SKETCH OF GEOLOGICAL HISTORY A 597102 QE 651 .H92 HULL WDEACON&CO DUPL : ARTES LIBRARY 1837 VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUS UNUM TULBUR QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE " 1 5 Y Q E 651 H92 AZOIC. PRIMARY or PALEOZOIC. GENERALIZED GEOLOGICAL SECTION, SHOWING THE ORDER OF SUPER-POSITION OF STRATA. In drawing up this Table it was found necessary to be guided by the order of British and European Strata, but the representatives in other parts of the world have been, as far as possible, inserted. SECONDARY or MESOZOIC. TERTIARY or CAINOZOIC. EPOCHS. POST-PLIOCENE PLIOCENE MIOCENE OLIGOCENE (Europe) .. EOCENE British Isles, Europe, Asia, Africa, New Zealand. CRETACEOUS British isles, Europe, Asia, Africa, N. America. OOLITIC or JURASSIC.. British Isles, Europe, &c. TRIASSIC Britain, Europe, N. Amer- ica, and S. Africa. PERMIAN Or DYAS. Recognised in Britain, Europe, & N. America. Lower or AQUEOUS FORMATIONS. Lias. Oolite. LMU L. M. U. Neocomian Upper. Lo.Mid.Up. WEALDEM. CRSAND Lo. Up. Lo. Up. Mid. Up New Red S'stone. SYNONYMS. Drift Deposits of Northern Hemisphere. Upper and Middle Sewalik beds (India). "Molasse" (Switzerland). Sub-Apennine beds of Italy. Lake beds of America. Mummulite Limestone of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Hippurite Limestone of ditto. Turonian (D'Orb.) Albien, Aptien (D'Orb.) Neocomian beds (D'Orb). Weisser Jura (The Alps, &c.). Schwartzer Jura (The Alps, &c.). Keuper Mergel (Germany). Muschelkalk (Germany). Bunter Sandstein (Germany). Zechstein (Germany). Rothe-liegende (Germany). Permo-Carboniferous (America). Coal-Measures. Carboniferous (America). CARBONIFEROUS Recognised in Britain, Europe, China, Aus- tralia, N. & S. America. Upper Lower Middle. Upper. Hower. Lo. Upper. OLD RED SANDSTONE AND DEVONIAN Recognised in Britain, Europe, Asia, Australia, N. America. 35 SILURIAN "Systeme Silurian,' (D'Orb.) Recognised in Britain, Europe, Central Asia, Australia, New Zealand and America. CAMBRIAN Britain, Europe, China, Primordial Beds. N. America. ARCHAEAN (Dana). VOLCANIC PLUTONIC Lower. Upper. Lower. Sub-Carboniferous (America). Carb. Limestone. Calcaire Carbonifere (France & Belgium). Slates, Grits, or Conglomerates. Catskill Beds. Chemung beds (America) Hamilton 33 Corniferous 55 33- Limestone of Ilfracombe. Eifel Lime- stone and Calcaire de Givet (Belgium). Hangman, Lynton, and Foreland beds of Devonshire. Oriskany Groups (N. America). Lr. Helderberg,, Salina 33 Niagara 39 Clinton 33 33 Medina Oneida 33 35 33 35 (Not having exact Representatives in Europe). Cincinnati Groups (N. America). Utica Trenton Chazy Quebec 35 33 33 Calciferous 33 33 (Not having exact Representatives in Europe). "Sinisian Formation" of China. Zone Primordiale (Europe). Potsdam Formation (America). IGNEOUS ROCKS. Huronian beds (N. America). Laurentian of Canada (Logan). System of Whitney. ENERAL Azoic Drawn by Professor EDWARD HULL, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., &c. VERS OF THE Vindhyan System, and Transition or Sub-Metamorphic (India, &c.) GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. : : ! : ! A SKETCH OF 30558 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY BEING The Natural History of the Earth AND OF ITS Pre-Human Inhabitants BY EDWARD HULL, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. DIRECTOR OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF IRELAND PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY IN THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE DUBLIN 1 WITH AN ILLUSTRATIVE DIAGRAM DRAWN BY THE AUTHor. LONDON: C. W. DEACON & CO. 1887 All Rights Reserved. } 1 } LONDON: C W. DEACON AND CO., DUKE STREET, Adelphi, W.C. ; 1 . 5-3=38 edit L PREFACE. THE day seems to have arrived when an acquaintance with the leading facts and ideas of Geology has become as necessary a portion of education as a knowledge of Geography and History. It has, therefore, been felt desirable to supplement the "SKETCH OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY," embodied in the three volumes already published, by giving an outline of the Geological events through which our Globe has passed since it assumed its form and became the abode of animals and plants. This little volume, from the pen of Professor Hull, though coming last of the series, ought properly to be read first, referring as it does to events antecedent to those dealt with in the previous volumes. The exigencies of publication cause it to come last; but should the reader desire to have before him a "SKETCH OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY" in its entirety, and in the order of events, he will begin with the origin of the Globe and of its living forms, and end his reading with “Modern History." viii PREFACE. < During the last few years numerous manuals and text-books dealing with the principles of Geology have been published, but no summary of the Historical portion of the Science has hitherto appeared in this country. Such a treatise exists in Germany; but it must be remarked that, in addition to the difficulty always presented by a scientific work in a foreign language, the one in question is both costly and ponderous. The conclusions expressd by the Author have been submitted to the touchstone of the acknowledged authorities on the subject, and whenever he has judged it likely to be of service to the student, he has not failed to give the necessary references. Cu. Deacon To # CHARING CROSS CHAMBERS, LONDON, W.C. : ! GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1 INTRODUCTION: Original Condition of our Globe THE ARCHÆAN OR AZOIC AGE MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE ARCHÆAN ROCKS... North America South America Eastern Hemisphere Spain British Isles Africa Asia Summary ... : ... ... Archæan LiFE—Eozoon Canadense ... :: : THE LOWER PALÆOZOIC AGE (THE AGE OF INVERTEBRATES) PAGE 17 23 23 25 26 27 27 28 29 31 33 33 35 CAMBRIAN AND PRIMORDIAL PERIOD 35 X GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CAMBRIAN AND PRIMORDIAL STRATA British Islands Europe Asia America : : : PAGE 35 36 37 38 : 39 LIFE FORMS OF THE PRIMORDIAL PERIOD ... 4I 42 ! SILÚRIAN PERIOD MINERAL CHARACTERS of the SILURIAN STRATA 43 Europe and the British Isles DISTRIBUTION OF THE SILURIAN STRATA Europe and British Isles. Asia Australia : • : 43 44 44 45 46 Africa ... : North America : : ... : 46 ... 47 South America 48 POSITION OF LAND AND SEA DURING THE SILURIAN PERIOD 49 LIFE FORMS OF THE SILURIAN PERIOD 50 The Fauna The Flora ... ... ... 50 52 THE UPPER PALEOZOIC AGE (THE AGE OF FISHES) DEVONIAN PERIOD ... : ... 53 :. 53 TABLE OF CONTENTS. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE DEVONIAN STRATA Europe and British Isles North America xi PAGE 54 54 : 56 57 ... 57 58 59 LIFE FORMS OF THE DEVONIAN PERIOD The Fauna The Flora ... CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD ... MINERAL CHARACTERS OF THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATA. DISTRIBUTION OF THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATA The Principal Coal-fields of the World Europe Asia Australia America : DISTRIBUTION OF LAND AND WATER DURING THE CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD VOLCANIC PHENOMENA ... LIFE FORMS OF THE CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD The Fauna The Flora... PERMIAN PERIOD 60 63 63 63 65 65 66 68 69 70 71 71 73 MINERAL CHARACTERS OF THE PERMIAN STRATA 75 British Isles ... ... 75 : xii GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. ་ DISTRIBUTION OF THE PERMIAN STRATA Europe North America ་ : : DISTRIBUTION OF LAND AND SEA DURING THE PERMIAN PERIOD... LIFE FORMS OF THE PERMIAN PERIOD The Fauna ... The Flora ... ... PAGE 76 76 76 77 78 78 79 THE MESOZOIC AGE (THE AGE OF REPTILES) 80 TRIASSIC PERIOD 80 MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE TRIASSIC STRATA... 81 Europe 82 4 ... Asia 83 South Africa : 84 North America Nova Scotia, &c. (Acadia) LIFE FORMS OF THE TRIASSIC PERIOD : 85 : : 86 ... 87 The Fauna The Flora ... ... JURASSIC PERIOD (The Age of Saurians) ... 87 88 89 MINERAL CHARActers of the JURASSIC STRATA 90 Distribution OF THE JURASSIC STRATA Europe Asia ... ... :. 91 91 93 1 } TABLE OF CONTENTS. America Other Lands South of the Equator POSITION OF LAND AND OF LAND AND SEA DURING THE JURASSIC PERIOD British and European Areas Northern and Central Africa ... America LIFE FORMS OF THE JURASSIC PERIOD The Fauna The Flora ... CRETACEOUS PERIOD : : MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRETACEOUS STRATA Europe ... India Regions South of the Equator... North America South America ... ... LIFE FORMS OF THE CRETACEOUS PERIOD The Fauna The Flora ... xiii PAGE 94 95 96 96 97 97 97 97 100 ΙΟΙ I02 ... 103 : 104 106 106 107 108 ... ... 108 ... III THE CAINOZOIC AGE (THE AGE OF MAMMALS) 113 EOCENE PERIOD (Epoch of Nummulites) 113 xiv GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. PAGE MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE EOCENE STRATA ... 114 ! Europe 114 Asia and Africa 116 North America 116 : South America 116 LIFE FORMS OF THE EOCENE PERIOD... 118 ... The Fauna Oligocene Beds 118 119 MIOCENE PERIOD I20 MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE MIOCENE STRATA ... Europe and British Isles India North America ... LIFE FORMS OF THE MIOCENE PERIOD The Fauna The Flora ... ... PLIOCENE PERIOD 122 122 ... 122 123 ... 123. 123 ... 124 125 MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE PLIOCENE STRATA... Europe and British Isles ... ... 126 126 India 127 America 128 ... ... LIFE FORMS OF THE PLIOCENE PERIOD ... 129 The Fauna ... 129 ABLE OF CONTENTS. XV ZOIC AGE Fleistore, POST-PLIOCENE OR GLACIAL PERIOD (The Epoch of the Mammoth) SPECIAL EPOCHS OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD A. The Earliest Epoch ... PAGE 132 132 ... 134 135 B.-The Medial or Inter-Glacial Epoch 137 C.-The Latest Epoch 139 LIFE FORMS OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD POST-PLIOCENE OR The Fauna The Flora... ... ... ... 140 ... ... 140 142 QUATERNARY PERIOD (The Epoch of Man) 143 RETROSPECT ... TABLE OF GEOLOGICAL PERIODS, and list of Coun- tries where the Representative Strata are known to exist... ... INDEX LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED :: : 146 149 159 ... 179 GEOLOGY: A NATURAL HISTORY OF THE EARTH AND OF ITS PRE-HUMAN INHABITANTS. IN N commencing an historical sketch of the earth's crust, and of its pre-human inhabitants, it is scarcely necessary for us to go further back than to the period when it assumed its form of an oblate spheroid as originally determined by Sir Isaac Newton. Such a form cannot be considered as accidental; inasmuch as it is that which would be assumed by a viscous mass rotating on an axis; in other words, a mass whose particles, mutually attracting each other, are capable of great freedom of motion amongst them- selves. The earth's polar diameter is 7,899.17 English miles; its equatorial, 7,925.65 miles; the latter exceeding the former by 26.48, so that if a true sphere were made to revolve on the polar diameter within the circumference of the earth, it would have a B F 18 GEOLOGY. crust (or envelope) a little over 13 miles in thickness at the equator, gradually diminishing to zero at the poles. This bulging at the equator is twice as great as the altitude of our highest mountains; so that it is evident. that the changes which the earth's crust have under- gone are very small as compared with the bulk of the earth itself, and the familiar simile holds good-that the inequalities on the surface of our globe are less in pro- portion to its size, than the roughness of the peel of an orange to that of the orange itself.* The viscosity of the earth can only have been due to a high temperature such as that which the sun may now be supposed to maintain. During this period of igneous fusion, the waters which now form the oceans and seas must have existed in the condition of a vast envelope of vapour, stretching far out into space. Ultimately, however, upon the cooling of the outer sur- face of the globe to a sufficiently low temperature, these vapours would begin to condense and fill up the hollows and inequalities caused by the sinking in of the solidified masses upon the viscous interior. The size of our globe upon the first solidification of the crust must have been much larger than at present; the process of consolidation and cooling, owing to the * The oblate spheroid is itself not a symmetrical body, as recent obser- vations have shown that there is a slight bulging in the meridian of 8º 15' W. CONSOLIDATION AND COOLING OF THE GLOBE. 19 radiation of the internal heat into space, being necessarily accompanied by the contraction of the crust upon the viscous or fluid interior. This process has proceeded down to the present day; and throughout the past history of our globe the crust has, from time to time, given way to the tangential forces whereby the rocks and strata have been upturned, fractured and crumpled, and thus forced to assume narrower horizontal dimen- sions than was originally the case. To this cause we may attribute the elevation of our mountain chains, the depression of our oceans, and the contorted and fractured condition of the strata of all geological periods. Nor is this condition restricted to the more ancient rocks, for in special districts it characterises those of comparatively modern geological age. Some of our highest mountain chains, like those of the Alps, the Pyrenees, and even the giant Himalayas themselves, having received their final upheavings in later Tertiary times.* It cannot, however, be successfully questioned that the process of cooling and contraction was enormously more rapid in the early portion of our globe's history than in more recent times, and the results must have been proportionately greater. Hence, as a recent writer has observed, although the laws of chemistry and * Messrs. Medlicott and Blandford have suggested that the Himalayas are still undergoing a slow elevatory movement sufficient to counterbalance denudation.-The Geology of India, pp. 571, 620. 20 GEOLOGY. } physics are unchangeable, and as permanent as the material universe itself, the exhibition of the con- sequences of those laws in their operation on the earth has been one of constant variation in degree and intensity of action.* As regards the present condition of the interior of the globe, our actual knowledge derived from observa- tion is limited to a comparatively insignificant depth. Though granite has been called "the foundation of all rocks," geological research has shown that this rock is not restricted to any geological period; and it is highly probable that it may be, even now, in course of elabora- tion deep below the outer surface. Certain it is that Tertiary volcanic rocks, such as those of the Island of Mull, pass downwards through successive stages into those of a granitic character.† As such a highly crystalline rock as granite can only have been elabor- ated at the high pressure produced by superincumbent masses, and with extreme slowness, it may be assumed that the original crust was composed of rocks rather of the nature of pumice, trachyte, or felstone, of but low density and crystalline structure, and from the waste of these the earliest sedimentary strata were formed. As regards the deeper seated masses, it seems not im- 2 * Professor Prestwich, Geology, Chemical, Physical, and Stratigraphical, 1886, preliminary remarks, p. 6. This was first suggested by Prof. Jukes, and more recently determined by Judd, Quart. Journ., Geol. Soc., vol. xxx., p. 220 et seq. THE PLUTONIC OR IGNEOUS ROCKS. 21 probable that they assumed an arrangement dependent on relative density. If, as Durocher has supposed, wel separate the components of crystalline igneous rocks into two classes: (1.) The Basic, rich in metallic oxides, especially those of iron and manganese, of which basalt may be taken as the type; and (2.) The Acidic, rich in silica, and deficient in iron and manganese, of which granite or trachyte may be taken as types, then these two classes of molten material may be supposed to have arranged themselves in zones, the heavier within the lighter, though separated from one another by tran- sitional matter. From these two magmas the plutonic rocks which have been extruded from time to time may have been derived. Leaving, however, these speculations, we know as a fact that everywhere over the land surface of our globe the temperature increases as we descend. Obser- vations undertaken and collected by the Underground Temperature Committee of the British Association for some years past all tend to confirm the view of the increase of temperature due to depth.* The actual rate of increase is subject to variation, but it is a sufficient approximation to state that after passing below" the invariable stratum" the rate of increase is 1 In an * Down to the year 1885 seventeen Reports have been presented. elaborate paper on Underground Temperature, communicated in 1885 to the Royal Society, Professor Prestwich considers that the mean rate of increase of temperature is as high as 1 degree Fahr. for every 47'5 feet in depth.—Proc. Roy. Soc., Feb., 1885. $ 22 GEOLOGY. 1 * 1 one degree of Fahrenheit for every 50 or 60 feet.* The general effect of internal heat is to lessen the mean density of the earth, as determined by experiment, to an extent far below what it would otherwise be in consequence of the force of gravity. Thus water at a depth of 362 miles would be as heavy as mercury—i.e., 13.5 times heavier than at the surface; and rocks at the same depth would have an average density of about ten times as much as at the surface. Hence, were there not some agent in operation tending to reduce the density of the earth's mass, due to gravity, its mean density would be enormously greater than that deter- mined by experiment, which is from 5 to 6.30, pure water being the standard. This agent is heat. That the globe consists of a solid crust, enclosing a viscous and liquid mass at a very high temperature, is a view which enables us to explain the phenomena of the flexuring and faulting of the strata and their local metamorphism in a manner far more satisfactorily than can be attempted by any other hypothesis.† * Much depends on the nature and position of the rocks or strata, hori- zontal strata offering a greater resistance to the upward passage of internal heat than those which are highly inclined.--See Third Report on Underground Tempera- ture (Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1870). The results arrived at by Professor Hennessy go to show that, on the supposition of an interior fluid nucleus, the interior surface of the outer shell has a greater amount of ellipticity than the outer surface, and that the fluid interior is arranged in strata with constantly decreasing ellipticity towards the centre.-Philosophical Magazine, Sept., 1886, p. 245; also, Ibid., Oct., 1886, p. 328. THE ARCHEAN OR AZOIC AGE. 23 THE ARCHAEAN OR AZOIC AGE. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE ARCHEAN ROCKS. That the mechanical and chemical agencies were vastly more powerful and effective over our primæval globe than in recent times is a thesis which can be maintained by several weighty arguments; and, if so, the processes of deposition of strata, of denudation and erosion, of metamorphism and vulcanicity must have been carried on with a rapidity far different from those at present in operation. Owing to the proximity of our satellite, the moon, tidal action must have been on a scale vastly different from the gentle pulsations which now strike our shores.*. It is quite within the range of probability that the rise and fall of the tide twice in every twenty-four hours may have been ten times as high as at the present time, in consequence of this proximity, and it is difficult to form an estimate of the * Sir R. S. Ball, The Story of the Heavens, p. 510. Prof. Darwin, Nature, 1882. 24 THE ARCHEAN OR AZOIC ROCKS. · i scouring effects of such tidal action along the coasts and bays of the primæval globe. Again, in conse- quence of the high temperature, both of land and of sea, the atmosphere may have been surcharged with moisture to an excessive degree, and the precipitation may thus have been proportionally large. Thus vastly greater quantities of sediment may have been carried down into the ocean within an equal period of time, and have been spread to far greater distances over its bed than at present. In this way we may, perhaps, account in some measure for the remarkable extent to which the Silurian sedimentary deposits were dis- tributed as compared with the restricted areas of deposition of sediments, which deep-sea soundings. have indicated in respect to our present ocean beds. Space does not permit of reference to the inferential effects of the chemical action of oceanic waters at a high temperature, or of the hydro-thermal reactions within the crust itself when it was solidifying from a molten condition. Of the original solid crust of our globe we have probably no example on any part of its present surface. It has either been worn down and supplied materials for newer formations; or it may have been, in other places, remelted by high internal heat when buried beneath accumulations of sediment, and converted into more modern granites or other igneous rocks. The oldest known formations are marine sediments, which subse- F MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 25 quently to their deposition have been completely altered in their character and composition, and belong to the class of rocks known as metamorphic. It is not impossible that the original sediment, of which these oldest known strata were formed, may have been derived from the waste of the original rocky crust, but more than this cannot be stated with certainty. The Archæan Rocks, which form the most ancient rock-masses of our globe, are widely distributed over various parts of all our continents, either spreading over large tracts, or rising from beneath more recent formations in disconnected ridges and mountain heights. "'* North America.-In the continent of North America these rocks, under the name of "Laurentian,' (or Azoic) stretch from Nova Scotia and the coast of Labra- dor to the shores of the Great Lakes, and thence in a north-westerly direction to the Kent peninsula, north of the Arctic Circle. Dr. Selwyn estimates the area occupied by the beds forming the Archæan nucleus at 2,000,000 square miles, and they rise from beneath strata of Huronian and Silurian age, with representatives of the most ancient forms of life. They also form a tract of country between the Alleghanies and the marginal oceanic region of the Atlantic, and appear in Dakota, *From the Laurentian Mountains of Canada. Logan's Geology of Canada, P. 45. 1 26 THE ARCHÆAN OR AZOIC ROCKS. 1 the Laramie range of Nebraska, and in the Middle Cordilleras.* These strata are supposed to attain a thickness of 35,000 to 40,000 feet, and consist of two divisions. The lower of coarse grey and red gneiss and hornblendic schist with pegmatite and bands of crystalline limestone; the upper, named "Huronian," from Lake Huron, of quartzites, felsites, schists and volcanic rocks. South America.-In the continent of South America these most ancient rocks, consisting of granite, gneiss (often porphyritic), syenite, and hornblendic schists occupy portions of Brazil, Guiana, Venezuela, and British Guiana.† These most ancient deposits are overlain in some cases by a newer series of crystalline strata, in which quartzites, schists and limestones prevail, and which may possibly be referable to the Lower Silurian stage; but in any case it is clear that the basis of all the fossiliferous strata of South America consists of rocks resembling in composition those of the Laurentian system of the northern continent. They also appear to form the floor of more recent fossiliferous strata in Chili and Peru. * Clarence King, U.S. Geol. Explor. 40 Parallel, vol. i., pp. 17 & 53, &c. The name "Azoic" was first applied by Murchison to the rocks of this group in Scandinavia, (Proc. Geol. Soc., London, vol. iy., 1845, p. 602), and was afterwards applied by Foster and Whitney to those of Canada, (Rep. on Geology of Lake Superior Land District, vol. ii., 1851). + Crosby, On the Age and Succession of the Crystalline Formations of Guiana and Brazil (Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. xx., 1880). Prof. Hartt and O. A. Derby, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1879, and Amer. Journ. Science, vol. xix., 1880. F է MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 27 Eastern Hemisphere.-Turning now to the Eastern Hemisphere, we find similar beds of gneiss, with horn- blendic and micaceous schists and crystalline lime- stones, rising from beneath the most ancient fossiliferous strata, including the Cambrian and Primordial beds. Of such rocks is formed a large portion of the Scandi- navian promontory, together with Lapland and Finland as far as the borders of the White Sea.* They are overlain either by a newer series of clay-slates, con- glomerate, quartzite and limestone, or by conglomerate and red sandstone of Lower Cambrian age. In the central parts of Europe similar gneissose rocks form the floor of the oldest fossiliferous strata, as in the Boemer Wald and Rauche Alb, and constitute M. Barrande's Etage A. It is not improbable that they form a portion of the crystalline nucleus of the Alps, though there is much uncertainty on this point. Spain. In Spain these ancient rocks, consisting of granitoid gneiss, ordinary gneiss, various schists, and quartzites are surmounted by slates and sandstones of Cambrian and Primordial age; ‡ and the Spanish geolo- gists have shown that large portions of the provinces + + * The ancient rocks are known as the "Urgneiss," or Tellemarken formation. Durocher, Annales des Mines, t. 15. + Système Silurien de la Bohême, 1852. Gumbel divides these rocks into two groups, the lower of which is gneissose, the upper (Hercynian) of gneiss with schist, graphitic limestone and serpentine. ‡ C. Barrois Reserches sur les Terrains anciens des Asturias, Lille, 1882. t : 28 THE ARCHEAN OR AZOIC ROCKS. of Salamanca, Granada, Cordova and Seville are formed of Archæan strata. To the same group may also be referred the crystalline rocks of the north of Portugal, which commencing in the north of the pro- vince of Gallicia, as shown by M. G. Schulz, range southward through the centre of the kingdom to the banks of the Tagus.* To the same period may also be referred, in all probability, the granitic and gneissose rocks forming "the Central Plateau" of France, and ranging thence into Normandy and Brittany. They are older than fossiliferous strata of Lower Silurian and Cambrian age,t while they constitute the platform. from which rise the grand series of volcanic mountains of Auvergne and Mont Dor. British Isles.-Passing on to the British Islands, we find the Archæan rocks, consisting of red porphyritic gneiss, with veins of pegmatite, varieties of hornblendic and micaceous schists, crystalline limestones, or marbles, occupying mountainous tracts bordering the Atlantic, both in Ireland and Scotland. They are undoubtedly continuous under the ocean with those of Scandinavia, and stretch from Cape Wrath to Loch Torridon on the coast of Scotland, while they compose * Descrip. Geogn, de Galicia, Madrid, 1835 ; also Barrois, Mém. Soc. Géol. Nord, ii., 1882. + Murchison, Siluria, 4 Edit., pp. 407-9; Dalimier, Bull. Soc. Geol, de France, 2 Ser., vol. xiii } MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 29 nearly the whole of the outer Hebrides.* In Ireland they are considered to occupy tracts of Western Donegal, of Sligo and Mayo; † and throughout the region of the British Isles they are subordinate in position to strata considered to be of Lower Cambrian, or Lower Silurian age, and may be regarded as the fundamental rocks upon which have been superimposed the entire series of strata entering into the structure of these islands. Africa.-As far as our knowledge of the geology of this continent extends, there is reason for believing that the Archæan rocks are extensively represented in its interior. The so-called "syenite," from which have been hewn the grandest monoliths of either ancient or modern times (such as Pompey's pillar at Alexandria, the obelisks, and numerous statues), is known to form but a portion of a series of granitoid and metamorphic. rocks, which reach the surface from beneath the Cretaceous strata of Egypt and the Soudan; and are considered from their mineral characters to represent the Archæan rocks of Europe and America.‡ The. more recent rocks of the highlands of Abyssinia are * The position of the oldest British rocks was first definitely determined by Murchison, in Brit. Assoc. Report, 1885, Sects. p. 58; Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiv., p. 501. Ibid., vol. xv., p. 353. + Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc., 2nd ser., Vol. I., p. 243, 1882. ↑ Sir J. W. Dawson, Geol. Mag., October, 1884. Dawson recognises two. series of metamorphic rocks unconformable to each other, the older of which he regards as of Laurentian age. 30 THE ARCHEAN OR AZOIC ROCKS. supported on a great series of granitoid, gneissic and hornblendic strata, which stretch from Mount Gadam near the shores of the Red Sea as far south as Antalo.* To the south of the equator, and forming a large tract of mountainous country to the east and south of L. Tanganyika, similar rocks, probably an extension of those of Abyssinia, have been described by Mr. Thomson. On the west they are overlain by a great formation of red sandstone, and on the east towards the coast, they form the marginal limits to Carboniferous strata which have been deposited along the flanks of these very ancient rocks which seem to have existed as partially unsubmerged lands at the epoch of deposition. Other tracts of similar crystalline strata occur along the southern borders of the ocean on the east, and in Benguela and Okota on the west; but of their exact age we can only conjecture that they belong to the same primæval system of strata which seems to have formed the foundation of all others of whatever age; and which appear to have been elevated into land areas at a very early geological period. The island of Madagascar throughout its eastern and loftier districts is formed of granitoid and gneissic strata.‡ * Blanford, Geology and Zoology of Abyssinia, p. 143; also, Ferret and Galimier, Voyage en Abyssinie, 1847. + Lenz, Geol. Mittheil. aus Westafrika, (Verh. K. K. Geol. Reichs.); Pomel, Compt. Rend. Assoc. France, 1877, PP. 428—448. ↑ Mullens, Proc. Roy. Geogr. Soc., vol. xix., p. 182. ! 1 MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 31 Asia. There is reason for believing that the crystal- line rocks, consisting of granite, gneiss, schists and porphyry which rise into the rugged heights of the Sinaitic peninsula, and of Mount Seir on the borders. of the great Arabian Desert, are referable to the Archæan epoch; though all that can be definitely stated is that they are older than the Carboniferous.* Passing eastward into India, rocks of unquestionably great antiquity, consisting of reddish gneiss, hornblendic and other varieties of schist, called the "Bundelkhand series," are overlain unconformably by a newer series. consisting of schist, slates, quartzite and limestones called "the Transition series. These metamorphic groups occupy a large portion of southern, as well as of eastern, India south of the valley of the Ganges; and while the former may confidently be referred to the Archæan epoch, the latter may possibly represent that of the Lower Silurian or Cambrian. In the Western Himalayas, there are also two sets of metamorphic rocks, differing, however, in appearance from those of Central India, their relations to which have not been clearly ascertained. The older, however, consisting of gneiss, is unconformable to the newer, which passes upwards into Silurian slates, amongst which are fragments derived from the waste of the more ancient formation.‡ * Hull, Physical Geology of Arabia, Petræa and Palestine, (Mem. Palest. Explor. Society, 1886, p. 43). + Medlicott and Blanford, Manual of the Geology of India, part I. p. 9. Ibid., Introduction, p. 26. ! 32 THE ARCHEAN OR AZOIC ROCKS. Massive crystalline gneissose and schistose rocks enter into the structure of a portion of the Baikal Mountains in Central Asia, from which issue the head waters of the Amour, Léna and Angara. These rocks may, with some confidence, be referred to the Archæan epoch, as they are overlain by a great formation of slates and grits with Orthis Lenaica, and Trilobites, and these in turn pass below Devonian beds.* The central portion of the promontory of Kamtchatka has been described by C. von Dittmar as formed of similar metamorphic beds.t The researches of Baron von Richthofen leave no doubt that the sedimentary formations of Northern. China at least have a foundation of Archæan gneiss ("Urgneiss "), which appears at intervals in the mountainous parts rising from beneath the Cambrian, Silurian and more recent formations. The mountains of Hö-shan, Sung-shan and Fu-mien-shan rising to elevations of 7,000 or 8,000 feet, are composed of gneissose rocks which appear to agree in their general characters with the Archæan gneiss of other regions. The rock is generally hornblendic, but often micaceous and chloritic, and distinctly foliated. It occupies P. 122. * Meglitzky, Verhandl. d. Kais. Russ. Min. Gesellschaft 2. St. Petersburg, 1855-56, p. 109, quoted by J. Marcou, Explan. Geol. Map of the World, 2nd edit. † Bull. de l'Acad. de St. Petersbourg, t. 14, 1685. ARCHÆAN LIFE. 33 extensive tracts bordering the Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pi-chi-li.* Summary. From the above, necessarily brief, notices of the occurrence of these most ancient forma- tions, it will appear that over very large tracts, at least, of all the continents of our globe, the oldest fossiliferous strata rest on a floor of still older crystalline materials to which they are unconformable, these latter consisting of granite, gneiss, schist and crystalline limestone, all of several varieties. It may be inferred from their resemblance to more modern metamorphic strata that whatever may have been their original constitutions they have been subjected to intense metamorphic action, with great pressure and lateral shearing, to which their foliated structure may be largely due. ARCHEAN Life. Of the existence of life on the globe during the Archæan period we have no certain evidence. The recent exhaustive investigations of Professor Möbiust * China, vol. ii., pp. 71 and 373, 1882. Prince P. de Tchihatcheff has pointed out that the crystalline rocks of the Altai and Sayansk Mountains are overlain by those of "Transition," Carboniferous, Permian and Quaternary periods. The Transition he divides into Silurian and Devonian stages.-Voyage Scientific dans l'Altai, &c., 1845. The former are presumably Archæan. + Möbius, Der Bau des Eozoon Canadense, 1878. C 34 NO EVIDence of ARCHEAN LIFE. have tended to confirm the views of Professors King and Rowney* that the supposed foraminiferal form, known as Eozoon Canadense, found in Canada and elsewhere, is in reality of mineral origin. In this view he is also supported by the authority of Professor F. Roemer. It is highly probable that the waters of the ocean and the surface of the land were unfitted to support even the lowliest forms; and between the formation of the Archæan rocks, and those in which forms of life are preserved to us, there elapsed a vast interval of time; unrepresented except by the discordance of stratification between the two great groups of rocks; but constituting the great gulf which separated the lifeless past from the living present.‡ } * Professor W. King, Geol. Mag., 1883, p. 47, and Proc. Roy. Irish Academy, 1870, X., 506. + Roemer, Lethaa Paleozoica, 1880, p. 285. See Dr. A. Geikie's review of this subject, Text Book of Geology, 2nd edit., 1885, p. 634. Mr. J. B. Perry has shown that the Eozonal structure is of chemical origin, resembling dendrites. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., April, 1871. This is called by Professor Le Conte "The Lost Interval," which he properly regards as of great duration.-Elements of Geology, edit. 1885, p. 292. THE LOWER PALEOZOIC AGE. 35 THE LOWER PALÆOZOIC age. (THE AGE OF INVERTEBRATES.) CAMBRIAN AND PRIMORDIAL PERIOD. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CAMBRIAN AND PRIMORDIAL STRATA. The strata referable to this period possess a special interest as being the earliest containing unquestionable evidence of organised forms. They are distributed over various districts of the continents of both hemispheres, but not with much continuity; and have apparently been deposited both in the open waters of the outer ocean and within the limits of inland lakes; it is in the case of the former alone that fossil remains have been preserved. It may be inferred that towards the com- mencement of the Primordial Period, much of the land- areas composed of contorted and folded Archæan rocks began to be submerged, and during the process of sub- mergence the waters of the ocean extended their sway over the lower tracts, while lake-basins were formed amongst the higher elevations. Meanwhile, the streams 1 1 36 CAMBRIAN AND PRIMORDIAL STRATA. and floods brought down enormous quantities of material from the continental tracts, and these being carried seawards were deposited as beds of shingle near the shore, while the finer sediments were conveyed far out to sea. There is almost an entire absence of beds of limestone amongst the Primordial sediments. British Isles.-The British Cambrian series occurs under both the marine and lacustrine forms; and as I have elsewhere endeavoured to show, was distributed on either side of an ancient ridge of Archæan rocks, which being disposed along a north-easterly line passing through the west of Ireland and the Central Scottish Highlands, separated the presumed lacustrine beds of the North Highlands from the marine beds of the east of Ireland, Wales, and north-western Europe.* The supposed lacustrine beds of the North Highlands of Scotland seem to have been deposited in a basin, of which the outer Hebrides formed the western margin. They consist of red and purple sandstones and con- glomerates resting discordantly on the contorted and eroded surface of the Archæan gneiss and schist. They form a range of lofty terraced escarpments and pyra- midal masses rising grandly above the Atlantic waters, and towards the east disappear beneath quartzites and limestones of Lower Silurian age. The marine beds * Contributions to the Physical History of the British Isles, p. 58, plate II., 1882. ! MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 37 consist of purple and green grits and slates of various kinds, and occupy considerable tracts of the south- eastern coast of Ireland, and of North Wales and St. David's promontory. They reappear in central Eng- land and in the Ardennes, and may be presumed to underlie the greater part of England and Wales, and of the adjoining parts of Europe. These marine beds are fossiliferous; and in this respect, as well as in their lithological characters, present a striking contrast to the red sandstones and conglomerates of the North High- lands of Scotland. Europe.-The Primordial rocks. are represented both in their lower and upper divisions in Sweden and Norway in the form of shales, slates, con- glomerates and limestones, resting discordantly on Archæan rocks (Urgneiss), and surrounded by shales characterised by the peculiar forms of trilobites refer- able to this epoch‡ such as Paradoxides, Agnostus and Olenus. Primordial beds have also been recognised in Spain and Portugal, Bohemia and the Thuringer Wald. Nowhere, however, in Europe do the Primordial * Dr. Mourlon, Géologie de la Belgique, t. I, p. 31. + Under the terms "Cambrian" and "Primordial," I here include both the Llanberris and Harlech grits and slates together with the Lingula fags and the Tremadoc beds, Durocher, Annales des Mines, t. 15; 4th ser. Geikie, Text Book of Geology, 2nd edit., p. 654-5, in which a large number of references will be found. ! 38 CAMBRIAN AND PRIMORDIAL STRATA. beds with their subordinate Lower Cambrian members occupy so important a position, at least as regards their palæontology, as in Bohemia, where they form parallel zones along the borders of the Silurian basin of that country, with their base resting on crystalline schists, gneiss and granite of Archæan age, and over- lain, on the other hand, by beds referable to the Lower Silurian stage. The splendid researches of Barrande* have brought to light what he designates as the Primordial fauna of this group, consisting of 27 species of trilobites, and numerous brachiopods. These are contained in schists or shales (stage C) resting no conglomerates, quartzites and schists (of stage B). ! Asia. On the Asiatic continent representatives of the Primordial groups have been recognised in Thibet and Kashmir, by Stoliczka, in the "Bhabeh and Muth series," which lie on either side of the axis of central gneiss of the Himalayas, and are surmounted by Lower Silurian strata with Orthis and Chatetes. In China, enormous masses of materials derived from the waste of Archæan lands have been accumulated in Liau-tung and Sung-shan, in the higher portion of which Richthofen discovered characteristic Primordial trilobites and brachiopods of the genera Dikelocephalus, * Joachim Barrande, Système Silurien de la Bohême, 1852. + Geological Sections across the Himalayan Mountains; also Mem. Geol. Survey of India, vol. v., 1866. ; } MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 39 Conocephalus, Agnostus, Obolus, &c., as determined by Herr Dames.* America.-Passing to the North American continent we find the Primordial beds represented at various points from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, through New York, Vermont and Eastern Massachusetts. They are also found in the western parts of the conti- nent. The Potsdam sandstone group, consisting of various conglomerates, quartzites, sandstones and shales of variable thickness is undoubtedly the repre- sentative of the Primordial beds of Europe. It rests on an uneven and eroded floor of the old Laurentian rocks, and contains forms of trilobites (Paradoxides), Lingula accuminata, Ophileta, and Orthoceras, together with tracts of marine worms. It reappears in Texas according to the observations of B. F. Shumard. Beds of sandstone and conglomerate, according to Dr. Hayden, skirt the Black Hills of Dakota, overlying azoic and crystalline rocks, and containing character- istic fossils, and is well represented by slates and sand- stones in the region of the Appalachians.‡ From the above review it will be inferred that at intervals throughout the northern hemisphere, the * Richthofen's China, vol. ii., pp. 110, 226. To this series he gives the name of Ober-Sinische Abteilung. + Logan, Geology of Canada, p. 102. ↑ Dana, Manual of Geology, p. 174, edit. 1863. 1 40 i THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. Archæan beds having undergone intense metamorphic action, during which they were bent, folded and contorted, owing to the lateral pressure of the globe's contracting crust, were elevated in some places into ridges and tracts of land, at others submerged under the waters of the ocean. During this process large quantities of shingle and sediment brought down from the land areas were deposited around their margins, and spread over the bed of the sea, forming the present Cambrian and Primordial beds, in which for the first time clear evidences of marine life are to be found; nor was that life, although the earliest, by any means con- fined to the lowest forms, as will be seen by the brief account of it given below. The first appearance of living forms on our earth is an event far transcending in interest any subsequent changes of their form and structure. As regards the great question of the origin of life on our globe science has failed to offer any satisfactory explana- tion; therefore, in a question of this kind, when the lamp of science fails to point a path we must have recourse to the light of reason and of faith. These, founded on Revelation, offer but one reply:-That the same Omnipotent Being who called matter into existence and endowed it with the laws by which the worlds have been evolved, when a fitting time arrived, intro- duced the principle of life under lowly forms upon our planet. These forms were endowed with the laws of LIFE FORMS OF THE PRIMORDIAL PERIOD. 4I growth, of reproduction, of evolution, and of continuity, whereby higher forms were originated as time went on. Thus has an uninterrupted succession of animate beings appeared on the surface of our globe and in its waters, from the earliest Primordial dawn to the time when man himself was placed on this earth as the highest type of organised existence. LIFE FORMS OF THE PRIMOrdial Period. The general absence of limestones from the Cam- brian rocks is necessarily followed by the absence also of the Rhizopoda or Foraminifera, the Actinozoa or corals, and other life groups which we commonly find in calcareous strata; but there is an abundance of other forms.* Representatives of the Protozoa, Annelida, Crustacea, Brachiopoda, Lamellibranchiata, Pteropoda and Cephalopoda, are all represented if we include the Tremadoc group of Wales. The Crusta- ceans are the most remarkable for their numbers and distinctiveness. According to Mr. Etheridge the whole. Primodial series may be ranged under two divisions, the lower characterised by the prevalence of the genus Paradoxides, the upper, by that of Olenus. The presence * Etheridge, Phillip's Manual of Geology, p. 35, 1885. + Supra cit., p. 40. ་ } 42 THE SILURIAN PERIOD. of Cephalopods, the highest order of the Molluscs, in the upper division of the oldest fossiliferous rocks is probably the most remarkable feature connected with their palæontology. In the Tremadoc slates of Wales they are represented by Orthoceras sericeum and Cyrtoceras præcox; and in the Potsdam sandstone of Canada by two species of Orthoceras; this latter is probably their first appearance in the life history of the globe. SILURIAN PERIOD. The Silurian Period was characterised by a great extension of the oceanic areas of the Northern Hemi- sphere over that of the preceding Primordial epoch; by the accession of new forms of life, such as those of the coral animals and crinoids, and by prolonged accumulations of sediment over the floor of the ocean, which was undergoing continuous depression until towards its close. The final stage of this great period is of special interest as having witnessed the introduction of the vertebrate type of animal life, in the form of fishes. MINERAL CHARACTERS OF THE SILURIAN STRATA. 43 MINERAL CHARACTERS OF THE SILURIAN STRAta. Europe and British Isles.-The Silurian system, with its base known as "the Arenig Beds" of North Wales, consists of a vast assemblage of grey and greenish grits and flags, of blue and black slates or shales, and of limestones which are chiefly developed in the upper division of the series. In Wales this assem- blage attains a vertical development of nearly 25,000 feet. Amongst this group of sedimentary strata there occur great masses of volcanic origin, which have been extruded, or blown out, over the floor of the ocean at one or more intervals, and now occur as sheets of felstone, porphyry, or of ashes and tuffs, often contain- ing marine forms of life. The Lower Silurian strata are in many places more or less metamorphosed into crystalline rocks, differing but little in character from those of the Archæan epoch, except perhaps in the greater proportion of quartzites and limestones. The Upper Silurian strata, on the other hand, are very rarely metamorphosed, and from the relations of the two sets of strata in the west of Ireland it may be demonstrated that the Lower Silurian beds in the northern and western parts of the British Isles had been subjected to a large degree of disturbance, accompanied by metamorphic action, and were also elevated into land surfaces and subjected to 1 44 THE SILURIAN PERIOD. much denudation before the beds of the Upper Silurian epoch began to be deposited over their eroded and uneven surface.* DISTRIBUTION OF THE SILURIAN STRAta. Europe and British Isles.-The Silurian rocks gener- ally compose the mountainous districts of the British Isles, either in their metamorphosed or unaltered con- dition. Thus under the former type they rise into the mountainous tracts of the west and north-west of Ireland, and, to an unknown extent, into those of the Scottish Highlands. They also form the mountains of Wicklow and Dublin, and borders of the east of Ireland, where they are partially metamorphosed. In their unaltered condition they compose the mountain groups of Wales, Cumber- land and the south of Scotland. Under both forms they are found in Norway and Sweden and along the southern shores of the Gulf of Finland. From their position here, and again along the line of the Oural Mountains, it may be inferred that they underlie the whole of the central plain of Russia, which is occupied by more recent deposits. The formation occurs in portions of the north of France, in several provinces * Hull, Physical Geology and Geography of Ireland, p. 21. ↑ Prof. Schmidt, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxviii., p. 515. DISTRIBUTION OF THE SILURIAN STRATA. 45 of Spain, and again amongst the higher parts of the Thuringer Wald.* Beds of this age are found in Bohemia, forming stages D to H of Barrande's Silurian Basin. Lastly, they have been identified by their fossils in the Southern Alps, in the province of Carinthia, resting upon older crystalline masses.† Asia. Silurian formations have been recognised by Stoliczka in Thibet and Kashmir, resting on Archæan schists. The series of Bhabeh is formed of sandstones, quartzites and schists, with Orthis and Chatetes. The series of Muth with limestones in the centre has yielded Silurian forms, such as Orthis, Strophomena, and Tenta- culites.‡ Colonel Strachey from the same district collected forms of Asaphus, Illanus, Cheirurus, and Calymene.** Silurian beds have also been recognised in the Hundes district of the Central Himalayas, which are continued into Kashmir, where, however, no fossils have been In China, as Baron von Richthofen has admirably * Murchison, Siluria, 3rd edit., p. 381. + Stache, Verhandl. Geol. Reichs., 1884, p. 25, cited by Geikie, Text Book, р. 690. ↑ Mem. Geol. Survey, India, vol. v., 1866. ** Palæont. of Niti, Calcutta, 1865. ++ Geol. of India, part II., p. 662. + 46 THE SILURIAN PERIOD. & shown, the Silurian rocks form a large area of the northern part of the empire, especially in the moun- tainous province of Shensi, passing below the Devonian and Carboniferous formations of the central districts. The Silurian beds rest on others of Cambrian and Primordial age (Sinische formation), and consist of Lower and Upper Divisions, the latter of which is especially rich in corals.* In Southern China, it seems not improbable from the observations of Kingsmill, that the great series of quartzites, schists and shales, with ill-preserved shells and plants, may be representative in time of the Silurian epoch. Marcou considers that the Tung-ting series represents the Cambrian, Silurian and Devonian epochs.t 1 Australia.--Both Lower and Upper Silurian beds occur in Australia. The mountainous districts of Victoria and New South Wales are largely formed of slates, shales and grits belonging to this formation,** and to a smaller extent those of Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania. Africa.-Except perhaps amongst the Atlas moun- *China, vol. ii., pp. 110 and 573, &c. + Explication Geol. Map, 2nd edit., p. 112. + Clarke, Sedimentary formations of New South Wales, Sydney, 1878. ** Selwyn, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiv., p. 533, and vol. xvi., p. 147. DISTRIBUTION OF THE SILURIAN STRATA. 47 tains, representatives of the Cambrian and Silurian periods are (as far as is known) absent from the whole. of the northern and central parts of this continent. But in Southern Africa, the Silurian rocks represented over considerable areas in the Transvaal and Griqualand west; as also in the extreme south coast near Cape Town.* are North America.-The Silurian beds are distributed over extensive areas of the North American continent on either side of the great central axis of Laurentian rocks which ranges from the coast of Labrador, and through the Laurentian Mountains to the Arctic circle. The Upper Silurian beds are chiefly distributed to the north of this axis, and amongst the islands beyond the Arctic circle itself, as far as Lat. 80° N.t To the south of this axis, the Lower and Upper Silurian series range through Newfoundland to Nova Scotia and New York and along the territories bordering the great lakes westwards. They reappear in the Appalachians along the interior continental basin from Michigan to Tennessee. In the State of New York, the Lower Silurian beds are locally converted, metamorphosed into crystalline limestones, quartzites * Dunn, Geol. Sketch Map of S. Africa. + Where they were discovered by the officers of the Alert and the Discovery in 1875-76. } 48 THE SILURIAN PERIOD. and schists, which as Professor Dana has shown, pass into ordinary unaltered strata.* na South America.-Although our knowledge of the geological structure of the South American continent is imperfect, it would appear from the observations of Professor Hartt and Mr. O. A. Derby, that in Brazil, and in the eastern branch of the Andes which skirts the shores of the Caribbean Sea, as well as in the Island of Trinidad itself, there is to be found a great formation of metamorphic beds consisting of micaceous. schists, quartzites and limestones, resting uncon- formably on an older crystalline formation, presumably Archæan, and in some places overlain by fossiliferous. Upper Silurian beds. If, this be correct, then the Lower Silurian beds had undergone metamorphism before the deposition of the Upper Silurian. Knowing, as we do, that in the northern continent as well as in the British Isles, the beds belonging to the Lower Division of the Silurian system are often metamorphosed, while those of the Upper Division remain unaltered, there is nothing improbable in the views thus advanced, while the analogy between the physical conditions of the Silurian rocks on opposite sides of the Atlantic cannot fail to prove of interest to the student of geology.† * These form "the Montalban, or Taconic, System, " Amer. Journ. Science, vol. xx., p. 455. + Crosby, Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. xx. 1 POSITION OF SEA AND LAND. 49 POSITION OF SEA AND LAND DURING THE SILURIAN PERIOD. Although our knowledge of the original extent and relations of the Silurian strata forbid anything more than rather vague generalisations on this subject, it may be very confidently affirmed that the Silurian strata of Europe and the British Isles were deposited within the limits of an oceanic basin, of which the marginal lands occupied tracts of the Atlantic Ocean, bordering on the Scandinavian promontory, the western the western shores of Scotland, of Ireland, and of Spain. The southern marginal lands probably occupied the Mediterranean region and the adjoining portions of Africa and Asia. 1 Passing eastwards into the central Asiatic region, it may be inferred that one or more Silurian basins occupied the tracts north of, and including, the Himalayas; while the peninsula of India formed a con- tinuation of the great Silurian land area of Central Africa. Passing to the American continent; it seems clear, from the relations of the Silurian strata to those of Archæan age, that a large tract of land occupied the peninsula of Labrador, and of the oceanic tracts D 50 THE SILURIAN PERIOD. adjoining the American coast, while a central core of the crystalline rocks stretched towards the Arctic circle. along the northern shores of the great lakes. In fine, from a consideration of the manner in which the Silurian-beds, both of Europe and of America, thicken out towards the Atlantic shores on either hand, I have arrived at the conclusion that the bed of the North Atlantic was mainly land in Silurian times, while the continental areas on either hand were submerged.* F LIFE FORMS OF THE SILURIAN PERIOD. The Fauna.-The Silurian age has been called by Professor Le Conte" The Age of Invertebrates," and by Professor Dana "The Age of Molluscs." Considering, however, that both invertebrates and molluscs belong to all geological periods from the Primordial downwards, the Silurian might be characterised as "The Age of Trilobites," which, coming in with the Primordial, and going out with the Carboniferous, attained their fullest development in this epoch in the World's history. The Silurian seas abounded in crustacean, molluscan *On the Geological Age of the North Atlantic Ocean (Scien. Trans. Roy. Dub. Soc., vol. iii., new ser., p. 305, with plates); see also Dana, Manual of Geology, fig. 206; and Prof. J. Le Conte, On the Permanence of Continents and Ocean-basins (Geol. Mag., March, 1886). .. LIFE FORMS. 51 and coralline life; and, while all the grand divisions of the molluscs were represented, the more prevalent forms were those of the Brachiopoda, of which there are 174 species in the lower and 144 species in the upper division of this period in the British Isles.* The peculiar group of Hydrozoa allied, according to Dana, to the Bryozoans of the present day, constituted a special feature in the Fauna of the Silurian epoch, as the last survivor Graptolites priodon disappeared with the Ludlow stage. Of this group there are 176 known forms in the British strata.f It has been justly observed by Professor Le Conte that, on a review of the succession of life on the globe, we may recognise a law underlying the general plan, according to which, 'that type which becomes dominant in any special epoch is foreshadowed in the period pre- ceding. Thus it comes to pass that the close of the Silurian epoch was signalised by the appearance of fishes, which become the dominant forms of the suc- ceeding Devonian period, representing at the present day the Placoids (sharks, skates and rays), and the Ganoids (gar-fish, sturgeons and mud-fishes). These forms bear a striking resemblance to the large crustaceans, such as Pterygotus and Eurypterus with which they are associated. The earliest fishes occur * Etheridge, Manual of Geology, P. 148. † Ibid., P. 143. 1 : 52 THE SILURIAN PERIOD. .. in the Ludlow beds both of Britain and of Europe, as in the case of the Bohemian basin, but in America they are first found in the succeeding Devonian beds, to which, in a certain sense, they more properly belong. The Flora.-The plant forms of the period consisted of marine alge or seaweeds (Fucoids) which have often darkened the shales and slates with carbonaceous matter. Cellular cryptogams probably occupied the lands and swamps; and the remains of vascular cryptogams, not unlike those which abounded in the Carboniferous epoch, have been discovered in the Upper Silurian beds of Ohio,* and are referred to the genera Lycopodaceæ, Sigillaria, Calamites, together with ferns of a genus allied to Palæopteris; in Wales, Dr. Hicks has found what appears to be plant remains in "the Denbighshire Grits" of the Wenlock stage. Thus it may be said that the Fauna and Flora at the close of the Silurian foreshadowed that which was developed in such rich profusion in the succeeding Devonian and Carboniferous epochs. 1877. * By Scoville, Newberry and Lesquerreux, Journ. Amer. Phil. Soc., Oct., + Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., May, 1881. 1 : THE UPPER PALEOZOIC AGE. 53 THE UPPER PALEOZOIC AGE. (THE AGE OF FISHES.) DEVONIAN PERIOD. This name was given to a group of rocks lying below the Carboniferous in Devonshire, and described by Sedgwick and Murchison in 1836.* The Devonian Period was one which may be considered as transitional between the Silurian, on the the one hand, and the Carboniferous, on the other. The Fauna and Flora bear a resemblance to both; and in many districts the Devonian beds unite those of the adjoining formations connectedly, and without any unconformity in the stratification. This is the case in North America,† and in the south of England and Wales; but in Belgium the Devonian beds rest discordantly against the flanks of an old ridge of Primordial and Cambrian rocks, owing to which the Silurian series is altogether absent. On the other hand, there occurs in the northern * Rep. Brit. Assoc., Bristol, 1836, p. 95. + Le Conte, Elem. of Geol., p. 327. 54 THE DEVONIAN STRATA. 1 and western portions of the British Isles-namely, in Scotland and Ireland-a clear hiatus and unconformity between the upper and lower divisions of the system, in consequence of which the middle member, and part of the lower, is entirely absent, and the formation is represented by two series of conglomerates, sandstones. and shales, unconformable to each other, and probably deposited within the waters of inland lakes, in which fishes of the period abounded. These strata are called "Upper" and "Lower Old Red Sandstone."t MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE DEVONIAN STRATA. Europe and British Isles.-Except in the northern and western divisions of the British Isles, where land and lacustrine conditions prevailed, the Devonian beds consist of a great series of marine deposits, composed of sandstones, shales, and limestones, rich in fossil forms. In Devonshire the uppermost member is the "Pickwell Down Sandstone," which corresponds to the * On the Relations of the Carboniferous, Devonian and Upper Silurian rocks, &c. (Scien. Trans. Roy. Dub. Soc., vol, i., new ser., 1880). + Etheridge, Manual, &c., p. 182 et seq. The reader will find the physical relation of the Devonian strata illustrated in plates iv. and v. of my Physical History of the British Isles, 1882. The Devonian beds of Devonshire range along the Thames Valley into the Boulonnais and eastwards into Belgium, below the Cretaceous beds, in which position they have been proved in borings. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 55 Upper Old Red Sandstone and conglomerate of Ireland and Scotland, and to the "Psamite du Condroz" of Belgium. The principal calcareous member is the Ilfracombe and Plymouth Limestone of Devonshire, and the "Calcaire de Givet" of Belgium. The whole series of North Devon has its base in the Foreland Grits, which are probably the passage beds into the Upper Silurian series, and represent the Dingle and Glengariff Grits and Slates of Ireland. The Devonian beds range from Belgium and the Hundsruck, across the Rhine into Prussia and Nassau, and are laid open in the gorge of the Rhine for many miles above Bonn. They enter largely into the struc- ture of the Eifel and the Harz, and are represented in Saxony and Franconia. In Russia they occupy a band of country stretching southwards from the shores of the White Sea into the central provinces, where they lie in a position but slightly removed from the horizontal, and are succeeded by Carboniferous beds. They con- tain fishes and marine shells and crustaceans, some of which are found in the Eifelian, Devonshire, and Caithness strata.* The Devonian beds are also represented in Brittany, in parts of the Styrian Alps, and in the Carpathians, and in the Sierra Morena and the Sierra Cantabrica in Spain. * Murchison, Siluria, p. 361. 56 THE DEVONIAN STRATA. North America.-The Devonian beds of North America consist of several members, beginning with the "Oris- kany Sandstone," which reposes conformably on the Upper Silurian strata, and terminating upwards with the "Catskill beds." They are all of marine origin, and contain limestones, shales and sandstones plentifully laden with corals, crinoids, molluscs and crustaceans. Fish remains first make their appearance in the "Cor- niferous" stage in America, though appearing at an earlier epoch in Europe. This, however, may be due to their not having been as yet found at a lower stage in the former region. The Devonian beds cover a large tract of the North American continent, stretching from the State of New York along the southern shores of Lake Erie into the interior of the continent along the basin of the Ohio; and thence, in a narrower band, across the Mississippi towards the banks of the Missouri, where they pass below the Mesozoic formations. Throughout this region it has been observed by Dana that the lime- stones have been accumulated in the western area, while the sedimentary strata become thickest in the direction of the Appalachians, where they are not less. than 15,000 feet.* This appears to indicate the existence of extensive tracts of land in the regions bordering, * Manual of Geology, p. 301, edit. 1863. LIFE FORMS OF THE DEVONIAN PERIOD. 57 and at present overspread by, the North Atlantic Ocean during the Devonian period, from which the sediments were primarily derived. LIFE FORMS OF THE DEVONIAN PERIOD. The Fauna.-The Devonian has been justly called "the Age of Fishes," as these were the dominant forms of life, not only in the outer seas but in the inland lakes. The Old Red Sandstone of Scotland, which is of lacus- trine origin, is peculiarly rich in fishes of the Placoid and Ganoid orders, such as Pterichthys, Coccosteus, Cheiracanthus, Dipterus, Osteolepis, &c. The Estuarine Devonian beds of Hereford and adjoining counties have yielded forms of Cephalaspis, Onchus and Pteraspis,* and in the Upper Old Red of the south of Ireland forms of Coccosteus, Pterichthys, Glyptolepis and Asterolepis also occur. Some of the Scottish forms extend into the Devonian beds of Russia, and are associated with marine shells. Hence it may be inferred that some, at least, of the fishes were migratory in their habits, and like the sturgeon of the present day, ascended the rivers from the ocean at one time of the year, and descended at another. The waters of the American Devonian seas abounded in fishes of the same genera } 1 * Siluria, 4th edit., p. 245. ! } 58 THE DEVONIAN Period. as those of Europe. Probably never in the history of the earth have fishes existed in greater number, variety, and size, and certainly never were they more thoroughly armed for offence and defence. The Dinichthys of Ohio was from fifteen to eighteen feet long, and had jaws armed with a pair of knife-edged enamelled bones, acting together like shear-blades.* Next in importance to the fishes were the Crusta- ceans, both of the order Merostomata, such as Eurypterus and Pterygotus, and of the Trilobites, such as Bronteus, Cheirurus, Phacops. But, as contrasted with the Crus- tacean Fauna of the Upper Silurian epoch, there is a marked diminution both of genera and species. The Devonian Fauna was exceedingly rich in molluscs, if we include the Brachiopoda; they comprehend all classes. from the Cephalopoda downwards. Of this one class. 64 genera, and 1,200 species, are known from the Devonian beds of Britain, Europe, America and Australia. Corals also abounded in the Devonian seas, and all the species are peculiar. The Hydrozoa (Graptolites) are very rare, and disappear before the Upper Devonian stage is reached. The Flora.-The plants of this period were the fore- runners of those which in the succeeding Carboniferous * Newberry, quot. by Le Conte, Elem. Geol., p. 337. + Etheridge, Man. Geol., p. 198. ! 4 LIFE FORMS. 59 period became so extraordinarily prolific. They be- long to the orders of Vascular Cryptogams and Conifers, and flourished on the unsubmerged lands, and possibly amongst the marshes and lagoons bordering the seas. In America the labours of Dawson,* Lesquereux† and others have been rewarded by the determination of no less than 95 genera and 160 species; but in Britain only 18 genera and 27 species have been described.‡ In Ireland the " Kiltorcan Beds" of the Upper Old Red have yielded several forms of plants, amongst which are magnificent fronds of a primæval fern, the Palæopteris Hibernica. Of the eighteen genera of the British Devo- nian strata seven occur in America-viz., Calamites, Lepidodendron, with its root-stalk Stigmaria, Psilophyton, Sagenaria, Sphenopteris, and Trichomanites. These names will again recur in connection with the coal-formation, and indicate a physical connection of the two continents throughout the Devonian and Carboniferous periods. } CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. The Carboniferous period stands out from the vista of geological time as pre-eminently that in which the * Acadian Geology. + Reports, Geol. Survey, U.S.A. Etheridge, Man. Geol., p. 200. : бо THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATA. j .. flora takes precedence of the fauna in its interest and importance. No previous, or subsequent, epoch has yielded products of such value to mankind, and which have contributed so greatly to the progress of the arts and manufactures of modern times. As its name implies,* it is the great storehouse of fossil fuel through- out a large portion of the northern, and to a less extent, of the southern hemisphere. At this epoch of the earth's history, the physical relations of land and sea, combined with a climate uniform, warm and moist, gave such an impulse to the growth of plants that they were capable of producing successive accumulations of vegetable matter of great thickness, and extending over wide tracts; and which, being from time to time covered over by sediments, were fossilised, mineralised, and ultimately converted into beds of coal throughout large portions of Europe, the British Islands and North America, as well as, to a smaller extent, in South America and Australia. MINERAL CHARACTERS OF THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATA. The basement beds of the Carboniferous series con- * The name "Carboniferous" as applied to the whole system of strata is first found in MacCulloch's System of Geology, published in 1831. MINERAL CHARACTERS. 61 sist of sediments; and where, as in Devonshire, Belgium, and some parts of North America, these succeed con- formably to Devonian strata, the sediments consist of fine materials, such as shale or grit. In other districts, however, as in the northern portions of the British Isles, where the earliest Carboniferous strata were deposited unconformably on more ancient rocks, the basement beds consist generally of conglomerates, or shore beds, formed along the margin of adjoining lands. These, however, are succeeded by the Carboniferous Limestone, a great marine calcareous formation, the beds of which (as shown by their organic structure) were built up over the floor of the sea by the agency of foraminifers, corals, crinoids, and molluscs, which abounded wherever the conditions of warm and pure ocean waters were main- tained. The Carboniferous Limestone in the centre of England is over 4,000 feet in thickness; in Belgium, 2,530 feet; and in the centre of Ireland, about the same. In the western parts of the United States of America the formation (as one of limestone) is about 1,000 feet thick, but swells out and passes into (mainly) sedi- mentary strata in Pennsylvania and in the British Provinces. In Nevada it is stated to reach a thickness of 7,000 feet.* This great calcareous member is succeeded by strata of shale, grit and conglomerate, constituting "the Mill- * Clarence King, U.S. Explor., 40 parallel, vol. i. ¡ 62 THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATA. . stone Grit" and "Yoredale Series" of the British Islands; and this again, by the coal-formation, consisting of alter- nating beds of sandstone, shale or clay, coal and ironstone, and sometimes a little limestone, attaining a thickness. in some places, as in South Wales, of as much as 9,000 feet,* in Lancashiret of 6,000 feet, and in the Saarbrück district of Prussia, even a much greater development.‡ Now, as the great lagoons in which were formed, by the growth and decay of succeeding generations of plants, the beds of coal at successive intervals through- out so great a thickness of strata must have existed at about the level of the ocean for the time being, it follows that, in the case of each of these coal-fields, there was a subsidence of the ground to the extent of several thousand feet during the coal-period; and that as fast as the ground subsided it was filled up by the deposition of fresh sediment. The characters of the coal-measures above indicated are remarkably uniform throughout a large tract of the northern hemisphere, indicating great uniformity in the conditions of deposition over this part of the globe. The most remarkable exception, perhaps, occurs in the Utah and Nevada Territories of the United States, where the coal-formation is represented by marine limestones, show- ing that in the region of the Rocky Mountains the ocean * Horizontal Section of the Geological Survey, sheet 8. + Hull, Coal-fields of Great Britain, 4th edit., p. 199. H. von Dechen, Geog. Unrisse der Rheinlander, &c., 1825. : THE PRINCIPAL COAL-FIElds. 63 waters prevailed, while the coal-bearing strata were being formed in the lagoons, shallows and estuaries of the eastern and central regions.* The uniformity of the climate of the coal-period is indicated by the occur- rence of Tree-ferns, gigantic Lycopods, Calamites, &c., in the Carboniferous strata of Melville Island. • { DISTRIBUTION OF THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATA. } The Principal Coal-Fields of the World. Europe. The Carboniferous rocks, both in their lower and upper divisions, are found distributed over a very large portion of the northern hemisphere. In the British Islands, they occur in numerous detached basins, which though originally united into larger tracts, have since been dissevered by elevation and denudation. Next to those in Great Britain, comes the Franco-Belgian coal-trough, which emerging from beneath the Cretaceous rocks near Boulogne and Calais, extends somewhat disconnectedly by Valen- * As to the mode in which coal was formed, it is unnecessary that I should discuss that question here. The reader will find my views stated in The Coal- fields of Great Britain, 4th edit., p. 60, and in most text-books on Geology. For the original submerged and land areas in the Carboniferous period, see the Author's Physical History of the British Isles, plates vi. and vii., and p. 79. . 64 THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATA. ! ciennes, Mons, Namur and Liége to Aix-la-Chapelle,* and emerges on the east of the Rhine along the Valley of the Ruhr. In the central parts of France there are several small coal-fields, of which the principal is that of St. Etienne. The strata are largely composed of conglomerates, and in this part of that country the lower members of the Carboniferous system are absent. The largest and most important Carboniferous district of Western Europe is that of Rhenish Prussia, generally known as the "Saarbrück Coal-field," which has an area of about 900 square miles. The strata rest on the Devonian schists of the Hundsrück, and pass below the Permian and Triassic beds of the Vosges. In Central Germany are the coal-fields of Zwickau- Chemnitz, of the Plauenscher Grund, near Dresden, Ibbenbüren, Piesberg in Hanover, and several in districts of Bohemia, Silesia, Moravia and Posen. Spain posseses a valuable coal-field in Asturias. In Russia the Carboniferous beds occupy extensive tracts of country, ranging from the White Sea southwards to Riazan, and lying along the western base of the Oural Mountains. The beds belong to the Lower Carbon- iferous series, but contain occasionally workable coal- seams; they rest on Devonian, and pass below Permian * Dufrénoy et E. de Beaumont's Carte Geol. de la France, and Dumont's Carte Geol. de la Belgique. + H. von Rönne, Die Steinkohlen Deutschlands, vols. i, and ii. THE PRINCIPAL COAL-FIELDS. 65 beds.* A more important coal-district is that which lies between the Dnieper and the Don, which is 230 miles in length and 100 miles from north to south. It contains many valuable seams, which are remarkable for becoming gradually anthracitic towards the eastern margin of the field. Carboniferous schists with beds of anthracite are also found in some parts of the Western Alps. Asia. The Carboniferous rocks are largely repre- sented in the northern parts of China. In the mountains west of Peking, extensive coal deposits rest- ing on Carboniferous Limestone (Kohlenkalk) are found rising into the range of hills called Tai-hai-ling. They are again found in the central provinces of Shensi and Hönan, where, however, the Carboniferous limestone and overlying strata (corresponding to the millstone grit) is much more largely represented than the productive. coal-measures. The Carboniferous rocks are character- ised by a Fauna and Flora which leaves no doubt as to their age. They have, however, undergone extensive disturbance, and denudation, since their original deposition. + Australia.-Strata referable to the same period, which * Murchison, Russia and the Oural Mountains, vol. i., p. 69. + F. von Richthofen, China, vol. ii., p. 310, &c. ‡ China, b. ii., p. 518, &c. E } : 66 THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATA. : 1 are more or less coal-bearing, occur in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania. Notwithstanding that these districts lie on the other side of the globe from the British Isles and Western Europe, they are character- ised by genera of shells and plants identical with those occurring in the Carboniferous strata of the latter countries. Amongst the former may be mentioned, Productus, Spirifera; and amongst the latter, Glossopteris, Sigillaria, Lepidodendron and Knorria. Carboniferous and Devonian beds have recently been identified by Mr. E. T. Hardman in the Kimberley district of Western Australia, with shells and plants resembling or identical with those of Western Europe.t America.-The Carboniferous strata occupy a very large portion of North America, lying between the Appalachian chain on the east, the Rocky Mountains on the west, and the Great Lakes on the north. The formation is divided into two series by Professor Dana, (1.) the Sub-Carboniferous, and (2.) the Carboniferous; the former being composed of marine, the latter of fresh- water sediments, though marine beds are occasionally present. The plant and animal remains are essentially identical with those of the British Islands and Europe. * As was originally pointed out by that indefatigable explorer, the Rev. W. B. Clarke, Mines and Mineral Statistics of N. S. Wales, Sydney, 1875. For a general account of the Australian Coal-fields the reader is referred to The Coal- fields of Great Britain, &c., edit. 1881, p. 418, et seq. + Report on the Geology of the Kimberley District, Perth, 1885. THE PRINCIPAL COAL-FIELDS. 67 of 434 According to Professor Lesquereux, out American and 440 European species of plants, 176 are common, and the remainder far less diverse in character than the species of the two Floras of the present day. The coal-measures of the United States occupy an area of 190,000 square miles, of which 120,000 contain work- able coal seams. * They also occur in the British Possessions of Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Cumberland, Pictou, Richmond and Cape Breton. These beds were originally continuous with those of the United States, and much more extensive than at the present day. Carboniferous deposits are. not wanting in the South American continent. Accord- ing to the accounts of Mr. N. Plant, extensive deposits with coal are contained in three distinct coal basins of Brazil, between Lat. 30 deg. and 32 deg. S., and Long. 51 deg. and 54 deg. W., separated by hills of granite and schist. Similar deposits also occur in the Province of S. Catherina and in Uruguay. The fossil plants from the Brazilian strata have been identified by Mr. Carruthers as forms belonging to the Carboniferous epoch. Hence it would appear from the evidence derived from the fossils, both of South America and of Australia, that the Carboniferous epoch was repre- sented by a Flora almost identical on both sides of the + + * Le Conte, Elem. Geol., edit. 1885, p. 351. See Dawson's Acadian Geology; Logan's Geol. of Canada. ‡ Geological Magazine, April, 1869, with plate. 68 THE CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. equator and in both hemispheres, giving evidence of an extraordinary degree of uniformity in the climate of the world at that distant epoch. DISTRIBUTION OF LAND AND WATER DURING THE CarboniferOUS PERIOD. There is the clearest evidence that throughout this period, continental land-the ancient Atlantis-existed over a large portion of the north Atlantic ocean, together with the bordering tracts of Scandinavia, Greenland, and the region surrounding Hudson's Bay, including Labrador. On the other hand, large tracts of Central Europe, the British Isles, and of Central and Eastern America were submerged; the margin of the land and sea, which was ever slightly oscillating, extending outwards into the Atlantic considerably beyond the shores of the present continent. It was not till after the Carboniferous epoch that the outlines of the existing continents were even faintly foreshadowed. The evidence for the above propositions is of two kinds: first, physical; second, palæontological. As regards the first, it is well known that the Carboniferous sedimentary strata increase in thickness as they approach the Atlantic shores, both on the British VOLCANIC PHENOMENA. } 69 and American sides; from whence we infer that the lands from which these sediments were derived lay in the Atlantic region. On the other hand, the calcareous strata, which are in the main made up of the skeletons of marine animals which lived and flourished where the waters of the ocean were free from sediment, increase in thickness as we recede from the Atlantic shores. As regards the second, the absolute identity of a large part of the Carboniferous Flora in Europe and America, and the general resemblance of the whole, indicates a physical connection by means of land between the two regions, and would not have been such as it is if these areas had been separated by wide tracts of ocean water.* VOLCANIC PHENOMENA. In some districts volcanic operations were in full activity during the Carboniferous period, as is shown by their products, sometimes in the form of lava and ashes extruded from submarine vents; * For fuller details of the evidence for the above views see author's paper On the Geological Age of the North Atlantic Ocean, with plates in which the oùt- lines of submerged and land areas are approximately indicated. (Scient. Trans. Roy. Dublin Society, vol. iii., p. 313). Professor Le Coute has controverted these views to some extent; but, as it seems to the author, unsuccessfully (see Geol. Magazine, March, 1886, and reply, Ibid., April, 1886). Since the above was written the President of the British Association, Sir J. W. Dawson, has enunciated his views on the age and origin of the North Atlantic ocean in his Presidential Address at Birmingham. ? 70 THE CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. 1 at other times from craters of eruption which ejected these materials into the air. In Scotland the Lower Carboniferous strata are so largely charged with intercalated volcanic rocks, that the region may be studied as a typical one for this class of phenomena.* In Derbyshire, at least two outflows of lava and ashes are found amongst the limestone strata, together with bosses of basalt, which once were the old vents of eruption; and not less interesting are the volcanic phenomena of the County Limerick in Ireland, where beds of solid lava of various kinds, separated by ashes and agglomerates, are interstratified with the Carboni- ferous limestone; nor were such eruptions absent in Upper Carboniferous times, as the intrusions amongst the coal beds of Ayrshire in Scotland, and of South Staffordshire in England, testify.‡ LIFE FORMS OF THE CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. The Carboniferous may be designated the age of Labyrinthodont Amphibians as regards its Fauna, and of Acrogens as regards its Flora. * Geikie, Text-book of Geol., p. 738. Geology of Edinburgh (Mem. Geol. Survey, 1861). + Phys. Geol. of Ireland, p. 36. ↑ Jukes, South Staffordshire Coal-field (Mem. Geol. Survey, 1859). 1 LIFE FORMS. 71 The Fauna.-Taking the Fauna first; the Laby- rinthodont Amphibians make their appearance in this age, and are the dominant forms. From their habits, they were admirably fitted for frequenting the swamps and lagoons of the coal-period. Next to these come the placoid and ganoid fishes, which from the abundance of their remains in the coal-measures, must have crowded the warm sluggish waters of the lagoons, especially at those tranquil epochs during which the beds of coal were being elaborated. Other inhabitants of the waters were the molluscs, together with corals, crinoids, and crustaceans. Marine forms abounded in the waters of the Carboniferous Limestone epoch, and through their vital agency, the vast masses of calcareous strata were deposited layer upon layer over the floor of the sea. In the subsequent coal-period, these marine forms migrated into the permanent depths of the ocean, and in other tracts gave place to freshwater and lacustrine molluscs, of the genera Anthracosia, Anthracomya and Cyclas, more adapted to the peculiar conditions then prevalent. Meanwhile the air was not destitute of inhabitants. At least one land snail, Pupa vetusta, crawled amongst the plants; and numerous insects of the orders, Coleoptera, Neuroptera and Orthoptera peopled the air. very brief The Flora.-We can only attempt a account of the prolific Flora, which has impressed a 72 LIFE FORMS OF THE CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. special character upon this period. The plant-forms, besides the Cellular Cryptogams, which are lost to us, consisted of Coniferæ and Vascular Cryptogams (Acro- gens). Along with tree-ferns, which were exceedingly numerous, the prevalent genera of Acrogens were those of Lepidodendron, Sigillaria (with its root called Stigmaria ficoides), Asterophyllites, Cordaites and Calamites. The forms, fructification, and modern analogues of these plants are now pretty well determined. The remains of these plants, which were capable of growing in swamps and lagoons, are preserved to us, not only in the structure of the coal beds, but in the shales and sandstones which accompany them. Some of the species are peculiar to certain stages of the Carboni- ferous period, and Professor Geinitz has distinguished five zones in the coal-formation of Saxony: 1st, the Culm, with Lepidodendron veltheimianum and Calamites transitionis; 2nd, the Zone of Sigillarias; 3rd, the Zone of Calamites; 4th, the Zone of Annularias; and 5th, the Zone of Ferns.* More recently, C. Grand 'Eury has subdivided the Carboniferous Flora into ten zones.† It may be doubted, however, if these are of very much value for general reference, as there is a remarkable uniformity and recurrence of species throughout the whole period. The physical conditions which per- Die Steinkohlen Deutschlands; vol. i., p. 29, 1865. Etheridge considers Annularia to have been only the foliage of the genus Calamites. Man. Geol., p. 270. + Mem. Sav. Etrangers, xxiv., 1877. These are quoted at length by Geikie, Text Book, edit. 1885, p. 733. THE PERMIAN PERIOD. 73 mitted the formation of such deposits as those of the coal-period were peculiar, and have never recurred in the earth's history.* In order that such a vast store- house of mineral fuel should be formed within the crust, it was requisite that climate, distribution of land and water, and the plant-forms should all present the necessary characters. Such appears to have been the case, and with such a remarkable concurrence of pheno- mena we have as the result the existence of deposits of mineral fuel, to an all but inexhaustible extent, distri- buted at intervals over the face of the earth, and affording to its inhabitants the material for the develop- ment of motive power for the pursuits of industry and the advancement of civilisation. PERMIAN PERIOD. After the close of the Carboniferous period, terres- trial changes occurred over the European and American areas, which broke up the vast swamps and lagoons in which the coal-strata were deposited, and in certain districts elevated these strata so considerably as to render them subject to great denudation. On this For the manner in which beds of coal were formed the reader is referred to the Text Books, and to The Coal-fields of Great Britain, p. 81, 1881. 1 : 74 THE PERMIAN STRATA. account the Permian beds in the north of England often rest upon those of Lower Carboniferous age; the whole of the upper series of beds (there very thick), having been denuded away during the unrepresented interval between the close of the one period and the beginning of the other, as represented by the deposition of strata. Generally, throughout the British Isles and Central Europe, the Permian beds are unconformable to the Carboniferous; but in a few localities (such as Autun in France, and the Bohemian coal-field, and especially in North America), the Permian beds are found resting concor- dantly on the Carboniferous, which gradually pass into them; on which account some of the geologists of that country regard the Permian as an upper member of the Carboniferous system, representing a period of tran- sition, preparatory to the great terrestrial movements which elevated the Appalachian chain, and with this elevation brought to a close the Paleozoic division of geological time. The name was first given to the system by Murchison, from the Province of Perm in Central Russia, where there occurs a series of red sandstones, marls, conglomerates and breccias, with limestones and dolomites, resting on the nearly undisturbed beds of the Carboniferous age, and extending over a tract of country twice the size of France.* Owing to the * The Geology of Russia in Europe, vol. i., p. 136 et seq., 1845, MINERAL CHARACTERS. 75 formation in Germany generally consisting of two members, the Zechstein and Rothe-todte-liegende, it has received the name of " Dyas," in contradistinction to the term "Trias" of the succeeding epoch. MINERAL CHARACTERS OF THE PERMIAN STRATA. British Isles.-The Permian beds of the north of England consist of two principal divisions; of which the lower is red or yellow sandstone, the upper, dolomite and limestone. In the central and western counties only the lower member is present in the form of red and purple sandstone, marl, breccia and conglomerate. Amongst these latter, fragments of older rocks occur of such a size and angularity of form as to have led Sir A. C. Ramsay to conclude that they had been transported from their original sites by floating ice. during a glacial episode of the Permian period.* Similar boulder beds have been recognised by the author near Armagh in Ireland,† and they occur also in the central parts of Europe, notably in the ridge of the Castle of Wartburg, in Thüringerwald. * Phys. Geol. and Geog. of Gt. Britain, 5th edit., p. 143, 1878. + Phys. Geol. and Geog. of Ireland 6 1878. 76 THE PERMIAN PERIOD. DISTRIBUTION OF THE PERMIAN STRATA. Europe. The Permian formation has been traced along the western slopes of the Oural Mountains to the south of Orenburg; also along the northern slopes of the Carpathians, and part of the Riesen-gebirge on the borders of Moravia and Bohemia. In Bavaria, at Cranagh, huge masses of Rothliegende rest discordantly on the coal-formation. The upper member (Zechstein) thins out towards the south of the European area. North America.-The Pennsylvanian coal-measures are overlain by 'certain strata of sandstone and shale with a conglomerate base (beginning with the Waynesburg Sandstone), which are regarded by some authors as referable to the Permian system. It has been shown that out of one hundred and seven species of plants from this series, twenty-two are common to the coal- measures and twenty-eight to the Permian beds of Europe.* In Kansas, beds of clay, sandstone, lime- stone and conglomerate rest conformably on the coal- measures, as also in New Mexico and Western Texas. * W. M. Fontaine and J. C. White, Second Geol. Survey Report of Pennsylvania, P.P., 1880, p. 24 et seq. DISTRIBUTION OF LAND AND SEA. 77 Until recently only a few shells had been discovered in these beds, but now a considerable number of fishes, amphibians and reptiles are known.* The Permian period is unrepresented in Nova Scotia and adjoining districts of Acadia.† DISTRIBUTION OF OF LAND AND SEA DURING THE PERMIAN PERIOD. The Permian beds appear to have been formed within the limits of narrow seas, such as those of the Baltic or Adriatic, and under waters which were more or less brackish. The marine forms are for the most part dwarfed as compared with those of the Lower Carboniferous epoch, of which they were the descendants. According to the views of Sir A. C. Ramsay, the lower Permian beds, which are frag- mental and sedimentary, were deposited in inland lakes, while the upper calcareous strata of the Mag- nesian Limestone, or Zechstein, were formed in the waters of inland seas. The largest of these seas was probably that in which the Permian beds of Central * Le Conte, Elem. Geol., p. 414. + Dawson, Acadian Geology, 2nd edit., p. 125. ! THE PERMIAN PERIOD. ♦ Russia were deposited, and smaller lakes and seas occupied positions of Central aud Northern Europe and the British Isles. The outlines of such lakes and seas it would be impossible to define with any degree of accuracy at the present day; but, with reference to the British Isles, it may be inferred that the south of England and Wales, the centre and south. of Ireland, and the northern parts of Scotland, with the adjoining (now submerged) tracts of the ocean existed as land, and partially enclosed two submerged areas of irregular outline.* LIFE FORMS OF THE PERMIAN PERIOD. The Fauna.-The Labyrinthodont Amphibians, sur- viving from the coal-period, are still the dominant. animal forms; but along with these are found Theco- dont, or socket-toothed reptiles, allied to the cro- codilians. Remains of a Labyrinthodont (Dasyceps Bucklandi) from the Permian beds of Warwickshire were described, as far back as 1859, by Professor Huxley.t More recently remains of this order have been described by H. Credner from the neighbourhood of * Phys. Hist. Brit. Isles, p. 90, plate viii., in which the author has endeavoured to represent the relations of land and sea during this epoch. + Geology of the Warwickshire Coal-field (Mem. Geol. Survey, P. 52). } LIFE FORMS. 79 Dresden.* But by far the largest discoveries have been made by Dr. Fritsch, in the districts of Pilsen and Rakowitz in Bohemia, which have yielded upwards. of forty species of amphibians.† In America, the Permian beds of Illinois, Texas and New Mexico have yielded at least fifty species of vertebrates, described by Professors Cope and Marsh. The stego- cephalous amphibians of the Coal and Permian, and the theromorphous reptiles of the Permian and Trias were remarkably generalised types, the one connecting together fishes, amphibians and reptiles, the other amphibians, reptiles and mammals.‡ The fishes of the Permian were heterocercal, and are represented by Platysomus and Palæoniscus. Together with these are molluscs of several orders, besides Foraminifers, Zoophytes and Echinoderms. The Flora.-The plants consisted largely of Conifers and of forms identical with, or allied to, those of the coal-period, such as Lepidodendron, Calamites, Sphenop- teris, together with Voltzia, Walchia, &c. The Flora of the Permian, in fact, bore a remarkable resemblance to that of the preceding period, but fell far short of it in the exuberance of growth. * Credner, Zeits. Deutsch. Geol. Geselsch., 1881-83 + Anton Fritsch, Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalkstein der Permformation Böhmens, vol. i., 1881-4, quoted by Geikie, Text-book, 752. ‡ Cope, loc. cit., p. 606. 80 THE MESOZOIC AGE. } THE MESOZOIC AGE. (THE AGE OF REPTILES.) TRIASSIC PERIOD. At the close of the Permo-Carboniferous period, terrestrial changes took place over the northern hemi- sphere of sufficient magnitude to bring to a close the life-history of all the specific, and to some extent, the generic forms then existing, and to produce discordancy in the stratification between the terminating Paleozoic, and the succeeding Mesozoic, formations. The dis- cordancy which we noticed as locally existing between the Carboniferous and Permian beds, becomes more general between these latter and the Triassic, and is accompanied by a more complete change in the Fauna. of the two epochs. The physical revolution at the close of the Palæozoic era resembles that which, in historic times, took place with the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. New conditions of life rose upon the ruins of the old, and forms more nearly approaching those of our own day made their appearance. While a THE TRIASSIC PERIOD. 81 small proportion of the species of plants and animals pass up from the Carboniferous into the Permian, no single species ascends from the Permian into the Triassic,* and many of the genera genera are likewise changed. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE TRIASSIC STRATA. The Triassic, as its name implies, is a three-fold group where complete, with an upper and lower sedimentary, and a central calcareous member. The Lower, is called the New Red Sandstone (Bunter Sandstein), the Middle, the Muschelkalk, the Upper, the New Red Marl (Keuper Mergel), with a base of sandstone and calcareous breccia in the British Isles; this last-named member is saliferous. The New Red Sandstone consists of reddish and variegated sand- stone and conglomerate, much used for building pur- poses, and also as a source of water-supply. It is almost destitute of fossils in the British area, and is probably a lake-deposit. The Muschelkalk is absent in the British Isles, but occurs in France, Germany and the Alpine districts. It is a marine limestone, characterised * Etheridge, Man. Geol., p. 293; compare with ibid., p. 320. F 82 THE TRIASSIC STRATA. } 1 by crinoids (Encrinus liliiformis) and molluscs (Nautilus bidorsalis, Schloth, Ceratites nodosus, De Haan, Pecten lævigatus, Lima, Cardiun, &c.). The absence of the Muschelkalk in the British area is probably due to this area having been converted into dry-land when the waters of the sea overspread the European area during the same epoch. The Keuper division consists of sandstones at the base, passing up into red and grey marls and shales, characterised by a little phyllopod crustacean, Estheria minuta, Goldf. and a few fishes. In this formation occur numerous footprints of Labyrinth- odon, of which five or six species are known from the British area.* The fishes are homocercal; one, Dipteronotus cyphus, described by Sir Phillip Egerton, differs entirely from any known genus.† Europe. The occurrence of beds of rock-salt and gyp- sum in the Keuper division, together with the absence of molluscous forms, lead us to infer that it was a lacustrine deposit laid down under the waters of a lake discon- nected with the outer ocean. This inland lake embraced central and eastern France and northern Germany, and its margin was formed of the old rocks of the west and north of France, the Harz mountains, the Eifel, Hünsdruck and Taunus; and it was probably physi- * Etheridge, loc. cit., p. 334. + Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x., p. 369. ! MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 83 cally separated from the basin of the British area, the limits of which I have elsewhere endeavoured to trace out.* But where these Triassic rocks are encountered in the Alpine regions, it is under very different forms. In the western parts, the beds are not unlike those of Germany, though dolomites become important mem- bers; but in the eastern Alps they give evidence of having been deposited under very different conditions from the latter. The great thickness of the limestones, their unequivocally marine organisms, show that they have been accumulated in open sea-water comparatively free from sandy or muddy sediment. Some of the dolo- mite masses are considered by Mojsisovics to have been coral-reefs. These rocks possess a high interest as presenting a great marine formation interposed between Permian and Jurassic times, and containing a remark- able blending of Palæozoic with Mesozoic organisms. In the St. Cassian beds and Alpine Muschelkalk numerous species of Ammonites, Orthoceratites, Lamel- libranchs, Gasteropods, Crinoids, Corals and Sponges occur together. Asia. The Triassic strata have a wide distribution on the borders of the Himilayan range in the western * Phys. Hist. Brit. Isles, p. 94, plate ix. + Geikie, Text-book, p. 767. E. von Mojsisovics, Jahrb Geol. Reichsanstalt, Vien., 1869-1875, 1880 1 84 THE TRIASSIC STRATA. : part of the Salt-range in Beluchistan, in Northern Kashmir, and throughout the mountain region to the south as far as Spiti, and in Western Thibet. They consist of various strata, among which are limestones, Ceratites, Orthoceras, Halobia, Spirifer Peilhavii, and Pro- ductus semireticulatus being the more numerous forms.* In Peninsular India, the great coal-bearing (or Gondwana) series indicates that it belongs in part to Paleozoic, and in part to Mesozoic periods. In the Upper Damuda beds Cycads abound, and in the Lower containing coal-seams, several forms which serve to connect it with the Upper Palæozoic period, also occur, amongst which may be named Sphenophyllum, Pecopteris and Calamites; this last occurring in the Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic beds. South Africa. The Karoo formation, so-called from the Karoos, the immense plains of the interior of Natal, has been referred by Professor Tate to the Triassic group. It consists of sandstones, shales and coal, with a boulder bed at its base, resting on crystalline rocks; sheets of trap have been extensively intruded along the planes of bedding. They are characterised by plants. and remains of Dicynodon.t * Medlicott and Blanford, Geol. of India, part i., xlvi. + Griesbach, Geol. of Natal (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvii, p. 56). MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 85 : North America.-The close of the Paleozoic era was specially marked in the North American continent by a great contraction of the crust, owing to which the Alleghanny mountain range, with its accompanying flexuring and folding of the strata, was originated. Throughout this era the successive formations were tranquilly deposited over ever-subsiding areas, generally covered by ocean waters, but in the Carboniferous epoch by those of lakes and estuaries. Towards its close a terrestrial change of great magnitude began, producing a general elevation of the whole continental area, together with the creation of its most important mountain system. These terrestrial movements corre- spond in general time with those which, in the British and European areas, have produced the unconformity. between the Permo-Carboniferous and Triassic strata. In consequence of this, the Triassic strata are every- where discordantly superimposed on those of Paleozoic age. The strata of the Triassic period are met with in two distinct regions-(1) In the Atlantic border region, between the Appalachians and the coast; and (2) In the Western interior region, over part of the slopes of the Rocky Mountains.* These beds, in the former region, consist of red sandstone passing into shale and conglomerate, occasionally containing beds of impure. * Dana, Manual of Geology, p. 414. : 86 THE TRIASSIC STRATA. .. limestone. The Richmond and North Carolina coal-fields are probably of Upper Triassic age. In the region west of the Mississippi they consist of red sandstones, with beds of marl and gypsum. Phenomena curiously resembling those of the British Trias are also observable. in America; the sandstones, being ripple-marked, rain-pitted and covered sometimes with footmarks of animals, such as worms, insects, reptiles, and probably of Dinosaurs, resembling those of birds.* Nova Scotia, &c. (Acadia).-The Triassic are the newest strata represented in the British Territories of North America if we except those of the Glacial epoch. They are found occupying nearly the whole of Prince Edward Island, and along the southern shore of the Bay of Fundy accompanied by great sheets of volcanic trap and ashes. The formation consists of coarse and fine soft red sandstone with calcareous cement, and its its relations to the older rocks, occupying hollows on either side of the Paleozoic ridge which connects Nova Scotia with New Brunswick, prove, as Sir William Dawson has remarked, that the form and contour of the ground had * Prof. O. C. Marsh, Odontornithes, U.S., Geol. Survey of Fortieth Parallel, 1880, p. 1. The footprints in the Connecticut sandstones, which probably are of Triassic age, were formerly supposed to be those of gigantic birds; but when it was found that the Dinosaurs had three fundamental toes on the hind feet, Prof. Marsh concluded the footprints were those of these animals.-Vide Intro- duction and Succession of Vertebrate Life in America, 1877. Prof. Le Conte concurs. Elem. Geol., p. 455. LIFE FORMS OF THE TRIASSIC PERIOD. 87 already made an approach to that of the present day when the Triassic strata were being deposited.* In Prince Edward Island the sandstones have yielded remains of the reptile described by Dr. Leidy under the name of Bathygnathus borealis.† 1 LIFE FORMS OF THE TRIASSIC PERIOD. The Fauna.-Though Labyrinthodonts occur in the coal-period, they appear to have reached their culmi- nating point of development in the Trias, which also contains representatives of marine Saurians (Enalio- saurus), beaked Saurians (Rhynchosaurus), Dicynodonts, Lacertians (or Lizards), and probably of Dinosaurs. Owing to the paucity of marine beds, fish remains are not numerous, but are represented by Acrodus, Placodus, Hybodus and Ceratodus, a species of which still sur- vives in the Australian rivers. In the marine beds of Europe, Cephalapods are represented by a group approaching the Ammonites, named Ceratites ; C. nodosus being distinctive of the Muschelkalk. There are forms of Gasteropods, such as Trochus, Naticella and Turritella, which now first appear, together with several new genera * Acadian Geology, 2nd edit., p. 86. + Ibid., p. 120. 88 LIFE FORMS OF THE TRIASSIC PERIOD. : of Conchifers. The beautiful sea-lily Encrinus liliiformiss is an abundant form in the Muschelkalk of Germany. The most interesting discovery connected with. the Fauna of the Trias is the appearance of a mammal, (Microlestes), in the upper strata of the Keuper of Stutt- gard. The teeth only have been found, and are con- sidered by the late Dr. Falkiner to have been those of a marsupial and a feeder on herbs. It seems as if born out of due time, and an early forerunner of its race. The Flora.-The Flora of the Triassic period largely consisted of ferns, equisetaceæ, conifers and cycads, which flourished on the lands margining the submerged areas. ! In conclusion it may be stated that the Triassic was a period essentially continental in Europe and America. Large tracts of the present lands, together with much of the now submerged Atlantic areas, were also land sur- faces. Amongst these tracts of land, extensive lakes were formed, over the beds of which were deposited the sediments of sand and clay which go to make up the Bunter and Keuper Divisions. In the south and east of Europe, however, oceanic conditions extensively pre- vailed during the same interval of time, so that the demarcation between the Palæozoic and Mesozoic eras is not as definite in this latter region as in the THE JURASSIC PERIOD. 89 former. As we shall see further on, a similar physical fact can be stated with reference to the Mesozoic and Cainozoic eras as represented in the region bordering the eastern Mediterranean. JURASSIC PERIOD. (THE AGE OF SAURIANS.) The Jurassic period was one in which marine con- ditions prevailed largely over central and western. Europe and the British Isles, where continental con- ditions had been in the ascendant during the preceding period of the Trias.* The lakes of the Trias gave place to the ocean waters carrying with them those forms of life belonging to them. This change was brought about gradually, and is indicated by the presence at the base of the Jurassic system of a series of passage beds called "Rhætic,". which over northern Europe were formed in estuaries and shallows, and are characterised by a few marine molluscs of which Avicula contorta, Modiola minimna, Pecten valoniensis and Cardium ; * For the relations of land and sea over the British area during the Jurassic period, see Physical History of the British Isles, chap. x., plate x. * 90 THE JURASSIC PERIOD. Rhaticum are the most common, Along with these are also remains of fishes, saurians and insects. In the central parts of Europe, and on both sides of the Alps, the Rhætic beds expand into an important formation, characterised by some of the same fossils which are found in the British Isles.* MINERAL CHARACTERS OF THE JURASSIC STRata. The name "Jurassic," applied to the great system succeeding the Trias, is taken from that of the beautiful range of hills lying on the borders of France and Switzerland, which is almost wholly constructed of strata referable to this system. In England the system is divisible into two great groups, the Lower, consisting chiefly of clays, known as "The Liassic;" the Upper, consisting chiefly of limestones, known as "The Oolitic," from the peculiar structure of some of the limestone strata; but the different beds of limestone are separated by thick deposits of clay, viz.: the Oxford and Kimmeridge clays which are all of marine origin, as testified by the character of the fossils they contain. In the French, Swiss and German areas, the * The Rhætic beds of England are well laid open at Aust Cliff, Penarth, and Garden Cliff on the banks of the Severn. Mr. Bristow has given them the name of Penarth Beds which is generally recognised. 4 DISTRIBUTION OF THE JURASSIC STRATA. 91 composition of the beds is somewhat similar to those of England; and on both sides of the Alps the formation attains to an important position in the physical structure of this mountain range, being known, par excellence, as "The Alpine Limestone," rising into ridges of great altitude, and breaking off in grand cliffs and precipices. DISTRIBUTION OF THE JURASSIC STRATA. Europe. In the British Islands the Jurassic system is represented in each of the three kingdoms, though but slightly in Ireland and Scotland as compared with England. In this latter the Jurassic beds range right across the country, from the coast of Dorset and Port- land Bill to that of Yorkshire south of the Tees. The Oolitic limestones generally rise in the form of in- dented escarpments above the Liassic plains, and thus produce the picturesque ranges of the Somersetshire, Cotteswold, and Cleveland Hills. In the north-east of Ireland the Liassic and Rhætic beds are found forming narrow bands beneath those of the Cretaceous Age; and in the north of Scotland both Liassic and Oolitic strata, with coal, are found in the Isles of Skye, Raasy, and at Brora in Sutherlandshire. In France the Jurassic beds occupy large tracts of 92 } THE JURASSIC PERIOD. the northern, central, and eastern districts, stretching from the coast of Normandy southwards by Le Mans to La Rochelle, and thence eastwards through the centre of the country, and northwards to the flanks of the Ardennes near Luxemburg. Throughout this tract the beds are but slightly inclined, and generally dip at a low angle towards the margin of the Cretaceous and Tertiary Basin of Paris. On approaching the Jura hills, east of Dijon, the strata become disturbed, and ulti- mately are thrown into a system of flexures and foldings, ranging in a north-eastern and south-western direction. From the banks of the Rhone, near Chambery, the beds range to those of the Rhine at Basel, and crossing into Germany, stretch towards Regensburg, and thence northwards by Nüremberg into Coburg, where they terminate against the flanks of the ancient crystalline masses of the Böhmer Wald, which, along with those of the Bayerischer Wald, probably rose above the waters of the Jurassic sea. To The position occupied by the Jurassic beds along the Alps has already been noticed. They stretch in a broad band from the banks of the Rhone eastwards by Salzburg as far as West Neustadt, near Vienna.* the south of the Alps they form a broad band from the banks of Lake Como to the neighbourhood of Görz near Trieste, rising into broken heights overlooking the H. von Dechen, Geol. Karte v. Deutschland. DISTRIBUTION OF THE JURASSIC STRATA. 93 Plains of Lombardy. The same formation ranges along the Central Apennines and the flanks of the Pyrenees, the Carpathians, and the Caucasus. It also spreads over considerable tracts of Central and Northern Russia to the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Asia.-Jurassic beds lie along the base of Mount Hermon, characterised by Cosmoceras ornatum, Ammonites hecticus, A. lunula and A. perarmatus. They pass below the Lower Cretaceous beds and the "Lebanon Lime- stone."* In India, the Jurassic beds of Cutch afford a very complete representation of all the European strata above the Inferior Oolite, and include the Bath, Kelloway, Oxford, Kimmeridge and Portland stages.† Beds of the same system also occur near, and along, the eastern coast of the Peninsula at the mouth of the Godavery, and inland from Madras, containing Trigonia, Leda, Pecten, and Ammonites.‡ The Upper Gondwana group of the Indian Geological Survey is probably refer- able to the same age. Dr. Waagen has endeavoured with much success to trace out the marginal lines of the Jurassic and Cretaceous basins in Peninsular India,** from which it appears, that during these epochs, nearly * Carl Diener, Die Structur des Jordanquellgebietes, xcii., B. d., Sitzb., d. K., Akad. der Wissensch, 1885. These beds were first recognised by Dr. Fraas. † Medlicott and Blanford, Geol. India, xxxvii. Ibid., p. 147. ** Dr. W. Waagen, Record Geol. Survey Ind., Nov., 1878. 94 THE JURASSIC PERIOD. the whole of the Peninsula existed as land, enclosing occasional lake basins, while the marine areas lay close to the present coast-lines, and also stretched from the Run of Cutch northwards through Rajpootana towards the Himalayas. In the Extra-peninsular region, Jurassic strata are known to exist in the Salt Range in the Western Himalayan area, and in Thibet they form an important band along the northern flanks of the Hima- layan axis. ! T America.-The Jurassic beds take a subordinate. place in the rock-systems of the North American continent, and by some geologists they are linked. together with those of the Trias constituting the Jura- Trias system of America ;* this is partly due to the poverty of fossils, and partly to the continuity of condi- tions throughout. Beds, however, which may be confidently referred to the Jurassic epoch occur in the Colorado, Black Hills, Dakota, Uinta Mountains and New Mexico. They are fully developed in the district. of the Grand Cañon, forming a belt of shales, limestones and white sandstones nearly a thousand feet thick. The shales contain abundant fossils of Jurassic age.† From these beds Professor Marsh has brought to light *Le Conte, Elem. Geol., p. 451. + Clarence E. Dutton, Second Annual Report; U.S. Geol. Survey by J. W Powell, 1882; Clarence King, U.S. Geol. Explor. Fortieth Parallel, vol. i., p. 285, et cet., 1878. { DISTRIBUTION OF THE JURASSIC STRATA. 95 a remarkable series of reptilian and other forms, which have imparted a new interest to the Jurassic system of Western America. These include fishes (Ceratodus), herbivorous dinosaurs, pterodactyles, crocodilians and tortoises, together with a carnivorous Creosaurus. Some small marsupials also occur along with the above. The occurrence of Liassic strata with the remains of Ichthyosaurus and other reptiles, in high latitudes, as brought to light by Sir E. Belcher, Sir L. McClintock and Admiral Sherrard Osborn, indicates the existence of a remarkably warm climate at this epoch. A vertebra of one of these saurians, brought from Bryan Martin Channel, has been named Artosaurus Osborni by Professor A. Leith-Adams.* In South America, Jurassic beds have been identified as occupying a band of country lying along the coast. and western flanks of the Andes from the neighbour- hood of Arequipa to that of Valparaiso.t : Other Lands South of the Equator.-Jurassic beds have been recognised in the central parts of Madagascar, and in Western Australia and Queensland; and it is remarkable that a considerable number of marine forms * Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 2nd ser., vol. ii., 1875. + J. Marcou, Geol. Map of the World. 1 96 THE JURASSIC PERIOD. occur in common with those of England, amongst which may be mentioned Ammonites radians, A. Walcotii, A. Macrocephalus, Nautilus semistriatus, Belèmintes canali- culatus, Gresslya donaciformis, Cucullaa oblonga, Avicula echinata and Pecten cinctus.* In New Zealand, a thick series of Jurassic strata has been divided by Dr. Hector into three divisions, including marine and estuarine beds, with Rhynchonella, Terebratula, Spiriferina, &c.t : POSITION OF LAND AND SEA DURING THE JURASSIC PERIOD. British and European Areas.-Over the British area, marine conditions appear to have prevailed except in the western and southern parts of Ireland, the Scottish Highlands and those of the Lake District, and Wales. In the east of England, a promontory of land formed of Paleozoic Rocks protruded, probably from Scandi- navia, into Norfolk as far as Oxfordshire. The southern margin of this land apparently extended east- ward along the coast of the Baltic, sending a branch southwards into Central Europe and the valley of the } + Charles Moore, Australian Mesozoic Geology (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi., p. 231). + Hector, Handbook of New Zealand, p. 31. + • Phys. Hist. Brit. Isles, p. 102, plate x. POSITION OF LAND AND SEA. 97 Danube about Linz, and including the Bavarian and Moravian Highlands. Northern and Central Africa, &c.-Land conditions prevailed in Northern and Central Africa and Arabia Petræa from which Jurassic strata are entirely absent. The Peninsular portion of India with Ceylon were also land surfaces, with the exceptions along the coast already stated. America.-On the North American continent only the western and southern portions, with small basins along the east of the Appalachians, appear to have been submerged under oceanic waters. The South American continent, also, existed as a land area, with apparently only the exception of a tract lying along the slopes of the Andes of Peru, Chili and Bolivia.* It would thus appear that in the period of the Jura-Trias the continental con- ditions of the Western Hemisphere had been largely determined.t LIFE FORMS OF THE JURASSIC PERIOD. The Fauna.-The animal forms of the Jurassic period are exceedingly varied, showing a considerable *Prof. Domeyko, Sur la Constitution Géologique du Chili (Annales des Mines vol. ix., pp. 3, 364, 1846). This is the view held with much reason by Dana, Le Conte and other American geologists. G 98 THE JURASSIC PERIOD. advance towards those of the present day as compared with those of the Paleozoic age, though still largely differing from them. Mammals were represented by marsupials of small size, whose representatives survive in Australia; they belong to the genera Amphitherium, Phascolotherium, Stereognathus and Amphilestes. The Stones. field Slate of Oxfordshire has yielded three of these forms. Next come birds with teeth, forming connecting links between the Dinosaurian reptiles and true birds; they were frequenters of the land, and are represented by the genera Archæopterix, from the Solenhofen beds of Europe, Ichthyopterix, Layornis and Dinornis.* A recently discovered form is the Laopteryx from the Jurassic beds of Wyoming in Western America. The Saurians form, however, the characteristic fauna of this great period, and are represented by inhabitants of the land, the rivers and lakes, the sea and the air. Of the first, there are eight genera including Cardiodon, Iguanodon and Megalosaurus, and a lizard (Lacerta); of the second (Crocodilia) Bothriospondylus, Cetiosaurus, Cryptosaurus and Teleosaurus; of the third (Enaliosauria) Ichthyosaurus (24 species), Plesiosaurus (37 species), Pliosaurus, &c.; and of the fourth (Ptero- sauria), Dimorphodon, Pterodactylus, Rhamphocephalus and Rhamphorhynchus. Besides these there were numerous * Professor Marsh considers it difficult to say where the bird begins and the reptile ends; feathers are but scales modified. See Introduction and Succession of Vertebrate Life in America, by Prof. O. C. Marsh. Address delivered in 1877 at Nashville. LIFE FORMS. 99 1 turtles (Chelonida), such as Chelys, Enalochelys, Testudo and Trionyx.* The fishes were exceedingly numerous including those of the Placoid and Ganoid orders. The most abundant genera were Hybodus (23 species), Acrodus, Strophodus and Ganedus. The molluscs in orders, genera, and species, were enormously prolific; and the warm seas of the period were thickly peopled with these forms, if we are to judge by the abundance of their remains, both in the Liassic and Oolitic strata. The most characteristic forms were unquestionably those of the Ammonitidæ, which, commencing at the base of the Lower Lias with Egoceras (Ammonites) planorbis, range throughout the whole series up to the Portland beds with Ammonites gigas. Mr. Etheridge enumerates 417 species, of which 246 belong to the Liassic beds. Gasteropods include 74 genera with 988 species, of which those of Cerithium, Chemnitzia, Littorina, Monodonta, Natica, Nerinæa, Patella Pleurotomaria, Trochus and Turbo are the predominating genera. The Lamellibranchs were also exceedingly abundant, yielding 1,319 species; the most abundant being of the genera Avicula, Gervillia, Grypheæa, Lima Ostræa, Pecten, Pinna, Plicatula, Arca, Astarte, Cardium, Cypricardia, Gresslya, Leda, Modiola, Myacites, Mytilus, : * The most complete enumeration of these forms is to be found in Etheridge's Phillip's Manual of Geology, p. 501. Dorm ༔ : * 100 LIFE FORMS OF THE JURASSIC PERIOD. Opis, Pholadomya, Pleuromya and Trigonia; many of these genera survive in the seas of seas of the present day. Brachiopods were also locally numerous, the principal genera being Discina, Rhynchonella, Terebratula and Waldheimia. Insects appear to have been abundant in the air and waters, and the elytra of beetles (Coleoptera) are numerous in such beds as those of Stonesfield and Solenhofen, which were apparently formed in shallow lakes on the margin of land areas. Crustaceans are largely represented by 23 genera and 68 species, and the waters of the ocean were fruitful in many forms of Echinoderms, such as sea-urchins (Echinoidea), star- fishes (Asteroidea), brittle-stars (Ophiuroidea) and sea- lillies (Crinoidea). The Pentacrinus was most abundant in the epoch of the Lias, and was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful of marine forms of life either in past or present times. Sponges, Corals and Foraminifera complete the great census of the animate forms which imparted life and beauty to the ocean depths of the Jurassic period. The Flora.—Of the Flora of the Jurassic period little need be said, as it very much resembled that of the preceding Trias. It consisted mainly of Conifers, Cycads, Ferns and Equisetums, together with some forms of uncertain affinities. The coal-seams which are found in the Jurassic strata of the north of Maou CRETACEOUS PERIOD. ΙΟΙ England, Scotland, and in America are formed of plants which doubtless grew on the spot; and in the Isle of Portland there occurs an interesting example of a fossil forest-ground with the erect stumps and ramifying roots still in situ. The character of the vegetation indicates the prevalence of sub-tropical conditions in the now temperate regions of Europe, and probably in those extending even to high latitudes. CRETACEOUS PERIOD. At the close of the Jurassic period terrestrial move- ments-though not of a violent kind—took place over the British and adjoining continental areas, owing to which the sea-bed was raised into slightly elevated dry land, and considerable masses of the Upper Jurassic strata were broken up and carried away into the adjoin- ing ocean. Lakes and shallow lagoons were also formed, within the limits of which freshwater strata were deposited; such are those of the Purbeck formation with Paludina carinifera, which may be considered as the uppermost member of the Jurassic system; and, subsequently, those of the Wealden, which may be con- sidered as the introductory member of the Cretaceous. Owing to the above movements the Cretaceous beds rest unconformably, or with a conformable hiatus, on those of the Jurassic, or older systems. With this physical hiatus there is a concurrent paleontological } 102 THE CRETACEOUS STRATA. i break in succession, as no species passes from one system into the other. The Cretaceous system is so called from the predominance of chalky limestones in the upper division, giving a special character to the formation in the British Isles, France and adjoining districts. In the Carpathians, the Alps, Greece, Syria and Northern Africa the limestones are more solid and crystalline than in the former districts. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRETACEOUS STRATA. Two well-defined divisions, a Lower and an Upper, amongst several of minor importance, may be recog- nised. The former including (a) the Wealden and "Lower Greensand" (Néocomien of D'Orbigny*); (b) the SpeetonClay and Gault (Aptien, D'Orb.); the latter including (c) the Upper Greensand (Cenomanien D'Orb.); (d) the Lower Chalk (Turonien, D'Orb.); (e) the Upper Chalk (Senonien, D'Orb.); and (f) "Etage Danien " D'Orb., not represented in Britain, but present at Meudon (Seine-et-Oise) and Laversines, &c., in France. To this stage may possibly be referred the Maestricht beds of Belgium, which serve partially * Cours Elem. de Palæontologie et de Gelogie (Paris) 1849. ! MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 103 to bridge over the interval between the close of the Cretaceous, and commencement of the Tertiary, epochs. The Lower Cretaceous beds consist generally of detrital deposits of sand, clay and conglomerate formed in shallow waters and in proximity to land. In the Upper Division we have oceanic limestone beds formed by the agency of marine animals, chiefly foraminiferal, when the British, European and Mediterranean areas had been depressed under the waters of an ocean, which stretched from the Atlantic eastwards into Central Asia and across the northern parts of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula to the Indian Ocean. Europe.-In England and France, the Lower Cretaceous beds are composed of sands and clays; the upper chiefly of soft white limestone or chalk, with bands of flint in the upper part, and about 1,000 feet in average thickness. A close examination, especially under the microscope, shows that the chalk is mainly composed of the shells of minute Rhizopods, chiefly Foraminifera, together with spicules of sponges and fragments of Echinoderms. The formation has its analogue in the calcareous ooze of the Atlantic sea-bed, specimens of which were first brought to light when the deep-sea soundings were carried out in connection with the Atlantic Telegraph Cable. The presence of the bands and nodules of flint favours the same view; as 1 104 THE CRETACEOUS STRATA. 1 microscopic siliceous shields of Diatoms are abundant along with calcareous organisms in the waters of the oceans of the present day, and the tendency of such siliceous organisms to form aggregations round other bodies, when undergoing chemical change, explains the frequent occurrence of fossils within flints, or the silicification of Sponges, Crinoids and Echini.* In the central and eastern parts of Europe, as amongst the Alps and Carpathians, and also in Asia Minor, Palestine and Northern Africa, the Cretaceous limestones, characterised by Hippurites, are generally more solid and crystalline than in France and Britain. They also contain numerous beds of flint, which are unquestionably of chemical or organic origin. Upper Egypt the Upper Cretaceous beds, chiefly lime- stones, with others of calcareous clay, have a thickness of about 2,000 feet,† and both here and in Arabia Petræa and Palestine they repose upon a sandstone formation ("The Nubian Sandstone" of Russegger), which probably belongs to the "Cenomanien " stage. In India. In the Peninsular area, marine Cretaceous beds occur in Cutch (of Neocomian age); in Pondicherry and Trichinopoly, in Southern India; and in the * The deep-sea soundings of the Challenger Expedition also go to show the prevalence of siliceous sponges, or of sponge spicules, amongst the deposits now in progress in the other ocean beds of the world. + Zittel, Ueber den Geolog. Bau, d. Libyschen Wüste, Munchen, 1880. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 105 Narbada Valley, between Mandlesir and Broach; these latter beds are of Upper Cretaceous age. The Fauna of the Utatur beds near Pondicherry is very rich, especially in Cephalopoda, 109 species having been met with.* The strata of the Narbada Valley, generally called "The Dágh beds," consist chiefly of marine limestones interposed between the Deccan traps and the metamorphic schists. The great sheets of augitic lava, volcanic ash, and lake-deposits, which occupy so vast an area in Central India, and are included under the general name of "The Deccan Traps," are themselves probably of Upper Cretaceous age; at least, they are interposed between the Middle Cretaceous and the Middle Eocene formations. Cretaceous beds have also been identified in the Extra-Peninsular regions in the Punjab Hills, in Beluchistan, and in the Assam. range at Khasi and Garo. In the former, numerous fossils, Inocerami, Ammonites, Nautali, &c., have been identified; in the latter, sandstone with beds of coal predominates.** In conclusion, it may be observed that throughout the Cretaceous period, Peninsular India existed in the main as land, the submerged areas lying outside the present surface, except where bays. and gulfs stretched inland from the outer ocean.†† + * Medlicott and Blanford, Geol. India, part i., page 276. + Ibid, p. 294. 1 Ibid, p. 331. ** Ibid, part ii., p. 690. ++ Dr. Waagen, Record Geol. Survey of India, Nov., 1878 (with map). 106 THE CRETACEOUS STRATA. Regions South of the Equator.-Cretaceous beds occupy a large portion of Western Australia, stretching from the banks of the River Darling in long. 135 deg. E., towards the coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria on the Northern coast.* In New Zealand, the Cretaceous system consists of a lower division of incoherent sandstones in which beds of bituminous coal occur on the west coast; these are surmounted by a mass of strata, from 2,000 to 5,000 feet thick, which appear to connect the Cretaceous with the Tertiary systems. The Upper beds which consist of greensand, limestone and chalk with flints are of marine origin, and contain Ancycloceras, Belemnites, Rostellaria, &c.t In South Africa, between the rivers Umtamfuna and Umzambane, are certain deposits of sandstone and shales with calcareous concretions rest- ing unconformably on the "Karoo beds,” and containing numerous fossils described by Mr. Bailey, amongst which may be mentioned Ammonites Gardeni, A Soutoni, Anisoceras rugatum, together with numerous gasteropods and bivalves. Several of these species also occur in the Cretaceous beds of India, and are considered to represent the Upper Greensand and Upper Chalk stages of Europe.‡ North America.-In North America, an arm of the * Marcou, Geol. Map of the World, 2nd edit. C. Moore, Australian Mesozoic Geology (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi., p. 226). + Hector, Handbook of New Zealand, p. 29. ↑ Griesbach, loc. cit. p. 61. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 107 sea extended from the shores of the Gulf of Mexico northwards as far at least as lat. 55°, dividing the continent into east and west sections.* This "Medi- terranean Sea" stretched at least as far north as the head waters of the Yellowstone and Missouri rivers, and overspread a considerable tract of Texas and the eastern parts of the Rocky Mountains. The Peninsula of Florida and a track bordering the Atlantic, and lying at the eastern base of the Appalachian chain was also submerged. The Cretaceous beds of New Jersey show by their structure and position that they were formed either along a sea-coast, or in off-shore shallow waters. Farther west, the limestones of Texas indicate a clearer sea; while the soft, sandy and clayey forma- tions to the north are evidence that the same sea spread northwards, but with diminished depth. South America. In the South American continent, a band of Cretaceous rocks is represented by Prof. Marcou as stretching from the coast of Venezuela in Long. W. 70 deg., through Columbia and Equador into Peru- amongst the higher tributaries of the Amazon-and along the eastern base of the Andes. found in the Island of St. Domingo. They are also : * Dana, loc. cit. p. 489. + Le Conte, loc. cit. p. 471, suggests that the arm of the gulf may have stretched into the Pacific--cutting the continent into two. The configuration of the mountainous region at the head of the Missouri, does not appear to favour this view. ‡ M. H. Karsten, Karte d. verbreitung d. Geog. Format, in Columbien, 1856. 108 the cretacEOUS PERIOD. THE LIFE FORMS OF THE CRETACEOUS PERIOD. The Fauna.—The marine forms of life are those which are most abundantly represented in the Cre- taceous strata, and these are so varied and numerous that it is extremely difficult to present more than a fragmentary sketch of their essential characters. The discoveries made within the last few years in America, have added enormously to our previous knowledge of such forms. The remains of birds occur in both American and European strata, of which the Hesperornis regalis, a swimming bird, may be taken as a represen- tative type. In this bird the wings are absent, and the jaws were armed with teeth set in grooves.* Another abundant form was that represented by the Ichthyornis, a small bird, endowed with great powers of flight, and having teeth in sockets, and biconcave vertebræ. These two types of toothed birds have been placed by Professor Marsh under the sub-class Odontornithes, and are characteristic of the middle Cretaceous epoch of America. Of the Reptilian forms, the numbers and varieties were remarkable, including Deinosaurs, Pterosaurs, Crocodilians, Lacertilians, Enaliosaurs (or ocean- * A figure of this bird (skeleton) is given by Marsh, Extinct Toothed Birds of America (U.S., Geol. Expl., 40 parallel, 1880, plate 20). + Ibid, Introduction, p. 3. LIFE FORMS. 109 saurians), and Turtles. In the Cretaceous seas, veritable "Sea-serpents Sea-serpents" appear to have abounded, and are represented by the Discosaurus, described by Professor Cope as a huge snake-like form, 40 feet in length, which, while keeping its body under the water, was able to raise its head, surmounting a swan-like neck, some 20 feet above the surface. Fishes were abundant, and include representatives of the four orders of Agassiz.* Passing to the Invertebrate forms, those of the Cephalopoda lend a special character to the Fauna. Together with Nautili, Ammonites and Belemnitest generally resembling those of the preceding period, there are found forms special and peculiar to the Cretaceous seas. They may be roughly described as partially coiled Ammonites, and in this manner have given rise to strange forms to which characteristic names have been applied. Thus we find the Crioceras, which is an Ammonite with the coils of the shell not in contact; Scaphites, resembling in form a boat or canoe; Ancycloceras, in which the central part of the shell is straight, the terminal partially coiled; the Bac- culites, a perfectly straight shell like a staff; Hamites, resembling Ancycloceras, but more hooked; and Turri- lites, a specially coiled form, resembling a Turritella, * Placoid, Ganoid, Cycloid, and Ctenoid orders. † Ammonites and Belemnites die out with the Cretaceous period. IIO THE CRETACEOUS PERIOD. except that the direction of the coils is from left to right. No less than 15 genera and 246 species of Cephalopods are recorded.* The other classes of the Mollusca were proportionately well represented. Of the Gasteropods the most abundant forms are Aporrhais, Cerithium, Fusus, Natica, Pleuratomaria, Scalaria, Solarium, Trochus and Turritella. Of the lamellibranchs, the most abundant forms belong to the genera Inoceramus, Exogyra, Ostrea, Spondylus, Lima, Pecten, Isocardia, Cardium and Venus. In some regions the peculiar forms of the Hippuritida, including Hippurites, Radiolites, Sphærulites, Caprina and Caprotina are prevalent, and belong exclu- sively to Cretaceous strata. Brachiopods of the genera Terebratula, Rhynchonella and Waldhemia were also very plentiful. Polyzoans were not so abundant as in former and later times, and though generically abundant (59 genera) were specifically few (114 species).† Crinoids, especially Echini, were very abundant, and are frequently preserved in flint; along with these were Crustaceans, Annelids and Actinozoa, or corals. The Foraminifera take a most important place as limestone builders, and belong to 39 genera, of which Bulinima, Cristeltaria, Dentalia, Nodosaria, Rosalina, Rotalina, Texu- laria and Vaginuling contain the greatest number of * Etheridge, Man. Geol., p. 593. + Etheridge, Ibid., p. 590. ↑ The corals were scarce as compared with those of the Jurassic and present periods. ! LIFE FORMS. III species. Sponges are abundant, especially those of the genus Xanthidium, a calcareous sponge with 14 species. There are besides many genera of siliceous sponges. The presence of the latter largely accounts for the flint bands and nodules amongst the limestones of the Upper Cretaceous beds. On the whole it may be inferred that the warm and open seas of the Upper Cretaceous period teemed with multifold forms of living animals. The Flora.-Still more remarkable, perhaps, is the character of the Upper Cretaceous Flora as compared. with that which preceded it. Down throughout the Secondary period into the Lower Cretaceous the Flora consisted altogether of Conifers, Cycads, Ferns and Equisetums. Hitherto no examples of Dicotyledonous plants had appeared; but with the Upper Cretaceous epoch a far more varied Flora, and one representative of that which characterises the regions of the Northern Hemisphere at the present day, makes its appearance with startling suddenness. Though the plant remains of the Upper Cretaceous epoch are scarce (owing to the prevalence of marine beds), yet both in Europe and America strata deposited in proximity to land, and belonging to this division, have yielded sufficient specimens to enable us to form a fair conception of the characters of the new Flora which had begun to decorate the surface of the land. In the words of Oswald Heer, this new Flora of Dicotyledonous forms I12 LIFE FORMS OF THE CRETACEOUS PERIOD. 1 i. was the introduction of a new fundamental conception into the vegetable kingdom. Together with the Ferns, Cycads and Sequoias previously existing we have now representatives of our forest trees and shrubs, such as the Oak, Myrtle, Walnut, Fig, Magnolia, Willow, Poplar, Plane-tree, Hornbean, Liriodendron (or Tulip- tree) and Eucalyptus. The gigantic Sequoia, now surviving only in the valleys of California, was a special and abundant form, and seems to have spread over the whole of the Northern Hemisphere. These, and numerous others, flourished from the sub-tropical to the Arctic regions of North Greenland at Noursoak, and indicate an extraordinary prevalence of warm conditions of climate throughout the Northern Hemisphere during the Cretaceous period.* To a At the close of the Cretaceous period the British Isles, the central and southern parts of Europe, and the regions bordering the Mediterranean were deeply depressed beneath the waters of the ocean. smaller extent this was the case over the central and southern parts of North America. In both tracts the centre of depression lay along the parallel of 40° N. lat., while the land areas lay over the northern tracts of both hemispheres and included in all probability extensive portions of the adjoining Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. A * O. Heer, Flora Fossilis Artica, vols. vi. and vii. (1882–83.) THE CAINOZOIC AGE. 113 THE CAINOZOIC AGE. (THE AGE OF MAMMALS.) EOCENE PERIOD. (EPOCH OF NUMMULITES.) At the close of the Cretaceous period a gradual elevation of the sea-bed took place over the region of Europe and extended into Northern Africa and Asia. The effect of this movement was to destroy the species inhabiting the waters, so that on the re-sub- mergence of these regions, or parts of them, at the beginning of the Cainozoic age, the waters flowing in brought an entirely new set of forms. Several of the Cretaceous genera, such as those of Hippurites, Ammonites, Ancycloceras, Baculites, Crioceras, Hamites and Scaphites also perished; but these changes, operating most powerfully over marine areas, did not much affect the flora of the land, nor were they of an intensity to produce sensible flexuring of the Cretaceous strata. The general relations, therefore, between the strata of the Cretaceous and Eocene epochs are those of a H 7 114 THE EOCENE STRATA. conformable hiatus ;* in which the former have been more or less denuded without having been folded or contorted before the Eocene beds were deposited over them. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE EOCENE STRATA. Owing to the existence of extensive tracts of land in the northern parts of the Europasian continent, and of oceanic conditions to the south of this land-area, the characters of the Eocene strata are widely different according to position. Thus the more northerly repre- sentatives bordering the lands, the sediments of which were derived from the streams draining those lands, are in the main sedimentary in character; while those which are found in the oceanic regions to the south, and which were built up mainly by the agency of animal organisms, are chiefly calcareous, and are represented by one of the greatest limestone formations in the world, known as the "Nummulite Limestone." Europe. The Eocene beds of England occupy two *Not of" Universal Unconformity" as stated by Le Conte. Elem, Geol., P. 497. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 115 separate "Basins," originally connected together—(1) that of London, and (2) that of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. These beds consist of clay, sand and gravel. resting on the Chalk. The London clay, which is about 600 feet thick under the City, thins out southward into the Isle of Wight. The middle Eocene beds con- tain Nummulites (N. lævigata, N. variolaria) and numerous shells. In the Paris basin, originally connected with that of England, limestone (such as the "Calcarie Grossier") forms an important part. In the Middle Stage four species of Nummulites (N. laevigata, N. scabra, N. variolaria and N. Lamarki) occur, which serve to identify these beds with the Nummulite limestone of Southern Europe and the regions surrounding the Mediterranean basin. Along the northern flanks of the Alps, a band of Eocene strata, chiefly Nummulitic, may be traced from the valley of the Rhone, by Lausanne and St. Gallen to Vienna, and thence into Hungary where, according to Hébert, there are four successive horizons charac- terised by different species of Nummulites, and consisting of limestones, calcareous marls, clays and sandstone, overlain by Miocene strata.* In the Alps the Nummulitic beds rise to elevations of 8,400 feet and upwards. The Eocene beds occupy a wide tract along the borders of *Comptes Rendus, t. lxxxv., p. 122-181 (1877.) 116 THE EOCENE STRATA. 1 the Gulf of Genoa, and extend by Bologna along both borders of the Apennines southwards. They are also found along the flanks of the Pyrenees, and Carpathians, rising into high altitudes. Asia and Africa.-These strata occupy large tracts of the Nubian and Libyan deserts of North Africa, and extend thence into Palestine and Asia Minor, where they repose directly on Cretaceous limestones, forming one great calcareous formation from 3,000 to 4,000 feet in thickness.* The Nummulitic limestones of Egypt have been employed in the construction of the most colossal works of human art, namely, the Pyramids, the stone for which has been taken from quarries on the opposite banks of the Nile; while the mysterious Sphinx, hewn out of the solid limestone rock, looks out over the vista of five thousand years. In the Extra- Peninsular region of India, the Nummulitic beds attain to great dimensions; and in Beluchistan (Khirthar), Thibet, &c., rise to very high elevations, from which they extend to the frontiers of China.t Dr. T. Thompson has found Nummulites at an elevation of 16,500 feet in Western Thibet. North America.-In the Western Continent the Cretaceous rocks appear to be continued up into the * Zittel, Ueber den Geol. Bau d. Libysch. Wüste, 1880. + Medlicott and Blanford, Geol. of India, part ii. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 117 Tertiary, through the intervention of a great series of strata known as "The Laramie Beds" of Colorado and New Mexico. These consist of sandstones, shales, with beds of coal and lignite, and extend over an area of 2,200 square miles, as ascertained by Professor J. J. Stevenson. They contain numerous plants and remains of Dinosaurs, and are considered by Dr. Hayden and Professor Cope to bridge over the interval between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods in America.* The Tertiary strata extend along the Atlantic borders from New Jersey, and stretch inwards from the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. The strata here are marine, but are represented in the western. interior by fresh-water deposits of great extent and depth, constituting the Green River and Uinta Basins to the east of the Wahsatch Mountains. These strata have been accumulated to the depth of at least a mile. South America.-In South America large tracts of Lower Tertiary strata occupy the extensive uplands. at the head waters of the Orinoco and the Amazon, and the plains bordering the Rio de la Plata; and again, are found bordering the eastern shores of Patagonia. The Tertiary strata are but sparingly represented in Brazil.t * Cope, Horizons of Extinct Vert., Bull, U.S. Geol. Surveys, vol. v. (1879). + According to the observations of Prof. Hartt. Bull. Cornell University, vol. 1, cited by J. Marcou. - $ 118 THE EOCENE PERIOD. LIFE FORMS OF THE EOCENE PERIOD. The Fauna.-As its name implies, the Eocene period is characterised by animal forms which are representa- tive of those at present inhabiting our earth. It is the dawn of the modern animate world. The Mammalia begin to take the foremost place in the grand procession of inhabitants, and though none of the species have descended to the present day, they may be regarded as the immediate progenitors of those which survive.* From the Eocene deposits formed in a great lake north of the Uinta Mountains in North America, the researches of Professor Marsh have brought to light large numbers of specimens belonging to an extinct order of Mammalia, to which he has given the name. Dinocerata. The specimens preserved in the Museum of Yale College represent more than 200 individuals. Along with these are those of ancestral forms of the horse and pig; others related to the Lemurs, and various Carnivores, Insectivores, Rodents and Marsupials. Crocodiles, serpents, lizards, tortoises and fishes appear to have swarmed in this Eocene lake.† Numerous * Many of these were first detected by the illustrious Cuvier from the remains in the gypseous deposits of Mont Martre, Paris, and are described in his great work, Recherches sur les Ossement fossiles, 4th edit., 1836. + Marsh, Monograph on the Dinocerata (U.S. Geol. Survey, vol. x., 1884). LIFE FORMS. 119 e Ruminants were recalls the form of ere the Cynodon, the The Quadrumana be, resembling in its and named by animals allied to the tapir floured, represented by the genera Palæotherium, Lophi, the Anchyterium, supposed to be the proger of the horse. Amongst the representatives of the Xiphodon Gracile (Cuvier), wh the gazelle. Of Carnivores ther Amphycion, and a species of Civ were represented by a species of dentition the Lemur of Africa, Rütemeyer Canopithecus lemuroides True birds had their representatives in Lithornis Vultuinus, of the Eocene of Sheppy, Halcyornis toliopicus, ar a species of seagull. From the beds of Mont Martr, Cuvier obtained the bones of eleven distinct species. Amongst the reptiles there were serpents, lizards, iguanas, crocodiles and several tortoises. The seas molluscs, chiefly of the ge Conus, Mitra, Cyrena, Cythe species descend to the found in warm seas. Cr also numerous; but th Nummulites were enorm abundance of their shel limestone. abounded in fish and Nautilus, Oliva, Voluta, d Chama, of which a few ht day, and are chiefly s and sea urchins were raminifera of the order prolific, and often, by the onstitute whole beds of Oligocene Beds.-The shire and Paris basins occupy a large tract of e represented in the Hamp- the highest members, and Germany, bordering on the ! 120 MIOCENE PERIOD. Baltic. The nam as given by Professor Beyrich in 1854 to a series deposits intermediate between the Eocene and Mioce conglomerate over Germany of Upper in an open sea aft general elevation of consisting of sand, gravel and g the lignite beds of North cene age. They were accumulated the Nummulite epoch, when a e sea-bed took place, converting it into a land-surface with lakes and estuaries. MIO ENE PERIOD. The Eocene strata were deposited over a continu- ously subsiding sea-bell; but towards the close of this period, terrestrial movements of wide extent, and often of great intensity, took over the Europasian conti- nent, and the adjoinincts of North Africa. The effects of these moveme by extensive denudation are manifest in the phys accompanied and followed e Cretaceo-Eocene strata, eatures of the south and east of England, those ofral and Northern France, and beyond these in the nees, the Carpathians, an period, the physical featur the Valley of the Nile, fir hills of Palestine and the the Jordan-Arabah Valley along the line of a great fa es of the Alps, the Pyre- the Himalayas. At this Lower Egypt, including eived their form. The non were upraised, and proportionally depressed fracture of the earth's INTRODUCTORY OBSERVATIONS. I2I crust.* In a word, the general form and outline of all the regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea became developed during the Miocene period; either, by the uprising of the then existing sea-bed; or by the contem- poraneous depression of other tracts, accompanied by rain and river action, whereby the ranges of hills and valleys received their general form and contour. Over the regions just described, continental conditions were. in the ascendant; hence, it will be inferred, deposition of strata was but locally carried on over the tracts now existing as dry land. In North America, also, there occured a general rise of the Plateau region, sufficient to allow of the drainage of the great Eocene lakes; but other lakes were formed both to the east and to the west of the former, in which Miocene strata were con- temporaneously deposited. Hence it will be seen, that all over the Northern Hemisphere, the crust was sub- jected to vertical movements; and, in the case of our mountain chains, to movements of great potency in refer- ence to the physical features of the surface. Volcanic action was also developed powerfully over parts of the British Isles, Central France, Italy and parts of Asia Minor, as well as in the North American Continent. * Author's Physical Geology of Arabia Petræa and Palestine (Mem. Palest. Explor. Soc., part iv., p. 192, 1886). L. Lartet, Voyage d'Exploration de la Mer Morte par le Duc de Luynes, t. in., 1880. 122 THE MIOCENE STRATA. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE MIOCENE STRATA. Europe. In the British Isles, the Miocene period is only.represented by certain lacustrine beds of Bovey Tracy, in Devonshire, and volcanic rocks of the north of Ireland and west of Scotland, consisting of great sheets of augitic lava, with beds of ash and tuff con- taining plant-remains. In Switzerland and Italy, a great formation known as "The Molasse," lying at the base of the Alps of Piedmont, attains a thickness of 6,000 feet and upwards, and consists of conglomerates, sandstones and shales, partly lacustrine, partly marine, and has yielded a profusion of animal and plant remains, representative of the epoch in that part of the world. The great valley which stretches from the Lake of Geneva eastwards along the base of the Alps by Munich to the confines of Hungary, is chiefly com- posed of Miocene beds, which, however, are often concealed by Post-Pliocene and Quaternary deposits. Miocene beds occupy a portion of the upper plains of Lombardy, and form a narrow band along the flanks of the Apennines. India.-In India the representative of the Miocene period, constituting the "Gaj Group" of the Siwalik ! MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 123 Hills, is composed of strata, chiefly calcareous at Karachi, and resting on the "Nari Beds." The Gaj beds are rich in marine fossils, including those of crustaceans, molluscs and echinoderns. It also contains remains of an extinct form of Rhinoceras (R. Sivalensis).* North America.-The Miocene period is represented chiefly by lake deposits known as those of the White River Basin of Nebraska and the John Day Basin of Oregon. In this latter case great sheets of augitic lava have been poured over the sedimentary deposits. The latter contain remains of mammalia, reptiles and fishes. Amongst the first are those of the Brontotherium, Menodus, Mesohippus, Oreodon, Hyanodon, Miohippus, Dicatherium, &c.† LIFE FORMS OF THE MIOCENE PERiod. The Fauna.-The European Fauna of this epoch is abundantly represented by the remains obtained from the Swiss deposits, for a knowledge of which we are largely indebted to the labours of Rütemeyer and Oswald Heer. Amongst the mammals we have as represen- tative of the Quadrumana an extinct species of Ape; * Geol. of India, part ii., p. 465. + Marsh, Dinocerata, Introd., p. 6; also, Vertebrate Life in America, p. 35. ¡ ? 124 LIFE FORMS OF THE MIOCENE PERIOD. } of Ruminants the Stag, the Roebuck and Chamois; the Pachyderms are represented by the Palæotherium, Tapir, Mastodon, Dinotherum, Rhinoceros and Hog; the Rodents by the Beaver and Bat; the Carnivores by the Hyæna, Otter and Civette; Birds by a Goose (Anas Enignensis). Along with the above are Salamanders, Frogs and Toads, Lizards, Crocodiles, Serpents and Tortoises. The Flora.-The Miocene Flora is chiefly known by specimens derived from the Molasse. It was extremely rich and varied; and while differing largely from that of the present day is representative of the plants now grow- ing over all parts of the globe, and indicates a contem- poraneous physical connection of lands now widely separated. Thus we find identical (or homologous) forms, of which 12 species are Asiatic, 2 Atlantic Isles, 33 American and 2 New Holland. Of representative forms 103 are found in the Southern States of America, 40 in tropical America, 6 in Chili, 23 in the Temperate Zone and 45 in the Torrid Zone of Asia, 25 in the Atlantic Isles, 26 in Africa and 21 in New Zealand. In this magnificent flora the Pomacea, Leguminosia, the forest trees such as the Plane, Maple, Elm, Oak, Myrtle, Laurel and Cinnamon tree were well repre- sented. Monocotyledons, such as Palms, Lilies, the Iris and aquatic plants are present. The Conifera are largely represented, and the Taxodium disticum, a kind of Cypress, THE PLIOCENE PERIOD. 125 clothed the banks of the lakes and swamps. Ferns also decorated the woodlands, and the ground was carpeted with grasses and mosses. Cycads had dis- appeared, and (what is strange) the Rosaceæ, now so abundant, appear to have been unrepresented at this epoch. Not only was the Miocene flora thus prolific, and (with the exception above-named) representative of that over the whole world at the present day, but it was very widely spread, reaching even into the Arctic circle at Grinnel-Land. PLIOCENE PERIOD. At the close of the Miocene period, the physical features of the British islands and the Europasian con- tinent had been pretty well determined. It was a period of prolonged duration, in which the forces of elevation and erosion had abundant time to play their part; and they left these lands with mountains and valleys, plains and sea-coasts not very dissimilar in form from what we find them at the present day. The Pliocene epoch was one, on the other hand, during which but little change took place in this surface-con- figuration; but its introduction was marked by a general slight depression of the land-areas, owing to 126 THE PLIOCENE STRATA. which marginal tracts of no great elevation were submerged, while lakes were formed in more inland regions. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE PLIOCENE STRATA. Europe. In the British Islands the Pliocene period. is represented by a small tract of shelly gravels, marls and limestones along the coast of East Anglia, chiefly in Norfolk and Suffolk. The strata are known as the Crag Beds," and have yielded a large number of remains, both of Mammalia and of Molluscs and other chiefly marine forms. The "Coralline Crag" contains, according to the observations of Mr. Searles Wood, 345 species, of which 31 per cent. are considered to be extinct. In the "Red Crag" 25 per cent. are sup- posed to be extinct, and in the "Norwich Crag" only 18 per cent. have disappeared. Some of the shells in this latter indicate boreal waters, such as Nucula Cob- boldiae, Tellina obliqua, Rhynconella psittacea, Scalaria Gran- landica, Astarte Borealis and Panopica Norwegica. The Mammals are represented by the following species: Mastodon Arvernensis, Rhinoceras Schliermacheri, Tapirus Priscus and Cervis Anoceras. The Pliocene strata are unrepresented in Switzer- land and along the borders of the Alps; but they are i MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION. 127 found along the flanks of the Apennines, stretching southward from the neighbourhood of Turin and Bologna. They consist of calcareous marls with beds of sandstone and lignite, and contain shells, some of which belong to warmer latitudes than the Mediter- ranean, while others are found in the Mediterranean itself. Strata belonging to the same period occur in the lands bordering the Levant, forming beds of shells along the hills of Lower Egypt, the coasts of Palestine, Syria and Cyprus, and indicating a depression of the land to an extent of over 200 feet. This ancient sea-margin was first recognised by Dr. Oscar Fraas, and more recently by Schweinfurth and the author.† India.-In Extra-Peninsular India the Pliocene beds are very fully represented in the Siwalik Hills at the base of the Himalayas. They appear to have been deposited over the floor of a wide lake, on the borders, and in the waters, of which a great variety of animals belonging to the period abounded. The Mammalia, as determined by Falconer and Lydekker, include the following species:-The Primates are represented by Palæopithecus, Macacus, Semnopithecus and Cynopithecus; the Carnivores by Mustela, Mellivorae, Mellivorodon, Lutra, Hyanodon, Ursus, Hyænarctus, Canis, Hyana, Lepthyana, Felis and Machavodus; the Proboscidians by Elephas and * Fraas, Aus dem Orient (Geolog. beobachtungen). + Physical Geology of Arabia Petræa and Palestine, page 69, et cet. } 128 THE PLIOCENE STRATA. 4 Mastodon; the Ungulates by Rhinoceras (3 sp.), Equus and Hipparion; the Hippopotamus, Sus (5 sp.), Cervus, Camelo- paradalis, Bubalus (2 sp.), Bison, Bos (3 sp.), Capra, Ovis and Camelus; the Rodents by Mus, Rhizomys, Hystrix and Lepus; and the Birds by Pelecanus, Megaloscelornis, Argala, Struthis and Dromæus. It will be observed that some of these forms, such as the Camelopardalis and Rhinoceras, have disappeared from the Asiatic penin- sula and are now found in Africa. America. -On the American continent there were at least four lake basins formed during the Pliocene period, the Niobrara basin, the Oregon basin, and those of Rio Grande and of Nevada. The strata are composed of soft sands and clays in nearly horizontal positions, worn down into innumerable hollows and hummocks, with occasional castellated masses between, and constituting the "Mauvaises Terres" of the West. In these beds the following forms, some of which survive to the present day, have been discovered:-Equus, Protohippus*, Tapirus, Elephas, Pliohippus, Tapiravus, Mastodon, Procamelus, Aceratherium, Bos and Morotherium. It should be here observed that, although the American geologists classify their Tertiary formations under the same head as those of Europe, yet in reality they are not * Equus in Upper Pliocene, Protohippus in Lower Pliocene; Marsh, Vertebrate Life in America, p. 32. LIFE FORMS OF THE PLIOCENE PERIOD. 129 strictly contemporaneous, but only homotaxial, as has been pointed out by Professor Marsh and other writers. The Tertiary epochs of Europe were in advance (so to speak) of those in America; and this holds good whether we consider the Fauna or the Flora. As regards the latter, it may be stated that the present Flora of America bears a general resemblance to that of the Pliocene period in Europe. J LIFE FORMS OF THE PLIOCENE PERIOD. The Fauna.-In the Europasian continent Ruminants abounded, especially Deer, amongst which were the Stag, the Elk and the Reindeer. With these were hollow-horned Ruminants, such as the Bison and the Musk Ox. Of Pachiderms, there were at least two species of Elephant, the Elephas Meridionalis and E. Antiquus, besides the Hippopotamus Major, the Rhinocerus Etruscus and the Mastodon, which frequented both Europe and America. The Hipparion, the progenitor of the Horse, with three toes to each foot, only the middle one of which touched the ground, belongs to the early part of the period, to be succeeded by the Pliohippus, a more advanced form belonging to the later stage. The Pliohippus was succeeded by the true Horse, which frequented the Europasian and American continents at the close of the Pliocene epoch. The Carnivores were I 130 THE PLIOCENE PERIOD. ་ represented by several species of Felis, Hyana, Macheirodus and other forms. Such was the general character of the animals that roamed over the vast region extending from the British Islands into Central Asia, and thence into the Western Hemisphere. From the census given of the animate forms of the Pliocene deposits in the Europasian continent, it may be inferred that it is largely representative of the Fauna of the present day in that region. A few forms have become extinct, others have been specifically altered, but the general change is not very great. During this epoch there is reason to believe that the continent of Africa was the abode of a very different and much more restricted Fauna, which is now only represented by that of the island of Madagascar; and to which, from the semi- apes which characterise it, Dr. Sclater has given the name of “Lemuria." The question now arises, by what process, or owing to what circumstances, has the present Fauna of Africa become so remarkably changed, inas- much as it bears a strong resemblance to that of the Europasian continent during Pliocene times? This opens out to us one of the most interesting episodes in the history of animal life during past geological ages, and has been admirably elucidated by the researches of Dr. A. Wallace.* Here we have the evidences of a great * Wallace, Island Life (1880), and Geographical Distribution (1876). LIFE FORMS. 131 migration of the larger animals inhabiting the Northern continent into the Southern, followed by the destruction or expulsion of the aboriginal inhabitants over the whole of Africa; owing to which they would have been utterly exterminated, had it not been that the survivors were left in possession of the island of Madagascar, as the wide and deep channel which separates it from the continent formed an impassable barrier to the invading host. But the cause of this great invasion remains to be explained; it was in effect the approach of the intense cold, which reached its climax in the succeeding Post-Pliocene or Glacial epoch, and which converted the climate of, at least, the Northern part of Europe into one approaching that of the Arctic regions at the present day. According to the views of Dr. Wallace there were three causeways by which the migration of the animals from the North into Africa took effect; namely, by lands connecting Europe and Africa at the Straits of Gibraltar, at Sicily and Tunis, and at the Isthmus of Suez. There is also reason to believe that the surface of the Mediterranean was considerably lowered at this. epoch, partly by the freezing up of the rivers which enter it from the North, and partly by a general elevation of the land, which narrowed the connection with the Atlantic Ocean*. In this way the Mediterranean seems to have been converted into several separate gulfs, divided by barriers of land, which were peopled by the migrating *T. F. Jamieson, Geological Magazine, May, 1885, p. 199. Der M 132 THE NEOZOIC AGE. Pachiderms and Carnivores while making their way southward. The large number of remains of Elephants and Hippopotami, and of other extinct mammals, in the caves of Malta and Sicily bear testimony to the extent of the land-connection here indicated, which could only have been brought about by a considerable lowering of the Mediterranean waters. With this remarkable episode in the animal life of Europe in Tertiary times, which reminds us of some of the great invasions of the Tartar tribes into the Roman empire in human history, we may fittingly conclude this account of the Pliocene period.* THE NEOZOIC AGE. POST-PLIOCENE OR GLACIAL PERIOD. (THE EPOCH OF THE MAMMOTH.) It is not improbable from astronomical considera- tions that, throughout the earth's history, there may have been periodic recurrences of extreme cold in the * In the Malta Caves, three extinct species of elephant, a hippopotamus, and bones of other mammals have been found. The occurrence of these points to a time when Malta stood in the centre of surrounding lands. Remains of hippo- potami have also been found in the Caves of Gibraltar. MU { THE POST-PLIOCENE OR GLACIAL PERIOD. 133 climates of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The boulder beds which are found in the Old Red Sand- stone of Scotland, in Carboniferous strata of New South Wales, in Permian beds of Central England, in Triassic strata in South Africa, and in Miocene beds of Switzer- land and Italy, all tend to bear out this conclusion. But, however this may have been, certain it is that no epoch has left such widely extended and strongly recorded evidences of glacial conditions over large portions of the Northern Hemisphere as that which closes the geological record and immediately precedes the Age of Man. The evidences of these conditions may be included under five principal heads: (1.) The glaciation. of rock-surfaces, both amongst mountains and over plains, where at present no glaciers are found; (2.) The dispersion of erratic blocks (or boulders) of stone, often of large size, over tracts far removed from their parent masses; (3.) The presence of a deposit known as boulder clay," unstratified and containing glaciated stones and blocks differing in form and surface-charac- ters from water-borne pebbles; (4.) The occurrence of glacial Moraines, both lateral and terminal, in mountain valleys of the British Islands and other districts now destitute of glaciers; and (5.) The occurrence of lakes in such districts, either lying in "rock-basins" or formed. by terminal moraines thrown across valleys. It will only be possible to deal very briefly with such portions. of the above evidence as bear upon the historical view of the subject. 134 THE POST-PLIOCENE OR GLACIAL PERIOD. 1 SPECIAL EPOCHS OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD. From the evidence which has been obtained, both in Europe and America, there is reason for believing that the Glacial period is capable of a three-fold division, each of which was characterised by special climatic and terrestrial conditions, and is indicated by distinct and special deposits. Arranged in a tabular form, they are somewhat as follows:- DIVISIONS OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD (British Isles). (Arranged in descending order.) DIVISION OR EPOCH. CLIMATE. C.-Latest PHYSICAL CONDITIONS. FORMATION. Sub-Glacial Partial Depres- Upper Boulder sion of Land Clay. Depression of Middle Sand and B.-Medial or Temperate Interglacial Land A. Earliest Extreme Glacial Elevation Land Gravel with Shells. of Lower Boulder Clay and Till. The above conditions are specially designated as applicable to the British Isles; but, with more or less modification, are also applicable to regions lying beyond. In considering them we shall begin with the earliest, and thus follow the course of history. SPECIAL EPOCHS. 135 A.-The Earliest Epoch. The general refrigeration of the climate over the Northern Hemisphere, which took place with the com- mencement of the Glacial period, was marked not only by the advance of existing glaciers in the mountainous regions of Norway, the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Cau- casus and the Himalayas; but, by the formation of glaciers in the Highland districts of the British Isles, and the overspread of the plains of Northern Europe and of North America by great sheets of ice, the limits of which have been very clearly defined by the occur- rence of boulder clay, the glaciation of the solid rock surfaces, and the distribution of erratic boulders. At this epoch, according to the views first enunciated by Charpentier and Agassiz, the glaciers of the Rhone Valley descended into the Great Valley of Switzerland, filling the bed of the Lake of Geneva, and climbing the flanks of the Jura Mountains, where large stranded. blocks (such as the Pierre-a-bôt) of the granite of the higher Alps, attest the former presence and prodigious extent of the Rhone glacier.* To the south of the Alps glaciers also descended and debouched upon the plains of Lombardy, and have left terminal moraines of large * This glacier extended down the Rhone Valley to Lyons and Besançon, where MM. Falsan and Chantre have traced its terminal moraine, Monog. Geolog. des Anciens Glaciers du Bassin du Rhone (Lyons, 1869). 136 THE POST-PLIOCENE OR GLACIAL PERIOD. I dimensions, such as those of Ivrea and of the Dorea Baltea in Piedmont. Turning now to Scandinavia, the deposits and erra- tics which were derived from these mountains have been found spread over the plains of Hanover, Prussia and Russia as far south as lat. 50 deg. N. in the last-named country. Passing to the British Isles; the limit of the ice-sheet, which filled the North Sea and overspread East Anglia, may be traced from the coast of Suffolk, westwards to the borders of Wales, and thence out to sea in Pembrokeshire. The whole of Scotland and Ireland were enveloped in ice which stretched out into the Atlantic Ocean.* On the American continent the surface of Canada to the south of the Great Lakes was glaciated as far as lat. 40 deg.-38 deg. N. The vast plateau of Labrador and of the Laurentian Mountains seems to have been the field over which the snow accu- mulated that gave origin to an enormous sheet of ice which moved in a general southerly direction, and has left behind boulder clay and erratics as far as a limit which has been traced for several hundred miles.† Similar glacial deposits, including large quantities of the bones of the Mammoth, are found covering the northern tracts of Siberia and of the Asiatic continent. The glaciers of the Himalayas descended far below their *See Croll's Climate and Time, and Author's Phys. Hist. Brit. Isles, plate xiii. + T. C. Chamberlin, Third Rep. U.S. Geol. Survey; also H. C. Lewis Report on the Terminal Moraine (2nd Geol. Survey, Pennsylvania.) SPECIAL EPOCHS. 137 present limits, as did those of the Caucasus; while the Lebanon was for a time covered with perennial snows, sending down glaciers where now grow forests of cedars.* Thus there is clear evidence of the former existence of glacial conditions throughout the Northern Hemisphere and over both continents, in regions from which they are now entirely absent. B.-The Medial or Interglacial Epoch. The intense cold of the Earliest Epoch appears to have been followed by an interval of mild climatic conditions in Europe and America. This was ac- companied by a considerable depression of the land, and consequent submergence of certain districts. The sands and gravels which (as shown by the table) succeed to the Lower Boulder clay, contain numerous marine shells of existing species, and are found occu- pying the plains of England and Ireland; but when traced towards the mountainous districts, they are found to ascend to elevations of over one thousand feet above the sea level, from which we infer that the land has been by so much depressed during this epoch. Thus, amongst the Wicklow mountains of Ireland, these shelly gravels have been found at a level } ( * This statement, though founded on the observations of Sir J. D. Hooker has been disputed in a recent work, Der Libanon, by Dr. Diener, of Vienna; but as it seems to me, on insufficient grounds. 138 THE POST-PLIOCENE OR GLACIAL PERIOD. A of 1,235 feet ;* amongst the Sperrin mountains of Derry at 1,200 feet; amongst the mountains of Wales at 1,170 feet; and on the Macclesfield Hills at an elevation of 1,100 to 1,200 feet. In Scotland, similar shell beds have been detected in Inverness-shire at 500 feet.** All these and other cases go to show a general submergence of the British Isles, and the characters of the shell beds, being those of stratified and water-worn deposits, point to conditions differing remarkably from those of the preceding epoch. At this stage, the British Isles must have been converted into an archi- pelago of islands, wherein only the high tracts appeared above the surface of the sea. In Switzerland and Central Europe, as pointed out by Oswald Heer,tt an Interglacial Epoch separated two others of intensely glacial conditions. In the Valley of the Drance the deposits of stratified gravels are seen interposed between an Upper and Lower Moraine mud with boulders. These gravels were formed during the interglacial stage, and at Dunten have yielded remains of Elephas antiquus, E. Primigenius (Mammoth), Rhinoceros, Bos, Ursus spelæus (Cave Bear) and Cervus elaphas (Stag). • * Discovered by the Rev. Maxwell Close. Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc., Ireland, vol. x. + On Moel Tryfaen, and other spots, first described by Mr. Trimmer. ↑ Described by Prof. Prestwich. ** Described by Mr. R. Richardson, Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc., vol. iv., p. 179. A representation of the features of the British Isles at this period is given in plate xiv., fig. i., of my Phys. Hist. Brit. Isles, p. 127. ++ Heer, Urwelt der Schweiz. SPECIAL EPOCHS. 139 In North America the Interglacial Epoch is represented by the stratified deposits of "the Champlain period," consisting of gravel terraces in the interior, and of stratified clays and sands along the coast, rising 600 feet above the ocean, and containing Leda artica, Tellina grænlandica.* C.-The Latest Epoch. The phenomena connected with the Latest Stage, indicate a partial return of glacial conditions, and a continued depression of the land though to a less extent than during the Interglacial Epoch. In the British Islands glaciers descended from the snowfields of the unsubmerged mountain heights, and entering the sea, floated away in the form of icebergs and rafts carrying blocks of stone and mud which, as the supporting ice melted, were strewn over its floor. In this way was the deposit known as "the Upper Boulder Clay " formed over parts of the British Islands. In Switzerland the glacier of the Rhone, which in the Earliest Glacial Epoch had filled the whole valley of Geneva, only descended as far as the head of the Lake Leman during the later glacial stage. In America the boulder clay belonging to the second Glacial Epoch is clearly differentiated from that of the first or earlier * Dawson, Acadian Geology', p. 80, et seq.; Le Conte, Handbook of Geology P. 545. 140 THE POST-PLIOCENE OR GLACIAL PERIOD. : stage, and and its limits have been traced by T. C. Chamberlin and the officers of the Geological Survey for a distance of 3,000 miles from the Atlantic sea-bord at Long Island into North-West Canada. This Upper sheet generally lies considerably within (or to the north of) the Lower, except to the south of Lake Erie, where the margins of the two deposits generally coincide.* On a review of the whole subject, it may be affirmed that the succession of events, both in Europe and America, were, on the whole, similar; and that, throughout the Northern Hemisphere, considerable oscillations of surface-level, accompanied by changes in climate, were approximately coincident over the whole region. LIFE FORMS OF THE POST-PLIOCENE OR GLACIAL PERIOD. The Fauna. The animals which inhabited the Northern Hemisphere during the Glacial Epoch were those which had survived from the Pliocene epoch. At the head may be placed the Mammoth (Elephas primigenius), whose bones and recurved tusks are found at intervals over the entire region. In the frozen soil of * T. C. Chamberlin, Terminal Moraine of the Second Glacial Epoch. 3rd Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Survey (1881-2), plate xxxi. Those who desire fuller information regarding the Glacial Period should consult Dr. J. Geikie's Great Ice Age; Lyell's Antiquity of Man; or Dr. Croll's Climate and Time. 1 } LIFE FORMS. 141 Northern Asia his tusks are so abundant as to have become an article of commerce.* Next to the Mammoth comes the Mastodon, common to both continents, and in both extinct. The Horse which roamed over the American continent at the close of the Pliocene period appears to have been exterminated, in consequence, probably, of climatic changes. Reverting to the European region, the plains and valleys, which were free from snow, abounded in Bisons, Oxen (Bos primi- genius), Stags of several species, including the noble Megaceros (or "Irish Elk") and the Reindeer. With these were herds of Horses, of several varieties, and of the Musk Ox (Ovibos). The Carnivores were largely represented by the Dog, the Lion, the Machairodus, the Hyæna, the Bear and the Wolf; and of living Pachy- derms, there were the Hippopotamus, the Rhinoceros, and the Hog. The smaller animals now inhabiting the land are also found in a sub-fossil state, such as Hares, Weasels and Mice; while various Birds peopled the air, such as the Eagle, Goose, Duck and Pigeon. The Ostrich, which is found fossil in the Sewalik beds of India, migrated into Africa during the Glacial epoch, and has made that continent its home. The Giraffe and the Camel are not found beyond the Asiatic limits, and the former appears to have followed with the great migration into the Southern continent. * The Mammoth of Siberia possessed a woolly coat, as shown by an indi- vidual preserved in the ice. 1 142 LIFE FORMS OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD. On the other hand, those animals to whom a cold climate is suited, such as the Musk Ox and Reindeer, have permanently retreated northwards into tracts. bordering on the Arctic Circle. Such was the character of the Fauna which, surviving from the Pliocene period, maintained a struggling existence in those regions. where the rigours of the climate and the absence of snow and ice permitted. Many of the Carnivores, such as the Cave Lion, the Cave Bear and Hyæna, took up their abodes in the caves and underground river channels which had been formed in limestone districts from the Miocene period downwards, and their bones and exuvia are found under the stalactite floors. Africa, however, afforded a genial retreat for the more tropical. forms, and the aboriginal tribes of Lemurs and small Carnivores having been exterminated, it became what it remains to this day, the abode of Monkeys, Elephants, Hippopotami, Lions, Leopards, Giraffes, Zebras and numerous Antelopes. The Flora.-Of the Flora of the Glacial period it need only be said, that as regards the British and European areas, it is largely represented by that which is found in the northern latitudes and higher mountains at the present day. As for the remaining forms, while some have died out, the vast majority are identical with those now inhabiting the earth. CLOSE OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD. 143 QUATERNARY PERIOD.` (THE EPOCH OF MAN.) Towards the close of the Glacial period a gradual amelioration of the climate took place over the Northern Hemisphere; while, at the same time, the relations of land and sea approximated generally to those which are now established. As the land rose from a state of partial submergence, and the temperature became warmer, the snow melted from off all but the higher mountains, and the glaciers retreated up the valleys, till (in some districts, such as the British Isles) they altogether disappeared. Their effects and evidences, however, remain; so that, amongst our mountain groups, we behold the surfaces of the rocks ice-worn and striated, erratic blocks widely dispersed, and numerous moraines lining the sides of, or thrown across the centres of the valleys themselves; thus sometimes damming up the streams which descend from the heights and forming lakes. By a similar agency, basins have been hollowed out of the most solid rocks, and many a little mountain tarn, whose presence high up amongst the peaks and crags of our highlands fills us with surprise, owes its existence to the abrading action of the glacier I 144 THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. which once filled its basin.* As the land rose, eskers or kames and terraces of gravel were formed over the plains, along the sides of the valleys, and along our coasts; so that the ancient shore-line is often marked by a cliff at a considerable distance inland from the present high-tide line, and connected therewith by a sloping terrace of shelly sand or gravel, once the bed of the sea.t At this epoch, man himself was an inhabitant of our continents. At what exact period he first made his appearance even in Europe is not fully determined. His advent has been variously stated to date even from Miocene times downwards; but after careful examina- tion of the evidences adduced, this may be safely rejected. We may go a step considerably in advance and state that there is no unquestionable evidence of the presence of man till towards the close of the Glacial period itself. Man appears to have followed the track of the retreating glaciers. The proof that he was contemporary with the extinct Mammoth, the Cave Hyena, the Cave Lion, and the Irish Elk, as well as with animals which have disappeared from the European area, is fully established. A work of primæval art, *On the subject of the glacial origin of lake basins, see Ramsay's Physical Geography and Geology of Great Britain, 5th edit., p. 432. + Such terraces are very remarkable in Norway, Scotland, and the North of Ireland. Old sea-stacks often rise like rugged pillars above the surface, and the inland cliffs are penetrated by sea caves containing the bones of animals, &c. ↑ Le Conte, Elements of Geol., p. 592 (1885). THE EPOCH OF MAN. 145 surpassing in antiquity those of ancient Egypt and Assyria, has come down to us in the form of a piece of reindeer-horn, on which has been traced in bold and unmistakable lines the form of the Mammoth. Towards the close of the Glacial epoch, the human race issuing from its cradle in the East, overspread the plains of Europe and of America. His weapons and implements of the chase were fashioned out of flint, basalt or porphyry, or of bone and horn. He was a mighty hunter, and, probably by his agency many of the larger animals were exterminated over extensive districts. That he was also a fisherman is proved by the number of fishing hooks of bone in the Perigord Caves; and for protection he built himself dwellings over the waters of the Swiss Lakes. He appears to have entered Europe in several successive migrations, the precursors of so many future invasions, and to have overspread the lands with extraordinary rapidity. Some writers have endeavoured to maintain the suc- cessive migration of a more advanced race upon the ruder aborigines, carrying more highly finished weapons and implements, and ultimately supplanting the earliest settlers; to the older, they have applied the term Paleolithic," and to the newer, that of "Neolithic ; but it is extremely questionable whether these dis- tinctions can be maintained, as the various kinds of works of art overlap each other, and various fashions of weapons and implements of the chase may have co- existed widely over Europe and other lands. As a recent K 146 THE QUATERNARY PERIOD. writer well observes, "rudeness of form is no evidence of age, "* and as a matter of fact, the manufacture of stone weapons is a process which is still carried on in remote districts of the world, as at Kadasseh on the banks of the Nile. Generally speaking, however, in prehistoric times the races of men, within certain limits, may be indicated by the character of their works of art, so that those who used implements of stone were the predecessors of those who used implements of bronze and iron. Much uncertainty, however, hangs over the whole of the prehistorical question regarding the appearance and habits of pri- mæval man; still less have we any grounds on which to form conclusions regarding his mental, moral and spiritual capacities, and his relations to those more. civilised races which, both in the old and new world, have left us admirable proofs of high mental endow- ments and of powers of constructive art. RETROSPECt. In looking back upon the past history of our globe as sketched out in the preceding pages, it will be seen * Sir J. W. Dawson, Egypt and Syria, p. 133 (1885). On this point the human remains found in the Aurignac Cave in France, described by M. Lartet, afford grounds for inferring that the aboriginal cave- dwellers practised funereal rites, indicating a belief in immortality. Lartet, Annales des Mines, Zoologic, t. xv., p. 177; Lyell, Antiquity of Man, p. 181. RETROSPECT. 147 that since the period when its crust became consolidated down to the advent of man, it has passed through a succession of physical revolutions by which land and sea have (to a greater or less extent) changed places; and that, concurrently with these physical changes, the animals and plants inhabiting its surface, or living in its waters, have themselves given place, in a large measure, to others of a higher organisation. Such a history as this is only less interesting and worthy of our study than are those events in which Man himself has been the principal actor. The evolu- tion of higher from lower forms has been a law constantly in operation throughout, but not to the extent of bringing about the total destruction of the more simple forms. Thus it arises, that from the Sponge or Foraminifer to Man himself, we have a complete representation at the present day of all the successive forms which, throughout the immensity of geologic time, were evolved at successive intervals—a sort of instantaneous panorama of the grand procession of life in past time. In beholding this marvellous outcome of organised existence on our globe, it calls for no great demand upon our reasoning powers to come to the conclusion, that such a result could only have been arrived at through the exercise of an Omnipotent Power outside and beyond this world of ours. No application of the doctrine of chances can suffice to explain the origin of successive forms of animal and plant-life, with all their beauty, harmony and adapta- 148 RETROSPECT. bility to the conditions of surrounding nature. The views enunciated by Darwin and Wallace, and so successfully illustrated by reference to living animals and plants, have only opened up to us another of those laws by which the Creator has guided and directed the development of living beings towards definite and evident ends. For, given matter, the principle of life, and the laws which govern both, what would have been the result in the absence of a governing and directing. Power but simply the production of living monstrosities? But even for all of these antecedents we have still to fall back on the God of Nature, the Author and Giver of life, or, in the words of the great Apostle: "Him in Whom we live, and move, and have our being." Having thus brought the geological narrative down to the verge of history, I feel that my task is ended. If the narrative is in some respects defective, I have two reasons to urge in justification: first, that the materials on which to construct such a narrative are in themselves sometimes entirely wanting or often deficient; and secondly, the limits necessarily imposed upon me in writing this portion of an Universal History. All I can ask is this: that it may be admitted, as far as the evidence goes, that the narrative is faithful to the facts of Geological History. TABLE OF GEOLOGICAL PERIODS. L 1 ! } TABLE OF GEOLOGICAL PERIODS, AND LIST OF COUNTRIES WHERE THE REPRESENTATIVE STRATA ARE KNOWN TO EXIST. THE ARCHÆAN OR AZOIC AGE. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE ARCHEAN ROCKS. Western Hemisphere. North America. South America. Eastern Hemisphere. Spain. British Isles. Africa. Asia. Summary. THE LOWER PALEOZOIC AGE (THE AGE OF INVERTEBRATES.) CAMBRIAN AND PRIMORDIAL PERIOD. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF AND PRIMORDIAL STRATA. British Isles. Europe. Asia. America. THE CAMBRIAN L* 152 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. : SILURIAN PERIOD. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF STRATA. Europe and British Isles. Asia. Australia. Africa. North America. South America. $ THE SILURIAN THE UPPER PALEOZOIC AGE. (THE AGE OF FISHES.) DEVONIAN PERIOD. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE DEVONIAN STRATA. Europe and British Isles. North America. CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. (THE AGE OF LABYRINTHODONTS.) MINERAL CHARACTERS OF THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATA. DISTRIBUTION OF THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATA. The Principal Coal-Fields of the World. Europe and British Isles. Asia. Australia. America. PERMIAN PERIOD. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE PERMIAN STRATA. Europe and British Isles. North America. TABLE OF PERIODS. THE MESOZOIC AGE. (THE AGE OF REPTILES.) 153 TRIASSIC PERIOD. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE TRIASSIC STRATA. Europe and British Isles. Asia. South Africa. North America. Nova Scotia, &c. (Acadia). JURASSIC PERIOD. (THE AGE OF SAURIANS). MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE JURASSIC STRATA. Europe and British Isles. Asia. America. Other Lands South of the Equator. POSITION OF LAND AND SEA DURING THE JURASSIC PERIOD. British and European Areas. Northern and Central Africa, &c. America. 1 CRETACEOUS PERIOD. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRETACEOUS STRATA. Europe and British Isles. India. Regions South of the Equator. North America. South America. 4 154 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. Cen THE CAINOZOIC AGE. (THE AGE OF THE MAMMALS.) EOCENE PERIOD. (EPOCH OF NUMMULITES). MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE EOCENE STRATA. Europe and British Isles, Asia and Africa. North America. South America. OLIGOCENE BEDS. MIOCENE PERIOD. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION or THE MIOCENE STRATA. Europe and British Isles. India. North America. PLIOCENE PERIOD. MINERAL CHARACTERS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE PLIOCENE STRATA. Europe and British Isles. India. America. : I TABLE OF PERIODS. THE NEOZOIC AGE. POST-PLIOCENE OR GLACIAL PERIOD. (THE EPOCH OF THE MAMMOTH.) SPECIAL EPOCHS OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD. DIVISIONS OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD (BRITISH ISLES). A.-The Earliest Epoch. B. The Medial or Interglacial Epoch. C.-The Latest Epoch. QUATERNARY PERIOD. (THE EPOCH OF MAN). 155 % : GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. INDEX. : E GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. INDEX. Abyssinia, Archæan rocks in, 29. Acadia, absence of Permian beds from, 77; Triassic beds in, 86, 87. Aceratherium, 128. Acidic rocks, 21. Acrodus, 87, 99. Acrogens during Carboniferous period, 70, 72. Actinozoa, during Cretaceous pe- riod, 110, (see also Corals). Egoceras planorbis, 99. Africa, Archæan rocks in, 29, 30; Silurian, 46, 47; connected with India, 49; Triassic character of the Karoo for- mation in South Africa, 84; Jurassic strata absent from, 97; depression of Northern part during Cretaceous period, 103; elevation at close of this pe- riod, 113; Eocene strata in the North, Nummulite lime- stone of, 116; movements in North Africa at close of Eocene period, giving rise to present physical features, 120, 121; fauna during Pliocene period, now represented by that of Madagascar, 130; causes of change, 131; migration of animals from Europe into Africa, 131; immigration of present fauna, 142. Agnostus, 37, 39. Alleghany mountains, 25, origin of, 85. Alps, 19, Western, 65; Triassic rocks in, 83; Alpine lime- stone, 91; Jurassic beds of, 92; Cretaceous strata of, 102, 104; Eocene strata of, 115, 116; upheaval at close of Eocene period, 120; Miocene strata, 122; Pliocene strata unrepresented, 126; during the Glacial period, 135. America, N., Archæan rocks in, 25, 26; Primordial rocks of, 39; Silurian, 47, 48; position du- ring Silurian period, 49; De- vonian beds conformable to Silurian, 53; Devonian beds of, 56, 57; flora during this period, 59; Carboniferous strata in, 61, 66, 67; submer- gence of, 68; during Permian period, 76, 77; fossils of, 79 ; close of Palæozoic era, Tri- assic strata, 85, 86, 87, 94; Jurassic beds, poverty of fos- sils and subordinate position of, 94, 95; submergence of Western and Southern por- tions during Jurassic period, 97; submergence of central portions during the Cretaceous period, 107; fauna of, during GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. 160 at Cretaceous period, 108; close of period depressed, 112; Tertiary strata of, 117; Eo- cene fossils, 118; upheaval of Plateau region, 121; lake deposits of Miocene period, 123; lake basins of Pliocene period, 128; comparison of Tertiary epoch with that of Europe, 128, 129; during Glacial period, formation of ice-sheets, 135, 136; Intergla- cial period, 137, 138; boulder clay of second Glacial epoch, 140. America, S., Archæan rocks in, 26; Silurian, 47; position during Silurian period, 49; Carboniferous rocks of, 67, 68; Jurassic beds in, 95; land area during Jurassic period, 97; Cretaceous rocks of, 107; Tertiary strata of, 117. Ammonites, 83, 93; characteristic of Jurassic beds, 99; during Cretaceous period, 109; Eo- cene period, 113. Ammonites hecticus, lunula, ferar- matus, 93; radians, Walcotii, Macrocephalus, 96; planorbis, 99; gigas, 99; Gardeni, 106. Amphibians of Permian period, 78, 79. Amphilestes, 98. Amphitherium, 98. Amphycion, 119. Anas Enignensis, 124. Anchyterium, 119. Ancycloceras, 106, 109, 113. Andes, 48, 95, 97. Anisoceras rugatum, 106. Annelida, 41; during Cretaceous period, 110. Annularias, zone of, 72. Anthracomya, 71. Anthracosia, 71. Ape, appearance of, during Miocene period, 123. Appenines, Jurassic formations of, 93; Eocene strata on flanks of, 116; Pliocene strata, 127. Aporrhais, 110. Appalachian mountains, 39, 56. Arabia, submerged during Creta- ceous period, 103; beds of this period in, 104. Arca, 99. Archæopterix, 98. Archaean (or Azoic) age, 23-35. Archæan rocks, mineral charac- ter and distribution of, 23-33; in N. America, Laurentian of Canada and in the United States, 25, 26; in S. America, 26; Scandanavia, Lapland, Central Europe, Spain, 27; France, 28; British Isles, 28, 29; Africa, 29, 30; Asia, 31, 32. Nature of Eozoon Canadense, 33, 34. Submergence, denudation and upheaval of, 40. Arctic circle, flora during Miocene period, 125. Arctic land-area at close of Creta- ceous period, 112. Ardennes mountains, Primordial rocks in, 37; Jurassic rocks of, 92. Arenig beds, 43. Argala, 128. Armagh, boulder beds of Permian period near, 75. Asaphus, 45. Asia, Archaean rocks in, 31, 32; Primordial, 38; Silurian, 45, 46; condition during Silurian period, 49; Carboniferous rocks, 65; Triassic rocks, 83; Jurassic bed, 93; depres- sion of central part during Cretaceous period, 103; India INDEX. 161 | Bear, 141. Beaver, remains of, in Miocene strata, 124. Belemnites end with Cretaceous period, 109. during Cretaceous period, 105, 106; elevation of Southern portion at close of Cretaceous period, 113; Eocene strata of, 116; movements at close of Eocene period, developing Belemnites canaliculatus, 96. present physical features of Belgium, unconformityof Devonian Western Asia, 120; similarity beds in, 53; Calcaire de Givet of fauna during Pliocene of, 55; Carboniferous series, period in Asia and Europe, 129; basement beds of, 61; total during Glacial period, 136, thickness, 61; coal field of, 137; Mammoth, 141. 63; Maestricht beds of, 102. Asia Minor, 104. Beluchistan, 84; Cretaceous beds. Astarte, 99; A. Borealis, 126. in, 105; great thickness of Asteroidea, in Jurassic beds, 100, Nummulitic limestone, 116. Asterolepis, 57. Benguela, 30. Asterophyllites, 72. Asturias, coal field of, 64. Atlantic, bed of during Silurian period, 50; land during Tri- assic period, 88; calcareous ooze of, 103. Atlantis, ancient, 68. Australia, Silurian rocks in, 46; Carboniferous rocks of, 65, 66; Jurassic beds in, 95; representatives of Jurassic pe- riod still surviving in, 98. Autun, 74. Auvergne mountains, 28. Avicula, 99. Azoic age-see Archæan age.. Baikal mountains, 32. Barrande, 27; researches on fauna of Primordial beds of Bohemia, 38. Basalt, nature of, 21. Basic class of rocks, 21. Bhabeh series in Thibet, 38, 45. Birds, with teeth in Jurassic period, 98; remains of, during Cretaceous period, 108; true birds during Eocene period, 119; in Miocene period, 124; during the latest period, 141. Bisons, 141. Blocks, erratic, 143. Boemer Wald, Archæan rocks in, 27; not submerged during Jurassic period, 92. Bohemia, Primordial beds of, 37; importance of these beds, 38; Silurian beds, 45; fishes in, 52; Carboniferous beds, 64; coal field of, 74; Permian beds in, 76; amphibian remains of Permian period, 79. Bolivia, during the period of the Jura-Trias, 97. Bonn, Devonian near, 55. Bos Primigenius, 141. Bothriospondylus, 98. beds exposed Bat, remains of, in Miocene strata, Boulder beds of Permian age, 75; I24. Bathygnathus borealis, 87. Bavaria, Permian beds in, 76; highlands of during Jurassic period, 97. distribution of, 125, 133. Boulder clay, lower, 134; upper, 139, 140. Bovey Tracy, beds of, 122. Brazil, Laurentian rocks in, 26; .. 162 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. 1 of coal beds and fossils Carboniferous age, 67; scanti- ness of Tertiary strata, 117. Brachiopods in Primordial beds, 38, 41; in Silurian beds, 51; in Jurassic beds, 100; plenti- ful during Cretaceous period, IIO. British Isles, Archæan rocks of, 28, 29; Cambrian and Primor- dial strata of, 36, 37; Silurian strata of, 43, 44, 45; Devonian period, 54, 55; Carboniferous series in. 61, 62; submergence during Carboniferous period, 68; Permian beds in, uncon- formable to Carboniferous, 74; character and divisions of Permian strata, 75; con- dition during Permian period, 78; beds of the Trias, absence of the Muschelkalk, 81; cause of, 82; marine con- ditions during Jurassic period, 89, 96; distribution of Jurassic strata, 91; during Cretaceous period, 103; submergence of, at close of this period, 112; Eocene beds, 115; volcanic action during Miocene period, 121; scantiness of Miocene strata, 122; physical features now formed, 125; little change during Pliocene period, 126; life of during Pliocene period, 130; Glacial period, 133, 134, 135; ice sheet of, 136; Inter- glacial period, 137; submerg- ence during, 138; formation of upper boulder clay, 139; in Quaternary period, 145. Brittany, 28; Devonian beds in, 55. Bronteus, 58. Brunswick, New, 39; coal measures in, 67; Trias in, 86. Bulinima, 110. | Bundelkhand series in India, 31. Bunter sandstone, lower division of the Trias, SI. Cainozoic age, or age of mammals, 113-132. Caithness strata, 55. Calamites, 52, 59, 63; (see zone of, 72; of Permian period, 79. Calcaire de Givet, 55. Calymene, 45. Cambrian period, 35-42 Primordial period). Cambrian rocks of Britain, 36, 37. Camel, 141. Cameloparadalis, 128. Canada, ice-sheet of, 136. Canis, 127. Cañon Grand, 94. Cantabrica Sierra, Devonian beds of, 55. Town, Cape near, 47. Silurian rocks Capra, 128. Caprina, IIO. Caprotina, 110. Carboniferous period, 59, 73; specially characterized by flora, 59; formation of coal from remains of, 60; mineral characters of; sedimentary beds in Carboniferous lime- stone, 61; millstone grit and Yoredale series, 62; coal formation, uniformity of; con- ditions and climate during this period, 62, 63; distribution of Carboniferous strata, 63-68; coal fields in Europe, 63-65 ; Asia, 65; Australia, 65, 66; America, 66, 67, 68; distri- bution of land and water during the period, 68, 69; volcanic phenomena of, 69, 70; life forms of, 70–73. Carboniferous limestone, 61. Cardiodon, 98. INDEX. Cardium, 82, 110; Cardium Rhæti- сит, до. Carinthia, Silurian rocks in Alps of, 45. Carnivores, 119, 124, 127, 129, 141. Carolina, N., coal beds of, 86. Carpathian mountains, Devonian beds of, 55; Permian forma- tions in, 76; Jurassic strata, 93; Cretaceous limestone of, 104; Eocene strata of, 116; at close of Eocene period, 120. Cassian, St., beds of, 83. Catskill beds, 56. 163 China, Archæan rocks in, 32; Primordial rocks of, 38; Silurian rocks in north of, 46; Carboniferous strata largely represented in North, 65. Chatetes, 38, 45. Civet, 119, 124. Clay, Oxford and Kimmeridge, 90; London, 115,-see Boulder. Cleveland hills, 91. Coal, formation and occurrence 60-62. Coal-fields, 63-68; of Triasssic period, 84, 86. Coccosteus, 57. Canopithecus lemuroides, 119. Caucasus, Jurassic strata of, 93; Coleoptera, during Carboniferous Glaciers of, 135, 137. Cave animals, 142, 144. Caves of Perigord, 145. Cephalaspis, 57. Cephalopoda in Primordial rocks, 41, 42; in Devonian, 58; in the Trias, 87; characteristic of Cretaceous period, 109. Ceratites, 82, 84, 87. Ceratodus, 87, 95. Cerithium, 99, 110. Cervis Anoceras, 126. Cervus, 128. Cetiosaurus, 98. Ceylon, 97. Chalk, composition of, 103. Chalk, lower, of the Cretaceous strata, 102. Chalk, upper, of the Cretaceous strata, 102. Chama, 119. Chamois, 124. Champlain period, the, 139. Cheiracanthus, 57· Cheirurus, 45, 58. Chelonidæ, 99. Chely's, 99. Chemnitzia, 99. period, 71; during Jurassic period, 100. Colorado, 94. Columbia, 107. Como, lake, 92. Conchifers, 88. Conifers appear in Devonian pe- riod, 59; in Carboniferous period, 72; of Permian period, 79; of the Triassic period, 88; of Jura sic period, 100; in Cretaceous period, III; of Miocene period, 124. Conocephalus, 39. Conus, 119. Cooling of earth, 19. Corals, appearance in Silurian pe- riod, 42, 51; abound in Devo- nian period, 58; in Carbon- iferous period, 71; of the Trias, 83; of Jurassic period, 100; of Cretaceous period, IIO. Cordaites, 72. Cordilleras (American), Laurentian rocks in, 26. Cordova, 28. Corniferous stage, 56. rocks in, 26; Cosmoceras ornatum, 93. Chili, Laurentian rocks Jurassic beds in, 97. Cotteswold hills, 91. 164 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. Crag, red coralline and Norwich, | Cycads, 84; of Trias, 88; in 126. Creosaurus, 95. Cretaceous period, 101-112. Rocks of, unconformity with those of Jurassic period; break, 101, 102; mineral characters and distribution of strata, 102, 108; divisions of, 102, 103; distribution in Europe,103,104 ; in India, 104; in regions south of equator, 106; in N. America, 106; in South America, 107. Life forms of, 108, 109; sub- mergence of British Isles at close of Cretaceous period, 112; genera of period which disappear with it, 113. Crinoids, appearance in Silurian period, 42; in Carboniferous period, 71; of the Muschel- chalk, 82; during Jurassic period, 100; of Cretaceous period, 110; during Eocene period, 119. Crioceras, 109, 113. Cristellaria, IIO. Crocodilians, 95, 98, 118, 124. Crust of the earth, original, 20, 24. Crustacea in Primordial rocks, 41; in Silurian period, 51; in Devonian period, 58; in Car- boniferous period, 71; during Jurassic period, 100; of Cre- taceous period, 110. Cryptogams, cellular, in Silurian period, 52; vascular in Devo- nian, 52; in Carboniferous period, 72. Cryptosaurus, 98. Cuculloa oblonga, 96. Culm, the Zone of Saxony, 72. Cumberland, Silurian rocks in, 44. Culch, Jurassic beds of, 93; Cre- taceous beds of, 104. | | Jurassic period, 100; in Cre- taceous period, III; dis- appearance in Miocene period, 124. Cyclas, 71. Cynodon, 119. Cynopithecus, 127. Cypricardia, 99. Cyprus, 127. Cyrena, 119. Cyrtoceras præcox, 42. Cytherea, 119. Dagh beds, 105. Dakota, 25; Black hills of, 39, 94. Damuda Upper, beds of, 84. Dana, 391, 48, 50, 501, 66, 9711. Danish Stage, 102. Danube, the, 97. Darling, river, 106. Dasyceps Bucklandi, 78. David's Head, St., rocks of, 37. Deccan, the, traps of, 105. Deer in the Pliocene period, 129. Denbighshire grits, 52. Density of the earth, 22. Dentalia, I10. Derbyshire, volcanic rocks of, 70. Derry, mountains of, 138. Devonian period, 53-59. Silurian Transitional between and Carboniferous, 53; Upper and lower old red sand- stone, 54. Strata in Europe and British Isles, 54, 55; in North Amer- ica, 56, 57; in Australia, 66 ; represented in China by Tung- ting series, 46. Life forms of, earliest fishes in America, 52; age of fishes, 57; flora, of 59. Devonshire, 54, 54, 55; Carbɔni- INDEX. 165 ferous strata in, 61; beds of | Egypt, Granitoid rocks of, 29; Cre- Bovey Tracey, 122. Diameter of the earth, 17, 18. Diatoms, 104. Dicotyledons, III, Dicynodon, 86. Dicatherium, 123. appearance Dikelocephalus, 38. Dicynodonts, 87. Dimorphodon, 98. Dinichthys, 58. Dinocerata, 118. Dinornis, 98. Dinosaurians, 861, 98, 108. Dinotherum, 124. Discina, 100. Discosaurus, 109. Dog, 141. Dolomite, 75, 83. Domingo, St., island of, 107. Don, coal district of, 65. Donegal, 29. Dor, Mount, 28. Dorea Baltea, moraines of, 136. Dorset, coast of, 91. of, Dnieper, coal district of, 65. Drance, valley of, deposits of, 138. Dresden, 64, 79. Dromæus, 128. Dublin, mountains, of, 44. Dunton, Post-pliocene remains at, 138. Durocher, classification of igneous rocks, 21. Dyas, 75. Eagle, 141. Echini, 104. Echinoderms during Permian period, 79; Jurassic, 100; Cretaceous, 103; of India during Miocene period, 123. taceous beds of, 104; Num- mulitic limestones of, 116; physical features of, receive their present form during Miocene period, 120; Shell- beds of Pliocene period, 127. Eifel, the, during the Triassic period, 82. Elephant, 127, 129, 132, 138. Elephas, primigenius, (mammoth), 140. Elk, 129. Elm, the, 124. • in, Enaliosaurus, 87, 98, 108. Encrinus liliiformis, 82. 88. England, Cambrian rocks in, 37; Silurian formations of, 44; condition during Silurian period, 49; Devonian beds in, 53; old red sandstone, 54, 55; Carboniferous limestone of, 61; millstone grit, 62 coal measures of, 62, 63; volcanic phenomena during Carboniferous period, 70; Permian beds of, 74, 75; condition of, during Permian period, 78; Triassic period, 81, 82; rocks of Triassic period, 90, 91; condition of, during Jurassic period, 96; Creta- ceous system, 102, 103; during Eocene period, 115; during Miocene period, 120, 122; beds of Pliocene period, 126; early Glacial episodes in, 133; divisions of Glacial period in, 134; boulder clays of, 137, 139; flora and fauna during the Glacial period, 142. Eocene period, disappearance of old and appearance of new forms, 113; mineral charac- ter and distribution of Eocene strata, 114; basins of Europe, the Paris basin, Eocene strata M 166 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. in the Alps, 115; in Libya and Asia Minor, 116; in Egypt and Central Asia, 116; represented by the Laramie beds of North America, 117; in South America, 117; life forms of, age of mammals, 118; Num- mulites, 119; drainage of the Eocene lakes, 121. Eozoon Canadense, 34. Equador, 107. Equisetaceæ, 88, 100, III. Equus, 127, 128, 141. Erie lake, Devonian beds of, 56, 140. Erratic blocks, 133. Estheria minuta, 82. Eucalyptus, 112. Eurypterus, 51, 58. Exogens, 11O. Evolution of animate forms, 147. Felis, 127, 130. Ferns, 72; of the Trias, 88; of the Jurassic period, 100; of the Cretaceous period, 111; in III; Miocene period, 125. Felsite, 26. Felstone, 43· Fig, 112. Finland, 27. Fishes, appearance of at end of Silurian period, 51; in Devon- ian period, 54; in America, 56; age of, 57, 59; during Carboniferous period, 71; Per- mian period, 79; of the Trias, 82, 87; during Jurassic pe- riod, 99; Cretaceous period, 109. Flints, 104. France, Silurian rocks in, 44; coal-fields of, 64; Muschel- kalk in, 81; during the Trias- sic period, 82; Jurassic strata, 90, 91, 92; Cretaceous strata of, 102; volcanic action in during Miocene period, 121. Franconia, Devonian strata in, 55. Frogs, 124. Fucoidea in Silurian period, 52. Fusus, 110. Gadam, Mount, 30. Gaj group, 122, 123. Gallicia, 28. Ganoid fishes, 51, 57, 71, 99. Ganodus, 49. Garo, Cretaceous beds of, 105. Gault, 102. Gasteropods, 83, 87, 99, 110. Geneva, lake of, 122, 135, 139. Germany, Permian beds of, 75; Muschelkalk of, 79; during Triassic period, 82. Gervillia, 99. Gibraltar, straits of, 131. Givet, Calcaire de, 55. Giraffe, 141. Glacial period, during Permian period; traces of early Glacial episodes, 133; approach of the, 131; account of the, 132- 142 Glaciation of rocks, 133. Glaciers, 155; of the Himalayas, 136; of Lebanon, 137; of British Isles, 139; effect of 143. Glossopteris, 66. Glyptolepis, 57. Gneiss, 26, 27, 30, 32, 36. Florida during Cretaceous period, Gondwana series, 84, 93. 107. Foraminifera, 41, 79, 100, 103, III. Footprints, 86. Goose, 121, 124. Granite, 20, 31, 38. Granada, 28. INDEX. 1 167 ; Graptolites, 51, 58. Gravels of Glacial period, 137, 138, 139. Green river basin, 100. Greenland during Carboniferous period, 68; Cretaceous period, II2. Greensand, 102, 106. Gresslya, 99; G. donaciformis, 96. Grinnel land, 125. Griqualand, Silurian beds in, 47. Gryphæa, 89. Guiana, 26. Hippurites, 104, 110; disappear- ance of, 113. Hog, 141. Homocercal fishes, 82. Hönan, province of, Carboniferous rocks of, 65. Hornbeam, the, 112. Hornblende, 27, 30, 32, 38. Horse, descent of, 129, 141,—see Equus. Hö-shan mountains of China, 32. Hundes district, 45. Hungary, Eocene beds of, 115. Gypsum in the Keuper beds of Hundsdrück, the, 55, 64, 82. Trias, 82, 86. Huronian strata, 25. Hyæna, 124, 127, 130, 141, 142. Hyænarctus, 127. Hyænodon, 123, 127. Hybodus, 87, 99. Haleronis toleoficus, 119. Halobia, 84. Hamites, 109. Hampshire, Eocene beds of, 115, 119. Hare, the, 141. Harlech grits, 371. Harz Mountains, Devonian strata of, 55; during the Triassic period. 82. Hebrides, Azoic rocks of, 29. Hereford, Devonian beds of, 57. Hesperornis regalis, 108. Heterocercal fishes of Permian period, 79. Hiatus, between Upper and Lower Devonian systems, 54; be- tween Cretaceous and Jurassic, 102; between Cretaceous and Eocene, 114. Highlands, Scottish, Lacustrine beds of, 36; Silurian rocks of, 44; during Jurassic period, 96. Himalayas, the, Silurian beds of, 45, 49; Triassic beds of, 84; Jurassic, 94; glaciers of, 136. Hipparion, 128, 129. Hippopotamus, 128, 129, 132, 141. Hydrozoa, SI. Hystrix, 128. Ice-Sheet, 135, 136. Ichthyopterix, 98. Ichthyornis, 108. Icthyosaurus, 95, 98. Iguanon, 98. Illanus, 45. Illinois, the Permian beds of, 79. India, rocks of great antiquity in, 31; Silurian rocks in, 49, Palæozoic and Mesozoic pe- riods in, 84; Jurassic beds in, 93, 94; during Cretaceous pe. riod, 105; Nummulitic beds of, 116; Miocene strata in, 122; Pliocene strata in, 127; during the glacial epoch, 141. Indian Ocean, the, 103. Inocerami, 105, 110. Insectivores of the Eocene strata, II8. Insects of the Jurassic period, 100. Inter-Glacial epoch, the, 138, 139. Invernesshire, shell beds in, 138. i 168 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. during Ireland, Archæan rocks in, 28; Carboniferous strata in, 70; Permian strata in, 75; Juras- sic strata in, 91; Jurassic period, 96; Miocene strata in, 122; during the Glacial period, 137. Iris, the, 124. Isocardia, IIO. Jersey, New, Cretaceous beds of, 107. Jordan-Arabah Valley, the, 120. Juras, the, 90, 92; glaciers of, 135. Jurassic period (age of Saurians), the, 89-101; history of, 89, 90; mineral characters of, 90, 91; in Europe, 91, 92; Asia, 93, 94; America, 94, 95; Australia, etc., 95, 96; position of land and sea during, 96, 97; fauna of, 97, 98, 99, 100; flora of, 100, 101. Kadasseh, stone weapons made at, 146. Kamstchatka, metamorphic beds in, 32. Kansas, Permian beds in, 76. ferous and Devonian beds in, 66. Kimmeridge clay, 90. Knorria, 65. Labrador, Silurian strata in, 49, 68; during the Glacial period, 136. Labyrinthodont Amphibians, 70, 71; of the Permian period, 78; Triassic period, 82; in the Triassic strata, 87; in the Cretaceous strata, 11O Lacerta, 98. Lacertians (Lizards), 87. Lacertilians, 108. Lake District, the, during the Jur- Lamellibranchs, the, 41, 83, 99. assic period, 96. Lancashire, the coal-measures of, 62. Lapland, Archæan rocks in, 27. Laopteryx, 98. Laramie Beds," the, of Colorado, 117. Laurel, the, 124. Laurentian rocks, 25, 26; mount- ains, 136. Lausanne, Eocene 115. Laversines, 102. Layornis, 98. strata near, Karachi, the Miocene strata at, Lebanon, mountains of, 120; dur- 123, Karoo formation, the, in Africa, 84, 106. Kashmere, Silurian rocks in, 45; Triassic strata in Northern, 84. Keuper division, the, of the Trias- sic strata, 82; rock salt in, 82; of the Stuttgard, 88. Khasi, Cretaceous beds at, 105. Kiltorcan beds, the, in Ireland, 59. Kimberley District, the, Carboni- | ing Glacial period, 137, 137. Leda, 93, 99; L. artica, 139. Leguminosa, 124. Lemurs, the, 118, 142. Leopards, the, 142. Lepidodendron in America, 59, 66, 72; velthermianum, 72; of the Permian period, 79. Lepthyana, 127. Lepus, 128. Levant, Pliocene strata round the, 127. ! ! INDEX. Liassic division, the, of the Juras- | Madras, Jurassic beds in, 93. sic strata, 90; in the British Isles, 91; fossils of, 98, 99. Libyan deserts, Eocene strata in the, 116. Lilies, 124. Lima, 82; L. ostraca, 99, IIO. Limerick, volcanic phenomena of, 70. Limestone, absence of, among the primordial sediments, 36; in Devonshire, 55; Carboniferous, 61, 65, 71; of the Permian period, 75; magnesian, 77; in the Triassic strata, 84; Alpine, 91; Oolitic, 91; Num- mulite, 114. Lingula acuminata, 39. 169 Maestricht beds, the, of Belgium, 102. Magnesian limestone, 77. Magnolia, the, 112. Malta, 132. I Mammals of the Permian period, 79; of the Triassic period, 88; the age of, 113-132; of the Eocene strata, 118; of the Pliocene strata, 126. Mammoth, epoch of the, 132; bones of the, 136, 140, 145. Man, 143-146. Maple, the, 124. Marl, new red (Keuper Mergel), 81 Mastodon, the, 124; arvernensis 126, 128, 129, 141. Linz during the Jurassic period, Marsupials in the Jurassic period, 97. Lion, the, 141, 142. Liriodendron, the (tulip tree), 112. Lithornis Vulturinus, 119. Littorina, 99. Living forms, first appearance of, 40. Lizards, 87; of the Jurassic period, 98; of the Eocene period, 118; of the Miocene period, 124. Lombardy, Miocene strata in, 122; glaciers of, 135. London clay, 115. Lophiodon, 119. 95, 98; of the Eocene period, 118. "Mauvaises Terres," the, 128. Mayo, Archæan rocks in, 29. Mediterranean Sea, the, 121, 131. Mediterranean Sea, the, of Ame- rica, 107. Megaceros, 141. Megalosaurus, 98. Megaloscelornis, 128. Mellivorae, 127. Mellivorodon, 127. Melville Island, the coal forma- tions of, 63. Ludlow beds, the; earliest fishes Menodus, 123. in, 52. Lutra, 127. Lycopods, 63. Lycopodacea, 52. Macacus, 127. Macclesfield Hills, the, 138. Machærodus, 127, 130, 141. Madagascar, Archæan rocks in, 30; Jurassic beds in, 95; fauna of, 130, 131. Merostomata," the, 58. Mesohippus, 123. Mesozoic age, the (age of reptiles), So-112; Triassic period, 80- 89; Jurassic period, 89-101; Cretaceous period, 101-112. Metamorphic rocks, origin of, 25. Meudon, Speeton clay at, 102. Mexico, New, Permian beds in, 76, 79; Jurassic beds in, 94; Eocene beds in, 117. Microlestes, 88, Millstone grit, 62. 170 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. Miocene period, the history of, | Nautilus bidorsalis, 82; N. semi- 120, 121; mineral characters of, 122; in India, 122, 123; America, 123; fauna of, 123, 124; flora of, 124, 125. Miohippus, 123. Mitra, 119. Modiola minimna, 89, 99. Molasse," the, 122, 124. Molluscs, the, of the Carboniferous period, 71; of the Permian period, 79; of the Triassic strata, 82; of the Jurassic period, 99; of the Cretaceous period, 110. Monocotyledons of the Miocene period, 124. Monodonta, 99. Moon, the former proximity of, to earth, and effects of, 23. Moraines, 133. Moravia, Permian strata in, 76; during the Jurassic period, 97. Morotherium, 128. Mus, 128. Muschelkalk of the Triassic strata, 81; absent in the British Isles, 81, 82; Alpine, 83; fauna of, 87; of Germany, 88. Musk Ox, the, 129, 141, 142. Mustela, 127. Muth, Silurian series of, 45. Myacites, 99. Myrtle, the, 112, 124. Mytilus, 99. Narbada Valley, Cretaceous beds in, 105. "Nari Beds," the, of India, 123. Natal, Triassic strata in, 84. Natica, 99, 110. Naticella, 87. Nautali, 105. | striatus. 96. Nebraska, Laurentian, rocks in,. 26; Miocene strata in, 123. Neolithic period, 145. Neozoic age, the, 132-146; the Glacial period, history of, 132– 134; earliest epoch of, 135- 137; medial epoch, 137-139; latest epoch, 139, 149; fauna of, 140-142; flora of, 142. Neuroptera, 71. Nevada, coal formations in, 62; basins of, 128. Newfoundland, Silurian rocks in, 47; Carboniferous strata in, 67. New York, Silurian rocks around, 47. Nile, valley of the, 120; stone weapons made in, 146. Niobrara Basin, the, 128. | Nodosaria, 110. Norfolk during Jurassic period, 96. Normandy, Jurassic strata in, 92. Norway, Primordial rocks in, 37; Silurian rocks in, 44; Gla- ciers of, 135. Norwich Crag, the, 126. Noursoak, the fauna of the Cre- taceous period at, 112. Nova Scotia, Silurian rocks in, 47; Carboniferous rocks in, 67; the Permian period un- represented in, 77; Triassic strata in, 86. Nubian Sandstone, the, 104; Eocene strata in the Nubian Deserts, 116. Nucula Cobboldiæ, 126. Nummulites, epoch of, 113-120; Limestone, 114; beds in the Alps, 115; limestone of Egypt, 116; foraminifera, 119. Nautili of the Cretaceous period Nummulites lævigata, variolaria, 109. scabra, Lamarki, 115. 1 INDEX. : 171 Nuremberg, Jurassic strata in, 92. Oak, the, 112, 124. period, 124, 129; of the Gla- cial period, 141. Paleolithic period, 145. Palæoniscus, 79. Palæopithecus, 127. Palæopteris, 52; Hibernica, 59. Obelisks, the, made of granite Palæotherium, 119, 124. of Nile valley, 29. Odontornithes, 108. Okota, Archæan rocks in, 30. Olenus, 37; of the Primordial pe- riod, 41. Oligocene beds, 119, 120. Oliva, 119. Onchus, 57. Oolitic division, the, of the Trias- sic strata, go; Limestone, 91. Ophileta, 39. Ophiuroidea (brittle stars), 100. Opis, 100. Oregon basin, the, 128. Oreodon, 123. Palæozoic age, the lower (age of invertebrates), 35-52; Cam- brian and Primordial period, 35-42; Silurian period, 42–52. Palæozoic age, the upper (age of fishes), 53-79; Devonian pe- riod, 53-59; Carboniferous period, 59-73; Permian pe- riod, 73-79; close of the, 74, So. Palestine, Cretaceous limestone in, 104; Eocene strata in, 116; hills of, 120; Pliocene strata in, 127. Palms, 124. Organised forms, earliest evidence Paludina carinifera, 101. of, 35. Orinoco, the, 117. Oriskany Sandstone," the, in North America, 56: Orthis Lenaica, 32, 45. Orthoceras, 39; sericeum, 42; in the Triassic strata, 84. Orthoceratites, 83. Orthoptera, 71. Osteolepis, 57. Ostrea, IIO. Ostrich, the, 141. Otter, the, 124. Oural mountains, the, Silurian rocks in, 44; Permian strata in, 76. Oxen, 141. Oxford clay, 90. Panopica Norwegica, 126. Paradoxides, 37; of the Primordial period, 41. Paris, tertiary basin of, 92; lime- stone in, 115; Oligocene beds in the basin of, 119. Patagonia, Eocene strata in, 117. Patella, 99. Pecopteris, 84. Pecten lævigatus, 82; valoniensis, 89, 93; cinctus, 96, 99, 11O. Pelecanus, 128. Pennsylvania coal-measures of, Permian strata in, 76. Pentacrinus, the, in the Jurassic period, 100. Perigord caves, the, 145. Perm, province of, 74, Oxfordshire, the Stonesfield slate Permian period, the 73-79; in the of, 98. Pachyderms, the, of the Miocene British Isles, 75; in Europe and North America, 76, 77; distribution of land and sea during, 77; fauna of, 78, 79; flora of, 79. 172 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. Permo-Carboniferous period, the, 80. Peru, Laurentian rocks in, 26; Cretaceous strata in, 107. Phacops, 58. Phascolotherium, 98. Pholadomya, 100. LC | Portland, the Isle of, forest bed in, 101. Portugal, Archæan rocks in, 28. Post-Pliocene period, see Glacial period. Potsdam Sandstone, the, of Canada, 42. Pickwell Down sandstone," the, Primordial period, the mineral 54. Pictou, Carboniferous rocks in, 67. Piedmont, Alps of, 122. Pig, the, 118. Pigeon, the, 141. Pilsen, the Permian beds in, 79. Pinna, 99. Placodus, 87. Placoid fishes, 51; of the characters of, 35, 36; in Europe, 37; Asia, 38; America, 39; life forms of, 41. Prince Edward's Island, Triassic strata in, 86, 87. Procamelus, 128. Productus, 66; semireticulatus, 84. Protohippus, 128. Protozoa, the, of the Primordial period, 41. Carboniferous period, 71; of Prussia during Glacial period, 136. the Jurassic period; 98. Plane-Tree, the, 112, 124. Plateau, the central, of France, Archæan rocks in, 28. Plateau region, the, of America, 121. Platysomus, 79. Plesiosaurus, 98. Pleuromya, 100. Pleurotomaria, 99, 110. Plicatula, 99. in Pliocene period, the history of, 125, 126; mineral characters of, 126; unrepresented in Switzerland, 126, 127; India, 127; Mammalia of, 127, 128; in America, 128, 129; fauna of, 129-132. Pliohippus, 128, 129. Pliosaurus, 98. Plutonic rocks, origin of, 21. Polyzoans of the Cretaceous period, IIO. Pomacea, 124. " Psamite du Condroz," the, of Belgium, 55. Psilophyton, 59. Pteraspiş, 57. Pterichthys, 57. Pterodactylus, 95, 98. Pteropoda, the, in the Primordial period, 41. Pterosaurs, 108. Pterygotus, 51, 58. Punjab hills, the, cretaceous strata in, 105. Pupa Vetusta, 71. Purbeck formation, the, 101. Pyramids, the, 116. Pyrenees, Jurassic strata in the, 93; Eocene beds in the, 116; glaciers of the, 135. Quadrumana, the, of the Eocene Strata, 119; of the Miocene strata, 123. Pondicherry, Cretaceous beds in, Quaternary period (of man), 143. 104. Poplar, the, 112. Portland beds, the, 99. Queensland, Silurian rocks in, 46; Carboniferous strata in, 66; Jurassic beds in, 95. 1 INDEX. 173 Radiolites, IIO. Rainpitted sandstone of America, of the Triassic age, 86. Rakowitz, Permian beds in, 79. Rauche Alb, the, Archæan rocks in, 27. Red sandstone, "L Upper" and Lower," 54; the Old of Scotland, 57. Roebuck, the, 124. | Rosacea, unrepresented in the Miocene period, 125.´ Rosalina, 110. Rostellaria, 106. Rotalina, 11O. Rothe-todte-liegende, the, of the Permian strata in Germany, 75. Regensburg, the Jurassic strata in, Rothliegende in Bavaria, 76. 92. Reindeer, the, 129, 142. Reptiles, the Thecodont, 78; the Theromorphous, 79; of the Cretaceous period, 108. Rhætic passage beds, 89, 90; in Ireland, 91. Rhamphocephalus, 98. 128; Rhinoceros, Sivalensis, 123, 124; Schliermacheri, 126, Etruscus, 129, 138, 141. Rhizomys, 128. Rhizopods, 103. Rhone Valley, glaciers of the, 135, 139. Rhynchonella, 96, 100, 110; psit- tacea, 126. Rhynchosaurus, 87. Richmond, Carboniferous rocks of, 67; coal-fields of, probably of Triassic age, 86. Riesen-gebirge, the Permian strata in, 76. Rio de la Plata, the, 117. Rio Grande basin, the, 128. Ripple marked sandstone, the, of the Triassic strata of America, 86. Rochelle, La, Jurassic strata in, 92. Rock basins, 133. Rock salt, 82. Rocky Mountains, Triassic strata in, 85; the "Mediterranean Sea" of America in, 107. Rodents of the Eocene period, 118; of the Miocene period, 124; of the Pliocene period, 128. Ruminants of the Miocene strata, 124; of the Pliocene strata, 129. Russia, Silurian rocks in, 44; Devonian beds in, 55; Per- mian period in, 74; Permian beds of Central, 78; Jurassic strata in, 93; during the Gla- cial period, 136. Saarbrück district of Prussia, the, 62; coal field of, 64. Sagenaria, 59. Salamanca, Archæan rocks in, 28. Salamanders, the, 124. Salt range, Jurassic beds in the, 94. Salzburg, Jurassic strata in, 92. Sand beds of the Glacial period, 134. Sandstone of the Permian period in England, 75; New Red of the Triassic strata, 8I. Saurians, marine and beaked, in the Triassic strata, 87; the age of (Jurassic period), 89; the characteristic fauna of the Jurassic period, 98. Saxony, Devonian beds in, 55; coal measures of, 72. Scalaria, 110; grænlandica, 126. Scandinavian promontory, Ar- chæan rocks in, 27; during the Carboniferous period, 68; 174 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. - during Jurassic period, 96; during Glacial period, 136. Scaphites, 109, 113. Scotland, Archæan rocks in, 28; Silurian rocks in, 44; lower carboniferous strata contain - ing volcanic rocks in, 70; Jurassic strata in, 91; during Jurassic period, 96; Miocene strata in, 122; during the Glacial period, 136; shell beds in, 138. Seir, Mount, Archæan rocks in, 31. Semnopithecus, 127. Sequoia, the, 112. Seville, Archæan rocks in, 28. Sewalik beds, the, of India, 141. Shensi, Silurian rocks in, 46. Sheppy, Eocene of, 119. Siwalik hills, the, 123. Sligo, Archæan rocks in, 29. Solarium, 110. Solenhofen beds, the, of Europe, 98; insects in, 100. Soudan, the, Archæan rocks in, 29. Spain, Archæan rocks in, 27, 28; Devonian beds in, 55. Speeton clay, the, 102. Sperrin mounains, the, 138. Spharulites, 110. Sphenophyllum, 84. Sphenopteris, 59, 79. Sphinx, the, 116. Spirifera, 66; Peilhavii, 84. Spiriferina, 95. Spondylus, IIO. Sponges in the Triassic strata, 83 ; in the Jurassic period, 100; in the Cretaceous period, III. Siberia, during the Glacial period, Staffordshire, Volcanic eruption in 136. Sicily. 131, 132. Sierra Cantabrica, the; Devonian beds in, 55. Sierra Morena, the, Devonian beds in, 55. Sigillaria, 52, 66, 72; the zone of, 72. Silurian age, the Laurentian rocks below the strata of, 25; the "Lower," 26; in Scot- land, 36; history of, 42; mineral characters of; differ- ence between Upper" and "Lower" Silurian age, 43; in Europe and the British Isles, 44; Asia and China, 45; Australia and Africa, 46, North America, 47; South America, 48; position of sea and land during, 49; fauna of, 50; flora of, 52. Silurian sedimentary deposits, the 24. Sinaitic Peninsula, the, Archæan rock in, 31. the coal beds of, 70. Stag, the, 124, 129, 141. Stegocephalous Amphibians, 79. Stereognathus, 98. Stigmaria, 59; ficoides, 72. Stonesfield slate, the, of Oxford- shire, 98; insects in the Stonesfield beds, 100. Strophodus, 99. Strophomena, 45. Struthis, 128. Styrian alps, the Devonian beds. in, 55. Sub-Carboniferous series in Ame- rica, 66. Sung-Shan mountains, Archæan rocks in, 32. Sweden, the Primordial rocks in, 37; Silurian rocks in, 44. Switzerland, the Miocene strata in, 122, 123; Pliocene strata unrepresented in, 126; Inter- glacial epoch in, 138, 139; Lakes of, 145. Syenite in Africa, 29. Syria, Pliocene strata in, 127. INDEX. 175 Tanganyika, lake, 30. Tapir, the, 124. Tapiravus, 128. Tapirus Priscus, 126, 128. Tasmania, Silurian rocks in, 46; Carboniferous strata in, 66. Taunus, the, 82. Taxodium disticum, 124. Teleosaurus, 98. { Tellina obliqua, 126; Grænlandica, 139. Temperature of earth, 18, 19; creases with depth, 21, 22. in- Tentaculites, 45. Terebratula, 96, 100, 110. Tertiary strata, the, in North America, 117; in Brazil, 117; Tertiary deposits in America not contemporaneous with those in Europe, 128, 129. Testudo, 99. Texas, Primordial beds in, 39; Permian beds in Western, 76, 79; the " Mediterranean Sea " of America in, 107; lime- stones of, 107. Texularia, IIO. Thecodont (socket-toothed), rep- tiles in the Permian strata, 78. Thibet, Silurian rocks in, 45; Triassic strata in Western, 84; Jurassic strata in, 94; Nummulitic beds of, 116. Thuringer Wald, Primordial rocks in, 37; Silurian rocks in the, 45; Permian beds in, 75. Tides in Archæan times, 23. Till, 134. Toads, 124. Tortoises, 95, 118, 124. Trachyte, 21. Transition series, the, in India, 31. | Tremadoc group of Wales, the, 41. Trias, 75. Triassic period, the history of, 80, 81; mineral characters of, 81, 82; in Europe, 82, 83; Asia, 83, 84; India, 84; Afri- ca, 84; America, 85, 86; Nova Scotia, &c., 86, 87; fauna of, 87; flora of, 88, 89. Trichinopoly, Cretaceous beds in, 104. Trichomanites, 59. Trieste. Jurassic strata in, 92. Trigonia, 93, 100. Trilobites in Central Asia, 32; of the Primordial period, 37 ; of the Silurian period, the age of, 50; of the Devonian period, 58. Trinidad, the Island of, Silurian rocks in, 48. Trionyx, 99. Trochus, 87, 99, 110. Tung-ting series, the 46. Turbo, 99. Turrilites, 109. Turritella, 87, 109, 110. Turtles, 109. Umtamfuna river, the, 106. Uinta mountains, the, 118. Umzambane river, the, 106. Ungulates, the, 128. United States, coal measures of the. 67. Ursus, 127; spelæus, 138. Uruguay, Carboniferous strata in, 67. Utah, coal formation in, 62. Utatur beds, fauna of the, 105. Transvaal, the, Silurian rocks in, Vaginulina, 110. 47. Valparaiso, Jurassic beds in, 95. 176 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. Venezuela, Laurentian rocks in, 26; Cretaceous strata in, 107. Venus, IIO. Vertebrate type of animal life, the introduction of, 42. Victoria, Silurian rocks in, 46;| Carboniferous strata in, 66. Vienna, Jurassic strata in, 92. Volcanic phenomena during Car- boniferous period, 69; in Scotland and Ireland, 70; Volcanic action during the Miocene period, 121. Voltzia, 79. Voluta, 119. Weapons of man, 145. Weasel, the, 141. Wicklow, mountains of; Silurian rocks in, 44; during the Gla- cial period, 137. Wight, the Isle of, Eocene strata in, 115. Willow, the, 112. Wolf, the, 141. Wyoming, Jurassic beds of, 98. Xanthidium, III. Xiphodon gracile, 119. Walchia, 79. Waldheimia, 100, 110. Wales, New South, Yoredale series, the 62. Silurian rocks in, 46; Carboniferous strata in, 66. Wales, North, Cambrian rocks in, 37; Silurian rocks in, 44; during Jurassic period, 96; during the Glacial period, 136; mountains of, 138. Walnut, the, 112. Warwickshire, the Permian beds. of, 78. Waynesburg sandstone, the, 76. Wealden formation, the, IOI, 102. Zealand, New, Jurassic beds in, 96; Cretaceous strata in, 106; the Miocene period in, 124. Zebra, the, 142. Zechstein, the, of the Permian strata in Germany, 75; Europe, 76; formed in inland seas, 77. in Zoophytes of the Permian period, 79. 1 1 Į ! AUTHORS QUOTED. LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED. Adams, Prof. Leith, 95. Ball, Sir R. S., 23. Barrande, J., 27, 38. Barrois, C., 27, 28. Belcher, Sir E., 95. Beyrich, Prof., 120. Blanford, W. T., 19, 30, 31, 84, 93, 105. Bristow, H. W., 91. Dumont, A., 64. Dunn, E. J., 47. Durocher, J., 21, 37. Dutton, C. E., 94. Egerton, Sir. P., 82. Etheridge, R., 41, 50, 54, 58, 81, 99, IIO. Carruthers, W., 67. Chamberlin, T. C., 136, 140. Clarke, Rev. W. B., 66. Close, Rev. M., 138. Cope, E. D., 79, 117. Croll, Dr. J., 136, 140. Crosby, H., 48. Cuvier, Baron F., 119. Dalimier, P., 28. Dames, W., 39. Darwin, Prof., 23. Dana, Prof. J. D., 39, 48, 50, 56, 66, 85, 107. Dawson, Sir J. W., 29, 59, 64, 67, 69, 77, 87, 139. Dechen, H. von, 62, 92. Derby, O. A., 26, 48. Diener, Carl, 93, 137. Dittmar, C. von, 32. Domeyko, Prof., 97. Falkiner, Dr., 88. Falsan and Chantre, M.M., 135. Ferret and Galimier, M.M,, 30. Fontaine, W. M., 76. Fraas, O., 127. Fritsch, A., 79. Geikie, Dr. A., 34, 37, 45, 70. Geikie, Prof. J., 140. Geinitz, Prof., 72. Grand'Eury, C., 72. Griesbach, C. L., 84, 106. Gümbel, C. W., 27. Hardman, E. T., 66. Hartt, Prof., 26, 48, 117. Hayden, Dr. F. V., 39, 117. Hector, Dr., 96, 106. Heer, Prof. O., III, 112, 123, 138. Hennessy, Prof., 23. LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED. Hicks, Dr. H., 52. Hooker, Sir J. D., 137. Huxley, Prof., 79. Perry, J. B, 34. Plant, N., 67. Pomel, A., 30. Prestwich, Prof., 20, 21, 138. 179 Jamieson, T. F., 131. Jukes, Prof., 20, 70. King, Clarence, 26, 61, 94. Karsten, H., 107. King, Prof. W., 34. Lartet, L., 121. Ramsay, Sir A. C., 75, 77, 144. Richthofen, Baron V., 32, 38, 39, 45, 65. Richardson, R., 138. Roemer, Prof. F., 34. Roenne, H. von, 64. Rowney, Prof., 34. Rütemeyer, Prof., 123. Le Conte, Prof., 34, 50, 53, 67, 69, Schulz, G., 28. 77, 86, 94, 107, 114, 144. Leidy, Dr. 87. Lesquerreux, Prof., 52, 59, 67. Lewis, Prof. H. C., 136. Logan, Sir W., 39. Sedgwick, Prof., 53. Selwyn, Dr. A. C. R., 25, 46. Schmidt, Prof., 44. Shumard, B. F., 39. Stache, G., 45. Stevenson, J. J., 117. Stoliczka, F., 38, 45. Strachey, Col., 45. Marcou, Prof. J., 32, 46, 95, 106, 107. Marsh, Prof., 79, 86, 98, 108, 118, 123. Medlicott, H. B., 19, 31, 84, 93, 105. Tchihatcheff, Prince P. de, 33- Thompson, Dr. T., 116. Waagen, Dr. W., 93, 106. McClintock, Sir L., 95. Möbius, Prof., 33. Mojsisovics, E. von, 83. Mourlon, Dr., 37. Moore, Charles, 95. Murchison, Sir R. I., 28, 29, 53, 55, Whitney, J. D., 26. 65, 74. Wallace, Dr. A., 130, 131. White, J. C., 76. Wood, Searles, 127. Newberry, J. S., 52, 58. Zittel, Dr. K. H., 104, 116. R UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06444 8411 !