesonite. Bournonite, Berthierite. Mispickel. Simple Oxides and Acids. Hydro-Ferrite. Pyrolusite. 40 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Manganite. Spartalite. Brookite. Exitelite. Kermesite. Columbates. Columbite. Aluminates. Chrysoberyl. Silicates. Lievrite. Electro-Calamine. Chrysolite. Picrosmine. Andalousite. Chiastolite. Staurolite. Iolite. Pyrophyllite? Prehnite. Stilbite. Epistilbite. Comptonite. Thomsonite. Phillipsite. Nuttalite? Glaucolite? Harmatome, Elaolite? Spodumene? Killinite ? Topaz. Pycnite. Phosphates. Apherese, or Libethenite. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 41 Triplite. Wavellite. Childrenite. Klaprothine. Amblygonite. Arseniates. Olivenite. Euchroite. Leirochroite. Liroconite. Scorodite. Haidingerite. Sulphates. Anglesite. Brochantite. Konigine. Gallitzinite. Epsomite. Polyhallite. Anhydrite. Celestine. Barytine. Thenardite. Apthalose. Carbonates. Lead Spar. Caledonite. Arragonite. Strontianite. Witherite. Nitrates. Nitre. Fluorides. Fluellite. E 2 42 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Chlorides. Mendipite. Matlockite. Atakamite. SYSTEM 5. The Two-and-one-membered System. The Oblique unequiaxed System.-CHAPMAN. Oblique Prismatic System. Sulphurets. Realgar. Miargyrite. Plagionite. Titaniates. Æschynite. Tungstates. Wolfram. Chromates. Crocoisite. Vauquelinite. Silicates. Achmite. Gadolinite. Bronzite. Anthophyllite. Hypersthene. Augite. Hornblende. Wollastonite. Sillimanite. Fahlunite. Epidote. Euclase. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 43 Mica: some varieties. Zoizite. Heulandite. Laumonite. Scolezite. Brewsterite. Mesotype. Feldspar. Borates. Borax. Datholite. Phosphates. Ypoleime, or Rhenite. Vivianite. Triphyline. Heterosite. Hureaulite. Wagnerite. Arseniates. Aphanese. Erythrine. Pharmacolite. Sulphates. Cupreous Sulphate of Lead. Melantherite. Botryogene. Rhodhalose. Johannite. Gypsum. Glauberite. Exanthalose. Carbonates. Leadhillite. Lanarkite. 44 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Cuprazurite. Malachite. Baryto-Calcite. Gaylussite. Natron. Trona. SYSTEM 6. The One-and-one-membered System. The Doubly-oblique unequiaxed System.-CHAPMAN. Doubly Oblique Prismatic System. Simple Oxides and Acids. Diaspore. Sassoline. Silicates. Rhodonite? Babingtonite. Kyanite. Axinite. Labradorite. Anorthite. Latrobite. Couseranite. Albite. Pericline. Petalite. Sulphates. Cyanhalose. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 44* In conclusion, we have to remark that certain substances occasionally occur in double forms, in which case two or more of their crystals are united under certain definite laws, forming of course re- entering angles. These double crystals (which must not be confounded with implicated, grouped, or ad- hering crystallizations) are termed twin, macled,* or cross crystals, and the following minerals are those which principally exhibit them: harmatome, stauro- lite, arragonite, feldspar, albite, augite, hornblende, spinel, gahnite, cassiterite, radiated iron pyrites, copper pyrites, and bournonite. Finally, it should be mentioned that there occur in nature, though rarely, certain crystals, formed (if it may be so ex- pressed) in a manner contrary to the laws of regular crystalliza- tion. Thus, in Cornwall, we have cassiterite (ox. of tin), assuming the form of feldspar, and wolfram that of scheelite (tungstate of lime). These crystals, which are usually rough and ill-formed, are termed false, pseudomorphic, or spurious crystals, and appear to be produced in one, or perhaps both of the following ways, as promulgated by WERNER-viz.: first, when genuine crystals, becoming incrusted with foreign matter, decay, and leave the incrustation exhibiting their form, though hollow within, as pseudo-morphic crystals sometimes are; and secondly, when true imbedded crystals decay in course of time, and the spaces become filled up with matter of a different * Masclé, an old French term, formerly used in armoury, to signify the angularly-jointed pieces of metal covering the elbows, &c. 45* CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. nature-or this foreign matter may perhaps act on a true and sound crystal, destroying it (but without affecting the sur- rounding matrix), and mixing up with it, so as to form a sub- stance of a totally different chemical composition. 2. Irregular Form.-The irregular forms which minerals assume are of little use in their discrimina- tion; they will, therefore, be but briefly adverted to. The term massive or amorphous, is applied to perfectly inde- finite shapes. When in numerous small masses, the mineral is said to be disseminated. Of rounded forms, the following may be mentioned: botryoidal, reniform, mamillated, or blistered, composed of globular elevations and depressions, ex. varieties of copper pyrites, ox. of iron, calcedony; globular or nodular, occurring in rounded pieces, ex. flint; amygdaloidal, in flat elliptical pieces, ex. many zeolitic minerals, calc-spar, &c.; and liquiform, composed of several rounded masses adhering together, ex. varieties of galena. Elongated forms may be: dentiform, resembling pointed teeth, ex. N.silver; filliform or capilliform, resembling thin wire, straight or twisted, ex. N. silver, gold, argyrose; retiform, in thin threads crossing each other, so as to resemble network, ex. N. silver; dendritic, resembling fir-trees or branches, arising from groups of minute crystals, ex. N. silver, N. copper; coralliform, re- sembling coral, ex. arragonite; stalactitic, resembling stalac tites, an elongated form, with (generally) a botryoidal surface, ex. calcedony, calc-spar, ox. of iron; tubuliform, in tube-like pieces, ex. ox. of iron, &c. Other forms are sometimes men- tioned by authors, but, like the above, they are very vague, and pass into each other. Massive specimens are also found in flat pieces, and in very flat pieces or laminæ. Also in perforated, spongiform, cellular, and vesicular masses. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 45 Structure and Cleavage. The "structure" of minerals is the mode of aggre- gation of the particles of which they are composed. By some authors it is termed "the distinct concretions of minerals ;" and, by WERNER, it was designated as their "foliated fracture.” Lamellar structure is composed of broad distinct concretions of about equal length and breadth. If these concretions extend evenly through their entire length, the structure is said to be "perfectly lamellar;" if otherwise," imperfectly lamellar." When the con- cretions are very thin, the structure is termed laminar or foliated, and it may be either straight or curved. Feldspar and pure varieties of barytine are examples of lamellar structure, and mica, talc, &c., are exam- ples of laminar concretions. Prismatic or Bladed structure consists of long and rather narrow concretions, forming a transition from the lamellar into the fibrous structure. These concre- tions may be straight or curved, and disposed in a regular or confused manner. The term "bladed" is applied to the concretions when flat or thin, as in Kyanite, &c. Examples of "prismatic" structure will be found in amethyst quartz, in certain varieties of barytine, apatite, arragonite, and other minerals. Fibrous structure consists of fibrous, or very thin and capillary, concretions, either straight or curved, 46 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. and disposed in a parallel, radiated, or confused man- ner. Examples of "parallel," "radiated," and "con- fused" fibrous structure, may be found in actynolitic hornblende; of" radiated" structure, also, in stilbite, wavellite, and numerous other minerals. Granular structure is composed of minute or small concretions, having a nearly equal length, breadth, and thickness. It is sometimes divided into coarse and fine granular; examples of both of which kinds may be seen in "primitive limestone" or marble; also in galena, &c. Compact structure is devoid of any distinct concre- tions, and appears to consist of one compact mass. Examples: native gold, silver, copper, and most of the native metals; also chalk, crysocolla, &c. Most minerals which possess the three first kinds of structure, and particularly those possessing the first kind, have also certain structural lines or planes run- ning through them in different and opposite directions, parallel to which they may be split or "cleaved,"- the surfaces produced by the "cleavage" being more or less smooth and polished. These lines or planes are termed "cleavage planes," and from the form produced in, or cut out of, any mineral, by following their directions, has been deduced the doctrine of primary or primitive forms," as explained under the article "Form," section C. 66 Some minerals may be cleaved into definite forms THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 47 with extreme facility, others yield only with the great- est difficulty to the edge of the chisel or cutting pliers. Calcareous spar, for instance, breaks with a slight blow of a hammer into numerous rhombs, and most varieties of galena into small cubes. In some few minerals which possess only traces of cleavage, the "primary form" has been discovered by cutting them very thin, and holding them at night before the strong light of a lamp or candle, so as to perceive the directions of their structural lines; from the meeting of two of which the positions of the others may be generally deduced. Surface. The surfaces of minerals may be either uneven, gra- nulated, rough, smooth, drusy (coated with a number of minute crystals*), or streaked. Streaked or striated surfaces are divided into simply and doubly streaked. Simply streaked consists of striæ running in one direc- tion; and doubly streaked, of striæ running in vari- ous directions. Simply streaked surfaces may be either longitu- dinally streaked, the striæ being parallel with the greatest length, or the length of the lateral planes: ex. topaz, bismuthine, zinkenite; transversely streaked, *Of the same substance or composition as the mineral itself. -7 48 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. the striæ running across, or at right angles to the length of the lateral planes: ex. rock crystal; dia- gonally streaked, the striæ being parallel with the diagonal of the planes: ex. some garnets; or alter- nately streaked, the transverse and longitudinal striæ occurring on alternate planes: ex. some cubical crys- tals of iron pyrites. Doubly-streaked surfaces may be either plumi- formly streaked, the striæ occurring in the form of a feather: ex. some varieties of native bismuth; reti- cularly streaked, the striæ crossing each other either at right angles or obliquely, forming a kind of net- work ex. cobaltine; or scallop-formly streaked, the striæ running in a zig-zag or waved direction: ex. amethyst quartz. : It must be mentioned, that streaked surfaces often arise from a close fibrous structure, or otherwise in- dicate the direction of cleavage planes. Tenacity. This term expresses the relative mobility and co- hesion of the component particles of mineral bodies. It is a character of considerable importance in many The different degrees of tenacity are the fol- cases. lowing:- Brittle, possessed by minerals which grate under THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 49 the knife, and fly off in the form of powder when attempted to be cnt: ex. quartz, feldspar, iron pyrites, &c. Brittle minerals, or metallic globules, also break into powder, when placed on a small anvil and struck by the hammer. Sectile, possessed by minerals which yield in a great degree to the knife, without noise, the particles re- maining on its blade: ex. galena, native bismuth, chalkosine, talc. Sectile minerals also crush into powder under the hammer. Malleable or ductile possessed by minerals which may be cut by the knife, and which flatten into span- gles under the hammer: ex. native gold, silver, cop- per, &c.; also argyrose and other minerals. Transparency. The degrees of transparency or transmission of light, as possessed by minerals, are the following:- : 0. Opaque, or devoid of transparency ex. Chalk, and all minerals of a true metallic aspect. 1. Translucent on the edges: ex. Cerite, Gadolinite. 2. Translucent: ex. Feldspar. 3. Semi-transparent: ex. Calcedonic Quartz. 4. Transparent: ex. Rock Crystal, pure Calc-spar, &c. The whole of the above terms explain themselves. The numerals attached to each degree are sometimes F 50 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. employed instead of the words at full length, to denote the various degrees of transparency possessed by minerals. Note.-Transparent minerals are either singly-refracting or doubly-refracting, presenting, in the latter case, a double view of any thin object (such as a pin or ruled line) over which they may be placed. Transparent calc-spar, and particularly the limpid variety from Iceland, is well known to possess and show very distinctly this curious property, which is, without doubt, intimately connected with the crystalline structure of minerals. For a further consideration of this subject, we refer those rea- ders who may wish to follow it up to complete treatises on optics. Degree of Lustre. This character is totally distinct from the Kind of Lustre, or Aspect of Minerals, and of very inferior consequence. It bears the same relation to trans- parency as reflected does to refracted light. The degrees of lustre are the following, the numerals attached to each degree being sometimes made use of, in the same manner as those attached to the degrees of transparency described above. 0. Dull, devoid of lustre : ex. Chalk, Fuller's Earth. 1. Glimmering: ex. Massive Chlorite. 2. Glistening, or weakly shining: ex. Native Arsenic. 3. Shining: ex. Rock Crystal. 4. Splendent, or strongly shining: ex. Galena (most varieties). These terms sufficiently explain themselves. The THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 51 external and internal lustre of minerals is often very different: thus, Idocrase is splendent externally, and but weakly shining internally,-Gadolinite, dull ex- ternally, and shining internally. This character is, however, of no very great utility. Fracture. A character, also, of subordinate importance. It is the appearance of the surfaces produced on breaking a mineral in any direction, except in that of its na- tural joints or cleavage planes, which ought to be always smooth and more or less shining. The different appearances of fractured surfaces are the following:- Even: ex. basanite, a var. of quartz; slaty: ex. common roofing slate; conchoidal, presenting convex and concave depressions and elevations, usually ac- companied with concentric wrinkles, as in numerous shells, from whence the name is derived. This kind of fracture is generally combined with a vitreous as- pect ex. quartz, obsidian, gadolinite; uneven or indented: ex. iron pyrites, &c.; hackly, presenting numerous sharp and jagged points, a fracture peculiar to the native metals: ex. copper, silver, &c. Earthy, is merely a fine-grained, uneven fracture, joined to a very weak or dull lustre: ex. chalk. 52 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Form of Fragments. This refers to the shapes of the small masses or fragments produced by striking any mineral sharply with the hammer. These forms are usually divided into regular and irregular shapes, but the former are bounded by cleavage planes, and are described in the article Cleavage, as the small cubes of galena, &c. They are, in fact, "primary or primitive forms," and have therefore been described before. The irregular fragments are: cuneiform, splintery, tabular, blunt-edged angular, and sharp-edged angular. These terms need no further consideration, as the character is very unimportant, and of little or no use in the discrimination of minerals. Frangibility. This term comprises the relative degrees of cohesion of the particles of minerals, but differs both from hardness and tenacity. In trying the frangibility of minerals, we attempt to break them, either with the fingers or the hammer. Minerals may be either very easily frangible, as laumonite; easily frangible, as the common varieties of galena: or difficultly fran- gible or tough, as hornblende. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 53 Flexibility. A character possessed by very few minerals, but still, as such, of use in their discrimination. Mine- rals may be either simply flexible, as talc, chlorite, molybdenite, and thin pieces of selenite; or elastically flexible, as mica-springing back when bent, to their original positions. Touch. This character, of little importance, expresses the sensation which some minerals impart to the touch. This sensation may be either very greasy, ex. talc; greasy, ex. steatite; rather greasy, ex. asbestus; or meagre, ex. chalk. The sensation of a greater or less degree of cold depends upon the high or low specific gravity of minerals. Soiling. A character chiefly possessed by decomposed, or impure, varieties of minerals, but appertaining also to some few perfect specimens. All minerals which soil or stain are, of course, more or less friable, or com- posed of loosely-cohering particles. The reader will find the greater part of these minerals (those pos- F 2 54 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. sessing a non-metallic aspect) grouped together at page 28 of 'Practical Mineralogy.' Odour. This character is confined to a very few minerals. Some emit naturally a degree of odour, which is either bituminous, as in mineral pitch, or very faintly sul- phureous, as in native sulphur. In others, odour is produced by breathing strongly on them, in which case it is similar to that of clay, but this is a very in- definite character. Odour is also produced in some minerals by friction; thus, two pieces of quartz rubbed together emit an empyreumatic odour; iron pyrites, when struck by the hammer, yield a sulphureous odour; and arsenic pyrites or mispickel an alliaceous (garlic-like) odour. Finally, odour is developed in some minerals by the application of heat; but this will be treated of in describing the Use of the Blowpipe, which see. Sound. A character of scarcely any use. Rock crystal and some other minerals (particularly if of a long and thin shape) emit, when struck, a ringing sound. Native amalgam, on being pressed between the fingers, or cut with a knife, gives out a creaking sound. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 55 Adhesion to the Tongue. A character possessed only by such minerals as freely imbibe moisture: ex. keffekil or meerschaum, lithomarge, &c. This character is common to almost all earthy mechanical mixtures and decomposed spe- cimens. Taste. A confined yet very characteristic property, pos- sessed by such minerals as are soluble in water. It may be either saline, as in rock salt; sweetish- astringent, as in alum; stypic and metallic, as in melantherite; bitter, as in Epsomite; cooling, as in nitre; pungent and alkaline, as in natron; urinous, as in sal ammoniac; or acid, as in sulphuric acid. Magnetism. This character, though of limited application, is in many cases a very important one. To try if a mine- ral possess the property of magnetism, a small mag- netic needle, with its centre to turn on, is necessary ; and this little apparatus may be purchased at the opti- cian's for about three shillings, in a thin ivory case. not much larger than a thick pencil, and especially adapted for the purposes of the travelling minera- 56 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. logist. The only metals which attract the magnet are, iron, nickel, and cobalt; and there are very few mi- nerals which affect it in their natural state, but many do so after exposure to the action of the blowpipe. All minerals which attract the magnet act equally on both poles, with the exception of one-the aiman- tine or magnetic oxide of iron, which attracts one pole and repels the other. This magnetic property is termed "polarity," and it may be always observed by bringing two magnets together, when the cor- responding poles will immediately repel each other; but the north pole of one will attract the south pole of the other, and vice versa. The aimantine being a natural magnet, possesses therefore, of course, this property. Electricity. To observe whether a mineral possess this cha- racter or not, a small instrument, termed "an elec- trometer” (pl. I, fig. 2), is necessary; we will, there- fore, describe this instrument, and the method of using it, before entering into a consideration of the character of electricity, as possessed by minerals. A (pl. I, fig. 2) is a stem or support of brass, ter- minating in a fine point, upon which plays a thin brass wire, with a centre, and having at each end a THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 57 small pith ball, B. C represents a small glass cap- sule, upon which the instrument must be placed so as to be "insulated," before being used. Electricity is of two kinds : positive and negative, or vitreous and resinous, as these kinds were formerly termed; the one being excited by the friction of smooth glass, and the other by that of sealing-wax, amber, or any other resinous substance. Like electricities mutually repel, unlike mutually attract, each other. Thus, two bodies, both vitreously or both resinously electrified, repel each other; but two bodies, one vitreously and the other resinously electrified, attract each other. Electricity is produced in minerals either by heat or friction, and occasionally by the mere pressure of the fingers, as in limpid calcareous spar. To try if a mineral possess the property of elec- tricity, first rub it briskly for a few minutes with a woollen cloth, and then present it to one of the pith balls of the electrometer; secondly, heat it gently through, and do the same; if in either case, or both cases, it attract the ball, then it possesses electricity, and the more strongly, the greater the distance at which it affects it. 66 Having thus discovered that a mineral possesses electricity," we next seek to discover which of the two kinds this electricity may be, and for that pur- pose proceed as follows:- 58 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. First, let the electrometer be insulated, by being placed on a support of glass, or sealing-wax. Secondly, excite a glass tube by friction, and placing one finger on the brass stem of the instru- ment, hold the excited tube near one of the pith balls for a short time. Then remove the finger, and after- wards the glass tube. The ball will now be vitreously or positively electrified: and if an excited mineral repel it, on being brought near, the mineral will be known to possess the same kind of electricity, as like electricities repel each other; but if it attract the ball, then it will possess the resinous or negative elec- tricity. A stick of sealing-wax may be used, of course, instead of the glass tube, but in that case the operator must remember that the ball will be negatively electrified. I have given the above description, as electrometers (or more properly, electroscopes) of this form, having brass supports, are usually found in mineralogical or blowpipe cases, as fitted up at the instrument makers'. A more simple, and, at the same time, a superior support, may be made out of a piece of narrow glass tube, by drawing out one end in the flame of the spirit lamp to a fine point (on which the needle is to play), and by inserting the other end into a piece of cork, so as to form a secure stand for the insulated apparatus, in using which the intervention of the left hand is of course unnecessary. THE EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. 59 A still simpler electroscope may be formed by passing through a small pith or cork ball (made as light as possible) a very thin silken thread, or if pro- curable, a fibre of raw silk, which being, when per- fectly dry (like the glass stem described above) a non- conductor, it has only to be attached to any convenient support, so as to let the ball hang freely. If this ball be now electrified by an excited tube of glass or sealing-wax, it will be repelled or attracted by sub- stances positively or negatively electrified, as before explained. Should the operator not have a piece of pith or cork at hand, a fragment of paper or a small feather may be made use of, but they must be pre- viously well dried. * In conclusion, we have to remark, that crystallized minerals excited by heat generally possess at their extremities, or on opposite planes, different kinds of electricity-as the tourmaline, topaz, boracite, &c. * A simple experiment with this easily-formed instrument will illustrate the fact that like electricities repel each other. Stick a pin horizontally into the wall (in a corner of the room free from currents of air), and attach to it the silken thread with its appendage. Then bring a stick of excited sealing- wax near the ball or paper, and observe that this will be imme- diately attracted to it. After a moment, remove the sealing- wax, and again bring it near; the ball or paper will now be repelled, and cling to the wall, having become possessed, by the former operation, of a portion of the electricity of the excited wax. 60 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Phosphorescence. This is the property, possessed by some few minerals, of emitting, by heat or friction, a faint light. It is, however, a very uncertain character, as there are varieties of the same substance which do and do not possess it, or rather, in which it can and cannot be developed. If two pieces of quartz, or of some varieties of zinc- blende or calc-spar, be rubbed strongly together in the dark, they will present, on the rubbed surface, a luminous appearance. Most varieties of fluor-spar, apatite, wavellite, and a few other minerals, give out pale purplish or greenish phosphorescent light when placed on a live coal, or when heated in a small test tube over the spirit lamp, which latter process has the advantage of retaining decrepitating substances, as fluor-spar. Minerals which become phosphorescent by heat will be found to contain almost invariably either fluorine, chlorine, phosphoric acid, boracic acid, or the salts of baryta, strontia, lime, or zinc. Phos- phorescence is intimately connected with the subject of "coloured flames,” which will be treated of in de- scribing the uses of the blowpipe. THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 61 THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. THESE characters are the effects produced on minerals by the action of acids and of the blowpipe, and com- prehend, in an extended sense, their qualitative ana- lysis. The complete, or quantitative, analysis of minerals, although of course essentially a "chemical character," or a producer of "chemical characters," is scarcely within the province of the general mine- ralogist, in whom a perfect knowledge of all the ab- struse processes of chemistry is never expected. The solubility of minerals in water, is also a "chemical character;" but as all soluble minerals possess a taste, this character is described amongst the physical cha- racters of minerals above. Action of Acids. The effects produced on minerals by the action of acids are effervescence, solubility, partial solubility producing a gelatinous mass, &c. To develop these effects, the mineral should be reduced to powder, and placed in a small test-tube or other vessel, and the acid, either pure or diluted, must then be gently poured over it. The application of heat is sometimes necessary, in which case a spirit lamp is made use of, and the mineral and acid supported over it in a test- tube, watch-glass, or small capsule of Berlin porcelain, or of platinum, by means of a thin bent wire. The lamp, when not in use, should have a small G 62 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. glass cap fitted over it, to prevent the spirit from evaporating, as shown at fig. 3, pl. I. A lamp of this kind may be purchased for a shilling, or it may be made by procuring a small short bottle, and passing a narrow piece of glass tubing through the cork, to form a neck for the wick. The cap may be made out of a piece of wider tube, stopped at one end by hold- ing it in the flame till the sides converge. The spirit should never be allowed to get hot. The acids chiefly used are: Nitric acid, Hydro- chloric (or Muriatic) acid, and Sulphuric acid. These must be kept in bottles, with glass stoppers and caps, as their fumes soon destroy cork. It may not be un- necessary to remind the beginner that these acids are highly deleterious, destroying the clothes, &c., if dropped upon them, and strongly staining the hands. They should, therefore, be kept locked up, and out of the reach of servants and inexperienced persons. Description, Manipulation, and Action of the Blow- pipe, and of its accompanying Apparatus. By means of the blowpipe, and the flame of a lamp or common candle, we are enabled to expose a small fragment of any substance to a degree of heat as intense as that of a furnace. Blowpipe operations, besides their rapid execution, have, moreover, the ad- vantage (over those of the furnace) of concealing THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 63 nothing from the operator, every change in the frag- ment experimented upon being at once exposed to view. A. Description of the Blowpipe.-The blowpipe, in its most simple form, is a narrow tube of glass or metal, having one extremity bent round at right. angles to the stem, and terminating in a point with a very fine orifice. This form of blowpipe has the dis- advantage of letting the water formed by the con- densed breath, after using it for a short time, be blown out into the flame, thereby causing a certain interrup- tion or inconvenience. This disadvantage is best remedied by having a chamber or space below the bent part of the tube, into which the condensed breath flows, and remains, without occasioning any inconvenience, during the longest operation. The blowpipes represented by figs. 5 and 6 are of this im- proved form, and the reader will find various other kinds figured in the catalogues of the chemical in- strument makers, but which we refrain from describ- ing here, as they possess no greater advantages, and are merely modifications of the same instrument. Fig. 7 is another form of blowpipe, exceedingly useful on account of its portability, as, when closed, it does not exceed a pencil-case in size. We proceed to describe these three blowpipes separately. Fig. 5 is called "Black's Blowpipe.". A is a * From having been first brought into notice by Dr Black, 64 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. tube of japanned tinned iron plate, about seven or eight inches long, according to the convenience and sight of the operator. B is a narrow tube of brass, either soldered or fitting tightly at right angles into the stem A, at about half an inch from its lower and wider extremity. C is a moveable nozzle of brass or platinum, having a very fine and perfectly round orifice. This blowpipe may be purchased (with a brass nozzle) for a shilling or eighteenpence; and the large tube being made of tinned iron, it does not give out any disagreeable odour of verdigris, such as the brass tubes are very liable to do after a few months' use. In point of power, this blowpipe is also equal, if not superior, to any other kind. Fig. 6 represents "Gahn's or Berzelius's Blow- pipe." A is the stem (usually furnished with an ivory or horn mouthpiece); B the reservoir to hold the condensed breath; C the short tube (about an inch and a half or two inches long), fitting at right angles into the reservoir; and D the small nozzle or jet. This blowpipe is usually made of silver or brass, and costs, if of the former material, about twenty-five shillings; or, if formed of brass, about six or seven shillings cheaper sorts may, however, be had, but they are scarcely to be recommended. The small nozzles, both of this and the preceding blowpipe, should, if possible, be made of platinum, as, when soiled, which they are almost certain to be every third or fourth time the blowpipe is used, they may be in- THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 65 stantly rendered bright and clean again by heating them to redness on a piece of charcoal. These nozzles cost half-a-crown each, and when sold they have generally an exceedingly minute orifice, which must be carefully enlarged with the point of a fine needle, so as to make it perfectly round and smooth; and this must be particularly attended to, or good results will never be obtained. If the orifice should become misshapen or too large, the nozzle must be placed (point upwards) on a small anvil, and struck two or three times gently with the hammer, so as to close it again, after which it may be re-shaped with the needle. The proper size of the orifice may be known from the following remarks: if too small, the whole of the flame will not be thrown out of its vertical position (see further on); and if too large, it will be ragged, and make a roaring noise, or appear to have a hole through its centre. Fig. 7 is the blowpipe invented by Dr Wollaston. It is usually made of brass, and consists of three pieces, which (when not in use) slip one within the other, as shown at fig. 8, so as to be conveniently carried in the waistcoat pocket. When soiled, the orifice must be cleaned with a fine needle; and after being used, it should always be wiped whilst still warm, as the grease and dirt have then not time to harden. The price of a well-made brass blowpipe of this kind is about six shillings. G 2 66 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. B. Of the Combustible for the Blowpipe flame.- This may either be a common tallow candle, a wax candle, or olive oil in a lamp with a flat wick. Com- mon gas is also occasionally used, but it is not superior to the flame of a good lamp, and can of course only be employed in particular places, where a gas-pipe may chance to be laid on. Of these combustibles the beginner will find a candle to be the most convenient, as it can be used in a moment without any previous preparation; whereas the lamp requires a little ma- nagement before it can be made to burn clearly and steadily, and does not, besides, possess the portability of the candle. Wax candles are infinitely superior to tallow, as they yield a clearer and stronger flame, last longer, and do not soil, or communicate when handled, any disagreeable odour. The wicks of candles must be snuffed as short as possible, without lowering or weakening the flame, and bent slightly to the left of the operator, or away from the inserted nozzle of the blowpipe, supposing him to hold that instrument always in his right hand. (See § C.) The use of candles with the blowpipe has this dis- advantage, namely that in using charcoal as a sup- port for the assay (see § E and § F), the radiant heat. from its surface causes the wax or tallow to gutter over, and burn away very rapidly-a circumstance of course prevented by the use of a lamp. This may, however, be remedied in a degree by using only small 20 THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 67 pieces of charcoal, when, except in some difficult cases of reduction (see § I, 2), the above inconvenience will scarcely be felt. In simple trials of fusibility, &c., the wax candle is quite sufficient; and for some operations, as the production of coloured flames (see § I, 5), it is superior to the lamp. The best form of lamp is that shown at fig. 11. It is the invention of BERZELIUs, and is termed "Ber- zelius's blowpipe lamp." B is the body of the lamp, of an oval form, four inches long and one inch wide, and made of tinned iron, painted and varnished, or japanned, on the outside. C is a brass projecting piece and cap, the cap screwing on the inside of the projecting piece, and being furnished with a collar of leather (previously soaked in melted wax), which presses tightly on its rim when screwed home, and prevents effectually the escape of any oil from the lamp during journeys. Within the projecting piece is a flat wick-holder, three quarters of an inch across, made of tinned iron plate. A is the supporting stem for this lamp, and consists of two thin brass rods (each about five inches long) screwing together, and fitting also at one end, by screwing, into two cross pieces of metal (usually bronze or brass), as represented by D D. The lamp is connected to the stem A by a small cylinder of tinned iron soldered to its back, and which retains its hold on the stem either by simple friction or by means of a screw. 68 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. When packed for travelling, or in the blowpipe case, the two flat pieces (composing the foot) are placed one above the other, and the two thin rods (forming the stem) will then lie side by side on the upper one, when the whole may be tied together, and placed in one compartment of the box, the cylindrical body of the lamp fitting into another division. The price of a lamp of the above description varies from six to ten shillings, but cheaper kinds, with a support and foot of wood, not adapted for travelling, may be had for two shillings. C. Method of using the Blowpipe.-The effect in- tended to be produced in using the blowpipe is to force through it from the mouth a continual stream of air of several minutes' duration, or for as long a time as it may be necessary to sustain the blast. This to beginners is always a difficult and troublesome operation, but one, however, that requires merely a little patience and perseverance to be thoroughly over- come in the course of two or three days. Before at- tempting to use the blowpipe, the following observations are to be borne in mind-namely, that a very strong blast is not required, and prevents the breath from being properly economized-the common fault of be- ginners being to blow too impetuously; and secondly, that the stream of air is not to be forced directly from the lungs, as such would be injurious, and soon exhaust the operator, but that the mouth is to be filled with THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 69 air, the passage to the lungs to be stopped by pressing the tongue against the roof of the mouth, and this air to be forced gently through the blowpipe by the con- traction or compression of the cheeks and lips, the operator breathing at the same time through his nostrils. This, which seems difficult in the explana- tion, is rendered very easy by practice. The first thing to be done is to puff out the cheeks and keep the mouth full of air, while several inspira- tions and expirations are made through the nostrils. After practising this simple process for a short time, so as to be able to breathe without difficulty, the mouthpiece of the blowpipe may be introduced gently between the lips, and the small nozzle, being placed just above the wick of a candle (see § B) a little within the flame, the air may be expelled through it (by compressing the cheeks) so as to throw the flame into a horizontal position (see § D), as represented by fig 4, pl. I. To perform this, the operator should sit before the candle (the flame of which ought to be at about the level of his mouth), and resting his elbow on the table, he must hold the blowpipe in his right hand, as near to the bottom or reservoir of the main pipe as con- venient, and turn its short pipe (with the nozzle) to- wards his left side, making it touch the flame as directed above. The following diagram will then re- 70 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. present the positions of the operator, table, blowpipe, and candle. It is advisable at first not to attempt to direct the flame on O any object until able to produce a steady and well-sustained blast, which practice alone will enable the beginner to do. D. Different Parts of Flame.-If we examine the flame of a lamp or candle, we shall find it to be com- posed of three distinct parts-namely, a dark nucleus in the centre, formed by the unconsumed gases which issue from the wick, and which cannot burn for want of air; secondly, a bright luminous cone surrounding this dark nucleus, and formed by the partial combus- tion of the evolved gases (the carbon separating from the carburetted hydrogen in the state of an intense white heat); and thirdly, a thin and feebly luminous mantle surrounding the whole flame, being scarcely visible at the sides, but forming at the base a cup- shaped portion of a deep blue colour. In this outer flame the gases yet unconsumed burn freely, being abundantly supplied with oxygen from the surround- ing air, and it is here that the greatest degree of heat is situated. Now if we urge a small stream of air into the flame of any combustible, it is immediately deflected into a horizontal position (see fig. 4, pl. I), and oxygen, before supplied only to the external surface, is now THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 71 thrown into its very centre, causing the complete combustion of the gases, which burn in the form of a small blue cone surrounded by a pointed flame of a yellow colour. The change effected is, in the words of BERZELIUS, "somewhat the same as if the flame had been turned inside out." At the point of this blue cone is concentrated all the heat which before was spread over the external surface; and the surrounding yellow flame prevents the heat thus concentrated from escaping. All bodies containing oxygen are soon deprived of it, if held just before the point of the blue cone (but. not within it), and this flame is therefore called the Reducing Flame, though somewhat erroneously. See § I, 2.) All bodies (with a few exceptions, as platinum) are oxygenised if held just before the point of the outer or yellow cone, which, for that reason, is generally termed (though also somewhat erroneously) the Oxidating Flame. (See § I, 1.) In simply trying whether a body be fusible or not, it is of course to be held in the hottest part of the whole flame, that is to say, just at the point (so as to be touched by it) of the inner or blue cone. (See § I, 4.) E. Size and Shape of the Assay.-The term "assay" is used for brevity's sake, to express the small frag- ment of a mineral which we submit to examination before the blowpipe. 72 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. This fragment should, in general, be about as large as the head of a common-sized pin, or a grain of mustard seed, and occasionally even smaller. It is almost always, by attempting to operate on fragments of too large a bulk, that beginners fail in producing satisfactory results. The assay should, if possible, be of an angular or pointed shape, and thin at the edges, as this form is more easily acted upon by the flame than small round or square masses. In operating upon very easily fusible substances, however, the shape of the assay is of little consequence. A thin pointed scale, with the point exposed to the flame, is the best shape for trying the fusibility of minerals of difficult fusion, or indeed of any mineral whatsoever. (See § I, 4.) If the assay can only be obtained in the form of powder, it must be made to adhere by means of a drop of water, and placed in a cavity of the charcoal, and after a slight exposure to the flame (if it do not fuse) the cohering mass may be held in the platinum forceps (see § F, 2), and exposed, with its edge to the flame, to a greater degree of heat. F. Supports for the Assay.-These may be either Charcoal, Platinum (in the form of forceps, foil, or wire), or Glass (in the form of tubes, either closed at one end, or open at both ends). F. 1. Charcoal.-This must be well burnt, and free from knots or cracks. The best for blowpipe pur- poses is the "alder charcoal," which may be pur- THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 73 chased at the instrument makers in London and most large towns, for about a shilling per pound. If living in retired situations, the operator should take care to provide himself with a store of this substance, which must be kept in a tin box loosely lined with soft Half a pound will last, with proper management, for a long time, and in travelling, one or two good sticks, if economised, will be sufficient for thirty or forty assays. paper. The ends, or horizontal sections, of the sticks of charcoal are to be used to support a mineral before the blowpipe flame, and a small orifice must be cut or scooped in them to hold the assay, and prevent it from falling off. When the sticks of charcoal become reduced to small pieces, they may be held in a pair of small steel tongs, and so presented to the flame F. 2. Platinum Forceps.-These are rather steel or brass forceps with platinum tips. Their use is to hold small splinters of minerals in the blowpipe flame, which, however powerful it may be, has no effect on platinum. This metal, however, must never be used as a support for easily reducible substances, as most of the ores of the common metals, nor for any substance evolving chlorine, sulphur, &c., or it will be fused into holes, or otherwise damaged. All substances possessing a metallic lustre, and all very heavy substances of a non-metallic aspect, should therefore be first tried upon charcoal, or upon an H 74 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. already damaged piece of platinum foil, which may be kept at hand for that purpose. Very soon, how- ever, the student will be able to determine by its external characters, if a mineral be easily reducible or not, except perhaps in some few peculiar cases. Fig. 9, pl. I, represents the best kind of forceps. A A are two thin plates of hardened steel, joined together by a wedge-shaped piece B, of the same metal, and each having a flat piece of platinum, P P, riveted to one extremity. These platinum points are kept closed by the pressure or "spring" of the steel blades, and they are opened by pressing the finger and thumb against the buttons of two small steel pegs, C C, each of which passes through one blade, and is riveted to the other. The price of these forceps is seven shillings. Another and cheaper kind of forceps is represented by fig. 10. A is a flat piece of brass, having its two ends (which are narrower than the middle) riveted together at about half an inch from their extremities, to which are fastened two very flat slips of platinum with pointed tips. These are opened by pressing the flat sides of the brass shank A, which being held in blowpipe operations by the thin edges, no inconvenience is felt from the heat during the strongest blast. The price of these forceps is three shillings; they may be purchased at Knight's, in Foster lane, and probably at other places. THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 75 Another kind, somewhat similar to the last, has the shank of iron wire bent into a sort of spring nippers. The price is, I believe, about four shillings. The great advantage which the forceps, described above, possess over other kinds, is that they always remain closed except when pressed upon by the finger and thumb, owing to which any fragment may be taken up by them in the left hand and firmly retained, whilst the right hand is engaged with the blowpipe. This cannot be done with the other sorts, which are, besides, just as expensive; we therefore pass them over without notice (and the more so, as they may be seen at every instrument maker's), merely remarking that the kind whose extremities are fashioned like two earpicks, or a small cup and cover (fig. 10a), is some- times useful for holding decrepitating minerals,* or heating substances out of the contact of the air. Their price varies from six to eight shillings. F. 3. Platinum Foil.-This must be selected thin, and cut into slips about two inches long, and half or three-eighths of an inch broad. The mineral to be examined must be folded in one end, or sustained there by turning up the corners; and, as platinum conducts heat very slowly, the other end may be held in the fingers without inconvenience. Platinum foil * A small glass test-tube is, however, equally serviceable for this purpose. See further on. 76 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. may very well replace the "earpick" forceps de- scribed above, for decrepitating substances, which can be folded in it, and so prevented from dispersing; two shillings' worth of thin foil will make several slips of the above size. It should be mentioned, as stated by BERZELIUS, that when we wish at the same time to heat and oxidize any substance supported on this material, the flame is to be directed against the under surface of the foil, immediately below the assay. F. 4. Platinum Wire.-This is still more useful than the foil, and is extensively employed for the fusion of minerals with various fluxes or reagents. The wire must be chosen rather thin-that is to say, of a diameter just wide enough to withstand the force. of the blast without bending; and it should be kept in lengths of about three or four inches, having each extremity bent into a small hook (see fig. 4, D). The use of this hook is, to hold small portions of the fluxes, &c., in the blowpipe flame, the hook or flux being first moistened with a drop of water, or by the mouth, so as to make the particles cohere. Being then submitted to the flame, the flux will immediately fuse into a small globule, which, if it appear brown or smoked, must be kept in the blast till it become transparent, or at least colourless, as some fluxes melt into opaque globules. (See Fluxes and Reagents, § H.) Fig. 4, E, represents one extremity of a pla- THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 77 tinum wire twisted into a kind of double loop, which is intended to hold microcosmic salt (see § H) in the blowpipe flame, as that reagent in fusing is rarely retained by the single hook, unless it be very narrow. After fusing the flux or reagent, as above directed, we add to it a few particles of the mineral which we wish to examine, either by taking them up with the still hot flux, or by attaching them to it, by wetting it. when cool. We then expose the whole to the action of the blowpipe-first before the outer, and secondly before the inner flame-noting carefully the changes or phenomena which take place, both whilst the bead is hot and when cold. We refer the reader to § H for further particulars respecting the fusion of minerals with reagents upon this and other supports. When we wish to detach the globules from these wires, we must be careful in attempting to break them off, or the hooks will come off also; it is therefore best to dissolve them in a little water, or weak acid; and it is, in fact, always advisable to keep the wires in a small corked bottle or test-tube containing water. A shilling's worth of thin platinum wire will be sufficient to make several supports, two of which, at least, should always be kept ready for experiments. F. 5. Glass Tubes closed at one end.-These should be of the hard white Bohemian, or pale-green glass, and the operator should possess several of different. forms. Fig. 13 represents four sorts, of which C is H 2 78 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. fashioned like a common test-tube, and A has a large bulb blown out at the closed extremity, being chiefly used to detect the presence of water in minerals when heated over the small spirit-lamp (fig. 3). B and D are used for subliming arsenic, sulphur, &c., from the minerals which contain these elements, and they are "drawn out" or made narrow towards the closed end, in order to prevent combustion from the access or cir- culation of air. The most useful sizes of these tubes are those about two and a half and three inches long, the price of which varies from twopence to fourpence each. For further particulars, see § I, 3. F. 6. Glass Tubes open at both ends.-These must be made of the same kind of glass as the above; flint glass containing lead (which may be known by its turning black before the point of the inner flame, the lead being reduced) is utterly useless for blowpipe purposes. The length of these tubes should be about four inches, and their internal diameter one-eighth of an inch. The price of tubing of this size of Bohemian glass is about twopence farthing per foot. This sup- port is used for roasting minerals or subliming certain of their constituents, and the assay is to be placed within the tube, at about an inch from one extremity, and the flame directed upon the outside of the tube immediately beneath it. The position of the tube must be generally inclined, but it may be either raised to a vertical position, or lowered to a horizontal THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 79 one, according as we wish to increase or diminish the current of air through it. See also § I, 3. G. Other necessary or useful Instruments. — A small agate mortar and pestle. The bottom of the mortar should be somewhat transparent, for the reason shown at § I, 2. Its external diameter need not ex- ceed an inch and a half, nor its height half an inch. The price of a mortar of this size is about six shillings, but cheaper, though far less useful kinds, may be had of Berlin porcelain for a shilling, or of thick glass for sixpence each. A mortar of hard steel, composed of two pieces, with a tightly-fitting pestle, is also useful for crushing hard substances; but it is rather expen- sive, and the hammer and anvil will answer the same purpose. A small microscope or pocket-lens, for examining the assays after exposure to the blowpipe, the colours which they impart to the reagents, the results of sub- limation, &c. It may be had of all prices, but in a neat tortoise-shell case to protect the glass, for half-a- crown or three shillings. The price of the small powerful Codington lens varies from seven shillings to a guinea. A knife with a straight blade, having a slightly rounded point. It is used to mix the fluxes with the powdered assay, to knead them in the palm of the left hand, to try the hardness or streak of any mineral, &c. Knives made for mineralogical purposes have at the 80 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. bottom of the handle a strong piece of polished steel, which serves, in a degree, the purpose of a hammer. A small hammer of hardened steel. One face must be square, with sharp edges, for trying the malleability of substances, and the opposite end should be bevelled off like a chisel, to detach small fragments of minerals, &c. The price of a hammer of this kind is eighteen- pence. A small block of hardened steel, about two inches square and three-quarters of an inch thick, polished upon one or more of its faces. It should have a cover of wash-leather to protect it from rust. To test the malleability of the reduced globules of metal, as ob- tained by the blowpipe, or of small fragments of mi- nerals, we fold them in a piece of thin paper, and placing them on a polished face of this little anvil, strike them one or two smart blows with the flat face of the hammer, after which, unfolding the paper (which prevents the substance from dispersing, and the corner of which may be held during the operation by the fore-finger of the left hand), we find either a flat shining spangle, or some powder. In the former case, the globule would be malleable; in the latter, brittle. If the bottom of the anvil be unpolished, mineral specimens may be broken into shape upon it. The price of an anvil of this description is about three shillings. THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 81 Two or three fine hard files, for trying the degrees of hardness of minerals, cutting glass tube, &c. A magnetic needle and centre. An electrometer. A small spirit-lamp. These have been already de- scribed. A platinum spatula is also very useful, but it is expensive; and the blade of the knife, just de- scribed, supplies well enough its place in blowpipe operations. A washing-bottle for reducing experiments. (See § I, 2.) This is a common flask or bottle, having a small glass tube with a very fine external orifice passed through its tightly-fitting cork. If, after half filling the bottle with water, and inserting the cork, we blow through this fine orifice for a few seconds, and then invert the bottle, a minute stream of water will be expelled through it, as shown at fig. 12, owing to the dilatation of the compressed air within. The price of a bottle of this kind is one shilling. In tra- velling, the small tube only need be carried about, as it can be adapted to almost any bottle. The tube itself may also be made from a piece of common glass tubing, by drawing out one extremity in the flame of the spirit lamp. A small spoon (bowl about half an inch in diameter), made of very thin iron or steel, with a cover, and wooden handle. Price about half-a-crown. One or two small capsules of platinum, also of Berlin porcelain, for heating acid solutions over the 82 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. spirit lamp, and also for holding the small mineral fragments to be examined, &c. A few bent iron wires, to support the above, or better still, a small jointed triangle of brass, which may be made to fit over the stem of the blowpipe lamp, described in § B. A pair of small steel tongs for trimming the lamp, and other purposes. (See § H. 1, note.) The price of these tongs is one shilling. A few test tubes of hard German glass, and a tube- holder, made of japanned tinned iron plate, and so constructed as to shut flat when not in use. This is done by attaching together the four pieces of which it is composed, by means of hinged joints. The price of a test-tube holder of this description is eighteen- pence. Tinned iron plate, japanned, is less costly than brass, and infinitely preferable. A tray of sheet iron, not tinned, in which the lamp or candle is to be placed during operations, and which serves to retain the assay if it should fall, or be blown off its support. A common earthenware dish may serve, however, as a substitute for this tray. The following articles will also be found useful, and should therefore be included in the complete minera- logical chest. A pair of strong cutting pliers, for detaching small portions from a specimen without injuring it. These may be had combined with a pair of common pliers. THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 83 A small vice. A good pieces of cork. pair of scissors. Two or three A set of cork borers ("Griffin's pattern"). A thin saw blade, for sawing the char- coal into shape. A small funnel of Berlin porcelain, or of glass. Some iron and brass wire. Three or four small cloths, about a foot square, made of thin material (such as diaper), for wiping the blowpipe, agate mortar, and other articles. Some wash-leather, &c. A few other instruments of minor importance will probably occur to the operator in the course of practice; and should he extend his researches beyond the bounds of mineralogy into those of its parent che- mistry, he will of course require a much more complex and expensive set of apparatus. H. Blowpipe Reagents, and method of using them.-- The term "reagent" is applied to any substance which, on being added in particular manners to other substances, produces in them peculiar changes or phenomena, whereby their nature is made known to us. Thus, if a little borax or microcosmic salt be added to a few minute particles of a mineral contain- ing cobalt, and the whole be then fused together, the melted bead will become of a fine blue colour. Borax and microcosmic salt (especially the former) are therefore excellent reagents or tests, when used in this manner, for detecting the presence of cobalt in mine- ral substances. The principal blowpipe reagents (some of which are often termed fluxes) are the following:- > 84 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. H. 1. Carbonate of Soda.-For brevity's sake, in mineralogical works, this flux or reagent is simply termed "soda." It must (as well as every other re- agent) be perfectly pure; and before using it, the operator should test if it contain any sulphuric acid or not, as sulphate of lime is often mixed with the car- bonate of soda of commerce. This may be done by simply fusing a little of it before the point of the blue or inner blowpipe flame,* either on charcoal or the platinum wire, when, if it contain sulphuric acid, the melted bead will become (instead of being colourless) of a yellowish, reddish, or brown colour, according to the quantity of the intermixed sulphate. In using this reagent on charcoal, it will be found to sink into the support; but on continuing the blast, it will rise again to the surface, and act (if able to do so) on the mineral attempted to be fused with it. The method of mixing this flux, as well as the two follow- ing, with any substance, prior to exposure to the blow- pipe flame, is described in the accompanying directions. First, moisten the point of the knife-blade or spatula, and dip it into the pounded flux. Secondly, wet the palm of the left hand with the tongue, and knead upon * The reader will please to observe that the following abbre- viations will often be made use of in the subsequent pages of this work:-O. F. signifies the point of the outer or yellow flame; I. F. signifies the point of the inner or blue flame; C. signifies charcoal; P. F. platinum foil; P. W. platinum wire; S. carbo- nate of soda; B. borax; M. S. microcosmic salt. THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 85 the spot, the particles adhering to the blade, so as to make them cohere. Thirdly, place the paste thus formed on its support, and fuse it into a globule. Fourthly, reduce to powder the mineral fragment to be examined, and make a small quantity adhere to this globule by wetting it; the whole may be then fused together. Or, the powdered mineral may be added to the flux before fusion, being kneaded with it in the palm of the left hand, as described in the second stage of the proceeding, and this method is perhaps prefer- able in some cases. The beginner is here cautioned, in all experiments, to add the mineral particles very sparingly to the fluxes, otherwise these will not act properly on the assay, or will be so deeply coloured as to appear black and opaque.* Soda is chiefly used in reducing experiments, for an account of which see § I, 2, and also for detecting sulphurets and sulphates, oxide of manganese, and silica in its simple state-for an explanation of which, the reader is referred to the APPENDIX at the end of the volume. It is likewise used for the fusion of some substances, in order to render them soluble in water, in which state their natures may be ascertained by various liquid tests. * In that case, more of the flux must be added, or the colour may be sometimes distinguished by pinching the bead flat (whilst still hot) between a pair of small steel tongs. I 86 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. H. 2. Borate of Soda, or Borax.-This reagent, when not calcined, intumesces or curls up very much when presented to the blowpipe flame; but on con- tinuing the blast, it melts into a transparent and colourless globule. It is principally used to detect the nature of substances by the colours which, during fusion, they impart to it-for a description of which consult the APPENDIX at the end of the volume. Some bodies also have the property of fusing with borax into a clear glass before the I. F., but which becomes opaque or clouded when acted upon by the point of the O. F., or by either flame in an intermittent man- ner. (See § 1, 6.) Platinum wire is the best support for this reagent. H. 3. Phosphate of Soda and Ammonia, or Mi- crocosmic Salt.-On exposure to the blowpipe, this reagent boils and intumesces, giving out ammonia, and tinging the flame slightly green. The moment the intumescence subsides, it runs into such liquid fusion that, if supported on platinum wire, it generally falls from it unless the loop be very narrow, or twisted, as described at § F, 4, and represented at fig. 4, E, pl. I. The bead should be perfectly transparent, otherwise the reagent is impure. Microcosmic salt, like borax, is also used to detect substances by the colours which they impart to it when fused together, or by their relative degrees of fusibility in it-as, for instance, "silica," which remains totally insoluble. THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 87 For further particulars, see the APPENDIX at the end of the volume. H. 4. Bisulphate of Potash.-This reagent is chiefly used to discriminate Nitrates, Fluorides, &c., as will be explained in the APPENDIX. It should be melted and reduced to powder, and kept in a small glass bottle for use. A sufficient quantity, however, for two or three hundred assays may be purchased, ready prepared, for sixpence. H. 5. Nitrate of Cobalt.-This must be a pure concentrated solution, dissolved in water. It may.be kept in a small bottle, with a well-fitting cork, which should be sealing-waxed on the outside. Into this cork it is convenient to insert a piece of platinum wire (reaching to the bottom of the bottle, and beaten flat at that extremity), which serves to take up a drop or two of the solution, and to which the cork forms a handle in experimenting. This very useful reagent is employed to detect the presence of alumina, magnesia, and oxide of zinc, imparting to them respectively a blue, pale reddish, and green colour-if they be moistened with a drop of it, and heated to redness on charcoal; a little previous manipulation is, however, necessary. In order to absorb the solution properly, the mineral to be tested must first be reduced to powder, and ground up with a little water in the agate mortar, so as to form a kind of paste. This paste is then to be placed on the charcoal and heated, when 88 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. the water will be absorbed, and a drop or two of the reagent being added to the powdered mass, the whole is to be again heated gradually up to a strong red heat, and then left to get cool, as until quite cold the colour does not become properly developed. It should also be examined by daylight, as the colours appear almost alike, or muddy, by the light of a candle. Note. In testing minerals by this reagent, it is necessary to observe: first, that the red tint imparted to magnesia is exceed- ingly feeble; secondly, that silica (heated with it, as described above) generally takes a weak tinge of blue, though very dif- ferent to the deep blue colour imparted to alumina; thirdly, that lime and the alkalies also become blue, but not unless they be fused with the solution; and fourthly, that nitre, if present in any mineral, or if added to it, will render it blue when heated with this reagent, even though it contain no alumina. These circumstances must, therefore, be retained in the memory. H. 6. Saltpetre (Nitre).—This reagent is used to promote oxidation, in fusing substances with borax, &c. (so as to develop the colour imparted to the flux), by plunging into the bead, whilst still hot, the end of a long thin crystal, which is to be held in the steel tongs. The fused globule immediately bubbles up and foams, and the imparted colour becomes apparent as the bead gets cold, though often only on its edges, if the colouring oxide contained in the assay be in minute quantity. Nitre is also used to detect organic bodies, ignited with which it produces a sudden deflagration. H. 7. Tin.-This is to be used in the state of thin THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 89 resist foil closely rolled up, so as to form small pointed. cones. It is employed to promote reduction in sub- stances which, when fused with the fluxes, strongly the action of the reducing flame by thrusting the end of the small roll into the fused bead whilst still hot. Part of the tin fuses, and is retained in the bead, which is then again to be exposed before the point of the blue flame, but only for an instant or two, as otherwise the tin will render the globule opaque, and destroy the effects intended to be produced. H. 8. Silica. This reagent may be obtained by pounding rock-crystal, so as to reduce it to a fine powder. It is used in this state when fused with car- bonate of soda, to discriminate sulphurets and sul- phates, which impart to the fused bead (when melted with it) a dark brown or red colour, particularly as it cools. For other methods of detecting these com- pounds, see the APPENDIX at the end of the volume. H. 9. Oxide of Copper.-This reagent is used to detect the presence of chlorine. It must be first fused with microcosmic salt on the platinum wire, and a small particle of the mineral containing chlorine is then to be added, when the flame will instantly assume a powerful and beautiful blue colour. This process may, however, be simplified by making use of a thin copper wire, upon which to fuse the microcosmic salt, instead of a platinum wire, in which case the oxide of The copper wire copper is of course not wanted. I 2 90 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. must be bent into a double loop, as shown at E, fig. 4, and the end must always be cut off and thrown away, after each experiment. H. 10. Bone-ashes and Refined Lead.-See "Cupel- lation," I. 7. H. 11. Test Papers.-The following are required: Litmus paper, which reddens on the application of acids; turmeric paper, which turns brown on the ap- plication of alkalies;* Brazil-wood paper, which be- comes bleached by sulphureous vapours, and rendered yellow by those of fluorine; and lead paper (paper dipped in a solution of lead, and dried for use), which becomes black when acted upon by sulphuretted hy- drogen, and serves for the detection of sulphurets and sulphates. See the APPENDIX. A common glazed visiting card will, however, answer the same purpose. A new or bright silver coin is also useful in de- tecting the two latter compounds. (See the AP- PENDIX.) H. 12. Fluor-Spar and dried Gypsum are usually included amongst blowpipe reagents, being used mutually to detect each other, as they fuse together (in certain proportions) into a clear glass, which be- comes opaque on cooling. Fluor-spar is also used in conjunction with bisulphate of potash (in the ratio of In testing the reactions of water driven off from minerals by heat (see § I, 3), ammoniacal water will give this effect. THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 91 one part of the former to four and a half parts of the latter) to detect boracic acid, as when fused with any mineral containing it, the flame takes a momentary tinge of dark green. Methods, however, as simple, and more effective, to discriminate this acid, will be given in the APPENDIX at the end of the volume. Hydrochloric acid and Sulphuric acid (previously described, see Action of Acids) are also occasionally required in blowpipe experiments. (See § I, 5.) I. Simple Blonpipe Operations. I. 1. Oxidation.-To oxidize any substance, we have merely to hold it for a sufficient time before the point of the yellow or outer blowpipe flame, and as far from it as will serve to keep the assay at a dull red heat. This process is so simple that it requires no further explanation in the present place. (See § D, and also I, 3.) I. 2. Reduction.-There are some ores of metals which may be converted or reduced into a reguline state by simply holding them for a shorter or longer time before the point of the inner or blue flame, and entirely within the yellow flame, when the sulphur, oxygen, &c., with which they may have been com- bined, is driven off or consumed by the flame, and a "button" of metal more or less pure remains upon the charcoal. This substance should always be used as a support in the reduction of metallic ores, as it has a powerful deoxidizing effect, and is not of course. 92 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. acted upon by the metal; in some peculiar cases, however, glass tubes may be used, when we wish at the same time to reduce the metal, and retain the sub- limed matter for examination. (See I, 3.) The method of reducing difficultly-reducible com- pounds, or those containing but a small proportion of metal, is the following:- The assay is to be crushed to powder, and mixed with carbonate of soda. Secondly, the mixture is to be placed on charcoal, and fused before the I. F., till the soda be absorbed by the charcoal. Thirdly, more of the flux is to be added, and the whole again ex- posed to a well-sustained blast (always before the I. F., see § D), until flux and assay disappear within the pores of the support, more soda being added if the second supply do not effect this. Fourthly, the ignited charcoal is to be quenched with a drop or two of water, and the space around the cavity where the assay rested is to be cut out, and carefully placed in the small agate mortar (§ G), so as not to lose any of the particles. Lastly, this is to be ground to a fine powder by means of the pestle, and the charcoal is to be washed out gradually by projecting a minute stream of water upon it from the washing bottle de- scribed in § G. This process requires great care and some skill (only to be acquired by practice) to prevent the small metallic particles from being carried off with the charcoal powder; but if it be properly performed, THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 93 66 these will be found, after several "grindings" and washings," at the bottom of the mortar, in the form of small flattened grains or spangles if malleable and fusible, or in that of a dark metallic powder if brittle or infusible. On holding the bottom of the mortar up to the light, these must appear quite opaque; and this is mentioned, as occasionally in mortars that are much used, small cavities get worked in them, which, filled with air, form bubbles, that appear by reflected light like metallic spangles; but being trans- parent, their true nature is at once perceived when examined, as directed, by refracted light. The sides and bottom of the mortar are always (if any reducible metal be present in the assay) marked with metallic traces, and these must be removed after each experiment by means of a piece of pumice or a little wet bone-ash. If, instead of carbonate of soda alone, we employ a mixture of that flux and cyanide of potassium, the reduction will be more speedily effected. The two fluxes may be mixed in about equal proportions, or with rather more of the latter; but cyanide of potas- sium is too rapidly absorbed by the charcoal to be used alone. I. 3. Roasting and Sublimation.-These operations are similar in their actions and effects, with this excep- tion, namely that in the former case we do not seek to retain the volatile matters driven off, whilst in sub- 94 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. limation our attention is particularly directed to the examination of their properties. Before attempting to reduce any mineral, we must first expose it to as strong a heat as it will bear without fusing, and this must be particularly attended to, as if it fuse, the ope- ration is useless. This process is best conducted on charcoal, and the assay must be exposed to the O. F., or, if it contain arsenic, to the O. F. and I. F. alter- nately. The surface of the charcoal, after and during the roasting of most volatile substances, becomes covered with a crust of oxidized metal, which sublimes before the I. F. A white crust indicates antimony, arsenic, tellurium (sometimes yellowish), tin (very slight), or zinc (yellowish whilst hot). A yellow sublimate indicates bismuth, lead, or cadmium (orange yellow). The ash of the charcoal may sometimes be mistaken by beginners for a sublimate, but it may be distin- guished from such by remaining unaltered before the inner flame. In volatilizing on charcoal, most combinations of sulphur give out a sulphureous odour; those of arsenic an alliaceous or garlic-like odour; those of selenium, an odour resembling that of decayed horse-radish; and those of antimony and tellurium slightly pungent odours. In subliming the volatile constituents of minerals, so as to be able to examine the results of sublimation, THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 95 we make use of small glass tubes, closed at one end, or open at both ends, as explained at § F, 5 and 6. If we wish to try if a mineral contain water, we employ a small flask or tube with its closed end blown out into a bulb, into which we place a few fragments of the specimen to be examined, and heat it gently over the flame of the small spirit-lamp, when the water (if any be present) will rise and condense upon the upper part of the tube. This water may be tested for acid or alkaline reactions, with small slips of test-paper, as described at § H, 10; if it have no effect upon them, it is said to be "neutral." Tubes of this kind, but with a very small bulb, or "drawn out to a fine point," and of narrow diameter, are also used for sub- liming arsenic, &c. ; but if sublimed per se, the open tube is preferable and less expensive, as a fresh one is required for every operation. In experimenting, however, upon very minute quantities, these closed tubes must be used, and the assay reduced to powder is mixed with certain reagents or fluxes, and placed in the narrow part or small bulb, and this being heated either by the spirit-lamp or blowpipe, the volatilized and reduced metal rises, and forms a crust on the cool sides of the tube. The reagents chiefly used for these purposes are: carbonate of soda (previously ignited or dried), formate of soda, and cyanide of potassium, or a mixture of one part of cyanide of potas- 96 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. sium and three parts of carbonate of potash.* The pulverized assay should be not only mixed, but also well covered with, the flux, and the tube must be held horizontally, and heated for some distance around the assay, as well as immediately beneath it. It is almost needless to observe, that all tubes (open or closed) used in these experiments should be perfectly dry, to ensure which they ought to be gently heated before being used. In employing open tubes for sublimation, we are to follow the directions given at § F, 6—namely, to place the assay at a short distance from one extremity, and to expose it to the point of the inner blowpipe flame, when its volatile constituents (if it contain any) will rise and condense on the cool sides of the tube above it. For this purpose the tube should be gene- rally held in an inclined position, and in operating the two chief effects to be looked for are: the odours evolved during the experiment, and the resulting sub- limate. These effects, as exhibited by the different consti- tuents of minerals, will be fully described in the Ap- PENDIX at the end of the volume. I. 4. Trial of Fusion, &c.-Characters developed during the trial.-Results of the trial.-In order to try * FRESENIUS. * THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 97 if a body be fusible per se or not, we first place it on a piece of charcoal, and expose it to the inner flame, as if it be reducible, &c. (see § F, 2), it will injure a platinum support. This preliminary proceeding may, however, be generally dispensed with, as the beginner will soon be able to judge, from its external characters, if a mineral be reducible or not, and the following remarks may guide him in so judging. Reducible minerals, of a non-metallic aspect, are generally very heavy, or have a coloured streak, and their degrees of hardness are rarely above 3.5 or 4.0. Minerals of a true metallic aspect should always be tried on charcoal, as there are very few which do not injure platinum. Being thus certain, or nearly so, as to the relative reducibility of the mineral under examination, we take a small splinter of it (see § E), supposing it to be not reducible, and expose it to a good and well-con- tinued blast, in the platinum forceps (§ F, 2), holding it at the point of the blue flame. In this position some minerals remain totally un- altered, as kyanite; others either decrepitate (fly to pieces, see § F, 2), and remain unaltered, or rather unfused, as diaspore; or otherwise curl up exceedingly (intumesce), and afterwards resist fusion, as epidote. A few infusible minerals also change colour, and become attractable by the magnet, as siderose. The fusible minerals either decrepitate before fusion, as barytine, or intumesce before fusion, as stilbite, or K 98 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. *** otherwise fuse with more or less bubbling, as datho- lite; or with effervescence and sputtering, as olivenite (this mineral destroys platinum); or else fuse quietly, as analcime. The different degrees of fusibility are also charac- teristic, thus: cryolite fuses very easily; wernerite easily; feldspar rather difficultly; and emerald very difficultly. The colours which some minerals impart to the flame are likewise to be particularly noticed. (See § I, 5.) The results of fusion may be either- A glass, colourless or coloured, clear and trans- parent (ex. harmotome), or blebby, full of air-bubbles (ex. stilbite). An enamel or opaque glass, coloured or colourless (ex. barytine). A very blebby glass resembles an enamel. A frit, or semi-fused mass. A slag. A scoria, or small light mass, resembling a cinder (ex. melantherite). 66 A metallic bead or button," which may be either malleable or brittle, and which must be tried, there- fore, on the anvil, as described at § G. This bead, as well as the other results of fusion, may also or may *This character is often confounded with intumescence; but intumescence takes place previous to fusion-bubbling during fusion. THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 99 not attract the magnet; and this must be attended to in the examination. Note.-In inspecting the results of fusion, sublimation, &c., the magnifying glass should always be made use of. I. 5. Production of Coloured Flames.-The tints which some substances impart to the blowpipe flame form an interesting and easily-developed character, and one of no mean importance in the discrimination of minerals and their constituent parts. In trying if a mineral possess this character, a wax candle, with rather a slight wick, must be selected, so as to give (when acted upon by the blowpipe) a small, clear, thin, and sharply-pointed flame, of a pure blue colour, just within the point of which the fragment under examination is to be held. The following is a tabular view of the principal elements and their com- binations which impart a colour to flame. See also the APPENDIX at the end of the volume. Impart a YELLOW tint to the flame. Soda: if held at a short distance from the flame's point, the colour will be more strongly developed. Impart a GREEN tint to the flame. Copper: carbonate of copper, iodide of copper, &c. Tellurium. Ammonia: a dark tint of little duration. Boracic acid: the borates should be moistened with sulphuric acid. Phosphoric acid: a pale tint. The phosphates should be pre- viously moistened with sulphuric acid. 100 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Sulphuret of molybdenum. Baryta a pale apple-green colour. Zinc: a very pale tint. Antimony: a bluish-green tint. Impart a BLUE colour to the flame. Chloride of copper. Selenium. Sulphur. Bromide of copper: green at the edges. Lead: a very pale tint. Arsenic a pale greenish-blue tint. Impart a RED or CRIMSON colour to the flame. Strontia: a deep crimson tint, which is the more strongly de- veloped in the salts of strontia by moistening them with hydro- chloric acid.* Lithia a purplish-red colour, which is rendered more appa- rent in minerals containing lithia, if they be fused with bisul- phate of potash. Lime a yellowish-red colour, rendered more apparent by moistening the assay with hydrochloric acid. Potassa a violet-red tint, rendered imperceptible by the pre- sence of soda. I. 6. Flaming.-This operation consists in expos- ing any substance, after fusion with borax on the platinum wire, to the action of an intermittent flame, which may be done by simply keeping the flame * Sulphate of baryta and sulphate of strontia greatly resemble each other, but the former imparts a pale green tint to the flame, the latter a reddish tint, or a deep crimson colour, if moistened with hydrochloric acid. THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 101 steady, and moving the globule in and out of it a few times. The object of this process is to see if the globule retain its transparency, or become clouded or opaque. The latter will invariably be the case if it contain any of the following substances-that is to say, if they be in sufficient quantity, and uncombined with silica or alumina : The alkalies, lime, magnesia, strontia, baryta, glucina, yttria, zirconia, oxide of cadmium, ox. of zinc, ox. of columbium, ox. of titanium, and ox. of cerium. I. 7. Cupellation.-This is the process of separating the "noble metals," silver and gold, from other sub- stances by heat, and obtaining them in a state of purity. It is not often required in blowpipe experi- ments, but is, nevertheless, a very interesting opera- tion, and essential to be known. The following is the method of proceeding, as described by BER- ZELIUS:- "A small quantity of bone-ashes (in powder) is to be taken on the point of a knife moistened with the tongue, and kneaded in the palm of the left hand with a very little soda into a thick paste. A hole is then made in a piece of charcoal, and filled with the paste, and its surface smoothed by pressure with the * Page 64 of Mr CHILDREN'S translation. K 2 102 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. agate pestle. It is then to be gently heated by the blowpipe till perfectly dry. (The soda only assists the cohesion, and may be omitted.) The assay, pre- viously fused with pure lead, is placed in the middle of this little cupel, and the whole heated by the ex- terior flame. When the operation is finished, the precious metals are left on the surface of the cupel. This experiment is so delicate, that grains of silver visible to the naked eye, and indeed such as may be collected by the forceps and extended under the hammer, may in this way be extracted from the lead met with in commerce." * K. General method of examining a mineral sub- stance.—The first thing to be done is to note down carefully its principal external characters. Aspect, hardness, streak, and colour, can always be examined in the merest fragment; specific gravity, if the spe- eimen be not too small, or otherwise consisting of disseminated particles; and form, if it be unbroken or perfect. The properties of taste, magnetism, &c., as described in the first part of this work, are also, of course, to be attended to. This examination being finished, and the results written down in a small book which should be kept * The lead being converted into the state of an oxide, and absorbed by the bone-ash support, owing to its porous nature.--E. C. THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. 103 for the purpose, the mineral is to be tested with a little dilute and concentrated nitric or hydrochloric acid, in order to see if it be soluble, if it form a jelly, or effervesce, &c.; and this is to be done both in a small test-tube, without the application of heat, and in a small porcelain or platinum capsule, supported on a bent wire over the flame of a spirit-lamp. Lastly, the specimen is to be examined by heat and the blowpipe, in the following order :- 1. It is to be heated in a test-tube or matrass over the flame of a spirit-lamp, to see if it decrepitate, phosphoresce, give off water, yield a sublimate, &c. 2. It is to be roasted before the blowpipe in a small tube open at both ends, to see if it be volatilizable wholly or in part, with or without odour; if it form a sublimate, &c. 3. It is to be exposed to the blowpipe on charcoal, -first, before the O. F., and afterwards before the I. F.-to see if it give off any fumes or odour, if it form a crust on the support, if it fuse, if it be re- ducible, &c. 4. It is to be tried in the platinum forceps, to see in it colour the flame, if it intumesce, if it fuse (quietly or with bubbling), if it yield a glass or enamel, &c. 5. It is to be melted (if possible) either on charcoal or the platinum wire, with borax, to see if it reduce, if it fuse quietly or not, if it yield a coloured glass, or one that becomes opaque by flaming, &c. 104 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. 6. It is to be tried in the same manner with micro- cosmic salt. 7. With soda. 8. With any other reagents that may be thought necessary, from the characters developed during the preceding operations. APPENDIX. A BRIEF COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEMENTS OF QUALITATIVE MINERAL ANALYSIS. I. Preliminary Remarks. * THERE are in nature a certain number of substances, which individually have never been decomposed or subdivided into other substances, and which are, therefore, termed "simple or elementary bodies." Of two or more of these elementary bodies, all other substances are composed, in certain definite propor- tions. It is the object of qualitative analysis to detect the presence of as many of these bodies as may be com- bined in any compound. The elementary bodies hitherto discovered are the following:- Platinum. Palladium. Rhodium. Osmium. * In this brief outline, only the most simple discriminating characters, such as can be developed by the blowpipe and its usual apparatus, will be given. 106 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Iridium. Gold. Silver. Mercury. Bismuth. Lead. Copper. Iron. Antimony. Arsenic. Tellurium. Selenium. Sulphur. Carbon. Hydrogen. Nitrogen. Fluorine. Chlorine. Iodine. Bromine. Oxygen. Titanium. Columbium (or Tantalum). Tungstenum. Molybdenum. Chromium. Vanadium. Aluminium. Silicium. Boron. Phosphorus. Nickel. Cobalt. Manganese. Tin. Zinc. APPENDIX. 107 Cadmium. Cerium. Uranium. Thorinium. Zirconium. Yttrium. Magnesium. Calcium. Strontium. Barium. Sodium. Potassium. Lithium. A few of these elementary bodies are found in nature in a simple or uncombined state. These arc mineralogically termed native substances. All combinations consist of mineralizers and bases. By "mineralizers we understand such elements as have the power of mixing with other elements so as to change their appearance, and modify their proper- ties; and by "bases," we understand the elements so combined with. A compound may contain one element, or a com- bination of two elements, as a mineralizer, and one or several bases. Compounds containing a combination of two ele- ments as a mineralizer are chemically termed "salts." All the inorganic substances, or minerals, which occur in nature may therefore be classed in two groups, namely—simple substances and compound 108 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. substances; and the latter may be subdivided into other groups, according to their different mineralizers. The following arrangement will, therefore, repre- sent the divisions, to some one of which every mineral substance is referrible :- NATIVE SUBSTANCES. ANTIMONIURETS: mineralized by antimony. ARSENIURETS: m. by arsenic. TELLURETS: m. by tellurium. SELENIURETS: m. by selenium. SULPHURETS: m. by sulphur. ANTIMONIO-SULPHURETS:* m. by antimony and sulphur com- bined. ARSENIO-SULPHURETS:* m. by arsenic and sulphur combined. CARBURETS: m. by carbon. OXIDES: m. by oxygen. TITANIATES: m. by oxygen and titanium combined. COLUMBATES: m. by oxygen and columbium combined. TUNGSTATES: m. by oxygen and tungstenum combined. MOLYBDATES: m. by oxygen and molybdenum combined. CHROMATES: m. by oxygen and chromium combined. VANADIATES: m. by oxygen and vanadium combined. ALUMINATES: m. by oxygen and aluminium combined. SILICATES: m. by oxygen and silicium combined. BORATES: m. by oxygen and boron combined. PHOSPHATES: M. by oxygen and phosphorus combined. ARSENIATES: m. by oxygen and arsenic combined. SULPHATES: m. by oxygen and sulphur combined. CARBONATES: m. by oxygen and carbon combined. NITRATES: m. by oxygen and nitrogen combined. * These are often termed sulphur-salts. † These combinations (terminating in ate) are termed oxygen-salts. APPENDIX. 109 FLUORIDES: m. by fluorine. CHLORIDES: m. by chlorine. IODIDES: m. by iodine. BROMIDES: m. by bromine. Note.—The mineralizing combinations of oxygen with other elements are termed "acids," as titanic acid, molybdic acid, silicic acid, sulphuric acid, &c. II. Discrimination of the Class or Order to which a Mineral may belong, and detection of its component elements. If a mineral be a native substance, it must be one of the following:— Platinum: L. metallic; C. white; infusible; in- soluble in nitric acid. Palladium: L. metallic; C. white, or pale-steel grey; infusible; soluble in heated nitric acid, solu- tion of a red colour. Osmium, iridium: these occur in nature only in conjunction, with a small portion also of rhodium. The osmium may perhaps act the part of a mineralizer. Osm-iridium is brittle; L. metallic; infusible; sp. gr. above 18.0; insoluble, even in aqua-regia. Gold: C. yellow; ductile; fusible. Silver: C. white; ductile; fusible. Mercury: C. white; volatilizable; yielding a sub- limate in the form of small metallic globules, and if L 110 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. mixed with silver (in which case it may perhaps act the part of a mineralizer), a bead of that metal will remain behind. Bismuth L. metallic; C. reddish-white, not malleable; fusible and volatilizable, leaving a yellow crust (of oxide of bismuth) on the charcoal. Lead: C. grey; malleable; fusible and volatiliza- ble, leaving a yellow crust (of oxide of lead) on the charcoal. Copper: C. copper-red; malleable; fusible; giv- ing with borax a fine green glass, which becomes blue when cold, before the O. F., and a red opaque glass before the I. F.; soluble in nitric acid, and in am- monia; solution of a blue colour. Iron : C. grey; infusible; attractable by the magnet; giving with borax before the I. F. a dirty green glass. Antimony: C. tin-white; brittle; easily fusible; volatilizable; leaving a white crust on the charcoal, and yielding in the glass tube a pulverulent uncrys- talline sublimate. Arsenic: C. grey, tarnishing black; brittle; fusi- ble and volatilizable, with a strong odour of garlic, leaving a white crust on the charcoal, and yielding in the tube a dark metallic sublimate, or a white crystalline one, in the form of minute (regular) octa- hedrons. Tellurium: C. white; brittle; easily fusible, and APPENDIX. 111 volatilizable; leaving on the charcoal a white or yellowish-white crust, and yielding in the tube a sub- limate capable of fusion into white limpid drops. : Sulphur aspect non-metallic; very soft; inflam- mable; burning with a blue flame, and strong odour of brimstone; volatilizable in the open tube, bleach- ing a slip of moistened Brazil-wood paper placed at its upper part. Carbon the Diamond: aspect non-metallic; harder than all other bodies. A very minute splinter may be volatilized on charcoal in a long-sustained blast, but it is a difficult operation for beginners; the surface is, however, soon deprived of its polish. ; Note.-Copper imparts a deep green colour to the flame antimony, tellurium, and arsenic a light green tint. Lead and bismuth deposit a yellow crust on the charcoal; lead is malleable, bismuth brittle. The tube sublimates of mercury, antimony, arsenic, and tellurium are very characteristic, as is also the garlic-like odour of arsenic in volatilizing. Copper, gold, and silver are fusible, and the first imparts a colour to borax. Iron, platinum, palladium, and osm-iridium are infusible; the first colours borax, and is magnetic. Palladium is soluble in nitric acid, and platinum in aqua-regia. Sulphur is inflammable, burn- ing with a blue flame and strong odour of brimstone, and the diamond is the hardest substance in nature. There is no fixed character applicable to all the native substances, consequently we must refer to the characters peculiar to each. If the mineral under examination do not accord with any of the above, it will be referrible to one of the following divisions:- 112 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Antimoniurets: aspect metallic; volatilizing like native antimony (see above), but leaving a residue* behind. Arseniurets: aspect metallic; volatilizing like native arsenic (see above), but leaving a residue behind. Tellurets: aspect metallic; volatilizing like native tellurium (see above), but leaving a residue behind. Seleniurets: aspect metallic; volatilizing (in part) with a strong odour of decayed horse-radish, and yielding in the open tube a red sublimate. Sulphurets: aspect metallic and non-metallic; partly or wholly volatilizable in the open tube; bleach- ing a slip of moistened Brazil-wood paper, placed at its upper part, and giving out generally a sulphureous odour; forming also, by fusion with carbonate of soda on charcoal, a brown or reddish compound, which, moistened with water (or better still, with acidulated water), emits sulphuretted hydrogen, known by its nauseous taste and odour; and if this be done on a bright silver coin or on a slip of “lead paper," a black stain (of sulphuret of silver or lead) will be formed. Antimonio-sulphurets: giving the above reactions, combined with those of antimony. The simple sul- * This residue is of course a base; its characters must, there- fore, be compared with those of the "bases" further on. APPENDIX. 113 phuret of antimony is entirely volatilizable; the anti- monio-sulphurets leave a residue. Arsenio-sulphurets: giving the reactions of arsenic and sulphur. The simple sulphurets of arsenic are entirely volatilizable; the arsenio-sulphurets leave a residue. They form also in the open tube, at a low degree of heat, a reddish sublimate of sulphuret of arsenic; others yield the metallic sublimate of arsenic, or the crystalline deposit of arsenious acid. Carburets: the only mineral carburet which occurs in a solid state is the carburet of iron, and that sub- stance is generally considered to be a mechanical mixture of carbon and iron. The following cha- racters distinguish it from all other minerals:-aspect metallic; H=1.0-2.0; infusible; not affected by the fluxes. Fluorides: aspect not metallic; exposed to the blowpipe flame (in a tube closed at one end) with bi- sulphate of potash, with sulphuric acid, or with microcosmic salt (previously fused), they disengage hydro-fluoric acid, which corrodes the glass, and changes the colour of a moistened slip of Brazil- wood paper, placed at its mouth, to yellow. If the tube be breathed into, the corroded surface will be rendered more perceptible. Chlorides: aspect not metallic; imparting to the flame, when fused with microcosmic salt on a fine copper wire, a beautiful and powerful blue colour. L 2 114 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Iodides: imparting to the flame a fine emerald- green colour, when fused on a copper wire, with microcosmic salt. : Bromides: imparting to the flame a blue colour, mixed with green, when treated in the above manner. Oxides it is impossible to detect the presence of oxygen in minerals by any simple assay; it must therefore be done by comparing the characters of the mineral under examination with those of all the foregoing and following divisions, when, if they do not agree, we may be satisfied that it is a simple oxide or acid. If it agree, however, with some one of the following divisions, all of which are double com- pounds of oxygen, or oxygen salts (see the first section of this APPENDIX), it may still be a simple acid; as, for instance, the general character of the titaniates is applicable to titanic acid, a simple com- bination of oxygen, the bases of the double combina- tions or salts not being in all cases determinable by simple blowpipe experiments. Titaniates: forming with borax, before the I. F., a dark amethyst-coloured glass, which may be ren- dered of a lighter colour (or colourless), and opaque by flaming. If the titaniates contain a large portion of iron, they impart to microcosmic salt a red colour, but the glass assumes an amethystine tint on the addition of tin. Pure titanic acid is infusible, and not reducible. With borax, it gives the above result, APPENDIX. 115 and with soda on the platinum wire it forms a yellow glass, which on cooling becomes colourless, and emits numerous sparks. On charcoal this glass crystallizes with the evolution of great heat. Columbates: giving, by fusion with carbonate of soda, a compound soluble in water, the solution pre- cipitating, on the addition of nitric acid, a white powder, which yields with borax a colourless glass, that may be rendered opaque by flaming. Pure columbic acid is infusible, and not reducible. Tungstates: forming, with borax, a yellowish glass (or a red one if the assay be in excess) before the I. F., and imparting to microcosmic salt, before the same flame, a blue colour, unless iron be present, in which case the glass is of a red tint; but this is dispelled by tin, and the glass turns green or blue. With soda on charcoal, by the reducing process, p. 92, the tungstic acid is converted into a grey metallic powder (tung- stenum). Molybdates: forming, with microcosmic salt before the I. F., a green glass. With borax, the glass is of a yellow tint, or colourless. With soda on charcoal, by the reducing process, p. 92, the molybdic acid is converted into a grey metallic powder (molybdenum). Chromates: forming with borax, microcosmic salt, * Only one molybdate (the molybdate of ox. of lead, Prac- tical Mineralogy,' p. 41) has hitherto been found in nature. 116 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. and soda, green glasses. With the latter reagent the glass is opaque. Pure oxide of chrome is infusible, and not reducible. Vanadiates: forming with borax and microcosmic salt, before the I. F., green glasses. Fused alone on platinum foil, a red matter is produced. # Aluminates: forming, with carbonate of soda, a compound, generally infusible, and more or less soluble in acids; the solution yielding a gelatinous precipitate on the addition of ammonia, which becomes of a fine blue colour when ignited with nitrate of cobalt. Pure alumina behaves in the same manner, and forms, with borax and microcosmic salt, colour- less glasses, which cannot be made opaque by flaming. Silicates: forming (though with difficulty), by fusion with carbonate of soda, a matter soluble in water; the solution yielding a white precipitate by evaporation, which fuses, with soda, into a clear glass, and does not colour the other fluxes. Several silicates are partly soluble in acids, forming a transparent gelatinous mass, caused by the separa- tion of the silica. Pure silica, or silicic acid, fuses with carbonate of soda (with effervescence) into a clear, colourless glass, but it remains undissolved * A vanadiate of ox. of lead ('Practical Mineralogy,' p. 42) has hitherto only been met with in nature. APPENDIX. 117 in microcosmic salt, forming a "skeleton" in the centre of the bead. Borates: partly soluble in nitric acid, leaving a residue, which imparts to alcohol the property of burning with a green flame. The borates also colour the flame green, when moistened with sulphuric acid and exposed to the blowpipe. Phosphates: colouring the blowpipe flame pale green when moistened with sulphuric acid. Also forming, by fusion with carbonate of soda, a sub- stance soluble in water-the solution yielding a yellow precipitate, with nitrate of silver. Arseniates: partly volatilizable before the blowpipe on charcoal, with a strong odour of garlic. No metallic lustre. Sulphates: no metallic lustre; forming, with car- bonate of soda on charcoal, a brown or reddish com- pound, which, moistened with water (or acidulated water), emits sulphuretted hydrogen, known by its disagreeable taste and odour, which resemble those of putrid eggs; and if this be done on a bright silver coin, or on a slip of "lead paper," a dark stain (of sulphuret of silver or of lead) will be produced. Carbonates: soluble, with more or less efferves- cence, in hot or cold acids, disengaging carbonic acid gas. No metallic lustre; H. under 4.5; streak, not red. 118 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Nitrates soluble in water; deflagrating more or less when mixed with charcoal (or any organic sub- stance) and ignited, and giving out the red fumes of nitrous acid when heated, in a small tube closed at one end, with bisulphate of potash. We have now to consider the bases which may be contained in the above compounds. These, for con- venience, may be arranged in two groups-the first. containing the non-oxidized, and the second the oxidized bases. Non-oxidized Bases. These occur in a native state, or mineralized by arsenic, antimony, tellurium, selenium, sulphur, carbon, fluorine, chlorine, iodine, bromine, or oxygen. Silver. Mercury. Bismuth. Lead. Copper. Iron. See the "Native Substances" above. Antimony. Arsenic. APPENDIX. 119 Nickel: metallic aspect ;* magnetic; not volatiliza- ble; soluble in nitric acid; forming a green solu- tion, which changes to a violet colour on the addition of ammonia. Cobalt metallic aspect;* magnetic; not volatiliza- ble; soluble in nitric acid, solution pale red; forming, by fusion with borax, a deep blue glass. Manganese:+ aspect metallic; infusible, and not volatilizable; forming, with carbonate of soda, on the platinum foil or wire, before the blowpipe, a green enamel, which becomes blue when cold. Tin: aspect metallic; malleable; easily fusible; and in a slight degree volatilizable, the areola being white and inflammable. The small malleable globule on charcoal might be mistaken for silver or lead, but the former is not at all volatilizable, and the latter deposits a yellow crust on the support. Zinc: never obtained in the metallic state before the blowpipe; forms, when strongly heated on char- coal, a sublimate of oxide of zinc-yellowish whilst hot, white when cold. *In blowpipe experiments, after driving off the sulphur, arsenic, or other mineralizers from the assay, the base remain- ing has generally a dark earthy aspect; but if it really possess a metallic lustre, the same may be rendered evident by rubbing it on the file or in the agate mortar. There is but one mineral (with the exception of the oxides of this metal) which has for its base manganese in a simple state; it is the alabandine or sulphuret of manganese. 120 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Cadmium: never obtained in the metallic state before the blowpipe; forms, on charcoal, a dark orange-yellow sublimate. Molybdenum: yielding on charcoal, before the blowpipe, with soda, dark metallic grains; detonating with saltpetre. Cerium,* Yttrium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Aluminium, as mineralized by fluorine, or chlo- rine, cannot in blowpipe experi- ments be distinguished from their oxides, which see. The only remaining bases are those solely mineralized by oxygen, and they cannot, in these experiments, be obtained in a free state. These are: titanium, mo- lybdenum, tungstenum, chromium, aluminium, and silicium, all of which have been described above Oxidized Bases. Oxide of Bismuth: easily reducible before the blowpipe to the metallic state, when it behaves of course like pure bismuth. (See the preceding group.) Oxide of Lead: easily reducible to the metallic state, when it behaves of course like pure lead. With borax,* * In these experiments the fluxes are supposed to be supported on the platinum wire, unless the contrary be mentioned. APPENDIX. 121 before the O. F., it forms a yellowish glass, which becomes colourless when cold. Oxide of Copper: easily reducible; forming with borax, before the O. F., a green glass, which turns blue upon cooling, and becomes, before the I. F., dark red and opaque. Oxide of Iron: reducible (into a grey metallic powder), with soda on charcoal in a good blast; blackening and becoming magnetic per se; forming, with borax and microcosmic salt, before the O. F., red glasses, which become almost colourless when cold; before the I. F., these glasses take an impure. green colour. Oxide of Nickel: alone, unalterable before the blowpipe, but reducible with soda on charcoal; form- ing with borax, before the O. F., a red or yellowish glass, which becomes nearly colourless on cooling, but if saltpetre be added, it takes a blue tinge. Before the I. F. the glass turns grey, owing to the presence of reduced metal. With microcosmic salt, before both flames, the glass is pale yellow or colourless, when cold. Oxide of Cobalt: unalterable alone, reducible with soda on charcoal;* forming, with borax and microcosmic salt, beautiful dark blue glasses. A * The reduced particles of nickel and cobalt, it will be re- membered, are, like those of iron, attractable by the magnet. M 122 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. very minute quantity of the oxide only must be used, otherwise the glasses will appear black and opaque. Oxide of Manganese: infusible per se, but turns brown; not reducible with soda on charcoal; form- ing with soda, on the platinum foil or wire, a green glass, which on cooling becomes of a greenish-blue colour, and opaque. This is the principal blowpipe test for manganese. With borax and microcosmic salt, it forms amethyst-coloured glasses before the O. F., which, exposed before the inner flame, become colourless. The borax glass if saturated, however, will recover its violet tint unless it be suddenly cooled by being plunged into cold water, or blown upon. Oxide of Tin: difficultly reducible per se, but very easily reducible with soda on charcoal, forming a metallic button. To the fluxes on the platinum wire it imparts no colour; the borax and micro- cosmic salt glasses are not rendered opaque by flaming. Oxide of Zinc: infusible; becoming yellowish whilst hot; volatilizable slowly before the I. F., leaving a white crust on the charcoal, and shining with bright greenish-white light. It volatilizes more readily when mixed with carbonate of soda; forming, with borax and microcosmic salt, colourless glasses, which are rendered opaque by flaming. With nitrate of cobalt, it takes a green colour (see p. 87). Oxide of Cadmium: reactions similar to those of APPENDIX. 123 • oxide of zinc, with the exception of depositing an orange-yellow crust on the charcoal. Oxide of Cerium: infusible, and not reducible; forming with borax and microcosmic salt, before the O. F., red or orange-yellow glasses, which become colourless (or nearly so) on cooling, and also when exposed before the I. F. The borax glass may be rendered opaque by flaming. Oxide of Uranium: per se blackens, but does not fuse. With borax and microcosmic salt it forms, before the O. F., yellow glasses, which become green- ish when cold. Before the I. F. the borax glass is of a dirty green colour, and may be rendered almost black by flaming, if the oxide be in excess; the microcosmic salt glass takes a fine green tint. With soda on charcoal no reduction is effected. Oxide of Thorinium: infusible per se; not reduci- ble with soda; forming, with borax and microcosmic salt, colourless glasses, which become opaque when flamed. Oxide of Zirconium (Zirconia); Oxide of Glucinium (Glucina); Oxide of Yttrium (Yttria); Oxide of Magnesium (Magnesia); Oxide of Calcium (Lime); Oxide of Strontium (Strontia); Oxide of Barium (Baryta); Oxide of Sodium (Soda); 124 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Oxide of Potassium (Potassa); Oxide of Lithium (Lithia); infusible; not reducible; forming, with borax and microcosmic salt, colourless glasses, which turn opaque when flamed. Note.-Zirconia and lime emit a powerful light when exposed to the blowpipe flame; the other oxides do the same, though in a far less intense degree. Magnesia, treated with nitrate of cobalt (see p. 87), takes a pale flesh-red colour. Strontia (par- ticularly if moistened with a little hydrochloric acid) colours the blowpipe flame bright red; baryta, pale green; soda, yellow; potassa, violet; lithia, and also lime (if moistened with an acid), purplish-red (see p. 99). Oxide of Titanium. (See Titanic acid, p. 114). Oxide of Aluminium. (See Alumina, p. 116). Retrospect. 1. VOLATILIZABLE BASES. Mercury (p. 109). Bismuth (p. 110). Lead (p. 110). Zinc (p. 119). Cadmium (p. 120). Tin, in part (p. 119). Antimony (p. 110). Arsenic (p. 110). Molybdenum, in part (p. 120). 2. BASES YIELDING per se, A REGULINE METALLIC GLOBULE. Silver (p. 109). Mercury (p. 109). APPENDIX. 125 Bismuth (p. 110). Lead (p. 110); ox. of lead (p. 120). Copper (p. 110); ox. of copper (121). Nickel (p. 119). Cobalt (p. 119). Antimony (p. 110). Arsenic (p. 110). Tin (p. 119); ox. of tin (p. 122). 3. BASES NOT REDUCIBLE per se, BUT YIELDING, WITH SODA ON CHARCOAL,* REGULINE METALLIC GRAINS.† Oxide of Iron (p. 121). Oxide of Cobalt (p. 121). Oxide of Nickel (p. 121). Molybdenum (p. 120). 4. BASES WHICH IMPART A COLOUR TO BORAX OR MICROCOSMIC SALT. Copper (p. 110); ox. of copper (p. 121). Iron (p. 110); ox. of iron (p. 121). Nickel (p. 119); ox. of nickel (p. 121). Cobalt (p. 119); ox. of cobalt (p. 121). Manganese (p. 119); ox. of Manganese (p. 122). Molybdenum (p. 120). Ox. of Uranium (p. 123). Ox. of Titanium (p. 124). Ox. of Lead (p. 120) colourless when cold. Ox. of Cerium (p. 123) * See the "Reducing Process," p. 92. The mineralizing acids reducible by this means are the tungstic and molybdic acids. M 2 126 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. : 5. BASES WHICH FORM, WITH BORAX, GLASSES THAT MAY BE RENDERED OPAQUE BY FLAMING. Note. Ox. of Cerium (p. 123). Ox. of Titanium (p. 124). Ox. of Zinc (p. 122). Ox. of Cadmium (p. 122). Zirconia (p. 123). Yttria (p. 123). Glucina (p. 123). Lime (p. 123). Magnesia (p. 123). Strontia (p. 123). Baryta (p. 123). The mineralizing acids, which form similar glasses with borax, are the tungstic, titanic, and columbic acids. THE END, POSTSCRIPT. DURING the printing of this work, I have added a third plate, representing a modification of the old instrument for taking specific gravities, which pos- sesses the advantage over the areometer, described at page 10, of requiring for its use merely a glassful of water. This advantage, in travelling especially, is not to be despised, as it is often very difficult to find a vessel of convenient form sufficiently deep to con- tain the floating balance, and still more difficult to procure the necessary quantity of distilled, or even of rain water, with which to fill it. The instrument represented at plate 3 has likewise the advantage of being more readily managed, the weights in using the areometer being liable, unless carefully handled, to be precipitated to the bottom of the vessel; and the specific gravities of larger fragments may be taken with it, so as to avoid the necessity, in common cases, of breaking up choice specimens. As this instrument takes to pieces, its portability is equal to that of the areometer, and it is besides of so simple a construction, that it may be procured from any scale- maker's. 128 CHARACTERS OF MINERALS. Description of Instrument for taking Specific Gravities. (Plate 3.) A is an "upright" of brass, screwing into the lid of the box, B. For the sake of portability, this upright may be in two pieces screwing together at the centre. C is a brass hook or pin (fitting into the upright), from which the balance D, of hard steel, is suspended. D' D" are thin brass rods, hooking on to the beam of the balance. E is the cup for the weights. F is a piece of metal beneath, to poise the weight of the apparatus on the other side. G and H are the cups for the mineral whose sp. gr. we wish to ascertain. It is of course first to be weighed in G, and afterwards in H, as in the areo- meter (page 11). I is a glass nearly full of distilled or rain water, in which the cup H is to be immersed during operations. The instrument is to be so constructed as that one side shall exactly counterpoise the other, when the cup H, and about two inches of the rod D" (which at that part should be as thin as possible), are under water. If a the weight of the mineral when in the cup G, and b = its weight when in the cup H, then : a ab sp. gr. sought. POSTSCRIPT. 129 In conclusion, I beg to state, that the idea of having the two cups on one rod is not my own. It is either the invention of M. Brard, of Paris, or of M. C. Paul, of Geneva; their instruments I have never seen, but they are constructed, I believe, with a sliding weight, similar to the steel-yard. NOTE TO THE READER. It was my intention to have prefixed to this little treatise "A New Artificial Arrangement for the Discrimination of Minerals," differing from that given in the second part of Practical Mineralogy,' to which it would form a kind of check or proof; but this the busy nature of my avocation compels me for awhile to relinquish. It will however, I trust, be shortly completed, and will be published so as to bind up, if required, with the present volume. E. C. Manningham, near Bradford, Yorkshire, March 23, 1844. LONDON: PRINTED BY REYNELL AND WEIGHT, PULTENEY STREET, HAYMARKET. 1 ! ¡ ; CHAPMAN'S MINERAL CHARACTERS. ERRATUM. THE Balance in Plate 3, has been incorrectly represented. The cups as there shown, attached to a single rod, would fall out of the line of suspension, -they should therefore have been drawn as represented below:- D D G 汪 Big A. Fig. 5. E A. A B A B B Ᏼ D C Fig 2. Ꮑ Fig. 3. C D E B U C A A A B B B Fig 8. Plate. 1. Fig. 4. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 9. C P Fig.12. B A ୯ Р Fig.10. P 10a. P A B C D J H H Fig.13. Fig.15. A B Fig. 11. a n Fig.14. C 2 2 a 10a 6 7 12 12. α 14 13 事 Plate 2. 10 D E F D A B D G Plate 3. BOUND BY EMNANT & EDMONE LONDON 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06437 8758 * す hirt. 応募