18:17 3. • ARTES LIBRARY TH VERITAS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SECULT TO UNUM TCEBOR CIRCUMSPICE SCIENTIA OF THE m *SAPRONS THE GIFT OF Mrs. G. F. Allmandinger PRO TC 50 M94 FIRST LINES OF ZOOLO G Y, BY QUESTION AND ANSWER: FOR THE USE OF THE YOUNG. PART I.-MAMMALIA. PART II-BIRDS. PART III.-FISHES. PART IV.-REPTILES. Play IN SEVEN PARTS. PART V.-INSECTS. PART VI.-MOLLUSCA. PART VII.-CRUSTACEA, BY ROBERT MUDIE. ETC. ETC. LONDON : WHITTAKER, TREACHER, AND CO., AVE-MARIA LANE. 1831. LONDON: HENRY BAYLIS, JOHNSON'S-COURT, FLEET-STREET. Ap Mrs. B. & merdiveer 3-10 Athens The worst he DATES Weration d NOTICE. WORKS on Natural History for the use of young persons, are but too commonly faulty in more respects than one. They consist of mere scraps of description, generally exaggerated, and of little use if they were true; or they present the mere technicalities of an artificial system, in an unknown tongue, and thus make the real knowledge of the subject appear twice as formidable as it actually is, by adding an unexplained name to an undescribed reality. In this little work I have attempted to avoid both these errors, and tried to blend some science with some description; but the object has all along been to inculcate principles, rather than to enter into details. The system of a work which, in so small a compass, touches upon so many subjects, is not a matter for severe criticism. Indeed, there is no one system, in any of the departments of Zoology, or indeed in any branch of Natural History, upon which one who really understands the subject will iv NOTICE. be very dogmatical. Much has to be learned, and something to be forgotten, before the systems of the observers of Nature can be expected to agree with that of Nature's Almighty Author. To those who have been accustomed to pass over many subjects by rote without understanding one of them, there may seem to be little in these pages ; but that the progress of elementary education may be sure, it must be slow. KEW, June 1, 1831. R. M. 12. + RODENTIA UNIV MICH OF CARNAS QUADRUMANA SANTA C Many AAA meltkat S