A 58337 5 SILAS WRIGHT DUNNING BEQUEST 1*. UNIVERSITY MICHIGAN OF GENERAL LIBRARY A A HISTORY OF Engliſh Councils AND CONVOCATIONS. And of the Clergy's Sitting in Parliament. In which is alſo Comprehended the Hiftory of Parliaments. With an Account of our Ancient Laws. By HUMPHRY HODY, D. D. Chaplain to his Grace T.HOMAS Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, and Regius Profeſſor of the Greek Tongue in the Univerſity of OXFORD. LONDON: Printed for Rob Elavell, at the Weft-end of St. Paul's Church-Yard. MDCCI. * } 고 ​않았다 ​wanting off 227 витрати 04-23-44 HCF I ΤΟ ΤΗΕ READER. T HE Controverfie about the Powers ' and Privileges of an English Synod or Convocation, and the Clergy's ancient Right of Sitting in Parlia- ment, growing warm and earneſt, I thought if a By-ſtander ſhould interpofe fo far as to give a faithful and Impartial Hiſtory both of one and the other, it could not but be a Work very acceptable to the Publick. How How unqua- lified foever lought to have eſteemed my felf for fo great an Undertaking on other Ac- counts, yet the greateſt Qualification of all, and the greateſt Praife that can be given any Writer, I dare arrogate to my felt (neither fhall I be thought Vain-glorious for it) which is that of Sincerity, and an unbiafs'd In- tegrity. For I never found in my felf any great Inclination to be led about blindfold by any Party; on the contrary, a very great one to fearch diligently after Truth; and, having once found it, never to Betray it, by adding, concealing, or falfe-co- A 2 louring: PREFACE. louring: Faults too too common in moſt Con- troverſial Writings. Having had an Opportunity to peruſe the ancient Records of the Archbishops of Canz terbury, I found that thofe learned Gentle- men, who have lately appear'd on this Argu- ment, had made but little ufe of 'em: Tho' for the Matter of Convocations, and as far as they go, they are of much greater value (I fpeak not this rafhly) than all the Regiſters and MSS. of the whole Kingdom put together, and cught to have been the firft Volumes that any one who attempted this Subject fhould have intimately acquainted himſelf with. But they had not the fame Opportu nity. This was the firft Inducement by which I was prevail'd upon, to engage in this Sub- ject, having found therein a great many things which might ferve to put the Dark and Obfcure Eufinefs of Convocations in a clear Light. Having after that examin'd the Edition of our English Councils, I found therein, from the beginning to the end,a great number of De fects, which I have here endeavour'd to ſupply. # Being obliged to ſearch very nicely into the Hiftory of our Parliaments to find out what Intereſt the Clergy had anciently there, I thought it would be a thing very grateful to the Curious, to extend my Inquiries a little further, and to publiſh a full and exact Ac- count of 'em to the time of our prefent hap- Eſtabliſhment. I was cafily perfwaded, that Py it 1 1 í PREFACE. it could not but be a Work very acceptable to the Gentry of England, and efpecially to thoſe who have the Honour to ferve their King and Country in that Great and Noble Affembly. I was therefore the more defi- rous to enlarge my Subject thus far, becauſe by an exact and accurate Account it evident- ly appears that the Commons of England have had place in the Great Councils of the King- dom much earlier than what fome of late have been willing to allow. Not that I think it a Queſtion of very great Moment, How old the Conftitution of any Government is? With thoſe that duly confider the Nature of Government, the Queſtion is not, How old? or How late? but, Is it truly fo Now? When once that appears, all beyond is Curiofity. To view the feveral Steps and Advances of a Conſtitution is a fine Curiofity, and that is all that can be faid of it. All Governments had once a Beginning: And for the Eſtabliſhment of any one, four hundred Years, or even half of that time, is as good as a Thousand. I take that Controverfie about the Antiquity of our preſent Conſtitution to be as little ma- terial, as that other which ufually goes along with it; Whether William the Conqueror were truly a Conqueror? Let us grant that he was fo: Yet what is that to us, who are defcended not only from thoſe that are fuppos'd to have been Conquer'd, but alfo from the Conquerors; and are, the Heirs and Inheritors of all their A 3 Rights + 2 PREFACE. 3 * Rights and Liberties? And were we the Defcen- dants of the Conquer'd only, yet the Charters and Grants which we have had from our Princes fince that time, would have made us as Free as if we had had none but the Norman Blood in us. Whatever was heretofore, the Queſtion Now ought to be, What have our Kings granted? and what have We? And what Ufages have fince by Common Con- fent and a Reaſonable Prefcription obtain'd amongſt us? To be always running backward to ſhew that Once it was otherwife, whether on one side or t'other, argues more of Deſign than Judgment. -But I find, in- ſtead of a Preface, I am a writing another Book. Having carryed my Searches thus far into the Antiquities of our Conſtitution, and de- fign'd a Hiſtory of Parliaments, as well as of Synods, it was natural to go a little fur- ther, and to confider thofe Laws and Char- ters which were made in thofe Parliaments, by which our Anceſtors were govern'd, and which in part we ftill enjoy. A Hiſtory of our Laws is a Work that has been much de- fired, and a Hiſtory of 'em is herein contain- ed, to the Beginning of K. Ed. I. The Antiquities then of our Conftitution both in Church and State, and the Hiftory of our ancient Canons and Laws, is the high and noble Subject of thefe Papers. Which tho' { + > 2 1 پر سود کم PREFACE. I cannot pretend to have manag'd according to the Dignity of it, yet I hope I have fo done it, as to give no Offence to any one. I have treated, I hope, of that High and Au- guſt Affembly, the Parliament of England, with all that Decency which might be expe- &ed from one who is under the Influence that I am, and who heartily wishes, it may for e- ver flouriſh, as at prefent eſtabliſh'd, the Glo- ry of our Nation, and, in Conjunction with his Majesty, the great Support of our Hap- pineſs. I have treated (I hope) of that Ve- nerable Body, the Convocation, and the Clergy of England, with all that Reverence that is due to thofe, who deferve the higheſt Praiſe, even that which was given the British Clergy by one of the laft Age: Stupor Mundi, Clerus Britannicus. As for private Perfons, I am an Adverſary to no one. I go not out of my way to find Faults in other Men's Writings. If I take notice of any, 'tis becauſe they lay directly in my way, and I could not well ftep over 'em. I cannot fay, I have endeavour'd to avoid, for (I thank God) I have no Inclination to, thofe Modifh Figures of Writing Raillery and Contempt. Let it fuffice to fay, that I menti- on no one, whoſe Reputation I am not much more defirous to advance than to leffen. I am too often guilty of Miſtakes my felf to in- fult over others on that Account. A 4 And I know } ง PREFACE. ఈ know Human Nature too well, to defpife or think meanly of any, becauſe I find 'em fometimes mistaken. I ought indeed in common Juftice and Gra- titude to have taken notice, with no fmall In- dignation, of fome late Reflections upon the prefent Governours both of Church and State. But I defire to be more Civil to my Equals, than they are to their Superiours. And I have rather chofen to offend on the Right Hand than on the Left. But this I cannot but here complain of (and who will not join with me in the Refentment?) that thoſe very fame Things (I own my Eye is now on the Rights of Convocations) which under late Go- vernments were commonly practifed, and ne- ver remonſtrated againſt by any one what- foever, are now reprefented as a horrid be- traying of the Church. Who blames the Great Men that had the Conduct of Affairs in thofe Times? This is provokingly Partial; 'tis Hard. But I forbear. I might tell the Reader, to excufe the Mi- ftakes or Defects of this Hiftory (as fome without doubt there are) that I had very little Time, and much leſs Leiſure to make it, none to correct it. But I am fenfible that Quickneſs in Writing, and Haft in Publiſhing, are no good Excufes for the Faults or Defects of any Book. I fhall therefore leave it to take } F PREFACE 1 take its Chance in the World. * And ſhall on- ly beg the Reader's Pardon, for prefuming to ſpend but a few Months on fo great a Sub- ject. Yet this withall I muft add, that tho' I have writ in Haft, yet I have not been Care- lefs. And I hope there will be found, as not many Omiflions material, fo not any Miſtakes of any Moment. Whatſoever there are, I ſhall be full as ready to correct 'em, as I was to write 'em having no other Aim but to deliver the Truth. Let the Errors of this Book in other Reſpects be what they will: I cannot be fufpe- cted to have misreprefented any thing as par- tial to the Dignity of the moft Reverend Fa- ther, to whom I have the Honour to be fo nearly Related, fince his Grace is always more ready to forego the Power he has, than to claim what he has not, and he never afferts any but becauſe he Ought. When firſt I ſent theſe Sheets to the Preſs, I defign'd to have brought down the Hiſtory of Convocations to our own Times, and to have added ſome other Things relating to this Argument; But the Bulk of the Volume ob- liged me to break off where the ancient Re- cords of our Convocations end, in the Begin- ning of K. Henry VIII. It may be, hereafter I may publiſh a Continuation of it, together with thoſe other Things, which now I have been forced to omit : But I hope to be pre- vented ال 11 PREFACE. vented by the more able Performances of the Reverend and very Worthy Dr. Wake. A Word more and I have done. To make this Piece the more uſeful, I have every where produced my Authors own Words: That the Reader by perufing this alone, may learn as much concerning theſe Matters, as I have (whatſoever that be) by turning over fo ma- ny Volumes. I have ftudied not Fineness, but Vſefulneſs. Lambeth- Houſe, fan. 1. 1701. THE The CONTENTS. HE Convocation I f of whom it con- fifts. p. 1, &c. Synods and Mixt Coun- cils in the 5th and 6th Cent. 14, &c. In the 7th 8th 18 32 9th Hen. II. 216 Ric. I. 251 John 261 Hen. III. 291 Of the Clergy's Interest in Parliament after the Beginning of E. 1. P. 371. 51 Of the Laws of K. E- 10th 66 thelbert 19 11th 89 Hlother Authority. Ancient Charters of what Charters granted, or pretended to be grant- Eadric }Addenda. 20 Ina 32 Alfred 60 Edward fen. 67 ed, in Synods and Ethelſtan 68 Parliaments, in the Hoel Dha 70 8th Cent. 46 Edmund 71 { In the 9th 64 Edgar 75, 114. 10th 80 Ethelred 89 100 Canut 94 11th Of the Conqueror's Char- ters 155, 168, &c. Of Parliaments in gene- ral after the Conquest. 125 Parliaments under the Conqueror. 143 W. Rufus. Hen. I. Stephen Edward the Confef- for 106, &c. 145, 146. Will. the Conq. 107. 145. 164. &c. Hen. I. 185. 193. 205. 209. 174 Stephen 210 183 Hen. II. 217. 219. 210 &c. 233. X + $ The Contents: &c. 233. 238. 243. vals. The King's then wore their Crowns, 57, &c. 137, &c. 245. 249, 250. Ric. I. 260 97, 98. tenendi John 263, 264. 266. Criminal Proceedings in 276. 279.280. &c. the Saxon Witena Hen. III. 292, 293. Gemots, 298. 300. 307. 314. Of Modus 320.328, 329, 330. Parl. 333.350. &c. 357, Bishops fit 358, 359, 360. 364. 366, 367, 368. P. 117. in Parlia- ment by a double Right. 126, &c. The History of Magna Of Parliament Robes, Charta and Charta de Foreſta. 140, &c. 279, Clergymen Judges, &c 280, &c. 292, 293, 294, 295. 298, 299. 301, 302, 303, 304. 305, 306. 318,319, 320, 321. 323, 324. 151, &c. Knights wont to be made by Bishops, &c. in the Saxon Times, and fince. 162 333, 334, 335, 336, Of Doomesday Book 145. 164. 344.347.350 355. Of Knights Fees vested 337 338. 342, 343, 364.367.371. in Parochial Churches Of the Laws of the Mer- 135, 136. cians, Weft-Saxons, A Catalogue of Bishops and Danes, 112, and other Ecclefia- 113, 114. Sticks, who were Te- Councils wont to be held in open Fields, and under great Oaks. 34 Councils wont to be held The in the 3 great Fefti- 132, &c. 136. Ld. Coke's Miftake about the meaning of the nants in Capite to Wil. the Conqueror, The Contents. the Word Parliament gy's fitting in Parlia- 174 ment. 293 The Canon Law, when The Clergy refuſe to come firfl brought into En- to Parl. 396, &c. gland. 215. 314. Of the 3 Eftates in Par- Greater and Leffer liament. Barons, how diftin- Clergymen guiſh'd. 286, &c. The Commons of En- call'd Bachelers. 354 428 formerly Members of the H. of Commons. 429 gland, whether ever An Attempt to have the Burgeffes in Parl. in E. I's, time before his 23d. Tear, againſt Dr. Brady. united 2 Lower Houfes of Parl. and Convoc. 430 372. The Third Part. A Charter of Barnstaple Sent up to Parliament er to call Synods, &c. before the Conqueſt. before the Conquest, 375 P. 2 concerning Burgelles The Archbishop's Pow- The Form of a French Synods under the Con- Parliament 377 queror P.2, &c. An Account of the Pre- Hen. I. 23 munientes., 386, 387. 390, 391.392. &c. 431. Ad Confentiendum in the Parl. Writ, what it means. 392. 395. The Ld. Coke's and Mr. Selden's Mi- Stakes about the Cler- Ed. I. K. Steph. 40 Hen. II: 60 Rich. I. 76 K. John 81 Henry III. 90 126 Ed. II. 165 Ed. III, 179 Ric. II. 229 ? Hen. * The Contents. Hen. IV. V. k VI. Ed. IV. 279 224 Prelats, why fo called. 255 277 The Acts of a Convoc. an. 1356. 124 P. 190. Hen. VII. 280 Of another an. 1369. P. 208 ERRAT A. } Page 12. line 23. read Archpresbyters. p. 13. 1. 34. for Premunitory r. Sum- monitory. p. 46. 1. s. for Gen. r. Cent. p. 57. 1. 31. after which time add (as he fays). p. 59. 1. 26. and p. 88. I. 12. r. Principum. p. 65. 1. 28. for 141 r. 841. p. 67. 1. 8. for 205 r. 90s. p. 77. 1. 1. r. for n in the Saxon, ought to be read Ţi p. 90. 1. 22. for 6th г. sth. p. 104. 1. 15. 1. by the King' P. 123. 1. 29. r. Kinewlf p. 133. col. 2. 1. 12. r. aliquorem. p. 140. 17. which we now call Parliaments, dele. p. 164. 1. 5. r. Henricum. p. 180. 1. 33. r. Malcolm. p. 192. Note, Fo. r. Vol. p. 185. 1. 29. г. by the earn: P. 186.. 1. 9. г. fui. p. 187. l. 11. r. tota. p. 203. 1. 2. r. Corbel, 1.6. r. conftituendo. p. 206. 1. 27. for apud r. ab. p. 208. 1. 11. for, of that Name r. at that time p. 214. 1. 25. for in Epiph Week r. on the Octaves of Epiph. fo p. 233. 1. 17. for in Midf. Week, r. on the Octaves of Midf. Some other Inftances there may be of that kind, which I put down to make it more intelligible: But it is not exact. For the fame reafon I have fometimes put down loofly, Whitsunday c. g. for the Octaves of Whitf. but that is very feldom. P. 225. 1. 3. r. Life or Limb. P. 238. l. 16. 1. I call'd 'em. p. 234. 1. 33. r. held of. p. 261. 1. 18. г. Mannors. P. 274. 1. 18. r. Regi. p. 281. l. 16. r. War. The K. p. 295. I 28. г. to be cho- fen. p. 301. 1. 28. for 28 r. 25. p. 347. 1. 2c. r. of the Univ. p. 354. 1. 26, t. are to be. p. 352. 1. 3. r. other are mention'd, it is faid; p. 385. 1. 4. г. E. 1. p. 396. 1. penult. r. produced above, p. 371. 1. 25. r. time. p. 375. 1. 22 r. exhibited. The Third Part. 23. P. 8. 1. 10. r, in Angl. p. 9. l. 17. r. a Norman by Education. p. 37. .l. 4. 1. Archb. of Cant. p. 41. 1. 20. r. etiara. p. 58. 1. 21, r. The Archbishop. p. 87. 1. 28. t. renew'd. p. 94. I. ult r. Stephanus. p. 96. I. penult. r. illeg. p. 98.. lis. r. stood. p. 106. 1. 2. r. Exaction. p. 176. 1. 25. for any Pramunientés; rè̟ mentioning the particular Perfons to be fummon'd. p. 180. 1. 15. r. mention to the, dele to. There are divers others throughout the whole, which are left to the Readers Candour. Some of the last Sheets the Authour did not fee. 1 A A HISTORY O F Engliſh Councils AND CONVOCATIONS, &c• A N Engliſh Convocation, or Synod, as it now ftands for the Province of Canterbury, confifts of a Prefident, (the Lord Archbi- Shop) 21 Bishops, 22 Deans, 53 Archdeacons, 24 Proctors of Chapters, 44 Proctors for the Dio- cefan Clergy (2 for each Diocefs) and 1 Præcentor; the Præcentor of the Church of S. David's, where there is no Dean, being fummon'd in his ftead. In the Church of Landaffe, where there is no Dean, there is no one fummon'd for him. The Deanery of Wolverhampton is united to that of Windfor; yer I find even in fome of our Modern Lifts of Con- vocation-Men, both the Dean and Chapter of Wolver- hampton mention'd as well as thole of Windſor. But there is no Proctor ever return'd for the Chapter. In the Lifts of 1640. and in that of 1690. the Dean of Windsor and Wolverhampton are both mention'd, tho' but one and the fame Man. We are told by fome, of 54 Archdeacons in a Con- vocation of the Province of Canterbury, but I find in the Lifts no more than 53. Much leſs are they in the right who count 60. which is the number not of the Province of Canterbury, but of all England. They are alfo under a Miftake, who reckon but A ' 38 A Hiftory of Convocations. f 38 Clerks Reprefentatives of the Diocefan Clergy. The Præcentor of S. David's is by no one, that I know of, mention'd as a Member; but all the Lifts fhew him to be one. R In a Lift (a) of the Convocation of 1 Ed. VI. which I have ſeen, there is no Dean or Chapter, ei- ther of Windfor, or of Wolverhampton; and, what is more remarkable, there are 2 Proctors for the Clergy of the District of the Jurisdiction of S. Albans, and 2 likewife for the Clergy of Westminster, di- ftinct from thofe of the Dipcefs of London. And for the Diocefs of Peterborough there are not two only, as in all other Diocefes, but three Proctors. In the Convocations of 1640. the Dean of Westm. ftanding Sufpended, Dr. Rob. Newel, the Subdean, ap- peared in his ftead. I find his Name in the Lifts, and he was formally prefented to the Archbishop in Convocation by the Prebendaries of that Church, but he does not feem to have been admitted: For it appears that there were Proteftations enter'd on both fides; by the Subdean on behalf of the Church, and by the Archbishop in the Name of the Convocation. The whole number of Convocation at this time, is 166. viz. 22. in the Upper-House, and 144 in the Lower. Before the Diffolution of Monafteries, the num- ber was much greater, and there were many more in the Upper-Houfe, than in that of the Inferiour Clergy. A Lift of all under Bishops, whofe Right it was be- fore that time to fit in Convocation (excepting only the Dioceſs of Landaffe, which I know not by what miſtake,is omitted) I fhall here fubjoin (b) out of the MS. Synodalia of Bennet, or Corporis Chrifti College in Cambridge: In which, befides the number of Ab- (a) Apud Sy odalja CCCC. lic. f. c. (b) I have found fince that that Copy was tranfcribed out of Archbishop Kemp's Regifter,fol. 229, And from thence it appears that it was made about the Year, 1452. bots } T < A Hiſtory of Convocations. Pots and Priors, this may be obferved, That the Clergy of the Diocefs of London had four Proctors, two for the City, and two for the reft of the Die- cefs: So likewife the Diocefs of Winchester, two for the Archdeaconry of Winchester, and two for the Arch- deaconry of Surrey; and the Diocefs of Norwich, two for the Diocefs, and two for the Archdeaconries of Suffolk and Sudbury. For the large Diocefs of Lin- coln there are no Proctors of the Clergy at all: The Caufe of which, if it be not an Omiffion in the Lift, I take to be the great number of Archdeacons which that Diocefs fent up to Convocation: For in ancient times, before the Clergy had Proctors of their own Body, they were reprefented in Convocation by their Archdeacons, to whom they gave Letters of Proxy, or Commiffions to act on their behalf, as they do now to their two Proctors whom they fend up.' It is therefore probable, that the Clergy of the Dio- cefs of Lincoln, having eight Archdeacons in Convo- cation, might content themſelves with them, ac- cording to the old Cuſtom, and neglect to fend up other Proxies. + { # K the 4 A History of Convocations. > 3 Hic Inferiùs defcribuntur Nomina eorum qui ut ab antiquo debent comparere in Convo- cationibus Prælatorum & Cleri Cantuar. Provinciæ per fingulas Dioc. Cantuar. Pro- vinciæ. CANTUARIEN. In Civitate & Archidiac. Rior Ecclefia Christi PRio Cant. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefiæ. Archiadiaconus Cant. Abbas Sancti Auguftini Cant. Abbas de Feverfham. Abbas Sancti Radegundis. Abbas de Langedon. Abbas Sancti Gregorii Cant. Prior Dovor. Prior de Folkefton. Prior de Lecdes (al. Ledis.) Prior de Combewell. Clerus ejufdem Dioc. LONDON. Decanus Ecclefiæ Sancti Pau- li Lond. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefiæ. Lond. Archidiaconus Lond. Abbas Monafterii beata Ma- riæ de gratiis juxta Tur- rem Lond. Frior Priorat. Sandte Trin. Lond. Prior Priorat. Sancti Bar- thol. in Smithfielde. Prior Priorat. hofpitalis bea- tæ Mariæ extra Bishops- gate. Prior hofpital. five Prioratus de Elfinge Spittle. Magifter Domus de Acon. Magifter Hofpital. Sancti Barth. in Smithfield. Magifter Coll. Sancti Lau- rentii Putney Lond. In Archidiac. Effex. Archidiaconus ibidem. Abbas Monafterii beatæ Ma- riæ de Stratford. Ab- A Hiftory of Convocations 5. } Abbas Monasterii de By- Prior de Hatfield. leigh. Prior de Lees (al. Leghes.) Prior de Pritwell. Prior de Blackmore. Prior de Toby. Prior de de Stangate Stainefgate.) Prior de Bicknacre. Clerus Civit. Lond. Clerus ejufdem Dioc, WINTO N. (al. Prior Ecclefiæ Cath. Winton. Capitulum cjufdem Ecclefiæ. Abbas de Hida. In Archid. Middleſ. Archidiaconus ibidem. Abbas Westmonafterii. Abbas Monafterii Sanita Crucis de Waltham. Abbas Monafterii de Tiltey. Prior de Dunmowe. Prior de Hatfield Regis. Prior de Royston. Prior de Latton. In Archidiac. Colceftriæ. Archidiaconus ibidem. Abbas Monafterii Sancti Jo- bannis Colceft. Abbas Monaft. Sancti O- fithe. Abbas de Bello loco Regis. Abbas de Tychefield. Abbas de Little (al. Letley, five Leto loco.) Abbas de Quarreia in Infu- la Vecta (al. Quarrera.) Abbas de Waverlee. Abbas de Bermondsey. Prior de Southwike. Prior Ecclefia Chrifti de Tyneham (al. Twinham.) Prior de Bromore (al. Brom- mer.) Prior Sancti Dionyfii juxta Southampton. Prior de Selborne. Prior de Merton. Prior beatæ Mariæ de Overis in Southwarke. Prior de novo loco juxta Rip ple. Abbas Monaft de Cockshal Prior de Rigate. (al. Coggeshal.) T } Abbas Monaft. de Walden. Prior S. Botulphi Colceft. Abbas de Maldon. Prior de Colne. Prior de Armeball (al.Trem- bale.) Prior de Tanrige. Archdiac. Winton. Archdiac Surr. Prior de Motesfonte (al. Montisfont.) B 3 Clerus ! A Hiftory of Covocations. Clerus Archidiac. Wint. Clerus Archidiac. Surr. ROFFEN. Prior Ecclefie Cath. Roff. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefiæ. Archidiac. Roffen. Prior de Tunbridge. Abbas de Lefnes. Clerus ejufdem Dioc. BATHON & WELLFN. Decanus Ecclefiæ Cath. Well. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefiæ. Prior Ecclefie Cath. Bath. Abbas Glafton. Abbas de Kenesham. Abbas de Muchilney. Abbas de Achelney (al. A- thefney.) Abbas de Clyva. Prior de Bruton. Prior de Taunton. Prior de Monte acuto. Magifter Hospital. Sancti Johannis de Bridgewater. Archidiac Wellen. Archidiac. Taunton. Archidiac. Bathon. Abbas Sancti Salvatoris. Clerus cjufdem Dioc. LINCOLN. Decanus Ecclefiæ Lincoln. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefia. Archidiac. Lincoln. Archidiac. Northampt. Archidiac. Oxon. Archidiac. Huntingdon. Archidiac. Leiceft. Archidiac. Bedford. Archidiac. Stowe. Archidiac. Buckingham. In Archidiac. Lincoln. Abbas de Kyrkeftede. Abbas de Remesby (al. Re- vesby.) Abbas de Parro Lude. Abbas de Villa Dei (al. valle Dei. Abbas de Newhouſe. Abbas de Hagubye (al. Hag- neby.) Abbas de Tuppholme. Abbas de Newbo. Abbas de Croyland. Abbas de Bardney. Abbas de Humbrefton. Abbas de Thornton. Abbas de Welbowe. Abbas de Brunne. Prior de Sompingham. Prior de Bulington. Prior de Sickhill (al. Syxyll.) Prior de Ormesby (al. Mi- mormesby.) Pri- A History of Convocations. เ འ ་ λ Prior de Alingham. Prior Sanita Katharine ex- tra Lincoln. Prior de Haverholme. Prior de Cattley. Abbas de Regali loco juxta Oxon. Abbas de Eyenfham. Abbas de Ofeney. Abbas de Dorchefter. Prior de Burceftr. Prior de Wroxton. Prior de novo loco (al. New- Prior Sancta Fridifwida. fted.) Prior de Belvero. Prior de Spaldinge. Frior Sandi Leonardi juxta Stamford. Prior de Keme (al. Kyme.) Prior de Markby. Prior de Elfhull. Prior de Parro Notton. Prior de novo loco juxta Stamford (al. Newfted.) In Archidiac. North. Abbas de Pypwell. Abbas de Sulby. Abbas de Burgo Sancti Petri. Abbas Sancti Jacobi juxta Northampt. Prior Sti. Andrea Northam. Prior de Luffield. Prior de Daventry. Prior de Chancombe (al.Cha- cum.) Prior de Asheby Canonicorum. Prior de Fynneftede. In Archidiac. Gxon. Abbas de Thama. Prior de Calverton. • In Archidiac. Bucking- ham. Abbas de Bitlefden. Abbas de Medmenbam. Abbas de Lavenden. Abbas de Netle (al. Noteley:) Abbas de Muleden (al. Miſſenden.) Prior de Tykeforde. Prior de Ravenstone. Prior de Chetwell. Prior de Newport. Prior de Snelfhall. In Archidiac. Hunting- don. Abbas Sancti Albani. Abbas de Saltreia (al. Swa- trè.) Abbas de Ramefey. Prior de Hertford. Prior de Sanct» Neoto, Prior Canonicorum Hunting, Prior de Wylmundely. Prior de Stonley. Abbas de Bruera (al. Bru- Rector de Afbrugge. ern.) In B 4 - A History of Convocations. Į In Archidiac Leiceſt. ELIEN. Abbas de Garwedon (al. Prior Elien. Garradon.) Abbas de Croxton. Abbas Maria de Prat. Lei- cefter. Abbas de Oeflnefton ( alias Olveston.) Prior de Landa. Prior de Kyrkby. Prior de Ulvefcroft. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefiæ, Archidiac. Elien. Abbas de Thornefey (al, Thorney. ) Prior de Barnewel. Prior de Anglesey. Clerus ejufdem Dioc. NORWIC. Magifter de Burton Sancti Lazari. Prior Ecclefia Cath. Norw Capitulum ejufdem Ecclef. Archidiac. Norfolc. In Archidiac Bedford. Archidiac. Norwic. Abbas de Warden. Abbas de Wonborne ( al. Wo- borne.) Prior de Chickfounde (al. Chickfand.) Prior de Bello loco. Prior de Newenham. Prior de Caldwell. Prior de Dunstable. Prior de Bylemede (alias Buſhmede.) In Archidiac. Stowe. Abbas de Barlinge. Prior de Thorneholme. Prior de Torkfeye. Archidiac. Sudbery. Archidiac. Suffolc. Abbas Sancti Edmundi. Abbas Sancti Benedicti. Abbas de Sybeton. Abbas de Leyton (an Beeston?) Abbas Wymundham. Prior de Buttley. Prior de Walfingham. Prior de Bromebolme. Prior Sancte Fidis de Horf bam. Prior de Pentney. Prior de Bynham (an Burn- bam?) Prior de Castleacre. Prior de Weftacre. Abbas de Longley. Abbas A History of Convocations. 9 Abbas de Weftderham. Prior de Ixworthe (an Cok- Prior de Elye. kesforth?) Prior de Thetforde. Decanus Coll. de Stoke. Clerus ejufdem Dioc. Sudbury. SARUM. Decanus Ecclefiæ Cath. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefiæ. Archidiac. Dorfet. Clerus Archidiac. Suff. & Archidiac. Sarum. Ε Χ Ο Ν. Decanus Ecclefiæ Cath. Exon. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefiæ. Archidiac. Exon. Archidiac. Totton. Archidiac. Barn. Archidiac. Cornubiæ. Abbas de Taveftock. Abbas de Herlonde (alias Hertlande.) Abbas de Torre. Archidiac, Barkshire. Archidiac. Wiltshire. Abbas de Middleton. Abbas de Cerne. Abbas de Sherborne. Abbas de Abbotesbury. Abbas de Abbendon. Abbas de Redinge. Abbas de Malmesbury. Abbas de Stanley. Prior de Wallingford. Prior de Briftlesham (al. Buſtleſham.) Prior de Hurley. Abbas de Buckfefter ( al. Prior de Ederofe. Buckfafte.) Abbas de Forda. Abbas de Nywehamn. Abbas de Dunkewell ( al. Dunkeſwell. ) Abbas de Bucklånd. Prior de Plympton. Prior de Launceston. Prior Sancti Germani. Prior de Bodmyne. Prior de Fuchelſtocke Frethilftoke.) Prior de Totton." Clerus ejufdem Dioc. Prior de Farleighe. Rector Ecclefia Conventualis de Eding don. Clerus ejufdem Dioc. COVEN. & LICH. Prior Ecclefiæ Cath. Covent. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefia. Decanus Ecclefiæ Cath. Lich. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefiæ. (al. Archidiac. Coventr. Archidiac. Derb. Archidiac. Stafford. Archidiac. Ceftr. Archidiac. JO A Hiftory of Convocations. Archidiac. Salop. Abbas Ceftr. Abbas Salop. Abbas de Alynceftr. Abbas Monaft. Sancti Petri Glouc. Abbas de Burton fuper Trent. Abbas de Tewkesbury. Abbas de Derley. Abbas de Whalley. Abbas de valle Regali. Abbas de Cundermere (al. Cumbremere. ) Abbas de Roucefter (al. Rowceter.) Abbas de Dien Loucres (al. de la cres.) Abbas de Heighmonde. Abbas de Littlefhal. Abbas de Hilton. Abbas de Cumba. Abbas de Myra valle (al. Merivall.) Abbas de Stonley. Abbas de Dala. Abbas de Bello Capite. Prior de Kenylworthe. Prior de Tattebury. Prior de Stone. Clerus ejufdem Dioc. WIGORNIEN. Prior Ecclefiæ Cath. Wigorn. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefiæ. Archidiac. Wigern. Archidiac. Glouceftr. Abbas de Evesham. Abbas de Cirencestr. Abbas de Winchcombe. Abbas Sancti Auguft. Bristol. Abbas de Hailes. Prior de Stedeley. Prior Majoris Malverne. Prior Minoris Malverne. Prior de Lanthonye. Prior de Dirburst. Decanus Ecclefiæ Collegiat. Warwick. Abbas de Kingefwode. Clerus ejufdem Dioc. GICESTREN. Decanus Ecclefiæ Cath. Ci- cest*. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefiæ. Archidide. Ciceftr. Archidiac. Lewen. Abbas de Bello. Abbas de Bigham. Abbas de Ponte Roberti (al. Roberts-Bridge.) Abbas de Durford. Abbas de Quawe. Prior de Lewes. Prior de Sela. Prior de Michilham. Abbas de Perfhore. Abbas de Bordefley. Abbas de Hailes Owen (al. Prior de Tortington, Halesowen.) Prior de Haftinges. Prior de Boxgrave. Clerus A History of Convocations. II eriküm Clerus ejufdem Dioc. HEREFORD. Decanus Ecclefiæ Cath. He- reford. Capitulum Ecclefiæ Cath. Archidiac. Hereford. Archidiac. Salopienfis. Abbas de Flaxlex. Abbas de Dora. Abbas de Wigmore. Prior Hereforde. Prior de Monmoutbe. Prior de Wormefley. Prior de Liomyftr Leominftre.) Prior de Bromfield. Prior de Chuberie. Prior de Wenlake. Clerus ejufdem Dioc. ! MENEVE N. Abbas de Strata Florida. Abbas de Talley. Abbas de Combire. Abbas de Kermerden. Prior de Haverforde. Prior de Fulla. Prior de Brechon. Prior de Langthonia prima. Clerus ejufdem Dioc. ASSAVEN. Decanus Ecclefiæ Affaven: Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefia. (al. Archidiac Aljaven. Præcentor Ecclefiæ Menev. Capitulum ejufdem. Archidiac. Meneven. Archidiac. de Kermarden. Archidiac. de Brechon. Archidiac. Cardigan. Abbas Sancti Dogimaeliş (al. Dogmaelis.) Abbas de alba Landa (al. Whiteland.) Abbas Monaft. de Conway. Abbas de Baffinghworke. Abbas de Strata Marcella. Clerus ejufdem Dioc. BANGOR. Decanus Ecclefiæ Cath. Ban- gor. Capitulum ejufdem Ecclefiæ. Archidiac. Bangor. Archidiac. Anglefey. Archidiac.de Meryoneth. Præpofitus de Clannock ( al. Clunock-vaur.) Præpofitus Caftri Tubij (al.: Caftro Cubij. ) Abbas de Bardefia. Prior de Perimon. ( al. Pen- Pauperes funt & Inopes. mon.) Prior de Bethkelerth (al. Bethkylberte.) Clerus ejufdem Dioc. This 3 مما 12 A History of Convocations. This Tranfcript was taken very carefully, but from a very bad Hand. The Emendations, or va- rious Readings, which are interferted with an alias, I added out of the Catalogue of Religious Houfes publiſhed at the end of the I Tome of the Monafti- con. Where the Reader may likewife fee a Cata- logue of the Religious Houfes in the Dioceſs of Landaffe, which are here omitted, and are but ve- ¡y few. The Proctors of the Diocefan Clergy are chofen af- ter this manner: Every Archdeaconry chufes two, and where there is more than one Archdeaconry in a Diocefs, the Bishop out of all thofe that are nomi- nated in the feveral Archdeaconry's, chufes two to be fent up to Convocation. The Cuftom of fending up two Proctors at leaſt for the Clergy, and one for the Chapter, has been conftant and uninterrupt- ed for near 400 years. But before that time we have an Inftance of only one Proctor fent up by the Clergy. And within theſe 400 years all the Dignitaries of Cathedral Churches, as Chanters, Chancellors, Treaſurers, have been fummoned, as al- fo Archipresbyters, or Rural Deans; according as the Archbishop thought fit, and as the Bufinefs feem'd to require either a fuller or a flenderer Convocation. Before the Chapters had Proxies choſen out of their own Body, they were Repreſented by (and gave Letters of Proxie to) their Deans or Priors; as the Diocefan Clergy were by their Archdeacons. A Convocation may be confidered either in it felf, as it is a Synod, and is call'd by the Archbishop's Mandate, or as it is in the ftricter fenfe a part of the Parliament, and is fummoned by the King's Writ directed to each particular Bishop. As it is fummon'd by the King's Writ directed to the particular Bifhops, it is a Convocation not only of the Province of Cant. but alſo of the Pro- vince : A History of Convocations. 13 vince of York; and all are commanded to meet together at the fame time and place the Parliament does. The Bishop is required, as to appear in Par- liament himſelf, fo likewife to warn (Præmunire or Præmonere) the Dean of his Cathedral Church, and his Archdeacons to appear there in Perfon, the Chap- ter to appear by one, and the Diocefan Clergy by two Proctors. This Claufe (which they call the Præmunientes, from that Word with which it be- gins) is to this very day continued in all the Parli- mentary Writs directed to Bifhops, tho' they that are fummon'd by it, have not fat in Parliament for fome hundreds of years. For fome Ages together the Writ has been feldom executed by any Bishop, or if executed, never effectually obey'd; neither has it been expected it fhould be. As it is fummon'd by the Archbishop's Mandate, it is only a Provincial Convocation, there being two Convocations call'd by the two Archbishops, in their reſpective Provinces. The King fends his Writ to the Archbishop, requiring him to fummon all the Bishops of his Province to meet in Convoca- tion at fuch a certain time, and to command them. to fummon their Deans, Archdeacons, Chapters, and Clergy to meet in the manner above mention'd. And withal, he requires the Archbishop to fummon the Dean and Chapter of his own Church, with his Archdeacon and Clergy. The Archbishop fends his Letters Mandatory, reciting the King's Writ, to the Biſhop of London, as Dean of the Province, (or in a vacancy of the See of London, to the Bishop of Winchester as Subdean) who fends it to all the other Biſhops of the Province, included in a Letter of his own. The monitory Claufe in the Provincial Writ, is the fame with that in the Parliamentary, with this only difference Material, that in the Par- liamentary Writ, they are commanded to appear cor ar · 14 A History of Convocations. 1 coram NOBIS (the King) in the Provinci- al, they are order'd to be fummon'd coram VO B IS (the Arch-bishop. ) Thus much I thought fit to fay by way of In- troduction, that my Reader, before he enters into the Hiſtory of the ancient Conftitution of our Synods and Councils, might underſtand how it is at prefent and as he goes along, be able to make a juft Com- pariſon between the ancient and prefent. My defign in the following Hiftory, is to fhew by whofe Au- tority our Synods or Councils have been wont to be call'd from the very beginning, who the Mem- bers conftituent were; and what the enacting Pow- And becauſe our Great Councils which the Saxons call'd Witena Gemots, the Nirmans Parliaments, are for fome Ages fcarce diftinguifhable from Sy- nods; I fhall therefore till the time of the Conqueft, take notice of both together, without putting 'em under two diſtinct Heads, according to the order of time in which they lie. er. The firft Synod that is mention'd to have been in this Iſland, is that of Verulam, An. 446: (according to Matthew of Weftm.) againft the Er- rors of Pelagius, in which Germanus Bishop of Aux erre, and Lupus Bishop of Troyes in Champaigne, fent hither by the Bishops of France, difputed againft the Pelagians. Illic plane, fays (a) Bede, immenfa mul- titudo etiam cum conjugibus ac liberis excitata convenerat. Aderat populus & Spectator futurus & judex. The 2d was held againſt K. Vortigern, who had married his own Daughter; Hoc cum compertum effet a Sancto Germano, venit corripere Regem cum omni Clero Britonum. Et dum conventa effet magna Syno- dus Clericorum ac Laicorum in uno concilio, ipfe Rex præmonuit filiam fuam ut exiret ad Conventum, &c. (a) Hift. 1. 17. Iratus 1 A Hiftory of Convocations. 15 Iratus eft (Rex) vehementer, & ut a facie fancti Ger- mani fugeret quærebat, & maledictus eft & damnatus`· a beato Germano & omni Concilio Britonum."- Nennius c. 38. K. Vortigern depofed, and Aurelius made King in his ſtead by a Council of the British Clergy and Laity, An. 465. Convenerunt Britones undiq; difperfi, & convo- cato Regni Clero, Aurelium in Regem erexerunt. Weftm. Matt. In the ancient Regifter of the Church of Lan- daffe, called Teilo, it is faid, that St. Dubricius was confecrated Archbish. by Germanus and Lupus, à Rege & omni parochiâ electus; and that his Epiſcopal Seat was conftituted at Landaffe, Conceffu Mourici Regis, Principum, Cleri & Populi. Capgrave (a,) fays, he was confecrated, confentiente Rge Ambrofio Aurelio, necnon & ómni Clero. So Benedict of Glocefter, in his Life; Ab Ambrofio Aurelio, necnon & ab omni Clero & Populo illius Archidiocefeos canonice delectum confecrave- runt. A Convention of the Clergy and great Men by: King Aurelius Ambrofius at the erecting of Stonehenge, in memory of the Nobility kill'd by Hengift the Sex- on, Congregati funt in monte Ambrofii, edicto Regis, Mag- nates cum Clero, ut cum magno honore dictorum Nobi- lium Sepulturam præpararent, fays Capgrave in the Life of St. Patrick. Benedict of Gloceftcr, in the Life of St. Dubricius, tells the fame Story, and fays, That the King commanded univerfis Regni Magnati- bus cum Clero pariter, to be prefent, and accordingly that there came together, Pontifices atq; Abbates ex unoquoq; ordine; that for three Days together the King, with his Crown on, celebrated the Feſtival, and there,communi confilio, preferr'd two to theArch- bishopricks of Caerligion and York. (a) Vita S. Patricii. He.. { 16 A Hiſtory of Convocations. } ; He adds, that Ambrofius, and after him, Uther Pendragon being dead, King Arthur, as foon as he came to the Crown, call'd a Council of the Clergy and great Men to confult with them, what Courſe he ought to take to oppofe the Saxons : Convocato Clero Primatibufq; regni confuluit eos, &c. and, communi confilio, fent to Hoel King of Britain in France, to demand Succours of him. But thefe things are all uncertain, and no more to be de- pended upon, than that which he relates concern- ing France its being conquer'd by King Arthur, and his eftablishing the Peace of that Kingdom at Paris, convocato Clero & Populo. Of a Piece with the reſt is that which he adds, That Lucius Cæfar demanding Tribute of him, he defired Affiftance againſt the Romans, ab omnibus Regibus, Ducibus, Con- fulibus, atq, Baronibus ibi congregatis. Gyraldus Cambrenfis, in the life (a) of S. David, tells us of a Synod of all Wales call'd at Breui, againſt the Pelagian Herefie, confifting of the Bishops, Abbots, Religious Men of all Orders, Lay-Lords and People: And in which he fays, St. David was elected and confe- crated Archbishop of Wales. Non longis autem poft hæc temporibus Pelagiana labes & Harefis deteftanda per B. Germanum Antifiod. & Lupum Trecenfem in Infu- lam tranfmiffos olim extincta, redivivo morbo rediviva- que malitia in fidei Catholicæ perniciem jam refufcitata, univerfali totius Kambria Synodo colligendæ occafionem dedit. Unde & collectis in Kereticâ regione apud Breui Epifcopis, & Abbatibus, virifque Religiofis diverforum Ordinum multis, necnon & laicis Principibus ac Populis de univerfâ regione collectis, &c. S. David (he fays) was there prefer'd to the Archbishoprick of all Wales, communi omnium, tam Ċleri fcil. quam Popu- li, electione pariter & acclamatione. In Spelman, the lí, (a) Lect. 8. Reader ! シ ​17 A Hiftory of Convocations. / Reader will find no mention of this Synod, or, at moft, no more than this; That Ranulphus Ceftrien- fis writes, that S. David was made Bishop an. 519. ex univerfæ gentis Synodo. Another Synod Giraldus mentions, unknown to the learned Sir H. Spelman, call'd a little after the other, and named the Synod of VICTORY, in which the Acts of the other were confirm'd, and ſome other things done for the good of the Church. Proceffu vero temporis & alia Synodus collecta eft, cui no- men Victoriæ, in quâ convocato TOTIUS KAM- BRIA CLERO, ea quæ in priori Synodo firmata fuerant, adjectis quoque quibufdam fuper Ecclefiæ commo- ditatibus, firmo rigoris examine funt renovata. Ex his itaque duabus Synodis omnes Kambriæ totius Ecclefiæ mo→ dum & regulam, Ecclefiâ quoque Romanâ auctoritatem adhibente & confirmante, fufceperunt. Quarum decreta, quæ ore promulgaverat, Præful David fua quoque fanctâ manu literis mandavit; fuæque Ecclefiæ aliifque per Kambriam pluribus refervanda commendavit. He adds, that partly through age, partly through carelef- nefs, and partly by the Ravages of Pirates, who from the Orcades infefted thofe Countries, the De- crees of thofe Councils, & alii quamplurimi nobilis Bibliotheca thefauri egregii were deftroy d. This Sy- nod is likewiſe mention'd in the Annals of the Church of S. Davids; Where I find thefe words: Synodus Urbis Legionum ordinata à S. David Menevenfi Archie- pifcopo: More exprefly by Ricemarchus, in his Life of the fame Saint, who feems to Tranfcribe Gi- raldus: Deinde fuccedente temporum ferie alia colligitur Synodus, cui nomen Victoria. In qua colicctâ Epifcopo rum, SACERDOTUM, Abbatum turbâ, ea quæ in priori firmaverant, adjectis etiam de aliquantis utilita- tibus, firmo rigoris examine renovant. Ex his igitur du- abus Synodis omnes noftræ patriæ Ecclefiæ modum & re- C gulary 18 A History of Convocations. * * gulam Romanâ auctoritate acceperunt; quarum decreta, quæ ore firmaverat, folus ipfe Epifcopus fud fanctâ ma- nu literis mandavit. Mourice King of Glamorgan was excommunicated an. circiter 560. by Oudoceus the 3d Bifhop of Landaffe, in a full Synod of all the Clergy for the Murder of Cynetu; Occidit Rex Mouricus dolo Cynetu, & poftea Epifcopus Oudoceus convocavit omnes Clericos ab hoftio Taratyrin Guy ufque ad Tyvim cum tribus Abbatibus fuis -& plena Synodo excommunicavit Regem.—Et commu- nio Chriftiana maledixit Regem cumn progenie, confirman- te Synodo & dicente: Fiant dies ejus pauci, &c. King Morcant excommunicated by Oudoceus and his Synod, for the Murder of his Uncle Frioc. The fame Bifhop and his Synod excommunicated King Guidnerth, for the Murder of his Brother Mer- chion. Concerning thefe Welch Synods, which are mention'd by Sir H. Spelman, I fhail fay more af- terwards. The next Synod we read of was that call'd a- bout the year 601 by Auguftin, the first Archbish- op of Cant. who after he had converted the Saxons of Kent to the Chriftian Faith, fummon'd the Brit- tiſh Biſhops to a Synod in Worcester-fhire, to difpute about the time of celebrating Eafter, in which they differ'd from the Church of Rome. Bede 11. 2. Auguftinus adjutorio ufus Ethelberti R. convocavit ad Juum colloquium Epifcopos five Doctores proxima Brito- num provinciæ, in loco ubi ufque hodie lingud Anglorum Auguftines ac,(or oc or † ok,) i. e. Robur Auguftini in confinio Wicciorum & occidentalium Saxonum appella- tur. Having told a ftory of a Miracle wrought by Auguftin, he goes on: Tum Britones confitentur qui- dem intellexiffe fe, veram effe viam justitiæ quam præ- * * Bromton co. 735. 780. † So out of Bede ap. Higden 1. 2. dicaret , 1 A Hiftory of Convocations. dicaret Auguftinus, fed non fe poffe abfque fuorum con- fenfu ac licentiâ prifcis abdicare moribus. Unde poftu- labant, ut fecundo Synodus pluribus advenientibus fie- ret. Quod cum effet ftatutum, venerunt (ut perhibent) Septem Britonum Epifcopi, & plures viri doctiffimi maximè de nobiliffimo eorum monafterio, quod vocatur, linguâ Anglorum Bancornaburg, &c. The Laws of King Ethelbert were made as Bede tells us, lib. 2. c. 5. cum confilio fapientum. Amongft them there is one concerning the punishment of Sacrilege. In another he mentions the convening his PEOPLE in Council, Si Rex POPULUM fuum convocavit, & hos illic quifpiam injuriâ affecerit duplex efto emendatio, & præterea 50 folidos Regi peno dito. But by PEOPLE there must be under- ftood, I think, not the Commonalty, in oppofition to the Great Men, but all in general who were to be conven❜d. The Charters which go under his Name, are, at leaſt ſome of 'em, pretended to be made with the Advice and Confent of the Archbishop and his Great Men: Cum confenfu Archiepifcopi ac Principum meo- rum; fays one. Cum Adbaldi filii, aliorumque no- bilium optimatum meorum confenļu; ſays another: Sign'd by the Archbishop, 2 Bishops, divers Lords (who are mention'd) aliifque pluribus dignitatum diverfarum perfonis. A third (a) is fign'd and confirm'd by the Archbishop, the King's Son, a Duke, 2 Earls, a Refe- rendarius, and others. So Archbishop Austin's Privi- lege granted the Abby at Cant. is pretended to be made, præfentegloriofo R. Athelberto cum filio fuo Ethel- baldo, & collaudantibus cum ipfo omnibus Optimatibus (a) Two more not mentioned here, are extant in the Mo- nafticon, Tom. I. p. 27. and Tom. 3. p. 299. C 2 Regiis, 19 20 A History of Convocations. Regiis, atque ultro volentibus reverendiffimis fratribus- Laurentio, Mellito, & Fuſto. But theſe are all, without controverfie,forged and fpurious: As are all Charters (a) efteemed to be be- fore the beginning of the 8th Century; Eftates, and even Privileges too, being before that time convey'd without any Writing. And Withred King of Kent, who began to Reign about the year 700. is faid to have granted the firft written Charter or Diploma. Even after the year 700. moft of the Charters that are in Latin, are accounted (b) Forgeries to the time of King Edgar, i. e. ad an. 958. And to ſpeak my Opinion freely, I look upon all that are pre- tended to be older than the Conqueft, to be of very doubtful, and confequently of very little autority. But eſpecially thofe, in which there is granted an Exemption from Epifcopal Jurifdiction, I have no Opi- nion of, but utterly reject. However, becauſe they are all, or almoft all, pretended to be made in fome Synod or Great Council, and Sir H. Spelman has thought fit to produce as many as came to his Hands, and by other Antiquaries they are wont to be quoted as Autorities, and they fhew at leaſt, the Opinions of that Age in which they were forged, which was for the moſt part juſt after the Conqueft; for thefe Reaſons, I intend to take notice of moft of thoſe that ſhall come in my way, (which will be a great many more than were known to that Learned and Worthy Collector of our Engliſh Coun- cils) left this Hiftory fhould be thought imperfect without 'em. I fhall take notice here in this place, of what Fordun, the Scotch Hiftorian, relates of the ancient (a) V. Spelman Tom. 1. p. 125. (b) V. Præf. ad Angl. Sacr. Tom. 2. Writers A History of Convocations. $ Writers of our English Hiftory, but which I take to have nothing of Truth in it, That every Mo- naftery founded by the Kings, was obliged to have a Scribe, who fhould take an account of all things confiderable that fhould happen in any King's Reign; and that at the next General Council which fhould be after the King's Death, the Hiftoriogra- phers all came together, and produced their Wri- tings; and the Council appointed the wifeft and moft skilful of their Body to examin 'em, and out of all compared together to make a Hiftory, or Chronicle, which was repofited in the Archives of all the Mo- nafteries. To proceed. Edwin King of the Northumbrians, being perfwaded by Paulinus to become a Chriftian, cum fuis P R IMATIBUS (i. e. Magnatibus) quos fapientiores noverat curavit conferre, quid de iis a- gendum arbitrarentur. So Bede 11. 9. who in the 13th Chapter adds: Quibus auditis, Rex fufcipere quidem Se fidem & velle & debere refpondebat. Verum adhuc cum amicis principalibus & CONSILIARIIS fuis Sefe de boc collaturum eſſe dicebat, ut fi & illi eadem cum illo fentire vellent, omnes pariter in fonte vite Chrifto confecrarentur. Et annuente Paulino, fecit ut dixerat. Habito enim cum SAPIENTIBUS CONSI L'IO, fcifcitabatur figillatim ab omnibus, qualis fibi doctrina hæc eatinus inaudita, & novus Divi- nitatis, qui prædicabatur cultus videretur. Cui pri- mus PONTIFICUM ipfius, Coifi continuo re- Spondit, &c. An. 664. a Synod was called at a Monaftery na- med Streaneſhalch in the Kingdom of Northumberland. Bede III. 25. Motâ ibi quæftione de Pafcha vel Tonfu- râ vel aliis rebus Ecclefiafticis, difpofitum eſt ut in Mona- fterio, quod dicitur Streanefhalch, quod interpretatur finus C 3 fari 22 A Hiftory of Convocations. Pri- fari (cui tunc Hilda Abbatiffa, Deo devota fæmina, præ- fuit) Synodus fieri, & hæc quæftio term:nari deberet. Veneruntq; illò Reges ambo, Pater fcil. (Oſwi) & Filius (Alchfrid) Epifcopi Colman cum Clericis fuis de Sco- tiâ (i. e. Hiberniâ) Agilberchtus, cum Agathone & Wilfrido Presbyteris: Jacobus Romanus in bo- rum parte erant: Hilda Abbatifla cum fuis in parte Scotorum: in qua erat etiam venerabi'is Epifcopus Cedda jamdudum ordinatus à Scotis, qui & interpres in eo concilio vigilantiffimus utriufq; partis extitit. mufq; Rex Ŏfwi, præmifsd præfatione, quod oporteret eos, qui uni Deo fervirent, &c. juffit primo dicere Epif- copum fuum Colmannum, qui effet ritus, & unde origi- nem ducens ille, quem ipfe fequeretur, &c.--- Quo bac & his fimilia dicente, juffit Rex & Agilberhtum pro- ferre in medium, morem fuæ obfervationis unde initium haberet, &c. Refpondit Agilberhtus: loquatur obfecro vice meâ, difcipulus meus Wilfrid Presbyter.-- Tum Wilfrid, jubente Rege ut diceret, ita exorfus eft, &c. The fame Year, viz. 664. was dated the pre- tended Charter which King Wulf her granted the Abby of Medefhamsted, or Peterborough, fubfcribed by four Kings, King Wulfher's Brother and two Sifters,. Archbishop Deusdedit, four Bishops, two Piesbyters, the Abbot,and many great Men. It is extant in the Sax- on Chron, ad An.656. where we are allo told, that the King founded it bortatu omnium fuorum Optimatum, Clericorum, & Laicorum, qui in regno fuo effent: and that at the Confecration of it he call'd together all the Thanes (or Barons) Bishops and Earls, omnefq; qui Deum diligerent. An. 673. was held the Council of Herudford, under Archbishop Theodore; the Acts and Canons of which are thus recorded by Bede, 4. 5.0 Eg- A Hiftory of Convocations. 23 Egfridi anno regni 3. Theodorus cogit Concilium Epifcoporum, and cum eis qui canonica patrum ftatuta diligerent & noffent, MAGISTRIS ECCLESIÆ pluri- bus. Quibus pariter congregatis, diligenter ea que unitati pacis ecclefiafticæ congruerent, eo quo Pontificem decebat a- nimo, cæpit obfervanda docere. Cujus Synodice actionis hujufmodi textus eft. In nomine Domini Dei, & Salvatoris noftri Jefu Chri- ſti, regnante in perpetuum ac gubernante Ecclefiam fuam eodem Domino noftro Jefu Chrifto, placuit convenire nos juxta morem Canonum venerabilium, tractaturos de nccef- Jariis Ecclefiæ negotiis. Convenimus autem die 24 Men- fis Sept. Indict. I. in loco qui dicitur Heorutford (Hert- ford) Ego quidem Theodorus- & confacerdos ac frater noster rev. Biſi, Orientalium Anglorum Epifcopus; qui- bus etiam frater & confacerdos nofter Wilfridus Nor- thanhymbrorum gentis Epifcopus, per proprios legatarios af- fuit. Affuerunt & fratres ac confacerdotes noftri Putta, Epifcopus Caftelli Cantuariorum, quod dicitur Rofecefter; Lutherius Epifcopus Occidentalium Saxonum; Winfrid Epifcopus provincia Merciorum. Cumq; in unum con- venientes, juxta ordinem quiq; fuum refediffemus: Ro- go, inquam, dilectiffimi fratres, propter timorem & amo- rem Redemptoris noftri, ut in commune omnes pro noftra fide tractemus: ut quæq; decreta ac definita funt a fanctis ac probabilibus Patribus, incorrupte ab omnibus nobis fer- ventur. Hæc & alia quam plura,quæ ad charitatem perti- nebant unitatemq; Ecclefiæ confervandam, profecutus fum. Cumq; expleffem prolocutionem, interrogavi unumquemq; eorum per ordinem fi confentirent ea, quæ à patribus cano- nice funt antiquitus decreta, cuftodire. Ad quod omnes Confacerdotes noftri refpondentes dixerunt: Optime omni- bus placet, quæq; definierunt fanctorum Canones patrum, nos quoq; omnes alacri animo libentiffime fervare. Quibus ftatim protuli eundem librum Canonum, & ex eodem li- bro decem capitula, quæ per loca notaveram, quia maxime nobis neceßaria fciebam, illis coram oftendi,& ut hæc di- ligentius C 4 24 A History of Convocations. 1 ligentius ab omnibus fufciperentur, rogavi. Primum Ca- pitulum, &c. His itaq; capitulis in commune tra- Etatis ac definitis, ut nullum deinceps ab aliquo nostrum oriatur contentionis fcandalum, aut alia pro aliis divulga- rentur, placuit ut quæq; definita funt, unufquifq; noftrum manus propriæ fubfcriptione confirmaret. Quam fententi- am definitionis noftræ titulo notario fcribendam dictavi, actum in menfe & Indict. fuprafcriptâ. Quifquis igitur contra hanc fententiam, juxta decreta Canonum, noftra etiam confenfione ac fuperfcriptione manus noftræ confirma- tam, quoquo modo venire, eamq; infringere tentaverit, noverit fe ob omni officio facerdotali, & noftra focietate Separatum. Divina nos gratia, in unitate fanctæ fue Ecclefia viventes, cuftodiat incolumes. Matthew of Westminster tells us, that there were preſent in that Synod Reges & Magnates univerfi. An Interpolator of the Saxon Chronicle, p. 38. (a) makes Winfred, Bishop of the Mercians to be depri- ved in that Synod: But that That was done by the Archbishop alone after the Synod was ended, is evident from Bede IV. 6. The 7th Canon propos'd by the Arcbiſhop was, That a Synod fhould meet twice a Year; but becauſe (fays he) diverfæ caufæ impediunt, placuit omnibus in commune, ut Kalendis Augufti, in loco qui appellatur Clofeshooh, femel in anno congregemur. Clofesboob is now called Cliff. Seven Years after, viz. 68d. another Synod was held by the fame Archbishop Theodore at Hethfeld (or Hatfeild) collecto venerabilium Sacerdotum docto- rumq; plurimozum cætu, fays Bede 4. 17. who adds; cujus eſſent fidei finguli, Sedulus inquirebat, omniumq; (a) That it is an Interpolation, appears from its being out of its proper place, and from p. 40. 41. unani- A Hiftory of Convocations. 25 unanimem in fide Catholicâ repperit confenfum. In the Decree of the Synod none are mentioned befides Bishops. In nomine Domini, &c. Præfidente Theo- doro gratia Dei Archiepifcopo Britannia Infula, & ci- vitatis Deruvernis, una cum eo fedentibus ceteris Epif copis Britanniæ Infula, viris venerabilibus, præpofitis fa- crofanctis Evangeliis, in loco qui Saxonico vocabulo Hath- feld nominatur, pariter tractantes fidem rectam & or- thodoxam expofuimus, &c. It concludes thus: Et nos omnes fubfcribimus, qui cum Theodoro Archiepifcopo fi- dem Catholicam expofuimus. It appears from what Bede fubjoins, that as there were others befides Biſhops in the Synod, fo they alſo fubfcribed to it. For he mentions one John an Abbot, who had been lately fent into England by P. Agatho to give him fome Account of the Faith of the Church of England, that he likewife fubfcribed. Intererat huic Synodo, pariterq; Catholicæ fidei decreta firmabat vir ve- nerabilis Johannes, &c. The Saxon Chron. ad An. 680. Hoc anno indixit Theodorus Archiepifcopalem Syno- dum in Hethfelde, &c. In the Saxon Charter of the Abby of Medelhamsted (or Peterborough) it is faid, that P. Agatho having granted that Abby a Char- ter of Privileges, the King commanded Archbishop Theo- dore to call a Council and a Convention of wife Men at Heatfeld; and that being there met together, they con- firm'd the Popes Decree. But that Charter is nothing elfe but an idle and fooliſh Forgery of fome Monk of that Abby; and the Pope's Decree contain'd in it, in which Archbishop Theodore is requir'd to convene a Synod of all England, for the confirmation of it, is notoriouſly fpurious. It is extant not on- ly in Spelman, but alfo in the (a) Saxon Chronicle, which feems to have been the Work of the Monks of that Place. It's pretended to be fign'd by the (a) An. 675. King } { 26 A Hiftory of Convocations. ' King, Archbishop Theodore, Wilfrid Archbishop of York (when at that time the Bishop of York was not an Archbishop) Saxulfus Bishop of Mercia, the Queen, Adrian the Popes Legat (when in thoſe days there was no fuch thing as a Legat in England) 2 Biſhops more, and the Abbot. If we may believe (b) Radulphus de Diceto, there were preſent in the Council of Hatfield a Hundzed Biſhops, befides very many Doctors, with Egfrid King of the Northumbrians, Edelred King of the Merci- ans, Aldulph, or Wif, King of the Eaft angles, and Clotarius King of Kent. Ifte Theodorus Concilium coe- git centum Epifcoporum & Doctorum plurimorum, in loco qui dicitur Hethfeld, &c. One would wonder how fo extravagant a Thought could come into his Head.. Giraldus Cambrenfis (c) fays, in more than one place that Archbishop Theodore; was the firft Arch biſhop of Cant. that call'd a Council of the Bifhops his Suffragans, and that he call'd two, which, fays he, are mention'd by Bede; meaning thefe two of Hertford and Hatfield. The Synod of Streanefhalch above mention'd, which was call'd before Theodore's time, was not of all England, but only of the Nor- thumbrians. But he fhould feem to have call'd more than two, even according to Bede himſelf. For in the life of S. Cuthbert, Bede fays, that he was elect- ed Biſhop in a Synod, in which Theodore prefided: cap. 24. Nec multo poft congregata Synodo non parva, fub præfentiâ piiffimi ac deo dilecti Regis Egfridi, cui beate memorie Theodorus Archiepifcopus præfidebat, unanimo omnium confenfu ad Epifcopatum Ecclefiæ Lin- + (b) De Archiepifc. Cant. (c) De jure & ftatu Menev. Eccle- fiæ p. 518. 543. dif A History of Convocations 27 disfarnenfis electus eft. But this too was no more than a particular Synod of the Northumbrians, tho' the Archbishop was preſent in it. Bromton (a) con- founds it with that of Hatfield. In the Saxon Chro- nicle, we find that S. Cuthbert was conf.crated by Archbishop Theodore at York on Eafter day, 685. In the Anonymous Hiftory of that Saint which is extant among the X. Scriptores, it is faid, that being cho- fen by Theodore Archbishop of YORK, and the com- mon confent of all the People, and refufing to accept of the Bishoprick, King Egfrid, and the Archbishop, and all the People, congregata Synodo, decreed by common confent, that he fhould be forced to accept of it, whether he would or no: And that accordingly he was brought to York, and there confecrated by the Archbishop, in the prefence of 6 other Bishops. In King Egfrids Charter (b) to the Church of Lindif- farn, the Synod in which Cuthbert was choſen Biſhop, is faid to have been held juxta fluvium Alne, in lo- co qui dicitur Twiford, An. 685. And in that Sy- nod that Charter is pretended to be made cum confi- lio Theodori Archiepifcopi & Trumwini, & totius Con- cilii; fubfcribed by 7 Bishops befides the Archbifh- op, whereof two are Cedde and Ceadda above men- tion'd. Trumwinus is in the Subſcriptions call'd Bi- Shop of the Picts. But it is not likely that there were fo many Biſhops in that Synod, and the mentio- ning Cedde and Ceadda among 'em, who were dead before that time, fhews the number to be a fiction: though I know it was uſual in this Church, and even (if I am not miftaken) till the time of the Reformation, to fummon all the Bishops of the Pro- vince to the Confecration of a Biſhop. (a) Col. 792. (b) Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 39. & 46. About A Hiftory of Convocations. 1 About the year 680, there was another Synod call'd in the Kingdom of the Northumbrians,in Arch- bifhop Theodore's time, wherein King Egfrid and all his Great Men, and the Clergy were prefent, to confider whether they fhould obey the Mandate, which P. Agatho and his Roman Synod had ſent for the reftoring Wilfrid Biſhop of York, whom the Arch- bishop had deprived, to his Bishoprick. It is men- tion'd by Heddius in Wilfrid's Life, cap. 33. together with the reſult of it. Deinde omnibus Principibus ibi- dem habitantibus, necnon fervis Dei in locum Synoda- lem accerfitis ad audienda falutifera confilia, ab Apofto- licâ fede caufâ pacis Ecclefiarum tranfmiffa. Poftquam verò quædam difficilia fibi, & fuae voluntati contraria lecta audi-verunt, contumaciter quidam ex eis refpuerunt. -Tum vero juſſione Regis & ejus Confiliatorum, cum confenfu Epifcoporum, qui ejus Epifcopatum tenebant, in custodiam ducere,& novem menfes fine ullo honore cufto- dire cenfuerunt. Neither this nor the.former, is men- tion'd by Sir H. Spelman; as neither that which follows, Mention'd in a Charter (a) which Ethelred K. of the Mercians is pretended to have granted the Monaftery of Malmesbury, and faid to be held, juxta vadum Bregforde, An. 686. Jul. 30. Indict. 13. The An.686. Subſcribers to the Charter, are Archbishop Theodore, K. Ethelred, Berthwald Subregulus, Kenfrith Patricius, and two Biſhops. I pafs by other Charters (b) pretended to be granted in that Century, viz. in 662, 666, 673, 680, 681, 682, 692, 699. as not deſerving to be menti- tion'd: In fome of which Archbishop Theodore is (a) Apud Malmefb. 1. 5. de Pont. (b) Vide Monaft. Tom, 1. p. 51. 76. 100. Tom, 2. p. 839. Tom. 3. 115, 116, 117. among } A History of Convacations. 29 ፡ " among the Subfcribers, as prefent in the Synods in which they were confirm❜d. Heddius in the Life of Wilfrid Bishop of York, cap. 44. mentions certain Canons made by Archbifh- op Theodore, after the beginning of that difference, which was between him and Wilfrid, which was af- ter the Synod of Hatfeild: And others agen made after them toward the end of his days. King Al- frid (fays he) would have obliged Bifhop Wilfrid to obey the commands and decrees of Archbishop The- odore, non illa fignificans canonica inftituta, que in prin- cipio Epifcopatus fui apud nos degens, aut in noviffimis temporibus vitæ fuæ conftituit, quando omnes Ecclefias noftras ad canonicam pacem unanimiter vocavit: Sed magis ea decreta, quæ mediis temporibus fuis, quando difcordia inter nos in Britannid exorta fuerat ftatuit. In a Charter (a) granted by King Edward, the Father of King Ethelstan, to the Church of Win- chefter, An. 908. I find a Canon afcribed to Arch- bilhop Theodore, and a Synod call'd by him, which is not to be found among the Canons of the Sy- nod of Hertford. Præcipue dum beatæ memoriæ The- odorus hoc olim interdixerat nefas, ne fcil. Epifcoporum quifpiam Christo collatam à catholicis poffeffionem pro quo- libet munere temerarium dare vel accommodare præfume- ret, præfumentem equidem Anathematis vinculo inretitum Synodali damnavit Concilio, & tam inlicitum ac in- conveniens datum, fucceffores nullatenus ftare permitterent juffit, ne pravo antecefforum confilio fucceffores ad hanc deducerentur inopiam ut Chrifti pauperibus quid erogarent non haberent. But the 3d Canon of the Synod of Hertford does very much reſemble it: Quæcunq; Mo- nafteria Deo confecrata, nulli Epifcoporum liceat ea in ali- quo inquietare; nec quicquam de corum rebus violenter ab- Strabere. (a) Monaft. Tom. 1.p. 36. In the A History of Covocations. 30 In the Council of Becanceld Anno 694. where there were Laws purely Ecclefiaftical enacted, Wi- thred King of Kent prefided; and it confifted not only of Bishops and great Lords, but alſo of Ab- bots, Abbelles, Presbyters and Deacons. In nomine Domini Dei nostri & Salvatoris fefu Chrifti, congrega- tum eft magnum Concilium in loco qui nominatur Becan- celde. Præfidente autem eodem Concilio Withredo cle- mentiffimo Rege Cantuariorum, necnon Bertuvaldo re- verendiffimo Archiepifcopo Britannia, fimulq; Tobiâ Epifcopo Roffenfis Ecclefiæ, cæterifq; Abbatibus, Abba- tiffis, Presbyteris, Diaconibus, Ducibus, Satrapis in unum glomeratis: pariter tractantes, anxie examinan- tes de ftatu Ecclefiarum Dei vel Monafteriorum intra Cantiam, que à fidelibus Regibus prædecefforibus meis & propinquis Deo omnipotenti in propriam hæreditatem con- donata fuerunt, quomodo vel qualiter fecundum normam aquitatis ftare, quidve fervare à modo & ufq; finem fe- culi, conftituimus. Ideo ego Withredus Rex, &c. The Subſcriptions are theſe : a Ego Withredus auxilio Chrifti his legibus conftitutis pro Me & Werburga Regina : itemq; pro filio noftro Aliri- co fubfcripfi. Ego Berthuvald gratiâ Dei Archiepifcopus biis legibus à nobis conftitutis fubfcripfi. Signum manus Ethelbarti pro fe & fratre fuo Ead- berto. Signum manus Mildrede Abbatiſſa, Eatfridi Presb. Botredi Epifcopi. [Tobiæ Epifcopi, Etheldridæ Abbatiffa, Byffan, Ate Abbatiffe, < Kynheri, Wilnode Abbatiffe, Aldulfi, Presb. Herelwide Abbatiffa, Walh, Redempti, Presb. Bone, Eaſtwaldi Presb. In A Hiftory of Convocations. In another Copy of the fame Council it is faid: Withredus gloriofus Rex Cantiæ cum reverendiffimo Ar- chiepifcopo brithwald, præcepit congregari Concilium, &c. Chron. Sax. An. 694. Ubi primum Rex effet juffit co- gi magnum Concilium in locum qui dictus eft Baccan- celde, &c. The Ecclefiaftical Laws of the Council of Bergham- ftede, which fate Anno 697. under Archbishop Bertwald, are call'd the Laws of King Withred, thơ' they do not run in his Name. They were made not only by the Bishops, but alſo by the inferiour Clergy and Laity, Hac funt Judicia Withredi Re- gis Cant. Anno 5. Mitiffimi R. Cant. Witherædi In- dict. 1. in loco qui vocatur Berghamfede die 6. men- fis Congregati funt facri Ordinis, viz. Birtwaldus fummus Britannia Pontifex & Regi intimus à confiliis, Gybmundus etiam HRoffenfis Epifcopus, necnon cx- teri Ordines Ecclefiaftici illius gentis: qui cum viris utiq; militaribus, humaniffime & communi omnium affenfu, bas leges decrevere, Cantuariorumq; juribus & confuetudinibus prout fequitur addendas edixere, &c. Bede 5. 19. tells us, that Aldhelmus, Abbot of Malmesbury, who was afterwards made the firft Bi- fhop of Shirburn, was commanded by a Synod of his Nation (the Mercians) to write against the Britains concerning Eafter. But of whom that Synod con- fifted, he does not fay. Neither does he tell us, of whom that Synod confifted, by which it was ena- cted, that the Province of the South Saxons, till then belonging to the Bishoprick of Winchester, fhould be made a diftinct Bishoprick of it feif; which he relates in the fame Chapter. An. } A Hiftory of Convocations. In another Copy of the fame Council it is faid: Withredus gloriofus Rex Cantiæ cum reverendiffimo Ar- chiepifcopo brithwald, præcepit congregari Concilium, &c. Chron. Sax. An. 694. Ubi primum Rex effet juffit co- gi magnum Concilium in locum qui dictus eft Baccan- celde, &c. The Ecclefiaftical Laws of the Council of Bergham- ftede, which fate Anno 697. under Archbishop Bertwald, are call'd the Laws of King Withred, thơ' they do not run in his Name. They were made not only by the Bishops, but alſo by the inferiour Clergy and Laity, Hac funt Judicia Withredi Re- gis Cant. Anno 5. Mitiffimi R. Cant. Witherædi In- dict. 1. in loco qui vocatur Berghamfede die 6. men- fis Congregati funt facri Ordinis, viz. Birtwaldus fummus Britannia Pontifex & Regi intimus à confiliis, Gybmundus etiam HRoffenfis Epifcopus, necnon cx- teri Ordines Ecclefiaftici illius gentis: qui cum viris utiq; militaribus, humaniffime & communi omnium affenfu, bas leges decrevere, Cantuariorumq; juribus & confuetudinibus prout fequitur addendas edixere, &c. Bede 5. 19. tells us, that Aldhelmus, Abbot of Malmesbury, who was afterwards made the firft Bi- fhop of Shirburn, was commanded by a Synod of his Nation (the Mercians) to write against the Britains concerning Eafter. But of whom that Synod con- fifted, he does not fay. Neither does he tell us, of whom that Synod confifted, by which it was ena- cted, that the Province of the South Saxons, till then belonging to the Bishoprick of Winchester, fhould be made a diftinct Bishoprick of it feif; which he relates in the fame Chapter. An. } A History of Convocations. 33 & inftituto Cenredi Patris mei, Hedda & Erken- waldi Epifcoporum meorum, omnium Senatorum me- orum, & natu majorum fapientum populi mei, in magna fervorum Dei frequentiâ, religiosè ftudebam tum animorum noftrorum faluti, tum communi regni noftri confervationi, ut legitima nuptiarum fœdera, juftags judicia per omnem ditionem noftram fundata ftabilitaq; fint, atq; ut nulli liceat in posterum Senatori, five alteri cuivis in ditione noftrâ degenti, her noftra antiquare ju- dicia. Imprimis præcipimus, &c. By in magna fervo- rum Dei frequentiâ I underſtand the Monks or inferi- our Clergy. But they do not feem to be mention'd as voting there. For omnium Senatorum meorum & natu majorum fapientum populi mei, the ancient Tran- flation has: & omnium Aldermannorum meorum & fe- niorum, & Sapientum Regni mei ; or as it is in Brom- ton's Chron. Seniorum Sapientum, In his Reign the Saxons and Britains are faid to have begun to intermarry with one another, per com- mune confilium & affenfum omnium Epifcoporum, & Principum, Procerum, Comitum, & omnium Sa- pientum, Seniorum, & Populozum totius regni & per præceptum Regis Inæ prædicti. The Author that tells us this, is the Interpolator of King Edward the Confeffor's 35th Law; but he a very fabulous one, and of no Autority. The Deſcription he gives us of King Ina's Parlia- ment or Witena Gemot, he took out of thofe Words of his in the Preface to his Laws. And I take a falſe Reading in the fame Preface to be the only Foundation of what he fays concerning Intermar- riages ordain'd by him. It is there faid, that he had ordained legitima NUPTIARUM fædere; and in Bromtons Tranflation it is, rectum CONJUGI- UM: In the Saxon Aw nuptiæ. But 'tis well ob- ferved by (a) Dr. Brady, that for Aw, it ought to (4) Introduct, pag. E. D be 41 ! 34 A Hiftory of Covocations. be read A leges. That this is the true Reading, ap- pears both from the Senſe it ſelf, and becauſe in his Laws there is no one at all for Marriages Anno 705. a Synod was held near the River cal- led od †, omitted by Sir H. Spelman, but men- tion'd in a Charter granted by Bishop Aldhelm to the Monafteries of Malmesbury, From, and Bradford, extant in Will. of Malmesbury's 5 Book de Pont. Nec multo poft in facrofanéto Concilio, quod juxta fluvium qui dicitur 2002, congregatum effe dignofcitur, idem omnis Saxonica gentis Archimandritarum, cum Regalis potenta- tus affenfu, & Pontificalis prioratus nutu, confenfit Au- toritas. This Charter is dated Anno 705. In- dict. 3. The Reader may obſerve from divers Inſtances, that in thoſe Days they often held their Councils in open Fields, and upon the Bank of fome River, for the conveniency of Water. Which Cuſtom continued even to the time of King John, in whoſe 17th Year a famous Parliament was held in a Meadow between Staines and Windſor, called Runemed, corruptly Runningmead, alias Runemeid, Rennemed, Rendmed, Redmede; which fignifies the Mead of Counfel, or of the Council; as it's thought, from the Saxon Word Radan, confulere. Matt. Weſtm. ad An. 1215. 17 Joh. In Prato quod dicitur Rune- med, quod interpretatum Pratum Confilii, eo quod ab antiquis temporibus ibi de pace regni fæpius Confilia tra- &tabantur. They likewiſe affected to hold their Councils, as in the open Field, and near fome River, fo un- der fome very great Oak; partly, I fuppofe, for Shade, and partly perhaps through a kind of Su- † Now Adderbourn; called Noddre, and Nodderus fluvius, in a Charter of King Athelftan's, Monaft. Tom. 2. p. 859. perftition } A History of Convocations. 35 perftition derived down to 'em from the Druides, who always met under Oaks; from whence (fome fay) they had their Name. So Auguftin the firſt Archbishop of Canterbury met the British Bishops un- der an Oak in Worcestershire, which was therefore call'd, as Bede tells us, Augustine's Oak. And Bark- fhire has its Name, quafi Bare-Oak-fhire, from a great old and dead Oak in the Forelt of Windjor where they uſed to hold their Provincial Councils. So Higden(a): Barocfhire,que fic denominatur à quâ lam nudâ quercu in Foreftâ de Windeford, ad quam folecant Provinciales convenire in tractatibus habendis.And Brum- ton (b) fays the fame more than once. I do not $ Яclea, believe they affected to meet under a bare or dead Oak But they continued to meet under it, be- cauſe anciently, when it was large and flouriſh- ing, it had been the Cuftom to do fo. the Name of a Place in the Bifhoprick of Dur- ham, where we find a Synod once held, figni- fies the Oak in the Field, in campo QUERCUS, as (c) Simeon Dunelmenfis tells us. The fame Year, viz. 705. a Synod was fum- mon'd by Archbishop Berthwald, according to the Pope's Command, to examine Biſhop Wilfrid's Cafe, near the River i; in which were prefent, befides Biſhops, the young King Ofred (Son to King Al- frid, and Succeffor to Eadwulf) and his great Lords, together with the Abbots, and the Abbeffe Elfleda, who acted and ſpoke in it as well as the reft. Sir H. Spelman has given us the Acts of that Council out of Malmesbury. I fhall tranfcribe 'em, as much as concerns my purpofe, more fully and authen- tickly out of Heddius, whom Malmesbury follows. (a) Lib. I. (6) Chron. col.956. & 801. (c) An. 951. D 2 In * 16 A Hiftory of Convocations. ( In primo Anno Ofredi R. Berthvaldus Cantuario- rum Ecclefiæ & pene totius Britannia Archiepifcopus de Auftro veniens, habens ex præcepto Apoftolicæ fedis Aqui- Jonalium Regem cum omnibus Epifcopis fuis, & Abba- tibus, & totius regni ejus Principibus, ad Synodalem locum de causâ B. Wilfridi Epifcopi diligenter invitare; & ita factum eft. Nam in unum locum juxta fluvium id ab Oriente congregati Rex cum fuis, & tres E- pifcopi ejus cum Abbatibus, necnon & beata Elfleda Abbatiffa, femper totius provinciæ confolatrix, optimaq; confiliatrix; Berchtvaldus quoq; Archiepifcopus & Wil- fridus Epifcopus fimul in una die advenerunt. Deinde fedentibus Rege & Epifcopis cum Principibus eorum in loco Synodali, tali modo Archiepifcopus loqui incipiebat. He tells them, that he and Wilfrid had receiv'd Letters from the Pope, which he defired might be there read. Quibus venerabiles Domini licentiam dede- runt, & coram Synodo omnibus audientibus utriufq; libri à principio ufq; ad finem legebantur. Poft lectionem au- tem cunctis tacentibus Berectfridus, fecundus à Rege Princeps, ad Archicpifcopum dixit: Nos qui interpretati- one indigemus, quid Apoftolica auctoritas dicat, audire delectat. Et refpondit ei Archiepifcopus dicens. He tells him, that the Pope required the Bifhops, if they would no be reconciled to Wilfrid, to come toge- gether with him to Rome, to have the Cauſe tried. there. And if any one refuſed to do either, if it were the King, or a Layman, he was to be excom- municated; if a Biſhop or Presbyter, to be deprived. Epifcopi vero refiftentes dixerunt: quod prædeceffores noftri olim, Theodo us Archiepifcopus ab Apoftolica fede emif- fus, & Ecfridus Rex cenfuerunt, & poftea in campo, qui Eftrefeld dicitur, und nobifcum pene totius Britan- nie žipifcopi, fuaq; Archiepifcopali præfentiâ excellentif- fima, cum Rege Alfiido judicavimus, quomodo immutare quis valeat? Interea autem beatiffima Elfleda Abba- tiffa benedicto ore fuo dixit: Vere in Chrifto dico tefta- mentum ་ A History of Convocations. mentum Alfridi Regis in ea infirmitate, quâ vitam fi- nivit, qui votum vovit Deo & Sancto Petro dicens: Si vixero, omnia judicia Apoftolicæ fedis quæ antea renui audire, de beato Epifcopo Wilfrido implebo. Si tamen diem obiero, dicite tamen hæredi meo in nomine Domini, ut pro remedio animæ meæ judicium de Wilfrido Epifco- po Apoftolicum repleat. Hæc ea loquente, Berechtfri- dus, Præfatus Regis Princeps, refpondens dixit. Hæc eft voluntas Regis & Principum ejus, ut mandatis Apoftoli- ca Sedis, & præceptis Alfridi R. in omnibus obedia- mus, &c. Poftquam hæc verba finita funt, Epifcopi fibi mutuo feparati ab aliis, inire confilium cœperunt ; aliquando cum eis Archiepifcopus, aliquando verò fapien- tiſſima virgo Elfleda : & hujus fan&ti Concilii talis fi- nis extitit, ut omnes Epifcopi & Rex cum fuis Optimati- bus puræ pacis concordiam cum S. Wilfrido Epifcopo inie- rint, quam inter fe ufq; ad finem vitæ confervaverunt, reddentes ei duo optima Canòbia, quæ in HRypis & in Haguftaldefe, cum omnibus redditibus fuis. die omnes Epifcopi fe invicem ofculantes & amplexantes, panemq; frangentes communicaverunt:&gratias agentes Deo omnis hujus Beatitudinis, in pace Chrifti ad fua lo- ca remearunt Et illâ The † Story concerning a Council call'd at Lon- don by Boniface the Pope's Legat, with the confent of Archbishop Berthwald, in which Egwin Bishop of Worcester gave his Lands to the Abby of Evesham, cum confenfu principum totius Angliæ, I reject as a meer Fable, together with the Charters relating to it. As I likewife do, what is faid concerning a Sy- nod (b) call'd at Alne, in which the fame Bishop's Donations of the Abby of Evesham are faid to have been confirmed. 37 † Spelman, Tom. I. p. 208, &c. & 216, &c. (b) Ibid. p. 2154 D 3 About 38 A History of Convocations. Hac About the Year 709 the Roman Paſſover and Ton- fure were established in the Kingdom of th: Picts by the Autority of King Naitan. Bede 5. 22. Epiftola (Abbatis Ceolfrid, Angli) cum præfente Rege Naitano multifq; viris doctioribus effet lecta, ac dili- genter ab his qui intelligere poterant in linguam ejus pro- priam interpretata, multum de ejus exhortatione gavifus elle perhibetur, ita ut furgens de medio optimatum fuorum confeſſu genua flecteret in terram, &c.-Unde palam pro- fiteor, vobifq; qui affidetis præfentibus protestor, quia hoc obfervare tempus Pafchæ cum universâ meâ gente perpetuò volo, & hanc accipere debere tonfuram omnes qui in meo regno funt clericos decerno. Nec mora, quæ dixe- rat, regiâ autoritate perfecit, &c. About the Year 738. was held a Synod, not mention'd by Sir H. Spelman, in which a Caufe was heard and determined relating to the Nun- nery of Wudiandun in Worcestershire; mention'd in a Regifter (a) of the Church of Worcester: Quo tandem omni negotio ad fanctum facerdotalis Concilii Synodum perlato, decrevit emne venerabile Concilium, cum reverentiſſuno Archiepifcopo Nothelmo, hanc car- tulam donationis -præfatæ Abbatiffa reddi, jug; poffeffionem Monafterii firmiffimam effe, damnato nimirum eo, atq; anathematizato Synodi facratiffime de- crcto, qui cartam illam -fubripere præfumpferit. Atq; boc decernit facra Synodus. ut, &c. The Decree of the Synod is fubfcribed by A chbiſhop No helm, and 9 other Eifhops. Nothelm was made Archbishop in 735. died 739. e- In the great Council of Cloveshoe, which was held under Archbishop Cuthbert Anno 747. and in (4) Ap. Monafticon, Tom. 1. p. 121. which A History of Convocations 39 which there were many Canons made, there were preſent, as the Acts of it teftifie, Ædilbald King of the Mercians, cum fuis Principibus ac Ducibus, as alfo many of the inferiour Clergy. Cum igitur ex diver- fis Britannia provinciis facri ordinis præfati Præfules, cum plurimis facerdotibus Domini, & minoribus quoq; Ecclefiaftici gradus dignitatibus, ad locum Synodalem cum prædicto venerabili Archiepifcopo Cudber- to convenerunt, & de unitate Ecclefiæ ac ftatu Chri- ftianæ Religionis, & concordia pacis tractanda, confir- mandaq; pariter confederunt, &c. But the decreeing part feems to be attributed to the Bishops only. Ipfi Præfules, qui cæteris magifterii loco à Deo prælati funt, ad feipfos verba mutuæ exhortationis verterunt. Atq, deinde primo fuorum loco decretorum, hoc ratâ fanctione condixerunt, &c. 3 * It is not another, but the very fame Council of Clovehoe, which Sir H. Spelman has placed to the Year 742. in which, as Jocelin fays, Athelbald (i. e. Adilbald) King of the Mercians prefided,with Archbishop Cuthbert, the rest of the Bishops fitting with 'em. That which he adds concerning the Privileges of the Mo- nafteries of Kent being therein confirmed, I take to be nothing but a Fiction of the Monks. That Jocelin makes that Council to be call'd in the Year 742. is not to be wonder'd at, fince Authors fo much differ concerning the time of that above mentioned, fome placing it under the Year 744. And as Sir Henry elſewhere obferves, among Au- thors that write of thefe Ages, the difference of a few Years is but a small matter. It is placed to the Year 742. by the Author likewife of the Saxon Chron. who calls it the Great Synod of Clovefhou, where were preſent Athelbald King of the Mercians, Arch- bifhop Cutberth, and many other prudent Men. D 4 The ' 70 A History of Convocations. * ! The Centuriators (a) tell us, quoting for it an E- piſtle of Archbiſhop Cuthbert to Lullus, that in a Ge- neral Synod He & alii facerdotes, Presbyteri, & Ab- bates, decreed among other things, that the Me- mory of our Boniface Archbishop of Mentz, and of the reft that were Martyr'd with him, fhould be folemnly celebrated every year. Boniface was Mar- tyr'd An. 754. In the Life of that Archbishop (Boniface) which is extant in (b) Surius, there is mention made of an English Synod held in the time of Archbishop Berthwald, not mention'd by Sir H. Spelman. Per id tempus regnante in occidentali Anglia regione Saxonum rege, novus extitit tumultus, cujus compefcendi caufâ jam dicti Regis juffu & Procerum ejus confilio Synodus fervorum Dei indicta eft: Ad quam cunctis confluentibus, و controverfiam nuper ortam dirimentibus, vifum eft fa- pientibus quibufdam, ut quæ illic definita effent, ea omnia ad Berethnualdi vel Brichtuualdi Cant. Archiepifcopi notitiam perferrentur. Placuit idem etiam Clero omni & Laicis permultis: Scifcitabatur autem Rex, quifnam bu- jus rei cumprimis idoneus legatus videretur., &c Boni- face being recommended to him for that Office perform'd it fo well, that, as my Author adds, he grew fo famous both among the Clergy and Laity, ut deinceps fæpiffime rogatus fit, ut fe in ipforum Syno- dis præfentem exhiberet. That Council feems to have been held about the year 700. For its intimated, that it was a little after S. Boniface was ordain'd Prieft in the 30 year of his Age. Others mention that Boniface accompanied Abbot Wigbert, or Win- bert, to a Synod held by Archbishop Berthwald at that time. Kinewlf King of the Weft-Saxons writes to Lullus (4) Ceut. VIII.c. 9. (b) Jun. p. 576. Biſhop A History of Convocations. 41 Biſhop of Mentz, (a) concerning matters of Reli- gion, una cum Epifcopis meis, necnon cum catervâ Sa- traparum. In the Synod of Calchuth, which was held An Chr. 787. by two Legates fent hither by the Pope, in the time of Archbishop Jambert, there are the Subfcriptions not only of Kings, Bishops, Abbots, Dukes, and Counts, but alfo of common Presbyters and Deacons. Gregory Biſhop of Oftium, the first Le- gat, tells the Pope, that when firft they came into England, convenerunt in unum concilium Offa Rex Mer- ciorum, & Chuniulphus Weft-Saxonum: Cui etiam tradidimus veftra fyngrammata fancta; ac illi continuo promiferunt, fe de his vitiis corrigendos. Tunc inito con- filio cum prædictis Regibus, Pontificibus, & fenioribus terræ, perpendentes quod angulus ille longe latéque proten- ditur: permifimus Theophylactum venerabilem Epif- copum (ex Legatis alterum) Regem Merciorum & Britanniæ partes adire. Ego autem perrexi in regionem Northanymbrorum ad Ofwaldum R. & Archiepifcopum Sanctæ Ecclefiæ Eboraçæ civitatis Eanbaldum. Sed quia præfatus Rex longe in Borealibus commorabatur, mi- fit jam dictus Archiepifcopus miffos fuos ad Regem qui. continuò omni gaudio ftatuit diem Concilii: Ad quem convenerunt omnes .principes regionis, tam Ecclefiaftici quam feculares. After the Decrees, which he there propoſed to 'em, he fubjoins: Hæc decreta, beatiffi- me Papa Hadriane, in Concilio publico coram Rege Ælf- waldo (feu Alfwoldo, Ofwaldo) & Archiepifcopo Eanbaldo, & omnibus Epifcopis, & Abbatibus regionis, Seu (&) Senatoribus, & Ducibus, & Populo terræ propofuimus, & illi-cum omni devotione mentis juxta poffibilitatem virium fuarum, adjuvante ſuperna clemen- tia, fe in omnibus cuftodire devoverunt: Et figno fanita Crucis in vice veftra, in manu noftra confirmaverunt: Ut (a) Bonifac. Mogunt. Epift. 112. posted 42 A Hiftory of Convocations. poftea ftylo diligenti in chartâ hujus paginæ exaraverunt, fignum Sandle Crucis infigentes. After the Subfcriptions of the King, Archbishop, Biſhops, and one that ftyles himſelf Patricius, this follows: His quoque faluberrimis admonitionibus Pzel- byteri, Diaconi Ecclefiarum, & Abbates Monafteri- orum, Judices, Optimates, Nobiles, unopere, uno ore confentimus & fubfcripfimus. Then follow the par- ticular Subſcriptions of 2 Dukes, and as many Ab- bots. His peractis, & datâ benedictione, perreximus, af- fumptis nobifcum viris illuftribus, legatis Regis & Archi- epifcopi, Maluinum, viz. & Pyttel Lectores: Qui una nobifcum pergentes & ipfa decreta fecum deferentes in Concilium Merciorum, ubi gloriofus Rex Offa cum Senatoribus terræ, una cum Archiepifcopo Jaen- berchto (Jamberto, aliis amberto) fanita Ecclefiæ Dorovernenfis, & cæteris Epifcopis regionum convenerat, &in confpectu Concilii clarâ voce fingula capitula per- lecta funt, tam Latine quam Teutonice.Tam Rex, quam Principes fui, (&) Archiepifcopus cum fociis fuis in manu noftrâ, in vice Dominii veftri, fignum fanctæ Crucis firmaverunt, &c. The Perfons that there fub- ſcribe, are, firft the Archbishop, then the King, then 12 Biſhops, then 4 Abbots, and laſt of all 3 Dukes, and a Count. The Legat in the 10th Canon, fays, that he ſaw here Epifcopos in Conciliis fuis fecularia judicare: Which he forbids 'em to do. It's call'd in the Saxon Chron. an. 685. the Litigious Synod of Cealchythe, becaufe, as the Author believ'd, and fome others too fay, the Archbishoprick of Cant. was in that Synod divided into two Archbisho- pricks. There is extant a (a) Charter pretended to be (4) Monaft. Tom. I. p. 177. 'granted A Hiſtory of Convacations. 43 granted by King Offa to the Monks of S. Albans An. 793. cum omni confenfu SYNODALI-in loco cele- bri qui dicitur Celchyth: Subfcribed by nine Kings be- fides Offa himſelf and his Son; 2 Archbishops, 13 Bishops, and 10 Dukes. I doubt not but the Forger of it, meant the Synod now mention'd. The Au- thor of the Life of S. Alban feems to intimate, that King Offa call'd a Council at Verulam on purpoſe to confirm the Charter. Congregato apud Verulamium Epifcoporum & Optimatum fuorum Concilio. But there is another (a) Charter pretended to be granted to the fame Monaftery by King Offa two years after, in loco qui dicitur Beranford, in which he grants 'em an Exemption,confentientibus Epifcopis meis,& Abbatibus, Ducibus, ac Principibus. Subfcribed by Him, and his Son, the Archbishop, 3 Biſhops, 4 Abbots, a Patri- cius, a Prince, II Dukes. An. 787, (or 788.) was a Synod at Fincenhale or Finchale, in the Bishoprick of Durham, præfiden- te Archiepifcopo, cum fuis fuffraganeis Epiſcopis, & mul- tis aliis, fays Westminster. The Chronicle of Mailros calls the place Pincabale, and places the Synod to the year 787. So does Simeon Dunelmenfis, and he calls the place Pincabala. The Saxon Chronicle places it to the year 788. IV. Non. Septemb. and calls the place Pincanhcale. The next year was another Synod at Acle, in the fame Biſhoprick of Durham; But what was done in either is unknown. The Saxon Chronicle places it to the year 789. others to 788. An. 793. A Provincial Council at Verulam under Humbert, Archbishop of Lichfeild, or of the Mercians: For at that time England was divided into 3 Archbishopricks. Rex Offa (fiys my (b)Author) ibidem provinciale tenuit Concilium, cum Archiepifcopo Humber- (a) Ibid. p. 178. (b) Ap. Spelman. tos 44 A Hiftory of Convocations. to, fuis fuffraganeis, & Primatibus fuis univerfis: Ut tractet diligenter & efficaciter de conventu Monachorum in loco illo congregando, atque Cenobio conftruendo, & magnifice & regaliter privilegiando, ubi Protomartyris regni fui, imo totius Britanniæ vel Angliæ, reliquias invenit, & quem locum fuo fanguine confecravit. By Primatibus he means Principibus, as the word is often ufed. An. 798, or 7,99. a Synod at Phincahnhal ( or Pin- canbale, Fincenhale, or Finchale) in the Bishoprick of Durham! Præfidente Eanbaldo Archiepifcopo, aliif- que quamplurimis principalibus, & Ecclefiafticis viris, fays Hoveden. They treated in it de utilitate fanctæ Dei Ecclefie, gentifque Northanbimbrorum, omniumque provinciarum, & de obfervatione Pafchalis fefti, &c. Simeon Dunelmenfis: Eodem an. (798.) qui eft annus 3 Cenwifi R. Synodo congregata in loco qui appellatur Pin- canhalth præfidente Eanbaldo Archiepifcopo aliifque quam- plurimis principalibus & Ecclefiafticis viris, &c. This is likewife mention'd, as diftinct from the other, by the Chronicle of Mailros, which agrees with Du- nelmenfis in the year, but calls the place Pinkenhalthe. I fufpect it to be the fame with that above men- tion'd, though the Chronicle of Mailros mentions 'em both as diftinct, placing this to the year 798. and calling the place Pinkenbalbe. An. 798. A Council at Becanceld; præfidente Ce- nulfo Rege, necnon reverendif. Archiepifcopo Athelardo, cum Epifcopis, Abbatibus, & multis aliis idoneis perfo- nis. Tunc idem ven. pater & Primas totius Britannie Athelardus, fic exorfus eft. Ego Athelardus Dei gr. bumilis fanita Dorobernenfis Ecclefia Archiepifcopus, unanimo confilio totius fanctæ fynedi in nomine Dei omni- potentis, & per ejus tremendum judicium præcipio, ficut ego mandatum a Domino Apoftolico Leone Fapâ recepi, ut ex hoc tempore nunquam temerario aufu fuper hæredi- tatem Domini, i. e. Ecclefias, Laici præfumant fecula res. A Hiftory of Convocations. 45 1 res.Hæc funt nomina Sanctorum Epifcoporum, & Abbatum, qui cum totius fanctæ Synodi confenfu, pro confirmatione prædi&tæ rei fignum fanctæ Crucis fubfcrip- ferunt. Firft fubfcribe the Archbishop and 14 Bi- fhops, then an Abbot, after him 3 Biſhops more, then another Abbot, and laſt of all an Archdea- con. The Saxon Chron. places it ad An. 696. where it fays thus of it: Æthelardus Archiep. de Cantwerberi indixit Synodum, ac ſtabilivit & confirmavit, mandato P. Leonis, omnia Dei Ecclefias fpectantia, quæ fuerant conftituta Whitgari diebus, & fic dixit: Ego Athelar- lardus, &c. cum unanimi confenfu totius Synodi, & to- tius congregationis omnium Monasteriorum, &c. It men- tions 12 Bifhops, and 23 Abbots fubfcribers, no Arch- deacon. Ego Athelardus Archiep. cum 12 Epifcopis, & cum 23 Abbatibus, hoc ipfum cum figno Crucis Chrifti confirmo atque ftabilio. Circa An. 8oo. A Provincial Council at Cloveshoe, chiefly concerning the Eftates of the Church. Reg- nante in perpetuum Deo & Domino noftro Jefu Chrifto; Ego Athellardus larga omnipotentis gratia Dei annuente Dorobernenfis Ecclefie Metropolitanus, cum præftantiffimo Rege noftro Cenulfo, convocans univerfos provinciales Epifcopos nostros, Duces, & Abbates, & cujufcunque, dignitatis viròs ad Synodale concilium in locum qui vo- catur Cloveho. Ibi follicito ab eis fcrutinio quæfivi- mus qualiter apud eos fides Catholica haberetur, &c. The Archbishop there mentious another Synod held in the fame place a little before, concerning the fame matters. Secundo anno regni Cenulfi ( i. e. 798.) facta eft Synodus apud Clovefho: At ego Athel- lardus g. d. Dorobernenfis Arch. & Cuba Primicerius mecum, & multi alii ex ild Ecclefia Chrifti fapicntes, libellos prafati Canobii Cotham, in Concilium detu- Tunc autem placuit mihi Athellardo d. g. Archifacerdoti, & Cynedrithe Abbatiffe que codem limus. tempore 7 46 A Hiftory of Convocations. tempore fæpedicto Canobio prefuit, ac Senioribus ex utraq; parte Cantii, fcil. a Bedeford ad hoc ibidem con- gregatis, &c. Charters granted, or pretended to be granted in the 8th Gent befides thofe already men- tion'd.) BY Y Withred King of Kent, which is faid to be the firft that was ever granted in Writing, and to have been laid up by the Kings Command in the Archives of Cant. as an Exemplar to be follow'd by all fuch as thought fit to endow any Church. > Two Charters (a) I have feen attributed to King Withred; one granted to the Abbeſs Eabba in which are thefe words: Ad cujus cumulum & affir- mationis cefpitem hujus fupradi&tæ terræ fuper fanctum altare pofui, & propriâ manu pro ignorantiâ literarum fignum fanctæ Crucis in hac cartulâ expreſſi, fed & Ky- nygytha id ipfum fecit, Principefque meos, ut pari modo propriis manibus faverent rogavi, &c. Another, whereby he declares all the Churches within his Dominion free from all Taxes, cum con- fenfu Principum meorum. The Subſcriptions thus: Ad cujus cumulum firmitatis, manu propriâ fignum Santa Crucis expreſſi: Et tam reverentiffimum Bryth- waldum Archiepifcopum, atque Semundum fanctiffimum Epifcopum, quam etiam venerabiles PRESBYTEROS & religiofos Abbates præfentibus etiam clariffimis AB- BATISSIS, hoc eft, Hermehildâ, Irninberga, & Atabâ reverenda, ut fubfcriberent rogavi. Actum die 6 Apr. regni noftri 8. Indic. 12. in loco qui appellatur Cil- (a) mp. Spelman, p. 192, 198, ling, A Hiftory of Convocations. 47 ling, &c. Fo. Tinmuthenfis (a) fays the King did this in generali Concilio fuo. By King Ina, to the Abby of Glattingaburghe (Glaftenbury) An.702. Sign'd by the King, Archbiſhop Beorthwald, and Bifhop Hedda, fub teftimonio multorum. To the fame Monks (b) of ladingay, An. 704. decreto & confilio prafulis noftri Aldelmi, fimulq; cuncto- rum Dei facerdotum fuggeftione, & Monachorum petiti- one.-Pro ampliori firmitatis teftamento, Principes, & Senatores, Judices, & Patricios fubfcribere fecimus. A&tum publice & confirmatum in ligneâ bafilicâ. Ifind the fame in Malmesbury, De antig. Glafton: Ecclefiæ, and agen in lib. 5. de Pont. in which laft place in- ftead of in lignea bafilicâ, it is, in loco qui appellatur Cburleagh (Everly in Wiltſhire. ) Agen to the Abby of Glaftingaburghe, (c) An. 705. Sign'd only by the King and Archbishop. Agen to the fame, (d) by the Name of Glafteie An. 725. cum confilio Sexburga Reginæ & licentia Be- orthwaldi Dorobern. Ecclefie Pont. & omnium fuf- fraganeorum fuorum, necnon etiam hortatu Baldre- di Athelardi Subregulorum confentientibus eti- am omnibus Britannie Regibus, Archiepifcopis, Epifco- pis, Ducibus, atq; Abbatibus. Subfcribed by the K. the Queen, King Baldred, the Queens Brother, the Archbishop, 2 Bishops, 2 Præfects, an Earl, cum præfentiâ POPULATIONIS. But thofe words are not in Malmesbury. It pretends to confirm their ex- emption from the Bishops Jurifdiction. Neither do the years of our Lord, and the Indiction agree. Agen to the fame, (e) by the name of Glaftin- buri An. 725. cum confcientiâ ac confenfu venerandi Pontificis Fortheres-prefentium teftium infra fubjectis annotationibus, &c. (a) Vita S. Bregwini Archiep. (c) Ibid. Tom. 2. p. 838. (d) Ibid. Malmesb. de antiq. Glafton. Eccl. (b) Ibid. Tom. 1. p. 12° Tom. 1. p. 14 & apud (e) Tom. 2. p. 840. Ano- ་ 48 A History of Convocations. 1 Another Spurious Charter of the fame King Ina, to the fame Abby, bears date 663. fubfcribed by Biſhop Hiddi, K. Ealdred, K. Athelbald, and Biſhop Herewald. : By Cenulf King of the Mercians (a), to the fame Abby An. 707. confirmatione Epifcoporum ejus & Prin- cipum : Subfcribed by the King, the two Archbishops, 9 Biſhops, 13 Abbots, 6 Princes. By Aldulf (b) Duke of the South-Saxons to Biſhop Wethun An. 711. cum conceffu & licentia Offæ Regis Anglorum in monte qui vocatur iohthandcune cun- Etis aftipulantibus & confirmantibus. By Numa King of the South-Saxons (c), to the Monks of Seleſey An. 714. coram reverendiffimo Col- lan, necnon & Abbatibus Comitibufq; meis congregatis. Subfcrib'd by King Athelstan and Queen Edelred. To the Monks of Selefey (d), An. 775. Subſcribed by the King, the Bishop, then by Ina, and two o- ther Kings. By Ethelbald (e) King of the Mercians, to the Abby of Croyland, An. 716. Signed by the King, the Archbishop, 4 Bifhops, 2 Abbots, 3 Lords, and I Presbyter. But he intimates, that he was call'd in only on that occafion to be a Wit- neſs: Ego Ingulphus Presbyter & humilis miniſter voca- tus audivi. To one Cyniberht, An. 730. Subfcribed by the King, 2 Biſhops, one that ftiles himſelf Sub- regulus atq; Comes Regis, an Abbot, a Duke the King's Brother, an Earl, 7 others whofe Titles are not exprefs'd. Publish'd by Mr. Selden (f) out of the Original. +Ibid. (a) Ap. Malmefb.antiq. Glafton. Eccl. (b) Ibid. Tom. 3. p. 17 (c) Ibid. p. 116. (d) Ibid. p. 117. Ibid. p. 116. the fame King Numa fubfcribes to a Charter dated 692. (e) Ap. Ingulphum. (f) Titles of Hon. p. 606. To A History of Convocations. 49 To the Monaftery (a) of Sture, Arm 736. Sub- fcribed by the King, two Bishops, a Subregulus atq; Comes Regis, an Abbot, a Duke the King's Brother, 8 others, of whom one an Earl. By Lulla (b) to the Abby of Glaftingaburgh, An. 744. Subfcribed by King Ethelbald, a Bifhop, and 5 others. By Cutbred King of the Gewifi or West-Saxons (c), to the fame, Anno 744. ſubſcribed by the King, a Biſhop, & aliis multis Nobilibus. To the Monaftery (d) of Malmesbury an. 745: cum confenfu atq; fcientia eximii Prafulis Danielis Op- timatumq; meorum & Dignitatum. By Kinewlf (e), K. of the Weft-Saxons, to the fame Monaftery an. 758. cum confenfu Principum meo- rum. 1 To the Church of Wells, (f) an. 796. cum con- Subfcri- fenfu Epifcoporum atq; Satraparum meorum. bed by the K. and 2 Biſhops only. By Sigered, or Sigiraed, K. of Kent, to the Monks of Rochester (g), an. 762. Subfcribed by K. Sigi- raed, and by Eadberht K. of Kent, the Archbishop an Abbot, and 8 others. To the fame (b) : Subſcribed by the K. the Arch- biſhop, 3 Abbots, a Presbyter, an Earl and Prefect, and 4 others. By Eadberht K. of Kent (i), to the fame: Sub- fcribed by the K. and 7 others; who all, and the K. himſelf fay, that they made their Comites too to fubfcribe. (a) Monaft. Tom. I. p. 121. (b) Ibid. Tom. 2. p. 844- (c) Ap. Malmef. de Antiq. Glafton. Eccl. (d) Malmessb. 1. 5. de Pont. (e) Ibid. (f) Monaft. Tom. I. p. 186. (g) Ibid. P. 28. (b) Ibid. p. 29. (i) Ibid. p. 27. E By 50 A History of Convocations. + By Offa K. of the Mercians (a) to the fame, an. 764. cum confenfu & licentiâ Archiepifcopi noftri Bre- gouvini atq, Headberhti R. Cantia & Principum no- ftrorum. Subfcribed by the K. the Archbishop, K. Hearberbt, one Abbot, 13 others. To the Monks of Croyland (b) an. 793. Subfcri- bed by the K. the Archbishop, 3 Bifhops, an Abbot, an Abbeffe, an Earl, and the King's Presbyter. To the Church of Worcester (c) an. 780. Sign'd by the K. the Queen, the Archbishop, 3 Bishops, a Prince, a Duke, then another Prince, and a Duke. To the fame (d), the fame Year at Baganfod : Subfcribed in the fame manner. To the Monks of Westbury (e), cum confenfu & confiliis Pontificum & Senatorum meorum. Subſcribed by the K, the Archbishop, 2 Biſhops, a Patricius, 4 Abbots, a Prince, 7 Dukes. ** By K. Edmund to the Church of Selefey (f) an. 770. Subſcribed by the K. the Archbishop, 3 Bi- fhops, and 5 or 6 Dukes. Another of his (g) to the fame Church bears date 662. By Oflac (b) Duke of the South-Saxons, to the fame Church an. 780. Subfcribed by him, the Bifhop, one other, and then by omnis Dignitas, laft of all by K. Offa. By Duke Bertoald (i) to the Monaftery of St. Dennis in France, an. 792. (quo cæpit Offa Rex regna- re :) Subſcribed by him, his Brother, 2 Earls, 4 others, the Chancellor, and a Monk. By Egferthe (k) K. of the Mercians, to the Monks of Malmesbury, an. 796. cum concilio Epifcoporum ac Principum meorum. (a) Ibid. p. 28. (b) Ap. Ingulph. p. 122 (d) Ibid. (e) Ibid. p. 126. 117. (g) Ibid. (b) Ibid p. 116. () Malmesb. 1. 5. de Pont. (c) Monaft. Tom. I. (f) Ibid. Tom. 3. p. (1) Ibid. Tom. 2. 965. By A History of Convocations. 5 £ By the the Virgin Nothgide (a) to the Monks of Seleſey, fign'd by K. Offa and 2 other Kings, 2 Bi- fhops, and 2 Dukes, in villa que dicitur Deaníton. By Ethelbert (b) King of the South-Saxons: Subfcri- bed by the K. a Bifhop, 2 others, and then by K. Offa, and the Queen. The Synods and Councils of the Ninth Century. THE HE Epiftle which Kenelphus K. of Mercia fent Pope Leo III. about the Year 801. for the a-. bolishing the new Archbishoprick of Litchfield, which K. Offa and P. Hadrian had erected, runs not on- ly in the King's Name, but cum Epifcopis, Ducibus, omni fub noftrâ ditione dignitatis gradu. من In the Year 803. the Honour of the See of Can- terbury, and the Liberties of the Church, were con- firmed by the Autority of a Council call'd at Cloveho, cui præfidebat Athelardus Archiep. cum 12 Epifcopis Ego autem Athellardus Archiep. cum 12 Epifcopis ex præcepto Domini Apoftolici Leonis P. unanimo confilio totius Janctæ Synodi præcipimus in nom. Dei omnip: & omnium Sanctorum illius, & per ejus. tremendum judicium ut nunquam Reges, neq; Epifcopi, neq; Principes, nec ullus tyrannica potestatis homines, ho- norem Metropolitana fedis minuere, vel in aliquantulâ particula dividere præfumpferint, &c. Hæc funt nomina Epifcoporum, Abbatum, & PRÆS- BYTERORUM & DIACONORUM, qui cum totius Sanctæ Synodi confenfu pro confirmatione prædicta rei, fig (a) Monaft. Tom. 3. p. 116. (b) Ibid. Tom. 3. p. 1233 E 2 122; 71772 C. A A Hiftory of Convocations. 52 num fanctæ Crucis Chrifti fubfcripferunt, &c. Befides the Archbishop and his 12 Bifhops, there fubfcribe 19 Abbots, 6 that ftyle themſelves Presbyter-Abbots, 38 Presbyters at leaſt, 1 Archdeacon, and 2 Dea- cone. There is another Synod of Cloveho (or rather the fame) mention'd in the (a) Charter of Ethel- ric to the Church of Worcester, and faid to be held an. 804. An. ab Incarn. Chr. 804. Indict. 12. Ego Ethelric filius Æthelmundi, cum confcientia Synodali invitatus ad Synodum & in judicio ftare in loco qui dici- tur Clofeshow, cum libris & ruris, id eft, aet WeUs minute, quod prius propinqui mei tradiderunt mihi & donaverunt, ubi Ethelhardus Archiep. mihi regebat atq; judicaverat, cum teftimonio Coenwulfi R. & optimati- bus ejus coram omni Synodo. The Charter is fign'd by the K. the Archbishop, 5 Bifhops, 8 Dukes. K. Kenulph in his Charter (b) by which he found- ed the Monaftery of Winchelcomb, mentions 3 Mer- cian Synods call'd in his time, befides that in which his Charter is pretended to be made, which was an. 811. Indict. 4. Complacuit autem mihi Kenulpho, ut ad confecrationem antenominate Ecclefiæ univerfos ac- cerfißem Merciorum optimates, Epifcopos, Principes, PRO- CURATORES, meofq; propinquos, necnon Cuthredum regem Cantuariorum, atq; Siredum R. Orientalium Saxonum, cum omnibus qui teftes noftris Synodali- bus Conciliabulis aderunt. pro confirmatione meæ hæ- reditatis, quam Dominus Leo Papa primus affirmabat cum fuo privilegio, & poftea Pafchalis fummus Pontifex, præceptis fuæ autoritatis & univerfis Merciorum Optima- tibus, in tribus Synodis, unanimo confilio, &c. Hoc ego Kenulphus R. & omnes qui in noftris Synoda- libus Conciliis teftes atq; confcii hujus rei præfentati fuif- fent, dijudicavimus, atq; unanimo confenfu conftitui- (4) Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 127. (b) Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 185, mus, ་ ་ ན A History of Convocations. mus, &c. quafi in noftris tribus Synodis firmiter decrevimus. The Charter is figned by K. Kenulph, and 2 other Kings, the Archbishop, 12 Bishops, 11 Dukes. By PROCURATORES may feem to be meant the Kepzesentatives of the Commons. But in reality thofe Procuratores were certain Officers under the King. So among the Subſcribers of one of Edward the Confeffor's Charters (a) there is Re- gie Procurator aulæ. And in another (b) I find thefe Words: Nullus fuccedentium Regum, Epifcopo- rum, Principum, Comitum, Vicecomitum, PROCURATO- RỤM feu aliorum Regum Clientium exigat, &c. An. 816. 6. Kal. Aug a Synod was held at Ce- lichyth, in which divers Canons were made præ- fidente Wulfrido Archiep. (as the Acts fay) cæterifq; adfedentibus Auftralium Anglorum Epifcopis. Porro Cœnulfi R. Merciorum an. 20. qui tunc tempore præ- fens adfuit cum fuis Principibus, Ducibus, & Opti- matibus, dum undiq; facri Ordines, Præfules, cum Abbatibus, PRÆSBYTERIS, DIACONIBUS, pariter tractantes de neceffariis & utilitatibus Ecclefiarum. The Canons run in the Name of the Bishops only, as appears from thefe Words in the roth Decimo ju- betur, & hoc firmiter ftatuimus adfervandum, tam in noftris diebus, quamq; etiam futuris temporibus, omni- bus fuccefforibus noftris, qui poft nos illis fedibus ordi- nentur quibus nos ordinati fumus. And the De- crees of former Synods are call'd the Judgments of BISHOPS, tho' Kings themſelves fubfcribed: As Can. 6. Sexto fancitum: Ut non fringantur judicia E- pifcoporum, quæ à nobis noftrifq; prædecefforibus Sy- nodali decreto conftituta funt, fed firma & irrefragabilia ita permaneant: feu etiam de omni re quacunq; cum (4) Monafticon, Tom. 2. p. 13. (6) Ibid. Tom. Iẹ P. 237. E 3 vexillo 53 ? 54 A History of Convocations. vexillo fanctæ Crucis Chrifti roborata eft, fic ftare ferva- req; præcipimus, nifi forfan Rex vel Princeps, antecef- Jorum fuorum manuum impofitiones pro nihilo ducant. In the 9th Canon it is provided, That every Biſhop fhould have a Copy of the Decrees of former Sy- nods, with an account by what Archbishop and Bi- Shops they were held (meaning fuch Decrees as re- Jated to Church-Lands.) Nono fanximus in illâ præ- fata Synodo, ut unufquifq; Epifcoporum debeat defcribere judicium illud quod in qualicunq; Synodo constitutum eft, vel ad illius parochiam pertineat. Seu etiam conftitui- mus, ut cum ratione & ordine defcribat qualis annus Domini computatur, aut à quali Archiepifcopo, & aliis adfedentibus Epifcopis investigatum & confirmatum fit il- lud judicium. I take this Synod of Celichyth, or Celchyth, to be the fame with that of Celchide, mention'd in an ancient Regiſter of the Church of Chichester (a), tho' that be faid to be held an. 801. Anno Dom. Incarn. 801. regni vero Cœnulfi R. Merciorum an. 5. orta eft aliqua diffenfio inter Conulfum & Wethu- num Epifcopum Auftralium Saxonum de terrâ illius præ- dicti Epifcopi id eft in Denton.-Et hoc coram omni Sy- nodo at Celchide afcribere demandavit (Rex.) The Decree of that Synod is there faid to be fign'd by the King a Biſhop, then by the Archbishop, and 5 or 6 other Bishops. An. 822. was held a Council at Clovesho for the determining a difference (among other things) touching the Archbishops Lands, præfidente buic ve- nerabili Concilio Beornulfo R. Merciorum, & Wulfre- do Archiepifcopo, ceterifq; Epifcopis, & Abbatibus om- niumq; dignitatum Optimatibus, Ecclefiafticarum fcil. & fecularium perfonarum; utilitatem & neceffi- (u) Monaft. Tom. 3. p. 118, tatem A History of Convocations. 55% tatem Ecclefiarum, Monafterialifq; vitæ regulam & ob- fervantiam, ftabilitatem quoq; regni pertractantes (ti- bus.) This Synod is mention'd too in the Saxen Chron. In the Acts of that Synod there is mention made of 2 other Councils held a little before, in which the fame Matters were confidered. In the ancient Regiſter of the Church of Wor- cester, which is extant in the Cottonian Library, there is an account (a) of another Synod of Clove- fho, held an. 824. in which, among many other things was decided a Controverfie between Hearberht Biſhop of that See, and the Monks of Westbury concerning an Eſtate. An. 824. reg- nante Beornulfo R. Merciorum factum eft Pontificale Synodale Conciliabulum in loco qui dicitur Clovechoes, præfidente ibi Rege præfato, ac venerando viro Wulfrido Archiepifcopo illo conventu regente ac moderante. Illic omnes Epifcopi nostri, & Abbates, & univerfi Mercen- fium Principes, & multi fapientiffimi viri congregati adeffent, ubi inter alia plura colloquia aliqua contentio al- lata eft inter, &c. Statuta eft autem atq; decreta ab Archiepifcopo, & ab omni Synodo illâ confentienti, ut, &c. Et ita finita eft præfcripta illa contentio co- ram Epifcopo: poft xxx noctes illud Juramentum to Wempnure deductum eft, &c. Subfcribed by the K. the Archbishop, 10 Bishops, 4 Abbots, 9 Dukes, a Presbyter, P. Eugenius's Praco, Aldred Thelonia- rius, and 4 more. When the Oath was taken at Westminster there were prefent 5o Sacrifici, 10 Dia- coni, & ex omnibus aliis Presbyteris 160. The Names of the 50 facrifici, and the 10 Deacons are there put down. 1 In the Regiſter of the Church of Chichester there is an account (b) of another Synod held at Cloveflo (a) Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 125. (b) Monaſt, Tom. 3. p. 118. E 4 the 56 A History of Convocations. lo- the Year following, viz. 825. on occafion of the Biſhop of Suẞex's being deprived of certain Lands by K. Beornulf. The Decree, whether true or ficti- tious, runs thus: In nomine D. an. ab Incarn. Chr. 825. Indict. 3. an. 2. regni Beornulfi R. Merciorum, Synodus fuit ad Clobelham, præfidente Archiepifcopo Wlfrido, poft mortem Cœnulfi R. Merciorum,multæ difcordiæ & innumerabiles diffociantiæ extollebantur con- tra uniuscujufq; principalium perfonarum, Regum & E- pifcoporum, & paftorum Ecclefiarum Dei, erga plurima fecularia negotia, ita ut multum difpoliata fuerunt per ca diverfa Ecclefia Chrifti in rebus internis.- Tunc in præfata Synodo judicatum eft, ut ille Epifcopus (Aufſtra- lium Saxonum Coenredus) cum confenfu & unanimi Con- filio Epifcoporum & Abbatum, feu (&) Principum, in jus proprium Ecclefiæ hæreditatis, fine ullo obftaculo accipiat; fic ut ante prius at Coelchioe judicatum inter Cœ- nulfi R. & Wethuni de ejufdem terræ affumptione co- ram Archiepifcopo Eadilheardo, 3 anno Conulfi R. & licet acta funt coram omni Confilio at Clobefham, cum confenfu & licentia Regis & Principum, & Ar- chiepifcorum, &c. Subfcribed by Archbishop W- frid, 5 Bifhops, an Abbot, 3 Dukes and 3 0- thers. I cannot eafily perfwade my felf, that theſe Councils of Clovefho, which are faid to be held in 824. and 825. were diftinct from that of 822. An. 838. a Council was held at Kingston, præ- fidente Egberto R. & Filio ejus Athelnulto, Ceol- notho guoq; Archiepifcopo cum cæteris Epifcopis Anglie & Optimatibus. Among other things, it confirmed the Donation of an Eftate to the Church of Can- terbury. It is there ſaid, that the fame had been gi- ven before by K. Baldred; but that he being hated by his Princes, noluerunt donum ejus permanere ratum. A A History of Convocations. 57 2 A Council at Kingesbury, An. 851. pro regni ne- gotiis. In which, befides the great Affairs of the Kingdom, K. Bertulphs (a) Charter to the Abby of Croyland is faid to be confirm'd. The Subſcribers to the Charter are the Archbishop, 6 Biſhops, 3 Ab- bots, 2. Dukes, 3 Earls, Offlat princerna R. Ethelwulfi & legatus ipfius Domini mei, & filiorum fuorum, nomi- ne illorum & omnium Weft-Saxonum: Laft of all K. Bertulph himſelf. The Charter mentions another Council call'd a lit- tle before at Binningoon, Prælatis & Proceribus to- tius regni mei Mercia congregatis. Sir H. Spelman tells us, that the Council of Kin- gesbury is to be eſteem'd not an Epiſcopal Synod, but a Parliament, (and the fame may be faid of feveral others, particularly of that at Kingston) as well be- cauſe it was held at the Kings Court, for fo the word Kingesbury denotes, as becauſe it was held in Easter Week. For according to ancient Cuftom the Great Men were obliged to pay their attendance on the King in the 3 great Feſtivals of the year, viz. Christmas, Eafter, and Whitfuntide: As well to ho- nour his Perfon, and adorn his Court, as to con- fult about the grand Affairs of the Kingdom. At thoſe times the Kings were wont to appear with the Crown on their Heads, and with all the Enfigns of Majefty, till Henry the 2ds time; who in the year 1158. keeping his Christmas at Worcester, took his Crown off from his Head, and offer'd it at the Altar, and afterwards never wore it more. From which time the old Cuftom of wearing the Crown in thoſe Feſtivals ceas'd. He adds, That by little and little theſe Great Councils, or Parliaments began to grow out of ufe, till they were reviv'd by Edw. III. (4) Ap. Ingulph. 2 The 58 A Hiftory of Covocations. i The Solemnity of meeting together at the Kings Court in thoſe 3 Feſtivals, even before the Conquest, is mention'd by divers Authors. Feftum Dominice Re- furrectionis inftabat, & ad Regis Curiam totius Regni Nobilitas convolabat. Adunati Principes lætos dies agunt valdeq; folennes, fays Eadmer in the Life of S. Ofwald, ſpeaking of K. Edgar. Bromton fpeaking of the Confeffor's falling fick at Chriſtmas; Ad folemnitatem tanti fefti (ſays he) inter Comites & Barones fuos au- lam ingredi non valebat. The Hiftory of Rameſey: (a) Dehinc R. Edwardus in die naturalis Dominici, facto Londoniæ generali totius fere Nobilitatis Angliæ conven- tu, cum gloriâ & honore Regio coronatus eft. So Ail- red in his Life, fpeaking of the fame thing: In quo Anglorum tota Nobilitas ad Regis Curiam debuit con- venire, & Regi more fuo fceptris fimul & corona deco- rando affiftere. The fame Author mentions, that the fame was cuſtomary at Whitfuntide too; and that at thoſe times the Nobility were wont to ap- pear in Golden Veftments. Affuit Angliæ tota Nobi- litas in vestitu deaurato circundata varietate, facram diei folemnitatem & Regiam Majeftatem fimul honore. quo poterant venerantes. A certain Writer (b) who mentions a Charter of Ethelbert, the firſt Chriſtian K. among the Saxons, tells us, that even in his time the fame Cuftom ob- tain'd. For An. 605. (ſays he ) K. Ethelbert una cum beatâ Reginâ filioq; ipforum Eadbaldo, ac reveren- diffimo Præfule Auguftino cæterifq; Optimatibus terræ, folemnitatem Natalis Domini celebravit Cantuaria. And there, convocato communi Concilio tam Cleri quam Populi, 5 Idus Jan. omnium & fingulorum approbatione &confenfu, granted a Charter to S. Auguftins Mona- ttery. If we will believe the Writers of the British Antiquities, the fame Cuftom was obferv'd by the (a) C. 120. (b) Ap. Spelm. Tom. 1.p.126. Brittains A Hiftory of Convocations 59 Brittains themſelves; for fo Benedict of Glocefter in the Life of S. Dubricius tells us, That K. Arthur re- turning from his foreign Conquefts into Brittain; cum folemnitas Pentecoftes appropinquaffet, poft tantum triumphum oppido exhilaratus affectavit illico Curiam te- nere, feg; Diademate redimiri: Reges utiq; ac Duces fibi fubditos ad ipfam Festivitatem invitare, ut & illam bo- norificentius celebraret, & inter Proceres fuos pacem fir- maret. And in the Charter which K. Griffid of Wales gave Herwald Biſhop of Landaffe, 'tis ſaid that he gave it coram omni Populo fuo in die Nativita- tis. It was uſual at thoſe ſeaſons, for the King to hear and determine Controverfies between his Great Men, to difpence his Munificence to them, and to beſtow vacant Bishopricks. And hence it is, that the Writer of S. Dubricius's Life, feigns of K. Arthur; That the first 3 days of Whitfuntide were ſpent in paying their attendance on the King; then on the 4th day they that paid their Duty to the K. for the obtaining of Honours, had Poffeffions, Cities, and Castles bestowed on'em: And the Clergy who wanted Bishops, were pro- vided with 'em. An. 855. 5. Non. Novemb. was the Council of Wincheſter celebrated, in which Ethelwlph K. of the Weft-Saxons, cum confilio Epifcoporum & Principfum gave the Tythe of his Kingdom to the Church,' præ- fentibus & fubfcribentibus Archiepifcopis & Epifcopis An- glie univerfis, necnon Beorredo R. Mercia, & Edmun- do Eaftanglorum R. Abbatum, & ABBATISSA- RUM, Ducum, Comitum, Procerumque totius ter- ræ, ALIORUMQUE FIDELIUM infinitâ multi- tudine, qui omnes Regium Chirographum laudaverunt, Dignitates vero fua nomina fubfcripferunt. There are different accounts of this Matter, and very diffe- rent Grants or Charters have been forged by the Monks relating to it. In Malmesbury's 5 Book de Pontif. бо A Hiftory of Convocations. Pontif. there is a Charter concerning it, dated An. 854. not at Winchester, but in the Kings Palace call'd Wiltun in fanctâ & celeberrimâ Pafchali folemnitate; in which the K. fays that he did it, confilium falubre cum Epifcopis & Comitibus cunctifq; Optimatibus meis perficiens. And the fame I find in the (a) Monafti- con, taken out of the Regifter of Abington Abby. But in (b) Rudborne's Hiftory of Winchester, there is another quite different one, pretended to be dated An. 844. at Winchefter. Which as it agrees not with that in Malmesbury, ſo neithet with the other Ac- count. We are fallen now (as Sir H. Spelman fays) into thoſe unhappy times, when, by reafon of the Ra- vages of the Danes throughout the whole Kingdom, abiit in defuetudinem rei ipfius facræ adminiftratio pub- lica; filent leges, & per annos plurimos relegatur Concili- orum ufus & Synodorum. Among the Laws of K. Alfred, or Alured, who flouriſh'd towards the end of this Cent. and is call'd in the Hiftory of Ramefey, cap. 4. inclytus ille Alfre- dus Rex Anglicarum legum conditor; there are many purely Ecclefiaftical. They were made, as he fays, by the Advice and Confent of his most Wife Men. At- que in iftis difcernendis, Ego Aluredus Occidentalium Saxonum Rex, prudentiffimorum è noftris confilio ufus fum, atque iis omnibus placuit edici eorum obfervationem. In the ancient Verfion it is: Ego Alfredus Weftfaxonum Rex oftendi hec omnibus fapientibus meis, & dixerunt: Placet ea cuftodire. He compofed 'em, as he tells us, out of the Laws of K. Ina, Offa, and Ethelbert, re- jecting thofe which he thought lefs ufeful. (4) Tom. I. p. 100. (b) Lib. 3. C, 2. There A Hiftory of Convocations. 61 There is mention made in thofe Laws of the ancient Synods of England, with an intimation that they uſually confifted, not only of Biſhops, but al- fo of other the most famous Wile Mer. Ubi vero propagata Dei Evangelio plurima nationes atque adeo An- gli verbo Dei fidem adjunxerunt, nonnulli per orbem ter- rarum cœtus, atq; etiam in Angliâ Epifcoporum, alio- rumq; clariffimorum fapientum conver tus agebantur. In the ancient Tranflation: Et ita etiam in Anglorum gente, poftquam ad Chriftianitatem pervenit, ſancti Epiſ- copi, & fapientes LAICI ftatuerunt, &c. Thoſe Laws are alfo partly Ecclefiaftical, which were agreed upon by K. Alfred and Guthurn (or Godrun) K. of the Danes, when they enter'd into a League with one another. See Bromton's Chronicle, Col. 830. In the Saxon Edition, p. 36. they are ve- ry imperfect, and the Ecclefiaftical Laws are want- ing there, as in Bromton's Edition ſome of the Civil Laws are. But from the Preface in the Saxon Edi- tion it appears, that they were made ex fapientum Anglorum, atq; eorum omnium qui Orientalem incolebant Angliam confulto. K. Alfred is faid by fome, to have Tranſlated out of Latin into English, the ancient Laws of the Brittains. And thefe, fay they, being fo Tranfla- ted, are call'd K. Alfreds Laws. Leges Britonum R. Alveredus tranftulit in Anglicum. Que tunc dicebantur leges R. Alvredi, fay the Annals (a) of the Church of Winchester. But there is no truth in this. Wal- lingford tells us, that to the ancient Brittish Laws, and to others made by his Predeceffors, he added fome of his own: Que adeo æquitatis munimine fulci- untur, ut à nemine redargui poffint. In quo ejus facto colligi poteft, quam devotus ad monita S. Neoti vixerit, & juftitiæ tramitem fit fecutus. (a) Ap. Monaft. Tom. I. p. 32. His 62 A Hiftory of Convocations. His Laws are much commended by Ethelred Ab- bot of Rivaux, in his Genealogy of the Kings of England: Leges Chriftianiffimas & Scripfit & promul- gavit, in quibus fides ejus & devotio in Deum, follicitu- do in fubditos, mifericordia in pauperes, juftitia circa om- nes cunctis legentibus patet. In this Interval of Time, when in England there was no Synod held for fo many years together, there were feveral held in Wales, under the Bishops of Landaffe. K. Teudur and K. Elgiſt and K. Brechemanc ha- ving made a League in the preſence of Bishop Gur- nan and his Clergy, and Teudur afterwards having treacherouſly murder'd Elgift, the Bifhop together with the Clergy Excommunicated him, and forced him to undergoe a Pennance. The fame was done by Biſhop Berthguin, and his Synod to K. Clotri, for killing King Jugval- laun. And to K. Gurcan for living incestuouſly with his Stepmother. By Bifhop Cerenbir, to K. Houel, for killing K. Gallcus And to K. Ili, for killing K. Camauc. Biſhop Gul- frid call'd a Synod of his Clergy, to put a ftop to the devaftations made by Loumarch, the Son of Cat- guocan; who hearing of their meeting, immediate- ly fubmitted himſelf to their Sentence. Inito con- filio cum Synodo, & cum quibufdam parochiæ optimis vi- ris laicalis ordinis, condonavit ei Epifcopus, &c. Biſhop Civeilliauc (the 22d of Landaffe) being in- jured by Brochuail the Son of Mouric, call'd toge- ther all his Clergy, ufque ad inferiores gradus, defign- ing to Excommunicate him, which was prevented by his Submiffion. Thefe A Hiftory of Convocations. 63 Theſe Synods of Landaffe, together with thoſe above mention'd, circa An. 560. Sir H. Spelman gives an account of out of a MS. Volume of the Church of Landaffe, which is now extant in the Bodleian Library among Mr. Selden's MSS. But in that Vo- lume, of which a great part, (all that relates to the Lands of that Church) has been fince publish'd by Sir W. Dugdale in the 3d Vol. of his Monafticon; I find a Synod held under the laft mention'd Bi- fhop Civeilliauc, which is not mention'd by Spel- man, which determin'd a Controverfie between the Biſhop and K. Brochvail. Poft hæc facta eft contentio de Ecclefiâ illâ, & ejus territorio, inter Brochvail & E- pifcopum Civeilliauc, congregatis omnibus Clericis, &u omnibus Sapientibus, qui erant a Tivi ufque Guy, ut ju- dicarent inter Epifcopum & Brochvail: Et vero judicio Clericorum totius Synodi, (forte, & totius Synodi ) Ec- clefia prædicta, cum tota tellure dirationata Epifcopo Ci- veilliauc & Ecclefiæ Landaviæ in perpetuo. What credit may be given to the account which that Volume gives us, of fo many Princes Excom- municated by the Bishops of Landaffe, I fhall not pretend to determine: But this we are fure enough of, That the Circumftances of thofe Excommuni- cations are falfe. For it tells us, that even in the Synods of Oudoceus, which were about the year 560. the fentence of Excommunication was pronounced, by laying down their Croffes on the ground, &re cymbalis verfis; when (as the Learned Spelman has very well obferv'd) neither the ufe of Croffes nor of Bells, were at that time known in England. But the Author therefore expreffes it fo, becauſe in his time, which was the 12th Century, or afterwards, Excommunications were perform'd with thofe Ce- remonies. And the very ancient Charters (a) which (a) See Monafticon Tom. 3. p. 188, &c. are 64 A History of Convocations. are extant in the fame Volume, are without doubt fictitious. About the middle of this Cent. were made thofe Laws in Scotland, which they call the Laws of K. Keneth, partly Civil, and partly Ecclefiaftical. Charters of the 9th. Cen. (befides Some few already mention'd) granted, or pretended to be granted. Y Edbert (a) K. of the Weft-Saxons to one Ead- gils, An. 801. fign'd by 2 Biſhops, one that ftyles himself Minifter, a Præfect, an Abbot, 2 Pre- fects more. By Kenulph K. of Mercia to (b) the Abby of Croyland An. 806. Subſcribed by the K. the Arch- biſhop, 2 Biſhops, 1 Abbot, Cuthred K. of Kent, K. Kenulph's Brother, Algarus Minifter, and by K. Ke- nulphus Presbyter. By the Title Minifter, which oc- curs here, and in other Charters very often, is meant a Lord or Thane. They are fometimes call'd Miniftri Regis. Bede 111. 3. tells us, that K. Ofwald interpreted St. Aidans words, who preach'd the Goſpel to him, fuis Ducibus ac MINISTRIS: Where the Saxon Tranflation has; to his Aldermen and Thanes. It fignifies not only a Lord or Great Man attendant on the K. but a great man at large, as ap- pears by a Saxon Charter granted by K. Edward the Confeffor. Edwardus R. falutem dicit Hermanno E- pifcopo, Haroldo Comiti, & omnibus fuis agri Dorfeten- fis MINISTRIS. (a) Ap. Monaft. Tom. I. p. 279. (b) Monaft. Tom. 2. p. 843. find A History of Convocations. 65 By Count Algar to the fame Abby, dated at Lei- cefter, An. 810. confirm'd by K Kenulph, the Arch- bishop, the Biſhop of Leicester, the Kings Brother, and Count Algar's Son. By K. Kenulph to the Monks (a) of Abbenòun An, 821. fubfcribed by the K. the Queen, the Kings Son, 4 Bifhops, a Primicerius, a Notary, &c. It grants an Exemption. By Wiglaf or Withlaf K. of the Mercians, Tribu- tary to K. Egbert, to the Monaft. of Heanbirig or Heanburg, An. 833. cum meis Epifcopis, Ducibus, & Magiftratibus, Sign'd by the K. the Queen, the Arch- biſhop 11 Biſhops, 3 Abbots, 11 Dukes, 11 0- thers. > Tothe Abby of (b) Croyland, An. 833. in a great Council conven'd at London, to confider of Ways and Means to oppoſe the Danish Pirates. In præ- fentia Dominorum meorum Egberti R. Weftfaxoniæ, & Ethelwulphi filii ejus coram Pontificibus ejus & Proce- ribus majoribus totius Anglia in Civitate Londonia, ubi omnes congregati fumus pro confilio capiendo contra Dani- cos Piratas litora Anglie affidue infeftantes. Sign'd in this Order, viz. by the 2 Archbishops, 9 Bifhops, 3 Abbots, Egbert K. of the Weft-Saxons, his Son, 3 Dukes, K. Egberts Presbyter, K. Withlaf's Secre- tary, and laſt of all by Withlaf himſelf. By Berhtulf K. of the Mercians (c) to the Monks of Breodune, dated An. g41. in die Natalis D. in ce (a) Ap. Ingulphum. (b) Monaft. Tom. I. p. 101. (c) Ibide P. 123. (d) Ap. Ingalpham. (e) Monaft. Tom. I. p. 123. lebri 66 A Hiftory of Convocations. lebri vico on Tomeworthie. Sign'd by the K. the Queen, 5 Bifhops, 3 Abbots. By K. Athelstan (in Saxon) (a) to the Abby of Middleton, An. 843. in villa regali quæ dicitur Dozaceftria 2 die Pafcha Domini. Subſcribed by the Archbishop, 8 Bifhops, a Princeps, and 2 Mi- niftri. By Beorred K. of the Mercians, (b) to the Abby of Croyland, An. 868. apud nothingham coram fratribus, & amicis & omni populo meo in obfidione Pa- ganorum congregatis. Sign'd by the K. the Archbifh- op, 5 Biſhops, 3 Abbots, Ethelred K. of the Weft- Saxons, his Brother, Edmund K. of the Eftangles, 2 Dukes, 12 Earls. By K. Alfred (c) to the Monaftery of Atheling, or Ethelney, or Aedlingaeg, An. 878. Sign'd by the K. a Biſhop, &c. The Synods and Councils of the Tenth Century. IN N the Year 905. P. Formofus is faid to have threatned to excommunicate K. Edward the El- der, Son to K. Alfred, and all his Subjects, for keeping feveral Bishopricks void, and his Legat coming into England, congregavit Réx Synodum Sena- torum gentis Anglorum, cui præfidebat Pleimundus Archiepifcopus Cant. The Story is told by Malmesbu- ry. And in the Britiſh Antiquities (d) it is faid, That Archbishop Plegmund, unà cum Rege Concilium mag- num Epifcoporum, Abbatum, Fidelium, Procerum, & PO- (a) Ibid. 195. (b) Ap. Ingulph. (c) Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 203. (d) Plegmundi Vitâ p. 75. PULO- A Hiftory of Convocations. 67 PULORUM in provinciâ Gewiforum 1. in illa parte An- gliæ, quæ in plaga auftrali fita eft fluminis Thamefis, con- vocavit. Another Author (a) fays: Congregavit Edwardus R. Synodum Senatorum gentis Anglorum, in quâ præfidebat Plegemundus Archiepifcopus. But I take the whole Matter to be a meer Fiction from the beginning to the end. For P. Formofus died before the Year 905. and before K. Edward's Reign. Malmesbury in his 5 Book De Pontificibus, makes mention of an Eſtate belonging to the Abby of Malmesbury, exchanged for another, Edwardo Anglo Saxonum glorififfimo Rege confentiente, necnon & ejus Optimatibus, qui ei in præfentiâ tunc aderant fa- milià Deo fervientium, in loco nuncupato antiquo vocabu- lo Maildubery, in Ecclefiâ fanéti Salvatoris. This Council is by Sir H. Spelman omitted: as many o- thers are, which I do not mention to be fo. The Laws made by K. Alfred and K. Guthurn (or Godrun) when they entred into a League; were confirm'd by K. Edward the Elder (K. Alfred's Son) and the fame K. Guthurn, when they renewed the League. The Preface this (b): Hæc ea funt Senatus confulta ac inftituta, que primo Alvredus & Guthru- nus reges deinde Edoardus & Guthrunus Reges-tulere quæq; poftea à fapientibus recitata fæpius, atq; ad communem regni utilitatem, aucta atq; amplificata funt. The other Laws of K. Edward the Elder, none of which are Ecclefiaftical, were made, at leaſt part, of 'em, in a Council held at Exeter, fapientum fuo- rum confilio, as is intimated in one of 'em. K. Edward began to reign an. 900. died 924. (a) Ap. Spelm. 387. v. Rad. de Diceto de Archiep. Cant. (b) Lambard ad calcem Bedæ p. 41. F 2 The 68 A History of Convocations. The Laws of his Succeffor K. Ethelstan, who died an. 940. or 941. were made in feveral Councils or Parliaments held at Gratele, Exeter, Feverfham, Thunderfield, London, and Thitlanbirig; but chiefly at Gratele, about the Year 928. The Laws of which Council begin thus: Ego Ethelftanus Rex prudenti Uifhelma Arckiepifcopi, aliorumq; Epifco- porum mecrum confilio. Conclude thus: Decreta actaq; funt bec omnia in celebri Gratanleano Concilio, cui Ulfhelmus interfuit Archiepifcopus, & cum eo Op- timates ac fapientes ab Ethelftano evocati frequen- tiffimi. Then follow other Laws made in a Coun- cil or Parliament at Exeter, with this Preamble: Ego Ethelftanus Rex omnibus clare fignifico, me_dili- genter caufam inquifiviſſe, quamobrem non perinde ferva- retur pax noftra, atq; ipfe cupiebam, ac Gratanleæ fanci- tum fuerat: Atq; à regni mei Sapientibus hoc tuli refpon- fum, Id nimiâ meâ patientiâ, & fcelerum impunitate ac- cidiffe. Nuper vero cum fefto natalis Domini Exoniæ Sapientibus ftipatus commorarer, &c. In the anci- ent Latin Tranflation (a), the Laws of the 3 next Councils have this Title prefixt: Hæc funt judi- cia quæ Sapientes Exoniæ confilio Adelftani R. inftitue- runt, & iterum apud Feverfham, & tertiâ vice apud Thundersfeldium, ubi hoc diffinitum fimul atq; confir- matum eft. In the Council of Feversham the K. himfelf was not perfonally prefent, but fent thither certain Wife Men, by whofe Counſel things were tranfact- ed. That not only the Bishops, Thanes, and Earls of the County of Kent were prefent in that Coun- cil, but alſo the Villani appears from the Letter of Thanks which they fent the K. inferted in the Bo- (a) Ap. Bromten Chron. Col. 848. dy A History of Convocations. 69 dy of the Laws: Kariffime, Epifcopi tui de Bent, & emnis Bentifcire, Thayni, Comites, & VILLANI tibi- gratias agunt.Et hoc incepimus quantâ diligentiâ po- tuimus confilio horum fapientum quos ad Nos mififti. De pace noftrâ quam omnis populus teneri defiderat, ficut apud Greateleyam fapientes tui pofuerunt; & ficut etiam NUNC dictum est in Concilio apud Fefretham. The Title to the Laws made in the Council of London runs thus: Hoc confultum eft quod Epifcopi & Præpofiti qui Lundonienfi Curiæ pertinent, edixerunt, & jurejuran- do confirmaverunt in fuo Fridgildo Comites & VILLANI in adjectione judiciorum que apud Greateleyam, & Exoniam inftitute funt, & iterum apud Thundref- feldam. One of the Laws of that Council of London, is in theſe Words: Quod Sapientes omnes dederunt Vadium fuum infimal Archiepifcopo apud Thundresfeldam quan- do Ealpheagus, Scyb, & Brithnodus Odonis F. ve- nerunt ad Concilium ex ore Regis, ut omnis Præpofitus vadium capiat in fuo Comitatu de pace fervanda, ficut Adelftanus (Ethelftanus) Rex apud Fefrefham, & quartâ vice apud Thundresfeldam, coram Archiepifcopo, & Epifcopis, & Sapientibus quos ipfe Rex nomina- vit; qui interfuerunt & judicia confervaverunt quæ in bec Concilio fuerunt inftituta, &c. In the next Law: Quod Adelftanus Rex præcepit Epifcopis fuis & Præpofitis omnibus in toto regno fuo, ut pacem ita cuftodiant ficut recitavit & Sapientes fui. The Council of Thitlanbirig is mention'd in the next following, which forbids putting any one to death under 15 Years of Age; in thefe Words: Rex dixit apud Thittanbirig Sapientibus fuis, & præcepit oftendi Archiepifcopo & cæteris Epifcopis, quod ei miferabile videtur, quod aliquis tam juvenis oc- cidatur, &c. F 3 The "" 40 A History of Convocations. The laft Law: De Ordalio præcipimus in nomine Dei & præcepto Archiepifcopi & omnium Epifco- porum, ne aliquis intret Ecclefiam poftquam ignis in- fertur unde judicium calefacere debet: præter Sacerdotem & eum qui ad judicium iturus eft, &c. Theſe things I have tranſcribed, not out of the Saxon Edition (in which they are not) but out of the ancient Latin Tranſlation extant in Bromton's Chronicle. In a Hiftory of the Church of Durham (a) it is faid, That K. Ethelstan Leges & confuetudines ipfius Sancti (Cuthberti, Epifcopi Lindisfarn: five Du- nelm :) quas avus ejus R. Elfredus & Guthredus R., instituerant, ipfe approbavit & inviolabili firmitate fer- vandas in perpetuum cenfuit. I A Among the Laws of Hoel Dha, King (or Prince) of Wales which were made circa an. 940. there are divers Ecclefiaftical ones. At the making of thoſe Laws, it is faid, there were prefent 140 Prelates of the Church, with all the Great Men of Wales. The Preface runs thus: Dei providentia Howel Da filius Cadell, Rex totius Cambria videns fuos Wallenfes infolen- ter legibus abuti accivit de quolibet Kemut (Centuria) totius regni fui ſex laicos viros auctoritate & fcientiâ pollentes & omnes Ecclefiafticos dignitate baculofos ; vel Archipifcop. vel Epifcopes, Abbates vel Priores de regno fuo, &c. De congregatis elegit Rex 12 Laicos doctif- fimos, & unum Clericum doctiffimum qui voca- tur Blangoridus, ad inftruend. fibi leges & ufus, &c. About 3 Years after were publish'd the Conftituti- ons of Odo Archbishop of Canterbury; which, tho' made in a Synod, yet they run in his Name only, with this Preface: In nomine S. Trinitatis & unica Divinitatis. Licet nullis exiftentibus meritis; monita (a) Ap. Monaft. Tom, 1. pia A Hiftory of Convocations. 71 piæ exhortationis, aufu temerario quempiam docere præfu- mam: tamen quia certantibus,& viz. laborantibus in fta- dio hujus vitæ, fpirituale bravium auctore donorum fpiri- tu promittitur: & paftorum curæ, populus Dei multipli- candus, fide & numero caute conceditur. Ideo ego Oda bumilis & extremus, divinâ largiente clementia, almi Prafulis & Pallii honore ditatus: quædam documenta, omni Chrifticole, ni fallor, non indigna quæ à præcedenti- bus illuftrium virorum præceptis certiffuna comperi, ad confolationem Domini mei Regis, fcil. A tmundi, omnifq; populi excellenti imperio ejus fubječti, in illâ chartulâ quo- adunare decrevi, &c. In the 2d Canon he requires the King himſelf to be obedient to the Archbishops and Biſhops. Ammonemus Regem, & Principes, & omnes qui in poteftate funt, ut cum magnâ humilitate fuis Archiepifcopis, omnibufq; aliis Epifcopis obedi- ant, &c. The Laws of K. Edmund, who began to reign 940. or 941. died 946. are many of 'em purely Ecclefiaftical. They were made partly in a Par- liamentary Council held at London in Easter time, where were preſent both the Archbishops and moft of the Bishops, with other Ecclefiafticks; and partly at Culinton. The Preface this: Edmundus Rex ipfofo- lenni Pafchatis fefto frequentem Londini tam Ecclefiaftico- rum, quam Laicorum cætum celebravit, cui interfue- runt Oda & Wulftanus Archipraful, plurimiq, alii E- pifcopi. The Preface to the 2d part: Ego Ed- mundus Rex omnibus qui in ditione ac poteftate meâ funt, fenibus ac juvenibus, clare fignifico, me à Scientiffimis regni mei in celebri tam Ecclefiafticorum quam Laico- rum frequentiá ftudiofe requifiviffe quo tandem pacto Chri- stiana proveberetur fides. Atq; nobis omnibus commodif- fimum vifum eft, &c. In the ancient Tranſlation ex- tant in Bromton's Chron. they are divided into 4 Parts, with this Title to the 2d. Part. Hac est in- F 4 ftitutio - ! } 72 A History of Covocations. ftitutio quam Edmundus Rex & Epifcopi fui, cum Sapientibus fuis inftituerunt apud Culinionam de pace & juramento faciendo. An. 948. a great Council or Parilament was held at London under K. Edred, for the great Affairs of the Kingdom. In fefto Nativitatis B. Maria (fays Ingulphus) cum univerfi Magnates Regni per Regium e- dictum fummoniti, tam Archiepifcopi & Epifcopi, ac Ab- bates quam cæteri totius Regni Proceres & Optima- tes (among them were 2 Vicecomites) Londoniis c‹n- veniffent ad tractandum de negotiis publicis totius regni. In the fame Council K. Edred granted the Abby of Croyland a Charter; of which hereafter. About this time Pater Biſhop of Landaffe cal- led a Synod of his Clergy to animadvert upon King Nougui for Sacrilege, who there fubmitted himſelf. An. 955. the fame Bishop of Landaffe called ano- ther Synod of his Priefts, Deacons, & omnium gradu- um Ecclefiafticorum, againſt the fame K. Nougui, be- caufe certain Perfons of his Family had murder'd a Deacon at the Altar. The offending Perfons are given up to the Bishop; and the Synod adjudged, that every one of 'em fhould give their Eftates and all their Subftance, together with a Sum of Money to the Church they had violated. An. 958. Archbishop Odo excommunicated K. Edwin, or Edwy, for Adultery, and Inceft, whe- ther in a Synod or no, not ſaid by thoſe that writę of it, Malmesbury, Hoveden, Florilegus. That King is faid (a) to have defpoil'd the Monasteries, by his Edict, of all things belonging (a) Osbern Vitâ S. Duſtani. { to B A Hiftory of Convocations 73 to them. Yet there are extant certain Charters pre- tended to be given by him to Monafteries. An. 958. Edgar, Brother to K. Edwin, having obtained a great part of the Kingdom, call'd a Council at Bandanford, where K. Edwin's Acts and Decrees were refcinded; what he had taken away from Churches and Monafteries was reſto- red, and Abbot Dunstan of Glastonbury, whom he had baniſhed, was recall'd. Poft paucos dies electionis fuæ (ſays Osbern (a) præcepit Edgarus Dyarcha totius regni fui Concilium Celebrari: in quo Concilo annihilatis omnibus quæ à fratre ejus iniquis fuerant legibus decreta, &c. Wallingford tells us, that he fummon'd his Baro- nes Northumbrenfes to a Council of York, and there or- dained many good things relating to the Affairs of the Kingdom: Amongst other things divided the County of Northumberland into 2 Counties. Before K. Edgar's time there were no Regulars in Monaſteries and Cathedral Churches, but Seculars or married Clergymen; excepting only the Monafteries of Glastonbury and Abington. He gave Commiffion to Dunstan Archbishop of Canterbury, Ethelwald Bishop of Winchester, and Ofwald Bifhop of Worce- fter (who for their great Zeal for the Monks are all Sainted) to turn out the married Clergy, and to put in Regulars in their places, Epifcopali cenfurâ & Regia autoritate. This was an. 964. Ofbert in the Life of Archbishop Dunstan menti- ons 3 Councils call'd in his time, and in the Reign of K. Edgar. In the first, which he fays was held by the Arch- bishop de obfervantiâ Chriſtianitatis, and which he calls generale totius regni Concilium, he tells us, a cer- (a) Dunftani vitâ, tain 74. A History of Convocations. tain Earl who had been excommunicated by him, fubmitted himſelf to him. In the 2d, which was at Winchester, and in which the Nobility of the whole Kingdom, with the King, and his QUEEN, were prefent, the Se- cular or married Clergy were turned out of the Mo- nafteries and Cathedral Churches. Clerici qui ejecti funt (ab Athelwoldo Wint. Epifcopo) citato greffu Regem adeunt, judicium atq; juftitiam fibi de expulfi- one fui fieri postulant. Refertur negotium ad audientiam Dunftani, & ipfe eos æqua poftulare pronunciat. Igitur ex præcepto Regis & Archiepifcopi coit Wintoniam No- bilitas regni totius, & Rex cum fuâ Conjuge adeft, ad determinandas querelas negotii hujus. Surgunt hinc inde lites, quas Dunftanus propofitis rationibus deftruit omnes. من Quibus auditis, omiſſa omnis controverfia eft, & Rex atq; ex Principibus pleriq; Clericorum precibus ad pietatem ufq; permoti Dunſtanum interpellant, quatenus bac folâ Vice parcat. &c. His faying that the whole Matter was left to Dunstan's Judgment and Pleaſure is,not true. Eadmer, in the Life of Bishop Ofwald, makes the Synod to be call'd by Archbishop Dunstan by the Pope's Autority: Ex fanctione & autoritate Jo- hannis Apoftolica Sedis Antiftitis B. Dunftanus, coacto generali Concilio ftatuit, & ftatuendo decretum confirma- vit. Rudborn fays (a), K. Edgar prefided in it. Of bern, in Dunstan's Life, fays, that he obtain'd the Victory over the Secular Clergy ex fententiâ totius Con- cilii. It was here that the fabulous Monks tell us, an Image of Chrift fpoke aloud on behalf of the Monks. This Synod of Winchester is mention'd by many others, as by Matt. of Westminster and Malmesbury (who make it to have been held not in K. Edgar's, but in the fucceeding Reign) in the Hiftory of Ely, lib. 2. cap. 6. and in the Anonymous (a) Hift. Winton, c. 12. Life A Hiſtory of Convocations. 75 Life of Biſhop Ofwald, which is extant in Surius; not to mention (a) others. In the 3d Council mention'd by Osbert, K. Edgar, who had been punifh'd by Archbishop Dunstan with a 7 years Pennance, being forbid during that time to wear the Regal Crown, was abfolv'd, and with great folemnity Crown'd: Adunatis Epifcopis, Abbatibus, & cateris Principibus cum totâ Regni IN- GENUITATE, coram eis adftante innumerâ populi mul- titudine. Osbern in the fame Archbishops Life fays, the Archbiſhop Crown'd him accitis omnibus imperii Anglorum Principibus, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, & univer- fis Ecclefiafticæ dignitatis Ordinibus: There came toge- ther, fays the Saxon Chron. An. 973. Sacerdotun cœ- tus, ingens Monachorum turba Sapientumq; CONCI- LIUM. He was bleffed, as Simeon Dunelmenfis ex- preffes it, by the 2 Archbishops, and by all the reft of the Bifhops of England. Malmesbury fays it was done, Principibus & omnibus ordinis viris undiq; conflu- entibus: Matthew of Weftminfter. Præfentibus cæte- ris totius Anglia Pontificibus, ac magnatibus univerfis. This Council was held at (b) Acemannefceafter, or (c) Afemaneceftre, i. e. Bath, on Whitfunday, An. 973. 2 years before K. Edgars Death. K. Edgar's Laws, which are chiefly Ecclefiaftical, are entitled: Leges quas Edgarus Rex frequenti fena- tu ad Dei gloriam, Regiæ Majeftatis ornamentum, ac Reip. utilitatem fancivit. Rudborne (d) tells us, that he was pacificus, & plures leges bonas condidit, eafq; per totum regnum fuum obfervari præcepit. In Florence. and Matthew of Weftm. we read, that throughout his whole Reign, he uſed to make a progreſs thro' all the feveral Provinces of his Kingdom, to fee how his Laws were kept and obſerved by his Princes. (a) See Spelman Tom. I. p. 491. 2. (b) Chron. Sax. (c) Mat Weftm. (d) Hift. Wint. In 76 A History of Convocations. I 2 In the Saxon Collection of Laws, which goes under the name of K. Edgar, but is thought by Sir H. Spelman, to be taken out of divers Bodies of Law, there are certain Canons relating to Diocefan Synods, as, 1. Docemus etiam, ut ad Synodum unamquamq; an- nuo habeantur libri & veftimenta fervitio Dei congru- entia: Necnon atramentum & pergamena ad eorum con- ftitutiones defcribendas, triduanufque infuper commea- tus. 2. Docemus etiam, ut Sacerdos quilibet ad Synodum veniens, Clericum fuum habeat, & manupaftum fuum feu fidelem in miniftrum, neminem autem incognitum, aut ftultitiæ deditum: Et adveniant omnes in fidelitate &timore Dei omnipotentis 3. Docemus etiam, ut fi mali quid acciderit Sacerdoti vel ei quis injuriam fecerit, Synodo referat, fufcipiantque omnes ut illatam omnibus, ferantque opem ut emendatio fiat pro arbitrio Epifcopi. K. Edgar dying, An. 974, or 975, there was a Convention of all the Great Men, for the electing of a Succeffor, fome being for his Son, Prince Ed- ward, (who carried it) others for his younger Bro- ther. There met together, fays Westminster, the z Archbishops, cum Epifcopis, Abbatibus, & Ducibus: Or as Florence of Worcester has it (whom Westminster feems to follow) cum Corepifcopis (read, Coepifcopis ) Abbatibus, Ducibufq; quamplurimis. An. 977. was a great Council at Ky2tlington (in Oxfordshire, no doubt; and I wonder Sir H. Spelman never thought on that place.) Where it was decreed by K. Edward and Archbishop Dunstan, that the Country-People fhould go in Pilgrimage to S. Ma- riës at Abington. Ordinarunt jam nunc Rex Edwar- dus Dunftanus Archiepifcopus, &c. The Saxon Chron. calls it magna ifta Synodus apud Byntlingtune: ► But A Hiftory of Convocations. 77 But for p in the Saxon, ought to be read t, which is a very eafie alteration. Simeon Dunelmenfis mentions a Synod at Cirding ; Hoveden, at Biroing; Wigornienfis, at patlinege: All agreeing in the year 977. Which was doubtleſs no other than that of Byatlington, tho' they all, I know not by what mistake, but one following the other, make the place to be in Eaft anglia: Where, as Sir H. Spelman affures us, there is no place of a name like that of Kirding or Kyulinege. That by Bytlington, is meant the Village of that name near Oxford, is fufficiently confirm'd by what was done in it relating to Abington. The fame year was another Council, or Synod, at the Kings Court at Calne in Wiltshire, in which the Cauſe was carried agen for the Monks, againſt the Secular Clergy. All the Great Men of England, they fay, were there prefent. Confidentibus totius Anglia Senatoribus, fays Malmesbury; omnes optimates Anglorum, fay Huntington, and Bromton; totius An- glie Majores natu, fay Wigornienfis and Dunelmenfis ; omnes majores natu Anglica gentis Optimates, fays the Saxon Chron. which places it ad An. 978. Osbert, in the Life of S. Dunstan, mentions it; and that the King (whom he makes to be Edgar ) and the Arch- bishop were there, with a great number of the Se- cular Clergy, who brought Bernelin, a famous Scot, to defend their Caufe againſt the Archbishop and the Monks. It's mention'd alfo by Osbern, in S. Dunstan's Life, who calls that Scot, not Bernelin, but Beornelm. Malmesbury, who makes it to have been in K. Edwards Reign (as most others do) tells us, that the King was not prefent by reafon of his Youth. It was here that the Chamber broke down: Of which the Monks have made another Miracle, telling us, that Archbishop Dunstan alone, and his Party, 78 A Hiftory of Convocations. ? Party, eſcaped without being hurt. This Synod is mention'd likewife by Rudborne, (a) and by the Chronicle of Mailros ad An. 977. Another Synod was held in Archbishop Dunstan's time at Amesbury, or Ambresbiry. It's mention'd by Wigornienfis. But neither Osbert nor Osbern, in his Life, fay any thing of it. Neither do we know what it's buſineſs was. About this time there feems to have been a Sy- nod in the North, held under the Archbishop of York, by which were made thofe Canons which are call'd The Laws of the Northumbriam Presbyters: Which Sir H. Spelman afcribes to Archbishop Of wald, becauſe in the MS. he found 'em fubjoin'd to the Laws of K. Edgar. Soon after K. Edgar's Death, which was An. 975. Adelwold Biſhop of Winchester, being diffeifed of di- vers Mannors by one Leffi, the matter was brought into the Witena Gemot or Parliament. Edicitur generale placitum apud Londoniam (fays my (b) Au- thor) where there came together Duces, Principes, Satrapa, Rhetores, & Caufidici. And the Caufe went for the Bishop. Poft hæc infra 8 diem convenerunt ite- rum ad Nouijamtune, & congregatâ ibi totâ provinciâ five Vicecomitatu, coram cunctis iterum caufam fupra- dictam patefecerunt. Quâ patefactâ ac declaratâ ut pre- judicatum erat apud Lundoniam, judicaverunt & ifti apud Posthamtune. Not long after, Leffius being dead, Beatus Ædel- woldus & Agelwinus cognomento Alderman, ac Pri- mates Northamtunenfis provinciæ, necnon Orientalium Anglorum Proceres, Placitum habuerunt, apud Wal- (a) Hift. Wint. (b) Hift. Elienfis l. 1. c. 10. megford A Hiftory of Convocations. 79 mesford in octo Hundretis. Ubi inter alia judicatum eft ut Sifled reli&ta Leffii, & Hæredes fui, Deo & Epifco- po prædictam rapinam emendare deberent, ficuti ipſe, ſi vixiffet, facere debuiffet. من The Hiftory of Ely, tells us of other fuch like Conventions, wherein Caufes were tried, in thoſe times, Lib. 1. c. 14. Omnes majores natu Orientalis Angliæ & de Grantebruge, venerunt ad Fracenham, inde profecti funt ad villam quæ dicitur Henegetun ; ubi III. Hundreta congregata erant, ibiq; produxit Ab- bas, &c. -Cap. 46. Quodam tempore cum conveniſſent Concionatores Angliæ apud Lundoniam, &c. By Concio- natores are meant thofe of whom the Court or Pla- citum confifted, at leaſt the Pleaders, and c. 45. the Placitum is term'd a Concio. Cap. 60. Poft obitum Edgari R. dum effet Rex Edwardus, & fere omnes fa- pientes fui, apud Kyngeftune. An. 988. Arthmail, King of Guent in Wales, ha- ving murther'd his Brother Elifed, Gucaun Bifhop of Landaffe, fummon'd all his Clergy, de majoribus gra- dibus ufq; ad inferiores gradus, and excommunicated him, and before Abfolution enjoyn'd him Pennance. An. 994. (in the Council held ) at Amesbury on Eafter-day, Alfric Bishop of Wiltun was chofen Archbishop of Cant. by K. Ethelred, omnibufque ejus Proceribus, fays the Saxon Chron. In perufing which Chronicle, I obſerved that about thofe times, when the Author ſpeaks of the Kings doing any thing, he very frequently joins him with his Proceres, be- cauſe it was done in the time of a great Council So a little after he adds, that it was decreed by the K and Proceres, that Tribute fhould be paid the Danes Ad An. 970. Oskytel is ſaid to be confecrated Arch- bishop of York Edwardi R. confenfu & omnium ejus Frocerum. Ad an. 999. It was decreed by the K. and bis Proceres, that an Army and Fleet ſhould be fent againſt L 80 A Hiftory of Convocations. R againſt the Danes. Ad an. 1002. it was decreed by the K. and Proceres, that the Danish Fleet fhould re- ceive a Tribute. Agen ad an. 1006. Capit Rex fre- quenter quærere ex fuis Optimatibus quid eorum fingulis factu optimum eſſet vifum: And it was decreed by the K. and his Optimates, that another Tribute fhould be paid 'em. An. 1010. Vocati funt omnes Optimates ad Regem, ut confilium inirent, quomodo hæc terra defende- retur. An. 1011. the K. and his Proceres fent to the Danish Army to beg Peace, and to offer 'em a Tri- bute. Who thefe Proceres were, appears ad an. 1012. Venit Eadricus Dux, omnefque Proceres, tam CLERICI quam Laici, Anglice nationis ad Lundenby- rig ante Pafcha, & ibi tam diu morati funt, quoufque tributum illud perfolveretur, nempe 8000 librarum. Ad an. 1014. Decreverunt omnes Proceres, tam CLERICI quam Laici Anglica nationis, ut ad R. Athelredum mitterent. Florence of Worcester mentions moſt of the fame things, but out of that Chronicle; ad an. 992, 994, 999, 1007, 1011, 1012. Charters granted (or pretended to be grant- ed) in the 10th Cent. BY Y Edred K. of the Mercians (a) & toto fenatu An- glorum. Incarnationis An. 904. Indict. 6. con- tigit, quod Ethelfritho Duci omnes hæreditarii libri, ig- nis vaftatione combufti, perierunt; Tali igitur neceffitate cogente, prædictus Dux rogavit Edwardum R. & Elre- dum quoque & Ethelfledam, qui tunc principatum et po- teftatem gentis Merciorum, fub prædicto Rege tenuerunt ; (a) Monaft. Tom. 2. p. 840. omnes A History of Convocations. 81 omnes etiam Senatores Merciorum, ut ei confentirent & licentiam darent alios libros refcribendi, &c. By K. Edward to the (a) Church of Winchester, an. 908. Subfcribed by the K. the Archbishop, 2 Bi- fhops, the Kings Brother, and 2 Sons, 5 Dukes, 4 Presbyters, 18 Miniftri, and 3 others. By K. Athelstan to the Bishop of Selefey (b) an. 930 in villâ omnibus notiffimâ, que Lull, ngmin@fre nuncupatur, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, patriæ ['ROCURA- TORIBUS, regia dapfilitate ovantibus. Subfcribed by the K. Archbishop Wlfhelm, Alfunus, Eadgar, and Conwald Bishops, & multi alii Epifcopi, Duces, & MILITES confenferunt & fubfcripferunt. By MILITES and Patria PROCURATORES, feem to be meant the Knights of Shires, or the Repreſentatives of the Com- monalty: But how genuine the Charter is, I leave to the Judgment of others. By the fame K. the fame Year (c) in Civitate om- nibus notiſſima quæ nottingham dicitur, totâ Optima- tum generalitate fobolis Regia Dapfilitatis ovante. Sub- ſcribed by the K. the 2 Archbishops Wlfhelm and Wiſtan, 3 Subreguli, 16 Biſhops, 12 Dukes, 2 Miniftri, 22 Milites that are named, & plures alii MILITES, quorum nomina in eadem cartâ inferuntur, confenferunt & fubfcripferunt. That this Charter is fpurious, appears from the difagreement of the Year of our Lord, and the Indiction: not to mention other things. To the Monaſtery of Wilton (b) an. 933. Sub- ſcribed by the K. the Archbishop,7 Bishops, 2 Dukes, 13 Miniftri. To the fame, an. 937 (e). Subfcribed by the K. the Archbishop, 7 Bifhops, 2 Dukes, 29 Mi- niftri. (a) Tom. I. p. 37. (b) Tom. 3. p. 119. 130. (d) Ibid. Tom. 2. p. 858. (e) Ibid. 859. GK (c) Ibid. p. To 82 A Hiſtory of Convocations. To Earl Athelft on an. 938 (a). Sign'd by the K. and Archbishop, cum multis aliis. To the Abby of Malmesbury (b) the fame Year, at Doznacefter, Optimatum noftrorum rogatu. Subfcri- bed by (c) 3 Subreguli, the 2 Archbishops, with 14 Biſhops. By K. Edmund to Earl Wulfric (d) an. 940. Sign'd by the K. and Archbishop, cum cæteris Pontificibus. To the Abby of Glaftenbury (e), the fame Year: Sign'd by the King, his Brother, the Archbishop, cum multis aliis. To one Edric (f) an. 941. Sign'd by the King, his Brother, the Archbishop, 7 Bishops, 6 Dukes, 14 Miniftri. To the Monaftery (g) of Baderichefwyrthe (or S. Edmondsbury) an. 942. Indict. 3. Subfcribed by the K. the Queen, the Archbishop, 8 Bishops, 5 Dukes, 11 MILITES or nights. The Year of our Lord and the Indiction in this Charter do not agree: Which is a common Blunder in the Forgers of Charters. To the Abby of Glaftenbury (b) an. 944. cum confilio & confenfu Optimatum meorum. Signed by the K. his Brother, the Queen, the 2 Archbiſhops, and 2 Bishops. Neither do the Year of our Lord and the Indiction agree in this. To the Bishop (i) of Selefey an. 945. Indict. 3. Subfcribed by the K. his Brother, his mother, the 2 Archbishops, &c. To the Monaſtery of Malling (k): Subfcribed by the K. his Brother, and Mother, the Archbishop of (a) Ib. 841.(b) Malm. 1. 5. de Pont. (c) Eugenius is one, who was K. of Cumberland, mention'd by Ingulphus, p. 37. (d) Mon. Tom. 2. p. 841. (e) Ibid. p. 842. (f) Ibid. Tom. 1. p. 214. (g) Ibid. p. 287. (h) Ibid. p. 15. & Malmesb. (i) Ibid: Tom. 3. p. 120. (k) Ibid. Tom. 1. p. 215. (1) Tom. * Ibid., Toid. I. P. 353. Can- A History of Convocations 83 Canterbury, 2 Bishops, the Archbishop of York, 4 Bi- fhops more, the King's Concubine, 4 Dukes, 10 Mi- niftri, another Duke, 3 Miniftri more. By Edred (a) K. of England, to the Monaftery of Shaftesbury an. 948. Subfcribed by the K. the Archbishop, 6 Biſhops, 3 Dukes, 9 Miniftri. To the Abby of Croyland (b) the fame Year, in præfentiâ Archiepifcoporum, Epifcoporum, & Proce- rum regni mei.In fefto Nativitatis B. Mariæ cum univerfi Magnates regni (ſays Ingulphus) per regium e- dictum fummoniti, tam Archiepifcopi & Epifcopi, ac Ab- bates, quam cæteri totius regni Proceres & Optimates Lon- doniis conveniſſent ad tractandum de negotiis publicis toti- us regni. Subfcribed by the 2 Archbishops, 4 Bi- fhops, 2 Dukes, 3 Earls, 2 Vicecomites, 3 Miniftri: Then by the Abbot of Croyland himſelf, who ftyles himſelf Minister inutilis. To the Monaſtery of Burton (c) an. 949 cum Ar- chiepifcopis cæterifq; Confulibus. To that of Raculver (d) the fame Year: Sub- ſcribed by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 10 Biſhops, an Abbot, 3 Dukes, the King's Mother, and Abbot Dunftan. To that of Abington (e) an. 955. cum confilio atq; confenfu meorum Præfulum Optimatumq; Sign'd by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 2 Biſhops, the King's Mother, an Abbot, 8 Miniftri. To that of Glaftenbury (f) an. 955. Sign'd by the 2 Archbiſhops cum multis aliis. By K. Edwy to that of Wilton (g) an. 955. Sign- ed by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 11 Bishops, an Abbot, 2 Deacons, the Abelle, 5 Dukes, 22 Mi- nistri. (a) Ibid. Tom. 1. p. 215. (b) Ap. Ingulphum. (c) Mon. Tom. I. p. 26. (d) Ibid. p. 86. (e) Ibid. p. 101. (ƒ) Tom. 2. P. 842. (g) Ibid. Tom. 2. p. 85. To 7 84 A History of Convocations. To that of Glaftenbury (a) an. 956. Signed by the K. the Archbishop, cum multis aliis. To the fame (b), the fame Year. Subfcribed by the K. his Brother, the Archbishop, 5 Biſhops, 3 Dukes. To that of Selefey (c) the fame Year: Signed by the K. the Archbishop, 5 Biſhops, 4 Dukes, &c. To the fame (d) an. 957. Sign'd by the K. his Brother, 3 Dukes, 2 Biſhops, &c. To the fame (e), an. 958. cum conſenſu Epifcopo- rum & Doctorum meorum. Sign'd by the Archbi- fhop of Canterbury, the King's Brother, the Arch- bishop of York, 6 Bifhops, 11 Dukes, 16 Mi- riftri. By K. EDGAR. To the Monks of Abington (f) an. 958. Sign'd by the K. the 2 Archbiſhops, 6 Biſhops, the King's Grandmother, 3 Abbots, 7 Dukes, 60 Miniftri. To the Nuns of Wilton (g), the fame Year (in Saxon.) Sign'd by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 4 Bi- fhops, the Ducer, 6 Abbots, 7 Dukes, 6 Miniftri. To the Church of York (b), an. 963. meorum Epif- coporum teftimonio, Principum permiffu, veridicorum vi- rorum astipulatione. -Cunctis meis confentientibus Op- timatibus, & pracipue bis, quorum nomina fubnotata re- cenfentur. Subſcribed by the King, the 2 Archbishops, 7 Biſhops, 8Dukes, 9 Miniftri. To the Church of Worceſter (i) an. 964 in urbe quæ ab incolis Gleaueccûrie nominatur, in natale Do- mini.—Cum confenfu Principum & Archiepifcoporum meorum. Sign'd by the K. the Queen, the 2 Arch- bifhops, 6 Bifhops, 6 Abbots, 6 Dukes, 12 Miniftri. (a) Ivid. Tom. 2. p 841. (b) Ibid. p. 837. (c) Ibid. Tom 3. p. 120. (d) Ibid. p. 121- (e) Tom. 3. p. 129. (f) Tom. I. p. 103. (g) Tom. 2. p. 865. (b) Tom. 3. p. 128. (1) Tom. I. p. Igi, To A Hiſtory of Convocations. 85 To the Monks of Hyde near Winchester, an. 966. Which contains certain Laws or Rules for their Go- vernment: Subſcribed by the K. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the King's 2 Sons, his Queen,` his Grandmother, the Archbishop of York, 9 Bishops, 5 Abbots, 3 Dukes, 3 nights.. To the old Monaſtery of Winchester, (a) cum con- filio Japientum. To that of Croyland (b) the fame year; Sancitum eſt An. 966. præfentibus Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Ab- batibus, & Optimatibus regni mei. Subfcrib'd by him- felf, the 2 Archbishops, 3 Bifhops, 3 Abbots, 1 Abbelle, 6 Dukes, 4 Miniftri. In the fame year, the 2 Archbishops, confirm`d and ratified (c) by a particular Charter, the Charters granted to that Monaftery by K. Edgar and K. Edred. Which Privilege granted by the 2 Arch- bishops, fancitum eft & immutabiliter decretum in præ- Sentid R. Edgari, Prælatorum, Procerumq; apud Lond. collectorum. Subfcribed by the K. the Archbishops, 10 Biſhops, 1 archdeacon, 4 Abbots, 3 Avbeties, 5 Dukes, 3 Miniftri. This was done in the Octaves of Whitsunday in S. Paul's Cathedral. , To the Abby of Glaston (d) the fame year, Sub- fcrib'd by the K. and the Archbiſhop, cum multis aliis. To the fame (e) An. 968. Subſcrib'd by the K. and the 2 Archbishops, cum multis aliis. To the Nunnery (f) of Wilton (in Saxon) the fame year. Sign'd by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 6 Biſhops, the Ducen, 8 Abbots, 7 Dukes, 10 Knights. 8 (a) Ap. Rudborne Hift. Winton, p. 219. (b) Ap. Ingulphum. (c) Ibid. (d) Monaft. Tom. 2. p. 839. (e) Monaft. Tom. 2. P. 841. (f) Ib. p. 862. G 3 To 86 A Hiftory of Convocations. To the fame agen, (a) the fame year: Sub- fcrib'd by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 4 Bishops the Queen, 6 Abbots, 7 Dukes, 6 Miniftri. To the Abby (b) of Medefhamstede, or Peterborough, An. 970. Subfcrib'd by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 3 Biſhops, 3 Abbots, 4 Dukes, 5 Miniftri, with feve ral others, whofe Titles are not exprefs't. To the Church of Ely, (c) he granted 3 the fame year. The 1ft is fign'd by the K. the 2 Arch- biſhops, 11 Bifhops, the Ducen, 11 Abbots, 9 Dukes, 26 nights, & aliis compluribus de OMNI- BUS DIGNITATIBUS regni mei. The 2d, by the K. the Archbishop of Cant. 7 Eiſhops, 7 Abbots, 5 Dukes, a Miniſter, 8 Milites or Knights; for fo I take the letter M. to figni- fie. The 3d, by the K. and Archbishop, 12 Biſhops, 12 Abbots, 6 Dukes, and 28 Knights. To the Monks of (d) Glafton, An. 971. at Lon- don: Communi confilio omnium Primatum (i. e. Magna- tum) meorum. Dunftano Dorobernenfi atque Ofwal- do Ebor. Archiepifcopo adhortantibus, confentiente etiam & annuente Brithelmo Fontanenfi Epifcopo, cæterifq; Epifco- copis, Abbatibus, & Primatibus. Subfcribed by the K. his Mother, his Eldeſt Son, Kinede K. of Alba- nie (or Scotland) Mafcufius Archipirata, the 2 Arch- bishops, 6 Biſhops, 6 or 7 Abbots, another Bishop, 3 Dukes, 4 Miniftri. It grants (or confirms) to that Monaftery an Exemption from Epifcopal Jurif- diction; and I take it to be fpurious. To the Abby of Peterborough, An. 972. ( extant in the Saxon Chron.) Sign'd by the K. the 2 Arch- bishops, 3 Biſhops, 3 Abbots, 4 Dukes, and feveral other famous Men. (a) Ibid. p. 865. (b) Ap. Ingulphum p. 47. (c) Ap. Hift. Elienfem p. 518, 520. (d) Monaft. Tom.1.p.17. Spelman Tom. 1.P. 483. Malmesb To 1 A History of Convocations. To the Abby of Thorney (a) An. 973. Subſcribed by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 3 Biſhops, 3 Abbots, 4 Dukes, 3 Dapiferi, 21 others, whofe Titles are not expreſs't. To the Abby of Glaston, (b) the fame year, Sign'd by the K. the Archbishop, cum multis aliis. To that of Malmesbury (c) An. 974. Subfcribed by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 3 Bishops, 3 Abbots, 3 Dukes, & aliis. To the Monks of Winton (d) An. 975. Subſcribed by the K. the Archbishop, 3 Bifhops, 3 Abbots, 3 Dukes, 3 Miniſtri. There are other Charters extant in K. Edgar's Name, which were either forged, or the Date is falfly printed, as One to S. Paul's (e) London, An. 867. cum con- filio atque confenfu Epifcoporum meorum, & fapientum meorum. Sign'd by the K. Archbishop Odo, 3 Dukes, a Biſhop, 2 Dukes more, another Bishop, then s Dukes more, a Minister, an Abbot, a Presbyter, z Miniftri, another Presbyter, then 5 Miniftri more. Another to the Nunnery of Wilton (f) An. 874.. Sign'd by the K the 2 Archbishops, 7 Bifhops, 10 Abbots, 4 Dukes, 16 Miniſtri. By Q. Egelfred (g) K. Edgars Wife, to St Pauls (in Saxon) Subfcribed by the 2 Archbishops, and the Biſhop of London, 3 Abbots, 3 Aldermen, (i. e. Earls) a Thane, a Præpofitus, a Regis Thanas. By K. Ethelred, to the Abby of (b) Tavistock, An. 981. optimatum meorum confilio. Subfcribed by the K. the Archbishop of Cant. the Kings Mother, the Archbishop of York, the Bishop of Poitou, 10 other Biſhops, 6 Dukes, 15 Miniſtri (a) Monaft. Tom. 1.p.243. (b) Tom.2.p.839. (c) Ap. Ingul- phum. (d) Tom.1.p.38. (e) Tom.3.p.302. (f) Tom.2.p.865. (6) Tom 3 p.393. (h) Tom.1.p.218. G 4 To 87 88 A Hiftory of Convocations. To the Monaſtery of Shaftesbury, (a) An. 984: Sign'd by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 10 Bishops, 4 Dukes, 16 Miniftri. To that of Glafton, (b) An. 987. Sign'd by the K. and the 2 Archbishops. To that of Selefey (c) An. 988. Sign'd by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 2 Bishops, &c. To the Bishop (d) of Cornwal, An. 994. Sign'd by the K. the Archbishop, 5 Bishops, 4 Dukes, 4 Abbots, 5 Miniftri. To the Bishop of Shireburn (e) de confilio meorum Principfum feu Nobilium: Subfcribed by the 2 Arch- bishops, feveral Biſhops, Abbots, and Noblemen. By Wulfrun, (f) Foundrefs of the Monaftery of Wulverhampton, to that Monaft. An. 996. Sigi- rich Metropolitanæ urbis Archiepifcopus, cum omni Do- minico ovile incunctanter Deo fervientium Satrapis, Du- cibus, Frincipibus, Judicibus, & OMNI CONCILIO CHRISTIANORUM.Hac namque decreta Sigerich Archiepifcopus in placito coram R. Ethelredo, & Ebora- cenfi Archiepifcopo, & omnibus Epifcopis, Abbatibus re- gionis Britannia, feu (&) Senatoribus, Ducibus, & POPULO terræ propofuimus, & illi-fe in omnibus cuftodire devoverunt. Subfcribed by the K. the 2 Arch- biſhops, 12 Biſhops, 11 Abbots, 2 Dukes, a Deacon, 3 Dukes more, an Earl, 5 Ministri. His quoq; falu- berrimis ammonitionibus PRESBYTERIS, DIACONI- BUS, & Abbatibus Monasteriorum, Judices, Optima- tes, & Nobiles uno ore confentimus, & fubfcripfimus. The year of our Lord, and the Indiction in this Char- ter do not agree. (a) P. 216. (b) Tom. 2. p. 842. (c) Tom. 3. p. 121. (d) Tom. 1. p. 227 (e) Ap. Angl. Sac. Tom. I. p. 170. (f) Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 988. Synods A History of Convocations. 89 1 I Synods and Councils in the 11th Cent. before the Conquest. About the year 1002. K. Æthelred granted a Charter to Chrift-Church in Cant. by which he expells the Canons, and puts Monks in their pla- ces. It runs in his Name, but is fign'd and con- firm'd by Alfric Archbishop of Cant. 7 Bishops, 6 Abbots, 4 Aldermen ( or Earls) with divers others, whereof one calls himſelf Domini mei Dapifer; ano- ther, Minister Regius,a third,à re Vestiarid Minifter; a 4th, Minifter Regis &a Confilijs. In the ancient La- tin Copy, the Aldermen are ftyled Dukes, and all the reſt ſimply Miniftri. An. 1007. K. Ethelred and the Senatus Anglorum, not knowing what courfe to take to oppofe the Danes, refolv'd communi deliberatione, to purchaſe peace with the fum of 30000 l. fays Bromton. Of feveral of theſe Councils held, An. 1002, 1006, (or 1007,) 1010, 101, 1012, 1014. I have taken notice already at the end of the foregoing Century. The Canons of the Council of Anbam, which was circa An. 1009. are entituled, The Decrees of the Wife, and run in the name of the learned of Eng- land: He funt conftitutiones quas tulerunt Angli eruditi, elegerunt etiam & edixerunt, inftanterq; docuerunt obfer- vandas. In primis bortantur Epifcopi, ut qua poffumus feftinatione a peccatis revertamus omnes. Decernunt etiam Sapientes Obfecramus & docemus-volumus etiam &obfecramus, &c. By whom they were made, the Preface to the old Latin Tranflation informs us, Quodam tempore contigit ut Regis Ethelredi edicto con- crepante 90 A Hiftory of Convocations. crepante, Archipræfulumq; Elfeahi & Wulftani borta- tu inftigante, univerfi Anglorum Optimates Die fancto Pentecoftes ad locum ab indigenis Ear ham nominatum,ac- citi funt convenire,&c. In the fame Latin Edition they are entituled Synodalia Decreta, though they were made by the King in a great Council of the Nati- on; and fome of 'em do not relate to Ecclefiaftical Matters. Malmesbury exprefly ſays, they were made by K. Ethelred. Sir H. Spelman in his Notes on this Council ob- ferves, that ſometimes the fame Convention is call'd Regalis, with refpect to the fecular Affairs treated of in it, and Synodalis, with refpect to Ecclefiaftical Affairs; As by Sigebert, ad An. 1031. Hoc tempore juffu Conradi Imp. Regali & Synodali conventu apud Triburias, inter cætera Epifcopi hoc capitulum decernere voluerunt, ut &c. K. Ethelreds Laws confift of 5 parts, according to the ſeveral Councils, in which they were made. One was that of Eanham above mention'd; another was held at Woodfok; a 3d at Venetingum (or Wan- tage); a 4th we know not where, when he made a League with the Danes; a 6th at Haba; the Laws of which Council are, as well as thofe of Eanham, partly Civil, and partly Ecclefiaftical. The Title of thofe made at Woodftok, is thus: Hoc eft confilium quod Ethelredus Rex & fapientes fui condixerunt ad emenda- tionem & augmentum pacis apud Woodeftocam in Mir- cena landâ i. e. in terrà Mircenorum, poft Anglia lagam boc eft. The Title of thofe made at Mantage: He funt leges quas Ethelredus R. & fapientes fui conftitue- runt apud Henetyngum, &c. Of thoſe made at the time of the League: Hæc funt verba pacis & prælo- cutiones quas Ethelredus R. & omnes fapientes ejus cum exercitu firmaverunt, qui cum Analano & fuftino Gudermundo Stegiani filio venit. The firft Law begins thus: Hoc imprimis ut pax mundi ftet inter Et helre- } A Hiftory of Convocations. Ethelredum R. & omnem populum ejus, & omnem ex- ercitum cui Rex pecuniam fuam dedit, poft elocutiones quas Sigericus Archiepifcopus, & Ethelredus Alderman- nus, & Ealfricus Aldermannus fecerunt, poftquam im- petraverunt a Rege quod poffent illis portiuncule pacem emere, &c. The Title of thofe made at Daba: Hac inftituerunt Ethelredas & fapientes ejus apud Dabam. Bromton, out of whom I have taken thefe Infcrip- tions, mentions nothing at all of the Laws made at Canham, or of the Council held there. There was another Council in which K. Ethelred made certain Laws, held at Bandon or Bundon, which is mention'd in the Laws of the Councils of Wood- flok and Wantage. Fit Ailfred, in the Life of K. Edward the Confeffor, tells us of a great Council of Bishops, Lords and Com mons, who met together to confult of the grand Affairs of the Kingdom under K. Ethelred, whilſt the Confeffors Mother was with Child, and pitched upon him, before he was born, though he had two Brothers then living, to fucceed his Father. magnus coram Rege Epifcoporum Procerumq; conventus, magnus plebis hulgique concurfus, & quia jam futuræ cladis indicia fava præcefferant, agitur inter eos de regni ftatu tractatus. Deinde Rex fuccefforem fibi defig- nare defiderans, quid fingulis quidve omnibus videretur explorat, &c. 'Tis pity the Author fhould have made himſelf here of no autority, by the Miracle which he tells us of in K. Ethelreds foretelling to the People, that his 2 Sons already born would not live long. An. 1015. was a Great Council at Oxford, under K. Ethelred; where Duke Eadrid_murther'd the Thanes, Sigeferth and Morcer, and the K. feiz'd on their Eftates, as the Saxon Chron. tells us. Florence and 91 92 A Hiftory of Convocations. and Henry of Huntindon give it the name of a Mag- num placitum. Malmesbury calls it Magnum concilium. Higden and Knyghton call it a Parliament, and fay, that the English and Danes were there made friends, and enter'd into an agreement to obſerve the Laws of K. Ed- gar. Hoveden ſays the fame: But they make it to be held An. 1018. under K. Canut. Matthew of Weftm. Anno 1015. Magnum apud Oxoniam colloquium An- glorum pariter & Danorum congregatum eft, &c. Among the Laws of Malcolm Mackemeth K. of Scotland, who lived about this time, one is concer- ning the Fees that ought to be paid to the Chancellor and his Clerk, for a Prefentation to a Living or to a Hoſpital. There are alfo fome Ecclefiaftical Laws amongſt thofe of Maccabaus K. of Scots, who flouriſh'd not long after. عمر An. 1017. K. Ethelred being dead, the Bishops, Ab- bots, and Proceres terræ, rejected his Family, and pro- claim'd Canut their King at Southampton, fays Hig- den, lib. e. But the Saxon Chron. fays, that all the Proceres which were in London, and the Citizens chofe Edmund King. Florence of Worcester, and out of him Hoveden: Poft cujus mortem Epifcopi, Abbates, Du- ces, & quiq; nobiliores Anglia, in unum congregati, pari confenfu, in Dominum & Regem fibi Canutum elegere, & ad eum in Southamptonia venientes, &c. At Cives Lundonienfes, & pars Nobilium, qui eo tempore confifte- bant Lundonia, Clitonem Eadmundum unanimi con- fenfu in Regem levavere. Matthew of Weſtm. and (a) Rudborne, Maxima pars regni tam Clericorum quam Laicorum in unum congregati pari confenfu Knu- tonem in Regem elegerunt, &c. Knyghton fays he was chofe by the Proceres regni cum Clerc. (a) Hift. Wint. c. 15. The A History of Convocations. The fame year the Kingdom was divided between Canut and Edmund Ironfide, univerfis Angliæ Primati- bus affenfum præbentibus, inter fe conventione, fays the Interpolator of the Confeffors 35th Law: Which Convention was at a place call'd Deozhyft (a) on the River Severne. K. Edmund being murder'd foon after, Canut commanded Epifcopos & Duces, necnon & Principes, cunctofque Optimates gentis Anglia, Lundoniæ congregari: Qui cum veniffent ante eum, quafi nefciens interrogavit eos fagaciffime, qui fuerunt testes inter eum & Edmun- dum, quando conventionem amicitiæ & divifionem regni inter ipfos gefferunt, Qualiter, &c. Florence An. 1016. and out of him Hoveden. So Higden ad An. 1018. Apud Londonium concilio coacto, quærit a Proceribus, &c. The History (b) of Ely fays, he was made King after Edmunds Death, ab omni Anglorum POPULO. An. 1020. K. Canut returning into England, held a great Council in Eafter-week at Cyanceafter, men- tion'd by the Saxon Chron. and by that of Mailros. And here in this Council we have an Inſtance of a Criminal Proceeding; for, as the Saxon Chron. tells us, Duke Ethelwold was therein Outlawd. It's men- tion'd alfo by Hoveder, (c) who calls the place cor- ruptly Chiremceûre. In a Charter (d) granted by K. Will. the Conque- ror to the Abby of Bury, it is faid, that K. Canut drove out the fecular Clergy, and put in Monks there; cum communi confilio Archiepifcoporum, Epifcopo- rum, &Optimatum fuorum. This was the fame year, viz. 1020. as appears by a Regifter (e) of that Abby. (4) Florence Wigorn. an. 1c16. Hoveden. p. 250. (b) L. 2. . 21. (c) p.250.b. (d) Monaft. Tom. 1.p. 289. (e) P. 250. b. Among 94 A History of Covocations. Among the Laws of that King, there are a great many purely Ecclefiaftical, which were made for the moſt part in a Parliament held at Winchester in the Christmass Holy-days. The Preface of his Ecclefiaftical Laws is this: Confultum quod Canutus Anglorum, Dacorum, & Norwegienfium Rex, ex Sapi- entum confilio, ad Dei immortalis gloriam, Regiæ Ma- jeftatis ornamentum, & Reip. utilitatem, Nataliciis Do- mini noftri Jefu Chrifti diebus Wintonia fancivit. Of thoſe which relate to Secular Matters, this: (ac- cording to the old Tranflation) Hæc eft inftitutio Legum fecularium quam communi fapientum meorum con- filio per totam Angliam teneri præcipio. Malmesbury (a) fays, he commanded all the Laws which had been made by the ancient Kings, and eſpecially by K. Ethelred, to be for ever obferved, fub interminatione regia mulitæ. Wallingford in his Chronicle, feems much dif- pleas'd with Canut for the Laws which he made, tho' he fcarce (I ſuppoſe) knew why. He was ra- ther (if we will take his Judgment) an Enemy of the English than their King; for he prefently changed their written Statutes and Laws; and would not hearken to any of thofe Statutes of the Good and Just King Alfred; but all thofe Things which He and his Succeffors had or- dained, be studied to reduce to his own Will. The Laws which he made were fo far from being difliked by the English, that even after his time under Edward the Confeffor they were receiv'd and obferv'd. In a MS. once belonging to the Monaftery of Bury, that Monaſtery is faid to be exempted from all Epif- copal Jurifdiction by K. Canut in a Great Council or Parliament: And this Account is fubjoin'd to the Laws he made in the Council of Winchefter. (a) 1. 2. c. xi 4 Rex A History of Convocations. 95 Rex Canutus anno regni fui 5.—cunctos regni fui Prælatos Procerefq; ac Magnates ad fuum convocans Parliamen- tum, in fuo publico Parliamento, perfiftentibus perfonali- ter in eodem Wulftano & Adelnodo Archiepifcopis, & Ailwino Epifcopo Elmbamenfe, & aliis Epifcopis, ipfo rum Suffraganeis, 7 Ducibus, cum totidem Comitibus, necnon diverforum Monafteriorum nonnullis Abbatibus, cum quamplurimis gregariis militibus, ac cum Populi multitudine copiosa, ac omnibus tunc in eodem Parliamen- to perfonaliter exiftentibus, votis Regiis unanimiter con- Sentientibus, præceptum & decretum fuit, Quod Monafte- rium S. Edmundi, &c. This Deſcription of a Parliament, tho' it be pro- duced by no lefs a Man than the Lord Chief Ju- ffice Cook, I take to be nothing but a pure Ficti- on of fome Monk of that Abby. For as it is certain, that the Author liv'd at leaſt 130 Years af- ter, fo I doubt not, (as I have elſewhere faid) but all thofe Charters in which Exemptions are pre- tended to be granted before the Conqueft, are fpu- rious. He adds, that K. Hardicanut, Son to K. Carut, cum laude & favore Ægelnodi Dorobernenfis, nunc Can- tuarienfis, & Alfrici Eboracenfis Epifcoporum,aliorumq; E- pifcoporum Suffraganeorum, necnon cunctorum regni fui mundanorum Principum defcriptum conftituit, roboravitq; præceptum: when it evidently appears,that Archbishop Agelnold died before K. Hardicanut's Reign, and that Hardicanut was crown'd by Archbishop Eadfius, his Succeffor. The Chronicle of Mailros ad an. 1032.fpeaks thus of K. Canut and that Monaftery. Ecclefia S. Edmundi R. & M. dedicata eft, in qua Rex Canutus communi confilio Præfulum & Optimatum fuorum, eje- &tis Presbyteris fecularibus, Monachos impofuit. His Charter to that Monaftery is extant; of which by and by. K. Canut 96 1 A Hiftory of Convocations. K. Canut being dead, an. 1035. convenerunt apud Oxoniam ad Colloquium Proceres regni, ut de novo Rege creando tractarent ibidem, fays Westminster. There Leofric Earl of Chester and the Danish Princes in con- junction with the Londoners, chofe Harold; but Godwin Earl of Kent, with the Princes of Weft-Saxo- ny pitch'd upon Hardicanut or Hardecnut, another Son of Canut, at that time abfent in Flanders. The Saxon Chron. tells us, That there was at that time a Convention of all the Proceres at Oxford, and that Harold was chofe King by Earl Leofric, and the Mariners of London, and almoſt all the Thanes on the North of the River Thames. K. Harold dying, an. 1040. the Proceres tam An- glorum quam Danorum, as Westminster fays, fent to Hardicanut to invite him over to take the Crown. He dying 2 Years after, Edward the Confeffor, his Brother by the Mother's fide, was chofen King annuente Clero & Populo, fays Westminster. POPULUS UNIVERSUS elegit Eadwardum in Regem apud Lun- dene, fays the Saxon Chron. An. 1044. in August, a General Council was cele- brated at London, wherein Wlmar a Monk of Eoveſham, was chofen Abbot of that Place. Simeon Dunelm. An. 1047. a Great Synod was held at London, in Mid-Lent. An. 1052. It was decreed by the K. and his Pro- ceres, that a Fleet fhould be equipped at Sandwich. Chron. Sax. He married Edith, Earl Godwin's Daughter, de com- muni confilio Procerum fuorum. Bromton. He gave the Dunes leave to live in England, per commune confilium totius regni. The Interpolator of his 35th Law. Herman Bishop of Salisbury having a mind to re- move the Seat of his Bishoprick to the Abby of Malmes- 1 1 I A History of Convocations. 97 Malmesbury, and petitioning the K. for leave, the K. juxta confilium Procerum refuſed to grant it him. Bromton. In the 20th Year of his Reign, Chr. 1062. Sti- gand Archbishop of Canterbury was fufpended by 2 Legats fent hither by the Pope. Idem, & Hoveden. At the fame time Wulftan being confecrated Bi- fhop of Worcester by Aldred Archbishop of York, left that ſhould be brought as a Precedent in Prejudice to the See of Canterbury, the Archbishop of York, co- ram Rege & regni Optimatibus was oblig'd to declare, that he would never pretend to any Power over him on that account. : Bromton (a) tells us, That Earl Godwin being profecuted by the Lords for the Murder of Alfred, Son to the late K. Ethelred, and Brother to the Con- feſſor, feffor, fled into Denmark, and upon the Confeffor's coming to the Crown, return'd to London, ubi Rex &omnes Regni Magnates ad Parliamentum tunc fue- rant. Being introduced to the K. to be reconciled to him, the K. accufes him of the Murder he denies it, and refers himſelf to the Judgment of his Court. Super hoc pono me in confideratione Curie veftra. The K. refers the Matter to the Judgment of the Lords. Tunc dixit Rex, Kariffimi Domini, Co- mites, &Barones terræ, qui eftis homines mei ligii, mo- do hic congregati, & appellum meum refponfumq; Godwi- ni audiftis, volo quod inter nos de iftâ appellatione re- &tum judicium decernatis, & debitam juftitiam faciatis. This faid, the Earls and Barons (ie. the Thanes, which amongſt the Saxons, anfwer'd to thofe whom the Normans call'd Barons) took cognizance of the Caufe, and came at laft to this Refolution, that 12 Earls, his Friends and Relations, fhould make his Peace with the King, by prefenting him with a (a) Col. 937. H great 98 A Hiftory of Convocations. great Sum of Gold. Quorum confiderationi Rex con- tradicere nolens, quicquid judicaverant per omnia ratifica- vit. The Saxon Chron. ad an. 1052. mentions the fame thing, tho' not with the fame Circumftances. Tum indictum eft magnum Concilium extra Lundoniam, atq; omnes Comites, ac viri qui effent in hac terrâ nobi- liffimii aderant isti Concilio. Ibi fermonem inftituit God- winus Comes, & purgavit fe ibi, coram Edwardo Rege fuo Domino & coram UNIVERSA GENTE. Others, as Bromten himfelf owns, tell a quite dif- ferent Story, and fay, That the Earl in the Reign of K. Hardicanut, before the Confeffur came to the Crown, coram Froceribus regni, licet falfo, fe pur- gavit. Another Inftance of a Criminal Proceeding in the Great Council, or itena Gemot, we have in the Year 1047. All the Proceres were fummon'd to meet at Glocefter. It was there agreed between them and the K. that at Mich. following, fecundâ vice celebra- retur omnium Frocerum Concilium Londini. There Earl Swegen was Outlawed, and Earl Godwin, and Earl Harold, were fummon'd to make their appearance. They appear; and being call'd into the Council, de- mand Security for their fafe going to and from the Council. They are again commanded by the K. to come to the Council with 12 Men accom- panying them, and infifting again on Security, they are commanded to depart the Kingdom within 5 Days. Chron. Sax. Another Inftance of a Criminal Proceeding, we have in the 13th Year of the fame Reign; when in a Council at London, Algar, Son to Earl Leofric, was banifl'd for High-Treafon. Florence of Worcest. an. 1055. Hoveden, Bronton. In one of the Confeffor's Laws (as they are wont to be called) viz. the 8th, which fpeaks of Bees, how Tythes ought to be paid of them and other things t A History of Convocations. 99 things, it is faid: Hæc conceffa funt à REGE BARO- NIBUS, & POPULO. After Edward the Confeffor's Death, Harold, Son to Earl Godwin, was chofen King à totius Angliæ Pri- matibus, fays Florence, and after him the (a) Hift. of Ely, and Hoveden. He is faid, in the fame History, and in Hove- den, and in Simeon Dunelmenfis, to have begun to make certain new Laws, as foon as he came to the Crown. Qui mox & regni gubernacula accepit, leges iniquas deftruere, aquas cæpit condere. About theſe Times, or a little before in the Reign of K. Canut, Jofephus Bilhop of Landaff, in a Synod of his Clergy de majori gradu ufq; ad inferi- orem, excommunicated the Welch King Mouric for violating a Sanctuary. And fome 20 Years after that, Herguald, Biſhop of the fame place, in a like Synod, excommuni- cated the King's Family for offering Violence to certain Perfons in a drunken Fit. I have taken no notice of the Canons, which go under the Title of Alfrici Canones ad Wulfinum E- pifcopum : They were never enacted, but only drawn up in the Form of Canons: Nor of thoſe which are call'd Capitula incerte editionis: which Collection alfo I take to have been never pro- mulgated. (a) L. 2. c. 43. 1 1 H 2 Char- 100 A History of Convocations. t Charters granted (or pretended to be grant- ed) in the 11th Century, before the Con- queft. BY Y K. Ethelred, to the Monaft. of Shaftesbury (a) an. 1001. Sign'd by the K. the 2 Árchbi fhops, 6 Biſhops, the Kings 6 Sons, 7 Biſhops more, 7 Abbots, 4 Dukes, 10 Miniſtri. To that of Wherwell (b) an. 1002. Subfcrib'd by the K. his 6 Sons, the Archbiſhop, 12 Biſhops, 12 Abbots, 3 Dukes, 15 Miniftri. To that of Burton (c) an. 1004. Sign'd by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 10 Bifhops, 12 Abbots, 3 Dukes, 21 Miniſtri. To that of Ely (d) the fame Year: Subſcribed by the K. and his Sons, the 2 Archbishops, 5 Bifhops, 6 Abbots, 3 Dukes, 9, whofe Title is expreffed by the Letter M; whether Miniftri or Milites, is uncer- tain. To that of Eynsham (e) an. 1005. Sign'd by the K. his 7 Sons, the Queen, the 2 Archbishops, 12 Bi- fhops, 16 Abbots, 3 Dukes, 44 Miniftri. To St. Paul's in London (f), una cum Emma Reginâ, & cum Principibus meis, coram conventu Dei Sacer- dotum. To the fame (g); Subfcribed by the 2 Archbi- hops, the Bishop of London, an Abbot, 3 Dukes, 2 Satrape Regis, a Fiesbyter, a Deacon, then another Bicebyrer. I. (a) Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 217. 4p. Hift. Elicn. (e) p. 261. (g) bid. (b) p. 258. (c) p. 270. (ƒ) Tom. 3. P. 303. By A History of Convocations. 101 By K. Canut or Knut, to the Church of York, an. 1013. Sign'd by the K. the Queen, the 2 Archbi- fhops, 3 Bifhops, 4 Dukes, Ofgod Clapa. &c. To Christ-Church at Cant. Sign'd by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Queen, the Archbishop of York, 3 Biſhops, a Princeps Regis, a Duke. To the Monaft. of Exeter (h) 1019. Sign'd by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 10 Biſhops, 10 Dukes, 13 Ab- bots, 26 Miniftri. To that of Ely (i), Subſcribed by the K. and Queen, the 2 Archbishops, a Danish Bishop, 10 0- ther Biſhops, 8 Abbots, 3 Earls, 5 M. (Miniſtri or Milites,) 5 Satrapa. To that of Abbotesbury, (k) 1024. borum confilio & teftimonio quorum nomina hic infra habentur. Sub- ſcribed by the K. the Archbishop, 4 Biſhops, 3 Dukes, 5 Abbots, 3 Presbyters, 20 Miniftri. To that of Glafton (1) 1032. cum confilio & de- creto Archipræfulis noftri Edelnothi, fimulq; cunctorum Dei Sacerdotum & confenfu Optimatum meorum, pro- mulgata, in lignea bafilica. It grants an Exemp- tion. To that of Croyland (m), thefame Year: Sign- ed by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 3 Biſhops, 3 Ab- bets, 2 Earls, Earl Leofric's Brother and Son, Earl Godwin's Son, and 2 Miniftri Regis. To S. Paul's in London (n), teftantibus Epifcopis, & Comitibus, & iftius terræ Principibas. To the Monaftery of Biaozicelworth (Bury in Suffolk) cum confilio & decreto Archiepifcoporum, Abba- tum, Comitum, ALIORUMQ; OMNIUM FIDELI- UM. Subſcribed by the K. the Ducen, the 2 (b) Tom. I. p. 129. (i) Ap. Hift. Elienfem. (k) p. 277. (1) Ap. Malmesb. Geft. Reg. 11. (m) Ap. Ingulphum P. 59. (n) Monaft. Tom. 3. p. 303. H 3 Arch 1 102 A History of Convocations. 1 } .t Archbishops, 6 Bishops, 7 nights, 7 Abbots, S others, whofe Titles are not exprefs'd. This Charter the worthy Mr. Petyt has thought fit to produce as one of his Material Records, in his Treatife, Of the ancient Right of the Commons of Eng- land. In a Regiſter of that Abby, it is faid to be granted cum affenfu & decreto regni Dominorum Spiri- tualium & Temporalium in fuo pleno Parliamento. Mr. Petyt's Adverfary, Dr. Brady (b), allows of the Re- cord; but anfwers, that by Fideles, not all his Subjects, but only his Thegns, or Thanes, and Feudal Nobility are to be underſtood. 1 find the fame Charter mentioned by Bromton in his (c) Chronicle. I find it alſo confirmed by an Infpeximus (d) of K. Ed. II. But notwithſtanding all this, I have the fame Opinion of it that I have of the above-mentioned Account of the Parliament, in which the Privile- ges of that Monaſtery are ſaid to be granted by K. Canut. I rejected that Account as a Fiction of the Monks of that Place, as well becauſe it mentions an Exemption from Epifcopal Jurifdiction, as for o- ther Things. For the fame Reaſon I reject the Charter it felf, becauſe there too an Exemption is pretended to be granted. But neither is that all I have to fay against it. 1. It makes Wulftan Arch- bishop of York fubfcribe before Egelnoth Archbi- shop of Canterbury: Which I take to be a certain fign of Spurioufnefs. It was forged by fome Monk of that Abby, who was born,and had formerly lived within the Province of York. Among fo many Charters which I have feen, there are not above 3 (a) Ibid. p. 290. (b) Appendix to his Introdu&ion, F. 5o. (c) Col. 92. (d) Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 287. OF เ A Hiftory of Convocations. 103 or 4 Inftances (a) of that kind. All which I ac- court Forgeries, and fome of 'em have other Indi- cations of their being fo. 2. In this Charter the Archbishop of Canterbury is made to write his Name Athelnothus (b); or, as it is in the Infpeximus, Adel- nodus; whereas his true Name was Egelnothus: And fo he writes it in a Charter extant in Ingulphus; and in 3 (c) other Charters, whereof one is in Saxon, his Name is fo written; as it is alfo by (d) Osbern. a Monk of Canterbury, who flou ifhed within 30 Years after him. In (e) Malmesbury he is called Egelnodus. It is only the more Modern Authors that write his Name Athelnothus, by whom the Forger was deceived. To thefe things I might add, that Brithwaldus, one of the Subfcribing Bi- fhops, is not to be found amongst the Bishops that were Cotemporary to the 2 Archbishops Egelnothus and Wulftan. Its being confirm'd by an Infpeximus of K. Ed. II. is no Argument at all of its being genuine, for they were eafily impofed upon. So one of K. Ethelbert's Charters, fo indubitably fpuri- ous as it is, ſtands confirmed by an Infpeximus (ƒ) of · K. Ed. III. (a) One of 'em is notoriously a Forgery, viz that of Cedwalla to the Monks of Selcſey, an. 673- Ap. Monaft. Tom. 3. p. 115. A 2d is that of K. Ethelred to the Monks of Eynsham A 3d is that of K. Canus to the Monks of Hulm, Tom I. p. 283. 4 4th is that of the fame K. to the Monks of Ely, the fpurioulness of which is confirmed by the 2 Archbishops their pretending that they ſub- Jcribed by the Pope's Autority Another may be ſeen in Spelman, p. 428 tak n out of Ingulphus. But that is only the Librarian's Miftake. For in the last and most correct Edition of Ingulphus (ed. Oxon. p. 35.) the Archbishop of Canterbury is placed foft. (b) In Canut's Spurious Charter to the Monaft. of Hulm he is made to write his Name theluthus. (c) Moraft. Tom. 3. p. 303, 304. In a Charter of Canut, Tom. 2. p. 83. he is called A- gelnotus, in another, Tom. 3. p. 130. Ayelnod, i e. Agelnod. In that to the Abby of Glafton, he is called Edelnot us: But that too grants an Exemption, and is fpurious. (d) Vità S. Eiphegi. (e) De Geſt. Pont. l. 1. (f) Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 23. H 4 Char- { 104 A Hiftory of Convocations. $ Charters granted by K. Edward the Con- feffor. T O the Monks of Gant (a) an. 1044. Subfcri- bed by the K. his Mother, the 2 Archbishops, 12 Biſhops, 8 Dukes, 6 Abbots, a Camerarius, 11 Mi- niftri, and 2 others. (b) To the Church of Exeter, an. 1050. where- by he unites the Bifhopricks of Cornwal and Cridi- ton, and places the Seat of the Bishoprick at Exeter : auctoritate fuperni Regis, meâ meaq; Conjugis Eadithæ univerforum Epifcoporum Ducumq; meorum. Subfcri- bed by the 2 Archbishops, 4 Bifhops, 6 Dukes, 3 Abbots, a Presbyter, 3 Nobiles, 9 Miniftri. To the Monks of Otery (c), 1061. Sign'd by K. the Queen, the 2 Archbishops, 3 Bishops, &c. To thofe of Waltham (d) 1062. Sign'd by the K. the Queen, the 2 Archbishops, 11 Biſhops, II Abbots, 5 Earls, 1 Regia Procurator aulæ, 1 Regis con- fanguineus, 1 Regis aulicus, 1 Regis Palatinus, another Regis Confanguineus, Regis Cancellarius, 2 Regis CA- PĒLLANI, 2 Princes, Regis pincerna, Regina pin- cerna, 2 Regis dapiferi, Regina dapifer, then 11 Princes more. Nos Archiepifcopi & Epifcopi ad hanc confirmationem congregati, ejufdem hortatu excommuni- camus, &c To thofe of Malmesbury (e) 1065. Cum confenfu Epifcoporum Optimatumq; meorum. Subfcribed by the K. the Queen, the 2 Archbishops, 3 Biſhops, 4 Dukes, 6 Abbots. P. 549 (a) Tom. 2. P. 500. (d) Tom, 2, p. 13. (b) Tom. I. p. 229. (e) Tom. 1. p. 52. (c) Tom. 1. To A History of Convocations. 105 } To the Archbishop of York (a); Wintonia in pub- lica Curiâ Natalis Chrifti in die Feſtivitatis S. Sylveftri A. D. 1065. Whereby he fubjects the Bishop of Worcester to that See. Signed by the K. and Queen, the Archbishop of Canterbury, 3 Biſhops, a Chap- lain, 4 Dukes, &c. Spurious, I fuppofe. To the Monks of Thanet (b) cum confenfu & Teftimonio Epifcoporum, Ducum, Principum, & Satelli- tum meorum. To thoſe of Ramefey (c) fign'd by the K. the 2 Archbishops, 3 Bishops, the Chancellor, a Notary, 5 Abbots, 4 Dukes, a Chamberlain, and 3 others. To thofe of Stow (d): Subfcribed by the K. the Queen, the 2 Archbishops, 9 Bifhops, 4 Earls, 6 Abbots, 3 Stratores, and by omnes Regis famuli dome- ftici (1 Miniftri Palatini) & ipfius Sacerdotes. Et omnium Civium Lincolnienfium teftimonio, & omnium bo- minum qui forum fequuntur annuum Stowenfe. By 40- thers, of whom one is ftyled Thurgodus Laicus. To thofe of Hulm (e): Sign'd by the K. and Queen, the 2 Archbiſhops, 4 Biſhops, 2 Dukes, 4 Abbots, 3 Dukes more. To thofe of Croyland (f) fign'd by the K. and Queen, the 2 Archbishops, 3 Earls, cum cæteris Optimatibus meis, qui aſſunt in Curiâ meâ, multis. In his firſt Charter (g) to the Church of West- minfter it is intimated, that inferiour Monks and Clergymen, as well as Bilhops and Abbots, acted in that Synod which was called on that occafion. Poft banc donationem Excommunicaverunt omnes Epifcopi & Abbates totius Angliæ & Monachi & Clerici eos qui boc conftitutum infringerent. Subfcribed by the K. and Queen, the 2 Archbishops, 8 Biſhops, 5 Abbots, (a) Tom. 3. p. 131. (b) Tom. 1. p. 85. (c) p. 237. (d) p. 263. (e) p. 284. (ƒ) Ap. Ingulphum p. 64, (g) Tom. I. p. 61. InSpelman p. 629, 230. this Charter is made two. the 1 106 A History of Convocations. Ở the Chancellor, 2 Abbots more, 4 Dukes, 6 Miniſtri, 4 others. Acta apud Weftm. V. Kal. Jan. die Sancto- rum Innocentium A. D. 1066. Indict. 3. His other Charter (a) to the fame Church, was made (if it be genuine) the fame time, cum confilio & decreto Archiepifcoporum, Epifcoporum, Comitum, a- liorumq; omnium Optimatum. Sign'd and confirm'd, next after the K. by the Queen, the 2 Archbishops, 10 Biſhops, 6 Abbots, the King's Chancellor, 2 (or 3) of the King's Chaplains, 1 Duke, 4 Earls, 7 Miniftri, 5 Buights. In the Hiftory of Ramefey (b), there are divers Charters of the fame King to be feen, not extant (I think) in the Monafticon, whereof one is faid to be made apud Windhoram in iv. die Ebdomadæ Pafchalis: Another at Weftm. on St. Peter's Day; with but a few Subfcribers. Of King Edward the Confeſſor's LAWS. The which HE Laws of K. Edward the Confeſſor, which THE are partly Civil, partly Ecclefiaftical, are not therefore call'd His, becaufe all made by Him, but becauſe in his time receiv'd in England, being chiefly the fame with thofe of his Predeceffors e- fpecially of K. Canut. K. William the Conqueror in the 4th Year of his Reign, by the Advice of his Barons, fummon'd all the Great Men of England, and fuch as were (4) Spelman, p. 632. (b) Cap. 1c8, &c. learned A Hiftory of Convocations. 107 learned in the Laws, to come before him, and to give him an Account of their Laws and Customs. Twelve Men therefore were choſen for every Coun- ty, and fent up. And from the Account which they gave of their Laws and Cuftoms, a Colle- ction was made, and confirm'd by the Conqueror; and therefore called K. Edward's, becauſe in ufe be- fore the Conqueft in his time. ) It is one of the Conqueror's Laws (a), That all fhould confervare Legem EDWARDI Regis in omnibus rebus, his adjectis que conftitui, ad utilitatem Anglorum. Henry I. in his Edict, which is extant, in Matt. Paris (b), and in Richard the Prior of Haguftald his Hift. of K. Stephen. Lagam R. EDWARDI vobis reddo, cum illis emendationibus, quibus Pater meus cam emenda- vit, confilio Baronum fuorum.- ea quæ à mod facta fu- erint, jufte emendentur, fecundum lagam R. EDÏVARDI. Florence of Worcester (c) fays, That K. Henry I. Le- gem Regis Eadwardi omnibus in commune reddidit cum illis emendationibus quibus Pater fuus illam emendavit. So the Prior of Haguftald but now cited. K. Henry I. (fays he) bonas Leges & confuetudines R. EDWARDI præde- cefforis ac cognati fui restauravit, & prout ei videbatur Sud fapientia & auctoritate emendatas & corroboratas in regno fuo rigide & conftanter tam à divitibus quam à pauperibus obfervari fecit. The Continuator (d) of Florence, and (e) Bromton tell us, That (the fame K. Henry I. having impofed upon the Nation certain Laws of his own) the Londoners petition'd the Emprefs Mal, amongſt other things, ut Leges eis Regis Edwardi obfer vare liceret, quia optime erant & non Patris fui (a) Ap. Hoveden, P. 343. (b) Vitâ Hen. I. (c) An. 1100. (d) Ad an. 1141. (e) Col, 1031. } Hen * } 108 History of Convocations. Henrici, quia graves erant. Verum illa non bono usa confilio, præ nimid aufteritate non acquievit eis, unde & motus magnus factus est in urbe, & factâ conjuratione adverfus eam, quam cum honore fufceperunt, cum dede- core apprehendere ftuduerunt. K. John (a) in his Oath which he took when he was abfolved by the Biſhops from his Excommuni- cation, fwore, quod bonas leges antecefforum, & præ- cipue leges EDWARDI R. revocaret, & in:quas deſtru eret, &c. Ingulphus (b) alſo, who liv'd in the Conqueros's time, calls 'em exprefly, The Laws of the most Juß K.EDWARD, quas meus inclytus Rex Wilhelmus au- thenticas effe & perpetuas per totum regnum Angliæ in- violabiliter tenendas, fub pœnis graviffimis proclamarat & fuis Jufticiariis commendarat. That Edward the Confeffor made certain Laws, is intimated by Hoveden (c), where he tells us, That he promis'd all the People right Law, and banish'd all the Normans, who had invented unjust Laws. The King, fays he, and Earl Godwin being at variance, by the Mediation of wife Men, the K. call'd a Council, and reftored the Earl to his Honours: Facta igitur concordiâ paceq; firmatâ, omni populo re- &tam legem promiferunt, & omnes Normannos, qui leges iniquas adinvenerant, & injuſt a judicia judicaverant, multaq; Regi confilia adverfus Anglos dederant exlegave- runt. A little after (d) he ſays, That Harold, Earl Godwin's Son, with many others (in a Council held) at Oxford, banifh'd Earl Toftius, with all thoſe who had excited the K. to make unjust Laws, cum omnibus qui legem iniquam ftatuere illum incitave- rant. He alfo mentions, but Word for Word out of Florence, that Henry I. made K. Edward's (a) M. Paris, 201. (b) p. 88. (c) p. 254. (d) p. 255. Laws A A History of Convocations. 109 Laws common, as they had been corrected by his Father.. Notwithſtanding this, I am ftill of that Opinion, That by the Laws of King Edward, we ought to un- derſtand, not the Laws which he made, but chiefly (if he made any at all) the Laws which were in ufe in his time. And the Title it felf confirms me in it. Leges S. Edwardi Regis, quas in Angliâ TENUIT, & quas Willielmus hæres & cognatus fuus poftea confirmavit. And the French Edition, which Ingul- phus himſelf procured for his Abby of Croyland, which he tells us was the Original, calls 'em the Laws, not which K. Edward made, but which he kepr. Ces fount les Leis & les Cuttumes que le Reis Will. grentat à tut le puple de Engleterre apres le Con- queft de la terre. Ice les mefmes que li Reis EDWARD Jun Cofin tint devant lui. And it evidently appears to be fo from that Account which is given in the Preface of the Conqueror's fummoning the Great and Wife Men from the feveral parts of the King- dom to give him an Account of their Laws and Cuftoms, in order to have 'em confirmed. For had he defign'd to confirm only certain Laws ena- cted by K. Edward, what need of all that? Which Preface is extant not only in the vulgar Edition, but alſo in (a) Hoveden and in (b) Knyghton. เ William of Malmesbury (c) is exprefly of my O- pinion in the Life of K. Canut. Omnes leges ab an- tiquis Regibus & maxime ab anteceffore fuo Ethelredo latas fub interminatione Regiæ multæ perpetuis tempori- bus obfervari præcepit (Canut.) In quarum cuftodiâ eti- am nunc tempore bonorum, fub nomine Regis EDWAR- DI juratur, non quod ille ftatuerit, fed quod OBSERVA- VERIT. Matthew Paris too tells us, in the Life of (a) p. 343. (b) Col. p. 2355. (c) De Geftis Reg. II. 11. Fre- 5 110 A History of Convocations. Fretheric Abbot of St. Albans, that the Conqueror con- firmed not only the Laws which K. Edward had made. but alſo thoſe which had been made by o- ther Kings his Predeceffors. Apud Beckhamitude post multas difceptationes, præfente Archiepifcopo Lan- franco, Pix pro bono pacis, juravit fuper omnes Reliquias Ecclefiæ S. Albani, tactifq; facrofanétis Evangeliis, bo- nas & approbatas ANTIQUAS Regni Leges, quas SAN- CTI AC PII ANGLIA REGS, & maxime R. Ed- wardus ftatuit inviolabiliter obfervare. ཀ The fame Aurhor in the Life of Hen. I. tells us, That he promis'd the States before he came to the Crown, emendationem Legum, quibus opprèſſa fuerat Anglia tempore Patris fui & Fratris nuper defuncti : To which they answered, That they would unani- mouſly confecrate him King, fi animo volente ipfis vellet concedere, & chartâ fuâ communire illas libertates & confuctudines antiquas quæ fouerunt in regno tem- pore Sancti Regis EDWARDI. And (a) Henry of Huntindon fays, That the Normans having conquer'd the Britains, granted them Liberty and their ancient Laws. Libertatem legefq; aniquas regni jure concefferunt. We are told by Higden (b) That the firit that made Laws here in Britain, was K. Dumwallo Mol- mucius, whofe Laws were call'd Leges Molmucina, and were famous even to the Conqueror's time. Next to him was Queen Marcia, Wife to K. Gin- telin; who made certain aws call'd Lex Marcia. The Laws of both thefe Princes Gildas the Hiltori- an tranflated out of the British Tongue into Latin, and K. Alfred out of Latin into Saxon; which were called Berchenelaga. He added Laws of his own, which were called Letipenelaga. After him the Danes made other Laws, which were cal- led Danciage. Ex his tribus Legibus (ſays he) (a) Prologo libri 5. (b) Polychron. 1. 1. Ed- A History of Convocations. III Edwardus tertius unam Legem communem edidit, quæ Leges Edwardi ufq; bodie vocantur. The fame fabu- lous Account we have in (a) Rudborne ; and much the fame in Bromton (b), who adds; That by the Laws called Dorcheurlaga, i. e. the Law of the Mercians, 8 Shires, or Provinces, were governed,viz.. thofe of Glocefter, Warcefter, Hereford, Salop, Chefter, Stafford, Warwick, Oxford. That the Saxon Laws were fuperadded by K. Ine; to whofe Laws K. Al- fred added others called Weftfaxenelaga. i. e. the Law of the West-Saxons; by which the 9 Southern Shires were governed, viz. Kent, Suffex, Surry, Barks, Wilts, Hampshire, Somerfet, Dorfet, Devon. After- wards the Laws call'd Denelana were made by the Danes; by which were governed the 15 Eastern and Northern Counties, viz. Effex, Middlefex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Hartfordſhire, Cambridgeshire, Huntingtonshire, Lincolnjhire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Northampton- fhire, Leicestershire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, and Yorkshire. He fays, K. Edward difliking that theſe feveral Parts of the Kingdom fhould be governed by different Laws, drew all into one Body, and I made 'em all common to the whole Nation. Le- ges communs Anglorum genti tempore fuo ordinavit, quia per ante Leges nimis partiales edite fuerunt. In ano- ther (c) place he ſays: Plures in Anglia ftatuit Leges bonas, quæ pro majori parte adbuc in regno tenentur. ༡ Others mentioning this threefold Partition of our ancient Laws, make no mention at all of K. Ed- ward, but fay, that the Conqueror out of thoſe forts of Laws, made a Body of Laws for this King- dom, approving fome, and rejecting others, and adding what he thought fit out of thofe of Nor- mandy. So Gervafius Tilburienfis, Nephew to K. Hen- ry II. in his Dialogue De Scaccario & ejus Officiariis, (a) Hift. Wint. (b) Col. 956. (c) Col. 937• which 112 A Hiftory of Covocations. which is extant in MS. in the Bodleian Library and elſewhere: William the Conqueror (fays he) decrevit Subjectum fibi populum juri fcripto legibusq; fubjicere. Præpofitis igitur legibns Anglicanis fecundum triparti- tam earum diftinctionem, hoc eft, Derchenlage, Dene- lage, Wexlerenlage, quafdam repobavit quafdam au- tem approbans, tranfmarinas Neuftriæ (1. Norman- nie) Leges quæ ad regni pacem tuendam efficaciffimæ videbantur, adjecit. This threefold diftinction of our Laws is mentio- ned alfo in the Laws that go under the Name of K. Henry I. cap. 6. Legis Anglica trina eft partitio. Alia enim Wettfariæ, alia Mircena, alia Denelaga. In the League made between K. Alfred and Godrun the Dane, and in the Laws of K. Canut (a) the Anglozum laga, and Denelaga are frequently men- tion'd; and tho' the Prohibitions are general, the Fines laid upon the English and Danes in thofe Laws, are not the fame, but according to their own pro- per Cuftoms. The Mercian Laws too are mentio- ned fometimes in thoſe of Canut. as Cap. 32. Hæc Junt jura quæ Rex habet fuper omnes homines in Dirce- nis & Weftiariâ—-in Denelaga babet, &c. Agen cap. 97. Et mediocris Thayni, equus fuus apparatu fuo, & arma fua, vel fuum hallfang in deuiariâ: In Mircents 2 1. in Cattanglia 2 . They are all like- wife mention'd in thofe Laws which are call'd K. Edward's. In the Latin Edition of thefe Laws called K. Ed- ward's, there is one with this Title: Lex Norico- rum & Danorum in Brytannia. Where it faid, that thoſe Laws were obſerved in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cam- bridgeshire, Deira (or Northumberland) and in the Iflands Carthenenfium, Mannenfium, Murtenfium, & (a) Ed. Lat. ap. Bromton. Col, 818, c Orche- A Hiftory of Convocations. 113 Orchadam & Inchegalenfium & Ordacenfium, & de Gurth. i. e. thofe that inhabit the Marish Country. The Interpolator adds, That the Normans being de- fcended from the Norwegians, the Conqueror had a mind to impofe the Norwegian Laws upon the whole Nation. Quo audito, mox univerfi compatriote regni qui leges edixerant triftes effecti, unanimiter de- precati funt, that he would permit them to have their own Laws and ancient Customs, in which their Fathers had lived, and they themselves had been born and bred. The K. remaining inflexible, they conjur'd him by the Soul of K. Edward, who had made him his Heir, and whofe Laws they were, not to impofe up- on 'em the Laws of Strangers. Unde CONCILIO habi- to, precatu BARONUM tandem acquievit, and confent- ed to confirm K. Edward's Laws (præ cæteris Patria Legibus ;) which (fays he) had been firft made by his Grandfather K. Edgar, but after his Death had for 68 Years been laid aſide, and at laft, confilio Baro- num, were renewed and revived by him. The fame Account, and in the fame Words, is in Hoveden in Hen. II. p. 347. And much the fame is that which the Chronicle of Lichfield, and Rudborne in his Chronicle of Winchester, have given us. In both which it is faid, that the K. at laft complied, ad preces COMMUNITATIS ANGLIÆ, Knyghton (a) tells us, that K. Edward, after he was crown'd, Confilio Baronum & cæterozum regni fe- cit renovare & ſtabilire & confirmare bonas Leges que fuerunt per 68 annos, inter dormientes foporate & quafi oblivioni tradita.Leges ifta vocate funt Leges S EDWARDI; non quia ipfas primo invenerat fed quia quafi fub modio pofitæ & in oblivione derelicte à tempore R. Edgari avi fui qui primo manum fuam mifit ad ipfas inveniendas & ftatuendas. (a) Col. 2338. +1 What 114 A Hiftory of Convocations. ޑ What they tell us of Molmucius, and Q. Marcia, that they were the Authors of the Mercian Laws, of Gildas's tranflating their Laws into Latin, and K. Alfred's turning 'em into Saxon, is no more than a Geffry of Monmouth-Story. It is not at all likely, that the Saxons that inhabited thofe Parts, would be governed by any Laws of the Britains. Which were fo far indeed from being remarkable for any peculiar Excellency, that the Britains themſelves of Wales, in the Reign of K. Hoel Dha, i. e. Hoel the Good, rejected 'em, and made a new Body for themfelves. The orchenelaga, or Laws of the Mercians, were doubtlefs no other than thofe Laws and Cuſtoms, which the Saxons of thofe Parts firſt brought in wich 'em, and which K. Offa afterwards enlarged and corrected. Whether there be any Truth in that which they tell us of K. Edgar's Laws, their being revi- ved after 67 or 68 Years by the Confeffer, I fhall not take upon me to determine. He is called by (a) Gemmeticenfis, Anglicarum Legum legitimus restitutor. Yet it is my Opinion, that the Danish Laws were never rejected by him; and my Reafon is, becaufe in that Set of Laws which the Conqueror confirm'd as the Laws obferv'd by the Confeffor, there is frequent mention made, not only of the per- chenelas, and the e-Serelae, but alfo of the Dinclae. He that would read the true Copy of K. Edward's Laws (or thofe fo called)the Foundation of our pre- fent Common Law,and of Magna Charta, muft confult, not the Latin Edition publifh'd by Mr. Lambard, or thoſe extant in Hoveden, Knyghton, and the Chro- nicle of Lichfield, but the French one extant in In- gulphus; which is publiſh'd by Mr. Selden, with his Latin Tranflation, in his Notes upon Eadmer, toge- (a) L. c. c. 9. ther 蠢 ​A History of Convocations. 115 ther with the reft which have been added by o- thers under K. Edward's Name. See Selden, p. 171, 172, &c. To come more home to the Bufinefs of Convoca- tions and Parliaments. In the laſt Page of the firſt Volume of Archbishop Arundel's Regifter there is a Note relating to the manner of calling the Clergy to Parliament in the Confeffor's Reign; wherein it is intimated, that even in his time, and afterwards by vertue of his Laws, in the Reign of the Con- queror, the Clergy were repreſented by 2 Proctors fent up from every Archdeaconry and Deanery; as the Commons by their Knights of Shires and Bur- geffes. De modo convocandi Clerum Angliæ ad Parlia mentum Regis Edwardi Filii Etheldredi R. qui modus fuit intimatus Willielmo Conque- itori, & per eundem obfervatus, prout patet in Rotulis temporibus dictorum Regum Juper- inde confectis. D Parliamentum fummoniri & venire debent Archie- pifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Priores, & alii majo- res Cleri, qui tenent per Comitivam vel Baroniam rati- one bujufmodi tenure, & nulli minores, nifi eorum præ- fentia & adventus aliunde quam pro tenuris fuis requi- ratur. Et fi fint de Confilio Regis, vel eorum præfen- tia utilis & neceffaria reputetur ad Parliamentum, illis te- netur Rex miniftrare fumptus & expenfas fuas in veniendo & morando ad Parliamentum. Nec debent brjufmodi Cleri (Clerici) minores fummoniri ad Parliamentum, fed Rex folebat talibus peritis mandare brevia fua rogan- do quod Parliamento fuo intereffent. Item Rex folebat mandare fummonitiones fuas Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, &aliis exemptis perfonis, ut Abbatibus, Prioribus, De I 2 canisz # $ 116 A History of Convocations. $ canis, & aliis Ecclefiafticis perfonis, qui habent jurifdi- Eliones per bujufmodi exemptiones & privilegia feparata, quod ipfi pro quolibet Decanatu, & Archidiaconatu An- gliæ per ipforum Decanatus & Archidiaconatus eligi fa- cerent duos peritos & idoneos Procuratores de ipfo Archi- diaconatu ad veniendum & intereſſendum Parliamento, ad refpondendum, fubeundum, allegandum, & faciendum ibidem idem quod facerent omnes & fingula perfona ip- forum Decanatuum & Archidiaconatuum, fi ipfi & eo- rum omnes & finguli perfonaliter intereffent, & quod hu- jufmodi Procuratores, veniant cum Warantis five Du- plicatis figillo fuperiorum fuorum figillatis, quod ipfi ad hujufmodi procurationem electi & miffi funt, qua- rum literarum una liberabitur Clerico de Parliamento ad Irrotulandura, & alia refidebit penes ipfos Procuratores, & fic fub iftis duobus generibus fummonitionum debet to- tus Clerus fummoniri ad Parliamentum Regis. This is taken, all but the Title, out of the Treatife De modo tenendi Parliamentum; which begins thus Hic defcribitur modus quo Parliamentum Regis Angliæ & Anglorum fuorum tenebatur tempore Regis Edwardi filii Ethelredi Regis, qui modus recitatus fuit per difcretiores coram Willielmo Duce Normannorum Conqueftore & Rege Angliæ, ipfo Conqueftore boc præ- cipiente, & per ipfum approbatus & fuis temporibus & etiam fuccefforum fuorum Regum Anglorum ufi- tatus. But here it is more exprefs and parti- cular; for 'tis faid, that this Account of the manner of calling the Clergy to Parliament, was taken out of the very Rolls of Parliament of both thofe Kings. What fhall we fay to this? Why after all it is certain, that the whole is a down-right Forgery, and the Treatife De modo tenendi Parliamentum, of which this is an Extract, is but little more than a meer Invention, and writ long after the Conque- ror's time, about the Reign of Edward III. or but . A A Hiftory of Convocations. a little before: Which evidently appears from the Language of it, and from Officers (a) and Chara- &ters mention'd in it, which were not known till longer after the Conqueft. Neither is it true, which is there intimated, that Bishops, Abbots, and Priors in the Saxon times fat in Parliament by virtue of their Baronies, or Tenures, by holding in Chief of the King. For Baronies and fuch Tenures were firft brought into England by the Conqueror. Neither was the Name of Priors known among the Saxons. The diſtinction of Abbots and Conventual Priors was firft brought in (if I am not miſtaken) by the Nor- mans. Mr. Selden affures us, that tho' he had feen many MS. Copies of that Piece, yet he never faw any one that was elder than Edw. III. I know that Treatife is extant in Print, but I have it by me only in MS. and becauſe it is rarely to be met with, I fhall here give my Reader, to gratifie his Curionity (I cannot fay, for his Inftru- ction) fome other Fragments out of it, which con- cern the Clergy. De Gradibus Parliamenti qui funt fex nu- mero. R EX eft Caput, Principium, & Finis Parliamenti, & ita non habet parem in fuo gradu, & fic ex Rege folo primus gradus eft. Secundus gradus eft ex Archie- pifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus per Baroniam te- nentibus. Tertius Gradus eft de B20curatozibus Cleri. Quartus Gradus eft de Comitibus, Baronibus, & aliis Magnatibus. Quintus Gradus eft de Militibus Comita- tuum. Sextus Gradus eft de Civibus & Burgenfibus, (a) See Selden Titl, of Hon. p. 739. 117 } I 1 3 118 A History of Convocations. Et ita eft Parliamentum ex 6 Gradibus. Sed fciendum eft quod licet aliquis dictorum quinq; Graduum poft Re- gem abfens fuerit, dum tamen omnes præmoniti fint per rationabiles Jummonitiones, Parliamentum nihilominus cenfetur efle Plenum. It tells us, how they ought to be amerced who neglect to ſend up their Reprefentatives, or to come. to Parliament according to their Summons. The firſt Day the Burgelles; the 2d, Knights of Shires; the 3d, the Barons of the Cinque-Ports and the Temporal Lords are to be called over, and thoſe that are found to be faulty, are to be amerced after a cer- tain Rate. Then it follows concerning the P20- cs of the Clergy, &c. Querto vero die vocabuntur Procuratozes Clert, qui fi non venient amercientur E- pifcopi Summoniti pro quolibet Archidiaconatu qui default fecerit ad C. Marcas. Quinto vocabuntur Decani, Prie- res, Abbates, Epifcopi, & deinde Archiepifcopi, qui fi non veniant amercietur quilibet Archiepifcopus ad C.lib. quilibet tenens Baroniam integram ad C. Marcas, eodem modo de Abbatibus, Prioribus, & aliis. Rex poft pronunciationem pro Parliamento rogare debet Clericos & Laicos nominando omnes per eorum gradus, viz. Archiepifcopos, Epifcopos, & Abbates, Priores, Ar- chidiaconos, Procuratozes & alios de Clero, Comites, & Barones, Milites, Cives, Burgenfes, & alios Laicos, quod ipfi diligenter ftudiofe & cordialiter laborent ad per- tractand. & deliberand. negotia Parliamenti, prout ip- fi magis & principalius hoc ad Dei Voluntatem primum, & poftea ad ejus & corum honores & commoda fore in- tellexerint & Sentierint. Primo fedebit Rex in medio loco Majoris Banci, & ex parte ejus dextra fedebunt Archiepifcopus Cant. Epifcopi Londen: & Winton: & poft illos ftatim alii Epifcopi, Abbates, & Priores. Et parte finiftra fedebunt Archie- pifcopus Ebor. Epifcopi Dunelm : & Carliol: & poft il- los ftatim Comites, Barones, & habita femper tali divi- fione } A History of Convocations. 119 fione inter prædictos gradus, & eorum loca quod nullus fedeat nifi inter fuos pares, & ad hoc tenetur Senefcallus profpicere, nifi Rex alium velit ad hoc affignare. Ad pedem ejus dextram fedebunt Cancellarius Anglia, & Capitalis Jufticiarius Angliæ & focii fui, & eorum Clerici, qui funt de Parliamento; & ad pedem ejus finiftram fedebunt Thefaurarius, Camerarius, & Barones de Scaccario, Ju- fticiarii de Banco, & eorum Clerici qui funt de Parlia- mento. Dominus Rex affignabit Clericos peritos & approba- tos, quorum primus miniftrabit & ferviet Epifcopis, zdus Proceribus Cleri, 3tius Comitibus, 4tus Militibus, Co- mitatuum, 5tus Çivibus & Burgenfibus. . Cum Briga, dubitatio, vel cafus difficilis, vel querra emergant regno vel extra, referatur & recitetur ille ca- fus in fcriptus in pleno Parliamento, &, fi ne fe fit, in- jungatur per Regem feu ex parte Regis, fi Rex non inter· fit, cuilibet Gradui Parium, quod quilibet Gradus advant per fe, & liberentur Cafus illi Clerico fuo in fcriptis Lu in certo loco recitari faciant coram illis cafum illum, ita quod ipfi ordinent & confiderent inter fe, qualiter meli- us & juftitius procedi poterit in cafu illo, ficut ipfi pro perfond Regis & eorum propriis perfonis, & etiam pro perfonis eorum perfonas quorum ipfi prafentant, velint co- ram Deo refpondere. Et fuas refponfines & avifamenta, reportent in fcriptis, & omnibus eorum refponfionibus, con- filiis, & avifamentis hinc inde auditis fecundum melius &fanius confilium procedatur, & ubi faltem major pars Parliamenti concordat. Et fi per difcordiam inter Regem & Magnates aliquos, vel forte inter ipfos Mag- nates pax Regni infirmetur ita quod videatur Regi & ejus Concilio, quod expediens fit, quod negotium illud tractetur; emendetur per confiderationem omnium Parium fui Regni. Vel fi per guerram Rex & Regnum tribulen- tur, vel fi cafus difficilis coram Cancellario Angliæ e- mergat, Jeu fudicium difficile coram Justiciariis fit red- dendum, & hujufmodi deliberationibus omnis vel faltem I 4 major 120 A History of Convocations. major pars concordare non valeant, tunc Comes Senefcallus, Comes Constabularius, & Comes Marifcallus, vel duo corum eligent 25 perſonas de omnibus partibus regni, ſcil. duos Epifcopos, & tres Procuratozes pro toto Clero, 2 Comites, & 3 Barones, 5 Milites Comitatuum, 5 Cives, Burgenfes 5, qui faciunt 25. Et illi 25 facient ex feipfis fi velint 12 & condefcendere in eis, & ipfi 12 con- defcendere in 6. & ipfi fic adbuc in 3. & conde- fcendere in eis, & ipfi tres fe in paucioribus condefcen- dere non poffint, nifi obtenta licentia à Domino Rege, & fi Rex confentiat, illi tres poffint in duos, & de illis duobus alter poteft in alium defcendere; & ita demum ftabit ordi- anatio fua fupra totum Parliamentum, & ita poteft con- defcendcre à 25 perfonis ufq; in unam folam perfonam, fi numerus major poterit concordare & ordinare, & tan- dem fola perfona, ut dictum eft, pro omnibus ordinabit; qui cum feipfo concordare non potest; falvo Domino Rege & ejus Concilio, quod ipfi ordinationes hujufmodi poftquam fcriptæ fuerint examinare & emendare valeant fi hoc fa- cere fciant & velint, ita quod hoc fiet ibidem tunc in pleno Parliamento,& de confenfu Parliamenti, non re- tro Parliamentum.- ni- Rex non folebat quærere auxilium de Regno fuo, ni- fi pro guerra inftante, vel Filios fuos Milites faciend. vel Filias fuas Maritand. & tunc debet hujufmodi auxili- um pet: in pleno Parliamento & in fcriptis cuilibet gra- dui Parium Parliamenti liberari & in fcriptis refponderi. Sciendum eft, quod ad hujufmodi auxilium concedendum oportet, quod omnes Pares Parliamenti confentiant. Et in- telligendum est, quod duo Milites qui veniunt ad Parliamentum pro uno Comitatu majorem vocem habent in Parliamento & concedendo & contradicendo quam major Comes Anglia, & eodem modo P2ccercs Cleri unius Epifcopatus majorem vocem habent in Parliamento, fi omnes fint concordes, quam Epifcopus ipfe: & hoc in omnibus que in Parliamento concedi, negari, vel fieri debent. Et ex hoc patet, quod Rex poteft tenere Parliamen- tum, A History of Convocations. 12 1 tum, licet nullus Epifcopus, Comes vel Baro, ad fummoni- tiones fuas venerint, quia olim nec fuerat Epifcopus, Comes nec Baro,& adbuc tunc Reges tenuerunt Parliamenta fua. Sed aliter eft è contra, licet Communitates Cleri & Lai- ci fummoniti effent ad Parliamentum ficat de jure debent,& propter aliquas caufas venire nollent, fed prætenderint quod Rex non regeret eos ficut deberet,& affignarent fpecialiter in quibus articulis cos non bene rexerat, tune Parliamentum eft nullum, licet Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Comites, Baro- nes, & eorum omnes Pares, cum Rege intereffent. Et ideo oportet quod omnia quæ adfirmari, vel infirmari, concedi, vel negari, vel fieri debent per Parliamentum, per com- munitatem Parliamenti concedi, quæ eft ex 3 Gradibus five generibus Parliamenti, fcil. ex Procuratozibus Cle- ri,Militibus Comitatuum,& Burgenfibus,quæ repræfentant totam Communitatem Anglia,& non de Magnatibus, quia quilibet eorum est pro fua propria perfona ad Parliamen- tum & pro nulla alia. Thus far that bold Writer, who has given us a deſcription not of a true English Parliament, but of a Fancy of his own; fuch a one as he wifh'd for, not fuch as he found here eſtabliſhed. The Lord (a) Coke took that Piece to be of fo much Autority, as to argue from thence againſt the inferiour Clergy's having a Right to fit in Par- liament, without confidering (as a worthy (b) Per- fon has already obferved) that it fays the very fame of the Commons of England: Et nulli minores Laici fummoniri nec venire debent ad Parl. ratione tenu- riæ fuæ, nifi eorum præfentia aliis de caufis fuerit utilis vel nceffaria ad Parliamentum, & tunc de illis debet fieri ficut dictum eft de minoribus Clericis qui ratione tenuriæ Jue ad Parl. venire minime tenentur. The Au- thor's Fancy feems to have been, that neither the one nor the other ought to be required to come to (a) Inft. part 4. P. 5. (b) Rights of Convoc. p. 337. Par- 122 A History of Convocations. ! Parliament, but to be defired as occafion fhould be, they being not bound, as others were, by their Tenure: And in that, for the time of Ed. III. and upward, there might be fomething of Truth. I fhall conclude this Part concerning the Synods and Great Councils of our Anceſtors the Britains and Saxons, with an Obfervation or two, which the worthy Mr. Petyt has made before me. Xiphi- line out of Dion Caffius, in the Life of Severus, fays, that amonft the Britains their Form of Goverment was in a great meaſure (a) Democratical. The Epiſtle of Eleutherius to K. Lucius, which that worthy Gen- tleman has thought fit to quote, in which it is in- timated that the K. per concilium regni might make Laws, is a notorious Forgery; and, tho' it had made more to his purpofe, would ſcarce have de- ferved to be mention'd. Concerning the Germans, of whom the Saxons were a part, it's a well-known Saying of Tacitus. De minoribus rebus Principes confultant, de majoribus OM- NES, ita tamen ut ea quoq; quorum penes PLEBEM ar- bitrium eft, apud Principes prætractentur. William of Malmesbury Speaking (b) of the Duke of Normandy (afterwards the Conqueror) his expoftulating with K. Harold, by his Embaffadors, for breaking his Oath, having fworn not to pretend to the King- dom, but that He fhould inherit it, fays, that Ha- rold returned him this Anfwer: De regno prefumptuo- fum fuiffe, quod abfq; generali SENATŪS & POFULĮ conventu &cdicto, alienam illi hæreditatem juraverit &c. that his Oath was void fince it was not in his Power, but a downright Prefumption, to difpofe of the Crown without a general Convention and De crco of the Bonate and People. I pafs by the De- (α) δημοκραζονται σε ὡς πλήθει. (b) 1. 3. p. 56. ſcription A Hiftory of Convocations. 123 ſcription of a Witena Gemot, which Sir H. Spelman, and Mr. Camden have given us, their Judgments be- ing nỏ Arguments in this Matter. But Malmesbury's Account of it, who wrote within 60 Years after that time (a), and who was fo well skill'd in their Hiftories and Antiquities, is of very great Weight; tho' Dr. Brady is pleas'd to defpife it. It is ufual with Hiftorians to exprefs the Tranf- actions of former Ages, according to the Cu- ftoms of their cwn Times, and a Writer that de- ſcribes what was done long before his time, ought not to be depended upon without great Caution and Judgment. But this cannot be fufpected of Malmesbury in the Cafe now before us. I had almoſt forgot another Inftance of the fame kind, not obſerved by Mr. Petyt ; which is that of Sigebert K. of the Weft-Saxons, who for his evil Go- vernment was deprived of his Kingdom in a Council confifting of the Proceres and Deople, and Kinewlf was chofen in his ftead. My Author is Henry of Huntindon, who flouriſh'd at the fame time with Malmesbury, and wrote in the Year 1154. His Words are theſe : (b) Sigebertus R. in principio fecundi anni regni fui cum incorrigibilis fuperbiæ & ne- quitiæ effet (legefq; vel ad commodum fuum deprava▪ ret, vel pro commodo fuo devitaret) congregati funt PROCERES & Populus TOTIUS REGNI, & PRO- VIDA DELIBERATIONE ET UNANIMI CON- SENSU OMNIUM expulfus eft à regno. Kinewef ve- ro juvenis egregius, de regiâ ftirpe oriundus, electus eft in Regem. The fame Words are to be found in Roger Hoveden (c), tranfcribed out of Huntindon. 1. (a) Vide p. 56. (b) l. 4. P. 196. (c) p. 234. b. Two 124 A Hiftory of Convocations. < } * Two Words more I have to add of theſe Times of the Saxons, That as they call'd their general State-Meeting Witena (or Wittena) Gemot i. e. a Convention of the Wife, and Micel Gemot i. e. a Great Convention; fo an Ecclefiaftical Synod they term'd Cyrkmot, Chirgemot, or Chirchgemot i. e. a Church-Meet- ing, and Halimot i. e. a Holy-Meeting as Sir H. Spel- man informs us in his Gloffary. The 125 The Second PART OF THE HISTORY O F Convocations, &c. Of State Councils or Parliaments, after the Conqueft; how far the Clergy were concerned in them. I Have hitherto given an Account of our Great Councils, both Civil and Ecclefiaftical, in one continued Hiſtory, without putting 'em un- der two diftinct Heads. I intend now to treat of 'em feparately: And ift of our State-Councils or Parliaments. It was long after the Conqueft, about the middle of Hen. III. (as is generally fuppos'd) before our State-Meetings began to be call'd Parliaments, which fignifies in French Colloquium, or a Confe- rense. Before about the middle of Hen. III. the ufual Words were Conventus, Placitum, Concilium, Synodus, or 1 126 A History of Convocations. 1 or Colloquium. It is call'd (I remember) a Parlia ment by John Bromton Abbot of Forval, in divers places, who is commonly believ'd to have writ in the Year 1198, the beginning of K. John, be- cauſe there his Chronicle ends. But it's certain that he wrote a great while after that time. For fpeaking of K. Richard's Death, he quotes the (a) Chronicle of IV'alter de Gifebourn concerning the place where he died, as a thing before his time. Yet it appears, that even in the Conqueror's time, the Confiftories of Abbies were call'd Parliaments. For fo (b) Ingulphus Abbot of Croyland expreffes him- felf, fpeaking of the Affembly of his Monks: Qui veniens coram conventu in noftro publico Parliamento. Among the Articles of Inquiry concerning Reli- gious Houſes made in the Reign of Hen. III. 1258. recorded in the Annals of Burton (c) this is one: An loquantur in Parliamentis nifi fancta & boo nefta. In the Saxon times all Bishops and Abbots fate and voted in the State-Councils or Parliaments, as fuch, not on the Account of their Tenures. After the Conquest, the Abbots fate there, not as fuch, but by vertue of their Tenures, as Larons; and the Bi- fhops fate there in a double Capacity, 1. as Bi- fhops, (as they had all along done before) and 2. as Barons. That they fit there as Barons, is fo evident, that fome even of their own Body, have dreamt of no other Right of fitting there, but by virtue of (a) Col. 1278. In Cronicis autem Walteri de Gifebourn fcri- bitur, quod R. Ricardus non apud dictum caftellum de Caluca, fed apud memoratum de Gaillard, quod in uno anno, ut præ- fcribítur, conftruxerat, jaculo baliftæ occubuit. He cites him agen Col. 1280. (b) P. 103. (c) P. 437. their A Hiftory of Convocations. 127 their Baronies. So one of the Bishops of the Par- liament of Northampton, An. 1165. 11 Hen. II. where Archbishop Becket was condemn'd; as Willi- am Fitz-Stephen or Stephanides, a Monk of Canterbury, who waited upon the Archbishop in thofe troubles, relates in the Life (a) of that Archbishop: De proferendo judicio, diftantia fuit inter Epifcopos & Barones, (fo Baro is often uſed to denote the Tem- poral Barons) utrifq; alteris illud imponentibus; u trifq; fe excufantibus. Aiunt Barones; Vos Epifcopi pronunciare debetis fententiam, ad nos non pertinet. Nos Laici fumus; vos perfonæ Ecclefiaftica, ficut ille; confa- cerdotes ejus; Coepifcopi ejus. Ad hæc aliquis Epifcopo- rum: Immo veftri potius eft hoc officii, non noftri. Non enim eft hoc judicium Ecclefiafticum, fed feculare. Non fedemus hic Epifcopi, fed Baronce. Nos Barones, & vos Barones, Pares bic fumus. Ordinis autem no- ftri rationi fruftra innitimini. Quia fi in nobis ordina- tionem attenditis, & in eo ipfo fimiliter attendere debetis. Eo autem ipfo quod Epifcopi fumus, non poffumus Ar- chiepifcopum & Dominum noftrum judicare. They al- ledge the fame in their Proteftation which they made in Parliament, 11. Rich. II. upon their with- drawing in a Criminal Caufe, recorded in the Rolls: In Dei nomine, Amen : Cum de jure & confuetudine Regni Anglia ad Archiepifcopum Cant. qui pro tempore fuerit nec- non cæteros fuos Suffraganeos Confratres & Coepifcopos, Abbates, & 'riores, aliofq; Prelatos quofcunq; per BA- RONIAM de Domino noftro Rege tenentes pertineat in Parliamentis Regiis quibufcunq; ut Pares regni pre- dicti perfonaliter intereffe, ibidemq; de regni negotiis, & aliis ibi tractari confuetis, cum cæteris dicti Regni Paribus, & aliis ibidem jus inter fjendi habentibus,confulere, & tra- Clare, ordinare, ftatuere, & diffinire, ac cætera facere (a) ap. Seld. Titles of Hon. p. 709. quæ 128 A Hiftory of Covocations. q 2 , you que tempore Parliamenti invenerint facienda, &c. Agen, in their Petition prefented to the King in Parliament 25 Edw. III. as the Rolls fhew the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishops of his Province, fet forth, for themſelves and the Cler- gy. Whereas Archbishops and Bishops hold their Tempora- lities in Chief, and for that are eers of the Land, as other Earls and Barons that will be pleas'd to grant to them, that no Justice for their alone Contempt may hereafter take their Temporalities into the Hand of our faid Lord the K. no more than they do of any Earls Lands, as was lately done to the Bishop of Exeter, without any deliberation had with the King's Great Council, or with the Peers of the Land. In the Con- ftitutions of Clarendon, 1164. 10 Hen. II. it is de- clared (a); Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, & univerfæ perfo- næ regni, qui de Rege tenent in Capite, habeant poffeffi- ones fuas de Rege ficut Baroniam; & inde refpondeant Juftitiariis & Miniftris Regis, & fequantur, & faci- ant omnes confuetudines Regias: &, ficut cæteri a rones, debent intereffe judiciis Curiæ Regis cum Baro- nibus; quoufq. perveniatur ad diminutionem membrorum, vel ad mortem. But that they fit there not only by virtue of their Baronies, but alſo as Bishops, appears from hence, that in the Vacancy of any Bishoprick, the Cuftos Spiritualium, or Guardian of the Tempora- lities, of that Bishoprick was fummon'd to fit in Par-- liament in his ftead. And upon the Abſence of any Biſhop out of the Realm, his Vicar-General re- ceiv'd a Summons to repreſent him in Parliament. Of which Writs or Summons there are divers In- ſtances ſtill ſtanding upon Record in the Rolls of Parliament ; which may be ſeen in the Grand (a) Ap. M. Paris, p. 84. Luc A Hiftory of Convocations. 129 Quellion, p: 152, 153. And this is acknowledg'd by Mr. Selden (a) himfelf, who cannot be fufpe- cted of being over-partial to Biſhops, to be a Re- lick of the ancient Privilege which they had in he Saxon times to fit in the Witena Gemots, or State- Councils, as Biſhops, and as they were Spiritual only. To which I add, that the 5 new Bifhops now in being, which were made by K. Hen. VIII. viz. Ox- ford, Bristol, Glocester, Peterborough and Chester (the 6th was that of Westminster) do not fit in the Houſe of Lords by vertue of any Tenure; for there is no Barony annext to their Bishopricks, but as Bi- fhops of thofe Sees, and by virtue of the King's Writ. But if Bishops fit in Parliament as Biſhops, and not only as Barons, how comes it to paſs that an- ciently all Suffragan Biſhops were, and to this Day the Biſhop of the Isle of Man is excluded? This is no contemptible Objection; but neither is it diffi- cult to be anſwered. When I fay Biſhops fit in Parliament as fuch, as well as by their Baronies, I do not mean that they fit there as meer Bishops, that is, as Spiritual Perfons that have a Power to Ordain, or confer Holy Orders, and Confirm; but as Governours of the Church. This excludes the Suffra gan Bishops, who were only Affiftants to the Dio- cefan Bifhops. And the Bishop of Man is exclu- ded on this account, becauſe though he has a Dio- cefe, as well as the Parliamentary Bishops, yet he holds it not from the King, nor ever did, but from a Subject, the Earl of Darby, as King of Man. I am not certain what time that Bishoprick was first inftituted, but I believe it to be later than the Conqueror's time; at leaft it did not belong to Eng- (b) Titl. of Hon. p. 696. land 1 30 A History of Convocations. land till long after his time: And its being in the difpofal of a Subject, and not of the Crown, as all other Bishopricks were, when firft it was united to this Kingdom, was reafon enough not to admit the Biſhop to be a Member of the King's Great Council. The Privilege of Sitting and Voting in Parlia- ment was not given by the Conqueror to thofe that held of him in Chief, as a Privilege only, but ra- ther required as a Service. For two things they were bound to do by their Tenure; to attend him in his Councils, and to furniſh him with fo many Soldiers, upon occafion in his Wars, which was called Knight's Service or Serjanty. That the at- tending in Parliament was not look'd upon by the Ancients to be fo much a matter of Honor as of Duty, is evident from the Conftitution of Clarendon above- cited Which was occafioned by fome of the Spiritual Lords their neglecting to come to Parlia- ment, as their Tenure neceffarily obliged 'em to do. It was therefore provided, That in all Caufes whatſoever, excepting only where Life or Limb was concerned, in which Church-men are forbid by the Canon-Law to be prefent, they fhould be ob- liged to pay their Attendance in Parliament as well as the Temporal Lords, being obliged by the fame Tenure, as Tenants in Capite. That this is the true meaning of that Conftitution, is evident to common Senſe, and beyond (a) all contradiction: Tho' fome there have been, that did not underſtand it, becauſe it was not their Intereft to underſtand it. We have Inftances of (b) Abbots, who finding it too great a Burden, have defired of the K. when (a) See the Grand Queftion, c. 2. (b) See Selden Tit. of Hon. P. 73, &c. fum- * A History of Convocations. 131 fummon'd, to be excus'd from coming to Parlia- ment; as William de Clown Abbot of Leiceſter in the Reign of Ed. III. and the Abbot of St. James's by Northampton, who alledg'd before the Lord Chan- cellor by his Proxy, that he neither held of the King by Barony, nor in Chief, but in Frankalmoign, and neither he nor his Predeceffors had been before fummon'd; and fo procured an Order to have his Name rafed out of the Roll of them that were to be fummon'd. The former obtain'd a Patent, by Petition in Parliament, to be excufed both he and his Succeffors, from coming to Parliament, be- cauſe he held not by Barony, and his Predecef- fors had not been fummon'd continually, but inter- polatis vicibus only, after the 49th of Hen. III. be- fore which time none of them had been fum- mon'd. And hence it is, that the Author of Mo dus tenendi Parl. would not have the Commonalty and inferieur Clergy, who held not in Capite, to be ob- liged, but only requested, upon occafion, to come to Parliament; and that then the King ought to bear their Expences. K لله 1 132 A Hiſtory of Convocations. A Catalogue of Bishops, and Abbots, and other Ecclefiafticks, who held of William the Conqueror as Tenants in Ca- pite or Serjanty, taken out of the (a) Catalogues of the Tenants in Capite or Serjanty, which are fet before each County in Domeſday-Book. Archiepifcopus Ebor. A Rchiepifcopus Cant. Epilcopus London. Epifcopus Winton. Epifcopus Dunelm. Epifcopus Hereford. Epifcopus Tedfordenfis. Epifcopus Wireceftre. Epifcopus Rovenfis vel Rofe- ceftrenfis. Epifcopus Ciceftrenfis. Epifcopus Execeftrenfis. Epifcopus Sariesberienfis. Epifcopus Wellenfis. Epifcopus Ceftrenfis. Epifcopus Lincolienfis. Abbatia de Westmonafterio Abbatia (Abbatiffa.) de Berkinges. (a) Publiſhed by Dr. Brady. Abbatia de Ely. Abbatia S. Edmundi. Abbatia † de Bello, five de la Bataigle. Abbas S. Benedicti de Ra- mefio (vel Remefeiâ.) Abbas de Hulmo. Abbatia S. Auguftini. Abbatia Wintonienfis. Abbas de Certefy. Abbas Glaftingeber. Abbas Middletunenfis. Abbatiffa de Romefig. Abbatiffa de Waruuelle. Abbatia Wiltunienfis. Abbatia Abandonienfis. Abbatia S. Albani. Abbatiſſa de Ambresberie. Abbas Malmesberienf. Abba- A History of Convocations. 133 Abbatia Creneburnenfis. Abbatiffa Scefteberienfis. Abbatia de Cernel. Abbatia de Abedesberie. Abbatia de Hortune. Abbatia de Adelingi. Abbatia de Tavistock. Abbatia de Wincelcumbe. Abbatia de Evesham. Abbatia de Glowceftre. Abbatia de Perfore (Per- Shore.) Abbatia de Covenireu. Abbatia de Eglefham. Abbas de Torny. Abbas de Croyland, vel Creuland, vel Cruiland. Abbatia de Burg. Abbatia de Bertone. Abbas de Eboraco. Abbatiffa de Winceftre. Abbatiſſa de Cetriz vel Ci- teriz. (b) Monachi Eifcopi Win- ton. Monachi Scireburne (Dor- fet.) Ecclefia Micelenienfis. Ecclefia de Buckfefth. Ecclefia de Monte S. Mi- chael. Ecclefia de Lanbeige. Ecclefia de Cireceftre. Ecclefia de Wireceftre. Ecclefia alquorum Sancto- rum (in Com. Corn- wal.) Ecclefia de Bada. Canonici S. Pauli London. Canonici S.Martini London. Canonici de Oxeneford. Canonici de Bedeford. Canonici de Stadforde & Handone. Canonici de Waltham. Canonici Eboracenfes. Sanita Trinitas de Canter Canonici de Tuinham. buriâ. (a) Monachi Archiepifcopi Cant. Clerici de Wrebanton. (a) Thefe are mention'd in the Catalogue of Kent; and by them, according to Dr. Brady's Conjecture, ſeem to be meant the Monks of the Holy Trinity in Cant. and S. Martin's in Cant. and S. Martin's in Dover. For in the Catalogue of that County there are no other Monks mention'd but the Archbishops Monks. (b) Men- tion'd in the Catalogue of Hampshire; and in them fhould feem to be comprehended the Monks both of Winchester and Hide : Bur the Abbot of Winchester is there diftin&ly mention'd. There are divers Norman Bishops, Canons, and Abbots mention'd in the Domesday Catalogues; and one Abbot, I know not where, which is that of Ceterith. Northumberland, Cumberland, Weſt merland, and Lancashire, not mention'd in Domesday Survey. K 3 By 134 A Hiftory of Convocations. { By the Ecclefie here mention'd, I underftand no other than Collegiat or Cathedral-Churches, or Religi- ous Houſes. For they are not therefore called Ec- clefiæ to diſtinguiſh'em from all the reft, but as the Writer thought fit, he calls 'em indifferently, fome- times by one Name, and fometims by another. My Reaſon is this: Becauſe in the Catalogue of Devon- Shire there are mention'd Ecclefia Glaftingberie, Eccle- fia de Tavestock, Ecclefia de Hortune, Ecclefia de Crene- burne, Ecclefia de Bataigle; in all which places were great and famous Abbies. The Abby of Taveſtock is no more mention'd there than the reft; and yet it cannot be fuppos'd, but that it held ſome Eſtate in that County in Capite. So again in the Catalogue of Cornwall, there is no mention at all of the Ab- by of Tavestock, but only of Ecclcfia de Taveſtoch. And in the Catalogue of Somerfet, where the great and rich Abby of Glaftenbury lay, there is no men- tion at all of the Abby, but only of Ecclefia Gla- Stenberienfis. It cannot therefore be doubted, but that by Ecclefia is meant the Abby. And fo in ge- neral I obferve, that in whatſoever Catalogues there is mention made of an Ecclefia, there an Ab- by of the fame place. is never mention'd, tho' there was at that time an Abby there. It is not my Deſign, neither is it a Pleaſure to me to ſpend time in correcting other Mens Mi- ſtakes; on the contrary, in this Work I ftudiouſly decline it but left I fhould feem to have omitted a Matter of great Moment, I am obliged to take notice in this place of a very confiderable Miftake of the learned Author of The Rights of an English Convocation, p. 296. where he has thefe Words: Among Thefe (that held by Knight's Service, and were obliged to attend the Conqueror in his Courts) that Several of the Lower Clergy bad place, appears from the Survey of Doomfday; upon which, we are told, there A History of Convocations. 135 there were found in England 60215 Knights Fees; and oftheſe the Religious poſſeſſed 28015, the Vills 1080, and Parochial Churches 4711. (Here he cites the Au- thor Eulogii MS. apud Selden. Tit. Hon.) There is no doubt (he adds) but the Priests of thefe Parochial Churches, as well as the King's Tenants in thoſe Towns and Burroughs, were prefent, or reprefented in his Curiæ, whenever they aſſembled. And among those who are term'd Religious, and who had in them near half the Knights Fees of all England, there were, to be fure, fome of the Secular Clergy above Pariſh-Priests, and below Biſhops. In another place, viz. p. 35. To thefe Great Councils of the Conqueror were fummon'd not the Bifhops and great Abbots alone, but many others allo of the Lower, and even of the Undignified Clergy; who, as Doomſday- Book fhews, held Lands of the King in every Shire (4711 Knights Fees were vefted in Parochial Churches, Jays the Author of Eulogium) and to be fure therefore were prefent, together with the other Crown-Tenants, e- ven in the Conqueror's Curiæ, held a-courfe at the Three great Festivals; and appear'd, no doubt, in greater Num- bers, at his more full and general Aſſemblies of all the States of the Realm, &c. All this is grounded on his miftaking the Senfe of the Words produced by Mr. Selden, p. 692. out of Eulogium which are to be understood not of the number of Knights Fees belonging to the Villages and Parochial Churches in England, but of the Number of Villages and Parochial Churches. This is manifeftly the Senfe of the Words as they are there quoted; and Mr. Selden himſelf underſtood 'em fo, as ap- pears by thofe Words a little lower: The Rumber of the Parishes and Towns before-mention'd we exa- mine not here. The Eulogium is a Work partly Geogra phical, and partly Hiftorical, extant in the Cottonian Library, Galba E. 7, I fhall produce the Words out of the MS. it felf. They are in the Geographical K 4 Part, 136 A Hiftory of Convocations. • Sunt enim in Part, in the Deſcription of Britain. Anglia 31 Shyres. Si vero plaga Northumbrana divida- tur in fex provincias, quæ funt Eborakshyre, Duremfhyre, Northumbyrlonde, Caerleilshire, Applebyfhyre, Lancastre- Shyre: tunc funt in Anglid extra Cornubia 37 Shyres, five Provincia, five Comitatus. Has omnes provincias Willi- elmus Conqueftor fecit defcribi & per hedas five carucat as dimetiri, & tunc inventi funt in Anglia 36 & dimidi- um. Feoda Militum 60215, de quibus habent Religiofi 28015. illæ in Anglia, 1080. Ecclefiæ Parochia les in Angliâ 40211. The Words, in Angliâ, fuffi- ciently fhew the true meaning; not to mention that in the MS. the Words Ville and Ecclefie begin with Capitals, and the Periods are fufficiently diftinguiſh'd by the Writing. There is doubtlefs an Error in the Numbers even as they lie in the MS. Mr. Selden has tranfcrib'd 'em very faultily. The worthy and ingenious Author, whofe Miſtake this is, will be fo far (I dare affure my felf) from refenting this Freedom, that he will rather think the Diſcovery deferves his grateful Acknowledgment. In the Doomsday Catalogues there are divers Pref byters mention'd as Tenants in Capite, in fome Coun- ties more, in fome lefs, in fome none at all. In the Catalogues of Effex, Hampſhire, Barkhire, Buckingham- fhire, Lincolnſhire, and in the Iſle of Wyte, one in each In that of Norfolk 2. In that of Wiltſhire 2. whereof one is called Giraldus Presbyter de Wiltune: In that of Staffordshire 1 Clericus: In that of Rutland 1 Clericus: In that of Leicestershire, Godwinus Pres- byter & alii Elemofynarii. The king's Clemofynarii are mention'd in thoſe of Bedfordshire and Middle- fex: In that of Northamptonshire, Lewinus Presbyter &alii Clerici. In that of Somerset, Clerici tenentes de Rege: In thofe of Suffolk and Glocestershire 1 Presby- ter and I Deacon: In that of Kent a Capellanus; fo al- fo in that of Devon. Ι It A History of Convocations. 137 It is not for nothing that our ancient Hiftorians are fo careful to tell us, where the Kings were at the 3 great Feſtivals, Chriſtmas, Eafter, and Whitfun- tide: For by that they let us know, in what places the ordinary great Councils or Curia were held that Year. I have already ſpoken ſomewhat of that Cuſtom before the Conqueft. It was continued for fome time after: And the fame Cuſtom obtained in Germany and in France. And therefore we are e- very where told, in like manner, by their ancient Hiſtorians, where the Emperors and the Kings of France were at thoſe times. Amongſt our Hiſtorians there is none more particular in that Account than the Saxon Chronicle. Matthew of Westminster is very exact in taking notice where they kept their Chrift- mass, even to the time of K. Ed. I. but he takes but little notice of the other 2 Feſtivals. That the Conqueror, when he was in England, was wont to keep his Court in Christmas-time at Gloce- fter, in Easter at Wincheſter, and in Whitfuntide at Weſt- minster, we are told by the Saxon Chronicle, Mal- mesbury, Huntindon, Knyghton, the Annals of Waver- ley, and others. Rudborne, and out of him the lef fer Annals of Winchester, inftead of Glocefter, fay, he kept his Chriſtmaſſes at Worcester; which is an Error. Omnes eo (fays (a) Malmesbury) cujufcunq; profeffionis Magnates regium edictum accerfebat, ut exterarum genti- um legati fpeciem multitudinis apparatumq; deliciarum Nec ullo tempore comior, aut indulgendi fa- cilior erat, ut qui advenerant largitatem ejus cum divi- tiis conquadrare ubiq; gentium jactitarent. mirarentur. The Saxon Chron. (b) informs us, that at thofe times, præfto apud eum fuerunt omnes Optimates per to- (a) Lib. 3. p. 63. (b) P. 190, tam 138 A Hiftory of Convocations. } tam Anglorum terram, Archiepifcopi, & Diæcefani Epif- copi, Abbates, & Comites, Thani (i. e. Barones) & E- quites. He was always Crown'd in thoſe Feſtivals wherefoever they were kept. In Ordericus Vitalis (a) we read, that being engaged in an Expedition to- wards the North in the time of War, An. 1069. he commanded his Crown, with his Royal Habiliments, to be brought from Winchefter; and leaving his Army encamp'd, went on to York, and there kept his Chriſtmas. The next Eafter (fays the fame Author) be celebra- ted the Refurrection of our Lord at Wincheſter, where the Cardinals of the Roman Church put the Crown folemn- ly on his Head. This Cuſtom of Feasting (fays Malmesbury) his Succeffor William Rufus obferved to the heighth ; but the next, which was Henry I. laid it wholly afide. Quem morem convivandi primus fucceffor obftinate tenuit, fecundus omifit. Henry of Huntindon (b) in the 5th Year of K. Stephen complains, that the ancient Cuſtom of appearing in great and Royal Splendor on thoſe Feſti- vals was at that time quite abolished. Ubi autem ad Na- tale, vel ad Pafcha fuerit, dicere non attinet. Jam quippe Curia folennes & ornatus regii fcematis ab antiqua ferie defcendens prorfus evanuerant. Which he imputes to the Poverty of the Exchequer, and the Troubleſomeneſs of the Times. Roger Hoveden (b) has the fame Words, tranfcribed out of Huntindon, who lived at that time. And (c) Paris tells us, that from that time (the 5th of K. Stephen) the folemn Festivities of the King's Court ceas'd in England. But Huntindon, whom he follows, does not fay, that they ceas'd from that time, but plainly intimates that they had begun to ceafe for fome time before. (a) Hift. Eccl. p. 515. (6) L. 8. fo.. 223.b. () P. 278. (d) P.65. (e) P. 65. Hove A Hiftory of Convocations. 139 Hoveden (c) tells us, that Henry II. in the 4th Year of his Reign 1158, caused himself to be crown'd a fecond time at Worceſter, in the Solemnity of Eafter, together with his Queen: and that when they came to the Offering, they put off their Crowns, and offer'd'em upon the Altar, vowing to God, That they would never wear 'em agen as long as they lived. This is mention'd alſo by (a) Radulfus de Diceto, and by (b) Mat. Paris. The Account I have given (c) above, as Sir Hen. Spelman's Opinion, that our Kings continued to wear their Crowns on thofe Feſtivals till this Action of K. Henry II. appears, from what has been faid, to be a Miſtake: But withal it appears, that after that time, the Crown was never ufually worn on thofe Feſtivals, as it had not been for many Years before. An Inftance or two we have in K. John's Reign of whom M. Paris fays (d), That in the Year 1201. he celebrated the Birth-day of our Lord at Gnildefozd ; ubi multa militibus fuis diftribuit indumenta : he diftributed many Festival Robes to his Soldiers or Knights: He adds, that the Archbiſhop of Canterbu- ry did the fame at that time at Canterbury, contend- ing, as it were, with the King (in Magnificence) by which he incurred the King's high Difpleasure. That the Eafter following, the King being at Canterbury, was there Crown'd, together with his Queen, the Archbishop entertaining 'em at a very high Rate. This is mention'd alſo by (e) Radulfus de Diceto: Do- minus Rex dies Fafchales egit apud Cantuariam follemp- niter, ubi cum Regina fuâ inftinetu Archiepifcopi corona- tus eft fub præfentia plurimorum, & magnorum virorum quos Domini Archiepifcopi liberalitas invitaverat. Two Years after, viz. 1203. returning out of Normandy (b) P.81. (c) Vide fupra p. 57. (a) Ad an. 1158. (dj P. 173. (e) Col. 709. 7 140 A History of Convocations. into England, he was crown'd agen (a) at Canterbu- ry by Archbishop Hubert. An. 1208. he kept his Christmas at Windfor (fays the fame (b) Author) and there likewiſe diftributed many Festival Robes ta his Milites. I have fhewn elſewhere, that the Great Men at thofe Feftivals appeared in golden or very fplendid Robes, which are here called Festiva In- dumenta. Agen the fame K. John is (c) ſaid to have held his Curia in Christmas at Windſor an. 1214. and there to have diſtributed multa magnatum fuorum multitudini feftiva indumenta. - When the Cuftom of the King's wearing his Crown, and the Great Mens wearing their rich or feftival Robes at thofe folemn Feſtivals, or ordina- ry Councils, ceas'd, the Cuſtom was ftill continu- ed in the extraordinary Councils or Curia, held upon occafion at other times of the Year, which we now call Parliaments. And this is the Origin of the pre- ſent Cuſtom of the King's having his Crown on, and the Nobility their Robes, whenever he comes to the Parliament-Houfe. The Robes of the Temporal Lord's are (I pre- fume) the fame with thofe of old; but the Fefti- val or Parliamentary Robes of the Bishops are quite altered. Before the Reformation they fate in the Par- liament with their Miters on their Heads, and (if I am not mistaken) in their Copes and Pontifical Veft- ments, at leaft when the K. was prefent. But fince that time they have contented themſelves, on that Occafion. with the plain Scarlet Habit of a Dr. of Divinity. And becauſe the firft Archbishops after the Reformation were Cambridge-men, from thence it came to pafs, that the Habit ufed in Cambridge, which is different from that of Oxford, has obtain- ed amongſt 'em. The White Linen Rochet, or Lawn Sleeves, which they ordinarily wear in the Parlia- (a) M. Paris, p. 175. (b) P. 189. (c) P. 208. ment, 217 A Hiftory of Convocations. 141 ment, as alfo in the common Exercifes of their Functions, is no more than the common and eve- ry-days-Habit of a Biſhop. For formerly all Bi- fhops wore White, and even when they Travell'd. This I learn from an Epiftle of Erafmus to Reuchlin, not to be found in the great Volume of his Epi- fles, but among the Epiftles of Reuchlin. Speaking of Bishop Fisher of Rochester, that he had a mind to pafs over the Seas, on purpoſe to fee and con- verſe with Reuchlin; Decreverat, fays he, pofito cultu Epifcopali, hoc eft, LINEA Vefte, quâ SEMPER U- TUNTUR IN ANGLIA, nifi cum venantur, trajice- re, &c. He had determin'd to throw off his Epifcopal Habit; that is, the Linen Garment, which they always ufe in England, except when they hunt, and to pass over the Sea, &c. And I find in the Decretals (a) an ex- prefs Canon requiring all Bishops whenever they ap- pear in publick, or at Church, to wear a Linen Habit. Epifcopi in publico & in Ecclefiâ fuperindumentis lineis The Habit of a Bifhop in Henry the Eighth's time, at leaft in the former part of his Reign, was a White Linen Rochet turn'd up at the Sleeves, in Winter-time, with Sable; about his Neck a Black Silk Tippet, as at this time, which in Winter was lined with Sable: Under the Ro- chet a Scarlet Garment. In the Reign of Ed. VI. they wore over the Rochet a Scarlet Chimere, the fame with a Doctor's Habit in Oxford: Which in Q. Elizabeth's time was changed into a Black Sat- ten one; which is uſed at this Day. In K. Ed- ward's time they always wore the Scarlet Chimere and Rochet, and it was accounted a peculiar Favour to Bishop Hooper of Glocefter, who fcrupled to wear the Epifcopal Habit, that he was difpenced with from wearing it daily. And in the Articles preferr'd a- gainſt Bishop Farrar of S. David's in the 5th Year omnes utatur. (a) P. 1000. of 142 A Hiftory of Covocations. of the fame Reign by his Clergy, this is one, That he ordinarily went abroad in a Gown and Hat, whereas he ought to have worn his Epiſcopal Robes, above-mention'd, and a Cap; as all Clergymen in ge- neral in thoſe Days wore Caps. I know, as well as my Reader, that this is a Digreffion, but I hope he will pardon it: And having mention'd Furrs, as uſed in the Biſhops Habits, I fhall beg his leave to carry on the Digreffion fo far as to produce what the Parliament Roll of 37 Ed. III. fays concerning the wearing of Furrs by Clergymen and others. To the Petition exhibited by the Commons of the excess of Mens Apparel above their Eftate, to the exceeding great deftruction and impoverishment of the Land; for which Caufe all the Riches of the Kingdom is almost confumed and destroyed, it is ordained in manner as followeth: (a- mongſt others, this for the Clergy) Item, That the Clerk which hath a Degree in a Church Cathedral, Collegiate, or in Schools, and the Bing's Clerks which have fuch an Estate that requires Furr, do and ufe ac- cording to the Constitution of the fame, and all other Clerks, which have above 200 Marks Rent per an- num, ufe and do as Knights of the fame Rent: And other Clerks under that Rent uſe as Squires of a bun- dred Pound Rent. And that all thofe, as well knights as Clerks, which by this Ordinance may use Furt in Winter, by the fame manner may use Summer. in Having laid down thus much in general concern- ing our ancient Conftitution in the beginning of the Norman times, I proceed to the Enumeration of the feveral particular Parliaments of fome of the firft Reigns, and to fhew of whom they confifted. Parlia A History of Convocations. 143 Parliaments under the Conqueror. A 1 This Coronation, which was at Westminster on Christmas Day, an. 1066 (or, as fome Hi- ftorians fay, who begin the Year from Christmas, 1067) he took an Oath coram Clero & Populo ſe velle fanctas Dei Ecclefias ac Rectores illarum defendere, necnon & cunctum populum fibi ſubjectum jufte & Rega- li providentia regere, rectam Legem ftatuere & tenere, rapinas injuftag; judicia penitus interdicere. So fays Florence of Worcester. He was crown'd, fays Guliel- mus Pictavienfis (a), Anglorum confenfu, vel potius ap- petitu ejufdem gentis Primatum. By (b) Gulielmus Gem- meticenfis we are told, that he was elected King ab om- nibus tam Normannorum quam Anglorum Proceribus. Which are alfo (c) Walfingham's Words, Ordericus Vitalis (d) fays, he was crown'd in præfentiâ Præfu- lum & Abbatum Procerumq; totius regni Albionis; and that Aldred Archbishop of York, by whom he was crown'd, asked the English; and Geoffry Biſhop of Conftance, the Normans; An concederent Guillielmum regnare fuper fe: and that all with one voice joyfully gave their confent. That he was elected King,. Rudborne alfo tells us. And in the Register of Battel-Abby, which is extant in the Cottonian Library, it is faid, that he was made King, cum favore Procerum ac Nobi- lium regni. Soon after, the K. of Denmark requiring Tribute and Homage of him, de confilio Procerum fuorum he (a) Geft. Gul. Ducis p, 206. (b) L. 7. c. 37. (c) Ypodig. Neuftriæ p. 436. (d) Hift. Eccl. 1. 3. P. 503. fent 144 A History of Convocations. 1 fent 4 Embaffadors to him with rich Prefents to e- ſtabliſh a Peace between 'em. Knyghton (a). An. 1069. Elfric Abbot of Peterborough, was tried at Westminster (by the King in his Curia or Parlia- ment) upon a certain Accufation; and there his Brother Bishop Alfwin was Outlawed. Annales Waverl. The fame Year, viz 1069. He and his Queen grant- ed a Charter (b) to the Monks of Deorbyrft in Glou- cestershire, cum prudenti confilio Procerum noftrorum. It was at Wincheſter on Easter-Monday: Anno Dominicæ Incarnationis MLXIX. regni vero Willielmi Regis I. in 2da die Pafcha hoc Privilegium firmatum eft in Mona- fterio S. Swithuní apud Civitatem Wincere cum cele- braretur Miſſa. His teftibus confentientibus. Subfcri- bed by the K. the Queen, Richard the King's Son, Stigand Archbishop of Canterbury, Aldred Archbishop of York, 9 Biſhops (of whom fome were Biſhops not in England, but in Normandy, but poffeffed of great Eftates in England) 12 Temporal Lords, or Great Men. About the fame time, at leaſt not long after that Year, He granted a Charter (c) to St. Paul's London, in a Parliament, or at leaft in a Synod: Ego Williel- mus D. G. Rex Anglorum, anà cum Mathilda Regina, Principibufq; meis, coram conventu Sacerdotum Dei re- verendis (reverendo) fcil. Archiepifcopis Aldredo & Stigando, ceterifq; Epifcopis & Abbatibus hujus pa- tria, &c. An. 1070. the Bishops and Abbots, who held be- fore in Frank-almoign, or in pura & perpetua eleemofyna, were brought under the Tenure of Barony; as Mat- thew Paris tells us out of Roger of Wendover, whom 2343• (a) Col 2343. (b) Monaft. Tom. I. p. 547. (c) Ibid. Tom. 3. P. 305. he ། ༤ A Hiftory of Convocations. he follows, but not quotes. In the fame Year, as he fays, Doomsday Book was made, in which all Lands, as well of the Clergy as of the Laity, were Re- giftred. But that is not true. Other Hiftorians fay, it was made towards the latter end of his Reign; an. 1083. fay the Waverly Annals, Westminster, and 2 (4) MS. Chronicles in Lambeth Library; 1085. fays the Saxon Chron 1086. fay Florence of Worcester, Hoveder, Bromton, and Simeon Dunelm: 1087. fays Radulfus de Diceto, in the Conqueror's 18th Year (i. e. 1084) fays Henry of Huntindon. 'Tis probable it took up 3 or 4 Years time,and was finish'd an. 1086. It is kept in the Exchequer divided into 2 Books: At the end of the firſt Book, which contains only the Counties of Effex, Northfolk, and Suffolk, are theſe Words: An. 1086. Regni Willielmi 20. facta eſt iſta de- fcriptio non folum per hos 3. Comitatus, fed etiam per alios. 'Twas Mr. Selden's (b) Opinion, that this Innovati- on of the Tenures of Bishops and Abbots was made by Act of Parliament; becauſe in the Year 1070. it appears that ſome other things were done by Par- liament. That the Laws of K. Edward were confirmed that Year (which was regni IV.) in Parliament, appears from what has been already faid, where we treat- ed of K. Edward's Laws. They were confirm'd by the Conqueror with fome Alterations. and an Addi tion of fome of his own, confilio Baronum fuorum, fays the Preface of the Latin Edition: And fo fays K. Henry I. in his Charter. The Chronicle of Lich- field and Rudborne add, that it was done ad Preces Communitaris Anglorum. This was a Parliament of that time as Mr. Selden (c) calls it; who con- jectures, that it was by the fame Parliament that the new Tenures were created; and he makes it to , (a)40, vol. 144. & 160, (b) Tit. Hon. p. 699. (c)I. c.p.701 L be 145 146 A Hiftory of Convocations. be the fame with that of Ped2eda. But in that he is certainly miſtaken; at leaſt, if it be true what the Lichfield Chronicle relates, and He himself believ- ed, that the Parliament in which K. Edward's Laws were confirm'd, was held in the time of Aldred Archbishop of York. We are there told, that the 12 Perfons fent up from each County upon the Conqueror's Summons, were fworn to give an exact and faithful Account of their Laws and Customs ; and that what they declared to be the Law of Eng- land, was, by the King's Command, taken in Wri- ting by. Archbishop Aldred, and Hugh Bishop of London. But it is certain that Thomas, who fucceed- ed Aldred, was Archbishop of York in the Parliament of Pedreda. Mr. Selden was aware of this; but (ſays he) in the beginning of that Parliament Aldred was yet living, and Thomas was made Archhifhop be- fore the end of it. But neither will that ferve his turn: For Archbishop Aldred died before the Synod of Winchester, which was before the Parliament of Pedreda. And both theſe things he might have learnt from (a) Florence of IVorcester. Wikes places Aldred's Death to the Year 1069. But perchance the Ac- count which the Lichfield Chronicle gives of Archbi- fhop Aldred's being concern'd in that Matter, may be falfe. For the Interpolator of K. Edward's 35th Law, fays, the Laws were taken in Writing (not by Archbishop Aldred, and Hugh Bishop of London, but) by Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury (meaning, I ſuppoſe of York) and Biſhop Maurice (of London.) And, if this be true, they could not be confirm'd till about the end of the Conqueror's Reign: For Maurice was not made Biſhop till about that time. But be that as it will. The Parliament, which con- firm'd 'em, feems (in fhort) to be held at Gloce- AD. 1970. fer, A Hiftory of Convocations. 147 ter. My Reaſon is this: Becaufe in the Conqueror's Laws, which are prefixt before the Laws of K. Edward, as they are extant in Hoveden (a), it is faid: Hoc decretum & fancitum eft in civitate Clau- dia. The fame Year, viz. 1070. Lanfranc was chofen Archbishop of Canterbury by the Seniors of that Church, together with the Withops and Princes, the Clergy and People of England in Curia Regis, in Affumptione B. Mariæ (i.e. Aug. 15.) ſays Gervafius (b) a Monk of Canterbury, who lived in the Reign of K. Hen. II. So Ordericus Vitalis (c) tells us, that he was made Archbishop Regis & omnium Optimatum ejus benevelâ e'ectione. In the Account of his Promotion, which is to be feen at the end (d) of Taylor's Gavelkind, it is faid, that the King committed the Church of Canter- bury to him, confenfu & auxilio omnium Barcnum fuo- rum, omniumq; Epifcoporum & Abbatum, totiufq; Bo- pult Anglia. It being the Cuftom for the K. to no- minate Biſhops in thofe folemn times, when all his Great Men were about him to advife him; it is therefore faid, that they had a Hand in the E- lection. The Archbishop of York with-holding certain Lands from the Bishoprick of Worcester, Bishop Wulftan complains to the Synod of Winchester above- mention'd, held at Eafter 1070 (the fame in which Stigand Archbishop of Canterbury was deprived) but the Archbishoprick of York being then void, it was not thought reafonable to proceed in that Caufe till a new Archbishop was made. Lanfranc being foon after (Aug. 29.) confecrated Archbishop of Can- terbury, Thomas, whom the K. had nominated to the Archbishoprick of York, comes to him to be Con- (a) P. 342. b. $19. (a) P. 1940 (b) Col. 1653. (c) Hift. Eccl. 1 4. På L a fecrated 14 148 A Hiftory of Convocations.. fecrated by him. But being required by Lanfranc to make Profeffion of Obedience to the See of Can- terbury, he refuſes to be confecrated upon thoſe Terms. So the Matter was brought before the King and his Great Council or Parliament held at Win- chefter, and there (a) regio edicto communiq; omnium decreto ftatutum eft, that for the prefent Thomas fhould be obliged to make Profeffion of Obedience to Archbishop Lanfranc, but no Succeffor of his fhould be obliged to the fame, till the Matter of the Pri- macy were further enquired into by the King, or in an Epifcopal Synod; nifi prius vel coram vel in Epif- copali Concilio competens ei ratio redderetur. This Judg- ment being given, Thomas fuomitted to it, and was Confecrated. Then comes on the Parliament of Pedreda, where the Cauſe between Wulftan Bishop of Worcester, and Thomas Archbishop of York was tried, not relating to the Lands only, which the Archbishop with-held from the Bishop, but touching the whole Bishop- rick. For the Archbishops of York, for fome Suc- ceffions, from the time of Archbiſhop Ofwald, ha- ving held the Bishoprick of Worcester, together with the Archbishoprick, the Archbishop pretended to it as his Right, and that it ought to be annext to his Archbishoprick. The Caufe went for the Bishop; and he not only kept his Bifhoprick, but recovered alfo the Lands which the Archbishop of York was poffeffed of. Cf whom this Parliament confifted, Florence of Worcester tells us ad an. 1070. His gestis, reverendi Wulstani Wigornenfis Epifcopi, mota est ite- rum querela Archiepifcopo jam confecrato Thoma, qui pro Eboracenfi loqueretur Ecclefia, & in Confilio in loco qui vocatur Vedziba celebrato, coram Rege ac Dorober- (a) Malmesbury p. 117. nia. A History of Convocations. 149 nia Archiepifcopo Lanfranco, & Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Comitibus,& Primatibus totius Anglia, Dei gratiâ ad- miniculante eft terminata. Hoveden (a) and (b) De Diceto repeat the fame Words. So do (c) Simeon Dunelmenfis and (d) Bromton. Malmesbury tells us in the Life of Wulstan, that the Matter was debated in Concilio apud Dedzioam habito (which he makes to be held after Lanfranc's return from Rome) magno conflictu & Procerum Angliæ conventu. He adds, that the K. at laft, edictum annitente Lanfranco, propofuit, in favour of the Bishop. About the Year 1071. Odo Earl of Kent, Bro- ther to the King by his Mother's fide, having in- vaded the Liberties of the Church of Canterbury, and diffeiz'd it of many of its Lands and Cuftoms, the King, upon Archbishop Lanfranc's complaint, commanded a Curia to be held on Pinneden-Heath in Kent, to determine the Caufe. Præcepit quate- nus adunatis primoribus & probis viris non folum de Comitatu Cantiæ, fed & de aliis Comitatibus Anglie, querela Lanfranci in medium ducerentur, apud inne- Dene Principum conventu. Goffridus Epifcopus Con- ftantienfis, vir eâ tempeftate prædives in Anglia, vice Regis Lanfranco juftitiam de fuis querelis ftrenuiffime fa- cere juffus, fecit. Lanfrancus enim validâ ratione fub- nixus, ex communi omnium aftipulatione & judicio, ibi cun&ta recuperavit,&c So Eadmerus (e),who lived with Archbishop Lanfranc. The Interpolator (f) of the Saxon Chr. calls it Magnum Placitum : and places it to the 3d Year of Archb. Lanfranc, which was 1072. or 1073. Hoc quoq; anno habitum eft magnum lacitum in loco qui. dicitur Pinenden; in quo Lanfrancus dirationatur, &c, It was less than a Parliament, but bigger than a Shire- (a) P. 260. (b) Col. 483. (c) Col. 203. (d) Col. 976. (e) Hift. Nov. I. I. p.9. (f) p. 178. L 3 3320$ 150 A Hiftory of Convocations. من met or County Court, being made up of the chief Men of divers Counties. See at large in (a) Dr. Brady's Introduction. In the Account which the (b) Codex Roffenfis gives of it, which is very full and particular, it is faid, that the K. commanded Co- mitatum totum abfq mord confidere, & homines Comita- tus omnes Francigenas, & præcipue Anglos, in antiquis legibus & Confuetudinibus peritos in unum conveniri. Qui cum convenerunt apud Pinenecnam, omnes pariter confe- derunt. Et quoniam multa placita-furrexerunt quæ prima die expediri non potuerumt, eâ causâ totus Comita- tus per tres dies fuit ibi detentus. Et ab omnibus illis probis & fapientibus hominibus & etiam à toto Co- mitatu recordatum atq; judicatum &c. Huic Placito interfuerunt Goisfridus Epifcopus Conftantienfis, qui in loco Regis fuit & Juftitiam illam tenuit,Lanfrancus Ar- chiepifcopus, Comes Cantiæ Odo-Ernoftus Epifcopus de Roveceftria, Agelricus Epifcopus de Ciceftriâ, vir anti- quiffimus & Legum terræ fapientiffimus (qui ex præcepto Regis advectus fuit ad ipfas antiquas legum confuetudi- nes difcutiendas & edocendas in una quadriga) Richar- dus de Tunebregge, Hugo de Monteforti, Williel- mus de Arces, Haymo Vicecomes, & alii multi Ba- rones Regis & ipfius Archiepifcopi, atq; illorum Epif- coporum homines multi, & alii aliorum Comitatuum bo- mines etiam cum toto ifto Comitatu multæ & magne au- &toritatis viri, Francigena fcil. & Angli.Hujus Placiti multis teftibus multifq; rationibus determinatum finem poftquam Rex audivit, laudavit, laudans cum con- fenfu omnium Principum fuorum confirmavit. Theſe laft Words fhew, that the Judgment of that Court was afterwards confirmed by the King and Par- liament. The Affizes in thofe Days, were Courts confifting partly of Bishops and partly of Lay-Lords; which ac- (a) P. 19o. ad 192. (b) Ap. Seldeni Notas in Eadm. p. 197, &c. cording A Hiftory of Convocations. 151 cording to the King's Pleaſure were either greater or lefs. William Rufus in (a) a MS. Charter to the Church of Westm. Willielmus Rex Angl. Hugoni de Bo- kel & Vice-comiti & omnibus fidelibus fuis de Middlefexâ falutem. Sciatis quia volo & firmiter præcipio quod tors de &c. quam Vitalis Abbas tempore Patris mei contru Walterum filium Oteri derationavit ad opus Ecclefie S. Petri Weftm. fit in pace, ita ut nullus illoleftiam aut inquietudinem inde faciat, neq; Abbas Gillebertus ejufdem loci alicui inde refpondeat nifi coram Epifcopis & Baroni- bus juftificatoribus, qui fuerint ibi ubi ipfa terra dera- tionata fuit. in another MS. Charter (b): Scintis quod Gilebertus Abbas Weftm. meo præcepto derationavit coram Baronibus meis, Epifcopo Dunelmenfi, Epifcopo Winton. Gudone Dapifero, Yvone Taillebofc, Roberto Di- Spenfatore terram de Burenham & Sprenham per donm Patris mei, &c. In a MS. Volume in Sir Rob. Cotter's Library (Titus A. 13.) I have met with other In- ftances, by which it appears, that long after this time Bishops and other Clergymen fate as Judges of the Common or Temporal Law. In Ric. the Firft's time Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury was Chief-Juftice, and among the other Judges two were Archdeacons, as appears by the Fine following: Finalis concordia facta ap. Weftm. in Curia Dom. Regis Anno 9. Ric. I. co- ram Huberto Cant. Archiepifcopo, Radulfo Eereford, Ri- chardo Elay Archidiaconis, Thoma de Hufburne, Ri- chardo de Heriet, Simone de Patifhill, Juftitiariis Domini Regis, Inter, &c. Another of the fame King's time: Hæc eft finalis concordia facta in Curia Domini Regis a- pud Gloceftriam Anno 3. Richardi I. cum Hugone Coven- trienfi & Jobanne Hereford: Epifcopis, &c. And that they were ſometimes Juftices of Afſize, as we now underſtand that Word, may appear by the like Fine (a) Ap. Chartular, Cotton. f. 44. (b) Ibid. L 4 acknow- 152 A Hiftory of Convocations. - acknowledged in the time of H. III. Hec eft finalis concordia in Curiâ Domini R. apud Gloceftriam in cra- ftino Johannis Baptiste anno Regni Henrici filii Johannis 39. coram Jobanne Abbate de Burgo S. Petri, Magiſtro Simone de Wanton, Roberto de Chyding don, Nicholao de Hau- lo,fo. de Kaue,Willielmi Truffell, Juftitiariis itinerantibus Domini Regis inter Rogerum de Gloceftre querent. & Ric. de Kenfare deforiant. All thefe Fines (fays my Au- thor) were acknowledged for fuch Lands as of late were of the Poffeffion of Lanthona, and remain in the great Book of the ſaid Abby. Hæc eft finalis concordia ap. Weftm. termino Pafche an. 39. H. II. co- ram Richardo Winton. Eley, Norwic. & Rainnulpho de Gland-vill Juftitiariis Domini R. Inter, &c. The like Fine is put before the fame Judges, of the Date of 33 H 2. by Glanvil himſelf in the 8 Book of his Treatife of the Law and Customs of England. Henry of Huntington fhews, that Roger Bishop of Sarum (he that was fo great with Henry I. and imprifon'd to death and ſpoil'd by K. Stephen) was Chief Justice of England. The fame doth the Book of Battel-Abby confirm of the faid Bifhop. Finalis concordia fact. in Curia Domini Regis ap. Weftm. craftino Afcenf. an. 21 H. III.coram Radulpho Ciciftrenfi Epifcopo Domini Re- gis Cancellario, William de Ralinge, William de Eboraco, &c. & aliis Domini Regis Fidelibus.- Hæc eft finalis con- cordia facta in Curia Domini Regis apud Cantabrigiam an. 3 H. III. coram Henrico Abbate de Ramsey, &c. Jufti- ciariis Itinerantibus. I am not fo well acquainted with Law Books, as to know whether this Collection be to be met with in any Printed Author; but left it should not (as I fuppofe it is not) I thought it worth my while to infert it here. And I think it not altogether foreign to my purpoſe, tho' it be not altogether per- tinent Some Inflances I have omitted. And more, I fuppofe, may be found in Sir W. Dugdale's Origines Judiciales; which I have not at prefent by me. The १ A History of Convocations. 153 The Biſhop of Carlisle is mentioned among the I- tinerant Judges in the ancient MS. Chronicle (a) of the Priory of Dunſtable, ad an. 1252. In the MS. Volume above-mentioned, there is a Lift of Bricks (or Clergymen) who were Efficers to the king, and dwelt within the Diocefs of London: From which the Author infers how great the number muft needs be, if all were reckon'd that lived in other Diocefes. Among them there are feveral Mafters of Chancery. For anciently all Masters of Chancery,and of the Rolls, were Clergymen, and therefore called afters or a- giftri. So not only the L. Chancellors and many of the Fudges were Clergymen, but all the Clerks likewife of all the King's Courts, as well of the 2 Benches and the Exchequer, as the Chancery: From whence they had that Name of CLERICI, Clerks, or Clergymen : Which has fince been ufurpt by all the little Ser- vants of the Law. The Clerks of the King's Courts being Men in Holy Orders, for that very Reafon all Livings in the King's Gift, not exceeding the value of 20 Marks, were put into the Hands of the Lord Chancellor; viz. to be difpofed of to Them for their Encouragement, as his Majeſty's Servants, as he faw they deferved. There is extant in the Par- liament Roll of 4 Ed. III. a remarkable A& to this poſe, which I cannot pafs by. The Parliament pe- tition'd the K. in thefe Words (in French, I mean, thus tranflated :) Because it hath been ordained in times whereof there is no Memory, and granted by the Progeni- tors of our Lord the K. that the Chancellors for the time being should give the Benefices (which belong to the K. to give) taxed at 20 Marks and under, to the Clerks of the Chancery which have long labour'd in the place; which thing hath been used from the faid time till the Bishop of Lincoln was made Chancellor, who in all his time gave pur- (a) The fame Chronicle ad an. 1217. mentions the Abbot of Rameley: and ad an. 1257 the Abbot of Burgh. the < 154 A Hiftory of Convocations. { the faid Benefices to his own Clerks, and to other Clerks against the Will of our Lord the K. and against the Ordi- nance and usage aforefaid: May it pleaſe our Lord the K.and his Counsel, to ordain that the Chancellors which shall be for the time, do give the Benefices which belong to them to give for the Caufe aforesaid, to the Clerks of the faid Place, as it hath been anciently used; and that this be done by Election of the Masters of the Chancery. (The King's Royal Anſwer.) Let this Bill be deliver'd to the K. and it liketh the Counſel that it is fit to command the Chancellor, that hereafter he give fuch Benefices to the King's Clerks of the Chancery, the Exchequer, and of both Benches, and not to others. In Fitz-Herbert's Na- tura Brevium there is a Writ to excufe Clerks in Chan- cery, tho' Benefic'd, from contributing any thing to the Expences of the Proctors of the Clergy fent up to Parliament. That the Clerks alſo of Parliament were anciently Clergymen, the Name it felf fhews: And in the Year 1515. the Clerk of the Parliament was Pro- locutor of the Lower House of Convocation. } But to return to the Conqueror's Great Councils : Hoveden * tells us,that an. 1074. in Christmas he held his Curia at Westminster, and there animadverted up- on thoſe who had rebell'd against him, baniſhing fome, pulling out the Eyes of others, and cutting off the Hands of others. The Saxon Chron. places this to the Year 1076. He was at Westm. in the Fe- ſtival of Chriſtmas, where all thofe Britons were puniſh’d who were prefent at the Marriage at Norwich, of whom Jome had their Eyes put out, others were driven out of the Land: So the Traitors of William were utterly quell'd. An. 1075. Wlketulus Abbot of(Croyland was fu fum- mon'd to appear, fays (a) Ingulphus, ad proximum Concilium Londoniis celebrandum, i. e. at the next Curia or Parliament, where he was depriv'd upon *P. 262. (4) P. 73. pre- 1 A History of Convocations. 155 pretence of Idolatry, becauſe he feem'd to reverence, as a Martyr, Earl Waldive, a great Friend to that Abby, whom the Normans had beheaded. In that Council, or Parliament, Archbishop Lanfranc feems to have prefided; for (a) Ordericus Vitalis fays, that Wiketulus (or, as he calls him, Ulfketelus) was depri- ved by Archbishop Lanfranc. In a MS. Chartulary of the Abby of Weftm. which is in Sir Rob. Cotton's (b) Library, there are extant a great many Charters granted by the Conqueror to that Church. The firſt (c) is granted confultu atq; confenfu Pri- matum meoruin. Subfcribed after the K. by the Queen, Archbishop Lanfranc, 6 Bishops, 7 Abbots; then by a Layman, then by the Chancellor, and af ter him by 13 other Laymen. In his 2d, dated xi. Kal. Junii 1075. are theſe Words: (d) Et ut firmius & folidius in evum confer- ventur, in folemnitate Pentecoftes habito Concilio in celeber- rimo loco prafcripti Westmonafterii, & à neftrâ regiâ Majeftate convocatis in unum cunctis regni noftri Prima- tibus ad audiendas & confirmandas quafdam Synodalis De- creti caufas neceffarias communi confenfu maxime Epif- coporum, Abbatum, & aliorum infignium noftrorum Pro- cerum, inter cætera univerfaliter hoc profpicientes & fta- tuentes decernimus, &c. (It grants the Monaftery an Exemption from the Bishop of London's Juriſdiction) -Idcirco ad hæc difponenda & inviolabiliter ftabilienda ad laudem Domini & honorem S. Petri Apoftoli fub in- vocatione fanctæ Trinitatis,& impreffione Dominice Cru- cis, fanitaq; autoritate cjufdem Apoftoli, & omnium no- ftrorum præfentifq; privilegii decreto difponimus fancimus atq; confirmamus unanimiter bac Synodica fanctione mo- dis omnibus vetantes, &c. --manus noftræ fubfcripti- onibus fignum impofuimus & legitimos teftes eminentiores (a) Hift. Eccl. p. 542. (b) Fauftina A. 3. (c) F. 29. b. (d) Ibid. f. 39. b. viz. 156 A Hiftory of Convocations. viz. noftri regiminis viros fubtus annotari juffimus. Subſcribed after the K. by the 2 Archbishops, 10 Biſhops, 6 Abbots, the Chancellor, &c. Omnes iſti confenferunt hæc & fignaverunt, anno Dominica Incarn. MLXXV. & adepti imperii fupernominati gloriofi Regis Willielmi anno IV. die prædicti Feti Pentecoftes, xi. Kal. Junii, fcripta eft hæc charta & figillata & ab ipfo Rege &fupradictis perfonis teftificata & confirmata & auctori- Zata. و The 3d is dated an. 1077. the Subſcriptions of which begin thus: (a)Ego ipfe manu mea fignum impref- fi, & legitimnos teftes regni mei, fcilicet infigniores perfonas fubtus annotari juffi. Then follow the Subfcriptions of the Luer, and of Robert and William the King's Sons: after them the 2 Archbishops: Ego Lanfran- cus, &c. buic regiæ munificentiæ concedens pro affectu con- fenfi. Ego Thomas, &c. hoc regale donum confirmans, fcriptis corroboravi. After them 15 Bishops, the Chan- cellor, 10 Abbots, the King's 3 Chaplains. Ego Ber- nardus Regis Capellanus confirmans fubfcripfi. Ego Ray- naldus Regis Capellanus confirmans fubfcripfi. Ego Rod- bertus Regis Capellanus annui & cozrobozavi. Then follow 13 Great Men, Earls, &c. and after all, theſe Words: Multis præterea illuftrium virorum perfonis & regni Principibus diverfi Ordinis omiffis. Qui fimiliter huic confirmationi piiffimo affectu teftes & fautores fuerunt, Hii etiam illo tempore à Regia poteftate è diverfis Provins cus & Urbibus ad univerfalem Synodum pro caufis cu- juflibet (lege quibuflibet) fanctæ Ecclefia audiendis & tractandis, ad præfcriptum celeberrimum cœnobium quod Weftmonafterium dicitur convocati, hanc eandem coope- rante fibi in omnibus divinâ pietate, honorifice perficientes compleverunt. Quorum igitur memoriam & nomina fin- gulatim exprimere & buic paginule longum & faftidiojum videtur inferere. In the Margent is noted in a late (a) F. 37. b. Hand: : A Hiftory of Convocations. Hand: Nota hic hos omnes convocari à Rege fuâ autori- tate ad caufas Religionis tractandas tam Nobiles de Clero quam Principes regni, cum aliis inferioris gra- dus, conventio quorum videtur effe Parliamentum. I agree with the Writer, that it was a Parliament. But perhaps thofe are the Words, not of the Charter it felf, as is commonly underſtood, but of the Regiſtrary who liv'd long after that time, about the Reign of Ed. III. as appears from the Hand. The Volume, in which thefe Charters are con- tained, I find aſcribed by fome, but erroneouf- ly, to Sulcardus, a Monk of that Abby, who liv'd in the Conqueror's time; becauſe it begins by way of Prologue, with an Account of the building of that Abby, which he wrote and dedicated to the Abbot Vitalis. But that Piece of Sulcardus is a di- ftinct thing by it felf, and though it feems to be writ as an Epiftle to Vitalis, yet was really Speech made in Commemoration of the Found- ers: as appears by theſe Words: (a) quoddam(mi- raculum) infigne intentius audite, Fratres Chariffimi. a In the 2d Vol. of our Engliſh Councils, pag. 14. I find this Charter cited by Sir Will. Dugdale, as ex- tant in the Chronicle of Radulphus de Diceto, which I fuppofe is a Miftake. Dr. Brady (b), who found it there quoted (for he never faw the Charter it felf) by Provinces would have Diocefes understood, left the Antiquity of Knights of Shires &c. fhould be demonftrated from thence; and his Conjecture is, That it was a Synod call'd for the first fetling of that Matter relating to the removal of Bifhops Seats from leffer places to greater: Which is altogether preca- rious, and not to be regarded. The fame Frag- ment I find cited by others, who tell us, that the 157 (a) F. 4. b. (b) Introdu&t p. 301, 302, Char- 158 A History of Convocations. Charter is fubfcibed by Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Co- mites, & alii enatozes. But thofe are the Words not of the Charter it felf, nor of the Regiftrary, but only Dugdale's. The 4th Charter (a), which was granted an. 1081. is fign'd next after the K. by the Quar, the 2 Archbishops, and 13 Bishops: after them by Robert the King's Son, then by the Chancellor; after him by the King's 3 Chaplains, then follow 3 Ab- bots and 17 Lay-Lords. After all, thefe Words: Anno Incarn. Dom. 1081. regni etiam prænominati glo- riofi Regis Will. xv. convenientibus in unum cunctis patriæ Primatibus in Nativitate Domini noftri J. Chr. ipsâ eâdem die Circumcifionis fcripta eft hæc Charta & autori- zata, & ab excellentioribus regni perfonis teftificata & confirmata & roborata in nomine Domini feliciter Amen. Ego Ingulfus Regalium Decretorum Notarius ad vicem Mauricii Cancellarii fub Cartulari teftificatione præfens Fri- vilegium apud Weſtm. prenotavi & fubfcripfi. Proinde con- ceffum & à Regiâ munificentiâ jure datum IV. Non. Ja- nuarii, Indict. IV. Other Charters of lefs Note, which may be feen in the fame MS. Chartulary I omit: Some Tefted by 2 or 3 only; others by a few expreffed, cum mul- tis aliis. His Charter (b) to the Monaftery of Malmes- bury dated an. 1081. he granted, rogatus à fideliffima conjuge med Matilde Regina, & multis Epifcopis & Baronibus meis. Sign'd by the K. the Duan, the Archbishop of Canterbury, 5 Bishops (of whom 2 were Norman Bishops) 1 Abbot, Earl Rodbert, Hen- ry the King's Son, another Earl, a Vicecomes, and one other Lay-man. Actum ap. Londonias, affiftente Wari- no Abbate. (a) Chartul. MS. prædic, f. 4. 2. (b) Monaft. Tom. I. p. 52. The A Hiftory of Convocations. 159 The fame Year he granted a Charter (a) to the Monks of S. Edmond's-Bury, recorded in a MS. Co- py of Marianus Scotus, extant in the Bodleian Libra- ry; in which are thefe Words: An. 1081. finitis Placitis, calumniis, & queremoniis, quas Arfaftus Epifco- pus faciebar Baldwino Abbati, viz. de Ecclefia S. Ed- mundi, & de villâ in quâ fanctus Martyr requiefcit, die pridie Kalendas Junii apud Wintoniam coram Rege & Principibus terræ dedit R. Willielmus gloriofo Regi & Martyri Eadmundo hoc Privilegium. In the Charter it- felf, thus: Inter Baldwinum Abbatem prædictæ Eccle- fia & ipfum Epifcopum per multum temporis factâ quam maxima altercatione, concilio Archiepifcoporum, Epifcopo- rum, & aliorum multorum nobis fidelium, ut utro- rumq; fuper hiis ratio in noftrâ diſcuteretur Curiâ, dig- num cenfuimus. Quod Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopus Lanfrancus, & Thomas Eboracenfis Archiepifcopus, & Odo Bajocenfis frater meus & Comes Cantiæ, & ple- riq; alii Epifcopi, Rotbertufq; filius meus, atq; ca- teri Principes regni noftri, qui aderant, audientes, cen- fuerunt tanti loci tantam auctoritatem, inviolatam ufq; in finem feculi debere permanere. Quorum irrefutabili judi- cio, prout dignum fuit, affenfi & confenfum præbeo. Pla- cuit etiam nobis confilio Archiepifcoporum, Epifcoporum,Co- mitum aliorumq; multorum nobis fidelium, &c. Subfcrib'd by the K the Dup, the 2 Archbishops, 13 Bi- fhops, the King's 3 Sons, the King's Chancellor, the King's Chaplain,7 Abbots, 4 Earls, 7 other Great Men. Actum apud Wintoniam in Palatio Regio. The Privilege which this Charter confirms, was an Exemption from the Bishop of Norwich or Tedford's Jurifdiction; which is there declared to have been always the Right of that Monaftery, and to have been firft granted by the Founder K. Canut, and (4) Ap. Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 289. after- 160 A History of Covocations. afterwards confirmed by K. Edward the Confeffor. This does not convince Me, that there were any Ex- emptions before the Conqueft. For I take the Conqueror and his Council (if the Charter be genuine) to have been impoſed upon by their ſpurious Charters, juſt then forged upon that occafion; particularly by that which they pretended was given them by K. Canut. mention'd above pag. 102, 103. From the Bishop's afferting his Jurifdiction over that Mɔ- naftery, it is clear, that he either knew nothing at all of any fuch Charter before it was produced in Court, or believed it to be a Forgery. An. 1082. the Charter (a) of William de Karileph Biſhop of Durham granted to the Monks of S. Cuth- bert, with the Pope's Confent, was confirmed by the K. and Parliament.. Talem Papæ confenfum cum audiffet Rex, non mediocriter gavifus, fub teftimonio Ma- tildis Regina, Lanfranci Archiepifcopi, cæterorumq; Angliæ Epifcoporum, & Baronum fuorum, ad hoc per- agendum licentiam dedit, immo propere ut peragerem mi- bi præcepit. Infuper etiam Leges S. Cuthberti, quas ipfe coram fancto illius corpore, ficut unquam meliores Sub aliquo Regum priorum fuerunt, fide fua fanctiebat denuo tunc revocando confirmavit & omnia quæ Dominus Papa ei fuifq; literis præcepit, conceffit, & in Concilio pleno coram omnibus roborando, confentientibus Prælatis An- glia totius conftituit. Facta funt hæc omnia in Concilio Londonienfi coram Domino Willielmo Rege an- no ut fupra. Subfcribed by the 2 Archbishops, 13 Biſhops, 8 Abbots, 17 Temporal Lords; and the Ring's 3 Chaplains. In the King's own Charter (b), by which the Bishop's is confirmed, it is faid: Ego Willielmus D. G. Rex Anglorum hæreditario jure factus, ex præcepto D. t " { (a) Monaft. Tom. I. p. 43. (b) Ibid. p. 44. Grego- ty A History of Convocations. Gregorii P. VII. & ex petitione & conceffione D. Willi- elmi Dunelmenfis Epifcopi, confulentibus, & in mea præ- fentia affedentibus & affentientibus Lanfranco & Tho ma Archiepifcopis, concedo & conftituo, &c. Hæc Carta confirmata eft apud Westmonafterium Concilio meo, an- no regni mei 18. præfentibus omnibus Epifcopis & Ba- ronibus meis. Sign'd by 3 Bifhops, then by the King, then by the King's 3 Chaplains, then by an Abbot, and 2 Temporal Lords, then by the Bishop of Conftance, after him by another Abbot, then by 5 Lay-Lords, after them by the Biſhop of Wincheſter, another Abbot, and 4 Laymen more. The Conqueror's 18th Year was 1084. Another Charter (a) of His, granted to the fame Monaftery of Durham, is fign'd after himſelf by the Archbishop of York, 3 Bifhops, an Abbot, a Vice- comes, 3 other Lay-Lords, another Abbot, an Earl, William the King's Son, 4 other Lay-Lords; then by a Chaplain, and 2 Lay-Lords more; then by a Cles ricus Regis, and another Chaplain; and after thefe, by divers other Laymen. An. 1083. He laid a heavy Tax upon the whole Land, of 72 Pence for every Hide, fays the Saxon Chron. which adds, that it was collected after Chrift- mas: by which it fhould feem to have been laid in the Great Council held at Chriſtmas. An. 1085. fays the fame Chronicle, he kept his Christmas at Gleawceafter, cum fuis Proceribus, & te- nuit ibi Curiam fuam 5 dies: Poftea autem Archicpil- copus & Clerici habuerunt Synodum trium dierum: Ibi (a) Ibid. p. 49. It is recited in an Infpeximus of Ed. IV. together with another Charter of the ſame K. which yet, I know not how, Speaks of his Father's time, as if it had been made by Will. Rufus. M fuit 161 162 A Hiftory of Convocations. fuit Mauricius electus in Epifcopum ad Lundene, & Wil lielmus ad Northfolc, & Rodbeardus ad Ceafterfcire; hi omnes erant Regis Capellani. Poft hæc Rex tenuit mag- num Concilium, & graves fermones habuit, cum fuis Proceribus de hac terra quomodo incoleretur, & à quibus hominibus. Mittebat idcirco per totam Anglorum terram in fingulos Comitatus fuos fervos, quibus permifit fcrutari quot hydarum centena effent in Comitatu, &c. The Eafter following, as the fame Chronicle tells. us (or rather the Year after that) he wore his Crown and kept his Court at Wincheſter, and on Whitfuntide at Weſtminſter, made his youngest Son Henry a night, Which is mention'd by moft other Hiftorians, as a very folemn thing. I fhall mention here by the bye, that his Son William Rufus was Knighted by the Archbishop, according to the ancient Cu- ftom of the English. For in the Saxon times, and for fome time after, the Honour of Knight- bood was conferred by Clergymen, with Reli- gious Ceremonies. We are told by Ingulphus, that the Cuftom of the English was, That u hoever was to be knighted in due manner, came over Night to the Bi- Shop, or to fome Abbot, Monk, or Priest, and made a fo- lemn Confeffion of his Sins before him; and having ob. tain'd Abfolution, lay all Night in the Church with great Devotion and Contrition. On the Morrow, being to bear Maſs, he offer'd his Sword at the Altar; and after the Gofpel was read, the Prieft with a Benediction put a Sword, that was Bleſſed for the purpoſe, upon his Neck; and fo receiving the Communion, he remain'd after that Miles legitimus. This Cuftom (fays he) of Confe- crating a night the Normans abominated, not looking upon fuch a one to be Miles legitimus, fed (ocordem Equitem & Quiritem degenerem, deputabant. In one (a) of (a) Monaft Tom. I. p. 318. the A History of Convocations. 163 the Conqueror's Charters to Battel Abby, it is ordain'd, That the Abbot should not make Knights, nifi in facra veste Chrifti. But this only by the bye. The fame Year in Fefto Primitiarum, all the Land- holders in the Kingdom met together, by his Sum- mons, at Salisbury, and there did him Homage, and fwore Fealty to him. Ubi ei obviam venerunt e- jus Proceres (fays the fame Saxon Chronicle) & omnes prælia tenentes, quotquot effent note melioris, per totam Angliam, hujus Viri fervi fuerant, omnefq; fe illi fabdidere, ejufq; facti funt Vafalli, ac ei fidelitatis jura- mentum præftiterunt, fe contra alios quefcunq; illi fidos fu- turos. Henry of Huntindon tells us (a), that in the 19th Year of his Reign (and that was 1085.) this was done by all the terrarii Angliæ, cujufcunq; feudi effent. The Waverly Annals have the very fame Words: but place it to the Year 1084. "Twas perform'd by the homines totius Angliæ cujufcunq; effent feodi vel tenementi, fays Westminster, ad an. 1084. Cu- jufcunq; effent feudi, fays Paris (ad an. eundem) who fays it was done at Whitfuntide, and at Weftminster : Bromton (b), who places it to the 20th Year of his Reign, to which he alfo refers the making of Dooms- day-Book, fays thus of it: Henricum filium juniorem ar- mis Militaribus decoravit, & convocatis Magnatibus, ter- ræ Archiepifcopis,Epifcopis, Abbatibus,& eozum Milicibus eidem filio (this is falfe) fidelitatem jurari fecit. Hove- den ad an. 1086. In Hebdomada Fentecoftes, filium fu- um Henricum, apud Weft. ubi Curiam fuam tenuit, ar- mis Militaribus honoravit, nec multo poft mandavit. ut Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Comites, Barones, Vice- comites cum fuis Militibus Cal. Augufti fibi occurrerent Sarelbiriæ: quo cum veniffent, ilues illozum fibi fi- delitatem contra omnes homines jurare cogit. Ingulphus, who lived at that time (c): Apud Londonias homi- (a) P. 212. (b) Col. 979. (c) P 99% M 2 nium 164 A History of Convocations. nium fibi facere: & contra omnes homines fidelitatem ju- rare omnem Angliæ incolam imperans totam terram de- fcripfit, &c. Florence of Worcester ad an. 1086. (and after him Simeon Dunelmenfis :) In Hebdomada Pente- coftes fuum filium Henrice ap. Weftm. ubi Curiam fuam tenuit, armis Militaribus honoravit. Nec multo poft mandavit ut Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Co- mites, Barones, cum fuis Militibus die Cal. Aug. fibi occurrerent Saresbiria. Quo cum veniffent, Milites ils Iozum fibi fidelitatem 'contra omnes homines jurare coegit. By Milites illorum, are meant the Military Tenants of the Archbishops, Bishops, &c. The fame Author, who liv'd as it were at that time (and out of him Simeon Dunelmenfis and Knygh- ton) fays of the making of Doomſday- Book, which he places to the fame Year, that the K. made all Eng- land to be defcribed, quantum terræ quifq; Baronum fuo- rum poffidebat, &c. It was done by Perfons, as In- gulphus fays, chofen to that end, in the feveral parts of the Kingdom, who gave an Account of the fe veral Eftates, &c. that lay near them, and that upon Oath, as (a) Radulphus de Diceto tells us. The Law by which he ſeparated the two Jurifdi- ctions, and forbad Bishops and Archdeacons to fit Judges in the County and Hundred-Courts, ran in the Name of the Archbishops, Biſhops, Abbots, and all the Princes (or Principal Men) of the Kingdom; as ap- pears by the Writ fent to the Diocefs of Lincoln con- cerning that Matter: Willielmus G. D. Rex Anglo- rum Comitibus, Vicecomitibus, & omnibus Francigenis & Anglis qui in Epifcopatu Remigii Epifcopi terras habent,ſa- lutem. Sciatis Vos omnes & cæteri mei fideles qui in Angliâ manent quod Epiſcopales Leges quæ non bene nec fecundum (4) Ad an. 1087. Sancto- A History of Convocations. 165 Sanctorum Canonum Præcepta ufq; ad mea tempora in reg- no Anglorum fuerunt, Communi confilio (Concilio, vel confenfu) & confilio Archiepifcoporum meorum & cæte- rorum Epifcoporum & Abbatum, & omnium Principum regni mei emendendas judicavi. Propterea mando, & Regiâ auctoritate præcipio ut nullus Epifcopus vel Archidia- conas de Legibus Epifcopalibus amplius in undzet Pla- cita teneant: ne caufam quæ ad regimen Animarum per- tinet, ad judicium fecularium hominum adducant, fed quicunq; fecundum Epifcopales Leges, de quacunq; causâ vel interpellatus fuerit, ad locum ad hoc Epifcopus elegerit, & nominaverit veniat, ibiq; de Causâ fuâ refpondeat ; & non fecundum Hundzet, fed fecundum Canones, & E- pifcopales Leges, rectum Deo & Epifcopo fuo faciat: By the fame Law, if any one refus'd to be judged by the Bishops, he was to be compell'd by the Sheriff, or by complaint to the King's Court, and all Lay- men are forbid to interpofe in the Bishops Courts. This Law Mr. Selden (a) has publiſh'd but imper- fectly, in the 2d Vol. of our Cuncils, p. 14. it may be ſeen entire. In his Laws, which are call'd his Charter (or Magna Charta) publish'd firft by Mr. Selden, in his Notes upon Eadmer, and afterwards by Sir Roger Twifden at the end of Bede's Ecclef. Hiftory, with fome fmall Variations out of the Red Book of the Exchequer,He mentions, that he had decreed by the Cominon Counsel of the whole Kingdom, that all his Tenants fhould be always ready with their Arms to ferve him if need were. Statuimus etiam & firmiter præcipimus, ut omnes Comites, & Ba- rones, & Milites, & Servientes, & univerfi liberi ho- mines totius regni noſtri prædicti habeant & teneant fe femper bene in armis & in equis, ut decet, & oportet, & (4) Not in Eadm. p. 167. 8, M 3 quod 166 A Hiftory of Convocations. quod fint femper prompti & bene parati ad fervitium fu- um integrum nobis explendum & peragendum cum fem- per opus adfuerit, fecundum quod nobis debent de feodis & tenementis fuis de jure facere, & fic ut illis ftatuimus PER COMMUNE CONSILIUM TOTIUS REGNI, & illis dedimus & conceſſimus in feodo jure hæreditario. The next Statute following is faid to have been made in the City of London. Theſe Laws begin thus: Statuimus imprimis fuper omnia, unum Deum per totum Regnum noftrum venerari, &c. And the particular De- crees run after this manner: Volumus ac firmiter pre- cipimus. Statuimus etiam & firmiter præci- pimus. Interdicimus Prohibemus And the Additional Laws, which are not found in the Red Book of the Exchequer, but in (a) Bromton, under the Title of Institutiones five Leges Regis Willielmi, (He feems to have known nothing of any other of the Conqueror's Laws befides thofe few) begin thus: Willielmus, D. G. Rex Anglorum, Omni- bus ad quos fcriptum hoc perveniat, falutem & amiciti- MANDO & PRÆCIPIO per totam Anglia na- tionem cuftodiri, &c. This fame Collection of the Conqueror's Laws is extant, part of it, in (b) Hove- den, extracted out of Glanvill's Collection of Laws; and there it is faid, that they were all made by the Confent of his Princes. Hic intimatur quid Wil- lielmus Rex CUM PRINCIPIBUS SUIS conftituit post conquifitionem Anglia. In primis quidem fuper omnia unum Deum vellet fuper totum Regnum fuum venera- ri, &c. am. Another Law, not extant in thofe Collections, the Conqueror made, forbidding Bishops to Excommu- nicate, or otherwife punish any of his Barons, or Servants, without his Confent firft obtain'd: Men- tion'd by (c) Eadmer and others. (4) Col 982. (b) Fol. 342. b. (c) Hift. Nov. 1. 1. p. 6. The A History of Convocations. 167 The (a) Hiftory of Battel-Abby, which He himself founded, amongst many other great Elogiums, tells us, that He was in Legum ftatutis reformandis ac fer- vandis ftudiofus. In the beginning of his Reign he was mild and gentle to the English, and acted in all things fairly. Fura quæcunq; dictavit optimis ra- tionibus dictavit, fays Gulielmus Pictavienfis (b), who lived then in his Court. As Henry of Huntindon fays, he granted'em Liberty, and their ancient Laws. But after the English had rebell'd againſt him, as he de- priv'd almoſt all the whole Nation of their Eftates, fo he endeavour'd by all means to fettle the Norman Laws and Cuſtoms in this Kingdom. So Eadmer tells us in theſe Words; Ufus ergo atq; leges, quas patres fui & ipfe in Normanniâ habere folebant, in Anglia fervare volens, de bujufmodi perfonis Epifcopos, Abbates, & alios Principes per totam terram inftituit, de quibus indignum judicaretur, fi per omnia fuis Legibus, poftpofitâ omni aliâ confideratione, non obedirent, & fi ul- lus eorum, pro quavis terreni honoris potentia, caput con- tra eum levare auderet ; fcientibus cunctis unde, qui, ad quid affumpti fuerint. He adds: Cuneta ergo, Divina fimul, & humana, ejus nutum expectabant. Ingulphus fays, the Normans abhorr'd the English Tongue, to that degree, that the Laws of the Land, and the Statutes of the English Kings (meaning the Laws called K. Ed- ward's) were express'd in the French Tongue; that Chil- dren at School were taught to Read, not in Engliſh, but in French, and the English manner of Writing (that is, the English or Saxon Characters) in Charters, and in all Books, was laid afide, and the French introduced in Stead of it. In the Chronologia Rothomagenfis, print- ed at the end of Gabriel du Moulin's Hiftory of the (a) Ap. Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 312, (b) P, 207. M 4. Cog- 168 A History of Convocations. 骨 ​Conquests of the Normans, which was writ long after the Conqueror's time, we are told, that Leges quas in hunc diem Angli obfervant, idiomate Normannico promulgavit. A MS. Chronicle (a) in Sir Rob. Cotton's Library which begins with Brute,and ends in Ed. III. has thefe Words concerning the Conqueror's altera- tion of our Laws: Qui quidem Willielmus Nothus post mortem prædicti Haraldi totum Regnum fuæ pote- Stati fubjecit, & ficut Conqueftor in eodem poftea regna- vit. Et ab eo ejufq; Succefforibus omnia jura fere in ifto regno modernis temporibus approbata & per Furis peritos allegata feu ufitata interierunt, fic quod nihil vel Regibus vel eorum Legibus hic fupra in primo & 2do libris me- moratis, in Caufis Judicialibus facta eft mentio. Ideo ab ifto Willielmo Conqueftore novas Leges in regno ifto incipi- ente incipiatur novus Liber. In the Conqueror's time, the great Earls, on whom he beſtowed the particular Counties, had power to make Laws by their own Autority, within their Counties: For fo Malmesbury (b) fpeaks of Willi- am Fitz-Osbern, Earl of Hereford: Manet in hunc di- em in Comitatu ejus apud Herefordum Legum quas ftatuit, inconcuffa firmitas; ut nullus miles (or Military Te- nant) pro qualicunq; commiffo plus feptem folidis folvat : cum in aliis Provinciis, ob parvam occafiunculam in tranf- greffione præcepti herilis, 20 vel 25 pendantur. Before we leave the Conqueror, I cannot but be fo just to my Reader, as to give him a Caution not to depend with too much Confidence on the Charters of Monafteries above-mention'd afcrib'd to Him. E do not defire to be thought fond of calling ancient Writings in queſtion: But as I have been already fo (a) Titus A. 13. (b) P. 59° { { free, 1 A History of Convocations. { free, as to profefs no great Regard for the much greater part of thofe Charters which are pretended to be made before the Conquest, fo of thoſe likewife which I have cited as the Conqueror's, I have Rea- fon, and I think a very good one, to doubt.. The Objection I have againſt 'em, is the great number of Subfcribers, the Pomp and Parade of the Bufinefs,and then the Sign of the Crofs which the Subfcribers uſe. For Ingulphus exprefly affirms,that whereas before the Conqueft Charters us'd to be ſubſcrib'd with the Sign of the Cross,that Cuſtom was not us'd by the Normans in the Conqueror's time; but that they chang'd that Cuſtom, and inſtead of the Sign of the Cross, the Witneffes put to their Seals; and that not in any great number, but 3 or 4 Witneffes fufficed. And how competent a Witneſs as to this Matter Ingulphus is, may appear from his having been once Secretary to the Conqueror himfelf, and afterwards an Abbot. Speaking of the Cuftom of Confecrating nights, which the Normans defpifed; (a) & non tantum bunc morem, fays he, fed alias etiam confuetudines immuta- bant. Nam Chirographorum confectionem Anglica- nam, quæ antea ufq; ad Edwardi R. tempora, fidelium præfentium fubfcriptionibus cum Crucibus aureis aliifq; facris fignaculis firma fuerunt, Normanni condemnantes, ChirographaChartas vocabant ; & Chartarum firmita- tem cum cereâ impreſſione per uniuscujufq; fpeciale figillum fub inftillatione trium vel quatuo2 teftium conficere confti- tuebant. He adds, that in the beginning of the Conqueror's Reign, they were wont to convey E- States by word of Mouth, without any Writing at all, tantum cum Domini gladio, vel galea, vel cornu, vel cratera: & plurima tenementa conferebantur cum cal- cari, cum ftrigili, cum arcu, & nonnulla cum fagitta : (a) P. 70. Sed 169 170 A History of Convocations. Sed hæc initio regni, pofterioribus annis immutatus eft ifte modus. , Agreeable to this Account of Ingulphus, there are many of the Conqueror's Charters to be feen in the Monafticon and elſewhere, whofe Teste's are very fhort and plain, not above 3 or 4 Witneffes, with- out any Sign of the Crofs. And in that incompa- rable Treaſure of the Cottonian Library, there is to be feen the very Original Charter, by which he grant- ed Battel-Abby an Exemption from Epifcopal Jurifdi- ction, and gave it the Privilege of a Chappel Roy- al, with his Broad Seal appendant: Which Mr. Sel- den has publiſh'd, together with a Cut of the Seal, in his Notes upon Eadmer (a). The Tefte is no more than this: Hujus rei teftes funt LANFRANCUS Archi- epifcopus Cant. STIGANDUS Ciceftrenfis Epifcopus WALKELINUS Epifcopus Winton. WULSTAÑUS Wi- gorn. Epifcopus. Qui omnes me præfente & audiente bo- rum præceptorum meorum & conftitutionum violatores per- petuo anathemate damnaverunt. Apud WINTON. And in the (b) Monafticon there is another Charter of his to the fame Abby, with this fhort Tefte, and without any Signs of the Crofs. Tefte PETRO Epiſ- copo Ceftria, HERMANO Epifcopo Saresberia, WIL- LIELMO Comite Warenniæ; BERNARDO de Novo- mercato, (to which are added only the Abbot of the Place, with his Monks) & GAUSBERTO nunc ejuſ- dem loci Abbate, cum Monachis fuis, qui ad hanc Car- tam faciendam præfentes fuerunt. Apud WINTON. His Charter to the Abby of Croyland, which Ingulphus himſelf (c) has recorded, has indeed at leaft 9 or 10 Witneffes (not 3 or 4 only, which was moſt uſual ) But it has not any Croffes. (a) P. 165. (b) Tom. I. p. 318. (c) P. 86. There ཀིཾ ཏོ ཙ ༦, ནཱ – ཀུམཱནི A Hiftory of Convocations. 171 There is extant (I confefs) another Charter in the Monafticon, granted by the Conqueror to Battel- Abby, publish'd, as the Editor tells us, out of the Driginal, penes Comitem WINCHELSEYENSEM, in which, as there are 12 Witneffes befides the King, (viz. the 2 Archbishops, 4 Biſhops, 3 Earls, and 3 other Lay-Lords) fo the Cross is put to every one's Name. But unleſs that Charter has the Broad-Seal to it, it may not be, after all, a true Original, but a Forgery as well as the reft above-mention'd. However it be, it appears from what has been faid, that the uſing many Witneſſes, and the Sign of the Crofs in Charters was after the Conqueft, at leaft very rare. And it is to be obſerved, that the Witneffes there fubfcribe with much lefs Pomp than in thoſe above-mention'd, barely writing their Names with a Crofs, without any Confenfi, Confirmavi, or Corroboravi. That Charter runs altogether Regali autoritate, without any mention of the Prelates or Barons Con- fent, tho' it mentions alſo an Exemption from Epifco- pal Jurifdiction. But that in Sir Rob. Cotton's Library, which has the Seal appending, is granted affenfu LANFRANCI Archiepifcopi Cant. & STIGANDI E- pifcopi Ciceftrenfis & Confilio etiam Epilcopozum & Baronum meozum-Hoc etiam Regali auctoritate, & Epifcoporum ac Baronum meorum atteftatione confti- tuo, &c. This I take to have been, in reality, the firſt Ex- emption that was ever granted in England to any Mo- nastery. After the granting of that, other Monafteries, that they might enjoy the fame Privilege, fet about forging new Charters for themſelves. What time this Exemption was granted, is not certainly known, becauſe there is no Date to either of the Charters that mention it. But in that later one, which was in the Earl of Winchelfey's Poffeffion, Maurice Bishop of 172 A Hiftory of Convocations. of London is one of the Witneffes, who was not made Biſhop till within 2 or 3 Years at moft before the Conqueror's Death, an. 1085. as Florence of Wor- cefter, and out of him Simeon Dunelmenfis, affure us: So alfo the Saxon Chron. And with them agrees Hen- ry of Huntindon, who places his Confecration to the Conqueror's 18th Year. Others, as Rad. de Diceto, place it to the Year 1087. which was the laft of his Reign. The Conqueror's Charter to the Abby of Bury, a- bove-mention'd, which confirms the Exemption pre- tended to be granted by K. Canut, in oppoſition to Arfaftus, the Bifh. of Norwich's Pretenfions, was lookt upon by the Judges in Ed. the 3d's Reign, to be ge nuine and good in Law; and by force of that, the then Bishop of Norwich had a heavy Fine laid up- on him, for pretending to aJurifdiction over that Monaſtery; as may be read in the Year-Book 21 E. 3. fo. 60. and out of that, in the Lord Coke's Preface to his 9th Report. But whether thofe Jud- ges were fufficiently careful in examining the genu- ineness of that Charter or Writ, may be reaſonably doubted. And that is the only Inftance the Lord Coke had to produce, to prove that Parliaments were fometimes call'd by the Conqueror. I have given my Reader many at leaft as good as that, and, I hope, fome better. That the Judges were, in truth, deceived, and that in particular that Charter of Exemption, pre- tended to be granted by the Conqueror to the Ab- by of Bury, is a Forgery, appears from what Ead- mer, who liv'd in thofe times, relates of Baldwin the Abbot, That (in the Conqueror's time) he went to Rome, and there obtain'd an Exemption of the Pope which Archbishop Lanfranc taking ill, de- priv'd him of, and did not reftore it him till a lit- tle befor his Death: And that afterwards in the Reign A Hiftory of Convocations. 173 Reign of Hen. I. Herbert Bishop of Thetford or Nor- wich, applied himſelf to P. Pafchal II. to have it re- voked. And this alfo is to be obferved, that ac- cording to the Conqueror's Charter, that Abby was to have a perfect and full Exemption (not only from the Bishop's, but alſo from the Archbishop's Autori- ty;) whereas it appears from Eadmer, that in thoſe Days it did not fo much as pretend to an Exemp- tion from the Archbishop's Jurifdiction, but only from the Bishop's. This Teftimony puts the Mat- ter beyond all doubt, and fhews what little regard ought to be had to any Charters of that kind; and confirms in particular, what I ſaid concerning the fpurioufnefs of K. Canut's Charter to the fame Mo- naftery And therefore I fhall here produce the Author's own Words. Hift. Nov. lib. 3. Biſhop Her- bert (fays he) took a Journey to Rome, with an In- tention to recover ablatam Ecclefiæ fuæ curam Chri- ftianitatis fuper Abbatiam S. Eadmundi. Ante paucos fiquidem annos Baldvinus ipfius Cenobii Abbas Romam adierat, & apud Alexandrum Papam privilegium ipfi Abbatiæ adquifiverat, per quod eam à fubjectione omni- um Epifcoporum, falvâ PRIMATIS obedientiâ, liberam effecerat. Quod factum Lanfrancus Archiepifcopus mo- lefte accipiens, ipfum privilegium Abbati ABSTULIT, nec illud ei nifi circa finem vitæ fuæ multorum precibus mo- tus reddere voluit. Præfatus ergo Epifcopus Epifcopatum Theodfordenfem feu Norwicenfem, in cujus Parochia eadem Abbatia effe fcitur, fuo jure NON JURE pri- vatum effe ægre ferens, ut diximus Romam ire, & fi forte poßet in antiquam dignitatem Ecclefiam cui præfi- debat reftituere, adminiculante æquitate, cogitabat. Pope Alexander, who granted that Charter, died an. 1073. > 'Twas 174 A Hiftory of Convocations. 'Twas my Lord Coke's Opinion (a), That the Conqueror changed the Name of this Court, and firſt called it by the Name of Parliament. And the Name he derives from Parler la ment; that is, as he tells us, from Speaking their inte. But in my French Dictionaries I find no fuch Word as Ment: And I know that great Lawyer was no very happy Ety- mologift. * Parliaments under William Rufus. THE Conqueror dying 1087. Sept. 9. William Ru- his fecond Son, in the abfence of his el- der Brother Robert, was elected King by Archbiſhop Lanfranc, as (b) Gervafius tells us. Eadmer (c) fays, that without the Archbishop's confent he could by no means obtain the Crown; and therefore to pre- vail with him, he made him a great many folemn Promiſes, both by himſelf and others, that if he were made King, he would in all things obferve Justice, Equity, and Mercy, and be governed wholly by his Coun- fel. But after he was made King, being tax'd by the Archbishop for not keeping his Word: Who (fays he) can fulfil all that he promises? He was crown'd, as Bromton (d) fays, convocatis terræ mag- natibus at Westm. Sept. 27. The Christmas following he kept his Court at London, where were prefent the 2 Archbishops, with many of the Bishops, ac Jufticiarii & Principes totius Anglia, as the fame Hiftorian fays. (b) A&. Pont. Col. 1655) (a) Pref. to his 9th Report. (c) Hift. Nov. 1. 1. p. 13, 14. (d) Col. 983. The NAM 175 A History of Convocations. t The Lent next after, his Unkle Odo, Earl of Kent, and Biſhop of Baieux, having rais'd an Army and declar'd for his elder Brother Robert, and moſt of the Normans joining with him, he calls together, ſays Ordericus Vitalis, Archbishop Lanfranc, with his Suffragan Bishops, & Comites, Anglofq; naturales, & conatus Adverfariorum, & velle fuum expugnandi eos in- dicavit. As (a) Malmesbury's Words are: Anglos probos, & fortes viros, qui adhuc refidui erant, invita- toriis fcriptis arceffit; quibus fuper injuriis fuis querimo- niam faciens, bonafq; Leges, & Tributorum levamen, liberafq; Venationes pollicens, fidelitati fuæ obligavit. Whatſoever (b) Dr. Brady fays to the contrary, there is nothing more evident, than that this Par- liament or Convention confifted chiefly of the natural English, and confequently of Perfons under the Degree of the Nobility: For (as (c) Huntindon af- fures us) there was at that time ſcarce any one of the English Nobility remaining. Nec jam vix aliquis princeps de progenie Anglorum effet in Anglia, fed omnes ad fervitutem & ad mærorem redacti. Hoveden's (d) Words concerning that Convention: His auditis Rex fecit congregari Anglos, & oftendit eis traditionem Normannorum, & rogavit ut fibi auxilio effent eo tenore, ut fi in hac neceffitate fibi fideles exifterent, meliorem Legem, quam vellent eligere, eis concederet, & omne injuftum fcottum interdixit, & conceffit omnibus fylvas Suas, & venationem. Sed quicquid promifit parvo tempore cuftodivit. The Sax.Chron. (e) Tunc accerfivit Anglos, &iis expofuit fuas anguftias, rogavitq; eos auxilium, pollicitus iis meliores Leges quam unquam fuerunt in hac terrâ, omnia item injufta tributa abrogavit, conceffitq; fub- ditis fuas fylvas & venatus: verum boc haud diu man- (a) Fol. 68. (d) Fol. 265. b. (b) Gloffar. Introdu&t. p. 1. (c) P. 212. (e) P. 144. fit. } 1 176 A History of Covocations. fit. Florence of Worceſter (a): Congregato quan- tum ad præfens poterat Normannorum, fed tamen maxi- me Anglorum equeftri & pedeſtri (licet mediocri) exer- citu ftatuens Leges, promittens fautoribus omnia bo- na, &c. Mat. Paris: Videns Rex Willielmus omues pene regni Proceres und rabie conſpiratos ; Anglos forti- tudine & probitate infignes, faciles Legess, &c. promit- tendo fibi devinxit. To the fame purpofe the Waverly Annals, and He- mingford. The former fay exprefly, that the Per- fons conven'd on that occafion, were the Populus Anglorum. Archbishop Lanfranc dying, May 24. 1089. the Archbishoprick was kept void about 4 Years before another was nominated. On Christmas an. 1092. cum gratiâ Dominice Nativitatis omnes regni pzimozes (fays (b) Eadmer) ad Curiam Regis, pro more, venif- Sent, it happen'd that with one confent, all the chief of 'em complain'd of his keeping the Archbishoprick void, and refolu'd to petition the K. that he would permit Prayers to be bad in all the Churches of the Kingdom, That God would inspire the King with Grace to nominate an Arch- bishop. This Petition in a Body they prefent to the King; who, tho' angry at firft, permits Prayers to be made to that purpoſe. The Form of Prayer was immediately at the Bishop's Requeft drawn up by Abbot Anfelm, and read in the Prefence of the tota Nobilitas regni. The next Lent the King falling fick at Glocester, where there came together (c) omnes totius regni Principes, Epiſcopi, Abbates, & quiq; Nobiles, expect- ing that he would die; he nominated Anfelm to be Archbiſhop: and in the fame fit of Piety, made a promiſe (d) Je prāvas Leges emendaturum. At that (a) AD. 1088. (b) P. 15. (c) Eadmer p. 16. (d) Huo- tirdon Fol. 213. b. time, A History of Convocations. time, fays Hoveden (a), his Barons exhorting him to amend his Life, and not to opprefs the Church, he made a Vow to God, that he would irrectas Le- ges deftruere, ac rectas ftatuere. But as foon as he was (b) recovered, he became much worfe than before. He promis'd, fays the Saxon Chron. (c) omnes ju- ftas Leges in fud Natione ftatuere, but after he was well, omnes bonas Leges, abrogavit quas nobis fuerat pol licitus. A MS. Chron. in (d) Lambeth Library : Graviter infirmus promifit bonas Leges pofiturum & pa- cem habere cum Ecclefiâ, fed cum Janus factus effet pe- nituit promifiſſe, & gravius folito Ecclefiam & Regnum oppreffit. So the Waverly Annals and Hemingford. Some Months after, at Winchester, the new Arch- biſhop did Homage to the King, (e) adunato ibi conventu Nobilium. The K. being a little after that at Hastings, with a deſign to fail into Normandy, fummon'd thither the Bifhops and Great Men of the Kingdom (f): Ex præcepto Regis, omnes fere Epifcopi, una cum Principibus Anglie ad Hattinges convenerunt ipfum Regem in Nor- manniam transfretaturum fuâ benedictione & concurfu profecuti. Where a difference arofe between the K. and the Archbishop. , The K. returning into England, the Archbishop waited upon him at Gillingham near Shaftesbury, and there defiring leave to go to Pope Urban for the Pall, the K. would not permit it, P. Urbon being not own'd as the true Pope in England. For at that time there being 2 Antipopes, neither of 'em was acknowledg'd in this Kingdom. But Urban being acknowledg'd in Italy and France, Anfelm (a) Fol. 265. b. (b) Eadm p. 20. (c) An. 1093* (d) 4ṭo Vol. 160. ad an. Ic91. hoc vero male. (ƒ) P. 23₁ (e) Eadmer p. 20. N · had 178 A Hiftory of Convocations. had before fubjected himſelf to him, when an Abbot in Normandy. The Archbishop appeals to the Parliament to have this Point determined, Whether as Archbishop he might not fwear Obe- dience to the Pope without the King's Confent: (a) Petivit inducias ad iftius rei examinationem quatenus Epifcopis, Abbatibus, cunctifq; régni Principibus una coe- untibus communi affenfu definiretur, Utrum falva reve- rentiâ & obedientiâ fedis Apoftolica, poffet fidem terreno Regi fervare, annon ? Accordingly on the xith of March, an. 1094. by the King's Decree, there met at Rockingham in Northamptonshire to determine that Point (b) ferme totius regni Nobilitas. The Parliament was held there on a Sunday in the Church of the Caftle: And there were preſent in it, befides Biſhops, Abbots, and Lords, many of the inferioz Monks, Clergymen, and Laicks, as appears from theſe Words of Eadmer, who him- felf was there in Perfon, as an Attendant upon the Archbishop. Fit itaq; Conventus omnium, Dominico die, in Ecclefiâ quæ est in ipfo Caftro fita ab hora prima, Rege & fuis fecretius in Anfelmum confilia fua texen- tibus. Anfelmus autem Epifcopis, Abbatibus, & Prin- cipibus ad fe à regio fecreto vocatis, eos & affiftentem Monachozum, Clericozum, Laicozum numerolam multitudinem bạc voce alloquitur. Fratres mei Eccle- fiæ Dei, omnes dico qui hic congregati eftis in nomine Domini, precor intendite, & caufæ propter quam ventilandam adunati eftis, pro viribus opem veftri con- filii ferte. -Pro cujus confilii adeptione petivi indu- cias in bunc diem quatenus in unum conveniretis, com muni confilio inveftigaretis, utrumnam poffim, &c. -Petivi, inquam, inducias, & accepi, & ecce gra- tia Dei adeftis. Dmnes itaq; fed vos præcipue, Fratres • (4) P. 26. (b) Ibid. من A History of Convocations. 179 ..... فريد 1 rus, reverteretur. 20- & Coepifcopi mei, precor & moneo, quatenus iftis diligen- ter infpectis ftudiofius, ficut vos decet, quo inniti queam, mihi confilium detis, &c. Præcepit itaq; Rex ut omnia in craftinum quia dies Dominica erat, differrentur, & Anfelmus ad hofpitium fuum, Curiam mane petitu- Factum eft ita. Et mane juxta con- dictum, reverfi fumus. Itaq; Anfelmus in medio cerum & conglobatæ multitudinis fedens, ita orfus eft. Si juxta quod à vobis, Domini Fratres, beſterno die, con- filium de præfenti causâ petivi, vel nunc dare velletis, ac- ciperem, &c.- Ad quæ Rex vehementer iratus, cum Epifcopis atq; Principibus intentiffime quærere cæpit, quid dictis ejus objicere poffit. The Refult of the whole was, that the Bishops renounced all Obedience to the Archbishop. In another place (a) Eadmer fays, that in the Placitum apud Kochingeham there was to- tius Regni adunatio. He tells us (b) of a Knight in that Council, who in the Name of the People there prefent, encouraged the Archbishop. Which fur- ther proves that there were many of the Commons in that Parliament. MILES unus de MULTITUDINE prodiens Viro aftitit flexis coram eo genibus dicens. Do- mine Pater, rogant te per me fupplices filii tui ne turbetur cor tuum, &c. Que verba dum Pater comi vultu acce- pillet, intellexit animum POPULI in fuâ fecum fententiâ. effe. Gavifi ergo exinde fumus, & animæquiores effecti, confidentes, juxta Scripturam vocem POPULI, vocem effe Dei. It was not long before there was Peace made between the K. and the Archbishop. viz. in a Curia held at Windſor in Whitfuntide, where the K. receiv'd him into Favour Principum fuorum confilio ufus. He there talk'd with him familiarly, fays (c) Eadmer, in confpectu 20cerum & coadunatæ multidunig. And (a) P. 39. (b) P. 29. (c) P. 33, 34. N 2 there $ 4 180 A History of Convocations. there it was debated, whether the Archbishop fhould receive his Pall, which had been lately fent him from Rome, from the King's Hands, or not. But at laft it was agreed, that it fhould be laid on the Altar in Canterbury Church, and from thence the Archbiſhop ſhould take it. Adquievit iftis mul- titudo omnis. Some little time after, viz. an. 1097. he was unexpectedly cited to appear in the King's (a) Cu- r, there to anſwer to certain Allegations. Ead- mer, telling us, that on the Whitfuntide following he came to the King's Court on the account of the Feſtival,and that the Cauſe was there dropt,feems to intimate, That the Cuſtom was, not to treat there of Buſineſs (whether Judicial, or of State Matters) till the Holy-days and the great Feasting was over. (b) Cum igitur in Pentecofte, Festivitatis gra- tiâ, Regia Curiæ fe præfentaffet, & modo inter pranden- dum, modo alias quemadmodum oportunitas fe offerebat, ftatum animi Regalis ftudiofe perquififfet, -peractis feftivioribus diebus, diverforum negotiorum Caufa in me- dium duci ex more cœperunt. The next Auguft following, as the fame Author (c) relates, the K. by his Edict call'd together the Bi- Shops, Abbots, & quofq; Regni Proceres, de ftatu Regni a&tur us. Whilft the Archbishop's Caufe was depending, an. 1093. Malcolm K. of Scotland coming to Gloce- fter to have an Interview with the K. and to efta- blifh a Peace with him, the K. through Pride, re- fus'd to fee him, and propos'd that he fhould make him Satisfaction according to the Judgment of bis Barons in his Court. This K. Malcolm refus'd to do, but yielded to ftand to the Judgment of the (a) P. 37. (b) P. 37. (c) P. 38. Great : A Hiftory of Convocations. 181 i 1 , Great Men of both Kingdoms, meeting together on the Borders. Florence ad. an. 1093. and out of him (a) Hoveden, (b) Simeon Dunelm. and (c) Bromton. Infuper etiam illum ut fecundum judicium tantum Baronum fuorum in Curiâ fuâ rectitudinem ei faceret, conftringere voluit, fed id agere nifi in Regnorum fuorum confiniis, ubi Reges Scotorum erant foliti rectitudinem fa- cere Regibus Angliæ & fecundum judicium Primatum utriufq; Regni, nullo modo Malcolmus voluit. An. 1095. Rex juffit Summoneri per totam hanc ter- ram, ut quicunq; Jub Rege terram habere vellet, & eam in pace tenere ad Natale ad Curiam effet. Annales Waverl. An. 1096. in Octavis Epiphanie fuit Rex & omnes Barones fui apud Dalesburi. Where many were de- priv'd of their Eftates. Ibid. An. 1099. at (d) Christmas, or, as others (e) fay, at Whitfuntide, he held his Curia or Parliament in Westminster-Hall. Which was the firft that was ever held there, it being juft then finiſhd. That he feveral times laid very heavy Taxes on the People, we read in the Saxon Chronicle. Matt. Paris takes notice of one very infuppor- table ad an. 1098. And he tax'd not only the Laity but the Clergy too, as a (ƒ) MS. Chronicle obferves. In another (g) MS. Chronicle we are told, that the Prelates, to fatisfie him, were forced to opprefs their People; and that one great Reafon of his fqueezing his Subjects fo much, was his building Westminster-Hall, and what he did to the Tower of London. Hemingford tells us, that in the Year 1095. his (a) Fol. 265. (b) Col. 218. (c) Col. 989. (d) M. Paris P. 44. (e) Saxon Chron. and the VVaverly Annals. (f) Bibl Lambeth 4to. 160. (g) Lambeth 4to. 196. N 3 Bro Š 1 182 A Hiftory of Convocations. Brother Robert, Duke of Normandy, propofing to borrow of him 10000 Marks of Silver for his Ex- pedition to the Holy Land, he required the Majores Anglia, that every one of 'em should forthwith borrow as much Money as they could. On which account the Biſhops, Abbots, Abbeſſes turn'd the Gold and Silver Veffels of the Church into Money: And the Earls and Ba- rons, & cæteri Magnates defpoil'd their Subjects of what they had, and prefented the K. with an immenfe Sum by way of Gift: who thereupon lent his Brother the Duke 6666 Pounds of Silver, and had the Duke- dom of Normandy in Mortgage for it. At this time it was that the Tax call'd Danegeld, which was at firft rais'd as an Aid againſt the Danes, was firſt levied on the Clergy. So we find in the interpola- ted Latin Edition of the Confeffor's Laws; (a) It is there faid, that Will. Rufus à Baronibus Angliæ auxi- lium requirente, ad Normaniam requirendam & retinen- dam de Roberto fuo fratre cognomine Cortehofe Jeru- Salem proficifcente, conceffum eft ei, non lege fancitum, nec firmatum; fed hæc neceffitatis caufa ex unaquaq; by- da fibi dari 4. folidos Ecclefiâ non excepta. Dum vero collectio cenfus fieret, proclamabat Ecclefia, fuam repof- cens libertatem, fed nil profecit. Among the Charters afcribed to that King, there is one (b) to Thomas Archbishop of York, in which there is mention made of a Controverſie touch- ing certain Lands depending lately between the Archbishop and the Church of York, in præ- fentia mea, & Epifcoporum, & Procerum meorum. It is figned firft, after the K. by the Archbishop of York, the Bishops of Winchester and Durham; after them by Anfelm Archbishop of Canterbury, and the (a) Ap. Hoveden fol. 344. (b) Monaft. Tom. 3. p. 131. 260. Bishop A Hiftory of Convocations. 183 Bishop of Rochester. The oddnefs of which Sub- ſcription, befides that they uſe the Sign of the Crofs, is to me fufficient Argument that it ought not to be much depended upon. A Parliaments under Hen. I. a N. 1100. Will. Rufus being kill'd accidentally by one Tyrrel a Norman (not (a) an Inhabi- tant of England, and Anceſtor to the Gentlemen of that Name here, as is commonly believ'd) his younger Brother Henry was advanced to the Throne, in a great Convention of the Clergy, and all the People of England, as M. Paris expreffes it. To prevail with whom, he promis'd to amend the Laws, and according to their deſire, reſtore the Laws of K. Edward: Congregato Londoniis Clero Anglia & Populo univerlo, promifit emendationem Legum. hæc Clero refpondente, & agnatibus cunctis. Quod fi animo volente ipfis vellet concedere, & chartâ fuâ communire illas libertates & confuetudines antiquas, quæ floruerunt in regno tempore fancti R. Edwardi, in ipfum confentirent, & in Regem unanimiter confecrarent. Knyghton (b) tells us, that this Convention confifted of the whole Community of the Kingdom: Ifte Ro- Ad (a) See Florence of Worceſter ad an. 1100. Malmesb. fol. 71. Eadmer in the Life of Anſelm. p. 6. Jo. Sariesber. in the Life of Anfelm c. 3. ap. Angl. Sac. Tom. 2. Orderic. Vitalem Hift. Éccl. P. 782, 783. From whom it appears, that he lived both before and after the Death of Rufus in Normandy, and died at Jerufa- lem, or in his Journey thither, leaving one Son, who inherited his Father's Eftate, in Normandy, nam'd Hugo de Pice. (b) Col. 2374. N 4 bertus } 184 A Hiftory of Convocations. bertus femper contrarius & adeo innaturalis extiter at Baro- nibus Regni Angliæ quod plenario confenfu & confilio totius Communitatis regni (here he diftinguiſhes the Com munity there prefent from the barons) impofuerunt ei illigitimitatem, quod non fuerat procreatus de legitimo thoro Willielmi Conqueftoris, unde unanimi affenfu fuo ipfum refutaverunt, & pro Rege omnino recufaverunt, & Henricum fratrem in Regem erexerunt. It muſt be confefs'd, that thefe Hiftorians ſpeak too largely, when they fay, that all the People of England, or the Community of the whole Kingdom were in that Convention. For Florence of Worcester, who flourish'd at that time, affures us, that Rufus was kill'd on Thursday the 2d of Auguft (iv. Non. Augufti feria v.) and Henry was Crown'd the Sunday following (Nonas Augufti die Dominico:) So that none could be there but fuch as lived near London. Paris fays, that he was Crown'd on the Day of the Allumption of the Virgin Mary, which was the 15th of that Month, and in that time, they might have affembled from even the remoteft Parts; but Flo- rence's Autority is much greater than his in this Point. And with him agrees Malmsbury, and alfo the Saxon Chronicle (a) which tells us, that Rufus be- ing kill'd on Thursday, was buried the next Morning at Winchefter; and as soon as he was buried, the Opti- mates qui prope fuerunt, ejus fratrem Heanrigum in Regem elegerunt: Who after that went to London, and on the Sunday following was crown'd at Weſtminſter, where he promis'd to God, & omni Populo, fe omnia in- jufta abrogaturum quæ fratris temporibus obtinuerant, & optimas Leges ftabiliturum que in cujufvis Regis diebus ante ipfum viguerunt. The Waverly Annals fay, that he was chofen by the Barons which were then at Win- cheſter when Will. Rufus was buried. (a) P. 208. In A Hiftory of Convocations. 185 In a MS. Chron, in Lambeth Library (a) it is ſaid, he was chofen K. the fourth Day after his Bro- ther's Death, and that immediately Leges Edwardi Confefforis cum fuis emendationibus obfervari juffit. But that is an Error. For he himſelf made no Emen- dations in the Laws of K., Edward. At the time of his Coronation he feal'd a Magna Charta, and publiſh'd it (6) in all parts of the King- dom, wherein he commands the Laws of K. Ed- ward, as corrected by his Father, to be obferv❜d, and enacts divers other good Laws. The Charter is extant in (c) M. Paris, and in (d) Richard the Prior of Haguftald his Hiftory of K. Stephen, and in (e) Bromton. And all thofe things he confirms with his own Oath, and with the Oaths of all the Proceres, that they might not be eluded, fays (f) Malmesbury. The Original was repofited by his command in his Treafury at Winchester, as the Prior of Haguftald informs us. And, as Paris tells us, there were as many Copies of it drawn as there were Counties in England, which by his Command were laid up in the Abbies (he means, I fuppofe, the Chief Abby) of every County for a Monument. The fame Author calls thofe Laws, fo does alſo a MS (g) Chronicle, novi Concilii Decreta. He therein declares, that he retain'd the Forefts in his Hands communi confenfu Baronum meo- rum. And that he was made K. by common Counsel of the Barons of England. Henricus, D. G. Rex Anglo- rum, omnibus fidelibus fuis tam Francigenis quam An- glicis totius Angliæ falutem. Sciatis me mifericordiâ Dei & communi confilio Baronum regni Angliæ ejuf- dem regni Regem coronatum eſſe. (a) Fol. 192. (b) Eadmer p. 55. (c) P. 46. & 202. (d) Col. 310. (e) Col. 1021. (f) P. 88. (6) Lambeth 4to 160. The 186 A History of Convocations. The Charter, as it lies in Paris, and in Wendover's MS. Chronicle, which he followed, is fubfcribed by 3 Biſhops, and 5 Lay-Lords, as Witneffes, & aliis multis. In the Hagustald Chronicle it has the Names of 7 Lay-Lords without the & multis aliis. In Bromton, and in the Red Book of the Exchequer, it is, Teftibus Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Comitibus, Ba- ronibus, icecomitibus, & Dptimatibus totius Regni Angliæ, apud Weftm. quando Coronatus fuit. Mr. Sel- den (a) conjectures, that the Sheriffs were therefore fummon'd, that they might carry Copies of it to their refpective Counties. But I take the former Subſcription, not this, to be the true one. Immediately after, de confilio totius Ecclefie Angli- cana, fays Paris, (b) he fent to recal Archbishop Anfelm, whom W. Rufus had driven out of the Kingdom. Eadmer in that Archbishop's Life, tells us, that there came many Letters to him to recal him into England, cum precibus ex parte matris Ecclefiæ Anglorum, ex parte novi Regis Henrici, necnon ex parte Principum regni. He was fent for, fay the Waverly Annals, by the K. confilio Baronum fuorum. And (c) de communi confilio gentis Anglorum, he committed the Biſhop of Durham to the Tower, who in his Predeceffor's time was chief Minifter of State, and had done many ill things. Poft hæc congregavit Rex Majozes natu & Magnates terræ, & eorum confilio fretus Londini folemniter duxit in uxorem bonam Matildam filiam Malcolmi quondam Re- gis Scotorum.Hemingford and Bromton. Florence and Simeon Dunelm. fay only: Majozes natu Anglia congregavit Londonie & Matildem in conjugium accepit. A (a) Tit. Hon. p.702. (b) P. 47. (c) Ibid. MS. A Hiftory of Convocations. 187 MS. Chronicle (a) fays he married her fuadentibus amicis. An. 1101. Robert Duke of Normandy being about to invade the Kingdom, to engage his People more faithfully to his Intereft, in his Curia`at Whitfuntide the K. yielded to this Propofal of the Mobility and Commonalty, that he ſhould promife Archbishop Anfelm, holding him by the Hand, That as long as he lived he would govern the King- dom with Just and Holy Laws: Sed ubi ad fponfionem fidei Regis ventum eft, tothegni Robilitas cum Po puli numerofitate Anfelmum inter fe & Regem me- dium fecerunt, quantus ei vice fui manu in manum porre- &ta promitteret, juftis & fanctis Legibus ſe totum`Reg- num quoad viveret in cunctis adminiftraturum. (b) Eadmer. The Archbishop (d), adunatis Principibus cunctis, exhorted 'em to ftand firm in their Loyalty. A while after (c) a Difference ariſing between the K. and the Archbishop concerning his doing Homage to the K. in oppofition to the Pope, the Bishops and Proceres declar'd for the Supremacy. E- pifcopis regniq; Proceribus, ut fub alio rege folebant, verba hinc inde ferentibus, & in fingulis Regie volunta- ti parere certantibus, &c. The fame Difference continuing, it was deter- min'd by the Bishops and Princes of the Land at Min- chefter, that, both fides fhould fend to the Pope about it. (e) Wintoniam vadit, ubi Epifcopis terræq; Principibus, fub una coactis, communi affenfu apud An- felmum actum eft, &c. The Perfons fent to Rome being return'd, the K. (f) adunatis Londoniæ Principibus Regni requir'd (a) Lambeth Fol. Vol. 192. bid p. 62. (e) Ibid. p. 62. (b) P. 59. (c) Ibid. (d) Ig (f) Ibid. p. 65. the 188 A Hiftory of Convocations. the Archbishop either to do as had been done in the former Reigns, or to leave the Kingdom. The Pope's Letters not agreeing with what he had faid to the Meffengers, there was a great diffen- tion inter Proceres, which they ought to depend up- on, the Report of the Meffengers, or the Letter? The K. there infifted on it (a) faventibus fimul & incitantibus eum Epifcopis, regniq; Proceribus, that the Archbishop fhould do him Homage. Theſe things were done an. IIOI. Of the Parliament held an. 1102. I fhall fpeak when I come to the Synod of that Year. An. 1103. the fame Controverfie continuing be- tween the K. and the Archbishop, the K. took a Journey to Canterbury to prevail with the Archbi- fhop to defift from maintaining thoſe Ufurpations of the Pope. The Archbishop (b) requeſted, that the Matter might be put off to Eafter, ut au- dito Epifcoporum regniq; Primatum confilio, qui mo- do non affunt, refpondeam binc.- Igitur in Pafcha Curiam venit, Regni Ingenuitatem de nego- tio præfens confuluit, communis confilii vocem unam ac- cepit, &c. About the fame time the K. in a Council pro- pofing to the Archhifhop that he fhould go to Rome, all the Bishops, Abbots, and Princes of England approv'd of that Motion, fays Eadmer in his Life: In quo cum omnes totius Anglia Epifcopi, Abbates, & Principes acquiefcerent, & eum pro tantâ re, quin iret nullatenus fuperfedere debere conclamarent, &c. The K. in the Epiftle (c) which he wrote this Year to P. Pafchal II. concerning Inveftitures, tells him, that should he yield up his Right in that Point, neither his Optimates, nor the Commonalty (4) P. 66. (4) P. 70. (c) Bromton col. 999. ་ of A History of Convocations. 189 of England would permit it. Notumq; habeat fancti- tas veftra, quod me vivente Deo auxiliante dignitates & ufus Regni Angliæ non minuentur. Et fi ego, quod ab- fit, in tanta me dejectione ponerem, Dptimates mei, ym- mo totius Angliæ Populus id nullo modo pateretur. In an Epiſtle, (a) which he wrote after that, to the Archbishop concerning the fame Bufinefs, he tells him, that on the next Afcenfion day all his Ba- rons ſhould be convened, and he would give him an Anfwer according as they fhould adviſe him. Et in die Afcenfionis Domini habebo omnes Earones meos mecum congregatos, & per confilium eorum ita con- venienter tibi refpondebo, &c. An.. 1106. Robert Duke of Normandy coming in- to England to make certain Propoſals to the K. he being then at Northampton, fummon'd a Par- liament to meet at London, to confult of War: Magnatibus regni (faith (b) Paris) ob hoc Londonium edicto Regio convocatis, &c. An. 1107. Adunatis ad Curiam ejus ad Pafcha, ter- re Principibus, (c) the King deferr'd the filling up of the vacant Bishopricks, which he had intended to do at that time, till Whitfuntide. At Whitfuntide the Council (d) which had been prorogued to that time, was put off farther till the ft. of August, on the account of the Archbishop's fickneſs. On the (e) ft. of August it met to confider the Matter of Investitures, and there the K. renounced all Pretentions of that kind. (f) In Kalendis ergo Augufti, conventus Epifcoporum, Abbatum, Procerum Regni, (a) Ap. Eadmerum P. 86. (d) ibid. (e) Not pridie Cal. P. 270. places it by miftake ad an. (b) P. 52. (c) Eadmer P. 90. as de Diceto fays. Hoveden 1108. (f) p. 91. Lundo- 190 ; A History of Convocations. ! } Lundonie in Palatio Regis factus eft. Et per tres con- tinuos dies, abfente Anfelmo, inter Regem et Epifcopos fatis actum de Ecclefiarum Inveftituris. Debinc, præfente Anfelmo, aftante multitudine annuit Rex & ftatuit, ut ab eo tempore in reliquum nunquam per datio- nem Baculi Paftoralis vel Annuli, quifquam Epifcopa- tu vel Abbatiâ per Regem vel quamlibet laicam manum investiretur in Anglia; concedente quoq; Anfelmo ut nullus in prælationem electus pro Hominio, quod Regi face- ret, confecratione fufcepti honoris privaretur. Quibus ita difpofitis, pene omnibus Ecclefiis Anglia quæ fuis erant Paftoribus diu viduate, per confilium Anfelmi ac Pro- cerum, fine omni Virge Paftoralis aut Annuli Inve- ftiturd Patres à Rege funt inftituti. Thus Eadmer in his Hiftory, and Florence of Worceſter, and Hoveden. In the Life of Anfelm, Eadmer ſays, that in that Council there were adunati in Palatio Regis Lon- doniæ cuncti Primates Angliæ. Malmsbury's (a) Words concerning that Coun- cil are, Coacto apud Londoniam magno Epifcoporum & Procerum, Abbatumq; Concilio, multa Eccle- fiafticarum & fæcularium rerum ordinata negotia, decifa litigia. A MS. Hiftory of Croiland (b): Tam Epifcopo- rum & Abbatum totius Cleri Anglia, quam Comitum, Baronum, Optimatum & Procerum totius Regni, cele- berrimo concilio apud Londonias conftituto. The Regi- iter (c) of Battel Abby calls it univerfale Concilium. In the fame Council (d) coram Rege, regniq; E- pifcopis atq; Principibus, Archbishop Anfelm requi- red Gerard Archbishop of York to make Profeffion of obedience to the See of Canterbury: There alſo it was decreed (e) that fuch Biſhops (a) F. 92. b. (b) Ap, Concil. Spelm, to 2. p. 28. (c) ibid. p. 27. (d) P. ibid. (e) P. 92. 1 25 A Hiftory of Convocations. 191 as were to be confecrated fhould go to Canterbu- ry to be confecrated there. In ejufdem Concilii conventu, fays Florence, the Ab- bot of Ramefey was reftored by the Pope's com- mand, and Arnulph Prior of Canterbury was choſe Abbot of Peterborough. M. Paris tells us (a) that Archbishop Anfelm pre- fided in this Convention; which does not feem to be true, fince, as we learn from Eadmer, he was abfent for the 3 firſt days of the Debate. Factus eft (faith Paris) conventus Epifcoporum & Abbatum pari- ter & Magnatum Londoniis in Palatio Regis, præfiden- te Anfelmo, cui innuit Rex Henricus & ftatuit, &c. A MS. Chronicle, (b) Eodem an. (1107) factum eft confilium magnum London in Palatio Regis præfidente Anfelmo, cui, &c. Hemingford (c) confounds this Parliament with the Synod called an. 1102. or as he places it, 1103. againſt Priests Marriages; and in the fame places he confounds 1 or 2 other Coun- cils together. و In a Curia held at Christmas 1107. the K. began to confult with his Biſhops and great Men about erecting a new Bishoprick at Ely. Which was actually done in the year 1109. His diebus fermo habitus eft de Parochia Epifcopi Lincolienfis, quæ in ni- mium tendebatur, eóq; proceffit ut, quum ratio Chriftiani- tatis id utile fore fuadebat Regi & Archiepifcopo, cæterifq; Principibus regni vifum fuerit, de ipfa Paro- chid fumendum quo fieret alter Epifcopatus, &c. The Archbishop wrote to the Pope to have his Confent to it: And in his Epiftle he intimates, that the King's Curia, in which this was determined, confi- fted not only of Bishops and Lords, but alfo of other inferiour Perfons, Clergymen and others, who all, (a) P. 53. (6) Lambeth 4to. 160. (c) C. 28. Lays 1 192 A Hiftory of Covocations. fays he, approved of it. Quod cum confideraret Rex, & Epifcopi, & Príncipes & alii rationabiles & reli- gtoft viri regni Anglorum, ad utilitatem Ecclefiæ vifum confilium eft Epifcopatum præfatum in duos dividere. Thus (a) Eadmer. Who adds in another (b) place, that Rex & Principes novum Epifcopatum dudum in Heli ftatuendum decreverant. There is extant in the (c) Monasticon the Char- ter (as is pretended) by which that Bifhoprick was conftituted: In which it is faid to be done by K. Hen. ex autoritate & confilio prædicti Papa Pafchalis, Et affenfu fimul & prece Roberti Lincolnienfis Epifcopi qui tunc Ecclefiæ prædi&tæ præfidebat, & totius Capituli Jui cum ipfo annuente Dompno Anfelmo beatæ memo- ria Cant. Archiepifcopo, & Thomâ fecundo venerabili Eboracenfium Archiepifcopo, & univerfis Epifcopis & Ab- batibus totius Anglia, fed & omnibus Ducibus, Comiti, bus, & Principibus regni mei, &c.- Primum fi- quidem Londoniis apud Weftm. in folemnitate Pentecoftes de negotio ifto in prafentiâ meâ coram felicis memoria Anfelmo Archiepifcopo, & univerfis Epifcopis & Abbiam tibus & Proceribus Regni tractatum eft, & eorum omni- um communis affenfus eft favorabiliter conftitutus. Poft mortem prædicti Pontificis Anfelmi, ex autoritate Domini P. Pafchalis,ficut jam fupra dictum eft, in Concilio apud caftrum Noiingham habito in die tranflationis B. E- theldredæ Virginis, fed ejufdem feliciter per mifericor- diam Dei & terminatum eft & definitum XVI. Kal. Novembris, faventibus & fubfcribentibus iis quorum an- notata funt hic tam figna quam nomina. Subfcribed by Q. Maud, and the Emperefs Maud, 2 Bifhops, the Chancellor, then 9 Biſhops more, and 8 Lay-Lords. But that Charter, tho' it be faid to be publiſhed out of the original, appears to be fpurious, not only from (4) P. 95, 96. (b) P、 104. (c) Fo. 1, p. 95. the A Hiftory of Convocations. 193 the number of Subſcribers and the Sign of the Crofs put to the Names, but chiefly from the falfeneſs of the Date, and the mentioning (a) Dukes among the Nobility at that time, not to mention other things. The Date runs thus, Anno Incarn. Dom. MCVIII. Pafchalis P. 11. X. regni quoq; mei fimi- liter X. Whereas no part of the year MCVIII fell in with the King's 10th year. In the 7 year of his Reign, faith (b) Huntindon, and after him (c) Bromton and others, having made a full Conqueft of Normandy, he returned, into England, and kept his Curia in Eafter-time at Windfor, where his Proceres both of England and Normandy were prefent with fear and trembling. For when he was younger they deſpiſed him, but now he was grown greater than any of his Prede- ceffors. An. 1108. he made a Law that Thieves and Rob- bers fhould be hang'd, and another againft Coiners, that their Eyes fhould be pull'd out, and their privy Members cut off. And fome other things rela- ting to the Coin, he enacted, as may be feen in (d) Eadmer, and Florence, and Simeon Ďunelm. The Injunctions of the Archbishop's Synod againft the Marriage of the Clergy, being not at all, or very little obferved; the K. this year at Whitfuntide held a Parliament or Curia in London, in which new Laws were made concerning the fame Matter. Of which hereafter. Anfelm Archbishop of Canterbury having forbad the Bishops of England to confecrate Thomas Archbi- fhop of York, unleſs he made Profeffion of obedience to the See of Canterbury, and dying April 21. 1109. (a) No Duke after the Conqueft till the Reign of E. III. (b) Fol. 217. (c) Col. 1003.* (d) P. 95° O { the 194 A Hiftory of Convocations. In the K. in his Curia which he held on the Whitsunday following, took that matter into confideration. fubfequenti feftivitate Pentecoftes, fays Eadmer, Rex Henricus Curiam fuam Lundoniæ in magnâ Mundi gloriâ, &diviti apparatu celebravit. Qui tranfactis Coronæ fuæ feftivioribus diebus, cæpit agere cum Epifcopis & Regni Principibus, quid effet agendum de Confecratione Electi Ecclefiae Eboracenfis. Eadmer adds, that the Bishops being threatned for refusing to confecrate him, they went afide to confider among themſelves what they ought to do, remoti à Multitudine. At laft it was determin'd by (a) the King, Curiæq; Regis confilio, that the Archbishop of York fhould be obliged to make his Profeffion of Obedience. In the fame Curia were prefent Embaffadors fent from the Emp. Hen. V. to demand his Daughter in Marriage, as Huntindon and Paris tell us. 'Twas on that Account, that he kept his Curia at that time with fo much Splendor, which Eadmer takes no- tice of, and Huntindon and Paris fay, that nunquam tenuerat fplendidiorem. It appears from Malmesbury, as I have elſewhere noted, that for the generality, his. Curia were not kept with any confiderable Splen- dor, when compar'd with thofe of the Conqueror and Will. Rufus: at leaft, that in his later Years they were not remarkable. The Curia which he held the Christmas following was alſo remarkably fplendid.Where the Archbishop of York preparing himſelf to put the Crown on the King's Head, was repulfed by the Bishop of Lon don, who as Dean of the See of Canterbury, in the Vacancy of the See, claim'd that Privilege. In fub- fequenti Nativitate Domini Chrifti Regnum Angliæ Lun- doniæ pro moze convenit, & magna folemnitas habita eft atq; fublimis, &c. Eadmer (b). (a) P. 104. (b) P. 105. An. A Hiftory of Convocations. 195 An. 111o. as (a) Huntindon witneffes, not ri09. as Paris (b) (who follows Huntindon, but miſtakes his meaning) the King's Daughter was actually married to the Emp. Henry V. and for that the K. took 3 Shillings per Hide for all the Land in England. The Waverly Annals tell us, that there was a very great Dearth that Year, partly by reafon of the great Subfidy which the K. took. The fame Year at Whitfuntide he kept his Curia at New Windfor which he had built, ſay (c) Huntin- don and (d) Bromton, and there difinherited fome of his Great Men. An. 1111. the Saxon Chronicle obferves, that the K. had not his Crown on in any one of the 3 great Feſtivals. And an. 1114. it fays, that he held his Curia in Christmas at Windfor, and all that Year af- terwards held no Curia at all; it means either at Eafter or Whitfuntide. Which is alſo taken notice of in the Annals of Waverly. An. 1114. the K. nominated new Abbots in Mo- nafteries, which had been long without 'ein, confilio Epifcoporum & Principum fuorum. (e) Eadmer. The fame Year, May 1. a Council was call'd at Windlog for the Election of a new Archbishop of Canterbury, in the room of Anfelm, after the Arch- bishoprick had been void full 5 Years: And Radul- phus Bishop of Rochester was chofen. Diu ergo mul- tumq; librato confilio (fays (f) Malmesbury) Concilium Windleforis coegit Rex, fummam manum negotio im- pofiturus. Eratq; mentis propofitum, ut eligeretur Farici- us Abbas Abendonienfis. Nihil tamen in Archie- pifcopi duntaxat Electione voto indulgens fus, in commune arbitrium refudit electionem, &c. Eadmer (g) Epiſ- (a) Fol. 217. b. 1604. (e) P. 110. 8 (¿) Fol. 218. ₺: (d) Col. (8) P. 199. fit, (b) P. 53. (f) Fol. 130. b. O i ergo ! 196 A History of Convocations. copos & Principes Anglie in unum apud Windlefho- ram fecit venire, eorum confilium in conftituendo Ponti- fice Cant. volens babere Invitati etiam funt Radulphus Roffenfis Epifcopus, & Prior ac nonnulli Fratres Cantua- rienfes,Curiam venire, ignorantes certitudinem caufæ, prop- ter quam invitabantur. The Monks of Canterbury in their Epiſtle to the Pope: Adunato Conventu totius Anglici Regni. Huic Electioni affuerant Epifcopi, Abbates, & Principes regni, & ingens populí multi- tudo. Radulphus being made Archbiſhop, and the Pope pretending to eſtabliſh a Legatine Power here in England, and writing to the K. about it, He com- manded omnes Epifcopos, & Principes totius Regni, ad Curiam fuam fub uno venire, viz. in his Palace at Weſtminſter, Sept. 16. and the Pope's Letter being read, Rex, confilio cum Epifcopis habito, quid fuper his, & quibufdam aliis, quæ animum fuum plurimum offen- debant, Papæ refponderet, placuit in commune, ut fuos Nuncios mitteret, per quos que vellet fecurius Papa man- daret. (a) Idem. The fame Year a Council was held at urne, Sept. 15. in which Arnulf Abbot of Peterborough was made Biſhop of Rochefter. Chron. Sax. Sub hoc tem- pus ivit Rex verſus mare, & transfretare ftatuit ; verum adversa tempeftate impeditus erat: Mifit interim literas ad Abbatem de Burb Ernulfum -- cum eo perveniffet, coegit illum fufcipere Epifcopatum de Hrofceafter, & una cum Rege Archiepifcopi, & Epifcopi, & tota No- bilitas in Anglorum terra Hoc factum eft in oppido quod appellatur urne 17 Cal. Octob. An. 1115 or 1116. the K. being about to paſs over into Normandy, thought fit to declare his Son William his Heir, and to oblige the People of Eng- (a) P. 114, 116. land A History of Convocations. 197 land to fwear Fealty to him; and to that end, on March 20. by his Summons, they met together at Salisbury, and there did it. This is by fome ac- counted the firft Parliament that was ever called in England. In a MS. Volume of Sir Rob. Cotton's Li- brary (Titus A. 13.) in a fhort Account of the Infti- tution of Parliamen's I find thefe Words. At this time, being about the 14th Year of the Reign of Hen. I. the K. cald a Council of all the States of this Realm, both of the Prelates, Nobility, and Commons, to Sa- lisbury, to confult for the good Government of the Com- monwealth, &c.Which Council taking the Name and Form of the French, is unto this Day called Dar- liament; and this do the Hiftoriographers note to be the firft Parliament in England, and that the K. before this time was never wont to call any of his Commons or Peo- ple to Council or Law-making, but all proceeded as or- dered and commanded only from the K. without the Af Sent or Interest of any other of his Subjects: Nor can I fee none other manner of Law or Statute made and pub- lifhed but only by the K. without any mention of any State or Commons until the 3d Year of E. I. or at least until the Statute of Marlborough in the Reign of H. III. This, whoever was the Author, is utterly falfe. That the Commonalty were firft fummon'd to this Convention at Salisbury, was never faid by any Hiftorian before Polydore Virgil, whom our vulgar Hiftorians follow. The learned Sir Hen. Spelman is as much miſtaken on the other ſide: For he denies (a) that the Commonalty were even there preſent, and that any of the known Historians, either of that Age or any other, Say they were. But to confute that Affertion, let us hear Will. of Malmes- bury (b), who lived even at that time. Ei vix dum (a) Gloffar. v. Parliamentum. (b) P. 93. O 0 3 13. $ } 198 A History of Convocations. J 12. annorum eſſet, omnes liberi homines Angliæ, & Normanniæ, cujufcunnq; ozdinis & Dignitatis, cujul- cunq; Domini fideles, manibus & facramento fe dedere coacti funt. The Account of this Convention (a) in Eadmer is thus: Poft hæc 13. Kal. Apr. factus eft Conventuş Epifcoporum, Abbatum, & Principum totius Regni apud Serbertam, cogente illos illuc fan&tione Regis. Igitur agnita Regis voluntate mox ad nutum ejus omnes Principes facti funt Homines ipfius Willielmi, fide & Sacramento confirmati. Radulfus autem Archiepifcopus Cant. & alii Epifcopi atq; Abbates Regni Anglorum, fide & facramento profeffi funt, fe, &c. Florence of Worcester, and out of him Simeon Dunelm. Conven- tio Dptimatum & Baronum totius Anglia apud Sealef biriam 14. Kal. Apr. facta eft. Bromton (b). Poft bạc Parliamentum ſuum 13. Kal. Apr. apud Saref- beriam convocavit, ubi juſſu Regis, Comites& Baro- nes cum Clero totius regni, fibi & Willielmo filio fua Homagium fecerunt, &c. Annales de Margan ad an. 1116. Filius Regis Henrici juratur ab omnibus hæres patris fieri. Heminford in much the fame Words with Bromton: An. D. 1116. Convocatis Comitibus & Ba- ronibus cum Clero totius Regni Angliæ tenuit Rex Parliamentum fuum apud Salesburiam 14. Kal. Apr. ubi juffu Henrici Regis fecerunt prædicti Magnates bo- magium filio fuo Wilhelmo. Matthew of Weſtm. and a MS. (c) Chronicle; Anno gratie 1114 Rex Anglorum Henricus fecit omnes fue poteftatis Magnates fidelitatem jurare Filio fuo. Some mention (d) an ancient MS. Hiftory, in which it its exprefly faid, that the Com mons were then fummon'd. (a) P. 117. (b) Col. 10995. (c) Lambeth 4t0.160. (d) Ap. Spelman 1. c. Sir A History of Convocations. 199 Sir Hen. Spelman is agen miſtaken, when he thinks here was no confulting in that Convention but that they only fwore Fealty, and did Homage to he Prince, and then difperfed. For the Hiftorians of the fame Age affure us, that the Caufe between Radulfus Archbishop of Cant. and Thurstan Archbi- hop Elect of York, who refus'd to make Profef- fion of Obedience to the Archbishop of Cant. was there debated. Eadmer: Habita quoq; eft his diebus Caufa de querela, quæ inter Archiepifcopum Cantuariorum electum Pontificem Eboracenfem, per integrum pene annum verfata fuerat, &c. By his diebus, he may ſeem to mean only about that time. But Florence is exprefs: Habita est IBI causâ de querela, &c. So Brom- ton alfo, and Hemingford. Hoveden mentions that only, without taking notice of their ſwearing Feal- ty there to the Prince (a) Comites & Barones totius Angliæ apud Salefberiam 14. Cal. Apr. convenerunt : habita eft ibi Caufa de querela, &c. Sir Walter Raleigh in his Treatife of the Preroga- tive of Parliaments in England, is of Opinion, that the beginning of Parliaments was after the 17th Year of this King's Reign, becauſe (as he ſays) in that Year, his Daughter being given in Marriage to the Emperor, he impofed a Tax on the Nation of 3 Shillings per Hyde, with the Affent only of his Privy-Council, This was not in the 17th Year of his Reign, but the in roth (b) as is above-mention'd : But how does it appear that it was done with the Confent of his Privy-Council only? It was not a Privy, but a General Council which was fitting at (a) F. 271. b. (b) According to the Annals of VVaverly ad an. 1100. (he was scarce 5 Years old when she was betrothed to the Emperor. So fays a MS. Chron. of good Note in Lambeth Library 4t0, 160. ad an. 1107. O 4 that 200 A History of Convocations. ! that time. And if he did it without the Confent of any Council at all, yet that would not prove that there were no Parliaments before that time. For in the Matter of Taxes the Kings took upon 'em to act fometimes very arbitrarily. That England in this 17th Year of this King's Reign, was pro neceffitate Regis geldis creberrimis & ex- actionibus variis compreffa, tho' not on the account of the Princeffes Marriage, is obferved by Huntindon: and the Annals of Waverly mention the fame thing. An. 1116. præfente Rege Henrico & Regina Rober- toq; Lincolnienfi Epifcopo cum multis aliis Epifcopis die Sanctorum Innocentium dedicata eft magnifice Ecclefia S Albani Anglorum Prothomartyris à venerabili viro G. Rothomagenfi Archiepifcopo, fub Abbate ejufdem loci Ri- cardo. Rex autem & Regina & Archiepifcopus (cum) 7 Epifcoporum, Comitum, Baronum & aliozum Nobi- Itum multitudine ibidem Natalicios dies cum omni bi- laritate, & gaudio cum prædicto Abbate comitive cele- brarunt. MS. Chron. Lambeth 4to. 160. The fame MS.Chronicle mentions the fevereTax- es of that Year, as laid upon the Kingdom arbitra- rily: Ipfo anno (1116.) pro neceffitate Regii ftatus An- glia fuit variis exactionibus depreffa & multiformiter bo- nis fuis non fine petitione (if I read that Word right) fpoliata. The fame Year, viz. 1116. while the K. was in Normandy, a Legat being coming into England from the Pope, and the Kingdom being furprized at it as a Ufurpation, the Bishops, Abbots, and Nobility met together at London, in the Prefence of the Duan, to confider how to prevent it. Quod Regno Anglia, brevi innotuit. Admirati ergo Epifcopi, Abba- tes, & Nobiles quig; Lundoniæ adunati funt, fuper his, &quibufdam aliis, præfente Regina, communi Confilio tra- &taturi, A History of Convocations. 201 * &aturi. So (a) Eadmer. In Florence (b) it is ſaid, that what was done there, was determined communi con- filio Reginæ & Nobilium quorumlibet. An 1121. the K. married a fecond Wife confilio Radulfi Cantuariorum Pontificis & Principum Regni quos omnes in Epiphaniâ Domini fub uno Lundonia con- gregavit. (c) Eadmer, and the (d) Continuator of Florence. The Bishops and Proceres Regni being met together at Dover to receive the new Queen, and accom- pany her to London, fate afterwards as a Council, and debated this Matter, Whether Thurstan Archbi- fhop of York, who without making Profeffion of Obedience to the Archbishop of Canterbury, had got himſelf to be ordained by the Pope in the Council of Reims, fhould be permitted to return into Eng- land: And the Pope having denounc'd an Anathema againſt the K. in cafe he were not receiv'd, he was permitted ex communi confilio, to return into England, & Eboracum, Regid vid, venire, fays (e) Eadmer. Hoveden, (f) and (g) Simeon Dunelm tell us that the K. being in Normandy, deferr'd the confideration of that Matter, till he fhould return into England, and there call a Council to judge of it: Donec redif- fet in Angliam, ubi congregato Concilio quid facto opus ef- fet, maturius perquireret: Hac inter, de Reginæ maritatione, necnon in Regnum promotione actum eft inter Regni fublimiozes. Eadmer. By them it was refolv'd that it fhould be done at Windfor, and fo accordingly it was on Candlemas-day, totius Anglie adunato confilio ; ſay (b) Hoveden, Heming- ford, and Simeon Dunelm. (a) P. 118. (c) P. 136. (b) P. 657. (d) P. 659. (e) Fol. 273. (ƒ) Col. 242, (8) P. 136. (h) Fol. 273. An. 1 A History of Convocations. 202 น An. 1123. Radulfus Archbishop of Canterbury be ing dead, William Corbet was chofen for his Succef- for in a Council held at Glocetter at Candlemas. Cum apud Glawozuam in Purificatione S. Maria Cu- riam fuam Rex teneret, ex præcepto Regis initur à Majo- zibus Regni confilium de conftituendo ad Ecclefiam Cant. Archiepifcopo, &c. Simeon Dunelm. The Saxon Chron. thus: Mifit Rex fuas literas per totam An- glorum terram, & juffit fuos Epilcopos, & fuos Ab- bates, &fuos Thanos omnes ipfi obviam venire ad Procerum Concilium in Candelarum die Fefto, ad Gleawceafter; quod ab eis factum. Quum eo convenif- fent, juffit Rex illos eligere fibi Archiepifcopum ad Cant- warabyrig quemcunq; vellent pollicitus fe illud confirmatu rum. The Author adds, that the Bishops refolv'd not to chooſe a Religious but a Secular: whom the Prior and Monks of Canterbury, omnefq; alii Mona- chici Ordinis viri, oppos'd for 2 Days together. But Cor- bel, a Secular, was at laſt pitch'd upon, tho' he was rejected (if we will believe that Author, himſelf a Monk) not only by the Monks, but alſo by alm ſt all the Earls and Thans there prefent. By omnes alii Monachici Ordinis, I underſtand the Abbots, not other inferiour Monks: For Gervafius (a) intimates, that no inferiour Monks, befides fome of thoſe of Can- terbury, who were particularly concern'd were fum- mon'd thither: Poft Radulfi obitum menfe iv. id eft, 2 Non. Febr. factus eft Conventus Epilcopozum, Abs batum, ac B2ocerum ex præcepto Regis apud Gloceftri am pro fubftituendo Pontifice in locum defuncti. Juffus quoq; Regis quidam ex Monachis Cant. venerunt illuc Pa- trem fibi electuri vel fufcepturi. (a) A&t. Pont, Cant. Col. 1662. An, A Hiſtory of Convocations. 203 An. 1124. between St. Andrew's Day and Chrift- mas, an extraordinary Court of Judicature was held at Hundehoge in Leicestershire, where 44 Thieves were hang'd. The Saxon Chron. calls it Procerum Con- cilium, and ſays, it was held by Ralph Baffet, and the King's Thans, or Barons. An. 1124. generale Regis per fixes totius Angliæ ad Purificationem fancta Dei Genitricis Maria divulgatur e- d&tum ut quæcung, Paftoribus viduatæ fuiffent Ecclefiæ, fibimet profpicientes, Regis in tranfmarinis partibus præ- fentiam adirent ad fufcipiendos Prælatos per idoneos lega- tos. The Chronicle (a) of Battel Abby. An. 1126. at Christmas the K. held his Curia at Windſor with great Pomp, & illuc totius Regni No- bilitatem fuâ fan&tione adunavit, fays the Continuator of Florence; who adds, that Thurstan Archbiſhop of York pretending there to be equal with the Archb. of Canterbury, and to fet the Crown on the King's Head, judicio omnium repulfus eft, & ad eum Coronam Regni nihil pertinere una omnium fententia concorditer promulgavit. And pretending alfo to have the Crofs carried before him in the King's Chapel, he that carried it, was together with the Cross, turn'd out of the Chapel: Judicio enim Epifcoporum & quo- rumq; prudentium Ecclefiafticas Leges fcientium probatum eft ac roboratum, nulli Metropolite extra Diœcefim fuam Crucem licere ferre ante fe. This is mention'd alſo by Rad. de Diceto, Bromton, Mat. of Weſtm. and Paris ad an. 1127. About the fame time, or juft after, at London (Prince William having been unfortunately drown'd fome time before) the K. oblig'd the whole Nati- on, that is, all of any Account, to fwear Fealty to his Daughter the Emprefs Maud, on condition he died without Iffue Male. Malmesbury: (b) Anno (a) Vol. 2. Concil. p. 31. (b) Fol. 99. 27: 204 A Hiftory of Convocations. 1 27. regni fui Rex Henricus Angliam venit menfe Sep- tembri, adducens fecum filiam fuam. Primo vero Nata- li convocato apud Londoniam magno Cleri & Optima- tum numero, uxori fueComitatum Salopesberiæ de- dit. In eodem Concilio omnes totius Anglia Optima- tes, Epifcopos etiam & Abbates, facramento adegit & ob- ftrinxit ut, &c. Juraverunt ergo cuncti, qui- cunq; in eodem Concilio alicujus videbantur effe mo- ment: Primo Willielmus Cant. Archiepifcopus, mox cæteri Epifcopi, nec minus Abbates. Laicorum primus juravit David Rex Scotia, &c. The Continuator of Florence, fays the K. and the Perfons of Quality, to do this, remov'd from the Curia held at Windfor, juft after the Christmas Holydays to London: Finitis diebus festivioribus, Rex ac tota quæ confluxerat Digni- tas Regni Lundoniam vadit, ibiq; ad juffum Regis Guli- elmus Archiepifcopus & Ecclefiæ Romanæ Legatus, cæteriq; Anglica regionis Epifcopi omnes, cum Principibus terræ ipfius, fide & facramento Spofponderunt filia Re- gis, &c. The Saxon Chron. An. 1127. Tenuit Rex fuam Cu- riam ad Chrifti feftum in Windlefoure; ubi adfuit Scotorum Rex David, omnefq; viri fummi, Clerici ac Laici, qui erant in Anglia. Ibi adegit ad jufjuran- dum Archiepifcopos, & Epifcopos, & Abbates, & Co- mites, & omnes Thanos qui interfuerunt, &c. That Chronicle calls the Emprefs Maud Æthelic, which was the Name of the then Queen. Knyghton (a) tells us that the Proceres Angliæ, in another place, that omnes Magnates Regni Anglie ſwore Fealty to her. Bromton (b), who makes that Council to be held ad Rogationes next after that of Windsor, fays it was done by omnes obiliozes Comites, Barones An- glia. Simeon Dunelm (c) tells us it was done on Nen- (4) Col. 2383, 2384. (b) Col. 1016. (c) An. 1128. years- 2 A Hiftory of Convocations. 205 years-day by the Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Rexq; Scotorum David, Comites & Barones totius Anglia. O- thers, as Neubrigenfis and Hemingford, in the Words of Malmesbury, that it was done ab Epifcopis, Comiti- bus, Baronibus, & cæteris omnibus qui alicujus vide- bantur effe momenti. Hemingford tells us in (a) ano- ther place, that the Oath was taken by the Præfules, Confules, & Principes. Matt. Weft. omnes Angliæ & Normania Optimates illi adjurati funt.Omnes An- gliæ & Normaniæ Primates & Optimates, fays (b) a MS. Chronicle ad an. 1126. Wikes tells us ad an. 1127. that the Proceres totius Regni were then call'd together, and that Stephen, afterwards King, not only took the Oath himſelf, fed & aliis Regni Pro- ceribus jurifjurandi formam præftruxit. Of the Parliament held that Year ad Rogationes, I ſhall ſay ſomewhat where I ſpeak of the Synod held that Year. The fame Year the K. confilio Baronum fuorum granted the Archbishop of Canterbury and his Suc- ceffors the Custody and Conflableship of the Castle of Rochester. Florentii Contin. The fame Year, or the next following, the K. made a Law, that all the Milites of England fhould wear their Hair of a certain length, who before. were wont to wear it as long as Women. Rex fe- cit omnes Milites Anglia crines fuos ad juftum modum ab- fcindere, qui prius longitudine capillorum cum fæminis certabant. Matt. of Weftm. ad an. 1127. An. 1130. a great Convention met at Canterbury at the Dedication of the Cathedral Church, in the (c) Rogation Week. iv. Non. Maii, where were pre- fent with the King, David K. of Scotland, and all the Bishops of England, fays (d) Gervafe. (a) C.56.(b) Lambeth 4to. 16c. (e) Huntindon f. 220.(d) Col· 1664. The 206 A Hiſtory of Convocations. ! • The next Year Sept. 8. a great Placitum was held at Northampton, in which all the Great Men of Eng- land were prefent: and there it was debated, whe- ther the King's Daughter the Emprefs Maud, who had been married to a fecond Husband, the Earl of Anjou, and had been parted from him, fhould be reſtored to him: Fuit in Nativitate S. Marie Mag- num Placitum apud Rozobamtune In quo congrega- tis omnibus Principibus Anglia deliberatum eft, quod filia fua redderetur viro fuo fcil. Confuli Andagavenfi eam re- quirenti. Miffa autem poft hæc filia Regis viro fuo recepta eft faftu tanta Viragine digno. Huntindon and the Waverly Annals. In the fame Council of Northampton he granted the Archb. and Church of Cant.the Church of S. Mar- tin in Dover to be made a Monaftery of Canons Regu- lar, and to be under their Patronage, by Charter,(a) in which are theſe Words: Hanc itaq; donationem,& conceffionem meam factam, & ab omnibus fubfcriptis col- laudatam confirmo, & Regid authoritate, & à Deo mihi tradita poteftate, illibate, inconcuffeq; permanfura corro- boro. Teftibus omnibus illis fubfcriptis, in quorum au- dientia hoc factum & confirmatum eft. After the Names of xi. Biſhops, the Chancellor and 16 Lords, & mul- torum aliorum, thefe Words: Apud Northampton dat. &conceff. fed apud Westmonafterium confirmata, commu- ni celebrato Concilio Anno da Incarn. D. 1113 peract. feliciter, &c. An. 1132. at Christmas the K. kept his Court at Dunstaple, in Easter at Wodetec. And after Eaſters fays Huntindon, there was a great Placitum at London, where they treated of feveral Matters, but chief- ly about a Caufe depending between the Bifhop of S. David's and the Bishop of Glamorgan (a) Ap. Monaft. Tom, 2, p. 4½ (or V A History of Convocations. 207 (or Landaffe) touching the Bounds of their Dioceffes. The next Year, in the beginning of Lent, there was a Convention (Conventus) at London about the fame Matter, and there was alfo confidered a Caufe depending between the Archbishop and the Bishop of Lincoln. Idem. The Eafter following, the K. was at Oxford in the New Hall, fays the fame Hiftorian. And in the Rogation-Week there was another Convention about the fame Matters at Winchefter. In the Curia held at Whitsunday that Year, the K. erected a new Bifhoprick at Karloil. Ibid. In a (a) MS. Chronicle of good Note this is placed to the Year 1131. The Charter (b) extant in his Name to the Bi- fhop of Exeter, is fign'd by no leſs than the Queen, the 2 Archbishops, 13 Bifhops, the Chancellor, 6 Abbots, 6 Earls, 16 other Great Men, and after all an &c. And the K. himſelf and the reſt are pretended to Sign with the Crofs. And the Queen, the Biſhops and Abbots, together with the Chan- cellor, ufe the Word Confirmo, the reft only Con- figno. Another (c) to the Priory of Norwich, dated 3 Non. Sept. 1101. Indict. 9. præfente Regina Matilda, filid Regis Scotia, & viris illuftribus totius Angliæ Ec- clefiafticis & fecularibus quorum nomina infra fcripta funt. Sign'd (and with the Sign of the Cross) after the K. by the Queen, and Robert Duke of Norman- dy the King's Brother, the 2 Archbiſhops, 9 Biſhops, Johannes Tufculanus Epifcopus, Legatus Pape, and Ti- berius the Pope's Chamberlain, apud Minoloze. Then (a) Lambeth 4to.160. (b) Monaft. Tom.J.p.230. (c) P.411. follow 1 208 A History of Covocations. follow the Names of the Primates & Principes, viz, 9 Earls, and 9 others. Then nomina Abbatum & Clericorum, viz. 8 Abbots, the Chancellor, 6 Chaplains, the King's Chamberlain, another Chaplain, then 2 0- thers, of whom one is William de Warelwaft (a Clergy- man mention'd by Eadmer and others, afterwards a Biſhop.) The Spurioufnefs of this Charter appears, among other things, from its mentioning the Pope's Legat as a Subfcriber, whereas it certainly appears from Eadmer, that there could be no fuch thing. For neither was there any fuch Legat of that Name here, as Johannes Tufculanus, neither would he have been permitted to act as a Legat,if he had been here. The Legat, who came over hither in the beginning of Hen. I. was Guido Archbishop of Vienna, who was immediately fent away without acting: S.e Eadmer Hift. Nov. lib. 3. 4 The fame Objection holds againſt the Charter of Herbert Bishop of Norwich (a), pretended to be granted at the fame time and place, to the fame Priory, præceptis & conceffionibus Willielmi Regis, & Henrici Regis fratris fui, & confilio Anfelmi, Cant. Archiepifcopi, & omnium Epifcoporum & Primatum totius Anglia. Subfcribed, with the (b) Cross, by the K. and Queen, the 2 Archbishops, 8 Biſhops, and then by the fame Legat; after him by 11 Lords, 7 (a) Ibid. 410. (b) There are other Charters of that King's time where the Crofs is used; but whether genuine or not, I leave to the Judgment of others. One is of Hugh de la Val to the Prio- ry of Pontfract, per conceflum Regis. Subfcribed by the K. and Rich. de Brus, then by 2 Bishops, the Chancellor, 8 Laymen, an Abbot, another Layman, and laſt of all another Bishop, all with a Confirmo. Monaft. Tom. 1. p. 649. Another is even a Norman one, pretended to be granted by the K. to the Abby of Ceraſy, an. 1120. inito confilio Epifcoporum meorum fimul & Baronum. Tom. 2. p. 961. Abbots, A History of Convocations. 209 Abbots, the Chancellor, the King's Chamberlain, 2 Chaplains. The Laws which are publifh'd in the Name of K. Henry I. at the end of Bede's Eccl. Hift. feem to be none of 'em his, befides the 2 firft Chapters, which contain his Magna Charta. It is a Work compil'd long after his time, but yet in his Name, by fome antient Lawyer; pretended to be made while his firft Queen, Maud, was living, and confequently before the 18th Year of his Reign. Yet he ſeems to have made other Laws befides thoſe which I have mention'd; and tho' in his Great Charter he commanded the Laws of King Edward to be obferved, yet they ſeem to have been afterwards laid afide in his time. For (as I have already obferved out of the Continuator of Florence, and Bromton) when in K. Stephen's time, the Emperefs Maud, Daughter to K. Henry, came into England to affert her Right to the Crown, the Londoners promis'd to ſtand by her, if ſhe would per- mit the Laws of K. Edward to be obſerved, which were very good, and not thoſe of her Father, which were grie- vous to 'em. Which the Emprefs refufing to pro- mife, they endeavour'd to feize her, and forced her to fly out of the City. Hoveden (a) tells us, that his Grandfon K. Hen- ry II. commanded his Laws to be inviolably obferv- ed. Leges Henrici Regis avi fui præcepit per totum reg- num fuum inviolabiliter teneri. The meaning of fome things in his Great or Gol- den Charter, is not rightly underſtood by the Lord Chief-Juftice Coke, Inftitut. 4. p. 193. of which fee Dr. Brady's Introduction p. 264, &c. (a) F. 281. b. P Parlia 210 A Hiftory of Convocations. H Parliaments under K. Stephen. Enry I. dying Dec. 1. or 2. 1135. Stephen Earl of Bloys, his Sifter's Son, fucceeded him, and was Crown'd the 22d of the fame Month, tho' he had before taken an Oath, together with the reft of the Nobility, &c. to be faithful to the Em- prefs Mand, if her Father K. Henry fhould die without Iffue Male. He was Crown'd, fays Ger- vafius (a) x. Kal. Fan. convocatis Epifcopis & Proce- ribus Angliæ: As Wikes has it, annuentibus Præfulibus & Proceribus Regni. Immediately after Christmas he held a Parliament at Oxford, where he publish'd a Magna Charta, and confirm'd what he had promis'd at his Coronation. Subſcribed by many Witneffes, and extant in (b) Malmesbury; who tells us, that pene omnia ita perperam mutavit, quafi ad hoc tantum juraffet, ut præ- varicatorem facramenti fe Regno toti oftenderet. The Bi- fhops fwore Allegiance to him only conditionally, (c) quamdiu ille libertatem Ecclefiæ & vigorem difci- plina confervaret. An account of what he granted and ſwore to at his Coronation, and preſently afterwards confirm'd at Oxford, may be ſeen alfo in (d) Huntindon. And he alſo takes notice, how lit- tle he kept his Oath. Hæc principaliter Deo vovit & alia, fed nihil horum tenuit. As Bromton (e) fays: Hæc principaliter & alia plurima Deo vovit : fed pauca tenuit. He was worn, fays Knyghton (f), coram (a) Col. 1664, (b) F. 101. b. (c) Ibid. (d) F. 221. b. (e) Col. 1023. (f) Col. 2385. { P20 A Hiftory of Convocations. 211. 1 Proceribus apud Oxoniam,quod, &c. He acknowledges in that his Great Charter, that he was chofen K. of England affenfu Cleri & Populi. The Witneffes which. are omitted by Malmesbury, may be ſeen in (a) Ri- chard the Prior of Haguftald. The Eafter following he held a Parliament or Cu- ria at Weſtminſter in the greateſt Splendor imagina- ble than which, as Huntindon (b) fays, nunquam fuerat fplendidior in Anglia, multitudine, magnitudine, auro, argento, gemmis, veftibus, omnimoda dapfilitate. And there, as we are told by De Diceto, he forc'd 'em again to fwear Fealty to him; and to keep 'em firm to his Intereft, emptied the Treaſuries of K. Henry a- mongſt 'em. To that Council were fummon'd the Dean and Canons of S. Paul's; the K. having a mind to have a new Biſhop of London, which See was then void, choſen there. Vocati funt ad Concilium (ſays (c) the Author laft mention'd) Willielmus Decanus Lundoniæ, fimul & Canonici. Cum autem haberetur tractatus de confilio Lundonienfis Ecclefiæ tunc vacantis, nec in aliquem poffent unanimiter convenire, recefferunt à Decano Cano- nicorum multi, citra confcientiam ejus Anfelmum Abba- tem in Epifcopum eligentes. Cancnici vero quos Decanus habebat fecum in menfa diebus fingulis appellaverunt, nec Regis incurrerunt offenfam Canonici. Quidam alii quia quod fecerant tam Regi quam toti Concilio videbatur ini- quum, Regis indignationem plurimam meruerunt, quo- rum aliqui bonis fuis fpoliati funt. After this, but before Auguft, according to (d) Simeon Dunelm. having receiv'd' from P. Innocent a Bull, by which he was confirmed in his King- dom, he call'd another Parliament or Council, and there confirm'd his former Charter. Harum (a) Col. 314. (b) F. 222. (c) Col. 506. (d) Gol 259. P 2 temere 212 A Hiſtory of Convocations. tenore literarum Rex inftructus, generali convocato Concilio bonas & antiquas leges, & juftas Confuetudines præcepit confervari, injuftitias vero caffari. But I believe Du- nelmenfis is miſtaken in the time. For, as he ſeems to ſpeak not of his confirming, but his firft granting his Great Charter, fo it appears by the Charter it felf, which is dated at Oxford, Regni I. that he had receiv'd the Pope's Confirmation before that was made. For there it is faid, that he was ab Innocen- tio fanctæ Sedis Romane Pontifice poftmodum confirmatus. He made, it ſeems, quick work of it. For by that it appears, that the Pope's Confirmation came to him within 5 or 6 Weeks after K. Henry's Death; the Parliament of Oxford being held juft after Chrift- mas. An 1138. at Eafter, 4 Id. April, he held a Council at Northampton, cui præfidebant (as the Continuator of Florence tells us) Eboracenfis (a) Archiepifcopus Turfta- nus, Epifcopi, Abbates, Comites, Barones, Nobiles quiq; per Angliam. Sir Henry Spelman (b) would have it read, Barones ET Nobiles, or without a Comma, Ba- rones nobiles, But I know no reafon for any altera- tion: It's better as it is. William de Warewaft was there, quorundam electione, made Biſhop of Exeter, and 2 new Abbots were nominated. Knyghton (c) calls this exprefly a Parliament. And by him we are told, that the K. there feiz'd the Earl of Chefter, who ſtood out againft him. In the account which the Continuator gives of this Parliament, it may be ob- ſerved that he uſes the Word Præfidebant, for ade- rant. And the fame I have obferved in the Accounts of other Parliaments. I (a) The See of Cant. was then void. (b) Gloffar. v. Parlia» mentum. (c) Col. 2387. A13. เ A Hiftory of Convocations. 213 An. 119. Jun. 24. as (a) Malmesbury tells us, not an. 1137. as the Saxon Chron. he held another Par- liament (conventum Magnatum) at Drfo20, where he feiz'd and impriſon'd Roger the great Biſhop of Sa- lisbury, and Alexander Bishop of Lincoln, to force 'em to give up their Caftles to him. The Continua- tor of Florence ad an. Habito poftmodum Concilio coram Primoribus Angliæ, ftatutum eft ut omnia per Angliam oppida, caftella, munitiones quæq; in quibus fecularia fo- lent exerceri negotia, Regis & Baronum fuorum juri ce- dant. Ecclefiaftici vero viri, viz canes inquam divini, in falutem & in defenfionem ovium fuarum latrare non cef- fent, &c. An. 1141. the Empreſs Maud, having almoſt the whole Kingdom on her fide, came to London, where the Citizens promis'd to be faithful to her (as I have elſewhere obſerved) if ſhe would permit 'em to en- joy (b) K. Edward's Laws, inftead of thofe of her Father K. Henry, which they accounted grievous. But the rejecting the Propofal, they endeavour'd to feize her, and forc'd her to flee to Oxford, where ſhe ordinarily kept her Court. An. 1150. in Lent the Earls and Barons of England fwore Fealty and Allegiance to Eustachius the King's Son. Paris (c). An. 1152. another Parliament was call'd about the fame Matter, where the K. would have had his Son anointed and crown'd K. of England; but the Archbishop of Canterbury Theobald refufed to do it, the Pope having forbad it. For which He and all the Bishops (for they ſided with him) were ſhut up in a Houſe together as Prifoners. Some Bi- fhops were wrought upon by Threats to defert the Archbishop. But he himſelf eſcaped out of that (a) F₂ 102. b. (b) Bromton Col. 1031. (c) P. 70. P 3 Con- 214 A History of Convocations. Confinement, and fled beyond Sea. Gervafius (a) gives this the Name of a General Council and to it, fays he, were fummon'd the Bishops and the Proceres Anglia. The Empress Maud dying in May 1152. her Son Henry Duke of Normandy, profecuted the War a- gainſt the K. who was forced at laft (his own Son being now dead) to ſubmit to theſe Terms, that he himfelf fhould enjoy the Crown during life, but af- ter his Death Duke Henry fhould be King. This was done an. 1152 in a publick Convention (b) at Win- chefter, where the K. own'd the Duke for his adopted Son, and the Duke him for his Father. M. Paris makes it to be done at Walingford, in conventu Epif- coporum & aliorum regni Optimatum. So alfo Matthew of Westm. According to the Chronica Normannia, it was done 7 Id. Novemb. 1152. in conventu Epifcoporum & Comi- tum, & reliquorum Optimatum. And there the K. and the Bishops, & cæteri potentes took an Oath, &c. The King's Decree concerning it, which is extant in (c) Bromton, and to which there are the Subfcrip- tions of a great many Witneffes, was dated at Westminster. An. 1154. in Epiphany Week, a Parliament was held at Oxford, where the K. and the Duke were both prefent. ibiq; Comites & Barones Anglicani Regni, by the King's Command, fwore Fealty to the Duke, faving to the K. his Royal Dignity during life. Gerval. After this, on Mich. day, a Parliament was held at London cum Epifcopis & Optimatibus terræ, part- ly for the Affairs of the Kingdom, and partly (a) Col. 1371. (b) Gervaf. col. 1375. (c) P. 72. (c) Col, 1039. for A Hiftory of Convocations. 215 for the chooſing a new Archbishop for the See of York (a). And for this end the chief of the Church of York, with the Abbots and Priors of the Province, were fummond'd thither. (a) Bromton: Evocati igitur majores ejufdem Ecclefiæ cum Abbatibus & Prio- ribus fubjecte Provinciæ, &c. So alfo (b) Heming- ford. In this troubleſome Reign of K. Stephen, when the Kingdom was never without inteftine Wars, till the very laft Year of his Life, the Cuftom of holding thofe fplendid Curia at the 3 great Fe- ftivals, which in the former Reign had begun to languiſh, was wholly laid afide; as I have already obferved. In his Reign, the Pope's Canon-Law was firft brought into England. Which was compiled into a Code or Body by Gratian, and publiſh'd by P. Eu- genius III. an. 1151. The occafion of its being introduced here, was the great Contention between the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Wincheſter, who was lately the Pope's Legat. This brought over Lawyers from Rome, together with their Law: Vacarius being the firſt Profeſſor of it here, who read it publickly at Oxford. Gervafi- us (c): Erat in diebus illis Apoftolica Sedis Legatus Henricus Wintonienfis Epifcopus, qui erat frater Regis. Hic cum de jure Legati licet privilegium fuum plufquam deceret extenderet in immenfum, fuumq; Archiepifcopum & Epifcopos Anglia ut fibi occurrerent quolibet evocaret, in- dignatus Theobaldus & Thome Clerici Londoni- enfis induftrid fretus, egit apud Celeftinum Papam, qui Innocentio fucceffit, ut amoto Henrico Theobaldus in Anglia legatione fungeretur. Oriuntur hinc inde difcordia, graves lites, & appellationes antea inaudita. Tunc Les (4) Col. 1949, 1042. (b) P. 489. (c) Col. 1665. P 4 ges 216 A History of Convocations. 1 1 ges & Caufidici in Anglia primo vocati funt, quorum primus erat Magifter Vacarius. Hic in Oxonefordiâ Legem docuit, & apud Romam Magifter Gracianus & Alexander qui & Rodlandus in proximo Papa fu- turus Canones compilavit. K. Stephen is faid to have commanded Vacarius to be filenc'd at Oxford: and our famous Fryar Bacon tells us, that allatis Legibus Italiæ in Angliam publico edicto prohibuit, ne ab aliquo retinerentur. But of this Matter, I find, another (4) has already difcours'd at large. A Parliaments under Hen. II. Fter K. Stephen's Death, which was Oct. 25. 1154. Henry II. came into England, à Prin çipibus Angliæ vocatus & à populo defideratus, ſays (b) Gervafius. He was Crown'd, fays the fame Author, Dec. 17. aftantibus & cooperantibus Archiepifcopis 2. Epifcopis 14. Comitibus&Baronibus Anglicanis & tranfmarinis, & innumera multitudine plebis. This I mention, be- cauſe the Coronation-Conventions were in thoſe Days the fame with the Great Councils. Whether by the in- numera multitudo plebis the Author meant only the gazing Crowd, or the Freeholders gather'd together on that occaſion, I know not. But this I know, that Flebs is fometimes us'd for populus in general,and even for the Commons of England fitting in Parliament. Soon after his coming to the Crown, K. Stephen having been very profufe of the Crown-Lands, he publish'd an Edict, commanding all Lands to be re- (a) Vide Antiquit, Oxon. F. 51, 52, &c. (b) Col. 1376. ftored A Hiftory of Convocations. 217 ftored to the Crown, which belong'd to the Kings his Predeceffors. (a) Paris, and (b) Hemingford. After the Eafter next following, factus eft conventus generalis Præfulum & Principum totius Angliæ apud Walingefozdiam, ubi adjurata eft Anglia Regi & ha- redibus fuis, Willielmo fcil. fi plufquam Pater viveret, Henrico puerulo, fi Willielmo fataliter accidiffet. (c) Gervaf. An. 1156. he commanded the Laws of his Grandfa ther to be inviolably kept throughout the whole Kingdom. (d) Hoveden. An.1157. a Parliament was held at Northampton, which, as Gervafe (e) affures us, confifted, beſides Bi- fhops, the Principes regni, and ſome Abbots, of Perfons of an inferiour Degre. Convocati funt ad eam Præ- fules & Principes regni, Abbates, aliæq; inferiozis ozinis perfonæ apud Posthampton. In that Coun- cil a Cauſe was heard between the Archbishop and the Abbot of Canterbury, about his making Pro- feffion of Obedience to the Archbishop, which the Pope had commanded him to do. And the fame he was ordered to do by this Council. And a Record was drawn up accordingly with this Tefte: Facta eft bac Profeffio ap. Northamptoniam an. gratiæ 1157. Henrici R. II. an. 3 menfe fulio 16. Kal. Au- gufti, præfentibus Epifcopis 8. Abbatibus 12. ipfo quoq; Henrico, & quampluribus aliis tam de tranfmarinis quam de partibus Anglicanis. An. 1162. the Bishops and Abbots of all England, by the King's command fwore Fealty to Henry the King's Son, and Thomas Becket the Chancellor was the firſt that did Homage to him, falva fide (a) Vit. Abb. S. Alb. p. 1019. 1378. (d) F. 281.b. (e) Col. 1318. (b) P. 491. (c) Col. Regis 218. A History of Convocations. Regis quam diu viveret, & regno præeffe vellet. (a) Rad de Diceto. ༡ The fame Year (or in 1163.) in a Great Coun- cil held in Lent 8. Id. Mart. a great Controverſie was decided between the Bishop of Lincoln and the Church of St. Albans. The Perfons there prefent are faid by the fame Author to be the K. the 2 Archbishops, 9 Bishops, 3 Earls, 3 Proceres, 5 Ab- bots, and 2 Archdeacons, viz. Geffry of Cant. and Richard of Poictau. M. Paris (b) tells us that it was done in the preſence of the K the 2 Archbiſhops, 9 Biſhops, præfente etiam Roberto Comite Legeceftrenfi Jufticiario Anglia, cum Comitibus, Baronibus, Abbatibus, Archidiaconis, & innumera turbâ regni, apud Weſtm. feria 5 proxima ante paffionem Domini. In his Hiftory of the (c) Abbots of St Albans, he gives this Account of it: Rex refidens in Capella S. Katharinæ apud Westm. cum univerfitate tam Archiepifcoporum, quam Epifcoporum, atq; Abbatum, & aliorum Optimatum regni, &c. He there tells us, that the K. fat between the 2 Arch- biſhops and mentiens alfo the 2 Archdeacons of Cant. and Poictau, as acting in that Council. Nei- ther does he mention any more Archdeacons be- fides them two, in his particular enumeration (d) of the greater Perfons there prefent. They were both of them great Met, and were in a little time made Biſhops, the former of Ely, the latter of Win- chefter. And the Dignity of the Archdeacon of Cant. was in thoſe Days very confiderable, he being ac- counted the firſt Dignitary in England next to the Biſhops and Abbots, as Bromton (e) tells us: Nam post Epifcopos & Abbates in Anglorum Ecclefià hic primus &dignior perfonatus habebatur. And hence it is, that (a) Col. 533. (b) P.83. (c) P. 1026, 7, 8. (d) P. 1028. (e) P. 1056. in } A History of Convocations. in the Subſcriptions of Archbishop Lanfranc's Synod, held an. 1075. there is mention made of the Arch- deacon of Cant. as a Member of that Synod, and no other Archdeacon but He, An. 1158. he kept his Christmas at Worcester, where according to the old Uſage both he and his Queen wore their Crowns; but after the Celebration of the Sacrament, they took their Crowns off from their Heads, and offer'd 'em upon the Altar, with a folemn Vow to God that they would never wear 'em more. But this I have had occafion to mention (a) already. Pope Alexander III. in a Letter (b) which he' wrote in the Year 1163. to the K. and the Arch- bishop of Cant. concerning the Election of a new Biſhop of London, praiſes the City for its being the Seat-Royal of the King's of England, and becaufe Parliaments uſed to meet there; which he calls a Convention of the Barons and Proceres: Et ibi frequentes Baronum ac Procerum de toto regno foleant effe con- ventus. An. 1163. a gseat Difference arifing between the K. and Archbishop Becket (who had been made Archbishop the Year before) concerning the Ex- emption of the Clergy from the Lay-Power, the Archbishops and Bishops were call'd together in a Council at (c) Westminster, where the K. demand- ed of 'em an vellent fuas avitas confuetudines obfervare, meaning the Ufages obferved, in relation to the Clergy, in his Grandfather's time; as appears by (d) Hoveden, who places this Council to the Year 1164. Eodem anno Rex, magno congregato Concilio, & omnibus Archiepifcopis, & Epifcopis Angliæ in unum co- ram illo congregatis, petiit ab eis, ut ipfi pro amore & fer- (a) P. 139. (b) Ap. Rad, de Diceto, 334. (e) Gervaf. Col. 1384. (d) f. 282. vitio 219 220 A History of Convocations. vitio fuo, & pro ftabilitate Regni, reciperent Leges Hen- rici Avi fui, & eas fideliter cuftodirent? To which the Archbiſhop anſwering, in the name of all the reft, that they would do it, falvo in omnibus ordine fuo, & bonore Dei, & fancte Ecclefia; he would not ad- mit of any falvo: And they would give no other Anſwer. But the Archbishop afterwards waiting upon the K. at Woodstock, and promifing to comply with his Defires, the next Year (accordingto the Era of the Hiftorians, to us the fame Year) on Hillary Day a great Council was held at Clarendon, where feve- ral Conftitutions were made relating to the Clergy's Subjection to the Secular Power. Gervafe of Canterbury (a) who liv'd at that time, tells us, that the K. commanded Pontificum & Proce- rum cogi Concilium. And there were gathered toge- ther, fays he, Præfules & Proceres Anglicani Regni. Matthew of Weftm. (b) Apud Clarend. coram Rege & Magnatibus regni facta eft recordatio_regiarum li- bertatum & confuetudinum. Hoveden (c) has given us a more particular Account of the Proceeding there. He tells us, that the Clergy and People, or Laity, of the Kingdom were there gathered together: Congregato Clero, & Populo Regni. He adds, that the Archbi- fhop, who had before promis'd the K. to comply with his Defire, when he came to that Council re- fufed at firft to do it. But certain Bishops and o- ther Great Men falling down upon their Knees to him, and with Tears befeeching him, ut faltem prop- ter honorem Regis veniret ad eum, & coram Populo di- ceret fe Leges fuas recepiffe; he at laft complied, and came to the K. and coram Clero & Populo dixit, fe Leges illas, quas Rex avitas vocabat, fufcepiffe. Et con- (a) Col. 138. (b) An. 1164. (c) F. 282. b. sellis } A History of Convocations. 221 ceffit ut Epifcopi Leges illas fufciperent, & ut illas cuftodire promitterent. Then the K. commanded all the Earls and Barons of the Kingdom, ut irent foras & recorda- rentur Legum Henrici Regis Avi fui, & eas in fcripto redigerent. Which being done, he commanded the Archbishops and Bishops to fet their Seals to the Writing, which the other Bishops were ready to do, but the Archbishop wore he would never do it. When he could not be prevailed upon to do that, the K. was contented to have him take a Co- py of it in his Hand, and fo to declare his Affent to it, which he did. Fecit Rex Leges illas in Chiro- grapho poni,& medietatem illius tradidit Cantuarienfi Ar- chiepifcopo, quam ipſe contra pzohibitionem totius Cle- ti recepit de manu Regis, & converfus ad Clerum dixit. Suftinete fratres, per hoc fcriptum fcire poterimus mali- tiam Regis, & à quibus debeamus cavere nos. Thus Hoveden. And from theſe Words it is evident, that he thought the Inferiour Clergy were there prefent. By Matthew Paris (a) we are told, that the Inferiour Clergy were not only there prefent, but fwore, as well as the reft, to the obfervation of thofe Articles. The Account which Paris gives of that Convention, is this: In præfentia Regis Henri- ci apud Clarendonam 8. Kal. Feb. præfidente Johanne de Oxonia (who was afterwards Biſhop of Nor- wich) de mandato ipfius Regis; præfentibus etiam Ar- chiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, 2002íbus, Comitibus, Baronibus, & Proceribus regni; (where by 20- ceres must be underſtood the Chief of the Commo- nalty, fince the Earls and Barons were at that time the whole Nobility) facta eft recognitio five recordatio cujufdam partis confuetudinum & libertatum antecefforum fuorum, Regis viz. Henrici, Avi fui, & aliorum ; que (a) P. 85. obfervari 1 222 A History of Convocations. من obfervari debebant in regno, & ab omnibus teneri; prop ter diffenfiones & difcordias fæpe emergentes inter Cle- rum & Justiciarios D. Regis, & Magnatum regni. Af- the recital of the Articles he adds: Hanc recognitio- nem five recordationem de confuetudinibus & libertatibus iniquis & Dignitatibus Deo deteftabilibus, Archiepifco- pi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Priores, Clerus, cum Comitibus & Baronibus ac Proceribus cunctis, juraverunt firmiter in verbo veritatis promiferunt viva voce tenen- das & obfervandas Domino Regi & hæredibus fuis, bo- nâ fide & abfq; malo ingenio in perpetuum. Radulfus de Diceto (a) intimates that the Bifhops only were concern'd in that Matrer: Ex mandato Regis concur- rentibus Epifcopis & Proceribus apud Clarendune 8. Kal. Febr. poft immenfos tractatus Rex tandem, ad hoc animos Prælatorum inflexit, ut Regni confuetudines Ar chiepifcopozum & Epifcopogum auctoritate firmarentur &fcriptis. But its ufual indeed with all forts of Writers, and eſpecially in fhort Abridgments, to mention only the chief Perfons concerned. Will. Fitz-Stephens, who attended upon the Archbishop at that time, and wrote his Life, calls it generale Concilium- Quo cum Prælules & Proceres conve- niffent. Herbert de Hofcham (b) fays the K. call'd to- gether at Clarendune Regnum Univerfum. Theſe are 2 of thoſe 4, out of whofe Lives of that Arch- bifhop, the Quadrilogus was compiled; the other two being Johannes Carnotenfis, and Alan Abbot of Teukesbury. Who are all mention'd by (c) Gervafe. Fitz-Stephens, or William (d) of Canterbury (as he is there called) adds concerning the Proceedings of that Parliament: Primus ante omnes Archipræful in prætactâ formâ ſe obligat, quod viz. regias confuetudines (a) Col. 536. (b) Ap. Quadrilogum l. 1. c. 26. (c) Col 1670. (d) Ap. Quadril. I. c. fore A History of Convocations. 223 foret obfervaturus bona fide, verbo illo fuppreffo, fcil. falvo ordine fuo, & quafi juratoriam adjiciens cau- tionem, boc fe facturum in verbo veritatis fpofpon- dit, punctum puncto adjungens. Et id ipfum in ed for- må figillatim univerf Pontifices juraverunt. Et in- continenti facta obligatione in formâ hac per quofdam regni Proceres qui has noſſe debuerant, facta eft Regiarum confuetudinam cognitio, & ficut publice ita & expreffim recenfentur. Verum ut pleræq; jam fuiffent expreffa, & multo plures (ut videbatur) forent exprimenda, adhuc Archipræful interlocutus eft, dicens fe nec effe de antiqui- oribus regni, ut priftinas regni confuetudines fci- ret, nec in Archipræfulatu diu fuiſſe, verum & dicebat fe nefcire de bis. Et præterea quia inclinata effet jam dies tantum negotium in craftinum differendum. Placuit fermo, & in fua fe receperunt hofpitia, in craftinum re- vertentes in id ipfum. Et quæ intermiffæ fuerant con- fuetudines Regia recognitæ funt & expreſſe, & in (crip- tis in Chyrographi modum confectis redacte, & Regiarum Confuetudinum nomine recenfita. He adds: Quarum tamen multæ (ut perhibebatur) nequaquam Regiæ, fed odio Archipræfulis ad ancillandum Ecclefiam, evomitum emulationis & invidiæ virus exprimebant, ipfo etiam Rege ignorante. The next day, he tells us, they met together agen, and there the Articles were af- fented to by the Archbishop and Bishops And 3 Copies of 'em were drawn up (this is alſo menti- on'd by (a) Gervafe) of which one was put into the Hands of the Arcbishop of Canterbury, another was delivered to the Archbishop of York (to be kept in their Archives) and the 3d was repofited in the King's Treasury. من : To clear this Point, Who were prefent in that Parliament, and by whom thofe Articles were re. cognized? I fhall fubjoin the Preface of the Articles themſelves, according to the Copy which is extant (a) Col. 1385. in 224 A Hiftory of Covocations. in the beginning of the 5th Book of Quadrilogus. In M. Paris (a) and (b) Gervafe, the Articles only are extant without the Preface. The Title this Refcriptum illarum Confuetudinum quas Avitas vocant quomodo, quando, & coram quibus facta eft recognitio Regalium Confuetudinum. Anno ab Incarn. D. 1164. Papatus Alexandri an. 4. illuftriffimi Regis Anglorum Henrici II. an. 10. In præfentiâ ejufdem Regis facta recordatio & recognitio cujufdam partis Confuetudinum & libertatum & dignitatum antecefforum fuorum, viz. Regis Henrici Avifui& aliorum,quæ obfervari & teneri bebent in regno. Et propter diffentiones & difcordias que emerferant inter Clerum & Juftitias D. Regis & Barones Regni de Confuetudinibus & Dignitatibus: Facta eft ifta recognitio coram Archiepifcopis, & Epiicopis, & Clero,&Comi- tibus, & Baronibus, & Proceribus regni & eafdem Confuetudines recognitas per Archiepilcopos, & Epilco- pos, & Comites, & Barones, & per Nobiliozes, & antiquiozes regni Thomas Cant. Archiep. & Rogerus Ebor. Archiep. (after them are reckon'd up by name 12 Bifhops) concefferunt, &in verbo veritatis viva voce firmiter promiferunt tenendas & obfervandas Domino Re- gi & Haredibus fuis, bond fide & abfq; malo ingenio, præfentibus iftis, Roberto Comite Lochcefteria (Leicef.) (after him are the Names of 9 other Earls and 28 Lords) et multis aliis Proceribus & Nobilibus Regni, tam Clericis quam Laicis. Confuetudinum vero & Dignitatum Regni recognitarum, quædam pars præfenti fcripto continetur. Cujus partis Capitula funt hæc, &c. In one of theſe Conftitutions (as I have elſewhere fhewn) it is declared, that all Archbiſhops and Bi- fhops, & univerfæ perfonæ regni qui de Rege tenent in Capite, hold their Lands of the King by Barony, and are confequently obliged to ferve the K. as other (a) P. 84. (b) Col. 1388. Вдо A Hiftory of Convocations. 225 ༢ * Barons, and to attend his Courts (or Parliaments) in all Cafes, excepting only where a Man's Life is at ftake. By univerfæ perfone, &c. Mr. Sel- den (a) underſtands Ecclefiaftical Perfons only, all Abbots, Conventual Priors, and the like, as if the Words had been, univerfi in dignitatibus Ecclefiafticis pofiti qui de Rege tenent, &c. Perfona being ufed in the Laws of the Church for any Dignitary. I had almoſt forgot that in a MS. Volume of the Cottonian Library (Titus A. 13.) where are the Ar- ticles of Clarendon with this Title; Confuetudines An- gliæ inrebus Ecclefiafticis quæ proponebantur Thomæ Bec- cet, &c. it is faid (but in no very ancient Hand) that the Recognition of 'em was there made before the Archbishops, Bishops, Clergy, Earls, Barons, and Proctors of the kingdom, by which can be meant no other than the Procuratores, or Repreſentatives of the Commons: An. 1164.-facta eft ifta recognitio coram Archiepifcopis, & Epifcopis, & Clero, & Comitibus, &Baronibus, & Proaozibus Regni, & eadem recog- nita per Archiepifcopos, & Epifcopos, & Comites, & Barones, & per Nobiliores, & Antiquiozes Regni. The Word Protozibus for Pzocuratozibus, will, I fear, be thought a little too modern. Matthew of Westm. afferts, that Archbishop Bec- ket never gave his Affent at all to thofe Articles of Clarendon. So alfo 2 MS. Chronicles in Lambeth (b) Library. An. D. 1164. apud Clarendon facta eft recordatioregiarum libertatum & confuetudinum coram Re- ge & Magnatibus regni. Cui Thomas Cant. Archiepif copus affenfum non præbuit. The fame is intimated in another (c) MS. Chronicle, which fays no more than this concerning that Affair: Rex H. compofuit Leges iniquas, cui reftitit fanctus Thomas, per Re (a) L. c. (b) 480. 144. & 160. (c) Ibid. 8vo, 58. Q gem "W 226 A Hiſtory of Convocations. gem exulatus exulatus eft. But 'tis certain he made a fhew as if he affented, and promis'd to acquiefce. But he quickly repented of what he had done; impofed a Pennance upon himſelf for it; and got himſelf abfolved from his Oath or Promife by the Pope. This occafion'd another Parliament which was held at Northampton the fame Year, on Thursday Octob. 13. where the Archbishop was accufed of certain Crimes, Perjury, &c. and all the Bishops fi- ded with the K. againſt him, fo that he was forced to flee from thence beyond-Sea. The Quadrilogus tells us, that ex edicto Regio, regni Pontifices univerfi & Proceres diftrictiffime convocantur; and in the firſt Day of the Parliament all the Archbishop's Move- ables were confifcated omnium & Procerum,& etiam Pontificum judicio. This was for his not coming to the King's Court when cited thither upon a Com- plaint of one, who thought himſelf injured by him in his Court. The 2d Day he was accus'd of having 500 l. of the King's Money in his Hands; and s Perfons, who voluntarily offer'd themſelves to be his Sureties, were bound for him. The 3d, another greater Debt was laid to his Charge. On the 4th Day, being Sunday, there was nothing done. On Monday he was fummon'd to appear, but was then fick. The next Day, which was the laft, he came into the Court; and at the entrance into the King's Chamber, where he was to expect the K. he took the Cross from the Bearer, and carried it into the Chamber with his own Hands. Which was highly reſented by the K. becauſe he feem'd to come in as arm'd with it. Vocatis igitur præconis voce Pontificibus & Proceribus univerfis, the K. laid that to his Charge as a great Crime; while the Archbiſhop fate in another Room. Deus bone, quam muli Clericorum & Militum qui aderant veras & lucu- A Hiftory of Convocations. 227 luculentas de contemptu mundi proferebant fententias, cum folus ibi Crucem tenens federet Archiepifcopus, & omnes Suffraganei Epifcopi ejus & Comites ad Regem evo- cati effent & elongati ab eo. Pontifices vero de licentia Regis feparati à P2cceribus per fe feorfum inie- runt confilium. At laft they agreed to accufe the Archbishop to the Pope of Perjury and engaged themſelves before the K. to do all that lay in their power to get him Depofed, on condition that he would be pleas'd to excufe them from paffing Judg- ment on him. This the K. affented to. So they went from the K. to the Archbiſhop, and there told him, that they look'd upon themſelves not ob- lig'd to obey him any longer as their Archbishop, becauſe he was perjur'd in breaking his Faith with the King and as a perjur'd Perfon they appeal'd to the Pope againſt him. And this they did, be- cauſe they thought it unlawful for them to Judge their own Metropolitan. But the K. and his Lay- Lords began immediately to pafs Sentence of Im- priſonment upon him; which he † avoided by ap- pealing to the Pope. Rege cum Principibus, Pontifici- bus fubtractis, fedente pro tribunali, certiffime putabatur, mox captio aut aliquid deterius Archipræfuli immineres Ex tunc fiquidem Princeps & quotquot regni majores ade- rant, aperuerunt Ora fua ficut leo rapiens & rugiens, & perjurum & proditorem Archiepifcopum judicarunt. Tans dem à Rege procefferunt Comites & Barones, & plu- rima turba ad Archipræfulem, quorum primus Robertus Comes Leiceftria (he was at that time Chief-Juftice of England) ait. Mandat tibi Rex ut venias reddi- turus rationem fuper objectis ficut pridie promififti te facturum, alioqui audi judicium tuum, &c. † De Diceto,de Archiep. Cant. p. 689. makes him to be commit ted to close cuftody by the Sentence of the Ea ons: which is not true. Q 2 228 A History of Convocations. I have given this particular account, to fhew what were the Proceedings of our Parliaments in thofe Days. In William Fitz-Stephen' Life (a) of that Archbishop (and he was there prefent with him) it is faid, that his Goods were adjudged to be confifcated the 2d Day of the Parliament; and the manner of doing it he thus defcribes. Secunda dies (fays he) confulentibus Epifcopis, Comitibus, & Baronibus, Angliæ omnibus, Rozmanniæ pluribus, -Archiepifcopus læfæ Majeftatis Corona Regia arguitur, quia fcil. à Rege citatus pro causa Johannis (fee Hoveden (b), and (c) De Diceto) neq; venerat, neq; idonee fe excu- faffet. Archiepifcopi depulfio nullum locum habuit. Alle- gata tamen Johannis fupradicti injuria, & jurifdicti- one hujus caufa propria, & Curiæ Juæ integritate, Rex exigit judicium. Then a Controverfie between the Bishops and the Lords, whether a Bishop or a Lord fhould pronounce the Sentence (d): Each Party putting it upon the other. Sed quid? Rex, hac audita de pronuntiando controverfia motus eft. Et controverfari fu- per hoc defitum eft. Dominus Wintonienfis impofitus di- cere tandem & invitus pronunciavit. Archiepifcopus au- tem, quia fententia vel recordationi Curiæ Regis Anglia non licet contradicere fuftinuit,confilio Epifcoporum, ad alta, ad mitigandum & honorandum Regem, folenni & manu- um ipfius miffione, quafi conceffionis judicii, ut moris eft ibi, &omnibus Epifcopis datis vadibus præter Gilbertum illum Londonienfem (the Arcbbishop's particular Enemy) qui rogatus pro eo fpondere noluit, quæ ejus fingularitas notam fecit. Another ancient Writer (e) of the Life of that Archbishop, fays of this Council of Northampton, that all who beld in Capite of the K. were fummon'd (a) Ap. Seld. Tit. Hon. p. 705. (b) F. 283. (c) Col537. (d) Vide fupra p. 127, (e) Cit. ap. Seld. I. c. to : A History of Convocations. 229 to it. Solenne ftatuens (Rex) celebrare Concilium omnes qui de Rege tenebant in Capite, mandari fecit. The Account which our general Hiftorians have given of this Parliament of 02thampton, is thus : Hoveden (a) calls it Magnum Concilium, and fays, that the Barones Curiæ Regis judicaverunt eum effe in mifericordia Regis. Agen, that the Barones judicave- runt eum capi dignum, & in carcerem mitti. There came together, fays Radulfus de Diceto (b), Epifcopi, Comites, Barones totius regni. Bromion (c) calls it ex- prefly a Parliament. Gervafe (d) fays, the K. commanded Prælules & Proceres regni apud Nor- thamtoniam una cum ipfo Archiepifcopo convenire. He adds, that his Goods were confifcated curiali judicio & Épifcoporum confenfu. Concerning the Pro- ceedings of the laft Day, he fays, Subtraxerunt fe itaq; Epifcopi ex adverfo fedentes diutius in fummo fi- lentio. Rex autem interius cum Principibus fedens pro tribunali, Euntes, ait, difcernite quid perjurus & contu- max proditor debeat fuftinere. Itur. Judicatur. Et à quo vel qualiter pronunciandum fit judicium informatur. Procefferunt tandem à Rege Comites & Barones cum turbâ multâ, &c. M. Paris tells us, that (e) federunt Principes apud Northamptonam: and that his Moveables were con- fifcated by the (f) Bishops and Barons: And (g) makes the King's Embaffadors tell the Pope, that ex præcepto Regio, Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, & cæteri Ec, clefiarum Prælati convocantur: ut quanto generalior effet Concilii celebratio, tanto manifeftior fieret fraudis & malitiæ denudatio. And the fame Words we find in (b) Radulfas de Diceto, and in (i) Hoveden, who for cæteri Ecclefiarum Prælati, has, cæteri Cles (a) F.283. 1389. (e) P. 97. (i) F.295. (b) Col. 537. (ƒ) P. 87. (c) Col. 1959. (d) Col (8) P. 26. ´(b) Col. 538 Q 3 ricozum 230 A Hiftory of Convocations. ricozum Prælati. Hoveden makes this Parliament to be held An. 1165. A MS. Chronicle (a) calls it exprefly a Parlia- ment, and ſays, that the Archbishop was there ba- nish'd. Another MS. Chronicle (b) confounds the Parliament of Clarendon with this of Northampton ; and what was done in that relates as done in this: Anno 1164 Rex H. convocato Concilio apud ozchamp- toram in Festivitate S. Martini, Confuetudines Regias tam Archiepifcopi quam Suffraganeorum fubfcripto robo- rari pertinaciter exegit, negavit Archiepifcopus conftanter, manifeftam in eis afferens libertatis Ecclefiæ fubversio- nem, &c. The Archbishop being fied beyond-Sea to the Pope, an. 1166. excommunicated publickly in a Pulpit (c) with lighted Candles, all the Obfervers and Maintainers of the Conftitutions of Cla- rendon. About the fame time the K. who was then in Normandy, fent into England a fevere Edict againſt all that any ways favour'd him, as particularly, that whofoever fhould receive the Pope's Interdict, not only himſelf, but all his Kindred fhould be immedi- ately driven out of the Land. An account of this Decree we have in Paris (d), Gervafe (e), Quadri- logus (f). In the laft of which it has this remarka- ble Title: Hæ funt Conftitutiones quas conftituit Rex Henricus in Normannid, & mandavit Jufticiis fuis Rich. de Lucy, & duobus Archidiaconis, G. & R. & omnibus Principibus & Populis Angliæ jurandas & fer- vandas. Latores earum fuerunt Guimerus Presbyter, & Galterus de Grimesby. (a) Lambeth Fol. 169. (b) Ibid. 152. I. 192. (c) Paris p. 88. (d) P. 86, (e) Col. 1409. (ƒ) L. 5. An. A History of Convocations. 23x An. 1168. he wrote to P. Alexander, confilio Ba- ronum & Cleci, to let him know, that if he and his Cardinals fupported the Archbiſhop againſt him, neq; ego, neq; Barones mei, neq; Clerus meus, aliquam eis ulterius fervabimus obedientiam. So he himſelf fays in a Letter to the Archbishop of Colen (a). Convocati funt, fays Gervafe (b) fpeaking of thefe Matters, apud Lundoniam, Prælules & Prælati, & Proceres, ut contra mandata Archiepifcopi, & Pape Alexandri omnes appellarent. He adds: Sed &o- nachi Cantuarientes ad idem funt evocati. From whence the learned Author of The Rights of Convo- cations (c) concludes, that the Monks of other pla- cles were fummon'd thither too. But Gervafe, fays he, mentions only the Monks of Canterbury, becaufe he himſelf was one of their Number. In this I can by no means agree with him. For there was a particular Reaſon why the Monks of Canterbury fhould be fummon'd, tho' others were not; viz. Becauſe the Proceeding was againſt the Archbishop of that Church, with whom they were`particular- ly, and more than others, concerned. An. 1170. at Eafter he held his Curia at Wind- for. Cui fefto interfuerunt Willielmus Rex Scotie & David frater ejus, & fere omnes regni Angliæ Epifcopi & Magnates. (d) Bromton. From thence he went to London, in order to have his Son Henry Crown'd King, and there held a (e) Great Council, de coronatione filii, & regni fui ftatutis, in which he ſent out his Summons to the Archbishop of York and the reſt of the Biſhops to meet at Lon- don on Bernaby Day. (a) Paris p. 99. (b) Col. 1671. (c) P. 299. (d) Coli 1060, (e) Ibid. Q 4 And 232 A History of Convocations. } And there on June 15. his Son was Crown'd by the Archbishop of York (a), aftantibus fere om- nibus Comitibus, Baronibus, & Robiliozibus regni. The next Day he made the King of Scotland and his Brother, ac omnes Comites, Barones, liberos reg- ni fui tenentes, to do Homage and fwear Fealty to himſelf and his Son. Thus Bromton. Hoveden's (b) Words are thefe: In fefto S. Bernabæ Rex magnum ce- lebravit Concilium Londoniis, cum Princibus & Magna- tibus terrâ fuæ, de coronatione Henrici filii, & Domi- nicâ fequenti, quæ evenit 17. Kal. Julii. Clero & Populo confentientibus & affentientibus fecit ipfe præ- dictum Henricum filium fuum coronari. Et in craftino coronationis illius fecit Rex Pater Willielmum Regem Scottorum & David fratrem fuum, & Comites & Barones regni devenire homines novi Regis, &c. Gervafe (c) tells us, that there met together at that time by the King's Command, totius Anglie Epic- copi, Abbates, Comites, Barones, Wicecomites, Præpofiti, Aldermanni cum fidejullozibus fuis, timen- tes valde omnes. Quifq;juxta confcientiam fuam metue- bat, nefciebant enim quid Rex ftatuere decreviffet. He adds, that the Comites and Barones fwore Fealty to the young King, & fic timore culparum depofito omnes ad propria redierunt. They were fummon'd by cer- tain great Perfons, who were fent into the feveral Counties with Articles of Inquiry (d) concerning the Faults of Sheriffs, &c. and all Perfons con- cern'd were oblig'd to have Sureties or Fidejuffors for their appearance Above. Rex convocatis Opti- matibus fuis inftituit Abbates, &Clericos, Comites, &Milites, qui circumirent terram, &c. By æs pofii are meant the Overfeers of the King's Demeafns, by Aldermen, Reeves. 2 (a) Col. 1061. (b) F. 296. b. (c) Col. 1412. (d) Vide Brady Introdu&t. p. 237, &c. An. A Hiftory of Convocations. 233 An. 1172. the Laws of England were impos'd up- on the People of Ireland, in a Parliament held there by the King in Perfon. Rex pater antequam ab Hy- bernia rediret, apud Liflemez Concilium congregavit, u- bi Leges Anglia ab omnibus funt gratanter receptæ, & juratoriâ cautione præftitâ, confirmatæ. (a) Paris. An. 1175. on the Feftival of St. Peter and St. Paul, a Great Council was held at Glocefter by the 2 Kings, the Father and the Son, where the Princes of Wales were preſent, ubi Rex hominibus fuis Wallicis, Francis, & Anglis præcepit, quod fi aliquis Wallenfium contra aliquem illorum guerram in terrâ Regis moveret, omnes unanimiter conftanti animo cum eo contra Wallenfes tenerent. Et ad bac obfervanda fécit D. Rex Comitem Glouceftriæ, & alios Magnates illius patriæ fuper fanéta Evangelia jurare. (b) Bromton. In Midsummer Week a Synod was held at Wod- tock; and from thence the 2 King's went to Not- tingham, where a great many Barons, Knights, Cler- gymen, and Countrymen were impleaded and fined for tranfgreffing the Law's of the King's Forefts. (c) Idem. From thence on St. Laurence Day they came to York, where they were met by William K. of Scot- land, who brought with him omnes Epifcopos, Co- mites, & Barones, & Milites, & francos tenentes terræ fuæ, to do Homage to the K. and to fwear Fealty to him and his Heirs. Which accordingly was done in St. Peter's Church there; as is related at large by the fame (d) Hiftorian. Hoveden (e) tells us the fame, that an. 1175. at York the King of Scotland, with the Bishops, Earls, Barons, and Knights of that Kingdom, fwore Fealty to the K. of England. This (a) P. 105. (b) Col. 1500. (b) Col. 1100. (c) Col. 1103. (d) Col. 1103, &c. (e) f. 312. he 1 1 234 A Hiftory of Convocations. he did, fays Radulfus de Diceto (a), purſuant to the Advice of the Great Council of that King- dom: Epifcoporum, Abbatum, Comitum, & Baronum regni fui communiter utens confilio. Eodem anno Henricus Rex pater magnum congregavit Concilium apud Windelhozes in Octabis fefti S. Michae- lis: præfentibus Rege filio, & Richardo Cant. Archiepif copo, & Epifcopis Anglia; & coram Laurentio Dubli- nenfi Archiepifcopo, præfentibus etiam Comitibus & Ba- ronibus Anglia. In which a Peace was agreed up- on between the K. of England, and the K. of Co nant in Ireland. (b) Hoveden, (c) Bromton. In the fame Council, fays Bromton, the K. gave the Biſhop- rick of Waterford to one Auguſtin an Iriſhman; which was the firft Irish Bifhop that was ever nominated by the K. of England. Benedict in his MS. Hifto- ry: Rex Anglia congregatis Archiepifcopo Cant. & Epifcopis Anglia, & Comitibus, & Baronibus terra fue coram Henrico filio fuo & coram Laurentio Archie- pifco Dublinenfi, &c. An. 1176. on St. Paul's Day, or the next Day after, a Parliament was held at Northampton, in which the whole Kindom being divided into 6 Parts, 3 Itenirant Judges were conftituted for each Part. Radulfus de Diceto (d): Rex juxta confilium filii fui Regis coram Epifcopis, Comitibus, Baronibus, Militibus, & alus Hominibus fuis in boc confenti entibus, conftituit Justiciarios in 6 partibus regni fui, in unaquaq; tres, qui juraverunt, quod fuam cuiq; juftitiam confervabunt. Hoc autem factum eft apud Posthamp- ton 7. Kal. Febr. In this Parliament were prefent, and voted, as appears from theſe Words, not only the Nobility,but all that held all of the King, Knights, and other inferiour Perfons. (a) Col. 584. (b) F. 312. b. (c) Col. 1106. (d) Col. $88. That I A Hiftory of Convocations. من That beſides the Earls and Barons, the Knights, and other Inferiour. Tenants, were prefent, appears alfo from the Teftimony of Benedict above-menti- oned, who was Abbot of Peterborough, in his MS. (a) Hiſtory: An. 1176. circa feftum Converfionis S. Pauli, venit D. Rex ufque Northampton, & magnum ibi cele- bravit Concilium de Statutis regni fui, coram Epilcopis, & Comitibus, & Baronibus terræ fuæ ; & coram eis per confilium Kegis Henrici Filii fui & per confilium Comitum, & Baronom, & Dilitum, & Hominum fuorum, hanc fubfcriptam affisam fecit. From this Autority fome have concluded, that there were preſent in that Parliament 2 forts of Carls and Barons, one fort belonging to the Father, the o- ther to the young King; and that the Knights and other Military Men or Tenants Royal here menti- on'd belong'd to the young K. only. This was the Opinion of the learned Dr. Brady, who, to ex- plain thefe Words, tells us (b), that the K. having exalted his Son to the Throne, to make him look more like a King, affign'd fome Earls and Barons, and other Military Men, who atturn'd Tenents to him, or fome new Earls and Barons were created, as immediate Dependants on him, and the Knights and other Military Tenents followed, and held on the Lands, Mannors, and Honours that were af- fign'd to maintain and fupport his Court and Kingſhip, and the King's Comites and Barones terræ fuæ, were the Earls and Barons of his Kingdom, that held immediately of him, or were his immediate Tenents in Capite. Or they might be call'd (fays he) his Earls and Barons, Knights and Men, becauſe they had done Homage and fworn (a) Cotton, Julius A. xi. 4. & Vitellius E. XVII. 3. (b) In- trodu&. p. 204. Alle- 235 236 A History of Convocations. 1 Allegiance to him. Others have from hence en- deavour'd to confirm that Opinion, That there were 2 forts of Barons, &c. viz. Regis and Regni. But in my Opinion there is no need of all this. I take the laſt Words to be nothing elfe but a repe- tition of the former; and the Monk having in the firft place not reckon'd up all, he takes care to mend the Matter in the 2d place. In a word, fuo- rum has relation to the K. as well as fuæ and ſui. And when the Author fays, & coram eis per confili- um Regis Henrici filii fui & per confilium Comitum, &c. his meaning is, that it was done, not only in the preſence of thofe that were there gathered together, but alſo by their Advice. The Monkiſh Hiftorians are not fo exact and accurate in expreffing them- felves, as to deferve to have any new Notions raif- ed from fuch-like Expreffions. The Author indeed liv'd at that time, and he wrote the Hiftory of his own time from the Year 1170. to the end of Rich. II. and I take him to be the fame with that Benedict which is mention'd by Gervafe (a) to have writ of Archbishop Becket's Miracles. But Radul fus de Diceto lived alſo at that time, and he mentions nothing of that kind. So alfo Hoveden, who was one of K. Henry's Clerks, whofe Words concerning that Council are no other than thefe: In (b) fefto Converfionis S. Pauli venit D. Rex pater ufq; Rottingam (ſo he ſays, either by his own, or the Tranfcriber's Miftake, for Northampton) &re ibi celebravit magnum Concilium, de Statutis regni Jui, &coram Rege filio fuo, & coram Archiepifcopis, Epifs copis, Comitibus, Baronibus regni fui, communi ominium confilio divifit regnum fuum in 6 partes, &c. The feveral Divifions, and the Names of all (a) Col. 1670. (b) F. 313. the A History of Convocations. 237 the firft Judges, may be feen in the fame Hi- ftorian. Matthew of Westm. an. 1176. fpeaking of this conftitution of the Itinerant Judges, without men- tioning a Parliament, fays, that the K. did it per confilium & aſſenſum Filii. Bromton (a) Circa feftum S. Pauli converfionis D. Rex ufq; Northampton veniens, ibi cum Epifcopis, Comitibus, & Baronibus fuis Anglie de regni fui Sta- tutis magnum Concilium celebravit. By the fame Author, and by (b) Hoveden, we are told, that the K. of Scotland came to that Par- liament, together with 6 Bishops of that King- dom, cum Abbatibus & Prioribus terræ fuæ ad fubje- &ionem Anglicana Ecclefiæ faciendam. The K. of England requiring the Scotch Bishops, &c. to make the fame Profeffion of Subjection to the Church of England, which had been formerly made in the time of his Predeceffors, they replied, that they had never had made any, nor ought not. And the Archbishop of York producing Bulls and other Records, to fhew that in the time of the Archbi- fhops his Predeceffors, the Biſhop of Glafcow had been ſubject to the See of York; the Archbishop of Canterbury oppos'd him, laying claim to Scotland himſelf, as under the See of Canterbury. So the Scots by that means efcaped without being made ſubject to either: And returning home, to avoid the like Claims for the future, fubjected themſelves immediately to the See of Rome. In the former Convention at York, when they fwore Fealty to the K. they had promis'd all that Subjection to the Church of England which they ow'd, and which they had formerly made. But now they plead they ow'd none, and had never made any. Knyghton (c), (a) Col, 1108. (b) F. 314. b. (c) Col. 2396, tells ፦ } 238 A Hiſtory of Convocations. tells us, that the K. of Scotland having with his Prelates and Proceres done Homage, and fworn Fealty to the K. of England at York, ad declarationem hujus fubjectionis cum Prælatis fuis veniffe ad Parliamentum Re- gis Henrici apud Northampton. In a MS. Chroni- cle (a) I find this Parliament plac'd to the Year 1177. or confounded at leaft with another which was held there that Year. An. 1177. & Hen. 22. ad Concilium apud Northampton venit W. Rex Scotiæ per mandatum Regis H.adducens fecum omnes Epifcopos & Abbates, & Priores totius regni fui. In the fame Parliament of Northampton, the Al- fizes or Constitutions of Clarendon, were confirm'd with fome Additions; which may be feen in (b) Hoveden. I call'd it the Affizes of Clarendon; for fo the Con- ftitutions of that Parliament are call'd in the De- crees of this of Northampton: And the Title of the Northampton Decrees in Hoveden is this: Affilæ Hen- rici R. facte apud Clarendun, & renovate apud Nor- thamtune. And here I cannot but take notice of a Miftake of the Lord C. J. Coke, who in his 4th In- ſtitutes (c) tells us, that a Parliament, among ma- ny other Appellations, is call'd alfila ab affidendo: and to prove it he gives this. Inftance, as Affifa de Clarendon: Whereas by Affifa de Clarendon, is meant not the Parliament it felf, but the Sanction or Decree of that Parliament. Another Error he commits in the very fame Breath, where he places the Parliament of Clarendon to 22 H. 2. whereas it was held on the xth of his Reign. The fame Year, a Parliament was held at in- cheffer, wherein the Archbishop of York complain- ed againſt the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bi- (a) Lambeth 8vo. 58. (b) F. 314. (c) P. 2. fhop A History of Convocations. 239 } fhop of Ely, for a great Affront and Violence of- fer'd him in a late Council held by the Pope's Legat. The Parliament was held on purpoſe to put an end to that Difference. Bromton (a): Eodem Concilio pro pace inter ipfos Archiepifcopos & Epifcopum Elienfem fa- cienda apud Wintoniam per Regem tunc ibidem exiften- tem congregato, Dictus Rogerus Archiepifcopus Ebor. coram Epilcopis & regni Magnatibus Domino Regi con- questus est, &c. The fame Year, May 24. another Parliament was held at London, to confider of the Marriage of the King's Daughter Johanna to the K. of Sicily. Ad fummonitionem Regis, Rege Filio moram in partibus tranfmarinis agente, tam Prælati Ecclefiarum quam regni Proceres, generaliter convenerunt Lundonia. Habito tractatu communi refponfum eft 8. Kal. Junii. Hæc acta funt in præfentiâ Cardinalis, Archiepifcopis af- fidentibus, & Epifcopis, Cleri Procerumq; roborata con- fenfu. (b) Rad de Diceto. Hoveden (c) Habito inde Concilio Londoniis, Rex Pater confilio univerforum Epifcoporum, Comitum, & Baronum regni, conceffit Regi Siciliæ filiam fuam.—Bromton (d) mentions the Sapientiozes regni as fummon'd to that Council. Rex Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Comitibus, & Sapientioribus regni fui in urbe Londoniæ congregatis, confuluit quid tam magni Regis nunciis refponderet. At Michaelmas, the fame Year, another Parlia- ment was held at indlog, wherein the K. ifſued out Orders to all the Great Men of England to give up their Caſtles into his Hands. (e) Bromton. An. 1177. Another Parliament or Concilium ge- nerale was held at Northampton, poft feftum S. Hi- larii, fays (f) Hoveder; in which Robert Earl of Lei- (a) Col, 1109. (b) Col. 590. 1112. (e) 1116. (F. 320. (c) F. 315. (d) Col. 1 cefter 詹 ​240 A Hiftory of Covocations. cefter and others were reftored to their Lands; and the Canons Secular of Waltham refign'd into the Arch- biſhop's Hands their Prebends that the K. might there introduce Canons Regular. Bromton (a) mentions this Parliament, and tells us, that there were prefent certain Perfons in it who were fent from the Earl of Flanders to obtain the King's Confent, that he might marry his 2 Nieces, the Earl of Boloigne's Daughters, to the 2 Sons of the French King; which he did not think fit to do without the King's Confent. And there, it feems, in that Parliament the Matter was de- bated; with fome other things relating to the Earl of Flander's Expedition to the Holy-Land. He fays, the K. had there Concilium Magnum cum Epifcopis & Magnatibus terræ fuæ. The K. being made Arbitrator between his Son- in-Law, Alphonfus K. of Caftile, and Sanctius K. of Navarr, held a Parliament about that Matter on the 1ft Sunday in Lent, the fame Year, at Weftm. (b) Hoveden. Hi omnes miffi erant ad allegandum, & refpondendum pro Dominis fuis. Venerunt etiam 2 Mi- lites mira probitatis & audaciæ cum equis & armis belli- cis ad fufcipiendum duellum in Curia Regis Angliæ, fi judicatum eft. Prima igitur Dominica Quadragefima Ď. Henricus Rex Anglia venit Londonias Concilium generale celebraturus. Cui interfuerunt Richardus Cant. Archie- pifcopus, &c. & Abbates, Priores, Comites, & Ba- rones Anglia. Quibus in unum convenientibus apud Weſtm. præcepit Rex præfatis nunciis regni Hifpaniæ, ut in fcripto redigerent calumnias & allegationes fuas, & poftea ei offerrent: ut fic per interpretationem ipfe & Warones fui poffint intelligere, &c. R. prolatis coram omni Populo fanétis Evangeliis fecit (a) Col. 1118. (6) F. 320. b. Henricus præ A History of Convocations. 241 2 prænominatos Nuncios jurare His ita peractis, Co- mites & Barones Regalis Curiæ Angliæ adjudicaverunt plenariam utriq; parti Jupradictorum, que in jure petita fuerant, reftitutionem. The K. in the Exemplificati- on of the Judgment, has theſe Words: (a) Fideli- bus à vobis communiter electis, &c. in prafentiâ no- ftra & Epifcopozur, &Comitum, & Baronum no- ftrorum conftitutis. Habito cum Epifcopis, Comi tibus,& Baronibus noftris cum deliberatione confilio. The Witneffes are a great many Biſhops and Lords, with an, & multis aliis tam Clericis quam Laicis. Brom- ton (b) tells us, that there were fummon'd to that Council Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Comites, & Ba- rones totius Anglia. And having reckon'd up 15 Biſhops that were prefent, he adds, that there was alfo a great number of Deans and Archdeacons there. Venerunt etiam illuc tot Abbates, tot Decani, tot Archidiaconi, quot leviter fub numero non cadebant. He adds: Venerunt etiam illuc de mandato Regis omnes Comites Barones regni Angliæq; Magnates. Et om- nibus in Aula Regia apud Londoniam congregatis, &c. Tunc quia Comites& Barones Anglia fermonem illo- rum minime intelligerent, &c. Coram Epifcopis, Comitibus & regni fui Baronibus protulerunt, &c. The Teste of the Judgment, as it lies in Bromton, concludes with aliis compluribus tam Clericis quam Laicis de regno Anglia. This Parliament is men- tion'd alfo by (c) Rad. de Diceto, and by Pa- ris (d), who places it to the Year 1176. as if he began the Year, not, as the others do, from Christmas, but from Lady-day. Benedict in his MS. Chronicle ſpeaks thus of it: Rex mifit Nuncios fuos Per totam infulam Angliæ, & mandavit Archiepifco- (a) Ib. f. 322. b. (b) Col. 112. 2, &c. (c) Col. 597. (d) P. 110. R pis, 242 A Hiftory of. Convocations. 1 pis, Epifcopis, Comitibus, & Baronibus, totius An- gliæ, quod effent ad cum apud Lundonias Dominica 1. post caput Fejunii. &c. In this (a) Parliament the Earl of Ferrers's Bro- ther being murder'd in London, and thrown out of his Inn into the Street, the K. commanded ma- ny of the Citizens of London to be feiz'd, and to be put to the Trial of Water; and one of the chief of 'em, becauſe by that Trial he had not the luck to purge himſelf, though he offered a great Sum of Money for his Life, he ordered to be hang'd. The fame Year, between Eafter and Whitfuntide, a Parliament was held at p. Bromton (b): Venit Rex ufq; ly causâ vifitandi fanctam Virginem Ethel- dredam, & illuc Rogerus Ebor. Archiepifcopus, Regi- naldus Bathonienfis, & Johannes Norwicenfis Epifcopi, & multi Comites & Barones Angliæ ad tractandum de pace & ftabilitate regni ad eum venerunt. Et cum diu ibidem tractaflent, Rex inde venit ad Gaytonam. Another was held foon after at indfor, as the fame Hiftorian (c) informs us: Rex ufq; Windefo- res fe transferente & Rogerum Archiep. Ebor. & alios dictos Epifcopos fecum ducente, omnes fere Comites, Ba- rones,&ilites regni ad eum illuc venerunt equis & armis parati quo praciperet Rex eundi. Cumq; ibidem de pace & ftabilitate regni tractaffent, cuftodibus Caftello- lorum fuorum Anglia, de confilio Epifcoporum, Co- mitum, & Baronum fuorum, amotis, militibus de pri- vata familia fua ea tradidit cuftodicnda. There alfo he Fined the Biſhop of Durham for not ferving him faithfully in his late Wars. Another Parliament was held the fame year at Spitze, where the K. created his youngeſt Son John () Hoveden. (b) Col. 1127. (c) Col. 1127. K. A History of Convocations. 243 K. of Ireland. And there the Princes and Nobility of Wales fwore Fealty to the K. and took an Oath to live peaceably among themſelves. Hoveden (a). Rex venit Oxeneford, & in generali Concilio ibidem celebrato conftituit Johannem filium fuum Regem in Hy- berniâ, conceffione & confirmatione Alexandri fummi Pontificis. Et in eodem Concilio venerunt ad Regem es fus, &c. In the fame Parliament he divided the Kingdom of Ireland, or a great part of it, into Knights Fees, and diftributed 'em amongft his Great Men, and made them fwear Fealty to his Son John. Brom- ton (b): Apud Oxoniam Rex Johannem filium fuum co- ram Epilcopis & regni fui Ežíncípibus Regem Hiber- niæ conftituit, &c. An. 1179. a little after Easter, in a Parlia- ment held at Windfo2, the K. divided the King- dom of England into 4 Parts; affigning to 3 of thoſe Parts 5 Judges apiece; and to the 4th 6 Judges. Among thofe Circuit Judges were the Bi- fhops of Winchester, Ely, and Norwich, Nicholas the King's Chaplain, and 2 Clerici Regis. Hoveden (c) reckons up all of 'em, with the feveral Counties in each Divifion. The K. (fays he) magno celebrato Concilio apud Mindelhozes communi confilio Archiepil- copozum, Comitum, & Earonum, coram Rege filio fuo divifit Angliam in 4 partes; & unicuiq partium præfecit viros lapientes ad faciendam juftitiam in ter- râ, &c. They that were 6 in number, among whom was Ranulfus de Glanvilla, had not only cer- tain Counties under their Jurifdiction, as Intinerant Juftices, but were alfo the ordinary Judges of the King's Curia; as appears by thofe Words: Iii fex Junt Fufticii in Curia Regis conftituti ad audiendum clamores populi: Et cis affignate erant fubfcripte pro- vincia. (a) F. 233. b. (b) Col. 1127. (c) F. 337. R 2 A#, { * 244 A Hiſtory of Convocations. An. 1180. at Christmas the K. held his Curia at Rottingham, where were prefent, by his Com- mand, William K. of Scotland, together with moſt of his Magnates. Bromton (a). This Parliament Hoveden feems to have confounded with that of Northampton, an. 1176. which he makes to be held at Nottingham, and in which the K. of Scotland was aifo prefent. An. 1182. a Parliament was held at Waltham, where the K. decreed, by the Advice of the Par- liament, to lay out a great part of his Treaſure to aid the City of Jerufalem Radulfus de Diceto (b). Apud alalinam Epiicopi Mintoniæ regni convocavit Dajozes. Itaq; præfentibus illis & approbantibus, quan- dam pecuniæ fuæ partem in caufas pias erogare decrevit, neceffitatibus Ferofolymitanorum in primis propenfius pro- videre procurans. Siquidem 42000 marcarum argenti, 500. marcas auri diftribuit. An. 1185. Heraclius Patriarch, and Roger Mafter of the Hofpitallers, of Jerufalem, coming into England, to requeſt the K.(who was reckon'd the greateſt K. of his time) to accept of the Kingdom of Jeruſalem, and either to go thither in Perfon, or at leaft to fend one of his Sons to defend it againſt Saladin; a Par- liament was fummon'd to meet at Clerkenwell, March 23. to confider what was beft for him to do. And there it was refolved, that the K. ought not to leave the Care of his own Kingdom to go to de- fend another; and the King's Sons being then ab- fent, they could come to no Refolution concern- ing them. Paris (c): His auditis, convocato Clero regni ac Populo, convenerunt Londoniis apud Foutem Ciertojum, 10. Kal. Aprilis, Rex cum universâ nobis itate regni, ubi dictus Rex, audientibus Patriarcha & (a) Col. 1141. (b) Cul. 613. (c) P. 119. Ma- 4. A Hiſtory of Convocations. 245 1 : } Magiftro domus Hofpitalis, omnes fidcles fuos multis ad- jurationibus aftrinxit, quatenus proferrent in medium, quid fuper his faluti animæ fuæ viderint expedi- re, &c. When the Patriarch firft came into England, which was the fame Year, a great Council feems to have been held at Tinchefer; for the Annals of that Church tell us, he was brought to Wincheſter in a ſo- lemn Proceffion, præfente tunc Rege, & omnibus fere Epifcopis & Abbatibus totius Angliæ. An. 1188. the laft of this Prince, in Febr. a Great Council or Parliament was held at Caintington, or Caitinton near Northampton, about the taking the Croſs for the Expedition to the Holy Land: and there, as Hoveden (a) affures us, there were many of the inferiour fort, both Clergy and Laity. Rex ftatim poftquam in Angliam applicuit magnum congregavit Concilium Epilcopozum, Abbatum, Comitum, & Baronum, & aliozum multozem tam Clericozum quam Laicium apud Gaintington: ubi in publicâ audientiâ recitari fecit omnia fupradicta capitula, que conftituerat de Cruce capienda. Quibus recitatis Balde- winus Cant. Archiepifcopus, & Gilbertus Rofenfis E- pilcopus, Vicarius ejus, mirifice prædicaverunt illo die co- ram Rege, & Principibus fuis, Verbum Domini, & falutifera Crucis myfterium. Ad quorum prædicationem multi tam Clerici quam Laici Crucem receperunt. The Nature of the thing required an extraordinary nu- merous Convention, it being defign'd to ftir up all forts of Perfons to engage in the Expedition. Brom- ton (b) ad an. 1188. Concilium apud Geytinton, u- bi Baldewinus Cant. Archiepifcopus cum aliis pluribus crucem accepit. Ibi ftatutum fuit in Anglorum gente, ne quis efcarleto, fabelino, vario vel grifeo, aut vestibus a) F. 366. (b) Col. 1149. R 3 laquea- : 1 + 246 A History of Convocations. laqueatis, aut in prandio de cibis exempto ultra duo fer- cula uteretur, eo quod Rex cum omnibus fere Anglie Mag- natibus ad terram fanctam cum expenfis erat non minimis profecturus Gervafe (a)Tertio Id. Febr. con- venerunt apud Gaitintune que à Northamptoniâ 8 vel 10 diftat miliariis una cum Rege Præfules & Prin- cipes regni de defenfione facrofanctæ terra Ferofolima tra- &taturi. Unde variis & multis hinc inde prolatis fer- monibus, hæc tandem de Cruce fumpta, vel fumenda, Capitula fubfcripta promulgata funt. Among the Con- ftitutions there recorded, one is that which is mention'd hy Bromton. Hoveden tells us, that the K. had made thofe Conftitutions (in which a great Tax is laid upon the whole Nation) while he was beyond Sea, by the Advife of the Great Men there about him: And he feems to intimate, that in the Council there was no more to be done, but only to publish or recite 'em. And from the Conftitutions themfelves it is plain, that they were drawn up by agreement between the 2 Kings of England and France, who were equally engaged. Difpofitum eft à REGIBUS, Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, & aliis Principi- bus quod, &c. Bur from what Gervafe fays, it may be gathered, that tho' they were drawn up beyond- Sea, they were ratifi'd and confirm'd in this Coun- cil. Wikes tells us, that the Tax was granted by the Pope. Conceffit D. Papa Regibus fupradictis deci- mam partem omnium bonorum mobilium regnorum fuo- rum percipiendam de regnicolis fuis, non folum de Laicis fed & de Clericis ; tam fecularibus quam religiofis, ficq; decimata eft tota Anglia. But that cannot be true concerning the Laity. The Waverly Annals fay the Decimation was laid upon all Europe, by the Pope's Au- tority. Hemingford (b) obferves, that K. Hen. II. ne- , 4 (a) Col. 1522. (b) P. 513. ་ ver A History of Convocations. 247 - ** ver laid any grievous Burden (meaning the Burden of a Tax) on his People. But an. 1166. M. Pa- riş (a) mentions another Tax for the Relief of the Holy-Land; which, he fays, was granted; whether by the K. or by the People themfelves, he does not fay. In his time (fuch was the Arbi- trarineffe of our Kings then, and happy are we that it is otherwife now) Taxes feem to have been fometimes laid by the King's Justices (by order of the K. and his Privy-Council only) Plurimum intereſt (fays the Black Book of the Exchequer, which was dedicated to this Prince) fi Donum vel Auxilium Ci- vitatis per fingula Capita commorantium in eâ, à Juftici- ciariis conftituatur. Vel fi Cives fummam aliquam, quæ Principe digna videatur, Jufticiariis offerant, & ab eis fufcipiatur. Difpar enim in his duobus modus coercio- nis eft. 33 H. II. which was A. D. 1187. we find a great Curia held at Clarendon (the fame place a- bove-mention'd, in Wiltshire, where the Kings had a Palace) mention'd in the Form of a Fine (b),, in thefe Words: Hæc eft Finalis Conventio facta in Caria D. Regis apud Clarendum an. 33. Regni Regis H. 2. coram D. Rege & Johanne filio ejus, & Rand. de Glanvil. & Hub. Decano Eborac. & Rad. Archidias cono Hereford, & Rob. de Witefeld, & Rog, filio Remfir, & Roberto de Ingleſham Archiv. Gloceft, & Jofel. Archio. Magiftro Thomâ de Buffecurn, Mich. Belet, & aliis Barenibus & fidelibus D. Re- gis qui tunc ibi præfentes erant. Quare volo, & fir- miter præcipio quod hæc conventio inter eos falta, firma & ftabilis permaneat T. Johanne filio meo, Ran. de Glan- vill, &c. apud Clarendon. Thoſe mention'd by (a) P. 88. (b) Ap. Spelm. Gloff. v. Finis. R 4 Name } * X ** 248 A Hiſtory of Convocations. Name as Glanvil, the Archdeacons, &c, we know were the King's ftanding Juftices. But it appears that the K. himfelf was there prefent, and not only his Son, but alfo alii Barones & fideles, i. e. Feudataries. Some (a) take this Curia to be what we now call a Privy-Ceuncil In a MS. Charter (b) of this Prince to the Church of Westm. I find another Curia of his men- tion'd, confifting of Barons. Deinceps teneant eam ficut dirationatum fuit in Curia mea coram Baronibus meis. The King's Court of Juftice in thofe Days was where the King himſelf was: It being then the Cuftom for the K. himſelf to be prefent in it. And fince the Courts have been fix'd in Westminster- Hall, our Kings have fometimes fat there in Per- fon, and not Incognito, but openly, and, what is very remarkable, with their Crowns on their Heads, as they uſed heretofore to fit in the Curie held on the ༡ Great Feſtivals. One Inftance of this kind I have found in the Continuation of the MS. Eu- logium ad an. 1408. where 'tis ſaid (and the Au- thor appears to have lived at the fame time) that K Henry IV. fate in the Term-time in Westminster- Hall, that is, in one of the Courts there, with his Crown on, and that the Pope's Legat came thi- ther to him: Sedente vero Rege in Termino fuo CO- RONATO apud Weftm. intravit Cardinalis fupradictus Burdigal: qui in introitu depofuit capellium fuum, procedens ad medium Aule depofuit capicium fuum. Et appropinquans Regi depofuit medietatem capicii Jui ſe in- clinans. Rex autem furrexit & cepit manum ejus & ofculatus eft eum. It is probable that he then wore من (a) Brady Introduc. p. 206. (b) Chartulario Weſtm. Cot ton. Fauftina A. 3 fol. 68. his A History of Convocations. 249 2 his Crown that he might appear with the greater Majeſty to the Legat whom he there expected. But to return to Hen. II. What I have to add concerning Him, is only a Word or two touching his Laws, many of which I have al- ready mention'd. Matt. Paris (a) tells his Reader, that he would give him an account of the Laws which He made for the Good of the Kingdom, were it not that he was afraid of offending by being too pro- lix. The Laws which are publish'd under Glanvil's Name, who was Chief-Juftice in his Reign, are in fome ancient MSS. afcribed to the King himſelf. But whether that Book which is extant under his Name, were really writ by Glanvil, Mr. Selden (b) queſtions, and feems to doubt whether it be fo an- tient as his time. Hoveden (c) tells us exprefly, that by Glanvil's Wisdom were made thofe Laws which are call'd the English Laws.Eodem anno (1180.) Henricus Rex Anglie Pater conftituit Ranulfum de Glanvilla fummum Jufticiarium totius Angliæ; cujus fa- pientiâ conditæ funt Leges fubfcripte quas Anglicanas vo- camus. The Leges fubfcriptæ, are the Laws of the Con- feſſor as mended by the Conqueror : but very different from thoſe which were really mended and publiſhed by the Conqueror, as appears from Ingulfus. It feems therefore, that that Latin Edition extant in Hoveden, is owing to Glanvil, who made it to differ very much from the French Original. Bromton (d) ad an. 1163. and others (e) tell us, that the King's Judges having informed him that many Thefts, Rapines, and Murders, were frequently committed by Clergymen, acri motu turbatus, contra Clericos Malefactores pofuit Leges tuas. But whether by his Laws, they mean the Laws made by (a) P. 127. (b) Tit. Hon. P. 985- (c) F. 342. b. (d) Col. 1058. (e) Hemingford p. 495. Him, 250 A History of Convocations. 2 Him; or only the Laws of his Realm, may be doubted. M. Paris, in the Lives (a) of the Abbots, of St. Albans obferves that Hen. II. forbad all the Bishops of his Kingdom, to excommunicate any of his Optimates. But that was no new Law made by him: For the Conqueror did the fame. De Diceto (b), an Author of the fame Age, tells us, that K. Henry would not fuf- fer, not only his Servants and Tenants in Capite, but neither any Captain, nor any Soldier of his to be excommunicated without his Knowledge. Arch- bishop Becket, fays he, having excommunicated the Lord of the Village of Sineford for turning out a Clerk whom he prefented (or collated) to that Li- ving, as pretending to the Patronage of it; the K. was extream angry at it, becauſe he did not firſt certifie him of it. Afferit namq; Rex juxta dignita- tem regni, quod nullus Capitaneorum, nullus militans Re- gi, nullus minifter Regis, nullus fcil. ut vulgariter lo- quar, de Rege tenens in Capite Caftellum, villam, vel prædium, citra confcientiam Regis excommunicandus ab aliquo, ne fi fuper hoc Rex certioratus non fuerit, ig- norantia lapfus communicet excommunicato; capitaneum fuum venientem ad fe, vel invitans ad ofculum, vel re- cipiens in confilium. Hoveden (d) mentions a Law concerning Forefts, made by him at Woodstock. Hemingford (c) tells us, that in the very beginning of his Reign, publice Legis in primis folicitudinem ba- buit, ut Lex que extincta videbatur paulatim exurgeret,&c. quæ ordinatis in cunctis Regni finibus viris & Legum mini- ftris, qui improborum audaciam coercerent. (d) P. 1030. (b) Chron. Col. 536. de Archiep. Cant. p. 689. (c) p. 491. (d) f. 446. Parlia : { A History of Convocations. 251 • 1 Parliaments under Ric. I. Enry II. dying July 6. 1189. his Son Ri- chard I. was Crown'd Sept. 3. at what time he ſwore, quod malas Leges & iniquas confuetudines, fi aliquæ fuerint in regno fuo delebit, & bonas obfervabit. There were prefent, fays (a) Paris, omnes Epifcopi, Comites, Barones, & regni Magnates. And there fate at Table with him Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Co- mites, & Barones, fecundum fuum ordinem & dignita- tem, cum Clero & Populo. Where by Populus it is plain, that the Perfons of Quality under the De- gree of the Nobility are to be understood. Radulfus de Diceto (b),who was there prefent; Ad vocationem Ar- chiepifcopi Cant. Ecclefia Suffraganei Lundoniæ convenerunt 3. Non. Sept. ad Coronationem novi Regis. Convenerunt etiam Abbates & Conventualium Ecclefiarum Prio- res. Mater Comitis Alienor Regina de vocatione omni- um Comitum, Baronum, icecomitum fuit follici- ta-Comes itaq; Pictavorum Ricardus hæreditario jure promovendus in Regem poft tam Cleri quam Populi fol- lempnem & debitam electionem, involutus eft triplici fa- cramento, &. He was Crown'd, ſays Brompton (c), congregatis ibi Archiepifcopis, Comitibus, Baronibus, & multitudine Militum copiosa. -Et omnis turba Comi- tum, & Baronum, Militum & aliozum, tam Clerico- rum quam Laicorum. ufq; in atrium Ecclefiæ, & fic ufq; ad altum altare folempniter fequebatur. Quo cum perventum effet, coram prædictis Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, (a) P. 128. (b) Col. 647- See Hoveden f. 374. (c) Col. 1158. Abba 252 A Hiftory of Convocations. } Abbatibus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Clero & Populo, Ri- cardus Dux tria facramenta fecit-Et fic coronatus venit prandere. Et Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, & alii Clerici fecundum ordinem & dignitatem fuam, Comi- tes, Barones, Milites & aliæ perlenæ feculares, juxta eorum decentiam & nobilitatem epulabantur fplendide. I have already ſaid, that all the fame Perfons, who were obliged to come to Parliament, were alfo ob- liged to attend at the Coronations. the Sept. 14. in a Council or Parliament held at the Abby of Pipewell in Northamptonshire, the K. no- minated an Archbishop of York, with 4 other Bi- shops, &. Archiepifcoporum, Epifcoporum, & aliorum Magnatum fuorum fretus confilio: fays Paris (a). Hoveden (b) reckons up the feveral Bifhops who were there prefent; among whom were the Arch- biſhop of Dublin, and other Irish Bishops, with the Abbots and Priors fere totius Anglia. He adds, that the Archbishop of York being nominated, Archbishop of Canterbury forbad him to be confe- crated by any one but himſelf, and concerning that appeal'd to the Pope, coram Rege, & univer- fis Epifcopis, & Clero, & Populo. Radulfus de Di- ceto (c): Habitus eft generalis conventus juxta difpofi- tionem Regis, & Archiepifcopi 17. Kal. Octob. apud Pipewelle, ut de confilio vacantium per Angliam Ec- clefiarum haberetur tractatus, &c. Bromton (d). D. Rex venit ad Abbatiam quæ dicitur Pippewelle, & congregatis ibidem Baldewino Cant. Waltero Rotho- magenfi, & Johanne Dublinenfi Archiepifcopis, & om- nibus aliis fere Epifcopis, Abbatibus, & Prioribus regni. Quibus expletis, Rex & cæteri omnes ad fua bofpitia funt reverfi. Mane autem facto, venerunt iterum Rex, & Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, cum copiosa (4) P. 129. (b) f. 37 5. (c) Col. 648. (d) Col, 1161, Cleris A History of Convocations. 253 Clericozum & Laicorum multitudine ad Abbatiam præ- dictam, &c. Gervafe (a): 17. Kal. Octob. conve- nerunt apud Pipwelle Epifcopi, & Abbates Angliæ, ubi in præfentia Regis & Archiepifcopi, isti electi funt, &c. In October, the K. of France having fent the K. word that he had abfolutely engaged himſelf to be ready the next Eafter to go to the Holy-Land, and defiring that the K. would give him his Oath that he would be ready at the fame time: the K. con- vocatis Epifcopis & regni Proceribus apud Weftm. ob- lig'd the French Embaſſador to take an Oath in ani- mam Regis Francorum, and commanded the Earl Mar- fhal to fwear in Animam fuam, that he alſo would be ready at the fame time. Paris (b). Hinc factum eft, fays Hoveden (c), quod Ricardus Rex Angliæ, & Comites, Barones fui, qui Crucem fufceperant, in generali Concilio conftituti apud Londonias, jurave- runt tactis facrofanctis Evangeliis, &c. Bromton (d): Unde Rex Anglia congregatis Epilcopis, Comitibus, &Baronibus regni fui, Parliamentum Londoniæ fuper boc habuit & tractatum, in quo, &c. About the fame time, decima pars rerum mobili- um generalis, conceffa per Angliam (ut collecta ad fub- ventionem Terræ Sanctæ impenderetur) tam Clerum quam Populum exactione violentâ perterruit, quæ fub Eleemofynæ titulo, vitium rapacitatis inclufit. Paris. Nov. 29. a Parliament was held at Canterbury, where a Controverfie was decided between the Archbiſhop and the Monks of that Place, con- cerning the Chapel of Haketur, which the Arch- bishop had built, to the Prejudice of the Church of Canterbury, as the Monks thought. Radulfus de (a) Col. 1550. (b) P. 130. (c) f. 376. 1166. (d) Col. t Dice- 254 A Hiftory of Convocations. Diceto (a): Pax reformata fuit inter Archiepifcopum & Monachos fuos præfente Rege, præfentibus Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Clero, Baronibus & Populo multo 3 Kal. Decemb. &c. The K. came to Canterbury, fays Gervaje (b), cum Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, & Abbati- bus, & Proceribus multis. Agen in another place (c): Confluxit Cantuariam innumera Nobilium & plebis mul- titudo, Epifcopi, viz. & Abbates, Anglia, Comites,& Barones, inter quos & Rex Scotia David & Electus Ebor. Tanta itaq; convenit multitudo conditionis diver- la, quanta nunquam à retroactis temporibus in Cant. vifa eft, adeo ut in clauftro Monachorum Regis tentoria pone- rentur. They had appeal'd to the Pope about it, and a Legat was fent over to determine the Mat- But he landing at Dover without the King's leave, was there ftopt 13 Days; and in the mean time the Controverfie was determin'd. ter. An. 1190. the K. conftituted William Bishop of Ely, a Norman (who was alfo endowed with a Le- gatine Power, and was Chancellor too) Vice-Roy or Procurator of England, and together with Archbi- fhop Baldwin, &c. went towards the Holy-Land to defend it againſt the Saracens. The Archbishop dying at Acon ſoon after, the K. writes from Meffana in Sicily, to have the Archb. of Mount-Royal, chofen Archb. of Canterbury in his ftead. Upon this a Convention of the Bishops and Pro- ceres was fummon'd at Posthampton. Where it it was determin'd that the Matter fhould be deferr'd. Gervafe (d). About the fame time the Bishop of Ely, cepit ad opus D. Regis de unaquaq civitate Angliæ duos pale- (a) Col. 649. See Hoveden f. 377. (b) Col. 1678. (c) Col 1558. (d) Col. 1569. fridos, A Hiftory of Convocations. 255 fridos, & duos fummarios de auxilio: & de unaquaq; Abbatia Anglie unum palefridum, & unum fummarium, & de unoquoq; manerio Regis unum palefridum, & unum fummarium. Hoveden (a) and Bromton (b). The Biſhop with his great Power growing ex- tream infolent, John Earl of Moreton the King's Bro- ther, with the major part of the Barons, oppos'd him. Near Windfor, in the open Field at Loebolic-Bridge, a Conference was appointed to be held the Sunday af- ter Mich. Convenerunt ad colloquium Magnates Anglia,de magnis & arduis Regis & Regni negotiis tractaturi, fays Paris (c). But the Bishop coming to Windsor, and not daring to meet his Enemies for fear of being feiz'd, fled from thence to London, and fecur'd him- felf in the Tower. The Earl follows him to Lon- don, and there (d) tan Archiepifcopi, quam Epifcopi, tam Comites, quam Barones convencrunt in Capitulo S. Pauli Lundonie, pulfata campana que populum folet ad conveniendum urgere: Where they all fwore Fealty to the King. A few Days after (e), habitum eft colloquium ab Orientali parte Turris Lundonienfis. Præfens fuit Comes, Cancellarius, Archiepifcopi prædicti (of York and Roan) Pontifices, Comites, & Barones. And there it was agreed affenfu communi, that all the Caffles, which the Biſhop had committed to the Cuftody of his Familiars, ſhould be given up, and eſpecially the Tower. From thence the Bishop endeavouring to eſcape beyond-Sea, was feiz'd at Dover, and af- terwards was permitted by the Justices of the Kingdom to pa's over into Normandy. This was a. 1191. or, according to Gervafe, 1192. In a MS. Hiſtory (f) of (a) f. 378. b. (b) Col. 1171. (c) P. 139. (d) Rad. de- Dixto Col. 664. (e) lb. Col. 665. V. Bromion Col. 1226. and Paris. (f) Lambe hto. 47. + 1 Ric. 256 A History of Covocations. Ric. I. I find thefe Words: Barones Anglia info- lentiam Cancellarii non ferentes, de Cancellarid fud (meaning his Vicc-Roy-Power) eum communi confilio depofuerunt & Archiepifcopum Rotomagenfem loco e- jus fubftituerunt. To the fame purpoſe (a) He- mingford. The Chronicle of Mailros ad an. 1191. tells us, that the K. of England conftituted Arthur Duke of Brittain his univerfal Heir, if he fhould die with- out Iffue, Et hoc facramento Epifcoporum, &Comitum, Baronum fuorum fecit confirmari. This was done whilft he was in Sicily in his Expedition to the Ho- ly-Land, as other Hiftorians tell us. But I do not remember, that they ſay any thing of an Oath ta- ken by the Great Men there about him. An. 1193. the K. being made a Priſoner by the Archduke of Auftria, in his return from the Holy- Land, and by him deliver'd to the Emperor, the Sum of 100000 Marks was demanded for his Ranfom: To raiſe which the States of England met together, and affenfu communi ftatutum eft (b) what the feveral Degrees fhould pay towards it. Gervafe (c) tells us, that before this Collection was finish'd, Convo- cati funt iterum & iterum apud Londoniam tam Ec- clefiafticæ quam feculares perfonæ, ut fubtilius requirerent fi quid effet refiduum ad folvendum. An. 1194. Febr. 10. Earl John the King's Brother having fortified his Caftles, and fet up for him- felf, upon a Preſumption that the K. would never be Redeem'd, Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury call'd together the Biſhops, Earls, and Barons, who decreed, that all his Lands ſhould be feiz'd, and his Caftles befieged. Qui convocatis coram eo Epifcopis, & Comi- (a) P. 530. (b) Vide Rad. de Diceto Col. 670. Bromton Col. 1256. ?c) Col. 1584. tibus A History of Convocations. 257 tibus, & Baronibus regni & ftatim per commune con- filium regni definitum eft, &c. Hoveden (a) adds, that after this was done, the fame Day, the Arch- bishop, and Biſhops, with the Abbots, and divers Cler- gymen, went into a Chapel at Westminster, and ex- communicated the Earl and his Adherents: Eo- dem die Hubertus Cant. Arch. & Hugo Lincolnien- fis, &c. & Henricus Exonienfis Electus, & Abbates, Clerici multi Cantuarienfis Diceceleos, convenerunt in Capella Monachorum Infirmorum apud Weftm. & fententiam anathematis tulerunt, &c. Having done that, they entred an Appeal against the Bishop of Ely as Legat, to have him turn'd out. By Cant. Diæccfeos feems to be meant the Pavince of Can- terbury, as that Word is often ufed. But that thoſe Clergymen fate before in the Great Council, does not appear; tho' it's probable enough. Mr. Selden (b) mentions a Parliament held at Oxford this Year (the first of K. Ric. as he calls it, meaning the fifth) out of the Roll of Accounts of the Sheriffs of London and Middlefex 5 Ric. I. where are theſe Words: Laurentio Oftiario xx. folidos ad defe- rendas fummonitiones Regis per Angliam pro Concilio con- vocando apud Oxineford per breve Regis. And this he takes to be the fame with that above-mention'd. But in that I cannot agree with him. For Heve- den not only ſpeaks of that Parliament as heid in London, but with fuch particular Circumftances, as fhew that he could not mistake London for Oxford. I take this Parliament to be held a little before that mention'd by Hoveden. The K. being return'd out of his Captivity, (4) F₁, 13. b. (b) Tit. Hon. p. 7c6. S ว่ F 个 ​258 A History of Convocations. on March 30. (a) held a Council at Rottingham, wherein was prefent his Mother Q. Alienor, with the 2 Archbishops, who fate in the Council, the one on his Right Hand,the other on his Left,as the fame (b) Hiftorian obferves. There the K. diffeiz'd feveral of their Caſtles,and Vice-comitatus,and expos'd 'em to fale. The next Day, which was the 2d of the Council, he requir'd Judgment againſt his Brother the Earl, and his Adherent the Bishop of Coventry: who were accordingly fummon'd to make their Appear- ance within 40 Days. The next Day, celebravit tertium diem Colloquii fui: in quo conftituit fibi dari de unaquag; Carucata terræ totius Angliæ duos folidos. De- inde præcepit, quod unufquifq; faceret fibi tertiam partem Servitii militaris, ficut fingulus feodus apportat, ad tranf- fretandum cum illo in Normanniam. Deinde exigebat à Monachis Ordinis Ciftrenfis totam lanam fuam de hoe anno; fed quia hoc facere erat eis grave & importabible, fecerunt cum eo finem pecuniarium. 2da menfis Apr. Sabbato celebravit diem 4. & ultimum Concilii fui : in quo omnes tam Clerici quam Laici, qui volebant fibi conqueri de Archiepifcopo Ebor. fecerunt querimonias mul- tas de rapinis, & injuftis exactionionibus: fed Archie- pifcopus Ebor. nullum dedit eis refponfum. There an- other was accuſed of Treafon and other Crimes, who denying all that was laid to his Charge, his Accufers gave fecurity for the profecuting of him, and he gave fecurity de defendendo fe per unum de liberis hominibus fuis. At the fame time the K. ap- pointed a Day to be Crown'd a-new at Winchester (a) Mr. Selden p. 706. makes him return in May; which is a Miſtake. A MS. Chron. in Lambeth Library fol. 169. Jays, he landed at Sandwich die Domin. poft feftum S. Georgrii: on St. Gregory's Day, fays another MS. Hiſtory, ibid. 4to. 47. Menic Martio, Says Hemingford. (b) F. 419. the A History of Convocations. 259 nem the Eaſter following. A MS. Chronicle (a) tell us, that Johannem fratrem fuum tanquam ingratum & in- fidum judicio Procerum omni honore privavit. The Annals of Margan ad an. 1199. tell us, that K. John was Crown'd, contra judicium Archiepifcoporum, Epifco- porum, Comitum, & Baronum, & cmnium aliozum Magnatum Angliæ; quod factum fuit apud Rotting- ham præfente R. Ric. fratre fuo; ubi propter proditio- abjudicatus & exhæredatus fuit. Judici- um quoq fuit ut fummoneretur per tres quadragenas, ve- nire in Curiam R. Anglia ad refpondendum & defen- dendum corpus fuum, fi poffet. Sed nec venit, ne re- Sponfalem pro fe mifit: unde 3 Comites Pares fui miffi fuerant ad Curiam R. Francia, ut in eà de fupradictâ pro- ditione eum convincerent; fed & nec ibi comparuit, nec refpondit, nec fe defendit. Hemingford (b): Jo- banni fratri fuo omne jus priftinum & honorem im- penfum, Procerum fuorum folenni judicio, abjudica- vit. Of the Tax laid at that time as well upon the Clergy as the Laity, we have an Account in the fame Author. Apr. 6. at Malton the K. of Scotland demanding to be reſtored to the Earldoms of Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmerland and Lancaster, by the Right of his Predeceffors, the K. anſwered, that he would Satisfie him per confilium Comitum & Baronum fuorum. Hoveden. Apr. 9. they came both to ozthampton, ubi Rex Anglia habito cum Epifcopis, & Comitibus, & Baronibus fuis cum deliberatione Confilio, refpondit Regi Scotia, &c.. tamen Rex Angliæ in præfentiâ Alie- nor Matris fuæ, & Huberti Cant. Arch. & Gocelini Glafcuenfis Epifcopi, & aliorum multorum, tam Cleri- corum, quam Laicorum utriufq; regni, granted, and (a) Lambeth fol. 169. (b) P. 540. S 2 con- 260 A Hiftory of Convocations. confirmed by Charter to the K. of Scotland and his Heirs for ever, that whenfoever upon the K. of England's Summons, they fhould come to his Curia, the Bishop of Durham, and the Sheriff of Northum- berland fhould receive him at the River Tweede, and conduct him to the Taife, where he ſhould be receiv'd by the Archbishop of York and the She- riff of that County, and fo be conducted by the Biſhops and Sheriffs from County to County till he came to the King's Court, &e. Idem. Apr. 17 He was Crown'd a 2d time, at Winche- fter The Defcription of his Coronation you have in the fame Author (a). An. 1197. Dec. 7. in the King's abfence, there was a Convention of the Bishops, Abbots, Earls, and Barons of England, under the Archbishop at Drfozo: mention'd by (b) Gervafe. Convenerunt apud Ox- enefordiam Archiepifcopum Epifcopi Anglia, & Ab- bates, Comites quoq; & Barones. So I read, not as it is printed. He tells us, that it was fummon'd by 2 Monks fent throughout England. There is extant in Hoveden (c) a Law made by this K. an. 1197. concerning Weights and Measures, that they ſhould be the fame over all the King- dom. Affifa de menfuris facta per Rich. Regem Anglia. In the fame Law a Prohibition is included concern- ing Tinctures. He mentions alfo divers others (d) relating chiefly to his Forefts: which are entitled; Capitula Placitorum Corona Regis. Made with the Confent of the Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Earls, Barons, and the Knights of his whole Kingdom. Hac eft Affifa Domini Regis, & hæc funt præcepta de Foreftis (a) f. 420. (b) Col. 1600. (c) f. 440. b. (d) f. 445. b. 446. Suis A History of Convocations. 261 Juis in Anglia facta per allenlum & confilium Archie- pifcoporum & Epifcoporum & Abbatum, Comi- tum, & Baronum, & ilitum totius regni fui. M. Paris too mentions (a) the former concerning Weights and Measures, and fays it was made at Westminster on S. Edmund's Day, at the inftance of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Juftice of Eng- land: Eodem an. conftitutum eft à Rege Ric. ad inftantiam H. Cant. Archiepifcopi & Anglia Fufti- ciarii, &c. Of a great Tax which he laid on the whole Nation an. 1198. and the manner of affeffing and collecting it, fee Hoveden Fol. 443. It is there faid: Et omnes fervientes illi fummonebantur effe apud Londonias in Octavis claufi Pentecoftes, au- dituri & facturi præceptum D. Regis. In that Tax were excepted Libera Fecda Ecclefiarum Parochialium, i. e. the Knights Fees, or Mannorg annex'd to Parochial Churches. A MS. Chronicle (b) in Lam- beth Library places this Tax to the foregoing Year. An. D. 1197. Rex Ric. cepit de unaquaq; carucata terre totius Anglia 5 folidos de auxilio. K Parliaments under K. John. F 1199. Ing Rich. dying in Normandy Apr. 6. 1 Earl John his Brother, who was likewife there at that time, fent over Hubert, Archbishop of Canterbury, with others in all haft to fecure the Kingdom of England to him; who, as (c) Hove- (a) Ad an. 1197. (b) 4to 144. (c) f. 450. b. S 3 den 262 A History of Convocations. den tells us, fecerunt homines regni, tam de civitatibus, quam de Burgis, & Comites, & Barones, & libere Tenentes, jurare fidelitatem & pacem Johanni con- tra omnes homines. But all the Bishops, Earls, and Barons, who had Castles, beginning to fortifie 'em, the Archbishop, with Geffry the fuftice of England, &c. call'd together the Earls and Barons, of whom they doubted, at Northampton, and gave 'em an af- furance of Earl John's good Inclinations and Inten- tions, and fo prevail'd upon 'em to fwear Fealty and faithful Service to him. K. John was Crown'd at Westminster May 27. affi- ftente Prælatorum, Comitum, & Baronum, & aliozum nobilium multitudine infinitâ, fays (a) Bromton: Con- gregatis Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Comitibus, & Baro- nibus, atq; aliis omnibus qui ejus Cozonationi inter- elle debuerant, fays Paris (b),: Who tells us, that at his Coronation, Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury, in the midft of 'em all, ftood up and made a Speech, which begun with thefe Words: Noverit difcretio veftra, quod nullus praviâ ratione alii fuccedere habet regnum nifi ab Univeratate Regni unanimiter, invocatâ Spiritus gratiâ electus,& fecundum morum fuorum eminenti- am præclcctus, &c.— quem nos,invocata Spiritus S. gratiâ, ratione tam meritorum quam fanguinis Regii unanimiter elegimus univerfi. He adds, that upon this, the whole Convention chofe and took him for their King, and that the Archbishop being ask'd, why he ſpoke after that manner, made this Anſwer, That he forefaw by fome Prefages and Oracles, that the K. would prove a very ill Prince, & ne haberet liberas babenas hoc faciendi, ipfum electione, non fucceffione here- ditaria, eligi debere affirmabat. This part at leaſt, I take to be an idle Monkiſh Story, fuch as Paris has too many of. But certain it is, that K. John was (a) Col. 1281. (b) P. 165. not A History of Convocations. 263 i not the right Heir of the Crown, but Arthur Duke of Brittain, who was Son to Geffry his elder Brother. He ſays in one of his Charters, that he came to the Crown, Jure Hæreditario, mediante tam Cleri puli, unanimi confenfu & favore. quam Po- In his firft Year, he made a Statute con- cerning the Price of Wine; mention'd by Hove- den (a). An. 1200. Regni 2. the Archbishop of York, for refufing to go over into Normandy with the K. and for not permitting the King's Servants capere denarios carucarum in terrâ fuâ ficut in aliis partibus regni factum eft, had his whole Income feiz'd into the King's Hands, and was fummon'd to appear in the King's Curia, to anfwer for it. But there at Westminster Huberto Cant. Archiepifcopo, & Magnatibus præfentibus, the K. was reconcil'd to him. Paris (b). About Midſummer he took 3 Shillings for an Aid, of every Carucat of Land throughout all England. Hove- den (c). A MS. Chronicle (d) places it to his firſt Year. Nov. 22. He held a Parliament at Lincoln, where William K. of Scotland fwore Fealty to him upon the Archbishop's Crofs in the open Field upon the Hill there. Hoveden (e) reckons up the Great Men that were there prefent, and were Witneffes to it. It was coram Optimatibus utriufq; & in confpectu omnis populi : ſays (ƒ) Bromton. They came together, fays Paris (g), cum universâ nobilitate tam Cleri quam Po- puli utriufq; regni. And in confpectu omnis Populi did him Homage and fwore Fealty to him coram cunctis Magnatibus regni. Dr. Brady (g) is not willing to 454. b. (a) f. 453. (b) p. 170. See Hoveden f. 461. (d) Lambeth 4to. 144. (e) f. 461. b. 1285. (f) P. 171. (g) Introduct p. 209. S 4 (c) f. (e) Col. own ; ? 4 264 A Hiſtory of Convocations. own this to be a Parliament; becauſe, as he fays we find no Summons to it. But, by his Favour, Brom- ton calls it exprefly a Parliament, and mentions its being fummon'd. Apud Lincolniam omnes Angliæ Proceres & Potentes intererant. Nam Rex Johannes de Normannid in Angliam reverfus, Parliamentum fu- um, ufq; Lincolniam convecaverat. So the Annals de Margan: Concilio congregato ap. Lincolv, &c. Lin- coln was a place to which the Kings of England ve- ry feldom came, there being in hofe Days a fuper- ftitious Opinion, that it was dangerous for any K. to come into that City or at leaft into the Cathe- dral Church. Hoveden tells us, that he undauntedly, contrary to the Advice of many, entred into the Church. Paris fpeaks it of the City it felf. About the clofe of this Year he made a Statute relating to the Exchequer, which in Hoveden (a) is entitled: Confuetudines Scaccarii fuper debitis D. Regis inquirendis. It begins: Statutum eft, & per præceptum R. Johannis confirmatum quod, &c. من The fame Year, confilio regni & voluntate Regis, was decided a great Controverfie, between William Stutevil and Will. of Mowbray, touching a Barony z which had depended from the time of Hen. II. (b) Hoveden. An. 1201. he commanded the Earls and Barons to be ready with their Horfes and Arms at Whit- funtide to fail with him into Normandy. Interim Comites Anglia convenerunt ad colloquium apud Leices tre, & ex communi confilio mandaverunt Regi, quod non transfretarent cum illo, nifi ille reddiderit eis jura Sua. For which refufal, fays Hoveden (c) the K. being ill adviſed, required 'em to give up their Caftles to him. At laft the Barons of England thought fit (a) f. 453° (b) f. 456. b. (c) f. 465. b. to A History of Convocations. 265 to comply with him; and according to his Com- mand, met together at Portſmouth where fome of 'em were excufed from going over with him, upon paying fo much Money as they were like to expend in his Service. Whilft he was in Normandy, he fends over into England for a Contribution for the Holy- Land, of the 40th part of every Layman's In come, for one Year. Rex Anglia hoc ipfum mandavit fieri de reditibus, & efcaetis, & wardis fuis Angliæ : & præcepit, ut omnes Laici terrarum fuarum fimili mo- modo 40m partem reditusm fuorem darent in eleemofynam ad fubventionem terræ Ferofol. (a) Hoveden. Geffry Earl of Effex Chief-Juftice of England, in his Man- date to his Sheriffs, fays, the K. had granted it upon the Pope's Defire. But it appears that it was only requested by the K. not arbitrarily impofed. For fo the Hiftorian adds: Scripfit D. Rex omnibus Anglic Magnatibus per literas patentes; rogans & inducens eos, quatenus puro corde, & charitatis intuitu idem illud de va- lore omnium redituum, & terrarum fuarum unius anni. concederent; quod quidem nec debito, nec de confuetudine, nec de coactione, nec de aliquâ authoritate Apoftolica conce- ditur, vel poftulatur. An. 1204. Jan. 2. a Parliament was held at Dt- fozo, where an Aid was granted by the Laity, and, the Bishops and Abbots too promis'd the like, but did not there actually grant any. When they are faid to have promis'd, the meaning feems to be, that they promis'd to convene their refpective Clergy, and the Monks of their refpective Convents to con- fider of it. M. Paris (b). An. gr. 1204. Rex Joh. Natale Domini celebravit apud Cant. Huberto Cant. Archiepifcopo omnia neceffaria feftivitati Regiæ minftrante. (a) f. 471° (b) p. 1076. Deinde 266 A Hiftory of Convocations. Deinde in craftino Circumcifionis convenerunt ad Colloqui- um apud Droniam Rex & Magnates Angliæ: ubi con- ceẞa funt Regi auxilia militaria, de quolibet Scuto fcil.. due marca & dimidia: Nec etiam Epifcopi, & Abbates, five Ecclefiafticæ perfonæ, fine promiffione recefferunt. Mat- thew of Westminster recites the fame Words; only for ET Abbates, he has VEL Ab. But Paris's feems to be the truer Reading. By, five Eccl. Perfonæ, I do not underſtand other Eccl. Perfons, diftinct from the Bishops and Abbots: but only in the fame Senſe as if it had been ſaid, nec etiam Eccl. Perfonæ, fcil. Epifcopi & Abbates. I fay, this feems to be Paris's meaning; tho' 'tis probable there were fome o- thers there preſent befides Bishops and Abbots, viz. Priors, who are often comprehended in the Name of Abbots. The Patent Roll of 5 Job. m. 1.n. 3. (a) mentions an Affife of Beer and Wine, made per commune Confili- um Baronum noftrorum, at Wincheßer. In his 6th Year he made certain Laws for the defence of the Kingdom, communi affenfu Archie- pifcoporum, Epifcoporum, Comitum, Baronum, & omni- um fidelium noftrozum Angliæ as the Words are of a Roll (b) of that Year. And this evidently proves the Autority of the Commons of England (or of the inferiour Feudataries) in Parliament, at that time.. We have this Year a Writ of Summons (c), the eldeſt that has been yet found, fent out to the Bi- fhop of Salisbury, in which he is required not only to come to the Council (or Parliament) himſelf, but also to fummon the Abbots and Conventual Priozs of his Diocefe. The Words are too plain and (a) Cited by Pryn Pref. Parl. Writs. Vol. 1. and by Seld. Tit. Hon. p. 707. (b) Seld. Tit. Hon, p. 707. (c) Ibid. p. 708. exprefs A History of Convocations. 267 exprefs to admit of that Conftruction which a late (a) learned Author has put upon 'em : That by Ab- bots and Conv. Priors, perhaps may be meant all thofe of the Clergy below Bishops. Moſt certainly not. Tho' Hiftorians fometimes mention only the Chief: Yet Writs of Summons are always exact, and can be underſtood no otherwife than according to the Letter. Mandamus vobis rogantes quatenus omni occafione & dilatione poftpofitâ, ficut nos & honorem noftrum diligitis, fitis ad nos apud London die Dominica prox. ante Afcenfionem Domini nobifcum tractaturi de magnis & arduis negotiis noftris, & Communi regni utilitate. Quin fuper his quæ à Rege Franciæ per nuntios nostros & Juos nobis mandata funt, unde per Dei gratiam bonum fpera- mus provenire, veftrum expedit habere confilium, & alio- rum Magnatum terræ noftræ quos ad diem illum & locum fecimus convocari. Vos etiam ex parte noftra & veftra Abbates & Priozes Conventuales totius Diocefis cita- ri faciatis ut Concilio prædicto interfint ficut diligunt nos & communem regni utilitatem. T. &c. M. Selden, to whom we are beholden for this Writ, obferves, that the Roll that hath it, hath no fuch Note of confimilia, to the reft of the Barons, as is ufually in other Clofe Rolls where Summons to Parliaments are entred. He obferves in the fame place (what I fhall here alfo mention) out of Fitz-Stephens's MS. Life of Archbishop Becket, that the firft Summons was of ancient Cuſtom dire- cted to the Archbishop of Canterbury, but that Hen II. when he fummon'd that Archbishop to the Parlia- ment of Northampton as a Delinquent, did not fummon him at all, as he did other Barons, but com- manded the Sheriff of Kent to cite him. Nec tunc enim (fays he) nec diu ante ei fcribere voluerat, quia (a) Rights of Convoc, p. 218. euma 268 A Hiftory of Convocations. eum falutare nolebat. Nec aliam per literas fibi directas folennem ac primam, ut antiqui moris erat, habuerat Archiepifcopus ad Concilium citationem. An. Regni 6. it was provided by Act of Parliament, that over all England there fhould be one Miles or Knight maintained for the defence of the Kingdom by 9 other Milites, who fhould allow him 2 s. a Day. And in this Parliament it is certain that the Commons of England, or the inferiour Feudataries under the Degree of the Nobility, Voted. For ſo we find in the King's Writ (a) ftill extant in the Patent Roll of that Year, Rex, &c. Vicecom. &c. Scias quod provifum eft communi affenfu Archiepif- coporum, Epifcoporum, Comitum, & Baronum & omni om Fidelium noftrozum Angliæ, quod, &c. The Archbishop of York, this Year, for oppo- fing the Sheriff of York in levying his Efcuage from his Tenants by Knights-Service, had his Tem- poralties feiz'd; to which he was the fame (b) Year reſtored upon his Submiffion. An. 1206. a Parliament was held at Drfo20, and an Aid granted. Annales de Margan. R. Johannes rediens de Pictavià coadunatis Magnatibus terræ apud Drenfozo, de affenfu cozum cepit 13. partem omnium catellorum hominum totius Angliæ. Pontifices vero & viri Religiofi cujufcunq; profeffionis effent, omnes indifcrete cum Rege & fuis, pro fe & hominibus fuis pacem fece- runt ut melius potuerunt. Wikes ad an. 1207. fays the K. extorted the 13th part of all the Moveables of his whole Kingdom, as well from the Religious and Secu Jar Clergy, as from the Laity, excepting only the Ciftercian Order. The Annals of Waverly ad an. 1207. tell us more particularly, that there was firft a Parliament held (a) Ap. Brady Introduct. F. 181. (b) Pryn's K. John p. 9. at A History of Convocations. 269 } at London in the beginning of Jan. in which were preſent the Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Ba- rons, and the Great Men of the Kingdom: That the K. required the Bishops and Abbots to permit the Parfons and Beneficed Clergy to give the K. a certain part of their Income. But this they would not con- ſent to. And fo the Matter was put off to another Council to be held at Drfo20 the Candlemas follow- ing, where were gathered together an infinite number of the Prelates of the Church, and of the Great Men of the Kingdom. And there the K. renewing his Demand, the Bifhops, &c. of both Provinces an- ſwered, that it had not been practis'd in former times, and therefore the Church could not com- ply with him. So the K. thought fit to acquiefce : But afterwards ordained throughout the whole Kingdom, that all Perſons, of whatsoever Tenure, fhould be put to their Oaths concerning the Value of their Goods and Chattels, and fhould give the 13th part of 'em to the K. for the recovery of Normandy, &c. which he had loft. R. Johannes poft reditum fuum d tranfmarinis, convocatis Epifcopis, Abbatibus, & Pri◄ oribus, Comitibus, & Baronibus, & agnatibus Regni celebravit Concilium Londoniis in Octavis Cir- cumcifionis: ibiq; convenit Epifcopos & Abbates, ut per- mitterent perfonas & beneficiatos Ecclefiarum dare Regi certam fummam redituum fuorum. In quod cum non confentirent Prælati Ecclefiarum, data eft dilatio ufq; ad fequens Concilium celebrandum Dyone in Octavis Pu- rificationis B. Mariæ, ibiq; congregata infinitâ multitu dine Prælatozum Ecclete & agnatum regni; exe- git ab Epifcopis & Abbatibus quod prius exegerat ab eis. Sed confilio inito omnes tam Cantuarienfes quam Ebo- racenfes METROPOLITÆ unanimiter refponderunt Anglicanam Ecclefiam nullo modo fustinere poffe, quod ab omnibus feculis prius fuit inauditum. Rex ergo faniori ufus confilio exactionem illam penitus relaxavit. Poftea genera- 270 A Hiftory of Covocations. generaliter ftatuit per univerfum regnum, ut omnes ho- mines de cujufcunq; feudo, jurarent pretium catellorum fuo- rum de immobili & mobili, & de fuis darent 13m. partem Regi. Ad quam colligendam mifit miniftros Juos per univerfos Comitatus Anglia. Ab hac exactione li- ber fuit Ordo Ciftercienfis. There is extant in the Patent Roll of this Year, viz. 8 fob. a Writ fent out by the K. to the Archdeacons, Officials, and Clergy of the Archbishoprick of Canterbury; by which it appears, that this Tax was laid not by the King's bare Autority, but by the conſent of the Bishops, Abbots, Priors, and Great Men of the Kingdom. And from the fame Writ it further appears, that they granted it only for themſelves, and not for the Inferiour Clergy; and that the Archdeacons and Inferiour Clergy were not in that Parliament. This Writ was afterwards fent to them, to defire an Aid from them. Rex (a) Archidiacono,Dfficiali,& toti Clero Archie- pifcopatus (b) Cant. Salutem. Notum fatis, quod Archiepif- copi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Priores, & Magnates Regni noftri auxilium Nobis fecerunt ad defenfionem Regni noftri &recuperationem terrarum noftrarum.Ve rum quia de vobis confidimus, quod Nos & Honorem noftrum diligitis, & defenfionem regni nostri & recuperationem terrarum no- ftrarum affectatis, vos rogamus attentius, quatenus tale auxilium Nobis exemplo accepto ex parte veftra faciatis, ut inde vobis gratias dare debeamus. Et quod alii Re- &tores Ecclefiarum intuitu veftri ad auxilium Nobis faci- endum exemplo veſtro facilius invitentur: & quantitatem auxilii quod nobis quilibet veftrum facere voluerit, quili- (a) Ap. Pryn. Parl. Writs Part 1. Pref. and agen with fome Variations in his Hift. of K. John, p. 10. out of the Pat. Roll, 8 Johan. (b) By Archiepifcopatus Cant, feems to be meant the par- ticular Diocese of Canterbury; and fo according to this Form the Archdeacons, &c. of other Diocefes were fent to: or else it ſhould have been Archidiaconis, Officialibus, &c. bet A History of Convocations. 271 bet veftrum feparatim faciat. Ita quod per ipfos in Octa- bis fanctæ Trinitatis inde poffimus teftificari. T.m. ap. Ebor, 26. Maii. At the fame time the Clergy being met together at St. Albans to confider of granting the Pope a Subfidy, the K fends 'em a Prohibition, dated at York the fame Day, May 26. telling 'em that the univerfitas Comitum, Baronum, Militum, & aliozum fidelium no- frozum, had complain'd to him of that Matter. An. 1207. he kept his Christmas at Winches ter, præfentibus Magnatibus regni. Paris and M. Westm. + I The Candlemas following he laid ſo heavy a Tax on both the Clergy and Laity, that the Archbishop of York choſe rather to leave the Kingdom than to fubmit to his Tyranny, as Paris tells us. So alfo Matt. of Weftm. In Purificatione B. Mariæ, tantum de rapinâ cogitans, & ponens fpem & brachium in pecuniæ thefauris, cepit per totam Angliam 13m partem ex om- nibus mobilibus, & rebus aliis, tam de Laicis, quam vi- ris aliis Ecclefiafticis, & Prælatis cunctis murmurantibus, & contradicere non audentibus, &c. He adds, that the Archbishop of York, upon his departure out of Eng- land, denouriced an Anathema upon all in general, and eſpecially in his own Province, that were con- cerned in that Rapin. و An. 1208. the K. kept his Christmas at Windfor and there diftributed many Festival Robes to his Mi- lites as I have (a) elſewhere obferved. And the fame kind of Solemnity there was in the Year 1201. at Guilford; and afterwards agen at Windfor : an. 1214. The fame Year, viz. 1208. William de Braufe, with his Wife and Family was forced to fly out of the (a) Vide fupta p. 139, 140. Realm, ነ 272 A Hiſtory of Convocations. Realm, after he had offered to make the K. Satisfa- ction, fecundum judicium Curiæ fuæ & Baronum pari- um meorum (a) Idem. About the middle of the Year 1207 Stephen Lang- ton being chofen Archbishop of Canterbury, againſt the King's Command, the Prior and Monks of Can- terbury, who choſe him, were baniſh'd the King- dom. The K. feiz'd the Archbishoprick into his Hands, and becauſe the Pope had confecrated him Archbishop, facta eft hoc anno prohibitio D. Regis, ne Placita D. Papa in Anglia teneantur, fay the Waverly Annals. The next Year, the K. peremptorily refu- fing to admit the new Archbishop, the whole King- dom was by the Pope put under an Interdict March 24. which lafted above 6 Years. The Bishops and Clergy, obeying the Interdict, all their Poffeffions were immediately commanded to be feized into the King's Hands: and they on the other fide ex- communicate all Perfons whatfoever who fhould prefume to meddle with the Eflates of the Church, excepting none but the Perfons of the K. and Queen, and the King's Justice. An. 1209. all the Free-men of England fwear Al- legiance to the King. And the K. Tends his Nuncii to Canterbury, viz. (b) Bishops, and Earls, and Arch- deacons, and Barons, to meet the Bishops of London, Ely, and Worcester, the Executors of the Pope's Mandate. Theſe Bishops there meeting the Mag- nates fent from the K. for fome Days together they treat de pace Regni & Sacerdotii, and Articles were agreed upon, in which the Biſhops require a Reftitution of all things taken from the Church. That the K. not agreeing to, they gave him fome further time to confider of it, refolving, if he did (a) P. 191. (b) Annal. Waverly p. 191. not A History of Convocations. 273 1 not comply, to denounce the Sentence of Excom- munication againſt his own Perfon. A Meeting is appointed between the K. and the Archbishop at Chilebam, where there were preſent many Great Men. But the Biſhop perfifting in the fame De- mand, nothing was done, and fo he retired agen beyond-Sea. The K. feizes into his Hands the Pof- feffions of the Black Friars in Suffex. An. 1210. he kept his Christmas at Minoloz, præ- fentibus omnibus Anglia Magnatibus, & communicanti- bus ei, non obftante fententiâ quâ fuerat innodatus. (a) Pá- ris and Weſtm. The fame Year, under the pretence of recovering Normandy, he (a) exacts a vaft Sum of Money, as well from the Clergy as the Laity. He fends a Letter to the Archbiſhop, to deſire him to meet him at Dover, with another Letter from the (b) Magnates Angliæ, aſſuring him of fafe Con- duct. But the K. coming thither without the Great Men who had writ to that purpoſe, the Archbishop would not come over to him. Being to go upon an Expedition into Ireland, he demands a Subfidy from the Ciftercian Monks, as well as the others; which becauſe they would not grant him, he forced from them, fo as to com- pel them to feek a Maintenance from other Mo- nafteries. The Woods belonging to the Archbi- ſhoprick he utterly deftroyed, fo as not to leave a Tree ftanding. Being in Ireland, as his Father K. Henry had done before him, he agen impos'd the Laws and Cu- ftoms of England upon that People, who had lately revolted, and were returned to their old Cuftoms. (a) Annals Waverly. (b) Ibid. T Fecit 274 A Hiftory of Convocations. 114 Fecit Rex ibidem conftruere Leges & Confuetudines An- glicanas ponens Vice-comites aliofq; miniftros,qui populum regni illius juxta Leges Anglicanas judicarent. (a) Paris. Returning out of Ireland in Triumph, in Sept. he conven'd all the Prelates in England at London, Ab- beffes and all, and forc'd 'em to redeem their Pri- vileges with a vaft Sum. Londonias cum feftinatione properans, fecit omnes Angliæ Prælatos in fuå præfentiâ convenire. Venerunt autem ad hanc generalem vocatio- onem, Abbates, Priores, Abbatiæ, Templarii, Ho- fpitalarii, Cuftodes Villarum Ordinis Cluniacenfis, & alia- rum regionum tranfmarinarum, cujufcunq; Dignitatis & Ordinis. Qui omnes ad tam gravem compulfi funt re- demptionem, ac rerum Ecclefiafticarum dilapidationem, quod fumma extortæ pecuniæ excreviffe fertur ad centum millia librarum Sterlingorum. Albi quoq; Monachi in regno Angliæ, aliis exceptis. 40000 librarum argenti in hoc tallagio (vellent nollent) caffatis privilegiis Rege perfol- verunt. Cujus rei feriem fi quis plenius profequeretur; lacrymas excuteret Tyrannorum, & animas audientium perturbaret. Idem. · An. 1211. he kept his Chriſtmas at York, præfenti- bus Comitibus & Baronibus regni. Idem. An. 1212, at the King's requeſt, the Pope fends his Legats Pandulphus and Durandus into England to endeavour to compromiſe this great Difference. Who in a Convention at $202thampton, becauſe the K. refus'd to reftore what he had taken away from the Church, Excommunicate him, and ab- folve all his Subjects from their Obedience. An. 1213. the French K. being about to invade England by the Pope's Inftigation, K. John feeing all things now defperate, and not knowing whom to truft, fubmits himfelf to the Pope; and Pan- dulphus being again fent over hither, at Dover he (a) p. 192. refigns A Hiftory of Convocations. 275 1 refigns his Kingdom of England and Dominion of Ireland to the Pope,and engages to pay him a yearly Tribute of 1000 Marks for England, and 3000 for Ireland; and promifes withal, to reſtore what he had taken from the Church. The Magnates Anglia were to fee all this perform- ed. They met there, fays (a) Paris, on May 13. cum Comitibus, Baronibus, & turba multa nimis: and fome Articles being agreed upon, they met together agen, cum Proceribus regni on May 15. and there the Buſineſs was compleated. Matthew of Weft. and a MS (b) Annaliſt, tell us, that this Sub- miffion was fign'd and fworn to à multis Comitibus &Baronibus terræ. The Inftrument of his Sub- miffion is extant both in Paris and in the Waverly Annals, but with many Variations. In the Waver- ly Copy the K. declares, that he did it ad opti- mum confilium Baronum noftrorum: So in that of Paris; communi confilio Earonum noftrorum. By vertue of this Submiffion, an. 40. E. 3. the Pope that then was, demanded of the K. Ho- mage for his Dominions, and the Arrearages of Tribute due to him, threatning, that if it were not paid, he was refolv'd to proceed againſt him. Upon which K. Edward call'd a Parliament ; and there it was refolv'd, that K. John had no power to difpofe of his Dominions, or to make 'em Tributary to any one, without the Confent of the Lords and Commons. Upon which Anfwer the Pope thought fit to acquiefce. The Record of which Parliament may be feen in Sir Ed. Coke's (c) In- stitutes. (a) P. 197, (b) Lambeth 40, 160. (c) Inftitut. 4. P. 13, 14. T 2 The 276 A Hiftory of Convocations. The Archbishop and banish'd Biſhops being re- call'd into England, K. John at firft was very un- willing to fee 'em, till the Great Men of the King- dom, who had entred into the fame Engagement with him, compell'd him to it. Coegerunt eum Co- mites& Barones, fay the Waverly Annals, dicentes, Quoniam oportet te, O Rex, jufjurandum quod Tu & Nos in amnestiam tuam juravimus, firmiter fine dila- tione tenere. In compliance with them, he went to meet the Archbishop at Winchester, and falling down at his Feet, You are welcome, Father, fays he, and kiffed him. And there the Archbishop abfolv'd him from the Sentence of Excommunication. In the MS. Eulogium, and in another MS. Hiftory (a) we are told, that there were then gather'd together at Winchester the Earls, Barons, Brights and Freeholders (that is, a Parliament) Adventione Archiepifcopi in Angliam cognita, Rex & Pandulfus, Comites, Barones, Hilites, & libere tenentes Wintonix, Archiepifcopo in obviam adierunt. Rex visâ facie Epifcopi (Archiepif- copi) pronus in terram cecidit, adorans, & dicens ; Pa- ter reverende, veniam peto de malis erga te commiffis, & in terra noftra bene venemini (veniftis) in pace; fa- tisfactionem promittendo. Theſe are the Words of both thoſe MS. Authors. The Lambeth Hiſtory tells us, that theſe things were done on St. Margaret's Day, an. 1225. It should be, without doubt, 1215. but neither is that true. The Eulogium adds, that the K. promis'd the Bi- fhops at the fame time, to obferve the Laws of . Edward. Epifcopis redeuntibus, & Rege de eorum ad- ventu audiente, mifit ad eos Comites, Barones, & multos regni proceres ad tractandum de pace inter ipfum & ipfos, (a) Lambeth fol. Vol, 196. น Y S る ​"A Hiftory of Convocations. 277 & Archiepifcopum Stephanum, & Priorem, & Con- ventum Cant. & omnem Clerum, promittens, omnia Spo- lia reftituere, & quod de cætero omnes libertates Ecclefi- afticas fuftineret, & Statuta S. EDWARDI fine læfione obfervaret. This was in the Church of Winchester, and M. Paris too mentions the fame thing. He fwore, fays he (a) quod bonas Leges antecefforum fuo- rum, & præcipue Leges EDWARDI R. revocaret, & ini- quas deftrueret, &c. Having promis'd to make Reftitution to the Cler- gy, he commands the Sheriffs throughout the whole Kingdom, to ſend up out of every Village of his De- meafns 4 Subſtantial Men, together with the Præpofitus of every fuch Village, to S. Albans, Aug. 4. that from them, and other Officers, he might find out what the Biſhops and Clergy had been difpoil'd of. Mi- fit Rex literas ad omnes Vice-comites regni Angliæ præci- piens ut de fingulis Dominicorum fuorum Villis, quatuo2 legales homines cum Præpofito, apud S. Albanum, pridie Nonas Augufti faceret convenire: ut per illos & a- lios Miniftros fuos, de damnis fingulorum Epifcoporum & ablatis certitudinem inquireret, & quid fingulis deberetur. Thus Paris (b). Who a little after calls this Meeting a Council (or Parliament) and tells us, there were pre- fent in it the Biſhops and Great Men of the King- dom and that there the K. enacted, that the Laws of his Grandfather (it fhould be his Great-Grandfather) Henry fhould be obſerv'd, and all the Laws (fuch as then were complain'd of) fhould be laid aſide. Inter- fuerunt Concilio apud S. Albanum Galfridus filius Petri (the Chief-Juftice) & Epifcopus Wintonienfis, cum Archiepifcopo, & Epifcopis, & Magnatibus regni: ubi cunctis pace Regis denunciata, ex ejufdem Regis parte firmiter præceptum eft, quatenus Leges Henrici Avi fui : (a) p. 201, (b) p, 201. H T 3 278 A History of Convocations. 1 ३ 1 ab omnibus in Regno cuftodirentur; & omnes Leges ini- quæ penitus enervarentur. The K. about this time defigning to make a Deſcent into Poitau, and being deferted by his Great Men, for want of Money, rais'd an Army to make War upon them. Upon this the Archbiſhop came to him at Northampton, and remonftrated to him, that it was againſt his late Oath to wage War a- gainſt any one without the Judgment of his Court. Which the K. hearing, with great Fury he told the Archbishop, that he would not defer the Affairs of the Kingdom for him, in regard Lay-Judgments did not belong to him. The Archbishop follow'd him from thence to Nottingham, declaring to him peremptorily, that if he did not defift ſpeedily from his purpoſe, he would excommunicate any one whatſoever, (excepting Him only) who fhould bear Arms againſt any one before the Interdict were taken off. So by this he prevailed up- on him to defift, and to appoint a Day for the Barons to come to his Curia to have their Cauſe · heard. Aug. 25. in a Great Council held at St. Paul's, the feverity of the Interdict was a little remitted by the Archbishop. Paris mentions that in that Coun- cil the Deans were prefent. 8. Cal. Sept. convene- runt in Civitate Londoniarum apud S. Paulum, Stepha- nus Cant. Archiepifcopus, cum Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Decanis, & Baronibus regni : Ubi Archiepifco- pus indulfit tam Ecclefiis Conventualibus, quam Presbyteris fecularibus, ut horas Canonicas in Ecclefiis fuis, audien- tibus Parochianis, ſuppreſsâ voce cantarent. : The Waverly Annals make this an Ecclefiaftical Synod and I fhould not have mention'd it here a mong the Parliaments, had not Paris called it a Colloquium, which is a uſual Name for Parlia- ments. In ! TV A History of Convocations. 279 In this Colloquium, as Fame goes (fays Paris) the Archbishop having call'd afide fome of the Proceres, recounted to 'em, how at Winchester he had oblig'd the K. to fwear, quod Leges iniquas deftrueret, & Leges bonas, viz. Leges Edwardi revocaret, & in regno faceret ab omnibus obfervari. And now (fays he) there is found a certain Charter of K. Henry I. by which, if you please, you may recover your former Liberties. And fo producing the Charter, he read it to 'em. Which when the Barons had heard, they were all extream glad, and took an Oath in the Archbishop's Prefence, that as foon as they had a fit Opportunity, they would contend for thofe Li- berties, even, if need were, unto Death. The Archbishop promis'd to affift 'em to the utmoſt of his Power, and fo having engag'd themſelves in that Confederacy Colloquium folutum eft. The fame Year, viz. 1213. Regni 15. a Parliament was held at Oxford Nov. 1. to which were fum- mon'd 4 Knights for every Shire, together with all the nights within the King's Bailliages. The Writ of Summons is extant in the Clofe Rolls of that Year, out of which it is publish'd by Mr. (a) Selden in this odd Form. Rex Vicecomiti Oxon. Salutem. Præcipimus tibi quod omnes Milites Ballivæ tuæ qui fummoniti fuerunt adeffe apud Oxoniam ad nos à die Omnium Sanctorum in xv. dies, fine armis fingulariter: iv. difcretos Milites de Co- mitatu tuo illuc venire facias ad nos ad eundem terminum ad loquendum nobifcum de Negotiis Regni noftri. T. m. a- pud Witten. xi. die Novembris. Eodem modo fcribitur omnibus Vicecomitibus. } 1 (a) Tit. Hon, p. 170. T 4 280 A Hiftory of Convocations. An. 1214. Regni 16. June 15. a Parliament was held at the Temple in London, in which the K. grant- ed the Church a Charter (a) for the free Election of Prelates, de communi confenfu Baronum noftrorum. In the MS. Eulogium a Parliament is mention'd as held at London July 7. 1214 confifting of all the Cler- gy and Laity, in which the K. is ſaid to be releaſed from all Homage and Fealty to the Pope. Anno 1214. Convocatum eft Parliamentum Londoniis præfidente Ar- chiepifcopo cum totó Clero, & totâ fectâ Laicali. Per Papæ præceptum illa obligatio præfata, quam Rex Do- mino Pape fecerat cum Fidelitate & Homagio relaxatur omnino 7. die Julii. Et in craftino pulfate funt Cam- pana per totam Civitatem Londoniarum, & infra dies 3. fequentes per totam Angliam Miſſe celebrantur. The ve- ry fame Words I find in another MS. Hiſtory (b), in Lambeth Library. But after all, this was no- thing but a Council held under Nicholas Bishop of Tufculum the Pope's Legat, in which the Interdict was taken off, which had lain upon the Kingdom above 6 Years. And for that it was (not for any Releaſe of Homage granted by the P. to the K.) that the Bells are faid to have rung all over London the next Day: And fo (as the Author fays) there were Malles faid in the Churches throughout all England in 3 Days after. The Earls and Barons of England, meet together at St. Edmund's, under pretence of paying their De- votions, ad Colloquium, to confider what to do to re- trieve thofe Liberties which were granted to the Church and Kingdom by the Laws of K. Edward and K. Henry the Firft's Charter; and there in the Church of St. Edmund, at the great Altar, they all take an Oath, beginning from the greateft (a) Extant in Paris p. 201. and agen p. 791. (b) fol.vol.169. down- 3 A Hiftory of Convocations. downward, that if the K. would not grant 'em thofe Laws and Liberties, which are granted by that Charter, they would make War upon him till they had forced him to it; that after Chriſt- mas they would require him to do it, and in the mean time provide themſelves for War. Ac- cordingly after Christmas they addrefs themſelves to him in a Warlike Equipage, petitioning him to confirm certain Liberties and Laws of K. Edward, with other Liberties granted the Church and Kingdom of Eng- land in the Charter of Hen. I. and telling him, that by his Oath which he had took at Winchester at his Ab- folution, he had oblig'd himſelf to do it. And thus began that famous War which is called the Barons War. Both fides prepare themfelves for War, the K. being at Oxford, and the Barons ad- vancing to. Brackly; he fends the Archbiſhop with o- ther Lords to 'em, to know what thofe Laws and Liberties were which they claimed: They fend him a Schedule containing for the most part, fays Paris, the ancient Laws and Customs of the Kengdom; which when the K. had heard read, with great Indignati- on, And why, fays he, together with thofe Exactions do they not require the Kingdom? They are vain fuperstiti- ous things which they defire,and that have not the least shew of Reason: fwearing withal, that he would never grant them fuch Liberties, as would make himself a Servant. The K. being foon after fo forfaken by all the Great Men, as to have ſcarce 7 Horsemen to attend him, finds it neceffary at laft to comply. So he fends to the Barons, and a Day is appointed, June 15. for a Colloquium to be held in the open Field be- tween Stanes and Windfor. The K. there appeared with the Archbishop of Canterbury, and other Bi- fhops, and fome few Lords, who feem'd outwardly to take his part. On the Barons fide appeared to- ta Angliæ nobilitas in unum collecta, the K. finding - that 281 I 282 A History of Convocations. r that their Power was much too great for him, fub- ſcribed their Charter without any difficulty. The whole being too big for one Schedule, it was therefore divided, as Paris fays, into 2 Charters, whereof the latter is called the Charter of the Fo- reft. Both of 'em are extant in (a) Paris, where the latter is fubfcribed in thefe Words: Data per manum noftram in prato quod vocatur Kiningemade, in- ter Stanes & Windelefhores, 15. die Junii, an. r. n. 17. In a very ancient MS. of (b) Lambeth Library, it is all contained in one Charter; and it differs (c) very much from that in Paris: and is in fome Parts evidently truer. The Subfcription is the fame; only for Riningemade, it has Kunemede. Concern- ing which place I remember I have ſpoken (d) elſewhere. In the Cotton Library and at Salisbury there are 2 Originals (e) of K. John's Charter, which agree with (a) P.215. (b) 4to. 47. (c) From the beginning to thoſe Words in Paris, p. 217. lin. 51. (edit. 1684.) funt propter fo- reftam, there is no great difference. But after that to p, 219. 1. 28 it differs very much. From thence to the end it, is the fame; only that which is ſaid in Paris, p. 219. 1. 59, &c concerning the Ca- Atellans of Northampton, &c, the MS. has not at all. And that which follows concerning the removing the Strangers, it has in ano- place. And in Paris's Copy it is certainly misplac'd. The MS. Speaks only of removing 'em from their Baillyfhips, not of banishing 'em. The MS. has. Nos non faciemus Jufticios, Conftabularios Vicecomites, vel Baillivos, nifi de talibus qui fciant Legem regni, & eam bene velint obfervare: which (I think) is wanting in Paris. Agen, the MS. Speaks of Inquifition to be made about the Forefts in every County per 12 Milites juratos de eodem Comita- tu, qui debent eligi per probos homines ejufdem comitatus ; this too is wanting in Patis. (d) Vide fupra p. 34. (e) Mr. Sel- den T H. p. 714. fays, K. John's Charter is extant in the MS. Hi- Stories of Rog. VVendover and Th. Rudborne :mhich Copies can be no other than that in M. Paris. For as Paris tranfcribes Wendover, fo Rudborne follow'd Paris. J the A History of Convocations. 283 the Lambeth Copy, comprehending both Charters in one as that does. The K. not only fign'd it, but fwore to it, and in the Charter it felf 25 Barons are appointed to be choſen by the whole Baronage, to take care, and that upon Oath, to fee it well obferved. To any 4 of which, any one might complain of any Breach of it, and they were to admonish the K. of it; and if the Grievance were not redrefs'd within 40 Days after, then thofe 4 Barons were to refer the Matter to the reft of the 25. For whom it was lawful, together with the Commons of the Land (cum communa totius terra) to take Pof feffion of the King's Caftles and Poffeffions, and to opprefs him all manner of ways they could, fa- ving only his Perfon, and the Perfons of his Queen and his Children, till according to their Will the thing were amended. And all Perfons are al- lowed on fuch an occafion to take an Oath of Fi- delity to the Barons. The Names of the 25 Ba- rons who were nominated for this Truft, may be feen in Paris (a); who alſo reckons up a great many Lords who took an Oath to obey the Com- mands of thefe 25. A Confirmation of this Charter was procured from the Pope by the K. the Great Men, and the Pre- lates. And the K. fent his Letters Patents to all the Sheriffs of England, commanding 'em to oblige all Men within their Jurifdictions, of whatfoever Condition, to fwear, that they would obſerve theſe Laws, and, if need were, compel the K. to ob- ferve 'em. The MS. Eulogium, and, in the fame Words, an- other MS. Hiſtory in (b) Lambeth Library, give (a) P. 220. (b) Fol. 169. J this 284 A History of Convocations... this account of that Matter: Eodem anno (1215.) Comes Ceftria Radulfus Regem increpavit quod violaverat tot filias & uxores nobilium procerum regni ſui & maxime quia. Leges & Statuta, quas S. Edwardus ordinaverat. omnino dirimebat. Pro qua re Regem à regno privare cogitavit. Quia omnes regni Proceres coram Legato Pandulpho javati fuerunt ad Regi obfiftendum, nifi jura & ftatuta confirmaret & fuftineret. In that Charter, amongſt other things it is de- creed, that the Common-Pleas fhould not follow the Court, but fhould be ftationary in one certain place: That Itinerant Juftices fhould be fent thro' every County once a Year, to hold Affizes in each County, together with the Knights of the refpe- Ative Counties; and thoſe things which they could not determine in the proper Counties, fhould be determin'd in fome other place in their Circuit; and if any fuch Difficulty fhould arife, as they could not at all determine, it fhould be referred to the Justices of the (Kings) Bench. That Earls and Ba- rons fhould not be amerced but by their Peers: That no Tax fhould be rais'd without the conſent of Parliament, excepting only for the Redemption of the King's Perfon (if need were) or for Knight- ing his eldeſt Son, or for the Marriage of his eldeſft Daughter. In either of theſe 3 Cafes he might levy a Tax, but a reaſonable one, by his own bare Autority. That if on other occafions he wanted a Subfidy, the Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Earls, and greater Barons should be fummon'd fingly by different Writs; and all others in general who held of the K. in Capite, ſhould be ſummon'd by the Sheriffs and Bailliffs; to meet at a certain Day and Place; and that this Summons ſhould be iffued out 40 Days at leaft be- fore the time of meeting; and in the Writ of Summons, the Caufe of their being fummon'd fhould I A History of Convocations. 285 fhould be ſpecified and that at the time appointed the Buſineſs ſhould proceed, tho' all that had been fummon'd were not then met together. And be cauſe not only the K. but his Great Men had u- fed to Tax their Subjects at pleaſure, it was al- ſo provided, that no one whatfoever fhould tax his free Tenents, except only in thoſe 3 Cafes above- mention'd. I fhall produce the Words of the Char- ter, as they lie in the Lambeth Copy, which, as I faid, is very ancient, and as old, I believe, as M. Paris's own time. But in this part which relates to Parliaments, all Copies agree fo as to have no ma- terial difference. Nullum fcutagium vel auxilium (a) ponatur in regno noftro, nifi per commune confilium regni noftri, nifi ad corpus noftrum redimendum, vel primogenitum filium no- ftrum Militem faciendum, & ad filiam noftram primo- genitam femel maritandam. Et ad hoc non fiet nifi ra- tionabile auxilium. Simili modo fiat de auxiliis de Civi tate Londinenfi. Et Civitas London: babeat omnes antiquas libertates & liberas confuetudines fuas, tam per terras quam per aquas. Præterea volumus & concedi- mus, quod omnes alie Civitates & Burgi & Villa (b) Portus habeant omnes libertates & liberas confuetudines fuas, & ad babendum commune Confilium Regni de (c) auxilio affidendo, aliter quam in 3. cafibus prædictis (d), vel de fcutagio affidendo. Summoneri faciemus Archie- pilcopos & Epifcopos, Abbates, Comites, & ma- fozes Barones figillatim per literas noftras. Præterea Summoneri faciemus in generali per Vicecomites&Bail- livos noftros omnes (a) ilios qui de nobis tenent in Ca, (a) Paris; ponam. (b) Ibid. & Barones de 5. Portubus & omnes Portus. (c) Ibid. auxiliis affidendis. (d) Ibid. & de fcutagiis affidendis fummoneri faciemus : Which is the truer Reading. (e) Ibid, alios. pite 286 A Hiftory of Covocations. A pite ad certum diem & ad terminum 40. dierum ad mi- nus, & ad certum locum & in omnibus literis illius fum- monitionis caufam fummonitionis exprimemus, & fic fa- &tâ fummonitione negotium ad diem affignatum procedet, fecundum confilium eorum qui præfentes fuerint, quamvis non omnes fummoniti venerint. Nos non concedemus ali- cui de cætero, quod capiat auxilium de liberis hominibus fuis, nifi ad corpus fuum redimendum, & ad faciendum primogenitum filium fuum Militem, & ad primogenitam filiam fuam maritandam: & ad hoc non fiat nifi ratio- babile auxilium. .C CC 6c Who were meant by the majozes Barones, who by this Charter were to be call'd to Parliament,and who the minor Barons were, Mr. Selden makes a great Queſtion (a). His Opinion is, "That upon the many Differences and Quarrels between the K. "and many of his Barons, divers Baronies did Ef- "cheat to the Crown, either by Attainders or o- "therwiſe, according to the Laws of the time, "which being in the King's Hands, were partly granted to others, and partly retain'd as ready "Rewards for fuch as the K. would make of his part, by giving them fuch Efcheats, or any parts of 'em to hold of him in Chief, as the an- "tient Barons, from whom they Efcheated, had "done. And of thofe Efcheated Baronies, fays "he, there is exprefs mention in that grand "Charter of K. John, whence alfo we have it yet t in that of Hen. III. which is ufed to this Day. "Divers Barons alfo were perhaps fo decay'd in "their Eftates, that they were not able honourably any longer to fupport their Tities. Now the other Barons, which were of antient Foundation or "Blood, or of great Revenue, or the Majores Ba- Co CC C6 (a) Tit. Hou. P. 710, # (6 rones, A History of Convocations. 287 CC rones, foreſeeing, it feems, how their Dignity "and Power might fuffer much diminution, if the "new Tenants in Chief or Patentees of thoſe "Efcheated Baronies and the reft that were decay- "ed (being all Barons by Tenure, according to "the Laws of that Age) fhould have equality with "them, and be indifferently Barons of the King- "dom every way as they were, procured (as we "may juftly think) a Law in fome of thofe Par- liaments which preceded the Grand Charter; by "which, themſelves only fhould hereafter be pro- c perly ftiled and be Barons, and the reft Tenants "in Chief only, or Knights, or Milites; which "Titles fhould be given them as diftinct Names "from Barons. This could not but much leſſen the Dignity and Honour of the reft, altho' they re- "main'd ſtill as Barons, according to the former Laws, as well as the greater did. And perhaps " becauſe the ancient Name could not ſuddenly in 'common Speech be wholly taken from 'em, "therefore the Addition of Majores was given to "ancient and more powerful Barons, and of Mi- nores, at firſt, to thofe Tenants in Chief in com- mon Speech, altho' we find no old mention of "'em by that Title. CC CC Thus the learned Mr. Selden. But he ſeems to have shot very wide of the Mark. Without ma- king fo many Suppofitions to explain the Matter, I fhall have recourfe to Matter of Fact only. I take the Majores Barones to be fuch as held their Ba- ronies of the King, and the Minores to be fuch as held not of the K. but of fome great Subject. For that there were fome Barons which held their Ba- ronies not of the K. but of fome of the greater Lords, Bifhops, c. appears by divers Inftances. Will. Giffard Bishop of Winchester, who died 1128. di- rects a Charter which he granted the Priory of that Church, تر 288 A History of Convocations. Church, to all his Barens and Officers (a): Wilhel- mus Gyffardus D. G. Wynt. Epifcopus, omnibus Baro- níbus & Miniftris fuis Francis & Anglis falutem. The Barons of the K. and of the Archbishop are mention'd by Ernulfus de rebus Ecclefia Roffenfis (b) in the Ac- count of the Placitum of Pinenden held under the & alii multi Conqueror: Huic Placito interfuerunt Barones Regis & ipfius Archiepifcopi, atq; illorum Epif- coporum homines multi. But perhaps it may be thought, that Archiepifcopi has refpect rather to bomines, than to Barones. However, the bare mentioning the Ba- rones Regis, is a fufficient intimation that there were Barones aliorum. Gervafe feems to mention not only the Barons of the Archbishop, and his Knights, but alfo his Earls: Speaking of Archbishop Lanfranc's retrieving the Lands of the Archbishoprick (c), Ab antiquis temporibus (ſays he) affignaverunt nefcio qui Archiepifcopi villas & reditus Conventui fufficientes, cæ- teris fibi pacifice retentis. Sibi etiam refervaverunt Co- mices, Barones, & Milites, Monachis vero affignave- runt rufticos & agricultores. But thefe were the King's Earls, who held alfo certain Lands belonging to the Archbishoprick. So the Earls of Kent in thofe Days held the Caftle of Tunbridge of the Archbi- fhop. Hugh Earl of Chefter in his Charter (d) to the Abby of that Place, an. 1093. Hæc funt dona da- ta Abbatiæ S. Werburga, quæ omnia ego Comes Hugo, Richardus filius, & Ermintrudis Comitiffa, & mei Baroncs, & mei homines dedimus. Ego Comes Hugo, & mei Barones confirmavimus ifta om- nia coram Anfelmo Archiepifcopo, &c. In the Hifto- ry (e) of that Abby, it is faid, that the fame Earl and his Countess conftituerunt, ut finguli Barones & (a) Ap. Rudborne Hift. VVint. p. 279. (b) 335. () Col. 1311. (d) Monaſt. Tom. 1. p. 202. (e) Ibid. p. 201. Mi- A History of Convocations. 289 Milites darent Deo & S. Werburgæ poft obitum fuum fua corpora, & tertiam partem totius fubftantiæ fuæ. Et non folum hæc conftituerunt de Baronibus, & Militibus, fed etiam de Burgenfibus & aliis hominibus liberis fuis. A Charter granted by Ralph Earl of Chefter an. 1217. to his Subjects, extant in a MS. Volume of (a) Lambeth Library, begins thus: Ranulphus Comes Ce- ftria, Conftabularibus, Dapiferis, Justiciariis, Vice-co- mitibus, Baronibus, & Baillivis, & omnibus fervis & amicis fuis, præfentibus & futuris, præfentem cartam in- Specturis & audituris falutem. Sciatis me Cruce fignatum, pro amore Dei & ad petitionem Baronum mrozum Cis arenfium conceffiffe eis & hæredibus fuis de me & hæredibus meis omnes libertates in præfenti carta fcriptas, &c. The Barons of Robert Fitz-Hammon, Earl of Glocefter, are mention'd in a Charter (b) of Hen.I. to the Abby of Abington: Sicut defignatum fuit per Barones ipfius Roberti. And Henry de Novo Burgo Earl of Warwick, gave cer- tain Lands lying in Warwickshire to the fame Mo- naftery, in the prefence of his Barons, as the Grant fays Two of thoſe Barons are there mention'd; one of which, viz: Thurstan de Montfort (c), is recorded to have held 10 Knights Fees under William Earl of Warwick, Henry's Grandfon. In that Collection of Laws, which goes under the Name of Henry I. the Barons of the King are diſtinguiſhed from other Ba- rons : (d) Si quis varonum Regis vel aliozum Comi- tatui fecundum Legem interfuit, &c. That the great Subjects had their Tenants alſo in Capite, as well as the K. 1 find in M. Paris (e), who mentions a certain Knight who was a Tenant in Capite to the Mo- naftery of St. Albans. And fomething of this kind, (c) Dugdale's VVarwickshire f. 303. (d) C. 6. (e) p. 678, ad an. 1250 V I 1 290 A History of Convocations. I find there was alfo before the Conqueft; for in the History of Ely (a), Lefsius, who endeavour'd to defraud Ethelwold Bishop of Winchester of feveral of his Mannors, is faid to be an Optimas of his : Æ- thelwoldus Epifcopus emit à quodam fuo Dptimate Lefsio duas Hydas. The L. C. Juftice Coke (b) has long fince told us, that the Barones Minores, which were oppos'd to the Majores mention'd in this Charter of K. John, were the Freeholders that held by Knights-Service and Efcuage, whether Knights, Efquires, or Gentlemen. Who, fays he, were Lords of Mannors, and had not the Dignity of Lords, but had Courts of their Freeholders, which to this Day are called Court-Barons, Curia Baroniarum. He adds, that of this Baron it is faid in that Law made by K. Edward before the Conquest: Barones qui fuam habent Curiam de fuis hominibus, videant ut fic de eis agant, quatenus erga Deum reatum non incurrant, & Regem non offendant. But had not the greater Barons their Court- Barons too? Sir Ed. Coke ought to have told us by what certain Rule the greater Barons were to be di- diſtinguiſh'd from the effer, but that he does not do. K. John had no fooner granted his Charter, but he preſently revok'd it, as being granted by com- pulfion: And to defend himſelf againſt the Barons, who were refolv'd to maintain it, invited over a great number of Foreigners, and prevail'd with the Pope to declare the Charter null and void, which he had a little before confirm'd, and to excommu- cate the Barons. The Archbishop of Canterbury, be- cauſe he refus'd to publish the Excommunication, was fufpended from going to Church, and celebra- ting Divine Service. On the other fide, the Ba- (a) L. 1. c. 60. (b)¡Taſtic.f4. p. 46. rons A Hiftory of Convocations. 291% rons invited over Lewis the Dauphin of France to their Affiftance, and to make him King. To hinder his coming over, the Pope fends to his Father, the French K. and alledges, that the K. of England was his Vaffal, and therefore ought not to be mo- lefted: To which the French K. made anſwer (a), that no K. or Prince can difpofe of his Kingdom, without the Confent of his Barons; and that befides that K. John was no rightful K. having been condemned in the Curia of his Brother K. Rich. for Treafon, and Sentence being actually pafs'd upon him, by which he was diſinherited. The Dauphin comes over,and the Barons and Citizens of London fwear Fealty to him. Qualo the Pope's Legat follows him into England, excommunicates him and all his Adherents. But foon after the K. himfelf died, Octob. 19. 1216. Parliaments under Hen. III. KIng fohn being dead, Gualo the Pope's Legat conven'd at Glocefter as many of the Great Men as he could, and proclaim'd his Son Henry, a- bout 10 Years old, King,having given him the uſual Oath, and made him befides do Homage to the See of Rome, and fwear to pay the Pope that Tribute which K. John had obliged himſelf to. Immedi- ately upon this, almoft all the Barons revolt from Prince Lewis of France, and fo he is forced to re- turn from whence he came; certain Articles be- ing firſt agreed upon between him and the K. by which the K. obliged himfelf upon Oath to re- ſtore to the Barons & aliis omnibus de Regno, omnia (a) Paris p. 236. V 2 jura ! 292 A Hiftory of Convocations. * jura & hæreditates fuas, cum omnibus (a) libertatibus ante petitis, as Paris fays. But before that, he had granted the Liberties which they defired by a Charter in Parliament, as appears by this Writ Recorded in the Rolls: † Rex Vice-comiti Wigorn. falutem: Præcipimus tibi quod die & loco Comitatui tuo legi facias Cartas libertatum quas Ba- ronibus &omnibus aliis de Regno noftro, per Commune Con- cilium Regni noftri conceffimus, & quas D. Legatus Si- gillo fuo ccnfirmavit, & Libertates in Cartâ ipsâ conten- tas, omnibus fidelibus noftris firmiter facias obfervari in Ballivá tua. Quia vero nondum figillum habuimus, eafdem proceffu Temporis de majori Concilio proprio fi- gillo fignaturi. Tefte Comite (the Earl of Pembroke, Pro- tector of the Realm) apud Certefy 23. die Junii. The Agreement between the K. and Prince. Lewis is da- ted in September following: Neither is there any mention there of granting the Libertates petite, but only in general, that as well thoſe who had adhe- red to the Prince, as others, fhould enjoy the rectæ Confuetudines & Libertates Regni Anglia. At the fame time, he granted the fame Charter to his Subjects of Ireland, under the Seals of the Legat and the Protector, becauſe the K. as being un- der Age, had no Seal of his own. A Copy of the Charter is ftill prefèrv'd in the Red Book of the Ex- chequr at Dublin; out of which it is published by Pryn in his (b) Remarks upon the Lord Coke's 4th Inſtit. and is the fame, mutatis mutandis, with our prefent Magna Charta. The Writ with which it was fent over, is ftill upon (c) Record with us in the Tower, where alfo that to England is mention'd as granted the fame time, viz. fexto Februarii. But how (a) Paris p. 252. (b) p. 250, (c) Rot. Pat. 1 H. 3. m. 13. † Cl. 1. H. 3. m. 10. Dorfo. the A History of Convocations. 293 } the Dublin Copy came to be dated at Briſtol Nov. 12. unleſs by the miſtake of the Copyer, cannot eafily be acccounted for. In the 2d Year of his Reign, he agen confirm'd theſe Charters to the English, as appears from divers ancient Copies Dated anno r. n. fecundo: Of which Date I have feen 2 Copies in Lambeth Library (a), and another in the Hands of my worthy Friend Mr. Anftis of the Temple. And feveral others are to be met with. The Great Charter begins thus : Henricus, &c. Sciatis quod nos intuitu Dei & pro falute animæ noftræ & animarum Antecefforum & Succefforum noftrorum, ad exaltationem fanctæ Ecclefiæ & emendatio- onem Regni noftri Spontanea & bond voluntate noftrâ de- dimus, conceffimus, & hac præfenti carta noftrâ confirma- vimus pro nobis & Hæredibus noftris in perpetuum de confilio venerabilis Patris noftri Guallonis tit. S. Martini Presbyteri Cardinalis, & Apoftolica Sedis Legati, D. Walteri Ebor. Archiepifcopi F. Lond. Epifcopi,& alio- orum Epifcoporum Anglia, Willielmi Marefchalli Com. Pembroke Rectoris noftri& Regni noftri, & aliorum fideli- um Comitum & Baronum noftrorum Anglia has libertates fubfcriptas,tenend.in Regno noftro Angliæ in perpetuum,&C. Ends thus: Pro hac autem donatione & conceffione Li- bertatum iftarum & aliarum contentarum in Carta noftrâ de Libertatibus Foreſtæ, Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Priores, Comites, Barones, Milites, & tibere ecuentes, & omnes de Regno noftro dederunt nobis quintam de- cimam partem omnium bonorum fuorum mobilium. Con- ceffimus etiam eifdem pro nobis & Hæredibus noftris quod nec nos nec Hæredes noftri aliquid præquiremus per quod Libertates prædicta in hac Carta contente infringantur vel infirmentur. Et fi de aliquo aliquid contra hoc perquifi- tum fuerit, nihil valeat & pro nihil habeatur. Teftibus prænominatis & multis aliis. Dat. per manum venerabilis (a) fol. 166, & 169. V 3 Patris 294 A History of Convocations. Patris Domini R. Dunelmenfis Epifcopi, Cancellarii noftri, apud S. Paulum Lond. fexto die Novembris Anno ut fupra. The worthy Mr. Tyrrel, whoſe Hiſtory it was not my good Fortune to confult till I had brought thefe Annals down to the beginning of this Reign, in one place (a) tells us of the Charter made by H. 3. in the ft Year of his Reign, and to prove that he granted one that Year, produces the Autority of the Writ which was fent out that Year to the Sheriff of Worcestershire, for the publifh- ing of it in the County Court, But in another place (b) he produces the fame Writ to prove that there was one granted in his 2d Year; which Writ he there fays is dated June 23. in the 2d Year of his Reign. But as the Writ lies in his Appendix (and in the Record it felf, from whence I tranſcrib'd it) there is no mention at all of the Year of the King's Reign; and he himſelf cites for it the Cloſe Roll of the firſt of H. 3. How theſe things agree, he himſelf will be pleas'd to confider. We are beholden to the fame worthy Gentleman, amongſt many other things, for a Collation (c) of the Original Charters of K. John, which are in the Cotton Library, and in the Archives of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury, with thofe extant in M. Paris. But he does not feem to have obferved that in thoſe Originals, and in the Lambeth Copy, both Charters are united (tho' with great Variations) and com- prehended in one. He ſeems alfo to intimate, that there is extant a Copy of the Charter of the Forests, as it was granted or confirmed by K. H. 3. in the first Year of his Reign; when he fays in his Ap- { (4) Vol. 2. p. 828. (b) p. 1104. (c) Append. Vol. 2. p. 9. pendix A History of Convocations. 295 pendix (a) that Nulla invenitur Charta Originalis Charte de Forefta R. Johannis, nec aliud exemplar anti- quius anno primo R. Henrici III. He fhould have faid anno fecundo. For neither of the Charters grant- ed to the English in the firft Year of his Reign, are any where to be found. Theſe things I mention with all due Refpect to him, and for no other end but that they may be further confidered by him. The Confirmation of M. Charta in the 2d Year of this Reign, I find mention'd in the MS. Eulo- gium: Non prætereundum eft Parliamentum Londoniis ten- tum 2do Regis anno, in quo confirmata eft Carta Patris Sui, quam Comitibus, & Baronibus, & toti Commu- nitati Angliæ concefferat in le Rowemede juxta Stanes. Pro qua confirmatione conceffi funt Regi de toto populo An- glicano de qualibet carucata terræ (11) folidi in fubfidium Regis nominati. The final Agreement between the K. and Prince Lewis of France, was made in an Iſland near Bin, fton, convenientibus in unum Gualone Legato cum Epif- copis, & Clero, & Populo, & Gulihelmo Marefchallo, Rectore Regis & Regni tunc exiftente; as M. Paris tells us, ad an. 1217, An. 1220. Regni 4. and Aid of 2 s. for every Caruc of Land was granted by all the Magnates and Fideles of the Kingdom, to be levy'd by the Sheriff and 2 Knights of each County, who were to be choſen in the County-Court by the whole County. The Demeafns of the Bishops, &c. were not taxed. The King's Writ to the Sheriff of Northampton, and according to that Form to all the Sheriffs of England, is extant in the Clofe Roll of (a) p. 21. √ 4 V this 1 296 A History of Convocations. this Year (a). Concefferunt nobis fui gratiâ communiter omnes Magnates & Fideles totius regni noftri Donum nobis faciendum per manum tuam & duorum de legalioribus Militibus Comitatus tui colligend. qui de vo- luntate & confilio omnium de Comitatu in pleno Comitatu eligentur ad hoc faciendum. Et ideo tibi præcipimus quatinus convocato Comitatu eligi facias duos de legali- oribus Militibus totius Comitatus, qui melius fciant ve- lint & poffint huic negotio ad commodum noftrum intendere. Et illis tecum affumptis ftatim donum illud per totam Bail- livam tuam facias affideri & colligi Exceptis Dominicis Archiepifcoporum & Rufticorum fuorum, & exceptis Dominicis Ordinis Ciftercenfis & de Pre- muftr. Et videas quod districte & aperte Scias nobis refpondere in craftino S. Michaelis prox. inftantis apud Lond. quot fuerint in Bailliva tuâ Caruca.- Et Denarios inde provenientes per manus prædictorum 2. Militum & tuam falvo colligi facias venire ufq; Lond. prædicto die fub figillo tuo & figillis pradictorum 2. Mi- litum in domo Novi Templi falvo reponi donec provi- fum fuerit quid fieri debeat, &c. He threatens to fend fome Oficers of his own into the feveral Coun- ties to fee if the Collections were rightly made, and to punish the Sheriffs and Knights who were to make the Collection, if they were found neg- ligent. Dated at Oxford August 9. The learned Author of the (b) Rights of Convocations, tells us out of this Record, that the Sheriffs and Knights were ordered to appear in Parliament, and give 어 ​up their Accounts. But that the Writ does not fay. ' The fame Year, which was 1220. on Whitfunday, the K. was Crown'd at Westminster: Præfentibus D. (a) Clauf. 4. H. 3. m. 5. dorf. published by Dr. Brady In the Appendix to his Introd. p. 41. (b) p. 309. Pan- A Hiftory of Convocations. 297 } Pandulpho Legato, & Epifcopis, Prælatis, Comitibus, Baronibus, & Majoribus Anglia.. M. Weftm.-- Of the fame Convention I find this Account in the ancient MS. Chronicle of Dunstaple. An. 1220. die Pentecoftes Henricus R. Angliæ apud Weftm. folempniter coronatus eft, præfentibus P. Legato & S. Cant. Archie- pifcopo Miffam celebrante & Sermonem ad populum faci- ente, præfentibus etiam multis Epifcopis, Comitibus, Ba- ronibus, Abbatibus, Prioribus, & aliis quorum non erat numerus. Non est vifa diebus noftris major folempnitas ante tempus memoratum. Judei vero in Turri Lond. fervabantur interim ad cautelam. Eboracenfis autem Ar- chiepifcopus non interfuit, forte pre rubore non potuit, quia Crucem ante fe deferre extra Diocefin fuam tunc ei interdictum fuit. The fame Year an Aid was granted the K. by the Laity only: But the Bishops gathered a voluntary Contribution from the Abbots and Priors. Mention'd in the fame MS. Chronicle: An. 1220. menfe Sept. pofitum Caruagium per totum Regnum ad opus D. Regis, à quo Archiepifcopi & Epifcopi & omnes Clerici, & omnes viri Religiofi & eorum rustici quieti fuerunt. Verunta- men Epifcopi per fuas Diocefes collegerunt auxilium ad o- pus D. Regis ab Abbatibus, & Prioribus per liberam vo- luntatem eorum, & tunc Domus de Dunftaple folvit 3. marcas. An. 1221. at Christmas he held his Curia at Ox- ford, præfentibus Comitibus & Baronibus regni, as (a) Paris fays: cum fuis Magnatibus, fays Weftm. The fame Year a Rebellion breaking out (b).con- venerunt Magnates Angliæ ad Regem apud Weſtm. ut de negotiis regni tractarent. (a) p. 261. (b) Paris p. ibid. दुई An. ) 298 A History of Convocations. An. 1222. in the beginning of the 7th Year of his Reign, a Tax was granted for an Aid to the K. of Jerufalem, coram nobis & Confilio noftro præ- Jentibus Archiepifcopo Cant, Epifcopis, Comitibus, Baro- nibus, & Magnatibus nostris, de communi omnium voluntate; as the Writ fays which was fent out for the collecting of it (a) extant in the Clofe Roll of that Year, and Dated Nov. 24. The Annals of Waverly ad an. Conceffit Rex de totâ Anglia, per con- filium D. Stephani Cant. Archiepifcopi, & aliorum Magnatum terræ, in fubfidium Terræ fandte Sed conceffio ifta parum aut nihil profuit, quia cito poft con- tradictum eft, & ad effectum minime perductum. An. 1223. the Great Men of England granted the K. the Wards of Heirs and Lands, as we are told in a MS. Chronicle in (b) Lambeth Library: An. D. 1223. Magnates Angliæ concefferunt Regi Wardas be- redum & terrarum, quod fuit initium multorum malorum in Anglia. Et cito poft hæc R. Henricus cepit 15m. de- narium per totam Angliam. The fame Year, in the Octav. of Epiphany, the K. coming to London from Oxford, cum Baronibus ad Collo- quium, was requir'd (fays Paris) by the Archbishop of Can- terbury, and other Great Men, to confirm the Liberties and free Customs, for which a War had been rais'd against his Father. And this the Archbishop told him he could not decline doing, he and all the Nobility of the Realm having fworn, in the Agreement made with the Dauphin, that they would obferve all thofe Li- berties, and command 'em to be obſerved by all. To this one of the King's Counſellors made anfwer, that the Liberties which they defired, ought not to obſerved, becauſe they had been extorted by vio- lence: Which the Archbishop hearing, took him (a) Publiſhed by Dr. Brady, Append. Introdu&t. p. 45. (b) 410- 62. បច្ច 1 Y A History of Convocations. 299 1 up very fhort, and told him, that if he loved the K. he would not obſtruct the Peace of the King- dom. The K.feeing the Archbiſhop in a Paffion,faid of his of own accord : We have worn to obferve theſe Liberties, and we are all bound to it; and what we have Sworn to, let us obferve. And fo forthwith, having taken Counfel about it, he wrote to all the Sheriffs of the Kingdom, that they ſhould empanel 12. Knights, or legales homines in every County, to give an account upon Oath, what were the Liberties u- fed in England in the time of his Grandfather K. Hen. II. and fhould fend up an account to him within 15 Days after Eafter. By this Account it appears, that M. Paris knew nothing of the Con- firmation of the Charters in the first and fecond Years of this Reign. The fame Writer adds, that about this time, it was objected to the K. by the Dauphin, now K. of France, that the Liberties of the Kingdom, for which a War had been rais'd, and which were granted upon Oath upon his retiring out of England, were fo far from being obferv'd, quod non folum illæ leges peffimæ ad ftatum priftinum funt reducta, fed & illis nequiores per totum regnum Anglia funt generaliter conftitute. The fame Account we have in M. of Westm. but out of Paris. • An. 1224. he kept his Christmas at Northamp- ton, where, the Earl of Chester being in Arms a- gainſt him, the Archbishop of Canterbury and his Suf- fragans (a) Excommunicated, with lighted Can- dles, all fuch as difturbed the Peace of the Kingdom. An. 1223. (ſays the MS. Chronicle of Dunftaple) Natali Domini venit Rex Northamptonam, & cum eo D. Cant. Archiepifcopus, & tot Epifcopi & Comites, & (a) p. 269. } Barones ཐ་ 300 A History of Convocations. Barones, & Milites armati, quod nec in diebus Patris Jui nec postea dinofcitur tale feftum in Angliâ cele- bratum. Agen, the fame Year, in the Octaves of the Holy Trinity, there came together at Northampton (b) ad Colloquium, Rex cum Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Comitibus, Baronibus, & aliis multis, de regni negotiis tractaturi, the K. having a mind to treat with his Magnates a- bout a War with France. And there the Archbishop of Canterbury, and all the Bishops denounced an Ana- thema againſt Falcafius who had ſeized one of the Itinerant Judges. It was done, as Paris fays in ano- ther place (c) by the Archbishop and Bishops, cum Ab- batibus & aliis Prælatis. There alfo a Subfidy was granted tam à Prælatis quam à Laicis. and the K. granted the Magnates a Scutage, viz. 2 Marks Ster- ling for every Scutum. In the MS.Dunstaple Chron. it is faid that the Bishops and Abbots granting the K. there a Subfidy for the making Machines for the befieging the Caſtle of Bedford, the K. gave 'em a Charter to fecure 'em, that it fhould not be drawn into Cu- ftom. An. 1224. in Octavis Pentecoft. dum Rex cum Clero & Baronibus regni apud Northampton de fuc- curfu Pictavia tractaret Willielmus de Breauce de af- fenfu Falkafii fratris fui cepit Henricum de Braibroc tunc Justiciarium D. Regis in Banco, & in Caftro Bede- ford detinuit in prifona. Quod Rex graviter ferens, fu- Spenfo Pictavie fuccurfu, obfedit Bedefordiam, in cujus auxilium venit Cant. Archiepifcopus cum Epifcopis & Ab- batibus Suffraganeis, & infuper concefferunt ei Caruagi- um fcil. dimidium Marca de fingulis carucis Dominicis, 2. fol. de fingulis carucis tenentium fuorum, & in ope- rarios de fingulis bydis ad machinas exercendas: fed ne boc traheretur alias in fervitutem, D. Rex fecit eis Car- tas de futuri temporis immunitate. (4) Paris itid (b) p. 271. An. A History of Convocations. 301 An. 1225. he kept his Christmas at Westminster, præ- Jentibus Clero & Populo cum Magnatibus regionis (a), where Hubert de Burgo Chief-Juftice, demanded a Subfidy in the King's Name coram Archiepifcopis, E- pifcopis, Comitibus, Baronibus, &aliis univerüis. To which the Archbishop, & concio tota Epilcopozum, Comitum, Baronum, Abbatum, &Pziozum, habita deliberatione, anfwer'd, That they would willingly comply with the King's defire, fi illis diu petitas li- bertates concedere voluiffet. The K. confented, and Charters being forthwith drawn up and feal'd with the King's Seal, were fent into every County of England; and to thofe Provinces which were con- cern'd with the Forests, two Charters were dire- cted, one de libertatibus communibus, the other de liber- tatibus Forefta. Then a Day was appointed between Eafter and Whitfunday, for the chufing 12 Knights or Legales bo- mines out of every County, who fhould diftinguifh the new Foreſts from the old, that all fuch as were made fince the beginning of Hen. II. might be Dif forested. So the Council broke up, and the K. by his Let- ters commanded that all fhould be obliged by an Oath to obſerve both Charters. Theſe are the Charters which are in ufe to this Day. They are not extant in any Record of this the King's 9th Year,but inthe Roll of 28 E. 1. by whom they were confirm'd. But in divers MS. Collections they are to be found without K. Edward's Confirmation, as alfo in fome of our Hiftories, as in Hemingford (b) and the (c) Annals of Burton. Hemingford tells us, they were granted de confilio Magnatum fuorum, & Cleri, & populi. If we will believe M. Paris, they are altogether the fame with thofe of K. John. Ifta- (a) p. 293. (b) P. 564. (c) p. 271. rum 302 A History of Covocations. * rum tenor Chartarum fuperius babetur expreſſius ; ubi his ftoria agitur de R. Johanne: Ita quod Charte utrorumq; Regum in NULLO inveniuntur diffimiles. But this fhews that he never compar'd 'em with thofe of K. John. For tho' for the moft part they are the fame, yet they differ in many things; particularly all that which relates to the Members of Parliament, above produced out of K. John's Charter, is here omitted, as it is alfo in that of the 2d Year of this Reign. A- mong the Witneſſes of thofe Charters of the King's 9th Year,in Raftals Edition, Boniface Archb. of Cant. is mention'd, whereas it ought to be Stephen, as it is in the Tower Roll in K. Edward's Confirmation, and likewiſe in the Annals of Burton. In which Copy all the Witneſſes, which amount to a great num- ber, are expreft by name. In Pulton's Edition, the Letter S. is rightly put for the Archbishop's Name. In Raftal's the Great Charter is Dated at Westminster Febr. 10. an. r. n. nono, but in Hemingford and the Burton Annals, Feb. xi. In the former of which, for apud Weftm. it is apud Westlondoniam. and the Date of the Charta de Foresta, is not the fame Day with the other, but Febr. 16. In a MS. of Lambeth Library (a) after the two Charters, follow Confuetudines & ipfæ de Forestå: Which are alſo there entitled, Affifa de Forefta. In the Collections of our ancient Laws, which are extant in that Library, befides the 2. Copies of of the Charters granted the 2d Year of H. III. · there are 2 other (b) Copies of his Charters with- out any Date; and another included in K. Edward's Infpeximus. The Words which I cited above out of the Great Charter of 2 H. III. wherein it is faid, that the (a) 4to. 105. (b) 4to. 26, & 195. Arch- A History of Convocations. 303 Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, Knights, Freeholders, & omnes de Regno dede- runt, &c. are found likewife in the Great Charter of this Year. Where by dederunt, Dr. Brady (a) under- ftands paid, not granted. But that Conjecture ap- pears to be falfe from this confideration, that the Charters were drawn up in the Parliament it ſelf, wherein the Subfidy was granted, and feal'd long before the Money could be paid. Yet it cannot be fuppos'd that omnes de regno were preſent in that Par- liament fo as to grant the Subfidy in their own Per- fons: But they did it either per fe, or by their Re- preſentatives. The MS. Chronicle of Dunstaple gives this Ac- count of the King's granting the Charters at this time: An. 1225. generali Colloquio Londoniis celebrato, petiit Rex à Baronibus fuis pro regni defenfione aufilium generale. Barones vero vice versa Libertates quafdam exigunt à Rege Johanne conceßas & ab ipfo poftmodum Rege confirmatas, licet nondum, Baliviş impedientibus, fervatas. Post multas vero fententiarum revolutiones, com- muniter placuit, quod Rex tam populo quam plebi Li- bertates prius ab eo puero conceſſas, jam major factus in- dulfit. Et vice versà Archiepiscopi, Epifcopi, Comi- tes, Barones, & Wiri Religioft ipfi Regi in tanto dif- crimine quintam decimam mobilium fuorum liberaliter concefferunt. Quod quia Clerici feculares non admiferunt, impetravit Rex literas D. Pape ad Clerum Anglia gene- rales de aufilio competenti ei concedendo fecundum Benefici- orum fuorum facultates. Knyghton (b) tells us, that the K. granted theſe Charters to his Magnates, and that therefore the Commons, or the Community, of England, gave him a Subfidy. Rex H. conceffit Magnatibus terre An- (a) Introduct, p. 125. (b) Col. 2429. : glie 304 A History of Convocations. glie duas Cartas.Ob quam caufam Communes Regni concefferunt 15m partem omnium bonorum fuorum mobilium & immobilium. Matthew of Westm. (a) ſays it was ab Angliâ totâ conceſſum. There is extant in the b) Patent Roll of this Year, a Writ directed to 6 Perfons, whom the K. affigns to be his Justices for the affeffing and collecting the Fifteenth, granted on this occafion, in the Counties of Nottingham and Dereby. And the manner of affeffing and collecting it, is order'd to be thus: The Sheriff of Nottingham and Derby was to fum- mon all the Knights of the 2 Counties to Nottingham before the 6 Justices on the Sunday before Midlent, and the Justices were to fee that 4 legales Milites (or more or lefs according to the bignefs of the Hundreds or Wapentaks) were chofen out of every Hundred or Wapentak to affefs and collect in their re- ſpective Divifions. In a MS. Vol. of Lambeth (c) Library, juft be- fore K. Henry's Charta de Foresta, I find another Char- ter of his, De Foreftà, entitled, Confirmatio R. H. de Forefta&libertatibus Lancaftriæ. It's a Confirmation, or Infpeximus, of a Charter of Forefts granted by K. John to the Honor of Lancaster. The March following (d) convenerunt apud Weſtm. ad Colloquium Rex cum Magnatibus fuis: where by the Decree of the K. and the Proceres, Falcafus was ba- niſh'd. He was condemn'd (e) ab omni Clero & Popu- lo Regni, per judicium Curiæ fua. A Month after Eafter, according to the King's ap- pointment (f), 12 Milites were appointed for every (4) AD. 1227. for he there means the fame Tax. (b) Pat. 9. H. 3. M. 7. Dorfo, publifh'd by Dr. Brady Append. Introd P. 44. (c) 480. 175. f. 408. b. (d) Paris p. 273. (c) p. 274. P. 273. County $ 1 $ A Hiftory of Convocations. County wherein were any Forests, to determine the Bounds of 'em, and what ought to be disforeſted. And fo the Liberties of Charta de Forefta were every where enjoy'd, but not long. An. 1226. he kept his Christmas at Winche- fter (a), præfentibm quibufdaus Epifcopis & Magnatibus multis. The fame Year, the K. having a great defire to fail over into France to make War there, having re- ceiv'd an Inhibition from the Pope (b), convocatis Confiliariis fuis confulted with 'em what courfe he ought to take; & placuit Prælatis & Magnatibus uni- verfis, that the Expedition fhould be defer'd. An. 122. in Febr. (c) he call'd a Council at Ox- ford, where being come to Age, he difcarded his Tutors and Governours, and cancell'd and made void all the Charters de libertatibus Foreste, which had been ſent throughout the Kingdom, and had been enjoy'd 2 Years, upon this pretence, that they had been granted in his Nonage when he was un- der the direction of Tutors, and was not at his own Difpofal: Which occafion'd great Murmurings and Difcontents. In July Richard Earl of Cornwal the King's Bro- ther, appeal'd to the (d) judicium Curie & Magna- tum regni, about a Mannor which another would have difpoffefs'd him of, and the K. requiring him either to give up the Mannor, or to leave the King- dom, he anſwer'd, that he would do neither the one not the other fine judicio Parium fuorum. The Barons took this occaſion to require the K. to reſtore the Charter de Foresta, which he had lately cancell'd; and fiding with the Earl, fent the K. word, that if he did not reftore the Charter (e), (a) 267. (b) p. 283. & M. Weft. (c) p. 284. (d) Ibid. X they 305 A History of Convocations. they would compel him to it with their Swords in their Hands. Upon this a Parliament was fum- mon'd to meet at Northampton 3. Non. Aug. But nothing was done relating to the Charter, only the K. was reconciled to the Earl his Brother. An. 122. at Christmas he held his Curia at Ox- ford (a), prefentibus Magnatibus regni. This Year the K. promis'd the Pope the Tenths of all Moveables for an Aid against the Emperor Fre- derick, and Stephen the Pope's Chaplain and Nuncio being ſent over to collect it (b) fecit Rex convenire apud Weſtm. Dominica quâ cantatur Mifericordia Do- mini, Archiepifcopos, Epifcopos, Abbates, Priores, Tem- plarios, Hofpitalarios, Comites, Barones, Ecclefiarum Rectozes, & qui de le tenebant in Capite, ad locum præfixum & diem, ut audirent negotia memorata, & de rerum exigentiis communiter tractarent ibidem. Omni- bus ergo congregatis tam Laicis quam Clericis, & eozum ſubjects, the Pope's Letter was read to 'em, and the Earls, and Barons, and all the Laity refuſed to comply with the Demand, declaring, that they would not fubject their Baronies and Lay-Poffeffions to the Pope's Exactions. But the Bishops, Abbots, and Friers, & a- lii Ecclefiarum Pralati, after 3 or 4 Days Debate up- on the Matter, confented for fear of Excommu- nication. The Earl of Chefter would not fuffer it to be gathered upon the Clergy within his Jurifdi. ction. 'Tis very probable that by Ecclefiarum Hectares in this place, are meant the Parochial Rectors or Parfons, in which the Deans and Archdeacons feem to be com- prehended, there being none among them but what were poffefs'd of fome Rectory. (a) p. 299. (b) P. 305. 1 An. A History of Convocations. 307 दै An. 12. he kept his Christmas at York together with the K. of Scots (a), præfente Archiepifcopo Civi- tatis, cum Comitibus, Baronibus, Militibus, & fa- miliâ magna nimis. The Hiftorian calls this a Concio. The fame Year, viz. 123. was made the Statute of Ireland, which is extant in the Body of our Laws ; dated at Westminster Febr. 9. Regni 14. It feems to have been made by the King's bare Autority: And therefore we command you, that you cauſe the forefaid Cu- ftoms that be used within our Realm of England in this Cafe, to be proclaimed throughout our Dominion of Ire land, and to be ftraitly kept and obſerved. An. 123. Jan. 25. (b) convenerunt ad Colloquiuen apud Weftm. Rex cum Prelatis & aliis Magnatibus reg- ni. Where the K. demanded a Scutage of all that beld Baronies, as well Laicks as Prelates. But Richard Archbishop of Canterbury, and fome of the Bishops. with him, boldly oppos'd it, alledging, that Eco clefiaftical Perfons are not obliged to fubmit to the Judg- of Laicks, in regard that without them the Clergy gave lately an Aid to the Pope. After great Debates, the Buſineſs as far as it concern'd the diffenting Prelates, was put off to 15 Days after Eafter and all the Laity, and a great part of the Clergy cons fented to the Tax. The Hiftorian fays nothing of their meeting a- gen after Eafter according to appointment. But by the Patent Roll of this Year, which was Regni 15. I find they not only met at that time, but, what is very remarkable, even the Abbenes and Pziozelles themſelves were prefent in that Parliament, it be- ing a Convention for the granting a Subfidy. In (a) p. 307. cum Magnatibus terræ nonnullis, ſays VVeſtm (b) p. 310. X 1 that [ A Hiftory of Convocations. 308 掐 ​گھر that Roll (a) a Charter is recorded, by which the K. fecures 'em from having this Grant made aPre- cedent. Rex omnibus, &c. falutem. Cum peteremus à Præ- latis Anglie quod nobis Auxilium facerent-viz. E- pifcopis, Abbatibus, Abbatiffis, Prioribus, & Pio- riffis qui de nobis tenent in Capite,ipfi nobis liberaliter con- cefferunt Auxilium tale fcil. fingulis feodis Militum fuorum 40 fol. de tot feodis de quot ipfi tenentur nobis refpondere quando faciunt nobis fervitium Militare. Et nos concef- fimus eifdem Prælatis quod ad prædictum Auxilium nobis faciendum habeant de fingulis fcodis Militum quæ de eis tenentur 40 s. Nos igitur nolentes quod ex hac eorum conceffione, &c. - Apud Weftm. 14. Apr. an. r. n. 15. Has literas habeant finguli Prælati tam Epifcopi quam Abbates, Priores, Abbifle, & Prio- riffe. The fame Year, 16 Cal. Jan. habitum eft apud S. Albanum ingens Confiftorium Abbatum, Priorum, Archidiaconorum, cum fere totâ Nobilitate Regni Ma- giftrorum & Clericorum: qui omnes ad hoc convene- runt per mandatum D. Papæ ut celebrarent divortium in- ter Comitiffam Efjcxiæ, & virum fuum, fi ratio id diet a- ret. In craftino Confiftorio foluto, &c (a) M. Paris. But this was no Parliament, and the Bishops, it feems, were not there. An 1232. Non. Martii (b), convenerant ad Collo- quium apud Weft. ad vocationem Regis Magnates An- gliæ, tam Laici, quam Prælati: where the K. de- manding a Subfidy, the Laity refuſed to give it, and fo with the King's leave went home. Prelates (who feem to have ftaid after the Laity were gone) ·alledg'd that many of the Bishops and The (a) Pat. 15. H. 3. m. 3, ap. Brady Append. Introd. p. 43. (b) p. 313. (c) Paris p. 314. Abbots, A Hiftory of Convocations. 309 Abbots, who were fummon'd, were not prefent, and therefore they defired a further time, that all might come together. So another time was ap- pointed, viz. 15 Days after Easter: When doubt- lefs they met, though the Hiftorian fays nothing of it. The fame Year, Sept. 14. there met at Lambeth (at Kenington, the King's Manfion-Houfe at Lambeth) (a) ad Colloquium coram Rege, Epifcopi, & alii Ec- clefiarum Prælati, cum Proceribus regni: where a Sub- fidy was granted by the Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Clergy, and Laity. Annales Waverl. ad an. 1232. Rex An- glorum accepit ab Archiepifeopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus &Clericis terras habentibus que ad Ecclefias fuas non pertinebant, Comitibus, Baronibus, Militibus, Liberis hominibus, & Villanis de regno Anglia in auxilium, &c. In the Writ (b) which was fent out for the collecting of it, it is faid, Sciatis, quod Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Priores &Cleri- ci terras habentes quæ ad Ecclefias fuas non perti- nent: Comites, Barones, Milites, liberi homines, & Hillani de regno noftro concefferunt, &c. In what man- ner, and by whom it fhould be affefs'd, the Parlia- ment it felf determin'd, as may be ſeen in the Writ; which is extant both in M. Paris and in the Clofe Roll 16. H. 3. M. 2. Dorf. By Clerici terras habentes ad Ecclefias fuas non pertinent, Dr. Brady (c) un- derſtands fuch Clerks as had Mannors and Free or Military Fees belonging to their Benefices, that held of the K. in Capite, the Fee whereof was in the Crown, and not in the Church, and thefe, fays he, came as Tenants in Capite. But the Words feem too general for ſuch an Interpretation. I am rather que (a) p. 318. (b) P 321. (c) Introduct. p. 220. X 3 of 310 A Hiſtory of Convocations. # 2 of their Opinion, who underſtand the inferiour Landed Clergymen, who contributed to this Aid not as Clergymen, but on the account of their private Poffeffions. An 1233. (a) Rex miffis literis fuis, vocavit om- nes de regno Comites Barones ad Colloquium, ut ve- nirent apud Oxonium ad feftum S. Johannis. But they refuſed to come at his command, as well for fear of the Foreigners, who bore all the fway about the K. and were then a great Offence to the Nation, as becauſe they were difoblig'd by the King's en- tertaining 'em,and encouraging 'em beyond his own Barons. Enraged at their refusing to come, the K. confults what ought to be done to compell 'em : And it was refolv'd per judicium, that they should be ſummon'd a 2d and a 3d time. But a Fryar that preach'd before the K. in this Colloquium telling him, that there could be no Peace in the Kingdom till the Bishop of Winchester, prime Minifter of State, and his Kinfman or Son, Peter de Rivallis, were removed from his Perfon; and fome Bifhops that were there prefent, feconding the Preacher, the K. began to bethink himſelf, and fent to the Mag- nates to come to a Colloquium at Westminster 5. Id. Ful. and there by their Counsel would amend, whatfoe- ver was to be amended. But they ftill fufpecting fome Treachery, refuſed to come, declaring, that if he did not difcard the Bifhop of Winchester and his Foreigners, de communi confilio totius regni, they would drive both him and them out of the Kingdom, and chufe 'em a new K. He requires all the Great Men to meet at West- minster Aug 1. and to bring with 'em Pledges for their good Behaviour. The Earls and Barons come to the Colloquium on that Day appointed, and in a Warlike Equipage. But nothing was there done (a) p. 325. by 1 { 4 A Hiftory of Convocations. by reaſon of the abſence of ſome of the Chief of 'em. Then he fummon'd all the Magnates of the Kingdom to meet him with Horfe and Arms at Glo- cefter; which many of 'em refufing to do, the K. commanded 'em to be proclaim'd Banif'd, and pro- fcribed their Eftates, as the Hiftorian obferves, abfq; judicio Curia & Parium fuorum. n. He calls a (a) Colloquium, or Parliament, at West- minster on the Sunday after Aich. with an intent to correct fuch things as were amifs in the Govern- ment; but nothing was done. There the Preach- ing Fryars exhorted him to be reconciled to his Ba- rons, whom without the Judgment of their Peers he had baniſh'd. The Bishop of Winchester replied, that the Peers in England are not as the Peers in France; and therefore they might be condemn'd by the King's Juftices. The Bishops hearing this, with one Voice declared, that they would Excommuni- cate the King's Principal Counfellors. And they actually denounced an Anathema againft ali that fhould counſel the K. againſt his own natural Sub- jects, and fo difturb the Kingdom. An. 1234. (b) at Candlemas (b) a Colloquium was held at Westminster, where the K. reprehending fome of the Bishops, for their too much familiari- ty with the Earl Marefchal then in Arms againft him, the Biſhop of Chester array'd in his Pontificali- bus Excommunicated all fuch as falfly accufed the Biſhops to the King. Edmund Archbishop Elect of Canterbury with his Suffragans, endeavouring to per- fwade the K. to take right Meaſures, at the fame time threatned to proceed by Eclefiaftical Cenfure both againſt himſelf and all his Adherents if he did not do it. (4) p. 328, 9. (b) p. 333: In X 4 ZII. 312 4 y } A History of Convocations. In April another (a) Colloquium was held at Weft- minster, cum Comitibus & Baronibus. And there agen the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Bishops his Suffragans, tell the K. to his Face, that if he did not alter his Courſe, they would certainly Excom- municate him. Upon which at laft the K. is pre- vail'd upon to diſcard his evil Confellors, and to fend the Foreigners into their own Country. The Earl Marefchal, though in Arms againſt the K. denies that he is guilty of Treafon, becauſe the K. had profcribed him unjuſtly (b) fine judicio Pari- um meorum. The fame Year, on the Sunday after Afcenfion-day, in a Colloquium (c) held at Glocefter, the difinherited Barons were reftored to the King's Favour, by the means of the Archbishop and Bishops. In conven- 'tu Epifcoporum, Comitum pariter ac Baronum. The fame Year, according to Wikes, Rex fecit talliari omnes Civitates, & Burgos, & Maneria fua propria per totam Angliam. An. 1235. the Emperor Frederick demanding Ifa- bel the King's Sifter in Marriage; the K. about the end of Febr. (d) confulted about that Matter for 3 Days together cum Epifcopis & Regni Magnatibus. And for her Marriage (e) Rex cepit Carucagium. There is extant in the Clofe Roll of this Year, which was Regni 19. a Writ to the Sheriff of So- merset, Dated July 17. for the levying a Subfidy granted at that time in Parliament (f). Scias quod Comites, & Barones & omnes alii de toto Regno noftro Angliæ, Spontanea voluntate fuâ, & fine Confuet. concefferunt nobis efficax Auxilium ad magna negotia noftra (a) p. 335. (b) p. 336. (c) p. 340, 341. (d) p. 349. (e) p. 352. (f) Cianf. 19. H. 3. M. 6. Dorfo, published by Bra- dy Append. Introd. P. 43. > expedi A Hiſtory of Convocations. 313 ' expedienda. It was provided by the Parliament, that it fhould be collected by their own Baillives in e- very County, and by them paid in to 2 Knights whom the K. fhould appoint in every County to bring it to the Exchequer. Et ideo tibi præcipimus quod ad mandatum omnium Comitum, & Baronum & om- nium aliozum,qui de nobis tenent in Capite in Balliva prædictâ modo prædicto fine dilatione diftringas omnes Mi- lites & libere tenentes qui de eis tenent per fervitium Militare in Ballivâ fuâ ad reddendum Ballivis fuis, &c. Another Writ fent out about the fame Buſineſs to the Sheriff of Suffex, and extant in the fame Roll (a) tells us more particularly of whom that Parliament confifted: Scias quod Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Priores, Comites, Barones, & omnes alii de Regno noftro Angliæ qui de nobis tenent in Capite concefferunt, &c.- Ideo tibi præcipimus quod ad mandatum venerabilis Patris R. Ciceftrenfis Epifcopi Cancellarii noftri fine dilatione di- ftringas omnes Milites & libere tenentes qui de eo tenent per fervitium Militare in Balliva tud ad redden- dum, &c. -- Sic fcribitur pro aliis Epifcopis, Ab- batibus, Prioribus, & Magnatibus. In July the K. fends a Writ (b) to the Sheriff of Oxfordſhire,quod omnes Abbates & Priores de Comitatu qui non tenent de Rege in Capite, per fervitium Militare, cujufcunq; fint Ordinis præter Ordinem Cyftercienfem & Præmonftratenfem, venire faciat coram Rege apud Wude- ftock in craft. S. Maria Magd. ad loquendum cum Re- ge de negotiis fuis, quæ eis habet exponenda. This was for a Subfidy or Contribution. (a) M. 8. Dorf. ap. Brady ibid. p. 44. M. 7. Dorlo ap. Prin. Eccl. Jurifd. Tom. 3. p. 12. (b) Cl. 19. H. 3. The 314 A Hiftory of Convocations. * This Year (a) came the Decretals of P. Gregory IX. into England,he having commanded that they ſhould be read and divulged throughout the whole World. Whereupon the K. iffued out his Writ, forbidding 'em to be receiv'd here, or to be read upon in any of the Schools. Mandatum eft Majori & Vicecomiti- bus Lond. (fays the (b) Clofe Roll of this Year) quod clamari faciant & firmiter prohiberi, ne aliquis Sco- las regens, de Legibus in eadem Civitate de cetero ibi- dem Leges doceat, & fi aliquis fuerit hujufmodi Scolas re- gens, ipfum fine dilatione ceffare faciant. T. Rege apud Ba- fing. 11. Dec. The Lord Coke (c) is certainly mi- ftaken, when he tells us, that this Writ was iffued out againſt the Reading upon Magna Charta and Charta de Foreftâ. An. 1233. Regni 20. Jan. 23. the Parliament of Derton was held, wherein were made certain Laws ftill in force, with this Preface: It was provided in the Court of our Lord the K. holden at Merton, the Mor- row after the Feast of S. Vincent, &c. before Will. Archbishop of Canterbury, and other his Bishops and Suffragans, and before the greater part of the Earls and Barons of England, there being aſſembled for the Corona- tion of the faid K. and Alianor the Queen, about which they were call'd: where (d) it was treated for the Com- mon-wealth of the Realm upon the Articles under-written. Thus it was provided and granted, as well of the forefaid Archbishops, Bishops, Earls and Barons, as of the K. himself and others, &c. Thus it is in the Body of our Statutes; where William Archbishop of Can- (a) Paris p. 352. (b) Prin. Eccl. Jurifd. Tom. 3. p. 86. (c) Præf. 2. Inftit. in M. Chartam. (d) The Latin MS. Copies have not ubi but cum. terbury A History of Convocations, 315 terbury is falfly put for Edmund. The Latin MSS, Copies which I have feen, do not mention the Archbishop's name at all. In other things, 3 (a) ancient Copies in Lambeth Library agree with the English Print; only in them it is, coram majori parte Comitum, Baronum, & Magnatum Anglie: and in one of 'em (b) all relating to the Coronation is omit- ted. In another Copy (c) of the fame Library, as ancient as any of the other, if not older, it is on- ly thus: Coram Archiepifcopo Cant: & Epifcopis Suf- fraganeis, & coram majori parte Comitum & Baronum Anglia, pro communi utilitate Regni, tam à prædictis Archiepifcopo, Epifcopis, Comitibus, Baronibus, quam ab ipfo Rege conceffum. In the Copy which is extant in the Burton Annals the Curia is faid to be held co- ram D. Rege, & coram venerabili Patre D. Edmundo Cant. Arch. & Coepifcopis fuis & coram majori parte Co- mitum & Baronum noftrorum Anglia provifum fuit tam à prædicto Archiepifcopo, Epifcopis, Comitibus, Ba- ronibus, quam à nobis, & conceffum, quod de cætero ifti Articuli teneantur in Regno noftro Anglia. In all theſe MSS. they are ftiled the oviftons of Merton. In another (d) of the fame Library, in which there is no Preface or Title, at the end of 'em it is faid: Provifiones funt de Merton, quas vocant Affilam vel Dictum de Merton. Que quidem Provifiones provifa & conftitutæ funt in craft. S Vincentii anno Regni ejufdem H. R. XXI. In all the other Copies it is anno regni xx. M. Paris who has given us a Copy of theſe Statutes, without the ufual Preface, fays thus much of 'em: (e) Diebus etiam eifdem, R. Henricus III, profalute animæ fuæ, & emendatione regni fui; Spiritu ductus juftitiæ & pietatis, quafdam novas leges conftituit ; (a) Fol. 166. 26. 4to. 105. (d) 4to. 175. (e) p. 356. (b) Fol. 166. (c) Fol. 179 & ፡ A History of Convocations. 316 & conftitutas per regnum fuum inviolabiliter juſſit obſer- vari. Knyghton (a) fays, that the K. de confilio Mag- matorum fuorum Statuta de Merton ordinavit, in regno Angliæ perpetuis temporibus obfervanda. The fame Year (b), iv. Cal. Maii, congregati funt Magnates Anglia Londini ad Colloquium. On the firft Day the K. retired to the Tower, where he would have had the Parliament meet; but they refufed to meet there for fear of Treachery; upon this he came to his Palace, where in Parliament he dif placed all the Sheriffs of England, and put others more fufficient and of greater Quality in their places. There alſo a Tax was granted, as appears from the King's (c) Writ ftill extant Dat. May 4. in which the Archbishops, Bishops, Abbits, Priors & aliæ Ecclefiafticæ Perionæ de Regno are ſaid to have granted it. VI. Id. Funii (d) congregati funt apud Wintoniam Magnates Angliæ; where he endeavour'd by vertue of the Pope's Bull to make void fome things which he had formerly granted, upon pretence that he ought not to have granted 'em without the Pope's leave. The fame Year he went to York by the Advice of his Magnates, (e) ut confilio fultus majorum regni he might eſtabliſh a Peace with the K. of Scotland. An. 123%. (f) Regni xxi. tenuit Rex Curiam fuam ad Natale apud Wintoniam. Mifit autem continuo per omnes fines Angliæ fcripta Regalia, præcipiens omnibus ad Regnum Angliæ fpectantibus, viz. Archiepifcopis, Epif (à) Col 2439. (b) Paris p. 362. (c) Ap. Pryn. Eccl. Jurifd Fom. 2. p. 475. ex Pat. 20. H. 3. m. 8. (d) p. 364, ˜¯(e) p 355. (f). p. 367. copis, & A History of Convocations. 317 copis, Abbatibus, & Prioribus inftallatis, Comitibus & Ba- ronibus, ut omnes fine omiffione in Octavis Epiphanie Lon- doniis convenirent, Regia negotia tractaturi totum Regnum contingentia. Thither came on Hilary Day infinita Nobilium multitudo, fcil. Regni totalis univerfitas. There a Subfidy being demanded, and the Parliament fcrupling to grant it, and taxing him with ha- ving procured a Bull from the Pope to diſpenſe with his Oath which he had given 'em for the obfervation of Magna Charta, &c. he utterly de- nyed it. And voluntarily and of his own accord promis'd to obferve inviolably from that time forward the Liberties of Magna Charta, &c. and becauſe he ſeem'd to be in fome meaſure obnoxious to the Anathema denounc'd by Archbishop Langton and the Bishops, by having in part violated thofe Liberties, he caus'd the fame Sentence of Excommunication to be de- nounced againſt all the Oppofers and Violators of 'em. Which was done in Westminster-Hall ab omnibus Prælatis Angliæ, as Wikes tells us. Upon this they immediately granted him his Requeft. Paris ob- ferves that they went afide from the K. in lo- cum feorfum fecretiorem to confult about it. They ordered that 4 fufficient Knights with one Clerk, to be added to them in every County by the K. fhould gather the Tax, and repofite the Money in fome Abby, Church, or Caftle, that if the K. went back from his Promife, it might be reſtored to every one agen. Confentientibus igitur primum Archiepifcopo Cant. cum fuis Epifcopis & Clero; fub bac conditione conceffa eft Regi tricefima Mobilium regni ; ab omni Prælato, fecundum tenementum Baroniæ fuæ; & Milite, per totum regnum generaliter colligendum. And in the Condition of the Grant it was often re- peated, that he fhould difcard the Foreigners and adhere to the Counfels of his natural Sub- jects. The Writ that was iſſued out for the còl- lecting 318 A Hiftory of Covocations. $ lecting of it, is ftill extant in the Cloſe Rolls, and the Perfons by whom it was granted are there (a) faid to be the Archbishops, Biſhops, Priors, Earls, Barons, Buights, Free-bolders, and Landed Clergymen. The Earls, Barons, Knights, and Free-holders, are faid to grant it for themſelves and for their illains. Rex Vic. Kane. Salutem: Scias quod cum in Octavis S. Hillarii an. &c. 21. ad mandatum noftrum convenirent apud Weftm. Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Pzio- zes, Com. & Barones totius Regni noftri, ut tractatum haberent nobifcum de ftatu noftro & Regni noftri iidem Ar- chiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Priores, & Clerici ter- ras habentes, quæ ad Ecclefias fuas non pertinent, Comi- mites, Barones, Milttes & Liberi homines, pro fe jou fuis illanis nobis concefferunt in axilium 30m. partem omnium Mobilium fuorum, &c, In the fame Parliament the K. gave 'em a Char- ter, confirming now at his full Age the Charters which he had granted in his younger Years: Which Charter of Confirmation is extant in (b) Heming- ford, and in the Charter Roll of this Year in the Tower, out of which (c) Pryn has tranſcribed it. In the Tower-Roll it is added: Confimilem Cartam ba- bent Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Priores, Comites, Barones, & omnes alii de Comitatu Suthanton. In the Cloſe Roll of the fame Year M 22. Dorfo, we have a Writ (d) directed to the Archbishops, Bi- hops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, nights, and Freemen of Ireland; in which an Aid is defired of them and that his fideles Anglie had granted him one, is there mention'd. By another Writ (e) ex- tant in the fame Roll directed to the Cities, Boroughs, : (a) 21 H. 3. m. 7. Dorf. ap. Brady Introd. p. 221. (b) p, $70. (c) Eccl. Jurifd. Tom. 3. p. 64. (d) Published by Dr. Brady Introd. p. 94. (e) Ibid. p. 95. and A Hiftory of Convocations. 319 and Tenants of his Demeafns (Dominicis fuis) in Ire- land, he lets 'em know, that he had commanded his fufticiary of Ireland, quod tallagium fuper vos, affideri faciat ad opus noftrum, ficut Civitates, Burgos, & Do- minica noftra in Regno noftro (Angliæ) talliari fecimus, & inde vobis mandamus quod eidem Jufticiario noftro ad boc intendentes fitis & refpondentes. In the Articles of Grievances, which the Clergy preſented this Year to the Legat, petitioning him to interpofe with the K. for the Redrefs of 'em, it is faid, that ad inftantiam D. Regis, & dc aſſenſu Juo &omnium Prælatorum & Magnatum Anglia & in præfentia eorum, the Sentence of Excommunication was denounc'd againſt all the Violators of Magna Charta, &c. meaning (as it feems) the Sentence of Excommunication denounced, not this fame Year, but formerly. The Articles are extant in the Annals of Burton (a); where it is faid, that the Archbishops, Bishops, and Clergy, prefented this Petition to the Legat in this prefent Parliament, as is probable. M. Paris (a) mentions another Thirtieth grant- ed to the K. the fame Year in Colloquio ad quod eti- am Nobiles convocaverat,but with great difficulty and murmuring againſt his Male- Adminiſtration. I fu- ſpect it to be the fame Tax: tho' mention'd in diffe rent places. For other Inftances of that kind I have obferv'd in that Writer. The fame Year (b) fcripfit Rex omnibus Magnatibus fuis, ut coram eo & D. Legato (Othone) in fefto exalta- tionis S. Crucis (Sept. 14.) apud Eboracum convenirent, de arduis negotiis regnum contingentibus tractaturi: where the K. of Scots was prefent, and a Peace was there made up between the 2 Kings. (4) P 290. (b) p. 376. (c) p. 377. This & 320 A Hiſtory of Convocations. This Yeaar, Regni 21. a Law was made at Weftm. confilio fidelium noftrorum, concerning the Leap-year. Which is extant in the Body of our Statutes. An. 1238. the K. having married his Sifter to Simon Montfort, his Brother the Earl of Cornwal re- fents it highly, becauſe it was done eo nefciente, vel affenfu Magnatum terræ non interveniente: and defer- vedly fays the Hiftorian (c), præfertim cum Rex, (α- pius perjuraſſet ſe nil arduum facturum nifi de confilio na- turalium hominum fuorum, & præicpue ipfius. This oc- caſion'd an Inſurrection; and to pacifie his Sub- jests, a Parliament was call'd in the beginning of Lent. On the Day appointed (a) convenerunt Mag- nates Londini, but with Horfe and Arms, for fear of Treachery. There, after many Debates, the K. took an Oath to be govern'd by a certain num- ber of grave Men that fhould be appointed for that purpoſe. An. 1239. the Great Men of England, to whom belong'd the Patronage of Church Livings, being wrong'd by Papal Provifions, the (b) Earls, Barons, &alii Magnates Anglia write to the Pope to repre- fent their Grievances to him. The Pope writes. back to the Earl of Cornwal & Baronibus Anglia. And in a Letter to his Legat he mentions a Com- plaint made to him by the K. & nobiles viri Comites & Barones Anglia. An. 12%. (c) In Octavis Epiphaniæ congregati funt Londini Archiepifcopi & Epifcopi, cum multis aliis Mag- natibus, præfente etiam Legato, &c. The Bishops there exhibited 30 Articles againſt the K. relating to the violation of Magna Charta, which, as they alledge, ༡༠ (a) P. 394. (b) p. 395. (c) p. 460. (d) p. 469. he 、、 ང་ A Hiftory of Convocations. 321 1 he had ſo often fworn to, and, holding a Taper in his Hand, had join'd with them in the Excom- munication of all the Violators of it, by throwing the Taper down on the Ground. An. 124. (4) tenuit Rex Curiam apud Weſtm. ubi Magnates. Regni quamplurimi fefta cum eo Natalitia ce- lebrarunt. An. 1241. (b) fcripfit Rex omnibus fuis Angliæ Mag- natibus, Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Comitibus, & Baronibus, districte præcipiens ut omnes ge- neraliter Londinum, die Martis proxima ante Purif. B. Virg. convenirent, de arduis negotiis Regni dilationem non capientibus, cum fummâ deliberatione tractaturi. Imminente vero Purificatione B. Virg. totius Anglia No- bilitas, tam Prælatorum, quam Comitum, & Baronum, fecundum Regium præceptum, eft Londini congregata. There they all agreed together, under the pain of an Anathema, not to give the K. any thing towards his War with France, as he defired. And an In- ſtrument was there drawn up, which begins thus: Cum D. Ebor. Archiepifcopus & omnes Epifcopi Anglie, Abbates, & Priores, per fe vel per Procuratores fuos, necnon & omnes Comites, & fere omnes Barones An- gliæ ad mandatum D. Regis convenient ap. Weftm. die Martis prox. ante Purif. &c. Abbates, & Priores, Comites, ter eos tractatu præhabito, &c. the Archbishop of York was ment is ftill preferv'd in the Clofe Roll (c) of this Year: Tandem dicti Epifcopi, & Barones, magno in- The Writ by which call'd to this Parlia- Henricus, &c. ven. in Chr. Patri Waltero E- bor. Arch. falutem. Mandamus vobis rogantes quatinus ficut nos, & honorem noftrum pariter & veftrum dili- (a) p. 489. (b) p. 514. (e) Cl. 26 H. 3. m. 13. Dorfo, ap. Seld. T. H. p. 717. & Brady Introd. p. 27, 7 Y gitis 322 A History of Convocations. 3 > gitis & in fide quâ nobis tenemini, omnibus aliis, negotiis omiffis fitis ad nos apud London à die S. Hillarii in 15. dies ad tractandum nobifcum, una cum cæteris Magnati- bus nostris quos fimiliter fecimus convocari, de arduis ne- gotiis noftris ftatum noftrum & totius Regni noftri fpeci- aliter tangentibus, & hoc nullatenus omittatis. T. m. apud Windleforam 14. die Decemb. Eodem modo fcribitur omnibus Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Co- mitibus, & Baronibus. After that (a), Scutagium per totam Angliam Rex. fibi fecit extorqueri. An. 1243 (b) the K. returning out of France into England, commanded it to be proclaim'd all over the Kingdom, ut ex qualibet Civitate vel Burgo 4 Cives vel Burgenfes honorabiliores obviam ei procederent in vefti- bus pretiofis & equis defiderabilibus. His defign in this was to get Prefents from 'em. An. 1242. (fays the MS. Chronicle of Dunstaple ) per tri- duum ante Feftum S. Mich. applicuit Rex in An- gliâ, & ad mandatum fuum præmiſſum occurrerunt ei omnes Magnates Anglia, viz. Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Comites, Vice-comites, Barones, Abbates, Friores, Mi- lites, & Vavafores, jocalia ei & munera multa defe- rèntes. "An. 1244. (c) coram Rege in communi Colloquio Ba- ronum Londini, the Emperor's Envoy befeeched the K. and the Barons, that they would not permit any Subfidy to be levied either upon the Clergy, or the Laity, for the ufe of the Pope againft the Em- peror. Eodem anno (d) convenerant (this could be no o- ther but the fame Council) Regià fubmonitione con- vocati Londinum Magnates totius Regni, Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, Priores, Comites, & Barones. The (4) P. 527. (0) 534. (c).P. 549. 565. (d) p. 563. Par- 1 A Hiftory of Convocations. Parliament met in Westminster-ball, and the K. there defiring an Aid, they all went out of the Hall, and the Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, and Priors went afide by themſelves to treat of it. Then fent to the Earls and Barons, to know if they would be pleas'd to agree unanimouſly with them: who anſwer'd, that fine communi univerfitate nihil facerent. Then by common confent a Committee was appointed to meet, conſiſting of 4 Biſhops, 4 Earls; & ex parte Baronum 2 Lay-Barons, and 2 Abbots. Theſe 12 were to draw up certain Articles, to be agreed to by the whole Parliament. So Articles were form'd and laid before the K. by which it was provided, that Magna Charta, &c. fhould be better obferved, and a new one fhould he granted, with a folemn Excommunication against all Tranfgref- fors of it: That the K. fhould be directed in all things by 4 of the Nobility to be chofen by com- mon confent: That the Chief-Justice and the Chan- cellor fhould be conftituted per folennem & univerfa- lem omnium convocationem, & liberum affenfum, that there fhould be chofen 2 Juſtices of the Bench, and 2 Barons of the Exchequer fhould be conftituted, &c. The K. not yielding to their Requeſt, left he ſhould ſeem to do a new thing compulfion, they gave him 3 Weeks to Candlemas, to confider of it, pro- mifing, that if by that time he would of himſelf appoint fuch Counsellors as fhould jura regni tractare to their Satisfaction, they would give him a Sub- fidy, but fo as that it fhould be difpos'd of by the above-mention'd Committee of 12. When the K. could not otherwife prevail with the Prelats, he produc'd a Bull from the Pope, exhorting 'em to comply with him. But neither would that do. The Council had lafted 6 Days, and on the laſt of it recedentibus Magnatibus, he follicited the Pre- lats one by one, to meet agen the next Day. Ac- cord, Y & 323 324 A Hiftory of Convocations. J cordingly they met in the Infirmary, or St John the Evangelift's Chapel; and the K. fent firft certain Great Men to 'em, and afterwards came himſelf. But neither could that prevail. They refolv'd to adjourn the whole Matter till Candlemas. The K. came agen to 'em and defired, that they would ftay one Day longer, defigning in that time to tamper with 'em fingly. But being aware of his Defign, they all broke up, and next Morning early went towards their own homes. Et murmurante Rege, fo- latum eft Concilium. At Candlemas they met agen, the Magnates cum Prælatis generaliter, fays M. Paris (a), who alfo tells us, that there were there 3 Proctors for vacant Bishopricks, fent up by the Chapters: Affuerunt eti- am illic quorundam abfentium 2ocuratozes, viz. Can- tuarienfis & Ebor. Archiepifcoporum, triumq; Sedium Epif- copalium tunc acantium ex parte Capitulozum, &c. Where the K. both in Perfon, and by folemn Meffengers, promis d to obferve the Liberties, which he had forn to at his Coronation, and for which he had given 'em a Charter. And that they might be the better obſerv'd, he defir'd that every Biſhop in his particular Diocefe, would denounce an Excommunication both against him- ſelf and all others, who Thould in any reſpect act in violation of thofe Liberties. Upon this they granted him, to marry his eldeft Daughter, 20 s. for every Scutum upon all that held of him in Capite. و An. 1244. (fays the MS. Chron. of the Priory of Dunstaple) Rex petit auxilium tam à Clero quam à Mag- natibus &epuie. Omnes vero de eo tenentes per fer- vitium Militare, concefferunt ei auxilium, fcil. ad Scu- (a) p. 56 tagium A Hiftory of Convocations. 325 ་ tagium 20. fol. ad filiam fuam primogenitam maritan- dam: hoc facto mifit nuncios fuos per totam Angliam ad viros Religiofos qui nihil tenebant de en per fervitium Mi litare, petens ab eis auxilium quidem & obtinuit: & tunc folvimus Nos 100. folidos anno fequente. The fame Year, all the Barons that held of the K. in Capite, as well Clergy as Laity, were fum- mon'd to appear in a Warlike Equipage at New-Ca- ftle, to allift the K. against the Scots (b). Congregata igitur Univerfitate totius Anglia Nobilium apud memora- tum Caftrum, tractatum eft diligenter fuper tam arduo negotio, Concilio babito circa Affumptionem B. Mariæ di- ligentiffimo. There matters were compromiſed be- tween the 2 Kings. The Morrow after All Souls (a) the Magnates Anglia being conven'd, and an Aid demanded a- gainft the Welsh, they abfolutely refufed to grant a- ny, even to his Face. An. 1245 (b) the K. finding by a diligent En- quiry made throughout every County, that the yearly Income of Italians preferr'd by the Pop'es Provifions here in England, amounted to 6ocoɔ Marks, which was more than the Revenue of the Crown, began at laſt to be awaken'd, and having call'da Parliament, an Epiftle was drawn up per Regni univerfitatem, fetting forth the Pope's execra- ble Extorfions, and fent to the Council of Lions, by way of complaint, by fome of the Nobility, and one Clergyman, nomine totius Univerfitatis Regni Anglie: And one was fent ex parte Univerfitatis Reg- ni to the Pope's Nuncio to command him to be gone out of 'England. The Procuratores Anglicane univerfitatis produced the Epiftle in the Council; which begins thus: Reverendo in Chr. Patri D. G. (a) p. 568. (b) P. $72. - (C) P. 579. Y 3 Summe { 326 A History of Convocations » f Summo Pont. Magnates & univerfitas Kegni Ans gliæ, &c. But all came to nothing, w Mr. Petit (a) produces an ancient MS. out of the Cotton Library, writ in the fame Age; in which it is faid, that Letters were fent to the Cardinals at Lions, à Baronibus, Mílnibus, & univerfis Baronagii Regni Anglia per Rogerum Bigod, &c. Barones, Pro- curatores Baronagii Anglia, &c. beginning thus: Ven. in Chr. Fratribus univerfis & fingulis D. G. falutem Barones, Milites, & univerfitas Baronagii Regni An- glie, &c. The Embaffadors being gone to the Council, the K. fends his Writ to the Abbot of Bu- ry, forbidding him to fuffer the Pope's Nuncio to levy any thing in his Jurifdiction, till they had heard what the Council would determine: Rex (b) Abbati de S. Edmundo fal. Cum pro oppreffionibus innu- merabilibus factis in Regno noftro per Ecclefiam Rom. ob quam Magnates noftri ad Sedem Apoftol. appellarunt, & quofdam de ipfis pro Univerfitate totius Baronagii ad Concilium brevi celebrandum, ad Appellationem fuam pro- fequendam, duxerint deftinandos, &c. An. 1243. (c) He kept his Chriſtmas at London, con- vocatis multis Regni nobilibus, multifq; Magnatibus. The Reader will be pleas'd to remember, that I mention ſometimes thefe Christmas-Meetings, be- cauſe they were not only for Feafting, but alſo for publick Buſineſs. On Midlent Sunday (d) the Magnates totius Regni were fummon'd to meet together generaliter, de ftatu Regni tractaturi. And this is the firſt time that we find it call'd a Parliament. M. Paris (e) adds: Me- dio vero Quadragefima edicto Regio convocata, convenit ad Parlamentum generaliffimum totius Regni Anglica- (a) Rights of Com. p. 111. (b) Brady Introd. p. 102. (c) p. 604. Cl. 29. H. 3. (d) p. 607. m. 8. Dorf. (c) p. 609. ni A History of Convocations. 327 ni totalis Nobilitas Londini, viz. Prælatorum tam Ab- batum & Pziozum quam Episcopozum, Coniitum quoq; & Baronum; ut de ftatu Regni jam vacillantis, efficaciter, prout exegit urgens neceffitas, contrectarent. Agen: Convenientibus igitur ad Parlamentum predictum totius Regni Magnatibus, in primis aggreffus eft D.Rex orė proprio Epifcopos per se, postea verò Comites&Barones, deinde autem Abbates & Priores, &c. In another place (a) he calls it Parlamentum Regis, ubi congregata fue- rat totius Regni tam Cleri quam ilitiæ generalis uni- verfitas. The Burton Annals: Convocatis ad Parl. a- pud Weſtm. totius Angliæ Magnatibus cum Clero. It was held againſt the Pope's Exactions, and a Roll of Grievances was there form'd. It was agreed that Supplicatory Epiftles fhould be fent to the Pope. Which was accordingly done: one in the Name of the Bishops Suffragans of the Province of Canterbury; another in the Name of the Abbots and Priors, and their Convents, of the Provinces of Canterbury and York: which according to the Copy extant in the Annals of Burton (b), runs in the Name of the Clergy of England: Summo Pontifici Clerus Angliæ pedum of- cula, &c. a 3d in the Name of the Nobility, Com- monalty, and the inferiour fecular Clergy. San- &tiffimo, &c. Devoti filii fui Comes Cornubiæ &alii totius Regni Anglia Barones, Proceres &, Magnates, ac nobiles (c) Portuum maris habitatores, necnon & Clerus & Populus univerfus, falutem. The K. in his Letters to the Pope and Cardinals, tells 'em of the Clamor Magnatum Anglia, tam Cleri quam Populi. In his Prohibition (d) to the Abbot of St. Albans againſt paying Tallage to the Pope, the (a) p. 619. (b) p. 306. (c) In Archbishop Peckham's Register I have ſeen a Letter directed by him, Majori & Burgenfibus Baronum Doverræ. (d) Ibid. p. 618. Y A K₁ 328 1 A Hiftory of Convocations. } { } K. calls this Parliament a Convocation of the Prelats and Magnates, On S. Thomas Day (a), habitum eft magnum Con- cilium inter Regem & Regni Magnates apud Wintoniam, Where the Meffengers fent to Rome, being return'd, made their Report. This Year a Law (b) was made againft Deer- Stealers. An. 124. He kept his Christmas at Winton (c. : præfentibus electis regni Magnatibus. • A Decree being made by the Bishops in the late Council of Lions for a Subfidy to be paid by all the Clergy for the Holy-Land, and it being now or- dered to be collected in England (d), fecit D. Rex Magnates fuos, necnon & Anglia Archidiaconos, per fcripta fua Regia Londinum convocari. The Bishops ab- fented themſelves: But befides the Archdeacons, a great number of the lower Clergy were prefent, complaining of that Exaction. In craft. Purif. B. Marie D. Rex cum fuis Magnatibus tractatum habens diligentem,per plures confilium urgens dies protelavit. Convenerant etiam tunc ibidem Architíaconí Angliæ, nec- non & totius Regni Cleri pars non minima cum ipfis, Magnatibus; conquerentes communiter, &c. It was a- greed, that Meffengers fhould be fent to Rome with Letters to the Pope and Cardinals, ex parte com- munitatis totius Cleri & Populi Anglicani. The Letters which were fent, run in the Name of W niverüi Cleri & Populi per Provinciam Cant. conftituti. They conclude thus: Et quia Communitas noftra Si- gillum nor babet, præfentes literas figno Communitatis Lon- dinenfis, veftra Sanctitati mittimus confignatas. The fame Year (1247.) 2 Perfons being fent into England from the Pope to raife Money; and (a) p. 620. (b) p. 608. (c) p. 627. `(d) Ibid. coming 1 A Hiftory of Convocations. 329 C coming to Rob. Grofthead Bishop of Lincoln, he an- fwer'd (a) that the Bufinefs concern'd totius Cleri & Populi, necnon & Regni Univerfitatem. Arbitror igitur temerarium & abfurdum certum fuper hoc, inconfultâ Regni Communitate, præcipitanter dando refponfum, tam arduo confilio & negotio diffiniendo confentire. -18 The fame Year, to curb in fome meaſure the infatiable Avarice of the Court of Rome, the K. made certain Laws relating to Ecclefiaftical furifdi- tion, which may be ſeen in (b) M. Paris. ftituit in Anglia inviolabiliter obfervanda hec, &c. Rex con- Per idem tempus (c), D. Rex comperiens Regnum ſu- um enormiter periclitari, juſſit omnem totius Regni Nobili- tatem convocari, ut de statu ipfius tam manifefte pericli- tantis, Dronis die qua cantatur, Qualt moto geniti, diligenter contractarent. Prælatos autem maxime ad hoc Parlamentum vocavit arctius, quia videbat eos tam frequenter depauperari.- There, contrary to all Mens expectation, the Clergy confented to give the Pope 11000 Marks; all except the Exempt and three of the Secular Clergy. Exceptis Exemptis, & tris bus Clericis. Wikes ad an. Facta eft generalis congre- gatio omnium Magnatum Anglia, Epifcoporum, Comitum, Baronum coram D. Rege apud Dron, quindena Pafcha; quorum confilio & affenfu D. Rex mutavit monetam Juam, quia vetus fic fuit retonfa quod nullius fuit valoris. About the fame time (d), all the Magnates Regni were fummon'd to meet on the Feſtival of Ş. Edward, 15 Days after Mich. partly, as the Writ of Summons fet forth, to bear the good News of a Benefit conferr'd on England from Heaven, and part- ly to celebrate the Tranflation of that Martyr, and partly to be prefent at the Knighting of W. de Va (a) P. 630. (b) p. 634. (c) p. 636. (d) p. 649. lentia &LL 330 A History of Convocations. lentia the King's Brother by the Mother's fide. The good news they were to hear, was, that a Portion of our Saviour's Blood was fent to the K. from Je- rufalem: Which with great Devotion and Reve- rence, the K. himſelf carrying it on foot, and in a poor Habit, from St. Paul's to Westminster, was there repofited. An. 124. on the Octaves of Candlemas (a), edi- &to Regio convocata totius Regni Angliæ nobili tas conve- nit Londini, ut de Regni negotiis diligenter & efficaciter fimul cum D. Rege contrectarent. Advenerunt igitur illuc exceptâ Baronum, Militum, Nobilium, necnon & Abbatum, Priorum, & Clericozum multitudine copiosa, novem Epifcopi cum totidem Comitibus. The K. de- manding an Aid, they inftead of granting it, laid before him a long Lift of Grievances. The K. hum- bly promis'd Amendment for the future. And they took time till 15 Days after Midf. to fee how Matters would be mended. That time being come (b), convenit Londinum to- tius Anglia Nobilitas -Convenientibus igitur in unum omnibus Regni Primatibus, whom the Hiftorian calls a little after, univerfitatis Barnagium; they re- ceiv'd a fhuffling Anfwer from the K. and fo re- fus'd to grant him any thing. The fame Year, a Perfon having had his Privy- Members cut off, for attempting to commit For- nication, by the Woman's Relations (c), Rex voce præconia juffit pro Lege acclamari, Ne præfumat quis nifi pro Conjuge, adulterum membris mutilare geni- talibus. This Year, which was Regni 32. an Outlawry a- gainft William de Haftingeot was reverfed, as the Re- cord (d) tells us, becaufe it was not done accord- དྷ་ (a) p.646. (b) p. 649. (1) 653. (d) Close Roll 32 H. 3: me-13. Dorlo, ing A History of Convocations. 33度​ご ​ing to the Law and Cuſtom of the Kingdom, coram Rege toto Parliamento. # The fame Year the Bishop of Norwich being Commiffioned by the Pope to levy a Tax upon- the Rectors of fuch Churches as were in the Patro nage of Laymen, for the ufe of the Archbishop, the K. by this Writ forbids them to do it, purfu- ant to an Act of the laft Parliament (a) Rex W. Norwicenfi Epifcopo fal. Quia Magnates terræ noftræ no- luerint in ultimo Parliamento noftro quod fuit apud Lon- don, &c. vobis mandamus prohibentes diftricle, ne &c. donec cum prædictis Magnatibus, fine quibus fu- per boc nihil volumus attemptare Colloquium babuerimus. &c. dat. Mart. 9. This perhaps is the oldeſt Writ extant, in which the Word Parliament occurs. But in the Rolls it occurs before that time, viz. 28. H. 3. and the Council of Runningmead, where Magna Charta was firft made, is (b) there ftyl'd a Parliament. The Clofe Roll of 32 H. 3. (c) mentions a Parlia- ment of that Year: Confideratum fuit in Curia no- ftra & toto Parliamento noftro, &c. (d) Quædam Jub- fidia per Magnates & Communitatem Regni Sponta- nea & mera voluntate Regi conceffa 29 & 32 H. 3. towards the marrying the King's eldeft Daughter, and alfo his Sifter to the Emperor Frederick, are mentioned inter Communia Hilar. 17. E. 1. in a Plea between the King and the Prior of Co- ventry, 9 1 An. 124 the King exacted New-years Gifts from every Citizen of London, and fummon'd copiofam (a) Ibid. m. 12. Dorfo ap. Brady Introd. p. 72. (b) Rot. Cl. 28. H. 3. m. 12. dorf. See Mr. Petit, p. 33. dorfo. Mr. Petit, p. 35. (d) Ibid. p. 34. (c) M. 13. Magnatum A } 3:32 A History of Convocations. -- } # Magnatum multitudinem to meet at Westm. on the Feaft of Edward the Confeffor, the day before Epi- phany, where they paid their Devotions partly to that Saint, and partly to the Blood of our Saviour, which was pretended to be there repofited. At the Clofe of Eafter, the Magnates Anglie met together at London, with an intent to oblige the King to conftitute a Chancellor, Justice, and Trea- furer, by their Advice, as he had often promifed to do. But Richard Earl of Cozawal the King's Brother, whom they chiefly depended upon, ab- fenting himſelf, nothing was done. An. 1251. Regni 35. 13 Cal. Mart. (a) a great Parliament was held at London, where Henry of Bath was accuſed of Treafon. On the Nones of November there met together at the Monaftery of Hales or Heyles, at the Dedicati- on of it, the K. and Queen, and all the Earls and Barons of the Kingdom, among whom were 13 Bi- hops, with a great multitude Militum & Plebeiorum: Lays Wikes. There was doubtlefs a Parliament ་ held there at that time. An. 125 (b) he kept his Chriſtmas at York, to- gether with the King of Scots, to whom he gave his Daughter Margaret in Marriage: and the King of Scotland did him Homage. There came toge- ther utriufq; Regni tam Cleri quam Militia (the Lai- ty) multitudo numerofa nimis. On the Quinden of Eafter, 1252. all the Magna- tes (c) that had taken upon 'em the Crofs for the Holy Land, were conven'd to confult about that (a) P. 703. (b) P, 715. (6-).P. 719.. Affaire 1 A History of Convocations. 333 Affair. During this Parliament, (for fo (a)the Hifto- rian calls it all the Londoners from the leaft to the greateſt were by the publick Cryers fummon'd to appear before the K. at Westminster, where certain Biſhops preached to 'em by his Command to ex- cite 'em to take the Crofs. This Year the Welsh (b) quietly fubmitted to be governed by the Laws of England. On S. Edward's day (c) (which was a very great Day with this Prince) convenerunt veluti ex edicto Regio convocati, totius Angliæ Prælati fe- re univerfi: The Archbishop of Canterbury was then beyond Sea, and the Archbishop of York was likewife abfent. There a Bull was read to 'em from the Pope, by which he granted the King the whole Income of the Church of Eng- land, according to the ftricteft valuation for 3 Years, for his Expedition, as was pretended, to the Holy Land. The Bishops denying it, among whom the moſt Active was Robert Grofthead Biſhop of Lin- coln, the King defires 'em to grant it, not by Ver- tue of the Pope's Mandate, but at his earneft re- queft: They offer to do it, if he would engage for the future to obſerve thoſe Charters, which had been ſo often confirmed and fworn to; and never agen exact any fuch Tax on the fame pretence; and that the Money fhould be applied only to that ufe. The King not complying with thoſe Con- ditions, they gave him their final Anfwer, That the two Archbishops being abfent, they could not come to a full Refolution: fe non poffe plenum aut perfectum confilium inire. That this was done in a Parliament, appears from what the Hiftorian adds, Rex igitur ne viderentur quidam Magnates qui jam illuc (4) P. 720. (b) p. 721. (c) p. 732. advenerant - 334 A History of Covocations. advenerant inaniter fuiße convocati, diſtricte tractatum fufcitauit, quid agendum de terra fuð Gafconiæ. Soluto igitur cum Regis Cleri & Magnatum indignati- one Concilio, &c. In the Burton Annals (a) we are told of a Parlia- ment held this year at Westminster, where the two Archbiſhops were prefent, with the Bishops, Abbots, Earls, and Barons, and the Magnates totius regni An- glia. Where the King produced a Grant from the Pope of the Tenth of all the Goods of Ecclefiastical Perfons: But they manfully oppos'd it, alledging, that the many Grievances which the Kingdom la- bour'd under contrary to their Liberties granted in their Charters, ought firft to be redrefs'd: And ſo the Parliament was adjourn'd till after Eafter. This fhould feem to be the fame Parliament, tho' one makes the 2 Archbishops to be abfent, the other to be prefent. Or, it may be, this was that which M. Paris mentions as fucceeding the former, in which as he ſays, the K. conven'd his Optimates, for an Aid for Gascony; but was denied. But that too I fufpect to be the fame. About this time (b) Ifabell the young.Countefs of Arundel came to the King, and boldly repre- hended him for violating the Charters which his Father had granted, and he had fo often confirm- ed, and his Subjects fo often paid for. An. 1253. on the Quinden of Eafter, tota edicto Regio convocata Anglia Nobilitas convenit Londini de arduis regni negotiis fimul cum Rege tractatura. So Pa- ris. Adunato magno Parliamento petierunt Prælati fere omnes, infimul congregati, &c. fays Matthew of Weft- minster. The Clergy there granted a Subfidy to- (a) P. 322. (b) p. 735- wards 1 A History of Convocations. 4 wards the King's pretended Expedition to the Ho- ly Land; and in Westminster Hall the 2 Charters were agen folemnly confirmed, and the Breakers of 'em with lighted Tapers Excommunicated, the King holding his hand upon his Breaft; the Bi- ſhops threw down their Tapers, and while they lay fmoaking on the Ground, they cryed out, So let all Oppofers of this Sentence be extinguished and stink in Hell. At the fame time the K. faid, So God help. I will faithfully keep all these things inviolably, as I am a Man, as I am a Chriftian, as I am a Knight, and as I am a Ring crown'd and anointed. me. ་ And Re- bert Grofthead Bishop of Lincoln after the Parliament was ended, (^)commanded the fame Anathema to be folemnly pronounced in all the Churches of his Dioceſe. In the Sentence of Anathema, as it is published by Raftal, it is ſaid to be pronounced on the 3d. of May, and fo it is in M. Paris, and Mat. of West- minſter. But it was done on the 13th. viz. 3 IdusMaii, as I find in the Burton Annals, (b) and in an ancient MS. Copy in (c) Lambeth Library: But here there is an Error in the Year, for it is faid to be done an. 1257. Another Copy has an. 1254. Id. Maii. Three (d)other Copies have Idus Maii, i. e. May 15. whereof two are right in the Year 1253. the 3d. has (e) an. 1254. The Copy which is extant in (f) Hemingford has An. 1253. Idibus Maii. But that which certainly determines the time is the fol- lowing Record. Which likewiſe fhews, that beſides the Lords, the Commons were preſent and acted in this Par- liament (g) Noverint univerfi quod D. H. Rex An- (a) See Paris, p. 746. (b) p. 323. 332. Fol. 166, 179. (e) 410, 103. (ƒ) p. 571. H. 3. m. 12. dorfo. Publifhed by Mr. Petit, Append. p. 164. (c) 4to. 26. (d) (g) Rot. par. 37. Rights of Commons. glic 335 336 A History of Convocations. , } glie illuftris, R. Comes Norff. & Marefcallus Angliæ, H. Comes Hereford & Effex, I. Comes de Warwico, P. de Subaudia, cæteriq; Magnates Angliæ confenfe- runt in fententiam Excommunicationis generaliter latam apud Weft. tertio decimo die Maii anno Regni Regis prædict. 37. in forma fcil. Quod vinculo præfatæ fen- tentiæ ligentur omnes venientes contra libertates content as in Cartis communium libertatum Angliæ & de Foreſta, &.c. Sciendum autem, quid fi in fcriptis fuper ed- dem fententia à quibufcunq; confectis, feu conficiendis ali ud vel aliter oppofitum vel adjectum fuerit, aut articuli a- liqui alii in eis contenti inveniantur, D. Rex & prædicti Haguates omnes, & Communitas Popult prote- ftantur publice in præfentiâ venerabilium Patrum B. Dei gratia Cant. Arch. totius Angliæ Primatis, necnon & Epifcoporum omnium in eodem Colloquio exiftentium, quod in eâ nunquam confenferunt, nec confentiunt, fed de plano eis contradicunt. Præterea præfatus D. Rex in pro- latione præfatæ fententiæ omnes Libertates & Confuetu- dines Regni noftri antiquas & ufitatas, & dignitates & jura Coronæ fuæ ore proprio Specialiter fibi & Regno fuo Jalvavit & excepit. In cujus rei memoriam & in po- fterum veritatis teftimonium tam D. Rex quam prædicti Comites ad inftantiam alto2um agnatum, & Dopus li præfentium, fcripto figilla fua appofuerunt. In the Sentence it is faid, that all fhould be involv'd in it, that having broke the Charters ignozantly, and being admonished, did not reform themselves within 15 Days, and make full Satisfaction for that they had done, at the will of the Daoinary. This laft Word is that in which the Laity would not joyn with the Bi- fhops, declaring in this Proteftation, that inftead of having the matter determined by the D20inary or Ecclefiaftical Judge, it fhould be brought into the King's Court. Ita tamen quod D. Rex tranfgreffionem illam per confiderationem Curiæ fuæ faciat emendari. And the King's juft rights in oppofition to the Clergy's A History of Convocations. 337 Clergy's Pretenfions are by this Salvo fecured. On the laſt day of September next following, or the year after, the Anathema denounced againſt the Infringers of the Charters, was ratified and con- firmed by P. Innocent IV. in an Inftrument reciting the Sentence, dated Anagnia 11 Kal. Octob. Ponti- ficatus 12. and extant in the Burton Annals. But it is placed there ad an. 1254. It was not long before the King began to fall off, and returned to his former Courfes, as we learn from (a) M. Paris. In Eulogium, a MS. of the Cot- ton Library, it is faid, that he got a Difpenfa- tion from the Pope, by Prince Edward's inftigati- on. An. 1253. Henricus Rex Anglie ad inftantiam Prælatozum, Comicum, & Baronum, Cartas duas eis conceffit, unam de Libertatibus, quæ Magna Carta dicitur, & alia quæ dicitur, De Foreftâ. Pro quâ con- ceffione Communitas Angliæ conceffit, 15m. partem om- nium bonorum fuorum mobilium & immobilium per to- tam Angliam. Hæc autem conceffio & donatio confirma- ta eft in Parliamento Regis apud Drenfozo. Edwar- dus autem Filius R. qui vocatus eft Comes Cornubie (this is falſe) illis Ordinationibus, Legibus, Conftitutionibus omnino refiftebat, & dicebat Parliamentum cedens in Re- gis detrimentum male effe celebratum. Ob quam cau- Jam confuluit Patrem fuum, ut à Domino Papa abfolutio- nem fui juramenti imploraret. Qui à Domino Papa pe- tiit & obtinuit. The K. got an Abfolution from the Proviſions of Oxford, in which thefe Charters were confirmed: And this, I fuppofe, is the ground of what the Eulogium tells us. But as to the Obfer- vation of the two Charters there confirm'd, the Pope's Difpenfation excepted that. But of this hereafter. (a) Paris p. 758. $ Z On 338 A History of Convocations. On the 6 Cal. Febr. following, while the K. was abroad in Gafcony, a Parliament was held at London under the Queen and Richard Earl of Cornwal, as Guardians of the Realm. M. Paris (a) tells us that there came together univerfi fere Anglia Mag nates, whom he alfo calls univerfitas Anglia; and that they refuſed to grant the Subfidy defired. The Regents in their Letter (b) which they wrote to the K. to give him an Account of the refult of the Par- liament mention their being commanded by the K. to convene the Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, and Barons of the Kingdom of England, in Craft.. S. Hilarii; But that being too fhort a warning, they had fummon'd them to Westminster on the Quin- den of S. Hilary: That the Bufinefs being propofed to 'em, they anſwered, that the Earls and Barons would be at London, for 3 Weeks after Eafter fol- lowing, and would go over to the King's affiftance if need were, and the Bishops and Abbots promifed likewife to affift the K. if there was fuch a neceffi- ty as he pretended: But as for the Clergy, the Bi Sed de fhops would grant no Subfidy upon them. Clericis fuis nullam vobis voluerunt facere conceffionem, propter decimam colligendam ad opus veftrum in fubfidium Terra Sanita, in proximum. This feems to fhew, that the Bishops did ſometimes tax their Clergy in Parliament. י > an in- In the MS. Chron. of Dunftaple, we are told that they refuſed to grant any thing, unless the Sheriffs were commanded by the King's Letters Patent to obferve the Charters: And there feems to be timation, that the Inferiour Clergy were there prefent. But I know not what Autority can be oppos'd to a Letter writ by the Regents to the King. That a) P. 758. (b) Lib, Addic, p. 4.. Chro- A History of Convocations. 339 Chronicle mentions z Parliaments held this year for the granting of Subfidies: In the firft the Char- ter's were confirm'd; but that it mentions not. This rd. it makes to be held on the Octaves, (it fhould have ſaid on the Quinden) of S. Hilary. An. 1253. Rex convocavit Magnates fuos & petiit auxilium ab Epifcopis, Comitibus, Baronibus, Militibus, Abbatibus, Prioribus, & maximam ab eis extorfit pecuniam. Eodem anno in octabis S. Hilarii conveniunt London: Archiepifcopus Cant. & Epifcopi plures, Comites, & Bá- rones, Abbates, & Priores, quos allocuti funt Comes Ri- cardus & alii de Confilio Regina, petentes ad opus Regis auxilium generale à Clero & à Populo, qui omnes con- tradixerunt, nifi fub certa forma, fcil. quod Magna Char- ta & Charta Foreft plenè teneantur, & executio Vice- Comitibus per literas D. Regis patentes mandarentur, & Ecclefia libertatibus fuis plene informaretur. Quo audito, Comes Ricardus & confilium Regine petierunt à Clero, deçimam unius anni de decima 3 annorum quam D. Papa' Regi concefferat. Quod Clerus denegavit, nifi literas haberent D. Papa patentes quod eis pro decima primi anni cederet unam (quod) factum eft. R } Another Parliament was fummon'd to meet on the Quinden of Eafter 1254. The Regents iffue out a Writ to all the Bishops, requiring them to con- vene all the Clergy in their refpective Diocefes, to confider of a Subfidy. And having there refolved what to give, the Clergy of each Dioceſe were to fend up certain Proxies to the Parliament to give in their Refolutions, or an Account what they would give. The Writ is extant in the Clofe Roll of this year, and is published by Pryn (a); who takes it to relate to a voluntary contribution, and not to (a) Cl. 38. H. 3. m.g. Dorfo. (b) Brev, Parl. parte. 1. p. 3: Z z 2 } • 342 A Hiftory of Convocations. 1 a Parliament. But he ought to have known, that in thoſe days it was ufual for the Clergy before the Parliament begun, to be called together by their refpective Bishops, to refolve what to give, and then to fend up their Proxies to Parliament to give as directed by their Principles. Rex R. Cant. Archiepifcopo, totius Angliæ Primati, falutem. Cum Rex Caftelle nullo jure fed potentiâ con- fifus, terram noftram Wafconia cum multitudine Chrifti- anorum & Saracenorum in æftate prox. futura hoftiliter fit ingreffurus -Paternitatem veftram omni qua poffumus affectione rogamus, quatenus nos & jura noftra taliter indefenfa non deferentes, cum omni celeritate con- vocetis coram nobis Capitulum veftrum Cathedrale, Ar- chidiaconos, viros Religiofos & Clerum vobis fubjectum. Inducentes eos modis omnibus quibus poteritis quod no- bis in tanta neceffitate liberaliter fubveniant Provifo, quod aliqui viri difcreti, ex parte prædicto- rum certificent Conflium nottrum apud Westm. in quindena Pafch. prox. fut. de modo & quantitate fub- fidii memorati. Salvis nobis permiffionibus tunc folven- dis ibidem à viris religiofis veftre Diæcefis nobis factis in quindena S. Hilarii prox. præteriti. Et quia ordi- nariam furisdictionem exerceatis vacante. fede in Epif- copatu Lincoln. vos requirimus affecluofe, quatenus of ficialibas veftris ejufdem Epifcopatus fciatis attente quod tempeftive convocant coram eis Capitulum Cathedralis Lincoln. Archidiaconos, Viros Religiofos, & Clerum e- jufdem Epifcopatus ad certos diem & locum: Inducen- tes eos omnibus modis quod in hac neceffitate noftra confi- milem nobis faciant fubventioncm, & quod certificent Confilium noftrum apud Weftm. in prædictâ Quindend Pafch. per viros difcretos ejufdem Epifcopatus de modo & quantitate prædicti Subfidii. Salvis nobis permiffionibus à viris Religiofis prædicti Epifcopatus nobis factis in Quindena S. Hilarii prox. præteriti ficut prædictum eft. โกร A History of Convocations. 341 > In cujus, &c.T. A.Regina noftra & R. Com. Cornub.fra- tre noftro, apud Windlefor 11. die Febr. Eodem modo mandatum eft Archiepifcopo Eborum. & fingulis Epifcopis totius Angliæ, & Officialibus Bathon. &Wellen Epifcopi. To the fame Parliament were fummon'd 2 Knights out of every County, to be chofen by the County. The Writ of Summons directed to the Sheriff of Bedf. and Buck. is extant in the Cloſe Roll of this Year (a). The K. tells the Sheriff, that the Earls, Barons, & cæteri Magnates regni had pro- mis'd him to be at London 3 Weeks after Eafter, with Horſe and Arms, in order to march to Portf- mouth, and ſo to fail over into Gascony; then he re- quires him to oblige all thoſe within his Jurifdiction, qui tenent 20 librate terra de nobis in Capite, vel de a- liis qui funt infra ætatem, & in cuftodiâ nostrâ, to do the fame. After which, thus: Tibi diftricte præcipi- mus, quod præter omnes prædictos, venire facias coram Concilio noftro apud Weftm. in Quindenâ Pafchæ, prox. fut. 4 Legales & difcretos Milites de Comitatibus prædi- Etis, quos iidem Comitatus ad hoc elegerint, vice omnium & fingulorum eorundem; viz. 2. de uno Comitatu, & 2. de alio ad providendum una cum litibus aliorum Comitatuum, quos ad eundem diem vocari fecimus, quale Auxilium nobis in tantâ neceffitate impendere voluerunt. Et Tu Militibus, & aliis de Comitatu prædicto neceffita tem noftram, & tam urgens negotium noftrum diligenter exponas, & ad competens Auxilium Nobis ad præfens im- pendend. efficaciter inducas. Ita quod præfati 4. Milites præfato Concilio noftro ad prædictum terminum Pafchæ re- Spondere poffint fuper prædicto Auxilio pro fingulis Comitati- bus prædictorum,&c. T. 4. Regina & R. Com. Cornub. a- pud Windefore xi. Febr. (a) Cl. 38. H, 3. m. 7. & 12. ap. Brady Introd. p. 212. Z 3 On L } 342 A diftory of Convocations& 1 On the Quinden, of Eafter, fays aris (a), congrega ti funt iterum Anglia Magnates Londini. But they: granted no Aid; I fuppofe, becauſe the Sheriff's had not been commanded, as they defired, to obferve and publish the Charters. Book soms 1 # .} At the fame time (2. Febr.) the Regents fend into Ireland for a Subfidy there (b) Rex ven. in Chr. Pa- tribus Omnibus Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, & dilectis fibi in Chr. Abbatibus, & Prioribus, & dilectis fidelibus fuist Hiberniæ, falutem, &c. A few Days after (Febr. 17.) another Writ (c) was fent thither: Rex Ar- chiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Militibus, Liberis Hominibus, Civibus, Burgenfibus, & omnibus aliis fivelibus fuis terræ fue Hibernia falutem. It is certain from the Writs that all theſe were to meet together in Parlia ment, to treat of the Subfidy which the K. rem quired. The fame Year the K. fends into England to the Queen and the Earl of Cornwall to require the Sheriffs to take an Oath to obferve the Charters, and by Proclamation to command all others to obferve em: provided the Magnates and the Prelats of Eng land commanded their Subjects to do the fame.s Rex Reginæ (d) & R. Comiti Cornub. falutem. Cum Nos & omnes agnates & Pzelati Angliæ juraveri- mus & promiferimus nuper apud Weſtm. quod Magnam Chartam noftram Angliæ in omnibus Articulis fuis teneri firmiter faceremus: Nos adhuc in eodem propofito perfis ftentes, volumus & mandamus quod Cartam illam fuper (a) p. 763. (b) Rot. Pat. 38. H. 3. m. 4. Append. p. 166. (c) Ibid. See Brady Introd. (d) Rot. Pat. Vafcon. 37. & 38. H. 3. m. 4. 0.`21. Mr. Petit's p. 90, &c. 1 Sacra- A History of Convocationst› 343/ K Sacramentum fingulorum Vice-comitum in fingulis Comida. tibus publice clamari faciatis tenori, dum tamen præe+ fati Magnates & Prælati eam faciant fimili modo de cætero à fuis Subditis. T. &c. But this Order does not ſeem to have been executed till the Year fol- lowing. 1 3 An. 1255. (a) in Quindenâ Pafchæ que vulgariter Vokeday appellatur, convenerunt Londini omnes Nobi- les Angliæ tam viri Ecclefiaftici quam feculares, ita quòd nunquam tam populofa multitudo ibi antea viſa fuerit congregata. There a Subfidy being demanded, they requir'd of the K. that Magna Charta fhould be inviolably obſerved, which he had been ſo often fworn to; and that the Justice, Chancellor, and Treaſurer ſhould be chofen by the Common Counſel of the Kingdom, and not be remov'd nifi de communi Regni convocati confilio & deliberatione. The Hiftorian here complains, that the Prelats and Great Men knew not what to do to hold their Proteus fast, fo change- able the K. was. It was refolv'd, ex parte univerfi- tatis, that the Buſineſs ſhould be adjourn'd to Mi- chaelmas. · The Annals of Burton (b) tell us, that there were preſent in that Parliament all the Bishops of the Realm, the Abbots, Earls, and Barons: only the Archbishop of Canterbury was then beyond-Sea, and fome few were excufed being indifpofed. It appears from both thoſe Hiſtorians, that they pretended in their De- mand, that it had been anciently the Cuſtom for the Justice, Chancellor, and Treafurer, to be nomina ted by the Parliament. Which was more, I doubt, than they could prove. (4) Paris P. 777,, (b) P› 341 A In Z 4 344 A History of Convocations. In the MS. Chron. of Dunftaple I find the fame Parliament mention'd, with this Account: An. 1255. in quindenâ Pafche convocavit. Rex omnes Mag- nates fuos, & tenuit Parliamentum folempne cum eis, pe- tens auxilium à Clericis & Laicis, præter decimam ei à D. Papa conceffam, qui omnes petierunt inducias refponfioni fue ufq; ad S. Mich. prox. feq. ut tunc præcife refponde- rent: Dum tamen medio tempore libertates in Magna Charta & in Carta de Foreftà content as faceret obfcr- vari, quod fe promifit facturum, non tamen perduxit ad finem. But Paris (a) tells us, that foon after the K. commanded it to be proclaim'd in the County-Courts, Synods, and Churches, and in all places where Peo- ple were wont to come together, that Magna Char- ta, which K. John had granted, and he himself fo often confirm'd, fhould be inviolably obferv'd, and the Sentence of Excommunication was denounced all over the Kingdom againſt the Violators of it. The Pope having given the Kingdoms of Sicily and Apulia, which belong'd to the Emperor, to Prince Edmund the King's younger Son, that fo he might oblige the K. to oppofe the Emperor, after St. Luke's-tide (a) Edicto Regio convenit Magnatum numerofa multitudo, where the K. declar'd his Son K. of thoſe Countries. Soon after came the Legat Ruftandus into Eng- land to demand an Aid for the Pope for the reco- very of thofe Kingdoms. A Parliament is call'd at Westminster on the Feftival of St. Edward (the Mar- tyr) where were omnes fere Anglie Magnates (c). The King's own Brother, Richard Earl of Cornwal obje- cted, that the K. had engaged in that Bufinefs fine confilio fuo & affenfu Baronagu fui. Others alledged, (4) p. 779. (b) P. 783. (c) p. 785. that } را A History of Convocations. 1. 345 • that all were not call'd according to the Tenor of Magna Charta: quod omnes tunc temporis non fuerunt juxta teno- rem Magna Chartæ fuæ vocati, & ideo fine “Paribus fu- is tunc abfentibus, nullum voluerunt tunc refponfum dare. By this they ſeem to have had refpect to K. John's Charter, properly fo call'd; for in the Charters of H. 3. there is nothing at all of that kind. The K. that he might one way or other prevail with 'em, continued the Parliament for a whole Month together; which was in thofe Days a very long while. But after all nothing could be got. The Earl Marefchal there gave the K. the Lye (a) the K. calling him Traitor. In this Parliament the Diocefan Clergy had their Proxies. The (b) Annals of Burton fpeak thus of it. Poft feftum S. Mich. tenuit Rex Parl. fuum apud Weftm. convocatis ibidem Epifcopis, Abbatibus,& Priori- bus, Comitibus, & Baronibus, & totius Kegni Majozi- bus. From whence one would at firft fight conclude that the Inferiour Clergy were not prefent. But from hence it appears, that we ought not to rely on fuch kind of Enumerations. For immediately it fol- lows: In quo petebat à CLERO de laicis fœdis fuis fibi Juf- fragium exhiberi ad negotium ftulte & incircumspecte pro Regno inchoatum Ciciliæ profequendum, difponens de fuo confilio iniquo hoc prius à Clero, & poftmodum à pòpu- lo majozi & minozi extorquere. Epifcopi vero, Ab- bates, Priores, & Procuratozes qui ibidem p20 univers fitate affuerunt, nolentes bujufmodi exactioni adquief cere, &c. Where by Procuratores Univerfitatis are meant the Reprefentatives both of the Commons, as well Spiritual as Secular. 2 The Proxies of the Clergy of each Diocefe gave in their particular Complaints against the Pope's Ex- (b) p. 788. (c) p. 355. actions, 1 346 A Hiftory of Convocations I actions, and fent 'em to the Pope.olentes bujufmodi exactioni adquiefcere, fed potius decernentes fore refiftendum & contradicendum, rationibus & gravamini» bus in fcriptis redactis & allegatis, per fideles & difcretos nuncios electos eadem gravamina fummo Pontifici fub figil lis deftinarunt. Quorum tenor talis eft. Procuratozes Clericorum beneficiatorüm Archidiaconatus Lincolniæ pro totâ communitate proponunt, quod gravati funt, &c.— Proponunt Procuratozes fubditorum Ecclefiarum Covent. & Lichf. Diœcefis, &c.De fingulis Diœcefibus toti- us regni confimiles ibidem confecti funt articuli, & fum- mo Pontifici ibidem pro Univerſitate fimiliter deſtinati ut Supradictum eft. d - An. 125%. on Hilary Day the Bishops and Arch- deacons being met at a Synod under Ruftandus, the Great Charters of K. John (fofays the (4) Hiftorian) which he had of his own accord promis'd the Baronage of England, and which the prefent K. bad agen granted, was now agen confirm'd in Westminster-Hall, under the pain of an horrible Anathema. And K. John's Charter for free Elections in the Church, was confirm'd by the Pope. On Midllent Sunday another Parliament was held in the Chapter-House of Westminster, where the Dioce fan Clergy were prefent, it being held for a Subfidy for the Bufinefs of Sicily. Coram Prælatis, Clero, Populo (fay the Burton Annals) in magnâ multitu- dine congregatis, expofuit Archiepifcopus Meſſenenfis (one of the Pope's Nuncio's) negotium Cicilia, &c. L In the Dunftaple Chron. an ancient MS. of very good note, which I have often quoted, I find this Account of the Tranfaction between the K. and his Parliaments about thofe Subfidies. An. 1256. Magifter Ruftandus & Mr. Gilo de Brideport, & (a) Paris, p. 791. ļ " من Ric. کار A Hiftory of Convocations. 347 Ric. Abbas Weftm. & D. Henricus ad inftantiam De Regis adierunt Curiam Rom. pro negotiis fuis expediendis contra Clerum & Populum Anglia, Quibus in An gliam redeuntibus petiit D. Rex à Clero & Populo-om- nes fumptus quos tunc pofuerat. pro terrâ Ciciliæ filio fuo Eadmundo proquirenda, &c. ad que Magnates primo, & poften Clerici refpondebant, quod petita facere nec voluerunt nec potuerunt, &c. Alias plures caufas Clerus & Populus affignabant. An. 124. on the Epiphany (a) the Abbots of the Giftercian Orders were conven'd before the K. for an Aid: But they refuſed to grant any, alledging, that they could not do it without the general proviſion and confent of their Chapter, or at leaft, by the common conſent of all the Abbots of their Order in England, of whom fome were not then preſent. For which refufal they fuffer'd very much from the King's Officers in the Country. ་ On Midlent Sunday a (b) Great Parliament was held at London, where the Mafters of that Univerſi ty of Oxford were fummon'd to appear, for the compofing of a great Difference between the Uni- verfity and the Biſhop of Lincoln, who pretended to a Power which they would not allow him. There likewiſe the K. demands a Subfidy for the Affair of Sicily; which Kingdom, he ſays, he had accepted of for his Son (c), by the common Counſel of the boka, Church of England, both Clergy and Laity. Po D. Rex quod cum ipfe ex communi confilio totius Anglica- me Ecclefiæ fe obligaverit D. Papa, propter regnum Ci- ciliæ Edmundo filio fuo conceffum, ad expenfas cirda i- dem regnum perquirendum jam factas & faciendas, uni verfus Clerus & Populus in totum, vel jam ad ufø (a) Paris p. 809. (b) p. 812. (c) Annal. Burt. p. 374 Tas 348 A Hiſtory of Convocations. ras & pœnas ad quas fe aftrinxerat in totum ſe obliget. I- tem petit Decimas à Clero continuandas, &c.The Biſhops and Clergy give in their anſwer; Rationes Epilcopozum & Cleri contra petitionem D Regis. In which they deny that they were ever fo nch as confulted about that Matter. At laft they offer'd him an Aid of 50000 Marks, on this condition, that he would obferve Magna Charta inviolably, and not opprefs 'em for the future with fuch heavy Exactions. M.Paris calls this a very populous,and a moſt general Parliament, and there were there, as he tells us, tota fere Anglie Nobilitas. There Richard Earl of Cornwal, being chofen K. of the Romans, took his leave of the Univerfitas Anglia. The Hiftorian adds, that in that Parliament, in audientia totius Populi the K. declar'd his Son Edmund K. of Apulia. There was then, as he ſays, fuch a multitude of Men at London, ut vix eam Londinum civitas capaci gremio con- tineret. On the Quinden of Eafter following, a Parliament was held at Weſtminſter about the fame Bufinefs: In boc fuit tractatum de negotiis Apuliæ, pro quibus Archie- pifcopus Meſſenenfis (one of the Popes Nuncio's) ibidem interfuit; refponfum fuit tam à Clero quam à Po- pulo, ficutranno præcedenti. (a) Annal. Burton. This Year the K. took an account of all the (b) Baronies in England, and they were found to be 250. Which I therefore mention, becauſe it re- lates to the Parliaments of that time. An. 1258. The next Day (c) after Hoke-Tueſday a Paliament was held at London, about the fame Bufi- nefs of Apulia and Sicily, and about a War againſt the Welfh. The Magnates refuſed to grant him any (a) p. 176. (b) Paris p.811. (c) p. 826, 7, &c. Sub- A Hiftory of Convocations. 349 Subfidy alleging many Grievances, as his adher- ing too much to Foreigners, &c. The King hum- bly acknowledged his Faults, and took an Oath before S. Edward's Altar, that for the future he would correct 'em, and be adviſed by his natural Subjects. So the Parliament was prorogued to Barnaby Day, to be held then at Drfozd. Barnaby Day being now at hand, the (a) Magna- tes and Nobiles of the Land, require all that held of 'em in Military Service to attend 'em to the Par- liament, for fear of Violence. Accordingly they come thither in a warlike manner, pretending they did it in order to march against the Welsh. The Annals of Waverly tell us who were pre- ſent in that Parliament, in theſe Words: Rex & Proceres Regni apud Oxoniam convenerunt, & quan dam providentiam inter fe ftatuerunt, quâ perverfas e- vertere leges poffent, & ad hanc obfervandam omnes ju- raverunt, Rex, Comitee, Barones fere centum, fe- cerunt & Epifcopi idem Sacramentum, & excommuni- caverunt omnes qui contravenirent. But thofe Annals mifplace it ad an. 1255. Agen ad an. 1258. Le- ges & confuetudines antiquæ aut nimis corruptæ, aut penitus caffatæ, &c. Tandem hoc anno Comites& Ba- rones, Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, & cæteri Magnates An- glia Hemingford. Comites& Barones certos diem & locum ftatuerunt, fcil. Oxoniæ, à die Pafchatis in 15 dies, ubi convenirent omnes tractaturi de, &c. Conveni- entibus igitur ipfis, in primis ab ipfo Rege & cæteris Magnatibus facramentum petierunt, &c. præftitit jura- mentum Rex, juraverunt & cæteri Magnates fere omnes. Magnates Anglie congregati (unt Dron. fays Wikes. The Annals of Burton tell us (b) that the Parliament was held, convocatis & convenientibus, (a) P. 832. (a) P. 107. $ cum ì 350€ A Hiftory of Covocations. A cum equis & armis, Majozibus & Minoribus undi cum Clero. Matthew of Westm. calls it Colloquium generale. They require the King to obferve faithfully the Charter of the Liberties of England, which his Father K. John had made, and he himself had often sworn to obferve; and was of one of thofe that excommunicated the Infringers of it, in the Prefence of the whole Bato! nage. (a) Paris. < Amongst other things, they provide, that the chief Justice fhould be of their own choofing; and that the Kingdom fhould be govern'd by 24 Per fons, 12 to be chofen by the K. and 12 by the Community; and that the K. fhould have 15 Per fons of their chooſing about him for his Counfel All theſe together had power given 'em to make what Laws they thought fit for the Reformation of the Kingdom. Matthew of Weftm. (b) gives thoſe 24 the Name of Capitanei, and they held as he fay's, continual Parliaments. Elevatis in Regno An- glia 24. Capitaneis antedictis, fuerunt eis Parliamenta continua, &c. ļ The Articles of Grievances (c) there exhibited. begin with, Comites & Barones. One of theſe Articles is againſt building Caftles on any Haven, (d) nifi fit de conſenſu torius Regm Anglia. They ordain that in every County there fhould be (e) 4 difcreti & legales Milites chofen to enquire into Grievances. Accordingly after the Parlia ment was over, the K. iffues out his Writ to 4 Knights in every County for that purpoſe, whom he requires to bring up their Roll of Grievances (4), (a) pĝa (b) An. 1265. (c) Ibid. (d) p. 408. (e). · p, P. 412. 7 { to A History of Convocations. 352 to the Parliament which ſhould be held on the Octaves of Michts next enfuing. A Copy of the Writmay be ſeen in thoſe Annals (a),and in M. Pa ris's (b) Liber Addit. Dat. ful. 28. Parliaments (c) are appointed to be held 3 times a year. 7 The K. and his Son Prince Edward having ta- ken a folemn Oath to obſerve the Provifions of this Parliament, as the reft had generally done; and the Biſhop elect of Winchester endeavouring to perfwade 'em not to ftand to what they had pro- miſed, the Barons write to the Pope to hinder his being confecrated Biſhop of that See (d), ex parte Regni univerfitatis, telling him that tho' the K and the Majores Regni fhould admit him, yet the Com? nuritas Regni would not permit him to enter upon English Ground. The Letter (e) begins thus: Sanctif fimo &c. Communitas Procerum & Magnatum, ā- liozumq; Regni Angliæ, &c. Subfcribed by 11 (f) of thofe 12 Lords who had been chofen by the Community for the management of the publick Af- fairs; Vice totius Communitatis præfentibus literis fi- gilla noſtra appofuimus, &c. ' ་ { The Proviſions which are in French, ſpeak every where of tut le commun de la tere, as the Members of Parliament. But by Commun ought to be un- derſtood not the Commons (as they are now under- flood) but the whole Community. They tell the Pope that the K. had confented to have the King- dom govern'd de Procerum & Magnatum fuorum confilio, viz. by 12. chofen by himſelf, and 12 o- (a) P. 418. (b) p. 1132. (c) Annal. Burton. p. 414, 415. (4) Paris p. 838. (e) Ibid, & ap. Ann. Burt. p. 418. (f) The 12th. was the Bishop of Worc, who did not, it seems, think fit to fubfcribe. thers 352 A History of Convocations. ว thers ex parte Communitatis nominati. And yet in the Annals (a), where the Names of thoſe cho- fen on one fide,and on the other, it is faid; are men- tion'd,Electi ex parte D. Regis. Electi ex parte Comitum Baronum. Neither is there any one among 'em below the degree of a Baron: But that does not prove that there were none below Barons among the Electors. The MS. Dunftaple Chronicle fpeaks thus of it: An. 1258 in fefto S. Barnabæ Apoft. D. Rex convocari fecit omnes Magnates fios Anglia Clericos & Laicos, & habito cum maxima deliberatio- ne confilio, inter eos ftatuerunt quod D. Rex haberet 12 de confilio electos per totam Communam Angliæ. The Sheriffs which were conftituted in the feve- ral Counties, purſuant to thefe Provifions, are faid by Mat. of Weſtm. (b) to be appointed per Ba- rones & Communicatem terra. There is extant in Mr. Somner's Saxon Dictionary V. Hunan, a Writ fent by the K. to all the She- riffs of England and Ireland, Dat. Octob. 18. infor- cing the Proviſions of this Parliament. It is in old English, and in Saxon Characters (c), but tranflated by him. And according to his Tranflation, the K. fays, Vobis omnibus notum facimus, quod volumus concedimus ut quod Confiliarii nostri omnes, five major eorum pars, qui fuerint electi à nobis & à gentis plebe in regno noftro, fecerint & facturi fint, &c. The Word which Mr. Somner tranflates gentis plebs (the the common People of the Land) is Loandeftolk, Folk of the Land, and it is to be underſtood as com- prehending not the plebs, or Commons only, but the whole Community, and fo as a learned Writer (d) has well obferved, it is render'd by the Parliament (a)P. 412. (b) an. 1261. Mr. Tyrrel Append. Vol. 2. p. 25. (c) It's publifhed likewiſe by (d) Rights of Convoc. p. 314. it A History of Convocations. 353 it felf; who commanded it to be publiſhed in 3 feveral Languages, Latin, French, and Englfh. (a) The French Tranſlation has par la Commune de noftre Reaume. And the Annals of Burton, in which the (b) French Charter is extant, and which were written at the fame time, tell us, that the Charter was order'd de communi D. Regis, & Communitaris confilio, to be publifhed in 3 feveral Languages. But who were comprehended in this Community, and who the Folk of the Land were, whether they were only the Military Tenants, as that worthy Au- thor thinks, or others befide them is ftill a Que- ftion. By comparing all things together, I cannot eafily perfwade my felf, but that there were others befide them. When the Annals fay that the 12 were choſen by the Earls and Barons, they feem to mention them only becauſe they were the chief, as is ufual with all Hiftorians. That the Burton Annals by the Community of En- gland understood a larger Community than that of the King's Military Tenants, may be gathered, I think, from what they tell us of the Parliament call'd the Michaelmas following. And from thence it e- vidently appears, that in that Parliament of Mich. there were a great number of other Commons prefent. (c) Feſtivitate S. Edwardi R. & Confefforis in Quin- denam S. Michaelis ap. Weftm. per D. Regem regali- ter celebrata, Communitas Bacheleriæ Angliæ figni- ficavit D. Edwardo F. Regis Comiti Gloverniæ &a liis juratis de Confilio apud Oxoniam, quod D. Rex tota- liter fecerat & adimplevit omnia & fingula, que provi- derant Barones & fibi impofuerant facienda; & quod ipfi Barones nihil ad utilitatem Reip. ficut promiferant fecerunt, nifi commodum proprium & damnum Regis u- (a) P. 3173 (b) p. 304. 314. (p. 425. A a big; 354 A History of Convocations. big; & quod nifi inde fieret emendatio, alia ratio pactum reformaret. D. Edwardus ftatim pro fe refpondit, quod juramentum quoddam fecerat apud "Oxoniam etiam in- vitus, fed non propter hoc quin foret paratus ad præftan- dum fponte dictum juramentum,& ad exponendum fe mor- ti pro Communitate Angliæ, & pro utilitate Reip. fe- cundum quod juratum extitit apud Oxoniam: Et man- davit præcife Baronibus de Confilio juratis, quod nifi ju- ramentum fuum prædictum adimplerent, ipfe ufq; ad mortem ftaret cum Communicate, & promilla faceret adimpleri. Tandem videntes Barones magis expedire pro- miffa fua per feipfos a:limpleri quam per alios, publice fa- cerunt Provifiones fuas promulgari fubfequentes. I dare not fay with the learned Author but now mention'd, that Communitas Bachaleria Angliæ, was the fame with the Community of England, but 'twas ce tainly a part of it, viz. a Part of the Com- monalty. Neither am I well fatisfied that the Com- mons of England affembled in Parliament were ever in general called Bachlers. K. Richard II. in the firft year of his Reign, is faid to have conftituted certain Perfons to be of Counfel to him, 2 Earls, 2 Barons, 2 Bannerets, and 4 Wachilters. And in the Inftrument of his Depofition the Lower Houfe cf Parliament are called the Bachelers and Commons of the Land. But by Bachelers in thofe 2 Places to be un- derſtood, I think, not the Commons in general, but Knights, and to this very day fimple Knights are ftiled Knights Bachelers. Which Name of Knights (or Soldiers) Bachelers, is exprefly mentioned by M. Paris in the Reign of this Prince ad an. 1249. where he tells us, that at a Torneament at Backly there were flain multi de litibus univerfitatis Regni, qui fe volunt Bachelarias appellari. tarios appellari. They were the brisk and warlike Commoners. That the Wache- lers mentioned as prefent in this Parliament of H. 3. were not Perfops fent up in an orderly manner to repre- A History of Convocations. 355% repreſent the Counties, Cities, and Boroughs, but cer- tain Perfons who in thofe very tumultuous times came up to Parliament of their own Accord from all Parts, upon Pretence of reforming the State, ap- pears from what Wikes fays of 'em. He tells us, as the learned Author himſelf obferves, that the inferior fort of People, who in every Town and Bo- rough, did without and againſt the governing Part of it, combine together for the Redrefs of Grie- vances, ftiled themſelves by that name. Wikes out of his Zeal for the Crown, was a very great Ene- my to all theſe Proceedings, and therefore he calls 'em the inferiour fort of People: But perhaps he meant only, below the degree of the Nobility. This Community of Knights Bachelers or Military Refor- mers, I take to have been likewife prefent in the Oxford Parliament, where the Hiftorians obferve, that there came together a great number of war- like People with Horfe and Arms: Tho' M. Paris fpeaks of them as the Barons own Military Te- nants. It was doublefs a vaft Conflux of People of all forts. The Jurats, &c. who govern'd the Kingdom, and had Power given 'em by the Oxford Parliament to make what Ordinances they thought fit, being now threatened by thofe bold and Military Refor- mers, to have the Power taken away from 'em, immediately in that fame Parliament publiſhed a Set of Laws, which may be feen in the Burton An- nals, concluding in thefe Words: Ces funt les Pur- veances & les Establiffimenz fetz à Weftmofter al Par- lement à la feint Michel par le Rei & fun Confeil & les XII. par le Commun confeil efluz par devant le Com- munance de Engletere ke dunke fu à Weftmofter, &c. (An. Regni 43.) In the fame Parliament it was ordain'd, that e- very Sheriff ſhould have a Copy of Magna Charta in A a 2 En- { 356. A Hiftory of Convocations. १ Engliſh, and feal'd with the Great Seal of England: as I learn from the MS. Chron of Dunstaple. An. 1258. ad Parliamentum S. Mich. provifum fuit per Concilium Regni, quod quilibet Viceomes baberet Car, tam Anglice fcriptam & magno figillo Regis figna- tam, &c. Thoſe Foreign Lords who difliked the Proviſions of this Parliament, departing from thence in an an- gry manner towards Wincheſter, the K. and the Great Men foon follow'd 'em thither, and there held ano- ther Parliament; for fear of which the Foreigners fled beyond-Sea. M. Weftm. Venientes demum D. Rex & Magnates unanimiter Winton. illic aliud tenuerunt Parliamentum. On St. Leonard's Day (Nov. 6.) another Par liament was held at London, where the Univerſi tas Barnagii are ſaid to be preſent. M. Paris. The fame Year there was a Conference between the English and the Welsh, which the fame Hiftorian calls a Parliament. An. 1259. Richard Earl of Cornwal, K. of the Romans, returning out of Germany, a Parliament then fitting, folemn Meffengers were fent to him a Communitate Angliæ, to oppofe his coming over, ex- cept upon certain Terms. And coming to Can- terbury, the Magnates Anglia obliged him to take an Oath to be faithful to them in promoting the Refor- mation. Ibid. The K. was there prefent with al- most all the Magnates of the Kingdom, fays Wikes ad an. 1258. On the Octaves of Candlemas a Parliament was held at London, where the Nobiles Anglice were ga- thered together. Paris and Weſtm. The fame Year, after Eafter, factum eft Parlia- mentum Baronum apud London. Wikes. ronagii, ſays Weſtm. On the Quinden of Mich. or the Feaft Totius Ba- of S. Ed- ward ! t A Hiſtory of Convocations. ward, the K. Knighted the Duke of Britain's Son, totius Anglie Magnatibus apud London convocatis. Wikes-M. Weftm. mentions Parliamentum gene- rale Baronum held about that time to confult about the Itinerant Judges who were to publifh the Oxford Proviſions agen in the feveral Counties. Է An. 1260. the War began to break out between the K. and the Proceres Regni, about the Provisions of Oxford, which the K. refufed to obferve. And not long after he got his Oath to be difpenfed with by the Pope. A Parliament was fummon'd to meet at the Tower; which the Great Men refufed to do, for fear of fome ill Deſign, demanding to have it held at Westminster, where Parliaments were wont to be held. MS. Chron. Dunſt. An. 1260. Rex mandavit Mag- natibus quod ad Turrim ad Parl. venirent, & renue- runt mandantes, quod fi placeret ei apud Weftm. veni- rent ubi Parliamentum tenere confueverunt, & non alibi, propter quod inter eos orta eft diffenfio. The K. and the Baronage met afterwards at St. Paul's, as we are told by Matt. of Weftm. J. On S. Edward's Day another Parliament was held at London: mention'd by the fame Writer. An. 1261. after Eafter the K. call'd a Parlia- ment. Rex volebat Parliament are poft Pafcha. Wikes. On Whitsunday he held a Parliament at Winches fter, where he exhibited to the Barons the Pope's Difpenfation relating to the Provifions of Oxford. Ibid, About Michaelmas he call'd another Parliament, but the Barones recufabant cum eo Parliamentare. Ibid. On St. Nicholas Day (Dec. 6.) Major pars Baro- num convenerunt cum Rege. Some agreed to a Form of Peace; but others abfenting themſelves it came to no effect. Ibid. On the Quinden of Eafter following another Par- A a 3 liament 3057 1 358 A History of Convocations. liament was held at Westminster by the K. and Ba- rons, for the compromifing the Difference that was between them. Ibid. ' An. 1263. another was held on Whitsunday about · the fame Matter. And another agen on Sept. 8. Wikes tells us, that there came together innumerabilis populi multitudo. But he intimates, that nothing was there agreed upon, the Barons being not to be brought to any Accom modation without a full obfervance of the Statutes- of Oxford. But we are told by M. of Weftm. that in that Colloquium the Statutes of Oxford were pub- lickly promulgated. He likewife fpeaks of it as one of the greateſt Parliaments that had been known ad An. 1263. Ad Nativ. B. V. maxima co- B.V. adunatur congregatio Londini, Procerum & cæterorum Prælatorum Regni quanta non eft visa longo tempore trans acto in Angliâ. (a) The Rights of Convocations is mi- ſtaken when it makes this to be the ſame with that of 48 H. 3. Another was held the fame Year, a little after Michaelmas, which Weſtminſter calls a Great Parlia- ment. Magnum celebratum eft Parl. Londini. Mention'd alſo by Wikes. According to Wikes the Difference between the K. and the Barons was by common confent referr'd to the K. of France in a Parliament held at Candlemas 126. But it appears by the Agreement ftill extant, that it was on S. Lucy's Day (Dec. 13.) 1263. The K. in the Inftrument, mentions none but the Barons, as concern'd in the Reference: neither are any o- thers mention'd in the Inftrument drawn up by the Barons. } (a) P. 309. 1 In $ सं. • A Hiftory of Convocations. In Jan. 1264. (a) the French K. gave Sentence on the King's fide, and confirm'd his Judgment with the Pope's Authority, annulling all the Pro- vifions of Oxford, except what relates to the obfer- vation of Magna Charta(b). Nolumus autem nec intendi- mus per præfentem Ordinationem derogare in aliquo Re- giis Privilegiis, Chartis, Libertatibus, Statutis, &. Laudabilibus Confuetudinibus Regni Anglie, quæ erant ante tempus Provifionum ipfarum. Thofe are the Words. This Exception gave a pretence to the Barons to continue the War; for they alleg'd, that - all the Statutes of the Parliament of Oxford, were founded on Magna Charta. In the beginning of Lent (c) a Parliament was held at Oxford, confifting only of fuch as were of of the King's Party; Mention'd by Wikes, as alſo by M. Weſtm. ad an. Circa mediam Quadragefimam habito tractatu Rex Anglia cum Proceribus Regni apud Oxoniam, &c. He calls it afterwards Colloquium Oxonii. An. 1264. (d) a Parliament was held at London, where many of the Barons fell off to the K. Another (if not the fame) was held in June, where Articles of Peace were drawn up and Sign'd In which Parliament it is certain that the Community of England, diftinct from the Peers, were prefent. (e) A. D. Rege & D. Edwardo, Prælatis & Proceribus omnibus, & Communitate totâ Regni Angliæ com- muniter & concorditer approbata. Seal'd by the Bishop of Lincoln, and 6 otliers (of whom the Mayor of London is one) in Parliamento Lond. de confenfu, vo- luntate & præcepto D. Regis, necnon Prælatorum, Ba- (a) Wikes. (b) Contin. Paris 850. () Wikes p. 58. 60, (d) Centin. Paris p. 851. (e) Rot. Pat. 41. H. 3. m. 6. Dorío. A 2 4 Tonibus 359 360 A History of Convocations. ronum, ac etiam Communitatis tunc ibidem pre- fentium. Another was held at Canterbury about 8. Sept. in which likewiſe the Community of England, diftinct from the Barons, were prefent; as appears by this. Record (a), produced (as the other alfo is) by the very worthy Mr. Petit: Rex (b), &c. Cum fuper præ- teritis guerrarum difcriminibus in Regno Angliæ fubortis, Quædam Ordinatio feu forma Pacis, de noftro, Prælato-. rum, Baronum & totius Communitatis Regni prædicti unanimi voluntate & affenfu providâ deliberatione inita fuerit, &c. In cujus rei teft. huic fcripto Nos Rex An- glia, Comes Leyc. (with 6 others) pro nobis & cateris Baronibus & Communitate Regni Angliæ figilla noftra appofuimus. Dat. ap. Cant. die fov. prox. poft. Fest. Na- tiv. B. V. An. 1264. Matthew of Westminster makes it to be held in London, and to be one of the great- eft that ever had been. A little after that (as it ſeems) a Colloquium Frocerum was held at Oxford: Mention'd by Mat. Westm. Dec. 13. the fame Year of Chrift, but Regni 49. another was held at Wozcefter, where were made. certain Provifions and Conftitutions, which were afterwards publifh'd in the Parliament of Marlboroub, and are contain'd in the Statutes of Marlborough. They are extant as publish'd at Worcester in a MS. (c) of Bennet Coll. in Cambridge, and in another in the Cottonian Library. In the King's Writ for the ob- fervation of 'em it is faid: de confilio Prælatorum & Magnatum noftrorum præcipimus, &c. They are of- dered to be publish'd in the County-Courts, Hundreds, (4) Ibid. m. 4. Dorio. (b) Rights of Com. p.3 7. (c) See Mr. Tyrrel's Append. Vol. 2. p. 33. Wa- A History of Convocations, 361 Wapentakes, and Court Barons, in utilitatem totius Com- munitatis Angliæ. An. 1263. Regni 49. on the Octaves of Hilary at London was held that famous Parliament, to which (as Dr.Brady contends) 2 Knights for each Shire, and 2 Burgeſſes for each City and Borough, as at this Day, began firft to be fummon'd. There were fum- mon'd by particular Writs (4) 13 Biſhops (of whom one was only Elect) 65 Abbots (of whom one likewife was only Elect) 34. Priors, 3 Ma- fters of Orders, as the Master of the Order of Sempringham, the Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerufalem in England, and the Mafter Milicia Templi in Anglia; 5 Deans, viz, of York, Exon, Wells, Sa- rum, Lyncoln: 5 Earls, 18 Barons. Item mandatum eft (fays the Record) fingulis Vice- comitibus per Angliam ; quod venire faciant 2 Milites de legalioribus & difcretioribus Militibus fingulorum Comi- tatuum, ad Regem London: in Octabis prædictis, in for- ma fupradicta. Item in forma prædictâ fcribitur Civibus Ebor. Civi- bus Lincoln, & cæteris Burgis Anglia; quod mittant in formâ prædictâ duos de difcretioribus & legalioribus &probioribus, tam Civibus quam Burgenfibus fuis. Item in formâ prædictâ mandatum eft Baronibus & probis hominibus Quinq; Portuum. It appears by the Record, that there were none of the Clergy below Priors, befides the 5 Deans, fummon'd by any particular Writ, and that the Bi- ſhops were not commanded to fummon the Inferi- our Clergy, appears alfo from the Writ which was fent them. It is the firft in the Summotiones ad Par- liamenta; and becauſe it is common, I fhall not here tranſcribe it. Only obferve, that they are fum- (a) The Archbishop of Canterbury is not mention'd in the Lift, because he was then beyond-Sea. mon'd 362 A Hiftory of Convocations. mon'd to appear at London, nobifcum, & cum Præs latis & Magnatibus noftris, quos ibidem vocari feci- mus, fuper præmiffis tractaturi & Confilium impen- Suri. The Parliament being over, the K. immediately iffued out his Writ for Expences to be paid the Knights of Shires, and to be rated and levied by 4 Knights of the County (a). R. Vic. Ebor. falutem (a). Cum nuper vocari feceri- mus duos de difcretioribus Militibus fingulorum Comitatu- um noftrorum Angliæ quod effent ad nos in Parl. noftro apud Lond. Uetabis S. Hilarii prox. præterito ad tra- &andum nobifcum & cum Confilio noftro fuper deliberatio- ne Edwardi filii noftri chariffimi & fecuritate inde fa-·· cienda, necnon & aliis arduis regni noftri negotiis, ac ii- dem Milites moram diuturniorem quam credebant trax- erint ibidem propter quod (non) modicas fecerint expenfas : Cúmq; Communitates dictorum Comitatuum varias hoc anno fecerint præftationes ad defenfiones regni noftri, & maxime partium maritimarum contra boftilem adventum alienigenarum, per quod aliquantulum fe nimium fentiunt gravatas: Tibi præcipimus quod 2 Militibus, qui pro communitate dicti Comitatus præfato Parliamento interfu- erunt de confilio 4 legalium Militum ejufdem Com. ratio- nabiles expenfas fuas in veniendo ad dictum Parl. ibidem morando & inde ad partes Juas redeundo, provideri, & eas de eadem Communitate levari facias provifo quod ipfa Communitas occafione præftationis iftius ultra modum non gravetur. T. R. ap. Weftm. XV. die Febr. The occafion of that Parliament's being call'd, was Prince Edward's being put into the Cuftody of the Barons, as a Hoftage, after the Battle of Lewes, where the K. himfelf had been taken Pri- (a) Cl. 49 H. 3. m. 10. Dorfo, out of which 1 tranfcribed it, more exactly than it is publiſh’dby Pryn. Brev. Parl. part 4. fone 4 A History of Convocations. 363. > foner: It was therefore fummon'd to confider what ought to be done for the Prince's Redemption, as the Writ of Summons fets forth, and to eſtabliſh a Peace. The Refult we have in Wikes, and in the Annals of Waverly, ad an. 1264. Wikes makes it to be called by the Earl of Leicester; becauſe all things, and the Khimſelf were then in his power. Vicefi- mo die Nativitatis Dom. facta eft London per Comitem Convocatio non minima Procerum Anglicorum, &c. The Waverley Annals call it magnum Parliamentum. And in them we are told, that, among other things Prince Edward was there fet at Liberty: But not perfectly, as appears from what other Hifto- rians fay of the manner of his Eſcape, &c. There is a Charter there produced as a Form of an Agree- ment drawn up in that Parliament, dated Regni 49. and yet it mentions a Parliament held in June Regni 49. But that is an Error in the Copy. For the fame Charter is ftill upon Record in the (a) Charter Roll of this year, dated March 14. and there the Parliament mention'd as held in June, is faid to be held Regni 48. And fo it is the fame with that which I mention'd in that year. The Provifions of that Parliament are here confirm'd: Concorditer fit provifum, quod quædam Ordinatio de unanimi aßenſu no- ftro, & voluntate Edwardi Filii noftri primogeniti Præ- latorum, Comitum, & Baronum, fuper noftro & Regni noftri ftatu Londoniæ menfe Junii an. r. n. 48. facta inviolabiliter obfervetur. Matthew of Weftm. calls this, magnus tractatus de pace: And there, he fays, the Prince was delivered out of the Earls Cuftody, but not abfolutely: He was kept as a Priſoner at large. (a) Rot. Cart. 49 H. 3. m. 4. out of which it's publiſhed by Mr. Tyrrel Append. Vol. 2. P. 34. 1 magna 334 A History of Convocations. 1 Magna Charta, and Charta de Foresta, were there agen confirm'd upon Oath, and all the Justices, Sheriffs, and Baillives were fo obliged to fwear to the obfervation of 'em, that no one was to pay a- ny obedience to 'em till they had done it: And Copies were fent to all Counties to be kept there in fure Cuſtody, and to be publiſhed at leaſt twice a year in the County-Court, firſt on the Eafter follow- ing, and then agen at Mich. aud fo at thofe times every year. And the Prelates and Biſhops are requi- red to thunder out their Excommunications againſt the Infringers of them, as formerly. The Writ that was fent down into all the Counties, together. with thoſe Charters, may be ſeen in the Charter Roll above mentioned. In the fame manner the Ordinances lately made at Worceſter are ratified and confirmed, and under the fame Penalties commanded to be obferv'd and publish'd. Necnon & omnes Articuli, de noftro ¿re & Magnatum terræ noftræ communi affenfu dudum provi- fi, quos nuper apud Wigorniam exiftentes, per fingulos Comitatus fub figillo noftro tranfmifimus, inviolabiliter ob- ferventur in perpetuum, &c. The Form of Agree- ment is directed Omnibus de Communitate. That the Community of the Kingdom, as diftinct from the Barons, were prefent in this Parliament of 49 H. 3. the Charter it ſelf mentions, and it's cer- tain that here by the Community of the Kingdom, the Knights and Burgeſſes are to be underſtood. De unanimi aßenfu noftro, & voluntate Edwardi filii noftri primogeniti, Prælatorum, Comitum, Baronum, & Come munitatis Regni noftri pro regni ipfius pace concor- diter fit provifum, &c. De unanimi affenfu nc- firo, Edwardi filii noftri, Prælatorum, Comitum, Baro- num, Communitatis Regni noftri concorditer provifum eft, quod, &c. On A History of Convocations. 305. } ! On the ft. of June next following, a Parliament was held at London. in which Peter de Subaudia, and ſome others, were tried, (or to be tried) as appears from the Writ directed to the Sheriffs of Suffex and Hereford for the fummoning of 'em by 4 Knights of each of thoſe Counties, to make their Appearance: Extant in the Summonitiones pag. 3. and Dat. March 19. Matthew of Weftm. mentions this Parliament by the Name of Parliamentum Westmonafterii. After this the Prelates, Earls, and Barons, in whoſe power the King now was, came together at Lon-. don, where among other things it was provided, that two Earls, and one Bishop chofen ex parte ipfius Communitatis, fhould chooſe 9 Perfons, whereof 3. fhould be always about the K. and nothing fhould be done but by the confent of the 9. or at leaft of the 3. And to this they forced the K. to fubmit, threatening to depofe him, and to keep the Prince in perpetual Imprifonment, if he would not fign an Inftrument to that purpofe. So an Inftrument was ſigned, omnibus Epifcopis, Comitibus, & Baroni- bus confentientibus. M. Weftm. Our Hiſtorians make Simon Montfort to be kill'd in Battle, June 16. 1265. but I think it was fome- what later. He being flain, and the War thereby in a manner at an end; on Sept. 8. a Parliament was held at Winchester, where the City of London was deprived by the K. of its Li- berties and Priviledges, for having fided with the Barons againſt him. Who were there conven'd, wedearn from the Annals of Waverly, ad an. 1265. Ad feftum Exaltationis faneta Crucis factum eft Parlia- mentum magnum apud Wintoniam, quo vocati funt omnes Magnates terræ, & omnes Uxores Comitum, Baronum, Militum, in bello occiforum, vel captivorum in 366 A Listory of Covocations. } 1 in perfona (prif.) exiftentium. Mandati funt fuper omnes Epifcopi, Abbates, Priores, Baronias tenentes cund lers vitio D. Regis debito. Exceptis 4 Epifcopis, qui vocá- ti ibidem non fuerant, fcil. Epifcopus Lincolnie, Ep. Lon- donia, Ep. Wyrceftria, Ep. Ciceftria. The reafon why theſe were not fummon'd, was, becauſe they were of Montfort's Party; and the Buſineſs of that Parliament was to punish and difinherit the King's Enemies. Lewelin Prince of Wales, making an Inroad into the Parts about Chester, the Parliament of Win- chefter was forced to break up without compleating the Buſineſs it met about. The Christmas following there was held at Weſtm. maximum Parliamentum Nobilium; where the Nobiles regionis came together, de pace Regni, more folito tra- &taturi. M. Weftm. * The next year having taken the Caftle of Eenel- worth, which till that time held out against him, he held a Parliament there Aug. 24. by whofe Autori- ty certain Commiffioners were appointed to con- fider how they that had ftood out againft the K. fhould be punish'd. 3 Bifhops, and 3 Ba- rons Natives of England were chofen, and they were to chooſe 3 Biſhops, and 3 Barons more; and if they could not agree, then Otbobon the Pope's Legat, and Henry the King's Brother's Son, fhould be added to their number. The Decree of chofe Commif- fioners is extant in Raftal's Collection of our Acts of Parliament.Where 'tis entitled, The Award made between the K. and his Commons at Kenelworth. But by Com munes the Latin Word, or le Commun the French, which he follow'd, the whole Community is to be underſtood. In two ancient MSS. which I have feen in Lambeth Library (a), it bears only this Ti- (a) Fòl. 166. 179. tle A History of Convocations. 3107 cle: Dictum de Kenileworth The Commiffioners fay in their Decree, that they had Autority given 'em à D. Rege & aliis Baroribus & Confiliariis.— Datum & publicatum in castro apud Kenillw. pridie Gal, Novemb. an. D. 1266. Regni vero Dni. H. Regis Angliæ illuftris an. 51. See Mat. of Westm. ad an. 1266. In the fame Parliament Magna Charta was agen confirm'd: Annales Waverl. Ad feftum S. Bartholo mai Apoft. factum eft Parliamentum magnum apud Kenileworth, ubi D. Rex conceffit Baronibus fuis an- tiquam Cartam. Provifum ibidem est per af- fenfum Regis, Edwardi, Legati, Epifcoporum, Abbatum, Baronum omnium ibidem exiftentium, ut eligerentur 5. Vi- ri, &c. This Decree being publiſhed at Kenilworth, Octob. 31. At the fame time a Parliament was held at 202, thampton, for the Confirmation of it. Annales Wa- verl. Factum eft autem quod D. Rex vocaffet omnes Epif copos, Abbates,Priores, Comites, Barones apud Northamp tune die Martis prox. ante feftum Omnium San&torum ad confirmandam pronunciationem Duodecim, &factâ pronunci- atione,adjudicati funt terris fuis omnes exhæredati,&c.Du- ring the fame Parl. the Legat there ſuſpended thoſe Biſhops who had fided with the Barons, and Excom- municated all fuch as then ftood out againſt the K. About the fame time the K. fubmitted himſelf and his Kingdom to be governed by 4 Bifhops, 4 Earls, and 4 Barons; who for the Reformation of the Kingdom, publish'd there an Ordinance (dictum Juum pronunciaverunt) the Day before the publicati- on of the Decree of Kenilworth, and the Day be- fore the Parliament there. So the Annals tell us. But it was done, in all likelihood, in the time of the Parliament. About the fame time, and, I fuppofe, in that Parliament, a great Tax was granted to the K. In 1 1 1 368 A Hillery of ConvocATIONS & In the fame Year, I mean of the King's Reign, which falls in for the moft part with 1267. there were other Laws made by this Prince, chiefly concerning the Exchequer, which may be feen in Raftal. One of 'em relates to the Law and is concerning general Days in the Bench The Sta tutes of the Exchequer were writ originally in French. In which Tongue they are extant in the antient MSS. - • $ An. 126. at Christmas he held a Parliament at Westminster: Cum potentioribus terræ fuæ. M. Weftm An. 1267. Rex citari fecit Comites, & Barones, Ar. chiepifcopos, Epifcopos, & Abbates, omnefq; communiter militare fervitium fibi debentes, to meet at Bury with Horfe and Arms to attack the Ifle of Ely. Being met together, a Parliament was there held, and a Subfidy granted by the Clergy. The K. puts in a Petition, and the Clergy give their Anfwers to each Article of it. See the Contin. of M. Paris ad an. Novemb. 18. on the Octaves, or (as our Law- Books call it) the Utas of S. Martin, Regni 52. in a Parliament at Marlborough were made thofe Statutes which are extant under the Title of Statutum, of Statuta de Marieberg. In which, among many o- ther things, Magna Charta, and Charta de Forest aare agen confirm'd. It was call'd indeed for the renew- ing and eſtabliſhing the Body of the Laws of Eng- land. I have already obferv'd that the Provisions of the Parliament of Worcester are all contain'd in thefe Statutes. The Continuator of M. Paris mifplaces this Parliament ad an. 1269. Hec anno in Octavis S. Mar- tini Parliamentum tenuit apud Marleberwe, in quç de aſſenſu Comitum & Baronum, edita funt ftatuta, que de Marleberwe vocantur. The Preface according to divers MS. Copies in Lambeth Library: An. 92. 1257. Regni autem D. H. filii R. Joh. 52. in Octabis S. Martini, providente ipfo D.Rege ad Regni fui melioratio- : 71077B A History of Convocations. 369 nem & ad exbibitionem juftitiæ prout Regalis officii expof- cit utilitas pleniorem, convocatis difcrenozibus ejufdem Regni, tam de Dafozibus quam de Hinozibus, ita pro- vifum eft & Statutum, ac concorditer ordinatum quod, &c. So 2 Copies (4) have it; and that is doubtless the right Reading. So another (b) has tam ex majori- bus quam minoribus. But 3 other (c) Copies leave out de, and have only tam majoribus quam minoribus, which fomewhat alters the Senfe. An. 1268. about June, or afterward, a Great Par- liament was held at Porthampton by the K. & alii Magnates Regni, where Othobon the Pope's Legat, took his leave to return home, and Prince Edward, and many of the Great Men, took the Crofs, and engaged themſelves to go to the Holy-Land. An- nal. Waverl. Octob. 15. in a Parliament held at Winchester the K. made Prince Edward, Seneschal of England. An. 1269. on the Quinden of Eafter a Parliament was held at London, convocatâ Magnatum Angliæ mul- titudine copiosa, mention'd by Wikes. ༡ The fame Year 3 Id. Octob. in a Parliament con- fifting of the Burg effes of Cities and Boroughs, as well as of the Nobility, the Relicks of Edward the Con feffor at Westminster, were placed in a richer Repofi- tory. Wikes convocatis univerfis Angliæ Prælatis & Magnatibus, necnon cunctarum regni fui Civitatum & Burgozum potentiozibus. Celebratâ tandem tan- te tranflationis folemnitate, cœperunt Nobiles, ut affc- lent Parliamentationis genere de Regis & Regni nego tiis pertractare, &c. Where a Tax was granted upon the Laity, in part towards Prince Edward's Expedition to the Holy-Land. The Waverly An (a) 4to. 26. 105. (b) 4to. 179. f. 300. b 91% £66, &£ 179. 8, 9. Bb nels : 370 A Hiſtory of Convocations, nals tell us, that this Tranflation of St. Edward, was perform'd, Factâ con vocatione Epifcoporum, Co- mitum, Baronum, Abbatum, Priorum, & multozum a liozum. An. 1270. factum eft Parliamentum omnium Magna- tum Angliæ, to treat of a Tax, and of the Prince's Expedition to the Holy-Land. It was held on the Quinden of Eafter (a) and Prorogued to the Octaves of St. John Baptist, or July 1. at what time there came together at London, omnes fere Magnates ad tra- Etandum de pramiffis, as the Annals of Waverly tell us. An. 127. on the Octaves of Epiphany, Magnates Regni Parliamentum fuum tenuerunt London, ubi per communem aßenfum, the difinherited Lords, &c. were reftored to their Lands. There is extant in the Clofe Roll of this Year, which was Regni 54(b) a Writ directed to 2 Com- miffioners appointed to levy the Tax in Dorfetfire, Dated Dec. 14. in which the Knights of Shires and Burgefes feem to be mention'd as prefent in that Parliament: Cum occafione Vicefime nobis in Subfidium Terra Sancta conceſſæ, tam à Magnatibus & Silitibus,. quam aliis Laicis Hominibus, &c. An. 1272. Sept. xi. a Parliament was held at Bir ry, mention'd by Barthol. de Cotton in his Hift. of Nor- wich, Nov. 16. the K. died. According to Mr. Camben, about the end of this Reign the Privilege which all the King's Tenants in Capite had to be call'd to Parliament, was taken a- way from 'em by reafon of their Rebellion; and it was ordain'd by the K. that for the future, fuch only should come to Parliament as fhould be fum- (a) Annal, W., p. 313. (b) Publish'd by Mr. Tyrrel Append. Vol. 2. p. uit. mon'd A History of Convocations. 371 mon'd by a ſpecial Writ. And this they take to be the beginning of Barons by Writ, in contradiftincti- on to Barons by Tenure. Mr. Camben quotes an old nameleſs Writer for what he fays. Mr. Selden however is of Opinion that there was no fuch Law made about this time, but rather nearer up to K. John's time. See his Tit. of Hon. p. 712, &c. Of a Law made in the 18th of this King, con- cerning Baftardy, See ibid. p. 722. Bractor (a) the great Lawyer, who lived in this Reign, fpeaks of Acts of Parliament as made Ex communi confenfu totius Regni. How far the Inferiour Clergy were 'con- cern'd in Parliament after the beginning of Ed. I. I Intended to have added much more concerning Parliaments in general after the beginning of Ed. I. but I find this Volume grows too faft upon me. I ſhall therefore content my felf at preſent to have brought down the general Hiftory of Parlia- ments to the beginning of that Prince, from whoſe 22th Year we have an uninterrupted Series of Par- liaments down to our own times, in the Sumonitio- nes ad Parl, publifh'd by Sir W. Dugdale, and in whoſe ime the prefent Conftitution of our Parlia- ments was ſo far fetled, as that by a Law folemnly publish'd as an Addition to Magna Charta, with Ex- communications, it was enacted, that no Tax fhould (4) 1. 2. c. 16. Bb 2 be : 372 A Hiftory of Convocations, i { be levied without the confent of the Knights and Burgeffes in Parliament. (a). Nullum Tallagium vel Auxilium per nos vel hæredes noftros in Regno noftro pona- tur feu levetur fine voluntate & affenfu totius Archiepifco- porum, Epifcoporum, Comitum, Baronum, Miliun, Burgenfium, & aliorum liberorum Communitatis de Regno noftro. In what follows I fhall confine my felf to the Inferiour Clergy, or the Commons Spiritual of Parliament, and confider what Intereft they formerly had after that time in our State-Affemblies. Only one or two things I fhall add, to confute an Affertion of the learned Dr. Brady, who in his late Book Of Boroughs, lays it down for certain, that af ter 49 H. 3. to 23 E. 1. the Commons of England were never fummon'd to Parliament in the fame manner they are now, viz. by Citizens and Bur- geffes. { This Affertion appears to be falfe from what I have already obferved of the Parliament of October 1269. where, as I have fhewn, the Citizens and Burgenes were prefent. But I fhall give my Read- er an Inftance, and that too a very curious one, of 4 Knights fummon'd for every County, and 2 Citizens and Burgeles for every City and Borough ; and not only fo, but for every Market-Town likewife, II E. I. K. Edward I. being engag'd in Wales in a fharp War, fummons a Parliament to Northampton on the Octaves of Hilary, Regni XI. by the following Writ, which I tranſcribed out of Rot. Wallia 11 E. I. m. 4. Dorfo. Rex Vic. Norff. & Suff. falutem. Quia Lewelinus fil. Griffini &c. Tibi præcipimus firmiter injungentes quod venire facias coram nobis in Octabis S, Hilarii apud (a) MS. Lambeth 4to. 105. Northampton 1 A Hiftory of Convocations. 373 Northampton aut coram fidelibus noftris quos ad hoc duxerimus deputandos, omnes illos de Balliva ad arma po- tentes & aptos qui habent ultra 20 libratas terræ & qui nobifcum in expeditione noftrd Wallia non exiftunt, & 4 Milites de utroq; Comitatu prædictorum pro communitati- bus eorundem Com. habentes plenariam poteftatem: Et de qualibet Civitate, Burgo, Villa mercatorid, duos homi- nes fimiliter poteftatem habentes pro Communitatibus eo- rundem, ad audiendum & faciend. ea quæ fibi ex parte noftrâ faciemus oftendi. Et nulli de Balliva tud ultra 20. libratas terræ habenti & ad arma potenti & apto, amore favore munere feu timore vel aliâ quacunq; ratione parcere vel deferre præfumas. Nec etiam aliquem ultra 20. li- bratas terræ non habentem, licet ad arma aptus feu pronus fuerit, coram nobis vel fidelibus noftris prædictis aliquate- nus venire facias ex causâ prædictâ. Et de nominibus omnium illorum quos fic venire feceris, nos vel prædictos fideles noftros ad prædictos diem & locum, per præfatos 4 Milites reddas certiores. Et habeas ibi nomina illorum 4 Militum & boc Breve Et hæc omnia ficut te & tua diligis facere non omittas. T. R. apud Rothelam xxiiii. こ ​die Novemb. Eodem modo mand. eft Vicecomitibus, Not. & Derb. Sallop. Staff. Cant. Hunt. Effex, Hertford, Buck. Bed. Somerset, Dorf. Surr. Suffex, Warw. Leyc. Oxon. Berk. Kanc. Midd. Northamp. Rotel. Linc. Cornub. Devon. Wilt. Hereford, Wigorn. Glouc. Southamp. quod venire fac. &c. apud. Northamp. Et Vicecomitibus Ebor. Cumb. Weftmerl. Northumberl. & Lanc. quod venire fac. &c. apud Ebor. I fhall fhew by and by, that this Parliament did not meet all together, but was, in a very ſin- gular manner, divided into 3 diftinct Parliaments, one part of it fitting at Northampton, another at Pock, a 3d at Durham, under feveral Commiffio- ners deputed by the K. Bb 3 The 374 A History of Convocations. The fame Year another Parliament was fum- mon'd to meet at Shrewsbury on the Morrow of Mich. and thither alfo, befides Knights of Shires, there were two Citizens fummon'd for every City, and 2 Burgeffes for every Borough. Ibid. m. 2. Dorfo. R. Majori, Civibus, & Vic. Lond. Et quia cum fidelibus noftris volumus habere Colloquium quid de David (Wal- lenf. Principe) fieri debeat memorato, quem relegatum receperamus, natriveramus orphanum, ditaveramus de pro- priis terris ipfum inter majores noftri palatii collocantes; vobis mandamus quod duos de fapientioribus & aptioribus Civibus prædicte Civitatis eligi facias & eos ad nos mit- tatis. Ita quod fint ad nos apud Sallóp. in craft. S. Mich. prox. fut. vobifcum (nobifcum) fuper hoc & aliis locuturi. Et hoc nullatenus, &c. T. R. ap. Rothel. xxviii. die Jun. Eodem modo mandatum eft omnibus fubfcriptis. Majori & Civibus Winton. Maj. & Ballivis Novi Ca- ftri fuper Tynam. Majori & Civ. Ebor. Majori & Ball. Bristol. Maj. & Civ. Exon. Maj. & Civ. Lincoln. Maj. & Civ. Cant. Maj. & Civ. Karl. Ballivis Norwic. Majori & probis hominibus Northampt. Ballivis Notting. K Ball. de Scardeburg. Maj.& Ballivis de Grimef by. Maj. & Ball. de Lenn. Ballivis de Colceft. Ball.& probis hominibus de Gernem. Maj. & probis hominibus Hereford. Maj. & probis hom. Ceftr. Ball. & probis hom. Sallop. Maj. & probis hom. Wi- gorn. In the very beginning of this Prince, an. 1273. his Father dying while he was in the Holy Land, a Convention of the States was fummon'd, to fettle the Peace of the Kingdom till he fhould return, con- だ ​A History of Convocations. 375 { confifting not of the Lords only, but of 4 Knights for every Shire, and as many Citizens for every Ci- ty. This the Waverly Annals affure us. Hoc anno fcil. poft Feftum S. Hilarii, facta Convocatione, omni- um Prælatorum, & aliorum Magnatum Regni apud Weftm. poft mortem illuftris Regis Henrici, convenerunt Archiepilcopt, Epilcop, Comites, & Barones, Ab bates & Piiores, & de quolibet Comitatu quatuca Mi- lites, & de qualibet Civitate quatuor. All thefe, fays my Author, in the Prefence of the Regents took an Oath of Fidelity to K. Edward. And there it was provided, that there fhould be no Itinerant Judges, except only of the Bench, till the King's Return. I might add other Inftances: But for theſe I re- fer the Reader to the Rights of Convocations, p. 311. But one thing more I cannot but mention as a Piece of Curiofity, which is a Charter pretended to anciently by the Town of Barnstaple in Devon. in which the Priviledge of fending up 2 Burgeffes to Parliament is pretended to have been granted 'em by K. Athelstan before the Conqueft. 14 E. 3. a Petition was exhibed to the K. in Parliament, by the Town of Barnstaple in Devon. fetting forth that by a Charter granted 'em by K. Athelstan, among other Priviledges they had the Power of fending 2 Bur- geffès to Parliament, and that this they had done time out of mind. Upon this the K. grants a Writ of Enquiry, and commiffions certain Perfons to empanel a Jury touching the Priviledges they pre- tended to. I have feen the Writ of Inquifition among the Records of the Tower, (Efcheat Bundle, 18 E. 3.) Dated, fun. 23 regni 14. Edwardus &c. Sciatis quod cum nuper ad profecutionem Burgenfium Villa de Barneftaple in Com, Devon. per petitionem fuam coram nobis & Confilio noftro exhibitam nobis fupplicantium, ut cum Villa prædicta à tempore cujus contrarii memoria non exiftit, liber Burgus fuerit, iidemq; Burgenfes & eorum Bb 4 ante- 376 A Hiftory of Convocations. } 1 1 : anteceffore's Burgenfes Killæ prædicte diverfis libertatibus &liberis confuetudinibus per Cartam celebris m Domini Athelftani dudum Regis Anglie progenitoris nar ftri que ad liberum Burgum pertinent à tempore Confer Etionis dicta Carta ufi fuerunt & gaviſt, in hoc, viz. quod debeant ad fingula Parliamenta noftra & dicto rum Antecefforum noftrorum duos Burgenfes pro Com- munitate ejusdem Burgi mittere, necnon in fingulis taxa- tionibus & fubfidiis nobis feu progenitoribus noftris quon= dam Regibus Anglie per Cives & Burgenfes ejufdem Re gni ante hæc tempor a conceffis, per feipfos & non cum fo- rinfecis taxari, &c. バミ ​In the fame Efcheat Bundle there is a Writ of Returni to that Writ of Enquiry fetting forth quod fingula Parliamenta duos Burgenfes pro Communitate di- Eti Burgi mittere folebant. Item dicunt quod in fingulis taxationibus & fubfidiis D. Regi & Progenitoribus fuis per Cives & Burgenfes ejusdem regni ante hæc temporá conceffis per capitales taxatores comitatus prædicti & non per feipfos taxati funt & bactenus folebant, &c. This Writ of Return declaring againſt ſome of their Pri- vileges, they petitioned agen in the 17th of the fame Reign for another Writ of Enquiry, which was granted May 18. fetting forth as above, and then by a Writ of Return all the Privileges they pretended to, were ratified. The Writs both of Enquiry and Return, of 17 E. 3. are to be ſeen in the fame Efcheat Bundle of 18 E. 3. and that of Enquiry I have alfo feen in Pat. 17. E. 3. p. r. m. 20. dorfo. The Return fets forth that all was true what they claim'd in their Petition, that according to K. Athelstan's Charter, from the time of making that Charter, they had all along been a free Borough and had enjoyed thofe Privileges they pretended to. But I bid farewel now to the Commons Temporal, and go on to the Spiritual. A ★ ་ 1 A«Hiſtory of Convocations. A Form of Parliament very much reſembling our ancient Engliſh Parliaments, I find there was as mong our Neighbours the French in the time we are now upon, confifting not only of the Barons, Bifhops, Abbots, and Priors, but alſo of Deans, and Præpofiti, and the Proctors of Conventual and Collegi- ate Churches; as alfo of the Reprefentatives of Cities and great Towns. But the Diocefan Clergy do not ſeem to have had any place in their Par liaments. P. Boniface VIII. having pretended to be Lord of France, as well in Temporals as Spirituals, and declaring to K. Philip the Fair, as well by his Nuncio as by Letters, quod de regno fuo temporaliter Papæ fubeffe, illudq; à Papa tenere deberet, a moft ge- neral Parliament was conven'd at Paris by the K. to confider what Anſwer to return him. The Let- ter which was fent by the Parliament to the Pope, I have ſeen in Archbishop Winchelfee's Regifter, wherein are thefe Words: Rex de Baronum ipforum confilio, tunc abfentes Barones ceteros, ac nos, viz. univer- fos Archiepifcopos & Epilcopos, Abbates, Pziozes Conventuales, Decanos, Præpofitos, Capitula Conventus atq; Collegia Ecclefiarum tam Cathedra lium quam Collegiatarum, Regularium & Secularium, Hechon Univerfitates & Communitates illarum Regni fui, ad fuam mandavit præfentiam evocari, ut elati, Barones, Decani, Præpofiti, ac buo de peritioribus univerfitatifq; Collegiate vel Cathedralis Ecclefie perfo- naliter: Cæteri vero per Iconomos, Synoicos, Pro- curatozes idoneos cuin plenis & fufficientibus mandatis, comparere ftatutis loco & tempore curaremus. bis cæterifq; Ecclefiafticis perfonis fupradictis, necnon Ba- ronibus, Iconomis, Syndicis, & Procuratoribus Commu- nitatum & illarum, & aliis fic vocatis, juxta præ- miffe vocationis formam ad mandatum Regium bac die Martis decimâ præfentis menſis Aprilis in Ecclefia B. Ma- Porro no- > Ho brie 377 A 378 A Hiftory of Convocations. rie Parif. in præfati Regis præfentia conftitutis, idem D. Rex proponi fecit, &c. C To the Parl. of Northampton, which was held XI. E. 1. (of which above), by a Provincial Writ directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury, not by the uſual Writ ſent out to the feveral Biſhops, were fummon'd the Biſhops, Abbots, Priors, and other Pre- fects of Religious Houſes, together with the Proctors of Deans and of Chapters of Collegiate Churches, without any mention of the Archdeacons or the Parochial Clergy. As the Laity were fummon'd to meet there before the K. or his Commiffioners,fo were likewife the Clergy. I have ſeen the King's Writ directed to the Archbishop in the Tower, Rot. Wallia XI. E. 1. m. 4. dorfo (a) and the Archbishop's Mandate fent out to the Bishop of London reciting the ſame Writ, I have met with in the Register of Peckham, in thefe Words. : (b) Frater I. &c. Lond. Epifcopo,&c. Literas Dni. Re- gis die Merc. prox. poſt feſtum S. Nicholai apud He- reford recepimus in hac verba : Edwardus, &c. bec Cant. Archiepifcopo, &c. Quia Lewelinus fil. Griffini complices fui inimici & rebelles noftri totiens tempori- bus noftris & progenitorum noftrorum Regum Angliæ pa- cem regni turbarunt & rebellionem fuam & malitiam jam refumptam continuare non defiftunt animo indurato, propter quod negotium, quod ad ipforum malitiam repri- mendam jam incepimus de confilio Prælatorum, Procerum, & Magnatum regni noftri, necnon & totius communita- tis ejufdem, ad præfens proponimus ad noftram & totius regni pacem & tranquillitatem perpetuam Domino con- cedente finaliter continuare commodius & decentius effe per- pendimus, quod nos & incolæ terræ noftræ ad ipforum malitiam totaliter deftruendam pro communi utilitate la J (a) Publish'd by Pryn, Eccl. Jurifd. Tom. 3. P. 301. (b) Fol. 82. bori- A Hiſtory of Convocations. 379 boribus & expenfis fatigemur hac vice licet onus difficile videatur, quam hujufmodi turbatione futuris temporibus. cruciari prout tempore noftro & progenitorum noftrorum contigit manifefte vobis mandamus rogantes quatenus Suf- fraganeos veftros & Abbates, Priores, ac alios fingulos domibus religiofis præfectos, necnon & Paccuratozes Decanozum & Capitulorum Ecclefiarum Collegiatarum veftræ & Suffraganeorum Dioc. venire faciatis coram nobis apud Northampton in Octab. St. Hilarii vel fidelibus noftris quos ad hoc dupa rimus deputandos. Et vos eifdem die & loco interfitis ad audiendum & fa- ciendum ea quæ pro rep. vobis & eis fuper hiis often- di faciemus, & ad præftandum nobis confilium & juva- men, præfertim cum veftra ficut aliorum interfit, per quod negotium inceptum, ad laudem & honorem Dei, & magnificentiæ noftræ fame ac totius regni noftri & Populi pacem & tranquilitatem perpetuam valeamus hac vice prout intendimus feliciter confummare. T. meipfo apud Rothelan. XXII. die Nov. An. r. n. undecimo. Quia igitur Regiæ Majeftati tenemur quantum fecundum Deum poffimus obedire, quamvis veftrarum & Coe- pifcoporum & aliorum gravaminum multiplex importunitas videatur buic negotio plurimum adverfari, vobis hiis non obftantibus dolentes & inviti in virtute obedientiæ diftri- tius ut poffumus præcipiendo mandamus, quatinus in forma mandati Regii ad præfixos diem & locum venire curetis, citantes nihilominus ad hoc ipfum Abbates, Pri- ores, & alios fingulos domibus religiofis præfectos exem- ptos quidem in locis non exemptis, fi alia loca babeant, vel fi non habeant, per viam aliam efficacem, & eodem melo Decanos & Capitula non exempta prout & exemp ta veftræ Dioc. ut dictis die & loco compareant ob re- verentiam Regiæ Majeftatis de expedientibus reip. tra- Etaturi. Citetis infuper omnes Suffraganeos noftræ Prov. ad hoc ipfum, quibus omnibus diftricte præcipimus, ut in eâdem forma Jubditos fuos in eifdem die & loco faciant convenire. Quod perfonis Epifcoporum eo debet effe faci- lius 1 1 380 A History of Convocations. - 4$. lius quo ut fperamus firmiter circa idem tempus Electus Herefordenfis poterit eorum præfentiâ favente Altiffimo con- fecrari. Quid autem feceritis in præmiffis nos dictis die & loco per veftras patentes literas harum feriem conti nentes curetis reddere certiores. Valete. Dat. Hereford. IV. Id, Dec. A. D. MCCLXXXII. Ordin. nof. quar- to. In this Writ they are fummon'd to appear before the R. or his Commiffioners, but afterwards the K. finding, that, being hotly engaged in the War a- gainst the Welsh, he could not be there in Perfon, iffues out another Writ to the Bishops &c. by which he deputes the Earl of Cornwal, the Abbot of Weftm. his Treaſurer, and the Archdeacon of Coven- try, or any 2 of 'em to reprefent Him. In the firft Writ it is Procuratores Decanorum &c. not only as the Writ is recited in the Mandate, but alfo in the Tower-Roll. But it's certain that the Archbishop underſtood it fo as if the Deans them- felves were to appear in their own Perfons, as well as the Priors, &c. as it is expreft in this 2d. Writ. I find it in the Regiſter (a), in theſe Words. Edwardus, &c. Ven, in Chrifto patribus, Į. eadem gratiâ Cant. Archiepifcopo, totius Anglia Primati, E- pifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, & aliis domorum religio- Sarum præfectis, Decanis, Capitulis Ecclefiarum Cathed. & Collegiatarum de Prov. Cant. & eorum Procuratoribus apud Northampton in inftantibus Octab. S. Hilarii conventuris, falutem. Cum mittamus ad vos dilectum confanguineum & fidelem noftrum Edmundum Comi- tem Cornubia, & dilectos nobis in Chrifto Abbatem West- monaft. Thefaurarium noftrum, & Joh, de Kyrkeby Ar- chidiac. Covent. ad quædam ardua & Specialia negotia, & vos & totum Regnum noftrum tangentia, nos, (a) Fol. 101. b. vobis A History of Convocations. 381 vobis nomine noftro exponenda, dilectiones veftras affe- &uofe requirimus & rogamus quatinus eifdem Comiti, Abbati, & Johanni, vel duobus eorum, quos præfentes effe contigerit, firmam fidem adhibentes, ea quæ ipfi om- nes vel duo eorum vobis nomine noftro dicent efficacitér explere & expedire curetis amore noftri, prout vobis fci- re facient ex parte noftrâ. In cujus rei teft. has literas noftras fieri fecimus patentes. T. m. apud Rothelan. quinto die Fanuar. an. r. n. undecimo. The Clergy being fummon'd to this Parliament for the granting of an Aid, they granted none becauſe the Diocefan Clergy had not been fummon'd to it more debito, in fuch manner as they ought to have been And therefore the Archbishop, whofe Words thofe are, fummon'd a Convocation to meet at London the Eafter following, as I fhew in the Convocations of this Reign. And thither alfo were fent by the K. the fame 3 Commiſſioners, who had been fent to the Parliament of Northampton. 1 At the fame time that the Clergy and Laity of the Province of Cant. were fummon'd to the Par- liament of Northampton, as the Laity of the Pro- vince of York were fummon'd to a diftin&t Par- liament held the fame day at York, fo were alſo the Clergy of that Province. For ſo it is added in the Roll. Confimiles litera & de eadem data diriguntur Archiepifcopo Eborum, quod Suffraganeos, &C. venire faciat coram Rege apud Eborum in octavis prædict, vel coram fidelibus noftris quos, &c. And as Com- miffioners were fent with a Writ to the Clergy at Northampton, fo the Archbishop of York himſelf and Ant. Beke Archd. of Durham and Secretary to the King, were appointed his Commiffioners by Writ, to make Demands in his Name in the Parliament there. Only in this the two Parliaments differ'd, that the K. fent a particular Writ of Deputation to the Clergy affembled at Northampton, and ano- ther 1 381 A Hiſtory of Covocations! ther to the Laity, but to the Parliament at York he fent but one only, which was this. Rex ven. in Chr. Patribus, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Pri- oribus, Decanis, Capitulis Ecclefiarum Cathed. & Col- legiat. de Provincia Eborum, & eorum Procuratoribus Ac toti Communitati Cleri Provincia ejusdem, Militibus, liberis hominibus, Communitatibus & omnibus aliis de fingulis Comitatibus ultra Trentam apud Eborum in inftantibus octabis S. Hilarii conventuris falutem. Cum nos occafione præfentis expeditionis, &c. fubfidio fidelium noftrorum Regni noftri opus habeamus ad præ- Jens, nos de benevolentia ven. Patris W. Eborum Ar- chiepifcopi, &c. ejufdem Archiepifcopo & An- tonio tenore præfentium plenam damus poteftatem petendi & procurandi nomine nostro, juxta formam per nos eis inde traditam & injunétam, fubfidium, ad opus noftrum à fidelibus noftris fingulorum Epifcoporum & Comitatu- um Regni noftri ultra Trentam. Et ideo vobis man- damus rogantes quod eifdem Archiepifcopo & Antonio in hac parte firmam fidem adhibentes, ea quæ circa præ- miffa vobis dicent, modis omnibus expleatis prout ipſi vobis fcire facient ex parte noftra. In cujus, &c. T. R. ap. Rothelan. 1 Feb. Tho' by the former Writs the whole Province of York is fuppofed to meet in that City, yet by other Writs it appears that in the Bishoprick of Dur- ham there was a 3d. Parliament held confifting of the Clergy and Laity of the Bishoprick only, and to that Affembly the K. fent particular Commif- fioners in like manner (a) Rex ven. in Chr. Patri R. Dunelmenfi Epifcopo, & Abbatibus, Prioribus, Decanis, Capitulis, infra Epifcopatum Dunelmenfem confiftentibus, ac Militibus, liberis hominibus, commu- nitatibus Burgorum & illarum ejufdem Epifcopatus (a) Vide ibid. 1 。 falu- A History of Convocations. 383 * < falutem, &c. It was after I had laid this Collecti on together, and when it could not be well omit ted, that I found most of the fame Records in the Appendix (a) of The Rights of Convocations. The worthy Author will be pleas'd to pardon me for publiſhing what he had publifh'd before. It is his Conjecture, (b) That all the Northern Cler- gy, &c. met at York, and that there the Clergy and Laity of the Bishoprick had that diftinguiſhing Pri- vilege of having diftinct Commiffioners fent 'em. But it appears from the Roll, that the Bifhoprick of Durham was not concern'd in the York Affembly, for the Counties that were fummon'd thither, are thus reckond up, Yorkſhire, Cumberland, Westmer- land, Northumberland, and Lancashire, without any mention of the County of Durham. This was purſuant to fome Privilege of the Bishoprick. And to this very Day the Clergy of the Bishoprick do not come to the York Convocations, but with a Salvo Fure. } An. 1294, vocavit Rex per literas fuas Archiepifcopos, Epifcopos, Decanos Ecclefiarum Cathed. & Archidiaconos in propriis perfonis, Clerumq; uniufcujufque Diocefis per z Procuratores, ut in Fefto S. Matthæi Apoft. coram eo compararent Londonia. (c) Knyghton. The Clergy there having granted the K. a Subfidy, petition'd, among other things, for a Reverſe of the Statute of Mortmain. The other Articles the K. readily grant- ed, but for that he anſwer'd, quod de Concilio Mag- natorum fuorum fuerat editum & ordinatum, & abfg co- rum confilio non erat revocandum. That the Clergy had their Proxies in this Parliament of September 19. (for fo it is there) is obferved alfo in the (d) Annals of (a) Num. 9. 7,8. (b) p. 222; (c) Col. 2501. (d) p. 516. Wor 384 A History of Convocations.* 1 1 Worcester. Matthew of Westminster tells us, that the Clerus and Populus were coadunati apud Weftm. But from what follows, one would think by Clerus he meant only the Bishops and Prelates. For he adds, that the Pontifices & Prælati were aftoniſh'd at the greatness of the Subfidy which the K. demanded, but for fear of him durft not contradict him, fed votis Regiis annuentes eoncefferunt, &c. But this is no more than what I have elſewhere obferved, that Hiftorians many times mention only the Chief Per- fons concern'd. From thofe Words Coadunati, &c. it ſhould ſeem that the Clergy and Laity met toge- ther; but they afterwards feparated, and debated alone, as may be gathered from Knyghton's Relation. In the (a) Regiſter of Henry de Eftre the then Prier of Canterbury there are 2 Letters Mandatory fent out by vertue of the King's Writ, and reciting the Writ, by the Prior and Chapter, in the vacancy of the Archbishoprick, one to the Archdeacon of the Dioceſe, and another to the Commiffary of their ſeparate Jurifdiction. There is in the fame Regiſter a Writ relating to the Grant, in which it is mention'd, that quædam funt ordinata per Prælatos &Cleri Procuratores exclufively to the Laity (b). And the Clergy's Proctors are there alfo impower'd to conſent to what the Prelats, Archdeacons, and other Proxies of the Clergy fhould do in common. To the fame Parliament it is certain that the York Clergy were likewife fummon'd: but they feem not to have appear'd there. For there was nothing (c) there granted for that Province, and the King's Letters Patents are extant which were fent a few Days after to them by the Dean of York, where- - (a) The Rights of Convoc. p. 225, 226. (b) Ibid. p. 225. (c) See ibid. } in A rufflory of Convocationis. Mary 185 1 m they are commanded to do as the King's Agent hall direct. tough w 23 In the Parliment held at Westminster, Aug. 1. 1295! E. I. there were fome of the Inferiour Clergy fummon'd; but they were only fuch as were Priv Counfellors, or Clerks of the Counsel (a). Eodem modo mandatum eft. Juftitiariis de utroq; Banco, & de Iti- nere, & Fuftic' affignatis; Decanis juratis de Confilic; Baronibus de Scaccario; & aliis Clericis de Conklio, quorum nomina inferius annotantur. The Clergy there mention'd are in number 12. among whom were the Deans of Lincoln, York, Lychf. and the Archdea cons of Richm. and Eftriding. In another Parliament held the fame Year at Westminster, die Dom. prox. poft feftum S. Martini, for an Aid againſt the French, the Claufe Præmunientes for the Inferiour Clergy to be cited by each Bi- fhop in his Diocefe, is inferted. The Writ is extant in the Summonit. ad Parl. A Procuratorium granted by the Prior and Chapter of Bath for this Parliament is publish'd by Pryn (b) out of the Leiger Book: of that Church. It's directed to the K. Ad tractandum, ordinandum, & faciendum, unà vobiſcum, & cæteris Prælatis, & Proceribus, & aliis Regni inco- lis in præfenti Convocatione generali. • That Parliament being Prorogued to the Sunday after S. Andrew's Day, the Clergy were agen fum- mon'd by the Writ of Prorogation. And new Procuratoria were granted. That granted (c) by the Prior and Chapter of Bath, runs in the fame Form with the other, only with this difference: --- Procuratorem legitimum per præfentes: Dantes eidem plo- nam & liberam poteftatem omnia nostro nomine faciendi z (a) Dugdale Summonit. ad Parl. p. 9. (b) Parl, Wits Vol I. p. 116. (c) Ibid, Cc qua L 386 A liftory of Convocations. 1 •que nos faceremus fi in Convocatione memorata, præ priest? Jentes elle poffemus. Another Procuratorium granted for this Parliament, after the Prorogation, by the Prior and Chapter of Canterbury is (a) preferv'd in the Regifter of that Prior. The Writ fummons but one for each Chapter, but they fend up 2 to act conjun- Etim ac divifim, dantes eifdem & eorum alteri poteftatem tractandi, ordinandi, & faciendi cum Prælatis & Pro- ceribus, & aliis Regni Anglie Incolis in inftanti Parl. It's directed not to the K. but Omnibus, &c. An. 1296. 24 E. I. they were fummon'd agen; as alfo in the (6) 28th and (c) 35th of the fame Reign. And to thofe Parliaments there were fum- mon'd befides by fpecial Writs, divers particular Clergymen, who were of the King's Counfel; a- mong them, fome Deans and Archdeacons. For in thofe Days, and long after, all that were fworn of the Privy-Council, as well Clergymen, as others, were fummon'd to Parliament, and by particular Writs. And in that Convention at Sarum an. 1296. which met for the putting the Bishops and Clergy out of the King's Protection, becauſe they refus'd to grant him a Subfidy, where the Bishops themſelves were excluded, even in that fuch Clergymen as had been fworn of the Privy Council were admitted, as I learn from the Chronicle of ales, a MS. in the (d) Cotton Library Rex initio Martii apud Sarum Parliamentum faciens, nullum de Clero, nifi juratos de Confilio fuo Parlia- mento intereffe permifit. In feveral other Parliaments which were held in the fame King's Reign after his 24th Year, the Pre- munitory Claufe was omitted, and none befidès Bi- (a) Published in the Append. Rights of Convoc. num. xi. (b) Summonic. ad Parl. p. 14. (c) F. 26. D. 3. (d) Cleop. Shops, ༡.༥ 387 A History of Convocations. fhops, Abbots, and Priors were Call'd, as particularly in thofe of his (a) 27, (b) 29, (c) 30, (d) 33 Years.. And yet in this laft of his 33d Year, which was held at Westminster, to which the Scots were fum- mon'd, as well as the English, it fhould feem that. the Lower Clergy of that Kingdom were fummon'd, though ours were not. For the Writ (e) runs: Prælati, cæteriq; de Clero; necnon Comites, Baro- nes, &c. A Procuratorium granted by the Prior and Chapter of Canterbury, for the Parliament of Bury, 1296 is preferv'd in the Regiſter of that time. It gives po- teftatem Ordinandi una cum Prælatis & Pucuratojis bus Cleri totius Prov. Cant.. in inftante Parl.- de quantitate & modo fubfidii, quatinus eft lici- tum, &c. Another granted by the fame Church for the Parliament of 1304. runs, ad faciendum & confent. bis quæ que in inftanti Parl.-contigerit ordinari ul- teriufq; faciendum una cum Prælatis & Clero in dicto Parl. quod permittunt facrorum Cenonum inftituta. &c. Another (f) granted for the Parl. of 1299. by the Prior of Bath alone, being then indifpofed, runs thus: Univerfis fanctae Matris Ecclefiæ filiis, &c. ad confentiendum ficut juftum fuerit & Canonicum biis que de communi confilio pro utilitate D. Regis & Reg- ni, &c. Ratum habituri & gratum quicquid idem Fra- ter nofter Procurator, cum unanimi Prælatorum Eccle- fiaft. Procerum, ac Magnatum, & Cleri affenfu in præ- miffis fic duxerit ftatuendum, &c. Another was grant- ed at the fame time, in the fame Words, and to the fame Perfon by the Chapter, running in the Name of the Prior and Chapter. (a) p. 22. (b) p. 30. (c) (f) Published by Pryn Parl. W. p. 36. (d) p. 46. (e) p. 48. Vol. 1. p. 117. C C 2 Ano- 388 A Hiftory of Convocations. $ ፡ Another about the fame Year was granted by the Prior and Chapter to 2 Perfons conjunctim & divi- Sim comparendi cum cæteris Religiofis, & aliis de Clero Regni Anglia Proceribus, & Magnatibus dicti Regni caufas & negotia, quas vel quæ habuerint in Parliamento tractandi, proponendi, necnon fuper tra- Etandis proponendis ibidem Statum dicti D. Regis, & Regni fui, ac etiam Statum Eclefie Angl. concernenti- bus, &c. A Lift of the Proxies fent by the Clergy to the Par- liament of 1307. 35 E. I. which was held at Carlisle, may be ſeen in the Placita Parliamentaria, p. 321, &c. in which this is obfervable, that the Clergy of the Diocese of Carlisle depute not 2 only, as other Dio- cefes, but 4 Proxies; and fome Diocefes do not fend in one Body, but the feveral Archdeaconries fend feparately, as the Archdeaconries of Chichester and Lewes, Worcester and Glocefter, fend I apiece; the Archdeaconries of Surrey, and Winchester, and Salop, 2 apiece. Clerus Archid. Suff. & Sabir. (Sudbury) one; Clerus Archid. Norwici & Norf. one. Many of the Archdeacons fend their Proxies, fome 1, fome 2, fome 3. The Chapters fend, fome 1, fome 2. Dean and Chapter of Wells join together in one Com miffion, and fend 2. The Dean and Chapter of York fend but one between 'em. The Dean and Archdeacon of St. Alaph depute the fame two that reprefent the Chapter. Gerens vices Decani S. Pauli Lond. & ejufdem loci Capitulum, fend one. This is very remarkable, that fome of the Proxies depute others. } The Johannes de Wakerle Clericus Procurator Cleri Archidiac. Glouc. habens poteftatem alium Procuratorem fubftituendi, fubftituit loco fuo Johannem de Bray Recto- rem Ecclefia de Newenton. Jo- A : 200110300 HO To proffs S A History of Convocations. Johannes de Wakerle Procurator Magiftri Walteri Burdon Archid, Glouc. habens poteftatem alium Procura torem fubftituendi, fubftituit loco fuc Johannem de Bray Clericum. } Hugo de Tychewell Procurator Cleri Archid. Surr. habens poteftatem, &c. fubftituit loco fuo Johannem de Brantingham. Some of the Abbots inſtead of Proxies fend Let- ters-Patents. Abbas de Cumba non mifit Procuratorem, fet pro- mittit per literas fuas patentes fe ratum & gratum habi- turum quicquid in dicto Parl. Rex decreverit falubriter ordinandum. So alſo the Abbot of S. Radegundis near Dover. The Bishops that had double Sees, as thofe of Bath and Wells and of Coventry and Lichfield, were required to cite the Deans, and Priors and Chapters of both places. So in a Writ (a) of 23 E. I. the Biſhop of Bath and Wells is required to fummon the Dean and Chapter of Wells and the Prior and Chapter of Bath. And this, without doubt, was the Cu- ftom to the time of the Diffolution of Religious Houſes. • An. 1300.28 E.I.when the Clergy were not fum- mon'd to the Parliament held at Lincoln (as appears by the Writ) Matthew of Westminer intimates, that the Bishops, if they had pleas'd, might have taxed the Clergy, but they would not do it. Ad an. 1300. Sed Robertus Cant. Arch. pro Clero nihil vo- luit concedere, neq; de temporalitate annexa Ecclefie fine licentiâ fummi Pont. But that perhaps is to be foun- derftood, as that the Archbishop refufed, when there defired, to call a Convocation about it. For, 389 (a) Ap. Pryn Parl. Writs, Vol. 1. p. 7. Cc 3 as . 390 A History of Convocations. TOA sti 19 as the fame Archbishop faid, about the fame time, in a Letter to the Pope; (a) Confuetudo eft Regni Angliæ, quod in negotiis contingentibus ftatum ejufdem Regni requiritur Confilium omnium quos res tangit" And the fame may be faid of the Church. I have mén- tion'd an Inftance of the fame kind before. Edward II. in his (b) firft Parliament inferted the Claufe Pramunientes, for the Inferiour Clergy, in his Writs. But in his (c) 2 next Parliaments which were held the fame Year, he omitted it. So alfo in one (d) Parliament of his 2d Year he in- ferted it, in others (e) of the fame Year he omitted it. Agen, it is inferted in the Writs of his (f) 4, (g) 5., (h) 6, (i)7, (k)8, (1)9, (m) 11, (n) 12, (0) 15, (p) 19 Years, and in the 2d of his (9) 14 Year. But in the firft of his (r) 14 Year, and in thofe of his ( 3, (t) 13, and 19 Years, it is o- mitted. { In a Record of the Tower, much defac'd and almoft rotten, I found a fhort Lift of Proxies fent to the Parliament of Northampton. 1 E. II. (x) The Clergy of the Diocese of Durbam conftituit loco fuo 2, of the Diocese of York, 1; of Carlisle, 3; of Ely, 2; of. the Archdeaconry of Salop, 2; of the Diocese of Bath and Wells, 2. The Chapter of York conftituted 2'; of Hereford, Pauls, and Wells, but 1. There are al- fo, the Proxies of 3 Abbots. The Abbot of Wal- tham, 2; of Bella. Landa, 1; of Abington, I (a)`M. Wefim. an. 1391. p. 439, (b) Dugdale Summ.p. 56. (c) p. 58, 6o. (d) p. 66. (e) p. 62, 68. (f) p. 75. (8) p. 78, 80, 82. (b) p. 84, 87, 98.1(1) p. 90, 92, 95. (k) P. 97, 99. (1) p. 101. (m) p. 104, 6. (n) p. 111, 113. (p. 122. (p) p. 134. ・ (9) p. 119. (1) p. 117. P. 71. (p. (S) 15. (4) P. 134, (x) Summon. Parl. 1 E. 2. in Dorfo. In A Hiſtory of Convocations. 395 * In the Register of Henry de Eftre Prior of Canter- bury there are feveral Procuratoria for the Parliaments of this Reign, as for that of Northampton, and for others held an. 130y. 1311., 1314. 1318, 119. 1321, 1322. others belonging to the fame Reign an. 1323, 1324. 1325. are collected in the Appen- dix of the Rights of Convocations. In the 7th year of his Reign a Writ went out to exempt the Clerks in Chancery from contributing towards the Expences of the Clergy attending in Parliament. Breve, quod Clerici de Cancellaria beneficia- ti non contribuant ad expenfas Parliament. de Clero ex- iftente in Parliamento. This I have mention'd elf- where, By Ed. III. the Pramunientes is omitted in the (a) ift. and (b) 3d. Parliamentary Writs of his 5th year, and in the (c) 2d. and (d) 3d. of his 6th year. Tho' it is certain (e) that in this laft Parliament, the Knights of Shires and Burgeffes were prefent. But in all his other Writs, it is inferted both before and after, if thofe which in the Margin of Dugdale's Summon. are filed only Great Counfels, were not `re- ally Parliaments. But the Margin feems to be errone- ous in feveral Places, and particularly in thofe of the 26th and 27th of this Reign, which are there call'd Great Counfels, but that they were really Par- liaments, I conclude from hence, becaufe all the Bishops, &c. are faid to be fummon`d, in the ufual Words. The inferior Clergy being not then fum- mon'd, and thoſe being the laſt in which they were net fummon'd; I fix the conftant Ufage of the Claufe Præmunientes from his 28th year, 1353. in- clufive. (a) Summon. p. 161. (b) p. 165. (c) p. 169. (d) p. 171. m. (e) P. 174. Cc4. The 4 392 A History of Convocations. The Bishops, Abbots, and Priors, to whom parti- cular Writs are directed, are fummon'd cum prædi- &is Prælatis, Magnatibus, & Proceribus fuper dictis ne- gotiis tractaturi, veftrumq; confilium impenfuri. In the firft Writ now extant, in which the inferiour Clergy were fummon'd, 23 Ed. 1. they were fummon'd ad tractandum, ordinandum, & faciendum nobifcum, &c. Which is the fame Stile that was ufed in the Writs (a) directed at the fame time to the Temporal Lords. An. 24. Ed. I. they are fummon'd (b) ad ordinan- dum de quantitate & modo Subfidii In the Writ of 28. Eď. I. it is, Ad faciendum & confentiendum hiis, quæ tunc de communi Confilio (favente Domino)ordinari contigerit. &c. Af- And this Form continued in ufe to 20 Ed. II. and after that to 10 Ed. III. The 20 Ed. II. it begun to be, ad confentiendum biis, quæ tunc, Which Form was agen renew'd 10 Ed. III. terwards, to 5 Rich. II. it was fometimes ad facien- dum & confentiendum; fometimes, but more often, ad confentiendum only. And from the laft Parlia- ment of that year down to theſe times, it has all a- long continued fo. The Claufe now is always in thefe Words: Præmonentes Decanum & Capitulum. Ecclefia veftræ Cant. ac Archidiaconos totumq; Clerum veftræ Diocef. quod iidem Decanus & Archidiaconi in propriis perfonis fuis, prædictum Capitulum per unum, : 2- demq; Clerus per duos Procuratores idoneos, plenam E & Sufficientem poteftatem ab ipfis Capitulo & Clero divifim habentes, predictis die & loco perfonaliter interfint al confentiendum biis quæ tunc ibidem de communi confilio, dicti Regni noftri divinâ favente clementia contigerit ordinari. (@) Ibid. p. 11. (b) I qo' We S A History of Convocations. We are told by Mr. Selden, (if the Table Talk be his, and no part of it the Tattle of other Men,) that the Inferiour Clergy bad not any thing to do in the Parliament, otherwife than thus: There were certain of the Clergy that used to affumble near the Parliament with whom the Bishops upon occafion might confult (but there were none of the Convocation, as 'twas afterwards fetled, viz. the Dean, the Archdeacon, one for the Chapter, and 2 for the Dioceſe) but it happen by continuance of time (to fave Charges and Trouble) their voices and the con- fent of the whole Clergy were involv'd in the Bishops. This is fomewhat obſcure, and, as far as I under- ftand it, very falfe. Neither is that truer, which is fo confidently afferted by the L. C. f. Coke in his 4th Inftitute Cap. I. The Proctors of the Clergy, (fays he) bave many times appeared in Parliament as Spiri- tual Alitanis, to confider, confult, and confent, but they bad never voices there, because they were not Lords of Parliament. He took it for granted, that they could not be a Houfe of themfelves, and belong- ing (as he thought) to the Houſe of Lords, yet being no Lords, they could not have any Vote. He goes on: Some have thought, that because the Clergy were not party to the election of the Knights, Citi- zens, and Burgeſſes, that thefe Procuratores Cleri were appointed to give their Confent for the Clergy; but then they should have Voices, which questioniels they never bad. And by the Words of the Writ it was, To confent to thoſe things which by the Common Councel of the Realm Should happen to be ordain'd, fo as their Confent was only to fuch things as were ordain'd de Communi Confilio Regni; and that there might be an Act of Parliament without them. He adds, that it appears by the Treatife de modo tenendi Parl. that the Proctors of the Clergy fhould appear cum præfentia eorum fit neceffaria, which proves that they were voiceless Alifiants only; and having no Voices, and fo many learned Bishops having i Voices 393F 394 A Hiftory of Convocations. Voices, their Prefence is not now bolden neceſſary In this laft I agree with him, as I likewife do in that, That there may be an Act of Parliament without 'em. But for that which he urges out of Modus tenendi Parl. the H. of Commons has but very little Rea- fon to thank him. For it fays the very fame of the (a) Commons themfelves. Had he confulted the ancient Writs of Summons, he would have found that they ſometimes ran ad tractandum, &c. and not always ad confentiendum only. Neither can it be concluded from ad confentiendum, that they were only voiceless Affiftants. Could they give their Con- fents without voting? Or were they always bound to cry, Content Content? By what Law? He ought alfo to have known and confider'd, that fome of the ancient Summons of the Commons run after the fame manner. I have feen a Writ as old as Ed. I. by which they are fummon'd ad faciendum ea, which fhould be ordain'd. But had they therefore no Vote there? The Truth is this. By ad confentiendum, or, ad faciendum alone, was meant the very fame thing with ad tractantum, &c. and thence it is that in the ancient Wrics, when they ftood not ſo nice- ly upon Forms, they were ufed indifferently, fome- times one, and fometimes the other. Ifpeak not this precariouſly, but am able to prove it. In a Writ directed to the Archbishop by Ed. II. Regni 20. for the fummoning his Clergy to Parliament, his Words are: Adconfentiendum hiis quæ tunc ibidem de communi Confilio Regni contigerit ordinari. Did the Archbishop underſtand by that, that they were - ly to confent, not debate? Let us hear what he fays in his Mandate, wherein the King's Writ is recited: He fummons 'em in obedience to that Writ, ut di- (4) Vide fupra p. 121. Et is A History of Convocations. 395 Etis die & loco fint & compareant juxta formam dicti 32evis una nobifcum tractaturi & ordinaturi prout uti- litati Ecclefiæ & animarum faluti vifum fuerit expedire, &hiis quæ Domino difponente ibidem falubriter contigerit ordinari, fuos prout decet confenfus adhibituri. The Writ is extant not in Dugdale's Summonitiones, but in Archbishop Reynold's Regifter, fol. 314. From the R. II. down to thefe times, the Pre- munientes, as I obferv'd, has always run ad confen- tiendum only: And what Return is made to it? Do the Procuratoria run in the fame Words? I know the learned Author of the Rights of Convoca- tions, does (a) fuppofe that the Letters of Proxy al- ways anfwer the Writin that point: But that it is otherwife, appears from fome of thoſe Inftances which he himſelf has obliged the World with. 1503. feriofius exponendi, traäaudi, & hiis quæ, &c. confentiendi, &c. So an. 1536. ad tractandum & con- fentiendum, &c. Neither by confentiendum did they underftand the Confenting to what others fhould ordain, but to what the Major part of their own Body, as well as o- thers, fhould ordain. This alfo appears from di- vers of the Procuratoria: One or two for inſtance. 1307. Ad faciend. & confentiend. biis que de communi confilio Prælatorum, Cleri, & Magnatum contigerit ordinari. 1318. Ad confent. biis quæ tunc ibidem de communi Confilio Prælatorum, Magnatum, Procerum, & Cleri Prov. Cant. &c. 1 • How true that is in Fact, &c. which the Ld. Coke fo pofitively afferts, that the Inferiour Clergy never had Voice in Parliament, will appear from fome of the following Obfervations. (a) P. 33.233. { } The : 396 A History of Convocations. } The Clergy in thofe days were fo far from e- fteeming it a Privilege to be call'd to Parliament, that they look'd on it as one of the greateft Violati- ons of Ecclefiaftical Liberty. They were very fenfible that the King's only Defign in calling 'em thither was to ſqueeze Money out of 'em. The Kings found it their Intereft to have 'em fum- mon'd for the granting of Subfidies, not to a Con- vocation, where they were to be amongst them- felves only; but to the Parliament, where they might be influenced as well by his Prefence, as by the reſt of the Laity. And the Clergy knowing how much it was their Intereft, for the avoiding Exactions, under which they were fo very uneafy, to be call'd together only by their Metropolitan, de- ny that the King has any Power to convene 'em. There was nothing in the Reign of the 2 firft Ed- wards, that fo much diftafted the Clergy, and oc- cafion'd more Quarrels between them and the Kings, than the Kings taking upon 'em to call 'em to Parliament. They often refuſed to come in obedience to the Royal Writ: So that the Kings were often obliged, to back their own Autority with that of the Archbishop, and to make uſe of a Metropolitical Mandate to call 'em to Parliament. This likewife they highly refented, and remon- ftrate against. Áll this will evidently appear from the following part of this Hiftory. How great a grievance Archbishop Peckham took his commanding the Clergy to attend the Parlia ment at Northampton, in obedience to the King's Writ, to be, is evident from his Mandate produced, above where he complains of it as a great hardship and oppreffion, but he could not help it. An. A Hiftory of Convocations. 397 An. 1296. The Clergy being fummon'd to the Parliament of Bury in craft. Animarum, refuſed to give any Subfidy, because they had been call'd by the King's Mandate, and not by Ecclefiaftical Autority, Tays a MS. Chronicle of the Church of Cant. (a) Vocati venerant ibi per literas Regias Prælati & totus Clerus. Rex tandem à Clero petiit fubfidium ad defenfionem fui Regni. Sed quoniam Clerus vocatus fuit ibidem ad Mandatum Regis & non autoritate Ecclefiaftica, noluit ibidem finaliter refpondere. Sed prorogata dies fuit quoad Clerum in Craftinum S. Hilarii. An. 1304. a Writ was fent to the Archbishop requiring him to fummon his Clergy to a Parlia- ment at Weftim. on Tueſday the Quinden of Candlemas. Accordingly, the Archbishop fummons them, but how? quatinus die Dominico prox. ante dictum diem Martis ipfum diem Martis præveniendo coram nobis com- pareatis apud Lamethe circa horam primam, nobifcum fuper quibufdam ftatum Ecclefiæ contingentibus tractaturi, ulteriufq; facturi unà Nobifcum in diclo Parliamento qued permittunt facrorum Canonum inftituta. His Mandate directed to the Prior and Chapter of Cant. is (b) extant in the Regifter of Henry the then Prior. For this Reafon it was, that in fome of the an- tienteft Procuratoria, the Proxies are commiffion'd to act together with the Prelats and Proxies of the Clergy, without mentioning the Laity; becauſe they did not approve of their being call'd to a Parlia- ment. Edward II. in the 5th year of his Reign want- ing a Subfidy, was forc'd to fend his Writ to the Archbishop to fummon his Clergy, all befides the Biſhops, by a Provincial Mandate, and he leaves it (a) Angl. Sac. Tom. I. p. 51. (b) Published in the Rights of Convoc. Append, n, XIV. to 398 A History of Cavocations. to him, how many Proxies the Capitular and Dig- cefan Clergy fhould fend, directing only that they fhould fend fufficient Proxies.- Et ut negotia prædicta feliciorem exitum fortiantur, vobis fimiliter mandamus, rogantes, quod Præmunientes Decanos & Pri- ores Ecclefiarum Cathed. ac etiam Capitula, necnon Ab- bates, Archidiaconos, ac totum Clerum veftra Diocefis, totiufq; veftræ Provinciæ Cant. quod iidem Decani, Priores, Abbates, & Archidiaconi in propriis perfonis fu- is diétaq; Capitula & Clerus per Procuratores fuffi- cientes. &c. An. 1314. Archbishop Reynolds being com- manded by Writ to fummon a kind of a Convocation to fit at Westm. on the Morrow of Afcenfion before the King's Commiſſioners for the granting of an Aid againſt the Scots, and accordingly fummoning the Bishops and Clergy of his Province by a Provincial Mandate, the Clergy fo far refented the King's pretending to fummon them, and the Archbishop's inferting the Writ in his Mandate, that the Man- date was neglected and very few fummon'd, and very few appear'd. So that the Archbishop was forc'd to call another Convocation foon after by his own Autority. See where I treat of the Con- vocations of this time. 1 In the Appendix of the Rights of Convocations num. XIV. there is a Remonftrance published out of a Cotton MS. given in to the Archbishop by the Cler- gy against the King's Power of fummoning the Clergy, and againſt the Inſertion of the Writ in the Letters Mandatory. And there it is alledged that in the former Archbishop's time, a Convo- cation had declared againſt it, as tending to the Subverſion of Ecclefiaftical Liberty. Imprimis in Eccl. Cant. tota Eccl. Angl. libera fit fuit, ac tali hactenus gavifa fit libertate, quod Clerus ejufdem Provinciæ, ut Regni, Authoritate Regid convo- cari $ 399 A History of Convocations. cari non confueviffet, nec debuiffet de jure, Prafens tamen Citatio, cujus obtentu Clerus vocari dicitur fupradictus, D. Regis Mandatum (continet) prout ex formâ ejuf- dem Citationis, in quâ Breve Régium totaliter est infer- tum evidenter apparet. Qued quidem ad fubverfio- nem Ecclefie libertatis tendere dinofcitur manifefte. Item cum tempore Sanctæ & Felicis Memoria D. Ro- berti nuper Archiepifcopi habito quondam in Concilio Provinciali fuper eodem Articulo cum Epifcopis fuis Suffraganeis &Clero tractatu diligenti, vifum fuiflet Mandatum hujufmodi Regium ad læfionem Libertatis Ec- clefie cedere manifeftam, de conceffu Fratrum & totius Cleri extitit declaratum, confenfum, & concorditer or- dinatum, quod obtentu Mandatorum hujufmodi ad Con- vocationem Cleri nullatenus effet procedendum, præfertim cum temporibus Dominorum Archiepifcoporum quorum me- moria nunc exiftit, id factum non fuit in forma qua nunc fcribitur, vel aliquo tempore obfervatum, &c. The fame Year a Writ was fent to the Archbi- fhop to fummon, not the Bishops, but the Deans, and Priors of the Cathedral Churches of his Frovince, with the Archdeacon, Chapters, and Clergy, to come to a Parliament at York on the Morrow of the Nativity of the V. M. i. e.Sept. 9. The Archbishop executing this Writ, the Clergy when met, protefted againſt it, in the prefence of the Archbishop and Bishops. They alledge, that they ought not to have been cited ad Curiam Secularem, puta D. Regis Parliamentum, quod in Camera ejufdem Regis fuit inchoatum, &c. and that not only the Deans and Priers of Cathedral Churches,but alfo the Abbots and Priors of Convents, together with their Convents or Colleges ought to have been fum- mon'd. They defire, that for the future it may be otherwife, for they would never fubmit to it. See the Proteftation in the Appendix of the Rights of Convocations num. xv. In the 2d Edition of that learned Piece Append. xiv. there is another Petition of 400 A Friſtory of Convocations. 3 of the Clergy, relating, if not to the fame Meeting, at leaft to the fame Matter; wherein they mention, that the Archbishop had promis'd 'em to withdraw that Summons which they difliked, which they pray him to do. On the Quinden of Hillary following 131. Regni 9. the Clergy were fummon'd to a Parliament at Lin- coln, by the ordinary Præmunientes directed to each Bishop, and not by a Provincial Mandate. There came but very few in obedience to the Writ; and they that did come, would grant nothing but upon condition that all fhould be call'd together to a Con- vocation by the Archbishop's Autority, and in a facred place. Which the K. was forced to comply with. Accordingly he fends to the Archbishop to Tummon a Convocation on the Quinden of Eafter, which Writ may be feen where we are to fpeak of the Convocations of this time. CC 65 The Rights of Convocations (a) tells us, out of Rey- nold's Regifter, of a Mandate Dated 15. Kal. Jan. 1315. by which the Archbishop call'd not only thofe." fpecified in the Premunitory Claufe of the King's Writ, but the whole Clergy of his Pro- "vince; to appear not in Parliament, but before himself, in a Sacred Place, the Day before the "time preix'd by the King's Writ, Nor does he 66 in his Mandate recite or mention this Claufe; but "refers himſelf to that Other Writ, which the K. "fent out at the fame time to enforce his Pre- 66 munientes; and mentions it as a Request only on "the Crown-fide, and a Condefcenfion on His. This Mandate I have not been able to find, though I have look'd for it (as I thought) very diligently in that Archbishop's Regifter. (a) p. 232. The } 401 A Hiftory of Convocations. The learned Author adds, that the Clergy, thus - Conven'd, ftood by the Archbishop, in what he had done, and made their Excufe for not appearing at the Place the Writ directed; praying the Archbi fhop and his Suffragans to be inftant with the K that he would not infift on the Summons, but give them the Liberty of declining it. This he gathers from a Petition of theirs which he has publifh'd,Ap- pend. num. xv. · The fame Prince (Ed. II.) in his Charter con- cerning Cafes wherein the Ecclefiaftical Judge may proceed, notwithſtanding the Royal Prohibi- tion granted an. 1316. Regni 10. mentions that Articles of Grievances had been exhibited by the Pre- lates and Clergy in his Parliaments, and now again lately in the Parliament of Lincoln: as alfo in other Parliaments in the time of his Predeceffors. (a) Scia- tis, quod cum dudum temporibus Progenitorum noftrorum, quondam Regum Angliæ in diverfis Parliamentis fuis, & fimiliter poftquam Regni noftri gubernacula fufcepimus, in Parliamentis noftris per Pælatos & Clericos noftri Regni plures Articuli continentes gravamina aliqua Eccle- fia Angl. & ipfis Prælatis & Clero illata ut in eifdem af- Serebatur, porrcéti fuiſſent ; & cum inftantia fupplica- tum,`ut inde opponeretur remedium opportunum. AC Nija per in Parliamento neftro apud Lincoln. An. regni noftri 9. Articulos fubfcriptos, & quafdam Refponfiones ad ali- quas eorum prius factas, corara Concilio nostro recitari, ac quafdam Refponfiones corrigi, & cæteris Articulis fub- fcriptis per Nos & dictum nostrum Concilium fecimus re- Sponderi, &c. An. 1320. Regni 14. (b) He iffues out a particular Writ to the Archbishop, Dated May 15. to come (a) At the end of Lyndwood, p. 37. (b) Reg. Reynold, £.299. Dd CO 402 A History of Convocations, - - - - 1 to the Parliament to be held Midf. Day next, with a Pramunientes for the Prior and Chapter of Canterbu and the Archdeacon and Clergy of the fame Dio- cefe. ry, After that, May 20. he iffued out another Writ to him with a Præmunientes for the Deans,Priors, Chap- ters, Archdeacons, and Clergy of the whole Province. In which he uſes thefe Words: Nos nolentes negotia noftra in dicto Parl. tractanda propter abfentiam dictorum Decano- rum, Priorum, & Archidiaconorum retardari, vobis mandamus, &c. The next Year following, viz. the 15th of his Reign he ſummons a Parliament at York, and in like manner iffues out (a) 2 diftinct Writs to the Arch- bishop, Dated the fame Day, viz. March 14. one with a Premunientes for all the Clergy, in which are the very fame Words with thofe above cited, and another in like manner with a Præmuni- entes for the Prior and Chapter of Canterbury, and the Archdeacon and Clergy of the fame Diocefe. To the Parliament of York An.Regni 15. the Cler- gy were fummon'd by the Præmanitory Claufe, as appears from the (6) Writ. Yet that the Clergy were not there, appears from another Writ fent to the Archbishop a little after, viz. Nov. 26. 1322. Regni 16. for the calling a Convocation at Lincoln, extant in the Archbishop's (c) Register; in the Pre- amble of which he fpeaks fo, as that one would conclude he had not fo much as Summon'd 'em. Propter quod ælatos & Proceres ac Communitatem disti regni jam apud Ebor. ad tract. ibid. fuper negotiis prædictis ac aliis Nos & ftatum dicti Regni contingentibus fecimus convocari. Ac iidem Prælati, Proceres & Commu- nitas habita deliberatione fuper dictis negotiis & neceffitati- (a) Fol:304. (b) Dugdale Summon. p. 122. (c) Fol.309. bus A History of Convocations. 403 Į bus eis per nos expofitis in fubventionem expenfarum circa præmia faciendarum decimam de bonis de Com- munitate dicti Regni, & fextam de Civitatibus, &c. concefferint. In the fame Regiſter Fol. 308. I find the follow- ing Note: By which it appears, that Regni 17mo. the Archbishop receiv'd 3 Writs relating to the fame Parliament, one to fummon to it, another to put off the Convocation, which had been intended at that time, and a 3d to fummon the Prelates and Clergy of his Province to the Parliament. Memorandum quod viii. die Jan. An. prædict. apud Otteford fero recepit Dominus duo mandata Regis fub dat. apud Kenilworth xxvi. die Dec. A. R. fui xvii. per ma- nus cujufdam Clerici Domini R. de Wodewous, unum, viz. directum Domino ad comparendum in Parl. Domini Regis ap. Weftm. in tres feptimanas poft Purif. fub forma confueta alias directa, & aliud ad revocandum Convoca- tionem Domini faciendam in Octab. Sancti Hill. prox. tunc fut. Item x. die Fan. An. prædicto apud Lameh. recepit i- dem Pater aliud Breve fub eadem dat. qua prius, & fub forma Contuela alias fibi directa pro Parliamentis, ad ci- tandum Prælatos & Clerum fuæ Prov. ad dictum Part. per manus cujufdam Curforis Domini Regis. An. 1323. Regni 17. the Bifhops were firft requi- red to fummon their refpective Clergy to Parlia- ment: But this being not thought fufficient, the Archbiſhop was afterwards, by another Writ, com- manded to fummon his whole Province. The Arch- bishop's Mandate is extant in his Regifter Fol. 235. and deferves to be here tranſcribed Rev.in Chrifto Patri Domino; Domino Waltero, &c. Johannes ejufdem permiſſione Wynton.. Epifcopus de- vote fubjectionis & obedientia fpiritum cum omni reve D d z rentia .1 { 404 A Hiftory of Convocations. rentiâ & bonore debitis tanto Patri. -C < C C < C C r C C Literas venerabilis in Chrifto Patris Domini S. Dei gratiâ Lond. Epifcopi xv, die Febr. recepimus t. novem qui fequitur, continentes; Venerabili in Chrifto Patri Domino J. Dei gratid Wyn- ton. Epifcopo Stephanus ejufdem permiffione Lond. E- pifcopus falutem, &c. Mandatum rev. in Chrifto P. & Domini, Domini Walteri Dei gratiâ Cant. Archiepifco- pi totius Anglia Primatis, nuper recepimus in hæc verba, Walterus, &c. venerabili Fratri noftro S. Dei gratia Lond. Epifcopo falutem, &c. Ex affumpta follicitu- ' dine paftoralis officii multotiens cogimur inviti pro varie- tate temporum & urgentibus Ecclefiæ & Regni negotiis cum Prælatis & Clero noftræ Provincia communem habere tractatum: inftans enim reip. magna neceffitas, evidenfq; Ecclefie Anglicana feparata utilitas quas fuper agendis & tractandis in communi ad præfens verfari credimus. precum etiam regiarum excitatio inevitabiliter nos impel- lit, Pralatos & Clerum noftræ Prov. antedi&tæ juxta ef- fectum Brevis Regii in proximo convocare. Cujus qui- dem Brevis tenor talis eft. Edwardus Dei gratiâ C Rex Angliæ Dominus Hiberniæ & Dux Aquita- taniæ, venerabili in Chrifto P. W. eâdem gratiâ 'Cant. &c. falutem. Quia fuper diverfis & arduis ne- gotiis nos & ftatum regni noftri fpecialiter tangen- 'tibus Parliamentum noftrum apud Weftm. à die Purif. B. Mariæ Virg. in tres feptimanas tenere, & • vobifcum ac cum cæteris Prælatis, Magnatibus, & 'Proceribus dicti Regni habere proponimus Collo- quium & tractatum, & Mandavimus fingulis E- pifcopis veftræ Prov. Cant. quod dictis die & loco 'omnibus aliis prætermiffis perfonaliter interfint ibi- C dem, nobifcum & cum cæteris Prælatis & Magga-, 'tibus fupradictis fuper dictis negotiis tractaturi fu- umq; confilium impenfuri, & quod ipfi præmu- niant Decanos, Priores, & Capitula Ecclefiarum fua- rum, Archidiaconos, totumq; Clerum fuarum Diœce- fium, quod iidem Decani, Priores, & Archidia- < . ، થ 6 C ៩ C C coni 1 ' C ' C C C 6 C C C C < A History of Convocations. coni in propriis perfonis fuis, quodlibet dictorum Capitulorum per unum, Clerumq; cujuflibet Dice- cefis per duos Procuratores idoneos, plenam & fuf- ficientem poteftatem ab ipfis Capitulo & Clero habentes, una cum Epifcopis prædictis interfint 6 modis omnibus tunc ibidem ad faciendum & confentiendum hiis quæ tunc ibidem de commu- ni confilio noftro favente Domino contigerit or- dinari fuper negotiis antedictis. Nos nolents ne- gotia noftra in di&to Parl. tractanda propter abfentiam Decanorum, Priorum, Archidiaconorum retardari, vo- 'bis mandamus rogantes quatinus Decanos, & Prio- < res Ecclefiarum Cathed. & Archidiaconos totius "Provincia (veftræ) in propriis perfonis fuis; Ca- pitula etiam fingula dictarum Ecclef. Cathed. per fingulares Procuratores, & Clerum cujufcunq; 'Diœcefis ejufdem Provincia per duos fufficientes < Procuratores ad dictos diem &locum venire faciatis, ad tractandum & confentiendum biis quæ in præmiffis tunc 'ibidem contigerit ordinari. Et hoc nullatenus o- mittatis, Tefte meipfo apud Kenelworth xxvi. die Decemb. Anno regni noſtri xvii. Nos igitur tanto. promptius tantoq; favorabilius votis regiis inclinantes, quo fperamus firmiſſime tractatum hujufmodi Ecclefia An- glicane ac perfonis Ecclefiafticis non modice profuturum : deliberato confilio regiis rogatibus fore decrevimus an- nuendum. Quocirca Fraternitati veftre committimus mandainus quatinus cum debitâ celeritate Confratri- bus & Coepifcopis noftræ Cant.Prov. Suffraganeis vice & auctoritate noftrâ injungatis feu injungi faciatis ut idem Epifcopi omnes & finguli in fuis Diœcefibus citent feu ci- tari faciant peremptorie Decanos, Priores Ecclefiarum Ca- thed. & Capitula erum, Archidiaconos Clerumq; cujuf- libet Diœcefis quod iidem Decani, &c. compareant in dicto Parliamento apud Weftm. à die Purif. B. Maria Virginis in tres feptimanas cum continuatione & proro- gatione dierum tunc fequentium ad tractandum una no- bifcum C C ໄ 6 C C D d 3 C 405 406 A History of Convocations. } て ​C C C 6 C C 6 C 6 C bifcum & cæteris Prælatis fuper urgentibus Ecclefiæ An- glicana atq; Regni negotiis in Parl. fupradicto, necnon ad confentiendum biis que ad honorem Dei & Ecclefia fuæ fan&ta, ac utilitatem totius reip. regni prædicti di- vind difponente clementiâ ibidem contigerit falubriter ordinari. Vos etiam prædictum noftrum mandatum, quatenus vos, ac Decanum, & Capitulum veftrum, Ar- chidiaconos & Clerum veftræ Diœcefis contingit, per om- nia fideliter perficiatis ac etiam obfervetis. Et ne man- ? datum noftrum — arte ingenio vel negligentia delu- datur vobis ut fupra injungimus, quod Coepifcopis no- ftris & Suffraganeis omnibus& fingulis confimiliter injun- gatis ut finguli eorum de fuis executionibus cum citatorum nominibus plene nos certificent die & loco prædictis quati- nus ad eos pertinet fecundum formam fuperius annotatam. De die veroreceptionis præfentium & quid in executione præfentis mandati feceritis nos ad dictos diem & locum diftincte & aperte certificari curetis per literas veftras patentes barum feriem & citatorum nomina plenarie con- < tinentes. Dat. apud Mortelak, xii. die Fanuarii A. D. MCCCXXIII. "Cujus auctoritate mandati di- ftinite vobis injungimus per præfentes quatinus dictum mandatum, quatenus--executionis importat juxta vim "fententiæ & effectum ejufdem in veftrâ Diœcefi abfq; moræ difpendio plene & debite fieri facientes, vos quate- nus id ipfum veftram paternitatem concernit eidem man- dato quoad omnes& fingulos articulos efficaciter parere mo- dis omnibus ftudeatis. Dat. apud-xix. Kal. Febr. A. D. Supradicto. Cujus auctoritate mandati, Priorem Ecclefiae noftræ Cathed. Wynton & Capitulum ejufdem. Archi- diaconofq; noftros Wynt.. & Surria, ac etiam Clerum noftræ Diœcefis Wynton. Citari fecimus peremptorie quod die in dicto mandato contento, in Parliamento jam in- ftanti ad Wftrn. juxta formam mandati fupradicti com- pareant cum continuatione & prorogatione dierum fubfe- quentium ad tractandum una vobifcum & cum cateris . C < C $ C 6 • Pre- Į " C < C C < A Hiftory of Convocations. Prælatis fuper urgentibus Ecclefiæ Anglicana atq; Regni negotiis, necnon ad confentiendum bis quæ ad honorem Dei & Ecclefiæ fuæ fanctæ, ac utilitatem totius Reip. Regni prædicti divinâ diſponente clementiâ ibidem falu- briter contigerit ordinari, & ad omnia alia & fingula faciend. quæ dictum mandatum exigit & requirit. No- mina vero citatorum in cedulâ præfentibus annexâ con- fcribuntur. Sicq; mandato prædicto quatenus potuimus confideratâ temporis brevitate paruimus, & parebimus C in omnibus reverenter. Dat. apud Suthwerk vi. Kal. Martii A. D. fupradicto. The Writ here inferted is extant likewiſe in the Clofe Roll 17 E. II. and is publiſhed by (a) Pryn. C 6 C } Epifcopo Lond. per Priorem & Capitulum Cant. Sede vacante ad vocandum Clerum ad Parliamentum (b). Quocirca propter defiderabile pacis commodum votis Regiis in quantum poffumus acquiefcere cupientes vobis auctoritate Ecclefiæ noftræ Metropolitiæ, qua fungimur in hac parte injungimus & mandamus quatinus breve Re- gium in notitiam omnium & fingulorum Coepifcoporum veftrorum Cant. Provinciæ deducentes, per ipfos auctoritate prædicta præmuniri faciatis, Decanos, & Capitula Ec- clefiarum Cathedralium, ac etiam Archidiaconos totumq; Clerum Cant. Provincia, quod &c. An. Regni 20. The K. fends out his Writs to all the Biſhops to fummon their refpective Clergy to Parliament in Quindena S. Andrea, Dat. Dec. 3. and the next day after another Writ was iffued out to the Archbiſhop, requiring him to fummon the (a) Brev. Parl, Vol. 1. p. 98. (b) f. 236. D & 4 Deans 407 408 A History of Convocations. เ Deans, &c of his whole Province. He (a) tells the Archbishop, that he had already commanded the particular Bishops to fummon the Clergy of their refpective Diocefes; but left there fhould be any failure, he thought fit to require him likewife to fummon 'em. Vobifq; & cæteris Epifcopis veftræ Cant. Prov. per diverfa brevia noftra mandaverimus quod in dicto Craft. apud locum prædi&t. perfonaliter interfitis fu- per diverfis & arduis negotiis nes & ftatum Regni noftri tangentibus tractaturi. Et licet fingulis Epifcopis pre- dict. injunximus quod quilibet eorum pramuniri faciat Priores, Decanos, & Capitula fuarum Ecclef. Cathed. necnon Archidiaconos & Clerum fuarum Diæcefum nolentes tamen negotia noftra prædicta pro defectu Pramu- nitionum prædictarnm, fi forfan minus rite factæ fuerint, aliqualiter retardati, vobis mandamus firmiter injungen- tes quod præmuniri faciatis, &c. The Archbishop's Mandate for the fummoning the Clergy of the whole Province upon the Pro- rogation, was drawn up at firft in thefe Words, af- ter the Recitation of the Writ. Quocirca vobis teno- re præfentium injungimus & mandamus, quatinus Pro- rogatione, ficut premittitur factâ, Friores, Decanos, & Capitula Ecclef. Cathed. ac etiam Archidiaconos & Cle- rum noftræ Prov. pramuniri faciatis, citantes Priores, Decanos, &c. But afterwards that Form being thought not fo proper, it was alter'd thus, as the Regiſtrary tells us, who thought it of fuch moment as to enter both Forms: Quocirca veftræ fratern. com- mittimus & mandamus quatinus cum debitâ celeritate Confratribus & Coepifcopis noftra Cant. Prov. Suffra ganeis vice & auctoritate noftrâ injungatis quatinus fin- guli eorundem in fuis Diocef. de bujufmodi Prorog. fic ut premittitur factâ Priores, Decanos, & Capitula Eccle- (a) Fol. 313, 314. 1 { fiarum A Hiftory of Convocations. 409 fiarum fuarum Cathed. ac etiam Archid. & Clerum Di- ocef. pramuniri faciant, citando eofdem Priores, &c. In the Reign of Ed. III. we have Inftances of the fame kind, of the King's Parliamentary Writ, in- forced by the Archbishop's Provincial Mandate. An. 1330. Regni 4. the Writs went out to the Bi- fhops with a Pramunientes to their Clergy to appear in Parliament at Winchefter for a Subfidy; after that he fent another Writ to Archbishop Mepham to fummon all the Deans, Archdeacons, &c. of his Pro- vince (a) Nolentes tamen negotia noftra predicta pre defectu Præmunitionum prædictarum, fi forfan minus recta factæ fuerint, aliqualiter retardari, &c. The Archbishop obeys the Writ fo far as to fend out his Provincial Mandate, but inſtead of fummoning the Clergy exprefly to the Parliament, he fummons 'em to appear coram nobis, and in a facred Place, in Ec- clefid Cathedrali, (Winton. 5. Id. Martii) ad tractan- dum una obifcum & cæteris Prælatis fuper urgentibus Ecclefiæ Anglicana atg. Regni negotiis in Parliamento prædicto diffufius pertractandis. And fo he begins his Mandate in a Convocation Form, Ex affumpta follici- tudine Paftoralis Officii multoties cogimur pro varietate temporum & urgentibus Ecclefiæ & Regni negotiis cum Prælatis & Clero noftra Prov. communem habere tracta- tum, &c. This Writ is preferv'd in the Clofe Roll of 4 E. 3. and other Writs of the fame fort dire- &ted to the 2 Archbishops are to be found in the Roll of 1, 2. 6. 9. (b) of the fame King. In the roth (c) of the fame Reign a Convoca- tion was order'd by the King's Writs to be fum- a) Append. Rights of Convec. num. 20. (b) That of his 6th Tear is published by Pryn. Parl. Writs, Vol. 1. p. 99. (c) Pryn Brev. Parl. Vol. I. P. 39; រ mon'd 410 A Hiftory of Convocations. } mon'd to S. Pauls, 2 or 3 days after the Parliament was to fit at Weſtm. F In the Parl. Roll of 6 E. 3. it is remember'd that the Proctors of the Clergy together with the Prelats went out of the Parliament Houfe upon the making an Act for the ſecuring of the Peace. The Parli- ament was held at Westm. on Monday next after the Feast of S. Gregory. The Words of the Roll, tranflated out of the French, are as follows. Sir Jeffrey Lefcrop by the King's command in his prefence, and in the prefence of all the Prelats, Earls, Barons, and other Lords, declar'd how the King had understood, that it was a Thing well known to all, that divers People defpifing the Law, were levied in great Companies, destroying the liege People of our Lord the K. as well the Men of holy Church, and the King's Juftices, as others, taking fome of them, and keeping them in Pri- fon, till they had received grievous Fines and Ranfoms of them for faving their Lives, at the Will of the faid Ma- lefactors; and putting (ome of them to death, and robbing Some of them of their Goods and Chattels, and doing ma- ny other Evils and Felonies in deſpite of the K. the Breach of the Peace, and deftruction of his People; and upon this the K. (by the Mouth of the faid Sir Jeffrey) charged all the faid Prelats, Earls, Barons, and other Peers in their Faiths and Allegiances which they ought unto our Ld. the K. to counſel him as well for his Voyage towards the Holy Land, which he bath fo highly defired to do by their good Counfels, as how his Peace might be best kept, and the faid evil People thus levied, be chaftiz'd and restrain'd of their Malice. And for that the faid Prelats were advised that it did not properly belong to them to give their Counfel for the keeping of the Peace, or for the punishing of fuch Evils, the faid Prelats, and the Doctors of the Clergy went by themselves to take Counsel of the things afore- { 4IL A Hiftory of Convocations. aforefaid, and the faid Earls, Barons, and other Lords by themselves. Which Earls, Barons, and other Lords made divers good Ordinances for the keeping of the Peace, and for ap- prebending and puniſhing ſuch Malefactors as should di- turb the Jame. Amongst which this following was one. And also it was accorded and affented unto by our Sove- reign Ld.the K. the Prelats, Earls, Barons, and other Peers, Knights of Counties, and the Cominonaltie, that a Sentence ordain'd by the Prelats, and the Clergy, fhould be pronounc'd in Paul's Church, London, and that the Bishops of England be commanded to pronounce the fame, &c. That the Clergy were not in the Parliament of 13 E. 3. appears by the following Record. Rot. Parl. 13 E. 3. Item it is accorded, and affent- ed unto in the faid Parliament, by all the Peers and Com- mons there affembled, that Letters be made under the Seals of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and of other Prelats, Earls and Barons being in this Parliament at Weftm. and fent to the Archbishop of York, and to the Clergy of his Province, to excite them to make a convenient Aid for the guard of the Marches of Scotland, and for the King's other Buſineſſes, mentioned in thofe Letters, to the end, that they endeavour with all their might to effect that for the defence of the Holy Church, the Realm, and themselves; and how the Clergy of the Province of Canterbury, had made convenient Aid for the Caufe a- forefaid. In the fame Parliament it was order'd, That z Writs be fent, the one to call the Convocation of the Pro- vince of Canterbury, the other of York, against Hi- lary enfuing. It is also to be remember'd to fummon the Parliament against the Octaves of S. Hilary then enſuing. Rot. Parl. n. 19. 25. Rot. Parl. 15. E. 3. Item Item, whereas of late. there was an Aid granted to our Ld. the K. in defence of the Realm ار 412 A Hiſtory of Convocations. ad Realm, and the Church of England, by the Prelats, Earls, Barons, and other great Men of the Land, which are bound to come to the Parliament, that is to say, the 9th Sheaf, the 9th Lamb, and the 9th Fleece of Sheep, for 2 Years to be paid only, and that for those 2 years the faid Prelats fhould be diſcharged of Tyths, the Minifters` of our Lord the K. enforce them by diftrefs, and all other damages that they can to levy the faid Ninth of other Peo- ple of Holy Church, which are not bound to come to Parliament, and which granted not the faid Ninth, and pay their Tyths; and by colour of Commiſſions made to collect the faid Ninth for the 2d. Year, the faid Mini- ſters forbud all Mien openly, that none pay Tyth to God, and Hely Church, of Lambs, Fleeces, and Sheafs, but that the K. fhould be ferved of the faid Ninth; to the great oppreffion of the Clergy, &c. The King's Anſwer. · It is adviſed by the great Men, that the 9th and 10th granted to the K. be paid in manner as they were granted, that is to say, that those which hold of the K. by Baro- ny, and ought to come by Summons to the Parli ament, pay the Ninth, and thofe People of Holy Church which hold nothing by Barony, and are not accu- ftom'd to be fummon'd to Parliament, pay the Tenth. But if any People of Religion, or others of Holy Church baving Poffeffions purchafed, and appropriated, and not taxed among their other Temporalties in the Tax uſed of Tenths, it is adviſed through Equity, that they ought to pay the Ninth of fuch Temporalties, fo that for those things for which they pay the one, they shall not be compell'd to pay the other, and upon this they may always have Wris when they will. Walfingham (a) fpeaks thus of that Parl. of the Year 1339. Factum eft Parl. apud Weftm. in quo (a) P. 247. 513- con- كم A Hiftory of Convocations. conceffa funt Regi novum vellus, &c. ab omnibus qui per Baroniam tenerent, & ad Parl. venirè tenerentur, Pralati Religiofi, ac cæteri de Clero folventes decimam Regi antea conceffam, folvere minime artarentur illâ vi- ce. Infuper illi qui ad Parl. venire non confueverunt, Prælati fcil. Religiofi, & cæteri de Clero decimas an- tea Regi conceffas folvere tenerentur. He feems to have had reſpect to the fame Parliament, tho' the Year does not exactly agree. I fhall mention in this Place, what the fame Hiftorian fays of the Parlia- ment of 1313. (a) Citati funt ad Parl. Londoniis faciendum cuncti Magnates, & qui de confuetudine ci- tari debuerant, vel de ture. Cunctis igitur Clericis con- gregatis & Laicis, &c. In the fame Parliament of 15 E. 3. a Petition was made to the K. in behalf of the Clergy, not by all the Clergy, but only by the Bishops of this Pro- vince. Sheweth unto our Ld. the K. the Archbishop of Canterbury, and his Brethren Bishops of this Province, that whereas Clerks, &c. Rot. Parl. 18 E. 3. a Parliament was fummon'd to meet at S. Paul's on the Morrow of Trinity, 8 or 9 days be- fore the Parliament was to fit at Weftm. The Re- cord (b) fets forth that the Parliament and Convo- cation were to meet for the Difpatch of the fame Affairs, i. e. for a Subfidy. The Clergy not co- ming as they ought, and the Laity likewife negle- &ing to come to the Parliament, the K. fent to the Archbishop commanding him to pu- niſh the Clergy, and he would do the fame to the Laity. In the Roll of this Parliament held on Monday after the Octaves of Trinity, we read: And be it re- газра P. 102. (b) See the Rights of Convx. P. 44. men. 413 3 414 A Hiſtory of Covocations. 1 member'd that the Frelats and the Clergy put up certain Petitions to the K. in form following. { To our Sovereign Lord the K. praying the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishops, and other Prelats of the Cler- gy of the Realm; that it will pleaſe him in mainte- nance of the Estate of Holy, Church, to grant and ordain in this Parliament that &c. The Charter which the K. granted the Clergy in anſwer to this Petition, is mention'd by Walfing- ham, an. 1344. where he tells us, that Clerus Angli- canus Regi conceffit decimas triennales. In the fame Roll it follows: Edward, by the Grace of God, &c. and upon that we pray'd the Pies lats, great Men, and Commons, that they would give us fuch Counsel and Aid as fhould be requifite in fo great neceffity, and the faid relats, great Men, and Commons having had good deliberation, &c. And for this Caufe the faid Peers have granted to pass over, and adventure themfelves with us. And the faid Prelats and Proctors of the Clergy, have granted for the fame caufe a trennial Tenth to be paid at certain times, &c. And we for this Caufe in maintenance of the Estate of Ho- ly Church, and in eaſe of the faid Prelats, and of all the Clergy of England, by afſent of the Lords and Com- mons, have granted of our good Grace thefe things under- written, &c. This Statute is extant in Raftal, where it is cal- ed the Statute for the Clergy. A learned Author (a) tells us, that in 2 places where the Commons are mention'd, the Proctors of the Clergy are included in that Name. With all due refpect to him, I cannot fee how that can be re- ceffarily inferr'd. The King's meaning feems to be no other than this: That he had propofed his (a) Rights of Convic. p, 60. Br i A History of Convocations. 415 Buſineſs to the Prelats and the Laity in Parliament, who there give him their Advice; and befides, that the Prelats and Clergy, had obliged him with a Subfidy. The Commons are immediately after di- ftinguiſh'd from the Inferior Clergy, in thefe Words: And we for this Caufe, in maintenance of the Estate of Holy Church, and in eaſe of the faid Prelats, and all the Clergy of England, by confent of the great Men, and of the Commons, do grant, &c. As it was ufual in the beginning of Parliaments to appoint Receivers of Petitions for foreign Parts, Gui- en, Gafcony, Ireland, &c. fo in that of 21 E. 3. there were Receivers of Petitions for the Clergy appointed. Which fuppofeth the Inferiour Clergy not fitting in that Parliament. Parl. Roll. 25 E 3. there is a Petition which comprehends all the Clergy, and yet was preſented by the Bishops only, and thofe too of the Province of Canterbury. And afterwards the honourable Father in God, Simon Archbishop of Canterbury prayed the King for the Cler- gy of the Land, that he would command the Petitions of the Clergy to be heard and trid, and thereupon to give good and convenient Answer and Remedy. And the King well granted it: Which Petitions being read, were an- fwer'd in Form following. To our Ld. the K. his humble Chaplains, Simon by di- vine permiſſion Archbishop of Canterbury, and his Bre- thren Withers of his Province, for them and all the Clergy pray, &c. The roth Article of the Petition begins thus: Item, the Communalty of the Clergy pray our faid Ld. the K. &c. The Parliament was held on Hillary day at Westm. and its certain that in the Summons the Framuni- entes was inferted. In a Writ directed to the Arch- biſhop for the calling a Convocation, extant in Iflip's Re- } L 17 +7 416 A Hiſtory of Convacations™, Regifter, the K. mentions his having defired a Sub- fidy of the Archbishop and others of the Clergy of his Dio- cefe and Province prefent in that Parliament. See the Writ where I fpeak of the Convocations of this Year, as alfo the Archbishop's Mandate. 29 and 31. E. 3. two Convocations were by Writ commanded to be fummon'd to S. Paul's in Parlia- ment-time. The Writs run, (a) ad confentiendum hiis qua, &c. in the fame manner as Parliamentary Writs do. In the Parliament of 31 E. III. though the Pra- munientes was inferted in the Summons, yet the Cler- gy were not prefent, and that not by any Contimacy of theirs, as they alledge in a Petition prefented to the Archbishop in the next Convocation. See the Acts of the Convocation of 1356. in the following Part. Neither were they prefent in the Parliament of 43 E. III. as appears from what I fay upon that Year among the Convocations. Rot. Parl. 51 E 3. a Petition was put up to the Throne, not by all the Clergy, but only by thoſe of Canterbury Province (affembled in Convocation) To your most Excellent Royal Majefty, your daily Orators and devout Prelates, and all the Clergy of the Province of Canterbury. Bills in thoſe Days were brought to the K in Par- liament in form of Petition, whether by the Clergy or the Laity. 18 E. III. In the Parliament held at Westminster on Monday after the Octaves of Trin. above-mention'd. a Law was made, that no Petition of the Clergy fhould be granted; i. e. no Bill brought by them fhould be paft into a Law, till it had been tho- (a) Sec in the next Part among the Convocations of this time. roughly A Hiftory of Convocations. 417 roughly examin'd, whether it were not prejudicial to the Laity. So the Roll of that Parliament. And be it remembred, that the Commons put up certain Petitions to the K. in form following Item, the Commons pray, that no Petition made by the Clergy, which is in decrease or damage of the Great Men, or of the Commons, be granted till it be tried by the K. and all his Counſel, that they may well hold it without da- mage of the Lords and of the Commons. Anſwer. It pleaſeth the K. and his Counſel that it be ſo. In the Parliament Roll of 51 E.III. but now men- tion'd, it is thus recorded: The Commons, among the other things, petition'd the K. That no Statute, nor Ordinance be made nor granted at the Petition of the Clergy, if it be not by affent of your Commons: Nor that your faid Commons be obliged by any Conſtitutions, which make for their Advantage, without the Affent of your faid Commons. For they (the Clergy) would not be ob- liged by any of your Statutes or Ordinances made without their Confent. The King's Anſwer: Let this Matter be declar'd in fpecial. Which was a Denial. That the Clergy fat in the Parliament of 1 Ric. II. feems to appear from a Petition of the Clergy of both Provinces, prefented to the K. in that Parlia- ment, and recorded in the Roll (a). To our moſt Ex- cellent Lord the K. his devout Orators the Prelats and the Clergy of the Provinces of Canterbury and York humbly pray, &ċ. (a) f. 64, Ee That 418 A History of Convocations. } * • That they were prefent likewife in the Parlia- ment held at Glocefter on Wednesday after St. Luke's Day, 2 Ric. II. appears from the Roll (a) where we have this Account. And upon this the Archbishop of Canterbury then prayed our faid Lord the K. and the Lords of the Parliament, that it should pleaſe them to give him hearing and audience a while in this, which he hath to Say for the Clergy, and faith, That all the Prelates, and the Remnant of the Clergy there being, render Thanks to our Lord the K. &. A Petition of all the Clergy of England was offer'd the K. in the fame Parl. extant alfo in the Roll. To our Lord the K. and his Counſel, his humble Prelates and Clergy of the Kingdom of England pray, &c. Wherefore the faid Prelates and Clergy pray, that there may be hafty and fufficient Remedy ordained and made in this prefent Parliament. In the Rights of Convocations there are theſe Words produced out of an Inftrument in Courtney's Regi- fter as an Inftance of the Clergy's acting in Parlia- ment. Ea que pro ftatu D. Urbani (Papa) in Parlia- mento apud Gloucetter celebrato, de confenfu Regis, Pra- latorum, & Cleri, ac Procerum Regni, erant per viam ftatuti firmata fol. 80.(81.) The Inftrument is dated 1384. The Bufinefs indeed which the Inftrument fpeaks of, was very extraordinary; for it was no lefs than the Recognizing one Pope in oppofition to another, in which the Clergy were more efpecially concern'd. King Rich. in his Letter (c) which he wrote Reg- ni 2. to the Abbot of Selby, about the payment of a Subſidy in the Province of York, takes notice That divers Reafons had been fhew'd in Parliament, why the Payment of the Difms and Quindifms, (a) f. 72. (b)76. (c) See the Rights of Convoc. p. 339. C granted C A T 419 History of Convocations. C granted in the faid Parliament by the Clergy and Laity of the Kingdom, fhould be anticipated; and that accordingly the Archbishop of Canterbury, with the "other Prelates and Clergy of his Province had agreed to it; as alfo the Archbishop of York, and thofe Prelates of his Province who were preſent; but that fome of the Clergy of that Province delay'd payment, &c. This fhews, that the Inferiour Clergy of that Province were not prefent in that Parliament: And therefore thofe of Canterbury could be no otherwiſe there prefent, than as their Convo- cation was held at fame time. C 4 R. II. the Commons (a) offered to give a great Aid, demanded, fo as the Clergy, who had the 3d part of the Realm, would pay one 3d Part; the Clergy anfwer'd, that their Grants never had been, nọr ought to be made in Parliament, (but in Convocation.) Rot. Parl. 9. R. 2. n. 44. the Commons Petition, That all Clerks advanced to any Ecclefiaftical Dignities or Livings by the K. will grant to the K. the first Fruits of their Livings, no otherwife than they would have done to the Pope, being advanced by him. Anſwer. It liketh the King, fo the Clergy will thereto ac- cord. In the Abridgment of the Parliament Rolls 11 R.2. n. 9. it is faid, that in this Parliament the Archbishop of Canterbury made openly folemn Proteftation for him- Self, and the whole Clergy of his Province enter'd by Word. The Effect whereas was; That albeit be (they) might lawfully be prefent at their Parliaments, jet for that in this Parliament Matters of Treaſon were to be intreated of, whereat by the Canonical Law they might not be pre- Jent; they therefore abfented themselves, faving their Li- { (a) Rot. Parl. n. 12. 13. E e 2 berties { + 420 A Hiftory of Convocations. berties therein otherwife. But here the Abridgment is faulty. For the Proteftation runs not for the Cler- gy of the Archbishop's Province in general, but only for the Spiritual Lords, who held by Barony. So it is both in the Roll and alfo in Courtney's Regiſter. And the nature of the thing fhews it could not be otherwife. Rot. Parl. 13 R. 2. n. 24. The Archbishops of Can- terbury and York, for them and the whole Clergy of their Provinces, make their folemn Proteftation in oper Parliament, that they in no wife meant, or would af Sent to any Statute, or Law made in the restraint of the Pope's Authorities, but utterly withstood the Jame ; the which their Protestations, at their request, were en- rolled. 21 Ric. II. the Commons having a mind to im- peach Archbishop Arundell of High Treafon, for concurring in a certain Commiffion directed to the Duke of Glocester and the Earl of Arundell, &c. prefuming that the Clergy would not be concern- ed in his Attainder, left that ſhould render all of no effect, defired that the Prelats and Clergy would be preſent in the Parliament by a Proxy. Accordingly they altogether appointed one fingle Proxy, who acted in their Names, and concur- red with the reft in attainting the Archbishop. Af- ter that they granted, at the defire of the Com- mons, another Commiffion to another Perfon to act in the fame manner for them in that Parlia- ment. Rot. Parl. 21. R. 11. Item, on Tuesday next fol- lowing the Commons fhewed to the R. how that before thefe times, many fudgments and Ordinances made in the times of the Progenitors of our Ld. the K. in Parlia- ment, have been repeal'd and difannul'd, becauſe the State of the Clergy were not prefent in Parliament at the making of the faid Judgments and Ordinan- } ces, A Hiftory of Convocations. 421 $ ces. And therefore they prayed the K. that for the Safe- ty of his Perfon, and falvation of his Kingdom, the Pre- lats and Clergy fhould make a Proctor with fufficient Power to confent in their names to all things, and Ordi- nances to be justified in this Parliament. And So upon this every Spiritual Lord should fpeak his Advice fully; whereupon the faid Spiritual Lords being ſeverally exa- min'd, confented to commit their full Power generally to one Lay-perſon, and namely in fpecial to Sir Thomas Per- cy Knight, and therefore deliver'd a Cedule to the K. containing their faid Power, the which our Ld. the K. re- ceived, and the faid Tuesday commanded it to be enter'd upon Record in the Parliament Roll; the Form of which Schedule followeth. Nos Thomas Cant. & Robertus Eborum Archie- pifcopi, ac Prælati (&) CLERUS utriufq; Provincia Cant. & Eborum jure Ecclefiarum noftrarum, & Tempo- ralium eorundem ; habentes jus intereflendi in fingulis Parliamentis dómini noftri Regis & Regni Angliæ pro tempore celebrandis, necnon tractauoi & expediendi in eifdem ; quantum ad fingula in inftanti Parl. pro ftatu & bonore Domini noftri Regis necnon Regalia, ac quiete, pace, & tranquillitate Regni judicialiter justificand. venerabili viro Dno. Thomæ de Percy Militi noftram plenariam committimus poteftatem. Ita ut fingula per ipfum facta in pramiffis perpetuis temporibus rata habeantur. Item, afterwards the faid Commons on Thursday the faid 20th day of September, before the King in full Par- liament, accufed and impeached Thomas of Arundel Archbishop of Canterbury of high Treafon. And the K. thereupon call'd to mind in the faid Parliament, that the faid Archbishop had been before him in the prefence of cer- tain Lords, and confefs'd that in the Ufe of the faid Com- miſſion he was miſtaken and put himſelf into the King's grace; wherefore our faid Ld. the K. and all the temporal Lords and Sir Thomas Percy having fufficient Power from the Prelats and Clergy of the kingdom of En- Ee 3 gland ་ 422 A History of Convocations. gland, as appears upon Record in the faid Parliament, ad- judged, and declared this Article (acknowledged by the Said Archbishop) for Treafon, which touched the K. bim- Self, and the Said Archbishop for a Traytor, &c.- Item, on Tueſday next after the Quindens of S. Hilary the Commons prayed that the Prelats and Clergy would make a Proctor with fufficient Power to confent in their name to all things and Ordinances to be justified in this prefent Parliament, in the fame manner as they had com- mitted power to Sir Tho. de Percy in this prefent Par- liament at Weftminfter. And upon this the faid Dres lats and Clergy named and ordained in Parliament by word of mouth William Lefcrop Earl of Wiltshire, com mitting and giving to him full Power to treat and dispatch generally concerning all thofe things judicially to be jufti- fied in this prefent Parliament, for the State and Honour of our Ld.the K. and of his Regality, the Quiet, Peace, and Tranquillity of the Kingdom fo far forth, and in manner as it was before committed to Sir Tho. de Percy. The Record adds: That upon the Advice of Sir John Buffey, most of the Bishops and Lords were worn before the K. again upon the Cross of Canterbury, to repeal nothing in this year enacted, fo did fundry of the Poucas of the Clergy, and most of the Commons, by bolding up their hands, affirming that they would do the fame. I By the Parliament Roll of 1 H. IV. which con- tains the Depofition cf R. 2. publifh'd at the end of the X Scriptores, it appears that the Clergy had place in that Parliament, and that they among the reft had their Reprefentatives at the Tower, when his Depofition was read to him. Judge Thirnyng J ! who A History of Convocations. 423. ' who was the Spokeſman, tells him (4) that there were fent as Procurators from the States, the Bi- thop of S. Affaph for Archbishops and Bishops, the Abbot of Glaften. för Abbots and Priors, and all other Men of Help Church Seculars and Regulars, the Earl of Gloucester for Dukes and Earls, the Lord of Berkley for Barons and Bannerets, Sir Tho. Irpingham for all the Bachilers and Commons of the Land by South, Sir Tho. Grey for all the Bachilers and Commons by North, and F. Markham and himſelf, as he fays, were deputed to come with 'em, for all thefe States. 4. There is extant in the Parliament Roll of 2 H. a Petition of the Clergy of England, which begins thus: Excellentiffimo ac gratiofiffimo Principi Dno. noftro Regi fupplicatur ex parte veftrorm bumilium Oratorum Prælatorum, & Cieri vetri Kegni Angliæ, Quod &c. The Petition is for an Act of Parliament a gainſt the Preachers and Writers of Heretical Do- Etrines fub gravi pæna per dictam Regiam Majeftatem ex affenfu Magnatum & aliorum Procerum in dicto Parliamento exiftentium ordinanda. in in præ- Senti Parl.- Quas quidem Petitiones Prælatorum, & CLERI Supe- rius expreffatas Dnus. nofter Rex de confenfu Magnatum, & aliorum Procerum Regni fui in præfenti Parl. exift n- tium conceffit, &c. The Statute is extant at the end of Lyndwood, which begins: Cum D. Regi, & ex parte Prælatorum, & Cliri Regni fui Anglia in præfenti Parl. fit oftenfum. Super quibus novitatibus Prælati & Clerus fupradicti ac etiam Communitates di&ti Regni in eodem Parl. exiftentes dicto D. Regi fupplicave- runt ut fua dignaretur Regia Celfitudo in dicto l'arl. pro- (a) See the Rights of Convoc. p. 63. Ee 4 videre 1 1 1 424 A History of Convocations. { videre de remedio opportuno. The fame Statute I find in Arundel's Regiſter (a) as exhibited in the Cone vocation of 1409. The Clergy are mentioned as prefent in Parlia ment in the Parl. Roll of 2 Hen. IV. when the Bishop of Norwich, in Richard the 2ds. time, condemned in Parliament of a high Mifdemeanour, was pardoned by K. Henry. The Words are: Whereupon the Arch-r bishop of Cant. with all his Brethren, Bishops, Abbots, and Priors, and the Clergy, there being, very humbly kneeling, thanked our faid Lord the King for his benign Grace and Seignurie ſo done and fhew'd. Agen in 4 H. IV. where together with the Pre- lats they petition the K. for the maintenance of the Church's Liberties. The Petition is preferv'd in the Roll, and thus it begins: Supplicant veftri bumi- les Oratores Thomas Archiepifcopus Cant. & alii Epif- copi, Prælati, & Clerus Regni noftri, quod, &c. The K in his Anfwer calls it a Petition deliver'd to kim in this Parliament by the Clergy of England. For other Inftances of thofe times, I fhall refer my Reader to the Rights of Convocations. But this Rule I fhall lay down, that we are not to conclude. from any Inftances, that the Clergy fat in Par- liament ftrictly fo call'd, (b) unless it does appear that they are to be underftood of the Clergy of both Provinces. Since we are fure that it was ufu- al to fay, that fuch or fuch a thing was done in Parliament, becauſe it was done in a Convocation in- time of Parliament. The Clergy of the Prov. of Cant. who are faid to put up their Petitions in Parliament, were no other.. than the Convocation then fitting. In Arundel's Re- gifter (c) the Clergy affembled in Convocation (a) Vol. 2.f. 18. (b) p. 332, (c. (c) Fol. 56, Vol. I. an. A History of Convocations. 425 as. 1402. having granted the K. a Subfidy, are faid to have put up their Petition in Parliament: Et fuit quædam Petitio porrecta Regi in Parl. tunc tento ex parte dicti rev. Patris ac cæterorum Prælatorum &• Cleri dictæ fuæ Cant. Prov. &c. Further yet: Tho' we find the Clergy of England in general mention'd as in Parliament, yet neither from thence dare I confidently infer, that when- ever fuch an Expreffion occurs, they fate ftrictly ſpeaking in Parliament. For by the Clergy of En- gland in Parliament, there feem to be meant fome- times no more than the Convocation of the Pro- vince of Canterbury in conjunction with the Prelats of York Province affembled in Parliament. For the Clergy of that Province were in the Reigns of E 3. and R. 2. fometimes taxed by their Archbiſhop, &c. in Parliament, in proportion to what was granted by the Covocation then fitting in London. And I find them fometimes mentioned as if they had been the whole Clergy of that Province, as particularly in a Writ of Ed. 3. where the Prelats and Clergy of the 2 Provinces are ſpoken of, when there were none concern'd but the Convocation of the one, and the Prelats of the other. See in the next Part in the Convoc. of 1371. That the Prelats of that Pro- vince affembled in Parliament, did fometimes tax the Clergy of that Province in general, is evident from Rich. the 2ds Letter to the Abbot of Selby. 6 H. VI. it fhould feem that the Clergy were con- cern'd in the making of an Act of Parliament rela- ting to Marriage. Pari. Roll n. 27. It is enacted by the King, Lords Temporal, and Commons, that no Man fhould contract or marry himself to any Queen of England with- out the efpecial Licence and Affent of the K. on pain to lofe all his Goods and Lands. The Bishops and Clergy agree to this Bill, as far forth as the fame swerveth not from the Law of God, and of the 1 1 **NET Vtákra mox intonatas i 3 426 { A 'Hiftory of Convocations. the Church, and ſo the ſame importeth no deadly Sin. Whe- ther by the Clergy there, (in this Inftance I follow the Abridgment) be meant the Parliamentary Abbots and Priors in Parliament, or more befides them, I fhall not determine. But this is certain, that from the Reign of H. 6. and fo downward, the Inferiour Clergy appeared fo feldom (if at all) in Parliament, that in the Parliament Rolls of that and the fucceeding Reigns, the 3 Eftates of Parliament are made to be the Bishops, Lords and Commons. Though in reality the 3 E- ftates of the Realm are the Clergy, Lords, and Com- mons. F Rot. Parl. 11 H. 6 the Chancellor, by the King's Com- mandment, in the prefence of Him, and of the 3 E- fates, gave Thanks to them. &c. The Eftates men- tion'd before, of whom the Parliament confifted, are the Bishops, Lords, and Commons. 8 E. 4. the Chancellor in his Speech at the open- ing of the Parliament, made the K. to be one of the 3 Eftates, the Bishops and Lords to be the 2d, and the Commons the 3d. He then declared, fays the Roll, the 3 Eftates to comprehend the Governance of this Land, the Prebeminence whereof was to the King, as Chief, the 2d to the Lords and Bifh ps, and the 3d to the } Commons. Rot. Parl. 1. R. 3. Whereas a Roll of Parchment, containing in Writing certain Articles of the Tenor under- written, on the behalf, and in the Name of the 3 Eftates of this Realm of England, that is to fay, of the Lozds Spiritual and Temporal, and of the Commons By Name, and other Nobles and notable Perfons of the Com- mons in great multitude, was prefented, &c. Now for as much as neither the faid 3 Eſtates, neither the faid Perfons, which in their Name prefented and de- livered the faid Roll into our faid Sovereign Lord the K. were affembled in Parliament, &c. Therefore be it or - dain'd A History of Convocations. 427 } dain'd-in this prefent Parliament, that the Tenor of the faid Roll ·prefented — in the behalf of the faid Eftates of Parliament, now by the faid 3 Eftates af- fembled in this prefent Parliament, and by Authority of the fame, be ratified, &c. The Roli it felf, which is there fpoken of, begins thus: Pleafeth it your noble Grace to understand the Confiderations, Election, and Pe- tition underwritten of us the Lords Spiritual and Ten- poral, and Commons of this Realm of England, and thereunto agreeable to give your affent, &c. We confider, how that afterwards by the 3 Eftates of this Realm affembled in Parliament holden at Weftmin- fter 17. E.4. &c. They add, that they, the 3 Eftates, had elected him King; and afterwards it follows: Therefore at the Requeft, and by the affent of the 3 E- ftates of this Realm, that is to fay, the Lords Spi- ritual and Temporal,and Commons of this Land affem- bled in this prefent Parliament, and by the Authority of the fame be it pronounced, &c.- de affenfu Do- minorum Spiritualium & Tempozalium in dicto Parl. & Communitatis prædicta, &c. -ac idem Do- minus Rex de affenfu dictorum Statuum Regni pronunciat, &c, An. 1529. the Clergy proteſt againſt the Statutes of Præmunire, made in that Parliament, ad quæ fa- cienda nec confenferunt per fe, nec per Procuratores fuos. The Petition is extant in the Appendix of the Rights of Convocations, num. XV. An. 1530. 21 H. 8. a Letter (a) writ to the Pope about the Affair of the Divorce, was fubfcrib'd by many Members of Parliament in 8 Claffes, Archbi- Shops, Dukes, Marqueffes, Earls, Biſhops, Barons, Ab- bots, the 8th Class is Milites & Doctores in Parliamen- to, of whom there are XI. and feveral of 'em Cler- Herbert Hift. p. 306. A I gymen, 428 A History of Convocations. 靠 ​} ? gymen, as particularly Wolman, Sampfon, Gardiner, Lee, &c. The Pope's Anfwer is thus directed: Ven. Fratribus Archiepifcopis & Epifcopis, ac dilectis ft- liis Abbatibus, Nobilibufq; viris, Ducibus, Marchionibus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Militibus ac Doctoribus Perlias menti Regni Anglia. The Author of the Rights of Convocations (a) takes thefe Clergymen to have fub- rcribed as Members of Convocation; for Wolman, as he obferves, was at this time Prolocutor: And he cannot fee, how otherwife fome of 'em could be reckon'd of the Parliament, being not call'd up thi- ther, either as the King's great Officers, or by Writ of Affiftance. I grant it might be fo. But what if I fhould fay, that thofe Clergymen fubfcribed as Members of the Houſe of Commons? This would be more extraordinary; and yet I know not but it may be true. That at leaft before the Reformation, fuch Clergymen as were Men of Estates, were al- low'd to fit in that Houfe as Members, take ano- ther Inftance out of the Parl. Roll of 20 R. 2. where Th. Haxey a Clergyman is laid to be the Perfon that brought into the H. of Commons a certain Bill which was very unpleafing to the K. The (b) Roll tells us, that the Commons having in a Conference with the Lords made a certain Demand, the K. was highly offended, and will'd the Duke of Lancafter to charge Sir J. Buffey Speaker to the Parliament, to de- clare the Name of him who exhibited the Bill: and that the Commons deliver'd the Exhibiter, which was Sir Th. Haxey. And that he was a Clergyman appears from the fame Roll, where it is faid, that being by Part- liament condemned to dye as a Traytor, the Arch- biſhop of Canterbury and the Biſhops craved of the K. that he might have his Life, and that for the Ho- (a) P. 34%. (b) Abridg. 20 R. 2. n. 15, 16. nesty A History of Convocations. 429 I nesty of the Church, he might remain in their keeping: which was granted. In the Parl. Roll of 1 H. 4. he is mentioned agen, as a Rector of more Pariſhes than one, and alfo as poffeffed of a temporal Eſtate num. 91. Upon the Petition of Sir Th. Haxey Clerk, the K. pardoneth and revoketh the Judgment made againſt him in an. 20 R. 2. tit. 23. restoreth him to the Blood', and to the recovery of all his Goods, Livings, Lands, and Tenements. That Wolman the Prolocutor of the Convocation, fhould be a Member of the H. of Com- mons, feems no more extraordinary, than that a Clerk of the Parliament fhould be Prolocutor of the Con- vocation, as we have an Inſtance of about the fame time. Clergymen as Men of Eftates have an Intereft not in Convocation, but in Parliament: and if in thofe days they were chofen Members of Parliament on account of their temporal Eftates, by which they are as much a part of the Common Wealth as any Layman is, it's no more to be wonder'd at, than that a Countrey Minifter fhould fit as a Baron in the H. of Lords, or that the Bifhops fhould fit at the fame tine in Convocation and in Parliament; or that the Chancellor of York, tho' a Layman (and fo capable of fitting in the H. of Commons) yet as Chancellor of that See, is always-a Member of that Convocation: Primo Maria it appears that a certain Clergyman (a) was choſen a Member of the Houfe of Commons, but then it was adjudged by the Houfe that the Clergy cannot be chofen becauſe they are repre- fented by another Body. An. 1547. 1 E. 6. an Attempt was made in Con- Vocation to have the Lower-Houfe united to the Houſe of Commons. In certain MS. Extracts out of the Actss of that Convocation I find it thus: (a) Cokes Inftit. 4.P.47• ་ (Sef 1 430 A Hiftory of Covocations. } (Seffione 3.) Iſtâ 224. die Novemb. convenientes fu- pra nominati in Inferiori Domo, concordatum fuit, ut D. Proloquutor nomine totius Domus referat Reverendiffimo, &c.fubfequentes Petitiones Item ut pro nonnullis urgèn- tibus caufis Convocatio bujus Cleri fi fieri poffit affumatur & cooptetur in Inferiorem Domum Parliamenti, ficut ab antiquo fieri confuevit. (Seffione 7.) Ifto die communi conſenſu nominati & affignati fuerunt M. Rolandus Merick, Joh. ap Har- ry, Joh. Williams, & Elizeus Prife Doctores, in folici- tatores ad obtinendum effectus fequentes, viz. That the Petition made to have this House adjoin'd to the Lower Houfe of the Parliament, may be obtain'd. In the next Reign the fame thing was again at- tempted, though not in fo publick a manner, by Bishop Ravis; whofe Reafons for a Reunion of the 2 Houſes, offer'd to Q. Elizabeth, are extant in the Appendix of that Excellent Work, the Lord Biſhop of Sarum's Hiftory of the Reformation. Vol. 2. n. 18. I call'd it that Excellent Work, and fuch certainly it is, notwithſtanding the many Attacks that have been hitherto made upon it: For though there may be fome Miſtakes in it (as what Writer has not ma- ny?) yet in the whole it muſt be acknowledg'd by all impartial Judges to deferve that Applauſe with which it has been honour'd by the Commons of England affembled in Parliament. I fhall add what I know, that there is no one can receive the Corrections of any Work, with greater Thankful- nefs and Candour, when offer'd in a becoming and friendly manner, than his Lordship does. I beg his leave to fay, that his Candour in that is equal to the Greatneſs of his Genius. I ſaid in the beginning of theſe Papers, That they that are fummon'd by the Pramunientes, have not fat in Parliament for fome hundreds of years. For fome Ages together A History of Convocations. 43F together the Writ has been faldom executed, or if executed, never effectually obey'd; neither has it been expected it should be. By never effectually obey'd, I meant, that it has not been ſo obey'd as to be Return'd into the Crown-Of- fice, and that no one for fome Ages has been fo con- ftituted a Proxy for any of the Inferiour Clergy, as to be fent up on that Errand. Whether this be true or not, I leave to the Judgment of others. That the Pramunientes has been executed by fome Biſhops within that time, and that it has been fo far obey'd, as that Proxies were nominated, and their Commiffions Enter'd, is clear matter of Fact. But Inftances of that kind we have had even within theſe few Years, fo late as 1676. (in the Dioceſe of Peterborough) when we are fure there could be no- thing intended but meer Form. And from thence it may be reaſonably inferr'd, that in fome antienter Inftances there might be no more done or in- tended. Upon comparing all things together, I take the Præmunientes to have been continued in the Writs, after it became a conftant Cuſtom for the Clergy to meet in a ſeparate Body by vertue of the Arch- biſhops Mandate, that thereby our Kings might af- fert their Right of Calling the Clergy (if they pleaſe) to Parliament; which the Clergy oppos'd as an Invafion and Inroad upon their Liberties. A f I * : The Third Part of the HISTORY OF CONVOCATIONS. Synods under the Conqueror, in the time of Stigand and Lanfranc, Archbishops of Canterbury. Aving finish'd the Hiftory of State Coun- cils or Parliaments, by bringing it down to the time of their full and uninterrupt- ed Eftablishment, as it now ftands (and may it ever fo ftand) I return now back to the time of the Conquest, to give an account of our Ecclefiaftical Councils or Synods, which have been fince that time. For fome of the firft Reigns after the Conqueft, as well as before, State Councils and Synods were fo much alike, that fome of thofe which I have cal led State Councils and Parliaments, and given already an account of as fuch, may as well be reputed Ees slefiaftical Conventions, or Synods. And fome of thofs SA I 俱 ​I of 2 A History of Convocations. thoſe which I am now to mention, may as pro- perly, perhaps, be called Parliaments as Synods; fuch I mean as were not called by the Archbi- flop's, nor by the Pope's Authority. Before the Conqueror's time, tho' the King him- felf with his Nobility were generally prefent in the Ecclefiaftical Councils, and our Ecclefiaftical Laws themſelves do for the most part run in the King's Name, yet, as Eadmer plainly intimates, the Arch- bishop had Power of himſelf, without any particu- lar Licence from the King, to call Councils, and fo to make Canons. But the Power of making Ca- nons the Conqueror thought fit to deprive him of, as the fame Author exprefly tells us; not permit- ting any Council to Enact or Decree any thing with- out his particular Approbation. (a) Cuneta Divina fimul & Humana ejus nutar expectabant. Quæ cuncta ut paucis animadvertantur, quædam de eis que Nova per Angliam fervari conftituit, ponam, estimans illa fci- tu effe neceffaria ad cognitionem eorum quorum caufa maxime illud fcribendi onus fufcepimus. Non ergo pati volebat quemquam in omni dominatione fuâ conftitu- tum Romana Urbis Pontificem, pro Apoftolico, nifi fe jubente, recipere, aut ejus literas fi primitus fibi oftenfe non fuiffent ullo pacto fufcipere. Primatem quoq; Regni Sui, Archiepifcopum dico Cantuarienfem feu Dorober- nenfem, fi coacto generali EPISCOPORUM Concilio præfideret, non finebat quicquam ftatuere aut prohibere nifi que fue voluntati accommoda, & a fe primò effent ordinata. To the fame purpoſe (b) Knyghton, but out of Eadmer: Ipfe Lanfrancus Regem Willielmum Con- queftorem facra tractabat arte, non rigide objurgando, fed feria jocis immifcendo; erat nempe Rex Willielmus timoris (read tumoris) immoderati, fecularia & Eccle- (a) Hift. Nov. P. 1. p. 6, (2) Col. 2362, faftica A History of Convocations. 3 4 fiaftica ad libitum difponens; nullum in terrâ fuâ pro Aplico admittens, nifi animo fuo blandiretur. Conci- lium in Regno uo nullum cogi nifi fe confulto, nec aliquid ibi dojimui nifi ipfe dictáffet. And Ma'mesbury (2) tells us, the the Conqueror permitted Archbinop Lan- franc to call Councils Willielmus Rex in omnibus. ei affurgebat, aggardeba:que & ei & alijs, quos in bono fervore audiffet, PERMISIT que ei CONCILIA CON- GREGARE. In his own Country of Normandy, before he came into England, the Provincial or Metropolitical Synods were wont to be called by his Order, and when they met he uſed to be prefent in 'em. So we are told by (b) Gulielmus Pictavienfis: O recolendam, O imitandam, O in omne avum propagandam diligen→ tiam: Abbates atq: Pontifices perfona principans & lai- ca pro difciplina Ecclefiaftica fubtiliter monebat, conftan- ter exhortabatur, fevere caftigabat. Quotiens ejus Edico & hortatu convenere Prafules, Metropoli- tanus cum Suffraganeis, de Statu Religionis, Clericorum, Monachorum, atq; Laicorum acturi: Synodis his arbitrum deeffe nolebat, cum ut præfentia fui ftudiofis adderet fu- dium, cautionem cautis: tum ne alieno teftimonió difcere indigeret qualiter fuiſſent acta, quæ cuncta rationabiliters ordinate, & fancte acta fuiffe defiderabat. His Uncle Malgerius, Archbishop of Roa, he depofed in a Synod of Norman Bishops, with the concurrence of a Legat from the Pope. Depofuit Patruum in publico fanctæ Synodi, Apoftolici Vicario, cunctifq; Normanniæ Epifcopis juxta Canonum authe- ritatem fententiam dantibus unanimi confenfu. Ibid: But the Author feems to intimate, that the Legat only, and the Bishops paffed Sentence upon him. In the Chronica S. Stephani Cadomenfis, he is faid to prefide in the Provincial Council of Roan, whichi (a) F. 121, b. (b) p. 194. * A 2 4 A History of Convocations. was held An. 1074 (or 1072) Præfidente Willielmo Anglorum Rege, Normannorum Principe, & Joanne Archepilcopo cum fuis Suffraganeis. To the fame purpoſe our * Waverley Annals. But in the Decrees of that Synod, which are extant in (a) Ordericus Vitalis, I find no mention at all of the King, but Statutum eft a nobis, that is, the Bishops. And Vita- lis fays of it: Cui Joannes ejufdem urbis Archepifco- pus præerat, & veftigia Patrum fecutus utilitati Eccle- fiafticæ omnimodis confulebat, cum Suffraganeis fuis. At the end of the Canons, he has thefe Words: Huic Concilio confenferunt Joannes Archiepifcopus Rothoma- genfis Ecclefia, Odo Baiocenfuum Epifcopus, Michael Abrincatenfis Epifcopus, Gillebertus Ebroicenfis Epifco- pus; & quamplures etiam venerabiles Abbates. But in the Synod of Illebon, which was held An. 1080. according to Vitalis (b) himſelf, the King was prefent, together with all the great Men of Normandy. An. 1080 Rex Guillelmus in Fefto Pente- coftes apud Illebonam refedit, ibiq; Guillelinum År- chiepifcopum, & omnes Epifcopos, & Abbates, Comitefq; cum alijs Proceribus Normanniae fimul adeffe PRÆCE- PIT. Ut Rex juffit, factum eft. Igitur- de fta- tu Ecclefiæ Dei, totiufq; Regni, providentia Regis cum Baronum fuorum confilio utiliter tractatum est. Another Synod of Roar, called within a few Years after the Conqueror's Death, is faid to con- fift of the Bishops and Abbots. Gulielmus Archiepif- copus Concilium Præfulum & Abbatum Rotomagi Con- gregavit, & de neceffarijs Ecclefiæ rebus cum Suffraga- neis fuis per aliquot dies tractavit. Ibid. (c) In another (d) which the fame Archbishop cal led at Roan, he is faid cum Suffraganeis Epifcopis de utilitaribus Ecclefiafticis tractaffe." The Decrees of * An. 1974. (a) Lib. 4. p. 527. (b) p. 552, (c) p. 700. (d) ibid p. 721. which A History of Convocations. which run with a Statuit fand a Synodus. But the fame Author adds, that there were preſent in that Synod, not only the Bishops and Abbots, but the CLERUS too, with many of the Proceres. Abba- tes quoq; totius provinciæ, cum CLERO, & parte Pro- cerum pacem optantium affuerunt. In another Synod held at the fame place, An. 1118 the Archbishop is faid to have spoken (a) de Statu Ecclefiæ Dei cum quatuor Suffraganeis Præfulibus, Abbatibus multis. And while that Synod was held by the Archbiſhop, the King (our Henry I.) held another Council with his Barons. Indictione XI. Non. Octobris Concilium Rotomagi Congrega- tum eft. lbi Rex Henricus de pace Regni tractavit cum Radulpho Cantuaria Archepifcopo, alijfq; Baroni- bus, quos aggregaverat. Ibi Goithredus Rotomagenfis Archepifcopus (went afide, and) de ftatu Ecclefia Dei, &c. (ut fupra). But to return out of Normandy into England. The firft Synod faid to be held here under the Conqueror, is that of the Year 1068, in which a Charter of Exemption is pretended to be granted to S. Martins le grand in London. The King in that (b) Charter fays, he granted it, Archiepifcorum, Epifcorum, Abbatum, Comitum, & univerforum Pro- cerum meorum facro confilio parens. Scripta est hæc cartula An, ab Incarn. D. 1068. Scil. 2do Anno Regni mei, peracta vero eft hæc donatio Die Natalis do- mini; & poftmodum in die Pentecoftes confirmata, quando Mathilda conjux mea in Bafilicâ S. Petri Weftm. in Reginam divino nutu eft confecrata. Subfcribed by the King and Queen, their Son Richard, the 2 Archbishops, 7 Bilhops, 9 Abbots, 7 Earls, 2 Prin- (a) Ibid. p. 846. (b) Monaſt. Vol. 3. Append. p. 26. A 3 Bes, A History of Convocations: ces, the Chancellor, 8 Chaplains: and laſt of all, by 2 Legats from the Pope. Ego Johannes fancte Ecclefie Romane Cardinalis Presbyter, per Gallias & Angliam, concedente Papa Alexandro, vices Apofto- licas gerens, buic Conftitutioni interfui, & quantum Apoftolice fedi pertinuit, libertatem Ecclefiæ præfenti figno confirmavi. Ego Petrus fan&tæ Romanæ Ecclefia fimiliter Cardinalis Presbyter & Cancellarius, huic Con- ftitutioni adquicfcens propriâ manu fubfcripfi. But this Synod is nothing but a Fiction, and the Charter a Forgery. For not to mention other things, it is certain that thofe two Legats came not into England till the Year 1070. or at fooneft not till about the middle of 1069. The first real Synod which was held here after the Conqueft, was that of Eafter 1070. held at Win- chefter in which Stigand Archbishop of Canter- bury was deprived, The King having a mind to have him deprived, defired Pope Alexander II. to fend hither certain Legats for that purpofe. Ac- cordingly the Pope fent him three, viz, Hermenfred, Biſhop of Sedunum, and John and Peter two Presbyter Cardinals, the fame who are feigned by the Author of the foremention'd Charter, to have been here in the Year 1068. Divers reafons are mentioned by our Hiftorians for which Stigand was depriv'd, but the true Reaſon is not mention'd by any, tho it be very obvious, and that is, That the King might have one in that Poft whom he might truſt. For Stigand was an Englishman, and of great Power, and that was reafon enough; tho' he had beſides many real and great Faults; at leaſt if we may believe the Monks, who all in general hated him, becaufe he had been not a Monk but a Secular, and was the fift Secular that ever fat in the See of Canterbury, This 1 A History of Convocations. 7 This was done by the King's Confent, who was prefent in the Synod. Florence of Worcester, and out of him, (a) Hoveden, (b) Simeon Du- nelm: (c) and Radulphus de Diceto (d). Concilium magnum in Octavis Pafcha Wintoniæ Celebratum est, jubente & præfente Rege Gulielmo, domino Alexandro Papa confentiente, & per fuos Legatos- fuam anctorita- tem exhibente. Malmesbury de geftis Regum (e) Stigandum perperam & falfo Archiepifcopum. per Car- dinales Romanos, & Ermenfredum Epifcopum Sedun. deponi (Rex) paffus est. De geftis Pontif. (f) Veniente in Angliam Ermenfredo, Sedun. Epifcopo, Legato A- lexandri Papæ, qui ad voluntatem Regis, coacto Con- cilio Stigandum depofuit, fidem Willielmi appellantem, &violentiam reclamantem. Et quamvis ille fe blande excufans præceptum Papæ objectaret, non tamen opini- onem affectate depofitionis exclufit, quod eum toto evo in vinculis Wintoniæ babuerit. Brumton (g). lium, annuente Papa Alexandro, Wintoniæ (Rex) fta- tuit celebrari, duobus Cardinalibus ad Ecclefiam Angli- canam difponendam regijs literis accerfitis ibidem præ- fentibus,&c. Gervafius (b) Stigandus qui a domino Papa Alexandro juftis ex caufis depofitus eft. Thorn. (2) Eo- dem anno Wyntonia celebratum fuit Concilium Ecclefie Anglicana, in quo Rege ordinante Stigandus Archiepif copus ignominiofe degradatus vinculis perpetuis mancipatur. Knyghton. (k) Veniente in Angliam Legato Pape de Regis conniventid Concilium celebrante Stigandus depo- fitus est. A little after he fays, the Council was held annuente Papa Alexandro II. præfentibus ibidem 2 Cardinalibus. Westm. (1). Concilium magnum in (a) F. 259. b. Cant. p. 684. (g) Col. 967. 3344. (1) An. Conci- (b) Col. 201. (c) Col. 482. & de Archiep. (d) An. 1070. (e) f. 62. (f) f. 116. b. (b) Col. 1310. (i) Col. 1787. (k) Col. 1070, * A 4 O&avis A History of Convocations. Otavis Pafcha, apud VVintoniam celebravit Ecclefia tota Anglicana, Rege procurante, ubi multa regnum contingentia mutata funt, &c. A M S. Chronicle of good note in (a) Lambeth Library, has the fame Words, but TOTA it has not. Rudbone: (3) Wilhelmus Rex Concilium magnum in Octavis Paiche apud Wynt. celebravit cum tord Ecclefii Anglicana; ubi multa, &c. Annales Ecclefie Winton An. Fo7o. Petrus & Jobannes Cardinales ab Alexandro P. miffi pervenerunt in Angliam; & coacto Concilio ad volunta- tem Regis Stigandum Archiepifcopum degradaverunt affenfu & voluntate Willelmi Regis. Birchington: (c) Ifte Stigandas in Concilio apud Wintoniam celebra- to A. D. 1o70 jubente & præfidente Rege Willelmo Baftardo, D. Alexandro Papd confentiente & per Lega- tos fuas Hermentredum Sedum; Epifcopum, & Johan- nem Petrum Cardinales fuam auctoritatem exhibente degradatur. Hemingford, who feems to place it to the Year 1066 or 69. Accerfitus literis Regijs ad difponendam Ecclefiam Anglicanam Apoftolicæ Scdis Le- gatus, Concilium in Anglia celebravit in quo Stigan- dum, &c. The Chronicle of Mailros: Stigandys ab Archiepifcopatu deponitur a Legatis Alexandri Papa. Ordericus Vitalis Hift. Ecclef. lib. 4. Poft hac Guillelmus Rex Dominicam Refurrectionem in urbe Guenta celebravit, ubi Cardinales Romanæ Ecclefiæ Coronam ei folenniter impofuerunt. Nam ex petitione ipfius Alex- ander Papa tres idoneos ei ut clariffimo (Charif) filio legaverat Vicarios, Ermenfredum Pontificem Seduno- rum, & duos Canonicos Cardinales. Quos apud fe an- uo ferme Spatio retinuit audiens & honorans eos tan- quam Angelos Dei. In diverfis locis, in plurimis negotijs fic egere, ficut indigas Canonice examinationis & ordina tionis regiones illas dinovere. Maxima vero ac utilif : : (a) 4° 160. (b) p. 249. (c) Vit. Cant. Archiep. fima A History of Convocations. Jima Synodus Windrefforis celebrata eft anno 1070 ab Incarn D. Rex & Cardinales eidem Concilio præfederunt &ilic Stigandum pridem reprobatum anathemate, de- pofuerunt. Thus different Authors exprefs them- Telves in different Terms concerning that Council. But none of 'em feem to be of any confidera- ble Authority in this Matter befides Florence, and Malmesbury, and Vitals, who lived near the time. And from Malmesbury it fhould feem that the King was fo far from prefiding in that Council, that he did not fo much as fubfcribe to it, at leaſt not Vore in it. In the fame Synod, Agelmar, the Archbishop's Brother, Bishop of the East-Angles, was likewife deprived, together with divers other Bishops and Abbots, without any real Crime but that they were English. Tho Vitalis, a Norman, tells us, that they were deprived propter criminofam vitam, & curæ Pa- ftoralis infcitiam. Wulstan Bishop of Worcester, who had the good luck to escape there untouched, moved in the fame Synod, both to those that prefided in it, and allo to the King (lays Florence) that the Lands which the Archbishop of York had difpoffefs'd the Bishops of Worcester of, might be restored to his Bishoprick. But the Archbishoprick of York being at that time void, the Confideration of that Caufe was put off till there fhould be a new Archbi- fhop conftituted. } The Archbishop of Canterbury being deprived, the 2 Cardinals returned to Rome, but the Bishop of Sedunum (or Sion) the other Legat, continued here fometime longer, and on the Morrow af- ter Whitfunday, held another Synod at Winding by the king's command, and there deprived A gelric Bishop of the South-Saxons, together with divers A Hiftory of Convocations. divers other Abbots. Florence: Die autem Pente coftes Rex apud Windeforam, venerando Bajocenfi Ca- nonico Thomæ, Eboracenfis Ecclefiæ Archiepifcopatum, Walcelino fuo Capellano Wintonienfis Ecclefiæ dedit præfulatum. Cujus juffu mox in craftino prædictus Se dunenfis Epifcopus Arnienfridus Synodum tenuit, Johan- ne & Petro præfatis Cardinalibus Romam reverfis. In qua Synodo Agelricus Suthfaxonum Pontifex non Canonice degradatur,quem Rex fine culpa mox apud Mear- lesberge in cuftodia pofuit: Abbates etiam degradati funt quamplures. Hoveden and Simeon Dunelm. have both the fame words. In the fame Synod, that Legat made certain In- junctions touching Pennance, to be impos'd on the Conqueror's Soldiers, for their Murders, Ravish- ings,&c. which are publifhed (a) out of a Saxon Vol. once belonging to the Church of Worcester, with this Preface: Hæc eft pænitentiæ inftitutio, fe- cundum decreta Normannorum Præfulum, auctoritate fummi Pontificis, confirmata per Legatum fuum Ermen- fredum, Epifcopum Sedunenfem, imponenda illis homi- nibus quos Willielmus Normannorum dux, ſuo juſſu, & qui ante juffu fui erant, & ex debito, ei militiam debe- bant. In the fecond Volume of our Councils this is erroneouſly placed ad an. 1076. Lanfranc being on Aug. 29 following Confe- crated Archbishop of Canturbury, and Thomas be- ing foon after Confecrated by him Archbishop of York, Bifhop Wulftan's Caufe touching the Lands withheld from him by the Archbishop of York, was brought on in a great Council or Parliament at Pe- dreda, where it was alſo controverted whether the Bishoprick of Worcester ought not of Right to be (a) Concil Tom, 2, p. 13, } united A History of Convocations. 11 united to the Archbishoprick of York; and it was carried at laft in the Negative, and fo Biſhop Wul- ftan kept his Bishoprick, as I have elſewhere fhewn. Of this our Legendary Writers have raiſed many idie and fabulous Stories, as that Wulftan was like to be derived in a Synod becauſe he could not ſpeak French, and that he was preſerved by a Mi- racle at the Confeffor's Tomb: and M. Paris a- mong others, who is a great follower of thoſe Legendary Fables, has related it. Whereas it ap- pears from Florence and Malmesbury in the Life of Wuiſtan, to be a meer Fiction Some tell us it was done in the Synod where a Canon was made for the tranſlation of the Biſhops Sees from the lef fer places to greater: So Polydore Virgil. Others that it was done in a particular Synod held 1074. And fo Binius in his Edition of the Councils, and after him Sir Henry Spelman in the fecond Vol. (a) of our English Councils, have made a diftinct Synod of it. But the whole matter, as much of it as is true, was tranfacted in the Parliament of Pedreda, which was held about the end of 1070 or the beginning of 1071. An. 1071 the two Archbishops go together to Rome to receive their Palls, and there before the Pope the Archbishop of York, who had before been obliged by the King and his Council to make Profeffion of Obedience to the Sce of Can- terbury, renews that Controverfie concerning the Primacy, and urges withal, that the three Bi- fhopricks of Lincoln, Worcester, and Lichfield be- longed to the Province of York, and not of Can- terbury. The Pope being not able to determine (a) p. 7. a Con- 12 A Hiftory of Convocations. a Controverfy of that Nature, refers it to an Eng lifh Synod. Decrevit Alexander P. (fays Malmes- bury (a) oportere Caufam hanc in Anglicam terram au- diri, & illic totius regni Epifcoporum & Abbatum teftimonio & judicio definiri. Accordingly at Eafter 1072. in a Council held in the King's Palace at Windfo2, the Matter was debated, and there it was decreed That the Church of York ought to be fubject to that of Canter- bury; fo that the Archbishop of York fhould be oblig'd to make Profeffion of Obedience (but not to take an Oath) to the Archbishop of Canter- bary; and when, and wherefoever, the Archbi- fhop of Canterbury thought fit to hold a Synod, he ſhould be obliged according to the ancient Cuftom, to come to it, together with his Suffra- gans. Ita ut fi Cantuarienfis Archepifcopus Conci- lium cogere voluerit; ubicunq; ei vifum fuerit, Ebora- cenfis Archiepifcopus fui præfentiam cum omnibus fibi fubjectis Epifcopis ad nutum ejus exhibeat, & ejus Canonicis difpofitionibus obediens exiftat. There alfo it was ordained, that all beyond Humber fo far as Scotland, fhould be fubject to the Archbishop of York: And that upon the death of an Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of York fhould come to Canterbury to Confecrate the new Archbishop who fhould be chofen: And when an Archbishop of York fhould die, he that fhould be nominated by the King to be his Succeffor, fhould come to Can- terbury, or wherever the Archbishop of Canterbury fhould think fit, to be Confecrated by him. 2 The Decree of this Council may be feen at large in Malmesbury (b). It is there faid that this Caufe was difcuffed in the prefence of the King, the Bi- (a) f. 217. b. (b) f. 117. b, Shops, A History of Convocations. hops and Abbots: In præfentia Regis & Epifcoporum atq; Abbatum ventilata eft caufa de Primatu. Malmes- bury tells us, that it was the King's Court that gave Judgment, and determined that Matter. The two Archbishops, fays he, returning from Rome, the Bufinefs being referred by the Pope to the Judg- ment of the Bishops and Abbots of the whole Kingdom, uterq; ergo in Pafchali folemnitate ad Regem venit, ibiq; prolatis in medium partium rationibus fententiam de negovio REGALIS CURIA dedit. The fame Author in another place (a) calls it, Concilium to- tius Anglia. Archbishop Lanfranc in his (6) Epiftle to the Pope, tells him, that the Council was called by his (the Pope's) authority. In Concilio, quod An- glie per veftram authoritatem coactum est, &c. In the fecond Vol. (c) of our Councils there is the Decree of the fame Council, together with the Sub- fcriptions, publiſhed out of a MS. in the Cottonian Library, in thefe Words: Huic Conftitutioni confenfe- runt præfatus Rex & Archepifcopi. Ventilata eft autem hac Caufa, prius apud Wentanam Civitatem in Paf- chali folemnitate in Capella Regid, quæ fita eft in Ca- Stello; poftea in Villa Regid, quæ vocatur Windlefor, ubi & finem accepit in præfentiâ Regis, Epifcoporum, Abbatum diverforumi ozdimmmm, qui Congrega- ti erant apud Curiam m Festivitate Pentecoftes. (fo it is faid there) The Subfcribers are the King and the Queen, next to them Hubertus S. Romanc Ecclefia Lector, &D. Alexandri P. Legatus. By which it appears that the Pope fent a Legat to be prefent in the Synod. Next to him the Arch. bishop of Canterbury, and 13 Bifhops, and 11 Ab- bots. The Archbishop of York it feems, did not think fit to fubfcribe. This is faid to be tranf ། (a) f. 120, b, (b) ap. Malmesbury, f. 118. (c) p. 6, cribed 14 A History of Convocations. cribed out of the MS Sub Effigie Domitiani A. n. 2. I have met with the very fame in another MS. of that Library Cleop. E. 1. 7. in a very an- cient Hand, very near as old as the Council it felf In both Copies it is faid, that the Council was held ex præcepto ejufdem Alexandri P. annuente eodem Rege. Which Words are not found in Malmesbury's Copy. & In (a) The Rights of an English Convocation, I find theſe Words quoted out of that MS. Cleop. E. 1. 7. as fpoken of this Synod of 1072. Conve- nerunt ad Regalem Curiam apud Civitatem Wentanam in Pafchali folemnitate Epifcopi, Abbates, cæteri ex Sacro Laicali Ordine. And the fame Words I find produced by Dr. Brady (b) as out of the fame Volume. But in the Tranfcript which I made out of that MS. I find no fuch Words: And I well remember, I was very careful to Tranfcribe the Words exactly. For Abbatum diverſozum Dedinum, ſome Copies, as particularly That, have a Comma after Abbatum; fo it is alfo in Birching- ton, who ſeems to have followed the very Origi- nal. For the Original, he ſays, with the King's Seal to it, was kept in his time (fervatur) in the Church of Canterbury. And fo by diverforum ordi- num, I ſhould underftand the different Diders of Monks. In the fame MS. as alfo in Mathew of Westminster, the Synod is entituled Generale Con- cilium Regni. Paris lays of that Synod, Eodem an. 1072. apud Windlefhoram ex præcepto Alexandri P. Rege etiam Willielmo annuente in præfentiâ Huberti Romanë Ecclefiæ Legati, ventilata eft caufa de Primatu. Huic igitur Conftitutioni confenferunt Rex præfatus & Lan- (a) p. 297. (b) Introduct p. 301, francus A History of Convocations. 15 francus Archiepif. Cant. Thomas Archiep: Ebor. cum prædicto Cardinali, & omnibus Epifcopis & Abba- tibus Regni. An. 1075. Archbishop Lanfranc called a National Council, and made certain Canons, which was the first Synod that had been called of that kind a long time. In that Council, befides Bishops and Abbots, there were prefent many of the inferiour Monks. Anno Incarn. D. 1075. regnante gloriofo Anglo- rum Rege Willielmo, anno regni ejus nono, Congrega- tum eft Londonijs in Ecclefia B. Pauli Concilium to- tius Anglie (or Anglica) regionis; Epifcoporum, viz. & Abbatum; necnon & multarum Religiofi oz- Dinis perfonarum, jubente atq; eidem Concilio pre- fidente Lanfranco fancte Dorobernenfis Ecclefiæ Archi- præfule, totinfq; Britannia Infulæ Primate, confidenti- bus fecum viris Venerabilibus Thoma Eboracenfi Archie- pifcopo, Willielmo Lundonienfi Epifcopo, Goiffrido Con- ftantienfi (qui cum tranfmarinus effet Epifcopus, in An- glia multas poffeffiones habens, cum cæteris in Concilio refidebat). After the names of 10 other Bishops, it is added, that the Bishoprick of Rochester was then void, and that the Bishop of Lindisfarn or Durham fent a Canonical Excufe. Then it follows: Et quia multis retro annis, in Anglico Regno ufus Conciliorum obfoleverat; renovata Junt nonnulla, quæ antiquis etiam Canonibus nofcuntur definita. Subfcribed by the two Archbishops, 12 Bifhops, Anfchitill Archaea- con of the Church of Canterbury, and 21 Abbots. In that Council (a) there was a Rule made for the Precedency of Bifhops in Synods, That the Archbishop of York fhould fit on the Archbishop of Canterbury's Right Hand, the Bishop of London (a) f, 121 b₂ } OR 「 A History of Convocations. k on his left, and the Bishop of Winchester by the Archbishop of York; but if the Bishop of York were abfent, the Bifhop of London fhould fit on the Archbishop of Canterbury's Right Hand, and the Biſhop of Winchester on his left: And that all others fhould fit according to their Seniority. In the fame Council a (a) Canon was made, that none but Bishops and Abbots fhould prefume to ſpeak in a Synod, without the Metropolitans particular leave. Ad comprimendam quorundam indif- cretorum infolentiam ex communi decreto fencitum eft, ne quis in Concilio loquatur præter licentiam a Metro- politano conceffam, exceptis Epifcopis, & Abbatibus. In the fame a Conftitution was made (conceffum eft Regiâ munificentiâ & Synodali authoritate) that Bishops fhould. remove, their Sees from Villages to Cities, particularly that the Biſhop of Schire. burne fhould remove to Salesberie, the Bishop of Selefey to Chichester, and the Bishop of Lichfield to Chefter. Thefe 3 were the only ones then re- folved on. There were others mention'd, who whether they fhould remove or no, was refer'd to the King, who was at that time beyond Sea. This appears from thofe VVords immediatly fol- lowing the Names of thofe 3 Bifhops. De quibuf- dam, qui in Villis feu Vicis adhuc degebant, dilatum eft ufq; ad Regis audientiam, qui in tranfmarinis par- tibus tunc temporis bella gerebat. Theſe could be no others than the Bishops of Dorchester and Thetford, who afterwards removed the former to Lincoln, the latter to Norwich. And yet it is to be obferv'd, that in the Subfcriptions of this Council there are not only the Bishops of Salisbury, Chichester, and Chester (who might fub- (a) Malmesb, f. 121, b, fcribe A Hiſtory of Convocations. 17 fcribe themſelves fo, tho' not as yet actually re- mov'd, becaufe declared Bishops of thofe Places by Council) but alſo the Bishops of Lincoln and Nor- wich: From whence I conclude the Subfcription to be fictitious. The Bishop of Exeter, who is commonly thought to have removed from Cri- diton thither by vertue of this Conftitution, was removed before the Conquest, in the Confeffors time: The firft Bishop of Exeter being (a) Le- fric, whofe Succeffor Osborne fubfcribes himſelf Bishop of Exeter, in the Council of 1072. where all the reft fubfcribe by the Names of the old Places, as Siraburnenfis, Dorcacenfis, Helmeanenfis, (otherwiſe ſtyl❜d Thetfordenfis) and Ciceftrenfis. Knyghton (b) tells us, that by vertue of this Con- ftitution the See of Coznwal was removed to Exeter. He adds, That by vertue of the fame, the Biſhoprick of Bath was removed to Wells, (which alſo is falfe) and the Bishoprick of Dor- chefter to Lincoln: But he mentions nothing of Norwich. The like Errors may be found in our vulgar Hiftorians, fuch as Polydore Virgil, &c. and the Synod is generally placed to a wrong Year. In a Charter of William the Conqueror to the Church of Lincoln, recited in a Diploma or In- fpeximus (c) of K. Henry VI. it is faid, the Bifhop- rick of Dorchester was removed to Lincoln by the Conqueror in a Synod of Bishops, wherein were prefent certain Legats from the Pope, and the Pope's Name is ſaid to be Alexander; from whence it fhould follow, that that Synod was held before this of 1075. for Pope Alexander there fpo- ken of, died 1073. W. Rex Anglorum T. Vice-comiti¿ (a) Malmesb. f. 145. b. (b) Col. 2351. (c) Monaſt. Tom. 3. P. 258. B amnibufq; 18 A Hiftory of Convocations. " omnibufq; Vice-comitibus Epifcopatus Remigij Epifcopi, falutem. Sciatis me tranftuliffe fedem Epifcopatus Dor- chaceftrenfis in Lincolniam Civitatem, auctoritate & confilio Alexandri Papæ & Legatorum ejus; necnon & Lanfranci Archepifcopi, & aliorum Epifcoporum regni mei. The fame is again mention'd in a Charter (a) of W. Rufus, recited in the fame Infpexi- mus, where alfo it is pretended, that the Legats were fent into England chiefly for that purpofe: Ecclefinn fan&tæ Dei Genitricis quam prædictus Genitor meus Remigium Pontificem, virum venerabilem, Jaso cris virtutibus pollentem, ejufdem Antiftitis interventu in Lincolia Civitate conftruere juffit totius Epifcopatus fedem, confenfu & auctoritate Domini Alexandri, qui Sanita Romana Ecclefiæ tunc vigili præfidebat curd, & Legatorum ejus, quos ob hoc ftabiliendum huc præcipue mifit; necnon confilio Lanfranci Archiepifcopi, viri præ- clari, qui omnium Ecclefiarum primatum tunc citra mare tenebat, aliorumq; fidelium ejus, quæ viz. fedes in- competenter ac fatis obfcure in Dorchaceftra antiquitus pofita fuerat. But the Authority of Charters is fo fmall with me, that unleſs I ſaw the Broad Seal ap- pending, I fhould not think the Teftimony of many of them together, equivalent to the Autho- rity of any one good Author fufficiently ancient. All that they convince me of is, that the Monk or Monks that forg'd 'em were of that Opinion. But when was that Synod in which thofe Legats were prefent? It could not be the fame in which Archbishop Stigand was deprived, becauſe Arch- bifhop Lanfranc is faid to have been in it: And in the Synod of 1072. there was only one Le- gat, as appears by the Subfcription. Bromton (b) tells us, that Remigius removed his See from Dor- (a) Ibid. p. 259. (b) Col. 983. chefter A History of Convocations. 19 1 chefter to Lincoln, by vertue of a Conftitution made in the Council held under Archbiſhop Lanfranc, but not before the Year 1088. the firſt of W Rufus: Eodem anno cum Epifcopus Dorceftria que Super Thamefim fita eft major omnibus Angliæ à Thamefiâ ufq; Humbran duraret, moleftum vifum eft Remigio Epifcopo ejufdem qui apud Fefcampe Mo- nachus fuerat, quod in ipfo termino Epifcopatus fui, fcil. apud Dorceftriam, que urbs propter parvitatem fibi difplicebat, fedes effet Epifcopalis, cum in eodem. Epifcopatu Civitas clariffima Lincolniæ Epifcopali fede dignior videretur, unde in ipfius urbis vertice juxta ca- Stellum fortiffimis turribus eminens prædia mercatus, in loco forti fortem & perpulchram Virgini Virginum conftruxit Ecclefiam fervientibus Deo gratam. Provin- ciam tamen Lyndefepe Archiepifcopus Eboracenfis ex antiquâ temporum ferie vendicabat. Remigius vero petitionem ejus five calumniam minime timens, opus inceptum non fegniter peregit, peractumq; Clericis doc- trind & moribus approbatis decoravit, & tunc de Dorceftriâ ufq; ibi fedem fuam Epifcopalem, prout fit- perius tempore Regis Willielmi Conqueftoris in Confilio SUB Lanfranco Archepifcopo Londonijs ce lebrato ordinatum fuerat, tranftulit & locavit. And Malmesbury (a) himſelf intimates, that Remigius Biſhop of Dorchefter did not think of removing to Lincoln till the latter part of his time: Ille primis annts (he was Confecrated by Archbi- fhop (b) Lanfranc, and therefore not before about the end of the Year 1070) egregia apud Dorkece- ftram meditatus & aliqua facere ingreffus, novilhi- me curam omnem & fedem tranftulit ad Lindocol: niam Civitatem, (a) f. 165. b. (b) Giraldus Cambrenfis de Vitis Epifcoporum Lincoln. c. I *B 2 20 A History of Convocations. f In the fame Synod of 1075. or in another held the fame Year, (according to Dugdale in the (a) 2d Vol. of our Councils) it was debated, Whe- ther fuch Matrons and Virgins as for fear of the Norman Ravifhers had betaken themſelves to Nun- neries, and taken the Veil upon 'em to diſguize themſelves, fhould be obliged to continue there. And according to Equity, it was determined to the contrary. Eadmer (b) mentions the Council, but not the Year; and I think that very uncer- tain: only it fhould feem to have been done in the firft Synod held by that Archbishop. Quæfitum ab eodem Patre Lanfranco eft, quid de his ipfe fentiret At ipfe quæftionem ipfam Confilio gene- ralis Concilij taliter folvit, &c. An. 1076. a Synod was held by the Archbi- fhop at Winchester, in which, (c) among other things, it was Decreed that no Canon of a Church ſhould be married; that Pariſh Priefts who were already Married, fhould not be obliged to put away their Wives; but fuch as were not married fhould be obliged not to Marry; and that all who entred into Orders fhould Vow Celibacy. There alſo it was Decreed, that Biſhops fhould hold Synods twice a Year, or as another Copy has it, once a Year. In the fame Synod the Caufe of Agelric or Aylric Bishop of the South-Saxons, is faid by the Author of Antiquitates Britannice to have been fully determin'd. But that, I think, is a miſtake, he being deprived An. 1070. by the Le- gat Ermenfred, appealed to P. Alexander II. who gave Archbishop Lanfranc a fpecial Commiffion (4) p. 7. (b) Hift. 1. 3. p. 37. (c) Vide Concil. Tom. 2. p. 11. ad, 14. (a) to A Hiftory of Convocations. 21 } (a) to hear and determine the whole Matter. And fince that Pope died in the Year 1073. I can- not but conclude, that that Cauſe was determin'd by the Archbishop before this time. In a Charter (b) granted (at leaſt pretended to be granted) by Q. Maud the Conqueror's Wife, to the Abby of Malmesbury, An. 1081. in the Month of February, the Archbishop is faid to Excom- municate not only by his own Authority, but alſo by the Authority of his Clergy, fuch as fhould deprive the Abby of what that Charter granted: Lanfrancus Archiepifcopus, autoritate Dei omnipoten- tis & fuorum CLERICORUM, & poteftate qua poffumus, Excommunicamus illos qui, &c. quå Archbishop Lanfranc is faid to have held five General (or National) Councils, in which the Archbi- fhop of York was prefent; the 1st and 3d at Winche- fter, the 2d at London, the 4th and 5th at Glocefter. So we find in the 2d Vol. (e) of our Councils. But (d) Gervafe reckons up 6 in thefe Words: Quia a multis retroactis temporibus ufus Conciliorum obfoleverat, ad extirpanda vitia concreta & virtutes in- ferendas, in diverfis locis Concilia (Lanfrancus) celebra- vit. Primum apud Wintoniam, in quo certis ex caufis depofuit Wulfricùm Abbatem de Hida, & alia plura & stilia inftituit. Secundum tenuit Concilium in Ecclefid S. Pauli Londoniæ, in quo recognitum eft a majoribus terræ quod Eboracenfis Archiepifcopus federe debeat ad dexteram Archiepifcopi Cant. Londonienfis ad fini- ftram: cæteri vero Epifcopi fecundum tempus confecra- tionis fue fedebunt, & ita deinceps cbfervatum eft. (a) Malmesb. f. 65. b. (b) Monaft. Tom. I. p. 53. (©) r. 15. (d) Act. Pont, Cant. Col, 1654. B 3 3mn. A Hiftory of Convocations: 1. 3m Concilium tenuit apud Wintoniam. 4m vero in Lon- donia, in quo depofuit Alnothum Glaftonienfem Ab- batem. 5m apud Claudiam. 6m apud Gloceftriam, in quo depofuit Wlretelum (1. Wlket:) Abbatem de Cruland. He feems not to have known that Clau- dia and Glocefter was one and the fame place. In a Latin Fragment inferted in the Saxon Chro- nicle (a) out of a MS. in Bennet College Library, Į find his Councils thus enumerated: Hoc Anno (2do ordinationis fua) generale Concilium Wentonia celebratum, in quo & Vuluricum, novi Monafterij Abbatem depofuit; multaq; de Chriftiane Religionis cultu fervanda inftituit. Quinto Anno, generale Concilium Londoniæ celebra- tum: cujus geftionem, rogatu multorum, literis com- mendavit. Sexto Anno Wentonia Concilium Celebratum. Octavo Anno, Concilium Lundoniæ celebratum, in quo Ailnodum Glaftingenfis cœnobij Abbatem depo- fuit. Anno XI. Celebratum Concilium apud Claudiam Ci- vitatem, ubi & Thomas Archiepifcopus Eboracenfis, jubente Rege, & Lanfranco confentiente, facravit Wilielmum Dunelmenfem Epifcopum, eo quod a Sco- torum Epifcopis, qui fibi fubjecti funt, habere adjutorium non potuit, &c. · Anno 16. apud Cleuceftriam Concilium ce- lebratum, in quo Wulftcetelum Crulandenfis Cœnobij Abbatem depofuit. Of the Council of Westminster, which is mention- ed in the Edition (b) of our Councils, as held An. 1077. I have ſpoken in the former´ (c) Part. (a) p. 178. (b) Vol. 2. p. 14. (c) p. 156. 7. Synods 1 A Hiftory of Convocations. 23 Synods under Henry I. in the time of Anfelm, and William Corbell Archbishops. N the Reign of William Rufus there was no at all the Synod at all held, the King not permitting it, tho' Archbishop Anfelm much defired it. Florence ad An. 1097, and out of him Hoveden: Mox inter Regem & Dorobernenfem Archiepifcopum Anfelmum orta diffenfione, quia ex quo Archipræful effectus est, Synodum tenere, & prava que per Angliam pullulave- rant, non licuit corrigere, mare tranfijt, &c. So Malmesbury (a) Nullum fuo tempore Concilium fieri memini, in quo delictis enervatis vigor Ecclefiafti- cus confirmaretur. The fame is mention'd by Ra- sulphus Ceftrienfis, and by Knyghton, (b) whofe words are, That he did not permit any Concilium EPISCO- PORUM to be Celebrated; which are alfo the Words of a MS. (c) Chronicle in Lambeth Library. Anfelm (d) complains of it in an Epiſtle to Pope Pafchal II. Videbam in Anglia multa mala, quorum ad me pertinebat correctio, quæ nec corrigere, nec fine peccato meo tolerare poteram Concilium non permifit celebrari in regno fuo ex quo Rex factus jam per 13 Annos. The Council of Ireland, which wrote in his time to Archbishop Anfelm, to requeft him to Confecrate the Bishop of Waterford, confifted of the King, the Bishops, & quiq; Nobiles cum Clero & Populo ipfius Infulæ as we read in (e) Eadmer. (a) f. 71. b. (b) Col. 2369. 2373. (c) f. 169. (d) Epiſt. 4. lib. 3. (e) p. 36. 路​] B 4 The 3 A History of Convocations. 鲁 ​The Annals of Winchester tell us, that An. 1093 vi. Id. April the new Monks of Winchester were tran- flated from the old Monaftery in the prefence of al- most all the Biskops and Abbots of England. But that was in a Curia held there by the King, not in a Synod. Archbishop Anfelm, who had left the King- dom in Rufus's time, being recalled by Henry I. and the King defigning to marry Mathildis ( or Maud) the Daughter of Malcolm King of Scot- land, defcended by her Mother from our Saxon Kings, called a Synod at Lambeth to confider whether the might lawfully be Married or not, becauſe ſhe had worn a Veil as a Nun in the Nun- nery of Wilton. She alleged, that ſhe had never made any Vow, and that the Veil was put upon her only to fecure her from the violence of the Normans: and this fhe offer'd to prove Judicio totius Anglozum Ecclefie. Quid plura? (fays (a) Eadmer) Differt Anfelmus fententiam ferre & Caufam judicio Religiofarum perfonarum Regni determinandam pronunciat. Statuto itaq; Die coeunt ad nutum illius, Epifcopi, Abbates, Nobiles, quiq; ac Religioü Dzdinis viri in Villa S. An- dreæ de Roveceftra que Lambeth vocatur, quo & ipfum prafentis negotij tunc tenor adduxerat. Re- moto itaq; a Conventu folo Patre, Ecclefia Anglia que convenerat in unum, de proferenda fententiâ tractat. Deinde illo in medium reverenter adducto, expofitum est quid de negotio communis omnium conſenſus invenerit, &c. The Caufe was determined, fays the fame Author a little after, per Epifcopos & Re- ligiofas perfonas. This Synod fate a little before (e) P. 57. Michael- -- A History of Convocations. 25 Michaelmas, An. 1100. for fhe was married to the King within a few Days after; and that ſhe was married on Michaelmas Day, I find in a MS. Chro- nicle in Lambeth Library (a) Of this Synod there is no mention in the Collection of our English Councils. We are told by Knyghton (b) that the King took her to Wife Celebrato Londonie PONTIFICUM Con- cilio. But that was doubtless no more than a great fecular Convention, unless he meant the Synod a- bove mentioned. An. 1102. the Archbishop held a Synod in St.Peters at Westminster, wherein divers Conftitutions were made,particularly againſt the Marriage of the Clergy; and feveral Abbots were depofed for Simony, &c. The Perfons of whom it confifted, were the Bi- Shops, Abbots and Principes, who were fummoned by the King at the Archbishop's Requeſt, that there might be the Confent as well of the Laity as of the Clergy. Rege annuente (fays Archbishop An- felm himſelf, in the (c) Acts of the Council, which he himſelf drew up,) Celebratum eft Concilium in Ecclefiâ B. Petri in Occidentali parte juxta Londoniam fita, communi confenfu Epifcoporum & Abbatum, Principum totius regni. In quo prefedit Anfel- mus Archiep. Dorob. Primas totius Britanniæ, confidentibus venerabilibus viris Gerardo Ebor. Ar- chiep. alijfq; tam Epifcopis quam Abbatibus. Huic Conventui affuerunt, Anfelmo Archiep. petente a Rege, Primates Regni, quatenus quicquid ejufdem Concilij auctoritate decerneretur, utriufq; Ordinis con- cordi curâ & follicitudine ratum fervaretur. Sic enim neceffe erat quum multis retro annus, Synodali cultura (a) Fol. 192. (6) Col. 2375. (c) ap. Eadmer p. 67. ceffante, 26 A History of Convocations. ceffante, viciorum vepribus fuccrefcentibus, Chriftianæ Religionis fervor in Anglia nimis refrixerat. Eadmer calls it a general Council of the Bishops and Ab- hots of the whole Kingdom, and from him we learn, that the Decrees of it were confirm'd by the Pope. Florence (a) makes the Archbishop's Council to be diftinct from the Convention of the Great Men with the King. His meaning is, that the Archishop with his Bishops, &c. who had been cal- led to the King's Council, went afide, and con- fulted among themfelves of the Affairs of the Church. But in that he ſeems to be miſtaken, for it appears from Anfelm's own Words, above re- cited, that they fat all together. In feftivitate S. Mi- chaelis, fays Florence, Rex fuit Lundoniæ apud Weftm. & cum eo omnes Principes Regni fui, Ecclefiaftici & fe- cularis ordinis. Ubi duos de Clericis, duobus Epifcopa- tibus inveſtivit. Ubi etiam Anfelmus Ar- cbiep. tenuit magnum Concilium de his quæ ad Chrifti- anitatem pertinent, confidentibus fecum Archiepifcopo Eboracenfi, &c. So alfo Hoveden, (b) who every where tranſcribes Florence verbatim. Gervafe (c) mentions none as prefent in it befides Bishops and Abbots. Radulphus de Diceto (d) mentions none but Bifhops, Cum omnibus Epifcopis Anglia Concilium tenuit Anfelmus. Paris and Mathew of Westminster, and a MS. (e) Chronicle, fay it was held præfente Rege, Suffraganeis Epifcopis: They add, that it was held in London, in St. Pauls Church. The cauſe of which error feems to have been its being com- monly called the Council of London. The Annals ● de Margan give this account of it: An. 11 02. Con- (4) An. 1102. (b) f. 269. (c) Act. Pont. Col. 1660. (d) Då Archiepifc. Cant. p. 687, (e) Lambeth 40, 160. ciliume } A History of Convocations. 27 ; } cilium magnum Celebratum est ap. London 5 Cal. Octob. duobus diebus : in quo depofiti funt quamplurimi Abbates, & Robertus Comes de Belefmo ab Anglia expulfus est, cum fratre fuo Arnulfo. But in this laft Clauſe there is a miſtake. For there were no Laymen puniſhed there, much leſs banish'd. The Annals of Waverly Ad feftum S. Michaelis fuit Rex apud Weftmon. cum eo omnes Capitales homines bujus terræ, Clerici Laici. & Anfelmus Archiep. tenuit ibi Concilium, &c. They add, that many were there deprived of their Bishopzicks and Ab- bies. But that there were no Bishops there deprived, is evident from the Original account of it, above cited, drawn up by the Archbishop himſelf, and extant in Eadmer and (a) Malmesbury, and from the account which all the elder Writers give of it, fuch as Florence, Huntindon, &c. The Saxon Chronicle. Ad S. Michaelis feftum, fuit Rex apud Weftmynfter, omnefq; fummi viri hujus terræ, Cle- rici ac Laici, & Archiepifcopus Anfealmus habuit Cle- ricorum Synodum, qui ibi multas Leges confecerunt ad Religionem pertinentes, &c. The Antiquitates Bri- tannice in the Life of Anfelm, call it a Synod to- tius Cleri. But it was not fo. Stubbs in his Acts of the Archbishops of York,where he ftickles very hard for the ancient Independency of that See, will not own that Archbishop An- felm prefided in that Council, but it was celebrat- ed, he fays, by both the Archbishops equally, and the Archbishop of York refufed to fit there on a dower Seat than the Archbishop of Canterbury. Pla- cuit Archiepifcopis Anfelmo & Girardo Concilium ce- lebrare. Quo in Westmonafterio congregato, cum Mo- nachi Archiepifcopo fuo fedem fingulariter celfam paraffent, (a) f. 129. b. 4. Girardus * 28 A History of Convocations. Girardus indignatus & Dei odium ei qui fic paraverat vulgariter orans, pede fubvertit, nec federe voluit donec fibi fede cum Archiepifcopo pari parata. But had this been true, we fhould have had fome account of it befides in that Author. Neither would Anfelm have borne it, nor Eadmer have concealed it. An Anathema or Excommunication being denoun- ced there againſt Sodomites and all their Affiftants, the Sentence was by an Injunction of the Council commanded to be read publickly on Sundays in all the Churches of the Kingdom: But it being found inconvenient, the Archbishop by his own Authority difpenfed with that Order, as Eadmer tells us: Knyghton (a) gives us the Reaſon, becauſe publicatio hujus vitij pravis mentibus fomes fuit majoris audacia fimilia perpetrandi. Binius, (b) and fome others, make two Synods of this one. What little effect thefe Canons had, we may learn from Eadmer, who tells us, that within a few Days they were tranfgrefs'd by many Men of all forts and degrees. The Archbishop of York in a Letter which he wrote foon after to Archbishop An- felm, tells him, that they were fubmitted to by very few in his Province, where generally inſtead of obedience, he met with nothing but Threats and Reproaches. He could fcarce prevail with any to enter into Orders, becauſe they would not Now Celibacy, and the Canons of his Church re- fuſed to promiſe it. Huntindon (c) fpeaks with diſlike of that Synod. Archbishop Anfelm (fays he) held a Council at London, In quo probibuit uxores Sacerdotibus Anglorum antea non prohibitis. (a) Col. 2377. (b) Vide Spelm. Conc. Tom. 2. p. 23. 25. (c) f. 2170 Quod A Hiftory of Convocations. 29 Quod quibufdam mundiffimum vifum eft, quibufdam periculofum, ne dum munditias viribus majores appete- rent, in immunditias horribiles ad Chriftiani nominis fummum dedecus inciderent. In the Collection of our Councils (a) there is mention made of a Council of London, Super Eccle- fiarum Inveftituris, An. 1103. but it ought not to be ftiled a Council. The Council which was held about that matter, and in which the King gave up his Right to In- veftitures, was held in the Year 1107. And of that I have ſpoken already among the Parliaments of this Reign. All that I fhall add concerning it here, is, that Bromton (b) makes it to be held in the Year 1103, and confounds it befides with the Archbishop's Synod above mentioned, held An. 1102. III. Kal. Augufti Clero & Populo ad Conci- lium Londoniæ congregato, aftantibus Archiepifcopis, & Epifcopis, cæteraq; multitudine maxima Procerum & Magnatum, ftatuit Rex & conceffit, &c. In illo etiam Concilio Archiepifcopus Anfelmus interdixit & prohibuit uxores Sacerdotibus, &c. The former Council of 1102. againſt the Mar- riage of the Clergy having little or no fuccefs, the King in the Year 1108 efpoufed the Matter more earneftly, and called another Council againſt it. Eadmer (c): Multi Presbyterorum ftatuta Concilij Lun- donienfis, Poſtponentes, fuas fæminas retinebant,aut certe duxerunt quas prius non habebant. Quod inconti- nentiæ crimen Rex fubvertere cupiens, adunatis ad Cu- riam fuam in folemnitate Pentecoftes apud Lundo- niam cunctis Majozibus Regni, de negotio cum An- (4) Voḥ 2. p. 25, (6) Col. 1000, (c) p. 94. felmo • 3.0 A Hiftory of Convocations. . felmo Archiepifcopo,& cæteris Epifcopis Angliæ tracta vit, eofq; ad malum illud extirpandum Regali Au- thoritate atq; potentia fultos roboravit. Unde Anfel- mus Archiep. Cant. & Thomas electus Archiep. Ebor. (nam Gerardus nuper ad eandem Curiam tendens obi- erat) & omnes alij Angliæ Epifcopi ftatuerunt in præfentia ejufdem gloriofi Regis Henrici, affenfu omni- um Baronum juorum, ut, &c. Florence ad An. Hæc funt ftatuta de Archidiaconibus, &c. quæ An. 1108. ftatuerunt Anfelmus Archiep. Cant. & Tho- mas electus Archiep. Ebor. cum eo, omnefq; alij An- glie Epifcopi, in præfentia Regis Henrici, affenfi Baronum fuorum. Statutum est ut, &c. Thefe are the Words of the Council or Decree it felf; and fo it is extant in Hoveden (a) likewiſe, and in (b) Simeon Dunelm. (c) Bromton has much the fame Words, but he makes it to be held at Winche- fter. Hemingford (d) who confounds it with other Councils, tells us, that the Decrees of it were made by the Archbishops and Bifhops, cum Clero. The learned Author of the Rights of an Engliſh Con- vocation (e) is miſtaken, when he fays, that Hem- ingford fpeaks this of the Synod of 1102. Neither can I agree with Him in concluding from Hem- ingfords Authority, that the Canons, of which he ſpeaks, were made with the confent of the Inferiour Clergy. That Author fpeaks only according to the ufage of his own time; and was fo far from knowing more than other Hiftorians, of whom the Synod was conftituted; that it plainly appears from his confounding feveral Councils together, that he knew ſcarce any thing at all of it. (a) f. 27c. b. (b) Col, 231. (c) Col. 1o01. (d) p. 47°. (e) p. 297. Arch- "་ # A Hiftory of Convocations. 35 Archbishop Anfelm dying the Year following, the married Clergy, prefuming that others would connive at it, began not to regard the Decree of this Council. But the King contrary to their Ex- pectations, reftrain'd 'em with greater rigour than ever before. But this rigour did not laft long; for as Eadmer tells us, his Edict did after fome time tepefcere. Malmesbury (a) tells us, in general of Anfelm's Councils, that they all came to no- thing. Cæterum de decretis Conciliorum ab eo celebra- torum nibil attinet dicere, cum omnia jam obfoleta fcian- tur deperiſſe; unde non cafu factum, fed divino fenfu putatur, ut & in ejus Confecratione & in Pallij fufcep- tione legeretur : Miſit lervum ſuum hoza coéné, &c. În nullo enim ei efficaciter obtemperatum, fed om- nibus pene prætexta excufatio, que vel prædicando do- cuit, vel interminando prohibuit. An. 1123. there being a Contention between the Archbishops, William Corbel of Canterbury, and Thurstan of York, touching the Privileges of their Sees, they both go to Rome to have a Hearing be- fore the Pope. But at laft to determine the Mat- ter; the Pope promifes to fend certain Legats into England, before whom, in a Council of all England, the Cauſe ſhould be heard: Simeon Du- nelm. (b) Infectis negotijs utriq; redeunt domum, quos ex juffu D. Papa Legati Romane Ecclefiæ fecuturi ef- fent in Angliam; quibus præfentibus, congregato totius Angliæ Concilio, &c. But that there came any Legats into England to decide that Controverfy he does not fay. (a) Eadmer p. 105. (6) f. 129. b. (c) Col. 250. 32 A Hiftory of Convocations. An. 1125. Sept. 8. (a) John de Crema (b) a Cardinal Presbyter, being fent into England as Le- gat, from P. Honorius II. held a Council at West- minster, in which, after he had bitterly invey'd againſt the Marriage of the Clergy, he was found the fame Night in Bed with a common Strum- pet. Huntindon (c) a Writer of the fame Age, tells us that it was a Matter too notorious to be de- nied, or to be conceal'd. Res apertiffima negari non potuit, celari non decuit. So out of him Hoveden (d), Bromton (e), and (f) Knyghton; the two laſt con- cluding the Story in thefe Words, Hoc fi cuiquam difpliceat, taceat ne Johannem fequi videatur. It is mentioned alfo by (g) Paris, (b) Hemingford, and others (i). The Canons of that Council are recorded by the (k) Continuator of Florence, and by (1) Simeon Dunelm: In the end of which I obferve theſe Words thrice repeated, Placet vobis ? Placet. Of whom it confifted the fame Authors tell us, the latter tranſcribing from the former: Præfuit buic Synodo Johannes de Crema-cum Gulielmo Cant. & Turftano Eboracenfi Archiepifcopis, & cum Epifcopis diverfarum provinciarum numero 20. & Ab- (a) On the Nativity of the blessed Virgin, fays Huntindon. On the 9 Sept. fays the Continuator of Florence. Mat- thew of Westm. fays 4 Kal. April. Thorn Col. 1798. in April. But that was the time in which the Legat firſt came into England. Hoveden and the Waverly Annals tell us that he came into England at Eafter, but the Synod was not held till Sept. (b) Westminster calls him John de Cremona; Thorn and a MS. Chronicle in Lambetb Library (40 160.) John de Cromonio. (c) f. 219. (d) f. 274. (e) Col. 1015. (f) Col. 2382. (g) p. 58. (b) P. 476. (i) Chron. MS. prædict. (k) ad An. () Col. 253. batibus A History of Convocations. 3 3 batibus circiter 40. & cum innumera Cleri & POPULI multitudine. It was held, fays Hemingford, coram Clero & omni Populo. The Saxon Chronicle, Cele- bravit fuum Concilium in Lundene tres integros dies (captum) Die Nativitatis S Maria, in Septembri, cum Archiepifcopis, & Diæcefanis Epifcopis, & Abbati- bus, & CLERÍCIS ac LAICIS, atq; fancivit ibi eofdem Canones quos Anfelmus Archiepifcopus olim fanierat, a Tiofq; multos; verum haud diu manferunt. aped Weft } Annales de Margan: Concilium maximum cogens apud Westm, omnium Epifcoporum, Abbatum,PRIORUM, necnon & CLERICORUM,CANONICORUM, SCHO- LASTICORUM etiam, & LAICORUM FOTEN- TIUM, in excelfo throno 4. dies præfedit, ipfis etiam Archiepifcopis fibi fuppedaneis effect is. Gervafius (a) His diebus venit in Angliam Lega- tus quidam nomine Johannes; a Willielmo Cant. Arch. & Turftano Ebor. & Epifcopis Anglia nimis pompofe fufceptus est. Poft modicum idem Legatus peragrata Anglia celebravit Concilium apud Weftm. & istam An- gliam in non modicam commovit indignationem. Vide- res enim rem eatenus regno Anglorum inauditam, Cle- ricum fcil. Presbyterij tantum gradu perfunctum, Ar- chiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, totiufq; regni Nobili- bus qui confluxerant, in fublimi folio præfidere, illos au- tem deorfum fedentes ad nutum ejus vultu & auribus animum fufpenfum habere. Die quoq; Pafche cum idem primo veniret in Angliam, officium diei loco fummi Pon- tificis in matrice Ecclefia celebravit, eminenti Cathedra præfidens & infignijs Pontificalibus utens, licet non Epif copus fed fimpliciter fuerit Presbyter Cardinalu. The Synod was fummoned not by the Legat himſelf, but by the two Archbishops in their ref pective Provinces. And a Summons fent by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Bilhop of Landaffe (a) Col. 1663. *C ལཱ 34 A History of Convocations. is ftill extant, Tranfcribed by Sir Henry Spelman out of the Codex Landavenfis. By which it appears, that not only the Abbots and Conventual Priors, but also the Archdeacons were fummoned to it, This being the oldeft Summons that we have extant, I fhall here Tranfcribe it. Willielmus Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopus Urbano Lan- davenfi Epifcopo falutem. Literis iftis tibi notum facere volumus, quod Johannes Ecclefia Romana Presbyter Cardinalis atq; Legatus, Ordinatione noftraq; con- niventiâ Concilium celebrare difpofuit Lundoniæ in Nativitate beatæ femper Virginis Mariæ. Propterea præcipimus, ut in præfato termino in eodem loco nobis occurras cum Archidiaconibus, & Abbatibus, & Prioribus tuæ Diæcefios, ad definiendum fuper negotijs Ecclefiafticis, & ad informandum feu corrigendum que informanda vel docenda feu corrigenda docuerit fenten- tiâ Convocationis noftræ. The Archbishop look'd upon the Legat's pre- fuming to hold a Synod here in England as a Ufurpation, as indeed it was, and therefore it is that he uſes thefe Words in the Summons, Or- dinatione noftraq, conniventid, as not owning his Authority, tho' he dared not oppoſe it. It was generally taken for granted before that time, that if a Legat were fent into England, and a Synod were to be held in his Prefence, it was to be held not by him, but by the Archbishop; and therefore when in the Year 1114. the Le- gat Anfelm was fent hither by Pope Pafchal to bring the Pall to Archbishop Radulphus, the Bi- Shops and Princes being all fummon'd by the King to meet at Westminster, it was noifed abroad, fays Eadmer (a), throughout the whole Kingdom, that (a) p. 114. the A Hiftory of Convocations. · 35 the Archbishop of Canterbury was to hold a general Council in the prefence of the Popes Legat. Eodem anno Henricus Rex juffit omnes Epifcopos, & Principes totus Regni ad Curiam fuam fub uno venire. Unde rumor per totam terram difperfus est, PONTIFICEM CANTUARIORUM generale Conci- lium, præfente Legato D. Pape celebraturum, & nova quædam tantoq; Conventui digna pro correctione Chri- ftiana Religionis in omni ordine promulgaturum. Itaq; ut Rex juferat, 16 Kal. Octobris Conventus omnium apud Weftm. in Palatio Regis factus eft : & quod de Concilij celebratione & Chriftianitatis emendatione, ru- mor difperferat, nihil fuiffe, que confluxerat multitudó tandem advertit. The Archbishoprick of York now grown Inde- pendent, by Thurstan's being Confecrated by the Pope without making Profeffion of Obedience to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and at the fame time a Legat coming into England and prefuming to hold a Council here; William Corbel, the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, partly to prevent Legats from coming hither again, and partly to recover his Superiority over the Archbishop of York, and to oblige him to come to his Councils, according to the ancient uſage, takes a journey to Rome, together with the Legat de Crema, to get a Legatin Cha- racter for himſelf, and obtains it. So home he comes the Christmas following, An. ii25. (a) and (a) An. 1127. fays Simeon Dunelm. partly becauſe he be- gins the Year at Christmas, and partly becaufe he had placed the Council of Cardinal de Crema a Year too late, 1126 for 1125. He owns that the Archbishop went to, Rome, together with the Legat, prefently after the Council was ended. C 36 A Hiftory of Convocations. In the Year 1127. by vertue of his Legatin Authority calls a Council at Westminster, and fum- mons the Archbishop of York to it, who, tho' he could not find in his Heart to come in Perfon, yet he durft not but pay fo much Obedience to the Summons, as to fend a Canonical Excufe. The main buſineſs of it, was that old one, againſt Priests Marriages. An account of whom it con- fifted, and what Decrees were paffed in it, we have in the Continuator of Florence. Gulielmus Dorobern. Archiep. congregavit generale Concilium om- nium Epifcoporum & Abbatum, & QUARUMQUE (quarumcunq;) RELIGIOSARUM PERSONARŪM totius Angliæ, apud Monafterium S. Petri in occidenta- li parte Lundoniæ fitum. Cui Concilio præfuit ipfe, ficut Archiepifcopus Cantuaria & Legatus Apoftolica Sedis, confidentibus fecum Gulielmo Wintonienfi Epifco- po, &c. Turftanus Ebor. Archiep. directis nun- tijs literis rationabili caufa oftendit fe Conventui ipfi intereſſe non potuiffe. Radulphus vero Dunelmenfis Epifcopus eo tendens, infirmitate correptus est, nec iter captum perficere potuit, ficut PRIOR Ecclefiæ, & CLE- RICI, quos illuc direxerat, fub teftimonio veritatis at- testati funt. Confluxerant quoq; illuc magna mul- titudines CLERICORUM, LAICORUM, tam divitum quam mediocrium, & factus eft Conventus grandis & inæftimabilis. Sedit autem 3 Diebus, i. e. 3 Id. Maij Die fequenti, tertioq; post hunc, qui fuit 17. Cal. Junij. Acta funt ibi de negotijs fecularibus nonnulla, quædam quidem determinata, quædam dilata, quæ- dam vero, propter nimium æftuantis turbæ tumul- tum, ab audientia judicantium profligata. Quæ autem communi EPISCOPORUM confenfu in ipfo Concilio de- creta funt & Statuta, ficut illic publice recitata funt & fufcepta, in hoc opere placuit annotare. Rex igitur cum inter hæc Londoniæ moraretur, auditis Cun- cilij geftis CONSENSUM PRÆBUIT autoritate Re- gia A Hiftory of Convocations. 37 * gid & poteftate CONCESSIT & CONFIRMAVIT fta- tuta Concilij, &c. Stubbs (a), the York Hiftorian, will not own that the Archbishop of York fent a Canonical Ex- cufe for his being abfent; but intimates that he bluntly refuſed to obey the Summons, tho' the Archbiſhop was now the Popes Legat. And he tells us, that the Archbishop of Canterbury complained to the King of him, quod quafi dedignatus effet ad fuum Concilium venire: Cui Rex ait, & merito. Mag- num enim ei dedecus in med Curid fecifti (in not fuf- fering him to carry his Crofs there) mihi vero non minus. Huntindon (b) tells us, and out of him (c) Ho- veden, that while the Archbishop held his Council at Westminster, in the fame Week a Parliament was held by the King in London: Super bis igitur Rex anxiatus Concilium tenuit ad Rogationes apud Londoniam, & Willielmus Archiep. Cant. fimiliter in eâdem Villâ apud WESTMINSTER, And this is the firft Ecclefiaftical Council that ap- pears to me to have been held at the fame time with a Convention of the Nobility, and yet in a feparate place. Hitherto our Ecclefiaftical Coun- cils were mixt Affemblies, and the K. and the Nobility were ufually prefent in 'em; but now, it feems, they began to divide from 'em; the Con- tinuator tells us, that there was prefent a vaft num- ber of the Laity, as well of the Rich as of the neaner fort, but it ſeems from this Teflimony of Huntindon, that they did not fit there to Confult and Debate, as was ufual in all former Councils. Such another feparate Council was held a few (a) Col. 1720. (b) f. 219. b. (c) f. 274• *C 3 Years 1 38 A Hiftory of Convocations, 2 Years before, viz. An. 1118. by the fame K. in Normandy, which I mention above. I have al- ready obferved, that Florence (who died before this time) makes the Archbishops Synod of An, 1102. to be held in a different place from the Convention of the K. and the Nobility: But I doubted of the truth of that, becaufe the very Decree of the Synod declares that they fat all together, and therefore it is certain that for fome time at leaft, they did fo. Bromton (a) follows Huntindon, but forgets what he faid, and makes the King's Council to be held at Weftm the Archbishop's at London; that be- ing more agreeable to the ufage of his own time, when the Parliament fat at Weftm. the Con- vocations at St. Pauls. Super hijs igitur Rex angariatus, ad Rogationes apud WESTMONASTERIUM, & Willielmus Archiep. fimiliter apud LONDONIAS, Concilia celebrarunt. And he makes it to be the fame Parliament in which all the Nobility were forced to fwear Fealty to the Empress Maud. 2 Years after, 1129, another National Council was held at London Aug. 1. about the fame matter of the Marriage of the Clergy, Which all their former endeavours being not fufficient to prevent, they put it into the King's Power to do to 'em what he thought fit, to compel 'em to leave their Wives. But this prov'd lefs effectual than any thing they had done before. For the K. only took Money of 'em, and fo fuffer'd 'cm to keep their Wives. (b) Huntindon, and after (c) him Hoveden, M. Paris (d), Bromton (d), Heming- ford, lay this Council was held by the King: And (a) Col. 1016. (b) f. 220. (c) 274. b. (d) An. 1129. (e) Col. 1018. (f) po 777°j yet A Hiftory of Convocations. 39 yet they do not ſeem to make it a Parliament: Tenuit (Rex) Concilium magnum ad Kal. Augufti apud Londoniam de uxoribus Sacerdotum prohibendis. Intererant fiquidem illi Concilio Willielmus Cant. Ar- chiep. & Turftanus Archiep. Ebor. &c. Hi columnæ erant regni & radij fanctitatis hoc tempore. Verum Rex decepit eos fimplicitate Willielmi Archiepifcopi. CON- CESSERUNT namq; Regi juftitiam de uxoribus Sa- cerdotum, & improvidi habiti funt, quod poftea patuit, cum res fummo dedecore terminata est. Accepit enim Rex pecuniam infinitam de Presbyteris, & redemit eos: Tunc, fed fruftra, CONCESSIONIS fua panituit Epif- copos, cum pateret, in oculis omnium gentium deceptio Prælatorum & depreffio fubjectorum. Bromton tells us, that fome Hiftorians make this to be the Coun- cil in which Fealty was Sworn to the Em- preß. From the Saxon Chronicle we learn (if it be to be trufted, as expreffing things accurately) that there were Summoned to this Synod, by the Archbishop, not only the Bishops, and Abbots, but alfo the ARCHDEACONS, and all the PRIORS, MONKS, and CANONS, that were in England, and in a Word, all Perfons whatsoever that were concerned about Religion. By which laft it feems to point out the Parochial Clergy. And all thefe, as it tells us, were there (not by Proctors but) in Perfon. Let us hear the whole account (a) REGIS confilio & venid, mifit Willielmus Archiep. de Cantwarabyrig per totam Anglorum terram, & juffit Epifcopos, Abbates,& ARCHIDIACONOS,CUNCTOS item PEIORES, MONACHOS, & CANONICOS qui effent in omnibus cellis intra Anglorum terram; OM- NES deniq; QUORUM CURÆ RELIGIO ERAT (4) p. 234. * C 4 COM : " 40 1 A History of Convocations. COMMISSA, intereffe Londini ad Michaelis feftum, ut ibi colloquerentur de omnibus negotijs ad Deum peri tinentibus. Quum eo perveniffent, incapta erat Synodus Die Lunæ, & continenter duravit ufq; ad diem Veneris. Re in medium prolata, cognitum eft illos conveniffe de Archidiaconorum uxoribus, ut illas dimitterent ante S. Andreæ Feftum, & qui illud non faceret, privaretur fuâ Ecclefia, fuaq, domo, nec unquam poftea ibi eo mu- nere fungeretur. Hoc SANXERUNT Archiepifcopus de Cantwarabyrig Willelmus, & OMNES DIOECE- SANI EPISCOPI qui erant in Anglorum terrâ. Sed Rex ijs omnibus veniam dedit domum redeundi, adeoq; domum reverfi funt. Nec ullam vim habuerunt omnia illa decreta. Cuncli retinuerunt fuas uxores Regis veniâ, ficut antea fecerunt. Annales de Margan An. 1129. Fit Concilium TOTIUS ANGLIA apud London ad Feftum S. Mi- chaelis: in quo tamen nihil omnino nifi de uxoribus Pres- byterorum decernitur. Sed poft Dies nepos Regis, Henricus nomine ex Abbate Glaftonia, Rege jubente, Epifcopus efficitur Wintonia. 3 Synods under K. Stephen, in the time of Archbishop Theobald. A £ N. 1138. on Sunday Dec. 13. a Council was held at Westm. (not at S. Paul's as M. Paris (a) fays) by Alberic Bishop of Oftium, the Pope's Legat,in which were made divers Canons; amongſt others, one against the Marriage of the Clergy. The Continuator of Florence: Anni ab Incarn. D. (c) p. 64, نامه 1138. 4. A History of Convocations. 1138. Pontificatus autem D. P. Innocentij An. 9. celebrata est Synodus Lundonix, Ecclefid fancti Petri Apoftolorum Principis ap. Weftm. menfe Dec. 13. Die Menfis. Ubi poft multarum difcuffionem caufarum, promulgata funt Capitula ab OMNIBUS confirmata numero 16. Præfuit autem Synodo Albericus Oftienfis Epifcopus, & prædicti D. P. Innocentij in Angliam &Scotiam Legatus cum Epifcopis diverfarum Provin- ciarum numero 17. & Abbatibus circiter 30. & in- numerd CLERI & POPULI multitudine. Simeon Dunelm. (a) Ex auctoritate Apoftolici præcepti ad fe- ftum S. Nicolai apud Lundonias in Weftm. conve- nerunt ad eundem Legatum Albericum EPISCOPI, ABBATES, & PRIMORES regni. Vacabat Ecclefiæ Cant. & D. Turftinus Archiep. Ebor. infir- matus pro fe direxit Willielmum Decanum fuum. In- terdicenfq; Legatus quæ interdici, & fanciens quæ fan- ciri Ecclefiafticæ neceffitatis expofcebat ratio, fummonuit eos (there is fomething wanting) Rome aftare D. Papa media Quadragefima. Depofito etim Abbate de CRULAND, Godefridum Priorem de S. Albano lo. co ejus, & Adam electum ad Bellum juxta Haftin- gas benedixit Abbates, &c. Richard the Prior of Haguftald (b) gives a large account of that Le- gat, and what he did here: That at Carlile he held a Council with the King of Scotland, and with the Bishops, Abbots, Priors, and Barons of that Realm. From thence he reti ried to London, after he had visited the feveral Bishopricks and Mona- fteries of England, and held the Council together with another Legat juft then come over. Per Epifcopatus ac Monafteria ad Curiam Regis Anglia re- verfus, quendam alium Legatum qui nuperrime a D. Papa Innocentio venerat ibidem repperit. Igitur (a) Col. 264. (b) de geftis R. Seph. Col. 324, &c. ad 329. Tur- 41 4.2 A Hiftory of Convocations. Turftinum Ebor. Archiep. & omnes EPISCOPOS, atq; ABBATES, ac PRIORES CANONICORUM, per totam Angliam fummoneri fecerunt, ut ad feftum S. Nicholai in Civ. Lund. ad generale Concilium conveni- rent. Quibus præfinito tempore ac loco cum STEPHANO REGE congregatis, de Ecclefiafticis caufis cum illis am- bo Legati tractare cœperunt. Albericus tamen priorem locum obtinuit, &c. It appears from him, that the Words above cited out of the Continuator, are the Words of the Decree it felf. But in the Haguftald Copy, the Archbishop of York is faid to have fent not only his Dean, but fome other CLERKS of bis. The See of Canterbury being then vacant, the Legat himſelf fent about a Summons in his own Name. He fent, fays Gervafe, (a) fingulis Per- fonis Angliæ citatorias literas: where by fingula Per- fone, I underſtand the Bishops and Abbots, and Con- ventual Priors, who Communicated his Summons to their Subjects. In the fame Monk, who was himſelf of Canterbury, we have the Summons which the Legat fent to that Church, in which they are required to elect a new Archbishop, and to fend up fome of their Body to the Coun- cil to repreſent the reft. Præcipimus ut tales per- fonas illuc generalitatis vice VOBISCUM adducatis, quæ omnium veftrum voce loquantur, & cun&torum in Je præferant aſſenfum. 'Tis directed Priori, totiq; Conventui, Archidiacono, Clero, Nobilibus, Populo Can- tuaria. And he tells 'em, that he had fummoned all the Bishops and Abbots, and AND THE OTHER RELIGIOUS PERSONS. Caritati veftræ bis apie. bus noftris infinuamus, quod Epifcopos, & Abbates om- nes, CÆTERASQUE RELIGIOSAS HUJUS REG- NI PERSONAS Apoftolica auctoritate convocavimus ad Colloquium quod Lundoniæ habere difpofuimus apud (a) Col. 1346. Weftm. i A History of Convocations. Weftm. Dominica adventus Domini qud Cantabitur GAUDETE IN DOMINO, &c. A MS. Charter of K. Stephen to the Church of Westm. which is extant in the (a) Cottonian Library, and is called his great Charter, is pre- tended to be made in this Council, Subſcribed, nex to the King himſelf, by Queen Maud, Arch- bishop Theoyald, 14 Biſhops, 8 Abbots; after whom thefe Words: Acta funt autem hæc in eadem fede Regali & in ipfo Monafterio B. Petri Apoftoli anno In- carn. Dom. 1138. Pontificatus D. Pape Innocencij anno 9. regni vero mei anno. 3. habito in prædicto loco univerfali totius Angliæ Concilio, præfente viro re- ligiofo D. Alberico Oftienfe Epifcopo fanctæ Romanæ Ecclefiæ Legato & præfidente eodem Concilio menfe De- cembri 13 Die Menfis. Affuerunt etiam quidam Co- mites regni mei & Barones quamplurimi & INNU- MERA MULTIDUDO CLERI & POPULI, qui hijs omnibus interfuerunt & religiofo favore VOLUN TATEM & ASŠENSUM AUCTORITATIS, noftræ paginæ & privilegio PRAEBUERUNT. But this Charter appears to be fpurious from its menti- oning Archbishop Theobald as prefent in that Coun- cil, who was both Confecrated, and Elected too, after the end of the Council. The Day appointed for beginning of the Election at Cant. by the Legat in his Summons, was the 1ft Sunday in Ad- vent, but then the Election was to be compleat- ed at Westm. where the Comprovincial Bifhops were to give their Confent. We are affured by Gervafe that the whole Election was performed after the end of the Council. (b) SOLUTO præ- dicto Concilio & quibufq; in fua redeuntibus, Jeremias Prior Cant. Ecclefiæ cum aliquibus ex Conventu a (a) Fauſtina, A. 3. f. 60. (a) Col. 1348. See alſo Col. 1665. 43 Rege 44 A History of Convocations. } ( Rege vocatus, præfente Legato fimul & Rege, nonnullis Primoribus & Epifcopis Anglia, elegit Theodbaldum Beccenfem ad regimen fante Cant. Ecclefiæ PROXI- MO SABBATÕ ANTE NATALE. He adds that the Archbishop was by the Legat Confecrated at Cant. 6 Idus Januarij. That he was not Archbifh- op in the time of the Council, is attefted alſo by the Prior of Haguftald (a) In hoc autem Concilio tractatum est de Archiepifcopo ad Cant. Ecclefiam eli- gendo, quæ, ut fupradictum est, tunc proprio paftore carebat. Tandem vero post proximam Epiphaniam hæc caufa finem habuit sum Beccenfis Canobij Abbas nomine Theobaldus electus præfatæ Ecclefiæ Archipre- ful a fupradicto Alberico confecratus est. Simeon Dunelm. (b) Ventilata eft caufa electionis Cant. Eccle- fiæ, cujus Electum fcil. Theodbaldum Abbatem Bec- cenfem in eandem fedem confecravit Archiepifcopum circa Epiphaniam Domini. To add more teftimonies, would be altogether needlefs. I fhall only obferve further, that the' K. is made in that Charter not to put to his Seal, but to Subfcribe only with the Sign of the Crofs. Which as I have often men- tioned, is after the Conqueft a fhrewd Indication of Spuriouſneſs, and eſpecially fo late as K. Stephen. Ego Stephanus D. G. Anglorum Rex hoc Privilegium julli componere & compofitum cum SIGNO DỔMİ- NICA CRUCIS confirmando impreffi. The Names of the other Subfcribers have not the Croß ex- prefs'd, but there is room left for 'em. In the Rights of an English Convocation (h) I find the fame MS. Charter quoted, to fhew what Intereft the lower Clergy had inthe STATE MEET- INGS in K. Stephen's time. The worthy Author (a) Col. 328, (b) Col. 264. (c) p. 198. did A History of Convocations. 45 did not confider that this was no State Meeting, but a Legatine Council. And if he had taken no- tice of Archbishop Theobald's being among the Subſcribers, and of what our Historians fay of the time of his being made Archbishop, he would have been convinced of how little Authority that Charter is. I found after I had writ this, that in the 2d Vol. of our Councils (a) Sir Henry Spelman has made as it were 3 Councils to be held under the Legat Albericus, The 1ft that of which I have treated, held at Westm. The 2d mentioned by M. Paris, held at London in St. Pauls Church. The 3d at Westm. where Archbishop Theobald was prefent according to this Charter of K. Stephen. But there is nothing in our Hiflory more certain and evident than that all this was one and the very fame Council. Sir Henry himfelf could not but fee that; but then to make all agree, he makes 'em to be feveral Seffions of one and the fame Council. Hæc tria Concilia An. 1138. fub Alberico celebrata, idem effe videntur atq; unum, licet Mat. Paris in Ecclefiâ S. Pauli babitum referat, quod ea Seffio ibi tunc habebatur ad feftum S. Nicholai: & licet ex exemplari Weftmonafterienfis Codicis apparent (viz. in Chartd Regis Stephani) Theobaldum interfuiffe Cantuaria Archiepifcopum, &c. M. Paris (I will be bold to pass this Cenfure upon him) is by no means fo good an Author in things before his own time, as he is commonly vogued to be; but indeed a very unaccurate one. Which may eaſily be made appear by 100 In- (a) p. 47: ftances I 46 A History of Convocations. ftances. And it is not eafy to fhew in any Hi- ftorian fo many Errors, in fo few Words, as he has committed where he fpeaks of this Coun- cil. For the Hiſtory of his own time, which was that of K. Henry III. we are much beholden to him. And his Hiftory of K. John, which was juft before his time, is much better than that of the former Reigns. As for thefe, where I have any good Authority againſt him, I have learnt by my own Experience, not to regard what he fays. The Legat Summons the Bishops, &c. to meet LONDONIÆ apud WESTM. and its ufual with our Hiftorians to fay that fuch or fuch a Synod was held at London, tho' the particular place was Westminster. And fo the firft Synod held by Archbishop Anfelm, tho' at Westminster, was com- monly called the Council of London. This M. Pa ris did not confider; but having read that this Council of the Legat Albericus was held in London, imagined it to be London ftrictly fo called, as oppofed to Westminster; and then takes it for granted, that it was held at St. Pauls, becauſe Synods held in the City of London were wont to be held in that Church. Juft fo he mistakes in Anfelm's Council above mentioned. For that too, (as I have already obferv'd) becauſe he had found it called the Council of London, he makes to be held at St. Pauls Church. (a) Anfelmus Con- cilium tenuit Londonijs in Ecclefiâ S. Pauli. To make out what the Charter fays, that Archbishop Theobald might Subfcribe as Archti ſhop in this Council, Sir Henry Spelman obferves, that M. Paris fays, he was made Archbiſhop in (a) p. 49. ad. An. 11oz. t L the A Hiftory of Convocations. 67 the time of the Council. Ex M. Parif. conft at eum inibi electum fuiſſe in Archiepifcopatum dum Ordines ce- lebrarentur, quod fub fine Concilij fuiffe videtur, eumq; protinus confecratum (ut Roffenfis Hiftoria perhibet) Stephani Chartam fubfcripfiffe. I anſwer ift, That if Paris had exprefly afferted that Theobald fat in the Council as Archbishop, his Au- thority had been nothing when compared with thofe whofe Teftimonies I have produc'd. No matter what Paris fays, who lived fo long after. What fay they that lived at the fame time, or but a little after, and that wrote more particu- larly of that Council? What fays Gervafe, the Monk of Canterbury, who wrote profeffedly of the Archbishops of Canterbury, and out of the Records of that Church? He tells us exprefly, that all was done after the Synod was diffolv'd. He tells us the particular Day on which he was Confecra- ted. 2dly, Paris does not fay that he was Confecrated during the Council, but only that he was Elected. But withal, another Error of his is hereto be ob- ferv'd, That he makes him to be Confecrated by the Bishop of Winchester, whereas he was Confecrated by the Legat himfelf. Eodem anno Albericus Epifco- pus in Adventu Domini, Londonijs Concilium celebra- vit in Ecclefiâ S. Pauli. Ubi ipfo jubente Legato, Hen- ricus Wintonienfis Epifcopus, Richardum de Beaumeis Diaconum ordinavit. Et ipfà Die dum Ordines celebra- rentur, Theodbaldus Abbas Beccenfis in Archiepifcopum Cant. ab Epifcopus electus est, Priore Ecclefie Cant. Hiere- mis præfente. Qui ab Epifcopo confecratus, cum Legats Romam profectus eft. That he was elected in the Council, fome others fay,which was an eaſy miſtake, fince it was done immediately after. But that he was Confecrated not at Westminster but at Cant. and in the Month of January, all agree. To add more کار 78 A History of Convocations. more to thofe above mention'd: Birchington in his Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. The- obaldus confecratus Cantuariæ ab Alberico ad Altare Chrifti Cant. An. 1139. 6. Id. Fan. aftanti- bus & cooperantibus omnibus fere Epifcopis Anglia. The Chronicle of Mailros. An. 1139. Confecratus est Teodbaldus Abbas Beccenfis ab Albe- rico Legato in Archepifcopum Cant. circa Epiphaniam Domini: I fhall add one more, from whofe relation it will appear,how Paris in a few Words confounds diftinct Actions, Times, and Places. Albericus Ho- ftienfis Epifcopus, & Apoftolica Sedis Legatus, in Angli am veniens Concilium habuit apud Westmonafterium, fays Radulfus de Diceto: (a) then he adds in a diftinct Paragraph Henricus Wint. Epifcopus Mandato Le- gati Ricardum de Belmeis ordinavit Diaconum in Ec- clefiâ S. PAULI. Ipf Die dum Ordines celebrarentur, Theobaldus Beccenfis Abbas ab Epifcopis electus eft in Archiepifcopum Cant, Electionem factam in publico re- citavit Alexander Lincolnienfis Epifcopus; præfente Jeremiâ Priore Cant. confecratus eft Theobaldus ab ipfo Legato. The Ordination of Ric. de Belmeis which was on the fame Day with the Election of the Archbishop, De Diceto does not make to be in the time of the Council, nor in the fame place. But Paris not attending duly to his Author's meaning, makes it to be both in the fame time and place. And the Ordinations being in S. Pauls Church, was perhaps the Reaſon why Paris makes the Council too to be there. I fhall not conceal from my Rea- der, what (b) Huntindon, a Writer of the fame Age, fays of this Matter: In Adventu Domini Con- cilium apud Londoniam Albericus — tenuit. Et ibidem annitente Rege Stephano Thedbaldus Abbas (4) Abbrev. Chron. Col. 507. (6) f. 223. Beccart ** A History of Convocations. 49 Beccenfis Cantuarienfis Archepifcopus effectus eft. But by effectus est, he means only electus est. And whether. by ibidem, he means, in the Council, or at London, does not fufficiently appear, But 3dly, Let us fuppofe that the Archbiſhop was Elected and Confecrated on one and the fame Day, and that too during the Council, yet that will not clear the difficulty, unleſs it be alſo faid, that it was done on the very firft Day of the Council. For in the Charter it is pretended that all things relating to it were finiſhed, and the Subfcriptions made Decem. 13. On which Day the Council be- gan to fit. And thus much in anſwer to the learned Sir. Henry Spelman; concerning the Council held by Albericus, and K. Stephen's Charter to the Church of Westm. The Council of NORTHAMPTON, which was held at Eafter the fame Year, and is put down in His (a) Collection, as one of our Synods, was no other than an ordinary Parliament; and as fuch I have mention'd it in the former Part. An. 1139. Aug. 29. a Council was held at WINCHESTER by Henry Bishop of that Place, the King's Brother, as the Pope's Legat; to which the King himſelf was Summoned to anfwer for his having feiz'd and Imprifoned the Bishops of Salisbury and Lincoln two Months before, in the Parliament of OXFORD, to compel 'em to give up their Caftles to him. Vigorem Canonum expe- riendum ratus, fays (b) Malmesbury, Concilio, quod iv. Cal. Sept. celebraturus erat Wintonia, Fratrem ins (a) Tom. 2. p. 39. (b) Malmef. f. 103. D sunci 50 A Hiftory of Convocations. 1 cun&tanter adeffe præcepit. Diclo Die omnes fere Epif copi Angliæ cum Theobaldo Archiepifcopo Cant qui Willelmo fuccefferat, venerunt Wintoniam. Rex Caufæ fuæ non diffifus Comites in Concilium mifit, quæ- rens cur vocatus effet. The Earls hearing what was laid to his Charge, and the Legat requiring that he fhould either give a reafon for what he had done, vel Canonicum judicium fubiret, returned to the K, and foon after came back with the King's Anf- wer, in which many things were charged upon the Bishop of Sarum, as the King's Enemy, and engaged in Arms againſt him. In fhort the K. appeal'd from the Council to the Pope. Quapropter ita difceffum eft, ut nec ipfe cenfuram Canonum pati vellet: nec Epifcopi eam confultum exerere ducerent du- plici ex caufâ, feu quia Principem excommunicare fine Apoftolici confcientiâ temerarium effet, feu quoniam audi- rent, quidam etiam viderent gladios circa fe nudari. Cal. Sept: folutum est Concilium. Malmesbury mentions none as there prefent but Bishops. Ac- cording to M. Paris (a), he Celebrated the Council together with Archbishop Theobald, & alijs Epifcopis, &Prælatis Anglia. So alfo Mat. of Westm. By Simeon Dunelm. (b) we are told, that he call'd toge- ther all the Ecclefiaftical Perfons, and made cer- tain Canons for the liberty of the Church, Fact- um eft eo tempore ut Laici infurgerent in magnam con- tumaciam & contumeliam adverfus fanctam Ecclefiam Ecclefiafticas perfonas. Iccirco Henricus Legatus convocatis ad Wintoniam Archiepifcopo Theodbaldo & Epifcopis Anglia cum CÆTERIS CHRISTIANÆ SOLLICITUDINIS MINISTRIS, circa menfem Sept. decreta omnino neceffaria & in cunctis feculis valde uti- lia ftatuit. His enim ufq; in hodiernum diem Ecclefia- (1) ad. ar, (b) Col. 266. ftica A Hiftory of Convocations. SE XX ftica feveritas potenter ulcifcitur in eos, qui vel in læfio- nem Clericorum manus nefarie injiciunt, vel res Ecclefia diripiunt, five Excommunicationi fubjacent,vel in ea obe- unt, quoniam quidem his promulgatis decretis, multorum infolentia & præfumptio rebellis fpiritus manfuefcere di- dicit & fanctuario Domini deferre. But he confounds this Council with another of LONDON, which was held a little after. An. 1140. the Kingdom being full of Wars, Rapin and Sacriledge, frequent Excommunicatior s were iffued out by the Legat in Conjunction with the Biſhops againſt fuch as broke open Churches, and the like, or laid violent Hands on Men in Holy Orders. Malmesbury (a): Et quidem ex voluntate Comitis (Gloceftriæ) Legatus cum Epifcopis omnes ef- fractores Cemiteriorum, & violatores Ecclefiarum, & qui facri vel religiofi Ordinis hominibus, vel eorum fa- mulis manus injeciffent, multoties excommunicavit, Jeck nihil propemodum bac profecit induftrid. The fame Year, viz. 1140. the Empress Maud offer'd to refer her Caufe to the Judgment of an Ecclefiaftical Synod; but that the K. durft not do. Nec fuit, fays the fame Hiftorian (b) æquum diffidium, dum Imperatrix ad bonum prenior, Ecclefiafticum non, Se vereri judicium mandaſſet, & Rex illud quàm maxi- me caveret, confilijs illorum male credulus, qui nihil minus, quàm pacem vellent, dum ei dominari ad utili- tates fuas valerent. An. 1142. (c) K. Stephen being taken Priſoner, by agreement between the Emprefs Maud and the (a) f. 105. (b) f. 105. b. (c) beginning the year at Chrift mas as the Hiftorians do. *D 2 Legat, t 52 A History of Convocations. Legat, Bishop of Winchester, a Convention was held on the 38 Sunday in Lent on the open Plain by WIN- CHESTER, where the Empress took an Oath to commit the management of all the greater Af- fairs to him, and efpecially the difpofal of Biſhop- ricks and Abbies, if he and the Church would receive her as Queen and ftand by her. This meeting is mention'd by Malmesbury, and is thus deſcribed by the Continuator of Florence, ad An. 1141. Cum ap- propinquaret ad Civitatem Wintoniæ, occurrunt illi cum gloria & pompâ magnifica Præfules pene totius An- glia, Barones multi, Principes plurimi, Milites innu- meri, Abbates cum fuis diverfi, ex eâdem urbe duo Conventus Monachorum, tertius Sanctimonialium, cum proceſſionalibus melodijs & laudibus, Clerus urbis cum Ci- vibus & populis multis Upon this the Legat Summons a Council to meet at WINCHESTER, March 20. which accord- ingly met; and our Hiftorian, William of Malmes- bury, was there prefent in Perfon, and from him we learn, that the ARCHDEACONS acted in it, and none either below them or above them be- fides Bishops and Abbots; (a) and that the Legat in the beginning of the Council confulted with the Bishops, Abbots, and Archdeacons, not altogether, but apart; brft with the Bishops, then with the Abbots, laft of all with the Archdeacons. Ferid 2 poft octa- vas Pafche (quod tunc fuit 3. Cal. Apr.) Concilium Archiepifcopi Cant. Theobaldi, & omnium Epifcopo- rum Anglia, multorumq; Abbatum, Legato præfidente Wintoniæ ingenti apparatu inceptum. Si qui defue- runt, Legatis & literis, caufas cur non veniffent,dede- runt. Cujus Concilij actioni, quia interfui, integram veritatem rerum pofteris non negabo. Egregie quippe (a) f. 106. b. memini A Hiftory of Convocations. 53 memini. Ipfa Die poft recitata fcripta excufatoria quibus abfentiam fuam quidam tutati funt, SEVOCAVIT in par- tem Legatus EPISCOPOS, habuitq; cum eis arcanum confilij: mox ABBATES, poftremo ARCHIDIACO- Ni convocati. Ex Concilio nihil proceffit in publicum: volutabatur tamen per omnium mentes, & ora, quid foret agendum. The 2d Day, the Legat made a Speech to the Council, in which he tells 'em, that by the Pope's Authority he had gathered together the CLE- RUS ANGLIA to that Council. and that ven- tilata eft hefterno die caufa fecreto coram MAJORI PARTE CLERI Angliæ, ad CUJUS JUS POTIS- SIMUM SPECTAT, principem eligere, fimulq; ordi- nare. And there he declares, that the K. his Bro- ther, having acted quite contrary to his Engage- ments at his Coronation, and infringed the Liber- ties of the Clergy, they choſe the Empress to be Queen of England. He adds, that the Londoners had been invited to the Council, and they be- ing not yet come, he would ftay for 'em till the next Day. The next Day the Londoners came, and being introduc'd into the Council, they faid, miffus fe a communione quam vocant Londoniarum, non certa- mina fed preces offerre, ut Dominus fuus Rex de cap- tione liberaretur. Hoc omnes Barones, qui in eorum communionem jamdudum recepti fuerant, fummopere flagitare a Domino Legato, & ab Archiepifcopo, fimulq; omni Clero, qui præfens erat. A Chaplain to the Queen being fent with a Letter to the Council, 10fe up and delivered it to the Legat, who having read it to himſelf, with a loud Voice declar'd, that ic ought not to be recited in tanto, præfertimq; SUB. LIMIUM & religiofarum perfonarum, convenru. But notwithſtanding that the Chaplain boldly read it; and in it the Queen earneftly increated ennem * D 3 Cle- 54 A History of Convocations: Clerum Congregatum, and particularly the Legat, that her Lord the K. might be delivered out of Custody, and be restored to his Kingdom. On the 4th Day the Council was diffolv'd, and nothing more was done, only the fentence of Excommunication was denounced againft many of the King's Party. In this Council the Legat mentions that of the foregoing Year, as held againſt the King's impriſoning the Bps, in the (a) fame Chapter-Houfe of Winchefter. The Legat being foon after difobliged by the Empreß, declared for the K. his Brother, without the confent of the Bishops abfolves thoſe whom the Council had Excommunicated, and Sum- mons another Synod to meet at WESTM. die Octavgrum S. Andrez. Malmesbury, who was of the Emprefs's Party for the fake of her Brother the Earl of Glocefter, his great Patron, was not preſent in that as he had been in the former: but (c) he tells us, that the Legat there read a Letter from the Pope, blaming him for what he had done againſt his Brother the K. and that the K. himfelf (who had been lately deliver'd out of Cuftody) came into the Council, and apud fanctum Conventum complained how ill he had been uſed. He mentions no Church buſineſs as tranfacted in that Council. The next Mid-Lent after, a Council was held at LONDON under the fame Legat, in which a Proviſion was made againft Laymens feizing or impriſoning Clergymen. Huntindon (c), Octavo anno Rex Stephanus interfuit Concilio Londoniæ in mediâ Quadragefimâ: quod quia nullus bonor vel (~) f. 105. b. l. 52. f. 136. 1. 27. (b) f. 108. )c) f. 225. Clericis 1 } } A Hiftory of Convocations. 55 Clericis vel Ecclefiæ Dei a raptoribus deferebatur, & aque capiebantur. redimebantur Clerici, ut Laici, tehust Concilium Wintonienfis Epifcopus urbis Romanæ Legaras apud Londoniam Clericis pro tempore neceffa- rium: in quo fancitum est, ne aliquis qui Clerico vi- olentas mana: ingefferit, ab alio poffit abſolvi, quàm ab iple Papa, & in præfentid ipfius, unde Clericis aliquan- Tulum feren:cas vix eluxit. Hovedon (a) recites the very fame Words, ad an. 1143.- Paris ad An. 1142. WILLIELMUS (to he fays, for HENRICUS) Win- touiefis Epifcopus, &jedis Apoftolicæ Legatus, in me- did Quadragefimâ apud Londoniam Concilium Rege præfente & Epifcopis, celebravit, &c. Its mention'd alfo by Gervafe (b) ad An. 1142. This Year, fays he,multis & maxime pauperibus ingratus effectus eft,quia fere totus in ædificationé Caftellorum, cranbuftione vil- larum, violatione Ecclefie un marime completus in pauperum deprædations, unde cundo apud Lundonias Con- cilio, præfideme Hanco Wint. Epifcopo & Apoftolicæ fe- dis Legato, a venerabili Theodbaldo Cant. Archiepif copo confidentibus EPISCOPIS Angliæ,& ABBATIBUS plurimis, in talium actores, præceptores, executores, fed & in Caftellorum fundatores, Monachorum vel Clericorum Spoliatores, cæterofq; Malefactores, fententia Excommu- nicationis publice ac folempniter prolata eft. Sed hæc parvipendentes impij, acrius folito rapinis intendebant. The Annals of Waverley mention the fame, ad An. 1143. So Bromton (c) alfo who gives it the name of a general Council. I am apt to believe that the Excommunicating part is a mistake: and that that belongs only to the Synod mention'd above out of Malmesbury, held An. 1140. becaufe Huntinden mentions nothing of it here: And they that mention it here take no notice at all of that um (a) f. 279. b. (b) Col. 1357. (c) Col. 1037, D 4 Synod 56 A Hiftory of Convocations. Synod; and fo they ſeem to have confounded 2 Synods together. As Paris miftakes in calling the Bishop of Winchester the Legat, under whom it was held, WILLIAM; fo a MS. Chronicle (a) improves the Error, and makes it to be held under WILLIAM Bishop of LINCOLN as the Popes Legat. Anno gratiæ 1142.WILLIELMUS LINCOLNIENSIS Epif copus & Sedis Apoftol. Legatus in medid Quadragefima Concilium ccelebravit Rege & Epifcopis multis præfenti- bus. Nullus honor,nulla reverentia ferebatur Ecclefiæ Dei vel Ordini,fed æque Clerici & Laici patiebantur, incarce- rabantur, trucidabantur. Et ftatutum eft ibi, ne quis qui Ecclefiam (vel) Cemiterium violaverit, vel in facrum virum manus injecerat violentas, a nullo abfolvatur nifi a Papa. Others, having found in fome fuch Hiftorians, that it was held by the Bishop of LINCOLN, and finding that Alexander was Bishop of Lincoln at that time, tell us very confidently that it was held under ALEXANDER Biſhop of LINCOLN as the Pope's Legat. So Godwin de Præfulibus Angliæ. And out of him Sir Henry Spelman (b), has given us an account of a particular Synod held under Alex- ander Biſhop of Lincoln. But Sir Henry takes notice, that Bishop Godwin has placed it too low, and in- ftead of An. 1143. or thereabout, he would have it placed ad An. 1125. becauſe as he thought, there was no Alexander Bishop of Lincoln about the Year 1143. But that is Sir Henry's Miſtake. For Huntindon (c) mentions Alexander Biſhop•of Lincoln in the roth of K. Stephen, and as one that had been fo for fome time. And Thorn mentions him ad An. 1143. as will by and by appear. (2) Lambeth 40, 16c) (b) Tom, 2. p. 48. (c) f. 225. b. The A History of Convocations. 57 The truth of the whole Matter is, there was no Biſhop of Lincoln at all endued with the Legatin Character either then or ever before. And it all proceeds from the Blunder of fome Writer, who put down Lincoln inſtead of Winchefter. The Hiftorians of that Age give a plain account who were then the Popes Legats. And there's nothing more certain than that it is all an Error. An. 1143. on S. Martins Day, another Council was held at LONDON by the Bishop of Winchester as Legat, mentioned by the Waverley Annals. In nocte S. Martini fedit Concilium apud Londoniam, ubi Le- gatus fummonuit Epifcopos Elienfem & Ceftrienfem Ro- mam ire. Another was held the fame Year at WINCHE- STER to determine a Difference between the Archbishop and the Monks of S. Austin in Cant. about a ſmall Penfion of 50 s. 7 d. per An. which the Archbiſhop pretended to from that Monaftery. An Appeal being made to the Pope about it, he refer'd it to his Legat the Bishop of Winchester and an English Synod. It is mention'd by (a) Thorn; and from him we learn, that befides Bi- Shops and Abbots, there were many Religious Per- fons, or inferiour Monks there. Anno Dom. Incarn. 1143. Concilio adunato apud WINTONIAM pre- fidente Henrico ejufdem Epifcopo & Apoft. Sedis tunc Legato, confidentibus Archiepifcopo Cant. Theobaldo m fratribus & Coepifcopis Gofelyno Salesburia, ALEXANDRO LINCOLNIÆ,&c. una cum Abba- tibus & cæteris pluribus Religiofis, controverfia mag- na, &c. (a) Chron. Col. 1803. An. 58 A Hiftory of Convocations. } An. 1144. a Council was held at LONDON, mention'd by John (a), Prior of Hagustaid in bis Continuation of Simeon Dunelm. where the DEAN of York is mention'd as prefent in it. The fame Year, in Sept. a Council was held at WINCHESTER by the Legat, Biſhop of that See, mentioned by the fame Author, who tells us, that William the Dean of York above mentioned, being chofen Archbishop of York, was prefent in it. (b) Willielmus a tranfmarind regreffus profectione menſe Sept. apud Wintoniam fecundum Apoftolici decretum Legati conftitit judicio, confidentibus CLERI Angliæ NOBILIBUS. Henry Bishop of Winchester, having ufed his Le- gatin Authority at a very high rate, and hurried about the Archbishop and Biſhops to his Councils wherefoever he pleaſed, P. Innocent II. who had beſtowed that Character upon him, being now dead, the Archbishop endeavours to get him dif placed by P. Celeftin II. and to obtain the Legatin Power for himfelf. TheABiſhop (c) goes imme- diately to Rome, and the Bifhop follows him, and obtains what he went for; gets the Bishop dif- charged, and comes home with a Legatin Cha- racter. This was in the 8th Year of K. Stephen, as Hantindon affures us, which was An. 1143. which makes me ſuſpect, that the 2 laft Councils were held not in 1144. but 1143. and fo were the fame with thofe 2 of London and Winchester, which I mentioned before. According to Platina P. In- nocent II. died An. 1144. and Celeftin furvived him (a) Col. 272. (b) Col. 273. (c) Huntindon f. 225. not A History of Convocations. 59 not full 5 Months. Others place P. Innocent's Death, and Celeftin's Pontificat to the Year 1143. : But be that as it will; the Archbishop being made Legat by Celeftin, and continued fo by his Succeffors, a mighty Difference happen'd between him and the late Legat the Bishop of Winche- fter; about which, An. 1151. a Synod was called at LONDON by the Archbishop. Huntindon (a), who flouriſhed at that fame time, and died foon after An. 16. (R. Stephani) Tedbaldus Cant. Ar- chiepifcopus, & Apoft. Sedis Legatus tenuit Concilium generale apud Londoniam in media Quadragefima, ubi Rex Stephanus & filius fuus Euftachius, & An- glia Proceres interfuerunt; totumq; illud Concilium NOVIS Appellationibus infrenduit. In Anglia namq; Appellationes in ufu non erant, donec eas Henricus Wint. dum Legatus effet, malo fuo crudeliter intrufit. In eodem namq; Concilio ad Romani Fontificis audientiam ter appellatus eft. Gervafe fpeaking of the fame Difference between the Archbishop and the Bi- fhop, fays, that then began Appeals to Rome, which were never heard of here before: (b) Appella- tiones antea inaudite. And in the fame Work, viz. (c) Act. Pontif. Cant. he mentions the Council in the fame Words almoft with Huntindon: Theodbal- dus Cant. Archiep. & Apoft. Sedis Legatus, celebravit Concilium apud Lundoniam in Media Quadragefima, ubi Rex Stéphanus affuit, & Euftachius filius ejus, totumq; Concilium novis & inufitatis infrenduit Appella- tonibus. Inufitate enim erant in Anglia Appellationes (ficut prælibatum est) ufq; quo Henricus extitit Wintonienfis Epifcopus. To the fame purpoſe again in his Chronicle, and in the fame Words, except- (a) f. 226. b. (b) Vide fupra p. 215. (c) Col. 1667. ing 60 A Hiftory of Convocations. ing only the laft. For there it is, ufq; quo Hen- ricus Wint. Epifcopus extitit Legatus. It is there faid exprefly to be held An. 1151. This Council in Sir Henry Spelman's Collection (a) I find mention- ed out of Huntindon, but mifplaced to the Year 1140. or 1141. tho' at the fame time it be faid to have been held in the 16th of K. Stephen. As if the 16th of K. Stephen were 1140 or 1141. of Synods under Henry II. in the time Theobald, Thomas Becket, and Richard Archbishops. A Bout the Year 1155. which was the ft. of Hen. II. a great Council was held at LONDON by Archbishop Theobald, in which the Affairs not only of the Church, but alſo of the State, were treated of. And in it were prefent all the Earls and Barons of the Kingdom, toge- ther with the inferiour Prelats of the Church, fuch as Archdeacons, &c. 'Tis mentioned by M. Paris in the Lives of the Abbots of S. Albans: (b) Congregantur apud Londoniam Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, MULTARUMQUE ECCLESIARUM PRÆLATI, cum Comitibus & Baronibus totius regni, ut negotia regni & Ecclefia pertractarent; cum Theod- baldo Cant. Archiepifcopo, Apoft. Sedis Legato, eidem Concilio PRÆSIDENTE. In the beginning of this Reign, or not long after, Archbiſhop Theodbald in a Synod of Biſhops (a) p. 44. (b) p. 1020. at + A Hiftory of Convocations. 61 at Northampton, where the K. was prefent, forced Silvester Abbot of S. Austins in Cant. who pretend- ed to be exempted from his Jurifdiction, to make Profeffion of Obedience to him. Gervafe (a). E- gerat hic Silvefter favore R. Stephani, & fratris fui (ejus) Henrici Wintonienfis Epifcopi, ut præciperet Eu- genius P. prædictum Abbatem in Ecclefiâ fua fine Pro- feffione benedici, eo quod feciffet eam Roma tributariam. Theobaldus temporis intervallo, regnante gloriofo R. Henrico, de mandato Adriani P. apud Northamto- niam in præfentia Regis & Epifcoporum Angliæ, com- pulit eum ad fubjectionem ut ibidem debitam faceret pro- feffionem. An. 1162. if we will believe Baronius and Binius, Tho. Becket was chofen Archbifhop in a general Council of all England, where the King was pre- fent. Coactum eft Londini Concilium, electus eft in Ar- chiepifcopum Thomas, fays Edward the Author of his Life, which is extant in Surius (b). As Quadrilogus fays, he was chofen Epifcoporum PROVINCIALIUM conventus Cant. Ecclefiæ Confenfu : According to M. Paris (c), Congregato Clero & Populo totius Provin- cia Cant. apud Weftm. According to Radulfus de Di- ceto, (d) Clero totius Provincie Cantuariorum GENE- RALITER Londonia convocato, præfente Henrico filio Regis & regni Jufticiarijs. A MS. Hiftory in Lam- beth (e) Library, has all the fame Words, befides generaliter, for that it has not. In his Life which is extant in a MS. of the fame (f) Library, diffe- rent from all that are publifhed, and of good Note, he is faid to be chofen by omnis Clerus An- glie, and to be Confecrated at Cant. Congregatis (a) Col. 1665. (b) Decemb. p. 1154. (c) p. 82. (d) Col. 535. 712. (e) 8°. 58, (f) Fol. Vol. 138. Suf- 6.2 A History of Convocations. Suffraganeis Epifcopis omnibus. Gervafe, who was made (a) a Monk by him in the firft Year of his Confecration, gives this account of his Election: Menfe Maio venerunt Cantuariam nuncij ex parte & præcepto D. Regis portantes Conventui D. Regis apices & mandatum, ut Prior cum aliquibus Monachis una cum Epifcopis & CLERO Angliæ apud Londoniam conve- nirent fibi Archiepifcopum totiq; patriæ Primatem electu- ri. Hoc igitur audito nuncio, venerandus ille Wibertus Prior affumptis fecum fenioribus Cant. Ecclefiæ Monachis Londoniam venit, ibiq; Præfules & PROCERES An- glia congregatos invenit. Multis itaq; & varijs de elections facienda confertis fermonibus, tandem Wilber- tus Prior & qui cum eo erant, invocatâ Spiritus S. gratia Thomam Regis Cancellarium in nomine S. Tri- nitatis elegerunt. Factâ electione, nerunt Præfules & Principes regni ut tantæ affifterent Confecrationi. The truth feems to be this, he was chofen in the time of a Parliament, partly by the Convent of Cant. and partly by the Provincial Bifhops, as other Archbishops were wont to be; and he is therefore faid to be chofe by all the Clergy of England, becauſe the Clerus of both Provinces were there gather'd together in Parlia- ment. conve An. 1166. Archbishop Becket, having in his Ex- ile Excommunicated all the obfervers of the Con- ftitutions of Clarendon, the Bishops of the Province of Cant. met together, and fent him a Letter of Appeal which runs alfo in the Name of the Per- fone of the Province (b). Venerabili, &c. Suffraga. nei ejufdem Ecclefiæ Epifcopi, & perfona per eorundem Diocefes conftitutæ, &C. (a) Col. 1418. (b) ap. Hoveden f. 291. b. & Paris p. 88. Gervafe f A Hiftory of Convocations. 63 Gervafe (a) mentions the fame Convention, and from him we learn, that by PERSONA, the ABBOTS are chiefly, if not only, to be under- ſtood; the Archbishop, fays he, having publickly threatned to Excommunicate the K. Rex citiffime mifit in Angliam, mandans Ricardo de Luci qui præ- fecturam agebat in Anglia, ut Epifcopos & PERSOÑAS Anglia, fed & Monachos Cantuarie contra Archiepifco- pum compelleret appellare. Hoc ipfum a D. Rege in Normannid factum cft. Cum igitur Epifcopi & AB- BATES Anglia apud Londoniam convenirent & appellarent, Cantuarienfes Monachi prudenti confilio erep- ti funt, petitis & acceptis inducijs ad Regis præfentiam veniendi. But fince in the Canon Law Perfona is uſed for Dignitaries in general, it is not impro- bable that there were other Dignitaries there pre- fent befides Abbots. The fame Year there was a Synod of the Biſhops at OXFORD, where the K. was prefent. In which certain Hereticks were condemn'd to be burnt in the Face and Baniſhed. Sub eifdem diebus, fays Paris, quidam pravi Dogmatis diffeminato- res apud Oxoniam tracti funt in judicium, præfente Rege & Epifcopis regni ; quos a fide Catholica devios. & in examine fuperatos facies cauteriata notabiles cunctis expofuit, qui expulfi funt a regno. I find the fame Words in Radulfus de Diceto (b), out of whom Paris tranfcribed 'em. An. 1268: all the Bishops, Abbots, and Ecclefiafti- cal Perfons, were called together at London by the King's Command, to abjure P. Alexander who fided with the Archbithop against him. Gervafe (c) Per totam Angliam ex præcepto Regis a Populo (a) Col, 1400, (b) Col. 539. (c) Col. 1404, 1409. juraturs 1 + 64 A History of Convocations. ' juratum eft, quod ad præceptum Regis faciendum om- nes forent parati; unde & congregatio Epifcoporum, & Abbatum, & aliarum PERSONARUM Ecclefiaftica- rum apud Londonias facta est. Sed & Subprior & Monachi Cant. Ecclefiæ ex imperio Regis juffi funt ibidem adeffe. Cum autem fuper hoc juramento facien- do convenirentur Epifcopi, & ipfi tam deteftabile jura- mentum contra Deum & Alexandrum P. præftare no- luiffent, dilatum & infatuatum eft tam iniquum & enorme negotium, & quifq; ad fua repedavit. The Biſhop of London in his Epiftle (a) which he wrote this Year to the Pope about the Arch- biſhops Buſineſs, tells him, that the K. had of fered to fubmit himſelf to the judgment of the whole Church (of England) if he had injured the Church or any Ecclefiaftical Perfon: Si qua vero Ecclefiaftica perfona vel Ecclefia ab ipfo vel à fuis fe gravatam oftenderit, fatisfactioni plenæ totius Ecclefiæ judicio paratus erit. The Archbishop being murder'd at the Altar in the Cathedral Church at Canterbury, Dec. 29. 1170. the Church was fufpended from all Di- vine Service, the Ornaments taken down, and the Pavement taken up; thus it continued for near a whole Year, and then, as De Diceto (b) and Paris tells us, on S. Thomas Day, by the Pope's Command the Suffragans of that Church came together there, and reftored it to its former Condition. But Gervafe knew beft, being at that ſame time a Monk there; and he fays (c), that there came but only 2 Bishops to Cant. upon that occaſion, viz. the Bishop of Exeter and the Biſhop of Chester. (a) ap. Paris p. 91. (b) Col. 558. (c) p, 105. (d) Col. 14214 Paris makes this to be An, 1173. An. A History of Convocations. 65 An. 1171. in a Council at Armach in Ireland, Convocato totius Hibernia Clero, it was decreed, cum univerfitatis confenfu, that the English which were Slaves in that Country, fhould be fet at Liberty. Giraldus expugn. Hibern. c. 18. The next Year after, Henry II. having fubdu'd that Country, totius Cleri Hibernia Concilium apud Caffiliam CONVOCAVIT (ſays the fame (a) Author) ubi requifitis & auditis publice terræ illius & gentis, tam enormitatibus quam purcitijs; & in fcriptum, & fub figillio Legati Lifmorienfis (qui cæteris ibidem dig- nitate tunc præerat) ex induftria redactis; Conftituti- ones facras que adhuc extant, de Matrimonijs contra- bendis, de Decimis dandis, de Ecclefijs debitâ devo- tione venerandis, & frequentandis, quamplures EMI- SIT. In this Council were prefent not only the Bishops, Abbots, and Priors, but alſo the ARCH- DEACONS, and DEANS, and other inferior Prelats of the Church, together with the King's Commiffioners; and the Canons were confirm'd by the King's Authority; for fo the Canons of that Council begin. Anno, &c. Chriftianus Lif- morienfis Epifcopus, & Apoftolica fedis Legatus, Dona- tus Caffilienfis, Laurentius Dublin. & Catholicus Tuomenenfis Archiepifcopi, cum Suffraganeis fuis & Co- epifcopis, Abbatibus quoq;, ARCHIDIACONIS, Prio- ribus, & DECANIS, & MULTIS alijs Hibernienfis Ecclefia PRÆLATIS, ex ipfius Triumphatoris man- dato, in Civitate Caffilienfi convenerunt, & de uti- litate Ecclefice ibidem Concilium celebrarunt. Huic Concilio interfuerunt ifti à Rege miſſi, venerabilis vir Radulphus Abbas de Buldewas, Radulphus Archi- diaconus de Landaff, Nicholaus Capellanus, & alij (22) 60 340 Clerici 66 A History of Convocations. ' > Clerici, & Nuncij D. Regis. Concilij autem ftatuta ſub- fcripta funt, & Regiæ fublimitatis authoritate firmata, &c. Hoveden mentioning this Council, fays only, that the K. fent his Clerks, Nicholas the Chaplain, and the Archdeacon of Landaff, una cum Archiepif copis & Epifcopis Hibernia, to Caffel to celebrate a Council there. Bromton (a) tells us that the King's Clerks together with the Archbishops and Bishops of Ireland bold a Council there with the Popes con- ient, and by his Authority Decreed and Command- ed, &c. I have mention'd in the former Part, out of M. Paris, that this fame Year the K. held a Council at Liffemor, and there obliged the Irish to receive the Laws of England. I am apt to be- lieve, that that was no other than this Council of Caffel, and that therefore Paris by miſtake calls it the Council of Lifemor, becauſe the Biſhop of Liffemor, as the Popes Legat, prefided in it. Gi- raldus fays, that thofe Canons were there made, becauſe the K. labour'd, Ecclefiæ illius ftatum ad Anglicana Ecclefiæ formam redigere modis omni- bus. Another Council was held at Dublin, An. 1176. by Vivianus the Popes Legat à Latere, in which K. Henry's Title to that Country was confirm'd: men- tioned by Giraldus in the 2d Book of the fame Work. Vivianus Legationis Vice per Hiberniam fun- gens, convocatâ Dubliæ Epifcoporum Synodo; jus An- gloratu Regis in Hiberniam & fummi Pontificis confirma- tionca viva voce publice proteftatur, tam Clero Populo fub Anathematis interminatione diftricte præci- piens, &c. Mentioned alfo by Bromton (b). ; quam (a) Col. 1o71. () Col. 4. J An. 1172. ! · A History of Convocations: 67 An. 1172. at a Council held by 2 Legats from the Pope, at Abrinca ( AURANCHES) in Nor mandy, K. Henry cleared himſelf by Oath from be- ing any way concern'd in the Murder of Arch- bishop Becket, coram prædictis Cardinalibus, & om- ni Clero & Populo, fays Hoveden (a) who adds (b); that the Cardinals celebrated that Council Cum Archiepifcopo, & Epifcopis, & CLERO, Normannia. Bromion tells us that the K, there cleared him- felf coram Cardinalibus, & Archiepifcopo Rothomagenfi, Epifcopis ac CLERO, & regni fui Populo. After the King had done this, fays the fame Author, and had fworn to the Obfervation of divers things impofed on him by the Pope, In craftino Cardi- nales, cum Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, & CLERO Nor- manniæ magnum Concilium celebrarunt, &c. An. 1173. Richard Prior of Dover was chofen Archbifhep of Cant. in the Room of Tho. Becket, de communi confilio Epifcoporum, fays (c) Rad. de Di- ceto. (d) Gervafe fays, it was done coacto Concilio apud Londoniam. In initio menfis Junij. i. e. at Westm. 3 Non. Junij, as he afterwards tells us: In S. Catherins Chappel at Westm. fays (e) Paris. In the fame Council Archbishop Becket was Canoniz'd as a Saint and a Martyr, by a Mandate from the Pope. In hoc quoq; Concilio (fays the Hiftorian laft mention'd) recitate fuerunt litere D. Pape, in audientia EPISCOPORUM omnium ac BARON- UM, &c. (b) f. 303, b. (c) Cul. 568. ` (4) Col. (a) f. 302. b. 1423. (e) p. 106. *E 2 An. 117: 68 A History of Convocations. An. 1175. a Council was held at Weftm. under Archbishop Richard, in which were confirm'd cer- tain Decrees taken out of the ancient Councils and Decretals. Benedict (a) Abbot of Peterborough in his MS. Hiſtory, and Hoveden (b) give this ac- count of it: The 2 Kings, (fay they) the Father and Son, returning out of Normandy into Eng- land, venientes Lundonias invenerunt ibi Ric. Cant. Arch. & Suffraganeos fuos, volentes ibidem Concilium celebrare. Celebravit itaq; prædictus Cant. Arch. Con- cilium apud Lundonias in Westmonafterio, coram præ- dictis Regibus, & affenfu & voluntate ipforum, Die Dom. prox. ante Afcenf. D. fcil. 15. Kal. Junij. Huic autem Concilio interfuerunt Suffraganei prædicti Archi- epifcopi, fcilicet, &c. Abbas S. Albani, Ab. S. Et coram Edmundi, Ab. Ramefeiæ, Ab. de Boxeleid. PRÆNOMINATIS Epifcopis & Abbatibus, Ricard- us Cant. Arch. in eminentiori loco fedens, hæc verba in medium proferens, ait. "Ideo in Ecclefiâ Dei, fecun- "dum antiquam Patrum confuetudinem Concilia congre- gantur, ut bij qui conftituti funt, in eminentiori curâ paftorali vitam fubditorum de communi confilio regu- laribus inftitutis informent, & enormitates que pullu- lant inceffanter confultiori cenfurâ compefcant: nos itaq; potius inhærentes Orthodoxorum Patrum regulis, quam aliquid de novo Statuentes, quædam certa Capitula dignum duximus in medium promulganda, quæ univer- fis Provincialibus noftris firmiter & inviolabiliter ob- Jervanda injungimus. Omnes enim facrorum cenfe- mus Canonum tranfgreffores, qui ftatutis hujus facro fanite Synodi præfumpferint contraire, &c. The fame Council is mention'd by (c) Brom- ton, and he alfo intimates that there were none (4) ap. Vol. 2. Concil. p. 103. (b) F. 310, (c) Col, 1101. of A Hiftory of Convocations. 69 of the Clergy there, befides 12 Bishops, and 3 Abbots. But Gervafe fpeaks more comprehenfive- ly of the Clerus Anglia as there prefent. His Words are theſe. MCLXXV. Rex Anglia Henricus undiq; pace potitus una cum filio fuo Henrico in An gliam reverfus eft menfe Majo. Ricardus vero Cant. Arch. totius Angliæ Primas, & Apoftolicæ fedis Lega- tus convocato Clero Anglia celebravit Concilium in Ec- clefid B. Petri ad Weftm. 15. Kal. Junij Dominica ante Afcenf. Domini. Affuerunt in hoc Concilio omnes Suffraganei Cantuarienfis Ecclefiæ præter Wigornienfem, quem fua infirmitas excufavit, & Norwicenfem, qui diem clauferat extremum. In hoc Concilio ad emenda- tionem Anglicanæ Ecclefiæ affenfu D. Regis & PRI- MORUM OMNIUM Regni, hæc fubfcripta promul gata funt Capitula. Ad dextram Primatis fedit Epif- copus Lond. quia inter Epifcopos Cant. Ecclefiæ Suf- fraganeos Decanatus præminet dignitate. Ad finiftram fedit Epifcopus Winton. quia Cantoris officio præcellit. Cateri tam Epifcopi quam Abbates fecundum primoge- nita Confecrationis fuæ confederunt. Ipfe vero Archiepif- copus Primas & Legatus refidens in fublimi, poft Sermo- nem quem tam fucunde quam diferte fecit, in com- muni de fcripto legi fecit ftatuta Concilij fui fub bac forma: "Ideo in Ecclefiâ Dei, &c. In this Council Roger Archbishop of York, was not preſent himſelf, the Archbishops of York not caring to come to the Archbishop of Canterburies Councils, tho' fummoned by a Legatin Power. According to Paris, Concilio noluit intereffe. But he fent certain of his Clergy to act on his behalf, who Appeal'd there against the Archbishop of Cant. on 3 accounts. 1. Concerning the Archbi- fhop of York's carrying the Croß before him with- in the Diocefs of Cant. 2. Concerning the Bi- fhopricks of Lincoln, Chester, Worcester, and Here- ford, that they belonged to the Province of York. 3. For * f E 3 70 A History of Convocations. 3. For that the Archbishop of Cant. had Ex- communicated the Clerks of S. Ofwald in Glocefter, (which the Archbishops of York claim'd as be- longing to their Jurifdiction) for not obeying his Summons. Radulphus de Diceto (a) takes notice of the Arch- bishop of York's Contumacy in thefe Words. Ha- bitum eft Concilium REGIONALE apud Weftm. 15. Kal. Julij præfidente Ricardo Cant. Arch. & Apoft. Sedis Legato. Rogerus Ebor. Arch. Concilio non interfuit, nec qui ejus abfentiam allegarent tranf- mifit, cum juxta prifcam Confuetudinem ad vocationem Cant. Ecclefiæ, vel intereffe debuerit, vel justam abfentiæ caufam per nuncios & per Epiftolam proba- biliter allegare. Statuta Concilij fi bene revolveris perpauca reperies, quæ tibi corpus Canonum incorpo- rare non poffit. For Julij, it ought to be read Junij, as appears from the feries of the Chronology, the 13. Kal. JUNII being mentioned juft after; yet M. Paris alfo has 15. Kal. Julii, deceived by this falfe Reading in De Diceto. Matthew of Westm. has the fame, but he follows Paris. Both theſe Writers, inftead of Concilium regionale, call it Con- cilium generale. In the fame Council the Clergy of the Church of S. Afaph petitioned the Archbishop againſt their Biſhop for Non refidence, that either he might be oblig'd to return to his Church, or that the Archbishop would inftitute another in his place. Up- on which the Biſhop freely refign'd his Biſhoprick. There alfo the Archbishop deprived William Abbot of Peterborough, as (b) Gervafe in another place tells us: Idem Archiepifcopus apud Weftm. memoria dignum celebravit Concilium, & poft Sermonem quem facunde (a) Col. 585. (b) Col. 1674. Act. Pontif. Cant. Senten- A History of Convocations. 71 fententijs plenum expreffit 18. Capitula promulgavit. In hoc Concilio Godefridus Epifcopus S.Afaph per annu- lum fuum refignavit Epifcopatum. Depofuit etiam cer- tis ex caufis Willielmum Abbatem de Burgo, & eidem ex affenfu Regis fuppofuit Cancellarium fuum BENE- DICTUM This is the fame Benedict Abbot of Peterborough, whom I but now cited, concerning this Council. The fame Year another Council was held at Woodstock in Midfummer Week, for the filling up the Bishoprick of Norwich, and many Abbys which were then void. Hoveden (a) Eodem anno in Octabis Nativ. S. Job. Bap. venerunt ambo Reges ufq; ad WODESTOCK, & occurrerunt eis illuc Ri- chardus Cant. Arch. &c. Et Hugo Dunel- menfis Epifcopus, qui illuc venerat pro negotio fuo. Venerunt etiam illuc omnes Abbates Cant. Diœcefis, L magnum celebraverunt Concilium de Faftore cligendo ad fedem Pontificalem Norwicenfis Ecclefiæ, & de Pa- ftoribus eligendis ad Abbatias, que tunc vacabant per Angliam. Johannes vero de OXENFORDE Clericus Regis ELECTUS eft ad Epifcopatum Nor- wicenfis Ecclefia. Prædictæ autem Abbatic diftributæ funt viris religiofis ficut D. Regi & prædi&t Archiepifcopo placuit. (b) Bromton mentions the fame Council, in thefe Words: Finito fic dicto Cun- cilio, dicti Reges peregrinatione fuâ ad B. Thomam Cantuarienfem peracta, ufq; REDINGES inde rede- untes, in ipfâ die Pentecoftes Curiam fuam & fiſtum regum tenuerunt. Et inde D Rex unum de Clericis fuis ad Ecclefiam Norwicenfem & ad Abbathias per Angliam tunc vacantes cum literis fuis mifit, fignificans Priori & Conventui domorum vacantium, quod ipfe Prior cum 5. vel pluribus de difcretioribus vel fapi- (a) F. 311. b. (b) Col. 1102. *E 4 entio- 1 17 { { I 1 > AM ' 1 92 A History of Convocations. entioribus Domus fue qui ad hoc fufficerent, in Nati- vitate B. Joh. Bap. obviam ei & Domino Cant. Archie- pifcopo apud OXONIAM venirent ad Paftorem Do- mui fue neceffarium eligendum. Et præcepit quod u- ทน ufquifq; Prior literas Jui Conventus de ratibabitione fecum ferret. Similiter Cant. Archiepifcopus illud idem per unum de Clericis fuis ad dictas domos vacantes cum dicto Regis Clerico fcripfit & mandavit. - Cir- ca Octabas Nativitates B. Job. Bap. Regibus prædictis ufq; WODESTOCK venientibus, Ricardus Cant. Ar- chiepifcopus & 8 Epifcopi ejufdem Provincia & plu- res Abbates de eadem eifdem ibidem ad illum termi- num occurrerunt, de Paftore ad fedem Norwicenfem & alijs Paftoribus per Abbathias tunc vacantes eligendis &inftituendis coram dictis Regibus ibidem Concilium ce. lebrantes. In this Council by P. Alexander's Com- mand, the Election of Geffry the King's Son, to the Bishoprick of Lincoln, was confirm'd, who was then fo young, that he was afterwards fent abroad to School. After this, in the fame Year, came Cardinal Hugo, or Hugutio (a) (or Hugezon, or Hugeron) Sirnam'd Petrileonis (b), into England, as the Popes Legat, who gave the K. Power to implead Cler- gy-men (c) for tranfgreffing the Laws of the Forests. And after that, in Mid-lent, held a Council, in which many of the inferior Clergy were prefent; but it broke up as foon as be- gun, by reafon of a Difference which happened between the 2 Archbishops concerning Precedence. The Archbishop of York pretending to fit on the Legats Right Hand, the Servants of the Archbi- (a) Or Hugezoun, Hugezun, Hugerun. (b) or Petroleonis. (c) See Paris. fhop · A History of Convocations. 73 fhop of Cant. fell upon him, pulled him out of his Seat, threw him down, and trod upon him, and probably would have done him more mif- chief had not the Archbishop of Cant. refcued him out of their Hands. Eodem Anno. 1176. fays Hoveden (a), in medio Quadragefima Hugerun ti- tuli S. Michaelis de Petra leonis Card. & Apoft. fedis Legatus, Londonias venit celebraturus Concilium. Et convenientibus ibidem in unum Cant. & Ebor. Archi- epifcopis, & omnibus Epifcopis & Abbatibus Angliæ, & CLERO MULTO; prædictus Cardinalis fedit Cathe- dratus ap. Weftm, in capelld Monachorum infirmorum, & Epifcopi & Abbates cum illo, &c. Radulphus de Diceto. (b) Mandato Cardinalis, Clero totius An- glie generaliter Lundonie convocato Die Domin. quâ cantatur, Lætare Jerufalem, cum de ftatuendis vel refecandis tractatus effet habendus communis, adverfus Cant. Archiepifcopum infurrexit Ebor. &c. Brom- ton: (c) Venit ad Curiam D. Regis Hugezoun Card. &de confilio D. Regis omnes EPISCOPOS, ABBATES, & PRIORES totius Angliæ citari fecit quod effent co- ram eo Londoniæ in media Quad. ad mandata fummi Pont. audienda. Media Quad. adveniente D. Rex, & Rex filius fuus, & dictus Card. & Ricardus Cant. Arch. cum Suffraganeis fuis, & Rogerus Ebor. &c He adds, that thofe that fell upon the Archbi- fhop of York, were the MONACHI & familiares that came with him: that the Legat Appealed a- gainst the Archbishop of Cant. as prefuming it was done by his encouragement; on the other fide the Archbishop of Cant. appeal'd againſt the Legat; that the Archbishop of York appeal'd againft the Archbishop of Cant, and againſt the Bishop of . (a) f. 314, b. (b) Col. 588. (c) Col. 1158, El, } 1 74 A Hiftory of Convocations. Ely, as having laid violent Hands upon him: Sicq; finito Concilio, Cardinalis convocatis Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, & OMNI CLERO qui aderat, coram illis dictam appellationem quam fecerat renovavit, &data benedictione omnes abcedere permifit, &c. Gervafe (a) Menfe Marcio circa mediam Quad. ve- nit Rex Londoniam cum filio fuo Henrico una cum domno Hugutione Legato, qui convocato Clero Anglie Concilium celebrare proponebat, &c. A quibuf- dam Epifcopis, CLERICIS; & Laicis turpiter deject- us, &c. The fame Writer in another Work (b) fays the Legat called together EPISCOPOS & AB- BATES Anglia. A MS. Chronicle in the Cot- ton Library (c), which begins with Augustus, and ends in 1312. An. 1176. Hugo Card. celebravit Concilium apud Lond. ad Lætare Jerufalem, præfente Rege facta eft feditio inter Archiepifcopos fcil. Cant. & Ebor. ubi Epifcopus Elienfis G. Ridel fcidit capam Ar- chiepifcopi Ebor. & impeditum eft Concilium. An. 1183. the Pope fending to the K. for an aid against the Romans his Enemies, a Synod was called to confider of it. Hoveden: (d) Vene- runt nuncij fui ad Henricum R. Angliæ, poftulantes ab eo & a Clericatu Angliæ Auxilium. Confuluit itaq; Rex Epifcopos fuos & CLERUM ANGLIA de pe- titione fummi Pontificis, cui Epifcopi & CLERUS con- fuluerunt, ut ipfe fecundum voluntatem fuam & ho- norem faceret auxilium D. Papa, iam pro feipfo quam pro illis: quia tolerabilius effet, & plus placeret eis, quod D. Rex, fi vellet, accepiffet ab eis recompenfationem auxilij illius, quam fi permififfet nuncios D. Papæ in Angliam venire ad capiendum de eis auxilium; quia fi (a) Col. 1433. (b) Col, 1674. (c) Tiberius A. 10. (d) f. 354. b. aliter : H ! } A History of Convocations. aliter fieret, poffet verti in confuetudinem ad detrimen- tum regni. Adquievit Rex confilio eorum, & fecit auxilium magnum D. Papa in auro & من argento. An. 1184. on S. Dunstans Day, there met at Windfor by the King's Command a great Conven- tion of the Clergy for the chofing a new Arch- biſhop in the room of Archbishop Richard de- ceafed. Gervafe: (a) Rex Angliæ mifit nuncios & literas ad Conventum Cant. Ecclefiæ, præcipiens, ut cum Priore fuo plures ad eum mitterent Monachos ad WINLESORES. Quo cum veniffent Die ordi- nationis S. Dunftani fimul cum Epifcopis & CLERO ANGLIÆ, &c. An. 1186, in May, Coadunato Clero Angliæ apud EGENESHAM, in præfentid Regis & Archiepifcopi (Baldwini) feveral Biſhops, Abbots, and Priors were choſen. (b) Idem. The Councils of Windsor, Northampton, Weftm! an. 1177. Oxford, and Gaintinton, which are mention'd in the Edition of our Councils Vol. 2. p. 110. ad 116. as held in this Reign, were not Ecclefiaftical Councils, but Parliaments, and as fuch I have treated of 'em in the former Part. 75 (a) Col. 1468. (b) Col. 1480. 1 Synods ! 76 A History of Convocations. Synods under Richard I. in the time of Baldwin and Hubert Archbishops. A N. 1189. Archbishop Baldwin cited (a) John Earl of Moreton, the King's Brother, before him, for marrying his Coufin in the 3d Degree, forbidding him under the pain of Ex- communication to Cohabit with her. The Earl appeal'd to the Pope; but notwithſtanding that, his whole Eftate was by the Archbishop put under an Interdict. About this time came Jo- annes Anagnienfis into England as Legat à latere, and before him at Canterbury, in the prefence of the King and the Biſhops, the Earl complain- ed of the Archbishops Interdicting his Lands af- ter Appeal, upon which the Legat allowed of his Appeal, and took off the Interdict: Coram Rege, coram Legato, coram Epifcopis gravem querelam "depofuit, fays (b) Radulfus de Diceto. Ibidem, fays Bromton (c), coram prædicto Cardinali, & omni- bus Epifcopis, & Abbatibus, & CLERO ibi congregato, Hugh Bishop of Durham, and Hubert Bilhop of Salisbury as Dean of York, appealed againſt Gef- fry Elect of York, becauſe he was chofen in their abfence. An. 1190. the Archbishop being a going to the Holy Land, held a Council at Weftm. II. Kal. Martij, where he took his leave of his Brethren the Biſhops, and deputed the Bishop of London to act for him during his abfence in his Province, (a) Gervaſe Col. 1550. (b) Col. 650. (c) Col. 1169. and A History of Convocations. 77 and the Biſhop of Rochester in his Diocefs: men- tion'd by M. Paris, and out of him by Mathew of Weftm. Radulfus de Diceto (a) tells us, that he deputed the Biſhop of London, de communi confilio Suffraganeorum fuorum. The fame Year, William Bishop of Ely, being made the Pope's Legat, and Procurator of the Kingdom in the King's abfence, held a Synod at GLOCESTER: Willelmus Anglia Legatus convocavit Angliæ Epifcopos apud GLAVORNĀM, ſays de Di- ceto (b). In another place (c)' In feftivitate B. Petri qua dicitur ad vincula, Willelmus Elyenfis Epifcopus Apoftolicæ fedis Legatus convocavit multos apud GLOECESTRÍAM. -- Again the fame Year, he held another at Weftm. Octob. 15. as the fame Author tells us: (d) Ha- bitum eft regionale Concilium apud Weftm. præfidente Willelmo Elyenfi Epifcopo & Apoft. fedis Legato Idi- bus Octobris, Ricardus Lund. Epifcopus III. juxta pri- ftinam regni confuetudinem ad dexteram Legati fe- dem obtinuit: Godefridus Wint. Epifcopus ad fini- ftram. Gervafe (e) places this Council to the Year 1191. and tells us, that the Biſhop of Rochester and the Prior of Cant. in that Council required the Legat not to do any thing againft the Rights and Dignity of the Church of Cant. M. Paris ad An. 1190. obferves, that in this Council pauca vel nulla provifa funt de ædificatione Ecclefiæ Anglicane. He calls it only Concilium Provinciale. Hemingford (f) mentions it in thefe Words: The Bilhop (4) Col. 651. (b) Col. 520. (c) Col. 655. (d) Col. 656. 520. (e) Col. 1565. (f) p. 528. of 78 A Hiftory of Convocations. He # 1 of Ely, fays he, ut ad fummum evectus videretur; generale Concilium ex Anglid terrore maximo Londo nie congregatum, quanto gloriofius tanto & vanius celebravit, fub fpecie fcil. Religionis agens propriæ ne- gotium vanitatis, quod utiq; agebat fortius, eo quod Metropolitane Ecclefiæ vacabant utræq;. An. 1191. Archbishop Baldwin being deceaſed, Reginald Bishop of Bath, was chofen Archbishop at Cant. in a Convention of the Biſhops and Pro- ceres; but he died before Confirmation. There is extant in Rad. de Diceto (a) an Epiftle of the Suffragans of Cant. to P. Celeftin, in which they tell him, that affoon as they had heard of Arch- bishop Baldwin's Death, left the Monks of that Church ſhould prefume of themſelves to proceed to an Election, they fent de communi confilio the Biſhop of London together with the Lord Juftice of England to Cant. to inhibit 'em that after- wards they themselves were together with the Monks called to London by the Bishop of Lon- don, as Dean of the Province: that a difference arifing there between them and the Monks, they appointed to meet together again at Cant. Dec. 2. Interim autem Comes Moritonij D. Regis Frater, & D. Rothomagenfis (the then Lord Juftice) Batbonienfis, Rofenfis, Herefordenfis, Menevenfis, Co- ventrenfis, Epifcopi, cura pluribus regni magnatibus pro quibufdam magnis Regni negotijs tranfitum fecerunt ufq; Cantuariam. Cumq; fuper negotijs ipfis in Pala- tio Cant. Archiepifcopi refidentes tractarent, ingreſſi ſunt coram eis G. Prior & quidam Monachorum, & manios injicientes in Bathonienfem, & eum electum fuum no- minantes in medio refidentium fuftulerunt. Quos memo- (a) Col, 666. rast A History of Convocations. 79 rati Præfules & regni Proceres è veftigio fubfecuti denuo veftram appellaverunt præfentiam 5. Kal. Dec. An. 1192. there being a great Difference between the Archbishop of York and the Bishop of Dur- ham, the matter was heard before Elionor the King's Mother, and the Archbiſhop of Roan, as Lord Juftice of England, & fere totius Anglia E- pifcopis in unum congretatis: But they could not reconcile 'em. to An. 1193. the K. from beyond Sea directing a Mandate to the Bishop of London as Dean, and to the rest of the Suffragans of the Province, a new Archbishop, ad vocationem D. Lun- defis plures Epifcopi convenerunt, quidam fuæ cau- fe & abjentice fatis probabilem, vel per literas, vel per Nuncios allegerunt. Convenerunt ad vocationem ejus plores louvri Conventualium principales perfona. Dies Dominica præfinita fuit electioni, fcil. tertio Kal. Junij. There Liebert Walters Bifhop of Salisbury, was chofen Arcubiſhop, as may be ſeen in (a) Rad. de Diceto, and in (b) Gervafe. In the laft of which Writers we have the Bishop of London's Summons which fent to the feveral Bishops, with this Ren, that to him as Dean of the Province, fpecialiter pertinet ad nutum Archiepifcopi vel Cant. Ec- clefiæ, Epifcopos convocare. Archbishop Hubert being chofen, habitus eft ge- neralis Conventus Epifcoporum Cantuarie, Nonis No- vemb. ad follempnem Archiepifcopi ſuſceptionem & in thronizationem. Convenerunt & alia Conventualium Ecclefiarum perfonæ principales. De Diceto (b). But this was rather a Feafting than a Synod; and in (a) Col. 669, (b) Col. 1579. (c) Col. 671. the 80 A History of Convocations. the Regifters of the Archbishops of Cant. ftill ex- tant, we have the Forms recorded, by which the Bishops, Abbots, and Lords were wont to be invited to an Archbishop's Confecration. An. 1195. Hubert Archbishop of Cant. by vertue of his Legatin Authority held a Council at York for that Province, on Barnaby Day: and made certain Conftitutions, and deprived the Abbot of S. Maries in that City. Hoveden (a) Venit Legatus ille Eboracum Sequenti Die Lunæ fecit ipfe teneri Affifas de omnibus placitis corone Regis, (he was at the fame time Lord Juftice of Eng- land) de Nová diffaifinâ, & de morte an- tecefforum per miniftros fuos. Ipfe vero & officiales fui tenuerunt plaeita Chriftianitatis. In fequenti die ferid 3. perrexit ad Abbatiam S. Maria - In fe- quentibus 2 diebus congregatis in Ecclefiâ S. Petri Eboraci, Simone ejufdem Ecclefiæ Decano (the Arch- bishoprick was then void) & Præcentore & Ar- chidiaconis & Cancellario, & Præpofito Beverlaci, cum quibufdam ejufdem Ecclefiæ Canonicis, & fere omnibus Abbatibus, & Prioribus, & OFFICIALIBUS, & DECANIS, (Rural Deans) & PERSONIS EC- CLESIARUM Eboracenfis Diœcefis, ipfe Legatus in eminentiore loco Cathedratus, fedit & Concilium cele- berrimum celebravit, in quo hæc decreta fubfcript a Statuit fervanda, &c. Bromton ad An. 1194. (b) Circa hos Dies Hubertus Cant. Arch. procuravit poteftatem legationis fuæ fuper Clerum Ebor. provincie dilatari. Unde idem Hubertus Apoftolicas & Regias in Anglia vices gerens, mortuo jam Ebor. Archiepifcopo, Eborac. Metropolim adjit, fuppreflo pro tempore Pri- matis nomine, magnam ibi poteftatem exercuit, ac nul- (a) f, 429. (b) Cok 1263. lo } A History of Convocations. to lo obfiftente feu reclamante Concilium celebravit. Mention'd alfo by (a) Knyghton. The Council of Pipewel, which is mentioned amongſt our Synods in Sir Hen. Spelman's (b) Col- lection, I have fpoken of in the former Part, a- mongst the Parliaments of this Reign. Synods under K. John, K. John, in the time of Hubert and Stephen Langton, Archbis Shops. A N. 1199. an Aid was gather'd over all Eng- land, by the Pope's Command, for the Holy Land, as was pretended, viz. the 40th part of the Income of the Secular Clergy, and of the Re- ligous Houfes. (c) Rad. de Diceto. Whether it was done with the confent of a Synod, called for that purpoſe, is uncertain. But About the fame time, Sept. 19. a Synod was held by Archbishop Hubert at Westm. in which were prefent the Bishops, Abbots, and Priors of the different Orders. The Archbishop of York refuſed to come. Mentioned by the fame Au- thor, juft after the Subfidy Celebratum eft Con- cilium apud Weſtm. 13. Kal. O&t. præfidente Huberto Cant. Archiepifcopo, præfentibus Epifcopis W. Lundonien- fi, &c. cum ABBATIBUS & PRIORIBUS diverti (a) Col. 2410. (b) Vol. 2. p. 119. (c) Col. 707. F ' 81 1 ! A Hiftory of Convocations. ! 82 Ordinis, qui ad vocationem D. Cantuarienfis eo conve- nerant, ut de caufis Ecclefiafticis tractarent. G. Prior Cant. fedit ex oppofito contra D. Archiepifcopum à latere Epifcopi Roffenfis. Archiepifcopus Ebor. Conci- lio non interfuit cum effet in Anglia, ne (neque) qui ejus allegaret abfentiam, cum juxta prifcorum confuetu- dinem ad vocationes Cantuarienfis Concilio teneretur in- tereffe, vel juftam abfentiæ fuæ caufam allegare, &c. Bromton (a) mentions the fame Council, and fays, that S. Hugh Bishop of Lincoln died there. Concilium fub Huberto Cant. Arch. & Apoftolica fe- dis Legato Londonia celebratum fuit; ubi x. Kal. O&t. fanctus Hugo Lincolnienfis Epifcopus obijt De Diceto who lived at that time, gives this reaſon why he was not prefent in the Council, becauſe in his return from Rome he had been taken ill, and in the time of the Council kept his Bed in the old Temple. An. 1200. Archbiſhop Hubert held a general or national Council at Westm. contrary to the pro- hibition of Geffry Fitz-Peter Earl of Effex, Lord Ju- ftice of England in the King's abfence; and there publiſhed certain Canons which are extant in Hoveden (b), Eodem anno (fays that Writer) Huber tus Cant. Archiep. generale celebravit Concilium Lun- donijs apud Westmonafterium, contra prohibitionem Gau- fridi filij Petri, Comitis de Effex, tunc temporis fum- mi Justiciarij Anglia. In quo Concilio idem Archiepif copus fubfcripta promulgavit Decreta, ftatuens ea à fuis (ubjectis inviolabiliter obfervari. The fame Council, and that it was held contrary to the Lord Ju- ftice's Prohibition, is mention'd alfo (but as it leems out of Hoveden) in the Annals of Lanercoft (a) Col. 1282. (b) F, 458. b. a MS, 纂 ​A Hiftory of Convocations. a MS. in (a) Sir Robert Cotton's Library. Gervafe of Canterbury (b), who lived at the fame time. Archiepifcopus Concilium apud Westm. celebravit, ubi poft Sermonem decenter completum, poft varias difcuf fiones caufarum Capitula promulgavit, & in craftino duos facravit Epifcopos, &c. The Decrees run in this Style, Pracipimus, Decernimus, Conftituimus, &c. In the beginning; Salubri Provifime Concilij profpexi- mus. An. 1206. Regni 8. the Pope fending into Eng- land for a Subfidy call'd Romefcot, the Archbifh- ops, Biſhops, Abbots, Archdeacons and others of the Clergy met together in a Council at S. Al- bans about the end of May, to confider of it, where they received a Prohibition from the K. in theſe (c) Words: Rex Archiepifcopis (d), Epifco- pis, Abbatibus, ARCHIDIACONIS & OMNI CLE- RO apud S. ALBANUM ad Concilium convocato fa- lutem. Conquerente Univerfitate Comitum, Baronum, MILITUM, & ALIORUM FIDELIUM NOST- RORUM, audivimus, quod non folum in Laicorum grave præjudicium, fed etiam in totius Regni noftri in- tolerabile difpendium, fuper ROMESCOTTO præter confuetudinem folvendo, & alijs pluribus inconfuetis ex- actionibus, Autoritate fummi Pentificis Confilium inire, Concilium celebrare decreviftis. Nos vero licet ob honorem fidei noftræ & debitum reverentiæ quod fan- a Romane Ecclefia impendlere tenemur, voluntatem fancti Patris veftri D. Pape Innocentij obtemperare cu- (1) Claud. D. 7. (b) Col. 1681. (c) ap. Pryn Præf. Writs Pari. Vol. 1.and Hift. of K. John, &c. p. 9. out of Pat. 8. Joh. m. 1. or 3. (d) From this Writ it appears that Archbishop Huz bert died not till the Year 1206. tho' Paris and others. place his Death ad An. 1205. 3. Id. Julij. and Mr. Whare fon lays it down for certain that he died that Year. * F 2 833 84 1 A History of Convocations. pimus, tamen omittere non poffumus, quin querelis for delium & fubditorum noftrorum clamantium de jactura fua & timentium, prout neceffe eft, fibi fubveniamus, & emergentibus caufis quæ indempnitati pacis & uni- tati Regni noftri obviare poffunt, quanta decet celeri- tate & diligentiâ occurramus. Vobis igitur præcife man- damus & expreſſe prohibemus, ne fuper prædictis vel aliquibus alijs Concilium aliquod authoritate aliqua in fide qua nobis tenemini teneatis, vel contra Regni noftri Confuetudinem aliquod novum ftatuatis, & ficut nos & honorem noftrum, & communem Regni tranquillitatem diligitis à celebratione hujufmodi Concilij & à præ- diciis taxationibus ad præfens fuperfedeatis, quoufq; cum univerfitate noftra fuper hoc COLLOQUIUM babuerimus. Scientes pro certo, quod expediet honori fanctæ Romanæ Ecclefiæ & D. Papa & Nobis & Vobis, quod iftud ad præfens negotium differatur, do- nec generalem habuimus Conferentiam commodius & boneftius explicari. Et quod vobis hoc mandamus pro honore,& commodo facrofan&tæ Ecclefiæ, & veftri & regni noftri id fecimus: Quia talia audivimus quod hoc ita fieri neceffariò expedit, ficut vobis dicemus cum vobifcum locuti fuerimus. T. m. apud Ebor. 26. Maij. From the Waverley Annals we learn, that the Archbishop himſelf, and the Bifhops, &c. were as much againft this Impofition of the Pope, as the K. and the Laiety were, and that they refuſed to obey him. They tell us ad An. 1205. that Peter de Rupibus going to Rome to be Con- fecrated Bishop of Winchester, brought home with him a Mandate from the Pope directed to call the Bishops, requiring the Parochial Clergy to levy Peter-pence upon all habitable Houfes, i. e fuch as had Chimnies, within their refpective Parishes, and to deliver the Money, together with an account of the Houfes, to the (Rural) Deans, A Hiftory of Convocations. 85 Deans, who were to pay it to the Archdeacons, they to the Biſhops, the Bishops to the Bishop of Winchester. But this Mandate (fays the An- naliſt) was not admitted by Archbishop Hubert, nez- ther by the Kingdom, nor by the Clergy. Ab HU- BERTO mandatum non eft admiffum, vel à Regno, vel à Sacerdotio. The Pope feeing that nothing could be ob tain'd that way, fends over as his Legat, Johan- nes Ferentinus, the fame Year, to fcrape up what he could, who held a Council at REDING, OF. 19. Eodem anno (fays M. Paris (a) ) Johannes Ferentinus, Apoftolica Sedis Legatus, veniens in Angliam, eamq; perluftrans; magnam pecunia fummam congeffit: & tandem apud RADINGUM in craftino S. Luca E- vangelifta Concilium celebravit. Quo facto farcinu- lis cum magna cautela difpofitis & prudenter commen- datis; feftinus viator ad mare perveniens, Angliam tergo falutavit. જે An. 1213. K. John having fubmitted himself to Pandulfus the Pope's Legat, promifed reftitu- tion of what he had taken away from the Clergy, and received the new Archbishop Stephen Lang- ton; the Archbishop on Aug. 25. cal'd a Coun- cil to know what they had been deprived of: As the K. had a little before call'd a Parlia- ment at St. Albans to know of his Officers what they had taken away from 'em: Archiepifcopus citò poft adventum ejus in Angliam (fay the Wa- verley Annals) primum Concilium ex viris Ecclefiafti- cis apud Weſtm. in craftino S. Bartholomæi convoca- vit: fed in primis apud S. Paulum Sermonem fecit (a) p. 180. * F 3 aj } 86 A History of Convocations. ad populum quo fic incepto, In Deo fperavit Cor meum, &c. Surgens quidam verbis hujufmodi alta voce refpondit: Per mortem Dei (inquit) mentiris, nunquam cor tuum fperavit in Deo, nec refloruit caro tua. Hoc audito tacuit Archipraful, obftupefcentibus omnibus, nec mora, irruente in eum Populo, flagellatus est, cufto- diæq; traditus, ut in Die fequenti, quâ temeritate hu- jufmodi proferret fermonem, innotefceret. Archipræful vero profecutus est fermonem, quo nobiliter peracto, per- fonis Ecclefiafticis in unum apud Weftm. convocatis, præcepit Archipræful ut unufquifq; diligenter fummam rerum oftenderet, quæ à fe extortæ vel irrationabiliter conceffa Regi fuerant, Rex namq; per fuos, Archiepif copus per fuos inquifitiones faciunt fuper ablatis per An- gliam. This Council of Aug.25. (a) M. Paris calls a Colloquium, and he fays there were prefent in it the Bishops, Abbots, Priors, DEANS, and Barons. He makes it to be at S. Pauls (not at Weftm) per- haps becauſe the Sermon was there. There (he fays) the Archbishop gave leave to the Conventual and Parochial Churches to have Divine Service.. read in 'em in the hearing of the People, but with a low Voice; which was in part, but not a full remiffion of the Interdict. This Council I find mention'd in a MS. Hiftory in Lambeth Library (b) Legatus Pandulfus à Rege & Archie- epifcopo redeundi Romam licentiam accepit. Quo re- greffo Archiepifcopus celebravit magnum Concilium, in quo ordinatum fuit quantum quifq; peteret pro damp- is à Rege fibi impofitis. The Provincial Constitutions of Archbishop Lang- ton, which in the Collection of our Councils (c) are mifplaced ad an. 1206. were perhaps made (a) p. 201. (b) fol. Vol, 169. (c) Vol. 2. p. 133. in 1 + F A Hiftory of Convocations. 87 in this Council: at leaft they could not be made before. Nicholas Biſhop of Tufculum the Pope's Legat, coming into England about Michaelmas to put an end to the Controverfy depending between the K. and the Clergy touching Reftitution, a Coun- cil was held at London foon after about that Af- fair. Conveniente, fays Paris (a), Archiepifcopo Cant. cum Epifcopis & Magnatibus regni Londonij in præ- fentia Regis & Cardinalium (Nicholas & Pandul- phus) tractatum eft ibidem per triduum inter Regnum &Sacerdotium, de damnis Epifcoporum & Abbatum. This they treated of (fays he), for 3 Days together, and the K. offer'd the injur'd Bifhops, &c c. 100000 Marks to be paid immediately, of- fering befides his Oath and Security to give 'em full fatisfaction by the Eafter following. This the Legat confented to; but the Bishops were for having full Satisfaction before the Interdict fhould be taken off; and they lookt upon the Legat as Bribed, for affenting to the King's Propofal. So the Matter was put off to another Council appointed to be held at REDING in November. On the 4th Day of the Council, they all met again at S. Pauls, and had great debates about taking off the Interdict: and there coram Clero & Populo, the K. Henewed his fubmiflion to the Pope, religning his Crown and Dominions to the Legat; and the Charter or Inftrument which he had be- fore given Pandulphus feal'd with Wax, was now bullated with Gold. Concerning the Interdict and Reftitution, they came again to this Refolution, that (a) p. 207. *F + the U A Hiftory of Convocations. સ the Matter fhould be put off to another Coun- cil to be held at Reding in November. Nov. 5. they all mect they all meet again at REDING: but the K. not appearing there, they met toge- ther 2 Days after at WALINGFORD, where the K. was. And there after fome Propoſals it was agreed that the Bufinefs of the Reftitution fhould be refer'd to 4 Barons. Dec. 6. they met together again at Reding about the fame Matter. Convenerunt Rex cum Le- gato, Archiepifcopus cum Epifcopis, Magnatibus, emnibus viris Religiofis, ad Interdicti negotium con- tingentibus, apud RADINGUM, 8. Id. Dec. &c. Idem. Thefe feveral Councils I find mention'd in the Chronicle of the Priory of Dunstaple, a MS. in the Cottonian (a) Library, in thefe Words: 1212. in Au- tumno Tufculanenfis Epifcopus Apoftolicæ Sedis Legatus venit in Angliam ad inftantiam Regis. Qui convocatis Rege & Clreo primo apud LONDON: 2do apud Wal- ingeford: 3tio. apud REDING: fed non profecerunt Cle- rum. Unde ad plenum, in executione pacis juratæ inter Re- gem & infecto negotio menſe Rex transfretavit, & egatus vifitavit Ecclefias vacantes, Wigornienfi Ec- defiæ præficiens Cancellarium, & depofuit Rogerum Abbatem de Evesham. The K. and Pope were now grown fuch great Friends, that they both join together to opprefs the Church and Kingdom. The Pope Commif- fions Nicholas his Legat to fill up all vacant Bishop- ricks and Abbies with whomfoever He and the K. fhould think fit, giving him power to Excom- municate any Chapters that fhould not acquiefce () Tiberius A. 10. in A Hiftory of Convocations. 89 in their Nomination. This they immediately put in Practice, even fo as to beſtow Livings too without the confent of the Patrons. This the Archbishop highly reſenting, about the beginning of Jan. calls a Synod of his Suffragans at DUNSTAPLE: from whence after fome Debates, he fends two of his Clergy to the Legat then refiding at Burton upon Trent, to forbid him in his Name to ordain any one to any Church or Dignity in his Province, and to enter an Appeal againſt him. An. 1214. (beginning the Year at Christmas) poft Octavas Epiphania convenerunt apud DUNEST AP LIAM Stephanus Cant. Archiep. cum fuis Suffraganeis, ut de negotijs Ecclefiæ Anglicane tracta rent ibidem, &c. The Legat goes on notwithſtand- ing the Appeal, and with the King's Confent fends Pandulphus to Rome, ut Archiepifcopi & Epifcoporum propofitum irritaret. The Archbishop fent his Bro- ther Simon Langton thither. But who got the bet- ter of it, 'tis eafy to guefs, and Paris (a) tells US. After this, in the Month of July, the Legat having received an Order from the Pope, calls a Council at S. Pauls to determine that Matter of the Reftitutions, and to take off the Interdict: Le- gatus in urbe Londonenfi apud S. Paulum, grande con- gregavit Concilium: Ubi congregatis Archiepifcopis, E- pifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Comitibus, Baronibus & alijs ad hoc negotium Interdicti fpectantibus, &c. Relaxato Interdicto, venerunt ad Legatum Ab- Dates, Priores, Templarij, Hofpitalarij, Abbatiffe, Mo- niales, Clerici, & Laici, jeil. innumera multitudo; petentes de damnis & injurijs Interdicti tempore fibi (a) p. 208. illatis 90 } A Hiftory of Convocations. illatis, fieri reftitutionem, &c. Anno 1214. fay the Waverley Annals, in Oct. S. Johannis Bap. celebra- tum eft Concilium apud Londinum à D. Nicholao Le- gato, & Simone (for Stephano) Cant. Archepifcopo, & alijs Epifcopis Anglie; ubi folatum eft Interdictum Anglia, anno Interdicti 7. 6. Non. Julij, ferid iv, &c. I have elſewhere obferv'd that the MS. Eulogium calls this a Parliament, and fays, that therein the Pope releaſed K. John from all Homage and Feal- ty to the See of Rome; which is a great Mi- ftake. This Matter being at laſt brought to an end, the K. grants the Church a Charter for the free election of Prelats, Dat. Jun. 15. Regni 16. which is extant in 2 places in Paris (as I have elfe- where faid) and is mention'd in his Magna Charta. of Synods under Henry III. in the time Stephen Langton, S. Edmund, and Bo- niface, Archbishops. A N. 1216. Henry III. being Crown'd King Gualo the Pope's Legat called a Council at Briftol, as the Waverley Annals fay, on S. Martins Day, and there compelled xi. Bifhops of England and Wales, that were there prefent, and the other Prelats of the lower Order, and the Earls and Barons and Knights which were come together, to fwear Fealty to him: And put all Wales un- der A Hiftory of Convocations. 91 $ A * ར } der an Interdict, and Excommunicated all thoſe that held out againſt him. An. 1220. at the Tranflation of the Body of S. Thomas a Becket out of his Tomb into one made of Gold and precious Stones, there met together at Cant. a mighty number of all forts of Perfons both of the Clergy and Laiety. It was done by the Archbishop of Cant. fays Paris (a), præfente Rege, & omnibus fere Epifcopis totius regni, cum Ab- batibus, Prioribus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Clero & Populo multo, in craftino o&tavarum Apoftolorum Petri Pauli. There were prefent at this Solemnity a great many of other Countries, efpecially of France, Archbishops, Bithops, Abbots, Priors, &c. The fplendid Entertainment which the Arch- biſhop gave the whole Company is fpoken of in the MS. Chronicle (b) of Dunstaple in very high and Hyperbolical Terms, as equalling, or even exceeding, all that ever were given in the World. An. 1221. the Earl of Albamarl being in open Rebellion against the K. he with all his Âd- herents was Excommunicated à Legato Pandulpbo & Epifcopis & CLERO Anglia. Mat. Weftm. ad an. An. 1222. a (Provincial) Council was held at CANTERBURY by Archbishop Langton, where a Perfon was tried and Condemn'd, who had in his Side, and in his Hands and Feet, the Wounds of our Saviour, pretending to be Chrift, as alſo an Hermaphrodite who was his Accomplice: jlicio Ecclefie puniti. In the fame Council a Deacon who had turned Jew was condemn'd, (a) p. 261. (b) Cotton Tiber. A. 10. f. 15. b. whom * 92 A History of Convocations. whom Falco a great Man of that time, preſently ordered to be Hang'd. This Council is mention- ed by Paris (a), and I wonder therefore how the Collector of our Councils could be ignorant of it. Sta- Duximus ftatuimus, Ut autem The fame Year, after Eafter, another Council was held at OXFORD by the fame Archbishop, which Matthew of Westm. Knyghton and others, (b) confound with that of Canterbury, telling us, that the above mention'd Perfons were condemn'd in the Council of Oxford. Knyghton adds, that the Impoftor who pretended to be Chrift, being con- demn'd judicio Ecclefia was Crucified at Abburbu- ry. In this Council of Oxford were made many Čanons, which begin thus: Auctoritate Dei Patris, & B. Virginis, & omnium Sanctorum, & præfentis Concilij, Excommunicamus omnes illos, &c. tuimus etiam auctoritate Concilij præfentis. Statuendum præfenti ftatuto diffinimus præfente Concilio approbante, &c. omnia & fingula fine bono concludantur, Lateranen- fis Concilij fub fanctæ recordationis P. Innocentio cele- brati in præftatione Decimarum, & alijs Capitulis fir- miter præcipimus obfervari, & in Synodis Epifcopalibus Conftitutiones illius Concilij una cum iftis (bis) prout videbitur expedire, volumus recitari, Excommunica- tiones etiam in hoc Concilio promulgatas fingulis annis in Synodis Epifcopalibus, & quater in anno in Ec- clefijs Parochialibus folemniter iterentur. M. Paris (c) calls this generale Concilium, i. e. a National Coun- cil. In the MS. Chronicle of Dunftaple it is pla- ced to the Year 1221. Anno 1221. poft Pafcha, (a) p. 265. (b) Col. 2430. (c) p. 266. ad an. 1222. Ste- A History of Convocations. 93 Stephanus Cant. Arch. apud Oxoniam Concilium convo- cavit, &c. An. 1225. another Council was held by the fame Archbishop, in which a Decree was pub- liſhed againſt the Wives of Clergymen. Mention'd alfo by Paris (a), and yet omitted in Spelman's Collection. Eodem anno exivit Decreturn ab Ar- chiepifcopo Cant. & Epifcopis ejus Suffraganeis, in bunc modum, &c. The fame Year came Otto the Popes Legat into England to demand 2 Prebends in every Cathedral Church, and as many in every Mo- naftery, to be in the Pope's difpofal. The K. having read the Pope's Letter, made anfwer (b), quod folus non potuit diffinire, nec debuit, negotium quod omnes Clericos & Laicos generaliter totius regni tan- gebat. By the Archbishop's advice datus eft dies à Rege in octavis Epiphaniæ; ut convocatis omnibus Clericis & Laicis, fuper præfato negotio tunc tracta rent apud Weftm. & ibidem fieret, quod juftum fin- gulis videretur. On Hilary Day (c) following, at Weftm. (ubi Rex cum Clero & Magnatibus regni comparere debuerat. ut D. Papa mandatum audiret) there were many Biſhops gathered together, cum alijs Prælatis & Laicorum turbis. Where the Popes Letter being read, and the Legat endeavouring to perfwade the Prelates to give their confent, Epifcopi, & Ecclefiarum Prælati, qui perfonaliter in- terfuerunt, divertentes feorfum ad colloquendum, cum fuper rebus propofitis diutius deliberaffent, refponfum fu- um in ore Magiftri Johannis Bedefordenfis Archidia- coni communiter pofuerunt. The Archdeacon com- ing into the Legats prefence, gave him this An- (a) p. 273. (b) Paris P: 274, and out of him Mate Weſtm. (c) p. 276. fwer 94 A History of Convocations. ; fwer, That the Buſineſs eſpecially concern'd the K. of England, and in general all the Patrons of the Churches of the Kingdom; that the Arch- bifhops, their Suffragans, and innumerable Prelats of England were concern'd; that the K. lying then ill (at Marlborough) and fome Archbishops, and Biſhops, and other Prelates of Churches being abfent, they could not give him any Anfwer. Then came in certain Meffengers, fent from the K. to all the Prelates who held their Baronies of the K. in Capite, forbidding them to give up any Lay Fee to the Church of Rome, by which the K. might be deprived of any Service due to him. The Legat hearing this," would have pro- rogued the Council to Mid-lent, that at that time the K. and the Preltaes who were then abſent, might be prefent; but they answered that without the confent of the K. and thofe that were abfent, they would not admit of the Day prefixt; and fo all returned home. The Lent following the Legat was recall'd; and the Archbiſhop having receiv'd a command from the Pope, to return him an Anſwer to his demands about which the Legat had been fent, called a Council at Westm. after Easter (an. 1226.) and before the K. and the Prelates order'd the Popes Letter to be recited. Then the K. calling afide the Prelats and fome of the great Men, gave the Archbishop this Antwer, That o- ther Kingdoms being concerned in this Matter as well as England (for the Pope had made the fame demands in France and other Countries), his Kingdom fhould ftay to take example from others. And fo all had liberty given 'em to return home. (a) Stephannes Cant. Arch. vocatis ad (a) p. 278. Conci- A Hiftory of Convocations. 95 Concilium cunctis apud Weftm. post Pafcha, quos ne- gotium tangebat, recitari fecit literas — coram Rege & Prælatis Angliæ, qui ad ejus vocationem plene con- venerant. Tunc Rex, convocatis feorfum Prælatis & quibufdam Magnatibus, hoc Archiepifcopo dedit refpon- fum- & his dictis,conceffa eft omnibus licentiarecedendi. About the Year 1236. (in all probability be- fore Otto's Legatin Council) Edmund Archbishop of Cant. publifh'd his Provincial Conftitutions. Of which I have no more to fay, but that they were directed to the Clergy in the form of an Epiftle, as may be gathred from thofe words cap. 5. Magna nobis, filij chariſſimi, &c. of the Sy- nod in which they were made we have no ac- count in any Author. An. 1237. the Legat Otto or Otho, being fent again into England. the K. fent to all his Mag nates to come before himself and the Legat (a) A York. Sept. 14. to treat of the arduous Affairs of the Kingdom: Thither alfo came the K. of Scot- land, and a Peace was there made up between the 2 Kings. But this I have already mention'd a- mong the Parliaments. After which, when the Legat would have gone into Scotland to hold a Coun- cil, the K. of Scotland would not permit it. The Legat had before this fummoned all the Prelats of England to meet at S. Pauls in Lon- don, in the Octaves of S. Martin (b), communiter de reformatione Ecclefie Anglicane tractaturi, & in præfentia ejus Concilium celebraturi. What theſe Prelats were, the fame Author tells us à little after in theſe Words: Appropinquante tempore Con. (a) Paris p. 377. · (b) p. 374. cilita 96 ? A Hiftory of Convocations. 2 t tur. cilij, juffit fibi Legatus fedem parari in Occidentali parte Ecclefiæ S. Pauli faftigiofam nimis & folennem, longis trabibus & fedilibus gradatim exaltatam. Mi- fit igitur literas fuas, ut vocati omnes Angliæ Prælati, fcil. Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Abbates, PŘIORES IN- STALLATI, TAM SUB CONVENTUS SUI VEL CAPITULI, QUAM SUO NOMINE, LITERAS PROCURATORIAS DEFERENTES; ut quicquid in Concilio ftatueret Legatus, ratum utrobiq, `babere- Venerunt igitur omnes juxta mandatum D. Le- gati, nimis vexati & fatigati in corporibus proprijs equorum & viaticis, utpote ingruente hyeme & mul- tiformi tempeftate, omnes Prælati fuæ Legatia, An- glia tamen potiffime. There were fummoned fays Mathew of Weftm. all the Prelats of England and Wales. There were prefent fay the Burton An- nals, the 2 Archbishops, and all the Bishops of England, & cæteri Prælati, vel eorum Procuratores. It is there called Concilium generale totius Angli- canæ Ecclefiæ. On the first Day appointed for their meeting, which was the (4) Morrow of the Octaves of S. Martin, the Prelates of England came together at S. Pauls, but the Legat did not appear there that Day, becauſe the Bishops had defired to fee what he had to propofe, and to deliberate that Day upon it, left he fhould attempt any thing to their Prejudice. The next Day he appeared, having obtained about 200 Arm'd Men from the K. and difpofed them in fecret places, for fear of fome violence, becauſe it had been noifed abroad that he intended to be very fe- vere upon Pluralifts and Illigitimats. And always in going and coming he had Guards to attend (a) P. 377° him } 97 A History of Convocations. him. Being come into the Church, he put on his Pontifical Habit, and with the 2 Archbishops before him, in a folemn Proceffion, with a Crofs and Wax Candles lighted, and the Litany, he went up to his Seat which was prepared for him. The Archbishop of Cant. fat on his right Hand; of York on his Left, but not without an Appeal enter'd for the faving of his Right, which he claim'd. The Gospel, I am the good Shepherd, being folemly read according to Cuftom, and proper Collects being faid by the Legat, and Veni creator Spiritus being Sung: there came in from the K. the Earl of Lincoln, John Fitz Geffry, and William de Rale Canon of St. Paul's, who forbid the Legat on behalf of the K. and Kingdom, ne ibi contra Regiam Coronam & Dignitatem aliquid fta- tuere attentaret, and William de Rale ftaid there, to fee that nothing of that kind was done, ar- ray'd in his. Canonical Cope, &c. but the other two being Laymen, after they had delivered their Meffage retired. Then the Archdeacon of Cant. defired that the Legat's Commiffion ſhould be pub- lickly read this done, at the King's request, a certain Privilege was read for the Feftival of S. Edward to be obferv'd all over England, and like- wife for the obfervation of the Feftivals of S. Francis and S. Dominick. On the 3d Day (4) OF the Council, after the reading of the Gospel and Collects, the Legat fitting in his Seat, with a loud Voice made a Sermon to 'em, taking this for his Text: In medio fedis & in circuitu ejas 4.8- nimalia plena oculus ante & retro. which he ap- plied to the Prelats, fhewing how circumfpect (a Page 385. Page 378. it is faid primo Die, which mult needs be falfe. * G 1 they 58 A Hiftory of Convocations. they ought to be. After the Sermon he com- manded the Decrees to be read, which run in his name, aftantis Concilij fuffragio e confenfu. When the Canon was read, which related to Pluralities, the Bishop of Worcester ftood up, and put- ting off his Miter, made a Speech againft it, upon which the Legat anfwer'd, That if all the Prelats, viz. the Archbishops and Bishops there preſent, thought fit to join with him, and write to the Pope about it, he would do it. After the read- ing of the Decrees, it having been told the Legat that fome had faid, that his Decrees had no force but during the time of his Legatfhip, by his Command Mr. Attho one of his Clerks sofe up, and out of the Pope's Regifter read a Decretal, which the Legat alfo there ratified, de. claring, That even after his departure his Sta- tutes ought to be obferv'd. After this, they all rofe up, and the Legat Sung Te Deum, and after another Pfalm or two, and fome Collects, he pronounced the Bleffing and difmiffed the Coun- cil. M. Paris's account of this Council is fome- what confus'd; but this is what I take to be the true account of it. In quo In the MS. Chronicle of Dunftaple I find this account of it. An. 1237. Otto Sedis Apoftol. Le- gatus celebravit Concilium fuum generale London; Prælatis totius Angliæ ad boc convocatis. Ubi ftatuta pleraq; conftituit, quæ plerifq; locis habentur. Walterus Ebor. Arch. fedit a finiftra Legati falvo fuo tam in petitorio quam in poffefforio per Legatum expreffo. Et licet Legatus pelli fue timeret, timbre ta men poftpofito quædam dura constituit contra pluralita tem Beneficiorum, & contra filios proximo administran tium. Et licet per triduum duraret Concilium, Res tamen cum manu armata fecit Legato babere a vum } น A Hiftory of Convocations. faluum conductum ab hofpitio ad Ecclefiam S. Pauli,& inde revertenti. Otto Cardinalis (fays the Chronicle De Hales, a MS. in the Cotton (a) Library) habuit Concilium Londonijs in Cathedrali Ecclefid S. Pauli, affidentibus Archiepifcopis Cant. & Ebor. & omnibus Epifcopis An- glia & Wallia, præter Landavenfem qui infirmaba- tur. The Waverley Annals ad an. 1237. tell us that there were prefent the Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, and the other Prelats of Churches of almost all England; but that there were very few Abbots of the Ciftercian Order there. The fame Year, fay the Burton Annals, the Archbishops, Bishops, and Clergy, requested the Le- gat to interpofe with the K. for a confirmation of their Liberties, whether in a Synod or in Parlia- ment, is uncertain. I have mention'd the fame thing where I fpeak of the Parliaments of this Year. An. 1238. the Legat being affronted at Oxford, and his Brother kill'd, fummon'd a Council of all the Bishops of England to fit at London 16. Kal. Fun. to treat de ftatu Ecclefiae & Cleri periclitan- tis. In which the lower Clergy alfo were prefent. There the Bishops and the univerfitas Cleri, quæ ibidem in præfenti fuit, fays Paris (b), endeavour'd to pa- cify the Legat, and terms of fubmiffion were agreed upon. An. 1239. He called together all the Bishops of England at London, on the Day qua cantatur, La- tare Ferufalem (c) (i. e. in Midlent) to treat of the af- Pairs of the Church. And there after mature delibe- ration, he publiſhed certain Injunctions to be ob- ferv'd by the Black Friars. (a) Cleop. D. 3. (b) p. 397. (c) p• 409. G 2 -- The 99 1 100 A History of Convocations. 1 The fame Year, on the laft of July, all the Bi- ſhops_met together at London, to treat of the Op- preffions of the Church of England, and the Le- gat's Exactions. To whom there in that Council they made anſwer with one confent, that they would not by any means fubmit to his Exacti- ons: Let them that fent for him over (mean- ing the K.) bear his Expences if they pleaſed. M. Paris makes mention of this Council in 2 di- ftinct places (a): but that it was one and the fame appears from the time. An. 1240. he call'd a Council at Reding (b) of all the Bishops of England, the greater Abbots, and Some of the Magnates regni: where he demanded in the Pope's name the fifth of their Goods as an Ayde against the Emperor Frederick. The Bishops made anfwer, after a debate upon the Matter, that they could by no means fubmit to fo great a Burden, without longer time to confider of it. So another time was appointed for their meeting together again. In the mean time came Petrus Rubeus from the Pope, who in Conjunction with the Legat exact- ed what he pleafed from the Abbies. The An- nals of Burton tell us, that this Year the Legat Otto call'd together all the Abbots, & Priores pro- prios Abbates non habentes, at London, and there laid an arbitrary Tax upon all of 'em. Preſently after that the Bithops were fummon'd by the Legat to (c) Northampton about the fame Matter, but they anfwer'd: Habemus Archidia- conos nobis fubjectos, qui norunt beneficiatorum fibi fuí?. jectorum facultates, nos autem ignoramus. Omnes tan- git bec negotium, omnes igitur funt conveniendi, fine (a) 422. 462. (b) p. 470. (c) P. 477. ipfis 1 } 1 } ¿ + I A Hiftory of Convocations. ipfis nec decet nec expedit refpondere. So another Day, viz. Midfummer-day, was appointed for 'em to give in their Anſwer. On the Day appointed they meet together a- gain before the Legat and his Accomplices, and there gave in their reafons why they could not comply with the Pope's demand. Upon this the Legat convenes the Rectors of Churches of Berkshire (a), and fome others, endea- vouring to perfwade 'em to a Contribution, but they likewife excufe themſelves, and give their Reafons. This was done during the fame Coun- cil. Their Anſwer, as it lies in Paris, begins thus: Dicunt omnes, & dicunt finguli Rectores Ec- clefiarum de Bercfhyre, quod contra Imperatorem non est contribuendum, &c. The Annals of Burton (b)place this ad an. 1244. and make the Aufwer to run in the name of all the RECTORS OF CHURCHES in England: Dicunt omnes & finguli Rectores Ecclefiarum Angliæ quod, &c. and there the An- fwer is ftyled the Answer of the Clergy of England. Tho' Paris's account feems to be truer, yet it fuf- ficiently appears that all the Parsons or Rectors of Churches in England were prefent in that Coan- cil. The Legat, &c. applied themſelves at laft to fome of the Archdeacons which were the moſt ambitious, and with promifes of advancement prevail'd with 'em (c), ut dicte univerfitati non confentirent and fo having divided 'em, obtain'd heir defires by confènt of the Majority. So Pa- ris, who adds in another place (d), that the Pope himſelf wrote to the Legat, ut non ficut (a) p. 477. (b) p. 297. ad an. 1244. (d) p. 483. (c) Paris p. 479. IOI } } G 3 prius 102 A History of Convocations: f prius OMNEM fimul CLERUM convenire attemptet, ne forte audaciam alterutrum accipientes, priftinis ra- tionibus & exceptionibus fulciantur contradicentes: imo potius fingulatim quemlibet eorum conveniendo flectere conetur: and that he fhould endeavour by all means to prevail with the K. who had hitherto took part with the Clergy: That accordingly the Legat CLERUM ANGLIÆ UNIVERSALİ- TER Londinum, autoritate Pape, in fefto Omnium Sanctorum, convocavit. Ubi Clerus congregatus fi- mul cum Religiofis, Regem invenerunt adverfantens eis, quafi inimicum; Videntes igitur tam RELF- GIOSI quam ARCHIDIACONI & CLERICI BE- NEFICÍATI, qui ad contradicendum Legato in fa- eiem, & ad inftans Concilium (Lugduni) appellandum prompto fpiritu erecti animabantur, quod fa&ti funt qua- fi oves tradita ritibus luporum cruentatis, mellitis &fuper oleum mollitis Legati feductionibus quas po- ftea in jacula convertit, confenferunt. An. 1241. (a) convenerunt Epifcopi Angliæ, viz. Archiepifcopus Ebor. (the Archbishoprick of Cant. was then void) Lincolnienfis, Norwicenfis, Carleo- lenfis, cum alijs multis gravibus ac difcretis Ecclefia- fticis perfonis, tractaturi fuper multiplici defolatione Ecclefiæ & divinam confolationem poftulaturi, &c. They appointed a Faft with proper Prayers ge- nerally throughout England, that God would be pleafed to relieve the Roman Church now de- ftitute of a Paftor. And they wrote to the Em- peror to befeech him not to hinder the Election of a new Pope. The MS. Chronicle of Dunfta- ple tells us that this Synod was held at OXFORD. An. 1241. CONCILIUM EPISCOPORUM apud (a) Paris p. 512. ! oxo. A Hiftory of Convocations. 103. OXONIUM ubi tractatum fuit de jejunijs & Oratio- nibus pro Ecclefiâ faciendis. An. 1242. (b) the Archbishop of York (in the vacancy of the Archbishoprick of Cant.) by the King's authority called together all the Abbots of England of the Ciftercian Order, for the granting of a Subfidy, which he could not obtain of 'em. Significatum eft diftrictius, & amicabiliter fupplica- tum Archiepifcopo Ebor, a Rege Anglorum, ut ipfe Ar- chiepifcopus omnes Abbates Anglia Ordini Cistercien- fium fubjacentes in unum autoritate Regis congrega- ret, & congregatos dulcibus affatibus conveniret: De- precans attentius ex parte ejufdem D. Regis, &c. The King's Writ to the Archbishop of York is ftill extant (b) in the Patent and Charter Rolls 26. H. 3. It does not run in that humble begging Style which the Hiftorian mentions, but with, Vobis mandamus rogantes, &C. : An. 1244. (c) the Pope fends into England one Martin to levy upon the Prelats an arbitrary Tax, who fufpends all thofe that would not yield to him. After that, the fame Nuncio, fummon'd 'em all together, and demanded an Ayd of 'em, and certain Prebends, to be at the Pope's dif pofal which demand had been made fome Years before. But the Prelats by the Dean of S. Pauls, anfwer'd, that it being a thing that con- cern'd the K. and all the Patrons of England, and the K. being fick, and the Archbishops, Biſhops and other Prelats of Churches being abfent, they could determine nothing, left they thould prejudice the Prelats that were abfent. Refpondet tibi univerfitas Prælatorum Angliæ, &c. This faid, there came in (a) p. 528. (b) Ed. apud Pryn. Eccle. Jurifd. Tom. 3. p. 100. (c) p. 542. 566. *G 4 cer- མོཏམྦ } 104 A History of Convocations. certain great Men from the K. to all the Prelats that held Baronies of the K. in Capite, ftraitly charg ing them not to give up any Lay Fee to the Church of Rome, by which the K. might be de- priv'd of the Service due to him. Then the Nuncio would have adjourn'd the Council to Midlent, but the Prelats anfwered that they would not admit of any Adjournment without the confent of the K. and the abfent Prelats, and fo the Council broke up. Thus M. Paris: but i's fo much like what he relates of a former Council, that I cannot but think he confounds the one with the other. And there are other things in that Hiftorian, even within his own time, that are twice told in different places. After this the Nunico Martin called together (a) ſome of the Prelats, and obtain'd an Ayd of 'em, tho' not fo much as he defired. M. Paris calls this too a Council. An. 1245. (b) the Pope imperiously requiring an Ayd from the Beneficed Clergy,and the Biſhop of London (the Archbishop was then beyond Sea) and fome others meeting at S. Pauls, and de- termining there to have a Council meet about it in craft. S. Andrea, the King fends to 'em and requires 'em not to confent to it. This Convention (but I am not pofitive that it is the fame) I find mention'd in the MS. Chronicle of Dunftaple in thefe Words: An. 1246. convocavit D. Rex Epifcopos, Abbates, & Priores v0- lens de Confilio communi de plurimis gravaminibus Anglicanam relevare Ecclefiam: viz. quod D. Papa tallagia & exactiones facit Rege inconfulto contra ipfius privilegia, & quoil impedit patronos Ecclefiarum (*) p. 567. (6) p. 625. ? E eas ར་ } 1 A History of Convocations. eas Clericis Angl. conferre, fed autoritate fud Italicis eas confert, qui idioma nefcientes non prædicant, nec eleëmofynas faciunt. The fame Year (a) the Pope grants Archbishop Boniface, a Foreigner, and Uncle to the Queen, a Bull for the levying a Tax of 10000 Marks in Years time, upon the Bishops and Clergy of his Province, to diſcharge, as was pretended, the Debts of the Archbishoprick. In the Year 1252. (b) the Biſhop of Rochester by the Pope's Autho- rity in like manner levied the Fifteenth of the In- come of the Clergy of his Diocefs for 5 Years together, to augment the Revenues of his poor Biſhoprick. The Canonifts tell us, that on fuch like occafions, in ufum Ecclefiæ, Archbishops, and even Bishops themfelves, may by their own Autho- rity lay a Tax upon their Subjects. But I do not find it was ever practis'd in England but by the Pope's Authority: and that too was a vio- lent Ufurpation. How much the K. was furprized and enraged at the Pope's Grant made to Arch- bishop Boniface, and how much it was oppofed by the Biſhops, the Hiftorian tells us. An. 1255. (c) Ruſtandus, the Pope's Nuncio, who was fent into England for the raifing a great Summ for the Pope, univerfos Anglia Prælatos convocavit autoritate Papali Londinum conveniendos ; ut ubi D. Papæ præceptum obedienter audirent, in Quindend S. Michaelis, & de arduis tam D. Regis quam Papæ negotijs contrectantes, tanquam filij obedi- cntia, difcrete ac favorabiliter de rebus poftulatis & Poftulandis refponderent. The Archbishop of Cant. was then beyond Sea, and the See of York was vacant. The Bishops after feveral Days fpent in (4) p, 605. (b) p. 717. (c) Paris p. 786. Debates, 105 } 106 A History of Convocations. Debates, refufe to fubmit to fo intolerable an Exation, and the Legat threatning to fufpend and Excommunicate fuch as would not comply, they Appeal to the Pope, and the Biſhop of Lon- don orders it to be proclaim'd in London, that no one fhould execute the Legat's Commands. The K. who took part with the Legat, threat- ning to have him puniſh'd by the Pope, the Biſhop made this bold Anfwer: Let the K. (fays he) and the Pope, who are stronger than 1, take away my Bishoprick: Tollant Mitram, Galea remanebit. Let 'em take away the Miter, the Helmet will re- main. A little while after, (a) omnium Angliæ Prælato- rum univerfitas, were gather'd together again be- fore Ruftandus. But after feveral Days Debate, they alledging, that they could do nothing be- cauſe there was neither of the Archbishops pre- fent, the Council was put off to Hilary Day following. On Hilary Day 1255. (b) Congregati funt Londini Epifcopi Angliæ & ARCHIDIACONÏ: and one Le- onard, who had been their Speaker or Prolocu- tor in the former Council, was again appoint- ed to be quafi Cleri advocatus & prolocutor Univerfi- tatis. He ſpeaking in the behalf of the Biſhops, when the Legat urged that all Churches were the Pope's Churches, anſwer'd, that it was true, as to Tuition, not as to Fruition or Appropriation when we say, that all things are the Prince's, we mean no more, than that they are fo defenfione, non difperfione. And that this was the intent of the Founders. The Nuncio enraged at this true Anf: wer, required every one to ſpeak for himſelf, (4) p. 788. (b) p. 790. that A History of Convocations. 107 A that fo the K. and Pope might know who were for 'em, and who against 'em. This almoſt ſtun'd and confounded 'em. But ftill they ftood firm in their denial; and the Dean of S. Pauls with fome others were fent to Rome, pro univerfitate Ec- clefiæ Anglicana. In the Quinden of Easter (a), they meet to- gether again to give the Nuncio a pofitive Anf wer, and tho' by this time fome of 'em had been tamper'd with by the Nuncio, yet being encou- raged by the Barons, who fat at the fame time in Parliament, the Majority ftill kept their Ground. The Nuncio after this (b), fummons all the Abbots of the Ciftercian Order before him, and demanded a great Sum of 'em: but they put him off with this Anfwer, that without the Confent of their Provincial, and without a full Chapter of their Order, they could not do any fuch thing. An. 1257. the fame Nuncio Ruftandus having receiv'd new Powers and Inftructions from Rome, Die Dominica de Paffione publicavit coram ARCHI- DIACONIS de fingulus Epifcopatibus ibi convenientibus, plures literas Apoftolicas quas obtinuit ad multa gravia committenda, Tandem oftendit literam directam Norwicenfi Epifcopo, & Electo Sarifbirienfi, & Ma- giftro Roftando, ut fuper dicta decima component cune Clero. Super quo commune Concilium fuper hoc refe- dit, quod DECANI, PRÆLATI, REGULARES, ac ARCHIDIACONI tractabunt cum fuis CAPITU- LIS & CLERICIS fuper his, ita quod ad menfcr post Pafcha redeant Londonias per PROCURATO- (a) P, 794. (b) ibid. ' 1 RES 108 A History of Convocations. } RES inftructos ad plene refpondendum feu componen- dum: alioquin idem R. procedet in fuis gravaminibus comminatis. (a) Annales Burton. The Church groaning under theſe intolerable Oppreffions, and being ground between two Mill- ftones, the K. and the Pope, Boniface Archbishop of Cant. (b) convocavit Epifcopos & Archidiaconos Provinciæ fuæ ; ut invocata devote Spiritûs S. gra tia, Ecclefiæ jam vacillantis Anglicana, quæ novis oppreffionibus modernis annis folito gravioribus & into- lerabilioribus opprimitur, ftatui fubvenirent, communiter contractantes. The Archbishop's Mandate for the meeting of this Synod or Convocation, is extant in the Burton Annals (c), directed to the Bishop of Lichfields Official (in the vacancy) in which he is required to appear in Perfon at London, on the Octaves of the Affumption of the V. Mary. i. e. Aug. 15. and to fummon the Dean of Lichfield, and the Prior of Coventry, with all the Abbots, and independent Priors, and ARCHDEACONS of his Diocefs. The Dean of Lichfield and the Prior of Coventry are required to bring up Procuratorial Commiffions from their Chapters, the Abbots and Conventual Priors from their Monafteries, and the Archdeacons from their refpective Clergy. It is to be obferv'd, that the Mandate is directed not to the Biſhop of London, and by him to the Biſhops as was uſually done, but immediately by the Archbiſhop to the particular Bifhops. The Bishop of Lichfield's Official having receiv'd the Mandate from the Archbishop, fends it to the Archdeacons or their Officials, they to the Rural Deans, who call the Clergy together to fign the Archdeacons Procuratoria. The Mandate follows. (a) P. 374. (b) Paris p. 815. (c) p. 382. Adani A History of Convocations. 100 ' 6 Adam Eyton Officialis Archidiaconi Staffordiæ, dilecto fibi in Chrifto Decano de Thamworth & Tothesbiri (alutem in Domino. Mandatum venerabilis Patris Domini Coventrenfis & Lichefeldenfis Epif copi fufcepi in hæc verba: Viro venerabili Archidiaco- no Staffordiæ vel ejus Officiali, Magifter I. de Atle- berg Officialis venerabilis Patris Covent. & Lich. E- pifcopi falutem. Mandatum Domini Cant. Archiepif copi fufcepimus in hæc verba. B. miferatione divina 'Cant. Arch. totius Angliæ Primas, dilecto fibi in Chr. Officiali Covent. & Lich. Diœcefis falutem, gratiam,& benedictionem. Cum neceffitas immineat & utilitas per- 'fuadeat, quod nos & venerabiles Patres Suffraganei 'noftri, una cum alijs Prælatis Cant. prov. de commu- 'nibus negotijs Anglicane Ecclefiæ tradaturi convenire debeamus, difcretioni veftræ mandamus, in virtute 'obedientiæ firmiter injungentes quatinus in O&avis Af- fumptionis B. Mariæ, omni occafione & dilatione poftpofitis, Londonijs perfonaliter interfitis, ad tract- andum nobifcum una cum Coepifcopis noftris, de ne- gotijs fupradictis. Nihilominus citetis DECANUM Lichefeldenfis & PRIOREM Coventrenfis Cathe- 'dralium Ecclefiarum, necnon ABBATES & alios 'PRIORES qui non fubfunt Abbatibus, ARCHIDIA- 'CONOS Lich.& Covent. Diœcefis,in virtute obedientie præcipiendo, ut prædicti DECANUS & PRIOR di- &tarum Cathedralium Ecclefiarum, ABBATES & alij Priores cum literis procuratorijs nomine Congrega- tionum fuarum confectis, ac dicti ARCHIDIACONI cum literis fimilibus factis ex parte Clericorum qiss fubfunt eifdem fuper ratificatione corum quæ opitulan- te Domino ad honorem Dei prædictæ Ecclefiæ inter nos communiter tractabuntur, omnibus alijs prætermif- fis, dictis die & loco perfonaliter debeant interelle. Data apud Otteford, &c. Exemptos vero ad dictos diem & locum fimiliter convocetis. Hujus igitur auctoritate mandati vobis mandamus quatenus prædictum C ( : 6 " C 6 ( MAN- 110 A History of Convocations. 1 mandatum Domini Cant. Archiepifcopi in Archidiaco- natu veftro diligenter & efficaciter exequamini. Data die Dom, proxima ante feftum B.Jacobi Ap.Anno fupradicto. In the Reafons affign'd by the Archbishop for the calling that Convocation, the Prelats and Clergy are mention'd, as having been prefent (at leaft by Reprefentatives) in a late Convoca tion. Cum in ultima Convocatione, de communi con- fenfu & voluntate PRÆLATORUM & CLERI Londonijs præfentium, & Procuratorum abfentium, ob- lata effet Domino Regi quædam certa fumma pecunia, fcil. lii. M. I. argenti, fub certis conditionibus, ut omnes exactiones, quas gratias vocant, a Domino Papa, Domino Regi conceffa, & per Magiftrum Roftandum publicate omnino ceffent, & talia in futurum, & Ecclefia Anglicana per Dominum Regem fuis penitus relevetur; ut Prælati ab- fentes oblationem prædictam duxerint acceptandam, & Rex refpondiffet fuper his, fe velle deliberare ufq; in reditu nunciorum fuorum quos ad Franciam dixerat, qui jam noviter redierunt: deliberandum eft a CLERO, an expediat mittere ad Dominum Regem ad audiendum ref- ponfum fuum, an velit accipere dictam oblationem vel non. This Convocation of 1257. being called by the Archbishop's bare Authority against the exactions of the King and Pope, who were confederated together, the King forbad the Prelats to obey the Archbishop's Summons, under the forfeiture of all the Lands which they held of Him. The Prohibition may be feen in Pryn's 2 Vol. of Ec- clef. Furifd. (a) publifhed out of the Clofe Roll 21. H. 3. M. 6. Dorfo. The pretence the K. makes ufe of is, that at the time the Convocation was to fit, he had fummoned all the Members of it, that ow'd him Military Service, to attend him in his Expedition against the Welsh. Rudborne feems to (a) p. 890. have A Hiftory of Convocations. III have thought, that upon this Prohibition the Convocation broke up. For telling us, that (a) in Octavis Affumptionis B. Mariæ fuit Convocatio omnium Prælatorum apud Londoniam coram Bonifacio Cant. Archiepifcopo ad tractandum de ftatu Anglicanæ Ecclefiæ: he adds, fed imperfectum fuit negotium propter guerram Regis in Wallid. But if he meant that they did not act at all, he was miſtaken. This indeed was another thing propofed to be confider'd in the Convocation, whether the Prelats fhould act in the Convocation or obey the King's Prohibition: which God forbid, fays the Archbishop. Item cum Dominus Rex probibuerit Prælatis Ecclefiæ, fub forisfacturâ om- nium terrarum fuarum quas de eo tenent, ne venirent ad bujufmodi Convocationem AUCTORITATE DO- MINİ ARCHIEPISCOPI factam, an liceat, & deceat, & expediat tractare in hujufmodi Convocatione de ne- gotijs Ecclefia a Prælatis; vel potius, quod abfit, pro- hibitioni Regia parere, præfertim cum Dominus Archiepif copus fe offerat ad profequendum caufam Ecclefia in pra- miffis & in alijs omnibus in propriâ perfona, fi neceffe fu- erit, nullifcunq; damnis vel expenfis volens parcere, dum tamen Suffraganei & Clerus provincia fue affiftere ve- lit fibi concorditer in defenfione injurium prædictorum in confilijs & auxilijs impendendis. That the Prelats chofe rather to obey the Arch- bishop's fummons than the King's Prohibition, and came to the Convocation, and acted in it, appears from the Articles which were then and there drawn up. Nos Prælati cum Clero (b). Again, Con- cilium Archiepifcopi & omnium Epifcoporum fuper ar- culis præpofitis apud Londonias. At the clofe of all: Et fuper iftis articulis prænotatis fecit Bonefacius Cant. Arch. fuorum Suffraganeorum fibi fubditorum univer- forum, PRÆLATORUM pariter & CLERI PROCU- (4) Annal. p. 310, (b) p. 387. RATO- i 2 i A History of Convocations. 112 RATORUM, Convocationem ifto anno apud Londonias femel & fecundo propter gravamina & oppreffiones de die in diem per fummum Pontificem, & D. Henricum Regem Ecclefiæ Anglicana irrogatas. In which Words it may be obferv'd, that the Proctors of the Clergy are mentioned as diftinct from the Prelats, when yet it is certain that they had no Proctors there befides the Archdeacons, who were Prelats, thờ of the lower Order; but they acted there in a double capacity, as Archdeacons or Pre- lats, and as Proctors of the Clergy. More than one Convocation was held this Year at London touching theſe Grievances. Semel & fecun- do, fay the Annals of Burton. M. Paris (a), or ra- ther his Continuator, after mention made of Arch- biſhop Boniface's Convocation, in the next Page com- plains that the Prelats of England were too com- pliant in giving the K. 42000 Pounds: This was doubtless the fame Contribution with that above mention'd of 42000 Marks. But in the fame Convocation, as that Writer tells us, were drawn up about 50. Articles, ut apto tempore coram Rege, & Magnatibus, & Prælatis lecti, effectum debitum for- tirentur. Which Articles are extant in the (b) Li- ber Additamentorum, and are different from thoſe of the formention'd Convocation, which are extant in the Burton Annals; and thefe on the contrary are not to be found in the Liber Addit. The next Year, which was 1258. another Con- vocation was call'd by the Archbishop, against the fame Oppreffions, at Merton: in which ano- ther Roll of Grievances was drawn up, which (a) p. 816, (b) p. 1118. may > A Hiſtory of Convocations. which may be ſeen in the (a) Burton Annals, and in the (b) Liber Addit, tho' the Publiſher of that Book did not know to what Synod or Convo- cation they belong'd. The Perfons Summon'd were Bishops, Deans of Cathedral and other Churches, Abbots, Priors, and all the Archdeacons whe were to appear with Procuratoria from the Clergy. The Mandate runs thus (c), เ ، 6 6 6 ' Rogerus Dei gr. Coventrenfis & Lichfeldenfis E- pifcopus dilecto filio Archidiacono Staffordiæ falutem, gratiam, & benedictionem. Mandatum venerabilis Pa- tris B. Dei gr. Cant. Arch. recepirnus in hæc verba B. &c. Coventrenfi & Lichf. Epifcopo. &c. Cum propter Ecclefie Anglicana eventus & caufas, quas fraterni- tatem veftram ignorare non convenit, fratrum noftro- rum congregationem videamus oportunam; devoti- onem veftram rogamus, monemus, & exhortamur in Domino, fub obedientia debito firmiter injungen- tes quatenus die Jovis prox. ante inftans feftum S. Bernabe Apoft. apud MERTONAM curetis ve- ftram præfentiam exhibere, qualibet occafione ceffan- te: ut in hac urgente neceffitate, Ecclefia noftro re- gimini commiffa, per vos & alios fratres noftros grá- tum habeat providi confilij fulcimentum. Vocetis etiam DECANOS Cathedralium & aliarum Eccle- fiarum, necnon etiam ABBATES, PRIORES MA- JORES, infuper & ARCHIDIACONOS veftra Diœcefis univerfos, ut cum LITERIS SUORUM SUBDITORUM PROCURATORIIS loco & die anredictis compareant, ut quod communi delibera- tigne provifum fuerit, ex membrorum cohærentiâ fir mius roboretur. Dat. ap. Lambedam xiii. Kal. Maij A. D. MCCVIII. Hoc igitur mandatum vice noftra L . C 6 k 6 C (a) p. 389. (b) p. 1123. (c) Annal. Burton p. 388. TH diligens. 113 } } ' 114 A History of Convocations. diligentius exequamini, ac nihilominus vos ipfi compa- reatis dictis die & loco cum literis PROCURATO- RIIS Cleri totius Archidiaconatus veftri; ut veſtri præfentia firmius roboretur, quod ad utilitatem Ec- clefiæ Anglicana de confilio & affenfu veftro contige- rit provideri. Dat. vi. Kal. Maij, Pontificatus noftri An. I. The Annals add, Congregatis igitur prædicto die apud MERTON in præfentia Domini B. Cant. Arch. fuis Suffraganeis & Prælatis Regni Clero (read & Clero) Super reformatione ftatus Anglicana Ecclefiæ & emendatione provifi funt ifti Articuli fubfequentes. In the Articles themfelves it is faid: De unanimi affen- fu & confilio Prælatorum, Religioforum, & totius Cleri Ecclefiæ memoratæ falubriter eft provifum ut, &c. At the end of all: Archiepifcopi & Epifcopi de con. fenfu & approbatione inferiorum Prælatorum, Capitulo- rum Cathedralium & Conventualium, necnon univerfi- tatis totius Cleri Angliæ, pro reformatione ftatus Eccle- fiæ Anglicana, & reparatione Ecclefiæ libertatis, hæc prædicta communiter & concorditer providerunt. The Synod of Merton is mention'd in a MS. of the Bodl. Library (a). An. D. 1258. fuit Concilium Bonifacij Arch. & omnium Suffraganeorum fuorum ap. Mertune, fcil. die Jovis in fefto S. Barnaba Apoft. ad quaffandam Decimam totius Ecclefia Angl. per Alexandrum P. conceffam. The Lord C.J. Coke in his (b) Comment upon Ar- ticuli Cleri, tells us, that the Articles of Grievances exhibited by Archbishop Boniface and his Clergy, were exhibited in a Parliament of 51. H. 3. That the Articles themſelves either by accident or industry are not to be found (which is an Error) but fome of their Answers are extant; which he (a) ap. vol. 2. Concil. p. 34. (b) 2 Inft. p. 599, &c. there A Hiftory of Convocations. Beseny w 1 there recites, ex fragmento Rotuli Parliamenti 51. H. 3. In Paris and the Burton Annals, where the Ar- ticles themſelves are to be found, there are no Anfwers recorded. And as for the Parl. Roll of 51. H. 3. it muſt needs be a mistake. For the Articles were exhibited An. 41. and 42. H. 3. and one (a) very knowing in thefe Matters, has affured us, that he could find no fuch fragment of any Parliament or other Roll An. 51. H. 3. either, in the Tower or elsewhere. The fame Year, viz. (b) 1258. convocati fuerunt Prælati Angliæ univerfaliter,ut OXONIA convenientes Anglicana Ecclefie vacillantis, & multipliciter impül- fe, ne penitus cadat, ftatum reformarent. There came thither 4 Bifhops, who were par ticularly deputed; who called together the exempt Abbots, and alfo the others, and put the queftion to 'em, whether they would receive their Statutes, and univerfally adhere to 'em and maintain 'em. But becauſe fome were abfent, and others were doubtful what they ought to do, they could come to no Refolution, and fo they broke up. The Author fays, that the Statutes were written in the Liber Additamentorum: But they are not now to be found. There was the fame Year at Oxford a famous Parliament, perhaps at the fame time. Of which in its proper place, An. 1260. Archbishop Boniface held another Council at LAMBETH, and there made certain Confitutions against Lay-Oppreffions; which run in the name of the Archbishops and the Bishops his Suffragans, without any mention of any of the (4) Pryn, Præf. Tom. 3. Eccl. Jurifd (b) Paris p. 8365 FT £ } 116 A Hiftory of Convocations. 7 inferiour Clergy. Univerfis fanita Matris Ecclefiæ filijs per Cant. Provinciam conftitutis, Bonifacius mi- feratione divinâ Cant. Arch. totius Anglie Primas, EJUSQUE SUFFRAGANEI, ad certitudinem præ- fentium & memoriam futurorum. So again a little lower, where its likewife intimated, that the De- crees of former Synods were made by the fame. Authority of the Archbishop and his Suffragans only. Sane olim attendentes patres & prædeceffores noftri Cantuaria Archiepifcopi, totius Anglia Primates, & SUFFRAGANEI EORUNDEM, & potiffimum temporibus parum retro decurfis amicus Dei EDMUN- DUS prædeceffor nofter; Nefq; cum Fra- tribus & Coepifcopis noftris Suffraganeis Cant. Eccle- fie noftris temporibus ponderantes folicite, &c. Yet it appears from the laft Conftitution fave one, that befides the Bishops, the Inferior Prelats, and the Proctors of Chapters Cathedral and Conventual, and likewife the Proctors of the Diocefan Clergy were there prefent, and concurr'd in making the Con- ftitutions: Prædi&ta deniq; remedia, tam ad præfentia quam ad futura gravamina fe extendunt, præfertim cum fententiæ Excommunicationis de confenfu Regis & Magnatum Regni Londini per Prælatos folenniter funt promulgatæ in tranfgreffores Chartæ omnium Liberta- tum, ARCHIEPISCOPI & EPISCOPI, de CON SENSU & APPROBATIONE inferiorum Prælato- rum, Capitulorum Cathedralium & Conventua- lium, necnon UNIVERSITAS TOTIUS CLERI Anglia, pro reformatione ftatus Ecclefiæ Anglicana, & reparatione libertatis, hac prædicta concorditer & communiter ORDINAVERUNT, retentâ fibi poteftate addendi, mutandi, & corrigendi, prout viderint expe- dire. The Cathedral and Conventual Chapters are to be underſtood to be prefent in their Deans, &c. by vertue of their Procuratoria: and the univer fitas Cleri, or the Diocefan Clergy, are to be under- ftood { A Hiftory of Convocations. food to be prefent, and to give their Confents, not in Perfon, but, according to the ufage of that time, by their Procuratoria by which they Commiffion'd the Archdeacons to act for 'em. Archbishop Peckham in a Letter wit to his Proctors refiding at the Court of Rome An. 1281. mentions, that the Abbots were prefent in this Council of Lambeth, and not only the Abbots- not-exempt, but even the exempt themfelves; and he brings that as a Precedent to juftify his puniſh- ing the Abbots Exempt who refufed to come to his Synods or Convocations. Cum itaq; nuper fuif fent ad noftrum Concilium evocati univerfi Abbates & Priores Electivi, Exempti & non Exempti Cant. Provincia, Exempti ipfi venire ad Concilium, vel pro- curatores, feu faltem excufatores pro fe mittere con- tempferunt, cum tamen ijdem in Concilio de Lambeth dudum a Domino Bonifacio bone memoriæ prædeceffore noftro celebrato, præfentes perfonaliter extitiffent, &c. The Abbots and Priors who were exempted from the Jurifdiction of the Bishops and Archbi- fhops, and were fubject immediately to the Pope, refuſed to obey the Archbishops Summons and to be prefent at their Synods, unless it were wich a falvo to their Privileges. Archbishop Peckham fends 'em a peremptory Summons, on the ac- count of certain Ecclefiaftical Benefices which were appropriated to their Abbeys and Priories, yet were not Exempt. Whether it was on the fame ſcore that Archbishop Boniface fummon'd 'em to his Synods is uncertain. Archbishop Win- chelfe, Peckham's Succeffor, never fummons 'em peremptorily, but rather defies 'em to come, al- ways with an, abfque aliquali privilegiorum fuorum præjudicio, quibus per hoc non intendimus derogare. But by Reynolds, who fucceeded him, and fo by feveral others, they are fummon'd peremptorily II 3 as 117 : را A Hiftory of Convocations. ? as well as the other Abbots, and Priors who had not any fuch Privilege. Pryn (a) confounds this Council of Lambeth, with thofe above mention'd, where the Articles of Grievances were drawn up by the Clergy, and To places it ad An. 1257. The Biſhops in the Preface of thefe Conftitutions complain that they had often reprefented their Grievances to the K. and to the Lords and Great-men (in Parlia- ment) yet nothing had been done: Ipfum frequen- ter monuimus,& fupplicavimus ei, ac fupplicari fecimus, cum inftantia fatis reverenter: necnon apud Principes & Magnates regni, & Confiliarios quorum moderamine difponuntur negotia regni, &c. And that the Liber- ties of the Church, which had been granted Regibus, & Principibus, & alijs Regni Magnatibus, were facrilegioufly violated. The K. himfelf is order'd by thofe Conftitutions to be puniſh'd if he contumaciouſly tranfgrefs'd 'em, by having his Cities, Caftles, Boroughs, Villages, and Lands put un- der an Interdict. Men- An. 1261. Walter de Reygate being fent into England as the Pope's Nuncio, fecit fummoneri omne Anglia PRÆLATOS, ut in Quindend Pafcha coram ipfo Londini conveniant, & mandatis auditis Papalibus, de refponfis falutaribus tractare non omittant. fe Maij fummonitis omnibus Anglia PRÆLATIS, ut prædictum eft, fcil. Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, & Ab- batibus, tam exemptis quam non exemptis, Prioribus, 'ARCHIDIACONIS & alijs Ecclefiarum ORDINA- RIIS, ut fcil. auditis D. Papæ. mandatis, certis eidem fatisfacerent in refponfis. Tho' the Nuncio prefided in this Council, yet the Clergy of both Pro- (4) Præf. Tom. 3. Eccl. Jurifd. vinces { ¥ A Hiftory of Convocations. vinces did not meet together, but at different. times and in different places, and fo certain Sta- tutes being enacted by the Province of Cant. were agreed to by thofe of York. Die Lunæ ante feftum S. Dunstani convenerunt omnes Auftrales Lon- dini coram Archiepifcopo Cant. B. & prædicto fratre Gulielmo, nuntio D. Papæ. Die vero Lunæ fubfequente Aquilonares apud BEVERLEY coram Archiepifcopo Ebor. negotium idem exequente; celebratoq; hinc inde Concilio fuper prædictis Articulis, ftatuta quædam tunc nova providerunt, hic & ibi, ſuper ſtatum Ecclefiæ An- glicane, que una cum alijs quondam apud Oxoniam provifis Janxerunt cuftodiri, &c. Mat. Weftm. ad An. Soon after, the Archbishop of Cant. by the Pope's command, and by the advice of his Suffra- gans, held another Provincial Council at Lambeth, where it was decreed that the Divine Mercy ſhould be implored againſt the invafions of the Tartars, by Proceffions, Faftings, and Prayers. Idem. An. 1263. fuit Convocatio Magna Pontificum & CLERI Anglia, at Weftm. after Trinny Sunday, by the Pope's command, and before his Nuncio's Leonard & Berard, for a Subfidy for the Emp. of Conftantinople who had been driven out of his Empire. But both the Clergy and Laity refufed to contribute any thing. Mat. Westm. ad An. An. 1264. a Cardinal being fent as the Pope's Legat to Excommunicate the Barons who were in Arms againſt the K. and not daring to land, denounced the Sentence against 'em on the bor- ders of France. But they appeal'd to the Pope himſelf, or to a general Council. Which Appeal was *H 4 after- 119 1 120 } A Hiftory of Convocations. afterwards in a Council held at REDING, & ab Epifcopis & CLERO approbata & executa. M. Weftm. ad An. An. 1265. fome of the Bishops met together at a Parliament held by the Barons at London about the middle of Jan. and made certain Conftitu- tions against the Pope's Power. In ipfo (illo) tunc Parliamento (fays Wikes) Pontifices qui convenerant, ediderunt quædam ftatuta in elufionem poteftatis Apo- Stolica, quæ eis proceffu temporis non mediocriter in damnum (cefferunt.) The Bishops that met there were not above 4 or 5 in number, and the Sta- tutes they made were to hinder the Legats com- ing into England, as appears by what follows. Card. Othobon (or Ottobon) being afterwards fent hither on the fame Errand, held a Council at NORTHAMPTON in November 1266. (the K. having call'd a Parliament there at the fame time) and Excommunicated all the Clergy, the Biſhops, &c. that held with Simon Montfort a- gainſt the K. A MS. Chronicle in the (a) Cot- tonian Library: Ad an. 1266. Ottobonus Legatus in Concilio apud Northampton fententiam Excommunica tionis tulit in omnes Epifcopos & Clericos qui Comiti Symoni contra Regem præftiterunt auxilium aut favorem, & nominatim qui Romam iverunt Pape gra- tiam expectantes, eâdem etiam fententiâ innodavit om- nes Regi adverfantes. Rifhanger, (b) ad an. 1267. tells us partly in the fame Words, that vocato Concilio apud Northampton, &c. He places it to the beginning of that Year. Hemingford (c) Tenuit Rex Parliamentum fuum menfe Novembri apud NORTHAMPTON, & exhæredati funt omnes qui (a) Titus A. 13. (b) Contin, M. Paris p. 858. (c) p. 587. Comiti A History of Convocations. 121 Comiti Simoni aftiterunt, & uxor ejus cum liberis. Tenuitq; ibidem Concilium Othobon Legatus D. Pape, & excommunicavit omnes Epifcopos, qui eidem Comiti Simoni auxilium præftiterant & favorem. Mifitq; quofdam eorum ad præfentiam Pape, pro beneficio Ab- folutionis obtinendo; publicavitq; quædam ftatuta, quæ fecerat, & conceffionem D. Papa Clementis, quam fecerat Regi & Regina, & Decima Anglicana Eccle- fie conceffa eifdem per 6 annos fequentes, fiebatq; cito poft taxatio Norwicenfis per Walterum Norwicen- fem Epifcopum, qui ad hoc onus electus eft. Factaq; funt bec in an. D. 1266. When Hemingford fays, that the Legat publiſh'd certain Statutes in this Coun- cil, he confounds it with another held a Year or two after, which he does not at all men- tion. Neither does the MS. Chronicle mention any other, but Rifhanger does. The Tenth granted by the Pope to the K. is placed by Wikes aŭ an. 1267. In the MS. Chronicle of the Priory of Dunstaple, I find this account of the Legats Proceedings on this occafion: An. 1265. circa feftum omnium San&torum Ottobonus Legatus in Angliam venit, & convocato Parliamento apud Nor- thampton per D. Regem, &c. Eodem tem- pore infra Quadragefimam fecit Legatus convocari Epifcopos, viz. Winton. Lond. Lincoln. Ciceftren- fem, Londini coram eo ad refpondendum quare erant in confilio & auxilio cum Baronibus ad refiftendum ne D. Legatus qui anno præcedenti erat in Angliam venturus (veniret) & auditis ipforum refponfionibus ftatim eis diem in 15m. Pafcha quo comparerent apud Lond. coram eo, quibus comparentibus præfixit eis tem- pus adeundi Curiam Romanam ut coram D. Papi fe præfentarent, plenius refponfuri. Qui quidem Papa tempore fua Legationis ne in Angliam veniret eft re- pulfus. An. 122 A Hiftory of Convocations. An. 1268. Apr. 8. the fame Legat held another Council at S. Pauls in London; in which he pub- lifh'd his famous Conftitutions. Which in the Collection of our Councils, (a) I know not by what Miſtake, are placed 20 Years too high, ad an. 1246. Anno 1268. (fays the Dunftaple MS. Chro- nicle) Ottobonus tunc Legatus D. Papæ præfentibus Epifcopis Anglia & PRÆLATIS, juxta officij fui debitum Concilium celebravit. In quo tranquillitati Ecclefiæ, ftatui Regni, virifq; Religiofis plura infti- tuit fructuofa Rudborne and the Waverley Annals ad an. eund. xix. Kal. Maij celebravit D. Lega- tus Concilium fuum London in Ecclefiâ S. Pauli, &c. The moft particular account I have met with of this Council is in Wikes's Chronicle. Octobonus convocatis UNIVERSIS & SINGU- LIS Regni PRÆLATIS tam MAJORIBUS quam MINORIBUS, qui QUOCUNQUE PRÆLA- TIONIS titulo præfidere videbantur, annuente Chri- ftianiffimo Anglorum Rege Henrico, in Quindenâ Pafche quæ ipfo anno contigit 6. Id. Apr. in Ecclefid Catbed. S. Pauli Lond. folenne Concilium cum magnifice po- teftatis glorid celebravit, &c. He adds, that having confirm'd the Conftitutions of the late Legat Ot- to, he order'd his own new Conftitutions to be read in the Pulpit in the fight of the Multitude, and commanded 'em to be inviolably obferv'd ; and a Copy of 'em to be delivered to the Pre- lats there prefent. Some of the Bishops and of the other Prelats, being unwilling to have their Jurifdictions diminifh'd, as it was like to be by fome of thoſe Canons, appeal'd to the Pope. The Legat gave 'em till the next Day to con- (4) Tom. 2, p. 263. fider { A History of Convocations. fider of it, whether the whole Community would profecute the Appeal, or let it drop. In the mean time he dealt fo with 'em by fair Words, that on the Morrow, whether willingly, or for fear, they all fell off. And fo the Legat having carried all things according to his defire, con- vocata Multitudini licentiam tribuit ad propria repe- dandi. A Statute made by this Legat to be ob- ferv'd by the Monks of Weftm. is extant in a MS. Chartulary (a) of that Church, entitled: Statutum Ottoboni Legati editum apud Weftm. pro eodem Monafterio in perpetuum tenendum. But this was made only in a private Vifitation of that Church. All the Prelats, fays Wikes, as well the leffer as the greater, were prefent in that Council: præfen- tibus univerfis Prælatis Anglia, Wallia, Scotia, & Hyberniæ, fays Westminster. And who thofe Prelats were, the Title it felf of the Constitutions, as they are publifh'd at the end of Lindwood, tell us. Pra- fentibus Bonifacio Cantuariæ & Waltero Eborum Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, DE- CANIS, ARCHIDIACONIS, cum ALIIS DIGNITA- TIBUS ECCLESIASTICIS. But who were the alia Dignitates Ecclefiaftica? They were the Officials, the Rural Deans, and the Dignitaries of Cathe- dral Churches, fuch as Treaſurers, Chantors, and Chancellors. All theſe are reckon'd among the Inferior Pre- lats, which the meer Parochial Clergy or the Rectors of Pariſhes, as fuch, never were. The greater Prelats are the Archbishops and Biſhops, and all below them are the Inferior Prelats. As ap- pears from Archbishop Boniface's Conftitutions : (a) Cotton. f. 206. 123 Archi- 124 A Hiftory of Convocations. + 1 Archiepifcopi & Epifcopi, de confenfu & approbatione INFERIORUM PRÆLATORUM ordinaverunt. In another place cited by Lyndwood, (out of the Articles of Grievances drawn up by the fame Archbishop in the Synod of (a) Merton) Cum Jape contingat Archiepifcopos, Epifcopos, & alios PRÆFA- TOS INFERIORES. Where the Glofs has it thus: INFERIORES. Utputa Abbates, Priores, Decanos, Archidiaconos & alios hujufmodi. A little lower: (b) MAJORES PRÆLATI. feil. Archiepifcopi & Epifcopi. We are told by the learned Author of the Rights of Convocations (c), that Lyndwood himſelf obferves, That in our Church Conftitutions the word PRÆLATI was often applied to some of the lowest, even of the lower Clergy, the PRESBYTERI PLE- BANI, or Rectors of Rural Parishes. But by Pref byteri Plebani, Lyndwood means not bare Rectors of Parishes, but Archpresbyters, or Rural Deans, who, to repeat Wikes's Words, aliquo Prælationis titulo præ- fidebant. In the Body of the Canon Law (d) the Rectors of Parochial Churches, and Prelats are exprefly diftinguifh'd from one another. Ab olim fiquidem inter PRÆLATOS & RECTORES feu Sacerdotes ac Clericos parochialium Ecclefiarum, &c. The Glofs a little lower obferves, that JO. MON. fays, Rectorem Ecclefiæ non contineri nomine PRÆ- LATI, cum fupra fit expreffus poft PRÆLATUM. Pope Alexander IV. in his Letter (e) to the Bi- thops of England An. 1258. Archiepifcopis, Epifco- (a) ap. Annal. Burton p. 389. & Paris Addit. p. 1123. ‡ Lib. 5. Tit. 25. p. 314. (b) p. 316. (c) p. 15. citing, De Sacr. inter. vel non c. Ignorantia. v. Prælati de Foro Competenti c. Circumfpecte. v. Item fi Prælatus. (d) Cle- mentin l. 3. Tit. 7. p. 185. (e) Annal Barton p. 387. pis, 7 2 A Hiftory of Convocations. pis, Electis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Conventibus S. Be- nedicti Cyftercienfis, vel cujuflibet alterius Ordinis, De- canis, Archidiaconis, Præpofitis, & ALIIS Ecclefiarum PRÆLATIS, & RECTORIBUS, &c. In Archbi- fhop Peckham's (a) Regiſter I find thefe Words to the fame purpoſe: Literam patentem (ab Ar- chiepifcopo) directam Archidiacono & Capitulo Ec- clefiæ Cathed. Landavenfis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Ar- chidiaconis, Officialibus, Decanis, & CÆTERIS Ec- clefiarum PRÆLATIS, ac CLERO & populo Dix- cefis Landav. So in Iflip's Regifter (b): Tam idem Archiepifcopus per fe, quam fui Suffraganei, & ALII PRÆLATI, & etiam CLERUS fuæ Cant. Prov. Again in a Writ of K. Ed. 3. (c) Vos & cæteri PRÆLATI, ac CLERUS. The MS. Chronicle of Dunftaple; Coepifcopis fuis, Prælatis omnibus, atq; Clero: fpeaking of the Clergy affembled in Convoca- tion. That Rural Deans or Archpresbyters were compre- hended fometimes in the name of Prelats, is evident from divers Inftances. P. Innocent IV. in a Letter to the Clergy of England, 1253. (d) Ven. fratribus Ar- chiepifcopis, Epifcopis, ac dilectis filijs, Abbatibus, Priori- bus, Præpofitis, Decanis, Archidiaconis, Archipresby- teris, & alijs Ecclefiarum Prælatis, earumq; Capitu- lis & Conventibus feu Collegijs, tam exemptis quam non exemptis. In another (e) Archidiaconis Præpofitis, Archipresbyteris, & alijs Ecclefiarum PRÆLATIS. In the 24 Vol. (f) of our Councils there are Provincial Conftitutions publish'd by Walter Gray (a) 133. (b) f. 49. (c) ibid. f. 344. (d) Annal Burton. (e) M. Paris Addit. p. 1083. Vide p. 1107. (f) p. 299. Arch- 125 126 A Hiftory of Convocations. Archbishop of York (the fame that was prefent in Othobons Legatine Council) in the time of his Vifitation. About thefe times a Synod was held at Perth in Scotland, in the King's prefence, where were publish'd certain Provincial Conftitutions, probante Rege & Regni Primoribus. Boeth. (a) ap- Hector Convocations in the Reign of Ed. I. under John Peckham and Robert Winchelſee; Archbishops. S our State Councils began to be call'd A Parliaments in the Reign of H. 3. fo our Synods feem to have begun about the fame time to be call'd Congregations or Convocations, as our Parliaments are fometimes called in this Age. An. 1279. the Council of Reding was held un- der Archbishop Peckham: In whofe Regifter (6) I have met with the Mandate by which it was fummon'd. And by that it appears that there were none call'd to it befides Bishops. (4) 1. 13. ap. Vol. 2, Spel. p. 394; (b) fol. 10. Con- A-Hiftory of Convocations. 127 Convocatio Concilij Radingienfis Frater I. permiſſione div. Cant. Ecclefiæ Minister humilis, ven. in Chrifto fratri I. eddem gratiâ Epifco- po Lond. Salutem in veræ falutis auctore. Cupi- entes & zela nimio affectantes fratrum & Coepifco- porum noftrorum Suffraganeorum facies defideratas vi- dere, & eorum perfonali frui colloquio fuper quibufdam articulis totius Cant. provincia, qui & neceffitatem important & celeritatem defiderant, vobis in virtute obedientia firmiter injungendo mandamus quatinus omnes Coepifcopos & Suffraganeos noftros citari feu evocari peremptorie faciatis, ut iv. Kal. Augufti prox. ventur. apud Reding fe coram nobis perfonaliter repræ- Jentent, tractaturi nobifcum, atq; mandatum noftrum Super ipfis Articulis recepturi. Vos quoq; ipfi dictis die &loco und cum alijs perfonaliter accedatis. Et quid fuper ifto mandato noftro feceritis nobis per veftras pa- tentes literas refcribendo certificare nullatenus omittatis. Dat. apud Donar. 11 Non. Junij A.D. MCCLXXIX. & confecr. noftræ primo. It is one of the Decrees of that Council of Reding, that at the next Convocation to be held in the time of Parliament, the Mich. following, there should meet befides the Bishops and their Proxies, 2 Proctors at leaft from the Clergy of each Diocefs, who fhould have authority to treat together with the Biſhops of the affairs of the Church. Item præcipimus ut in proxima Congrega- tiage noftra, tempore Parliamenti proximi, poft Feftum Sancti Michaelis ad tres bebdomadas per Dei Gratiam futurum, præter perfonas Epifcoporum & Procuratores abfentium veniant DUO ELECTI ad MINUS a Cle- ro Epifcopatuum fingulorum, qui auctoritatem habeant una Nobifcum tractare de bis que Ecclefie communi Atili- E A History of Convocations. ·~1·28 1 1 1 } utilitati expediunt Anglicane, etiamfi de conturbatione aliquâ, vel expenfis, oporteat fieri mentionem. And this is the fit time that the Diocefan Clergy appear to have been. reprefented by Proctors of their own chufing. Before this they gave Pro- curatorial Letters to their Archdeacons. Their hav- ing never done fo before, was the reafon why this Conftitution was made to empower 'em to do it. And it was made not in general for the future, but only for the next enfuing Convoca- tion. And accordingly in the following Convo- cations it was fometimes otherwiſe. But after fome time it became a Cuftom, The fame Year in Octavis S. Hilarij, there was a Convocation of Bishops held for the grant- ing a Subfidy. The inferiour Clergy were not fùmmon'd to it, but the Bishops were required by the Archbishop to advife with the Clergy of their respective Diocefes about it, and either to bring up their Refolutions themſelves, or if they thought it expedient, to order the Clergy to fend up their Refolutions by Proxies of their own. Fol. 165. Venerabili in Chr. fratri, &c. Epifcopo Lond. &c. Frater 1, &c. falutem, &c. Quam fit decens quamq, expediens Clerum nobis commiffum Regijs favore & gratiâ confolari docet experientia contrarij nuper præ- teriti in Ecclefiarum fpolijs & gravaminibus propha- ris quorum recens memoria perfeverat; docet idem evidentia periculi in januis imminentis fi quod aver- tat Deus diffimularet mageftas regia quorundam Lai- corum pertinacem in bona Ecclefiaftica manum mittere, quorum audaciam Illuftriffimus Dei gratiâ Rex E. cle- mentie fuæ legibus contra hujufmodi editis refrænavit. Сији. E * . A History of Convocations. 129 Cujus circa nos follicitudini, fi ingrati fuerimus, non folum ipfum ad indignationem provecabimus,verum etiam Regem Regum pro ingratitudinis vicio offendemus. Sacro etiam teftante eloquio, Mageftatem Regiam tenen- tur omnes fubditi grata honorificentiâ prævenire, & illi præcipue qui Regali munificentiâ conceffis olim Ecclefiæ Chrifti honoribus confoventur. Cum etiam vilifſimi cenfeantur qui cæteros honore præcellunt, nifi infuper eofdem tranfcendant etiam obfequijs charitatis: Ac per no- biles & plebeios regni Anglia dicto Domino Regi fuerit nuper in quodam temporalium fubfidio miniftratum. Sub cujus regimine nos omnes vivere oportet & gratia com- muniri; expedit non folum per orationum fuffragia dictum Dominum ad protectionis beneficia excitare, ve- rum etiam corporalibus impendijs & muneribus ejus fumptus innumeros quantum poterimus relevare. Cujus, liberalitatis exemplum Archiepifcopos & Epifcopos Anglic cæteris in Clero minoribus præftitiffe. Et certe fatis eft canonicum Ecclefias dotatas patronis indigentibus jubvenire. Quapropter veftram imploramus & exhor- tamur in Domino charitatem, in virtute obedientia firmiter injungendo, quatinus convocato quam citius fieri poterit per vos aut veftros Clero veftræ Diocefis, ei- dem ftudeatis ad Dei honorem & pacem Ecclefiæ fuadere, ut dicto Regi hoc pro gratitudinis indicio poftulanti, fiu- deant elapfo tempore decimæ fic affluenter pro viribus fubvenire, ut ipfe de devotione Clericali merito gaude- at, & ad ipfos excitetur favorabilius in pofterum fub- levandos. Caventes infuper ne obfequij exilitate indig- nationem magis provocet, quam excitet clementiæ leni- tatem. Hujufmodi autem fervitij vel fubfilij quan- titatem per vos aut per Procuratores veftros, vel certe PER PROCURATORES PROPRIOS ad bec, fi ex- pedire videritis, deftinandos nobis intimare ftudeant in Congregatione noftra Lond. in Octab. Sancti Illarij imminente. Et modus ifte in Congregatione noftrâ provifus extitit proxime præterità de confilio Epifco- * I perung 1 130 A Hiftory of Convocations. porum ibidem præfentium & procuratorum Epifcopo- rum abfentium, mandamus vobis quatinus hanc delibe- rationem paci Ecclefiæ, ut præfagimus non fallaciter, perneceffariam ftudeatis ceteris Coepifcopis noftris cum celeritate debitâ nunciare. Quid autem fuper hijs fa- cere decreveritis, & fub qua forma premiffa duxeritis exequenda nobis cum quà poteritis celeritate per lite- rus veftras patentes harum continentes feriem refcri- batis. Valete. Dat. apud Mortelake viii. Id. Nov. Con- fecr. noftre an. primo. In a Mandate (a) dated iii. Non. Novemb. 1280. for the appointing Collectors for a Subfidy granted in a late Convocation, the Clergy are mention'd as having been there prefent, and fe veral times conven'd before the Archbishop and the reft of the Bishops to confult about that mat- ter. Frater I. &c. Epifcopo Lond. Cum Clerus noftre Prov. coram nobis & Coepifcopis noftris Cant. Eccle- fie Suffraganeis varijs temporibus fpecialiter congre- gatus concefferit Domino Regi xvam. bonorum fuorum fecundum taxationem Norwуcenfem per tres annos fol- vendam, & per Collectores ab Epifcopis ad hoc fpecia- liter deputandos in Feftis Purificationis B. Marse Virg. & Nativ. B. Johannis Bapt. &c. From ano- ther Mandate which he fent to the feveral Deans of his own Dioceſe and Peculiars, for the fpedi- er Collecting the forefaid Subfidy within his Dioceſe, it may be infer'd that the Clergy of that, and fo of the other Diocefes, had met together, before they fent up their Proctors to the Convocation, and had order'd them how much they thould give (b) Cum termini folutionis quin- te decime Domino noftro Regi Anglie illuftri a CLERO (a) fol. 25. (b) fol. 187. ì DIO- A Hiftory of Convocations. 13 i { DIOCESIS liberaliter conceffe jam diu (unt tran- facti, &c. In the Rights of Convècations (a) we are told of a Synod held an. 1281. with thefe Circum- ftances: The Bishops and their Clergy were fum- mon'd to a Synod in London by an Injunction from the Archbishop, in which they were com manded alfo to meet at another Time and Place appointed by the K. and that they might be fure fo to do, Letters of Citation are di- rected (not to the Bishop of London, but) to the King himfelf, to be by him communicated to the feveral Bifhops by Royal Meffengers: This odd Precedent, fays the Author, we have an account of in the Regifter of Peckham. The fame formality, as he fuppofes, was uſed in Cons vening the Clergy of York Province, who met a- bout this time at York, as appears from a Writ extant in Pryn (b), impowring the Bishop of Carlisle to collect the Tenth of his Diocefe, grant- ed at that Provincial Affembly. The worthy Author did not confult the Re- gifter it felf, but followed fome imperfect Col- lections communicated to him. Had he been pleafed to turn over that excellent Volume, he would have found the whole Matter to be thus: The Archbishop being in Devonshire upon his Vifitation, had fummon'd a Synod to meet at London 3 Weeks after Eafter, about the Affairs of the Church. In the mean time the K. being warmly engaged in the Welsh War, fends haiti- ly to the Archbishop, requiring him to call a Convocation for his affiftance, and defires him (a) p. 221. (b) Eccl. Jurifd. Tom. 3. p. 275- 1 *I 2 1 } < 132 A History of Convocations. to write to the Bishops in the moft rigid and exprefs Terms, which he himſelf prefcribes. The Archbishop draws up his Mandate accord- ing to the King's Directions, and becauſe the Matter required the "greateft fpeed poffible, in- ftead of fending to the Bifhop of London to command him to fummon the Bifhops, as was ufually done, which would have took up longer time, he directs his Mandate immediately to the Bishops themſelves, and fends fo many Co- pies to the King himfelf to be fent about to the Bishops by Meffengers of his own. And this he did the rather, partly becaufe he fup- pofed the Bishops were then on the Road to- wards London, and fo it would be the longer before the Bishop of London's Letters would come to their Hands, and partly becauſe he fuppofed the K. would write to 'em by the fame Mef fengers, which would quicken 'em the more, and which was almoft neceffary, fince the Archbi- fhop had fummon'd 'em before to quite ano- ther purpofe, and to meet, as it feems, in a different place, and his laft Summons contra- dicted the former. Where this Convocation was to be held is uncertain; but I fuppofe they were to meet towards the Borders of Wales. The Archbishop's Letter to the K. concerning this Matter is in Fol. 99. in thefe Words. cum Excellentiffimo Principi, &c. Frater 1. &c. totius hominis falute reverentiam in omnibus & bo- norem. Caufam fuborti periculi in partibus Wallia no- ftram non minus quam veftre excellentiæ reputantes, feri bimis in forma nobis Dominationis Veftræ literis infinua- ta, & rigiduus noftre Provincie Epifcopis univerfis, parati in hoc negotio & fimilibus omnem opem & operam impendere, quam vires noftre quæcunq; coram Deo A A History of Convocations. 133. Deo & hominibus fufficiunt exhibere. Et quamvis ea que Communitati proficiunt per London. Epifco- pum noftris foleant Coepifcopis demandari, qui Epifcopo- rum Decanus effe dinofcitur, Nos cum majoris celeri- tatis procefjum effe in hac parte neceffarium æftiman- tes, Majestati vestra potius decrevimus ad præfens literas hujufmodi deftinare, per imperij veßri nuncios Epifcopis affignandas, quos jam a fuis fedibus credimus receffiffe juxia præfixionem quam eis fecimus ut nobis occurrant London. trium ebdomadarum post Pafcha peryodo revoluta, quam vagis nuncijs eofdem requirere, præfertim quia indubitanter credimus ipfos ex juffu ve- Stro mandatis nostris expeditius parituros. Valeat igi. tur & vigeat Dominatio veftra, pro qua fummo Im- peratori Domino diu noctug, affiftimus ei preces licet fragiles & indignas, nec dignas memoria, tamen quas poffumus in peccatoris Spiritu offerentes. Dat. apud CLYST juxta Exon. Kal. Apr. 1281. The fame Year, 1281. Octob. 7. a Synod was held by Archbishop Peckham at LAMBETH, where divers Conſtitutions were publiſh'd, the fame Synod, I fuppofe, that was to have met 3 Weeks after Easter, which had been prevented by the King's requiring that a Convocation fhould be call'd for the granting him an Ayd: Befides Bishops, there were prefent the Abbots, Priors, Deans, Archdeacons, and Capitular Proctors, but none for the Diocefan Clergy, as appears from the Mandate (a) Čitatory. E Anno eodem apud Slyndon iii. Kal. Augufti ema- navit litera fub hac forma. Frater I. &c. Eropa Lond. &c. Quia pro neceffitate Ecclefie manifed in- (a) "Reg, Peckham f. 175. b. *I 3 inten- 1 يه # 1 * “ 134 1 A History of Convocations! intendimus Dei ope & gratiâ fecundum facrorum Cano- num fanctiones inftanti menfe Octobri apud Lamheth Concilium celebrare, fraternitati veftræ committimus & in virtute obedientia firmiter injungendo mandamus, qua- us venerabiles fratres Coepifcopos noftros univerfos, nec- non Abbates, Priores electivos, exemptos & non exemptos, Decanos Cathedralium & Collegiatarum Ecclefiarum, ARCHIDIACONOS & CAPITULORUM PROCU- RATORES, citetis peremptorie per vos & per alios, quod feptima die dicti Menfis coram nobis apud Lam- heth perfonaliter fint præfentes Concilium ibidem fe- cundum facros Canone's celebraturi nobifcum, facturi & recepturi, quod ipfum facrum Concilium duxerit ordinandum. Denunciantes eifdem quod contra abfentes in forma Canonica procedemus. Nec debilitatis excufa- tionem fufficere reputamus illorum, qui per maneria fua juxta Diocefes fuas & extra & ad alia loca per Cant. provinciam fe faciunt pro familiaribus negotijs in quibufcunq; vehiculis deportari. Mandantes infuper fingulis Epifcopis, quod fecum deferant in fcriptis no- mina omnium in formâ prædictâ de fuis Diocefibus ad Concilium vocatorum. Denuncietis etiam cæteris om- nibus, qui fentiunt fe gravatos, quod in cafibus illis quorum correctionem ad Concilium nofcitur pertinere, audientia per Dei gratiam eis in forma debitâ conce- detur. Vos autem prædictis die & loco in forma pra- dicta comparentes comite fanitate certificetis nos per pa- tentes veftras literas, quid feceritis de præmiffis. Va- lete in Chrifto & Virgine gloriofâ. Dat. apud Slyn- don iii. Kal. Augusti, anno Confecr. noftræ ter- $10. That there were no Proctors of the Dio@e- fan Clergy in that Synod, diftinct from the Archdeacons, appears moreover from another Mandate directed by the Archbishop a little while ? 1 1 奮 ​A History of Convocations. while after to the Bishop of London: (a) He there fays that he had fummon'd all the INFE- RIOR PRELATS, who, by the Canons, were to be fummoned to Councils: But I have never yet met with any fuch Canon as ſpeaks of that matter, Celebranti nuper, ut fcitis, apud Lamehe Provinciale Concilium cum Coepifcoporum noftrorum venerando Collegio, univerfos nostre Prov. Prælatos inferiores, quos Conciliorum tradatibus intereffe jubent facri Ca- nones, vocandos decrevimus: ac inter cæteros religi ole fanctimoniæ perfonas præcipuas, Abbates fcil. ac Priores non folum Epifcopali gradui fubjectos juxta or- dinem Ecclefie Ferarchie, verum etiam alios ab Epif- copali obedientiâ exemptos, &c. This Mandate is to require the Bishop of London to punish the Ex- empt Abbots for refufing to come to the Coun- cil upon his Summons, by fequeftring all the non exempt Churchs in his Diocefe, which belong'd to thofe Abbies, and on the account of which they had been fummon'd. 'Tis to be feen at large not only in the Register, but alfo in Print in Mat. of Weftm. ad an. 1281. as alfo in à MS. Chronicle in Lambeth Library: Post feftum S. Michaelis, Frater Johannes de Pecham, Arch. Cant. apud Lambethe Provinciale Concilium celebravit, qui contra Exemptos, ibidem venire nolentes, libellum fa. mofum edidit fub hac formâ. &c. There is to be feen in his Regiſter (b) a Relaxation of the Sequeftration which he had laid in bonis pertinentibus ad monafterium de Lewes ubicunq; per noftram. Prov. Cant, existant pro eo quod Prior & Conventus loci ejufdem nuper in Concilio apud Lameheth per nos celebrato non comparuerunt. (a) Ibid. f. 59. (b) f. 59. 135 *I 4 The + 136 A History of Convocations. & } 1 1 In the Preface to the Constitutions the Arch- bishop fays: fperantes ad hoc nos poffe proficere cum Fratrum ac Epifcoporum noftrorum, ac cæterorum na- tra Provincia PRÆLATORUM affiftentia efficaci, de prudentum virorum confilio hoc facrum Concilium mandavimus convocari. The Synod beginning to fit, the K. fent 'em the 2 following Prohibitions, requiring him not to do any thing in prejudice to his Crown and Dignity. Dei gr. Fol. 101. b. Edwardus, &c. Venerabilibus in Chrifto Patribus I. Cant. Archiepifcopo totius Angliæ Primati, & omnibus Epifcopis & alijs Prælatis in inftanti Con- cilio apud Lameth celebrando conventuris falutem. Mandamus vobis quod ficut Baronias veftras quas de nobis tenetis diligitis, nullo modo Concilium de aliqui bus quæ ad Coronam noftram pertinent, vel quæ per- fonam noftram vel ftatum noftrum, vel ftatum Con- cilij noftri contingunt, tenere, feu aliquid contra coro- nam & dignitatem noftram in eodem ftatuere præ- Jumatis. Scituri pro certo, quod fi feceritis, nos ad Baronias veftras graviter capiemus. T. M. apud Lind- hurft xxviii. die Sept. an. r. n. nono. Edw. &c. Ven. in Ch. patribus I. &c. & ornnibus Epifcopis & alijs Prælatis in inftanti Concil. apud Lameth, &c. Vinculo juramenti nobis eftis, ut noftis, aftricti, quo nobis in omnibus ad Coronam & Regiam dignitatem noftram fpectantibus, omnem quam poteritis fidelitatem obfervare debetis. Quapropter vobis manda- mus in fide & fidelitate quibus nobis tenemini firmiter injungentes, quod tam ad confervationem quam ad de- fenfionem jurium noftrorum & regni noftri omnem quam poteritis diligentiam adhibere curetis. Et vobis omni- bus & fingulis fub vinculo juramenti memorati, & Sub A History of Convocations. 137 fub pœnd amiffionis temporalium quæ de, nobis tenetis, firmiter inhibemus, ne in præjudicium noftri vel ejuf dem Regni in dicto Concilio contra nos vel jura noftra quibus Prædeceffores noftri Reges Angliæ & nos ex antiquâ & approbatâ confuetudine ufi fuimus procura- re vel attemptare aliquid præfumatis, vel etiam ali- cui hujufmodi procurare, attemptare, feu ftatuere vo- lenti affenfum præbeatis. Sed taliter vos habeatis in bac parte quod vos debeamus potius fpecialiter com- mendare, quam de contrarijs quod abfit increpare. T. M. &c. ut fupra. The fame Year the Bishops were all fum- moned by the Archbishop's Mandate, which is extant (a) in the Regifter, to meet at the New Temple in London, after Candlemas, to proceed in a Matter touching the Deliverance of Almaricus de Monteforti out of Cuftody, about which P. Martin had writ to the Archbishop. The Man- date iffued out to the Bishops of Lond. for the fummoning of the Bifhops, is called by the Regiſtrary (b) litera CONVOCATIONIS pro liber- tate Almarici de Monteforti. An. 1282, Regni xi. the Biſhops, Abbots, Priors and other Prefects of Religious Houſes, together with the Proctors of Deans, and of Chapters of Collegiate Churches (without any mention of Archdeacons or the Parochial Clergy) were fummoned by a Pro- vincial Writ directed to the Archbishop, to meet at NORTHAMPTON on the Octaves of Hilary, before the K. or his Commiflioners, (for the granting of a Subfidy). The Archbiſhop having re- (a) f. 64. b. Vide etiam f. 78, b, 79. 98. b. 99. b. (6) fa 142. ceiv'd 1 138 $ } The A History of Convocations. ceiv'd the King's Writ, fends it in a Mandate to the Bishop of London, tho' not without fome Regret. Which I have already produced in ano™ ther place, together with another Wit directed by the K. to all the Clergy that were fimmon'd thither, conftituting Commiffioners, before whom, inftead of Himfelf, they were to appear (in Parliament) That by the Procuratores Decanorum, &c. were meant the Deans themfelves, tho' it be not well expreft, I have already obferv'd. The Affembly being conven'd for a Subfidy, and the Proctors of the Diocefan Clergy being not fummon'd, it was lookt upon to be irregular, and there was nothing done. It was therefore agreed that the Archbishop fhould iffue out a new Mandate for a Convocation to meet at the New Temple in London, the Eafter following: In that Mandate the Archbishop fays that they could not anfwer the King's Defires in their CONGREGA- TION at Northampton, because of the abfence of the greatest part of the Clergy, who at that time had not been called in DUE MANNER. In the fame Mandate its obfervable, that the Bifhops are required to call together the Clergy of their refpective Diocefes, and to communi- cate to them the bufinefs about which they were to meet in Convocation. And after the Clergy in the refpective Diocefes had debated upon it, they were to appoint 2 of their Body to go up to the Convocation to give in their Refolu- tions. Ibid f. 83. b. Frater I. &c. Epifcopo Lond. &c. Quoniam in congregatione ad inftantiam Domini Regis habita Nor- thamptoniæ in octabis S. Hilarij nuncijs ejufdem Domini Regis fuper quibufdam nobis & Suffraganeis noftris A History of Convocations. 139 } noftris ac Clero præfenti ibidem ex parte ipfius expofitis tum propter abſentiam maxime partis cleri tunc tem- poris MODO DEBITO non vocati, tum propter alia diverfa ad plenum non potuit refponderi, de communi omnium tunc præfentium confilio extitit ordinatum, ut noftis, quod Clerus totus Cant. Provinciæ ad certos diem & locum pro danda refponfione hujufmodi congregetur. Quocirca fraternitati veftræ tenore præfentium præci- piendo mandamus quatinus confratres noftros Epifcopus Cant. Ecclefiæ fuffraganeos omnes & fingulos, necnon Abbates, Priores, ac alios quofcunq, domibus religiofis præfectos, Exemptos & non exemptos, Decanos Ecclefia- rum Cathedralium & Collegiatarum, ac Archidiaconos univerfos per Cant. Provinciam conftitutos citetis vel citari faciatis peremptorie quod compareant coram nobis per fe vel per Procuratores fufficienter inftructos feu conveniant apud Novum Templum London. a die Pafch. in tres feptimanas fuper hijs quæ ex parte Do- mini Regis in CÔNGREGATIONE prædictâ expofita fuerant tractaturi ac ulterius facturi quod Dominus in- pirabit, Singuli infuper Epifcopi ficut in dictâ CON- GREGATIONE provifum fuerat, circa diem prædictum Clerum fue diœcefis in aliquo loco certo congregari fa- ciant, & eadem quæ ex parte Regis nobis propofita fu- i erant, deligenter exponi procurent: ita quod ad dictos diem & locum London. de qualibet Diœcefi duo Pro- curatores nomine Cleri & de fingulis Capitulis Ecclefi arum Cathedralium & Collegiatarum finguli Procura- tores fufficienter instructi mittantur qui plenam & ex- preffam poteftatem habeant una nobifcum & confra- tribus fuper præmiffis tractandi & confentiendi bijs quæ idem ad honorem Ecclefiæ confolationem Domini Re- gis & pacem Regni Cleri communitas providebit. De nominibus vero Abbatum, Priorum, & aliorum Religi- oforum, Decanorum, Archidiaconorum, Procuratorum tam Cleri cujuflibet Diœcefis, quam Capitulorum finguli Epifcopi pro fuis Diecefibus ad dictos diem & locum } per 7 1 $ + " བསྐ། 1 76 140 A Hiftory of Convocations. per fuas literas diftincte nos certificent & aperte. Vos autem quos tunc præfentes adeffe volumus, nobis refcri- batis per veftras literas patentes harum feriem conti- nentes qualiter præfens mandatum noftrum fueritis exe- cuti. Dat. Northamptoniz xii. Kal. Febr. A. D. M. CC. octogefimo fecundo. In this Convocation were prefent 3 Commif fioners from the King, the fame that had been prefent in the Parliament of Northampton; fent to 'em with this Writ: (a) Rex ven. Patribus, E- pifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Decanis, Capitulis Eccle- fiarum Cathed. & Collegiat. de Prov. Cant. & eorum Procuratoribus, ac toti Communitati Cleri Provincia ejufdem ad inftantes 3. feptimanas Pafcha London. con- venturis falutem. Dilectos & fideles noftros Edmun- dum Comitem Cornubia, Abbatem Weftm. Thefau- rarium noftrum, & Johannem de Kirkeby Archi- diac. Covent, pro negotio noftro vobis per ipfos nuper apud NORTHAMP. ex parte noftrâ expofito profequendo ad vos duximus deftinandos, vos effectuofe rogantes quatinus prædictis Comiti, Abbati, & Johanni vel duobus ip- forum quos præfentes effe contigerit, in bijs quæ vobis circa præmiffa ex parte noftra referent viva voce ad- bibeatis firmam fidem. In cujus, &c. apud Aberconwey in Snaudon 18. Apr. A Convocation at Mich. 1283. The Bishops required, as above, to confult before hand with the Clergy of their refpective Diocefes about the granting of a Subſidy. > (a) Rot. Walliæ xi. E. 1. M. 2. ed. ap. Pryn Eccl. Jurifd. Tom. 3. P. 303. 鹭 ​} Fra- J A History of Convocations.. 141 $ 7 Frater L Fol. 87. Reg. Peckham. Lond. Epifcopo Quia nonnulla nobis occurrunt pro utilitate communi in proxi- md noftrd congregatione London. pertractanda que fine Fratrum & Coepifcoporum præfentid perfonali ne- queunt feliciter expediri, Fraternitati veftræ tenore præfentium committimus & firmiter injungendo manda- mus, quatinus prædictos fratres & Coepifcopos omnes & fingulos citetis peremptorie quod ad tres feptimanas post feftum S. Michaelis proxime vemurum apud No- vum Templum London. fuam nobis exhibeant præ- fentiam, nobifcum fuper hijs quæ ad Dei & Ecclefiæ fuæ cedunt honorem & gloriam tractaturi, exequentes nibiio- minus quod nobis tam de ipforum Fratrum convocatione quam Cleri noftræ Provincia, feu PROCURATORUM SUORUM alias duximus noftris literis demandanda. Et quia prædictum Clerum feu IPSIUS PROCURA- TORES nolumus inanibus & fupervacuis vexari labo- ribus nec noftrum etiam in hac parte conatum inutilem reputari, præcipimus & mandamus tenore præfentium, interim ut finguli Epifcopi noftræ Provincia Clerum fibi fubjectum in aliquo certo loco convocari faciant, ad tractandum Juper ultimâ petitione Domini Regis factâ London. in ultimâ Congregatione noftrâ de liberali fubfidio fibi à Clero parando, ut in dicta Congrégatione noftra (fiat) inde per ipfius Cleri Procuratores refpon- fio fine dilationis tedio longioris. Vos infuper eadem in veftrâ Diœcefi facientes, præfatæ Congregationi per- fonaliter interfitis; certificantes nos per veftras patentes literas barum feriem continentes, qualiter tam primum quam præfens mandatura noftrum in hac parte fueri- tis executi, boc idem & cæteris Coepifcopis noftris & Fratribus noftris injungentes. Valete. Dat. apud Al- dington viii. Id. Augufti A. D.MCCLXXXIII. Or- dinationis noftræ quinto. 1 There } $ 142 A Hiſtory of Convocatións. 11 There is another (a) Mandate relating to this Convocation, in which there is mention made of a Convocation held a little before (but after that of Northampton) at Lambeth, about the fame Bufinefs. In that Mandate it is faid that the Clergy had on the laft Day of the Convoca- tion of Lambeth requefted the Archbishop to give 'em longer time to deliberate about the King's Demands, becauſe their Procuratorial Let- ters had limitted 'em, and had not given 'em power to confent to what he defired. Fol. 85. Satis memoriam Frater I. c. Lond. Epifcopo veftram credimus recenfere qualiter nuper ultimâ die congregationis noftræ apud LAMETH procuratores Cleri Provincia noftræ post datam eorum refponfionem in fcriptis fuper petitione Domini Regis facta North- amptoniæ de décima triennali nobis & confratribus no- ftris extitit fupplicatum, ut novas eis concederemus in- ducias ad tractandum & deliberandum fuper fecun- dam petitionem Domini Regis de concedendo fibi à Clero pro utilitate publicâ aliquo fubfidio liberali: pre- fertim cum fuper ipfâ petitione que nova fuit prius non tractaverant, nec fe ad hoc eorum poteftas qua limitata fuerat extendebat. Nos autem eorum juftis & rationabilibus in hac parte petitionibus annuentes de veftro & aliorum confratrum noftrorum ibidem præfentium confilio viva voce præcepimus & injunxi- mus, ficut fcitis, ut vos & finguli fratrum eorundem Abbates, Priores, ac alios quofcunq; domibus Religiofis Præfectos, exemptos & non exemptos, Decanos Ecch- fiarum Cathedralium & Collegiatarum, Archidiaconos etiam omnes in fuis diœcefibus conftitutos citetis & citent, vel citari faciant peremptorie, quod compareant feu conveniant coram nobis per fe vel Procuratores Sufficienter inftru&tos apud Novum Templum Lond. à die } { 14 A History of Convocations. 1 a die S. Michaelis proxime venturo in tres feptimanas Super dieta petitione ultima facta ex parte Domini Re- gis refponfuri & facturi ulterius quod Altiffimus infpi- rabit. Et ut in præmiffis expeditius & commodius pro- cedatur, volumus & mandamus ut de fingulis Diece- fibus noftra Provinciæ duo Procuratores nomine Cleri & de fingulis Capitulis Ecclefiarum Cathedralium &i Collegiatarum finguli Procuratores fufficienter inftructi mittantur prout alias extitit demandatum. Quia vero nonnulli Fratrum & Coepifcoporum nostrorum in (ex) præfatis præcepto & injunctione noftrâ non fuere præ- fentes, fraternitati veftra committimus & firmiter in- jungendo mandamus quatinus omnibus & fingulis Co- epifcopis & Suffraganeis noftris ibidem tunc abfentibus præfcripta omnia & fingula faciatis per vefiras pa- tentes literas barum continentes feriem nunciari, ut ea fideliter in fuis Diœcefibus exequantur. Vos infuper & cæteri omnes Coepifcopi nofiri prædicti, dictis die & loco præfentes fitis & conveniatis nobifcum ſuper hijs & alijs quæ bonorem Dei & animarum falutem refpi- ciunt. tractaturi. Qualiter autem præmiffa fueritis ex- ecuti nobis dicto die veftris patentibus literis barum Jertem continentibus fideliter intimetis. Valete. → In a Letter to the Bishop of Lincoln, writ viii, Kal. Dec. 1284. on behalf of the Univerfity of Oxford, whofe Chancellor that Bishop pretended to nominate, the Archbishop defires him to defer the matter to the Synod of Bishops, which was to meet after Easter following (a), Saltem differre ufq; ad Congregationem Fratrum proxime futuram poft Pafcha Domino concedente, quando circa hoc de Fra- trum ipforum confilio quod magis expedire videbitur po- teritis fecurius exercere. (a) f. 93. b. In & کره 1 រ A Hiftory of Convocations. ! 19 In the MS. Chronicle of Dunftaple I find the London Convocation of this Year mentioned and that the Clergy there refufed to comply with the King's Defire. An. 1283. nomine D. Regis petita eft à Clero fubfidium Archiepifco- pus Cant. habuit fuper hoc tractatum Lond. cum Co epifcopis fuis, PRÆLATIS OMNIBUS, atq; CLE- RO; ubi à PROCURATORIBUS TOTIUS CLERI fuit manifefte contributioni hujufmodi contradictum, &c. The Realons are there recorded. But afterwards in the fame Year, as the fame Chronicle fhews, they granted it. } : An. 1286. Archbishop Peckham by his own Authority published a Conſtitution declaring fuch and fuch Points to be Herefies, and Excommuni- ating fuch as maintained 'em. Fol. 120. In nomine Domini Amen. Anno ejufdem Millefimo ducentefimo octogefimo fexto, Indictione quarta de- cimâ, ultimâ die menfis Aprilis, Reverendus in Ch. Pater Dominus Joh. D. G. Cant. Arch. totius Anglia Primas pro tribunali fedens in Eccl. B. Maria de Arcubus Lond. affidentibus ei venerab. Patribus Domi- nis Olivero Lincoln. Godefrido Wygorn. & Ricar- do Hereford. Epifcopis, præfentibus etiam venerab. vi ris Magiftris Gilberto de Sancto Leofardo Offici ali Curiae Cant. Herveo de Saham Cancellario Uni- werf. Oxon. Petro de S. Marco (vel Maria) Ar. chidiacono Surreye, Henrico de Naffington Off- ciali Lincoln. Rogero de Sevenak Offic. Hereford. Roberto de Lafcy Juris Civilis profeffore, Jaco- bo de Moun, & alijs pluribus folempnibus & ve- nerab. perfonis in multitudine copiofa, infrafcriptos errores quos de novo audierat in fud Provincia fuf citatos » { A Hiftory of Convocations. citatos tanquam Hærefes declaravit, & pronunciavit effe dampnatas in fcriptis proferens fub hac formd. Hi funt articuli noviter divulgati quos inter He- refes dampnatas in fe vel in fuis fimilibus numerandos effe credimus, & Hæreticos effe cenfemus, pertinaces eorum omnium & cujuflibet defenfores tanquam falfa- rum & novarum Opinionum caufâ inanis gloriæ fect- atores. . Primus Articulus est- But I find they are publifh'd already in the (a) 2d Vol, of our Coun- cils. I fhall therefore only obferve that he fent 'em to the Archdeacon of Cant. to be entred in fome Miffal, or fome fuch like Book, in every Church of his Dioceſe, and likewife to all the Peculiars under his Jurifdiction. I do not find that he fent 'em to the feveral Diocefes of his Province. And therefore it is to be lookt upon rather as an Epifcopal Act than a Metropolical one. Yet in the. MS. Chronicle of Dunftaple (the Compiler of which lived at the fame time) where I find the fame Articles recorded, it feems to be intimated that the Decree extended to the whole Province; but then withal it is intimated, that all the Bi- shops were concern'd in it. Apr. 1286. Die Paf tha in 15. dies coram Fratre 1. Cant. Arch. & CÓ- EPISCOPIS SUIS recitati funt quidam Articuli Ha- refim continentes, quorum tenor talis est, &c. The learned Author of the Rights of Convocations (b), from a certain Collection out of Peckham's Regifter, which he made ufe of, mentions a Con- Vocation An. 1290. to which were fummon'd, not two only, but duo, VEL TRES Procuratores out of every Diocefe; as the fame Year (c) there (4) p. 347. (b) p. 39. (c) Brady Introd. p. 149. * K were 145 1 } ! 1 146 A History of Convocations. * } } were fummon'd to Parliament, not 2 Knights on- ly for every Shire, but duo VEL TRES de difcre- tioribus Militibus. If there be any fuch thing in that Regiſter, I have (I know not how overlookt it, tho' I have very diligently turned over that antient and very valuable Volume no less than 3 feveral times, that fo nothing relating to this Argument might efcape me: And once I have lookt it over on purpofe to find out that Place, but was not fo lucky as to light upon it. ! That there was a Convocation held this Year at Ely, about Mich. is certain, and there is ex- tant in the Regiſter (a) of Henry de Eftre, Prior of Cant. (now in the hands of the Lord Bifhop of Norwich) a Procuratorium directed to the Arch-: bishop in that Affembly, by which the Proctors fent thither are empower'd ad tractandum nobif cum & alijs venerabilibus Patribus Suffraganeis Pro- vincie Cant. ac etiam totius Cleri Procuratoribus in Civitate Elienfi, fuper his quæ Dei honorem & pub- licam utilitatem refpiciunt, & ad confentiendum hijs quæ ibidem ad pacem & confolationem Ecclefiæ, Do- miniq; Regis & Anglia Cleri communitas infpirante. Deo providebit. A Parliament being held at the fame time with this Convocation, tho' at ano- ther place, viz. at CLIPSTON, the worthy Au- thor (b) above mention'd is pleaſed to call this a Parliamentary Synod, and the first part of thofe Words of the Procuratorium refer, as he thinks, to this Affembly as a Synod of the Pro- vince; and the Latter, as a Convention of the Clergy, held for State-ends in time of Parla- ment. I beg his leave to explain the Matter o- therwife: By the latter part, the Procuratorium (a) f. 146. (b) p. 318. feems * 1 J : 1 1 A History of Convòsations. feems to mean no more than the granting the K. a Subfidy, which was the Bufinefs of most Convocations, and particularly of that. From Wikes (a) we learn, that this Convocation was held at the Confecration of William Bishop of Ely, who was Confecrared, fays he, by the Archbishop, Octob. 1. præfentibus & affiftentibus pluribus Regni Pontificibus & alijs Ecclefiarum Prælatis, &c. /. That there was a Subfidy then granted by the Clergy, as in the Parliament by the Laity, the fame Annalist fhews: For he tells us that about Michaelmas the K. iffued out his Edict for the levying a Fifteenth upon the whole Kingdom as well the Clergy as the Laity. He feems indeed to intimate that he did it by his own Autho- rity. But 'twas doubtlefs granted in thofe Af femblies. An. 1295. Id. Julij a Synod was held by Arch bithop Winchelfee, to which only Bifhops were fummon'd, and yet there were certain Confti: tutions there made and publifh'd, as Matthew of Westm. who lived at that time, and out of him. à MS. Chronicle affures us: Anno gratiæ. 1295. Robertus Metropol. Cant. jam de Curia Romand re- greffus, in Octavis Apoftolorum Petri & Pauli (ie. July 6.) convocatis QUIBUSDAM SUFFRAGA- NEIS SUIS in Ecclefid S. Pauli London, fuper· Ec- clefiæ libertatibus, & confuetudinibus tractatum tenuis Specialem, & tanquam verus opilio, repagula & ma- nia circa parietinarum feu materiarum ruinas, edifi gre fatagens Conftitutiones quafdam a fanctis Patribus approbatas, fed per mercenariorum incuriam à vi propria. vacillantes, in medium legitime revocavit. Necnon & (4) ad an. 1299. 'K i alias 147 1 5 A Hiftory of Convocations. } 148 } 1 alias ordinationes prioribus adnectens, propter gregis tu- itionem, decrevit inviolabiliter obfervari. It is not from this Authority that I conclude there was none be- fides Biſhops in that Synod: For the fame Writ- er ad An. 1297. fays in like manner of the Con- vocation then call'd: Congregatis Archipræfule Cant. &QUIBUSDAM ALIIS COEPISCOPIS SUFFRA- GANEIS SUIS apud S. Paulum, &c. and yet we are fure that in that Convocation the Diocefan Clergy were prefent. But that by which I am convinced, that there were none but Bishops fummon'd, is the Authority of the Mandate Citatory, fill extant in that Archbishop's Regi- fter (a). Robertus, &c. Lond. Epifcopo: Emergentium nuper neceffitas nos inducit Confratres & CÕEPISCOPOS noftros celerius quam in mente Concepimus aut juxta qualitatem temporis opportunum exifteret convocare. Tan- tå igitur neceffitate compulfi fraternitati veftræ commit- timus & mandamus quatinus cum celeritate qud fieri, poterit opportune omnes & fingulos Coepifcopos & Suf- fraganeos noftræ Provincia convocari ac citari per- emptorie faciatis ut omni evitabili qualicunq; excufa- tione poftpofita, qua fi prætenfa extiterit nullatenus ad- mittetur, Idus Julij apud + Novum Templum Lond. ad tractandum nobifcum dicto die & diebus fequentibus proximis quamdiu opportunum extiterit fuper Articulis arduis, ftatum totius Ecclefia Provincia antedictæ & omnium perfonarum Ecclefiafticarum ejufdem tangenti- bus in virtute fanctæ obedientiæ quam nobis & Ecclefia noftræ Cant. exhibere juramento præftito perfonaliter Junt profeffi, & fub pœna diſtrictionis Canonice fuam ་་ (a) Reg. Winchelſee f. 168. b. It was adjourn'd, it ſeems to S. Paul's. ombi A History of Convocations. exhibeant præfentiam perfonalem Vos etiam eifdem die loco perfonaliter ad id idem poftpofitis alijs interfitis. De die vero receptionis præfentium & quid inde feceritis nos dictis die & loco veftris paten- tibus literis barum tenorem habentibus curetis reddere certiores. Dat. apud Otteford 4 Non, Junij 1295. Confec, noftræ I. An. 1295: on Hilary Day at S. Paul's was held that famous Convocation, in which the K. hav- ing demanded an Ayd of the Clergy, it was de- nied him, in obedience to a Conftitution lately publish'd by the Pope, forbidding the Clergy to contribute any thing belonging to the Church for the ufe of any Secular Prince. For which the Clergy were put out of the King's protection. To this Convocation were fummon'd all man- ner of Prelats, CHANTERS, CHANCELLORS, and TREASURERS of Cathedral Churches, and others. The Mandate follows (a): Robertus, &c. Lond. Epifcopo -mandamus qua- tinus omnes & fingulos Coepifcopes & Suffraganeos noftros convocando citetis, feu citari peremptorie faciatis, ut ceffante legitimo impedimento, quod fi præ- tenfum fuerit coram nobis nifi tunc legitime doctum fu- erit de eodem, nullatenus admittetur, die S. Hilarij proximo fubfequente apud S. Paulum Lond. ad tract. andum & ordinandum nobifcum qualiter pro tuitione univerfalis Ecclefie Anglicana, cui non tam in temporalibus quam in fpiritualibu unà cum Regno, Clero ejufdem & cæteris regnicolis periculum grande nimis (ut prædiximus) dignofcitur imminere, in necef fitatum feu periculorum hujufmodi articulis, quantum ad nos & alios viros Ecclefiafticos licite pertinet, fa- (a) Ibid. f. 204. b. *K 3 lu- է 150 A History of Convocations. } 1 lubriter providers valeat, fuam exhibeant præfentiam perfonalem, in virtute fue obedientia, quâ nobis & Ec- clefiæ noftra Cant. juxta fue profeffionis feriem ju- ramento perfonaliter præftito funt aftricti, necnon fub pæna diftri&ionis Canonice, cujus rigorem exercere dante Deo difponimus contra Convcationis feu citati- onis eorundem totaliter contempnentes, aut etiam quæ- fitis coloribus fele fruftratorie excufantes. Electos quo- que confirmatos præfentes, necnon abfentium Epifcopo- rum vel ELECTORUM VICARIOS, feu Procuratores ad dictos diem & locum fub pœnâ confimili & in formd predicta citetis, aut citari peremptorie faciatis. Denunciantes nihilominus præfatis Epifcopis, Electis præ- fentibus, & tam Epifcoporum quam Electorum abfen- tium Vicarijs & eifdem auctoritate noftrâ diſtrictius in. jungentes, quatinus quilibet in fuâ feu fibi commiſſâ Diacefi citet aut citari faciat peremptoric omnes Deca- 120S, PRACENTORES, CANCELLARIOS, THE- SAURARIOS, Archidiaconos & Priores Cathedralium Ecclefiarum, necnon Abbates non Exemptos, ac etiam omnes Priores, Decanos, Præpofitos, Magiftros Conven- tualium & Collegiatarum Ecclefiarum, & ALIOS · UNIVERSOS IN DIGNITATE CONSTITUTOS QUOCUNQUE NOMINE CENSEANTUR. Capi- tula quoque omnium prædictorum & Clerum; ut viz.. Decani, Præcentores, Cancellarij, Thefaurarij, Archidiaconi, & Abbates non exempti, Priores, Pre- pofiti, Magiftri, & alij in dignitate (ut præmittitur) conftituti, perfonaliter; fingula verò Capitula bujufmodi tam fecularium quam Religioforum prædictorum per unum, Clerus autem cujuflibet diœcefis per duos Procura tores, ad tractandum, ordinandum nobifcum, & tracta- tibus ordinationibufq, in premiffis & circa præmiffa, feu occafione præmifforum faciendis, ac omnibus tractatus · ordinationes hujufmodi contingentibus nomine Domi- norum fuorum confentiendum plenam & fufficientem, ac fpecialem poteftatem habentes, dictis die & loco con- ve- A History of Convocations. 151 { veniant, feu compareant eodem die & fequentibus op- portunis und nobifcum facturi quod fuperius memoratur, fub pana Excommunicationis majoris & interdicti, quæ merito poterunt formidare, qui in formâ prænotatâ con- tumaciter omiferint feu contempferint comparere, & que contra eofdem qui fic comparere detrectaverint fine de- - lectu perfonarum intendimus executioni debitæ demandare, - Denuncietis infuper Epifcopis, Electis, & Vicarijs fingu lis fupradictis, quod in fuis Diœcefibus omnibus exemp- tis cujufcunq; fuerint conditionis, ordinis, feu profef- fionis notificent manifeste, ut præfatis die & loco ab- fq; aliquali privilegiorum fuorum præjudicio, quibus per boc non intendimus derogare, und nobifcum fufficienter interfint facturi in præmiffis & ea contingentibus prout. fuperius est expreffum, cum commune fit periculum, & per confequens communibus abfq, cujufq; furi privilegio remedijs congruis devitandum. Et quod omnes tang it idcirco debet ab omnibus approbari, &c. Dat. apud Bocking 5. Kal. Decemb. 1296. Confecr. noftræ 3. 수 ​3 The Clergy being put out of the King's Pro- tection, the Archbishop fummoned another Con- vocation to meet on Midient Sunday at S. Pauls. In which this is very obfervable, that only one for the Clergy of each Dioceſe is fummon- ed. Fol. 211. Robertus, &c. Epifcopo Lond. -mandamus qua- omnes Coepifcopos ·& per eafdem tinus citetis Decanos Cathedralium Ecclef. in quibus funt Ca-' nonici feculares, aliarum verò Cathedralium Ecclef. Pri ores; de cæterifq; Monafticis non exemptis ipforum Abbates; de bijs quoq; quæ per Priores perpetuos & electivos plenum Conventum habentes reguntur; ca- rundem Monafteriorum Priores, & omnium Ecclefia- rum ac Monafteriorum bujufmodi Capitula Jeu Conven- tus, Clerum etiam univerfum cujufq; Diœcefis, viz.. - ut dicti Epifcopi fub fuae profeffionis & obedientiæ in K . 4 + * 152 A History of Convocations. ? { 1 ed promiffe debito, Decani vero, Abbates, & Priores præfati in virtute fue obedientic, perfonaliter; ac u- numquodq; Capitulum feu Conventus per unum; Clerus quoq, cujuflibet Diccefis per UNUM fimiliter PRO- CURATOREM idoneum & inftructum mandatum fufficiens una cum claufuld de rato babentem die Do- minica quâ cantabitur Officium LÆTARE JERU- SALEM in Ecclefiâ S. Pauli, &c. Dat. Cant. iv. Kal. Martij A.D. 1296. Confecr, noftre 3. A Form of a Procuratorium granted by the Subprior and Chapter of Bath, for this Convocation, and directed to the Archbishop, is ftill extant (a) Ad tractandum una cum cæteris Religiofis in Convocatione veftrâ præfente Lond. convenientibus die Dominica que cantatur LATARE JERUSA LEM, &c. The best account of this Tranfaction, that I have met with, is in the ancient MS. Chronicle of the Priory of Dunstaple, which was writ at this fame time. In which we are told that the Clergy of both Provinces, and both the Arch- bishops met together in the firft Convocation, and that the Convocation was divided into 4 Companies, the Bishops and their Proxies by them- felves, the Deans and Archdeacons by themfelves, the Abbots, Priors, and other Prelats by themfelves, and the Proctors of the Parochial Clergy by themſelves. And the fame Method they obferv'd again in the 2d Convocation. Both the Convocations are placed to a different time from what the Man- dates mention, but it is but a fmall difference of about a Weck; and they lafted no doubt to the time which the Chronicle mentions. I fhall 1 + ) Ap. Pryn. Writ. Parl. Vol. 1. p. 117. out of the Regiſter of that Priory.. pro- A Hiftory of Convocations. #53 J produce the Words of the Chronicle at large, ad: An. 1296. Post bæc Post bac D. Rex Parliamentum fuum tenuit apud S. Edmundum, auxilium petens à Laicis & a Clero. ~Super quo articulo refpectum habuerant hi & illi ufq; ad Epiphaniam prox. fubfequentem. in fefto Epiphanie D. Cant. Archiepifcopus cum fuis Suffraganeis & Clero, & Electus Ebor. Confirmatus cum fuis fimiliter, in Ecclefiâ S. Pauli Lond. Concilium babuerunt qualiter fana confcientia polent Dominumn Regem juvare & contributionem facere quam petebat. Cumq; ipfa congregatio divifa effet in 4 ordines five turmas, Epifcopi fcil. & eorum Procuratores feorfum : decani Cathedrales & Archidiaconi feorfum: Ab- bates Priores & alij Prælati feorfum: Procurato- res Communitatis Cleri feorfum: multis rationi- bus propofitis pro & contra, vifum est fingulis quod non fuit Regi contributio facienda. Intervenerat & porrecta est in medium quædam Bulla Bonifacij Papa per quam bujufmodi contributiones fes auxilia exigi vel donari à quibufcunq; perfonis, Clericis fer Laicis, fub pœnâ anathematis expreſſius prohibentur : ita quod rei in hac parte à nullo abfolvi poffent nifi a D. Papa, excepto mortis articulo duntaxat. Tandem prædictorum ORDINUM feu TURMARUM refpon- fio redacta est in fcriptis & fub figillo Cant. Archi- epifcopi Domino Regi per folempnes nuncios deftinata. Et Rex refponfum non acceptavis. Evolutis paucis diebus Rex apud Sarum confulto Barnagio fuo crudcle edictum ftatuit contra Clerum fine exceptione perfona- rum in dignitate vel extra pofitarum. Tunc de man- dato Regis terræ & tenementa reditus & poffeffio- nes & omnia eorum bona mobilia & immobilis gre extra Ecclefias & eorum cemiteria funt reperta in manu Regis per Vicecomites Angliæ funt [eyfata, con- fifcata, & detenta, ita quod ad bona jua Miniftri Ecclefiæ manum apponere non valebant. Averis t con- etla??? 1 A History of Convocations. 154% etiam & bona fingula Clericorum funt taxata & eorum prædia & valor & numerus acrarum rediguntur in fcriptura, ita quod ftatim poft feftum Pafcha primum fequens omnia fint ad Regis voluntatem. Sed interim babuit Clerus quietem & Refpectum ad deliberanda bo… na fua & terras de manu D. Regis & ad finem faciendum pro eifdem. Tunc Ebor. Electus vifo gra- vamine Ecclefiæ & defpectu pro ſe & fuis Suffra- ganeis & Clero finem fecit, fanam tum fibi confcien- tiam formans quafi pro pace & vexatione fibi redi- mnenda, regiâ protectione fuper hoc recepta. Ex provin- ciâ vero Cant. Epifcopi fimilem fibi confcientiam for mantes confimilem finem fecerunt & pacem babebant. Qui etiam finem non fecerant exleges & læſe ma- jeftatis rei cenfebantur. Et de incurid dampna vel convicio perfonali vel prædiali fibi factis, & de ab- lato fibi equo à Laico, quod tunc fæpe contigit, reme-.. dium feu breve à Regia Curid negabatur. Et facti funt Clerici quafi opprobrium hominum & abjectio plebis. Et in quadragefimo proximo fequenti, Sabbato quo canitur SITIENTES, Cant. Archiepifcopus convocavit fuæ provincia totum Clerum apud Lond. Et divifo Clero in 4 turmas ficut prius, tractabatur inter eos, fi adhuc poffent propter Bullam Apoftolicam Domino Regi contribuere quod petebat. Quod cum facere Clerus fane non valeret, mandavit Rex Clero per nuncios fo- lempnes quod de eorum fubfidio vil curavit, fed emen- das petijt comminando de defpectu fibi facto pro eo quod eum juvare noluerant ad defenfionem terræ & defenfionem fanctæ Ecclefiæ contra hoftes. Archiepifco- pus verò & Clerus remedium à Domino Papa fupe bijs anguftijs expectabat, & cum nuncij bord debita non veniffent, Ecclefiafticæ perfonæ fere omnes, exceptis paucis cum Domino Rege, finem fecerunt, &c. The Author adds, that he intends to speak more largely of this perfecution of the Church of England 1 in ¿ A Hiftory of Convocations. in the following Year. But that he does not do: For in the beginning of the next Year, 1297. the Chronicle ends, and the Author died. alfo Mat. Weftm. ad An. 1296, 1297. See An. 1297. on S. Laurence's Day a Convocation was held at the New Temple, without any Writ from the K. to which were fummon'd I Proctor for each Chapter, and 2 for the Clergy. (a) Mandate this: The Robertus, &c. Epifcopo Lond. Articulus arduus videtur de magnis Chartis libertatum & Forefte fa- lubriter innovandis, & de juribus ac libertatibus Ec- clefiæ Anglicane, qua hactenus deciderunt, & ad- buc continue decidunt in abufum recuperandis d princi- pio, &c. Quocirca mandamus quatinus Epifcopos & totum Clerum per locorum Diece- fanos faciatis in Diœcefibus fingulis peremptorie convo- cando citari, viz. ut ijdem Epifcopi & Ecclefiarum Cathedralium præfidentes Decani fcil. fecularium & Religioforum Priores, necnon Diœcefium fingularium Abbates & Priores electivi plenum Conventum haben- tes non exempti perfonaliter, & pro fingulis Capitulis, aut Conventibus eorundem unus, pro Clero quoq; cu- jufq; Diacefis duo Procuratores fufficientes compareant apud Novum Templum Lond. die Sancti Laur. Vos etiam pramunimus & cæteros fic citandos pramuniri mandamus, quod abfentes in citatione præ- dicta, nifi evidens & inevitabile impedimentum per probationes certas fupereffe docuerint, tanquam inobe- dientes & offenfores notorios graviter paniemus. Vos etiam ad hoc idem citamus, veftrofq; fubditos ci- tari præcipimus in forma fuperius annotata. Rogétis (a) Reg. Winchelfee f. 218. b. infuper 155 1 THE THE L > 156 A History of Convocations. C W $ infuper & per noftros Coepifcopos in fuis Diœcefibus vice noftra rogari mandetis Religiofos exemptos ve ftræ & fuarum Diœcefium ut dictis diebus & loco compareant tractaturi & facturi ut fupra, &c. Dat. apud Waleworth juxta Lond. 17. Kal Aug. The fame Year another Convocation was held on S. Edmund's Day at the New Temple pro defenfione Ecclefie contra Scotos, as the Regifter (a) days,i. e. for a Subfidy for the Scotch War: to which were fummoned 2 Proctors for the Clergy of each Diocefe in England, but no more than ONE for each Dioceſe in Wales. 橥 ​Robertus, &c. Epifcopo Lond. mandamus ut noftros Coepifcopos & per Epifcopos ipfos Clerum quatenus eis fubjicitur, convocari mandetis,viz ut ipfi Epifcopi & Decani ac Priores in Ecclefi Cathedralibus præfidentes perfonaliter cæteri vero Abbates & Priores cujufq; Diœcefis pro fe & con ventibus fuis, per fe, aut per procuratorem fui ordinis, & reliqua Cleri communitas fimiliter cujufq; Dioecefis Wallia viz. per UNUM, Angliæ verò, quatinus noftra provincia se extendit, per duos, & Capitula Cathedralium Ecclefiarum per unum, procuratores ido neos instructos die S. Edmundi R. apud Novum Templum Lond. compareant nobifcum cum cæteris, ut prætangitur, convocandis fuper hijs tractaturi, & qualiter dicta poffint præcaveri pericula provifuri, necnon in certam formam inibi providendam consordi- ter confenfuri, facturiq; ulterius quod ad expeditionem idoneam pertinere videbitur præmifforum. Interim verò (a) Ibid, f. 225. 1 1 dicti A ; J A History of Convocations. dicti Epifcopi cum fuis confilijs, cæteri vero prænota. ti fimiliter modo quo melius expedire profpexerint, plene deliberent & pertractent tam de auxilio licito quam de modo, & de bijs omnibus procuratores & alij ut fupra mittendi plenius inftruantur ut ad diem & lo- cum prædictos fuum poffint fuper hijs deliberationis ex- plicare confilium, & quod agendum extiterit fine mord planius expedire. Religiofos autem exemptos per Dix. cefanos locorum ad id idem rogari & premuniri con- grue demandetis. Denunciantes dictis Coepifcopis & per eos fuos fubditos fic vocandos faciatis idonee præ- muniri, & vos fimiliter de eodem præmunimus, quod abfentes in citatione prædictâ nifi evidens & inevita- bile impedimentum fufficienter probetur, tanquam inobe- dientes graviter puniemus, &c. Dat. apud Lameheth Id. Octob. 1297. Confecr. noftræ 4. The Archbishop in the Preamble fays that he was then fitting in Parliament with the reſt of the Nobility when News came of the Scots In- vafion, and was defired by the King's Son and the reft of the Nobility affembled in Parliament to call a Convocation. Nuper fiquidem in Parlia- mento London. ubi cum optimatibus & Regni proce- ribus varia tractavimus negotia ut decebat, rumor validus, &c. -propter quod Dominus nofter fi lius Domini Regis chariſſimus cui juramento fidelitatis aftringimur & regni proceres fuper hijs arctiffimd re- volutione tractantes, à nobis & quibufdam noftris Co- epifcopis ibidem præfentibus affectuose petebant ut in tam grandi & evidenti periculo -nos & cæteri Præ- lati ac Clerus Angliæ confilium opem & efficax præfidium impendere curaremus. An 1298. a Convocation was fummoned ad inftantiam Regis regreſſi à Flandrid as the Registra- ry 157 1 ال 3 58 A History of Convocations. 1 i y (a) fays, ie. for a Subfidy. It met the Mor row after the Nativity of S. John Baptist at the New Temple, and the perfons fummoned to it, with 2 Proctors for each Diocefe, and not on- ly the Deans and Archdeacons, &c. but alfo the CHANTERS, CHANCELLORS, and TREASU- RERS of Cathedral Churches. Robertus, &c. Domino Lond. Epifcopo falutem, &c. Exigunt nonnunquarn etiam contra animi deftinationem licet cum faftidio petita concedi, non tam dignitas quam inftantia poftulantis. Sane apud St. Albanum nuper ad illuftrem Regem noſtrum Angliæ præventi fuis precibus accedentes, & fuper negotijs varijs cum ipfo & alijs de confilio fuo propenfius conferentes, inter cætera per eundem affectuofius extitimus requifiti quod omnes Prælatos & Clerum noftræ civitatis diœcefis & provincia Cant. pro arduis quibufdam negotijs exponendis eifdem ad certos diem & locum faceremus quantocius convocari. Cujus depre- cantis recenter ad regnum fuum regreffi, fupereminens conditio auctoritatifq; fublimis poft regni ejus ingreffum prima fupplicatio nobis facta, nos licet anxios de nimijs fatigationibus fubditorum, fecundum difcrimen temporis tranfacti,compatientefq; perfæpius repetitas Convocationes, hujufmodi tædiofis vexationibus eorundem extra præcon- ceptum propofitum, quodammodo invitos compulit, tantis precibus animum inclinare. Quocirco Fraternitati veftræ committimus & mandamus quatinus fine dilatione mo- rofa omnes & fingulos Coepifcopos & Suffraganeos nof tros in noftra Cant. provincia conftitutos convocando ci- tetis, feu citari peremptorie faciatis & per eofdem Epif- copos vice & auctoritate noftrâ citari mandetis fimiliter peremptorie in fingulis Diccef. omnes Décanos, PRÆ- CENTORES, CANCELLARIOS, THESAURARI- OS, Archidiaconos, Priores Cathedralium Ecclef. & Ab- (4) Ibid. f. 242. bates A History of Convocations. 7059 : 3 21 MY NA NA N bates non exemptos, ac etiam omnes Priores perpetuos & electivos, Præpofitos, Magiftros, feu Cuftodes Conventu alium & Collegiatarum Ecclef. & alios UNIVERSOS IN DIGNITATE CONSTITUTOS, Capitula quoq; Conventus & Collegia omnium prædictorum, & Cle- rum fingularum diœcefium: viz, ut dicti Epifcopi, De- cani, PRÆCENTORES, CANCELLARII,THESAU- RARII, Archidiaconi, Abbates, Priores, Magiftri, Custo- des, & alij, IN DIGNITATE, ut præmittitur, CON- STITUTI, in virtute obedientiæ perfonaliter, fingula ve- ro capitula, Conventus, & Collegia tam fecularium quara Religioforum prædictorum per unum, Clerus autem cu- juflibet dioecefis per duos Procuratores fufficientes compa- reant apud Nov. Templ. Lond. in craftino Fefti Nativi- tatis S. Jo. Bapt. proximo venturi cum diebus fequenti- bus continuandis eifdem ufq; ad finalem ipforum expedi- tionem in hac parte una nobifcum ea que per præfatum Dóminum Regem noftrum illuftrem vel ex parte fua ex- ponentur ibidem audituri & fimiliter hijs prout convenit tractaturi, provifuri & ordinaturi falubriter de eifdem, & ad ea que ex communi deliberatione concorditer provi- debuntur aut fient fuum adhibituri confenfum, factu riq;\ ulterius " ulterius quod duce Domino vifum fuerit oppor. tunum. Et vos ipfi quod ad vos & fubditos veftros hoc ipfum mandatum noftrum in fingulis fuis articulis fimiliter obfervetis. Denunciantes dictis Epifcopis, & per eos fuis fubditis denunciari facientes, quod abfen- tes in dicto termino ceffante legitimo impedimento, de quo evidenter & legitime doceri volumus, graviter pro contumacia puniemus. Religiofis quoq; Exemptis dictarum Diæcefium abfq; præjudicio fuorum privi legiorum compareant loco & temporibus prænotatis per vos & alios Coepifcopos noftros denuncietis & denus- ciari follicite faciatis, &C. — Dat. apud Croyn- don 11. Kal. Maij A. D. MCCLXXXXVIII. Čox- fec. noftra iv. J Att " {{、 I گر 1 1 160. A Hiftory of Convocations. ! An. 27. E. I. Chrifti 1299. in craftino Anima- rum, i. e. Nov. 3. a Convocation was held, which is mention'd in a certain Epiftle (a) of Archbishop Wincheljee. And the Form of a Procuratorium, granted for the fame Convocation by the Frior of Rath there is (b) extant in the Regifter of that Priory, directed to the Archbishop. Santa Con- gregationi Patrum Reverendorum Dominorum Epifcopo- um, Abbatum, Priorum, cæterorumq; Prælatorum ac Cleri Provincia Cant. in veftrà præfentiâ re- verendâ poft inftantem commemorationem Animarum London faciendæ, ob debilitatem nimiam noftri corporis, non valentes perfonaliter intereffe; veftre Paternitati fupplicamus attente, quatinus tunc ibidem hanc noftram excufationem habere dignemini benignius excufatam &c. Another granted at the fame time by the Sub- Prior and Chapter to the Perfon whom they fent up. In a Convocation held An. 1302. the Morrow after Afcenfion-day at the New Temple, the Chanters, Chancellors, and Treaſurers of Cathedral Churches, were again Summond, and but only ONE Proctor for each Diocefe in Wales: Reg. Winchelfee F. 147. Robertus, &c. Epifcopo Lond. &c.-Mandamus, -quatinusCoepifcopos citetis, ac per eofdem Epifcopos vice & auctoritate noftrâ citari mandetis fimi- liter peremptorie in fingulis diœcefibus omnes Decanos,Pre- centores, Cancellarios, Thefaur. Archidiaconos, Priores Cathedralium Eccl. & Abbates non exemptos, ac etiam (4) ap. Reg. f. 139. & 140. b. & 145. (b) Ed. ap. Pryn Brev. Parl, Vol. p. 117. + OWINEŠ { A Hiftory of Convocations. 161 omnes Priores perpetuos & electivos plenum Conventum habentes, Præpofitos, Magiftros, feu Cuftodes Conventu- alium & Collegiatarum Eccl. & alios univerfos IN DIGNITATE ČONSTITUTOS, &c. ( ut fupra )- Clerus autem cujuflibet Diocefis Angliæ per duos Procura- tores, Walliæ verò per UNUM, compareant apud No- vum Templum Lond. in craftino Afcenfionis Domini- una nobifcum efficaciter tractaturi ac etiam ordinaturi concorditer quid ad honorem Dei & reformationem Statûs Ecclefiæ animarumq; falutem in hac parte confultius fit agendum, & ad ea quæ ex communi deliberatione concor- diter providebuntur, ftatuentur, ant fient, fuum adhibitu- ri confenfum, facturiq; ulterius quod pro communi utili- tate omnium & fingulorum divinâ infpirante gratiâ vi- fum fuerit oportunum, &c. (ut fupra) Dat. apud Mor- telake 3 Id. Apr. A. D. 1302. Confecr. noftræ 1 A Form of Summons to the Prior and Chapter of Cant. for that Convocation. Ibid. Fol. 286. Robertus, &c. Dilectis filijs-Priori & Capitulo Ecclefiæ noftræ Cantuar. falutem Quocirca vos te- nore præfentium citamus peremptorie, quod vos Prior per- fonaliter in virtute obedientia, Capitulum vero per un- um Procuratorem veftræ conditionis & Ordinis fuffici- entem compareatis apud Nov. Temp. Lond. in craftino Afcenfionis Domini proximo venturo cum diebus fe- quentibus, continuandis eidem, ufq; ad finalem ipforum expeditionem in hac parte una nobifcum,& Coepifcopis Suf- fraganeis noftris, & Clero noftræ Cant. Provincie ef- ficaciter tractaturi, ac etiam ordinaturi concorduer, quid ad honorem Dei & reformationem ftatus Eccle- fiæ, animarumq; falutem in hac parte confultius fit à- gendum, & ad ea que ex communi deliberatione con- corditer providebuntur, ftatxentur aut fient, veftrum adhibituri confenfum, facturiq; ulterius quod pro com- muni utilitate omnium & fingulorum, divind infpirante L gratid 162. A Hiftory of Convocations. gratiâ vifum fuerit opportunum. Et quid feceritis in præmiffis, nos dictis, die & loco certificetis per veftras patentes literas barum feriem continentes. Harewes 14. Kal. Maij 1302. Dat. ap. Citatio Abbatum & Cleri Dioecefis Cant. Ibid. f. 286. Robertus, &c. Magiftro Martino Commiffario no- flro Cant. falutem. Quocirca tibi committimus & in virtute obedientiae firmiter injungendo mandamus, quatinus cum celeritate debitâ omnes Abbates, non ex- emptos, ac etiam omnes Priores perpetuos & electivos plenum Conventum habentes, Præpofitos, Magiftros, feu Cuftodes Conventualium & Collegiatarum Eccl. & altos univerfos in dignitate conftitutos, Conventus quoq; Col- legia omnium prædictorum, & Clerum noftræ Cant. Diacefis, viz. ut dicti Abbates, Priores, Magiftri, Cuft- odes & alij in dignitate ut præmittitur conftituti in virtute obedientia per fe; fingula verò Collegia & Conventus tam fecularium quam Religioforum prædict- orum per unum, fue conditionis ordinis: Clerus autem dictæ noftræ Diæcefis & Decanatuum noftro- rum exemptorum, per duos Procuratores fufficientes com- pareant apud Nov. Templ. Lond. in craft. Afcenf. Dom. prox. vent. cum diebus fequentibus continuandis eidem ufq; ad finalem ipforum expeditionem in bac parte, unà nobifcum, Coepifcopis & Suffraganeis noftris, & Clero noftræ Cant. Prov. efficaciter tractaturi ac etiam ordinaturi concorditer quid ad honorem Dei, re- formationem ftatis Ecclefiæ, "animarum falutem in bac parte confultius fit agendum, & ad ea quæ ex com- muni deliberatione concorditer providebuntur, ftatuentur aut fient, fuum adbibituri confenfum, fa&turiq; ulterius, quod pro communi utilitate omnuum & fingulorum, divind inſpirante gratiâ vifum fuerit opportunum, &C. The fame Year another Convocation was held : at A Hiftory of Convocations. 163 at S. Pauls the Monday after Mich. for the grant- ing a Subfidy, to which were fummon'd all Ec- clefiaftical Perfons who had Temporal Eftates, to appear either in their own Perfons, or by a Proct- or; and fo the Chapters and Convents were to ap pear either in their own Perfons, or by a Proctor. The Diocefan Clergy who had no temporal E- ftates, were not fummon'd. Ibid. f. 148. Robertus, &c. Epifcopo Lond. &c. Ut animarum pe- riculis verifimiliter imminentibus occafione quinte decime quam fereniffimus princeps Dominus E. Dei gratia Rex Angliæ illuftris exigit de bonis Ecclefiafticis unftræ Prev. Cant. quantis poffumus ftudijs obviemus, obtenta Pri mitus dilatione exactionis ejufdem quinte decimæ à proximo Parliamento ante Au umnum ufq; ad Feftum S. Mich. ultimo tranſactum, deinde cura magnd inftantia ufq; ad Pafcha proximo jam futurum à dicto Domino Rege, cum quo & fuis Proceribus jam in proximo Parl. fuo Lond, pro ftatu Ecclefiæ follicite fuper hoc contu- limus, fub certis modis & conditionibus, cum omni celc- ritate difcutiendis, cogimur licet inviti Prælatos noftræ Provincia quos res tangit protinus convocare. circa mandamus quatinus Coepifcopos citetis —aç per eofdem Epifcopos auctoritate noftrâ citari mandetis fimiliter peremptorie in fingulis Diecefibus omnes rib- bates & Priores perpetuos plenum conventum habentes non exemptos, & alias quacunq; perfonas Eccl. fecu- lares & religiofas, à quibus ratione poffeffionum tempo- raluum Ecclefiirum fuarum hujufmodi quinta decima exigitur, quod ijdem Epifcopi in virtute obedientiae per- fonaliter, alij vero præmiffi & fingula Capitula, Con- pentus, & Collegia tam fecularium quam Religioforum per fe vel PER UNUM fuæ conditionis Procuratorem Jufficientem compareant apud S. Paulus Lond. die Lance prox post Feftum S. Mich. &c. (the ablers threaten') Dat. apud CHARTHAM, *L 2 Anglis ་ - * } 4 * + 164 A History of Convocations. Archbishop Winchelfee's Provincial Conſtitutions, publish'd in a Synod held at MERTON (in Sur- ry, at the Priory there) are placed in the Edi- tion of our Councils ad An. 1300. vel circa. But the Editor might have known, from the Edition which is at the end of Lindwood, that they were publifh'd An. 1305. and that that Conftitution which he has publiſh'd Pag. 436. as made An. 1305. belongs to that Synod. From the fame Edition it appears that one Conftitution afcribed to him (extant in Spelman P. 434.) was by fome attributed to Archbishop flip. The Synod of Winchester, which is there men- tion'd as held under Archbishop Winchelfee (in the next Reign) An. 1308. was rather a Diocefan Synod held under the Bishop of that Dioceſe; whoſe Conſtitutions are extant in Spelman. In the fame Vol. (a) of our Councils there are 2 Prohibitions, iffued out by the K. in French, March 21. (1299.) Regni 25. relating to the Con- vocation of that time, mention'd above. Which I had there forgot. There is alfo a Sentence of Excommunication denounc'd by Archbishop Winchelfee's Command against all the Infringers of M. Charta and Charta de Forefta An. 1298. purfuant to a Decree of a Convocation held about Hilary 1296. Nuper in quadam Convocatione Prælatorum & Cleri London cele- brata post Feftum S. Hillarij An. 1296. per Nos & Coe- pifcopos noftros communi extitit ordinatione condictum,&c. An. 1306. and again 1311. Will. Greenfield Arch- bishop of York publiſhed certain Conftitutions, which are there alfo extant. His Regifter is ftill (a) p. 429. in ·· ރ A History of Convocations. in being, and in it there are the Acts of a Provincial Council held at the very beginning of the 14th Cent. for the Suppreffion of the Knights Templars, as we are told in the Rights of Convoca- tions. But I fuppofe it was held An. 1309. or 1311. For then there were 2 held in the Pro- vince of Cant. about the ſame Matter. Of which we are next to treat. : 婆 ​f ¢%P****ན > you Convocations in the Reign of Ed. II. under Rob. Winchelfee and Walter Reynolds Archbishops. A N. 1309. on the Feſtival of S. Edmund the K. a Convocation was held at S. Pauls, to which were fummon'd not only the Arch- deacons and Proctors of the Capuular and Paro- chial Clergy, but alfo the ARCHPRESBYTERS or RURAL DEANS. And this is the firft Con- vocation whofe Acts we have any particular ac- count of in our Regifters. It was fummon'd by the Pope's Command, to confult about certain Matters relating to the Templars, a general Coun- cil being to be held a little after about the fame. (a). Concilium Provincaile celebratum in Ecclefiâ S. Pauli Lond. die Lune proxima post Feftum S. Ed- mundi R. & Martyris, A. D. MCCCIX. per Do- minum Rob. de Wynchelfe Cant. Archiepifcopum, convenientibus tunc ibidem ad citationem ejufdem Ar- (a) Reg. Winchelfee f. 125. *L 3 chiepif 165 166 A Hiftory of Convocations: chiepifcopi Dominis R. Lond. H. Wynton. S. Sa- rum, &c. cæteris Epifcopis Suffraganeis Cant. Ecclefiæ fe excufantibus propter infirmitatem & debili- tatem corporum: Necnon Decanis, & Procuratoribus Capitulorum Cathedralium Ecclef. PRÆPOSITIS ARCHIPRESBYTERIS, Archidiaconis, & Procurato- ribus Cleri cujuflibet Diœcefis, Abbatibus, Frioribus, ac Procuratoribus Collegiorum, prout in certificatorio Lond. Epifcopi inferius defcripto fit mentio. Celebrata primitus milla de S. Spiritu per Norwicenfem, Archiepifcopo & cæteris Epifcopis, Pontificalibus indutis: post finitam miffam Archiepifcopus propofuit Verbum Dei in Latino, in quo reprehendit Epifcopos male per preces electos vel ambitionem, necnon & eos qui non ftant pro jure Ec- clefiæ. Finito autem fermone dedit Indulgentiam XL. dierum omnibus qui eidem fermoni interfuerunt, con- feffis & contritis, & deinde expofuit in genere occafionem. convocationis Concilij, quæ in Certificatorio Lond. Epif copi continetur. Et quia multum dies tranfivit, nihil plus actum fuit illo die. In craftino autem comparuerunt omnes Epifcopi non induti Pontificalibus, fed capis fuis claufis, necnon & cæteræ perfonæ Ecclefiafticæ prædicte in eodem loco,& primo legebantur Bulla Apoftolicæ prop- ter quas fuit convocatum Concilium, necnon & litera certificatoria Londinenfis prout inferius defcribitur. Bul- le autem ideo cute Certificatorium legebantur, quia prop- ter illarum priman habuit Archiepifcopus auctoritatem vocandi EXEMPTOS populum non habentes. Et est fciendum qued Norwicenfis qui celebravit Miffam, de- dit folemnern benedictionem in Miſſa, propter reveren- tiam Corporis Chrifti qued ante je babuit in altari, Et orationes confuetas eandem benedictionem præcedentes. Then follows the Pope's Bull, and after tha the Bishop of London's Certificatorium reciting the Archbishop's Mandate; which I omit becauſe it is publiſhed in the 2d Vol. of our Councils p. 466. The Miandare is dated vi, Non, Offob, the Certificatorium 9. Kal. A Hiftory of Convocations. 167 1 9. Kal. Decemb. The Perfons fummoned in the Mandate are Epifcopi, ELECTI, CONFIRMATI, Abbates, Priores Electivi plenum Conventum habentes Abbates fuper fe non habentes, Decani, PRÆPOSITI, ARCHIPRESBYTERI, Archidiaconi, & Capitula ac Col- legia univerfà, necnon & Clerus cujuflibet Diaccfis. An. 1311. 14. Kal. Maij at S. Pauls another Con- vocation' was held against the Templars, to which were fummon'd the Vicars General of Bishops ablent beyond Sea, but not the Rural Deans. The Collegiate Churches and Monafteries are directed either to give Procuratorial Commiffions to their Deans, Abbots, and Priors, or IF THEY PLEASED, to fend up fome of their own Body one or more. And the Diocefan Clergy are directed to fend up either ONE or TWO Proctors. The Archbishop's Mandate. Fol. 6o.b. Robertus, &c. dilecto filio venerabilis noftri R. Dei gratiâ Lond. Epifcopi agentis in remotis, in fpirituali- bus Vicario Generali falutem gratiam & ben. Cum cir- ca quafdam fingulares perfonas ordinis Militie Templi in noftrâ Provincia degentes post ultimum noftrum provinciale Concilium celebratum, emerferint aliqua quæ juxta Apoftolici mandati exigentiam non poffunt nifi in confimili celebrando Concilio expediri, urgeatq; ne- ceffitas boni publici hujus regni, tranquillitatifq; & qui- etis accommode in Ecclefia Anglicand expofcat utiltas, Prælatos & Clerum noftræ Provinciae ad invicem con- venire de confilio venerabilium fratrum noftrorum, qui nuper ad admonitionem noftram London. fuam pre- fentiam exhibebant, & nonnullorum Procuratorum ab- fentium fratrum noftrorum, decrevimus Provinciale Con- cilium in proximo, dante Domino, celebrare. Quocirca vobis injungimus & mandamus, quatinus venerabiles 1 *L4 fra- ? ་ 168 A History of Convocations. { fratres noftros Suffraganeos præfentes in regno, ac ab- fentium fratrum in fpiritualibus & temporalibus Vi- carios generales, feu alios quos ad hoc duxerant di- mittendos, Decanos & Capitula Cathedralium Ecclefi arum, Archidiaconos univerfos, Abbates, Priores fuper fe Abbates in noftra provincia non habentes, tam ex- emptos quam non exemptos, eorumq; Conventus, Cle- rumq; cujuflibet civitatis & Diœcefis noftræ Provincia fupradicte citetis feu citari faciatis peremptorie, quod dicti venerabiles fratres, Vicarij, Decani, Archidiaconi, Abbates, Priores, perfonaliter; Capitula autem & Con- ventus PER SUOS DECANOS, ABBATES, ET PRIORES SI VOLUERINT, alioquin per ALIUM feu ALIOS idoneos, Clerus autem per ÚNUM vel DUOS Procuratores confimiles communiter deftinandos, compareant coram nobis 14. Kal. Maij in Ecclefia S. Pauli London. nobifcum fuper præmiffis & alijs prout expediens vifum fuerit efficaciter tractaturi, confenfufq; hijs quæ, dante Domino, ordinabuntur & provide- buntur ibidem præbituri, ulteriufq; facturi ad contin- nuationem dierum fequentium ufq; ad finem ejufdem Concilij quod juftitia fuadebit: Denuntiantes eifdem, quod nullius quem inevitabilis neceffitas non excufat, abfentiam à dicto Concilio habebimus excufatam. Ca- terum ut de ipforum Vicariorum, Decanorum, Archi- diaconorum, Abbatum, & Priorum nominibus proprijs, quiq; Abbates & Prures exempti plebes Capellas feu Ecclefias habeant non exemptas, valeamus effici certi- ores, ipfis venerabilibus fratribus noftris ac Vicarijs aucto- ritate noftrâ districtius injungatis quod nos de eifdem omnibus reddant in diclo termino certiores, per fuas patentes literas bujufmodi ac noftri mandati feriem coh- tinentes. Vos infuper citamus peremptorie ad id idem, & quo ad Vicarium in temporalibus generalem Civitatis & Diœcefis Lond. Decanum & Capitulum Lond. Archi- diaconos, Abbates, Priores, Plebes, Ecclefias feu Capel- las, & clerum ejufdem Civitatis ac Diœcefis manda- mus L لم A History of Convocations. 169 mus fuprafcripta omnia fieri & obfervari. Quod autem in bac parte duxeritis faciendum nos dictis die & loco cer- tificetis diftinite & aperte per veftras patentes literas ba- rum feriem continentes. Dat. apud Tenham XIII. Kal. Apr. A. D. MCCCXI. Confec. noftræ XVIII. His Summons to the Prior and Chapter of Cant. Robertus, &c. Dilectis filijs & venerabilibus viris Dominis Priori & Capitulo noftræ Cant. &c. Cum cir- ca quafdam fingulares perfonas, &c. (ut fupra) Quo- circa tenore præfentium peremptorie vos citamus quod vos Domine Prior perfonaliter, & vos Capitulum per cundem Dominum Priorem, SI VOLUERITIS, alioquin per ALIUM ſeu ALIOS idoneos compareatis coram nobis 14. Kal. Maij, &c. (ut fupra, ufq; ad excufatam.) His Summons to the Clergy of his Dioceſe. Robertus, &c. dilecto filio Commiffario noftro Cant. fal. grat. & ben. Cum circa quafdam, &c. (ut fupra) Quocirca tibi committimus & mandamus quatinus di- lectos filios Abbates & Priores fuper fe Abbates non ha- bentes, ipforumq; Conventus tam exemptos quam non exemptos, Vicarios, Archidiaconos (Provincia) noftræ Cant. (abfentis redundat) necnon & Clerum noftre Civitatis & Diœcefis ac jurifdictionis immediate, ci- tes feu citari facias peremptorie quod dicti Abbates, Priores, & Vicarij Archidiaconi perfonaliter, Conven- tus autem per fuos Abbates & Priores fi voluerint alioqui per alium feu alios idoneos: Clerus vero per thum vel duos procuratores confimiles communiter de- ftinandos, compareant coram nobis 14. Kal. Maij, &c. (ut fupra ufq; ad excufatam.) Cæterum ut de ipfo- rum Abbatum Priorum & Vicariorum nominibus pro- prijs valeamus effici certiores, tibi damus diftrictius in mandatis, quod nos de eifdem nominibus reddas in dicto $ 170 A History of Convocations. dicto termino certiores per tuas patentes literas harum & rei per te gefta feriem continentes. Porro cum dilectis filijs Dominis Priori & Capitulo noftro Cant. mandata noftra in hac parte fpecialiter dirigamus per te volumus ipfos ad dictum" "Concilium evocari. Dat. ut fupra. There is extant in the fame Regiſter a Man- date to the Biſhop of London to punifh fuch Per- fons as neglected to come to 2 Convocations late- ly held, one on Afcenfion Day, the other at Mich. Which Mandate I fhall have occafion to make ufe of elſewhere. Walter Reynolds being made Archbiſhop 13. Kal. March. 1313. immediately refolv'd to call a Convo- eation, as he fays, of his SUFFRAGANȘ, as his Pre- deceffors had been uſed to do in the beginning of their Pontificats: But was prevented by a Writ from the K. by which he was required to fummon both the Bishops and the Clergy of his Province at a certain time and to a certain place. Accordingly he iffued out his Mandate reciting the Royal Writ, which lies in his Regiſter (a) in thefe Words: W. &c. Prædecefforum noftrorum Sedis Cant. Pon- tificum quanto cum Domino poffumus fatagentes, deli- beravimus penes nos SUFFRAGANEORUM noftro- rum Convocationem, prout per eofdem Prædeceffores no- ftros in fui regiminis initio fieri confuevit fore falubri- ter faciendum, & dum hoc in mentis conceptu pro ho- nore Dei & Ecclefiæ ftatu ftudiofe (a Word is want- ing) fupervenit nuncius ex parte D. Regis noftri liter ejufdem Domini 2. Non. Apr. apud LĂ PLACE juxta Lamheth nobis deferens, continentes tenorem qui fequi- (a) £. 37. b. tur : A Hiftory of Convocations. 171 tur: Edwardus, &c. Quocirca vobis tenore præfen- tium injungimus & mandamus quatinus præfatos Suf- fraganeos noftros, Decanos, Priores, Archid. Abbates,, Clerumq; prædictum Prov. Cant. peremptorie pramu- niri & citari faciatis, quod dictis die & loco fint & compareant juxta formam literarum und NOBISCUM tractaturi & ordinaturi fuper præmiffis prout utilita- ti Ecclefiæ & Animarum faluti vifum fuerit expedire, & bijs quæ Domino difponente ibidem falubriter con- tigerit ordinari, fuum prout decet confenfum adhibituri. Ad quem diem veftram ibidem præfeniiam exht. beatis, &c. There is only the firft Word of the Writ en- ter'd in the Register, as recited in the. Mandate: but in another place of the Regifter (a) it is extant by it felf. The Parliament was held a little before on the Quinden of Eafter as appears by the (b) Summonitiones ad Parl. And this was a kind of Convocation that was fummon'd to fit about 3 Weeks after, on the Morrow of Afcen- fion before certain Agents deputed by the King, for the granting of an Ayd againſt Robert de Brzs. The Archbishop is required to fummon the Biſhops and Clergy of his Prov. Vobis mandamus rogantes quatinus alijs prætermiffis fitis in proprid perfona veftra apud Weftm. in Crast, Afcen. fionis Dom. prox. fut. coram Fidelibus noftris ad hoc de- putandis ad tractandum cum eifdem fuper competenti auxlio à Clero Prov. veftræ Cant. prout in Parl noftro ap. Weftm. habito tam per Clerum quam per Communitatem Regni noftri extitit concordatum, & prout per prædictos fideles noftros eritis requifiti: & ad eundem diem venire faciatis coram diétis noflrs Suffraganeos veftros, Decanos, Priores Ecclefiaran Ca (a) f. 35. (b) p. 95, 46. tbal. 172 "A Hiftory of Convocations. thed. Abbates exemptos & non exemptos, Archidiaconos Capitula Ecclefiarum Cathed. Clerum -ad tractandum & confent. &c. Dat. ap. Weftm. 27. Martij. The Clergy both High and Low being dif gufted at the King's pretending to fummon them, and difliking that the Archbishop ſhould ſend out a Mandate reciting the King's Writ; the Man- date was not generally executed: It was fent to but few, and very few came. So that there was no Subfidy granted. The Archbishop there- fore by his own Authority called a Convocation 9. Kal. of June, to fit at S. Pauls July 3. to which the Abbots exempt,and the Priors of Cathedral Churches were fummon'd to appear in Perfon, but all the Abbots, and the Conventual Priors, were to appear for themselves and their Convents, EITHER by themselves or by fome Proctors of their Order. Reg. Reynolds f. 105. b. Verum quia die & loco in Convocatione bu- jufmodi affignatis, quampluribus confratribus noftris Suffraganeis ac alijs de Clero noftræ Prov. nobis in- vicem congregatis quorundam ipforum confratrum no- bis relatio patefecit, quod citatio noftra prædicta ad no- titiam quorundam Decanorum, Abbatum, Priorum, Ar- chidiaconorum,& Cleri quarundam partium noftræ Prov. quibufdam certis ex caufis affertis pervenire non po- terat, nec pervenit, nobis & noftris Coepifcopis ac alijs quibufdam coadunatis fuper bijs omnibus artiffimd re- volutione tractantibus, tandem confultum honeftum & expediens videbatur quod intercurrente communi affenfu omnium pro oppreffionum hujufmodi relevatione & periculis imminentibus neceffitate urgente præcaven dis in hac parte foret efficaciter fuccurrendum, & hoc minime poffe fieri illorum quorum intererat convoca- tione communi & debitâ prætermiflà. Quocirca fra- terni. A History of Convocations. 173 ! ternitati veftræ committimus & mandamus quatinus omnes Coepifcopos & Confratres Suffraganeos noftros ab- fg, dilatione morofâ convocetis, & per ipfum dictum Clerum peremptorie convocari mandetis, viz. quod Epif copi & Decani ac Priores in Eccefijs Cath. præfidentes,nec- non Abbates exempti, & Archidiaconi perfonaliter ; cæteri vero Abbates, Priores cujufcunq; Diœcefis pro fe &a Conventibus fuis, PER fe aut PER PROCURATO- REM fui ordinis ; & reliqua Cleri communitas fimi- liter cujufcunq Diac. per duos; & fingula Capitula Ecclefiarum Cath. per unum, procuratores idoneos, co- ram nobis in Eccl. S. Pauli Lond. in craft. Tranfla- tionis B. Thomæ Martyris fufficienter compareant, una nobifcum tractaturi & ordinaturi fuper remedio providendo in præmiffis & fubfidio competenti fimili- ter impendendo, &c. Denuntiantes dictis Coepifcopis no- ftris, & per eos fuis fubditis fic vocandis denunciari, ipfofq, idonee præmuniri demandetis, fuper quo vos fi- militer præmunimus & vobis denunciamus, quod abfen- tes in citatione prædicâ, nifi evidens impedimentum fufficienter probetur, tanquam inobedientes graviter puniemus, &c. An. 131. Regni 9. the Clergy being fummon'd to a Parliament at Lincoln for a Subfidy, there came but few of 'em thither, and they that came would grant nothing, but with a Salvo, as far as they might lawfully do it in the ab- fence of their Metropolitan and of fo many of their Brethren, and on this condition, that a Convocation fhould be call'd by the Archbishop's own Authority, and in a due (i.e. a Sacred) place. For they alleged, that as they ought to be fum- mon'd by none but their Metropolitan, fo they ought not to be fummon'd as the Laity were to an unballowed Place. Of which I have fpoken more fully where I treat of the Parliaments of this time. Accordingly the K. fends to the Arch- { } 174 A History of Convocations. * Archbishop to fummon a Convocation on the Quin den of Easter. Fol. 73. Edwardus, &c. Waltero Archiepifcopo Cant. &c, Quidam Prælati & alij de clero Prov. veftræ Cant. quos ad intereffendum Parliamento noftro ap. Lincoln. feci- mus fummoniri, ibidem, ex parte noftra fuper fubfidio nobis pro guerra noftra Scotia faciendâ requifiti, ad fubfidium nobisfaciendum, quatenus vobis ab- fentibus, cui fubfunt, & in quorundam aliorum tam Pra- Latorum quam Religioforum & cæterorum de Clero dicta Prov. abfentia potuerunt, unanimiter confenferunt. Ita tamen quod tam infi quam alij de Clero veftræ Prov. qui in dicto Parl. præfentes non fuerunt, coram vobis ad tract. & confent. VESTRA AUCTORITATE interveniente, de certo fubfidio nobis ut præmittitur faciendo, in LOCO DEBITO convocentur. Veftram igitur paternitatem re- verendam, de quâ fiduciam gerimus pleniorem, requi- rimus & rogamus, quatinus omnes Prælatos tam Reli- giofos quam alios cæterofq; de Clero Prov. veftræ fupra- dicte, quod fint coram vobis apud Lond. die Merc. prox. poft quindenam Pafcha prox. fut. ad ultimum, ad tract. in veftra præfentia & una vobifcum confentiendum fuper fubfidio memorato, convocari faciatis: apponentes, fi placet, opem & operam efficaces, ut pro guerra noftrâ prædictà ad præfens competens fubfidium nobis fiat. Mittemus au- tem ad vos ad diem prædictam quofdam de Confilio noft- ro ad refponfionem veftram fuper dicto fubfidio noftro no- mine audiendam & nobis poftmodum reportandam. Tefte M. ap. Lyncoln. XVI. die Feb. An. r. n. nono. A Convocation being to meet (without he King's Writ) in Octob. following, the King fends to the Archbishop to demand a fubfidy from 'em, he himself being then at York. (a) Requirimus & (1) f. 74. b. rogamus R · A Hiftory of Convocations. 175 } rogamus quatinus, ut competens fubfidium pro felici & finali expeditione noftrâ Scotia, de vobis & veftris fub- ditis nobis fiat, velitis amore noftri liberaliter confentire, &erga Suffraganeos veftros & cæteros de Clero Prov. veftræ Cant. qui die Dom. prox. poft dictas Octab. Lond. ut accepimus, convenient coram vobis pro hujuf modi fubfidio faciendo, apponere vijs & modis, quibus melius expedire videritis, opem & operam, efficaces- ap. Ebor. 2d die Octob. An. 2. n. X. He wrote another Letter (a) with his own Hand directed to the Archbishop, & cæteris, Prælatis ac Clero Prov. Cant, in inftanti congreg. apud Lond. Con- venturis, to excite 'em to a liberal contribution, Dated Octob. 4th. His Writ for the Collecting of the Subfidy, may be feen Fol. 75. An. 1316. A Council was held, which Will. de Dene in his Hift. of Rochester, mentions. Tandem de confilio Concilij Archiepifcopi & majorum Doctorum,&c. An. 1319. A Convocation was held at London in Quindena Pafche, as a Parliament was at York a die Pafcha in menfem. A double Procuratorium by which different Proctors were fent to the Convoca- tion and the Parliament, to reprefent the Chapter of Cant, may be feen in the Regiſter (6) of Henry the Prior of that Church. An. 1321. A Prov. Council was held at London about the Affairs of the Church, to which the King fent his Prohibition that nothing might be there Enacted to the prejudice of the Crown: Rex ven. in Chr. Patribus W. eadem gratiâ Arch. Cant. &c. fa) Ibid. (b) f. 202, 203, م. 176 A Hiftory of Convocations. ac cæteris Epifcopis & Prælatis Cant. Prov. adConcilium Provinciale apud London. in proximo conventuris, &c, dat. 30 Nov. de ifto negotio (fays the (a) Record) fcribitur præfatis Prælatis, per Literas de credentia, ut infra, in Rotulo Claufarum fub eadem Data continetur. In that Council were publifhed (as it feems) thofe Provincial Conftitutions of Archbishop Reynolds which are extant under his Name in the 2d, Vol. of our Councils. An. 1322. In a Council at Oxford he publiſhed other Conftitutions, which are extant at the end of Lyndwood; which fome erroneoufly afcribe to Archbishop Mepham, as made in his Lambeth Coun- cil. In thefe Conftitutions there is mention of a Puniſhment order'd lately in a Council to be in- flicted on fuch Priefts who neglected to read the Banes for Marriages; which is not to be found in the formention'd Canons. The fame Year (1322.) the K. being at York in his Expedition againſt the Scots, commands the Archbishop to call a CONCILIUM PROVIN- CIALE at Lincoln for the granting of an Ayd. The Writ is dated Nov. 26. without fetting any particular time, only quantocius; and without any Præmunientes: only in general he fays. (a) Vos rogamus mandantes etiam ac firmiter injungentes quod Concilium Provinciale Prælatorum & Cleri Prov. veftræ prædict. convocari faciatis. The Regi- fter in the Margent has: De Convocatione Cleri Lin- coln. in Craft. S. HILLARII. What the Refult of this Convocation was, we learn from Will, "de Dene's (c) Hiftoria Roffenfis. Where the Antwer (4) Pat. 15. E. 2. part. 1. m. 8. ap. Concil. Tom. 2. p. 488. (b) fol. 306. (c) p. 362, given A A Hiftory of Convocations. given in to the Archbishop by the Inferior Clergy,as well Secular as Regular, is recorded. In fhort,they refufed to grant any thing, and the Archbishop ac- quainting the K. with their Anfwer,certain Juftices and other great Men were fent to 'em to perfwade 'em partly by fair means, and partly by threats. But they could not be moved. The Hiftorian tells us, that they delivered their Anfwer to the Arch- bishop and Prelats; but the Anfwer is directed to the Archbishop only: Vobis Rev. Patri ac Domino Wal- --Clerus veftræ Prov. in ifta Congregatione præfentes, iftam deliberationem fuam exhibentes, humili- ser fupplicant & devote, &c. This Convocation, as appears from the Parliamentary Writs, was held at a different time from the Parliament. That was held at Rippon the Sunday after Feftum S. Martini (Nov. 11.) and from thence adjourn'd to York. tero The next Year a Convocation being fummon'd by the Archbishop to fit on the Oaves of Hil- lary, and a Parliament being to fit at the fame time, the Convocation was put off to fome other time by the King's Command (a). An. 1326. Regni 20. the Archbishop having fum- mon'd a Convocation without the King's know- lege to meet at Lond. and the K. having occa- fion at the fame time to call a great Council at Stamford, he fends to the Archbishop to put off the Convocation to fome other time. Edwardus, &c. Intelleximus quod vos Prælatos & Clerum veftræ Cant. Frov. ad intereffendum Concilio veftro Provinciali apud Lond. ad quindenam inftantis (a) Reg. Reynolds f; 308. * M Fefti 177 178 A History of Convocations. Fefti S. Mich. tenere proponentes jam feciftis convo- cari, ac nos bujufmodi convocationis vestræ ignari pro magnis & arduis negotijs nos ac defenfionem regni noftri tangentibus, cum QUIBUSDAM Prælatis Mag- natibus & Proceribus dicti regni ad dictam xv. apud Stamford Colloquium habere ordinavimus & tracta- tum, & NONNULLIS Prælatis ac alijs de Confi- lio noftro dicte Provinciæ dedimus in mandatis quod fint ad nos dictis die & loco, nobifcum ac dictis Præ- latis & Magnatibus fuper dictis negotijs tractaturi, Juumq; Confilium impenfuri. Nos advertentes dicta negotia noftra ex convocatione dicti Concilij, fi ad diem prædict. teneretur, poſſe non abfq; grandi pericu- lo præpediri, vos rogamus ex affectu, vobis nibilomi- nus in fide & dilectione quibus nobis tenemini firmi ter injungentes, quatinus dictum diem Concilij veftri ad alium certum diem competentem juxta difcretionem veftram prorogetis, & hoc Prælatis & alijs de Clero dicta Prov. per veftras literas intimare curetis, ut ipfi dicta Convocatione veftra non obftante ad nos acce- dere valeant juxta mandata noftra eis inde directa. Dat. ap. Dorchefter xiv. Sept. An. r. n. xx. Accordingly the Archbishop puts off the Con- vocation to the Day after the Feaft of All-Souls. But tho' in his Mandate he recites the King's Writ, yet he does not fo far own his Authority as to call it a Command; but he fays, the K. ear- neftly requeſted him to do it: nobis affectuofe jup plicavit. บ Adam Bishop of Worcester, Elect of Winchester in an Anſwer (a) made An. 1334. to certain Objections brought againſt him in Parl. mentions a Provincial Council held at London in January An. (4) x. Script. Col. 2763. 1326. A Hiftory of Convocations: 179 1326. (in the time of a Parliament) by which a certain Clergy-man was to have been tried and condemn'd for notorious Crimes, if he had not been refcued out of Prifon. Convocations in the Reign of Ed. III. un- der Reynolds, Mepham, Stratford, Iflip, Langham, Wittlefey, Sudbury, Archbishops. IN the beginning of the Reign of Ed. 3. a Con- vocation was called by the King's command at Lincoln for Aid againſt the Scots, but neither the Archbishop, nor the major part of the Bifh- ops and Clergy, being there prefent, nothing was done. And therefore by another Writ (in (a) French) Dat. Sept. 22. Regni 1. the Archbishop is required to call another at Leicester. Coepifco- pos & Confratres (fays the Archbishop in his (b) Mandate) ac cæteros Prælatos & Clerum noftræ Prov. Et nuper juxta dictum Breve Regium nobis fuper hoc directum, apud Lincoln. fecimus evocari. quia die & loco in Convocatione hujufmodi affignatis neq; nos neq; confratrum noftrorum major pars, neq; alij de Clero noftræ Prov. quibufdam certis ex caufis, nostram præfentiam adhibere poteramus perfonalem, Co- adunatis ibidem tam Prælatis quam Proceribus & cee- teris fuper hijs prudenti revolutione tractantibus, tandein confultum bonestum & expediens omnibus videbatur, novam Convocationem faciendam fore occafione præmif (2) fol. 208. (6) £. 207 M M 2 * Ferun 180 ཝཱ་ A History of Convocations. forum. Quocirca -mandamus, &c. viz. quod Epifcopi, Decani, & Priores in Ecclefijs Cath. præfidentes, necnon Abbates exempti & Archidiaconi perfonaliter; cæteri verò Abbates & Priores PRO SE & CONVENTIBUS fuis PER SE aut per Procu- ratores, &c. coram nobis in Domo Capitulari Abbatia ajud Leycefter die Merc, prox. post com- memorat. Ani narum, viz. prid. Non. Novemb. fuf. cienter compareant una nobifcum tractaturi & ordin. Denuntiantes dictis Coepifcopis noftris & per ipfos fuis fubditis fic evocandis denuntiari demandetis, quod abfentes citatos in termino prenotato, nifi evidens im- pedimentum fufficienter probetur tanquam inobedient es graviter puziemus. The French Writ does not mention the particular Clergy, only it men- tions in general that he would have a Convoca- tion of the Clergy call'd. The Archbishop being indifpofed and not able to come to this Convocation, deputes the Bifhops of Lond. and Winchester to fupply his place. Fol. 207. W. &c. Ven. Fratribus noftris Dominis S. & I Dei gr. Lond. & Wint. Epifcopis, &c. Quia in Convo- catione Prælatorum & Cleri noftre Prov. Cant, apud Leyceftriam die Merc. prox. poft Festum Commemo- rationis Animarum facienda, ac etiam in tractatu (u- per Domini noftri Regis & Regni negotijs in eadem Convocatione habendo, in itinere conftituti, propter fu- pervenientem Corporis invaletudinem die & loco præ- dietis noftram non poffumus, de quo graviter angimur, exhibere præfentiam perfonalem, de veftrà amicitia & circumspectâ induftrid firmam fiduciam optinez:cs, ad te- nendum locum noftrum in Convocatione & tractatu præ- dietis ac etiam agenda ib: negotia quatenus ad nos at- tinet una cum cæteris ven. Fratribus & Coepifcopis noftris ac Clero totius noftre Dies, & Prov. noftræ Cant. 1 A History of Convocations. 1 8 1 Cant. in eadem Convoc. præfentibus pertractandum, necnon hijs quæ de confenfu omnium ad laudem Dei & hororem Domini nof. Regis & totius Reip. utilita- tem falubriter ibidem ordinari contigerit, noftro nomine confentiendum, cæteraq; omnia & fingula facienda que juxta naturam tractandorum fuerint facienda, & nos fi perfonaliter intereffemus facere deberemus. Vobis con- junctim & divifim & utriq; veftrum in folidum, te- nore præfentium committimus vices noftras. Rogantes Specialiter & obnixe Frateritatem veftram quatinus Commiffiones bujufmodi benigne velitis fufcipere, & in dicto negotio procedere vice noftrd. Ratum enim habe- bimus & firmum quicquid nomine noftro feceritis, feu fecerit unus veftrum in præmiffis. In cujus rei, &c. Dar. apud Mortelake vi. Kal. Nov. A. D. MCCCXXVII. The fame Commiffion he granted the Bishop of Ely by himself; and another in the fame form to the Bishop of Lincoln: Confimilis Commiffio ema- navit Epifcopo Elyenfi pro fe tantum. Item confimi- lis Commiffio emanavit Epifcopo Lync. fub Dat. pra- dicta The fame Day he fign'd a Procuratorium to 2 other inferior Clergy-mento act for him in the fame Convocation. Univerfis fanita matris Ecclefiæ filijs ad quorum no- titiam pervenerit hæc fcriptura, W. &c. falutem, &c. Quia in Convocatione Prælatorum & Cleri noftræ Cant. Prov. apud Leyceftriam die Merc. &c. & tractatu Rigis & Regni negotijs in eadem, &c. dif- cretos viros Magiftros Gubertum de Middleton, Ar- chidiac. Northamp. Officialem noftrum, & Johannem de Britton Canonicum in Eccl. Well. Clericos noftros & eorum fingulos per fe & in folidum noftros facimus & conftituimus vercs & legitimos Procurat. ac etiam ponimus loco noftri, ad comparendum nomine noftro in endem Convoc. & tractatú, agenda ibi negotia, &c. *M 2 (ut ! } E है 182 A History of Convocations. 7 1 (ut fupra ufq; ad facere deberemus) Ratum habentes & firmum quicquid ijdem Procuratores noftri aut eorum unus procuratorio nomine fecerit in præmiffis, &c. The Regiſters of the 3 next Archbiſhops, Me- pham, Stratford, and Bradwardin being loft, have little to fay of their times, from 1327. to 1349. An. 132. Archbishop Mepham publifh'd his Provincial Conflitutions in a Council held at Pauls on the Friday after the Converfion of S. Paul. Walfingham (a) mentions this Prov. Council, and tells us, that there the Archbiſhop ordain'd fome things licet modicum ponderanda. He was made Archbishop 4 Cal. Maij. 1328. and died 1333. In another Council held at Lambeth he pub-· lifh'd other Conftitutions, which are extant in the 2d Vol, of our Councils. The former may be feen not only there, but at the end of Lynd- wood There is extant another Conftitution concern- ing Holy days to be obferv'd in the Church, pub- lith'd by his own and the Biſhops Authority on- ly, at MAGHEFELD 16. Cal. Aug. 1332. FRA- TRUM nostrorum Concilio. An. 1330. Archbishop Mepham being required by the K. to fummon the lower Clergy of his Province to a Parl. at Winchester, cited 'em to appear coram nobis and in the Cathedral Church there. Of which I have already spoken among the Parliaments. (a) Hift. Angl. ad An. and again podig. p. 510. ร The X A Hiftory of Convocations. The fame Year a Covocation was held at Lam- beth on the Quinden of Easter, for the granting of a Subfidy, where the Archbishop's Official pre- fided in his abſence. Mention'd by Will. de Dene in his (a) Historia Roffenfis. An. 1332. fays the Antiquitates Britannica Arch- bishop Mepham having begun his Metropolical Vi- fitation, Parlamentum à Rege convocatum est. Eoq; inchoato Cleri Concilium fub Archiepifcopo celebratum Lon- dini. A quo Concilio fpreto Archiepifcopo ilico deceffum est, rebus nullis ne à Rege quidem impetratis aut folici- tatis geftis. An. 1333. the Monday after Sept. 14. in the time of a Parl. a Convocation was held at S. Pauls ; mention'd by Walsingham. In (b) the Rights of Convocations there is mention of a Provincial Mandate of Archbiſhop Mepham, An. 1328, where there is this Claufe: Provifo quod finguli Epifcopi antequam Diœcefes fuas egreffi fuerint (towards a Provincial Council) cum fuo Clero delibe- rent & inquirant fagaciter de Gravaminibus & Defecti- bus dicti Concilij studio reformandis. And to the fame purpoſe another of Stratford's Dat. 10. Kal. Aug. 1341. Thefe are extant, I fuppofe, in the Regiſters of the Bithops of London. An. 1334. a Convocation was held at S. Pauls at the fame time that the Parl. fat at Westm. viz. on Monday after the 14. of Sept. Another Convocation was held post Feftum S. Matthæi. They are both mention'd in a Procuratorium (c) in theſe Words: Prior & Capit. conftituunt Procura- (2) p. 370. (6) p. 273. Reg. Oxinden f. 32. (c) Append. Rights of Convoc. ex * M 3 } tores 183 184 A History of Convocations. tores fuos Pauli ad comparendum -in Ecclefia S. die Luna post Feftum Exaltationis S. Crucis fuper arduis in Parliamento apud Weftm. dicto Die & loco tenendo diffufius pertractandis, nec- non ad confentiend. Facimus etiam & conftituimus dictos Fratres Procur. ad comparendum post Fe- ftum S. Matthæi coram ven. Pre -in Eccl. S. Pauli. Dat. Sept. 1334. The firſt of thefe 2 appears to be a Parliamen- tary Convocation, and was called in the fame manner with that of Archbishop Mepham. The King's Writ requiring the Archbishop (Stratford) to fummon the Clergy of his Province to the Parl. is ftill in the Clofe Roll of 9. Ed. 3. An. 1335. as in the former Year, while the Parl. fat at Westm, the Convocation met at Pauls, mention'd likewiſe in a Procuratorium (a), Dat. in Feb. An. 1337. in the time of Parl, a Convocation was held by Archbishop Stratford. Rex Parlamen- tum tenuit in quo Archiepifcopus Cant. Concilio Cléri ce- lebrato Regi Decimam triennalem à Clero concedi obti- nuit. Antiq. Britan. An. 1341. in a Synod held in the Cathedral Church at Cant. on the Feltival of the Tranflation of S. Thomas the Martyr, Archbishop Stratford pub- lifh'd certain Conftitutions. Præfentis autoritate Concilij noverint fe fufpenfos. He there publish'd an Excommunication against the Infringers of the Church's Liberties, and of Magna Charta ; which the K. who was at that time his great Enemy, (a) Ibid. i 2 com- A History of Convocations. 185 Complains of, as reflecting upon Him, in his De- claration which is extant in Birchington (a). His Mandate is ftill extant Dat. 10. Kal. Aug. which (b) begins thus: Quamvis fit Sacris Canonibus conftitu- tum quod Metropolitani, Archiepifcopi, & Primates an, nis fingulis legitimo impedimento ceffante, pro exceffibus corrigendis, & Moribus reformandis, debeant Provinci- ale Concilium celebrare, &c. he adds, that he had omitted to call a Provincial Council for thofe purpoſes for 8 Years together, that is, from the very beginning of his Pontificat. In another Synod held at LAMBETH 5. Id. Maij, 1342. he publish'd many other Conftitu- tions. They are faid to be publifh'd by him in præfentia COMPROVINCIALIUM EPISCOPO- RUM London. Cov. & Lichf. &c. & Procurato- rum cæterorum EPISCOPORUM abfentium fufficienter comparentium tunc ibidem. And afterwards, Nos Jo- hannes, &c. utile fore prævidimus auctoritate præfentis Concilij, de FRATRUM ET SUFFRAGANEORUM EPISCOPORUM noftra Cant. Prov. Confilio & AS- Sensu. The fame Year again he publiſh'd others in a Synod held at S. Pauls on the Wednesday after the Feaft of S. Edward K. and Martyr, in præfentiâ (as the Decree it felf tells us) Dominorum Radulfi London, &c. (10 other Bishops are named) & Procuratorum cæterorum EPISCOPORUM abfentium Sufficienter comparentium. Nos Johannes, &c. invocata Spiritus S. gratid, utile fore prævidimus, AUCTORITATE CONCILII PRÆSENȚIS, FRATRUM Suffraganeorum Coepifcoporum noftra Cant. Prov. confilio & affenfu. (a) Angl. Sac. Vol, 1. p. 27. (6) Rights of Convoc. 65. de Thefe 186 A Hiftory of Convocations. I f Theſe Conftitutions are all extant in the Col- lection of our Councils, where there are alfo fome others, faid to be publish'd at London in a Prov. Council, 10 Octob. 1342. But they feem to belong to the Synod laft mention'd, and becauſe they were publish'd by themſelves, they had the Ti- tle of Extravagantes given 'em, as we are told in the Edition at the end of Lyndwood. In thoſe it is faid: Nos FRATRUM NOSTRORUM CONCILII affenfu & confilio decernimus. In all theſe Councils there is not the leaft mention of any befides Biſhops, unlefs perhaps in thofe Words; auctoritate Concilij præfentis, de Fratrum, &c. Archbishop Mepham's Conftitutions of An. 1328, run in the fame Words: Auctoritate præfentis Concilij, de Fratrum Suffraganeorum con- fenfu. 11. E. 3. a Convocation was by the King's Writ (a) order'd to be fummon'd to S. Pauls fome fews Days after the Parl. was to meet at Westm. It is mention'd by Walsingham ad An. 1337. Of a Convocation held 18. E. 3. in obedience to the King's Writ, at S. Pauls on the Morrow of Trinity above a Week before the Parl. fat at Weftm. but about the fame bufinefs, viz. a Subfi- dy. I have ſpoken in the former Part. An. 1346. after Eafter Rex habuit unam decimam de Clero, fays Knighton, (b) i. e. in a Convocation. He mentions another granted the fame Year ( in time of Parliament. (a) Cl. 11. E. 1. parte 2. Dorf. (b) Col. 2585. (c) Col. 2591. An. A Hiftory of Convocations. 187 An. 1351. 25. Ed. 3. (a) the 2d Year of Arch- bilhop Ip, May 2 (b), a Convocation was cal- led by the King's Command for a Subfidy, out of Parl. The King's Writ: Qualiter negotia tam. nos & ftatum regni noftri quam neceffariam defenfion- em ejufdem contingentia, ac onera nobis propter boc incumbentia, vobis & alijs in præfenti Parl. noftro exiftentibus, plenius expofuimus, vos non latet. à vobis & alijs de Clero Dioec. & Prov. veftræ in dicto Parl. tunc præfentibus nobis concedi petivimus. Rogando mandamus quatinus dictos Suffraganeos vo ftros, Decanos, & Priores Ecclefiarum Cathed. Abbates & Priores & alios Electivos Exemptos & non Exemp- tos, necnon Archid. Capitula, Conventus & Colle- gia, totumq; Clerum cujuflibet Diæcefis ad comparen- dum (coram) vobis -convocari faciatis,-Ap. Weftm. I Mart. r. n. Anglia 25. Francie 12. The Archbishop's Mandate to the Bishop of Lond. Simon, &c. Quum à primordio noftræ promo- tionis ad dignitatem cui quamvis immeriti præfidemus jugiter noftro infidebat defiderio pro aliquibus ad pa- cem, tranquillitatem, utilitatem Ecclefiæ Anglicana ien- dentibus falubriter ftatuendum, Confratres noftros, ali- ofq; Prælatos & Clerum noftræ Prov. convocaffe, ex aliquibus tamen caufis nos moventibus hujufmodi Con- vocationem facere hucufq; diftulimus, nunc autem tam ad inftantiam Domini noftri Regis nobis ed occafione fcribentis, quam propter utilitatem Cleri & Ecclefiæ de confilio & affenfu Suffraganeorum noftrorum in ultimo Parl. noftro præfentium, Confratres, Prælatos, Clerum dicta noftræ Cant. Prov. ad diem & locum infrafcriptos duximus convocandum. The King's Writ recited, he adds: Quocirca mandamus (a) Reg. IЛlip. f. 42. b. (b) fol. 49. qua & 4 } tinus $88 A History of Convocations. 1 j 1 tinus venerabiles fratres noftros Coepifcopos, ELECTOS CONFIRMATOŠ Suffraganeos noftræ Cant. Ecclefiæ, abfentiumq; Vicarios fi qui fuerint citetis peremptorie, نی per eos, Decanos Priores Ecclefiarum Cath. Ab- bates & Priores alios Electivos fub fe plenum Conven. tum habentes, &c. quod compareant coram nobis vel noftro COMMISSARIO in Eccl. S. Pauli Lond. die Luna prox. post Dominicam qua cantatur officium, &c. Dat. ap. Lambeth vii. Id. Mart. an.&c. The Year following, viz. 1352. the Archbi- fhoprick being over burden'd with Debts, the Archbishop by Authority from the Pope, in a Meeting of the Bifhops in time of Parl. requires a contribution of all the Clergy of his Province, None but Bishops are mention'd as prefent up. on this occafion (a). Simon, &c. Willielmo Winton. Epifcopo. Nuper Suffraganeis noftris & confratri. bus ad Concilium Domini noftri Domini Edwardi, &c. post Feftum Affumpt. B Maria Virg. ultimo prate- ritum Lond. Congregatis, vobis & alijs noftris con- fratribus antedictis tunc nobifcum præfentibus, ac ab- fentium procuratoribus ibidem comparentibus intim ari exhiberi fecimus, &c. Nos tamen vobifcum & cæteris noftris Suffraganeis & confratribus, abſen. tiumq; in dicto Concilio Procuratoribus tunc præfenti- bus, babita deliberatione folicita, longeq; pretiofius & nebis cordialius fore cenfentes quid ex libertate arbi- trij quam quod ex impofitionis cogente neceffitate cum tacito forfan murmure præftaretur, veftris ac cæte- rorum noftrorum Suffragan. & confratrum tunc præ- fentium & procuratorum abfentium fuafionibus inclinan- tes, & non noftris parcentes neceffitatibus, fed veftris & cæterorum præmifforum defiderijs totaliter inhærentes,' (a) Ibid. f. 59. b. præ. A Hiftory of Convocations. 189 Marca, &c. prædictum auxilium ad fex denar. sterlingorum de Quocirca veftram Fraternitatem ro- gamus ex corde vofq; hortamur in Domino quatinus viros Ecclefiafticos veftræ Diac. non exemptos fecula. res & Regulares moneatis & inducatis, &c.- A quorum proceffuum Vigore quod non folventes veftrifq; monitionibus in hac parte canonice fa- ciendis eifdem inobedienter non parentes, recedere non Dat. apud Maidenftan iv. Id. Sep. intendimus. An. 1252. Confec. n. 3. An. 1356. May 16. a Synod or Convocation fat at S. Pauls without any Writ from the King. Fol. 11. 117. eos Simon, &c. Michaeli Lond. Epifcopo,&c. Sacrorum Canonum traditiones, arduaq; negotia manifeftam Ec- clefiæ neceffitatem concernentia, de quibus Fraternitati veftræ cæterifq; Confratribus & Suffraganeis noftris pro Parliamento nuper apud Weſtm. ultimo convenienti- bus innotefcit ad plenum; nos vehementer excitant bre compellunt ut abfq; moræ difpendio quantum congrue poterimus, de Dei mifericordia, ope, & gratiâ confifi, Provinciale Concilium celebremus. Quocirca mandamus quatinus ciretis Coepifcopos, &c. & per Abbates, Priores Eledivos, etiam Exemptos, faltem quo- rum Monafteria Ecclefiaftica beneficia in ipfa noftra Prov. habuerint non exempta, Decanos, Præpofitos Catbed. & Collegiatarum Ecclefiarum, &c. cilium tunc ibid. nobifcum juxta facrorum exigentiam Canonum celebraturi, ac fuper bijs quæ communem Ec- clefiæ, necnon eorum neceffitatem & utilitatem concernunt tunc exponendis coram eis Confilium fuum providum impenfuri, facturi & recepturi quod ipfum facrum Con- cilium Divind affiftente providentia duxerit ordinandum. Intimantes eifdem quod contra abfentes in forma Canoni- cd procedemus, nullius fic abfentis excufationem penitus Con- ad- { 190: A History of Convocations. admiffuri, nifi quatinus ad hoc nos artaverint Cano- nice fanctiones, præfertim cum ad idem Concilium de communi confenfu noftrum omnium fic ut præmittitur convenientium diligenti tractatu fuper hoc inter nos præ- habito deliberatoq; confilio vifum fuerit procedendum. Denunciantes & denunciari facientes in genere, cæteris omnibus qui fe gravatos fenferint, quod in cafibus illis quorum correctio feu reformatio ad Concilium hujufmodi pertinere dinofcitur, audientia efficax per Divinam cle- mentiam eis in formâ debitâ concedetur, & fiet in omni- bus juftitiæ complementum, &c. Dat. Kal. Feb. 1355. noftræ Confec. 7. The Record (a) obferves that of 17 Suffragans of the Province, only 8 were there in perfon, the reft by their Proxies: Ifti vero Domini per Procuratores comparentes minus fufficienter comparuerunt, quod nullam excufationem per liter as aut per Procura- tores eorum deftinarunt aut propofuerunt, contra c. pla- cuit. xviii. di. The Acts of the Synod. Quibus die & loco prædictis Dominus Archiepifcopus Miffam in majori altari dicta Ecclefiae S. Pauli celebra- vit, præfentibus ibidem Lond. Exon. Elyen. & Roff. Epifcopis Pontificalibus indutis, ac poft miffam folempniter celebratam, verbum Dei propofuit, affidentibus eidem E- pifcopis fupra prox. nominatis, necnon Winton. Lincoln. & Affaven. ac prædicatione hujufmodi finitâ, continu- avit dictum diem cum die craft. tunc feq. cum præfenti- bus, & abfentes expectavit ad idem faciendum, quod tunc forent fa&turi in Ecclefiâ S. Pauli prædictâ. Quo die craftino viz. Die Martis, xvii. Die Menfis Maij pre- dict. dietɔ Dno. Archiepifcopo & Epifcopis fuprafcriptis in capella B. Mariæ Virg. Matris Dei in Ecclefiâ S.Paul! (a) Fuli 117. pr... A History of Convocations. 191 J 1 prædict. alijs vero Epifcopis Provincia per procuratores Juos comparentibus, lectis literis certificatorijs Dni. Lond. Epifcopi qui ad mandatum præfati Dni Archiepifcopi omnes Epifcopos Cant. Provinciæ prædicte citavit, com- paruerunt ibidem nobiles viri Dni. Radulfus Comes Staf- ford, Walterus de Manny, Willielmus de Sharfhul Hen. Grene Juftic. Dni. Regis, Dominus Jo. de Grey Senefcallus Domus Regis, Thomas de Holand, & Dominus Jo. de Wynwyk Thef. Ecclefie Ebor. Cuftos privati figilli Dni. Regis, & facta per dictum Dominum W. de Sharfhul intimatione ne quid per Concilium bu- jufmodi in præjudicium Dni. Regis jurifve regni fui. Tan- dem dictus Dominus W. de Manny expofitis per eum diffuſe negotijs Regis & periculo regni, petijt nomine Regis quod Prælati & Clerus Provincie concederent Regi decimam fexennalem, &quod folveretur infra triennium: Et fubfequenter Prælatis & perfonis juxta certificationem Epifcoporum exhibitam citatis palam & publice præco- nizatis, & prout defcribitur in cedulâ eifdem literis cer- tificatorijs annexis comparentibus, quibufdam vero ip- forum non comparentibus Archiepifcopo vero prædicto & cæteris Epifcopis in domum Capitularem Eccle- fie S. Pauli prædict. fe divertentibus & ibidem tract- antibus; Abbatibus, Prioribus, Decanis & alijs una cum Procuratoribus Cleri in dictâ domo Capitulari re- manentibus, & post intervallum temporis coram præ- fato Domino Epifcopo & fuis Coepifcopis prædictis com- parentibus, idem Dominus Archiepifcopus continuavit Concilium hujufmodi & omnia expedienda in eodem ufq; diem craftinum tunc fequentem, expectando ab- fentes; & injunxit Religiofis & alijs de Clero quod die tunc craftina prædicta proponerent petitiones fuas. Quo die craftino, viz. xv. Kal. Junij præfat venerab. pa- tribus Dominis Archiepifcopo & cæteris Suffraganeis fuis, excepto Winton. ut præmittitur comparentibus una cum Religiofis & Clero comparentibus, in domo Capitulari E- clefiæ S. Pauli infimul congregatis, comparuit etiam Do- minus 192 A History of Convocations. 1 * < $ minus Johannes Hereford. Epifcopus, & certificavit pro fuis civitate &Diœcefis. Habita altercatione & calumpnid fuper Certificatorio Line. Epifcopi (fo I think it ought to be read) propofitifq; quibufdam petitionibus per Clerumtam viva Voce quam in fcriptis,& habita difputa- tione fuper ipfis, tandem idem Dominus Archiepifcopus fecit continuationem & expectationem ficut prius ufq; diem tunc craft. feq. viz. xiv. Kal. Junij. Quo die in do- mo Capitulari prædict. dictis Dominis Archiepifcopo Lond. Wynt. Exon. Roff. Heref. Linc. Elyen. & Affa- ven. Epifcopis una cum Clero Cant. Prov. invicem con- gregatis, exbibito per partem Linc. quod alio certifi- catorio confimilis tenoris cum primo & utroq; reprobato atq; repulfo, pro eo præcipue quod non autorita'e Dni Cant. fed potius propriâ, illos (a) de Diœcefi fuâ vocavit ad Concilium,tandem exhibito pro ipfo Epifcopo tertio cer- tificatorio, per quod apparuit quod exequebatur mandatum Domini in forma fibi demandatâ, idem Dominus Linc. promifit quod citati per ipfum, de quibus certificavis,obedi- rent faciendis & ordinandis in Concilio fupradicto. Et lectis ac difcuffis quibufdam petitionibus & refponfis datis ad eafdem, tandem facta fuit continuatio & expectatio ficut prius ufq; diem tune craft. Quo die craft. viz. xiii. Kal. Junij dictus Dominus Archiepifcopus com- mifit vices fuas Epifcopo Lond. fub forma fequente. Simon permiffione div. &c. Michaeli d. g. Lond. E- pifcopo, &c. Quin infirmitate corporis detineamur ad præfens quo minus in Concilio Provinciali in Ecclefiâ S. Pasli convocato & inchoate pro præfenti die Veneris, viz. xiii. Kal. Junij intereffe poffimus, ad procedendum co- dem die in dicto Concilio & negotijs in eo expofitis & de- latis, exponendis ſeu deferendis, & faciendum in eis juſtį- (a) The then Bishop of Linc. had a Privilege granted him by the Pope, to be exempt, together with his Diocele, from the Archbishops Jurifdiction. k , tize ** A History of Convocations. tie complementum, necnon ad continuandum & prcrogan- dum dictum Concilium ad dies ulteriores fequentes," ac etiam ad faciendum, expedicndum, & exercendum quæ circa præmiffa neceffaria fuerint feu oppertuna, vobis vices noftras committimus cum coercionis canonica po- teftate. Dar. apud Lambeth xiii. Kal. Jun. A. D. MCCCLVI. & n. Confec. vii. Qud quidem Commiffione lesta in domo Capit. predict & in præfentiâ Heref. Affav. Linc. Elyen. & Roff. Epif- coporum & Cleri inibi congregati, idem Dominus Lond. continuavit dictum Concilium & omnia negotia penden- tia in eodem in ftatu quo tunc fuerant ufq; diem taxe crast, viz. diem Sabbati xii. Kal, Jun. & decrevit ab- fentes fore expectandos & ipfos expectavit ufq; diem prædictum. Quo die Sabbati dicis Dominis Archiepif copo, Lond. Oxon. Heref. Linc. Elyen. Affav. & Roff. Epifcopis unà cum Clero dice Prov. Specialiter con- gregatis in domo Capit. prædict. lectis & difcuffis non- nullis petitionibus tandem idem Dominus Archiepifcopus dictum Concilium & omnia expedienda in eodem conti- nuavit ufq; diem Luna prox. tunc fcq. & fimiliter ab- Sentes expectavit. Quo die Lane, viz. xxiii. die Menfis Maij dictis Dominis Archiepifcopo & cæteris Suffrag. fuis prædic. una cum Prælatis & Clero Provincie in loco prædicto infimul congregatis, Clerus ad petitionem ex parte Regis factæ refponfionem dedit in fcriptis, fuba formâ feg. Vobis reverendis in Chrifto patribus Dominis dei gr. Archiepifcopo Cant. veßrifq; Suffrag. ad celebrandum Concilium Provinc. juxta facrorum inftitura Canonum congregatis, fupplicat humiliter & devote Clerus Cant. provinciæ, quatinus pio fibi compatientes affe&ta ra- tiones fuas & motiva infra fcripta clementer eufcul. tare dignemini & eis an examine circumfpede difere- tionis veftræ diligentius ponderatis, peritiones ejuflems Cleri admittere gratiofe. N 194 A History of Convocations. ގ In primis cum in ultimâ Convocatione Prælatorum & Cleri ejufdem Provincie circa enormia gravamina dicto Clero illatis propofita fuerint & oftenfa, fuper qui bus petitum fuit à Domino noftro Rege remedium, fub certis modis & conditionibus adjectis & non impletis, & inter cetera quod in proximo ex tunc Parliamento reformatio fieret eorundem; Idem Clerus conceffit dicto Domino Regi decimas biennales, fed interim in prædicto & alijs Parliamentis que extunc citra fuerunt, licet dicta decima fit foluta, nullum omnino extitit reme- dium ordinatum. Item cum reverendi patres duo Cardinales fedis Apofto- lica Legati ad regna Francia & Angliæ in brevi, ut dicitur, fint venturi pro quibus ac etiam pro rev. viro Domino Simone de Sudburia Nuncio dicte Sedis, in- dubitanter à Clero procuratio exigetur. Item cum beneficia Ecclefiaftica dicta Prov. & eorum fructus vix ad medietatem ejus quod valere folebant hijs temporibus fe extendant. Item cum lanarum Domino noftro Regi in ul- timo Parl. per communitatem Laicorum pro fex annis conceffa, de facto magis tendat, licet de jure tendere non debeat, ad grave onus Cleri, quia DIČTO PARLIA- MENTO NON PER CONTUMACIAM ABSENS erat, quam Laicorum à quibus conceffum fuerat, quod in dictis 6 annis ab eis peti non debet aliqua quinta- decima feu collecta. Placeat benignitati veftræ abfq; ulteriori onere bac vice Ecclefiæ imponendo ipfum Clerum, qui dicto Do- mino Regi femper devotis extitit & ipfum nunc in quantam potuit, ne deterioris conditionis exiftat quam communitas laicorum, habere fe libeat excufatum, & præmiffa pro plena & finali refponfione Cleri admittere, ipfi quoq, Clero affiftere, & ipfum erga Dominum no. ftrum Regem in hac parte excufare. Factaq; fuafione per Dominum Archiepifcopum & alios Epifcopus dicto Clero quod confideratis expofitis ei pro A History of Convocations. 95 pro parte Regis, Super meliori refponfione delilerarent ufq; diem Martis tunc craftinum; idem Dominus Archi epifcopus Concilium hujufmodi expedienda in eodem continuavit in ftatu quo turc fuere & abfentes fequen- ti fore expectandos ad diem prædictum Martis. Que die Martis, viz. xxiv. die dicti Menfis Maij, dictis Dominis Archiepifcopo, Lond. Wynt. Elyen. Linc. Affav. Roff. Epifcopis una cum alijs Prælatis & Clero dicta Prov. leco prædicto conftitutis Cleras ejuf dem provincie ad petitionem Regis in feripto prout fe- quitur finaliter refpondebat. Cajus fcripturæ tenor fe- quitur in hæc verba. Licet refponfiones Cleri præditæ datæ fint vere valide rationabiles atq; jufte, nibilominus ob reveren. tiam Domini noftri Regis & fincera devotionis affectum quem habent prout femper hactenus habuerunt, ad cap- tandam illius benevolentiam gratiam & favorem, re- quifitionemq; Prælatorum in præfenti facro Concilio præ- fentium, idem Clerus concedet dicto Domino noftro Regi fub forma quæ fequitur decimam tantum unam, viz. quod fub fpe reformationis infrafcriptorum gravaminum efficacis, medietas ejufdem decima folvatur ad Feftum S. Andreæ prox. jam fut. Et quod antequam alia me- dietas exigatur quomodolibet vel folvatur dictus Domi- nus nofter Rex per fuum fanum & prudens confilium gravamina Ecclefie Prælatorum, Cleri in disto facro Concilio expofita & ex quibus & per que cenfure Ecclefiaftice & claves Ecclefiæ contemnun- tur, quinimmo fides periclitatur Catholica, & maxime concernitur periculum animarum, mandat & faciat ef- fectualiter reformari, ac libertates & jura ac jurif. dictiones S. Matris Ecclefiæ more Chriftianorum Prin- cipum antecefforum fuorum Region Anglis, fubdu&tis & nevucatis novis gravaminibus in fatu fuo antiquo & debito confervari Quo facto efficaciter & impleto, alia medietas dicte decima ad Feftum nativ. S. Jo- hannis Bapt. prox. post. Feftum S. Andree prædi&ture *N2 I 196 A Hiftory of Convocations. • & non aliter perfolvetur. Non intendit tamen diƐluş Clerus nec vult quod pauperes qui dictam deciman prop- ter evidentem inopiam folvere non valebunt, ad præftan- dam eandem aliqualiter teneantur. Super qua inopiâ nude relationi feu certificationi Epifcoporum fingulariter in fuis Diœcefibus fingulorum abfq; probatione quacunq; alia, fides detur. Qua quidem refponfione datâ idem Dominus Archie- pifcopas omnes citatos ad idem Concilium qui illo die non comparserunt, ut tenebantur, pronunciavit contumaces, PENA SIBI RESERVATâ. Knyghton ad An. 1356. ſpeaks of the Clergy as granting a Tax in Parliament, i. e. in Convoca- tion: Rex babuit Concilium Londonijs, & petijt de Clero decimam fexennalem, &c. A Convocation (a) An. 1357. in S. Brigits Church Lond. for the granting a Subfidy, by the King's defire. The Writ not recited. In the Archbishop's Mandate. Rex -fuis literis nos rogavit quatinus ad brevem diem post in- frans Feftum Pafcha Clerum noftræ Prov. coram nobis faceremus fpecialiter evocare. Nofq; SUPPLICA- TIONEM bujufmodi rationabilem reputantes circa ·Mandamus Qtio compareant coram nobis vel noftro Commiſſario die Merc. prox. post Dominicam qua cantatur Officium, in Eccl. S. Brigida Lond. Dat. apud Maghfeld. vi. Kal. Martij. A. D. MCCCLVI. &n. Conf. viii. A Convocation in S. Pauls die Lunæ prox. post Feftum Purif. B. Mariæ Virg. An. 1359. for the grant- ing a Subfily (per Epifcopos & Clerum) is mention'd Fol. 191. Another Convoc. (b) in St. Pauls the fame Year, viz. 1359. call'd by the King's Writ (which is re- (e) 6 121. (b) f. 155. cited A Hiftory of Convocations. 3 177 cited in the Archbishop's Mandate) for a Subfidy against the Scots, &c. In which Writ the K. ex. cufes himſelf, and promifes that what they do for him, fhall not be made ufe of as a Precedent. Simon, &c. Epifcopo Lond. &c. Quamvis à tempore quo Cant. Ecclefiæ Domino difponente præfuimus, licet immeriti & indignt, corditer cpaffemus Frelatos & Clerum dicte noftre Prov. à laboriofis & fumptuofis Convocationibus vexationibus præfervare, ipfofq; in quiete fovere ut altiffimo Regi Regum poffent liberius defervire, urgentia tamen & grandia pericula, multi- pliciter licet anxios nos compellant, Prælatos & Clerun Cant, noftræ Prov. quorum tam communiter quam fin- gulariter in hac parte intereffe vertitur propterea fpecia- liter convocare. Ad hoc etiam literas Regias reccpi- mus in bec verba, Edwardus, &c. Confiderantes gra- via pericula, &c. Vos rogamus quod atten- tis periculis bujufmodi Epifcopos & Clerum veftræ • Prov. tam exemptos quam non exemplos ad citius quo poteritis in loco competenti convocari, & inter vos & ipfos de aliquo falubri remedio pro confervatione & defenfione Ecclefiæ & regni prædictorum contra pericula prædicta ordinare curetus, ut cx hoc tam velis quan dicto Clero in veftris agendus teneamur fpecialius in fu- turum Nolumus enim quod id quod fic ad regétum noftrum feceritis cedat vobis aut dičto Clero in præjudi- cium aut libertatis Ecclefiafticæ læfionem, vel trebatur in confequentiam in futurum. Tefte Thoma filio nojiro chariffimo Cuftode Angliæ apud Wodeftoke xxii. die Novemb. An. r. a. angl. xxiii. regni vero nof. Franc. xx. Fol. 343. b. its added. Per ipfum Cuftodem & Confilium. 6 C C mandamus Quocirca quatinus E- pifcopos omnes & Singulos & electos Confirmatos fi qui fuerint & abfentium hujufmodi Epifcoporum Vi- carios in fpiritualibus generales & Cuftodem noftrum Spiritualitatis in Civitate & Diac. Covent. & Lichf *N 3 jode 1 3 198 A History of Convocations. > 1 fede ibidem vacante generalem, citetis & peremptorie & per eos Decanos & Priores Eccl. Cathed. ac fingula Ca- pitula, Archidiaconofq; Abbates, & Priores Conventus fub fe babentes, & ALIOS Ecclefiarum PRÆLATOS Exemptos & non exemptos, Clerumq; quod ijdem compareant coram nobis aut noftris in hac parte locum tenentibus feu Commiffario, fi nos tunc quod abfit impedi ri contigerit, in Eccl. S. Pauli Lond. die Luna prox. post Feftum Converfionis S. Pauli prox. fut. ad trattan- dum nobifcum Prælatis etiam Ecclefiarum exemp- tarum non mendicantibus veftræ ac aliorum Coepifcopo- rum dicte noftræ Prov. Diœcefis cujufcunq; fuerit ordi- nis, per vos & dictos confratres noftros, prout vos & u- numquemq; ipforum concernit, volumus intimari ut præ- fatis die & loco abfq; fuorum privilegiorum in hac parte prejudicio quibus per hoc derogari nolumus, nobifcum in- terfint facturi in præmiffis & ea tangentibus quod fuperius eft expreffum. Verum quia CONFRATRUM & Coe- pifcoporum noftrorum prædictorum & aliorum Prelato- rum dicte noftræ Prov. aliqui à Provinciali noftro Concilio ultimo celebrato abfentarunt voluntarie & ab- fq; caufâ, querum præfentiam fuiffe non ambigitur profuturam, volumus & intimamus quod intimetis fen denunciari faciatis dictæ noftræ Prov. COEPISCOPIS & CONFRATRIBUS ac Vicarijs hujufmodi, Decanis, Abbatibus, Prioribus & cæteris Ecclefiarum Prælatis fupradictis, quod eos à perfonali comparitione in bujufmo- de Congregatione, dictis die & loco per nos feu noftrâ audioritate Deo annuente celebranda, babere non inten- dimus excufatos iftâ vice, nifi ex caufà neceffaria tunc ibidem alleganda & probandâ ; fed corum contumacia, fi qui forfitan abfentes fuerint fecundum juris exigen- tiam Canonice punietur. --Dat. apud Otteford vii. Kal. Dec. Atl. MCCCLIX. & 11. Conf. x. 29. E. 1. by the King's Command a Convoca- tion was iùmmon'd to S. Pauls on Monday after S. Mar- "} } A Hiftory of Convocations. 199 1 S. Martins Day. See among the Parliaments ad An. 31. E. 3. another was held at S. Pauls by the Kings Command. Both for a Subſidy, and in Par- liament time. The K. in his Writs to the Arch- biſhop mentions his being to call a Parliament, and the Clergy are required to be fummon'd to treat fuper præmiffis una vobifcum & alijs per nos il- luc mittendis, & ad confulendum hijs quæ tunc, &c. Thefe were purely Parliamentary Convocations tho' they fat at Pauls. The Writs for both may be feen in the Clofe Rolls. An. 1359. in the time of Parliament, Cleri Synodus habite Londini, fay the Antiq. Britan. in which the Clergy refufed to grant the K. an Aid, till the K. had fatisfied 'em about a Difference between him and the Bishop of Ely, and the K. himſelf came into the Convocation to do it, and there produced Witneffes against the Bifhop. The Archbishop and Bishops interceded with the K. on their Knees for him. But the K. went away and would not hearken to any Accom- modation. About the Year 1360. were publifhed the Con- ftitutions of John de Thursby Archbishop of York, which are extant in the Collection of our Coun- cils, and in which are recited and confirm'd the Conftitutions of Will. la Zouche Archbishop of the fame Province, made An. 1347. Other Confti- tutions made, after that in a Provincial Council, are there alfo mention'd. A Convocation held 1361. in St. Maries Con- vent in Southwerk, by the Pope's Cɔmmand. * N 4 ; Simon, 200 A Hiftory of Convocations. } Reg. Ilip f. 170. Simon, &c. Epifcopo Lond. &c. Literas fanctiffimi in Chrifto Pat. & Domini noftri, Domini Innocentij Div. Prov. Papæ vi. Nos noveritis recepiffe, virtute quarum nobis est efficaciter demandatum, ut Confratres noftros Ecclefiæ nof. Cant. Suffraganeos abfq; more dif- fugio convocemus quatinus omnes & finguli nobifcum conveniant, literas confimiles ipfis fingulis in hac parte directas bumiliter recepturi & circa executionem & expeditionem earundem deliberaturi, & fanum ipforum Confilium fecretius impenfuri. Quocirca veftre Frater- nitati injungimus & mandamus quatinus omnes & fin- gulos Confratres noftros prædictos per literas veftras clau- Jas moneatis & efficaciter inducatis peremptorie citantes eofdem ut ipfi in craft. diei Afcenf. Dom. prox. nunc fut. in Ecclefiâ Conventuali B. Mariæ de Southwerk Wyn- ton. Diac. perfonaliter nobifcum conveniant, vofq; confi- militer conveniatis recepturi, facturi, & expedituri cum obedientia debita quod communis deliberatio circa pre- niſſa falubriter dictaverit profequendum & fmaliter peragendum. Neminem vero dictorum Fratrum excufa- tum babere poterimus propter dicti negotij qualitatem nobis & illis ex clectâ fpeciali industrid demandati nifi gravi infirmitate vel debilitate corporis excufetur, quo cafu aliquem de Confratribus loco fuo conftituere teneatur. Dat. apud Maghefeld 11. Kal. pr. An. MCCCLXI. B. nof. Cauf xii. The fame Day another Mandate was iffued out to the Bifhops by the Pope's Command, that, after they had met together by themfelves in Crast. Afcenfiones, they fhould again meet together with their Clergy, in craft. Otab. Fefti S. Trinita tis. And how many Proxies the Clergy of each Diocefè fhould lend up, whether one, two, or more, is left by the Archbiſhop to their own dif- cretion. Sinon, &c. (ut fupra) wt Confratres noftros Ecclefiæ nof. Cant. Suffrag, una cum Clero uniuscujufq; ut · : Cor 1773 A History of Convocations. 201 • corum ut fubfequitur abfq; more diffugio convocemus, quatinus ipfi omnes & finguli Confratres nobifcum conve- niant literas confimiles ipfis fingulis in hac parte direct as bumiliter recepturi, ac tam ipfi quam Clerus eorum cir- ca executionem & expeditionem earum Domini literarum deliberaturi, & fanum ipforum concilium impenfuri. Quo- circa veftræ Fraternitati auctoritate nobis ut præfertur commiffa injungimus & mandamus quatinus omnes & fingulos Confratres noftros prædictos moneatis & efficaciter inducatis peremptorie citantes eofdem ut ipfi in craftino Otab. Fefti S. Trinitatis prox. nunc fut. in Ecclefiâ Con. ventuali B. Mariæ de Southwerk Wynton. Diac. per- fonaliter nobifcum conveniant, & qualiter ipforum Cle- rum fuæ Diec. tam fecularem quam generalem (regula- rem) exemptum & non exemptum per procuratores fuos idoneos & fufficienter, ad hoc conftituendos, UNUM, DUOS, vel PLURES prout ei magis expediens vide- bitur, convenire faciat & compellat, vofq; cum Clero veftræ Dixc. confimiliter conveniatis recepturi, facturi, & expedituri cum obedientiâ debitâ quod, &c. (ut fupra.) Neminem vero dictorum, &c. (ut fupra). Thefe Convocations were called for the grant- ing a Contribution to the Pope, as appears Fol. 185.b. An. 1362. Archbishop Iflip fent out a Mandate de FRATRUM fuorum confilio, for the obfervation of certain Feftivals throughout his whole Province: as alfo another concerning the yearly Salaries of Priefs, de FRATRUM fuorum confilio & confenfu, together with a 3d by the fame Authority de esbyteris Annalia celebrantibus: all 3 extant in the · Edition of our Councils ad An. An. 1366. 41. E 3. in a great Council there hap- pening a fyddain Rumour concerning an lavafion, the then Archbishop, Simon Langham, with fome of 3 3 1 * t 2 202 A History of Convocations. of his Suffragans there prefent, made an Order for Soldiers to be provided by the Clergy, and then fent about that Order to the particular Bi- fhops to be communicated to the Clergy to have their Confent. Reg. Langham f. 53. Simon, &c. Epifcopo Lincoln, &c. Cum in ultimo Concilio Domini noftri R. Anglie illuftris apud Weftm. jam tarde celebrato, nos & nonnulli Proceres & Prælati regni Anglia varia Domini noftri Regis & regni nego- tia tractaverimus ut decebat, rumor validus, &c.- propter quod dictus Dominus nofter R. illuftris & alij dicti regni proceres fuper bijs artiffimâ revolutione trac- tantes a nobis & quibufdam alijs noftris Suffraganeis ibi- dem tunc præfentibus affectuofe poftulabant ut in bac parte confilium opportunum, & efficax præfidium impen- dere curaremus. Cumq; fubfequenter nos & quidam alij Suffraganei noftri tunc præfentes fuper juftâ & neceſſariâ defenfione Ecclefiæ & regni follicite tractaveri- mus de spontanco & communicato noftro confilio & aſſenſu ORDÏÑAMUS quod nos alijq; Epifcopi & Suf- fraganei noftri & cæteri Prælati & viri Ecclefiaftici nof- tre Cant. Prov. tam exempti quam non exempti juxta Status noftrorum & fuorum condecentiam, poffeffionefq; reditus,& facultates noftras & fuas tam de hominibus ad arma, five armatis, fagittarijs, & alijs viris bellicofis nobis & fivi cum omni celeritate poffibili provideamus & provideant & eos paratos babeant pro defenfione univer- falis Ecclefiæ Angl. & regni fupradicti. - Nos igitur -vestram fraternitatem ficut & cæteros confratres & Suffraganeos nostros requirimus & hortamur, quatinus Prælatis & viris Ecclef. univerfis vestrarum civitatum & Diec. tam exemptis quam non exemptis certis diebus. & locis que ad hoc oportuna videritis celeriter convocatis, præmiſſa omnia & fingula pericula & etiam quæ ad re- media fuper hijs duximus ordinanda, Prælatis & Clero fupradictis plenius cxponatis feu exponi faciatis luculenter, volun- A History of Convocations. 203 1 voluntatefq; & devotiones Prælatorum & cæterorum vi- rorum Eccl. vestræ Diac. ad confentiendum hijs quæ in bac parte ut præmittitur duximus ordinanda-excitetis, &c. Dat. ap. Lamheth viii. Kal. Martij. An. Dom. MCCCLXVI. & n. tranf. 1. A like Mandate was iffued out about 3 Years after by his Succeffor (a) W. Wyttlefey, who com- mands the Bishop of London to punish the Bishops if they neglected to do as they were directed. Et bec idem auctoritate nostra omnibus & fingulis Confratri- bus & Cocpifcopis nostris Ecclefiæ nostra Cant. Suffrag. cum omni celeritate quâ poteritis injungatis & ad id fa- ciendum fi oporteat canonice compellatis. Dat. iii. Kal. Maij An. MCCCLXIX. A Commiffion granted by Archbishop Lang- bam to fit in his ftead in the Convocation An. 1368. at Cant. Reg. Langham. f. 70. Simon,&c. Dilectis filijs Magiftro Ric. de War- mynton RECTORI ECCLESIÆ PAROCHIALIS de Aldyngton noftrorum patronatus & Diac & Rober- to.de Commiffario noftro Cant. generali falutem, &c. Ad intereffendum vice & nomine noftris Convo- cationi five Congregationi Prælatorum & Cleri ros- trarum Civitatis & Diac. in capella Palatij nostri Cant. in Craft. S. Ed. R. & Martyris prox. nunc fut. cum continuatione & prorogatione dierum tunc fequentium per Dei gratiam faciendæ, & præfidendum in endem, negotiaq; Ecclefiæ nostræ & nostra quæcunq; in ipfa Convocatione five Congregatione explicanda plenius exponendum & fuper hijs una cum dictis Prælatis & Clero oporteat tractandum deliberationemq; ipforum Præla- torum & Cleri fuper negotijs bujufmodi audiendum, ad- (4) Reg. Wyttlefey f. 9. } 2 } } K 2 mit- 204 A Hiftory of Convocations. + mittendum & recipiendum prout expedire videritis, nec non omina alia & fingula facienda, exercenda, & exp dienda, cum fuis emergentibus dependentibus & connexis, quæ in Congregatione hujufmodi facere poffemus feu de- beremus, fi præfentes perfonaliter intereſſemus, & fi màn- datum exigant magis fpeciale, Vobis, de quorum fideli- tate circumspectione & industrid plenam in Domino fidu. ciam opinemus committimus vices nostras, cum cujufli- bet COERCIONIS CANONICA potestate. In cujus, &c. Dat. ap. Lambeth, I. Non. Novemb. An. MCCCLXVIII. Archbishop Langham publifh'd this Year an In- junction againft divers erroneous Articles, de con- gregato Concilio, tam Doctorum facræ paginæ, quam aliorum prudentium, vivorum, directed to the Chan- cellor of Oxford: as alfo another for the confir mation of certain Hymns to the Honour of S Catherine: Both extant among our Councils, ad An. ; In a Parliament held An. 1369. 43. E. 3. when the Clergy were not prefent in Convocation, the K. preling the Archbishop (who was then Will. Wyttlefey) and the Bithops for a Subfidy, they agreed (a), that every Bifhop fhould convene the Clergy of his Diocefe to have their Confent: the Clergy of each Deanery were firft to meet, and the matter being imparted to 'em and confi- der'd by 'em, they were to chufe certain Proxies, one for cach Deanery, to reprefent 'em in a Dio- cefan Synod, there to give their Confents before the Bifhop. Willielmus, &c. Dilecto filio -Officiali Archi- diaconi noftri Cant. falutem, &c. In Parliamento nuper (a) Reg. Wyttlefey fol. 14. apud " 3. A History of Convocations. apud Wertm. Convocato ex parte Domini noftri Regis co- ram nobis & noftris Confratribus alijfq; Prælatis & Proceribus regni Angliæ, expofita fuerunt grandia peri- cula tam Ecclefiæ Anglicane quam populo dicti regni no- toriæ imminentia, oneraq; quam plura & exceſſive gra- via, propterea eidem Domino noftro Regi plus folito in- cumbentia quæ abfq; fubfidio tam cleri quam populi dicti fui regni prout liquet evidenter non poterit fupportare prop- ter quod ex parte ejufdem Domini nofiri Regis nobis atten- tius extitit fupplicatum, ut de decimd triennali in tribus. annis feq; ad Fefta, viz. Purificationis B. Mariæ & Nativ. S Johannis Bapt. folvendâ per nos & confratres noftros prædictos, tam pro nobis quam pro Clero uniufcu- jufq; noftrum providere & provideri facere curaremus. Nos vero intellectis neceffitatibus & oneribus cjufdem Do- mini noftri Regis fibi evidenter importabilibus, attentaq; devotione quam idem Dominus nofter Rex corditer gerit & femper geffit erga Ecclefiam Anglicanam, tandem poft magnam & distinam deliberationem & altercationem Super præmiffis inter nos habitam, SUPPLICATIONI fuæ quantum in nobis fuerat duximus annuendum, pro- mittentes eidem quod finguli noftrum fubduos fuos bac de caufâ quam cito fieri poffet convocari faceremus, & ad concedendum pro fe dictam decimam induceremus, quate- nus ad uniufcujufq; noftrum attinet facultatem. Quocirca nos volentes quatinus ad nos & nofiros fubditos pertinet, præmiffa convenienter effectu debito mancipare, vobis committimus & in virtute fanctæ obedientia firmiter in- jungendo mandamus quatinus Abbates, Priores, Præpo- fitos, & Prælatos, Conventus, Capitula, & Collegia, ac viros Ecclefiafticos quofcunq; Exemptos & non Exemptos fingulorum Decanatuum Archidiaconatus Cant. beneficia &bona Ecclefiaftica in noftra Civitate, feu in bujuf- modi Decanatibus habentia, Clerumq; fingulorum bu- ufmodi Decanatuum ad certos locum & terminum com- petentes in fingulis hujufmodi Decanatibus per vos in hac parte ftatuendos, noftrâ auctoritate convocetis feu con- vocari 205 C 1 } 1 * ' 206 A Hiſtory of Convocations. vocari faciatis peremptorie coram vobis, & ibidem, in fingulis viz. Decanatibus prædictis fingulis diebus & lo- cis per vos fibi in hac parte ftatuendis præfentes literas noftras feu præfens noftrum mandatum coram ipfis Ab- batibus, Prioribus, Præpofitis, & Prælatis, ac viris Eccle- fiafticis, & Clero fingulorum Decanatum prædi&torum publicetis, & eas feu ipfum mandatum plenius exponatis ad effectum, ut interim plene deliberare valeant fuper contentis in eodem, Citetis infuper feu citari faciatis Ab- bates, Priores, Præpofitos, Capitula, Conventus, & Collegia, ac viros Ecclefiafticos quofcunq; bona &. beneficia Ecclefiaftica in Civitate & Diæcefi noft- ris habentes, exemptos & non exemptos, & Clerum fingulorum Decanatuum prædictorum, quod ijdem Abba- tes, Priores, & Prælati, perfonaliter, finguliq; Con- ventus, & fingula Capitula & Collegia, per fuos Procu ratores, Clerus etiam fingulorum Decanatuum prædicto- rum per SINGULOS fuos Procuratores fufficienter inftruc- tos in hac parte, compareant coram nobis feu noftris aut noftro in hac parte Commiffario feu Commiffarijs in Ec- clefia noftrâ Chrifti Cant. die Lune prox. poft feftum S. Jacobi prox. fut. cum continuatione & prorogatione di- erum tunc fequentium & locorum fuper hijs de quibus in dictis noftris literis plenius fit mentio, & alijs arduis negotijs Ecclefiam Anglicanam & Clerum ejufdem come, cernentibus tunc feriofius exponendis fuaq; confilia & aux- ilia fuper hijs impenfuri & ad confentiendum bijs que in dictis noftris literis continentur, et que ad honorem Dei, Ecclefie fue, utilitatemq; rigni & reip. ibidem ex deliberatione communi ut optamus contigerit ordinari, fac- turiq; & recepturi quod juftum fuerit, & hujufmodi ne- gotij natura & qualitas exigunt & requirunt. Pralatis etiam & viris Ecclefiafticis exemptis & non mendican- tibus, dictarum noftrarum civitatis & Diacefis, cujuf cunq; fuerint ordinis aut profeffionis, per vos volumus intimari ut præfatis die loco abfq; fuorum privilegi- erum in hac parte prejudicio, quibus per hoc derogari noly- A A History of Convocations. 207 nolumus, interfint, facturi in premiſſis & ea tangentibus quod fuperius eft expreffum. De die vero receptionis pra- fentium, &c. & quid feceritis in præmiffis nos vel nof- tros in hac parte Commiſſarios, dictis die & loco plene & diftin&te certificetis per veftras literas patentes harum fe- riem & citatorum nomina continentes. Porro cum di- lectis filijs Priori & Capitulo noftris Cant. mandatum noftrum in hac parte fpecialiter dirigamus per vos nolu- mus ipfos ad Convocationem hujufmodi evocari. Dat. apud Cherryngg v. Kal. Jul. An. MCCCLXIX. & trans. n. I. • Item confimile mandatum mutatis mutandis direct- um fuit Commisario Cant. generali pro jurifdičti- onibus exemptis & etiam immediate Domino fub- jectis. Item confimile mandatum mutatis mut. directum fuit Decano de SHORHAM pro decanatu fuo. Item conf. mandatum mutatis mut. directum fuit Pri- ori Cant. pro fe & capitulo fuo. Before Octob, following a Parl. was held,after that a Convocation was call'd for the granting the King à Subfidy, to fit at St. Pauls London, Jan. 21ft. The King's Writ, Dat. xi. October, An. r. n. 43. is re- cited in the Archbishops (a) Mandate, The Arch- bishop fets forth, that he call'd that Convocation cum faftidio with regret, as being a trouble to the Clergy, but the neceffities of the Kingdom required it. The Writ fets forth a vobis & alijs de clero Diœcefis Prov. veftrarum in dicto (ultimo) Parl. tunc præfenti- bus nobis concedi petivimus. The Perfons nominated in the Writ are Epifcopi, Decani, & Priores Ecclefia- rum Cathed. Abbates & Priores & alij electivi exemp- ti non exempti, necnon Archid. Capitula, Conventus, & Collegia totufq; Clerus. The Mandate goes far- (4) Ibid. f. 17. b. ther, ★ 308 A Hiftory of Convocations. 2 1 مارچ ther, Epifcopi, & Electi Confirmati fiqui fuerint, & ab. fentium hujufmodi Epifcoporum Vicarij in Spiritualibus generales, & Cuftodes noftri Spiritualitatis in Civit. & Diac. Exon. Hereford, Norwyc. fedibus ibidem E- pifcopalibus vacantibus generales; & per eos Decani, Priores Ecclefiarum Cathed. ac fingula Capitula earun- dem, Archidiaconufq; Abbates & Priores Conventus fub fe habentes, & ALII ECCLESIARUM PRÆLATI Exempti & non Exempti, Clerufq; cujuflibet Diæc, &c. The abfent threaten'd In the Regifter there are two other Mandates; one to the Commiffary general of Cant. and the other to the Prior and Chapter of Cant. I have given the Reader already the entire Acts of one Convocation, the eldeft now remaining in dur Regiſters; that he may have a clearer view of that Body and its methods, I ſhall give him the A&s of this too, which are next to thofe, the antien- teft we have. The Ads of the Convocation. Fol. 22, &c. Concilium celebratum in Eccl. S. Pauli Lond. die Lune prox. post Fest. Sanctorum Fabiani & Se- baftiani Martyrum xii. Kal. Feb. viz. xxi. die m. Januar. A. D. MCCCLXIX. per rev. in Ch. P. & Dominum D. Will. D. g. Cant. Arch. &c. Indict, viii. Pont. Domini Urbani P. v. An. viii. Dictoq; Domino Archiepifcopo in Capellà B. Maria Virg. in Capite dicta Ecc:fie una cum rev. Dominis & Fratribus fuis ibidem perfonaliter conftitutis, viz. Domino Simone Epifcopo Lond. Miffam pro defunctis_ad Altare d:Eta capella tunc celebrante, Dominis Will. Wygorn. Johanne Linc, Joh. Elyen. Rob. Sarum, Will Ciceft. Fratri- bus, Gulvafio Bangorenḥ & Rogero Landav. E- pifcopis Suffraganeis fuis & Ecclefia fue Cant. poft quam quidem A History of Convocations. 209 ་ quidem Miffam celebratam dictus Dominus Cant. Archi. epifeopus, und cum Confratribus fuis prædictis fuper quàn- dam formulam ante Altare dicta Capelle fedebat, ex- iftentibus tunc ibidem nonnullis perfonis fecularibus & religiofis in dignitate conftitutis, Procuratoribufq; & Clericis Cant. Frovinciæ in multitudine copiofà, præ- fatufq; Dominus Archiepifcopus verbum Dei ibidem pub- lice propofuit, fibi pro themate affumpto Virtus Dei eft in falutem: Post cujus verbi Dei propofitionem com- paruerunt tunc ibidem perfonaliter venerab. viri D.Rob de Thorp, Joh. Knivet, & Th. Luddelowe Jufti- tiarij Domini R. & ibidem coram dictis Patr. & Clero Cant. Prov. expofuerunt negotia Regis & caufam fui ad- ventus fuiffe ob neceffitatem Dumini R. Angl. & Regni Anglicani feriofius expofitam per dic. Dominum Th.de Luddelowe viva voce: qui quidem D. Thomas pe- tijt nomine regio ut dictus D. Archiepifcopus & Con- fratres fui una cum Clero Cant. Prov. difponerent ad defenfionem R. & regni Ang. prout melius effet difpo- nendum pro falvatione & defenf. regni Angl. memora- ti. Cui quidem regno per inimicos Franc. quamplurima imminent pericula, &infidia, ut dixit excogitantur & attemptantur in deſtructionem regni Angliæ memorati. Exhibito tunc certificatorio dic. Domini Lond. Epifcopi ejus figillo figillato & eodem publice perlecto, per quod apparuit quod idem Epifcopus Epifcopos Suffrag dicti D. Archiepifcopi, & Cuftodes Spiritualium Civitatum & Diac. Norwici, Herefordiæ, & Exon. fedibus Epifcopali- bus ibidem vacantibus, ac perfonas alias Relig. & Secul. exemptas & non exemptas, ac Clerum Prov. Cant. fecundum tenorem mandati fibi directi, citari fecerat, ac omnia exercuerat in dicto mandato contenta plenius & defcripta, poft cujus quidem certificatorij lect- uram dictus D. Archiepifcopus commifit viva voce po teftatem Magiftris Kic, de Warmyngton Concellario fuo & Joh. de Swyncfhened Auditori caufarum Curiæ fuæ recipiendi & examinendi certificatoria Epifcoporum Suffrag *O 210 A History of Convocations. 7 quo 7 Suffrag. fuorum & Vicariorum generalium, necnon pro- curatoria Cleri Prov. Cant. & alia ibidem exhibenda, & ad CONCILIUM five CONVOCATIONEM bujufmodi prorogavit hunc diem cum dictis Confratri- bus fuis & procuratoribus præfentibus tunc ibidem, ab- fentes fi qui effent expectando ad faciendum & proce- dendum ulterius in negotio CONCILII five CONVO- CATONIS prædicta, fecundum quod eis vifum fuerit expedire, affignando eifdem locum Capitularem dicta Ecclefiæ ad comparendum coram eo ad præmiffa facienda. Poftmodum dicti Epifcopi, Cuftodes Spiritualium & alij procuratores dictis Commiffarijs certificatoria & pro- curat. hujufmodi realiter porrexerunt. Quo die adve- niente viz. xi. Kal. Feb A. D. fupradicto in loco Capi- tulari dicta Ecclefiae S. Pauli examinatis per dictos Ma- giftros Ric, de Warm. & Joh. de Swyn. Commiffa- rijs dicti D. Archiepifcopi in hac parte literis procuratorijs quorundam procuratorum Epifcoporum abfentium, necnon quorundam Abbatum Priorum,& Cleri Cant. Prov. dictus D. Archiepifcopus affidentibus fibi in dicta domo Capit. Confratribus Suffrag. fuis fupradic. necnon Clero & Re- lig, dicta Prov. Cant. tunc ibidem fimul congregatis, dic- tifq; Cuftodibus Spiritualitatis & perfonis alijs in dig- nitate conftitutis,ac procuratoribus Cleri Cant. Prov.prout in literis Certif. bujufmodi porrectis plenius defcribitur coram eo, expofuit eifdem magis plene & fpecialiter ne- gotia Domini Regis & regni Angi, & ejus pericula jam imminentia per Regem Francia & ejus confilium & auxilium inferenda; quapropter petijt à dictis Confra- tribus fuis, Relig. & Clero Diac. & Prov. fuæ prædic. pro fublevatione Regis regni & totius reip. decimam triennalem cidem Domino R. concedi & effectualiser folvi infra dictum triennium, viz. quolibet "anno dicti triennij unam decimam ad duos anni terrainos per aqua-- les portiones, & fuper petitione prædict. rogavit dictos Relig, quod fe infimul traberent ad aliquam partem Ec- clefiæ prædicta, & Clerum fua Diac. & Prov. quod ad 2 ፡ A History of Convocations. ad aliam partem ejufdem Ecclefia fe traberent, tracta- rent, & deliberarent de petitione prædict. quid & quan- tum concedere velint, & deliberatione habità per eofdem fibi referre & intimare de voluntate corundem in dicta domo Capit. fuper præmiffis die craft. tunc prox. feq. & infuper omnes tam Religiofos quam Seculares, qui ifta Convocatione tenentur & artantur, comparere legi- time citatos & non comparentes pronunciavit contuma- ces pæna eifdem pro hujufmodi contumacia injungendâ fibi refervata. Poftmodum x. Kal. Feb. A. D fuprad. coram dicto D. Archiepifcopo in præfata Capellà B. Mariæ S. Pauli, una cum fuprafcriptis Confratribus fuis perfonaliter exiftentibus, procuratores Cleri Diac. &Prov. Cant. excepto PROCURATORE Cleri Diac. Cant. (in Mandato Archiepifcopi citantur duo Procuratores pro Clero Dioecefium fingularum) QUI TANTUM UNAM DECIMAM CONCESSIT folvendam, attentis periculis regni Angl. indulgentiaq; & amore Domini R. Angliæ & regni concefferunt eidem Do- mino R. decimam biennalem folvendam eidem Domino R. infra biennium à tempore dicta conceffionis numerandam. Sub iftis tamen conditionibus adjectis & additis per dictum Clerum, viz. quod dictus D. Rex in- jurias & volentias ac alia gravamina viris Ecclefiafti- cis in enervationem libertatis Ecclefiafticæ per Miniftros regios multipliciter attemptata & per ipfum Clerum in fcriptis redigenda & dicto Domino Archiepifcopo, & per eum Domino Regi porrigenda corrigat & reformet, & etiam quod Beneficia exilia & depauperata ad folu- tionem dicte decimæ nullatenus obligentur, quodque fuper exilitate dictorum beneficiorum teftimonialibus li teris Ordinariorum in quorum Diœccji dička beneficia fi- tuantur fine probatione alia creditur. Et Reli- giofi Diœcefis & Prov. Cant. attentis & confiderat is præmiffis per eofdem, decimam biennalem dito Domi- no Regi de fuis fpiritualibus annuis & terminis fupra. dict is folvendam fub conditionibus & adjectionibus fupe- 02 * TIUS 211 1 } 212 } A History of Convocations. 3 rius per Clerum expreffatis. Et tunc dictus D. Archi- epifcopus voluit quod Clerus & Religiofi prædicli peti- tiones fuas fuper dictis injurijs violentijs & gravami- nibus infcriptis redigerent & fibi porrigerent die Ven. tunc prox. feq in Capella prædic. ita quod fu- per eis cum fuis Confratribus poterit confulere & deli- berare, & eas habità deliberatione hujufmodi unam cum conceffione decima biennalis prædicte dicto D. Regi intimare, & affignavit dictis Clero & Religiofis diem Sabbati prox. feq. ad comparendum coram eo in dicta Capella bora prima voluntatem Regiam fuper dictis petitionibus & etiam grates regias pro dicta con- ceffione quas reportabit audituris: Et ad hoc faciendum continuavit dictam Convocationem ad diem Sabbati fu- pradictum. Quo die Sabbati, viz. vii. Kal. Feb. A.D. Supradicto dictus D. Archiepifcopus quandam Commif- fionem figillo fuo figillatam ad continuandum & pro- rogandum dictum Concilium fecerat fub hac forma ver- bcrum: Willielmus, &c. difcretis viris Magiftris Nicolao Chaddesden Legum Doctori Canonico in Ecclefia Cathed. Lich. Ricardo de Warmyngton • Rectori Ecclefiæ Paroch. de Adefham noftræ Diœcefis Cancellario noftro & Joh. de Swynethened Canonico in Eccl. Cathed. Linc. falutem, &c. Cum propter ar- 'dua negotia Dominum noftrum Regem Angl. concer- nentia fimus ad præfens impediti, quominus in CON- 'CILIO five CONVOCATIONE PROVINC. in Eccle- fid S. Pauli Lond. convocato & inchoato pro præ- fenti die Sabbati, viz. vii. Kal. Feb. intereffe perfon- aliter poffimus, ad continuandum & propagandum dictum Concilium ad dies ulteriores fequentes, & etiam ad faciendum expediendum & exercendum quæ circa præmiſſa neceffaria fuerint feu oportuna, vobis conjun- Elim & divifim tenore præfentium committimus vices noftras & plenam poteftatem Dat. ap. Lambeth vií. Kal. Feb. A.D. fupradicto, & n tranf. 11 do. Cujus quidem Commiffionis auctoritate dictus Magifter Ric. " & C C L de = 3 A Hiftory of Convocations. de Warmyngton Cancellarius in domo Capit. dicta Eccl. S. Pauli Lond. pro tribunali fedens in præfentiâ quorundam procuratorum Cleri& Relig. Provincie Cant. ibidem exiftentium, continuavit & prorogavit dictum CONCILIUM five CONVOCATIONEM ufq; ad diem Martis tunc prox. feq. alios procuratores dictorum Cleri & Relig. fi qui tunc abfentes fuerant ad diem prædict um expectando. Et præfixit procuratoribus dictum diem Martis ad comparendum coram Domino in diéta do- domo Capit. ad omnia facienda & expedienda quæ jam effent facturi. Quo die Jovis (Martis) adveniente, viz. iv. Kal. Feb. An. D. fuprad. dictus D. Archiepif copus una cum Lond. Elienfi, Wigorn. Linc. Sarum, Ciceft. Affav. Bangor & Landav. Epifcopis fuprad. in præfata domo Capit. pro tribunali fedens, expofuit procuratoribus Cleri & Relig. Cant. Prov. fupradict æ ibidem comparentibus coram eo qualiter dicta biennalis decima nuper per Clerum Domino Regi conceffa ad onera & pericula dicto Regi & ejus regno jam im- minentia minime fufficiebat, fed credidit ut afferuit quod Cleras & Relig dicta Prov. ad relevamen Regis & regni prædictorum ficut nuper per eam petitum extitit ratione potiffimum juris naturalis decimam triennalem conceffiffent, ficut nuper Prælati regni prout idem D. Archiepifcopus tunc retulit eidem Domino Regi jure na- turali moti decimam triennalemn de fuis proprijs in re- levamen onerum prædictorum concefferunt, & tunc in- junxit Procuratoribus Cleri Relig. hujufmodi exhortando eofdem quod fe ad partes in dictà Ecclefiâ tranf ferrent concordarent pro dicta decimâ triennali con- cedenda. Qui ad loca in dictâ Ecclefia fe transferentes, de conceffione dicta decima triennalis tractantes, tan- dem ad dictum D. Archiepifcopum & Confratres Juos Suprad. in dictâ domo Capit. funt reverfi. Qui quidem. procuratores Cleri & Relig. Cant. Prov. decimam bien- nalem terminis fuprafcriptis folvendam, primam viz. fimpliciter, fecundam vero cum conditionibus & ad- O 3 jectj- 213 1 214 A Hiftory of Convocations. { jectionibus quod D. Rex petitiones Cleri fuper injurijs &gravaminibus Ecclefiafticæ libertati illatis concipiendas reformaret & corrigeret ut fuperius est expreffum, fed Religiofi prædicti & Procuratores eorum dictam de cimam biennalem tam de temporalibus quam de fpiri- tual. more (clito folvendam concefferunt, præfatiq; pro- curatores Cleri & Relig. hujufmodi à tertid decima folvenda fe omnino excufarunt, afferentes quod eam con- cedere minime potuerunt propter diverfa onera Ecclefiæ hactenus impofita & viris Ecclefiafticis & peftilentiam animalium quæ jam viget in partibus Angl. offeren tes quod fi neceffitas urgeat in pofterum pro di&tâ ter- tia decima concedenda parati erunt lapfo biennio, eis more folito convocatis, eam concedere in, fubfidium regni & terræ fuæ prædicta. Et dicti Relig. in fcriptis porrexerunt quafdam petitiones per dictum D. Regem reformandas, quas etiam Clerus Cant. Provincia qua- tenus pro eo facere poterunt & concernunt porrexit etiam quafdam alias petitiones in fcripto. Poft quarum peti- tionum traditionem dictus D. Archiepifcopus habita prius cum dictis Confratribus fuis tractatu aliquali, præ- fixit di&tis Procuratoribus diem Jovis prox. tunc fut. ad comparendum coram eo in dicta domo Capit. bene- placitum Regium & ejus voluntatem fuper conceffione dicte decima biennalis ac grates ab co impendendas pro conceffione hujufmodi & refponfiones fuas ad peti- tiones prædict as audituris, & ad hoc faciendum hunc diem ad dictum diem Jovis de confenfu Fratrum fuorum prædictorum continuavit & etiam prorogavit. Quo die Jovis adveniente, viz. 11. Kal. Feb. A. D. Suprad. prædictus Magifter de Warmyngton Cancella- rius & Commiffarius Domini in hac parte in ditâ domo Capit. bord prima dicte diei pro tribunali fedens virtute cujufdam Commiffionis à dicto Domino Archie- pifcopo fibi facta continuavit dictum CONCILIUM five CONVOCATIONEM und cum Domino Epifcopo Affav. & nonnullis procuratoribus Cleri & Relig. • Prov. > C A Hiftory of Convocations. Prov. Cant. alios Procuratores abfentes expectando ufq; ad horam vefperarum dicte diei ad faciendum illud idem quod jam effet faciendum fi D. Archiepifcopus præfens effet. Tenor vero dicta Commiffionis talis eft. Willielmus, &c. difcretis viris Magiftris Ric. de Warm. &c. Jo. de Swyn. &c. Cum propter ardua negotia, &c. ut fupra mutatis mutandis) Quâ horâ vefperarum adveniente idem Dominus Cancellarius & Commiffarius in loco fupra proximo dicto pro tribunali fedens virtute Commiffionis fuprad. de confenfu quo- rundam Epifcoporum & Procuratorum Cleri & Relig. Cant. Prov. tunc præfentium continuavit & prorogavit dictum Concilium cum præfentibus expectando abfentes ufq; ad diem prox. tunc feq. ad idem faciendum quod prius in loco prædicto. Quo die adveniente, viz. Kal. Feb. A. D. fuprad. dictus Dominus Archiepifco- pus in præfata domo Capit. una cum Wynton. Elien. Wygorn. Sarum. Ciceft. Linc. Affav. & Bangor. Epifcopis ibidem perfonaliter exiftentibus pro tribunali fedens, nonnullifq; perfonis fecularibus & Relig. in dig nitate conftitutis perfonaliter, Cleroq, Cant. Prov. per procuratores fuprad, comparentibus & jam tunc ibidem, exiftentibus infuper tunc ibidem perfonaliter ex parte dieti D. Regis nobilibus viris Dominis Duce Lancaft- riæ filio Regis, Arundeliæ, Marchiæ, & Warre- wici Comitibus, ac nonnullis alijs Magnatibus dicti regni, inter quos erat unus Dominus, viz. Dominus Guido Brian, qui expofuit in vulgari, qualiter ibidem ex parte Regis miffi fuerunt pro negotijs regijs exponen- dis, allegans quod decima biennalis nuper per Clerum Prov. Cant. conceff Domino Regi, habendo refpectum. ad pericula regno imminentia & neceffitates regias ad Supportationem Regis & regni, non fufficit, fed D. Rex fperans de amicitia & fubventione dicti Cleri, crede- bat quod faciliter & fine difficultate dictam decimam tri- ennalem ut nuper complures Prælati, Epifcopi fcil. & Abbates regni Angl. pro ſuis proprijs beneficijs Domi- * 0 4 no 215 A ! 216 A History of Convocations. no Regi concefferunt, conceffiffent, & annuerent votis regijs in buc parte, fupplicavit infuper idem Dominus Guido dictis Dominis Archiepifcopo, & Prælatis, ac Clero prædicto quatinus dictam decimam triennalem ob amorem difli Regis & regni defenfionem, ficuti Præla ti fecerunt, concederent, rogando dictum D. Archiepifco- pam alics Prælatos ut dictum Clerum inducerent ad conceffionem decime triennalis præditæ. Et tunc dictus D. Archiepifcopus pro celeriori expeditione con. ceffionis prædiéta hortavit Epifcopos ibidem tunc præfen- tes, quod quilibet Epifcopus procuratores fuæ Diœce- fis ad partes caperet & de conceffione bujufmodi in- ter fe tractarent. Procuratores poftmodum Cleri & Relig. de conceffione bujufmodi aliquandiu tractantes, & tandem ad dictum D. Archiepifcopum & Confratres Juos fuprad. in dictâ domo Capir. pro tribunali ſeden tes, redeuntes, Procuratoribufq; aliquibus Cleri & Re- lig. tunc abfentibus per dictum D. Archiepifcopum pro contumacibus reputatis Lo pro abfentibus habitis per eun- dem, Procuratores Cleri & Relig. Cant. Prov. fuper pro telatione conceffunis decima triennalis prædicta fe excufa- runt, bac viz. de caufa, quia nefcierunt de conceffione de- cimæ triennalis Domino Regi factâ per dictos Prælatos,fed volentes fequi in conceffione hujufmodi veftigia ut dixerunt Prælatorum eorundem libere, & hilari vultu totus Clerus Prov. Cant, conceffit Domino Regi decimam triennalem folvendam infra triennium prox. feq. ad terminos fuperius limitatos, Regando didum D. 'Regem & fibi etiam fup- plicando quatinus gravamina Clero prædicto illata contra Ecclefiafticam libertatem fecundum petitiones per dictum Clerum nuper propofitas reformaret. Et tunc dictus D. Archiepifcopus dictis Procuratoribus licentiam recedendi conceffit præfatumq; Concilium five Convoc. diffolvebat. A Convocation (a) for a Subfidy An. 1371. 45. E. (a) f. 40. b. &c. 3. at ર A Hiftory of Convocations. 3. at St. Pauls Lond. die Jovis prox. poft Feft. S. Georgii i. e. 24. Apr. The Regifter obferves that the Mandate ran in the fame Words, excepting only a few, which are not worth mentioning, with the former of 1369. The King's Writ mentions a Parl. then fitting when this Convocation. was fummon'd. Edwardus, &c. Qualiter negotia tam nos quam ftatum regni noftri Angl. quam neceſſariam defenfionem ejufdem contingentia, ac onera propter hoc nobis in- cumbentia, vobis & alijs in præfenti Parl. noftro ex- iftentibus plenius expofuimus, vos non latet, ad quorum onerum fupportationem abfq; adjutorio fidelium noftro- rum non fufficimus ficut fcitis, per quod aliquod fubfidium congruum in fupportationem tantorum onerum à vobis & alijs de Clero Diæc. & Prov. veftrarum in dicto Parl. tunc præfentibus nobis concedi petivimus. -Manda- mus, &c. ; This Convocation is mention'd by Walfingham An. 1371. celebrato Parl. apud Weftm. in Quadragefi mâ, Řex Edwardus petijt à Clero & Populo fubfidium, quod fub deliberatione in Convocatione Cleri facta post Pafchæ fuit conceffum tam à Clero, quam à Populo laicali. The Bishop of Lond. preach'd. Certain Lords are fent by the K. to demand a Subfidy. The Archbishop Commiffions the Bishops of Lond. Ely and S. Davids, or any One of 'em, to ac for him, being indifpofed. The Bishop of Lon- don's Certificatorium containing the Archbishop's Mandate is read; then ſeveral Procuratoria. The Bishop of Lond. as the Archbishop's Com- miffary admonuit dictos Prælatos & Clerum quod fuper petitione prædicta tractarent & deliberarent, Prælati, viz. PER SE, & Religiofi, & Clerus PER SE. Apr. 24. In domo Capitulari una cum cæteris Præ- latis,& quorundam Procuratoribus fedens continuavit dictam Convocationem, cum Procuratoribus Prælatorum 217 } 7 4 } } 218 A History of Convocations. 1 & Cleri Prov. Cant. præfentibus in Eccl. S. Pauli prædictâ. Apr. 25. admonuit Prælatos & Clerum quod tractent inter fe de fubfidio, & quod habito tractatu inter eos de prædictis, fibi & alijs Prælatis intimarent de volun- tate fuâ. Apr. 28. The Prelats and Clergy not agreeing about the Subfidy, certain Lords are fent by the K. to make a demand of 50000 l. They are adjourn'd to Apr. 29. but neither then could the Prelats and Proxies of the Clergy agree about the Sum. 1 Maij 1. Ante horam nonam dictus Dominus Lond. Epifcopus & Commiſſarius & nonnulli Prælati & Pro- curatores in dicta domo Capitulari congregati, tandem dictus Dominus Epifcopus Lond. vice & auctoritate dicti Domini Archiepifcopi, continuavit & prorogavit dictum negotium feu tractatum ufq; horam nonam dicta diei, & affignavit tam Prælatis quam omnibus alijs de Clero tunc ibidem exiftentibus certum locum viz. manerium Domini Ducis Lancaftriæ SAVOY vulgariter nuncupatum in fuburbio Lond. conftitutum ad procedendum & ulterius tractandum fuper negotio an- tedicto. Et fubfequenter eodem die circa horam tertiam ejufdem venerabilibus Patribus Domino Willielmo Ar- chiepifcopo Cant. & cæteris Coepifcopis prædictis & alijs Prælatis multis tam relig. quam fecul. & alijs de Clero in multitudine copiofâ in dicto Manerio viz. in qua- dam domo PARLOUR nuncupatâ infimul congregatis & ibidem præfentibus, tandem nobilis vir D. Ed- wardus Dei g. Princeps Wallie -in dictà domo comparuit ex parte regiâ pro negotijs dicti Domini Re- gis & indigentia & neceffitate ejufdem ibidem exponen- dis, qui quidem Dominus Princeps dictis Prælatis & Clero inftanter fupplicavit & tandem eofdem requifi- vit pro falvatione & defenfione Regis & Regni quod fummam ex parte regid petitam viz. 50000 l. con- cederent > 1 A Hiftory of Convocations. eederent Domino noftro Regi fupradicto. Qui quidem Prælati & Clerus Diac. & Prov. Cant. dictam fum- mam 50000 1. Domino Regi prædicto in relevationem status fui regij & regni liberaliter concefferunt de viris, perfonis, bonis, & beneficijs Ecclefiafticis Regni Angliae quibufcunq; tam EBORACENSIS quam Cantuarienfis Provinciarum levandam. Et fupplicarunt dicto Domi- no Principi W'alliæ quod intercederet penes Dominura Regem quod perfonæ exemptæ & Privilegiata, il- la quarum beneficia non funt taxata, folvant ad fum- mam prædictam, & illi etiam de Provincia EBOR fecundum Taxam antiquam. May 2. they met in the Chapter-boufe at St. Pauls, where the Bishop of Lond. as Commiffary to the Archbishop told 'em quod Dominus Rex voluit & conceffit quod perfonæ Ecclefia exempta & non exemp- tæ, privilegiata & non privilegiata,& etiam Clerici li- berarum Capellarum fuarum, & non taxata beneficia, ac illi de Prov. EBOR. contribuant ad fummam præ- dictam. Maij 3. dictus Dominus Lond. Epifcopus & Commif- farius in præfata domo Capitulari una cum cæteris Pra- latis fupradictis fedens Procuratores Relig. & Cleri i. bidem comparentes ad recedendum licentiavit per de- cretum. May 4. Dominus Lond. in præfata Domo Capit. una cum cæteris Prælatis prædictis fedens, comparenti- bus coram eo Procuratoribus Religioforum & Cleri expofuit eis Regiam voluntatem, &c. There follows the King's Writ to the Archbi- fhop dated May 5. in which all privileg'd Per- fons are required to contribute, under the for- feiture of all their Goods. And its intimated that the Clergy of the Prov. of York had concurr'd with the Clergy of the Prov. of Cant. By which he could mean only the Prelats of that Province then 219 1 す ​} 220 A Hiftory of Convocations. then met together in Parliament; who gave for the Clergy. Edwardus, &c. Archiepifcopo Cant. &c. Cum vos & cæteri Prælati ac Clerus Cant, & Ebor. Provinci- arum pro defenfione falvatione Regni noftri Angl. & Ecclefia Anglic. tuitione nobis quoddam fubfidium 500001. benevole concefferitis, &c. In the Arch- bilhops (a) Mandate for the levying of that Sub- fidy, there are thefe Words. Willielmus, &c. Epifcopo Lond. &c. Cum nos & vos, alijq; Confratres & Suffraganei noftri & Ecclefiæ noftræ Cant. ac cæteri Prælati tam Relig, quam fecul. noftrarum Civitatis Diac. & Prov. Cant. ac Clerus earundem in ultimâ Convocatione five Congregatione Confratrum Prælatorum & Cleri prædi&torum in Eccl. S. Pauli Lond, ad INSTANTIAM & ROGATUM Excellentiffimi in Chrifto Principis & Domini noftri, Edwardi, &c. de Mandato & auctoritate noftra fact in fubfidium ipfius Domini Regis & ob neceffitatem ejufdem ac Regni Angliæ & ejus tuitionem ac defenfi- onem totiufq; Ecclefia Anglicana, dicto Domino Regi fummam 50000 1. ufualis Moneta de viris & Perfonis bonifq; & beneficijs Ecclefiafticis quibufcunq; Regni Angl. tam EBOR. quam noftræ Cant. Prov. Provinciarum, Jub certa formâ inferius expreffata levandam, quate- nus ad eandem Cant. Prov. proportionabiliter attinet, li- beraliter concefferimus, &c. In another Mandate (b) thus: De viris & Perfonis bonifq, & beneficijs Ec- clefiafticis quibufcunq; Regni Angliæ tam EBOR. quam noftræ Cant. Prov. exemptis & non exemptis privileg. & non privileg, fub certa forma inferius plenius defcrip- tå levandam & Colligendam, quatenus ad nos virofq; Perfonas Ecclefiafticas noftræ Cant. Prov. proportio- naliter attinet, liberaliter concefferimus. (a) f. 43. (a) f. 47. That A History of Convocations. 221 10 من That Subfidy being not duely rais'd An. 1373. the K. required the Archbishop to Summon the Bifhops together, (without any mention of the reft of the Clergy) to confider how the Arrears ought to be rais'd. (a) Willielmus, &c. Epifcopo Lond. &c. Literas Domini noftri Regis recepimus inter alia con- tinentes, quod de fubfidio dudum eidem Domino noftro Regi per Clerum Regni fui conceffo, fuerit & fit à re- tro fumma 8221 Marc. 45. & 5 d. per Clerum no- ftræ Prov. perfolvendum computatum in eadem fum- ma tam arrerag. 40000l. per nos de eadem Prov ag- nitarum, quam fummam quæ nondum eft foluta per EBOR. Prov. viz. de 10000 librarum, per Clerum ejufdem EBOR. Provincia iftamavimus certis de caufis ad hoc nos rationabiliter moventibus integre perfolven- dum ad fundandum hanc intentionem fuam deducit idem nofter Rex quod EBOR. Provincia ad contri- butionem dicti fubfidij ultra novam Taxam beneficiorum ejufdem Prov. non debuit onerari, prout nec in foluti- one decimarum eidem conceffarum onerari hactenus con· fuevit. Ac etiam quod nos de dicta Prov. Cant. adeo exceffivas fummas ultra portiones noftras Diæc. contin- gentes a Clero noftro recepimus, quod dicta fumma 8221 Marc. 4. 5. & d. de exceffibus hujufmodi in manibus noftris remanentibus perfolvi valeat prout dicit, unde nobis præcipit ex caufis prædictis & alijs onera guer- rarum fuarum concernentibus quod inter nos & Confra- tres noftros de folvendâ dicta arreragiorum fumma to- tali fub comminatione temporalium noftrorum ad manus fuas capiendorum, cum omni feftinatione poffibili ad- invicem ordinemus dilationibus & excufationibus ceffan- tibus quibufcunq; prout hoc & alia multa in dictis literis nobis & confimilibus etiam vobis & unicuiq; Fratrum & Suffraganeorum noftrorum, ut verifimiliter credimus, (a) f. 62. > directis L > 222 A History of Convocations. { directis plenius continentur. Quocirca veftra Fraternita. ti injungimus & mandamus, quatinus pro neceffitate noftra communi & periculis alijs evitandis cæteras CONFRATRIBUS noftros moveatis, & efficaciter indis- catis moverive & induci faciatis, ut die poft feft. S. Mich. Archangeli prox. fut. in Eccl. S.Pauli Lond. no- bifcum conveniant, vos etiam conveniatis fuper præ- miffis tractaturi ac periculis hujufmodi profpecturi. Et quid feceritis, &c. Dat. ap. Otteford vii Id. Aug. An. MCCCLXXIII. & n. trans. 5. The 30th of May, before the Meeting of the Bishops on that occafion, there was a Convocation of all the Clergy held at S. Pauls, for the calling of which, there was no Writ iffued out by the K. (a) fol. 59. b. Willielmus, &c. Epifcopo Lond. &c. Cum nos propter ardua quædam nuper coram nobis Londini, vo- bis etiam, & nonnullis alijs Confratribus & Suffra ganeis noftris ac Prælatis noftræ Cant. Prov. tunc ibidem infimul Congregatis & præfentibus expofita & tractata negotia ftatum neceffitatem & utilitatem totius Anglicana Eccl. fingulariumq; Perfonarum & præfertim Ecclefiafti- carum ejufdem concernentia, fummamq; celeritatem & ce lerem expeditionem requirentia de communi confilio & affenfu neftro & ipforum fic Congregatorum & præfen- tium univerfos Confratres & Suffraganeos noftros, om. nefq; alios Prælatos & viros Ecclefiafticos dicta noftræ Prov.præfertim bona& beneficia Ecclefiaftica non exempta in noftra Cant. Prov. prædict. optinentes, ac Clerum no- fra Civ. Diac. & Prov.- coram nobis evocandos fore decrevimus.- Mandainus &c. The abfant threaten'd. Another Convocation the fame Year, 1373. 47.. E. iii. Decemb. 1. for a Subfidy, called by the King's Command. (4) fol. 63. &c. * The A History of Convocations. 223 The Perfons mention'd in the King's Writ to be fummon'd are Suffraganei, Decani, & Priores Eccl. Cath. Abbates & Priores & alij electivi exempti & non exempti, necnon Archidiaconi, Capitula, Conven- tus, & Collegia, totufq; Clerus. Thofe mention'd in the Archbishop's Mandate, are Suffraganei & E- lecti confirmati & abfentium Epifcoporum Vicarij in Spirit. generales & Cuftos Spiritualitatis in Civ. & Diac. Elien. Sede Epifcopali vacante, Decani & Pri ores Eccl. Cath. ac fingula Capitula earundem, Archid. Abbates & Priores Conventus fub fe habentes & ALII ECCLESIARUM PRÆLATI exempti & non exem- pti, Clerufq;. The Acts of the Convocation give this Ac- count. That the Bishop of London's Certificatorium being exhibited, and the Procuratoria of the Clergy, there came into the Convocation certain Lords from the K. to demand a Subfidy. After whofe departure the Achbishop Preach'd: Dec. 2d the Bifhop of Lond. by a Commiffion from the Archbishop, who was indifpofed, was appointed his Deputy. Tandem injunctam fuit per præfatum Lond. Epifcopum dicto Clero quod tractarent inter fe de competenti fub- fidio, qui quidem Clerus, viz. SECULAREŚ in UNA PARTE, & RELIGIOSI partim comparentes IN A- LIA, fe ad partes transtulerunt pro hujufmodi tractatu babendo. They refus'd to grant any, and complain'd of certain Injuries done to the Church. The Bifhop of Lond. recommending the matter to their fur- ther Confideration, adjourn'd to the next Day. At what time they granted one Difm. Et tunc dictus D. Lond. continuavit dictum Convo- cationis negotiumq; ad diem lune prox. feq. Nonis Decemb. in dio domo Capit. dicti Procuratores Cleri comparuerunt, comparentibus etiam ibidem nomine dicti D. Cant. 1 224 A Hiftory of Convocations. 1 •D. Cant. Archiepifcopi difcretis viris Magiftris Th. Yong. Offic. Cur. Cant. Nicholao de Chaddefden Dé-, cano Ecclefiæ B. Mar. de Arcubus Lond. Richardo de Warmyngton & Th. de Wormenale Cancel. & Au- dit. Caufarum Curie Domini Cant, nullis Epifcopis, aut eorum Procuratoribus ibidem comparentibus, Procuratores prædicti dixerunt expreffe quod nihil voluerunt ultra concedere Domino Regi quam fuperius eft conceffum. The Archbishop's Official adjourns the Convo- cation to the next Day. The Clergy then grant- ed a 2d Difm. and prefented their Petitions to the Biſhop of Lond. for the redrefs of Grievances to be delivered to the K. vii. Id. Dec. in dicta domo Capit. in præfentiâ non- nullorum Procuratorum dicti Cleri & aliorum Clerico- rum conftitutus perfonaliter D. Herefordenfis Epifco- pus, W. Courtney, (afterwards Archbishop) pro- teftabatur publice & expreffe, quod nifi injuriæ fibi & Ecclefia fua Hereford. ut dixit, multipliciter injuste illata, per Regem & ejus Confilium effent & fint refor matæ, quod dictus Dominus Rex de eo aut Clero fuæ Dioc. ratione dicte conceffionis nullum baberet denarium, & dicta conceffioni expreffe contradixit. Subfequenter Mr. Nic. Chaddefden in præfatâ domo Capit. Jedens vice Domini, UT DIXIT, con- tinuavit dictum negotium Convoc: ufq; poft prandium dicte diei citra boram Vefperarum SI DOMINO CANT. PLACUERIT: Et fibi non placuit; tunc continuavit dictum negotium ufq; ad diem Ven.. prox. tunc feq. dicto tamen die viz. vii. Id Dec. poft prandium cir- citer horam Vefperarum Mr. Nic. Chaddefden fuprad. in præfatâ domo Capit. dictos Procuratores ex præcepto Domini, UT DIXIT, ad recedendum licentiavit. An. 1376. 50 E. 3. a Convocation under Arch- bifhop Sudbury, at S. Pauls, die Lune post Pentecost. for a Subfidy. The King's ecited in the Mandate. ? ܀ A Hiftory of Convocations. Mandate (a). See Antiq. Brit. (b) concerning this Convocation. Another for a Subfidy the fame Year the Day after Candlemas. In the Acts (c) there is nothing particularly remarkable, unlefs it be, that in the beginning the Proxies of the Clergy alledg'd that they could not enter into any Debate about a Subfidy, becaufe fome of the Proxies were not come. II. Non. Feb Magiftro Nich. Chaddefdenne Legum D. &c. una cum Magiftro Rogero de Suttone Cancellario Domini, quibus dictus D. Cant. Archiepif- copus vices fuas per literas fuas commifit, ad tractandum cum dictis Prælatis & Clero Prov. Cant. Super concer- nentibus Convocat. prædictam, in dictâ domo Capitulari cum quibufdam Archidiaconis & Procuratoribus Cleri Super quibufdam petitionibus Cleri reformandis per Do- minum Regem & fuum Confilium, aliquandiu tractavit, & quia nonnulli Procuratores tunc abfuerunt Cleri, qua- rundam Diac. Procuratores præfentes dixerunt, quod ad concedendum dictum fubfidium, ipfis bujufmodi Procura- toribus abfentibus, tractare non potuerunt, nec in eâ parte plene deliberare. Et tunc dictus Decanus (Nic. Chad- def.) continuavit præfatam Convoc. ufq; ad diem craft. v. Id. Feb. Dominus in dictâ domo Capit: cum Confratribus fuis, EXCLUSIS OMNIBUS ALIIS PERSONIS ab eâdem, fecreto deliberavit. iv. Id. Feb. Dominus in præfata domo Capit. fedens, una cum fupradictis alijs Confratribus fuis, exclufis omni- bus alijs perfonis,. fuper præmiffis deliberavit, & tan- dem convocavit coram eo procuratores Cleri, & Pra fixit eis diem Jovis tunc feq. ad comparendum coram es in dicto loco. ег + F is (a).Reg. Sudbury fol. 17. b. (b) p. 257. (c) Sudbury £ 33, 34, §. A Con 225 226 A History of Convocations. $ A Convocation (a) for a Subfidy An. 1377. 1. Ric. 2. Novemb. 9. at St. Pauls. The Acts of the Convocation, ibidem Fol. 44. 45. After Maſs faid at the High Altar (which was done in all Convocations) the Bishop of Rochester preach'd in Lat. in S. Maries Chapple. Then the Biſhop of London's Certificatorium being read, they went to the Chapter-house, where the Procuratoria of the Clergy were Exhibited. After fome Days came the Lords from the K. to demand the Sub- fidy. They reprefent to the Convocation that the King's Affairs requir'd an Aid to be paid per Proceres, Prælatos, & alios COMMUNES, CLERI- COS Laicos. Post quorum receffum Dominus Cant. Archiepifcopus follicitavit Confratres fuos Epifcopos & Clerum ad concedendum Domino Regi competens fubfidium & eis præcepit quod inter fe deliberarent fuper conceffione dicti fubfidij, & præmunivit quod UNUS' CLERICUS DE QUOLIBET EPISCOPATU veniret ad dictam Eccle- fiam S. Pauli & ibidem inter fe post prandium deli- berarent. They grant a Tenth, but on this Condition, quod Domini & Communes TEMPORALES gránt a Fifteenth. I fhall now entertain the Reader with fome remarkable Things out of the Parliament Rolls, re- lating to the Clergy's Power of making Conftitu tions, in this King's Reign. Rot. Parl. 8. E. 3. n. 9. the Commons Petition, That remedy may be had against Oppreffions of the (a) Ibid. fol. 41. Clergy, } A Hiftory of Convocations. 227 1 Clergy, for Probates of Wills and Citations for Triffles. Anſwer. The K. will herein do his best, and chargeth the Bishops to do the like. Rot. Parl. 18. E. 3. And be it remember'd, that the Commons put up certain Petitions to the K. in Form fol- lowing. f Item, The Commons pray that whereas a Conftitution is made by the PRELATS to take Tyth of all man- mer of Wood, which thing was never used, and that -Bondwomen and Wives may make a Will, which is against Reason, that it will pleaſe the K. by himself and his good Council to ordain remedy, and that his People remain in the fame ftate as they have been ac- cuftom'd to be in the times of all his Progenitors, and that Prohibitions be granted to all thofe which are im- pleaded of Tyth Wood without having Confultation. & Anſwer. The K. will that Law and Reafon be done; which was a denial. Rot. Parl. 21. E. 3. Item, The Commons fhew that whereas of late the Archbishop of Cant. and the other PRELATS have ordain'd a Conftitution to give Tyths of Under-wood only fold, whereas before thefe times no Tyths vere given, and now the People of Holy Church by force of that Constitution, take and demand those Tyths as well of great Wood as of Under-wood fold, and not fold, against that which hath been fed time out of Mind, to the great damage of the Commons, whereof they pray remedy of one Point and of the other. Anfwer. The Archbishop of Cant. and the other Bishops have anfwer'd that fuch Tyth is not dernanded by reafon of the faid Conftitution, except of Underwood. Rot. Parl 36. E. 3. the Commons Fetition'd the K. Whereas in the great Pestilence of late, the P 2 Chap- # 228 A History of Convocations. Chaplains are become fo dear, that they will not stay with any under to or 11 Marks, to the great griev ance and oppreffion of the People, that it will pleafe him to speak to all the Archbishops and Bishops to provide a remedy by making a Conftitution upon them, what they shall take in certain, and upon pain of Ex- communication, and other Coercions of Holy Church. The Archbishop and Bishops at the motion of the King and the Lords, bave ordain'd a Punishment upon Pa- rochial Chaplains, which by any colour foever receive above 6 Marks; and yearly Chanters, and not apply- ing themſelves to the Cure of Souls, taking above 5 Marks without Difpenfation from the Bishop; ſhould be fufpended from their Office, &c. And for this the K. and the Peers have ordain'd, and it is agreed that no fecular Man of the King. dom pay more than 5 Marks to any yearly Chap- lain, &c. Rot. Parl. 45. E. 3. the Commons Petition That the Statutes of the Priests by ASSENT OF THE CLERGY may be obferv'd. Rot. Parl. 46. E. 3. Iten, bis Commons pray, that whereas before these times it was ordain'd that the Archbishop of Cant. and other Bishops caufe amendment of this, that their Commiffaries, and Officials of Arch- deacons, and other their Minifters, take excess for the proving of a Will, and thereof to make Acquittance, and if they should not, that the K. make enquiry by his Fuftices of fuch Exceffes, and if they find them fo, to be adjudg'd for Extortion; and for that fuch Fustions are rarely appointed by Commiffion to enquire of fuch Exceffes and Extortions, a Man cannot yet have aid » of fuch Injuries done, and for this caufe the aforefaid Commiffaries and Officials, and their Minifters, have taken more than they were wont to do, for default of F $ { A Hiftory of Convocations. of Punishment: That it will please you to fet down in certain how much they should take, and if they take above, &c. The King's Anſwer, The King bath commanded the Prelats that they make due and covenable amendment, and if they do not, the K. of his Seignory will ordain covenable re- medy. 229 Convocations in the Reign of R. II. under Sudbury, Courtney, and Arundel, Arch- bishops. I. "R IC. 2. a Convocation was fummon'd for a Subfidy in obedience to the King's Writ, Dat. Sept. 29. and extant in the Clofe Roll of this Year (a). Two Tenths (b) were there grant- ed. A Convocation for a Subfidy at St. Paul's, May 9. 1378. 2. R. 2. Thoſe things which I thought remarkable in the Acts of that Convocation are theſe. v. Id. Maij dicto rev. Patre una cum alijs Confra- tribus & Suffraganeis fuis ac nonnullis Procuratorig bus aliorum Prælatorum & Cleri in domo Capitulari conftitutis, idem rev. Pater præcepit quod Procurato- es prædicti exirent dictam domum Capit. inter fe tractaturi, quibus exeuntibus dictus rev. Pater cum 55. (a) M. 31. Dorfo. ap. Pryn Brev. Parl. Vol. 1. p. 70. (b) Antiq. Brit, p. 258. (c) Reg. Sudbury f. 53. P 3 dict is ' 230 A History of Convocations. dictis Suffraganeis in eadem domo fecrete tractavit. xvi. Kal. Junij dicto venerab. patre in domo Capit. perfonaliter conftituto, dictis Confratribus & Suffraga- neis fuis Epifcopo Roffenfi excepto, ac aliis Prælatis & quampluribus Procuratoribus Cleri coram eo comparenti- bus ac inter fe tractantibus de modo & forma contri- buendi ad defenfionem regni & ejus fubventionem, & Dominus poft tractatum hujufmodi monitos fecit ibi- dem publice Procuratores dictorum Prælatorum & Cleri, ne quis ipforum recederet à Civitate Lond, ante dicta Convocationis negatium finitum fub pœnd amiffionis Procurationum fuarum & alia multa eis per EUM imponendæ. viii. Kal. Junij demus una cum quibufdam Confra- tribus fuis fupradictis in quadam domo infra fepta domus fratrum Prædicatorum Lond. fedens comparentibus ibidem coram eo Procuratoribus Prælatorum & Cleri, ac inter fe melius deliberantibus, &c. The Antiquitates Britan. (a) mention a Synod held this Year, in which certain Conftitutions were publish'd, befides that in which the Subfidy was granted. A Conftitution publifh'd by Archbishop Sudbury this Year concerning the Salaries of Priefts, de confilio FRATRUM ET SUFFRAGANEORUM noftrorum, is extant in Spelman, ad An. 2 R. 2. the King in a Letter to the Abbot of Selby (b) tells him that whereas fome of the Clergy of the Province of York had delay'd the Pay- ment of the Subfidy agreed on in Parliament, be bad therefore written to the Archbishop of York, praying, and requiring him (in confideration of that (a) p. 258. (b) Reg. Selby, Cotton Cleop, D. 3. See the Rights of Convoc. p. 339. Agree- A... A Hiftory of Convocations. 231 Agreement in Parliament, and according to the CUS- TÕM ESTABLISH'D in Edward the 3ds time, for the Province of York, TO DO ALWAYS AS THAT OF CANT. DID to take effectual care that all his Clergy did their Duty in this refpect. 3. R. 2: a Convocation for a Subfidy at St. Pauls the Saturday after Candlemas. In the Acts (a) I find nothing particularly remarkable. K. Ric. 2. in the 4 Year of his Reign Aug. 26. iffued out his Writ (b) to the Archbishop to come to the Parl. to be held at Northampton on Monday next after the Feaft of All-Saints, with a Præmunientes to the Clergy; and on Sept. 28. he iſſued out another Writ to the Archbishop to fummon a Convocation to fit at the fame place,which accordingly met there in the Church of All-Saints Dec. 1. 1380. The buſineſs, the ufual one of Subfi- dies. In the (c) Acts of that Convocation I took notice of theſe things, In primis Dominus meus Archiepifcopus in dicta Eccl. omnium Sanctorum die quo fupra exiftens videns concurfum Laicorum ad dictam Ecclefiam confluentium ac loci artitudinem, de- crevit Convocationem Clericorum fieri in domo Fratrum Minorum eodem die, & quod omnes Prælati & Pro- curatores ibidem convenirent & quod hoc omnium procu- ratorum notitiæ innotefceret, juffit cedulam in januis ipfius Ecclefiæ affigi iftum tenorem continentem: Nos Si- mon, &c. 1 Convocationem Prælatorum & Cleri noftræ Cant. Prov. alias per nos his præfixam, propter loci ineptitu- dinem ac etiam ex alijs caufis non moventibus in do- o Fratrum Minorum iftius ville ifto die cum proro- gatione & continuatione dierum fequentium fore tenen- (a) Reg. Sudbury f. 60 the Mandate 58. (6) Ibid. fol. 68. the Mandate fol. 70. b. (e) fol. 71. * P 4 dam 0 232 A History of Convocations. dam decernimus & ordinamus. Quo facto acceffit ad domum Fratrum Minorum & ibidem in quadam domo fecretiori, &c. Dictus Dominus meus negotia regni & pericula im- minentia fatis claro expofuit, quibus expofitis, protefta- batur expreffe quod non imponeret nec artaret Clerum fuæ Prov. ad aliquod certum fubfidium concedendum, hortabatur tamen eos, &c. Concefferunt unanimiter Domino Regi viginti groffos à fingulis Presbyteris promotis & non prometis in Prov. Cant. fub hac forma quæ fequitur: Conceffum est per Clerum, præmiffâ tamen proteftatione quod oblatio per eos fienda non trabatur ad confequentiam nec poffit con- tra eundem Clerum in argumentum vel evidentiam futuris temporibus allegari, viz. quod omnes & finguli Prælati &c. It is there obferv'd that there came none from the K. as was ufual, to demand a Subfidy, but that the Archbishop declared the bufinefs to 'em. Non comparuit alius ex parte D. Regis, qui expone- ret Clero negotia, ficut fieri confuevit in alijs Convoca- tionibus. An 1382. the Doctrines of the Wicliffites were condemn'd not by a general Convocation, but a felect one fummon'd by Archbishop Courtney, confifting of 7 Bifhops befides himfelf (among whom, one was the Bishop of Durham, another the Bishop of Nantes) 16 Doctors of Divinity (3 of the Order of the Preaching Friers London, 4 of the Order of the Minorites, 4 of St. Auftin's Order, and 4 Carmelites, and one a Monk of Ramfey) 14 Doctors of the Civil and Canon Laws, in Orders; and 6 Batchelors of Divinity, befides John Bloxham, Warden of Merton-Hall in Oxford, Licentiate in Divin. " (a) Me- A History of Convocations. 1 233 (a) Memorandum quod cum tam inter Magnates, quam populares regni Angl. fuiffet fama divulgata non- nullas Conclufiones Hæreticas & erroneas, ac determina- tionibus Ecclefiæ repugnantes quæ ftatum totius Ecclefiæ noftræq; Cant Prov.& tranquillitatem regni nituntur fub- vertere, in diverfis locis dictæ noftræ Prov. generaliter & communiter ac publice prædicari, Nos Willielmus permif. Div. Archiepifcopus Cant.&c. fuper hijs certiorati, officijq; noſtri debitum exercere volentes, quofdam venerabiles Con- fratres Suffraganeos noftros & alios ac quam plures facra pagina, Juris Canonici, & Civilis Doctores & Ba- callarios, quos famofiores & peritiores de regno credi- dimus, & fanctius in fide Catholica fentientes, quorum nomina inferius continentur, convocavimus, & xvii. die Menfis Maij A. D. MCCCLXXXII. in quadam Camera infra fepta Prioratus Fratrum Prædicatoram Lond. coram nobis & dictis Confratribus noftris convo- catis tunc perfonaliter præfentibus, dictis Conclufionibus quarum tenores inferius continentur publice propofitis & lectis diftincte & clare præfatos Confratres noftros, Doctores, & Bacallarios oneravimus in fide quâ teneban- tur Domino noftro JESU CHRISTO, & ficut voluerint coram fummo judice in die judicij refpondere, nobis fuper dictis Conclufionibus dicerent, & eorum quilibet diceret fuum fentire; & tandem habitâ deliberatione fuper præ- miffis xxi. die ejufdem Menfis convenientibus coram no- bis in dicta Camerd Confratribus noftris, Doctoribus, & Bacallarijs prædictis, dictis Conclufionibus iteratâ vice lectis & clare expofitis, de noftro eorumq; omni- um communicato confilio extitit declaratum dictarum Conclufionum aliquas effe Hæreticas, & aliquas erro- Deas, & determinationi Ecclefiæ contrarias, prout infra plenius liquet, & quia per fufficientem informationem invenimus dictas Conclufunes in multis locis dictæ noftræ (a) Reg. Courtney fol. 25. i Pro 234 A History of Convocations. # 1 Prov. fuille ut præmittitur, prædicatas, & certas per- fonas aliquas illarum tenuiffe & docuiffe, & de Ha- refi vebementer & notorie fore fufpectas, proceffus feci mus tam in genere quam in fpecie infrafcriptos. The Herefies and Errors then condemn'd, toge- ther with the Proceffes confequent upon it, may be ſeen in Fox ad An. 1282. Tranflated out of Courtney's Regifter, and in Spelman's Councils Tom. 2. p. 629.&c. See Knyghton ad An. A Convocation An. 1382. Nov. 18. at St. Fre- defwyde's Church in Oxford, for the granting a Subfidy and extirpating Herefy. Ibid. fol. 33, &c. The King's Writ mentions only the Matter of a Subfidy. The Mandate threatens thofe that fhall be abfent without a reaſonable Caufe. The Archbishop affifted by 2 other Bishops faid Mafs, and the Chancellor of the Univerfity Preach'd. The 2d Day all being met (a), dictus reveren- dus Pater bujufmodi negotia (Regis) dictis Prælatis & Clero exponens præcepit Procuratoribus Cleri cujuflibet Diac. quod convenirent in aliquo loco decenti & honefto & de præmiffis tract arent ad invicem. But this was but for that time, for afterwards they met and treated together with the Bifhops. Idem reverendus Pater una cum dictis Confratribus fuis & Procuratoribus Cleri convenientibus & fuper præ- miffis diligenter tractantibus, &c. The Archbishop's Commiffion to the Bishop of Lond, and Winch. to fupply his place in the Convocation may be feen fol 35. In that Convocation divers of Wicliffe's Follow- ers were forced to Abjure by vertue of the Arch-. (a) £. 35. bishop's A History of Convocations. 235 bishop's Decrees above mention'd, whereby his Tenets were condemn'd. And a new Confti- tution was made by the Archbishop and his Suffra- gans condemning the fame. After this the Convocation was remov'd from Oxford to the Chapter-houfe of the Preaching Friers London, by the Archbishop's Authority, etiam de confenfu Confratrum & Suffraganeorum noftrorum tunc ibidem præfentium ex certis legitimis caufis nos & dictos Confratres noftros moventibus: As the Archbishop fays in his Commiffion whereby he delegates the Biſhops of Lond. and Winton. to fup- ply his place there, being not Well. It began to fit there on Hilary Day. All that was done in that Seffion was the adding another Subfidy to what they had granted in the former. A Convocation at St. Pauls (a) Dec. 2. 1383. for a Subfidy. After Mafs they all went up to S. Maries Chapple where the Archbiſhop Preach'd. After which, the Certificatorium being read, he declared in Latin the reafon of the Convocations being call'd, and adjourn'd to the Morrow. The Official then fupplied his place, and receiv'd the Clergy's Procuratoria, and then adjourn'd. The next Day the Archbishop himſelf came, & præcepit dictis Procuratoribus, quod ad ALIQUEM LOCUM in tali negotio HACTENUS confuetum fe declinarent ac diligenter tractarent. The next Day another Subfidy was defired for the Pope. An. 1384. May 20. (b) a Convocation at Sarum in the Cathedral. After Mafs at the high Altar, 'the Biſhop of Landaffe preach'd in St. Maries (a) fol. 78. the Writ is fol. 329. (b) fol. 79. Chap- 238 A Hiftory of Convocations. præfentibus tunc ibidem Epifcopis & Clero; ficq; de die in diem ufq; 19 diem Menfis loco quo fupra (domo Capit.) Archiepifcopus & Epifcopi una cum Procurato- ribus Cleri- de & fuper præmiffis tractarunt, & tan- dem concefferunt, &c. The 5th of Jan. following, the King iffued out his Writ to the Archbishop, for the fummoning another Convocation for a Subfidy, to meet at Lond. ad certum diem citra mediam Dominicam Quadragefima (a) The Archbishop writes to the K. a Letter (in French) in Anſwer to it, fetting forth, that with- in that time they could not meet; being unwill- ing to obey him, and chufing to fave the Clergy by calling no Convocation, tho' thereby he ha zarded his own Temporalties. Litera Cancellario & Thefaurario Angliæ directa pro dictâ Convocatione in ſuſpenſo ponendâ ( in French) Litera Epifcopo Landavenfi Domini Regis Confeffori directa; about the fame matter. Venerablis Frater, & amice chariffime; Dilectio ve- ftra fciat quod in craftino Purificationis B. Mariæ re- cepimus Breve Regium, per quod Dominus nofter Rex nos rogat mandando quod Prælatos & Clerum noftra Prov. eitra Dominicam medie Quadragefimae faceremus pro novo concedendo Subfidio convocari: Super quo ei- dem Domino noftro refcribimus, dilationem petendo prout ex copiâ literarum quas fibi tranfmittimus hijs inclufa poteritis informari. Veftram igitur Fraternitatem de qua fumme confidimus, toto corde rogamus, quati- nus fi contingat materiam illam in præfentid veftro, tractari pro veftra & totius Cleri utilitate, & præ- cipue pro confervatione libertatum Ecclefiæ Anglicane (a) f. 82. interponere 1 i I A Hiftory of Convocations. 239 J interponere dignemini partes veftras, & juxta materiam vobis ex bujufmodi literarum ferie manifeftatam, ve- ftrum nobis exinde fanum confilium deliberate tranfmit- tere, qualiter viz. Confratres noftri Prælati & Cle- rus ab exactione hujufmodi comminata liberi effe pof- fint, etiamfi proinde indignationem Regiam debeamus incurrere, & confifcationem bonorum noftrorum tempo- ralium fuftinere. Nefcimus enim fi bujufmodi Brevi nunc pareamus bac vice, aut contemptus regius con- trabatur necne. Credimus tamen quod omnis Clerus con- vocari non valeat nifi fcripferimus pro eodem, fi Con- vocatio nulla fiat, Clerus in tranquillitate perfiftet & nos tantummodo patiemur anguftiam, cujus eventui nos bilariter exponemus. Augeat vobis Altiffimus dierum longitudinem & falutem. Script. apud Exon. v, die Febr. Confimilis litera emanavit Epifcopis Lond. Wint. & Exonienfi. Item poftea fcriptum fuit Epifcopo Lond. pro Con- vocatione facienda de qua Breve prædictum exigit, & Dominus Cant. commifit vices fuas Dominis Lond. & Wynt. Epifcopis in qua Convocatione nibil fuit conceffum. Et ijdem Epifcopi continuarunt eandem Convocationem ufq; in diem Lunæ prox. poft feftum Corporis Chrifti. Et Dominus mifit ad diffolvendum eandem in formâ quæ fequitnr. d. Willielmus, &c. Ven. Fratribus noftris Roberto g. Willielmo eadem G. Wyntonienfi Epifcopis fa- lutem &c. Quia ut intelleximus Procuratores Cleri no- ftræ Cant Prov. jam in ultima Convocatione ejufdem Cleri in Ecclefid S. Pauli Lond. factâ, & per vos auctoritate noftrâ ufq; ad diem Lunæ prox. post in- tans feftum Corporis Chrifti continuatâ ex communi deliberato confilio coram vobis et alijs Prælatis dicta noftræ Prov. refponderunt quod propter fufficientes & rationabiles caufas non poffunt hac vice Domino noftro Regi de aliquo fubvenire Subfidio, nolentes quod idem Clerus nofter amplius istá vice vexetur, volumus manda- [ " } 240 A Hiftory of Convocations. mandamus quatinus Convocationem eandem auctoritate prædictâ diffolvatis omnino & Clerum prædictum ab omni exactione liberum penitus dimittatis. Dat. &c. fol. 83. ** The K. fending his Writ to the Archbishop to take care to have the Subfidy collected which was granted in a late Convocation, and there be- ing great difficulty in it, the Archbishop iffues Out (a) a Mandate to the Biſhop of London, re- citing the Writ, to have the Clergy conven'd by their respective Biſhops, to know what their in- tent was when they granted the Subfidy. The Mandate is Dat. Jun. 24. 1385. Nov. 6. 1384. (b) a Convocation was call'd for a Subfidy to S. Pauls. Adjourn'd feveral times by Commiffioners. Another (c) on the fame account Nov. 5. 1386. · An. 1387. Feb. 26. (a) Convocation was held at St. Pauls for a Subfidy. The Clergy confulted all along with the Bifhops: March 2. habito tractatu cum dictis Suffraganeis, Prælatis, & Procuratoribus i- bidem exiftentibus de diverfis materijs tangentibus Ec- clefiam Anglicanam. March 13. in domo Cap. Procuratores Cleri coram D. Archiepifcopo & Suffraga- neis fuis poftquam ad invicem tractaverint exhibited their Grant of a Subfidy; which was on condi- tion that York Province did the like, and that the K. maintain'd their Priviledges, and did not demand another Subfidy within a Year. The Abſent are proclaim'd contumacious, threaten'd and punish'd. The Writ, in obedience to which this Convocation was fummon'd, is Dat. 12. Jan. (a) fol. 83. (b) fol. 83. b. (c) fol. 84. b. (d) fol. 73. Regni : A Hiftory of Convocations. 241 Regni xi. and by that, (a) it is required that the Convocation fhould fit Feb. x. following, tho' it was not held till Feb. 26. An. 1388. by a Writ dated July 28. the Arch- biſhop is commanded to call a Convocation (b) coram vobis in Ecclefiâ B. Maria Cantabr. vel alibi ubi expedire videritis die Luna prox. poft Feftum Nativ. B, Maria more folito. A Subfidy was there grant- ed (c) on condition that the K. fail'd to Francë by the 1. Octob. At the fame time there fat at Cambridge (d) a Parliament in the Convent of the Carmelites. The K. it feems, did not go according to the Condition of the Grant, and therefore another Convocation was held at S. Pauls, Octob. 7. (e) It was Adjourn'd de diebus in dies, to Octob. 20. by Commiffaries deputed by the Archbiſhop. On Oct. 20. the Archbiſhop and Biſhops met. After Mafs at the High Altar, they went up to the Chapple above the Quire, where the Archbifh; op preach'd. After which the Biſhop of London's Certificatorium and the Procuratoria were exhibit- ed. The next Day in the Chapter-houfe the Archbishop expounded to 'em the caufe of their being call'd, which was for a Subfidy. And that was granted. An. 1391. Apr. 17. (f) another fat at the fame place, and for the fame bufinefs. The Archbishop. preach'd in S. Maries Chappel, fetting forth in his Sermon the cauſe of its being call'd, which was (a) Extant fol. 85. b. (b) fol. 73.b. (c) Antig. Brit. (d) Walfingham. (e) fol. 74. (f) fol. 75.j Q for મ 24.2 A Hiftory of Convocations. } for a Tax for the Pope, which was granted on certain Conditions, one of which was, that the Pope fhould not demand it till he had obtain❜d. the Confent of the K. and Council. The abfent are declared Contumacious, and the Archbishop pro- nounces that notwithstanding their abfence the Grant fhould be of full Force. In the fame Convo- cation a Decree formerly made by Archbishop. Winchellee against the Stipendary Priests (a) was confirm'd. De confilio Suffraganeorum noftrorum ac Cleri noftræ Prov. Cant. - affenfu in Concilio noftro Provinc. nuper Londoniæ celebrato. In this Convoca- tion they ſeem to have treated feparatly. (b) Apr. 20. coram Domino in dictâ Domo Capit. in ne- gotio Convocationis hujufmodi una cum dictis SUF- FRAGANEIS fuis & alijs PRÆLATIS ut decuit procedente Norwycenfis Epifcopus perfonaliter com- parens caufam prioris fuæ abfentia perfonalis bumiliter allegavit, unde Dominus eum habuit de mord protinus excufatum. Demum vero babito inter omnes Pontifices Prælatos confilio Dominus Convocationem ad · diem craft. &c. Apr. 21. concordati fuerunt & funt Dominus & Epifcopi ac alij Prælati quantum vole- bant indigentiæ -fummi Pont. -fubvenire. Cle- ex deliberatione matura -conceffe- rus vero runt, &c. Between this and Archbishop Arundel's time there are other Subfidies mention'd by Walfing- ham as granted by the Clergy, in Parliament, i.e. in Convocations held in time of Parliament.. The fame Year 1391. he publifh'd an Injuncti- on throughout his whole Province againſt Choppe- Churches, by his own Authority; as alfo (a) fol. 76. See Spelman Vol. 2. p. 640. (b) f. 76. Ano- : 243 A Hiftory of Convocations. Another An. 1393. concerning payment of Tyths; both extant in Spelman, ad An. In the Rights of Convocation (a) I find this paffage, Separato Clero ad Clauftrum, fubtus eandem Domum Capitularem, cited out of Courtney's Regifter fol. 156. a. as belonging to the Acts of a Convocation held An. 1394. But in the place cited there are no fuch Words, neither did I ever meet with the Acts of a Convocation of that Year in that Vo- lume, tho' I made a ftrict fearch for it. Out of the fame Regifter, fol. 196. a. it is faid (b) that in the fame Convocation of 1394. the Grant of a Subfidy was delivered to the Archbishop, &c. per ven. Virum Mag. Job. Barnet ad hoc fpecialiter Electum. But neither in that place is there any fuch thing. I mention not this, as if the Words were very material; but becauſe I would gladly have found a Convocation of that Year, if there were any. An. 1395. a Synod was held at Oxford, about the 2 Antipopes; mention'd by Knyghton, who tells us that the K. of France having call'd a Synod about that Affair, the Clergy of France declar'd for P. Clement refiding at Avignon, and fign'd their Decree with the Seal of the Univerfity of Paris. Quod quidem fcriptum Rex Francie Carolus tranfmifit Ricardo Regi Angliæ ut in hijs dubijs deliberaret cum Concilio Cleri fui. Igitur Rex Ricardus fecit Con- vocationem Oxoniæ de PERITIORIBUS Theologis tam REGENTIBUS quam non REGENTIBUS totius Reg- ni. Qui fcripferunt pro Urbano, P. fuo Romano, fcriptum fignaculo Univerfitatis Oxonienfis fortificave- (4) Addis. to the 1. Ed. Addenda p. 135. (b) Ibid. 2 * Q ż TUME 244 A Hiftory of Convocations. { runt Regifq; Ricardi, & tranfmiferunt Parifios Regi Francia. An. 1396. Feb. 19. (a) the firſt Year of Arch- biſhop Arundel, a Convocation or Synod was held at S. Pauls, which was adjourned by the Bishop of Exeter Lord Chancellor, by Commiffion from the Archbishop, who was abfent upon his Inftall- ment. Feb. 26. the Archbishop himſelf was prefent, and the Convocation was then begun in form. The Prior of Cant. preach'd. After the Certificato- ria were read, the Archbishop declared the occafion of their Meeting, and then tractabant ipfe Domi- nus & Epifcopi per fe de negotijs Ecclefia alijs Pra- latis SEORSŮM SEPARATIS. The next Day he and the Bishops treated again of the Affairs of the Church and Kingdom. The Opinions of the Wicliffites were there condemn'd. The Proctor, &c. of the Univerfity of Oxford making a repre- fentation of certain Grievances to the Archbishop as Vifitor of the Univerſity, Dominus confuluit cum Epifcopis & Prælatis ac Clero, ac ALIIS DOCTORI- BUS ibidem præfentibus. Archbishop Arundel being attainted of High. Treafon and Banith'd by Act of Parliament, Roger Walden was made Archbishop in his ftead An. 1397. who acted as Archbishop, call'd Synods,&c. for 2 years together, till the beginning of Hen. iv. when Arundel was reftor'd. This Conftitution for the obfervation of the Feſtivals of S. David, S. Cedda and S. Wenefred, is publiſh'd at the end of Lyndwood. In ultima Convocatione Cleri Prov, noftræ Cant. 2. die Menfis Martij A; D. 1398. in Eccl. noftrâ Cathed. S. (a) Reg. Arundel Vol. I. p. 44, &c, } Pauli A Hiftory of Convocations. 245 Pauli Lond. celebratâ, &c. In the fame Synod it was ordain'd that there fhould be a Commemoration of S. Thomas of Becket on every Tueſday, or fome other Day of the Week, conftantly throughout the whole Province. 1 Convocations in the Reign of Hen. IV. un- der Archbishop Arundel. A N. 1399. Octob. 6. Regni 1. (a) a Convocation was held at S. Pauls in time of Parl. It was fummon'd by the Prior and Chapter of Cant. Roger Walden being then turn'd out, and Archbi- hop Arundel being not yet return'd to his See. Archbishop Arundel being obliged to be at Parl. the firſt Day, the Convocation was adjourn'd by the Prior of Cant, by vertue of a Verbal Commiffion. The next Day the Sermon was preach'd by the Biſhop of Rochester. Certain Articles were deliver'd to the Clergy to be debated upon SEPARATELY. Expofitâ ibidem per Dominum caufâ Convocationis tracta- bant ipfe & Epifcopi per fe de negotijs communibus Eccle- fi, alijs Prælatis & Procuratoribus Cleri SEORSUM SEPARATIS. Et quia videbatur Domino & alijs Epifcopis fatis difficile omnes, Prælatos & Procurato. res Cleri in unum congregare ad concipiendum Articulos ex parte Cleri proponendos, proptor hoc DEPUTAVIT quinque perfonas, viz. Mag. Th. Stowe Archidiac. Lond. Magiftros Th. Southam, Joh. Helmere, Joh. Maydenheth, & W. Stukle, ad concipendum Articu- (a) f. 51. &c. Vol 1. * Q 3 los 1 *. 4 246 A Hiftory of Convocations. : los ex parte Prælatorum & Cleri fuper quibus præten- dunt Ecclefiam & fe gravari. Octob. 11. venientibus Domino & Epiſcopis necnon alijs Prælatis & Procuratoribus Cleri ad Domum Capit. quia tunc videbatur Domino quod Articuli de & fuper quibus ipfimit inter fe effent tractaturi, non poffent commode in- ter cæteros publicari, ideo dictis Prælatis & Proc. in ea- dem Domo Capit. dimiffis, dictus Dominus una cum Suffraganeis fuis acceffit ad Capellam B. Mariæ, where the Dean of Hereford read certain Articles of Griev- ances to 'em. Which being debated upon, D. Ar- chiepifcopus mifit pro cæteris Prælatis & Procuratoribus Cleriquod venirent de dictâ domo Cap. ad dictam Capellam, B. Mariæ coram eo & dictis Suffraganeis. There the Articles drawn up by the 5. whom the Archbishop had deputed, were read, not by a Prolocutor, for till after that time there was no fuch thing as a Prolocutor ftrictly fo call'd, but by one of thofe 5 Perfons. (a): Quibus ad dictam Capellam venicntibus furrexit quidam ven. Vir Mag. Joh. May- denheth nomine Cleri Provincia antedicta, certos Arti- culos ex parte Cleri Prov. antedicta conceptos & quam- plurima gravamina continentes publice prælegebat. —Su- per quibus fupplicavit humiliter & devote ex parte Cleri, &c. The Archbishop commanded the Clergy to deliberate, further upon 'em, till Octob. 16. Adveniente vero dicto die idem Mag. Joh. Mayden- heth alios Articulos quamplures ex parte Cleri prædicti eifdem Dominis Archiepifcopo & Epifcopis publice ex- ponebat. The Articles there exhibited, near 100. in number, if not more, may be feen, the greateſt part of 'em, in Arundel's Reg. Vol. 1. Fol. 52. 53. (a) fol. 52. b. and Y A History of Convocations. and Vol. 2. fol. 5. 6. Of this Synod fee Harpfield ad An. 1399. An. 1400. Jan. 26. a Convocation at S. Pauls. The Archbishop in the Chapter-Houfe declared caufas & negotia celebrationis fui Concilij Provin- cialis CONVOCATIONIS CLERI VULGARITER NUNCUPATI. In this Connvocation W. Sawtre was Condemn'd for Herefy, and burnt in Smithfield. A Subfidy alfo granted. And here it is to be obferv'd, that the Sen- tence paft upon Sawtre, ran in the Name of the whole Covocation, not of the Bifhops only, but alfo of the Inferior Clergy. And the fame I obferve in all Trials in Convocation, that the lower Clergy are not the Accufers or Impeach- ers only, as is commonly thought, but they always fit Judges together with the Bishops. Such, it feems, is the Nature of an English Sy- nod. An. 1402. Octob. 21. (b) a Convocation at S. Pauls, where the Prior of S. Bartholomews preach'd. The Biſhop in his Mandate excufes himſelf for calling of it. No Writ mention'd: yet a Subſi- dy demanded and granted. Certain Lollards were compelled to abjure the Archbishop and Biſhops fitting in the Chapter-Houfe, alijs Pre- latis & Clero circumftantibus. Octob. 30. the Arch- biſhop and Biſhops met in the Chapter-Houfe, alijs Prælatis inferioribus & Clero SEORSUM SE- PARATIS, QUIA SIBI (illi) VIDEBATUR difficile dictos Prælatos & Proc. Cleri ad concipiendum Articulos (gravaminum) infimul congregari, demandavit eis (a) Vol. 2. f. 1. b. & f. 178. &c. (b) Vol. 1. fol. 54. * Q 4 นะ 247 248 AA History of Convocations. ut in aliquo privato loco convenirent & ibidem eli- gerent certas perfonas idoneas, ad Articulos concipi- endos. Et fic dicti inferiores Prælati in Proc. Cleri in Baffo fub dicta domo Cap. infimul congregati 12 probos & excellentes viros elegerunt. elegerunt. It fat at leaft till Nov. 27. its mention'd as comprehended in the Parl. by the Continuator of the MS. Eu- logium: An. 1402. poft Feftum S. Mich. factum eft Parliamentum Londini, ubi xma Cleri & xvma Po- puli exacta fuit. Another was held for a Subfidy An. 1403. Ibid. hoc anno Clerus Anglia conceffit Regi petenti me- dietatem unius Decima. Poft Feftum S. Hillarij in- ceptum est Parliamentum & duravit ufq; ad Paf cha, &c. An. 1404. Apr. 21. (a) a Convocation at S. Pauls. No Writ recited in the Mandate. A Sub- fidy granted. Another the fame Year (b) Nov. 24. for a Subfidy. No Writ recited. A Convocation held An. 1405. for a Subfidy, is mention'd by the Continuator of the MS. Eulo- gium. Hoc anno factum eft Parliamentum poft Domi- nicam primam Quadragefima, & duravit ufq; ad Nativ. Domini. Clerus autem in Convocatione concef- fit Regi unam xm. & 6s. 8 d. à quolibet annuario Sacerdote. Sed Laici nihil folvere volebant, nifi eis daretur compotus de receptis, ficut prius ordinatum fuit per Regem promiffum. Rex breviter refpondebat quod Reges non folebant compotum dare. متریح An. 1406. a Convocation being to meet Apr. 26. and a Mandate being iffued out to the Bishop of (4) fol. 57, (b) 67. Wint A History of Convocations. 249 ' Wint. in the vacancy of the See of London, and a Return made, the Archbishop afterwards thought fit to prorogue (a) the meeting till May 10. and the See of London being ftill void, and the Bifhop of Wint, being beyond Sea, he fends his Mandare to the Bishop of Lincoln, who was as it were the VICE-SUBDEAN of the Province of Cant, to ac- quaint the feveral Biſhops with its being Proro- gued, dat. Apr. 5. ex certis caufis oportunis de confenfu Fratrum noftrorum ipfam Convocationem proroga- vimas, prout tenore præfentium prorogamus. Licet infu- per vobis feu alij Lincoln. Epifcopo qui pro tempore fuerit fede Lond. five Wint. plena fcribi non folebat, quia tamen fedes Epifcopalis Lond. —vacat ad præfens ac ven. Frater nofter Winton. extra noftram Cant. Prov. & in partibus tranfmarinis exiftit, nec fcimus fi quem dimifit Vicarium cui noftras literas dirigere pote- rimus, in hoc cafu veftra Fraternitati committimus & mandamus, &c. On May 10. they met, but the Biſhops being engaged in the Parl. the Convoca- tion was often adjourn'd. Firft came fome Lords from the K. to defire a Subfidy; after fome Days came feveral of the Knights of Shires from the Commons to defire the fame. Which at laft was granted. In domo Capit. convenerunt Archiepifcopus & fui Suffraganei Procuratoribus Cleri feorfum feparatis Convenientibus in Baffo fub Domo Capitulari more folito Jun. 9. convenientibus Reverendiffimo cum Suffraganeis in Domo Cap. & habitis ibidem diverfis tractatibus inter ipfos & Procuratores prædictos tunc ibidem CIRCUMSTANTES &c. The Proctors ftand- ing before the Bishops, and afterwards meeting again under the Chapter-Houfe, is mention'd in what follows. (a) fol. 65. An. K 250 A History of Convocations. с "An. 1408. a Synod was held at Oxford. K. Henry himſelf was there prefent, and Conftitutions were there publiſh'd. Which are extant in the 2d Vol. of our Councils: but the Editor did not know to what Year they belong'd, and therefore he plac'd 'em to the beginning of Archbishop Arundel. That they were publish'd this Year, he might have learnt from the Edition at the end of Lynd- wood. An account of the fame Synod I find in the Continuation of the MS. Eulogium extant in the Cotton Library, the Author of which lived, at this time; in thefe Words: An. 1408. Archiepifcopus Cant. convocavit Clerum exemptum & non exemptum, exceptis Mendicantibus ad Oxon. In quâ Convocatione fuit Rex, ubi clauferunt manus fuas viz. Papales, ut non poffent aliquod Benefi- cium dare in Anglia, nec aliquid ab Angliâ recipere; ordinantes infuper quod omnia quæ funt debita Cameræ Papæ fervabuntur in Anglia quoufq; fuerit unum tan- tummodo Caput in Ecclefia Dei. Poft paucos vero dies Cardinalis venit in Angliam Francifcus Archiepifcopus Burdigalenfis, pro pace tractatur Clerus hoc anno, ibidem ftatuit, quod nullus Curatus admitteret aliquem fecularem Sacerdotem vel Religiofum ad prædicandum in Eccle- fiâ fuâ fub pœnd Excommunicationis & Privationis, nift oftenderet literas licentiales Epifcopi ejufdem Dix- cefis, &c. The Archbishop of Burdeaux as Legat, held a Council at London for all England, Scotland and Ireland, foon after the Synod of Oxford, as the Continuator of Eulogium tells us. Poft paucos vero dies (after his coming to London, and that was a little while af ter the Synod at Oxford) convocavit Concilium Epif coporum Anglia, Scotia, & Hyberniæ, & Cleri, in præfentia Regis faciens Collationem accepit pro Themate, Verbum ad te, O Princeps: Et notabiliter caufam Ecclefia A History of Convocations. 251 Ecclefiæ peroravit. Cui conclufionaliter refponfum eft quod Anglici promiferunt fuam affiftentiam Ecclefia Romanæ ad ejus unionem, &c. The fame Year 1408. July 23. (a) a Covoca- tion was held at S. Pauls in caufâ Unionis, for the uniting of the Church under one Pope, which ftood then divided under two. The Perfons prefent are faid to be the Bishops, Abbots, Priors, and the other Prelats and Clergy. Clero vero In- feriori à Præfatis Majoribus Prælatis feorfurn fepa- rato & in Scolis Theologiæ fub Domo Cap. præfatâ, JUXTA ASSIGNATIONEM præfati D. Archiepifcopi, conveniente MORE SOLITO, ijdem Ven. Patres Ar- chiepifcopus Cant. Epifcopi, Abbates & Priores - poft varios tractatus tandem unanimi confenfu 6. E- pifcopos ac 12. Abbates & Priores ex feipfis ibidem præfentibus decreverunt fore eligendos, to confider of means to put an end to the Schifm, and to make the Report to the reft. Similiq; modo Cle- rus Inferior in loco fibi DEPUTATO conftitutus poft nonnullos & varios tractatus decrevit ex fe ELI- GENDOS 24. perfonas probiores & peritiores, prout fta- tim elegerunt, ad confimiliter ex parte Cleri ejufdem Infe- rioris faciendum. Quarum 24. perfonarum electionem factam idem Inferior Clerus incontinenti præfatis Archi- epifcopo & Prælatis in Domo Capit ut decuit rctulit feu fe- cit referri. July 26. the Archbishop treated the whole Convocation at Lambeth. July 29. the lower Clergy, gave in their Propofal to the Upper-Houfe by one Henry Ware the Official of the Court of Cant. whom they deputed for that purpofe no- mine & vice fuâ. In (b) Rights of Convocation there is a double Miftake concerning thefe Com- (a) Arundel Vol. r. f. 71. &c. (b) p. 447. } } anittees. " 252 A History of Convocations. 1 mittees. For firft they are there underſtood to have been one grand Committee of both Houſes, whereas they were 2 diftinct Commit- tees; and fecondly they are mention'd of the wrong Convocation, for they are faid to have been appointed in the Convocation of January 1408. inftead of this of July. That they were not one, but 2 diftinct Committees, appears from theſe Words: Supradicti Prælati Majores per fe, Clerus etiam per fe in loca fua fupradicta invicem convenerunt, & poftea media & vias va- ria per perfonas ad hoc electas utriq; focietati in lo- cis fuis expofitas & detectas ad finem fupradictum tendentes, tam præfati majores Prælati quam etiam ipfi de Clero inferiori, QUAMVIS LOCO DIS- TANTES, Deo tamen infpirante, opinione concordes, banc quæ fequitur inferius viam elegerunt, &c. · It was propofed that Embaffadors fhould be fent to the College of Cardinals with certain Inftructions in the Name of the King, the Clergy, and the People of England; and a Tax was granted by the Clergy for the expences of their Embaffadors. This Propofal being made at the requeſt of the Convocation, the King himſelf came thither, and fat with 'em, and ratified what they had refolv'd upon. In the Archbi- fhop's citatory Mandate there are fummoned to this Convocation one Proctor OR MORE for the Chapters, and fuch for the Clergy as were able to bear their own Expences, with- out burdening the reft. Capitula Ecclefiarum per UNUM AD MINUS fide dignum, fufficienter lite rarum, providum, & difcretum: Clerufq; cujufque Diœcefis per duos confimiles pariter & potentes, qui fuis fumptibus & expenfis abfq; pauperis Cleri difpen- dio poterunt intereffe. On } * 1 A History of Convocations. On the January 14. (a) next following, An. 1409. another Synod or Convocation was held at S. Pauls, for the fending of Proctors for the Church of England to the Council of Pifa. And there the Conftitutions of the Synod of Oxford were publiſhed anew, Eodem die idem Reveren- diffimus, &c. de confilio & affenfu Prælatorum ac petitione Cleri prædictorum publicavit quafdam Con- ftitutiones Provinc. quas alias edidit in Concilio Pro- vinciali OXON.. The Conftitutions Dated at Oxford are extant Vol. 2. Arundel fol. 10. Sir W. Dugdale (b), by an odd miſtake, has published 'em in 2 feveral places, firft, as belonging to the Synod of Ox- ford, and then again as belonging to this Sy- nod, not perceiving that they were the fame. In the Acts of this Convocation the Prelats and Clergy are mention'd to have fat in fepa- rate Houſes, and to have come together to De- bates. Prælatis in Domo Cap. fuperius, & dicto Cle- ro in Valto inferius, fub eadem Domo Capit. Sepa- ratim MORE SOLITO. Eundo, ftando, & redeundo fic feparatim in locis prædictis diligenter tractaverunt. Harpfield tells us that there were two Sy- nods held this Year 1408. by the Archbishop, one in July, the other in February, after the coming of the Archbishop of Bourdeaux: mean- ing, I fuppofe, this of January, which was dif folv'd the 30th of the fame Month: Or per- haps he meant that which follows. (a) Reg. Arundell Vol. 2. f. 7.&c, (b) Concil. Vol. 2. P. 649. 662. } An. 253 254 A History of Convocations. ? An. 1409. Febr. 17. (a) a Convocation, &c. fat at S. Pauls, in obedience to the King's Writ, which is recited in the Archbishop's Mandate. A Parl. fat at the fame time. Certain Lords came from the K. to demand a Subfidy, which was granted. Articles were there exhibited a- gainst J. Badby for Herefy, for which he was condemn'd by the Archbishop's Sentence, and burnt in Smithfield. An. 1411. Dec. 1. (b) a Convocation at S. Pauls for a Subfidy, in Parl. time. The Writ infert- ed in the Letters Mandatory. A Roll of Griev- ances exhibited by the Clergy. A certain Friar running about and pretending himſelf a Bilhop, was prohibited by the Archbishop, auctoritate fuâ & fua Convocationis provincialis. Other Forgers of the Pope's Bulls were convicted and impri- fon'd. The Archbishop accerfito fibi Clero (c) confulted what ought to be done to 'em. An. 1412. Martij 6. Henrici iv. 14to. (d) a Con- vocation was held at S. Pauls by vertue of the King's Writ. The Archbishop being to be ab fent in Parl. gave a vocal Commiffion to one to fupply his place. By feveral Adjournments it was continued to June 6. at which time it fat at Lam- beth in the Parish Church, where many Heretical Conclufions were condemn'd. And here it ought to be obferv'd, that tho' the Convocation was fummon'd in obedience to the King's Writ, yet it was continued for fome time after his Death, for he died March 20. (a) Vol. 2. f. 15. (b) f.23. &c. (c) f. 3. (4) Vol. 2. f. 4. b. &:25. Extracts A Hiftory of Convocations. 255 Extracts out of the Parl. Rolls in this Reign, touching Ecclefiaftical Conftitutions. In the Parl. of 4. Hen. IV. the Commons Petition- ing that the Statute of Edw. HI, which reftrain'd the Salaries of Chaplains, might in this Parl. be or- dain'd to be firmly kept, the King anfwer'd: The K. calling to him fuch of his Counsel as fhall like bim, by good deliberation will ordain convenient remedy To another Article of their Petition againft Non-reſidents, his Anfwer is: The K. bath commanded the Prelats, that between this and the next Parl. they provide a remedy, and that bereafter, no Request be made to the contrary, by any fecular Man, or any other, against fuch remedy fo to be made. In the Parl. of 11. Hen. IV. the Commons petiti. oning for an Act of Parl. againft Non-refidency, &c. the K. anfwered: This matter belongs to Holy Church, and concerning the Refidence remedy bath been provided in the last Con- vocation, and for the rest, the K. will be advised. Convocations in the Reign of Hen. V. under Arundel and Chichley Archbishops. A N. 1413,in Septemb. (a) the Convocation was held at St. Pauls, in which Sir J. Oldcastle, Lord Cobham was Tried for Herefie; who was After the diffolution of the Convocation, Con- demn'd by the Archbishop. He appeared before ⚫ the Convocation the firſt time, Sept. 23. The (a) Vol. 2. f. 142. b. &c. Arch- 1 256 A Hiftory of Convocations. Archbishop in the Account which he gives of the Proceedings againft him, directed to the Bishop of London, fays, that he affirmed among other things, Quod NOS & CONFRATRES NOSTRI SUFFRA- GANEI, noftræ Provincia non habuimus nec habemus. poteftatem aliquam hujufmodi Conftitutionem faciendi aliter quam fentit & fentit, &c. 1 An. 1415. Nov. 18. a Convoc. (a) was held at St. Pauls, under Archbishop Chichley, for a Subfidy. The Sermon preach'd by the famous Canoniſt Will. Lyndwood the Archbishop's Chancellor, on this Text, State fuper vias, & videte. In this Convo- cation we have the firft mention of the Name of Prolocutor. Nov. 19. idem Reverendas Pater conveni- ens in Domo Capit. cum Suffraganeis fuis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Decanis, Archidiaconis, & Procuratoribas Cleri fuæ Prov. in multitudine copiofâ, expofuit eis caufas fue Convocationis, quibus expofitis, Decani, Ar- chidiaconi, & Procuratores Capitulorum & Cleri, de Mandato Domini traxerunt fe in Domum inferiorem fub Domo prædict. Capit. &infra tempus modicum re- deuntes per ven. Virum Mag. Henricum Ware Offic. Curia Cant. vocis fuæ organum & PROLOCUTOREM electum, concefferunt Domino noftro Regi &c. In this Convoc. a Conftitution was made for the Obfer- vation of S. George's Day, as alfo of the Feſtivals of SS. David, Čedde, and Wenefrede; which by Archbishop Walden's Convocation had been com- manded to be obferv'd, but he being turn'd out, had been neglected during Arundell's time, An. 1416. Apr. 1. Another (b) was held at S. Paul. in which Proctors were nominated to go to the Council of Conftance, and a Tax granted for their (4)Reg. Chich, vol. 2. f. 1. 164. b. 189. b.(b)f. 4. &c. 190,217. Charges: A Hiftory of Convocations. 257 Charges: A Conftitution was alfo made for the obſervation of the Feſtival of S. John of Beverley. Other Conftitutions were there made againſt the Lollards and concerning Wills. Two Perfons tried for Herefy. And fomething was done re- lating to the Subfidy granted in the former Con- vocation. The Inferior Clergy are no where men- tion'd here as Debating feparately, but always to- gether with the Archbishop, &c. in the Chapter- Houſe, which is mention'd in divers places, and at divers times. Another (a) the fame Year, and in the fame place, on Novemb. 9. The cauſe of its being fum- mon'd was not declar'd by the Archbishop till Nov. 16. The next Day there came in certain Great Men from the K, who recommended the State of the K. and Kingdom to the devout Prayers of the Clergy, and then withdrew: on- ly the Bishop of Winchester, and Henry Ware, Keeper of the Privy Seal, a Clergyman, who were two of 'em, ftay'd there. There a certain vicious Clergyman who affirm'd Adultery and Theft to be no Sins, was order'd to be profecut- ed, and another offer'd voluntarily to purge him- felf from Lollardy, which fome had laid to his Charge. A Subfidy granted. Something befides was Decreed for the honour of S. John of Be- verley, and of SS. Crifpin and Crifpianus. It appears that the Inferior Clergy acted all along together with the Prelats, and never Divided. The Archa bishop in his Mandate, wherein he Commands the Bishop of London to punish thofe that were ab- fent, fays, that having a mind to celebrate a Con- cilium generale with his Suffragans, he had order'd "univerfos Prælatos inferiores, quos Conciliorum tracta- (4) f. 6. * R tibus ! 258 A History of Convocations. tibus intereffe jubent facri Canones, to be fummon'd. An. 1417. Nov. 26. (a) another was held at S. Pauls. The Chapters are fummon'd per UNUM vel DUOS Canonicos five Monachos ipfarum Ecclefia- rum Confratres ita quod unus eorum AD MI- NUS, fi Canonici fint, fit de actualiter refidentibus in eifdem. Conventualium verò in eventum quo eorum Prælati ex caufis neceffarijs comparere non poterunt, per unum de Confratribus in Conventu magis idoneum. The chief bufinefs of it was, and that is expreffed in the Mandate, to confult about the promotion of Graduates in the 2 Univerſities. Certain Per- fons were elected out of every Diocefe, ex com- muni & communicato confilio totius Provincialis Con- cilij, to confider of Ways and Means. They confifted of the Lower as well as of the Upper Clergy, but all below Biſhops, as particularly, pro Diæcefi Ciceftrenfi Magifter Johannes Hody (b), a great Unkle of mine, (if the Reader will par- don me for mentioning fo much) afterwards Chancellor of the Church of Wells. A Conftitu- tion was made for that purpoſe. A Subfidy granted. One John for his exceeding low Sta- ture, firnamed DWERF, being fufpected of Lollardy Abjur'd it. Neither in this Convocation did the Inferior Clergy ever feparate from the Prelats, but they are every where mention'd as infimul congregati in Domo Capit. An. 1419. Octob. 30. a Convocation was held at S. Pauls, partly for a Subfidy for the K. (as the Archbishop declares) partly to raiſe Money for the Expences of thofe that were to be fent to the Council of Conftance, and partly pro defecti bus in Clero regnantibus auctoritate illius Provincialis Concilij reformandis. Super quibus idem rev. Pater A (a) f. 10. (b) f. 12. a. SIG- ; A History of Convocations. SIGNAVIT Decants, Archidiaconis, & Cleri Procura- toribus quod recederent in Domum fuam folitam, &c. The Clergy foon after return'd into the Chap- ter-Houfe, and made a Propoſal, and there con- fer'd with the Prelats, and fo ever after. A certain Clergyman was there tried for a Conjurer. And others were forced to abjure Herefy. In this Con- vocation Dr. Lyndwood was Speaker for the Clergy, yet after the beginning, they fat always (as I faid) together with the Prelats, in the Chapter- Houſe. Domino cum Confratribus fuis & Clero in dicta Domo Capitulari congregatis tractatum fuit diu de fubventione D. Regi fienda, & finaliter poft lon- gam & deliberatam communicationem in bac parte factam Prælati & Clerus per ven. Virum Mag. W. Lyndewode utriufq; juris Doctorem, organum PRO- CURATORUM Cleri, ut DICEBATUR, gerentem, concefferunt D. Regi, &c. An. 1421. May 5. (a) another at S. Pauls, part- ly for a Subfidy, and partly to confider how the poor Students of the 2 Univerſities might be pro- moted. The Chancellors of the 2 Univerfities having prefented their Petition, recedentibus tunc de MANDATO DOMINI Procuratoribus Cleri in Do- mum fuam inferiorem, pro tractatibus fiendis in hujuf modi Convocatibus confuetam, Dominus & Confratres fui remanferunt in Domo Cap. Die Veneris Conci- lio ut prius infimul congregato tandem poft non mo- dicam communicationem habitam-Ven. Vir Mag W. Lyndewode Curiæ Cant. Officialis, produxit unam ce- dulam papiri formam conceffionis, &c. together with Articles of Grievances, After this the Clergy at always and debated together with the Pre- lats. A Lollard is forc'd to recant; and a Forger of Indulgencies tried. A Conftitution made to (4) f. 23. b. &c. * R 2 afcer- 259 i 260 A Hiftory of Convocations. afcertain Fees to Bifhops and Archdeacons for their Seals. Another for the advancement of Gra- duates in the 2 Univerſities, A 3d againſt the ex- ceffive Salaries of Chaplains. The Articuli Cleri with the King's Anfwers are there recorded. An. 1422. Jul. 6. (a) a Convocation at S. Pauls for the raiſing Money for the Expences of thoſe that were to be ſent to the Council of Papia. The Clergy at first debated the Matter together with the Prelats, tandem Dominus DEMANDAVIT publice & in genere omnibus Cleri Procuratoribus tunc ibidem præfentibus quod recederent de Domo Cap.& adirent Domum inferiorem fo- litam pro Cleri Procuratoribus, & ab antiquo in Cleri Convocationibus ASSIGNATAM eifdem, ibidem infimul tractaturi. For 2 or 3 Days they debated there feparately; but afterwards they return'd to the Chapter-Houfe and fat with the Prelats. A Per- fon was puniſh'd for forging Orders. Another forc'd to abjure, who was fufpected of Herefy. Extracts out of the Parl. Rolls of Hen. v. relat- ing to Ecclefiaftical Conftitutions. In the Parl. of I. Hen. V. the Commons petition- ing for an Act againſt Extortions upon the Probate of Wills; the K. anſwered thus: The K. had charg- ed the Lords Spiritual to provide a due remedy, and if they do not, the K. will have it in remembrance, and caufe it to be amended hereafter. To another Article of their Petition, which was againſt Commutations of Pennance for Mo- ney, the K. anſwer'd in almoſt all the fame Words. In the Parl. of 2 Hen. V. held at Leicester, the Commons petitioning the K. for an Act againſt Ex- tortions for the Probate of Wills, the K. anſwer'd: The Prelats have promis'd the K. that full Redreß, and Correction fhall be made by Order taken amongst (4) f. 31. &c. them 1 } A Hiftory of Convocations. 261 1 them, within half a Year after that the See of Cant. fhall be full, and alfo the faid Prelats have promis'd the K. that in the mean time they will do their endeavour for the amendment of all fuch things which in that be- half (hall be to them complain'd of. An. 1424 Octob. 12.(a) a Convoc. at S. Pauls. The Clergy in the beginning debate together with the Prelats, and the Proxies retire in Domum inferiorem, Clero pro tractatibus habendis in Convocationibus antea celebratis folitam ASSIGNARI. But after that, they fate and confulted always together with the Prelats. A Lollard forced to abjure. A Forger of Papal Let- ters punish'd. A Conftitution made againſt PAR- DONERS or the Publishers of Indulgences. Cer- tain great Men are fent from the K. to demand a Subfidy, the Clergy after fome Debate, being ask’d by the Archbishop quid in hac parte facere difponeret Procuratores ejufdem Cleri per Mag. Lyndewode- refponfum dederunt &c. that they could not do it by reafon of the Poverty of the Clergy: Et dixerunt ulterius ijdem Procuratores quod poteftas fua à conceffione cujufcunq; fubfidij per inftructionem eis datam in parti- bus à conftituentibus pro ea vice totaliter effet refrænata. After fome Days, the fame Great Men came again from the K. about the fame Bufinefs, but were again denied. Nov. 4. concilio loco quo prius congregato, babita longa & matura deliberatione pro babendo Sub- fidiɔ hujufmodi, tandem attento ad illud quod Cleri Pro- curatores allegaverant per prius ut præfertur viz quod pateftas eorum per inftructionem eis datam à conftitu- entibus effet refrænata à quacunq; conceffione alicujus Subfidij facienda; and confidering withal, that ma- ny of the Abbots and Priors and other Prelats were abfent, the Archbishop Prorogued the Con- vocation till Jan. 26, per avifamentum expreffum & confilium Confratrum fuorum Coepifcoporum. (a) f. 34, &c. R 3 The 262 A History of Convocations. The Archbishop iffues out his Mandate to the Biſhop of London to be communicated to the feve- ral Biſhops. In which he ſays, that if he had pleaf ed he might have over-rul'd that Plea of the Cler- gy. concerning their limited Commiffions, becauſe they were not cuftomary necnon inſtructione mi- nus fufficienti & infolità Procuratorum Cleri ad tunc comparentium coram nobis, ut afferuerunt Procuratores prædicti, fibi data (negotia) remanferunt inexpedita. Unde nos licet contra abfentes acriter proceffiffe po- tuiffemus & eorum contumaciam legitime puniviffe, necnon Procuratoria bujufmodi tanquam infolita & in. fufficientia, de confenfu tamen Confratrum noftrorum- ad tunc nobis affiftentium cum ipfis hac vice mitius a- gendum decrevimus. He names in a Scedule all the Deans, Archdeacons, Abbots, Priors, and other Pre- lats, whom he would have fummoned : quos ad parcendum aliorum pauperum locorum fumptibus & ex- penfis nominatim defcribi fecimus, & quos quatenus diverfas Diocefes concernunt in cedulis feparatis deſcribi & per vos Diocefanis locorum tranfmitti volumus : He requires the Biſhops to convene the Clergy of their Diocefes, ad finem quod Clerus fingularum Dioc. bujufmodi cum Procuratoribus fuis fuper arduitate rerum & negociorum prædictorum communicare valeant folide & mature, & eifdem Procuratoribus abfq; restrictione infolitâ plenam & liberam concedere poteftatem ad confen- tiendum hijs quæ in dictâ Convocatione contigerit con- corditer ordinari. At the Day appointed, all being met in the Chapter House of S. Pauls, the fame Great Officers came agen from the K. to 'em. Et finità expofitione hujufmodi Procuratores Cleri DE MANDADATO DOMINI recefferunt de Domo Capit. in Domum inferi orem, ubi tractatus Cleri Procuratorem in talibus Con- cilijs fieri antiquitus confueverit. The Bishops, Ab- bots, and Priors agreed upon a Subfidy for their own ፡ A History of Convocations. 263 own Parts, but upon condition that the Procura- tores Cleri cum bonis medijs induci poffent ad conceffi- onem bujufmodi faciendam, alioquin voluerunt ipfi Pre- lati & Epifcopi confenfum eorum in hac parte nullius eſſe roboris vel momenti, pro eo viz. quod divifio inter Pre- latos & Clerum in conceffionibus hujufmodi faciendis res erat infolita & inaudita; ac, ut videbatur omnibus Pre- latis propter malorum exempla & inconvenientias quæ exinde fequi poffent omnino divifio hujufmodi effet peni- tus evitanda. But the Clergy would grant none. After fome Days the Great Officers came agen to the Convocation, and partly by Threats, and partly by fair Words, endeavour to perfuade 'em ; but neither they nor the Archbiſhop could pre- vail. Feb. 17. they gave their final Anfwer, which was a Denial, per præfatum Mag. Lyndewode. And fo the Convocation was diffolv'd. An. 1425. Apr. 23. (a) a Convoc. at S. Pauls, part- ly for a Subfidy, and partly for Church Bufinefs, both which things, as alfo the Praying for the Welfare of the K. and Kingdom, were recom- mended to 'em, by the Privy Counſellors which were fent from the K. Quibus fic geftis post aliqua- lem communicationem habitam inter Prælatos in Domo Cap. ac Clerum in Domo inferiore de & fuper præmif- fis, Clerus reverfus eft in Domum Cap. qui per Pro- locutorem fuum Mag. Lyndewode dictis Prælatis, monftravit fe ad duos Articulos prædic. cum omni promp- titudine & obed. paratum. But as for the Subfidy- they defir'd to be excus'd. For many Days after they fate and confulted together with the Prelats tall Jul. 16. at what time being agen to confider the Buſineſs of a Subfidy, they retired agen into the Lower-Houfe. Which at laft they granted, per ven. virum Mag. W. Lyndewode organum (a) f. 40. R 4 Cleri 264 A History of Convocations. عم * Cleri & Prolocutorem in quadam ceduld quam præfatus Mag. W. Lyndewode in manibus fuis tenuit. The lower Clergy at that time were fo far from being a diftinct Houfe, ftrictly speaking, from the Upper, that Dr. Lyndwood, their Prolocutor, by a Commiffion from the Archbishop then abfent in Parl. adjourn'd the whole Convocation. Jul. 3. continuata fuit Convocatio per Mag. W. Lyndewode. auctoritate Domini in Parl. occupati. The Prolocutors in thofe Times, were only fuch as were occafionally appointed by the Clergy to fpeak in the Name of the whole Body. Several Perfons in this Convocation were Tried for Herefie. A Lift of poor Monaſteries and Nunneries, as alfo of poor Livings, which were excufed from paying any thing towards the Subfidy, may be feen fol. 44, 45. An. 1426. Apr. 15. (a) a Convoc. at S. Pauls againſt the Lollards. The Archbishop having declar'd the caufe of their being call'd, ASSIGNAVIT Procura- toribus Cleri ut poft prandium in Domum infer. eifdem confuetam fe colligerent &c. The next Day coming all together into the Chapter-Houfe, upon the Arch- bishop's asking 'em what they had refolv'd on, be- ing not yet come to any Refolution, they with- drew agen into the lower Houfe, and after a long Debate, gave in their Anfwer by Dr. Lyndewood, After this, they Confulted always together with the Prelats in the upper Houfe. Apr.20 communicatum fuit inter Prælatos, ac etiam Clerum fe ad unam partem Domus ejufdem Capitularis retrahentem, what fhould be done to certain Perfons who bad harboured a Heretick. A Subfidy granted to the K. and another for the defence of the Church's Liberties.. An. 1428. Jul. 5. (b)a Convoc. at S. Pauls againſt the Lollards. Jul. 10. Domino in Concilio Regis apud (a) £. 65. (b) f. 69. : Westm. A History of Convocations. 265 Weftm. occupato- Mag. Th. Bronus ejufdem Can- cellarius de voluntate & Mandato ejufdem ad Domum Cap. S. Pauli acceffit, & Ven. Patri Roffenfi Epifcopo ejufdem Reverendiffimi Partis pro tunc locum-tenenti, præfentibus tunc ibidem Prælatis & Clero intimavit, quod voluntas Domini erat quod Prælati pro parte (uâ & Clerus pro parte fud eligerent certas perfonas, quas idem Mag. Th. Bronus de voluntate Domini no- minavit, quæ inter fe communicarent & deliberate vi- derent quo modo & quâ viâ effet melius & expeditius procedendum contra Hæreticos. Et incontinenti Pro- curatores Cleri adierunt Domum infer. Ubi de unani- mi confenfu, ne per nominationem fupradictam viderentur perdere libertatem eligendi, quâ ab antiquo gavifi fu- erunt, elegerunt certas perfonas pro parte fud Et me- dio tempore Prælati pro parte fud elegerunt alias perfo- nas. Jul. 12 the Prelats chofe 3, and the Clergy 3, to examine the Accounts of thoſe that had been en- trufted with the Money given for their Expences who had been ſent to the Gen. Councils. Jul. 13. they confulted all together. Jul. 15. a Form of pro- ceeding againſt Hereticks and of Abjuration was agreed upon. Several Lollards Abjured. A Sub- fidy defir'd for the K. and another againſt the Hereticks of Bohemia. The Convocation is Ad- journ'd to Nov. 12. habitâ communicatione de Proro- gatione Convocationis Dominus mandavit verbotenus omnibus Confratribus fuis ibidem exiftentibus & abfen- tium Confratrum fuorum Procuratoribus ut per Civitates & Diocefes fuas omnes & fingulos qui in Convocatione comparere deberent peremptorie monerent, & eis intima- rent quod nifi die Prorogationis perfonaliter com- pareant coram ipfo, contra eos procedere vellet propter eorum contumaciam in forma juris- Quibus fic geftis Dominus de confenfu Confratrum fuorum prædictorum & ad requifitionem Cleri Convocationem fuam rogavit & publice continuavit. pro- In 1 266 A History of Convocations. } In their 2d Meeting an Ordinance was made againſt the Lollards. The Abbots and Priors of the upper Houſe defire leave to Confult by themſelves about permitting the Bifhops to fend Hereticks to their Prifons, which had been demanded of 'em, which the Archbishop ex confenfu Fratrum fuorum, permitted 'em to do. The Clergy are mention'd to have retired DE MANDATO Domini in folitam Domum infer. But they fate for the moft part to- gether with the Prelats. Several Lollards are com- pell'd to Abjure. At the Trial of fome of 'em there were prefent not only the Members of Con- vocation, but alfo other (a) Doctors of Divinity, c. call'd in by the Archbishop; and thefe are mention'd as Members of the Council as well as the reſt. Prælatifq; Religiofis ac nonnullis facræ Theologia tam de 4. Ordinibus mendicantium, quam alijs, & utriufq; Juris Doctoribus, Decanis, Archidi- conis & Cleri Procuratoribus in præfata Domo Cap. in- fimul congregatis & concilium celebrantibus. The Chancellor (b) of the Univerſity of Cambridge is men- tion'd as making a Speech in the Convocation. And in fome of the former Convocations, the Chancel- lors of both Univerſities are mention'd as prefent. But they are never fummon'd in the Provincial Mandate. A Subfidy granted to the K. Another Prorogation (c) to S. Lukes Day, 1429. where they treated chiefly of a Subfidy for the Pope againſt the Bohemian Wicleffites. Another Subfidy granted to the K. An. 1430. Feb. 19. (d) a Convoc. at S. Pauls, a- bout Proxies to be fent to the Council of Pifa- Clero de inferiori loco ad eos vocato, habitaq; ibidem communicatione aliquali pro remedio impetrando in Parl. tunc eodem tempore apud Weftm. tento contra indicta- (a) f. 73. a. b. (b) f. 71. b. (c) f. 77. b. (d) f. 81. menta, 2 # A History of Convocations. 267 menta Presbyterorum. A Lollard Tried. A Subfidy granted. A Conftitution made for the abolishing a certain deceitful Weight, forbidding any to uſe it under the pain of Excommunication. An. 1432. Sept. 15. (a) another of S. Pauls, a- bout the Council of Bafil. By this time Dr. Lynd wood was made Keeper of the Privy-Seal, and he is mention'd amongſt thoſe who were fent to this Convocation to demnand a Subfidy, which was granted. A Conftitution made, that no one fhould exercife any Ecclefiaftical Jurifdiction, that had not taken fome Degree. Clerum que comparente Another (b) An 1433. Novemb. 7. at the fame place and about the fame Council of Bafil. The King's Writ for a Subfidy recited in the Mandate. Nov. 14. Præfidens fecit ad fe vocari interrogavit ven. virum Mag. Th. Bekyngton Prolocutorem Cleri, fi Clerus communicaffet & conclufiffet fuper iftis punctis, &c. Dr. Peter Beverley read a Lecture in the Lower Houſe concerning the Council of Bafil and the Pope's Power, De licentiâ dicti Reverendif- fimi Patris & Confratrum fuorum Mag. Pet. Bever- ley Profeffor Theologiæ fecit quendam actum folempnem, determinando in inferiori Domo Capitulari fenfum ejus conceptum, &c. qui Clerus comparuit per Mag. Th. Bekyngton Prolocutorem, ex dictis motivis in bas plenarie confenfijt Conclufiones,&c.—Decemb. 5.Præfidens fecit Clerum evocari ad videndum quid facere proponerent. Another (c) An. 1434. Octob. 7. about Eccleſ. Jurifdiction and the King's Writs. By reafon of he Peftilence then raging at Lond. defideravit Clerus ut Dominus vel Convocationem fuam diffolveret, prorogaretve, feu ad alium locum transferret, afferendo per fuum Prolocutorem, viz. Mag. Th. Bekyngton, &c. (a) f. 87. b. (b) f. 93. (c) f. 99. A Con- 268 A Hiftory of Convocations. A Conftitution was there made in defence of Eccl. Jurifdiction, and another for the obferva- tion of the Feſtival of S. Fridefwide, alma Univer- fitatis Oxon. fpecialis Advocata. Another concern- ing Articles de fententia generali (Excommunicationis) to be read in Churches. Another (a) An. 1437. Apr. 29. for a Subfidy. In this Convocation, as appears from the Acts, the Clergy never divided from the Prelats, but they fat altogether. Prælati & Clerus in dictâ Domo Cap. congregati concefferunt,&c. Another An. 1438. Apr. 28. about fending Proxies to the Council of Ferrara. The Clergy, who treated feparately from the Prelats, per Mag Thomam Prolocutorem fuum defired to be excus'd from granting any thing for their Expences, al- ledging that it belong'd to the Bishops and Pre- lats only to contribute towards fuch Charges. The Abbots and Priors, and the Proxies of Re- ligious Houfes Grant for themſelves, protestando & fupplicando Dominis Epifcopis quod bujufmodi eorum conceffio ed vice divifa quafi & abfq; communi confenfu Cleri facta non cederet in exemplum. This done, the Regulars with the Archbishop's leave went home, and left Proxies in their ftead: licenti data dictis Religiofis recedendi, conftitutis per eos certis Procuratori- bus prout de facto conftituerunt ad intereffendum confen. tiendum & faciendum in ipfâ Convocatione quæ ipfi fa- cerent fi perfonaliter intereffent. May 14. the Arch- bishop ex confenfu Confratrum fuorum adjourned the Convocation to Octoct. 6. On the 6th of Octob. they met again partly about the fame bufinefs, and partly about the promotion of the Graduats of the 2 Univerfities. ex MANDATO DOMINI Clero in domum (a) f, 101. infer. 1 A History of Convocations. ·269 infer. fe colligente. On another Day, præcepit omni- bus de Clero quatinus in Domo infer. infimul conveni- rent, &c. They again excuſed themſelves from granting any thing per Mag. Joh. Lyndefeld fuum Prolocutorem. Supplicarunt infuper ut vel Con- vocationem ipfam diffolveret ufq;, vel ad tempus proro- garet,feu ad alium locum transferret. The Chancellor of Oxford prefents to the Convocation 2 Letters on the behalf of the Univerſities, one from the K. the other from the Univerfity it felf. Ano- ther is fent from the Univerfity of Cambridge. The Chancellor of Oxford was order'd to draw up Articles and to preſent 'em to the Convoca- tion, for the Reformation of the Statutes of the U- niverſity about taking Degrees. And accordingly a Conftitution was made. An. 1439. (a) Novemb. 21. in obedience to the King's Writ which is recited in the Mandate. The Archbishop being now very old and weak, had delegated fome of the Bifhops to fupply his place; however he came himſelf, and propofed 3 things to be confider'd; a Subſidy; the hindrance of Eccl. Jurifdiction by the King's Writs, efpe- cially that of Præmunire; and the Clergies being fo often vext with falfe Indictments. The King fends to 'em for a Subfidy, and to have it con- fider'd how a Union might be made between the Council of Bafil and the Pope. The Prolocutor in this Convocation was Rich. Andrew. A Conftitu- tion was here made for the Augmentation of fmall Vicarages. This was the laſt Convocation of Archbishop Chichley. It was held in his 26 Year. In the 2d Vol, of our Councils, and at the end of Lyndwood there are divers of Archbishop Chich- ley's Conftitutions publifh'd. And others not yet (4) f, III. { pub. * 270 A History of Convocations. } publiſh'd are extant in a MS. Vol. of Lambeth Library, 8°. 17. Before I proceed any farther, I fhall here take no- tice of what Lyndwood, who has been often mention'd as flouriſhing at this time, fays of the Inferior Cler- gies being call'd to Synods. In his Glofs upon one of Archbishop Arundell's Conftitutions,(a) where there is mention made of the Bishops, Prelats and Clergies being preſent in Convocation: PRÆSENTIUM, fays he, non dicit VOCATORUM, quia ad Provinciale Con- cilium non funt alij vocandi de neceffitate, nifi Epifcopi. Si tamen alij veniant, admittendi funt; imo vocandi funt, quando de eorum factis agitur; vel quia eorum confilium eft neceffariure. In the Rights of Convocations (b) there is a double Miftake concerning this Glofs. 1. The Author makes Lyndwood contradict himſelf, when he adds; vel quia eorum confilium eft neceffarium. But by that he means no more than this; or in fuch particular Cafes where their Counsel is neceffary. 2. He imputes this as a great Fault to Lyndwood, and would have it believ'd that he defign'd by that Glofs to flatter the Bishops. But he fays no more than what the Canonifts ufually faid before him, and particularly another of our own, viz. John of Athon (or Acton) who in his Glofs upon the Pre- face of Otho's Conftitutions, (where it is faid, aftan- tis Concilij Suffragio & confenfu) has thefe Words: Patet hic quod Concilia Prælatorum in hujufmodi Con- ftitutionum editione debent requiri. Valent tamen Sta- tuta fua, etiam eis irrequifitis, de his quæ pertinent ad Furifdictionem fuam. Unde patet quod ad Confilium bu- jufmodi Provinciale, ubi ftatuenda funt aliqua, que tangunt ftatum Provinciæ, Epofcopi funt citandi: Et cæteri fubditi INVITANDI, non COGENDI. I men- tion not this as if I thought that their Judgments, (a) p. 300, (b) p. 11. or A Hiftory of Convocations. 271 ↓ or the Judgments of thofe Canonifts whom they quote, can at all affect our Synods at this time. Whatever it might be in thoſe Days, and eſpecially in the Days of John of Athon, whom Lyndwood fol- lows, our Synods depend not upon any of the Pope's Canons, or upon the Judgments of Canonifts, but upon the Cuftom of our Church, which can- not be violated. The obfervation which Lyndwood makes upon præfentium and vocatorum, is certainly wrong, for its evident that thoſe that are faid to be præfentes, were alfo vocati, i. e. fummon'd to Archbishop Arundel's Convocation. The Reader will not be difpleas'd if I tell him here concerning that famous Commentator of our Provincial Conftitutions, that in his Will which is extant in Archbishop Stafford's (a) Regifter, Dat. Nov. 22. 1443. and Prov'd. O. 14. 1446. he gives order that the original Copy of his Gloß fhould be ſafely kept and chain'd in S. Stephen's Chappel, that recourſe may be had to it. be had to it. Item volo quod liber meus quem compilavi fuper Conftitutiones Provinciales reponatur in cathenis & inferratus fit, ut falvo & fecure cuftodiatur in fuperiori parte Capella S. Stephani (Weftm.) vel alias in Veftiario ejufdem Capelle, ut quotiens opus fu- erit pro veritate Scripture primaria ejufdem pro cor- rectione aliorum librorum ab eodem tractatu copiandorum recurri poterit dum fit opus. Item volo quod copia ejufdem libri quem ut præfertur compilavi, & pro majori parte fcripfit Th. Hechman remaneat penes eundem Thomam jure proprio, ut ex copia ejufdem locanda poffit aliquid lucrari in recompenfam laboris fui. He died Bifhop of S. Davids. We are told by Pryn (b) that he col- lected the Provincial Conftitutions in the Year 1423. at Bois S Vincents in France. But Pryn mi- ftakes his meaning. He only fays in his Preface that (a) fol. 143. (b) Pref. Eccl. Jurist. he 272 A History of Convocations. 2 he came from his Portugal Embaffy the fame Year, 1422, that his Mafter K. Henry V. died at Bois S. Vincent, and fo re-affumed his Office of Official un- der the Archbishop of Cant. and the next Year fet about his Gloß. An. 1444. Octob. 19. a Convocation at S. Pauls under Archbishop Stafford, the Acts of which are extant in (a) Arundel's Regifter. The Writ recited in the Mandate. The Convocation then fitting the Archbishop received a Command from the K. (in English) feal'd with the Privy Seal, to have Prayers offer'd up, and Proceffions made by the Clergy for the Common weal. There were di- vérs Conftitutions made, one particularly for the obferving the Feftival of S. Edward's Tranflation. The Archbishop's Official is mention'd as totius Cle. ri Prolocutor. One Subfidy being granted, the Keeper of the King's Privy Seal went into the Lower Houſe of the Chapter to beg another. The Archbishop being oblig'd as Lord Chancellor to be abfent, had delegated 3 of the Bishops to fup- ply his place: the Clergy ſend to the Lords and Prelats of the Upper-Houfe to know from them an ulterius procederent fuper defideratis & petitis. They anſwered that the Clergy had given a Tenth, on condition that the Archbishop would diffolve the Convocation, data eft nobis, ut afferebant, ad tunc ab eodem Domino Archiepifcopo poteftas eandem diffolvendi, fed NON TRACTANDI fuper materijs coram Clero propofitis. The Conftitution about the obfervation of the Feſtival of S. Edward's Tranfla- tion, is extant at the end of Lyndwood, Dat. Octob. 1. 1445. at Croyden, and directed to the Biſhop of Ely. In Convocatione ultimâ noftra ex unanimi Ven. Confratrum noftrorum ac Cleri Confilio & Affenfu, &c. (a) Vol. 2. t. 28. &c. An A History of Convocations. 272 } An. 1452. Feb. 7. a Convocation at St. Paul's under Archbishop Kemp (a). The Archbishop and his Attendants coming to St. Paul's, paid their Devotions in the Porch at the Tomb of St. Arken- wald. After the Sermon he granted an Indulgence of 100 Days to all that were prefent; and every Bi- fhop that was there, granted 'em an Indulgence of 40 Days. In this Convocation the Prolocutor was chofen in a formal manner, as at this Day, and preſented to the Archbishop. Feb. 9. Idem Rev. Pater omnes & fingulos & Cath.Ecclefiarum Decanos, Archidiaco- nos, cæterofq; de Clero fue Cant. Prov. ibidem ad tunc præfentes ac intereſſe in hujufmodi Confilio feu Convocati- one fuâ habentes admonuit ut ad locum eis ab olim in bu- jufmodi actibus folitum & confuetum viz. locum inferio- rem fubtus dictam Domum Capit. ad electionem five no- minationem futuri Frolocutoris Cleri rite proceffuri unani- miter infimul delinarent. While they were Electing their Prolocutor, He confulted with the Bishops about Church Affairs; and after fome Debate, ad- monuit & injunxit that every one of 'em the next Day should bring his Thoughts in Writing. The Clergy chofe J.Stokys and per Mag.Th. Lifieux Deca- num Ecclefiæ Cath. S. Pauli viva vocis oraculum inti- mavit & declaravit eundem infuper ven. egregiumq; vi- rum in Prolocutorem Cleri ut præmittitur electum præfata Rev. Patri præfatifq; venerandis Patribus præfentando. Quiquidem Electus Onus hujufmodi in fe affumere quoad po- tuit tanto Oneri fe imparem oftendendo recufare pro viribus Satagebat, ufq; adeo quod Rev. Pater fibi in virtute obedi- dientia prædictum Onus ut affumeret injunxit. Quo au- dito; dictus Electus illud jure Cautum in animo revolvens¿ quod fcil.Species Idololatriæ cenfetur Majorum præceptis nolle acquiefcere, onus bujufmodi in fe nolens volens affumpfit. ACO (4) Reg. Kemp. f. 219. •S A 274 A History of Convocations. 彼 ​A Subfidy being demanded, the Clergy and Prelats confulted about it together in the Chapter-Houfe. It was granted, but with a Roll of Grievances drawn up by the Clergy. Febr. 26. the Convoca- tion fate altogether in the Palace of Lambeth, in quadam alta Camera majori ; where fome Buſineſs was done relating to the Pope. March 3. they met a- gen at Lambeth about Offerings due to the Curates of London from their Parishioners. Some of the Chief of the Clergy, as the Prolocutor, and others there nam'd, were appointed to concert the Matter with the Lord-Mayor and Aldermen, and fome others of the City. The Clergy requeſt the Archbishop and Bishops, that certain things relating to the Church might be repreſented to the Parliament, that was a few Days after to meet at Reding. March 15. they met agen at Lambeth, where they doubled the Subfidy which they had before granted. An. 1460. May 6.a Convocation at S Pauls under Archbishop Bourchier (a). In the beginning of the Convocation he conftituted the Biſhops of Lond. and Sarum his Commiffaries to fupply his place when abfent. But afterwards being fick, and thoſe 2 Bi- fhops being abfent, he gave another Commiffion to others. The Archbishop fitting with the Bishops in the Chapter-Houfe, and the Clergy fanding about em, a Letter was brought in from the K. which was publickly read: Idem Rev. Pater decrevit eandem publice legi in Domo infer. ubi Clerus dicta Convoc. tem- pore ab antiquo folebat communicationem exercere & habere. Et deinde præcepit Clero Domus infer. quod accederet illuc Prolocutorem fuum electurus. Et tunc ibidem communi- catione habita per Clerum, dicta Convocatio fuerat per (4) Reg. Bourchier f. 12. Rev. * Rev. adveniente. A History of Convocations. fq; in diem Sabbati continuata. Quo die cum Epifcopis, Prælatis ac Clero de & fuper certis articulis pro electione Prolocutoris habenda com- municavit. Et tandem demandavit omnibus de infer.Domo quod illuc accederent&Prolocutorem eligerent.- Ad Domum infer. pro electione Prolocutoris futuri babendd accefferunt, & egregium virum Mag. Joh. Stoke. Legum Doctorem Offic. Curie de Arcubus elegerunt, & ipfum, ut mozis eli coram dicto Rev. & aliis Confratribus & Præ- latis præfentabant, quod Officium fuper fe affumere idem egregius vir refutabat. Tandem ad mandatum dicti Rev. Pat. hujufmodi onus in fe fufcepit. Before this was done, the fame John Stoke, with ſome others, had been Commiffion'd by the Archbishop to receive and examine the Procuratoria. May 13. the Prolocu- tor propos'd ſeveral Articles to the Upper-Houſe viva vocé, which the Archbishop order'd to be brought him in Writing. Certain Articles were exhibited by fome of the Bifhops touching Lay- oppreffions. The Bishop of Exeter propos d, that Clergymen fhould not be inftituted into Livings by Proxies. Et tunc dictus Rev. Pater cum confenfu Con- fratrum fuorum decrevit hujufmodi prefentationes & ad- miffiones fecundum difcretiones Ordinariorum confiderari, &c. A Law made in Parliament about the Tything of great Trees that were fallen down, was examin'd. A Lollard call'd to an account other Perfors befides the proper Members admitted into the Convocation: Idem Rev. Pater cum confenfu fuorum Confratrum in di- &â Convocatione præfentium elegit certos viros præeminèn- ter fcientes, viz. Magiftros Rob. Styllington Decanum Liberæ Capella Regiæ S. Martini Magni Lond. Ricar- dum Caunton & Th. Wynterborne Legum Doctores, ad intereffendum, pertractandum, & confiliandum cum eis de & fuper bujufmodi articulis coram ipfo.) A Clerk of the Convocation, who was alfo Proxy to the Archdeacon of Exeter, having been arreſted and 1 } a * S 2 im- 275 } 276 · A History of Convocations. !… impriſon'd in London, the Archbishop, by the con- fent of all the Clergy, fends to the Mayor and She- riffs to let 'em know, that unleſs they deliver'd him out of Prifon, they ſhould be proceeded against per cenfuras Eccl. & alia media juris. And fo auctoritate Convocationis he was freed. The Petitions of the Clergy to be confider'd by the K. in Parliament are exhibited to the Archbishop. This Convocation was firft call'd in obedience to a Writ iſſued out by K. Hen. VI. for a Subfidy, which is recited in the Archbishop's Citatory Mandate: but it was continued by Adjournments to July 15. 1461. when Edward IV. was in the Throne. And the Sub- fidy defired by K. Henry was given to K. Edward. This appears from the Grant which is extant in the Acts of the Convocation Fol. 16. Dat. Jul. 17. 1461. Excellentiffimo in Chr. Principi ac D. D. Edwardo D. G. &c. Thomas permiſſione Div. &c. Celfitudini veftræ Re- gia in Cancellaria veftrâ tenore præfentium intimamus quod nos & Confratres noftri Coepifcopi & Suffraganei ca- teriq; Prælati & Clerus noftræ Cant. Prov. in ultimâ Con- vocatione in Eccl. Cathed. S. Pauli Lond. die Martis, viz. fexto die Menfis Maii An. D. 1460. inchoat. & ufq; ad & in 15m. diem Menfis Julii An. D. 1461. de diebus in dies continuata, &. I have mention'd another Inftance of the fame kind before, of a Convocation call'd by Archbishop Arundel in the Reign of K. Hen. IV. which was continued till fome time after the beginning of Hen. V. and till after a Parliament held by Him. How theſe Inftances agree with the neceffary Con- currency of Convocations and Parliaments in thoſe times, I ſhould be glad to be inform'd by thoſe who advance that Notion. In the Acts of the foremention'd Convocation it may be obferv'd, that the Word Convocation is fre- quently us'd for a Communication or Debate. Extracts 1 P A History of Convocations. Extracts out of the Parliament Rolls of Hen. VI. relating to Convocations and Ecclefiaftical Conftitutions. IN N the Parl. of 3 Hen. 6. the Commons preſenting the K. a Petition or Bill againſt Non-reſidents, he anſwer'd: The King by the advys aforesaid hath delivered the Bille to my Ld. of Cant. charging him to purveie of remedie for. his Province and femblably ſhall write to the Chirche of York for that Province. Rot. Parl. 8 H 6. Item, in præfenti Parl. diverfa Petitiones exhibita fuerunt Domino nostro Regi tam per Prælatos & CLERUM quam per Communitatem Regni Sui Angliæ, quarum tenores una cum refponfionibus earun- dem fequuntur in hæc verba. Item, quia Prælati & Clerus antedicti ad Convocatio- nem convocati, eorumq, fervientes & familiares qui cum eifdem ad Convocationem bujufmodi veniunt, fepius ac frequenter arestantur, moleftantur, & inquietantur, pe- tunt Prælati & Clerus antedicti, quod vocandi in futurum ad Convocationem prætextu Brevis Regii, eorumq; fervi- entes & familiares, eadem libertate five immunitate veni- endo expectando, & redeundo plene gaudeant & tueantur perpetuis futuris temporibus, quâ gaudent & gaudere confueverunt five gaudere debent in futurum Proceres five Magnates, & Communitas Regni Anglia ad Parliament. Dni. Regis vocati & vocandi. Fiat prout petitur per petitionem. In the Parliament held Feb. 12. 27 H. VI. the Commons amongst other things propofed by way of Bill or Petition, that the Clergy having been much vext with Profecutions for taking illegal Sa- laries, fhould have the King's Pardon given 'em, and for that ſhould be taxed 6s. 8d. apiece by Au- tority * S 3 277 278 A History of Convocations. tority of Parliament: That Impofition of the Sub- fidy was look'd upon to be illegal, and the K. re- jected that part of the Bill, referring the whole Matter to Convocation. In the Roll of that Parlia- ment the Bill and Anfwer are inroll'd in thefe Words: Allo praien the Comunes for afmuche as in diverfe par- ties of this Royalme many Prefts as well feculer as Religi oufe bene grevously vexud and trobled fully wronguefly by di- verſe enditements of felony to their full grete hurte ayeynft faith and contiens for finguler lucre of other perfones and not for your availle; that it pleaſe your Highneffe of your influent grace by the auctority of this your Parlement to pardon and acquite al and every Preft as well religioufe as feculer of al maner of felonies of Rape, done byfore the first day of June. next cominge. And also to pardon and relefe by auctoritie of the Jame Parlement to al and everyche Preft feculer, fti- pendarie, anuell, al that longeth or apperteineth to youe by weie of forfaiture of everyche of them byfore the first day of fune because of taking exceffions falarie contrary to the Statutes theruppon made, and that everyche of them may have Charters of Pardon without any Fyne or fee hereupon, fufficiantz for theire difchardge, for the whiche we your trewe Liegemen to the helpe and relief of youre neceffitie by the affent of the Lords Spirituell and Temporell of this youre Realme graunten to you oure Sovereigne Lord a Subfidie to be take rerud of all maner refts, Seculers, Stipenda- ries, and Chanterie Prefts within youre Realme that is to Jay of everye Preft VIS. VIIId. to be payed to you at the Feft of Seint Martyn in Winter next coming. The King's Anſwer. * At the Reverence of God, and for the love and tender- neffe that the King bath to the Chirche and to the Mini- fters of the fame he woll that this Bille as to the Impoficion that fuld be to the feculer Prefts of this Roialme not be-. neficed as Stipendaries and Chaunterie Prefts be committed to the Archiebishoppes, and Bifhoppes in the Convocations of the } } F A History of Convocations. 279 { t the Clergies of this Roialme, becauſe it touchith the Immu- nite and Liberte of the Chirche, whiche the K. intendith to kepe withoute hurt or prejudice in all wyfe. And as touchinge the Pardon conteyned in this Bille, in cas the No- bles of the faid Preefts be graunted to him in the feid Con- vocations, then the Kyng woll that the feide Pardon ftonde in his vertu and strenght without Fyne or Fee paiyng therefore by auctorite of this prefent Parlement. Convocations in the Reign of Ed. IV. under Archbishop Bourchier. A N. 1463. Jul. 6. (a) a Convocation was held at S. Paul's. A Subfidy granted. tutions made, one againſt Arresting in Churches, the other concerning the Habits of Clergymen. A Charter granted the Clergy by the K. The Prolo- cutor the fame with the former; the Name of him 0 that prefented him to the Archbishop is mention'd. A Perfon tried for celebrating Maffe, who was on- ly an Acolite; he is faid per longum tempus celebraffe idololatriam committendo. Bourchier's Regifter, which now remains, is doubt- lefs but a part of the whole. From 1463. we have no Convocation mention'd till 1480 March 21. In the Mandatory Letters the King's Writ is re- cited. Two Perfons are mention'd to have pre- fented the Prolocutor, Wil. Pykenham Archdeacon of Suffolk to the Archbishop, who admitted him de confenfus Suffraganeorum fuorum. A Subfidy granted to the K. The Feftivals of S. Ofmund, S. Fridef wide, and S. Etbeldreda were fettled: As alfo that of the Vifitation of the V. Mary. A Subfidy defired by the Pope, being not agreed upon, it was decreed, that the Archbishop and 6 Bishops, 6 Abbots, 6 9- m(a) (a) F. 18. * S4 1 ther } 280 A Hiftory of Covocations. ther Prelats, 3 Deans, 6 Archdeacons, and 6 Pro- ctors of the Clergy, fuch as the Archbishop fhould nominate, ſhould meet on a certain Day before Whitsunday in S. Paul's Church, and agree upon The Conftitutions of this Archbishop may be feen in the Collections of our Councils. An. 1466. George Nevil Archbishop of York pub- lifhed certain Provincial Conftitutions, which are there alfo extant. ་ Convocations in the Reign of Hen. VII. un- der Archbishop Morton. A N. 1486. Febr. 13. (a) a Convocation was held at S. Paul's under Archbishop Morton: The King's Writ recited in the Mandate. Tho. Cooke Dr. of Laws was chofen Prolocutor, and prefented by the Dean of S. Paul's. He was one of thofe whom the Archbishop had employ'd before to re- ceive and examine the Procuratoria. Wil. Symonds who got one Lambert Symnel to perfonate the Earl of Warwick, was examined before the whole Con vocation, and the Major, Aldermen, and Sheriffs of London were there prefent. A Subfidy was granted, and amongſt other things relating to the Church, a Conftitution was made for Males to be faid by all the Bishops for the Soul of any Bishop of the Pro- vince that fhould dye. f) Reg. Morton. fol. 33. " 1 Ano ૐ 281 = A Hiftory of Convocations. 1 Another (a) An. 1488. Jan. 14. at S. Paul's, which lafted till Octob. 20. The King's Writ recited in the Letter Mandatory. Jan. 17. The Archbishop being with the Bishops, Abbots, and Priors in the Chap- ter Houſe, injunxit Ecclefiarum Cath. Decanis, Archidia. conis, & Proc. Cleri, quod irent ad Domum infer. viz. ad Capellam infra eandem Ecclefiam fituatam, vulgariter nuncupatam The long Chapell, & quod eligerent unum ex eis & pro eis ac pro Clero Prov. Cant. in Prolocutorem Referendarium. Humfrey Hawarden L. D. was pitcht upon. He being admitted, humiliter petiit ut Jancta Mater Ecclefia ac etiam Clerus ad dictam Convo- cationem congregatus fuis juribus, immunitatibus, & pri- vilegiis hactenus fibi indultis gaudere poffint. Quâ petitio- ne finitâ & ab eodem Rev. Patre quantum in ipfo erat con- ceffa, &c. The Lords are fent from the K. to defire a Subfidy: And afterwards they come agen to quic- ken 'em. Which was granted Febr. 27. D. Prolo- "cutor nomine totius Cleri ut afferuit, conceffit, &c. Qui- bus conceffionibus poftquam Suffraganei fui ac cæteri Prælati affenfum præbuiffent, præfatus Rev. in Chr. Pa- ter confenfum fuum adhibuit. This is the laſt Convocation that is extant in the Archbishop's Registers; and the laft of all thoſe whoſe Acts I have ever feen entire, except that of 1640. which is publiſhed in Nalfon's Collections, and is extant alfo in Latin. Archbishop Morton di- ed an. 1500. After his time the Acts of Convoca- tions were recorded not in the great Regifters, but in diſtinct Volumes: All which, (befides that of 1640) periſh'd in the Fire of 1666. In a MS. Vol. in the Cotton Library, Cleop. F. 2. I have met with a Lift of Convocations from 1296. to 1580. taken out of the Regifters, not always ac- (a) F. 41. 1 cording 2823 A Hiftory of Convocations: cording to the order of time: It takes up but a lit- tle room, and therefore I whole. Winchelſe 5. Cal. Dec. an. 1296 6 Non. Maii an. 1297 17 Cal. Aug. an 1297 prædict. Idus Octob. an. 1297 præd. In Craft. Feft. Nativit. S. Johan. Bapt. an. 1298 Prox. poft Feftum S. Ed- mundi R an. 1309 Iflip 16 Maii an. 1356 Wittlefey 21 Januarii an. 1369 24 Apr. an. 1371 Sudbury 3 Non. Feb. an. 1376 Courteney 18 die Novemb. an. 1382 26 Feb. 1387 12 Octob. an. 1388 17 Apr. 1391 2 Dec. an. 1383 20 Maii 1384 1 Dec. 1384 6 Novemb. 1385 5 Novemb. 1386 Arundell 19. Feb, 1396 6 Octob. 1399 1 Octob. 1402 21 Apr. 1404 fhall here fubjoin the 24 Novemb. an. 1404 præd. 10 Maii 1406 23 Julii 1408 26 Januarii 1400 24 Januarii 1408 17 Feb. 1409 1 Decemb. 1411 Stafford 19 Octob. 1444 Chicheley 18 Novemb. 1415 1 Apr. 1416 9 Novemb. 1416 26 Novemb. 1417 Penultimo die Octob. 1419 5 Maii 1421 6 Julii 1422 12 Octob. 1424 25 Apr. 1425 15 Apr. 1426 5 Julii 1428 19 Febr. 1430 15 Septemb. 1432 7 Novemb. 1433 7 Octob. 1434 Penult. die Apr. 1437 28 Apr. 1438 21 Nov. 1439 Kempe 7 Febr. 1452 Bourchier 6 Maii 1460 6 Julii 1463 21 Martii 1480 Mor- } A Hiſtory of Convocations. 2839 Morton 13 Febr. 1486 14 Januarii 1488 26 Januarii Warham 1509 5 Novemb. 1529 Cranmer 1532 20 Januarii 9 Junii 1536 20 Januarii 1541 24 Novemb. 1545 Pole 21 Januarii 1557 Tempore vacationis Convo- catio Sedis Archiepifcopa- lis Cant. 24 die Fanuarii an D. juxta 1558.... Parker 12 Januarii an. D juxta, &c. 1562 3 Apr. 1571 9 Maii 1572 Tempore vacat Alia Convo- catio celebrata ex continu- atione,fede Archiepifcopali tunc vacante an. 1575 Grindal. Alia Convoca- tio &c. ex continuatione celebrata per D. Edm. Grindall Cant. Archiep. 17 Januarii 1580 ADDEND A. DAGE AGE 12. 1. 15. Convocation. In this I was mif- led by the Rights of Convocations. The Cuftom is fo in the Diocefe of London. In that of Sarum the 3 Archdeaconries chooſe 2 apiece, and the 6 thus chofen, chooſe 2 out of their own number. The fame Method is obferv'd in the Dioceſe of Coventry and Lichfield where there are 4 Archdeaconries. In that of B. and Wells all the Clergy meet together and elect jointly. In that of Lincoln the Clergy of the 6 Archdeaconries fend their particular Com- miffions to, or appear in Perſon at Stamford, where 2 are choſen by the whole Body. In that of Nor- wich, the 2 Archdeaconries of Norwich and Norfolk meet together at Norwich and elect one, and the 2 Arch- 284 A Hiſtory of Convocations. 1 Archdeaconries of Suffolk and Sudbury meet together in Suffolk and elect the other. So it is in the Dio- cefe of Chichester, where the 2 Archdeaconries meet ſeparately and elect one apiece. P. 19. K. Ethelbert's Laws are extant in Saxon in the Codex Roffenfis. Among Sir H. Spelman's Papers there is a Latin Tranſlation of 'em made by the fa- mous Dutch Man J. de Laet, with Notes, and fent by him to Sir Henry an. 1640. The Title is: Hæc funt Judicia que Ethelbertus Rex conftituit Auguftini di- ebus. In the fame Codex there are the Laws (in Saxon) of 2 other Kings of Kent,Hlotharius and Eadricus; tranf- lated alfo by J. de Laet with this Title: Hæc funt Ju- diciorum Decreta que Hlotharius & Eadricus Cantua- riorum Reges ftatuerunt. They begin : Hlotharius &i Edricus Cantuariorum Reges ftatuerunt Leges has quas ip- forum Seniores ante ftatuerant corum judiciorum quæ poft hæc edicuntur. P. 21. 1. 32. Streaneſhalch, add (now Whitby) P. 24.1 27. Cliff, add, according to Sir H. Spel- man, who underſtands the Place of that Name in Kent. Others think it to be a Place now unknown, ſomewhere about the middle of the Kingdom. Some take it to be Abington in Barkshire. See Somner Lex Sax. • P. 29. 1. ult. Add, of other Decrees of Archbi fhop Theodore now not extant See Rudborne p. 193. Of divers of thoſe ancient Synods, fee Gervafe, and the X Scriptores, of that of Twiford Col. 1639. of Cuthbert's Synods Col. 1641. the Syn. of Chalchuth or Chealchite Col. 1641. 2018. Clovesho 1642. 2209. 2213. of Flegmund's Councils 1644. of Dunstan's 1647. of the Syn. of Beccanceld 2211. 2208. Phin- canbal 1697. Kingston 2217. } P. 34. Of a Place call'd Parlement Hill, See Spel- man Glofs p. 449. Ibid. 2 }. } { f I 1 A Hiftory of Convocations. 285 ! Ibid. 1. 20. the Oak in the Field: Add: or rather, the Field of the Oak. For fo upon ſecond thoughts, I take the Author's meaning to be (ad an. 851. not 951. as by miſtake it is printed.) Of Charters, fome of which at leaft I have not mention'd, See x. Script. Col. 2219. an. 790, 939. col. 2220. an. 927, 940. coll 2221. an. 941. col. 2207.an 680. col. 2211. an. 747. col. 2212. an. 799. Others may be feen in M. Paris Addit. p. 1151. ad 1536. belonging to the Years 716, 743>' 795,796, 996. P. 84. In K. Edgar's Charter to the Abby of West- minster. Dat an. 969. which is extant in a MS. Char- tulary of that Church (Cotton. Fauftina A.3.) it is ſaid (Westmonafterio) ipfe de meis in Dominicatis terris ali- quanta addidi, & cartis, atq; legitimis teftibus corrobora- vi. Deinde fuccedente tempore confilio habito intra Bafi- licam ipfam præfidente me cum filio meo Edwardo & eo- dem Archiepifcopo venerabili Dunftano & univerfis E- pifcopis & Baronibus meis fecutus exemplum majorum meorum renovavi, addidi, & corroboravi cartas & privi- legia ejufdem loci & ad Apoftolicam fedem legenda & con- firmanda tranfmifi. There follows Pope John's Con- firmation, by which an Exemption is granted, and he fays, that it had been granted before ab antiquis Angliæ Regibus cum confilio Pontificum ejufdem Patria. The K. grants the fame. Subfcribed by the K. his Sons Edward and Athelred, the 2 Archbishops, 12 Biſhops, whereof the laft writes thus: Ego Siga- rus Allmanenfis Ecclefiæ Epifcopus configillavi, atq; cum præfcriptis Archiepifcopis & Epifcopis, Luminaribus accenfis violatores hujus munificentiæ dignitatis, immo Apoftolici tranfgreffores bujus decreti imperpetuum excommunicavi ni- fi particulatim pænitentiam refipifcendo peragant. Then follow 11 Abbots, of whom the laft fays: Ego Al- dred Abbas confenfi & Rege fuifq;præcipientibus hanc liber- tatis fyngrapham fcripfi An Dom Incarn.969. Indiction. 12 Idus 286 1 A Hiſtory of Convocations. Idus Maii anno 13. regni Regis Edgari. Then follow 9 Presbyters; of whom the laft fays: Ego Ofwardus Presbyter cum fupradictis & cum aliis 107. Presbyteris infractores hujus firmitatis excommunicavi. Then 9 Dukes. After them, it concludes with theſe Words: At ultimum itaq; una cum Rege & Filiis ejus nos omnes Confratres & Coepifcopi & cum totâ hac populosâ & fan&tâ Synodo ejufdem loci omnes futuros Abbates, Decanos, atq; Præpofitos conteftamur, verum etiam in nomine Patris & Filii & Spiritus Sancti prohibemus quatinus facros illius Ecclefiæ thefauros non diftrahant neq; terras feu redditus vel beneficia in ſuis vel parentum fuorum ufibus ftolide ex- pendant, neq; à fervis Dei qua pro illis ibidem habetur fubftantiam fubtrahendo minuant. Quod fi aliquis præ- fumpferit, illum ficut violatorem atq; tranfgrefforem hujus nostri decreti immo Apoftolici, ante fummum judicem cum venerit feculum judicare per ignem refponfurum fuper hac re invitamus. The Charter is evidently fpurious. The next Charter is Dunstan's, then Bishop of London, to the fame Abby an. 959. by which he exempts ic from the Bishop of London's Jurifdiction, cum conſenſu fratrum meorum. Sign'd by the K. (Edgar) the Arch- bishop of York, and 5 Bifhops. Spurious too, I ſuppoſe. In the fame MS. Chartulary there are 3 Charters granted by the Confeffor to that Church. In one of which he fays he granted it fidelium noftrorum atq; Palatinorum ufi Confilio. Dat. 1045. Kal. Aug. Regni 5. Indict. 12. Signed by the K. the Q. Mother, the Q Confort, the 2 Archbishops, 8 Bifhops, 4 Ab- bots, 3 Earls, 5 Miniftri, the Chancellor. } Of the new Cuſtom of Sealing Charters, and. that the Confeffor had a Seal. See M. Paris, P. 1027. P. 140. . 11. after indumenta add: Divers In- ftances of this kind are to be met with in M. Paris in the Reign of Hen. III. Where ad. an. 1251. it is ob- A Hiftory of Convocations. 287 | obſerved, that at Christmas that Year, licet omnes pre- deceffores fui indumenta Regalia & jocalia pretiofa, confue- viffent ab antiquo diftribuere, ipfe tamen Rex (de fuâ forte peregrinatione folicitus & parcus) nulla penitus Militibus diftribuit vel Familiaribus. P. 266. after 1. 18. add; In the Charter (a) of Dowry granted by K. John to Ifabel his Queen, the 5th Year of his Reign, fhe is faid to be Crown'd Queen of England de communi affenfu & concordi vo- luntate Archiepifcoporum, Epifcoporum, Comitum Ba- ronum, Cleri & Populi totius Regni. And the K. mentions his encreaſing her Dowry de Concilio fideli- um noftrorum. Of the Parliaments of 1, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18 Hen. III. See Pryn. Eccl. furifd. p. 38, 41, 48, 58, 68, 70, 71, 74, 81, 84, 85. I find thefe References in my Collections, but I have neither time nor room to examine 'em; only I remember that there's nothing very material. In the Clofe Roll of 19 H. III. m. 20. there is a Writ, in which are thefe Words: Sciatis quod congregatis ap. Weftm.in Octa- bis S. Hillarii ven. Patribus J. Cant. Archiepifcopis, E- pifcopis, Comitibus & aliis fidelibus noftris. P. ult. I am affured by the prefent Lord Biſhop of Peterborough, who was one of thofe two, who in the Year 1676. were chofen for Peterborough by vertue of the Præmunientes, that the Proceeding was no- thing but a Miſtake, and that neither He, nor any other thought on any thing befide, the Convocation. So I queſtion not but fome other Inftances, which have been produced, were meer Miftakes; the Par- liamentary Writ being executed inſtead of the Arch- bishop's Convocation Mandate. (a) Rot. Cart. 5. Joh. E. 5. M. 33. See Petit App. PART 288 A History of Convocations. * PART III. 4 Page 128. after Cuſtom add. But here it is to be noted, that I have quoted the Conftitutions of Reding according the Edition which is extant at the end of Lyndwood. In that which is in the Col- lection of our Councils Vol. 2. p. 345 there is no fuch Conftitution to be found. That Edition fol- lows a Copy in the Cotton Library; and there the laſt Canon is, De concubinariis puniendis. And with that Copy agrees another of Lambeth Library 80 17. So that it does not certainly appear, that Conftitution was really made in this Council. Archbishop Peckham was forc'd by the K. and Parliament to Retract fome things enacted in the Council of Reding. See Pryn Eccl. Jurifd. Tom. 3 P. 235. FINI S. BOOKS Printed for and Sold by Robert Cla- vell in St. Paul's Church-yard. Folio. Scrivner's Body of Divinity. Skinner's Etymologicon Lingue Anglicane. Sir. Paul Ricaut's Hiftory of the Turks, beginning 1697 Be- ing a full Relation of the Troubles in Hungary, with the Sieges of Vienna and Buda, and at the feveral Battles both by Sea and Land, between the Chriftians and the Turks, until the end of the Year 1698, and 1699, in which a Peace was concluded by the Media, tion of his Majefty of Great Britain, and the States-General of the United Provinces, with feveral Cuts. The Hiftory of the Execrable Irish Rebellion, trac'd from ma-" by preceding Acts to the grand Eruption the 23 of October, 1641, and thence purfued to the A&t of Settlernent in 1662. The Annals of King James and King Charles the Firſt. 1 Dr. مجھ 2 › Dr. Combers Companion to the Temple, or a Help to Devotion in the uſe of the Common Prayer in 4 Parts, Vol. iſt. A ſecond Volume in Folio is making ready for the Prefs, being all the Author intended upon the Common Prayer, and finiſhed in his Life-time. 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