Z 836817 G78 [APPENDIX TO VOL. XXXVI, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE.] srvale, LIST OF THE WRITINGS OF DR. ASA GRAY, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED, WITH AN INDEX. [APPENDIX TO VOL. XXXVI. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE.] Gerdale, Scrope Sincron comp LIST OF THE WRITINGS OF Dr. Asa GraY. CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED, WITH AN INDEX. WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF CAMBRIDGE, MASS. MRS. ASA GRAY. дв в Ch Sam Bay LIST OF THE WRITINGS OF DR. ASA ASA GRAY. CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED.* I. SCIENTIFIC WORKS AND ARTICLES. 1834. A Sketch of the Mineralogy of a portion of Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties, (N. Y.); by Drs. J. B. Crawe, of Watertown, aud A. Gray, of Utica, (N. Y.). Am. J. Sci., xxv, 346-350. North American Gramineæ and Cyperaceae (exsiccata). Part I, 1834; Part II, 1835. 1835. A Monograph of the N. American species of Rhynchospora. Ann. N. Y. Lyc., III, 191-220 (reprint, 191-219), t. 1. [Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag., II, 26-38.] A notice of some new, rare, and otherwise interesting plants from the northern and western portions of the State of New York. Ann. N. Y. Lyc., III, 221-238 (reprint, 220–236). 1836. Elements of Botany. New York, 1836, 8vo, pp. xiv, 428. 1837. Remarks on the structure and affinities of the order Ceratophyllaceæ. Ann. N. Y. Lyc., IV, 41–60. Melanthacearum America Septentrionalis Revisio. Ann. N. Y. Lyc., Iv, 105– 140. Remarks on the progress of discovery relative to vegetable fecundation: being a preface to the translation of A. J. C. Corda's "Beiträge zur Lehre von der Be- fruchtung der Pflanzen." Am. J. Sci., XXXI, 308–317. 1838. A Flora of North America: containing abridged descriptions of all the known indigenous and naturalized Plants growing north of Mexico; arranged according to the Natural System. By John Torrey and Asa Gray. Vol. I. New York, 1838-1840, Svo, pp. xvi, 711.—Vol. II. 1841-1843, pp. 504. * In the preparation of this list Dr. S. Watson and the undersigned have received much assistance from Professors Farlow and C. S. Sargent. A great part of the col- lection and revision of references has been done by Mr. W. F. Ganong, Assistant in Botany. Although much care has been exercised in the elaboration of the list, there are doubtless some omissions. In view of rendering the list more nearly complete, correspondents are urged to forward promptly any corrections. G. L. G. ++ 1840. Remarks chiefly on the Synonymy of several North American plants of the Orchis tribe. Am. J. Sci., XXXVIII, 306-311. 1841. Notices of European Herbaria, particularly those most interesting to the North American Botanist. Am. J. Sci., XL, 1-18. [Ann. Nat. Hist., VII, 132–140, 179– 185; Hooker's Journ. Bot., III, 353–374.] Notice of the Botanical Writings of the late C. S. Rafinesque. Am. J. Sci., XL, 221-241. 1842. Notes of a botanical excursion to the mountains of North Carolina, etc., with some remarks on the botany of the higher Alleghany Mountains. Am. J. Sci., XLII, 1–49. [Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot., 1, 1-14, 217-237; II, 113-125: III, 230-242.] The Botanical Text-Book for Colleges, Schools and Private Students. New York, 1842, 8vo, pp. 413. Edition 2d, ib. 1845, 8vo, pp. 509; 3d, ib. 1850, 8vo, pp. 520; 4th, ib. 1853, 8vo, pp. 528; 5th, under the title, Introduction to Structu- ral and Systematic Botany, being a fifth and revised edition of The Botanical Text-Book, New York, 1857-1858, pp. xii, 555. A second issue bears date 1860. Edition 6th, Part I. Structural Botany, or Organography on the basis of Mor- phology. New York, 1879, 8vo, pp. XII, 442. 1843. Selections from the Scientific Correspondence of Cadwallader Colden with Gro- novius, Linnæus, Collinson and other Naturalists. Am. J. Sci., XLIV, 85–133. 1844. Characters of some new genera [Monoptilon, Amphipappus, Calliachyris, Aniso- coma] and species of plants of the natural order Compositæ, from the Rocky Mountains and Upper California. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 210-212 (abstract); Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., v, 104-111, with plate. The Longevity of Trees. N. A. Review, July, 1844, 189–238. 1845. The Chemistry of Vegetation. N. A. Review, Jan., 1845, 3-42. Plantæ Lindheimeriana; an enumeration of F. Lindheimer's collection of Texan plants, with remarks, and descriptions of new species, etc. By George Engel- mann and Asa Gray. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., v, 210-264. 1846. Musci Alleghanienses, sive Spicilegia Muscorum atque Hepaticarum quos in itinere a Marylandia usque ad Georgiam per tractus montium A. D. mdcccxliii decerpserunt Asa Gray et W. S. Sullivant (interjectis nonnullis aliunde collectis). [Review, with notes.] Am. J. Sci., II, 1, 70–81, 312. Notice of a new genus of plants of the order Santalacea (Darbya). Am. J. Sci., II, 1, 386-389; Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 115-116 (abstract); Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., v, 348-351. Scientific Results of the Exploring Expedition. N. A. Review, July, 1846, 211-226. Analogy between the Flora of Japan and that of the United States. Am. J. Sci., II, II, 135–136. Proc. Characters of some new genera and species of Compositæ from Texas. Am. Acad., 1, 46-50. [Am. J. Sci., II, III, 274-276, in part.] Chloris Boreali-Americana. Illustrations of new, rare, or otherwise interesting North American Plants, selected chiefly from those recently brought into cultiva- tion at the Botanic Garden of Harvard University. Decade I. Mem. Am. Acad.,. III, 1-56, tt. 1–10. 5 10 · 1847. Food of the Mastodon. Am. J. Sci., II, 111, 436. Note upon Carex loliacea, Linn, and C. gracilis, Ehrh. 1848. Genera Floræ America Boreali-Orientalis Illustrata. The Genera of the Plants of the United States illustrated by figures and analyses from nature, by Isaac Sprague, Superintended and with descriptions, etc., by Asa Gray. Vols. I, II (1848, 1849), 8°, pp. 230, 229, and 186 plates. A Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States, from New England to Wisconsin and South to Ohio and Pennsylvania inclusive (the Mosses and Liver- worts by Wm. S. Sullivant), arranged according to the Natural System. Boston and Cambridge, 1848, 8vo, pp. lxxii, 710. [Later editions are given under dates of publication.] Plantæ Lindheimerianæ, Part II. Am. J. Sci., II, IV, 19–22. 1849. Plantæ Fendlerianæ Novi-Mexicanæ: an account of a Collection of Plants made chiefly in the Vicinity of Santa Fé, New Mexico, by Augustus Fendler. Proc. Am. Acad., II, 5-9 [abstract]; Mem. Am. Acad., Iv, 1–116. On some plants of the order Compositæ from the Sandwich Islands. Proc. Am. Assoc., II, 397-398. On the composition of the plant by phytons, and some applications of phyllo- taxis. Proc. Am. Assoc., II, 438-444. Note on the genus Thelesperma, Lessing. Hook. Journ. Bot., I, 252. 1850. Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vi, 141-233. 1851. Characters of some Gnaphalioid Composite of the division Angiantheæ. Hook. Journ. Bot., III, 97–102, 147–153, 172–178. Characters of a new genus (Dissothrix) of Composite-Eupatoriacea, with remarks on some other genera of the same tribe. Hook. Journ. Bot., III, 223-225. 1852. Account of Argyroxiphium, a remarkable genus of Compositæ, belonging to the mountains of the Sandwich Islands. Proc. Am. Acad., II, 159–160. Characters of three new genera of plants of the orders Violaceæ and Anonaceæ, discovered by the naturalists of the United States Exploring Expedition [Agatea, Isodendrion, Richella]. Proc. Am. Acad., 11, 323–325. Plantæ Wrightianæ Texano-Neo-Mexicana: an account of a Collection of Plants made by Charles Wright, A. M., in an expedition from Texas to El Paso, New Mexico, in the summer and autumn of 1849. Part I. Smithsonian Contri- butions, III, 1-146, tt. 10. Remarks on Menodora, Humb. and Bonpl., and Bolivaria, Cham. and Schlecht. Am. J. Sci., II, xiv, 41–45. Note on Tetratheca. Hook. Journ. Bot., IV, 199–200. Characters of some Southwest Australian Compositæ, principally of the subtribe Gnaphalieæ. Hook. Journ. Bot., iv, 225-232, 266–276. 1853. Plantæ Wrightianæ Texano-Neo-Mexicanæ. Part II. An account of a col- lection of plants made by Charles Wright, A.M., in Western Texas, New Mexico and Sonora, in the years 1851 and 1852. Smithsonian Contributions, v, 1-119, tt. 4. Brief characters of some new genera and species of Nyctaginaceæ, priucipally collected in Texas and New Mexico. Am. J. Sci., II, xv, 259–263, 319-324. On the discovery of two species of Trichomanes in the State of Alabama, one of which is new. Am. J. Sci., II, xv, 324–326. 6 Characters of Tetraclea, a new genus of Verbenacea. Am. J. Sci., II, XVI, 97-98. Note on the parasitism of Comandra umbellata, Nutt. Am. J. Sci., II, XVI, 250-251. [Ann. Nat. Hist., XII, 365-366.] Characters of some new genera of Plants, mostly from Polynesia, in the col- lection of the United States Exploring Expedition under Captain Wilkes. Proc. Am. Acad., III, 48-54, 127-129. 1854. On the age of the large tree recently felled in California. 440-443. Am. J. Sci., II, XVII, Note on the genus Buckleya. Am. J. Sci., II, XVIII, 98-100. Planta Nova Thurberiana: The characters of some New Genera and Species. of Plants in a Collection made by George Thurber, Esq., of the late Mexican Boundary Commission, chiefly in New Mexico and Sonora. Mem. Am. Acad.,. n. s., v, 297-328. On the Affinities of the Genus Vavæa, Benth.; also of Rhytidandra, Gray. Mem. Am. Acad., n. s., v, 329-336. [Hook. Journ. Bot., VII, 189-190.] United States Exploring Expedition, during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. Vol. xv. Botany. Phanerogamia. With a folio Atlas of one hundred plates. Part I. Philadelphia, 1854. 40, pp. 775. 4º, Mammoth Trees of California. Am. J. Sci., II, XVIII, 286-287. 1855. The Smithsonian Institution. Am. J. Sci., II, xx, 1-21. Botanical Report, by John Torrey and Asa Gray, upon the Collections made by Captain Gunnison, Topographical Engineers, in 1853, and by Lieutenant E. G. Beckwith, Third Artillery, in 1854. Pacific R. R. Surveys, II 115-132, with ton plates. Report on the Botany of the Expedition [under Captain John Pope], by John Torrey and Asa Gray. Pacific R. R. Surveys, 11, 157-178, with ten plates. Note on the Development and Structure of the Integuments of the Seed of Magnolia. Hook. Journ. Bot., VII, 243-245; VIII, 26. 1856. A Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States: Second Edition; in- cluding Virginia, Kentucky, and all east of the Mississippi; arranged according to the Natural System. (The Mosses and Liverworts by Wm. S. Sullivant.) With fourteen plates, illustrating the genera of the Cryptogamia. New York, 1856. 8°, pp. xxviii, 739. Note on Obolaria virginica, L., Journ. Linn. Soc., 1, 129-130. For what purpose were plants created? (Addressed to Prof. Dana). Am. J. Sci.,. II, xx1, 428, 429. Statistics of the Flora of the Northern United States. Am. J. Sci., II, XXII, 204-232; XXIII, 62-84, 369–403. Wild Potatoes in New Mexico and Western Texas. Am. J. Sci., II, XXII, 284, 285. 1857. Pacific R. R. Surveys, vII (Botany), 19. Centrostegia. List of Dried Plants collected in Japan, by S. Wells Williams, Esq., and Dr. James Morrow. Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853 and 1854, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, II, 303–329. Report of the Botany of the Expedition [under Lieutenant A. W. Whipple].. (By John Torrey. The Compositae, Plantaginaceæ, Orobanchaceae, Scrophularia- cox and Bignoniacea, by Asa Gray). Pacific R. R. Surveys, Iv, 95-115, 117-122, with eight plates. 7 General Catalogue of the Plants collected on the Expedition [under Lieut. R. S. Williamson and Lieut. H. L. Abbot]. (By J. S. Newberry. Ivesia, Compositæ, Hemitomes (and Monotropea), Scrophulariacea, Hydrophyllacea, and Gentianacea, by Asa Gray). Pacific R. R. Surveys, vi, 72-73, 76-87, with six plates. First Lessons in Botany and Vegetable Physiology. New York, 1857. 8vo, pp. 236. [There are later issues.] Revised Aug., 1868. On the age of a large Californian coniferous tree. Proc. Am. Acad., III, 94–97. 1858. A short exposition of the structure of the ovule and seed-coats of Magnolia. Journ. Linn. Soc., II, 106–110. How Plants Grow: a simple introduction to Structural Botany. With a Popu- lar Flora. New York, 1858. 8vo, 233. Note on the coiling of tendrils of plants. Proc. Am. Acad., IV, 98–99. [Ann. Nat. Hist., III, 513-514; Am. J. Sci., II, xxvII, 277–278.] Notes upon some Rubiaceæ, collected in the South Sea Exploring Expedition under Capt. Wilkes. Proc. Am. Acad., IV, 33–50, 306–318. Action of foreign Pollen upon the Fruit. Am. J. Sci., II, xxv, 122, 123. 1859. Neviusia, a new genus of Rosacea. Mem. Am. Acad., vI, 373–376, with plate. Diagnostic characters of new species of phænogamous plants, collected in Japan by Charles Wright, botanist of the U. S. North Pacific Exploring Expedition. With observations upon the relations of the Japanese Flora to that of North America, and of other parts of the Northern Temperate Zone, Mem. Am. Acad., VI, 377-452. [Bibl. Univ. Archives, IX, 32-43; Canadian Naturalist, IV, 296– 297; Am. J. Sci., II, XXVIII, 187-200.] On the genus Croomia, and its place in the Natural System. Mem. Am. Acad., v1, 453–457, with plate. Characters of Ancistrophora, a new genus of the order Compositæ, recently detected by Charles Wright. Mem. Am. Acad., VI, 457-458. Notes upon some Polynesian plants of the order Loganiace:c. Proc. Am. Acad., IV, 319-324. Diagnoses of the species of Sandal-wood (Santalum) of the Sandwich Islands. Proc. Am. Acad., Iv, 326–327. A revision of the genus Forestiera. Proc. Am. Acad., IV, 363-366. Report of the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey made under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, by William H. Emory. Vol. 11, Part I. Botany of the Boundary. (Note on Synthlipsis, Compositæ, Scrophulariaceæ, note on Datura, conspectus of the genera of Nyctaginacea and the species of Mirabilis and Oxybaphus, by Dr. Gray), pp. 34, 73-107, 110-121, 154, 172-175, with five plates. Lists of Plants collected by Emanuel Samuels, in Sonoma County, California, in 1856. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VII, 142-145. List of a collection of dried plants made by L. J. Xantus, at Fort Tejon and Vicinity, California, near lat. 35° and long. 119°, 1857-8. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VII, 145–149. Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Revised [Third] Edition; including Virginia, Kentucky and all cast of the Mississippi; arranged according to the Natural System. With six plates, illustrating the Genera of Ferns, etc. 1859, pp. xxiv, 635. British National Museums of Natural History. Am. J. Sci., II, xxvII, 277. Trichomanes radicans, Swartz. Am. J. Sci., XXVIII, 440, 441. 1860. Catalogue of Plants collected East of the Rocky Mountains. Pacific R. R. Sur- veys, XII, part 2, 40-49, with three plates. Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored in 1857 and 1858 by Lieutenant Joseph C. Ives. Part IV. Botany (the orders preceding Verbenaceae, excepting the Cactaceæ, by Prof. Gray), pp. 1-20. 8 Potamogeton crispus, L.; Marsilea quadrifolia, L. Am. J. Sci., II, xxx, 139, 140. Discussion between two readers of Darwin's Treatise on the Origin of Species. Am. J. Sci., II, xxx, 226–239. [Design versus Necessity.-Discussion between two readers of Darwin's Treatise on the Origin of Species, upon its natural the- ology. Darwiniana, pp. 62-86.] 1861. Note on the species of Nissolia. Journ. Linn. Soc., v, 25-26. Characters of some Compositæ in the collection of the United States South Pa- cific Exploring Expedition under Capt. Wilkes; with observations, etc. Am. Acad., v, 114–146. Proc. Notes on Lobeliacea, Goodeniaceæ, etc., in the collection made by the South Pacific Exploring Expedition. Proc. Am. Acad., v, 146–152. Enumeration of a collection of dried plants made by L. J. Xantus, at Cape San Lucas, etc., in Lower California, between Aug, 1859, and Feb., 1860. Proc. Am. Acad., v, 153–173. A cursory examination of a collection of dried plants made by L. C. Ervend- berg around Wartenberg, near Tantoyuca, in the ancient province of IIuasteca, Mexico, in 1858 and 1859. Proc. Am. Acad., v, 174–190. Note on the genus Graphephorum, Desv., and its synonymy. Proc. Am. Acad., v, 190–191; Ann. Bot. Soc. Canada, 1, 55–57. Notes upon a portion of Dr. Seemann's recent collection of dried plants gathered in the Feejee Islands. Proc. Am. Acad., v, 314-321. Characters of new or obscure species of plants of Monopetalous orders in the collection of the United States Pacific Exploring Expedition; with occasional re- marks, etc. Proc. Am. Acad., v, 321–352; vi, 37-55. Heath (Calluna vulgaris) in North America. Am. J. Sci., II, xxxII, 290, 291; XXXVIII, 122-124; 428, 429; XXXIX, 228; XLIII, 128, 129. [Calluna atlantica, Seem.; also Seemann's Journ. Bot., v, 84, 85.] Aira caryophyllea in the United States. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXII, 291. 1862. Planta Vitienses Seemannianæ. Remarks on the Plants collected in the Vitian or Fijian Islands by Dr. Berthold Seemann. Bonplandia, x, 34–37. Enumeration of the Plants of Dr. Parry's collection in the Rocky Mountains in Am. J. Sci., 11, xxx, 237–243, 404-411; XXXIV, 249–261, 330–341. Notes upon the " Description of New Plants from Texas by S. B. Buckley." Proc. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1862, 161–168. 1861. A Report upon Mr. S. B. Buckley's "Description of Plants, No. 3, Gramineæ.” Proc. Philad. Acad., 1862, 332–337. Additional note on the genus Rhytidandra. Proc. Am. Acad., VI, 55–56. Synopsis of the genus Pentstemon. Proc. Am. Acad., vi, 56–76. Revision of the North American species of the genus Calamagrostis, sect. Dey- ouxia. Proc. Am. Acad., vi, 77–80. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXIV, Fertilization of Orchids through the Agency of Insects. 420-429. 1863. Darlingtonia Californica, Torr. Am. J. Sci., II, xxxv, 136–137. Botanical Collections in the Rocky Mountains. Am. J. Sci., II, xxxv, 137. Species considered as to Variation, Geographical Distribution and Succession. Ann. Nat. Hist., XII, 81-97. [Darwiniana, pp. 178–204.] Enumeration of the species of plants collected by Dr. C. C. Parry and Messrs. Elihu Hall and J. P. Harbour, during the summer and autumn of 1862, on and near the Rocky Mountains, in Colorado Territory, lat. 36°-41°. Proc. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1863, 55-80. Structure and fertilization of certain Orchids. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXVI, 292–294. Manual of the Botany, etc. Fourth revised Edition. To which is added Garden Botany, an Introduction to a knowledge of the common cultivated Plants. With twenty-two plates, illustrating the Grasses, Ferns, Mosses, etc. New York, 1863, pp. ci, 743. Synopsis of the species of Hosackia. Proc. Acad. Philad., 1863, 346–352. 9 1864. On Streptanthus, Nutt., and the plants which have been referred to that genus. Proc. Am. Acad., vi, 182-188. A revision and arrangement (mainly by the fruit) of the North American species of Astragalus and Oxytropis. Proc. Am. Acad., vi, 188-236. On scientific nomenclature. Am. J. Sci., II, xxxvII, 278–281. [Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XIII, 517-520; Seemann's Journ. Bot., II, 188-190.] Radicle-ism. Am. J. Sci., xxxvIII, 125–126. New Scirpi of the Northern United States: S. Canbyi, S. Clintonii. II, XXXVIII, 289–290. Am. J. Sci., 1865. Najas major, Ruppia maritima, etc., discovered at Salina, N. Y. 11, XXXIX, 106-107. Harvard University Herbarium. Am. J. Sci., II. XXXIX, 224-226. Story about a Cedar of Lebanon. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXIX, 226–228. New or little known Polynesian Thymelea. Seemann's Journ. Bot., HI, 302–306. The Tennessee Yellow-Wood (Cladrastis lutea). Am. J. Sci., II, XL, 273. Characters of some new plants of California and Nevada, chiefly from the col- lections of Professor William H. Brewer and of Dr. Charles L. Anderson, with revisions of certain genera or groups. Proc. Am. Acad., vi, 519-556. Am. J. Sci., 1866. Professor Treadwell's Improvements in constructing Cannon: Address of the President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Prof. Asa Gray) upon the presentation of the Rumford Medal to Professor Treadwell, November 15, 1865. Proc. Am. Acad., VII, 44-51; Am. J. Sci., 11, XLI, 97–103. Scolopendrium officinarum in Western New York. Am. J. Sci., II, XLI, 417. A new Fijian Hedycaria: H. dorstenioides. Seemann's Journ. Bot., IV, 83-84. Note on a regular dimerous flower of Cypripedium candidum. Am. J. Sci., II, XLII, 195; [Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xvm, 341-342; Seemann's Journ. Bot., IV, 378-379.] 1867. An innovation in nomenclature in the recently issued volume of the Prodromus. Am. J. Sci., II, XLIII, 126–128; [Seemann's Journ. Bot., v, 81-84]. Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States, including the District east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina and Tennessee, arranged according to the Natural System. Fifth Edition, with twenty plates, illustrating the Sedges, Grasses, Ferns, etc. New York, 1867. 8, pp. 701. A second Issue in 1868 has four pages of addenda. Morphology of stamens and use of abortive organs. Am. J. Sci., II, XLIII, 273-274. Botanical Notes and Queries. On Sambucus Canadensis, Robinia hispida, and Clerodendron Thompsonæ. Am. Nat.. 1, 493-494. May-apples in Clusters; Invasions of Foreign Plants. Am. Nat., 1, 494-495. 1868. Botanical Notes and Queries. On Tillandsia usneoides; Robinia hispida. Am. Nat., 1, 673-674. Monstrous Flowers of Habenaria fimbriata; The Elder (Sambucus Canadensis) as a native plant; German Ivy, so-called, flowering under peculiar circumstances. Am. Nat., 11, 38–39. Descriptions of eleven new Californian plants. Proc. Calif. Acad., 1, 101–103. Characters of new plants of California and elsewhere, principally of those col- lected by W. H. Brewer and 11. N. Bolander. Proc. Am. Acad., vu, 327-401. Shortia, Torr. & Gray, and Schizocodon, Sieb. & Zucc., identical. Am. J. Sci., II, XLV, 402–403. Remarks on the laws of botanical nomenclature. Am. J. Sci., II, XLVI, 74-77. 10 Am. Nat., II, 441. II, 484. Planera aquatica, the Planer-tree. Saxifraga Virginiensis. Am. Nat., Field, Forest and Garden Botany. A simple introduction to the common plants of the United States east of the Mississippi, both wild and cultivated. New York, 1868. 8°, pp. 386. A second revised issue, 1870. Bound with the "Les- sons," this forms the "School and Field-book of Botany." 1870. A revision of the Eriogoneæ. By Asa Gray and J. Torrey. Proc. Am. Acad., VIII, 145-200. Dialysis with Staminody in Kalmia latifolia. Am. Nat., Iv, 373-374. Botanical Contributions.-1. Reconstruction of the Order Diapensiaceæ.-2. Revision of the North American Polemoniaceae.-3. Miscellaneous Botanical Notes and Characters. Proc. Am. Acad., VIII, 243–296. 1871. On hypocotyledonary gemmation. Am. J. Sci., III, 11, 63; [Anu. Mag. Nat. Hist., VIII, 220.] Arrangement for Cross-fertilization of the flowers of Scrophularia nodosa. Am. J. Sci., III, II, 150–151. Characters of a new genus (Eophyton) consisting of two species of parasitic Gentianeæ: E. tenellum, E. Lobbii. Journ. Linn. Soc., XI, 22-23. A new species of Erythronium: E. propullans. Am. Nat., v, 298-300. [Cana- dian Naturalist, v, 465–466.] Anthers of Parnassia. Am. J. Sci.. III, II, 306. [Am. Nat., v, 649-650.] Baptisia perfoliata: the arrangement of morphology of its leaves. Am. J. Sci., III, 11, 462-463. [Seemann's Journ. Bot., X, 84-85.] Drosera (Sundew) as a Fly-catcher. Am. J. Sci., III, II, 463-464. 1872. Dismissal of the late Botanist of the Department of Agriculture. Am. Nat., VI, 39-45. Am. J. Sci., III, v, 315--318.] Botany for Young People. Part 11.-How Plants Behave: how they move, climb, employ insects to work for them, etc. New York, 1872. Small 4°, pp. 46. Plant Dryers. Am. Nat., VI, 107–108. New parasitic plant of the Mistletoe family: Arceuthobium minutum. Am. Nat., vi, 166-167. Botanical Contributions.-1. Notes on Labiate.-2. Determinations of a collec- tion of Plants made in Oregon by Elihu Hall during the summer of 1871, with characters of some New Species and various Notes. Proc. Am. Acad., VIII, 365-412. Rumex Britannica, L. Seemann's Journ. Bot., x, 211-212 (from Proc. Am. Acad., vIII, 399). Address before the American Association at Dubuque, Iowa, August, 1872. Am. J. Sci., III, iv, 282-298; Am. Nat., VI, 577- 596 ("Sequoia and its history "); Trimen's Journ. Bot., x (1872), 309-313 (extract, "Origin of the Flora of Atlantic North America"); Proc. Am. Assoc., XXI, 1-31 (with corrections and appendix). [Sequoia and its history; the relations of North American to Northeast Asian and to Tertiary Vegetation. Darwiniana, pp. 205-235.] Wild Double-flowered Epigra repens. Am. Nat., VI, 429. Acer nigrum with Stipules. Am. Nat., vI, 767. 1873. 167. The Horse Disease. Am. Nat., vII, Gelsemium has dimorphous flowers. Am. J. Sci., III, v, 480. Note on apples which are half like one and half like another species. Am. Nat., VII, 236. Fly-catching in Sarracenia. Am. J. Sci., III, vi, 149-150; 467-468; VII, 440-442. 11 Botanical Notelets. Equisetum arvense; Cypripedium acaule; Acer nigrum ; Anemone nemorosa or trifolia; Dimorphism in Forsythia. Am. Nat., VII, 422–423. Dionæa. Am. J. Sci., III, vi, 150. VI, Plantæ Texana: a list of the Plants collected in Eastern Texas in 1872, and distributed to subscribers by Elihu Hall. Salem, 1873. 4°, pp. 29. Rubus deliciosus, Torr.; Spiranthes Romanzoviana. Am. J. Sci., III, vr, 389–390. Characters of new genera and species of plants. Proc. Am. Acad., VIII, 620-631. Notes on Composite and characters of certain genera and species, etc. Am. Acad., VIII, 631-661. Proc. Cleistogenous Flowers in Oxybaphus nyctagineus. Am. Nat., vII, 692. Note on movements of leaves of Drosera and Dionæa. Am. Nat., VII, 738–739. 1874. Yucca gloriosa: Arundo Donax in Virginia; Trichomanes radicans in Kentucky. Am. J. Sci., III, VII, 65. How Trees grow tall. N. Y. Semi-weekly Tribune, Feb. 20, Mar. 6, Mar. 13. Insectivorous Plants. Nation, No. 457, pp. 216-217; No. 458, pp. 232–234. [Darwiniana, pp. 289-307.] Notes on Composite and characters of certain genera and species. Proc. Am. Acad., IX, 187-218. Were the Fruits made for Mau, or did Man make the Fruits? Am. Nat., viii, 116-120. (Reprinted from the "Horticulturist.") Sphæralcea acerifolia in Illinois. Am. J. Sci., III, VII, 239. Pachystigma Canbyi, Gray; Woodsia Ilvensis, why so named? Villars and Villarsia. Am. J. Sci., III, VII, 442-443. Insectivorous Plants-additional investigations. N. Y. Semi-weekly Tribune, June 5. Note on the origin of "May Apples." N. Y. Semi-weekly Tribune, June 12. A Vegetable Steel-trap. N. Y. Semi-weekly Tribune, Nov. 6. The Office of Leaves. N. Y. Semi-weekly Tribune, Nov. 27. Do Varieties wear out or tend to wear out? N. Y. Semi-weekly Tribune, Dec. 8. [Am. J. Sci., III, IX, 109-114; Darwiniana, pp. 334-355. Noticed in Am. Nat., IX, 53.] Contributions to the Botany of North America.-1. A Synopsis of the North American Thistles.-2. Notes on Borraginaceae-3. Synopsis of North Ameri- can Species of Physalis.-4. Characters of various New Species. Proc. Am. Acad., x, 39-78. Johnson's New Universal Cyclopedia.—Botany, I., 566–571.—Leaf, 11, 1694.— Morphology, 111, 627. 1875. Revision of the Genus Symphoricarpus. Journ. Linn. Soc., XIV, 9–12. Note on Nemacladus, Nutt. Journ. Linn. Soc., XIV, 28-29. xiv, A conspectus of the North American Hydrophyllaceae. Proc. Am. Acad., x, 312-332. Estivation in Asimina. Am. J. Sci., III, x, 63. Note on peas from mummies and clover from greensand marl. Nation, No. 523, p. 27. The Potato Rot; Slitting down the Bark of Fruit Trees in Early Summer. Am. Agriculturist, July, pp. 262-263. A Pilgrimage to Torreya. Am. Agriculturist, July, pp. 266–267. The Box-Huckleberry (Gaylussacia brachycera, Gray). Am. J. Sci., III, x, 155. Spontaneous Generation of Plants. Am. Agriculturist, Oct. Estivation and its Terminology. Am. J. Sci., III, x, 339-344. [Trimen's Journ. Bot., XIV, 53-58.] Menyanthes trifoliata; Botrychium simplex, with pinnated divisions to the ster- ile frond. Am. Nat., Ix, 468. The Botanic Garden. The Harvard Book, 1, 313–315. 12 1876. Miscellaneous Botanical Contributions. Proc. Am. Acad., x1, 71–104. Burs in the Borage Family. Am. Nat., x, 1–4. Plantain. Am. Agriculturalist, Jan., p. 19. How Flowers are Fertilized. American Agriculturist. Art. I. Campanulas or Bell Flowers, Jan., p. 22; Art. II. Compound Flowers, Feb., p. 62; Art. III. Clerodendron and Fire-weed, Apr., pp. 142–143; Art. IV. Houstonia and Par- tridge-berry, May, p. 182; Art. V. Dicentra or Bleeding-hearts, June, p. 222; Art. VI. Laurel, July, p. 262; Art. VII. False Indigo and Red Clover, Aug., p. 303; Art. VIII. Beans and other Flowers of the Pulse Family, Oct., pp. 382–383; Art. IX. Ground-nut or Apios, Jan., 1877, pp. 22-23; Art. X. The Busy Bee, Feb., pp. 62-63; Art. XI. The Good of Cross-fertilization, Mar., p. 102; Art. XII. How Cross-fertilization benefits, May, p. 182; Art. XIII. Lady-slippers, June, pp. 222-223. + Cheilanthes Alabamensis; Dichogamy in Epilobium angustifolium; Dimorphism in Claytonia. Am. Nat., x, 43-44. Comparative Zoology, Structural and Systematic. Nation, No. 578, p. 63–64. Seeds that float in water; Use of the hydrometric twisting of the tail to the carpels of Erodium. Am. J. Sci, III, x1, 157–158. Our Wild Gooseberries. Am. Nat., x, 270-275. Tolmiæa Menziesii. Am. Nat., x, 300. Botany of California. [Saxifragaces and Gamopetala by Asa Gray].—Vol. I, 192-208, 277-622. Darwiniana: Essays and reviews pertaining to Darwinism. New York, 1876. 8vo, pp. 396. Schoenolirion, Torr. Am. Nat., x, 426-427, 552-553. Anthers in Trillium. Same, x, 427–428. Notes on Acnida [Trimen's Journ. Bot., XIV, 310-312]; Large Elm; Calluna vulgaris, the Ling or Heather, rediscovered in Massachusetts. Am. Nat., X, 487-490. Sedum reflexum, L. Am. Nat., x, 553. Nymphæa flava, Leitner. Am. J. Sci., III, XI, 416. Heteromorphism in Epigæa. Am. J. Sci., III, XII, 74-76; [Am. Nat., x, 490–492.] Contributions to the Botany of North America.-1. Characters of Canbya (n. gen.) and Arctomecon.-2. Characters of New Species, etc. Proc. Am. Acad., XII, 51-84, with two plates. Subradical solitary Flowers in Scirpus, Relation of Coloration to Environment. Am. J. Sci., III, XII, 467. 1877. Date of Publication of Elliott's Botany of South Carolina and Georgia. Am. J. Sci., III, XIII, 81, 392. Am. Homogone and Heterogone (or Homogonous and Heterogonous) Flowers. J. Sci., III, XIII, 82–83. [Am. Nat., XI, 42.] Notice of Darwin on the Effects of Cross- and Self-Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom. Am. J. Sci., III, XIII, 125–141. Dextrorse and Sinistrorse. Am. J. Sci., III, xш, 236-237, 391. Fertilization of Gentiana Andrewsii. Am. Nat., xI, 113. On some remarkable specimens of Kalmia latifolia, L. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., XIX, 75-76; [Am. Nat., XI, 175.] Characters of some little-known or new genera of plants. Proc. Am. Acad., XII, 159–165. Notes on the History of Helianthus tuberosus, the so-called Jerusalem Arti- choke. By J H. Trumbull and Asa Gray. Am. J. Sci., III, XIII, 347-352; XIV, 428-429. The Jerusalem Artichoke once more. Am. Agriculturist, p. 142. [Gardeners' Chronicle, n. ser., vii, 472.] The Germination of the genus Megarrhiza, Torr. Am. J. Sci., III, XIV, 21-24; [Bot. Gazette, II, 130–132.] Orchis rotundifolia, Pursh. Am. J. Sci., III, XIV, 72. [Am. Nat., XI, 431.] " 13 Athamantha Chinensis, L. Am. J. Sci., III, XIV, 160. Saxifraga Virginiensis. Am. Nat., XI, 366. Three-flowered Sanguinaria. Am. Nat., XI, 431. Fertilization of Browallia elata. Proc. Phil. Acad., XXIX, 11-12. 1878. Plants May Thrive on a Meat Diet. Am. Agriculturist, Apr., p. 131. The two wayside Plantains. Bot. Gaz., III, 41–42. Contributions to the Botany of North America.-1. Elatines Americana.-2. Two New Genera of Acanthacea.-3. New Astragali.-4. Miscellaneæ. Proc. Am. Acad., XIII, 361-374. Synoptical Flora of North America. Vol. II.-Part I. Gamopetalæ after Compositæ. New York, May, 1878. Roy. 82, pp. viii, 402.-Second Edition [with Supplement, etc., in connection with vol. I, Part II]. New York, January, 1886. Roy. 8°, pp. viii, 494. Reissued, with corrections, April, 1888, as Smith- sonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. XXXV. Early Introduction and Spread of the Barberry in Eastern New England. Am. J. Sci., III, xv, 482-483. Forest Geography and Archæology: a lecture delivered before the Harvard University Natural History Society, April 18, 1878. Am. J. Sci., III, XVI, 85-94, 183-196. [Géographie et Archéologie forestières de l'Amerique du Nord, (a French translation by Ch. Naudin.) Ann. Sci. Nat., VI, VII, 126–163.] Classification of the Botanical Collection made during the San Juan Reconnais- sance of 1877, in Colorado and New Mexico. Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1878. Appendix SS, pp. 1833-1840. Some Western Plants. Bot. Gaz., III, 81. Dr. Newcomb and the Uniformity of Nature. By a Country Reader. Inde- pendent, No. 1558, p. 1. Letters on the same subject in No. 1555, p. 16, and No. 1564, p. 15. The Animal Poison of the Far West-"Loco" or Crazy-weed." Am. Agri- culturist, Oct., pp. 380-381. Does Nature forbid Providence? By "Country Reader." Independent, xxx, No. 1562, pp. 1-3. What is a Sweet Potato? Am. On a form of Scirpus supinus, L. Shortia galacifolia rediscovered. IV, 106-108.] [Bot. Gaz., Note sur le Shortia galicifolia et Revision des Diapensiacées. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., VI, vii, 173-179, with plate. Diclytra, Dielytra, Dicentra; Sporting Trillium grandiflorum. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vi, 277-278. " Agriculturist, Nov., p. 423. Trimen's Journ. Bot., xvi, 346. Am. J. Sci., III, XVI, 483–485. 1879. Gerardia tenuifolia, Vahl, var. asperula. Bot. Gaz., Iv, 153. Bentham on Nomenclature. Same, IV, 158–161. Notes upon "Notes of a Botanical Excursion into North Carolina" (by J. H. Redfield). Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vr, 331-338. Epipactis Helleborine, var. viridens (E. viridiflora, Reichenbach), a North American plant. Bot. Gaz., IV, 206. Roots and "Yarbs."-In the Mountains of North Carolina. Am. Agriculturist, Sept., p. 337-338. Botanical Contributions.-1. Characters of some new Species of Compositæ in the Mexican Collection made by C. C. Parry and Edward Palmer, chiefly in the Province of San Louis Potosi, in 1878.-2. Some New North American Genera, Species, etc. Proc. Am. Acad., xv, 25-52. Pertinacity and predominance of Weeds. Am. Journ. Sci., III, XVIII, 161-167. On the Self-fertilization of Plants. Bot. Gaz., IV, 182–187. Who finds White Partridge-berries? Bot. Gaz., IV, 190. Duplicate Corolla of Campanula. Bot. Gaz., IV, 207. Scutia ferrea and Reynosia latifolia. Bot. Gaz., IV, 208. 14 Nomenclature in Atlantic U. S. Polypetala. Bot. Gaz., IV, 210. The beheading of flies by Mentzelia ornata; The Dichogamy of Spigelia Mari- landica; The most arctic timber; "Carnivorous Plants." "Carnivorous Plants." Bot. Gaz., IV, 213–215. The Gymnospormy of Coniferæ. Bot. Gaz., IV, 222–224. Vaccinium macrocarpon, var. intermedium; Common and Troublesome Weeds near Santa Barbara, Cal. Bot. Gaz., IV, 226. On the Genus Garberia. Proc. Acad. Philad., 1879, 379-380. 1880. The Flora of Boston and its vicinity, and the changes it has undergone. Win- sor's Memorial History of Boston, 1, 17-22 (with autograph). Tennessee Plants. Bot. Gaz., v, 3. Littorolla and Schizza in Nova Scotia. Bot. Gaz., v, 4. [Gard. Chron., XIII, 4.] Note on trapping of moths or butterflies by certain plants. Am. Nat., XIV, 50. Natural Science and Religion: Two Lectures delivered to the Theological School of Yale College. New York, 1880. 12°, pp. 111. The Genus Leavenworthia; Automatic Movement of the Frond of Asplenium Trichomanes. Bot. Gaz., v, 25–27. Flora of Kerguelen's Land. Bot. Gaz., v, 39. Notulæ exigua. Bot. Gaz., v, 53, 63, 75, 87, 88. On a point of botanical nomenclature. Trimen's Journ. Bot., XVIII, 186 (from Am. J. Sci., III, XIX, 420). Meanwhile, what should be done and how? Independent, XXXII, No. 1652, p. 1. Action of Light on Vegetation. Am. J. Sci., III, xx, 74-76. Contributions to North American Botany.-1. Notes on some Compositæ.-2. Some Species of Asclepias.-3. A New Genus of Gentianacea.-4. Miscellaneæ of the North American Flora. Proc. Am. Acad., XVI, 78–108. Mesembrianthemum, not Mesembryanthemum. Trimen's Journ. Bot., XVIII, 243 (from Bot. Gaz., V, 89). Botany of the Black Hills of Dakota. Report on the Geology and Resources of the Black Hills of Dakota, by H. Newton, E. M., and W. P. Jenney, E. M. [U. S. G. G. Survey R. M. R.], pp. 529-537. 1881. The Vegetation of the Rocky Mountain Region and a Comparison with that of other Parts of the World. By A. Gray and J. D. Hooker. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Survey of the Territories, vi, 1-77. A Chinese puzzle by Linnæus. Trimen's Journ. of Bot., XIX, 325, 326. Review of the North American climbing species of Clematis, with compound leaves and thick or thickish erect sepals. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, CVII, under plate 6594. 1882. Chrysogonum Virginianum, var. dentatum. Githopsis. Bot. Gaz., VII, 40. Plucheas. Bot. Gaz., VII, 45. Ranunculus. Bot. Gaz., VII, 47. The Relation of Insects to Flowers. [Eclectic Magazine, xxxv, 732-739.] The Contemporary Review, XLI, 598–609. Trimen's Journ. Bot., xx, 173-174. The citation of botanical authorities. Contributions to North American Botany.--1. Studies of Aster and Solidago in the Older Herbaria.-2. Novitia Arizonicæ, etc.; Characters of the New Plants of certain Recent Collections, mainly in Arizona and adjacent Districts, etc. Am. Acad., XVII, 163–230. Proc. Parishella Californica. Bot. Gaz., VII, 94–95. Evolution versus Evangelical Religion. Boston Evening Transcript, Sept. 13th, 1882. Note on the Musaratic Chapel of the Cathedral of Toledo. Nation, No. 884, p. 482. Mimulus dentatus, Nutt.; Linnæa borealis. Bot. Gaz., VII, 112. Bot. Gaz., VII, 31–32. 1 15 Remarks concerning the Flora of North America. Am. Journ. Sci., III, xxiv, 321-331. [Reprinted in part in Bot. Gaz., VII, 129–135, 139–143.] Note on the Lignified Snake. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, IX, 152. Synopsis of species of Nama. Botany, 11, 360–365. II, Godman & Salvin, Biologia Centrali-Americana; 1883. Am. J. Sci., III, xxv, 79–81. [Bot. Gaz. The Lignified Snake from Brazil. (in part), VIII, 153–154.] Natural Selection and Natural Theology. Nature, XXVII, 291-292, 527-528; XXVIII, 79. Annual Reports Reports as Director of the Herbarium of Harvard University. of the President and Treasurer, 1882-83, p. 114-116; 1883-84, p. 136; 1884-85, p. 142-143; 1885-86, p. 118-119; 1886-87, p. 123. Gonolobus Shortii. Bot. Gaz., VIII, 191. Hibiscus Moscheutos and H. roseus; Stipules in Saxifragaceae; Vincetoxicum. Bot. Gaz., VIII, 244, 245. Condurango. Bot. Gaz., VIII, 260. Lonicera grata. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, x, 94-95; XI, 76. Rhododendron (Azalea) Vaseyi. Bot. Gaz., VIII, 282. Aquilegia longissima. Bot. Gaz.. VIII, 295. Contributions to North American Botany.-1. Characters of New Compositæ, with Revisions of certain Genera, and Critical Notes.-2. Miscellaneous Genera and Species. Proc. Am. Acad., XIX, 1–96. Letter on publication of a letter by Dr. Torrey, etc. Bot. Gaz., VIII, 317. 1884. Antirrhina prehensilia. Bot. Gaz., IX, 53-54. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, x1, 76. Lonicera grata. A Revision of the North American species of the Genus Oxytropis, DC. Proc. Am. Acad., xx, 1–7. Notes on the Movements of the Androecium in sunflowers. Proc. Acad. Philad., 1884, 287–288. Synoptical Flora of North America. Vol. I.-Part II. Caprifoliaceae-Com- positæ. New York, July, 1884. Roy. 8°, pp. 474.-Second Edition [with Sup- plement, etc., in connection with vol. 11, Part I]. New York, January, 1886. Roy. 8º, pp. 480. Reissued, with corrections, April, 1888, as Smithsonian Mis- cellaneous Collections, vol. xxxv. Notes on some North American Species of Saxifraga. Proc. Am. Acad., xx, 8-12. Veatchia, nov. Gen. Anacardiacearum. Bull. Calif. Acad., 1, 4-5. Gender of Names of Varieties. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVII, 396–398. Breweria minima. Bot. Gaz., IX, 148. Hypopitys or Hypopithys? Am. J. Sci., III, xxvш, 238–239. Characteristics of the North American Flora: an address to the botanists of the Brit. Assoc. for the Adv. Sc. at Montreal. Am. J. Sci., III, xxv, 323-340; Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1885. The name Trilisa, Am. J. Sci., III, xxvIII, 402. 1885. The Scientific Principles of Agriculture. Science, v, 76. Notes upon the Plants collected on the Commander Islands (Bering and Copper Islands) by Leonard Stejneger. Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum, vII, 527-529. Pine needles. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XII, 102. Contributions to the Botany of North America.-1. A Revision of some Bor- ragineous Genera.-2. Notes on some American Species of Utricularia.-3. New Genera of Arizona, California, and their Mexican Borders, and two additional species of Asclepiadaceæ.-4. Gamopetala Miscellaneæ. Proc. Am. Acad., XX, 257-310. 16 Science, v, 433–434. Science, v, 516-517. The Monterey Pine and Cypress. How to reach the Grand Cañon. Circular Letter to American Botanists. Published separately, Nov. 19, 1885. Report of the International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska. [By Lieut. P. H. Ray.] (Plants. By Asa Gray. pp. 191-192.) 1886. Notes on Myosurus. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XIII, 1–4. Anemone nudicaulis. Bot. Gaz., XI, 17. Anemonella thalictroides, Spach. Bot. Gaz., XI, 39. Contributions to American Botany.-1. A Revision of the North American Ranunculi.-2. Sertum Chihuahuense.-3. Miscellanea. Proc. Am. Acad., XXI, 363-413. The Genus Asimina. Bot. Gaz., XI, 161–164. Tiarella cordifolia. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XIII, 100-101. Vancouveria. Bot. Gaz., XI, 182–183. Corydalis aurea and its allies; The Arillus in Asimina. Bot. Gaz., XI, 188–190. Essay towards a revision of Dodecatheon. Bot. Gaz., XI, 231–234. Letter to the Botanical Club of the A. A. A. S. Bot. Gaz., XI, 245–246. Memoranda of a revision of the North American Violets. Bot. Gaz., XI, 253- 256, 289-293. Ambrosia bidentata × trifida. Bot. Gaz., XI, 338. Note on Shortia. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXII, 473. [Note to Prof. Sargent's article on Journey of André Michaux.] 1887. The Genus Iris. Bot. Gaz., XII, 16-17. Delphinium, an attempt to distinguish the North American Species. Bot. Gaz., XII, 49-54. Contributions to American Botany.-1. Revision of some Polypetalous Genera and Orders precursory to the Flora of North America.-2. Sertum Chihuahuense; appendix.-3. Miscellanea. Proc. Amer. Acad., xxii, 270–314. Capitalization of Botanical Names. Amer. Florist, ii, 294 Palmer in the State of Jalisco, Mexico, Proc. Am. Acad., XXII, 416-446. List of Plants collected by Dr. Edward in 1886 [Gamopetala by Dr. Asa Gray]. The Elements of Botany for Beginners and for Schools (based upon First Les- sons in Botany). New York, 1887. 8vo, pp. 226. Coptis, section Chrysocoptis. Bot. Gaz., XII, 296–297. Annotations. [Nelumbo lutea and Nemacaulis.] Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XIV, Britten's Journal of Botany, xxv, 353-355. 1888. New or Rare Plants. Bot. Gaz., XIII, 73. Contributions to American Botany.-Notes upon some Polypetalous Genera and Orders. Proc. Amer. Acad., XXIII, 223–227. 228-229. Botanical Nomenclature. II. BOTANICAL NOTICES AND BOOK-REVIEWS. 1841. Botanical Notices. W. Griffith, Report on Tea Plant of Upper Assam; M. Guillemin, Report on Expedition to Brazil to obtain information on culture of the Tea-plant; Meyen, Report on Progress of Vegetable Philosophy for 1837; Hook- er's Journal of Botany; Hooker's Flora Boreali-Americana; Endlicher's Genera Plantarum; Moquin-Tandon, Enumeratio Chenopodearum; Steudel's Nomenclator Botanicus; Kunze, Caricography; J. E. Bowman, Fossil Infusoria in England. Am. J. Sci., XL, 165–176. 17 4 Botanical Notices. Horsefield, Bennett and Brown, Plantæ Javanica Rariores; Hooker's Icones Plantarum, part 7; Linnæa, vol. XIII, nos. 4, 5, 6; Wikström, on the Progress of Botany. Am. J. Sci., XL, 391–393. Botanical Notices. William Darlington, Discourse on Gramineæ; Teschemacher, Address to Boston Natural History Society, May, 1841; A. de St. Hilaire, Leçons de Botanique; Endlicher, Genera Plantarum; E. T. Steudel, Nomenclator Botani- cus; Kunze, Supplemente der Riedgräser (Carices) zu Schkuhr's Monographie; Hooker and Arnott's Botany of Capt. Beechey's Voyage; A. Moquin-Tandon, Elé- mens de Tératologie Végétale; John Darby, Manual of Botany, adapted to the productions of the Southern States. Am. J. Sci.. xli, 365–376. Botanical Notices. Endlicher, Enchiridion Botanicum exhibens Classes et Ordines Plantarum; Lindley, Flora Medica and Elements of Botany; Laura Johnson and A. Eaton, Botanical Teacher for North America; Hooker's Journal of Botany; Schomburgk, on the Urari or Arrow-poison of the Indians of Guiana; Archiv für Naturgeshichte; J. F. W. Johnston, Lectures on the Applications of Chemistry and Geology to Agriculture. Am. J. Sci., XLII, 182–191. Botanical Notices. H. E. Richter, Caroli Linnæi Systema, Genera, Species Plautarum uno volumine; H. W. Buek, Genera, Species, et Synonyma Candolleana; Kunth, Enumeratio Plantarum, vol. III; Loudou's Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum abridged; Steudel's Nomenclator Botanicus, 2d ed.; Torrey & Gray's Flora of North America, vol. II, part 2; Nuttall's edition of Michaux's Sylva Americana. Am. J. Sci., XLII, 375–377. 1842. Botanical Notices. New edition of Michaux's North American Sylva; Loudon's Encyclopædia of Trees and Shrubs; Ledebour, Flora Rossica; London Journal of Botany; Kuuze, Supplemente der Riedgräser (Carices) zu Chr. Schkuhr's Mono- graphie, etc. Am. J. Sci., XLIII, 188-189. Botanical Notices. Ward, On the Growth of Plants in closely glazed cases; Hooker's London Journal of Botany. Am. J. Sci., XLIII, 383–386. Botanical Notices. Nuttall, The North American Sylva: Choisy, de Convolvu- laceis dissertatio tertia complectens Cuscutarum, etc.; Spring, Monographie de la Famille des Lycopodiacées; Endlicher, Mantissa Botanica; Hooker's British Flora. Am. J. Sci., XLIV, 194–199. 1843. Botanical Notices. Hooker's Icones Plantarum, vol. 1, new series; Tuckerman, Enumeratio methodica Caricum quarundam; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 1. Am. J. Sci., XLV, 214–218. Botanical Notices. Notice of Botanical Collections; Brand, Iodine in Phanero- gamic Plants and Mosses; Wiegmann and Polsdorff, Disengagement of Carbonic Acid by the Roots of Plants. Am. J. Sci., XLV. 225–227. Botanical Notices. Wm. Darlington, Reliquiæ Baldwiniana; A. de Jussieu, Cours élémentaire de Botanique; F. Unger, Grundzuge der Botanik; G. W. Bisch- off, Lehrbuch der Botanik; G. Fresenius, Grundriss der Botanik; Buek's Index generalis et specialis ad A. P. DeCandolle Prodromum Syst. Nat. Reg. Veg., etc.; Ledebour's Flora Rossica; C. C. Babington, Manual of British Botany; Kunze's Supplemente der Reidgräser (Carices) zur Schkuhr's Monographie; Botanische Zeitung. Am. J. Sci., XLVI, 192–208. 1844. Botanical Notices. DeCandolle, Prodromus, vol. vi; G. G. Walpers, Reper- torium Botanices Systematicæ; C. S. Kunth, Enumeratio Plantarum, etc.; End- licher, Mantissa Botanica; R. B. Hinds and G. Bentham, Botany of H. M. S. Sulphur in 1836-42; H. B. Fielding and G. Gardiner, Sertum Plantarum, etc.; A. de Jussieu, Cours Élémentaire de Botanique; H. F. Link, Jahresbericht für Physiologische Botanik, 1841, and Anatomia Plantarum Iconibus Illustrata. Am. J. Sci., XLVII, 198–205. 2 18 Botanical Notices. J. D. Hooker, Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H. M. Ships Erebus and Terror in 1839-43, and Species Filicum, parts 1 and 2; E. C. Maout, Leçons Elémentaires de Botanique; Martius, Systema Materia Medica Veg. Brasiliensis. Am. J. Sci., XLVIII, 204–208. 1845. Botanical Notices. A. Lasegue, Musée Botanique de M. B. Delessert; De- Candolle's Prodromus, vol. IX, and Théorie elementaire de la Botanique. Am. J. Sci., XLIX, 171–176. 1846. Review of "Explanations; a sequel to the Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation." N. A. Review, April, 1846, 465–506. Botanical Notices. Vegetable Physiology; Unger, Distribution of the Vestiges of Palms in the Geological Formations; Analogy between the Flora of Japan and that of the United States; Unger, Conspectus of the Fossil Flora. Am. J. Sci., II, II, 133–136. Botanical Notices. D. J. Browne, The Trees of America; A. Henfrey, Outlines of Structural and Physiological Botany; Delessert, Icones Selectæ Plantarum, etc. Am. J. Sci., II, 11, 442-445. 1847. Botanical Notices. F. E. L. Fischer et C. A. Meyer, Sertum Petropolitanum, etc.; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 6; Trautvetter, Plantarum Imagines et Descriptiones Floram Russicam Illustrantes; Hooker, Species Filicum; S. Moricand, Plantes Nouvelles ou Rares d'Amerique, fasc. 1-8; Ledebour, Flora Rossica, fasc. 7. Am. J. Sci, II, III, 146-148. Botanical Notices. L. Agassiz, Nomenclator Zoologicus; Ruprecht, 3 papers in Beiträge zur Pflanzenkunde des Russischen Reiches; G. B. Emerson, Report on Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts; Bot. Magazine for 1847. Am. J. Sci., II, III, 302-310. 1848. Botanical Notices. DeCandolle's Prodromus; Trans. Linn. Soc., xx, Botanical Papers by J. D. Hooker, Falconer, etc.; E. Tuckerman, Synopsis of Lichenes of New England; A. Young, A Flora of Maine; Ledebour, Flora Rossica, fasc. 8; Hooker's London Journal of Botany, no. 73. Am. J. Sci., II, v, 449-459. 1849. Botanical Notices. A. DeCandolle, Prodromus. Am. J. Sci., II, VII, 309–311. Botanical Notices. Fendler's Botanical Collections in New Mexico; Hooker's. Journal of Botany, papers in nos. 1, 2, 3; W. Griffith, Posthumous Papers. Am.. J. Sci., II, VII, 452-454. Notice of Dr. Hooker's Flora Antarctica. Am. J. Sci., II, vIII, 161–180. Botanical Notices. DeCandolle's Prodromus Reg. Veg., vol. xiii; T. G. Lea, Catalogue of Plants near Cincinnati collected in 1834-1844; A. de Jussieu, Ele- ments of Botany, transl. by J. H. Wilson; J. H. Balfour, Manual of Botany. Am. J. Sci., II, VIII, 300-303. 1850. Memorials of John Bartram and Humphrey Marshall, with notes of their Botani- cal Contemporaries, by Wm. Darlington. LL.D. Am. J. Sci., II, IX, 85–105. Botanical Notices. Endlicher, Genera Plantarum, part 2, and Synopsis Coni- ferarum. Am. J. Sci, II, IX, 148–149. 19 1852. Botanical Notices. [In the form of a letter to one of the Editors.] De Can- dolle's Prodromus; Kunth, Enumeratio Plantarum, vol. v; Fenzl and Endlicher, Genera Plantarum; Unger, Die Urwelt in ihren Verschiedenen Bildungsperiod; Martius, on Palms; von Esenbeck and Spinner, Genera Flora Germanice Iconibus Illustrata; changes in Professorships in German Universities; Fries, Summa Vegetabil. Scandinavia and Monograph of Hieracium; Ledebour, Flora Rossica; Webb, Phytographia Canariensis; Weddell, Monograph of Cinchona, and Balano- phoreæ vs. Rafflesiaceæ; M. Decaisne at Jardin des Plantes; Botany of the Voyage of the Bonité and the Astrolabe and Zelée; Botanists at the Jardin des Plantes; M. C. Gay, Historia Fisica et Politica de Chile; Richard, Botany in de la Sagra's Histoire Physique, etc.. of Cuba; Boissier, Diagnoses Plantarum Orientalium; work of Choisy, Duby, Godet, Shuttleworth, Lehmann, Blume, DeVriese, Dozy, Molkenboer, Hooker, Babington; W. Hooker, Species Filicum, Icones Plantarum and Victoria Regia; J. D. Hooker, Rhodendrons of Sikkim Himalaya, Flora Indica, Nova-Zealandiæ, Tasmaniæ; Bentham. Niger Flora; Webb, Spicilegia Gorgonica; Trans. Linn. Soc. of London, XX, part 3, Botanical papers; Crypto- gamic Botany, works by Kunze, Gottsche, Lindenberg and von Esenbeck, Müller, Gümbel, Schimper, Kützing, Agardh; Harvey, Phycologia Britannica, Manual of British Algæ, etc.; Schæærer's work on Lichens. Am. J. Sci., II, XIII, 42–53. Botanical Notices. Kunze, Supplemente der Riedgräser (Carices) zu Chr. Schkuhr's Monographie, etc.; Pritzel, Thesaurus Literaturæ Botanicæ; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 10. Am. J. Sci., II, XIII, 424-425. Nereis Boreali-Americana; or Contributions to a History of the Marine Algæ of North America, by Wm. Henry Harvey, M.D. Am. J. Sci., II, XIV, 1--8. Botanical Notices. Junghuhn and DeVriese, The Camphor-Tree of Sumatra; W. Hooker, Chinese Rice-Paper Plant; H. W. Ravenel, Fungi Caroliniani Exsic- cati; Antonio Bertoloni, Miscellanea Botanica, parts 1-10; A. Henfrey, Vegetation of Europe. Am. J. Sci., II, XIV, 113-116. Am. J. Sci., II, XIV, Botanical Notices. DeCandolle's Prodromus, vol. XIII. 291. Botanical Notices. J. D. Hooker, Botany of the Antarctic Voyage, II, Flora of New Zealand; Seemann, Botany of the Voyage of the Herald. Am. J. Sci., II, XIV, 427, 428. 1853. Botanical Notices. J. G. Agardh, Species, Genera et Ordines Algarum, vol. 1; L. R. Tulasne, Monographia Podostemacearum; Seemann, Botany of the Voyage of the Herald, part 2; Walpers, Ann. Bot. Syst., tom. II. Am. J. Sci., II, XV, 131-133. Botanical Notices. Mohl, Grundzüge der Anatomie and Physiologie der Vege- tabilischen Zelle; Schacht, Die Pflanzenzelle; Lindley, Folia Orchidacea. Am. J. Sci., II, xv, 279–280. Botanical Notices. Wm. Darlington, Flora Cestrica; H. W. Ravenel, Fungi Caroliniani Exsiccati: Lindley's Folia Orchidacea, parts 2-4; Mohl, Cellulose in Vegetable Membranes; Hoffmann, Circulation of Sap; Crüger, obs. on certain Monocotyledonæ Epigynæ; W. Hofmeister, on Development of Zostera; Wichura, Winding of Leaves; Horsfield, Plantæ Javanicæ Rariores; Hooker. Species Filicum, part 6; N. B. Ward, Growth of Plants in tight cases. Am. J. Sci., II, XVI, 129-133. Botanical Notices. Harvey, Nereis Boreali-Americana; J. Torrey, Plantæ Fre- montianæ, on Darlingtonia Californica, on Batis maritima of Linnæus; A. Gray, Planta Wrightianæ Texano-Neo-Mexicanæ, part 2; J. Leidy, Fauna and Flora within living animals; M. J. Berkeley and M. A. Curtis, Exotic Fungi from the Schweinitzian Herbarium. Am. J. Sci, II, xvi, 422–426. 1854. Botanical Notices. Salad for the Solitary, by an Epicure; Lindley, The Vege- table Kingdom; DeCandolle's Prodromus. Am. J. Sci., II, XVII, 132–133. Introductory Essay, in Dr. Hooker's Flora of New Zealand, vol. I. Am. J. Sci., II, XVII, 241-252, 334-350. 20 1 Botanical Notices. E. G. Steudel, Synopsis Plantarum Glumacearum, fasc. 1; Lindley's Folia Orchidacea, part 5; A. de Jussieu, Letters of Linnæus to B. dé Jussieu. Am. J. Sci., II, XVII. 443-444. Botanical Notices. J. W. Griffith and A. Henfrey, Micrographic Dictionary ; B. Seemann, Botany of the Voyage of the Herald; Dr. Hooker's Flora of New Zealand, part 5; A. Gray, Botany of Wilkes' Exped., Phanerogamia. Am. J. Sci., II, XVIII, 131–133. Botanical Notices. : Hooker's Icones Plantarum, vol. x; J. D. Hooker's Flora of New Zealaud, part 6; von Esenbeck et al., Genera Plantarum Flora Ger- manicæ, etc., Flora Danica Supplementi fasciculus I; Griffith and Henfrey, Mi- crographic Dictionary, part 2; Linnæa, vol. XXVI; Bot. Zeitung and Bonplandia; Annales des Sciences Naturelles, etc., vol. XX, Botanical papers. Am. J. Sci., II, XVIII, 284-286. Botanical Notices. J. F. Allen, Victoria Regia; Miquel, DeVriese et al., Plantæ Junghuhnianæ, fasc. 3; Steudel, Synopsis Plantarum Glumacearum, fasc. 3; Seemann's Botany of the Voyage of the Herald, part 5; DeVriese, Pandaneæ. Am. J. Sci., II, XVIII, 428-429. 1855. Botanical Notices. Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 12; Boussingault on non-assimi- lation of Nitrogen by Plants; M. Personne on Lupulin; Hofmeister, The Fertiliza- tion of Ferns; Payer. Traité d'Organogénie Végétale Comparée, livr. 1-4; Griffith and Henfrey, Micrographic Dictionary, parts 3-5. Am. J. Sci., II, XIX, 128-130. Botanical Notices. Hooker's Flora of New Zealand, parts 7 and 8; See- mann's Botany of the Voyage of the Herald, part 6; Tulasne, on the Ure- dineæ and Ustilagineæ; I. A. Lapham, Grasses of Wisconsin; H. G. Reichenbach, De Pollinis Orchidearum Genesi ac Structura, etc.; Micrographic Dictionary on Ergot. Am. J. Sci., II, XIX, 439–443. Botanical Notices. M. J. Schleiden, Poetry of the Vegetable World; DeVriese and Harting, Monographie des Marattiacées; Pritzel, Iconum Bot. Index Locuple- tissimus; J. Darby, Botany of the Southern States; Dunal et al., Wheat from Egilops. Am. J. Sci., II, xx, 129–135. Botanical Notices. Thuret, Sexual reproduction in the Lower Cryptogamia; Trécul, Formations Secondaires dans les Cellules Végétales; Mohl on Chlorophyll Miers, Seeds of Magnolia; Bertoloni, Miscellanea Botanica, fasc. 13 and 14; Decaisne on the Wellingtonia of Lindley; Darwin, Does Sea-water kill Seeds? Am. J. Sci., II, xx, 276-284. 1856. Botanical Notices. A. DeCandolle, Géographique Botanique Raisonné; J. D. Hooker and T. Thomson, Flora Indica Am. J. Sci., II, XXI, 134–137. Botanical Notices. E. G. Steudel, Synopsis Plantarum Glumacearum, parts 1 and 2; J. D. Hooker, Flora of Tasmania; F. A. W. Miquel, Flora van Neder- landsch Indië; Griffith and Henfrey, Micrographic Dictionary; A. Braun, Algarum Unicellularium Genera Nova et minus Cognita. Am. J. Sci., II, XXI, 282-284. Botanical Notices. Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., vol. 1, no. 1, 1856, Botanical Papers by C. J. F. Bunbury, C. F. Meisner, R. Kippist, and Zoological Papers: Schacht, Mohl et al, on the Origin of the Embryo in Plants; Pringsheim, Reproduction in Algæ; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 15. Am. J. Sci., II, XXII, 134-137. Botanical Notices. A. DeCandolle, Géographique Botanique raisonnée, etc. Radlkofer, Origin of the Embryo in Plants; Bentham, Notes on Loganiacea; M. Neisler, The Flowers of the Pea-Nut; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 16 and 17; L. R. Tulasne, Monographia Monimiacearum. Am. J. Sci., II, xxII, 429–437. 1857. Botanical Notices. DeCandolle's Prodromus, XIV, part 1; W. A. Bromfield, Flora Vectensis, edited by W. J. Hooker and T. B. Salter; Seemann's Botany of the Voyage of the Herald, parts 7 and 8; G. Engelmann, Synopsis of the Cacta- ceæ of the U. S. Am. J. Sci., II, XXIII, 126-129. 21 A. Henfrey, Origin of the Embryo in Plants. Am. J. Sci., Botanical Notices. II, XXIII, 278–279. Botanical Notices. W. S. Sullivant et L. Lesquereux, Musci Boreali-Americani, etc. Am. J. Sci., II, XXIII, 438-439. Botanical Notices. J. M. Berkeley, Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany; H. Hoffmann, Witterung und Wachsthum; C. Lehmann, Revisio Potentillarum Iconi- bus Illustrata; R. Caspary, Conspectus Systematicus Hydrillearum; Ad. Chatin, on Vallisneria spiralis, L. Am. J. Sci., II, xxiv, 151–155. Botanical Notices. Journ. of Proc. Linn. Soc., vol. I, uo. 4, Botanical Papers by Berkeley, Currey, Bennett, Seemann, Masters, Lindley, Oliver; vol. 11, no. 5, con- taining Higgins, on the Cultivation of Mosses, Bentham, Synopsis of the Genus Clitoria, Hooker and Thomson, Precursores ad Floram Indicam, G. Bentham, on the Principles of Generic Nomenclature; C. Mueller and Walpers, Synopsis Plantarum Phanerogamicarum, etc.; Bertoloni, Miscellanea Botanica, fasc. 15 and 16; Harvey, Phycologia Australica; Niesler, Indigofera Caroliniana. Am. J. Sci. II, XXIV, 281–288. Botanical Notices. A. Henfrey, au Elementary Course of Botany; Naudin's Researches on the Genus Cucurbita. Am. J. Sci., II, XXIV, 434–443. 1858. Botanical Notices. DeCandolle's Prodromus, vol. XIV, part 2; Hooker's Flora of Tasmania; Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., no. 6, papers by Thomson, Hooker & Thomson; DeVriese, Planta India Batavia Orientalis. Am. J. Sci., IJ, XXV, 290–293. Botanical Notices. F. Boott, Illustrations of the Genus Carex; Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., II, no. 7, papers by Henslow, Gray, Wood, Moore, etc.; Lindley. List of Orchids from Cuba; Andersson, Salices Boreali-Americana; Grisebach, Vege- tation der Karaiben; J. Wallman, Essai d'une Exposition Systématique de la Famille des Characées; Parlatore's Eulogy on F. B. Webb; Agricultural Botany in the Western States. Am. J. Sci., II, XXVI, 135–139. Botanical Notices. H. A. Weddell, Monographie de la Famille des Urticées ; Miquel's Flora van Nederlandsch Indië; Walpers, Ann. Bot. Syst., 2d fasc.; Pringsheim, Jahrbücher, vol. I. part 1, papers by Pringsheim and Hofmeister; Radikofer, Fecundation in the Vegetable Kingdom; Bowerbank, Natural History of the Spongiadæ; Seemann's Botany of the Voyage of the Herald, parts 9 and 10; J. D. Hooker, Structure and Affinities of Balanophore:e; Boussingault, Re- searches on the part of nitrogenous matters in vegetation, and nitrates in soils; J. Decaisne, Structure and Development of Flower and Fruit of Pear. Am. J. Sci., II, XXV, 109–124. Botanical Notices. Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., no. 8. Botanical papers by Müller, Hooker and Thomson, Barter, Fée, Bennett; Flora of Australia. Am. J. Sci., II, XXVI, 283. Botanical Notices. Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 18-20; Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., no 9, Jameson on Pseudocentrum; E. Tuckerman, Lichenes America Septentrionalis Exsiccati, fasc. 5 and 6; Nylander, Synopsis Methodica Lichenum, etc., fasc. 1; Miers, Illustrations of S. American Plants, vol. II; Bentham, Handbook of the British Flora. Am. J. Sci., II, XXVI, 412–416. 1859. Am. J. Sci., II, Botanical Notices. W. H. Harvey, Nereis Boreali-Americana. XXVII, 142-146. Botanical Notices. Wm. Darlington, American Weeds and Useful Plants; Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., no. 10, papers by Bentham on Legnotideæ, Spruce on Asteranthos, Müller on Eucalypti of Australia, Berkeley on Tuberiform Vegetable Productions from China, Grisebach on Abuta, Dickie on Arctic Plants; No. 11 of do., papers by Müller, Bentham and Henfrey; Walpers, Ann. Bot. Syst., vol. Iv; E. Regel, on Parthenogenesis; L. Vilmorin, Notices sur l'Amelioration des Plantes par le Semis, etc. Am. J. Sci., II, xxvii, 437–442. Botanical Notices. Von Martius, Eulogy on Robert Brown; F. Mueller, Frag- menta, Phytographiæ Australiæ, vol. 1, fasc. 1-4; Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., Nov. 22 = 12th, papers by Henfrey, Ralph, Oliver, Spruce, Mitten; R. B. Van der Bosch, Synopsis Hymenophyllacearum; Parry, Torrey and Engelmann, Botany of the Mexican Boundary; Catalogue of Phænogamous and Cryptogamous Plants in Gray's Manual. Am. J. Sci., II, XXVIII, 290–293. Botanical Notices. G. Engelmann, New Genera of Dicecious Grasses of U. S.; W. H. Harvey, Thesaurus Capensis, vol. 1; Grisebach's Outlines of Systematic Botany; Henfrey, Structure and Growth of Rootlets; E. Davy, on the taking of arsenic by plants. Am. J. Sci., II, XXVIII, 439–444. 1860. Botanical Notices. C. Wright, Collections of Cuban Plants; G. Engelmann, the Genus Cuscuta; J. G. Cooper, Distribution of the Forests and Trees of N. America. Am. J. Sci., II, XXIX, 127-129. Review of Darwin's Theory on the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selec- tion. Am. J. Sci.. II, XXIX, 153-184. [The Origin of Species by means of Nat- ural Selection. Darwiniana, pp. 9–61.] Botanical Notices. C. J. Maximowicz, Primitia Flora Amurensis; Harvey's Thesaurus Capensis, no. 2; Hooker's Species Filicum. vol. III, part 1; Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., no. 14, Botanical Papers by Andersson and Spruce; No. 15 of do., papers by Cocks, Hooker and Thomson; No. 16 of do., papers by Babington, Caruel, Oliver, Spruce. Moore and Hogg; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 18, 23, and 24; J. D. Hooker's Flora Tasmania; Ogston, Poisoning of Plants by arsenic. Am. J. Sci., II, XXIX, 436–441. A free examination of Darwin's Treatise on the Origin of Species. Atlantic Monthly, July, Aug., Oct.. 1860. Reprinted in 1861 as a separate pamphlet of 55 pages. [Natural Selection not inconsistent with Natural Theology. Darwin- iana, pp. 87-177.] Botanical Notices. A. W. Chapman, Flora of the Southern United States; G. Bentham, Synopsis of Dalbergiea; G. Suckley and J. G. Cooper, Reports on Natural History, etc., of Minnesota, Nebraska, Washington and Oregon Territories. Am. J. Sci., II, xxx, 137–139. Botanical Notices. M. A. Curtis, Geological and Natural History Survey of North Carolina; Thwaites, Enumeratio Plautarum Zeylauicæ, parts 1 and 2; Walpers, Ann. Bot. Syst.; Buek, Index ad DeCaud. Prodromum, etc., part 3. Am. J. Sci., II, xxx, 275–276. 1861. Botanical Notices. W. H. Harvey, Thesaurus Capensis, no. 4; W. H. Harvey and O. W. Sonder, Flora Capensis, vol. 1; A. H. R. Grisebach, Flora of the British West Indies, parts 1 and 2, and Plant Wrightianæ e Cuba Orientali; D. C. Eaton, Filices Wrightianæ et Fendlerianæ; T. J. Hale, Additions to Flora of Wisconsin; J. S. Newberry, Catalogue of Flowering Plants and Ferns of Ohio; E. W. Hervey, Catalogue of Plants of New Bedford, Mass.; E. Tatnall, Catalogue of Phænogamous and Filicoid Plants of Newcastle Co., Delaware; H. W. Ravenel, Fungi Caroliniani Exsiccati, fasc. 1-5; A. Braun, Uber Polyembryonie und Keimung von Cælebogyne; F. Boott, Illustrations of the Genus Carex. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXI, 128-132. Botanical Notices. L. Lesquereux, Botanical and Palæontological Report on the Geol. State Survey of Arkansas. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXI, 431-435. Botanical Notices. Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., no. 18, papers by Bentham, Crocker, Hooker, Mitten, etc.; J. Phillips, Life on the Earth, its Origin and Suc- cession; C. R. Bree, Species not transmutable nor the Result of Secondary Causes. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXI, 443–449. Botanical Notices. G. Bentham, Flora Hongkongensis; Ann. Bot Soc. Canada, vol. I, part 1, papers by Blackie and others; Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., no. 19, papers by Mitten, Hooker and Thomson; A. Wood, Class-Book of Botany. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXII, 124–130. Botanical Notices. Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 25-28; H. Karsten, Flora Colum- biæ, etc., tom. 1, fasc. 1; Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., no. 20, papers by Hooker and Thomson, Welwitsch, Oliver, Bentham. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXII, 289–290. 23 1862. Botanical Notices. H. A. Weddell, Mémoire sur le Cynomorium coccineum, etc.; E. Regel, Monographia Betulacearum hucusque cognitarum; Müller, Ann. Bot. Syst., vols. IV, V and VI; F. A. W. Miquel, Journal de Botanique Neerland- aise; E. G. Squier, Tropical Fibres; A. Gray, Mexican Boundary Carices; Musci Cubenses Wrightiani, coll. 1856-1858; C. C. Parry, Rocky Mountain Flora; Aroideæ by Dr. Schott; Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., no. 21, Botanical Papers by Hooker, Masters, Col. Munro and others. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXIII, 139–143. Botanical Notices. DeCandolle's Prodromus, vol. XV, part 1; F. Boott, Illus- trations of the Genus Carex; Thwaites, Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylanice, part 3; Ann. Bot. Soc. Canada, part 3. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXIII, 430–432. Botanical Notices. C. Darwin, on the Various Contrivances by which Orchids are fertilized; J. D. Hooker, Outlines of the Distribution of Arctic Plants, and on the Cedars of Lebanou, Taurus, Algeria and India; Weddell's Chloris Andina, vol. II. Am. J. Sci., II, xxxiv, 138–151. Antherology; Review of Oliver's "Note on the Structure of the Anther." Am. Journ. Sci., II, XXXIV, 282–284. Botanical Notices. Oliver, on the Wood-cells of Hamamelideæ: Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., nos. 22, 23, papers by Munro, Bentham, C. Darwin, Lindley and Grisebach; Bentham's Presidential Address to the Linnean Society, May. 1862; Botany of Northeastern Asia; C. DeCandolle, on the Production of Cork; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 29 and 30; Grisebach, Flora of the British West Indian Islands, parts iv and v. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXIV, 284-288. Botanical Notices. C. Darwin, Dimorphism in the Genitalia of Flowers. Am. J. Sci., II. XXXIV, 419-420; Seemann's Journ. Bot., I, 147-149 (with corrections). 1863. Mémoires et Souvenirs de Augustin-Pyramus DeCandolle, Ecrits par luimême et Publiées par Son Fils. Am. J. Sci., II, xxxv, 1-16; Seemann's Journ. Bot., I, 107-120 (abridged, with corrections by the author). Notice of Boussingault "On the Nature of the Gas produced from the Decom- position of Carbonic Acid by Leaves exposed to the Light." Am. J. Sci., II, XXXV, 121-123. Botanical Notices. Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum, vol. 1, pars 1; Hooker's Species Filicum, parts 13, 14. Am. J. Sci, II, xxxv, 134–136. Botanical Notices. A new character in the Fruit of Oaks, DeCandolle; Review of DeCandolle's "Species, considered as to Variation, Geographical Distribution and Succession "; Harvey and Sonder's Flora Capensis, vol. II; l'Abbé Provan- cher's Flore Canadienne; The Tendrils of the Virginia Creeper; Durand's Vites Boreali-Americana; Vegetable Productions of the Feejee Islands; Gray's Manual. Am. J. Sci., II, xxxv, 430-449. Botanical Notices. Notice of Trans. St. Louis Acad., vol. II, part 1; Hall and Harbour's Rocky Mountain Plants; Paullinia sorbilis and its products; Aerial rootlets on the stems of Virginia Creeper (Ampelopsis quinquefolia); Flora Brasili- ensis, fasc. 31, 32 (note); Dr. C. W. Short; Wm. Darlington. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXVI, 128-139. Botanical Notices. Dimorphism in the Flowers of Linum, Review of a paper by Darwin; Variation and Mimetic Analogy in Lepidoptera; Bentham and Mül- ler's Flora Australiensis; Oliver's Notes on the Loranthacea, with a Synopsis of the Genera; Parthenogenesis in Plants. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXVI, 279–294. Botanical Notices. Origin of Varieties in Plants; Review of Mémoirs et Souve- nirs de Augustin Pyramus DeCandolle; Hooker on Welwitschia, a new genus of Gnetacea; American Tea-Plant. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXVI, 432–439. 1864. Botanical Notices. Annales Musei Botanici Lugduno-Batavi for 1863; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 33-35; Agardh's Species Genera et Ordines Algarum; Harvey's Phycologia Australica and Thesaurus Capensis, vol. II, no. 1; Müller's, The Plants indigenous to the Colony of Victoria; Brunet's Plantes de Michaux; Botany of N. W. America along the British Boundary; Ink-Plant (Coriaria thymifolia). Am. J. Sci., II, XXXVII, 281–288. 24 Botanical Notices. Prior's Popular Names of British Plants; Saint Pierre's Flore des Environs de Paris; Vilmorin-Andrieux's Des Fleurs de Pleine Terre; Kindberg's Monographie Generis Lepigonorum; Andersson's Botany of the Gala- pagos Islands; Tuckerman's Lichenes Insulæ Cubæ. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXVII, 433-436. Botanical Notices. Olivier's (Henslow's) Lessons in Elementary Botany; Göthe's Essay on the Metamorphosis of Plants; Milde's Equisetacea; Brown on Marsilia and Pilularia. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXVIII, 124-127. Botanical Notices. DeCandolle's Prodromus; Mitten's Bryology of British N. W. America; Sullivant's Icones Muscorum. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXVIII, 290–291. Botanical Notices. Sullivant's Icones Muscorum. Am. J. Sci., II, xxXVIII, 429. 1865. Botanical Notices. Scott's Functions and Structure of the Reproductive Organs in the Primulacea; Mohl's Observations upon Dimorphous Flowers; Naudin and Godron's Essays on Hybrids; Grisebach's Flora of the British West Indian. Islands; Bentham's Florula Australiensis. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXIX, 101-110. Botanical Notices. DeCandolle's Prodromus. vol. XVI, part 1; Hooker's Hand- book of the New Zealand Flora, part 1; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 36-38; Journ. Linn. Soc., no. 31, articles on Dimorphism and Trimorphism of Plants. Am. J. Sci.. II, XXXIX, 359–362. Botanical Notices. Thwaites' Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylaniæ; Harvey and Sonder's Flora Capeusis. vol. III; Dr. Torrey, Ammobroma Sonora; Harvey's Thesaurus Capensis; Annales Botanices Systematicæ, tom. vi; Child's Production of Organisms in closed vessels. Am. J. Sci., II, XL. 125-127. Botanical Notices. Welwitschia mirabilis, Hook. fil.; Darwin's Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants. Am. J. Sci., II, XL, 273-282. 1866. Botanical Notices. Darwin's Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants; Paine's Catalogue of Plants found in Oneida County [New York] and vicinity; Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum, part 2. Am. J. Sci., II, XLI, 125-132. Botanical Notices. Daubeny's Essay on the Trees and Shrubs of the Ancients. Am. J. Sci., II, XLI, 268. Botanical Notices. Bentham's Address on Natural History Transactions and Journals; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 39, 40; Eichler on the Morphology of the Androecium in Fumariacea; Seemann's Flora Vitiensis; Botany of Australia; Müller's Analytical Drawings of Australian Mosses, fasc. 1; Müller's Vegetation of the Chatham Islands; Bunge's Revision of the genus Cousinia; Krok, Mono- graph of Valeriana; Musci Boreali-Americani, Sullivant and Lesquereux. J. Sci., II, XLI, 410-418. Am. Botanical Notices. Boussingault's Researches on the action of Foliage; Engel- mann's Revision of the North American Species of Juncus; Lessingia germano- rum; Curtis' Illustrations of the Esculent Fungi of the U. S; The International Horticultural Exhibition. Am. J. Sci., II, XLII, 126–132. Botanical Notices. Fournier on Cruciferæ; Salisbury's Genera of Plants: Gray's Hand-book of British Water-weeds or Algæ. Am. J. Sci., II. XLII, 277-281. Botanical Notices. DeCandolle's Prodromus, vol. XV: E. Boissier, Icones Euphorbiarum. Am. J. Sei, II, XLII, 427. 1867. Botanical Notices. The Miscellaneous Botanical Works of Robert Brown; J. Mueller on Nature of Anthers; Mémoire sur la Famille des Pepéracées by De- Candolle. Am. J. Sci., II, XLIII, 125–128. Botanical Notices. Salices Europææ, Wimmer; Le Specie dei Cotoni descritte da Filippo Parlatore; Tree-labels for arboretum; Ozone produced by Plants, Daubeny's article in Journ. Chem. Soc. Am. J. Sci., II, XLIII, 272-273. J 25 Grisebach's Catalogus Plantarum Cubensium; Flora Aus- Am. J. Sci., II, XLIII, 409–410. Botanical Notices. traliensis, vol. III. Botanical Notices. E. Boissier, Flora Orientalis; Catalogue des Végétaux Ligneux du Canada, by l'Abbé Brunet; Rep. of Proceedings of the Interna- tional Horticultural Exhibition, 1866: Collections of Dried Plants of California. Am. J. Sci., II, XLIV, 122–123. Botanical Notices. N. J. Andersson, Monographia Salicum; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 42 and 43; DeCandolle, Lois de la Nomenclature; Miquel, Sur les Affinitiés de la Flora du Japan avec celles de l'Asie et de l'Amerique du Nord; Tall Trees in Australia; Report on destruction of Trees in Wisconsin, by I. A. Lapham and others; Annales Musci Botanici Lugduni Batavi, tom. I-III, fasc. 4. Am. J. Sci., II, XLIV, 420-425. 1868. Review of Darwin's Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. Nation, No. 142, pp. 234-236. Botanical Notices. Miocene Flora of the Polar Regions; Les Fleurs de Pleine Terre, 2eme éd.; The Great Dragon Tree of Orotava. Teneriffe; Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey of California, Part III, Botany; Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum Boott's Illustrations of the genus Carex. Am. J. Sci, II, XLV, 269-272. Botanical Notices. F. A. G. Miquel, Prolusio Flora Japonica; Genera Planta- rum, vol. I; Traité Général de Botanique descriptive et analytique, Le Maout and Decaisne; Gray's Manual, fifth edition. Am. J. Sci., II, XLV, 403–409. Botanical Notices. The Book of Evergreens, by Josiah Hoopes; Botanical Works of Robert Brown; Journ. Linn. Soc., Botany, ncs. 42 and 43; Théorie de la Feuille, by C. DeCandolle. Am. J. Sci., II, XLVI, 270–272. Botanical Notices. Flora Brasiliensis, DeCandolle's Prodromus, etc. Am. J. Sei., II, XLVI, 408-409. Botanical Notices. of Indian Plants, etc. 1869. J. F. Watson's Index to the Native and Scientific Names Am. J. Sei., II, XLVII, 143. 1870. Botanical Notices. Botanical Notabilia. Bentham's Presidential Address, [Areas of Preservation, Am. Naturalist, IV, 44]; Robert Brown's Works; Master's Vegetable Teratology; Memoir of Harvey; Genera of South African Plants; Flora Australiensis; Oliver's Flora of Tropical Africa, and First Book of Indian Botany; Seemann's Flora Vitiensis; Baker on the Geographical Distribution of Ferns; Hooker's Icones Plantarum: Mitten's Musci Austr-Americani in vol. XII Journ. Linn. Soc.; Andersson on Palms; Munro's Monograph of Bambusa- ceæ; Appendix to French edition of Darwin's Fertilization of Orchids: Baillon's Adansonia and Traité du Development de la Fleur et du Fruit; Bureau's Mono- graphie des Bignoniacées; DeCandolle's Prodromus, vol. XVI; Flora Danica, 47th part; Ersted on Classification of Oaks; Lange on the Pyroleæ and Monotropeæ of Mexico and Central America; Bunge's Monograph of the Astragali of the Old World; Ammobroma Sonoræ; Braun's Monograph of Australian Isoetes; Pritzel's Iconum Botanicarum Index Locupletissimus: Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 44–46; Rudolph's Atlas des Pflanzengeographie; Pursh's Journal of a Botanical Excur- sion in N. Y. in 1807. Am. J. Sci, II, XLIX, 120–129. Botanical Notices. Johnson's How Crops Feed; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 48; Dickson on Development of Flower of Pinguicula; Geographical Handbook of Ferns by K. M. Lyell; Bulletin of Torrey Botanical Club, nos. 1 and 2; Notes relating to Vegetable Physiology, etc. Am. J. Sci., II, XLIX, 403–410. Botanical Notices. "Miscellaneous Botanical Notices and Observations." De- Candolle's Code of Botanical Nomenclature; Baillon's Histoire des Plantes; Hincks on the Arrangement and Nomenclature of Ferns; Bennett on the Genus Hydrolea; Tampico Jalap; Prof. Babington's Revision of the Flora of Iceland; Dr. Ogle on Fertilization of Flowers by Insects; Brunet's Eléments de Botanique; 26 Von Martius' Herbarium; The Michaux Grove Oaks; Boeckeler ou Scirpeæ; Bunge's Genesis Astragali Species Gerontogea pars altera; Flora Caucasi, by Ru- precht; Bentham's Presidential Address; Hooker's Student's Flora of the British Islands; The "American Entomologist. Am. J. Sci., II, L, 274–283. Botanical Notices. Prof. Lawson on Oxford Botanists; Hasskarl's Monograph of Indian Commelynaceae; Revision of the Genera and Species of Herbaceous Capsular, Gamophyllous Liliacea, by J. G. Baker; Clarke on Commelynaces of Bengal; Dickie's Notes on Algae from North Atlantic Ocean; Absorption of Mois- ture by Leaves; Henfrey's Elementary Course of Botany. Am. J. Sci., II, L, 425-429. }} 1871. Botanical Notices. Hohenbühel-Heufler on the Linnæan Hypothesis of the Derivation of Species; Lawson's Monograph of Canadian Ranunculacea; Ersted on characters furnished by the styles in Cupuliferæ and Juglandeæ, etc. Am. J. Sci., III, 1, 147-149. Botanical Notices. Rhododendreæ Asia Orientalis, by Maximowicz; Flora Australiensis, vol. v; Braun's revision of Marsilia and Pilulariæ. Am. J. Sci., III, 1, 222-223. Botanical Notices. Von Mohl on Sciadopitys verticillata; Austin's Musci Appalachiani. Am. J. Sci., III. 1, 306–307. Botanical Notices. Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 50; Prior's Popular Names of British Plants, 2d ed.; Vilmorin-Andrieux, Les Fleurs de Pleine Terre, 3d ed.; Baker's Synopsis of Known Lilies; Hieru on the Distribution of Batrachium Section of Ranunculus; E. S. Rand on the Rhododendron and American Plants. Am. J. Sci., III, 1, 475–476. Botanical Notices. Maximowicz on Diapensiacea; Lange on Form and Struc- ture of Seeds. Am. J. Sci., III, II, 62–63. Botanical Notices. Bretschneider on Chinese Botany; Goeppert on Plants killed by Frost. Am. J. Sci., III, II, 221-222. Botanical Notices. Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 51-54; Baillon's Histoire des Plants; Borodin on changes in position of grains of Chlorophyll under Sunlight; Dehérain on Evaporation of Water, etc. Am. J. Sci., III, 11, 460–465. Darwin's Descent of Man. Examiner, vol. 1, 594–600. 1872. Botanical Notices. Friderici Welwitschii Sertum Angolense; Hooker's Icones Plantarum, III, part 1; Van Tieghem on the Structure of the Pistil in Primulaceæ, on the Anatomy of the Flower of Santalaceæ, on Comparative Anatomy of Cyca- daceæ, Conifera and Gnetacea, on the Mistletoe; Botany of Clarence King's Survey; Oliver's Flora of Tropical Africa, vol. II: Ileer, Flora Fossilis Arctica. Am. J. Sci., III, III. 58-64. Botanical Notices. Miers, Contributions to Clarence King's Survey; Hall, Plants of Oregon; Warming, Inflorescence or Flower in Euphorbia. Botanical Notices. Scheutz, Prodromus Monographia Georum; Baillon, His- toire des Plantes. Am. J. Sci., III, III, 306–308. Botanical Notices. Bentham, Revision of the genus Cassia; Delpino, on the Fertilization of Coniferæ; J. Müller, on the Cyathium of Euphorbia; Maximowicz, Action of Pollen on Fruit of Fertilized Plant; Grisebach, Die Vegetation der Erde nach ihrer Klimatischen Anordnung; correction to Note on Baptisia. Am. J. Sci., III, III, 376–381. • Botanical Notices. Cailletet on Absorption of Water by Leaves; change of Habit of a Parasite; Peck's report on Botany before Albany Institute; Cooke, Hand-book of British Fungi; News of Botanists; Journal of Botany; Fossil Flora of Great Britain; The Garden." Am. J. Sci., III, 11, 472–476. Botany; S. Watson, Botany of Saunders' Refugium Botanicum; Am. J. Sci., III, III, 147–152. Botanical Notices. Marc Micheli, Recent Researches in Vegetable Physiology; M. T. Masters, Botany for Beginners; C. F. Austin, Musci Appalachiani. Am. J. Sci., III, IV, 72-77. 27 Professor Babington on Anacharis. Am. Nat., VI, 297. Botanical Notices. Robert Brown's first Botanical Paper; Prantl's Memoir upon Inuline; Cooke and Peck, Erysiphei of the United States; Kan-Sun, a Chinese Vegetable; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 55. Am. J. Sci., III. Iv, 149–151. Botanical Notices. Tuckerman. Genera Lichenum; Hooker, Flora of British India; Grevillea; Linnæa, vol. III; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 57-59: News of Botanists; Herbarium of the late Dr. Curtis. Am. J. Sci., III, IV, 420-422. Botanical Notices. Decaisne's Monograph of the Genus Pyrus; Botanical Supplement to Fifth Annual Report of Geol. Survey of Territories for 1871. J. Sci., III, IV, 489-495. Am. 1873. Botanical Notices. Brongniart on the Theoretical Structure of the Cone in Coniferæ; Zizania aquatica not tuberiferous; Calcareous encrusted Charæ; Origin of the Weeping Willow. Am. J. Sci., III. v, 75. Botanical Notices. Boissier, Flora Orientalis. vol. 11: Hooker's Icones Planta- rum, III, vol. 11, part 1; Journ. Linn. Soc., no. 68; Journal of Botany, Dec., 1872; Discharge of the seeds of Witch hazel; Chlorodictyon, by Agardh; Braun on Marsilia and Pilularia; Baillon, Histoire des Plantes; Triana. Les Mélastomacées. Am. J. Sci., III, v, 142–145. Seemann's Flora Vitiensis. Trimen's Journ. Bot, XI. 181–182. Review of Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum, vol. II, part 1. The Academy, Iv, 230–231. Botanical Notices. Hildebrand, Fertilization in Grasses. Am. J. Sci., III, v, 316. Botanical Notices. Lolium; H. C. Wood, 389-391. Van Tieghem on the Cotyledou of Gramine, etc.; Infelix Fresh-water Algae of North America. Am. J. Sci., III, v, Botanical Notices. Van Tieghem, on Nervation of Coats of Ovules and Seeds; Supposed American Origin of Rubus Idæus [repr. in Amer. Nat., VII, 421–422]; a New Textile Plant; Hooker's Icones Plantarum, vol. II. part 2: Bentham and Hooker, Genera Plantarum, vol. II, part 1; Wm. S. Sullivant. Am. J. Sci., III, V, 479–481. Notice of A. DeCandolle's Histoire des Sciences et des Savants. Nation, No. 418. p. 12. Botanical Notices. Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 60, 61; W. P. Hiern, a Mono- graph of Ebenacea; E. Regel, Animadversiones de Plantis vivis nonnullis Hort. Bot. Imp. Petropolitani. Am. J. Sci., III, vI, 75–77. Botanical Notices. Le Maout and Decaisne's Descriptive and Analytical Botany; Crépin's Primitia Monographia Rosarum. Am. J. Sci., III, vi, 147–151. Botanical Notices. Bentham. Notes on Composite; Ersted, System der Pilze, Lichenen und Algen; A. H. Curtiss, Catalogue of Phænogamous and Vascular Cryptogamous Plants of Canada and the Northeastern portion of the United States; A. Pollock, Index to Medicinal Plants Am. J. Sci, III, vi, 230–231. Anniversary Address of the President [Bentham] to the Liunean Society, May 24, 1873. Am. J. Sci., III, vi, 241–254. Botanical Notices. Hanbury on Parcira Brava. Am. J Sci., III, vi, 315. Botanical Notices. Bornet on the Composition of Lichenes; Hybridation in Mosses, etc., Philibert. Am. J. Sci., III, vi, 388–390. The Attitude of Working Naturalists towards Darwinism. [Review of De- Candolle's Histoire des Sciences et des Savants, of Bentham's Presidential Address before the Linnean Society, of Bentham's Notes on Composite, of Flower's Evidence of Modification of Animal Forms, of Dawson's Story of the Earth and Man.] Nation, No. 433, pp. 258–261. [Darwiniana, pp. 236–251.] Botanical Notices. Bennett on mann, Notes on the Genus Yucca. Movements of the Glands of Drosera; Engel- Am. J. Sci., III, vi, 467–470. 28 1874. Notice of the Cessation of DeCandolle's Prodromus. Nation, No. 446, p. 42. Evolution and Theology. [Review of Rev. G. Henslow's Theory of Evolution; of C. Hodge's Systematic Theology, and of J. LeConte's Religion and Science.] Nation, No. 446, pp. 44-46. [Darwiniana, pp. 252-265.] Botanical Notices. Contributions to American Botany, Sereno Watson; Char- acters of New Ferns from Mexico, D. C. Eaton; Botanical Contributions, by Asa Gray, Nov. 18, 1873; Bentham's Flora Australiensis, vol. VI: Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 62; Musée Botanique de Leide, vol. 1; DeCandolle's Prodromus, vol. xvii. Am. J. Sci., III, vn, 63-68. Botanical Notices. Dr Regel on Vitis; Hepatica Boreali-Americanæ, C. F. Austin; Ilysanthes gratioloides; Synopsis Generis Lespedeza, C. J. Maximowicz. Am. J. Sei., III, VII, 152-154. What is Darwinism? [Review of C. Hodges' What is Darwinism?, of A. Winchell's Doctrine of Evolution, of G. St. Clair's Darwinism and Design, and of C. Kingsley's Westminster Sermons.] Nation, No. 465, pp. 348-351. [Darwiniana, pp. 266-282.] Botanical Notices. Parthenogenesis in Ferns; Hooker's Flora of British India; New views on Lichenes and Gonidia; Decaisne on Eryngium, species with parallel-veined leaves. Am. J. Sci., III, vii, 440-444. Botanical Notices. Revision of the North American Chenopodiaceæ, Sereno Watson; J. F. Mellichamp on Sarracenia variolaris. Am. J. Sci., III, VII, 599–600. Owens College Essays and Addresses. [Review of Essays and Addresses by Professors and Lecturers of Owens College, Manchester.] Nation, No. 474, pp. 76-77. Botanical Notices. Dr. Shaw on changes in the character of Vegetation pro- duced by Sheep-grazing; McNab and Dyer on the Perigynium and occasional Seta in Carex; Maximowicz, Diagnoses Plantarum Japoniæ, etc.; Botanical Con- tributions by Asa Gray, in Proc. Am. Acad., vol. IX; J. G. Cooper on Influence of Climate and Topography on Trees around San Francisco Bay; O. H. Willis, Catalogue of Plants near New Jersey. Am. J. Sci., III, VIII, 69–72. Manual of Geology, by Jas. D. Dana. Nation, No. 469, pp. 415-416. Botanical Notices. A. DeCandolle on Physiological Groups in the Vegetable Kingdom; W. C. Williamson, Primeval Vegetation in its relation to the Doctrines of Natural Selection and Evolution; J. W. Dawson, Annual Address of the Presi- dent of the Natural History Society of Montreal, May, 1874; R. Shuttleworth and his collections. Am. J. Sci., III, VIII, 147–156. Notes on the Addresses of the Presidents of the English, French and American Associations for the Advancement of Science. Nation, No. 481, p. 183. Note on Prof. Tyndall's estimate of Aristotle. Nation, No. 482, p. 204. Note on Wurtz's Address on "The Theory of Atoms in the General Conception of the Universe." Nation, No. 452, p. 204. Notes on Dr. Hooker's Address as President of a section of the British Associa- tion ou Insectivorous Plants. Nation, No. 483, p. 219. Notice of the American Naturalist for Oct., 1874. Nation, No. 485, p. 250. Miscellaneous Notices. Baker's Revision of the Genera and Species of the Tulipeæ; Asexual Growth from the Prothallus of Pteris cretica, by Farlow; Botany of S. Pacific Exploring Expedition under Admiral Wilkes, etc. Amer. Journ. Sci., III, vш, 320–322. Botanical Notices. J. D. Hooker on the Carnivorous Habits of some Plants; Linnean Society of London; Professorship of Botany at the Jardin des Plantes. Am. J. Sci., III, vi, 395–398. Botanical Notices. Note on the use of the word Cyclosis. Am. J. Sci., III, VIII, 469-470. Notice of the Address of the President of the Michigan Pomological Society. Nation, No. 493, p. 382. 1875. Botanical Notices. J. Scott, Notes on the Tree-Ferns of British Sikkim; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 53, 64; Journ. Linn. Soc., no. 77; Trans. and Proc. Bot. Soc. 29 Am. Edinburgh, vol. xI; Florida plants for sale; American Naturalist, vol. VIII. J. Sci., III, IX, 65–69. Notice of DeCandolle's Memorial of Agassiz. Nation, No. 504, p. 135. Notice of Sir John Lubbock's British Wild-Flowers considered in Relation to Insects. Nation, No. 509, pp. 229-230. Botanical Notices. Flückiger and Hanbury, Pharmacographia; Fries, Hymen- omycetes Europæi; Saporta, Miocene Fossil Plants of Greece; Mace. Sci., III, IX, 153–154. Am. J. Bentham, on the recent Progress and present State of Systematic Botany. Am. J. Sci., III, IX, 346–355. Botanical Notices. W. S. Sullivant, Icones Muscorum; Attar of Roses; Sir J. Lubbock, British Wild-Flowers considered in relation to Insects. Am. J. Sci., III, IX, 323-326. Notice of Sach's Text-Book of Botany. Nation, No. 519, p. 400. Botanical Notices. Bentham, Revision of the Sub-order Mimoseæ; J. D. Hooker, Flora of British India; Miers. on the Lecythidaceae; Hooker and Baker, Synopsis Filicum; Grisebach, Planta Lorentzianæ; A. Gray, North American Hydrophyllacea; S. Watson, Revision of the Genus Ceanothus and Synopsis of the Western Species of Silene, W. G. Farlow. List of the Marine Algae of the U. S. Am. J. Sci., III, IX, 471–476. Botanical Notices. M. C. Cooke, Fungi. their Nature and Uses. Am. J. Sci., III, X, 62–63. Notice of M. C. Cooke's Fungi: their Nature and Uses. Nation, No. 525, p. 62. A Beginner in Botany. [Review of Ruskins' Proserpina.] Nation, No. 528, pp. 103-104. Botanical Notices. C. B. Clarke, Commelynaceæ et Cyrtandraceæ Bengalenses. Am. J. Sci., III, x, 154–155. German Darwinism. Nation, 1875, pp. 168-170. Notice of Emerson's Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts. 1875. Nation, Oct. 8, Botanical Notices. J. L. Stewart and D. Brandis, Forest Flora of N. W. and Central India; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 66; DeCandolle on Different Effects of same temperature upon same plants under different latitudes; Dr. J. E. Gray's Publications. Am. J. Sci., III, x, 236-239. Botanical Notices. Rostafinski on Hematococcus lacustris, &c.; E. Tuckerman, Catalogue of Plants growing without cultivation within thirty miles of Amherst College; L. Radlkofer, Serjania Sapindacearum Genus monographice descriptum. Am. J. Sci., III, x, 309–311. Botanical Notices. The formation of Starch in chlorophyll-grains; G. B. Em- erson, Report on the Trees and Shrubs of Mass.; W. T. Dyer, On the Classifica- tion and Sexual Reproduction of Thallophytes; F. Buchenau, Monographie der Juncaceen vom Cap. Am. J. Sci., III, x, 392-395. Botanical Notices. J. Decaisne, Memoire sur la Famille des Pomacées; J. G. Baker, Elementary Lessons in Botanical Geography. Am. J. Sci., III, x, 481–484. Review of Emerson's Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts. American Agricul- turist, Dec., p. 451. 1876. Review of Darwin's Insectivorous and Climbing Plants. Nation, No. 549, pp. 12-14; No. 550, pp. 30-32. [Darwiniana, pp. 308-337.] Botanical Notices. Karl Koch, Vorlesungen über Dendrologie; C. Darwin, In- sectivorous Plants and Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants, 2d ed.; Haeck- el's Ziele und Wege der heutigen Entwickelungsgeschichte. Am. J. Sci., III, XI, 69-74. Botanical Notices. Naudin on the Nature of Heredity and Variability in Plants; Rev. H. Macmillan, First Forms in Vegetation, 2d ed. Am. J. Sci., III, XI, 153– 157. Botanical Notices. Geo. Engelmann, Notes on Agave; J. Duval-Jouve, Struc- ture of the Leaves of Grasses; B. Renault, Botryopteris Forensis; Brongniart, Silicified fossil Fruits or Seeds; Mayer and Wolkoff, Respiration of Plants; Bor- 30 net, Classification of Nostochineæ; Gymnocladus in China; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 68. Am. J. Sci., III, XI, 235–239. Botanical Notices. Botanical Contributions in vol. XI of the Proc. Amer. Acad., New species and genera from California, by A. Gray, and on the Flora of Guada- lupe Island by S. Watson. Am. J. Sci., III, XI, 325. Botanical Notices. Bulletin of the Bussey Institution, part 5, containing Farlow's Disease of Orange and Olive Trees of California, American Grapevine Mildew, Fungi near Boston, The Black Knot, and Report of the Director of the Arnold Arboretum. Am. J. Sci., III, XI, 414-415. Botanical Notices. C. S. Sargent, Tree-planting, Prizes for Arboriculture; A. Blytt, Essay on Immigration of Norwegian Flora during Rainy and Dry Periods; Bentham and Hooker, Genera Plantarum, vol. 11; Botany of California, vol. Polypetala, by Brewer and Watson, Gamopetala by A. Gray. Am. J. Sci., III, XII, 73-79. Notice of A. Koehler's Practical Botany, Structural and Systematic. Nation, No. 579, p. 80. Botanical Notices. George Engelmann, The Oaks of the United States; M. Gustave-Adolphe Thuret, Equisse Biographique, by M. E. Bornet; F. de Muel- ler, Fragmenta Phytographiæ Australiæ. vol. IX; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 62 and ix 69; J. W. Beal, The Forest-products of Michigan at the Centennial Exposition; G. C. Arthur, Contributions to the Flora of Iowa. Am. J. Sci., III, XII, 153-156. Botanical Notices. C. DeCandolle, Structure and Movement of Leaves of Dio- næa muscipula; P. B. Wilson, Diatoms in Wheat-straw: Hance, An Intoxicating Grass; Crépin, Primitiæ Monographiæ Rosarum; A. DeCandolle, on the Influence of the age of a Tree on the time of Leafing; A. Koehler, Practical Botany, Struc- tural and Systematic; T. S. Brandegee, Flora of Southwestern Colorado. Am. J. Sci., III, XII, 232–235. Botanical Notices. J. D. Hooker, Flora of British India, part 4; A. B. Clarke, Composite Indicæ; Proc. Am. Assoc., 24th meeting, 1875, Botanical articles by Meehan on Insect fertilization of Flowers, Beal on Carnivorous Plants, Inequilateral Leaves and the Venation of a few odd Leaves, T. B. Comstock on Utricularia vulgaris, J. Hyatt on Periodicity in Vegetation. Am. J. Sci., III, XII, 397-398. Botanical Notices. Baillon, Dictionnaire de Botanique, fasc. 1; T. Caruel, Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, vol. VIII; E. Boissier, Flora Orientalis; J. Miers, On the Barringtoniaceæ; G. Vasey, Catalogue of the Forest Trees of the United States. Am. J. Sci., III, XII, 468–469. 1877. Botanical Notices. T. Comber, Geographical Statistics of the European Flora; J. Sprague and G. L. Goodale, The Wild Flowers of America. Am. J. Sci, III, XIII, 83-85. Botanical Notices. Baillon, Dictionnaire de Botanique, fasc. 2 and 3; O. Heer, Flora Fossilis Arctica; Proc. and Trans. Nova Scotia Inst. Nat. Sci., vol. IV, part 2, containing notes by Lawson on Calluna vulgaris, notes on Rhododendron maxi- mum, and a Catalogue of the Plants of the Province by Sommers. Am. J. Sci., III, XIII, 320–321. Botanical Notices. C. DeCandolle, Observations sur l'enroulement des Vrilles; W. G. Farlow, Onion-Smut; G. Bentham, Classification and Terminology in Monocotyledons; C. Darwin, Various Contrivances by which Orchids are fertilized by Insects. Am. J. Sci., III, XIII, 391–395. Botanical Notices. O. Beccari, Organogeny of the Female Flower of Gnetum Gnemon L.; C. Martius, Palæontological Origin of trees and shrubs of South of France which are sensitive to Frost in cold winters. Am. J. Sci., III, XIII, 469– 471. Botanical Notices. W. G. Farlow, C. L. Anderson, D. C. Eaton, Algæ Exsic- catæ America Borealis, fasc. 1; Am. J. Sci., III. xiv, 72. Botanical Notices. A. Cogniaux, on Botanical Nomenclature: G. C. W. Bohn- ensieg, Repertorium Annuum Literaturæ Botanica periodicæ. Am. J. Sci., III, XIV, 158-161. 31 ; Botanical Notices. W. G. Farlow, Notes on Common plant diseases caused by Fungi; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 70; J. Macoun, Botany of British Columbia and Northern Rocky Mountains; S. Kurz, Sketch of the Vegetation of the Nico- bar Islands, etc.; A. Lavallée, Arboretum Segrezianum; J. G. Baker, Systema Iridacearum. Am. J. Sci., III, XIV, 426-429. Botanical Notices. I. Sprague and G. L. Goodale, The Wild Flowers of Amer- ica, part II; Cleistogamy in Impatiens; O. R. Willis, Catalogue of Plants of New Jersey; Sir J. D. Hooker's voyage to America. Am. J. Sci., III, xiv, 497–499. 1878. Cook's Lectures on Biology. New Englander, XXXVII, 100–113. Botanical Notices. C. Darwin, The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the same Species; D. C. Eaton, Ferns of North America: G. E. Davenport, Notes on Botrychium simplex. Am. J. Sci., III, xv. 67–73. Notice of C. S. Sargent's paper on tree-planting in Twenty-fifth Report of the Mass. Board of Agriculture and Hon. B. G. Northrop's Economic Tree-Planting. Nation, No. 665, p. 215. Phytogamy. Review of Darwin's Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the same Species, Various Contrivances by which Orchids are fertilized, Effects of Cross- and Self-Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom. Nation, No. 667, pp. 246-248. Botanical Notices. F. Parkman, The Hybridization of Lilies; Thuret's Garden; Engelmann's Papers in Trans. Acad. Sci., St. Louis, vol. III; Wibbe on new range for two Orchids. Am. J. Sci., III, xv, 151–153. Lesquereux, Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Am. J. Sci., III, xv, 219. Botanical Notices. Western Territories. Botanical Notices. Supplementary Note to the Review of Darwin's Forms of Flowers; J. Smith, Historia Filicum; D. C. Eaton, Ferns of North America, part 2; W. G. Farlow, List of Fungi found near Boston; Journ. Linn. Soc.; Crépin, Guide du Botaniste in Belgique; I. J. Isaman, Insect-fertilization in Trichostema. Am. J. Sci., III, xv, 221–225. Botanical Notices. D. C. Eaton, Ferns of North America, parts 4 and 5; Baillon, Dictionnaire de Botanique, fasc. 8; A. E. Caracas, Vargas consideratio como Botanico, etc. Am. J. Sci., III, xv, 483–484. This Life and the Future. [Review of Dean Church's Human Life and its Conditions.] Independent, June 20th, p. 10. Botanical Notices. Oliver, Flora of Tropical Africa, vol. III; D. C. Eaton, Ferns of North America, part 3; L. Lesquereux, Report on Fossil Plants of Gravels of Sierra Nevada; Ē. M. Holmes, Catalogue of Museum of Pharmaceutical Soc., Great Britain; Thuret's Garden at Antibes. Am. J. Sci., III, XVI, 318–320. Botanical Notices. A. Gray, Synoptical Flora of N. A.; Sereno Watson, Biblio- graphical Index to North American Botany; M. T. Masters, On the Morphology of Primulacea; G. Henslow, On the Origin of Floral Estivations; M. M. Hartog, Floral Structure and Affinities of Sapotacea; Curtiss, North American Plants; Catalogue of Plants within thirty miles of Yale College. Am. J. Sci., III, xv, 400-402, 404. Botanical Notices. T. Meehan, Native Flowers and Ferns of the U. S.; S. O. Lindberg, Monographia Metzgeria and Bryineæ Acrocarpæ; A. Fendler, Ferns of Trinidad; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 73. Am. J. Sci., XVI, 72–75. Botanical Notices. J. Williamson, Ferns of Kentucky; J. Robinson, Ferns in their homes and ours; J. Macoun, Catalogue of Plants of Canada; Meehan, Na- tive Flowers and Ferns of the U. S. Am. J. Sci., III, XVI, 155–157. Botanical Notices. Bentham and von Mueller, Flora Australiensis, vol. VII; J. G. Baker, Flora of Mauritius and the Seychelles; Kurz, Forest Flora of British Burma; J. Miers, The Apocynaceae of South America; J. D. Hooker, Students' Flora of the British Islands; Botany of Kerguelen Ids.; D. C. Eaton, Ferns of North America, parts 6 and 7. Am. J. Sci., III, xvi, 237–240. Botanical Notices. A. et C. DeCandolle, Monographiæ Phanerogamarum Pro- dromi nunc continuatio, nunc revisio; J. D. Hooker, Flora of British India, part 5; A. W. Eichler, Flower-diagrams; G. Bohnensieg et W. Burck, Repertorium 32 Aunuum Literaturæ Periodicæ, tome IV; J. G. Baker, Synopsis of Genus Aqui- legia. Am. J. Sci., III, XVI, 325-327. Botanical Notices. Todaro, Relazione sulla Cultura dei Cotoni in Italia, sequita da una Monograpia del Genere Gossypium; T. Meehan, Native Flowers and Ferns of U. S. Am. J. Sci., III, XVI, 403-404. Botanical Notices. A. S. Wilson, Sugar in Nectar of Flowers; D. C. Eaton, Ferns of N. A., parts 8 and 9; Note on a Monstrous Sarracenia purpurea. Am. J. Sci., III, XVI, 485, 487, 488. Epping Forest and how best to deal with it, by A. R. Wallace in Fortnightly Review. Nation, No. 704, p. 400. 1879. Botanical Notices. Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 75-78; Heer, Flora Fossilis Arc- tica, tome v; A. R. Wallace, Epping Forest. Am. J. Sci., III, XVII, 69-71. Hooker and Ball's Tour in Marocco. [Review of Hooker and Ball's Journal of a Tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas.] Nation, No. 718, pp. 232-233. Botanical Notices. W. T. Thistleton-Dyer, On Plant-Distribution as a field for Geographical research; C. F. Nyman, Conspectus Florae Europææ. Am. J. Sci., III, xvII, 176–177. Notices of A. Wood's and J. D. Steele's Fourteen Weeks in Botany, and Arabella B. Buckley's Fairy-Land of Science. Nation, No. 723, p. 324. Botanical Notices. Strasburger, Ueber Polyembryonie; Bentham, Notes on Euphorbiacea; J. D. Hooker, Journal of a Tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas; Eaton's Ferns of North America, parts 12 and 13; Farlow, Anderson and Eaton, Algae Amer. Bor. Exsiccatæ, fasc. 3; Am. J. Sci., III, xvII, 334–339. Botanical Notices. Guides for Science-Teaching, Goodale and Hyatt; L. Errera on the Function of the Sterile Filament in Pentstemon; Revue Mycologique, No. 1; Meehan's Native Flowers and Ferns of the U. S.; F. B. Hine, Observations upon Saprolegnies; V. Rattan, Popular California Flora. Am. J. Sci., III, xvII, 410-413. Botanical Notices. L. Errera on Number of digestive glands in Dionæa; T. F. Allen, Characeae Americana; O. Beccari, Malesia; G. Henslow, On the Self-fer- tilization of Plants [Bot. Gazette, Iv, 182-187]. Am. J. Sci., III, XVII, 488–494. Concerning a Few Common Plants. [Review of Prof. Goodale's Primer with the above title.] American Agriculturist, July, p. 256. Botanical Notices. J. T. Rothrock, Botany in vol. vi of Report of U. S. Geogr. Survey west of 100th meridian; Flora of British India, part VI; Reichenbach, Refugium Botanicum, vol. II, fasc. 1; Trans. and Proc. of Botanical Soc. of Edin- burg, XIII; Botanical Papers in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot., XVII; F. Darwin, on Nu- trition of Drosera; Balfour on the Genus Pandanus; E. Lockwood on the Mahwa Tree, etc.; G. Henslow, Floral dissections illustrating typical Genera of British Natural Orders. Am. J. Sci., III, xviii, 154–158. Botanical Notices. J. Ball, On the Origin of the Flora of the European Alps; von Mueller, Native Plants of Victoria, part 1. Am. J. Sci., III, xvIII, 236-238. Notice of Sir John Lubbock's Scientific Lectures. Nation, No. 746, p. 262. Instinct and Reason. by F. C. Clark. Am. Nat., XIII, 317-318. Plant Archæology (Notice of Saporta's "Le Monde des Plants avant l'Apparition de l'Homme "). Nation, 1879, 195–196, 212–213. Botanical Notices. L. Celakovsky, the Gymnospermy of Coniferæ, by Geo. Engelmann and A. Gray [Bot. Gazette, Iv, 222-224]; Contributious to American Botany, IX, by S. Watson; Musci Fendleriani Venezuelenses; Baillon, Diction- naire de Botanique, vol. II, part 1; Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., vol. 1; Nouvelle Archives du Museum, II, vol. 1; F. Delpino, Revista Botanica dell'Anno, 1878. Am. J. Sci., III, XVIII, 311–317. Botanical Notices. Kunkel on Electrical Currents in Plants; C. J. Maximowicz, Adnotationes de Spiræaceis; Boissier, Flora Orientalis, vol. IV. Am. J. Sci., III, XVIII, 414-416. Botanical Notices, von Mueller, Eucalyptographia; A. et C. DeCandolle, Mono- graphiæ Phanerogamarum Prodromi, etc.; C. DeCandolle, Anatomie Comparée 33 des Feuilles chez quelques Familles de Dicotylédones; Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum, vol. III, part 1. Am. J. Sci., III, xvIII, 485–488. Instinct and Reason, by F. C. Clark. Am. Nat., XIII, 317–318. 1880. Brazil, The Amazons and the Coast. By H. H. Smith. Nation, No. 766, pp. 181-182. Aroides Maximilianæ. Harv. Coll. Library Bulletin, 11, 47. Notice of T. W. O'Neill's Refutation of Darwinism, and the Converse Theory of Development. Nation, No. 766, p. 182. Review of G. F. Wright's Logic of the Christian Evidences. Nation, No. 771, p. 273. Botanical Notices Coulter's Botanical Gazette. Am. J. Sci., III, XIX, 157–158. Botanical Notices. C. DeCandolle and R. Pictet, Seeds endure extreme Cold; Heer, The Genus. Gingko; W. H. Gilbrest, Floral Development of Helianthus an- nuus and Morphology of Vegetable Tissues; J. Peyritsch, Aroidcæ Maximilianæ; R. Schomburgk, Naturalized Weeds and other Plants of South America; A. T. Drummond, Canadian Timber trees; E. L. Sturtevant, Indian Corn. Am. J. Sci., III, XIX, 328–331. - Botanical Notices. Bentham and Hooker, Genera Plantarum, vol. II; R. C. A. Prior, Popular names of British Plants. Am. J. Sci., III, XIX, 418-421. Botanical Notices. G. Englemann, Revision of the Genus Pinus; O. Kuntze, Methodik der Speciesbeschreibung, und Rubus. Am. J. Sci., III, XIX, 491–493. Notice of D. C. Eaton's Ferns of North America. Literary World, x1, 296. Botanical Notices. DeCandolle's Phytography; D. C. Eaton, Ferns of North America, completion; F. de Mueller, Index perfectus ad Caroli Linnæi Species Plantarum, etc.; A. Rau and A. B. Hervey, Catalogue of North American Musci; Botanical Explorations of the little known West India Islands. Am. J. Sci., III, XX, 150-159. Botanical Notice. DeCandolle's Phytography. Am. J. Sci., III, xx, 241–250. Botanical Notices. Thomas Meehan, The Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States; C. E. Bessey, Botany for High Schools and Colleges; O. Enenth, Manual of Swedish Pomology; Bidrag till Europas Pomona vid des Nordgräus. Am. J. Sci., III, xx, 336-338. 1881. The Power of Movement in Plants. By Charles Darwin, assisted by Francis Darwin. Nation, No. 810, pp. 17-18. The British Moss Flora by R. Braithwaite. Bot. Gaz., VI, 185. Botanical Notices. C. Darwin and F. Darwin, Power of Movement in Plants. Am. J. Sci., III, XXI, 245–249. Botanical Notices. DeCandolle, Monographiæ Phænogamarum, vol. II; A. Lavallée, Arboretum Segrezianum; R. Braithwaite, The British Moss-Flora. Am. J. Sci., III, XXII, 235-238. Botanical Notices. John Earle, English Plant Names from the Tenth to the Fifteenth Century; E. Warming, Familien Podostemacea. Am. J. Sci., III, XXII, 491-492. 1882. Botanical Notices. J. Veitch & Sons, A Manual of the Conifere; G. C. W. Bohnenzieg. Repertorium Annuum, etc.; A. W. Eichler, Jahrbuch des König- lichen Botanischen Gartens zu Berlin; Engler's Botanische Jahrbücher; Hooker's Icones Plantarum, vol. iv, part 1. Am. J. Sci., III, XXIII, 69-71. The Creed of Science. The Independent. Feb. 2, pp. 9-11. (Notice of Gra- ham's "Creed of Science" and Cellariens' " New Analogy.") Lyell's Life and Letters. The Literary World, XIII, 53–54. Botanical Notices. Zool. Soc. of France, Natural History Nomenclature; Maximowicz, de Coriaria, Ilice et Monochasma, etc.; Torsion of leaf in Compass- plant. Am. J. Sci., III, xxIII, 157-160. Botanical Notices. Bentham, Notes on Gramineæ; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 83, 84; C. J. Maximowicz, Diagnoses Plantarum novarum Asiaticarum, IV; F. 3 34 Darwin, Relation of leaves to direction of light [Bot. Gaz., VII, 45-47]; W. W. Bailey, Botanical Collector's Handbook; Greenland Flora, edited by J. Lange. Am. J. Sci., III, xxIII, 244–247. Botanical Notices. W. Turner, The Names of Herbes. Am. J. Sci., III, XXIII, 326. Botanical Notices. H. Baillon, Monographie des Composées; L. F. Ward, Guide to the Flora of Washington and vicinity; Vilmorin-Andrieux, Les Meil- leurs Blés, etc.; H. Devries, The Office of Resinous Matters in Plants; V. Rattan, Popular Californian Flora, 3d ed. Am. J. Sci., III, XXIII, 492–495. Botanical Notices. T. F. Allen, Characeae American Exsiccatæ distributæ; A. Engler, Versuch einer Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pflanzenwelt insbesondere der Florengebiete seit der Tertiärperiode; G. Englemann, The Genus Isoëtes in North America; A. Clavaud, Flore de la Gironde. Am. J. Sci., III, xxiv, 72–73. Botanical Notices. S. O. Lindberg, European and North American Peat-mosses. Am. J. Sci., III, XXIV, 156-157. Botanical Notices. G. Briosi, Sopra un Organo finora non avertito di alcuni Embrioni Vegetali; Van Tieghem and G. Bonnier, Latent Vitality of Seeds; S. Watson, Contributions to American Botany, x; A. Gray, Contributions to North American Botany, Proc. Am. Acad., XVII; Journ. Linn. Soc., nos. 120, 121. Am. J. Sci., III, XXIV, 296–299. Botanical Notices. Trees and Tree-Culture, papers by H. W. S. Cleveland and R. Ridgway on Trees, etc.; Am. Journal of Forestry; E. Warming, Familien Podostemaceæ. Am. J. Sci., III, XXIV, 400, 401. A Dictionary of the Popular Names of Plants which furnish the Wants of Man. By John Smith. Literary World, XIII, 380. Botanical Notices. J. Smith, Dictionary of Popular Names of Plants. Am. J. Sci., III, XXIV, 476–477. 1883. Botanical Notices. Brendel, Flora Peoriana. Am. J. Sci., III, xxv, 81, 82. Botanical Notices. C. F. Nyman, Conspectus Floræ Europææ; Flora Brasili- ensis, fasc. 86, 87, 88; J. D. Hooker and C. B. Clarke, Flora of British India, part Am. J. Sci., III, xxv, 162, 163. IX. Botanical Notices. Marquis de Saporta, Apropos des Algues Fossiles; Vilmo- rin, Andrieux & Cie, Les Plantes Potagères; Grant Allen, the Colors of Flowers. Am. J. Sci., III, xxv, 235–237. Review of DeCandolle's Origin of Cultivated Plants; with annotations upon certain American species; by Asa Gray and J. Hammond Trumbull. Am J. Sci., III, xxv, 241-255; 370-379; XXVI, 128-138. Botanical Notices. A. Lavallée, Arboretum Segrezianum, fasc. 5, 6. Am. J. Sci., III, xxv, 312 Botanical Notices. A. Engler, Essay on Development of the Vegetable King- dom; A. G. Nathorst, Bidrag till Japans Fossila Flora. Am. J. Sci., III, xxv, 394-397. Botanical Notices. Schröter, Morphology of the Androecium of Malvaceæ; Chapman, Flora of the Southern United States; Bentham and Hooker, Genera Plantarum, vol. III, part 2; A. et C. DeCandolle, Monographiæ Phanerogamarum, vol. IV. Am. J. Sci., III, xxv, 480-481. Macloskie's Elementary Botany. Science, II, 13-14. Review of Bentham and Hooker's Genera Plantarum. Nation, No. 942, pp. 62, 63. A revision of the genus Fraxinus by Th. Wenzig. Bot. Gazette, VIII, 264-265. Botanical Notices. E. Häckel, Monographia Festucarum Europæarum; E. Cosson et G. de Saint Pierre, Atlas de la Flora des Environs de Paris; E. Cosson, Compendium Flora Atlantica, and Illustrationes Flora Atlanticæ, fasc. 1; F. von Müller, Systematic Census of Australian Plants. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVI, 77-79. Bentham & Hooker, Genera Plantarum. Nation, July 19, 1883. [Am. J. Sci., III, XXVI, 245-247.] Botanical Notices. Itinera Principum S. Coburgi; Notice Biographique sur M. Joseph Decaisne, par Edouard Bornet. Am. J. Sci., III, xxvi, 247, 248. 35 I Botanical Notices. G. Vasey, The Grasses of the United States; S. Watson, Contributions to American Botany, XI; H. Müller, The Fertilization of Flowers, Transl. by D. W. Thompson. Am. J. Sci., III, xxvI, 322–325. Some Points in Botanical Nomenclature; a Review of "Nouvelles Remarques sur la Nomenclature Botanique, par M. Alph. de Candolle." Am. J. Sci., XXVI, 417-437. Botanical Notices. O. Kunze, Phytogeogenesis; J. Jackson, Catalogue of Phænogamous and Vascular Cryptogamous Plants of Worcester Co., Mass. Am. J. Sci., III, xXVI, 486-488. 1884. The Borderland of Science and Faith. [Review of Goodwin's Walks in the regions of science and faith and Drummond's Natural Law in the spiritual world.] Science, II, 131–133. Literary World, xv, 216. Key to North American Birds, Elliott Coues. Flowers and their Pedigrees. By Grant Allen. Notice of Brook's "The Law of Heredity." Review of Dean Church's Francis Bacon. Notice of Sophie Herrick's Wonders of Plant-Life under the Microscope. Na- tion, No. 382, p. 370. Nation, No. 979, p. 304. Andover Review, I, 208–214. Nation, No. 982, p. 368–370. W. A. Kellerman, Elements of Botany and Plant Analysis. Nation, No. 991, p. 558. Notice of N. D'Anvers' Science Ladders and John Babcock's Vignettes from Invisible Life. Literary World, XV, 167. Botanical Notices. Č. J. F. Bunbury, Botanical Fragments; Bush & Son, Cata- logue of American Grape Vines; W. K. Brooks, The Law of Heredity. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVII, 155–157. Botanical Notices. O. Beccari, Malesia, part 4; T. Caruel, Thoughts upon Botanical Taxonomy. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVII, 241, 242. Botanical Notices. 326-328. Carpenter's Tendency in Variation. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVII, Botanical Notices. Bull. California Acad. Sci., no. 1, Botanical Papers by A. Gray on Veatchia Cedrocensis, Behr and Kellogg on Anemone Grayi, Kellogg on Astragalus insularis and Phacelia ixodes, etc., etc.; N. Shepard, Darwinism stated by Darwin himself; I. Sprague and G. L. Goodale, Wild Flowers of Amer- ica; D. F. Day, Catalogue of Plants near Buffalo. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVII, 413-415. Botanical Notices. A. Lavallée, Clematides Megalanthes, Les Clématites a Grand Fleurs; Porto Rico plants; V. B. Wittrock, Erythrææ Exsiccatæ. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVII, 494-496. Notice of Sir John Lubbock's Chapters in Popular Natural History and J. Straub's Consolations of Science. Literary World, xv, 217-218. Biogen, A Speculation on the Origin and Nature of Life. By Prof. Elliott Coues. Nation, No. 992, p. 20. Botanical Notices. C. B. Clarke, E. Indian Species of Cyperus; C. C. Parry, Revision of the Genus Chorizanthe. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVIII, 75–76. Notices of Lesquereux and James, Manual of the Mosses of North America, and Baldwin's Orchids of New England. Nation, No. 999, pp. 163-164. Botanical Notices. L. Lesquereux and T. P. James, Manual of the Mosses of North America; H. H. Behr, Synopsis of the Genera of Vascular Plants near San Francisco; Boissier's Flora Orientalis, vol. V. part 2; J. Ball, Contributions to the Flora of North Patagonia. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVIII, 155–158. Botanical Notices. [Gray's Synoptical Flora of North America, part II]; H. Baldwin, The Orchids of New England; J. D. Hooker, Students' Flora of the British Islands. Am. J. Sci., III, xxvIII, 237–238. Notice of John Fiske's Destiny of Man viewed in the light of his Origin. Na tion, No. 1011, p. 426. Botanical Notices. Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 93; F. Parlatore, Flora Italiana, vol. VI, part 1; G. Vasey, Agricultural Grasses of the U. S.; L. M. Underwood, Catalogue of North American Hepatica. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVIII, 402-404. $4 36 Botanical Notices. W. Upham, Catalogue of the Flora of Minnesota; G. C. W. Bohnensieg, Repertorium Annuum, etc.; J. U. Lloyd & C. G. Lloyd, Drugs and Medicines of North America. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVIII, 472-474. 1885. Botanical Notices. C. S. Sargent, Report on the Forests of North America; Macoun's Catalogue of Canadian Plants, part II, Gamopetala; A. de Candolle, Histoire des Sciences et des Savants depuis deux Siècles, etc.; A. W. Eichler. Jahrbuch der Königlichen botanischen Gartens zu Berlin, III; A. de Candolle, Origin of Cultivated Plants. Am. J. Sci., III, XXIX, 264-267. Botanical Notices. C. S. Sargent, Woods of the United States: F. von Müller, Eucalyptographia; Marquis de Saporta, Organismes Problématiques des Ancien- nes Mers; E. Koehne, Lythracea of the U. S.; O. Kuntze, Monographie der Gattung Clematis; A. Gravis, Recherches Anatomiques sur les Organes Vegetatifs de l'Urtica dioica; J. Fowler, List of Plants of New Brunswick; H. N. Patterson, Check-list of N. American Gamopetalæ; C. E. Cummings, Check-list of N. Ameri- can Mosses and Hepatica; J. H. Oyster, Catalogue of Phænogams and Vascular Cryptogams of N. America. Am. J. Sci., III, XXX, 82-85. Notices of Bower and Vines' Course of Instruction in Botany, Chapters on Plant Life, Baileys Talk's Afield, and Palmer's Charts of Mushrooms of America. Na- tion, No. 1050, pp. 138-139. Botanical Notices. A. Pailleux et D. Bois, Le Potager d'un Curieux; S. Wat- son, Contributions to American Botany, XII, in Proc. Am. Acad., xx; L. H. Bailey, Jr., Talks Afield about Plants. Am. J. Sci., III, XXX, 164–167. Botanical Notices. Levier, Plantes à Fourmis; Lloyd's Drugs and Medicines of North America; Trans. and Proc. New Zealand Inst., xvII; N. L. Britton, Revision of N. A. Species of the Genus Scleria; P. Zipperer, Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Sarraceniaceen. Am. J. Sci., III, xxx, 245–247. Insular Floras. [A Review of vol. I, Botany, of the Challenger Reports.] Science, VI, 297-298. Botanical Notices. J. W. Behrens, The Microscope in Botany, translated by A. B. Hervey and R. H. Ward; Bull. California Acad. Sci., no. 3, Botanical Papers by Harkness, Mrs. Curran, E. L. Greene, etc.; H. Trimen, Catalogue of Flower- ing Plants and Ferns. Am. J. Sci., III, xxx, 319–322. Botany of the Challenger Expedition, vol. 1. Am. J. Sci., Botanical Notices. III, XXX, 402–403. Botanical Notices. Beccari, Malesia; Cosson, Illustrationes Flora Atlanticæ; G. L. Goodale, Physiological Botany; K. G. Limpricht, Rabenhorst's Krypto- gamen-Flora von Deutschland. Am. J. Sci., III, xxx, 487-489. 1886. Botanical Notices. J. M. Coulter, Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Moun- tain Regiou; Sir Joseph Hooker and the Royal Gardens at Kew. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXI, 76-78. Botanical Notices. Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 95; T. F. Wood, Sketch of the Botanical Work of the Rev. Moses A. Curtis. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXI, 158–159. A. De Candolle on the Production by Selection of a race of Deaf Mutes in the United States. Nation, No. 1081, pp. 239–240. Botanical Notices. J. Ball, Contributions to the Flora of the Peruvian Andes; J. C. Lecoyer, Monographie du Genre Thalictrum: Nathorst, Nomenclature for Fossil Leaves, etc.; Wittrock, Erythrææ Exsiccatæ, fasc. 2; F. Buchenau, Synop- sis of European Juncaceae; F. Pax, on genus Acer; R. Spruce, Hepaticæ Ama- zonicæ et Andineæ. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXI, 231–238. Sylvan Winter. By Francis George Heath. Nation, No. 1085, p. 326. Botanical Notices. J. V. Lloyd, Drugs and Medicines of North America, vol. 1; H. de Vries, Leerboek der Planten-physiologie; Baillon's Dictionnaire de Bo- tanique, fasc. 19; Baillon's Histoire des Plantes, vol. vIII; J. Lamie, Plants Naturalized in the Southwest of France. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXI, 313–316. Botanical Notices. Arthur, Barnes and Coulter, Handbook of Plant Dissection; Maximowicz, Diagnosis Plantarum Novarum Asiaticarum, fasc. 6; G. Lagerheim, American Desmidieæ. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXI, 477–479. * A 37 Botanical Notices. Saint Lager, Histoire des Herbiers; Journ. Linn. Soc., vol. XXII, containing papers by Ball, Bolus, Henslow, F. Darwin, Ridley, Clark, Mas- ters; xxIII, papers by Forbes and Hemsley; Strasburger on Heterogeneous Graft- ing. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXII, 79-81. Botanical Notices. H. Bolus, Sketch of the Flora of South Africa; W. B. Hemsley, Catalogue of North's Paintings of Plants; Guide to the Museums of Economic Botany, Kew; T. Caruel, Filippo Parlatore, Flora Italiana, vol. vi, part 3; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 96; Hooker's Icones Plantarum, vol. xXVI and XVII. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXII, 164–166. Botanical Notices. Lloyd's Drugs and Medicines of North America; Cypripe- dium arietinum in China; Index to the Botanical Gazette; W. K. Dudley, the Cayuga Flora, part 1; Catalogue of Plants in Herbarium of College of Science, Tokio. Am. J. Sci., III, xxxII, 244–245. Florida Fruits, and How to Raise Them. By Helen Harcourt. Nation, No. 1110, p. 297. Botanical Notices. Hooker's Flora of British India, part 13; Vilmorin, No- tice Biographique sur Alphonse Lavallée. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXII, 325-326. Botanical Notices. Sir John Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits and Leaves; S. H. Vines, Lectures on the Physiology of Plants: L. H. Bailey, Synopsis of North American Carices. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXII, 411–412. Botanical Notices. Lamarck's Herbarium; Kamel's Drawings of Manilla Plants; Saint Lager on Botanical Nomenclature; Sir John Lubbock, Phytobio- logical Observations: Hooker's Icones Plantarum, vol. xXVI, part 2. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXII, 485. 1887. Botanical Notices. Bulletin of the Congress of Botany and Horticulture at St. Petersburg, containing Notes on the Genus Lilium, by H. T. Elwes, Lynch on Cultivating Aquatic Plants, Baillon on Fertilization of Ovules, Lynch on tubers of Thladiantha dubia, Wilkins on Peach-stones; Maw's Monograph of the Genus Crocus; Jahrbuch des Königl. bot. Gartens zu Berlin, bd. Iv; J. C. Arthur, His- tory and Biology of the Pear-blight; Acta Horti Petropolitani, tom. IX, fasc. 2; Sir Joseph Hooker's Primer of Botany; etc., etc. Am. J. Sci., III, xxxIII, 80–83. Botanical Notices. E. Loew, Beobachtungen über den Blumenbesuch von In- secten und Frielandpflanzen des Botanischen Gartens zu Berlin; Hooker's Icones Plantarum, vols. XVI and XVII; Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc., VII, no. 2; Macoun's Catalogue of Canadian Plants, part III, Apetalæ. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXIII, 162-164. Botanical Notices. Baillon's Dictionnaire de Botanique, fasc. 21; Hooker's Icones Plantarum, vol. XVII, part 3; H. N. Patterson, Check-list of North Ameri- can Plants; Delpino, Prodromo d' una Monografia delle Piante Formicarie; Sil- phium albiflorum in Bot. Magazine; A. de Candolle on Origin of Cultivated Spe- cies of Vicia, Triticum, etc. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXIII, 244–245. Botanical Notices. Warming, Entomophilous Flowers in Arctic Regions; Flora Brasiliensis, fasc. 98, 99; Hooker's Icones Plantarum, vol. VI, part 3; Bentham's Handbook of the British Flora, fifth ed.; V. Rattan, Key to West Coast Botany; Wood and McCarthy, Wilmington Flora; Cal. State Board of Forestry, First Re- port; Dr. Arthur on Pear Blight, etc.; Sympetaleia and Loasella; Index to Plant Names. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXIII, 318–321. Botanical Notices. Penhallow on Tendril Movements in Cucurbita; A Red- wood Reserve; J. Ball, Notes of a Naturalist in South America; E. L. Greene, Pittonia, a Series of Botanical Papers, vol. 1, part 1; A. Gattinger, The Tennessee Flora; Bull. de la Soc. Bot. de France, vol. XXXIII; Gray, Botanical Contributions, corrections; K. Goebel, Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology of Plants, translated by E. F. Garnsey, revised by I. B. Balfour. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXIII, 425-428. Notice of Sachs' Lectures on the Physiology of Plants. Nation, No. 1161, p. 259. Notice of Garnsey's Translation of DeBary's Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa and Bacteria. Nation, No. 1160, p. 239. 38 Darwin's Life and Letters. [Review of Francis Darwin's Life and Letters of Charles Darwin.] Nation, No. 1168, pp. 399-402; No. 1169, pp. 420-421. Botanical Notices. J. E. Planchon, Monographia Phanerogamarum Prodromi, vol. v, part 2; Report on Botanical Work in Minnesota for 1886; Bower and Vines, Practical Instruction in Botany; W. J. Beal, Grasses of N. A.; Radlkofer, Serjania Sapindacearum Genus monographice descriptum; Braithwaite's British Moss Flora; E. L. Greene, Pittonia; A. B. Langlois, Catalogue des Plantes de la Basse Louisiana; D. H. Campbell, Development of the Ostrich Fern. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXIV, 490–494. III. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, OBITUARIES, NECROLOGICAL NOTICES, ETC. 1842. Botanical Necrology, etc. Notices of the deaths of Lambert, Guillemin, Vogel, Amos Eaton, etc. Am. J. Sci., XLIII, 214–216. 1843. Notice of the Life and Labors of DeCandolle: extracted [and translated] from the address delivered before the Royal Botanical Society of Ratisbon at its meet- ing on the 28th of November, 1841, by the President, Prof. von Martius. Am. J. Sci., XLIV, 217–239. 1852. Botanical Necrology for 1849-50-51. Link, Kunth, Hoffmansegge, Horn- schuch, Bernhardi, Koch, Sturm, Schauer, Kunze, Ledebour, Wahlenberg, B. Delessert. Am. J. Sci., II, XIII, 44, 45, 48. Botanical Necrology for 1852-53. Am. J. Sci., II, XVI, 426-427. 1854. Obituary Notices of Dr. Wallich and Prof. Reinwardt. Am. J. Sci., II, XVIII, Botanical Necrology for 1854. Fischer, Moricand, P. B. Webb, King of Saxony. Am. J. Sci., II, XVIII, 429. 133. 1853. A. de Jussieu, M. A. Richard, Presl. 1855. Botanical Necrology. Winterbottom, Stocks, Bischoff. Am. J. Sci., II, XIX, Botanical Necrology for 1854-55. Dr. Molkenboer and C. A. Meyer. Am. J. Sci., II, xx, 135. 129. 1856. Obituary Notice of Francois André Michaux. Am. J. Sci., II, XXII, 137–138. 1857. Botanical Necrology for 1856. Wikström, von Steudel, Don, Bojer, Dozy, Leib- mann, Dunal. Am. J. Sci., II, XXIII, 279. 1858. Botanical Necrology for 1857. C. G. de Buzareingues, A. N. Desvaux, E. Des- vaux, F. W. Wallroth, Targioni-Tozetti, W. G. Tilesius, L. W. Dillwyn, H. D. A. Ficinus, M. Graves, Madanie de Jussieu, Mrs. Griffiths, J. F. Royle. Am. J. Sci., II, xxv, 293–294. Obituary of Robert Brown. [In part from the Athenæum of June, 1858.] Am. J. Sci., II, XXVI, 279–283. 39 1859. Botanical Necrology for 1858. B. Biasoletto, A. Bonpland, R. Brown, G. A. Eisengrein, H. Galeotti, W. T. Gumbell, Mrs. Loudon, E. H. F. Meyer, C. F. A. Morren, J. B. Mougeot, C. G. Nees von Esenbeck, D. Townsend, D. Turner, C. Zeyher. Am. J. Sci., II, XXVII, 442-443. Obituary Notice of Nuttall and Dr. Horsfield. Am. J. Sci., II, XXVIII, 444. 1860. Botanical Necrology for 1859. C. A. Agardh, A. Henfrey, T. Horsfield, A. L. S. Lejune, T. Nuttall. Am. J. Sci., II, XXIX, 441-442. 1862. Botanical Necrology for 1861. F. Deppe, A. E. Fürnrohr, H. von Donners- marck, J. S. Henslow, Prince Salm-Dyck, M. Tenore, J. M. C. Marquis de Tristan, G. W. F. Wenderoth, R. B. Van den Bosch, W. H. DeVriese, C. L. Blume, E. James. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXIII, 427–428. 1863. Botanical Necrology, 1862. Blytt, Borrer, Mackay, von Kieser, Steetz, Twee- die, Benj. D. Greene, Asahel Clapp, M. C. Leavenworth, C. W. Short. Am. J. Sci., II, XXXV, 449-451. 1864. Martens, von Steven, Moquin-Tandon, Francis II, xxXVII, 288-292. 1866. Sir William Jackson Hooker. Am. J. Sci., II, XLI, 1–10. Botanical Necrology for 1864 and 1865. Lessing, Turczaninow, Crüger, Jung- huhn, Treviranus, Schacht, Scheele, Sturm, Falconer, Schomburgk, Schott, Paxton, Richardson, Cuming, Bridges, Hooker, Lindley, Riddell, Montague. Am. J. Sci., II, XLI, 263–268. Botanical Necrology for 1863. Boott, Jacques Gay. Am. J. Sci., Botanical Necrology. William Henry Harvey, Robert Kaye Greville. Am. J. Sci., II, XLII, 273-277. 1868. Botanical Necrology for 1867. H. P. Sartwell, Chester Dewey, Mettenius, von Schlechtendal, Kotschy, Gasparrini, Berg, Mandon, C. H. Schultz, Daubeny. Am. J. Sci., II, XLV, 121-124, 272–273. Obituary Notice of N. B. Ward and G. A. W. Arnott. Am. J. Sci., II, XLVI, 273. 1869. Botanical Necrology for 1868. G. A. Walker-Arnott, Nathaniel B. Ward, Edward Poeppig, Dr. Schnitzlein, François Delessert, Horace Mann. Am. J. Sci., II, XLVII, 140-143. 1870. Antonio Bertoloni, Guiseppe Moris, J. E. Pur- Botanical Necrology for 1869. kinje. Am. J. Sci., II, XLIX, 129. Obituary Notice of Prof. Francis Unger. Am. J. Sci., II, XLIX, 410. 1872. Botanical Necrology, 1870-1871. Unger, Léveillé, Perottet, C. Müller, Ruprecht, von Hugel, Anderson, Miquel, Lantzius-Beninga, Schultz-Schultzenstein, Wilson, Hartweg, Rohrbach, Milde, de la Sagra, Lecoq, Reissek, Sowerby, Seemann, Leuormaud. Am. J. Sci., III, II, 152–154. 40 1873. Botanical Necrology for 1872-73. M. A. Curtis, A. F. Spring, Hugo von Mohl, de Brebisson, R. Wight, Reuter, Oersted, Gris, Welwitsch. Am. J. Sci., III, v, 391–397. John Torrey; A Biographical Notice. Sci., III, v, 411–421.] Proc. Am. Acad., Ix, 262-271. [Am. J. Obituary Notice of John Torrey. Nation, No. 403, p. 197. William S. Sullivant; A Biographical Notice. Proc. Am. Acad., IX, 271–276. [Am. J. Sci., III, vi, 1–6.] Obituary Notice of Elias Durand. Am. J. Sci., III, vi, 316-317. Louis Agassiz. Nation, 1873, 404-405. 1874. Botanical Necrology for 1873. John Torrey, W. S. Sullivant, E. Durand, J. L. Russell, H. J. Clark, I. F. Holton. Am. J. Sci., III, VII, 239–240. Notice of death of Joshua Hoopes. Am. J. Sci., III, VII, 600. Death of Prof. C. F. Meissner. Am. J. Sci., III, VIII, 72. Obituary. Death of Prof. Jeffries Wyman. Am. J. Sci., III, VIII, 323–324. Jeffries Wyman. Memorial Meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, October 7, 1874. Address of Prof. Asa Gray, pp. 9-37. [Am. J. Sci., III, IX 81–93, 171–177.] Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. Obituary Notice of Jeffries Wyman. Nation, No. 480, p. 170. Charles Robert Darwin. Amer. Nat., VIII, 475–479. 1875. Botanical Necrology for 1874. Geo. Aug. Pritzel, Rev. R. T. Lowe, Mrs. Hooker, J. T. Maggridge. Am. J. Sci., III, IX, 68–69. Obituary of Daniel Hanbury. Am. J. Sci., III, IX, 476. Obituary of Gustave Thuret. Am. J. Sci., III, x, 67. John Edward Gray. An Obituary Notice. Am. J. Sci., III, x, 78–80. 1876. Botanical Necrology for 1875. I. A. Lapham, F. G. Bartling, A. Bureau, J. E. Gray, J. C. M. Grenier, D. Hanbury, R. F. Hohenbacher, Lieut. Gen. Jacobi, E. F. Nolte, Gustav Thuret, A. Brongniart. Am. J. Sci., III, XI, 326. 1877. Botanical Necrology for 1876. A. T. Brongniart, J. J. berg, L. Füekel, E. Newman, J. Carson, W. Hofmeister. 237, 238. Obituary Notices of Lady Smith and Joseph de Notaris. 321-322. Bennett, C. G. Ehren- Am. J. Sci., III, XIII, Am. J. Sci., III, XIII, Obituary of Alexander Braun. Am. J. Sci., III, XIII, 471--472. Obituary Notice of H. A. Weddell and P. Parlatore. Am. J. Sci., III, XIV, 429. Obituary Notice of George Hadley. Am. J. Sci., III, XIV, 499. 1878. Botanical Necrology for 1877. Mrs. M. E. Gray, Pleasance Smith, G. de No- taris, W. Hofmeister, A. Braun, E. Bourgeau, T. Lestibudois, H. A. Weddell, F. Parlatore, J. Darby. Am. J. Sci., III, xv, 225. Obituary Notice of Elias Magnus Fries. Am. J. Sci., III, xv, 320. Am. J. Sci., III, xv, 484. Obituary Notice of Dr. Thomas Thomson. Biographical Notices. Charles Pickering, Elias Magnus Fries. Proc. Amer. Acad., XIII, 441–454. 1879. Biographical Memoir of Joseph Henry, prepared in behalf of the Board of Re- gents. Smithsonian Report for 1878, pp. 143-158; Congressional Record, Mar. 4, 1879, 3-10. 41 Botanical Necrology for 1878. E. M. Fries, L. Pfeiffer, A. Murray, A. Bloxam, F. V. Raspail, S. Kurz, M. Durieu, Charles Pickering, M. Seubert, T. Thomson, G. Zanardini, R. de Visiani, B. C. DuMortier, E. Borszczow, J. McNab, S. T. Olney, J. W. Robbins, J. Bigelow. Am. J. Sci., III, XVII, 177–180. Dr. Jacob Bigelow. Am. J. Sci., III, XVII, 263–266. Obituary Notices of Reichenbach, Itzigsohn, Angström, Buek, Schimper, Grise- bachi, Koch, Moore, Bigelow, Robbins. Am. J. Sci., III, XVIII, 158. 1880. Botanical Necrology for 1879. W. T. Feay, J. Bigelow, J. W. Robbins, H. Itzigsohn, J. Angström, H. W. Buek, H. G. L. Reichenbach, H. R. A. Grisebach, T. Irmisch, E. Spach, K. Koch, D. Moore, E. Fenzl, J. Miers. Am. J. Sci., III, XIX, 76-78. F. Lindheimer, C. H. Godet. Am. Botanical Necrology for 1879, Additions. J. Sci., III, XIX, 158. Obituary Notice of General Munro. Am. J. Sci., III, XIX, 331–338. Botanical Necrology for 1880. John Carey, Coe F. Austin. Am. J. Sci., III, XIX, 421-423. 1882. Charles Darwin. Proc. Amer. Acad., XVII, 449–458. [Am. J. Sci., III, XXIV, 453-463; Literary World, 1882, 145-146 (abstract).] Biographical Notices. Thomas Potts James, John Amory Lowell, Charles Dar- win, Joseph Decaisne. Proc. Amer. Acad., XVII, 405-406, 408-411, 449–459. Botanical Necrology. Thomas Potts James, Joseph Decaisne, Coe F. Austin, Wm. Philip Schimper, Nils J. Andersson, Wm. Munro, Dominique Alexander Godron, S. B. Mead, W. Lauder Lindsay, Ernst Hampe, Alphonso Wood, Gottlieb Ludwig Rabenhorst, Matthias Jacob Schleiden, Theodore Schwann. Am. J. Sci., III, XXIII, 330–333. 1883. Some North American Botanists. John Eatton LeConte. Bot. Gazette, VIII, 197-199. 1884. Botanical Necrology in part for 1880, 81, 82, 83. C. F. Austin, C. C. Frost, J. Carey, S. B. Mead, A. Wood, T. P. James, E. Hall, J. S. Tommasini, Gen. Wm. Munro, W. P. Schimper, E. Hampe, N. J. Andersson, R. Fortune, L. Rabenhorst, M. J. Schleiden, M. P. Edgeworth, H. C. Watson, P. G. Lorentz, O. W. Sonder, J. Decaisne, G. H. K. Thwaites, C. Darwin, S. Cesati, O. Heer, C. F. Parker, Geo. Engelmann. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVII, 242-244. George Bentham. Science, IV, 352–353. Biographical Notices. George Engelmann, Oswald Heer. Proc. Amer. Acad., XIX, 516-522, 556-559; Am. J. Sci., III, XXVIII, 61–69. Obituary Notice of Alphonse Lavallée. Am. J. Sci., III, XXVIII, 5 −76. Obituary Notice of George Bentham. Nation, No. 1005, p. 2917 1885. Am. J. Sci., III, XXIX, 103–113. Memorial of George Bentham. Botanical Necrology for 1884. Augustus Fendler, George Engelmann, S. B. Buckley, J. Williamson, J. H. Balfour, H. R. Goeppert, George Bentham. Sci., III, XXIX, 169–172. Am. J. Obituary Notice of Charles Wright. Am. J. Sci., III, xxx, 247. Obituary Notice of Hon. George W. Clinton. Am. J. Sci., III, xxx, 322. 1886. Charles Wright, G. W. Clinton, E. Boissier, J. Botanical Necrology for 1885. A. C. Roeper. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXI, 12-22. Botanical Necrology for 1885. Jean-Etienne Duby, L. R. and C. Tulasne. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXI, 312–313. Louis Agassiz. Andover Review, Jan., 38-44. 42 1887. Botanical Necrology for 1886. E. Morren, Rev. W. W. Newbould, W. Hille- brand, H. F. Hauce, T. G. Orphanides, J. W. A. Wigand, E. Tuckerman. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXIII, 164–165. Obituary Notice of W. F. Tolmie. Obituary Notice of A. W. Eichler. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXIII, 244–245. Am. J. Sci., III, XXXIII, 427. 1888. Botanical Necrology for the year 1887.-W. E. Tolmie; John Goldie; Albert Kellogg; William Boott; Ezra Michener; Henry William Ravenel. Am. J. Sci., III, xxxv, 260–263. + ; INDEX CHRONOLOGICAL LIST TO THE Abortive organs, I, 1867. Absorption by leaves, II, 1870, '72. Abuta, Grisebach, II, 1859. WRITINGS OF DR. ASA GRAY.* OF THE Algeria, cedars of, Hooker, II, 1862. Allen, Grant, colors of flowers, II, 1883; Pedigrees of flowers, II, 1884. Acanthaceæ, I, 1878. Allen, J. E., Victoria regia, II, 1854. 1872, '73. Acnida, I, 1876. Acer, Pax on, II, 1886; A. nigrum, I, | Allen, T. F., Characeæ, II, 1879, '82. Alps, Flora of, Ball, II, 1879. Ambrosia bidentata x trifida, I, 1886. America, Central, Pyroleæ and Mono- tropeæ, II, 1870. Adansonia, Baillon, II, 1870. Agilops, wheat from, Dunal, II, 1855. Estivation, I, 1875; Henslow on, II, 1878. Agave, Engelmann, II, 1876. Agatea, I, 1852. Africa, South, II, 1870; Bolus, II, 1886; Thesaurus, Harvey, II, 1859- '61, '64, '65; Flora Capensis, Harvey and Sonder, II, 1860, '63, '65; Junca- ceæ, Buchenau, II, 1875; Tropical, Oliver, II, 1870, 72, '78. Agardh, C. A., III, 1860. Agardh, J. G., Chlorodictyon, II, 1873; Species Algarum, II, 1852, '53, '64. Agassiz, Louis, II, 1875, III, 1873, '76; Nomenclature, II, 1847. Age of trees, I, 1844, '54; California, I, 1857; De Caudolle, II, 1876. Agriculture, I, 1885; Botany, II, 1858; Johnson, II, 1841. Aira caryophyllea, I, 1861. Alaska, collections from, I, 1885. Alabama, Trichomanes from, I, 1853. Algæ, Agardh, J. G., II, 1853, '64; British, Harvey, II, 1852; Exsiccatæ, Farlow, II, 1877, 79; Farlow, II, 1875; Fresh-water, Wood, II, 1873; Fossil, see Palæontology; Australian, Harvey, II, 1857, '64; Nereis, Har- vey, II, 1852, '53, '59; North Atlan- tic, Dickie, II, 1870; Oersted, II, 1873; Reproduction, Pringsheim, II, 1856; Unicellular, Braun, II, 1856. America, North, Flora of, Torrey and Gray, I, 1838, II, 1841; Characteris- tics of the flora, I, 1884: Origin of Atlantic Flora, I, 1872; Remarks on Flora, I, 1882; Statistics of Northern States, I, 1856; Flora, Hooker, II, 1841; Voyage to, Hooker's, II, 1877; New species, Moricand, II, 1847; Sylva, II, 1841, '42; Bryology, Mit- ten. II, 1864. America, South, Ball, II, 1887; Apocy- naceæ, Miers, II, 1878; Plants, Miers, II, 1858; Hepaticæ, Spruce, II, 1886; Weeds, Schomburgk, II, 1880. American Academy, Address, I, 1866; Association, I, 1872, II, 1874, '86; Botanists, circular letter to, I, 1885; Entomologist, II, 1870; Naturalist, II, 1874, '75. Amherst Plants, Tuckerman, II, 1875. Ammobroma Sonora, Torrey, II, 1865, '70. Ampelopsis, II, 1863. Amphipappus, I, 1844. - Amur, Flora of, Maximowicz, II, 1860. Anacardiaceæ, I, 1884. Anacharis, Babington, II, 1872. Analytical Botany, Le Maout and De- caisne, II, 1868, '73. Anatomy, Link, II, 1844; of leaves, De- Candolle, II, 1879; and Physiology, Mohl, II, 1853. * Prepared by Mr. A. B. Seymour. The numerals prefixed to the year refer to the Sections of the Chronological List. 44 Ancistrophora, I, 1859. Arrow-poison, Schomburgk, II, 1841. Anderson, C. L., collections by, I, 1865; Arsenic poisonous to plants, Ogston, II, see Farlow. 1860; taking of, by plants, Davy, II, 1859. Anderson, T., III, 1872. Andersson, N. J., II, 1860, III, 1882, '84; Galapagos Is., II, 1864; Palms, II, 1870; Salix, II, 1867; American Salices, II, 1858. Andes, Flora, Weddell, II, 1862; Peru- Arundo Donax, I, 1874. vian, Ball, II, 1886. Androecium, Morphology of, in Fumari- acea, Eichler, II, 1866; Movements, I, 1884. Anemone Grayi, II, 1884; A. nemo- rosa, I, 1873; A. nudicaulis, I, 1886. Anemonella thalictroides, I, 1886. Angiantheæ, I, 1856. Angola, plants of, Welwitsch, II, 1872. Assimilation, see Nitrogen. Angström, J., III, 1879, '80. Aster, I, 1882. Animals, variation of, Flower, II, 1873. Anisocoma, I, 1844. Anther, nature of, Mueller, II, 1867; structure of, Oliver, II, 1862; in Tril- lium, I, 1876. Arthur, J. C., Flora of Iowa, II, 1876; Pear blight, II, 1887; Barnes and Coulter, Plant Dissection, II, 1886. Artichoke, I, 1877. Annales Sci. Nat., II, 1854. Anonacea, I, 1852. Antarctic Flora, Hooker, II, 1844, '49, Astrolabe, I, 1852. '52. Arboretum, Arnold, II, 1876; Arbore- tum et Fruticetum, Loudon, II, 1841; Segrezianum, Lavallée, II, 1877, '81, Asclepiadaceæ, I, 1885; Asclepias, I, 1880. Asexual growth from prothallus, Far- low, II, 1874. Asia, see Boissier; Asiatic Plants, II, 1862, '71, 82, '86. Asimina, I, 1886; stivation in, I, 1875; Arillus, I, 1886. Asplenium Trichomanes, I, 1880. '83. Arboriculture, prizes for, Sargent, II, 1876. Arceuthobium minutum, I, 1872. Archæology, see Palæontology. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, II, 1841. Arctic Flowers, Warming, II, 1887; Fos- sil Flora, see Paleontology; Plants, Dickie, II, 1859; Distribution, Hooker, II, 1862; Timber, I, 1879. Arctomecon, I, 1876. Areas of Preservation, Bentham, II, 1870. Asteranthos, Spruce, II, 1859. Astragalus, I, 1864; Bunge, II, 1870; A. insularis, Kellogg, II, 1884; new species, I, 1878. Antherology, II, 1862. Antibes, Thuret, II, 1878. Antirrhina prehensilia, I, 1884. Apios, how fertilized, I, 1876. Apples, note on, I, 1873. Apocynaceae, Miers, II, 1878. Aquatic plants, Lynch, II, 1887. Aquilegia, synopsis, Baker, II, 1878; A. Authorities, citation of, I, 1882. longissima, I, 1883. Argyroxiphium, I, 1852. Aristotle, Tyndall on, II, 1874. Arizona, collections from, I, 1882, '85. Arnott, G. A. W., III, 1868, '69; see Hooker. Athamantha Chinensis, I, 1877. Atlantic Flora, Cosson, II, 1883, '85; North America, origin of flora, I, 1872; North, Algæ, Dickie, II, 1870. Atoms, theory of, Wurtz, II, 1874. Attar of Roses, II, 1875. Austin, C. F., III, 1880, '82; Musci, II, 1871, '72; Hepatica, II, 1874. Australia, II, 1866; Compositæ, I, 1852; Isoetes, Braun, II, 1870; Tall trees, II, 1867; see Bentham, Harvey, Mueller. Babcock, J., Invisible Life, II, 1884. Bacon, Life of, by Church, II, 1884. Bacteria, DeBary, II, 1887. Babington, C. C., II, 1852, '60; Anach- aris, II, 1872; British Botany, II, 1843; Iceland, II, 1870. Bailey, L. H., Carex, II, 1886; Talks Afield, II, 1885. Bailey, W. W., Collector's Handbook, II, 1882. Baillon, H.. Adansonia, II, 1870; Com- positæ, II, 1882; Dictionnaire de Bot., II, 1876, '79, '86, '87; Fertilization, II, 1887; Histoire des Plantes, II, 1870-'73, '86. Baker, J. G., Aquilegia, II, 1878; Bo- tanical Geography, II, 1875; Geogr. Distr. of Ferns, II, 1870; Iridaceæ, II, 1877; Liliacea, II, 1870, '71; Mauritius and the Seychelles, II, 1878; Tulipe, II, 1874. Aroidea, Schott, II, 1862; Maximilianæ, Balanophores, Hooker, II, 1858; Wed- Peyritsch, II, 1880. dell, II, 1852. 45 ¡ Berg, III, 1868. Baldwin, H., Orchids, II, 1884. Baldwin, W., Reliquiæ, Darlington, II, Berkeley, M. J., II, 1857; Cryptogamic 1843. Botany, II, 1857; Tuberiform produc- tions from China, II, 1859. Berkeley, M. J., and M. A. Curtis, Ex- otic Fungi, II, 1853. Bernhardi, III, 1852. Bertolini, Antonio, III, 1870; Miscel- lanea, II, 1852, '55, '57. Bessey, C. E., Botany, II, 1880. Betulaceæ, Regel, II, 1862. Biasoletto, B., III, 1859. Bibliography, Pritzel, II, 1852; Literature; Bibliographical Index, Watson, II, 1878. see Balfour, I. B., II, 1887; Pandanus, II, 1879. Balfour, J. H., III, 1885: Manual, II, 1849. Ball, J., II, 1886; Alps, II, 1879; Pata- gonia, II, 1884; Peruvian Andes, II, 1886; South America, II, 1887; see Hooker. Bambusaceæ, Munro, II, 1870. Baptisia, II, 1872; fertilization, I, 1876; B. perfoliata, I, 1871. Barberry in New England, I, 1878. Barnes, C. R., see Arthur. Barringtoniaceæ, Miers, II, 1876. Barter, G. II, 1858. Bartling, F. G., III, 1876. Bartram, John, Memorial of, II, 1850. Batis maritima, Torrey, 11, 1853. Batrachium, Hiern, II, 1871. Beal, W. J., II, 1876, '87. Beans, how fertilized, I, 1876. Beccari, O., Gnetum Gnemon, II, 1877; Bloxam, A., III, 1879. Malesia, II, 1879, '84, '85. Bee, I, 1876. Beechey's Voyage, Hooker and Arnott, II, 1841. Behr, H. H., San Francisco, II, 1884; and Kellogg, Anemone Grayi, II, 1884. Behrens, J. W., Microscope, II, 1885. Belgian botanists, Crepin, II, 1878. Bell Flower, how fertilized, I, 1876. Bengal, Commelynaceæ, Clarke, II, 1870, '75; Cyrtandraceæ, II, 1875. Bennett, A. W., Drosera, II, 1873; Hy- drolea, II, 1870. Bennett, J. J., II, 1857, '58; III, 1877; see Horsfield. Bigelow, J., III, 1879, '80. Bignoniaceæ, I, 1857; Bureau, 1870. Biology, Cook, II, 1878. Birds, Coues, II, 1884. Bischoff, G. W., III, 1855; Lehrbuch, II, 1843. Bentham, G., II, 1859, '61, '62, III, 1884, '85; Addresses, II, 1862, '70, '73; Areas of Preservation, II, 1870; Flora Australiensis, II, 1858, '63, '65, '67, '70, '71, '74, '78; Florula Austral- iensis, II, 1865; British Flora, II, 1858, '87; Cassia, II, 1872; Clitoria, II, 1857; Compositæ, II, 1873; Dal- bergiea, II, 1860; Euphorbiacea, II, 1879; Gramineæ, II, 1882; Flora Hongkongensis, II, 1861; Legnotid- eæ, II, 1859; Loganiaceae, II, 1856; Mimoseæ, II, 1875; Monocotyledons, II, 1877; On natural history transac- tions and journals, II, 1866; Niger Flora, II, 1852; Nomenclature, I, 1879, II, 1857; Progress of System- atic Botany, II, 1875; see Hinds. Bentham and Hooker, Genera Planta- rum, II, 1863, '66, '68, 73, 76, 79, '80, '83. Black Hills, I. 1880. Black Knot, Farlow, II, 1876. Blackie, II, 1861. Blume, C. L., II, 1852, III, 1862. Blytt, A., III, 1863; Norwegian Flora, II, 1876. Boeckeler, Scirpeæ, II, 1870. Bohnensieg, G. C. W., Literature, II, 1877. '78, '82, '84. Bois, D., see Pailleux. Boissier, E., III, 1886; Icones Euphor- biarum, II, 1866; Flora Orientalis, II, 1867, '73, '76, '79, '84; Diagnoses, II, 1852. Bojer, III, 1857. Bolivaria, I, 1852. Bolander, H. N., collections by, I, 1868. Bolus, H., Flora of South Africa, II, 1886. Bonite, Voyage of the, II, 1852. Bonnier, G., see Van Tieghem. Bonpland, A., III, 1859. Bonplandia, II, 1854. Boott, F., III, 1864; Carex, II, 1858, '61, '62. '68. Boott, W., III, 1888. Bornet, E., on Decaisne, II, 1883; Thuret, II, 1876; Lichenes, II, 1873; Nostochineæ, II, 1876. Borraginaceæ, I, 1874, '76, 'S5. Borodin, Chlorophyll, II, 1871. Borrer, III, 1863. Borszczow, E., III, 1879. Boston, Flora of, I, 1880; Fungi, Far- low, II, 1876, '78; Nat. Hist. Soc., address, Teschemacher, II, 1841. Botany, Bessey, II, 1880; Bower and Vines, II, 1885, '87; Elliott, I, 1877: LeMaout and Decaisne, II, 1868, '73. 46 Botanic garden, I, 1875. Botanical Club, letters to the, I, 1886; Gazette, Coulter, II, 1880, '86; Maga- zine, II, 1847; Teacher, Johnson and Eaton, II, 1841. Botanische Zeitung, II, 1843, '54. Botryopteris Forensis, Renault, II, 1876. Botrychium, Davenport, II, 1878; B. simplex, I, 1875. Boundary, British, II, 1864; Mexican, see U. S. Govt. Bourgeau, E., III, 1878. Boussingault, II, 1863; Nitrogen, II, 1855, 58; Action of Foliage, II, 1866. Bower and Vines, Practical Botany, II, 1885, '87. Bowerbank, Spongiadæ, II, 1858. | Bowman, J. E., Fossil Infusoria, II, 1841. Braithwaite, R., British Moss Flora, II, 1881, '87. Brand, Iodine in Plants, II, 1843. Brandegee, T. S., Colorado, II, 1876. Brandis, D., see Stewart, J. L. Braun, III, 1877, 78; Algæ, II, 1856; Isoetes, II, 1870; Marsilia and Pilu- laria, II, 1864, '71, '73; Polyembryo- nie, II, 1861. Brazil, Smith, II, 1880; see Martius. Brebisson, III, 1873. Bree, C. R., Species not transmutable, II, 1861. Brendel, Flora Peoriana, II, 1883. Bretschneider, Chinese Botany, II, 1871. Brewer, W. H., collections by, I, 1865, '68. Brewer and Watson, Botany of Califor- nia, II, 1876. Breweria minima, I, 1884. Bridges, III, 1866. Briosi, G., Embrioni vegetali, II, 1882. Britain, Algæ, Gray, II, 1866, Har- vey, II, 1852; Association, II, 1874, Address to, I, 1884; Flora, see Babington, Bentham, Hooker; Fossil flora, see palæontology; Fungi, Cooke, II, 1872; Wild-flowers, Lubbock, II, 1875; Moss-flora, Braithwaite, II, 1881, '87; Museums, I, 1859; Plant names, Earle II, 1881, Prior, II, 1864, '71, '80. Britton, N. L., Scleria, II, 1885. Bromfield, W. A., Flora Vectensis, II, 1857. Brongniart, A. T., III, 1876, '77; struct- ure of cone, II, 1873; fossil fruits, II, 1876. Brooks, W. K., heredity, I1, 1884. Brown, Robert, III, 1858, '59; eulogy by Martius, II, 1859; Works, II, 1867, '68, 70; first paper, II, 1872; see Horsfield. Browallia elata, fertilization of, I, 1877. Browne, D. J., trees of America, II, 1846. Brunet, elements, II, 1870; Michaux, II, 1864; woods of Canada, II, 1867. Bryineæ, Lindberg, II, 1878. Bryology, N. W. America, Mitten, II, 1864. Buchenau, F., Juncaceæ, II, 1875, '86. Buckley, Arabella B., Fairyland of sci- ence, II, 1879. Buckley, S. B., III, 1885; Texas, I, 1862. Buckleya, I, 1854. Buek, H. W., III, 1879, '80; Index to Prodromus, II, 1841, '43, '60. Buffalo plants, Day, II, 1884. Bunbury, C. J. F., II, 1856; Frag- menta, II, 1884. Bunge, Astragalus, II, 1870; Cousinia, II, 1866. Burck, W., II, 1878; see Bohnensieg. Burma, forests, Kurz, II, 1878. Bureau, E., Bignoniaceæ, II, 1870; III, 1876. | Burs, I, 1876. Bush and Son, cat. grape vines, II, 1884. Bussey Institution, Bulletin, II, 1876. Butterflies, trapping of, I, 1880. Buzareingues, C. G. de, III, 1858. Cactaceæ, Engelmann, II, 1857. Cælebogyne, Braun, II, 1861. Cailletet, absorption by leaves, II, 1872. Calamagrostis, I, 1862. Calliachyris, I, 1844. California, Acad. Sci. Bull., II, 1884, '85; age of trees, I, 1854, '57; bot- any of, 1868, '76; collections from, I, 1859, '65, '67, '85; diseases of olive trees, Farlow, II, 1876; Gamo- petalæ, I, 1876; Flora, Rattan, II, 1879, '82; see Rattan; forestry, II, 1887; mammoth trees, I, 1854; new Compositæ, I, 1844; new species, I, 1868, '76; weeds, I, 1879. California, Lower, I, 1861. Calluna Atlantica, I, 1861; C. vulgaris, I, 1861, '76; Lawson, II, 1877. Campanula, duplicate corolla, I, 1879; how fertilized, I, 1876. Campbell, D. H., Ostrich Fern, II, 1887. Camphor-tree, Junghuhn and De Vriese, II, 1852. ; Canada, Botanical Society, II, 1861, '6 Cat. plants, Curtiss, II, 1873, Ma- coun, II, 1878, '85, '87; Flora, Provancher, II, 1863; Ranuncula- ceæ, Lawson, II, 1871; woods, II, 1867. Canary plants, Webb, II, 1852. 47 Canbya, I, 1876. Cape of Good Hope, see Africa, South, Check-list, see catalogue. and Harvey. Cape San Lucas, I, 1861. Capitalization, I, 1887. Caprifoliaceæ, I, 1884. Carbonic acid, decomposition by leaves, II. 1863; from roots, Wiegmann and Polsdorff, II, 1843. Carex, Bailey, II, 1886; Mexican bound- ary, II, 1862; illustrations, Boott, II, 1858, '61, '62, '68; Schkuhr, Kunze, II, 1841, '43, '52; Tuckerman, II, 1843; perigynium and seta, McNab and Dyer, II, 1874; C. gracilis and C. loliacea, I, 1847. Carey, John, III, 1880, '84. Caribees, Grisebach, II, 1858. Carnivorous plants, I, 1879, '80; Beal, II, 1876; Hooker, II, 1874; see Fly and Moth. Carolina, fungi, Ravenel, II, 1852, '53, '61; North, I, 1842, '79; plants, Cur- tis, II, 1860. Carpenter, variation, II, 1884. Carson, J., III, 1877. Caruel, T., II, 1860; Nuovo Giornale, II, 1876; Taxonomy, II, 1884. Caruel, T., and Parlatore, Flora Ital- iana, II, 1886. Caspary, R., Hydrilles, II, 1857. Cassia, Bentham, II, 1872. Catalogue, Grisebach, II, 1867; Mosses and Hepatica, Cummings, II, 1885; Oyster, II, 1885; Patterson, II, 1885, '87; Trimen, II, 1885; Plants in Gray's Manual, II, 1859; see also names of authors and geographical names. Caucasus Flora, Ruprecht, II, 1870. Cayuga flora, Dudley, II, 1886. Ceanothus, Watson, II, 1875. Cedar of Lebanon, I, 1865. | Celakovsky, L., gymnospermy, II, 1879. Cellariens, new Analogy, II, 1882. Cell, Mohl, II, 1853; Schacht, II, 1853; Trecul, II, 1855. Cestrica, Flora, Darlington, II, 1853. Ceylon, see Thwaites. Challenger expedition, II, 1885. Chapman, A. W., Flora of Southern States, II, 1860, '83. Charace, Allen, II, 1879, '82; Wall- man, II, 1858. Chatin, Vallisneria spiralis, II, 1857. Charæ, calcareous, II, 1873. Chatham Islands, Mueller, II, 1866. Cheilanthes Alabamensis, I, 1876. Chemistry of vegetation, I, 1845. Chenopodiaceæ, Moquin-Tandon, II, 1841; Watson, II, 1874. Chihuahua, collections from, I, 1886, '87; see Mexico. Child, production of organisms in closed vessels, II, 1865. Chili, Flora, Gay, II, 1852. China, Botany, Bretschneider, II, 1871; Cypripedium arietinum, II, 1886; Expedition to China Seas, I, 1857; Gymnocladus, II, 1876; rice paper plant, Hooker, II, 1852; tuberiform productions, Berkeley, II, 1859; Veg- etable, Kan-sun, II, 1872. Chlorodictyon, Agardh, II, 1873. Chlorophyll, Mohl, II, 1855; under sun- light, Borodin, II, 1871; grains, starch in, II, 1875. 1884. Clark, F. C., Instinct and reason, II, 1879. Clark, H. J., III, 1874. Classification and morphology, Goebel, II, 1887. Clavaud, Flore de la Gironde, II, 1882. Claytonia, dimorphism in, I, 1876. Cellulose, Mohl, II, 1853. Central America, see America, Central. Cleistogamy, I, 1873; in Impatiens, II, Centrostegia, I, 1857. Ceratophyllaceæ, I, 1837. Cesati, S., III, 1884. 1877. Clematis, I, 1881; Kuntze, II, 1885; Megalanthes, Lavallée, II, 1884. Clerodendron, how fertilized, I, 1876; C. Thompsonæ, I, 1867. Cleveland, H. W. S., trees, II, 1882. Climate, San Francisco, Cooper, II, 1874. Climatology, Grisebach, II, 1872. Climbing plants, I, 1872; Darwin, II, 1865, '66, '76. Chloris Andina, Weddell, II, 1862; Boreali-Americana, I, 1846. Choisy, II, 1857; Convolvulaceæ, Cus- cuta, II, 1842. Chorizanthe, Parry, II, 1884. Christian evidences, see religion. Chrysogonum Virginianum, I, 1882. Chrysocoptis, I, 1887. Church, on life, II, 1878; on Francis Bacon, II, 1884. Cinchona, Weddell, II, 1852. Cincinnati plants, Lea, II, 1849. Circulation of sap, Hoffmann, II, 1853. Cladrastis lutea, I, 1865. Clapp, Asahel, III, 1863. Clarke, C. B., II, 1886; Commelynaceæ, II, 1870, '75; Cyrtand raceæ, II, 1875; Compositæ, II, 1876; Cyperus, II, Clinton, G. W., III, 1885, '86. Clitoria, Bentham, II, 1857. 48 AN Clover, fertilization, I, 1876. Cocks, II, 1860. Cogniaux, A., nomenclature, II, 1877. Colden, correspondence of, I, 1843. Collections, II, 1843. Collectors' Handbook, Bailey, II, 1882. Collinson, correspondence, I, 1843. Colorado, collections from, I, 1863, '78; Flora, Brandegee, II, 1876; Colorado river of the West, I, 1860. Coloration, I, 1876. Colors of flowers, Allen, II, 1883. Columbia, Flora, Karsten, II, 1861. Columbia, British, Macoun, II, 1877. Comandra umbellata, I, 1853. Comber, T., geographical statistics of European flora, II, 1877. Commander Islands, collections from, I, 1885. Commelynaceae, Clarke, 1870, '75; Hass- karl, II, 1870. Common plants, Goodale, II, 1879. Compass plant, II, 1882. Compositæ, I, 1852, '74, '80, '84; An- cistrophora, 1, 1859; Australian, I, 1852; Baillon, II, 1882; Bentham, II, 1873; Eupatoriacea, I, 1851; Gnaphalioid, I, 1851; How fertilized, I, 1876; India, Clarke, II, 1876; Mexican boundary, I, 1859; new genera, I, 1844, '73; new species, I, 1879; Pacific R. R. Survey, I, 1857; Sandwich Islands, I, 1849; South Pacific, I, 1861; Texas, I, 1846. Comstock, T. B., Utricularia vulgaris, II, 1876. Condurango, I, 1883. Congress, St. Petersburg, II, 1887. Coniferæ, Celakovsky, II, 1879; Cone, Brongniart, II, 1873; Endlicher, II, 1850; Engelmann, II, 1879; Fertili- zation, Delpino, II, 1872; Gray, II, 1879; Gymnospermy, I, 1879; Van Tieghem, II, 1872; Veitch, II, 1882. Conspectus, Nyman, II, 1879. Contributions, I, 1870, 72, 74, 76, '78, '79, '80, '82, '83, '85, '88; Gray, II, 1874, 76, '82, '87; Miers, II, 1872; Watson, II, 1874, '76, '79, '82, '83, '85. Convolvulaceæ, Choisy, II, 1842. Cook, Biology, II, 1878. Cooke, M. C., British Fungi, II, 1872; Fungi, II, 1875; Cooke and Peck, Erysiphei, II, 1872. Cooper, J. G., influence of climate, II, 1874; distribution of trees, II, 1860; see U. S. Govt. Coptis, I, 1887. Corda, A. J. C., fecundation, I, 1837. Coriaria, Maximowicz, II, 1882; thymifolia, II, 1864. C. Cork, De Candolle, II, 1862. Corydalis aurea, I, 1886. Cosson, E., Flora Atlantica, II, 1883, '85. Cosson and G. de Saint Pierre, Flore de Paris, II, 1883. Cotton, Parlatore, II, 1867; Todaro, II, 1878. Coulter, J. M., Botanical Gazette, II, 1880; Botany of Rocky Mountains, II, 1886; see Arthur. Cousinia, Bunge, II, 1866. Coues, Elliott, Birds, II, 1884; Life, II, 1884. Crawe, Dr. J. B., I, 1834. Crazy-weed, I, 1878. Creation, II, 1846. Creed of Science, see Religion. Crépin, Belgian botanists, II, 1878; Rosa, II, 1873, '76. Crocker, II, 1861. Crocus, Maw, II, 1887. Croomia, I, 1859. Crops, how feed, Johnson, II, 1870. Cross-fertilization, see fertilization. Cruciferæ, Fournier, II, 1866. Crüger, III, 1866; Monocotyledone Epigynæ, II, 1853. Cryptogams, works of various authors, II, 1852; Berkeley, II, 1857; Sexual reproduction, Thuret, II, 1855; This- tleton Dyer, II, 1875. Cuba, Richard, II, 1852; Wright, II, 1860; Catalogue, Grisebach, II, 1867; Lichens, Tuckerman, II, 1864; Mos- ses, Wright, II, 1862; Orchids, Lind- ley, II, 1858. Cucurbita, Naudin, II, 1857; tendril movements, Penhallow, II, 1887. Cultivated plants, De Candolle, II, 1883, '85, '87. Cuming, III, 1866. Cummings, C. E., Mosses and Hepaticæ, II, 1885. Cupuliferæ, Oersted, II, 1871. Curran, II, 1885. Currey, II, 1857. Curtis, M. A., III, 1873; esculent Fungi, II, 1866; Herbarium, Herbarium, II, 1872; Plants of North Carolina, II, 1860; Sketch by Wood, II, 1886; see Berkeley. Curtiss, A. H., II, 1878; Catalogue, II, 1873. Cuscuta, Choisy, II, 1842; Engelmann, II, 1860. Cycadaceæ, Van Tieghem, II, 1872. Cyclopædia, Johnson's, I, 1874. Cyclosis, II, 1874. Cynomorium coccineum, Weddell, II, 1862. 49 Cyperaceæ, I, 1834; Cyperus, India, | DeCandolle, A. P. and A., Prodromus, Clarke, II, 1884. Cypress, I, 1885. Cypripedium acaule, I, 1873; C. arieti- num, II, 1886; C. candidum, dimerous, I, 1866; fertilization, I, 1876. Cyrtandraceæ, Clarke, II, 1875. II, 1843-'45, '48, '49, '52, '54, '57, '58, '62, '64-'68, '70, '74; Index, Buek, 1841, '43, '60. DeCandolle, A., Agassiz, II, 1875; Cul- tivated Plants, II, 1883, '85; Deaf Mutes, II, 1886; Géographique Bo- tanique, II, 1856; Histoire des Science, II, 1873, '85; Nomenclature, II, 1867, '70, '83; Phytography, II, 1880; Fruit of Oaks, II, 1863; Phys- iological Groups, II, 1874; Tempera- ture and Altitude, II, 1875; Varia- tion, Distribution and Succession, II, 1863; Vicia and Triticum, II, 1887. DeCandolle, A. and C., Monographiæ, II, 1878, '79, '81, '83. DeCandolle, C., Age of Trees, II, 1876; Cork, II, 1862; Dionaea muscipula, II, 1876; Anatomie Comparée des Feuilles, II, 1879; Théorie de la Feu- ille, II, 1868; Pepéracées, II, 1867; Vrilles, II, 1877; and R. Pictet, seeds endure cold, II, 1880. Deliérain, Evaporation, II, 1871. Delaware, Newcastle Co., Tatnall, II, 1861. Dalbergies, Bentham, II, 1860. Dana, J. D., Manual of Geology, II, 1874. D'Anvers, N., Science Ladders, II, 1884. Darby, J., III, 1878; Southern States, II, 1841, '55. Darbya, I, 1846. Darlington, W., II, 1863; Bartram and Marshall, II, 1850; Flora Cestrica, II, 1853; Gramineæ, II, 1841; Reliquiæ Baldwinianæ, II, 1843; Weeds and Useful Plants, II, 1859. Darlingtonia, I, 1863; Torrey, II, 1853. Darwin, C., II, 1862, III, 1874, '82, '84; Life and Letters, II, 1887; Climbing Plants, II, 1865, '66, '76; Descent of Man, II, 1871; Dimorphism, II, 1862, '78; Domestication, II, 1868; Fertil- ization, I, 1877; Fertilization of Or- chids, II, 1862, '70; Insectivorous Plants, II, 1876; Movements, II, 1881; Natural Selection, II, 1860; Origin of Species, I, 1860, 11, 1860; Does sea water kill seeds? II, 1855. Darwin, F., II, 1886; Drosera, II, 1879; Light on Leaves, II, 1882. Darwiniana, I, 1876. Darwinism, I, 1876; Attitude of work- ing naturalists towards, II, 1873; German, II, 1875; Hodges, II, 1874; O'Neill, II, 1880; Shepherd, II, 1884; St. Clair, II, 1874. Datura, I, 1859. Daubeny, III, 1868; Ozone, II, 1867; Trees and Shrubs of the Ancients, II, 1866. Davenport, G. E., Botrychium simplex, II, 1878. Davy, E., Taking of Arsenic by Plants, II, 1859. Dawson, J. W., address, II, 1874; Earth and Man, II, 1873. Day, D. F., Buffalo Plants, II, 1884. Deaf Mutes, DeCandolle, II, 1886. DeBary, Fungi, Mycetozoa and Bacteria, II, 1887. Decaisne, J., II, 1852, III, 1882, '84; Bornet, II, 1883; Eryngium, II, 1874; Pear, II, 1858; Pomaceæ, II, 1875; Pyrus, II, 1872; Wellingtonia, II, 1855; see LeMaout. DeCandolle, A. P., III, 1843; Mémoirs et Souvenirs de, II, 1863; Théorie Élémentaire, II, 1845. Delessert, B., III, 1852; Icones, II, 1846; Museum, Lasegue, II, 1845. Delessert, F., III, 1869. Delphinium, I, 1887. Delpino, F., Fertilization of Coniferæ, II, 1872; Formicarie, II, 1887; Re- vista Botanica, II, 1879. Dendrologie, Koch, II, 1876. Denmark Flora, II, 1870; Esenbeck, II, 1854. Department of Agriculture, dismissal of botanist, I, 1872. Deppe, F., III, 1862. Descent of Man, Darwin, II, 1871. Descriptive Botany, LeMaout and De- caisne, II, 1868, '73. Desmidieæ, Lagerheim, II, 1886. Destiny of Man, see Religion. Desvaux, A. N., III, 1858. Desvaux, E., III, 1858. DeVriese, W. H., II, 1852, III, 1862; Pandaneæ, II, 1854; Plantæ Indiæ, II, 1858; see Junghuhu, and Miquel. DeVriese, W. H. and Harting, Marra- tiaceæ, II, 1855. De Vries, H., Resinous Matters, II, 1882; Planten-physiologie, II, 1886. Dewey, Chester, III, 1868. Dextrorse, I, 1877. Deyeuxia, I, 1862. Diagrams, Eichler, II, 1878. Dialysis with staminody, I, 1870. Diapensiaceæ, I, 1870, '78; Maximowicz, II, 1871. 50 Diatoms, Wilson, II, 1876. Dicentra, I, 1876, "78. Dichogamy, Epilobium, I, 1876; Spigelia, I, 1879. Dickie, Algæ, II, 1870; Arctic Plants, II, 1859. Dickson, Pinguicula, II, 1870. Dictionnaire de Bot., Baillon, II, 1876- Edgeworth, II, 1884. '79, '86, '87. Dillwyn, L. W., III, 1858. Dimorphism, II, 1865; in Claytonia, I, 1876; Darwin, II, 1862, '78; For- sythia, I, 1873; Gelsemium, I, 1873; Linum, II, 1863; Mohl, II, 1865. Dionæa, I, 1873; DeCandolle, C., II, 1876; Errera, II, 1879. Diseases of Plants, Farlow, II, 1877; Orange and Olive Trees, Farlow, II, 1876. Dissections, Arthur, II, 1886; Henslow, II, 1879. Dissothrix, I, 1851. Distribution, I, 1846, '63, '72, '84, II, 1846; Arctic Plants, Hooker, II, 1862; Baker, II, 1875; Batrachium, Hiern, II, 1871; Comber, II, 1877; DeCandolle, II, 1856, '63; Ferns, Baker, II, 1870; Geol., of Palms, Unger, II, 1846; Miquel, II, 1867; Rudolph, II, 1870; Dyer, II, 1879. Dodecatheon, I, 1886. Domestication, Darwin, II, 1868. Don, G. III, 1857. Donnersmarck, H. von, III, 1862. Dozy, II, 1852, III, 1857. Dragon Tree, Teneriffe, II, 1868. Drosera, I, 1871; Bennett, II, 1873; Eisengrein, G. A., III, 1859. Elatines Americanæ, I, 1878. Elder, I, 1868. Electrical Currents in Plants, Kunkel, II, 1879. Elements of Botany, I, 1836, '87; see Lessons ; see Brunet, DeCandolle, Henfrey, Hooker, Jussieu, Kellerman, LeMaout, Lindley, Macloskie, Mas- ters, Oliver, St. Hilaire, Wood. Elliott's Botany, I. 1877. Elm, large. I, 1876. Elwes, H. T., Lilium, II, 1887. Embryo, Origin, Henfrey, II, 1857; Mohl, Radlkofer, Schacht, II, 1856; see Briosi. Emerson, Trees and Shrubs of Massa- chusetts, II, 1847, '75. Enchiridion Botanicum, Endlicher, II, 1841. Dar- Endlicher, Coniferæ, II, 1850; Enchiri- dion, II, 1841; Genera Plantarum, II, 1841, '50, '52; Mantissa, II, 1842, '44; see Fenzl. Enenth, O., Pomology, II, 1880. win, F., II, 1879; Movements, I, 1873. Drugs, Lloyd, II, 1884, '85, '86. Drummond, A. T., Canadian Timber, II, Engelmann, G., II, 1845, III, 1884, '8 1880. Agave, II, 1876; Cactacea, II, 1857; Coniferæ, II, 1879; Cuscuta, II, 1860; Grasses, II, 1859; Isoetes, II, 1382; Juncus, II, 1866; Mexican Boundary, II, 1859; Oaks, II, 1876; Pinus, II, 1880; St. Louis Acad., II, 1878; Yucca, II, 1873. Engler, A., Tertiärperiode, II, 1882; Vegetable Kingdom, II, 1883. Entomophilous Flowers, Warming, II, 1887. Entwickelungsgeschichte, Haeckel, II, 1876. Enumeratio Plantarum, Kunth, II, 1841, '44, '52. Eophyton, I, 1871. Epigra, I, 1872, '76. Epilobium angustifolium, Dichogamy, II, 1876. Epipactis helleborine, I, 1879. Epping Forest, Wallace, II, 1878, 79. Drummond, H., Spiritual world, II, 1884. Dryers, I, 1872. Dubuque, Address at, I, 1872. Duby, J. E., II, 1852, III, 1886. Dudley, W. R., Cayuga Flora, II, 1886. DuMortier, B. C., III, 1879. Dunal, III, 1857; Wheat from Egilops, II, 1855. Durand, III, 1873, 74; Vitis, II, 1863. Durieu, M., III, 1879. Duval-Jouve, J., Leaves of Grasses, II, 1876. Dyer, W. T. T., Distribution, II, 1879; Thallophytes, II, 1875; see McNab. Eaton, D. C., Ferns, II, 1878, 79, 80; new Ferns from Mexico II, 1874; Filices Wrightianæ et Fendlerianæ, II, 1861; see Farlow. Ebenacea, Hieru, II, 1873. Economic Botany, Kew Museums, II, 1886. Earle, John, English Plant Names, II, 1881. Earth and Man, Dawson, II, 1873. Eaton, Amos, III, 1842; see Johnson, Laura. Edinburgh Botanical Soc., II, 1875, '79. Ehrenberg, C. G., III, 1877. Eichler, A. W., III, 1887; Androecium in Fumariaceæ, II, 1866; Flower Dia- grams, II, 1878; Jahrbuch, II, 1882, '85. • 51 Equisetacea, Wilde, II, 1864. Equisetum arvense, I, 1873. Erebus and Terror, voyage of, II, 1844. Erechtites, how fertilized, I, 1876. Ergot, II, 1855. Eriogoneæ, I, 1870. Ernst, E., Vargas as a botanist, II, 1878. Erodium, I, 1876. Errera, L.. Dionæa, II, 1879; Pent- stemon, II. 1879. Ervendberg, collections by, I, 1861. Eryngium, Decaisne, II, 1874. Erysiphei, Cooke and Peck, II, 1872. Erythrææ, Wittrock, II, 1884, '86. Erythronium propullans, I, 1871. Esenbeck, see Nees. Eucalyptographia, Mueller, II, 1879, '85. Eucalyptus, Australia, Mueller, II, 1859. Eupatoriaceæ, I, 1851. Euphorbiaceae, Bentham, II, 1879; Bois- sier, II, 1866; Euphorbia, Warming, II, 1872; Cyathium, Mueller, II, 1872. Europe, Conspectus, Nyman, II, 1879, '83; Geographical Statistics, Comber, II, 1877; Herbaria, I, 1841; Hymen- omycetes, Fries, II, 1875; Juncaceæ, Buchenau, II, 1886; Vegetation, Hen- frey, II, 1852. Evaporation, Dehérain, II, 1871. Evergreens. Hoopes, II, 1868. Evolution, Henslow, II, 1874; vs. evan- gelical religion, I, 1882; and theol- ogy, II, 1874; Williamson, II, 1874; Winchell, II, 1874. Excursion, I, 1879; N. Y., Pursh, II, 1870; N. Carolina, I, 1842. Exploring expedition, see U. S. Govt. Faith, Science and, see Religion. Falconer, II, 1848. III, 1866. False indigo, I, 1876. Farlow, W. G., Algæ, II, 1875; -, An- derson and Eaton, Algæ, II, 1877, '79; Asexual growth of prothallus, II, 1874; Bussey Bulletin, II, 1876; Plant diseases, II, 1877; Fungi near Boston, II, 1878; Onion-smut, II, 1877. Fauna within animals, Leidy, II, 1853. Feay, W. F., III, 1880. Fecundation, discovery relative to, I, 1837; Radlkofer, II, 1858; see Fer- tilization. Féo, II, 1858. Feejee Islands, Hedycaria, I, 1866; Vegetable productions, II, 1863; see Seemanu. Fendler, Augustus, I, 1849, III, 1885; Ferns of Trinidad, II, 1878; Filices, Eaton, II, 1861; New Mexico, II, 1849; Venezuelan Mosses, II, 1879. Fenzl, E., III, 1880. Fenzl and Endlicher, Genera Plantarum, II, 1852. Ferns, Distribution, Baker, II, 1870; Eaton, II, 1878-'80; Fertilization, Hofmeister, II, 1855; Historia filicum, Smith, II, 1878; Kentucky, William- son, II, 1878; Lyell, II, 1870; Meehan, II, 1878-'80; new species from Mexico, Eaton, II, 1874; Par- thenogenesis, II, 1874; Robinson, II, 1878; Species Filicum, Hooker, II, 1844, 47, 52. '53, '60, '63; Synopsis Filicum, II, 1875; Trinidad, Fendler, II, 1878; Filices Wrightianae et Fend- lerianæ, Eaton, II, 1861. Fertilization, I, 1876; Baillon, II, 1887; Browallia elata, I, 1877; Coniferæ, Delpino, II, 1872; Ferns, Hofmeister, II, 1855; Gentiana Andrewsii. I, 1877; Grasses, Hildebrand, II, 1873; Cross-, I, 1871, '77, Benefits, I, 1876; Cross- and Self-, Darwin, I, 1877, II, 1878; Self-, I, 1879, Henslow, II, 1879; by Insects, I, 1872, '82, Dar- win, II, 1877, Loew, II, 1887, Lub- bock, II, 1875, Meehan, II, 1876, Mueller, II, 1883, Ogle, II, 1870; Orchids by Insects, I. 1862, Darwin, II, 1862, '70, 77, 78; Trichostema by Insects, II, 1878; see Fecundation. Festuca of Europe, Hackel, II, 1883. Fibres, Squier, II, 1862. Ficinus, H. D. A.. III. 1858. Field, Forest and Garden Botany, I, 1868. Fielding, H. B., and G. Gardiner, Ser- tum plantarum, II, 1844. Fijian, see Feejee. Fire-weed, I, 1876. Fischer, III, 1854. Fischer, F. E. L., and Meyer, C. A., Ser- tum Petropolitanum, II, 1847. Fiske, Johu, Destiny of Man, II, 1884. Flora within animals, Leidy, II, 1853; of North America, Torrey and Gray, I, 1838, II, 1841; of North America, Characteristics, I, 1884; Synoptical, I, 1878, '84; see names of authors and countries, see Forest, and Sylva. Florida Fruits, II, 1886. Flower, evidence of modification of An- imal forms, II, 1873. Flowers and Ferns, Mechan, IJ, 1878– '80; and Fruit, Baillon, II, 1870; Fruits and Leaves, Lubbock, II, 1886; and Insects, Lubbock, II, 1875; Fleurs de Pleine Terre, Vilmorin, II, 1864, '68, '71. Flückiger and Hanbury, Pharmaco- graphia, II, 1875. 52 Fly, beheaded by Mentzelia, I, 1879; | Gardiner, G., see Fielding. Fly-catcher, I, 1871, Sarracenia, I, Garnsey, E. F., II. 1887. 1873. Gasparrini, III, 1868. Gattinger, A., Tennessee Flora, II, 1887. Galleotti, H., III, 1859. Gay, C., Chili, II, 1852. Gay, Jacques, III, 1864. Gaylussacia brachycera, I, 1875. Gelsemium, I, 1873. Gemmation, Hypocotyledonary, I, 1871. Gentiana Andrewsii, fertilization, I, 1877. Folia Orchidacea, Lindley, II, 1853, '54. Foliage, see Leaf. Forbes, II, 1886. Foreign Plants, Invasions of, I, 1867. Forests and Forestry, Beal, II, 1876; Forest Botany, I, 1868; Burma, Kurz, II, 1878; California, II. 1887; Geog- raphy, I, 1878; India, Stewart, Bran- dis, II, 1875; Journal, II, 1882; Sar- gent, II, 1885; Vasey, II, 1876; Wal- lace, II, 1878. Forestiera, J, 1859. Formicarie, Delpino, II, 1887. Forms of Flowers, Darwin, II, 1878. Forsythia, dimorphism, I, 1873. Fort Tejon, I, 1859. France, Bull. Soc. Bot., II, 1887; Plants Naturalized in, II, 1886; Palæon- tology, Martius, II, 1877. Fraxinus, Wenzig, II, 1883. French Association, II, 1874. Fries, E. M., III, 1878, '79; Hieracium, II, 1852; Hymenomycetes, II, 1875; Summa, II, 1852. Fortune, R., III, 1884. Fossil, see Palæontology. Fournier, Cruciferæ, II, 1866. Fowler, J., New Brunswick Plants, II, Gerardia tenuifolia, I, 1879. 1885. Fremont, collections by, II, 1853. Fresenius, G., Grundriss der Botanik, II, 1843. Frost, C. C., III, 1884. Frost, plants killed by, Goeppert, II, 1871. Fruits, did man make them? I, 1874; Florida, II, 1886; Fruit Trees, slit- ting bark, I, 1875. Fumariaceae, Androecium, Eichler, II, 1866. Fungi near Boston, Farlow, II, 1876, '78; Caroliniani Exsiccati, Ravenel, II, 1852, 53, '61; Cooke, II, 1872, '75; DeBary, II, 1887; Esculent, Curtis, II, 1866; Exotic, Berkeley and Curtis, II, 1853; Oersted, II, 1873. Furnrohr, A. E., III, 1862. Fuckel, L., III, 1877. Future Life, see Religion. Galapagos Islands, Andersson, II, 1864. Gamopetala, I, 1878, '85, '87; of Cali- fornia, Gray, I, 1876, II, 1876; Check- list, Patterson, II, 1885. Garberia, I, 1879. Garden, I, 1868, II, 1872; Thuret, II, 1878; Botany, I, 1863, '68; see Bo tanic. Gentianaceæ, I, 1857, '71; new Genus, I, 1880. Genera Illustrata, I, 1848; Genera of Plants, see Salisbury; Genera Planta- rum, see Bentham and Hooker, and Endlicher. Geographical Botany, see Distribution. Georgia Mosses and Hepaticæ, I, 1846. Geological Survey, see U. S. Govt. Geology, Manual of, Dana, II, 1874. Germany, Flora, Esenbeck and Spinner, II, 1852, '54; Ivy, I, 1868; Profes- sorships, II, 1852; Rabenhorst's Kryp- togamen-Flora, II, 1885. Geum, Scheutz, II, 1872. Gilbrest, Helianthus annuus, II, 1880. Gingko, Heer, II, 1880. Gironde, Flore, Clavaud, II, 1882. Githopsis, I, 1882. Glumaceæ, Steudel, E. G., II, 1854, '56. Gnaphalieæ, I, 1851, '52. Gnetaceæ, Van Tieghem, II, 1872; Gne- tum Gnemon, Organogeny, Beccari, II, 1887. Godet, C. H., II, 1852, III, 1880. Godron, III, 1882; see Naudin. Goebel, K., Classification and Morphol- ogy, II, 1887. Goeppert, H. R., III, 1885; Plants killed by frost, II, 1871. Goethe, Metamorphosis, II, 1864. Goldie, John, III, 1888. Gonidia, II, 1874. Gonolobus Shortii, I, 1883. Goodale, G. L.; Common plants, II, 1879; Physiological Botany, II, 1885; see Sprague. Goodale, G. L., and Hyatt, Guides for Science-teaching, II, 1879. Goodeniaceæ, I, 1861. Goodwin, Science and Faith, II, 1884. Gooseberries, I, 1876. Gossypium, see Cotton. Gottsche, II, 1852. Grafting, heterogeneous, Strasburger, II, 1886. Graham, Creed of Science, II, 1882. Grand Cañon, how to reach the, I, 1885. 53 Grape vines, catalogue, Bush and Son, Gymnospermy, I, 1879; Celakovsky, II, II, 1884; Mildew, Farlow, II, 1876; see Vitis. Graphephorum, I, 1861. Grasses, I, 1834, 1862; Beal, II, 1887; Bentham, II, 1882; Cotyledons, Van Tieghem, II, 1873; Darlington, II, 1841; Fertilization, Hildebrand, II, 1873; Intoxicating, Hance, II, 1876; Leaves, Duval-Jouve, II, 1876; New Genera, Engelmann, II, 1859; Vasey, II, 1883, '84; Wisconsin, Lapham, II, 1855. Graves, M., III, 1858. Gravis, A., Urtica dioica, II, 1885. Gray, Asa, paper, II, 1858; California Gamopetalæ, II, 1876; California, new species, II, 1876; Coniferæ, II, 1879; Contributions, II, 1874, '76, '82, '87; Hydrophyllaceæ, II, 1875; Man- ual, II, 1863, '68; Plantæ Wrighti- anæ, II, 1853; Synoptical Flora, II, 1878, '84; Veatchia Cedrocensis, II, 1884; Wilkes expedition, II, 1854; see Torrey. Gray, Asa, and J. H. Trumbull, culti- vated plants, II, 1883. Gray, J. E., II, 1875, III, 1875, 76; British Algæ, II, 1866. Gray, Mrs. M. E., III, 1878. Greene, Benj. D., III, 1863. Greene, E. L., II, 1885; Pittonia, II, 1887. Greenland flora, Lange, II, 1882. Greenier, J. C. M., III, 1876. Greville, R., III, 1866. Grevillea, II, 1872. Griffith, J. W., and A. Henfrey, Micro- graphic dictionary, II, 1854, '55, '56. Griffith, W., report on tea plant, II, 1841; posthumous papers, II, 1849. Griffiths, Mrs., III, 1858. Gris, III, 1873. Grisebach, H. R. A., Abuta, II, 1859; Caribees, II, 1858; Cuba, Catalogus plantarum, II, 1867; Climatology, II, 1872; Plantæ Lorentzianæ, II, 1875; Systematic botany, II, 1859; West Indies, II, 1861, '62, '65; Wright's Cuban plants, II, 1861. Gronovius, correspondence, I, 1843. Ground-nut, I, 1876. Growth in tight cases, Ward, II, 1853. Grundriss der botanik, Fresenius, G., II, 1843. Grundzuge der botanik, Unger, II, 1843. Guadalupe island flora, Watson, II, 1876. Guillemin, III, 1842; tea plant, II, 1841. Gumbell, W. T., II, 1852, III, 1859. 1879. Gymnocladus in China, II, 1876. Habenaria fimbriata, I, 1868. Hadley, George, III, 1877. Hackel, E., Festucæ, II, 1883. Haeckel, E., Entwickelungsgeschichte, II, 1876. Hale, T. J., Wisconsin, II, 1861. Hall, E., III, 1884; Collections, Ore- gon, I, 1872, II, 1872, Texas, I, 1873. Hall, E., and Harbour, Rocky mountain plants, I, 1863, II, 1863. Hamamelideæ, wood-cells, Oliver, II, 1862. Hampe, III, 1882, '84. Hanbury, D., III, 1875. 76; Pareira Brava, II, 1873; see Flückiger. Hance, H. F., III, 1887; Intoxicating grass, II, 1876. Handbook of Ferns, Lyell, II, 1870; Collector's handbook, Bailey, II, 1882. Harbour, J. P., see Hall. Harcourt, Helen, II, 1886. Harkness, II, 1885. Harting, see De Vriese. Hartog, M., Sapotaceæ, II, 1878. Hartweg, III, 1872. Harvard University Herbarium, I, 1865, '83. Harvey, W. H., III, 1866; Memoir, II, 1870; Phycologia Australica, II, 1857, '64; Manual of British Algæ. II, 1852; Phycologia Britannica, 11, 1852; Nereis, II, 1852, 53, '59; Thesaurus Capensis, II, 1859-'61, '64, '65. Harvey, W. H., and Sonder, O. W., Flora Capensis, II, 1861, '63, '65. Hasskarl, Commelynaceæ, II, 1870. Heath, Heather, I, 1861, '76. Heath, F. G., Sylvan Winter, II, 1886. Hedycaria dorstenioides, I, 1866. Heer, O., III, 1884; Gingko, II. 1880; Flora fossilis arctica, II, 1872, '77, 79. Helianthus annuus, Gilbrest, II, 1880; H. tuberosus, history, I, 1877. Hematococcus lacustris, Rostafinski, II, 1875. Hemitomes. I, 1857. Hemsley, W. B., II, 1886; North's paintings of plants, II, 1886. Henfrey, A., II, 1859, III, 1860; Ele- mentary Botany, II, 1857, '70'; Ori- gin of Embryo, II, 1857; Rootlets, II, 1859; Structural and Physiologi- cal Botany, II, 1846; Vegetation of Europe, II, 1852; see Griffith. Henry, Joseph, III, 1879. Henslow, G., II, 1886; Estivation, II, .. 1878; Dissections, II, 1879; Evolu- tion, II, 1874; Fertilization, II, 1879. 54 } Henslow, J. S., II, 1858, III, 1862; Elementary Botany, II, 1864. Hepatica, Austin, II, 1874; Check list, Cummings, II, 1885; Spruce, II, 1886; Underwood, II, 1884. Herald, see Seemann. Herbaria, II, 1871; Curtis, II, 1872; European, I, 1841; Harvard Univer- sity, I, 1865, '83; Lamarck, II, 1886; Martins, II, 1870; Tokio, II, 1886. Heredity, Brooks, II, 1884; Naudin, II, 1876. Herrick, Sophie, Wonders of Plant life, II, 1884. Hervey, A. B., see Behrens, and Rau. Hervey, E. W., New Bedford plants, II, 1861. Heterogonous Flowers, I, 1877. Heteromorphism in Epigæa, I, 1876. Hibiscus, I, 1883. Hieracium, Fries, II, 1852. Hiern, W. P., Batrachium, II, 1871; Ebenaceae, II, 1873. Higgins, Cultivation of Mosses, II. 1857. Hildebrand, Fertilization in Grasses, II, 1873. Arctic, II, 1862; Icones Plantarum, II, 1870, 72, 73, '82, '86, '87, see Hooker, W. J.; Flora of British India, II, 1872, 74-76, 78, 79, '83, '86; New Zealand, II, 1852, '54, '55, '65; Primer of Botany, II, 1887; Rhododen- drons, Himalaya, II, 1852; Tasmania, II, 1852, '56, '58, '60; Welwitschia, II, 1863; see Bentham. Hooker, J. D., and J. Ball, Marocco, II, 1879. Hincks, Ferns, II, 1870. Hinds, R. B., and Bentham, Botany of Sulphur, II, 1844. Hine, F. B., Saprolegnier, II, 1879. Histoire des Herbiers, Saint Lager, II, 1886; des Plantes, see Baillon; des Sciences et des Savants, A. De Can- dolle, II, 1873. Hodges, C., Darwinism, II, 1874; The- ology, II, 1874. Hoffmann, H., Sap, II, 1853; Witterung und Wachsthum, II, 1857. Hoffmansegge, III, 1852. Hofmeister, W., II, 1858, III, 1877, '78; Fertilization of Ferns, II, 1855; Zostera, II, 1853. Hogg, II, 1860. Hohenhacher, R. F., III, 1876. Hohenbühel-Heufler, species, II, 1871. Holmes, E. M., Pharmaceutical Museum, II, 1878. Holton, I. F., III, 1874. Homogonous Flowers, I, 1877. Hongkong, Bentham, II, 1861. Hooker, J. D., I, 1881, II, 1848; Voyage to America, II, 1877; Antarctic Flora, II, 1844, '49. '52; Balanoph- oreæ, II, 1858; British Islands, II, 1870, '78, '84; Carnivorous Plants, II, 1874; Cedars of Lebanon, Taurus, Algeria and India, II, 1862; Insec- tivorous plants, II, 1874; Distribution, Hooker, J. D., and C. B. Clarke, Flora of British India, II, 1883. Hooker, J. D., and T. Thompson, II, 1858, '60, '61; Flora Indica, II, 1856, '57. Hooker, Mrs. J. D., III, 1875. Hooker, W. J., III, 1866; Flora Boreali- Americana, II, 1841; British Flora, II, 1842; Chinese Rice-paper plant, II, 1852; Icones Plantarum, II, 1841-'43, '52, '54, see Hooker, J. D.; Journal of Botany, II, 1841, '49.; Species Filicum, II, 1844, '47, '52, '53, '60, '63; Victoria regia, II, 1852. Hooker, W. J., and Arnott, Botany of Beechey's Voyage, II, 1841. Hillebrand, W., III, 1887. Himalaya, Rhododendrons, Hooker, II, Hooker, W. J., and Baker, Synopsis 1852. Filicum, II, 1875. sage) Hooker, W. J., and T. B. Salter, Flora Vectensis, II, 1857. Hoopes, J., III, 1874; Evergreens, II, 1868. Hornschuch, III, 1852. Horse disease, I, 1873. Horsfield, T., III, 1859, '60. Horsfield, Bennett and Brown, Plantæ Javanicæ, II, 1841, '42, '53. Horticultural Exhibition, II, 1866, '67; Royal Hort. Society, II, 1887. Hosackia, I, 1863. Houstonia. Fertilization, I, 1876. How crops feed, Johnson, II, 1870; How plants grow, I, 1858; How plants behave, I, 1872. Huckleberry, I, 1875. Hugel, III, 1872. Hyatt, J., Periodicity in vegetation, II, 1876. Hyatt, A., see Goodale. Hybrids, Naudin and Godron, II, 1865; Lilies, Parkman, II, 1878; Mosses, Philibert, II, 1873. Hydrilleæ, Caspary, II, 1857. Hydrolea, Bennett, II, 1870. Hydrophyllaceæ, I, 1857, 75, II, 1875. Hymenophyllaceæ, II, 1859. Hymenomycetes Europæi, Fries, II, 1875. Hypocotyledonary gemmation, I, 1871. Hypopitys, I, 1884. 55 Iceland Flora, Babington, II, 1870. Icones, Delessert, II, 1846; Index, Pritzel, II, 1870; Muscorum, Sulli- vant, II, 1864, '75; Plantarum, see Hooker. } Ilex, Maximowicz, II, 1882. Illinois, Sphæralcea acerifolia in, I, 1874. Ilysanthes gratioloides, II, 1874. Index, Mueller, II, 1880; Iconum botanicarum, Pritzel, II, 1855, '70; Watson, II, 1878; see Buek, and Lit- | erature. India, Cedars, Hooker, II, 1862; Com- melynaceae Clarke, II, 1870, '75, Hass- karl, II, 1870; Compositæ, II, 1876; Cyperus, Clarke, II, 1884; De Vriese, II, 1858; Flora, Hooker, II, 1852, Hooker and Thomson, II, 1856, '57, Miquel, II, 1856, '58; Flora of British, Hooker, II, 1872, 74-'76, '78, 79, 86, Hooker and Clarke, II, 1883; Forest Flora, Stewart and Brandis, II, 1875; Names of plants, Watson, II, 1869; Oliver, II, 1870; see Bengal. Indian Corn, Sturtevant, II, 1880. Indigofera Caroliniana, Niesler, II, 1857. Ink-plant, II, 1864. Insects, trapping of, I, 1880; Bee, I, 1876; see Fertilization. Insectivorous plants, I, 1874; Darwin, II, 1876; Hooker, II, 1874; see Drosera, etc.. Insular Floras, II, 1885. Inuline, Prantl, II, 1872. Impatiens, Cleistogamy, II, 1877. Iodine, Brand, II, 1843. Itzigsohn, H., III, 1879, '80. Ivesia, I, 1857. Ivy, German, I, 1868. Intoxicating grass, Hance, II, 1876. Invisible Life, Babcock, II, 1884. Iowa Flora, Arthur, II, 1876. Iris, I, 1887; Iridaceæ, Baker, II, 1877. Irmisch, T., III, 1880. Isamau, I. J., Fertilization in Trichos- tema, II, 1878. Isodendrion, I, 1852. Isoetes, Australian, Braun, II, 1870; Engelmann, II, 1882. Italy, Flora, Parlatore, II, 1884, Caruel and Parlatore, II, 1886; Nuovo Gior- nale, Caruel, II, 1876. Jacobi, III, 1876. Jackson, J., Worcester Co., II, 1883. Jahrbuch, Eichler, II, 1882, '85, '87; Engler, II, 1882; Pringsheim, II, 1858. Jahresbericht, Link, II, 1844. Jalisco, Collections from, I, 1887. James, E., III, 1862. James, T. P., III, 1882, '84; see Les- quereux. Jameson, Pseudocentrum, II, 1858. Japan, Collectious from, I, 1857; Flora, I, 1846, II, 1846; Fossil, see Palæon- tology; Herbarium, II, 1886; Maxi- mowicz, II, 1874; Miquel, II, 1867, '68; new species, I, 1859; see U. S. Govt. Jardin des Plantes, II, 1852, '74. Java, Horsfield, II, 1841, '42, '53. Johnson, Laura, and A. Eaton, Botani- cal Teacher, II, 1841. Johnson's Cyclopædia, I, 1874. Johnson, How crops feed, II, 1870. Johnston, J. F. W., Applications of Chemistry and Geology to Agricul- ture, II, 1841. Journal de Botanique, Miquel, II, 1862. Journal of Botany, Botany, II, 1872, '73; Hooker, II, 1841; London, II, 1842; see Caruel. Juglandeæ, Oersted, II, 1871. Juncaceæ, Buchenau, II, 1875, '86; Juncus, Engelmann, II. 1866. Junghuhn, III. 1866; Collections by, II, 1854; and De Vriese, Camphor- tree, II, 1852. Jussieu, Á. de, III, 1853; Cours Élé- mentaire, II, 1843, '44; Elements of Botany, II, 1849; Letters of Linnæus, II, 1854. Jussieu, Madame de, III, 1858. Kalmia, how fertilized, I, 1876; K. lati- folia, I, 1870, '77. Kamel, Manila plants, II, 1886. Kan-sun, a Chinese vegetable, II, 1872, Karsten, H., Flora Columbia, II, 1861. Kellerman, W. A., Elements, II, 1884. | Kellogg. A., III. 1888; Astragalus in- sularis, II, 1884: Phacelia ixodes, II, 1884; see Behr. Kentucky Ferns, Williamson, II, 1878; Trichomanes radicans, I, 1874. Kerguelen's Land, II, 1878; flora, I. 1880. Kew, II, 1886. Kieser, III, 1863. Kindberg, Lepigonum, II, 1864. King, see U. S. Govt. Kingsley, G., Westminster sermons, II, 1874. Kippist, R., II, 1856. Koch, K., III, 1879, '80; dendrology, II, 1876. Koch, W. D. J., III, 1852. Koehler, A., Structural and Systematic Botany, II, 1876. Koehne, E., Lythraceæ, II, 1885. Kotschy, III, 1868. 56 Krok, Valerianæ, II, 1866. Kunkel, electrical currents, II, 1879. Kunth, III, 1852; Enumeratio planta- rum, II, 1841, '44, '52. Kuntze, O., Clematis, II, 1885; phyto- geogenesis, II, 1883; Rubus, II, 1880; Speciesbeschreibung, II, 1880. Kunze, II, 1852, III, 1852; Carices, II, 1841-'43, '52. Kurz, S., III, 1879; forests of Burma, II, 1878; Nicobar islands, II, 1877. Kützing, II, 1852. Labels for trees, II, 1867. Labiata, I, 1872, II, 1849. Lady-slippers, I, 1876. Lagerheim, G., Desmidieæ. II, 1886. Lamarck, herbarium, II, 1886. Lambert, III, 1842. Lamie, J., plants naturalized in France, II, 1886. Lange, J., Greenland flora, II, 1882; Pyroler and Monotropeæ, 1870; seeds, II, 1871. Langlois, A. B., Louisiana, II, 1887. Lantzius-Beninga, III, 1872. Lapham, I. A., III, 1876; Grasses of Wisconsin, II, 1855; destruction of trees, II, 1867. Laurel, see Kalmia. Lasegue, musée botanique, II, 1845. Lavallée, A., III, 1884; Vilmorin on, II, 1886; Arboretum Segrezianum, II, 1877, '81, '83; Clematis, II, 1884. Lawson, Calluna vulgaris, II, 1877; Ox- ford botanists, II, 1870; Ranuncula- ceæ, II, 1871; Rhododendron maxi- mum, II, 1877. Lea, T. G., Cat. Pl. Cincinnati, II, 1849. Leaves, I, 1874; action, Boussingault, II, 1866; anatomy, DeCandolle, II, 1879; Baptisia, I, 1871; inæqui- lateral, Beal, II, 1876; office, I, 1874; fossil, see palæontology; theory, De- Candolle, II, 1868; winding, Wichura, II, 1853. Leavenworth, M. C., III, 1863. Leavenworthia, I, 1880. Lebanon, Cedars of, Hooker, II, 1862. LeConte. J. E., III, 1883; Religion and science. II, 1874. Lecoq, III, 1872. Lectures, I, 1878, '80; Lubbock, II, 1879. Lecythidacea, Miers, III, 1875. Lecoyer, J. C., Thalictrum, II, 1886. Ledebour, III, 1852; Flora Rossica, II, 1842, 43, 47, 48, '52. Legnotideæ, Bentham, II, 1859. Leguminosa, how fertilized, I, 1876. Leidy, J., Fauna and flora within ani- mals, II, 1853. Lejeune, A. L. S., III, 1860. Lehmann, C., II, 1852; Potentillæ, II, 1857. Lehrbuch, see Text-book. LeMaout, Leçons elementaires, II, 1844; and Decaisne, Traité général de bo- tanique, II, 1868; translation, II, 1873. Lenormand, III, 1872. Lepidoptera, variation, mimetic analogy, II, 1863. Lepigonum, Kindberg, II, 1864. Lespedeza, Maximowicz, II, 1874. Lesquereux, L., palæontology of Ar- kansas, II, 1861; fossil plants of Sierra Nevada, II, 1878; Territories, II, 1878; see Sullivant. Lesquereux and James, Mosses, II, 1884. Lessing, III, 1866. Lessingia Germanorum, II, 1866. Lessons, I, 1857; see Elements, and St. Hilaire. Lestibudois, T., III, 1878. Letter to American botanists, I, 1885; to Botanical Club, I, 1886; Linnæus, II, 1854. Levier, Plantes à fourmis, II, 1885. Léveillé, III, 1872. Leyden, Museum, II, 1874; Annales, II, 1864, '67. Lichens, composition, Bornet, II, 1873; Oersted, II, 1873; Schaerer, II, 1852 new views, II, 1874; Nylander, II, 1858; Tuckerman, Cuba, II, 1864, exsiccati, II, 1858, genera, II, 1872, New England, II, 1848. Liebmann, III, 1857. Life, Church, II, 1878; Coues, II, 1884; plant life, II, 1885. Light, action, I, 1880; Darwin, II, 1882. Lignified snake, I, 1882, '83. Liliaceæ, Baker, II, 1870, '71; Elwes, II, 1887; hybridization, Parkman, II, 1878. Limpricht, K. G., Rabenhorst's Krypto- gamen-flora, II, 1885. Lindberg, S. O., Metzgeria and Bryineæ acrocarpæ, II, 1878; Peat-mosses, II, 1882. Lindenberg, II, 1852. Lindheimer, F., III, 1880; collections by, I, 1850; Texan plants, I, 1845. Lindley, II, 1857, III, 1866; Elements, II, 1841; Flora medica, II, 1841; Folia Orchidacea, II, 1853, '54; Or- chids from Cuba, II, 1858; Vegetable Kingdom, II, 1854. Lindley and Grisebach, II, 1862. Lindsay, W., III, 1882. Ling, I, 1876. 57 Link, H. F., III, 1852; Anatomia and | Malesia, Beccari, II, 1879, '83, '84. Jahresbericht, II, 1844. Malvaceæ, androecium, Schroeter, II, 1883. Linnæa, II, 1842, '54, '72. Linnæa borealis, I, 1882. Linnæus, Chinese puzzle, I, 1881; cor- respondence, I, 1843, '54; Systema, Richter, II, 1841. Linnean society, II, 1874; address, Ben- tham, II, 1862, '73; Journal, II, 1856, '62, '65, '68, '73, '75, '78, 79, '82, '86; Transactions, II, 1848, '52, '79. Linum, dimorphism, II, 1863. Literature, see bibliography, Bohnen- sieg, Buek, index, Mueller, Pritzel, Walpers, Watson. Littorella, I, 1880. Liverworts, I, 1848, '56; see Hepaticæ. Lloyd, drugs, II, 1884-'86. Loasella, II, 1887. Lobeliaceæ, I, 1861. Lockwood, E., Mahwa tree, II, 1879. Loco, I, 1878. Loew, E., flowers and insects, II, 1887. Loganiacere, I, 1859; Bentham, II, 1856. Lolium, II, 1873. Longevity of trees, I, 1844. Lonicera grata, I, 1883, '84. Loranthacea, Oliver, II, 1863. Lorentz, P. G., III, 1884; collections, Grisebach, II, 1875. Loudon, Arboretum et fruticetum, II, 1841; Encyclopædia of trees and shrubs, II, 1842. Loudon, Mrs., III, 1859. Louisiana, Langlois, I, 1887. Lowe, Rev. R. T., III, 1875. Lowell, John Amory, III, 1882. Lubbock, J., flowers, fruits and leaves, II, 1886; flowers and insects, II, 1875; lectures, II, 1879; natural history, II, 1884 phytobiological observations, II, 1886. Lupulin, Personne, II, 1855. Lycopodiacea, Spring, II, 1842. Lyell, biography, II, 1882; Ferns, II, 1870. Lynch, aquatic plants and Thladiantha dubia, II, 1887. Lythraceæ, Koehne, II, 1885. Mammoth trees, I, 1854. Mandon, III, 1868. Manila plants, Kamel, II, 1886. Mann, Horace, III, 1869. Mantissa, Endlicher, II, 1842, '44. Manual, I, 1848, '56, '59, '63, '67; Gray, II, 1863, '68; catalogue of plants in, II, 1859; Balfour, II, 1849; Rocky Mountains, Coulter. II, 1886; British Algæ, Harvey, II, 1852; Mosses, Les- quereux and James, II, 1884; South- ern states, Darby, II, 1841. Marattiacea, De Vriese and Harting, II, Mahwa tree, Lockwood, II, 1879. Maine flora, Young, II, 1848. 1855. Marocco, Hooker and Ball, II, 1879. Marshall, Humphrey, memorial of, II, 1850. Marsilia, Braun, II, 1864, '71, '73; M. quadrifolia, I, 1860. Martens, III, 1864. Martius. C. F. P., on Robert Brown, II, 1859; Flora Brasiliensis, II, 1843, '47, '52, 55, 56, 58, '60-'68, '70-'79, '82- '84, 86, '87; Materia medica, Brasil- iensis, II, 1844; herbarium, II, 1870; palæontology of France, II, 1877; Palms, II, 1852. Maryland Mosses and Hepaticæ, I, 1846. Massachusetts, Calluna, I, 1876; Trees and shrubs, Emerson, II, 1847, '75; Amherst plants, II, 1875; Worcester Co. plants, II, 1883. Masters, M. T., II, 1857, '62, '86; botany for beginners, II, 1872; Primulaceæ, II, 1878; teratology, II, 1870. Mastodon, food of, I, 1847. Materia medica, Martius, II, 1844; also see Lindley. Mauritius, flora, Baker, II, 1878. Maw, Crocus, II, 1887. Maximilian, Aroideæ, II, 1880. Maximowicz, C. J., Amur, II, 1860; Asiatic plants, 11, 1882, '86; Coriaria, Ilex and Monochasma, II, 1882; Dia- pensiaceæ, II, 1871; Japan, II, 1874; Lespedeza, II, 1874; pollen, II, 1872 Rhododendreæ, II, 1871; Spiræaceæ, II, 1879. Mackay, III, 1863. May-apples, I, 1867, '74. Mayer and Wolkoff, respiration, II, 1876. McCarthy, see Wood. Macloskie, Elementary botany, II, 1883. Macmillan, H., First forms, II, 1876. Macoun, J., Canadian plants, II, 1878, '85, '87; British Columbia and Rocky mountains, II, 1877. Maggridge, J. T., III, 1875. Magnolia seeds, I, 1855, '58; Miers, II, Meanwhile, what should be done? I, '80. McNab, J., III, 1879; and Dyer, peri- gynium, II, 1874. Mead, S. B., III, 1882, 'S4. 1855. Meat diet for plants, I, 1878. Medical flora, Lindley, II, 1841; index, Pollock, II, 1873; see Martius. 58 Meehan, T., flowers and ferns, II, 1878, | Mitten, II, 1859, '61; bryology, Amer- '79, '80; insect fertilization, II, 1876. Megarrhiza, germination, I, 1877. Meissner, C. F., II, 1856, III, 1874. Melanthaceæ, I, 1837. Melastomaceæ, Triana, II, 1873. Mellichamp, J. F., Sarracenia variolaris, II, 1874. Menodora, I, 1852. Mentzelia ornata, beheading flies, I, Monimiacea, II, 1856. 1879. 1864. Mettenius, III, 1868. Metzgeriæ, Lindberg, II, 1878. Mexican boundary, see U. S. Govt. Mexico, collections from, I, 1861, '85- '87; Compositæ, I, 1879; new Ferns, Eaton, II, 1874; Pyrolex and Mono- tropeæ, II, 1870. Meyer, vegetable physiology, II, 1841. Meyer, C. A., III, 1855. Meyer, E. H. F., III, 1859. Michaux, F. A., III, 1856; grove of oaks, II, 1870; Plantes des Michaux, Brunet, II, 1864; Sylva, II, 1841, '42. Micheli, vegetable physiology, II, 1872. Michener, Ezra, III, 1888. Michigan Pomological Society, II, 1874; Michigan products, II, 1876. Micrographic dictionary, Griffith and Henfrey, II, 1854-'56; on ergot, II, 1855. Microscope, Behrens, II, 1885; Micro- scopic botany, botany, see Babcock, and Herrick. Miers, J., III, 1880; Apocynaceæ, II, 1878; contributions, II, 1872; Bar- ringtoniaceæ, II, 1876; Lecythidaceæ, II, 1875; seeds of Magnolia, II, 1855; South American plants, II, 1858. Milde, III, 1872. ica, II, 1864; Musci Austr-Americani, II, 1870. Menyanthes trifoliata, I, 1875. Mesembrianthemum, I, 1880. Metamorphosis of plants, Goethe, II, Monoptilon, I, 1844. Mimoseæ, Bentham, II, 1875. Mimulus dentatus, I, 1882. Mineralogy, I, 1834. Minnesota Botany, II, 1887; Upham, II, 1884. Miocene, see palæontology. Miquel, F. A. W., III, 1872; India, II, 1856, '58; Japan, II, 1867, '68; Jour- nal de Botanique, II, 1862. Miquel and DeVriese, Plantæ Jung- huhnianæ, II, 1854. Mirabilis, I, 1859. Miscellanea, Bertolini, II, 1852, '55, '57. Mistletoe, I, 1872; Van Tieghem, II, 1872. Mohl, Hugo von, III, 1873; anatomy and physiology, II, 1853; cellulose, II, 1853; chlorophyll, II, 1855; di- morphism, II, 1865; embryo, II, 1856; Sciadopitys verticillata, II, 1871. Molkenboer, II, 1852, III, 1855. Mitchella repens, how fertilized, I, 1876; white berries, I, 1879. Monochasma, Maximowicz, II, 1882. Monocotyledonæ epigynæ, Crüger, II, 1853. Monotropeæ, I, 1857; Lange, II, 1870. Montague, III, 1866. Monterey Pine and Cypress, I, 1885. Montreal, Nat. Hist. Soc. address, Daw- son, II, 1874. Moore, D., III, 1879, '80. Moore, T., II, 1858, '60. Moquin-Tandon, A., III, 1864; Cheno- podeæ, II, 1841; teratology, II, 1841. Moricand, S., III, 1854; Plantes nou- velles ou rares d'Amerique, II, 1847. Moris, Guiseppe, III, 1870. Morphology, I, 1842, '74; Baptisia per- foliata, I, 1871; Goebel, II, 1887; Helianthus, Gilbrest, II, 1880; sta- mens, I, 1867. Morren, C. F. A., III, 1859. Morren, E., III, 1887. Morrow, James, I, 1857. Mosses, I, 1848, '56; Australian, II, 1866; British, Braithwaite, II, 1881, '87; check-list, Cummings, II, 1885; Cuba, II, 1862; cultivation, Higgins, II, 1857; hybridation, Philibert, II, 1873; Icones, Sullivant. II, 1864, '75; iodine in, II, 1843; Lesquereux and James, II, 1884; Lindberg, II, 1882; Mitten, II, 1864, '70; Musci, Alle- ghanienses, I, 1846; Appalachiani, Austin, II, 1871, '72; Austr- A meri- cani, Mitten, II, 1870; Boreali-Amer- icani, Sullivant and Lesquereux, II, 1857, '66; Rau aud Hervey, II, 1880; Sullivant, II, 1875; Venezuela, II, 1879. Moths, trapping of, I, 1880. Mougeot, J. B., III, 1859. Movements, I, 1872, '80; Darwin, II, 1881; Dionæa, DeCandolle, II, 1876; Drosera, Bennett, II, 1873; tendrils, Penhallow, II, 1887. Mueller, C., III, 1872; Ann. Bot. Syst., II, 1862, '65; Cryptogams, II, 1852. Mueller, C., and Walpers, Synopsis plan- tarum, II, 1857; see Walpers. Mueller, F., II, 1858, '59; Flora Aus- traliensis, see Bentham; Fragmenta 59 phytographiæ Australiæ, II, 1859, '76; | Newcomb, Dr., I, 1878. Australian plants, II, 1883; Chatham islands, II, 1866; Eucalyptographia, II, 1879, '85; Eucalyptus, II, 1859; index, II, 1880; Australian mosses, II, 1866; Victoria plants, II, 1864, 179. Mueller, H., fertilization, II, 1883. Mueller, J., anthers, II, 1867; Euphor- bia, II, 1872. Mummies, peas from, I, 1875. Munro, W., II, 1862, III, 1880, '82, '84; Bambusaceæ, II, 1870. Murray, A., III, 1879. Musaratic chapel, I, 1882. Musci, see Mosses. Museum, II, 1879; British national, I, 1859; Leyden, II, 1864, '67, '74; Kew, II, 1886. Mushrooms, Palmer, II, 1885. Mycetozoa, DeBary, II, 1887. Myosurus, I, 1886. Naias major, I, 1865. Nama, I, 1882. Names of herbes, Turner, II, 1882; of plants, II, 1887, Smith, II, 1882; British plants, Prior, II, 1864, 71, '80; Indian plants, Watson, II, 1869. Nathorst, A. G.. fossil leaves, II, 1886; Japan's fossil flora, II, 1883. Natural history, Lubbock, II, 1884; transactions and journals, Bentham, II, 1866; Natural science and reli- gion, I, 1880; Natural selection; see Selection; see religion. Naturalized plants in France, Lamie, II, 1886; South America, Schomburgk, II, 1880; see weeds. Nature, does it forbid providence? I, 1878; uniformity, Newcomb, I, 1878. Naudin, Cucurbita, II, 1857; heredity variability, II, 1876; and Godron, hybrids, II, 1865. Nectar, Wilson, II, 1878. Nees von Esenbeck, C. G., II, 1852, III, 1859; Flora Danica, II, 1854; Flora Germanica, II, 1852, '54. Neisler, pea-nut, II, 1856. Nelumbo lutea, I, 1887. Nemacaulis, I, 1887. Nemacladus, I, 1875. Nereis, Harvey, II, 1852, '53, '59. Nevada, collections from, I, 1865. Neviusia, I, 1859. New Analogy, see religion. New Bedford plants, Hervey, II, 1861. Newberry, J. S., I, 1857; Ohio, II, 1861. New England Lichens, Tuckerman, II, 1848; orchids, Baldwin, II, 1884. New genera, see new species. New Jersey plants, Willis, II, 1874, '77. New Mexico, collections from, I, 1878; Fendler, I, 1849; Thurber, I, 1854; Wright, I, 1852, '53; Nyctaginaceæ, I, 1853; wild potatoes, I, 1856. New species and genera: New genera, I, 1844, '46, '51-54, '59, '71, '73, '76– '78, '80, '84, '85; Engelmann, II, 1859; new parasitic plant, I, 1872; new species, I, 1844-'46, '53, 54, '59, '61, '65, '68, '71-'74, 76, 78, '79, '82, '83, '88; new Compositæ, I, 1879, '83; new species from New York, I, 1835; Scirpus, I, 1864; ferns from Mexico, Eaton, II, 1874; new species, Moricand, II, 1847. New York, new species from, I, 1835; Salina plants, I, 1866; Scolopendrium, I, 1866; see Dudley, Paine, Pursh. New Zealand institute, II, 1885; see Hooker. Newman, E., III, 1877. Nicobar Islands, Kurz, II, 1877. Niesler, Indigofera Caroliniana, II, 1857. Niger flora, Bentham, II, 1852. Nissolia, I, 1861. Nitrates, Nitrogen, Boussingault, II, 1855, '58. Nolte, E. F., III, 1876. Nomenclator botanicus, Steudel, II, 1841; zoologicus. Agassiz, II, 1847. Nomenclature, I, 1864, '67. '68, '79, '80, '82, '87; Bentham, I, 1879, II, 1857; Cogniaux, II, 1877; DeCandolle, II, 1867, '70, '83; Ferns, Hincks, II, 1870; fossil leaves, Nathorst, II, 1886; Saint Lager, II, 1886; varie- ties, I, 1884. North America, see America, North. North Atlantic, see Atlantic. North Carolina, see Carolina. Northern U. S., statistics of the flora, I, 1856. Northrop, B. G., tree-planting, II, 1878. North's paintings of plants, Hemsley, II, 1886. Norwegian flora, immigration, II, 1876. Nostochineæ, Bornet, II, 1876. Notabilia, II, 1870. Notaris, J. de, III, 1877, '78. Notulæ, I, 1880. Nova Scotia, institute, II, 1877; Littor- ella and Schizæa, I, 1880; Sommers, II, 1877. Nuttall, T., II, 1859, '60; Michaux's sylva, II, 1841, '42. Newbould, W. W., III, 1887. New Brunswick plants, Fowler, II, 1885. | Nyctaginaceæ, I, 1853, '59. 60 | Nylander, Synopsis Lichenum, II, 1858. Nyman, C. H., conspectus, II, 1879, '83. Nymphæa flava, I, 1876. Oaks, DeCandolle, II, 1863; Engelmann, II, 1876; Michaux grove, II, 1870; Oersted, II, 1870. Obalaria Virginica, I, 1856. Oersted, III, 1873; Cupuliferæ, Jug- landeæ, II, 1870, '71; Pilze, Lichenen und Algen, II, 1873. Ogle, fertilization, II, 1870. Ogston, poisoning of plants by arsenic, II, 1860. Orchis rotundifolia, I, 1877; Orchis tribe, synonymy, I, 1840. Oregon plants, Hall, I, 1872, II, 1872. Organismes problematiques, Saporta, II, 1885. Ohio plants, see Lea, Newberry. Olive disease, Farlow, II, 1876. Oliver, II, 1857, '59-'61; the anther, II, 1862; Elementary botany, II, 1864; Loranthacea, II, 1863; tropi- cal Africa, II, 1870, 72, '78; wood cells of Hamamelideæ, II, 1862. Olney, S. T., III, 1879. O'Neill, T. W., Darwinism, II, 1880. Onion-smut, Farlow, II, 1877. Orange disease, Farlow, II, 1876. Orchidaceæ, Baldwin, II, 1884; fertili- Palmer, Mushrooms, II, 1885. zation, I, 1862, '63; fertilization, Dar- | Palms, Andersson, II. 1870; Martius, II, 1852; geological distribution, II, 1846. win, II, 1862, '70, 77, '78; Lindley, II, 1853, '54; Lindley, Cuba, II, 1858; Pollen, Reichenbach, II, 1855; struc- ture, I, 1863; Wibbe, II, 1878; see Lady-slippers. Pandaneæ, De Vriese, II, 1854; Pan- danus, Balfour, II, 1879. Parasite, change of habit, II, 1872. Pareira Brava, Hanbury, II, 1873. Paris flora, St. Pierre, II, 1864, '83; Cosson, II, 1883. Parishella Californica, I, 1882. Parker, C. F., III, 1884. Organisms, production of, in closed ves- sels, Child, II, 1865. Organogeny, Payer, II, 1855; Gnetum Gnemon, II, 1877. Organography, I, 1842. Orient, see Asia, and Boissier. Origin of life, Phillips, II, 1861; of the flora of Atlantic N. America, I, 1872; of species, see species; of varieties, II, 1863. Orphanides, T. G., III, 1887. Ostrich Fern, Campbell, II, 1887. Ovules and seeds, Van Tieghem, 1873. Orobanchaceæ, I, 1857. Orotava, Dragon tree, Teneriffe, II, 1868. cleistogenous, I, 1873. Oxytropis, I, 1864, '84. Oyster, J. H., catalogue, II, 1885. Ozone, Daubeny, II, 1867. Pachystima Canbyi, I, 1874. Pacific railroad surveys and exploring expeditions, see U. S. Govt.; botany, Rattan, II, 1887; see California. Pailleux, A., et D. Bois, potager, II, 1885. Owens college addresses, II, 1874. Oxford botanists, Lawson, II, 1870. Oxybaphus, I, 1859; O. nyctagineus, Paine, Oneida county, N. Y., II, 1866. Paleontology: Bowman, Infusoria, II, 1841; British fossil flora, II, 1872; fruits or seeds, Brongniart, II, 1876; Engler, tertiary, II, 1882; Heer, Flora fossilis arctica, II, 1872, 77, '79; Lesquereux, Arkansas, II, 1861, Si- erra Nevada. II, 1878, territories, II, 1878; Martius, France, II, 1877; Nathorst, Japan, II, 1883. fossil leaves, II, 1886; Saporta, II, 1879, Algæ, II, 1883, Miocene, Greece, II, 1875, organismes problematiques, II, 1885, tertiary, I, 1872; Unger, fossil flora, II, 1846, geol. distr. of palms, II, 1846, bildungsperiod, II, 1852; Williamson, Primeval Vegetation, II, 1874. Palmer, E., collections by, I, 1879, '87. Parkman, F., hybridization of Lilies, II, 1878. Parry, Dr. C. C., collections by, I, 1863, 79; Chorizanthe, II, 1884; Mexican boundary, II, 1859; Rocky Mountain flora, II, 1862. Parthenogenesis, II, 1863; in Ferns, II, 1874; Regel, II, 1859. Partridge-berry, I, 1876, '79. Patagonian flora, Ball, II, 1884. Patterson, check-list, II, 1885, '87. II, Paullinia sorbilis, II, 1863. Pax, F., Acer, II, 1886. Paxton, III, 1866. Payer, Organogénie végétale, II, 1855. Peach-stones, Wilkins, II, 1887. Peas from mummies, I, 1875. Pea-nut, Neisler, II, 1856. Pear, II, 1858; blight, Arthur, II, 1887. Peat Mosses, Lindberg, II, 1882. Parlatore, F., III, 1877, '78; cotton, II, 1867; Flora Italiana, II, 1884. '86; eulogy on Webb, II, 1858; see Caruel. Parnassia, I, 1871. 1 61 Peck, report, II, 1872; see Cooke. Pedigrees of flowers, II, 1884. Penhallow, tendrils, II, 1887. Pentstemon, I. 1862; sterile filament, Errera, II, 1879. Peoria flora, Brendel, II, 1883. Pepéracées, DeCandolle, II, 1867. Perigynium, McNab and Dyer, II, 1874. Periodicity in vegetation, Hyatt, II, 1876. Perottet, III, 1872. Personne, Lupulin, II, 1855. Peruvian Andes, flora, Ball, II, 1886. Peyritch, J., Aroideæ Maximilianæ, II, 1880. Pfeiffer, L., III, 1879. Phacelia ixodes, Kellogg, II, 1884. Phænogamia, DeCandolle, II, 1881, '83; Gray, II, 1854; Planchon, II, 1887. Pharmaceutical museum, Holmes, II. 1878. Pharmacographia, Flückiger and Han- bury, II, 1875. Philibert, hybridation in Mosses, II, 1873. Phillips, J., origin of life, II, 1861. Phycologia, see Harvey. Phyllotaxis, I, 1849. Physalis, I, 1874. | Physiological botany, I, 1857, II, 1846, 70; De Vriese, II, 1886; Goodale, II, 1885; Henfrey, II, 1846; Link, II, 1844; Meyer, II, 1841; Micheli, II, 1872; Mohl, II, 1853; Sachs, II, 1887; Vines, II, 1886. Physiological groups, DeCandolle, II, 1874. Phytobiological observations, Lubbock, II, 1886. Phytogamy, II, 1878. Phytogeogenesis, Kuntze, II, 1883. Phytographia Canariensis, Webb, II, 1852. Phytography, DeCandolle, II, 1880; Kuntze, II, 1880. Phytons, I, 1849. Pickering, Charles, III, 1879. Pictet, see DeCandolle. Pilularia, Braun, II, 1864, '71, '73. Pinguicula, Dickson, II, 1870. Pittonia, Greene, II, 1887. Pinus, I, 1885; Engelmann, II, 1880. Planchon, J. E., Phanerogama, II, 1887. Planera aquatica, I, 1868. Plantaginaceæ, I, 1857. Plantain, I, 1876, '78. Plant, analysis, Kellerman, II, 1884; diseases, Farlow, II, 1877; dissection, Arthur, Barues and Coulter, II, 1886; life, II, 1885; names, see Names; plantes à fourmis, Levier, II, 1885. | Pleine Terre, fleurs de, Vilmorin, II, 1864, '68, '71. Pluchea, I, 1882. Podostemacea, Tulasne, II, 1853; Warm- ing, II, 1881, '82. Poeppig, Edward, III, 1869. Point Barrow expedition, see U. S. Govt. Poisonous plants, I, 1878. Polemoniaceæ, I, 1870. Pollen, action, Maximowicz, II, 1872; foreign, I, 1858; Orchidaceæ, II, 1855. Pollock, A., Medicinal plants, II, 1873. Polsdorff, see Wiegmann. Polyembryony, Braun, II, 1861; Stras- burger, II, 1879. Polynesia, I, 1853, '59; Thymeleæ, I, 1865. Polypetalæ, I, 1887, '88; nomenclature, I, 1879. Pomaceæ, Decaisne, II, 1875. Pomology, Enenth, II, 1880. Porto Rico plants, II, 1884. Potamogeton crispus, I, 1860. Potato, sweet, I, 1878; wild, I, 1856; rot, I, 1875. Potentillæ, Lehmann, II, 1857. Prantl, inuline, II, 1872. Presl. III, 1853. Primæval vegetation, see palæontology. Primulaceæ, Masters, II, 1878; Scott, II, 1865; Van Tieghem, II, 1872. Pringsheim, II, 1858; Algae, II, 1856; Jahrbücher, II, 1858. Prior, R. C. A., names of British plants, II, 1864, '71, '80. Pritzel, G. A., III, 1875; index, II, 1855, 70; Thesaurus, II, 1852. Prodromus, Planchon, II, 1887; see De- Candolle. Proserpina, Ruskin, II, 1875. Prothallus, asexual growth from, Far- low, II, 1874. Provancher, Flore Canadienne, II, 1863. Providence, does nature forbid? I, 1878. Pseudocentrum, Jameson, II, 1858. Pteris Cretica, asexual growth of pro- thallus, II, 1874. Purkinje, J. E., III, 1870. Purpose of plant-creation, I, 1856. Pursh, Journal, II, 1870. Pyroleæ, Lange, II, 1870. Pyrus, Decaisne, II, 1872. Rabenhorst, III, 1882, '84; Kryptoga- men-flora, Limpricht, II, 1885. Radicle-ism, I, 1864. Radlkofer, embryo, II, 1856; fecunda- tion, 11, 1858; Serjania, II, 1875, '87. Rafflesiaceæ, Weddell, II, 1852. 62. Rafinesque, C. S., botanical writings, I, | Ribes, I, 1876. 1841. Ralph, II, 1859. Rand, E. S., Rhododendron and Ameri- can plants, II, 1871. Ranunculacea, Canadian, Lawson, II, 1871; Ranunculus, I, 1882, '86; Ba- trachium, II. 1871. Raspail, F. V., III, 1879. Rattan, V., California flora, II 1879, '82; West Coast botany, II, 1887. Rau and Hervey, Musci, 11, 1880. Ravenel, H. W., III, 1888; Fungi Caro- liniani, II, 1852, '53, '61. Redfield, J. H., I, 1879. Redwood reserve, II, 1887. Refugium botanicum, II, 1872, '79. Regel, E., Betulaceæ, II, 1862; Hort. Petropolitani, II, 1873; partheno- genesis, II, 1859; Vitis, II, 1874. Reichenbach, H. G. L., III, 1879, '80; pollen of Orchidea, II, 1855; Refu- gium botanicum, II, 1879. Reinwardt, III, 1854. Reissek, III, 1872. Religion, evangelical, vs. evolution, 1, 1882; evolution and theology, II, 1874; religion and science, I, 1880; natural theology, I, 1860, '83, II, 1860; future life, II, 1878; Celariens, New analogy, II, 1882; Drummond, Natural law in the spiritual world, II, 1884; Fiske, Destiny of man, II, 1884; Goodwin, Science and faith, II, 1884; Graham, Crced of science, II, 1882; Hodges, Darwinism, II, 1874, Systematic theology, II, 1874; Kings- ley, Westminster sermons, II, 1874; LeConte, Religion and science, II, 1874; Wright, Christian evidences, II, 1880; see Darwinism; evolution; nature; selection. Renault, B., Botryopteris Forensis, II, 1876. Repertorium, see Bohnenzieg, Walpers. Reproduction, in the Alga, Pringsheim, II, 1856; Primulacea, Scott, II, 1865. Resinous matters, DeVriese, II, 1882. Respiration, Mayer and Wolkoff, II, 1876. Reuter, III, 1873. Revista botanica, Delpino, II, 1879. Revue Mycologique, II, 1879. Reynosia latifolia, I, 1879. Rhododendreæ Asia, Maximowicz, II, 1871; Rhododendrons, Rand, II, 1871; Himalaya, Hooker, II, 1852; R. (Aza- lea) Vaseyi, I, 1883; R. maximum, Lawson, II, 1877. Rhytidandra, I, 1854, '62. Rhynchospora, I, 1834. Rice-paper plant, Hooker, II, 1852. Richard, M. A., III, 1853; Cuba, II, 1852. Richardson, III, 1866. Richella, I, 1852. Richter, Linnæus' systema, II, 1841. Riddell, III, 1866. Ridgeway, R., treos, II, 1882. Ridley, II, 1886. Robbins, J. W., III, 1879, '80. Robinia hispida, I, 1867, '68. Robinson, J., Ferns, II, 1878. Rocky Mountains, collections from, I, 1863; Hall and Harbour, II, 1863; Parry, I, 1862; new Compositæ, I, 1844; flora, Parry, II, 1862; Macoun, II, 1877; Manual, Coulter, II, 1886; vegetation, I, 1881. Roeper, J. A. C., III, 1886. | Rohrbach, III, 1872. | Rootlets, Henfrey, II, 1859; Virginia creeper, II, 1863. Roots and "yarbs," I, 1879. Rosa, Crépin, II, 1876. Rosaceæ, I, 1859. Rostafinski, Hematococcus lacustris, II, 1875. ► Rothrock, 100th meridian, II, 1879. Royle, J. F., III, 1858. Rubiaceæ, 1, 1858. Rubus, Kuntze, II, 1880; R. deliciosus, I, 1873; R. Idæus, II, 1873. Rudolph, Pflanzengeographie, II, 1870. Rumex Britannica, I, 1872. Rumford medal, I, 1866. Ruppia maritima, I, 1865. Ruprecht, III, 1872; Caucasus, II, 1870; Russia, II, 1847. Ruskin, Proserpina, II, 1875. Russell, J. L., III, 1874. Russia, flora, Ledebour, II, 1842, '43, '47, 48, '52; Ruprecht, II, 1847; Trautvetter, II, 1847. Sachs, text-book, II, 1875; physiology, II, 1887. Sagra. III, 1872. Saint Clair, G., Darwinism, II, 1874. Saint Hilaire, A. de, Leçons de botan- ique, II, 1841. Saint Lager, Histoire des herbiers, II, 1886; nomenclature, II, 1886. Saint Louis Academy, II, 1863; Engel- mann, II, 1878. Saint Petersburg, Acta, II, 1887; con- gress, II, 1887; plants, Fischer and Meyer, II, 1847; Regel, II, 1873. Saint Pierre, Paris, II, 1864; see Cosson. Salad for the Solitary, II, 1854. Salisbury, genera of plants, II, 1866. 63 Salix, Andersson, II, 1858, '67; Wim- Schott, III, 1866; Aroideæ, II, 1862. mer, II, 1867; see willow. Schroeter, Malvacea, II, 1883. Salm-Dyck, Prince, III, 1862. Schultz, C. H., III, 1868. Salter, T. B., see Hooker, W. J. Schultz-Schultzenstein, III, 1872. Sambucus Canadensis, I, 1867, '68. Schwann, T., III, 1882 Samuels, E., I, 1859. Sciadopitys verticillata, Moh!, II, 1871. Science, consolations of, Straub, II, 1884; history of, DeCandolle, II, 1885; ladders, D'Anvers, II, 1884; teaching, Goodale and Hyatt, II, 1879; see religion. Sandal-wood, I, 1859. Sandwich Islands, Compositæ, I, 1849, '52; sandal-wood, I, 1859. San Francisco plants, Behr, II, 1884. Sanguinaria, three-flowered, I, 1877. San Juan, see U. S. Govt. San Louis Potosi, collections, I, 1875. Santa Barbara weeds, I, 1879. Santalaceæ, I, 1846; Van Tieghem, II, 1872; Santalum, I, 1859. Sap, circulation, Hoffmann, II, 1853. Sapindaceæ, Radlkofer, II, 1875. Saporta, Marquis de, Algues fossiles, II, 1883; archæology, II, 1879; miocene, Greece, II, 1875; Organismes prob- lematiques, II, 1885. Sapotaceæ, Hartog, II, 1878. Saprolegnies, Hine, II, 1879. Sargent, C. S., prizes for arboriculture, II, 1876; forests, II, 1885; Michaux, I, 1886; tree-planting, II, 1876, '78; woods, II, 1885. Sarracenia, fly-catching in, I, 1873; S. purpurea, II, 1878; S. variolaris, Mellichamp, II, 1874. Sarraceniaceæ, Zipperer, II, 1885. Sartwell, H. P., III, 1868. Saunders, Refugium botanicum, II, 1872. Saxifraga, I, 1884; S. Virginiensis, I, 1868, '77: Saxifragacem, stipules, I, 1883. Saxony, King of, III, 1854. Scandinavia, Summa Veg., Fries, II, 1852. Schacht, III, 1866; embryo, II, 1856; pflanzenzelle, II, 1853. Schaerer, Lichens, II, 1852. Schauer, III, 1852. Scheele, III, 1866. Scheutz. Geum, II, 1872. Selection, Darwin, II, 1860; DeCan- dolle, II, 1886; Williamson, II, 1874; and theology, I, 1883; see religion. Self-fertilization, see fertilization. Sequoia, I, 1872. Serjania, Radlkofer, II, 1887. Sertum Chihauhuense, I, 1886, '87; Sertum Petropolitanum, Fisher and Meyer, II, 1847; Sertum plantarum, Fielding and Gardiner, II, 1844. Seubert, III, 1879. Schizocodon, I, 1868. Schkuhr, Chr., Carices, II, 1841-43, '52; Sexual reproduction in the lower Crypt- Lichens, II, 1852. Schlechtendal, III, 1868. ogamia, Thuret, II, 1855. Seychelles, Flora of, Baker, II, 1878. Schimper, W. P., II, 1852, III, 1879, '82, 84. Schizæa, I, 1880. Scirpeæ, Boeckeler, II, 1870; Scirpus, subradical flowers in, I, 1876; S. Canbyi and S. Clintonii, I, 1864; S. supinus, I, 1878. Scleria, Britton, II, 1885. Scolopendrium officinarum, I, 1866. Scott, J., Tree-ferns, II, 1875; Primu- laceæ, II, 1865. Scrophulariaceæ, I, 1857, '59; Scrophu- laria nodosa, fertilization, I, 1871. Scutia ferrea, I, 1879. Schweinitzian herbarium, II, 1853. Sedum reflexum, I, 1876. Seeds; does sea water kill? Darwin, II, 1855; endure cold, DeCandolle and Pictet, II, 1880; floating, I, 1876; form and structure, Lange, II, 1871; improvement, Vilmorin, II, 1859; Magnolia, I, 1855, Miers, II, 1855; venation of coats, VanTieghem, II, 1873; latent vitality, Van Tieghem and Bonnier, II, 1882. Seemann, B.. II, 1857, III, 1872 Botany of the Herald, II, 1852-'55, '57, '58; Fijian collections, I, 1861, '62; Flora Vitiensis, II, 1866, '70, '73. Segrez, arboretum, Lavallée, II, 1877, '81, '83. i | II, 1841; S. American weeds, II, 1880. School and field book of botany, I, 1868. Schleiden, M. J., III, 1882, '84; vegeta- Shaw, sheep-grazing, effect on vegeta- tion, II, 1874. ble world, II, 1855. Schuitzlein, III, 1869. Schoenolirion, I. 1876. Shepherd, N., Darwinism, II, 1884. Short, C. W., II, 1863, III, 1863. Shortia, I, 1868, '78, '86. Schomburgk, III, 1866; arrow poison, Shrubs, see trees. Shuttleworth, R., II, 1852, '74. Sierra Nevada, see palæontology. 64 Sikkim, Tree forns, Scott, II, 1875. Silene, Watson, II, 1875. Silphium albiflorum, II, 1887. Sinistrorse, I, 1877. Smith, H. H., Brazil, II, 1880. Smith, John, Historia Filicum, II, 1878; Subradical flowers, I, 1876. names of plants, II, 1882. Smith, Lady, III, 1877. Smith, Pleasance, III, 1878. Smithsonian Institution, I, 1855. Solidago, T, 1882. Sommers, Nova Scotia plants, II, 1877. Sonder, O. W., III, 1884; see Harvey. Sonoma county, California, I, 1859. Sonora, Thurber, I, 1854; Wright, I, 1853. South Africa, see Africa, South. South America, seo America, South; soo Mitten. | Southern states, Chapman, II, 1860, '83; Darby, H, 1841, '55. Sowerby, III, 1872. Spach, E., III, 1880. Species, I, 1863; Algarum, Agardh, 11, 1864; derivation of, Hohenbühel- Heufler, II, 1871; Filicum, see Ferns; not transmutable, II, 1861; origin of, I, 1860; Darwin, II, 1860; see new. Sphæralcea acerifolia, I, 1874. Sphagnum, Lindberg, II, 1882. Spicilegia Gorgonica, Webb, II, 1852. Spigelia Marilandica, I, 1841. Spinner, see Nees. Streptanthus, I, 1864. Structural Botany, I, 1842; Henfrey, II, 1846; Koehler, II, 1876. Sturm, III, 1852, '66. Sturtevant, E. L., Indian corn, II, 1880. Succossion of species, I, 1863; DeCan- dolle, II, 1863. Suckley, G., see U. S. Govt. Sullivant, W. S., I, 1846, '48, II, 1873, III, 1873, '74; mosses, etc., in Gray's manual, I, 1856; Icones Muscorum, II, 1864, '75;—and Lesquereux, Mus- ci, II, 1857, '66. Sulphur, Botany of tho, Hinds and Bentham, II, 1844. Sumatra Camphor-tree, II, 1852. Sunflowers, movement of androecium, I, 1884. Sylva, Nuttall, II, 1841, '42. Sylvan winter, Heath, II, 1886. Sympetaleia, II, 1887. Symphoricarpus, I, 1875. Synopsis Filicum, Hooker and Baker, II, 1875; Lichenum, Nylander, II, 1858; Glumacearum, Steudel, II, 1854, '56; plantarum, Mueller, C., and Walpers, II, 1857. Synoptical Flora, I, 1878, '84; Gray, II, 1878, '84. Synthlipsis, I, 1859. Systematic botany, I, 1842; Grisebach, II, 1859; Koehler, II, 1876; prog- ress, Bentham, II, 1875. Spiræacea, Maximowicz, II, 1879. Spiranthes Romanzoviana, I, 1873 Spongiada, Bowerbank, II, 1858. Spontaneous generation, I, 1875; Child, II, 1865. Sprague, Isaac, I, 1848; and G. L. Good- ale, wild flowers, II, 1877, '84. Spring. A. F., III, 1873; Lycopodiacea, II, 1842. Spruce, R., 11, 1859, '60; Asteranthos, II. 1859; Hepaticæ, II, 1886. Squier, E. G., tropical fibres, II, 1862. Stamens, I, 1867; Staminody, I, 1870. Starch in chlorophyll-grains, II, 1875. Statistics of U. S. flora, I, 1856. Steele, J. D., see Wood. Steel-trap, vegetable, I, 1874. Steetz, III, 1863. Steudel, III, 1857; Glumaceæ, II, 1854, Teneriffe, Dragon-tree, II, 1868. '56; Nomenclator, II, 1841. Steven, III, 1864. Stewart and Brandis, India, II, 1875. Stocks, III, 1855. Strasburger, heterogeneous grafting, II, 1886; polyembryony, II, 1879. Straub, Consolations of science, II, 1884. Targioui-Tozetti, III, 1858. Talks afield, Bailey, II, 1885. Tampico jalap, II, 1870. Tasmania, flora, Hooker, II, 1852, '56, '58, '60. Tatnall, E., Newcastle Co., Delaware, II, 1861. Taurus, Cedars, Hooker, II, 1862. Taxonomy, Caruol, II, 1884. Tea plant, Griffith, II, 1841; Guillemin, II, 1841; American, II, 1863. Temperature, effects of, DeCandolle, II, 1875; and growth, Hoffman, II, 1857. Tendrils, coiling, I, 1858; DeCandolle, II, 1877; movements in Curcurbita, Penhallow, II, 1887. Tennessee plants, I, 1880; Gattinger, II, 1887; Yellow-wood, I, 1865. Tenore, III, 1862. Teratology, Masters, II, 1870; Moquin- Tandon, II, 1841. Territories, fossil flora, Lesquereux, II. 1878; natural history, Suckley and Cooper, II, 1860. 65 Terminology of æstivation, I, 1875. Tertiary, see palæontology. Teschemacher, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 1841. Tetralea, I, 1853. Tetratheca, I, 1852. Texas, collections by Buckley, I, 1862; Hall, I, 1873; Lindheimer, I, 1845; Wright, I, 1852, 53, II, 1853; new Compositæ, I, 1846; Nyctaginaceæ, I, 1852; wild potatoes, I, 1856. Text-book, I, 1842; Bischoff, II, 1843; Sachs, II, 1875; see Goodale. Textile plant, II, 1873. Thalictrum, Lecoyer, II, 1886. Thallophytes, Dyer, II, 1875. Thelesperma, I, 1849. vey. Thladiantha dubia, Lynch, II, 1887. Thistles, I, 1874. Theology, see religion. Trilisa, I, 1884. Thesaurus, Pritzel, II, 1852; see Har- Trillium, anthers, I, 1876; T. grandi- florum, I, 1878. Trimen, H., catalogue, II, 1885. Trimorphism, II, 1865. Thompson, D. W., II, 1883. Trinidad, Ferns, Fendler, II, 1878. Thompson, T., II, 1858, III, 1878, '79; Tristan, J. M. C., Marquis de, III, 1862. see Hooker. Thurber, collections by, I, 1854. Thuret, III, 1875, '76; sketch by Bornet, II, 1876; Cryptogamia, II, 1855; garden at Antibes, II, 1878. Thwaites, G. H. K., III, 1884; Plantæ Triticum, DeCandolle, II, 1887. Trumbull, J. H., I, 1877; see Gray. Tuberiform productions from China, Berkeley, II, 1859. Tuckerman, E., III, 1887; Carices, II, 1843; Lichens of Cuba, II, 1864; Lichenes exsiccati, II. 1858; Genera Lichenum, II, 1872; Lichens of New England, II, 1848; plants of Amherst, II, 1875. Zeylaniæ, II, 1860, '62, '65. Thymeleæ, Polynesia, I, 1865. Tiarella cordifolia, I, 1886. Tilesius, W. G., III, 1858. Tillandsia usneoides, I, 1868. Todaro, Gossypium, II, 1878. Tokio, Herbarium, II, 1886. Toledo, cathedral, I, 1882. Tolmiæa Menziesii, I, 1876. Tolmie, W., III, 1887, '88. Tommasini, J. S., III, 1884. Topography, influence of, Cooper, II, 1874. Torrey, John, I, 1855, '57, '70, '83, III, 1873, 74; Ammobroma Sonoræ, II, 1865, '70; Batis maritima, II, 1853; Darlingtonia Californica. II, 1853; Mexican boundary, II, 1859; Plantæ Fremontianæ, II, 1853. Torrey, J., and Gray, Flora of North America, I, 1838, II, 1841. Torrey Botanical Club, Bulletin of, II, 1870. Torreya, I, 1875. Townsend, D., III, 1859. Trautvetter, Flora Rossica, II, 1847. Treadwell, I, 1866. 1876; culture, II, 1882; distribution, Cooper, II, 1860; how they grow tall, I, 1874; mammoth, I, 1854; plant- ing, Northrop, II, 1878, Sargent, II, 1876, '78; trees and shrubs, Loudon, II, 1842; of the ancients, Daubeny, II, 1866; Massachusetts, Emerson, II, 1847, '75. Tree Ferns, Sikkim, Scott, II, 1875. Treviranus, III, 1866. Triana, Melastomaceæ, II, 1873. Trichomanes, I, 1853; T. radicans, I, 1859, '74. Trichostema, fertilization, Isaman, II, 1878. Trifolium pratense, how fertilized, I, 1876. Trecul, cells, II, 1855. Trees, age, I, 1844, '54; Browne, II, 1846; California, I, 1857; DeCan- dolle, II, 1876; catalogue, Vasey, II, Tulasne, L. R. and C., III, 1886. Tulasne, L. R., Monimiacere, II, 1856; Podostemaceæ, II, 1853; Uredine and Ustilagineæ, II, 1855. Tulipeæ, Baker, II, 1874. Turczaninow, III, 1866. Turner, D., III, 1859. Turner, W., names of herbes, II, 1882. Tyndall, on Mistletoe II, 1874. Tweedie, III, 1863. Underwood, L. M., Hepaticæ, II, 1884. Unger, III, 1870, '72; Grundzüge der Botanik, II, 1843; Japanese flora, II, 1846; see palæontology. United States Government Explorations and Surveys: Black Hills, I, 1880; Commander Islands, I, 1885; Exploring Expedition, I, 1846; new genera, I, 1852, '53; Phanerogamia, I, 1854, II, 1854; North Pacific, Japan, I, 1857, '59; South Pacific, I, 1858, '61, II, 1874; Ives' expedition, I, 1860; King's survey, Watson, II, 1872; Mexican boundary, I, 1854, '59, II, 1859, '62; Pacific railroad surveys, I, 1855, '57, '60; natural history, Suckley 66 1 and Cooper, II, 1860; Point Barrow, | Vines, S. H., physiology of plants, II, I, 1885; Rothrock, II, 1879; San Juan reconnaissance, I, 1878. 1886; see Bower. Violacea, I, 1852, '86. Visiani, R. de, III, 1879. Vitian Islands, I, 1862; see Seemann; Upham, W., flora of Minnesota, II, 1884. Virginia, Arundo Donax in, I, 1874. Urari, Schomburgk, II, 1841. Uredineæ, Tulasne, II, 1855. Urtica dioica, Gravis, II, 1885. Urticeæ, Weddell, II, 1858. Useful plants, Darlington, II, 1859. Ustilagineæ, Tulasne, II, 1855. Utricularia, I, 1885; U. vulgaris, Com- stock, II, 1876. menophyllaceæ, II, 1859. Van Tieghem, Coniferæ, II, 1872; Cy- cadaceæ, II, 1872; Gnetaceæ, II, 1872; Gramineæ, II, 1873; Mistle- toe, II, 1872; ovules and seeds, II, 1873; pistil in Primulaceæ, II, 1872; Santalaceæ, II, 1872;-and G. Bon- nier, seeds, II, 1882. Vargas as a botanist, E. Ernst, II, 1878. Variability, Naudin, II, 1876; Varia- tion, I, 1863; Carpenter, II, 1884; DeCandolle, II, 1863; in Lepidoptera, II, 1863; see Bree. Varieties, do they wear out? I, 1874; origin of, II, 1863. Vasey, G., forest trees, II, 1876; grasses, II, 1883, '84. Vaccinium macrocarpon, I, 1879. Valerianæ, Krok, II, 1866. Wallich, Dr., III, 1854. Vallisneria spiralis, Chatin, II, 1857. Vancouveria, I, 1886. Van den Bosch, R. B., III, 1862: Hy- Wallroth, F. W., III, 1858. Wallman, J., Characées, II, 1858. Vavæa, I, 1854. Veatchia, I, 1884, II, 1884. Vegetable, embryos, Briosi, II, 1882; kingdom, Engler. II, 1883; kingdom, Lindley, II, 1854; physiology, see physiological botany; steel-trap, I, 1874; world, Schleiden, II, 1855. Vegetables, Pailleux et D. Bois, II, 1885; Vilmorin, II, 1883. Vegetation, chemistry of, I, 1845; first forms in, Macmillan, II, 1876. Veitch, J., and son, Coniferæ, II, 1882. Venation, Beal, II, 1876. Venezuela Mosses, Fendler, II, 1879. Verbenaceæ, I, 1853. Vicia, DeCandolle, II, 1887. Victoria, plants of, Mueller, II, 1864,'79. Victoria regia, Allen, II, 1854; Hooker, II, 1852. see Feejee. Vitis, Durand, II, 1863; Regel, II, 1874; see grape. Vogel, III, 1842. Villarsia, I, 1874. Vilmorin, L., on Alphonse Lavallée, II, 1886; amelioration des plantes par le semis, II, 1859; Blés, II, 1882; Fleurs de Pleine Terre, II, 1864, '68, '71; potageres, II, 1883. Vincetoxicum, I, 1883. Wahlenberg, III, 1852. Walker, G. A., III, 1869. Wallace, A. R., Epping forest, II, 1878, '79. Walpers, G. G., Repertorium, II, 1844; Annales, II, 1853, '58-'60; see Muel- ler. Ward, L. F., Washington flora, II, 1882. Ward, N. B., III, 1868, '69; growth in tight cases, II, 1853. Ward, R. H., see Behrens. Warming. E., entomophilous flowers, II, 1887; Euphorbia, II, 1872; Podo- stemaceæ, II, 1881, '82. Wartenberg, I, 1861. Washington flora, Ward, II, 1882. Watson, H. C., III, 1884. Watson. J. F., names of Indian plants, II, 1869. Watson, S., Ceanothus, II, 1875; Chen- opodiaceæ, II, 1874; Contributions, II, 1874, '76, '79, '82, '83, '85; Guada- lupe Island, II. 1876; index, II, 1878; Silene, II, 1875; see Brewer, see U. S. Govt. Webb, P. B., III, 1854; eulogy by Par- latore, II, 1858; Phytographia Cana- riensis, II, 1852; Spicilegia Gorgonica, II, 1852. Weddell, H. A., III, 1877, 78; Bala- nophoreæ, II, 1852; Chloris Andina, II, 1862; Cinchona, II, 1852; Cyno- morium coccineum, II, 1862; Urticeæ, II, 1858. Weeds, I, 1879; Darlington, II, 1859; South America, Schomburgk, II, 1880. Wellingtonia, Decaisne, II, 1855. Welwitsch, F., II, 1861, III, 1873; Sertum Angolense, II, 1872. Welwitschia, Hooker, II, 1863; W. mirabilis, II, 1865. Wenderoth, G. W. F., III, 1862. Wenzig, Th., Fraxinus, II, 1883. West Chester Co. Flora, Darlington, II, 1853. West Indies, explorations, II, 1880; see Grisebach. 67 1882; from Western plants, I, 1878. Westminster Sermons, see religion. Wheat, Vilmorin, II, Egilops, Dunal, II, 1855. Wibbe, orchids, II, 1878. Wichura, winding of leaves, II, 1853. Wiegmann and Polsdorff, carbonic acid from roots, II, 1843. Wigand, J. W. A., III, 1887. Wight, R., III, 1873. Wight, Isle of, see Bromfield, see Hooker. Wild flowers, Sprague and Goodale, II, 1877, '84. Wilkes, see U. S. Govt. Wilkins, peach-stones, II, 1887. Williamson, J., III, 1885; ferns of Ken- tucky, II, 1878. Williamson, W. C., evolution, II, 1874. Willis, O. R., New Jersey plants, II, 1874, 77. Willow, weeping, II, 1873. Wilmington flora, Wood and McCarthy, II, 1887. Wilson, A. S., nectar, II, 1878. Wilson, J. H., DeCandolle, Elements, II, 1849. Wolkoff, see Mayer, Wonders of plant life, Herrick, II, 1884. Wood, A., III, 1882, '84; Class book, II, 1861; and Steele, fourteen weeks course, II, 1879. Wood, H. C., fresh-water Algæ, II, 1873. 1 Wood, J., II, 1858. Wood, T. F., on M. A. Curtis, II, 1886. Wood and McCarthy, Wilmington flora, II, 1887. Wood-cells of Hamamelideæ, Oliver, II, 1862. Wilde, Equisetaceæ, II, 1864. Wikström, III, 1857; progress of botany, Worcester Co. plants, Jackson, II, 1883. JI, 1841, '42. Wright, Charles, III, 1885, '86; collec- tions by, I, 1852, '53; Cuban plants, II, 1860, Grisebach, II, 1861; Cuban Mosses, II, 1862; Filices, Eaton, II, 1861; see U. S. Govt. Wright, G. F., Christian evidences, II, 1880. Woods, Sargent, II, 1885. Woodsia Ilvensis, I, 1874. Wurtz, theory of atoms, II, 1874. Wyman, J., III, 1874. Xantus, collections by, I, 1859, '61. Yale College, Lecture, I, 1880; cata- logue of plants, II, 1878. Yellow-wood, I, 1865. Young, A., Maine flora, II, 1848. Yucca, Engelmann, II, 1873; Y. glori- osa, I, 1874. Wilson, P. B., Diatoms, II, 1876. Wilson, Wm., III, 1872. Wimmer, Salix, II, 1867. Winchell, A., evolution, II, 1874. Winding of leaves, Wichura, II, 1853. Winterbottom, III, 1855. Wisconsin flora, II, 1861; Grasses, Lap- ham, II, 1855; destruction of trees, Lapham, II, 1867. Witch-hazel, II, 1873. Wittrock, V. B., Erythrææ, II, 1884, Zoology, I, 1876. '86. Zanardini, G., III, 1879. Zelée, II, 1852. Zeyher, C., III, 1859. Zipperer, P., Sarraceniaceæ, II, 1885. Zizania aquatica, II, 1873. Zostera, Hofmeister, II, 1853. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06445 8857 ADDITIONS. I. Preface to Amer. Ed. of Darwin's Animals and Plants under Domestication, pp: iii-iv (March, 1868). Phanerogamia of Pacific North America [of the United States Exploring Ex- pedition], by John Torrey (edited by Asa Gray). Washington, 1873. 4, pp. 205-514. Prof. Virchow vs. Advanced German Evolutionists. Independent, March 24, 1878. Editorial Preface to "The Botanical works of the late George Engelmann; edited by William Trelease and Asa Gray,” pp. i-ii (March, 1887). Science and Immortality. Christian Register, April 7, 1887. [Science and Immortality; The Christian Register Symposium. Ed. by S. J. Barrows. 14-15]. pp. II. 1877. Botanical Notices. Lavallée's Arboretum Segrezianum; Eaton's Ferns, part 1; Davenport's Notes on Botrychium simplex. Nation, xxv, 395. 1878. Notice of Watson's Bibliographical Index. Nation, xxvi, 240. III. 1886. Memorial of Edward Tuckerman. Proc. Am. Acad., xxi, 539–547. [Am. J. Sci. III, xxxii, 1-7.] (C CORRECTIONS. I. 1874. For "Pachystigma " read "Pachystima.” II. 1852. For "Schærer" read "Schaerer." 1864. For Olivier's" read "Oliver's." Oliver's." For "Brown" on Marsilia, etc. read "Braun." For "Brown 1873. For "Ersted" read "Oersted." 1876. For "A. B. Clarke " read "C. B. Clarke." 1878. For "A. E. Caracas," etc., read "A. Ernst, Vargas considerado como Botanico." 1882. For Englemann " read "Engelmann." 1883. For "Häckel" read "Hackel." For "Kunze" read "Kuntze." III. 1857. Read "G. Don," and "Liebmann." 1860. Read "Lejeune." 1874. The sketch of Charles Robert Darwin was first published in " June 4. "Nature," 1884. The Memorial of George Engelmann is reprinted in "The works of the late George Engelmann," pp. iii-vi. 1885. The Memorial of George Bentham first appeared in Proc. Am. Acad., xx, 527-538.