PR 6075 AIS 1884 * ARTES LIBRARY 1837 VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUS UNJM TUEBUR SI QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAMU CIRCUMSPICE ! ¦ : I A SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR 1 .. } A SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR AN ATTEMPT TO ILLUSTRATE SOME OF THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ELIZABETHAN AND MODERN ENGLISH For the Use of Schools E B BY ABBOTT, D.D. HEAD MASTER OF THE CITY OF LONDON SCHOOL London MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK The Right of Translation and Reproduction is Reserved 1894 : RICHARD CLAY AND SONS LIMITED BUNGAY. LONDON AND BUNG First Edition printed July, 1869. February and June (Second Edition), 1870 Reprinted October, 1869. Reprinted 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1891, 1894. 03 HID 16-11-11 CONTENTS. PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION INTRODUCTION GRAMMAR. PAGB xxi I ADJECTIVES used as adverbs compounded • in -ful, -less, -ble, and -ive, both actively and passively used signifying effect used to signify cause singular used as nouns • 5 1 PAR. I 2 3 4 5 6 comparative, -er, more . in -er, after -ing, -ed, -id, -ain, -st, -ect superlative, -est used for very • in -est after -ent, -ing, -ed, -ect. t. 00 8 ら ​"" used incorrectly for the comparative IC comparative and superlative, pleonastically used. All, both, each, every, other possessive transposed Just; mere; proper, very; influenced by their Latin meaning. More, most, used for greater, greatest f I • 12 13 14-16 17 One. 18 Right used for true 19 Self. 20 Some. 21 formed from nouns, adverbs, &c., without change 22 vi CONTENTS. ALVERBS with and without -ly. PAP 23 with prefix a- • 24 derived from the possessive inflection 25 After; again; all; almost 26-29 Along; anon; anything; away; back. 30-33 Besides; briefly; by; chance; even; ever. 34-39 Far; forth; hence; hither. 40-41 Happily; here; hitherto; home; how; howsoever 42-47 Last; moreabove; moreover 48-50 Much; never; none; not 51-54 Nothing; off; once; only; over 55-58 Presently; round; severally; since. 59-62 So inserted ; omitted; = "also ;" "then "" 63-66 "So for such a". 67 Something; sometimes; still; than; then. 68-71 To-fore; too; what, when; whilst; why; yet 72-76 used as nouns and adjectives. 77 after the verb is ARTICLE. An and one, pronunciation of. A used for "one," "any" A and the omitted in archaic poetry 78 An connected with one 200 80 79 81 $2 after "as," "like, " "than" • 83 " "" A omitted before nouns signifying a class or a multitude A inserted after adjectives used as adverbs 84 85 • A omitted after "what," "such," &c. • A inserted before numeral adjectives and many An-other The omitted before nouns defined by other nouns "> after prepositions The inserted in "at the first," &c. 86 87 SS • 89 90 91 The used to denote notoriety, &c. The before verbals 92 • 93 CONTENTS. vii The with comparatives. CONJUNCTIONS. And emphatic with participies. And emphatic in other cases " in answers after exclamations in questions And used for "also " by Wickliffe. And or an apparently used for if And if • An't were with the subjunctive . • And if used for "even if" and "if indeed" As contracted for "all-so " CC As apparently for as if" As that for as • As used for "that" after "" As parenthetical = "for so SO از PAR. S+ 95 96 97 . 98 99 100 ΙΟΙ 102 103 104 · 105 106 127 108 • 109 IIO • "" as regards which," &c. III • As for "which" II3 As, meaning “namely” 113 As with definitions of time 114 As with "seem," participles, &c. 115 As a conjunctional suffix 116 Because. 117 But, meaning and derivation of . 118 But in Early English 119 But meaning prevention But with the subjunctive and indicative But, transition of meaning But taking the place of the subject. But with contingency expressed or implied But sometimes ambiguous But after an execration expressed or implied. I 20 121 • I22 • • 123 • 124 125 126 • CONTENTS. But for "than" after negative comparatives. But passes from "except " to "only" when the negative PAR 127 is omitted But varies in its position But only; merely but, &c. Or; or ever • 128 • 129 • 130 • 131 "" Since for "when, ago So = Where for "whereas Whereas for "where" Whether: "" • 132 'provided that ;" so with the optative • 133 • 134 • 135 or whether 136 While • 137 . 138. PREPOSITIONS. Local and metaphorical meaning more restricted in meaning now than in Elizabethan authors 139 A-; after; against . At used for a-; rejects a following adjective By, original and derived meanings 1 By as a consequence of" = For instead of," as being " For, original meaning of 140-142 • 143, 144 145 146 147 148 1 For="as regards ;" "because of," referring to the past 149, 150 For, transition into a conjunction For to, origin of • For, variable use of . "to prevent For For after am • " • 151 · 152 • 153 · 154. • 155 Forth a preposition From out • From without a verb of motion In with verbs of motion In for on " • during ". "in the case of," "about" . 156 157 158 159 160 161 163 CONTENTS. ix In where we use at In with the verbal Of, original meaning Of with verbs of ablation. Of applied to past time - "" from " 3 Of= as a consequence of" where we use "by,' "at," &c. . Of in adjurations, &c. • + PAR . 163 164 165 166 167 "" tr on," 168 169 • 170 Of preceding the agent. Of with verbs of construction, &c.; sometimes means "instead of ". Of for "in;" appositional genitive . Of 66 Of as regards". " concerning; "about of used locally for on • Of used temporally for "during " Of after partitive, French-derived, and formerly impersonal verbs • Of after verbals • ΙΤΙ 172 173 174 175 176 • 177 178 Of redundant. 179 • On metaphorically used On for "of" in the sense of "about," &c. possessively Out a preposition 180 181 182 183 Till for "to" • · 184 To, radical meaning "motion to;" hence "in addition to To Το with a view to " motion to the side of," "against,' comparison with," "up to" To with verbs of rest = To == near • adjectives of obedience, &c. "equivalent to," """ for " To; "I would to God;" "to-night " 185 186. • >> " towards," "in 187 188 ISSa . 189 190 X CONTENTS. : PAR Upon used metaphorically; adverbially 191, 192 '' With for "by;" for other prepositions "like;" withal . Without for "outside of " Preposition omitted after verbs of motion; worth; and after other verbs; before indirect 193, 194 195, 196 • 197 hearing 198, 198a, 199 "" Prepositions transposed. Upon. "It stands me upon PRONOUNS, PERSONAL. Anomalies, explanation of. He for him. Him for he; I for me object in adverbial phrases 200, 201 202 203 204 205 206, 207 208, 209 Me for I; she for her Thee for thou; after "to be". 210, 211 212, 213 • 214, 215 Them for they; us for we. anomalies of, between a conjunction and an infinitive, or where the pronouns are separated froin the words on which they depend His for 's His, her, your, &c., antecedents of relatives Our, your, &c., used for "of us,” "of you' دو 216 217 . 218 Me, thee, him, &c., used as datives Your, colloquial use of . Our used with vocatives Him, her, &c., for "himself," >> He and she for "" man and "woman". Pronoun for pronominal adjective • 219 220' 221 222 ""herself" • 223 224 225 226 227 . 228 + 229 It quasi-redundant with verbs. It emphatic as antecedent . Its post-Shakespearian. Her for its in Shakespeare and Milton. CONTENTS. X1 "Me rather had "I were better; ; IAR. I am sorrow "J • 230 Thou between intimate friends, but not from son to father. 231 Thou from master to servant, you a mark of anger Thou an insult, except to friends and inferiors Thou in direct appeals, you in dependent clauses Thou, apparent exceptions. Ye and you; difference between . My, mine; thy, thine; difference between Mine, hers, used for my, her Yours; "this of yours transposed. Thou omitted. Pronoun redundant after a conjunctional clause in other cases . . PRONOUNS, RELATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE. Relative omitted • • • 232 • 233 • 234 235 236 237 238 239 • 240 241 242 243 ,, >> "They in France " and attracted. 244 245 246 Relative with plural antecedent often takes singular verb; and with antecedent in the second person, takes verb in the third Relative with supplementary pronoun; origin of Supplementary pronoun; when used Which that Who; transition from interrogative to relative meaning What; semi-transition, how checked >> • 247 248 249 250 251 252 What for " why; "whatever;" "who;" "any" 253-255 What for " of what a nature? as who should say Who, "as >> >> Who, that, and which, difference between. . 256 257 258 Shakespearian use of 259 260 That after nouns used vocatively. . 261 > " That refers to an essential characteristic xii CONTENTS. • That, when separated from antecedent. Who, for "and he, " "for he," &c. Who personifies irrational antecedents Which interchanged with who and that. Which less definite than who The--that; that which Which more definite than that · Which with repeated antecedent. The which. Which parenthetically for "which thing Which for "as to which" Which, anomalies of. . ค PAR. 262 263 264 265 • . 266 267 268 • • 269 270 "" • 271 272 273 274. • • • "So--as: " "as-as" (as) to; 275, 276 "such—which" 277, 278 • 279 Who for whom. "That-that; • RELATIVAL CONSTRUCTIONS. """ that "Such-that; "'"" such—where" so... (as) "That--as ; '' That for "because," So-(that);""(so)—that "" " when," &c. • That omitted, then inserted. That, "whatsoever that That, a conjunctional affix . That in 287, origin of As, a conjunctional affix VERBS, FORMS OF :- 280, 281 282, 283 • 284. 285 286 . 287 TRANSITIVE, mostly formed from adjectives and nouns formed from intransitive verbs. Advantages of this licence. Transitive verbs rarely used intransitively . PASSIVE, formation of Passive, use of, with verbs of motion, &c. Reflexive Impersonal 288. • • 289 290. 291 292 293 · 294 • 295. • 296. 297 CONTENTS. xiii VERBS, AUXILIARY. Be, subjunctive and quasi-subjunctive Be in questions and dependent sentences Be in the plural and for euphony. Were, subjunctive use of เ • Were after while" and "until Do, did, original use of Do, did, Shakespearian use of Do omitted before not and inserted • >> • May, can; original and subsequent meaning May, antiquity of. May in doubtful statements May with a negative May for the subjunctive in the sense of purpose Might "could" = May, might, used optatively • PAR. • 298 299 300 301 302 303 • 304 • 305 • 306 307 308 309 • 310 311 · 312 313 Must = "is to;" original use of 314 Shall, original meaning. 315 Will assumed the meaning of futurity with the second and third persons • 316 and third persons • Shall assumed the meaning of compulsion with the second Shall, "I shall" from inferiors Will, “I will" not used by Shakespeare for "I shall Will, with second person ironical or imperative Will with third person, difficult passages 317 · 318 >> 319 320 321 Should denotes contingent futurity Should "ought; was to 322 >> 323, 324 present Should in questions and dependent sentences. Shouid after a past tense where shall would follow a Should, "should have," Shakespearian use of Should denoting the statement of another than the speaker 328 325 326 327 xiv CONTENTS. Would for "will," "wish," "require Would CC was wont to Would not used for "should" VERBS, INFLECTIONS OF :--- Indicative, third person plural in -en Third person plural present in -es in -th • Inflection in -s preceding a plural subject "" • with two singular nouns as subject Apparent cases of the inflection in -s · final misprinted Past indicative forms in -2. Second person singular in -ts Past indicative -t for -ted • PAR. • 329 330 ► 331 • 332 • 333 • 334 335 336 337 • 338 339 340 341 Participles. Ed omitted after d and t, &c. -en dropped. 342 343 Irregular formations • 344 Participial prefix y- 345. VERBS, MOODS OF :— INDICATIVE: Simple present for complete present with ad- verbs meaning “as yet," &c. 346 simple past for complete present with "since," &c.. 347 future for subjunctive and infinitive · 348 INFINITIVE: to omitted, inserted • C 349 " to omitted and inserted after the same verb. 350. "It were best (to) :" I were best (to)" 351, 352 tc omitted after conjunctions Noun and infinitive used as subject or object. infinitive used as a noun • 353 354 • 355 21 "" indefinitely. · 356 at the beginning of a sentence. • 357 For to 358 CONTENTS. XV infinitive active where we use passive complete present after verbs of intending, &c. PAR. 359 SUBJUNCTIVE: simple form * >> "" "" auxiliary forms • • replaced by indicative after "if," &c., where no doubt is expressed • used optatively or imperatively. optative use, advantage of complete past • used indefinitely after relative in a subordinate sentence after verbs of command 360 • 351 • 362 • 363 364 365 · 366 • • irregular sequence of tenses • - 367 368 369 · 370 Conditional sentences, irregularities. 371 PARTICIPLES AND VERBALS : Participles active, confusion in Participial verbal. Participles passive, confusion in "" >" -ed for -able Participles with nominative absolute expressing a condition "" "" without noun or pronoun · 372 373. 374 375 · 376 · 377 · 378 • 380 381 • 382 383 384-387 388-391 pronoun implied from pronominal adjective. 379 adjective instead of participle Participle implied • ELLIPSES. Where the ellipsis can be easily supplied from the context • in conjunctional sentences: after and after as, but, ere, ij • after like, or, since, than, though . after till, too in relative sentences. in antithetical sentences 392-393 394 · 395 KVI CONTENTS. Ellipses of neither before nor of adverbial and possessive inflection in conjunctional sentences of superlative inflection in conjunctional sentences of nominative رو with "has, is, was in the first or second person PAR 396 >> explained • of it is, there is, is • of it, there after will, is, &c. IRREGULARITIES. Double negative . Double preposition • Neither, nor, used like both, and . Confusion of two constructions with superlative >> >> with whom Other confusions of two constructions Confusion of proximity. Nominative implied from participial phrases Redundant object Construction changed by change of thought "" Noun absolute Foreign idioms "" adjectives • for clearness • Transpositions of adjectival phrases . >> of adverbs Adverbs at the beginning of the sentence Transposition of article. A • 397 ▼ 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 • 410 • 4II • 412 413 414 • 415 • 416 417 418 • 419 419a 420 • 421 422 >> in noun clauses. 423 of prepositions • 424 after an emphatic word or expression. 425 after relative 426 CONTENTS. xvii Other transpositions . COMPOUND WORDS. Hybrids Adverbial compounds Noun compounds Preposition compounds PAR. • 427 · 428 429 • • 430 431 Verb compounds Participial nouns 432 433 Phrase compounds Anomalous compounds PREFIXES. A-; all-to-; at- ; be- ; dis- En-; for- ; in- and un- SUFFIXES. -er; -en; -ive; -ble; -less -ly; -ment: -ness ; ·y General licence of · 434 · 435 • 436--439 • 440-442 443-446 447-450 • 45I The ordinary verse PROSODY. 452 The " pause-accent · 453 Emphatic accents 453a The "pause-extra-syllable " • 454 rarely a monosyllable except in Henry VIII 455 Unaccented monosyllables 456 Accented monosyllables . 457 monosyllabic prepositions. 457a Two "" pause-extra-syllables" 458 WRITTEN CONTRACTIONS:— Prefixes dropped Elizabethan spelling, contractions in Other written contractions CONTRACTIONS in pronunciation not expressed in writing R softens or destroys a following vowel b • 459 460 · 461 • 462 • 463 xviij CONTENTS. R softens or destroys a preceding vowel Er, el, le final dropped. Th and v dropped between two vowels. I unaccented in a polysyllable dropped PAR 464 • 465 466 • 467 Any vowel unaccented in a polysyllable may be dropped. 468 Polysyllabic names with but one accent. Power, prowess, being, knowing, monosyllables 469 470 -es or -s dropped after s, se, ce, ge 471 -ed dropped after d and t 472 -est dropped in superlatives after dentals and liquids 473 VARIABLE SYLLABLES. Ed final, mute and sonant in the same line. 474 Words prolonged by emphasis • 475 shortened by want of emphasis . 476 LENGTHENING OF WORDS. R and after a consonant intro- duce an additional syllable, e.g. "Eng(e)land A preceded by a vowel lengthens pronunciation . I and e pronounced before vowels Monosyllabic feet in Chaucer. • 477 478 • 479 • 479a ending in or re • 480 Monosyllables, when prolonged 481 "" exclamations 482 "" "" prolonged by emphasis or antithesis 483 • • - diphthongs and long vowels • containing a vowel followed by r other instances of prolongation E final pronounced E of French origin, pronounced E final in French names pronounced Words in which the accent is nearer the end than with us Iséd final in polysyllables 484 485 • 486 • 487 • 488 489 490 • 491 Words in which the accent is nearer the beginning than with us 492 CONTENTS. X1X Alexandrines, very rare. • PAR. 493 Apparent Alexandrines, two final extra syllables. "" • 494 two syllables in the middle of a verse 495 explained by contractions unemphatic syllables dropped doubtful. the detached foot Trimeter couplet in dialogue • 496 • 497 498 499 "" in other cases the comic "" "" apparent. "" Verses with four accents assigned to witches, fairies, &c. otherwise rare • where there is a break in the line. change of thought. >> change of construction "" >> a number of clauses apparent. Short lines, why introduced. Interjectional lines. The amphibious section A verse continued, spite of interruptions. Rhyme, when used Prose, when used · • • 500 501 502 • 503 504 • 505 506 507. 508 • 509 • 510 • 511 • 512 · 513 • 514 • 515 • 515a SIMILE AND METAPHOR NOTES AND QUESTIONS INDEX TO THE QUOTATIONS. VERBAL INDEX • PAGR 430 440 · 453 } 501 PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION. The success which has attended the First and Second Editions of the “SHAKESPERIAN GRAMMAR," and the demand for a Third Edition within a year of the publica- tion of the First, has encouraged the Author to endeavour to make the work somewhat more useful, and to render it, as far as possible, a complete book of reference for all difficulties of Shakesperian syntax or prosody. For this purpose the whole of Shakespeare has been re-read, and an attempt has been made to include within this Edition the explanation of every idiomatic difficulty (where the text is not confessedly corrupt) that comes within the province of a grammar as distinct from a glossary. The great object being to make a useful book of reference for students, and especially for classes in schools, several Plays have been indexed so fully that with the aid of a glossary and historical notes the references will serve for a complete commentary. These Plays are, As you Like It, Coriolanus, Hamlet, Henry V., Julius Cæsar, Lear, Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, Midsummer Night's Dream, Richard II., Richard III., Tempest, Twelfth Night. It is hoped that these copious indexes will meet a want, by giving some definite work to be prepared by the class, whether as a holiday task or in the work of the term. The want of some such distinct work, to give thoroughness and definiteness xxii PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION. to an English lesson, has been felt by many teachers of experience. A complete table of the contents of each paragraph has been prefixed, together with a Verbal Index at the end. The indexes may be of use to students of a more advanced stage, and perhaps may occasionally be found useful to the general reader of Shakespeare. A second perusal of Shakespeare, with a special reference to idiom and prosody, has brought to light several laws which regulate many apparent irregularities. The interesting distinction between thou and you (Pars. 231-235), for ex- ample, has not hitherto attracted the attention of readers, or, as far as I am aware, of commentators on Shakespeare. The use of the relative with plural antecedent and singular verb (Par. 2.46); the prevalence of the third person plural in -s (Par. 333), which does not appear in modern editions of Shakespeare; the "confusion of proximity" (Par. 412); the distinction between an adjective before and after a noun; these and many other points which were at first either briefly or not at all discussed, have increased the present to more than thrice the size of the original book. I propose now to stereotype this edition, so that no further changes need be anticipated. It may be thought that the amplification of the Prosody is unnecessary, at all events, for the purpose of a school-book. My own experience, however, leads me to think that the Prosody of Shakespeare has peculiar interest for boys, and that some training in it is absolutely necessary if they are to read Shakespeare critically. The additions which have been made to this part of the book have sprung naturally out of the lessons in English which I have been in the habit of giving; and as they are the results of practical ex- perience, I am confident they will be found useful for school PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION. xxiii purposes.* A conjectural character, more apparent however than real, has perhaps been given to this part of the book from the necessity that I felt of setting down every difficult verse of Shakespeare where the text was not acknowledged as corrupt, or where the difficulty was more than slight. Prac- tically, I think, it will be found that the rules of the Prosody will be found to solve most of the difficulties that will present themselves to boys-at least, in the thirteen Plays above mentioned. Besides obligations mentioned in the First Edition, I must acknowledge the great assistance I have received from MÄTZNER'S Englische Grammatik (3 vols., Berlin, 1865), whose enormous collection of examples deserves notice. I am indebted to the same author for some points illustrating the connection between Early and Elizabethan English. Here, however, I have received ample assistance from Mr. F. J. Furnivall, Mr. R. Morris, and others, whose kind- ness I am glad to have an opportunity of mentioning. In par- ticular, 1 must here acknowledge my very great obligation to the Rev. W. W. Skeat, late Fellow of Christ's College, Cam- bridge, whose excellent edition of William of Palerne (Early English Text Society, 1867), and whose Maso-Gothic Dic- tionary (Asher, London, 1866), have been of great service to me. Mr. Skeat also revised the whole of the proof-sheets, and many of his suggestions are incorporated in the present work. I may add here, that in discussing the difference between "thou" and "you" (231-5), and the "monosyllabic foct" (480-6), I was not aware that I had been anticipated by Mr. Skeat, who has illustrated the former point (with reference to Early English) in William of Palerne, p. xlii., *The somewhat grotesque name of "amphibious verse" (Par. 513) sprang in this way from class-teaching. I have retained it, as answering its purpose, by communicating its meaning readily and impressively. xxiv PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION. and the latter in his Essay on the Metres of Chaucer (vol. i., Aldine Edition, London, 1866). The copious Index to Layamon, edited by Sir Frederick Madden, has also been of great service. I trust that, though care has been taken to avoid any unnecessary parade of Anglo-Saxon, or Early English, that might interfere with the distinct object of the work, the information on these points will be found trust- worthy and useful. The Prosody has been revised throughout by Mr. A. J. Ellis, whose work on Early English Pronun- ciation is well known. Mr. Ellis's method of scansion and notation is not in all respects the same as my own, but I have made several modifications in consequence of his suggestive criticisms. I have now only to express my hope that this little book may do something to forward the development of English instruction in English schools. Taking the very lowest ground, I believe that an intelligent study of English is the shortest and safest way to attain to an intelligent and suc- cessful study of Latin and Greek, and that it is idle to expect a boy to grapple with a sentence of Plato or Thucydides if he cannot master a passage of Shakespeare or a couplet of Pope. Looking, therefore, at the study of English from the old point of view adopted by those who advocate a purely classical instruction, I am emphatically of opinion that it is a positive gain to classical studies to deduct from them an hour or two every week for the study of English. But I need scarcely say that the time seems not far off when every English boy who continues his studies to the age of fifteen will study English for the sake of English; and where English is studied Shakespeare is not likely to be forgotten. 30th May, 1870. E. A. A. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. THE object of this work is to furnish students of Shakespeare and Bacon with a short systematic account of some points of difference between Elizabethan syntax and our own. The words of these authors present but little difficulty. They can be understood from glossaries, and, even without such aid, a little reflection and attention to the context will generally enable us to hit the meaning. But the differences of idiom are more perplexing. They are more frequent than mere verbal difficulties, and they are less obvious and noticeable. But it need hardly be said, that if we allow ourselves to fancy we are studying Shakespeare critically, when we have not noticed and cannot explain the simplest Shakespearian idiom, we are in danger of seriously lowering our standard of accurate study, and so far from training we are untraining our understanding. Nor is it enough to enumerate unusual idioms without explaining them. Such is not the course we pursue in Latin and Greek, and our native tongue should either not be studied critically at all, or be studied as thoroughly as the languages of antiquity.* The difficulty which the author has experienced in teach- ing pupils to read Shakespearian verse correctly, and to analyse a metaphorical expression, has induced him to add a few pages on Shakespeare's prosody and on the use of simile and metaphor. * Of course it is possible to study Shakespeare with great advantage, and yet without any reference to textual criticism. Only, it should be distinctly under stood in such cases that textual criticism is not attempted. B 2 PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. A very important question in the study of English is, what should be the amount and nature of the assistance given to students in the shape of notes. It is clear that the mere getting up and reproducing a commentator's opinions, though the process may fill a boy with useful information, can in no sense be called a training. In the Notes and Questions at the end of this volume I have tried to give no more help than is absolutely necessary. The questions may be of use as a holiday-task, or in showing the student how to work the Grammar. They have been for the most part answered by a class of boys from fourteen to sixteen years old, and some by boys much younger. In some of the sections of the Prosody I must acknow. ledge my obligations to Mr. W. S. Walker's work on Shake- speare's Versification.* Other obligations are acknowledged in the course of the work; but the great mass of the exam- ples have been collected in the course of several years' close study of Shakespeare and contemporaneous authors. I am aware that there will be found both inaccuracies and incom- pleteness in this attempt to apply the rules of classical scholarship to the criticism of Elizabethan English, but it is perhaps from a number of such imperfect contributions that there will at last arise a perfect English Grammar. REFERENCES. The following works are referred to by the pages :-- Ascham's Scholemaster . (Mayor). London, 1863. The Advancement of Learning Oxford, 1640. Bacon's Essays (Wright). London, 1868. (Gifford). London, 1838. Ben Jonson's Works. North's Plutarch Florio's Montaigne • London, 1656. • London, 1603. In correcting the proof-sheets I have gained much from consulting Mr Walker's Criticisms on Shakespeare." PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. 3 Wager, Heywood, Ingelend, &c., and sometimes Beaumont and Fletcher, are quoted from "The Songs of the Dra- matists," J. W. Parker, 1855. WORKS REFERRED TO BY ABBREVIATIONS. Some of the plays of Shakespeare are indicated by the trials of the titles, as follow: A. W.. A. and C. A. Y. L. . C. of E. J. C. L. L. L. M. for M. • • All's Well that Ends Well. Antony and Cleopatra. As You Like It. Comedy of Errors. Julius Cæsar. • • Love's Labour Lost. M. of V. M. W. of W. M. N. D.. M. Ado P. of T • R. and J. T. of Sh.. T. of A. T. A. · • • · • • Tr. and Cr. T. N. T. G. of V. W. T.. • · Measure for Measure. Merchant of Venice. Merry Wives of Windsor. Midsummer Night's Dream. Much Ado about Nothing. Pericles of Tyre. • · Romeo and Juliet. Taming of the Shrew. Timon of Athens. Titus Andronicus. Troilus and Cressida. Twelfth Night. Two Gentlemen of Verona, Winter's Tale. "The quotations are from the Globe edition unless other wise specified.) Asch. B. E. • B. and F. B. J. Ascham's Scholemaster. Bacon's Essays. Beaumont and Fletcher Ben Jonson B 2 PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. B. J E. in &c. " E. out &c. . Cy's Rev. Sil. Wom. Sejan. Sad Sh. L. C.. • • Every Man in his Humour. Every Man out of his Humour Cynthia's Revels. Silent Woman. Sejanus. Sad Shepherd. Lover's Complaint. North's Plutarch. Passionate Pilgrim. N. P. P. P. R. of L.. Sonn. Rape of Lucrece. V. and A. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Venus and Adonis. Numbers in parentheses thus (81) refer to the paragraphs of the Grammar. INTRODUCTION ELIZABETHAN English, on a superficial view, appears to present this great point of difference from the English of modern times, that in the former any irregularities whatever, whether in the formation of words or in the combination of words into sentences, are allowable. In the first place, almost any part of speech can be used as any other part of speech. An adverb can be used as a verb, " They askance their eyes" (R. of L.); as a noun, "the backward and abysm of time" (Sonn.); or as an adjective, "a seldom pleasure" (Sonn.). Any noun, adjective, or neuter verb can be used as an active verb. You can "happy" your friend, "malice" or "foot" your enemy, or “fall” an axe on his neck. An adjective can be used as an adverb; and you can speak and act "easy," free," "excellent :" or as a noun, and you can talk of "fair" instead of "beauty," and " a pale" instead of " a paleness." Even the pronouns are not exempt from these metamorphoses. A "he" is used for a man, and a lady is described by a gentleman as "the fairest she he has yet beheld." Spenser asks us to (C "Come down and learne the little what That Thomalin can sayne."-Calend. Jul. v. 31 (Nares). And Heywood, after dividing human dicers into three classes thus- "Some with small fare they be not pleased, Some with much fare they be diseased, Seme with mean fare be scant appeased." INTRODUCTION. adds with truly Elizabethan freedom- "But of all somes none is displeased To be welcome." * In the second place, every variety of apparent grammatical inaccuracy meets us. He for him, him for he; spoke and took, for spoken and taken; plural nominatives with singular verbs; relatives omitted where they are now considered necessary; unnecessary antecedents inserted; shall for will, should for would, would for wish; to omitted after "I ought," inserted after "I durst," double negatives; double comparatives ("more better," &c.) and superlatives; such followed by which, that by as, as used for as if; that for so that; and lastly, some verbs apparently with two nomina- tives, and others without any nominative at all. To this long list of irregularities it may be added that many words, and particularly prepositions and the infinitives of verbs, are used in a different scnse from the modern. Thus-- "To fright you thus methinks I am too savage, Macb. iv. 2. 70. "Re- does not mean "I am too savage to fright you." ceived of the most pious Edward" (170) does not mean 'from Edward," but "by Edward;" and when Shakespeare says that "the rich" will not every hour survey his treasure, 'for blunting the fine point of seldom pleasure," he does not mean "for the sake of," but "for fear of" blunting pleasure. (( On a more careful examination, however, these apparently disorderly and inexplicable anomalies will arrange themselves under certain heads. It must be remembered that the Eliza- bethan was a transitional period in the history of the English language. On the one hand, there was the influx of new dis- coveries and new thoughts requiring as their equivalent the coinage of new words (especially words expressive of abstract ideas); on the other hand, the revival of classical studies and the popularity of translations from Latin and Greek authors * Compare "More by all mores."-T. N. v. 1. 139. INTRODUCTION. 7 suggested Latin and Greek words (but principally Latin) as the readiest and most malleable metal, or rather as so many ready-made coins requiring only a slight national stamp to prepare them for the proposed augmentation of the currency of the language. Moreover, the long and rounded periods of the ancients commended themselves to the ear of the Elizabethan authors. In the attempt to conform English to the Latin frame, the constructive power of the former language was severely strained. The necessity of avoiding ambiguity and the difficulty of connecting the end of a long sentence with the beginning, gave rise to some irregularities, to the redundant pronoun (242), the redundant 'that' (285), and the irregular 'to' (416). But, for the most part, the influence of the classical lan- guages was confined to single words, and to the rhythm of the sentence. The syntax was mostly English both in its origin and its development, and several constructions that are now called anomalous (such as the double negative [405] and the double comparative [409]) have, and had from the earliest period, an independent existence in English, and are merely the natural results of a spirit which preferred clearness and vigour of expression to logical symmetry. Many of the anomalies above mentioned may be traced back to some peculiarities of Early English, modified by the transitional Elizabethan period. Above all, it must be remembered that Early English was far richer than Eliza- bethan English in inflections. As far as English inflections are concerned the Elizabethan period was destructive rather than constructive. Naturally, therefore, while inflections were being discarded, all sorts of tentative experiments were made: some inflections were discarded that we have restored, others retained that we have discarded. Again, sometimes where inflections were retained the sense of their meaning and power had been lost, and at other times the memory of inflections that were no longer visibly expressed in writing still influenced the manner of expression. Thus Ben Jonson vrites :- 8 INTRODUCTION. "The persons plural keep the termination of the first per- son singular. In former times, till about the reign of King Henry VIII. they were wont to be formed by adding en thus:- Loven, sayen, complainen. But now (whatsoever is the cause) it is quite grown out of use, and that other so generally prevailed that I dare not presume to set this on foot again." He appears to be aware of the Midland plural in en (332) which is found only very rarely in Spenser and in Pericles of Tyre, but not of the Northern plural in es (333), which is very frequently found in Shakespeare, and which presents the apparent anomaly of a plural noun combined with a singular verb. And the same author does not seem to be aware of the existence of the subjunctive mood in English. He ignores it in his "Etymology of a Verb," and, in the chapter on "Syntax of a Verb with a Noun," writes as follows:- "Nouns signifying a multitude, though they be of the singular number, require a verb plural : "And wise men rehearsen in sentence, Where folk be drunken there is no resistance.""-LYDGATE, lib. ii. And he continues thus: - "This exception is in other nouns also very common, especially when the verb is joined to an adverb or conjunction: 'It is preposterous to execute a man before he have been condemned."" It would appear hence that the dramatist was ignorant of the force of the inflection of the subjunctive, though he frequently uses it. Among the results of inflectional changes we may set down the following anomalies:— "* I. Inflections discarded but their power retained. Hence (a) “spoke” (343) for "spoken," "rid" for "ridden." (b) "You ought not walk" for "You ought not walken" (the old infinitive). (c) The new infinitive (357) “to walk " used in its new meaning and also sometimes retaining its old gerundive signification.† (d) To "glad" (act.), to "mad" *It should, however, he stated that the n is often dropped in Early English + Morris, Specimens of Early English," p. xxxiii. Inf. "loven." Gerund. "to lovene." INTRODUCTION. 9 (act.), &c. (290) for to “gladden,” “madden," &c. (e) The adverbial e (1) being discarded, an adjective appears to be used as an adverb: "He raged more fierce," &c. "Other" is used for "other(e)," pl. "other men," &c. (g) The ellipsis of the pronoun (399) as a nominative may also be in part thus explained. II. Inflections retained with their old power. (a) The subjunctive inflection frequently used to express a condition-" Go not my horse," for "If my horse go not." Hence (b) as with the subj. appears to be used for as if, and for and if, but (in the sense of except) for except if, &c. (c) The plural in en; very rarely. (d) The plural in es or s; far more commonly. (e) His used as the old genitive of he for of him. Me, him, &c. used to represent other cases beside the objective and the modern dative: "I am ap- pointed him to murder you." III. Inflections retained but their power diminished or lost. (a) Thus 'he' for 'him,' 'him' for 'he;' 'I' for 'me,' 'me' for 'I,' &c. (b) In the same way the s which was the sign of the possessive case had so far lost its meaning that, though frequently retained, it was sometimes replaced (in mistake) by his and her. IV. Other anomalies may be explained by reference to the derivations of words and the idioms of Early English. Hence can be explained (a) so followed by as; (b) such followed by which (found in E. E. sometimes in the form whuch or wuch); (c) that followed by as; (d) who followed by he; (e) the which put for which; (f) shall for will, should for would, and would for wish. The four above-mentioned causes are not sufficient to explain all the anomalies of Elizabethan style. There are several redundancies, and still more ellipses, which can only be explained as follows. V. (a) Clearness was preferred to grammatical correct ness, and (b) brevity both to correctness and clearness. Hence it was common to place words in the order in which IO INTRODUCTION. they came uppermost in the mind without much regard to syntax, and the result was a forcible and perfectly unambi- guous but ungrammatical sentence, such as : (a) "The prince that feeds great natures they will sway him." B. J. Sejanus (b) As instances of brevity: "Be guilty of my death since of my crime."—R. of L. "It cost more to get than to lose in a day.”—B. J. Poetaster. VI. One great cause of the difference between Elizabethan and Victorian English is, that the latter has introduced or developed what may be called the division of labour. A few examples will illustrate this. (6 The Elizabethan subjunctive (see VERBS, SUBJUNCTIVE) could be used (1) optatively, or (2) to express a condition or (3) a consequence of a condition, (4) or to signify purpose after that." Now, all these different meanings are expressed by different auxiliaries-" would that !" "should he come," "he would find," "that he may sce,”—and the subjunctive inflec- tion is restricted to a few phrases with "if." "To walk" is now either (1) a noun, or (2) denotes a purpose, “in order to walk." In Elizabethan English, "to walk" might also denote "by walking," "as regards walking," "for walking;" a licence now discarded, except in one or two common phrases, such. as "I am happy to say," &c. Similarly, Shakespeare could write "of vantage" for "from vantage-ground," " of charity" for "for charity's sake," "of mine honour" for on my honour," "of purpose " for " on purpose," "of the city's cost" for "at the city's cost," "of his body" for " as regards his life," "made peace of enmity" for "peace instead of enmity," " we shall find a shrewd contriver of him" for "in him," "did I never speak of all that time" for "during all that time." Similarly "by" has been despoiled of many of its powers, which have been divided among "near," "in accord- ance with," "by reason of," "owing to." "But" has been forced to cede some of its provinces to "unless" and "ex- cept." Lastly, "that," in Early English the only relative, INTRODUCTION. II had been already, before the Elizabethan times, supplanted in many idioms by "who" and "which ;" but it still retained its meanings of "because," "inasmuch as," and "when;" sometimes under the forms "for that," "in that;" sometimes without the prepositions. These it has now lost, except in a few colloquial phrases. As a rule, then, the tendency of the English language has been to divide the labour of expression as far as possible by diminishing the task assigned to overburdened words and imposing it upon others. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule-notably "who" and "which ;" but this has been the general tendency. And in most cases it will be found that the Victorian idiom is clearer but less terse than the corresponding Elizabethan idiom which it has supplanted. VII. The character of Elizabethan English is impressed upon its pronunciation, as well as upon its idioms and words. As a rule their pronunciation seems to have been more rapid than ours. Probably the greater influence of spoken as compared with written English, sanctioned many contractions which would now be judged intolerable if for the first time introduced. (See 461.) This, however, does not explain the singular variation of accent upon the same words in the same author. Why should "exile," "aspect," "confessor," and many other words, be accented now on the first, now on the second syllable? The answer is, that during the unsettled Elizabethan period the foreign influence was contending with varying success against the native rules of English pronunciation. The English rule, as given by Ben Jonson, is definite enough. "In dissyllabic simple nouns (by which it is to be supposed he means un-compounded), "the accent is on the first, as 'bélief,' 'hónour,' &c." But he goes on to say, that "all verbs coming from the Latin, either of the supine or otherwise, hold the accent as it is found in the first person present of those Latin verbs." Hence a continual strife over every noun derived from Latin parti- ciples the English language claiming the new comer as her naturalized subject, bound by English laws; the Latin, on the : 12 INTRODUCTION other hand, asserting a partial jurisdiction over her emigrants. Hence accéss and áccess, precépt and précept, contract (noun) and contract, instinct and instinct, relápse and rélapse. The same battle raged over other Latin words not derived from participles: commérce and cómmerce, obdúrate and óbdurate, sepulchre and sépulchre, contráry and cóntrary, authorize and authorize, perséver and persevére, cónfessor and confessor. The battle terminated in a thoroughly English manner. An arbitrary compromise has been effected between the com- batants. Respéct, relápse, succéss, succéssor, were ceded to the Latin: aspect, cóllapse,* áccess, sépulchre, were appropriated by the English. But while the contest was pending, and pri- soners being taken and retaken on either side, we must not be surprised at finding the same word ranged now under native, now under foreign colours. VIII. Words then used literally are now used metaphori- cally, and vice versâ. The effect of this is most apparent in the altered use of prepositions. For instance, “by,” originally meaning “near,” has supplanted "of" in the metaphorical sense of agency, as it may in its turn be supplanted by "with" or some other preposition. This is discussed more fully under the head of prepositions (138). Here a few illustrations will be given from other words. It is not easy to discover a defined law regulating changes of metaphor. There is no reason why we should not, with Beaumont and Fletcher, talk of living at a deep late" as well as a "high rate." But it will be found with respect to many words derived from Latin and Greek, that the Elizabethans used them literally and gene- rally; we, metaphorically and particularly. Thus " meta- physical" was used by Shakespeare in the broader meaning of "supernatural ;" and "fantastical" could be applied even to a murder, in the wide sense of "imagined." So "exor- bitant" was "out of the path," uncommon," now only * Collapse is accented on the last syllable in most dictionaries. + "How brave lives he that keeps a fool, although the rate be deeper, But he that is his own fool, sir, does live a great deal cheaper." INTRODUCTION. 13 te applied to that which is uncommonly "expensive." So extravagant ("The extravagant and erring spirit," Hamlet, i. 1) has been restricted to "wandering beyond the bounds of economy." "To aggravate" now means, except when applied to disease, "to add to the mental burdens of any one," hence "to vex;" but in Sonn. 146 we find," to aggra- vate thy store" in the literal sense of "to add to the weight of" or "increase." "increase.” So “journall” meant “diurnal” or "daily;" now it is restricted to a "daily" newspaper or memoir. The fact is that, in the influx of Greek and Latin words into the English language, many were introduced to express ideas that either could be, or were already, expressed in the existing vocabulary. Thus we do not require "meta- physical" to express that which is supernatural, nor “fantas- tical" to express that which is imagined; "exorbitant” is unnecessary in the sense of uncommon;""extravagant" (though it has a special force in “the extravagant and erring spirit," Hamlet, i. 1) is not in most cases so obvious as "wandering;" "increase" is simpler than "aggravate,” and daily" more English than "diurnal." Similarly “specula- tion" is unnecessary to express the power of seeing, "adver tised" useless in the sense of "warned" or "informed” (Lear, iv. 6. 214), “vulgar" in the sense of common. Such words, once introduced into the language, finding the broader room which they had been intended to fill already occupied, were forced to take narrower meanings. They did this, for the most part, by confining themselves to one out of many meanings which they had formerly represented, or by adopt- ing metaphorical and philosophical instead of literal and material significations; and as the sense of their derivation and original meaning became weaker, the transition became easier. This is not merely true of words derived from Latin and Greek. “Travail,” for example, finding itself supplanted in its original sense by "work" or "labour," has narrowed itself to a special meaning: the same is true of "beef,” "pork," &c. On the other hand, some Latin and Greek words tha. 14 INTRODUCTION. 19.66 express technicalities have, as the sense of their exact meaning was weakened, gradually become more loosely and generally used. Thus, "influence" means now more than the mere influence of the stars on men; (6 triumph," "pre- posterous," "pomp," "civil," "ovation," and "decimate," have lost much of their technical meaning. Of these words it may be said, that Shakespeare uses them more literally and particularly than we do. Thus, "triumph" is used for a show at a festival; "civil" is used for peaceful; “pre- posterous ass" (T. of Sh. iii. 1. 9) is applied to a man who put music before philosophy; "decimation " (T. of A. v. 1. 31) is used in its technical sense for "a tithed death." One cause that has affected the meaning of Latin-derived words has been the preference with which they have been selected in order to express depreciation. This has narrowed some words to an unfavourable signification which they did not originally possess. Thus, "impertinent " in Elizabethan authors meant (C not to the point;" "officious" could then mean “obliging,” and a clever person could be described as an admirable conceited fellow" (W. T. iv. 4. 203). A classical termination (446) may sometimes be treated as active or as passive. Hence “plausibly” is used for “with applause" actively. >> "The Romans plausibly did give consent."-R. of L. "A very inconsiderate (inconsiderable) handful of English. N. P. Appendix 31. Thus, on the one hand, we have "fluxive eyes" (eyes flowing with tears: L. C. 8), and on the other the more common passive sense, as "the inexpressive she" (the woman whose praises cannot be expressed). With respect to words of English or French origin, it is more difficult to establish any rule. All that can be said is that the Elizabethan, as well as the Victorian meaning, may be traced to the derivation of the word. Why, for instance, should not Ben Jonson write— "Frost fearing myrtle shall impale my head."-Poetast. i. I. INTRODUCTION. 15 (C With prepositions the "Take out"=" copy ;" "-"borrow; " "take in with " ie. "take in within its pale, surround," as justifiably as we use the word in its modern sense of "transfixing?" Why should not sirens "train" (draw or decoy-trahere) their victims to destruction, as well as educators "train" their pupils onward on the path of knowledge? We talk of “a world of trouble" to signify an infinity; why should not Bacon (E. 38) talk of " a globe of precepts?" Owing to the deficiency of their vocabulary, and their habit of combining prepositions with verbs, to make distinct words almost like the Germans, the Elizabethans used to employ many common English words, such as 'pass," "hold," "take," in many various significations. Thus we find "take" in the sense of (1) "bewitch;" (2) "interrupt" ("You take him too quickly, Marcius," B. J. Poetast.); (3) "consider" (" The whole court shall take itself abused," B. J. Cy.'s Rev. v. 1); (4) “under- stand” (“You'll take him presently," E. out &c. i. 1); and (5) "resort to" ("He was driven by foule weather to take a poor man's cottage," N. P. 597). word has many more meanings. "take in" subdue ;" "take up (Bacon)="side with ;" “take up”=“pull up" of a horse. And these meanings are additional to the many other meanings which the word still retains. To enter further into the subject of the formation and meaning of words is not the purpose of this treatise. The glossaries of Nares and Halli- well supply the materials for a detailed study of the subject. One remark may be of use to the student before referring him to the following pages. The enumeration of the points of difference between Shakespearian and modern English may seem to have been a mere list of irregularities and proofs of the inferiority of the former to the latter. And it is true that the former period presents the English language in a tran- sitional and undeveloped condition, rejecting and inventing much that the verdict of posterity has retained and discarded. It was an age of experiments, and the experiments were not always successful. While we have accepted copious, inge- nious, disloyal, we have rejected as useless copy (in the sense (C 16 INTRODUCTION. of "plenty"), ingin, and disnoble. But for freedom, for brevity and for vigour, Elizabethan is superior to modern English. Many of the words employed by Shakespeare and his con- temporaries were the recent inventions of the age ; hence they were used with a freshness and exactness to which we are strangers.* Again, the spoken English so far predominated over the grammatical English that it materially influenced the rhythm of the verse (see Prosody), the construction of the sentence, and even sometimes (460) the spelling of words. Hence sprung an artless and unlaboured harmony which seems the natural heritage of Elizabethan poets, whereas such harmony as is attained by modern authors frequently betrays a painful excess of art. Lastly, the use of some few still remaining inflections (the subjunctive in particular), the lingering sense of many other inflections that had passed away leaving behind something of the old versatility and audacity in the arrangement of the sentence, the stern sub- ordination of grammar to terseness and clearness, and the consequent directness and naturalness of expression, all con- spire to give a liveliness and wakefulness to Shakespearian English which are wanting in the grammatical monotony of the present day. We may perhaps claim some superiority in completeness and perspicuity for modern English, but if we were to appeal on this ground to the shade of Shake- speare in the words of Antonio in the Tempest,— Do you not hear us speak?" we might fairly be crushed with the reply of Sebastian- "I do; and surely It is a sleepy language. * Exceptions are "eternal" used for "infernal" (O. iv. 2, 130; 7. C. i. 2. 160; Hamlet, i. 5. 21); "triple" for "third" (A. W. ii. 1. 111); "temporary" for "temporal" (M. for M. v. 1. 145); "important" for "importunate" (Lear, iv. 4. 26); "expiate" for "expired" (Rich. III. iii. 3. 23); “colleagued" (Hamlet, i. 2. 21) for "co-leagued;" "importing" (b. 23) for "importuning." The Folio has "Pluto's" for "Plutus" (F. C. iv. 3. 102). GRAMM A R. MAR. ADJECTIVES. 1. Adjectives are freely used as Adverbs. In Early English, many adverbs were formed from adjectives by adding e (dative) to the positive degree: as bright, adj.; brighte, adv. In time the e was dropped, but the adverbial use was kept. Hence, from a false analogy, many adjectives (such as excellent) which could never form adverbs in e, were used as adverbs. We still say col loquially, "come quick;' "the moon shines bright," &c. But Shakespeare could say: So "Which the false man does easy.”—Macb. ii. 3. 143. "Some will dear abide it."-7. C. iii. 2. 119. "Thou didst it excellent."-T. of Sh. i. 1. 89. "Which else should free have wrought.”—Macb. ii. 1. 19. "Raged more fierce." —Rich. II. ii. 1. 173. "Grow not instant old.”—Ham. i. 5. 94. "'Tis noble spoken.”—A. and C. ii. 2. 99. “Tis "Did I expose myself pure for his love."-T. N. v. 1. 86. Equal ravenous as he is subtle."—Hen. VIII. i. 1. 159. We find the two forms of the adverb side by side in: "She was new lodged and newly deified."-L. C. 84. The position of the article shows that mere is an adverb in : Ay, surely, mere the truth."-A. W. iii. 5. 58. "It shall safe be kept."-Cymb. i. 6. 209. "Heaven and our Lady gracious has it pleas'd. 1 Hen. VI. i. 2 74 "(I know) when the blood burns how prodigal the soul Lends the tongue vows."Hamlet, i. 3. 116. C SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Such transpositions as our lady gracious," (auj.) where "gracious" is a mere epithet, are not common in Shakespeare. (See 419.) In ઃઃ "My lady sweet, arise,”-Cymb. ii. 3. 29. "My-lady" is more like one word than "our lady," and is also an appellative. In appellations such transpositions are allowed. (See 13.) Sometimes the two forms occur together: "And she will speak most bitterly and strange." M. for M. v. I. 36. 2. Adjectives compounded. Hence two adjectives were freely combined together, the first being a kind of adverb qualifying the second. Thus : "I am too sudden-bold."-L. L. L. ii. r. 107. "Fertile-fresh."-M. W. of W. v. 5. 72. "More active-valiant or more valiant-young. I Hen. IV. v. I. 90. 'Daring-hardy.”—Rich. II. i. 3. 43. Honourable-dangerous." -J. C. i. 3. 124. 'He lies crafty-sick."-2 Hen. IV. Prol. 37. See ib. v. 1. 60. "I am too childish-foolish for this world."-R. III. i. 3. 142. “I "You are too senseless-obstinate, my lord."-R. III. iii. 1. 44. 'That fools should be so deep-contemplative."-A. Y. ii. 7. 31. "Glouc. Methinks the ground is even. Edg. Horrible-steep."-Lear, iv. 6. 3. In the last example it is hard to decide whether the two adjec tives are compounded, or (which is much more probable) “horrible” is a separate word used as in (1) for "horribly," as in T. N. iii. 4. 196. In the West of England "terrible" is still used in this adverbial sense. There are some passages which are only fully intelligible when this combination is remembered : A strange tongue makes my cause more strange-suspicious.” Hen. VIII. iii. 1. 45. Erase the usual comma after "strange. "Here is a silly-stately style indeed.". -1 Hen. VI. iv. 7. 72. Perhaps "He only in a general-honest thought.”—J. C v. 5. 71. ADJECTIVES. 19 3. Adjectives, especially those ending in ful, les:, ble, and ive, have both an active and a passive meaning; just as we still say, સ્થ a fearful (pass.) coward,” and “a fearful (act.) danger." "To throw away the dearest thing he owed, As 'twere a careless trifle."-Macbeth, i. 4. 11. "Such helpless harmes yt's better hidden keep.”—SPEN. F. Q. i. 5. 42. "Even as poor birds deceived with painted grapes, Like those poor birds that helpless berries saw.” V. and A. 604; Rich. III. i. 2. 13. Upon the sightless couriers of the air.”—Macbeth, i. 7. 23. "How dare thy joints forget 66 5c72- "" To pay their awful duty to our presence?”—Rich. II. iii. 3. 76. "Terrible" is "frightened" in Lear, i. 2. 32; “dreadful,” "awe-struck,” Hamlet, i. 2. 207; “thankful" is "thankworthy," P. of T. v. 1. 285. So "unmeritable" (act. Rich. III. iii. 7. 155; 7. C. iv. 1. 12); "medicinable" (act. Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 44); sible" (pass. Macb. ii. 1. 36; Hamlet, i. 1. 57); insuppressive' (pass. 7. C. ii. 1. 134); “plausive” (pass. Hamlet, i. 4. 30); “uncom· prehensive” (pass. Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 198); “respective” (act. R. and 7. iii. 1. 128; pass. T. G. of V. iv. 4. 200); unexpressive" (pass. A. Y. L. iii. 2. 10); "comfortable" (act. Lear, i. 4. 328); “deceiv able" (act. R. II. ii. 3. 84; T. N. iv. 3. 21). "Probable," "contemptible," and "artificial," are active in- "The least of all these signs were probable.”—2 Ilen. VI. iii. 2. 178. "Tis very probable that the man will scorn it, for he hath a very contemptible spirit.”—M. Ado, ii. 3. 188. "We, Hermia, like two artificial gods Have with our needles created both one flower." M. N. D. iii. 2. 204. Hence even The intrenchant air."-Macbeth, v. 8. 9. "Unprizable" (T. N. v. 1. 58) means (T. N. v. 1. 58) means "not able to be made a prize of, captured." "Effect" (Rich. III. i. 2. 120) seems used for "effecter" or "agent" if the text is correct. 4. Adjectives signifying effect were often used to signify the This is a difference of thought. We still say "pale death," gaunt famine," where the personification is obvious; but we do not cause. 66 say-- C 2 20 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Oppress'd with two weak evils, age and hunger." A. Y. L. ii. 7. 132 "Like as a sort of hungry dogs ymet Doe fall together, stryving each to get The greatest portion of the greedie pray." SPENS. F. Q. vi. 11. 17. “And barren rage of death's eternal cold.”—Senn. 13. Nor should we say of the Caduceus- "His sleepy yerde in hond he bare upright."-CHAUC. C. T. 1390. "Sixth part of each! Compare also A trembling contribution !"-Hen. VIII. i. 2. 95. Here "trembling" is used for "fear-inspiring." So other Elizabethan authors (Walker): "idle agues," rotten showers," "barren curses. >> 5. Adjectives are frequently used for Nouns, even in the singular. "A sudden pale usurps her cheek.”—V. and A. 'Every Roman's private (privacy or private interest)." B. J. Sejan. iii. 1. "'Twas caviare to the general."—Hamlet, ii. 2. 458. "Truth lies open to all. It is no man's several."-B. J. Disc. 742 b. "Before these bastard signs of fair (beauty) were born."-Sonn. 68. So "fair befal," Rick. II. ii. 1. 129; Rich. III. i. 3. 282. But see 297. "Till fortune, tired with doing bad, Threw him ashore to give him glad."-P. of T. ii. Gower, 37. "That termless (indescribable) hand Whose bare outbragg'd the web it seem'd to wear."-L. C. 95. "In few" "in short."- Hamlet, i. 3. 126; Temp. i. 2. 144 "Small (little) have continual plodders ever won. = L. L. L. i. 1. 86. By small and small."-Rich. II. iii. 7. 198; Rich. III. i. 3.111. Say what you can, my false o'erweighs your true. M. for M. ii. 4. 170. "I'll make division of my present (money) with you.' >> T. N. iii. 4. 380. If the text were correct, the following would be an instance of an adjective inflected like a noun : "Have added feathers to the learned's wing."-Sont. 78. But probably the right reading is "learned'st." ADJECTIVES. 21 46 Wont," the noun (Hamlet, i. 4. 6), is a corruption from "woned," from the verb "wonye" E. E., "wunian " A.-S., "to dwell." Compare 100s. 6. Adjectives comparative. The inflection er instead of more is found before "than.' >> >> "Sir, your company is fairer than honest."-M. for M. iv. 3. 185. The comparative more wonderful seems to be used, as in Latin, for "more wonderful than usual," if the following line is to be attributed to Cicero as in the editions: Why, saw you anything more wonderful?"—F. C. i. 3. 14. In Hamlet iv. 7. 49, "my sudden and more strange return," means sudden, and even more strange than sudden. >> 7. The comparative inflection- was sometimes used even when the positive ended in-ing,-ed,-id,-ain,-st,-ect. These termina- tions (perhaps because they assimilate the adjective to a participle by their sound) generally now take “ more." "Horrider," Cymb. iv. 2. 331; "curster," T. of Sh. iii. 2. 156 ; 'perfecter," Coriol. ii. 1. 91; "certainer," M. Ado, v. 3. 62. 8. Superlative. The superlative inflection est, like the Latin superlative, is sometimes used to signify "very," with little or no idea of excess. "A little ere the mightiest Julius fell.”—Hamlet, i. 1. 114. "My mutest conscience (Cymb. i. 6. 116) may perhaps mean "the mutest part or corner of my conscience," like summus mons." 9. The superlative inflection est is found after-ent,-ing,-ed, -ect. Thus, "violentest" (Coriol. iv. 6. 73); (Coriol. iv. 6. 73); “cursedst" (M. of V. ii. 1. 46); “lyingest" (T. of Sh. i. 2. 25); “perfectest,” (Macb. i. 5. 2). This use of -est and -er (see 7) is a remnant of the indiscriminate application of these inflections to all adjectives which is found in Early English. Thus, in Piers Plowman, we have " avarousere" (B. i. 189), “merveillousest" (B. viii. 68). 10. The superlative was sometimes used (as it is still, but with recognized incorrectness) where only two objects are compared. 23 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. " 'Between two dogs which hath the deeper mouth, Between two blades which bears the better temper, Between two horses which doth bear him best, Between two girls which has the merriest eye. I Hen. VI. ii. 4. 15. "Not to bestow my youngest daughter Before I have a husband for the elder."-T. of Sh. i. 1. 50. "Of two usuries, the merriest was put down, and the worser allowed."-M. for M. iii. 2. 7. Here it seems used for variety to avoid the repetition of the com- parative. 11. Comparative and superlative doubled.-The inflections er and -est, which represent the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives, though retained, yet lost some of their force, and sometimes received the addition of more, most, for the purpose of greater emphasis. "A more larger list of sceptres."-A. and C. iii. 6. 76. "More elder."-M. of V. iv. 1. 251. "More better."-Temp. i. 2. 19. "More nearer."-Hamlet, ii. 1. 11. Thy most worst."-W. T. iii. 2. 180. "More braver."-Temp. i. 2. 439. "With the most boldest."-F. C. iii. 1. 121. "Most unkindest.”—J. C. iii. 2. 187. "To some more fitter place."-M. for M. ii. 2. 16. "I would have been much more a fresher man. Tr. and Cr. v. 6. 21. Ben Jonson speaks of this as a certain kind of English atticism, imitating the manner of the most ancientest and finest Grecians."— B. J. 786. But there is no ground for thinking that this idiom was the result of imitating Greek. We find Bottom saying: "The more better assurance."-M. N. D. iii. 1. 4. Note the anomaly : "Less happier lands.”—R. II. ii. 1. 49. 12. The Adjectives all, each, both, every, other, are some times interchanged and used as Pronouns in a manner different from modern usage. All for any: They were slaine without all mercie."-HOLINSHED, "Without all bail."-Sonn. 74. ADJECTIVES. 23 'Without all reason."-AsCH. 48. "with- (Comp. in Latin "sine omni, &c.") Heb. vii. 7: Wickliffe, outen ony agenseiyinge;" Rheims, Geneva, and A. V. "without all contradiction." This construction, which is common in Ascham and Andrewes, is probably a Latinism in those authors. It may be, however, that in things without all remedy," Macb. iii. 2. 11, "without" is used in the sense of "" outside," "beyond." See Without (197). ઃઃ All for every : "Good order in all thyng.”—ASCH. 62. "And all thing unbecoming."-Macb. iii. 1. 14. We still use "all" for "all men." But Ascham (p. 54) wrote: "Ill commonlie have over much wit," and (p. 65) “Infinite shall be made cold by your example, that were never hurt by reading of bookes." This is perhaps an attempt to introduce a Latin idiom. Shakespeare, however, writes: "What ever have been thought on."-Coriol. i. 2. 4. Each for "all" or "each one of :" "At each his needless heavings."- W. T. ii. 3. 35. So every (i.e. "ever-ich," "ever-each"): "Of every these happen'd accidents.”—Temp. v. 1. 249. And "none" "None our parts.”—A. and C. i. 3. 36. Each for "both :" "And each though enemies to either's reign Do in consent shake hands to torture me. "Sonn. 28. "Each in her sleep themselves so beautify.”—R. of L. 404. "Tell me In peace what each of them by the other lose."-Coriol. iii. 2. 44 This confusion is even now a common mistake. Compare "How pale each worshipful and rev'rend guest Rise from a Clergy or a City feast."-POPE, Imit. Hor. ii. 75 Each for "each other: >> "But being both from me, both to each friend.”—Sonn. 144. (i.e. both friends each to the other.) Both seems put for "each," or either used for "each other," 10 'They are both in either's powers.” — Temp. i. 2. 450. ་་ 24 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. There may, however, be an ellipsis of each after both : Compare They are both (each) in either's powers.' "A thousand groans. "" Cane (one) on another's neck."—Sonn. 131. It is natural to conjecture that this is a misprint for "one or other's." But compare I think there is not half a kiss to choose Who loves another best. -W. T. iv. 4. 176. (See 88) Every one, Other, Neither, are used as plural pronouns : "And every one to rest themselves betake."—R. of L. Every one of these considerations, syr, move me."-ASCH. Dedic "Everything In readiness for Hymenæus stand."-T. A. i. 1. 325. "Smooth every passion That in the nature of their lord rebel."—Lear, ii. 2. 82. "Every" is a pronoun in "If every of your wishes had a womb.” A. and C. i. 2. 38; A. Y. L. v. 4. 178. "Thersites' body is as good as Ajax' When neither are alive.”—Cymb. iv. 2. 252. "Other have authoritie."-Asch. 46. "And therefore is the glorious planet Sol In noble eminence enthron'd and spher'd Amidst the other.”—Tr. and C. i. 3. 89. Other is also used as a singular pronoun (even when not preceded by "each"):* Every time gentler than other."-F. C. i. 2. 231. "With greedy force each other doth assail."-SPENS. F. Q. i. 5. 6. i. "each doth assail the other."- Rich. II. i. 1. 22. I. "We learn no other but the confident tyrant Keeps still in Dunsinane."-Macb. v. 4. 8. He hopes it is no other But, for your health and your digestion's sake, An after-dinner's breath."-Tr. and Cr. ii. 3. 120. 'If you think other."-Othello, iv. 2. 13. Sose no other.”—A. W. iii. 6. 27. • It is used as a singular adjective, without the article, in Cymb. iii. 4 144: "You think of other place." ADJECTIVES. 25 In the two last passages "other" may be used adverbially for otherwise," as in Macbeth, i. 7. 77, which may explain "They can be meek that have no other cause."-C. of E. ii. 1. 33. 1.e. "no cause otherwise than for meekness." ' >> The use of all(e) and other(e) as plural pronouns is consistent with ancient usage. It was as correct as "omnes and "alii" in Latin, as "alle" and "andere" in German. Our modern "others said" is only justified by a custom which might have compelled us to say 'manys" or "alls said," and which has induced us to say our betters," though not (with Heywood) "our biggers." The plural use of neither, "not both," depends on the plural use of either for "both," which is still retained in " on either side," used for "on both sides," This is justified by the original meaning of either, i.e. "every one of two," just as whe-ther means "which of two.' "Either" in O.E. is found for "both." Similarly we say none were taken" instead of "none (no one) was taken." We still retain the use of other as a pronoun without the in such phrases as "they saw each other," for "they saw each the other." Many is also used as a noun. (See 5.) Hence we have : "In many's looks.”—Sonn. 93. ' " Beside the adjective "mani," "moni" (many), there was also in Early English the noun "manie" or "mcine" (multitude, from Fr. "maisgnée," Lat. "minores natu "). But it is doubtful whether this influenced the use just mentioned. 13. The possessive Adjectives, when unemphatic, are some- times transposed, being really combined with nouns (like the French monsieur, milord). "Dear my lord."-7. C. ii. 1. 255. "Good my brother."—Hamlet, i. 3. 46. "Sweet my mother."—R. and J. iii. 5. 200. "Oh! poor our sex."-Tr. and Cr. v. 2. 109. "Art thou that my lord Elijah?"- 1 Kings xviii. 7. Come, our queen.”—Cymb. ii. 3. 68. So probably, vocatively: "Tongue-tied our queen speak thou."-II. T. i, 2. 27. Compare "Come on, our queen."-Rich. II. i. 2. 222. “Good my knave.” my knave."-L. L. L. iii. 1. 153 26 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Good my friends."—Coriol. v. 2. 8. “Good your highness, patience."—A. and C. ii. 5. 106. "Good my girl.”—1 Hen. VI. v. 4. 25. Hence, by analogy, even "Good my mouse of virtue.”—T. N. i. 5. 69. The emphatic nature of this appellative "good" is illustrated by "Good now, sit down."—Hamlet, i. 1. 70: where the noun is omitted. So W. T. v. I. 19; Tempest, i. 1. 16. "Gunnow" (good now) is still an appellative in Dorsetshire. Sometimes, but very rarely, the possessive adjective used voca tively is allowed to stand first in the sentence: "Our very loving sister, well be met."-Lear, v. 1. 20. It is possible that this use of "my," "our," &c. may be in part explained from their derivation, since they were originally not adjectives, but the possessive cases of pronouns. Thus, Thus, "sweet my mother," "sweet mother of me," or "sweet mother mine." Similar vocatives are "The last of all the Romans, fare thee well."-F. C. v. 3. 99. "The jewels of our father, with wash'd eyes, Cordelia leaves you."-Lear, i. 1. 271. So Folio, "Take that, the likeness of this railer here." 3 Hen. VI. v. 5. 38 (Globe "thou"). 14. The Adjectives just, mere, proper, and very were sometimes used as in Latin. Just = exact. 'A just seven-night."-M. Ado, ii. 1. 375. 'A jus! pound.”—M. of V. iv. 1. 327. Whereas we retain this sense only in the adverbial use, “just a week." Compare "justum iter." 15. Mere = "unmixed with anything else:" hence, by inference, » "complete." "intact, "The mere perdition of the Turkish fleet."-0. ii. 2. 3. i.e. the "complete destruction.” "Strangely-visited people, The mere despair of surgery."-Macbeth, iv. 3. 132. i.e. "the utter despair. So Rich. III. iii. 7. 263. The word now means "unmixed," and therefore, by inference, ADJECTIVES. 27 "nothing but," 'bare," "insignificant. "insignificant." But, in accordance with its original meaning, "not merely," in Bacon, is used for "not entirely." So Hamlet, i. 2. 137. 16. Proper - "peculiar,' ""own." "Their proper selves."-Temp. iii. 3. 60. "With my proper hand."— Cymb. iv. 2. 97; T. N. v. 1. 327. .e."with my own hand," as in French. So F. C. i. 2. 41, v. 3. 96. "My very friends.”—M. of V. iii. 2. 226. Very "true." 17. More (mo-re) and most (mo-st) (comp. E. E. ma or mo; mar or mor; maest, mast, or most) are frequently used as the com- parative and superlative of the adjective "great.' [Moe, or mo, as a comparative (Rich. II. ii. 1. 239; Rich. III. iv. 4. 199), is con- tracted from more or mo-er. Compare "bet" for "bett-er," "leng" for "leng-er," and "streng" for "streng-er," in O. E. See also "sith," 62.] "At our more leisure."-M. for M. i. 3. 49. "A more requital."-K. 7. ii. 1. 34. "With most gladness."-A. and C. ii. 2. 169. "Our most quiet" (our very great quiet). (our very great quiet).—2 Hen. IV. iv. 1.71, "So grace and mercy at your most need help you." Hence we understand : "Not fearing death nor shrinking for distress, >> Hamlet, i. 5. 180. But always resolute in most extremes. -1 Hen. VI. iv. 1. 38. i.e. not "in the majority of extremities," as it would mean with us, but "in the greatest extremes." Hence : 66 ' More (instead of greater) and less came in with cap and knee." 1 Hen. IV. iv. 3. 68. "And more and less do flock to follow him. "" 2 Hen. IV. i. 1. 209. “Both more and less have given him the revolt." Macbeth, v. 4. 12. That "less" refers here to rank, and not to number, is illustrated by "What great ones do the less will prattle of."-7. N. i. 2. 33. So Chaucer : "The grete giftes to the most and leste."-C. T. 2227. 28 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 18. One is used for "above all," or alone," i.e. “all-one,” in Elizabethan English with superlatives. "He is one the truest manner'd.”—Cymb. i. 6. 164. "One the wisest prince."-Hen. VIII. ii. 4. 49. "Have I spake one the least word."-7b. 153. But in Early English one is thus used without a superlative: "He one is to be praised." "I had no brother but him one.” "He was king one. "} (Here Mr. Morris conjectures that the O. E. "ane" stands for A.-S. dative " an-um.") So in Latin "justissimus unus;" and in Greek μóvos is similarly So "alone" = "above all things." used. "That must needs be sport alone."-M. N. D. iii. 2. 119. "I am alone the villain of the earth."-A. and C. iv. 6. 30. "So full of shapes is fancy That it alone is high fantastical."-7. N. i. I. 15. None. See 53. 19. Right (which is now seldom used as an adjective, except with the definite article, as the opposite of "the wrong," e.g. "the right way," not "a right way"), was used by Shakespeare, with the indefinite article, to mean real," down-right." 2) 66 "I am a right maid for my cowardice."-M. N. D. iii. 2. 302. Compare A. and C. iv. 12. 28, "a right gipsy." It means "true" in "A right description of our sport, my lord."-L. L. L. v. 2. 522. 20. Self (se = swa [so]; -lf. = Germ. leib, "body:" Wedge- wood, however, suggests the reciprocal pronoun, Lat. se, Germ. sich, and he quotes, "Et il ses cors ira," i.e. "and he him self will go," Old French, and still retained in Creole patois) was still used in its old adjectival meaning "same," especially in one self," i.c. one and the same," and "that self." Compare the German "selbe." "That self chain."-C. of E. v. 1. 10. "That self mould."-Rich. II. i. 2. 23. "One self king."-T. N. i. 1. 39. ADJECTIVES. 29 Compare 3 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 11; A. and C. v. 1. 21; M. of V. i. I. 148. Hence we can trace the use of himself, &c. The early English did not always use "self," except for emphasis; their use was often the same as our modern poetic use : "They sat them down upon the yellow sand."-TENNYSON. In order to define the him, and to identify it with the previous he, the word self (meaning "the same," "the aforesaid ") was added : "He bends himself." Thyself and myself are for thee-self, me-self. "One self king" may be illustrated by "one same house."-MON- TAIGNE, 228. We also find the adjectival use of "self" retained in "The territories of Attica selfe." -N. P. 175. "The city selfe of Athens."-N. P. 183. "Itself" is generally, if not always, written in the Folio "it selfe." There is a difficulty, however, in such a phrase as "I myself saw it." Why do we not find "I-self," "he-self," in such cases? Why, even in A.-S., do we find the rule that, when self agrees with the subject of the sentence, the pronoun has to be repeated in the dative before self: "he (him) self did it," but when the noun is in an oblique case self is declined like any other adjective, and agrees with its noun: "he hine seolfne band," i.e. "he bound himself?" The fact is, that in the second case "self" is an ordinary adjective used as an adjective: "he bound the same or aforesaid him.' But in the former case "himself" is often an abridgment of a pre- positional expression used as an adverb: “he did it by himself," "of himself," "for himself," and, being a quasi-adverb, does not receive the adjectival inflection.* It follows that "my," "thy," in "myself" and "thyself," are not pronominal adjectives, but represent inflected cases of the pronouns. Thus "ourself" for selves" is strictly in accordance with the A.-S. usage in our- "We will ourself in person to this war,"-Rich. II. i. 4. 42. though of course Shakespeare only uses it for "myself" in the mouth of a dignified personage. Similarly in Piers Plowman (B. viii. 62) myn one "(= "of me one," i.e. “ one" of me alone" [see One]) used for "by myself," and him one (William of Palerne, 17) for "by himself;" and here "myn myn" is the genitive of "I," and "him" we have " >> *Myself seems used for our "by myself" in "I had as lief have been mysely alone."-A. Y. L. iii. 2. 269. 30 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. the dative of "he,” and “one” is an adjective. This is also illus. trated by the Scottish "my lane," i.e. "my, or by me, alone." Hence, instead of "ourselves" we have in Wickliffe, 2 Cor. x. 2, "but we mesuren us in us silf and comparisownen us silf to us,' and, a line above, "hem silf" for "themselves.” "" "" Very early, however, the notion became prevalent that the in- flected pronoun was a pronominal adjective, and that “self” was a noun. Hence we find in Chaucer, "myself hath been the whip,' "and to prove their selfes" in Berners' Froissart; and in Shake- speare, Temp. i. 2. 132, "thy crying self." Hence the modern "ourselves," yourselves." "Tar- Hence The use of "self" as a noun is common in Shakespeare: quin's self," Coriol. ii. 2. 98; "my woeful self,” L. C. 143. the reading of the Folio may be correct in the first of the follow- ing lines: "Even so myself bewails good Gloucester's case, With sad unhelpful tears and with dimm'd eyes Look after him.". -2 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 217. But the change to the first person is more in accordance with Shake- speare's usage, as: 'This love of theirs myself have often seen. So T. G. iii. 1. 147; ib. iv. 2. 110. " T. G. of V. iii. 1. 23. So "himself" is used as a pronoun, without "he,” in "Direct not him whose way himself will choose.' "Self-born arms "} Rich. II. ii. 1. 29. (Rich. II. ii. 3. 80) seems to mean "divided against themselves," ""civil war. 21. Some, being frequently used with numeral adjectives quali- fying nouns of time, as some sixteen months" (T. G. of V. iv. 1. 21), is also found, by association, with a singular noun of time. "Some hour before you took me."-T. N. ii. 1. 22. "I would detain you here some month or two."--M. of V. iii. 2. 9. "Some day or two."-R. III. iii. 1. 64. "Five It would seem that in such expressions "some" has acquired an adverbial usage, as in the provincialisms, "It is some late,' mile or some" (MÄTZNER, ii. 253). Compare "I think 'tis now some seven o'clock."- T. of Sh. iv. 3 188, ADJECTIVES. 31 "" "Sum" is, however, found in Early English and Anglo-Saxon in the sense of "a certain.' Compare A.-S. "Sum jungling hym fyligde," Mark xiv. 51. So Wickliffe, where A. V. has "A certain young man followed him." "Other-some" (M.N.D. i. 1. 226), see P. 6. 22. The licence of converting one part of speech into another may be illustrated by the following words used as adjectives: "The fine point of seldom (rare) pleasure.”—Sonn. 52. "Each under (inferior) eye."-Sonn. 7. "This beneath (lower) world.”—T. of A. i. I. 44. 'The orb below As hush (silent) as death."—Hamlet, ii. 2. 508. See also still, below (22). "Most felt (palpable) and open this.”—B. J. Sejan. i. 2. "Most laid (plotted) impudence."-B. J. Fox. As still with us, any noun could be prefixed to another with the force of an adjective: water-drops," " "water-thieves," "water-fly," &c. "} This licence, however, was sometimes used where we should prefer the genitive or an adjective. Thus, "the region kites (Hamlet, ii. 2. 607,) for "the kites of the region ;" and "the region cloud," Sonn. 33. So perhaps, a moment leisure," Hamlet, i. 3. We say "heart's ease," but Shakespeare, Hen. V. ii. 2. 27, says “heart-grief;" "heart-blood," Rich. II. i. 1. 172, &c.; “fac tion-traitors,” ib. ii. 2. 57. Again, a word like music" is not commonly used by us as a prefix unless the suffix is habitually connected with "music :" thus "music-book, " "music-master," &c., 133. but not "music" for "musical as in C6 "The honey of his music vows."—Hamlet, iii. 1. 164. Compare venom mud," R. of L. 561; venom clamours," C. of E. v. i. 69, for " venomous;" venom sound," Rich. II. ii. 1. 19; 36 venom tooth," Rich. III. i. 3. 291. This licence is very frequent with proper names. "Here in Philippi fields."-7. C. v. 5. 19. "Draw them to Tiber banks."-7. C. i. 1. 63. "There is no world without Verona walls. >> "Within rich Pisa walls.' >> -R. and J. iii. 3. 17. —T. of Sh. ii. 1. 369. To the Cyprus wars."—O. i. 1. 151. "Turkey cushions."-T. of Sh. ii. 1. 355, as we still say. 32 SIIAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. >> "From Leonati seat."-Cymb. v. 4. 60. "Venice gold."-T. of Sh. ii. 1. 366. The reason for this licence is to be found in an increasing dislike and disuse of the inflection in 's. Thus we find, “sake frequently preceded in 1 Hen. IV. by an uninflected noun: recreation sake," 1 Hen. IV. i. 2. 174; ib. ii. 1. 80; ib. v. 1. 65; "for fashion sake,” A. Y. L. iii. 2. 271. "for ADVERBS. 23. It is characteristic of the unsettled nature of the Elizabethan language that, while (see 1) adjectives were freely used as adverbs without the termination ly, on the other hand ly was occasionally added to words from which we have rejected it. Thus "fastly' (L. C. 9); “youngly" (Coriol. ii. 3. 244). : 24. Adverbs with prefix a-: (1) Before nouns. In these adverbs the a- represents some preposition, as "in," " on," "of," &c. con- tracted by rapidity of pronunciation. As might be expected, the contraction is mostly found in the prepositional phrases that are in most common use, and therefore most likely to be rapidly pro- nounced. Thus (Coriol. iii. 1. 261-2) Menenius says: "I would they were in Tiber," while the Patrician, "I would they were a-bed.” Here a- means "in," as in the following: "3d Fisherman. Master, I marvel how the fishes live in the sea. Ist Fisherman. Why, as men do a-land.”—P. of T. ü. 1. 31. A- is also used where we should now use "at." ever, O. E. " 012 work." Compare, how- "Sets him new a-work."-Hamlet, ii. 2.510; Lear iii. 5. 8. So R. of L. 1496. And compare Hamlet, ii. 1. 58, "There (he) was a' gaming," with "When he is drunk, asleep, or in his rage At gaming."—Hamlet, iii. 3. 91. Sometimes of" and "a- are interchanged. Compare "a-kin" and “of kind," "of burst" and "a-thirst," "of buve" and "a- bove." Most frequently, however, "a-" represents our modern "on" or "'in." Compare "a-live and on live.' ADVERBS. 33 "Bite the holy cords a-twain."—Lear, ii. 2. 80 ; L. C. 6. Compare "That his spere brast a-five," i.e. "burst in five pieces." (HALLIWELL.) So ‘A-front.”—1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 222. "A-fire."-Temp. i. 2. 212. "Look up a-height" (perhaps).—Lear, iv. 6. 58. "Beaten the maids a-row."--C. of E. v. I. 170. And keep in a-door.”—Lear, i. 4. 138. Thus, probably, we must explain "Thy angel becomes a fear."-A. and C. ii. 3. 22. "What a i.e. “a-fear." The word " a-fere" is found in A.-S. in the sense of "fearful" (Mätzner, i. 394). And in the expressions plague?" (1 Hen. IV. i. 2. 51,) "What a devil?" (1 Hen. IV. ii. 2. 39.) "A God's name A God's name" (Rich. II. ii. 1. 251,) and the like, we must suppose a to mean "in," "on," or "of." There is some difficulty in “I love a ballad in print a life" (so Folio, Globe, “o' life”). W. T. iv. 4. 264. on my life." Nares It might be considered as a kind of oath, explains it "as my life," but the passages which he quotes could be equally well explained on the supposition that a is a preposition. The expression "all amort" in I Hen. VI. iii. 2. 124, and T. of Sh. iv. 3. 36, is said to be an English corruption of “à la mort.” "To heal the sick, to cheer the alamort."-Nares. The a (E. E. an or on) in these adverbial words sometimes for euphony retains the : an "And each particular hair to stand an end."-Ham. i. 4. 19.* So Hamlet, iii. 4. 122, Rich. III. i. 3. 304; and compare hungry,' an hungered" below, where the an is shown not to be the article. So A slave that still an end turns me to shame,”—T. G. of V. iv. 4. 67. where te an end" (like "run on head" (Homilies), i.e. run a-head") signifies motion on to the end." "" These adverbial forms were extremely common in earlier English, even where the nouns were of French origin. Thus we find: “a grief," "a-fyn" for en-fin," 'a-bone" excellently, "a-cas by Indeed the corruption of en- into a- in Old French itself Compare "Shall stand a tip-toe."-Hen. V. iv. 3. 42. cliance. D 34 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. is very common, and we still retain from this source "a-round" for en rond" and "a-front" for " en front." (2) Before adjectives and participles, used as nouns. When an adjective may easily be used as a noun, it is intelligible that it may be preceded by a-. Compare "a-height," quoted above, with our modern " on high," and with "One heaved a-high to be hurled down below." Rich. III. iv. 4. 86. It is easy also to understand a- before verbal nouns and before adjec tives used as nouns, where it represents on: i.e. "I would have him nine years a-killing."-O. iv. I. 188. on, or in the act of killing." So "Whither were you a-going ?"—Hen. VIII. i. 3. 50. i.e."in the act of going." "The slave that was a-hanging there.”—Lear, v. 3. 274. "Tom's a-cold."-Lear, iii. 4. 59. i.e. "a-kale," E. E. "in a chill." Some remarkable instances of this form are subjoined, in which nouns are probably concealed. "I made her weep a-good."-T. G. of V. iv. 4. 170. i.e. "in good earnest;" but "good" may be a noun. Compare "a-bone" above. "The secret mischiefs that I set abroach.”—R. III. i. 3. 326 ; R. and J. i. I. 111. where a is prefixed to "broach," now used only as a verb. broach and "abroach are found in E. E. Compare "O'er which his melancholy sits on brood." "") ". On Hamlet, iii. 1. 173 66 gape." Compare "That sets them all agape."-MILTON, P. L. v.; which is to be explained by the existence of an old noun, (3) As the prefix of participles and adjectives. In this case a represents a corruption of the A.-S. intensive of. Thus from E. E. offeren, we have "afered" or "afeared;" from A.-S. " of gán, ""a-gone." The of before a vowel or h is sometimes changed into on or an. See On, 182. And indeed the prefixes an-, on-, of-, a-, were all nearly convertible. Hence "of- hungred" appears not only as afingred," but also "an-hungered," as in St. Matthew xxv. 44, A. V.: "When saw we thee an hungered ADVERBS. 35 or athirst ?" It would be a natural mistake to treat an here as the article but compare They were an hungry,"-Coriol. i. 1. 209. where the plural "they" renders it impossible to suppose that an is the article. Perhaps, by analogy, a- is also sometimes placed before adjectives that are formed from verbs. It can scarcely be said that weary is a noun in 'For Cassius is a-weary of the world." J. C. iv. 3. 95; 1 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 88. of-walked," means "of-weary," i.e. Rather "a-weary," like "of-walked," means "tired out." 25. Adverbs ending in "s" formed from the possessive inflection of Nouns. Some adverbs thus formed are still in common use, such as "needs" = "of necessity." ' Needs must I like it well."—Rich. II. iii. 2. 4. "There must be needs a like proportion."-M. of V. iii. But we find also in Shakespeare: 4. 14. "He would have tickled you other gates than he did." T. N. v. 1. 198. i.e. "in another gate or fashion." I. In this way (compare "sideways," "lengthways," &c.) we must probably explain And "Come a little nearer this ways.”—M. W. of IV. ii. 2. 50. "Come thy ways.”—T. N. ii. 5. 1. Compare also the expression in our Prayer-book : "Any ways afflicted, or distressed.' Others explain this as a corruption of 'Days" is similarly used : ፡፡ wise." "Tis but early days."-Tr. and Cr. iv. 5. 12. i.e. "in the day," as the Germans use morgens." Compare now-a-days,” and N. P. 179, at noondaies." A similar explanation might suggest itself for "Is Warwick friends with Margaret?" 3 Hen. VI. iv. 1. 115; A. and C. ii. 5. 44. But "I am friends" is not found in E. E., and therefore pro- bably it is simply a confusion of two constructions, "I am friend to him" and " we are friends." D 2 36 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 26. After was used adrbially of time "" If tr you know That I do fawn on men, and hug them hard, And after scandal them.”—7. C. i. 2. 76. Now we use afterwards in this sense, using after rarely as an adverb and only with verbs of motion, to signify an interval of space, as "he followed after." 27. The use of the following adverbs should be noted: ", Again (radical meaning "opposite") is now only used in the local sense of returning, as in "He came back again, home again, &c.; and metaphorically only in the sense of repeating, as in “Again we find many other instances," &c. It is used by Shakespeare metaphorically in the sense of "on the other hand." Thus- "Have you Ere now denied the asker, and now again (on the other hand) Of him that did not ask but mock, bestow Your sued-for tongues?"-Coriol. ii. 3. 214. "Where (whereas) Nicias did turne the Athenians from their purpose, Alcibiades againe (on the other hand) had a further reach,” &c.-N. /. 172. So Rich. II. ii. 9. 27. It is also used literally for “back again." "Haste you again,” A. IV. ii. 2. 73, does not mean "haste a second time," but "hasten back." Again is used for “again and again," i.e. repeatedly (a previous action being naturally implied by again), and hence intensively almost like "amain." For wooing here until I sweat(ed) again.”—M. of V. iii. 2. 205. Weeping again the king my father's wreck. Tempest, i. 2. 390. For omission of -ed in "sweat" (common in E. E.), see 341. 28. All (altogether) used adverbially : "I will dispossess her all.”—T. of A. 1. 1. 139. "For us to levy power is all unpossible."--Rich. II. ii. 2. 126. In compounds all is freely thus used, "All-worthy lord;" "all- watched night;" "her all-disgraced friend," A. and C. iii. 12. 22. Sometimes it seems to mean "by all persons," as in "all-shunned." So, this all-hating world," Rich. II. v. 5. 66, does not mean "Eating all," but "hating (me) universally." ADVERBS. 37 All used intensively was frequently p efixed to other adverbs of degree, as So. " "What occasion of import Hath all so long detain'd you from your wife?" T. of Sh. iii. 1. 105. "too." The connection of all and "so" is perpetuated in the modern "also.' Still more commonly is all prefixed to "In thy heart-blood, though being all too base To stain the temper of my knightly sword." "Our argument Rich. II. iv. I. 28. Is all too heavy to admit much talk.". -2 Hen. IV. v. 2. 24. So Cymb. v. 5. 169; T. G. of V. iii. 1. 162; Sonn. 18, 61, 86; R. of L. 44, 1686. There are two passages in Shakespeare where all-to requires explanation : "It was not she that called him all to nought."-V. and A. 993. "The very principals (principal posts of the house) did seem to rend And all to topple."-P. of T. iii. 2. 17. (1) In the first passage all-to is probably an intensive form of "to," which in Early English (see Too, below) had of itself an intensive meaning. Originally "to" belonged to the verb. Thus "to-breke" meant "break in pieces.” When "all" was added, as in "all to-breke," it at first had no connection with "to," but intensified "to-breke." But "to" and "too" are written in- differently for one another by Elizabethan and earlier writers, and hence sprang a corrupt use of "all-to," caused probably by the frequent connection of all and too illustrated above. It means here "altogether. (2) In the second passage some (a) connect “to-topple," believing that here and in M. W. of W. iv. 4. 57, "to-pinch,' "to" is an intensive prefix, as in Early English. But neither of the two passages necessitates the supposition that Shakespeare used this archaism. (See M. W. of W. iv. 4. 5 below, To omitted and inserted, 350.) We can, therefore, either (¿) write "all-to" (as in the Globe), and treat it as meaning "altogether," or (c) suppose that "all" means quite," and that "to topple," like "to rend," depends upon This last is the more obvious and probable construction.* เ seem." * Or, adopting this construction. we may take all to mean "the whole house.' 'The principals did seem to rend, and the whole house to topple." 38 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. all-to- From this use of "all too" or "all to," closely connected in the sense of "altogether," it was corruptly employed as an intensive prefix, more especially before verbs beginning with be- : bequalify," B. J.; "all-to-bekist," ib.; and later, "he all-to be- Gullivers me," SWIFT; all-to-be-traytor'd," NARES. 29. Almost, used for mostly, generally: "Neither is it almost seen that very beautiful persons are of great virtue."—B. E. 163. Our modern meaning nearly is traceable to the fact that anything is nearly done when the most of it is done. Almost (see also Transpositions) frequently follows the word which it qualifies. "" "I swoon almost with lear. -M. N. D. ii. 3. 154. "As like almost to Claudio as himself."-M. for M. v. 1. 494. Hence in negative sentences we find 'not-almost where we should use "} "almost not," or, in one word, "scarcely," "hardly." "You cannot reason (almost) with a man."-Rich. III. ii. 2. 39. The Globe omits the parenthesis of the Folio. "And yet his trespass, in our common reason, • • Is not almost a fault to incur a private check."—O. iii. 3. 66. i.e. "is not (I may almost say) fault enough to," &c. or "is scarcely fault enough to," &c. So "9 66 I have not breath'd almost since I did see it."-C. of E. v. 1. 181. It was natural for the Elizabethans to dislike putting the qualify- ing "almost" before the word qualified by it. But there was an ambiguity in their idiom. 'Not almost-a-fault" would mean not approaching to a fault ;" "not-almost a fault, very nearly not a fault." We have, therefore, done well in avoiding the ambiguity 'by disusing "almost" in negative sentences. The same ambiguity and peculiarity attaches to interrogative, comparative, and other conjunctional sentences. "Would you imagine or almost believe ?"—Rich. III. iii. 5. 35. 1.e. "Would you suppose without evidence, or (I may almost say) believe upon evidence?" &c. "Our aim, which was To take in many towns ere almost Rome Should know we were afoot."-Coriol. i. 2. 24. ADVERBS. 39 Alone, see One, 18. 30. Along is frequently joined to "with" and transposed, as: "With him is Gratiano gone along."—M. of V. ii. 8. 2. Hence the "with me being omitted, "along" is often used fo "along with me. "" "Demetrius and Egeus, go along, I must employ you in some business."-M. N. D. i. 1. 123. Note, that here, as in T. of Sh. iv. 5. 9; 2 Hen. IV. ii. 1. 191; O. i. I. 180; “go go" is used where we should say "come.' The word is used simply to express the motion of walking by WICKLIFFE : Acts xiv. 8. MONTAIGNE, Florio, 230. Sometimes the verb of motion is omitted, as in "Will you along (with us)?"-Coriol. ii. 3. 157. "Let's along" is still a common Americanism. Sometimes the ellipsis refers to the third person. "Go you along (with him)."-A. and C. v. I. 69. Perhaps we ought (to the advantage of the rhythm) to place a comma after along, in "Therefore have I entreated him along, With us to watch the minutes of this night."-Ham. i. 1. 26. 30 a. Anon. The derivative meaning of anon (an-ane) is at one instant," or "in an instant," and this is its ordinary use. But in "Still and anon.”—K. J. iv. 1. 47. Which ever and anon he gave his nose." 1 Hen. IV. i. 3. 38. anon seems to mean "the moment after," a previous moment being implied by "still," "ever." Compare our now and then.' 31. Anything, like Any ways, is adverbially used: 'Do you think they can take any pleasure in it, or be anything delighted?"—MONTAIGNE, 31. Any ways afflicted, or distressed."-Prayer-book. "Ways" is, perhaps, genitive. See 25. 32. Away. " 'She could never away with me. -2 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 213. ic "she could not endure me." A verb of motion is probably 40 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. omitted. Compare our I cannot get on with him," "put up with him," and the provincial "I cannot do with him.' "I could not do withal."-M. of V. iii. 2. 72. So "she could never away with me" way," i.e. "get on with me. of motion compare = "she could not go on her For the omission of the verb "Will you along !"-Coriol. ii. 3. 157. 33. Back, for "backward.” "Goes to and back lackeying the varying tide." Where we should say "to and fro." A. and C. i. 4. 48. 34. Besides "by the side of the main question," i.e. "in other respects," ""for the rest.' "This Timæus was a man not so well knowne as he, but besides (for the rest) a wise man and very hardy."-N. P. 174. Similarly besides is used as a preposition in the sense out of." "How fell you besides your five wits?"-T. N. iv. 2. 92. = 35. Briefly short space of time." a short time ago," instead of (as with us) "in a Briefly we heard their drums. How couldst thou. bring thy news so late?" Coriol. i. 6. 16. Similarly we use the Saxon equivalent "shortly" to signify futurity. 36. By (original meaning near the side." Hence "by and by" "very near," which can be used either of time or, as in Early English, also of place) is used for "aside, on one side," "away," in the phrase )) (( "Stand by, or I shall gall you."-K. J. iv. 3. 94. Whereas, on the other hand, "to stand by a person" means "to stand near any one. " 37. Chance appears to be used as an adverb: "How chance thou art returned so soon?"-C. of E. i. 2. 42 But the order of the words "thou art," indicates that Shake- speare treated chance as a verb. "How may it chance or chances ADVERBS. 41 that," as Hamlet, ii. 2. 343, "How chances it they travel?" Com pare- "How chance the roses there do fade so fast?" M. N. D. i. 1. 129. So Tr. and Cr. iii. 1. 151; 2 Hen. IV. iv. 4. 20; Rich. III. iv. 2. 103; M. W. of W. v. 5. 231; P. of T. iv. 1. 23. Compare, however, also— " "If case some one of you would fly from us. 3 Hen. VI. v. 4. 34. where "case" is for the Old French "per-case." This use of chance as an apparent adverb is illustrated by "Perchance his boast of Lucrece' sovereignty Suggested this proud issue of a king: Perchance that envy of so rich a thing Braving compare, disdainfully did sting."-R. of L. 39. Here "perchance" seems used first as an adverb, then as a verb, "it may chance that." So Shakespeare, perhaps, used chance as an adverb, but unconsciously retained the order of words which shows that, strictly speaking, it is to be considered as a verb. >> 38. Even. Even now" with us is applied to an action that has been going on for some long time and still continues, the emphasis being laid on now. In Shakespeare the emphasis is often to be laid on even," and " even now means 'exactly or only now," i.e. "scarcely longer ago than the present: "but now. t >> There was an old fat woman even now with me. ** "" hence M. W. of W. iv. 5. 26. Often "but even now" is used in this sense: M. of V. i. 1. 35. On the other hand, both "just at this moment," as in " and "but now even now " can signify "But now I was the lord Of this fair mansion ; . . . and even now, and even now, but now, This house, these servants, and this same myself Are yours."-M. of V. iii. 2. 171. We use "just now" for the Shakespearian even now," laying the emphasis on "just." Even is used for "even now," in the sense of " at this moment," in • A certain convocation of politic worms are even at him." Hamlet, iv. 3. 22 42 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So " even when" means "just when" in (Roses) die, even when they to perfection grow." 39. Ever (at every time) freq.: T. N. ii, 4. 42. "For slander's mark was ever yet the fair."-Sonn. 70. The latter use is still retained in poetry. But in prose we confine "ever" (like the Latin " unquam”) to negative, comparative, aud interrogative sentences. แ Ever seems contrary to modern usage in "Would I might "" But ever see that man. -Temp. i. 2. 168. But," however, implies a kind of negative, and ever means at any time." 40. Far, used metaphorically for "very." "But far unfit to be a sovereign.”—3 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 92. So 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 286. 41. Forth, hence, and hither are used without verbs of motion (motion being implied) : “I have no mind of feasting forth to-night.”—M. of V. ii. 2.37. "Her husband will be forth."-M. W. of W. ii. 2. 278. ( 'By praising him here who doth hence remain."—Sonn. 39. "From thence the sauce to meat is ceremony.”—Macb. iii. 4. 36. "Methinks I hear hither your husband's drum.”—Coriol. i. 3. 32. Prepare thee hence for France."-Rich. II. v. I. 31. Forth, "to the end:" "To hear this matter forth.”—M. for M. v. 1. 255. Forth, as a preposition: see Prepositions. 42. Happily, which now means "by good hap," was sometimes used for "haply," i.e. "by hap," just as good," at other times "ill." "" success was sometimes "Hamlet. That great baby you see there is not yet out of his swaddling-clouts. Ros. Happily he's the second timc come to them."—Hamlet, ii. 2. 402. "And these our ships, you happily may think, Are like the Trojan horse (which) was stuffed within With bloody veins."-P. of T. i. 4. 29. ADVERBS. 43 Though I may fear Her will recoiling to her better judgment May fall to match you with her country forrs, And happily repent."—Othello, iii. 3. 238. It means " gladly" in Macbeth, i. 3. 89. 43. Here is used very freely in compounds: "they here ap proach" (Macb. iv. 3. 133); "here-remain" (ib. 148). Perhaps here may be considered as much an adjective, when thus used, as "then" in "our then dictator" (Coriol. ii. 2. 93). So in Greek. 44. Hitherto, which is now used of time, is used by Shake- speare of space: England from Trent and Severn hitherto." I Hen. IV. iii. 1. 74. 45. Home. We still say "to come home," to strike home," using the word adverbially with verbs of motion, but not "I cannot speak him home," i.e. completely. Satisfy me home.”—Cymb. iii. 5. 83. Coriol. ii. 2. 107. (Your son) lack'd the sense to know her estimation home." That trusted home A. W. v. 3. 4. Might yet enkindle you unto the crown."-Macbeth, i. 3. 121. 46. How (adverbial derivative from wa hwu, O. E.) used for "however:" "I never yet saw man How wise, how noble, young, how rarely featured, But she would spell him backward.”—M. Ado, iii. 1. 60. "Or whether his fall enraged him or how 'twas. How is perhaps used for " as in V. and A. S15: >> Coriol. i. 3. 69. Look, how a bright star shooteth from the sky, So glides he in the night from Venus' eye. This, which is the punctuation of the Globe, is perhaps conect, and illustrated by 'Look, as the fair and fiery-pointed sun Rushing from forth a cloud bereaves our sight, Even so," &c.—R. of L. 372. So V. and A. 67; M. of V. iii. 2. 127. Similarly, GASCOIGNE (Mätzner) has : “How many men, so many minds." 14 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 47. Howsoe'er for "howsoe'er it be," "in any case "} 'Howsoe'er, my brother hath done well."-Cymb. iv. 2. 116 So However. See 403. 48. Last. Such phrases as Such phrases as "at the last," at the last," "at the first," are common, but not "The last (time) that e'er I took her leave at court." A. W. v. 3. 79. Merely, completely. See Adjectives, Mere, 15. More, Most. See Adjectives, 18. :: 49. Moreabove moreover."Hamlet, ii. 2. 126. 50. Moreover precedes "that,” like our "beside that. "Moreover that we much did long to see you." "" Hamlet, i. 2. 2. 51. Much, More, is frequently used as an ordinary adjective, after a pronominal adjective, like the Scotch mickle, and the E. E muchel.* (So in A.-S.) "Thy much goodness."-M. for M. v. 1. 534. 'Yet so much (great) is my poverty of spirit. "" Rich. III. iii. 7. 159. Much was frequently used as an adverb even with positive adjectives >> "I am much ill. -2 Hen. IV. iv. 4. 111. So Tr. and Cr. ii. 3. 115; F. C. iv. 3. 255. "Our too much memorable shame."-Hen. V. ii. 4. 53. So Rich. II. ii. 2. 1. More is frequently used as a noun and adverb in juxtaposition. "The slave's report is seconded and more More fearful is deliver'd."-Coriol. iv. 6. 63. Comp. K. 7. iv. 2. 42. "More than that tongue that more hath more express'd."-Sonn. 23. "If there be more, more woeful, hold it in."—Lear, v. 3. 202. We sometimes say "the many" (see 12), but not the sense of " most men. Heywood, however, writes- . "the most," i "Yes, since the most censures, believes and saith By an implicit faith."-Commendatory Verses on B. J. * Compare "A noble peer of mickle trust and power. "-MILTON, Comus ADVERBS. 45 Needs. See 25. 52. Never is used where we now more commonly use in phrases as : "And creep time ne'er so slow, "ever' Yet it shall come for me to do thee good."-K. J. ii. 3. 31. So 1 Hen. VI. v. 3. 98; Rich. II. v. 1. 64. I. There is probably here a confusion of two constructions, (1) "And though time creep so slow as it never crept before," and (2) "And though time never crept so slow as in the case I am sup- posing. These two are combined into, "And though time creep- (how shall I describe it? though it crept) never so slow." Con- struction (2) is illustrated by >> "Never so weary, never so in woe, I can no further crawl, no further go."--M. N. D. iii. 2. 442. Here, strictly speaking, the ellipsis is "I have been," or "having been; “I have never been so weary." But it is easy to see that never so weary" being habitually used in this sense, Hermia might say, “I am never-so-weary," or still more easily, "though I were never-so-wcary." In such phrases as never the nearer," never seems to mean 'nought." So Wickliffe, John xix. 21 : 'But how he now seeth we wite nere," i.e. 53. None seems to be the emphatic form of of "my" in the modern idiom: we know not,' no," like "mine" "" Satisfaction (there) can be none but by pangs of death.' 7. M. iii. 4. 261. For we could not say "there can be none satisfaction." This emphatic use of the pronoun at the end of a sentence is found very early. None seems loosely used for "not at all," like "nothing' (55), “no-whit," i.e. "not." And this may, perhaps, explain : "None a stranger there So merry and so gamesome."-Cymb. i. 6. 59. }} Here either none means "not," "ne'er," or a comma must he placed after none: none, being a stranger," which is a very harsh construction. The adverbial use of " none" may be traced to Early English and Anglo-Saxon. Under the form " nan," i.e. ne-an" (compare 46 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. none longer," Nan" was even in A.-S. German "nein"), we find "nan more," and also “ "whether he wolde or noon" (CHAUCER, Mätzner). used as an adverbial accusative for "by no means (Mätzner, iii. 131.) In Rich. II. v. 2. 99, "He shall be none," the meaning is, "he shall not be one of their number." "None" is still used by us for "nothing," followed by a partitive genitive, “I had none of it;" and this explains the Elizabethan phrase "She will none of me.”—T. N. i. 3. 113. i.e. "She desires to have (321) nothing from, as regards to do with, ne." So "You can say none of this."-P. N. v. I. 342. 54. Not is apparently put for "not only" in the two following passages: i.?. "Speak fair; you may salve so Not what is dangerous present, but the loss Of what is past."-Coriol. iii. 2. 71. "For what he has Given hostile strokes, and that not in the presence Of dreaded justice, but on the ministers. That do distribute it."-Coriol. iii. 3. 97. 55. Nothing, like "no-way," "naught," 'naught," "not,” (A.-S. náht. "no whit,") is often used adverbially. 'And that would set my teeth nothing on edge." I llen. IV. iii. 1. 133. "I fear nothing, what can be said against me.” where "what" is not put for "which." 56. Off (away from the point): Hen. VIII. v. 1. 126. "That's off: that's off. I would you had rather been silent." "I boast her off."-Temp. iv. I. 9. To be off to take off one's hat: Coriol. ii. 2. (4. "I will practise the insinuating nod and be off to them most counterfeitly."-Coriol. ii. 3. 107.* 57. Once ("once for all," ""above all"): Once, if he require cur voices, we ought not to deny him." Coriol. ii. 3. 1. Stands of" is used for stands out, i.c. in relief."-Hen. V. ii. 2. 103. ADVERBS. 47 'Tis once thou lovest, And I will fit thee with the remedy."-M. Ado, i. 1. 320. Hence "positively." Nay, an you be a cursing hypocrite, once you must be looked to."-M. Ado, v. i. 212. Nay, an you begin to rail on society, once I am sworn not to give regard to you.' ·Timon, i. 2. 251. The Folio and Globe place the comma after once Once is sometimes omitted: "This is (once) for all."--Hamlet, i. 3. 131. Once sometimes "in a word:" "Once this-your long experience of her wisdom, Her sober virtue, years, and modesty, Plead on her part some cause to you unknown." At once is found in this or a similar sense : C. of E. iii. 1. 90, "My lords, at once; the cause why we are met Is to determine of the coronation."-Rich. III. iii. 4 1 "My lords, at once; the care you have of us Is worthy praise. -2 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 66. Once seems to mean at some time (future)” in "I thank thee, and I pray thee, once to-night Give my sweet Nan this ring."—M. W. of W. iii. 4. 103. But the word may be taken as above. 58. Only, i.e. on(e)ly, is used as an adjective. See But (130), and Transpositions (420). "The only (mere) breath."-SPENS. F. Q. i. 7. 13. "It was for her love and only pleasure."-INGELEND. By her only aspect she turned men into stones."-BACON, Adv. of L. 274. We have lost this adjectival use of only, except in the sense of single," in such phrases as an only child.” Only, like "alone" (18), is used nearly in the sense of "above all," "surpassing." Oph. You are merry, my lord. Ham. Who? I? Oph. Ay, my lord. Ham. O God, your only jig-maker."-Hamlet, iii. 2. 131. Your worm is your only emperor for diet."-Ib, iv 3. 22. 48 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAF. 58 a. Over means over again” in "Trebles thee o'er."-Tempest, ii. 1. 221. i.e. "repeats thy former self thrice." Compare "I would be trebled twenty times myself."--M. of V. iii. 2. 154. 59. Presently "at the present time," "at once," instead of, as now, “soon, but not at once.” "Desil. Yes, but not yet to die. Othello. O yes, presently."-Othello, v. 2. 52. So Rich. II. iii. 1. 3; 2. 179. 60. Round, used adverbially in the sense of "straightforwardly." "Round," like "square" with us, from its connection with "regular," "symmetrical," and "complete," was used to signify "plain and honest." Hence "I went round to work."—Hamlet, ii. 2. 139. means just the opposite of " circuitously.' So 61. Severally ("sever," Lat. separo), used for "separately.” "When severally we hear them rendered."-7. C. iii. 2. 10. Contemplation doth withdraw our soule from us, and severally employ it from the body."-MONTAIGNE, 30. And Thus, "a several plot" (Sonn. 137) is a "separate" or private plot" opposed to a common." t t : = 62. Since (A.-S. sith time," also adv. late,' "later" "sith-than" "after that") adverbially for “ ago." "I told your lordship a year since."-M. Ado, ii. 2. 13. This must be explained by an ellipsis : "I told your lordship (it is) a year since (I told you)." Compare a transitional use of "since" between an adverb and conjunction in "Waverley; or, 'tis Sixty Years since." Omit "'tis," and since becomes an adverb. So since is used for "since then," like our ever since" in And since, methinks, I would not (do not wish to) grow so fast."-Rich. III. ii. 4. 14. Since, when used adverbially as well as conjunctionally, fre- * Sith for sither, like "mo" for "mo-er." (See 17.) ADVERBS. 49 quently takes the verb in the simple past where we use the complete present: "I did not see him since."—A. and C. i. 3. 1. This is in accordance with an original meaning of the word, "later,' ("sith.") We should still say, "I never saw him after that;" and since has the meaning of after." We also find the present after "since," to denote an action that is and has been going on since a certain time. (So in Latin with "jampridem.") "My desires e'er since pursue me."-T. N. i. 1. 23. See Conjunctions, 132. 63. So (original meaning “in that way”) is frequently inserted in replies where we should omit it: "Trib. Repair to the Capitol. Peop. We will so."—Coriol. ii. 3. 62. "T. Fortitude doth consist, &c. D. It doth so indeed, sir."-B. J. Sil. Wom. iv. 2. Here so means as you direct, assert." only an emphatic form of so. See 106. "As" is, by derivation, 64. So is sometimes omitted after "I think," "if," &c. "G. What, in metre? Luc. In any proportion or language. G. I think, or in any religion." -M. for M. i. 2. 24. "Will the time serve to tell? I do not think (so).' Haply you shall not see me more; or if, A mangled shadow."-A. and C. iv. 2. 27. Coriol. i. 6. 46 "Not like a corse; or if, not to be buried.”—W. T. iv. 4. 131. "Do not plunge thyself too far in anger, lest thou hasten thy trial, which if, Lord have mercy on thee for a hen."—A. W. ii. 3. 223. Compare "What though; yet I live like a poor gentleman " M. W. of W. i. 1. 287; Hen. V. ii. 1. 9; A. Y. . iii. 3. 51. "O, if it prove, Tempests are kind and salt waves fresh in love.” B T. N. iii. 4. 418. 50 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 65. So is put for the more emphatic form, al-so. Demetrius, thou dost over-ween in all, And so in this, to bear me down with braves." "It is a cold and heat that does outgo T. A. ii. 1. 30. All sense of winters and of summers so."-B. J. Sad Sh. ii. 1. "Mad in pursuit, and in possession so."-Sonn. 129. "Good morrow, Antony. Ant. So to most noble Cæsar.”—7. C. ii. 2. 117. So approaches "also" in Cousin, farewell; and, uncle, bid him so.” Rich. II. i. 3. 247. So that; so as. (See Pronouns, Relative, 275, 276.) 66. So (like the Greek oтw dń) is often used where we should "In this way" naturally leads to "thus," use "then." ' thereupon," """ then." "And when this hail some heat from Hermia felt So he dissolved.”—M. N. D. i. 1. 245. on this,' So is, therefore, sometimes more emphatic than with us, as in (arrange thus, not as Globe)— Olivia. To one of your receiving enough is shown; A cypress, not a bosom, hides (Fol.) my heart- (pauses) So (ie. after this confession) let me hear you speak. Vio. I pity you." T. N. iii. 1. 133. So in conditional clauses. See Conjunctions, 133. "" ' 67. So was often, and correctly, used (where we use the adverbial "such" or "so" with "a") before an adjective, c.g. so great faith" where we say "such great faith, so long time" where we say 50 long a time." We seem to feel that "so" (being an adverb, and there- fore more liable to transposition than the adjective "such") requires to be attached to the word which it qualifies, either (1) by introducing the article which necessarily links together the words thus: "so- great a-loss;" or else (2) by placing so" in a position where its effect is equally unmistakeable: "a-loss so-great. When the noun is in the plural we cannot use the former method; we are, therefore, driven to the latter, and instead of saying "So hard termes."-N. P. 176. ' we say terms so hard." ADVERBS. " 'In so profound abysm I throw all care.”—Sonn. 112. "My particular grief Is of so flood-gate and o'erbearing nature."—O. i. 3. 55. "And I will call him to so strict account."-1 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 149. "With so full soul."-Temp. iii. 1. 44. "Of so quick condition."-M. for M. i. 1. 54. But note that in these instances the "so" follows a preposition. After prepositions the article (see Article, 90) is frequently omitted. Shakespeare could have written My grief is of nature so floodgate," &c. "I will call him to account so strict that," &c. Our modern usage was already introduced side by side with the other as early as Wickliffe. Compare "So long time."-St. John xiv. 9. with "So long a time."-Hebrews iv. 7. 68. Something used adverbially, like "somewhat." "A white head and something a round belly." . 2 Hon. IV. i. 2. 212. We should say a somewhat round," placing the adverb between the article and the adjective so as to show unmistakeably that the adverb qualifies the adjective. Something" may possibly be so taken (though "somehow" would make better sense) in "This something-settled matter in his breast.”—Ham. iii. 1. 181 68 a. Sometimes, like "sometime," is used by Shakespeare for "formerly" in "Thy sometimes brother's wife.”—Rich. II. i. 2. 54. So probably "Sometimes from her eyes I did receive fair speechless messages."-M. of V. i. 1. 163. Compare "olim" in Latin. 69. Still used for constantly, in accordance with the derivation of the word, "quiet, ""unmoved." It is now used only in the sense even now," even then. of " C all time up to the present" and The connection between "during even at the present " is natural, and both meanings are easily derived from the radical meaning, "without moving from its place." Comp. the different meanings of dum, donec, ews, &c. E 2 52 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Thou still hast been the author of good tidings." Hamlet, ii. 2. 42. "But this thy countenance still lock'd in steel I never saw till now."-T. and C. iv. 5. 195. i.e. "because it was constantly lock'd in steel." And this is the best, though not the most obvious, interpretation of "But still the house affairs would draw her hence." Othello, i. 3. 147. It is used as an adjective for constant (though some suggest silent") in (6 'But I of thee will wrest an alphabet, And by still practice learn to know the meaning." This interpretation is corroborated by T. A. iii. 2. 44. "But that still use of grief makes wild grief tame, My tongue should to thy ears not name my boys." Rich. III. iv. 3. 229. 70. Than is used for then: "And their ranks began To break upon the galled shore and than Retire again."—R. of L. 456. = then ; "then" Then for than, freq. in North's Plutarch, Ascham, &c. In O. E. the commonest forms are "thanne" = = than. Then and than (like tum and tam, quum and quam in Latin) are closely connected, and, indeed, mere varieties of the same word. They were originally inflections of the demonstrative, and meant “at that (time)," "in that (way)." As "that" is used as a relative, "than" has the signification of "in the way in which" (quam), just as then (71) is used for "at the time at which" (quum). It is usual to explain "He is taller than I" thus: "He is taller; then I am tall.' This explanation does not so well explain "He is not taller than I." On the whole, it is more in analogy with the German als, Latin quam, Greek, to explain it thus: In the way "" " in which I am tall he is taller.' The close connection between in that way," ""at that time," "in that place," &c., is illustrated by the use of there for thereupon, or then. "Even there resolved my reason into tears. "—L. C. 42. ADVERBS. 53 71. Then apparently used for "when." So in E. E. That, 284. "And more more strong, then lesser is my fear, I shall endue you with; meantime but ask," &c. See K. J. iv. 2. 42. 72. T'o-fore, which was as common in E. E. as "be-fore" and "a-fore," is found in O would thou wert as thou to-fore hast been." T. A. iii. 2. 294. 73. Too, which is only an emphatic form of "to to" (compare Яpós in Greek, used adverbially), is often spelt "to" by Elizabethan ■pós writers (Sonn. 38, 86); and conversely, "too" is found for "to" (Sonn. 56, 135). Too seems used, like the E. E. "to," for "excessively" in Spenser, Shepheard's Calendar, May: "Thilke same kidde (as I can well devise) Was too very foolish and unwise." Perhaps, also, in "Lest that your goods too soon be confiscate.”—C. of E. i. 2. 2. though the meaning may be "the goods of you also.” "Tempt him not so too far."-A. and C. i. 3. 11. And there is, perhaps, an allusion to the E. E. meaning in "too-too," which is often found in Elizabethan English. Too is often used in the phrase, "I am too blame" (Folio) "I am much too blame." O. iii. 3. 211, 282; M. of V. v. I. 166; Rich. III. ii. 2. 13. This is so common in other Elizabethan authors, that it seems to require more explanation than the confusion between "to" and "too" mentioned above. blame" was considered an adjective, as in Perhaps "In faith, my lord, you are too wilful-blame." I Hen. IV. iii. 1. 177. and "too" may have been, as in E. E., used for "excessively." Too seems used for "very much," or "too much,” in "Tell him that gave me this (wound), who lov'd him too, le struck my soul and not my body through. "" B. and F. F. Sh. iii. 1. 54 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. The context will hardly admit of the interpretation, "Me who also lov'd him." The transition from the meaning of progressive motion to that of "increasingly" or excessively," and from “ excessively" to the modern "to excess," is too natural to require more than mention. 73 a. What, when. What and when are often used as ex- clamations of impatience : What, Lucius, ho!"-J. C. ii. 1. 1. “When, Lucius, when ?"—Ib. 5, Some ellipsis is to be supplied, "What (is the matter)?" "When (are you coming)?" So in "Gaunt. Throw down, my son, the duke of Norfolk's gage. K. Rich. And, Norfolk, throw down his. Gaunt. When, Harry, when ?"-Rich. II. i. I. 162. See also What, 253. 74. Whilst. "The while" is often used in accordance with the derivation of the word for "(in) the (mean) time." The inflected forms whiles and whilest are generally used as conjunctions. But we have "If you'll go fetch him We'll say our song the whilst."—Cymb. iv. 2. 254. E.E. 75. Why (instrumental case of E. E. hwa, "who"), used after "for," instead of "wherefore." Like the Latin “quid enim?" it came after a time to mean "for indeed," as "And send the hearers weeping to their beds ; For why, the senseless brands will sympathise." Rich. II. v. I. 40. i.e. "wherefore? (because) the senseless," &c. The provincialism whyfore" still exists. "For" does not correspond to “enim,' but is a preposition by derivation. Later writers, however, and possibly Shakespeare, may have used "for" in "for why" as a conjunction. Some, however, maintain that the comma should be removed after “for why," and that "for why" (like ȧvė ☎v) means "for this that," "because," the relative containing an implied antecedent. A distinction seems drawn between "why" and "for what" in "Why, or for what these nobles were committed Is all unknown to me, my gracious lady."—Rich, III. ii. 4. 48. ADVERBS. 55 Why, perhaps, refers to the past cause, for what to the future object. "Ant. S. Shall I tell you why? Drom. S. Ay, sir, and wherefore; for they say every why hath a wherefore."-C. of E. ii. 2. 43-45. f.e. " every deed said to be done owing to a certain cause is really done for a certain object." Compare "Say, why is this? Wherefore? What shall we do?" Hamlet, i. 4. 57. "Why" and "how" are both derivatives of the relative, and are sometimes interchanged in A.-S. "Why" seems to have been the ablative of instrument, and "how" the adverbial derivative of manner, from "who." 76. Yet (up to this time) is only used now after a negative, "not yet,” “never yet,” &c. Then it was also used before a negative. "For (as) yet his honour never heard a play."-T. of Sh. Ind. 1. 96. Yet I have not seen So likely an ambassador of love."-M. of V. ii. 9. 92. "Yet (up to this time) they are not joined.” A. and C. iv. 12. 1. "I will make one of her women lawyer to me, for I yet not under- stand the case myself."-Cymb. ii. 3. 80. The following is a remarkable passage : Hel. You, Diana, Under my poor instructions yet (still) must suffer Something in my behalf. Diana. Let death and honesty Go with your impositions, I am yours Upon your will to suffer. Hel. Yet (i.e. for the present) I pray you ; But with the word the time will bring on summer," &c. A. II. iv. 4. 30. i.e. "a little longer I entreat your patience, but," &c. Yet is also used in this sense without a distinct negative: "Solan. What news on the Rialto? Salar. Why yet it lives there uncheck'd that Antonio," &c. M. of V. iii. I. 1. 77. The adverbs backward and inward are used as nouns. "In the dark backward and abysm of time."- Temp. i. 2. 50. "I was an inward of his."-M. for M. iii. 2. 138 56 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So "Thou losest here a better where to find."—Lear, i. 1. 264. . "Nor can there be that deity in my nature Of here-and-everywhere."-T. N. v. 1. 235. i.e. "the divine attribute of ubiquity." So Then, as with us, was used as an adjective. "Our then dictator." Coriol. ii. 2. 93. "Good sometime queen."-Rich. II. v. 1. 37. "Our here approach.”—Macb. iv. 3. 133. See Compounds. 78. Adverbs after "is." We still say "that is well;" but, perhaps, no other adverb (except "soon") is now thus used. Shake- speare, however, has "That's verily."--Tempest, ii. 1. 321. -T. A. iv. 4. 16. "That's worthily."*-Coriol. iv. 1. 53. Lucius' banishment was wrongfully.”—T. A. iv. Some verb, as "said" or "done," is easily understood. harbour" has the force of a verb in Safely in harbour Is the king's ship."-Tempest, i. 2. 226. ARTICLES. "In 79. An, A, (Early Eng. An, Ane, On, One, a, o,) our indefinite Article, is now distinguished from our Numeral " one. In Early English, as in modern French and German, there was no such dis- tinction. Hence, even in Elizabethan English, a (since it still repre- sented, or had only recently ceased to represent, one") was more emphatic than with us, a fact which will explain its omission where we insert it, and its insertion where we should use some more emphatic word, "some," "any," "one," &c. 80. An and one, pronunciation of. The connection between an " and "one" appears more obvious when it is remembered that "one" was probably pronounced by Shakespeare, not as now won," but This is made probable by the constant elision of "the" before "one" in "th' one" as in "th' other:" compare "th' one" in un. "Th' one sweetly flatters, t' other feareth harm.”—R. of L. 172. * The verb "hear" may be supplied from the context. ARTICLES. 57 So Rich. II. v. 2. 18. "" Ben Jonson (783) mentions as authorized contractions, "y'once for "ye once" along with "y'utter." Com- pare also the pun in T. G. of V. ii. 1. 3:1 Speed. Sir, your glove. Val. Not mine; my gloves are on. Speed. Why, then, this may be yours, for this is but one." This will explain the rhyme : "So thanks to all at once and to each one Whom we invite to see us crowned at Scone." Macbeth, v. 8. 74-5. In the dialect of the North of England and of Scotland, the W is still not sounded. "" An was always used in A.-S. and mostly in E. E. before con- sonants as well as vowels: "ane kinges. . . dohter" (STRATMANN). I have not found an instance in Shakespeare of "an" before an ordinary consonant, but it occurs before "w": "Have an wish but for 't."-P. of T. iv. 4. 2. 81. A was used for one in such expressions as "He came with never a friend," &c. So "He and his physicians are of a mind."-A. W. i. 3. 244. "'Fore God, they are both in a tale."-M. Ado, iv. 2. 33. "An two men ride of a horse one must ride behind." Ib. iii. 5. 44. "For in a night the best part of my power Were in the Washes . . devoured."-K. J. v. 7. 64. "The Images were found in a night all hacked and hewed." N. P. 172. "We still have slept together, Rose at an instant, learn'd, play'd, eat together." A. Y. L. i. 3. 76. Myself and a sister both born in an hour."-T.M. ii. 1. 20. "You, or any living man, may be drunk at a time, man. "" 1.6. "at one time,' "for once." We find " one " and " a" interchanged in Othello, ii. 3. 319. "These foils have all a length."- Hamlet, v. 2. 277. "Hear me one word : Beseech you, tribunes, hear me but a word." Coriol. iii. I. 216 "But shall we wear these honours for a day? Or shall they last ?"—Rich. III. iv. 2. 5. 58 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. We never use the possessive inflection of the unemphatic one as an antecedent; but Shakespeare writes: "For taking one's part that is out of favour."-Lear, i. 4. 111. We also find in Early English : "Thre persones in a Godhede."-HALLIWEll. where a is for one. Compare Scotch "ae" for " one." It seems used for "any," i.e. ane-y, or one-y, in "There's not a one of them."-Macb. iii. 4. 131. "Ne'er a one to be found."-B. J. E. in &c. iii. 2. So Cymb. i. 1. 24. And emphatically for "some, a certain," in There is a thing within my bosom tells me. " 2 Hen. IV. iv. 1. 183. 'I should impart a thing to you from his majesty." Hamlet, v. 2. 92. Shall I tell you a thing?"-L. L. L. v. 1. 152. “I told you a thing yesterday.”—Tr. and Cr. i. 2. 185. "And I came to acquaint you with a matter." A. Y. L. i. 1. 129 82. A and The omitted in archaic poetry. In the infancy of thought nouns are regarded as names, denoting not classes but individuals. Hence the absence of any article before nouns. Besides, as the articles interfere with the metre, and often supply what may be well left to the imagination, there was additional reason for omitting them. Hence Spenser, the archaic poet, writes "Fayre Una-whom salvage nation does adore." F. Q. i. 6. Title. "And seizing cruell clawes on trembling brest.' Ib. i. 3. 19. Faire virgin, to redeem her deare, brings Arthure to the fight.”—Ib. i. 8. Title. "From raging spoil of lawlesse victors will."—Ib. i. 3. 43. "With thrilling point of deadly yron brand."-Ib. i. 3. 42. Shakespeare rarely indulges in this archaism except to ridicule it: "Whereat with blade, with bloody blameful blade, He bravely broached his boiling bloody breast; And Thisby, tarrying in mulberry shade, His dagger drew and died."-M. N. D. v. 1. 147. Somewhat similar is "In glorious Christian field."-Rich. II. iv. 1. 93. ARTICLES. 59 "When lion rough in wildest rage doth roar. M. N. D. v. I. 224. "Ah! Richard with the eyes of (my or the) heavy mind.” Rich. II. ii. 4. 18. "So, longest way shall have the longest moans. In antitheses, as Ib. v. I. 90. "And with no less nobility of love Than that which dearest father bears his son," Hamlet, i. 2. 111. the omission of the is intelligible, since the whole class is expressed. But it appears not uncommon to omit the article before superlatives: Best safety lies in fear."—Hamlet, i. 3. 41. This is, perhaps, explained by the double meaning of the super- lative, which means not only "the best of the class," but also "very good." See 8. 83. A and The are also sometimes omitted after as, like, and than in comparative sentences: "As falcon to the lure away she flies.”—17. and A. 1027. The why is plain as way to parish church." A. Y. L. ii. 7. 52. "More tuneable than lark to shepherd's ear. M. N. D. i. I. 184. On This is, however, common both in early and modern English. In such sentences the whole class is expressed, and therefore the article omitted. It might be asked, however, why the lure this hypothesis? The is put for its. So in E. E. (MÄTZNER, iii. 195) ase hound doth (chase) the hare," i.z. "its prey the hare." A is still omitted by us in adverbial compounds, such as "snail-like, ""clerk-like," &c. Then it was omitted as being un- necessarily emphatic in such expressions as : Creeping like snail.”—A. Y. L. i. 7. 146. Sighing like furnace.”—Ib. 148. "And like unletter'd clerk."-Sonn. 85. "Like snail" is an adverb in process of formation. It is inter- mediate between "like a snail" and "snail-like." 84. A being more emphatic than with us, was sometimes omitted where the noun stands for the class, and might almost be replaced by the corresponding adjective. "If ever I were traitor,” Rich. II. i. 3 201 traitorous. Similarly. - бс SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "And having now shown himself open enemy to Alcibiades." N. P. 176. "" "" So, though we find " never a master in the sense of "not on: master," yet where the " never is emphasized and has its proper meaning, at no time," the a is omitted: Those eyes which never shed remorseful tear. "" Rich. III. i. 2. 156. "In war was never lion rag'd so fierce."-Rich. II. ii. 1. 173. "Never master had a page so kind."-Cymb. v. 5. 85. "Was ever king that joy'd an earthly throne." 2 Hen. VI. iv. 9. 1. "Twas never merry world since," &c.-T. N. iii. 1, 109. On the other hand, in contrast to the example first quoted, when the "never" is omitted and an is emphatic, almost like one, it is in- serted : "My manly eyes did scorn an humble tear." Rich. III. i. 2. 165. A is also omitted before collective nouns, such as "plenty," abundance," &c., and therefore before "great number" in "Belike you slew great number of his people."-T. N. iii. 3. 29. 85. A inserted after some adjectives used as adverbs: It was upon this fashion bequeathed me by will but poor a thousand pounds."—A. Y. L. i. 1. 2. This usage is found in the earlier text of LAYAMON (A.D. 1200): Long a time (longe ane stunde)," ii. 290, &c., where the adjective appears merely to be emphasized, and not used adverbially. In the later text the adjective is placed, here and in other passages, in its ordinary position. The adjectives each," "such," which," (used for "of what kind,") and "many" were especially often thus used. "At ich a mel"="at each meal," Piers Plough. Crede. "Whiche a wife was Alceste," 109. (So in Scotch "ilka.") CHAUCER, C. T. 11754 = "what a wife." "On moni are (later text, mani ane) wisen," LAYAMON, i. 24; “monianes cunnes," ib. 39 ; “of many a kind (1. t. of manian erthe),” ""of many an earth. The last-quoted passages render untenable the theory (Arch- bishop Trench, English Pass and Present) which explains "many a man" as a corruption of "many of men. In these passages, .g. "moni anes cunnes" (" of many a race "), the article or numeral >> ARTICLES. 61 ein mann, adjective “an” is declined like an adjective, while "moni" is not. The inference is, that "moni" is used adverbially. In the same way the Germans say ❝mancher (adj.) mann," but "manch (adv.) ""ein solcher (adj.) mann,” but “solch (adv.) ein mann. In A.-S. the idiom was many man," not many a man." The termination in y, causing "many" to be considered as adverbially used, may not perhaps account for the introduction of the a into E. E., but it may account for its retention in Elizabethan and modern English. Nor can it escape notice that most of the adjectives which take a after them end in ch, or lic ("like"), an adverbial termination. So beside the adjectives enumerated above, "thellich" (modern Dorsetshire, "thilk" or "thick"), "the like," answering to "whilk" ("which"), is followed by a. lowing example is a preposition meaning on or in: "Ful ofte [a day he swelde and seyde alas!” A in the fol- CHAUCER, Knightes Tale, 498.) It is perhaps some such feeling, that "many" means "often," which justifies the separation of many" and " and "a" in the following: "I have in vain said many A prayer upon her grave."-W. T. v. 3. 144. Perhaps in this way (as an adjective used adverbially) we must explain (compare " none (adj.) inheritance," Acts vii. 5): 'Exceeding pleasant; none (adv.) a stranger there So merry and so gamesome."-Cymb. i. 6. 59. like "ne'er a stranger," unless after "none" we supply was." A is pleonastically used in "who "what" "I would not spend another such a night."-R. III. i. 4. 5. In "What poor an instrument" (A. and C. v. 2. 236), is used for "how." 86. A was sometimes omitted after "what," in the sense of "what kind of." .. Cassius, what night is this?"-7. C. i. 3. 42. {A has been unnecessarily inserted by some commentators.) "I'll tell the world Aloud what man thou art."-M. for M. ii. 4. 153. "jove knows what man thou mightst have made." Cymb. iv. 2. 207 62 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "What dreadful noise of waters in mine ears. " Rich. III. i. 4. 22. "What case stand I in?" (W. T. i. 2. 352) position am I? "What thing it is that I never Did see man die !”—Cymb. iv. 4. 35. = In what a We omit the article after "what" before nouns signifying a col- lective class, saying "what wickedness!" but "what a crime !" “what fruit !" but "what an apple!" Hence the distinction in the following: "What a merit were it in death to take this poor maid from the world! What corruption in this life that it will let this man live !"-M. for M. iii. 1. 240. A is omitted after "such :" "Showers of blood, The which, how far off from the mind of Bolingbroke It is such crimson tempest should bedrench," &c. Rich. II. iii. 3. 46. Here "such" probably means "the aforesaid," referring to the "showers of blood." After "such" in this sense the indefinite article is still omitted; naturally, since "such" is used in a defining sense. I. ¢¢ ઃઃ >> A is omitted after "many" in "Many time and oft" (2 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 93). Here "many-time," like " some-time," often-times, 'many-times" (MONTAIGNE, Introduction), seems used as one word adverbially. A is omitted before "little," where we commonly place it in the sense of "some:" "O, do not swear; Hold (a) little faith, though thou hast too much fear." T. N. v. 1. 174. It is perhaps caused by the antithesis which assimilates the use of "little to the use of "much." "In (a) little time" (V. and A. 132) is to be explained as a prepositional phrase approximating to an adverb: see 89. 87. A was frequently inserted before a numeral adjective, for the purpose of indicating that the objects enumerated are regarded collectively as one. We still say "a score,' a fo(u)rt(een)-night." But we also find : "An eight days after these sayings."-Luke ix. 28 ARTICLES. 63 "A two shilling or so."-B. J. E. in &c. i. 4 ad fin. "'Tis now a nineteen years agone at least.”—B. J. Case is altered. Also in E. E. : "An five mile."-HALLIWELL. This usage is not common in Shakespeare, except after " one. "But one seven years."—Coriol. iv. 1. 55. The a is omitted in "But this our purpose now is twelve-month old." 1 Hen. IV. i. 1. 28. Compare "This three mile."-Macbeth, v. 5. 37. The a in "a many men, ""a few men," is perhaps thus to be explained. Compare "This nineteen years" (M. for M. i. 3. 21), with "This many summers" (Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 360). So "A many merry men."-A. Y. L. i. I. 121. “A many thousand warlike French."-K. F. iv. 2. 199. So Hen. V. iv. I. 127; iv. iv. 3. 95. And still more curiously: “But many a many foot of land the worse."-K. J. i. 1. 183. tr >> many," Some explain “a many by reference to the old noun "a many men," for a many (of) men." And the word is thus used: CC “A many of our bodies.”—Hen. V. iv. 3. 95. "O thou fond many, with what loud applause Didst thou beat heaven."-2 Hen. IV. i. 3. 91. "In many's looks.”—Sonn. 93. So perhaps A. IV. iv. 5. 55. Add Add their meiny," Lear, ii. 4 35. t Nor can it be denied that in E. E. "of" is often omitted in such phrases as ઃઃ many manner (of) men, a pair (of) gloves," &c. just as in German we have "diese Art Mensch." But we also say few men" (an expression that occurs as early as Robert of Brunne), and "few seems to have been an adjective. ઃઃ a It is probable that both the constructions above-mentioned are required to explain this use of a. Thus " a hundred men" is for a hundred (of) men," but in a twelvemonth," " a fortnight," "twelve" and "fourteen" are not regarded as simple nouns, but as compound nouns used adjectively. Compare the double use of "le," "millia,” in Latin. 64 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 88. An-other. A is apparently put for the in "There is not half a kiss to choose who loves an other best." W. T. iv. 4. 176. This is, however, in accordance with our common idiom: "they love one an other," which ought strictly to be either "they love, the one the other," or they love, one other." The latter form is still retained in they love each other;" but as in "one other" there is great ambiguity, it was avoided by the insertion of a second " one" or "an," thus, "they love one an-other." This is illustrated by Matt. xxiv. 10 (TYNDALE): "And shall betraye one another and shall hate one the other;" whereas WICKLIFFE has, "ech other." So I Cor. xii. 25: WICKLIFFE, "ech for other;" the rest "for one another." 'One another" is now treated almost like a single noun in prepositional phrases, such as, "We speak to one another." But Shakespeare retains a trace of the original idiom in "What we speak one to an other."-A. W. iv. 1. 20. 89. The was frequently omitted before a noun already defined by another noun, especially in prepositional phrases. “In number of our friends."-7. C. iii. 1. 216. "Since death of my dearest mother."-Cymb. iv. 2. 190. "At heel of that defy him."-A. and C. ii. 2. 160. "In absence of thy friend."-T. G. of V. i. 1. 59. "To sternage of their navy."-Hen. V. iii. Prol. 18. "To relief of lazars."-Ib. i. I. 15. "For honour of our land."—Ib. iii. 5. 22. "Thy beauty's form in table of my heart."-Sonn. 24. "Some beauty peep'd through lattice of sear'd age. L. C. st. ii. Forage in blood of French nobility."-Hen. V. i. 2. 110. "In cradle of the rude imperious surge."-2 Hen. IV. iii. 1. 20. Proving from world's minority their right."-R. of L. "On most part of their fleet." -Othello, ii. 1. 24. So 1 Hen. VI. i. 2. 79; 2 Hen. VI. i. 2. 36, 79; Rich. II. i. 3. 136. We could say "in season," but not "We at (the right) time of (the) year Do wound the bark."-Rich. II. iii. 4. 57. So even in Pope: 'Alas, young man, your days can ne'er be long; In flower of age you perish for a song." POPE, Imit. Hor. i. 102. ARTICLES. 65 90. The is also omitted after prepositions in adverbial phrases. "At door."-W. T. iv. 4. 352; T. of Sh. iv. ▾ 125 "At palace."-W. T. iv. 4. 731. "At height."—Hamlet, i. 4. 21. "Ere I went to wars."-M. Ado, i. 1. 307. "To cabin."-Tempest, i. 1. 18. "The grace 'fore meat and the thanks at end. Coriol. iv. 7. 4. "You were in presence then."-Rich. II. iv. 1. 62. i.e. "in the presence-chamber." "And milk comes frozen home in pail."-L. L. L. v. 2. 925. "With spectacles on nose and pouch on side. >> A. Y. L. ii. 7. 159. "This day was viewed in open as his queen.' "" Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 495. "He foam'd at mouth."-F. C. i. 2. 256. "Sticks me at heart."-A. Y. L. i. 2. 254. "Exeunt in manner as they entered."- Hen. VIII. ii.'4. 24 "Than pard or cat-o'-mountain."—Tempest, iv. 1. 262. And with adjectives: "In humblest manner."-Tempest. ii. 4. 144. "In first rank.”—Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 161. "In pail" is as justifiable as "in bed," except that the former, not being so common as the latter, has not the same claim to the adverbial brevity which dispensed with the article. Both are adver- bial phrases, one of which has been accepted, the other rejected. Thus in 'Stealing unseen to west with this disgrace."-Sonn. 33. "to-west" is as much an adverb as " west-ward." Sometimes a possessive adjective is thus omitted: "Not Priamus and Hecuba on knees."-Tr. and Cr. v. 3. 53. So in E. E. "a-knee." Compare our "I have at hand.” Perhaps this may explain the omission of "the" after "at" in "We are familiar at first."-Cymb. i. 4. 112. where at first" is not opposed to "afterwards" (as it is with us), but means at the first," or rather "from the first," "at once. F 66 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. The omission of "the" in "On one and other side Trojan and Greek Sets all on hazard."-Tr. and Cr. i. 1. 21. is in accordance with our idiom, "one another" and "each other." On the other hand, where "the" is emphatic, meaning "that" of "the right," it is sometimes inserted before " Portia. one." "Morocco. How shall I know if I do choose the right ?" The one of them contains my picture, prince." M. of V. ii. 7. 11. 91. The was inserted in a few phrases which had not, though they now have, become adverbial. "At the length" (N. P. 592), At the first," "At the last," &c. "There in the full convive we."-Tr. and Cr. iv. 5. 272. "In the favour of the Athenians."—N. P. 177. "" 92. The used to denote notoriety, &c. Any word when referred to as being defined and well known may of course be preceded by the article. Thus we frequently speak of “the air. Bacon (E. 231) however wrote, "The matter (the substance called matter) is in a perpetual flux.” The is sometimes used (compare Latin "ille") for "the celebrated," "the one above all others," occasionally with " “alone,” as "I am alone the villain of the earth."-A. and C. iv. 6. 30, Or with a superlative : "He was the wretched'st thing when he was young.' Rich. III. ii. 4. 18. "The last (prayer) is for my men: they are the poorest; But poverty could never draw 'em from me. But also without these : Hen. VIII. iv. 2. 148. "Am I the man yet?"—A. Y. L. iii. 3. 3. "Smacks it not something of the policy ?"-K. J. ii. 1. 396. "For their dear causes Would to the bleeding and the grim alarm Excite the mortified man."-Macbeth, v. 2. 4. The ellipsis to be supplied is added in "Are you the courtiers and the travell'd gallants? The spritely fellows that the people talk of ?” B. and F. Elder Broth, . L. ι ARTICLES. 67 . The seems to mean " the same as ever in "Live you the marble-breasted tyrant still.”—T. N. v. 1. 127. It is not often that "the" is used in this sense before English proper names. In "The Douglas and the Percy both together. "" 1 Hen. IV. v. 1. 116. the second the may be caused by the first, which, of course, is still used, "the Bruce, " "the Douglas," being frequent, and explicable as referring to the chief of the Douglases and Bruces. But we also have "To leave the Talbot and to follow us. "" -1 Hen. VI. iii. 3. 20, 31. "the Brute," "the Herod." and so in Early English "the Brute, The is seldom used, like the article in French, for the possessive adjective: 'The king is angry: see, he bites the lip." Rich. III. iv. 2. 27. The word "better" is used as a noun, and opposed to "the worse," (compare the French proverb, "le mieux est l'ennemi du bien,") in "Bad news, by'r lady; seldom comes the better." Rich. III. ii. 3. 4. Death," the ender of life, seems more liable to retain the mark of notoriety than "life." Hence So i,e. "Where they feared the death, they have borne life away.' Hen. V. iv. 1. 81; Rich. III. i. 2. 179; ii. 3. 55 "Dar'd to the combat."-Iamlet, i. 1. 84. the combat that ends all dispute." French influence is per. ceptible in these two last instances, and in "To shake the head."-M. of V. iii. 2. 15. The which (see Relative), 270. 93. The frequently precedes a verbal that is followed by an object : "Whose state so many had the managing."-Hen. V. Epilog. "You need not fear the having any of these lords. M. of V. i. 2. 109. "The seeing these effects will be Both noisome and infecticus.”—Cymh. i. 5. 25. F 2 મી SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. * P. Pray, sir, in what? D. In the delaying death."-M. for M. iv. 2. 172. "Nothing in his life Became him like the leaving it.”—Macb. i. 4. 8. "The locking up the spirits."-Cymb. i. 5. 41. So Lear, iv. 4. 9; Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 347; M. for M. iii. 2. 126: M. of V. iv. 1. 309; M. Ado, ii. 2. 53; O. iii. 4. 22; T. N. i. 5. 84. The question naturally arises, are these verbals, "locking," &c. "the nouns? and, if so, why are they not followed by "of,"-e.§. locking of the spirits"? Or are they parts of verbs? and in that case, why are they preceded by the article? The fact that a verb in E. E. had an abstract noun in -ing (A.-S. -ung)—e.g. "slaeten,” to hunt; "slaeting," hunting-renders it a priori probable that these words in -ing are nouns. Very early, however, the termination -ng was confused with, and finally supplanted, the present participle termination in -nde. Thus in the earlier text of Layamon (iii. 72) we have "heo riden singinge," i.e. "they rode singing;" and in the later text the proper participial form " singende." An additional element of confusion was introduced by the gerundial inflection enne, c.g. singenne," used after the preposition "to." As early as the twelfth century "to singenne" (Morris, E. E. Specimens, p. 53) became "to singende," and hence (by the corruption above men- tioned) "to singinge." Hence, when Layamon writes that the king went out "an-slaeting" (ii. 88), or "a-slatinge" (iii. 168), it is not easy to prove that the verbal noun is here used for the form may represent the corruption of the gerund used with the preposition "an" instead of with "to." And as early as Layamon we find the infinitive "to kumen" side by side with the present participle "to comende" (i. 49); and the gerund cumene "side by side with the verbal "coming" (iii. 231); and the noun "tiding(s)" spelt in the earlier text "tidind" or "tidinde," the present participle (i. 59). The conclusion is, that although "locking" is a noun, and therefore preceded by "the," yet it is so far confused with the gerund as to be allowed the privilege of governing a direct object. The "of" was omitted partly for shortness, as well as owing to the confusion above mentioned. It is easy to trace a process of abridgment from : "For the repealing of my banish'd brother,"-7. C. iii. 1. 51. ARTICLES. 69 to (2' "Punish my life for (89) tainting of my love," T. N. v. 1. 141. I. down to our modern (3)" for tainting my love." And hence the E. E. (William of Palerne, edit. Skeat), "for drede of descuverynge of that was do," 1. 1024, "of kastyng of lokes," 1. 942, are abbreviated in modern English into "disclosing that which was done" and "casting looks." This abbreviation is also remarkably illustrated by Bacon in his third Essay. He first uses the abbreviated form, and then, with a verbal noun that could not so easily have a verbal force, he adopts the full form: "Concerning the Means of procuring Unity. Men must beware that in the Procuring or Muniting of Religious Unity, they do not dissolve and deface the Laws of Charity." It is perhaps this feeling that the verbal was an ordinary noun, which allows Shakespeare to make an adjective qualify it even though of is omitted after it. "He shall have old turning the key.”—Macbeth, ii. 3. 2. The substantival use of the verbal with "the" before it and "of" after it seems to have been regarded as colloquial. speare puts into the mouth of Touchstone: • • Shake- I. "I ren.ember the kissing of her batlet and the wooing of a peascod instead of her."-A. Y. L. ii. 4. 49-51. "Did these bones cost no more (in) the breeding ?” Hamlet, v. 1. 100. 94. The (in Early Eng. thi, thy) is used as the ablative of the demonstrative and relative, with comparatives to signify the ineasure of excess or defect. This use is still retained. "The sooner the better," i.c. "By how much the sooner by so much the better." (Lat. "quo citius, co melius."} It is sometimes stated that "the better" is used by Shakespeare for "better," &c.: but it will often, perhaps always, be found that the has a certain force. The good conceit I hold of thee Makes me the better to confer with thee."-T. G. of V. iii. 2. 19. "The rather For that I saw. In both passages -Macb. iv. 3. 184. "the" means on that account." In "Go not my horse the better I must become a borrower of the night,"-Macb. i. 1. 25. Banquo is perhaps regarding his horse as racing against night, and 70 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. the better" means "the better of the two." The following pas◄ sage has been quoted by commentators on the passage just quoted, to show that "the" is redundant. "And hee that hit it (the quintain) full, if he rid not the faster, had a sound blow in his neck, with a bag full of sand hanged on the other end."-STOWE'S Survey of London, 1603. But the rider is perhaps here described as endeavouring to anticipate the blow of the quintain by being "the faster " of the two. Or more probably, the faster" may mean the faster because he had struck the quintain, which, if struck, used to swing round and strike the striker on the back, unless he rode the ("on that account") faster. In either case it is unscholar- like to say that the is redundant. CONJUNCTIONS. "and 95. And (in old Swedish an [Wedgewood] is used for "and," "if," and "even") emphatically used for "also," "even,' that too." We still use "and that" to give emphasis and call attention to an additional circumstance, e.g. "He was condemned, and that unheard." This construction is most common in parti- cipial phrases. The "that" is logically unnecessary, and is omitted sometimes by Shakespeare. "Suffer us to famish and their storehouses crammed with grain. --Coriol. i. 1. 82. "And shall the figure of God's majesty Be judged by subject and inferior breath, And he himself not present?"—Rich. II. iv. I. 129. "When I have most need to employ a friend, And most assured that he is a friend, Deep, hollow, treacherous, and full of guile Be he unto me."-Rich. III. ii. 1. 37. "} In the last two passages an ellipsis of "be" or "to be" might be understood, but scarcely in the following: "So may he ever do and ever flourish When I shall dwell with worms, and my poor name Banish'd the kingdom."-Hen. VIII. iv. 2. 126. "The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, Grapple them to the soul with hoops of steel.” Hamlet. i. 3. 62. Compare 3 Hen. VI. i. 2. 47; Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 51. CONJUNCTIONS. 71 So perhaps Hamlet, iii. 3. 62; T. N. i. 1. 38; and in the following irregular sentence: "But a man that were to sleep your sleep, and a hangman to help him to bed, I think he (redundant pronoun: see 243) would change places with his officer."-Cymb. v. 4. 179. i.e."and that too a hangman being ready to help him to bed." 96. And. This use, though most frequent with participles, ✩ also found without them: i.e." Here comes a spirit of his, and to torment me." Temp. ii. 2. 15. “He that has and a little tiny wit."-Lear, iii. 2. 71. a little and that a very little." So "When that I was and a little tiny boy."-T. N. v. 1. 398. 97. And is frequently found in answers in the sense of “ "you are right and" or "yes and," the "yes" being implied.* Hence the and," introducing a statement in exact conformity with a previous statement, comes almost to mean exactly." It is fre. quently found before "so." Hamlet. Will the king hear this piece of work ? Pol. (Yes) And the queen too."—Hamlet, iii. 2. 53. Cass. This rudeness is a sauce to his good wit. Brut. And so it is."-F. C. i. 2. 307. }} 1.2. “you are right, and so it is;" or "just so, even so." Pompey. I'll try you on the shore. Antony. And shall, sir."-A. and C. ii. 7. 134. i.e. “You say well, and you shall," or "So you shall," "that you shall," emphatically. + "Sir M. And there's . . a head of noble gentlemen. Archbishop. And so there is. -1 Hen. IV. iv. 4. 27. "Parolles. After them, and take a more dilated farewell. Bertram. And I will do so."-A. W. ii. 1. 60. i.."that is just what I will do." Mayor. But I'll acquaint our duteous citizens With all your just proceedlings in this cause. Glouc. And to that end we wish'd your lordship here." i.. "To that very end," even to that end." * So yảo in Greek. Rich. III. iii. 4. 67. 72 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 98. And is often found in this emphatic sense after statements implied by ejaculations, such as faith," "sooth," "alas," &c. Thus "Catesby. Your friends at Pomfret, they do need the priest. Hastings. Good faith (it is so), and when I met this holy man Those men you talk of came into my mind." 66 Rich. III. iii. 2. 117. Faith, and so we should."--1 Hen. IV. iv. 1. 52. This use is found in A.-S. 99. And" emphatic in questions. When a question is being asked, "and," thus used, does not express emphatic assent, but emphatic interrogation : "Alas! and would you take the letter of her ?"-A. W. iii. 4. 1. i.e. "is it so indeed, and further would you actually &c.?" So "And wilt thou learn of me?"-Rich. III. iv. 4. 269. i.e. "do you indeed wish to learn of me?" Hence Ben Jonson, who quotes Chaucer : "What, quoth she, and be ye wood?" adds that And, in the beginning of a sentence, serveth for admiration.". B. J. 789. It is common in ballads, and very nearly redundant : * "The Perse owt of Northumberlande, And a vow to God made he."-Percy (MÄTZNER), (Mr. Furnivall suggests an avow," the original form of the word "vow.") 100. "And" for "also" in Early English. We find "and" often used for "also," "both," &c., and standing at the beginning of a sentence in earlier English. Wickliffe has, 2 Cor. xi. 21, 22 : "In what thing ony man dare, and I dare. Thei ben ebreus, and I," "And" is used for "even" ΟΙ also" in Acts xiv. 15: "And we ben deedli men like you." In "I almost die for food, and let me have it," A. Y. L. ii. 7. 104. "I pray you" may perhaps be understood after and, implied in the imperative "let." • These instances are said by Mr. Skeat to be corrupt. CONJUNCTIONS. 73 101 And or an (= if). (The modern and is often spelt an in E. E.) This particle has been derived from an, the imperative of unnan, to grant. This plausible but false derivation was originated by Horne Tooke, and has been adopted by the editor of the Cambridge Shakespeare. But the word is often written and in Early English (Stratmann), as well as in Elizabethan authors * “For and I shulde rekene every vice Which that she hath ywiss, I were to nice."-CHAUC. Squire's Prol. "Alcibiades bade the carter drive over, and he durst."-N.P. 166. They will set an house on fire and it were but to roast their eggs."—B. E. 89. "What knowledge should we have of ancient things past and history were not ?"-Lord BERNERS, quoted by B. J. 789. 102. "And" with the subjunctive. The true explanation appears to be that the hypothesis, the if, is expressed not by the and, but by the subjunctive, and that and merely means with the addition of, plus, just as but means leaving out, or minus. The hypothesis is expressed by the simple subjunctive thus: "Go not my horse the better I must become a borrower of the night."-Macb. iii. 1. 25. This sentence with and would become, "I must become a bor- rower of the night and my horse go not the better," i.c. "with, or on, the supposition that my horse go not the better." Similarly in the contrary sense, but my horse go the better," would mean "without or excepting the supposition that my horse, &c." Thus Chaucer, Par- donere's Tale, 275: "It is no curtesye To speke unto an old man vilonye But he trespas.” So also Mandeville (Prologue) : Such fruyt, thorgh the which every man is saved, but it be his owne defaute. 103. And if. Latterly the subjunctive, falling into disuse, was felt to be too weak unaided to express the hypothesis; and the same tendency which introduced "more better," "most unkindest," &c., superseded and by and if, an if, and if. There is nothing remark- able in the change of and into an. And, even in its ordinary sense, is often written an in Early English. (See Halliwell.) * So almost always in the Folio. See Index to Plays. 74 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. } Ana or an is generally found before a personal pronoun, or "if," or "though;" rarely thus: "And * should the empress know."-T. A. ii. 1. 69. In the Elizabethan times the indicative is often used for the subjunctive. The following is a curious passage :— "O. Will it please you to enter the house, gentlemen? D. And your favour, lady." -B. J. Sil. Wom. iii. 2. med. Apparently, "And your favour (be with us)," i.e. "if you please." 104. An't were was wrongly said by Horne Tooke to be put as if it were." for "" "Cress. O! he smiles valiantly. Pand. Does he not? Cress. O yes; and * 'twere a cloud in autumn.” Tr. and Cr. i. 2. 139. "He will weep you an't were a man born in April." * Ib. i. 2. 189. “I will roar you and * 'twere any nightingale.”—M. N. D. i. 2. 86. "'A made a fairer end and went away, and it had been a Chris- tom child."-Hen. V. ii. 3. 10. Some ellipsis is probably to be understood. "I will roar you, and if it were a nightingale (I would still roar better).” The same construction is found in E. E. Ye answer and ye were twenty yere olde." Cov. Myst. p. 80 (MÄTZNER). It is illustrated by the use of "ac," "atque," after "similis,” "pariter," &c. thus: '' (Homo) qui prosperis rebus æque ac tu ipse (gauderes) gaud- eret."-CIC. De Amicitia, vi. I. i.e. "a man who would rejoice at your prosperity, and you yourself (would rejoice as much and no more)." "You answer in such and such a way, and were you twenty years old you would answer similarly." (L. 105. And if represents both " even if" and "if indeed" (¿½ko both καὶ εἰ and εἰ καί). And if is used emphatically for “ even if" in "It dies and * if it had a thousand lives."-1 Hen. VI. v. 4. 75 So Hen. IV. i. 3. 125. 1 * So Folio. CONJUNCTIONS. 75 rr "What and *.2f His sorrows have so overwhelm'd his wits."-Tit. And. iv. 4. 10 He seems to be of great authority, give him gold. And though authority be a stubborn bear, yet he is oft led by the nose with gold."-W. T. iv. 4. 831. On the other hand, and if seems to mean "if indeed" in the following passages:— CC Percy. Seize it if thou darest. * Aum. And if I do not, may my hands rot off!" "Oh father! And if you be my father, think upon Rich. II. iv. I. 49. Don John my husband."-MIDDLETON and ROWLEY (Walker). "Prince. I fear no uncles dead (419). Nor none that live, I hope. Glou. Prince. And if they live, I hope I need not fear, * Rich. III. iii. 2. 148, where the Prince is referring to his maternal uncles who have been imprisoned by Richard, and he says, "if indeed they live I need not fear." Thus probably we must explain : "O full of danger is the duke of Gloucester! And the queen's sons and brothers haught and proud ; And were they to be ruled, and not to rule, This sickly land might solace as before."—Rich. III. ii. 3. 29. Here, at first sight, "but " seems required instead of "and." But "and were they" means "if indeed they were." It is not easy to determine whether and though is used for " though" or for "though indeed" in the following— "I have now (And though perhaps it may appear a trifle) >> Serious employment for thee. -MASSINGER (Walker). even In all these passages an or and may be resolved into its proper meaning by supplying an ellipsis. Thus in the passage from Rich. II. iv. I. 49, “And if I do not," &c. means, "I will seize it, and, if I do not seize it, may my hands rot off.' "} 106. Ast (A.-S. "eall-swa," with the sense "just as") is a con- traction of al(l)-so. In Early English we find "so soon so he came." The al() emphasized the so, "al(l)-so soon_al(l)-so he So Folio. † Comp. ws, NOTE, for the various meanings 76 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. came." Hence through different contractions, alse, ais, ase, we get our modern as. (Comp. the German als.) The dropping of the 7 is very natural if alse was pronounced like "half." The broad pronunciation of as may throw light upon the pun in "Sir And. And your horse now would make him an ass. Mar. Ass I doubt not."-T. N. ii. 3. 185. It follows that as originally meant both our modern so, "in that way," and our modern as, "in which way." The meaning of so is still retained in the phrases as soon as" and "I thought as much," &c., but generally as has its second meaning, viz. "in which way.' 107. As, like "an” (102), appears to be (though it is not) used by Shakespeare for as if. As above (102), the "if" is implied in the subjunctive. "To throw away the dearest thing he owed As 'twere a careless trifle."-Macb. i. 4. 11. -Macb. i. 4. 11. So v. 5. 13. i.e. "in the way in which (he would throw it away) were it a careless trifle." Often the subjunctive is not represented by any inflection: "One cried, "God bless us,' and 'Amen' the other, As they had seen me with these hangman's hands. Macbeth, ii. 2. 28; Rich. III. iii. 5. 63. Sometimes the as is not followed by a finite verb: "As gentle and as jocund as (if I were going) to jest, Go I to fight."-Rich. II. i. 3. 95. 108. As, like "who," "whom," "which" (see below, Relative), is occasionally followed by the supplementary "that." "Who fair him 'quited as that courteous was. >> SPENS. F. Q. i. 1. 30. 109. As for "that" after " So. ("In which way;" "As the result of which.") This is a consequence of the original connection of as with "so." "You shall be so received As you shall deem yourself lodged in my heart.” L. L. L. ii. 1. 174. “Catesby . . . finds the testy gentleman so hot As he will lose his head ere give consent. Rich. III 4. 41. CONJUNCTIONS, 77 After "such: i A 'Yet such deceit as thou that dost beguile Art juster far."-Sonn. This occurs less commonly without the antecedent so: "My lord, I warrant you we'll play our part As he shall think by our true diligence He is no less than what we say he is."-T. of Sh. Ind. i. 68. This points out an important difference between the Elizabethan and modern uses of as. We almost always apply it, like "because (117), to the past and the present; Shakespeare often uses it of the future, in the sense of “according as.” And, sister, as the winds give benefit And convoy is assistant, do not sleep, But let me hear from you."—Hamlet, i. 3. 2. Here a modern reader would at first naturally suppose as to mean since" or "because; "because;" but the context shows that it means 'according as." 110. As, in its demonstrative meaning of So, is occasionally found parenthetically "C i.c "for so." "This Jacob from our holy Abraham was (As* his wise mother wrought in his behalf) The third possessor."-M. of V. i. 3. 73. "Who dares receive it other- As we shall make our griefs and clamours roar Upon his death?"-Macb. i. 7. 78. CC so did his mother work;" so will we make our griefs roar. "The fixure of her eye has motion in 't, As we are mock'd with art.”—W. T. v. 3. 68. There seems some confusion in the difficult passage "Speak truly, on thy knighthood and thy oath, As so defend thee heaven and thy valour." Rich. II. i. 3. 15. In the similar line 34 as is omitted. This would lead us to con- jecture "and." But perhaps the marshal was beginning to say "speak truly as may heaven defend thee," but diverged into the more ordinary "so," which was the customary mode of invocation. In that case the meaning will be "as thou wouldst desire the fulfilment of thy prayer, 'so help me heaven.' * Comp. olov aρтieтa: Yáµov qaµɛîv.—ESCH. Prom. Vinct. 09. 78 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So in "Duke. If this be so (as, yet, the glass seems true) I shall have share in this most happy wreck." T. N. v. 1. 272. a natural per- The Duke has called the appearance of the twins" spective that is and is not" (ib. 224), i.e. a glass that produces an optical delusion of two persons instead of one. He now says: "it they are two, brother and sister (and indeed, spite of my incredulity, the perspective or glass seems to be no delusion), then I shall," &c. The curious introduction of the "wreck " suggests that the glass called up the thought of the "pilot's glass." (M. for M. ii. 1. 168.) An ellipsis must be supplied in 111. "Had I but time (which I have not)-as this fell sergeant, Death, Is strict in his arrest."-Hamlet, v. 2. 347. 99 66 As as regards which," though," for," was some- times used parenthetically in a sense oscillating between the relative "" which,' "as regards which," and the conjunction "for," "though, ""since." It is used as a relative in (" "But say or he or we, (as neither have [pl. see 12, Neither],) Received that sum."- -L. L. L. ii. 1. 133. As is used in a transitional manner for "as regards which" or "for indeed," in "Though I die for it, as no less is threatened me." ( When I was young, as, yet, I am not old. Lear, iii. 3. 19. I Hen. VI. 3. 4. 17. "If you will patch a quarrel As matter whole you've not to make it with." A. and C. ii. ii. 53. Here in the second example, "When I was young as I yet, or still, am," would have retained the relatival signification of as, but the addition of "not old" obliges us to give to as the meaning not of "which," but "as regards which" or "for." So in "She dying, as it must be so maintained." M. Ado, iv. I. 216. 112. As, owing to its relatival signification, is sometimes loosely used for "which." This is still usual with us, but rarely except when preceded by "such" or "the same. CONJUNCTIONS. 79 "That gentleness as I was wont to have."- C. i 2. 33. "Under these hard conditions as this time Is like to lay upon us."-7. C. i. 2. 174. This is still common in provincial language. See 280. As is used for "where" in "Here as I point my sword the sun arises."-7. C. ii. 1. 106 113. As is frequently used (without such) to signify "namely:" 'And that which should accompany old age, As honour, love, obedience, troops of friends." Macb. v. 3. 25. Tired with all these for restful death I cry, As to behold desert a beggar born And needy nothing trimm'd in jollity And, &c."-Sonn. 66. So C. of E. i. 2. 98; Hen. VIII. iv. 1. 88; M. of V. iii. 2. 109. "Two Cliffords, as the father and the son. 3 Hen. VI. v. 7. 7. So A. Y. L. ii. 1. 6; Rich. II. ii. 1. 18; and Hamlet, i. 1. 117, where however a line has probably dropped out between 116 and 117. 114. As is apparently used redundantly with definitions of time (as is is used in Greek with respect to motion). It is said by Halliwell to be an Eastern Counties' phrase: "This is my birth-day, as this very day Was Cassius born."-7. C. v. 1. 72. "One Lucio as then the messenger."—M. for M. v. 1. 74. The as in the first example may be intended to qualify the state- ment that Cassius was born on "this very day," which is not literally true, as meaning as I may say." Here, and in our Collect for Christmas Day, as at this time to be born," as seems appro- priate to an anniversary. In the second example the meaning of as then" is not so clear; perhaps it means "as far as regards that occasion." Compare "Yet God at last To Satan, first in sin, his doom applied, Though in mysterious terms, judg'd as then best.' MILTON, P. L. x. 173. where "as then" seems to mean "for the present." So as yet as far as regards time up to the present time." So in means 80 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. German "uls dann uls dann" means "then," and "als" is applied to other temporal adverbs. As in E. E. was often prefixed to dates: "As in the year of grace," &c. As now "" is often used in Chaucer and earlier writers for " regards now," "for the present:" In "But al that thing I must as now forbere." "Meantime I writ to Romeo CHAUC. Knighte's Tale, 27. R. and J. v. 3. 247. That he should hither come as this dire night,' as perhaps means as (he did come)." 115. As was used almost but not quite redundantly after " seem (as it is still, after "regard, represent"): "" ઃઃ To prey on nothing that doth seem as dead." and even after "am:" A. Y. L. iv. 3. 119. I am but as a guiltless messenger.”—A. Y. L. iv. 3. 12. "I am here in the character of," &c. As is also used nearly redundantly before participles to denote a cause, "inasmuch as: "If he be now return'd As checking at his voyage."-Hamlet, iv. 7. 63. "} 116. As, like "that" (see 287), is used as a conjunctional suffix: sometimes being superfluously added to words that are already con- junctions. In the case of "when as, "where as," it may be explained from a desire to give a relative meaning to words interro- gative by nature : So (I am) one that was a woeful looker-on When as the noble duke of York was slain.' 3 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 46; i. 2. 75. "Whereas.' -2 Hen. VI. i. 2. 58, for "where." 117. Because ("for this reason that") refers to the future instead of, as with us, to the past, in "The splitting rocks cower'd in the sinking sands And would not dash me with their rugged sides, Because thy flinty heart, more hard than they, Might in thy palace perish (act. 291), Margaret. "" 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 100, CONJUNCTIONS. 81 i.c. "in order that thy flinty heart might have the privilege of destroying me." 118. But (E. E. and modern northern English "bout") is in Old Saxon "bi-utan," where "bi" is our modern "by," and "utan" means "without." Thus but is a contraction for "by-out," and is formed exactly like "with-out." Hence but means excepted or excepting. This use of out in compounds may be illustrated by outstep (except) the king be miserable.” * 66 "It was full of scorpyones and cocadrilles out-takene in the fore- said monethes."* "Alle that y have y grant the, out-take my wyfe. " The two latter passages illustrate the difficulty of determining whether but is used as a passive participle with nominative absolute, or as an active participle with the objective case. In the same way we find "excepted" and "except "placed (a) after a noun or pronoun, apparently as passive participles, and (b) before, as prepositions Thus- (a) "Only you excepted.”—M. Ado, i. 1. 126. "Richard except. "-Rich. III. v. 3. 242. Then, on the other hand,- 66 (6) Always excepted my dear Claudio."-M. Ado, iii. 1. 93. Except immortal Cæsar."-7. C. i. 2. 60. (For the confusion between "except" and "excepted" compare deject" for "dejected," &c. See below, 342.) The absence of inflections, however, in the above instances leaves us uncertain whether "except" is a preposition or participle. But "" "" "save seems to be used for "saved and "he" to be the nominative absolute in So "All the conspirators save only he." +-7. C. v. 5. 69. "Save thou."-Sonn. 109. "Nor never none Shall mistress be of it save I alone.". T. N. iii. I. 172. "What stays had I but they."-Rich. III. ii. 2. 76, iv. 4. 34; Cymb. ii. 3. 153; Macbeth, iii. 1. 54; R. and F. i. 2. 14. On the other hand, Shakespeare does not agree with modern usage in the inflections of the pronouns (see 206—216), * Halliwell's Dictionary. ↑ Similarly "sauf" was used in French in agreement with a noun placed in the nominative absolute. 82 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "} unless or 119. But is almost always used in Layamon for "without" (prep.), or without" (adv.) in the sense of "outside." Thus (i. 159): "that a queen should be king in this land and their sons be buten," (1. t. boute), i.e. "without (the land)." So (i. 215) “buten laeve," i.e. “without leave." It occurs adversa- tively in (i. 353) a passage which illustrates the transition, "If thou wilt receive his reconciliation, it will be well; but, he will never deliver Evelin to thee." Here but is the preposition "without," used adverbially as "otherwise." 120. But, in all its uses, may be explained from the meaning of "out-take" or except. It is sometimes used (like and, see above) to except or out-take" a whole clause, the verb being occasionally in the subjunctive. (6 'And, but thou love me, let them find me here." i.e. "except or without thou love me." R. and F. ii. 2. 76. 'And, but I be deceived, Signior Baptista may remember me. "-T. of Sh. iv. 2. 2. Compare I Hen. VI. iii. 1. 34: " Except I be provoked. So "" "Not without the prince be willing."-M. Ado, iii. 3. 86. We now use "unless" in this sense, and by a comparison of Wickliffe with Tyndale and Cranmer it will be seen that but was already often superseded by "except.' But with the subjunctive is, however, more common in Early than in Elizabethan English. Sometimes without the subjunctive—- "And, but she spoke it dying, I would not Believe her lips."-Cymb. v. 5. 41. And, but he's something stain'd With grief that's beauty's canker, thou might'st call him A goodly person."-Tempest, i. 2. 414. "The common executioner Falls not the axe upon the humbled neck But first begs pardon."-A. Y. L. iii. 5. 6. And, but infirmity hath something seized His wish'd ability, he had himself The lands and waters 'twixt your throne and his Measured, to look upon you."—W. T. v. 1. 141. 121. But. Transition of meaning. These last passages lustrate the transition of but from except to "on the contrary,' CONFUNCTIONS. 83 "by way of prevention." The transition is natural, inasmuch as The first an exception may well be called contrary to the rule. passage is a blending of two constructions: "if she had not spoken it dying I would not believe," and "I would not believe, but she spoke it dying." Similarly: "Except infirmity had seized-he had (would have) measured," and "He had (would have) measured, but (by way of prevention) infirmity hath seized." " The different usages of but arise, (1) from its variations between the meaning of " except," unless," and the adversative meaning on the other hand;" (2) from the fact that the negative before but, in the sense of " except," is sometimes omitted and at other times inserted. Thus "but ten came may mean ten however came, or "(none) but ten, i.e. only ten, came." But is now much more confined than it was, to its adversative meaning. We still say "it never rains but it pours" (where the subject is the same before and after but); and, even where a new subject is introduced, we might say, "I did not know but you had come,' ” “You shall not persuade me but you knew," &c.; but this use is colloquial, and limited to a few common verbs. We should scarcely write "I never saw but Humphrey duke of Gloucester Did bear him like a noble gentleman." -2 Hen. VI. i. 1.183. 122. "But" signifying prevention. The following passages illustrate the "preventive" meaning of but: "Have you no countermand for Claudio yet But he must die to-morrow?"—M. for M. iv. 2. 95. i.e. "to prevent that he must die.' If "but" were the ordinary adversative, it would be "but must he die?" "That song to-night Will not go from my mind: I have much to do But (to prevent myself) to go hang my head all at one side And sing it, like poor Barbara."-Othello, iv. 3. 32. "Have you no wit, manners, nor honesty but to gabble like tinkers at this time of night?"-T. N. ii. 3. 95. i.e. "to prevent you from gabbling," or, as Shakespeare could write, "to gabble." See 349. After verbs of "denying and doubting" which convey a notion of hindrance, but is often thus used: "I doubt not but to ride as fast as York."-Rich. II. ii. 5. 2. “I have no doubt (¿.e. fear) about being prevented from riding ' G 2 &4 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So 1 Hen. IV. ii. 2. 14: "It must not be denied but I am a plain dealing villain." M. Ado, i. 3. 32. "There must be no denial to prevent my being supposed a plain- dealing villain." In the last passage, however, but is used transi- tionally, almost as an adversative. Compare “It cannot be but I am pigeon-livered,"Hamlet, ii. 2. 605. which approximates to "It cannot be (that I am otherwise than a coward)," i.e. "it cannot be that I am courageous; on the contrary (but adversative), I am pigeon-liver'd.” The variable nature of but is illustrated by the fact that "believe not but," and " doubt not but," are used in the same signification : "We doubt not but every rub is smoothed."-Hen. V. ii. 2. 187. i.e." we have no doubt of a nature to prevent our believing that,' &c. So Rich. II. v. 2. 115. But, on the other hand, "I'll not believe but they ascend the sky."-Rich. III. i. 3. 287. i.e. "I'll not believe anything except (or 'otherwise than ') that they ascend." 1.e. In the first of these passages but is semi-adversative. "She is not so divine But with as humble lowliness of mind She is content to be at your command.". -1 Hen. VI. v. 5. 18. not so divine as to prevent that she should be content. "But" and "but that" are still thus used. 123. But (in phrases like "there is no man but hates me," where a subject immediately precedes but) often expels the subject from the following relative clause. This perhaps arose in part from a reluctance to repeat a subject which was already emphatically ex- pressed. See 244. For the same reason the relative is omitted in such expressions as "There is no creature loves me."-Rich. III. v. 3. 200. In such cases we still sometimes omit the subject, but perhaps not often where but is separated from the preceding subject, as in "There is no vice so simple but assumes Some mark of virtue in its outward parts." M. of V. iii. 2. E1. On the other hand, this omission is not found in the earliest stages CONJUNCTIONS. 85 of the language (Mätzner, iii. p. 469), and thus we find the subject frequently retained in Shakespeare: "I found no man but he was true to me."-F. C. v. 5. 35. "There's ne'er a villain dwelling in all Denmark But he's an arrant knave."—Hamlet, i. 5. 124. Less frequently but expels the object in the relative clause : 'No jocund health that Denmark drinks to-day But the great cannon to the clouds shall tell. Hamlet, i. 2. 126. 124. But meaning except may apply to an expressed contingency, as (1) "God defend but I should still be so."-1 Hen. IV. iv. 3. 38. i.e. "God forbid everything except (I should, &c.)" "But being charged we will be still by land." A. and C. iv. II. 1. i.e. " Excepting the supposition of our being charged." (2) Sometimes the contingency is merely implied. I should sin To think but (except I should think) nobly of my grandmother." Temp. i. 2. 119. "Her head's declined and death will seize her, but Your comfort makes her rescue."-A. and C. iii. 11. 48. i.e. "only your comfort." The last passage illustrates the connection between but meaning only, and but used adversatively. 125. But thus varying between an adversative and an exceptional force causes many ambiguities. Thus: 'Whenever Buckingham doth turn his hate On you and yours, but with all duteous love Doth cherish you and yours, God punish me. "" Rich. III. ii. 1. 33. Here but means without," or "instead of, cherishing you. 'You salute not at the court but you kiss your hands." A. Y. Z. iii. 2. 50. i.e."without kissing your hands." 126. But is not adversative, but means "if not," after "beshrew me," &c.: 86 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Beshrew my soul but I do love," &c.-K. J. v. 4. 50. So 3 Hen. VI. i. 4. 150. "The Gods rebuke me but it is tidings To wash the eyes of kings."-A. and C. v. I. 27; ib. v. ii, 103. Thus we explain : "I'll plead for you myself but you shall have him." T. of Sh. ii. 1. 15. i.e. “I'll plead for you myself if you shall not have him otherwise; but it must be admitted that the above construction may be confused with " I may have to plead for you myself, but (adversative) in any case you shall have him." So "I should woo hard but be your groom,”—Cymb. iii. 6. 70. is, perhaps, a confusion between " if I could not be your groom otherwise" and "but in any case I would be your groom." In the last example, however, it is possible that there is an additional con- tusion arising from the phrase: "It would go hard with me but." 127. But in the sense of except frequently follows negative comparatives, where we should use than. "No more but instruments."-M. for M. v. I. 237. Here two constructions are blended, "Nothing except instruments" only instruments; no more." So- and " "No more dreadfully but as a drunken sleep.' M. for M. iv. 2. 150. "The which no sooner had his prowess confirm'd, But like a man he died."-Macbeth, v. 8. 42. "I think it be no other but even so."-Hamlet, i. 1. 108. "No more but that."-A. W. iii. 7. 30. "With no worse nor better guard but with a knave." Othello, i. I. 126. "Thou knowest no less but all."-T. N. i. 4. 13. Sometimes but follows an adjective qualified by the negative with "so." "Not so dull but she can learn."-M. of V. iii. 2. 164. So Chaucer : "I nam but dede,"-Knighte's Tale. where, omitting the negative n, we should say "I am but dead." CONJUNCTIONS. 87 128. But passes naturally from "except " to " only," when the negative is omitted. ("No-but" or "nobbut" is still used pro- vincially for "only.") Thus : "No more but that,"-A. W. iii. 7. 30. becomes" but that." cr i.e. " i.z. 6. "Glouc. What, and wouldst climb a tree? Simple. But that in all my life."-2 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 99. tr no more but that one tree," or only that one tree." "Cleo. Antony will be himself. Ant. But stirr'd by Cleopatra.”—A. and C. i. 1. 43. not except stirr'd," "only if stirr'd." "But sea-room, and (if Fol.) the brine and billow kiss the moon, 1 care not."-P. of T. iii. 1. 45. "Where Brutus may but find it.”—J. C. i. 3. 144. i.e. "Where Brutus can (do nothing) but find it," i.e., as we say, cannot but find it." Possibly, however, but (see 129) may be transposed, and the meaning may be "Brutus only," i.e. alone may find it." "He that shall speak for her is afar off guilty But that he speaks."-W. T. ii. 1. 105. i.c. "simply in that he speaks," "merely for speaking." The effect of the negative on but is illustrated by "Brutus "But on this day let seamen fear no wreck."-K. J. iii. 1. 92. Hcre, at first, but might seem to mean "only," but the subsequent negative gives it the force of " except." But perhaps means only" in 'He boasts himself To have a worthy feeding: but I have it Upon his own report, and I believe it."—W. T. iv. 4. 169. i.c. "I have it merely on his own report, and I believe it too.” There is, perhaps, a studied ambiguity in the reply of Hamlet: "Guild. What should we say, my lord? Hamlet. Anything but to the purpose. Hamlet, ii. 2. 287. The ellipsis of the negative explains "neither" in the following difficult passage: "To divide him inventorily would dizzy the arithmetic of memory and yet but yaw neither (i.e. do nothing but lag clumsily behind neither) in respect of his quick sail."—Hamlet, v. 2. 120. 88 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Neither" for our "either" is in Shakespeare's manner, after a negative expressed or implied. But means "setting aside" in "What would my lord, but that (which) he may not have, Wherein Olivia may seem serviceable."-T. N. v. 1. 104. Such instances as this, where but follows not a negative but a superlative, are rare : "Pistol. Sweet knight, thou art now one of the greatest men in this realm. Silent. By're lady, I think 'a be, but goodman Puff of Barson.' 2 Hen. IV. v. 3. 93. But seems used for "but now" in "No wink, sir, all this night, Nor yesterday: but (but now) slumbers."-B. J. Fox, i. I. 129. But (like excepted and except) varies in its position. Simi- larly "only" varies with us : we can say either "one only" or only one. i.e. « tr "This very morning but."-B. J. Sad Sh. ii. 2. only this morning." "Where one but goes abreast. for "but one" or one only." Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 155. "But in these fields of late.”—Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 188. for "but of late." "A summer's day will seem an hour but short.”—V. and A. "Betwixt them both but was a little stride.' SPENS. F. Q. ii. 7. 24. "And when you saw his chariot but appear."-J. C. i. t. 48. .e. "his chariot merely" or "but his chariot." "Your oaths are words and poor conditions but unseal'd." A. W. iv. 2. 30. ¿... "merely unsealed agreements." 130. The same forgetfulness of the original meaning of words which led to "more better," &c., led also to the redundant use of merely but," "but even," &c. but in "but only," "merely but,” "Merely but art."--L. C. 25. "He only lived but till he was a man.”—Macbeth, v. 8. 40. CONJUNCTIONS. 89 "My lord, your son had only but the corpse.' "Even but now " for "but now. "" "" 2 Hen. IV. i. 1. 192. M. of V. v. 1. 272; A. Y. L. ii. 7. 3. “But a very prey to woe."-Rich. III. iv. 4. 106. CC Augustus, In the bestowing of his daughter, thought But even of gentlemen of Rome."-B. J. Scjan. iii. 2 Probably like "merely but." So "Even just."-Hen. V. ii. 3. 12. >> "But now," like “even now (38), is capable of different mean. a moment ago" and "at the present moment. ings: "But now I was the lord Of this fair mansion, and even now, but now This house, these servants, and this same myself Are yours. "—M. of V. iii. 2. 171. For. See 151. 131. Or (before). Or in this sense is a corruption of A.-S. ær (Eng. ere), which is found in Early English in the forms er, air, ar, ear, or, eror. "Or (before) he have construed.”—ASCH. 95. As this meaning of or died out, it seems to have been combined with ere for the sake of emphasis. Thus: "Dying or ere they sicken."-Macbeth, iv. 3. 173; K. J. v. 6. 44; Temp. v. 1. 103. ""before or" (Mätzner, We find in E. E. "erst er," "bifore er,' iii. 451). Another explanation might be given. Ere has been conjectured to be a corruption of e'er, ever, and "or ever" an emphatic form like " whenever," "wherever." "Ever" is written "ere" in Sonn. 93, 133. And compare "Or ever your pots be made hot with thorns."-Ps. lviii. Against the latter explanation is the fact that "ever" is much more common than "ere." It is much more likely that "ever" should be substituted for "ere" than "ere" for "ever." For Or... or, see 136. 90 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 132. Since* seems used for when in— "Beseech you, sir, Remember since you owed no more to time Than I do now. -W. T. v. I. 219. "Remember the time past when you," &c. "We know the time since he was mild and affable." "Thou rememberest 2 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 9. Since once I sat upon a promontory."-M. N. D. ii. 1. 149. "This fellow I remember Since once he play'd a farmer's eldest son. So 2 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 206. T. of Sh. Ind. i. 84. :: t ago," "in This meaning of since arises from the omission of it is" in such phrases as it is long since I saw you," when condensed into "long since, I saw you." Thus since acquires the meaning of “ past time," adverbially, and hence is used conjunctively for "when, long ago." Since (like the adverb) is found connected with a simple present where we use the complete present (so in Latin) : CC Since the youth of the count was to-day with my lady, she is much out of quiet.”—T. N. ii. -T. N. ii. 3. 144. More remarkable is the use of the simple past for the complete present : Note tr I was not angry since I came to France Until this instant."-Hen. V. iv. 7. 58. "Whip him • So saucy with the hand of she here,-what's her name? Since she was Cleopatra.”—A. and C. iii. 13. 99. "" Perhaps the meaning is "Whip him for being saucy with this woman, since (though she is not now worthy of the name) she once was (emphatical) Cleopatra. Else "What is her new name since she ceased to be Cleopatra ?" If since, in the sense of "ago," could be used absolutely for " once," a third interpretation would be possible : What's her name? Once she was Cleopatra." " * The old form sith occurs several times in Shakespeare, and mostly in the metaphorical meaning "because. Sith in Hamlet, ii. 2. 12, is an exception Sith in A.-S. meant "late," "later; sith-than, 'after that." Sithenc (Chaucer, "sethens," "sins") is found twice in Shakespeare. CONJUNCTIONS. 91 133. So is used with the future and the subjunctive to denote provided that.” "I am content so thou wilt have it so."-R. and J. iii. 5. 18. "" 'So it be new, there's no respect how vile."—Rich. II. ii. 1. 25. "in this way," 27 re So seems to mean construction is "be it (if it be) so that." on these terms," and the full "Be it" is inserted in "Be it so (that) she will not.-M. N. D. i. 1. 39. "That" is inserted in Chaucer, Piers Ploughman, &c. '(Be it) So that ye be not wrath."-CHAUCER, C. T. 7830. means provided you will not be angry." So ፡፡ Poor queen! So that thy state might be no worse I would my skill were subject to thy curse. ' >> Rich. II. iii. 4. 102.. So, thus meaning on condition that," is sometimes used where the context implies the addition of "even." Messenger. Should I lie, madam? Cleopatra. O, I would thou didst So (even if) half my Egypt were submerged."—A. and C. ii. 5. 94 Sometimes the subjunctive inflection is neglected and so as used for "so that." “So as thou livest in peace, die free from strife.” as" is Rich. II. v. 5. 27. We must distinguish the conditional "so heaven help me" from the optative so defend thee heaven" (Rich. II. i. 3. 34), where the order of the words indicates that "be it. . . that" cannot be under- stood. Here so means "on the condition of my speaking the truth,” and is not connected with defend. Compare Rich. III. ii. 1. 11, 16. See also 275-283. That. See Relative. That omitted before the subjunctive. See 311. 134. Where is frequently used metaphorically as we now us! whereas. "It (the belly) did remain I' the midst o' the body idle and unactive where the other instruments Did see and hear, devise," &c.-Coriol. i. 1. 102. for "whereas the other instruments did," &c. Comp. Ceriol. i. 10. 13 So Lear, i. 2. 89; Rich. II. iii. 2. 185. 93 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So 135. Whereas, on the other hand, is used for where in "Unto St. Alban's Whereas the king and queen do mean to hawk.' 2 Hen. VI. i. 2. 58. They back returned to the princely place; • • Whereas . a knight... they new arrived find.” SPENS. F. Q. i. 4. 38. where-that."-Hen. V. v. Prologue, 17. Probably both "as" that" were added to give a relative meaning to the (originally) interrogative adverb where. See 287. and " 136. Whether is sometimes used after "or" where we should omit one of the two: "Or whether doth my mind, being crown'd with you, Drink up the monarch's plague, this flattery? Or whether shall I say mine eye saith true," &c.-Sonn. 114. "Move those eyes? Or whether riding on the balls of mine Seem they in motion ?"-M. of V. iii. 2. 18. "Or whether his fall enraged him, or how it was." Coriol. i. 3. 69. The first example is perhaps analogous to the use of "or . . . or," as in Why the law Salique which they have in France Or should or should not bar us in our claim. Hen. V. i. 2. 12; T. N. iv. 1. 65. There is, perhaps, a disposition to revert to the old idiom in which the two particles were similar: "other . . . other." (The contraction of "other" into "or" is illustrated by "whe'r" for "whether" in O. E. and the Elizabethan dramatists.) Perhaps, also, additional emphasis is sought by combining two particles. We find "whether . . . or whether?" to express direct questions in Anglo-Saxon. In the second example a previous "whether" is implied in the words " move those eyes?" " "" 137. While (originally a noun meaning "time"). Hence a-while,” “(for) a time;' the while," "(in) the (mean) time;' whil-om" ("om " being a dative plural inflexion used adverbially), "at a (former) time;" "while-ere" (Temp. iii. 2. 127), "a time before," i.e." formerly.' So whiles (genitive of while) means "of, or during, the time." FREPOSITIONS. 93 The earliest use of while is still retained in the modern phrase "all the while that he was speaking." "The while that," from a very early period, is used in the condensed form "the while," or "while that" or while; and whiles was similarly used as a conjunc- tion. While now means only "during the time when," but in Eliza - bethan English both while and whiles meant also "up to the time when." (Compare a similar use of "dum" in Latin and ews in Greek.) "We will keep ourself Till supper-time alone. While (till) then, God be with you." "I'll trust you while your father's dead." "He shall conceal it Macbeth, iii. I. 43, MASSINGER (Nares). Whiles you are willing it shall come to note."-T. N. iv. 3. 28. "Let the trumpets sound While we return these dukes what we decree. Draw near, &c.”—Rich. II. i. 3. 122. A long flourish. PREPOSITIONS. 138. Prepositions primarily represent local relations; secondarily and metaphorically, agency, cause, &c. A preposition (as after, see below) may be used metaphorically in one age and literally in the next, or vice versa. This gives rise to many changes in the meaning of prepositions. The shades of different meaning which suggest the use of different prepositions are sometimes almost indistinguishable. We say, "a canal is full of water. There is no reason why we should not also say "full with water," as a garden is "fair with flowers." Again, a canal is filled with water," the verb in modern English preferring with to signify instrumentality, but "filled of water " is conceivable; and, as a matter of fact, Shakespeare does write "furnished of, provided of, supplied of," for with. Lastly the water may be regarded as an agent, and then we say, "the canal is filled by the water." But an action may be regarded as "of" the agent, as well as by" the agent, and "of" is frequently thus used in the A. V. of the Bible and in Elizabethan authors, as well as 94 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAK. in E. E. For these reasons the use of prepositions, depending upon the fashion of metaphor in different ages, is very variable. It would be hard to explain why we still say, "I live on bread,” but not "Or have we eaten on the insane root?" (Macb. i. 3. 84); as hard as to explain why we talk of a "high" price or rate, while Beaumont and Fletcher speak of deeper rate." 63 139. Prepositions: modern tendency to restrict their meaning, One general rule may be laid down, that the meanings of the pre- positions are more restricted now than in the Elizabethan authors : partly because some of the prepositions have been pressed into the ranks of the conjunctions, e.g. for," "but," "after;" partly because, as the language has developed, new prepositional ideas having sprung up and requiring new prepositional words to express them, the number of prepositions has increased, while the scope of each has decreased. Thus many of the meanings of "by" have been divided among “near, "near," "in accordance with," "by reason of," "owing to;" "but" has divided some of its provinces among "unless, except;" "for" has been in many cases supplanted by "because of," as regards ;" "in" by "during.' "" ,, 140. A. Ben Jonson in his Grammar, p. 785, writes thus :- "A hath also the force of governing before a noun-‘And the Pro- tector had layd to her for manner's sake that she was a council with the Lord Hastings to destroy him.'-Sir T. MORE." "Forty and six years was this temple a building." C6 CC >> 66 St. John ii. 20. The present text is in, but Cranmer and Tyndale had "a." This a, which still exists in alive, afoot, asleep, &c. is a contrac- tion of A.-S. on or the less common form an. We find in Early English on live," on foot," on hunting, on sleep ;" "16 morrow and eke an eve," for "by morning and also by evening; a land and a water," Piers Pl. (where some MSS. have ?), a (for in) God's name, an end" for on the (at the) end." In the Folio we sometimes find a where we write o': (C 66 CC "What is 't a clocke ?"-Rich. III. v. 3. 47. See Adverbs, 24 "1 PREPOSITIONS. 95 141. After ("following," Latin "secundum," hence "according to"). 'Say, you chose him, More after our commandment than as guided By your own true affections."-Coriol. ii. 3. 238. 'After my seeming."-2 Hen. IV. v. 2. 128. Compare "Neither reward us after our iniquities," in our Prayer- book. After is now used only of space or time, except in "after the pattern, example, &c.," where the sense requires the metaphorical meaning. This is now 142. Against used metaphorically to express time. restricted to colloquial language: "I'll charm his eyes against she do appear.”—M.N.D. iii. 2. 99. i.e. against the time that she do appear." Any preposition, as "for," "in," can thus be converted into a conjunction by affixing 'that," and the "that" is frequently omitted. i.c. Against (the time that) my love shall be as I am now."-Sonn. 63. ""'Gainst that season comes. "Hamlet, i. 1. 158. As against the doom.”—Ib. iii. 4. 50. as though expecting doom's-day." 143. At. The use of a mentioned in 140 was becoming unin- telligible and vulgar in Shakespeare's time, and he generally uses at instead. The article is generally omitted in the following and similar adverbial forms. All greeting that a king at friend can send his brother." W. Z. v. 1. 140. "The wind at help.”—Hamlet, iv. 3. 46. At shore."-MONTAIGNE. "At door."-IV. T. iv. 4. 352. "(A ship) that lay at rode."-N. P. 177. "As true a dog as ever fought at head.”—T. A. v. 1. 102. Bring me but out at gale."-Coriol. iv. 1. 47. “At point.”—Coriol. v. 4. 64; Cymb. iii. 6. 17. But "When they were fallen at a point for rendering up the hold." HOLINSHED, Duncane. The at of price generally requires an adjective or article, as wel as a noun, after it, except in "at all." We have, however, "If my love thou hold'st at aught,"-Hamlet, iv. 3. 60 i.e. "at a whit " 96 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. In Early English at does not seem to have been thus extensively used. It then was mostly used (Stratmann) in the sense of "at the hands of" (pós with gen.): "I ask at, take leave at, learn at a person," &c. At is used like "near" with a verb of motion where we should use "up to:" In 'I will delve one yard below their mines, And blow them at the moon."-Hamlet, iii. 4. 209. "Follow him at foot, "—Ib. iv. 3. 56. " at is not "on" but "near," as in at his heels.' "" 144. At, when thus used in adverbial expressions, now rejects adjectives and genitives as interfering with adverbial brevity. CC we can say at freedom," but not "At honest freedom.”—Cymb. iii. 3. 71. At ample view."-T. N. i. 1. 27. "At a mournful war."-Sonn. 46. "At heart's ease."-7. C. i. 2. 207. at loose," but not We say "Time • • • often at his very loose decides Thus That which long process could not arbitrate,”—L. L. L. v. 2. 752. where "loose" means "loosing" or So we say "aside," but not parting." "To hang my head all at one side."-Othello, iv. 3. 22. We say "at the word," but, with the indefinite article, "in a word," not “No, at a word, madam."-Coriol. i. 3. 122. It is, perhaps, on account of this frequent use of at in terse adverbial phrases that it prefers monosyllables to dissyllables. Thus we have "at night" and "at noon," and sometimes " at eve" and "at morn," but rarely "at evening" or at morning," except where at morning" is conjoined with "at night," as in "At morning and at night."-M. of V. iii. 2. 279. London was not so large as it now is when Shakespeare wrote 'Inquire at London."-Rich. II. v. 3. 51. 66 145. By (original meaning "near"). Hence our “to come by a thing," i.e. "to come near" or "attain." "(How) cam'st thou by this ill tidings ?"—Rich. II. iii. 4. 8Q. "I'll come by li.e. acquire) Naples."-Temp. ii. 1. 292. PREPOSITIONS. 97 By is used in a manner approaching its original meaning in "Fed his flocks By (on) the fat plains of fruitful Thessaly. B. and F. Fair Sh. i. 1. "At a fair vestal throned by the west."-M. N. D. ii. 1. 58. So Wickliffe: "By (on) everi Saboth,” Acts xiii. 27. Somewhat similar is our present colloquial "by this" of time; an expression which is found in "Of the poor suppliant who by this I know Is here attending."-A. IV. v. 3. 134; Lear, iv. 6. 45. This is illustrated by the play on by your favour," where favour means also "complexion," "face," in Duke. Thine eye Hath stay'd upon some favour that it loves, Hath it not, boy? Viola. A little, by your favour."-T. N. ii. 4. 26. Compare also the puns in T. N. iii. 1. 2-10. Hence "about," "concerning." "How say you by the French lord?”—M. of V. 1. 2. 60. "Tell me, sirrah, but tell me true, I charge you, By him and by this woman here what know you?" A. W. v. 3. 237. "I would not have him know so much by me. " L. L. L. iv. 3. 150. "I know nothing by myself," 1 Cor. iv. 4 (no harm about myself). Many may be meant by (to refer to) the fool multitude.” M. of V. ii. 9. 25. Compare B. J. Poetast. v. 1: " Lupus. Is not that eagle meant by Cæsar, ha?.. Cæsar. Who was it, Lupus, that inform'd you first This should be meant by us ?" Hence from near came the meaning like, according to. "It lies you on to speak Not by your cwn instruction, nor by the matter Which your own heart prompts you.”—Coriol. iii. 2. 53. "And him by oath they duly honoured."-R. of L. 410. 1.e. "according to their oath." "Not friended by his wish, to your high person His will is most malignant."-Hen. VIII. i. 2. 140 1.e. "in accordance with his wish," "to his heart's content H 98 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "If my brother wrought by my pity it should not be so. M. for M. iii. 2. 224 "I will believe you by the syllable Of what you shall deliver."-P. of T. v. 1. 170. So, where we say to the sound of:' 66 "" Sound all the lofty instruments of war, And by that music let us all embrace. By seems to mean "near," hence "with," in "(My daughter) hath his solicitings, As they fell out by time, by means and place, All given to mine ear."—Hamlet, ii. 2. 127. Perhaps we may thus explain : "I'll trust by leisure him that mocks me once."—7. A. i. 1. 301 i.e. “in accordance with, to suit, my leisure." The use of by in "The people . . . by numbers swarm to us," is the same as in 3 Hen. VI. iv. 2. 2. By ones, by twos, by threes."-Coriol. ii. 3. 47. By, in the sense of "near," like our "about" (Acts xiii. 21, Wick. "by fourti yeeris," the rest "about"), Greek naтá, was used from the first in rough distributive measurements in E. E.: "He smote to the ground by three, by four," "by nine and ten, one and one." So "I play the torturer by small and small To lengthen out the worst that must be said." " by Rich. II. iii. 2. 189. "" i.e. in lengthening out by little and little." Hence, perhaps, from "by one by one sprang our shorter form, "one by one,' little by little;" though it is possible that one by one or after one. "" By is used as a noun in the expression passes by).-B. J. 746. means one next to on the by" (as one We still use by as an adverb after "close," "hard," &c., but we should scarcely say, "I stole into a neighbour thicket by."—L. L. L. v. 2. 94. 146. By ("near," "following close after," hence as a con· sequence of "). PREPOSITIONS. 99 "The bishop of York, Fell Warwick's brother, and, by that, our foe." 3 Hen. VI. iv. 4. 12. "Lest, by a multitude The new-heal'd wound of malice should break out." Rich. III. ii. 2. 124. "So the remembrance of my former love Is by a newer object quite forgotten."-R. and J. ii. 4. 194. "Fear'd by their breed and famous by their birth.” Rich. II. ii. 1. 52. Hence sometimes it seems to be (but is not) used instrumentally with adjectives which appear to be (but are not) used as passive verbs. By does not mean "by means of," but "as a consequence of,” in "An eagle sharp by fast.”—V. and A. 55. "Oh how much more does beauty beauteous seem By that sweet ornament which truth doth give.”—Sonn. "Laer. Where is my father? King. Queen. Dead! But not by him." Hamlet, iv. 5. 128. 147. For (original meaning "before," "in front of"). A man who stands in front of another in battle may either stand as his friend for him or as his foe against him. Hence two meanings of for, the former the more common. * 148. (I.) For, meaning "in front of," is connected with "instead ""in the place of," as being." of," Or for the lawrell he may gain a scorne. i.e."instead of the laurel. "See what now thou art, ,, B. J. on Shakespeare For happy wife, a most distressed widow, For joyful mother, one that wails the name, For queen, a very caitiff crown'd with care. >> Rich. III. iv. 4. 98. "Thyself a queen, for me that was a queen.”—Ib. i. 3. 202. Between this and the following meanings we may place "Learn now, for all."-Cymb. ii. 3. 111. "This is for all."—Hamlet, i. 3. 131. 2.6. once instead of, or in the place of, all." * Comp. avri, which in composition denotes against, and at other times instega af, for. H2 Uorm 100 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "I abjure The taints and blames I laid upon myself For (as being) strangers to my nature."-Macbeth, iv. 3. 125 "Conscience is turned out of all towns and cities for a dangerous thing."-Rich. III. i. 4. 146. "How often have I sat crown'd with fresh flowers For summer's queen !"-B. and F. Fair Sh. i. I. Hence for is nearly redundant in "Let the forfeit Be nominated for an equal pound."-M. of V. i. 3. 15C. There is a play on the word in "On went he for a search, and away went I for (packed up in a basket and treated like) old clothes."-M. W. of W. iii. 5. 100. "Three dukes of Somerset three-fold renown'd " For hardy and undoubted champions."-3 Hen. VI. v. 7. 6. (Where probably hardy means Fr. hardi, bold;" and ull- doubted" means "not frightened," "doubt" like " used for "frighten.") Perhaps for comes under this head in 'fear" being "" What is he for a fool that betroths himself to unquietness. M. Ado, i. 3. 49 i.e. “What is he, as being a fool." It is more intelligible when the order is changed: "For a fool, what is he," i.e. "considered as a fool-it being granted that he is a fool—what kind of fool is he?" So "What is he for a vicar ?"-B. J. Sil. Wom. iii. 1. med. So in German " was für ein ?” 149. For is hence loosely used in the sense as regards." It was young counsel for the persons and violent counsel for the matter."-B. E. 75. Very commonly this for stands first, before an emphatic subject or object, which is intended to stand in a prominent and emphatic position : " For your desire to know what is between us, O'er-master it as you may."-Hamlet, -Hamlet, i. 5.139; 2. 112. Now, for the taking of Sicily, the Athenians did marvellously covet it."-N. P. 171. "For your intent, It is most retrograde to our desires." Hamlet, i. 2. 112; Rich. II. v. 3. 137. PREPOSITIONS. ICI "For a certain term," "for seven days, a day¨ (or even "for the day" where one day is meant), is still customary, but not "Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night, And for the day confined to fast in fires."Hamlet, i. 4. 11. 150. For, from meaning "in front of," came naturally to mean "in behalf of," "for the sake of," "because of." "Yet I must not (kill Banquo openly), For certain friends that are both his and mine." i.e. "because of certain friends." Macbeth, iii. I. 120. This use was much more common than with us. When we refer to the past we generally use "because of," reserving for for the future. Compare, on the other hand : "O be not proud, nor brag not of thy might, For mastering her that foil'd the God of fight." V. and A. 114. >> "He gave it out that he must depart for certain news. N. P. 179. "No way to that, for weakness, which she enter'd." 1 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 25. 1.e. no way can be compared for weakness with that," &c. Of divers humours one must be chiefly predominant, but it is not with so full an advantage but, for the volubilitie and supplenes of the mind, the weaker may by occasion reobtaine the place again. -MONTAIGNE, 116. For is similarly used with an ellipse of "I lay a wager" in ' "Now, for my life, she's wandering to the Tower." Rich. III. iv. 1. 3. 151. For, in the sense of "because of," is found not only governing a noun, but also governing a clause: i.e. "You may not so extenuate his offence. For I have had such faults.”—M. for M. ii. 1. 28. "because I have had such faults." " ('Tis ungrateful) to be thus opposite with heaven, For (because) it requires the royal debt it lent you. Rich. III. ii. 2. 95. So Othello, i. 3. 269; Cymb. iv. 2. 129. And parenthetically ver frequently: 102 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "The canker-blossoms have as deep a dye As the perfumed tincture of the roses, But for their virtue only is their shew, They live unwoo'd, and unrespected fade."-Sonn. 54 Oh, it is as lawful, For we would give much, to use violent thefts." Tr. and Cr. v. 1. 21 2.e. to rob, "because we wish to be generous." With the future, for meant "in order that. "And, for the time shall not seem tedious, I'll tell thee what befel me. "" -3 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 10 The desire of clearness and emphasis led to the addition of because. "But for because it liketh well our eyes."-N. P. Pref. "And for because the world is populous."-Rich. II. v. 5. 3. Comp. " but only," more better," &c. For, when thus followed by a verb, like after, before; &c. (“after he came," "before he went"), is called a conjunction. It is often, like other prepositions (287) thus used, followed by "that." Coriol. iii. 3. 93, &c. The two uses occur together in the following passage, which well illustrates the transition of for: "I hate him for he is a Christian, But more for that . . . he lends," &c.—M. of V. i. 3. 43. 152. For to, which is now never joined with the infinitive except by a vulgarism, was very common in E. E. and A.-S., and is not uncommon in the Elizabethar. writers. It probably owes its origin to the fact that the prepositional meaning of "to" was gradually weakened as it came to be considered nothing but the sign of the infinitive. Hence for was added to give the notion of motion or purpose. Similarly in Danish and Swedish (Mätzner, ii. p. 54) "for at" is used. Both in E. E. and in Elizabethan writers the for is sometimes added to the latter of two infinitives as being, by a longer interval, disconnected from the finite verb, and therefore requiring an additional connecting particle : tr First, honour'd Virgin, to behold thy face Where all good dwells that is; next for to try," &c. B. and F. Fair Sh. v. 1. For the same reason: "Let your highness Lay a more noble thought upon mine honour Than for to think that I would sink it here."—A. W. v. 3. 181 I. PREPOSITIONS. 103 From the earliest period "for to," like "to," is found used without any notion of purpose, simply as the sign of the infinitive. So in Shakespeare: "Forbid the sea for to obey the moon."-W. T. i. 2. 427. 153. For, variable. variableness of for: The following passage illustrates the "Princes have but their titles for (to represent) their glories, An outward honour for (as the reward of) an inward toil, And for (for the sake of gaining) unfelt (unsubstantial) imagi- nation They often feel a world of restless cares."- Rich. III. i. 4. 78-80. 154. (II.) For (in opposition to): hence "to prevent." "And over that an habergeon for percing of his herte." CHAUCER, Sire Thopas, 13790. Love. Is there an officer there? Off. Yes, two or three for failing.”—B. J. Alch. v. 3. "The which he will not every hour survey For blunting the fine point of seldom pleasure.”—Sonn. 52. "We'll have a bib for spoiling of thy doublet.” B. and F. (Nares). So it is said of Procrustes, that if his victim was too long for the bed, "he cut off his legs for catching cold."—Euphues (Malone). It can be proved that Sir T. North regarded for as meaning “in spite of," since he translates "Mais, nonobstant toutes ces raisons," by "But, for all these reasons,” (N. P. 172); where the context also shows beyond dispute that for has this meaning. On the other hand, in :: "All out of work and cold for action,"-Hen. V. i. 2. 114. for seems to mean "for want of," unless "out of work and cold" can be treated as equivalent to eager," which would naturally be followed by for. For is found in E. E. in this sense, but perhaps always with the emphatic "all." For in this sense is sometimes used as a conjunction: "For all he be a Roman."-Cymb. v. 4. 209. i.e. "Despite that he be a Roman." For may either mean "against or (149) "for what concerns 10 "I warrant him for drowning."-Temp. i. 1. 49. 104 SHAKESPearian GRAMMAR 64 We still retain the use of for in the sense of in spite of, as in for all your plots I will succeed." Such phrases, however, fre- quently contain a negative, in which case it is difficult to ascertain whether for means because of or in spite of. "My father is not dead for all your saying. "(The stars) will not take their flight "" Macbeth, iv. 2. 36. For all the morning light.”—MILTON, Hymn on the Nativity. It is a question how to punctuate "To fall off From their Creator and transgress his will For one restraint lords of the world besides." MILTON, P. L. i. 32. If a comma be placed after "will," and not after "restraint," then besides" should be treated as though it were "except" or "but:" "Lords of the world but for one restraint." 155. For is sometimes ready for, fit for. (See 405.) "He is for no gallants' company without them." B. J. E. in &c. i. I. "Your store is not for idle markets."-T. N. iii. 3. 46. Compare our "I am for (going to) Paris." Some ellipsis, as "I pray," must be understood in "(I pray) God for his mercy."—Rich. II. ii. 2. 98; v. 2. 75. 156. Forth is used as a preposition (from): "Steal forth thy father's house.”—M. N. D. i. 1. 164. "Loosed them forth their brazen caves." 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 89, and 1 Hen. VI. i. 2. 54 Sometimes with "of" or "from :" 'That wash'd his father's fortunes forth of France.' So Rich. II. iii. 2. 204-5; Temp. v. 1. 160. implies motion from. (See 165.) 3 Hen. VI. ii. 2. 157. The "of" in itself "From forth the streets of Pomfret."-K. J. iv. 2. 148. So Rich. II. ìi. 1. 106. Forth, being thus joined with prepositions less emphatic than itself, gradually assumed a prepositional ineaning, displacing the prepositions. Forth is not found as a preposition in E. E. See also Prepositions omitted. PREPOSITIONS. 105 157. From is sometimes joined with out, to signify outward motion, where we use out of. "In purchasing the semblance of my soul From out the state of hellish cruelty."-M. of V. iii. 4. 20. From out the fiery portal of the East."-Rich. II. iii. 3 64. 158. From is frequently used in the sense of "apart from," "away from," without a verb of motion. "From thence (i.e. away from home) the sauce to meat is ceremony."-Macbeth, iii. 4. 36. "I am best pleased to be from such a deed."-K. J. iv. 1. 86. "Which is from (out of) my remembrance."—Temp. i. 1. 65. "They run themselves from breath."-B. J. Cy.'s Rev. i. 1. "Clean from the purpose."-7. C. i. 3. 35. "This discourse is from the subject."-B. and F. Eld. B. v. I. "This is from my commission."-T. N. i. 5. 208. 'Anything so overdone is from the purpose of playing." Hamlet, iii. 2. 22. "This is from the present."-A. and C. ii. 6. 30. Hence "differently from: " 'Words him a great deal from the matter."-Cymb. i. 4. 16. i.e. “describes him in a manner departing from the truth.” ' "This label on my bosom whose containing Is so from sense in hardness."-Cymb. v. 5. 431. "Write from it, if you can, in hand and phrase." "For he is superstitious grown of late T. N. v. 1. 340. Quite from the main opinion he held once."-J. C. ii. 1. 196. "So from himself impiety hath wrought."-R. of L. "To be so odd and from all fashions."-M. Ado, iii. 1. 72. "Particular addition from the bill That writes them all alike."-Macbeth, iii. 1. 100. This explains the play on the word in '' Queen. That thou dost love thy daughter from thy soul." Rich. III. iv. 4. 258. "I wish you all the joy that you can wish, For I am sure you can wish none from me. 2.2. none differently from me," M. of V. iii. 2. 192. none which I do not wish you. }} This is probably the correct interpretation of the last passage. So Othello, i. I. 132. 106 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "If aught possess thee from me."-C. of E. ii. 2. 180. Also "apart from : "Nay, that's my own from any nymph in the court." B. J. Cy.'s Rev. ii. 1 " From thee to die were torture more than death." I. 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 401. "in a hill" 159. In, like the kindred preposition on (Chaucer uses for " on a hill"), was used with verbs of motion as well as rest We still say he fell in love," "his conduct came in question. "He fell in a kind of familiar friendship with Socrates." N. P. 192. "Duncane fell in fained communion with Sueno." HOLINSHED. "In so profound abysm I throw all care."-Sonn. 112. "Cast yourself in wonder."-7. C. i. 3. 60. "Sounds of music creep in our ears."-M. of V. v. 1. 56. "They who brought me in my master's hate." Rich. III. iii. 2. 56. "But first I'll turn yon fellow in his grave." Ib. i. 2. 262; 3. 88. 'And throw them in the entrails of a wolf.”—Ib. iv. 3. 23. "If ever ye came in hell.”—UDALL. In (for "into") with "enter," Rich. II. ii. 3. 160; Rich. III. v. 3. 227. Into is conversely sometimes found with verbs of rest implying motion. "Is all my armour laid into my tent ?"-Rich. III. v. 5. 51. "Confin'd into this rock."-Tempest, i. 2. 361. "To appear into the world.”—MONTAIGNE, 224. And earlier "Hid into three measures of meal."-WICKLIFFE, Luke xiii. 21. 160, In for on: "What in your own part (side) can you say to this?" Othello, i. 3. 74. So in the phrase "in the neck," where we should say neck or on the heels.” "Soon after that depriv'd him of his life. "" on the And, in the neck of that, task'd the whole state. 1 Hen. IV. iv. 3. 92. PREPOSITIONS. 107 The same phrase occurs Sonn. 131; MONTAIGNE, 17; N. P. 172. " "In pain of your dislike.' -2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 257. cr 161. In for " during or "at." In has now almost lost its metaphorical use applied to time. As early as the sixteenth century “In the day of Sabbath" (WICKLIFFE, Acts xiii. 14) was replaced by "on." It is still retained where the proper meaning of “in,” in the limits of," is implied, as with plurals, "Once in ten days" or "for once in my life," or "he does more in one day than others in two." Thus A. V. Gen. viii. 4, "In the seventh month, on the eighteenth day." We also find frequently in the A. V. "In the day of the Lord, in the day when," &c. "in the day of judgment." This may in part be due to a desire to retain the more archaic idiom, as being more solemn and appropriate; but perhaps the local meaning of in may be here recognized. We still say "in this calamity, crisis," &c. where we mean “entangled in, sur. rounded by the perils of this calamity ;" and some such meaning may attach to "in when we say "In the day of tribulation, vengeance," &c. Occasionally, however, we find "at the day of judgment" (Matt. xi. 22), as also in Shakespeare in the only passage where this phrase occurs. Shakespeare frequently uses in for "at" during." or "How the duke in council In this time of the night."-Othello, i. 2. 93. "In night."-V. and A. 720. "In all which time."-Rich. III. i. 3. 127. "In such a night as this."-M. of V. v. 1. 1, 6, 9. "This is, sir, a doubt In such a time as this, nothing becoming you." Cymb. iv. 4. 15. "Nay, we will slink away in supper-time."-M. of V. ii. 4. 1. 162. In metaphorically used for "in the case of," "about," &c. Triumph in so false a foe."-R. of L. "In second voice we'll not be satisfied." "Almost all Tr. and Cr. ii. 3. 149. Repent in their election."-Coriol. ii. 3. 263. "Our fears in Banquo stick deep."-Macb. iii. 1. 49. "(We) wear our health but sickly in his life Which in his death were perfect."-b. iii. 1. 107. 108 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. We say So or “by myself,” not in my own person Which in myself I boldly will defend."-Rich. II. i. 1. 145 "But I bethink me what a weary way In Ross and Willoughby... will be found."—Ib. ii. 3. 10. i.e. “in the case of Ross," equivalent to "by Ross.” In is used metaphorically where we should say "in the though! of " in " Strengthen your patience in our last night's speech." Hamlet, v. 1. 317. 163. In. We still say "it lies in your power." But we find also- "And the offender's life lies in the mercy Of the duke only,"-M. of V. iv. 1. 355. where we now should use at. This example illustrates the appa- rently capricious change in the use of prepositions. We should now use at instead of in and of, in and In night and on the court and guard of safety." "What! in a town of war. ››*_-[b. 213. Othello, ii. 3. 216. "In-round" (O. Fr. "en rond") is used for the more modern "a-round" in "They compassed him in round among themselves."—N. P. 192. But probably "round is for "around." Compare "compassed him in."-A. V. 2 Chron. xxi. 9. 164. In is used with a verbal to signify "in the act of" or "while." "He raves in saying nothing.”—Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 247. "When you cast Your stinking greasy caps in hooting at Coriolanus' exile."-Coriol. iv. 6. 131. "Mine eyes, the outward watch Whereto my finger like a dial's point Is pointing still, in cleansing them from tears."—Rich. II. v. 5. 54. The fire that mounts the liquor till't run o'er, In seeming to augment it, wastes it."--Hen. VIII. i. 1. 145. "And may ye both be suddenly surprised By bloody hands in sleeping on your beds." -1 Hen. VI. v. 3. 41. " * But "towns of war," Hen. V. ii. 4. 7, means garrisoned towns," and so probably here, like our man of war > • PREPOSITIONS, 109 "As patches set upon a little breach Discredit more in hiding of the fault."-K. 7. iv. 2. 32. J. It is probable, as the last example suggests, that these verbals are nouns after which "of" is sometimes expressed. Hence "in sleep- ing" may simply be another form of "a-sleeping." But the in brings out, more strongly than the a-, the time in which, or while, the action is being performed. It is also probable that the influence of the French idiom, "en disant ces mots," tended to mislead Erglish authors into the belief that in was superfluous, and that the verbals thus used were present participles. (See also 93.) In is used thus with a noun: "Wept like two children in (during) their deaths' sad stories." Rich. III. iv. 3. 8. (These blazes) giving more light than heat, extinct in both, Even in their promise, while it is a-making." "" Hamlet, i. 3. 119. 165. Of (original meaning "off' or "from"). "ab," Moeso-Gothic "af." >> Comp. dτó; In Early English of is used for "from,' ""out of," "off," as in "He lighted of his steed, arose of the dead," "The leaves fall of the tree. This strong meaning of motion was afterwards assigned to "off" (which is merely an emphatic form of of), and hence of retained only a slight meaning of motion, which frequently merged into causality, neighbourhood, possession, &c. Off is, perhaps, simply of in "Over-done or come tardy off.”*—Hamlet, iii. 2. 28. .e."fallen short of." Compare vσTEρev. Otherwise a passive participle, 295. Of retains its original meaning in "Overhear this speech Of vantage."-Hamlet, iii. 3. 33. e. "from the vantage-ground of concealment." 'Therefore of all hands must we be forsworn." come off" is L. L. L. iv. 3. 219. i.e. "from all sides," "to which ever side one looks;" hence "in any case." "Being regarded of all hands by the Grecians."—N. P. 176 Compare "Too late of our intents.”—Rich. III. iii. 5. 69. 110 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So our modern "off hand," applied to a deed coming from the hand, and not from the head. Hence "of hand" is used where we use "on" (175) in "Turn of no hand."—M. of V. ii. 2. 45. wc Of also retains this meaning with some local adjectives and ad- verbs, such as "north of," "south of," "within fifteen hundred paces of" (Hen. V. iii. 7. 136). We could say "the advantage of," but not 'You should not have the eminence of him." Tr. and Cr. ii. 2. 266. 'There is a testril of (from) me too."-T. N. ii. 3. 34. 166. Of used for "out of," "from," with verbs that signify, either literally or metaphorically, depriving, delivering, &c. 'We'll deliver you of your great danger."- Coriol. v. 6. 15. "I may be delivered of these woes."-K. F. iii. 4. 55. This use of of is still retained in the phrase "to be delivered of a child." "Heaven make thee free of it."—Hamlet, v. 2. 342. "To help him of his blindness."-T. G. of V. iv. 2. 45. "Unfurnish me of reason."-W. T. v. 1. 123. "Take of me my daughter,' ”—M. Ado, ii. 1. 311. "Rid the house of her."-T. Sh. i. 1. 150. "Scour me this famous realm of enemies."-B. and F. "That Lepidus of the triumvirate Should be deposed."-A. and C. iii. 6. 28. "His cocks do win the battle still of mine."-A. and C. ii. 3.36. "Get goal for goal of youth."-A. and C. iv. 8. 22. "I discharge thee of thy prisoner."-M. Ado, v. 1. 327. In virtue of this meaning, of is frequently placed after forth and out, to signify motion. Hence, metaphorically, "He could not justify himself of the unjust accusations."-N. P. 173. Of is also used with verbs and adjectives implying motion from, such as "fail," "want," &c. Hence- "But since you come too late of our intents."-Rich. III. iii. 5. 69. I. 167. Of thus applied to time means "from." So still "of late." "I took him of a child up."-B. J. E. in &c. ii. 1. i.e. "from a child, when a mere child." So in E. E. "of youth." PREPOSITIONS. 111 "Of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries." Being of so young days brought up with him.” Acts viii. 11. Hamlet, ii. 2. 11. 168. Of, meaning "from," passes naturally into the meaning resulting from," as a consequence of." 66 Of force."-M. of V. iv. 1. 421; 1 Hen. IV. iii 2. 120, Of no right." -1 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 100. "Bold of your worthiness."-L. L. L. ii. 1. 28. "We were dead of sleep."-Temp. v. 1. 230. "And of that natural luck He beats thee 'gainst the odds.”—A. and C. ii. 3. 26. Hence "What shall become of this?" M. Ado, iv. 1. 211; T. N ii. I. 37, means "what will be the consequence of this?" So "by means of: "} "And thus do we of wisdom and of reach By indirection find direction out."-Hamlet, ii. 1. 64. While by is used of external agencies, of is used of internal motives, thus: "Comest thou hither by chance, or of devotion ?" 2 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 88. "The king of his own royal disposition."-Rich. III. i. 3. 63. Of purpose to obscure my noble birth."-1 Hen. VI. v. 4. 22. “Art thou a messenger, or come of pleasure?" Sometimes "out of" is thus used: 2 Hen. VI. v. 1. 16. "But thou hast forced me, Out of thy honest truth, to play the woman. >> Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 431. Of, as a result of," is used as a result for "with the aid of,” with," or "at.” " "That... she be sent over of the King of England's cost. 2 Hen. VI. i. 1. 61. "Of the city's cost, the conduit shall run nothing but claret wine.' Ib. iv. 6. 3. Hence the modern phrase "To die of hunger." 169. Of hence is used in appeals and adjurations to signify out of." 66 Of charity, what kin are you to me?”—T. N. v. 1. 237. [12 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Hence, the sense of "out of" being lost, of," "by." = "for the sake Speak of all loves.”—M. N. D. ii. 2. 154. This explains "Let it not enter in your mind, of love."-M. of V. ii. 9. 42. Similar is the use of of in protestations: "Leon. We'll have dancing afterwards. Ben. First, of my word."-T. N. v. 4. 123. "A proper man, of mine honour."-2 Hen. VI. iv. 2. 103. 170. Of meaning "from" is placed before an agent (from whom the action is regarded as proceeding) where we use "by." "Received of (welcomed by) the most pious Edward." Macb. iii. 6. 27. "Like stars ashamed of day."-V. and A. i.e. "shamed by day.” 22 Of is frequently thus used with " long, 'long," or "along." "from alongside of" ("apá -LAYAMON. with gen.). 'Along of" "The good old man would fain that all were well So 'twere not 'long of him."-3 Hen. VI. iv. 7. 32. "Long all of Somerset."-1 Hen. VI. iv. 3. 46, 33. (παρά "I am so wrapt and throwly lapt of jolly good ale and old."-STILL. 171. Of is hence used not merely of the agent but also of the instrument. This is most common with verbs of construction, and of filling; because in construction and filling the result is not merely effected with the instrument, but proceeds out of it. We still retain of with verbs of construction and adjectives of fulness; but the Eliza- bethans retained of with verbs of fulness also. Hence 'Supplied of kernes and gallow-glasses.”—Macb. i. 2. 13. "I am provided of a torch-bearer."-M. of V. ii. 2. 24. "You are not satisfied of these events."—Ib. v. I. 297. “Mettle—whereof thy proud child arrogant man is puffed." T. of A. iv. 3. 180. "Mixt partly of Mischief and partly of Reinedy."-B. E. 114 "Flies Whose woven wings the summer dyes Of many colours."-B. and F. Fair Sh. v. 1, PREPOSITIONS. 113 Of with verbs of construction from "out of" sometimes assumes the meaning of "instead of." “Made peace of enmity, fair love of hate.”— Rich. III. ii. 1. 50, And with "become: " "(Henry) is of a king become a banish'd man."—3 Hen. VI. iii. 3. 25. 172. Of is hence used metaphorically with verbs of construction, as in the modern 'They make an ass of me."-T. N. v. 1. 19. But of is also thus found without verbs of construction, as. Timon. Apem. Or thou shalt find— A fool of thee. Depart." T. of A. iv. 3. 232. "E'en such a husband " Hast thou of me as she is for a wife.”—M. of V. iii. 5. 89. "We should have found a bloody day of this. 1 Hen. VI. iv. 7. 34. "We shall find of him A shrewd contriver."-7. C. ii. 1. 157. "We lost a jewel of her."-A. W. v. 3. 1. 'You have a nurse of me.”—P. of T. iv. 1. 25. 'You shall find of the king, sir, a father.”—A. W. i. 1. 7. i.e. "in the king." 173. Of is hence applied not merely to the agent and the instru- ment, but to any influencing circumstance, in the sense of as regards," ""what comes from." "Fantasy, Which is as thin of substance as the air."-R. and J. i. 4. 99. "Roses are fast flowers of their smells."-B. E. 188. "A valiant man of his hands.”—N. P. 614. "But of his cheere did seem too solemn-sad."—SPEN. F. Q. i. 1. Under this head perhaps come : "Niggard of question; but of our demands Most free in his reply."—Hamlet, iii. 1. 13. "Of his own body he was ill, and gave >> The clergy ill example. -Hen. VIII. iv. 2. 43. "That did but show thee, of a fool, inconstant And damnable ungrateful."-W. T. iii. 2. 187. ie. "as as regards a fool," "in the matter of folly.” This may almost be called a locative case, and may illustrate the 1 114 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Latin idiom " versus aními." It is common in E. E. We still say, in accordance with this idiom, "swift of foot, ""ready of wit," &c. 174. Of passes easily from meaning as regards" to ing," "about." "Mine own escape unfoldeth to my hope The like of him.”—T. N. i. 2. 21. "You make me study of that.”—Temp. ii. 1. 81. ፡፡ concern. "Tis pity of him."-M. for M. ii. 3. 42; A. and C. i. 4. 71. "Twere pity of my life."-M. N. D. iii. 1. 44. I. "I wonder of there being together."-Ib. iv. 1. 128. "Wise of (informed of) the payment day."-B. E. "He shall never more Be fear'd of doing harm."-Lear, ii. 2. 113. "The same will, I hope, happen to me, of death." i.e. "with respect to death." "I humbly do desire your grace of pardon. cr "" MONTAIGNE, 36. M. of V. iv. 1. 402. "I shall desire you of more acquaintance." M. N. D. iii. 1. 183; A. Y. L. v. 4. 56. "" (( For this use of "desire" compare A. V. St. John xii. 21, they desired him saying," where Wickliffe has "preieden, prayed." "I humbly do beseech you of your pardon. -O. iii. 3. 212. "The dauphin whom of succours we entreated." Hen Viii. 3. 45. "Yet of your royal presence I'll adventure The borrow of a week."-W. T. i. 2. 38. "We'll mannerly demand thee of thy story."--Cymb, iii. 6.92. tr Enquire of him."-Rich. II. iii. 2. 186. i.e. "about him." In "Discern of the coming on of years.”—B. E. 105. "Having determined of the Volsces and," &c.-Coriol. ii. 2. 41. "I'll venture so much of my hawk or hound." 'Since of your lives you set So slight a valuation."-Cymb. iv. 4. 48. "No more can you distinguish of a man T. of Sh. v. 2. 72, Than of his outward show,"-Rich. III. iii. 1. 9, 10. the meaning seems to be, "you can make no distinctions about men more than," i.e. "except, about their appearances." So PREPOSITIONS. 115 "Since my soul could of men distinguish."--Hamlet, iii. 2. 69. "" In the following passages we should now use "for: "France whereof England hath been an overmatch.”—B. E. 113. "I have no mind of feasting."-M. of V. ii. 5. 37. "In change of him.”—Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 27. "Of this my privacy I have strong reasons. "" Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 190. "In haste whereof, most heartily I pray Your highness to assign our trial day."-Rich. II. i. 1. 150. "what will become of (about) me!" so As we say "What will betide of me."-Rich. III. i. 3. 6. We say "power over us," not "The sovereign power you have of us."- Hamlet, ii. 2. 27. "I have an eye on him," not Nay, then, I have an eye of you.”—Ib. 301. 175. Of signifying proximity of any kind is sometimes used locally in the sense of " on. "The connection between of and on is illustrated by M. of V. ii. 2, where old Gobbo says: Thou hast got more haire on thy chin than Dobbin my philhorse has on his taile ;" and young Gobbo retorts, "I am sure he had more haire of his taile than I have of my face." "Gra. My master riding behind my mistress- Cart. Both of one horse."-T. of Sh. iv. 1. 71. "" Of is sometimes used metaphorically for “on. Compare "A plague of all cowards !"—1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 127. with “A plague upon this howling."—Temp. i. 1. 39. "Who but to-day hammer'd of this design."—W. T. ii. 2. 49. 'I go of message.' -2 Hen. VI. iv. 1. 113. A message may be regarded as a motive from which, or as an object towards which, an action proceeds, and hence either of or may be used. ❝on 16011 Compare "He came of an errand.”—M. IV. of IV. i. 4. 80. with "I will go on the slightest errand." -M. Ade, ii. 1. 272. "Sweet mistress, what your name is else I know not, Nor by what wonder you do hit of mine."-C.of E. iii. 2. 30. "And now again Add also- Of him that did not ask, but mock, bestow Your sued-for tongues."-Coriol. ii. 3. 215. A I 2 713 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "I will bestow some precepts of this virgin." A. W. iii. 5. 103; T. N. iii. 4. 2 "Trustyng of (comp. "depending on ") the continuance.' ASCH. Ded. 176. Of, signifying "coming from," "belonging to," when used with time, signifies "during." i.e. "These fifteen years: by my fay a goodly nap! But did I never speak of all that time?"-T. of Sh. Ind. 2. 84. "There sleeps Titania sometime of the night."—M. N. D. ii. 1. 253. sometimes during the night." "My custom always of the afternoon."-Hamlet, i. 5. 60. "And not be seen to wink of all the day."-L. L. L. i, 1. 43. Of the present."-Tempest, i. 1. 24. So often " CC Of a sudden." "" (C ઃઃ 177. Of is sometimes used to separate an object from the direct action of a verb: (a) when the verb is used partitively, as eat of," taste of," &c. ; (b) when the verb is of French origin, used with "de," as doubt," "despair," "accuse, 'repent," "arrest,' "appeal," "accept," allow;" (c) when the verb is not always or often used as a transitive verb, as "hope" or “like, "hope" or "like," especially in the case of verbs once used impersonally. tr (a) "King. How fares our cousin Hamlet? I. Hamlet. Excellent, i' faith: of the chameleon's dish." Hamlet, iii. 2. 98. (b) "To appeal each other of high treason."-Rich. II. i. 1. 27. 'Of capital treason we arrest you here."-Ib. iv. 1. 151. (c) "So then you hope of pardon from Lord Angelo?" M. for M. iii. 1. 1. "I will hope of better deeds to-morrow."-A. and C. i. 1. 62. The of after "to like" is perhaps a result of the old impersonal use of the verb, "me liketh,' "him liketh," which might seem to disqualify the verb from taking a direct object. Similarly "it repents me of" becomes "I repent of;" "I complain myself of" becomes "I complain of." So in E. E. "it marvels me of" becomes "I marvel of." Hence- "It was a lordling's daughter that liked of her master." P. P. 212. "Thou dislikest of virtue for the name.”—A. W. ii. 3. 131 PREPOSITIONS. (17 "I am a husband if you like of me."-M. Ado, v. 4 59. So L. L. L. i, 1. 107; iv. 3. 158; Rich. III. iv. 4. 354. "To like of nought that would be understood." BEAUMONT on B. J. 178. Of naturally followed a verbal noun. In many cases we should call the verbal noun a participle, and the of has become unintelligible to us. Thus we cannot now easily see why Shake- speare should write- "Dick the shepherd blows his nail."-L. L. L. v. 2. 923. and on the other hand- "The shepherd blowing of his nails."-3 Hen. VI. ii. 5. 3. But in the latter sentence blowing was regarded as a noun, the prepositional "a," "in," or "on" being omitted. "The shepherd was a-blowing of his nails." In the following instances we should now be inclined to treat the verbal as a present participle because there is no preposition before it : "Here stood he (a-)mumbling of wicked charms."-Lear, ii. 1. 41. "We took him (a-)setting of boys' copies."-2 Hen. VI. iv. 2. 96. "And then I swore thee, (a-)saving of thy life."-7. C. v. 3. 38. "Here was he merry (a-)hearing of a song."—A. Y. L. ii. 7. 4. where "hear of" does not mean, as with us, "hear about." So Lear, v. 3. 204. In all the above cases the verbal means "in the act of." In most cases, however, a preposition is inserted, and thus the substantival use of the verbal is made evident. Thus : "So find we profit by losing of our prayers."-A. and C. ii. 1. 8. "Your voice for crowning of the king. ,, Rich. III. iii. 4. 29; Hamlet, i. 5. 175; Lear, i. 3. 1. "With halloing and singing of anthems. 2 Hen. IV. i. 2. 213. What, threat you me with telling of the king?" Rich. III. i. 3. 113. "About relieving of the sentinels.". -1 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 70; iii. 4. 29. If it be asked why "the" is not inserted before the verbal,- 1.g. "about the relieving of the sentinels," the answer is that relieving is already defined, and in such cases the article is generally omitted by Shakespeare. (See 89.) 118 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. When the object comes before the verbal, of must be omitted: Ophelia. Hamlet... shaking of mine arm And thrice his head thus waving."Hamlet, ii. 1. 92. We can say "in shaking of mine The reason is obvious. We can say but not "in his head thus waving. "" arm," Compare C. of E.v. 1. 153; A. Y. L. ii. 4. 44, iv. 3. 10; W. T. iii. 3. 69; 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 166; R. and J. v. I. 40. "Yet the mother, if the house hold of our lady."-ASCH. 40. Hold," by itself, would mean "actually hold" (capiat). "Hold of" means "be of such a nature as to hold" (capax sit), "hold- ing of." 179. Of is sometimes redundant before relatives and relatival words in dependent sentences, mostly after verbs intransitive. "Make choice of which your highness will see first." M. N. D. v. I. 43. Hamlet, ii. 2. 10. "What it should be . . . I cannot dream of." Making just report Of how unnatural and bemadding sorrow The king hath cause to plain."-Lear, iii. 2. 38. "He desires to know of you of whence you are," P. of T. ii. 3. 80. where, however, "whence" is, perhaps, loosely used for "what place," and of strictly used for from.' 66 The redundant and appositional of, which we still use after town," "city," "valley," &c., is used after "river" (as sometimes by Chaucer and Mandeville) in "The river of Cydnus."-A. and C. ii. 2. 192. 180. On, upon (interchanged in E. E. with "an"), represents juxtaposition of any kind, metaphorical or otherwise. It was in Early English a form of the preposition "an" which is used as an adverbial prefix (see 141); and as late as Ascham we find— 16 'I fall on weeping."—ASCH. iii. 4. "For sorrow, like a heavy-hanging bell Once set on ringing, with his own weight goes."-R.of L. 1494 Compare also our a-head with Hereupon the people ran on-head in tumult together."—N. P. 191 "Why runnest thou thus on head?"—Homily on Matrimony. PREPOSITIONS. 119 The metaphorical uses of this preposition have now been mostly divided among of, in, and at, &c. We still, however, retain the phrase, on this," "on hearing this," &c. where on is "at the time of," or "immediately after.” But we could not say-- "Here comes (333) the townsmen on (in) procession,' 2 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 68. "Read on (in) this book."-Hamlet, iii. 1. 44. So MON- TAIGNE, 227: "To read on some book,’ "Blushing on (at) her."-R. of L. st. 453. "On (at) a moderate pace."-T. N. ii. 2. 3. >> "The common people being set on a broile."-N. P. 190. (Comp. our set on fire.") "Horses on (in' or 'of') a white foam."-N. P. 186. 'On (of) the sudden."-Hen. VIII. iv. 2. 96. "And live to be revenged on ('for' or 'about') her death.' "Be not jealous on (of) me."-7. C. i. 2. 71. 66 'Fond on her."-M. N. D. ii. 1. 266. "Nod on (at) him."-F. C. i. 2. 118. "Command upon me.”—Macbeth, iii. 1. 17. "} R. of L. 1778. On, like "upon," is used metaphorically for "in consequence of" in "Lest more mischance On plots and errors happen."-Hamlet, v. 2. 406; for "u dependence on” in in "I stay here on my bond."-M. of V. iv. 1. 242. "She's wandering to the tower On pure heart's love to greet the tender princes," Rich. III. iv. I. 4. there is a confusion between " on an errand of love" and "out of heart's love." 181. On is frequently used where we use of" in the sense of 'about," &c. Thus above, "jealous on," and in Sonn. 84, "Fond on praise." In Early English (Stratmann) we have "On witch- craft I know nothing. "What shall become on me?" "Denmark Compare- won nothing on him." "Enamour'd on his follies."-1 Hen. IV. v. 2. 71. "His lands which he stood seized on. >> * —Hamlet, i. 1. 88. Globe, "of." 120 SHAKESPEarian graMMAR. "Or have we eaten on the insane root?"-Macbeth, i. 3. 84 "He is so much made on here."-Coriol. iv. 5. 203. "What think you on't."—Hamlet, i. 1. 55, Note the indifferent use of on and "of" in "God have mercy on his soul And of all Christian souls."-Hamlet, iv. 5. 200. The use of on in "Intended or committed was this fault? If on the first,—I pardon thee,”—Rich. II. v. 3. 84. is illustrated by "My gracious uncle, let me know my fault, On what condition stands it."—. ii. 3. 107. 182. On, being thus closely connected with "of," was frequently used even for the possessive "of," particularly in rapid speech before a contracted pronoun. "One on's ears."-Coriol. ii. 2. 85. So Coriol. i. 3. 72; il I. 202. "The middle on's face."-Lear, iv. 5. 20. "Two on's daughters.”—Ib. i. 4. 114. "Two on's."-Cymb. v. 5. 311. My profit on't." —Temp. i. 2. 365, 456. "You lie out on't, sir."-Hamlet, v. 1. 132; Lear, iv. 1. 52. He shall hear on't.”—B. J. E. in &c. "I am glad on't.”—J. C. i. 3. 137. In the two last examples on inay perhaps be explained as meaning "concerning," without reference to "of." 66 011 >> The explanation of this change of “of" to appears to be as follows. “Of” when rapidly pronounced before a consonant became "O'." "Body o' me."-Hen. VIII. v. 2. 22. "O' nights."-T. N. i. 3. 5. Hence the o' became the habitual representative of "of" in collo- quial language, just as a- "became the representative of "on" or "an." But when o' came before a vowel, what was to be done? " before "" Just as the ". 'a- was obliged to recur to its old form "an a vowel or mute h (compare Hamlet, i. 4. 19, "to stand an-end,” and see 24), so before a vowel o' was forced to assume a euphonic n. (Compare the Greek custom.) PREPOSITIONS. 121 And even when the pronoun is not contracted, we find in Coriol. iv. 5. 174, the modern vulgarism— "Worth six on him." "To break the pate on thee."—1 Hen. IV. ii. 1, 34. 183. Out (out from) is used as a preposition like forth. 'You have push'd out your gates the very defender of them. Coriol. v. 2. 41. (Early Eng. (6 "Come out Ireland," Out this land.") " "Out three years old.”—Temp. i. 2. 41, “beyond three years.” Explained by Nares, "completely." From out. See 157. 184. Till is used for to: "From the first corse till he that died to-day," Hamlet, i. 2. 105. where probably till is a preposition, and "he" for "him." See He. "Lean'd her breast up till a thorn."-P. P. st. 21. Early Eng. "He said thus til (to) him," and, on the other hand, "To (till) we be gone." So "unto" in Chaucer for "until." "I need not sing this them until (for unto them')." HEYWOOD. “We know whereuntil (whereto) it doth amount.” L. L. L. v. 2. 494. "And hath shipped me intil (into) the land.”—Hamlet, v. 1. 81. 185. To* (see also Verbs, Infin.). Radical meaning motion towards. Hence addition. This meaning is now only retained with verbs implying motion, and only the strong form "too" (comp. of and off) retains independently the meaning of addition. But in Elizabethan authors too is written to, and the prepositional meaning "in addition to" is found, without a verb of motion, and sometimes Pithout any verb. But he could read and had your languages And to't as sound a noddle," &c.-B. J. Fox, ii. 1. "If he . . . to his shape, were heir of all this iand." K. J. i. 1 144 • Cump. xoos throughout [22 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR, "And to that dauntless temper of his mind He hath a wisdom that doth guide his valour." l.e. “in addition to that dauntless temper." been supplanted by "beside." Compare also Macbeth, iii. 1. 52. To, in this sense, has "Nineteen more, to myself."-B. J. E. in &c. iv. 5. To is used still adverbially in "to and fro," and nautical expres- sions such as "heave to," "come to." This use explains "Go to," M. of V. ii. 2. 169. "Go" did not in Elizabethan or E. E. neces- sarily imply motion from, but motion generally. Hence " Hence "go to" meant little more than our stimulative " come, come." 186. To hence means motion, "with a view to," "for an end," &c. This is of course still common before verbs, but the Elizabethans used to in this sense before nouns. "He which hath no stomach to this fight."-Hen. V. iv. 3. 35. "For to that (to that end) The multiplying villanies of Nature Do swarm upon him."-Macbeth, i. 2. 10. "Prepare yourself to death."-W. T. iii. 1. 167. Arm you to the sudden time."-K. J. v. 6. 26. “The impression of keen whips I 'ld wear as rubies And strip myself to (for) death as to a bed.” M. for M. ii. 4. 102. "Giving to you no further personal power To (for the purpose of) business with the king.' >> Hamlet, i. 2. 37. "Pawn me to this your honour."—T. A. i. 1. 147. "Few words, but, to effect, more than all yet. He is frank'd up to fatting for his pains." Hence it seems used for for in Lear, iii. 1. 52. Rich. III. i, 3. 314. 'Ere I had made a prologue to my brains They had begun the play."-Hamlet, v. 2. 30 And perhaps in "This is a dear manakin to you, Sir Toby."—T. N. iii. 2. 57. But see 419a, for this last example. 187. To hence, even without a verb of motion, means "motion to the side of." Hence "motion to and consequent rest near," as in FREPOSITIONS. 123 Like yourself Who ever yet have stood to charity."-Hen. VIII. ii. 4 86. "To this point I stand."-Hamlet, iv. 5. 187. "I beseech you, stand to me."—2 Hen. IV, 1i. 1. 70. i.e. "Come and stand by me, help me. Motion against in : "The lady Beatrice hath a quarrel to you."-M. Ado, ii. 1. 243 So T. N. iii. 4. 248; Coriol. iv. 5. 133. Motion to meet: "To her doom she dares not stand."-B. and F. Fair Sh. v. I. Motion toward: "What wouldst thou have to Athens ?"-T. of A. iv. 3. 287. "To Milan let me hear from thee by letters.' T. G. of V. i. I. 57. Hence "by the side of," "in comparison with." "Impostors to true fear."-Macb. iii. 4. 64. i.e. "Impostors when brought to the side of, and compared with, true fear." In "There is no woe to his correction, Nor to his service no such joy on earth.' T. G. of V. ii. 4. 138, 139. "The harlot's cheek, beautied with plastering art, Is not more ugly to the thing that helps it Than is my deed to my most painted word." Hamlet, iii. 1. 51-53. "Treason can but peep to what it would, Acts little of his will,"-Ib. iv. 5. 125. "} either to means "towards," an unusual construction with " peep,' or the meaning is "treason can do nothing more than peep in comparison with what it wishes to do." Undervalued to tried gold.”—Mï. of V. ii. 7. 53. Hence "up to," "in proportion to," "according to." "The Greeks are strong and skilful to their strength.' Tr. and Cr. i. 1. 7. "That which we have we prize not to the worth." M. Ado, iv. 1. 220. "To's power he would Have made them mules."-Coriol. ii. 1. 262. 124 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Perform'd to point the tempest that I bade thee. " Temp. i. 2. 194. 'He needs not our mistrust, since he delivers Our offices and what we have to do To the direction just."-Macb. iii. 3. 4. Hence like." "My lady, to the manner of the days, In courtesy gives undeserving praise."-L. L. L. v. 2. 365. "Looked it of the hue To such as live in great men's bosoms?"-B. J. Sejan. v. 1. "This is right to (exactly like) that (saying) of Horace." B. J. E. out &c. ii. 1. To seems to mean even up to" in "And make my senses credit thy relation To points that seem unpossible."-P. of T. v. 2. 125. 188. To is sometimes used without any sense of motion for 42 near.' "" "It would unclog my heart Of what lies heavy to 't."-Coriol. iv. 2. 48. "Sits smiling to my heart."Hamlet, i. 2. 124. for "by" in "Where . . . the best of all her sex Doth only to her worthy self abide."-B. and F. F. Sh. ii. 1. In the difficult passage (W. T. iv. 4. 550): "But, as the unthought on accident is guilty To what we wildly do.' Guilty" seems used for "responsible," and chance is said to be "responsible to" rashness (personified). (Or is to "as to," i.e. as regards ?) In N. P. 175 there is "to the contrary," (but this is a translation of "au contraire,") for " on the contrary." "" To is inserted after "trust" (whereas we have rejected it in parenthetical phrases, probably for euphony's sake). And, trust to me, Ulysses, >> Our imputation will be oddly poised. -Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 339. To seems "up to," " as much as," in "I'll part sooner with my soul of reason than yield to one foot of land."-B. and F. Elder Brother, iii. 5. PREPOSITIONS. 125 188a. "To," with Adjectives signifying obedience, &c. To is still used in the sense of "towards" after some adjectives, such as (1) "gentle,” (2) 'gentle," (2) "disobedient," (3) open." But we could not say (1) "If thou dost find him tractable to us.”—Rich. III. iii. 1. 174. "A will most incorrect (unsubmissive) to heaven." (2) (3) i.e." r Hamlet, i. 2. 95. "The queen is stubborn to justice.”—Hen. VIII. ii. 4. 122. "Penetrable to your kind entreats."—Rich. III. iii. 7. 225. "Vulgar to sense. -Hamlet, i. 2. 99. i.e. "open to ordinary observation.” Similarly to is used after nouns where we should use "against,” "in the sight of :" "Fie! 'tis a fault to heaven, A fault against the dead, a fault to nature, To reason most absurd."—Hamlet, i. 2. 103. "" 189. To, from meaning "like," came into the meaning of representation,' 'equivalence," "apposition. (Comp. Latin Habemus Deum amico.") "I have a king here to my flatterer."-Rich. II. iv. 1. 306. "To crave the French king's sister To wife for Edward."-3 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 31. "Now therefore would I have thee to my tutor." T. G. of V. iii. 1. 84. "Destiny... that hath to instrument this lower world." Temp. iii. 2. 54. "And with her to dowry some petty dukedoms. Hen. V. iii. Prol. 31. "Lay their swords to pawn.”—M. W. of W. iii. 1. 113. "Had I admittance and opportunity to friend."-Cymb. i. 4. 118. "Tunis was never graced before with Such a paragon to their queen."-Temp. ii. 1. 75. Compare also Macb. iv. 3. 10; 7. C. iii. 1. 143. "The king had no port to friend."-CLARENDON, Hist. 7. "A fond woman to my mother (i.e. who was my mother) taught me so."— "_WAGER. Thus to boot" means means by way of, or for, addition." So in E. E "to sooth" is used for "forsooth." * So "retentive to,” J. C. i 3. 95. 126 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. ་ 190. To, in the phrase "I would to God," may mean “near,” “in the sight of;" or there may be a meaning of motion: "I should desire (even carrying my desire) to God." In the phrase "He that is cruel to halves" (B. J. Disc. 759), to means, perhaps, "up to the limit of." Possibly, however, this phrase may be nothing but a corruption of the more correct idiom "Would God that," which is more common in our version of the Bible than "I would." The to may be a remnant and corruption of the inflection of "would," wolde;" and the I may have been added for the supposed neces- sity of a nominative. Thus "Now wolde God that I might sleepen ever." CHAUCER, Monke's Tale, 14746. So "thou wert best" is a corruption of "it were best for thee." This theory is rendered the more probable because, as a rule, in Wickliffe's version of the Old Testament, "Wolde God" is found in the older MSS., and is altered into "we wolden" in the later. Thus Genesis xvi. 3; Numbers xx. 3; Joshua vii. 7; Judges ix. 29; 2 Kings v. 3 (Forshall and Madden, 1850). However, Chaucer has "I hoped to God" repeatedly. To was used, however, without any notion of "motion toward the future" in to-night (last night). "I did dream to-night."-M. of V. ii. 5. 18; 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 31. So in E. E. "to year" for "this year, to summer," &c. Perhaps the provincial "I will come the night, the morn," &c. is a corruption of this "to." It is, indeed, suggested by Mr. Morris that to is a corruption of the demonstrative. On the other hand, to in E. E. "often used with a noun to form adverbs."-LAYAMON (Glossary). was "He aras to ban mid-nihte,”—LAYAmon, i. 324. is used for "he arose in the midnight." Unto, like To, 185, is used for "in addition to :" "Unto my mother's prayers I bend my knee." Rich. II. v. 3. 97 191. Upon ("for the purpose of") is still used in "upon an errand," but not, as in Upon malicious bravery dost thou come ?"-Othello, i. 1. 100, PREPOSITIONS. 127 We should use "over" in "I have no power upon you,"—A. and C. i. 3. 23. and we should not use upon in "And would usurp upon my watery eyes."-T. A. iii. 1. 269. "Let your highness Command upon me.”—Macbeth, iii. 1. 17. though after "claim" and "demand" upon is still used. So attack upon" is still English, but not nor • • "} tr an “I have o’erheard a plot of death upon him.”—Lear, iii. 6. 96. "I am yours. upon your will to suffer."-A. W. iv. 4. 30. i.e. "in dependence on. It would seem that the metaphorical use of upon is now felt to be too bold unless suggested by some strong word implying an actual, and not a possible influence. Thus "claim" and "demand" are actual, while "power" may, perhaps, not be put in action. So "attack" and "assault" are the actual results of "plot." Yet the variable use of prepositions, and their close connection with particular words, is illustrated by the fact that we can say, "I will wait upon him," but not "I thank you and will stay upon your leisure.”—A. W. iii. 5. 48. Even here, however, our "wait upon" means, like "call upon," an actual interview, and does not, like "stay upon," signify the "staying in hope of, or on the chance of, audience." Upon also means "in consequence of." "When he shall hear she died upon (i.e. not 'after,' but 'in consequence of") his words. M. Ado, iv. I. 225. "" "And fled is he upon this villany."-Ib. v. I. 258. "Break faith upon commodity."—K. J. ii. 1. 597. Thy son is banish'd upon good advice.”—Rich. II. i. 3. 233. In "You have too much respect upon the world," M. of V. i. 1. 74. there is an allusion to the literal meaning of "respect.' "You look too much upon the world." The upon is connected with "respect," and is not used like our "for" in "I have no respect for him." 2) immediately after is The use of "upon" to denote "at" or retained in "upon this ;" but we could not say "You come most carefully upon your hour."—Hamlet, i. 1. 8. 5 128 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 192. Upon is often used like on adverbially after the verb "look." " 'Nay, all of you that stand and look upon."-Rich. II. iv. 1. 237. "Why stand we like soft-hearted women here And look upon, as if," &c.—3 Hen. VI. ii. 3. 27. "Strike all that look upon with marvel, come."—W. T. v. 3. 100. "Near upon" is adverbial in "And very near upon The duke is entering."-M. for M. iv. 6. 14. "Indeed, my lord, it followed hard upon."—Hamlet, i. 2. 179. Upon, from meaning superposition, comes to mean "in accord- ance with " (like "after"): " Upon my power I may dismiss this court." M. of V. iv. I. 104. 193. With (which, like "by," signifies juxtaposition) is often used to express the juxtaposition of cause and effect. "I live with (on) bread like you."-Rich. II. iii. 2. 175. We could say "he trembles with fear," "fear" being regarded as connected with the trembler, but not My inward soul With nothing trembles: at something it grieves More than with parting from my lord the king." Rich. II. ii. 2. 12, 13. "As an unperfect actor on the stage Who with his fear is put besides his part."-Sonn. 23. "" We should say in his fear (or "by his fear," personifying Fear); or append the clause to the verb, "put beside his part with fear." "It were a better death than die with mocks, Which is as bad as die with tickling."-M. Ado, iii. 1. 79, 80. "Another choaked with the kernell of a grape, and an emperour die by the scratch of a combe, and Aufidius with stumbling against the doore, and Lepidus with hitting his foot."-MONTAIGNE, 32. Here the use of "by" seems intended to distinguish an external from an internal cause. "so far gone in fear," but not We say "so far "Thus both are gone with conscience ard remorse. Rich. III. iv. 3. 20. "This comes with seeking you."-T. N. 111. 4. 366. PREPOSITIONS. 124 "" "I feel remorse in myself with his words. -2 Hen. VI. iv. 7. 111. More rarely, with is used with an agent : "Rounded in the ear With that same purpose-changer, that sly devil.”—K. 7. ii. 1. 587. "We had like to have had our two noses snapped off with two old men without teeth."-M. Ado, v. I. 116. "Boarded with a pirate."—2 Hen. VI. iv. 9. 33. 'He was torn to pieces with a bear."-W. T. v. 2. 66. "Assisted with your honoured friends."-Ib. v. 1. 13. This explains "6 Since I am crept in favour with myself I will maintain it with some little cost."-Rich. III. i. 2. 260. The obvious interpretation is, "since I have crept into the good graces of myself;" but the second line shows the "I" to be superior myself," which is to be maintained by the "I." The true explanation is, "since I have crept into (Lady Anne's) favour with the aid of my personal appearance, I will pay some attention to my person." Add, probably, Hamlet, iii. 2. 207. to This meaning is common in E. E.: "He was slayn wyb (by) Ercules." R. OF BRUNNE, Chron. i. 12. 340. With "by means of. "He went about to make amends with committing a worse fault. -N. P. 176, where the French is "par une autre. So N. P. 176. "in addition to," even when there are not two nouns to be connected together: With = "Very wise and with his wisdome very valiant."-N. P. 664. With is, perhaps, used for "as regards," "in relation to," as in our modern "this has not much weight with me," in "Is Cæsar with Antonius priz'd so slight?"—A. and C. i. 1. 56. though here, perhaps, as above, with may mean "by." At all "with" and events the passage illustrates the connection between "by." Compare "His taints and honours Wag'd equal with (i.e. in) him."-A. and C. v. I. 31. "So fond with gain."—R. of L. 134. 194. With is hence loosely used to signify any connection with an action, as in "to change with" (MONTAIGNE, 233), where we should say "to exchange for." So, though we still say "I parted K 130 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. with a house," or "with a servant (considered as a chattel)," we could not say "When you parted with the king."-Rich. II. ii. 2. 2. "As a long-parted mother with her child." Ib. iii. 2. 8; Rich. III. i. 4. 251 where with is connected with parting. See 419a. So "I rather will suspect the sun with cold Than thee with wantonness."-M. W. of W. iv. 4. 5. as we say "I charge him with." "Next them, with some small distance, follows a gentleman bear- ing the purpose.”—Hen. VIII. ii. 4, stage direction. Equal with," 3 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 137, is like our "level with." In "The violence of either grief or joy Their own enactures with themselves destroy," Hamlet, iii. 2. 207. "with themselves" seems to mean "by or of themselves." Note "They have all persuaded with him."--M. of V. iii. 2. 283. argued with." So "flatter" is used for "deal flatteringly " in T. N. i. 5. 322, and in the first of the following lines i.e. " "K. Rich. Should dying men flatter with those that live? Gaunt. No, no, men living flatter those that die." Rich. II. ii. 1. 88, 89. "(She) married with my uncle."—Hamlet, i. 2. 151. "I will break with her."-M. Ado, i. 1. 311. i.e. open the matter in conversation with." " 195. With is used by Ben Jonson for like. "Not above a two shilling. B. 'Tis somewhat with the least.”—B. J. E. in &c. i. 4 Something like, very near the least.” "He is not with himself."-T. A. i. 1. 368. i.e. "in his senses. Ben Jonson also uses without in the sense of "unlike," "beyond." An act without your sex, it is so rare."-B. J. Sejan. ii. 1. 196. Withal, the emphatic form of "with" (see "all"), is used for with after the object at the end of a sentence. Mostly, the object is a relative. "These banish'd men that I have kept withal: T. G. of V. v. 4. 152. i.e. "With whom I have lived."—K. F. iii. 1. 327. PREPOSITIONS. 13 B "And this is false you burden me withal."-C. of E. v. 1. 288. i.e. "this with which you burden me. "" "Such a fellow is not to be talk'd withal."-M. for M. v. 1. 347 Sometimes "this" is understood after withal, so that it means "with all this," and is used adverbially : "So glad of this as they I cannot be Who are surprised withal."—Temp. iv. 1. 217. i.e. "surprised with, or at, this." Here however, perhaps, and elsewhere certainly, with means "in addition to," and "with-all (this)" means "besides. " "I must have liberty withal."-A. Y. L. ii. 7. 48. "Adding withal."-Rich. II. iv. 1. 18, &c. But in "I came hither to acquaint you withal,”—A. Y. L. i. I. 139. there is no meaning of "besides," and withal means with, """ with it." "there- Withal follows its object, but is (on account of the "all" at the end of the previous verse) not placed at the end of the sentence, in "Even all I have, yea, and myself and all Will I withal endow a child of thine."—Rich. III. iv. 4.249. 197. Without (used locally for "outside"). "What seal is that that hangs without thy bosom ?" Rich. II. v. I. 56. "Without the peril of the Athenian law."-M. N. D. iv. 1. 150. 'A mile without the town."—Ib. i. 1. 104. This explains the pun: "Val. Are all these things perceived in me? Speed. They are all perceived without ye."-T. G. of V. ii. 1. 35. Reversely, "out of" is used metaphorically for "without." Neither can anything please God that we do if it be done out of charity."-HALLIWELL. 198. Prepositions are frequently omitted after verbs of motion. Motion in: "To reel the streets at noon."*-A. and C. i. 4. 20. "She wander'd many a wood."-SPENS. F. Q. i. 7. 28. CC "To creep the ground." Tower the sky."-MILTON, P. L. vii. 441 "To see great Pompey pass the streets of Rome."-7. C. i. 1. 47. * C K 2 132 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Motion to or from: "That gallant spirit hath aspired the clouds. R. and F. iii. 1. 122 "Ere we could arrive the point proposed."-J. C. i. 2. 110. "Arrived our coast."-3 Hen. VI. v. 3. 8. "Some sailors that escaped the wreck."-M. of V. iii. 1. 110. "When we with tears parted Pentapolis."-P. of T. v. 3. 38. "Depart the chamber and leave us."-2 Hen. IV. iv. 5, 91.. "To depart the city."-N. P. 190. Since presently your souls must part your bodies." Rich. II. iii. 1. 3. We can still say "to descend the hill," but not "to descend the summit," nor "Some (of her hair) descended her sheav'd hat."-L. C. 31. These omissions may perhaps illustrate the idiom in Latin, and in Greek poetry. Verbs of ablation, such as "bar," "banish,' forbid," often omit the preposition before the place or inanimate object. Thus "We'll bar thee from succession."-W. T. iv. 4. 440. Of succession."-Cymb. iii. 3. 102. Or becomes "Bars me the right." M. of V. ii. 1. 16; Rich. III. iv. 4. 400 ; A. Y. L. i. 1. 20. Where a verb can take either the person or thing as an object, it naturally takes an indirect object without a preposition. Compare "Therefore we banish you our territories."-Rich. II. i. 3. 139. 198 a. The preposition is omitted after some verbs and adjectives that imply "value," " 'worth," &c. "The queen is valued thirty thousand strong." 3 Hen. VI. v. 3. 14. "Some precepts worthy the note.”—A. W. iii. 5. 104. An imitation of this construction is, perhaps, to be traced in Guilty so great a crime."-B. and F. F. Sh. iv. 1. The omission of a preposition before "good cheap" (A.-S. ceáp, "price," "bargain"), 1 Hen. IV. iii. 3. 50, may perhaps be thus explained without reference to the French "bon marché." And thus, without any verb or adjective of worth, He has disgraced me and hindered me half a million." M. of V. iii. 1. 57 Į PREPOSITIONS. 133 "Semblative" (unless adverbial [1]) is used with the same con- struction as "like" in "And all is semblative a woman's part."-T. N. i. 4. 34. 199. The preposition is also sometimes omitted before the thing heard after verbs of hearing: "To listen our purpose.”—M. Ado, iii. 1. 12. "List a brief tale."-Lear, v. 3. 181. So F. C. v. 5. 15; Hamlet, i. 3. 30; 7. C. iv. 1. 41. 'Listening their fear.”—Macbeth, ii. 2. 28. Hence in the passive, He that no more must say is lister'd more. "> Rich. II. ii. 1. 9. "Hearken* the end.". —2 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 305; Temp. i. 2. 122, 200. The preposition is omitted after some verbs which can Thus if we can say "plot my easily be regarded as transitive. death," there is little difficulty in the licence. "That do conspire (for) my death."-Rich. III. iii. 4. 62. (In) Which from the womb I did participate."-T.N. v. 1. 245. She complain'd (about) her wrongs."—R. of L. 1839. "And his physicians fear (for) him mightily.' >> Rich. III. i. I. 137. So 1 Hen. IV. iv. 1. 24; T. of A. ii. 2. 12; T. A. ii. 3. 305; M. of V. iii. 2. 29. This explains 'O, fear me not."—Hamlet, i. 3. 52; iii. 4. 7. “O, "That he would labour (for) my delivery."-Rich. III. i. 1. 253. "To look (for) our dead. "-Hen. V. iv. 7. 76. "I must go look (for) my twigs."—A. W. iii. 6. 115. "He hath been all this day to look (for) you."—A. Y. L. ii. 5. 34. And in the difficult passage- See "O, whither hast thou led me, Egypt? How I convey my shame out of thine eyes By looking back what I have left behind 'Stroy'd in dishonour."-A. and C. iii. 11. 53. While turning away from Cleopatra, Antony appears to say, that he is looking back (for) the fleet that he has left dishonoured and destroyed. * The Globe inserts "at.” "" £34 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So Scoffing (at) his state."-Rich. II. iii. 2. 163. "Smile you (at) my speeches as I were a fool!"-Lear, "Thou swear'st (by) thy gods in vain."-Ib. i. 1. 163. 'Yet thus far, Griffith, give me leave to speak (of) him.” Hen. VIII. iv. 2. 32. Both here and in L. L. L. v. 2. 349; Macbeth, iv. 3. 159; T. N. i. 4. 20, "speak" is used for describe. spoken" is used for "'tis said." "called" in In Macbeth, iv. 3. 154, "'tis Again, "said" is used for “To be said an honest man and a good housekeeper." T. N. iv. 2. 10; so Macbeth, iv. 3. 210. Talking that" is used like "saying that" in Tempest, ii. 1. 96. "Speak," however, in R. and F. iii. 1. 158, J. Spake him fair" means speak to: but in the same expression M. of V. iv. 1. 271 it means 66 speak of." Similarly, "whisper" is often used without a preposition before a personal object. "" “He came to whisper Wolsey.”—Hen. VIII. i. 1. 179. 'They whisper one another in the ear."—K. 7. iv. 2. 189. "Your followers I will whisper to the business.' Rarely, "whisper her ear.”—M. Ado, iii. 1. 4. In some cases, as in "She will attend it better,' "" W. T. i. 2. 437. T. N. i. 3. 27, 2. 453; M. of V. v. 4. 103. the derivation may explain the transitive use. (C Despair thy charm,"-Macbeth, v. 8. 13. is, perhaps, a Latinism. So "sympathise," meaning "suffer with,” is used thus: "The senseless brands will sympathise The heavy accent of thy moving tongue. Rich. II. v. I. 47. "Deprive," meaning "take away a thing from a person," like rid," can dispense with "of" before the impersonal object. “'Tis honour to deprive dishonour'd life.”—R. of L. 1186. This explains how we should understand— "} "Which might deprive your sovereignty of reason. Hamlet, i. 4. 73. j.l. which might take away your controlling principle of reason. So, perhaps, "Frees all faults."- Tempest, Epilogue, 18. PREPOSITIONS. 135 This seen:s to nave arisen from the desire of brevity. Compare the tendency to convert nouns, adjectives, and neuter verbs into active verbs (290). " 201. The preposition was also omitted before the indirect object of some verbs, such as say', "question," just as we still omit it after the corresponding verbs, "tell" and "ask. Sayest (to) me so, friend?"-T. of Sh. i. 2. 190. >> "You will say (to) a beggar, nay.' Rich. III. iii. 1. 119. "Still question'd (of) me the story of my life."-Othello, i. 3. 129, "Hear me a word,"-Rich. III. iv. 4. 180. In it must be a question whether me or word is the direct object. "I cry thee mercy,"-Rich. III. iv. 4. 515. In mercy" is the direct object. This is evident from the shorter form "(I) Cry mercy."-Rich. III. v. 3. 224. After "give," we generally omit "to," when the object of "" is a personal noun or pronoun. But we could not write- "A bed-swerver, even as bad as these That (to whom) vulgars (the vulgar) give bold'st titles." "Unto his lordship, (to) whose unwished yoke >> to W. T. ii. 1. 94. My soul consents not to give sovereignty."-M. N. D. i. 1. 81. Somewhat similar is "This 'longs the text."-P. of T. ii. Gower, 40. for "belongs (to) the text." 202. Preposition omitted in adverbial expressions of time, manner, &c. "Forbear to sleep the nights, and fast the days." This is illustrated by our modern Rich. III. iv. 4. 118. "(Of) What kind of man is he ?"-T. N. i. 5. 159. "But wherefore do not you a mightier way Make war upon this bloody tyrant, time?"—Sonn. 16. "My poor country (Shall) More suffer, and more sundry ways, than ever." Macbeth, iv. 3. 48; so Ib. i. 3. 154 "Revel the night, rob, murder, and commit The newest sins the newest kind of ways."—2 Hen. IV. iv. 5. 126 136 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "And ye sad hours that move a sullen pace." B. and F. F. Sh. iv. 1. "I will a round unvarnish'd tale deliver Of my whole course of life; what drugs, what charms, What conjuration, and what mighty magic (For such proceeding I am charg'd withal) I won his daughter."-Othello, i. 3. 91. "How many would the peaceful city quit To welcome him! Much more, and much more cause, Did they this Harry."-Hen. V. v. Prol. 34. "To keep Prince Harry in continual laughter the wearing out of six fashions, which is four terms."-2 Hen. IV. v. 1. 84. "" "Why hast thou not served thyself into my table so many meals?” -Tr. and Cr. ii. 3. 45: i.e. " during so many meals.' "To meet his grace just distance 'tween our armies." 2 Hen. IV. iv. 1. 225. "That I did suit me all points like a man."-A. Y. L. i. 3. 118. "But were I not the better part made mercy."—Ib. iii. 1. 2. "And when such time they have begun to cry."-Coriol. iii. 3. 19. "Where and what time your majesty shall please.' >> Rich. III. iv. 4 450. "What time we will our celebration keep."-T. N. iv. 3. 30. 'Awhile they bore her up, Which time she chanted snatches of old tunes. "-Ham. iv. 7. 178. In the following cases it would seem that a prepositional phrase is condensed into a preposition, just as "by the side of" (Chaucer, "byside Bathe") becomes be-side," and governs an object. "On this side Tiber."-7. C. iii. 2. 254. "Fasten'd ourselves at either end the mast."-C. of E. i. 1. 86. "A A sheet of paper writ o' both sides the leaf."-L. L. L. v. 2. 8. 'On each side her the Bishops of London and Winchester. Hen. VIII. iv. I (order of coronation). "She is as forward of our breeding as She is in the rear our birth.”—W. T. iv. 4. 522. "Our purpose" seems to mean "for our purpose," in "Not to know what we speak to one another, so we seem to know, is to know straight, our purpose: chough's language, gabble enough and good enough."-A. W. iv. 1. 21. This seems the best punctuation. "Provided we seem to know what we say to one another, ignorance is exactly as good as know- ledge, for our purpose.' * But "and (there was) much more cause may be a parenthesis. PREPOSITIONS. 137 Hence the use of this for "in this way" or "thus" is not so bold as it seems : "What am I that thou shouldst contemn me this? What were thy lips the worse for one poor kiss?" Perhaps, however, V. and A. 203. contemn" is confused with "refuse." But this is used for "thus" in E. E. All constantly repeated adverbial expressions have a tendency to abbreviate or lose their prepositions. Compare "alive " for "on- live," "around" for "in round," "chance" for "perchance, "like" for "belike," &c. In some adverbial expressions the pre- position can be omitted when the noun is qualified by an adjective, but not otherwise. Thus we can use yester-day, ""last night,” "this week," adverbially, but not day," "night," "week," because in the latter words there is nothing to indicate how time is regarded. In O. E. the inflections were sufficient to justify an adverbial use, "dayes," "nightes." (Compare VUKTÓг.) But the inflections being lost, the adverbial use was lost with them. 203. Prepositions: transposed. (See also Upon.) In A.-S. and E. E. prepositions are often placed after their objects. In some cases the preposition may be considered as a separable part of a compound transitive verb. Thus in "Ne how the Grekes with a huge route Three times riden all the fire aboute,"-CHAUC. C. T. 2954. "ride about" may be considered a transitive verb, having as its object "fire." Naturally, emphatic forms of prepositions were best suited for this emphatic place at the end of the sentence ; and therefore, though “to,” “tyll," "fro," "with," "by," "fore," were thus transposed, yet the longer forms, "untylle," "before," "be- hind," "upon," "again," were preferred. Hence in the Elizabethan period, when the transposition of the weaker prepositions was not allowed, except in the compound words " whereto," "herewith," &c. (compare "se-cum, quo-cum") the longer forms are still, though rarely, transposed. For this reason, with," when transposed, is emphasized into "withal." The prepositions "after," "before," and "upon," are thus transposed by Shakespeare: "God before.”—Hen. V. i. 2. 307; iii. 6. 165, for "fore God." “Hasten your generals after."—A. and C. ii. 4. 2. 638 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So "I need not sing this them until (unto).”—HEYWOOD. "For fear lest day should look their shames upon.” M. N. D. iii. 2, 385 "" "That bare-foot plod I the cold ground upon. -A. W. iii. 4. 6. For my good will is to't, And yours it is against."-Tempest, iii. 1. 31. The use of prepositions after the relative, which is now somewhat avoided, but is very common in E. E., is also common in Shake- speare, and is evidently better adapted to the metre than the modern idiom, as far as regards the longer forms. so easily metricized as "Upon which" is not "Ten thousand men that fishes gnawed upon.”—Rich. III. i. 4. 25. "The pleasure that some fathers feed upon."-Rich. II. ii. 1. 79. This 204. Prepositions transposed. "It stands me upon. phrase cannot be explained, though it is influenced, by the custom of transposition. Almost inextricable confusion seems to have been made by the Elizabethan authors between two distinct idioms: (1) >> >> "it stands on (adv.), or at hand," or "upon (comp. "instat," πрoσńкeι), i.e. “it is of importance, " "it concerns," "it is a matter of duty;" and (2) "I stand upon" (adj.), i.e. "I in-sist upon." In (1) the full phrase would be, "it stands on, upon, to me," but, owing to the fact that " to me" or me" (the dative inflection) is unemphatic, and “upon” is emphatic and often used at the end of the sentence, the words were transposed into "it stands me upon." "Me" was thus naturally mistaken for the object of upon. Hence we have not only the correct form- "It stands me (dative) much upon (adverb) To stop all hopes."-Rich. III. iv. 2. 59. (Sc Hamlet, v. 2. 63, where it means "it is imperative on me.") But also the incorrect- "It stands your grace upon to do him right.' "It only stands Rich. II. ii. 3. 138. Our lives upon to use our strongest hands."-4. and C. ii. 1. 51. where "grace" and "lives" are evidently intended to be the objects of "upon," whereas the Shakespearian use of "me" (220) renders it possible, though by no means probable, that "me," in the first of the above examples, was used as a kind of dative. PRONOUNS. 139 Hence by analogy- "It lies you on to speak."- Coriol. iii. 2. 52. The fact that this use of upon in "stand upon" is not a mere poetical transposition, but a remnant of an old idiom imperfectly understood, may be inferred from the transposition occurring in Elizabethan prose: (" Sigismund sought now by all means (as it stood him upon) to make himself as strong as he could."-NARes. "" Perhaps this confusion has somewhat confused the meaning of the personal verb “I stand on. It means "I trust in " (M. W. of W. ii. 1. 242), “insist on (Hen. V. v. 2. 93), and "I depend on (R. and F. ii. 2. 93), and in "The moist star Upon whose influence Neptune's empire stands." "} Hamlet, i. 1. 110. PRONOUNS. For 205. Personal, Irregularities of (omission of, insertion of, see Relative and Ellipses). The inflections of Personal Pro- nouns are frequently neglected or misused. It is perhaps impossible to trace a law in these irregularities. Sometimes, however, euphony and emphasis may have successfully contended against grammar. This may explain I in "and I," "but I,” frequently used for me. "Tween you and I" seems to have been a regular Elizabethan idiom. The sound of d and t before me was avoided. reasons of euphony also the ponderous thou is often ungrammatically replaced by thee, or inconsistently by you. This is particularly the case in questions and requests, where, the pronoun being especially unemphatic, thou is especially objectionable. To this day many of the Friends use thee invariably for thou, and in the Midland and North of England we have "wilta?" for "wilt thou?" Compare E. F. "wiltow?" for "wilt thou?" "pinkestow?" for "thinkest thou ?” and similarly, in Shakespeare, thou is often omitted after a ques- tioning verb. Again, since he and she could be used (see below) for "" man and "woman," there was the less harshness in using he for him and she for her. Where an objective pronoun is immedi- ately followed by a finite verb, it is sometimes treated as the subject, as below, no man like he doth grieve." 140 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 200. He for him: Which of he or Adrian, for a good wager, begins to crow ?" Tempest, ii. 1. 28. Some commentators insert "them" after "which of." (See 408.) "I would wish me only he."-Coriol. i. 1. 236. "And yet no man like he doth grieve my heart. R. and F. iii. 5. 84. "From the first corse till he that died to-day."-Ham. i. 2. 104. where "till" is a preposition. See Prepositions, Till, 184. 207. He for him precedes its governing verb in the following examples: "Thus he that over-ruled I over-sway'd."-V. and A. 109. "And he my husband best of all affects."-M. W. of W. iv. 4. 87. So probably he depends upon "within" in "'Tis better thee without than he within."-Macbeth, iii. 3. 14. 208. Him for he. Him is often put for "he," by attraction to "whom " understood, for "he whom." "Him (he whom) I accuse "" By this the city ports hath enter'd. -Coriol. v. 6. 5. Ay, better than him (he whom) I am before knows me." A. Y. L. i. 1. 46. "When him (whom) we serve's away."-A. and C. iii. 1. 15. "Your party in converse, him (whom) you would sound, He closes with you," &c.-Hamlet, ii. 1. 42. Sometimes the relative is expressed : "His brother and yours abide distracted-but chiefly him that you term'd Gonzalo "-Temp. v. i. 14. Sometimes he is omitted: In "Whom I serve above is my master."-A. W. ii. 3. 261. "To (him to) whom it must be done."-7. C. ii. 1. 331. "Damn'd be him,”—Macbeth, v. 8. 34. perhaps let, or some such word, was implied. 209. I for me (for euphony: see 205): "Here's none but thee and I". -2 Hen. VI. i. 2. 69 'All debts are cleared between you and I."-M. of V. iii. 2. 321. PRONOUNS. 141 "You know my father hath no child but I."--A. Y. L. i. 2. 18. "Unless you would devise some virtuous lie And hang some praise upon deceased I."-Sonn. 72. The rhyme is an obvious explanation of the last example. But, in all four, I is preceded by a dental. So "Which may make this island Thine own for ever, and I, thy Caliban, For aye thy foot-licker."-Temp. iv. 1. 217. 210. Me for I: "No mightier than thyself or me.”—J. C. i. 3. 76. "Is she as tall as me?"-A. and C. iii. 3. 14. Probably than and as were used with a quasi-prepositional force. 211. She for her: "Yes, you have seen Cassio and she together.”—O. iv. 2. 3. "So saucy with the hand of she here-what's her name?" A. and C. iii. 13. 98. She was more often used for woman than "he" for " man. Hence, perhaps, she seemed more like an uninflected noun than "he" and we may thus extenuate the remarkable anomaly "Praise him that got thee, she that gave thee suck." " Tr. and Cr. ii. 3. 252. 212. Thee for thou. Verbs followed by thee instead of thou have been called reflexive. But though "haste thee," and some other phrases with verbs of motion, may be thus explained, and verbs were often thus used in E. E., it is probable that "look thee," "hark thee," are to be explained by euphonic reasons. Thee, thus used, follows imperatives which, being themselves emphatic, require an unemphatic pronoun. The Elizabethans reduced thou to thee. We have gone further, and rejected it altogether. (See 205.) Blossom, speed thee well."-W. T. iii. 3. 46. "Look thee here, boy."-b. 116. "Run thee to the parlour."-M. Ado, iii. 1. 1. "Haste thee."-Lear, v. 3. 251. "Stand thee by, friar."-M. Ado, iv. 1. 24. "Hark thee a word."-Cymb. i. 5. 32. "Look thee, 'tis so."-T. of A. iv. 3. 539. Come thee on.”~A. and C. iv. 7. 16. 142 SIIAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Now, fellow, fare thee well.”—Lear, iv. 6. 41. 'Hoid thee, there's my purse."-A. W. iv. 5. 46; F. C. v.3. 85. "Take thee that too."-Macbeth, ii. 1. 5. In the two latter instances thee is the dative. Thee is probably the dative in "Thinkst thee ?"-Hamlet, v. 2. 63. or, at all events, there is, perhaps, confusion between "Thinks it thee?" i.e. "does it (E. E.) seem to thee?" and "thinkst thou?" Very likely "thinkst" is an abbreviation of "thinks it." (See 297.) Compare the confusion in "Where it thinkst best unto your royal selfe." Rich. III. iii. 1. 63 (Folio). 213. Thee for thou is also found after the verb to be, not merely in the Fool's mouth : "I would not be thee, nuncle."-Lear, i. 4. 204. but also Timon: "I am not thee."-T. of A. iv. 3. 277. and Suffolk : >> "It is thee I fear. -2 Hen. VI. iv. 1. 117. where thee is, perhaps, influenced by the verb, "I fear," so that there is a confusion between "It is thou whom I fear" and "Thee I fear." In these cases thee represents a person not regarded as acting, but about whom something is predicated. Hence thou was, perhaps, changed to thee according to the analogy of the sound of he and she, which are used for " man and " 214. Them for they: "" woman. "Your safety, for the which myself and them Bend their best studies."-K. F. iv. 2. 50. Perhaps them is attracted by "myself"; but more probably it is a kind of quotation of "myself and them" from the previous line. 215. Us for we in "shall's." "Shall" (315), originally mean- ing necessity or obligation, and therefore not denoting an action on the part of the subject, was used in the South of England as an impersonal verb. (Compare Latin and Greek.) So Chaucer, oughte," and we also find "as us wol," i.e. "as it is pleasing to us." Hence in Shakespeare 215 PRONOUNS. [43 "Say, where shall's lay him?"—Cymb. iv. 2. 233. Shall's have a play of this?"-Ib. v. 5. 228. "Shall's attend you there?"-W. T. i. 2. 178. "Shall's to the Capitol?"-Coriol. iv. 6. 148. 216. After a conjunction and before an infinitive we often find I, thou, &c., where in Latin we should have "me," "te," &c. The conjunction seems to be regarded as introducing a new sentence, instead of connecting one clause with another. Hence the pronoun is put in the nominative, and a verb is, perhaps, to be supplied from the context. C "What he is indeed More suits you to conceive than I (find it suitable) to speak of." A. Y. L. i. 2. 279. i.e. "than that I should speak of it. "" "A heavier grief could not have been imposed Than I to speak my griefs unspeakable.”—C. of E. i. 1. 33. "The soft way which thou dost confess Were fit for thee to use as they to claim."- Coriol. iii. 2. 83. Making night hideous, and we fools of nature So horridly to shake our disposition.”—Hamlet, i. 4. 54. "Heaven would that she these gifts should have, And I to live and die her slave."-4. Y. L. iii. 2. 162. Sometimes the infinitive is implied, but not expressed: "To beg of thee it is my more dishonour Than thou of them."-Coriol. iii. 2. 125. I, thou, and he, are also used for me, thee, and him, when they stand quasi-independently at some distance from the governing verb or preposition. "But what o' that? Your majesty and we that have free souls, it touches us not."—Hamlet, iii. 2. 252. "I shall think the better of myself and thee during my life; 1 for a valiant cha.npion, and thou for a true prince.". -1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 300. "(God) make me that nothing have with nothing griev'd, And thou with all pleas'd that hast all achieved. Rich. II. iv. I. 217 With that same purpose-changer, that sly devil, That daily break-vow, he that wins of all."-K. J. ii. 1. 568 144 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAK. "Now let me see the proudest, He that dares most, but wag his finger at thee. "" Hen. VIII. v. 3. 131. (To punctuate, as in the Globe, "the proudest he," is intolerably harsh.) Justice, sweet prince, against that woman there, She whom thou gavest to me to be my wife, That hath abused and dishonour'd me."-C. of E. v. I. 198. Why, Harry, do I tell thee of my foes Which art my near'st and dearest enemy, Thou that art like enough," &c. ?—1 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 123. 217. His was sometimes used, by mistake, for 's, the sign of the possessive case, particularly after a proper name, and with especial frequency when the name ends in s. This mistake arose in very early times. The possessive inflection 's (like the dative plural inflection um) was separated by scribes from its noun. Hence after the feminine name 66 Guinivere," we have in the later text of LAYA- MON, ii. 511, "for Gwenayfer his love." The h is no more a necessary part of this separate inflection than it is of "his," the third pers. sing. indic. pres. of "beon" ("be"). "His" is con- stantly found for "is" in Layamon. No doubt the coincidence in sound between the inflection 's and the possessive "his" made the separation seem more natural, and eventually confused 's with his. "Mars his sword Also, by analogy, • • nor Neptune's trident nor Apollo's bow." B. J. Cy.'s Rev. i. I. "Pallas her glass."-BACON, Adv. of L. 278. This is more common with monosyllables than with dissyllables, as the 's in a dissyllable is necessarily almost mute. The count his gallies."-T. N. iii. 3. 26. "Mars his true moving."-1 Hen. VI. i. 2. 1. So Tr. and Cr. iv. 5. 176, 255, &c. "Charles his gleeks." -1 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 123. but never, or very rarely, "Phoebus his." Thus The possessive inflection in dissyllables ending in a sibilant sound is often expressed neither in writing nor in pronunciation. "Marry, my uncle Clarence (Folio) angry ghost." Rich. III. iii, I. 144; ii. 1. 137. PRONOUNS 145 For justice sake."-7. C. iv. 3. 19. "At every sentence end." sentence end.”—A. Y. Z. iii. 2. 144. "Lewis" is a monosyllable in • "King Lewis his satisfaction all appear."-Hen. V. 2. 88. His is used like "hic" (in the antithesis between "hic . . ille "). "Desire his (this one's) jewels and this other's house."* Macb. iv. 3. 80; M. of V. iii. 2. 54-5; Sonn. xxix. 5, 6. This explains And, at our stamp, here o'er and o'er one falls : He murder cries, and help from Athens calls." M. N. D. iii. 1. 25. His, being the old genitive of it, is almost always used for its. 218. His, her, &c. being the genitives of he, she (she in E. E. had, as one form of the nom., "heo," gen. "hire"), &c. may stand as the antecedent of a relative. Thus : In his way that comes in triumph over Pompey's blood." F. C. i. 1. 55, >> i.e. "in the way of him that comes. "Love make his heart of flint that you shall love."-T. N. i. 5. 305. "Unless her prayers whom heaven delights to hear."-A. W.iii. 4. 27. "If you had known. . . her worthiness that gave the ring. M. of V. v. 1. 200. "Armies of pestilence, and they shall strike Your children yet unborn and unbegot That lift your vassal hands against my head." Rich. II. iii. 2. 89. So Lear, v. 3. 2. i.e. "the children of you who lift your hands." "Upon their woes whom fortune captivates." 3 Hen. VI. i. 4. 115. "And turn our impress'd lances in our eyes Which do command them."--Lear, v. 3. 50. Alas, their love may be call'd appetite, No motion of the liver, but the palate, In That suffer surfeit, cloyment and revolt,”—T. N. ii. 4. 100-2. it seems better to take that as the relative to "them," implied in their (of them)," rather than to suppose "suffer" to be the sub- junctive singular (367), or that to be the relative to "liver" and "palate" by confusion. It is true that is not often so far from its antecedent, but the second line may be treated as parenthetical. * "Condemning some to death, and some to exile; Ransoming him or pitying, threatening the other."- Coriol. 1. 6. 3ở L 8 45 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. This is perhaps not common in modern poetry, but it sometimes Occurs: Poor is our sacrifice whose eyes Are lighted from above."-Newman. 219. Your, our, their, &c., are often used in their old sign- fication, as genitives, where we should use "of you," &c. "We render you (Coriolanus) the tenth to be ta'en forth At... your only choice."-Coriol. i. 9. 36. i.e."at the choice of you alone." "To all our lamentation."-Coriol. iv. 6. 34. i.e. to the lamentation of us all.' "Have I not all their letters to meet me in arms?" i.e."letters from them all." I Hen. IV. ii. 3. 28. 220. Me, thee, him, &c. are often used, in virtue of their representing the old dative, where we should use for me, by me, &c. Thus (but? does "him to mean the man to"?): "I am appointed (by) him to murder you."-W. T. i. 2. 412. "John lays you plots."-K. F. iii. 4. 145. This is especially common with me. Me is indirect object in "But hear me this.”—T. N. v. 1. 123. "What thou hast promis'd-which is not yet perform'd me." Tempest, i. 2. 244. We say "do me a favour," but not "to do me business."- Tempest, i. 2. 255. "Give me your present to one Master Bassanio. M. of V. ii. 2. 115. "Who does me this?"-Hamlet, ii. 2. 601. Sayest thou me so ?"-2 Hen. VI. ii. I. 109. Me seems to mean "from me" in "You'll bear me a bang for that."-7. C. iii. 2. 20. "with me" in JI "" "And hold me pace in deep experiment. - Hen. IV. iii. 1 (8 Mc means to my injury" in "See how this river comes me cranking in, And cuts me, from the best of all my land, A huge half-moon."-1 Hen. IV. iii. 1. 100. at my cost" and "for my benefit" in "The sack that thou hast drunk me could have bought me lights PRONOUNS. 147 as good cheap at the dearest chandler's in Europe.' -1 Hen. IV. iii. 3. 50. Me in narrative stands on a somewhat different footing: "He pluck'd me ope his doublet."-F. C. i. 2. 270. "He steps me to her trencher."—T. G. of V. iv. 4. 9. The skilful shepherd peel'd me certain wands. "He presently, as greatness knows itself, "" M. of V. i. 3. 85. Steps me a little higher than his vow."-1 Hen. IV. v. 3. 75. Falstaff, when particularly desirous of securing the attention of the Prince ("Dost thou hear me, Hal?"), indulges twice in this use of me. "I made me no more ado, . . . I followed me close." 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 233, 241. Here, however, the verbs are perhaps used reflexively, though this would seem to be caused by the speaker's intense desire to call attention to himself. So in "Observe me judicially, sweet sir; they had planted me three demi-culverins,"-B. J. E. in &c. iii. 2. the me seems to appropriate the narrative of the action to the speaker, and to be equivalent to mark me," "I tell you." such phrases as "Knock me here,"-T. of Sh. i. 2. 8. Is the action, and not merely the narrative of the action, is appro- priated. You is similarly used for "look you :" "And 'a would manage you his piece thus, and come you in and come you out."-2 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 304. In Study me how to please the eye indeed By fixing it upon a fairer eye,”—L. L. L. i. 1. 80. me probably means "for me, "" by my advice," i.e. "I would have you study thus." Less probably, study" may be an active vert. of which the passive is found in Macb. i. 4. 9. There is a redundant him in "The king, by this, is set him down to sleep."–3 Hen. VI. iv. 3. 2. where there is, perhaps, a confusion between "has set him(selfi down" and "is set down." Her seems used for "of her, "" at her hands," in "I took her leave at court."-A. IV v 3 79. 2. e. "I bade her farewell.” 1 L 2 148 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR Us probably is used for "to us" in "She looks us like A thing made more of malice than of duty."-Cymb. iii. 5. 32. But possibly as "look" in Hen. V. iv. 7. 76, A. and C. iii. 10. 53, is used for "look for," so it may mean look at." So "Twa brooks in which I look myself."-B. J. Sad Sh. ii. 1. i.e. "I view myself." Us seems equivalent to "for us" in "We have not spoke us yet of torch-bearers." z.e. "spoken for ourselves about torch-bearers.” M. of V. ii. 4. 5. 221. Your, like "me" above (Latin, iste), is used to appropriate an object to a person addressed. Lepidus says to Antony: (( 'Your serpent of Egypt is lord now of your mud by the operation of your sun: so is your crocodile."-A. and C. ii. 7. 29. Though in this instance the your may seem literally justified, the repetition of it indicates a colloquial vulgarity which suits the character of Lepidus. So Hamlet, affecting madness: "Your worm is your only emperor for diet; your fat king and your lean beggar is but variable service."-Hamlet, iv. 3. 24. Compare "But he could read and had your languages.”—B. J. Fox, ii. 1. i.e. "the languages which you know are considered important." So: "I would teach these nineteen the special rules, as your punto, your reverso, your stoccata, your imbroccato, your passada, your montanto."-Bobadil, in B. J. E. in &c. iv. 5. Hence the apparent rudeness of Hamlet is explained when he says to the player : "But if you mouth it as many of your players do."-Ham. iii. 2. 3. i.e. 'the players whom you and everybody know." 222. Our is used, like "my," vocatively: I. "Our very loving sister, well be-met."- Lear, v. 1. 20. Tongue-tied our queen, speak thou."-W. T. i. 2. 27. "Our old and faithful friend, we are glad to see you. M. for M. v. 1. 2. In all these cases our is used in the royal style, for "my," by a single speaker referring merely to himself. PRONOUNS. 149 223. Him, her, me, them, &c. are often used in Elizabethan, and still more often in Early English, for himself, herself, &c. How she opposes her (sets herself) against my will.” T. G. of V. iii. 2. 26. My heart hath one poor string to stay it by."-K. J. v. 7. 55. "And so I say I'll cut the causes off Flattering me with impossibilities."—3 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 143. 224. He and she are used for " man " and " woman. "And that he Who casts to write a living line must sweat. "" B. J. on Shakespeare. 'I'll bring mine action on the proudest he That stops my way in Padua. -T. of Sh. iii. 2. 236. Lady, you are the cruellest she alive."-T. N. i. 5. 259. "I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare."-Sonn. 130. “That she belov'd knows nought that knows not this." Tr. and Cr. i. 2. 314. "With his princess, she The fairest I have yet beheld."-IV. T. v. 1. 86. Betwixt two such shes."—Cymb. i. 6. 40; ib. i. 3. 29.* This makes more natural the use of "he that," with the third person of the verb, in "Are not you he That frights the maidens?"-M. N. D. ii. 1. 34. So A. Y. L. iii. 2. 411. 225. Pronoun for pronominal adjective. The pronominal adjectives his, their, being originally possessive inflections of he, they, &c., were generally used in E. E. possessively or subjectively, i.e. "his wrongs" would naturally mean then "the wrongs done by him," not "to him." Hence, for objective genitives, "of" was frequently introduced, a usage which sometimes extended to sub- jective genitives. Hence "The kindred of him hath been flesh'd upon us."-Hen. V. ii. 4. 50. "Tell thou the lamentable tale of me."-Rich. II. v. I. 44. "The native mightiness and fate of him."-Hen. V. ii. 4. 64 Against the face of them."-Psalm xxi. 12. Hence a "lady-she," W. T, i. 2. 44, means >> a well-born woman.” 150 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. It is used, perhaps, for antithesis in "Let her be made As miserable by the death of him As I am made by my poor lord and thee." Rich. III. i. 2. 21 "O world, thou wast the forest to this heart, And this indeed, O world, the heart of thee." F. C. iii. 1. 208. I. 226. It is sometimes used indefinitely, as the object of a verb, without referring to anything previously mentioned, and seems to indicate a pre-existing object in the mind of the person spoken of. Courage, father, fight it out."-3 Hen. VI. i. 4. 10. i.e. "the battle." "Ber. She never saw it. King. i.e." what thou sayest. Thou speak'st it falsely."-A. W. v. 3. 113. Dangerous peer, That smooth'st it so with king and commonweal." where it = matters. 2 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 22. "To revel it with him and his new bride." (So C. of E. iv. 4. 66.) -3 Hen. VI. iii. 3. 225. i.e. "to take part in the intended bridal revels." i.e. "I cannot daub it further."-Lear, iv. 1. 54. continue my former dissembling." But it is often added to nouns or words that are not generally used as verbs, in order to give them the force of verbs. CC "Foot it."-Tempest, i. 2. 380. "To queen it.”—Hen. VIII. ii. 3. 37. "To prince it."-Cymb. iii. 3. 85. "Lord Angelo dukes it well."-M. for M. iii. 2. 100. And, later, Whether the clariner sinner it or saint it, If folly grow romantic, I must paint it. POPE, Moral Essays, ii. 15. The use of it with verbs is now only found in slang phrases. PRONOUNS. 15D We 227. It is sometimes more emphatically used than with us. have come to use it so often superfluously before verbs that the emphatic use of it for " that" before "which" is lost. There was it For which my sinews shall be stretched upon him.' Coriol. v. 6. 41. >> "That's it that always makes a good voyage of nothing. T. N. ii. 4. 80. "An if it please me which thou speak'st."-T. A. v. 1. 59. "It holds current that I told you of."-1 Hen. IV. ii. 1. 59. So Isaiah (A. V.) li. 9: "Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab?" Perhaps we must explain it as the antecedent of "what" (and not · as in 226) in "Deign it, Goddess, from my hand To receive whate'er this land From her fertile womb doth send."-B. and F. Fair Sh. i. I. 228. Its was not used originally in the Authorized Version of the Bible, and is said to have been rarely used in Shakespeare's time. It is, however, very common in Florio's Montaigne. His still represented the genitive of It as well as of He. Its is found, how- ever, in M. for M. i. 2. 4, where it is emphatic; in W. T. i. 2 (three- times, 151, 152, 266); Hen. VIII. i. 1. 18; Lear, iv. 2. 32, and else-- where. Occasionally it, an early provincial form of the old genitive, is found for its, especially when a child is mentioned, or when any one is contemptuously spoken of as a child. Ben Jonson (Sil. Wem: ii. 3) uses both forms- "Your knighthood shall come on its knees." And then, a few lines lower down- It knighthood shall fight all it friends." Comp. W. T. iii. 2. 109: "The innocent milk in it most innocent mouth." "The hedge-sparrow fed the cuckoo so long, That it's had it head bit off by it young."- Lear, i. 4 235 But also of an unknown person : I. "The corse they follow did with desperate hand Fordo it own life."-(Folio.) Hamlet, v. 1. 245. "Woman it pretty self." -(Folio.) Cymb. iii. 4. 160 152 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAK. And of the ghost: It lifted up it head."-(Folio.) Hamlet, i. 2. 216. Perhaps the dislike of its, even in the eighteenth century, aided the adoption of the French idiom "lever la tête." "Where London's column, pointing at the skies, Like a tall bully lifts the head and lies." It-selfe" is found referring to POPE, Moral Essays, iii. 340. who." (See 264.) "The world who of it-selfe is peised well."-K. 7. ii. 1. 575. 229. Her is very often applied by Shakespeare to the mind and soul. "Whose soul is that which takes her heavy leave?" 3 Hen. VI. ii. 6. 42. "Since my dear soul was mistress of her choice." Hamlet, iii. 2. 68. So Rich. III. iii. 5. 28; Hamlet, ii. 2. 580. "Our mind partakes Her private actions to your secrecy."-P. of T. i. 1. 153. So Montaigne, 117. The former passage from Hamlet shows the reason of this. The soul, when personified, is regarded as feminine, like Psyche. The body of a woman is also thus personified in "And made thy body bare Of her two branches, those sweet ornaments."-T. A. ii. 4. 18. Milton occasionally uses its; often her for its; seldom, if ever, his for its. "His form had not yet lost All her original brightness."-MILTON, P. L. i. 592. In this, and some other passages, but not in all, Milton may have been influenced by the Latin use of the feminine gender. "Form" represents "forma," a feminine Latin noun. Personification will explain That Tiber trembled underneath her banks." J. C. i. I. 50. 230. Ungrammatical remnants of ancient usage. In Chaucer and earlier writers, preference is expressed, not by our modern "I had, or would, rather (i.e. sooner)," but by "(To) me PRONOUNS. 153 (it) were lever (German lieber),” z.e. more pleasant." These two idioms are confused in the following example : "Me rather had my heart might feel your love. Rich. II. iii. 3. 192. woe is (to) me." In the earliest writers "woe !" is found joined with the dative inflection of the pronoun, woe is (to) us, "Wa worthe (betide) than monne (the man, dat.)." LAYAMON, i. 142. am woe, "" we are woe, CC " As early as Chaucer, and probably earlier, the sense of the inflection was weakened, and "woe" was used as a predicate: "I " &c. Hence Shakespeare uses sorrow thus. Similarly our "I am well" is, perhaps, an ungrammatical modification of "well is me," Ps. cxxviii. 2 (Prayer-book). Early English both constructions are found. In In Anglo-Saxon, Mätzner "has only met with the dative construction." "I am sorrow for thee."-Cymb. v. 5. 297. I am woe for't, sir."-Temp. v. 1. 139. heart.”—Cymb. v. 5. 2. "Woe is my heart. Woe, woe are we, sir."—A. and C. iv. 14. 133. On the other hand, "Woe is me."—Hamlet, iii. 1. 168. "Woe me.”—M. for M. 1. 4. 26. Similarly, the old "(to) me (it) were better," being misunderstood, was sometimes replaced by "I were better." I were better to be eaten to death."-2 Hen. IV. i. 2. 245. "I I were best to leave him."-1 Hen. VI. v. 3. 82. 'Poor lady, she were better love a dream. "Thou'rt best.”—Tempest, i. 2. 366. -T. N. i. 2. 27. And when the old idiom is retained, it is generally in instances like the following: "Answer truly, you were best."—F. C. iii. 3. 15. “Madam, you're best consider.”—Cymb. iii. 2. 79. where you may represent either nominative or dative, but was almost certainly used by Shakespeare as nominative. 231. Thou and You.* Thou in Shakespeare's time was, very much like "du" now among the Germans, the pronoun of (1) The Elizabethan distinction between thou and you is remarkably illustrated by the usage in E. E., as detailed by Mr. Skeat in William of Palerne. Preface. P. xli. 154 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. affection towards friends (2) good-humoured superiority to servants, and (3) contempt or anger to strangers. It had, however, already fallen somewhat into disuse, and, being regarded as archaic, was naturally adopted (4) in the higher poetic style and in the language of solemn prayer. (1) This is so common as to need no examples. It should be remarked, however, that this use is modified sometimes by euphony (the ponderous thou, art, and terminations in est being avoided) and sometimes by fluctuations of feeling. Thus in the T. G. of V. Valentine and Proteus in the first twenty lines of earnest dialogue use nothing but thou. But as soon as they begin to jest, "thou art" is found too seriously ponderous, and we have (i. 1. 25) “you are over boots in love," while the lighter thee is not discarded in (i. 1. 28) "it boots thee not. So in the word-fencing of lines 36-40, you and your are preferred, but an affectionate farewell brings them back again to thou. The last line presents an apparent difficulty: "Proteus. All happiness bechance to thee in Milan ! Valentine. As much to you at home, and so farewell." T. G. of V. i. I. 61-2. But while thee applies to the single traveller, you is better suited to Proteus and his friends at home. It may be added, that when the friends meet after their long parting, there is a certain coldness in the frequent you. (T. G. of V. ii. 5. 120.) Fathers almost always address their sons with thou; sons their fathers with you. Thus in the dialogue between Henry IV. and the Prince (1 Hen. IV. iii. 2), line 118, "What say you?" is perhaps the only exception to the rule. So in the dialogue between Talbot and his son (1 Hen. VI. iv. 5) before the battle. In the ex- citement of the battle (1 Hen. VI. iv. 6. 6-9) the son addresses his father as thou: but such instances are very rare. (A. Y. L. ii. 3. 69 is a rhyming passage, and impassioned also.) A wife may vary between thou and you when addressing her husband. Lady Percy addresses Hotspur almost always in dialogue with you: but in the higher style of earnest appeal in 1 Hen. IV. ii. 3. 43-67, and in the familiar "I'll break thy little finger, Harry," ib. 90, she uses thou throughout. In the high Koman style, Brutus and Portia use you. Hotspur generally uses thou to his wife, but, when he becomes serious, rises to you, dropping again to thou. PRONOUNS. 155 Hotspur. Come, wilt thou see me ride? And when I am o' horse-back, I will swear I love thee infinitely- But hark you, Kate; I must not have you henceforth question me : This evening must I leave you, gentle Kate. I know you wise; but yet no further wise Than Harry Percy's wife: constant you are, But yet a woman: and for secrecy No lady closer—— For I well believe Thou wilt not utter what thou dost not know, And so far will I trust thee, gentle Kate." 1 Hen. IV. ii. 3. 103-115. Mark the change of pronoun as Bassanio assumes the part of a friendly lecturer : Gra. I have a suit to you. Bass. You have obtain❜d it. Gra. You must not deny me; I must go with you to Belmont. Bass. Why, then you must.-But hear thee, Gratiano; Thou art too wild, too rude and bold of voice," &c. M. of V. ii. 2. 187–90. 232. Thou is generally used by a master to a servant, but not always. Being the appropriate address to a servant, it is used in confidential and good-humoured utterances, but a master finding fault often resorts to the unfamiliar you (much as Cæsar cut his soldiers to the heart by giving them the respectful title of Quirites). Thus Valentine uses you to Speed in T. G. of V. ii. 1. 1–17, and thou, Ib. 47-69. Compare with "Val. Go to, sir: tell me, do you know madam Silvia ?”—Ib. 14. "Val. But tell me: dost thou know my lady Silvia?"—Ib. 44. Similarly to the newly-engaged servant Julia, who says "I'll do what I can," Proteus blandly replies: "I hope thou wilt. [To Launce.] How now, you whore- son peasant, Where have you been these two days loitering?" T. G. of V. iv. 4. 48. When the appellative "sir" is used, even is used, even in anger, thou generally gives place to you. "And what wilt thou do? Beg, when that is spent? Well, sir, get you in."—A. Y. L. i. 1. 79, 80. 150 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 'Ay, ay, thou wouldst begone to join with Richmond : I will not trust you, sir."-Rich. III. iv. 4. 492. Compare "Speak, what trade art thou?"-7. C. i. 1. 5. with "You, sir, what trade are you?"—Ib. 9. This explains the change from thou to you in Tempest, i. 2. 443. Throughout the scene Prospero, addressing Ferdinand as an im- postor, "speaks ungently" with thou. In Tempest, v. I. 75-79, Prospero, who has addressed the worthy Gonzalo in the friendly thou, and the repentant Alonso in the impassioned thou, turning to his unnatural brother says, You brother mine," 'Flesh and blood but, on pronouncing his forgiveness immediately afterwards, he says, "I do forgive thee, So Unnatural though thou art. "For you, most wicked sir, whom to call brother Would even infect my mouth, I do forgive Thy rankest fault."-Tempest, v. I. 230-2. Worthy sir, thou bleed'st."—Coriol. i. 5. 15. is easily explained by the admiring epithet "worthy." Compare Ib. 24: "Bold gentleman, prosperity be thy page. "" The difference between thou and you is well illustrated by the farewell addressed by Brutus to his schoolfellow Volumnius, and his servant Strato : "Farewell to you; and you; and you, Volumnius; Farewell to thee, too, Strato."-7. C. v. 5. 33. Compare also the farewell between the noble Gloucester and Edgar "dressed like a peasant :" Edg. Now fare you well, good sir."--Lear, iv. 6. 32. "Glouc. Now, fellow, fare thee well."-Ib. 41. It may seem an exception that in sc. iv. I, Edgar uses thou to Gloucester, but this is only because he is in the height of his assumed madness, and cannot be supposed to distinguish persons. After- wards, in sc. vi., he invariably uses you—a change which, together with other changes in his language, makes Gloucester say: "Thou speak'st In better phrase and manner than thou didst."-Lear, iv. 6. &. It may be partly this increased respect for Edgar, and partly euphony, which makes Gloucester use you in l. 10 and 24. PRONOUNS. 157 Thus Clarence to the Second Murderer: "Clar. Where art thou, keeper? Give me a cup of wine. Sec. Murd. You shall have wine enough, my lord, anon. Clar. In God's name, what art thou? Sec. Murd. A man, as you are. Clar. How darkly and how deadly dost thou speak! Your eyes do menace me : why look you pale? why look Who sent you hither? hither? Wherefore do Wherefore do you come?" Rich. III. i. 4. 167-176. The last two lines seem discrepant: but they are not. is addressing both murderers, and both reply: Clarence "Both. To, to, to To murder me? Ay, ay." Clar. Both. Afterwards, when the murderers reproach Clarence with his faults, they address him as thou. 233. Thou towards strangers who were not inferiors was an insult. "If thou thouest him some thrice, it shall not be amiss," (T. N. iii. 2. 48,) is the advice given to Sir Andrew Aguecheek when on the point of writing a challenge. In addressing Angelo, whose seat he occupies, the Duke in the following passage begins with ironical politeness, but passes into open contempt : Duke (to Escalus). What you have spoke I pardon; sit you down; We'll borrow place of him. (To Angelo.) Sir, by your leave, Hast thou or word or wit or impudence, That now can do thee office?"—M. for M. v. 1. 368. Thou is also used in a contemptuous "aside." Hastings. 'Tis like enough for I stay dinner there. Buckingham (aside). And supper too, although thou know'st it not. Come, will you go?"-Rich. III. iii. 2. 122. And, where there is no contempt, Cassius passes into thou when he addresses Brutus absent, whereas in his presence he restricts him- self to you (F. C. i. 2. 312). The former is the rhetorical, the latter the conversational pronoun. So "Be thou my witness, You know that I held Epicurus strong."-J. C. v. 1. 74–7. This explains the apparent liberty in "O wise young judge, how I do honour thee!” M. of F. iv. 1. 22. 158 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 234. Thou is often used in statements and requests, while you is used in conditional and other sentences where there is no direct appeal to the person addressed. Similarly the somewhat archaic ye is distinguished by Shakespeare from you by being used in rhetorical appeals. (See Ye, 236.) Come thou on my side, and entreat for me As you would beg, were you in my distress." "But tell me now Rich. III. i. 4. 273. My drown'd queen's name, as in the rest you said Thou hast been god-like perfect."-P. of T. v. I. 208. "I go, and if you plead as well to them As I can say nay to thee for myself."-Rich. III. iii. 7. 52. Give me thy hand, Messala; Be thou my witness that against my will, &c. You know that I held Epicurus strong."-7. C. v. 1. 74-7. 235. Thou. Apparent exceptions. "If he be leaden, icy-cold, unwilling, Be thou so too, and so break off your talk.” I. Rich. III. iii. 1. 177. Here " your talk" means the talk between "thee and him." In Hamlet, i. 2. 41-49, the King, as he rises in his profession of affection to Laertes, passes from you to thou, subsequently returning to you. In the following instance a kiss induces the speaker to pass from your to thou: Goneril. Decline your head. (Kisses Edmund.) This kiss, if it durst speak, Would raise thy spirits up into the air.”—Lear, iv. 2. 23. The most difficult passage is : "If thou beest not immortal, look about you."-J. C. ii. 3. 8, 9. In this short scene Cæsar is six times addressed by the soothsayer in the solemn and prophetic thou and thee, but once, as above, j'ou. I can only suggest that "look about you" may mean "look about you and your friends." In almost all cases where thou and you appear at first sight indiscriminately used, further considerations show some change of thought, or some influence of euphony sufficient to account for the change of pronoun. PRONOUNS. 159 The French Herald addresses Henry V. as thou, not for dis- courtesy (Hen. V. iv. 7. 74), but in the "high style" appropriate between heralds and monarchs. Few subjects would address their lords as thou. Only a Caliban addressing his Stephano would in the ordinary language say : "Good my lord, give me thy favour still."— Temp. iv. 1. 204. Caliban almost always thou's unless he is cursing (Temp. i. 2. 363), or when he is addressing more than one person. 236. Ye. In the original form of the language ye is nominative, you accusative. This distinction, however, though observed in our version of the Bible, was disregarded by Elizabethan authors, and ye seems to be generally used in questions, entreaties, and rhetorical appeals. Ben Jonson says: The second person plural is for reve- rence sake to some singular thing." He quotes- CC O good father dear, Why make ye this heavy cheer?"-GOWER. Compare: "I do beseech ye, if you bear me hard."-7. C. iii. 1. 157. "You taught me how to know the face of right, And come j'e now to tell me John hath made His peace with Rome ?"-K. J. v. 2. 91. The more shame for ye; holy men I thought ye." Hen. VIII. iii. 1. 102. Therein, ye gods, you make the weak most strong. "I' the name of truth, Are J'e fantastical? . . . My noble partner " 7. C. i. 3. 91. You greet with present grace."-Macbeth, i. 3. 53–55. Ye and your seem used indiscriminately in Temp. v. 1. 33-8, "Ye elves. . . and ye that . . you demi-puppets. and you whose pastime is, &c." • • The confusion between you and ye is illustrated by the irregularity of the following: • "What mean you. do ye not know?. . . If, therefore, at the first sight ye doe give them to understand that you are come hither do you not think? Therefore, if you looke. . ."-N. P. 170. Sometimes je seems put for you when an unaccented syllable is wanted: "I never loved you much; but I ha' prais'd ye." A. and C. i 6 78. : 160 SHAKESPEARJAN GRAMMAR. and perhaps in "Ye shall, my lord,"-Rich. III. iv. 2. 86. the "shall" being emphatic, and ye unemphatic, but the Folio varies here, as frequently in this play. 237. Mine, my. Thine, thy. The two forms, which are inter changeable in E. E. both before vowels and consonants, are both used by Shakespeare with little distinction before vowels. Though there are probably many exceptions, yet the rule appears to be that mine and thine are used where the possessive adjective is to be unemphatic, my and thy in other cases. Mine is thus used before words to which it is so frequently pre- fixed as to become almost a part of them, as mine host" (M. W. of W. i. 3. 1), but my in the less common "Unto my hostess of the tavern." -1 Hen. IV. i. 2. 53. So we have almost always "mine honour," the emphatic "By my honour He shall depart untouched,"-7. C. iii. 1. 141. being an exception. Mine is almost always found before "eye,” "ear," &c. where no emphasis is intended. antithesis we have my, thy: But where there is My ear should catch your voice, my eye your eye." and also in the emphatic M. N. D. i. I. 188. "To follow me and praise my eyes and face.”—M. N. D. iii. 2. 223. Euphony would dictate this distinction. The pause which we are obliged to make between my, thy, and a following vowel, serves for a kind of emphasis. On the other hand, mine, pronounced "min,” glides easily and unemphatically on to the following vowel. 238. Mine, hers, theirs, are used as pronominal adjectives before their nouns. That mine should be thus used is not remarkable, as in E. E. it was interchangeable with my, and is often used by Shakespeare where we should use my. "Mine and my father's death come not upon thee." Hamlet, v. 2. 341. "The body is dead upon mine and my master's false accusation." So P. of T. i. 2. 92; Cymb. v. 5. 230. -M. Ado, v. I. 249. PRONOUNS. 161 In the following, mine is only separated by an adjective from its "And his and mine lov'd darling."-Tempest, iii. 3. 93. noun: More remarkable are "What to come is yours and my discharge.”—Temp. ii. 1. 253. "By hers and mine adultery."-Cymb. v. 5. 186. • Even in theirs and in the commons' ears."—Coriol. v. 6. 4. It is felt that the ear cannot wait till the end of the sentence while so slight a word as her or their remains with nothing to depend on. The same explanation applies to mine, which, though unem- phatic immediately before its noun, is emphatic when separated from its noun. 239. This of yours is now, as in E. E., generally applied to one out of a class, whether the class exist or be imaginary. We could say "this coat of yours," but not (except colloquially) "this head of yours." It is, however, commonly used by Shakespeare where even the conception of a class is impossible. 'Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow."-Othello, v. 2. 4. "Will not a calf-skin stop that mouth of thine?"-K. F. iii. 1. 299. "This of hers, thine," &c. seem used as an adjective, like the Latin "iste." This mouth of you" was felt to be harsh, the "you" being too weak to stand in such a position. "This your mouth" requiring a forced and unnatural pause after "this," was somewhat more objectionable to Shakespeare,* than to the Latin style of Milton and Addison. Hence this of you" was used but modified. It is rare that we find such a transposition as 'O then advance of yours that phraseless hand."-L. C. 225. 240. Pronouns transposed. A feeling of the unemphatic nature of the nominatives we and they prevents us from saying "all we. "" "Into the madness wherein now he raves And all we mourn for."-Hamlet, ii. 2. 151. So "all we" in the A. V. of the Bible, and "all they," Mark xii. 44. "Find out" is treated as a single word in "Cass. Cinna, where haste you so? Cinna. See, however- To find-out you."-7. C. i. 3. 134. "How many ages hence Shall this our lofty scene be acted over !"—7. C. ii. 1. 112. M 102 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So "To belch-up you."-Tempest, iii. 3. 56. "" "And leave-out thee. -Rich. III. i. 3. 216. "Both they (i.e. both of them) Match not the high perfection of my loss."-♫b. iv. 4. 05. No modern poet would be allowed to write, for the sake of rhyme, "All days are nights to see till I see thee, And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me." Sonn. 43. We could only say "give him me," when we meant "give him, not to so-and-so, but to me," emphatically, which is not the meaning here. 241. Omission of Thou. (See also 399, 402.) After a verb ending with the second person singular inflection, the thou is some- times omitted in questions, as: "Didst not mark that?"-Othello, ii. 1. 260. "How dost that pleasant plague infest?"-DANIEL. "Wilt dine with me, Apemantus ?"—T. of A. i. 1. 206. Thou is often omitted after "wouldst," or perhaps merged, in the form "woo't," as wilt thou" becomes "wilta." "Noblest of men, woo't die?"-A. and C. iv. 15. 59. "Woo't weep? Woo't fight?... I'll do it."—Hamlet, v. 1. 299. Sometimes thou is inserted: "Woo't thou fight well?"-A. and C. iv. 2. 7. 242. Insertion of Pronoun. When a proper name is sepa- rated by an intervening clause from its verb, then for clearness (see 248) the redundant pronoun is often inserted. (C Sueno, albeit he was of nature verie cruell, yet qualified he his displeasure."-HOLINSHED, Duncane. "Demeratus-when on the bench he was long silent asking him . . . he answered."-B. J. Disc. 744. • • • one "For the nobility, though they continued loyal unto him, yet did they not co-operate with him.”—B. É. E. 243. Insertion of Pronoun. Even where there is no inter- vening conjunctional clause, the pronoun is frequently inserted after a proper name as the subject. More rarely, the subject is a common qoun. Still more rarely, the pronoun is inserted after the object, PRONOUNS. 163 The subject or object stands first, like the title of a book, to call the attention of the reader to what may be said about it. In some passages the transition may be perceived from the exclamatory use "O thy vile lady! She has robbed me of my sword,”—A. and C. iv. 14. 22. to the semi-exclamation : "For God he knows."-Rich. III. iii. 7. 236; I. 10; I. 26. "Where Heaven he knows how we shall answer him. (So T. G. of V. iv. 4. 112, and God, I pray him.”—Rich. III. i. 3. 212. The object (as in the last example) precedes in "" K. F. v. 7. 59. My sons, God knows what has bechanced them.” 3 Hen. VI. i. 4. € "Senseless trees they cannot hear thee, Ruthless beasts they will not cheer thee."-P. P. 393.) and hence to passages of simple statement : "The skipping king he ambled up and down." "Of six preceding ancestors that gem I Hen. IV. iii. 2. 60 Conferr'd by testament to the sequent issue Hath it been owed and worn."-A. W. v. 3. 198. "But this same Cassio, though he speak of comfort Touching the Turkish loss, yet he looks sadly. Othello, ii. 1. 31. But many such passages of simple statement may be regarded as abridgments of the construction with "for," "of," or some other preposition : "For your intent . . . it is most retrograde to our desires." Hamlet, i. 2. 112. "For my voice, I have lost it with halloing and singing of anthems."-2 Hen. IV. i. 2. 213. So "For (as regards) your brother, he shall go with me," become "Your brother he shall go along with me. me," might A. W. iii. 6. 117; Rich. II. ii. 2. 80; 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 442. So "Of Salisbury, who can report of him?"-2 Hen. VI. v. 3. 1. M 2 164 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 244. Omission of the Relative. The relative is frequently omitted, especially where the antecedent clause is emphatic and evidently incomplete. This omission of the relative may in part have been suggested by the identity of the demonstrative that and the relative that:- "We speak that (dem.) that (rel.) we do know,” may naturally be contracted into- Thus- "We speak that we do know." "And that (that) most deeply to consider is The beauty of his daughter."-Temp. iii. 2. 106. 'Thy honourable metal may be wrought From that (to which) it is disposed."-F. C. i. 2. 314. "Now follows that (that) you know, young Fortinbras," &c. Hamlet, i. 2. 17. "And that (that) is worse-the Lords of Ross are fled. "" }} Rich. II. ii. 2. 52. i.e. "which is worse. So often in the A. V. of the Bible, "that is, being interpreted," means "which is" (as the Greek shows), though a modern reader would suppose that to be the demonstrative. In many cases the antecedent immediately precedes the verb to which the relative would be the subject. tr I have a brother (who) is condeinned to die. "" M. for M. ii. 2. 33; C. of E. v. 1. 283. "I have a mind (which) presages."-M. of V. i. 1. 175. "The hate of those (who) love not the king." Rich. II. ii. 2. 128. "In war was never lion (that) raged more fierce." Ib. ii. 1. 173. "And sue a friend (who) 'came debtor for my sake." Sonn. 139. "What wreck discern you in me (that) Deserves your pity ?"—Cymb. i. 6. 84 ; W. T. iv. 4. 378, 512. "You are one of those (who) 63 Would have him wed again."-W. T. v. I. 23. I'll show you those (who) in troubles reign, Losing a mite, a mountain gain."-P. of T. ii. Gower, 8. RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 165 "Of all (who have) 'say'd (tried) yet, may'st thou prove pros- perous."-P. of T. i. 1. 59. "And they are envious (that) term thee parasite."-B. J. Fox, i. 1. For once (when) we stood up about the corn, he himself stuck not to call us the many-headed multitude." Coriol. ii. 3. 16. Compare- ¡ c. “On one occasion (on which) we stood up," &c. Was it not yesterday (on which) we spoke together?" "Off with his head, Macbeth, iii. 1. 74. I. And rear it in the place (in which) your father's stands." 3 Hen. VI. ii. 6. 86. "Declare the cause (for which) My father, Earl of Cambridge, lost his head." 1 Hen. VI. ii. 5. 55. "O that forc'd thunder (that) from his breath did fly O that sad breath (that) his spongy lungs bestow'd! L. C. 46. Sonn. 4. "And being frank she lends to these (who) are free.” So explain : “To me (whom) you cannot reach you play the spaniel." Hen. VIII. v. 2. 126. "That's to you sworn (that) to none was ever said. }} L. C. 25. So M. for M. iii. 2. 165. Most of these examples (except those in which when and why are omitted) omit the nominative. Modern usage confines the omission mostly to the objective. "A man (whom) I saw yesterday told me," &c. We must either explain thus: "Myself and Toby Set this device against Malvolio here (which device), Upon some stubborn and discourteous parts, We had conceiv'd against him,”—T. Ñ. v. I. 370. o suppose (more probably), that there is some confusion between conceiving enmity" and "disliking parts." In "To her own worth She shall be prized: but that you say 'Be 't so,' I'll speak it in my spirit and honour 'No.'" that probably means as to that which." Other instances are: Tr. and Cr. iv. 4. 136. "My sister... a lady, sir (who), though it was said she much resembled me, was yet of many accounted beautiful."-T. N. ii. 1. 27. 166 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 'What should I do (that) I do not?"-A. and C. i. 3. 8. "Of every virtue (that) gives renown to men."-P. of T. i. 1. 13 Either a relative or a nominative (see 399) is omitted in "These are my mates that make their wills their law (Who) have some unhappy passenger in chace." T. G. of V. v. 4. 15. "And curse that justice did it,"-Coriol. i. 1. 179. either the relative is omitted after "justice," or "that" is used for "because" (284). In So, after disobeying King Cymbeline by allowing Posthumus to speak to the King's daughter, the Queen, while purposing to betray Posthumus, says aside : "Yet I'll move him (the king) To walk this way: I never do him (the king) wrong But he (who, like Posthumus) does buy my injuries to be friends, Pays dear for my offences."-Cymb. i. 1. 105. The relative adverb where is omitted in From that place (where) the morn is broke To that place (where) day doth unyoke."-B. and F. F. Sh. i. 1. That, meaning "when," is omitted after "now." (See 284.) 245. The Relative is omitted (as well as the verb "is," "are," &c.) between a pronominal antecedent and a prepositional phrase, especially when locality is predicated. "And they in France of the best rank and station." Hamlet, i. 3. 73. "He made them of Greece (i.e. the Grecians) to begin warre.” -N. P. 175. So "What is he at the gate?"-T. N. i. 5. 125. So in Early English and Anglo-Saxon. We make the same omission, but only after nouns: "The babes in the wood." 246. The Relative is omitted in the following example, and the antecedent is attracted into the case which the relative, if present, would have: "Him (he whom) I accuse, By this, the city ports hath enter'd."-Coriol. v. 6. 6. Apparently there is an ellipsis of "that (relative) is" before participles in the following: RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 167 "Not that devour'd, but that which doth devour, Is worthy blame,"-R. of L. 451. where "that devour'd" seems used for "that that is devour'd." And in Why have you not proclaim'd Northumberland, And all the rest (that are) revolted, faction-traitors ?" Rich. II. ii. 2. 57. "I hate the murderer, love him murdered," Rich. II. v. 5. 40. the meaning seems to be, not "I love the fact that he is murdered," but "I love him (who is) murdered." Compare the harsh con- struction in "But you must know your father lost a father, That father (who was) lost, lost his."-Hamlet, i. 2. 90. A little riper and more lusty red Than that (which is) mixed in his cheek." A. Y. L. iii. 5. 222. The relative is attracted to a subsequent implied object in the following: "Thou shalt not lack The leaf of eglantine, whom not to slander, Outsweetened not thy breath.”—Cymb. iv. 2. 223. i.e. "the leaf which, not to slander it, would not outsweeten," &c. 247. The Relative (perhaps because it does not signify by inflection any agreement in number or person with its antecedent) frequently (1) takes a singular verb, though the antecedent be plural, and (2) the verb is often in the third person, though the antecedent be in the second or first. (1) “All things that belongs" (so Folio; Globe, belong).—T. of Sh. ii. 1. 357. "Whose wraths to guard you from, Which here in this most desolate isle else falls Upon your bead."-Temp. iii. 2. 80. Contagious fogs which falling on our land Hath every pelting river made so proud."- N. D. ii, 1. 91. This, however, might be explained by 337. ""Tis not the many oaths that makes the truth." A. W. iv. 2. 21; K. F. ii. 1. 216. "With sighs of love that costs the fresh blood dear." M. N. D. ii. 2. 87 168 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "My observations Which with experimental seal doth warrant The tenour of my book."-M. Ado, iv. 1. 168. "'Tis your graces that charms.”—Cymb. i. 6. 117. So, so, so they laugh that wins" (Globe, win). Othello, iv. I. 125. "So are those crisped snaky golden locks Which makes."-M. of V. iii. 2. 92. "Those springs In chalic'd flowers that lies."-Cymb. ii. 3. 24. "Each substance of a grief hath twenty shadows Which shows like grief itself."-Rich. II. ii. 2. 15. "It is not words, that shakes me thus."-Othello, iv. 1. 43. "But most miserable Is the desires that's glorious." (Globe, "desire.") "'Tis such fools as you Cymb. i. 6. 6. That makes the world full of ill-favour'd children. A. Y. L. iii. 5. 53. "(The swords) That makes such waste in brief mortality. >> Hen. V. i. 2. 28 "There are some shrewd contents in yon same paper That steals the colour from your cheeks.”—M. of V. iii. 2. 246. "Is kindling coals that fires all my breast."-3 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 83. "With such things else of quality and respect As doth import you."-Othello, i. 3. 283. "Such commendations as becomes a maid."-1 Hen. VI. v. 3. 177. "Such thanks as fits a king's remembrance."-Hamlet, ii. 2. 26. "Like monarch's hands that lets not bounty fall." L. C. 41 (Globe, let). "If it be you (you gods) that stirs these daughters' hearts." Lear, ii. 4. 275 (Globe, stir). "To be forbod the sweets that seems so good." L. C. 164 (Globe, seem). The distance of the relative from the antecedent sometimes makes a difference, as in "I that please some, try all, both joy and terror Of good and bad, that makes and unfolds error. This construction is found as late as 1671 : "If it be true that monstrous births presage The following mischiefs that afflicts the age." W. T. iv. I. 2. The Rehearsal, Epilogue. RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 169 " 4 (2) Antiochus, I thank thee who hath taught."-P. of 7. i. 1. Casca, you are the first that rears your hand."-7. C. iii. 1. 30 "Rears his" or rear your" would be right. 'To make me proud that jests."-L. L. L. v. 2. 66. 'For it is you that puts us to our shifts."-T. A. iv. 2. 176. So Temp. v. 1. 79. "O Lord, that lends me life !"-2 Hen. VI. i. 1. 19. They do but greatly chide thee who confounds.”—Sonn. S. The last two examples may also be explained (see 340) by the northern inflection of s for st: and the examples in (1) might come under the cases of plural nominative with apparently singular in- flection considered in 333. But taking all the examples of (1) and (2) we are, I think, justified in saying that the relative was often regarded like a noun by nature third person singular, and, therefore, uninfluenced by the antecedent. On the other hand, the verb is irregularly attracted into the second person in "That would I learn of you " As one that are best acquainted with her person.' Rich. III. iv. 4. 268. 248. Relative with Supplementary Pronoun. With the Germans it is still customary, when the antecedent is a pronoun of the first or second person, to repeat the pronoun for the sake of defining the person, because the relative is regarded as being in the third person. Thus "Thou who thou hearest," &c. The same repetition was cominon in Anglo-Saxon (and in Hebrew) for all persons. "That (rel.) through him "through whom,” that they can produce" "a tribe who can produce," &c. Hence in Chaucer, Prol. 43-45: = "A knight ther was, and that a worthy man, That, from the tyme that he first began To ryden out, he lovede chyvalrye ; and in the same author "that his". &c. a tribe whose," "that him" "whoni," In the same way in Elizabethan authors, when the interrogative who (251) had partially supplanted that as a relative, we find who his for whose, whom him for whom, which it for which, &c. The following is probably not a case of the supplementary pronoun: 170 SHAKESPEAKIAN GRAMMAR. "Bardolph and Nym had ten times more valour than this roaring devil i' the old play, that every one may pare his nails with a wooden dagger."-Henry V. iv. 4. 76. That .. his is not elsewhere used in Shakespeare, that I know of. The above probably means "than this (fellow, who is a mere devil-in-the-play, so that every one may beat him. " 249. The Supplementary Pronoun is generally connned to cases (as above, 242) where the relative is separated from its verb by an intervening clause, and where on this account clearness requires the supplementary pronoun. • "Who, when he lived, his breath and beauty set Gloss on the rose, smell on the violet."—V. and A. Which, though it alter not love's sole effect, Yet doth it steal sweet hours from love's delight." "And who, though all were wanting to reward, Sonn. 36. Yet to himself he would not wanting be."-B. J. Cy.'s Rev. “Whom, Though bearing misery, I desire my life Once more to look on him."-W. T. v. I. 138. (The queen) whom Heavens in justice both on her and hers Have laid most heavy hand."-Cymb. v. 5. 464. Here the construction is further changed by the addition of "both and hers." "You are three men of sin whom Destiny (That hath to instrument this lower world, And what is in't) the never-surfeited sea Hath caused to belch up you."-Temp. iii. 2. 53. In the following passage the which may almost with better right be regarded as supplementary than the noun which follows: "Our natural goodness Imparts this; which if you or stupified Or seeming so in skill, cannot or will not Relish a truth like us, inform yourselves We need no more of your advice."-W. T. ii. 1. 165. Here which means as regards which," and in this and in other places it approximates to that vulgar idiom which is well known to readers of "Martin Chuzzlewit." (See 272.) The following seems at first as though it could be explained thus, but "who" is put for "whom " (see 274), and "exact the penal'y regarded as a transitive verb: RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 171 Who, if he break, thou may'st with better face Exact the penalty."-M. of V. i. 3. 137. Or this may be an imitation of the Latin idiom which puts the relative before the conjunction, thus: "Who, when they were in health, I tell thee, herald, I thought upon one pair of English legs Did walk three Frenchmen."-Hen. V. iii. 6. 157. 250. Which that. "Spite of his spite which that in vain Doth seek to force my fantasy."-INGELEND (A.D. 1560). This use of which that consecutively is common in Chaucer, but not in Elizabethan authors. When it is remembered that which was originally an interrogative, it is easier to understand how thai may have been added to give a relative force to which. 251. Who and what, In Early English who was the masc. or fem. and what the neut. interrogative (or used as the indefinite relative who-so, what-so), that being both the demonstrative and relative, except in the oblique cases. The transition of the interrogative to the relative can easily be explained. Thus, the sentence "O now who will behold The royal captain of this ruin'd band? Let him cry Praise and glory on his head, Hen. V. iv. Prologue. may easily become "now let him who will behold," &c. We can now only use who-ever in this sense, but the Germans stili use their interrogative (wer) thus. In such cases the who mostly retains a trace of its interrogative meaning by preceding the ante- cedent clause : "Who steals my purse (he) steals trash,"-Othello, iii. 3. 157. and hence referring to a definite past : "Who was the thane (he) lives yet.”—Macbeth, i. 3. 109. in this and other examples (as in Greek) the antecedent prouour is often omitted owing to the emphatic position of the relative. "Whom we raise we will make fast."-2 Hen. VI. i. 4 25. "Is proclamation made that who finds Edward Shall have a high reward ?”—3 Hen. VI. v. 5. 9. 172 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Fixing our eyes on whom our care was fixed." C. of E. i. 1. 85. "We are going to whom it must be done." -J. C. ii. 1. 331. 252. What, being simply the neuter of the interrogative who, ought consistently to be similarly used. As, therefore, who is used relatively, we may expect what to be used so likewise. And so it is; but, inasmuch as the adjective which very early took the force of the relative pronoun, what was supplanted by which, and is rarely used relatively. Even when it is thus used, it generally stands before its antecedent (like the transitional use of who above), thereby indicating its interrogative force, though the position of the verb is altered to suit a statement instead of a question. "What cur contempt doth often hurl from us We wish it ours again."-A.and C. i. 2. 127. So Rich. II. i. 1. 87. "What you have spoke it may be so perchance." Macbeth, iv. 3. 11. "Look, what I speak, my life shall prove it true. Rich. II. i. I. 87. "It is true that what is settled by custom, though it be not good, yet at least it is fit."-B. E. 99 An unemphatic antecedent precedes what in "And I do fearfully believe 'tis done What we so feared he had a charge to do."-K. J. iv. 2. 75. I cannot remember any instance where what has for its antecedent a noun, as in the modern vulgarism, "The man what said." In "And let us once again assail your ears, "" That are so fortified against our story, What we have two nights seen."—Hamlet, i. I. 33. What depends on a verb of speech, implied either in "assail your ears or in "story," i.e. "let us tell you what we have seen," or our story describing what we have seen." The antecedent was mostly omitted: "What is done (that) cannot be undone."-Macb. v. 1. 74. This use is common now, but we could not say "To have his pomp and all what (that which) state compounds." T. of A. iv. 2. 35. The following is a curious use of what: "That Julius Cæsar was a famous man: With what his valour did enrich his wit He did set down to make his valour live." Rich. III. iii. 1. 85: i.e." (that) with which." RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 173 253. What is used for "for what," " why" (quid), as in "What (why) shall I don this robe and trouble you?" Cymb. iii. 4. 34 "What need we any spur but our own cause?" 7. C. ii. 1. 123. I. "What shall I need to draw my sword?"-T. A. i. 1. 189. "What should I stay ?"—A. and C. v. 2. 317. and in some other passages where the context shows this to be the meaning: "Falstaff. This apoplexy is, as I take it, a kind of lethargy. Justice. What tell you me of it? be it as it is.' "" 2 Hen. IV. i. 2. 130. The following use of what for "in what state," i.e. "how far advanced," should be noticed: "M. What is the night? Lady M. Almost at odds with morning, which is which." Macbeth, iii. 4. 126. These adverbial uses of what are illustrated by "His equal mind I copy what I can And, as I love, would imitate the man. 254. What "whatever." POPE, Imit. Hor. ii. 131. "What will hap more to-night, safe scape the king," Lear, iii. 6. 121. where the construction may be " Happen what will," a comma being placed after " will," or Whatever is about to happen." Probably the former is correct and "will" is emphatic, "hap" being optative. What (( = whoever. >> "There's my exchange. What in the world he is That names me traitor, villain-like he lies."-Lear, v. 3. 97. What is often used apparently with little sense of "of what kind or quality" where we should use who, especially in the phrase "what is he?" Chief Justice. What's he that goes there? Servant. Falstaff, an't please your lordship." 2 Hen. IV. i. 2. 66. Hen. V. iv. 3. 18, "What's he that wishes so? My cousin Westmoreland?" 174 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Ros. What is he that shall buy his flock and pasture? Cor. That young swain."-A. Y. L. ii. 4. 88-9. Captain. He did see the love of fair Olivia! Vio. What's she? "" Captain. A virtuous maid, the daughter of a count. T. N. i. 2. 35; ib. i. 5. 124. So Lear, v. 3. 125; Macbeth, v. 7. 2; Rich. II. v. 5. 69. may have "of what But in the Elizabethan and earlier periods, when the distinction between ranks was much more marked than now, it seemed natural to ask, as the first question about anyone, condition or rank is he?" In that case the difference is one of thought, not of grammar. 255. What hence in elliptical expressions assumes the meaning "any." "I love thee not a jar of the clock behind What lady-she (224) her lord."-W. T. i. 2. 44. 1.e. "less than any lady whatsoever loves her lord.” "With promise of his sister and what else." So 3 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 51; Tempest, iii. 1. 72. i.e. "whatever else may be conceived,” or may be conceived," or "everything else. "What not is still used in this sense, as "He that dares approach On him, on you, who not? I will maintain "} Mine honour firmly."—Lear, v. 3. 100: i.e. "on everybody." Like the Latin " 'qua-qua," so 'what-what" is used for "partly-partly," mostly joined to "with." In this collocation perhaps the alliteration of the two w's has had some influence: for what is not thus used except before "with." "And such a flood of greatness fell on you What with our help, what with the absent king, What with the injuries of a wanton time." So Tr. and Cr. v. 1. 103. 1 Hen. IV. v. 1. 50. Criginally this may have been "considering what accrued from our help, what from the king's absence," &c. but "what" is used by Spenser in the sense of "part,' "her little what." (See p. 5.) 256. What is sometimes used before a noun without the ap- pended indefinite article in exclamations. (See Article, 86.) It is also used without a noun in this sense; RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 175 O father Abram, what these Christians are!" M. of V. 1. 3. 162 "What mortality is !"-Cymb. iv. 1. 16. ..what a thing mortality is !" 257. Who for any one: "The cloudy messenger turns me his back And hums as who should say, 'You'll rue the time That clogs me with this answer. -Macbeth, iii. 6. 42. "He doth nothing but frown, as we should say, 'If you will not have me, choose.' -M. of V. i. 2. 45. wi o Comp. M. of V. i. 1. 93, Rich. II. v. 4. 8. In these passages it is possible to understand an antecedent to 'who,' “ as, or like (one! who should say." But in the passages "Timon surnamed Misantropos (as who should say Loup garou, or the man-hater).”—N. P. 171. She hath been in such wise daunted That they were, as who saith, enchanted." GOWER, C. A. 1. (quoted by Clarke and Wright). it is impossible to give this explanation. And in Early Eng. (Morris, Specimens, p. xxxii.) "als wha say" was used for "as any one may say." Comp. the Latin quis after si, num, &c. Possibiy an if is implied after the as by the use of the subjunctive. (See 107., Littré explains comme qui dirait" by supplying "celui." "Il portait sur sa teste comme qui dirait un turban; c'est-à-dire, il portait, comme dirait celui qui dirait un turban." But this explanation seems unsatisfactory, in making a likeness to exist between ing" and " saying. But whatever may be the true explanation of the original idiom, Shakespeare seems to have understood who as the relative, for the antecedent can be supplied in all passages where he uses it, as J. C. i. 2. 120, "As who goes farthest." carry- 258. That, which, who, difference between. Whatever rule may be laid down for the Elizabethan use of the three relative forms will be found to have many exceptions. Originally that was the only relative; and if Wickliffe's version of the New Testament he compared with the versions of the sixteenth century and with that of 1611, that will be found in the former replaced by which and who in the latter, who being especially common in the latest, our Authorized Version. Even in Shakespeare's time, however, the.e is great diversity of usage. Fletcher, in the Faithful Shepherdess 176 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. (with the exception of a few lines containing the plot, and probably written by Beaumont), scarcely uses any relative but the smooth that throughout the play (in the first act which is only used once); and during the latter half of the seventeenth century, when the lan- guage threw off much of its old roughness and vigour, the fashion of Wickliffe was revived. That came into favour not because, as in Wickliffe's time, it was the old-established relative, but because it was the smoothest form: the convenience of three relative forms, and the distinctions between their different shades of meaning, were ignored, and that was re-established in its ancient supremacy. Addison, in his "Humble Petition of Who and Which," allows the petitioners to say: "We are descended of ancient families, and kept up our dignity and honour many years, till the jack-sprat That supplanted us. But the supplanting was a restoration of an incapable but legitimate monarch, rather than a usurpation. Since the time of Addison a reaction has taken place; the convenience of the three distinct forms has been recognized, and we have returned somewhat to the Elizabethan usage. "" 259. As regards the Shakespearian use, the following rules will generally hold good:- (1) That is used as a relative (a) after a noun preceded by the article, (b) after nouns used vocatively, in order to complete the description of the antecedent by adding some essential characteristic of it. (2) Who is used (a) as the relative to introduce a fact about the antecedent. It may often be replaced by "and he," "for he," "though he," &c. (b) It is especially used after antecedents that are lifeless or irrational, when personification is employed, but not necessarily after personal pronouns. (3) Which is used (a) in cases where the relative clause varies between an essential characteristic and an accidental fact, especially where the antecedent is preceded by that; (b) where the antecedent is repeated in the relative clause; (c) in the form "the which," where the antecedent is repeated, or where attention is expressly called to the antecedent, mostly in cases where there is more than one possible antecedent and care is required to distinguish the real one; (d) where "which" means "a circumstance which," the cir- cumstance being gathered from the previous sentence. RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 177 260. That. (a) Since that introduces an essential characteristic without which the description is not complete, it follows that, even where this distinction is not marked, that comes generally nearer to the antecedent than who or which. "To think of the teen that I have turn'd you to Which is from my remembrance!"-Temp. i. 2. 65. I to the world am like a drop of water That in the ocean seeks another drop, Who falling there to seek his fellow forth, Unseen, inquisitive, confounds himself."-C. of E. i. 2. 37. “You have oft enquired After the shepherd that complain'd of love, Who you saw sitting by me on the turf."-A. Y. L. iii. 4. 52. "And here's a prophet that I brought with me From forth the streets of Pomfret, whom I found With many hundreds treading on his heels.". K.F. iv. 2. 148. The same order is preserved in A. Y. L. iii. 5. 13; 2 Hen. IV. 1. 3. 59; Lear, iii. 4. 134-139; 2 Hen. VI. iv. I. 3; Lear, iv. 2. 51-53 (where we find that, who, that, consecutively); Lear, iii. 7. 89, 90; 1 Hen. IV. ii. 1. 80 (that, the which, that); Tempest, iv. 1. 76 The distinction between that and which is preserved in "It is an heretic that (by nature, of necessity) makes the fire, Not she which (as an accidental fact) burns in it." IV. T. ii. 3. 115. "And he doth sin that doth belie the dead, Not he which (as you do) says the dead is not alive.' 2 Hen. IV. i. 1. 99. In the latter passage "he that" "who-so," and refers to a class, "he which to the single person addressed. Thus Wickliffe (Matt. xxiii. 21) has "he that sweareth," whereas the other versions have "whoso " or whosoever sweareth." "" That is generally used after he, all, aught, &c. where a class is denoted. This is so common as not to require examples, and it is found even where that is objective. In 'He that a fool doth very wisely hit."-4. Y. L. ii. 7. 53. "The great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit,"-Temp. iv. 1. euphony perhaps will not allow "that it. The following is not an exception : 154. (See Which, 265.) "It was the swift celerity of his death, Which I did think with slower foot came on, That brain'd my purpose."-M. for M. v. t. 400. N 178 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. for here which is used parenthetically (see 271). So Rich. II. iii, 4. 50. In 'He that no more must say is listen'd more " Than they whom youth and ease have taught to glose.' Rich. II. ii. 1. 9, 10. a distinction appears to be drawn between the singular nominative represented by the uninflected that, and the objective plural repre- sented by the inflected whom. 261, That. (6) After nouns used vocatively. "Hail, many-coloured messenger! that ne'er Dost disobey the wife of Jupiter : Who with thy saffron wings upon my flowers Diffusest honey-drops, refreshing showers." Temp. iv. 1. 76–79. "Hast thou conspired with thy brother, too, That for thine own gain shouldst defend mine honour?" K. F. i. 1. 242. "You brother mine, that entertain'd ambition, Expell'd remorse and nature; who with Sebastian Would here have kill'd your king.' Tempest, v. 1. 79; 33-9. This close dependence of that on the antecedent, wherein it differs from who and which, is a natural result of its being less emphatic, and therefore less independent, than the two other forms. When the relative is necessarily emphatic, as at the end of a verse, we may sometimes expect that to be replaced by which, for that and no other reason. "Sometimes like apes that mow and chatter at me, And after bite me; then like hedgehogs which Lie tumbling in my bare-foot way."-Temp. ii. 2. 10. 262. That is sometimes, but seldom, separated from the antece- dent, like who. (See 263.) "As if it were Cain's jawbone that did the first murder." Hamlet, v. 1. 85. It is perhaps not uncommon after the possessive case of nouns and pronouns. (See 218.) The antecedent pronoun is probably to be repeated immediately before the relative. "Cain's jawbone, (him) that did," &c. RELATIVe pronoUNS. 179 + Less commonly as in 'They know the corn Was not our recompense, resting well assured That ne'er did service for it.". -Coriol. iii. I. 122. The use of that for who = "and they" is archaic. Acts xiii. 43' "They sueden Paul and Barnabas that spakun and counceileden hym." Tyndale, Cranmer, and Geneva have which; Rheims and A. V. who. 263. Who (a) for "and he," "for he," &c. "Now presently I'll give her father notice Of their disguising and pretended flight; Who (and he), all enraged, will banish Valentine." T. G. of V. ii. 6. 38. 'My name is Thomas Mowbray, duke of Norfolk, Who (and I) hither come engaged by my oath Against the duke of Hereford that (because he) appeals Rich. II. i. 3. 17. me. "Caius Ligarius doth bear Cæsar hard Who (since he) rated him for speaking well of Pompey." 7. C. ii. 1. 216. Hence who is often at some distance from the antecedent. Archbishop. It was young Hotspur's case at Shrewsbury. Lord Bardolph. It was, my lord: who (for he) lined himself with hope. 2 Hen. IV. i. 3. 27. "To send the old and miserable king To some retention and appointed guard, Whose (for his) age has charms in it."-Lear, v. 3. 48. "I leave him to your gracious acceptance; whose (for his) tria' shall better publish his commendation."-M. of V. iv. 1. 165. "In Ephesus I am but two hours old, As strange unto your town as to your talk, Who (and 1), every word by all: wit being scann'd, Want wit, in all, one word to understand." C. of E. ii. 2. 153. So Temp. iii. 1. 93; A. and C. i. 3. 29; Hen. V. i. Prologue, 33. 264. Who personifies irrational antecedents. (b) Who is often used of animals, particularly in similes where they arc compared to men. "I am the cygnet to this pale faint swan, Who chants a doleful hymn to his own death."-K. J. v. 7.22. "Or as a bear encompass'd round with dogs, Who having pinch'd a few and made them cry." 3 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 16. N 2 180 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. z. So 1 Hen. IV. v. 2. 10; 2 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 254, v. I. 153; but also in other cases where action is attributed to them, e.g. "A lion who glared."-7. C. i. 3. 21. A lioness who quickly fell before him.”—A. Y. L. iv. 2. 13. Who is also used of inanimate objects regarded as persons. "The winds Who take the ruffian billows by the tops."-2 Hen. IV. iii. 1. 22. So R. and F. i. I. 119; i. 4. 100: "The winds. . . who." 'Rotten opinion, who hath writ me down. "" After my seeming.' -2 Hen. IV. v. 2. 128. "Night. . . who." -Hen. V. iv. Prol. 21. "Your anchors, who Do their best office if they can but stay you."-W. T. iv. 4. 581. "A queen Over her passion, who most rebel-like Sought to be queen o'er her."-Lear, iv. 2. 16. So probably in Your eye Who hath cause to wet the grief on 't."-Tempest, ii. 1. 127. i.e. "your eye which has sorrow for your folly." cause to give tearful expression to the "My arm'd knee Who bow'd but in my stirrups."-Coriol. iii. 2. 119. But is who the antecedent here to "me" implied in "my?" (See 218.) "The heart Who great and puff'd up with this retinue. "} 2 Hen. IV. iv. 3. 120. • So V. and A. 191 and 1043, "her heart. who;" T. A. iii 2. 9, "my breast. . . who. The slightest active force, or personal feeling, attributed to the antecedent, suffices to justify who. Thus : "The dispers'd air who answer'd."-R. of L. 1805. CC Applause "" Who like an arch reverberates. Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 120. "Therefore I tell my sorrows to the stones Who though they cannot answer," " &c.-T. A. iii. 1 38. "Bushes, As fearful of him, part, through whom he rushes.” V. and A. 630. RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 181 So "her body. . . who," K. of L. 1740; "the hairs who wave,' V. and A. 306; "lips who... still blush," R. and J. iii. 3. 38; "sighs who," R. and J. iii. 5. 136; "mouths who," P. of T. i. 4. 33; "palates who," P. of T. i. 4. 39; "her eyelids who like sluices stopped," V. and A. Sometimes who is used where there is no notion of personality : "The world, who of itself is peised well,"-K. J. ii. 1. 575. where perhaps who is used because of the pause after "world," in the sense "though it." (See 263.) If there had been no comma be- tween "world" and the relative, we should have had that or which. Perhaps in this way we may distinguish in "The first, of gold, who this inscription bears; The second, silver, which this promise carries. "" M. of V. ii. 7. 4. i.e. the first of gold, and it bears this inscription; the second, (silver,) which carries," &c. In the first the material, in the second the promise, is regarded as the essential quality. [Or does euphony prefer which in the accented, who in the unaccented syllables ?] In almost all cases where who is thus used, an action is implied, so that who is the subject. Whom is rare. "The elements Of whom your swords are temper'd."-Temp. iii. 2. 62. 265. Which (E. E. adj. hw-ilc, "wh(a)-like") is used inter- changeably with Who and That. It is interchanged with who in "Then Warwick disannuls great John of Gaunt, Which did subdue the greatest part of Spain; And, after that wise prince, Henry the Fifth, Who by his power conquered all France." Like who (263), which implies a cause in 3 Hen. VI. iii. 3. 87. "Deposing thee before thou wert possess'd, Which (for thou) art possess'd now to depose thyself." Rich. II. ii. 1. 108. It is often used for that (see 261), where the personal antecedent is vocatively used or preceded by the article : "The mistress which I serve."— Temp. iii. 1. O. So M. for M. v. 1. 305; W. T. i. 2. 455, v. 2. 60. 182 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAK "Abhorred slave, Which any point of goodness will not take."-Temp. i 2. 35% "And thou, great goddess Nature, which hast made it." W. T. ii. 3. 104. So in our version of the Lord's Prayer. 266. Which, like that, is less definite than who. an individual, which a "kind of person ;" who is qualis. Who indicates qui," which "I have known those which (qualis) have walked in their sleep who (and yet they, 263), have died holily in their beds.”—Macb. V. I. 66. "For then I pity those I do not know Which (unknown persons) a dismiss'd offence would after gall." M. for M. ii. 2. 102. "They have-as who have not, that their great stars Throned and set high ?-servants, who seem no less, Which are to France the spies and speculations Intelligent of our state."-Lear, iii. 1. 24. Here "who seem no less" is parenthetical, and for who might be written "they." Which means "of such a kind that." Where so dear," ""such," &c. is implied in the antecedent, we may ex- pect the corresponding which (278) in the relative : Antonio, I am married to a wife Which is as dear to me as life itself."-M. of V. iv. 1. 283. When the antecedent is personal and plural, which is generally preferred to who. Which, like that (260), often precedes who. "I am Prospero, and that very duke Which was thrust from Milan, who," &c.-Tempest, v. 1. 160. 267. The... that; that... which. In A.-S. "be" (the) was the relative and "se" the article. When the form "be" (the) became the article, "that" became the relative. In the same way it perhaps arises that when that was applied to the antecedent, the "The man that relative form preferred by Shakespeare was which. says " "whoever says," and the indefinite that is sufficient; but "that man," being more definite, requires a more definite relative. After a proper name, who would answer the purpose; but after "that man," that being an adjective, “which man was the natural expression, which being originally also an adjective. Hence the marked change in RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 183 "If he sees aught in you that makes him like That anything he sees which moves his liking.”—K. J. ii. 1. 512 "When living blood doth in these temples beat Which owe the crown that thou o'er-masterest."-Ib. ii. 1. 109. Possibly "that" is a demonstrative, and "he" is used for "man in the following, which will account for the use of which; but more probably which is here used for that, and there is a confusion of constructions. "Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through our host, That he which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him depart."-Hen. V. iv. 3. 34.* 268. Which more definite than That. Generally it will be found that which is more definite than that. Which follows a name, that a pronoun: "Here's the Lord Say which sold the towns in France; he that made us pay one-and-twenty fifteens."-2 Hen. VI. iv. 7. 23. Sometimes which is used in this sense to denote an individual or a defined class, while that denotes a hypothetical person or an indefinite class. Hence "And such other gambol faculties a' has, that show a weak mind and an able body, for the which the Prince admits him."-2 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 74. And compare with "She that was ever fair and never proud, &c. She was a wight, if ever such wight were."-Othello, ii. 1. 149. "I find that she which late Was in my nobler thoughts most base, is now The praised of the king: who (263), so ennobled, Is as 'twere born so."-A. IV. ii. 3. 179. "It is a chance which does redeem all sorrows That I have ever felt.”—Lear, v. 3. 266. Which states a fact, that a probability, in Why, Harry, do I tell thee of my foes, Which art my near'st and dearest enemy? Thou that art like enough."-1 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 124. In "Cut off the heads of too fast growing sprays That look too lofty in our commonwealth : You thus employ'd, I will go root away The noisome weeds which, without profit, suck The soil's fertility from wholesome flowers."-Rich. II. iii 4.37. * See 415 and compare T. A. iii. 1. 151; Lear, ii. 1. 68. 184 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. We must explain "all the heads that may happen to look too lofty, and the weeds which, as a fact, suck the fertility," &c. So that introduces an essential, and which an accidental, or at all events a less essential quality, in the two following passages :— (Thou) commit'st thy anointed body to the cure Of those physicians that first wounded thee." " Rich. II. . I. 99. "Now for our Irish wars. We must supplant those rough, rug-headed kerns, Which live like venom where no venom else, But only they, have privilege to live.” — Ib. 157. That may state a fact with a notion of purpose: "Now, sir, the sound that tells (i.e. to tell) what hour it is Are clamorous groans which strike upon my heart, Which is the bell."-Rich. II. v. 5. 57. 269. Which with repeated antecedent. Which being an adjective frequently accompanies the repeated antecedent, where definiteness is desired, or where care must be taken to select the right antecedent. Salisbury. What other harm have I, good lady, done But spoke the harm that is by others done? Constance. Which harm within itself so heinous is-" K. J. iii. 1. 39. And, if she did play false, the fault was hers, Which fault lies,” &c.—K. J. i. 1. 119; Rich. II. i. 1. 104. This may sometimes explain why which is used instead of that, and why that is preferred after pronouns : "Let my revenge on her that injured thee Make less a fault which I intended not."-F. Sh. v. I. An antecedent noun ("fault") can be repeated, and therefore can be represented by the relative which; an antecedent pronoun "her" cannot. Sometimes a noun of similar meaning supplants the antecedent: Might'st bespice a cup To give mine enemy a lasting wink, Which draught to me were cordial."-W. T. i. 2. 318 270. The which. The above repetition is, The above repetition is, perhaps, more common with the definite "the which": "The better part of valour is discretion; in the which better part I have saved my life.". —1 Hen. IV. v. 4. 125. -1 RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 185 Sometimes the noun qualified by which is not repeated, and only slightly implied in the previous sentence : "Under an oak. to the which place."-A. Y. L. ii. 1. 33. "Let gentleness my strong enforcement be, In the which hope I blush.”—Ib. ii. 7. 119. The question may arise why "the" is attached to which and not to who. (The instance "Your mistress from the whom I see There's no disjunction,"—W. T. iv. 4. 539. is, perhaps, unique in Shakespeare.) The answer is, that who is considered definite already, and stands for a noun, while which is considered as an indefinite adjective; just as in French we have "lequel," but not “lequi.” "The which" is generally used either as above, where the antecedent, or some word like the antecedent, is repeated, or else where such a repetition could be made if desired. In almost all cases there are two or more possible antece- dents from which selection must be made. (The use of (The use of "lequel" is similar.) "To make a monster of the multitude, of the which (multitude) we being members should bring ourselves to be monstrous members." Coriol. ii. 3. 10. "Lest your justice Prove violence, in the which (violence) three great ones suffer." W. T. ii. 1. 128. 'Eight hundred nobles In name of lendings for your highness' soldiers, The which (nobles) he hath detain❜d for lewd employments.' "} Rich. II. i. 1. 90. "The which" is also naturally used after a previous "which." "The present business Which now's upon us without the which this story Were most impertinent."-Temp. i. 1. 138. "The chain Which God he knows I saw not, for the which He did arrest me."-C. of E. v. I. 230. 271. Which for "which thing," often parenthetically. "Camillo, As you are certainly a gentleman, thereto Clerk-like experienced, which no less adorns Our gentry, than our parents' noble names."-W. T. i. 2 392 186 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAK. Very often the "thing" must be gathered not from what precedes but from what follows, as in And, which became him like a prince indeed, He made a blushing 'cital of himself."-1 Hen. IV. v. 2. 62. And, which was strange, the one so like the other As could not be distinguished."-C. of E. i. 1. 53. That is rarely thus used by Shakespeare : (( And, that is worse, The Lord Northumberland, his son young Henry Percy, With all their powerful friends, are fled to him." Rich. II. ii. 2. 55. Often, however, in our A. V. that in “that is, being interpreted," is the relative, though a modern reader would not perceive it. "I was never so berhymed since Pythagoras' time that (when) I was an Irish cat, which I can hardly remember."-A. Y. L. iii. 2.188. "I'll resolve you, Which to you shall seem probable, of every These happen'd accidents."-Temp. v. 1. 249. .e. "I will explain to you (and the explanation shall seem probable) every one of these accidents.' "" "My honour's at the stake, which (danger) to defeat I must produce my power."-A. W. ii. 3. 156. "Even as I have tried in many other occurrences, which Cæsar affirmed (ce que dit César), that often," &c.-MONTAIGNE, 36. 272. Which for "as to which." as to which." Hence which and which" are loosely used adverbially for "as to which." Latin, "quod” in “quod si. "" "Showers of blood, The which how far off from the mind of Bolingbroke It is such crimson tempest should bedew," &c. "the So in Rich. II. iii. 3. 45. "With unrestrained loose companions- Even such, they say, as stand in narrow lanes, And beat our watch, and rob our passengers; Which he, young, wanton, and effeminate boy, Takes on the point of honour, to support So dissolute a crew."-Rich. II. v. 3. 10. "But God be thanked for prevention : Which I in sufferance heartily will rejoice." Hen. V. i. 2. 159 RELA TIVAL CONSTRUCTIONS. 187 273. Which. It is hard to explain the following: "A mote will turn the balance which Pyramus which Thisbe is the better."-M. Ñ. D. v. I. 325. unless which is used for the kindred "whether.' In "My virtue or my plague, be it either which," Hamlet, iv. 7. 13. there is perhaps a confusion between "be it either" and "be it whichever of the two." Perhaps, however, "either" may be taken in its original sense of "one of the two," so that "either which" is "which-one-so-ever of the two." 274. Who for whom. The inflection of who is frequently neg- lected. "Who I myself struck down."-Macbeth, iii. 1. 123. "Who does the wolf love? The lamb."-Coriol. ii. 1. 8. Compare IV. T. iv. 4. 636, v. 1. 109. Apparently it is not so common to omit them when the whom is governed by a preposition whose contiguity demands the inflection: "There is a inystery with whom relation Durst never meddle."-Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 201. Compare especially, "Consider who the king your father sends, To whom he sends."-L. L. L. ii. I. 2. The interrogative is found without the inflection even after a pre position: "C. Yield thee, thief. Gui. To who?"-Cymb. iv. 2. 75; Othello, i. 2. 52 "With who?"-Othello, iv. 2. 99. And in a dependent question: "The dead man's knell Is there scarce asked for who."-Macbeth, iv. 3. 171. In the following, who is not the object of the preposition : "This is a creature . . . might make proselytes Of who she but bid follow."-W. T. v. I. 109. RELATIVAL CONSTRUCTIONS. 275.-So as. Bearing in mind that as is simply a contraction for "all-so" ("alse," "als," "as"), we shall not be surprised at some interchanging of so and as. 188 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. We still retain " but seldom use as • • so": "As I had expected so it happened," 50 as," preferring "as as;" except where so • • • • • (as in the above phrase) requires special emphasis. The Elizabethans frequently used so before as. "So well thy words become thee as thy wounds." Macbeth, i. 2. 43. "Look I so pale, Lord Dorset, as the rest?" Rich. III. ii. 1. 83. "And with a look so piteous in purport As if he had been loosed out of hell."-Hamlet, ii. 1. 82. "Thou art so full of fear As one with treasure laden."—V. and A. "Fair and fair and twice so fair As any shepherd may be."-PEELE. "All so soon as."—R. and F. i. I. 140. This is not very common in Shakespeare. Nor is it common to find so for as where the clause containing the second as is implied but not expressed. "Make us partakers of a little gain, That now our loss might be ten times so much." I Hen. VI. ii. 1. 53. ! If the relatival as precedes, so, not as, must follow as the demon- strative. The exception below is explicable as being a repetition of a previous as used demonstratively: "As little joy, my lord, as you suppose You should enjoy, were you this country's king, As little joy may you suppose in me That I enjoy."—Rich. III. i. 3. 153. "That" is the relative. Ben Jonson (p. 789) writes as follows on so and as : "When the comparison is in quantity, then so goeth before and as followetn. Men wist in thilk time none So fair a wight as she was one.'-GOWER, lib. 1. But if the comparison be in quality, then it is contrary. 'For, as the fish, if it be dry, Mote, in default of water dye : Right so without air or live, No man ne beast might thrive.'-GOWER." So as is frequently used for so that. (See 109.) RELATIVAL CONSTRUCTIONS. 189 so that This construction is generally found with the past and future indicative, but we sometimes find "so as he may see," for " he may see." 'So as " is followed by the subjunctive in "And lead these testy rivals so astray As one come not within another's way."-M. N. D. iii. 2. 359. Compare the use of us with the subjunctive in Greek. There is no more reason for saying, "I come so that (i.e. in which way) I may see, "than for saying, "I come so as (i.e. in which way) I may see. We sometimes find so as that for so as in this sense. The so is omitted after as in the adjurations 'As ever thou wilt deserve well at my hands, (so) help me to a candle,"-T. N. iv. 2. 86. where as means "in which degree," and so "in that degree." Hence as approximates to "if." It would seem that " previous verse in as. • so" are both to be implied from the "Had you been as wise as bold, (As) young in limbs, (so) in judgment old.” M. of V. ii. 7. 71. 276. As... as. The first As is sometimes omitted: "A mighty and a fearful head they are As ever offered foul play in a state."-1 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 168. "He pants and looks (as) pale as if a bear were at his heels.” 7. N. iii. 4. 323; Tempest, v. I. 289. In the expression "old as I am," &c. we almost always omit the Shakespeare often inserts it: first as. "As near the dawning, provost, as it is."—M. for M. iv. 2. 97. "But I believe, as cold a night as 'tis, he could wish himself in Thames up to the neck."-Hen. V. iv. 1. 118. The expression is elliptical: "(be it) as cold as it is. "} 277. That... that, that... (as) to. That is still used provincially for such and so: e. g. "He is that foolish that he understands nothing. >> So "From me whose love was of that dignity That it went hand in hand even with the vow I made to her in marriage."—Hamlet, i. 5. 48. That is more precise than "of that kind" or "such." That, meaning "such," is used before the infinitive where we use the less emphatic "the." 190 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Had you that craft to reave her Of what should stead her most?"-A. W. v. 3. 86. So T. N. i. I. 33; Rich. III. i. 4. 257; and Macbeth, iv. 3. 74: "There cannot be That vulture in you to devour so many.' "" This omission of "as" after that meaning "so," is illustrated by the omission of "as" after "so (281). 278. Such which. Such (in Early English, "swulc," "suilc," suilch," "sich") was by derivation the natural antecedent to which; such meaning* "so-like, "so-in-kind;" which meaning what-like," " ""what-in-kind?" Hence- (" " "Such sin For which the pardoner himself is in."-M. for M. iv. 2. 111. "There rooted between them such an affection which cannot choose but branch now."— W. T. i. I. 26. So W. T. iv. 4. 783; Coriol. iii. 2. 105. Compare Duty so great which wit so poor as mine May make seem bare."-Sonn. 26. Similarly which is irregularly used after "too :" "And salt too little which may season give To her foul-tainted flesh."-M. Ado, iv. 1. 144. Whom follows such in >> Such I will have whom I am sure he knows not. A. W. iii. 6. 24. 279. Such that; so so ... that (rel.); such Hence such is used with other relatival words : "Such allowed infirmities that honesty Is never free of."-W. T. i. 2. 263. "To such a man That is no fleering tell-tale."-J. C. i. 3. 116. • • where. "For who so firm that cannot be seduced."-7. C. i. 2. 316 "His mother was a witch, and one so strong That could control the moon."-Temp v. 1. 270; ib. 315 "But no perfection is so absolute That some impunity doth not pollute.”—R. of L. "Who's so gross That seeth not this palpable device?"-Rich. III. iii. 6. 11 "Such things were That were most precious to me.”—Macbeth, iv. 3. 222. • Hence "such-like" (Temp. in. 3. 59) is a pleonasm. RELATIVAL CONSTRUCTIONS. 191 "For no man well of such a salve can speak That heals the wound and cures not the disgrace." Sonn. 34. Coriol. iii. 2. 55; T. G. of V. iv. 4. 70; A. W. i. 3. 221; Lear, ii. 2. 127; Othello, iii. 3. 417. Hence it seems probable that that is the relative, having for its antecedent the previous sentence, in the following passages from Spenser :- "Whose loftie trees yclad with summer's pride Did spred so broad that heaven's light did hide."—F. Q. i. 1. 7. "(He) Shook him so hard that forced him to speak."-7b. 42. "And the search so slow Similarly Which could not trace them."—Cymb. i. 1. 65. The licence in the use of these words is illustrated by- "In me thou seest the twilight of such day As, after sunset, fadeth in the west, Which by and by black night doth take away. In me thou seest the glowing of such fire That on the ashes of his youth doth lie As on the death-bed."-Sonn. 73. In the first case such as is used, because which follows; in the second, such that, because as follows. So Hamlet, iii. 4. 41-46: "Such an act that . . . . such a deed as.' Such, so, where: "Soch a schoole where the Latin tonge were properly and perfitlie spoken."-ASCH. 45. In no place so unsanctified Where such as thou mayest find him.”—Macbeth, iv. 2. 81 "So narrow where one but goes abreast." Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 155. 280. That as. We now use only such with as, and only that with which. Since, however, such was frequently used with which, naturally that was also used with as (in which way) used for which. Thus as approaches the meaning of a relative pronɔun. "I have not from your eyes that gentleness As I was wont to have."-F. C. i. 2. 33. "Under these hard conditions as this time Is like to lay upon us."—Ib. 174. [92 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Those arts they have as I could put into them." Cymb. v. 5. 338 "Methinks the realms of England, France, and Ireland Bear that proportion to my flesh and blood As did the fatal brand Althea burned Unto the prince's heart at Calydon.' "With that ceremonious affection as you were wont." So after this : "} -2 Hen. VI. i. 1. 233. Lear, i. 4. 63. "I beseech you do me this courteous office as to know what my offence is."-T. N. iii. 4. 278. Similarly "With hate in those where I expect most love." Rich. III. ii. 1. 33. Either (1) the nominative is omitted (see 399), or (2) as is put for who, the relative to an implied antecedent, in : "Two goodly sons, And, which was strange, the one so like the other As could not be distinguish'd but by names. C. of E. i. 1. 52, i.e. (1) so like that (they) could not be," as being used for that (see 109); or (2) "the one so like the other," &c. is loosely used for "the two so like each other as could not be distinguished." Similarly as is used as a relative after an antecedent implied, but not expressed, by so with an adjective: "I cannot but be sad, so heavy-sad As • makes me faint."-Rich. II. ii. 2. 31. i.e. "I feel such sadness as. 281 So (as). Under the Relative we have seen that sometimes the antecedent, sometimes the relative, is omitted, without injury to the sense. Similarly in relatival constructions, e.g. so... as, so . . . that, &c. one of the two can be omitted. The as is sometimes omitted: "I wonder he is so fond (as) To trust the mockery of unjust slumbers." Rich. III. ii. 3. 26. M. of V. iii. 3. 10. "So fond [i.e. foolish] (as) to come abroad." "No woman's heart So big (as) to hold so much.”—T. N. ii. 4. 99. RELATIVAL CONSTRUCTIONS. 193 "Shall I so much dishonour my fair stars (as) On equal terms to give him chastisement?” Rich. II. iv. I. 21. R. and F. ii. 3. 91; Macbeth, ii. 3. 55; Rich. II. iii. 3. 12. As or who is omitted in : “And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty say "as Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it."-T. of Sh. v. 2. 144. i.e. "None is so thirsty (who) will deign" where we should say to deign." Less probably, "none (be he how) so (ever) dry." So and as are both omitted in: "Be not (so) fond (As) To think that Cæsar bears such rebel blood."-7. C. iii. 1. 40. 282. So (that). The that is sometimes omitted. "I am so much a fool (that) it would be my disgrace.” Macb. iv. 2. 27 283. (So) that. So before that is very frequently omitted: "Ross. The victory fell on us. Dunc. Great happiness! Ross. (So) that now Sueno, the Norway's king, craves composi- tion."—Macbeth, i. 2. 59. Compare Macb. i. 7. 8, ii. 2. 7, ii. 2. 24; J. C. i. 1. 50. In all these omissions the missing word can be so easily supplied from its correspondent that the desire of brevity is a sufficient explanation of the omission. "A sheet of paper Writ o' both sides the leaf, margent and all, That he was fain to seal on Cupid's name."-L. L. L. v. 2. 9. 284. That, for because, when. Since that represents different cases of the relative, it may mean "in that," "for that," "because' (“quod"), "or at which time or at which time" ("quum "). In, or for that. "Unsafe the while that we must lave our honours," &c. "O, spirit of love! Macbeth, iii. 2. 39. That (in that), . • • How quick and fresh art thou nought enters there but," &c. T. N. i. I. 10. "Like silly beggars Who sitting in the stocks refuge their shame, That (because) many have and others must sit there, And in this thought they find a kind of ease. O "" Rich. II. v. 5. 27. 191 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR.. At which time; when : "In the day that thou eatest thereof."—Gen. ii. 17. "Now it is the time of night That the graves all gaping wide, Every one lets forth his sprite.”—M. N. D. v. I. 387. "So wept Duessa until eventyde, That shynyng lamps in Jove's high course were lit.” SPENS. F. Q. i. 5. 19. "Is not this the day That Hermia should give answer of her choice? M. N. D. iv. I. 133. So, till the judgment that yourself arise, You live in this and dwell in lovers' eyes."—Sonn. 55. Compare "Then that," apparently "then when." (2 Hen. IV. iv. 1. 117.) These uses of that are now superseded by the old interrogatives why and when, just as, even in Shakespeare's time, many of the uses of that had been transferred to the interrogatives who and which. "Albeit I will confess thy father's wealth Was the first motive that I wooed thee, Anne.” i.e. "for which, or why, I wooed thee." M. W. of W. iii. 4. 14. The use of that for when is still not uncommon, especially in the now that I know," &c. It is omitted after "now" in phrase "But now (that) I am return'd, and that war thoughts Have left their places vacant, in their rooms Come thronging soft and delicate desires."-M. Ado, i. 1. 303. So Rich. III. i. 2. 170; M. N. D. iv. 1. 67, 109. That = "in which" in "Sweet Hero, now thy image doth appear In the sweet semblance that I loved it first.”—M. Ado, v. 1. 260. 285. That omitted and then inserted. The purely conjunctional use of that is illustrated by the Elizabethan habit of omitting it at the beginning of a sentence, where the construction is obvious, and then inserting it to connect a more distant clause with the conjunction on which the clause depends. In most cases the subjects of the clauses are different. "Though my soul be guilty and that I think," &c. B. J. Cy.'s Rev. iii. 2. RELATIVAL CONSTRUCTIONS. 195 "Were it not thy sour leisure gave sweet leave, And that thou teachest."-Sonn. 39. "If this law Of nature be corrupted through affection, And that great minds, of partial indulgence To their benumbed wills, resist the same." Tr. and Cr. ii. 2. 179. This may explain (without reference to "but that," 122): "If frosts and fasts, hard lodging and thin weeds Nip not the gaudy blossoms of your love, But that it bear this trial."—L. L. L. v. 2. 813. For "if that," see 287. "Think I am dead, and that even here thou takest, As from my death-bed,,my last living leave. Rich. II. v. I. 38 So T. N. v. I. 125; W. T. i. 2. 84; A. and C. iii. 4. 31; P. of T. i. Gower, 11. "I love and hate her, for she's fair and royal, And that she hath all worthy parts more exquisite." i.e. "for that" or "because." Cymb. iii. 5. 71. "She says I am not fair, that I lack manners; She calls me proud, and that she could not love me. " A. Y. L. iv. 2. 16. In the above example the that depends upon a verb of speech implied in calls." This construction is still more remarkable in- "But here's a villain that would face me down He met me on the mart, and that I beat him."-C. of E. iii. 1. 7. Compare the French use of "que" instead of repeating "si,” quand," &c. 286. Whatsoever that. In the following there is probably an ellipsis : "This and what needful else (there be) That calls upon us.”—Macbeth, v. S. 72. "Till whatsoever star (it be) that guides my moving Points on me graciously with fair aspect."-Sonn. 26. "As if that whatsoever god (it be) who leads him Were slily crept into his human powers."-Coriol. ii. 1. 235. In the latter, that is probably the demonstrative. It might, how. ever, be the conjunctional that. See "if that," 287. U 2 196 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 287. That as a conjunctional affix. Just as so and as are affixed to who (whoso), when (whenso), where (whereas, whereso), in order to give a relative meaning to words that were originally interrogative, in the same way that was frequently affixed. "When that the poor have cried." * F. C. iii. 2. 96; T. N. v. 1. 398. Why that."-Hen. V. v. 2. 34. You may imagine him upon Blackheath, Where that his lords desire him to have borne His bruised helmet and his bended sword Before him through the city."-Hen. V. v. Prologue, 17. So A. Y. L. ii. 7. 75; ii. 3. 117. This, with the above, explains "Edmund. When by no means he could. Gloucester. Pursue him, ho! go after. By no means what? Edmund. Persuade me to the murder of your lordship, But that I told him," &c.—Lear, ii. 1. 47. so" had Gradually, as the interrogatives were recognized as relatives, the force of that, so, as, in "when that," "when so," "when as," seems to have tended to make the relative more general and in- definite; "who so" being now nearly (and once quite) as indefi- whosoever." The "ever" was added when the " begun to lose its force. In this sense, by analogy, that was attached to other words, such as "if," "though," "why," &c. If that the youth of my new interest here Have power to bid you welcome."—M. of V. iii. 2. 224. nite as Compare If that rebellion Came like itself, in base and abject routs." 2 Hen. IV. iv. 1. 32; T. N. i. 5. 324, v. 1. 375. So Lear, v. 3. 262; Rich. III. ii. 2. 7. The fuller form is found, CHAUC. Pard. Tale, 375: "If so were that I might;" and Lodge writes, "If so I mourn." Similarly, "If so be thou darest."-Coriol. v. 14. 98. Compare: "While that."—Hen. V. v. 2. 46. Though that." Coriol. i. 1. 144; Lear, iv. 6. 219; T. N. i. 3. 48. "Lest that.”—Hen. V. ii. 4. 142; T. N. iii. 4. 384. "Whether that."- -1 Hen. VI. iv. 1. 28. St. Mark iii. 35. Where our Version has "Whosoever shall do the will of my Father," Wickliffe has "Who that doth." RELATIVAL CONSTRUCTIONS. 197 "So as that," frequently found. “Since that.”—Macb. iv. 3. 106; Rich. III. v. 3. 202 "How that" is also frequent. We also find that frequently affixed to prepositions for the purpose of giving them a conjunctival meaning: "For that" (Macb. iv. 3. 185); “in that;" "after that," &c. The Folio has "Your vertue is my priuiledge: for that It is not night when I doe see your face. Therefore I thinke I am not in the night." M. N. D. iì. 1. 220. The Globe omits the full stop after "face," making for that " (because) answer to "therefore.” Others remove the stop after "privilege" and place it after "for that." Hence we find "but that" where we should certainly omit that "The breath no sooner left his father's body But that his wildness, mortified in him, Seem'd to die too."-Hen. V. i. 1. 26. 288. That, origin of. Is that, when used as above, demonstrative or relative? The passage quoted above from Chaucer,* "If so were that," renders it probable that a similar ellipsis must be supplied with the other conjunctions: "Though (it be) that,” “Since (it is) that," &c. With prepositions the case is different, e.g. "for that," >> "in that," ""after that." For this use of that can be traced to A.-S., where we find "for bam be," i.e. "for this purpose that, after þam be," &c. Here "bam" is more emphatic than "be," and evidently gave rise to the English that. But "ham" was the A.-S. demonstrative. It follows that the that is (by derivative use, at all events) demonstrative in "for that," or, perhaps we should say, stands as an abridgment for " that (demonst.) that (rel.).” In fact, we can trace the A.-S. "after þam þe" to the E. E. "after that that," and so to the later "after that." Hence we must explain "The rather For that I saw the tyrant's power afoot."-Mach. iv. 3. 185. as for that (that), i.e. for that, because, I saw." It would be wrong, however, to say that that in “since that" is, by derivative use, demon- strative. On the contrary, “since "since" in itself (sib-ban) contains the demonstrative, and "since that" corresponds to "sib-ban bat" where that (bat) is relative. And similarly "though that" corresponds to the A.-S. "beah be," where that (pe) is the relative. The that in Compare "If so be that." 198 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "" ઃઃ "" " "after that," before that," invites comparison with the " quam in " postquam" and " antequam," though in the Latin it is the antecedent, not the relative, that is suppressed. The tendency of the relative to assume a conjunctional meaning is illustrated by the post-classical phrase, “dico quod (or quia) verum est," in the place of the classical "dico id verum esse. Many of the above Eliza- bethan phrases, which are now disused, may be illustrated from French: Since that, puisque ; though that," " quoi que; "before that,' ," "avant que," &c. Instead of "for that," we find in French the full form, "par ce que," i.e. "by that (dem.) that (rel.).” It is probable that Chaucer and Mandeville, if not earlier writers, were influenced in their use of the conjunctional that by French usage. Even in the phrase "I say that it is true," that may be ex- plained as having a relatival force (like ori, "quod," and the French que "), meaning, "I say in what way, how that, it is true." In the phrase, “I come that (in the way in which; 'ut,' &s, 'afin que') I may see," the relatival force of that is still more evident. (6 289. As is used in the same way as a conjunctional affix. Thus "while as: "Pirates • • still revelling like lords till all be gone While as the silly owner of the goods Weeps over them."-2 Hen VI. i. 1. 225. "When as: "" "When as the enemy hath been ten to one."-3 Hen VI. i. 2. 75. "When as the noble Duke of York was slain."-Ib. ii. 1. 46. So Ib. v. 7. 34. "Where as So I. " is used by us metaphorically. But Shakespeare has "Unto St. Alban's, Where as the king and queen do mean to hawk.” 2 Hen VI. i. 2. 57. 'They back retourned to the princely Place, Whereas an errant knight . . . they new arrived find." SPENS. F. Q. i. 4. 38. there as" is used in carlier English. "There that" is also found in Chaucer in a local sense. Of course the " SO in whenso, ""whereso" &c., is nearly the same in meaning, just as it is the same in derivation, with the as in " whenas," &c. VERBS, FORMS OF. 199 VERBS, FORMS OF. 290. Verbs, Transitive (formation of). The termination en (the infinitive inflection) is sufficient to change an English monosyl- labic noun or adjective into a verb. Thus "heart" becomes "hearten;" "light," "lighten," "glad," 'gladden," &c. The licence with which adjectives could be converted into verbs is illustrated by "Eche that enhauncith hym schal be lowid, and he that mekith hymself shall be highid."-WICKLIFFE, St. Luke xiv. II. "" In the general destruction of inflections which prevailed during the Elizabethan period, en was particularly discarded. It was therefore dropped in the conversion of nouns and adjectives into verbs, except in some cases where it was peculiarly necessary to distinguish a noun or adjective from a verb. (So strong was the discarding tendency that even the e in "owen," "to possess, was dropped, and Shakespeare continually uses. "owe" for " owen or own (T. N. i. 5. 329; Rich. II. iv. 1. 185). Then has now been restored.) But though the infinitive inflection was generally dropped, the converting power was retained, undiminished by the absence of the condition. Hence it may be said that any noun or adjective could be converted into a verb by the Elizabethan authors, generally in an active signification, as— "> * "Which happies (makes happy) those that pay the willing lover." Sonn. II. "Time will unfair (deface) that (which) fairly doth excel."—Ib. 5. So: Balm'd (healed).-Lear, iii. 6. 105. Barn.- ‘Barns a harvest.”—R. of L. Bench (sit).-Lear, iii. 6. 40. Bold (embolden).—" Not bolds the king."—Lear, v. 1. 26. Brain. "Such stuff as madmen Tongue and brain not.”— Cymb. v. 4. 147. i.e. "such stuff as madmen use their tongues in, but not their brains." Child.-"Childing autumn."-M. N. D. ii. 1. 112: i.e. “ autumn producing fruits as it were children." Climate. "Climates (neut.) [lives] here."-W. T. v. 1. 170. Cowardel. "That hath so cowarded and chased your blood.”— Hen. P. ii. 2. 75. * Compare The gates are ope," Coriol. i. 4. 43. 200 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Coy (to be cov).-"Nay, if he coy'd."-Coriol. v. I. 6. Disaster (make disastrous-looking). -"The holes where eyes should be which pitifully disaster the cheeks."-A. and C. ii. 7. 18. False. Has falsed his faith."-SPENS. F. Q. i. 19. 46. Fame.-"Fames his wit."-Sonn. 84. Fault. -"Cannot fault (neut.) twice."-N. P. Pref.; B. J. Alch. iii. I Feeble." And feebling such as stand not in their liking." Coriol. i. I. 199. Fever (give a fever to).-"The white hand of a lady fever thee, Shake thou to look on't."-A. and C. iii. 13. 138. Fond. "My master loves her truly, And I, poor monster, fond as much on him."-T. N. ii. 2. 35. Fool (stultify). Why, that's the way To fool their preparations."-A. and C. v. 2. 225. This explains Foot. "" Why old men fool and children calculate. -F. C. i. 3. 65. "Foots" (kicks).—Cymb. iii. 5. 148. On the other hand, in "A power already footed" (Lear, iii. 2. 14), it means set on foot ;" and in "the traitors late footed in the kingdom” (Ib. iii. 7. 45), it means that have obtained a footing." Force (to urge forcibly).—"Why force you this?"—Coriol. iii. 2. 51. Also (to attach force to, regard) : i.l. "But ah! who ever shunn'd by precedent The destin'd ills she must herself assay, Or forced examples 'gainst her own content, To put the by-past perils in her way?"-L. C. 157. whoever regarded examples." So L. L. L. v. 2. 440. Furnace." Furnaces sighs."-—Cymb. i. 6. 66. Gentle." This day shall gentle his condition."-Hen. V. iv. 3. 63. God."He godded me. Coriol. v. 3. 11. "" Honest.-"Honests (honours) a lodging."-B. J. Sil. Wom. i. I. Inherit (make an inheritor). "That can inherit us So much as of a thought of ill in him."-Rich. II. ii. 1. 85. Knee (kneel).—"Knee the way."-Coriol. v. 1. 5. Lesson (teach).—“Lesson me.”—T. G. of V.ii. 7. 5; Rich, III. i. 4. 216. Linger (make to linger). "Life Which false hope lingers in extremity.' Rich. II. ii. 2. 72 · M. N. D. i. 1 4. VERBS, FORMS OF. 201 Mad." Mads" (makes angry).—Rich. II. v. 5. 61. Mellow (ripen, trans.).-T. N. i. 3. 43. Mist (cover with mist).-"If that her breath will mist or stain the stone."-Lear, v. 3. 262. Malice. -"Malices" (bears malice to).-N. P. Pale (make pale).—" And 'gins to pale his uneffectual fire." Panging (paining). Hamlet, i. 5. 90. ""Tis a sufferance panging As soul and body's severing."-Hen. VIII. ii. 3. 15. Path (walk).- -"For if thou path (neuter), thy native semblance on."-J. C. ii. 1. 83. Plain (make plain).—“What's dumb in show I'll plain in speech." P. of T. iii. Gower, 14. >> Property (treat as a tool)." They have here propertied me. T. N. iv. 2. 100; K. J. v. 2. 79. Rag'd (enraged).—There is no corruption (though the passage is marked as corrupt in the Globe) in "For young colts being rag'd do rage the more. "} Rich. II. ii. 1. 70. Safe." And that which most with you should safe my going, Fulvia is dead.”—A. and C. i. 3. 55. i.e. "make my departure unsuspected by you of dangerous con- sequences." Scale (weigh, put in the scale).—“Scaling his present bearing with his past. "> Coriol. ii. 3. 257. Stage (exhibit).-"I do not like to stage me to their eyes." M. for M. i. I. 69. Stock (put in the stocks).—“ Stocking his messenger. " Lear, ii. 2. 139 Stream (unfurl).—" Streaming the ensign."-Rich, II. iv. 1. 94. Toil (give labour to).-Probably in Why this same strict and most observant watch So nightly toils the subject of the land.”—Ham' t, i. 1. 72. So "toil'd," passive.—Rich. II. iv. 1. 96. Tongue.-"How might she tongue me?"-M. for M. iv. 4. 28. i.e. "speak of, or accuse, me. Tongue" means “speak" in "Such stuff as madmen Tongue, and brain not.”—Cymb. v. 4. 14 202 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Trifle.- The Candy J "Trifles (renders trifling) former knowing."-Macb. ii. 4. 4. Undeaf." My death's sad tale may yet undeaf his ear. "" Rich. II. ii. 1. 6. Verse (expressing in verse).- Versing love."-M. N. D. ii. 1. 67, Violent (act violently).—" And violenteth in a sense as strong. Tr. and Cr. iv. 4. 4. " Wage (pay: so E. E.).—“He waged me."—Coriol. v. 6. 40. Womb (enclose). -"The close earth wombs or the profound sea liides." W. T. iv. 4. 501, -"That worthied him."-Lear, ii. 2. 128. Worthied (ennobled).—“That worthied him. The dropping of the prefix be was also a common licence. We have recurred to "bewitch" and "belate," but Shakespeare wrote- "And witch the world with noble horsemanship." I Hen. IV. iv. 1. 110 "Now spurs the lated traveller apace."-Macbeth, iii. 3. 6. "Disorder, that hath spoil'd us, friend us now." Hen. V. iv. 5. 17. 291. Sometimes an intransitive verb is converted into a transitive verb. Cease." Heaven cease this idle humour in your honour !" T. of Sh. Ind. 2. 13. So Cymb. v. 5. 255. Expire.-Time "expires a term."-R. and J. i. 4. 109. Fall.-An executioner "falls an axe."-A. Y. L. ii 5.5 and pro. bably (though fall may be the subjunctive) in "Think on me, and fall thy edgeless axe."-Rich. III. v. 3. 135. Peer." Peers (causes to peer) his chin."-R. of L. Perish.-"Thy flinty heart. . . might perish (destroy) Margaret. Quail (make to quail). >> 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 100. But when he meant to quail and shake the orb."-A. and C. v. ii. 85. Relish. "Relishes (makes acceptable) his nimble notes to pleasing ears."—R. of L. Remember (remind: so Fr.).—"Every stride I take Will but remember me what," &c.-Rich. II. i. 3. 269. Retire (so Fr.)." That he might have retired his power >> Rich. II. ii. 2. 46. Shine. "God doth not shine honour upon all men equally."-B.E.45. Squint.—“ Squints the eye and makes the harelip."-Lear, iii. 4. 122. i.e. "makes the eye squint." VERBS, FORMS OF. 203 Fear. This word is not in point. It had the signification of frighten" in A.-S. and E. E. Hence, "Thou seest what's past: go fear thy king withal." 3 Hen. VI. iii. 3. 226. "This aspect of mine hath fear'd the valiant." So in Spenser, "Words fearen babes." M. of V. ii. I. 9. The same remark applies to "learn," which meant "teach." "The red plague rid you For learning me your language." Tempest, i. 2. 365. 292. The licence in the formation of verbs arose partly from the unfixed nature of the language, partly from the desire of brevity and force. Had it continued, it would have added many useful and expressive words to the language. In vigorous colloquy we still occasionally use such expressions as— "" "Grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncles."-Rich. II. ii. 3. 87. "Thank me no thankings, nor proud me no prouds. R. and F. iii. 5. 153. As it is, we can occasionally use the termination -ƒy, as in "stultify," and sometimes the suffix -en or the prefix be-. But for the most part we are driven to a periphrasis. 293. Transitive verbs are rarely used intransitively. Eye (appear). "But, sir, forgive me Since my becomings kill me, when they do not Eye well to you. A. and C. i. 3. 97. Lack (to be needed).—" And what so poor a man as Hamlet is May do to express his love and friending to you, God willing, shall not lack."—Hamlet, i. 5. 186. Need (to be needed).—"These ceremonies need not. >> So E. E. B. J. E. in &c. iii. 2. This is perhaps a remnant of the ancient love for impersonal verbs. Such verbs would be appropriate to express "need." Hence in Matt. xix. 20, Mark x. 21, Wickliffe has "faileth to me" and "to thee," where the A. V. has "what do I lack" and "thou lackest." Similarly, Milton (Areopagitiu) uses "what wants there?" for "what is needed?" and this use still exists in conversation. So often Shakespeare, e.g. "There wanteth now our brother Gloucester here." Rich, III. ii. r. 13. 204 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. ! Show (like our "look: " compare German "schauen "). "Each substance of a grief hath twenty shadows Which show's like grief itself."-Rich. II. ii. 2. 15. 294. Verbs Passive (formation of). Hence arose a curious use of passive verbs, mostly found in the participle. Thus "famous'd for fights" (Sonn. 25) means "made famous ;” but in "Who, young and simple, would not be so lover'd?"—L. C. lover'd means " gifted with a lover." And this is the general rule. A participle formed from an adjective means "made (the adjective)," and derived from a noun means "endowed with (the noun)." On the other hand, stranger'd below means, not "gifted with a stranger," but "made a stranger." This use will be best illustrated by the following examples Childed (provided with children).—" He childed as I father'd." Lear, iii. 6. 117 Faith'd (believed).—"Make thy words faith'd.”—Ib. ii. 1. 72. Father'd (provided with a father). See above, Lear, iii. 6. 117. Feebled (enfeebled).-K. F. v. 2. 146. Fielded (encamped in the field)." Our fielded friends." Coriol. i. 4. 12. Grav'd (entomb'd).—“ Grav'd in the hollow ground.” Rich. II. iii. 2. 140. Guiled (deceitful).—“A guiled shore."-M. of V. iii. 2. 97. Compare Beguiled (i.e. made plausible) With outward honesty, but yet defiled With inward vice."—R. of L. Inhabited (made to inhabit).-"O, knowledge ill-inhabited, worse than Jove in a thatch'd house."-A. Y. L. iii. 3. 10. King'd (ruled).—" King'd of our fears, until our fears, resolv'd, Be by some certain king purged and deposed."-K. J. ii. 1. 371. i.e. "ruled by our fears." Look'd (looking).-"Lean-look'd prophets."-Rich. II. ii. 4. 11. Lorded (made a lord).—“ He being thus lorded."— Tempest, i. 2. 97. Contrast this with "king'd" above, which means not "made a king," but "ruled as by a king." Mcered. "When half to half the world opposed, He being the meered question.”—A. and C. iii. 13.10 Verbs, forms of. 205 The word "meered" is marked as corrupt by the Globe: but perhaps it is the verb from the adj. meere or "mere," which in Elizabethan English means "entire." IIence, "he being the entire question," i.e." Antony, being the sole cause of the battle, ought not to have fled." Million'd.-"The million'd accidents of time."-Sonn. 115. Mouthed." Mouthed graves."—Ib. 77. Necessited.-"I bade her, if her fortunes ever stood Necessited to help, that by this token I would relieve her."-A. W. v. 3. 85. i.e. "made necessitous." Nighted (benighted). "His nighted life."-Lear, iv. 5. 13; “Thy nighted colour."—Hamlet, i. 2. 68: i.e. "thy night-like colour. Paled.-"Paled cheeks."-L. C. 28. Pensived.-Ib. 31. Pined. "His pined cheek."—Ib. 5. Practised (plotted against).—“The death-practised duke." Servanted (made subservient).-Coriol. v. 2. 89. Lear, iv. 6. 284. Slow'd (retarded). -"I would I knew not why it should be slow'd." R. and J. iv. I. 16. Stranger'd (made a stranger). "Dower'd with our curse, and stranger'd with our oath."-Lear, i. 1. 207. Toil'd.-"I have been so toil'd."-B. J. E. out &c. iii. 1. Traded." Traded pilots."-Tr. and Cr. ii. 2. 64. Unlook'd (unlooked for).—Rich. III. i. 3. 214: compare look (seek). Hen. V. iv. 7. 76. Unsured (unassured). -"Thy now unsured assurance to the crown." K. 7. ii. 1. 471. Vouchsafed (?).-" To your most pregnant and vouchsafed ear.' >> T. N. iii. I. 190. i. e. capable of conceiving and graciously bestowed. Window'd (placed in a window). "Wouldest thou be window'd in great Rome." Woman'd (accompanied by a woman). A. and C. iv. 14. 72. "To have him see me woman'd."—Othello, iii 4. 195. Year'd.-" Year'd but to thirty."-B. J. Sejan. i. I. 206 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR In many cases a participle seems preferred where an adjective would be admissible, as "million'd." So in Tempest, v. L. 43, "the azured vault." " 295. Verbs Passive. With some few intransitive verbs, mostly of motion, both be and have are still used. "He is gone," "he has gone." The is expresses the present state, the has the activity necessary to cause the present state. The is is evidently quite as justifiable as has (perhaps more so), but it has been found more con- venient to make a division of labour, and assign distinct tasks to is and has. Consequently is has been almost superseded by has in all but the passive forms of transitive verbs. In Shakespearian English, however, there is a much more common use of is with intransitive verbs. "My life is run his compass."—J. C. v. 3. 25. "Whether he be scaped."—3 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 2. "" Being sat."-L. C. st. x. "Being deep stept in age."-ASCH. 189. "An enter'd tide."-Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 159. “I am arrived for fruitful Lombardy."-T. of Sh. i. I. 3. "Pucelle is entered into Orleans. 1 Hen. VI. i. 5. 36; Cymb. v. 4. 120. "Five hundred horse. . are marched up." • 2 Hen. IV. ii. 1. 186. "The king himself is rode to view their battle." Hen. V. iv. 3. 1. "His lordship is walk'd forth.”—2 Hen. IV. i. 1. 3. "The noble Brutus is ascended."—7. C. iii. 2. 11. "You now are mounted Where powers are your retainers."-Hen. VIII. ii. 4. 112. "I am descended of a gentler blood.”—1 Hen. VI. v. 4. 8. 66 Through his lips do throng Weak words, so thick come (particip.) in his poor heart's aid." R. of L. 1784 Compare our "welcome." "How now, Sir Proteus, are you crept before us ?" So Rich. III. i. 2. 259. T. G. of V. iv. 1. 18. "Prince John is this morning secretly stolen away." M. Ado, iv. 2. 63. VERBS, FOrms of. 207 This idion is common with words of "happening :" And bring us word. . . how everything is chanced." F. C. v. 4. 32; 2 Hen. IV. i. 1. 87. "Things since then befallen.”—3 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 106. "Of every one these happen'd accidents."-Temp. v. 1. 249. "Sad stories chanced in the days of old."-T. A. iii. 2. 3. Hence a participial use like "departed" in The treachery of the two fled hence."-W. T. ii. 1. 195. In some verbs that are both transitive and intransitive this idiom is natural : "You were used to say."-Coriol. iv. 1. 3. Perhaps this is sometimes a French idiom. Thus, "I am not purposed" (MONTAIGNE, 38), is a translation of "je ne suis pas délibéré." This constant use of "be" with participles of verbs of motion may perhaps explain, by analogy, the curious use of " the present participle in "To whom being going."-Cymb. iii. 6. 63. being" with As above mentioned, the tendency to invent new active verbs increased the number of passive to the diminution of neuter verbs: "Poor knave, thou art o'erwatched."-F. C. iv. 3. 241. "Be wreak'd (i.e. avenged) on him."-V. and A. So, N. P. 194. Possess was sometimes used for to "put in possession," as in "Possess us, possess us (T. N. ii. 3. 149) : i.e. "inform us.' So M. of V. iv. 1. 35. Hence the play on the word. << "" Deposing thee before thou wert possess'd (of the throne), Which art possessed (with a spirit of infatuation) to destroy thyself."-Rich. II. ii. 1. 107-8; M. of V. i. 3. 65. We still say a man "is well read." But in Macb. i. 4. 9, there is- "As one that had been studied in his death." "For Clarence is well-spoken."-Rich. III. i. 3. 348. "I am declined into the vale of years."-Othello, iii. 3. 265. "How comes it, Michael, you are thus forgot?" i.e."you have forgotten yourself." Ib. ii. 3. 188. "If I had been remembered."-Rich. III. ii. 4. 22. We still say "well-behaved," but not "How have I been behaved."-Othello, iv 2. 108. 208 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR, It was perhaps already considered a vulgarity, for Dogberry says (M. Ado, iv. 2. 1): "Is our whole dissembly appear'd?” and in a prose scene (Coriol. iv. 3. 9)— "Your favour is well appear'd (fol.) by your tongue.' Perhaps, however, appear was sometimes used as an active verb. See Cymb. iv. 2. 47, iii. 4. 148, quoted in 296. 296. Verbs Reflexive. The predilection for transitive verbs was perhaps one among other causes why many verbs which are now used intransitively, were used by Shakespeare reflexively. Many of these were derived from the French. "Advise you."-T. N. iv. 2. 102. "Where then, alas! may I complain myself?"—Rich. II. i. 2. 42. "Endeavour thyself to sleep."-T. N. iv. 2. 104. "I do repent me."-Rich. II. v. 3. 52. ઃઃ Repose you."-16. ii. 3. 161. "He... retired himself."—Rich. II. iv. 1. 96; Coriol. i. 3. 30, which is in accordance with the original meaning of the word. It has been shown above that "fear" is used transitively for "frighten." Hence, perhaps, as in Greek poßoûμai, "I I fear me."-2 Hen. VI. i. 1. 150. Appear is perhaps used reflexively in "No, no; we will hold it as a dream till it appear itself.” "If you could wear a mind Dark as your fortune is, and but disguise M. Ado, i. 2. 22. That which to appear itself must not yet be."-Cymb. iii. 4. 148. i.e. "that which, as regards showing itself, must not yet have any existence." Though these passages might be perhaps explained without the reflexive use of appear, yet this interpretation is made more probable by "Your favour is well appear'd.”—Coriol. iv. 3. 9. 297. Verbs Impersonal. An abundance of Impersonal verbs is a mark of an early stage in a language, denoting that a speaker has not yet arrived so far in development as to trace his own actions and feelings to his own agency. There are many more impersonal verbs in Early English than in Elizabethan, and many more in Elizabethan than in modern English. Thus- VERBS, FORMS OF 209 It yearns me not."-Hen. V. iv. 3. 26. "It would pity any living eye."-SPENS. F. Q. i. 6. 43. Comp. 2 Maccabees iii. 21: It would have pitied a man. (C It dislikes me."-Othello, ii. 3. 49. So "it likes me, )) (( meseems, methinks," &c. "Which likes me."-Hen. V. iv. 3. 77. And therefore like is probably (not merely by derivation, but con- sciously used as) impersonal in "So like you, sir."—Cymb. ii. 3. 59. Want is probably not impersonal but intransitive, "is wanting," in "There wants no diligence in seeking him?"*-Cymb. iv. 3.20. The singular verb is quite Shakespearian in So in " Though bride and bridegroom wants (are wanting) For to supply the places at the table."-T. of Sh. iii. 2. 248. Sufficeth my reasons are both good and weighty."-Ib. i. 1. 252. Sufficeth I am come to keep my word."-Ib. iii. 2. 108. the comma after "sufficeth" is superfluous; is superfluous; "that I am come to keep my word sufficeth." In "And so betide to me As well I tender you and all of yours,"-Rich. III. ii. 4. 71. betide may be used impersonally. But perhaps so is loosely used as a demonstrative for "such fortune," in the same way in which as (280) assumes the force of a relative. If betide be treated as im- personal, befal in "fair befal you may be similarly treated, and in that case "fair" is an adverb. But see (5). The supposition that "betide" is impersonal and "fair" an adverb is confirmed by "Well be (it) with you, gentlemen."-Hamlet, ii. 2. 398. The impersonal needs (which must be distinguished from the adverbial genitive needs) often drops the s; partly, perhaps, because of the constant use of the noun need. It is often found with "what," where it is sometimes hard to say whether "what" is an adverb and need a verb, or (" what an adjective and need a noun. "What need the bridge much broader than the flood?" M. Ado, i. I. 318. "what need is there either "why need the bridge (be) broader?" or (that) the bridge (be) broader ?” Sec 193. P 210 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Comp. the old use of "thinketh" (seemeth): Where it thinks best unto your royal self."-Rich. III. iii. 1. 63. The Folio has thinkst: and perhaps this is the true reading, there being a confusion between "it thinks" and "thinkest thou." pare thinkst thee" in Com- "Doth it not, thinkst thee, stand me now upon ?"-IIamlet, v. 2. 63. The impersonal and personal uses of think were often confused. Chapman (Walker) has "methink." S seems to have been added to assimilate the termination to that of "methinks" in " methoughts" (W. T. i. 2. 154; Rich. III. i. 4. 9). It is not easy, perhaps not possible, to determine whether, in the phrase so please your highness," please is used impersonally or not; for on the one hand we find, “So please him come, and on the other, "If they please.”—W. T. ii. 3. 142. "" (F. C. iii. 1. 140); "I do repent: but Heaven hath pleased it so."-Ham. iii. 4. 173. VERBS, AUXILIARY. 298. Be, Beest, &c., was used in A.-S. (beon) generally in a future sense. Hence, since the future and subjunctive are closely connected in meaning, be assumed an exclusively subjunctive use; and this was so common, that we not merely find "if it be" (which might represent the proper inflected subjunctive of be), but also "if thou beest," where the indicative is used subjunctively. "If, after three days' space, thou here beest found." 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 295. (( Beest thou sad or merry, The violence of either thee becomes."—A. and C. i. 5. 59. And (Mätzner, vol. i. p. 367), bee, beest, bec, pl. bee, is stated by Wallis to be the regular form of the subjunctive. Hence, from the mere force of association, be is often used (after though, if, and other words that often take the subjunctive) without having the full force of the subjunctive. Indeed any other verb placed in the same context would be used in the indicative. Thus : 66 Though Page be a secure (careless) fool, and stands so firmly on his wife's frailty."-M. W. of W. ii. 1. 242. "If Hamlet from himself be ta'en away And, when he's not himself, does wrong Laertes."—Ham.v.2.245, VERBS, AUXILIARY. 211 "If he be a whoremonger and comes before him, He were as good go a mile on his errand."-M. for M. iii. 2. 38. 299. Be in questions and dependent sentences. So, as a rule, it will be found that be is used with some notion of doubt, question, thought, &c.; for instance, (a) in questions, and (6) after verbs of thinking. (a) "Be my horses ready?”—Lear, i. 5. 36. "Be the players ready?"—Hamlet, iii. 2. 111. This is especially frequent in questions of appeal: "Where be his quiddities?"—Hamlet, v. 1. 107. "Where be thy brothers ?"-Rich. III. iv. 4. 92. "Where be the bending knees that flatter'd thee? Where be the thronging troops that follow'd thee?" Ib. iv. 4. 95-6. And in questions implying doubt, e.g. "where can they be?" "Where be these bloody thieves?"-Othello, v. 1. 64. Partly, perhaps, by attraction to the previous be, partly owing to the preceding where, though not used interrogatively, we have "Truths would be tales, Where now half-tales be truths."-A. and C. ii. 2. 137. (b) "I think it be, sir; I deny it not."-C. of E. v. 1. 379. "I think this Talbot be a fiend of hell. —1 Hen. VI. ii, 1. 46. "I think he be transformed into a beast."-A. Y. L. ii. 7. 1. "I think it be no other but even so."-Hamlet, i. 1. 108. So I Hen. IV. ii. 1. 12; T. G. of V. ii. 3. 6. Be expresses more doubt than is after a verb of thinking. In the following, the Prince thinks it certain that it is past midnight, the Sheriff thinks it may possibly be two o'clock: "Prince. I think it is good morrow, is it not? Sheriff. Indeed, my lord, I think it be two o'clock.” I Hen. IV. ii. 4. 573. Very significant is this difference in the speech of the doubtful Othello- 'I think my wife be honest, and think she is not," Othello, iii. 3. 384. where the is is emphatic and the line contains the extra dramatic syllable. Be is similarly used by a jealous husband after "hope:" "Ford. Well, I hope it be not so."-M. W. of W. ii. 1. 113, where the hope is mixed with a great deal of doubt. Р 3 212 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "I kissed it (the bracelet): I hope it be not gone to tell my lord That I kiss aught but he,"-Cymb. ii. 3. 153. where, though the latter part is of course fanciful, there is a real fear that the bracelet may be lost. Also, in a dependent sentence like the following: "Prove true That I, dear brother, be now ta'en for you."-T. N. iii. 4. 410. Be follows "when," as "where" above, especially where when alludes to a future possibility. In Haply a woman's voice may do some good When articles too nicely urged be stood on."-Hen. V.v. 2.93. Alas, our frailty is the cause, not we, For such as we are made, of such we be,"-T. N. ii. 2. 33. it can scarcely be asserted that "for" is "for that" or "because." It is more probable that the scene originally ended there, and that Shakespeare used be in order to get the rhyme, which so often termi- nates a scene. 300. Be is much more common with the plural than the singular. Probably only this fact, and euphony, can account for "When blood is nipp'd and ways be foul."-L. L. L. v. 2. 926. In "When he sees reason of fears, as we do, his fears out of doubt be of the same relish as ours,”—Hen. V. iv. 1. 113. the be may partly be explained as not stating an independent fact, but a future event, dependent on the clause "when," &c. Partly, perhaps, "out of doubt" is treated like "there is no doubt that," and he follows in a kind of dependent clause. Be is also used to refer to a number of persons, considered not individually, but as a kind or class. "O, there be players that I have seen play, and heard others praise, and that highly, that," &c.-Hamlet, iii. 2. 32; ib. 44. "There be some sports are painful."-Tempest, iii. 1. 1. But it cannot be denied that the desire of euphony or variety Jeems sometimes the only reason for the use of be or are. Where is thy husband now? Where be thy brothers? Where are thy children ?"-Rich. III. iv. 4. 92. 301. Were. What has been said above of be applies to were, that it is often used as the subjunctive where any other verb would VERBS, AUXILIARY. 213 not be so used, and indeed where the subjunctive is unnecessary or wrong, after "if," "though," &c., and in dependent sentences. In early authors there seems to have been a tendency to use should for shall, and were for be after "that" in subordinate sen- tences : "Go we fast that we were there." "Let us pray that he would." "My will is that it were so. In these sentences a wish is implied, and were, perhaps, indicates the desire that the wish should be fulfilled, not hereafter, but at once, as a thing of the past. “I am a rogue, if I were not at half-sword with a dozen of them two hours together." -1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 182. "If there were anything in thy pocket but tavern reckonings, I am a villain.”—1 Hen. IV. iii. 3. 180. What if we do omit This reprobate till he were well inclined?”—M. for M. iv. 3. 78. In some of these passages there may be traced, perhaps, a change of thought: "I am a rogue (that is, I should be), if it were true that I was not," &c. "What if we omit (what if we were to omit) this reprobate till he were well inclined ?" "Duchess. I pray thee, pretty York, who told thee this? York. Grandam, his nurse. Duchess. His nurse! Why, she was dead ere thou wert born. York. If 'twere not she, I cannot tell who told me. "If ever Bassianus, Cæsar's son, "} Rich. III. ii. 4. 34. Were gracious in the eyes of royal Rome, Keep then this passage to the Capitol."-T. A. i. 1. 11. Comp. 2 Hen. IV. v. 2. 85; A. and C. i. 3. 41. "No marvel, then, though he were.ill-affected."—Lear, ii. 1. 100. where the meaning is: "It is no wonder, then, that he was a traitor," and no doubt or future meaning is implied. Somewhat similar is an idiom common in good authors even now: "It is not strange that he should have succeeded," for the shorter and simpler, "It is not strange that he succeeded." • 'Lamachus, .. whom they sent hither, though he were waxen now somewhat old."-N. P. 172. So, but with a notion of concession, "And though (granting that) he were unsatisfied in getting, Which was a sin, yet in bestowing, madam, He was most princely."—Hen. VIII. iv. 2. 55. 214 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "If it were so it was a grievous fault."-F. C. iii. 2. 84. So, beginning with certainty : 'She that was ever fair and never proud."-Othello, ii. 1. 149 and ending with doubt : think :" "She was a wight, if ever such wight were."--Ib. ii. 1. 159. In dependent sentences even after "know," as well as I would I had thy inches: thou shouldst know There were a heart in Egypt.”—A. and C. i. 3. 41. "Which of your friends have I not strove to love, (" Although I knew he were mine enemy."-Hen. VIII. ii. 4. 31. ‘Imagine 'twere the right Vincentio."-T. of Sh. iv. 4. 12. "As who should say in Rome no justice were."—T. A. iv. 3. 20. "But that it eats our victuals, I should think Here were a fairy."-Cymb. iii. 6. 42. "He will lie, sir, with such volubility that you would think truth were a fool."-A. W. iv. 3. 285.* * 302. Were is used after "while" in "If they would yield us but the superfluity while it were whole- some."-Coriol. i. 1. 18. and, still more remarkably, after "until," referring to the past, in "It hath been taught us from the primal state That he which is, was wish'd until he were. The following is contrary to attraction: A. and C. i. 4. 42. our usage, though a natural "And they it were that ravished our sister."-T. A. v. 3. 99. for "it was they." See 425 at end. Can. See May, 307. 303. Do, Did: original use. In Early as in modern English, the present and past indefinite of the indicative were generally repre- sented by inflected forms, as “He comes,""He came," without the aid of do or did. Do was then used only in the sense of "to cause," "to to make," &c. " &c.; and in this sense was followed by an infinitive. * In this and many other instances the verb in the second clause may be at- tracted into the subjunctive by the subjunctive in the first clause. VERBS, AUXILIARY. 215 "They have done her understonde."-GOWER.* i.e. "they have caused her to understand." Similarly it is used like the French "faire" or "laisser" with the ellipsis of the person who is "caused" to do the action, thus- i e. "Do stripen me and put me in a sakke, And in the nexte river do me drenche." CHAUCER, Marchante's Tale, 10,074 me." cause (some one) to strip me to drench me. In the same way "let" is repeatedly used in Early English : "He let make Sir Kay seneschal of England.”—Morte d'Arthur. where a later author might have written "he did make." Gradually the force of the infinitive inflection en was weakened and forgotten; thus "do stripen" became "do strip," and do was used without any notion of causation.† Sometimes do is reduplicated, as : And thus he did do slen hem alle three."-CHAUCER, C. T. 7624. or used with "let,” as in "He let the feste of his nativitee Don crien."-Chaucer, C. T. 10,360. The verb was sometimes used transitively with an objective noun, as: "He did thankingys."—WICKLIFFE, St. Matt. xv. 36. and so in Shakespeare in "Do me some charity."—Lear, iii. 4. 61. "This fellow did the third (daughter) a blessing." Lear, i. 4. 115. "Do my good-morrow to them."-Hen. V. iv. 1. 26. "To do you salutation from his master." J. C. iv. 2. 5; Rich. III. v. 3. 210. "After the last enchantment you did here.”—T. N. iii. 1. 123. and in the words "to don," i.c. "put on," and " dout," 1.2. “put out.” But as a rule do had become a mere auxiliary, so that we even find it an auxiliary to itself, as in "Who does do you wrong?"-T. N. v. 1. 143. * Quoted from Richardson's Dictionary. + The question may arise why do was preterred to let as an auxiliary verb. Probably the ambiguity of let, which meant both "suffer" and "hinder," was an obstacle to its general use. 216 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 304. Do, did. How used by Shakespeare In St. Matt. xv. 37, Wickliffe has "and alle eten;" Tyndal, &c., "all dia eat." It is probable that one reason for inserting the did here was the similarity between the present and past of "eat," and the desire to avoid ambiguity. In the following verse, however, Wickliffe has 'etun," Tyndal "ate," and the rest "did eat." This shows how variable was the use of did in the sixteenth century, and what slight causes determined its use or non-use. The following passage in connection with the above would seem to show that did was joined to eat to avoid ambiguity, and when it was not joined to other verbs: "And the Peloponnesians did eat it up while the Byzantines died."-N. P. 180. It can hardly be denied that in such lines as It lifted up it (so Folio) head, and did address Itself to motion,"—Hamlet, i. 2. 216. the did is omitted in the first verb and inserted in the second simply for the sake of the metre. Did is commonly used in excited narrative: "Horses did neigh, and dying men did groan, And ghosts did shriek and squeal about the streets." F. C. ii. 2. 23. "The sheeted dead Did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets. Hamlet, i. 1. 116. But in both the above passages the inflection in -ed is also used. 305. Verbs: "Do" omitted before " Not." In Early English the tenses were represented by their inflections, and there was no need of the auxiliary "do." "do." As the inflections were dis- used, “do” came into use, and was frequently employed by Eliza- bethan authors. They, however, did not always observe the modern rule of using the auxiliary whenever not precedes the verb. "I not doubt."-Temp. ii. 1. 121. "Whereof the ewe not bites."—Ib. v. I. 38. "It not belongs to you."-2 Hen. IV. iv. 1. 98. "It not appears to me."-Ib. 107. "Ilear you bad writers and though you not sec." Thus- BEAUMONT on B. J VERBS, AUXILIARY. 217 "On me whose all not equals Edward's moiety." Rich. III. i. 2. 259. "Neat Terence, witty Plautus, now not please." Less commonly in a subordinate sentence B. J. on Shakespeare. “I beseech you . . . that you not delay."-Coriol. i. 6. 60. Later, a rule was adopted that either the verb, or the auxiliary part of it, must precede the negative: "I doubt not," or "I do not doubt." Perhaps this may be explained as follows. The old English negative was "ne." It came before the verb, and was often supplemented by a negative adverb "nawicht," nawt," "noht" (which are all different forms of "no whit" or "naught"), coming after the verb. "His hors was good, but he ne was not gaie. CHAUCER, C. T. 74. (Compare in French "ne... pas," in Latin, "non (nenu)," i. e. "ne... unum.") In the fifteenth century (Mätzner) this reduplication began to pass out of fashion. In Shakespeare's time it had been forgotten; but, perhaps, we may trace its influence in the double negative "nor will not," &c., which is common in his works. "Vex not yourself, nor strive not with your breath." Rich. II. ii. 1. 3. Possibly the idiom now under consideration is also a result of the Early English idiom. The not, which had ousted the old dual nega- tive "ne" .."not," may have been thought entitled to a place either before or after the verb. Latin, moreover, would tend in the same direction. It must further be remembered that not is now less emphatic than it was, when it retained the meaning of "naught” or "no-whit." We can say, "I in-no-way trust you, or, perhaps, even "I no-whit trust you," but not is too unemphatic to allow us to Say "I not trust you." Hence the "do" is now necessary to receive a part of the emphasis. Not is sometimes found in E. E. and A.-S. between the subject and the verb, especially in subordinate sentences where the not, "no-whit," is emphatic. 306. Do, Did, omitted and inserted. In modern English prose there is now an established rule for the insertion and omission of do and did. They are inserted in negative and interrogative sentences, for the purpose of including the " not" or the subject of 218 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. the interrogation between the two parts of the verb, so as to avoid ambiguity. Thus: "Do our subjects revolt?" "Do not forbid him." They are not inserted except for the purpose of unusual emphasis in indicative sentences such as "I remember." In Elizabethan English no such rule had yet been established, and we find "Revolt our subjects?"-Rich. II. iii. 2. 100. "Forbid him not."-Mark ix. 39. E. V. On the other hand- "I do remember."-T. N. iii. 3. 48. This licence of omission sometimes adds much to the beauty and vigour of expression. "Gives not the hawthorn-bush a sweeter shade?" is far more natural and vigorous than 3 Hen. VI. ii. 5. 42. Does not the hawthorn-bush give sweeter shade ?" 307. Can, May, Might. May originally meant “to be able ” (E. E. "mag;" A.-S. magan ;" German " mögen "). A trace of this meaning exists in the noun "might," which still means "ability." Thus we find "I am so hungry that I may (can) not slepe." CHAUCER, Monke's Tale, 14, 744 "Now help me, lady, sith ye may and can. Knighte's Tale, 2,314. "" In the last passage may means "can," and " ye can means "ye have knowledge or skill." This, the original meaning of "can," is found, though very rarely, in Shakespeare: "I've seen myself and served against the French, And they can well on horseback."-Hamlet, iv. 7. 85. i.e. they are well skilled." "And the priest in surplice white That defunctive music can."-Phenix and Turtle, 14. And perhaps in "The sum of all I can, I have disclosed; Why or for what these nobles were committed Is all unknown to me, my gracious lady." "The strong'st suggestion Rich. III. ii. 4. 16. Our worser genius can."-Tempest, iv 1 27. VERBS, AUXILIARY. 219 A trace of this emphatic use of can is found in "What can man's wisdom In the restoring his bereaved sense?"-Lear, iv. 4. 8. But, as "can" (which even in A.-S. meant "I know how to" and therefore "I am able ") gradually began to encroach on may, and to assume the meaning "to be able," may was compelled to migrate from "ability" to "possibility" and "lawfulness." Thus "mögen" signifies moral, "können" physical, possibility. In the following passage: "From hence it comes that this babe's bloody hand "} can or May not be cleansed with water of this well,"-F. Q. ii. 10. it is not easy at once to determine whether may means "is destined," "must," "ought." Hence we are prepared for the transition which is illustrated thus by Bacon :* "For what he may do is of two kinds, what he may do as just and what he may do as possible.' 308. May in "I may come " is therefore ambiguous, since it may signify either "lawfulness," as in "I may come if I like," or possibility," as in "I may come, but don't wait for me." In the latter sentence the "possibility" is transposed so as to include the whole sentence "it is possible that I may come,” just as— 'He needs not our mistrust,"-Macb. iii. 3. 2. means "it is not necessary that we should mistrust him." 309. May is used with various shades of the meaning of "per- mission," "possibility," &c. : "He shall know you better, sir, if I may live to report you." M. for M. iii. 2. 172. i.e. "if I am permitted by heaven to live long enough." It is a modest way of stating what ought to be well known, in "If you may please to think I love the king."—W. T. iv. 4. 532. "A score of ewes may be worth ten pounds. -2 Hen. IV. iii. 2.57. 2.e. is possibly worth ten pounds.” May be" is often thus used almost adverbially for possibly. In "Season your admiration for awhile Till I may deliver,"-Hamlet, i. 2. 193. Play means can, "have time to." "May (can) it be possible?"-Hen. V. ii. 2. 100. * Quoted from Todd's "Johnson.” 220 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 310. May with a Negative. Thus far Elizabethan and modern English agree; but when a negative is introduced, a diver- gence appears. In "I may not-come" may would with us mean "possibility," and the "not" would be connected with "come" instead of may; "my not-coming is a possibility." On the other hand, the Elizabethans frequently connect the "not" with may," and thus with them "I may-not come" might mean "I can-not or must-not come." Thus may is parallel to " must" in the following passage :— "Yet I must not, For certain friends that are both his and mine, Whose loves I may not drop."-Macb. iii. 1. 122. Probably this disuse of may in " 'may not" (in the sense of must not ") may be explained by the fact that " may not " implies compulsion, and may has therefore been supplanted in this sense by the more compulsory must." 311. May used for the old subjunctive in the sense of purpose. If we compare Wickliffe's with the sixteenth-century Versions of the New Testament, it appears that, in the interval, the sub- junctive had lost much of its force, and consequently the use of auxiliary verbs to supply the place of the subjunctive had largely increased. In 1 Cor. iv. 8, Wickliffe has, "And I wold that ye regne, that also we regnen with you," where the later Versions, "And I would to God that ye did reign, that we also might reign." So also Cel. i. 28: "Techynge eche man in al wisdom; that we offre eche man perfight," where the rest have "that we may offer” or to offer." So ib. 25, "that I fille the word of God” for “that I may fulfil.” But may is found very early used with its modal force The subjunctive of purpose is found in— ፡፡ "Go bid thy mistress . . . she strike upon the bell.”—Macb. ii. I. 31. 'Sir, give me this water that I thirst not.”—St. John iv. 15. "He wills you, in the name of God Almighty, That you divest yourself."-Hen. V. ii. 4. 78. But it was not easy to distinguish the subjunctive representing an * So in ante-Elizabethan English, and in Spenser, we find "nill," "not," for "will not, 9) 66 wot not, nam for "am not," &c. Cannot" is also a trace of the close connection between the verb and the accompanying negative. VERBS, AUXILIARY. 221 " object, from the indicative representing a fact, since both were used after that," and there was nothing but their inflections (which are similar in the plural) to distinguish the two. The following is an instance of the indicative following "that :" "But freshly looks and over-bears attaint With cheerful semblance and sweet majesty, That every wretch pining and pale before, Beholding him, plucks comfort from his looks." Hen. V. iv. Prologue, 39. " Hence arose the necessity, as the subjunctive inflections lost their force, of inserting some word denoting "possibility" or "futurity to mark the subjunctive of purpose. "Will" is apparently used in this sense as follows:- "Therefore in fierce tempest is he coming, In thunder and in earthquake like a Jove, That, if requiring fail, he will compel."-Hen. V. ii. 4. 101. But, as a rule, may was used for the present subjunctive and might for the past, according to present usage. "That" is omitted in "Direct mine arms I may embrace his neck."-1 Hen. VI. ii. 5. 37. i.e. "that I may embrace." In "Lord marshal, command our officers at arms Be ready to direct these home alarms,"—Rich. II. i. 1. 204–5. it is doubtful whether "be" is the subjunctive or the infinitive with "to" omitted (349). I prefer the former hypothesis, supplying "that" after "command." Compare "Some one take order Buckingham be brought To Salisbury."-Rich. III. iv. 4. 539. So "that" is omitted before "shall :" "The queen hath heartily consented he shall espouse Elizabeth." Rich. III. iv. 5. 18. 312. Might, the past tense of may, was originally used in the sense of was able "could." or "He was of grete elde and might not travaile."-R. BRUNNE. So "That mought not be distinguish'd."-3 Hen. VI. v. 2. 45. "So loving to my mother, That he might not beteem the winds of heaven Visit her face too roughly."-Hamlet, i. 2. 141. ie. "could not bring himself to allow the winds," &c. 222 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. It answers to "can" in the following " Ang. Look, what I will not that I cannot do. Isah. But might you do't, and do the world no wrong? M. for M. ii. 2. 52. "Might you not know she would do as she has done ?" A. W. iii. 4. 2. i.e. "Could you not know." "I might not this believe Without the sensible and true avouch Of mine own eyes."-Hamlet, i. 1. 56. "But I might see young Cupid's fiery shaft quench'd in the chaste beams of the wat'ry moon."-M. N. D. ii. 1. 161. In that day's feats, When he might act the woman in the scene, He proved best man i' the field.”—Coriol. ii. 2. 100. i.e. "when he was young enough to be able to play the part of a woman on the stage." Might naturally followed may through the above-mentioned changes. Care must be taken to distinguish between the indicative and the conditional use of might. "How might that be?" (indica- tive) would mean "How was it possible for that to take place?" On the other hand, "How might that be?" (subjunctive) would mean "How would it be possible hereafter that this should take place? The same ambiguity still attends "could.” Thus "How could I thus forget myself yesterday!" but "How could I atone to-morrow for my forgetfulness yesterday?” 313. May, Might, like other verbs in Elizabethan English, are frequently used optatively. We still use may thus, as in "May he prosper!" but seldom or never might. But it is clear that— "Would I might But ever see that man,"-Temp. i. 2. 168. naturally passes into " Might I but see that man," Thus we have- "Lord worshipped might he be.”—M. of V. ii. 2. 98. 314. Must (E. E. moste) is the past tense of the E. E. present tense mot, which means "he is able," "he is able," "he is obliged." From meaning "he had power to do it," or "might have done it," the word came to mean "ought," and it is by us generally used with a notion of compulsion. But it is sometimes used by Shakespeare to VERBS, AUXILIARY. 223 mean no more than definite futurity, like our "is to" in “He is to be here to-morrow." "He must fight singly to-morrow with Hector, and is so pro- phetically proud of an heroical cudgelling that he raves in saying nothing."-Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 247. So, or nearly so, probably in "Descend, for you must be my sword-bearer." M. of V. ii. 6. 40. And somewhat similar, without the notion of compulsion, is the use in M. of V. iv. 1. 182; M. N. D. ii. 1. 72. So It seems to mean "is, or was, destined" in "And I must be from thence."-Macbeth, iv. 3. 212. "A life which must not yield To one of woman born."—Ib. v. 8. 12. 315, Shall. Shall for will. Shall meaning "to owe" is con- nected with "ought," "*"it is destined." Thus, """ must, "If then we shall shake off our slavish yoke, Imp out our drooping country's broken wing, Away with me. "-Rich. II. ii. 2. 291. i.e. "if we are to, ought to." "Fair Jessica shall be my torch-bearer."-M. of V. ii. 4. 40. i.e. "is to be. "} Hence shall was used by the Elizabethan authors with all three persons to denote inevitable futurity without reference to "will" (desire). If much you note him, You shall offend him and extend his passion."—Macb. iii. 4. 57. i.e. "you are sure to offend him.” So probably, "Nay, it will please him well, Kate, it shall (is sure to) please him." "My country Hen. V. v. 2. 369. Shall have more vices than it had before."--Macb. iv. 3. 47. "And, if I die, no man shall pity me."-Rich. III. v. 3. 201. ie. "it is certain that no man will pity me. * “Thou shalt not,” &c " 224 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. There is no notion of compulsion on the part of the person speaking in "They shall (are sure to) be apprehended by and by." Hen. V. ii. 2. 2 "If they do this (conquer), As, if please God, they shall (are destined to do).” Hen. V. iv. 3. 120. The notion of necessity, must, seems to be conveyed in "He that parts us shall bring a brand from heaven, And fire us hence like foxes."-Lear, v. 3. 22. "He shall wear his crown,"-J. C. i. 3. 87. shall means "is to." So in In "Your grace shall understand.”—M. of V. iv. 1. 149. "What is he that shall (is to) buy?"—A. Y. L. ii. 4. 88. "Men shall deal unadvisedly sometimes. i.e. "men cannot help making r.istakes.” Rich. III. iv. 4. 292. "He that escapes me without some broken limb shall (must, will have to), acquit him well."-A. Y. L. i. 1. 134. "K. Desire them all to my pavilion. Glost. We shall, my lord."-Hen. V. iv. 1. 27. In the last passage, “I shall" has a trace of its old meaning, “I ought:" or perhaps there is a mixture of "I am bound to " and "I am sure to." Hence it is often used in the replies of inferiors to superiors. King Henry. Collect them all together at my tent : I'll be before thee. Erpingham. I shall do't, my lord."-Hen. V. iv. 1. 305. "Fear not, my lord, your servant shall do so." M. N. D. ii. 1. 268. So A. W. v. 3. 27; A. and C. iii. 12. 36, iv. 6. 3, v. I. 3; Hen. V. iv. 3. 126; M. for M. iv. 4. 21; A. and C. v. I. 68. "" "" "You shall see, find," &c., was especially common in the mean- ing "you may,' 'you will," applied to that which is of common occurrence, or so evident that it cannot but be seen. "You shall mark Many a duteous and knee-crooking slave, That, doting on his own obsequious bondage, Wears out his time. Whip me such honest knaves." Othello, i. I. 440. VERBS, AUXILIARY. 225 Shall is sometimes colloquially or provincially abbreviated into se, s: "Thou's hear our counsel."-R. and J. i. 3. 9. "I'se try."-Lear, iv. 6. 246. (See 461.) 316. Will. You will. He will. Later, a reluctance to apply a word meaning necessity and implying compulsion* to a person addressed (second person), or spoken of (third person), caused post- Elizabethan writers to substitute will for shall with respect to the second and third persons, even where no will at all, i.e. no purpose, is expressed, but only futurity. Thus will has to do duty both as will proper, implying purpose, and also as will improper, implying merely futurity. Owing to this unfortunate imposition of double work upon will, it is sometimes impossible to determine, except from emphasis or from the context, whether will signifies purpose or mere futurity. Thus (1) "He will come, I cannot prevent him," means He wills (or is determined) to come;" but (2) "He will come, though unwillingly," means "His coming is certain." Will is seldom used without another verb: "I will no reconcilement."-Hamlet, v. 2. 258. So in "I will none of it." - (See 321.) 317. Shall. You shall. He shall. On the other hand shall, being deprived by will of its meaning of futurity, gradually took up the meaning of compulsory necessity imposed by the first person on the second or third. Thus: "You shall not go, go," or even You shall find I am truly grateful." (Not "you will find," but "I will so act that you shall perforce find," &c.) The prophetic shall (“it shall come to pass ") which is so common in the Authorized Version of the Bible, probably conveyed to the ori- ginal translators little or nothing more than the meaning of futurity. But now with us the prophetic shall implies that the prophet iden- tifies himself with the necessity which he enunciates. Thus the Druid prophesying the fall of Rome to Boadicea says— "Rome shall perish."-COWPER. * Coriol. iii. 1. 90, "Mark you his absolute shall." A similar feeling sug. gested the different methods of expressing an imperative in Latin and Greek and the substitution of the optative with av for the future in Greek. Q 226 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. -- 318. Shall. I shall. When a person speaks of his own future actions as inevitable, he often regards them as inevitable only because fixed by himself. Hence "I shall not forgive you means simply, "I have fixed not to forgive you ;" but "I shall be drowned," "My drowning is fixed." (See 315.) 319. Will. "I will." Some passages which are quoted to prove that Shakespeare used will with the first person without implying wish, desire, &c., do not warrant such an inference. In Hamlet, v. 2. 183, "I will win for him, if I can; if not, I will gain nothing but my shame and the odd hits," the will is probably used by attraction with a jesting reference to the previous "will :” "My purpose is to win if I can, or, if not, to gain shame and the odd hits." 1.e. " There is no hope that ever I will stay "" If the first hour I shrink and run away. -1 Hen. VI. iv. 5. 30. "There is no hope of my ever being willing to stay.” "I'll do well yet."-Coriol. iv. 1. 21. i.e. "I intend to do well yet.' " "I will not reason what is meant hereby, Because I will (desire to) be guiltless of the meaning." Rich. III. i. 4. 95. In "I will sooner have a beard grow in the palm of my hand than he shall get one on his cheek," -2 Hen. IV. i. 2. 23. there is a slight meaning of purpose, as though it were, "I will sooner make a beard grow," derived from the similarity in sound of the common phrase "I will sooner die, starve, than, &c." In "Good argument, I hope, we will not fly,"-Hen. V. iv. 3. 113. the meaning appears to be "good argument, I hope, that we have no intention of flying." There is a difficulty in the expression "perchance I will;" but, from its constant recurrence, it would seem to be a regular idiom. Compare the following passages :— Perchance, Iago, I will ne'er go home."-Othello, v. 2. 197. "Perchance I will be there as soon as you."-C. of E. iv. 1. 39. Perhaps I will return immediately.”—M. of V. ii. 5. 52. In all these passages "perchance" precedes, and the meaning seems to be in the last example, for instance: "My purpose may, perhaps, be fulfilled," and "my purpose is to return immediately," or, in VERBS, AUXILIARY. 227 other words, "If possible, I intend to return immediately." In all these cases, the "perhaps" stands by itself. It does not qualify "will," but the whole of the following sentence. In "I will live to be thankful to thee for't,”—T. N. iv. 2. 88. the will refers, not to live, but to "live-to-be-thankful," and the sentence means "I purpose in my future life to prove my thank- fulness.' 320. Will is sometimes used with the second person (like the Greek optative with av) to signify an imperative. It is somewhat ironical, like our "You will be kind enough to be quiet." Perhaps originally an ellipsis, as in Greek, was consciously understood, "You will be quiet (if you are wise),” &c. In "You'll leave your noise anon, ye rascals."-Hen. VIII. v. 4. 1. "Gloucester, thou wilt answer this before the pope," I Hen. VI. i. 3. 52. there is no imperative, but there is irony. On the other hand, "you will," perhaps, means "you are willing and prepared" in: "Portia. You know I say nothing to him : he hath neither Latin, French, nor Italian, and you will come into court and swear that I have a poor pennyworth in the English."-M. of V. i. 2. 75. 321. Will, with the third person. Difficult passages. The following is a perplexing passage :— 'If it will not be (i.e. if you will not leave me) I'll leave you." M. Ado, ii. 1. 208. Here the meaning seems to be "if it is not to be otherwise," and in Elizabethan English we might expect shall. But probably "it" represents fate, and, as in the phrase, come what will," the future is personified: "If fate will not be as I would have it." And this explains "What shall become of (as the result of) this? What will this do?"-M. Ado, iv. I. 211. The indefinite unknown consequence is not personified, the definite project is personified. "What is destined to result from this project? What does this project intend to do for us?" "My eye will scarcely see it,"—Hen. V. ii. 2. 104. means can scarcely be induced to see it." "" Q 2 228 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. He will" means "he will have it that," "he pretends,” in "This is a riddling merchant for the nonce; He will be here, and yet he is not here."- -1 Hen. VI. ii. 3. 58. "She'll none of me,”—T. N. i. 3. 113. In " "will" means "desires," cc none' regards" (173), "to do with." 'nothing," and of " "ag 322. Should. Should is the past tense of shall, and underwent the same modifications of meaning as shall. Hence should is not now used with the second person to denote mere futurity, since it suggests a notion, if not of compulsion, at least of bounden duty. But in a conditional phrase, "If you should refuse," there can be no suspicion of compulsion. We therefore retain this use of should in the conditional clause, but use would in the consequent clause : "If you should refuse, you would do wrong." On the other hand, Shakespeare used should in both clauses: "You should refuse to perform your father's will if you should refuse to accept him."-M. of V. i. 2. 100. And should is frequently thus used to denote contingent futurity. They told me here, at dead time of the night, Ten thousand swelling toads, as many urchins, Would make such fearful and confused cries, As any mortal body hearing it - Should straight fall mad."-7. A. ii. 3. 102, 104. Would " were in the habit." Comp. épíλovr. ἐφίλους. "(In that case) Strength should be lord of imbecility, And the rude son should strike the father dead; Force should be right.”—Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 114. 323. Should for ought. Should, the past tense, not being so imperious as shall, the present, is still retained in the sense of ought, applying to all three persons. In the Elizabethan authors, however, it was more commonly thus used, often where we should use ought: "You should be women; And yet your beards forbid me to interpret That you are so."—Macbeth, i. 3. 45. "So should he look that seems to speak things strange," "I should report that which I say I saw, But know not how to do it."-Ib. v. 5. 31. ſb. i. 2. 46. VERBS, AUXILIARY. 229 Why 'tis an office of discovery, love, And I should be obscured."-M. of V. ii. 6. 44. i.e. "A torch-bearer's office reveals (439) the face, and mine ought to be hidden." 324. Should is sometimes used as though it were the past tense of a verb "shall," meaning "is to," not quite "ought." Compare the German "sollen." About his son that should (was to) have married a shepherd's daughter."- W. T. iv. 4. 795. "The Senate heard them and received them curteously, and the people the next day should (were to) assemble in counsell to give them audience."-N. P. Alcibiades, 170. In the following, should is half-way between the meaning of ought" and " was to." The present, shall, or "am to," might be expected; but there is perhaps an implied past tense, "I (you said) was to knock you." Petruchio. And rap me well, or I'll knock your knave's pate. Grumio. My master is grown quarrelsome: I should knock you, And then I know after who comes by the worse. "" T. of Sh. i. 1. 131. 325. Should was hence used in direct questions about the past, where shall was used about the future. Thus, "How shall the enemy break in ?" i.e. "How is the enemy to break in?" became, when referred to the past, "How was the enemy to break in ?” "I was employ'd in passing to and fro About relieving of the sentinels. Then how or which way should they first break in ?" 1 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 71. "What should this mean?"—Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 160. i.e. “what was this (destined, likely) to mean?" It seems to in- crease the emphasis of the interrogation, since a doubt about the past (time having been given for investigation) implies more per- plexity than a doubt about the future. So we still say, "Who could it be?" "How old might you be?" "What should be in that Cæsar?"-7. C. i. 2. 142. i.e. “what could there be," "what might there be. "Shall," "may," and the modern "can," are closely connected in meaning. "Where should he have this gold ?”—T. of A. iv. 3. 395. 230 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. In the following instance, should depends upon a verb in the present; but the verb follows the dependent clause, which may, therefore, be regarded as practically an independent question. "What it should be... I cannot dream of."—Hamlet, ii. 2. 7. But also "Put not yourself into amazement how should these things be." M. for M. iv. 2. 220. 326. Should was used in a subordinate sentence after a simple past tense, where shall was used in the subordinate sentence after a simple present, a complete present, or a future. Hence we may expect to find should more common in Elizabethan writers than with us, in proportion as shall was also more common. We say "I will wait till he comes," and very often, also, "I in- tended to wait till he came." The Elizabethans more correctly, "I will wait till he shall come ;" and therefore, also, "I intended to wait till he should come. Thus, since it was possible to say "I ask that I shall slay him," Wickliffe could write "They axeden of Pilate that thei schulden sle hym" (Acts xiii. 28); “They aspiden hym that thei schulden fynde cause (Luke vi. 7). In both cases we should now say "might." So "" "" "She replied, It should be better he became her guest."-A. and C. ii. 2. 226. "Thou knew'st too well My heart was to thy rudder tied by the strings, And thou shouldst tow me after."—Ib. iii. 11. 58. The verb need not be expressed, as in "A lioness lay crouching. with cat-like watch, • • When that the sleeping man should stir."—A. Y. L. iv. 2. 117. 'She has a poison which shall kill you," becomes "She did confess she had For you a mortal mineral, which being took Should by the minute feed on life."-Cymb. v. 5. 51. This perhaps explains Why, 'tis well known that whiles I was protector, Pity was all the fault that was in me, For I should melt at an offender's tears, And lowly words were ransom for their fault." 2 Ilen. VI. iii. . 126, VERBS, AUXILIARY. 231 "All my fault is that I shall melt (am sure to melt)," would be- my fault was that I should melt come all 66 that or because." for" meaning "for "And (Fol.) if an angel should have come to me, And told me Hubert should put out mine eyes, I would not have believed him."-K. J. iv. I. 68-70. Here, since the Elizabethans could say "Hubert shall," they can say "he told me Hubert should.” also say So since the Elizabethans could say "To think that deceit shall steal such gentle shapes," they could also say, regarding the subor. dinate clause as referring to the past, "Oh, that deceit should steal such gentle shapes!" Rich. III. ii. 2. 27. "Good God, (to think that) these nobles should such stomachs bear!" —1 Hen. VI. i. 3. 90. 327. "Should have" with the second and third persons. The use of "should have "with the second and third persons is to be noted. It there refers to the past, and the should simply gives a conditional force to "have." It is incongruous to use should in con- nection with the past, and hence we now say "If an angel had come" in this sense. When we use "should have," it refers to a question about the past which is to be answered in the future. "If he should have forgotten the key, how should we get out," ie "if, when he comes, it should turn out that he had forgotten." Compare, on the other hand, the Shakespearian usage. "Gods, if you Should have ta'en vengeance on my faults, I never Had lived to put on this."-Cymb. v. 1. 8. In M. Ado, ii. 3. 81, the "should have" is inserted, not in the conditional clause, but in a dependent relative clause. "If it had been a dog that should have howled thus, they would have killed him." 328. "Should," denoting a statement not made by the speaker. (Compare "sollen" in German.) There is no other reason for the use of should in "But didst thou hear without wondering how thy name should be so hanged and carved about these trees."—. Y. L. iii. 2. 182. 232 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Should seems to indicate a false story in George Fox's Journal: "From this man's words was a slander raised upon us that the Quakers should deny Christ," p. 43 (Edition 1765). "The priest of that church raised many wicked slanders upon me: 'That I rode upon a great black horse, and that I should give a fellow money to follow me when I was on my black horse."" scorn?" 'Why should you think that I should woo in scorn * "" "" M. N. D. iii. 2. 122. 329. Would for will, wish, require. Would, like should, could, ought, (Latin "potui, "debui,") is frequently used con- ditionally. Hence "I would be great comes to mean, not I wished to be great," but "I wished (subjunctive)," i.e. "I should wish." There is, however, very little difference between “thou wouldest wish" and "thou wishest," as is seen in the following passage :- "Thou wouldst (wishest to) be great, Art not without ambition, but without The illness should (that ought to) attend it: what thou wouldst highly That thou wouldst holily, wouldst not play false, And yet wouldst wrongly win."—Macbeth, i. 5. 20. "} As will is used for "will have it, pretends," so would means "pretended," "wished to prove.” i.c. "She that would be your wife.”. C. of E. iv. 4. 152. She that wished to make out that she was your wife." "One that would circumvent God."—Hamlet, v. 1. 87. Applied to inanimate objects, a "wish" becomes a “requirement :” "I have brought So Golden opinions from all sorts of people, Which would (require to) be worn now in their newest gloss." Macbeth, i. 7. 32. "Words Which would (require to) be howled out in the desert air." Ib. iv. 3. 194. "And so he goes to heaven, And so am I revenged. That would (requires to) be scann'd." Hamlet, iii. 3. 75. "This would (requires to) be done with a demure abasing of your eye sometimes.”—B. E. 92. Madvig, 348. I. VERBS, AUXILIARY. 233 It is a natural and common mistake to say, “Would is used for should, by Elizabethan writers." Would is not often used for "desire" with a noun as its object : "If, duke of Burgundy, you would the peace." 330. Would often means "liked," Pare ἐφίλει. Hen. V. v. 2. 68. was accustomed." Com- "A little quiver fellow, and a' would manage his piece thus: and a' would about and about, and come you in and come you out; rah-tah-tah would a' say, bounce would a' say and away again would a' go, and again would a' come."-2 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 200. "It (conscience) was wont to hold me only while one would tell twenty."-Rich. III. i. 4. 122. But still the house affairs would draw her hence." Othello, i. 3. 147. So, though more rarely, will is used for "is accustomed." "Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears."-Tempest, iii. 2. 147. 331. "Would" not used for "should." Would seems on a superficial view to be used for should, in You amaze me; I would have thought her spirit had been invincible against all assaults of affection."-M. Ado, ii. 3. 119. But it is explained by the following reply: "I would have sworn it had," i.e. "I was ready and willing to swear. So, "I was willing and prepared to think her spirit invincible.' So in "" "What power is in Agrippa, If I would say, 'Agrippa, be it so,' To make this good?"-A. and C. ii. 2. 144. 'If I would say" means "If I wished, were disposed, to say." "Alas, and would you take the letter of her ?"-A. W. iii. 4. 1. i.e. "Were you willing,' "Could you bring yourself to." To take would for should would take from the sense of the following passage: "For I mine own gain'd knowledge should profane If I would time expend with such a snipe, But for my sport and profit."-Othello, i. 3. 390. 2.e. "If I were willing to expend." 234 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Would probably means ""wish to or "should like to," in "You could, for a need, study a speech which I would set down and insert in't, could you not ?"-Hamlet, ii. 2. 567. In "Prince. What wouldest thou think of me, if I should weep? Poins. I would think thee a most princely hypocrite." 2 Hen. IV. ii. 2. 59. the second would is attracted to the first, and there is also a notion of determination, and voluntary "making up one's mind” in the reply of Poins. So "be triumphant" is equivalent to "triumph," in which willing- ness is expressed, in i.l. In "Think you, but that I know our state secure, I would be so triumphant as I am?"-Rich. III. iii. 2. 84. "think you I would triumph as I do?" I would be sorry, sir, but the fool should be as oft with your master as with my mistress,"—T. N. 111. 1. 44. it must be confessed there seems little reason for would. Inasmuch, however, as the fool is speaking of something that depends upon himself, i.e. his presence at the Count's court, it may perhaps be explained as “I would not willingly do anything to prevent," &c., just as we can say "I would be loth to offend him," in confusion between "I should be loth to offend him" and "I would not willingly, or I would rather not, offend him.” In "And how unwillingly I left the ring, When nought would be accepted but the ring,' "" M. of V. v. I. 197. there seems, as in our modern "nothing would content him but,” some confusion between "he would accept nothing" and "nothing could make itself acceptable." VERBS, INFLECTIONS OF. "" 332. Verbs: Indicative Present, old forms of the Third Person Plural. There were three forms of the plural in Early English-the Northern in es, the Midland in en, the Southern in eth : "they hop-es," "they hop-en,' they hop-eth." The two former forms (the last in the verbs "doth," "hath," and possibly in others) are found in Shakespeare. Sometimes they are used for the sake of the rhyme; sometimes that explanation is insufficient: 1 verbs, inFLECTIONS OF 235 En.—“Where, when men be-en, there's seldom ease. " Pericles, ii. Gower, 28. "O friar, these are faults that are not seen, Ours open and of worst example be-en.”—B. J. S. Sh. i. 2. 'All perishen of men of pelf, Ne aught escapen but himself."-Pericles, ii. Gower, 36. "As fresh as bin the flowers in May.”—PEELE. "Words fearen (terrify) babes.”—SPENS. F. Q. "And then the whole quire hold their hips and laugh, And waxen in their mirth."-M. N. D. ii. 1. 56. This form is rarely used by Shakespeare, and only archaically. As an archaic form it is selected for constant use by Spenser. 333. Third person plural in -s. This form is extremely common in the Folio. It is generally altered by modern editors, so that its commonness has not been duly recognized. Fortunately, there are some passages where the rhyme or metre has made altera- tion impossible. In some cases the subject-noun may be con- sidered as singular in thought, e.g. "manners," &c. In other cases the quasi-singular verb precedes the plural object; and again, in others the verb has for its nominative two singular nouns or an antecedent to a plural noun (see 247). But though such instances are not of equal value with an instance like "his tears runs down," yet they indicate a general predilection for the inflection in -s which may well have arisen from the northern E. E. third person plural in -s. "The venom clamours of a jealous woman Poisons more deadly than a mad dog's tooth. C. of E. v. 1. 69. "The great man down, you mark his favourites flies, The poor advanced makes friends of enemies." Hamlet, iii. 2. 214-5. Here the Globe reads "favourite;" completely missing, as it seems to me, the intention to describe the crowd of favourites scattering in light from the fallen patron. So "The extreme parts of time extremely forms All causes to the purpose of his will."-L. L. L. v. 2. 750. "Manners" is, perhaps, used as a singula. in "What manners is in this ?"-R. and J. v. 3. 214. "Which very manners urges."-Lear, v. 3. 234. "Whose church-like humours fits not for a crown." 2 Hen. VI. i. I 247. 236 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Riches" may, perhaps, be considered a singular noun (as it is by ¿erivation, "richesse ") in "The riches of the ship is come ashore.”—Othello, ii. 1. 83. But not "My old bones aches" (Globe, ache).—Tempest, iii. 2. 2. “His tears runs down his beard like winter-drops" (Globe, run). "We poor unfledg'd Ib. v. 1. 16. Have never wing'd from view o' the nest, nor knows not What air's from home" (Globe, know).—Cymb. iii. 3. 27. "And worthier than himself Here tends (Globe and Quarto, tend) the savage strangeness be puts on, Disguise the holy strength of their command," &c. Tr. and Cr. ii. 3. 135. "These naughty times M. of V. iii. 2. 19. Puts (Globe, put) bars between the owners and their rights." "These high wild hills and rough uneven ways Draws out our miles, and makes them wearisome." Rich. II. ii. 3. 5. "Not for all the sun sees, or The close earth wombs, or the profound seas hides." (Globe, sea.)—W. T. iv. 4. 501. "The imperious seas breeds monsters" (Globe, breed). Cymb. iv. 2. 35. "Untimely storms makes men expect a dearth" (Globe, make). Rich. III. ii. 3. 33. Numbers, perhaps, sometimes stand on a different footing : "Eight yards of uneven ground is three score and ten miles afoot with me. -1 Hen. IV. ii. 2. 28. i.e." A distance of eight yards;" and compare "Three parts of him is ours already."-F. C. i. 3. 154. "Two of both kinds makes up four."-M. N. D. iii. 2. 438. But no such explanation avails in "She lifts the coffer-lids that close his eyes, Where, lo! two lamps burnt out in darkness lies.” V. and A. 1128. "Whose own hard dealings teaches them suspect The deeds of others."-M. of V. i. 3. 163. "Those pretty wrongs that liberty commits Thy beauty and thy years full well befits."-Sonn. 41. VERBS, INFLECTIONS OF 237 There is some confusion in "Fortune's blows When most struck home, being gentle wounded craves A noble cunning.”—Coriol. iv. 4. 8. On the whole, it is probable that though Shakespeare intended to make "blows" the subject of “ craves," he afterwards introduced a new subject, "being gentle," and therefore "blows" must be con- sidered nominative absolute and "when" redundant: "Fortune's blows (being) struck home, to be gentle then requires a noble wisdom.” "Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives," in a rhyming passage. Macbeth, ii. 1. 61. It is perhaps intended to be a sign of low breeding and harsh writing in the play of Pyramus and Thisbe. "Thisbe, the flowers of odours savours sweet. 334. Third person plural in -th. M. N. D. iii. 1. 84. "Those that through renowne hath ennobled their life.” MONTAIGNE, 32. See, however, Relative, 247. "Their encounters, though not personal, hath been royally encountered" (Globe, have).-W. T. i. 1. 29. "Where men enforced doth speak anything."—M. of V. iii. 2. 33. "Hath all his ventures fail'd?" (Globe, have.)—Ib. iii. 2. 270. This, however, is a case when the verb precedes the subject. (See below, 335.) 335. Inflection in -s preceding a plural subject. Passages in which the quasi-singular verb precedes the plural subject stand on a somewhat different footing. When the subject is as yet future and, as it were, unsettled, the third person singular might be regarded as the normal inflection. Such passages are very common, parti- cularly in the case of "There is," as- "There is no more such masters."-Cymb. iv. 2. 371. “There was at the beginning certaine light suspitions and accu sations put up against him."—Ñ. P. 173. "Of enjoin'd penitents there's four or five."—A. IV. iii. 5. 98. "The spirit upon whose weal depends and rests The lives of many."—Hamlet, iii. 3. 14. 238 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Then what intends these forces thou dost bring?" 2 Hen. VI. v. 1. 60. "There is no woman's sides can," &c.-T. N. ii. 4. 96. "Is there not charms ?"-Othello, i. 1. 172. "Is all things well?"-2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 11. "Is there not wars? Is there not employment ?" 2 Hen. IV. i. 2. 85. So I Hen. VI. iii. 2. 123; R. and J. i. 1. 48; 2 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 199; 1 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 9; Hen. v. 2. 4. 1. "Here comes the townsmen."-2 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 68. "Here comes the gardeners" (Globe, come).-Rich. II. iii. 4. 24. "There comes no swaggerers here."-2 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 83. This, it is true, comes from Mrs. Quickly, but the following are from Posthumus and Valentine: "How comes these staggers on me?"-Cymb. v. 5. 233. "Far behind his worth Comes all the praises that I now bestow."-T. G. of V. ii. 4. 72. And in the Lover's Complaint, where the rhyme makes alteration impossible: "And to their audit comes Their distract parcels in combined sums."—L. C. 230. "What cares these roarers for the name of king?"—Temp. i. I. 17. "There grows all herbs fit to cool looser flames.' B. and F. F. Sh. i. 1. There was the first gentlemanlike tears that ever we shed." W. T. v. 2. 155. "Has his daughters brought him to this pass?" (Globe, have.) Lear, iii. 4. 65. "What means your graces?" (Globe, mean.)—Ib. iii. 7. 30. "But most miserable Is the desires that's (247) glorious" (Globe, desire).—Cymb. i. 6. 6. ("Few" and "more" might, perhaps, be considered nouns in "Here's a few flowers."-Cymb. iv. 2. 283. "There is no more such masters."-Ib. iv. 2. 371. A sum of money also can be considered as a singular noun: "For thy three thousand ducats here is six."-M. of V. iv. 1. 84.) "There lies Two kinsmen (who) digged their graves with weeping eyes." Rich. II. iii. 3. 168. VERBS, INFLECTIONS OF. 239 "Sir, there lies such secrets in this fardell and box." "At this hour W. T. iv. 4. 783. Lies at my mercy all mine enemies" (Globe, lie). Tempest, iv. 1. 264. 336. Inflection in "s" with two singular nouns as subject. The inflection in s is of frequent occurrence also when two or more singular nouns precede the verb : "The heaviness and guilt within my bosom Takes off my manhood."-Cymb. v. 2. 2. "Faith and troth bids them."-Tr. and Cr. iv. 5. 170. "Plenty and peace breeds cowards.”—Cymb. iii. 6. 21. "For women's fear and love holds quantity."—Hamlet, iii. 2. 177. "Where death and danger dogs the heels of worth." A. IV. iii. 4. 15. "Scorn and derision never comes (Globe and Quarto, come) in tears."-M. N. D. iii. 2. 123. "Thy weal and woe are both of them extremes, Despair and hope makes thee ridiculous."-V. and A. 988. My hand and ring is yours."-Cymb. ii. 4. 57. "O, Cymbeline, heaven and my conscience knows.” Ib. iii. 3. 99. Hanging and wiving goes by destiny."-M. of V. ii. 9. 83. "The which my love and some necessity Now lays upon you."-. of V. iii. 4. 34. 337. Apparent cases of the inflection in “s.” Often, however, a verb preceded by a plural noun (the apparent nominative) has for its real nominative, not the noun, but the noun clause. "The combatants being kin Half stints their strife before they do begin."-Tr. and Cr. iv. 5. 93. i.e. "The fact that the combatants are kin." "Whereon his brains still beating puts him thus From fashion of himself."—Hamlet, iii. 1. 182. i.e. "The beating of his brains on this." "And our ills told us Is as our earing.”—A. and C. i. 2. 115. i.e. "The telling us of our faults is like ploughing us. 240 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So in "And great affections wrestling in thy bosom Doth make an earthquake of nobility."-K. J. v. 2. 42, "To know our enemies' minds we 'ld rip their hearts : (To rip) Their papers is more lawful."—Lear, iv. 6. 266. "Blest be those, How mean soe'er, that have their honest wills, Which seasons comfort,"-Cymb. i. 6. 8. "which" has for its antecedent "having one's honest will." Conversely, a plural is implied, and hence the verb is in the plural, in "Men's flesh preserv'd so whole do seldom win. 2 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 301. 1.e. "when men are too careful about their safety they seldom win. "Smile heaven (the gods, or the stars) upon this fair conjunction, That long have frowned upon their enmity."-Rich. III. v. 5. 21. It may be conjectured that this licence, as well as the licence of using the -s inflection where the verb precedes, or where the noun clause may be considered the nominative, would in all proba- bility not have been tolerated but for the fact that -s was still recognized as a provincial plural inflection. The following is simply a case of transposition: "Now, sir, the sound that tells what hour it is Are clamorous groans."-Rich. II. v. 5. 56. 338. S final misprinted. Though the rhyme and metre establish the fact that Shakespeare used the plural verbal inflection in s, yet it ought to be stated that -s final in the Folio is often a misprint. Being indicated by a mere line at the end of a word in MS., it was often confused with the comma, full stop, dash or hyphen, “Comes (,) shall we in ?"—T. of A. i. 1. 284. "At that that I have kil'd my lord, a Flys."-T. A. iii. 2. 53. “Good man, these joyful tears show thy true hearts.” Hen. VIII. v. 3. 175. Conversely, in one or two places the dash or hyphen has usurped the place of the s. "Unkle, what newe-?"—1 Hen. IV. v. 2. 30. "With gobbets of thy Mother-bleeding heart." 2 Hen. VI. iv. 1. 85. Sometimes (even without the possibility of mistake for a comma) the-s is inserted; VERBS, INFLECTIONS OF. 241 "Sir Protheus, your Fathers call's for you."-T. G. of V. i. 3.88. "Sawcie Lictors Will catch at us like Strumpets, and scald Rimers Ballads us out of tune."-A. and C. v. 2. 216. Yet in many passages the -s is probably correct, though we should now omit it, especially at the end of nouns. As we still use "riches,' gains," almost as singular nouns, so Shakespeare seems to have used "lands, wars, ""stones, stones," " 29 66 33.66 "purposes, "virtues, "} tempts," duties, (C graces,' "> >> sorrows," "flatteries," ""at- glories, fortunes," things," treasons," succours, "behaviours, CC funerals," "proceedings," &c. as collective nouns. >> The -s In other cases there seems at least a method in the error. is added to plural adjectives and to adjectives or nouns dependent upon nouns inflected in "s," as "The letters patents."-Rich. II. ii. 1. 202 (Folio). It is common in E. E. for plural adjectives of Romance origin to take the plural inflection. << ‘patents" in Rich. II. ii. 3. 130. But see 430. The Globe reads The following are selected, without verification, from Walker : Kings Richards throne."-Rich. II. i. 3. "Smooth and welcomes newes."-1 Hen. IV. i. I. "Lords Staffords death."-Ib. v. 3. "The Thicks-lips."—Othello, i. 1. A word already plural sometimes receives an additional plural inflection: "Your teethes."-7. C. v. 1. "Others faults. — Hen. IV. v. 2. "Men look'd . . . each at others."-Coriol. v. 5. "Boths."-T. A. ii. 4. "On others grounds."—Othello, i. 1. 339. Past indicative forms in u are very common in Shake- speare. Thus, "sang" does not occur, while "sung" is common as a past indicative. Sprang" is less common as a past tense than “sprung” (2 Hen. IV. i. 1. 111) "Begun" (Hamlet, ii. 2. 220) is not uncommon for "began," which is also used. We also find "I drunk him to his bed."—. and C. ii. 5. 21. Past indicative tenses in z were common in the seventeenth century, but the irregularity dates from the regular Early Fnglish idiɔm. R = 242 SHAKESPEARJAN GRAMMAR. * In A.-S. the second person singular, and the three plural persons ɔf some verbs, e.g. “singan,' singan," had the same vowel u, while the first and third persons singular had a. Hence, though the distinction was observed pretty regularly in E. E., yet gradually the u and a were used indiscriminately in the past tense without distinction of person. 340. Second Person Singular in -ts. In verbs ending with »t, -test final in the second person sing. often becomes -ts for euphony. Thus : Thou torments," Rich. II. iv. 1. 270 (Folio); "Thou requests," Rich. III. ii. 1. 98 (Folio); "revisits," Hamlet, i. 4. 53; splits," M. for M. ii. 2. 115; ' exists," Ib. iii. 1. 20 (Folio); "solicites," Cymb. i. 6. 147 (Folio); "refts," Cymb. iii 3. 103 (Folio). "Thou fleets," Sonn. 19; this is marked in "What art thou call'st . . . and affrights?" B. and F. F. Sh. iv. 1. This termination in -s contains perhaps a trace of the influence of the northern inflection in -s for the second pers. sing. 341, Past Indicative: -t for ted. In verbs in which the infinitive ends in -t, -ed is often omitted in the past indicative for euphony. I fast and prayed for their intelligence."-Cymb. iv. 2. 347 "There they hoist us."-Tempest, i. 2. 147. Plunged in the foaming brine and quit the vessel.”—Ib. 211, "When service sweat for duty, not for meed."-A. Y.L. ii. 3.58. "Stood Dido . . . and waft her love To come again to Carthage."-M..of V. v. 1. 10. Compare Hen. VIII. ii. 1. 33; M. of V. iii. 2. 205. We find "bid" for "bided," i.e. "endured," in "Endured of (by) her for whom you bid like sorrow. tr "} Rich. III. iv. 4. 304. rid," &c., which are This is, of course, as natural as chid," recognized forms. On the other hand, the termination in -ed is some times used for a stronger form: “I shaked.”—Tempest, ii. 1. 319. 342. Participle: -ed omitted after d and t. Some verbs ending in -te, -1, and -d, on account of their already resembling parti- VERBS, INFLECTIONS OF. 243 ciples in their terminations, do not add -eď in the participle. The same rule, naturally dictated by euphony, is found in E. E. "If the root of a verb end in -d or -t doubled or preceded by another con- sonant, the -de or -te of the past tense, and -d or -t of the past par ticiple, are omitted.”* Thus- Acquit. "Well hast thou acquit thee.”—Rich. III. v. 5. 3. Addict.—Mirror for Magistrates (NARES). Articulate." These things indeed you have articulate." Betid.-Tempest, i. 2. 31. I Hen. IV. v. I. 72. Bloat(ed).—“Let the bloat king tempt you."—Hamlet, iii. 4. 182. Contract. “He was contract to lady Lucy."—Rich. III. iii. 7. 179. Degenerate." They have degenerate."-B. E. 38. Deject." And I of ladies most deject and wretched." Devote.-T. of Sh. i. 1. 32. Disjoint for disjointed.—Hamlet, i. 2. 20. Hamlet, iii. 1. 163. Enshield." An enshield beauty."-M. for M. ii. 4. 80. Exhaust. "Their means are less exhaust.”—B. E. 16. Graft." Her noble stock graft with ignoble plants. >> Rich. III. iii. 7. 127. Compare "An ingraft infirmity.”—Othello, ii. 3. 144. Heat.—“The iron of itself, though heat red-hot.”—K. J. iv. 1. 61. "For 'tis the sport to have the enginer Hoist. Infect. Hoist with his own petard."-Hamlet, iii. 4. 207. Many are infect.”—Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 188. Quit.—“The very rats instinctively have quit it.”—Temp. i. 2. 147. Suffocate.—“Degree is suffocate.”—Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 125. Taint."Unspotted heart never yet taint with love." Wed.-Hen. VIII. iii. 1. 141. Waft. 1 Hen. VI. v. 3. 183. "A braver choice of dauntless spirits Than now the English bottoms have waft o'er." -K. 7. ii. 1. 73. Wet.- Rich. III. i. 2. 216. Whist (for "whisted," which is used by Surrey in the indicative). "The wild waves whist."-Tempest, i. 2. 379. *Morris, Specimens of Early English, xxxv R 2 244 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. i.e. "being whisted or made silent." So, in imitation, "The winds, with wonder whist, Smoothly the waters kist."-MILTON, Hymn on the Nativity. Words like "miscreate," Hen. V. i. 2. 16; "create," M. N. D. v. I. 412, "consecrate," Ib. 422, being directly derived from Latin participles, stand on a different footing, and may themselves be regarded as participial adjectives, without the addition of d. 343. Participles, Formation of. Owing to the tendency to drop the inflection en, the Elizabethan authors frequently used the curtailed forms of past participles which are common in Early English: "I have spoke, forgot, writ, chid," &c. “Have you chose this man?"—Coriol. i. 3. 163. Where, however, the form thus curtailed was in danger of being confused with the infinitive, as in "taken," they used the past tense for the participle : Arose. "And thereupon these errors are arose."-C. of E. v. 1. 388. Drove for driven. -2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 84. Eat.-"Thou . . . hast eat thy bearer up."-2 Hen. IV. iv. 5. 165; M. Ado, iv. I. 196. Froze for frozen.-C. of E. v. I. 313; 2 Hen. IV. i. 1. 199. Holp.-"We were . . . holp hither."-Temp. i. 2. 63. (In this case, however, the en is merely dropped.) Took.-"Where I have took them up."-7. C. ii. 1. 50. Mistook." Then, Brutus, I have much mistook your passion. Rode for ridden.-2 Hen. IV. v. 3. 98; Hen. V. iv. 3. 2. Smit for smitten.-T. of A. ii. 1. 123. Smote for smitten.-Coriol. iii. 1. 319. Strove for striven.-Hen. VIII. ii. 4. 30. Writ.-Rich. II. ii. 1. 14. Wrote for written.- Lear, i. 2. 93; Cymb. iii. 5. 21. Or sometimes the form in ed: "O, when degree is shaked." Ib. i. 2. 48. Tr. and Cr. i 3. 101. So Hen. V. ii. 1. 124; Temp. ii. 1. 39; 1 Hen. IV. iii. 1. 17. But shook for shaken is also common. "The wind-shaked surge."--Othello, ii. 1. 13. VERBS, INFLECTIONS OF 245 66 "Ope" in "The gates are ope," Coriol. i. 4. 43, seems to be the adjective "open" without the -7, and not a verb. 344. Irregular participial formations. The following are irregular :- "You have swam."—A. Y. L. iv. 1. 38. "I have spake."—Hen. VIII. ii. 4. 153. "Misbecomed."-L. L. L. v. 2. 778. "Becomed."-Cymb. v. 5. 406. "Which thou hast perpendicularly fell."-Lear, iv. 6. 54. "We had droven them home."-A. and C. iv. 7. 5. "" "Sawn" for " seen is found as a rhyme to drawn," L. C. 91. "Strucken."-C. of E. i. 11. 46; L. L. L. iv. 3. 224; J. C. iii. I. 209. 'When they are fretten with the gusts of heaven." M. of V. iv. I. 77. "Sweaten."— Macbeth, iv. 1. 65. (So Quartos.) Caught seems to be distinguished as an adjective from the participle catch'd in None are so surely caught when they are catch'd As wit turned fool."—L. L. L. v. 2. 69. The following are unusual :-- Splitted.”—C. of È. i. 1. 105, v. 1. 308 ; A. and C. v. 1. 24. "Beated."-Sonn. 62. The following are archaic :- Marcus, unknit that sorrow-wreathen knot.”—T. A. iii. 2. 4. Foughten."-Hen. V. iv. 6. 18. 345. The participial prefix y- is only two or three times used in Shakespeare's plays: "y-clept,' "y-clad," "y-slaked." In E. E. y- is prefixed to other forms of speech beside participles, like the German ge-. But in Elizabethan English the y- was wholly disused except as a participial prefix, and even the latter was archaic. Hence we must explain as follows: "The sum of this Brought hither to Pentapolis Yravished the regions round."-P. of T. iii. Gower, 35. Shakespeare was probably going to write (as in the same speech, line 1, "yslaked hath") "yravished the regions hath," but the necessity of the rhyme, and the diminished sense of the grammatical force of the participial prefix, made him alter the construction. 246 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. The y- is used by Sackville before a present participle, "y-causing." In M. of V. ii. 9. 68, and elsewhere, we find "I wiss" apparently for the old "y-wiss. "" VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 346. Indicative simple present for complete present with adverbs signifying "as yet," &c. This is in accordance with the Latin idiom, "jampridem opto," &c., and it is explicable on the ground that, when an action con- tinued up to the present time is still continuing, the speaker may prefer the verb to dwell simply on the fact that the action is present, allowing the adverb to express the past continuousness : "That's the worst tidings that I hear of yet.” 1 Hen. IV. iv. 1. 127. "How does your honour for this many a day?"—Hamlet, iii. 1. 91. 347. Simple past for complete present with "since," &c. This is in accordance with the Greek use of the aorist, and it is as logical as our more modern use. The difference depends upon a difference of thought, the action being regarded simply as past without reference to the present or to completion. "I saw him not these many years, and yet I know 'tis he."—Cymb. iv. 2. 66. "I saw not better sport these seven years' day."-2 Hen. VI. ii. I. 3. "Since death of my dear'st mother It did not speak before."-Cymb. iv. 2. 190. I did not see him since."—A. and C. i. "I was not angry since I came to France Until this instant."-Hen. V. iv. 7. 58. 3. J. "I can tell you strange news that you yet dreamed not of."- M. Ado, i. 2. 4. It will be noticed that the above examples all contain a negative. The indefinite tense seems to have peculiar propriety when we are denying that an action was performed at any time whatever. Hence the contrast: "Judges and senates have been bought with gold, Esteem and love were never to be sold.” POPE, Essay on Man, iv. 187. VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 247 But we have also, without a negative, "And since I saw thee, The affliction of my mind amends."-Tempest, v. 1. 114. The simple present is in the following example incorrectly com- bined with the complete present. But the two verbs are so far apart that they may almost be regarded as belonging to different sentences, especially as "but" may be regarded as semi-adversative. "And never since the middle summer's spring Met we... but . . . thou hast disturbed our sport.' M. N. D. ii. 1. 83-7. On the other hand, the complete present is used remarkably in- 'D. Pedro. Runs not this speech like iron through your blood? Claud. I have drunk poison whiles he utter'd it. M. Ado, v. I. 253. This can only be explained by a slight change of thought: "I have drunk poison (and drunk [339] poison all the) while he spoke.' "" 348. Future for Subjunctive and Infinitive. The future is often used where we should use the infinitive or subjunctive. A comparison of Wickliffe with the versions of the sixteenth cen- tury would show that in many cases the Early English subjunctive had been replaced by the Elizabethan "shall.” "And I will sing that they shall hear I am not afraid. M. N. D. iii. 1. 126. "That you shall surely find him Lead to the Sagittary the raised search."-Othello, i. 1. 158. "That thou shalt see the difference of our spirits, I pardon thee thy life before thou ask it."—M. of V. iv. 1. 368. "Therefore in fierce tempest is he coming That, if requiring fail, he will compel."-Hen. V. ii. 4. 101. Here, however (283), "so" may be omitted before "that," i.e. " that he purposes compulsion if fair means fail.” "Reason with the fellow, Lest you shall chance to whip your information." “so Coriol. iv. 6. 53. "If thou refuse and wilt encounter with my wrath.' >> WV. T. ii. 3. 138. "The constable desires thee thou wilt mind Thy followers of repentance."-Hen. V. iv. 3. 84. Will you permit that I shall stand condemn'd ?” Rek. II. ii. 3. 119. 248 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So with "for" used for "because" (117) in the sense of "in order that." "And, for the time shall not seem tedious, I'll tell thee what befel me."-3 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 10. As in Latin, the future is sometimes correctly and logically used with reference to future occurrences; but we find it side by side with the incorrect and modern idiom. "Farewell till we shall meet again."-M. of V. iii. 4. 40. "He that outlives this day and comes safe home, He that shall live this day and see old age. Hen. V. iv. 3. 44 "" "All France will be replete with mirth and joy, When they shall hear how we have play'd the men. 1 Hen. VI. i. 6. 16. "When they shall know."-Rich. II. i. 4. 49. 'If you shall see Cordelia."-Lear, iii. 1. 46. "Till your strong hand shall help to give him strength." K. J. ii. 1. 33. The future seems used (perhaps with reference to the original meaning of "shall") to signify necessary and habitual recurrence in So "Good Lord, what madness rules in brain-sick men When for so slight and frivolous a cause Such factious emulations shall arise."-1 Hen. VI. iv. I. 113. "Men shall deal unadvisedly sometimes." Rich. III. iv. 4. 293. 349. Infinitive. "To" omitted "To" omitted and inserted. In Early English the present infinitive was represented by -en (A.-S. -an), so that "to speak was "speken," and "he is able to speak" was "he can speken," which, though very rare, is found in Pericles, ii. Prologue, 12. The -en in time became -e, and the -e in time became mute; thus reducing “sing-en" to "sing." When the en dropped into disuse, and to was substituted for it, several verbs which we call auxiliary, and which are closely and commonly connected with other verbs, retained the old licence of omitting to, though the infinitival inflection was lost. But naturally, in the Elizabethan period, while this distinction between auxiliary and non-auxiliary verbs was gradually gaining force, there was some difference of opinion as to which verbs did, and which did not, require the "to," and in Early English there is much inconsistency in this VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 249 respect. Thus in consecutive lines "ought" is used without, and "let" with, "to." And though we owe the fall of Troy requite, Yet let revenge thereof from gods to light." Mirror for Magistrates (quoted by Dr. GUEST). "You ought not walk."-7. C. i. 1. 3. "" "Suffer him speak no more. -B. J. Sejan. iii. 1. "If the Senate still command me serve."—Ib. iii. I. "The rest I wish thee gather."-1 Hen. VI. ii. 5. 96. "You were wont be civil."-Othello, ii. 3. 190. "I list not prophesy."-W. T. iv. 1. 26. "He thought have slaine her."-SPENS. F. Q. i. 1. 50. "It forst him slacke."-Ib. 19. Stay" is probably a verb in "How long within this wood intend you (to) stay?" M. N. D. ii. I. 138. "Desire her (to) call her wisdom to her."-Lear, iv. 5. 35. "As one near death to those that wish him (to) live." A. W. ii. 1. 134. "What might'st thou do that honour would (wished) thee (to) do?"-Hen. V. Prologue, 18. "" "That wish'd him in the barren mountains (to) starve. 1 Hen. IV. i. 3. 159. So M. for M. iv. 3. 138; M. Ado, iii. 1. 42. Hence "overlook" is probably not the subjunctive (see however 369) but the infinitive in Willing you (to) overlook this pedigree."-Hen. V. ii. 4. 90. So after "have need :" Thou hadst need send for more money."-T. N. ii. 3. 99. "Vouchsafe me speak a word.”—C. of E. v. 1. 282. "To come view fair Portia.”—M. of V. ii. 7. 43. "We'll come dress you straight."—M. IV. of IV. iv. 2. 80. "I will go seek the king."-Hamlet, ii. 1. 101. We still retain a dislike to use the formal to after "go" and "cone," which may almost be called auxiliaries, and we therefore say, "I ། will come and see you. >> We cannot reject now the to after "know" (though after this word we seldom use the infinitive at all, and prefer to use the conjunction "that"), but Shakespeare has "Knowing thy heart (to) torment me with disdain.”—Sonn. 132 250 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. A similar omission is found in So "That they would suffer these abominations By our strong arms from forth her fair streets (to be) chased." R. of L. 1634. "Because, my lord, we would have had you (to have) heard The traitor speak."-Rich. III. iii. 5. 56. To is inserted after "let" both in the sense of "suffer" and in that of "hinder." "And let (suffer) no quarrel nor no brawl to come." T. N. v. I. 364. "If nothing lets (prevents) to make us happy both."-Ib. 256. On the other hand, to is omitted after "beteem" in the sense of "suffer:" "He might not beteem the winds of heaven Visit her face too roughly."—Hamlet, i. 2. 142. After "durst:' "" "I durst, my lord, to wager she is honest."-Othello, iv. 2. 11. The to is often inserted after verbs of perceiving,-" feel," "see," "hear," &c. "Who heard me to deny it ?"-C. of E. v. I. 25. "Myself have heard a voice to call him so. "" 2 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 94. "Whom when on ground she grovelling saw to roll." SPENS. F. Q. v. 7. 32. "Methinks I feel this youth's perfections To creep in at mine eyes."-T. N. i. 5. 317. "I had rather hear you to solicit that."-Ib. iii. 1. 120. "To see great Hercules whipping a gig, And profound Solomon to tune a jig, And Nestor play at push-pin with the boys." L. L. L. iv. 3. 167-9. This quotation shows that, after "see," the infinitive, whether with or without "to," is equivalent to the participle. "Whipping," "to to tune," and "play," are all co-ordinate. The participial form is the most correct: as in Latin, "Audivi illam canentem;" modern English, "I heard her sing;" Elizabethan English, "I heard her to sing. The infinitive with to after verbs of perception occurs rarely, if ever, in Early English (Mätzner quotes Wickliffe, St. John xii. 18, but ?). It seems to have been on the increase towards "" VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 251 A the end of the sixteenth century, for whereas Wickliffe (St. Matt. xv. 31) has "The puple wondride seynge dumb men spekynge and crokid men goynge, blynde men seyinge," Tyndale (1534) has "The people wondred to se the domme speak, the maymed whole, the halt to go, and the blynde to se;" and the A. V. (1611) has to throughout. This idiom is also very common in North, and Florio's "Montaigne." We have recurred to the idiom of Early English. Compare William of Palerne, 1. 871: “and whan he seiț þat semly sitte him bi-fore," i.e. "and when he saw her in her beauty sit before him." In this quotation we might render "sitte" by the participle "sitting," as the girl is regarded as “in the state of sitting.” This opens the question of the origin of the phrase to see great Hercules whipping." Is "whipping," by derivation, a verbal abbreviated for "a-whipping," as in 93, or a present participle? The common construction after "see" and "hear" in Layamon and William of Palerne seems to be neither the participle nor the verbal, but the infinitive in -e or -en. Probably, when the infinitive inflection died out, it was felt that the short uninflected form was not weighty enough to express the emphatic infinitive, and recourse was had to the present participle, a substitution which was aided by the similarity of the terminations -en and -ing. This is one of the many cases in which the terminations of the infinitive and present participle have been confused together (93), and the -ing in this construction represents the old infinitive in- flection -en. This may explain : "I my brother know Yet living (to live) in my glass.”—T. N. iii. 4. 415. i.e. "that my brother lives." Hence, perhaps, also -ing was added as a reminiscence of the old gerundive termination -ene, in such expressions as "Put the liveries to making."-M. of V. ii. 2. 124. Similarly we find, side by side, in Selden's "Table Talk," "He fell to eating" and he "fell to eat.” 350. "To" omitted and inserted in the same sentence. The to is often omitted in the former of two clauses and inserted in the latter, particularly when the finite principal verb is an auxiliary, or like an auxiliary. 252 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Whether hadst thou rather be a Faulconbridge And, like thy brother, to enjoy thy land."-K. J. i. 1. 134 I would no more Endure this wooden slavery than to suffer The flesh-fly blow my mouth."-Tempest, iii. 1. 62. "Who would be so mock'd with glory, or to live But in a dream of friendship?"-T. of A. iv. 2. 33. So K. J. v. 2. 138-9; J. C. iv. 3. 73; T. N. v. 1. 346. "Sir, I desire you (to) do me right and justice, And to bestow your pity on me."-Hen. VIII. ii. 4. 14. "Bids you Deliver up the crown and to take pity."-Hen. V. ii. 4. 104. "Makes both my body pine and soul to languish.' 19 P. of T. i. I. 31. "Make thy two eyes like stars start from their spheres, Thy knotted and combined locks to part."-Hamlet, i. 4. 18. "Brutus had rather be a villager Than to repute himself a son of Rome."-7. C. i. 2. 173. "She tells me she'll wed the stranger knight, Or never more to view nor day nor night."-P. of T. ii. 5. 17. "Some pagan shore, Where these two Christian armies might combine The blood of malice in a vein of league, And not to spend it so unneighbourly."-K. J. v. 2. 39. Thus probably we must explain : "And let them all encircle him about, And fairy-like to pinch the unclean knight." M. W. of W. iv. 4. 57. The common explanation "to-pinch," attributes to Shakespeare an archaism which is probably nowhere found in his works (not even in P. of T. iii. 2. 17). See All to, 28. It is a question how to explain "She is abus'd, stol'n from me and corrupted By spells and medicines bought of mountebanks : For nature so preposterously to err, Being not deficient, blind or lame of sense, Sans witchcraft could not."-Othello, i. 3. 62. IIere, either as above, (1) "to err" depends on "could," i.e. "Nature was not able to err;" or (2) "could not " might perhaps stand for "could not be," "was impossible," having for its subject "Nature to err." (See 354.) In (2) "for" may be either (a) a con. VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 253 junction, or (b) a preposition: "It was not possible for Nature thus to err. I prefer (1). In "For little office The hateful commons will perform for us Except, like curs, to tear us all to pieces," Rich. II. ii. 2. 139. to tear" may be considered as a noun, the object of "except." 351. It were best (to). To is often omitted after "best" in such phrases as "it were best," thou wert best," &c. Perhaps there is in some of these cases an unconscious blending of two con- structions, the infinitive and imperative, exactly corresponding to the Greek οἶσθ᾽ οὖν ὃ δρᾶσον. "'Tis best put finger in the eye. ·T. of Sh. i. 1. 78. "I were best not call."-Cymb. iii. 6. 19. "'Twere best not know myself."—Macbeth, i. 2. 73. "Best draw my sword."-Cymb. iii. 6. 25. In most of these cases the speaker is speaking of himself: but often it is impossible, without the context, to tell whether the verb is in the infinitive or imperative. Thus in "Better be with the dead,"-Macbeth, iii. 2. 20. it is only the following line, "Whom we, to gain our peace, have sent to peace," that shows that be is infinitive. When we now use this idiom, we generally intend the verb to be used imperatively. 352. I were best (to). The construction "Thou wert better gall the devil."-K. J. iv. 3. 95. "I were best leave him.". -1 Hen. VI. v. 3. 82. "Madam, you're best consider."-Cymb. iii. 2. 79. like the modern construction "if you please," (in which we should now say, and be correct in saying, that "you" is the subject, though it was originally the object, of "please,") represents an old imper- sonal idiom: "Me were liefer," i.e. "it would be more pleasant to me;" "Me were loth;" "Him were better." Very early, however, the personal construction is found side by side with the impersonal. The change seems to have arisen from an erroneous feeling that "Me were better" was ungrammatical. Sometimes the to is inserted : "You were best to go to bed."-2 Hen. VI. v. 1. 196. "You were best to tell Antonio what he said."-M. of V. ii. 8. 33 254 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 353. "To" omitted after Conjunctions. Where two infinitives are coupled together by a conjunction, the to is still omitted in the former, where the tatter happens to be nearer to the principal verb, e.g. after "rather than." "Rather than see himself disgraced, he preferred to die." But we could not say "Will you be so good, scauld knave, as eat it ?”—Hen. V. v. 1. 31. This is probably to be explained, like the above, as a blending of two constructions-the infinitive, "Will you be so good as to eat it?" and the imperative, "Eat it, will you be so good?” "Under the which he shall not choose but fall." In Hamlet, v. 7. 66. "Nay then, indeed she cannot choose but hate thee.' Rich. III. iv. 4. 289. "Thou shalt not choose but go."-T. N. iv. 1. 61. the obvious and grammatical construction is "he shall not choose anything except (to) fall;" "she cannot choose anything except (to) hate thee;" but probably (contrary to Mätzner's view, iii. 18) the explanation of the omission is, that Shakespeare mentally supplies shall," "can," &c. "He shall not choose anything else, but (shall) fall." This is supported by 'Who . . . cannot choose but they must blab."-Othello, iv. I. 28. 354. Noun and infinitive used as subject or object. It might be thought that this was a Latinism. But a somewhat similar use of the infinitive with a noun in impersonal sentences is often found in E. E. and, though rarely, in A.-S. "No wondur is a lewid man to ruste. -CHAUCER, C. T. 504. "It is ful fair a man to bear him even."-lb. 1525. "It spedith one man for to die for he puple."-WICKLIFFE, St, John xviiii. 14. (So Mätzner, but Bagster has "that o man,") i.e. "that one man should die." "It is the lesser fault, modesty finds, Women to change their shapes than men their minds.” T. G. of V. v. 4. 109. "As in an early spring We see the appearing buds which to prove fruit Hope gives not so much warrant as despair That frosts will bite them."-2 Hen. IV. i. 3. 39. "This to be true I do engage my life."-A. Y. L. v. 4. 171. VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 255 "Be then desir'd A little to disquantity your train, And the remainder that shall still depend To be such men that shall besort your age."-Leur, i. 4. 272. In the following instance "brags of" is used like "boasts :" "Verona brags of him To be a virtuous and well-govern'd youth."-R. and J. i. 5. 70. "I have deserv'd All tongues to talk their bitterest."-W. T. iii. 2. 217. (This) is all as monstrous to our human reason As my Antigonus to break his grave."-Ib. v. I. 42. "O that self-chain about his neck Which he foreswore most monstrously to have." Add perhaps C. of E. v. 1. 11; Rich. III. iv. 4. 337. "The duke Will never grant this forfeiture to hold,”—M. of V. iii. 3. 25. though "forfeiture" may be personified, and “ grant" used like allow." We retain this use, but transpose "for" in “for to" (see the example from Wickliffe above) and place it before the noun or pronoun: "For me to put him to his purgation would perhaps plunge him into far more choler."-Hamlet, iii. 2. 317. 355. The Infinitive used as a Noun. This use is still re- tained when the Infinitive is the subject of a verb, as "To walk is pleasant;" but we should not now say— "What's sweet to do to do will aptly find."-L. C. 13. "My operant powers their functions leave to do." (C Hamlet, iii. 2. 184; żỏ. iii. 4. 56. Have not to do with him."-Rich. III. i. 3. 292, So 3 Hen. VI. iv. 5. 2. "Metaphors far-fet hinder to be understood."-B. J. Disc. 757- Apparently to is omitted in the following curious passage :- "For to (to) have this absolute power of Dictator they added never to be afraid to be deposed."-N. P. 611. It is doubtful whether the infinitive is a noun in the objective in "Nor has he with him to supply his life.”—T. of A. iv. 1. 46. Le.“the power of supplying;” or whether "anything" is under- stood: "He has not anything to supply his livelihood." 256 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR We can say I was denied my rights," but not "I am denied to sue my livery here."-Rich. III. ii. 3. 129. 356. Infinitive, indefinitely used. To was originally used not with the infinitive but with the gerund in -e, and, like the Latin “ad" with the gerund, denoted a purpose. Thus "to love" was originally “to lovene,” i.e. "to (or toward) loving" (ad amandum). Gradually, as to superseded the proper infinitival inflection, to was used in other and more indefinite senses, "for," "about," "in," "as regards," and, in a word, for any form of the gerund as well as for the infinitive. "To fright you thus methinks I am too savage.”—Macb. iv. 2. 70. Not "too savage to fright you," but "in or for frighting you.” "I was too strict to make mine own away."-Rich. II. i. 3. 243. i.e. "I was too severe to myself in sacrificing my son. son." "Too proud to be (of being) so valiant."-Coriol. i. 1. 263. "I will not shame myself to give you (by giving you) this." M. of V. iv. I. 431. "Make moan to be abridged." ”—Ib. i. I. -Ib. i. 1. 126. Not, "in order to be," but, "about being abridged." "Who then shall blame His pester'd senses to recoil and start."-Macb. v. 2. 22. i.c. "for recoiling." Comp. T. of Sh. iii. 2. 27; A. Y. L. v. 2. 110. "O, who shall hinder me to wail and weep?" i.e. as regards, or from, wailing." Rich. III. ii. 2. 27. "But I shall grieve you to report (by reporting) the rest." Rich. 11. ii. 2. 95. "You might have saved me my pains to have taken away the ring." T. N. ii. 2. 6. i.e. "by having taken away. i.e. "I the truer, so to be (for being) false with you.' Cymb. i. 5. 44. "Lest the State shut itself out to take any penalty for the same."-B. E. 158. as regards taking any penalty." We still say, "I fear to do it," where "to" has no meaning of purpose; but Bacon wrote- "Young men care not to innovate."-B. E. 161. are not cautious about innovating." So Tr. and Cr. v. 1. 71. "are VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 257 This gerundive use of the infinitive is common after the verb "to mean:" "What mean these masterless and gory swords To lie discolour'd by this place of peace?"-R. and J. v. 3. 143. "What mean you, sir, To give them this discomfort ?"—A. and C. iv. 1. 34. So Tr. and Cr. v. I. 30. "To weep to have that which it fears to lose."—Sonn. 64. i.e. “to weep because of having, because-it has. " We say, "I took eleven hours to write it," or "I spent eleven hours in writing," not "Eleven hours I spent to write it over. Rich. III. iii. 6. 5; M. of V. i. 1. 154. "But thou strik'st me Sorely, to say (in saying) I did.”—W. T. v. 1. 18. 'You scarce can right me throughly then to say You did mistake."-Ib. ii. 1. 99. i.c. "by saying." "I know not what I shall incur to pass it."—Ib. ii. 2. 57. ie. “I know not what penalty I shall incur as the consequence of, or for, letting it pass." "You're well to live."-W. T. iii. 3. 121. i.e. "You are well off as regards living," resembles our modern, "You are well to do." The infinitive thus used is seldom preceded by an object : "So that, conclusions to be as kisses, if your (221) four negatives Make your two affirmatives, why then," &c.-T. N. v. 1. 22. "What! I, that kill'd her husband and his father, To take her in her heart's extremest hate !" Rich. III. i. 2. 231-2. From 216 it will be seen that the English pronoun, when it repre- sents the Latin accusative before the infinitive, is often found in the nominative. The following is a curious instance of the ambiguity attending this idiom :— "I do beseech your grace To have some conference with your grace alone. }} Rich. II. v. 3. 27. 1.e. "about having some conference," and here, as the context shows, "that I may have some conference." 8 258 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Equally ambiguous, with a precisely opposite interpretation, Ls "Sir, the queen Desires your visitation, and to be Acquainted with this stranger."-Hen. VIII. v. I. 169. z.e."and that you will become acquainted." '' "Of him I gather'd honour Which he to seek (seeking) of me again perforce Behoves me keep at utterance."—Cymb, iii. i. 72. Probably we must thus explain : "Thou❜lt torture me to leave unspoken that Which, to be spoke, would torture thee."-Ib. v. 5. 139. ¿.c. "You wish to torture me for leaving unspoken that which, by being spoken, would torture you." "Foul is most foul being foul to be a scoffer," A. Y. L. iii. 5. 62. seems to mean "foulness is most foul when its foulness consists in being scornful." 357. "To" frequently stands at the beginning of a sentence in the above indefinite signification. 70, quoted above, and— Thus Macb. iv. 2. "To do this deed, 4 Promotion follows."-W. T. i. 2. 356. * "To know my deed, 'twere best not know myself. "" Macbeth, ii. 2. 73. "To say to go with you, I cannot."-B. J. E. out &c. iv. 6. "To belie him I will not."-A. W. iv. 3. 299. "Other of them may have crooked noses, but to owe (as regards owning) such straight arms, none.”—Cymb. iii. 1. 38. "For of one grief grafted alone, To graft another thereupon, A surer crab we can have none."-HEYWOOD. "To lack or lose that we would win So that our fault is not therein, What woe or want end or begin?"—Ib. "To sue to live, I find I seek to die, And seeking death find life,"-M. for M. i. 1. 43. where "to sue to live" means as regards suing to live," and corresponds to "seeking death." VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 259 L This indefinite use of the infinitive in a gerundive sense seems to be a continuation of the old idiom which combined to with the gerund. Less frequently the clause depends on that :" But that I'll give my voice on Richard's side, God knows I will not do it."—Rich. III. iii. 1. 53. 358. For to. When the notion of purpose is to be brought out, for to is often used instead of to, and in other cases also. Similarly the Danish and Swedish languages (Mätzner) have "for at," and the old French has "por (pour) à," with the infinitive. For to is still more common in Early English than in Elizabethan. 359. Infinitive active is often found where we use the passive, as in "Yet, if men moved him, was he such a storm As oft 'twixt May and April is to see.”—L. C. 102. This is especially common in "what's to do" (T. N. iii. 3. 18; &c.) for "what's to be done." See Ellipses, 405, and compare "Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust."—Sonn. 129. i.e."not to be trusted." 360. Infinitive, complete Present. It is now commonly asserted that such expressions as "I hoped to have seen him yester- day" are ungrammatical. But in the Elizabethan as in Early English authors, after verbs of hoping, intending, or verbs signifying that something ought to have been done but was not, the Complete Present Infinitive is used. We still retain this idiom in the expression, I would (i.e. wished to) have done it." "I ought (i.e. was bound) to have done it." But we find in Shakespeare- In "I hoped thou shouldst have been my Hamlet's wife; I thought thy bride-bed to have deck'd, sweet maid." Hamlet, v. 1. 268. "Thought to have begg'd."-Cymb. iii. 6. 48. "Levied an army weening to redeem, I. And have install'd me in the diadem," —1 Hen. VI. ii. 5. 89, it is difficult to explain the juxtaposition of the simple present with an apparently complete present infinitive. Probably have is here used in the sense of " cause," i.e. "thinking to redeem me and to have me install'd," "to cause me to be install'd." So in S 2 260 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Ambitious love hath so in me offended That barefoot plod I the cold ground upon With sainted vow my faults to have amended," A. W. iii. 4. 7. "to have amended" seems to mean "to cause to be amended." But possibly there is no need for this supposition of transposition. The thought of unfulfilment and disappointment growing on the speaker might induce her to put the latter verb in the complete present infinitive. "Pharnabazus came thither thinking to have raised the siege."- N. P. 179. Sometimes the infinitive is used without a verb of "thinking," to imply an unfulfilled action. "I told him of myself, which was as much As to have ask'd him pardon."-A. and C. ii. 2. 79. But often it seems used by attraction to "have," expressed or implied in a previous verb. "" "She would have made Hercules to have turned spit. M. Ado, ii. 1. 261. I had not (i.e. should not have) been persuaded to have hurled These few ill-spoken lines into the world." BEAUMONT on Faithful Shepherdess. So Milton: "He trusted to have equall'd the Most High." The same idiom is found in Latin poetry (Madvig, 407. Obs. 2) after verbs of wishing and intending. The reason of the idiom seems to be a desire to express that the object wished or intended is a completed fact, that has happened contrary to the wish and cannot now be altered. 361. Subjunctive, simple form. See also Be, Were, An, But, If, &c. The subjunctive (a consequence of the old inflectional form) was frequently used, not as now with would, should, &c., but in a form identical with the indicative, where nothing but the context (in the case of past tenses) shows that it is the subjunctive, as : 2 'But, if my father had not scanted me, Yourself, renowned prince, then stood as fair.' "" I M. of V. ii. 1 17. "Preferment goes by letter and affection, And not by old gradation where each second Stood heir to the first."--Othello, i. 1. 38. VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 261 If it be asked what is the difference between "stood " here and "would have stood," I should say that the simple form of the subjunctive, coinciding in sound with the indicative, implied to an Elizabethan more of inevitability (subject, of course, to a condition which is not fulfilled). "Stood" means 'would certainly have stood." The possibility is regarded as an unfulfilled fact, to speak paradoxically. Compare the Greek idiom of lva with the indicative. "If he did not care whether he had their love or no, he waived indifferently 'twixt doing them neither good nor harın; but he seeks their hate with greater devotion than they can render it him."- Coriol. ii. 2. 17. "If they Should say, 'Be good to Rome,' they charged him even As those should do," &c.-Coriol. iv. 6. 112. (If I rebuked you) then I check'd my friends." Rich. III. iii. 7. 150. 'Till" is used varyingly with the indicative present, future, and the subjunctive. The subjunctive is found after "so" in the sense of "so (that),” ¿.e. “(if it be) so (that).” "I will . . . endow a child of thine, So in the Lethe of thy angry soul Thou drown the sad remembrance of these wrongs." Rich. III. iv. 4. 251. Sometimes the presence of the subjunctive, used conditionally (where, as in the case of did, the subjunctive and indicative are identical in inflections), is indicated by placing the verb before the subject: 'Did I tell this . . . who would believe me?" "Live Roderigo, M. for M. ii. 4. 171. He calls me to a restitution."—Othello, v. 1. 14. "Live a thousand years, I. I shall not find myself so fit to die.”—7. C. iii. 1. 159. "Live thou, I live.”—M. of V. iii. 2. 61. Where we should say, "Should I tell, live," &c. The indicative is sometimes found where the subjunctive might be expected: "Pleaseth you walk with me down to his house, I will discharge my bond,"-C. of E. iv. 1. 12. where the first clause might be taken interrogatively, "Is it your 262 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAK. pleasure to walk with me? In that case I will," &c. So 2 Hen. IV. iv. 1. 225. Perhaps we may thus explain the so-called imperative in the first person plural: Well, sit we down, And let us hear Bernardo speak of this."-Hamlet, i. 1. 33. i.e. " 'suppose we sit down?" "what if we sit down?" Compare Ib. 168. So "Alcib. I'll take the gold thou giv'st me, not all thy counsel. Timon. Dost thou, or dost thou not, Heaven's curse upon thee!"-T. of A. iv. 3. 131. So "willy-nilly" and "He left this ring behind him, would I or not.”—T. N. i. 5. 321. "Please" is, however, often found in the subjunctive, even interrogatively. "Please it you that I call?"-T. of Sh. iv. 4 1. It then represents our modern "may it please?" and expresses a modest doubt. The subjunctive is also found, more frequently than now, with if, though, &c. The subjunctive "he dare" is more common than "he dares" in the historical plays, but far less common in the others. The only difference between the two is a difference of thought, the same as between "he can jump six feet" and "he could jump six feet," i.e. if he liked. Compare "For I know thou darest, But this thing dare not." *—Tempest, iii. 2. 62–3. i.e. "would not dare on any consideration :" stronger than "dares." The indiscriminate use of "dare" and "dares" (regulated, perhaps, by some regard to euphony) is illustrated by 'Here boldly spread thy hands, no venom'd weed Dares blister them, no slimy snail dare creep." B. and F. F. Sh. iii. 1. 362. Subjunctive auxiliary forms. The simple form of the subjunctive is sometimes interchanged and co-ordinate with the auxiliary form. "If thou wert the ass, thy dulness would torment thee, and still thou livedst but as a breakfast to the wolf; if thou wert the wolf, thy greediness would afflict thee, and oft thou shouldst hazard thy life for a dinner; wert thou a horse, thou wouldest be seized by * "This thing" means "this creature Trinculo," and is antithetical to “thou." VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 263 the leopard; wert thou a leopard, thou wert german to the lion."- T. of A. iv. 3. 385-94. ور Note here that "livedst" and "shouldst" imply inevitability and compulsion. "Wouldest" is used in the passive because the passive in itself implies compulsion. Would" is used after " dulness and "greediness" because they are quasi-personified as voluntary persecutors. Why not "hazardedst" as well as "livedst?" Perhaps to avoid the double d. "Do," "did," are often used with verbs in the subjunctive: 'Better far, I guess, >> That we do make our entrance several ways. 1 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 30. "Lest your retirement do amaze your friends. '—1 Hen. IV. v. 4. 5. 363. The Subjunctive is replaced by the Indicative after "if," where there is no reference to futurity, and no doubt is expressed, as in "if thou lovest me." "O Nell, sweet Nell, if thou dost love thy lord, Banish the carkers of ambitious thoughts." 2 Hen. VI. i. 2. 17. An thou canst not smile as the wind sits, thou'lt catch cold shortly."-Lear, i. 4. 112. “Ah, no more of that, Hal, an thou lovest me.”—1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 312. In the last example Falstaff is assuming the Prince's love as a present fact in order to procure the immediate cessation of ridicule. But in the following he asks the Prince to do him a favour regarded as future, and as somewhat more doubtful :- "If thou love me, practise an answer."-1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 411. Incredulity is expressed in "If thou have power to raise him, bring him hither." Ib. iii. 1. 60. In 'If thou dost nod thou break'st thy instrument," F. C. iv. 3. 271. the meaning is "you are sure to break," and the present indicative being used in the consequent, is also used in the antecedent. So in "I am quickly ill and well In So (almost since') Antony loves.”—À. and C. i. 3. 73. "It (my purpose) is no more But that your daughter, ere she seems as won, Desires this ring,"-A. W. iii 7. 32. 264 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. the purpose is regarded graphically as a fact in the act of being completed. However, the indiscriminate use of the indicative and subjunctive at the beginning of the seventeenth century is illustrated by the A. V. St. Matt. v. 23: "Therefore, if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberesi.” 364. Subjunctive used optatively or imperatively. This was more common then than in modern poetry. 'Who's first in worth, the same be first in place." B. J. Cy.'s Rev. v. I. (May) Your own good thoughts excuse me, and farewell." L. L. L. ii. 1. 177 "O heavens, that they were living both in Naples, The king and queen there! (provided) that they were, I wish Myself were mudded in the oozy bed."-Tempest, v. 1. 150. "No man inveigh against the wither'd flower, But chide rough winter that the flower hath kill'd." "In thy fats our cares be drowned, R. of L. With thy grapes our hairs be crowned."-A. and C. ii. 7. 122 The juxtaposition of an imperative sometimes indicates the im- perative use. "Touch you the sourest points with sweetest terms, Nor (let) curstness grow to the matter."-A. and C. ii. 2. 25. "Good now, sit down, and tell me he that knows," &c. Hamlet, i. 1. 70. "Take Antony Octavia to his wife."A. and C. ii. 2. 129. "Run one before, and let the queen know."-Ib. iv. 8. 1. "Thus time we waste, and longest leagues make short; Sail seas in cockles, have an wish but for 't." F. of T. iv. 4. Gower, 2. ie. "Let any one but wish it, and we will sail seas in cockles." Sometimes only the context shows the imperative use : The " "For his passage, (See that) The soldiers' music and the rites of war Speak loudly for him."-Hamlet, v. 2. 411. ' and” is superfluous, or else “question" is imperative, in Question, your grace, the late ambassadors, And you shall find."-Hen. V. ii. 4. 51. VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 265 So in "Hold out my horse and I will first be there." in Rich. II. ii. 1. 300. "Then (see that) every soldier kill his prisoners. "> Hen. V. iv. 6. 37. On the other hand, "prove" is conditional (or “and” is omitted) "O my father! Prove you that any man with me conversed, Refuse me, hate me, torture me to death." M. Ado, iv. I. 182–6. Often it is impossible to tell whether we have an imperative with a vocative, or a subjunctive used optatively or conditionally. "Melt Egypt into Nile, and kindly creatures Turn all to serpents."-A. and C. ii. 5. 78. "That I shall clear myself, Lay all the weight ye can upon my patience, I make as little doubt as," &c.-Hen. VIII. v. 1. 66. "Now to that name my courage prove my title." A. and C. v. 2. 291. 'Sport and repose turn from me day and night." Hamlet, iii. 2. 218. 365. This optative use of the subjunctive dispensing with "let," "may," &c. gives great vigour to the Shakespearian line: "Judge me the world."-Othello, i. 2. 72. i.e. "let the world judge for me." “Disorder, that hath spoil'd us, friend us now. Hen. V. iv. 5. 17. "Long die thy happy days before thy death." Rich. III. i. 3. 207. "The worm of conscience still begnaw thy soul."—Ib. 222. The reader of Shakespeare should always be ready to recognize the subjunctive, even where the identity of the subjunctive with the indicative inflection renders distinction between two moods impos- sible, except from the context. Thus : "Therefore take with thee my most heavy curse, Which in the day of battle tire thee more Than all the complete armour that thou wear'st! My prayers on the adverse party fight, And there the little souls of Edward's children Whisper the spirits of thine enemies, And promise them success and victory."-Rich. III, iv. 4. 190, 266 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Here, in the second line, "tire," necessarily subjunctive, im- presses upon the reader that the co-ordinate verbs, "fight," &c., are also subjunctive. But else, it would be possible for a careless reader to take "fight," &c. as indicative, and ruin the passage. This optative or imperative use of the subjunctive, though common in Elizabethan writers, had already begun to be supplanted by auxiliaries. Thus Wickliffe has (Coloss. ii. 16) "No man juge you," while all the other versions have "Let no man judge you." 366. Subjunctive, complete present. (See Should for “if he should have.") The subjunctive with "have" is not very frequent. It is used where a past event is not indeed denied, but qualified conditionally, in an argumentative manner : "If, sir, perchance She have restrain'd the riots of your followers, 'Tis on such ground. ... as clears her from all blame." Lear, ii. 4. 145 i.e. “If it should hereafter be proved that she have," "if so be tha. she have." So "If this young gentleman have done offence." T. N. iii. 4. 344. 'Though it have" is somewhat similarly used to express a conces sion for the sake of argument, not a fact. "For though it have holp madmen to their wits." Rich. II. v. 5. 62. 367. Subjunctive used indefinitely after the Relative. In her youth There is a prone and speechless dialect Such as move men."-M. for M. i. 2. 189 "And the stars whose feeble light Give a pale shadow."-B. and F. "But they whose guilt within their bosom lie Imagine every eye beholds their blame."-R. of L. ii. 1344. "Thou canst not die, whilst any zeal abound." DANIEL (quoted by Walker). "I charge you to like as much of this play as please you." A. Y. L. Epilogue. "And may direct his course as please himself." Rich. III. i 2. 129. VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 257 Perhaps (but see 218) Alas, their love may be called appetite, No motion of the liver, but the palate That suffer surfeit.”—T. N. ii. 4. 102. In the subordinate clauses of a conditional sentence, the relative is often followed by the subjunctive : "" “A man that were to sleep your sleep.”—Cymb. v. 4. 179. i.e. "If there were a man who was destined to sleep your sleep.' "If they would yield us but the superfluity while it were whole- some."-Coriol. i. I. 18. 368. Subjunctive in a subordinate sentence. The sub- junctive is often used with or without "that," to denote a purpose (see above, That). But it is also used after "that," who," &c. in dependent sentences where no purpose is implied, but only futurity.* Be it of less expect } That matter needless of importless burden Divide thy lips."-Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 71. No "purpose" can be said to be implied in "please," in the fol- lowing: CC May it please you, madam, That he bid Helen come to you."—A. W. i. 3. 71. "Yet were it true W. T. i. 2. 135. To say this boy were like me."-W. T. "Thou for whom Jove would swear Juno but an Æthiop were."-L. L. L. iv. 3. 118. "Would you not swear that she were a maid?” M. Ado, iv. 1. 40. "One would think his mother's milk were scarce out of him." T. N. i. 5. 171. In the last four passages the second verb is perhaps attracted to the mood of the first. "Proteus. But she is dead. Silv. Say that she be: yet," &c. T. G. of V. iv. 2. 109. "With no show of fear, No, with no more than if we heard that England Were busied with a Whitsun Morris-dance. Hen. V. ii. 4. 25. I have found no instance in Shakespeare like the following, quoted by Walker from Sidney's Arcadia: "And I think there she do dwell." 268 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "I pray (hope) his absence proceed by swallowing that.' "If it be proved against an alien That by direct or indirect attempt Cymb. iii. 5. 58 He seek the life of any citizen."-M. of V. iv. 1. 351. "One thing more rests that thyself execute. T. of Sh. i. 1. 251. where, however, "that" may be the relative, and execute" an imperative. I know of no other instance in Shakespeare but the following, where the subjunctive is used after "that" used for "so that," of a fact: "Through the velvet leaves the wind All unseen can passage find, That the lover sick to death Wish himself the heaven's breath."-L. L. L. iv. 3. 108. The metre evidently may have suggested this licence: or -es or -d may have easily dropped out of "wishes or wish'd." "" The subjunctive is used where we should use the future in "I doubt not you (will) sustain what you're worthy of by your attempt."—Cymb. i. 4. 125. "Think" seems used subjunctively, and "that" as a conjunction in "And heaven defend (prevent) your good souls that you (should) think I will your serious and great business scant For (because) she is with me."-Othello, i. 3. 267. The "that" is sometimes omitted: "It is impossible they bear it out."-Ib. ii. 1. 19. Here "bear" is probably the subjunctive. The subjunctive is by no means always used in such sentences. We may contrast with "No matter then who see it.”—Rich. II. v. 2. 59. "I care not who know it."-Hen. V. iv. 7. 118. "I care not who knows so much.”—T. N. iii. 4. 300. 369. The Subjunctive after verbs of command and entreaty is especially common; naturally, since command implies a purpose. "We enjoin thee that thou carry."-W. T. ii. 3. 174. "I conjure thee that thou declare."—Ib. i. 2. 402. So M. for M. v. 1. 50. VERBS, MOODS AND TENSES. 2:53 "Tell him from me He bear himself with honourable action.” T. of Sh. Ind. i. I. 119. "Thy dukedom I resign, and do entreat Thou pardon me my wrongs."-Temp. v. I. 119. So after "forbid." "Fortune forbid my outside have not charmed her. Sometimes an auxiliary is used: "" T. N. ii. 2. 19. "I do beseech your majesty may salve.”—ı Hen. IV. iii. 2. 155. Hence in such passages as "Go charge my goblins that they grind their joints," the verb is to be considered as in the subjunctive. After a past tense "should" is used: "She bade me ... Temp. iv. 1. 259. I should teach him."-Othello, i. 3. 165. 370. Irregular sequence of tenses. Sometimes the sequence of tenses is not observed in these dependent sentences: "Therefore they thought it good you hear a play." T. of Sh. Ind. 2. 136. "Twere good you do so much for charity."-M. of V. iv. 1. 261. In both cases a present is implied in the preceding verb: "They thought and think, ""It were and is good." Reversely in 'But do not stain The even virtue of our enterprise To think that or our cause or our performance Did need an oath."-7. C. ii. 1. 136. "Did need" means "need" or can need." ever could need," and is stronger than In "Is it not meet that I did amplify my judgment?"-Cymb. i. 5. 17. as in "It is time he came," the action is regarded as one time past, as well as in the future. "It hath been taught us from the primal state "meet" in That he which is is wished until he were.”—A. and C. i. 3. 42. Here "were" is used partly for euphony and alliteration, partly because the speaker is speaking of the past, "is and was always wished until he were." 270 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 371. Conditional sentences. The consequent does not always answer to the antecedent in mood or tense. Frequently the irregu larity can be readily explained by a change of thought. "And that I'll prove on better men than Somerset, (Or rather, I would) Were growing time once ripen'd to my will.”—1 Hen. VI. ii. 4. 98. So 3 Hen. VI. v. 7. 21. "If we shall stand still (Or rather, if we should, for we shall not) We should take root." Hen. VIII. i. 2. 86. "I will find Where truth is hid, (and I would find it) though it were hid indeed Within the centre."—Hamlet, ii. 2. 157–8. Compare Ezek. xiv. 14, A. V. : "Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls. with ib. 20, "they shall deliver." "But if the gods themselves did see her then * * * * * * (If they had seen her) The instant burst of clamour that she made Would have made milch the burning eyes of heaven." Hamlet, ii. 2. 535-40. "Till I know 'tis done, Howe'er my hopes (might be), my joys were ne'er begun." Ib. iv. 3. 70. Sometimes the consequent is put graphically in the present merely for vividness: "If he should do so, He leaves his back unarm'd; . . . never fear that." 2 Hen. IV. i. 3. 80. Or else the speaker rises in the tone of confidence: "I am assured, if I be measured rightly, Your majesty hath no just cause to hate me.”—Ib. v. 2. 66, PARTICIPLES. 372. Participles, Active. Our termination -ing does duty for (1) the old infinitive in -an; (2) the old imperfect participle in end, ende, ande; and (3) a verbal noun in -ung. Hence arises great con- PARTICIPLES. 271 fusion. It would sometimes appear that Shakespeare fancied that -ing was equivalent to -en, the old affix of the Passive Participle. Thus- "From his all-obeying breath I hear the doom of Egypt."-A. and C. iii. 13. 77. ¿e. "obeyed by all.” Many a dry drop seemed a weeping tear.”—R. of L. i. 1375. So "His unrecalling crime" (R. of L.) for "unrecalled." (In "Many excesses which are owing a man till his age,”—B. E. 122 i.e. " own, or, belonging to a man," owing is not a participle at all, but an adjective, "agen," "âwen," "ôwen," owenne, owing;" which was mistaken for a participle. CC rr "There is more owing her than is paid."—A. W. i. 3. 107. Wanting, "as in Coriol. ii. 1. 217, "One thing is wanting," can be explained from the use of the verb wanteth in the following passage: "There wanteth now our brother Gloucester here To make the period of this perfect peace."-R. III. ii. 1. 43. ) The same explanation may apply to "I am much beholding to you," which is sometimes found for "beholden," Rich. III. ii. 1. 129, 7. C. iii. 2. 70-3, and even to Relish your nimble notes to pleasing ears."--R. of L. In the following, -ing might be supplanted, without altering the sense, by the infinitive or the verbal preceded by a- : 1.6. "Women are angels, wooing: "" * Things won are done. Tr. and Cr. i. 2. 312. women are considered angels to woo, or a-wooing," where wooing, if treated as an ordinary present participle, would give the opposite to the intended meaning. Probably in the above, as in the following, a- is omitted. "Be brief, lest that the process of thy kindness Last longer (a-, or in) telling than thy kindness date." The "in" is inserted in Before you << Pause a day or two Rich. III. iv. 4. 254. hazard; for in choosing wrong I lose your com. pany.' "—M. of V. iii. 2. 2. * Comp. Returning were as tedious as (to) go o'er,"-Mach. iii. 4. 138. io which the ing perhaps qualifies "go" as well as " planted by 10. }} return," and might be sup 272 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. i.e. "in the event of your choosing wrong, I lose your company,' The two constructions occur together in "" "Come, come, in wooing sorrow let's be brief, Since, (a-)wedding it, there is such length in grief. Rich. II. v. I. 92. It is perhaps a result of this confusion between the verbal and the infinitive that, just as the infinitive with "to" is used independently at the beginning of a sentence (357) in a gerundive signification, so is the infinitive represented by -ing: 'Why, were thy education ne'er so mean, Having thy limbs, a thousand fairer courses Offer themselves to thy election.”—B. J. E. in &c. ii. 1. i.c.“since thou hast thy limbs." This explains the many instances in which present participles appear to be found agreeing with no noun or pronoun. " Part of this confusion may arise from the use of the verbal in -ing as a noun in compounds. We understand at once that a "knedyng trowh" (CHAUCER, C. T. 3548) means a trough for kneading;' but "spending silver" (b. 12946) is not quite so obviously "money for spending." Still less could we say "Sixth part of each! A trembling contribution." Hen. VIII. i. 2. 95 Somewhat different is "Known and feeling sorrows,"—Lear, iv. 6. 226. where "feeling" seems to be used like "known," passively, "known and realized sorrows. "" So "loading" is used for "laden," BACON, Essays, p. 49 (Wright). "Your discontenting father,"—W. T. iv. 4. 543. may perhaps be explained by the use of the verb "content you ;" "I discontent (me)" meaning “I am discontented.” 373. The Verbal differs in Elizabethan usage from its modern use. (a) We do not employ the verbal as a noun followed by "of,” unless the verbal be preceded by "the," or some other defining adjective. But such phrases as the following are of constant occurrence in Elizabethan English : "To disswade the people from making of league."-N. P. 170. "He was the onely cause of murdering of the poor Melians." Ib. 171. PARTICIPLES. 273 i By winning only of Sicilia."-N. P. 171. "Enter Clorin the Shepherdess, sorting of herbs. i.c. "a-sorting, or in sorting of herbs." B. and F. F. Sh. ii. 1. For instances from Shakespeare, see 178 and 93. (6) On the other hand, when the verbal is constituted a noun by the dependence of "the," or any other adjective (except a possessive adjective) upon it, we cannot omit the of. The Elizabethans can. "To plague thee for thy foul misleading me. 3 Hen. VI. v. I. 97. We should prefer now to omit the "thy" as well as "foul," though we have not rejected such phrases as "Upon his leaving our house."—Goldsmith. For instances of "of" omitted when "the" precedes the verbal, see Article, 93. In this matter modern usage has recurred to E. E 374. Participles, Passive. It has been shown (294) that, from the licence of converting nouns, adjectives, and neuter verbs into active verbs, there arose an indefinite and apparently not passive use of Passive Participles. Such instances as "Of all he dies possess'd of,"-M. of V. v. 1. 293. (possess being frequently used as an active verb,) may thus be ex- plained. Perhaps, "And, gladly quaked (mnade to quake), hear more," may be similarly explained. Compare also: "All the whole army stood agazed on him. Coriol. i. 9. 6. 1 Hen. VI. i. 1. 126. But, in the following, we can only say that, in the excessive use of this licence, -ed is loosely employed for -ful, -ing, or some other affix expressing connection. Revenge the jeering and disdain'd contempt." I Hen. IV. i. 3. 183. "Brooded-watchful day."-K. 7. iii. 3. 52. As we talk of "watching (during) the night," this may explain "The weary and all-watched night."-Hen. V. iv. Prologue, 38. T 274 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. But more probably “all-watched" (like “o'er-watched,” J. C. it. 3 241) resembles "weary," and means "tired with watching." For this use of adjectives see 4. "Grim-look'd night."-M. N. D. v. 1. 171. "The ebbed man."-A. and C. i. 4. 43. It is perhaps still not unusual to say "the tide is ebbed.” "A moulten raven.". 1 Hen. IV. iii. 1. 152. With sainted vow."-A. W. iii. 4. 7. (= saintly). "And at our more considered time we'll read."—Hamlet, ii. 2. 81. "Unconstrained gyves."-L. C. 242. Sometimes passive participles are used as epithets to describe the state which would be the result of the active verb. Thus i.e. " Why are you drawn?”—Temp. ii. 1. 308; M. N.D. iii. 2. 402. Why do I find you with your swords drawn ?" "Under the blow of thralled discontent."-Sonn. 124. "The valued file" (Macb. iii. 1. 95) perhaps means "the file or catalogue to which values are attached." 375. The Passive Participle is often used to signify, not that which was and is, but that which was, and therefore can be hereafter. In other words, -ed is used for -able. "Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels."—Rich. III. i. 4. 27. i.e. "invaluable." "All unavoided is the doom of destiny."-Ib. iv. 4. 217. i.e. "inevitable." So "We see the very wreck that we must suffer, And unavoided is the danger now."—Rich. II. ii. 2. 268. "With all imagined (imaginable) speed.”—M. of V. iii. 4. 52. "The murmuring surge That on the unnum. 'er'd idle pebbles chafes.”—Lear,iv.6.21. So, probably, Theobald is right in reading "The twinn'd stone upon th' unnumber'd beach,” though the Globe retains "number'd." Unprized" in Cymb i. 6. 3ð "This unprized precious maid, "--Lear, i. 1. 262. may mean "unprized by others, but precious to me." ! FARTICIPLES. 275 “There's no hoped for mercy with the brothers." i.e. "to be hoped for." 3 Hen. VI. v. 4. 35. (C It has been conjectured that delighted" means capable of being delighted" in "This sensible warm motion to become A kneaded clod, and the delighted spirit To bathe in fiery floods."-M. for M. iii. 1. 121. More probably, "delighted" here means the spirit "that once took its delight in this world;" but "kneaded" seems used for "kneadable." Hence, even 376. Participle used with a Nominative Absolute. In Anglo-Saxon a dative absolute was a common idiom. when inflections were discarded, the idiom was retained; and indeed, in the case of pronouns, the nominative, as being the normal state of the pronoun, was preferred to its other inflections. The nominative absolute is much less common with us than in Elizabethan authors. It is often used to call attention to the object which is superfluously repeated. Thus in The master and the boatswain, Being awake, enforce them to this place,”—Temp. v. 1. 100. there is no need of "them." So "he" is superfluous in "Why should he then protect our sovereign, He being of age to govern of himself?"—2 Hen. VI. i. 1. 166. It is common with the relative and relative adverbs. "Then Deputy of Ireland; who remov'd, Earl Surrey was sent thither.”—Hen. VIII. ii. 1. 42. "My heart, Where the impression of mine eye infixing, Contempt his scornful perspective did lend me." ،، 'Thy curris' spirit A. W. v. 3. 47. Govren'd a wolf, who hang d for human slaughter, Even from the gallows did his fell soul fleet." 'Emblems M. of V. iv. 1. 134, Laid nobly on her; which perform'd, the choir Together sung 'Te Deum.""-Hen. VIII. iv. I. 91. The participle with a nominative originally intended to be absolute seems diverted into a subject in Dor M T 2 276 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. “The king... aiming at your interior hatred Makes him send."-Rich. III. i. 3. 65–8. ¿.e. "the fact that the king guesses at your hatred makes him send." 377. The Participle is often used to express a condition where, for perspicuity, we should now mostly insert "if." " Requires to live in Egypt, which not granted, He lessens his requests."-A. and C. iii. 12. 12. "That whoso ask'd her for his wife, His riddle told not, lost his life."-P. of T. i. Gower, 38. "For I do know Fluellen valiant, And, touch'd with choler, hot as gunpowder." Hen. V. iv. 7. 188. "Your honour not o'erthrown by your desires, I am friend to them and you. "Admitted" is probably a participle in i.e. " ·W. T. v. I. 230. "This is the brief of money, plate and jewels I am possess'd of: 'tis exactly valued, Not petty things admitted."-A. and C. v. I. 146. exactly, if petty things be excepted." The participle is sometimes so separated from the verb that it seems to be used absolutely. "Resolve me with all modest haste which way Thou might'st deserve, or they impose this usage, Coming from us."—Lear, ii. 4. 27. i.e. "since thou comest. "But being moody give him line and scope.' 2 Hen. IV. iv. 4. 39. "And" is sometimes joined to a participle or adjective thus used. See And, 95. "What remains But that I seek occasion how to rise, And yet the king not privy to my drift."—3 Hen. VI. i. 2. 47. "But when the splitting wind Makes flexible the knees of knotted oaks, And flies (being) fled under shade."-Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 51. i.e. the flies also being (295) filed.” 378. Participle without Noun. This construction is rare in earlier English. MoU PARTICIPLES. 277 "My name is gret and merveylous, treuly you telland."-Cov. Myst. (Mätzner). Here again, as in 93, we must bear in mind the constant con. fusion between the infinitive, the present participle, and the verbal. In the above example we should expect the infinitive, "to tell you the truth," and perhaps "telland" is not exactly used for, but confused with, "tellen."* >> It is still a usual idiom with a few participles which are employed almost as prepositions, e.g. "touching, concerning, "respect. ing," "seeing." "Judging" is also often thus incorrectly used, and sometimes " considering;" but we could scarcely say— "Or in the night imagining (if one imagines) some fear, How easy is a bush suppos'd a bear."-M. N. D. v. 1. 21. Here, as I point my sword, the sun arises, Which is a great way growing on the south, Weighing the youthful season of the year."-7. C. ii. 1. 108. Note especially— CC "I may not be too forward, Lest (1) being seen thy brother, tender George, Be executed."-Rich. III. v. 3. 95. (It must be done) something from the palace, always thought That I require a clearness.”—Macbeth, iii. 1. 132. "it being always borne in mind.” '(Death sits) infusing him (man) with self and vain conceit, And, (man having been) humour'd thus, (Death) comes at the last."-Rich. II. iii. 2. 168. This use is common in prose. (( He was presently suspected, judging (since men judged) the ill success not in that he could not, but . . . for that he would not. N. P. 182. So "being," i.e. "it being the fact," is often used where we use "seeing." "You loiter here too long, being you are to take soldiers up in counties as you go. -2 Hen. IV. ii. 1. 200; M. Ado, iv. 1. 251. Though I with death and with Reward did threaten and encourage him, Not doing 't and (it) being done.”—W. T. iii. 2. 166. *It would be interesting to trace the corresponding process in French by which the gerund "dicendo" and the participle "dicens" were blended in "disant. It was not till the beginning of the eighteenth century that the Academy definitely pronounced "La règle est faite. On ne fera plus accorder les participes présents Put from the earliest times the d of the gerund became t. 278 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. i.e. "I threatened him, not doing it, with death, and encouraged him with reward, (it) being done;" a specimen of irregular terseness only to be found in Elizabethan authors and in Mr. Browning's poems. The context often suggests a noun or pronoun: "If not that, I being queen, you bow like subjects, Yet that, (I being) by you deposed, you quake like rebels. Rich. III. i. 3. 162. But her eyes-- How could he see to do them? Methinks it should have power to i.e."when he had made one. Having made one, steal both his." M. of V. iii. 2. 125. Had, having, and in quest to have, extreme."-Sonn. 129. i.e. "when an object is had, possessed," unless it is still more irre- gularly used for "having had." This irregularity is perhaps in some cases explained by 372. 379. Participle with Pronoun implied. Sometimes a pro- noun on which a participle depends can be easily understood from a pronominal adjective. Compare So "Nostros vidisti flentis ocellos." "Not helping, death's my fee."—A. W. ii. I. 192. ….. “death is the fee of me not helping." "Men Can counsel speak and comfort to that grief Which they themselves not feel; but, tasting it, Their counsel turns to passion.”—M. Ado, v. I. 22. "She dares not look, yet, winking, there appears "C Quick-shifting antics ugly in her eye.”—R. of L. 458. Coming (as we came) from Sardis, on our former ensign Two mighty eagles fell."-7. C. v. 1. 80. 380. Instead of the Participle an Adjective is sometimes found. "I would not seek an absent argument Of my revenge, thou present."-A. Y. L. iii. 1. 4. "And (she), her attendants absent, swallowed fire."-F. C. iv. 3. 156. ' Joy absent, grief is present for that time."-Rich. II. i. 3. 259. ELLIPSES. 279 Sometimes the adjective depends on an implied pronoun : Thy word is current with him for my death, But dead, thy kingdom cannot buy my breath. i.e."the breath of me when dead." Rich. II. i. 3. 232. "It is an obvious conjecture from this use of "absent," "present," "dead," that their quasi-participial terminations favoured this par- ticipial use. But add "Thence, A prosperous south-wind friendly, we have cross'd." W. T. v. I. 161. 381. The Participle is sometimes implied in the case of a simple word, such as "being." "I have heard him oft maintain it to be fit that sons (being) at perfect age and fathers declining, the father should be as ward to the son."--Lear, i. 2. 77. And be well contented To make your house our tower. You (being) a brother of us, It fits we thus proceed, or else no witness Would come against you."-Hen. VIII. v. 1. 106. i.. "Since you are our brother." (Or (?) "though you were our brother, it [would be and] is fit to proceed thus.") "(Those locks are) often known To be the dowry of a second head, The skull that bred them (being) in the sepulchre." M. of V. iii. 2. 96. We retain this use in antithetical phrases, such as "face to face,' "sword against sword," but we should rarely introduce an adjective into such an antithetical compound. Shakespeare, however, has And answer me declined sword 'gainst sword." CC A. and C. iii. 13. 27. ELLIPSES. 382. Several peculiarities of Elizabethan language have already been explained by the desire of brevity which characterised the authors of the age. Hence arose so many elliptical expressions that they deserve a separate treatment. The Elizabethan authors ob- jected to scarcely any ellipsis, provided the deficiency could be easily supplied from the context. 280 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Vouchsafe (to receive) good-morrow from a feeble tongue." 7. C. ii. 1. 313. "When shall we see (one another) again?" Cymb. i. I. 124; Tr. and Cr. iv. 4. 59. Just so we still use "meet." "You and I have known (one another), sir." A. and C. ii. 6. 86; Cymb. i. 4. 36. 'On their sustaining garments (there is) not a blemish, But (the garments are) fresher than before.' Tempest, i. 2. 219. Thus also, as in Latin, a verb of speaking can be omitted where it is implied either by some other word, as in 'She calls me proud, and (says) that She could not love me."-A. Y. L. iv. 3. 16. "But here's a villain that would face me down He met me on the mart."-C. of E. iii. 1. 7. i.e. “maintain to my face that he met me;" or by a question as in "What are you? (I ask) Your name and quality; and why you answer This present summons."-Lear, v. 3. 120. (The Globe inserts a note of interrogation after quality.) 'Enforce him with his envy to the people, And (say) that the spoil got on the Antiates Was ne'er distributed." Coriol. iii. 3. 4. Thus, by implying from "forbid forbid" a word of speaking, "bid," and not by a double negative, we should perhaps explain Thus "You may as well forbid the mountain pines To wag their high tops and (bid them) to make no noise.' M. cf V. iv. I. 76. I know not whether to depart in silence Or bitterly to speak in your reproof Best fitteth my degree or your condition. If (I thought it fittest) not to answer, you might haply think," &c.-Rich. III. iii. 7. 144. After "O!" "alas!" and other exclamations, a verb of surprise or regret is sometimes omitted. "O (it is pitiful) that deceit should steal such gentle shapes." Rich. III. ii. 2. 27. "Good God! (I marvel that) these nobles should such stomachs bear: 1 I myself fight not once in forty year.". — Hen. VI. i. 3. 90. ELLIPSES. 281 Sometimes no exclamation is inserted : Ask what thou wilt. (I would) That I had said and done." 2 Hen. VI. i. 4. 31. Ellipses in Conjunctional Sentences. The Elizabethans seem to have especially disliked the repetition which is now con- sidered necessary, in the latter of two clauses connected by a relative or a conjunction. 383. And: 'Have you Ere now denied the asker, and now again Of him that did not ask but mock (do you) bestow Your sued-for tongues?"-Coriol. ii. 3. 213. Here in strictness we ought to have "bestowed," or bestow." An ellipse must be supplied proleptically in '(Beggars) Sitting in the stocks refuge their shame, do vou That (i.e. because) many have (sat), and many must sit there."-Rich. II. v. 5. 27. "Of (such) dainty and such picking grievances." 2 Hen. IV. iv. 1. 198. It (i.e. love) shall be (too) sparing and too full of riot.” V. and A. 1147. "It shall be (too) merciful and too severe.”—Ib. 1155. 384. As: "His ascent is not so easy as (the ascent of) those who," &c. Coriol. ii. 2. 30. Returning were as tedious as (to) go o'er.”—Mach. iii. 4. 138. They boldly press so far as (modern Eng. that) further none (press).' "-B. J. Cy.'s Rev. v. 3. "O, 'tis sweating labour To bear such idleness so near the heart As Cleopatra (bears) this.”—A. and C. i. 3. 95. "And I, that haply take them from him now, May yet ere night yield both my life and them To some man else, as this dead man doth (to) me. 3 Hen. VI. ii. 5. 60. "Return those duties back as (they) are most fit (to be returned)." Lear, i. 1. 99. As can scarcely, in the above, be taken for "which" 282 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "This is a strange thing (as strange) as e'er I look'd on. "" Temp. v. 1. 289. 385. But (after but the finite verb is to be supplied without the negative) : "The tender nibbler would not take the bait But (would) smile and jest."-P. P. 4. "To be thus is nothing, But to be safely thus (is something)."-Macbeth, iii. 1. 47. "And though I could With barefaced power sweep him from my sight And bid my will avouch it, yet I must not, (For certain friends that are both his and mine, Whose loves I may not drop,) but (I must) wail his fall Who I myself struck down."-Macbeth, iii. 1. 119. Sometimes but itself is omitted: "'Tis not my profit that doth lead mine honour, (But it is) Mine honour (that doth lead) it (i.e. profit)." A. and C. ii. 7. 83. Sometimes the repeated varies slightly from the original propo- sition : "'Tis not enough to help the feeble up, But (it is necessary) to support him after."-T. of A. i. 1. 107. In the following, the negative is implied in the first verb through the question, "Why need we?" i.e. "We need not.” The second verb must not be taken interrogatively, and thus it omits the negative. Why, what need we (C Commune with you of this, but rather follow Our forceful indignation?"-W. T. ii. 1. 162. "" but " i.e. "Why need we commune with you? we need rather follow our own impulse." Else, if both verbs be taken interrogatively, must be taken as "and not :" " Why need we commune with you, and not follow our own impulse ?” Where the negative is part of the subject, as in "none," a new subject must be supplied : "God, I pray him That none of you may live your natural age But (each of you) by some unlook'd accident cut off." 386. Ere: Rich. III. i. 3. 214. The rabble should have first unroof'd the city Ere (they should have) so prevail'd with me. "Coriol. i. 1. 222. ELLIPSES. 283 "I'll lean upon one crutch and fight with the other Ere (I will) stay behind this business."-Coriol. i. 1. 246. 387. If: "I am more serious than my custom; you Must be so too, if (you must or intend to) heed me. See "must," 314. "I yet beseech your majesty Temp. ii. 1. 220. If (it is) for (i.e. because) I want that glib and oily art That you make known," &c.-Lear, i. 1. 227. “O, if (you be) a virgin And your affection (be) not gone forth, I'll make you The queen of Naples."-Tempest, i. 2. 447-8. “Haply you shall not see me more, or if (you see me), (You will see me) A mangled shadow."-A. and C. iv. ii. 27. So This is a good Greek idiom. "Not like a corse: or if, not to be buried, But quick, and in mine arms.”—W. T. iv. 4. 131. In the following hypothetical sentence there is a curious ellipsis : "Love, loving not itself, none other can."-Rich. II. v. 2. 88. i.e. "if a man does not love his own flesh and blood he cannot (love) a stranger." 388. Like (1.e. resenibling): "But you like none, none (like) you, for constant heart."-Sonn. 388a, Or: "For women's fear and love holds quantity; In neither (is) aught, or (it is) in extremity." Hamlet, iii. 2. 178. ie. "women's fear and love vary together, are proportionable: they either contain nothing, or what they contain is in extremes." 389. Since: "Be guilty of my death since (thou art guilty) of my crime." R. of L. 390. Than: "To see sad sights moves more than (to) hear them told.” R. of L. 451. 284 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "It cost more to get than (was fit) to lose in a day." B. J. Poetaster Since I suppose we are made to be no stronger Than (that) faults may shake our frames." M. for M. ii. 4. 133. "But I am wiser than (I should be were I) to serve their precepts."-B. J. E. out &c. i. 1. "My form Is yet the cover of a fairer mind Than (that which is fit) to be butcher of an innocent child." K. J. iv. 2. 258. This must be known; which being kept close might move More grief to hide, than hate to utter (would move) love." Hamlet, i. 1. 108-9. i.e. "this ought to be revealed, for it (273), by being suppressed, might excite more grief in the king and queen by the hiding (356) of the news, than our unwillingness to tell bad news would excite love." "What need we any spur but our own cause To prick us to redress? What other bond Than (that of) secret Romans?"-7. C. ii. 1. 125. As in the case of “but” (385), so in the following, the verb must be repeated without its negative force : "I heard you say that you had rather refuse The offer of an hundred thousand crowns Than (have) Bolingbroke's return to England." Rich. II. iv. 1. 17. Here, perhaps, the old use of the subjunctive "had" for "would have" exerts some influence. The word "rather" must be supplied from the termination er in "The rarer action is In virtue (rather) than in vengeance.”—Temp. v. I. 28. "You are well understood to be a perfecter giber for the talle than a necessary bencher in the Capitol."-Coriol. ii. 1. 91. 391. Though: "Saints do not more, though (saints) grant for prayers' sake.” R. and J. i. 5. 107. "I keep but two men and a boy (as) yet, till my mother be dead. But what though? Yet I live like a poor gentleman born." M. W. of W. i. 1. 287. * Compare the Greek idiom.—Jelf, ii. 863. 2. 2. ELLIPSES. 235 392. Till: "He will not hear till (he) feel."-T. of A. ii. 2. 7. 393. Too.... to: "His worth is too well known (for him) to be forth-coming. B. J. E. out &c. v. I. 394. Relative. (In relative sentences the preposition is often not repeated.) "Most ignorant of what he's most assured (ot).” M. for M. ii. 2. 119. "A gift of all (of which) he dies possess'd."-M. of V. iv. 1. 389. Err'd in this point (in) which now you censure him." M. for M. ii. 1. 15. For that (for) which, if myself might be his judge, He should receive his punishment in thanks.”—Ib. 4 28. "I do pronounce him in that very shape (In which) He shall appear in proof."-Hen. VIII.i. 1. 196 "As well appeareth by the cause (for which) you come." Rich. 11. i. I. 26. "In this (in or of) which you accuse her."—W. T. ii. 1. 133. "In that behalf (in) which we have challenged it." K. 7. ii. 1. 264. "To die upon the bed (upon which) my father died.” W. T. iv. 4. 466. "In such a cause as fills mine eyes with tears, And stops my tongue while (my) heart is drown'd in cares." 3 Hen. VI. iii. 3. 14. There is a proleptic omission in "Or (upon) whom frown'st thou that I do fawn upon." Sonn. 149. 395. Antithetical sentences frequently do not repeat pro- nouns, verbs, &c. "What most he should dislike seems pleasant to him, What (he should) like, (seems) offensive."-Lear, iv. 2. 10. Sometimes the verb has to be repeated in a different tense. "To know our enemies' minds we'ld rip their hearts: (To rip) Their papers is more lawful."-Lear, iv. 6. 266. To be acknowledg'd, madam, is (to be) overpaid." 28. iv. 7. 4 66 286 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. The antithesis often consists in the opposition between past and present time. "I meant to rectify my conscience, which I then did feel full sick, and yet (do feel) not well.” Hen. VIII. ii. 4. 204. "And may that soldier a mere recreant prove That means not (to be), hath not (been), or is not in love." Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 288. "She was beloved, she loved; she is (beloved) and doth (love).' Ib. iv. 5. 292. "" 396. Ellipsis of Neither before Nor, One before Other. (Neither) He nor that affable familiar ghost."-Sonn. 86. "But (neither) my five wits nor my five senses can Dissuade one foolish heart from seeing thee."—Ib. 141. "A thousand groans • • Came (one) on another's neck."—Ib. 131. Pomp. You will not bail me then, sir. Lucio. (Neither) Then, Pompey, nor now. "" M. for M. iii. 2. 86. 397. Ellipsis of Adverbial and other Inflections. "The duke of Norfolk sprightfully and bold(ly)." Rich. II. i. 3. 3. "Good gentlemen, look fresh(ly) and merrily."-F. C. ii. 1. 224. Apt(ly) and willingly."-T. N. v. 1. 135. "" "With sleided silk, feat(ly) and affectedly."-L. C. 48. "His grace looks cheerfully and smooth(ly) this morning." Rich. III. iii. 4. 50. "And she will speak most bitterly and strange(ly).” M. for M. v. I. 36. "How honourable(y) and how kindly we Determine."—A. and C. v. 1. 58. "And that so lamely and unfashionable(y)."-Rich. III. i. 1. 22. It will not escape notice (1) that in all but two of these instances the -ly is omitted after monosyllabic adjectives, which can be more readily used as adverbs without change; (2) that "honourable," unfashionable," &c., in their old pronunciation would approximate to "honourably," "unfashionably," and the former is itself used as an adverb. (See 1.) Nevertheless it seems probable that this, like the following idiom, and like many others, arises partly from the readiness with which a compound phrase connected by a conjunction is regarded as one and inseparable. Compare cr ELLIPSES. 287 “Until her husband('s) and my lord's return."-M. of V. iii. 4. 30. "As soul('s) and body's severing."—Hen. VIII. ii. 3. 16 where “soui-and-body" is a quasi-noun. "Shall be your love('s) and labour's recompense." Rich. II. ii. 3. 62. 398. Ellipsis of Superlative Inflection. 66 The generous and gravest citizens."-M. for M. iv. 6. 13. Only the grave and wisest of the land."-HEYWOOD (Walker). "The soft and sweetest music.”—B. J. (16.). "The vain and haughtiest minds the sun e'er saw. GOFFE (Ib.). “To mark the full-fraught man and best endued.” Hen. V. ii. 2. 139. “The humble as the proudest sail doth bear."-Sonn. 80. The est of the second adjective modifies the first. Reversely we have- "The best condition'd and unwearied spirit,"-M. of V. iii. 2. 295. where "best" modifies the second adjective. In "Call me the horrid' st and unhallow'd thing That life and nature tremble at."-MIDDLETON (Walker). "I took him for the plainest harmless creature," Rich. III. iii. 4. 25. though the meaning may be "the plainest, (the most) harmless. creature," it is more likely a compound word, "plainest-harmless" (see 2). 399. Ellipsis of Nominative. Where there can be no doubt what is the nominative, it is sometimes omitted. It was upon this fashion bequeathed me by will, but poor a thousand crowns, and as thou sayest charged my brother, on his blessing, to breed me well."-A. Y. L. i. 1. 3. They call him Doricles: and boasts himself To have a worthy feeding."-W. T. iv. 4. 168. "Who loved her so, that speaking of her foulness (He) Washed it with tears. »*—M. Ado, iv. 1. 156. (It) shall not be long but I'll be here again." Macbeth, iv. 2. 23. "Nor do we find him forward to be sounded, But with a crafty madness keeps aloof."—Hamlet, ii. 1. 8. • "That” might (but for, 260) be treated as a relative prono¨ın. 288 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR This explains K. J. ii. 1. 571, and When I am very sure, if they should speak, (They) Would almost damn those ears which," &c. M. of V. i. I. 97. Compare "Come, fortune's a jade, I care not who tell her, (Who, i.e. since she) Would offer to strangle a page of the cellar."-B. and F. "The king must take it ill That he's so slightly valued in his messenger, (That he or? you) Should have him thus restrained." So Hen. VIII. i. 2. 197. Lear, ii. 2. 154. The following might be explained by transposition, "may all" for "all may :" but more probably "they" is implied : "That he awaking when the other do, May all to Athens back again repair.” M. N. D. iv. 1. 72. See also Ib. v. i. 98. 400. The omission of the Nominative is most common with "has," "is," "was," &c. "He has" is frequently pronounced and sometimes written "has," and "he" easily coalesces with "was, "*"will," &c. Hence these cases should be distinguished from those in the preceding paragraph. "And to the skirts of this wild wood he came, Where, meeting with an old religious man, After some question with him was converted." A. Y. L. v. 4. 167. "This young gentlewoman had a father whose skill was almost as great as his honesty: had it stretch'd so far, would have made nature immortal."-A. W. i. 1. 20. "Hero. I'll wear this. Marg. By my troth, 's not so good."-M. Ado, iii. 4. 9 and 18. • "For Cloten There wants no diligence in seeking him, And (he) will no doubt be found."-Cymb. iv. 3. 21. "For I do know Fluellen valiant. And, touch'd with choler, hot as gunpowder; And quickly will return an injury."-Hen. V. iv. 7. 188. This is that banish'd haughty Montague, And here is come."-R. and JF. v. 3. 5â * See ¿61, ELLIPSES. 289 " "As for Cromwell, Beside that of the jewel-house, (he) is made master O' the rolls."-Hen. VIII. v. i. 34; 50. 'I know the gentleman; and, as you say, There (he) was a' gaming."-Hamlet, ii. 1. 58. Bring him forth; has sat in the stocks all night," &c. So Ib. 114, 298; T. N. i. 5. 156. A. W. N. 3. 116. ""Tis his own blame: hath put himself from rest. "} Lear, ii. 4. 293. b. iii. 1. 5; Othello, iii. 1. 67; T. of A. iii. 2. 39, iii. 3. 23, iv. 3. 463. This omission is frequent after appellatives or oaths. "Poor jade, is wrung in the withers out of all 'cess." I Hen. IV. ii. 1. 6. "Poor fellow, never joyed since the price of oats rose.”—1b. 11. "Richard. Send for some of them. Ely. Marry, and will, my lord, with all my heart." Rich. III. iii. 4. 36. In "And the fair soul herself, Weigh'd between loathness and obedience, at Which end o' the beam should bow,"-Tempest, ii. 1. 131. either "she" is omitted, or "should" is for "she would," or "o'” has been inserted by mistake. Ο 401. A Nominative in the second person plural or first person is less commonly omitted. 'They all rush by And leave you hindermost; Or like a gallant horse, fall'n in first rank, (You) Lie there for pavement to the abject rear. Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 162 They... gave me cold looks, And, meeting here the other messenger, Having more man than wit about me, (I) drew." Lear, ii. 4. 12. The I before "pray thee," "beseech thee," is constantly omitted. (Tempest, ii. 1. 1.) Good-morrow, fair ones; (I) pray you if you know."-4. Y. L. iv. 3. 76. i.e. "I ask you whether you know.” The inflection of the second person singular allows the nominative to be readily understood, and therefore justifies its omission. U 290 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Art any more than a steward?"—T. N. ii. 3. 122. "It was she First told me thou wast mad; then (thou) cam'st in smiling.' Ib. v. I. 357. "" 402. Ellipsis of Nominative explained. This ellipsis of the nominative may perhaps be explained partly (1) by the lingering sense of inflections, which of themselves are sometimes sufficient to indicate the person of the pronoun understood, as in Milton- 'Thou art my son beloved: in him am pleased;" partly (2) by the influence of Latin; partly (3) by the rapidity of the Elizabethan pronunciation, which frequently changed "he" into "'a" (a change also common in E. E.), in "'a must needs," -2 Hen. VI. iv. 2. 59. and prepared the way for dropping "he" altogether. Thus perhaps "Who if alive and ever dare to challenge this glove, I have sworn to take him a box o' th' ear,"-Hen. V. iv. 7. 132. we should read "'a live and ever dare." In the French of Rabelais the pronouns are continually dropped: but the fuller inflections in French render the omission less inconvenient than in English. In the following instance there is an ambiguity which is only removed by the context :- "We two saw you four set on four; and (you) bound them and were masters of their wealth."-1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 278. 403. Ellipsis of It is, There is, Is. "So beauty blemish'd once (is) for ever lost.”—P. P. 13. "I cannot give guess how near (it is) to day.”—F. C. ii. 1. 2. "Seldom (is it) when The steeled gaoler is the friend of men. "} M. for M. iv. 2. 90, "And (it is) wisdom To offer up a weak poor innocent lamb."-Macb. iv. 3. 16. "Since [there is neither (163)] brass nor stone nor earth nor boundless sea, But sad mortality o'ersways their power. -Sonn. 64. "Tis certain, every man that dies ill, the ill (is) upon his own head."-Hen. V. iv. I. 197. ८८ Many years, Though Cloten (was) then but young, you see, not wore him From my remembrance."-Cymb. iv. 4. 23. ELLIPSES. 291 So Hen. V. iv. 7. 132 (quoted in 402), if the text be retained. It is a question whether "are" is omitted, or whether (less pro- bably) (And, 95) "and" is used for "also" with a nom. absolute, in "But 'tis not so above; There is no shuffling, there the action lies In his true nature and we ourselves (? are) compelled To give in evidence."—Hamlet, iii. 3. 62; T. N. i. 1. 38; Hen. V. i. I. 57. "Which I did store to be my foster-nurse, When service should in my old limbs lie lame, And unregarded age (? should be) in corners thrown.' A. Y. L. ii. 3. 42. "> As the verb is omitted by us constantly after "whatever," e.g. "anything whatever," so Shakespeare could write, "Beyond all limit of what else (is) in the world.” Temp. iii. 1. 172. Thus also "however" is for "however it may be," i.e. "in any case :" "If haply won perhaps a hapless gain ; If lost, why then a grievous labour won; However (it be), but a folly bought with wit." T. G. of V. i. I. 34. We have passed in the use of "however" from the meaning "in spite of what may happen in the future," to "in spite of what happened in the past," i.e. "nevertheless." "There is" is often omitted with "no one but," as "(There is) no one in this presence But his red colour hath forsook his cheeks. "Who is" (244) is omitted in >> Rich. III. ii. 1. 84. "Here's a young maid (who is) with travel much oppressed, And faints for succour."-A. Y. L. ii. 4. 75. Otherwise the nominative (399) is omitted before "faints." 404. Ellipsis of It and There. "Whose wraths to guard you from, Which here in this most desolate isle else falls Upon your head, (there) is nothing but heart-sorrow, And a clear life ensuing."-Temp. iii. 2. 82. "Satisfaction (there) can be none but by pangs of death." T. N. ii. 4. 261. U 2 292 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "D. Pedro. What! sigh for the toothache? Leon. Where (there) is but a humour or a worm." M. Ado, iii. 2. 27 ; Ib. ii. 2. 20. "At the Elephant (it) is best to lodge.”—T. N. iii. 3. 40. "Be (it) what it is."-Cymb. v. 4. 149. "The less you meddle with them the more (it) is for your honesty.”—M. Ado, iii. 3. 56. The omission is common before "please." "So please (it) him (to) come unto this place."-J. C. iii. 1. 140. "Is (it) then unjust to each his due to give?" (It) remains SPENS. F. Q. i. 9. 38. That in the official marks invested you Anon do meet the Senate."-Coriol. ii. 3. 147. This construction is quite as correct as our modern form with "it." The sentence "That in . . . . Senate," is the subject to "remains." So- in.... "And that in Tarsus (it) was not best Longer for him to make his rest.”—Pericl. ii. Gower, 25. 'Happiest of all is (it or this), that her gentle spirit Commits itself to you to be directed."—M. of V. iii. 2. 166. We see how unnecessary and redundant our modern "it" is from the following passage :— 'Unless self-charity be sometimes a vice, And to defend ourselves it be a sin."-Othello, ii. 3. 203. This is (if the order of the words be disregarded) as good English as our modern " Unless it be a sin to defend ourselves." The fact is, this use of the modern "it" is an irregularity only justified by the clearness which it promotes. "It" at the beginning of a sentence "It is a sin, calls attention to the real subject which is to follow. viz. to defend oneself." The sentence is sometimes placed as the object, "it" being omitted. "But long she thinks (it) till he return again.”—R. of L. 454. "Being" is often used for "it being," or "being sc," very much like v and its compounds in Greek. "That Lepidus of the triumvirate Should be deposed; and, (it) being (so), that we detain All his revenue. "-A. and C. ii. 6. 30. ELLIPSES. 293 • I learn you take things ill which are not so Or, being (so), concern you not."-A. and C. ii. 2. 30. 405. Ellipses after will and is. "I will," i.e. "I purpose," when followed by a preposition of motion, might naturally be supposed to mean "I purpose motion." Hence, as we have SO 30 He purposeth to Athens,”—A. and C. iii. 1. 35. "I'll to him."-R. and 7. iii. 2. 141. J. "Will you along?"-Coriol. ii. 3. 157. "Now we'll together.”—Macbeth, iv. 3. 136. "I will to-morrow, And betimes I will, to the weird sisters."—Ib. iii. 4. 133. "Strange things I have in head that will to hand.” Compare Ib. iii. 4. 139. "Give these fellows some means (of access) to the king." Hamlet, iv. 6. 13. Similarly, as we have "I must (go) to Coventry."-Rich. II. i. 2. 56. “I must (go) a dozen mile to-night.”—2 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 310. "And he to England shall along with you.”—Hamlet, iii. 3. 4. We still say, "He is (journeying) for Paris," but not "He is (ready) for no gallants' company without them.” B. J. E. out &c. i. 1. 'Any ordinary groom is (fit) for such payment.' So T. N. iii. 3. 46; A. W. iii. 6. 109. >> Hen. VIII. v. 1. 174. "I am (bound) to thank you for it.”—T. of A. i. 2. 111. Such an ellipsis explains "Run from her guardage to the sooty bosom Of such a thing as thou, (a thing fit) to fear (act.), not to delight."-Othello, i. 2. 71. Again, we might perhaps say, "This is not a sky (fit) to walk under," but not "This sky is not (fit) to walk in."-7. C. i. 3. 39. The modern distinction in such phrases appears to be this: when the noun follows is, there is an ellipse of "fit," "worthy:" when the noun precedes is, there is an ellipse of "intended,” "made. ' 294 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 66 "this Thus : this is a book to read" means "this is a book worthy to read;" but, this book is to read and not to tear," means book is intended or made for the purpose of reading.' "" This dis- tinction was not recognized by the Elizabethans. When we wish to express worthy" elliptically, we insert a: He is a man to re- spect," or we use the passive, and say, "He is to be respected.” Shakespeare could have written "He is to respect" in this sense. The Elizabethans used the active in many cases where we should use the passive. Thus- "Little is to do."-Macbeth, v. 7. 28. "What's more to do."-Ib. v. 8. 64; A. and C. ii. 6. 60; 7. C. iii. 1. 26; 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 3. Hence "This food is not to eat" might in Shakespeare's time have meant "This food is not fit to eat;" now, it could only mean "in- tended to eat." Similarly "videndus " in Cicero meant t worthy to be seen;" but in poetry and one who may be seen, " "visible." who ought to be seen, in later prose it meant (( one The following passages illustrate the variable nature of this "I have been a debtor to you ellipsis : For curtesies which I will be ever to pay you, And yet pay still.”—Cymb. i. 4. 39. i.e. "kindnesses which I intend to be always ready to pay you, and yet to go on paying." We still retain an ellipsis of "under necessity" in the phrase "I am (yet) to learn."-M. of V. i. 1. 5. But we should not say : "That ancient Painter who being (under necessity) to represent the griefe of the bystanders," &c.—MONTAIGNE, 3. We should rather translate literally from Montaigne: "Ayant à représenter." In "I am to break with thee of some affairs, وو T. G. of V. iii. 1. 59. the meaning is partly of desire and partly of necessity: "I want. So Bottom says to his fellows : "O, masters, I am (ready) to discourse wonders.' The ellipsis is "sufficient" in "Mark Antony is every hour in Rome Expected; since he went from Egypt 'tis "" M. N. D. iv. 29. A space (sufficient) for further travel."-A. and C. ii. 1. 31. IRREGULARITIES. 295 IRREGULARITIES. 406. Double Negative.—Many irregularities may be explained by the desire of emphasis which suggests repetition, even where repetition, as in the case of a negative, neutralizes the original phrase: 'First he denied you had in him no right. "" C. of E. iv. 2. 7. "You may deny that you were not the cause. Rich. III. i. 3. 90. "Forbade the boy he should not pass these bounds." P. P. 124 'No sonne, were he* never so old of yeares, might not marry.”—ASCH. 37. This idiom is a very natural one, and quite common in E. E. II. Double Comparative and Superlative. See Adjectives, 11. 407. Double Preposition. Where the verb is at some dis- tance from the preposition with which it is connected, the preposi- tion is frequently repeated for the sake of clearness. "And generally in all shapes that man goes up and down in, from fourscore to thirteen, this spirit walks in.” T. of A. ii. 2. 119. "For in what case shall wretched I be in."-DANIEL. "But on us both did haggish age steal on.”—A. W. i. 2. 29. "The scene wherein we play in.”—A. Y. L. ii. 7. 139. "In what enormity is Marcius poor in ?"-Coriol. ii. 1. 18. To what form but that he is, should wit larded with malice, and malice forced with wit, turn him to?”—Tr. and Cr. v. 1. 63. 408. "Neither lowed by "not." * • • • nor," used like "Both ... and,” fol- "Not the king's crown nor the deputed sword, The marshal's truncheon nor the judge's robe, Become them," &c.—M. for M. ii. 2. 60, "" 'The use of "never so is to be explained (as in Greek, Javμasтòr doc) by an ellipsis. Thus- "-E. out &c. iii. 1. "Though ne'er so richly parted (endowed).". means-" Though he were endowed richly-though never a man were endowed so richly." 296 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. This very natural irregularity (natural, since the unbecomingness may be regarded as predicated both of the "king's crown," the deputed sword," and the "marshal's truncheon") is very common. He nor that affable familiar ghost That nightly gulls him with intelligence As victors of my silence cannot (406) boast."-Sonn. 86. The following passage may perhaps be similarly explained: "He* waived indifferently 'twixt doing them neither good nor harm."-Coriol. ii. 2. 19, 20. But it is perhaps more correct to say that there is here a confusion of two constructions, 'He waived 'twixt good and harm, doing them neither good nor harm." The same con- fusion of two constructions is exemplified below in the use of the superlative. 409. Confusion of two Constructions in Superlatives. "This is the greatest error of all the rest.”—M. N. D. v. 1. 252. Of all other affections it is the most importune."-B. E. Envy, "York is most unmeet of "" any man. —2 Hen. VI. i. 3. 167. 'Of all men else I have avoided thee.”—Macbeth, v. 8. 4. "He hath simply the best wit of any handicraft-man in Athens.” M. N. D. iv. 2. 9. "To try whose right, Of thine or mine,* is most in Helena."—Ib. iii. 2. 337. "I do not like the tower of any place."—Rich. III. iii. 1. 68. This (which is a thoroughly Greek idiom, though independent in English) is illustrated by Milton's famous line— The fairest of her daughters Eve.” "" The line is a confusion of two constructions, "Eve fairer than all her daughters," and Eve fairest of all women. So "I dislike the tower more than any place," and "most of all places," becomes of any place." seems It may, Our modern "He is the best man that I have ever seen, itself to be incorrect, if "that" be the relative to "man." perhaps, be an abbreviation of "He is the best man of the men that I have ever seen." * Comp. if the reading be retained— "Which, of he or Adrian, begins to crow?"-Temp. i. 1. 29. IRREGULARITIES. 297 410. Confusion of two constructions with "whom." "Young Ferdinand whom they suppose is drown'd." • Temp. iii. 3. 92. "Of Arthur whom they say is killed to-night."—-K. J. iv. 2. 165. 'The nobility. whom we see have sided."-Coriol. iv. 2. 2. So in St. Matt. xvi. 13, all the versions except Wickliffe's have "Whom do men say that I, the son of man, am?" Wickliffe has "Whom seien men to be mannes sone?" The last passage explains the idiom. It is a confusion of two constructions, e.g. "Ferdinand who, they suppose, is drowned,” and "whom they suppose to be drowned." 411. Other confusions of two constructions. "Why I do trifle thus with his despair Is done to cure it,"-Lear, iv. 6. 33. combines " Why I trifle is to cure" and "My trifling is done to cure." In itself it is illogical. "The battle done, and they within our power Shall never see his pardon,"-Lear, v. 1. €7. is a confusion of "let the battle be done, and they" and "the battle (being) done, they." "I saw not better sport these seven years day."-2 Hen. VI. ii. 1. 3. A combination of "since this day seven years” and seven years." "Out of all 'cess (excess)," -1 Hen. IV. ii. 1. 6. during these is a confusion of "to excess," or "in excess," and "out of all bounds." "So late ago," T. N. v. I. 22, seems a combination of "so lately" and "so short a time ago," Marry that, I think, be young Petruchio,"-R. and F. i. 5. 133. is a confusion of "That, I think, is" and "I think that that be." For the subjunctive after think," see Subjunctive, 368 and 299. So, perhaps, "This youth, howe'er distressed, appears he hath had Good ancestors,”—Cymb. iv. 2. 47. is a confusion of "He hath had, (it) appears, good ancestors," and 'He appears to have had." This is, perhaps, better than to take "appears" as an active verb. See 295. Precisely similar is : "Let what is meet be said, it must be meet."—Coriol. iii. 1. 178. 298 SHAKESPEARIAN. GRAMMAR. combining "Let what is meet be said to be" and "Let it be said (that) what is meet must be meet. >> Compare 353, and add, as a confusion of the infinitive and imperative, In "There is no more but (to) say so."-Rich. III. iv. 2. 81. "We would have had you heard," Ib. III. iii. 5. 56, there may be some confusion between "you should have heard" and " we would have had you hear;" but more probably the full construction is "We would have had you (to have) heard (360)," and "to have " is omitted through dislike of repetition. So Coriol. iv. 6. 35 (415): "We should... . found it so." Compare also " "He would have had me (to have) gone into the steeple-house.' Fox's Journal (ed. 1765), p. 57. "He would have had me (to have) had a meeting."—Ib. p. 60. 412. Confusion of proximity. The following (though a not uncommon Shakespearian idiom) would be called an unpardonable mistake in modern authors :— "The posture of your blows are yet unknown."-F. C. v. 1. 33. "Whose loss of his most precious queen and children Are even now to be afresh lamented."-W. T. iv. 2. 26. "Which now the loving haste of these dear friends Somewhat against our meaning have prevented." Rich. III. iii. 5. 56. The venom of such looks, we fairly hope, Have lost their quality."-Hen. V. v. 2. 19. "But yet the state of things require."-DANIEL, Ulysses and Sirene "The approbation of those are," &c.-Cymb. i. 4. 17. • • "How the sight Of those smooth rising cheeks renew the story Of young Adonis.”—B. F. F. Sh. i. 1. Equality of two domestic powers Breed scrupulous faction."-A. and C. i. 3. 48. "The voice of all the gods Make heaven drowsy."-L. L. L. iv. 3. 345. Here, however, "voice" may be (471) for "voices." "Then know J. The peril of our curses light on thee."-K. F. ii. 1. 295. IRREGULARITIES. 299 "The very thought of my revenges that way Recoil upon myself."-W. T. ii. 3. 20. "More than the scope Of these delated articles allow."—Hamlet, i. 2. 38. The subjunctive is not required, and therefore "have "is probably plural, in "If the scorn of your bright eyne Have power to raise such love in mine."-A. Y. L. iv. 3. 51. In these cases the proximity of a plural noun seems to have caused the plural verb, contrary to the rules of grammar. The two nouns together connected by “of” seem regarded as a compound noun with plural termination. So "These kind-of-knaves."—Lear, ii. 2. 107. "Those blest-pair-of-fixed-stars."-B. and F. F. Sh. ii. 1. "These happy-pair of lovers meet straightway."—Ib. Similarly- "Where such as thou mayest find him."-Macbeth, iv. 2. 81. In the following instance the plural nominative is implied from the previous singular noun— In "As every alien pen hath got my use, And under thee their poesy disperse.”—Sonn. 78. "And the stars whose feeble light Give a pale shadow to the night,"-B. and F. F. Sh. iii. 1. perhaps "give" may be subjunctive after the relative. (See 367.) 413. Implied nominative from participial phrases. Some- times a nominative has to be extracted ungrammatically from the meaning of a sentence. This is often the case in participial phrases: "Beaten for loyalty Excited me to treason."-Cymb. v. 5. 343. 2.e. "my having been beaten." 1.e. "The king of his own virtuous disposition, Aiming belike at your interior hatred, Which in your outward actions shews itself, Makes him to send."-Rich. III. i. 2. 63. 'the fact that the king aims makes him to send." 414. The redundant Object. Instead of saying "I know what you are," in which the object of the verb "I know" is the clause "what you are," Shakespeare frequently introduces before 300 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. the dependent clause another object, so as to make the depen lent clause a mere explanation of the object. "I know you what you are."-Lear, i. 1. 272. "I see you what you are."-T. N. i. 5. 269. "Conceal me what I am."—Ib. i. 2. 53. "You hear the learn'd Bellario what he writes." M. of V. iv. I. 167. "We'll hear him what he says."—A. and C. v. 1. 51. "To give me hearing what I shall reply." 1 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 28. "But wilt thou hear me how I did proceed?" Hamlet, v. 2. 27. "March on and mark King Richard how he looks." Rich. II. iii. 3. 61; Ib. v. 4 1. Sorry I am my noble cousin should Suspect me that I mean no good to him." "See the dew-drops, how they kiss Rich. III. iii. 7. 89. Every little flower that is."-B. and F. F. Sh. ii. 1. Hence in the passive : "The queen's in labour, (They say in great extremity) and fear'd She'll with the labour end,"-Hen. VIII. v. 1. 19. where the active would have been "they fear the queen that she will die." For "fear" thus used, see Prepositions, 200. So "no one asks about the dead man's knell for whom it is becomes in the passive "The dead man's knell "" Is there scarce asked, for who,”—Macbeth, iv. 3. 171. and "about which it is a wonder how his grace should glean it " becomes • Which is a wonder how his grace should glean it." Hen. V. i. I. 53. This idiom is of constant occurrence in Greek, but it is very natural after a verb of observation to put, first the primary object of observation, e.g. "King Richard," and then the secondary object, viz. "King Richard's looks." There is, therefore, no reason what- ever for supposing that this idiom is borrowed from the Greek. After a verb of com.manding the object cannot always be called redundant, as in IRREGULARITIES. 301 "(She) bade me, if I had a friend that loved her, I should but teach him how to tell my story. Othello, i. 3. 165. e. "she commanded me (that) I should," &c. But it is redundant in "The constable desires thee thou wilt mind Thy followers of repentance."-Hen. V. iv. 3. 84. He wills you . . . that you divest yourself."-Ib. ii. 4. 77–8. Compare Belike they had some notice of (about) the people How I had moved them."-7. C. iii. 2. 275. A somewhat different case of the redundant object is found in "Know you not, master, to some kind of men Their graces serve them but as enemies? No more do yours,"-A. Y. L. ii. 3. 10. where the last line means, "your graces are not more serviceable to you." 415. Construction changed by change of thought. "One of the prettiest touches was when, at the relation of the queen's death,. how attentiveness wounded his daughter."- W. T. v. 2. 94. The narrator first intends to narrate the point of time, then diverges into the manner, of the action. 'Purpose is but the slave to memory, Which now, like fruit unripe, sticks on the tree, But fall unshaken when they mellow be."-Hamlet, iii. 2. 201. The subject, which is singular, is here confused with, and lost in, that to which it is compared, which is plural. Perhaps this ex- planation also suits : "And then our arms, like to a muzzled bear, Save in aspect hath all offence sealed up,"-K. J. ii. 1. 250. though this may be a case of plural nominative with singular verb. (See 334.) In the following, Henry V. begins by dictating a proclamation, but under the influence of indignation passes into the imperative of the proclamation itself : "Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through our host That he which hath no stomach to this fight Let him depart."-Hen. V. iv. 3. 35-6. 302 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. man. n This is more probable than that "he" (224) is used for " "Should" is treated as though it were "should have " (owing to the introduction of the conditional sentence with "had") in the following anomalous passage : "We should by this to all our lamentation, If he had gone forth consul, found it so."-Coriol. iv. 6. 35. So Rich. III. iii. 5. 56 (411). The way in which a divergence can be made from the subject to the thing compared with the subject is illustrated by So the proportions of defence are filled : Which, of a weak and niggardly projection, Doth, like a miser, spoil his coat with scanting A little cloth."-Hen. V. ii. 4. 46. "Whose veins, like a dull river far from spring Is still the same, slow, heavy, and unfit For stream and motion, though the strong winds hit With their continual power upon his sides." "But, good my brother, B. and F. F. Sh. i. 1. Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven, Whiles, like a puffed and reckless libertine, Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads." instead of "whiles you tread." But in "Those sleeping stones That, as a waist, doth girdle you about, Had been dishabited,”—K. J. ii. 1. 216. Hamlet, i. 3. 50. "doth," probably, has "that" for its subject. See Relative, 247. In 'Are not you he That frights the maidens of the villagery, Skim milk, and sometimes labour in the quern And bootless make the breathless housewife churn?” M. N. D. ii. 1. 35–9. the transition is natural from "Are not you the person who?" to Do not you?" 416. Construction changed for clearness. (See also 285.) Just as (285) that is sometimes omitted and then inserted to connect a distant clause with a first part of a sentence, so sometimes "to" is inserted apparently for the same reason- IRREGULARITIES. 303 "That God forbid, that made me first your slave, I should in thought control your times of pleasure, Or at your hand the account of hours to crave.”—Sonn. 58. Here "to" might be omitted, or "should" might be inserted instead, but the omission would create ambiguity, and the insertion would be a tedious repetition. "Heaven would that she these gifts should have, And I to live and die her slave."-A, Y. L. iii. 2. 162. 'Keep your word, Phoebe, that you'll marry me, Or else, refusing me, to wed this shepherd.' >> Ib. v. 4. 21-2. "But on this condition, that she should follow him, and he not to follow her."-BACON, Adv. of L. 284. "The punishment was, that they should be put out of commons and not to be admitted to the table of the gods."-Ib. 260. "That we make a stand upon the ancient way, and look about us and discover what is the straight and right way, and so to walk in it."-B. E. 100. In the following, the infinitive is used in both clauses, but the "to" only in the latter :-- "In a word, a man were better relate himself to a Statue or Picture, than to suffer his thoughts to pass in smother. B. E. 103. 417. Noun Absolute. See also Redundant Pronoun, 243. Sometimes a noun occurs in a prominent position at the beginning of a sentence, to express the subject of the thought, without the usual grammatical connection with a verb or preposition. In some cases it might almost be called a vocative, only that the third person instead of the second is used, and then the pronoun is not redundant. Sometimes the noun seems the real subject or object of the verb, and the pronoun seems redundant. When the noun is the object, it probably governed by some preposition understood, "as for," "as to." 'My life's foul deed, my life's fair end shall free it.”—R. of L、 "The prince that feeds great natures, they will slay him.' B. J. Sejanus, iii. 3. But virtue, as it never will be moved, So lust," &c.-Hamlet, i. 5. 53. 304 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Look when I vow, I weep; and vows so born, In their nativity all truth appears."-M. N. D. iii. 2. 124. But this may be explained by 376. “Tis certain, every man that dies ill, the ill upon his own head.” -Hen. V. iv. I. 197. "But if I thrive, the gain of my attempt The least of you shall share his part thereof." Rich. III. v. 3. 267. "That thing you speak of I took it for a man."—Lcar, iv. 6. 77. The following may be thus explained :— "Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through our host, That he which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him depart." Hen. V. iv. 3. 34. "That can we not but he that proves the king • To him will we prove loyal."-K. J. ii. 1. 271. 'He" being regarded as the normal form of the pronoun, priate for this independent position. So "But I shall laugh at this a twelve-month hence, That they who brought me in my master's hate is appro- I live to look upon their tragedy."-Rich. III. iii. 2. 57. These three examples might, however, come under the head of Construction changed, 415, as the following (which closely resembles the first) certainly does : My lord the emperor, Sends thee this word that, if thou love thy son, Let Marcius, Lucius, or thyself, old Titus, Or any one of you, chop off your hand."-T. A. iii. 1. 151 In this, and perhaps in the first example, the "that," like őrɩ in Greek, is equivalent to inverted commas. "May it please your grace, Antipholus, my husband, Whom I made lord of me, this ill day • A most outrageous fit of madness took him." C. of E. v. I. 138. 'The trumpery in my house, go bring it hither."-Temp. iv. 1. 186. It is, of course, possible to have an infinitive instead of a noun : "To strike him dead, I hold it not a sin."-R. and J. i. 4. 61. For the noun absolute with the participle, see Participle, 376. 418. Foreign Idioms. Several constructions in Bacon, Ascham, and Ben Jonson, such as "ill," for "ill men (Latin 'mali'), "without all question" ('sine omni dubitatione '), seem to have been IRREGULARITIES. 305 borrowed from Latin. It is questionable, however, whether there are many Latinisms in construction (Latinisms in the formation of words are of constant occurrence) in Shakespeare. perhaps quote- "Those dispositions that of late transform you From what you rightly are."-Lear, i. 4. 242. Compare We may "He is ready to cry all this day,"-B. J. Sil. Wom. 4. as an imitation of the Latin use of "jampridem" with the present in the sense of the perfect. But it is quite possible that the same thought of continuance may have prompted the use of the present, both in English and Latin. "He is and has been ready to cry," &c. The use of "more better," &c., the double negative, and the infinitive after 'than," are certainly of English origin. The following- "Whispering fame Knowledge and proof doth to the jealous give, Who than to fail would their own thought believe," B. J. Sejan. 2. in the omission of "rather" after "would," reminds us of the omis sion of "potius" after "malo." Perhaps also "Let that be mine,"-M. for M. ii. 2. 12. is an imitation of "meum est," ""It is my business. The following resembles the Latin idiom, "post urbem conditam," except that there is also an ellipsis of a pronoun : "'Tis our hope, sir, After (our being) well enter'd (as) soldiers, to return And find your grace in health."-A. W. ii. 1. 6. I cannot recall another such an instance, and it is doubtful whe- ther "after" does not here mean "hereafter:" "It is our hope to return hereafter well-apprenticed soldiers." But such participial phrases preceded by prepositions seem to be of classical origin, as iu Milton: "Nor delay'd The winged saint after his charge received." MILTON, P. L. v. 248. "He, after Eve seduced, unminded slunk Into the wood fast by."-b. 332. and even, contrary to the particular Latin idiom : "'I'hey set him free without his ransom paid.”—1 Hen. VI.iii, 3.72. X 336 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR, The following resembles the Latin use of "qui si," for the English "and if he." "Which parti-coated presence of loose love Put on by us, if in your heavenly eyes Have misbecomed our oaths and gravities."-L. L. L. v. 2. 778, 419. Transposition of Adjectives. The adjective is placed after the noun : (1) In legal expressions in which French influence can be traced: "Heir apparent."--1 Hen. IV. i. 2. 65. "Heir general."-Hen. V. i. 2. 66. "Thou cam'st not of the blood-royal." 1. Hen. IV. i. 2. 157. "In the seat royal."-Rich. III. iii. 1. 164. Sport royal.' T. N. ii. 3. 187. "Or whether that the body public be a horse.” M. for M. i. 2. 163. "My letters patents (Fol.) give me leave.”—Rich. II. ii. 3. 130. (2) Where a relative clause, or some conjunctional clause, is understood between the noun and adjective: "Duncan's horses, (Though) Beauteous and swift, the minions of their race, Turned wild in nature."-Macbeth, ii. 4. 15. "Filling the whole realm. . . with new opinions (That are) Divers and dangerous."-Hen. VIII. v. 3. 18. Hence, where the noun is unemphatic, as "thing," "creature," this transposition may be expected: "In killing creatures (that were) vile."-Cymb. v. 5. 252. "He look'd upon things (that are) precious as they were The common muck of the world."-Coriol. ii. 2. 129. Hence, after the name of a class, the adjective is more likely to be transposed than in the case of a proper name. Thus "Celestial Dian, goddess argentine."-P. of T. v. 2. 251. i.e. "goddess (that bearest) the silver bow." The difference between a mere epithet before the noun, and an additional statement conveyed by an adjective after the noun, is illustrated by "If yet your gentle souls fly in the air And be not fix'd in (a) doom (that is) perpetual.” Rich. III. iv. 4. 11, 12. Similarly in "With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut."-A. Y. L. ii. 7. 155. TRANSPOSITIONS. 307 "My presence like a robe pontifical.”—i Hen. IV. ìii. 2. 56. "eyes" and "a robe" are unemphatic, their existence being taken for granted, and the essence of the expression is in the transposed adjective. The "three" is emphatic, and the divorcing of some "souls and bodies" is taken as a matter of course, in Souls and bodies hath he divorced three."-T. N. iii. 4. 260 Somewhat similar- Satisfaction there can be none."—Ib. 262. This relative force is well illustrated by "Prince. I fear no uncles dead. Glou. Nor none that live, I hope." Rich. III. iii. 1. 146. (3) Hence participles (since they imply a relative), and any adjectives that from their terminations resemble participles, are peculiarly liable to be thus transposed. "" Similarly adjectives that end in -ble, -ite, and -t, -ive, -al, are often found after their nouns, e.g. "unspeakable,' unscaleable," "im- pregnable;" "absolute," "devout," "remote," "infinite" (often), "past," "inveterate;" "compulsative, ” “invasive,' ""defective;' capital,” “tyrannical,” “virginal,” “angelical,” “unnatural.” (4) Though it may be generally said that when the noun is un- emphatic, and the adjective is not a mere epithet but essential to the sense, the transposition may be expected, yet it is probable that the influence of the French idiom made this transposition especially common in the case of some words derived from French. Hence, perhaps, the transposition in "Of antres vast and deserts idle."-Othello, i. 2. 140. And, besides "apparent" in the legal sense above, we have "As well the fear of harm as harm apparent." Rich. III. ii. 2. 130. Hence, perhaps, the frequent transposition of divine," as "By Providence divine."-Tempest, i. 2. 158. "Ful wel sche sang the service devyne. So "Men devout."-Hen. V. i. 1. 9. CHAUCER, C. T. 122. "Unto the appetite and affection common."-Coriol. i. 1. 108 X 2 308 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Latin usage may account for some expressions, as "A sectary astronomical."—Lear, i. 2. 164. 419 a. Transposition of adjectival phrases. It has been shown above (419), that when an adjective is not a mere epithet, but expresses something essential, and implies a rela- tive, it is often placed after the noun. When, however, connected with the adjective, e.g. "whiter," there is some adverbial phrase, e.g. "than snow," it was felt that to place the adjective after the noun might sometimes destroy the connection between the noun and adjective, since the adjective was, as it were, drawn forward to the modifying adverb. Hence the Elizabethans sometimes preferred to place the adjectival part of the adjective before, and the adverbial part after, the noun. The noun generally being unemphatic caused but slight separation between the two parts of the adjectival phrase. Thus "whiter than snow," being an adjectival phrase, "whiter" is inserted before, and "than snow" after, the noun. So "Nor scar that [whiter] skin-of-hers [than snow]." Othello, v. 2. 4. So much I hate a [breaking] cause to be [Of heavenly oaths].”—L. L. L. v. 2. 355. 'A [promising] face [of manly princely virtues]." "As common B. and F. (Walker). As any [the most vulgar] thing [to sense]."-Ham. i. 2. 99. ɩ.e.“anything the most commonly perceived." "I shall unfold [equal] discourtesy [To your best kindness]."-Cymb. ii. 3. 101. "The [farthest] earth [removed from thee]."-Sonn. 44. "Bid these [unknown] friends [to us], welcome." W. T. iv. 3. 65. "Thou [bloodier] villain [than terms can give thee out]." Macbeth, v. 8. 7. "A [happy] gentleman [in blood and lineaments].” Rich. II. iii. 1. 9. "As a [long-parted] mother [with her child]." Ib. iii. 2. 8. (See 194) "Thou [little better] thing [than earth].”—Ib. iii. 4. 77. 'You have won a [happy] victory [to Rome]." Coriol. v. 3. 186. TRANSPOSITIONS. 309 Hence, even where the adjective cannot immediately precede the noun, yet the adjective comes first, and the adverb afterwards. "That were to enlard his fat-already-pride." Tr. and Cr. ii. 2. 205. "May soon return to this our [suffering] country [Under a hand accurst].”—Macbeth, iii. 6. 48. "The [appertaining] rage [To such a greeting]."-R. and J. iii. 1. 66. "With [declining] head [into his bosom]."-T. of Sh. Ind. 1. 119. So probably "Bear our [hack’d] targets [like the men that owe them].” A. and C. iv. 8. 31. This is very common in other Elizabethan authors: "The [stricken] hind [with Shaft].”—LORD SURREY (Walker). 'And [worthie] work [of infinite reward]." SPENSER, F. Q. iii. 2. 21. "Of that [too wicked] woman [yet to die]." B. and F. (Walker). "Some sad [malignant] angel [to mine honour].”—Ib. which perhaps explains So 'Bring forth that [fatal] screech-owl [to our house]." 3 Hen. VI. ii. 6. 56. "Thou [barren] thing [of honesty] and honour !"-B. and F. perhaps explains "Thou perjur'd and thou [simular] man [of virtue]." Lear, iii. 2. 54. "Bring me a [constant] woman [to her husband]. Hen. VIII. iii. 1. 134. "O, for my sake do you with fortune chide, The [guilty] goddess [of my harmful deeds].”—Sonn. 111. "To this [unworthy] husband [of his wife].”—A. W. iii. 4. 30. A [dedicated] beggar [to the air].”—T. of A. iv. 2. 13. This transposition extends to an adverb in i.e. "as “And thou shalt live [as freely] as thy lord [To call his fortunes thine]."-T. N. i. 4. 39, 40. as free to use my fortune as I am." Unless "to" is used loosely like "for," the following is a case of transposition: "This is a [dear] manakin [to you], Sir Toby." T. N. iii. 2. 57. 310 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR., 420. Transposition of Adverbs. The Elizabethan authors allowed themselves great licence in this respect. We place adverbial expressions that measure excess or defect before the adjective which they modify, "twenty times better," &c. This is not always the case in Shakespeare : "Being twenty times of better fortune."-A. and C. iv. 2. 3, "Our spoils (that) we have brought home Do more than counterpoise, a full third part, The charges of the action."-Coriol. v. 6. 78. "I am solicited not by a few, And those of true condition."-Hen. VIII. i. 2. 18. For not transposed, see also 305. "Like to a harvest man that's task'd to mow Or all, or lose his hire."-Coriol. i. 3. 40. In "All good things vanish less than in a day" (Nash), there is, perhaps, a confusion between "less long-lived than a day" and more quickly than in a day." At all events the emphatic use of "less" accounts for the transposition. Such transpositions are most natural and frequent in the case of adverbs of limitation, as but (see But,129), only, even, &c. "Only I say,”—Macbeth, iii. 6. 2. for "I only say.” Only I yield to die."-7. C. v. 4. 12. for "I yield only in order to die," "And I assure you Even that your pity is enough to cure me,"-B. J. for "that even your pity." He did it to please his mother and to be partly proud, "" Coriol. i. 1. 40. for "and partly to be proud.” Somewhat similar is "Your single bond,"-M. of V. i. 3. 146. for "the bond of you alone." 421. Transposition of Adverbs. When an adverb is trans- posed to the beginning for emphasis, it generally transposes the subject after the verb, but adverbs are sometimes put at the be- ginning of a sentence without influencing the order of the other words. TRANSPOSITIONS. 31L "Seldom he smiles."-F. C. i. 2. 205. "For always I am Cæsar."-♫b. i. 2. 212. "No more that thane of Cawdor shall deceive.' Macbeth, i. 2. 63. "Of something nearly that concerns yourselves. M. N. D. 1. I. 126. 422. Transposition of Article. In Early English we some- times find "a so new robe." The Elizabethan authors, like our- selves, transposed the a and placed it after the adjective: "so new a robe." But when a participle is added as an epithet of the noun, e.g. "fashioned," and the participle itself is qualified by an adjective used as an adverb, e.g. "new," we treat the whole as one adjective, thus, "so new-fashioned a robe." Shakespeare on the contrary writes- "So new a fashion'd robe."—K. 7. iv. 2. 27. "So fair an offer'd chain."-C. of E. iii. 2. 186. 'Or having sworn too hard a keeping oath." 'So rare a wonder'd father and a wife." L. L. L. i. 1. 65. Temp. iv. 1. 123. "I would have been much more a fresher man. "" Tr. and Cr. v. 6. 20. We still say, "too great a wit," but not with Chaucer, C. T.: "For when a man hath overgret a wit," possibly because we regard "overgreat" as an adjective, and "too great” as a quasi-adverb. Somewhat similar is : On once-a-flock-bed, but repair'd with straw, With tape-ty'd curtains never meant to draw." POPE, Moral E. iii. 301. So we can say "how poor an instrument," regarding "how" as an adverb, and "how poor" as an adverbialized expression, but not "What poor an instrument,”—A. and C. v. 2. 236. because "what" has almost lost with us its adverbial force. "So brave(ly) a mingled temper saw I never." B. and F. (Walker). "Chaucer, who was so great(ly) a learned scholar." KINASTON (Walker). 313 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. The a is used even after the comparative adjective in "If you should need a pin, You could not with more tame a tongue desire it.' M. for M. ii. 2. 46. 423. Transpositions in Noun-clauses containing two nouns connected by "of." It has been observed in 412 that two nouns connected by "of" are often regarded as one. Hence sometimes pronominal and other adjectives are placed before the whole compound noun instead of, as they strictly should be, before the second of the two nouns. "Yet that thy brazen gates of heaven may ope." 3 Hen. VI. ii. 3. 40. "My pith of business.”—M. for M. i. 4. 70. "The tribunes have pronounced My everlasting doom of banishment.' -T. A. iii. I. 51. "Let it stamp wrinkles in her brow of youth." Lear, i. 4. 306. My latter part of life."-A. and C. iv. 6. 39. My whole course of life."—Othello, i. 3. 91. "I will presently go learn their day of marriage." " M. Ado, ii. 2. 57 Thy bruising irons of wrath."-Rich. III. v. 3. 110. Thy ministers of chastisement."—Ib. 113. "In my prime of youth."-Ib. 119. "Thy heat of lust."—R. of L. 1473. My home of love."—Sonn. 109. "And punish them to your height of pleasure." M. for M. v. I. 240. "His means of death, his obscure funeral." i.."the means of his death. Hamlet, iv. 5. 213. "What is your cause of distemper ?"-Hamlet, iii. 2. 350. "Your sovereignty of reason. Ib. i. 4. 73. (See 200.) My better part of man."-Macbeth, v. 7. 18. "His chains of bondage."-Rich. II. i. 3. 89. Your state of fortune and your due of birth." This is perhaps illustrated by for ". Rich. III. iii. 7. 127. "What country-man ?"-T. N. v. 1. 238; T. of Sh. i. 2. 190. a man of what country?" TRANSPOSITIONS. 313 The possessive adjective is twice repeated in "Her attendants of her chamber."-A. Y. L. ii. 2. 5. So "This cause of Rome,"-T. A. i. I. 32. does not mean "this cause as distinguished from other caused of Rome," but "this, the Roman cause. Somewhat similar is "} "Your reproof Were well deserv'd of rashness,"-A. and C. ii. 2. 124. where we should say "the reproof of your rashness" (unless "of" here means about," "for"). " "The idea of her life shall sweetly creep Into his study of imagination."-M. Ado, iv. 1. 227. i.e. "the study of his imagination." "Our raiment and state of bodies."—Coriol. v. 3. 95. "More than ten criers, and six noise of trumpets." B. J. Sejan. v. 7. The compound nature of these phrases explains, perhaps, the omission of the article in "Hath now himself met with the fall-of-leaf." Rich. II. iii. 4. 49. 424. Transposition of Prepositions in Relative and other clauses. We now dislike using such transpositions as "The late demand that you did sound me in."--Rich. III. iv. 2. 87. "Betwixt that smile we would aspire to."—Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 368. 'A thousand men that fishes gnawed upon.”—Rich. III. i. 4. 25. "Found thee a way out of his wreck to rise in." Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 438. But it may be traced to E. E. (203), and is very common in Shakespeare, particularly in Hen. VIII., where we even find "Where no mention Of me must more be heard of."—Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 435. It has been said above (203) that the dissyllabic forms of prepo- sitions are peculiarly liable to these transpositions. Add to the above examples: "Like a falcon towering in the skies, Coucheth the fowl below."—R. of L. 506. 425. Transposition after Emphatic Words. The influence of an emphatic word at the beginning of a sentence is shown in the 314 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. transposition of the verb and subject. In such cases the last as well as the first word is often emphatic. "In dreadful secrecy impart they did."—Hamlet, i. 2. 207. "And so have I a noble father lost, A sister driven into desperate terms."—Ib. iv. 7. 25. Here note, that though the first line could be re-transposed and Laertes could naturally say "I have lost a father," on the other hand he could not say "I have driven a sister" without completely changing the sense. "Have" is here used in its original sense, and is equivalent to "I find." When "have" is thus used without any notion of action, it is separated from the participle passive. "But answer made it none."—–Hamlet, i. 2. 216. Pray can I not.”—Ib. iii. 3. 38. Supportable To make the dear loss have I means much weaker." Temp. v. I. 146. The influence of an emphatic adverbial expression preceding is shown in the difference between the order in the second and the first of the two following lines :- "As every alien pen hath got my use, "" And under thee their poetry disperse."-Sonn. 78. I did, my lord, A. W. v. 3. 201. But loath am to produce so bad an instrument. Before the time I did Lysander see, Seem'd Athens as a paradise to me.”—M. N. D. i. 1. 205. When the adverbs "never," "ever," are emphatic and placed near the beginning of a sentence, the subject often follows the verb, almost always when the verb is "was," &c. We generally write now never was," but Shakespeare often wrote (there) was never." "Was never widow had so dear a loss.”—Rich. III. ii. 2. 77. Sometimes a word is made emphatic by repetition : "Sec. O. Peace! We'll hear him. I. Third O. Ay, by my beard will we."—T. G. of V. iv. 1. 10. "Hamlet. Look you, these are the stops. Guild. But these cannot I command."—Hamlet, iii. 3. 377. Or partly by antithesis, as well as by its natural importance : TRANSPOSITIONS. 315 r "I your commission will forthwith despatch, And he to England shall along with you. " Hamlet, iii. 3. 3, 4. My soul shall thine keep company to heaven." Hen. V. iv. 6. 16. The following is explained by the omission of "there :" • · "I am question'd by my fears that (there) may blow No sneaping winds at home."-W. T. i. 2. 13. There seems a disposition to place participles, as though used absolutely, before the words which they qualify. "And these news, Having been well, that would have made me sick, Being sick, have in some measure made me well." It is rare to find such transpositions as 2 Hen. IV. i. 1. 138. "Then the rich jewell'd coffer of Darius, Transported shall be at high festivals." -1 Hen. VI. i. 6. 26. Transpositions are common in prose, especially when an adverb precedes the sentence. "Yet hath Leonora, my onely daughter, escaped." MONTAIGNE (Florio), 225. And, therefore, should not we marry so young.”—Ib. Now, sir, the sound that tells what hour it is Are clamorous groans,"-Rich. II. v. 5. 56. is rather a case of "confusion of proximity" ("are" being changed to "is") than transposition. (See 302.) 426. Transposition after Relative. The relative subject, possibly as being somewhat unemphatic itself, brings forward the object into a prominent and emphatic position, and consequently throws a part of the verb to the end, not however (as in German) the auxiliary. By Richard that dead is.” —1 Hen. IV. i. 3. 146. "But chide rough winter that the flower hath killed."—R. of L. "That heaven's light did hide."-SPENS. F. Q. i. 1. 7. 427. Other Transpositions. In the second of two passive clauses when the verb "is" is omitted, the subject is sometimes transposed, perhaps for variety. 316 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 'When liver, heart, and brain, These sovereign thrones, are all supplied, and filled (Are) Her sweet perfections with one self king." "Since his addiction was to courses vain, T. N. i. 1. 39. And never (was) noted in him any study."-Hen. V. i. 1.57. It is not probable that "perfections" and "study" are here ab◄ solutely used with the participle. See, however, And, 95. In "By such two that would by all likelihood have confounded each other" (Cymb. i. 4. 53), "two" is emphatic, like "a pair." So " we" is emphatic in, "all we like sheep have gone astray," and in Hamlet, ii. 2. 151, in both cases, because of antithesis. "Into the madness wherein now he raves And all we mourn for."-Hamlet, ii. 2. 151. (See 240.) COMPOUND WORDS. 428. Hybrids. The Elizabethans did not bind themselves by the stricter rules of modern times in this respect. They did not mind adding a Latin termination to a Teutonic root, and vice verså. Thus Shakespeare has "increaseful," "bode- ment," &c. Holland uses the suffix -fy after the word "fool" (which at all events does not come to us direct from the Latin), "foolify,' where we use "stultify." The following words illustrate the Eliza- bethan licence :- " 'Bi-fold."-Tr. and Cr. v. 2. 144. Out-cept."--B. J. (Nares). 'Exteriorly."-K. J. iv. 2. 257. "" "Sham'st thou not, knowing whence thou art extraught?" 3 Hen. VI. ii. 2. 142. where there is a confusion between the Latin "extracted" and the English "raught," past part. of "reach." Compare Pistol's " ex- hale,” Hen. V. ii. 1. 66, i.c. “ex-haul," ""draw out," applied to a sword. There was also great licence in using the foreign words which were pouring into the language. "And quench the stelled fires."—Lear, iii. 7. 61. "Be aidant and remediate."—Ib. iv. 4. 17. "Antres vast and deserts idle."-Othello, i. 3. 140. : COMPOUND WORDS. 317 429. Adverbial Compounds. " "Till Harry's back-return."—Hen. V. v. Prologue, 41. “Thy here-approach,” Macb. iv. 3. 133, 148; “Our hence-going, Cymb. iii. 2. 65; "Here-hence," B. J. Poetast. v. I; "So that men are punish'd for before-breach of the king's laws in now-the-king's- quarrel," Hon. V. iv. I. 179, i.e. "the king's now (present) quarrel." This last extraordinary compound is a mere construction for the occasion, to correspond antithetically to "before-breach," but it well illustrates the Elizabethan licence. “The 'The steep-up heavenly hill."-Sonn. 7. "I must up-fill this osier cage of ours.”—R. and F. ii. 3. 7. Up-hoarded."—Hamlet, i. 1. 136. "With hair up-staring.”—Tempest, i. 2. 213. 430. Noun-Compounds. Sometimes the first noun may be treated as a genitive used adjectively. (See 22.) Thus, "thy heart- blood" (Rich. II. iv. 1. 38) is the same as "thy heart's blood;" "brother-love" (Hen. VIII. v. 3. 73), i.e. brother's love. "" So Any-moment-leisure.”—Hamlet, i. 3. 133. "This childhood-proof.”—M. of V. i. 1. 144. "Childhood-innocence."-M. N. D. iii. 2. 202. "All the region-kites.”—Hamlet, ii. 2. 607. CC "A lion-fell.”—M. N. D. v. 1. 227, i.e. a lion's skin.” So probably "Faction-traitors."—Rich. II. ii. 2. 57. "Self" is used as a compound noun in "self-conceit," and this explains “Infusing him with self-and-vain-conceit.”—Rich. II.iii. 2.166. "Every minute-while," 1 Hen. VI. i. 4. 54. where "while" has its original force as a noun = "time." But often when a noun is compounded with a participle, some preposition or other ellipse must be supplied, as "like" in our stone-still," &c., and the exact meaning of the compound can only be ascertained by the context. Wind-changing Warwick."-3 Hen. VI. v. 1. 57. My furnace-burning heart.”—Ib. ii. 1. 80. i.e. "burning like a furnace." Giant-rude," A. Y. L. iv. 3. 34; "marble-constant," A. and C. v. 2. 240; “honey-heavy-dew,” J. C. iì. 1. 230; so "flower" 318 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "" (( soft hands," A. and C. ii. 2. 215; "maid-pale peace," Rich. II. iti. 3. 98; "al an orphan's water-standing eye," 3 Hen. VI. v. 6. 40, i.e. standing with water;" "weeping-ripe," L. L. L. v. 2. 274, "ripe for weeping; thought-sick," Hamlet, iii. 4. 51, i.e. “ as i.e. the result of thought;" so "lion-sick," Tr. and Cr. ii. 3. 13, is explained lower down, "sick of proud heart;" "pity-pleading eyes," R. of L. 561, i.e. "pleading for pity;" "peace-parted souls,' Hamlet, v. i. 261, i.e. "souls that have departed in peace;" fancy-free," M. N. D. ii. 1. 164, i.e. "free from fancy (love);" child-changed father," Lear. iv. 7. 17, i.e., "changed to a child.” Or the noun is put for a passive participle or an adjective. Upon your sword sit laurel(led) victory."-A. and C. i. 3. 100. "The honey of his music(al) vows."-Hamlet, iii. 1. 164. "The venom(ous) clamours of a jealous woman. "" C. of E. v. 1. 69; so R. of L. 850. "The Carthage queen.”—M. N. D. i. 1. 173. "Your Corioli walls."-Coriol. i. 8. 8; ii. 1. 180. "Our Rome gates.”—b. iii. 3. 104: Ib. iv. 5. 214. For similar examples, see 22. Sometimes the genitive is used: "I'll knock your knave's pate." T. of Sh. i. 2. 12; C. of E. iii. 1. 74. 431. Preposition-Compounds. “An after-dinner's (comp. 'afternoon's ') breath.” "At after-supper.”—Rich. III. iv. 3. “At over-night.”—A. W. iii. 4. 23. Tr. and Cr. ii. 3. 120. 31; M. N. D. v. i. 34. "The falling-from of his friends.”—T. of A. iv. 3. 400. The preposition usually attached to a certain verb is sometimes appended to the participle of the verb in order to make an adjective. "There is no hoped-for mercy."—3 Hen. VI. v. 4. 35. “Some never-heard-of torturing pain,”—T. A. ii. 3. 285. for "unheard-of." "Your sued-for tongues.". Coriol. ii. 3. 216. "Bemock'd-at stabs."— ·Temp. iii. 3. 63. "The unthought-on accident."-W. T. iv. 4. 549. "Your unthought-of Harry."- - Hen. IV. iii. 2. 141. COMPOUND WORDS. 319 432. Verb-Compounds. Verbs were compounded with their objects more commonly than with us. "Some carry-tale, some please-man, some slight zany, Some mumble-news."-L. L. L. v. 2. 463-4. "All find-faults.”—Hen. V. v. 2. 298. We still use "mar-plot" and "spoil-sport." Such compounds seem generally depreciatory. "Weather-fend" in "In the lime grove which weather-fends your cell," Temp. v. 1. 10. means "defend from the weather," and stands on a somewhat different footing. One is disposed to treat "wilful-blame" as an anomalous com- pound in like "In faith, my lord, you are too wilful-blame.' "" I Hen. IV. iii. 1. 177. 'A false-heart traitor."-2 Hen. VI. v. 1. 143. But "heart" is very probably a euphonious abbreviation of "hearted." The explanation of “too wilful-blame” is to be sought in the common expression "I am too blame," Othello, iii. 3. 211, 282; M. of V. v. 1. 166. "I am too too blame," is also found in Elizabethan authors. It would seem that, the "to" in "I am tc blame" being misunderstood, “blame” came to be regarded as an adjective, and "to" (which is often interchanged in spelling with "too") as an adverb. Hence "blame," being regarded as an adjective, was considered compoundable with another adjective. 433. Participial Nouns. A participle or adjective, when used as a noun, often receives the inflection of the possessive case or the plural. His chosen's merit."-B. and F. F. Sh. iii. 1. "All cruels else subscribed."-Lear, iii. 7. 65. 21 i.e. "All cruel acts to the contrary being yielded up, forgiven." Compare for the meaning Lear, iv. 7. 36, and for “ subscribe,' Tr. and Cr. iv. 5. 105. Another explanation is, "all other cruel animals being allowed entrance." So V. Vulgars," W. T. ii. 1. 94; "Severals," Hen. 1. i. 1. 86, i.c. "details." "Yon equal potents."—K. 7. ii. 1. 357. "To the ports The discontents repair."-A. and C. i. 4. 39. 320 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 1 "Lead me to the revolts (revolters) of England here." K. J. v. 4. 7: 60 Cymb. iv. 4. 6 Add, if the text be correct : "The Norways' king."-Macbeth, i. 2. 59. 2.c. "the king of the Norwegians." It would appear as though an adjective in agreement with a plural noun received a plural inflection in Letters-patents."-Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 249; Rich. II. ii. 1. 202 (Folio), 3. 130. More probably the word was treated by Shakespeare as though it were a compound noun. But in E. E. adjectives of Romance origin often take the plural inflection. "Lawless resolutes."—Hamlet, i. 1. 98. Mighty opposites.”—Ib. v. ii. 62. 434. Phrase-Compounds. Short phrases, mostly containing participles, are often compounded into epithets. "The always-wind-obeying deep."-C. of E. i. 1. 64. My too-much-changed son."—Hamlet, ii. 2. 36. "The ne'er-yet-beaten horse of Parthia."-A. and C. iii. 1. 38. "Our past-cure malady."-A. W. ii. 1. 124. "A past-saving slave."—Ib. iv. 3. 158. "The none-sparing war."—Ib. iii. 2. 108. "A jewel in a ten-times-barred-up chest."-Rich. II. i. 1. 180. "A too-long-wither'd flower."-Ib. ii. 1. 134. Tempt him not so too-far."-A. and C. i. 3. 11. "The to-and-fro-conflicting wind."Lear, iii. I. 11. "You that have turn'd off a first-so noble wiſe." A. W. v. 3. 220. "Of this yet-scarce-cold battle."-Cymb. v. 5. 469. "A cunning thief, or a-that-way-accomplished courtier." Ib. 1. 4. 101. "In this so-never-needed help."-Coriol. v. 1. 34. "A world-without-end bargain."-L. L. L. v. 2. 799. See Sonn. 5. "Our not-fearing Britain."-Cymb. ii 4. 19. “The ne'er-lust-wearied Antony."-A. and C. ii. 1. 88. “A twenty-years-removed thing .”—T. Ñ. v. i. 92 PREFIXES. 321 435. Anomalous Compounds. We still, though rarely, abbre viate "the other" into "t'other," but we could not say "The t'other."-B. J. Cy's. Rev. iv. I; v. I (a corruption of E. E. bet oþer). "Yea, and furr'd moss when winter flowers are none, To winter-ground thy corpse.”—Cymb. iv. 2. 229. i.e. perhaps "to inter during winter." So "to winter-rig (Halliwell) to mean "to fallow land during winter." "And" is omitted in "At this odd-even and dull watch of the night." is said Othello, i. I. 124 Cicero says, that the extreme test of a man's honesty is that you can play at odd and even with him in the dark. And perhaps odd-(and-)even" here means, a time when there is no distinguish ing between odd and even. As there is a noun false-play," there is nothing very remarkable in its being converted thus into a verb: "Pack'd cards with Cæsar and false-played my glory." A. and C. iv. 14. 19. A terse compound is often invented for special use, made inteli gible by the context. Thus, the profit of excess is called "Poor-rich gain."-R. of L. 140. "Where shall I live now Lucrece is unlived."-Ib. 1754. PREFIXES. A-. See 24. 436. All-to (see 28) is used in the sense of "completely asunder" as a prefix in “And all-to-brake his skull."-Judges ix. 53. 'Asunder" was an ordinary meaning of the prefix "to" E. E It must be borne in mind that all had no necessary connect with to, till by constant association the two syllables were corrupted into a prefix, all-to, which was mistaken for altogether and so used. Hence, by corruption, in many passages, where all-to or all-too is said to have the meaning of "asunder," it had come to mean "altogether," as in " 'Mercutio's ycy hand had al-to frozen mine."-HALLIWELL Y 322 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. It has been shown (73) that too and to are constantly interchanged in Elizabethan authors. Hence the constant use of all too for "quite," decidedly too," as in Rich. II. iv. I. as in Rich. II. iv. 1. 28, "all too base," may have been encouraged by the similar sound of all-to. Shakespeare does not use the archaic all-to in the sense of "asunder," nor does Milton probably in She plumes her feathers and lets grow her wings, That in the various bustle of resort Were all too ruffled."-MILTON, Comus, 376. 437. At- in "attask'd," Lear, i. 4. 366 (“task'd,” “blamed”), perhaps represents the O.E. intensive prefix "of," which is some- times changed into "an-," "on-," or "a-." But the word is more probably a sort of mitation of the similar words "attach” and "attack.” 438. Be. The prefix be is used, not merely with verbs of colour- ing, "smear," "splash," &c., to localize and sometimes to intensify action, but also with nouns and adjectives to convert the nouns into verbs: "Bemonster."—Lear, iv. 2. 63. "Be-sort."-Ib. i. 4. 272. "All good be-fortune you."-T. G. of V. iv. 3. 41. Bemadding."-Lear, iii. 1. 38. It is also used seemingly to give a transitive signification to verbs that, without this prefix, mostly require prepositions : " Begnaw."-Rich. III. i. 3. 221. "Behowls the moon. "-M. N. D. v. 1. 379. Bespeak "" I. "address" in Hamlet, ii. 2. 140. Beweep."-Rich. III. ii. 2. 49; Lear, i. 4. 324. In participles, like other prefixes, it is often redundant, and seems to indicate an unconscious want of some substitute for the old participial prefix. "Well be-met."-Lear, v. 1. 20. But the theory that be- in "become," "believe, represents the old ge-, does not seem to be sound. belove," &c., 439. Dis- was sometimes used in the sense of un-, to mean "without," as Discompanied," Cy.'s Rev. iii. 3, for "unaccompanied,” 2.2. "without company. "" PREFIXES. 323 "A little to disquantity your train."—Lear, i. 4. 270. Dishabited," K. 7. ii. 1. 220, "Caused to migrate." "Dislived," CHAPMAN, "Deprived of life.” = "Disnatured," Lear, i. 4. 305, for "Unnatural." "" Disnoble," HOLLAND ; "Distemperate, RALEIGH. for "ignoble" and "intemperate. >> "Being full of supper and distempering draughts." Othello, i. I. S. 'Discovery" is often used for "uncovering, "i.e. "unfoid,* whether literally or metaphorically. "So shall my anticipation prevent your discovery," Hamlet, ii. 2. 305, i.c. "render your dis- closure needless by anticipation." So Rich. III. iv. 4. 240. ' "" >> en- 440. En- was frequently used, sometimes in its proper sense of enclosing, as enclosed," "enguard," Lear, i. 4. 349; "encave, Othello, iv. 1. 82; "How dread an army hath enrounded him, Hen. V. iv. Prol. 36; "enwheel thee round," Othello, ii. 1. 87; “enfetter'd,” ib. ii. 3. 351; “enmesh," ib. 368; "enrank," 1 Hen. VI. i. 1. 115; “enshelter'd and embay'd," Othello, ii. 1. 18; steep'd," ib. 70; engaol'd," Rich. II. i. 3. 166; “enscheduled, Hen. V. v. 2. 73; enshelled," Coriol. iv. 6. 45. So “em- bound," ""envassell'd," DANIEL on Florio; "embattle" (to put in battle array); "enfree" (to place in a state of freedom); en- tame," A. Y. L. iii. 5. 48 (to bring into a state of tameness). But the last instances show that the locative sense can be metaphorical instead of literal, and scarcely perceptible. There is little or no difference between "free" and "enfree." So 'the enridged sea," Lear, iv. 6. 71; "the enchafed flood," Othello, ii. 1. 17, are, perhaps, preferred by Shakespeare merely because in participles he likes some kind of prefix as a substitute for the old participial prefix. In some cases the en- or in- seems to take a person as its object, "endart," R. and F. i. 3. 98 ("to set darts in, not "in darts"). So " So enpierced," R. and 7. i. 4. 19; and so, perhaps, empoison," Coriol. v. 6. 11. The word "impale ” is used by Shakespeare preferably in the sense of "s surrounding." 'Impale him with your weapons round about," (6 means "hedge him round with your weapons." Tr. and Cr. v. 7. 5. So "Did I impale him with the regal crown."-3 Hen. VI. iii. 3. 189. Y 2 324 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 441. For is used in two words now disused : "Forslow no longer."-3 Hen. VI. ii. 3. 56. "She fordid herself.”—Lear, v. 3. 255; M. N. D. v. 1. 381. In both words the prefix has its proper sense of "injury." 442. Un- for modern in-; in- for un-. (Non- only occurs twice in all the plays of Shakespeare, and in V. and A. 521.) CC Incharitable, infortunate, incertain, ingrateful, incivil, in- substantial. Unpossible, unperfect, unprovident, unactive, unexpressive, unproper, unrespective, unviolable, unpartial, unfallible, undividable, unconstant, uncurable, uneffectual, unmeasur- able, undisposed, unvincible (N. P. 181), unreconciliable (A. and C. v. I. 47). We appear to have no definite rule of distinction even now, since we use ungrateful, ingratitude; unequal, inequality.* Un- seems to have been preferred by Shakespeare before p and r, which do not allow in- to precede except in the form im-. In- also seems to have been in many cases retained from the Latin, as in the case of 'ingratus," 'infortunium," &c. As a general rule, we now use in- where we desire to make the negative a part of the word, and un- where the separation is maintained-"untrue," "infirm." Hence un- is always used with participles-" untamed," &c. Perhaps also un- is stronger than in-. Unholy" means more than "not not holy," almost "the reverse of holy." But in "in- attentive," 'intemperate," in- has nearly the same meaning, "the reverse of." "You wrong the reputation of your name In so unseeming to confess receipt."-L. L. L. ii. 1. 156. IIere "unseeming" means "the reverse of seeming" more than "not seeming" (like où onμ): "in thus making us as though you would not confess." SUFFIXES. 443. -Er is sometimes appended to a noun for the purpose of signifying an agent. " Thus- "" A Roman sworder.". -2 Hen. VI. iv. 1. 135. • This however is perhaps explained below. In is a part of the nou ingratitude; un- in the adjective" ungrateful" means " "not." SUFFIXES. 325 "O most gentle pulpiter."-A. Y. L. iii. 2. 163. "A moraler.”—Othello, ii. 3. 301. Homager."-A. and C. i. 1. 31. -A. and C. i. 1. 31. (O. Fr. "homagier.") (Late Lat. "justitiarius.") "Justicers.”—Lear, iv. 2. 79. In the last two instances the -er is of French origin, and in many cases, as in "enchanter," it may seem to be English, while really it represents the French -eur. “Joinder,” T. N. v. 1. 160, perhaps comes from the French "joindre." The er is often added to show a masculine agent where a noun and verb are identical : "Truster."-Hamlet, i. 2. 172. “The pauser reason.”—Macbeth, ii. 3. 117. "Causer."-Rich. III. iv. 4. 122. "To you, my origin and ender.”—L. C. ii. 22. Note the irregular, "Precurrer" (for "precursor”).—P. P. We have "windring" from "winder," Tempest, iv. 1. 128, formed after the analogy of "wander," "clamber," "waver," the er having apparently a frequentative force. 444. -En, made of (still used in golden, &c.), is found in— (" "Her threaden fillet."-L. C. 5: Hen. v. iii. Prol. 444. 'A twiggen bottle."—Othello, iii. 3. 152. 445. -Ive, -ble. (See 3.) Ive is sometimes used in a passive instead of, as now, in an active signification. Thus: "Incompre- hensive depths;" "plausive," "worthy to be applauded;" "direc- tive," capable of being directed;" "insuppressive metal "the fair, the inexpressive she" (similarly used by Milton in the Hymn on the Nativity). On the other hand, -ble is sometimes used actively, as in "medicinable (which is also used passively), and in "un- meritable." This is a slight unmeritable man."-7. C. iv. 1. 12. >> So "defensible," "deceivable,' disputable," and "tenable." In "Intenible sieve," A. IV. i. 3. 208, not only does -ble convey an active meaning, but Shakespeare uses the Latin instead of the English form of the termination, just as we still write "terrible," not "terrable." I imagine we have been influenced in our -able by the accidental coincidence of meaning between the word “ 'able" 326 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. and the termination -ble. But French influence must have had some weight. 46 446. -Less. Sometimes found with adjectives, as "busyless," sickless," "modestless." -Less used for "not able to be.” "That phraseless hand."-L. C. 225; i.e.“ in-describable." "That termless skin."-Ib. 94. 'Sumless treasuries."-Hen. V. i. 2. 165. "My careless crime."-R. of L. 771. "Your great opposeless wills."—Lear, iv. 6. 38. It is commonly used with words of Latin or Greek origin, as above Add " reasonless," Hen. V. v. 4. 137; "crimeless, 2 Hen. VI. ii. 4. 63. >> 447. -Ly found with a noun, and yet not appearing to convey an adjectival meaning. "Anger-ly,” Macb. iii. 5. 1; T. G. of V. i. 2. 62. Compare "wonder-ly" in the Morte d'Arthur, and cheer-ly," Tempest, i. 1. 6. This is common in E. E. The -ly represents "like," of which it is a corruption. Compare : "Villain-like he lies."-Lear, v. 3. 97. So "masterly," adv., W. T. v. 3. 65; Othello, i. 1. 26; "hungerly," adv., żỏ. iii. 4. 105; "exteriorly," adv., K. J. iv. 2. 257; "silverly," adv., ib. v. 2. 46. "Fellowly," Temp. v. 1. 64, and “ traitorly," W. T. iv. 4. 822, are used as adjectives. Perhaps a vowel is to be supplied in sound, though omitted, in "unwield(i)ly," Rich. II. iv. 1. 205; “need(i)ly, need(i)ly," R. and F. iii. 2. 117; and they may be derived from "unwieldy" and "needy." Add "orderly," Rich. II. i. 3. 9; "manly," Macbeth, iv. 3. 235. 448. -Ment. We seldom use this suffix except where we find it already existing in Latin and French words adopted by us. Shake- speare, however, has "intendment," "supplyment," "designment," "denotement," and "bodement." 449. -Ness is added to a word not of Teutonic origin : "Equalness."-A. and C. v. I. 48. 450. Y is found appended to a noun to form an adjective. "Slumbery agitation."-Macbeth, v. 1. 12. "Unheedy haste."-M. N. D. i. 1. 237 SUFFIXES. 327 In "Batty wings," M. N. D. iii. 2. 365, “batty" seems to mean "like those of bats." "Wormy beds,” ib. iii. 2. 384, is "worm-filled.” " Vasty," in "the vasty fields of France," Hen. V. Prologue, 12; . 1 Hen. IV. iii. 1. 52, is perhaps derived from the noun Tempest, i. 2. 327; Hamlet, i. 2. 198. Henry V. ii. 4. 124: i.e. "womb-like." vast,' "Womby vaultages," Y appended to adjectives of colour has a modifying force like -ish : "Their paly flames."-Hen. V. iv. Prol. 8. "His browny locks."-L. C. 85. "} 451. Suffixes were sometimes influenced by the Elizabethan licence of converting one part of speech into another. We should append -ation or -ition, -ure or -ing, to the following words used by Shakespeare as nouns : "solicit," "consult," " expect," &c.; "my depart," 2 Hen. VI. i. 1. 2; 3 Hen. VI. iv. 1. 92, ii. 1. 110; un curable discomfort," 2 Hen. VI. v. 2. 86; "make prepare for war, 3 Hen. VI. iv. 1. 131; "a smooth dispose,” Othello, i. 3. 403; “his repair,” 3 Hen. VI. v. 1. 20; "deep exclaims," Rich. III. i. 2. 52, iv. 4. 135; "his brow's repine," V. and A. 490; a sweet retire," Hen. V. iv. 3. 86; "false accuse," 2 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 160; your ladyship's impose," T. G. of V. iv. 3. 8 ; "the sun's appear," B. and F. F. Sh. v. I; "from suspect," 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 139; “ manage," M. of V. iii. 4. 25; "commends," ib. ii. 1. 90; "the boar's annoy, Rich. III. v. 3. 156; "the disclose," Hamlet, iii. 1. 174; com- mends," Rich. II. iii. 3. 126. Almost all of these words come to us through the French. Note "O heavenly mingle."-A. and C. i. 5. 59. "Immoment toys."-Ib. v. ii. 166. PROSODY 452. The ordinary line in blank verse consists of five feet of two syllables each, the second syllable in each foot being accented. "We both have féd | as well, | and wé | can bóth Endúre | the wint | er's cóld | as wéll | as hé." F. C. i. 2. 98-9. This line is too monotonous and formal for frequent use. The metre is therefore varied, sometimes (1) by changing the position of the accent, sometimes (2) by introducing trisyllabic and monosyllabic feet. These licences are, however, subject to certain laws. It would be a mistake to suppose that Shakespeare in his tragic metre introduces the trisyllabic or monosyllabic foot at random. Some sounds and collections of sounds are peculiarly adapted for mono- syllabic and trisyllabic feet. It is part of the purpose of the following paragraphs to indicate the laws which regulate these licences. In many cases it is impossible to tell whether in a tri- syllabic foot an unemphatic syllable is merely slurred or wholly suppressed, as for instance the first e in "different." Such a foot may be called either dissyllabic or quasi-trisyllabic. 453. The accent after a pause is frequently on the first syllable. The pause is generally at the end of the line, and hence it is on the first foot of the following line that this, which may be called the "pause-accent," is mostly found. The first syllable of initial lines also can, of course, be thus accented. It will be seen that in the middle of the line these pause-accents generally follow emphasized monosyllables. (See 480-6.) " Comfort, my liége! | why looks | your gráce | so pále ?" Rich. II. iii. 2. 75. Examples of the "pause-accent" not at the beginning. (1) Feed and | regárd | him not. | Are you | a mán ?” Macbeth, iii. 4 58 PROSODY. 329 Sometimes the pause is slight, little more than the time necessary for recovery after an emphatic monosyllable. (2) "Be ín | their flów | ing cúps | freshly | remember'd. So arrange Hen. V. iv. 7. 55. "In thése | flutter | ing streams, | and máke | cur fáces.' Macbeth, iii. 2. 33. "These " may be emphasized. (See 484.) (3) "Who would | beliéve | me. O'! | péril | ous mouths." M. for M. ii. 4. 172. (4) "Afféction, poóh! | You speak |—like a green girl." Hamlet, i. 3. 101. | "We shall be cáll'd | — púrgers, | not múr | derérs." F. C. ii. 1. 180. 7. (5) "The life of cóm | fort. Bút | for thée, | fellow." Cymb. iv. 3. 9. The old pronunciation "fellów" is probably not Shakespearian. In (3) (4) and (5) "O," speak," call'd," and "thee" may, perhaps, be regarded as dissyllables (see 482-4), and the following foot a quasi-trisyllabic one. There is little practical difference between the two methods of scansion. | (6) "Sénseless | linen! | Happier | therein | than I.” Cymb. i. 3. 7. Here either there is a pause between the epithet and noun, or else "senseless" may possibly be pronounced as a trisyllable, "Sense (486) | less linen." The line is difficult. Therefore, | merchant, | I'll lím | it thée | this dáy," C. of E. i. I. 151. seems to begin with two trochees, like Milton's famous line : 'U'ni | vérsal | reproách | far worse | to béar."-P. L. vi. 34 But "therefore" may have its accent, as marked, on the last syllable. The old pronunciation "merchant" is not probable. Or "there" may be one foot (see 480): "Thére | fore mérchant | ." (7) "Ant. Obéy it ón | all cáuse. | Cleop. Párdon,-párdon. A. and C. iii. II. 68. is, perhaps, an instance of two consecutive trochees. (There seems no ground for supposing that "pardon " is to be pronounced as ir 330 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. French.) But if the diphthong " cause" be pronounced as a dis- syllable (see 484), the difficulty will be avoided. We find, however, a double trochee (unless "my" has dropped out) in Sec. Cit. Cæsar | has hád | great wrong, Third Cit. Hás he, másters ?" F. C. iii. 2. 115. Even here, however, " wrong" may be a quasi-dissyllable (486). (8) Between noun and participle a pause seems natural. Often the pause represents "in" or "a-" (178). | | "Thy knée | bússing the stones."—Coriol. iii. 2. 75. "The smile | mócking | the sígh."-Cymb. iv. 2. 54. "My wind | cooling | my broth."-M. of V. i. I. 22. In these lines the foot following the emphasized monosyllable may (as an alternative to the "pause-accent ") be regarded as quasi-trisyl- labic. 453 a. Emphatic Accents, The syllable that receives an accent is by no means necessarily emphatic. It must be emphatic relatively to the unaccented syllable or syllables in the same foot, but it may be much less emphatic than other accented syllables in the same verse. Thus the last syllable of "injuries," though accented, is unemphatic in "The ín | juries | that they | themselves | procúre." Lear, ii. 4. 303. Mr. Ellis (Early English Pronunciation, part i. p. 334) says that "it is a mistake to suppose that there are commonly or regularly five stresses, one to each measure." From an analysis of severa. tragic lines of Shakespeare, taken from different plays, I should say that rather less than one of three has the full number of five emphatic accents. About two out of three have four, and one out of fifteen has three. But as different readers will emphasize differently, not much importance can be attached to such results. It is of more importance to remember, (1) that the first foot almost always has an emphatic accent; (2) that two unemphatic accents rarely, if ever, come together (“for ("for" may perhaps be emphatic in "Hear it not, Dún | can; fór | it ís | a knéll,' Macbeth, i. I. 63); and (3) that there is generally an emphatic accent on the third or fourth foot. PROSODY 331 The five emphatic accents are common in verses that have a pause- accent at the beginning or in the middle of the line. “Náture | seems déad, | and wick | ed dreams | abuse." Macbeth, ii. I. 50. "The handle tóward | my hand. | Cóme, let me clútch thee."—Ib. ii. 1. 34. And in antithetical lines: "I have thee nót, | and yét | I sée | thee stíll." Macbeth, ii. 1. 35. "Bring with thee airs | from heaven | or blásts | from hell.” Hamlet, i. 4. 41. 454. An extra syllable is frequently added before a pause, especially at the end of a line: (a) "Tis nót | alóne | my ínk | y clóak, | good móther." but also at the end of the second foot: Hamlet, i. 2. 77, (b) "For míne | own safeties; | you máy | be ríght | ly júst." Macbeth, iv. 3. 30. and, less frequently, at the end of the third foot: (c) "For goodness dáres not check thee; | wear thoú | thy wrongs."-Macbeth, iv. 3. 33. and, rarely, at the end of the fourth foot : (d) "With all my hón | ours ón | my brother: | whereón.' | | | But see 466. Temp. i. 2. 127. "So déar | the love | my peó | ple bóre me : | nor sét." Ib. i. 2. 141. 455. The extra syllable is very rarely a monosyllable, still more rarely an emphatic monosyllable. The reason is obvious. Since in English we have no enclitics, the least emphatic mono- syllables will generally be prepositions and conjunctions. These carry the attention forward instead of backward, and are therefore inconsistent with a pause, and besides to some extent emphatic. The fact that in Henry VIII., and in no other play of Shake- speare's, constant exceptions are found to this rule, seems to me a sufficient proof that Shakespeare did not write that play. "Go give 'em wél | come; you can speak | the French tongue."-Hen. VIII.A. 4. 57. "Féll by our sérv | ants, by | those mén | we lóv’d most.” Ib. ii. 1. 122. ކ 332 SHAKESPEARian Grammak. "Be sure you bé not loose; for those you mák friends."-Hen. VIII. ii. 1. 127. "To sílence én | vious tongues. | Be júst | and feár not." Ib. iii. 2. 447. So Hen. VIII. ii. 1. 67, 78, 97; and seven times in iii. 2. 442-451; eight times in iv. 2. 51–80. Even where the extra syllable is not a monosyllable it occurs so regularly, and in verses of such a measured cadence, as almost to give the effect of a trochaic* line with an extra syllable at the beginning, thus : "In | áll my | míser | íes; but thou hast | fórced me 1 Out || óf (457 a) thy | honest | trúth to | play the | woman. Let's dry our | éyes: and thús far | héar me, | Cromwell: And when 1 | ám for- | gótten, ás I | sháll be, And I sleep in | dúll cold márble | whére no | méntion Of mé must | móre be | héard of, sáy I taught thee. ways of glóry shoals of honour, | Say, Wolsey, thát once | tród the || | And I sounded áll the | dépths and Found thée a wáy, out of (457 a) his | wréck, to | rise in A || súre and | sáfe one, | though thy | máster | míssed it." Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 430–9. It may be safely said that this is not Shakespearian. 'Boy" is unaccented and almost redundant in "I párt | ly knów | the mán: go cáll | him hither, boy.' (Folio) Rich. III. iv. 2. 41. (Hither, a monosyllable, see 189.) And even here the Globe is, perhaps, right in taking "Boy exit" to be a stage direction. In "Bid him make háste | and meét | me át | the Nórth gate,"-T. G. of V. iii. 1. 258. "gate” is an unemphatic syllable in "Nórthgate," like our "Néw- gate." So "My mén | should cáll | me lórd : | 1 ám | yoúr good-man. T. of Sh. Ind. 2. 107. "A hált | er grát | is: nó | thing élse, for God's-sake." M. of V. iv. 1. 379. "Parts," like "sides," is unemphatic, and "both is strongly einphasized, in "Ráther | to shów | a nób | le gráce | to both parts. • " Coriol. v. 3. 121. • The words trochaic" and "iambic are of course used, when applied? Saglish poetry, to denote accent, not quantity. PROSODY. 333 So "out is emphatic in "We'll háve | a swásh | ing ánd | a márt | ial outside." The 's for "is" is found at the end of a line in serve A. Y. L. i. 3. 122. "Perceive I speak sincerely, and high note 's as Ta'en of your many virtues."-Hen. VIII. ii. 3. 59. ""it is over ' " as "'tis o'er." we will 456. Unaccented Monosyllables. Provided there be only one accented syllable, there may be more than two syllables in "It is he" is as much a foot as "'tis he any foot. "we'll serve ;" Naturally it is among pronouns and the auxiliary verbs that we must look for unemphatic syllables in the Shakespearian verse. Sometimes the unemphatic nature of the syllable is indicated by a contraction in the spelling. (See 460.) Often, however, syllables must be dropped or slurred in sound, although they are expressed to the sight. Thus in "" "Provide thee | two próp | er pál | freys, bláck | as jet, T. A. v. 2. 50 'thee" is nearly redundant, and therefore unemphatic. "If" and "the" are scarcely pronounced in ! "And in it are the lórds | of Vórk, | Bérkeley, | and Séy- mour."-Rich. II. ii. 3. 55. Mir. I év | er sáw | so nóble. | Prosp. It goes on, "Bút that the séa, | moúnting I sée.”—Temp. i. 2. 419. to the wél | kin's chéek." Ib. i. 2. 4. ("The" need not be part of a quadrisyllabic foot, nor be sup- pressed in pronouncing " The cúr | iósi | ty of ná | tions tó | deprive me. Compare, possibly, Lear, i. 2. 4. "But I have ever had that curiós(i)ty.”—B. and F. (Nares). ) So "to," the sign of the infinitive, is almost always unemphatic, and is therefore slurred, especially where it precedes a vowel. Thus: "In séeming | to augmént | it wástes | it. Bé | advís’d.” Hen. VIII. i. 1. 145. where "in" before the participle is redundant and unemphatic. “For trúth | to (ť) over(o'er)péer. | Ráther | than fóol | it só,' Coriol. ii. 3. 128. 394 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. | So the "I" before "beseech" (which is often omitted, as Temp.. ti. I. 1), even when inserted, is often redundant as far as sound goes. "(7) beseech your májes | ty, give me léave | to go." 2 Hen. VI. ii. 3. 20. "(7) beseech your grác | es bóth | to pár | don mé." Rich. III. i. I. 84. So Ib. 103. Perhaps “(1) pray thee (prithee) stáy | with ús, | go nót | to Witt | enbérg," Hamlet, i. 2. 119. though this verse may be better scanned "I pray thee stáy | with us, | go nót | to Wittenberg." See 469. “Let me sée, | let me sée; | ís not | the leaf | turn'd dówn ?” 7. C. iv. 3. 273. So (if not 501) "And I' | will kiss | thy fóot: | (7) prithee bé | my gód.” Temp. ii. 2. 152. With you" is "wi' you" (as in "good-bye" for "God be with you"); "the" is th', and "of" is slurred in "Two nó | ble párt |ners with you; | the old dúch | ess of Norfolk.". -Hen. VIII. v. 3. 168. To write these lines in prose, as in the Folio and Globe, makes an extraordinary and inexplicable break in a scene which is wholly verse. For the quasi-suppression of of see "The bás tard of O'r | leáns | with hím | is joín'd, The duke of Alén | çon flí eth tó | his síde." I Hen. VI. i. 1. 92, 93. In the Tempest this use of unaccented monosyllables in trisyllabic feet is very common. Go máke | thyself | like a nýmph | o' the séa; | be súbject To no sight but thíne | and míne.”—Temp. i. 2. 301. Even in the more regular lines of the Sonnets these superfluous syllables are allowed in the foot. Thus: "Excúse | not sí | lence só; | for 't lies | in thée.”—Sonn. 101. And even in rhyming lines of the plays : “Cáll them | again, | sweet prince, | I'f you deny them, áll | the land This sometimes modifies the scansion. and 't is absorbed, in accépt | their suít will rúe 't." Rich. III. iii. 7. 221. "Hour" is a dissyllable, PROSODY. 335 "You knów I gáve't | you hálf | an hoúr sínce.” C. of E. iv. I. 65. Almost any syllables, however lengthy in pronunciation, can be used as the unaccented syllables in a trisyllabic foot, provided they are unemphatic. It is not usual, however, to find two such unaccented syllables as "Which most gíb | inglý, | ungráve | ly hé | did fáshion." Coriol. ii. 3. 233. 457. Accented monosyllables. On the other hand, some- times an unemphatic monosyllable is allowed to stand in an em- phatic place, and to receive an accent. This is particularly the case with conjunctions and prepositions at the end of the line. We stir in conversation emphasize the conjunctions "but," anā,¨ “for,' &c. before a pause, and the end of the line (which rarely allowe a final monosyllable to be light, unless it be an extra-syllable) necessitates some kind of pause. Hence "This my mean task Would be as heavy to me as odious, but The mistress which I serve quickens what's dead." "Or ere Temp. iii. 1. 5. It should the good ship so have swallow'd and The fraughting souls within her."—Ib. i. 2. 12. "Freed and enfranchised, not a party to The anger of the king, nor guilty of (If any be) the trespass of the queen.”—W. T. ii. 2. 62, 63. So Temp. iii. . 33, iv. 1. 149; W. T. i. 2. 372, 420, 425, 432, 449, 461, &c. The seems to have been regarded as capable of more emphasis han with us: "Whose shadow the dismissed bachelor loves."—Temp. iv. 1. 67. “With silken streamers the young Phoebus fanning." Hen. V. iii. Prol. 6. "And your great uncle's, Edward the Black Prince." Ib. i. 1. 105, 112. "And Prosp'ro (469) the prime duke, being (470) so re- puted."-Temp. i. 2. 72. 46 Your breath first kindled the dead coal of war."-K. J. v. 2. S3 "Omitting the sweet benefit of time.". T. G. of V. ii. 4. 65. M 336 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "So doth the woodbine, the sweet honeysuckle.' " M. N. D. iv. 1. 47. "Then, my queen, in silence sad, Trip we after the night's shade."—b. iv. 1. 101. "His brother's death at Bristol the Lord Scroop. 1 Hen. IV. i. 3. 271. "So please you something touching the Lord Hamlet. Hamlet, i. 3. 89. "Thou hast affected the fine strains of honour.' " Coriol. v. 3. 149, 151. In most of these cases the precedes a monosyllable which may be lengthened, thus: "Your breath | first kindled | the déa | d(484) cóal | of wár.” I So Temp. i. 2. 196, 204; ii. 2. 164; iv. 1. 153. Compare 'Oh, weep for Adonais. The quick dreams." SHELLEY, Adonais, 82. But this explanation does not avail for the first example, nor for "That heals the wound and cures not the disgrace."-Sonn. 34. "More needs she the divine than the physician.”—Macb. v. 1. 82. (Unless, as in Rich. II. i. 1. 154, "physician" has two accents : "More néeds she | the divíne | thán the | physí | cián.”) On the whole there seems no doubt that "the" is sometimes allowed to have an accent, though not (457 a) an emphatic accent. Scan thus: “A dévil (466), | a bór | n (485) dév | il (475), ón | whose náture."- Tempest, iv. 1. 188. avoiding the accent on a. The in "Then meet and joín. Jove's light | nings, the precursors," | | Tempest, i. 2. 201. seems to require the accent. But "light(e)nings" is a trisyllable before a pause in Lear, iv. 7. 35 (see 477), and perhaps even the light pause here may justify us in scanning— Jove's light | (e)níngs, | the precursors.” 457 a. Accented Monosyllabic Prepositions. Walker Crit. on Shakespeare, ii. 173-5) proves conclusively that "of" in out of" frequently has the accent. Thus : PROSODY 337 The fount out of which with their holy hands.”—B. and F. Into a relapse; or but suppose out of."-MASSINGER. "Still walking like a ragged colt, And oft out of a bush doth bolt."-DRAYTON. Many other passages quoted by Walker are doubtful, but he brings forward a statement of Daniel, who, remarking that a trochee is inadmissible at the beginning of an iambic verse of four feet, instances: "Yearly out of his wat'ry cell," which shows that he regarded "out of" as an iambus. Walker conjectures "that the pronunciation (of monosyllabic prepositions) was in James the First's time beginning to fluctuate, and that Mas- singer was a partisan of the old mode. Hence, probably, the prepositions received the accent in >> "Such mén | as hé | be né | ver át | heart's éase.” F. C. i. I. 208. “Therefóre (490), | out óf | thy lóng | expérienc'd time.” R. and F. iv. 1. 60; Coriol. i. 10. 19. Vaunt cóur | iers tó | oak-cléav | ing thún | der-bólts." So Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 431, 438. Lear, iii. 2. 5. "To bring | but five | and twén | ty; tó | no móre.” Lear, ii. 4. 251. “Lor. Whọ únd | ertákes | you té | your end. | Prepare there. Hen. VIII. ii. 2. 97. Vaux. For this reason I think it probable that "to" in "in-to," "un-te,” tometimes receives the accent, thus: "That év | er lóve | did máke | thee rúa | intó.” 4. Y. L. ii. 4. 35. Came thén | inté | my mind, | and yét | my mind.” Lear, iv. 1. 36. “Fán you | intó | despáir. | Have the pów | er still." Coriol. iii. 3. 127. 1 “I had thought, | by mák | ing this well known unto you.” Lear, i. 4. 224; M. of I. v. I. 169. "By this | vile cón | quest shall | attain | untó.” "Discuss untó | me. 7. C. v. 5. 38; Rich. III. iii. 5. 109. A'rt | thon off ¦ icér?” Hen. 1. iv. 1. 38. (But this is l'istol.) z 338 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. With in "without seems accented in "That won | you with | out blóws."—Coriol. iii. 3. 133. 458. Two extra syllables are sometimes allowed, if un emphatic, before a pause, especially at the end of the line. For the details connected with this licence see 467-9, and 494, where it will be seen that verses with six accents are very rare in Shake- speare, and that therefore the following lines are to be scanned with five accents. 'Perúse | this létter. | Nóthing | almóst | sees miracles.” Lear, ii. 2. 172. "Múst be a fáith | that réa | son with out miracle.” Ib. i. 1. 225. "Like one that méans | his pró | per hárm | in_mánacles.” Coriol. i. 9. 57. "Was dúke | dom large enough: | of témp(o) | ral royalties. -Tempest, i. 2. 110. دو "I dáre | avóuch | it, sír. | What, fif | ty followers!" Lear, ii. 4. 240. "You foolish shép | herd, where | fore dó | you fóllow her?"-A. Y. Z. iii. 5. 49. 1 "Of whom he's chief, | with áll the size | that vérity.” 66 Ely. Incline to it, or nó. | Cant. Coriol. v. 2. 18. He seems indifferent."-Hen. V. i. 1. 72. "As íf | I lóv'd | my lítt | le should be dleted." (6 Coriol. i. 9. 52. Why, só | didst thou. | Come théy | of nó | ble fámily? Hen. V. ii. 2. 129. "That né | ver máy | ill óff | ice ór | fell jealousy." Compare Ib. v. 2. 491. That hé | suspécts | none; ón | whose fóol | ish honesty." Lear, i. 2. 197. F. C. v. 5. 79. Within my tént | his bónes | to-night | sha!' lie Most like a sóld | ier, órd | er'd hón | (ou)rablý. "Young mán, | thou could'st | notdie | more hón | (ou)rable." Ib. v. 1. 60. If "ily" were fully pronounced in both cases, the repetition woul 1 be intolerable in the following:- ! PROSODY. 339 "Cor. But whát | is líke | me fór | merlý. | Men. That's worthily."-Coriol. iv. I. 53, "The région óf | my heart : | be Ként | unmánnerly.” Lear, i. 1. 147. "Look, where he cómes! | Not póp | py nór | man- drágora."-Othello, iii. 3. 330. "A's you are old | and réverend, | you should | be wise. Lear, i. 4. 261. "To cáll for récompense: | appeár | it tó | your mind." Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 8. "Is nót | so ést | imable, próf | itáb | le neíther. M. of V. i. 3. 167. 'Agé is | un-nécessary; ón | my knées | I bég." Lear, ii. 4. 157. "" "Our múst | y sú | perflúity. | Sée our | best élders. Coriol. i. I. 230. 459. The spelling (which in Elizabethan writers was more influenced by the pronunciation, and less by the original form and derivation of the word, than is now the case) frequently indicates that many syllables which we now pronounce were then omitted in pronunciation. 460. Prefixes are dropped in the following words :— 'bolden'd for "embolden'd.”—Hen. VIII. i. 2. 55. 'bove for "above."-Macbeth, iii. 5. 31. 'bout for "about.". about."-Temp. i. 2. 220. 'braid for "upbraid."—P. of T. i. 1. 93. 'call for "recall."-B. and F. 'came for "became."-Sonn. 139. 'cause for "because."-Macbeth, iii. 6. 21. 'cerns for " concerns.' "What 'cerns it you."-T. of Sh. v. 1. 77. 'cide for "decide."-Sonn. 46. 'cital for "recital." "He made a blushing 'cital of himself."- —1 Hen.IV.v. 3.62. 'collect for "recollect."-B. J. Alch. i. 1. 'come for "become." "Will you not dance? How 'come you thus estranged ?"-L. L. L. v. 2. 213. 'coraging for "encouraging."—ASCH. 17. 22 340 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 'count for "account. "" "" Why to a public 'count I might not go.' " Hamic, iv. 7. 17 'dear'd for "endear'd."—A. and C. i. 4. 44. 'fall for "befall.”—Ih. iii. 7. 40. So in O. E. 'friend for "befriend."-Hen. V. iv. 5. 17. 'gain-giving for "against-giving," like our "misgiving." Hamlet, v. 2. 226. 'gave for "misgave."-Coriol. iv. 5. 157 (perhaps). 'Gave" would So "My minde 'gives me that all is not well" (Nares). But the dropping of this essential prefix seems doubtful. make sense, though not such good sense. In "Then say | if they | be true. | This (mis-)shá | pen knáve," Temp. v. 1. 263. Walker with great probability conjectures "mis-shap'd." In "Told thee no lies, made thee no mistakings, serv'd," Temp. i. 2. 248. it is more probable that the second "thee," not mis-, is slurred. 'get for "beget.”—Othello, i. 3. 191. gree for "agree.”—M. of V. ii. 2. 108; T. G. of V. ii. 4 183; A. and C. ii. 6. 38. 'haviour for "behaviour."-Hamlet, i. 2. 81. 'joy for "enjoy."-2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 365. 'larum for "6 alarum." "Then shall we hear their 'larum and they ours. Folio, "their Larum.” 'las for "alas."-Othello, v. 1. 111. 'lated for "belated."-A. and C. iii. 11. 3. 'less for "unless."-B. J. Sad Sh. iii. 1. Coriol. i. 4. 9 longs for "belongs.”—Per. ii. Gow. 40: Coriol. v. 3. 170. longing for "belonging."-Hen. VIII. i. 2. 32; W. T. iii. 2. 104; Hen. V. ii. 4. 80. miss for "amiss."- V. and A. 'mong (pronounced) for "among." | | "Be bright and jóv | ial amóng | your guests | to-night. ' "Cel. That lived | amongst mén. | Civ Macbeth, iii. 2. 28. And well he might | do só. ' A. . . iv. 3. 124. ނ PROSODY. 341 'nighted for benighted."-Lear, iv. 5. 13. 'nointed for "anointed."-IV. T. iv. 4. 813. *noyance for "annoyance."--Hamlet, iii. 3. 13. 'pairs for "impairs."-B. E. 91. So in O. E. 'pale* for "impale,' " "surround." "And will you 'pale your head in Henry's glory, And rob his temples of the diadem."-3 Hen. VI. i. 4. 103 'parel for "apparel.”—Lear, iv. 1. 51. 'plain for "complain." (Fr. plaindre.) "The king hath cause to plain.” Lear, iii. 1. 39; Rich. II. i. 3. 175. 'rag'd for "enraged."-Rich. II. ii. 1. 70. 'ray for "array.”—B. J. Sad Sh. ii. “Battel ray.” N. P. 180. O. E. 'rested for "arrested."-C. of E. iv. 2. 42. Dromio uses which- ever form suits the metre best. "I knów not át | whose súit | he is | arrés | ted well; But he's in a suit | of búff | which résted | him, thát can | I téll." -C. of E. iv. 2. 43. So should be read “King. Or yield up Aquitaine. Princess. We (ar)rest your word." L. L. L. ii. I. 160. It has been objected that 'rested is a vulgarism only fit for a Dromio. But this is not the case. It is used by the master Antipholus E. (C. of E. iv. 4. 3). 'say'd for "assay'd."-Per. i. 1. 59. Comp. B. J. Cy.'s Rev. iv. 1. 'scape for "escape" freq. 'scuse for " excuse."— Othello, iv. 1. 80; M. of V. iv. 1. 444. 'stall'd apparently for "forestalled." -B. J. Sejan. iii. I; for "install'd."-Rich. III. i. 3. 206. 'stonish'd for "astonish'd." Or'stonish'd as night-wanderers often are."-F.andA.825 'stroy'd for "destroy'd. 'Stroy'd in dishonour."-A. and C. iii. 11. 54. 'tend for "attend."-Hamlet, iv. 3. 47. 'turn for "return;" 'lotted for "allotted." unsisting for “unresisting" (explained in the Globe Glossary unresting"). as • "Did I impale him with the regal crown?"-3 Hen. VI. iii. 3. 189. 342 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "That wounds the unsisting postern with these blows." M. for M. iv. 2. 92. This explains how we must scan "Prevént | it, resíst ('sist) | it, lét | it nót | be só.” Rich. III. iv. 1. 148. "A soothsayer bids | you beware ('ware) | the ídes | of Márch."-J. C. i. 2. 19. "Environ'd ('viron'd) | me about | and hów | led ín | mine éars."—Rich. III. i. 4. 59. | "At any time have recóurse ('course) | untó | the prínces."—. iii. 5. 109. Lest I' revenge ('venge)—whát? | Myself | upón | my- sélf?”—Ib. v. 3. 185. The apostrophe, which has been inserted above in all cases, is only occasionally, and perhaps somewhat at random, inserted in the Folio. It is therefore not always possible to tell when a verb is shortened, as "comes" for "becomes," or when a verb may, perhaps, be invented. For instance, "dear'd" may be a verbal form of the adjective "dear," or a contraction of the verb "endear'd." "Comes (becomes) dear'd (endear'd) by being lack'd.” A. and C. i. 4. 44. Sometimes, perhaps, the prefix, though written, ought scarcely to be pronounced : "How fares the king | and 's fóllow | ers? (Con) | fíned | together."-Temp. v. 1. 7. "O (de)spiteful love! unconstant womankind," T. of Sh. iv. 2. 14. unless the "O" stands by itself. (See 512.) "(Be)lónging | to a mán. | O bé | some óth | er mán." R. and J. ii. 2. 42. 461. Other Contractions are: Barthol mew (T. of Sh. Ind. i. 105); Harford for "Haverford " (Rich. III. iv. 5. 7); disple for disciple" (B. J. Fox, iv. 1; so Spenser, F. Q. i. 10. 27); ignomy for "ignominy" (M. for M. ii. 4. 111, I Hen. IV. v. 4. 100 [Fol.]; genman (UDALL); gentl’man (Ham. [1603] i. 5); gent (SPENSER) freq. for "gentle" (so in O. E.); ea:ly (CHAPMAN, Odyss.) for "easily;" parlous for "perilous" (Rich. III. ii. 4. 35); inter gatories for "interrogatories” (M. of V. v. I. 298); canstick for "candlestick, "- PROSODY. 343 11 "I had rather hear a brazen canstick turned." I Hen. IV. iii. 1. 131. Mar le (B. J. E. out &c. v. 4) for "marvel;" whe'er for "whether " (O. E.); and the familiar contraction good-bye, "God be with you," which enables us to scan Macbeth, iii. 1. 44. "" We also find in's for "" in his;" th'wert for "thou wert ;" you're for "you were; h' were for "he were. So "she were" is contracted in pronunciation : "Twere good she were spó ken with: | for shé | may stréw."-Hamlet, iv. 5. 14. Y'are for "you are;" this' for "this is :" "O this* the poison of deep grief; it springs All from her father's death."—Hamlet, iv. 5. 76. "This' a good block."—Lear, iv. 6. 187. | So we ought to scan "Lear. This is a | dull sight. | Aré you not Ként? | Kent. The same."-Lear, v. 3. 282. Sir, this is the gént | lemán | I tóld | you óf.” Sir, this is the house. | T. of Sh. iv. 4. 20. Pléase it | you thát | I cáll?” Ib. 1. This, for "this is," is also found in M. for M. v. 1. 131 (Fol. this 'a); Temp. iv. 1. 143; T. of Sh. i. 2. 45. Many other passages, such as T. G. of V. v. 4. 93, M. for M. iv. 2. 103, T. of Sh. iii. 2. 1, re- quire is to be dropped in reading. This contraction in reading is common in other Elizabethan authors; it is at all events as early as Chaucer, Knighte's Tale, 233. Shall is abbreviated into 'se and 's in Lear, iv. 6. 246; R. and J. i. 3. 9. In the first of these cases it is a provincialism, in the second a colloquialism. A similar abbreviation "I'st," for "I will," "thou'st" for "thou wilt," "thou shalt," &c., seems to have been common in the early Lincolnshire dialect (Gill, quoted by Mr. Ellis). Even where not abbreviated visibly, it seems to have been sometimes audibly, as, "If thát be trúe | I shall sée | my boy | agáin." | K. 7. iii. 4. 78. ·T. N. iv. 1. 21. "I shall give | worse páy | ment."-T. N. iv. "He ís, Sir Jóhn: | I féar | we shall stay | too lóng." 1 Hen. IV. iv. 2. 8? * Globe, "this is" 344 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. With seems often to have been pronounced wi', and hence combined with other words. We have "w'us," (B. and F. Elder Brother, v. I) for "with us," and "take me w' ye" (ib.) for "with ye." >> 66 Beside the well-known "doff" " do-off," and don do-on," we also find "dout" for "do-out" (Hamlet, iv. 7. 192); "probal" for "probable" (Othello, ii. 3. 344). WORDS CONTRACTED IN PRONUNCIATION. 462. Sometimes the spelling does not indicate the contracted pronunciation. For instance, we spell nation as though it had three syllables, but pronounce it as though it had two. In such cases it is impossible to determine whether two syllables coalesce or are rapidly pronounced together. But the metre indicates that one of these two processes takes place. Syllables ending in vowels are also frequently elided before vowels in reading, though not in writing. Thus : Prosp. Against | what should | ensúe. | Mir. How cáme we ashore?" Temp. i. 2. 158. You give your wife | too unkind | a cáuse | of grief." M. of V. v. I. 175. "No (i)mpéd | imént | betwéen, | bút that | you múst." Coriol. ii. 3. 236. 'There wás | a yield | ing; thís | admíts | no (e)xcúse." lb. v. 6. 69. Here even the Folio reads " excuse." "It is too hárd | a knót | for mé | to untíe.” T. N. ii. 2. 42. The is often elided before a vowel, and therefore we may either pronounce this is, this' (461), or write th' for the, in O worthy Goth, this is the incarnate devil."-T. A. v. 1. 40. Remembering that " one was pronounced without its present initial sound of w, we shall easily scan (though "the" is not elided in many modern texts)— "Th' one sweet | ly flátt | ers, th' óth | er féar | eth hárm." Τ R. of L. 172. M. of V. iii. 2. 16. · One hálf | of mé | is yours, | th' bther | half yóurs.” WORDS CONTRACTED IN PRONUNCIATION. 345 | "Ransom ing him (217) or pity | ing, threate | ning | th' other. "Coriol. i. 6. 36. And this explains “ And óf | his óld | expér(i) (467) | ence th(e) ón | ly dárling.” A. W. ii. I. 110. "Has shook and trém | bled át | the ill néigh | bourhood." Hen. V. i. 2. 154. Where should | this mú | sic bé? | P' the air, | or the earth?”' Temp. i. 2. 387, 389. (Folio "i' th' air, or th' earth.") 463. R frequently softens or destroys a following vowel (the vowel being nearly lost in the burr which follows the effort to pronounce the r). "When the|alárum | were strúck | than í | dly sít." "Ham. Perchánce | t'will walk | agáin. Hor. I warrant | it will."-Hamlet, i. 2. 3. Cor. ii. 2. 80. "I' have cast óff | for éver; | thou shált, | I warrant thee." Lear, i. 4. 332. "I bét ter broók | than flourish | ing péo | pled towns." T. G. of V. v. 4. 3. "Whiles I in Ire | land nourish* | a míght | y bánd. 2 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 348. >> "Place bárrels | of pitch | upón | the fát | al stáke. I Hen. VI. v. 4. 57. "'Tis márle | he stább' | d you nót.” B. J. E. out &c. v. 4; Rich. III. i. 4. 64. "A bárren | detést | ed vále | you sée | it is." T. A. ii. 3. 92; 2 Hen. VI. ii. 4. 3. So "quarrel," Rich. III. i. 4. 209. This is very common with "spirit," which softens the following i, or sometimes the preceding i, in either case becoming a mono- syllable. 'And then, they sáy, | no spirit | dares stír | abroad." Hamlet, i. 1. 161. So scan "Hów now, spirit, whither | wánder | you?"--M. N. D. ii. 1 1 ("Whither" is a monosyllable. See 466.) • Compare nourrice, nurse. 346 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR This curtailment is expressed in the modern "sprite.” Lancashire, "brid" for "bird." Hence we can scan "In aid | whereóf, | wé of | the spirit | ualty." Instances might be multiplied. So in Hen. V. i. 2. 132. 464. R often softens a preceding unaccented vowel. This explains the apparent Alexandrine "He thinks | me nów | incáp | ablé ; | conféd(e)rates.” Temp. i. 2. 111, iv. 1. 140. 465. Er, el, and le final dropped or softened, especially before vowels and silent h.* The syllable er, as in letter, is easily inter- changeable with re, as lettre. In O. E. "bettre" is found for "better." Thus words frequently drop or soften -er; and in like manner -el and -le, especially before a vowel or in the next word : (1) Repórt | should rénd | er him hoúr | ly tó | your eár." Cymb. iii. 4. 153. "Intó a good | ly búlk. | Good tíme | encounter her." W. T. ii. 1. 20. "This létt er he eár | ly báde | me gíve | his father." R. and F. v. 3. 275. "You'll be good cómpany, | my síst | er and you." MIDDLETON, Witch, ii. 2. "Than e'er the mást | er of árts | or giver of wit." B. J. Poetast. (2) "Trável you | far ón, | or áre | you át | the farthest?" (3) T. of Sh. iv. 2. 73. "That máde | great Jóve | to húmb | le him tó | her hand.” b. i. I. 174. "Gentlemen and friends, | I thánk | you fór | your páins." Ib. iii. 2. 186. "I' am a géntie | man óf | a cóm | paný. "" Hen. V iv. 1. 39, 42. "Needle," which in Gammer Gurton rhymes with "feele," is often pronounced as a monosyllable. Deep clerks she dumbs, and with her needle (Folio) composes." P. of T. v. Gower, 5; Cymb. i. I. 168. * The same tendency is still more noticeable in E. E. See Essay on the Metres of Chaucer, by the Rev W. W. Skeat (Aldine Series). WORDS CONTRACTED IN PRONUNCIATION. 347 "Or when she would with sharp needle (Folio) wound The cambric which she made more sound By hurting it."—P. of T. iv. Gower, 23. In the latter passage "needle wound" is certainly harsh, though Gower does bespeak allowance for his verse. Mr. A. J. Ellis suggests "'ld" for "would," which removes the harshness. “And gríp | ing ít | the needle | his finger pricks. R. of L. 319. 1 "Their needles | to lán | ces, ánd | their gént | le héarts.” K. J. v. 2. 157. "To thread | the póst | ern óf | a smáll | needle's éye.” Rich. II. v. 5. 17. | "Needle's" seems harsh, and it would be more pleasing to modern ears to scan "the póstern óf a small née | dle's éye." But this verse in conjunction with P. of T. iv. Gower, 23, may indicate that "needle" was pronounced as it was sometimes written, very much like "neeld," and the d in "neeld" as in "vild" (vile) may have been scarcely perceptible. "A sámple | to the young | est, tó | the móre | matúre." Cymb. i. I. 48. "The cómm | on people | by númb | ers swárm | to ús." 3 Hen. VI. iv. 2. 2; T. A. i. 1. 20 And, even in the Sonnets: 1 "And trouble | deaf heáv | en with | my boot | less críes | Sonn. 29. "Uncle Már | cus, since | it ís | my fá | ther's mind." "Duke F. And gét | you fróm | our court. | Ros. Duke F. T. A. v. 3. 1 Me, uncle? | You, cousin?' "} 1 A. Y. L. i. 3. 44. 466. Whether and ever are frequently written or pronounced whe'r or where and e'er. The th is also softened in either, hither, other, father, &c., and the v in having, evil, &c. It is impossible to tell in many of these cases what degree of "softening" takes place. In "other," for instance, the th is so completely dropped that it has become our ordinary "or," which we use without thought of contraction. So whether" is often written "wh'er" in Shakespeare. Some, but it is impossible to say what, degree of "softening," though not expressed in writing, seems to have affected th in the following words :-- 348 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR } Brother. "But fór | our trúst | y brother | -in-law, | the ábbot." Rich. II. v. 3. 137. Either. "Either léd or driv | en ás | we point | the way." 7. C. iv. I. 23; Rich. III. i. 2. 64, iv. 4. 82. "Are híred to béar | their stáves; | either thóu, | Macbéth.' Macbeth, v. 7. 18; M. N. D. ii. 1. 32. Further. "As if | thou never (né'er) | walk'dst further | than Fins | bury." 1 Hen. IV. iii. 1. 257. Hither. "'Tis hé that sent us ('s) | hither nów | to slaúght | er thée." Rich. III. i. 4. 250. So the Quartos. The Folio, which I have usually followed in other plays, differs greatly from the Quartos in Rich. III. Its alterations generally tend to the removal of seeming difficulties. Neither. "Neither háve | I món | ey nór | commód | itý.” Rather. I M. of V. i. I. 178. "Rather than | have máde | that sáv | age dúke | thine héir." 3 Hen. VI. i. 1. 224. So Othello, iii. 4. 25; Rich. II. iv. 1. 16. "Thither gó | these néws | as fást | as hórse | can cárry 'em." 2 Hen. VI. i. 4. 78. Thither. Whether. Good sír, say whether you'll áns | wer mé | or nó.” C. of E. iv. 1. 60. 'Which he desérves | to lose. Whether he was (h' was: 461) | combined."-Macbeth, i. 3. 111. | Perhaps "But sée, | whether Brút | us bé | alive | or dead.' 7. C. v. 4. 30; Rich. III. iv. 2. 120. A héarty wélcome. | Whether thou | beest hé | or nó.” Tempest, v. 1. 111. Whither, "What means | he nów? | Go ásk | him whither | he goes." 1 Hen. VI. ii. 3. 28. "Glouc. The kíng | is ín | high ráge. "Corn. So scan Whither is he going?"—Lear, ii. 4. 299. "Hów now, spirit! whither wánder | you?" 4 M. N. D. ii. 1. 1. WORDS CONTRACTED IN PRONUNCIATION. 345 This perhaps explains: "To find the (462) other fórth, | and bý | advént | uring bóth."-M. of V. i. I. 143. But see 501. Having. 1. "Hów could | he sée | to dó | them? Having | made óne.” M. of V. iii. 2. 124. Having lost the faír | discóv | ery óf | her way.” V. and A. 828 “Our grán | dam éarth | having this | distémp | eratúre." 1 Hen. IV. iii. 1. 34. So Rich. III. i. 2. 235; T. of A. v. 1. 61 ; A. IV. v. 3. 123; Cymb. v. 3. 45. In all of these verses it may seem difficult for modern readers to understand how the v could be dropped. But it presents no more lifficulty than the v in "ever, over. Evil. " It is also dropped in "evil" and "devil" (Scotch "de'il "). "The évils she hátch'd | were nót | efféct | ed, só." | Cymb. v. 5. 60 “Of hórr | id héll | can cóme | a dévil | more dámn'd.” Macbeth, iv. 3. 56. “Evil-éyed | untó | you; y' áre (461) | my príson | er, bút." Cymb. i. 1. 72. So Rich. III. i. 2. 76. Of course, therefore, the following is not an Alexandrine : Reproach | and díss | olú | tion háng | eth over him.” Rich. II. ii. 1. 258. Similarly the d is dropped in "madam," which is often pro- nounced "ma'am," a monosyllable. The is of course still dropped in hast for havest, has for haveth or haves. In the Folio, has is often written ha's, and an onission in other verbs is similarly expressed, as "sit's" for "sitteth" K. 7. ii. 1. 289). 467. I in the middle of a trisyllable, if unaccented, is frequently dropped, or so nearly dropped as to make it a favourite syllable in trisyllabic feet. (x) Tudí | cious púnish | ment! "Twás | this flesh | begót." Lear, iii. 4. 76; M. for M. i. 3. 39 350 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Our rév | (e)rend cárdi | nal cárried. | Líke it, | your gráce."-Hen. VIII. i. 1. 100, 102, 105, &c. "With whóm | the Ként | ishmén | will will | ingly ríse.” 3 Hen. VI. i. 2. 41. "Which are the móv | ers óf | a lánguish | ing death." | Cymb. i. 5. 9. "My thought | whose múr | der yét | is bút | fantástical." Macbeth, i. 3. 139. That lov'd | your fáther: | the rési | due of your fórtune." A. Y. L. ii. 7. 196. Promising to bring | it tó | the Pór | pentíne.' So I Hen. VI. iv. 1. 166. (2) Very frequently before ly: "" C. of E. v. 1. 222. "The measure thén | of óne | is easily tóld." L. L. L. v. 2. 190. "His short thick néck | cannót | be eás | ily hármed." V. and A. 627. · Préttily | methought | did pláy | the ór | atór." (3) And before ty: I Hen. VI. iv. 1. 175. "Such bóld | hostili | ty, téach | ing his ('s) dú | teous lánd." I Hen. IV. iv. 3. 44. "Of gód- | like ámi | ty, whích | appears | most strongly." M. of V. iii. 4. 3. "Prosp. Hást thou, spírit ?"--Tempest, i. 2. 193. "Of smooth | civili | ty yét | am I ín | land bréd." "A'riel | and áll | his quáli | ty. A. Y. L. ii. 7. 96. Compare BUTLER, Hudibras, part ii. cant. 3. 945: "Which in their dárk | fatál | 'ties lúrk | ing At dés | tin'd pér | iods fáll | a-wórk | ing. This explains the apparent Alexandrines: >> "Thou wilt prove his. | Táke him | to prí | son, officer." M. for M. iii. 2. 32. "Some tricks | of dés | perát | ion, áll | but máriners.” Temp. i. 1. 211. 'One dówle that's ín | my plúme, | my féll | ow ministers." Temp. iii. 2. 65, v. 1. 28; M. for M. This is the gént | lemán | I told iv. 5. 6; Macb. i. 5. 49. your ladyship." T. G. of V. ii. 4. 87. WORDS CONTRACTED IN PRONUNCIATION. 351 "A vírt | uous gént | lewóm | an, mild | and beautiful.” T. G. of V. iv. 4. 184. "And té | diousness | the limbs | and oút | ward flourishes. Hamlet, ii. 2. 91. "" Sometimes these contractions are expressed in writing, as "par❜lous," Rich. III. ii. 4. 35. This is always a colloquial form. 468. Any unaccented syllable of a polysyllable (whether containing or any other vowel) may sometimes be softened and almost ignored. Thus- a (C Hóld thee, from this, | for ever. | The bárbarous Scythian."-Lear, i. 1. 118. Sáy by this tó | ken I' | desire | his cómpany." ed "With them they think | on. rémedy."-Macbeth, iii. 2. 11. M. for M. iv. 3. 144. Things without all There's no rémedy." "Men. You must return | and ménd | it. Sen. Coriol. iii. 2. 26; T. M. iii. 4. 367. em "All bró | ken implements óf | a rú | ined house. en Ey T. of A. iv. 2. 16. "Join'd with an énemy | procláim'd; ¦ and fróm | his cóffers." | Hen. V. ii. 2. 168; M. for M. ii. 2. 180; Macb. iii. 1. 105. "The méssengers fróm | our sís | ter and "Tis dóne | alréa | dy, and the méss | A. and C. iii. 6. 31; Passenger is similarly used. | the king." Lear, ii. 2. 54. uger góne." 4. IV. iii. 2. 111 "In our last cónference, | páss'd in | probá | tion with you."--Macbeth, iii. 1. 80. SO. es "This is his majesty, sáy | your mind ess to him." A. W. ii. 1. 98. “I thát | am rúde | ly stámped, | and want | love’s majsty.” Rich. III. i. 1. 16. Majesty is a quasi-dissyllable in Rich. III. i. 3. 1, 19, ii. 1. 75; Rich. II. ii. I. 141, 147, iii. 2. 113, v. 2. 97, 3. 35; Macbeth, iii. 4. 2, 121. "Our púrpose nécessary and not én | vious." 7. C. ii. 1. 178. I. "Lét us be sacrificers and not bút | chers, Caius." Io. ii. 1. 166. 352 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. in "The innocent milk | in ít | most innocent moúth." W. T. iii. 2. 101. "There take an in | ventorý | of áll | I háve." Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 452. "Go thou | to sánctuary [sanctu'ry or sanct'ry], ánd | good thoughts posséss thee."-Rich. III. iv. 1. 94. | "Shall flý | out óf (457 a) | itsélf; | nor sléep | nor sánctuary." Coriol. i. 10. 19. Some réad | Alvár | ez' Hélps | to Gráce, Some Sánctua | ry óf | a tróub | led soul." | COLVIL'S Whig Supplication, i. 1186 (Walker). "When lív | ing light | should kiss | it; 'tis | unnatural." Macbeth, ii. 4. 10; Hen. V. iv. 2. 13. "Thoughts spécu | latíve | their ún | sure hopes | reláte." Macbeth, v. 4. 19. "And né | ver líve | to shów | the incrédulous world." 2 Hen. IV. iv. 5. 153. "Hów you were bórne | in hánd, | how cróss'd, | the in- struments."-Macbeth, iii. 1. 81, iv. 3. 239. 169. Hence polysyllabic names often receive but one accent at the end of the line in pronunciation, Proper names, not conveying, as other nouns do, the origin and reason of their formation, are of course peculiarly liable to be modified; and this modification will generally shorten rather than lengthen the name. "To your own cón | science, sír, | befóre | Polixenes." W. T. iii. 2. 47. "That ére the sún | shone bright | on. O'f Hermione," Ib. v. I. 95. "The rár est óf | all wó | men. Gó, | Clebmenes.' Ib. 112. "To oúr | most fáir | and prínce | ly cóus | in Katharine.” Hen. V. v. 2. 4. 'My bróth | er ánd | thy ún | cle, cálled | António.” Temp. i. 2. 66. "My lord | Bassán | io, sínce | you have found | António. M. of V. i. 1. 59: so often in this play. Then all a-fire | with mé ; the king's | son Ferdinand." Temp. i. 2. 212. ་ ་ I rát | ifý | thís my | rich gíft. | O Férdinand.”. -.iv.1.8. Then pár don mé my wrongs. | But hów | should Próspero?"-Ib. v. 1. 119. WORDS CONTRACTED IN PRONUNCIATION. 353 "I'll áfter, móre | to bé | revenged | on Eglamour." T. G. of V. v. 2. 51. "What it contains. | I'f you shall sée | Cordélia." "Upón | such sácr | ifíc | es, mý | Cordélia." So throughout the play. | Lear, iii. 1. 46. Ib. v. 3. 20, 215. "When thou | liest how | ling. Whát! | the faír | Ophélia. "At Gré | cian swórd | contémn | ing. Here, if it like | your hón | our. "} Hamlet, v. 1. 265. Tell | Valéria." Coriol. i. 3. 46. Sée that Cláudio.” M. for M. ii. 1. 33, iii. 1. 48. "So then you hópe of pár | don fróm | lord Angelo ?” Ib. iii. 1. 1, iv. 3. 147, i. 4. 79. "I sée my són | Antíph | olús | and Drómio." C. of E. v. 1. 196. "The form of death. | Meantime | I writ | to Rómeo." R. and F. v. 3. 246. "Looks it not like the king? | Márk it, | Horátio.' Hamlet, i. 1. 43. They love and dóte¦ on; cáll | him boúnt | (e)ous Búck- ingham."-Hen. VIII. ii. 1. 52; Rich. III. iv. 4. 508, ii. 2. 123. "Vaux. The greát | ness óf | his pér | son. Buck. Náy, | Sir Nicolas.” Hen. VIII. ii. 1. 100. "But I'❘ beseech | you, what's | become | of Kátharine?” Ib. iv. 1. 22. "Sáw'st thou | the mél | anchól | y Lórd | Northúmber- land?"-Rich. III. v. 3. 68. "Therefore presént | to hér, | as sóme | time Márgaret.” Ib. iv. 4. 274. "And you our nó | less lóv | ing són | of Albany.' Lear, i. 1. 43. Exásperátes, | makes mád | her sis | ter Góneril.” As fit the bríd | al. Ib. v. 1. 60. Beshrew me múch, | Emília." Othello, iii. 4. 150. "Is cóme from Cæ's | ar; there | fore héar | it, A'ntony." A. and C. i. 1. 27, i. 5. 21. &c. "Than Clé opátr | a, nór | the queen of Ptólémy." Ib i. 4. 6. A A 354 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "With them, | the twó | brave bears, | Warwick | and Montague."—3 Hen. VI. v. 7. 10. Less frequently in the middle of the line: "My lord | of Buckingham, | if mý | weak ór | atóry.” Rich. III. iii. 1. 37. "Cóusin of Buckingham ánd | you ságe, | grave mén." Ib. iii. 7. 217. Looking for A'ntony. | But áll | the chárins | of lóve.” A. and C. ii. 1. 20. "Did slay this Fortinbras; | who, bý | a seál❜d | compáct (490)."—Hamlet, i. 1. 86. Thrift, thrift, | Horátio, | the fú | nerál | bak'd méats.” Ib. i. 2. 180. "He gave to Alexander; to Ptolemy hé | assigned." Ib. iii. 6. 15. "Thou art | Hermione; | or ráth | er, thoú | art shé." W. T. v. 3. 25. "To sóft en A'ngelo, | and that's my píth | of business." M. for M. i. 4. 70. Enobárbus in A. and C. has but one accent, wherever it stands in the verse : 'Bear háte | ful mémo | ry, póor | Enobár | bus did." A. and C. iv. 9. 9, &c. "Of your great pré | decéssor, | King Edward | the Third." Hen. V. i. 2. 248. It may here be remarked that great licence is taken with the metre wherever a list of names occurs: "That Harry duke of Hereford, Rainold lord Cobham, Sir Thomas Erpingham, Sir John Ramston, Sir John Norbery, Sir Robert Waterton, and Francis Quoint." Rich. II. ii. 1. 279, 283, 284. "The spirits "" Of valiant Shirley, Stafford, Blunt, are in my arms. I Hen. IV. v. 4. 41 "Whither away, Sir John Falstaffe, in such haste ?” 1 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 104. "John duke of Norfolk, Walter Lord Ferrers.” Rich. III. v. 5. 13. "Lord Cromwell of Wingfield, Lord Furnival of Sheffield." Ib. iv. 7. 166. Sir Gilbert Talbot, Sir William Stanley."-Ib. iv. 5. 10. WORDS CONTRACTED IN PRONUNCIATION. 355 In the last examples, and in some others, the pause between two names seems to license either the insertion or omission of a syllable. 470. Words in which a light vowel is preceded by a heavy vowel or diphthong are frequently contracted, as power, jewel, lower, doing, going, dying, playing, prowess, &c. "The whích | no sóon | er hád | his prowess | confírm'd." Macbeth, v. 8. 41. Comp. "And he that routs most pigs and cows, The fórm | idáb | lest mán | of prowess." Perhaps Hudib. iii. 3. 357. "Which bóth | thy dú | ty ówes | and óur | power claims." A. W. ii. 3. 168. (This supposes "our" emphasized by antithesis, but "and our pów | er cláims" (ELLIS) may be the correct scanning.) Being.—“That with | his pér | emptór | y "sháll" | being pút.” Coriol. iii. 1. 94, 2. 81. | "The sovereigntý | of eí | ther being | so great. This explains the apparent Alexandrines : R. of L. 69. “And being | but a tóy | that is | no grief | to give." Rich. III. ii. 1. 114. "Without a párall | el, thése | being áll | my stúdy." Tempest, i. 2. 74. Doing.—"Can láy | to béd | for éver: | whiles yóu, ! doing thús.” Ib. ii. 1. 284. I. Seeing.—“Or seeing | it óf | such child | ish friend | linéss. رو Coriol. ii. 3. 183. "I'll in myself | to sée, and in thée | seeing ill." Rich. II. ii. 1. 94. "That you at súch | times séeing | me né | ver sháll." Hamlet, i. 5. 173. •ying.—“ And próph | esjing | with ác | cents tér | rible.' This may explain "" Macbeth, ii. 3 62 Lóck'd in her món(u) [468] | ment. She'd | a proph(e)- | sying fear."-A. and C. iv. 14. 120. So with other participles, as They, knowing | dame E'l | eanór's | aspir | ing húmour.' 2 Hen. VI. i. 2. 97. AA 2 356 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR The rhythm seems to demand that "coward" should be a quasi monosyllable in Wrong right, base nóble, | old young, | coward vál | iánt.” T. A. iv. i. 29. "Noble" a monosyllable. (See 465.) "Yét are | they páss | ing cowardly. | But I' | beseech you.” Coriol. i. I. 207. 471. The plural and possessive cases of nouns in which the singular ends in s, se, ss, ce, and ge, are frequently written, and still more frequently pronounced, without the additional syllable : "A's the dead cár | casses óf | unbúr | ied mén." Coriol. iii. 3. 122. Thinking | upón | his sér | vices tóok | from you.” Ib. ii. 2. 231. "Their sénse are [Fol. sic] shút."-Macbeth, v. 1. 29. | "My sénse | are stopped.”—Sonn. 112. 'These verse."-DANIEL. "I'll tó | him; hé | is híd | at Láwr | ence' céll. R. and J. iii. 2. 141. "Great kings of France and England! That I have laboured, Your might inéss | on bóth | parts bést | can witness." Hen. V. v. 2. 28. 'Place" is probably used for "places" in ! "The fresh springs, bríne- | pits, bár | ren_pláce | and fértile."-Tempest, i. 2. 338. "These twó| Antiph | olús [Folio], | these two | so like." "Are there balance?"-M. of V. iv. 1. 255. C. of E. v. 1. 357. "(Here) have I, thy schoolmaster, made thee more profit Than other princess [Folio] cán | that have more tíme."-Temp. i. 2. 173. "Sits on his horse back at mine hostess door." K. F. ii. 1. 289 (Folia). "Looked pále | when they did héar of Clár | ence (Folio) déath."-Rich. III. ii. 1. 137, iii. 1. 144. Probably the s is not sounded (horse is the old plural) in "And Duncan's horses (a thing most strange and certain)." Macbeth, ii. 4. 14. "Lies in their purses, and whoso empties them. "" Rich. II. ii. 2. 130. WORDS CONTRACTED IN PRONUNCIATION. 351 Even after ge the s was often suppressed, even where printed. Thus : (or "How many ways shall Carthage's glory grow!" SURREY'S Eneid IV. (Walker). So But often the s was not written. "In violating marriage sacred law.” Edward III. (1597 A.D.) (LAMB.) The s is perhaps not pronounced in 'Conjéct | (u)ral márr | iage(s); mák | ing párt | ies strong." Coriol. i. I. 198. "Are brá | zen im | ages óf | canón (491) | iz'd sáints." 2 Hen. VI. i. 3. 63. "The images óf | revólt | and flý | ing óff!” Lear, ii. 4. 91. "O'ff with his són | George's head."-Rich. III. v. 3. 344. | "Létters | should nót | be known, | riches póv | ertý.” Tempest, ii. 1. 150. This may perhaps explain the apparent Alexandrines : “I próm | is'd yóu | redréss | of thése | same grievances." 2 Hen. IV. iv. 2. 113. "This déi | ty in | my bós | om twén | ty cónsciences.” Temp. ii. 1. 278. "And stráight | discláim | their tongues? | What are your (4 offices?"-Coriol. iii. 1. 35. Popíl | ius Lé na spéaks | not óf | our púr | poses." F. C. iii. 1. 23. I. “She lév | ell❜d át | our púr | poses, ánd | being (470) róyal,” A. and C. v. 2. 339. | our púrpose(s), | and bé | ing royal.") "A thing | most brú | tish, I' | endówed | thy púrposes.” Tempest, i. 2. 357. "Nor when she purposes | return. | Beséech | your highness." Cymb. iv. 3. 15. "As blánks, | benévo | lences and | I wót | not whát. >> Rich. II. ii. 1. 250. "My sérv | ices whích | I have ('ve) dóne | the Sign | iorý." Othello, i. 2. 18. "These pipes and thése | convéy | ances óf | our blood." Coriol. v. I. 54. Professes to persuade | the king | his son's | alíve.' Temp. ii. 1. 236. 358 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Either "whom I" is a detached foot (499) or s is mute in "Whom I', with this | obéd | ient stéel, | three inches of it (inch of 't)."-Tempest, ii. 1. 285. 472. Ed following d or t is often not written (this elision is very old: see 341, 342), and, when written, often not pronounced. "I hád not quoted him. | I féar'd | he did | but trifle." Hamlet, ii. 1. 112. "Reg. That ténded (Globe, 'tend') | upón | my fáther. Glou. I knów | not, mádam."-Lear, ii. 1. 97. "Since nót | to bé | avóided | it falls | on mé." 1 Hen. IV. v. 5. 13. "" "But júst | ly ás | you háve | excéeded | all prómise.' A. Y. L. i. 2. 156. "For tréas | on éxe | cuted ín | our láte | king's days.' I Hen. VI. ii. 4. 91. "And só, riveted | with faith | untó (457) | your flésh." M. of V. v. I. 169. "Be sóon | colléct | ed and áll | things thought | upón." Hen. V. 1. 2. 305. ín | that mood." A. and C. iii. 13. 196. "I's to be frighted | out of féar : | and "Was áptly fitted | and nát | (u)rally | perfórm'd." T. of Sh. Ind. 1. 87. "Is nów convérted: | but nów | I wás | the lórd." M. of V. iii. 2. 169. "Which I' mistrusted | not: fáre | well thére | fore, Héro." M. Ado, ii. I. 189. "All ún | avóided | is the dóom | of dést | iný. Rich. III. iv. 4. 217. but here "destiny" (467) may be a dissyllable, and -ed sonant. This explains the apparent Alexandrine : "I thús negléct | ing wórld | ly énds | all dedicated." Temp. i. 2. 89. Shouting their ém | ulá | tion. Whát | is granted them?” Coriol. i. I. 218. So strong was the dislike to pronouncing two dental syllables together, that "it" seems nearly or quite lost after "set" and "let" in the following: “I húmb | ly sét it at your will; | but fór | my mistress.' Cymb. iv. 3. 13. VARIABLE SYLLABLES. 359 To his expérienced tóngue ; | yet let it | please bóth." Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 68. "You are a young húnt | sman, Már | cus: let it alone.” T. A. iv. 2. 101. "You sée is kíll'd | in hím : | and yet it | is dánger. Lear, iv. 7. 79. So perhaps "Of éx | cellént | dissémb | ling; ánd | let it look.” I A. and C. i. 3. 79. But more probably, "dissémbling; | and lét | it look." 473. Est in superlatives is often pronounced st after dentals and liquids. A similar euphonic contraction with respect to est in verbs is found in E. E. Thus bindest " becomes "binst, "eatest" becomes "est." Our "best" is a contraction for "bet-est." "Two of the sweet'st | compán | ions ín | the world." Cymb. v. 5. 349. "At your kind'st léisure.”—Macbeth, ii. 1. 24. "The stern'st | good night."-Ib. ii. 2. 4. | "Secret'st."—b. iii. 4. 126. "This is thy éld'st | son's són."-K. J. ii. 1. 177. So Temp. v. I. 186. "Since death of mý | dear'st móth | er."-Cymb. iv. 2. 190. | "The loyal'st hús | band thát | did é'er | plight tróth." A. W. ii. 1. 163, great st." "The sweet'st, iii. 2. 202. "Near' st.”—Macb. iii. I. 118. M. of V. iii. 2. 254. -Ib. v. I. 30. T. N. v. I. 117. Ib. i. 1. 96. dear'st."-W. T. Unpleasant'st." Faithfull st." Strong'st. "—Rich. II. iii. 3. 201. "Short'st. "Common'st."—Ib. v. 3. 17. This lasted past the Elizabethan period. "Know there are rhymes which fresh and fresh apply'd Will cure the arrant'st puppy of his pride.' "" POPE, Imit. Hor. Epist. i. 60. The Folio reads "stroakst," and "made" in “Thou stróakedst | me and | madest múch | of mé, | would'st give me."-Tempest, i. 2. 333. But the accent on "and "and" is harsh. Perhaps "and má | dest. VARIABLE SYLLABLES. 474. Ed final is often mute and sonant in the same line. Just as one superlative inflection -est does duty for two closely connected adjectives (398) : 360 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "The generous and gravest citizens.”—M. for M. iv, 6. 13, and the adverbial inflection ly does duty for two adverbs (397) : And she will speak most bitterly and strange.' "" M. for M. v. I. 36. so, when two participles ending in -ed are closely connected by 'and," the ed in one is often omitted in pronunciation. "Despls'd, distréss | ed, hát | ed, márt | yr'd, killed.” R. and F. iv. 5. 59. "We have with | a léav | en'd ánd | prepár | ed chóice.” M. for M. i. 1. 52. "To this | unlóok'd | for, ún | prepár | eď pómp.” K. 7. ii. 1. 560. In the following the -ed sonant precedes : "That wére | embátt | ailéd | and ránk'd | in Ként." K. J. iv. 2. 200. "We áre | impréss | ed ánd | engág'd | to fight." I Hen. IV. i. 1. 21. "For this they háve | engróss | ed ánd | pil'd úp." 2 Hen. IV. iv. 5. 71. "Thou cháng | ed ánd | self-cov | er'd thing, | for sháme." Lear, iv. 2. 62. At the end of a line ed is often sounded after er: "Which his hell-góv | ern'd árm | hath bútc | hered." Rich. III 2. 74 See 7. C. ii. 1. 208; iii. 1. 17; iii. 2. 7, 10; iv. I. 47; v. 1. 1. So Rich. III. iii. 7. 136; iv. 3. 17; v. 3. 292; M. N. D. iii. 2. 18, &c. This perhaps arises in part from the fact that " final in er itself (478) has a lengthened sound approaching to a dissyllable. Ed is very frequently pronounced in the participles of words ending in fy, "glorify," &c. "Most pút | rift | ed córe, | so fáir | without." Tr. and Cr. v. 9. 1. "My mortified spírit. | Now bíd | me rún." 7. C. ii. 1. 324. Rich. III. v. I. 5. "Vaughan | and áll | that háve | miscárr | iéd." "The French and English thére | miscár | riéd.” M. of V. ii. 8. 29. "That came too lág | to sée | him bú | riéd.”—Ib. ii. 1. 90. Also when preceded So frequently in other Elizabethan authors. by rn, rm, “turned," "confirmed," &c., and in "fcllowed: " VARIABLE SYLLABLES. 361 "As they us tó | our trénch | es fóllowed." ❘ On the other hand, -ed is mute in In Coriol. i. 4. 42. "By whát | by-váths | and ín | direct | crook'd ways." 2 Hen. IV. iv. 5. 185. "Warder. We dó | no óth | erwise | than wé | are will'd. Glou. Who willed you? | Or whose | will stands | but mine,”-i Hen. VI. i. 3. 11. it would seem that the latter "willed" is the more emphatic of the two, and it will probably be found that in many cases where two participles are connected, the more emphatic has ed sonant. the former "banished" is the more emphatic of the two in Thus Hence bán | ishéd | is bánish'd fróm | the world." R. and F. iii. 3. 19. 475. A word repeated twice in a verse often receives two accents the first time, and one accent the second, when it is less emphatic the second time than the first. Or the word may occupy the whole of a foot the first time, and only part of a foot the second. Thus in "Fáre (480) | well, gen | tle mís | tress: fáre | well, Nán." M. W. of W. iii. 4. 97. "Fáre (480) | well, gén | tle cóus | in. | Cóz, | farewell." K. 7. iii. 3. 17. J. "Of gréat | est júst | ice. Write (484), write, | Rináldo." A. IV. iii. 4. 29. "These violént | desires | have vio | lent énds." R. and J. ii. 6. 9. "With her that hát | eth thee | and hátes | us 1 Here the emphasis is on ends" and us all.' áll.' 2 Hen. VI. ii. 4. 52. >> Duke. Still (486) | so crú | el? Still so so cón Oliv. cón / stant, lórd."-T. N. v. 1. 113. "Com. Knów (484), | I pray | you. Coriol. I'|'ll knów | no further."-Coriol. iii. 3. 87. "Déso late, dés | olate, will | I hénce | and die." The former " Antony" is the more emphatic in Rich. II. i. 2. 73. But wére I Brútus And Brú | tus A'n | toný, | there were an Antony." 7. C. iii. 2. 231. 362 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 1 So, perhaps, the more emphatic verb has the longer form in "He róuseth úp | himself | and mákes | a pause." R. of L. 541. This is often the case with diphthongic monosyllables. See 484. Compare "Nów | it schéy | neth, nów | it réyn | eth fáste." CHAUCER, C. T. 1537. 476. On the other hand, when the word increases in emphasis, the converse takes place. "And lét | thy blóws, | doubly | redbub | (e)léd." Virg. O, heavens, | O, héav | ens. Coriol. Rich. II. i. 3. 80. Náy, | I prí | thee, woman.” Coriol. iv. I. 12. "Was it his spirit | by spir | its taught | to write?" Sonn. 86. "And with her pérson | age, hér | tall pér | sonáge." M. N. D. iii. 2. 292. "Március | would háve | all fróm | you-Már | ciús, Whom láte | you have námed | for cónsul.' "> Coriol. iii. I.'195 Even at the end of the verse Marcius has but one accent, as a rule. But here it is unusually emphasized. "And whe'r | he rún | or flý | they knów not whether." V. and A. 304. King. Be patient, gént | le quéen, | and I'❘ will stáy. Queen. Who can | be pát | iént | in thése | extrémes.” 3 Hen. VI. i. I. 215–6. “Yield, my lórd | protéct | or, y{ | eld, Winch | estér.” I Hen. VI. iii. 1. 112. "Citizens. Yield, Már | cius, yi | eld. Men. He | ar (480) mé, | one wórd." Coriol. iii. I. 215. “A dévil (466), | a bór | n (485) dé | vil, ín | whose náture.' Tempest, iv. 1. 188. Lear, ii. 4. 274. So arrange "You heavens (512), | Give me that pát | ience, pát | iénce | I néed." ("Patient" was treated as a trisyllable by the orthoepists of the time. ) LENGTHENING OF WORDS. 363 Being hád, to trí | umph bé ing (on the other hand) láck'd, to hópe. Sonn. 52. Similarly "Which árt | my néar'st | and déar | est én | emý." I Hen. IV. iii. 2. 123. On the other hand, perhaps, "sire," and not "cówards,” is a dissyllable in "Cowards fá | ther cówards, | and báse | things sí | re base." Cymb. iv. 2. 26. I ¡ So, perhaps, "Pánting | he lies and breath | eth in her fáce." V. and A. 62. Here "lies" is unemphatic, "breatheth" emphatic. For diphthongic monosyllables see 484. The same variation is found in modern poetry. In the following line there is, as it were, an antithetical proportion in which the two middle terms are emphatic, while the extremes are unemphatic : "Tower beyond tów | er, spí | re bé | yond spire."-TENNYSON. LENGTHENING OF WORDS. 477. R, and liquids in dissyllables, are frequently pro- nounced as though an extra vowel were introduced between them and the preceding consonant: "The párts | and grá | ces óf | the wrés | t(e)lér." A. Y. L. ii. 2. 13 In sécond ácc | ent óf | his órd | (2)nánce." Hen. V. ii. 4. 126. The Folio inserts i here, and e, Ib. iii. Prologue, 26. In the latter passage the word is a dissyllable. | "If you will tár | ry, hó | ly pílg | (e)rím.”—A. W. iii. 5. 43. "While she did cáll | me rás | cal fíd | d(e)lér. T. of Sh. ii. 1. 158. "The life of hím. | Knów'st thou this cóun | t(e)rý ?" T. N. i. 2. 21. So Coriol. i. 9. 17; 2 Hen. VI. i. 1. 206 "And these two Dróm | ios, óne | in sémb | (e)lánce." C. of E. v. 1. 358; T. G. of V. i. 3. 84. "You, the | great tóe | of this | assémb | 1(e)ý.” 1 "Cor. Be thús | to them. | Patr. Coriol. i. I. 159 You do the nó | b(e)lér.”—Ib. iii. 2. 6. speak nó | b(e)lý. Į "Edm. Sír, you Reg. Why is this reason'd?"-Lear, v. 1. 98 304 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. I (?) "Go search like nó | b(e)lés, | like nó | ble súbjects." P. of T. ii. 4. 50. Thee is actually inserted in the Folio of Titus Andronicus in "brethren :" "Give Múcius búr | ial with his breth | erén." T. A. i. 1. 347. childeren." And this is by derivation the correct form, as also is "These are the pár | ents of | these chíl | d(e)rén." C. of E. v. 1. 360. "I gó. | Write to | me vér | y shórt | (e)lý.” Rich. III. iv. 4. 428. "A rót | ten cáse | abides | no hánd | (e)líng." 2 Hen. IV. iv. 1. 161. "The friends of Fránce | our shrouds | and táck | (e)língs." 1 3 Hen. VI. v. 4. 18. "Than Ból | ingbróke's | retúrn | to E'ng | (e)lánd. Rich. II. iv. 1. 17. "And méan | to máke | her queen | of E'ng | (e)lánd." Rich. III. iv. 4. 263. So in E. E. Engeland.' "" "To bé | in án | ger ís | impí | etý ; But whó | is mán | that is not án | g(e)rý?" T. of A. iii. 5. 56. in which last passage the rhyme indicates that angry must be pro- nounced as a trisyllable. "And strength | by límp | ing swáy | disá | b(e)léd.”—Sonn. 66. So also in the middle of lines- "Is Cáde the són | of Hén | (e)rý | the Fifth ?" 2 Hen. VI. iv. 8. 36. This is common in Hen. VI., but not I think in the other plays- not for instance in Rich. II. "That cróaks | the fá | tal én | t(e)ránce | of Dúncan." Macbeth, i. 5. 40. "Cárries | no fá | vour ín't | but Bért | (c)rám's." A. W. i. 1. 94. I. "O mé! | you júgg | (e)lér! | you cán | ker blossom." M. N. D. iii. 2. 282. "Tis mónst | (e)róus. | Iá | go, whó | begán it?" Othello, ii. 3. 217. "And that hath dázz | (e)léd my réa | son's light." | T. G. of V. ii. 4. 210. LENGTHENING OF WORDS. 365 Béing | so frús | t(e)ráte. | Tell him | he mócks. A. and C. v. 1. 2. "Lord Doug | (e)lás, | go yóu | and téll | him só.” I Hen. IV. v. 2. 33. "Gráce and reniém | b(e)ránce | be tó | you both." W. T. iv. 4. 76. "Of quick | cross líght | (e)ning? | To watch, | poor pérdu." Lear, iv. 7. 35 "Thou kill'st | thy míst | (e)réss: | but well and frée." A. and C. ii. 5. 27. "To taunt at sláck | (e)néss. Į Caníd | ius wẻ.” Ib. iii. 7. 28. So also probably "sec(e)ret," "monst(e)rous" (Macbeth, iii. 6. 8), "nob(e)ly," "wit(e)ness," T. G. of V. iv. 2. 110, and even "cap(2)tains" (French " capitaine :" Macbeth, i. 2. 34, 3 Hen. VI. iv. 7. 30, and perhaps Othello, i. 2. 53). Spenser inserts the e in some of these words, as "handeling," F. Q. i. 8. 28; enterance," ib. 34. 478. Er final seems to have been sometimes pronounced with a kind of "burr," which produced the effect of an additional syllable; just as "Sirrah" is another and more vehement form of "Sir." Perhaps this may explain the following lines, some of which may be explained by 505-10, but not all : "Corn. We'll téach you- Kent. (But? "I' am.") Sir, | 'I'm too óld | to learn. Lear, ii. 2. 135. "Lénds the tongue vóws; | these blá | zes dáugh | tér.” Hamlet, i. 3. 117 "And thére | upón, | give me | your diugh | tér." 'Bru. Spread fúr | thér. | Menen. Hen. V. v. 2. 475. One wó | rd (485) móre, | one word.' Coriol. iii. I. 311. "Líke a | ripe sís | tér: | the wóm | an lów." A. Y. L. iv. 3. 88. "Of our dear sóuls. | Meantime, | sweet sis | tér." T. N. v. 1. 395. >> "I pray | you, úncle (465), | give me | this dág | gér. Rich. III. iii. 1. 110. "A brother's múr | dér. | Práy can | I nót." Hamlet, ii. 3. 38 356 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Fríghted | each óth | ér. | Whý should | he follow ?" A. and C. iii. 13. 6. And só❘ to árms, | victór | ious få | thér." 2 Hen. VI. v. 1. 211. "To céase. Wast thou | ordáin'd, | dear fá | thér?" Ib. v. 2. 45. "Corn. Whére hast thou sént | the king? | Glouc. To Dó vér."-Lear, iii. 7. 51. | Will I' | first wórk. | Hé's for | his más | tér."—Cymb. i. 5. 28. "Lear. Thán the | sea-móns | tér. | Alb. | Práy, sir, be patient."-Lear, i. 4. 283. }} ter But perhaps "patient" may have two accents. is a pause-extra syllable. In that case In the two following lines s follows the r: "To speak of hór | rórs, | he cómes | before me." Hamlet, ii. 1. 84. "Públius, how nów? How nów, my más | térs?" T. A. iv. 3. 35; and perhaps Macbeth, iii. 4. 133. "And give him hálf: and fór | thy víg | bur. "" Tr. and Cr. ii. 2. 272. "Tell me, how fáres | our lóv | ing móth | ér?” Rich. III. v. 3. 82. Good night, "Cass. Good night, | my lórd. | Brut. "He whóm my fáth | er námed? | Your (? "ná(484) | med? Your (480) E'dgar.") good bróth ¦ ér." F. C. iv. 3. 237. E'd | gár.' Lear, ii. 1. 94. "I'll fól | low yóu | and téll | what án | swér.” 3 Hen. VI. iv. 3. 55. "I have sixty sáil | Cæ'sar | none bét | tér:" A. and C. iii. 7. 50 "This woód en slá | very, thán | to súff | ér.” Temp. iii. 1. 62. Sometimes this natural burr on influences the spelling. In Genesis and Exodus (Early English Text Society, Ed. Morris) we have coren for "corn, ""boren" for "born." Thus the E. E. "thurh" is spelt thorugh" by early writers, and hence even by "" Shakespeare in (C "The false revólt | ing Nór | mans tho | rough thée." 2 Hen. VI. iv. 1. 87. So M. N. D. ii. 1. 3, 5; Coriol. v. 3. 115. LENGTHENING OF WORDS. 367 In the following difficult lines it may be that introduces an extra syllable: I'gnomy in rán | som ánd | free pá | rdón A're of two hóu | ses, láw ful "mé | rcý.” M. for M. ii. 4. 111, 112. It would of course save trouble to read "ignominy," against the Folio. But compare "Thy ig | nomý (Fol.) | sleep with "Hence, brók | er láck | ey! I'g | thee ín | thy gráve.' 1 Hen. IV. v. 4. 100 | nomý | and sháme." Tr. and Cr. v. 10. 33. and in T. A. iv. 2. 115 (where the Folio reads "ignominy") the i is slurred. "No mán | knows whither. I crý | thee mé | rcý.” Rich. III. iv. 4. 515. ور "It is my són, | young Hár | ry Pé | rcý.” Rich. II. ii. 3. 21, "Thou, Rích | ard, shált | to the dúke | of Nór | fólk. 3 Hen. VI. i. 2. 38. So we sometimes find the old comparative "near" for the modern nearer." "Bétter | far óff | than néar | be né'er | the néar.” "The near in blood | Rich. II. v. I. 88. The néar er blóody."-Macbeth, ii. 3. 146. "Nor near nor farther off. . . than this weak arm." And "far" for "farther," the old "ferror." Rich. II. iii. 2. 64. "Fár than | Deucá | lion óff.”—W. T. iv. 4. 442. 479. The termination "ion" is frequently pronounced as twc syllables at the end of a line. The i is also sometimes pronounced as a distinct syllable in soldier, courtier, marriage, conscience, partiaï, &c.; less frequently the e in surgeon, vengeance, pageant, creature, pleasure, and treasure. The cases in which ion is pronounced in the middle of a line are I have only been able to collect the following: rare. "With observá | tión | the whích | he vénts." A. Y. L. ii. 7. 41. 368 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Of Hám | let's tráns | formá | tión: | so cáll it. Hamlet, ii. 2. 5. "Be chósen | with pró | clamá | tións | to-dáy." T. A. i. 1. 190. Gill, 1621, always writes "ti-on" as two syllables. But there is some danger in taking the books of orthoepists as criteria of popular pronunciation. They are too apt to set down, not what is, but what ought to be. The Shakespearian usage will perhaps be found a better guide. Tión, when preceded by c, is more frequently prolonged, perhaps because the more readily attracts the t to itself, and leaves ion uninfluenced by the t. In "It wére an hón | est áct | ión | to say so. "" Othello, ii. 3. 145; Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 340. "Her sweet perféct | ións | with óne | self kíng.' "" T. N. i. I. 39. "Yet háve I fiérce | afféct | ións | and thínk.” A. and C. i. 5. 17. "With sore distract | ión | what I' | have dóne.” Hamlet, v. 2. 241, "To ús | in oúr | eléct | ión | this dáy.”—T. A. i. 1. 235. "That shall make áns wer tó | such quést | ións. It is enough. | I'll think | upón | the quest | ións, 2 Hen. VI. i. 2. 80, 82. it seems unlikely that "questions" is to be differently scanned in two lines so close together. And possibly, "it is (it's) enough,” is one foot. Still, if "questions" in the second verse be regarded as an unemphatic (475) repetition, it might be scanned: "It ís | enough. | I'll think | upón | the questions." The Globe has "Jóin'd in | commission with him; | but éither (466) | Had bórne || the action of yourself, or else To him || had left it solely."-Coriol. iv. 6. 14. But better arrange as marked above, avoiding the necessity of laying two accents on commission." So Folio-which, however, is not of much weight as regards arrangement. I is pronounced in "business" in "To see this bús | inéss. | To-mór | row next.” Rich. II. fi. 1. 217; Rich. III. ii. 2. 144; M. oj V. iv. 1. 127; Coriol. v. 3. 4. 7 LENGTHENING OF WORDS. 369 "Divín est créatúre, | Astræ' | a's daughter." So probably So 1 Hen. VI. i. 6. 4. "Than these two créatures. | Which is | Sebastian? T. N. v. I. 231 "But he's a tried | and vál | iant sóld | iér.”—J. C, iv. 1. 28 "Your sister is the bét | ter sól | diér."-Lear, iv. 5. 3. | "Máking them wóm | en óf | good cárr | iáge." R. and 7. i. 4. 94. Márri | age is | a mát | ter óf | more wór | th.” I Hen. VI. v. 5. 55, v. 1. 21. "To wóo a máid | in wáy | of márr | iáge.” M. of V. ii. 9. 13. "While I' thy ám | iá | ble chéeks | do cóy." M. N. D. iv. 1. 2. "Young, vál | iánt, | wíse, and, | no doubt, | right royal." Rich. III. i. 1. 245; Tempest, iii. 2. 27. "With th' án | cient | of wár | on our | proceedings. "" Lear, v. 1. 32. 'You have dóne | our plé | asúres | much gráce, | fair ládies.". T. of A. i. 2. 151. "Táke her and úse | her át | your plé | asure.' 1 B. and F. (Walker). "We'll leave and think | it ís | her plé | asúre.”—Ib. "But 'tís my lord | th' Assíst | ant's plé | asúre.”—Ib. "He dáre not sée | you. A't | his plé | asúre.”—Ib. "You shall have ránsom. | Lét me | have súr | geóns: 1 Lear, iv. 6. 196. "If only to gó | '(484) wárm | were gorg | ebus.” "Your mind | is tóss | ing ón | the ó | ceán.” Ib. ii. 4. 271. M. of V. i. I. 8; Hen. V. iii. 1. 14. "The newest státe. | This is | the sergeant. "" Macbeth, i. 2. 3. Similarly "But they did say | their pray | ers ánd | addréss'd them."-Ib. ii. 2. 25; Coriol. v. 3. 105. "Hath túrn'd | my féign | ed práy | er ón | my héad.” Rich. III. v. 1. 21, ii. 2. 14. Even where "prayer" presents the appearance of a monosyllable, the second syllable was probably slightly sounded. For i ande sonant in "-ied," see 474. B B 370 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 479 a. Monosyllabic feet in Chaucer. Mr. Skeat (Essay on Metres of Chaucer, Aldine Edition, 1866) has shown that Chaucer often uses a monosyllabic foot, but the instances that have been pointed out are restricted to the first foot. 'May, with all thyn floures and thy greene."-C. T. 1512. "Til that deeth departe schal us twayne."—Ib. 1137. "Ther by aventure this Palamon."-Ib. 1518. "Now it schyneth, now it reyneth fast."-Ib. 1537. "Alby-smoterud with his haburgeon."-Ib. 77. It will be shown in paragraphs 480-6 that Shakespeare uses this licence more freely, but not without the restrictions of certain natural laws. 480. Fear, dear, fire, hour, your, four, and other mono- syllables ending in r or re, preceded by a long vowel or diphthong, are frequently pronounced as dissyllables. Thus "fire" was often spelt and is still vulgarly pronounced "fier." So "fare" seems to have been pronounced "fa-er;" "ere," "e-er;" "there," "the-er," &c. It is often emphasis, and the absence of emphasis, that cause this licence of prolongation to be adopted and rejected in the same line: Fair. "Ferd. Or night | kept cháin'd | belów. Prosp. Fáir | ly spóke." Tempest, iv. 1. 31. (or perhaps (484) "belów. | Fáir | ly spóke.") Fare.-"Poison'd, | ill fá | re, déad, | forsóok, | cast óff." K. J. v. 7. 35. 'Lóath to bid fá | rewell, | we take | our leaves." P. of T. ii. 5. 13. Lúcius, | my gówn. | Fáre | well, góod | Méssala.” F. C. iv. 3. 231. "Died every dáy | she lív'd (Fol.). | Fáre | thee well." Macbeth, iv. 3. 111. "Farewell, kíns | man! I' will talk with you." "For worms, | brave Pér | cy. great heart."-Ib. v. 4. 87. I Hen. IV. i. 3. 234. Farewell (so Folio), | Why then | I wí | 17 (483). Farewell, old Gant." Rich. II. i 2. 44. So F. C. iv. 3. 231; 1 Hen. IV. iv. 3. 111 (Folio); M. W. of W ? ii. 4. 97; K. J. iii. 2. 17. (See 475.) LENGTHENING OF WORDS. 371 Ere. "For I' inténd | to háve | it ér | e (é-er) lóng.” I Hen. VI. i. 3. 87. our," in I should prefer to prolong the emphatic here, rather than " "What should be spók | en hé | re (hé-er) whére | our fáte." Macbeth, ii. 3. 128. Mere. The pause after "night" enables us to scan thus : They have tráv | ell'd áll | the night (484). |`Mé | re fétches."—Lear, ii. 4. 90. There.-"Hath death | lain with thy wife. | Thére | she lies." R. and F. iv. 5. 36 'Towards Cálais; | now gránt | him thé | re, thé | re seen." Hen. V. v. Prol. 7. (I have not found a Shakespearian instance of "Caláis." wise at first sight it is natural to scan "Towards | Caláis.") "Exe. Like mú | sic. Cant. Other. Therefore | doth heav'n | divíde. Hen. V. i. 2. 183. Where.-"I knów | a bánk, | where | the wild | thyme blóws." "Hor. Whére, | my lórd? | Ham. M. N. D. ii. 1. 249. I'n my mind's eye, | Horátio." Hamlet, i. 2. 185. (But Folio inserts "Oh" before "where.") Rarely.-"I's not | this búck | led wéll? | Ráre | ly, rárely." A. and C. iv. 4. 11. (The first "rarely" is the more emphatic: or? (483), “well.”) Dear.—“As dóne : | persév | eránce, | déar | my lórd.” Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 150. “Déar | my lórd, | íf you, | in your own próof." "The king would speak with fáther."-Lear, ii. 4. 102. M. Ado, iv. I. 46. Cornwall: | the dé | ar "Oliv. Than mú | sic fróm | the sphé | res. Viol. Dé | ar lády." T. N. iii. I. 121. Fear. "Féar | me nót, | withdraw, | I hear | him cóming." Hear.-"Hear, Ná | ture, hé | ar, dé|ar Gód (The emphasis increases as the verse proceeds.) Near.—“ Néar, | why then | anóth | er tíme | I'll Hamlet, iii. 4. 7. | dess, héar. Lear, i. 4. 297 T. hear it." of A. 2. 184. ܥ BB 2 372 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Tears. "Auf. Náme not | the Gód, | thou boy | of té | ars. Coriol. Há !" Coriol. v. 6. 101. "Téar | for téar, | and lóv | ing kiss | for kiss." T. A. v. 3. 156. Year.-"Twelve yé | ar since, | Mirán | da, twélve | year since." Tempest, i. 2. 53. The repeated "year" is less emphatic than the former.) And, perhaps, if the line be pronounced deliberately, "Mány years | of háp | py dáys | befál."-Rich.II. i. 1. 21. It might be possible to scan as follows: "Well struck | in yé | ars, fá | ir ánd | not jéalous. Rich. III. i. I. 92. But the Folio has "jealious," and the word is often thus written (Walker) and pronounced by Elizabethan authors. Their (?).—If the text be correct, in "The commons hath he pill'd with grievous taxes, And quite lost their hearts. The nó | bles háth | he fín'd For ancient quarrels (463), | and quite | lost the | ir hearts,"-Rich. II. ii. 1. 247-8. See it is almost necessary to suppose that the second their is more emphatic than the first. Else the repetition is intolerable. 475, 476. But even with this scansion the harshness is so great as to render it probable that the text is corrupt. Hire.-"A ship | you sént | me fór | to hire wáftage." C. of E. iv. I. 95. Sire." And ís | not like | the sí | re: hón | ours thrive." A. W. ii. 3. 142. Door. "And with my swórd | I'll keep | this dó | or sáfe." T. A. i. 1. 288. More.-"If móre, | the more hást | thou wróng'd | (èd) mé." (The second "more" is the more emphatic.) "As máy | compáct | it mó | re. Lear, v. 3. 168. Ib. i. 4. 362. Gét | you gone." "Who hadst | desérv | ed mó | re thán | a príson." Dur (perhaps) "To líst | en óu | r púr | pose. office."-M. Ado, iii. 1. 12. Temp. i. 2. 362. This is (461) | thy ("This is" is a quasi-monosyllable See 461.) LENGTHENING OF WORDS. 373 “And bý | me, hád | not bu | 7 háp | been bád." C. of E. i. 1. 39. "First Sen. Which wé | devise | him. Corn. Our spóils | he kick'd at." Coriol. ii. 2. 128. “First” requires emphasis in I'll bring him to you. Ib. iii. 1. 334. "Sic. In our first | way. Men. Hour (often).-"A't the sixth hóu | r, át | which tíme | my lórd." Tempest, v. 1. 4. Your.-"And só, | though you | rs, nót | yours*-próve | it só.' " M. of V. iii. 2. 20. "Lart. My horse | to you | rs, nó! | Mart. 'Tis done! | Lart. Agréed." Coriol. i. 4. 2. "" And pún | ish thém | to you | r height | of pleasure. M. for M. v. i. 240. Unless "pleasure" is a trisyllable. (See 479.) "Is he párd | on'd ánd | for you | r lóve | ly sáke.”—b. 496. There is an emphatic antithesis in "Whó is lost tóo. | Take your pá | tience to you, And I'll say nothing."-W. T. iii. 2. 232. "And sháll | have your will, | because | our king." 3 Hen. VI. iv. I. 17. 481. Monosyllables which are emphatic either (1) from their meaning, as in the case of exclamations, or (2) from their use in antithetical sentences, or (3) which contain diphthongs, or (4) vowels preceding r, often take the place of a whole foot. This is less frequent in dissyllabic words. In (1) and (2) as well as (3) the mono. syllables often contain diphthongs, or else long vowels. In many cases it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to determine whether a monosyllable should be prolonged or not. Thus, in "On this unworth | y scáff | old tó | bring forth," Hen. V. Prologue, 10. many may prefer to scan "|-old to brí | ng forth," and to prolong the following monosyllable rather than to accent "to;" and in "Came pouring like | the tide | intó | a bréach," Hen. V. i. 2. 149. * It is a matter of taste which yours should receive the emphasis. 374 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "" it is possible to prolong the preceding monosyllable, "the tí | de in | to a bréach." Such cases may often be left to the taste of the reader (but for the accent of "into see 457a). All that can safely be said is, that when a very unemphatic monosyllable, as "at," and," "a," "the," &c. has the accent, it is generally preceded or followed by a very strongly accented monosyllable, as " "" Assume the port of Mars; and at his heels.' Hen. V. Prologue, 6. It is equally a matter of taste whether part of the prolonged monosyllable should be considered to run on into the following foot or whether a pause be supposed after the monosyllable, as Gírding with gríev | ous siege | castles | and towns.” Hen. V. i. 2. 152. "As knots by the | conflúx | of méet | ing sáp.' 482. Monosyllabic exclamations. ,, Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 7 Ay.-" Polon. Whérefore | should you | do this? | Reg. King. Will you | be rúled | by mé? | Laert. A'y, my lord ?” Hamlet, ii. 1. 36. A'y, | my lórd.” Ib. iv. 7. 60. A'y, what else? | And bút | I bé | deceiv'd.” T. of Sh. iv. 4. 2. "Vol. That brought | thee tó | this wórld. | Vir. A'y, and mine." Coriol. v. 3. 125. A'y, mý | good lord." (?)" Corn. I's he | pursú | ed (474)? Glou. Lear, ii. 1. 111. Nay." What says | he? Ná | y, nó | thing; áll | is sáid.” « Cor. How, trái | tor ! Com. Rich. II. ii. 1. 148. 'Ná | y, tém | p(e)ratelý; | your promise." Coriol. vi. 3. 67. Stay.—“ Stáy, 】 the king | hath thrówn | his wárd | er dówn.” Ib. i. 3. 118. Yea." Yéa, my Lord | How brooks | your gráce | the aír?" Ib. iii. 2. 2. Hail.-"'Gainst mý | captív | itý. | Háil, | brave friend." Macbeth, i. 2. E. LENGTHEning of WORDS. 375 0.—“ Cass. O', 'tis true. | Hert. Ho! bíd my trúm | pet sóund." Tr. and Cr. v. 3. 13. Cleo. Charm. O', 'tis tréa son. Mádam, I trúst | not só." A. and C. i. 5. 7. Hamlet, iv. 4. 65. I pray | thee, márk me. Tempest, i. 2. 80. "" "To hide the sláin. | O, | from thís | time fórth.' "Mir. O, good sír, | I dó. | Prosp. Perhaps "Pol. The dévil | himself. | King. O', 'tis (it ís) | too trúe." "Sélf against sélf. | O", | prepós | teróus." Ib. iii. 1. 49. I. Rich. III. ii. 4. 63. "Their clearer réa | son. Oʻ, |`góod | Gonzálo.” reason" Temp. v. I. 68 a trisyllable in Shakespeare. I have not found " "O", my fóllies! | Then E'd | gar wás | abúsed." Lear, iii. 7. 9L 7.9L O, the differénce | of mán | and mán." Ib. iv. 2. 26. ?" The heart of wó | man ís. | O,❘ (453) Brútus." F. C. ii. 4. 40. "Struck Cæsar ón | the néck. | σ, | you flátterers." Soft." But só | ft cóm | paný | is cóm | ing hére.” b. v. I. 44. T. of Sh. iv. 5. 26. Come." Cóme, | good féll | ow, pút | mine ír | on ón." What." Where be | these knáves? | Whát, Whát, | unjúst !| Bé not | so Well.—“Well, I give her | that ring, A. and C. iv. 4. 3. | no mán | at door!" T. of Sh. iv. I. 125. hót ; | the dúke.” M. for M. v. I. 315. and thére | withál.' "Gon. Rémember whát | I tell you. Osw. T. G. of V. iv. 4. 89. Well, mádam." Lear, i. 3. 21. 483. Monosyllables emphasized by position or anti- thesis. A conjunction like " yet" or "but," implying hesitation, 376 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. may naturally require a pause immediately after it; and this pause may excuse the absence of an unaccented syllable, additional stress being laid on the monosyllable. But." Of good | ly thous | ands. Bút, fór all this." “ The Góds | rebuke | me bú | t ít | is Yet." Though I | condémn | not, yé | t, ún "Yét (as yet), | I think, | we áre | not "Brut. When Cee's | ar's héad | is óff. Cass. | Macbeth, iv. 3. 44. "" "" tidings.’ A. and C. v. I. 27. der párdon.' Lear, i. 4. 365. brought | so lów." T. A. iii. 2. 76. | Yét I féar him." 7. C. ii. 1. 183. Pronouns emphasized by antithesis or otherwise, sometimes dis- pense with the unaccented syllable. "Shów | men dú | tifúl? Why, só | didst thé | u. Séem | they gráve | and léarned? Why, só❘ didst thou."-Hen. V. ii. 2. 128. (Possibly, however, "seem" may be prolonged instead of "thou.") "When you shall please | to play | the thieves | for wives. I'll watch as lóng | for you thén. | Approach.' M. of V. ii. 6. 24. "Were yó | u ín | my stéad, | would you | have héard ?” You is emphatic from Desdemona to Othello in Coriol. v. 3. 192 Othello. A fránk❘ one. Desd. 'Tís a good hánd, Y% | u máy | indéed | say só.” Othello, iii. 4. 44. Lear, ii. 1. 114. So in "Hów in | my strength | you pléase. | For yó | u, E'dmund." and in the retort of Brutus on Cassius, "Lét me tell yó | u, Cáss | ius, you | yourself Are múch | condémn'd | to háve | an itch | ing pálm." 7. C. iv. 3. 9. Perhaps aware of Ferdinand's comment on his emotion, "your father's in some passion," Prospero turns to Ferdinand and says, "it is you who are moved" in "You do look, | my зón, | ín a | mov´d sórt.” Temp. iv. 1. 146. LENGTHENING OF WORDS. 377 Otherwise the reading of the line so as to avoid accenting "my" seems difficult. There is no prolongation, though there is antithetical emphasis, in "Look up on him, | love him, | he wór | ships you." A. Y. L. v. 2. 88. The repeated "thence" seems to require a pause in "Thénce to a watch, | thénce | intó (457a) | a weakness." Hamlet, ii. 1. 148. But possibly, like ord(i)nance," "light(e)ning" (see 477), so "weakness" may be pronounced a trisyllable. 484. Monosyllables containing diphthongs and long vowels, since they naturally allow the voice to rest upon them, are often so emphasized as to dispense with an unaccented syllable. When the monosyllables are imperatives of verbs, as "speak," or nouns used imperatively, like "peace," the pause which they require after them renders them peculiarly liable to be thus emphasized. Whether the word is dissyllabized, or merely requires a pause after it, cannot in all cases be determined. In the following examples the scansion is marked throughout on the former supposition, but it is not intended to be represented as necessary. A (long). "Júst as | you left | them, á | prís | 'ners, sír." Temp. v. I. 8 "Try mán | y, á | ll good, | serve trú | ly néver." I Cymb. iv. 2. 373. "Yea, look'st thou pá | le? Lét | me sée | the writing." "Duke. Like the | old á | ge. Clown. Rich. II. v. 2. 57. A're you réad | y, sír?" T. N. ii. 4. 50. My “Yéa, his | dread tri | dent sháke. | brá | ve spírit." Temp. i. 2. 206. Ai. "'Gainst mý captív | itý. | Háil, | brave friend." "I'll be with (wi') you strái | ght. Gó Macbeth, i. 2. 5. a líttle | before." Hamlet, iv. 4. 31. I should prefer to avoid laying an accent on "the" in "To fá | il in the disposing of these chances." Coriol. iv. 7. 40. "Which is most fá | int. Nów 'tis trúe I múst | be here confín'd | by you."-Temp. Epilogue, 3 378 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Ay. Sáy | agáin, where didst | thou léave | these várlets ?” Temp. iv. 1. 170. So in the dissyllable "payment.” "He húmbly prays | you spéed | y páy | mént.” Perhaps T. of A. ii. 2. 28. "What say you, | my lórd? | Aré you contént." Perhaps E. "Senators. We'll súre | ty him. Ea. Com. "Men. The cón | sul Córi | Bru. "Péace, I sáy. | Good é I Hen. VI. iv. 1. 70. Aged sír, | hands off." Coriol. iii. I. 178. olán | us▬▬ Hé |` cónsul !”—Ib. iii. 1. 280. | ven tó | you, friend." A. Y. L. ii. 4. 70. "Antón | ius dé ad! I'f thou sáy | so, villain." "Doct. But, though | slow, dé | adlý. | Queen. “Whý dost | not speak? | What, dé A. and C. ii. 5. 26. 1 wón | der, dóctor.” Cymb. i. 5. 10. af: nót | a wórd?” T. A. v. 1. 46. Spéak, | Lavín | ia, whát | accúrs | ed "Which wás | to plé | ase. Nów | I wánt Spírits to enforce, | nót to | enchant.' "Earth's incréase, | fóison | plénty, hánd?" Ib. iii. 1. 66. I. Temp. Epilogue, 13. Bárns and gárners | néver |émpty."—Ib. iv. I. 110. Perhaps "Glou. Aláck, | the night | comes ón, | and the (457) blé ak winds."-Lear, ii. 4. 303. | Perhaps "Trúly | to spé | ak, ánd | with nó | addítion,” Hamlet, iv. 4. 17. or "Trúly to speak, and with nó | addít | ión." "Be frée and hé | althful. | So tárt | a fávour." A. and C. ii. 5. 38. "The safety and health of this whole state,” Hamlet, i. 3. 21. could not be scanned without prolonging both "health" and "whole." Such a double prolongation is extremely improbable, considering the moderate emphasis required. More probably LENGTHENing of worDS. 379 "sanity" should be read, as has been suggested, for "sanctity," the reading of the Folio. Ee. "Fórward, not pér | manént, | sweet, not lásting." Hamlet, i. 3. 8. "Séek | me out, | and thát | way I'| am wife in." Hen. VIII. iii. 1. 38. "The cúrt ain'd slé | ep witch | craft cél | ebrátes.' Macbeth, ii. I. 51. "Doth comfort thée in thy slé | ep; líve, and flourish." Rich. III. v. 3. 130. "This ignorant prés | ent ánd | I fé | el nów.” Macbeth, i. 5. 58. Enough to fétch | him ín. | Sée | it done." "Yét but thrée. | Cóme one | móre, Twó of both kinds | máke up | fóur." A. and C. iv. I. 14. M. N. D. iii. 2. 437. “When sté | el gróws | sóft as | the pára | site's sílk.' Coriol. i. 9. 45. "Soft" is emphasized as an exclamation (see 481), but perhaps on the whole it is better to emphasize "steel" here. "Ferd. Makes this place Pár | adíse. Prosp. Sweet now, silence.” Temp. iv. 1. 124. Eo. The co in the foreign-derived word "leopard" stands on a different footing: I. "Or horse or óx | en fróm | the lé | opárd." So, often, in Elizabethan authors. I Hen. VI. i. 5. 31. "Mén for their wives: wives fór | their húsbands." 3 Hen. VI. v. 6. 41. "Of greatest júst | ice. Iri | te, write, | Rináldo.” A. W. iii. 4. 29. "Hórri | ble sight! Nów | I sée | 'tis true." Macbeth, iv. I. 122. "Full fifteen hundred, | best | des cóm | mon mén. Hen. V. iv. S. 84. Henry I know of no instance where "hundred," like (477) receives two accents. Else the "be" in "besides " might (460) be dropped, and the verse might be differently scannel. 380 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 0. Va. Oi. (19. ་་ Each mán's | like mí | ne: yóu | have shéwn | all Héctors." A. and C. iv. 8. 7. "At a poor man's house: | he ús'd | me kí | ndlý.” Coriol. i. 9. 83. But see 477. Possibly "friends may require to be emphasized, as its position is certainly emphatic, in "Till death | unloads | thee. Friends hást | thou nóne." M. for M. iii. 1. 28. “No, sáy’st | me so, \ friend ? | What cóun | trymán ?” T. of Sh. i. 2. 190. “Yield, my lórd, | protéct | or yí | eld, Wín | chestér.” I Hen. VI. iii. 1. 112 ("My" is dropped, 497.) “Mórt de | ma vi | e! I'f | they ríde "Drive him to Ró | me: 'tís (ít | is) "Card. Róme | shall réme | dy this. Glou. | | alóng. "" Hen. V. iii. 5. 11. tíme | we twain." A. and C. i. 4. 73 Roam thither, thén." 1 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 51. 3 Hen. VI. iv. 3. 14 "While he himself | kéeps in | the có | ld field." "Toad that |únder | cóld | stóne Dáys and nights has | thírty | óne.”—Macbeth, iv. 1. 6. "Go to the creáting | a whó | le tribe | of fóps." So scan 1 Lear, i. 2. 14. “Is gó | ads, thó | rns (485), nét | tles, táils | of wasps.” "" W. T. i. 2. 329. Joint | by jóint, | but wé | will knów | his púrpose.' " M. for M. v. I. 314. “What whéels, | racks, fíres? | What fláy | ing, bó | iling?" W. T. iii. 2. 177. "God save you, sír. | Where have you | been bró | iling?" | Hen. VIII. iv. 1. 56. "Of their | cwn chó | ice: óne | is Jún | ius Brútus." Coriol. i. I. 220. "What say you, bó | ys? Will you bide | with him ?" sáy | \ T. A. v. 2. 13. "Than in | my thought | it líes. | Good | my lórd.” A. W. v. 3. 184. It might be thought that in the above the prolongation rests on lies (lieth), but that we have also LENGTHENING OF WORDS 381 "Good | my lord, | give me | thy fav | our sull.” Temp. iv. 1. 204 "The good góds | will móck | me prés | entlý." A. and C. iii. 4. 15. "He straight | declín | ed, dró | op'd, tóok | it déeply." W. T. ii. 3. 14. "Tó it, boy! Már | cus, ló | ose when | I bíd.” ❘ T. A. iv. 3. 58. "Hours, mín | utes, nó | on, míd | night, ánd | all eyes. W. T. i. 2. 290. "But ró om, fái | ry, hére | comes O'b | erón." M. N. D. ii. 1. 58. "Bóot | less hóme | and wéath | er-béat | en báck." 1 Hen. IV. iii. 1. 67. "Pull off my bó | ot: hárd | er, hárd | er, só.' | "But moody and dú | Il mél | anchóly.” " Lear, iv. 6. 177. C. of E. v. 1. 79. Some may prefer to read "dull" as a monosyllable; but I can find no instance of "meláncholý" to justify such a scansion. In "Lear. To this | detést | ed gró | om. Gon. A't your choice, sir,' Lear, ii. 4. 220. either "groom" or "your" should be dissyllabized. Ou. "I' do wánder | évery | whére | | Swifter than the moon's sphére."-M. N. D. ii. 1. 7. "Which élse would frée | have wró | ught. A'll is well." | | Macbeth, ii. 1. 19. In "Should drink | his blood- | móunts | up tó | the áir." MARLOW, Edw. II. Collier (Hist. of British Stage, vol. iii.) thinks mounts the emphatic word to be dwelt on for the length of a dissyllable. Ow. "Own" is perhaps emphasized by repetition (or "Are" is a dissyllable, as "fare," "ere," "where," 480) in Oy. "Hel. Mine ówn | and nót | mine ó | wn. Dem. A're you sure? M. N. D. iv. 1. 189. The last syllable of "destroy" seems prolonged in "To fright them ére | destró | y. Bút | come in.” Coriol. iv 5. 149 382 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. U. It may be that "fume" is emphasized in 'She's tickled nów. | Her fú | me néeds | no spúrs." 2 Hen. VI. i 3. 153. (Unless "needs" is prolonged either by reason of the double vowel or because "needs" is to be pronounced "needeth.") "Trúe nobility ís | exémpt | from féar." 2 Hen. VI. iv. I. 129. Titania speaks in verse throughout, and therefore either "and" must be accented and "hoard" prolonged, or we must scan as follows: "The squír | rel's hóard, | and fétch | thee new |`núts.” M. N. D. iv. 1. 40. "Cord. That wants | the méans | to léad it. | Mess. News, | mádam.” Lear, iv. 4. 20. 485. Monosyllables containing a vowel followed by “r” are often prolonged. A. Ei. Thyr. Héar it | apár | t. Cleo. Nóne but friends: | say bóldly." A. and C. iii. 13. 47. Hó | ly séems | the quarrel Upón | his grá ce's párt; bláck | and féarful O'n the oppó ser.”—A. W. iii. 1. 5. | "Well fítt(ed) | in á | rts, gló | rióus | in árms." L. L. L. ii. 1. 45. "Strikes his breast há | rd, ánd | anón | he casts." Į | Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 117. "But could be willing | to má | rch ón | to Cálais." Hen. V. iii. 6. 150. "Hárk | ye, lórds, | ye sée | I have given | her physic." T. A. iv. 2. 162. "Look how he mákes | to Cæ's | ar, már | k hím.” 7. C. iii. 2. 18. "I dreamt | last night | óf the three wé | ird sisters." Macbeth, ii. 1. 20 (Folio, "weyard"). "A'nd be times I'❘ will tó | the wé | ird sisters." Ib. iii. 4. 133, iv. 1. 136. Or "will" is perhaps emphasized and the prefix in "betimes ignored. In either case "weird" is a dissyllable. "The weird sís | ters hánd | in hand."--Macbeth, i. 3. 32. " LENGTHENING of words. 383 1. 0. "A third thinks | without | expénse | at áll.' 1 Hen. VI. i. 1. 76. "Of Líon | el dúke | of Clárence, | the thi | rd són. Ib. ii. 5. 75. "To king | Edward | the thi | rd, whére | as hé.”—Ib. 76. "Bru. Spread fúr | thér (478). Men. One word móre, one word.” Coriol. iii. 1. 311. I. "Máke the prize light. One wór | d móre, | I charge thee."-Temp. i. 2. 452. Ham. One wór | d móre, | good lády. Queen. | What shall | I dó ?” Hamlet, iii. 4. 180. "Do more than thís | in spó | rt; fá | ther, father!" "Worse and worse! | She will not "Nót in the wó | rst ránk | of mán "Why só, brave ló | rds, whén | we | Lear, ii. 1. 37. cóme! | O, víle!" T. of Sh. v. 2. 93. hood, sáyt.” Macbeth, iii. I. 103. joín | in léague." T. A. iv. 2. 136. "My lord, will | it pléase | you páss | alóng. Rich. III. iï г. 110. "Of good | old A′| brahám. | Lórds | appellants. ("A'ppellants" is not Shakespearian.) "} Rich. II. iv. I. 104. “But téll | me, ís | young George Stán | ley líving?" or, possibly, Ou. • But téll me, I Is young George Stán | ley líving?" Ib. v. 5. 9. Henry doth claim the crown from John of Gaunt, The fourth són: | York cláims | it fróm | the third." 2 Hen. VI. ii. 2. 55. So, perhaps, And lóng live Hén | ry fourth of that náme." "Four" was often spelt "fower." "Hén(e)rý” in Richard II.) Rich. II. iv. I. 112. Henry" is not pronounced "Heart," not "you," ought to be emphatic in "Nót by the mát | ter whích | your héar | t prompts you." Coriol. iii. 2. 54. 384 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Probably we ought to arrange the difficult line, Macbeth, iv. I. 105, thus: "A'nd an | etérn | al cú | rse fáll | on yóu. Let me knów. Why sinks," &c. ? 486. Monosyllables are rarely prolonged except as in the above instances, In some cases, however, as in "bath, " "dance," a vowel varies very much in its pronunciation, and is often pro- nounced (though the incorrectness of the pronunciation would now be generally recognized) in such a way as to give a quasi-dissyllabic sound. "You and your crá | fts, you | have cráft | ed fáir." Coriol. iv. 6. 118. "I'f that you will | Fránce | win, | Thén with Scotland | first be | gín."-Hen. V. i. 2. 167. In a few other cases monosyllables are, perhaps, prolonged : "You shall read ús | the will. "Cas. Cícero bn | e? Mes. | Cæ's | ar's will!" 7. C. iii. 2. 153 Cíceró is déad.”—Ib. iv. 3. 179. "I' will | éver | bé your | héad, | Só be gone; you are | spéd."—M. of V. ii. 9. 72. "Then shall the realm | of A'lb | ión | Cóme to great | confús | ión."-Lear, iii. 2. 92. ¡ "For our best áct. | I'f we shall stá | nd still." (Can "all" have dropped out after Hen. VIII. i. 2. 85 shall ?") "The thánkings óf | a kí | ng. I am, sír." Cymb. v. 5. 407. "Hére she comes, | cúrst and | sád : Cúpid | ís a | knávish | lád.”—M. N. D. iii. 2. 439. "Well" (481) is prolonged as an exclamation, and perhaps there is a prolongation of the same sound in So, in "Mélted ás | the snów | séems to | me nów." M. N. D. iv. 1. 163. Coriol. i. I. 75. "The gó | ds, nót | the patríc | ians, máke | it, ánd,” "gods" is probably prolonged by emphasis, and the second "the" is not accented. So "most" in lengthening OF WORDS. 385 "With Tí | tus Lárcius, | a mó | st vál | iant Róman.” "Larcius" has probably but one accent. sometimes to have the accent. So, perhaps, Ang. Where práy | ers cró | ss. Isab. Coriol. i. 2. 14. However, "a" appears A't what hour | to-morrow?” M. for M. ii. 2. 159. "Drachm" (Folio "Drachme") is a dissyllable in "A't a crack'd drách | m! Cásh | ions, léad | en spóons." Coriol. i. 5. 6. 487. E mute pronounced. This is a trace of the Early English pronunciation. Es, s. "Your gráce | misták | es: ón | ly tó | be brief.” Rich. II. iii. 3. 9. "Who's thére, that knóck | (e)s só | impér | iously?" 1 Hen. VI. i. 3. 5. "Well, let them rést: | come híth | er, Cát | esbý. Rich. III. iii. 1. 157. "Here cómes | his sérv | ant. Hów | now, Cát | esbý ?” Ib. 7. 58. "Till áll thy bónes | with ách | es máke | thee róar.' | "} Temp. i. 2. 370. "A'ches contract, and stárve | your súp | ple joints." T. of A. i. 1. 257, v. I. 202. But this word seems to have been pronounced, when a noun, "aatch." At least it is made by Spenser, Sh. Cal. Aug. 4, to thyme with "matche." So "Send Có levile | with his | conféd | erátes." 2 Hen. IV. iv. 3. 79. Worcester, gét | thee gone! | For I' | do sée." 1 Hen. IV. i. 3. 15, iii. 1. 5, v. 5. 14 (Fol. omits "thee"). "We have; whereupón (497) | the earl of Wórc | estér." Rich. II. ii. 2. 58. So t Gloucester," 1 Hen. VI. i. 3. 4, 6, 62, and "O lóving uncle (465), | kind dúke | of Glóu | cestér.” "This is the flower that smiles on To show his teeth as white C C 1 Hen. VI. iii. r. 142. every one as whá | le's bóne." L. L. L v. 2. 332. 386 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. So, in a rhyming passage, "Whose shád | ow thé | dismiss | ed báche | lor loves Béing | lass-lórn; | thy póle | -clipt vín | e-yárd And thý | sea-márge, | stérile | and rock | y-hárd.” Temp. iv. 1. 68. "Ŝhe név | er hád | so swéet | a cháng | clíng.' Perhaps "Fran. They ván | ish'd stráng | ely. Seb. M. N. D. ii. 1. 23. No mát | ter, since.” Temp. iii. 3. 40. But see 506. Possibly "cradles" may approximate to a trisyllable, "crad(e)les (so "jugg(e)ler," &c. 477), in "" "Does thoughts | unvéil | in théir | dumb crá dlés." Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 200. Thee is probably not of French but of Latin origin in "statue : "" "She dreamt to-night | she saw | my stát | ué." F. C. ii. 2. 76. J. "Even at the Láse of Póm | pey's stát | ué.” Globe "statua." So in the plural : (Folio) Ib. iii. 2. 192. 'But like | dumb stát | ués | of breath | ing stónes.' Globe, "statuas." "No marble statua nor high Rich. III. iii. 7. 25 Aspiring pyramid be raised."-HABINGTON (Walker). 488. The "e" in commandment, entertainment, &c., which originally preceded the final syllable, is sometimes retained, and, even where not retained, sometimes pronounced. 'Be vál | ued 'gáinst | your wife's | commánd | (e)mént." * M. of V. iv. 1. 451. "From hím | I háve | expréss | commánd | (e)mént. * 1 Hen. VI. i. 3. 20. The e is inserted in "If to women he be bent They have at commandement."-P. P. 418. "Good sír, you'll give | them én | tertáin | (e)mént.” B. J. Fox, iii. 2, To beth cases the first folio inserts. In the former the folic reads against. LENGTHENING OF WORDS. 337 Perhaps an e is to be sounded between d and v in "Antony Wood | (e)ville, | her brother thére. Rich. III. i. 1. 67. 489. E final in French names is often retained in sound as well as spelling : “The mel | anchól | y gáq | ues grieves | at thát” A. Y. L. ii, 1. 26. “O mý | Parbll | es, théy | have márr | ied mé.” A. W. ii. 3. 289. "" "His gráce | is át | Marséill | es, tó | which pláce.” Ib. iv. 3. 9; T. of Sh. ii. 1. 377. "Daughter | to Chár | lemáin, | who wás | the són." Hen. V. i. 2. 75. "Guiénne, | Champág | ne, Rhé | ims, O'r | leáns. "" I Hen. VI. i. 1. 60. "This prínce | Montáig | ne, if | he bé | no more. “He cán | not sáy | but thát | Montáig | ne yét. "Now E'speránc | e, Pér | cy, and | "Cáll'd the brave lórd | Pónton | de DANIEL (on Florio). set ón.” 1 Hen. IV. v. 2. 97. Sáu | traillés.” 1 Hen. VI. i. 4. 28. "Díeu de battái | lles! Whére | have théy | this méttle?” Hen. V: iii. 5. 15. So in "Vive :" >> "Vive | le roi,' | as I' | have bánk'd their tówns. K. J. v. 2. 104. Thus, perhaps, we may explain the apparent trisyllabic "marshal” by a reference to "mareschal :" "Great már | (e)shál | to Hén | (e)rý (477) | the Sixth." 1 Hen. VI. iv. 7. 70. With winged háste | to the | lord már | (e)shál." On the other hand, the influence of the "marshall" a quasi-monosyllable in 1 Hen. IV. iv. 4. 2. (see 463) seems to make "Lord márshal, | commánd | our óff | icérs at árms." Rich. II. i. 1. 204. The i in the French "capitaine" is invisibly active in t A wise | stout cáp | (1)táin, | and sóon | persuaded." 3 Hen. VI. iv. 7. 30; Macbeth, i. 2. 34 CC 2 388 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. ACCENT. 49C, Words in which the accent is nearer the end than with us. "" (( Many words, such as "edict," "outrage," contract," &c., are accented in a varying manner. The key to this inconsistency is, perhaps, to be found in Ben Jonson's remark that all dissyllabic nouns, if they be simple, are accented on the first. Hence "edict" and "outrage" would generally be accented on the first, but, when they were regarded as derived from verbs, they would be accented on the second. And so, perhaps, when "exile" is regarded as a person, and therefore a simple" noun, the accent is on the first, but when as "the state of being exiled," it is on the last. But naturally, where the difference is so slight, much variety may be expected. Ben Jonson adds that "all verbs coming from the Latin, either of the supine or otherwise, hold the accent as it is found in the first person present of those Latin verbs; as from célebrs, célebrate." Without entering into the details of this rule, it seerns probable that "edíct, "precépt," betray Latin influence. The same fluctuation between the English and French accent is found in CHAUCER (Prof. Child, quoted by Ellis, E. E. Pronunc. i. 369), who uses "batáille, C. T. 990, and "bátail," ib. 2099: "For- túne," ib. 917, and "fórtune," ib. 927; "daungér," and "dáunger." Abjéct (Latin). —“Wé are | the queen's | abjects, | and múst | obéy.” Rich. III. i. 1. 106. But if the monosyllable "queen" be emphasized, we may scan "We are the qué | en's ábjects, | and múst | obéy." Accéss (Latin).-W. T. v. 1. 87. Aspéct (Latin).—A. and C. i. 5. 33; T. N. i. 4. 28. Charácters.—“I sáy | withóut | charác | ters fáme | lives lóng.” Rich. III. iii. 1. 81; Hamlet, i. 3. 59. Comméndable. "Thanks fáith, | for silence | is only | commend | ablé In a néat's tongue dried and a máid | not vénd | iblé." M. of V. i. I. 111. This shows how we must scan “’Tis swéet and (497) | comménd | able ín | your ná | ture, Hámlet.Hamlet, i. 2. 87. ACCENT. 389 But, on the other hand, "And power, | untó | itsélf | most com | mendáble.' Commerce (Latin).—So arrange Coriol. iv. 7. 51. "Péaceful | commerce | from dí | vidá- | ble shores." Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 105. Confiscate (Latin).—C. of E. i. I. 21 ; but "cónfiscáte," ib. i. 2. 2. Consort (Latin).- -"What say'st | thou? Wilt thou bé | of our | consort?"-T. G. of V. iv. 1. 64. Edmund. He was of thát | consórt. Reg. Yes, madam, No már | vel, then." Lear, ii. 1. 99. Contráry (Latin)." Our wills | and' fátes | do só | contrá | ry rún.” Hamlet, iii. 2. 221. Contract (Latin). “Márk our | contract. | Márk your | divórce, | young sir." W. T. iv. 4. 428; A. IV. ii. 3. 185; 1 Hen. VI. iii. I. 143, v. 4. 156; Rich. III. iii. 7. 5, 6; Temp. ii. I. 151. Compact (Latin, noun).-Rich. III. ii. 2. 133; 7. C. iii. 1. 215. Différent (Latin). — "And múch différ | ent fróm | the mán | he wás.”—C. of E. v. 1. 46. Here, however, by emphasizing the monosyllable "much," the word "different" may be pronounced in the usual way. Edict (Latin).—2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 258, and 1 "It stands | as án | edict | in dés | tiný.” Effigies (Latin unaltered). M. N. D. i. 1. 151. "And ás | mine éye | doth his | effi | gies witness." Envý (verb; noun, énvy). A. Y. L. ii. 7. 193. "I's it for him | you dó | envý | me só?"-T. of Sh. ii. 1. 18. Executors.-Hen. V. i. 2. 203 is not an instance, for it means "executioners." In its legal sense, Ib. iv. 2. 51, it is accented as with us. Exile (Latin).—R. and J. v. 3. 211 (frequent). Instinct (noun, Latin). “Háth, by | instinct, | knówledge | from óth | ers' éyes." 2 Hen, IV, i 188 390 SHAKESPEARÍAN GRAMMAR. "Bý a | divíne | instinct | men's minds | mistrúst. Rich. III. ii. 3. 42; Coriol. v. 3. 35. Intó.---See 457 a. Miséry. Some commentators lay the accent on the penultimate in "Of súch | misér | y dóth | she cút | me off," M. of V. iv. I. 272. but much more probably a " has dropped out after "such." The passage 'And búss thee ás | thy wife. | Miser | y's love," K. 7. iii. 4. 35. proves nothing. The pause-accent is sufficient to justify "mísery." Nothing.-See Something, below. Obdúrate (Latin).-3 Hen. VI. i. 4. 142; M. of V. iv. 1. 8; T. A. ii. 3. 160; R. of L. 429. "A'rt thou obdú | rate, flín | ty, hárd | as stéel?" 1 V. and A. 198. Opportune (Latin).-"And móst | oppórt | une tó | our néed | I háve."-W. T. iv. 4. 511. "The most oppórt | une pláce, | the strong'st | suggestion." Temp. iv. 1. 26. Outrage.- -1 Hen. VI. iv. 1. 126. Peremptory (perhaps). "Yea, mistress, áre | you só | perémp | tóry?" ¡P. of T. ii. 5. 73. This accentuation is not found elsewhere in Shakespeare: but the author of Pericles of Tyre may have used it. It is possible, however, to scan 'Yea, mís | t(e)réss (477), | are you | so pé | rempt(o)rý ?” Porténts. "Thése are portents: | but yét | I hópe, | I hópe." Othello, v. 2. 45. So 1 Hen. IV. ii. 3. 65; Tr. and Cr. i. 3. 96. Hence "fear" is not a dissyllable in "A pród | igý | of féar, | ánd a | portént.” 1 Hen. IV. v. i. 20. If "and" is correct, we must probably scan as follows: "And these doth she applý | for wárn | ings and | portents.' J. C. ii. 2. 80. Precepts (Latin).-Hen. V. iii. 3. 26; but "précepts," Hamld, ii. 2. 142. ACCENT. 391 Préscience retains the accent of science, indicating that the word was not familiar enough as yet to be regarded as other than a compound : "Forestáll | presch | ence and | estéem | no áct." 1'r. and Cr. i: 3. 199. Record (noun, Latin).-Rich. III. iii. 1. 72, iv. 4. 28; T. N. v. 1. 253. Sepúlchre (Latin). -"Bánish'd | this "Bánish'd | this fráil | sepúl | chre óf | our flésh.' Rich II. i. 3. 194. "Or, át | the léast, | in hérs | sepúl | chre thine." T. G. of V. iv. 2. 118. May likewise bé | sepúl | chred in thy sháde." R. of L. 805; and, perhaps, Lear, ii. 4. 134. Sinister (Latin). -"'Tis nó | sinís | ter nór | no áwk | ward cláim." Hen. V. ii. 4. 85. So, but comically, in "And this the crán | ny ís, | right and | sinister, Through which | the féar | ful lóvers áre | to whisper. M. N. D. v. I. 164. Sojourn'd (perhaps) in My heart | to hér | but ás | guest-wise | sojóurn'd.” But (?) emphasize "her," and scan Ib. iii. 2. 171. "My heart | to hér | bút | as guest- | wise sójourn'd.' Something (sometimes perhaps). "My inward | sóul At nó | thing trémb | les: át | something | it grieves." Rich. II. ii, 2. 12. Compare perhaps "And I'| nothing | to báck | my súit | at áll." Rich. III. i. 1. 236. I. But, if "I" be emphasized, "nothing" may be pronounced as usual, “I féar | nothing | what máy | be sáid | agáinst me. Hen. VIII. i. 2. 212. But "fear" may be a dissyllable, 480. Sweetheart.—Hen. VIII. i. 4. 94: heart being regarded as a noun instead of the suffix -ard. Triumphing (Latin) sometimes. "As 'twére | triúmph | ing át | mine én | emíes.' Untó.-See 457 a. Rich. III. iii. 4. 91. Welcome.—“Nor friends, | nor fóes, | to mé | welcome | you áre," Rich. II. ii. 3. 170. 392 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. This particular passage may be explained by a pause, but “wel- cóme" is common in other authors. Wherefore (in some cases), though it can often be taken as "thére- fore," and explained by a preceding pause. Perhaps "O'ft have | you (óft | en have | you thanks | therefore)." Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 20. "And wé | must yéarn | therefore.”—Hen. V. ii. 3. 6. "Hate mé! | Wherefore? | O mé! | what news, | my love." M. N. D. iii. 2. 272. "For the sound mán. | Déath on | my státe, | wherefore?" Lear, ii. 4. 113. But better "Death on my state! (512) Wherefore should hé | sit hére? | This áct | persuades me. 491. Ised, when ending polysyllables, generally has now a certain emphasis. This is necessary, owing to the present broad pronunciation of i. Such polysyllables generally have now two accents, the principal accent coming first. But in Shakespeare's time it would seem that the i approximated in some of these words to the French i, and, the -ed being pronounced, the i in -ised was unemphatic. Hence the Elizabethan accent of some of these words. differs from the modern accent. Advertised." As I' | by friends | am wéll | advért | iséd. >> Rich. III. iv. 4. 501. Wherein he might | the king | his lórd | advertise." Hen. VIII. ii. 4. 178. "I wás | advért | ised théir | great gén | eral slépt." So M. for M. i. 1. 42. Chástised." And whén | this árm | of míne Tr. and Cr. ii. 2. 111. | hath chás | tiséd.” Rich. III. iv. 4. 331. "This cause of Róme, | and chás | tiséd | with arms." This explains: Canonized. T. A. i. 1. 32. "Canón | izéd, and wór | shipp'd ás | a sáint.” A. F. iii. 1. 177. "Whý thy | canón | iz'd bónes, | hearsed in death." Hamlet, i. 4. 47 ACCENT. 393 "Are brá | zen im | age(s) [471] óf | canón | iz'd sáints." Authorized. 2 Hen. VI. i. 3. 63. "Authoriz'd bý | her grán dam. Sháme itself.” Macbeth, iii. 4. 66. "Authorizing | thy trés | pass with | compáre.”—Sonn. 35. "His rúde | ness só | with his | author | iz'd youth.” L. C. 104. So once : Solémnised.—“Of Já | ques Fál | conbridge | solém | niséd." L. L. L. ii. 1. 42. But in M. of V. "sólemnised." 492. Words in which the accent was nearer the begin- ning than with us. Ben Jonson (p. 777) says all nouns, both dissyllabic (if they be "simple") and trisyllabic, are accented on the first syllable. Perhaps this accounts for the accent on confessor, &c. The accent on the first syllable was the proper noun accent; the accent on the second (which in the particular instance of conféssor ultimately prevailed) was derived from the verb. 1 Archbishop.-"The már | shal ánd | the árch | bishóp | are strong." 2 Hen. IV. ii. 3. 42, 65. Cément (noun). "Your témples búrn | ed ín | their cé | ment ánd.” So the verb, A. and C. ii. 1. 48; iii. 2. 29. Cómpell'd (when used as an adjective). Coriol. iv. 6. 85. "This compell'd fór | tune, háve | your mouth | fill'd úp." Hen. VIII. ii. 3. 87. "I talk not of | your sóul: | our cóm | pell'd síns." M. for M. ii. 4. 57. Cómplete.-"A máid | of gráce | and cóm | plete máj | estý.” L. L. L. i. I. 137 So Hamlet, i. 4. 52; Hen. VIII. i. 2. 118; Rich. III. iii. 1. 189, Conceal'd.- My conceal'd lá | dy tó | her cán | cell'd love.” R. and F. iii. 3. 98 Conduct.--The verb follows the noun "safe-cónduct" in “Safe-cón | ducting | the réb | els fróm | their ships." Rich. III. iv. 4 483. But the noun is conduct in T. A. iv. 3. 65. 394 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Confessor.-Hen. VIII. i. 2. 149; R. and J. ii. 6. 21, iii. 3. 49. Į. 'O'ne of | our có (sic) | vent ánd | his cón | fessor." M. for M. iv. 3. 133 Congeal'd.—" O'pen their congeal'd mouths | and bléed | afrésh."-Rich, IÏÏ, i. 2. 56. III. Conjure (in the sense of "entreat").-T. G. of V. ii. 7. 2; frequent. Consign'd." With distinct breath, and cón | sign'd kiss | es to them."-Tr. and Cr. iv. 4. 47. See "distinct" below. Córrosive." Cáre is | no cúre, | but rá | ther cór | rosive." 1 Hen. VI. iii. 3. 3; 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 403. Délectable.—“ Máking | the hárd | way sóft | and dé | lectable." Rich. II. ii. 3. 7. Détestable." And I' will kiss | thy dé testá | ble bónes." K. 7. iii. 4. 29; T. of A. iv. I. 33. M. of V. ii. 9. 61. Distinct. -"To offénd | and júdge | are distinct óff | icés." See "consign'd" above. Enginer. See Pioner below. Forlorn.-"Now fór | the hón | our óf | the fór | lorn Frénch." 1 Hen. VI. i. 2. 19. Húmane.—“ It is | the húm | ane way, | the other course." Coriol. iii. 1. 327. Maintain." That hére | you máin | tain sév | eral fác | tións." 1 Hen. VI. i. I. 71. Máture. So apparently in "Of múrder | ous léchers: |ánd in | the má | ture tíme.” Lear, iv. 6. 228. This is like "náture," but I know no other instance of "máture." Méthinks (sometimes). "So your sweet húe | which mé | thinks stíll | doth stand." Sonn. 104. I cannot find a conclusive instance in Shakespeare, but this word is often (Walker) thus accented in Elizabethan writers. Mútiners.-Coriol. i. 1. 255. See Ploners below. Myself (perhaps, but by no means certainly, in) "I myself fight | not ónce | in fór | ty yéar.” i Hen. VI. 1. 3. 91. But certainly himself, myself, &c. are often found in Elizabethan authors, especially in Spenser : ACCENT 395 "Mourns inwardly and makes to himselfe mone. SPENS. F. Q. ii. 1. 42. The reason for this is that self, being an adjective and not a noun, is not entitled to, and had not yet invariably received, the emphasis which it has acquired in modern times. And so, perhaps : "And banding them | selves ín | contra (490) | ry párts." I Hen. VI. iii. I. 81. Northampton.-"Last night | I hear they lay at North- | ampton."-Rich. III. ii. 4. 1. Obscure (adj.; as a verb, obscúre). "To ríb | her cére | cloth ín | the ób | scure gráve. M. of V. ii. 7. 51. 'His méans of death, his 66 | scure fú | nerál." Hamlet, iv. 5. 213. Observant. "Than twenty síll | y dúcking 6b | servánts.” “Than | Lear, ii. 2. 109. Perséver-"Ay, dó, | perséver, counterféit | sad looks." M. N. D. iii. 2. 236; d. IV. iii. 7. 31; K. 7. ii. 1. 421; Hamlet, i. 2. 92. This is the Latin accent in accordance with Ben Jonson's rule. Bóunty, | persév | (e)rance, mér | cy, lów | linėss.” Macbeth, v. 3. 93. Perspective.A. W. v. 3. 48; Rich. II. ii. 2. 18. The double accent seems to have been disliked by the Eliza- bethans. They wrote and pronounced "muleters" for "muleteers," enginer" (Hamlet, iii. 4. 206) for " engineer," "pioners" for pioneers." This explains: Pioners.-"A worth | y pioner. | Once more | remóve, | good friends."Hamlet, -Hamlet, i. 5. 162. Plebeians (almost always). "The pléb | eiáns | have gót | your fél | low-tribune." Coriol. v. 4. 39; i. 9. 7, &c. This explains "Let them have cúsh | ions bý you. | You're pléb | ciáns.” Ib. iii. 1. 101. Exceptions: Hen. V. v. Chorus, 27; T. . i. 1. 231. So "Epicurean" in Elizabethan authors and A. and C. ii. 1. 21 The Elizabethans generally did not accent the e in such words. 396 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Pursuit. -- "In púr suit óf | the thing | she would have stáy." Sonn. 143 "We trí | fle tíme. | I prí | thee púr | sue sentence. "} M. of V. iv. 1. 298. Purveyor.-"To bé | his púr | veyór: | but hé | rides wéll." Macbeth, i. 6. 22. Quintessence. Téaching áll that | réad to | knów The quint | essence of év | ery spríte."-A. Y. L. iii. 2. 147. | | "To bé | spoke tó | but by | the ré | cordér." Rich. III. iii. 7. 30. Récordér (?). So also Walker, who quotes from DONNE's Satires, v. 248, Ed. 1633: "Recorder to Destiny on earth, and she." But this line might be scanned otherwise. Rélapse:—“Kílling | in ré | lapse óf | mortál | itý." Hen. V. iv. 3. 107. Rhéumatic.—“ O'erwórn, | despís | ed, rhéu | matic, | and óld.” V. and A. 135; M. N. D. ii. 1. 105. "These prág | matic | young mén | at théir | own weapons, B. J. So "} Sécure.-"Upón | my sé | cure hóur | thy ún | cle stóle." Hamlet, i. 5. 61; Othello, iv. 1. 72. Séquester'd." Why are you sé | questér'd | from áll | your tráin ?" T. A ii. 3. 75. Successor (rare). "For being not própp'd by án | cestrý | whose gráce Chalks successors their way, nor cáll'd | upón," &c. Hen. VIII. i. 1. 60. Successive (rare).- -"Are nów | to have no succ | essive | degrées." Towards (sometimes). M. for M. ii. 2. 98. "And shall contín | ue our grác | es tó | wards him.” Macbeth, i. 6. 30. “I gó, | and tó | wards thrée | or fóur | o'clock." Rich. III. iii. 5. 101. Compare "Should, like | a swáll | ow préy | ing tó | wards stórms." B. J. Poetast. iv. 7. “O'the plague, | he's safe | from think | ing tó | ward Lóndon.” B. J. Alchemist, i. 1. VERSES. 397 So, perhaps, "I ám infórmed that hé | comes tó | wards London." | | 3 Hen. VI. iv. 4. 26. "And tó | ward Lón | don they | do bénd | their course." Rich. III. iv. 5. 14. U'tensils (perhaps). "He has brave utensils; for so he calls them." Without.-See 457a. Temp. iii. 2. 104. The English tendency, as opposed to the Latin, is illustrated by the accentuation of the first syllable of "ígnominy," and its con- sequent contraction into "ignomy" (1 Hen. IV. v. 4. 100, &c.). VERSES. 493. A proper Alexandrine with six accents, such as- "And now | by winds | and wáves | my life | less límbs | are tóssed, DRYDEN. Į is seldom found in Shakespeare. 494. Apparent Alexandrines. The following are Alexan- drines only in appearance. The last foot contains, instead of one extra syllable, two extra syllables, one of which is slurred (see 467-9):- "The numbers of our hóst | and máke | discovery (dis- cov'ry)."—Macbeth, v. 4. 6. "He thinks me nów | incáp | ablé; | confederates.” Tempest, i. 2. 111. "In vír | tue thán | in vén | geance: they | being pénitent.” Ib. v. 1. 28. "And more | divérs | itý | of sounds | all horrible.”—Ib. 235. 'In bítt | ernéss. | The cómm | on éx | ecutioner." A. Y. L. iii. 5. 3. "I see no more | in yóu | than in | the ordinary."—Ib. 42. | "Were rich and hón | ourable; | besides | the gentlemen." T. G. of V. iii. 1. 64. "Which since I have steád | ed múch; | so, óf | his gentle- ness. -Temp. i. 2. 165; Rich. III. v. 3. 245; Hen. V. ii. 2. 71. "} For the contraction of "gentleman" to gentl'man," or even "genman," see 461. 398 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Are you not grieved that A'r thur is his prisoner (468)?"—K. 7. iii. 4. 123. "And I'must frée | ly háve | the hálf | of anything." M. of V. iii. 2. 251. "To másk❘ thy mónst | rous vísage. | Seek nóne | con spiracy.”—J. C. ii. 1. 81. "Had he been váng | u(i)sher, ás, | bý the same cove nant."―Hamlet, i. 1. 93. "My lord, I cáme | to sée | your fá | ther's funeral." Ib. i. 2. 176. "Untáint | ed, ún | exám | in'd, frée, | at liberty." Rich. III. iii. 6. 9. "And só | doth mine. | I múse | why she's | at liberty." So, perhaps, Ib. i. 3. 305. From tóo | much lí | bertý, | my Lú | cio, liberty." 2. 129. وو M. for M. "A'bsolute Mí | lan. Mé, | poor mán, | my library. Tempest, i. 2. 109. "Shall sée | advánt | ageá | ble fór | our dignity." unless "advántage | able fór | .” Hen. V. v. 2. 88. 495. Sometimes the two syllables are inserted at the end of the third or fourth foot-- "The flúx of cómpany. | Anón | a cáre | less hérd." A. Y. L. ii. I. 52. "To cáll for récompense; | appéar | it tó | your mind." Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 3. "Is not so éstima | ble, pró | fitá | ble néither. "O'erbéars your ófficers; the ráb | M. of V. i. 3. 167. ble cáll | him lórd.” Hamlet, iv. 5. 102. "To mé invéterate, | héarkens | my brother's súit." Temp. i. 2. 122. "With áll | prerógative. | Hénce his | ambít | ion grówing. Ib. i. 2. 105. " "In báse | appliance(s) (471). | This out | ward sáint | ed députy (468)."-M. for M. iii. 1. 89. "Than wé | bring mén | to comfort them ('em). | The fault's Į your own."--Tempest, ii. 1. 134-5. VERSES. 399 496. In other cases the appearance of an Alexandrine arises from the non-observance of contractions- "I dáre | abíde | no lónger (454). | Whither (466) should | I flý?"—Macbeth, iv. 2. 73. "She lé | vell'd át | our púr | pose(s) (471), £nd, | being (470) royal."-A. and C. v. 2. 339. "All mortal cónse | quence(s) (471) háve | pronounced | me thús.”—Macbeth, v. 3. 5. "As mísers dó | by béggars (454); | neither (466) gáve | to mé."-Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 142. 497. Apparent Alexandrines. The following can be ex- plained by the omission of unemphatic syllables :- Hor. Háil to your lordship. | Ham. | I am (I'm) glád | to sée | you wéll." Hamlet, i. 2. 160. 'Whereóf he is the (he's th') héad; | then if he says he loves you."-Ib. i. 3. 24. "Thou art swórn | as déeply | to (t') efféct | what wé | inténd."-Rich. III. iii. I. 158. "I had thought, | my lórd, | to have learn'd | his health | of you."-Rich. II. ii. 3. 24. "That trace him | in his (in's) líne. | No boast | ing like | a fool."-Macbeth, iv. 1. 153. "In séeming to augmént | it wástes | it. Bé | advís'd." Hen. VIII. i. 1. 145. "When mír(a) | cles háve | by the great | est béen | denied." A. W. ii. 1. 144. "Persuades me it is (t's) otherwise; | howe'er it bé." Rich. III. ii. 2. 29. "A worthy off (i)cer | i' the war, | but in | solént." Coriol. iv. 6. 30. "I promise you I' am ('m) | afráid | to héar | you tell it. Tb. i. 4. 65. "Come, sister, cóusin | I would ('ld) sáy, mé."-Rich. II. ii. 2. 105. | pray pár | don “That_máde | them dó it ('t). | They are (re) wise | ana hón (ou)ráble."-7. C. iii. 2. 218. "With all preróg(a)tive; ¦ hénce his | ambít | ion grów. ing."-Tempest, i. 2. 105. "Mine éyes even sóc | iablé | to the show | of thíne." Ib. v. 1. 63. I. 400 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "As great | to mé | as láte ; | and suppórt | ablé.” Temp. v. I. 146 unless "supportable" can be accented on the first. "Ostentation" is perhaps for "ostention" (Walker), and "the " is "th'," in "The ostentation of our love which, left unshown." A. and C. iii. 6. 52. "Is" ought probably to be omitted in "With gól | den chéru | bims (is) frétted; | her án | diróns." Cymb. ii. 4. 88. | here—what's | her "So saucy with the hand | of shé náme?”—A. and C. iii. 13. 98. "Come Lám | mas éve | at night | shall she bé | fourtéen.' R. and F. i. 3. 17. J. “Of óffic(467) | er, (465) and óff | ice sét | all hearts | in the (i' th') státe.' Tempest, i. 2. 84. "Uncouple (465) in the (i' th') wést | ern váll | ey, lét | them gó. "-M. N. D. iv. J. 112. "Cóme to one márk; as mány | ways méet in | one town."-Hen. V. i. 2. 208. "Verbátim to rehearse | the méth | od óf | my pén. 1 Hen. VI. iii. 1. 13. " The following is intended to be somewhat irregular : “Now bý | mine hón | our, bý | my life, | by my tróth. Rich. II. v. 2. 78. We must probably scan as an ordinary line, "That seeming | to be most which wé | indéed | least áre," T. of Sh. v. 2. 175. since it rhymes with an ordinary line, “Our strength | as weak, | our weakness pást | compáre." The following can be explained by the quasi-omission of unem- phatic syllables: Awáy though párt | ing bé | a dréad | ful córr(o)sive." 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 403. 'Córrosive," as in 1 Hen. VI. iii. 3. 3, is accented on the first, and here pronounced "corsive." "Bút with a knáve of cómm | on híre, | a gónd(o)lier.' Othello, i. I. 126. "Our" is not a dissyllable, but "ag'd" is a monosyllable in "But love, dear lóve, | and óur | ag'd fá | ther's right. Lear, iv. 4. 28 VERSES, 401 So perhaps "An ág'd | intér | pretér | though young | in years." T. of A. v. 3. 6 498. Alexandrines doubtful. There are several apparent Alexandrines, in which a shortening of a preposition would reduce the line to an ordinary line. "Upon," for instance, might lose its prefix, like "gainst" for "against." To look | upon my sóme | time más | ter's róy | al fáce." Rich. II. ii. 5. 75. "Forbids to dwell upon; yét | remé.n | ber this." 1 Rich. III. v. 3. 239. whiles a more fróst | y M. for M. i. 4. 5. Upon our house('s) (471) thátch, people.”—Hen. V. iii. 5. 24. Upon the sisterhood, | the vó | tarists óf | St. Cláre." "Brut. "Is like | to lay upon us (on's). Cass. | I'm glad that mý | weak words." F. C. i. 2. 176. "Is góne | to práy | the hó | ly kíng | upon his (on's) áid." Macbeth, iii. 6. 30. So "to" (or "in," 457a) in "into may be dropped in "Fall into the cóm | pass óf | 2 præ' | muníre." Hen. VIII. iii. 2. 340. "The watches | on únto | mine éyes | the óut | ward wátch." Rich. II. v. 4. 52. "Ráther a ditch | in Egypt (?) Be gentle grave unto me. Ráther on Ni | lus' múd." A. and C. v. 2. 58. Gentle" is a quasi-monosyllable, see 465; "rather," see 466. So Walker reads "to" for "unto" in "Unto a poor, but worth y gént | lemán. | She's wédded, "-Cymb. i. 1. 7. and observes, "Unto and into have elsewhere, I think, taken the place of to." Perhaps the second line of the rhyming couplet is purposely lengthened in In "I'am for the air; this night | I'll spend Un'to | a dís | mal ánd | a fát | al énd."-Macb. iii. v. 21. "Better to leave undone, than by our deed Acquire too high a fame when him we serve's away," D D A. and C iii. 1. 15 402 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. we might arrange "Better léave | undóne, | than bý | our déed | acquire." Or the latter line might be (but there is not pause enough to make it probable) a trimeter couplet. (See 501.) "At Má | rián | a's house | to-night. | Her cáuse | and yours," M. for M. iv. 3. 145. must be an Alexandrine, unless in the middle of the line "Mariana" can be shortened like "Marian," as "Helena" becomes "Helen " (M. N. D. i. 1. 208). Compare “For Már | iana's sáke: | but ás | he adjúdg'd | your brother.” M. for M. v. I. 408. The following seem pure Alexandrines, or nearly so, if the text be correct :- "How dares (499) | thy hársh | rude tóngue | sound this | unpléasing news."-Rich. II. iii. 4. 74. Suspicion, áll | our lives, | shall bé | stuck full of eyes. 1 Hen. IV. v. 2. 8. "A chér | ry líp, | a bón | ny éye, | a páss | ing pléas | ing tongue. "Rich. III. i. 1. 94. "To the young Ró | man bóy | she hath sóld | me ánd | I fáll.”—A. and C. iv. 12. 48. "And thése | does shé | applý | for wárn | ings ánd | por- ténts.". C. iii. 1. 23. This is the Shakespearian accent of "portent" (490), but perhaps ઃઃ and" should be omitted. "Out of a great | deal óf | old ír | on I' | chose fórth." I Hen. VI. i. 2. 101. It is needless to say that Shakespeare did not write this line, whether it be read thus or Out of a great déal | of old | iron I' | chose forth." In ""Tis hé that sént | us híth | er nów | to slaugh | ter thée," Rich. III. i. 4. 250. "hither" (466) may be a monosyllable, and then we can read “"Tis hé | that sént us | .' "" The latter line in the following couplet seems to be an Alex- andrine : "Of what it is not: thén, | thrice-grác | ious quéen, More than your lord's | depárt | ure wéep | not: móre's not séen."-Rich. II. ii. 2. 25, v. 4. 110. VERSES. 403 Sometimes apparent Alexandries will be reduced to ordinary lines, if exclamations such as "O," "Well," &c. be considered (512) as detached syllables. "Vol. That they | combine | not thére. | Cor. Men. (Tush, tush!) A good demánd.” Coriol. iii. 2. 45. (Well,) | O'n to the márk | et pláce." "Coriol. The óne | by the other. | Com. Ib. iii. 1. 112. "Sic. 'Tis hé, | 'tis hé: |(0,) he's grówn | most kind | of láte."-Ib. iv. 6. 11. Upón | the Brit | ish párty. | (0,) untíme | ly death." Lear, iv. 6. 25. In the last two examples "O" might coalesce with the following vowel. But see also 503 and 512. 499. Apparent Alexandrines are sometimes regular verses of hve accents preceded or followed by a foot, more or less isolated, containing one accent. “¡Shall I) With bated breath and whispering humbleness || Say this. Fair sír, | you spít | on mé | on Wéd | nesday lást."—M. of V. i. 3. 126. "Have I || No friend | will rid | me óf | this lív | ing féar?" Rich. II. v. 4. 2. The "No" is emphatic, and there is a slight pause after "I.” Whip him, || Were't twén | ty óf | the great | est tríb | u- táries."—A. and C. iii. 13. 96. "Come, cóme, || No more | of thís | unpróf | itá | ble chát.' x Hen. IV. iii. 1. 63. "There cannot be those numberless offences 'Gáinst me, || that I'| cannót | take péace | with: nó | black énvy."-Hen. VIII. ii. 1. 85. "A's you are cért | ainlý | a gén | tlemán, || thereto, Clerk-like | expéri | énced."—W. T. i. 2. 391. 'Besides, || I like | you nót. | I'f you | will knów | my house." A. Y. L. iii. 5. 74. "Which to dený | concerns | móre than | aváils, For as thy brát | hath béen | cast out | like to | itself." W. T. iii. 2. 87. Wére there 'Twere néed "Só it should nów, necéss | itý | in your requést, || although ful I' denied it.”—75. i. 2. 22. | DD 2 404 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. "Máking | práctis'd smiles I A's in a look | ing gláss, | and then | to sigh, || as 'twére The mort o' the déer."-W. T. i. 2. 117. The context might perhaps justify a pause after "well" in "Flor. To háve | them ré | compénsed | as thought | on. Cam. || Well, my lord.' W. T. iv. 4. 532. But better "To have them (ť have 'em) ré | compénsed." "His training such | That he may fúrnish and instruct | great teachers, And név er séek | for áid | óut of | hinsélf. Yet see," &c. -Hen. VIII. i. 2. 114. || Do something míng | le with our younger brown, Whát, girl! | though gréy || yet há' we A bráin," &c.-A. and C. iv. 8. 21. "A cértain number, Though thanks | to áll, | múst I select | from áll. The rést Shall béar," | &c. -Coriol. i. 6. 81; i. 7. 2. "And the buildings of my fancy. Only- There's one thing wanting which I doubt not but." Ib. ii. 1. 216. Collier transposes "only" and "but " to the respectively follow- ing lines. The line "So to esteem of us and on our knees we beg," ought probably to be arranged thus: So "Só to estéem of ús, and ón | our knées | We bég as ré | compénse | of our | dear sérvices (471).” W. T. ii. 3. 150. "Whom I' with thís | obé | dient stéel, | three inches (471) of it."-Temp. ii. 1. 283; i.e. "three ínch of't." So transpose "tis,” i. e. "it is," to the preceding line in “York. I féar, | I féar,— | Duch What should you féar? | ('Tis) Nothing bút | some bónd that hé is | into."-Rich. II. v. 2. 65. "I do" must be omitted (456) before "beseech you" in It is ént | er'd énter'd "(I do) beseech | you, pár | don mé, | I máy | not show it. Go Cymb. 1. 6. 48. lb. 70. VERSES. 405 500. Trimeter Couplet. Apparent Alexandrines are often couplets of two verses of three accents each. They are often thus printed as two separate short verses in the Folio. But the degree of separateness between the two verses varies greatly. Thus perhaps― "Whére it | may sée | itsélf; || this is not stránge | at áll." Tr. and Cr. iii. 3. 111. "That has he knows | not whát. || Náture, | what things | there áre."—Ib. iii. 3. 127. And certainly in the following: "Anne. I would | I knew | thy heart. || Glou. 'Tis fíg | ured ín | my tongue. Anne. I féar me bóth | are false. || Glou. Then név | er mán¦ was true. Anne. Well, wéll, | put úp | your swórd. || Glou. Say then | my péace is made."-Rich. III. i. 2. 193. "Ful. I would | I knew | his mind. || Luc. Perúse | this pá | per, mádam. Jul. ‘To Jú | lia.’ Sáy, | from whóm? | Luc. Thát the | conténts will shéw. Jul. Say, sáy, | who gave | it thée ?"-T. G. of V. i. 2. 33-7. "Luc. Go tó; 'tis well; | away! || Isab. Heaven keep your hón our safe. M. for M. ii. 2. 156. "Isab. Shall I attend | your lordship? || A. At án | y tíme | 'fore noon."-Ib. 160-9; ii. 4. 104, 141. "Ros. The hour | that fools | should ásk. || B. Now fáir | befáll | your másk. Ros. Fair fall | the fáce | it covers. || B. And sénd | you má | ny lóvers."-L. L. L. ii. I. 123. "Ang. Why dóst | thou ásk | again? | Prov. Lést I might bé too rásh. Prov. Repént | ed ó’er | his dóom. || Ang. Go tó, | let thát be mine! Ang. And you | shall well be spáred. || Prov. I cráve | your honour's párdon.”—M. for M. ii. 2. 9-12; Othello, iii. 3. 28-31; Temp. iii. 1. 31, 59. Shakespeare seems to have used this metre mostly for rapid dialogue and retort. But in the ghost scene in Hamlet: "Ghost. To whát | I shall | unfold. || Ham. Speak; I'am bound to béar." Hamlet C. 8. 406 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR 501. The trimeter couplet, beside being frequent in dialogue, is often used by one and the same speaker, but most frequently in comic, and the lighter kind of serious, poetry. It is appropriate for Thisbe: "Most rád | iant Pý | ramús, || most lil | y-white | of húe." M. N. D. iii. 1. 94, 97. And for Pistol, when he rants: "An oath of mick | le míght; || and fú | ry sháll | abáte.” Hen. V. ii. 1. 70, 44; ii. 3. 4, 64; v. I. 93. "He is not vẻ | ry táll : || yet fór | his years | he's táll." A. Y. L. iii. 5. 118. || trávell | ers ne'er | did "And 'I'll be swórn | 'tis trúe: lie."-Temp. iii. 2. 26. 1 Coy looks with heart- | sore síghs; || one fád | ing mó- ment's mirth."-T. G. of V. i. 1. 30. í. "He would have giv'n | it you,|| but I' | being in | the way Did in your name | receive it: párdon | the fault, | I pray."-Ib. 39, 40. "A frée- | stone cól | our'd hánd; || I vér | ilý | did think. "Then let's make háste | away, máin.". -2 Hen. VI. i. 1. 208. A. Y. L. iv. 3. 25. and look | untó | the "Am I not witch'd like hér? | Or thóu | not fálse | like him?"—Ib. iii. 2. 119. Why ring not out the bélls || aloud | throughout | the town?"-1 Hen. VI. i. 6. 12. "As 'th ióp | ian's tooth, || ór the | fann'd snów | that's bólted." W. T. iv. 4. 375. "This páus inglý | ensued. || Néither the king | nor's páusinglý heirs."-Hen. VIII. i. 2. 168. "The mónk might bé | deceiv'd; || and thát | 'twas dáng(e) | rous fór him."—Ib. 179. "Anón expéct him | | hére; || but if she bé | obdú- rate (490)."-Rich. III. iii. 1. 39. This metre is often used by the Elizabethan writers in the transla- tion of quotations, inscriptions, &c. It is used for the inscriptions the caskets: "Who chóos | eth mé | shall gáin || what mán |y mén | desire. Who chóoseth mé | must give and ház | ard áll | he háth."--M. of V. ii. 7. 5. 9. VERSES. 407 In the pause between a comparison and the fact such a couplet may be expected. "A's | Ené as díd The old | Anchí | ses béar, || so fróm | the waves of Tiber Did I' the tír | ed Cæ'sar."-7. C. i. 2. 114. "To have what wé | would have, 1, we speak | not whát | we méan."-M. for M. ii. 4. 118. Sometimes the first trimeter has an extra syllable, which takes the place of the first syllable of the second trim eter. "Shall there by bé | the swéeter. | Reá | son thús | with life."-M. for M. iii. 1. 5. "Envél | ope yóu, | good Próvost! | Whó | call'd hére | of láte?"-Ib. iv. 2. 78. "Mátters of néed | ful value. | Wé | shall write to you." Ib. i. 1. 56. Sometimes the first trimeter, like the ordinary five-accent verse, has an extra syllable. In the following examples the two verses are clearly distinct. They might almost be regarded as separate lines of three accents rather than as a couplet : "Hypér | ion tó | a sátyr. | So lóv | ing tó | my mother." Hamlet, i. 2. 140. "For énding thée | no sóoner. Thou hást | nor youth | nor áge."-M. for M. iii. 1. 32. "That I'am touch'd with mádness. Make nót | im- póssiblé."-Ib. v. I. 51. (But? 494.) "Ariel. And dó | my spírit | ing gently. Prosp. Do so, and áfter | two days." Tempest, i. 2. 298. "Belów | their cób | bled shoes. || They say there's gráin | enough.' Coriol. i. 1. 200. 502. The comic trimeter, In the rhyming parts of the Comedy of Errors and Love's Labour Lost, there is often great irre- gularity in the trimeter couplet. Many of the feet are trisyllabic, and one-half of the verse aiffers from the other. Often the first half is trochaic and the second iambic. “Ant. E. Wherefore? | fór my | dinner : || I have | not dín'd to-day."-C. of E. iii. 1. 40. "Ant. E. Do you | héar, you | mínion? || You'll let us in, ' I hópe.”Ib. 54. 408 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. In the following, the former half is iambic and the latter anapastic: "Thou wouldst have chang'd | thy fáce | for a náme, or thy náme for an áss."-C. of E. iii. 1. 47. And conversely : "It would máke | a man mád | as a buck || to bé | so bought | and sóld."—Ib. 72. There are often only five accents. "Bal. Good méat, sir, | is cómmon: | that é | very chúrl | affórds. Ant. E. And welcome | möre cómměn ; | for thát | is nó thing but words.”—Ib. iii. 1. 24, 25. Sometimes it is hard to tell whether the verse is trisyllabic with four accents, or dissyllabic with five. "Have át | you with | a próverb- | Shall I' | set ín | my staff?” Ib. 51. may be scanned with six accents, but the line to which it rhymes seems to have four: "And só tell your máster. | O Lórd, | I must laugh," | and the following line also: Ib. 50. "Have at you | with another; that's whén | can you téll," and it is therefore possible that we ought to accent thus: Ib. 52. “ Have at yoú | with a próverb- | Shall I sét | in my stáff?” 503. Apparent trimeter couplets. Some apparent trimeter couplets are really ordinary dramatic lines. For example, in the last line but two of 501 (M. for M. v. i. 51), "impossible" may easily be one foot with two superfluous syllables. It is often a matter of taste which way to scan a line, but it must be borne in mind, that the trimeter couplet is rarely used to ex- press intense emotion. Hence in an impassioned address like that of Henry V. at Harfleur, we should probably read " Defý us to our worst: | for ás | I ám | a sóldier,' Hen. V. iii. 3. 5. or, better (479), "for as 'I'm | a sól | diér.” So “And wél | come, Somerset; | I hóld | it ców | ardíce.” 3 Hen. VI. iv. 2. 7 VERSES, 409 Or, less probably. "Sómersét "cówardice" (470) one. ་་ may have two accents and As children from a béar, | the Vóls | ces shúnning him." Coriol. i. 3. 34. "So tédiously | away. | The póor | condém | ned E'nglish.' Hen. V. iv. Prol. 221; but ib. 28 is a trimeter couplet. "And húgg'd me | in his árm | and kind | ly kiss'd my chéek."-Rich. III. ii. 2. 24. "Than thát | míx'd in | his cheek. 'Twas júst | the díf f(e)rence."-A. Y. L. iii. 5. 122. "He is ('s) my broth | er tóo. | But fitt | er tíme | for thát." M. for M. v. I. 498. "And not the pún(i)sh. | ment; therefore, | indéed | my father."-M. for M. i. 3. 39. The following are doubtful, but probably ordinary lines: "I knów him as myself, | fór from | our in | fancy." T. G. of V. ii. 3. 62. Or "infancy" may have only one accent (467). Máy a | free fáce, | put ón, | derive | a liberty.” 'Either" may be a monosyllable (see 466) in In "" on W. T. i. 2. 112. "Your sénse | pursúes | not mine: | either you | are ignorant. "" M. for M. ii. 4. 74. "For ín | equál(i)ty: | but lét | your réa | son sérve." "Alexas did revolt; and went to Jewry on Affairs of Antony,"-A. and C. iv. 6. 12. Ib. v. 1. 65. may be transposed to the second line; or, considering the licence attending the use of names and the constant dropping of prefixes, we might perhaps read "Aléxas | did (re)vólt | .” In “Cálls her | a nón | paréil; | I né | ver sáw | a woman," | Temp. iii. 2. 108. though it is against Shakespearian usage to pronounce "non-pareil' a dissyllable, as in Dorsetshire, "a núnprel apple," yet Caliban here may be allowed to use this form. I believe " nonp❜rel type " is still a common expression. Sometimes an exclamation, as "O," gives the appearance of a trimeter couplet : "For the best hópe | I have. | (0,) do not wish | one móre."-Hen. V. iv. 3. 33. See also 498 ad fin. 410 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 504. The verse with four accents is rarely used by Shake. speare, except when witches or other extraordinary beings are intro- duced as speaking. Then he often uses a verse of four accents with rhyme. "Double, double, | tóil and | trouble, Fire | búrn and cauldron | búbble."-Macbeth, iv. 1. 20. The iambic metre in such lines is often interchanged with the trochaic : Iambic * Trochaic 'He who the sword of heav'n will béar Should be as hó | ly ás | sevére: Páttern in him | sélf to | knów, Gráce to stánd and | virtue | gó." M. for M. iii. 2. 274–8. (The last line means "he ought to have grace for the purpose of standing upright, and virtue [for the purpose of] walking in the straight path." "Go" is often used for "walk." "To" is omitted before "go.") Sometimes in the same couplet we find one line iambic and the other trochaic: “ And hére | the mái| den sléep | ing sound O'n the dánk and dirty | ground."-M. N. D. ii. 2. 74-5. | | It would be, perhaps, more correct to say that both lines are trochaic, but in one there is an extra syllable at the beginning, as well as at the end. So apparently This is hé my | máster | sáid, I | (De)spised thé A | thénian | máid.”—M. N. D. 72-3 : but the prefix "de-" might (460) be dropped. So '(De)spísed | ín na | tív | i | tý Shall up on their children | bé."-Ib. v. i. 420. There is difficulty in scanning Prétty soul, she | dúrst not | lie Near this lack-love, this kill-courtesy."-Ib. 76-7. : It is of course possible that "kill-curt'sy" may have the accent on the first but thus we shall have to accent the first "this" and "love" with undue emphasis. It is also more in Shakespeare's manner to give "courtesy" its three syllables at the end of a line. I therefore scan (Near this) láck-love, this kill | cóurte | sý." *The words "iambic " and "trochaic" here and elsewhere refer to accent cot quantity. VERSES. 411 Perhaps, however, as in Macbeth, iii. 5. 34, 35, and ? 21, a verse of five accents is purposely introduced. 505. Lines with four accents are, unless there is a pause in the middle of the line, very rare. The following, however, seem to have no more than four accents: | "Let's éach one sénd | únto | his wife."-T. of Sh. v. 2. 66. "No worse than I' | upon sóme | agreément."—Ib. iv. 4. 83. "He shall you find | réady and willing.”—Ib. 34. "The match is máde, | and áll | is dóne."—Ib. 46. "Go fool, and whóm | thou kéep'st | commánd.” Ib. ii. 1. 259. The frequent recurrence of these lines in the Taming of the Shrew will not escape notice. "And put yourself | únder | his shrówd." (? corrupt.) A. and C. iii. 13. 71. "A lád | of life, | an ímp | of fáme.” Hen V. iv. 1. 45 (Pistol). "We knew not The doctrine óf | ill-dóing, | nor dréam'd That any did."-W. T. i. 2. 70 "Go tell your cousin | and bring me word." 1 Hen. IV. v. I. 109. "For áught I knów, | my lord, | they dó." But perhaps the lines may be arranged : Aum. Rich. II. v. I. 53. For áught I knów, You will be thére, I knów. My lord, they dó. | York. Aum. If Gód | prevént | (it) nét, | I púrpose | só.” "With " may be, perhaps (457), transposed to the former of the following verses, thus: "With ád | orá | tions, fér | tile té | ars, (480) with Gróans (484) that thún der love, | | | with sighs | of fire." 7. N. i. 5. 274. But the enumerative character of the verse (509) may justify it as it stands. It is difficult to scan "Lock'd in her monument. She had a prophesying fear," A. and C. iv. 14. 120 without making the latter portion a verse of four accents. 412 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. (Perhaps Į "Lóck'd in her món(u) | ment. She'd | a próphe | sying féar,' making "sying" a monosyllable like "being," "doing." See 470.) 'Should fróm | yond cloúd | spéak di | vine things. Coriol. iv. 5. 110. But I should prefer "If Jupiter "" Should, from yond cloud, | speak di | vine things | and say "'Tis trúe,'-| (507) I'd nót | believe them móre | Than thée, | all-nó | ble Március. >> Shakespeare would have written "things divine," not "divine things" at the end of a verse. (See 419, at end.) "Is not much míss'd | bút with | his friends."-Coriol. iv. 6. 13. "Befóre | the kings | and quéens | of Fránce." 1 Hen. VI. i. 6. 27. "And éven | these thrée | days háve | I watch'd. "" Ib. i. 4. 16. "Here through this gáte | I cóunt | each óne.”—Jb. 60. "Think not the king | did bán | ish thée," Rich. II. i. 3. 279. is not found in the Folio, which also varies, ib. i. 3. 323; iii. 7. 70. Perhaps "They thús diréct | ed, wé | will follow I'n the main battle | whose púissance | on éi | ther síde."-Rich. III. v. 3. 298. (But the second line is harsh, and perhaps part of it ought to be combined with the first in some way. "Puissance" is a dis- syllable generally in Shakespeare, except at the end of the line. I know no instance in Shakespeare where, as in Chaucer, "battle" is accented on the last. Remembering that ed is often not pronounced after t and d, we might scan the first line thus, with three accents: "They thús | diréct(ed), | we'll follow.") If "ed" is not pronounced (472) in “divided," that may explain "The archdea | con háth | divided it."-1 Hen. IV. iii. 1. 72. The following may seem a verse of four accents: "Whereas the contrary bringeth bliss. -1 Hen. VI. v. 5. 64. But contráry" is found in Hamlet, iii. 2. 221. And as "country" (see 477) is three syllables, so, perhaps, "contrary" is four: VERSES. 413 "Whereas the cónt | (e)rár | y bring | eth bliss." A verse of four accents is exceedingly discordant in the formal and artificial speech of Suffolk, in which this line occurs. Somewhat similarly, Shakespeare has "cursoráry" for "cursory :" "I have but with a cursorary eye."-Hen. V. v. 2. 77. In "Anthony Woodville, her brother there,"-Rich. III. i. 1. 67. "Woodville" is probably to be pronounced a trisyllable, a semi- vowel inserting itself between the d and v "Wood-e-ville." The e final (see 488) wou.d not be sounded before "her." "Valiant" is a trisyllable in "Young, váliánt, | wíse, and no doubt | right_royal." Rich. III. i. 2. 245. 506. Lines with four accents, where there is an inter- ruption in the line, are not uncommon. It is obvious that a syllable or foot may be supplied by a gesture, as beckoning, a movement of the head to listen, ur of the hand to demand attention, as in J. "He's tá'en. | [Shout.]| And hárk, | they shout | for jóy.” F. C. v. 3. 32. "Knéel thou | down, Philip. | (Dubs him knight.) | But ríse more great."-K. 7. i. 1. 161. Márry to- (Enier O'thello.) | Come, cáp | tain, will | you gó?”—Othello, i. 2. 53. Here, however, as in "A wise | stout cáp | (i)táin, | and sóon | persuaded.” 3 Hen. VI. iv. 7. 30. “Our cáp | (i)táins, | Macbéth | and Bán | quo? Yés.” Macbeth, i. 2. 34. we may scan "Márry to -Cóme, | cáp(i) | tain, will you go,” but very harshly and improbably. "Cass. Flátter | ers!" (Turns tó Brutus.) | Now, Brú | tus, thánk | yourself."-7. C. v. 1. 45. An interruption may supply the place of the accent : "And falls on th' óth | er- -(Enter Lády Macbeth.)| How nów, what news?"-Macbeth, i. 7. 28. The interval between two speakers sometimes justifies the ɔmission of an accent, even in a rhyming passage of regular lines : 414 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. · Fairy. Aré not | you hé? | Puck. Thou speak'st | aright, I am that mér ry wán derer of the night.' M. N. D. ii. 1. 42 "Mal. As thou | didst léave | it. 'Serg. | Doubtful | it stood." Macbeth, i. 2. 7. "Cass. Messá | la! Mess. What says | my gén | erál ?" "Dun. Who cómes | here? I. 7. C. v. 1. 70. Mal. The wórth | y tháne | of Róss."-M eth i. 2. 45. "Sic. Without | assistance. | | Men. I think | not só." Coriol. iv. 6. 33. The break caused by the arrival of a new-comer often gives rise to a verse with four accents. "Than your good words. || But whó | comes hére?" Rich. II. ii. 3. 20. 'Stands for my bounty. || But whó | comes hére?" 'Agáinst their will. || But whó | comes | hére?" So, perhaps, arrange High be our thoughts! I know my uncle York hath power enough To sérve our túrn. || But whó | comes Ib. 67. 16. iii. 3. 19. here?" Ib. iii. 2. 90. It is possible that in some of these lines " comes" should be pronounced "cometh." "Words," "turn," and "will" might be prolonged by 485, 486. 507. Lines with four accents where there is a change of thought are not uncommon. In some cases the line is divided into two of two accents each, or into one line of three accents, and another of one. (1) Change of thought from the present to the future: Háply you shall not sée | me móre; | or íf, 1 A máng | led shadow. | Perchánce | to-morrow You'll serve another | máster.”—A. and C. iv. ii. 27. "I'll send | her straight | away. |'| To-mórrow I'll' to the wárs: shé to her síng | le sorrow." A. W. ii. 3. 313. "Fresh kings are cóme | to Troy. |'| To-mórrow We múst with áll | our main of power | stand fást." | Tr. and Cr. ii. 2. 272. VERSES. 445 (2) From a statement to an appeal, or vice versa. "You have not sought it. |'| How cómes | it then?" I Hen. IV. v. I. 27. Unless "comes" is "cometh." See 506 at end. "Lórd of his reason. |'| Whát though you fléd?" 1 A. and C. iii. 13. 4. (I do not remember an instance of "ré | asón." See, however, 479.) "Come híth | er, cóunt. |'| Do you (d you) knów | these women?"-A. W. v. 3. 165. Perhaps But possibly : women ?" "Come hither, cóu | nt (486). Dó | you knów | these Rich. II. iii. 4. 24. "But stay. Here cómes (Fol.) | the gár | denérs." ("gårdeners" may have but one accent.) "Never | believe | me. ' | Bóth are | my kinsmen." The pause may account for Ib. ii. 2. 111. "As he would draw it. |'| Long stáy'd | he só." Hamlet, ii. 1. 91. (As ed is pronounced after i and u, so it might be after y in stayed," but the effect would be painful.) "Which has no need of you. Begone, >> ! is the best way of arranging A. and C. iii. 11. 10. "And léave eighteen. |'| Alás, poor | princess." Cymbeline. ii. I. 61. "A prince's courage. |'| Away, | I prithee.' >> Cymb. iii. 4. 187. “Lét us | withdraw. |' | 'Twill bé | a stórm." (3) Hence after vocatives: “ Titus, |'|I (am)'m cóme | to talk | | Lear, ii. 4. 290. with thée.” T. A. v. 2. 16. “Géntle | men, '| impórt | une mé | no fúrther." T. of Sh. i. 1. 48. “ Géntle | men,' | that I' | may sóon | make good."—Ib. 74. “Gentle | men, '| contént | ye, 'I'm | resolved."—Ib. 90. “Gentle | men, will you go mús | ter mén ?" Rich. II. ii. 2. 108. 410 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. RAMMAR "Gentle | men, go mús | ter úp | your mén." Rich. II. ii. 2. 118 "Good Már | garét. | Rún | thee to the párlour.' Either a pause may explain M. Ado, iii. 1. 1. But téll | me, ' | is young | Géorge Stán | ley living?” Rich. III. v. 5. 9 or George" (485) may be a quasi-dissyllable. 508. A foot or syllable can be omitted where there is any marked pause, whether arising from (1) emotion, (2) antithesis, oi (3) parenthesis, or (4) merely from the introduction of a relative clause, or even a new statement. (1) "Wére't my fitness To let these hands | obéy | my blood, |-| They're apt | enough | to dís | locáte and téar Thy flesh and bones."-Lear, iv. 2. 64. "O' | dislóy | al thing [ That should'st repáir | my youth, A year's | age on me."-Cymb. i. 1. 132. thou héap'st There is an intended solemnity in the utterances of the ghosts in "Let fáll | thy lánce. |'| Despáir | and díe." Rich. III. v. 3. 143. and "Think on | lord Hástings. |'| Despáir | and díe.”—Ib. 148. (2) (3) (4) "Scarce án y jóy Did év | er só | long live. | 'No sórrow But kill'd itself | much sóon | er."-W. T. v. 3. 53. "He quit his fortunes hére (Which you | knew great) "Mark what I sáy, |'| which you | shall find." ánd to the házard." Ib. iii. 2. 169. | M. for M. iv. 3. 130. Rich. II. ii. 2. 114. Perhaps "Is my kíns | man, '| whóm | the king | hath wrong'd," in a very irregular passage, part of which is nearly prose. "I'nto his title | which | the | we find." 1 Hen. IV. iv. 3. 104. "That shé | did give me, |'| whose pó | sy was.” · M. of V. v. I. 148. "Call our cares féars, which will in time.” Coriol. iii. 1. 137 VERSES. 417 A "'Tis súre | enough | —án you | knew how." T. A. N. I. 95. pause may, perhaps, be expected before an oath, as in As yoú | shall give | th' advice. | Bý | the fire That quickens Egypt's slíme.”—A. and C. i. 3. 68. (But "vice" or "by" may be prolonged.) "That mý most jéal | ous ánd | too doubt | ful heart May live at peace. |'| He shall | concéal it." 1 T. N. iv. 3. 28; Macbeth, i. 5 6. "To wátch, | poor pérdu! With this thin hélm. |'| Mine éne | my's dóg, Though he had bít | me, should have stood | that night 1 A gáinst my fíre."—Lear, iv. 7. 36. "Last night | 'twas ón | mine árm. |'| I kíss'd it." (Certainly not "I kiss | ed it.") Cymb. ii. 3. 151, "Would then be nothing. |'| Trúths would | be táles." 1 A. and C. ii. 2. 137. "Póint to rich énds. || This my mean tásk.” Temp. iii. 1. 4. "Must give us páuse (484). |'| Thére's the | respect. >> Hamlet, iii. 1. 68. 509. Lines with four accents are found where a number of short clauses or epithets are connected together in one line, and must be pronounced slowly : Earth gapes, hell burns, fiends roar, saints pray." Witty, courteous, liberal, full of spirit. Rich. III. iv. 4. 75 >> 3 Hen. VI. i. 2. 43. The last line is very difficult. And," or a pause equal to 'and," after "witty," would remove the difficulty. It is remarkable that Shakespeare ventures to introduce such a line even in a rhyming passage : Youth, beauty, wisdom, courage, all That happiness and prime can happy call." A. W. ii. 1. 184. "Ho! hearts, | tongues, figures, | scribes, bárds, | poéts cannót Think, speak, | cast, write, | sing núm | ber, ho! His love to Antony."--A. and C. iii. 2. 17. "Is goads, thorns, nettles, tails of wasps."-W. T. i. 2 E E 418 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. (Here, however, "goads" and "thorns" may be prolonged. Sea 484, 485.) "With that harsh, nó | ble, sím | ple- | nóthing." | | | The following occurs amid regular verse: Cymb. iii. 4. 135. "These drums! these trumpets! flutes! what." A. and C. ii. 7. 138. "When you do dance, I wish you A wave of the sea, that you might ever do Nóthing | but thát; | move stíll, | still só." W. T. iv. 4. 142. Here still, which means "always," is remarkably emphatic, and So "til" is a may, perhaps, be pronounced as a quasi-dissyllable. monosyllabic foot in CHAUCER, C. 7. 1137. 510. Apparent lines of four accents can sometimes be explained by giving the full pronunciation to contractions, such as s for eth, 'd for ed, 'll for will, 've for have, 't for it, &c. ; or they are lines of three accents with a detached foot. "Silv. Whát's (is) | your will? | Prot. "And wére | the king | on't (of it), | That I'may cóm | pass yours." T. G. of V. iv. 2. 92. what would | I dó?” Temp. ii. i. 145. whát | I cán.” Ib. iv. 4. 47. "In whát | you pléase. | 'T' (will) | do 1. "You've ádd | ed wvó | rth (485) ún | to ít | and lústre." T. of A. i. 2. 154. "Drive him | to Rö | me; 't (it) | is tíme | we twáin. "" A. and C. i. 4. 73. "Whence cóm | est thou? | What would | est thou? | Thy náme?"-Coriol. iv. 5. 58. But the pauses between the abrupt questions may be a sufficient explanation. "And ne'er (név | er) á | true óne. | In súch | a night." M. of V. v. 1. 148. Else 508. The first "a" may be emphatic, meaning "one." "Our thighs | páck'd (ed) | with wáx, | our mouths | with honey.' -2 Hen. IV. iv. 5. 77. "So múch as lán | k'd (ed) nót. ! 'Tis pít | y of him." A. and C. i. 4 71. VERSES. 419 In "his" in "Vincént | ió |'s (his) són | brought úp | in Flórence." "Sal. My lord, I long to hear it at full,” T. of Sh. i. I. 14. 2 Hen. VI. ii. 2. 6. "" "at. Com- "hear" is a dissyllable (485), or "the" omitted after " pare "atte" in E. E. for "at the." I feel confident that "but would" must be supplied in "And what poor duty cannot do, noble respect Takes it in might, not merit,"—M. N. D. v. 1. 91. and we must read : 'And what poor duty cannot do, but would, Noble respect takes not in might but merit. "And, ere our coming, see thou shake the bags Of hoarding abbots; imprisoned angels Set at liberty. The fat ribs of peace Must by the hungry now be fed upon,”—K. 7. iii. 3. 8. ought probably to be arranged: "Of hoarding abbots; Imprisoned angels set at liberty. The fat ribs of peace Must," &c. Or (Walker) invert "imprisoned angels" and Arrange thus: Is not much miss'd, angels" and "set at liberty.” "Your Coriolanus But with his friends. | The cóm | monwealth | doth stánd, And só would dó, | were hé | more áng | ry át it.” Similarly Most certain. Sist | er, welcome. : Pray you | (see 512) Coriol. iv. 6. 13. Be év er known | to pát ience, mý | dear'st síster." So arrange "That won you without blows. without Despising (499), A. and C. iii. 6. 97. For you, the city, thus I turn my back." 1 Corto. iii. 3. 133. I think I have met with this conjecture in some commentator. EE 2 420 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Cel. Look, whó | comes hére? | Silv. My érr | and is | to you: A. Y. L. iv. 3. 6. Fair youth (512), j My gént le Phoe' | be bid | me give | you this." "Got 'tween | asleep | and wake. Well, then (512), Legít(i) | mate E'd | gar, I' | must have | your land.” “As pearls | from día | monds drópp'd. In brief (511).”—Lear, iv. 3. 24. Hen. V. ii. Prologue, 32, is corrupt. "I live with bread like you : Lear, i. 2. 15. Feel want, taste grief, need friends: subjected thus, How can you say to me I am a king?"-Rich. II. iii. 2. 175. 511. Single lines with two or three accents are fre- quently interspersed amid the ordinary verses of five accents. They are, naturally, most frequent at the beginning and end of a speech. These lines are often found in passages of soliloquy where passion is at its height. Thus in the madness of Lear, iv. 6. 112-29, there are eight lines of three accents, and one of two; and the passage terminates in prose. And so perhaps we should arrange "Would use his heav'n for thunder; nothing but thunder! Merciful heaven (512), Thou rather with thy sharp and sulphurous bolt Split'st the unwedgeable and gnarled oak Than the soft myrtle. But man, proud man, Drest in a little brief authority," &c. M. for M. ii. 2. 110-19. So in the impassioned speech of Silvius : "If thou remember'st not the slightest folly. That ever love did make thee run into, Thou hast not loved," A. Y. Z. ii. 5. 36. which is repeated in 1. 39 and 42. The highest passion of all expresses itself in prose, as in the fearful frenzy of Othello, iv. 1. 34-44, and Lear, iv. 6. 130. Rarely we have a short line to introduce the subject. 66 York. Then thus : Edward the third, my lords, had seven sons. 2 Hen. VI. ii. 2. 9, 10, VERSES. 421 "Into his ruin'd ears, and thus deliver: 'Henry Bolingbroke, On both his knees, "'" &c.-Rich. II. iii. 3. 32. Ross. (So) That now Sweno, the Norways' king, craves composition.' "For Cloten . 59 Macbeth, i. 2. 59. There wants no diligence in seeking him.'-Cymb. iv. 3. 19. Sometimes the verse (which is often written as prose in the Folio) closely resembles prose. It is probable that the letter J. C. ii. 3. 1-10 is verse, the last two words, "thy lover, Artemidorus,” being irregular. So A. Y. L. iii. 2. 268-74. The irregular lines uttered by Cassius, when he is cautiously revealing the conspiracy to Casca, looking about to see that he is not overheard, and also pausing to watch the effect of his words on Casca, are very natural. "Unto some monstrous state. Now could I, Casca, name to thee a man Most like this dreadful night, That thunders, lightens, opens graves, and roars. "" F. C. i. 3. 71-74. It will also not escape notice that " now could I, Casca," and “that thunders, lightens," are amphibious sections. See 513. The following pause may be explained by the indignation of Macduff, which Malcolm observes and digresses to appease : Why in that rawness left you wife and child Without leave-taking? I pray you (512) Let not my jealousies be your dishonours." Macbeth, iv. 3. 28. A pause is extremely natural before Lear's semi-confession of infirmity of mind : And, to deal plainly, I fear I am not in my pérf | ect mind." Lear, iv. 7. 62. A stage direction will sometimes explain the introduction of a short line. The action takes up the space of words, and necessitates a broken line, thus: "Mach. This is a sorry sight. [Looking on his hands.] Lady M. A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight." Macbeth, ii. 2. 21 422 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Macbeth may be supposed to draw his dagger after the short line: "As this which nów | I dráw."-Macbeth, ii. 1. 41. So after Lady Macbeth has openly proposed the murder of Duncan in the words- "Oh, never Shall sun that morrow see,”—Macbeth, i. 5. 62. she pauses to watch the effect of her words till she continues : "Your face, my thane, is as a book where men," &c. The irregular lines in the excited narrative of the battle- "Like valour's minion, carv'd out his passage Till he faced the slave," -Macbeth, i. 2. 20 (so ib. 51). are perhaps explained by the haste and excitement of the speaker. This is illustrated by In Except they ineant to bathe in reeking wounds, Or memorize another Golgotha, I cannot tell. But I am faint, my wounds cry out for help." Macbeth, i. 2. 41. "As cannons overcharged with double cracks; || so they || Doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe,"-Ib. i. 2. 37. there may be an instance of a short line. must scan As cánnons | o'ercharged | ." Such a short line as Only to herald thee into his sight, Not pay thee,"-Macbeth, i. 3. 103. But more probably we is very doubtful. Read (though somewhat harshly) : Only to hér(a)ld (463) | thee ín | to's sight, I not pay thee." So "Lét's (us) | away; | our téars | are not yet bréw'd,” Macbeth, ii. 3. 129, 130. and the following lines must be arranged so as to make 1. 132 an interjectional line. There is a pause after "but let " in "But let- The frame of things | disjoint, | bóth the worlds suffer." Macbeth, iii. 2. 16; iv. 3. 97. and in the solemn narrative preparatory to the entrance of the Ghost: "Last night of all, When yond same star that's westward from the pole." Hamlet, i. 1. 35. VERSES. 423 In So "And are upon the Mediterranean flote Bound sadly home for Naples, Supposing that they saw the king's ship wreck d So M. N. D. iii. 2. 49. Lastly, If I do fail in fortune of my choice Temp. i. 2 235. Immediately to leave you and be gone."-M. of V. ii. 9. 14. "Yet I, A dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak." "I, his sole son, do this same villain send To heaven."—Ib. iii. 3. 78. "Dost thou hear?"-Temp. i. 2. 106. Hamlet, ii. 2. 593 "thou" is unemphatic, and scarcely pronounced. words must be combined with the previous, thus: Or else these "Hénce his | ambít | ion grów | -ing-Dóst | thou héar?" 512. Interjectional lines. Some irregularities may be ex- plained by the custom of placing ejaculations, appellations, &c out of the regular verse (as in Greek peû, &c.). "Yes. I Has he affections in him?"-M. for M. iii. 1. 107. “Alack I love myself. Wherefore? for any good?" "What, Rich. III. v. 3. 187. Rich. II. ii. 2. 103. Are there no posts despatch'd for (480) Ireland ?" So arrange North. Why? I's he not with | the queen? | Percy. "Fie, Nó, my good lórd.” b. ii. 3. 512 Othello, iv. 2. 134. There's no such man; it is impossible.” "And such a one do I profess myself, For, sir, It is as sure as you are Roderigo." Othello, i. 1. 55; Lear, i. 1. 56 424 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Perhaps we ought thus to arrange O, sir. Your presence is too bold and péremptory.' This is Shakespeare's accentuation of " "Farewell. [Exit Banquo.] 1 Hen. IV. i. 3. 17. peremptory." Let every man be master of his time."-Macbeth, iii. 1. 40. "Sir, I have upon a high and pleasant hill."-T. of A. i. 1. 63. Sirrah, Get thee to Plashy, to my sister Gloucester." So Rich. III. i. 2. 226; i. 4. 218. "Great king, Rich. II. ii. 2. 90. Few love to hear the sin they love to act."-P. of T. i. 1. 91. My dismal scene I needs must act alone. Come, vial."-R. and J. iv. 3. 20. "Come, Hastings, help me to my lodging. O! Poor Clarence.". -Rich. III. ii. 1. 133. "For Hecuba! What's Héc | ubá | to hím, | or he | to Hécuba (469)?” "If thou hast any sound or use of voice, Speak to me."-Ib. i. 1. 129. Hamlet, ii. 2. 584. O vengeance," ib. 610; "A scullion!" ib. So ib. 132, 135: and “O vengeance," ib. 616. So we should read "I'll wait upon you instantly. (Exeunt.) [To FLAV.] Come hither. Pray you, How goes," &c.-T. of A. ii. 1. 36. Similarly 149; Nay, more," C. of E. i. 1. "Who's there?" Hamlet, i. 1. 1; " 16; "Stay," T. N. iii. 1. I. Begone," J. C. i. I. 57; 209; O, Cæsar," J. C. iii. 1. 281; F. C. iii. 1. 281; “Let me work,” J. C. ii. 1. Here, cousin," Rich. II. iv. I. 182; "What's she?" T. N. i. 2. 35; "Draw," Lear, ii. 1. 32; "Think," Coriol. iii. 3. 49. So arrange "Viol. Hold, there's hálf | my cóffer. | Anton. Will you dený | me now?" | T. N. iii. 4. 38. "So, || I am sát | isfíed, | gíve me | a bówl | of wine." Rich. III. v. 3. 72. VERSES 425 Ratcliffe, || about | the mid of night | cóme to | my tént." Rich. III. 77, 209. The excitement of Richard gives rise to several interjectional lines of this kind in this scene. A short line sometimes introduces a quotation : "If Cæsar hide himself, shall they not whisper, Lo, Cæsar is afraid?"—J. C. ii. 2. 101. "Did scowl on gentle Richard. No man cried God save him."-Rich. II. v. 2. 28. Perhaps we should arrange as follows : "He'll spend that kiss Which is my heaven to have. Come [applying the asp to her bosom] Thou mortal wretch, With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate Of life at once untie."—A. and C. v. 2. 306. This seems better than scanning the words from "which" to "' wretch as one line, either (1) as an ordinary line, with “ come, thou mór tal wretch," or (2) as a trimeter couplet, making "come" a dissyllable. | So it is better to arrange : Buckingham, I prithee pardon me That I have giv'n no answer all this while." 2 Hen. VI. v. 1. 32 Merely with a special view to mark a solemn pause Shakespeare writes: "So, as a painted tyrant Pyrrhus stood, And, like a neutral to his will and matter, Did nothing. But, as we often see," &c.-Hamlet, ii. 2. 504. Such irregularities are very rare. Sirrah, A word with you. Attend those men our pleasure ?" is the right way to arrange Mach. iii. 1. 45, 46. Shakespeare could not possibly (as Globe) make "our pleasure" a detached foot. The ejaculation seems not a part of the verse in "Hath séiz'd | the waste | ful king. | [O,] what pít | y is it." Rich. II. iii. 4. 55. 426 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. “And hé | himself | not présent. | [0,] forefénd | it, Gód!" Rich. II. iv. I. 129. See also 498, at end; 503. 513. The Amphibious Section. When a verse consists of two parts uttered by two speakers, the latter part is frequently the former part of the following verse, being, as it were, amphibious—thus : "S. The English fórce, | so please you. || M. Take thy face hence. || Séyton, | I'm sick | at heart." Macbeth, v. 3. 19. "M. Néws, my | good lórd, | from Róme.|| Ant. Grátes me: the súm.|| Cleo. Nay, héar | them, A'n | toný."-A. and C. i. 1. 19. "B. Who's there? | M. A friend. || B. What, sir, not yet | at rést? | The king's | abéd." "Kent. This óff | ice to you.|| Gent. Kent. "Gent. Which twáin | have brought | her tó.|| Edg. Macbeth, ii. 1. 10. I' will talk fúr | ther with || you. || Nó, do not."-Lear, iii. 1. 42. Hail, gént le sir. | your will? Lear, iv. 6. 212. How cáme we ashore? || By Pró | vidénce | divíne. Temp. i. 2. 158. Gent. Sir, spéed | you, what's "Prosp. Agáinst | what should | ensue. || Mir. Prosp. "Claud. And hug | it ín | my arms. Il Is. There spake | my brother, there my fá | ther's gráve." M. for M. iii. 1. 86. How fares the prince? || "E. Mess. Well, mád | am, ánd | in health. || Duch. Whát is | thy néws, then?”—Rich. III. ii. 4. 40. "Brut. That óth | er mén | begin. || Cas. Then leave him but. || Casca. Indéed | he is not fit.' 7. C. ii. 1. 153. Probably "Macb. And break it to our hópe. || I will not fight | with thee." Macd. Then yield | thee, cóward."-Macbeth, v. 8. 22. VERSES. 427 Compare also Macbeth, i. 4. 43, 44; it. 3. 75, 101-2; iii. 1. 18 19, 2. 12-13, 4. 12, 15, 20, 151; 7. C. 11. 4. 16, 17; Coriol. iii. 2. 6; Othello, iii. 3. 282, &c. In the following instance the first "still" is emphatic : "Oliv. As hówl | ing áft | er músic.|| Duke. Oliv. Still so crú el! Still so cón | stant, lórd." 7. N. v. I. 113. Sometimes a section will, on the one side, form part of a regular line, and, on the other, part of a trimeter couplet. "Hor. Of mine | own eyes. | Mar. I's it | not like | the king || Hor. As thou art tó | thyself.”—Hamlet, 1. I. 58, 59. ،، Ophel. In hón | ourá | ble fashion. | Pol. Ay, fásh | ion yóu |¦ may call it. || Go to, go to."-Ib. i. 3. 112. Ham. Nó, it is struck. Hor. Indeed, I heard | it nốt; !] then it draws near the séason.-Ib. i. 4. 4. | In the last example, "indeed," when combined with what follows is a detached interjection (512). 514. Interruptions are sometimes not allowed to inter- fere with the completeness of the speaker's verse. This is natural in dialogue, when the interruption comes from a third person: "Polon. Pray you be round with him. (Ham. [Within] Mother, mother, mother!) I'll warrant you." Hamlet, iii. 4. 5, 6. Queen. Or, when a man is bent on continuing what he has to say: Ham. Rashly-and that should teach us There's a divinity that shapes our ends, Rough-hew them how we will— (Hor. That's certain.) Ham. Up from my cabin," &c. Hamlet, v. 2. 11, 12 This kindness will I shów. M. of V. i. 3. 143. Shy. This is (461) kind | I óffer- (Bass. This were kindness.) Shy. "King R. Rátcliffe- | (Rat. My lord.) King R. The sun will not be seen | to-day.' Rich. III. v. 3. 281. 428 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. Brutus. Awáy, | slight mán. | (Cassius. Is't possible?) Brutus. Héar me, for I' | will speak.” 7. C. iv. 3. 37, 38. Or, when a speaker is pouring forth his words, endeavouring to break through the obstacle of unintelligence, as Kent trying to make himself intelligible to the mad Lear: "Kent. Nó, my good lórd; | I ám | the vér | y mán- (Lear. I'll see that straight.) Kent. Thát from your first | of díf | ference and decáy Have fóll | ow'd your | sad steps, | Kent. (Lear. You're welcome hither.) Nor nó man élse." i.e. "I and no one else." Then, in despair of making himself understood, Kent continues: "All's cheerless, dark, and deadly." Sometimes the interlocutor's words, or the speaker's continuation, will complete the line : "Cæsar. So múch as lánk | ed nót. | (Folio has lank'd.) Lep. 'Tis pít | y óf him. Cæsar. Lét his | shames quickly."-A. and C. i. 4. 71. If there are two interlocutors, sometimes either interlocution will complete the line : "Gent. Than ís | his úse. | Widow. Helena. Lord, hów we lose | our páins! All's well that ends well yét." A. W. v. 1. 24, 25. "Bru. Good Március | home | again. | Sic. Men. The very trick on't. This is unlikely.' Coriol. iv. 6. 71. 515. Rhyme. Rhyme was often used as an effective termina tion at the end of the scene. When the scenery was not changed, or the arrangements were so defective that the change was not easily perceptible, it was, perhaps, additionally desirable to mark that a scene was finished. The rhyme in 7. N. ii. 2. 32 is perhaps a token that the scene once concluded with these lines, and that the nine lines that follow are a later addition. Rhyme was also sometimes used in the same conventional way, to mark an aside, which otherwise the audience might have great VERSES. 429 difficulty in knowing to be an aside. Thus, in a scene where there are no other rhyming lines, Queen Margaret is evidently intended to utter Rich. III. iv. 4. 16, 17; 20, 21, as asides, though there is no notice of it. One of the lines even rhymes with the line of another speaker: "Q. Eliz. When didst thou sleep, when such a deed was done? Q. Marg. When holy Harry died, and my sweet son.” Rich. III. iv. 4. 24, 25. Queen Margaret does not show herself till line 35, as also in Rich. III. i. 3. till line 157, though in the latter scene the asides do not rhyme. 515 a. Prose. Prose is not only used in comic scenes; it is adopted for letters (M. of V. iv. 1. 149–66), and on other occasions where it is desirable to lower the dramatic pitch : for instance, in the more colloquial parts of the household scene between Volumnia and Virgilia, Coriol. i. 3, where the scene begins with prose, then passes into verse, and returns finally to prose. It is also used to express frenzy, Othello, iv. 1. 34-44; and madness, Lear, iv. 6. 130; and the higher flights of the imagination, Hamlet, ii. 2. 310–20. SIMILE AND METAPHOR. 516. Similarity.-In order to describe an object that has not been seen we use the description of some object or objects that have been seen. Thus, to describe a lion to a person who had never seen one, we should say that it had something like a horse's mane, the claws of a cat, &c. We might say, (6 A lion is like a monstrous cat with a horse's mane." This sentence expresses a likeness of things, or a similarity. 517. Simile.-In order to describe some relation that can- not be seen, e.g. the relation between a ship and the water, as regards the action of the former upon the latter, to a landsman who had never seen the sea or a ship, we might say, "The ship acts upon the water as a plough turns up the land." In other words, "The relation between the ship and the sea is similar to the relation between the plough and the land." This sentence expresses a similarity of relations, and is called a simile. It is frequently expressed thus : "As the plough turns up the land, so the ship acts on the sea." Def. A Simile is a sentence expressing a similarity of relations. Consequently a simile is a kind of rhetorical proportion, and must, when fully expressed, contain four terms: A : B :: C : D. 518. Compression of Simile into Metaphor.-A simile is cumbrous, and better suited for poetry than for prose. More- over, when a simile has been long in use, there is a tendency to consider the assimilated relations not merely as similar but as identical. The simile modestly asserts that the re- ! SIMILE AND METAPHOR. 431 lation between the ship and the sea is like ploughing. The compressed simile goes further, and asserts that the relation between the ship and the sea is ploughing. It is expressed thus. "The ship ploughs the sea.” Thus the relation between the plough and the land is transferred to the ship and the sea. A simile thus com- pressed is called a Metaphor, i.e. transference. Def. A Metaphor is a transference of the relation be- tween one set of objects to another, for the purpose of brief explanation. 66 519. Metaphor fully stated or implied.-A metaphor may be either fully stated, as The ship ploughs (or is the plough of) the sea," or implied, as "The winds are the horses that draw the plough of the sea." In the former case it is dis- tinctly stated, in the latter implied, that the "plough of the sea" represents a ship. 520. Implied Metaphor the basis of language.-A great part of our ordinary language, all that relates to the relations of invisible things, necessarily consists of implied metaphors; for we can only describe invisible relations by means of visible ones. We are in the habit of assuming the existence of a certain proportion or analogy between the relations of the mind and those of the body. This analogy is the foundation of all words that express mental and moral qualities. For example, we do not know how a thought suggests itself suddenly to the mind, but we do know how an external object makes itself felt by the body. Experience teaches us that anything which strikes the body makes itself suddenly felt. Analogy suggests that whatever is suddenly perceived comes in the same way into contact with the mind, Hence the simile-"As a stone strikes the body, so a thought makes itself perceptible to the mind." This simile may be compressed into the full metaphor thus, "The thought struck my mind," or into the implied metaphor thus, "This is a 432 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. striking thought." In many words that express immaterial objects the implied metaphor can easily be traced through the derivation, as in "excellence,” “tribulation,” “integrity,” 'spotlessness," &c. 66 N.B. The use of metaphor is well illustrated in words that describe the effects of sound. Since the sense of hear- ing (probably in all nations and certainly among the English) is less powerful and less suggestive of words than the senses of sight, taste, and touch, the poorer sense is compelled to borrow a part of its vocabulary from the richer senses. Thus we talk of " (( a sweet voice," a soft whisper," "a sharp scream," a piercing shriek," and the Romans used the expression "a dark-coloured voice," where we should say a rough voice." 66 521. Metaphor expanded.-As every simile can be com- pressed into a metaphor, so, conversely, every metaphor can be expanded into its simile. The following is the rule for expansion. It has been seen above that the simile consists of four terms. In the third term of the simile stands the sub- ject ("ship," for instance) whose unknown predicated rela- tion ("action of ship on water") is to be explained. In the first term stands the corresponding subject (“ plough”) whose predicated relation (“action on land") is known. the second term is the known relation. The fourth term is the unknown predicated relation which requires explanation. Thus- In the plough turns up the land, SO Known subject. Known predicate. the ship Subject whose predicate is unknown. acts on the sea. Unknown predicate. "In my Sometimes the fourth term or unknown predicate may re- present something that has received no name in the lan- guage. Thus, if we take the words of Hamlet, mind's eye," the metaphor when expanded would become-- * "Vox fuica." SIMILE AND METAPHOR. 433 As the body is enlightened by the eye, So the mind is enlightened by a certain percep- tive faculty Subject Known subject. Known predicate. whose predicate is un- known. Unknown predi- cate. For several centuries there was no word in the Latin language to describe this "perceptive faculty of the mind." At last they coined the word "imaginatio," which appears in English as “imagination.” This word is found as early as Chaucer; but it is quite conceivable that the English lan guage should, like the Latin, have passed through its best period without any single word to describe the "mind's eye.” 522. The details of the expansion will vary according to the point and purpose of the metaphor. Thus, when Mac- beth (act iii. sc. 1) says that he has "given his eternal jewel to the common enemy of man," the point of the metaphor is apparently the pricelessness of a pure soul or good conscience, and the metaphor might be expanded thus- 'As a jewel is precious to the man who wears it, so is a good conscience precious to the man who possesses it." But in Rich. II. i. 1. 180, the same metaphor is expanded with reference to the necessity for its safe preservation :— A jewel in a ten-times barr'd-up chest Is a bolà spirit in a loyal breast. men. 523. Personal Metaphor.-There is a universal desire among men that visible nature, e.g. mountains, winds, trees, rivers and the like, should have a power of sympathising with This desire begets a kind of poetical belief that such a sympathy actually exists. Further, the vocabulary express- ing the variable moods of man is so much richer than that which expresses the changes of nature that the latter bor rows from the former. Hence the morn is said to laugh, mountains to frown, winds to whisper, rivulets to prattle F F 434 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. vaks to sigh. Hence arises what may be called Personal Metaphor. Def. A Personal Metaphor is a transference of personal relations to an impersonal object for the purpose of brief explanation. (6 524. Personal Metaphors expanded. The first term will always be a person;" the second, the predicated relation properly belonging to the person and improperly trans- ferred to the impersonal object; the third, the impersonal object. Thus— "As a person frowns, so an overhanging mountain (looks gloomy). "As a child prattles, so a brook (makes a ceaseless cheerful clatter)." ") 66 In 525. Personifications.-Men are liable to certain feelings, such as shame, fear, repentance and the like, which seem not to be originated by the person, but to come upon him from without. For this reason such impersonal feelings are in some languages represented by impersonal verbs. Latin these verbs are numerous, "pudet," piget," "tædet," "pœnitet,” “libet," &c. In Early English they were still more numerous, and even now we retain not only "it snows," "it rains," but also (though more rarely) me- thinks," ""meseems," "it shames me," "it repents me." Men are, however, not contented with separating their feelings from their own person; they also feel a desire to account for them. For this purpose they have often imagined as the causes of their feelings, Personal Beings, such as Hope, Fear, Faith, &c. Hence arose what may be called Personification. 66 In later times men have ceased to believe in the personal existence of Hope and Fear, Graces and nymphs, Flora and Boreas; but poets still use Personification, for the pur- pose of setting before us with greater vividness the invisible operations of the human mind and the slow and impercep- tible processes of inanimate nature. SIMILE AND METAPHOR. 435 Def. Personification is the creation of a fictitious Person in order to account for unaccountable results, or for the purpose of vivid illustration. 526. Personifications cannot be expanded.—The pro- cess of expansion into simile can be performed in the case of a Personal Metaphor, because there is implied a com- parison between a Person and an impersonal object. But the process cannot be performed where (as in Personifi- cations) the impersonal object has no material existence, but is the mere creation of the fancy, and presents no point of comparison. "A frowning mountain" can be expanded, because there is implied a comparison between a moun- tain and a person, a gloom and a frown. But "frowning Wrath" cannot be expanded, because there is no parison. com- It is the essence of a metaphor that it should be literally false, as in "a frowning mountain." It is the essence of a personification that, though founded on imagination, it is conceived to be literally true, as in “pale fear,” ""dark dis- honour." A painter would represent “death” as pale," and "dishonour" as "dark," though he would not represent a mountain" with a " frown,” or a ship" like a "plough." (( (C 527. Apparent Exception.--The only case where a simile is involved and an expansion is possible is where a person, as for instance Mars, the God of War, is represented as doing something which he is not imagined to do literally. Thus the phrase "Mars mows down his foes " is not literally true. No painter would represent Mars (though he would Time) with a scythe. It is therefore a metaphor and, as such, capable of expansion thus :- "As easily as a haymaker mows down the grass, so easily does Mars cut down his foes with his sword." But the phrase "Mars slays his foes" is, from a poet's or painter's point of view, literally true. It is therefore no metaphor, and cannot be expanded. FF 2 436 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. 528. Personification analysed.-Though we cannot ex- pand a Personification into a simile, we can explain the details of it. The same analogy which leads men to find a correspondence between visible and invisible objects leads them also to find a similarity between cause and effect. This belief, which is embodied in the line— "Who drives fat oxen should himself be fat," is the basis of all Personification. Since fear makes mer look pale, and dishonour gives a dark and scowling expres- sion to the face, it is inferred that Fear is "pale," and Dis- honour "dark." And in the same way Famine is "gaunt ;" Jealousy "green-eyed;" Faith "pure-eyed;" Hope "white- handed." 529. Good and bad Metaphors.-There are certain laws regulating the formation and employment of metaphors which should be borne in mind. (1.) A metaphor must not be used unless it is needed for explanation or vividness, or to throw light upon the thought of the speaker. Thus the speech of the Gardener, Rich. II. iii. 4. 33,- "Go then, and like an executioner Cut off the heads of our fast-growing sprays," &c. is inappropriate to the character of the speaker, and conveys an allusion instead of an explanation. It illustrates what is familiar by what is unfamiliar, and can only be justified by the fact that the gardener is thinking of the disordered con- dition of the kingdom of England and the necessity of a powerful king to repress unruly subjects. (2.) A metaphor must not enter too much into detail: for every additional detail increases the improbability that the correspondence of the whole comparison can be sustained. Thus, if King Richard (Rich. II. v. 5. 50) had been content, while musing on the manner in which he could count time by his sighs, to say— "For now hath Time made me his numbering clock," SIMILE AND METAPHOR. 437 there would have been little or no offence against taste. But when he continues- "My thoughts are minutes, and with sighs they jar Their watches on unto mine eyes, the outward watch, Whereto my finger, like a dial's point, Is pointing still, in cleansing them from tears. Now, sir, the sound that tells what hour it is Are clamorous groans which strike upon my heart, Which is the bell,' we have an excess of detail which is only justified because it illustrates the character of one who is always "studying to compare, "* and "hammering out" unnatural comparisons. (3.) A metaphor must not be far-fetched nor dwell upon the details of a disgusting picture : "Here lay Duncan, His silver skin laced with his golden blood; there the murderers Steep'd in the colours of their trade, their daggers Unmannerly breech'd with gore.”—Macbeth, ii. 3. 117. There is but little, and that far-fetched, similarity between gold lace and blood, or between bloody daggers and breech'd legs. The slightness of the similarity, recalling the greatness of the dissimilarity, disgusts us with the attempted compari- son. Language so forced is only appropriate in the mouth of a conscious murderer dissembling guilt. (4.) Two metaphors must not be confused together, par ticularly if the action of the one is inconsistent with the action of the other. It may be pardonable to surround, as it were, one meta- phor with another. Thus, fear may be compared to an ague- fit, and an ague-fit passing away may be compared to the overblowing of a storm. Hence, “This ague-fit of fear is overblown" (Rich. II. iii. 2. 190) is justifiable. "Was the hope drunk But Wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since ?" + Macbeth, i. 7. 36. "I have been studying how I may compare This prison where I live unto the world; * 1 cannot do it; yet I'll hemmer it out."-Rich. 11. v. 5. 1 938 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAK. } is, apart from the context, objectionable; for it makes Hope a person and a dress in the same breath. It may, however, probably be justified on the supposition that Lady Macbeth is playing on her husband's previous expression— I have bought Golden opinions from all sorts of people, Which would be worn now in their newest gloss, Not cast aside so soon. "" (5.) A metaphor must be wholly false, and must not com- bine truth with falsehood. "A king is the pilot of the state," is a good metaphor. "A careful captain is the pilot of his ship," is a bad one. So "Ere my tongue Shall wound mine honour with such feeble wrong, Or sound so base a parle,”-Rich. II. i. 1. 190. 66 is objectionable. The tongue, though it cannot wound," can touch. It would have been better that "honour's" enemy should be intangible, that thereby the proportion and the per- fection of the falsehood might be sustained. Honour can be wounded intangibly by "slander's venom'd spear” (Rich. II. i. 1. 171); but, in a metaphor, not so well by the tangible tongue. The same objection applies to "Ten thousand bloody crowns of mothers' sons Shall ill-become the flower of England's face, Change the complexion of her maid-pale peace To scarlet indignation, and bedew Her pastures' grass with faithful English blood." Rich. II. iii. 3. 96. If England is to be personified, it is England's blood, not the blood of ten thousand mothers, which will stain her face. There is also a confusion between the blood which mantles in a blush and which is shed; and, in the last line, instead of " England's face," we come down to the literal “pas- tures' grass." (6.) Personifications must be regulated by the laws of personality. No other rule can be laid down. aggerations like the following must be avoided :- But ex- SIMILE AND METAPHOR. 439 Comets, importing change of times and states, Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky, And with them scourge the bad revolting stars.” 1 Hen. VI: i. 1. 2. The Furies may be supposed to scourge their prostrate victims with their snaky hair, and comets have been before now regarded as scourges in the hand of God. But the liveliest fancy would be tasked to imagine the stars in revolt, and scourged back into obedience by the crystal hair of comets. (INE 3. NOTES AND QUESTIONS.* MACBETH, ACT III. SCENE I "Thou play'dst most foully for't." Expand the metaphor into its simile. (Grammar, 521.) 14. "And all-thing unbecoming." See "All" (Grammar). What is there remarkable in this use of all? Comp. iii. 2. 11- "Things without all remedy. 15. "A solemn supper." Modernize. from the derivation. Compare Trace the present meaning "A solemn hunting is in hand.”—T. A. ii. 1. 112. 17. "To the which." What is the antecedent to the which? Why do we say the which, but never the who? (Grammar, "Which," 270.) 25. 44. The better." When do we add the to a comparative? (Gram- mar, 94.) Can the be explained here? 'While then." (See 137.) Compare "He shall conceal it Whiles you are willing it shall come to note. Illustrate from Greek and Latin. T. N. iv. 3. 29. 49. "To be thus thus is nothing but to be safely thus." Explain the grammatical construction of the last clause. (See 385.) 51. "Which would be feared." Modernize would. Explain (Gram- mar, 329) the Elizabethan usage. "Tis much he dares." Is there any object to "he dares "? (241) • The numbers refer to the paragraphs of the Grammar. NOTES AND QUESTIONS. 441 # 'LINE 52. "And to that dauntless temper of his mind." Meaning of? (See Grammar, "To.") Illustrate this construction by Shakespeare's ". . . And, under him, 54. "None but he. use of except. (See Grammar, "But.") 56. See A. and C. ii. 3. 20-30. My genius is rebuked; as, it is said, Mark Antony's was by Cesar." genius from its derivation. Trace the meaning of 65. "For Banquo's issue have I filed my spirit." Meaning of? Give similar instances of the dropping of the prefix. (See Prosody, 460.) 72. 75. Champion me to the utterance." Meaning of? Trace the meaning of champion and utterance from the derivation. What historical inference may be drawn from the fact that both these words are derived from the French? Mention a similar inference contained in the dialogue between Gurth and Wamba in "Ivanhoe." >> "So please your highness." Parse please. (See 297.) 81. "How you were borne in hand, how cross'd, the instruments. Is this an Alexandrine? (See Prosody, 468; and compare "My books and instruments shall be my company." T. of Sh. i. 1. 82.) "Like labour with the rest, where the other instruments. "I. But now thou seem'st a coward. P. "} Coriol. i. 1. 104. Hence, vile instrument."-Cymb. iii. 4. 75. "Borne in hand." Meaning? "The Duke Bore many gentlemen, myself being one, In hand and hope of action."—M. for M. i. 4. 52. We do not now say "to bear in hope," but "to keep a person in hope, suspense, &c. So a rich hypocrite, pretending illness to squeeze presents out of his expectant legatees, is said to— "Look upon their kindness, and take more And look on that, still bearing them in hand, Letting the cherry knock against their lips." B. J. Fox, i. 1. init. 442 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. LINE We still say, to "bear in mind," but we generally use hand" in this sense. " a 83. "To half a soul and to a notion crazed." Meaning of notion here? Compare 84. "His notion weakens, his discernings Are lethargied."—Lear, i. 4. 248. Trace the double meaning of the word from the derivation. "M. Say 'Thus did Banquo.' Murd. You made it known to us. Scan. (See 454.) 87. "Your patience so predominant in your nature." Scan. 88. "Are you so gospell'd to pray for this good man." Modernize. 91. (See 282.) "M. And beggar'd yours for ever. liege. Scan. Murd. We are men, my 95. "The valued file." Trace this and other meanings of file from the derivation. Explain the meaning and use of valued (374). Could we say a valued catalogue?" 99. 100. The gift which bounteous nature hath in him closed.” (See 460.) Compare closed. Dance, sing, and in a well-mixed border Parse Close this new brother of our order."-ROWLEY. What is now the difference between "I have him caught," and "I have caught him"? Compare "And when they had this done."—St. Luke v. 6. "Particular addition from the bill that writes them all alike." Meaning of from? (See Prepositions.) 103. "Not in the worst rank of manhood, say't." Scan. (See 485 ) 108. "Who wear our health but sickly in his lite Which in his death were perfect. Murd. I am one, my liege." What is the antecedent to which? Scan the second line. "" 112. "So weary with disasters, tugg'd with fortune.' Parse and explain tugg'd. How does the meaning differ from the modern meaning? Compare NOTES AND QUESTIONS. 443 LINE 113. 116. 120. [21. [22. 123. 127. "Both tugging to be victors, breast to breast." and, for the construction : 3 Hen. VI. ii. 5. 12. 'And, toil'd with works of war, retired himself To Italy."-Rich. II. iv. 1. 96. "That I would set my life on any chance." Expand the metaphor. Compare "Who sets me else? By heaven I'll throw at all." Rich. II. iv. 1. 57. And in such bloody distance, That every minute of his being thrus! Against my near'st of life." Expand the metaphor. What is meant by "my nearʼst of life?" Illustrate by "home-thrust," and oikeîos. "And bid my will avouch it." Trace the meaning from the derivation. "For certain friends." Meaning of for here? How did for become a conjunction ? "Whose loves I may not drop." What is the meaning of may? Derive the modern from the original meaning. "But wail his fall Who I myself struck down.” What is the antecedent to who? What is there remarkable in the sentence? (Gram. 274.) 'Perform what you command us. lives-" First Murd. Though our What do you suppose the First Murderer intended to say? Why did Macbeth interrupt him? 128. "Your spirits shine through you. Within this hour at most.” Scan. 130 "The perfect spy of the time." Apparently in this difficult pas- sage spy is put for "that which is spied," "knowledge." 132. "Always thought." Parse thought. Illustrate the construc- tion from Greek.* "From the palace." From, how used? Liddell and Scott: dox@, ii. 4. 444 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. LINE 138 "I'll come to you anon. 3. We are resolved, my lord.". Perhaps "t' you anón" is to be considered as one foot. If not, how can this verse be scanned? (See 500.) What is the emphatic word in the Murderer's reply? SCENE 2. Say to the king, I would attend his leisure." Modernize the latter words. Trace the different meanings of attend from the derivation. 9. "C II. What is the exact meaning of would? Lady M. 'Tis safer to be that which we destroy Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy. Enter MACBETH. How now, my lord! Why do you keep alone?" Illustrate the character of Lady Macbeth from her words before and after the entrance of her husband. Why and when, for the most part, does Shakespeare use rhyme? "With them they think on. Things without all remedy." Scan. What is the object of on? (See 242.) How is ali used? 16. "But let the frame of things disjoint, both the worlds suffer." Perhaps a pause is intended after "let :" "But let—yes, even the frame," &c. In that case "But let " is an un- finished verse, and the rest is a complete verse. In the Fol. 1623 the first line ends with "disjoint," containing four accents. When does Shakespeare use verses with four accents (505-9)? 19. 21. "That shake us nightly; better be with the dead." Scan. How can you justify an accent on the first syllable in the foot "bétter ?" Than on the torture of the mind to lie In restless ecstasy. Duncan is in his grave.” What suggested the expression to lie on the torture of the mind "? Trace this, as well as the modern, meaning of ecstasy from the derivation. Compare "Where violent sorrow seems A modern ecstasy."—Macbeth, iv. 3. 170. NOTES AND QUESTIONS. 445 LINE 27. 29. Give instances of classical words restricted in meaning by modern, compared with Elizabethan, usage. (See Introduc. tion.) Scan the latter line. "Gentle my lord." Explain and illustrate the position of my. (See 13.) "Be bright and jovial among your guests to-night. "Trace the meaning from the derivation. Give words similarly derived. Scan. 30. "Let your remembrance apply to Banquo." Scan. (See Pro- + sody, 477.) 38. "Nature's copy." Meaning of? Comp. T. N. i. 5. 257 . 40. 42. "Tis beauty truly blent whose red and white Nature's own sweet and cunning hand laid on.” Ere the bat hath flown His cloister'd flight." What is alluded to? "" “The shard-borne beetle." Shard is scale. Ben Jonson talks of scaly beetles with their habergeons. And in Cymb. iii. 2. 20, "The sharded beetle " is opposed to winged eagle." 46. ' 48. 'the full- Seeling night." To seel was to close the eyelids of hawks partially or entirely by passing a fine thread through them; siller, Fr. This was done to hawks till they became tractable."-NARES. "Cancel and tear to pieces that great bond." Comp. Rich. III. iv. 4. 77: "Cancel his bond of life." Macbeth iv. I. 99: "Shall live the lease of nature." And- Through her wounds doth fly Life's lasting date from cancell'd destiny."—R. of L Explain the meaning of the expression here, and trace the meaning of cancel from the derivation. 54. Hold thee still." Modernize. (See 20.) SCENE 3. 3, 4. 5. "To the direction just." Meaning of to? (See 187.) Now spurs the lated traveller apace." Modernize. Illustrate by similar instances the shortening of the word. 446 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. LINE 10. I. 5. "Within the note of expectation." This may perhaps mean, "the memorandum or list of expected guests." Compare "I come by note."-M. of V. iii. 2. 140. "That's out of my note.". -W. T. iv. 3. 49. Otherwise it may mean "the boundary,' Compare "limit." "Within the prospect of belief.”—Macbeth, i. 3. 74. SCENE 4. "Sit down at first And last the hearty welcome." Compare I Hen. VI. v. 5. 102 : "Ay grief I fear me both at first and last.” Meaning of? What distinction is now made between first and at first, last and at last? "Our hostess keeps her state, but in best time We will require her welcome.' Show, from the antithesis implied in but, what is meant by keeping her state. Compare "The king caused the queene to keepe the estate, and then sate the ambassadors and ladies, as they were marshalled by the king, who would not sit, but walked from place to place making cheare."-HOLINSHED, quoted by CLARK and WRIGHT. The " state was used technically to mean a canopy." "Be large in mirth." Modernize. Illustrate from largess. 12. "The table round. 11. Banquo's then. There's blood upon thy face. M. 'Tis What name has been given, and why, to this arrangement of the parts of verses? Compare lines 15, 20, 51, 69, which are similarly arranged. (See Prosody, 513.) 13. "Tis better thee without than he within." Meaning? Com. ment on the syntax. (See 206, 212.) 23, "As broad and general as the casing air." Compare 2 Hen. VI. v. 2. 43: "Now let the general trumpet blow his blast." NOTES AND QUESTIONS. 447 LINE 34. Meaning of general? Modernize. What is the difference between "general," universal," and " and "common"? "The feast is sold That is not often vouch'd, while 'tis a-making, 'Tis given with welcome: to feed were best at home." Analyse the sentence, and show the confusion of two con- structions. Whence arose the use of a, as in a-making? (See 140.) Scan the last line. 36. "From thence. "" 42. Meaning of? (See 158.) "Who may I rather challenge for unkindness." always used for whom? Is who Whence arises the difference between may, in " in “may may I challenge," as here, and "I may challenge"? 57. "You shall offend him." Modernize. What is the present rule for the use of shall with respect to the second and third persons? How did the rule arise? (See 317.) 61. "This is the very painting of your fear." Modernize. Trace from the derivation the Elizabethan meaning, and hence the modern meaning, as in "His very dog deserted him." 64. "Impostors to true fear." Meaning of to? (See 187.) 66. "Authorized by her grandam." Compare for the accent- "His madness so with his authorized youth."-L. C. 15. Authorizing thy trespass with compare.' -Sonn. 35.* "Ere human statutes purged the gentle weal." How is gentle used? If the weal was already gentle, how did it require to be purged? 75. 79. >> "The times have been * That, when the brains were out, the man would die." Modernize that. Illustrate this use. (See 284.) 81. "With twenty mortal murders on their crowns." Why twenty? (See above, line 27.) 87. "To those that know me. Come, love and health to all." Scan this and the previous line. * Neither of these passages is conclusive, as authorize coming at the beginning of the verse may have the accent on the first syllable. Add therefore: 'His rudeness so with his authorized youth.”—L. C. 15. 148 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. LINE 91. 'We thirst." Thirst is not used elsewhere by Shakespeare in the sense of " drinking a health." [?"first."] 95. "Thou hast no speculation in those eyes." Illustrate from this use of speculation the general difference between the Elizabethan and the modern use of classical words. (See Introduction.) 98. "Only." Probably transposed. (See Grammar, 420.) 99 “What man dare." Why not dares? Compare Let him that is no coward But dare maintain.". '—1 Hen. VI. ii. 4. 32. (Dare occurs thus three times in the unhistorical plays, dares thirty times. In the historical plays dare eight, dares seven times.) 105. "If trembling I inhabit, then protest me." No other instance has been given where inhabit means "linger at home." Shakespeare may, however, have derived this use of the word from oikovρeîv (“to be a stay-at-home" as opposed to "going out to war") through NORTH'S Plutarch, 190 :— "The home-tarriers and house-doves," &c. Trace this and the modern meaning of protest from the derivation. Comp. M. Ado, v. 1. 149 : "I will protest your cowardice." 106. "The baby of a girl." Baby was sometimes used for "doll:" "And now you cry for't As children do for babies back again. B. and F. (HALLIWELL). 109. "You have displaced the mirth, broke the good meeting." [12. What is here contrary to common usage? (See 343.) "You make me strange Even to the disposition that I orve. Comp. C. of E. ii. 2. 151 : "As strange unto your town as to your talk." Owe is frequently used for ow(e)n, as ope for open. Comp. debeo from de and habeo. 122. Why does not Lady Macbeth continue her expostulations when she is alone with her husband? NOTES AND QUESTIONS. 449 LINE 66 124. 'Augurs and understood relations." Comp. below, iv. 3. 173: "O, relation Too nice, and yet too true." The utterances of birds are apparently called relations. 126. "What is the night?" Illustrate this use of what. (See 252.) 129. "Did you send to him, sir?" Why does Shakespeare here make Lady Macbeth thus address her husband? 133. "And betimes I will to the weird sisters." This line must pro- bably be scanned by pronouncing weird as two syllables. (See Prosody.) In the Folio weird is spelt weyard. Comp. ii. 1. 20: "I dreamt last night of the three weird sisters. 138. "Returning were as tedious as go o'er." Parse returning and go. 141. "You lack the season of all natures, sleep." Illustrate from this and other passages the practical and unimaginative cha- racter of Lady Macbeth, as contrasted with her husband. Compare with this v. I. Compare also ii. 2. 67: “A little >> I. 35: “Yet water clears us of this deed and v. ; here's a spot," and, in the same scene, 'What, will these hands ne'er be clean?" In what sense may such lines as ii. 2. 67, iii. 4. 141, be called specimens of "irony"? Compare also Duncan speaking of the first (not of the second) Thane of Cawdor: "There's no art To find the mind's construction in the face. He was a gentleman on whom I built An absolute trust."-i. 4. 11. In the same scene, 1. 58, Duncan says of Macbeth, "It is a peerless kinsman.” Other instances of Shakespearian "irony" may be found in Rich. III. iii. 2. 67; Coriol. iii. 1. 19; 1 Hen. IV. I. ii. 4. 528, compared with 2 Hen. IV. v. 5. 51; A. and C. i. 2. 32, compared with Ib. v. 2. 330, T. of A. i. 2. 92, Rich. III. i. 2. 112, and b. iv. 1. 82; Macbeth, ii 3. 97-100, and Пb. v. 2. 22; Rich. III. iii. I. 110. G G 450 SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR SCENE 5. LINR I. Why does Shakespeare make the witches speak in a different metre from the rest of the play? Illustrate from the Mid- summer Night's Dream and the Tempest. 7. "Close contrivor of all harms." Meaning of close? Comp. Cymb. iii. 5. 85: "Close villain, I'll have thy secret." "All you have done Hath been but for a wayward son. "" Illustrate this from Lady Macbeth's description of her husband, i. 5. Contrast the character of Macbeth with that of Richard III. 24. "There hangs a vaporous drop profound." Perhaps mysterious. "And you all know security 32. Is mortals' chiefest enemy." Trace the modern meaning of security from the derivation. What does it mean here? Illustrate from Milton's Allegro. 2. SCENE 6. Only I say." Probably transposed as above. "Was pitied of Macbeth." Modernize. Account for this use of of. 8. "Who cannot want the thought how monstrous." Scan. (Sec Prosody, 477.) Compare, for the meaning of want, W. T. iii. 2. 55. 19. "I think . . . they should find." Modernize. Explain the difference between the Elizabethan and the modern should. (See 326.) 21. "An't please heaven." Explain an't. (See 101.) 'He fail'd his presence." Comp. Lear, ii. 4. 143 : "I cannot think my sister in the least Would fail her obligation. How is fail now used when it takes an object after it? 27. "Received of the most pious Edward." (See line 4) NOTES AND QUESTIONS. 451 LINE. 30. "Is gone to pray the holy king upon his aid.” Unless it can be shown that upon is sometimes used for on, this line, as it stands, is an Alexandrine. 35. "Free from our feasts and banquets bloody knives." Comp. Timon of A. v. I. : "Rid me these villains from your companies." Also perhaps Tempest, Epilogue: "Prayer which frees all faults." 36. "Do faithful homage." Trace the modern and ancient mean- ing from the derivation. 38. 40. 42. "Hath so exasperate the king." Why is the d omitted? (See 343.) "And with an absolute 'Sir, not I." 'shall.'"-Coriol. iii. 1. horse."-Hen. V. iii. Cloten."-Cymb. iv. 2. the derivation. Also, " Compare "an absolute an absolute and excellent 7; "I am absolute 'twas very Trace the different meanings frow "As who should say." Sex 257.) GG 2 INDEX TO THE QUOTATIONS FROM SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS. The references are to the numbered paragraphs, and to the scenes and lines of the "Globe" edition. References marked thus (+) will not be found quoted in the paragraph referred to, but similar references will be found explaining the difficulty of the reference in question. References in parentheses thus (6) refer to the explanatory notes at the end of the play. ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL. ACT I. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. i. 192 • • 379 i. 7. • 172 ii. iv. 73 • 27 Sc. Line Par. 1360 7. 1374 ACT IV. Sc. Line Par. 1. 20. 88 • i. 94. 477 iii. • 131. . 177 iv. 15 • • 336 i. 21 202 • • ii. 29. 407 iii. • 142. 480 iv. · 27. 218 ii. 21 • • 247 iii. 71. 368 • iii. 156. 271 iv. 29. · 484 ii. 30. 129 iii. 107 • 372 iii. 168 • • 470 iv. 30. 4197 iii. 9. • 489 iii. iii. üii. 208. 221 224 · 445 iii. 179. . 268 V. 43 · • 477 iii. 114 • • 400 279 iii. 185 • 490 V. 48. • 191 iii. 116. • 400 81 • • iii. 223. • 64 V. 58. · I iii. 158. • · 434 iii. 261. 208 • V. 98 · • 335 iii. 285. • 301 ACT II. iii. 289 • • 489 V. 103. 175 iii. 298 • i. 6. • i. 60. • 418 97 ill. 313. 507 V. 104. • 19Sa iii. 299 . · 400 357 vi. 24 • · 278 iv. i. 98. 468 ACT III. vi. 27 . • i. IIO. 462 i. 5 • • 485 vi. 109. · • i. III. P. 15 vi. 115. V. ii. 108 12 405 200 4. 30. 46. 55. § 76 191 212 . 87 ༨ • • 434 i. 124 i. 134. i. 144. i. 163. i. 184 • vi. 434 ii. III 468 117. • 243 vii. • 349 30 128 • iv. 497 • 473 • 509 <་ རྔ་ རྡ་ 99 I ACT V. 331 vii. 31. • 492 iv. 2 • 312 Vil. 32. 363 i. 24 - • 514 6. 203 vii. 70. • 127 i. 25 . 514 454 INDEX Sc. Line Par. Sc Line Par. iii. I. • 172 iii. ill. 1 48 Sc. Line iii. 123 Par. • • 466 Sc. Line iii. 198 Pai • · 243 79. • 4. 45 220 iii. 134. • 145 iii. 201 • • 425 iii. 27. 315 iii. 85 • • 294 iii. 165 507 47 48 • · 376 iii. 86 • • 277 iii. 181. . 152 iii. 220. iii. 237 · 434 • 143 ► 492 iii. 113 • • 226 iii. 184 484 ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. ACT I. iv. 42 • • 302 ii. 129 364 vii. 134 • . 97 iv. 43 · • 374 i. 19. 513 iv. 44. • 460 ii. 137. £299 vii. 138. • 509 1508 i. 27 • 469 iv. 45. • 33 ii. 144. 331 ACT III. 31. • 443 174 ii. 160 • 89 i. 43 128 iv. • 71. 510 ii. 169 • · 17 i. 15. (208 i. 56. 514 1498 • 193 i. 62. • 177 iv. 1484 ii. 192. • 179 i. 33. • 434 73. 1510 ii. 215. · 430 i. ii. 38 35. • 405 • • 12 V. 7 • • 482 ii. 226. • 326 ii. 17 • • ii. 509 115 • • 337 V. 17 • 479 iii. 22. • 24 ii. 29. • 492 ii. 127 . • 252 V. 21 • • 469 iii. 26. · 168 iii 14. • 210 62 iii. I V. • 33. 490 iii. 36. 146 iv. 15. 484 iii. 8. (298 iv. 2 • 203 • 244 V. 59. iv. 1451 31. • 285 V. 21 Hi. 339 vi. II • • 434 28. 1 166 V. iii. 26. • 484 23 • • 191 vi. 30. • • 404 iii. 29. 263 ACT II. V. 27 • 477 vi. 31 . • 468 V. iii. 36. 12 38. 484 vi. 52. • 497 i. 8. 178 · V. 44 25 üii. 301 vi. 76. · II 41 1368 i. 20. • 469 V. • 78 364 · vi. 97. • 510 iii. 48 • 412 i. 24 492 V. 94. 133 vii. iii. 55 • · 290 i. 31 • • 405 V. 106. · 13 vii. iii. 68. • 508 i. iii. 73 • 363 i. 38. 48 • 434 vi. 30. 158 • vii. • • 492 vi. 38. . 460 iii. 79. 472 i. • SI . · 204 vi. 60. • 405 iii. 95 . • 384 ii. 25 364 vi. 78 · • 236 iii. 97 · • 293 ii 30 • · 404 vi. 86. • 382 iii. 100 iv. iv. W. 20 39. · • 430 ii 53 • • 111 vii. 18. • 290 6. • 469 ii. 79. 360 vii. • 29 • 221 • 198 ii. 98. • I vii. 83 • • 433 ii. 124 423 vii. 122 385 364. X. X. X. X. X. X. X. E: E: S: 28. xi. 3 40 50 • • 477 460 · 478 • 400 • xi. ΙΟ 507 xi. 48 • 7.24 xi. 53 (200 1220 54. 460 58 • • 68. • 326 453 INDEX. 455 Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. xii. 12 • • · 377 ü. 3 420 ix. 9. • 469 i. 47 • • 442 xii. 36. • 315 ii. 7 • - 241 xi. I • • 124 i. 48 • 449 xiii. 4 507 ii. 27 • Kiii. 6. • 478 64 *1387 xii. H 76 i. SI · 414 xii. 48 • • 498 i. 58 • xiii. IO • · 294 ii. 28. • 507 xiv. 19. 435 i. 68. • 397 • 315 xiii. • · 27 381 iv. 3 • 482 xiv. 22 • 243 i. 69. • • 30 xiii. · 47 485 iv. II · 480 xiv. 72. • 494 ii. 58 • . 498 XIII. 71 • • 505 vi. 3 • • 315 xiv. 120. $470 ii. 85 • 291 xiii. 77 372 vi. •1505 12 · • 503 ii. 103 • • 126 xiii. 96 • 499 vi. 30 • { 18 xiv. 133 · • 230 ii. 140. · 377 92 XV. 59 • • 241 211 ii. 166. xiii. 98 451 · 497 vi. 39. • 423 ii. 216 · • 338 xiii. 99. xiii. 138. · 132 vii. 5 4. • 344 ACT V. ü. • • 290 vii. 16. 212 xiii. 196 • • 472 viii. I 364 i. 2 • • viii. 7 • 484 i. 3 • ACT IV. viii. 21 • 499 i. 21 ii. i. • 14 484 viii. 22 • 166 i. 27 • 126 ii. i. 34. 356 • viii. 31 • 419a i. 31. 193 ii. 477 • 315 20 ü. 290 85 ii. 236. 1422 ii. 240. · 291 364 306. • 339 · 1496. $473 225. 430 512 AS YOU LIKE IT. i. i. i ACT I. 2 3 20 • • • • ii. 121. .†359 iii. (66 ii. • · 85 167) .†281 13 • 477 ii. 134. .1269 iii. 7 • iii. • 399 198 ii. (149) 75 +69 iii. 8. .t244 iii. 76. 81 · 1. 46. 208 ii. 165 • †295 iii. 117 • • 287 iii. IO • (12) • .+281 (2) 454 i. 1. i. i. 1. i. $79) 1801 115. 121 129. 134. i. 139 · .+356 • • ii. 196. .t223 iii. 118 • .-202 iii. • 232 27 a .t494 ii. 220 • · (1) iii. 122 . 455 ii. 240. iii. .1322 124 .t226 iii. 1291 (30) .t232 • 87 ii. 254. go ACT II. iii. 42 • • 403 81 ii. 260 i. Σ I. †490 · iii. 315 (270) .t494 50. .+406 i. 6. • 113 iii. 58 • 343 196 ii. 272. .t136 i. 8. .t272 iii. 69. i. 154 · .1230 ii. 278 (2) i. 33 • • 270 iv. 10. • 231 .+406 i 172. .†206 ii. 279. 216 · i. 49. .+501 iv. 35 . 4570 i 6. .†291 iii. 35 • • (3) i. 52. • 495 ii 30. .†196 iii. 44 465 i. ü. 1941 โas) t347 iii. 145) 1681 1691 +500 (36) iv. 39 STI 43. โรม .t287 ii. 5. 423 iv. 40 • $343 456 INDEX. Sc. Line iv. 44. Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. • 178 vii. 172 .+356 iii. 51. • 64 iii. 53. .+490 iv. 49) vii. 193 • • 490 151) iv. 69. · iv. 75. • iv. 88. J254 93 484 493 vii. 196 vii. (1981 (199) ACT III. iv. 51 467 152). 260 • iii. 76. {401 V. 3 • 494 iii. 88 • • .+233 V. 5 • 291 iii. IIO. 4.56 478 .+264 v. 6. 120 iii. 117. • 326 1315 i. 2. • 202 V. V. 5. .t364 (12) (260 (13)· ·1264 iii. 119 • • 115 i. · 4 · 380 iii. 123 • .+494 V. 16. †103 V. 26. .†244 i. 18. • (5) iii. 124 • • 460 V. V. 33 · .t137 42. 494 iii. 132. • 264 ii. ΙΟ • V. 34 · 200 - {(2224 V. 48 440 iii. 150. .†161 Y. vi. 36. II • +3 V. (22) 49 • • 458 ii. • · +59 1345 +401 iii. (161) V. 53. • 247 (162)* +513 ii. vii. 33. • (6) v. 60. .†405 I • • 299 ii. ACT V. vii. 3 • • +38 50. • 125 V. 61. • †201 ii. vii. 4 • • 178 54. • +69 V. 62. · 356 ii. 3 • .+378 ii. 62. +II ii. V. vii. 31. • 2 74 · · 499 7 ii. vii. 48. . 196 100. • +5 V. 94 · .+287 ii. vii. 52 • 83 ii. 127. • +19 V. τι8 . 501 88. .+225 ii. 91-94. t500 • 483 vii. 68. +89 ii. 144 · • 2)- 122. .1494 ii. 110. 35€ vii. 73 • • (4) ii. 147 . • 492 ii. 115. .†274 ACT IV. vii. • .+287 75 ii. 162. (216 1416 iii. 15. • 181 i. • 7 (9) • iv. 5 .+490 vii. 83. .t456 ii. 163. • 443 (31) vii. 88 • S+343 1+500 i. 40 • ii. 182. • 328 (1) iv. (21) 1225 416 51) ii. 187. .t284 iv. i. 52. .t170 56. 174 vii. 96. . 467 ii. 188. 271 i. vii. 99. .+474 60. .+372 iv. 63. .t221 ii. 196. .†193 iv. i. 100 vii. IOI . • (1) .+243 72. t113 • ii. 236. .t194 iv. 108. +92 • iii. 6. vii. 104. • 100 ii. 261. .†329 iii. IO. vii. 119 • • 270 ii. 268-74 · 511 iii. vii. 132. • 4 vii. 139. 407 vii. 143 · •†471 ii. 330 ii. 269. 20, n. ii. 320-2. .t274 iii. • (7) iii ii. 362. • vii. (149). • 83 90 ii. 411. (169) •1513 iii. vii 159. vii. j1681 83 Folio, "and." (2) Compare iv. 1. 20. "Wearer's" for "weary." (7) Rich. II. v. 5. 55 (3) Hamlet, i. 2. 182 (5) Rich. III. i. 2. 217. (6) See i. 2. 52 (8) Ib. v. 1. 28. (a) Macbeth, iv. 3. 17″ iv. 140. • .t189 • 1474 iv. 167. • 400 iv. 25. • • 501 (8) iii. iv. 171. • 34 · 430 224 iii. 36. .1468 iv. 178 12 iii. 3 • • 92 IO • 294 iii. (50) 1515 iv. 201. 1513 412 iv. 218. 361 • iii. 12. 16. 21 • • 510 .+178 • · 115 382 .+457 iv. 125. .†469 iv. 150. 170. .t403 354 INDEX. 457 COMEDY OF ERRORS. ACT I Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. ii. 180. • Sc. Line Pur. 158 i. 39. • · 319 i. Line 79. • Par 484 i. 16. • i 33 • 512 • 216 i. 60. · 466 i. 138 · • 417 ACT III. i. 65 • • 456 i. 153. 178 i 39. • 480 i. • 7 · 382 i. 95. 480 i. 170 • 24 1. 52. 280 • i. (24) · 502 ii. 7. · 406 i. 181. • 29 i. 53. . 271 i. 40 • 502 ii. (42) i. 143)* → 460 196. • • 469 i. i. 64 • 434 i. 198 . 216 • 47 • • 502 iv. 3 460 i. 222 i. 85 467 • • 251 i. 50. · · 502 iv. 66. 226 · i. i. 86. 202 i. 230. 270 SI • • 502 iv. 152. 329 i 268. . 196 i. 105. · • 344 i. 52. • 502 i. 282. • 349 i. 151. • 453 i. 54 502 ii. 2 • 49c i. 72. • • 502 ACT V. i. 283 • • 244 ii. 37 20 i. • i. 308. · 344 74. • 430 i. 10. 20 • i. ii. 42. 47 313. • 343 i. go. • 57 i. II . • 354 i. ii. 46 • • 344 357 • • 471 ii. 30 175 i. 25. · 349 • i. 358. • 477 ACT II. ii. 186. 422 i. 45. • 490 i. 360. • 477 i. 33. 12 22 ACT IV. i. 379 · 299 ii. 43-45. 75 i. 69 333 ii. 153 · • 263❘ i. 12. • 361 1430 i. 388 • 343 CORIOLANUS. .+252 i. 118. .t512 123. .†287 .+460 .+467 470 +p. 24 251 +198a i. 255. i. 256. ACT I. i. 108. • 419 i. 200 • • 501 i. i. 18. (302 •1367 i. 115. .t-497 i. 201 · i. 207. · • i. 1. 37 i. 209 • i. i. 40 • · i. i. i. • 1. i. 158. • i. 74 • 75 · 82, 98 ¹. 101. i. 102 i. 105 L 107. · • 420 .1467 • 486 95 stior (1) .+420 124 • 126. .†264 i. 144. i. 159. i. 179. .t171 i. 215 . { + p. 13 .t107 · • 472 484 386 ! . 492 (+482 +484 ΟΙ +512 i. 263. . 356 i. 272 .{†p. 13 (3) †p. 3 1. 276 - {tp · 130 • 287 i. 217 .†202 i. 218. • 477 i. 220. • 244 i. 223. • · 1. 283. i. 230 ii. 2. .t321 i. 231 S+15·2 1+295 i. 197 · .+501 i. 236. 206 ii. 4 • • i. 198 386 ii. 14. • J†467 +494 i. 199 290! i. 248 . .7468 ii. 22 • 442 (134 1+494 i. 193 i. 195. · 471 • i. 247 · 458 .t244 • 12 486 .1494 458 INDEX Sc Linc Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par i 24. 29 vi. 55. .†423 i. 188 . .†458 iii. IIO. .1401 ii. ii. ill. iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. 22 • Å ☆ ☆ ☆ w w w ☺ w w • .+513 vi. 60. 31. .†512 {+3057 i. 2c2. 182 iii. 128. • 456 +457 i. 216. 499 iii. 131 • •†462 vi. 70 .†200 i. .+322 222. .t221 iii. 147. • 404 vi. • 72 .t285 30. 32 • • 296 i. 235 286 • • iii. 157 {30 1405 vi. 81 • 499 · 41 i. 244 .†414 iii. 163 · 343 vii. 2 • 499 34 • 40. • 503 i. 257 . .+350 vii. 6 .†512 iii. 167 .†494 i. 262 187 • 420 viii. 7 • .+500 iii. 183 • 470 44 46 · • 65. .†494 i. 269. †497 iii. 184. .t281 viii. 8 • 430 • 469 i. 284. .†469 ix. 6. • 374 ii. 16. iii. 190. .†198 .t399 • 400 ix. iii. 192 • •†492 7 • • 492 iii. 69 46 ii. (19) • 136 ix. 1205• { 361 408 iii. 214 • • 27 17 • 477 iii. 72. .†182 ix. 36. ii. • 219 29. 384 • iii. 92 .t329 ix. 43. .+497 ii. 30. 118) ix. 45 · • 484 ii. 35. • iii. (120) .t231 ix. 50. .t511 ii. 41. • iii. 122. • 144 ix. 52. • 458 ii. 44 • iy. 2 • 480 ix. • 55 (5) • ii. 80 iv. 6'. • • .†497 ix. 57. 458 · ii. iv. 8. .+500 85 • ix. 58. .†497 iv. 9. 460 • ix. 78. .+315 ii. 93. { { 4 43 77 iv. 12. • 294 ix. 83. · 484 ii. 98 • • 20 (8) .1442 • 174 t218 (9) 463 182 iii. 215. iii. (214) (215) iii. 216. iii. (233). iii. 238. iii. 242. iii. 244. iii. • 456 W 141 .+349 • 175 · 383 431 iii. 231. 471 23 7.57 . • 290 iv. 23. †156 X. 13. • 134 ii. 100 · 312 iii. 259. .+500 iv. 42 • • 474 X. • 19 468 • ii. 107 • 45 iii. 262 • 63 iv. iv. 43 · iv. 4. V. 57. 58 • 6. 124) .+457 • · 343 X. 30. †512 †187 X. • 486 232 i. 8. • 274 • • vi. 3. .+451 (11) i. ACT III. ΙΟ . .tisi i. 18. • vi. 16. 35 • 57 i. • II. .1295 +513 i. 25. 270 i. 23 • vi. 19. .+283 i. 51 P. 13 iii. 16. i. 244 33 · • .t223 .t159 vi. 22. +107 vi. 36. S21711 •1462 i. 91 • $ 1390 iii. 7 47 • • 145 i. 35 . < 471 C iii. (63) i. 70 • .1497 i. 105. .t379 1645° . (12) vi. 42. .t494 vi. 46. vi. (50) i. 143. · (1) iii. • 89 (1) i. (90) 1945. • · 316 • 64 i. 152 • .t343 iii. 107 • • 56 j. 94 • .+573 i. & 180. • 430 109. 470 +159 33. .t315 ACT II. 407 (6) •{1p. (?) (112) ii. 117. ii. 128 ii. 129. ii. 136 iii. iii. I 12. • • .1243 . (10) 480 419 ii. Si iii. 263. 162 iii. 266. .t159 iii. 268. • 512 INDEX. 459 ཝཾ sc. Line i. Par Sc. Line Par. ACT IV. Sc. Line Par. vi. ΙΟΙ . • 492 ii. 44. 12 13 · 505 • Sc. Line Par. L 103. .+376 ii. 50 • .+287 vi. 30. • 497 i. 3. . 295 vi. i. 112. • 1. 122. • 498 262 五五 ​ii. 33 . • 506 51. • 290 ii. 52. • 204 i. {3} • 333 vi. 34 • • 219 i. 137. 508 ii. {53). i. 12. • 476 vi. 35 • • 411 • 145 +12 i. 14. .†494 VI. 39. .t244 i. 144. +501 ii. 54. • 485 i. 21 • 319 i. 146. .+243 ii. 55. 279 i. 27 · .†495 i. 161. .†150 ii. 71 • • 54 i. 47 • • 143 i. (1611 162). .+400 ii. 75. • • 453 i. 53 · 78 vi. S. S. S. S. 74159 40 • +295 45 • 440 53 • • 348 63 · ii. 76 • .1494 i. 55. 87 vi. 68. • 51 †473 i. 170. • 4II ii. 81. 470 ii. • 2. • 410 vi. 1702 i. 195. · 476 ii. • 83 216 GIS 514 ii. 5. .t140 i. 202. .+513 vi. 73. · 9 ii. • 91. .+159 ii. i. 206. (13) 13. .+287 vi. 79. .†513 • ii. 105 • · 278 ii. 31. •†342 i. 208. .t136 vi. 85 • 492 ii. 116. .t365 ii. 36. .+513 i. 215. 476 · ii. • 119 264 ii. • 48. . 188 vi. 103 .+251 · i. (215). vi. 104 • .$505 81 • ii. 125 . 216 i. 221. .†494 ii. iii. • 138. • .+512 i. 235 • .+500 ii. 142. .+513 iii. 13. .t335 ((14) 295 (296 vi. (112). vi. 118. • 361 • 486 i. 251 • .t466 iii. 2 .+467 iii. 48. . (13) vi. 131 • 164 iùi. i. 259 • .t399 4 • 382 V. 14. ·(15) vi. 139 .+513 i. (261) iii. 6. (+494 V. 58. • . 510 vi. 148 • (215 1262)* • 24 1+5:3 1+469 V. 63 • .+349 i. 280. 484 iii. 8. .†494 vii. 4 · • 90 • V. 98. • 287 iii. vii. 8 • . til i. 298. t118a 19. • . 202 V. 99. .t285 vii. i. · .†242 301 ill. 49 · • 512 14 • • • 479 V. 110. • 505 1478 iii. 62. • 63 V. 113. .t203 vii. ĺ+356 40 • i. 311. 1484 • 1485 iii. 67 • • 482 V. 133. . 187 vii. 4I. .t136 i. 319. • 343 iii. 87 · • 475 V. 149. 484 • vii. SI. • 490 i. 327 · i. 329. .†469 • 492 iii. 93 · 151 V. 156. .t344 vii. 57. .t473 iii. 96. .t113 V. 157 460 i. 334. 480 · iii. 97. • 54 ACT V. V. • ii. 6 1477 iii. 104. • 430 i 513 iii. V. 122. 471 174 (P. 13 197 · (6) 182 i. 3. .†468 ii. 12 .t129 • iii, 124 · .+442 V. 203 ISI {}. · • ii. 26. • 468 ill. V. 127 • •457″ 205. • +90 i. 34 + C • 290 434 $500 V. ii. 39 or • iii. • (1494 133 · 1510 $457a 214. †430 i. • 39. +506 vi. II. 498 i 46. $286 400 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Pal 54. 471 ii. CPB - 62. . (17) iii. 5 • .†494 1321 35 iii. 21 .†161 • iii. (143) (144) .+278 vi. {22). (23) +249 • 490 iii. (149). • • 457 vi. ii 8 ül. ii. • 13 ¡ll. 1735° 18 • 458 {5} .+442 iii. 154 • .+497 vi. iii. 170 460 vi. • 22. • +92 iii. 67. • 469 iii. 186. .419a vi. ii. 41 183 iii. 82 . †p.13 iii. 189. ti vi. S. S. S. s. S. 23. .†494 35 • .t448 40 29c • ii. 65 • . (15) iii. 95. •· 423 iii. 192 • 483 vi. 44 • 4I. .†495 43. .+285 • 227 ii. 77 .t212 iii. 96. •†490 • ii. 89 294 iii. 100. .t349 ü. 90 . +16 • iii. 105 • • 479 ii. 95 • .15 iii. 108. .t494 ཙཱ ང་ ང་ ང་ iv. 39 • 492 vi. 61. .1513 55 • .+469 vi. • 69 462 • iv. 64 • • 143 vi. 71. .†479 vi. 4 • 238 vi. 78. • 420 iii. 4 • • 479 iii. 115 • • 478 vi. 5 . 208 vi. ΙΟΙ • • 480 iii. iii. 121. 455 • • • 290 iii. 125 • • 482 {3}. . +279 111. II (1) Folio, "and." (4) Othello, i. 2. 22. (7) See A. Y. L. ii. 2. 8. (10) Hamlet, i. 1. 162. (12) M. of V. i. 1. 98. (14) Folio, "appeared." (16) F. C. iii. 3. 22 (2) M. for M. iv. 6. 13. (5) A. and C. i. 4. 40. (8) Hamlet, v. 2. 95. vi. 138. .†457 (3) F. C. iii. 2. 16. (6) See above, i. 1. 272. (9) M. of V. iv. 1. 406. (11) Conversely, 1 Hen. VI. v. 4. 7. (13) Tempest, i. 2. 200. (15) F. C. iv. 3. 138. (17) 3 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 46 Ref. vi. II • .t440 vi. 128. tp.13 vi. 15. • 166 CYMBELINE. ACT 1. iv. w 36. . 382 V. 44 · 356 i. 24 81 iv. • 39 • • 405 vi. 6. 3.4 vi. 209. • ACT II. i, 48 • 465 iv. 53 • • 427 vi. 8. • 337 i. 61. • 507 i. 65 • • 279 iv. ΙΟΙ . 434 vi. 36. 375 iii. 24 • . 247 i. 72. • 466 iv. 112 • • 90 vi. 40. • 224 iii. 29 I • i. 96 • • 473 iv. 118. • 189 vi. 48. • 499 iii. 59 • • 297 i. 105 • 244 iv. 125. • 368 vi. 59 . j. 124 • • 382 v. 9. 467 * } iii. 68. • • 13 85 iii. 80. • 76 i. 132 • 508 V. 10. • 484 vi. 66. • 290 iii. ΙΟΙ . i. 168. 465 V. 17 • • 370 vi. 84 • 244 iii. III • • .4194 148 iii. ji. 7 • • 453 V. 29 • • 224 V. 25 28. • 93 vi. 116. 8 • iii ISI. · 478 vi. 117 · • 247 IV. 16. • 158 V. 32 212 • • vi.(Fol.)147. 340 iii. 153 • 508 (118 *1299 iv.. 17. 412 V. 41. • 95 vi. 165. 18 iv. 434 • • INDEX. 461 Sc. Line iv. 57. · 336 Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. V. 148. • 290 ii. 229. • · 435 iv. 149. 404 iv. 88. 497 vi. 17 • • 143 ii. 233 · • 215 iv. 179. $95 ACT III. vi. 19 • · 35I ii. 252 367 • 12 iv. vi. 21 • i. 38. 357 336 ii. 209 • 154 254 74 vi. i. 73 • • 356 25 • • 351 ii. V. 2. · 283. 230 • 335 v. 41. vi. ii. ii. 65 42 • 301 ii. 331 • • · 7 • • 429 V. S230 vi. 48. . 360 ii. 51 • 120 . 326 347. • 341 V. 60. • 79 •1352 vi. 63 • 295 ii. 466 371 . 335 V. ul. 28. • 333 vi. 70 126 ii. • • 373 • • 484 85 • • iii. iii 71. • 144 vi. 9. 453 V. 139. 84 • 356 92. 174 • iii. iii. 99 • • 336 ACT IV. 13 • 472 v. 169. 28 • iii. iii. 102 198 i. 16. 256 15 · • 471 V. 186. · 238 • iii. (Fol.) 103. 340 iii. ii. 26. 476 19. 5II V. 228. • 215 iii. 20 • iii. 85. 226 297 V. 230. . 238 • ii. 35 · • 333 iii. 21 • • 400 V. 233 · • • 335 iv. iv. 135. · 509 295 143. • .+335 ii. 47 · 296 iv. 6. · 433 V. 252. • 419 4II iv. 15. • 161 255. • 291 IV. 1.44 12 · · ii. 55 • • 453 iv. 148. (295 23. • 403 V. 297 • 230 1296 ii. 67 • • 347 iv. 35 • 86 V. 311. 182 • iv. 153 · • 465 ii. 71. • 274 iv. 48 • • 174 V. 338. 280 iv. 160. 228 ii. 97 16 • • ACT V. V. 343 • • 413 • સ સ સ સ ૨ iv. 187 ii. • 507 129. ISI i.. 8. • 327 Y. 349 . · 473 ii. y. 21 • • 343 146. • 47 ii. 22 • • 336 V. 406. · 344 89 V. V. 32. 58. V. 71. V. 83 · • • 220 iii. ii. 190. 45 • · 466 V. 407. • • 486 347 368 473 iv. 285 ii. 207. 86 iv. 5 8 60. 120. • 22 V. 431. • 158 · 295 V. 464. • 249 45 ii. 223. • 246 iv. 147. • 290 V. 469.. 434 HAMLET, i. i. i. ACT I. I 6 • 1. 45. +329 i. 77 • 512 i. 53 • .+458 i. +312 81. t130 i. 108 . 299 i. 114. 8 • • 191 i. 55 181 i. • • 84 92 i. 115. .1468 26. • 30 i. 56. 312 i. (+382 i. 86. 1469 '. i. 116. · 304 31-33 i. 252 57 + 3 1490 i. 117 • 113 i. 33 · • ► 361 i. 1. 35. 40 .1513 • 511 1581 1591. • • 513 i. 93. {+453 i. 119. • 204 494 i. 122. • +69 i. 13 i. 98. • 433 70. •1364 1. (43) 42 469 • i. i. 72. 290 (102) 1108) 1. • 127 120 132 J35) • 519 162 INDEX. Sc. Line ་ Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. i. 136. i. 143 i. 154 i, 158. i. 161. • 429 ii. 140. • 501 iii. 63 .+242 V. 66 • • 176 • .1470 ii. Ι4Ι • • 312 iii. 66. .†470 V. 61. S492 • P. 13 ii. 142 • • 349 iii. 70. .†276 (6) V. 65. · +89 • 142 ii. 151. • 194 iii. 73 • • 245 290 463 ii. 159 • .+364 111. 74. • (5) V. go +442 1. 168 • .+364 ii. 160 • • 497 iii. 85. .†501 V. 120. .+512 ii. II (1) ii. 171. +277 iii. 89 • . · 457 ii. 14 • .+189 ii. 172 • • 443 iii. 95. ii. ii. il. ii. 17 20 21 · • 244 ii. 176 • · 494 iii. IOI • • 342 ii. 179. • 192 • +89 S+513 453 V. 139 V. 163 Y. 173. • • 149 • • 492 • 470 V. • 175 178 · iii. p.16 ii. II2 180. • 469 · 513 iii. 22. •+242 ii. 183 .+131 117. ► iii. i. 23 • .p.16 ii. 184 • .+506 119. · V. ii. 27 †343 ii. 185 iii. 126. • • • • 480 478 164 5 v. 178. .+350 V. 180. • St50x 1+297 17 186. ii. 35 • · 148 ii. 193 193. .†307 iii. 131. • 57 ACT II. ü. ii. ii. 37 • 186 ii. 198 iii. 133 22 • • • 450 iv. 38 • D 412 ii. 3. †297 i. II. • II 207. • 3 i. 42-9. 235 ii. 216. · 304 iv. โ л- • 5:3 36. · 482 i. 42. 208 • ii. 68. • 294 ii. 217. • +107. iv. 6. 5 il. 78 • Stp.12 (2) ii. • 218 +38 iv. 18. †170 i. 58. 24 400 ii. 219 .+339 iv. 21 90 i. 64 168 ii. 81. 460 ii. • 222 .+343 iv. 30 • 3 i. ii. 87 . 490 ii. 90 • 246 ii. J2281 1230) iv. 35 .+315 .+513 i. 84 • iv. 47 • • 491 ii. (3) i. 91. 92. 1492 ii. 232 468 iv. 51. .†307 i. 1921 ii. 95. .188a iii. 2 • 109 iv. 52. 492 + 1935 82. • • • 275 478 507 178 . ii. 99 .419a iii. 8. • 484 iv. • 54 . 216 i. 95 . .1109 ii. 981 .+252 iii. 17 • .+376 iv. 57. 75 i. 112 472 (484 ii. (103) 188a iii. iv. 21 73. • (4) V. il. 105 206 iii. 24 · · 497 V. ii. III 82 iii. • 6. (200 •1423 • 500 II . 149 i. (118) (119). i. 114. t16 • 390 ii. 2. • 50 30. 199 • V. 13 • .+343 ii. ii. 112. · 149 111. 43. 82 5. . 479 • V. 18. 350 ii. ii. 119 • { $.456 •2+469 iii. 45 · ·t315 7. 325 V. 19. 24 ii. 10 179 iii. 47-51 415 ii. 120. • +315 V. 21 • P. 16 ii. II • 167 iii. 57. 200 ii. 124 188 V. iii. 59 • ii. 126. • 123 { ++30698 (499 32. .1322 ii. 12 ر • 132 V. 48. 277 ii. 26. ii. 137. • 15 iii. 62. 95 V. 53. 417 S247 11468 INDEX. 463 Sc. Line Par. ! Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. ii. 27. • 174 ii. 584. ✔ 512 ii. 28. · 165 iii. 62. 95 ii. 36. • 434 ii. 590 • ii. 42 • 69 il. 593 · . 511 .(6a) ii. ₤321 2445⋅ il. 75. • 329 300 iii. 78 511 ii. ii. 67. .†399 ii. бот. 53 • • 97 . 220 iii. 91 • • 24 ii. 68. • 229 ii • 71. .†468 ii. 605 • . 122 iv. 3 .+285 1. 69. • 174 ii. 80. .+297 ii. 607 • • 22 iv. • 5. .+513 ii. ii. 81. · 374 ii. 610. 71 • .†164 • 512 iv. 7 200 • ii. ii. 83 .+343 ii. 622. .+366 73. (9) · iv. 25. .+513 ii. ii. 91. 467 93. .†137 ACT III. ii. 98 • 177 iv. (40). · 279 ii. 100. .+404 i. 8. 399 ü. III. • 229 iv. 50. 142 .t159 · • 145 11. • 240 • • 371 ii. 113. ii. 127 ii. 139. ii. ii. T40. 148 151 • • ii. 154 ii. (157) (158)° • 60 438 483 ii. 176. .+275 i. (23) i. (10: S+513 ii. 1+468 131. • 58 iv. 51 • ❤ 430 ü. 176 • • +55 iv. 65. • 355 i. 13 • • 173 ii. 177 • · 336 iv. 94 · .$498 124)* .+513 ii. 178. .388a iv. 95. t159 i. 29 • • (7) ii. 184 • • · 355 iv. 98. . (13) i. +284 33 .+470 i. (29). • ii. 190 .t364 iv. 122 • 24 £281 .+315 ii. (200) (2015 415 iv. 131 (133) • 500 i. • 38 .+368 ii. 207. • 194 iv. 144. • +80 ii. 196 .t274 ii. 206. .†276 i. 44 • 180 ii. 214 1333 ((10) iv. 173 · · 297 i. 49 482 iv. 180. 485 • ii. 220. · 339 ii. 287 128 • • i. 1521 iv. 195 · .t150 187 ii. 153 221. • 490 iv. 202 • -1325 ii. 301. ii. 305. ii. 343. • 174 i. 68. 508 ii. 227 +364 iv. 206. • 492 439 i. 89. .+469 ii. 252 37 i. 91. 346 ii. 398 • 297 i. 119. .tizi . 216 ii. 268. St165 (11) • iv. 207. · 342 iv. 209 • • 143 • 42 • • 33x 229 ii. 402. ii. 483 ii. 504. ii. 508 ii. 510. • ii. (535) 1540)• • • t472 512 22 24 371 .t164 ii. 537 549. .†230 ii. 549 ii. 567. ii. 578 .t129 • ii. 580. i. 102-58 .515a i. 164 ii. 312 • .+439 i. 124. †223 • ii. 317. • 354 ACT IV. ii. 350. • i. 163 423 • • 342 i. ii. 377. IO. $399 • 425 i. 168. 22 (8) ii. 394 · • · 189 ii. j+356 12. 17170 ii. 408. .+501 i. 173. • 24 iii. 7 ii. 3. • 425 S+466 497 i. 174. • 451 i. 175. 1153 iii. (12) 14. iii. 22 1335 38 221 i. 181 68 iii. • 20 .t272 ii. 46. • 143 i. 182. • 337 iii. 33. • ii. 3 221 ▸ iii. ü. ii. 581..1490 ii. 22. • 158 38 • 165 1425 •178 iii. 50 160* • 143 iii. 70, +371 464 INDEX Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. ACT V. Sc. Line Par iv. 9-12. .+500 vi. II. .t349 Sc. Line Par. ii. 92. Si • 131) iv. (17). . 484 vi. 13. • 405 i. 81. 184 ii. 108 • • • (15) vi. 25. .†244 i. 85. 262 • iv. 39. .+466 vii. 13 • • • 273 i. 87 · • 329 iv. 44 .+359 vii. 16 . .†145 i. 100 · • iv. 65 • 482 vii. 17. • 460 i. V. • 3 5 · • +319 .+335 vii. (25). · · 7. 76. 461 vii. 28. • i. · 252 .+322 v. 83. .+501 vii. 48. 6 • i. 253 253. .†148 425 +89 {197)}. .+299 J228 i. 244. •(14) ii. 206. 128 .t314 • 319 .t285 ii. 226. 460 ii. (245) 1246)• • ii. 120 • • ii. 162. 93 ii. 183 • • ii. 241 • 479 84 St469 vii. 50. .+325 i. 258. 258 . .+513 +497 ii. 258. ii. 266. • 298 316 vii. 1971 55 · .t513 i. 261 • • 430 V. 1985 .+513 ii. 270. vii. 59. .tiii i. • 265 469 ii. 276. .†494 .+513 .1297 V. 99. .t178 vii. 60. • 482 i. 268 V. 102. 495 vii. 61. †133 • i. 281. .t513 V. 125 • 187 vii. 63 S 115 i. • 296 +89 • · 4. 128. 146 +285 i. 298 241 vii. 85 • • 307 V. 129. .+513 i. 317. . 162 268. • 360 · ii. 277. ii. 307 13231 ·324° ii. 337 • 81 · • .1479 ii. · 513 • . (16) v. 133 . 187 vii. S+323 120. +329 II) ii. 341. • 238 ii. (12) • 514 ii. 342. • V. 141 .1501 • vii. 132. .t244 ii. 27. • 414 ii. V. 152-3) v. {199). V. 213. • [143-4) 3-4 } +513 343 · 166 .+513 vii. (152) 160 .+285 ii. 28. .t511 ii. 347 · • . 181 vii. 159. .tI10 ii. 29. .t438 ii. 373 · .+513 ii. 1423 •1492 vii. 178. 51. • +89 202 ii. 406. 180 • • vii. 179. +p. 13 ii. 63. (204 •1297 ii. 409 • .+360 V. 217. 283 vii 181 . .†495 ii. 64. .t216 ii. 411. • • 364 · • (1) W. T. v. 2. 82. (2) Macbeth, iii. 1. 15. (4) Folio, "sanctify:" probably "sanity." (3) Rich. III. i. 2. 3. (5) Perhaps a corruption arising from a repetition of "oft" misspelt "oft," most." (6) Macbeth, iii. 5. 32. (7) Macbeth, iii. 5. 7. (ro) Folio, "favourites." (6a) Compare "free," Hamlet, iii. 2. 252. (8) Macbeth, iv. 3. 170. (12) Folio, "depends and rests." (14) Folio, "," not "its." (16) Above, 283--Macbeth, ii. 2. 56-7. (11) Hamlet, iv. 7. 145. (13) Rich. III. iii. x. 82. (15) L. L. L. v. 1. 143–4 « ost И (c) Folio, "hat)." INDEX. 465 : 1 HENRY IV. Бс Act 1. Line ား Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. i. 21 • • 474 iii. 65. iii. (103-1 1115S • 490 i. 177. 73 111. 92. • •1432 • 231 i. 257 · • 466 i. 28 • 87 iv. 127. 175 ü. 56. H. 53. · 237 iv. 166. 178 ii. ii. 65 · 419 iv. 182 • ,༢༠༔ ii. 888 60. • • 419 243 104 iii. {(Fol.)) ΤΙΙ iv. 2 iii. • • Par. лбо • 508 480 489 88. • 24 iv. 27 • • 07 ii. 157 • 419 iv. 222 • · 24 ii. 100 168 · • ii. 174 22 iv. 233 · • 220 ii. 118. • 231 ACT V iii. 15 【དྷྭ་ • 487 iv. 247. 220 ii. 120 168 i. 20 • · 490 iii. 17 • 512 iv. 278 402 ii. 123. ill. 125. • 105 iv. 300. 216 •1476 ₤216 i. 27. • 507 • i. iii. 146. • 426 ii. iv. 312. • 363 • 124 . 268 i iii. 159. • 349 iv. 411 • • 363 ii. 65 141 • • 431 i. iii. 183. 374 iv. 442. · 243 ii. 149 • • 67 i. iii. 234. 480 ii. 168. • iv. 573. 276 8 5 5 5 50 • • 255 • • 22 72. • 342 2 • • 20) iii. 271 • 457 iii. 50. {1984 i. 220 i. 109. 116. · 505 · 92 ACT II. i. 6. $400 i. 5 • ACT III. . 487 iii. 180. · 301 ii. 8 · • ii. 30. ii. (411 i. 33 • • 17 · • 343 i. II • • 400 i. 34 • • 466 ACT IV. ü. 62. • 498 338 477 (271 1460 i. 12 • • 299 i. 48. • 220 i. 24. • 200 ii. 71. . 181 • i. 34 182 • . i. 60. . 363 i. 52. 98 ii. 97. 489 i. 59. 227 • i. 63 • ► 499 i. 110. 290 iv. 5. • 362 22 i. 80. 67. 484 i. 127 • 346 1260 iv. • 4I 469 • i. 72. 505 ii. 56. • 24 iv. ii. 87 • · 480 14 122 i. 74 44 ii. · · 83 461 333 ii. ii. iii 28 ༢༠ 28. • • ་ 24 219 i. 131 i. 133. i. 100 220 iii. 38. • 124 • 461 iii. 44 • • 467 (Fol.) 461 100 iv.{(Fol.)} iv. 125. 1492 55 111. 68. • 17 V. 13. • · iii. 143-2 167 • 231 i. 152. • 374 iii. 75. • . 220 V. 14 270 472 467 2 HENRY IV. ACT 1. i. 99. 260 i. 209. • 17 ii. 212 • 68 Ind. 37 · • 2 i. III. • 339 ii. 23 · 319 L. د. ن. ـــ i. 3 86. 87 • • • 295 295 490 i. 199. i. 138 • 425 ii. ii. 213. 66. • 254 (178 •1243 i. 192 • • 130 ii. 85 • • 335 ii. 245. 230 · 343 ü. 130. 253 iii 27. 263 HH 466 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par iii. 39. • 354 iv. 305. • 199 i. 98 • • 305 V. 77 · • 510 iii. 59 260 i. • ACT III. 107 · 305 V. 91 • 198 iii. 80. i. • 371 i. 20. 89 117 • • 284, V. 126. · 202 iii. 91 • • 87 i. 161. • 477 V. 153 • • 468 i. ACT II. ii. 225223 22. • 264 i. 183 81 • 57 • · 309 i. i. 70. 187 ii. 198 • 383 199 • · 335 v. 165. ACT V. 343 ii. 206. • 132 i. 225. (202 i. 186. • 295 •1361 i. 84 • ► 202 ii. i. 213 • • 32 191 30 ii. 113. • 471 ii. 24 28 • ii. i. 200. • 378 300 • • 330 iii. 79 • • 487 ii. 66. ii. 304. . 220 ii. 59 • • 331 iii. 120. · 264 ii. 85 • • 371 301 ü. iii. 310 • • 405 iv. 42 • 492 20 • 37 ii. 128. iii. 65 • • 492 ACT IV. iv. 39 • 377 (141 1264 iv. 83 • 335 i. 32. • 287 iv. III. • 51 iii. 93. . 128 iv. 174 268 i. • • 71. • 17 y. 71. • 474 iii. 98. • 343 ACT 1. ii. 21 ii. Prol. • • 481 58 • ii. 66. • i. i. 9. "" 12. 16. 18. I. • • • +20 419 450 ii. +90 165) 1691 .+265 HENRY V. .t440 • +89 419 ü. ii. 172 ii. 183 ii. 165. ii. 167 • 446 ii. 2. 486 ii. 23 · +89 ii. • • 480 ii. 43 · 315 .+406 31 .t342 +17 · • ii. 199 · •†467 ii 44 • • (5) +3 ii. 75. • 489 ii. 203 • · 490 ii. 70 • .t469 ü. $791 1961 .+479 ii. 208. 497 fi. • 71 .+468 • ii. 248. • 469 i. 15. 89 ü. 88. • 217 i. • 35 .1406 ii. i. 43. .†199 ii. 94. • 93. †223 †440 ii. 256. ii. 263. 263. .†244 ti ii. 98. .+343 ii. 270 · • (2) ii. i. 47 • +283 i. i. 53. 57 • • • 403 414 ii. (105) (112) ii. 108. ii. 292 · .1460 St349 172) ii. 173) ii. +369 ii. 95. .†442 ii. 100 102 .t236 91. .t270 309 • • · 457 ii. 305 • • 472 ii. 103 • • (6) 56n .†137 ii. 307. • 203 ii. 104 • • 321 i. 72. • 458 ii. IIO • 89 ACT II. ii. 116. .t470 i. 75. .t468 ii. 114 • · 154 Prol. 18 ii 349 123. •+450 i. 81. .†196 ii. 132. • 463 26. "} (3) 1. ii. ii. 16. น. 28 †193 342 § (1) · 86. 433 136 12. ii. 145. ii. J149) (152) ii. 153. .t283 +69 "} 32 • • 481 i. 9 • • 64 i. ii. 154 S 462 · (247 •+343 i 107 . (4) (5a) 66. 428 i. 104. • .t216 il 128 ii. 129. ii. 132. ii. 139 ii. 151. • 483 458 .t136 · 398 • .t439 159 · 277 ii. INDEX. 467 Sc Line Par. ii. 159. .†467 པཾ Sc. Line Par. i. 14 • 479 Sc. Line Par. (190) ི ii. 168 • 468 iii. 5. 503 iii. ་་ བ་ iv. iv. ii. 181. iii. iii. iv. iv. iv. iv. 6. II 12 I · . 20. 25 · 31. 5457 1475 50. .+107 .+301 • (7) iii. 9 • • 490 iii. 12. (4) iii. 26. • (104 .t474 • +89 490 i. 191. .t378 (193 i. 197. i. (250 1257) • 417 .t469 S. S. S. §. 5.9 Sc. Line Par. vi. 3. .+468 9. (9) 12. .†440 18 • • 344 24 · . †66 ii. J281 i. 305. • 315 vi. 37 • 364 38 145) 174 i. 319. • +69 vii. 58 • • 347 • 335 iii. 46. • 176 ii. 13. .†468 vii. 76 • • 200 V. II • 484 ii. 23. .†501 vii. 81. +89 • v. 12. .+126 ii. 32. .+359 vii. • 88 +87 • • 364 V. 22. • 89 ii. 62. t150 vii. 121. V. 24 • • 498 • 415 iii. 2 • · 343 V. 35. .t285 iii. • 225 9. •†469 V. 60. .†148 iv. 53 · • 51 iii. 18. vi. 157 • • 249 (+254 1+500 vii. (127) 1130 vii. 131. .t364 • (4) {+1023 11249 iv. 64 • • 225 139) vi. 165 203 iii. 26. • 297 iv. $77) vii. 165 • (4) 1785. • 414 vi. 179 179. .†492 iii. 33. • 503 171 iv. 80. .†460 vii. 9. t171 174) iii. (35) {3}}. • 415 vii. 142. .t158 iv. 85 • · 490 iii. vii. 42 • • 24 184. .tIII iv. 90. • 349 ACT IV. iii. 44 • • 348 vii. 188. . 377 iv. iv. 120. · iv. 122. ΙΟΙ . iv. 103. iv. 105. S311 1348 · • +95 (4) .+468 Prol. 8. • 450 iii. 55 · 453 vii. 189. .t399 350 " 21. • 264 iii. 59 · ·†474 viii. 44 • · (4) 28. >> • 251 iii. 63 vili. • • 290 "" 36. • 440 iii. "" 38 • • 374 iv. 124. iv. 126. • 450 " 48. . +66 iii. 77 • i. • 477 16. .†297 iii. 84 • i. 26. · 303 * . 444 * .t.466 · .+189 Prol. " " ACT III. 6. 457 IO 11 · 18. 21. 30 .t193 i. 29 i. 38 i. (39) iii. • .+513 86. iii. 95. · .457@ (8) {+p. 13 70. (tp.13 • 297 • 1348 1414 45I 87 ACT V. Prol.{2}. .+462 viii. viii. 84.. (10) 116. .†462 122. • (4) 3 • >> 7 480 • iii. 107. 492 1425° • 465 · "" 17 287 • iii. 113. • 319 34. 202 • i. 45. .+505 iii. 120. • 315 " 41 • • 429 89 i. • 89 .t299 iii. 131 • · †513 "} 45 • .t141 i. 113. • 300 iii. 132. • +46 i. 31 • • 353 i. 118. • 276 iv. 23. .t201 i. 93 • 501 " 32. .te97 i. 126. • +87 iv. 76 • • 248 ii. • 4 469 · i, 9. •†490 i. 128. .†281 iv. 81. .+172 13. .t228 i. 181 ii. (+285 19 • 429 V. 17 290 HH 2 412 468 INDEX. Sc, Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. ii. 28. 471 ii. 73 440 ii. 138. .†361 ii. ii. (34) 78. .t361 · 287 ii. 88. • 494 ii. (368) 13695° Sc. Line ii. 475 · ii. 482. .†368 Par • 478 • 315 ii. 491 • 458 ii. 68. • 329 ii. 92. +13 · ii. 398. • 432 Epil. 11 93 (1) Folio, "makes." (3) Macbeth, ii. 2. 56-7. (2) Perhaps, "hence," from home.-Macbeth, iii. 3. 38 (4) Folio, "and." (5a) Malone, "while we force." Perhaps, more probably, (6) F. C. i. 3. 22. (5) Macbeth, iii. 5. 32 "we'll" is to be repeated (8) A. Y. L. iii. 1. 18 (7) Hamlet, i. 2. 182. (9) A. W. v. 3. 297. (10) Perhaps "sides" (486) is prolonged. I HENRY VI. ACT I. V. 31. • 484 i. 28. 414 i. 175. • 467 V. 36. • 295 i. 34. • 120 111. 33. • 170 i. 2. • 529 vi. 4 • • 479 i. 51. · 484 iii. 46. • 170 i. i. 60. 71 • 489 vi. 12. • 501 i. 81. • 492 V. I, SI · • 231 • • 492 vi. 16. • 348 i. 112 • 484 V. 30 • • 319 i. 76 485 vi. 26. • 425 i. 142 • 487 vi. 6-9. 231 i. (92) ادور 193) 456 vi. 27 • • 505 i. 143. 490 vii. 34 • • 172 i. 115 • 440 ACT II. ii. 9 • • 335 vii. 70. • 489 i. 126. tp. 34 i. 30. . 362 ii. 25. • • 150 vii. 72. ii. • ii. I • 217 i. 46. 104 469 • 299 ii. 19 • · 492 i. 53. · 275 ii. 123. S217 1335 ACT V. i. 21. • 479 ii. 54 • • 156 i. • • 70 178 ii. 124 • • 24 iii. 41 • · ii. 74 I • i. 71 • 325 iii. 3 • • 492 iii. 11. 77 • • 89 82. iii. 28. · 466 iii. 20 • • 92 ii. ΙΟΙ • · 498 iii. 58. iii. • 321 98 · • iii. 31. • 92 iii. 5 487 iv. 15 • 10 iii. 72 • • 418 iii. 177 • • 164 1230 1352 52 247 iii. 11 474 iv. iii. 91 • • 472 iv. 183 • • 342 17 • III iii. 20. 488 iv. 98. iv. • 371 iv. 29 • 178 iii. iv. 52 • • 320 22 V. 37 · • 311 iii. 87 · • 480 ACT. IV. iv. V. 55 25. • 244 8. • • 4. • 295 . 168 13 iii. 90. • 382 V. iii. 91 • • 492 1751 1765. i. 28. 287 iv. 57 · 463 485 i. 38. • 17 iv. 75 • • 105 iv. iv. iv. 54 • iv. ΙΟ 16. 28 • • • 505 489 430 45 V. 89 • 360 i. 70. • 484 iv. 156. • 490 V. 96. • 349 ACT III. i. 13. • 497 i. 113. i. 126. i. 166. • 348 V. 18 • • 122 490 V. 55. • 479 • 467 ν • 505 INDEX. 469 2 HENRY V1. Par. Sc. Line Act 1. Sc. Line Par. iv. 25. • 251 i. 217. 20 • Sc. Line Par. iv. 31 • • 382 i. 254 • • 264 i. Sc. Line i. 113. 113. 117 Par. . 175 · • 213 i 2 • • 451 iv. • 78 466 i. • 301. • • 337 i. 129 • • 484 i. ་་་ i. i. 19 61. i. 150. i. 166. i. 183. i. 206 208. i. 225 • • • 247 ACT II. i. 348. • 463 i. 135 · • 443 · 168 i. 296 3. {3 1411 1347 ii. 3 • • 405 ii. 59. 402 411 ii. II • • 376 i. 22. 226 335 ii. 96. • 178 • • • 121 i. 68. .(180 ii. 31. • 190 ii. 103 • • 169 335 ii. 84 343 vi. 3. x68 • • 477 i. 88 . . 168 ii. 89 156 vi. 23 268 · 501 i. 93 · 86 • • ii. 100. · 289 i. 94. • 349 •1291 (117 vii. III • 193 viii. i. 233 . 280 ii. 36. • 477 • i. 99 128 119. · 501 • • ix. I • 84 ii. i. 247 . • 333 i. 139 · • 451 109. • . 220 ix. ii. 17 • 363 ii. 6. ii. 178 33. • 193 • • 3 510 ii. 36. • 89 ii. {3}. ii. 257. 160 • • 511 ii. • 57 289 • ii. 258. · 490 i. 16. ACT V. 168 ii. 55. • 485 ii 58. f116 ii. 286 . • 40 i. iii. • 135 20. • 456 32 • • 512 ii. 295 • · 298 i. 60. • · 335 iv. 11. 69. 3. • 463 • 209 ii. 365. • 460 ii. 79. 89 iv. i. 143 • • 432 52. • 475 • ii. 401. 158 • ii. 80-2. iv. · 479 63. 446 i. 153 • 264 · ii. ACT III. ii. 403 · 403 · 1497 (492 i. 196 • • 352 97. • 470 i. 9. 132 ACT IV. i. 211. • iii. 63 • $491 (471 i. 66. • 57 i. 3. 260 ü. • 45 • • 478 478 iii. · 153 484 i. 126 • 326 i. 85 • 338 ii. 86. • <5x ii. 167. 409 • i. 160. • 451 i. 87 • • 478 iii. I. 243 3 HENRY VI. ACT I. i. 215. • 476 466 i. 224 ii. 38. . 478 iv. IO . 226 i. 80. • 430 V. 42. • • 306 iv. 103. 460 i. 83 · 247 V. 60. • iv. 115 218 • i. 106. 295 vi. 42 • iv. 142. • 490 i. 110. • 451 vi. 56. 38 $ 229 .419a ii. • 4I 467 • iv. 150. 126 • • ii. 43. • 509 ACT II. ii. 142. ii. 157 · • 156 • 428 vi. 86. · 244 ii. $ 95 iii. 27 • 192 ACT III. 47 i. 2 • • • 295 377 iii. 40 • • ji. 75 (116 1289 i. 16. • 263 423 i. IO. iii. i. 46. f116 56. 44T (151 1348 iv. 6 • 243 •1289 3. 178 • i. II. 20 470 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. ACT IV. i. 31. . 189 iv. Sc. Line 26. Par. • 492 Sc. Line Par. 51 • • 255 V. 2. • i. 17 • 480 355 ii. 92. · 40 i. 92 451 vii. 5477 ཙྭ་བ་༴་་ Sc. Line 18. 30. 489 35 34 • • Par. 477 37 1375 143T • ii. 137 • · 194 i. 115 • • 25 1506 V. 9. • . 251 ii. 143. · • 223 vii. i. 32. • • 170 131 • • 451 V. 38 • 13 ii. 14 • · 394 ii. 2 (145 ACT V. vi. 40 • 430 iii. • 25 • • 171 1465 i. 20. • 451 vi. • 41 484 • iti. 87. 265 ii. 7 · • 503 i. 57 • 430 vii. 6. 148 • iii. 189 1440 iii. 2 • 220 i. 97 • • 373 vii. 7 • · 113 • 1460 iii. • 14 484 ii. 45 • • 312 vii. IO . • 469 iii. 225 • • 226 iii. 55 · 478 iii. 8. 198 vii. 21. • 371 iii. 226. 291 • iv. 12. • 146 iii. 14 • .198a vii. 34. • 289 HENRY VIII. ACT I. i. 126. • 55 iv. 49. • • 18 ii. 405 · • • 90 iii. 1. 18. 228 50. • 24 iv. 86. • 187 ii. 431. 168 • iv. i. 60. 57. • 455 iv. I12. • 402 iv. 144 • • i. 100-5 • • 467 ACT II. (164 i. iv. 153. i. 145 · 164 33. • 341 497 i. 42. · 376 iv. 178. • i. 159 I i. 52. • 469 iv. 204. • 395 295 90 f 18 1344 491 ii. 438 (442)}. 451 ii. (442) ii. 447 ii. 452. ii. 435. • 424 • 424 • 455 • • 455 • 468 i. 179 1. 196. • • 200 i. 67 • 455 iv. 242 . • 90 · 394 i. 85 • • 499 ii. 18. 420 i. 97 • • 455 ACT III. ii. 32 • • 460 i. 100. 469 i. ii. 55 • • 460 i. 38. • 122. 455 i. ii. 85 • 486 i. 45. • • 2 i. 127 • 455 i. 102. • 236 i. 484 ACT IV. i. {Order of Coron. 22. 56. · 469 202 484 ii. 86. • 371 111. 15 • • 290 ii. 95 . .{37 1. iii. 16. i. 134. .419a i. 88. 113 • 397 i. iii. 37 226 141 • 342 i. • 91 376 • • ü. ii. 114 ii. 112. ii. 140. ii. • · • 499 117 * • 485 ii. 32. • 200 iii. 59 · • 455 ii. 160. • • 492 325 ii. 43. • 173 iii. 87 • • 492 • 145 ii. 149 • • • 492 ii. 168, • 501 iv. 14 ii. 179 • 501 iv. 30. ii. 197. • 399 iv. ༢་ . Stage iv. {Dirctn. 350 · 343 301 ii. 249. • 433 ii. 51-80. • · 455 194 ii. 340 • 498 ii. 55. • 301 • • ii. 347 • • 93 ii. 96. 180 • ii. 360. • • ii. 126. 87 • 95 • ii. 368. • 424 ii. 148 • • QF INDEX 471 Par, ACT V. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line i. Sc. Line 106. • Par. 381 ili. 18 • • 419 i. 19. • 414 i. 169. . 356 iii. 66. · 364 iii. iii. 175. 173. • • 430 • 338 1. 34 • 400 i. 774 • 405 iii. 131. 216 iv. • I. 320 L 50. 400 ii. • 126. • 244 iii. 168. • 456 KING JOHN. ACT 1. i. 371. 294 iv. 29. 492 ii. 258. • 390 i. i. 119. • 269 396 • · 92 iv. 35 · · 490 ui. 94 • • 36 i. 1. 134. i. 144 i. 161 42i • • 492 iv 55. • 166 iii. 95. • 352 350 i. • 185 471. • 294 iv. 78. • 461 L 506 i. 512. • 267 iv. 123. · 494 Аст У. i. 183. • 87 i. 560 • • 474 iv. 145. . 220 ii. 39 · • 350 i. 242. 261 i. 567 193 ii. · 42. • · 337 i. 568 216 • ACT IV. ii. 46 447 L 571. • 399 ii. 83 • 457 1. ACT II. 33 . i. 575. 228 i. 61 • · 342 • ii. 91. • 236 • 348 i. 34 • • 17 i. 597 . . IQI ACT III. i. 68-70. • 326 i. 86. 158 ii. 104. • 489 ii. 138 • 350 ii. 27 • • 422 i. 73. • 342 ii. 146 • • 294 i. i. 109 • • 267 39 · 269 ii. 32 • • 178 i. i. 177 i. 216. i. i. 250. i. 264 1. 271 92. 128 ii. • 33. · • 164 ii. 157. · 465 • · 473 $247 ·1415 i. 177. • 491 ii. 50. 214 i. 295 • • 412 ii. 75. 252 220 • 439 i. 299 • 239 ii. 148. (156 1260 • 415 i. 327. · 196 • • 394 iii. 8. ii. 165. 410 vii. E: s. S. 33 7 • 433 50 126 vi. 26. • 186 vi. 44 • 131 22 · • 264 • 510 ii. 189 200 vii. 35 · 480 • • 417 iii. 17 • i. 289. •1471 ₤466 $475 1480 ii. 199 • • 87 vii. 55 • • 226 iii. 31 • • 52 ii. 200 · • 474 vii. бо ▸ · 243 i. 358. 433 iii. · 52. • 374 ii. 257 • • 447 vii. 61. 81 · JULIUS CÆSAR. ACT I. 15 1. 3 1. زوا i. L I. 42. 48 • • • 349 232 i. {55}. (55) +85 i. • • 129 i. 50 • • 283 57 63 65 • i. {59). i. 79 • .t263 ii. 4I. • 16 • 229 ii. I •†469 ii. 48 • 343 218 ii. 9 • .+315 ii. 71. 180 • • ii. 19 • 460 ii. 76. 20 • • 512 ii. 28. .1513 ii. IỚI. 229 · 22 • •+466 ii. (32) {33} 1༢༣༼ ii. 110. • 198 280 • ii. 114 · • 501 472 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. ii. 124 · .t228 iii. 120. • 257 i. 313. · 382 • Sc. Line i. 159. Par . (6) ii. 142 325 iii. 124 2 • • i. 326. .t359 i. 171 • .*475 ii. 160. p. 16 iii. 134 • • 240 i. 331. . 208 i. 173. .+469 ii. 162. 155 iii. 138. .†335 ii. 37 • .+494 i. 196 (7) ii. 173. • 350 iii. 144. 128 ii. 38. +349 i. 208. • 225 • ii. 174 280 • · iii. 148. .t335 ii. 42. .+322 i. 209. • 344 ii. 193 ii. 181. t198a .t176 111. 154 · • 333 ii. 76. 487 i. 215. • ii. 490 i. 231. 490 .+469 80. +497 i. 197. ii. 205. ii. 208 • (1) ACT II. i. 268 • .t193 ii. IOI • • 511 i. 274. •+283 • 421 i. • ·73a ii. 114 .+344 • i. 281 · • 512 • · 144 i. ii. 50. · 343 117. 65 • i. 289. • ii. 212 • · 421 i. 75 • .+307 ii. 119. ii. 231. • 12 i. 81 ii. • • 494 129 • .+356 .+203 i. 295. (8) .t270 ii. 256 • • 90 i. 83 • 290 iii. 480 ii. {3}. ༢༠ 7 · 474 • 235 102 fi. 284. ii. (2) i. 91. .†123 29. .+335 iv. 3 (5) ii. (306) i. 106. • 112 (307) .+513 i. 108 • • 378 iv. I- • {33} .+233 ii. (70) 1735 • 372 ii. 84 • • 301 ii. 312. 233 i. 123 • . 253 • · 244 279 iii. iii. 14 • • iii. 21 · • iii. 22 • iii. 39 • • iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. 65 ii. 314. ii. 316. 4 42. 47 • 60. 64. .†442 • 6 264 (3) 405 86 .†223 . 159 .+158 290 i. (153). i. 157. i. 160. i. (168) i. 194 i. 208 • • .+466 iv. (15) 513 ii. 96. . 287 i. 125 · • i. 135. 390 .+356 ii. 115. • 453 ii. 121. •+469 i. 136. ACT III. • · 370 i. 17 • · .1513 i. 18. • 172 i. 23 • • (3) i. 30. 468 i. ₤391 i. i. (40) 474 485 471 247 {39}. 281 ii. 125 ii. 187 ii. 231 ii. ii. 266. ii. 275 • . 202 .†453 · 414 · .t281 · • II ii. 192 · · 487 • · 475 254 • 196. • • 158 (41) .t279 iit. 13 .t230 i. • 474 92. .†287 iii. 20. 220 i. i. 209. • 512 95. .t118 iii. (71 i. 173) SII i. 216. 100. .t204 • 263 ACT IV. i. 121 • • II iii 77 • †p. I3 i. 224 • • 397 i. i iii. • 82 t137 i. 137 • .1469 2. 1469 230. • · 430 i. 12 iii. 87 · 315 i. 238 • 343 i 140 +349 St133 i. 23 · iii. iii. f91) 1921 του (102) iii. 117 236 (†497 i. • i. 285. 143 . 189 i. 28. 3 466 · 479 or (4) i. 291. +501 .+513 i. 344 • · +69 i. 41 . 199 i. • 155 .+280 i. 47 • · 474 • 279 i. 309 +244 i. 157 · 236 ii. S • 303 INDEX. 473 Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line ii. 26. .†291 iii. 201 • .+470 ii. 51 • .+494 ii. 231 • • 480 i. (35) iii. • 32 506 • • .+513 iii. 38. . 178 i. 44. · 482 iii. 9. • 483 iii. 237. • 478 461 lil. i. 45. 506 1475 .+513 iii. IO. .+356 iii. 241 • • 295 iii. • 85 . 212 iii. 19. • • 217 iii. 255 • 5I i. $47 1485. .+513 ill. 96 St159 iii. 1371 ii. 261. .t323 116 i. 60. 2 · 1385. • 514 iii. 1641 1651 .+244 iii. 1263) 12545. iii. • 513 i. 70. 506 97. .1466 • iii. 99 . • 13 i. iii. 270. .t281 72 · • 114 iv. 12 • · 420 iii. 73 · • 350 iii. 271. • 363 i. 174) 1775 • 234 iv. 30. 466 iii. 95. iii. 102 (9) . S+263 iii. (111) { +264 • 24 iii. 273. • 456 i. 80. • 379 iv. 32. .t295 iii. 280. . (10) i. 83 • .†263 V. • 3 .t136 i. · 87 .t107 V. 14. .†283 ii. 142 • .†497 ACT V. i. 96. .+442 V. 22 • .1414 iii. 153. .1469 i. 108. .+500 V. · 33. . 232 i. I • ► 474 iii. 156 • • 380 i. III .+513 V. 35. . 123 i. iii. 157 • iii. 179 • .+466 486 {29} .+513 iii. 7. .t495 V. 38. .457a i. 33. 412 · iii. 25 • 295 V. 69. 118 • (1) 1 Hen. IV. iii. 2. 16. (4) Play on (5) Rich. III. iv. 4. 444. (8) Perhaps i. 2. 156. 338 (2) Folio, “and.” (3) Rich. III. v. 156 bond."-Macbeth ii1. 2. 49 ; Rich. III. iv. 4. 77. (6) M. ọf V. iii. 2. 61. (9) Folio, "Pluto's." (10) Tempest, i. 2. 213. 3. (7) A. Y. L. i. 3. 35 See Introduction, p. 16, note. i. 213. • 294 .t401 LEAR. ACT 1. 871 i. 150 i. 94 .†468 i. 1. 36. .+315 (126 .+501 153 · .+364 1. 205. (1) • i. 207 i. (43) i. 1675 • 469 99 · 384 .+458 (106) i. 46 .+501 i 108 .+500 i. 50. .+319 (109) i. 54. •+469 i. 56. .+512 • (118) i. 134 (151) i. 137 • • .+468 (†497 or +501 i. {150}. (158)• i. 162. .†513 i. 163. . 200 i. 178 .+382 • i. 181. .†469 i. 183 • .t212 j. 74. †284 i. i. • 77 .t342 (193). (194) .t247 i. 78. .1469 i. 139. L 80. . tıx i. 147 · .t497 458 i. 198. .+469 i 203 +297 • i. (214). tII i. 217. +38 i. 223. i. 225 • i. 226. • St279 +290 · 458 $+5:30 I†168 i. 227. 387 • i. 228. .1501 474 INDEX. Sc. Line Par, Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. i. (228) 1229)• •+252 iv. 194. 194 • •†203 i. 63. 267n iii. • 21 +55 iv. 197. (4) i. 68. .+439 iv. 2. .1468 i. 239. .t343 i. (240). 1250 •†469 i. 251 • i. 262. i. 264 i. 271 i. 272 i. 304 iv. 204. • 213 i. iv. 72 • · • 294 27 · iv. 223 St434 i. 172) · +512 1745 .+251 iv. 35 · iv. 42. • 377 87 401 .t287 i. iv. 224. 77 • .†306 457a iv. 64 • +37 • · 375 i. • iv. 225. 91 .+401 .†360 iv. • 65 (4) • 77 i. iv. 236. 228 94. 478 • iv. 68. .1188 • • 13 iv. 242. • 418 i. 97 (473) iv. • 90 480 • • • 414 iv. 261. 458 •+442 iv. 265 • .+501 i. (97) 1995 iv. 91 • · 471 · 490 iv. ΙΟΙ • .+513 ii. 4 • • 456 iv. 270. • 439 i. 100. 301 iv. • 102 480 · ii. 14. ₤484 1+93 iv. 272. $354 i. III · · 482 iv. 107 • • 69 •1438 i. 113. .t174 iv. ii. 15. {+ 510 †512 III. +11 •· iv. 282. .†223 i. 114 • 483 28 iv. 283 £ 478 · ii. 30. 1232 1+513 [25) iv. 297. 480 ii. · J.(2) 44 773 iv. 299 299 . .t511 iv. 305. • 439 ii. 77 381 iv. 306. ▸ 423 ii. 87 iv. 324. • 438 89 • iv. 328. 3 93 • • • 463 ii. ii. • ii. 106. .t348 134 343 .+220 ii. 161 . {tp. 13 tối . ii. 164 ii. 197 iii. iii. • • I . 21. · • • 3333 419 458 482 iv. 332. iv. 347. .t501 iv. 349. iv. 362. iv. 365. • 440 480 483 ii. (127) 128) 468 24 200 (4) 412 492 .+490 •+378 290 478 290 +9 .1494 399 • 490 490 366 148. .†513 iv. 157. iv. (1799). iv. • 458 .+513 210. . tos iv. 215. .†417 iv. 220. 484 iv. (240) iv. 251. • 458 457a iv. 253. .t513 iv. 254 .t494 iv. 255 iv. • · .t128 271. • 479 iv. 274. • • 476 (275) fcl. 247 iv. {275) 178 iv. 366 • • 437 ii. 128. • V. 14 • .t401 ii. 135. • iii. 23 • .+501 V. 35. • iv. 26. .t274 V. 36. • .+319 299 ii. 139. • • ii. 150 • • iv. 40. .†281 V. 51. .†329 ii. 153. iv. (63) 164) 280 ii. 154. • ACT II. ii. 155. · iv. III. • 81 i. 28. .1469 ii. 172. • (4) i. 32 • • 512 iv. tior ii. 177 363 i. 37 • • 485 iii. iv. 114 ▸ • 182 i. 4I • 178 iii. 7 • II iv. 303. +457 iv. 115. iv. 138 • 303 i. • 47 287 484 • iii. J19 24 i. 57. · •†136 1201* .+468 iv. 300. .†479 112. 5. tII 458 .1468 .+307 iv. 279 iv. 290. iv. 293. · .t281 • 507 § 400 2+513 i. 126. i. 129. .†468 .†479 iv. (113). iv. 134. • ii. 54 • iv. 145 • ii. 80 iv. • • ii. 82. 12 • ii. 86. .t511 ii. 88. ii. 106. • ii. 107 • ii. 109 • • ii. 112. 1245 INDEX. 475 ACT III. Sc. Line L 2. Sc. Line iv. 1341 (139) Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. ii. 62. 474 vi. 196. • 479 260 + Par. 11. 63. * 438 vi. 212. .ts13 .†494 v. 8. 24 ii. 64 • · 508 vi. 214 P. 13 5 · .†399 V. 23. .†423 ii. 79 • • L II · • 434 V. 40 • 290 ii. 1921 i (22) (24)* vi. 266 S. §. 96. 191 1931 .+513 443 vi. (224) vi. 122 (225)* vi. 219 • 237 +513 1. vi. 105 94 .+494 290 vi. 226. 372 L 33 tgo vi. 8 11. • .+274 117 • · 294 vi. 229. .†189 1. £351 iii. .t281 vi. 121. 16. + 264 · 254 vi. 246. iii. vii. i. 38 + 438 vii. i · • 460 vii. i. 42. 513 1. 46 1348 •1469 vii. i. 52 186 vii. i. £53) (55) • (6) ii. 5. .457a • ii. 8 54. + · (7) 419a 2. 2. §. 2. §. 3. §. 2. 3. 2: 17 • · +90 24 510 (315 1461 iii. 30. .fol. 335 41 • +68a vi. 253. .†319 iii. 44. .+458 vi. 256 45. • 290 vii. (50) iv. 8. • 307 + 478 iv. 9. + 93 vi. 266. 54 → • (8) iv. 17 • 61 • • 428 iv. 20. • vii. 65 · 433 iv. 26 • {P. vii. 69 + .+319 • 428 484 Sp. 16 (9) vi. 259. * 498 .t513 (337 395 • vi. 282. • 492 vi. 284 . 294 vi. 288. .+342 iv. 28. • 497 vii. vii. (89) 4 · 395 260 رموا · V. 3. + 479 vii. 9 • + 176 vii. ii. 59. .†201 91 • • 482 V. $460 13. vii. 1294 17 ii. 61. • +13 vii. 103. †457 vii. V. 24. •†470 35 ii. 64 ACT IV. vi. 3 ii. ii. ii. ti. iii. iii. iv. 19 22 12 BEF ON A 65 · 74. +38 1+378 vi. 8. 232 i. 36. 4570 vi. · 14 .t275 430 477 vii. 36. ·₤508 (508 1433 vii. 52. .†480 · + + vii. + 196 i. 47. .t274 62. 511 vi. 92 + • 486 i. $460 51 • +457 vi. 14 · * 290 i. 52 ► · 182 * • III i. +343 54 + 226 i. • .†468 73. .+322 i. iv. 15 • .t107 78 · .t129 4. §. §. §. §. 4. 21 • 375 vii. 65. .t468 ₤32) 141) · 232 vii. 67. +406 vii. vi. 78. .†457 33 + ► 4II vi. 38 · 446 vii. 79. ₤176 1472 vi. 4I + . 212 vii. 83. .tg-3 vi. 45. • 145 ii. iv. 25. .+244 2. • 305 vi. 54 + • 344 ACT V iv. 11. 6. · 59 • . 24 •†494 vi. 58 + • 24 ii. iv. 61. 10. 395 · 303 S. i. 20. 13 222 vi. 61. .†200 iv. 65 .fol. 335 ii. (22). iv. 76. 467 • ii. 26. iv. 123/ 235 482 vi. 68 . .†468 i. 26. vi. 71 • • 440 28 J 438 290 • 477 92. · +93 iv. iv. 105. -+230 [12. .†127 11. 32. 228 vi. 77. 417 i. 32 • • 479 · ii. 51 vi. 112-31 SII i. · 260 153)* vi. 177. 484 r i. iv. T24 • 297 60. +16 vi. 187. 461 67 98 60 • 45 .+173 469 417 476 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. iii. 2 .t218 Sc. Line Par, iii. 102. .1513 Sc. Line hi. 181. Par. Sc. Line Par. 111. 247. .†274 • 199 ii. 20 469 iii. 120. 382 iii. 202. + 51 iii. 251. . 212 üi. 22 315 iii. 125 254 iii. 204 • 178 iii. 255. • 441 48. • 263 iii. 138. .t361 iii. 208. .t499 iii. 262. (218 iii iii. 50 143 * .t285 iii. 213 †223 J287 •1290 · 17159 iii. iii. 144. .†397 iii. 222. .+513 iii. 266 268 97 · + 254 iii. 98. 447 iii. (148) t242 or 234 · + 333 iii. 274 24 ► 11491 1272 iii. iii. 100. 255 iii. 168.. 480 iii. • 239. .†513 245. 469 iii. 282. 461 * (7) Macbeth, iv. 1. 59. (1) A. W. v. 3. 297. (4) Folio, "and" (&) for "an." (5) Folio, (2) Folio, "too blame.' (8) Ib. v. 7. 1, 2. (3) 1 Hen. VI. iii. 3. 10. tended." (6) Hen. V. iv. 3. 35-6. (9) But Folio, “importuned. LOVE'S LABOUR LOST. ACT I. 1. 123 500 iii. 219. • ii. 365 165 • • 187 1. 43. 176 i. 133. . III · 344 i. 65 . 422 i. 156. • 442 ii. i. 80. 220 i. 160. • 460 • i. 86. · 5 i. 174 4 109 1 · í, 107 • 177 i. 177 • • 364 ii. 8 · • 202 i. 137 492 ACT II. ACT III. i. 153. 13d ii. 9 • ii. 69. • 4 i. ii. 190 • + iii. 224. 345. 412 ACT V. 152. 81 283 344 467 ii. (463) 1464) * ii. 494. ii. 522. ii. 750 ii. 752. ii. 778. ii. 440 * 200 · 435 · 184 19 + * 333 * 144 $344 1418 2 册 ​+ 274 ACT IV. i. ii. 18 * • 51 iii. 108. · 368 213. 460 ii. 799. • 434 i. 28. 168 • iii 118. 368 ii. 274. * ii. 813 430 285 i. i. 42 45 i. 107 • 491 ii. 332. 487 ii. 923. 178 iii. 150. 4 145 * 485 曲 ​iii. {167). 349 ü. 349. 200 ii. 355. .419a ii. 925. ii. 926 + • 300 90 • MACBETH. ACT I. = IO. 186 ii. 43 + 275 ii. 59 i. I. .t504 ii. 13 • + 171 ii. 45. 506 11. 64 433 .+501 i. 12. .†466 ii. 20. · 511 ii. 46 iii. - 323 32. • * 485 ii. 3. 479 ii. 34. · 477 ii. SI SII iii. 45 + * 323 ii. 5. 484 ii. 37. · 511 ii. 53 . .†460 iii. (53) 155) 236 ii. 7. •$506 ii. 41. SII üi. í 283 58. 17511 57. .t283 INDEX. 477 Sc. Line P₁. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. iii. 84. 1138 vii. 8.. 283 iii. 62. 470 i. 100. • 158 *181 vii. 23. · 3 111. 64 .†492 iii. 94. .†164 i. 103. C 485 vii. 25. .t283 iii. 75. " 513 (102) i. 105. • 468 iii. (103) • 511 vii. iii. 127). iii. 107 iii. 109 iii. III. 120. üi. (326). • 466 .1466 vii. • • 251 vii. 45 $: E: £: E: S: 26. .†130 (IOT) iii. i. 107 . 162 vii. 28. 34 50. • 506 (102) 513 i. 108. +497 ■ · 329 iii. 109. .tsii i. I12. .†193 vii. 77 · (+468 +454 ACT 11. ii. 129. +513 S+461 i. 5 • • 1+468 i. ftol iii. 139 467 i. iii. 144. .t295 17 · (12)* .+356 · 12 212 · 573 .†470 iii. (117) 121) 127. iii. (129) (130) 111. 143. 146. {†3 iii. 146 • 529 i. 118 · · 473 iii. · 480 i. 121 150 · 511 i. 122 (310 1385 I i. 274 123. †218 +335 478 i. (+68 132 • 1378 iii. 147 .1236 i. 19. 1484 iv. I 4 · 4 290 iv. IO . 458 i. 139 .+497 12 iii. 154. 202 i. 20 485 iv. 14 + 47I ii. II - †197 iv. · 3 $343 i. 24 + + 473 iv. • 17 .t107 458 iv. 8 • · 93 i. 1302 1513 V. 32. †513 ii. 13. • 513 iv. * 295 ii. 28. 1 460 iv. II iv. {+3} V. (44) - {103 i. 32 311 11369 ACT III. ii. 30 ► †477 i. i. 36. 14 12 ii. . 3 32 + 513 2 + . 284 i. 41 · • 511 i. 17 + { 191 ii. 11270 33 · 453 19 + · 329 i. 51. 494 ìi. 49 · (2) V. 21. .t244 i. i. 57 t414 25 + { 94 ii. 102 5I • .1511 V. 26. .ta12 i. 61. 333 i. ii. 10 2 · · 40. 512 308 V. 28. .t491 V. 30 f†336 4 • 473 i. S137 iii. चं 4 + + 44 • p. 12 ii. 7 • .+283 ·1461 iii. 6. 187 290 ศ 3. 6. 2. 4. c * * * * * < 40. · 477 ii. 21. * 511 i. 1451 iv. 2. · 458 ► 512 45 · 49 .1490 ii. 24 • 283 i. 49. + 385 iv. IS 513 · + 467 ii. 25 • · 479 i. 51. .1329 (20) 50 • · t3 ii. 28. 107 i. 52 · + 185 t24 52 · $20 ii. iv. 34 · {$140 29 • 199 i 54 118 · (+414 58. 62. 484 ii. 30. $500 i. 65 460 • SII ii. 40. .†467 iv. 36 · i. 74 · · 244 vi. 3 · .1471 ii. 57(pun) (1) iv. i. 17 • +419 ii. 63. .+511 i. 1801 37 • 41 58 .†494 181* 468 iv. 42. .t274 vi. 19 + +185 = 73 · 357 i. 89. + †281 iv. 57 · 30 • 492 ü. · 93 i. 95. • 374 iv. 53. · 315 453 478 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. iv. 61 • • . †16 i. 153. • • 497 iii. 152. • 15 iv. 6. 494 iv. 64. 187 ii. 23. 399 iii. iv. 66. 491 ii. 27 • 282 (154) 1159)* iv. 8. 12 . 200 iv. 12 iv. 121. 468 iv. 126. $473 H. (35) (36 iii. 171. 274 iv. .1513 (414 19. • 17 468 iii. 173 • • 131 V. 1252 ii. 37 • • IV. 131. iv. 133 iv. 138. iv. 139. V. V. V. 21 81 ii. • 64 £478 ii. 70. • • 154 .+513 • 357 iii. 177. iii. 184 (7). +343 .1477 V. 13. . 107 • 94 • 1485 iii. 185 J287 V. 30. .1512 • ii. 73 · •+466 1288 V. 31. 323 • 384 ii. 81. • 405 $279 •1412 iii. 191. •†403 V. 49. 124 iii. 194. • 329 vi. 5 • +359 I. • 447 iii. 10. • 189 iii. 210. .†200 vi. • 7 .1364 IO • .1271 iii. 11 • • 252 · • 498 iii. 16 • • V. 31. 460 iii. (17) .1513 403 iii. 212 iii. (215) 1219) • • 314 vii. 2. 6254 (4) .1513 vii. 4. •†513 S. vi. vi. 8. iii. 222. 2 420 279 vii. 18. 466 iii. 28. • SII • 477 iii. 235. · 447 vii. 22 .+506 vi. 19 • .1322 vi. 21 · • 460 iii. iii. {30}. 47. • 454 iii. 239. • 468 vii. 28. • 405 viii. 4 • • 409 • 315 ACT V. Vill. vi. 27 • 170 111. 48 7 • 419a • • 202 i. 12 • 450 viii. vi. 30. •†498 iii. 7325 9 3 49. i. vi. 38. .+342 te54 29 foi. 471 viii. 13. • 200 i. vi. 4I. .†220 iii. 74. • • 277 66. 266 • viii. -18~ 423 iii. vi. 42. . 257 80 • i. 75 • • 252 217 22 • • 513 ii. vi. 48. 419a iii. 82. .†283 4 • 92 уш. 34 208 • • ii. iii. • 91. •†513 20. +55 viii. 40. • • 130 ii. 22 • • iii. • 356 ACT IV. 93. • • 492 127 iii. iii. i. 6.. 484 97 • .1498 5 496 viii. 41 †270 iii. • iii. 106. • i. 287 7 .t191 470 20 · 504 iii. i. 59 • • (3) iii. ΙΙΙ III .fol.480 13. .†335 viii. • 48 (5) Vill. 64. • iii. 405 485 i. i. 65 89 i. (105) (136) • • 344 •†468 i. 145. .t343 iii. 137. .1463 (1) Compare Macbeth, v. 8. 48. Mace (3) Lear, iii. 2. 8. (4) Ib. iü. 7. 54. iii. 125 19. • • 148 • 513 viii. iii. 65. .t329 iii. 133. 25 • • 113 • 429 VIN 66 . .t:13 iii. (37) 40 iii. 139 • •+513 57. ودى •†231 viii. 72. 286 iii. 148. • 429 iv. 2 .1284 viii. 74 1755° 80 (2) Rich. III. iv. 4. 17. (5) Compare ii. 2. 57. INDEX 479 ACT I. Sc. Line MEASURE FOR MEASURE. Par. Sc. Line Par Sc. Line Par. ii. Sc. Line Par. 102. • 266 i. 86. • 513 iii. • 147 469 • L 42. 491 • ii. {1} i. 52 • • 474 (110) -19)* i. 89 · • 495 iii. 185 6 • • • 511 i. 107 • • 512 iv. 21 • 375 ii. i. 54 • • 67 115. · 340 i. 121 • · 375 iv. 28 ii. i. 56. 119. • 394 501 i. 240 86 V. 6. • -290- 467 i. 69. ii. 156. • 500 ii. • 290 32. • 467 vi. ii. ii. 4 228 159. 486 13 ii. 38. 1398 1474 • 298 ii. 160. ii. 24 64 500 vi. 14 • • 192 ii. 86. 396 iii. ü. 129 ii. 163. ii. 189 ii. iii. 21. 39 49 • $467 1503 . 17 ii. 180. • 468 • 494 ii. 100 • • 226 ACT V. iii. 42 • 174 • 419 ii. 126 · • 93 i. 2 222 iv. • • 367 57 • • 492 ii. 138 • 77 I 87 iv. 74. · 503 ii. 165 . • 244 i. 36. iv. 80. • 342 ii. 172. • 309 397 474- • iv. 102. 186 • • iv. 104 • • iv. 5 • • 498 iv. III. iv. 26. • 230 iv. iv. 28. · 394 iv. J423 •1469 70・ ・√469 iv. <་ཛ་ཙྭ་ [112] • 500 461 478 ii. 224. ii. (274-) 278 S i. 50. · 145 i. 51. • 504 369 (501 • 503 i. 65. • 503 ACT IV. i. 74. • 114 118 • • 501 i. 131 • ii. iv. 133 78. . 501 . • • 390 i. 145 • iv. 79. • 469 ii. iv. 90. • • 403 141 • • 500 i. 237 . • ii. 92 • • iv. 153 86 • ii. ACT II. iv. 170 95. · • • 5 ii. i. 15. • 394 iv. 171. • 361 97. • 276 i. 28. • 151 iv. 172. ii. 103 • * • 453 ii. 111. • i. 33. • 469 400 122 461 278 i. 240. i. 255 i. · 305. i. 314. • P. 16 127 1423 1480 · 265 • 484 ii. ACT III. ii. 150. · 127 i. 315 • • 482 9. 500 • ii. 172. • 93 ii. .1418 12. i. 177 i. 347. • 196 I. 500 •1469 ii. 220. • 325 i. ii. IÓ. II i. 5 • • 501 iii. 78 · • 301 ii. 33. • 244 i. (Fol.) 20. 340 iii. 130. • ii. 46. 422 i. 28. 484 瓜 ​133 • · ii. 52 • • 312 32 • • 501 ii. 138 • • i. ii. 60. 408 i. 43. • 357 iii. 144 • · 468 • ii. 98. • 492 i. 48. 469 iii. 145. • 498 508 492 349 i. 368 . 400. . 260 i. 408 498 i. 494 · 496. . 480 i. 498. · i. 534. 233 · • • 29 • 503 ► 51 480 INDEX. MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT I. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. ii. 109. • 93 i. 19. .t218 vi. Sc. Line Par. iii. 4. •+270 i. 42. • +89 vii. I • 52. .t126 .t439 405 1. 5 • iii. 7 i. 8. • (4307 (4) i. 43 • .+406 vii. 16) • 264 • 479 iii. 12. (5) ii. (23) {23}. .+356 i. 17 • +69 vii. 7 501 iii. 22. · (6) ii. i. 45 . . 165 22 • 453 vii. i. 26. .t118 iii. 43. 43 • • 349 144) • ISI ii. 1975. .t231 vii. 53 • 187 i. 35 • 38 i. 38 . .†295 iii. (54) {54}. ii. 104 • • 175 vii. 71. • 275 t174 ii. 108. • 460 • viii. 25 · .+368 i. 50. .+500 111. 63. †178 ii. 115 • • 220 viii. 29 . • 474 i. 54. .†490 iii. 65. • 295 ii. 124 • 349 viii. 33. .t230 i. 55. +89 iii. 74 · . IIO ii. 161. †226 viii. 42. i. 69. . 469 iii. 85 220 ii. 169. • 17159 1169 · 185 i. 74 · • • 191 iii. 89. .t291 ii. (189) ix. (13) 1155. 189 +479 p.13 iii. i. 82. 98. .†469 (190). 231 ix. [4 · 511 (1) iii. • 107 .+372 ii. 189. .t212 ix. 26. • 145 i. 93 · 257 iii. IIO. +69 • ii. 194. .†401 ix. 28. .1495 i. 98 • • 399 iii. 119. .t290 iv. I. бл ix. 51. .1501 i. 1 1 1 • 490 iii. 220 126. 499 iv. 4. • i. 126. • 356 t174 ix. 61. • 492 iii. 137. 249 iv. • (2) 5 .+307 ix. 68. • 345 iii. i. 466 140. • †426 iv. 6. .†343 ix. 90. · 451 143. or iii. 143. • 514 +500 iv. J (7) ix. 10. 91. • 76 iii. 146. .t219 ΙΟΙ i. 144 • • 430 iii. 150. 148 iv. 24 • • 171 · i. i. 148. 20 iv. • iii. 162. • 256 40. • 315 i. ACT III. 2. • 8. .t173 76 i. 150 st110 1+136 V. 17 • .†140 iii. 163. 333 i. 57 • .1984 +349 (7) i. 54 • i. 160. 356 (3) iii. 167. • iii. 176. 13 • Y. 22 i. • IIO • 198 ΙΟΙ 495 ii. 2 • 74 V. 37. 41 ii. 16. i. 163. . 68a V. 47 •+430 i. 166. .+187 ii. J18 ACT II. V. 52 • • 319 i. 175 .+244 • i. 3. .†264 vi. 2. .1500 ii. 19. • 372 462 (20) { + 480 J(7a) • • †476 i. 178. . 466 i. • 7 . tio 1333 vi. 23. .+297 i. 185. .168 ii. 21. i. 8. 8. .t490 i. 7-9. .1232 i. 9 291 i. 66. .†140 i. i. 75 · 320 1145° +89 i. 100. 322 i. 16. . 198 S. §. S. S. vi. 24 • • • 483 ii. 29 • vi. 30. .†274 ii. 61. • 40. • 314 ii. 63 .t215 • 200 361 (8) vi 44 323 64. .+136 INDEX. 481 Sc. Line ii. (76) ü. ii, 1815 93 · • Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. ii. 279. • • 144 i. 57 .$399 Sc. Line i. 431 Par. • • 356 123 { 1 (9) ii. 283 • • 194 i. 76 • • 382 i. 444 · • · 460 247 ii. 295 · • • 398 i. 77 • • 344 i. 445. .(12) ii. 96. • 381 ii. 310. t30 i. 90. • +87 i. 451 • ❤ 488 ii. 97. • • 294 ii. 321. • 209 i. 104 • 192 ii. 15 ii. 109. · 113 iii. ii. III. • 511 ili. 15. . 281 92 i. (109) 110s S1307 ((13) .+513 ii. 115 • .†506 iii. i. 127. • 25 · • 354 i. ii. 117 • · 136 iii. 30. †287 ii. · •†323 120 i. iv. 3. 467 134. • • 376 · ii. ii. ii. 124 ii. 127. 11551 46 (150). •+501 ü. 164 ii. 165. ii. 169 f169 (171) ii. 178. ii. 180. ii. 193 ii. 205 • 466 i. 479 128. .(11) ACT V. i. {} &c.) . 161 II • i. · 341 iv. • 127 iv. • 404 • 472 • 38 +420 +343 £ £ £ £ £ ££££ 149. 315 14 • • 25 i. 20. • i. 164. .1263 iv. iv. 21. 22 25 30. • 157 i. i. 166. 25 • 510 .189 • 414 • +93 i. 56. • 159 i. 182 • 314 • • 451 • 397 iv. 40 · · 348 iv. iv. 52 iv. · 158 V. 3 iv. 46. 72. S 375 (+251 75. .†283 .+200 • +2 • • 32 · 341 ii. 211. V. 73 • 187 ü 221. i. 226. •†133 •†494 • 12281 +513 (229) V. 89. 172 ACT IV. • i. 275. .t200 • 266 492 · 193 i. 309. i. 312-4 t513 i. 327. • .+342 148. • i. 166. • i. 169. i. 175. St349 (14) • .t276 200 • 508 · (12) {+73 • (15) 462 i. 176. .(12) i. 177. .t230 i. 224 • • 233 i. 77 i. 242. 180 • i. 94 i. 255. • 471 i. 103 i. 261. 370 i. i. 272. • 490 i. 159. i. 283 • · i. 298 472 224. • 287 14 16 i. I. •$500 i. 332. i. • 200. 218 ti. i. 5. +442 i. 351 • 368 i. • . 230 •+360 i. 8. 490 • i. 9. .t285 i. 355 · i. 368 163 ► • ů. 233. .t30 i. 22. • ii. (234) 1242 .t469 i. 35 · 134 . 295 i. 379. i. 382. • • 494 i. 47 · .t244 • • 473 i. SI • . (10) i. (54) 1555. • . 217 ii. 252. ii. 254 ii. 275 . .†322 (1) Macbeth, v. 2. 5. (4) R. and J. ii. 3. 54. (7) Folio, "and." i. 402. (2) C. of E. i. 2. 38. "} (3) P. of T. iv. Prologue, 45. (6) A. Y. L. ii. 7. 57. (8) M. Ado, iii. 2. 31. Tempest, i. 1. 5. Compare her."-B. and F. Coxcomb, (12) Folio, "and. (15) Folio, "too blame,” (5) Coriol. i. 1. 16. (7a) Folio, "puts." (10) Folio, "masters. So man? I would speak with (11) Compare “invaluable.' Folio, "makes.” Where be thy mastres, 2. 3 ad fin. (13) Macbeth, ii. 3. 2. (14) T. A. v. 3. 70. i. 387. . +59 i. i. 389 · • 394 348 455 t133 per- 201 hapst350 i. 203. t51 i. 204 • St297 14360 i. 205. 205. .†494 272. +38 i. 297 • 171 • 174 i. 298. • 461 I A 482 INDEX. ACT I. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. i. Sc. Lite Par. 242. J204 1298 iv. 97 $475 •1480 iv. (28 57. 1350 i. 287 S 64 ii. 50. 25 iv. 103 iv. • • 57 87 • • 207 391 ii. 278. • 4I V. 100. • 148 V. 26. 38 iv Ι • 80. ACT II. • 237 · 175 ACT III. i. 113. 189 Act IV. ACT V. ii. 80. • 349 V. 72. • ง i. 113 • • 299 iv. 14 • • 284 iv. 5. 194 V. 231. 37 MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. ACT I. i. 182 · +5 ACT II. i. 83. 1. 4. • • 290 i. 184 • · 83 i. 1. 39 • • • 133 i. 188. · 237 i. 1478 91. • 347 {(3) 1466 i. i. 45. fp.r3 i. 205 92 . †p. 13 • • 425 i 69 .t466 i. i. 212. • 169 7. • 484 i. • 95 .t228 i 71 190 • i. 225. .t365 i. 9. .1356 i. 105. • 492 4. 74) 1755. i. .1281 i. 226. 21 14 · .1349 i. 106. .t478 i. 76. ti i. 229 .†118 i. 19 • .t369 i. I12. • i. 81. • 201 i. 231 · .t178 i. i. 100. .t295 i. 232. · (1) i. 23 • i. 103 · .t271 i. 237 i. ་ 450 24 • •†329 21 .†287 • 487 i. 127 i. 138. i. 146. t405 290 .+462 349 i. 104. .†170 i. 245. 66 st121 i. 149 • 132 i. 30. 1+283 i. III. .t275 i. 251. .t356 i. 32 466 1. 117. .t149 i. 123. i. 126. i. 141 i. 151 • i 156. .†469 ii. 21 1935 •†230 i. 34 • • • 30 ii. 25 ti i. 35. • 421 ii. 27 • +93 • .†301 ii. 52 (2) i. • 490 42 · ii. {73} · .$283 i. 48. • +16 i. 160. tp. 13 ii. 86. i. 104 56. • 332 i. {35-} 224 .†468 • 415 506 i. 158 i. 160 i. 161. i. 164 i. 171. i. 179. i. 191 145 .t107 430 .t136 Stage t244 .t295 i. 201. .1406 • 312 • i. 164. 156 • ii. go. +25 i. • 58 484 • i. 202. .1466 i. 173. i. ༼r7ང༽ 11761 430 ü. 95. .+221 i. . 67 ་ • 290 1. 220 287 .+343 ii. 105. .1492 i. 72. • 314 i 227 +223 INDEX. 483 Sc. Line Par. i. 232. .†457 Sc Line Par. ü. 26. 217 Sc. Lin ii. 351. Par. Sc. Line Par. 460 i. 189. i. 237. .†122 i. 244 • .+355 45 ii. {43-} .†233 ii. ₤3581 1359f (8) 1484 A 275 ii. 9. j 249. 480 ii. 360. • +69 ii. • 409 16. $335 • íi. 45 •+323 i. 253 J†68a ii. 365. • · 450 ii. 21 • • (2) ü. 49 . .t511 • · 176 ii. 78. (2) ii. 368. .†228 ii. 29. • 405 i. 266 . 180 • ii. 81. .†466 ii. 373. · +90 i. 267. .+369 ii. 90. .t168 ii. 377 . • +89 i. 268 • • 315 ii. 384 • • 450 i. ACT V. I . .†244 ii. 97 • • 247 ii. • 35 •†193 ii. 385 • • 203 i. 2 • .+307 ii. 99 · • 142 ii. 36. .t343 ii. ii. 104 • +89 386 • .+490 i. 5 • .t279 ii. 44. . t76 ii. ii. £19. 18 402 • • 374 i. 21. • 378 ii. 65. .t365 ii. ii. 122. • 328 437. • 484 i. 27 • · †47 ii. 173-1 177 S • • 504 ii. 79 • ii. ü. 118. • (4) .+470 ii. 123. J (6) ii. 438. • 333 i. 34. • 431 1336 ii. 439. 486 i. 43 • 179 ii. 124. · 417 ii. 442. • 52 i. • ii. • 153 356 i. • ii. 153 J (2) ii. tx05 169. • +53 i. ACT IV. ii. 154. i. 2 i. 14 i. i. i. i. 84 • i. 195-1 197 • ii. 156. J169 129 •†466 ACT III. · 21. 33. 44 ti .1461 • • tII 221 174 · 333 №0% 29 ii. ii. 171 236 420 i. • 59 .†477 76 . 197 91. • 98 • 399 • 5IC • 492 i. 2 • 479 i. 143 t291 ii. 202. • 430 i. 21 (7) (144) ii. 204. .†465 i. 147 82 i. 40 · 484 ii. 206. .t178 (149) i. 47 • • 457 i. 164. 490 ii. 225. • • +38 i. 57 • +89 i. 168. • • 374 ii. 237. • 492 i. 67. 284 • i. 195. • (2) ii. 272. • 490 i. 71. . t12 i. 225. 82 • ii. 279 279. .†456 i. 72 • • 399 i. 227 • • 430 ii. 282. 477 i. 74 • .t127 • i. 252. • 409 ii. 290. • 451 i. IÇI • • 457 i. 255 · †24 ii. 292. • 476 i. • 109. 284 L 318. 137 · . 501 ii. 302. • 19 i. 128 • 174 i. 325 · • 273 i. 126. 1185) (193) • 3. · (5) • 348 ii. 314. .t133 i. 133 • • 284 i. 379 . • · 438 ii. 321. .1469 i. 137 .t129 i. 381 • · 441 174 ii. 331 . .t218 i. (141) ii. 334. • +52 (142) .t281 i. 387 • 284 i. 403 • .t226 ii. 15 .t159 ii. • ü. 337 . • ii. 18. 474 ii. 339. 409 .t168 i. 150? 197 i. i. 163. • 486 (1) Hamlet, iii. 2. 177. (4) A. W. v. 3. 297. (7) L. L. L. v. 1. 103-4 (2) Folio, "and.” (5) Hamlet, iii. 2. 188. (8) Folio varies. (412) 1422)• 342 · (3) Folio, "hath." (6) Folio, "comes. I 12 484 INDEX MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. ACT I. Sc. Line i. 375. Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. • 14 ii. 27 • 404 i. 220. • 187 Sc. Line Par. i 126. . 118 i. 13 62 iii. 56. 404 i. 225. 191 • • ii. 20 • i. 303 • • 284 404 iii. 86 • 120 i. 227. • 423 ii. i. 53 • • 93 iv. 9 · 400 i. 251. · 378 307 • 90 ii. i. 311 57 · • 423 iv. 18 • 400 ii. I • • 295 • · 194 i. 318. iii. 81. 327 iv. 44 81 ii. 33. 81 • • 297 iii. 88. ii. • 3 53. 795 i, 320. li. ii. ம். 22 32 49 ACT II. · • 57 ill. 119. · 331 + 4 • • 347 ACT IV. • · 296 ACT V. i. 24 212 • • · • 122 ACT III. i. 40. 368 i. 22. • 379 • • 148 i. I. •1507 √212 i. 46. • 480 i. 116. 193 i. 4. 200 i. 144 · • 278 i. 212 • 57 i. J199 i. 156. • 399 i. 249. • 238 12. i. 189 •1480 • 472 i. 168. • 247 i. 253. • 347 i. 42 • • 349 i. 208. (182- 321 i. i. 60. • 46 186 . 364 i. 258 • 191 L 244 i. 261 • · 187 i. 260. • 284 i. 72. • 158 i. 196 • • 343 · 360 I. i. 1791 i. 211 (168 i. 327 272. · 175 1801• • 193 • 1321 iv. i. 311 - 166 i. 93. 118 i. 216. 11 I • iv. • 5559 62 • 59. • 166 7 177 OTHELLO. ས་ i. نـ نـ . i. i. i. i. ACT I. 26. 38. 44 • 55. 99 . 100. ii. 18. • 471 iii. 165. $369 i. 67 • • 400 1414 ii. 52. • • 447 ii. • 361 53. 274 $477 1506 i. 70. • • 440 191. • 460 i. 83. • • 333 iii. 267 • • 368 i. 87. • 440 ii. • 315 71 • • 405 iii. 269 • • 151 ii. • 512 72. • 365 i. 149 • iii. 283 • • 247 (268 •1301 ii. • 439 93 · 161 • iii. i. 159 • • 301 390. • 331 • 191 ů. 140. • 419 i. 260. • 241 iii. 403 · · 45I i. iii. 124 • 435 55. • 67 ii. 3 • · 15 i. 151 • i. 158. i. 126. i. 132. • 127 1497 158 22 iii. 62. ii. 129. iii. 350 ACT II. 49 • · 297 iii. iii. 160 74. J202 91. 1423 11. 144. · 342 i. 13. • 343 i. 1171 iii. 145. • 479 • 201 18 440 iii. 152. • 444 • 348 iii. 140. 1419 1428 i. 19 • • 368 iii. 188. • 295 i. 172. 335 i. 69 24 • • 89 iii. 190. · 349 iii. 147 • 180. 30 •1330 i. 21 • - 243 iii. 203. • 404 INDEX. 485 5c. Line • iii. 213. 163 iii. 216. 163 iii. 217. • • iii. 301. 443 iii 319. Par. Sc. Lice iii. 211 Par. ACT IV. Sc. Line Par. · 73 Sc. Line Par. ii. 108. 295 iii. i. 28 212 • · £74 • • 353 ii. 130. P. 16 • 477 iii. 238 • · 42 i. 134) ii. 134. 512 1435° 511 iii. 265. • 295 iii. i. 32. (122 43. 247 • •144 81 • iii. 282. 73 1513 i. 72 • · 492 iii 344 • • 461 iii. 384. • 299 i. 80. • 460 iii 35I. • 440 iii. 417. • 279 1. 82. i. 14 · 440 Act V. • 361 nii, 368. • 440 iv. 22. • 93 i. i. 125. • 247 64 · • 299 iv. 25. 466 i. 183. i. 111 • • 24 ACT III. iv. ü. J28-1 131 j 44 • • 483 ii. 3 211 ii. • 4 • 460 14190 1239 500 iv. 105. • 447 üi. II · 349 ii. 45 · • 490 iii. 66 • • 29 iv. 150. • 469 ii. = 13 • • 12 ii. 52 • • 59 iii. 157. 251 • iv. 195. 294 ii. 99. • 274 ii. 197 • это PERICLES. i. i. 59. i. 91. • i. 93. 247 Аст І. Jower 11. " i. 38. 14 41 • • · • 285 377 244 iv. ACT II. iv. 39 . • 264 iii. 80. 179 i. 25. • 172 iv. 92. 42 V. 13. • 480 · iv. 2 • 1 80 1364 33 • • 264 V. 17. . 350 ACT III. ACT V. Gower, 14. 290 Gower, 8. 244 i. 125 • 187 • • 1244 1400 512 460 "" 35. · 345 25. • 404 i. 170 • • 145 i. 45. 128 28. 332 i. 208. • 234 28 "" 36. ii. • 332 17 · 1350 i. 251 • • 419 i. 153. "" 37. • • 229 ii. 31 • • 350 "} 40. • 5 (201 •1460 ACT IV. ii. 285. • 3 iii. Gower, 23 • 465 38. • 198 ü. 92. 238 i. • 31. • 24 i. 23. • 37 RICHARD II. i. 90. • 270 i. St270 172. ii. ACT I. 22 i. 104. 269 15 {(a)18)• •†407 • i. 173 • .+218 ii. 23 • • 20 i. 129. .tıgı i. i. i. 12. 20 22 ;. (26}, i • 480 12 {26). +244 .t494 i. 145. • i. i. 150. 160 • 163 174 .t315 i. 180. i. 190 • 522 ii. 30. .†164 • . 529 ii. 36. .†460 i. 12041 12051 1311 ii. 39. .t270 1489 i. 162 • • 730 ii. 6. .1364 ii. (+307 40 • +310 i. 85 290 · • 529 i. 171. (4) Lines 18 and 19 are perhaps to be transposed. Comp., however, W. T. iii. 3. 165 ü. 7 .†264 ii. · 42 . 296 ;86 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line L'ar. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. ii. 44 • • 480 iii. 232. 380 i. 106. 156 ii. 2. 194 ii. (47) 1505• .+365 iii. 233 • 191 iii. 243. • 356 i. (107) (108) ii. 9. 27 • 295 i. 108. ii. 54 68a 265 ii. 12 (13) • 193 • • iii. 247. 65 i. 11. 129 • • 5 73 • • 475 iii. 259. • iii. 3. • 397 iii. 264, iii. 9. 447 iii. 269. • 291 iii. 15 IIO • • iii. 279. • 505 380 .t263 i. 134. i. (141) 11475. i. 148. ii. 15 434 (293 •1247 ii. 18. • 468 ü. • 482 ü. · · 492 25. 498 27 .+494 iii. 17 • • 263 iii. 283 · .†490 i. 157. 268 • ii. 29 • 497 iii. • 23 +178 S 193 iii. 286. .†252 i. 158. .†130 ii. iii. 26 • .+512 iii. 301. +94 i. 159. 159 . .tı51 iv. • II .†512 i. 169. .†408 ii. • iii. 34 • • 133 iv. iii. 36. .†263 iii. 43 2 iii. 66. .+447 iii. 76 • +24 iii. 80 • • 476 iii. 82. • 490 iii. 95 • • 107 EEEEEEE 12 .151 i. 173. 1 84 ii. 4I • 30. · tz 280 34 . 169 .1468 244 iv. { iv. 22 301 35) • .+368 ii. 46. • 291 .†107 i. £2021 $338 ii. Fol.) 52. • 244 1433 iv. 22 42 20 i. 211. .t137 ii. 57. • •1246 iv. • 43 .tisi i. 217 • • 479 iv. 49. 348 i. 58. 487 i. 218. .+405 +497 iv. 53. i. 222. • • 13 ii. • 59 .†343 iii. 118. 482 i. 232. .+329 ii. 61. .†511 iii. 123 • .+512 i. 239. 17 ii. 75 • +3 ACT II. 125 i. 242. 242. .†251 ii. 76. .†497 iii. 127. .tisi i. 3 • • 305 i. (247) ii. 129 i. 9. . 199 (248)* • 480 80. .t243 ii. iii. 127. .1490 i. 9) i. 247 260 iii. 136. 89 • iii. (484 i. 14. • 343 i. 250. 151. or i. 16. 1490 • 290 i. 248. .t463 ii. 88. .1465 .†497 ii. 90 · • 512 91 • .†497 1471 J113 ii 95. ii. i. 18. • 113 i. 251. • 356 96. .†513 24 iii. 164. .t218 i. i. 19 22 • • iii. 166. 440 • i. iii, 175. 450 27 • • • i. 29 20 • • iii. 183. .t315 i. 49. • • II i. iii. 196 • • 490 i. • iii. 201 84 • i. 79 • 203 iii. 208 iii. 205. †28 +466 Lort465 • i. • go +24 i. (279) (284). i. iii. 209 • 490 i. 2 2 91. • +94 i. 289. 94 • • 470 i. 291 • iii. lil. 217. 211 • .+377 i. 99 268 i. 300 • • .+490 i. 102. 440 îîì. I. +28 52. 146 254. (Fol. "noble.") omits i. 258. {+136 266. i. 268. • . p. 13 • 375 469 315 364 51 98 ii. 103 ii. 105 ii. f108) (III) ii. 114 ii. • • • 119 ((Fol.) Castle ii. 26. ii, 128 28 +343 ii. • 155 • • 512 · · 497 • 507 508 .t361 • • · · 244 iii. 5. • 333 INDEX. 487 Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par iii. iii. 7. • 492 89. 218 • i. 16. • +89 i. 28. { t22 •28 iii. ΙΟ . 162 iii. 98. • 529 · i. 29 • .+497 i. iii. 15. .+460 iii. 103 .+506 33. .†287 ii. 2. 482 iii. 18. .†494 iii. 118. +89 i. 49 ii. • 3 .+497 Į (c) 1105 iii. 20 • 506 iii. 120. .†497 i. ii. 4. 25 57 220 • iii. 21. 478 iii. 126. 126. .†451 ii. 5. .+356 i. 62. · 90 iii. • 23 .+513 iii. 146. • +24 ii. 8. 194 i. 89 .†495 • iii. iii. 168. 24 • 497 · ii. 34 . †p. I2 335 i. 93 82 • • iii. 25 • • 512 iii. 184 .+468 i. ii. iii. 26. .+513 (8) {55)}. . +460 94 · • • 290 iii. 191. .+356 i. 96. +497 ii. 64 • 478 iii. 192 • • 230 1290 1296 iii. 29 or • iii. 33. • (+501 .+466 ii. 80 • .t319 ii. 113 • • 468 iii. iii. ü. iii. iii. iii. 55 • 62. 67 80. 87 · iii. 100. • 456 ii. 130. .†467 ররর iv. iv. II · 14. .+513 i. 104 • • 485 .t291 i. 112 484 iv. (Fol.335 i. • 117 .†190 24 505 ∞ o ii. 131. +22 i. 120. .+291 • • 397 iv. 28. .t193 i. ii. • 506 140. . 294 123 .tizo ii. 141 • 20 ii. 163. .+335 200 iv. {33}. 35 138ƒ• 268 i. · 129. • 95 i. 139. .t349 • • 292 iv. ii. .t384 168. • · 378 iv. iii. 104 • .†491 ii. 175. J193 •༽szo iv. iii. 107. 181 iv. • ii. 179 59 iii. 123. .1287 ii. 183 .+356 iii. 124 • .+469 ii. 185 134 iii. 127 • .1322 ii. 186 · 174 iii. $338 130. •1433 EEEEEEEE 55 · • • 512 i. 148 • . 57. • 89 i. 63 67 • iv. 74 • • i. iv. 77 · .1506 .t315 498 .419a i. 178. .†480 151. 460 .1467 i. 171. .+501 182. • 512 i. 185. p. 290 iv. 80 • 145 i iv. 83 ii. 198 · 5 iv. 102. • iii. 138. • 204 ii. 204 • S 156 (+268 iv. 104 .$291 .t243 · 133 i. 217 i. 224. 205. • 447 216 • .†494 iii. 145 · 310 i. 237 • • iii. 9 • 487 iii. 160. • 159 i. 238 • 192 287 iii. 12. 281 • iii. 61. 296 ACT IV. i. 256. .t244 iii. 17 .t244 iii. 168 . .†497 i. 264 (c) 103 iii. 19 • 506 Sc. Line Par. iv. II 294 i. 15. • 466 i. 270. 340 • iii. 31. .†512 iv. 18. 82 iii. 35 • • 511 i. 17 • $390 1477 i. 300. .t218 i. 30S. . 189 ACT III. iii. 45 · • 272 i. 18. .†196 i. 326. .t512 i. 3. 198 ( 59 iii. 61 • • 414 i. 19. .†500 i. 329 · • t497 iii. 64 • 157 i. 9 • 1419 a +494 (21 i. 281 i. iii. • 70 .+468 22)• 334. .†244 (b) Read "from off a 'nointed;" or, as Folio, (c) Folio, “and if.” "From an anointed." 188 INDEX. Act V. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. ii. 55? {" Sc Line Par. ("it om.) " iii. 72. .1372 V. iii. 88 . 387 143) 1465° .t343 i. 31 . .†356 ii. 56. V. • 197 iii. 97 . 190 i. 37 • • 41 ii. 57 • • 484 (+501 V. i. 38. • • 285 ii. 59. • 368 iii. IOI or ་ i. 44 • • 225 ii. 1651 †497 52 • 498 • 54. v. 54-7. 164 1529 • 268 • 499 iii. 103. .$329 V. i. i. 1. i. 46. 47. 62. 54 • 75 ii. Fol. 75 • • 155 200 • “and” .t268 ü. }†103 78. • 497 ii. 97 • • 468 iii. 137. • • 52 iii. 113{ "and" +103 St149 64. .†218 V. 1466 V. 56. 61 • 425 • • 290 V. 62. • 366 ii. V. 66. 28 • 99. • 53 i. iv. I • • 414 77 • • 291 ii. ΙΟΙ .1512 i. i. 80. 88. • 473 iv. St244 2 ii. 115 122 499 • • • 478 iii. 4 • .tigo iv. 8 • • 257 i. 90 82 · • iii. i. 91 • .1470 5 • • 144 V. iii. IO . • 272 V. i. 94 • • 372 iii. 17 • 473 V. 5 ∞ · 3 • 5. 8. . 151 529 n. +69 V. 69. 70. .+506 • 254 .1406 75. • 498 76. • • • 297 V. 1671 169]. V. V. ས. ii. {12} .t285 iii. 21. .†499 V. 17 • 465 V. 83 .t275 ii. 18. 80 iii. 27 • 356 V. 18. .+243 vi. 6. .+494 ii. 28. 512 iii. 34 181 V. 22 . .†I5: vi. £ 26. 460 ii. 48. .t406 iii. 50. .†349 V. • 25 .t406 vi. 27 • 133 ii. 53 • • 505 iii. 52. 296 V. 27 • 284 vi. 40. • 246 RICHARD III. ACT I. ii. i. 16. • 468 ii. 3 · . (1) 23. ii. 155 . .†490 ii. +490 26. P. 449 ii. 156) ii. ii. (165) 84 236. 245 • 490 · 479 ii. 250. • 305 i. i. 22 58 . .tisi 397 ii. 163. .†283 ii. 27 • 225 ii. 255. ti • ii. 166 .+428 ii. 31 · · i. 67 • • • 505 ii. i. 75 . .†494 52. 169 .t451 i. 170 • • 284 ii. 259 J295 • • 193 ii. 179. 92 ii. 261 · 159 ii. 56. • 492 i. 82. .†287 ii. 67. · • 474 ii. i. 84 • 456 1931 12031 iii. I • • 468 • 500 (68) i. i. 92 i. 103 i. 106. • P. 372 ii. 170)⋅ 94 · • 498 ii. 71. .t123 • • 456 ii. • 490 ii. 76. 466 1891 .1500 i. 137 200 • i. 157. .1270 ü. 117. .1446 ii. $307 ii. 154. 1239 ü. 2II. ii. .+233 {"live iii. 5 .t349 ii. 215. .1468 ii. 216. ii. 217. • 342 (1a) ii. 226. 226. .†512 ii. 232 356 . • 235. 466 · iii. iii. iii iii. 6. 19 36 63 • • 174 (3) 1468 Fo'. or {F • 1460 168 INDEX. 489 Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line iii. 65-8. 376 iv. 25. 203 • iv. (257) ii. 95. · • iii. 82. (3α) iv. 277 1258)* ii. 27 • • 375 113. د ill, 88. 159 iv. iii. 90 406 iv. 37 33 333 30. .t295 iv. (273). • 234 ii. 120 · Par. 151 (9) .t297 • 69 ii. · iv. 288. 123 469 • • 494 iii III. 5 iv. 45. .+264 ii. 127. iii. St93 iv. 113. 46. St424 1178 +267 ACT II. II ii. 129. • .t497 367 ii. 130. iii. 127 161 iv. 58. .†297 i. 16 · 133 ii. 133. 419 • 490 iii. 142. iii. 153-4. iii. 159. iii. iii 162. iii. 202 • 2 • iv. 59 460 (24) ii. J(10) • 275 iv. 64 • 463 i. 27 • .+442 144 479 .†164 iv. 65. • 497 i. 33. 125 iii. 3 • .1500 378 iv. 70 i. 37 • • 95 iii. 4 • • 92 201 · .t468 iv. (78) i. 43 • • 293 üi. 8. .†137 • · 148 1801. · 153 i. 50 • • 171 iii. iii. 206. • 460 iv. 95 . • 319 i. (55). .+573 iii. iii. 207. · 365 iv. 97. .†405 iii. i. 57. • (8) iii. iii. 212 • • 243 iii. 214. J294 iv. ΙΟΙ (150) • (7) 16. .t477 17 .†129 29. • • 35 Fol. 333 105 i. • 59 .t223 iii. 39 • • 29 1385 i. 83 · · 275 iv. 122. • 330 iii. 4I • +69 iii. 216. 240 i. iii. St69 iv. 134. .†335 90 · .t474 iii. 42. 490 222. 1365 i. 116. iv. 146. 148 .t454 iii. · 55. • 92 iii. 246 .t349 iv. 152. .1329 i. 120. .t281 iv. I • 492 iii. £266-1 1267 * (5) iv. (167) i. 129. • 372 iv. 14 62 · • iii. 282.. iii. 287 iii. 291. 176) 232 i. 134 • • 512 iv. 18. 92 5 iv. 186 .t157 • 122 i. 137. iv. 187. .t468 √217 1471 iv. 22 • iv. 205. .t219 ii. 7 • iii. 292 · • 355 iii. 304 (6) 24 • iv. 206. • 232 ii. iv. 209. • 462 ii. 305. • 494 iii. 314. 186 iv. 218- 218 Fol var. (512 15 • 287 (Fol.) 131'too' 73 too'}73 479 iv. 22 34 295 • 301 • iv. 139) · 513 iv. 46. • 307 • ii. iv. 47 24 · • 503 iii. 323. .t507 ii. 27 • • 326 iv. iii. 325. • 2.4 iv. 219 'you' †236 f Fol. • (Fol. 75 63 var. (48.2 ii. 34 • iii. • · 295 iv. • • 297 328. .†438 iii. 328 347. †490 • iii. 348 354. .†364 üi. 354 iv. iv. 5. 85 12 1191 • .t259 iv. 248 {Fol. )+512 var. iv. 251. • iv. 254. 254. †284 iv. 241. • 287 ii. iv. 246. • 290 ii. 356 42. .†470 47 .t275 • • V. 71 · • 297 ACT III. ii. 49. • 438 i. Isl ii. 1651 iv. 250 Fol. var. (68) .t365 i. IO. $66 ii. 76. 118 i. • • 174 1243 12 .t267 194 ii. • 77 404 i. 26. 243 ii. 92. .†467 i. ༣༣ .1467 490 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. i. 37. 469 ii. 58. i. 1391 St490 St243 159 V ΙΟΙ 492 Sc. Line vii. 184 Par. · +87 V. 109 460 vii. 197 .†196 140) +501 ii. 63. 176 • vi. 5 • 356 vii. 210 .t110 i. 44 2 ii. • 67. P. 449 vi. i. 63 S(11) ii. 76. 487 7. t140 vii 227 . • 469 • 1297 vi. 9 • 494 vii. 229 • .1466 ii. 115. .†243 i. 64 21 vi. vä. IO . • 137 233 • • 15 • • ii. 117 98 i 68 · • 409 vii. ii. (123) 3 (15) vii. 235 • • 243 i. 71 D .†494 [124] 233 vii. {5} Uડો • 490 i. 1721 181). iii. 23 • P. 16 • 490 vii. 240 ACT IV. • . (16) vii. iv. 9 • .+494 I • 57 i. 85 • • 252 vii. 20 .†468 i. 3 • • 150 iv. 2 • 492 i. ΙΙΟ { P. 449 vii. 25. • 487 i. 4 180 • • 478 iv. 29. · 178 vii. 26. +88 i. • 7 · .+466 iv. 470 36. .†401 i. 114 +497 vii. 30. • 492 i. 43 • .+158 iv. 40. 109 vii. i. 119. 201 • iv. 4I ti 50. .†467 i. 8 60. .1405 • i. 126. S+319 1769 iv. 50. • 397 vii. 1521 i. 70 • .†267 153) 234 i. 76. .t225 iv. 51. .t297 i. 136 485 vii. 57. .t343 i. • • iv. 62. 94. .468 200 • i. 144. S217 vii. 58. 487 1471 iv. 67 • • 97 vii. i. 146. iv. • 419 91. • 490 70 { Fol: +510 ii. • 2 .1513 i. £146) (147)• .1500 iv. 100 • · 189 vii. 81. .t201 105 • 497 V. • i. i. 148. ((12) i. 157. 487 i. 158. i. 164 • · 419 169. .†127 iv. 106. .†473 vii. 89. 414 ii. II 12 V. 7 • • 189 vii. 112 439 ü. 5. {11}. . 45x3 81 ii. 27 • · 92 V. 13. • .†513 vii. · 113 .†494 ii. (398 35. . (17) vii. 120. • 423 ii. 4. i. 177 • • 235 V. 25. 28. • or t2 229 29 (14) • 36. vii. 127 • • 342 ii. 55 • .t494 .t217 vii. 139 .†468 ii. 59. 204 • vii. J1441 (148)• 382 ii. 71. .†512 i. 189 i. 191. • • 492 V. 32 .t158 vii. 150. · 361 ii. 81. .†497 V. 33. t2 vii. ii. 155 • • 3 85 411 236 i. 198 .t467 V. 35. • 29 • ii. 10, Fol. var. V. 47 • ii. †349 St5or +297 vii. 157. St285 17287 ii. 87 • • 424 ii. 98 • vii. 159. • SI ii. 14 • 462 V. 55. 412 ii. 26. 281 V. 56 • • 411 li. 29. 497 V. 63. • • 107 ii. 53 +357 V. 拉​法 ​ii. 55 • 92 ง. 657 69. • 97 vii. 161 trog vii. 165 'there is' (Fol.) 165{{{ vii. 175. tp. 12 ii. 103 . 104 11. ** ii. 124 120. • • • .†477 37 .†470 466 497 or . 166 vii. 176 • 474 (18) • 56. 150 V. 76. .†494 vi. 179. 342 iil 8. 164 · INDEX. 491 Se. Line iii. iii. 20 27. 31 53 • • iii. 229. • • • Par. Sc. Line 193 iv. 209. Par. Sc. Line .t133 iv. 417. • (19) iv. 217. · 375 iv. 431 iv. 221 • .t287 iv. 428 • • 477 .t494 iv. 229. 69 • iv. 458. .t513 69 iv. J231 iv. iv. (II) [12]. 1234) .+370 483. • 492 iv. 490. 202 · • 419 iv. 235. .†133 iv. 492. • 232 • Par. t2 426. .†349 Sc. Line Par (TIO) (1195 • iii. 130. 484 ü. 135 (143) (148) • iii. 156. . (451) ii. · 423 • iii. • • 291 508 iv. EEEEE 15 iv. 240. • 439 iv. [16]. • 515 501. • 49I iii. 185 • 1460 iv. 249 • • 196 iv. • 504 +17 • iv. iii. 187 • · 512 23 • • 159 iv. 250 • .t133 iv. 508. • 469 iii. 201 iv. 28. • • 315 • 490 iv. 34 118 • • iv. 53 • iv. 65. • • f89 240 £ £ iv. 254. 372 iv. (255) 12605° iv. 515. • iv. 263. · • 158 477 iv. 539. 1478 •1201 iii. 202. • 287 iii. 209. 512 • 311 iii. V. 7 • • 466 210. • 303 iv. 75 · 509 iv. 268. • 247 V. IO. • 469 iii. 224 201 • • iv. 77 • (20) iv. 269. • +99 iii. 228 • • 159 V. 14. • 492 iv. 86. • 24 iv. 274. .†494 iii. V. 18. 230 • .t219 • 311 IV. 92 991 104° iv. {199 iv. 118. iv. • 122. • 300 iv. 289 • • 353 iii. 239. • 498 iv. • 148 292. • 315 ACT V. iii. 243. 118 iv. 304. · 341 i. 5. .+474 iii. 245. .t468 202 iv. 326. .t494 i. 21. • 479 iii. 267 · • 417 443 iv. 331. 491 ii. 19. .t122 iii. 281 • 514 • iv. 135. • 45I iv. 337. .t230 iii. 47 • • · 140 iii. 292. ► 474 iv. 141. .t287 iv. 338. .t329 iii. 48. .t513 iii. 298 • • 505 iv. 142..(21) iv. 177 iv. .+439 £3531 iii. SI • 159 iv. II • .t299 1354* .t336 iii. 52. .+494 V. 3 • 342 iv. 180. 201 iv. 354. • 177 üi. 68. 469 • V. 9 • • 507 iv. 183. .†466 iv. 188 365 iv. 358 • .†470 iii. 1721 512 V. • • iv. iv. 189 190 1369-1 1371 [14)° • 469 .†228 Fi. V. 21 • 337 17 iv. 385. .†266 iii. V. iv. 199. (1) Hamlet, i. 2. 92. (77) 82. • 478 95 . 378 (1a) A. F. L. iii. 1. 18. • (3) "Majesty" when a dissyllable will henceforth (3a)? Pun on “noble.” (4) Folio, "Ay, madam." (6) Folio, "an end." (7) Compare Hamlet, v. 1. 1-235. (9) M. of V. v. 1. 77. (10) Folio omits "weighty." (12) Folio, "and." (13) Folio, "worshipfully." (15) Folio omits "and." (16) Folio, King Richard." (18) Folio omits "deep." (19) Folio omits "my lord." (21) A. W. v. 3. 297. C 36. p. 12 (2) Cymb. iv. 4. 132. not be noticed. (5) Macbeth, v. 8. 48. (8) F. C. i. 2. 317. (11) Folio, "thinks't." (14) Lear, iv. 1. 54. (17) Rich. III, i. 1. 158. (20) Macbeth, iii, 2. 49. (22) F. C. i. 3. 22. 492 INDEX. ROMEO AND JULIET. Sc. ACT 1. Line Sc. Line Par. Sc. Lire Par. ACT IV. Par, V. 107. • • 391 i. 128. • 3 Sc. Line Par. i. 38. • 335 V *33. • 411 i. i. 158. 16. . 294 200 • i. III • 24 ii. 117. 60. • 447 .457a i. 119. 264 iii. ACT II. ii. 141. • i. 140. • 275 ii. 42 460 ii. 14 118 • ii. 76. iii. V. 120 17 22 • • • iii. 9 (315 • 1461 iii. iii. 7 • • 429 19 • • 474 $405 •1471 V. 36. 480 • 59. 474 ACT V. 20. 512 • iii. 17 • • 497 iii. 91. 281 iii. 38. • 264 i. 40. • 178 • iii. 98 • • 440 iii. 93 . • 204 iii. 49 • 492 iii. 52. • 400 iv. 19. • 440 vi. 9. • · 475 iii. 98. • 492 iii. 143 • 356 iv. 94 · 479 vi. 21 • • 492 V. 18. • 133 iii. 211 • • 490 iv. V. 84. 206 · iii. 99 • • 173 iv. 109. • + 291 ACT III. v. 136. • 264 214 • 333 iii. 246 469 • • V. 61. • 417 i. 66. .419a V. 153. 292 iii. 247. 114 V. 70 • 354 i. 122. • 198 V. 200 • 13 iii. 275. • 465 TAMING OF THE SHREW. ACT I. i. 50. ΙΟ i. 356 . 22 iii. · Induction. i. 74 • • 507 i. 357 • • 247 i. 68. • 109 i. 78 • • 351 i. 369. 22 • iv. I. i. 84 132 i. i. 90. 507 377 . • 489 • i. 87 • • 472 i. 150 166 iv. 36. iii. 189. • 24 21 J461 *1361 (482 2 • • • 120 ACT III. i. 89 I i. • 174. • 465 iv. 4 120 • • i. 96. • 76 i. 251. • • 368 i. 9. P. 14 iv. 12 • • 301 ii. I i. 105. 461 • 461 i. 252. . 297 iv. 20. • 461 ii. i. IIO. 369 ii. 8. 27 · • 220 i. 119 • 419a (12 ii. 1324 ii. 105 · • · 356 28 iv. (33) [34]° 505 ii. ii. ii. 13 25. ii. 107 ii. 136. 113] $430 ii. 108. · 297 iv. 46. • 503 • 291 ii. 46. . 461 ii. 156. · 7 V. 9 30 9 84 • 176 ii. 190 J201 ii. 186. · 465 V. 26. 482 · 1484 ii. 236. • • 455 ii. 248. 224 297 ACT V. • 370 ACT II. i. • 77 460 ACT IV. Аст І. i. 15. 126 ii. 66. • 504 i. 3. . 295 i. 18. • 4.90 i. 71. • 175 ii. 72 • 174 i. 14 • • 510 i. 158. • 477 i. 125. • 482 ii. 93 . 485 1. 32 • • 342 i. 259. 505 ii. 14 • 460 ii. 144. 281 i. 48. • 507 i. (Fol.)355 22 ii. 73. 465 ii. 175. 497 1 INDEX. 493 Аст 1. Sc. Line TEMPEST, Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. ii. 109 · • 494 ii. 220. 460 Sc. Line Par. ii. 110 • · 458 ii. 222 • .t178 ii. (387) 13895 ii. 390. · · 462 27 i. (29) • 447 ii. III • • 494 ii. 226. • 78 ii. 407. · (4) ii. 118. .†312 i. 16. • 13 ii. 231 14274 it193 ii. 414. • 120 ii. 119 • • 124 i. 17 • • 335 ii. 232 · .t149 ii. 419. • 456 i. 18. 90 ii. J199 122 • 1495 ii. 235 · · 511 ii. 424. .1285 i. • 24 176 ii. ii. 127. • 454 243. .t291 ii. 435. .†466 i. 49. • 154 ii. ii. 137. • 270 244 · • 220 ii. 439 · • tII ii. 4 • • 456 ii. II ii. 12 • • ii. ii. 31. • ii. 41 ii. • 19. 50. .tizi 457 St179 • • II 342 183 77 ii. 142 • 134T ii. 148. 1342 ii. 157 ii. 138 J (2) 11467 ii. 248. .t456 ii. 442. • 232 ii. 249 .t136 • ii. 446. .†364 ii. 141 · .t454 ii. 255. 220 ii. 1447 .t457 ii. 12571 1448)* • · 38, ii. 144 • • 5 1259) .†343 ii. 450. 12 • ii. 264. t494 ii. 452. 485 ii. 297 · fp.13 • ii. 453. • . 462 ii. 298 St200 +369 501 ii. 53 • 480 +475 ii. J157) 1158)* 513 ti. (54) ii. 165. • • 156). .†457 ii. 168. • 39 ii. 63. ii. 333 · 343 ii. 173. • 471 t330 494 ii. (301) (302)* ii. 327 · 456 450 1 473 ii. 456. 182 ii. 457 · • 457 · †244 ii. 478. .t335 ACT II. ii. 65 66. • · • ii. ii. 72 • • 457 ii. • 74 • 470 ii. 84. • 497 ii. ii. ii. ii. ii. 97 · • 294 ii. • 158 †469 ii. (188) (189) ii. 338. • 471 i. I. .+513 ii. 348. t494 i. I 467 • • 187 · • 457 · 85. .†283 482 88. 89 472 • ii. 100. .†178 ii. 102 .t281 ii. 103. 103. .†501 †462 (1) ii. 104. ii. 105. li. 106. · 497 St231 511 ii. 193. ii. 194 (196) 201 204) ii. (197) (197). • +330 200 fp.13 iì. 206. 484 • ii. 209. .t123 • • ii. 210 467 ii. 211 ii. 212 • 341 24 •1469 ii. 213. {(2) 429 ii. 370. ii. 371. ii. 379 ii. 389. • 230 (3) 487 17283 +401 · • 342 4. 121 127. i. 131. i. (134) 135 • 400 · 475 i. 145. 510 • 226 i. 150. 271 ii. 352 . 265 i. • ii. 353 · .t468 i. ii. 357. • 471 i. 28. ii. 361. • 159 i. 75. · 401 456 5 (5) 6. .†494 1 206 189 ii. 362. St263 1480 i. 96. 200 ii. 363. i. 182 IIO †263 • ii. 365. i. • 127 .t228 291 i. ii. 366. 305 • • ii. 369. 264 • • 494 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. i. 151. • 490 i. • 31 203 Sc. Line iii. 100. Par. ACT V. .†457 Sc. i. 160. .†494 i. i. 163. (6) • i. 42 i. 168. .†281 32. .†494 S +467 (p.13 • iii. 102. •$500 1. Line 4. Par. 480 i. 7 • • 460 ACT IV. i. 9. • 484 i. 45. (4) i. • 4 .1274 i. IO. • 432 i. 181. ((7) (7) i. · 57 .†177 i. 8 • • 469 i. 15 208 • • i. i. 185. .140 59 · .1500 i. 12 .+513 i. i. 202 •$500 i. 62. {+359 350 16. • +478 i. 26 {+ (†473 JFol 1333 i. 207 •†323 490 i. i. 72 • · 255 i. 215. .†469 i. 27 • • • 307 i. 187) i. 217. (8) 188]* 1513 i. • 31 480 • i. 220. 387 i. (263 i. 68. • 487 i. 93 . 1196 39 i. 221. · 58a i. (72) ii. 27 • • • 479 1745° •$350 i. i. 236. • 471 ii. i. {275). +513 i. $2781 1283) i. 284 i. 287 i. 292. i. 296 .t291 1522 163ĺ • 361 i. 1761 1260 i. 42 i. 28. 390 {28-}·494 30 √33- } . 261 } 38. 395 .†467 • 178) 1261 i. 43 • 294 ii. i. 104 • ▸ 492 • 94 .1360 i. • • 471 ii. 106. • 244 i. 98. .t295 i. 63 · • 470 ii. 108 . · 503 i. ΙΟΥ · .†473 i. · .+322 ii. 127 • • 137 i. IIO • 484 64 145 ii. 147. ▸ 330 i. 123. • 422 i. 68. 53 .t218 • • ·497 (+291 447 482 • ii. 149 • .†161 i. 124. • • ³. 308. • 374 iii. 2 • · · 333 i. 140. 484 .†494 i. $75- 179 • 232 i. i. 319. i. 311. i. 317. .t500 .†343 †494 iii. 26. • 501 i. 143. 461 75 · 261 • • i. iii. 40. 487 i. 145. 97 . .t467 • 439 i. 100 • iii. i. 321. S 78 461 47)* i. 146. 483 · 376 •†278 467 iii. (53) ii. {9}. 261 156ƒ• iii. 56. • 249 • 240 ii. 15 • • 96 iii. 59 • 278 n. ii. 121. • (7) iii. 60. 16 • ii. 137. .†401 iii. 62 • • ü. 152. ii. 164. 456 iii. 63 • • • 457 iii. 64 iii. 65 264 · 431 i. 168. .†360 i. 170. 484 i. 186 iii. {1} 1891 .1342 247 404 i. 231*. .+356 i ACT III. I . (†244 1300 iii. 80. • i. i. 4 6. • • 508 iii. 81 • • 265 iii. 92 • · 410 i. 15. (၄) iii. 93. 238 i. 113 i. 114. i. 117 i. 119 • 130-1 132 i. 135. i. 139. 146. i. 149 i. 264. St335 • Read either "let it aloue" (472, end) or "let's along" (30) • • 466 .t305 • 347 • (7) 469 232 .1467 • • 230 497 425 364 266 . tóg i. [149] (153 i. 103 · .tizi · 457 i. III • · i. 154. i. 155. 260 •†442 • • i. 204. • • 417 i. i. 188. 457 • 169 467 • 484 i. 217. • 209 i. 145 • i. 259. 369 i. i. 262. 1783 90 i. {150}. (10) i. 214 INDEX. 495 i. 215. Sc. Line Par. .t218 Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. i. 235. 235 · t494 i. 270. • 279 i. Sc. Line 315. • Par . 279 i. 216. .t335 S271 i. 289 • • 276 i. JEpil. 3 i. 249. 13 3. } 484 12 i. i. 230 168 · • i. 232 tp. 13 :{ +38 i. 250. 295 • i. 303 310. • .†305 .t296 i. 18. 200 i. 268. p. 340 (1) Folio, "th' outward." (2) "Impertinent.”—Lear, iv. 6. 178. (2a) F. C. iv. 3. 280. (3) “Old.”—Macbeth, ii. 3. 2. (4) “Owes.”—A.W. v. iii. 97. (5) "Masters."—M. of V. iv. 1. 51. and F. Coxcomb, ii. 3. "Mastres" is written for "mistress" in B. (6) "Against course and kind."-Munday. (8) See Tempest, i. 2. 200. (7) Folio, "and." (9) Theobald, "busy less:" (?) most busy least." (10) Folio, "lies " TIMON OF ATHENS. ACT I. ACT II. ACT IV. iii. 1334- 1344 34-} • 36: i. 44 22 • • i. 23. • 343 i. 63 i. iii. 33. 492 401 • • 325 • • 512 ii. 7 • • 392 i. i. 154 107 139. • i. 147 i. 206. i. 257. i. 284 • ii. 151. ii. ii. 156 ii. 184 • • ii. 251. · • 338 479 • 510 • • 385 i. 46 • • 355 iii. 403. • 431 ii. 12 200 • 28 ii. iii. 13 • .419a 454. 400 • ii. 28. 484 • • . 186 ii. 16. 468 iii. 530 . 212 · ii. 36 • • 512 ii. 33 . 350 • 241 ii. 119 • • 407 487 ii. 35. • 252 ACT V. iii. 29 • · 470 iii. 131 • • 361 i. 31. P. 14 ACT III. iii. 180. • 171 i. 61. • 466 • 405 480 ii. 39. • 400 iii. 232. 172 i. 202 • • 487 ill. 23 · 400 iii. 277 • • 213 iii. 8 • 497 57 V. 56. • 477 iii. 287 • · 187 TITUS ANDRONICUS. i. 231. 492 ACT II. • 253 i. i. ACT I. II. 20. i. 32. i. 189. • • 301 465 1423 1491 i. 235. i. 288. i. 325. 479 iii. 285. iii. 305 · 431 200 i. 30. 65 iv. 18. 480 • 229 i. 69. • 103 i. 301 • • 145 iii. 75 • • 492 12 iii. 92. • 463 i. ACT III. 38. 264 • i. 347 · • 477 iii. 102 • • 322 i. 51 • • i. 190 • 479 i. 368. • 195 iii. 160. 490 i. 66. 423 484 496 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. ACT IV. Sc. Line Par. Sc. i. 151. · 417 iv. Sc. Line Par. ΙΟ . • 105 i. i. 269. • 191 i. 95 · • 508 iv. 20 • 300 ii. Line 102 • 16. Par. 4 143 • 50% ü. ii. 4 • • 344 i. ΙΟΙ 472 iv. 65 • • 492 ii. 50. • 456 9 • • 264 ii. 136 • 485 iv. 76 • • 78 ii. 137 . 484 ii. 44 • 69 ii. 162 • • 485 iii. I 465 ii. 53 · 338 ii. 176. • 247 ACT V. iii. 99. • 302 ii. 76 · 483 iii. 35. • 478 i. 40. • 462 iii. 156. • 48. ii. 83 • • 295 iii. 58 • 484 i. 46. • 484 ACT 1. TROILUS AND CRESSIDA. ACT II. iii. 44 • • 3 V. 12 • · 25 ii. Prol. 21. 64. ill. III. • 500 V. 93. • 337 · 294 90 iii. 120. • ii. i. 7 · 187 179 • · 285 264 V. 105. • 433 iii. ᎥᎥ . ii. 127 500 V. 170. • 236 211 + • 491 T39 · 104 iii. iii. 142. • 496 V. 176. 217 ii. 185 81 45. • 202 • iii. 150. • 480 V. 195. • Ey 111. ii. 189 94. • 430 • • 104 iii. ii. 115. 51 iii. J129 V. 255. • 217 155 . • 312. 372 279 V. 272 • • 91 ii. 314 · 224 iii. 12 120 iii. • 1431 159. • 295 V. 292 • 395 iii. 7 • · 481 iii. iii. 161. 90 135 • • 333 iii. 51 • • iii. • 111. ni. • 490 • • 343 iii. 68. 71 • • 89 96. iii. 101 f 95 · 1377 • 472 368 12 iii. 266. iii. 162. • 401 iii. 149 162 • iii. 188 • • iii. 129 205. 419a iii. iii. 252 190. • 174 211 • iii. • 165 198 • • 3 i. iii. 272 • 1478 1507 iii. 200. • 487 i. iii. 201 · • 274 iii. 105 · • 490 ACT IJI. iii. 114 iii. 125. • • 322 i. 71 · • • 342 368 iii. 247. J164 ü. 1314 ii. iii. 13. ACT IV. iii. 21 ACT V. 30. 63 i.. 71. ii. 109. 144 • • • 13 428 482 151 356 • 407 356 • · i. iii. 187 151 • · 37 • • 342 iii. 54 • · 90 iii. 199. • • 490 iii. $495 3 iv. 1458 4 • • 290 iii. 103. • 255 iii. 288. iii. 339 . 395 188 iv 47 • 402 iii. 20 430 vi. iv. · ia. 2 iü. 340. 479 • { 59 • 382 20. ६० 474 iv. 136. · 2.14 vii. 5. • II 440 INDEX. 497 } TWELFTH NIGHT. ACT I. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. V. 3. +307 i. {32 Sc. Line Par. {"Beem"} (2) iv. 99. 281 • i. ΙΟ . 284 ง. · i 15. 18 V. 69 84 • • 13 iv. ii. 3 180 • • • • 93 iv. · i. 16. .†349 V. 108. .t244 ii. 6. • 356 4. i. 23 62 V. 120. .t343 ii. 8. .+323 V. • • ii. 19. .+368 i. 24. .t312 V. 124 • 254 V. 102 • ¡IO. I. 6. 25 .t145 23. (3) · 218 .t244 ii. 21 · i. v. 156. .t297 400 27. 144 i. 32 • .t477 v. 158. .t121 ii. ii. v. 159. 202 • 1. 33. · 277 i, 38. (403 V. 171. · 368 ii. V. 196. .†244 ii. 495 ii. V. 201 • • 158 w w w w Ⓡ 27 • · 230 30. 33. • • +2 299 ACT III. i. {2}. 2- • 145 35. • 290 i. 37 168 44 • 331 • • i. 20 i. 39. V. 224 • .†420 ii. 42 • 462 45 . t118 1479 i. iii. 34 • • 165 109 84 • ii. J17 ง. 259. 224 i. 18 .+513 v. 265. ti iii. 89"natural."(a) 114 .t149 i. 120. • 349 174 ů. v. 269. iii. 95. 122 • • 414 i. 21. 121 • 480 1477 iii. 99. • 349 V. 274 · 505 ii. {29}. 1301 .+513 V. 281. • (1) iii. 107 Fol. 103 i. 123. · 303 i. 128. .†312 V. 282. .t343 iii. J107-1 ii. 33 . 17 |108 +371 i. 133. 66 • ii. J254 V. 35. 15:2 287 +223 (t220 iii. 122 • V. ii. 295 .tı21 iii. 143 · 43. • 290 ii. 48. 287 (296) iii. 149. · V. 2971* +513 iii. 185 • • ii. 53. I • 414 V. 305. 218 iii. 187 • 2 2 2 iii. iii. iii. 30 (Glossary) iii. 112. 321 iii. 113 iv. 6. .t284 iv. 13. 16. iv. IV. iv. 20 27 • iv. 28. • 127 .1490 $200 • 1343 • +24 V. 315. †479 iii. 199. · 349 5 . . 182 401 .+346 295 тоб 419 133{" Fol. i. 133 hides." i. 146. .+513 i. 166. i. 172. 118 i. 149 • 512 St151 11288 V. 317 · 349 · iv. 23 .+447 ii. 9. †137 V. 321. .+396 iv. 26. 145 ii. .+321 38. +315 ง. 322. 194 iv. 1291 53 V. 324. 287 1301 .+513 ii. 48. 233 V. 329 owe" iv. 38 ii. 57 · .4190 42 +466 29L ii. 72. .t310 iv. 50 8 484 iii. • 13 .1469 iv. 80. • 227 i. I • 200 ACT II. S1316 +406 iv. 89. • .t244 iii. iv. • 90 .+505 Supply 15 "thanks. How " iii. 18. 359 • iv. 91. .†497 S+490 17467 i. 20 81 iii. 26. iv. St458 • 217 94 · i. 22 21 1+469 iii. 29 84 • iv. 1391 140) 4190 i. 27 • ་ 244 iv 95. 335 iii. 40. 404 (a) A pun. КК 198 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. iii. 42 • · 193 iv. 415. • 349 i. 37. .†281 Sc. Line i. 228. Par ,†469 lii. 46. • 155 iv. 418. 64 i. 58. • 3 i. 231. • 479 i. iv. 2 • 175 73 .t219 i. 235. ་ 77 iv. 85 .t141 ACT IV. i. 79 • .1468 i. 237. . 169 iv. 196. $2 • i. 57. p. 12(4) i. 81. • 450 i. 238 • 423 iv. 201 .t149 i. 61. i. 86 I i. • · 353 245. 200 • iv. (238) tp.164 1239Лtp.156 i. 63 • • (5) i. 89 . .†379 i. 253 · • • 490 i. 65 • • 136 i. 92. • 434 i. 256. • • 349 iv. 248. 187 • ii. IO 200 • i. 1961 i. 266. iv. 255. .t196 1975 .1513 .+343 ii. 37 • .t319 i. 272 110 • • iv. S2601 (262)* i. 104 128 • • • 419 • 73 11370 St307 i. i. iv. 262. • 53 SI13) [114]. • 513 i. 289 ii. 86. • 275 iv. 278 280 i. 117. • 473 • • ii. 88. · 319 i. 293. 278. tp. 12 S(b) () .†400 iv. J2901 1291) i. 125. • 285 . 280 ii. i. 92 • 34 324. .t376 j 127 • • 92 iv. 300. • 368 ii. 99. 290 (6) i. 327. • 16 • i.. 130. .1243 iv. 323. • 276 ii. J102l i. 340. • 158 296 11045° • i. 135. • · 397 i. 346. • 350 iv. 344. • 366 iii. 6. p 12 i. Ι4Ι • • • 93 i. 357 • 401 iv. 13621 1363) .+513 iii. • 17 •†494 i. 143 • • 303 i. 358. .t278 iv. 366. iv. 380. iii. • 193 iii. 21 • 28. • 3 i. 144 144 · .†343 • 508 i. 150. tp. 12 i. (360) (Glos- 1371) sary) • 5 i. iii. 160. iv. 381 29. • 137 • 443 i. · • 512 iii. iv. 383. iv. 384 287 • .†494 30. 202 i. 174. 86 • i. i. 198. • 25 i. • i. 201. iv. 13921 13931* ACT V. .1513 i. 222 • i. 22 iv. 410. 368 $ 356 t221 i. 224 · .†400 411 492 244 368 . 375 . 287 391. • †p. Iz i. 393 · 478 • i. 398. √287 196 (1) See K. 7. iii. 4. 81. (2) See Macbeth, (3) See below, line 35; A. Y. L. ii. 7. 31. (5) 7. C. iii. 1. 207-8. (6) K. J. v. 2. 79. • 5. 30. (4) A. Y. L. iii. 1. 17. (7) K. J. v. 5. 7. TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. i. 40. 501 iii. 84. • 477 • i. 147- ACT I. i. 57 . 187 iii. 88. • 338 169 1 • 232 iii. 6. 1. 25 • · 231 i. 59 • 89 ACT II. 299 iv. 62. • i. 28. • 231 ~ 61. • 231 i. • 232 iv. 65. • i. 30. • 501 ii. 133- i 34. 403 } • 500 • i. 39. 501 ii. · 447 37 62. (b) Compare "I have fairly forgotten it." i. 3 80 iv. 72. 503 • 45? 335 • i. 35 • • 197 iv. · 87 467 • INDEX. 499 Sc. Line iv. 120 iv. $138) (139) iv. 183. iv. 194. iv. 210. 38. S. vii. vii. 2 • ACT III. Par. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line • 231 i. 64. • 494 ii. 45 • 166 Par. Sc. Line iv. Par 184. • 467 i. 187 84 • • 189 ii. 92. • 510 iv. 200 • 3 i. 162.. 28 ii. 109. 368 ACT V. • 460 i. 258. 455 ii. 118 • · 490 ii. 38. 174 • 146 ii. 19 • • 94 iii. 8. • 451 ii. 51. .469 477 ii. 26. • 223 iii. 41 • • 438 ii. 84. 285 • • 263 iv. 9 · 220 • ü. 178. • 215 • 492 ACT IV. iv. 48. • 232 iv. 3 • 463 5. • 290 i. IO . • 425 iv. 67 • 24 iv. 15 • 244 i. 21. 21 • iv. 70. • 279 iv. 93. • 46I i. 23. 20 i. • 64 490 iv. 89 • 482 iv. 109. • 354 i. 59 • • 405 ii. 18. • 295 iv. 170. • 24 iv. 152. • 196 WINTER'S TALE. ACT I. ii. 391. • 499 i. 195. • 295 ii. 169. • i. 26. • 278 ii. 392. • 271 ii. 49. 175 ii. 177. 508 484 ii. i. 29. 334 402. • 369 ii. 57 • · • 356 ii. 180. · II ii. ii. 13 • 425 412. 220 ii. ii. 162) 1631° ii. 187 · • 173 • 457 ii. 420 · 457 ii. 202 • • 473 22. 499 ul. ii. 14 • 484 ii. 13 425 • • 457 ii. 217 • • 354 ii. 27 44 • 1222 iii. 20 • • 412 ii. 427. • 152 ii. 232. • 480 iii. • • 255 ii. 432. 35 12 • • • 457 iii. 46. 212 • iii. ii. 70. • 505 ii. 104 • • 265 437 • • 200 iii. 69. • • 178. ii. 112. • 503 ii. 117 • • 499 368 ii. 135. ii 151 [152]. ii. 154. • 228 297 ii. 449 ii. 455 · • 265 ii. 461. iii. 115. 260 • • • 457 iii. 116. 212 · iii. 133 • • 348 iii 121 · • 356 iii. 142. • 297 . 457 iii. 150 • 499 ACT IV. 11. · 174 • 369 ACT II. i. 2 • • 247 ii. 263 • • 279 i. • ii. 266. ii. 290 ii. 318. • ii. 329. ii. 352. 86 228 i. 484 20 465 • (201 94 · 1433 ACT III. i. 167. i. 26. · 349 ii. 26. 186 iv. 65. • • 412 419 a i. • 269 99 • • 356 ii. 47. • 469 iv. 76. • 477 1484 •1509 i. 105 i. 128. 128 • • ü. 87 499 iv. 131. 164 • 270 ii. . 356. ü. 372. • 357 • 457 i. 133 i. 162. • 394 (228 1468 •1387 • 385 ii. 104. IOI . . 460 iv. 168. iv. 142. • 509 i. 165. • 249 ii. 166. • 378 iv. 169. КК 2 399 · ISS 500 INDEX. Sc. Line Par. Sc. Line Par. ACT V. Sc. Line Pat. iv. 176. J12 • • 188 iv. 532. 309 i. 141. 120 1499 Sc. iv. 203. iv. 264 iv. P. 14 539 . • 270 i. Line 18. Par. i. 161. · 380 • 356 i. 170 • · 290 iv. • 24 543. • 372 i. 19 • • 13 i. 219. 132 iv. iv. 352. 90 549. • 431 i. 23 • 244 i. 230 · • 377 143 iv. 550. 188 i. 42. • 354 ii. 60. • 265 iv. 375. • SOI iv. 581 • · 264 i. 86. 224 ii. 66. • 193 iv. 378. • 244 iv. 592. 202 • i. 87 • • 400 ii. 94 • • 415 iv. 428. 490 iv. 636- 271 i. $5. • 459 ii. 155 • • 335 iv. 440. iv. 442. iv. 466. iv. For iv. 541 iv. $12 · + • 198 iv. 731 • • ус i. • 478 iv. 783 J278 109 474 iii. 25 • · 469 • 1335 i. 112. • 469 iii. 53. • 508 • 394 J290 •1333 iv. 795 . · 324 i. 113 · 193 iii. 65 · 447 iv. 813 • 460 i. 123 166 ii. 68. . IIO • • • 490 iv. 822 • ↓ 447 i. 138. 249 iii. 100. 192 • 241 iv. 831. • 105 i. 140. • 143 iii. 146 65 VERBAL INDEX. A A- abbreviated preposition adverbial prefix A, an, (article) • omitted after "like," "what" >> >> >> " CC so " • variable, why?. Acoents, five six apparently four apparently emphatic. Acc'ess. Accuse (noun) • • Active participles, confusion in. Addict (participle) Adjectival phrases transposed Adjectives. both active and passive. combined together anomalously formed • • Adverbs, formation of transposed • adverbial compounds. After (adv.) ="according to " on the other hand" Against, used of time • Alexandrines, very rare PAR. • • 140 • 24 " 79 as 83 Again = 86 · 86 Alar(2)m 82 87 81 Alive 85 • 422 402 453 in archaic poetry " "A many men, an eight days" used for "one "Many a man transposed 'A for "he " • " Accent, pause accent on monosyllabic prepositions 457a other monosyllables, apparent All for "any" • for "every used adverbially "Without all question" Almost="mostly," "generally" All-obeying = all-obeyed All-to on especially "the" 457 emphatic accent, or "stress" 4530 Alone = above all Elizabethan, on some words Along thrown forward. 490 Amphibious section, the thrown back. • 492 • • 490 PAR. 23-5 420-21 • 429 26 • 141 27 142 463 493 495-9 140 12 12 28 418 372 S 23 1430 29 18 30 513 = transposed • An, one, pronunciation of << And if" if indeed. = " "And though 452 494-503 504-510 4532 490 • 45T 372 342 • 4192 • 1-22 3 2 3 2 • • • 22 419 And "and that too in answers • too used for "also" by Wickliffe with the subjunctive. "even" = "if" Ang(e)ry Anon. " Another. • Ever and anon" Antecedent, plural with singular An't were 80 IOS 105 95 97 100 102 (104 • 1105 • ΙΟΙ 477 300 88 verb • . 247 as adverbs • transposition of used for nouns 104 I Anything, (adv.). 31 $419 1419a Archbishop 492 Arose for arisen " 343 • 5 Arrived. "Arrived our cast" 198 502 VERBAL INDEX. PAR. PAR Arrived. "I am arrived" Article. See "a," "the." indefinite, transposition of . Artificial, adj. active As • a contraction of "al(1)so” = "as if" = "namely" So as " "As that That as "As then "which," "for so" though' "when as" r "" as-as " Best. "I were test' 239, 352 175 Bestow. "I bestow this of you Better. "I were better" Bin, plural of "be" Blame. "Too blame” . 230, 352 = Bloat "bloated" Bodement. • • 332 73 3, 445 • 342 448 • 295 422 • 3 106-13 тоб • -Ble, suffix active a 107 113 • · 109, 275, 281 Both. 12 " 108 for each' 280 114 Briefly I 12 But Brain (verb) recently 12 290 " • 35 118-30 • • • IIO • • · III meaning and derivation of 118 transition of. . • 121 · 116 122 • 122 • 127 • • 128 where rr," omitted in rr "" • • 276 281 that...(as) to," omitted in 277 Asp'ect. At. "At friend" "At the first" "at the first -Ation, -ition, suffix omitted. At first" Auth'orize. Auxiliary verbs A-weary. • signifying prevention "I doubt not but" "No more but" = only "But only" transposed with subjunctive But-en, E. E. 130 129, 420 120 ="unless' "without" • 490 · 143 91 90 • 45% By, adv. • 491 prep. 298-331 "to come by" " 32 prep. = "about" D • 24 (3) 3 Away. 'I cannot away with Awful "awe-struck" = • 119 36 145, 146 145 • 145 C. B. 33 • 77 5 198 " • 198 290 • 463 Back. "To and back” Backward (noun). Bad (noun) Banish. "I banish you the land Bar. "I bar you your rights Barn (verb) Barr(e)ls Barr(e)n • • Be (verb), how used Be-, prefix dropped • · • 463 298-300 438 Call for "recal". 'Came for "became Can. "And they can well on horseback" Can'onized Canstick "candlestick " Care. "I care not who know it" Careless (passive) · "uncared for " Catch'd and "caught -Ce' final for -ce's "" • 491 451 368 88 2558 460 460 307 3 3 • 344 471 291 37 • 295 490 419 • • 198a • 343 477 • 290 Cease = cause to cease Chance. "How chance?" Chanced (partic. -pass.) Chaucer, varies in accentuation uses French transpositions Cheap. "Good cheap" 290, 460 Beated · • Because "in order that "for because" 344 "" • • 117 151 Be-en, plural of "be 332 Befal "Fair befal" Chid (participle). 297 Child(e)ren Behaved. "Have I been be- kaved" 295 Chose for " chosen " · Beholding. 372 'Cide for decide Being used like "seeing 378 Climate"live" Beshrew. 66 Beshrew my soul (verb) but" 126 Come. "To come view fair Por- = Besides "For the rest 34 tia" • • · • 460 • 290 290 349 Childing. " Childing autumn 343 VERBAL INDEX. 503 PAR. * · Commaud(e)ment Comm'erce Comp'act (noun) Comparative in er after dentals and liquids doubled 488 Do • • 490 490 7 II Com'pell'd. 492 Complain. "Complain myself' 296 Com'plete. 492 Dreadful = "awe-struck 'Little is to do 'What's more to do' “I (do) not know" "To do salutations omitted and inserted ""dout" from "do "Don," Door (dissyllable) " PAR. 303-306 359, 405 359, 405 • 305 303 306 303 · 480 " 3 Compound words 428-35 Drove for " driven 342 phrase compounds 434 Droven for "driven " 344 anomalous 435 ciple 377 E. 371 409-13 • • • 409 E final pronounced. • • 410 Condition, expressed by parti- Conditional sentences, irregular- ities of . • Confusion of constructions in superlatives with "whom Conjunctions. "" 95-137 "that" a conjunctional affix 287 conjunctional sentences, el- lipses in Construction, irregularities of 406-27 Consult (noun) Contemptible="contemptuous" Contract, for "contracted" of French origin pronounced (488 Each for "both" 487 1489 12 for "each other' " • 12 383-93 Eas(ly 467 Eat for >> eaten 343 374 342 466 512 462 • . 382-405 · 382 405 451 3 t," "te," &c. • 342 Either (monosyllable) Contraction or slurring of sylla- bles in pronunciation. 462-73 Couplets, trimeter • D. 500-3 -Ed final for -ful, -ing in participles dropped after Ejaculation, not reckoned in the verse Elision of "the," "to," &c. before vowels Ellipses of a verb of speech after "will" and "is' in conjunctional sentences 383-93 Dare. "He dare," "he dares" Dazz(e)led. Dear (dissyllable) Declined. "I am declined" Degenerate (participle) Deject (participle) for "dejected" • Denied. "First he denied you had in him no right” 361 of "it" • 404 · 477 of "it is" 403 480 of "there is" 403 • 295 of "is" 403 • 342 of "neither" before "nor". 390 • 342 of nominative 399-402 • 342 of " 406 Desire. "I desire you of pardon' "" 174 Devote for "devoted 342 Dialogue in verses of three ac- cents Dipthongs dissyllabled Dis-, prefix Disdained = disdainful • 500 480, 184 439 374 Disnatured Disnoble Dishabited. Disjoint (participle) Dislikes. "It dislikes me" Dispose (noun) Divine, adj. transposed Chaucer and Shakespeare 439 • 342 prefix. suffix ་ • 297 · termination • • 439 one" before "other" of superlative inflection. of a verb of motion in Antithetical sentences in Relative sentences Emphasis, different in different accented syllables prolongs words. prolongs monosyllables 479a-486 En (third person plural inflection) 332 Endeavour. "Endeavour thyself" 296 • 396 • 398 • 405 · 395 394 • 4530 • 475 • 440 • 444 290 • 439 Eng(e)land 45I Enshield for "enshielded' by 41. (participle) Entertainment 477 342 342 88 504 VERBAL INDEX For. "For all this" PAR. PAR. Env'y (verb) -Er, -el, and -le final dropped final, a dissyllable 490 • 465 Folio writes "it" for "its" misprints in · 228 338 . 478 Fool. "Why old men fool (verb) 200 suffix • 443 Foot (verb) 290 -Es. Final es dropped after ss, 144 << ce, ge • 471 = 14y • 151 333 • • • 150 295 • 151 · 155 • 148 • 287 • · 754 third person plural inflec- tion if pres. indic. Escaped. "Was escaped" -Est, dropped in superlatives after dentals and liquids. 473 -Eth (third person plural inflec- tion) Even, transposed Ever. Every But even now ,, Every, one, other, neither (plu- ral nouns). Evil (monosyllable). Eye = " appear Except, excepted Expect (noun) Ex'ile 334 420 ww w tw "" as regards because "because of" 'for because" "I am for" = "C • instead of " < For that" "to prevent = prep. For-, prefix "For to Force (verb) "You are forgot" = forgotten yourself" Forth, without verb of motion = " "from Foreign idioms 12 Forgot (participle) 466 293 118 490 451 • • 291 428 • 454 Frighten 458 From. ""From out" • • Expire (verb transitive, Exteriorly Extra syllable before a pause two pause-extra syllables F. 147, 155 441 French, transposition of adjec- tives. Fretten. · • • 152 • 290 418 "have 343 • 295 • 41 • 156 4.19 344 344 157 • 158 343 3 • • 290 without verb of motion Froze for "frozen" -Ful, suffix active and passive Furnace (verb) Future for subjunctive. subjunctive. 348 Fair. "Fair befal". (noun) Fairies speak in verses of four accents. • Fall (verb transitive) False (verb) Fame (verb) Famous'd (participle) Far "very" for "farther' Fastly Fault (verb) Fear (dissyllable) 'fear me not not for me' (Verb act.) " • • Fell. "Thou hast fell" Felt (adjective) • Gave for "misgave" General (noun) 297 5 504 291 290 • 290 Glad (noun) 294 along = "fear 40 478 23 290 480 200 291 " Go. Go along" Good. << tr G. 460 55 5 5 come • 30 · 30 • 185 13 13 1980 · 342 entomb'd • 294 "Guiled shore' 294 "walk" in Wickliffe go to" "Good my lord". " good now good cheap Graft (participle). Gray'd= Guiled. Fidd(e)ler • Flour(2)sh. • 344 • 22 477 463 an H. IOI 333 Hand(e)ling Happen'd (partic. pass.) 477 295 Folio reads and" for (see Index to Plays) has the 3rd pers. pl. indic. pres. in -s. VERBAL INDEX. 505 349 • 342 206, 207 "man" • 224 Hence, without verb of motion • 41 Happily "haply" Happy (verb). Hardy = Have. • "bold" "Should have to have" Ignomy. Impersonal verbs Importless. PAR. 42 290 • 148 327 In. 411 omitted after "would have" · "Thought to have begged" 360 Hear. "Who heard me to deny it?". Heat (participle) He for "him' " -In for "-un," prefix 66 'He fell in love" "in the case of" "In round” PAR. 478 297 • 446 • · 442 • 159 152 163 • • during "in night" 161 with the verbal, "in sleep- ing". · 564 346-348 Simple Present for Complete 346 Simple Past for Complete Indicative Hen(e)ry 477 = "he whom" "S" Henry VIII not written by Shakespeare. Her, antecedent of relative for "herself" "its' ""'s" "} • tete. "Thy here-approach' Hers, used for "her" adj. Him, dative for "he' "himself" Hinder. "Who shall hinder me to weep?" His, antecedent of a relative for "its" Hither, without verb of motion monosyllable Hitherto, used of space Hoist (participle) Holp for "holpen " Homager << Home. Speak him home". Honest (verb) Hour (dissyllable) How "How chance?" for "however," for However (it be) Hybrid compounds • ច • 455 218 Past in · 223 • 229 217 43 • 238 • 220 208 • • 223 • 246 349 21 " · 228 217 4I 466 44 -Ing, termination • 342 • 343 Inhabited = 443 • 45 290 480 37 46 403 428 in -es, th Second Per. Sing. in -ts Future for Subjunctive "And thou lovest me Infect (participle) Infinitive active for passive indefinitely used 155, 342 349-360 • perfect, "He thought to have done it used as a noun "To" omitted; inserted 359 356 omitted and inserted after the same verb with noun, used as subject or object. 354 Inflections. confused with the old inflec- tion "en" In's for "in his" Interjectional lines. Interrogative Pronouns, transi- tion from to Relative 251, 252 Into, with verbs of rest accent of • • • Inward (noun) • 159 • 4570 77 Irregularities of construction 406-27 Is, ellipses after. ellipse of . -Iséd final in polysyllables Present 347 Present, Third Pers. -en 332 335, 336 339 · 340 · 348 " • 363 • · · • • • D 360 355 • 349 • 350 332-345 372 • 93, 372 "housed " • • 294 461 512 I. I for " me" unaccented dropped "(I) beseech you" slurred in "minister," &c. If. "If that" 209 461 • 456, 401 • 467 287 It. ellipse of for "its" 405 · 403 491 226-29 404 • 228 • 166 ,, · 226 • 227 • 451 • • 228 228, 229 "it is," ellipse of . "To voice it with claims emphatic as antecedent -Ition, -ation, suffix omitted. Its, post-Shakespearian substitutes for -Ive, suthx passive • 3, 445 506 VERBAL INDEX. Jugg(eller Just, adj. Justicers Mean. J. "What mean ye to PAR PAR. weep?". • 477 "exact". Meered (particip.) 356 • • · 294 14 Meiny - train 443 derivation of -Ment, suffix 87 12 448 = K. Know. "I know you what you are" L. • 414 293 22 290 418 cent of . 291 477-86 Moods Moraler More, • 3, 445 303 177 · 297 << most greatest" "More better' "More fearful" "No more but "" Most = < ( " greatest 477 "Most best" 199 • 460 Much = >> 200 • 294 • 447 Mouthed (participle passive) great Must, original use of = "is to "} My, how differs from "mine "Good my lord Myself (derivation of). Mere, adj. "complete" Mered (particip.) Might = could" Million'd (participle passive) Mine, how differs from "my" used for "my" misbecame Misbecomed for "misbecame Mistook (participle) Monosyllables accented unaccented • • prolonged so as to make up a foot Monosyllabic prepositions, ac- • 15 294 307-13 • 312 294 · 237 238 " • 344 343 • 457 • 456 479a-486 457a 346-70 443 tr greater" 17 II 51 127 • 17 II 294 SI 314 • 314 • 237 • 13 20 Lack="to be wanting" Laid (adjective) Lated (verb) 'Latinisms • • Learn (verb act.) • • Lengthening of words in pro- nunciation Less, suffix Let "did" = • D • • Like. "If you like of me” Likes. "It likes me" Lines, see Verses. • Liquids introduce a semi-vowel. List. "List a brief tale" 'Longs for "belongs". Look. "To look your dead Lover'd. -Ly, suffix. Mad (verb) M. Maj(es)ty, (dissyllable) Malice (verb). Many. Many a man "A many men a noun " • • • an adjective adverbially used "Mark King Richard Mark. how he looks" Marle for "marvel" 8085555 290 468 290 N. Necessited. Neck. • 414 Need (verb intr.) • 461 "What need? May • • 307-313 May not " 'must not' 13 310 used for the subjunctive in the sense of purpose. Me for "I" = "for me, "> = "myself" Of me" for " for "my" "Me rather had' " • • .138(ƒ) 210 "by me" 220 • 223 • 225 230 Names, used as adjectives. 22, 430 polysyllabic, receive but one accent. • Near for "nearer" "In the neck of that · 469 • 478 295 "} • 160 293 297 25 405 396 465 408 Needs (adverb) Negative, double Neither, ellipse of, before "nor" a monosyllable used for "both" -Ness, suffix Never. "Never so No. "No more but". Nominative absolute • • • • • 449 52, 406 127 176-381 VERBAL INDEX. 507 PAR. 399-402 Our, antecedent of relative Nominative, ellipsis of implied from participial phrases. · of it " • None. "I will none of it Nor, used for "and" tr Not not only" "I not doubt” Nothing (adv.) (perhaps). Noun absolute • • noun-compounds • of French origin formed from verbs without change. 413 53 408 54 t Come, our queen "of us "" Ourselves, derivation of Out (preposition) << Over = over again" Overwatched = fatigued. Owe for " own "" Owing (adjective) • 305 55 490 417 430 • 451 · 463 Pale (noun) • P. · • • • PAR. 218 13, 222 219 • • • 183 58a 295 · • 290 372 Nour(i)sh O. Object, redundant Objective following intransitive verbs Ob'scure Of.. Off On ودرة accented in out of" = about • = as a consequence of = as regards Blowing of his nails" " = by = from = on · • • • original meaning "from" "To admit of". with verbs of filling connected with " of” = about "I fall on weeping" "One on's ears 'On sleep" Once = "above all;" 165 180-2 ISI · 5 414 • 198-201 492 imply a condition Paled (passive) Parted. "Parted with " parted from " Participles. -ed omitted after d and t -en dropped irregular formations of prefix j'- • 294 for • • 104 372-381 342 343 344 • 345 377 165-79 used absolutely without • 4570 Noun or Pronoun 378 • 174 Passive with some verbs of mo- 168 • • tion. 295 • • 173 • · 178 Path (verb) • • • 170 166 • 175 • 169 179 171 56 Past for Present tense Pause, effect of an accent the pause-extra-syllable 454, 455 two pause-extra-syllables frequently prolongs a mono- syllable in verses of four accents 506-509 << Peer = cause to peer Peers (verb transitive) Pensived (passive) " Perchance." Perchance I will • 347 290 + 453 · 458 • 481-486 291 201 204 319 180 • Perfect infinitive • 360 182 Perish = "destroy" 201 140 = Perishen they perish 332 once Pers'ever 492 for all" CC At once" One, ellipse of, before "other" CC above all' how pronounced (adjective) Only transposed One for Or, . or. << mere • open" (adj.) 'before,' ever Other for "others (singular pronoun) 57 once for all" Pined (passive) 291 57 396 a man 18 So • 130, 58, 420 420 or 136 or ere, or 131 12 monosyllable 466 12 Ought. "You ought not walk” 240 58 343, 290 Pitied. "It would have pitied "" Plain = "make plain" Pleaseth. "Pleaseth it Pleasure, has two accents Possess = "inform = ,, Practised plotted against Prefixes dropped CC en- "" "in-" for "un-" for "in- " Prepositional compounds Prepositions doubled • · 297 • 200 " 361 • · 479 295 294 436-442 460 - 440 " un- 442 431 • 138-204 407 508 VERBAL INDEX. • 138 139 287, 151 346 59 5 3 205-243 242, 243 relative • • . 244-274 Prepositions omitted before in- direct object PAR. • 201 omitted after verbs of motion, worth, hearing, and other verbs • omitted in adverbial phrases 202 transposed accent of · 198-200 203, 424 local and metaphorical mean- ing • restricted in meaning transition of into conjunc- tions Present, Simple for Complete Presently at once Private (noun) Probable (adj.), active Pronoun, personal redundant • " • • • 457a • " • Relish (verb transitive) Remains for "it remains Remember = "remind Rememb(e)rance Retire (verb act.) Rhyme, when used. Right used for "true Rode for "ridden" Round="straightforwardly Royal, why transposed "Is run" " 19 343 60 • • 419 • 295 -S final dropped after se, ce S misprinted in Folio 25 • 471 • 338 Sanctuary pronounced "sanct'ry" 458 • PAR. 291 • 404 291 • 477 . 291, 296 515 Run. S. S, adverbial suffix • omitted • anomalies of. between conjunction and in- 244 • 205 finitive. transposed Proper = own Prose, when used Prosody " • • Prowess, (quasi-monosyllable) 216 • • 240 16 5150 452-515 • 470 Q. - Quit (participle). Quail "make to quail" Severally • 291 342 Shaked for Shall R with supplementary pronoun (249 See who," which,""that." • 295 118 · 344 • 200 460 290 461 492 22 20 • • 223 • 477 471 5 61 • 343 315-318 315 • 315 "" 317 316 • 211 • 224 • 291 291 322-8 323, 324 327 328 • 326 293 • 3 132 1347 denotes contingent futurity 322 "ought, was to "should have "} R softens or destroys a following or preceding vowel prolongs -er. • when following a vowel pro- longs a monosyllable - andre final dissyllabize monosyllables quasi-vowel - Recall. "Unrecalling" for recalled" Relatival constructions Relative with plural antecedent and shall" 463, 464 478 She for "her" "woman Shine (verb act.) 485 (verb transitive) • Should • 480 after dentals introduces a • 477 un 372 • 275-289 244-274 • singular verb • omitted • • 247 • 244 J248 like German "sollen after past, corresponds to "shall" after present. Show = appear Sightless (passive) Since, difference of tenses with . "A year since "Since that" ="when" "" 62 287 132 Sat. Save. Being sat" "Save he" • • Sawn for "6 seen Scaling "C Se'cure · " Say used for "call" 'Say'd for "assayed" = weighing 'Se for "shall" Seldom (adjective) Self (adjective) omitted Semb(e)lance • Sense for "senses' Several (noun) >> · separately shaken" "I shall, my lord " is sure to >> " "It shall come to pass "Mark you his absolute • VERBAL INDEX. 509 Sir, a mark of anger Sith. Smit for " smitten Smote for "smitten " So inserted omitted for "also C for then" So long time provided that' "So that,' " vided that" so as • "So defend thee heaven "So (as)" omitted 'So as " + "So that:" that omitted so omitted "So... where" Solicit (noun). Some Something, adv. tr Sometimes = formerly Sorrow. "I am sorrow” Spake for "spoken Speak, Speak him fair Splitted Spoke (participle) Squint (verb act.) + • Stand. "It stands me upon "Stand on tip-toe" Stept. Being deep stept" Still for "constantly" Streaming 'unfurling PAR. 1 4 232 + + 132 343 343 63 64 65 Suffix, "-" Suffocate (participle) for "suffocated Superlative in -est for after dentals and liquids confusion in. "‹ very' PAR, 450 342 • 342 H 8 9 409 double II + 66 inflection, ellipse of 393 67 Swam for "J swum 344 + 133 Sweaten 344 pro- Sworder 443 133 Syllables dropped in writing 460, 461 133 dropped or slurred in pro- 281 nunciation + ► 467-473 109, 275 282 • 283 279 T. 69 290 Strove for striven" 343 Strucken 344 Studied. "As one that had been studied" 295 Subjunctive 361-70 in a dependent sentence 368 of purpose 3II relative used indefinitely after the used optatively or impera- 367 + 451 21 63 Taint (participle) 68a Tear (dissyllable) 342 480 230 Tenses, irregularities of 344 346, 348, 360, 370, 371 * 200 Terrible = frightened CC 3 344 + 343 + 291 204 · 24 295 "that which " • Than, with comparative, ex- plained. for "then" Thankful thank-worthy" That, demonstrative," that as" difference between "that, "who," and "which" 258-259 relative less definite than "which" "whatsoever that" a conjunctional affix = "because, »"when in "after that," &c. like "quam" in postquam omitted and then inserted . omitted after “so" 70 70 3 1277 1280 267 260-262 268 · 286 • . + 287 284 288 285 282 tively I 364 "So that:" "so" omitted. 283 with "an or and " 102 Such that " · + · 1 279 • 279 · 278 443–50 14 · • • Such. "Such as" "Such that "Such where" "Suck which" Suffixes. "-ation," "-ition," omitted 451 "-ble" (active). " -en' -tve" (passive) "-less" C ·ly' -ment ** „ness " 447 448 449 The omitted in archaic poetry apparently accented "Lifts the head" "The Talbot;" "the death' for "thou" Their the genitive of "they" Them for "they" 109 "Such that” = that which before a verbal "The better" 279 244 93 ► 94 omitted • " The which" 89, 90 270. 2 82 · "the... that " 267 3, 445 4 444 3. 445 446 Thee, dative 457 228 92 220 312 + 219 214 ! 510 VERBAL INDEX. Then for " then" 70 CC for (?) "when" There, for "thereupon," " *C There is," ellipse of They. "They in France Thinks (verb impersonal). Where it thinkst best" "Methoughts,"" methink' 71 then' " 70 403 245 297 212 Undoubted = PAR. U. Un- for "in-," prefix Unaccented syllable of syllable softened Under (adjective) < 1 PAR. 442 tri- 468 a tri- undaunted" 22 148 297 Unfair (verb) "I think it be 299 This for "this is" 401 Thorough for "through" 478 for " · Unsisting for "unresisting Until with subjunctive 290 · • 460 unto" 302 184 Thou 231,235 Upon 191, 192 omitted + 241 "It stands me upon” J 204 between equals. · 231 Us for "we " • + 215 rhetorical to servants as an insult apparent exceptions C Though. Though that" ■ 232 Utensils 492 233 234 235 287 . Thought. Thought to have begged" збо Thyself, derivation of Till to Verbal preceded by "the the" and 20 184 preceded by "in To · 1 185-90 not followed by "of" followed by "of" and not 93 164 used after see, feel 349 preceded by "the * ► 178 according to. "To be abridged "“about 187 Verb-compounds. · 432 Verbs, auxiliary. 298, 331 being abridged". 357 "To give you" "To be" for being" 357 impersonal ="by giv- intransitive used transitively 291 inflection of third for second 297 ing you 356 · و ایریا نے • 185 +2 = 187 416 349 187 4.30 r56 189 L 72 + + 290 294 290 190 73 + 73 343 492 294 422-27 31 "I would to God” "in addition to " in comparison with inserted for connection inserted, omitted. ="like" prefix + "with a view to" 'With God to friend" "To-fore" + 'Toil (verb act.) Toil'd (passive) Tongue (verb) "To-night Too = "very "Too blame Took (participle) Towards, sometimes Traded (passive) Transpositions ► of adjectives and participles 419 of indefinite article of adverbs • of possessive adjectives of prepositions Trifle (verb transitive) Trimeter Couplets . Tenses 346-348, 370, 361, 132 Verses of five accents of six accents apparently [467 1493-499 of four accents apparently 504-51U of three and two accents 511, 512 the Amphibious verse fairies, witches, &c. • 422 513 + 420 in four accents spoken by • 13 504 424 Versing (writing in verse) 290 136 16 J-503 П 204 · + Very = true Vouchsafed person. 340 intransitive followed by the objective. 198-200 of filling with " of " 171 passive, formation of. 294 ral subject + reflexive • jectives singular inflection with plu- formed from nouns and ad- transitive used intransitively 293 passive to express motion Indicative mood 333-9 296 290 Infinitive Subjunctive. Participles 295 ► 346-348 349-36c + 361-369 372, 381 · • 452, 453a £467-469 VERBAL INDEX. 511 PAR. PAR. Vowels, when unaccented in a polysyllable, slurred affected by r. 463, 464, 478, 480 Who for "whom " 274 468 more definite than "which 265 Why. "Why that " 287 CC For why? "" 75 << Why and for what 75 CC Why and wherefore" 75 W. Waft (participle) = Waged paid Wanteth (impersonal verb) Warr(a)nt. Were, subjunctive use of. What, exclamation of impatience semi-transition to relative, how checked. 342 substituted for • 290 · 297 463 • 301, 302 Wilful blame. Will, ellipses after r "That... he will" "I will not"="I shall in Shakespeare difficult passages 432 "chall" 405 · 316 311 • • 319 • 321 732 Wish. "The rest I wish thee gather" 349 252 Witch (verb) 290 << any "whatever, << why" 255 Witches speak in verses of four who • 254 accents. • · 504 • 253 With 193-5 followed by antecedent "of what a nature?". Whatsoever, "whatsoever that" Whe'er for whether" When. "When that" exclamation of impatience Where. "So...where" "Such...where" = "whereas " << Whereas = where" Whether. "Or whether" Which, anomalies of "Such which" which that' "" difference between "which," "who," and "that" • • 252 * "like • 195 256 286 = "by" • 193 "I I live with (on) bread" 194 466 Withal • 196 287 Without = "unlike " outside 730 • • * 279 · 134 Would = • • 135 • 136 • 273 278 250 interchanged with " who " 358 and "that" less definite than who" 265 266 more definite than "that' 268 with repeated antecedent 269 "The which" 270 "which thing," paren thetical • 271 as to which" 272 While, whiles 137 "While that" 287 "a-while," whilom 99 66 • 137 = till • 137 with subjunctive 302 Whilst. "The whilst" 74 Whist for "whisted" • 342 Who, transition from relative to interrogative. "As who should say " • 251 257 difference between who,' << which," and "that" 258 = "and he," "for he" 263 personifies irrational ante- Yours. cedents 264 Y-, (participial prefix) Y-ravished. -Y, suffix • Ye, differs from « you • • 344 • 344 450 236 · • 294 Year'd (passive participle) • Yearns. “It yearns me not" 297 Yet "as yet" before a nega- tive. 76 You, differs from "thou" . 231-235 a mark of anger to servants, you, sir" differs from "ye' Youngly (adverb) " Your, antecedent of relative = "of of you colloquial use of dissyllable • "This of yours". Yourselves, derivation of . • 232 236 23 218 219 1 221 480 • 239 20 of" Woe. "I am woe 279 Wont, derivation of was wont to not used for "should" for "wish, require' "I would to God" in the consequent clause Wreathen (participle) Wrest(e)ler Writ (participle). Wrote for "written 197 "" 230 5 330 • 331 " • 329 • 190 2 322 • 344 477 343 ► 343 Y. 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