A 582480 video JOIN TORRIS. 70 **...*..." j. 3 HE 3.3 + EDINBURGH Haddington wunbar Middleton Blukshields Bimkiharusi 1777777 Tirudies Greenlaw GEVER.AL VIEW Selkit Berwick ofthe Kelto Cortull Hawick POSTROADS Hindrum Wooler Veyspaarl Jedburgh tium Howhead Belford LONDON to EDINBURGH Huittinghuni Longtown 1776. Amide horar Bahwick CARLISLE À Laigholm Moipeth Husban Penrith Newcaſtle upon Tyne 1 Share Appleby DURHAM Ranchand Prough Bone Kendal. Greetabrido Darlington Burton l'attrickbridge Lancaster Korthallerton Garlang Leminglane Thirik Ripon Prefton Boroughbridged Eafm gwold Harrogate Wetherley YORK Wigan Leedsa Ladcaſter Aberford Warrington Wakefieldt Knotsford For bridae Barnilen Doncaster Sheffield Holms Chap Bawtry Retford Newcaſtle underline Workfop 4 Tustard Stone Ollerton Wanthno vloor Rugeley Newark LITCHFIELD Banbxmoor Chautham Coleſhilla witsworth Mithum common COVENTRY 4 Stamford Fitmoferit Dinchirh Stilton Daventry Alumbnr-hill Towcefter NB Thitusinsated in Buckdor Stones Stratford thistilar orpirisut Tempusford thiw Fenny Stratford Wigglefirade (CITIES Baldock Thoseintended invol:II Dunſtable Market Towns Stevenagem this (17llages s Albansa Walnın Read along the Romam Hatfield Watiuw strid Baunet LONDON VIAmestrimo delin! Hlejiul..trge inteinen Hill. AN ACTUAL SURVEY of the GREAT POST-ROADS B E TWEEN LONDON and EDINBURGH, By Moſtyn John Armſtrong, Geo! Patre del et sculp LONDON Printed for, and Sold by the Author and the Bookſellers Price 7.6. Harriſon ſculp! Publiſhed according to Act of Parliament of June 2776. 1 TO THOMAS PENNANT, Esq; ! OF DOWNING, THIS SURVEY OF THE GREAT POST ROADS BETWEEN LONDON AND EDINBURGH, IS MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY HIS MUCH OBLIGED, HUMBLE SERVANT, Iſt London, 1776. M. J. ARMSTRONG. ܪ . ܀ English 15-2-18 To the P U B L I C. THE fingular utility of a correct TRAVELLING DIRECTORY muſt be obvious even to the meaneſt capacity; an apology is therefore totally unneceſſary. The Author, however, is compelled to make this juſt, though trite obfervation, that notwithſtanding the uncommon demand for ſimi- lar productions, public liberality, as in moſt other inſtances, has been too frequently proſtituted to mercenary purpoſes. In May 1773, propoſals were offered for pu- bliſhing a SURVEY of the Post Roads from Lon- don, by Carliſle and Newcaſtle, to Edinburgh, in One Volume, at ios, 6d. to which the Author ac- knowledges to have received a numerous and re- ſpectable liſt of ſubſcribers : But to have included theſe two great roads, with their ſeveral branches in One Volume, would have increaſed it to a fize by far too large for the pocket, and required a more general ſale than could be ſuppoſed to indemnify the expences of the publication. This VOLUME, comprehending the Poſt-roads from London, by Wetherby and York, to New- caſtle; and from Newcaſtle, by Berwick, Cold- ſtream and Kello, to Edinburgh, is humbly pre- ſented to the Public, not only as a work complete in itſelf, but likewiſe as a ſpecimen of ſuch future Surveys on the ſame plan as he means to undertako ſo ſoon as the public opinion is aſcertained with regard to this. It was the Author's intention to have given ſuch hiſtorical extracts, and traditional informa- tion as would have, in ſome meaſure, elucidated the Hiſtory, Antiquities, Conftitution, Produce and Commerce of the country within the limits vi A اه ( 2 ) the ſurvey; but this he found, would have retard- ed the publication for ſuch a length of time, as might have incurred the diſpleaſure of thoſe who had contributed ſo liberally to its encouragement. By this omiffion, however, it is preſumed he has not leftoned in any degree, the merit or utility of the publication; but, upon the whole, has ſo im- proved on the original deſign, as to render it the moſt accurate and coinprchenſive of the kind ex- tant. To be fiient as to the authorities from which this TRAVELLING COMPANION is compiled would, by ſome, be deemed an unpardonable omiffion; the Publiſher therefore informs the purchaſer, that zoo miles of the road were taken from Surveys made by Capt. ARMSTRONG and himſelf; and that the remaindu was laid down from his own obfervations, adopting ſuch actual ſurveys as he could aſſuredly confide in. The ſcale to which the whole is reduced, is HALF an INCH to a STATUTE MILE, and the extent of each page TWELVE MILE by Six. The Plan, and Manner of diſtinguiſhing the dif- ferent objects deſcribed in the Survey, arc ſo very obvious, that little explanation is required : the Publisher will only obſerve, that the moſt affidu- ous application and minute attention have not been wanting to complete this very laborious and ex. penſive undertaking. In order to obviate, as much as poſſible, the long-complained-of difficulty of finding the real diſtance between each poſt-ſtage, the following Tables are ſubjoined; which are intended not on- ly as a comparative view of the uncertain and in- correct diſtance charged on fome ſtages, but as inſertions of the utmoſt ſervice to Travellers, whi- ther riding Port, in a Chaiſe, or in a Stage Coach. + ( 3 POST STAGES, WITH THE DISTANCE, HORse, and CHAISE HIRE of each, as charged on the Road. S. 15 15 16 17 14 II 36 18 9 Stages. Miles P. Hor. P. Chaife. Do. with 4 H. a. 1. d.ll. S. d. BARNET I 2 O 9 0 O Hatfield 9 2 3 6 9 II Stevenage 1 2 3 9 0 Biggleſwade 14 36 O IO 17 Buckden 4 0 1 2 I 0 Stilton 14 i 6 Ο Το 6 6 Stamford 6 O IO 6 o 17 6 Witham Common 29 8 3 O 13 6 Grantham IO 2 6 O 7 8 I 2 6 Newark 14 3 6 Ο ΙΟ 6 17 6 Tuxford 14 36 O IO 6 17 6. Barnbyinoor IO 6. I 2 6 Doncaſter 14 ото 6 17 6 Ferrybridge IS 3 9 O II 3 Wetherby 16 4 0 1 2 o I O 0 Boroughbridge I 2 3 O 9 O O IS Northallerton 19 49 O 14 3 I 3 9 YORK-ROAD from Ferrybridge.. 1. d. l d. Tadcaſter 13 3 3 0 9 9 York 9 2 3 6 9 II 3 Eaſingwold 13 3 3 9 9 O 16 2 Thirík 2 6 76 12 6 Northallerton 9. 6 9 Q II 3 Darlington 4. O 12 Durhamn 18 13 6 6 Newcalle 15 3 9 3 I8 Morpeth 14 6 Alnwick 19 49 14 3 3 9 Belford 15 9 II 3 Berwick 15 II 3 18 9 Preſs Inn I 2 9 15 Dunbar 14 I 6 17 6 Haddington 19. 8 3 Ố 13 2 Edinburgh 10 4.0 I. A 2 S. d. 16 3 10 16 O I 1 2 II comomoo aaaaao 17 6 оо. Осоооо 189 но, ооооноо O S. s. 0 1 1.4.1, II O 0 IO II O 29 0 O O IQ O I 2 O 0 11 I 2 I I II O 0 IO ( 4 ) COLDSTREAM ROAD from Morpein. Stages. Miles P. Hor. P. Chaiſe. Do. with 4 H. d. I. d. 1. de Whittingham 19 4 9 14 3 3 9 Haughhead 29 8 3 13 9 Cornhill I 4 36 6 17 6 Greenlaw 29 8 3 13 9 Norton II 8 3 13 9 Blackſhields II 2 9 8 3 13 9 Kelso ROAD from Wooler. Mindrum 26 7 6 6 Kello 9 2 3 6 9 3 Lauder 17 4 3 9 3 Blackſhields 2 9 8 3 13 9 Edinburgh 14 36 6 17 6 POST STAGES between LONDON and EDINBURGH, with the Diſtance of each in Miles and Furlongs. M. F. M. F. BARNET Newark 14 3 Hatfield S 4 Tuxford 13 ovenage 7 Barnby Moor 10 4 pogleisrade 13 5 Doncaſter 12 kden Ferrybridge 15 'tilton 13 7 Wetherby 16 Stamford 14 Boroughbridge Witham Common 2 Northallerton Grantham 95 York RÓAD, from Ferrybridge. Tadcaſter 12 7 Morpeth York 9 3 Alnwick 18 6 Erfingwold 13 3 Belford 14 5 Thirſk 103 Berwick 15 3: Northallerton 9 Preſs lon Darlington 16 0. Dunbar Durham 18 Haddington Newcaſtle 54 4 Edinburgh II O II Non sot nw 2 1 2 II 19 2 14 6 j II 5 14 3. 2 II 16 0 0 10 6 II 3 II 5 22 IO COLDSTREAM ROAD, from Morpeth. Whittingham 19 Greenlaw Haugh-head Norton Cornhill 14 0 Blackſhields Kelso Road, from Haugh Head. Mindrum Blacklhields Kelſo 9 Edinburgh Lauder 16 1 2 0 10 7 2 14 I NORTHERN FLYS, DILIGENCES, and POST COACHES from LONDON, Inns, Fare, &c. according to the lateſt Regu- lations. EWCASTLE FLY, in 3 Days, from the George and Blue Boar, Holborn, 1 o'Clock very Morning, (Sundays excepted), to the Black Bull, Newcaille, 274 Miles, £ 3.6s. N. B. Three Seats in this Fly may be taken to the Crown, Boroughbridge ; (206 Mites, at £2. gs.) from whence a Diligence goes, in one day, to the King's Arms, Carliſle ; 96 Miles, £1. 35. and from the King's Arms, a Diligence goes every Tueſday Morning 5 o'Clock, in one day, to the Crown Glaſgow, 123 Miles, £1, IIS. EDINBURGH FLY, (one Day Summer, one and half, Winter), from the Black Bull, Newcaſtle, 5 'Clock morning; Tueſday, Thurſday, and Saturday, to the Black Bull, Edin- burgh; 105 Miles, £1. 115. 62. YORK FLY, in 36 Hours, from the Rofe and Crown, St. John's Street, Smithfield, at 4 o'Clock every Morning, (Sun- day excepted), to the George, York; 200 Miles, £2. 25. * NEWCASTLE FLY, in one day, from the George, York, Monday, Wedneſday, and Friday, 3 o'Clock, Morning, to the Cock, Newcaſtle, 8 1 Miles, £ 1. IS. EDINBURGH FLY, (one day Summer; one and half, Winter), from the Cock, Newcaſtle, Tueſday, Thurſday, and Saturday, 6 o'Clock, morn, to the White Hart, Edinburgh, 106 Miles, £1. 11s. 6d, YORK OLD COACH, in 2 days, from the Swan, Hol- born-bridge, Sunday, Tueſday, and Thurſday, 100'Clock night, to the Black Swan, York, 200 Miles, £ 2. 25, YORK DILIGENCE, in 2 days, from the Black Lion, Water-Lane, Fleet ſtreet, every Morning, 6 o'Clock, (Sunday pot excepted), to the Black Swan, York, 200 Miles, £ 3. JOS. (6) STAMFORD COACH, in one day, from the Bell and Grown, Holborn, every night, 10 o'Clock, (Sunday excepted), to the Swan, Stamford, 90 Miles, 18s. LEEDS POST COACH, in 2 days, from the Croſs Key's, Wood Street, every night, (Sunday excepted), 10 o'Clock, to the New-Inn, Leeds, 199 Miles, £2. 25. N. B. A Poſt Coach goes from the New Inn, Leeds, Wed- neſday, and Friday evening, 6 o'Clock in one day, to Beck's Coffeehouſe, Carliſle, 119 Miles, £1. 105, and from Beck's Coffeehouſe, a Diligence goes twice a-week in one day, to the George, Edinburgh, 91 Miles. LEEDS COACH, in 2 days, from the Swan with Two Necks, Lad Lane, Sunday, Tueſday, and Thurſday, 10 o'Clock, night, to Leeds, 199 Miles, £2. 25. LINCOLN MACHINES, in one day, from the Spread Eagle, Gracechurch Street, and Colden Croſs Charing Croſs, Sunday and Thurſday Evening, 70'Clock, 131 Miles, £ 1. 75. AD V E RT IS E M E N T. CAPTAIN ARTSTRONG and SON'S MAPS of Northumberland, Berwickſhire, Three Lothians, Ayrſhire, and Tweedale, continue to be Sold by them, and by the Bookſellers and Printſellers in LONDON, NEWCASTLE, EDINBURGH, &c. where Subſcriptions are taken in, for A New and CORRECT MAP of the COUNTY of LINCOLN, On Eight Sheets at Two Guineas. AN ALPHABETICAL INDEX of the Post Towns, INNS, and moſt Remarkable VILLAGES, &c. on, or within three miles of the GREAT North ROADS, with a reference to the Pages in which they are delineated. Pages. Pages. BERFORD, York, 15 DALKEITH, Edinburgh, 44 Alconburyhill, Hunt. 6 DARLINGTON, Durham, 23 ALDBOROUGH, York, 16 Darrington, York, Alnmouth, Northumb. 29 Difhforth, Ditto. 17 ALNWICK, Ditto. 29 DONCASTER, Ditto. 13 ASHWELL, Hartford, 4 Dringhouſes, Ditto, Aycliffe, Durham, 23 DUNBAR, Haddington, 32 Ayton, Berwick, 31 DURHAM, 14 20 ~4 21 I 2 3 i 14, 19 24 I 1 2 IO BALDOCK, Hartford, , 4 EASINGWOLD, York, Barnborough, Northumb. 29 Eaton-Socon, Bedford, 5 Barnbymoor, Nottingh. EDINBURGI, 31, 44 BARNET, Midd. and Harts. EYMOUTH, Berwick, BAWTRY, York and Norts. 12 BELFORD, Northumb. 29 Falla-Dam, Edinburgh, 44 Beltonford, Hadding: 32 Felton, Northumb. 27 BERWICK, Berwick Bounds zo Ferrybridge, York, BIGGLESWADE, Bedford, 4 Ferry Hill, Durhamn, Birdforth, York, Finchley, Middleſex, Birtley, Durham, Fiouton, Northumb. 37 Blackthields, Hadding. 43 Ford, Edinburgh, 47 BOROUGHBRIDGE, York, 16 Foton, Lincoln, Bramham, Ditto. 15 Bridge Cafterton, Rutland & Gladefinoor, Hadding, 33. Broadwater, Hartford, 3 Glanton, Northumb. Brotherton, York, Goodmanchester, Hunt. Buckden, Huntingdon, 5 GRANTHAM, Lincoln, 9 GREENLAW, Berwick, 39 Channelkirk, Berwick, 43 Gunnerby, Lincoln, 9 Chelter-le-ſtreet, Durham 25 Coddicot, Hartford, 3 HADDINGTON, 33 Cold. Arbour, Lincoln, 9 Hamnitcad, Middleſex, Coldinghame, Berwick, HATFIELD), Hartford, COLDSTREAM, Ditto. 38 Haugh-head, Northumb. 37 Coliterworth, Lincoln, Highgate, Middleſex, Cornhill, Durham, Holy Mand, Durliam, , 29 Cowton, York, 18 HUNTINGDON, 6 Coxwonn, Ditto. . Croft, Ditto. 23 Invereſk, Edinburgh, 34 Cromwell, Nottingham, Iflington, Middleſex, merilnico som 36 6 I 2 I 38 21 II I 19 21 40 1 LONDON, 1 20 An ALPHABETICAL INDEX, &c. Pages. Pages. Kate's Cabin, Hunting. 7 SHERBURN, York, KELSO, Roxburgh, 41 Shipton, Ditto, Kirkneiioii , Northumb. Smailholm, Roxburgh, 41 Smeaton, Great, Ditto, 18 LAUDER, Berwick, 42 SOUTHWARK, Surry, LEITH, Edinburgh, 34 STAMFORD, Lincoln, 8 Linton, Haddington, 33 Stannington, Northumb. 26 STEVENAGE, Hartford, 3 Long Bennington, Lincoln, 10 STILTON, Huntingdon, 6 Long Framlington, Nor. 35 Streethouſes, York, Long Horsley, Ditto, 35 St, NEOTS, Bedford, 5 Sunderlandbridge, Durham 25 Micklefield, York, 15 Swallwell, Ditto, 25 Milfield, Northumb. 37 Mims,'S. Middleſex, TADCASTER, York, Mindrum, Northumb. 40 | Tempsford, Bedford, 5 MORPETH, Ditto, 27, 35 | THIRSK, York, MUSSEL BURGH, Edin. 34 Thormanby, Ditto, Thornton-in-le-itreet Do, 22 Newark, Nottingham, Topcliff, Ditto. 17 NEWCASTLE, Northumb. 25 Towton, Ditto. 19 Norman Croſs, Hunting. 7 Tranent, Haddington, 34 NORTHALLER. York, 18. 22 TUXFORD, Nottingham, Norton, Berwick, 39 Tweedmouthi, Durhan, 30 2 20 22 21 IO 2 31 Old Camus, Berwick, 31 WALKERN, Hartford, 3 Ottrington, N. and S. York, Wandsford, Northampton 17. 18 and Huntington, 7 WARKWORTH, Nortliumb. 23 Paunton, Great Lincoln, 9 Warrenford, Ditto, 29 PONTEFRACT, York, 14 Wafhforth, York, 16 Potter's Bar, Middleſex, Water Newton, Hunt. 7 Porton, Bedford, 4 Weldonbridge, Nor. 35 Preſs Inn, Berwick, IVELWYN, Hartford, 3 Preſtonpans, Hadding. 34 Wentbridge, York, 14 WETHERBY, Ditto, 15 RETFORD, Nottingham, 12 WHEATH AMSTEAD, Hart. 3 Rimfide Houſe, Nor. 36 Whetſtone, Middleſex, Robin Hood's Well, York, 14 Whittingham, Nor. Roffington Bridge, Ditto. 13 Witham Com:non, Lincoin. 8 Roxburgh, Roxburgh, 41 WOOLER, Nortluumb. 37, 40. Woolner Green, Hart. 3 Sand Hutton, York, 17 Sandy, Bedford, 4 YETHOLM, Rosburgh, 40 Scarthing Moor, Notting. II York, I 36 2 - woh Downs Pl.z. nfiesa North end Lane Beledice Balards Browne jent streit Bo Llice Copis Farma HAR TF *R D M 22 Pleasanya Inf Totteridge , Barna Milhin Whetstone S.Zodge Wood side Chalce. Drover hit gren Bush Frian Barnet hall Page strene 1 Southgate Dolls Colnghatchi Minchi ngtonhall Finchley Hendon Finchley Dallaa haljine Boundo Chommon Green East and Farma mGrotes green Wood Green Parlegate New River Temple Muswell hill Fortune MIDDLE SE X Jorney Duckets North end Canewood Crouch/ end Chaldshati Hiob grate West Green Stroud Green Hamitead 10 V. Holloway Stanford West end Copt hall Rains H. Holloway aud Belarze He Stoke New tington Kelburn Rings Croje PrimrosehiN Highbruary Copenhagen Newington StJohns Wood Green Mother RJ Cape Canbury Ho Paddington Pan Cras Wh.Condut ho. Barr Illington Marylebonete Whitmore SHUGUJE Hackney Wella ligestone Park BethnetGrea Barr 13 le Kingsland Bar Battikor. Barr а Ο Ν JDOO Hoxton, Hyde su DODODU Don 152 Pudens 1 mas Mile end Chelſea nesto lou פסם AWESI 09 Slepney 30000 car She Hose Ferry Vauhall Weat Vhouses MTN. 509 Tambah Newington, buts Kenington S VRRY Wat worth Zujan So. 23. Nowgate Str. DO RK hether in (I) M I D D L ES E X. 1 Qireen's Palace, Her Majeſty. Cancwood, Lord Mansfield. Mlinchington Hall, Duke of Chandois. Enfield Louth Lodge, His Majeſty. COUNTY OF HARTFORD. Totteridge, Lee, Efq; Greenhill Grove, Pyros, Eſq; Mount Pleaſant, Kichardſon, Efq; Bufhhill, Alchilli, Efq; SU RR Y. Vauxhall, Nais bey, Bart. Pont-Road. म ų London to Barnet, 11. Edinburgh, by Berwick, 397. The North Rouds from London, are, by Iſlington, Pucas, ?:)! - tenhein-Coiirt, and Mlira-la-lonne, to Highgate ; where they unic, and become the GREAT Post-ROAD to York, Newcaſtle, Ber- wick, and Edinburgh. CROSS-ROAD S. Lond. by Knightsbr. to Hounſlow, 9.-Saliſbury, 82.-Exeter: 173. Ditto, h. Horrifione', to Reading, 39.--Devizes, 881.- Bath, 1071 Ditto, ly Reading, to Chippenham, 931_Briſtol, 1 17. Ditto, Tyler12 5:7, to Uxbridge, 15.-Oxford, 5.1.-Glouceſter, 100 Ditto, by Kilburn, to Watford, 141..yleſbury,38 -Shrewſbury, :66. Ditto, lyStoke N. 7:17.gton, to Ware, 21.--Alconbury hill 6.12. See p.6. N. B. The Poſt with the North jail goes this road. Ditto, by Wri, to Cambridge, 51.-Ely,68_Lynn, 98. Ditto, i Mility to Epping, 17.-Newmarket, 601 . Ditto, by Ditto, to Rumford, 12.-Chelmsford, 2 -Chelmsford, 29.---Ipſwich, 69. -Yarmouth, 123. Ditto, by Celmsford, to St. Edmund's Bury, 72.-Norwich, 115. Ditto, l, Ditto, to Harwich, 72. Ditto to Greenwich, 5.--Rocheſter, 30.-Canterbury, 56.-.-Dover, 715 Ditto to Bromley, Tunbridge, 30.-Rye, 64. Ditto, ly Kennington, to Croydon, 91.--Lewis, 49. Ditto, v Ditto, to utton, 11.--Brighihelmſtone, 52. Ditto, ln Tuxhill, to Kingſton, n-Ġuildford, 291. Portſmouth, 72. Ditto, by KingJt01, to Godalmin, 331 --Chicheſter, 62. INNS, London, Swan z!it? tuo Necks, Lad Lane ; George and Blue Bour, Holborn ; Croſs Kvs, Vood Street; Golden Croſs, Charing Croſs ; Rife and Crown, St. John's Street; Suun, Holborn Bridge; Spracid Esgk, Gracechurch Street; Bell an:: Crown, Holborn, 2 COUNTY OF HARTFORD. Brocket Hall, Lord Melbourne. Tewin Houſe, Col. Sabine. Wood Hall, Hutchinfon, El Bull Hall, Butler, Eg; Cole Green, Earl Cowper. Hatfield Houſe, Earl of Saliſbury. Popes, Trueman, Bart. Bird's Place, Earl Cornwallis, Bedwell Park, Whitbread, Erg; Camfield, Brown, Etc; Kotih Lane, Reed, EA; Skimpans, Sipthorp, Eſq; Petriils, Delac!, Erg; Frookmans, Cox, Efq; Muffets, Roper, Eſq; Gubbins, Mrs. Sambroke. North Mims, Duke of Leeds. Tittenhanger, Yorke, Efq; Little Canons, Eveny, E!q; Nin Hall, Grainger Leman, Eſq; MIDDLES E X. Durham Park, Bethel, Efq; Wrocham Park, Byng, Eq; Enfield Weit Lodge, His Majelty Poſt-Road. Barnet to London, 11. Ditto to Hatfield, 9. Edin. by Berwick, 376. Hatfield to barnet, 9. London, 20. Ditto to Stevenage, II. Edin. by Berwick, 367. CROSS-R ( A D S. Barnet, by S. Mims, to St. Alban's, 10.-Coventry, 80.- Chester, 1703.-Parkgate, 1825. Ditto, by Coventry, to Birmingham, 99.–Shrewſbury, 145.- Holyhead, 263.-Dublin, by water, 326. Ditto, by St. Albani's, to Northampton, 55.-Leicefter, 88.- Mincheſter, 171. Hatfield, by tolywell, to Hartford, 73.- Ware, 101. Ditto, by Popefield, to St. Alban's, 5 .--Hemel-Hemſted, 12. INNS, Barnet, Red Lion, Mitre, Green Man, Unicorn. Hatfield, Chequer, Il'hite Lion. Plate 2, Maran R Beach hyde Broeket Brickwell ho. Tewin Hall +.. 2. Drgoweït Lodge Ktiemsford Hornby hali Grube ; bushes uitla Brochain RD LLL Stanbrough cowpers green Wood Hatfield Indwickhide Astwick L 0 Lg ܨܳܐ Greens L Bush Hall Birchwood" Popefield Holy Well Row gred HATFIELD MIR! WR 12 Edenden Parsonage & Houses Steepoide Birds place Boesięck Dulsom green Park Wellañ green Titten- hanger Millera Popesti Bedwell Park Camfield Kentish lane Bedwett Lodge Skampans 1/6 Bellbar Cold Harbour Hol Brookmans North Mims Potrillar Rujag eoak Cruse green L (Barr 11 1 L L Bakar Street Zitto L! 4 Durham parkle weli and hall Pott Will Muffets North ball Gubbins Dog kennel Warrengate 4.4 12 Nae hall South Tittle 'heath Mims Samshall Common North hall Ridgem! Bridge foot Pottera barr Spaw IS EX Cannon, MD Danichill Bentle பாடிப் 2 heath e Gladmore Wro hham Party Enfield Ricksend Heath4 11, ☆ West A Lodge Gally lane the Mount le Rowley Green ÁRNIT Cace 1 Race Red Ivon Gr. Barnet Common Cockfoster seg Zuffman sculp LL L Welle LI ILL Care LIBRE Plate 3 3 Icknield Way ..... II 요 Ah 요 요 2 요 UE al 2 요 Beane R 2 모 Afton lend WHEATHAMS TED green.es Quickswood Reel Clothhall Litchworth Kingswoodbury Wilian Lannock Wefton Lufen, hall in Waysworth Great Wymond Chivefield Little Wymond 2 Graveley Lodge e Dane end ETTE ARTFORD WALKERN, Hippolites ? Tilmore STEVENAGE green 22 2 * Chello Litts Almshoeloe KLetchmore Groen Symonds green 10 Sed u Minden Chap. Fairland Sheephall Norton green Afton She Stalgenhoe Langley Broad master ee S. PaulsWalden 9 Bragttoy en Knebworth Dandt and Whiavell, Street. I Lee Three'horges | Tagsend Lite lle Datchworth LAL Woolmer green Hoce- Rahles heather เ leo Coddicot Datchworth igreer - Mardley health Kimpton Burham, green WELWYN Ayot S Lawrence green Reyot StPeters lTewin waterte Tewin Arot Digfwell Ball Brickwell house Frockter Satp. e 2 Q- 10 2 오 오 요 Swarrtleyse 2 오 len 0 Bůl green 오호오 .228 Maran R. 오. Lockleys Harmers Lie 12 오 Lamenee e 3 E DET OF COUNTY OF HARTFORD. . Little Wymond, Pim, Efq; Chivefield Lodge, Sparhauke, Eſq; Stagenhoe, Hayſham, E?q; St. Paul's Walden, Mrs. Bowes. Knebworth, Mrs. Lytton. Alton, Hon. James Stuart. Bragbury End, Lady Baxter. Coddicot, Biste, Etq; Hoo, Brand, Efq; Ayot St. Lawrence, Lloyd, Eld; Lamer, Lord Cardif. Lockleys, Garduer, Elq; Digfwell Honfe, Challcreols, Etc Tewin Houſe, Col. Sabine. Tewin Water, Steel, Ela; RT Poſt-Road. Sievenage, to Hatfield, 11. Ditto to Bigglefwade, 14. London, 31. Edin, by Berwick, 356. CROSSROADS. I Welwyn, by Coddicot, to Hitchin, 9.-Bedford, 25.-Notting- han, 101. Broad Water, by Bragbury end, to Watton, 31.--Hartford, 7 -London, 29. Stevenage to Walkern, 3.. Icknield way, is the Road from Baldock to Hitchin.- See page 4. . INNS, Stevenage, Swan, New 13.2. Welwyn, Il'hite Hart, Swan. .... ... WAK 2 4 COUNTY of BEDFORD. Sandy, Haſfell Hall, Sutton, Ickwell, Old Warden, Monnoux, Bart. Pym, Efq; Burgoyne, Bart. Palmer, Eſq; Harvey, Efq; Lord Ongley, Ja. Harvey, Eſq; Lord Viſ. Torrington. Barnet, Eſq; Edwards, Elo; R. Edwards, Eſq; Schutz, E: Southill, Stretton, Henlow, Arleſey, COUNTY of HUNTINGDON. Everton, Attell, Erg; COUNTY of HARTFORD. Netvenham, Radwell, Hutton, Ecq; Pym, Elq; Poſt-Road. Biggleſwade to Stevenage, 1.4. London, 45- Ditto to Buckden, 16. Edin. by Berwick, 342. CROSS-R O AD S. Baldock, along Icknield way, to Royſton, 8.1.-Cambridge, 21.5. Ditto, along the Roman Road, to Hitchin, 5.-Dunſtable, 20. Oxford, 59. Ditto, by Arleſey, to Shefford, 6.--Bedford, 152. Biggleſwade to Potton, 31. At 3 m. ſt. by Stainford, to Shefford, 7.- Hitchin, 14. Girtford Bridge, by Sandy, to Potton, 4.--Cambridge, 20. Ditto to Bedford, S.-Buckingham, 35:-Oxford, 6o. INNS, Biggle wale, Sur, Crown, S. Baldock, White Horſe, George. Plate 4 Everton 4 burtford Sandy cansars Camp Thorny cote *Hafen Hall Northill Beeston Stratford POTTON Ickwell Caldecote Up Caldecote Potton Waden " Barr (BEDA Short Mead ORD & Barr Barr Sutton BIGGLESWADE Southill i Broom Falcon Havana is Stretton Stamford Crouches Farm - Newtonbury Millsbury Langford Clifton Dunton NewIpring Bleak hati Labour in Van Edworth Hen low Ivel R . Roman Camp Altwick 10 Barr Ilinsworth An:lefey Caldecote HizR LJO nr ASHWELL Dean end Stetfold Barr Clayfus Greenend Newenham Bigrave Radwell Norton Teknield Wa BALDOCK Roman Road Litchwop ! HART th FORD Teruy &Co foulp N962. Pater nofter Row { } SOCIETY OF MOTOR TRADERS THE LIBRARY OTU Plate 5. شر Graffham HUNTINGDON Buckden 101 Foor Oure R LincotPalace Offord Cluny Farm i 오 Sturtlong Perry Hatch Perry Offord Darcy Gains Hall Doddington el Dillington Wiole 14 Southoe Midlo Boughton A Grainge Great Paxton Hale B Barn (13 1 2 Stoughton Alimyby Little Paxton # Span Hale Wefton Båsmead Thungry Harding.com Gofs Hill Devitha 2 SENEors Wintringhan U.Staploi Eynſbury Eaton Socon 2 Honeydon Gõõdwickgreen Little End Wiboston ette Little Barford 9 Puddock Hardwick 27 2 'Buggary Chauston 8 2 home Toler End BEDFORD Gane Pasture House 7 Roxton Ferry CAMBRIDGE Birchfield Tempsford Barr Port Mahon Gibralter HUNTING DON Green End OweR Ivel R. Everton I. Blunhamy: Great Barford Hasell Hall 2 Chaulton Girt, ford JLodge Soup COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON. 5 Graft'ham, Bernard, Bart. Buckden Palace, Biſhop of Lincoln. Sturtlow, Woolery, Efq; Offord Darcy, Nailor Blund, Eſq; Doddington, Thornhill, Efq; Midloe Grainge, Handafide, Efq; Little Paxton, Stanley, Eſq; Runnel, Eſq; Everton, Aftell, Efq; COUNTY OF BEDFORD. Bafmead, Danvers, Bart. Eaton Socon, Marquis of Taviſtock. Roxton, Robinſon, Eſq; Tempsford, Payne, Bart. Goodwick Green, Wilmot, Bart. Knightly, Efc; Great Barford, Franklin, Efq; Blunham, Orlebar, Efq; Haſſell Hall, Pym, Efq; Poſt-Road. Buckden to Biggleſwade, 16. London, by Barnet, 61. Ditto to Stilton, 14. Edinburgh, by Berwick, 326. CROSS-ROAD S. Buckden to Huntingdon, 4.-Ramſey, 13. Eaton Socon to St. Neot's, 1.-Huntingdon, 93 Croſs hill, by Stoughton, to Higham Ferrers, 161.-Nor- thampton, 32 Ditto, by ditto, to Kimbolton, 7. INNS, Buckden, White Lion, George. Eaton Socon, Cock. 6 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON. Glatton, Higney, Great Stewkley, Little Stewkley, Wooley, Wabridge, Graffham, Brampton, Hinchingbroke Houſe, Goodmancheſter, Farm Hall, Heathcot, Eſq; Jackſon, Efq; Fellows, Ela; Rev. Dr. Turkington. Peacock, Eſq; Lord Charies Montague. Bernard, Bart. Ditto. Earl of Sandwich. J. Jackſon, Efq; Col. Clarke, Poſt-Road. Silton to Backdon, 14. Ditto to Stamford, 14. London, by Barnet, 75. Edinburgh, by Berwick, 312, o The old poff-road from London, by Royſton and Ware, joins the Buckden road at Alconbury hill. CROSS-R O AD S. Creomer's Hut to Huntingdon, 3.--St. Ive's, 8 :-Ely, 25 . Ditto, by Goodmancheſter, to Cambridge, 18, Ditto, by Ellington, to Thrapíton, 14.-Coventry, 63. Weſton, by Hamerton, to Thurning, 12. Alconbury hill to Huntingdon, 51.London, 64. EP By Brampton, is the road from Buckden to Hunting, don.-See page 5. INNS, Stilton, Angel, Bell. Alconbury hill, Wheat Sheaf, Plate 6. Noi Caldecot Whittlesea Stilton Mere Stilton 13 Fens Denton Holm 2 Holm Farm Conington olevat Demi Glattonha R Wool Pack 12 Lodgel 오 hem Higner .. . Sawtry Sawtry Chap. Cold-harbour 10 Fens 2 요 2 요 lestredeti Barr Gidding 9 Wood) Walton th' Steple Om od 2 요 . ood 2 요 Q 8.2 오 오 010 £2014-2020 82 Monk Wooão Hamerton Barr Copingford 22 요 Upton "Shooters green Alconburye Hill 2 오오오 22 * o Lodge 2 요 오 오 2Buckworth Wafton HUNT -222 Alconbury 4 Ripton Abbots WINGDON Wald Goose lees PS Little Stewkley Great Stewkley Wooley Wabridge Ellington 3 obotol Barr Ellington thorp a 오 Acreomers Hutt HUNTING DON Hinchingbrook Brampton 2 요 2 Hous 20. es 22 Graffham en R Brookend Goodman chefter Farm hallot Proekter Sculp ܙ ܕܐ * C ܐ ; y ܚܚܚܚܙ܀ -.fܒIter Page.7 1 Ufford Ermine su Colliwelton Burohla Part Stamford Race Pillesgate Courſe White Water Barnack Welland Bart Wittering i ИГР Т. O N NOR Sully Ļodge Thornhạngh 20 Fortyfoot Way као аулрубидат Walcot side Wandsford in England «Bar Upton Marham Yarwell, Stebington Naffington Sutton Roman Road Gibson Caſtor Milton Nen R Water Newton : Bar INNOR. ११९९15 Alwalton Londythorp Kirtiscābini Roman Camp WN Lodge Elton Cheſterton Bottle Green Elton Sheq Walk Cyerton Watervilley o chary Orton HUNTINGIDO NOverton . Longville 21 *Hadden Woodston Lodge coldharbour Lodge Morborn Fouluinters Lodge Folkefworth Praſhingley Normation think YAXLEY Caldecot * Bar Poulp c4/STILTON S 등 THE SOCIETY OF 1970.29 COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON. 7 Ufford, Walcott, Milton, Lord James Manners. Noel, Eſq; Earl Fitz-William. COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON. Elton Water Newton Lodge, Chefterton, Overton Longville Walhingley Houſe, Lord Carysfort. Edwards, Eg; Pigott, Elq; Cope, Bart. Apreece, Elg; CROSSROADS. Norman Crof, y Yaxley, to Peterborough, 5.Doiton, 1.. Ditto, by Peterborough, to Lincoln, 56-Hull, 97 Kate's Cabin, ly Overton Longoille, to Peterborough, 41 Ditto, by E'161, to Oundle, 7.-Northampton, 373. Wandsford, by Caftor, to Peterborough, 72.-Ely, 37. Ditto to Uppingham, I4.Leiceſter, 33. INNS, Wandsford, Hay Cock. Norman Croſs, Normas Conqueror and Red Croſs, LIDRARY (1) CTURERS % 8 COUNTY OF LINCOLN. Lobthorp, South Witham, Holywell, Uffington, Heathcote, Bart. Llewillari, Efq; Reynardſon, Efq; Bertie, Eq; RU T L AN D. Streeton, Stocking, Clipham, Exton, Tickencote, Tolthorp, Kynall, Heathcote, Bart. Ditto. Snow, Efq; Earl of Gainſborough. Mrs. Wyndhain. Mrs. Brown, Rev. Mr. Butter. COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON. Burghley, Earl of Excter. Woothorp, Ditto. Poſt-Road. Stamford to Stilton, 14. London, by Lugden, 89. Ditto to Witham Common, 11. Edin. by Berwick, 298. Witham Common to Stamford, 11. London, by Bugden, 100. Ditto to Grantham, 10. Edin. by Berwick, 287. CROSS.RO AD S. Stamford, by Uffington, to Market-Deeping, 6. Ditto, by Ryhall, to Bourn, II.-Lincoln, 45. Ditto, by Kittor, to Uppinghan, 13. Ditto, by Empingham, to Oakham, 11. INNS, Stamford, George, Bull, Crown. Witham Common, Black Bulle 1 Plate 8 Gunbys KICE SOOwn N.Witham' iGown Point Kinnill congnon Witham ommons TER Zobthorp Market Overton Thiſtleton se Stocking Eotefinore "Greetham Caſtle Bytham Ram Jam House Streeton Clipfhaim Lodge ? 22222 ee Holywell Exton 2 Horn LE Barr 21 Hardwick!'. -Park Lodge 3 rickworth Honn Mock. Beggae Zodge " Five Müle Croſs Horn Müll fickencote ''Warren Fimpin ghani R UT L -Daks Wickercote M Guash R Wito. ² len Heat Thirt Ho. Ingthorp Zolthores Bridge Cafterton Ryhån Witchley Ketton Heath Warrin L. Calterton Rom Rd Ketton, Tyrweile \ STAMFORD V 13. Martins Barr, Uffing -ton u pred Erden Kelthorp Colliwelton Woodharpes NORTHAMPTON vans 731 Burghley Hyle auto ܀ ܀ Page 9 Witham R of 11 May;r onlind Somerby Va le Barr Allington Cliff, Row Barkſton Gunnègby Syfton Modir Sedgebrookl i MOI Belton, Gurmerby Bazz Marthomp Barrowby Casthan diesthouse Granodil GRANTHAMY Mures Harrowby riule spate Denton Houghtoni Cold from Harlaxton Kace Beacon Strawſton Woedhook Barr' i Gurgaard) Cortisë GreatPauntoni BoothbyPagnel NStoke Stoke Skillington Bafingthorp Easton ugh ELS DIAT Woolsthor? Stainby Burton Coltff'erworth Suiston ZIONE COUNTY OF LINCOLN. 9 Allington, Syſton, Belton, Grantham, Graiuge, Harrowby, Harlaxton, Denton, Strawſton, Little Paunton, Eaſton, Stoke, Welby, Eſq; Thorold, Bart. Lord Brownlow. Douglas, Eſq; Lady Cuft. Manners, Efq; Lord Harrowby, Gregory, Efo: Welby, Eſq; Manners, Eſq; Penyman, Efq; Cholmondeley, Erg; Turnor, Eſq; MOTO LIBRARY Poft-Road. Grantham to Witham Common, 1o. London, by Bugden, 710, Ditto to Newark, 14. Edin. by Berwick, 277, C R OS S.RO AD S. I Coltterworth to Bourn, 13 At 7 m. ft. by Cold-Arbour, io Ancaſter, S.-Lincoln, 26%. Grantham, by B:/4011, to Ancatter, 5.--Lincoln, 24. Ditto, by Barrouby, to Linghant., 15.-Nürtijham, 249 Ditto, by near Strawlion, to Mo, 15.--Leiceiter, 30. INNS, Giachim, singil, George. Cutie: worth, singel 1 . IO COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Kelham, Winthorp, Langford Houſe Staunton, Lord George Sutton. Pocklington, Eſq; Duncombe, Elo; Charlton, Erg; COUNTY OF LINCOLN. Allington, Welby, Exp; Poſt-Road. Newark to Grantham, 14. Ditto to Tusford, 14. London, by Bugden, 124, Edin. by Berwick, 263. CROSS-ROAD S. Newark, along the Fofs way, to Lincoln, 187. Ditto, by Farndon, to Nottingham, 20.—Derby, 36.-Litch. field, 60. Ditto, by Codrington, to Beckingham, 5. Ditto, by Averhum, to Southwell, 7.-Mansfield, 1973- Buxton, 55 Ditto, by Kelham, to Ollerton, 13.-Leeds, 71:-Carliſle, 1877 T A Poſt-Coach goes the above road twice a-week from London to Carliſle. INNS, Newark, Kingſion Arms, Saracen's Healta Plate 10 Barlow * Dukh Mulkham Holm Barr. Carleton Langford The Fleet TRENTR. S Muſkham Bar Winthorp Kelham Avecham Dean, thorp VAT TTNGH A M Fogs Way Roman Road Cas, in Ruins Lock Coddington NEWARK Barr Farndon 13 Hawton Balderton Car Dike "Barr) Barnby in the Willows Devon R. Engine House Coltham Cowtham Witham R. Claypole Bennington Stubton 2 Staunton, Common Grainge T TA Long Staunton Bennington Doddington 0 L M Weſtborough Kivington Folly Hougham Marfordi Three Shire Bush Folton Normarnton LEICES Marston Bennington TER Grainge Moore Allington Barr και Bottesford Page fculp? : - 92 Plate 4 Jocky ho. Flsley or Elke šley Forest Roo Idle R Headon Hall Gamfton (3 Headon , Park WW/rayton Haughton Upton Chap Markham Moor Milicon Alkhamn Bevercotes E.Drayton WMarkham E.Markham Barr I anehamB. 14 he Darteton TUXFORD IN O T T 3 I V G H A M Wood coats Egmanton 172 Laxton or i Lexington Skegby Scarthing Mo Inn Normanton, Marpham & 요 Moorhouſe! Weltan & the 10 As Grafsthorp Mainwoods 9 bet Ollington Sutton upon Treny e Wood ho. Girton Caftle farm Mearing Carleton upon Front Willoughby Belthorp Northwell Caunton The Fleet Cromwell. A Barlow ' Callingham 5 R TRENT Page fculp COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. . II Headon Hall, Marnham, Offington, Carleton, Eyre, Eſq; Cartwright, Eſq; Denniſon, Elg; J. Pocklington, Efq; Poſt-Road. Tuxford to Newark, 14. Ditto to Barnby Moor, 10. London, by Bugden, 138. Edin. by Berwick, 249. P At Markham Moor, the traveller may take either the Retford or Foreſt road: the former, though a little about, is by much the mofi cligible. CROSS-R O A D S. Markham Moor, by Darleton, to Lincoln, 17. Co By Caunton, is the road from London, by Leeds, to Carliſle. See page 19. INNS, Tuxford, Red Lion, Scarthing Moor. ܫܵܬܰ 3. .ܪܙ THE SOVIET OF ROTO? 3 LIBRANT 01 I 2 COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. Heſley Hall, Bawtry, Serlby, Blyth, Bilby, Wiſeton, Weſt Retford, Babwortli, Grove, Willoughby, Efq; Miſs Liſter. Lord Viſc. Galway, Melliih, Eſq; Vane, Etq; Acklom, Efq; Emerſon, Elgi Simpſon, Elg; Eyre, Eſq; Poſt-Road. Barnby Moor to Tuxford, 1o. London, by Bugden, 148. Ditto to Doncaſter, 12. Edin. by Berwick, 239. From Barnby Moor, the road by Retford, or through the Foreſt to Markham Moor, 5 m.-See p. 11. CROSS.RO AD S. Bawtry, by Everton, to Gainſborough, 121.-Lincoln, 321. Ditto, by Spittle-hill, to Tickhill, 31.-Sheffield, 20. Ditto to Blyth, 4.-Ollerton, 16.-Nottingham, 35:- Leicester, 602 INNS, Barnby Moor, Red Lion, Bell, Retford, White Hart, Bawtry, Crown. Plate 12 Hesly Hdu Riding YlO Ř K Barry Martin Awfterfield Spittie Hill Mifs on LINCOLN BAWTRY Ватр Taller Harworth Barr Roman Barr Тbe Scaftworth Carr Hpwell Stoneftill Everton Scrooby Salby Norg Canaz Thorpa 오오오 Abbey 2719 Wieton ir Matterfey Ravenskill or Franskilt BLYTH Barrows Blaka [Zorworth been o T I N G H A M 7|| Grange Tored Barnbnmoor Sutton Bilbylo Bar91 п Tung Hayton Botham Motor Canal Forest Road Sbire-wood Clareborough Babworth, Wel te Welhan' Rushy Inn Retford Morton (RETFORD Torintpton I. Gringly, 16 Ordfall Forest White-ho: Grainge Eaton or Idletont Grove Page faulp . S. A Plate 13: # Red hoige & TM it Hutton Pagnell Campfall Hampoll Priory 6 ) Burgh Wallis Skeflow grſainge Askerne Sutton Bilham row Skellow Owfton or Broadfworth Anſton 'Cavecroft Holm Pigburn Adwick in the Street > Thornhuift „Marr Tilts ( Thornin VR K 2 Bálne Shaftholm -- Scorfly hall Pork Almkolm Branfield Barr Bentley Arkey Cufworth Sprothrough Don R. ¿t Newton Little Heathorpa Wheatley Sandall Warmfworth VDONCASTER Triftror Green houfe PBally Doncaſter 1321 Heath Overler Carr Houſe Grainge Catherines Decoy Well High Ellers I-Willy Loverfall Barr L Bridge Maythorn E JADO:7*Nether Hall $ Small bridge Armthorp Race Ground Roman Bess acte Wadworth Cantley Tophall Brampton Torne Rofsington Rofsington Bridge Wellingley Ăukley Blakeftone Stansill Hirft Hafley Hall 'Rofsington Norts. Commode ZOTTS Finningle - Foto I. Conder Sculp COUNTY OF YORK. 13 Hutton Pagnell, Burgh-Wallis, Campfall, Broadſworth, Owſton, Adwick, Cuſworth, Sprotburgh, Warmſworth, Wheatley, Netherhall, Carrhouſe, Overley Grainge, Wadworth, Loverfall, Ward, Efq; Ann, Eſq; Frank, Eſg; Archbiſhop of York Mirs. Cook Durcombe, Elo; Wrightſon, Elq; Copley, Eſq; Wrightfon Battie, Efy; Cooke, Bart. T. Copley, Eſq; Walbank Childers, Eri; Dixon, Eſq; Wordfworth, Eſq; Dixo.), E; COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. . Halley Hall, Willoughby, Efq; Poft-Road. Doncaſter to Barnby Moor, 12. Ditto to Ferrybridge, 15. London, by Bugden, 160. Edin. by Berwick, 227. CROSS.RO ADS. Doncaſter, by Warmſworth, to Rotherham, 12.-Sheffield, 18, Ditto, by Loverfall, to Tickhill, 7 :-Newark, 397. by Nlarr, to Barnſley, 155. by Hampoll Priory, to Wakefield, 20.--Halifax, 36. Ditto, Ditto, 14. AS 14 COUNTY OF YORK. Kippax Park, Ledſton Hall, Byrom, Fryſton Hall, Pontefract, 3 Grove Hall, Darrington, Stapleion, Womeriley, Walden Stubbs, Ackworth Park, Hundell, Eadſworth, Skelbrook, Campíall, Camps-inount, Barnſdale Lodge, Burgh-wallis, Mrs. Bland Earl of Huntingdon Ramſden, Bart. Crowle, Elq Wilſon, Eic; Col. Kamfien Holroyd, Efq; Sotheron, Ery; E. Laſcelles, Eſq; Col. Harvey Shuttleworth, Elqi Sykes, Efq; Vauſe, Erg; Earl of Darlington Perryn Brown, Efor Frank, Eſq; Yarborough, Ero; Frank, Eſq; Anr, Ele; 21 2. Post-Road. Ferrybridge to Doncaſter, 15. London, by Bugden, 175. Ditto to Wetherby, 16. Edin. by Berwick, At Ferrybridge the Poſt-Road turns off to York 22. See page 19 CROSS.RO AD S. Ferrybr.to Pontefract,2.-Wakefield, 10.-Huddersfield, 23:. Ditto, by Knottingley, to Snaith, Ir. From 4 m. ſt. by Monk-Fryſton, to Selby, 107. Through Elmfall is the road froin Doncaſter to Wakefield.See page 13. IXES. Ferrytrit, . Uperna Robin Hoods Wett) Plate 14 Espaux Bark Iedston Hal Ledstone Dedtham Monk Fryſton Lars 3 York Road 2 Ft Castlanet (Poot Naltondhbarth Fairburn Hillam Leeds & Selby Canal EL Weldon Hall Burton Salmond FCaſtleforth Preston Hall Hill Byrom 'Houghton Water- Brotherton New Lathias Suttone Blind Hardwick Fryfton I.Parkhouse Ferry Bridge Smithalds 2 222 15 Catll AirR Knottingley Kellingly Gridling Park PONTEFRACT or POMFRET Gre Hall Swinehane 22 22 Y 0 13 Carleton Ackworth Park 2 K Cridhing stubbs Darrington * ME 2 Wood Hall Hoone E Hardwick / Stapletoni Istow Ackworth Moor Ho . Want R Went Wemerlley Bridge vo har Badfworth Audlin Rogathory Smeaton numuz KirkSmeatori Talden stabbe! Barnsdale Einsall rangbrook Moor Vorton lamps Mount Barnsdale Menstherp Finsatz Bar Skellwook Min throyde Campfall Burgli Wallis Sutton Befault ULY Bay Thorp Tharge R. Hand Plati 5 WE THERBY Wood Hall inton Wetherby Waltons 26 Grunge Grange Thorp Arch 175. Clifford Moat House Righton Thorp Spam Moler Ford Bardſey 14 Gifford Newton Kinent "Wather some Touston Bramham Touston Zədge Bramham-Parky z Thorner 72 Headlo Hall Trollingham. 11 1 Joglethonen . Warren House Kid Hall Bramham Moor • Potterton Beckaz Halt · Haslewood Y R Ri Barr/ 1110 Cock Tonton Barwick, Lead Hall ABERFQH Saxton Parlington Barnbow 74 hotherton 2 2 2 오 요요 2224 2 Barkston Stenkī House Moor Garforth Bare'Ase treet Huddleston ,-IL -ChirchGaforth 7 W.Garforth пти SHERBURN Micklefield Peckfields Road Northorp - Kippax, Peck Fell Preston South Milforth Iedston Park Lodge "Ledſham Lumby York myte, fapt COUNTY OF YORK. 15 Wood Hall, Sturton, Efq; Wetherby Grainge, Thompſon, Elq; Thorp, Goſip, Eſq; Newton-kine, Fairfax, Eſq; Oglethorp, Fox, Etq; Touſton Lodge, Wentworth, Ef; Bramham Park, Goodricke, Bart. Dramham-bigging Allanton, Erg Kid Hall, Ellis, Eig; Haflewood, Vavafor, Bart. Towton, Lord Towton Headly Hall, Wynn, Eſq; Lead Hall, Ibbetſon, Bart. Lotherton, Maude, Elg Parlington, Gaſcoigne, Bart. Saxton, Ditto, Huddleſton, Ditto, Becka Hall, Donniſon, Ero; Aberford, Brown, Ela; Kippax, Medhurit, Eiq; Kippax Park, , Mis. Bland Lediten Lodge, Earl of Huntingdon Poft-Road. Wetherby to Ferrybridge, 16. London, hy Bugden, 191. Ditto to Northallerton, 19. Edin. by Berwick, 196, op By Sherburn and Towton is the York Road.--See p. 19. CROSS.RO A D S. At 5 m.ſt. the road from Ferrybr. by W.Garforth, to Leeds, 15. From 11 m. ft. by Touflon Lodge, to Tadcaſter, 4.-York, 13. Ditto, by Kid Hall, to Leeds, 10.-Halifax, 25. From 15 m. ſt. by Newt012-kine, to Tadcaſter, 5.-York, 15. Ditto, by Collingby, to Harewood, 5.-Kendal, 89. INNS, Wetherby, Angel, Dog and Swan. ܀ 16 COUNTY OF YORK. Newby Hall, Brampton, Boroughbridge, Aldborough, Myton, Copgrave, Loftus-Hill, Great Ouzeburn, Little Ouzeburn, Allerton Mauliverer, Gouldſbroug!!, Ribſton Hall, Thornville, Stockeld Park, Kirk-Deighton, Wighill Park, Weddell, Eſq; Tancred, Bart. Wilkinſon, Efq; Rev. Mr. Goodrick Stapleton, Bart. Duncombe, Efq; Slingſby, Eſq; Henlock, Eſq; Thompſon, Efq; Lord Viſcount Galway D. Laſcelles, Efq; Goodricke, Bart. Thornton, Erg; Middleton, Bart. Rev. Mr. Thompfun Stapleton, Efq; Poſt-Road. Boroughbridge to Wetherby, 12. London, by Bugden, 203. Ditto to Northallerton, 19. Edin. by Berwick, 184, C R OSS.RO AD S. Wetherby, by Spofforth, to Knareſborough, 7Ripley, 11. From 6 m. ſt. by Allerton Mauliverer, to York, 137. From 7 m. ſt. by Flaſby, to Knareſborough, 4. Boroughbridge, by Minſkip, to Knareſborough, 61,--Brad- ford, 28. Ditto, by Little Ouzeburn, to York, 17. Ditto, by Milby, to Eaſingwold, 12. Ditto, by Kirby-hill, to Ripon, 6. Ditto, by do. to Leeming, 15.-Brough, 55.-Carliſle, 95. N. B. A Diligence goes three times a week the above road. INNS, Boroughbridge, the Crown, Grey-hound. Platežo. Hall the Burton Swalek Elinthorp Cotthouse) Newby Kirbyet Hi Milby "Skelton Lengthong, Brampsten from BOROTGIE Rodite BRIDGE [z Copgrave Vinskip A Westivick "Spaw Deniles Arrows Ouze R. ALDBOROUGH with Myton Annam L. Runsforth Stavelev 20 Gupton H. Dunsport Rickemeld Loftus Hall Branton Martou Arkendale Feronsby' NO G.Ouzeburn Vinny 'Y R 118 L.Ouzeburn Clariton La lando HayPark Farm Congstrip Thornbrough Whisler 7 7 Allerton- Flusby Bar EMauliverer Rainshaw Goulds-brough New in Getsthorn Thugkil Harmitage Ribston Hall Thornville Carhouse Hun fingore 22 e 오 Rom"R.. 22 Ribstort 15 Glattalda Gooks Washforth tigmath or Colthorp VidR cumple 0" Lindtoft NDäghton pofforth KirkDeighton, the Bickerton - 1 Sand Beck Swing' Wighi Park Hringthwaite Ple, foulp Stockhatit Park 董 WE THERRY Romero. Scarbrough ho. Plate 17 Leachgreen Barri Brawith Newly Whiſke S.Ottrington Maunty Thornton in the Street Allerth bril Woodendron Hall Greystone Swainly hin Woodhall- Pickhall Kirkby Whilkes field'houfes New ſham Ploschy THIRSK Whiske R. York Road ☆ одотригурия, Carleton Miniot Holm Sinderly Sand Hutton . Barr Ainderby Quernhow Howe Bufhly Barr Thornfield houses Skipton br. Balderfly Catton Eastfield Swale R. Chriftwaite R Middlet on Yorkga te Topcliff Park Cod Beck Melmerby Newby Leeming Renton Aisenly Dalton Topchiff Topcliff Manor Elmyre Ayreholm Grake hall Leckonly Hutton Hall Hutton Diſhforth Çundall Moor Corp Hewick Marton cum Moxly Red Thorife Thornbrough Bridge Norton in the Clay Brafferter T 근 2 Roman Helperby Holm Burton Skelton MoorKirbyhill Road COUNTY OF YORK 17 Newby Wiſke, Maunby, Woodend, Brawith, Ainderby, Newby, Leckby, Cundall, Thorntonbridge, Brafferton, Reevley, Eſq; Hutchinſon, Eſq; Talbot, Efq; Confett, Efq; Waltell, Eſq; Lord Grantham Dr. Kilvington Cholmondeley, Eſq; Gurney, Eſq; Frewen, Efo: CROSS.RO ADS. At Bully, lg Carletou-ininiot, to Thirk, 4. Dirto, by Boldry, to lipon, 5 ---Ripley, 15). Dito, y fidoy, to Malham, 12.–Middiehain, 20% Alcening Lane is the road from Borouglıbridge, ly Brough, to Carlifle. See page 16. +++ Over Kirby Moor is the road to Ripon. Sce ibid. * Through Thornton-le-Street is the Poft-road from North- allerton to York, See page 18. 4 다. : 1 : 18 COUNTY OF YORK. Cowton Hall, Pepper Hall, Temple, Hutton Bonville, Laffenby Hall, Hornby Grainge, Baſtow Hall, Dodgſon, Efq; Arden, Eſq; Yorke, Efq; R. W. Peirſe, Eſq; Pierfe, Eſq; Hugil, Efq; Baſtow, Eſq; Poft-Road. Northallertonto Boroughbridge, 19. London, by Bugden, 222. Ditto to Darlington, 16. Edin. by Berwick, 165. At Northallerton the road turns off to York, 32. See page 22 CROSSROADS, Northallerton, by Ainderby-Steeple, to Bedale, 8.---Middle. ham, 18. From S m. ſt. to Yarm, 81.--Stockton, 123, From 9 m. it. lg. Ccwton, to Richmond, 13. ISNS, Northallerton, Golden-Lion, King's-Head. Plate 18 Wytłane DURHAM Gregory Watfield pouse Tees Cooper -houses Gürsby Markftone N.Cowton Barr 2 L.Entercommon Barr Sock - burn Temple L. Moorland S.Cowton „G. Smeaton Low ton E.Cowton Skells Hornby Peppe Hall Birkby Hornby Grange L. Smeaton Fellgate Moor Hutton Black Bull Corrs Knowaii hull Sheetham Cafde Hutton Bonville Deighton Z.Brockholm Ramhill 4 Brockholm hill Lovesome-hill 7 Hall Lasenby Bar Lease larr G. Langton Danby Wike Red Lyon) 3 R ! Danby-hill Mount Pleafant Yafforth Moor Brompton or Yafforth Brunton Castles Stank Hill NORTH ALLERTON - Baftow-hall 19 Morton Rothandy Castle-hill Priory Bulmer Steeple Sigstoph Zaverockhalt Thornbrough Wallaby 5 I'G. Clow) 12 Watergate Bush-house Grawtree-houge Irunton Bridge Ainderby 18 Roman Sowerby Whiske R. York Road Road Cod Beck Swale Soberhill N.Oltrington Thornton-in-le beans 16 Martinfolly Grosby Sobergate Pagessculpa 1 } Plate 10 Headley, hall Hornington (fautton Barr Grünton Bolton Pergy Hastawood HAU 1 R Whar Kirby Wharf za Tonton Uskelfe Graves Milforth Cock R *- Offcndika Lealdhall Saxton Church Little Fenton e Fentonin Scanthingwell (Lotherton Bioginhill Barkston S. Fenton Huddleston Biggin PE r SHERBURN 7 ta Peck =1 Ruth Park 0 R K Newthorp Feil Lenerton FŠ Milforth Waherby Lumby MonkFryston Road Hambleton Lars 3 Klillan, imal I7 Fairburn Maspin Lauds & Selby Moor Burton salmond Pool Byrom Frystore Hall ze Birkin Brotherton WaterFryſton Sutton Imihalds Ferrybridge Air R Braghall Kellington Knottingley This Page begins the Road from Fer: Br:byYORK,to N.Allerton Bele fap COUNTY OF YORK. 19 Headly Hall, Haſlewood, North Milforti, Lead Hall, Saxton, Towton, Scarthingwell, Lotherton, Byrom, Huddleſton, Fryſton Hall, Wynn, Eſq; Vavaſor, Bart. Leeds, Eſq; Ibbetſon, Bart. Gaſcoigne, Bart Lord Touton Hawke, Efq; Maude, E Ramſden, Bart. Gaſcoigne, Eart, Crowle, Efq; York Poſt-Road. Ferrybridge to Doncaſter, 15. London, by Bugden, 175. Ditto to Tadcaſter, 13. Edin, by Berwick, 219. Tire Poit-road, by Il'itherby, turns off at Ferrybridge. See page It. CROSS.RO ADS. Near 3 m. ft. by Hambleton, to Selby, 8. Hull, 431 Ditto, cross the l'etherby road, to Leeds, 13. *** Near Headly Hall is the road from Leeds to York, See page 15, 20. INNS, Ferrybridge, Swan, Angel. 20 COUNTY OF YORK. Heſlington, Gate-Fulford, Water-Fulford, Mid-thorp Biſhopthorp, Aikam Bryan, Aſkam Richard, Hutton Hall, Wighill, Mount Pleaſant, Newton-kine, Yarburgh, Efq; Barſtow, Eſq; Keay, Erg; Barlow, Efq; Archbiſhop of York Schaak, Eſq; Garforth, Eſq; Hon. Dawney Stapleton, Elog Mrs. Boutcher Fairfax, Efq; Poſt-Road. Tadcaſter to Ferrybridge, 13. London, by Bugden, 188. Ditto to York, 9. Edin. by Berwick, 206. York to Tadcaſter, 9. London, 197 Ditto to Eaſingwold, 13. Edinburgh, 197. CROSS-ROAD S. Tadcaſter to Leeds, 14.-Mancheſter, 59. Ditto, by Newton-kine, to "l'etherby, 7. York, by near Heflington, to Market W cighton, 18.Hull, 37, Dirto, by near Heworth, to New-Malton, 19.-Scarborougl, 40. Ditto, by ditio, to Pickering, 265:--Whitby, 46. Ditto, over Skelton Moor, to Helmeſley, 23.–Stockton, 47. Ditto, by Ho'gati, to Boronghbridge, 17. Ditto, by ditto, to Knareſborugh, 17. Inns, Tadcaſter, White Horſe, Rofe and Crown. York, George, Black Swan, White Horſe, White Swan, Star. N. B. Flys, Diligence, and Post-Coaches go from York to London, Hull, Scarborough, Newcaſtle, Leeds, Not. tingham Plate 20 Huntington 4 11 Olbaldwieks For Howorth Rom Road YORK Hefling -ton SIcelton hall Barr Skelton Moor Skelton Rawdit 3 Clifton 3 Road mm Bar Me Ouse R NetherPoppleton Holgate Over Poppleton Barr x+00: Roman USA 1745 Gate Fulford Water- Fulford Rue Mid Thorp Gikurid, - 'Aeomb Knapton Dringhouſes Haghouse Archbithopszt Palace s BithopThorp Afkam Bryan 15 Roman Road by Rufford -Yo on 0 R Copman thorp רור Atkan Richard Marſton A i Huttok hall n Woolhouse ماء لمر Colton langram Bubroujin Appleton Roebuck) Healaugh 15L Catterton Red Ho. )| Steetonhall Bolton Percy Healaugh Manor Tansa 2 Barr Oxton Beck : Wighill 1013 Mount Pleasant hyeon R Whary Newton Kine S'Helens to Kirby Wharf TANCASTER Uskelf Grimstone Byte, saulp! THE SOVIETY OF 016 LIOR TT SOCIETY OF MOTOR 1 ད ཀ } Plate 21. Seſsay Birdforth the Park House ສີ່ Thormanby Carleton CoxWøld Angrain Hufthwaite Newbrough Highthorn Raskelf Moor Raſkillor Raskelf White House Voor Houses Towthorp EASINGWOLDY PART - Barr 13 ÇrakeCallie DURILAM 112 Hanikwèu Flawith Ame 2. Farm Shire Houses Y OR K Tollerton Roman Road Youton 120 llaton Lanes Hewby Zinton Woods Newton Grainge Forest of Newton upon Ouſe Gazzres New Paarl Sutton on the foreft 17 Banningbrough Hall NinMonkton A Colvet Hau Dusch Wood House Benningbrugh 7/Shipton Brad leak Rad house Roman Road Kelton Hall Overton Wigginton 88 Pyle faulp, COUNTY OF YORK 27 Seſſay, Newbrough, Angram, Highthorn, Hewby, Sutton-on-the-Foreſt, Colvet Hall, Benningbrough Hall, Nun-Monkton, Rev. Mr. Kitchimore Earl Fauconberg Ditto Goulton, Efq; P. Bell, Eſq; Hallyne, Efq; Capt. Colvet Earle, Elg; Tuffnell Jolliffe, Efer Poft-Road. Eafingwold to York, 13. Ditto to Thirſk, 9. London, by Bugden, 210. Edinburgh, by Berwick, 184. CROSS.RO ADS, Eaſingwold, by Raſkill, to Boroughbridge, 72. Ditto to Coxwold, 57.-Hambleton Race-ground, 1r. Through Wiggington is the road to Helmeſley. See page 20, INNs, Eaſingwold, Rose and Grown, New Inni 中 22 COUNTY OF YORK. New by Wilke, Woodend, Brawith, North Kilvington, New Building, Thirik, Sowerby, Mount St. John's, Sutton-under-Whitſuncliff, Thirkleby, Reevley, Eíq; Talbot, Eſq; Confett, Etq; Mennel, Eſq; Smyth, Efq; Bell, Efq; Richardſon, Eſq; Elſey, Efq; Smyth, Efq; Frankland, Bart. Poſt-Road, Third to Eaſingwold, 10. Ditto to Northallerton, 9. London, by Bugderi, 223, Edin. by Berwick, 174. Wetherby road from Northallerton, fee page 18. CROSS.RO AD S. Thirſk, by Sutton-under-Whitſunclif, to Helmeſley, 14. Scarborough, 411 Ditto, by Carleton-miniut, to Ripon, 12. Ditto, by Borrowby, to Stokefiley, 191.Gifborough, 27). INNS, Thirk, Fleece, Three Tuns, Plate 22. Wetherby Road Vriji NORTH ALLERTON Wallah! Bulmer Castle Hill Thornbrough Wata-jata Sebalul Sigston Crow the House N.Ogrington p Thorntonin le Martinfolt * Beans Narby. Xosby, S.Ottrington Leake Lach Geen Bar Hinator Borroby Wood End Brawith Kirby Wilke Kraton Thorntonin Newsham the Street 0 K Newbuilding uit Hidd Houses Tavir Mikihington Ipsall Cast:in ruins Thornbrough Carleton Mimiot Kirbyl *Capleton S.Kīlvington Horowie Roman Road Leake, "Hiu 2 2 2 3 Moor THIRSK 520 Sowerby v Thornfield Houses Filliskirk or Felix Church Mount S.Tohits fabbe-dose Моду. Bag cod back Christhwaite Sutton und Whitsundil Sowaty Park Baghy Bag by Bari! Common! 1 Balke Dalton 177 Osgodby, Hood Pill Thirkleby Kilburn Seſsay ? Sefsan Huitton Ple, sculp! : : ܚܫܝ ܝܘ ܤܝ ܀ ܪ ܂ ; ; 4 Plate 23 Erldon Bradbury Hardback 18 Middridge Woodham Tote Brokes E Thickle Monda Etrange Hall H.Cap dlaw Travelers Resto --Preston le Skarne Sane Ruhe Heighington -Haworth Zechall Aycliffe **Zodge D H Cotham Lonesome Hall Sockburn Mundarilla Braferton Stainton le Street Haltgarth 'Katton Zittle Stainton Beaumont Hill Tow Keton Bar Bowertrud Housd -Bormpton Whosoe Hüllhouse Newton Е Ній Darlington Gatz Burnside Sadberge Haughton Cockerton Great Burdon Nentiala Ват -Rathault Low Condiffe Mõrton DARLINGTON Westfield I rickbr Banktop House Granad Clearby Maidandale Blackwel Snipehouse Stuplatoni Hidbitch Middleton Jon Row Moorhouse Johnston Sticktrith Hall Tarbary' Dinsdale Hurworth Tolby, Dinsdale Hall (Barr Naastan Shotice lup o's Kettles na Croft Rockcli ESR Whitd HA Hainaby fall Ayreholme Dalton AR Z West Zane Westfidd House Pyle tou Ag! Uno COUNTY OF DURHAM. Hardwick, Grange Hall, Halgarth, Hurworth, Dinſdale Hall, Burdon, Erg; Miſs Allanſon. Norton, Eſq; Bland, Elqi Mrs. Rout. COUNTY of YORK, Croft, Halnaby, Chaytor, Efq; Milbank, Bart, Poft-Road. Darlington to Northallerton, 16. Lond. by Wetherby, 233. Ditiu to Durham, 18. Edin. ly Berwick, 119- CROSS.RO ADS Crofi, by Harnaby, to Richmond, 10. Darlington, by Sadberge, to Stockton, 10. Ditto, by Low Gencliff,toPeircebridge, 5 :-Barnardcaſtle, 18, Ditto, by Cockerton, to Weft Auckland, 9. INSS, Darlington, King's Head, Tallo.. -t } 1 f 1. . 十 COUNTY OF DURHAM. Cocken, Newton Hall, Aycliffe Head, Biancepath, Holywe!!, Newburn Hall, Sherburn, Croxdale, Whitworth, Old Park, Howlith, Windleſton, Mainsforth, Carr, Efq; Liddell, Efq; Johnfon, Etq; Bellaſyſe, Eſq; Mrs. Reed. Smith, Eſq; Tempeſt, Eſq; Salvin, Eſq; Shaftoe, Eſq; Wharton, Eſq; Agnew, Eſq; Eden, Bart. Surtees, Efq; Poſt-Road. Durham to Darlington, 18. Ditto to Newcaſtle, 15: London by Wetherby, 256. Edin. by Berwick, І 131, CROSS.RO A D S. Durham, by Sund. Br. to B. Auckland, 10.1.-Bern. Caſtle, 26. Ditto, by Merring ton, to Peirce Bridge, 192.-Richmond, 30. Ditto, by Shincliff, to Sedgefield, 9.--Stockton, 19. Ditto, wer Girlygate Moor, to Sunderland, 13.-S. Shields, 21. Ditto, by Wilton Culberi, to Lencheſter, 71.--Hexham, 30. Ditto, by E. Brandon, tellingham, 13.-Stanhope, 18. INNS, Durham, 26 Gelden Lion, Green Dragon, fins Birg's Arnis, Plate 24. Sacrutonhaugh Plauwörthe UBarr arr Fartrafe G Cocken w runs Finkler Aber Langley hall Durham Witton Gilbert Browney R Wear 1 2009 / Dernefs R Newton Hall Moor 2 Woodwell Whate Ushaw Bearpark Smocks Archite head Keepier Blue Thouse Flatts Gillygate Aldridge DURHAM Moor Nerito Croce Durham Charly's Sherbirn trofes E Brandon Croft Sherburn Hospital Eupet Barr Woo Biersgarth Molle MO Chinachuje 20 Farewell Brancepeth Butterby Whitwellhouse Newburnhalla sit 15 2 1 R Wear Burrowgila Croxdale Holywell Quarrington Bara Sundotland brido WTersdale 14 Tuddoe Hett Carsoe Broomhill Square Z Butcher race Whitworth H-Butcher race fond Park D U RH A M 12 Andrews Stob Truyfinglon Cornforth tro Ferrr Hill Braſshouse Werrington Gundon Little Chilton Manisforth Biſhop Middlebam Great Chitton West Class YA Howlish Nunstenton Windleston Rushyford Sker. Bradbury , : . : ; Plate 25 Ewes B. Bam Kenton Codlodge Gofforth Longbenton Town 2 Jesmond Littlebenton No OREITO HUM Race BERILD#* Ground Denton Moor Sandyford Walls-end Fenham NEWCASTLELSH Wătker Benwelt Bari Barr Biker Meaton Hall Camille * Elswick RIINE 131 Ant Patraere Team R Lameley, it Gates head Park Swahvell Redheugh Barr Fellen Hali Wardlow Dristan Love Heworth Wickham Grow Hall Gateshead Fellenser White house Qua ries A Sunnyfidd Ravensworth 11 Feu Castte. Chowden *Vsworth Aytonbank Tinken row 10 1, Ravensworth Black Feu Longrow Kiblesworth Waſhington 19 2. Bürtley Beamish Bedrow NBiddick Ouston Orpeth D U R ZA M Whitehouse Worm Hill Pelton Orpeth Fatfield Staith Picktree Common Pelaw z Harraton Halle Biddick Allans flatts Lambton Hall Wapping M Lumley Caftle Whitehall Cheifert le Street Bart I Whitley Cock B Chester Common Near Lumley Morton Hall Edmondpy) Playworth Page Sculp NORTHUMBERLAND. 25 Denton, Fenham, Benwell, Elſwick, Jeſmond, Little Benton, Wall's-End, Carville, Heaton, Montague, Eſq. Ord, Efq; Archdeacon, Erq; Hodgſon, Efq; Coulſon, Eſq; Bioge, Eſq; Mencaſter, Eſq; Nirs. Proctor. Lidley, Efq; COUNTY OF DURHAM. Redheugh, Alkew, Efq; Gateſhead Park, Elliſon, Eſq; Fellon Hall, Branding, Eſq; Crow Hall, Stuart, Eſq; Dunſtan, Carr, Efq; Ravenſworth Caſtle, Lord Ravenſworth, Whitehouſe, Colville, Erg; Ufwortli, Peareth, Efq; North Biddick, Nlifs Daviſon. Beamiſli, Daviſon, Efq; Allan's Flatts, Allan, Efq; Harraton Hall, General Lambton. Lambton Hall, Lambton, Efq; Biddick, N. Lambton, Eſq; Lumley Caſtle, Earl of Scarborough. Cheſter-le-Street, Milbank, Bart. Plaufworth, Stephenſon, Efq; Poſt-Road. Nercaſtic to Durham, 15. London, by Wetherby, 271. Ditto to Morpeth, 17. Edinburgh, by Berwick, 116. CROSS.RO ADS. Cheſter-le-ftreet, ly Lambt911, to Sunderland, 91. Newcaſtle, Khy Crow Hill, to Sunderland, 12. Ditto, by Tinkl.'r Row, to Wolſingham, 23. Ditto, by Carville, to N. Shields, 8.-Tynemouth, 91. Ditto, by Kinton Barr, to Elfdon, 291.-Jedburgh, 571 Diito, by Douton, to Chollerford Bridge, 21.-Carliſle, 56. Ditto, by ditt), to Hexham, 2012.-Aitton Moor, 462 INNS, Newcaſtle, Turk's Head, Black Bull, Queen's Head, illite Hurt, Thill and Crow?, Cock. N. B. Flys and Stage-coaches go from Newcaſtle to London, Edin burgh, North-Shields, Hexhain, 26 NORTHUMBERLAND, Morpotlı Caftic, Hepſcott, Stannington bridge, Blagdon, Cramlington, Greenhall, Gosforth Hall, Wcolfington, Bick Callerton, Killing worth, Earl of Carliſle. Wilſon, Eſq; Green, Efq; White Ridley, Bart, Lawſon, Bart. Foriter, Efg; Brandling, Efq; Bell, Elg; Col. Schutz. Colpits, Eſq; COUNTY OF DURHAM. Hartford, Wharton, Erc; By Brunton, is the road from Newcaftlc to Elldon. See page 25. Plate 26. Ruins MORPETH Caſtles Mofeden Shadfen Morpeth Am Sobhill Chopington Tronwell Barre Hepſcott. PART Common www.wy'Catchburn OF THE Cock hill Glonroerend **Clifton Burnthouſe COUNTY Sleek B Şaltwick Srnitonowe OF DURHAM Bedlington Whitehoye EMoor E:, Netherton Dudhoe Stannington Hartford Catran Toro Bellow Bridge • Plafseys Bridge F Hartford, R:Blyth Shotton Make-me-rich "Blagdon Bernick hill Down Hill Cramlington Horton Shotton edge Seaton NORTHUMBERLAND. Prefbrick Brenkly Damdikes Carr Dinnington Ants bridge Six Milehouſe Greenhall Prefinick Marlon Burradon Mid:Farm Woolfington Wetflitt Black Callerton W.Farnd Gosforth Hall Hollinell EN.Gosforth Brunton Envas R Works Killingworth Threa Mile Bridge Water , Werbiggring Kebon Barm Barr3 Gosforth Egos Cosclodge Longbenton ܕ Plate 27 Newton I Newton Hall Manor Hall Hazon (Guisance rland 2 rund 2 77 Swarland Hatt 12 Broundhaug E. Acton Swarland iLongframlington W. Acton Acklington Felton LowFramlington Park Ellyhaugh Path Thitroton Windyban Miu E.Thirston Brocko Hedlewood Eshot Hall, a "High Moor 2 wa a 오 670 Weldon Coquet Bockenfeld B Hall Eshot és 2 Ꮄ 2 will 2 Buckham diem W.Cherington Barr Forrest Longhorfley se flausway Park 16 Bridge Subswood NORTHUM BERLAND Newhalla Erdon Northwood Fentutñer (7. Beoom Trittlington Rufflaw Finismen 2 R 2 요 Coldſtream 2 2 Road Espley 4 Line R 2 Esplev Halo Icockle Tower Ulgham Cockley Broom Hebron 13 Pigdon Benridge Batur 12 Longhirst (Race Ground Funt R mm koaning Spittle Pegsworth MORPETH Chapel Bothall 2 2 Milford Maſcastle Highhouse * Castle in rund Bayly sc. OG NORTHUMBERLAND. 27 Newton, S. Cook, Efq; Low Newton Cook, Efq; W. Acton, Mr. Adains. Swarland Hall, Grieve, Eſq; Brainfheugh, Capt. Cook. Felton Park, Riddell, Elo Mannor Hall, Ditto. Ellyhaugh, Lille, Ela; Felton Park, Forſter, Elog Ellot Hall, Carr, Ero; Longhorſley, Riddell, Eq; Cauſway Park, Ogle, Efq; Eipley Hall, Capt. Whitehead, Trittlington, Threckeld, Elq; Ulgham, Mr. Armſtrong Longhirft, Mr. Lawſon. Bothall, Duke of Portland, Morpeth Caſtle, Earl of Carliſle. High Houſe, Ord, Efq; Spittle, Mr. Bullock. Mitford, Mitford, Efq; Poſt-Road. Morpeth to Newcaſtle, 14. London, by Wetherby, 285, Ditto to Alnwick, 19. Edinburgh, by Berwick, 102. The Coldſtream and Kelſo roads turn off from Mor. peth to Edinburgh..See page 35. CROSS-ROAD S. Morpeth, by Mitford, to Camboe, 11.-Elſdon, 197. Ditto, by Figdon, to Rothbury, 15. INNS, Morpeth, Queen's Head, Phenix, Scots Arms. ܂ ܟ 28 NORTHUMBERLAND. Doxford, Charlton Hall, Falloden, Craſler Hall, Rock Caſtle, Howick, Alnwick Caſtle, Abbey, Low Buſton, Warkworth Caitle: Newton, Low Newton, Brown, Efq; Cay, Eſq; Col. Grey. Crafter, Erg; Earl of Jerſey Grey, Bart. Duke of Northumberland. Doubleday, Era; Forſter, Efq; Duke of Northumberland, S. Cook, Ele; Cook, Efq; Poſt-Road. Alnwick to Morpeth, 19. Ditto to Belford, 15. London, by Wetlerby, 304. Edinburgh, 83. CROSS.RO AD S. Alnwick to Alnmouth, 5-Warkworth, S. Ditto, by Swansfield, to Rothbury, 12. Hexham, 437. BY By Embleton, is the Cuafi road from Tynmouth to Berwick. INNS, Alnwick, Angel, Swan, Plate 28. Tinley Doxford SNewton-by-Sea Doxford B. Brunton N. Charlton'16 Crofs Fallo den . 오 오고 12 2 L 오 Charlton Hall Embleton Chat Link- hall Christonbank Mires S. Charlton Twizells Moorhoufe 12 Rock Dunstanfield + Hii Dunftan Crafter Hall Stamford Humblekeugh Heifer law Vower Park Renington Hillhead : Huln Holliwell Park Grainge Honey house Howick Grainge 오2 Necefiity Huln Abbey in rund ( Little Houghton : Brossfield Barr NORTHUMBERLAND Malcolm's Crofa Longhoughton Oldhoufe Alley Ratcheugh Denwick Castle SIL Cowlin Hill 2 Aydon ALNWICK Forreft Fieldhoufé Barr bei Andiker Hambaheill Andike Barr Leſbury R.Aln Swansfield Hotberlaw Cauledge Parker Spylan 2 1 Park Rugley Tower Bilton Alnmouth Wooden 1 Buckton 16 ŪFreeman's Pond 2 Shilbottle Grainery High Bufton Mount North- field Home Low Bufton Whittle Hartlaw Berlin Warkworth Warkworth Hermitage Lom Newton Common I Page, scubr. N. Newton Bufton B. va Newton 1. Castle 1 Plate 29 11 Kentstown Beal DURHAM Snook. Black heddon Kyloe ruins FEWHAM Fenwick Fenham SANDS ScCuthberts Home I. Buckton Cafde old law Detchon Middleton Buckton B. aber Elwick Rofs "Grainge Sionside Eafington BUDLE BAR BELFORD Barr 14 Warrenton Moufen Grainery Utchefter Budle Newland Spindlefton Tryars Bamborough Castle Edderfton Glow-pe-em Lucker Warn Burton New Hall Houbrey Warfrenford Shoreston Elford 10 Newham Loch Newstead Sunderland Tugal B NORTÉNUMBERLAND Windy.edge New ham Fleetham Swinhoe Ellingham Beadnell 7. Conder Sculp. NORTHUMBERLAND. 29 Middleton, Belford, Budle, Bamborough Castle, Edderſion, New Hall, Elford, Newham, Gillum, Erg; Dixon, Ela; Younghuſbands, Efq; Lord Crew's Truſtees. Bacon, Eſq; Ditto, Forster, Efq; Aſkew, Elgi Poſt-Road. Belford to Alnwick, 15. Ditto to Berwick, 15. London, by Wetherby, 319. Edinburgh, 68. CROSS.RO A DS. Belford to Bamborough, 5. Ditto, by Sionſide, to Wooler, 9. A: 6 m. it. by Beal, to Holy Ifand, 42. INN, Belford, Poft-Houſe. 30 COUNTY OF BERWICK, Fouldean, Nunlands, Edrington, Mordington, Paxton Houſe, Wilkie, Eſq; Simpſon, Eſq; Douglas Watſon, Eſq; Hay, Efq; Home, Elg: BERWICK BOUND S. Marhall Meadow's, Gainflaw, Balderſton, El Compton, Elgi COUNTY OF DURHAM. . Eaſt Ord, Kettleby, Efq; Weſt Ord, Blackett, Bart. New Water Houſe, Ord, Elg; Chefwick, Strangeways, Eſq; Ladythorn, Wilkie, Ela; Berrington, Clavering, Eſq; Haggerſton, Haggerſton, Bart. Low Linn, Lee, Efq; High Hall, Gregilon, Eſq; Beal, Selby, Elg; Gorivick, Alkew, Ela; Poſt-Road. Berwick to Belford, 15. London, by Wetherby, 334 Ditto to Preſs Inn, 12. Edinburgh, 53. CROSS-ROADS. Ecrwick, by Ancrofi, to Wooler, 17. Ditto, by Cuckold's Sqrare, to Etall, 10. Ditto, by Longrise, to Cornhill, 13-.--Carliſle, 87). Ditto, by Gainlaw, to Eccles, 19.1. Ditto, by Fouldean, to Dunſe, 14-Edinburgh, 52. Ditto, by Rofs, to Eymouth, 72. INNS, Berwick, Red Lion. Tweedmouth, Thiftle and Grown. Pl. 30 * Nuntands BERWICK Bastir Fouldean Shields Mordington Edrington Lamäerton Paxton Cad.in Rund BERWICK Marshall- meadows White Water Pax. Ho. Sons & Seal Hallydown Letham WDS Gainoto Cumundrum NON Water House Dew/Water Castle Zoanhead Wast Ord BRITISH R Barn East Ond Fort Longridge Tweedmouth Barr) BERWICK CAUSWA Morton Cuckolds Square 13 Inthank DE Allerdean D V R 0 Ꮯ Ꭼ Ꭺ Ꭹ 72 M -------Escramenyeton Ancroft ! Charwick 10 Ladythorn Burringt en Berry B. New Haggerston: Goswick VORTHUR Brock B Haggerston Hugh's Crops - Grange BERLAND Lowlinn TENHAM Lowick Hierding halt Beal SANDS High halt Zunan JC.95 Navoie 7 * *** Hist • Tư Plate 31. Old Tower Peafe Pease SHelens Chap in ruins Old Care FI RT H OF SEDavids Cairn hedhaugh High chefter F O R T A 13 Harelaw FastCaftle in ruins Dowlaws Renton Coldinghame Lumes den! Moor B RS WICK GABBS Hounowood Preston Bitmoor Loch Moorhall W.Reston Coldinghame Whitekteld ig Worthfield {swinewood wood Ikmple hatlar E Restone PARA Hally dont BRITISH Blackburn Plendrequest Ayton Lanthill Fort KYMOUTH Funs green Pietatis Netherbyers Newhouses Bastileriga Paürmüdride Flemington credo Chesterbank 16 Foudean OCEAN Point Nunlands Barber Leulp COUNTY OF BERWICK. 31 Renton, Houndwood, Moor Hall, Coldinghame, Temple Hall, Linthill, Pilewails, Ayton, Netherbyers, Fairniefide, Nunlands, Home, Bart. Turnbull, El Mr. Conſtable. Hume, Bart. Ramſay, El Home, Efq NIr. Wilſon. Fordyce, te Crow', Eſq; Macfarlane Brown, Eſq; Simpſon, Efq; Pot-Road. Piels Tuisto Berwick, 12, Ditto to Dunbar', 14. London, by Wctlerby, 3.46, Edinburgh, 41, CROSS.RO ADS. Ayton to Eymouth, 2.--Berwick, 10. Ditto to Dunſe, 104.Greenlaw, 17. Preſs Inn, : 32 COUNTY OF HADDINGTON. : Tynninghame Caſtle, Ninewar, Biell, Preſliminnan, Ruchlaw, Belton, Bourlouſes, Lochend Sport, Broximouth, Thurſton, Eaſt Barns, Branxton, Dungias, Earl of Hadinton. Hamilton, Ergi Lord Belhaven. Ditto. Sydſerf, Efq; Hay, Efq; Rev. Mr. Cunnyngham.. Warrender, Bart, W. Hay, Etc; Duke of Roxburghi. Hunter, Eſq; Sandilands, Ela; Home, Eſq; Hall, Bart. Post-Road. Dunbar to Preſs Inn, 14. Ditto to Haddington, 11, London, by Wetherby, 360 Edinburgh, 27. CROSS-ROAD S. Dunbar, by Cockburnſpath, to Dunfe, --Coldſtream, 297 Ditto, by Stenton, to Gifford, 12.-Lauler, 28. Ditto, by Tynninghamie, to Berwick, 11. INN, Dunbar, George and St. Andrewing Plate 32 СА New Byrninghame Hynnlagt Tyne Whittingham ya Biell Grangemoor Ninewar TUNNINGHAME Tuchlaw W... Bien BANDS Stenten Hetherwick Preſsminnan Belton- ford WBarns Peatcor 2 Bethaven Ton Spoteh Bourhoyés la caftle DUNBAR Loonend, Zotti Hartside Spott Braruny 13 Down Hill Braxmouth Dry B Woodhali Pinkerton HADDINGTON ° Thurston E.Barns FIR T H Dryburnford Inverwick UZ Thornton Scate row fro SIDennis Chap in ruins Im Castle Tuins 7 Brandton Thornton loch Black Castle Oldhamſtocks Dunglaſs B Satıpanhall Tou F O R T H Hoprig Dungłats Path Ewes Cockbarnfpath BERWICK Cove J.Barber cup 4 :: Plate 33 IRTH OF 2 FORTH Tyne R. a 오 el Lethan Bearfoot B. tele Winton 16 Tranent Moor Pencaitland ruins Seaton Adnifton Guinos Pencaitland Makemerry S Germans Salton Penfton Nitber Hodges Long Nidry ZGladefmoor Hermifton Glades Mgor Elringfion Pilmoor Samuelfton Reidhouse the ruins H A D I KNG 7 0 N° | Huntington Coats Loch Boltom Clerking tota Balncrief, Park Coalfton Letimore Place Byres? HADDINGTON 231 Monkrig runs Drem Amisfield Toul Stevenston 19 Athelftonford Morham Congaltfon Beanſton 22 Whitelaw Gilmerton Fortune Haules Waughton Markftorun Traprain #Whittingham 16 Iinton-Prefton haugh Newlyth St Lawrence Speaton 9 오 Barre Lenox love? 22 2.22 s), Garleton 요. e 2 10 Kilduff O Kartley 2 2 ol 21. to toto 0 Tyne R. Eaft Peffer B. Luggat B. Garwald 2. 2 oll Smeaton Grangemoor Frage Scule COUNTY OF HADDINGTON. 33 Pencaitland, Mrs. Hamilton Niſbet. St. German's, Wedderburn, Ery; Salton, Fletcher, Etc; Hermiſton, St. Clair, Efq; Pilmuir, Edwards, Eſq; Elvington, Law, Eſq; Huntington, Grey, Efq; Balncrief, Lord Elibank. Sneaton Park, Buchan Hepburn, Efq; Letham, Buchan, Elo; Clerkington, Hunter, Efq; Coaldon, Brown, Efq; Lord Coalfion. Lenex Love, Lord Blantyre. Monkrig, Hepburn, El ; Amisfield, Hon. Fran. Charteris, Latimer Place, Hon. And. Leſlie. Steve:uton, Sinclair, Bart. Beanston, Charteris, Elo; Gilmerton, Kinloch, Eq; Congalton, Col. Hepburn. Newbyth, Baird, Eq; Smeaton, Buchan Hepburn, Eſq; Wliittingham, Hay, Ele; Poſt-Road. Haddington to Dunbar, 11. London, by Wetherby, 371. Ditto to Edinburgh, 16. CROSS-R O AD S. Haddington, by Fortune, to N. Berwick, 9 Ditto, by Monkrig, to Dalíc, 23, Ditto, by Baitu, te Lauder, 20. Ditto, by Per.c.2.d, to Ford, it! 7 By Lou niddery, is the Coaft-road from Lainburg to N. Berwick. Ixys, Haddington, Bell, George, . . 34 COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. Craig Houſe, Lockhart, Ef. Lord Corintor, Merchiſton, Turner, Ele North Merchiſton, Adam, Eſq. Braid, Gordon, Efq. Dean, Niſbet, Bart. Inverleith, Rochied, Eſq. Hawkhill, Pringle, Elu Preſtonfield, Dick, Bart. Duilingſton Houſe, Earl of ibercorn. inch, Gilinour, Bart. Niadory, Vauchepe, Em More iun, Stewart Doncrief, Efq. Druni, Lord Somerville. Edmonſton, J. Vauclope, Eſq. Neirion, Baron Grant. Cafticiteeds, Ditto. Monkton, Falconar, Efq. Smeaton Houſe, Duke of Euccleugh. New Hailes, Dalrymple, Bart. Lord Hailes. Pinkie Houſe, Marquis of Tricedale. Carberry, Fullerton, Eſq. Wallyford, Finlay, Eft COUNTY OF HADDINGTON. Drumniore, Rev. Dr. Findlay. Preiton Grange, Earl of Hynitord. Bankton, M.Douall, Eſq. Eiphingſton, Hamilton, E. Orniſton Houſe, Earl of Hopeton. : Poſt-Road. Edinburgh to Haddington, 16. London, by Wetherby, 387. Coldſtream read from Edinburgh,--fee page 47. CROSS-ROAD S. Edinburgh, by Dein, to Queensferry, 9.-Perth, 401 Ditto, ly li'bit: uide Toll, to Linli:hgow, 101.--Stirling, 351. Dirty, Ly ditto, to Baihgate, 181 Ditte, Iv N Merchilioni, to slid-Calder, 12.-Glaſgow, 44. Ditto, li ditto, to Lanark, 32.--Hamilton, 457 Ditto, li vitto, to Ayr, -61. —Portpatrick, 1321. Ditto, ha bril, to linton, 101 - Dumfries, 7., Ditto, Liberto:, to Selkirk, 351.-Carliſle, 901 Ditto to Peebles, 21Dumf es, 771 Ditto, by Priflon-piris, to N. Ber :ick, 221. Ditto, 1 üret, to bufe, 3% --Serwick, 52. Ditto to Leith, 21.-Kinghorn, ly Writur, 9.-Dundee, 402. Leith to Queensferry, --Borrowitoneſs, 189 Muffelburghi, lig Sizeutoit, to Dalkeith, Inas, Edinburgh RdL:01, 1 vite Forſi, White Hart, Giorge, Blicé Bull, White Hart, too. Plate 34 Keith . Liberton Road Crang-house You Dean Merchifton ZouWater of Leith Invex eith Wen- haven Braid EDINBURGH Toů Bonington Grainge 1 2 Toner Tou LEITH Abbey Hankhill Heftilrig muins Jocks Lodge Dudingſton Moreduna Craigmaller sl Dud:Houfe Niddery Edmonton Prup Porto Bello Woolmet EDINBUR GH. Joppa E Dudingſton Newton Tout Preftotel Incheon www.diena Niddery FIRTH Nen Hailey OF Nenton Monkton Mountain hall ther ron FORTH flor A linkie Camp the Caſtlesteeds MUSSELBURGH Taverelle Smeaton Porcelain Manufactures Carberry, the Drummore ou Wally ford Falifide Morrifon's Haven Prefton|| Grange Coufland Preſtonpans Preſton Elphingſton Banktoun Cockenzie HADDINGTON X Windiegoul Port Seaton Tranent Seaton Qrm:Hals + Tranent Moor 1:6 ruins Page Sculp. Dolphingfton Ormiſton Ormiſton 32 Tyne R. 了, : : Highl\lang Plate 35 오. Weldorheim Barr Little Conada Newton 12 (Manorhas 2 오 Heely Meetingele Swarland Hall ho. Brocklo Pauper haugh Long Framhington warland Low Fromlington Sunnyside Brudkburn mé Abbey Ellyhaugh Parka Brinkhaug. Bridge.com Wind Garret ler bank Hedler Wood Coquet a 2 Le Felton Mine 2 tot Road) Windgates Highmoor Tod B. Hill top Town's Buckhan Barwick Devils Causway NORTHUMBERLAND Ho Lim Barr Longhorſley Reall burn Muckleyla Wiltonſteads Hare law Eshot B. Caufway Parle Newhall 15 Rufflaws Stanton Fenruther Erfdom : Barns Trittlington Holeo'the Walt Cockta Lower Nunriding Espley 13 Pigdon P Hebron FuntR Wala Barr 25 Shield Benridge Newlion Spittle MORPETÁ Cottonwood Race; Moor Gr. Vousbeck R. Misol. This Page begins the Road, by Caldftream or Kelfo, to EDINBURGA. Prockter fulp? NORTHUMBERLAND. 35 Little Canada, Ellyhaugh, Felton Park, Manor Houſe, Swarland Hall, Brinkbaugh, Longhorſley, Caufway Park, Eſpley, Nunriding, Spittle, Mitford, Alnwick, Etc; Liſle, Eſq; Riddell, Eſq; Ditto, Greive, Eg; Mr. Fenwick Riddell, Llei Ogle, Eſq; Capt. Whitehead. Fenwick, Eiq; Mr. Bullock. Mitford, Efq; Wooler Poſt-Road. Morpeth to Newcaſtle, 14. Ditto to Whittingham, 19. London, by Wetherby, 285, Edin. by Colditrean, 91. t IQ The Poſt-road, ty Berwick, to Edinburgh,--íte p. 27. CROSSR O AD S. Morpeth, by Mitford, to Camboe, 11.-E!fdon, 191. INNS, Morpeth, Queen's Head, Phenix, Scots Arms. עליי וגו וויל-האי ירי ושי י וינו, יגיבוי ויוי יווני יויו 36 NORTHUMBERLAND, Roddam, Whitehouſe, Eglingham, Glanton, Shawdon, Bolton, Broom Park, Ellington, Callaly, Lemington, Little Canada, Roddam, Efq; Algood, Knt. Ogle, Eſg; Mr. Anderſon. Hargrave, Eſa; Brown, Erq; Burrell, Eſq; Lord Ravenſworth. Clavering, Efq; Fenwick, Elg Alnwick, Elej i Poſt-Road. Whittingham to Morpeth, 19. London, by Wetherby, 304. Ditto to Haugh-head, 11. Edin. by Coldſtream, 72. CROSS-R O AD S. T From 15 m. ft. through Aydon Foreſl, to Alnwick, 75 Ditto to Rothbury, 4.-Hexham, 56 Whittingham, by Lemington, to Ainwick, 8. INNS, Whittingham, Cafle. Kimſide Houſe, Angel, Plate 36. Cou Chap.inruins Roddam fari Old Benrick Til R. kvufmo) sprog Knock Waperton New Bewick Percy's Leap Percy's Grofs Varehonde Hedgeley ☆ Eglingham * Moor Hedgeley Tomten Reeveley White Houfe 2 Bremija Beanley Ingram Branton, yukles Eglingham a Crawley Tower Common Pike i BERLAND Glanton ? NORTHUM Howbalk Ellington Ratt hili Whittingham Shandon Titlington Bolton Aln R. Barton Kallaly Broom Park . Mount hully 요운을 Lemington Thornton chil Blola e Edlingham don Rims d Ay Rimfide s house Forrest и о Glantlees, Little Canada Page Sculp. 了 : . 0 : Commoin Plate 37 ruins Car's grove Etall Branxton Pallinfburn the Croolean Battlefield Kings Floddon Chair Howtell Field 2 . Glen R. 6 Coal Floddon Ford houfes NORTHUMBERLAND Broomrig > Mithfield Kimerfton Lanton Mill- Kirk newton Tower ruins Leakering Plain Fenton Ewart = Nifvet Kelso Roald Copland Race Gr. field Till R. Breldge) Ford Doddington || Red Riggs Akela 13 Hills Druid Temple Vurveylan Homildown Borough ruins Horton WOOLER Caftile Weetwood ch Earle Fowberry Coldmartin Hauge head 2 Ogleburgh •Middleton * liddied Wooler Caufway Chatton Lill B. ruins Newton Hurl Stone itburn Ilderton Challingham Rofedeans Fair Grofs 8 E.Lithurn TilR. Hebron Page Saitp. NORTHUMBERLAND. 37 Etall, Palliniburn, Ford, Lanton, Weetwood, Earle, Fowberry, Lillburn, Chillingham, Ilderton, Rofedean, Carr, Eſq; Aſkew, Efq; Delaval, Bart. Daviſon, Efq; Capt. Orde. Selby, Eſq; J. S. Ker, Eſq; Collingwood, Efq; Earl of Tankerville. Ilderton, Efq; Miſs Ilderton. Poſt-Road. Haugh-head to Whittingham, 11. London, by Wetherby, 315. Ditto to Cornhill, 14. Edinburgh, 61. From Wooler, the Kelſo Road to Edinburgh, See page 40. CROSSROADS, 1 Wooler, by Doddington, to Berwick, 17. Ditto, by Fowberry, to Belford, 9.-Bamborough, 14. INNS, Haugh-head, George. Wooler, Black Bull. 38 COUNTY OF BERWICK. Marchmont Houſe, Earl of Marchmont. Home Cafie, in ruins, Ditto. Gordon Bank, Gordon, Eſq; Rowchefter, Cockburn, Efq; Overmains, Watſon, Erg; Purves Hall Purves, Bart. Eccles, Paterſon, Bart, Stoneridge, Gregſon, Eſq; Kames, Home, Eſq; Lord Kames, Anton's Hill, Dickſon, Eſq; Belcheſter, Trotter, Eſq; Hirſel, Earl of Home. Lees, Marjoribanks, Eſq; Lennel Home, Earl of Hadinton. COUNTY OF DURHAM. Cornhill, Collingwood, Efq; Milkington, Mr. Stow. Twyfill, Blake, Bart. Tillmouth, Ditto. NORTHUMBERLAND Carham Hall, Compton, Ergi Pallinlburn Hall, Aſkew, Efq; Poſt-Road. Cornbill to Haugh-head, 14. London, by Wetherby, 329. Ditto to Greenlan', II. Edinburgh, 47. CROSS.RO AD S. Cornhill, Ay Twyſill, to Berwick, 13. Ditto, by Birgham, to Kelſo, 101.-Hawick, 31.-Carliſle, 743 Ditto, by Little Swinton, to Dunſe, 101.-Dunbar, 291. Orange Lane, by Leuthamn, to Berwick, 181. Ditto, by Ecclesunto Kelſo, 6.- Jedburgh, 162. INN, Cornhill, Beehive. Polivarth Marchmonte in Black Water Angelsan B ERWACBuzpkouses 0XBURGH Orange Stoneridge (3) Milkington St Guthberts (Chap Plate 38 . Todrig GREENLAW old Greenlan Case in Home 1: Gordonbank House Rowchester Chesters Over Mains Toth Stonefold Plon land Chesterhalt Eccles 17 Purves Hall Merrington Kames lane Leetham Earns law Newton VAnton hiu Lochton Bughtrig Belchester t Redden Birgham! Lith tallaw Parnchester Swinton Castlelan Carham Coydstream Hall Moor Hirsel New Moor Simprin Cast in ruins Wark Wark Common COLDSTREAM Lennel hill Uroll. Lennel ho. Tearmouth ruins hall Span FCornhill Preston Iwysill Learmouth Piper Dean ( Barelees Tillmouth COUNTY Downham Heaton Whiterig Zeet w Tout TWEED R. Tin R Branxton An Pallihsburn Hau DURHAM NORTHUMBERLAND Howtell Page Sculp ܠܐ ܂ ܝ .܂ ܀ : f : f *܀ ; c . . i 1 1 1 ! 1 : Plate 39. 2 Econe caugh Kelse Dabshood head and Arlon Boun Treigh LADDER, Zubistime Ivarpigging Bums Woods Castle Norton Drumaniorides halten Zeonards Tantom Walls wani Snowdown Whitslaid The stane Haigh Boin Burth Dodo I-Carmuir Cribs Moor Whiteburn A Legerwood meSpottiswood B R ♡ I Thorndyke Zower tasbie Longrigs Selas Hagsfield Greenlaw Woolftruther Huntly Bafsandean Waddaleay: of Greenknow Moor W.Gordon Hardaw Faw Side 3 Tou Hurdlaw Mills Bell sueld Ebby Inn Plattvburton runs We Heckis pattes Buralis Rumeltof Law E.Gordort Rumetton Black Water The Xumas Home Zoctrin GREENLAW Carte inruins COUNTY OF BERWICK. 39 Thirlftane Caſtle, Spottiſwoode, Baflendean, Greenknow, Wadderlea, Home Caſtle, in ruins, Earl of Lauderdale. Spottiſwoode, Inglis, Efq; Pringle, Efq; Lord Blantyre. Earl of Marchmont. Poſt-Road. Greenlaw to Cornhill, II. Ditto to Norton, Il. Norton to Greenlaw, 11. Ditto to Blackfhields, II. London, by Wetherby, 340. Edinburgh, 3h. London, by Wetherby, 351. Edinburgh, 25. By Lauder, is the Kello road to Edinburgh.See p. 40. CROSS-R O AD S. Greenlaw, by Home, to Kelſo, 9.-Jedburgh, 19.1. Ditto to Dunfe, 7.-Eymouth, 1936 INNS, Greenlaw, Gafle. Norton, Inn, " , 40 COUNTY OF ROXBURGH. . Cherrytrees, Murray, Efq; NORTHUMBERLAND. Carham Hall, Pafton, Lanton, Earle, Compton, Eſq; Col. Selby. Daviſon, Erq; Selby, Eſq; Kelſo Poſt-Road. Wooler to Rimfide-houſe, 16. London, by Wetherby, 316. Ditto to Mindrum, 1o. Edinburgh, 61. Mindrum to Wooler, ro. London, by Wetherby, 326. Ditto to Kelſo, 9. Edinburgh, 51, 6 By Milfield, is the Coldfirean Road to Edinburgh.- See page 37 . CROSS-ROADS. Wooler, by Doddington, to Berwick, 17. Mindrum, by Learmonth, to Cornhill, 3.-Berwick, 163. Ditto to Yetholm, 4. INNS, Wooler, Black Bull, Mindrum, Inn. Plate.40. Carham Wark Wark Cas. Lempitlan Fallside Wholefield Hoseław R 0 X B7R X GH) Main Thirlftane Hall the un ruins Wark" Common Horserigg > - Cherrytrees YETHOLM Pretom Mindrum Kirk Yetholm Inn Lear mouth Sholton Pastor Piper defan Downham Bridge o Branston Kilhars]Thornington o ORTEUM Howtell BER A ᎩᎠ ollege Wewton Grooks Glen R. Floddon Kirk Newton Lanton Yeayer ved Copland L Toweroin Road Millfield B. Scherisot ? Millfield Til Plain Hills Ewart Low Bun PE enton x Redrigs Homildown Doddington Earl WOOLER Borough This Page begins the Road from Wooler; by Kelſo. to Edinburgh. Hereiron 1 angler 1 : 1 1 1 ان کی Plate 47 Merton Brotherſton Mertonto: Wrangholm Pinch B. Boghaill Gundel Smailholm Taver Meller ftan Klaftle Dalcove Ton Staadbalm Rutherford Greatridge Corariche 3 Ich Drummonda Toner BERWICK Zorgy zoch Nenthorn Charterhouse Maker tout Iuntonlan Moordegh Beethopie Newtoun Stodrig Trower Courchill Stitchell Ho. Roxburgh Nenton Don Bans Flere TiriotR: Caſtle stitchili ringwood Para Highlown att KELSO SaSydenham Karmflatt Ju muins Ednam. Maxwellhaugh Bromlands Lylafoot Wooden W.Softlaw ROXBURGH Windywalles Muirhouse 2 Spt outton ES Toll Lurdenslan Kerchefters i Vider mouth Redden Od Frogdean Hadden Lempilan Pott's Close 4 Fallside Redwells Carhaan Wholeftele? Hoselan மானாம்வாகம் Wark Common COUNTY OF BERWICK. 41 Mellerſtain Caſtle, Merton, Nenthorn, Newton Don, Hon. Geo. Baillie. Scott, Efq; Ker, Eſq; Don, Bart. COUNTY OF ROXBURGH, Smailholm, Makerſtoun, Fluers, Broomlands, Stitchill Houſe, Kelſo, Sydenham, Springwood Park, Hon. Geo. Baillie. Hay M.Dougal, Bart. Duke of Roxburgh. Ditto. Pringle, Bart. Mrs. Dickſon. Capt. Dickſon. Douglas, Knt. : Poſt-Road. Kelſo to Mindrum, 9. Ditto to Lauder, 17. London, by Wetherby, 335. Edinburgh, 42. CROSSROADS. Kelſo, by Hightown, to Jedburgh, 101.-Hawick, 20. -Car- lifle, 63. Ditto, by Edenmouth, to Coldſtream, 9.-Berwick, 23. Ditto, by Ednam, to Eccles, 5.-Berwick, 24. Ditto, by Stitchill, toGreenlaw,9.--Dunſe, 16.-Dunbar, 35 Smailholm, by Wrangholm, to Melroſe, 7 INN, Kello, Croſs Keys. 5 통 42 COUNTY OF BERWICK. Thirlftane Caſtle, Chaple, Carolſide, Cowdinknows, Park, Gladſwood, Earl of Lauderdale. Mr. Peters. Lauder, Efq; Farrier, Efq; Mr. Brown. Dr. Ridpath. COUNTY OF ROXBURGH. Drygrainge, Hay, Efq; Poſt-Road. Lauder to Kello, 17. London, by Wetherby, 352. Ditto to Blackſhields, II. Edinburgh, 25. O At Boghall , the road turns off by Goldſtream to Wooler, See p. 37. CROSSROADS, Lauder, by Drygrainge, to Jedburgh, 25.--Elſdon, 52 By Gladſwood, is the road from Smailholm to Melrofe. S v Plate 42 2 *Houldean (Beghall Girth gati Tot Adungston EDINBURGH Coldstred Blackchester Buincaille Trebronn a Zoll Id - Nerybiggin la Norton Burgeſs Common JAUDERZ Drummond hall Tot Murdleugh llanthan Hoods head Wooden -chugh Chasin ruumis Leeder Thirlftane Treepwood SLeonards Roan Blainslees ROXBURGH Ti Toit Boun Whastaid Bridge and BERWICK Borkhill pside Legerwood Langshan Chaple Kedslee Housebyers *Coaolside Morriston Slobswood Adniston Rymer Tower Crack fond Excelstoum Arrveshaugh, Broad B. Fans Gallonside Condinknon's Sorrowleſs field Libby in runter (WEED R Drygraila Park Redpath Boat Moor MELROSE Nerviced Redpath Glads Tildon tils pvood 2. Lizarr se. Plate 43 13 -Cock-a pistol Chrighton dean Pathilhead Up.Canston Temple Chrightone SEDIN hatt VIR GH Chr. He Peaston Borth Ormiston Whiteburgh Moor Long Taugh Forest Keith Marshall Costerton Caick moor Falla danı Falla Towy PART OF à Talla Hall Humbie ruins Blackshields Dalla HADD. Up Keith Cajck Moor Hum Ho. Jolmstory hun DIYGT O Reid Hall Blakebie Shruins Hill 20 Tou Courra HA PROU Hill . Crook Lowrider 12 Rushida E RW K Hart/side Guannelkirk Kethoped Rincadoes Inn Harehouse Headshow Hillflouse kiddel Lodou Orton I a uď գրի առջ, Boghall Shidfield Admiston Road Blackches Zoll Listastoun Trebroun Kelso Rox Nowbiggin me saulp COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. 43 Upper Cranſton, Dalí ymple, Bart. Cgton, Chrighton, Eſq; Lobough, Edmonton, Efq; Cik Jr, Wauchope, Eq; Earl of Hepeton. Falla, Hamilton Nacgiil, Eſq; COUNTY OF HADDINGTON. . Corte ton, Whiteburgh, Keith Marſhall, Humbie Houſe, Jolinitonburn, Reid Hall, Anderſon, Eſq; Earl of Hopeton. Hepburn, Eſq; Brown, Efq; Hamilton, Eſq; COUNTY OF BERWICK. Hartſide, Oxtoun, Dalziel, Eſq; Mrs. Juftice. Poſt-Road. Blackſhields to Norton, II. London, by Wetherby, 362. Ditto to Lauder, 11. London, by ditto, 363. Ditto to Edinburgh, 14. I b At Boghall, the roads by Coldſtream and Kello turn off. CROSS.RO AD S. From 3 m. ſt. by Riddel Lodge, to Haddington, 163.-N. Ber- wick, 26. Falla, by Up. Kuith, to Haddington, 11. N. Berwick, 20. INNS, Blackſhields, George. Falla Dam, Green Alan. COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. 44 Red Hall, Craig Houſe, North Mierchiſton, Merchiſon, Dalry, Hillhouſefield, Pilrig, Hawk Hill, Dudingſton Houſe, Preſtonfield, Braid, Alorton, Niorton Hall, Inch, Nelfield, Nidlry, Nordun, Gilinerton, Drum), Edmonton, New Hailes, Nonkton Castlefieeds, Melville, Maviſbank, Polton, Hill Head, Dalkeith Houſe, Newbattle, Dalhouſie Cafle, Cockpen, Carberry, Fordell, Chester Hall, Preſton Hall, Upper Cranſton, Vogrie, Inglis, Eſq. Lockhart, Esq. Lord Covinton, Adam, Eſq. Turner, Eſq. Kirkpatrick, Eſq. Robertſon, Efa. Balfour, Efq. Pringle, Eſq. Earl of Abercorn. Dick, Bart. Gordon, Eſq. Rigg, Eſq. Trotter, Eſq. Gilmour, Bart. Col. Reuton. Wauchope, El Stewart iontcrief, Eſq. Baird, Eſq. Lord Somerville. J. Vauchope, Efq. Dalrymple. Bart. Lord Hailes. Falconar, Eſq. Baron Grant. Dundas, Eſq. Lord Advocate. Clerk, Eſq. Capt. Calderwood. Murray, Bart. Duke of Buccleugh. Marquis of Lothian. Earl of Dalhouiie. Cockburn, Eſq. Fullerton, Eſq. Dalrymple, Eſq. Wilkiefon, Eſq. Lord Adam Gordon. Dalrymple, Bart. Dewar, Eſq. Poft-Road. Edinburgh to Blackſhields, 14. London, by Coldſtream, 376. Ditto, by Kelír, 377. Berwick Road froin Edinburgh to London, --ſee page 34. CROSS-R O AD S. From Edin. to Glaſgow, Perih, Carliſle, Portpatrick, &c. fee p. 34. Dalkeith, lige Srcaton, to Muſeiburgh, Path head, by Ormjon, to Haddington, 10.-Dunbar, 21. Inns, Edinburgh, Red Lion, White Horſe, White Hart, George, Dluck Birl, White Harit. DOMO Plate 44 Fhratefond Pilnige Sands FIRTH 12 Gaia Little OF FORTH Berwich Road Hillhorfefield Coats LEITH Red-hall Dabryant tirumal NMerchiffon Mill Merchifton's Craig Brunsfield House Hawk HU EDINBURGH Abbey Braid Restilrfig Cromwells range Camp Jock's Lodge Prefoonfield Tower Dudingfton Morton Dud. Ho Inch Morton Hall * Freegate.B. Liberton Velfeld 1. miller Siscatherines South France house SMoretunzi Brunfione VEdmonton Pentland Gilmertora New Hailes Drum 10 Newton Fisher Bioanele I-VBB U R G H -row Mountain Mansbank Lelwade pro camp * Monkton Inverek hat Navton-ho Polion wilt head Lugton Caftleteeds Vier afield Datuk Ho DALKEITH Smkaton Jeanfield Dalhouse kularberry Caglule Eagfi-hotges Langside Cockpen Campo Kur Thill EsColdhome Coustand West houſes Langlaw New byra Fordell las. Romanty Camp Edge, Head Stobs Newlandston Harveston Ceanfton Le Ormifions Vogrie Ford|hall Lochqurhat Profon Hall Borthwick Chrighton Path head Cranftor Pyle fculp? Metult Program Newbattle Eaft Parkas TON Center forferd Hall Tyne R. HADDING dado NON CIRCULATING 1 NON CIRCULATING 1 NON CIRCULATING UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06441 0379 1837. co Armstrong HE 185 67 174 An actual survey 018027 1 . ,在