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A., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge; being the Third Part of the Bridgewater Treatises on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation. The series of Treatises, of which the present is one, is publish- ed under the following circumstances:— The Right Honourable and Rev. FRANCIs HENRY, Earl of Bridge- water, died in the month of February, 1825; he directed certain trustees therein named, to invest in the public funds, the sum of eight thousand pounds sterling; this sum, with the accruing divi- dends thereon, to be held at the disposal of the President, for the time being, of the Royal Society of London, to be paid to the person or persons nominated by him. The Testator farther directed, that the person or persons selected by the said Presi- dent, should be appointed to write, print and publish one thou- sand copies of a work, on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation; illustrating such work, by all reasonable arguments, as, for instance, the variety and formation of God’s creatures in the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral King- doms; the effect of digestion, and, thereby, of conversion; the construction of the hand of man, and an infinite variety of other arguments; as also by discoveries, ancient and modern, in arts, sciences, and the whole extent of literature. He desired, moreover, that the profits arising from the sale cf the works so published, should be paid to the authors of the works. The late President of the Royal Society, DAVIES GILBERT, Esq., requested the assistance of his Grace, the Archbishop of Canter- bury, and of the Bishop of London, in determining upon the best mode of carrying into effect, the intentions of the Testator. Acting with their advice, and with the concurrence of a noble- man immediately connected with the deceased, Mr. Davies Gil- bert appointed the following eight gentlemen to write separate Treatises in the different branches of the subjects here stated:— I. The Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intel- lectual Constitution of Man, by the Rev. THOMAS CHALMERs. D.D., Professor of Divinity in the University of Edinburgh. II. The Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condi- tion of Man, by John KIDD, M.D., F. R. S., Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Oxford. * III. Astronomy and General Physics, considered with reference to Natural Theology, by the Rev. WILLIAM WHEwBL.L., M. A., P. R. S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. IV. The Hand: its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as evinc- ing Design, by Sir CHARLEs BELL, K. H., F. R. S. V. Animal and Vegetable Physiology, by PETER MARK Roger, M. D., Fellow of and Secretary to the Royal Society. - VI. Geology and Mineralogy, by the Rev. WILLIAM Buck- LAND, D. D., F. R. S., Canon of Christ Church, and Professor of Geology in the University of Oxford. VII. The History, Habits, and Instincts of Animals, by the Rev. WILLIAM KIR By, M. A., F. R. S. - VIII. Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, by WILLIAM PRout, M.D., F. R. S. The whole of these Treatises are mearly finished, and will be put to press as soon as received, and published in a cheap and handsome form. THE PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIAN PHILOSO- PHY ; containing the Doctrines, Duties, Admonitions, and consolations of the Christian Religion, by John BURNs, M. D., F. R. S. From the fourth London edi- tion. In the press. CONVERSATIONS WITH LORD BYRON ON THE SUBJECT OF RELIGION. By J. KENNEDY, M. D. 12mo. . GLEANINGS IN NATURAL HISTORY, witH LOCAL RECOLLECTIONS. By Edward JEssE, Esq. To which are added, Maxims and Hints for Anglers. From the second London edition, in one volume, being a Companion to the Journal of a Naturalist. We have occasionally selected a paragraph from a very pretty volume, by Mr. Jesse, published under the above title. The au- thor lives in the neighbourhood of Kew, and like Mr. White of Selborne,—who made a small village of Hampshire one of the most interesting spots to the lover of nature, by his ample de- scriptions of the natural objects which he saw around him, Mr. Jesse has rendered his walks a vehicle for much instruction and amusement to himself and to others. He principally confines his attention to zoology—the most generally attractive of the depart- ments of natural history; and he looks upon the animal world with so much practical wisdom, being disposed to be happy him- self, and to see every creature around him happy, that there are few persons who will not read his slight sketches with improve- ment to their hearts and understandings.-Penny Magazine. THE MECHANISM OF THE HEAVENS. By Mrs. SomERVILLE. In 18mo. - Is it asking too much of Mrs. Somerville to express a hope that she will allow this beautiful preliminary Dissertation to be printed separately for the delight and instruction of thousands of readers, young and old, who cannot understand, or are too indolent to apply themselves to the more elaborate parts of the work? If she will do this, we hereby promise to exert our best endeavours to make its merits known.— Literary Gazette. - SALMONIA; OR, DAYS OF FLY FISHING. By Sir H. DAvy. We are surprised in meeting with an American reprint of this delightful volume, that a work so universally popular has not been before republished in this country.—JV. Y. American. One of the most delightful labours of leisure ever seen; not a few of the most beautiful phenomena of nature are here lucidly explained.—Gent. JMagazine. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBORNE. By the late Rev. GILBERT WHITE, A. M., Fellow of the Oriel College, Oxford; with additions by Sir WILLIAM JARDINE, Bart. F. R. S., E. F. L. S. M. W. S., author of “Illustrations of Ornithology.” - White's History of Selborne, the most fascinating piece of rural writing and sound English philosophy that has ever issued from the press.--Athenaeum. . JOURNAL OF A NATURALIST. With Plates. Plants, trees, and stones we note; Birds, insects, beasts and rural things. We again most strongly recommend this little unpretending volume to the attention of every lover of nature, and more parti- cularly of our country readers. It will induce them, we are sure, to examine more closely than they have been accustomed to do, into the objects of animated nature, and such examination will prove one of the most innocent, and the most satisfactory sources of gratification and amusement. It is a book that ought to find its way into every rural drawing-room in the kingdom, and one that may safely be placed in every lady’s boudoir, be her rank and station in life what they may.— Quart. Review, No. LXXVIII. This is a most delightful book on the most delightful of all stu- dies. We are acquainted with no previous work which bears any resemblance to this, except “White’s History of Selborne,” the most fascinating piece of rural writing and sound English philoso- phy that ever issued from the press.--Athenaeum. THE FAMILY CABINET ATLAS, constructed upon an original plan : being a Companion to the En- cyclopædia Americana, Cabinet Cyclopaedia, Family Library, Cabinet Library, &c. [This Atlas comprises, in a volume of the Family Li- brary size, nearly one hundred Maps and Tables, which present equal to fifty thousand names of places; a body of information three times as extensive as that supplied by the generality of Quarto flilases.] This beautiful and most useful little volume, says the Literary Gazette, is a perfect picture of elegance, containing a vast sum of geographical information. A more instructive little present, or a gift better calculated to be long preserved and often referred to, could not be offered to favoured youth of either sex. Its cheapness, we must add, is another recommendation; for, although this elegant publication contains one hundred beautiful engrav- ings, it is issued at a price that can be no obstacle to its being procured by every parent and friend to youth. This Atlas far surpasses any thing of the kind which we have seen, and is made to suit the popular libraries which Dr. Lardner and Mr. Murray are now sending into every family in the em- pire.—Monthly Review. Its very ingenious method of arrangement secures to the geo- graphical student the information for which hitherto he has been obliged to resort to works of the largest dimensions.—Athenæum. THE RECTORY OF VALEHEAD. By the Rev. RoBERT WILson Evans, M. A. Universally and cordially do we recommend this delightful vo- lume. Impressed with the genuine spirit of Christianity; a diary, as it were, of the feelings, hopes, and sorrows of a family,–-it comes home to all, either in sympathy or example. It is a beau- tiful picture of a religious household, influencing to excellence all within its sphere. We believe no person could read this work, and not be better for its pious touching lessons.—Literary Gaz. We fearlessly pronounce this delightful little volume to be not only one of the most faultless, but every way valuable works it has ever fallen to our lot to recommend to public perusal.—Stam- ..ford Herald. The Rectory of Walehead is a beautiful model of domestic life in the Christian home of a well-regulated family, and combines iiterary amusement with the most refined and intellectual im- provement.—Scotsman. A GENERAL VIEW OF THE PROGRESS OF ETHICAL PHILOSOPHY, chiefly during the Seven- teenth and Eighteenth Centuries. By Sir JAMES MAck- INTosh, M. P. In 8vo. The best offspring of the pen of an author who in philosophi- cal spirit, knowledge and reflection, richness of moral sentiment, and elegance of style, has altogether no superior—perhaps no equal—among his contemporaries. Some time ago we made co- pious extracts from the beautiful work. We could not recom- mend the whole too earnestly.—JVational Gazette. THE BOOK OF THE SEASONS ; or THE CA- LENDAR of NATURE. By WILLIAM How ITT. In one volume, 12mo. THE BRIDGEWATER TREATISES ÖN THE POWER, WISDOM, AND GooDNESS OF GOD AS MANIFESTED IN THE CREATION. TREATISE III. {)N ASTRONOMY AND GENERAL PHYSICS. BY THE REW. W. WHEWELL. ET HAEC DE DEo, DE QUO UTIQUE EX PHÆNOMENIS DISSERERE AD PHILOSOPHIAM NATURALEM PERTINET. NEWTON, CONCLUSI0N OF THE PRINCIPIA. ASTRONOMY AND GENERAL PHYSICS CONSIDE RED WITH REFERENCE TO NATURAL THE OL OGY. BY THE R. E. W. W II, L H A M y H.E. we L.L., M. A. - * 2-r FELLOW AND TUTOR of TRINITY CoILEGE, CAMIBRIDGE. #hiladelphia: C A R EY, L E A & B L A N C H A R D, CHESTNUT STREET. 1833. f i +: , , , 7C; 2 ... 78/ºr /% & 3-6 - &c.; *TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE AND RIGHT RIEVEREND CHARLES JAMES, LORD BISHOP OF LONDON. MY LORD-- I owe it to you that I was selected for the task attempted in the following pages, a distinction which I feel to be honourable; and on this account alone I should have a peculiar pleasure in dedicating the work to your lordship. I do so with additional gratifi- cation on another account: the Treatise has been written within the walls of the College of which your lordship was formerly a resident member, and its merits, if it have any, are mainly due to the spirit and habits of the place. The society is always pleased and proud to recollect that a person of the eminent talents and high character of your lordship is one of its members; and I am persuaded that any effort in the cause of letters and religion coming from that quarter, will have for you an interest beyond what it would otherwise possess. The subject proposed to me was limited: my pre- scribed object is to lead the friends of religion to look with confidence and pleasure on the progress of the S DEDICATION. physical sciences, by showing how admirably every advance in our knowledge of the universe harmo- nizes with the belief of a most wise and good God. To do this effectually may be, I trust, a useful labour. Yet, I feel most deeply, what I would take this occa- sion to express, that this, and all that the speculator concerning Natural Theology can do, is utterly in- sufficient for the great ends of Religion; namely, for the purpose of reforming men's lives, of purifying and elevating their characters, of preparing them for a more exalted state of being. It is the need of something fitted to do this, which gives to religion its vast and incomparable importance; and this can, I well know, be achieved only by that Revealed Reli- gion of which we are ministers, but on which the plan of the present work did not allow me to dwell. That Divine Providence may prosper the labours of your lordship, and of all who are joined with you in the task of maintaining and promoting this Reli- gion, is, my lord, the earnest wish and prayer of Your very faithful And much obliged servant, WILLIAM WHEwBLL. Trinity College, Cambridge, Feb. 25, 1833. NOTICE. THE series of Treatises, of which the present is one, is pub- lished under the following circumstances: The RIGHT Honour ABLE and REVEREND FRANCIS HENRY, EARL OF BRIDGEwATER, died in the month of February, 1829; and by his last Will and Testament, bearing date the 25th of February, 1825, he directed certain Trustees therein named to invest in the public funds the sum of Eight thousand pounds sterling; this sum, with the accruing dividends thereon, to be held at the disposal of the President, for the time being, of the Royal Society of London, to be paid to the person or persons no minated by him. The Testator further directed, that the person or persons selected by the said President should be appointed to write, print, and publish one thousand copies of a work On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation; illustrating such work by all reasonable arguments, as for instance the variety and formation of God’s creatures in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms; the effect of di- gestion, and thereby of conversion; the construction of the hand of man, and an infinite variety of other arguments; as also by discoveries ancient and modern, in arts, sciences, and the whole eactent of literature. He desired, moreover, that the profits arising from the sale of the works so published should be paid to the authors of the works. The late President of the Royal Society, Davies Gäbert, Esq. requested the assistance of his Grace the Archbishop of Canter- bury and of the Bishop of London, in determining upon the best mode of carrying into effect the intentions of the Testator. Act- ing with their advice, and with the concurrence of a nobleman immediately connected with the deceased, Mr. Davies Gilbert ap- pointed the following eight gentlemen to write separate Trea- tises on the different branches of the subject as here stated: THE REV. THOMAS CHALMERS, D. D. Professor of Divinity in the University of Edinburgh. ON THE ADAPTATION OF EXTERNAL NATURE TO THE MORAL AND INTELLECTIVAL CONSTITUTION OF MAN. 10 JOHN KID, M. D. F. R. S. Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Oxford. ON THE ADAPTATION OF EXTERNAL NATURE TO THE Physical CONDITION OF MAN, THE REv. WILLIAM WHEWELL, M. A. F. R. S. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. ON ASTRONOMY AND GENERAL PHYSICs. SIR CHARLES BELL, K. H. F. R. S. THE HAND : ITS MECHANISM AND WITAL ENDOW MENTS AS EVINCING I}}{SIGN. PETER. M. A. R. K R O GET, M. D. Fellow of and Secretary to the Royal Society. ON ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY. THE REv. WILLIAM BUCKLAND, D. D. F. R. s. Canon of Christ Church, and Professor of Geology in the University of Oxford. ON GROLOGY AND MINERALOGY. THE REV. WILLIAM KIRBY, M. A. F. R. S. ON THE HISTORY, HABITs, AND INSTINCTs of ANIMALs. WILLIAM PROUT, M. D. F. R. S. ON CHEMISTRY, METEOROLOGY, AND THE FUNCTION OF DIGESTION. His Roy AL HIGHNESs THE DUKE of Sussex, President of the Royal Society, having desired that no unnecessary delay should take place in the publication of the above mentioned treatises, they will appear at short intervals, as they are ready for publi- cation. ~ - {} O N T ENTS, ... [Within the last year or two, several works have been pub- iished in this country on subjects more or less closely approach- ing to that here treated. It may, therefore, be not superfluous to say that the author of the following pages believes that he has not borrowed any of his views or illustrations from recent Pnglish writers on Natural Theology.] iNTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. Object of the Present Treatise tº tº II. On flaws of Nature - gº tºº gº III. Mutual Adaptation of Laws of Nature - IV. Division of the Subject - tºº gº HOOK I. T.RRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONs - tº gº CHAPTER I. The Length of the Year - tº wº II. The Length of the Day dº * tº III. The Mass of the Earth - - gº IV. The Magnitude of the Ocean º tºº V. The Magnitude of the Atmosphere - VI. The Constancy and Variety of Climates VII. The Variety of Organization correspond- ing to the Variety of Climate * = gº WIII. The Constituents of Climate - tº The Laws of Heat with respect to the Earth Gº tº ºt. gº º * * IX. The Laws of Heat with respect to Water X. The Laws of Heat with respect to Air - XI. The Laws of Electricity - ^ tº ſº XII. The Laws of Magnetism tº “gº sº XIII. The Properties of Light with regard to Vegetation gº * --> tº- gºs gº YIV. Sound - ſº gº gº gºs tº tº XV. The Atmosphere * ºn †- tº ſº XVI. Light - - * = * *º tº sº tº XVII. The Ether * * . tºs * - ºn XVIII. Recapitulation gº ºng ºn * - . * Page. 13 17 20 23 25 28 37 43 50 51 52 57 66 67 70 81 91 93 94 96 I 02 104 111 113 12 CONTENTS. BOOK II. CoSMICAL ARRANGEMENTs - ºr gº CHAPTER I. The Structure of the Solar System - II. The Circular Orbits of the Planets round the Sun - tº- - --> se º III. The Stability of the Solar System tºº? IV. The Sun in the Centre - tº- - W. The Satellites - º tº- -> º VI. The Stability of the Ocean - gº &= VII. The Nebular Hypothesis - g- VIII. The Existence of a Resisting Medium in the Solar System - tº- tº- IX. Mechanical Laws sº º -> wº X. The Law of Gravitation * > • - XI. The Laws of Motio º º * > XII. Friction - - - - - - BOOK III. RELIGIOUS WIEws gº º º ºs CHAPTER I. The Creator of the Physical World is the Governor of the Moral World º º II. On the Vastness of the Universe tº- III. On Man’s Place in the Universe - - IV. On the Impression produced by the Con- templation of Laws of Nature; or, on the Conviction that Law implies Mind V. On Inductive Habits; or, on the impres- sion produced on Men’s Minds by dis- - covering Laws of Nature - º - VI. On Deductive Habits; or, on the Impres- sion produced on Men’s Minds by tracing the Consequences of ascertained Laws VII. On Final Causes - ºn - º VIII. On the Physical Agency of the Deity - IX. On the Impression produced by consider- ing the Nature and Prospects of Science; or, on the Impossibility of the Progress of our Knowledge ever enabling us to comprehend the Nature of the Deity - Page, 119 121 123 127 134 137 I40. 143 150% 163 166 178 183 193 195 205 212 223 230 243 257 267 273 ON A S T R O N O MY AND G E N E R A L PHY S I C S. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER. I. Object of the Present Treatise. THE examination of the material world brings before us a number of things and relations of things which suggest to most minds the belief of a creating and presiding Intelligence. And this impression, which arises with the most vague and superficial consideration of the objects by which we are sur- rounded, is, we conceive, confirmed and expanded by a more exact and profound study of external na- ture. Many works have been written at different times with the view of showing how our knowledge of the elements and their operation, of plants and animals and their construction, may serve to nourish and unfold our idea of a Creator and Governor of the world. But though this is the case, a new work on the same subject may still have its use. Our views of the Creator and Governor of the world, as col- lected from or combined with our views of the world itself, undergo modifications, as we are led by new discoveries, new generalizations, to regard nature in a new light. The conceptions concerning the Deity, his mode of effecting his purposes, the scheme of his B 14 INTRODUCTION. government, which are suggested by one stage of our knowledge of natural objects and operations, may become manifestly imperfect or incongruous, if adhered to and applied at a later period, when our acquaintance with the immediate causes of natural events has been greatly extended. On this account it may be interesting, after such an advance, to show how the views of the creation, preservation, and go- vernment of the universe, which natural science Opens to us, harmonize with our belief in a Creator, Governor, and Preserver of the world. To do this with respect to certain departments of Natural Phi- losophy is the object of the following pages; and the author will deem himself fortunate, if he succeeds in removing any of the difficulties and obscurities which prevail in men’s minds, from the want of a clear mu- tual understanding between the religious and the scientific speculator. It is needless here to remark the necessarily imperfect and scanty character of Natural Religion; for most persons will allow that, however imperfect may be the knowledge of a Supreme Intelligence which we gather from the con- templation of the natural world, it is still of most es- sential use and value. And our purpose on this oc- casion is, not to show that Natural Theology is a perfect and satisfactory scheme, but to bring up our Natural Theology to the point of view in which it - may be contemplated by the aid of our Natural |Philosophy. Now the peculiar point of view which at present belongs to Natural Philosophy, and especially to the departments of it which have been most successfully cultivated, is, that nature, so far as it is an object of scientific research, is a collection of facts governed by laws: our knowledge of nature is our knowledge of laws; of laws of operation and connexion, of laws of succession and co-existence, among the various elements and appearances around us. And it must therefore here be our aim to show how this view of the universe falls in with our conception of the Di- OBJECT. 15 vine Author, by whom we hold the universe to be made and governed. JVature acts by general laws; that is, the occur- rences of the world in which we find ourselves, re- sult from causes which operate according to fixed and constant rules. The succession of days, and seasons, and years, is produced by the motions of the earth; and these again are governed by the at- traction of the sun, a force which acts with unde- viating steadiness and regularity. The changes- of winds and skies, seemingly so capricious and casual, are produced by the operation of the sun's heat upon air and moisture, land and sea; and though in this case we cannot trace the particular events to their general causes, as we can trace the motions of the Sun and moon, no philosophical mind will doubt the generality and fixity of the rules by which these causes act. The variety of the effects takes place, because the circumstances in different cases vary; and not because the action of material causes leaves anything to chance in the result. And again, though the vital movements which go on in the frame of ve- getables and animals depend on agencies still less known, and probably still more complex, than those which rule the weather, each of the powers on which such movements depend has its peculiar laws of action, and these are as universal and as invaria- ble as the law by which a stone falls to the earth when not supported. The world then is governed by general laws; and in order to collect from the world itself a judgment concerning the nature and character of its govern- ment, we must consider the import and tendency of such laws, so far as they come under our knowledge. If there be, in the administration of the universe, in- telligence and benevolence, superintendence and foresight, grounds for love and hope, such qualities may be expected to appear in the constitution and combination of those fundamental regulations by which the course of nature is brought about, and made to be what it is. 16 INTRODUCTION. If a man were, by some extraordinary event, to find himself in a remote and unknown country, so entirely strange to him that he did not know whether there existed in it any law or government at all; he might in no long time ascertain whether the inhabi- tants were controlled by any superintending autho- rity; and with a little attention he might determine also whether such authority were exercised with a prudent care for the happiness and well-being of its subjects, or without any regard and fitness to such ends; whether the country were governed by laws at all, and whether the laws were good. And ac- cording to the laws which he thus found prevailing, he would judge of the sagacity, and the purposes of the legislative power. By observing the laws of the material universe and their operation, we may hope, in a somewhat similar manner, to be able to direct our judgment concerning the government of the universe: con- cerning the mode in which the elements are regu- lated and controlled, their effects combined and balanced. And the general tendency of the results thus produced may discover to us something of the character of the power which has legislated for the material world. We are not to push too far the analogy thus sug- gested. There is undoubtedly a wide difference be- tween the circumstances of man legislating for man, and God legislating for matter. Still we shall, it will appear, find abundant reason to admire the wisdom and the goodness which have established the Laws of JVature, however rigorously we may scrutinize the import of this expression, 17 CHAPTER II. On Laws of JNature. WHEN we speak of material nature as being go- verned by laws, it is sufficiently evident that we use the term in a manner somewhat metaphorical. The laws to which man’s attention is primarily directed are moral laws; rules laid down for his actions; rules for the conscious actions of a person; rules which, as a matter of possibility, he may obey or may trans- gress; the latter event being combined, not with an impossibility, but with a penalty. But the Laws of JVature are something different from this; they are rules for that which things are to do and suffer; and this by no consciousness or will of theirs. They are rules describing the mode in which things do act; they are invariably obeyed; their transgression is not punished, it is excluded. The language of a mo- ral law is, man shall not kill; the language of a Law of Nature is, a stone will fall to the earth. These two kinds of laws direct the actions of per- sons and of things, by the sort of control of which persons and things are respectively susceptible; so that the metaphor is very simple; but it is proper for us to recollect that it is a metaphor, in order that we may clearly apprehend what is implied in speaking of the Laws of Nature. In this phrase are included all properties of the portions of the material world; all modes of action and rules of causation, according to which they Operate on each other. The whole course of the visi- ble universe therefore is but the collective result of such laws; its movements are only the aggregate of their working. All natural occurrences, in the skies and on the earth, in the organic and in the inorganic world, are determined by the relations of the ele- B 2 18 INTRODUCTION. ments and the actions of the forces of which the rules are thus prescribed. The relations and rules by which these occurrences are thus determined necessarily depend on measures of time and space, motion and force; on quantities which are subject to numerical measurement, and capable of being connected by mathematical proper- ties. And thus all things are ordered by number and weight and measure. “God,” as was said by the ancients, “works by geometry:” the legislation of the material universe is necessarily delivered in the language of mathematics; the stars in their courses are regulated by the properties of conic sections, and the winds depend on arithmetical and geometri- cal progressions of elasticity and pressure. The constitution of the universe, so far as it can be clearly apprehended by our intellect, thus assumes a shape involving an assemblage of mathematical propositions: certain algebraical formulae, and the knowledge when and how to apply them, constitute the last step of the physical science to which we can attain. The labour and the endowments of ages have been employed in bringing such science into the condition in which it now exists; and an exact and extensive discipline in mathematics, followed by a practical and profound study of the researches of natural philosophers, can alone put any one in pos- session of the knowledge concerning the course of the material world, which is at present open to man. The general impression, however, which arises from the view thus obtained of the universe, the results which we collect from the most careful scrutiny of its administration, may, we trust, be rendered intelli- gible without this technical and laborious study, and to do this is our present object. It will be our business to show that the laws which really prevail in nature are, by their form, that is, by the nature of the connexion which they establish among the quantities and properties which they re- gulate, remarkably adapted to the office which is as- ON LAWS OF NATURE, 19 signed them; and thus offer evidence of selection, design, and goodness, in the power by which they were established. But these characters of the legis- lation of the universe may also be seen, in many in- stances, in a manner somewhat different from the selection of the law. The nature of the connexion re- maining the same, the quantities which it regulates may also in their magnitude bear marks of selection and purpose. For the law may be the same while the quantities to which it applies are different. The law of the gravity which acts to the earth and to Jupiter, is the same; but the intensity of the force at the surfaces of the two planets is different. The law which regulates the density of the air at any point, with reference to the height from the earth's surface, would be the same, if the atmosphere were ten times as large, or only one-tenth as large as it is; if the baro- meter at the earth's surface stood at three inches only, or if it showed a pressure of thirty feet of mercury. Now this being understood, the adaptation of a law to its purpose, or to other laws, may appear in two ways:—either in the form of the law, or in the amount of the magnitudes which it regulates, which are sometimes called arbitrary magnitudes. If the attraction of the sun upon the planets did not vary inversely as the square of the distance, the form of the law of gravitation would be changed; if this attraction were, at the earth’s orbit, of a differ- ent value from its present one, the arbitrary magni- tude would be changed; and it will appear, in a sub- sequent part of this work, that either change would, so far as we can trace its consequences, be detrimen- tal. The form of the law determines in what manner the facts shall take place; the arbitrary magnitude determines how fast, how far, how soon; the one gives a model, the other a measure of the phenome- non; the one draws the plan, the other gives the scale on which it is to be executed; the one gives the rule, the other the rate. If either were wrongly taken, the result would be wrong too. 20 CHAPTER III. JMutual Adaptation in the Laws of JNature. To ascertain such laws of nature as we have been describing, is the peculiar business of science. It is only with regard to a very small portion of the ap- pearances of the universe, that science, in any strict application of the term, exists. In very few depart- ments of research have men been able to trace a multitude of known facts to causes which appear to be the ultimate material causes, or to discern the laws which seem to be the most general laws. Yet, in one or two instances, they have done this, or something approaching to this; and most especially in the instance of that part of nature, which it is the object of this treatise more peculiarly to consider. The apparent motions of the sun, moon, and stars have been more completely reduced to their causes and laws than any other class of phenomena. As- tronomy, the science which treats of these, is already a wonderful example of the degree of such know- ledge which man may attain. The forms of its most important laws may be conceived to be certainly known; and hundreds of observers in all parts of the world are daily employed in determining, with ad- ditional accuracy, the arbitrary magnitudes which these laws involve. - The inquiries in which the mutual effects of heat, moisture, air, and the like elements are treated of, including, among other subjects, all that we know of the causes of the weather (meteorology) is a far more imperfect science than astronomy. Yet, with regard to these agents, a great number of laws of nature have been discovered, though, undoubtedly, a far greater number remain still unknown. ADAPTATION OF LAWS., 21 So far, therefore, as our knowledge goes, astro- nomy and meteorology are parts of natural philoso- phy in which we may study the order of nature with such views as we have suggested; in which we may hope to make out the adaptations and aims which exist in the laws of nature; and thus to obtain some light on the tendency of this part of the legislation of the universe, and on the character and disposition of the Legislator. The number and variety of the laws which we find established in the universe is so great, that it would be idle to endeavour to enumerate them. In their operation they are combined and intermixed in incalculable and endless perplexity, influencing and modifying each other's effects in every direction. If we attempt to comprehend at once the whole of this complex system, we find ourselves utterly baffled and overwhelmed by its extent and multiplicity. Yet, in so far as we consider the bearing of one part upon another, we receive an impression of adaptation, of mutual fitness, of conspiring means, of preparation and completion, of purpose and provision. This im- pression is suggested by the contemplation of every part of nature; but the grounds of it, from the very circumstances of the case, cannot be conveyed in a few words. It can only be fully educed by leading the reader through several views and details, and must grow out of the combined influence of these on a sober and reflecting frame of mind. How- ever strong and solemn be the conviction which may be derived from a contemplation of nature, concern- ing the existence, the power, the wisdom, the good- ness of our Divine Governor, we cannot expect that this conviction, as resulting from the extremely com- plex spectacle of the material world, should be capa- ble of being irresistibly conveyed by a few steps of reasoning, like the conclusion of a geometrical pro- position, or the result of an arithmetical calculation. We shall, therefore, endeavour to point out cases and circumstances in which the different parts of the 22 INTRODUCTION. universe exhibit this mutual adaptation, and thus to bring before the mind of the reader the evidence of wisdom and providence, which the external world affords. When we have illustrated the correspon- dencies which exist in every province of nature, be- tween the qualities of brute matter and the constitu- tion of living things, between the tendency to de- rangement and the conservative influences by which such a tendency is counteracted, between the office of the minutest speck and of the most general laws; it will, we trust, be difficult or impossible to exclude from our conception of this wonderful system, the idea of a harmonizing, a preserving, a contriving, an intending Mind; of a Wisdom, Power, and Good- ness far exceeding the limits of our thoughts. 23 CHAPTER IV. Division of the Subject. IN making a survey of the universe, for the pur- pose of pointing out such correspondencies and adap- tations as we have mentioned, we shall suppose the general leading facts of the course of nature to be known, and the explanations of their causes now generally established among astronomers and natu- ral philosophers to be conceded. We shall assume therefore that the earth is a solid globe of ascertain- ed magnitude, which travels round the sun, in an orbit nearly circular, in a period of about three hun- dred and sixty five days and a quarter, and in the mean time revolves, in an inclined position, upon its own axis in about twenty-four hours, thus producing the succession of appearances and effects which con- stitute seasons and climates, day and night;-that this globe has its surface furrowed and ridged with various inequalities, the waters of the ocean occu- pying the depressed parts:–that it is surrounded by an atmosphere, or spherical covering of air; and that various other physical agents, moisture, electricity, magnetism, light, operate at the surface of the earth, according to their peculiar laws. This surface is, as we know, clothed with a covering of plants, and in- habited by the various tribes of animals, with all their variety of sensations, wants, and enjoyments. The relations and connexions of the larger portions of the world, the sun, the planets, and the stars, the cos- mical arrangements of the system, as they are some- times called, determine the course of events among these bodies; and the more remarkable features of these arrangements are therefore some of the sub- jects for our consideration. These cosmical arrange- 24 . . INTRODUCTION. ments, in their consequences, affect also the physical agencies which are at work at the surface of the earth, and hence come in contact with terrestrial occurrences. They thus influence the functions of plants and animals. The circumstances in the cos- mical system of the universe, and in the organic sys- tem of the earth, which have thus a bearing on each other, form another of the subjects of which we shall treat. The former class of considerations attends principally to the stability and other apparent perfec- tions of the solar system; the latter to the well being of the system of organic life by which the earth is occupied. The two portions of the subject may be treated as Cosmical Arrangements and Terrestrial Adaptations. We shall begin with the latter class of adaptations, because in treating of these the facts are more fami- liar and tangible, and the reasonings less abstract and technical, than in the other division of the subject. Moreover, in this case men have no difficulty in re- cognizing as desirable the end which is answered by such adaptations, and they therefore the more readily consider it as an end. The nourishment, the enjoy- ment, the diffusion of living things, are willingly ac- knowledged to be a suitable object for contrivance; the simplicity, the permanence, of an inert mechani- cal combination might not so readily be allowed to be a manifestly worthy aim of a Creating Wisdom. The former branch of our argument may therefore be best suited to introduce to us the Deity as the in- stitutor of Laws of Nature, though the latter may afterwards give us a wider view and a clearer in- sight into one province of his legislation, B O OK I. TER RESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS, WE proceed in this book to point out relations which subsist between the laws of the inorganic world, that is, the general facts of astronomy and meteorology; and the laws which prevail in the or- ganic world, the properties of plants and animals. With regard to the first kind of laws, they are in the highest degree various and unlike each other. The intensity and activity of natural influences fol- łow in different cases the most different rules. In some instances they are periodical, increasing and diminishing alternately, in a perpetual succession of equal intervals of time. This is the case with the heat at the earth’s surface, which has a period of a year; with the light, which has a period of a day. Other qualities are constant, thus the force of gravity at the same place is always the same. In some cases, a very simple cause produces very compli- cated effects; thus the globular form of the earth, and the inclination of its axis during its annual mo- tion, give rise to all the variety of climates. In other cases a very complex and variable system of causes produces effects comparatively steady and uniform; thus solar and terrestrial heat, air, moisture, and probably many other apparently conflicting agents, join to produce our weather, which never deviates very far from a certain average standard. Now a general fact, which we shall endeavour to exemplify in the following chapters, is this:–That C 26 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. those properties of plants and animals which have reference to agencies of a periodical character, have also by their nature a periodical mode of working ; while those properties which refer to agencies of constant intensity, are adjusted to this constant in- tensity: and again, there are peculiarities in the na- ture of organized beings which have reference to a variety in the conditions of the external world, as, for instance, the difference of the organized popula- tion of different regions: and there are other pecu- liarities which have a reference to the constancy of the average of such conditions, and the limited range of the deviations from that average; as for example, that constitution by which each plant and animal is fitted to exist and prosper in its usual place in the world. And not only is there this general agreement be- tween the nature of the laws which govern the or- ganic and inorganic world, but also there is a coin- cidence between the arbitrary magnitudes which such laws involve on the one hand and on the other. Plants and animals have, in their construction, cer- tain periodical functions, which have a reference to alternations of heat and cold; the length of the pe- riod which belongs to these functions by their con- struction, appears to be that of the period which belongs to the actual alternations of heat and cold, namely, a year. Plants and animals have again in their construction certain other periodical functions, which have a reference to alternations of light and darkness; the length of the period of such functions appears to coincide with the natural day. In like manner the other arbitrary magnitudes which enter into the laws of gravity, of the effects of air and moisture, and of other causes of permanence, and of change, by which the influences of the elements ope- rate, are the same arbitrary magnitudes to which the members of the organic world are adapted by the various peculiarities of their construction. The illustration of this view will be pursued in TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. 27 the succeeding chapters; and when the coincidence here spoken of is distinctly brought before the reader, it will, we trust, be found to convey the conviction of a wise and benevolent design, which has been ex- ercised in producing such an agreement between the internal constitution and the external circum- stances of organized beings. We shall adduce cases where there is an apparent relation between the course of operation of the elements and the course of vital functions; between some fixed measure of time or space, traced in the lifeless and in the living world; where creatures are constructed on a certain plan, or a certain scale, and this plan or this scale is exactly the single one which is suited to their place on the earth; where it was necessary for the Crea- tor (if we may use such a mode of speaking) to take account of the weight of the earth, or the density of the air, or the measure of the ocean, and where these quantities are rightly taken account of in the arrangements of creation. In such cases we con- ceive that we trace a Creator, who, in producing one part of his work, was not forgetful or careless of another part; who did not cast his living creatures into the world to prosper or perish as they might find it suited to them or not; but fitted together, with the nicest skill, the world and the constitution which he gave to its inhabitants; so fashioning it and them, that light and darkness, sun and air, moist and dry, should become their ministers and benefactors, the unwearied and unfailing causes of their well being. We have spoken of the mutual adaptation of the organic and the inorganic world. If we were to conceive the contrivance of the world as taking place in an order of time in the contriving mind, we might also have to conceive this adaptation as taking place in one of two ways: we might either suppose the laws of inert nature to be accommodated to the foreseen wants of living things, or the organization of life to be accommodated to the previously estab- lished laws of nature. But we are not forced upon 28 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. any such mode of conception, or upon any decision between such suppositions: since, for the purpose of our argument, the consequence of either view is the same. . There is an adaptation somewhere or other, on either supposition. There is account taken of one part of the system in framing the other: and the mind which took such account can be no other than that of the Intelligent Author of the universe. When indeed we come to see the vast number, the Variety, the extent, the interweaving, the reconciling of such adaptations, we shall readily allow, that all things are so moulded upon and locked into each other, connected by such subtilty and profundity of design, that we may well abandon the idle attempt to trace the order of thought in the mind of the Su- preme Crdainer. CHAPTER I. The Length of the Year. A YEAR is the most important and obvious of the periods which occur in the organic, and especially in the vegetable world. In this interval of time the cycle of most of the external influences which ope- rate upon plants is completed. There is also in plants a cycle of internal functions, corresponding to this succession of external causes. The length of either of these periods might have been different from what it is, according to any grounds of neces- sity which we can perceive. But a certain length is selected in both instances, and in both instances the same. The length of the year is so determined as to be adapted to the constitution of most vegetables; or the construction of vegetables is so adjusted as to be suited to the length which the year really has, and unsuited to a duration longer or shorter by any LENGTH OF THE YEAR. 29 considerable portion. The vegetable clock-work is so set as to go for a year. The length of the year or interval of recurrence of the seasons is determined by the time which the earth employs in performing its revolution round the Sun: and we can very easily conceive the solar sys- tem so adjusted that the year should be longer or shorter than it actually is. We can imagine the earth to revolve round the sun at a distance greater or less than that which it at present has, all the forces of the system remaining unaltered. If the earth were removed towards the centre by about one-eighth of its distance, the year would be di- minished by about a month ; and in the same man- ner it would be increased by a month on increasing the distance by one-eighth. We can suppose the earth at a distance of eighty-four or a hundred and eight millions of miles, just as easily as at its present distance of ninety-six millions: we can suppose the earth with its present stock of animals and vegetables placed where Mars or where Venus is, and revolving in an orbit like one of theirs: on the former supposi- tion our year would become twenty-three, on the latter seven of our present months. Or we can con- ceive the present distances of the parts of the system to continue what they are, and the size, or the den- sity of the central mass, the sun, to be increased or diminished in any proportion ; and in this way the time of the earth's revolution might have been in- creased or diminished in any degree; a greater ve- locity, and consequently a diminished period, being requisite in order to balance an augmented central attraction. In any of these ways the length of the earth's natural year might have been different from what it now is : in the last way without any neces- sary alteration, so far as we can see, of tempera- ture. Now, if any change of this kind were to take place, the working of the botanical world would be thrown into utter disorder, the functions of plants G 2 30 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. would be entirely deranged, and the whole vegetable kingdom involved in instant decay and rapid extinc- tion. That this would be the case, may be collected from innumerable indications. Most of our fruit trees, for example, require the year to be of its pre- sent length. If the summer and the autumn were much shorter, the fruit could not ripen; if these sea- sons were much longer, the tree would put forth a fresh suit of blossoms, to be cut down by the winter. Or if the year were twice its present length, a se- cond crop of fruit would probably not be matured, for want, among other things, of an intermediate season of rest and consolidation, such as the winter is. Our forest trees in like manner appear to need all the seasons of our present year for their perfec- tion; the spring, summer, and autumn, for the de- velopement of their leaves and consequent formation of their proper juice, and of wood from this; and the winter for the hardening and solidifying the substance thus formed. Most plants, indeed, have some peculiar function adapted to each period of the year, that is of the now existing year. The sap ascends with extraor- dinary copiousness at two seasons, in the spring and in the autumn, especially the former. The opening of the leaves and the opening of the flowers of the same plants are so constant to their times, (their appointed times, as we are naturally led to call them,) that such occurrences might be taken as indi- cations of the times of the year. It has been pro- posed in this way to select a series of botanical facts which should form a calendar; and this has been termed a calendar of Flora. Thus, if we consider the time of putting forth leaves,” the honeysuckle pººl. them in the month of January; the goose- erry, currant, and elder in the end of February, or beginning of March; the willow, elm, and lime-tree * Loudon, Encyclopædia of Gardening, 848. LENGTH OF THE YEAR. 31 in April; the oak and ash, which are always the latest among trees, in the beginning or towards the middle of May. In the same manner the flowering has its regular time : the mezereon and snowdrop push forth their flowers in February; the primrose in the month of March; the cowslip in April; the great mass of plants in May and June; many in July, August, and September; some, not till the month of October, as the meadow saffron; and some not till the approach and arrival of winter, as the laurustinus and arbutus. The fact which we have here to notice, is the re- currence of these stages in the developement of plants, at intervals precisely or very nearly of twelve months. Undoubtedly, this result is in part occa- sioned by the action of external stimulants upon the plant, especially heat, and by the recurrence of the intensity of such agents. Accordingly, there are slight differences in the times of such occurrences, according to the backwardness or forwardness of the season, and according as the climate is genial or otherwise. Gardeners use artifices which will, to a certain extent, accelerate or retard the time of de- velopement of a plant. But there are various cir- cumstances which show that this recurrence of the same events and equal intervals is not entirely owing to external causes, and that it depends also upon something in the internal structure of vegetables. Alpine plants do not wait for the stimulus of the sun's heat, but exert such a struggle to blossom, that their flowers are seen among the yet unmelted snow. And this is still more remarkable in the naturaliza- tion of plants from one hemisphere to the other. When we transplant our fruit trees to the temperate regions south of the equator, they continue for some years to flourish at the period which corresponds to our spring. The reverse of this obtains, with cer- tain trees of the southern hemisphere. Plants from the Cape of Good Hope, and from Australia, coun- tries whose summer is simultaneous with our winter, 32 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. exhibit their flowers in the coldest part of the year, as the heaths. This view of the subject agrees with that main- tained by the best botanical writers. Thus Decan- dolle observes that after making allowance for all meteorological causes, which determine the epoch of flowering, we must reckon as another cause the peculiar nature of each species. The flowering once determined, appears to be subject to a law of periodicity and habit.* It appears then that the functions of plants have by their nature a periodical character; and the length of the period thus belonging to vegetables is a result of their organization. Warmth and light, soil and moisture, may in some degree modify, and hasten or retard the stages of this period; but when the constraint is removed the natural period is again resumed. Such stimulants as we have mentioned are not the causes of this periodicity. They do not produce the varied functions of the plant, and could not occasion their performance at regular intervals, except the plant possessed a suitable construction. They could not alter the length of the cycle of vege- table functions, except within certain very narrow limits. The processes of the rising of the sap, of the formation of proper juices, of the unfolding of leaves, the opening of flowers, the fecundation of the fruit, the ripening of the seed, its proper deposition in order for the reproduction of a new plant;-all these ope- rations require a certain portion of time, and could not be compressed into a space less than a year, or at least could not be abbreviated in any very great degree. And on the other hand, if the winter were greatly longer than it now is, many seeds would not germinate at the return of spring. Seeds which have been kept too long require stimulants to make them fertile. If therefore the duration of the seasons were much * Dec. Phys. vol. ii. 478. LENGTH OF THE YEAR, 33 to change, the processes of vegetable life would be interrupted, deranged, distempered. What, for in- stance, would become of our calendar of Flora, if the year were lengthened or shortened by six months? Some of the dates would never arrive in the one case, and the vegetable processes which mark them would be superseded; some seasons would be with- out dates in the other case, and these periods would be employed in a way harmful to the plants, and no doubt speedily destructive. We should have not only a year of confusion, but, if it were repeated and continued, a year of death. But in the existing state of things, the duration of the earth’s revolution round the sun, and the dura- tion of the revolution of the vegetable functions of most plants are equal. These two periods are ad- justed to each other. The stimulants which the ele- ments apply come at such intervals and continue for such times, that the plant is supported in health and vigour, and enabled to reproduce its kind. Just such a portion of time is measured out for the vegetable powers to execute their task, as enables them to do so in the best manner. Now such an adjustment must surely be accepted as a proof of design, exercised in the formation of the world. Why should the solar year be so long and no longer" or, this being of such a length, why should the vegetable cycle be exactly of the same length? Can this be chance? And this occurs, it is to be observed, not in one, or in a few species of plants, but in thousands. Take a small portion only of known species, as the most obviously endowed with this adjustment, and say ten thousand. How should all these organized bodies be constructed for the same period of a year? How should all these machines be wound up so as to go for the same time? Even allowing that they could bear a year of a month longer or shorter, how do they all come within such limits " No chance could produce such a result. And if not by chance, how otherwise could such a 34 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS, coincidence occur, than by an intentional adjustment of these two things to one another? by a selection of such an organization in plants, as would fit them to the earth on which they were to grow; by an adaptation of construction to conditions; of the scale of the construction to the scale of the conditions. It cannot be accepted as an explanation of this fact in the economy of plants, that it is necessary to their existence; that no plants could possibly have subsisted, and come down to us, except those which were thus suited to their place on earth. This is true; but this does not at all remove the necessity of re- curring to design as the origin of the construction by which the existence and continuance of plants is made possible. A watch could not go, except there were the most exact adjustment in the forms and positions of its wheels; yet no one would accept it as an explanation of the origin of such forms and positions, that the watch would not go if these were other than they are. If the objector were to suppose that plants were originally fitted to years of various lengths, and that such only have survived to the pre- sent time, as had a cycle of a length equal to our present year, or one which could be accommodated to it; we should reply, that the assumption is too gra- tuitous and extravagant to require much considera- tion; but that, moreover, it does not remove the dif- ficulty. How came the functions of plants to be periodical at all ! Here is, in the first instance, an agreement in the form of the laws that prevail in the organic and in the inorganic world, which ap- pears to us a clear evidence of design in their Au- thor. And the same kind of reply might be made to any similar objection to our argument. Any suppo- sition that the universe has gradually approximated to that state of harmony among the operations of its different parts, of which we have one instance in the coincidence now under consideration, would make it necessary for the objector to assume a previous state of things preparatory to this perfect correspondence. LENGTH OF THE YEAR. 35 And in this preparatory condition we should still be able to trace the rudiments of that harmony, for which it was proposed to account: so that even the most unbounded license of hypothesis would not en- able the opponent to obliterate the traces of an in- tentional adaptation of one part of nature to another. Nor would it at all affect the argument, if these periodical occurrences could be traced to some proximate cause: if for instance it could be shown, that the budding or flowering of plants is brought about at particular intervals, by the nutriment accu- mulated in their vessels during the preceding months. For the question would still remain, how their func- tions were so adjusted, that the accumulation of the nutriment necessary for budding and flowering, to- gether with the operation itself, comes to occupy ex- actly a year, instead of a month only, or ten years. There must be in their structure some reference to time : how did such a reference occur ! how was it determined to the particular time of the earth's revo- lution round the sun ? This could be no otherwise, as we conceive, than by design and appointment. We are left therefore with this manifest adjust- ment before us, of two parts of the universe, at first sight so remote; the dimensions of the solar system and the powers of vegetable life. These two things are so related, that one has been made to fit the other. The relation is as clear as that of a watch to a sundial. Iſ a person were to compare the watch with the dial, hour after hour, and day after day, it would be impossible for him not to believe that the watch had been contrived to accommodate itself to the solar day. We have at least ten thousand kinds of vegetable watches of the most various forms, which are all accommodated to the solar year; and the evidence of contrivance seems to be no more capable of being eluded in this case than in the other. The same kind of argument might be applied to the animal creation. The pairing, nesting, hatching, fledging, and flight of birds, for instance, occupy 36 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. each its peculiar time of the year; and, together with a proper period of rest, fill up the twelve months. The transformations of most insects have a similar reference to the seasons, their progress and duration. “In every species,” (except man,) says a writer* on animals, “there is a peculiar period of the year in which the reproductive system exercises its ener- gies. And the season of love and the period of ges- tation are so arranged that the young ones are pro- duced at the time wherein the conditions of tempera- ture are most suited to the commencement of life.” It is not our business here to consider the details of such provisions, beautiful and striking as they are. But the prevalence of the great law of periodicity in the vital functions of organized beings will be al- lowed to have a claim to be considered in its refer- ence to astronomy, when it is seen that their periodi- cal constitution derives its use from the periodical nature of the motions of the planets round the sun; and that the duration of such cycles in the existence of plants and animals has a reference to the arbi- trary elements of the solar system: a reference which, we maintain, is inexplicable and unintelligi- ble, except by admitting into our conceptions; an In- telligent Author, alike of the organic and inorganic UIIll VeTSé. * Fleming, Zool. i. 400. 37 {XHAPTER II. The Length of the Day. WE shall now consider another astronomical ele- ment, the time of the revolution of the earth on its axis; and we shall find here also that the structure of organized bodies are suited to this element;-that the cosmical and physiological arrangements are adapted to each other. We can very easily conceive the earth to revolve on her axis faster or slower than she does, and thus the days to be longer or shorter than they are, with- out supposing any other change to take place. There is no apparent reason why this globe should turn on its axis just three hundred and sixty-six times while it describes its orbit round the sun. The revolutions of the other planets, so far as we know them, do not appear to follow any rule by which they are con- nected with the distance from the sun. Mercury, Venus, and Mars have days nearly the length of ours. Jupiter and Saturn revolve in about ten hours each. For any thing we can discover, the earth might have revolved in this or any other smaller period; or we might have had, without mechanical inconvenience, much longer days than we have. But the terrestrial day, and consequently the length of the cycle of light and darkness, being what it is, we find various parts of the constitution both of ani- mals and vegetables, which have a periodical cha- racter in their functions, corresponding to the diurnal succession of external conditions; and we find that the length of the period, as it exists in their constitu- tion, coincides with the length of the natural day. The alternation of processes which takes place in plants by day and by night is less obvious, and less D 38 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. obviously essential to their well-being, than the an- nual series of changes. But there are abundance of facts which serve to show that such an alternation is part of the vegetable economy. In the same manner in which Linnaeus proposed a Calendar of Flora, he also proposed a Dial of Flora, or Flower-Clock; and this was to consist, as will readily be supposed, of plants, which mark certain hours of the day, by opening and shutting their flow- ers. Thus the day-lily (hemerocallis fulva) opens at five in the morning; the leontodon tarazacum, or common dandelion, at five or six; the hieracium lati- folium (hawkweed), at seven ; the hieracium pilosella, at eight; the calendula arvensis, or marigold, at nine; the mesembryanthemum neapolitanum, at ten or eleven; and the closing of these and other flowers in the latter part of the day offers a similar system of hour marks. Some of these plants are thus expanded in conse- quence of the stimulating action of the light and heat of the day, as appears by their changing their time, when these influences are changed; but others appear to be constant to the same hours, and inde- pendent of the impulse of such external circum- stances. Other flowers by their opening and shutting prognosticate the weather. Plants of the latter kind are called by Linnaeus meteoric flowers, as being re- gulated by atmospheric causes: those which change their hour of opening and shutting with the length of the day, he terms tropical; and the hours which they measure are, he observes, like Turkish hours, of va- rying length at different seasons. But there are other plants which he terms equinoctial; their vegetable days, like the days of the equator, being always of equal length ; and these open, and generally close, at a fixed and positive hour of the day. Such plants clearly prove that the periodical character, and the period of the motions above described, do not depend altogether on external circumstances. Some curious experiments on this subject were I,ENGTH OF THE YEAR. 39 made by Decandolle. He kept certain plants in two cellars, one warmed by a stove and dark, the other lighted by lamps. On some of the plants the artifi- cial light appeared to have no influence, (convolvulus arvensis, convolvulus cneorum, silene fruticosa) and they still followed the clock hours in their opening and closing. The night-blowing plants appeared somewhat disturbed, both by perpetual light and per- petual darkness. In either condition they accelerated their going so much, that in three days they had gained half a day, and thus exchanged night for day as their time of opening. Other flowers went slower in the artificial light (convolvulus purpureus.) . In like manner those plants which fold and unfold their leaves were variously affected by this mode of treat- ment. The oacalis stricta and oacalis incarnata kept their habits, without regarding either artificial light or heat. The mimosa leucocephala folded and unfold- ed at the usual times, whether in light or in dark- ness, but the folding up was not so complete as in the open air. The mimosa pudica (sensitive plant.) kept in darkness during the day time, and illumi- mated during the night, had in three days accommo- dated herself to the artificial state, opening in the evening, and closing in the morning; restored to the open air, she recovered her usual habits. Tropical plants in general, as is remarked by our gardeners, suffer from the length of our summer daylight; and it has been found necessary to shade them during a certain part of the day. It is clear from these facts, that there is a diurnal period belonging to the constitution of vegetables; though the succession of functions depends in part on external stimulants, as light and heat, their peri- odical character is a result of the structure of the plant; and this structure is such, that the length of the period, under the common influences to which plants are exposed, coincides with the astronomical day. The power of accommodation which vegeta- bles possess in this respect, is far from being such as 40 TERRESTRIAL ÁDAPTATIONS, either to leave the existence of this periodical cori- stitution doubtful, or to entitle us to suppose that the day might be considerably lengthened or shortened without injury to the vegetable kingdom. Here then we have an adaptation between the structure of plants, and the periodical-order of light and darkness which arises from the earth’s rotation; and the arbitrary quantity, the length of the cycle of the physiological and of the astronomical fact, is the same. Can this have occurred any otherwise than by an intentional adjustment? -. Any supposition that the astronomical cycle has occasioned the physiological one, that the structure of plants has been brought to be what it is by the action of external causes, or that such plants as could not accommodate themselves to the existing day have perished, would be not only an arbitrary and baseless assumption, but moreover useless for the purposes of explanation which it professes, as we have noticed of a similar supposition with respect to the annual cycle. How came plants to have pe- riodicity at all in those functions which have a rela- tion to light and darkness? This part of their constitution was suited to organized things which were to flourish on the earth, and it is accordingly bestowed on them; it was necessary for this end that the period should be of a certain length; it is of that length and no other. Surely this looks like inten- tional provision. Animals also have a period in their functions and habits; as in the habits of waking, sleeping, eating, &c. and their well-being appears to depend on the coincidence of this period with the length of the natural day. We see that in the day, as it now is, all animals find seasons for taking food and repose, which agree perfectly with their health and comfort. Some animals feed during the day, as nearly all the ruminating animals and land birds; others feed only in the twilight, as bats and owls, and are called crepuscular; while many beasts of prey, aquatic LENGTH OF THE DAY. 41 birds, and others, take their food during the night. Those animals which are nocturnal feeders are diur- nal sleepers, while those which are crepuscular, sleep partly in the night and partly in the day; but in all, the complete period of these functions is twenty-four hours. Man, in like manner, in all na- tions and ages, takes his principal rest once in twenty-four hours; and the regularity of this prac- tice seems most suitable to his health, though the duration of the time allotted to repose is extremely different in different cases. So far as we can judge, this period is of a length beneficial to the human frame, independently of the effect of external agents. In the voyages recently made into high northern la- titudes, where the sun did not rise for three months, the crews of the ships were made to adhere, with the utmost punctuality, to the habit of retiring to rest at nine, and rising a quarter before six; and they enjoyed, under circumstances apparently the most trying, a state of salubrity quite remarkable. This shows, that according to the common constitu- tion of such men, the cycle of twenty-four hours is very commodious, though not imposed on them by external circumstances. - The hours of food and repose are capable of such wide modifications in animals, and above all in man, by the influence of external stimulants and internal emotions, that it is not easy to distinguish what por- tion of the tendency to such alternations depends on original constitution. Yet no one can doubt that the inclination to food and sleep is periodical, or can maintain, with any plausibility, that the period may be lengthened or shortened without limit. We may be tolerably certain that a constantly recurring pe- riod of forty-eight hours would be too long for one day of employment and one period of sleep, with our present faculties; and all, whose bodies and minds are tolerably active, will probably agree that, independently of habit, a perpetual alternation of eight hours up and four in bed would employ the D 2 42 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS, human powers less advantageously and agreeably than an alternation of sixteen and eight. A crea- ture which could employ the full energies of his body and mind uninterruptedly for nine months, and then take a single sleep of three months, would not be a Iſla Ile When, therefore, we have subtracted from the daily cycle of the employments of men and animals, that which is to be set down to the account of habits acquired, and that which is occasioned by extraneous causes, there still remains a periodical character; and a period of a certain length, which coincides with, or at any rate easily accommodates itself to, the duration of the earth’s revolution. The physio- logical analysis of this part of our constitution is not necessary for our purpose. The succession of exer- tion and repose in the muscular system, of excited and dormant sensibility in the nervous, appear to be fundamentally connected with the muscular and ner- vous powers, whatever the nature of these may be. The necessity of these alternations is one of the measures of the intensity of those vital energies; and it would seem that we cannot, without assuming the human powers to be altered, suppose the inter- vals of tranquillity which they require to be much changed. This view agrees with the opinion of some of the most eminent physiologists. Thus Cabanis” notices the periodical and isochronous character of the desire of sleep, as well as of other appetites. He states also that sleep is more easy and more sa- lutary, in proportion as we go to rest and rise every day at the same hours; and observes that this pe- riodicity seems to have a reference to the motions of the solar system. - - Now how should such a reference be at first established in the constitution of man, animals, and plants, and transmitted from one generation of them to another? If we suppose a wise and benevolent * Rapports du Physique et du Moral de l’Homme, II. 371. MASS OF THE EARTH, 43 Creator, by whom all the parts of nature were fitted to their uses and to each other, this is what we might expect and can understand. On any other supposi- tion such a fact appears altogether incredible and inconceivable. CHAPTER III. The JMass of the Earth. WE shall now consider the adaptation which may, as we conceive, be traced in the amount of some of the quantities which determine the course of events in the organic world; and especially in the amount of the forces which are in action. The life of vege- tables and animals implies a constant motion of their fluid parts, and this motion must be produced by forces which urge or draw the particles of the fluids. The positions of the parts of vegetables are also the result of the flexibility and elasticity of their sub- stance; the voluntary motions of animals are pro- duced by the tension of the muscles. But in all those cases, the effect really produced depends upon the force of gravity also; and in order that the motions and positions may be such as answer their purpose, the forces which produce them must have a due pro- portion to the force of gravity. In human works, if, for instance, we have a fluid to raise, or a weight to move, some calculation is requisite, in order to de- termine the power which we must use, relatively to the work which is to be done: we have a mechani- cal problem to solve, in order that we may adjust the one to the other. And the same adjustment, the same result of a comparison of quantities, manifests itself in the relation which the forces of the organic world bear to the force of gravity. 44 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. The force of gravity might, so far as we can judge, have been different from what it now is. It depends upon the mass of the earth; and this mass is one of the elements of the solar system, which is not deter- mined by any cosmical necessity of which we are aware. The masses of the several planets are very different, and do not appear to follow any determi- nate rule, except that upon the whole those nearer to the sun appear to be smaller, and those nearer the outskirts of the system to be larger. We cannot see any thing which would have prevented either the size or the density of the earth from being different, to a very great extent, from what they are. Now, it will be very obvious that if the intensity of gravity were to be much increased, or much di- minished, if every object were to become twice as heavy or only half as heavy as it now is, all the forces, both of involuntary and voluntary motion which produce the present orderly and suitable re- sults by being properly proportioned to the resistance which they experience, would be thrown off their balance ; they would produce motions too quick or too slow, wrong positions, jerks and stops, instead of steady, well conducted movements. The universe would be like a machine ill regulated; every thing would go wrong; repeated collisions and a rapid disorganization must be the consequence. We will, however, attempt to illustrate one or two of the cases in which this would take place, by pointing out forces which act in the organic world, and which are adjusted to the force of gravity. 1. The first instance we shall take, is the force manifested by the ascent of the sap in vegetables. It appears by a multitude of indisputable experiments, (among the rest, those of Hales, Mirbel, and Dutro- chet,) that all plants imbibe moisture by their roots, and pump it up, by some internal force, into every part of their frame, distributing it into every leaf. It will be easily conceived that this operation must re- quire a very considerable mechanical force; for the MASS OF THE EARTH. 45 fluid must be sustained as if it were a single column reaching to the top of the tree. The division into minute parts and distribution through small vessels does not at all diminish the total force requisite to raise it. If, for instance, the tree be thirty-three feet high, the pressure must be fifteen pounds upon every Square inch in the section of the vessels of the bot- tom in order merely to support the sap. And it is not only supported, but propelled upwards with great force, so as to supply the constant evaporation of the leaves. The pumping power of the tree must, there- fore, be very considerable. That this power is great, has been confirmed by various curious experiments, especially by those of Hales. He measured the force with which the stems and branches of trees draw the fluid from below, and push it upwards. He found, for instance, that a vine in the bleeding season could push up its sap in a glass tube to the height of twenty-one feet above the stump of an amputated branch. The force which produces this effect is part of the economy of the vegetable world; and it is clear that the due operation of the force depends upon its being rightly proportioned to the force of gravity. The weight of the fluid must be counterbalanced, and an excess of force must exist to produce the motion up- wards. In the common course of vegetable life, the rate of ascent of the sap is regulated, on the one hand, by the upward pressure of the vegetable power, and on the other, by the amount of the gra- vity of the fluid, along with the other resistances, which are to be overcome. If, therefore, we sup- pose gravity to increase, the rapidity of this vege- table circulation will diminish, and the rate at which this function proceeds, will not correspond either to the course of the seasons, or the other physiological processes with which this has to co-operate. We might easily conceive such an increase of gravity as would stop the vital movements of the plant in a very short-time. In like manner, a diminution of the 46 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. gravity of the vegetable juices would accelerate the rising of the sap, and would, probably, hurry and overload the leaves and other organs, so as to inter- fere with their due operation. Some injurious change, at least, would take place. - - Here, then, we have the forces of the minutest parts of vegetables adjusted to the magnitude of the whole mass of the earth on which they exist. There is no apparent connexion between the quantity of matter of the earth, and the force of imbibition of the roots of a vine, or the force of propulsion of the vessels of its branches. Yet, these things have such a proportion as the well being of the vine requires. How is this to be accounted for, but by supposing that the circumstances under which the vine was to grow, were attended to in devising its structure ? We have not here pretended to decide whether this force of propulsion of vegetables is mechanical or not, because the argument is the same for our purpose on either supposition. Some very curious experiments have recently been made, (by M. Du- trochet,) which are supposed to show that the force is mechanical; that when two different fluids are se- parated by a thin membrane, a force which M. Du- trochet calls endosmose urges one fluid through the membrane: and that the roots of plants are provided with small vesicles which act the part of such a membrane. M. Poisson has further attempted to show that this force of endosmose may be considered as a particular modification of capillary action. If these views be true, we have here two mechanical forces, capillary action and gravity, which are ad- justed to each other in the manner precisely suited to the welfare of vegetables. 2. As another instance of adaptation between the force of gravity and forces which exist in the veget- able world, we may take the positions of flowers. Some flowers grow with the hollow of their eup up- wards: others “hang the pensive head,” and turn the opening downwards. Now of these “nodding MASS OF THE EARTH, - 47 flowers,” as Linnaeus calls them, he observes that they are such as have their pistil longer than the stamens; and, in consequence of this position, the dust from the anthers which are at the ends of the stamens can fall upon the stigma or extremity of the pistil; which process is requisite for making the flower fertile. He gives as instances the flowers campanula, leucoium, galanthus, fritillaria. Other botanists have remarked that the position changes at different periods of the flower's progress. The pistil of the Euphorbia (which is a little globe or germen on a slendar stalk) grows upright at first, and is taller than the stamens: at the period suited to its fecun- dation, the stalk bends under the weight of the ball at its extremity, so as to depress the germen below the stamens; after this it again becomes erect, the globe being now a fruit filled with fertile seeds. The positions in all these cases depend upon the length and flexibility of the stalk which supports the flower, or in the case of the Euphorbia, the germen. It is clear that a very slight alteration in the force of gravity, or in the stiffness of the stalk, would entirely alter the position of the flower cup, and thus make the continuation of the species impossible. We have therefore here a little mechanical contrivance, which would have been frustrated if the proper intensity of gravity had not been assumed in the reckoning. An earth greater or smaller, denser or rarer than the one on which we live, would require a change in the structure and strength of the footstalks of all the lit- tle flowers that hang their heads under our hedges. There is something curious in thus considering the whole mass of the earth from pole to pole, and from circumference to centre, as employed in keeping a Snowdrop in the position most suited to the promo- tion of its vegetable health. It would be easy to mention many other parts of the economy of vegetable life, which depend for their use on their adaptation to the force of gravity. Such are the forces and conditions which determine 48 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. the positions of leaves and of branches. Such again those parts of the vegetable constitution which have reference to the pressure of the atmosphere; for dif- ferences in this pressure appear to exercise a power- ful influence on the functions of plants, and to require differences of structure. But we pass over these con- siderations. The slightest attention to the relations of natural objects will show that the subject is in- exhaustible; and all that we can or need do is to give a few examples, such as may show the nature of the impression which the examination of the uni- verse produces. - - 3. Another instance of the adjustment of organic structure to the force of gravity may be pointed out in the muscular powers of animals. If the force of gravity were increased in any considerable propor- tion at the surface of the earth, it is manifest that all the swiftness, and strength, and grace of animal mo- tious must disappear. If, for instance, the earth were as large as Jupiter, gravity would be eleven times what it is, the lightness of the fawn, the speed of the hare, the spring of the tiger, could no longer exist with the existing muscular powers of those animals; for man to lift himself upright, or to crawl from place to place, would be a labour slower and more painful than the motions of the sloth. The density and pressure of the air too would be increased to an intolerable extent, and the operation of respiration, and others, which depend upon these mechanical pro- perties, would be rendered laborious, ineffectual, and probably impossible. If, on the other hand, the force of gravity were much lessened, inconveniences of an opposite kind would occur. The air would be too thin to breathe; the weight of our bodies, and of all the substances surrounding us, would become too slight to resist the perpetually occurring causes of derangement and unsteadiness: we should feel a want of ballast in Our movements. - It has sometimes been maintained by fanciful the- MASS OF THE EARTH. 49 orists that the earth is merely a shell, and that the central parts are hollow. All the reasons we can collect appear to be in favour of its being a solid mass, considerably denser than any known rock. If this be so, and if we suppose the interior to be at any time scooped out, so as to leave only such a shell as the above mentioned speculators have asserted, we should not be left in ignorance of the change, though the appearance of the surface might remain the same. . We should discover the want of the usual force of gravity, by the instability of all about us. Things would not lie where we placed them, but would slide away with the slightest push. We should have a difficulty in standing or walking, something like what we have on ship-board when the deck is inclined; and we should stagger helplessly through an atmosphere thinner than that which oppresses the respiration of the traveller on the tops of the highest mountains. We see therefore that those dark and unknown central portions of the earth, which are placed far beyond the reach of the miner and the geologist, and of which man will probably never know anything directly, are not to be considered as quite discon- nected with us, as deposits of useless lumber without effect or purpose. We feel their influence on every step we take and on every breath we draw ; and the powers we possess, and the comforts we enjoy would be unprofitable to us, if they had not been prepared with a reference to those as well as to the near and visible portions of the earth’s mass. The arbitrary quantity, therefore, of which we have been treating, the intensity of the force of gra- vity, appears to have been taken account of, in es- tablishing the laws of those forces by which the pro- cesses of vegetable and animal life are carried on. And this leads us inevitably, we conceive, to the be- lief of a supreme contriving mind, by which these laws were thus devised and thus established. E 50 CHAPTER IV. The Magnitude of the Ocean. THERE are several arbitrary quantities which con- tribute to determine the state of things at the earth’s surface besides those already mentioned. Some of these we shall briefly refer to, without pursuing the subject into detail. We wish not only to show that the properties and processes of vegetable and animal life must be adjusted to each of these quantities in particular, but also to point out how numerous and complicated the conditions of the existence of or- ganized beings are; and we shall thus be led to think less inadequately of the intelligence which has em- braced at once, and combined without confusion, all these conditions. We appear thus to be conducted to the conviction not only of design and intention, but of supreme knowledge and wisdom. One of the quantities which enters into the consti- tution of the terrestrial system of things is the bulk of the waters of the ocean. The mean depth of the sea, according to the calculations of Laplace, is four or five miles. On this supposition, the addition to the sea of one-fourth of the existing waters would drown the whole of the globe, except a few chains of moun- tains. Whether this be exact or no, we can easily conceive the quantity of water which lies in the cavi- ties of our globe to be greater or less than it at pre- sent is. With every such addition or subtraction the form and magnitude of the dry land would vary, and if this change were considerable, many of the present relations of things would be altered. It may be sufficient to mention one effect of such a change. The sources which water the earth, both clouds, rains, and rivers, are mainly fed by the aqueous va- MAGNITUDE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 51 pour raised from the sea; and therefore if the sea were much diminished, and the land increased, the mean quantity of moisture distributed upon the land must be diminished, and the character of climates, as to wet and dry, must be materially affected. Simi- lar, but opposite changes would result from the in- crease of the surface of the ocean. - It appears then that the magnitude of the ocean is one of the conditions to which the structure of all organized beings which are dependent upon climate must be adapted. CHAPTER V. The Magnitude of the Atmosphere. THE total quantity of air of which our atmosphere is composed is another of the arbitrary magnitudes of our terrestrial system; and we may apply to this subject considerations similar to those of the last sec- tion. We can see no reason why the atmosphere might not have been larger in comparison to the globe which it surrounds; those of Mars and Jupi- ter appear to be so. But if the quantity of air were increased, the structure of organized beings would in many ways cease to be adapted to their place. The atmospheric pressure, for instance, would be in- creased, which, as we have already noticed, would require an alteration in the structure of vegetables. Another way in which an increase of the mass of the atmosphere would produce inconvenience would be in the force of winds. If the current of air in a strong gale were doubled or tripled, as might be the case if the atmosphere were augmented, the destruc- tive effects would be more than doubled or tripled. With such a change, nothing could stand against a storm. In general, houses and trees resist the vio- 52 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONs. lence of the wind; and except in extreme cases, as for instance in occasional hurricanes in the West In- dies, a few large trees in a forest are unusual trophies of the power of the tempest. The breezes which we commonly have are harmless messengers to bring about the salutary changes of the atmosphere, even the motion which they communicate to vegetables tends to promote their growth, and is so advan- tageous, that it has been proposed to imitate it by artificial breezes in the hothouse. But with a stream of wind blowing against them, like three, or five, or ten, gales compressed into the space of one, none of the existing trees could stand; and except they could either bend like rushes in a stream, or extend their roots far wider than their branches, they must be torn up in whole groves. We have thus a manifest adaptation of the present usual strength of the ma- terials and of the workmanship of the world to the stress of wind and weather which they have to SuStain. -- CHAPTER VI. The Constancy and Variety of Climates. IT is possible to conceive arrangements of our sys- tem, according to which all parts of the earth might have the same, or nearly the same, climate. If, for example, we suppose the earth to be a flat disk, or flat ring, like the ring of Saturn, revolving in its own plane as that does, each part of both the flat sur- faces would have the same exposure to the sun, and the same temperature, so far as the sun’s effect is concerned. There is no obvious reason why a planet of such a form might not be occupied by animals and vegetables, as well as our present earth; and on this supposition the climate would be every where CLIMATES. 53 the same, and the whole surface might be covered with life, without the necessity of there being any difference in the kind of inhabitants belonging to dif- ferent parts. Again, it is possible to conceive arrangements ac- cording to which no part of our planet should have any steady climate. This may probably be the case with a comet. If we suppose such a body, revolving round the sun in a very oblong ellipse, to be of small size and of a very high temperature, and therefore to cool rapidly; and if we suppose it also to be sur- rounded by a large atmosphere, composed of various gases; there would, on the surface of such a body, be no average climate or seasons for each place. The years, if we give this name to the intervals of time occupied by its successive revolutions, would be entirely unlike one another. The greatest heat of one year might be cool compared with the greatest cold of a preceding one. The greatest heats and colds might succeed each other at intervals per- petually unequal. The atmosphere might be per- petually changing its composition by the condensa- tion of some of its constituent gases. In the opera- tions of the elements, all would be incessant and rapid change, without recurrence or compensation. We cannot say that organized beings could not be fitted for such a habitation; but if they were, the adaptation must be made by means of a constitution quite different from that of almost all organized be- ings known to us. The state of things upon the earth, in its present condition, is very different from both these supposi- tions. The climate of the same place, notwithstand- ing perpetual and apparently irregular change, pos- sesses a remarkable steadiness. And, though in different places the annual succession of appear- ances in the earth and heavens, is, in some of its main characters, the same, the result of these influ- ences in the average climate is very different. Now, to this remarkable constitution of the earth E 2 - 54 ... TERRESTRIAL AIDAPTATIONS. as to climate, the constitution of the animal and ve- getable world is precisely adapted. The differences of different climates are provided for by the exist- ence of entirely different classes of plants and ani- mals in different countries. The constancy of climate at the same place is a necessary condition of the prosperity of each species there fixed. We shall illustrate, by a few details, these charac- teristics in the constitution of inorganic and of Or- ganic nature, with the view of fixing the reader's attention upon the correspondence of the two. 1. The succession and alternation, at any given place, of heat and cold, rain and sunshine, wind and calm, and other atmospheric changes, appears at first sight to be extremely irregular, and not subject to any law. It is, however, easy to see, with a little attention, that there is a certain degree of constancy in the average weather and seasons of each place, though the particular facts of which these generali- ties are made up seem to be out of the reach of fixed laws. And when we apply any numerical measure to these particular occurrences, and take the average of the numbers thus observed, we generally find a remarkably close correspondence in the numbers be- longing to the whole, or to analogous portions of successive years. This will be found to apply to the measures given by the thermometer, the barometer, the hygrometer, the raingage, and similar instru- ments. Thus it is found that very hot summers, or very cold winters, raise or depress the mean annual temperature very little above or below the general standard. The heat may be expressed by degrees of the thermometer; the temperature of the day is esti- mated by this measure taken at a certain period of the day, which is found by experience to correspond with the daily average; and the mean annual tem- perature will then be the average of all the heights of the thermometer for every day in the year. The mean annual temperature of London, thus CLIMATES. 55 measured, is about 50 degrees 4-10ths. The frost of the year 1788 was so severe that the Thames was passable on the ice; the mean temperature of that year was 50 degrees 6-10ths, being within a small fraction a degree of the standard. In 1796, when the greatest cold ever observed in London occurred, the mean temperature of the year was 50 degrees 1-10th, which is likewise within a fraction of a degree of the standard. In the severe winter of 1813-14, when the Thames, Tyne, and other large rivers in England were completely frozen over, the mean temperature of the two years was 49 degrees, being little more than a degree below the standard. And in the year 1808, when the summer was so hot that the tempera- ture in London was as high as 93; degrees, the mean heat of the year was 50%, which is about that of the standard. The same numerical indications of the constancy of climate at the same place might be collected from the records of other instruments of the kind above- mentioned. - We shall, hereafter, consider some of the very complex agencies by which this steadiness is pro- duced; and shall endeavour to point out intentional adaptations to this object. But we may, in the mean- time, observe how this property of the atmospheric changes is made subservient to a further object. To this constancy of the climates of each place, the structure of plants is adapted; almost all vege- tables require a particular mean temperature of the year, or of some season of the year; a particular de- gree of moisture, and similar conditions. This will be seen by observing that the range of most plants as to climate is very limited. A vegetable which flourishes where the mean temperature is 55 degrees, would pine and wither when removed to a region where the average is 50 degrees. If, therefore, the average at each place were to vary as much as this, our plants with their present constitutions would suf- fer, languish, and soon die. 56 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. 2. It will be readily understood that the same mode of measurement by which we learn the con- stancy of climate at the same place, serves to show us, the variety which belongs to different places. While the variations of the same region vanish when we take the averages even of moderate periods, those of distant countries are fixed and perpetual; and stand out more clear and distinct, the longer is the interval for which we measure their operation. In the way of measuring already described, the mean temperature of Petersburg is 39 degrees, of Rome 60, of Cairo 72. Such observations as these, and others of the same kind, have been made at va- rious places, collected and recorded; and in this way the surface of the earth can be divided by boundary lines into various strips, according to these physical differences. Thus, the zones which take in all the places having the same or nearly the same mean an- nual temperature, have been called isothermal zones. These zones run nearly parallel to the equator, but not exactly, for, in Europe, they bend to the north in going eastward. In the same manner, the lines passing through all places which have an equal tem- perature for the summer or the winter half of the year, have been called respectively isotheral and iso- chimal lines. These do not coincide with the isother- mal lines, for a place may have the same tempera- ture as another, though its summer be hotter and its winter colder, as is the case of Pekin compared with London. In the same way we might conceive lines drawn according to the conditions of clouds, rain, wind, and the like circumstances, if we had observa- tions enough to enable us to lay down such lines. The course of vegetation depends upon the combined influence of all such conditions; and the lines which bound the spread of particular vegetable productions do not, in most cases, coincide with any of the se- parate meteorological boundaries above spoken of Thus, the northern limit of vineyards runs through France, in a direction very nearly north-east and GEOGRAPHY OF PLANTS. 57 south-west, while the line of equal temperature is nearly east and west. And the spontaneous growth or advantageous cultivation of other plants, is in like manner bounded by lines of which the course de- pends upon very complex causes, but of which the position is generally precise and fixed. CHAPTER VII. The Variety of Organization corresponding to the Va. riety of Climate. THE organization of plants and animals is in diſ- ferent tribes formed upon schemes more or less dif- ferent, but in all cases adjusted in a general way to the course and action of the elements. The diffe- rences are connected with the different habits and manners of living which belong to different species; and at any one place the various species, both of animals and plants, have a number of relations and mutual dependences arising out of these differences. But besides the differences of this kind, we find in the forms of organic life another set of differences, by which the animal and vegetable kingdom are fit- ted for that variety in the climates of the earth, which we have been endeavouring to explain. The existence of such differences is too obvious to require to be dwelt upon. The plants and animals which flourish and thrive in countries remote from each other, offer to the eye of the traveller a series of pictures, which, even to an ignorant and unreflec- tive spectator, is full of a peculiar and fascinating in- terest in consequence of the novelty and strangeness of the successive scenes. Those who describe the countries between the tropics, speak with admiration of the luxuriant pro- fusion and rich variety of the vegetable productions 58 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. of those regions. Vegetable life seems there far more vigorous and active, the circumstances under which it goes on, far more favourable than in our latitudes. Now if we conceive an inhabitant of those regions, knowing, from the circumstances of the earth’s form and motion, the difference of climates which must prevail upon it, to guess, from what he saw about him, the condition of other parts of the globe as to vegetable wealth, is not likely that he would suppose that the extratropical climates must be almost devoid of plants? We know that the ancients, living in the temperate zone, came to the conclusion that both the torrid and—the frigid zones must be uninhabitable. In like manner the equatorial reasoner would probably conceive that vegetation must cease, or gradually die away, as he should proceed to places further and further removed from the genial influence of the sun. The mean temperature of his year being about 80 degrees, he would hardly suppose that any plants could subsist through a year, where the mean tem- perature was only 50, where the temperature of the summer quarter was only 64, and where the mean temperature of a whole quarter of the year was a very few degrees removed from that at which water becomes solid. He would suppose that scarcely any tree, shrub, or flower could exist in such a state of things, and so far as the plants of his own country are concerned, he would judge rightly. But the countries further removed from the equa- tor are not left thus unprovided. Instead of being scantily occupied by such of the tropical plants as could support a stunted and precarious life in unge- nial climes, they are abundantly stocked with a mul- titude of vegetables which appear to be constructed expressly for them, inasmuch as these species can no more flourish at the equator than the equatorial spe- cies can in these temperate regions. And such new supplies thus adapted to new conditions, recur per- petually as we advance towards the apparently frozen and untenantable regions in the neighbourhood of the ~ GEOGRAPHY JF PLAN TS. 59 pole. Every zone has its peculiar vegetables; and as we miss some, we find others make their appearance, as if to replace those which are absent, If we look at the indigenous plants of Asia and Europe, we find such a succession as we have here spoken of. At the equator we find the natives of the Spice Islands, the clove and nutmeg trees, pepper and mace. Cinnamon bushes clothe the surface of Ceylon; the odoriferous sandal wood, the ebony tree, the teak tree, the banyan, grow in the East Indies. In the same latitudes in Arabia the Happy we find balm, frankincense and myrrh, the coffee tree, and the tamarind. But in these countries, at least in the plains, the trees and shrubs which decorate our more northerly climes are wanting. And as we go north- wards, at every step we change the vegetable group, both by addition and by subtraction. In the thickets to the west of the Caspian Sea we have the apricot, citron, peach, walnut. In the same latitude in Spain, Sicily, and Italy, we find the dwarf palm, the cy- press, the chestnut, the cork tree: the orange and lemon tree perfume the air with their blossoms; the myrtle and pomegranate grow wild among the rocks. We cross the Alps, and we find the vegetation which belongs to northern Europe, of which England is an instance. The oak, the beech, and the elm are na- tives of Great Britain: the elm tree seen in Scotland, and in the north of England, is the wych elm. As we travel still further to the north the forests again change their character. In the northern provinces of the Russian empire are found forests of the vari- ous species of firs: the Scotch and spruce fir, and the larch. In the Orkney Islands no tree is found but the hazel, which occurs again on the northern shores of the Baltic. As we proceed into colder re- gions we still find species which appear to have been made for these situations. The hoary or cold elder makes its appearance north of Stockholm: the syca- more and mountain ash accompany us to the head of the gulf of Bothnia: and as we leave this and tra- 60 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. verse the Dophrian range, we pass in succession the boundary lines of the spruce fir, the Scotch fir, and those minute shrubs which botanists distinguish as the dwarf birch and dwarf willow. Here, near to or within the arctic circle, we yet find wild flowers of great beauty; the mezereum, the yellow and white water lily, and the European globe flower. And when these fail us, the reindeer moss still makes the country habitable for animals and man. We have thus a variety in the laws of vegetable organization remarkably adapted to the variety of climates; and by this adaptation the globe is clothed with vegetation and peopled with animals from pole to pole, while without such an adaptation vegetable and animal life must have been confined almost, or entirely, to some narrow zone on the earth's surface. We conceive that we see here the evidence of a wise and benevolent intention, overcoming the varying difficulties, or employing the varying resources of the elements, with an inexhaustible fertility of con- trivance, a constant tendency to diffuse life and well being. - 2. One of the great uses to which the vegetable wealth of the earth is applied, is the support of man, whom it provides with food and clothing; and the adaptation of tribes of indigenous vegetables to every climate has, we cannot but believe, a reference to the intention that the human race should be diffused over the whole globe. But this end is not answered by indigenous vegetables alone; and in the variety of vegetables capable of being cultivated with advan- tage in various countries, we conceive that we find evidence of an additional adaptation of the scheme of organic life to the system of the elements. The cultivated vegetables, which form the neces- saries or luxuries of human life, are each confined within limits, narrow, when compared with the whole surface of the earth; yet almost every part of the earth's surface is capable of being abundantly co- vered with one kind or other of these. When one &EOGRAPHY OF PLANTS.” 6] class fails, another appears in its place. Thus corn, wine, and oil, have each its boundaries. Wheat ex- tends through the old Continent, from England to Thibet; but it stops soon in going northwards, and is not found to succeed in the west of Scotland. Nor does it thrive better in the torrid zone than in the polar regions: within the tropics, wheat, barley and oats are not cultivated, excepting in situations con- siderably above the level of the sea: the inhabitants of those countries have other species of grain, or other food. The cultivation of the vine succeeds only in countries where the annual temperature is between 50 and 63 degrees. In both hemispheres, the profitable culture of this plant ceases within 30 degrees of the equator, unless in elevated situations, or in islands, as Teneriffe. The limits of the culti- vation of maize and of olives in France are parallel to those which bound the vine and corn in succes- sign to the north. In the north of Italy, west of Milan, we first meet with the cultivation of rice; which extends over all the southern part of Asia, wherever the land can be at pleasure covered with water. In great part of Africa millet is one of the principal kinds of grain. Cotton is cultivated to latitude 40 in the new world, but extends to Astrachan in latitude 46 in the old. The sugar cane, the plantain, the mulberry, the betel nut, the indigo tree, the tea tree, repay the labours of the cultivator in India and China; and several of these plants have been transferred, with success, to America and the West Indies. In equinoctial Ame- rica a great number of inhabitants find abundant nourishment on a narrow space cultivated with plan- tain, cassava yams, and maize. The breadfruit tree begins to be cultivated in the Manillas, and extends through the Pacific; the sago palm in the Moluccas, the cabbage tree in the Pelew islands. In this manner the various tribes of men are pro- vided with vegetable food. Some however live on F 62 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. their cattle, and thus make the produce of the earth only mediately subservient to their wants. Thus the Tartar tribes depend on their flocks and herds for food: the taste for the flesh of the horse seems to belong to the Mongols, Fins, and other descendants of the ancient Scythians: the locust eaters are found now, as formerly, in Africa. - Many of these differences depend upon custom, soil, and other causes with which we do not here meddle; but many are connected with climate: and the variety of the resources which man thus possesses, arises from the variety of constitution belonging to cultivable vegetables, through which one is fitted to one range of climate, and another to another. We conceive that this variety and succession of fitness for cultivation, shows undoubted marks of a most foreseeing and benevolent design in the Creator of man and of the world. 3. By differences in vegetables of the kind we have above described, the sustentation and gratifica- tion of man’s physical nature is copiously provided for. But there is another circumstance, a result of the difference of the native products of different re- gions, and therefore a consequence of that difference of climate on which the difference of native pro- ducts depends,” which appears to be worthy our notice. The difference of the productions of differ- ent countries has a bearing not only upon the phy- sical, but upon the social and moral condition of . Iſha.I]. The intercourse of nations in the way of dis- covery, colonization, commerce; the study of the natural history, manners, institutions of foreign countries; lead to most numerous and important re- sults. Without dwelling upon this subject, it will * It will be observed that it is not here asserted that the dif- ference of native products depends on the difference of climate alone. *. :: . GEOGRAPHY OF PLANTS. 63 probably be allowed that such intercourse has a great influence upon the comforts, the prosperity, the arts, the literature, the power, of the nations which thus communicate. Now the variety of the productions of different lands supplies both the sti- mulus to this intercourse, and, the instruments by which it produces its effects. The desire to possess the objects or the knowledge which foreign countries alone can supply, urges the trader, the traveller, the discoverer to compass land and sea; and the pro- gress of the arts and advantages of civilization con- sists almost entirely in the cultivation, the use, the improvement of that which has been received from Other countries. º * . This is the case to a much greater extent than might at first sight be supposed. Where man is active as a cultivator, he scarcely ever bestows much of his care on those vegetables which the land would produce in a state of nature. He does not select some of the plants of the soil and improve them by careful culture, but, for the most part, he expels the native possessors of the land, and intro- duces colonies of strangers. Thus, to take the condition of our own part of the globe as an example; scarcely one of the plants which occupy our fields and gardens is indigenous to the country. The walnut and the peach come to us from Persia; the apricot from Armenia : from Asia Minor, and Syria, we have the cherry tree, the fig, the pear, the pomegranate, the olive, the plum, and the mulberry. The vine which is now cultivated is not a native of Europe ; it is found wild on the shores of the Caspian, in Armenia and Cara- mania. The most useful species of plants, the cereal vegetables, are certainly strangers, though their birth place seems to be an impenetrable secret. Some have fancied that barley is found wild on the banks of the Semara, in Tartary, rye in Crete, wheat at Baschkiros, in Asia; but this is held by the best botanists to be very doubtful. The potatoe, which 64. TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. has been so widely diffused over the world in modern times, and has added so much to the resources of life in many countries, has been found equally dif- ficult to trace back to its wild condition. - Thus widely are spread the traces of the connex- ion of the progress of civilization with national in- tercourse. In our own country a higher state of the arts of life is marked by a more ready and extensive adoption of foreign productions. Our fields are covered with herbs from Holland, and roots from Germany; with Flemish farming and Swedish tur- nips; our hills with forests of the firs of Norway. The chestnut and poplar of the south of Europe adorn our lawns, and below them flourish shrubs and flowers from every clime in profusion. In the mean time Arabia improves our horses, China our pigs, North America our poultry, Spain our sheep, and almost every country sends its dog. The pro- ducts which are ingredients in our kuxuries, and which we cannot naturalize at home, we raise in our colonies; the cotton, coffee, sugar of the east are thus transplanted to the farthest west; and man lives in the middle of a rich and varied abundance which depends on the facility with which plants and animals and modes of culture can be transferred into lands far removed from those in which nature had placed them. And this plenty and variety of material com- forts is the companion and the mark of advantages and improvements in social life, of progress in art and science, of activity of thought, of energy of purpose, and of ascendancy of character. The differences in the productions of different countries which lead to the habitual intercourse of nations, and through this to the benefits which we have thus briefly noticed, do not all depend upon the differences of temperature and climate alone. But these differences are among the causes, and are some of the most important causes, or conditions, of the variety of products; and thus that arrangement of GEOGRAPHY OF PLANTS. 65 the earth’s form and motion from which the different climates of different places arises, is connected with the social and moral welfare and advancement of Iſla.I]. . - * We conceive that this connexion, though there must be to our apprehension much that is indefinite and uncertain in tracing its details, is yet a point where we may perceive the profound and compre- hensive relations established by the counsel and fore- sight of a wise and good Creator of the world and of man, by whom the progress and elevation of the hu- man species was neither uncontemplated nor uncared for. - - - 4. We have traced, in the variety of organized beings, an adaptation to the variety of climates, a provision for the sustentation of man all over the globe, and an instrument for the promotion of civil- ization and many attendant benefits. We have not considered this variety as itself a purpose which we can perceive or understand without reference to some ulterior end. Many persons, however, and especially those who are already in the habit of re- ferring the world to its Creator, will probably see something admirable in itself in this vast variety of created things. There is indeed something well fitted to produce and confirm a reverential wonder, in these apparently inexhaustible stores of new forms of being and modes of existence; the fixity of the laws of each class, its distinctness from all others, its relations to many. Structures and habits and cha- racters are exhibited, which are connected and dis- tinguished according to every conceivable degree of subordination and analogy, in their resemblances and in their differences. Every new country we ex- plore presents us with new combinations, where the possible cases seem to be exhausted; and with new resemblances and differences, constructed as if to elude what conjecture might have hit upon, by pro- ceeding from the old ones. Most of those who have F 2 66 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. any large portion of nature brought under their no- tice in this point of view, are led to feel that there is, in such a creation, a harmony, a beauty, and a dig- nity, of which the impression is irresistible; which would have been wanting in any more uniform and limited system such as we might try to imagine; and which of itself gives to the arrangements by which such a variety on the earth's surface is produced, the character of well devised means to a worthy end. CHAPTER VIII. The Constituents of Climate. WE have spoken of the steady average of the cli- mate at each place, of the difference of this average at different places, and of the adaptation of organized beings to this character in the laws of the elements by which they are affected. But this steadiness in the general effect of the elements, is the result of an extremely complex and extensive machinery. Cli- mate, in its wider sense, is not one single agent, but is the aggregate result of a great number of different agents, governed by different laws, producing effects of various kinds. The steadiness of this compound agency is not the steadiness of a permanent condi- tion, like that of a body at rest; but it is the steadi- ness of a state of constant change and movement, succession and alternation, seeming accident and irregularity. It is a perpetual repose, combined with a perpetual motion; an invariable average of most variable quantities. Now, the manner in which such a state of things is produced, deserves, we con- ceive, a closer consideration. It may be useful to show how the particular laws of the action of each of the elements of climate are so adjusted that they do not disturb this general constancy. - *...* LAWS OF HEAT—THE EARTH. 67 The principal constituents of climate are the fol- lowing:—the temperature of the earth, of the water, of the air:—the distribution of the aqueous vapour contained in the atmosphere —the winds and rains by which the equilibrium of the atmosphere is re- stored when it is in any degree disturbed. The effects of light, of electricity, probably of other causes also, are no doubt important in the economy of the vegetable world, but these agencies have not been reduced by scientific inquirers to such laws as to admit of their being treated with the same exact- ness and certainty which we can obtain in the case of those first mentioned. * . - We shall proceed to trace some of the peculiari- ties in the laws of the different physical agents which are in action at the earth’s surface, and the manner in which these peculiarities bear upon the general result. The Laws of Heat with respect to the Earth. One of the main causes which determine the tem- perature of each climate is the effect of the sun’s rays on the solid mass of the earth. The laws of this operation have been recently made out with considerable exactness, experimentally by Leslie, theoretically by Fourrier, and by other inquirers. The theoretical inquiries have required the applica- tion of very complex and abstruse mathematical in- vestigations; but the general character of the opera- tion may, perhaps, be made easily intelligible. The earth, like all solid bodies, transmits into its interior the impressions of heat which it receives at the surface; and throws off the superfluous heat from its surface into the surrounding space. These pro- cesses are called conduction and radiation, and have each their ascertained mathematical laws. By the laws of conduction, the daily impressions of heat which the earth receives, follow each other 68 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. into the interior of the mass, like the waves which start from the edge of a canal;% and like them, be- come more and more faint as they proceed, till they melt into the general level of the internal tempera- ture. The heat thus transmitted is accumulated in the interior of the earth, as in a reservoir, and flows from one part to another of this reservoir. The parts of the earth near the equator are more heated by the sun than other parts, and on this account there is a perpetual internal conduction of heat from the equa- torial to other parts of the sphere. And as all parts of the surface throw off heat by radiation, in the po- lar regions, where the surface receives little in return from the sun, a constant waste is produced. There is thus from the polar parts a perpetual dispersion of heat in the surrounding space, which is supplied by a perpetual internal flow from the equator towards each pole. Here, then, is a kind of circulation of heat; and the quantity and rapidity of this circulation, deter- mine the quantity of heat in the solid part of the earth, and in each portion of it; and through this, the mean temperature belonging to each point on its surface. - If the earth conducted heat more rapidly than it does, the inequalities of temperature would be more quickly balanced, and the temperature of the ground (below the reach of annual and diurnal variations) would differ less than it does. If the surface radiated more rapidly than it does, the flow of heat from the polar regions would increase, and the temperature of the interior of the globe would find a lower level; the differences of temperature in different latitudes * The resemblance consists in this; that we have a strip of greater temperature accompanied by a strip of smaller tempera- ture, these strips arising from the diurnal and nocturnal impres- sions respectively, and being in motion; as in the waves on a canal, we have a moving strip of greater elevation accompanied by a strip of smaller elevation. We do not here refer to any hypothetical undulations in the fluid matter of heat. LAWS OF HEAT. THE EARTH. 69 would increase, but the mean temperature of the globe would dimininish. , t There is nothing which, so far as we can perceive determines necessarily, either the conducting or the radiating power of the earth to its present value. The measures of such powers, in different substances, differ very widely. If the earth were a globe of pure iron, it would conduct heat, probably, twenty times as well as it does; if its surface were polished iron, it would only radiate one-sixth as much as it does. Changes in the amount of the conduction and radia- tion far less than these, would, probably, subvert the whole thermal constitution of the earth, and make it uninhabitable by any of its present vegetable, or ani- mal tenants. . One of the results of the laws of heat, as they exist in the globe, is, that, by their action, the thermal state tends to a limiting condition, which, once reached, remains constant and steady, as it now is. The oscillations or excursions from the mean condi- tion, produced by any temporary cause, are rapidly suppressed; the deviations of seasons from their usual standard produce only a small and transient effect. The impression of an extremely hot day upon the ground melts almost immediately into the average internal heat. The effect of a hot summer, in like manner, is soon lost in its progress through the globe. If this were otherwise, if the inequalities and oscillations of heat went on, through the interior of the earth, retaining the same value, or becoming larger and larger, we might have the extreme heats or colds of one place making their appearance at another place after a long interval; like a conflagra- tion which creeps along a street and bursts out at a point remote from its origin. It appears, therefore, that both the present differ- ences of climate, and the steadiness of the average at each place, depend upon the form of the present laws of heat, and on the arbitrary magnitudes which determine the rate of conduction and radiation. The 70 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. laws are such as to secure us from increasing and destructive inequalities of heat; the arbitrary magni- tudes are elements to which the organic world is ad- justed. . CHAPTER IX. The Laws of Heat with respect to Water. THE manner in which heat is transmitted through fluids is altogether different from the mode in which it passes through solids; and hence the waters of the earth's surface produce peculiar effects upon its con- dition as to temperature. Moreover, water is sus- ceptible of evaporation in a degree depending upon the increase of heat; and in consequence of this pro- perty it has most extensive and important functions to discharge in the economy of nature. We will consider some of the offices of this fluid. 1. Heat is communicated through water, not by being conducted from one part of the fluid to another, as in solid bodies, but (at least principally) by being carried with the parts of the fluid by means of an in- testine motion. Water expands and becomes lighter by heat, and, therefore, if the upper parts be cooled below the subjacent temperature, this upper portion will become heavier than that below, bulk for bulk, and will descend through it, while the lower portion rises to take the upper place. In this manner the colder parts descend, and the warmer parts ascend by contrary currents, and by their interchange and mixture, reduce the whole to a temperature at least as low as that of the surface. And this equalization of temperature by means of such currents, is an ope- ration of a much more rapid nature than the slow motion of conduction by which heat creeps through a solid body. Hence, alternations of heat and cold, LAWS OF HEAT—WATER." 71 as day and night, summer and winter, produce in water, inequalities of temperature much smaller than those which occur in a solid body. The heat com- municated is less, for transparent fluids imbibe heat very slowly; and the cold impressed on the surface is soon diffused through the mass by internal circu- lation. - Hence it follows that the ocean, which covers so large a portion of the earth, and affects the tempera- ture of the whole surface by its influence, produces the effect of making the alternations of heat and cold much less violent than they would be if it were absent. The different temperatures of its upper and lower parts produce a current which draws the seas, and by means of the seas, the air, towards the mean temperature. And this kind of circulation is pro- duced, not only between the upper and lower parts, but also between distant tracts of the ocean. The great Gulf Stream which rushes out of the Gulf of Mexico, and runs across the Atlantic to the western shores of Europe, carries with it a portion of the tropical heat into northern regions: and the return- ing current which descends along the coast of Africa, tends to cool the parts nearer the equator. Great as the difference of temperature is in different climates, it would be still greater if there were not this equal- izing and moderating power exerted constantly over the whole surface. Without this influence, it is pro- bable that the two polar portions of the earth, which are locked in perpetual ice and snow, and almost des- titute of life, would be much increased. We find an illustration of this effect of the ocean on temperature, in the peculiarities of the climates of maritime tracts and islands. The climate of such portions of the earth, corrected in some measure by the temperature of the neighbouring sea, is more equable than that of places in the same latitudes dif- ferently situated. London is cooler in summer and warmer in winter than Paris. 2. Water expands by heat and contracts by cold, 72 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. as has been already said; and in consequence of this property, the coldest portions of the fluid generally occupy the lower parts. The continued progress of cold produces congelation. If, therefore, the law just mentioned had been strictly true, the lower parts of water would have been first frozen ; and being once frozen, hardly any heat applied at the surface could have melted them, for the warm fluid could not have descended through the colder parts. This is so far the case, that in a vessel containing ice at the bot- tom and water at the top, Rumford made the upper fluid boil without thawing the congealed cake below. Now, a law of water with respect to heat operat- ing in this manner, would have been very inconve- nient if it had obtained in our lakes and seas. They would all have had a bed of ice, increasing with every occasion, till the whole was frozen. We could have had no bodies of water, except such pools on the surfaces of these icy reservoirs as the summer sun could thaw, to be again frozen to the bottom with the first frosty night. The law of the regular contraction of water by cold till it became ice, would, therefore, be destructive of all the utility of our seas and lakes. How is this inconvenience obviated! It is obvitated by a modification of the law which takes place when the temperature approaches this limit. Water contracts by the increase of cold, till we come near the freezing temperature; but then, by a further increase of cold, it contracts no more, but expands till the point at which it becomes ice. It contracts in cooling down to 40 degrees of Fahren- heit's thermometer; in cooling further it expands, and when cooled to 32 degrees, it freezes. Hence, the greatest density of the fluid is at 40 degrees, and water of this temperature, or near it, will lie at the bottom with cooler water or with ice floating above it. However much the surface be cooled, water colder than 40 cannot descend to displace water warmer than itself. Hence we can never have ice formed at the bottom of deep water. In approaching #,AWS OF HEAT—WATER. 73 the freezing point, the coldest water will rise to the surface, and the congelation will take place there; and the ice so formed will remain at the surface, ex- posed to the warmth of the sunbeams and the air, and will not survive any long continuance of such action. Another peculiarity in the laws which regulate the action of cold on water is, that in the very act of freezing a further sudden and considerable expansion takes place. Many persons will have known in- stances of vessels burst by the freezing of water in them. The consequence of this expansion is, that the specific gravity of ice is less than that of water of any temperature ; and it therefore always floats in the unfrozen fluid. If this expansion of crystallization did not exist, ice would float in water which was be- low forty degrees, but would sink when the fluid was above that temperature: as the case is, it floats under all circumstances. The icy remnants of the effects of winter, which the river carries down its stream, are visible on its surface till they melt away; and the icebergs which are detached from the shores of the polar seas, drift along, exposed to the sun and air, as well as to the water in which they are im- mersed. These laws of the effect of temperature on water are truly remarkable in their adaptation to the bene- ficial course of things at the earth's surface. Water contracts by cold ; it thus equalizes the temperature of various times and places; but if its contraction were continued all the way to the freezing point, it would bind a great part of the earth in ſetters of ice. The contraction then is here replaced by expansion, in a manner which but slightly modifies the former effects, while it completely obviates the bad conse- quences. The further expansion which takes place at the point of freezing, still further facilitates the rapid removal of the icy chains, in which parts of the earth's surface are at certain seasons bound. We do not know how far these laws of expansion G. 74 TERRESTRIAL AIDAPTATIONS. are connected with and depend on more remote and general properties of this fluid, or of all fluids. But we have no reason to believe that, by whatever means they operate, they are not laws selected from among other laws which might exist, as in fact for other fluids other laws do exist. And we have all the evidence, which the most remarkable furtherance of important purposes can give us, that they are se- lected, and selected with a beneficial design. 3. As water becomes ice by cold, it becomes steam by heat. In common language, steam is the name given to the vapour of hot water; but in fact a va- pour or steam rises from water at all temperatures, however low, and even from ice. The expansive force of this vapour increases rapidly as the heat in- creases; so that when we reach the heat of boiling water, it operates in a far more striking manner than when it is colder; but in all cases the surface of wa- ter is covered with an atmosphere of aqueous va- pour, the pressure or tension of which is limited by the temperature of the water. To each degree of pressure in steam there is a constituent temperature corresponding. If the surface of water is not pressed by vapour with the force thus corresponding to its temperature, an immediate evaporation will supply the deficiency. We can compare the tension of such vapour with that of our common atmosphere; the pressure of the latter is measured by the barometri- cal column, about thirty inches of mercury; that of watery vapour is equal to one inch of mercury at the constituent temperature of 80 degrees, and to one- fifth of an inch, at the temperature of 32 degrees. Hence, if that part of the atmosphere which con- sists of common air were annihilated, there would still remain an atmosphere of aqueous vapour, aris- ing from the waters and moist parts of the earth; and in the existing state of things this vapour rises ſin the atmosphere of dry air. Its distribution and effects are materially influenced by the vehicle in which it is thus carried, as we shall hereafter notice; LAWS OF HEAT—wATER. - 75 but at present we have to observe the exceeding wtility of water in this shape. We remark how suit- able and indispensable to the well-being of the crea- tion it is, that the fluid should possess the property of assuming such a form under such circumstances. The moisture which floats in the atmosphere is of most essential use to vegetable life.* “The leaves of living plants appear to act upon this vapour in its elastic form, and to absorb it. Some vegetables in- crease in weight from this cause when suspended in the atmosphere and unconnected with the soil, as the house-leek and the aloe. In very intense heats, and when the soil is dry, the life of plants seems to be preserved by the absorbent power of their leaves.” It follows from what has already been said, that, with an increasing heat of the atmosphere, an increasing quantity of vapour will rise into it, if supplied from any quarter. Hence it appears that aqueous vapour is most abundant in the atmosphere when it is most needed for the purposes of life; and that when other sources of moisture are cut off, this is most copious. 4. Clouds are produced by aqueous vapour when it returns to the state of water. This process is con- densation, the reverse of evaporation. When vapour exists in the atmosphere, if in any manner the tem- perature becomes lower than the constituent tempera- ture, requisite for the maintenance of the vapoury state, some of the steam will be condensed and will become water. It is in this manner that the curl of steam from the spout of a boiling tea-kettle becomes visible, being cooled down as it rushes to the air. The steam condenses into a fine watery powder, which is carried about by the little aerial currents. Clouds are of the same nature with such curls, the condensation being generally produced when air, charged with aqueous vapour, is mixed with a colder current, or has its temperature diminished in any other manner. * Loudon, 1219. '76 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. Clouds, while they retain that shape, are of the most essential use to vegetable and animal life. They moderate the fervour of the sun, in a manner agree- able, to a greater or less degree, in all climates, and grateful no less to vegetables than to animals. Du- hamel says that plants grow more during a week of cloudy weather than a month of dry and hot. It has been observed that vegetables are far more re- freshed by being watered in cloudy than in clear weather. In the latter case, probably the supply of fluid is too rapidly carried off by evaporation. Clouds also moderate the alternations of temperature, by checking the radiation from the earth. The coldest nights are those which occur under a cloudless win- ter sky. The uses of clouds, therefore, in this stage of their history, are by no means inconsiderable, and seem to indicate to us that the laws of their formation were constructed with a view to the purposes of or- ganized life. - 5. Clouds produce rain. In the formation of a cloud the precipitation of moisture probably forms a fine watery powder, which remains suspended in the air in consequence of the minuteness of its particles: but if from any cause the precipitation is collected in larger portions, and becomes drops, these descend by their weight and produce a shower. However rain is formed, it is one of the conse- quences of the capacity of evaporation and conden- sation which belongs to water, and its uses are the result of the laws of those processes. Its uses to plants are too obvious and too numerous to be de- scribed. It is evident that on its quantity and distri- bution depend in a great measure the prosperity of the vegetable kingdom ; and different climates are fitted for different productions, no less by the rela- tions of dry weather and showers, than by those of hot and cold. - 6. Returning back still further in the changes which cold can produce on water, we come to snow LAWS OF HEAT-WATER, 77 and ice: snow being apparently frozen vapour, ag- gregated by a confused action of crystalline laws; and ice being water in its fluid state, solidified by the same crystalline forces. The impression of these agents on the animal feelings is generally unpleasant, and we are in the habit of considering them as symp- toms of the power of winter to interrupt that state of the elements in which they are subservient to life. Yet, even in this form, they are not without their uses.* “Snow and ice are bad conductors of cold; and when the ground is covered with snow, or the surface of the soil or of water is frozen, the roots or bulbs of plants beneath are protected by the con- gealed water from the influence of the atmosphere, the temperature of which, in northern winters, is usually very much below the freezing point; and this water becomes the first nourishment of the plant in early spring. The expansion of water during its congelation, at which time its volume increases one- twelfth, and its contraction in bulk during a thaw, tend to pulverize the soil, to separate its parts from each other, and to make it more permeable to the influence of the air.” In consequence of the same slowness in the conduction of heat which snow thus possesses, the arctic traveller finds his bed of snow of no intolerable coldness; the Esquimaux is shel- tered from the inclemency of the season in his snow hut, and travels rapidly and agreeably over the frozen surface of the sea. The uses of those ar- rangements, which at first appear productive only of pain and inconvehience, are well suited to give confidence and hope to our researches for such use- fulness in every part of the creation. They have thus a peculiar value in adding connexion and uni- versality to our perception of beneficial design. 7. There is a peculiar circumstance still to be noticed in the changes from ice to water and from water to steam. These changes take place at a * Loudon, 1214. G 2 78. TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. particular and invariable degree of heat; yet they do not take place suddenly when we increase the heat to this degree. This is a very curious arrange- ment. The temperature makes a stand, as it were, at the point where thaw, and where boiling take place. It is necessary to apply a considerable quan- tity of heat to produce these effects; all which heat disappears, or becomes latent, as it is called. We cannot raise the temperature of a thawing mass of ice till we have thawed the whole. We cannot raise the temperature of boiling water, or of steam rising from it, till we have converted all the water into steam. Any heat that we apply while these changes are going on is absorbed in producing the changes. The consequences of this property of latent heat are very important. It is on this account that the changes now spoken of necessarily occupy a consi- derable time. Each part in succession must have a proper degree of heat applied to it. If it were otherwise, thaw and evaporation must be instan- taneous: at the first touch of warmth, all the snow which lies on the roofs of our houses would descend like a waterspout into the streets: all that which rests on the ground would rush like an inundation into the water courses. The hut of the Esquimaux would vanish like a house in a pantomime : the icy floor of the river would be gone without giving any warning to the skaiter or the traveller: and when, in heating our water, we reached the boiling point, the whole fluid would “flash into steam,” (to use the ex- pression of engineers,) and dissipate itself in the at- mosphere, or settle in dew on the neighbouring objects. It is obviously necessary for the purposes of hu- man life, that these changes should be of a more gradual and manageable kind than such as we have now described. Yet this gradual progress of freezing and thawing, of evaporation and condensation, is produced, so far as we can discover, by a particular contrivance. Like the freezing of water from the LAWS OF HEAT—WATER. 79 top, or the floating of ice, the moderation of the rate of these changes seems to be the result of a violation of a law: that is, the simple rule regarding the effects of change of temperature, which at first sight appears to be the law, and which, from its simplicity, would seem to us the most obvious laws for these as well as other cases, is modified at certain critical points, so as to produce these advantageous effects:—why may we not say in order to produce such effects? 8. Another office of water which it discharges by means of its relations to heat, is that of supplyin our springs. There can be no doubt that the old hy- potheses which represent springs as drawing their supplies from large subterranean reservoirs of wa- ter, or from the sea by a process of subterraneous filtration, are erroneous and untenable. The quantity of evaporation from water and from wet ground is found to be amply sufficient to supply the requisite drain. Mr. Dalton calculated” that the quantity of rain which falls in England is thirty-six inches a year. Of this he reckoned that thirteen inches flow off to the sea by the rivers, and that the remaining twenty- three inches are raised again from the ground by evaporation. The thirteen inches of water are of course supplied by evaporation from the sea, and are carried back to the land through the atmo- sphere. Vapour is perpetually rising from the ocean, and is condensed in the hills and high lands, and through their pores and crevices descends, till it is deflected, collected, and conducted out to the bay, by some stratum or channel which is watertight. The condensation which takes place in the higher parts of the country, may easily be recognised in the mists and rains which are the frequent occupants of such regions. The coldness of the atmosphere and other causes precipitate the moisture in clouds and showers, and in the former as well as in the latter shape, it is condensed and absorbed by the cool * Manchester Memoirs, v. 357. S0 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. ground. Thus a perpetual and compound circulation of the waters is kept up; a narrower circle between the evaporation and precipitation of the land itself, the rivers and streams only occasionally and par- tially forming a portion of the circuit; and a wider interchange between the sea and the lands which feed the springs, the water ascending perpetually by a thousand currents through the air, and descending by the gradually converging branches of the rivers, till it is again returned into the great reservoir of the OCéâIle - In every country, these two portions of the aque- ous circulation have their regular, and nearly con- stant, proportion. In this kingdom the relative quan- tities are, as we have said, twenty-three and thirteen. A due distribution of these circulating fluids in each country appears to be necessary to its organic health; to the habits of vegetables, and of man. We have every reason to believe that it is kept up from year to year as steadily as the circulation of the blood in the veins and arteries of man. It is main- tained by a machinery very different, indeed, from that of the human system, but apparently as well, and, therefore, we may say as clearly, as that, adapt- ed to its purposes. By this machinery, we have a connexion esta- blished between the atmospheric changes of re- mote countries. Rains in England are often intro- duced by a south-east wind. “Vapour brought to us by such a wind, must have been generated in countries to the south and east of our island. It is, therefore, probably, in the extensive valleys watered by the Meuse, the Moselle, and the Rhine, if not from the more distant Elbe, with the Oder and the Weser, that the water rises, in the midst of sunshine, which is soon afterwards to form our clouds, and pour down our thunder-showers.” “Drought and sunshine in one part of Europe may be as necessary to the production of a wet season in another, as it is on the great scale of the continents of Africa and LAWS OF HEAT-AIR. 81 South America; where the plains, during one half the year, are burnt up, to feed the springs of the mountain; which in their turn contribute to inundate the fertile valleys and prepare them for a luxuriant vegetation.” The properties of water which re- gard heat make one vast watering-engine of the atmosphere. - CHAPTER X. The Laws of Heat with respect to Air, WE have seen in the preceding chapter how many and how important are the offices discharged by the aqueous part of the atmosphere. The aqueous part is, however, a very small part only; it may vary, perhaps, from less than 1-100dth to nearly as much as 1-20th in weight, of the whole aerial ocean. We have to offer some considerations with regard to the remainder of the mass. 1. In the first place we may observe that the aerial atmosphere is necessary as a vehicle for the aqueous vapour. Salutary as is the operation of this last ele- ment to the whole organized creation, it is a sub- stance which would not have answered its purposes if it had been administered pure. It requires to be diluted and associated with dry air, to make it ser- viceable. A little consideration will show this. We can suppose the earth with no atmosphere ex- cept the vapour which arises from its watery parts: and if we suppose also the equatorial parts of the globe to be hot, and the polar parts cold, we may easily see what would be the consequence. The waters at the equator, and near the equator, would produce steam of greater elasticity, rarity, and tem- * Howard on the climate of London, vol. ii. pp. 216, 217, 82 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. perature, than that which occupies the regions fur- ther polewards; and such steam, as it came in con- tact with the colder vapour of a higher latitude, would be precipitated into the form of water. Hence there would be a perpetual current of steam from the equatorial parts towards each pole, which would be condensed, would fall to the surface, and flow back to the equator in the form of fluid. We should have a circulation which might be regarded as a species of regulated distillation.* On a globe so constituted, the sky of the equatorial zone would be perpetually cloudless; but in all other latitudes we should have an uninterrupted shroud of clouds, fogs, rains, and, near the poles, a continual fall of snow. This would be balanced by a constant flow of the currents of the ocean from each pole towards the equator. We should have an excessive circulation of moisture, but no sunshine, and probably only mi- nute changes in the intensity and appearances of One eternal drizzle or shower. It is plain that this state of things would but ill an- swer the ends of vegetable and animal life: so that even if the lungs of animals and the leaves of plants were so constructed as to breathe steam instead of air, an atmosphere of unmixed steam would deprive those creatures of most of the other external condi- tions of their well being. The real state of things which we enjoy, the steam being mixed in our breath and in our sky in a mode- rate quantity, gives rise to results very different from those which have been described. The machinery by which these results are produced is not a little curious. It is in fact the machinery of the weather, and there- fore the reader will not be surprised to find it both complex and apparently uncertain in its working. At the same time some of the general principles which govern it seem now to be pretty well made out, and they offer no small evidence of beneficent arrangement. * Daniell. Meteor. Ess. p. 56. LAWS OF HEAT-AIR. 83 Besides our atmosphere of aqueous vapour, we have another and far larger atmosphere of common air; a permanently elastic fluid, that is, one which is not condensed into a liquid form by pressure or cold, such as it is exposed to in the order of natural events. The pressure of the dry air is about twenty-nine and a half inches of mercury; that of the watery vapour, perhaps, half an inch. Now if we had the earth quite dry, and covered with an atmosphere of dry air, we can trace in a great measure what would be the results, supposing still the equatorial zone to be hot, and the temperature of the surface to decrease perpetually as we advance into higher latitudes. The air at the equator would be rarefied by the heat, and would be perpetually displaced below by the denser portions which belonged to cooler latitudes. We should have a current of air from the equator to the poles in the higher regions of the atmosphere, and at the surface a returning current setting to- wards the equator to fill up the void so created. Such aerial currents, combined with the rotatory motion of the earth, would produce oblique winds; and we have in fact instances of winds so produced, in the trade winds, which between the tropics blow constantly from the quarters between east and north, and are, we know, balanced by opposite currents in higher regions. The effect of a heated surface of land would be the same as that of the heated zone of the equator, and would attract to it a sea breeze during the day time, a phenomenon, as we also know, of perpetual occurrence. Now a mass of dry air of such a character as this, is by far the dominant part of our atmosphere; and hence carries with it in its motions the thinner and smaller eddies of aqueous vapour. The latter fluid may be considered as permeating and moving in the interstices of the former, as a spring of water flows through a sand rock.” The lower current of air is, * Daniell. p. 129. 84 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. as has been said, directed towards the equator, and hence it resists the motion of the steam, the tendency of which is in the opposite direction; and prevents or much retards that continual flow of hot vapour into colder regions, by which a constant precipita- tion would take place in the latter situations. If, in this state of things, the flow of the current of air, which blows from any colder place into a warmer region, be retarded or stopped, the aqueous vapours will now be able to make their way to the colder point, where they will be precipitated in clouds or showers. Thus, in the lower part of the atmosphere, there are tendencies to a current of air in one direction, and a current of vapour in the opposite; and these tendencies exist in the average weather of places situated at a moderate distance from the equator. The air tends from the colder to the warmer parts, the vapour from the warmer to the colder. The various distribution of land and sea, and many other causes make these currents far from simple. But in general the air current predominates, and keeps the skies clear and the moisture dissolved. Occasional and irregular occurrences disturb this predominance; the moisture is then precipitated, the skies are clouded, and the clouds may descend in co- pious rains. These alternations of fair weather and showers, appear to be much more favourable to vegetable and animal life than any uniform course of weather could have been. To produce this variety, we have two antagonist forces, by the struggle of which such changes occur. Steam and air, two transparent and elastic fluids, expansible by heat, are in many re- spects and properties very like each other. Yet, the same heat similarly applied to the globe, produces at the surface currents of these fluids, tending in op- posite directions. And these currents mix and ba- lance, conspire and interfere, so that our trees and fields have alternately water and sunshine; our fruits LAWS OF HEAT—AIR. . S5 and grain are successively developed and matured. Why should such laws of heat and elastic fluids so obtain, and be so combined 7 Is it not in order that they may be fit for such offices? There is here an arrangement, which no chance could have produced. The details of this apparatus may be beyond our power of tracing; its springs may be out of our sight. Such circumstances do not make it the less a curious and beautiful contrivance: they need not prevent our recognizing the skill and benevolence which we can discover. 2. But we have not yet done with the machinery of the weather. In ascending from the earth’s sur- face through the atmosphere, we find a remarkable difference in the heat and in the pressure of the air. It becomes much colder, and much lighter; men's feelings tell them this; and the thermometer and ba- rometer confirm these indications. And here again we find something to remark. - In both the simple atmospheres of which we have spoken, the one of air and the one of steam, the pro- perty which we have mentioned must exist. In each of them, both the temperature and the tension would diminish in ascending. But they would diminish at very different rates. The temperature, for instance, would decrease much more rapidly for the same height in dry air than in steam. If we begin with a temperature of 80 degrees at the surface, on ascend- ing five thousand feet the steam is still 76% degrees, the air is only 64; degrees; at ten thousand feet, the steam is 73 degrees, the air 48% degrees; at fifteen thousand feet, steam is at 70 degrees, air has fallen below the freezing point to 31% degrees. Hence these two atmospheres cannot exist together without modifying one another: one must heat or cool the other, so that the coincident parts may be of the same temperature. This accordingly does take place, and this effect influences very greatly the con- stitution of the atmosphere. For the most part, the steam is compelled to accommodate itself to the tem- H 86 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. perature of the air, the latter being of much the greater bulk. But if the upper parts of the aqueous vapour be cooled down to the temperature of the air, they will not by any means exert on the lower parts of the same vapour so great a pressure as the gaseous form of these could bear. Hence, there will be a de- ficiency of moisture in the lower part of the atmo- sphere, and if water exist there, it will rise by eva- poration, the surface feeling an insufficient tension ; and there will thus be a fresh supply of vapour up- wards. As, however, the upper regions already con- tain as much as their temperature will support in the state of gas, a precipitation will now take place, and the fluid thus formed will descend till it arrives in a lower region, where the tension and tempera- ture are again adapted to its evaporation. Thus, we can have no equilibrium in such an at- mosphere, but a perpetual circulation of vapour be- tween its upper and lower parts. The currents of air which move about in different directions, at dif- ferent altitudes, will be differently charged with moisture, and as they touch and mingle, lines of cloud are formed, which grow and join, and are spread out in floors, or rolled together in piles. These, again, by an additional accession of humidity, are formed into drops, and descend in showers into the lower regions, and if not evaporated in their fall, reach the surface of the earth. The varying occurrences thus produced, tend to multiply and extend their own variety. The ascend- ing streams of vapour carry with them that latent heat belonging to their gaseous state, which, when they are condensed, they give out as sensible heat. They thus raise the temperature of the upper regions of air, and occasion changes in the pressure and motion of its currents. The clouds, again, by shad- ing the surface of the earth from the sun, diminish the evaporation by which their own substance is supplied, and the heating effects by which currents are caused. Even the mere mechanical effects of LAws of HEAT—AIR. 87 the currents of fluid on the distribution of its own pressure, and the dynamical conditions of its motion, are in a high degree abstruse in their principles and complex in their results. It need not be wondered, therefore, if the study of this subject is very difficult and entangled, and our knowledge, after all, very imperfect. In the middle of all this apparent confusion, how- ever, we can see much that we can understand. And, among other things, we may notice some of the consequences of the difference of the laws of temperature followed by steam and by air in going upwards. One important result is that the atmo- sphere is much drier, near the surface, than it would have been if the laws of density and temperature had been the same for both gases. If this had been so, the air would always have been saturated with Vapour. It would have contained as much as the existing temperature could support, and the slightest cooling of any object would have covered it with a watery film like dew. As it is, the air contains much less than its full quantity of vapour: we may often cool an object ten, twenty, or thirty degrees without obtaining a deposition of water upon it, or reaching the dew-point, as it is called. To have had such a dripping state of the atmosphere as the for- mer arrangement would have produced, would have been inconvenient, and so far as we can judge, un- suited to vegetables as well as animals. No evapo- ration from the surface of either could have taken place under such conditions. The sizes and forms of clouds appear to depend on the same circumstance, of the air not being satu- rated with moisture. And it is seemingly much better that clouds should be comparatively small and well defined, as they are, than that they should fill vast depths of the atmosphere with a thin mist, which would have been the consequence of the imaginary condition of things just mentioned. Here then we have another remarkable exhibition 88 * TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. of two laws, in two nearly similar gaseous fluids, producing effects alike in kind, but different in de- gree, and by the play of their difference giving rise to a new set of results, peculiar in their nature and beneficial in their tendency. The form of the laws of air and of steam with regard to heat might, so far as we can see, have been more similar, or more dis- similar, than it now is: the rate of each law might have had a different amount from its present one, so as quite to alter the relation of the two. By the laws having such forms and such rates as they have, ef- fects are produced, some of which we can distinctly perceive to be beneficial. Perhaps most persons will feel a strong persuasion, that if we understood the operation of these laws more distinctly, we should see still more clearly the beneficial tendency of these effects, and should probably discover others, at pre- sent concealed in the apparent perplexity of the sub- iect. Jº 3. From what has been said, we may see, in a general way, both the causes and the effects of winds. They arise from any disturbance by temperature, motion, pressure, &c. of the equilibrium of the atmo- sphere, and are the efforts of nature to restore the balance. Their office in the economy of nature is to carry heat and moisture from one tract to another, and they are the great agents in the distribution of temperature and the changes of weather. Other purposes might easily be ascribed to them in the business of the vegetable and animal kingdoms, and in the arts of human life, of which we shall not here treat. That character in which we now consider them, that of the machinery of atmospheric changes, and thus, immediately or remotely, the instruments of atmospheric influences, cannot well be refused them by any person. 4. There is still one reflexion which ought not to be omitted. All the changes of the weather, even the most violent tempests and torrents of rain, may be considered as oscillations about the mean or LAwS OF HEAT—AIR. 89 average condition belonging to each place. All these oscillations are limited and transient; the storm spends its fury, the inundation passes off, the sky clears, the calmer course of nature succeeds. In the forces which produce this derangement, there is a provision for making it short and moderate. The oscillation stops of itself, like the rolling of a ship, when no longer impelled by the wind. Now, why should this be so? Why should the oscillations, pro- duced by the conflict of so many laws, seemingly quite unconnected with each other, be of this con- verging and subsiding character 7 Would it be so under all arrangements 7 Is it a matter of mecha- nical necessity that disturbance must end in the re- storation of the medium condition 7 By no means. There may be an utter subversion of the equilibrium. The ship may roll too far, and may capsize. The Oscillations may go on, becoming larger and larger, till all trace of the original condition is lost; till new forces of inequality and disturbance are brought into play; and disorder and irregularity may succeed, without apparent limit or check in its own nature, like the spread of a conflagration in a city. This is a possibility in any combination of mechanical forces; why does it not happen in the one now be- fore us? By what good fortune are the powers of heat, of water, of steam, of air, the effects of the earth’s annual and diurnal motions, and probably other causes, so adjusted, that through all their struggles the elemental world goes on, upon the whole, so quietly and steadily? Why is the whole fabric of the weather never utterly deranged, its balance lost irrecoverably" Why is there not an eternal conflict, such as the poets imagine to take place in their chaos? “For Hot, Cold, Moist, and Dry, four champions fierce, Strive here for mastery, and to battle bring Their embryon atoms:— - • to whom these most adhere, He rules a moment: Chaos umpire sits, - And by decision more embroils the fray.”—Par. Lost. b. ii. H 2 90 TTERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS, A state of things something like that which Milton here seems to have imagined, is, so far as we know, not mechanically impossible. It might have con- tinued to obtain, if Hot and Cold, and Moist and Dry had not been compelled to “run into their places.” It will be hereafter seen, that in the comparatively simple problem of the solar system, a number of very peculiar adjustments were requisite, in order that the system might retain a permanent form, in order that its motions might have their cycles, its perturbations their limits and period. The problem of the continuation of such laws and materials as enter into the constitution of the atmosphere, is one manifestly of much greater complexity, and indeed to us probably of insurmountable difficulty as a me- chanical problem. But all that investigation and analogy teach us, tends to show that it will resemble the other problem in the nature of its result; and that certain relations of its data, and of the laws of its elements, are necessary requisites, for securing the stability of its mean condition, and for giving a small and periodical character to its deviations from such a condition. It would then be probable, from this reflection alone, that in determining the quantity and the law and intensity of the forces, of earth, water, air, and heat, the same regard has been shown to the perma- mency and stability of the terrestrial system, which may be traced in the adjustment of the masses, dis- tances, positions, and motions of the bodies of the celestial machine. This permanency appears to be, of itself, a suita- ble object of contrivance. The purpose for which the world was made could be answered only by its being preserved. But it has appeared, from the pre- ceding part of this and the former chapter, that this permanence is a permanence of a state of things adapted by the most remarkable and multiplied com- binations to the well-being of man, of animals, of vegetables. The adjustments and conditions there- ELECTRICITY, 91 fore, beyond the reach of our investigation as they are, by which its permanence is secured, must be conceived as fitted to add, in each of the instances above adduced, to the admiration which the several manifestations of Intelligent Beneficence are calcu- lated to excite. CHAPTER XI, The Laws of Electricity. ELECTRICITY undoubtedly exists in the atmosphere in most states of the air; but we know very imper- fectly the laws of this agent, and are still more igno- rant of its atmospheric operation. The present state of science does not therefore enable us to perceive those adaptations of its laws to its uses, which we can discover in those cases where the laws and the uses are both of them more apparent. We can, however, easily make out that electrical agency plays a very considerable part among the clouds, in their usual conditions and changes. This may be easily shown by Franklin’s experiment of the electrical kite. The clouds are sometimes positively, sometimes negatively, charged, and the rain which descends from them offers also indications of one or other kind of electricity. The changes of wind and alterations of the form of the clouds are generally accompanied with changes in these electrical indica- tions. Every one knows that a thunder-cloud is strongly charged with the electric fluid, (if it be a fluid,) and that the stroke of the lightning is an elec- trical discharge. We may add that it appears, by recent experiments, that a transfer of electricity be- tween plants and the atmosphere is perpetually go- ing on during the process of vegetation. - 92 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS, We cannot trace very exactly the precise circum- stances, in the occurrences of the atmospheric re- gions, which depend on the influence of the laws of electricity: but we are tolerably certain, from what has been already noticed, that if these laws did not exist, or were very different from what they now are, the action of the clouds and winds, and the course of vegetation, would also be other than it now is. It is therefore at any rate very probable that elec- tricity has its appointed and important purposes in the economy of the atmosphere. And this being so, we may see a use in the thunder-storm and the stroke of the lightning. These violent events are, with re- gard to the electricity of the atmosphere, what winds are with regard to heat and moisture. They restore the equilibrium where it has been dissolved, and carry the fluid from places where it is superfluous, to others where it is deficient. We are so constituted, however, that these crises impress almost every one with a feeling of awe. The deep lowering gloom of the thunder-cloud, the over- whelming burst of the explosion, the flash from which the steadiest eye shrinks, and the irresistible arrow of the lightning which no earthly substance can with- stand, speak of something fearful, even independently of the personal danger which they may whisper. They convey, far more than any other appearance does, the idea of a superior and mighty power, mani- festing displeasure and threatening punishment. Yet we find that this is not the language which they speak to the physical inquirer: he sees these formidable symptoms only as the means or the consequences of good. What office the thunderbolt and the whirlwind may have in the moral world, we cannot here dis- cuss: but certainly he must speculate as far beyond the limits of philosophy as of piety, who pretends to have learnt that there their work has more of evil than of good. In the natural world, these apparently destructive agents are, like all the other movements MAGNETISM. 93 and appearances of the atmosphere, parts of a great scheme, of which every discoverable purpose is marked with beneficence as well as wisdom. CHAPTER XII. The Laws of JMagnetism. MAGNETISM has no very obvious or apparently ex- tensive office in the mechanism of the atmosphere and the earth: but the mention of it may be intro- duced, because its ascertained relations to the other powers which exist in the system are well suited to show us the connexion subsisting throughout the uni- verse, and to check the suspicion, if any such should arise, that any law of nature is without its use. The parts of creation when these uses are most obscure, are precisely those parts when the laws themselves are least known. - When indeed we consider the vast service of which magnetism is to man, by supplying him with that invaluable instrument the mariners’ compass, many persons will require no further evidence of this property being introduced into the frame of things with a worthy purpose. As however, we have hith- erto excluded use in the arts from our line of argu- ment, we shall not here make an exception in favour of navigation, and what we shall observe belongs to another view of the subject. Magnetism has been discovered in modern times to have so close a connexion with galvanism, that they may be said to be almost different aspects of the same agent. All the phenomena which we can produce with magnets, we can imitate with coils of galvanic wire. That galvanism exists in the earth, we need no proof. Electricity, which appears to be only galvanism in equilibrium, is there in abundance; 94 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. and recently, Mr. Fox+ has shown by experiment that metalliferous veins, as they lie in the earth, ex- ercise a galvanic influence on each other. Some- thing of this kind might have been anticipated; for masses of metal in contact, if they differ in tempera- ture or other circumstances, are known to produce a galvanic current. Hence we have undoubtedly streams of galvanic influence moving along in the earth. Whether or not such causes as these pro- duce the directive power of the magnetic needle, we cannot here pretend to decide; they can hardly fail to affect it. The Aurora Borealis too, probably an electrical phenomenon, is said, under particular cir- cumstances, to agitate the magnetic needle. It is not surprising, therefore, that, if electricity have an important office in the atmosphere, magnetism should exist in the earth. It seems likely, that the magnetic properties of the earth may be collateral results of the existence of the same cause by which electrical agency operates; an agency which, as we have al- ready seen, has important offices in the processes of vegetable life. And thus magnetism belongs to the same system of beneficial contrivance to which elec- tricity has been already traced. We see, however, on this subject very dimly and a very small way. It can hardly be doubted that magnetism has other functions than those we have noticed, t CHAPTER XIII. The Properties of Light with regard to Vegetation. THE illuminating power of light will come under our consideration hereafter. Its agency, with regard to organic life, is too important not to be noticed, * Phil, Trans. 1891. MAGNETISM. 95 though this must be done briefly. Light appears to be as necessary to the health of plants as air or mois- ture. A plant may, indeed, grow without it, but it does not appear that a species could be so continued. Under such a privation, the parts which are usually green, assume a white colour, as is the case with vegetables grown in a cellar, or protected by a cover- ing for the sake of producing this very effect; thus, celery, is in this manner blanched, or etiolated. The part of the process of vegetable life for which light is especially essential, appears to be the func- tions of the leaves; these are affected by this agent in a very remarkable manner. The moisture which plants imbibe is, by their vital energies, carried to their leaves; and is then brought in contact with the atmosphere, which, besides other ingredients, con- tains, in general, a portion of carbonic acid. So long as light is present, the leaf decomposes the carbonic acid, appropriates the carbon to the formation of its own proper juices, and returns the disengaged oxy- gen into the atmosphere; thus restoring the atmos- pheric air to a condition in which it is more fitted than it was before for the support of animal life. The plant thus prepares the support of life for other crea- tures at the same time that it absorbs its own. The greenness of those members which affect that colour, and the disengagement of oxygen, are the indica- tions that its vital powers are in healthful action: as soon as we remove light from the plant, these indica- tions cease: it has no longer power to imbibe carbon and disengage oxygen, but on the contrary, it gives back some of the carbon already obtained, and robs the atmosphere of oxygen for the purpose of recon- verting this into carbonic acid. It cannot well be conceived that such effects of light on vegetables, as we have described, should occur, if that agent, of whatever nature it is, and those organs, had not been adapted to each other. But the subject is here introduced that the reader may the more readily receive the conviction of com- 96 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. bining purpose which must arise, on finding that an agent, possessing these very peculiar chemical pro- perties, is employed to produce also those effects of . illumination, vision, &c., which form the most ob- vious portion of the properties of light. CHAPTER XIV. Sound. BESIDEs the function which air discharges as the great agent in the changes of meteorology and vege- tation, it has another office, also of great and exten- sive importance, as the vehicle of sound. 1. The communication of sound through the air takes place by means of a process altogether differ- ent from anything of which we have yet spoken : namely, by the propagation of minute vibrations of the particles from one part of the fluid mass to ano- ther, without any local motion of the fluid itself. Perhaps we may most distinctly conceive the kind of effect here spoken of, by comparing it to the mo- tion produced by the wind in a field of standing corn; grassy waves travel visibly over the field, in the direction in which the wind blows, but this ap- pearance of an object moving is delusive. The only real motion is that of the ears of grain, of which each goes and returns, as the stalk stoops and reco- vers itself. This motion affects successively a line of ears in the direction of the wind, and affects si- multaneously all those ears of which the elevation or depression forms one visible wave. The elevations and depressions are propagated in a constant direc- tion, while the parts with which the space is filled only vibrate to and fro. Of exactly such a nature is the propagation of sound through the air. The par- ticles of air go and return through very minute SOUND. 97 spaces, and this vibratory motion runs through the atmosphere from the sounding body to the ear. Waves, not of elevation and depression, but of con- densation and rarefaction, are transmitted ; and the sound thus becomes an object of sense to the organ. Another familiar instance of the propagation of vibrations we have in the circles on the surface of smooth water, which diverge from the point where it is touched by a small object, as a drop of rain. In the beginning of a shower, for instance, when the drops come distinct, though frequent, we may see each drop giving rise to a ring, formed of two or three close concentric circles, which grow and spread, leaving the interior of the circles smooth, and gradually reaching parts of the surface more and more distant from their origin. In this instance, it is clearly not a portion of the water which flows onwards; but the disturbance, the rise and fall of the surface which makes the ring-formed waves, passes into wider and wider circles, and thus the undulation is transmitted from its starting-place, to points in all directions on the surface of the fluid. The diffusion of these ring-formed undulations from their centre resembles the diffusion of a sound from the place where it is produced to the points where it is heard. The disturbance, or vibration, by which it is conveyed, travels at the same rate in all directions, and the waves which are propagated are hence of a circular form. They differ, however, from those on the surface of water; for sound is communicated upwards and downwards, and in all intermediate directions, as well as horizontally; hence the waves of sound are spherical, the point where the sound is produced being the centre of the sphere. * - This diffusion of vibrations in spherical shells of successive condensation and rarefaction, will easily be seen to be different from any local motion of the air, as wind, and to be independent of that. The cir- cles on the surface of water will spread on a river "I 98 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. which is flowing, provided it be smooth, as well as on a standing canal. Not only are such undulations propagated almost undisturbed by any local motion of the fluid in which they take place, but also, many may be propagated in the same fluid at the same time, without disturbing each other. We may see this effect on water. When several drops fall near each other, the circles which they produce cross each other, without either of them being lost, and the separate courses of the rings may still be traced. - All these consequences, both in water, in air, and in any other fluid, can be very exactly investigated upon mechanical principles, and the greater part of the phenomena can thus be shown to result from the properties of the fluids. There are several remarkable circumstances in the way in which air answers its purpose as the ve- hicle of sound, of which we will now point out a few. 2. The loudness of sound is such as is convenient for common purposes. The organs of speech can, in the present constitution of the air, produce, without fatigue, such a tone of voice as can be heard with distinctness and with comfort. That any great alter- ation in this element might be incommodious, we may judge from the difficulties to which persons are subject who are dull of hearing, and from the dis- agreeable effects of a voice much louder than usual, or so low as to be indistinct. Sounds produced by the human organs, with other kinds of air, are very different from those in our common air. If a man inhale a quantity of hydrogen gas, and then speak, his voice is scarcely audible. The loudness of sounds become smaller in propor- tion as they come from a greater distance. This enables us to judge of the distance of objects, in some degree at least, by the sounds which proceed from them. Moreover, it is found that we can judge of the position of objects by the ear: and this judg- ment seems to be formed by comparing the loudness SOUND, 99 of the impression of the same sound on the two ears and two sides of the head.* The loudness of sounds appears to depend on the eatent of vibration of the particles of air, and this is determined by the vibrations of the sounding body. 3. The pitch, or the differences of acute and grave, in sounds, form another important property, and one which fits them for a great part of their purposes. By the succession of different notes, we have all the results of melody and harmony in musical sound ; and of intonation and modulation of the voice, of accent, cadence, emphasis, expression, passion, in speech. The song of birds, which is one of their principal modes of communication, depends chiefly for its distinctions and its significance upon the com- binations of acute and grave. These differences are produced by the different rapidity of vibration of the particles of air. The gravest sound has about eighty vibrations in a second, the most acute about one thousand. Between these limits each sound has a musical character, and from the different relations of the number of vibrations in a second arise all the differences of musical inter- vals, concords and discords. 4. The quality of sounds is another of their differ- ences. This is the name given to the difference of notes of the same pitch, that is the same note as to acute and grave, when produced by different instru- ments. If a flute and a violin be in unison, the notes are still quite different sounds. . It is this kind of dif- ference which distinguishes the voice of one man from that of another: and it is manifestly therefore one of great consequence; since it connects the voice with the particular person, and is almost ne: cessary in order that language may be a medium of intercourse between men. 5. The articulate character of sounds is for us one of the most important arrangements which exist in * Mr. Gough in Manch. Mem. vol. v. 100 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. the world; for it is by this that they become the in- terpreters of thought will and feeling, the means by which a person can convey his wants, his in- structions, his promises, his kindness, to others; by which one marſ can regulate the actions and in- fluence the convictions and judgments of another. It is in virtue of the possibility of shaping air into words, that the imperceptible vibrations which a man produces in the atmosphere, become some of his most important actions; the foundations of the highest moral and social relations; and the condi- tion and instrument of all the advancement and im- provement of which he is susceptible. It appears that the differences of articulate sound arise from the different form of the cavity through which the sound is made to proceed immediately after being produced. In the human voice the sound is produced in the larynx, and modified by the cavity of the mouth, and the various organs which surround this cavity. The laws by which articulate sounds are thus produced have not yet been fully developed, but appear to be in the progress of being so. The properties of sounds which have been men- tioned, differences of loudness, of pitch, of quality, and articulation, appear to be all requisite in order that sound shall answer its purposes in the economy of animal and of human life. And how was the air made capable of conveying these four differences, at the same time that the organs were made capable of producing them 7 Surely by a most refined and skil- ful adaptation, applied with a most comprehensive design. 6. Again; is it by chance that the air and the ear exist together ? Did the air produce the organization of the ear? or the ear, independently organized, an- ticipate the constitution of the atmosphere " Or is not the only intelligible account of the matter, this, that one was made for the other: that there is a mu- tual adaptation produced by an Intelligence which was acquainted with the properties of both; which SOUND. 101 adjusted them to each other as we find them adjust- ed, in order that birds might communicate by song, that men might speak and hear, and that language might play its extraordinary part in its operation upon men's thoughts, actions, institutions, and for- tunes 7 The vibrations of an elastic fluid like the air, and their properties, follow from the laws of motion; and whether or not these laws of the motion of fluids might in reality have been other than they are, they appear to us inseparably connected with the existence of matter, and as much a thing of necessity as we can conceive any thing in the universe to be. The propagation of such vibrations, therefore, and their properties, we may at present allow to be a neces- sary part of the constitution of the atmosphere. But what is it that makes these vibrations become sound? How is it that they produce such an effect on our senses, and, through those, on our minds? The vibra- tions of the air seem to be of themselves no more fitted to produce sound, than to produce smell. We know that such vibrations do not universally produce sound, but only between certain limits. When the vibrations are fewer than eighty in a second, they are perceived as separate throbs, and not as a con- tinued sound; and there is a certain limit of rapidity, beyond which the vibrations become inaudible. This limit is different to different ears, and we are thus assured by one person’s ear that there are vibrations, though to that of another they do not produce sound. How was the human ear adapted so that its percep- tion of vibrations as sounds should fall within these limits"—the very limits within which the vibrations fall, which it most concerns us to perceive: those of the human voice for instance " How nicely are the organs adjusted with regard to the most minute me- chanical motions of the elements? I 2 102 CHAPTER XV. The Atmosphere. WE have considered in succession a number of the properties and operations of the atmosphere, and have found them separately very curious. But an additional interest belongs to the subject when we consider them as combined. The atmosphere under this point of view must appear a contrivance of the most extraordinary kind. To answer any of its pur- poses, to carry on any of its processes, separately, re- quires peculiar arrangements and adjustments; to answer, all at once, purposes so varied, to combine without confusion so many different trains, implies powers and attributes which can hardly fail to excite in a high degree our admiration and reverence. If the atmosphere be considered as a vast ma- chine, it is difficult to form any just conception of the profound skill and comprehensiveness of design which it displays. It diffuses and tempers the heat of dif- ferent climates; for this purpose it performs a circu- lation occupying the whole range from the pole to the equator; and while it is doing this, it executes many smaller circuits between the sea and the land. At the same time, it is the means of forming clouds and rain, and for this purpose, a perpetual circula- tion of the watery part of the atmosphere goes on between its lower and upper regions. Besides this complication of circuits, it exercises a more irregu- lar agency, in the occasional winds which blow from all quarters, tending perpetually to restore the equi- librium of heat and moisture. But this incessant and multiplied activity discharges only a part of the func- tions of the air. It is, moreover, the most important and universal material of the growth and sustenance THE ATMOSPHERE. 103 of plants and animals; and is for this purpose every where present and almost uniform in its quantity. With all its local motion, it has also the office of a medium of communication between intelligent crea- tures, which office it performs by another set of mo- tions, entirely different both from the circulation and the occasional movements already mentioned; these different kinds of motions not interfering materially with each other : and this last purpose, so remote from the others in its nature, it answers in a manner so perfect and so easy, that we cannot imagine that the object could have been more completely attain- ed, if this had been the sole purpose for which the atmosphere had been created. With all these quali- ties, this extraordinary part of our terrestrial system is scarcely ever in the way: and when we have oc- casion to do so, we put forth our hand and push it aside, without being aware of its being near us. We may add, that it is, in addition to all that we have hitherto noticed, a constant source of utility and beauty in its effects on light. Without air we should see nothing, except objects on which the sun's rays fell, directly or by reflection. It is the atmo- sphere which converts sunbeams into daylight, and fills the space in which we are with illumination. The contemplation of the atmosphere, as a ma- chine which answers all these purposes, is well suited to impress upon us the strongest conviction of the most refined, far-seeing, and far-ruling contrivance. It seems impossible to suppose that these various properties were so bestowed and so combined, any otherwise than by a beneficent and intelligent Being, able and willing to diffuse organization, life, health, and enjoyment through all parts of the visible world; possessing a fertility of means which no multiplicity of objects could exhaust, and a discrimination of con- sequences which no complication of conditions could embarrass. 104 CHAPTER xvi. Light. BESIDEs the hearing and sound there is another mode by which we become sensible of the impres- sions of external objects, namely, sight and light. This subject also offers some observations bearing on our present purpose. It has been declared by writers on Natural Theo- logy, that the human eye exhibits such evidence of design and skill in its construction, that no one, who considers it attentively, can resist this impression: nor does this appear to be saying too much. It must, at the same time, be obvious that this construction of the eye could not answer its purposes, except the constitution of light corresponded to it. Light is an element of the most peculiar kind and properties, and such an element can hardly be conceived to have been placed in the universe without a regard to its operation and functions. As the eye is made for light, so light must have been made, at least among other ends, for the eye. - 1. We must expect to comprehend imperfectly only the mechanism of the elements. Still, we have endeavoured to show that in some instances the ar- rangements by which their purposes are effected are, to a certain extent, intelligible. In order to explain, however, in what manner light answers those ends which appear to us its principal ones, we must know something of the nature of light. There have, hitherto, been, among men of science, two prevailing opinions upon this subject: some considering light as consisting in the emission of luminous particles; others accounting for its phenomena by the propaga- tion of vibrations through a highly subtle and elastic LIGHT. 105 ether. The former opinion has, till lately, been most generally entertained in this country, having been the hypothesis on which Newton made his calcula- tions; the latter is the one to which most of those persons have been led, who, in recent times, have endeavoured to deduce general conclusions from the newly discovered phenomena of light. Among these persons, the theory of undulations is conceived to be established in nearly the same manner, and almost as certainly, as the doctrine of universal gravitation; namely, by a series of laws inferred from numerous facts, which, proceeding from different sets of phe- nomena, are found to converge to one common view; and by calculations founded upon the theory, which, indicating new and untried facts, are found to agree exactly with experiment. We cannot here introduce a sketch of the progress by which the phenomena have thus led to the accept- ance of the theory of undulations. But this theory appears to have such claims to our assent, that the views which we have to offer with regard to the de- sign exercised in the adaptation, of light to its pur- poses, will depend on the undulatory theory, so far as they depend on theory at all.” 2. The impressions of sight, like those of hearing, differ in intensity and in kind. Brightness and Colour are the principal differences among visible things, as loudness and pitch are among sounds. But there is a singular distinction between these senses in one respect: every object and part of an object seen, is necessarily and inevitably referred to some position in the space before us; and hence visible things have place, magnitude, form, as well as light, shade, and colour. There is nothing analogous to this in the sense of hearing; for though we can, in some ap- * The reader who is acquainted with the two theories of light, will perceive that though we have adopted the doctrine of the ether, the greater part of the arguments adduced would be equally forcible, if expressed in the language of the theory of emission, - 106 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. proximate degree, guess the situation of the point from which a sound proceeds, this is a secondary process, distinguishable from the perception of the sound itself; whereas we cannot conceive visible things without form and place. The law according to which the sense of vision is thus affected, appears to be this. By the properties of light, the external scene produces, through the transparent parts of the eye, an image or picture exactly resembling the reality, upon the back part of the retina: and each point which we see, is seen in the direction of a line passing from its image on the retina, through the centre of the pupil of the eye.* In this manner we perceive by the eye the situation of every point, at the same time that we perceive its existence ; and by combining the situations of many points, we have forms and outlines of every sort. That we should receive from the eye this notice of the position of the object as well as of its other visible qualities, appears to be absolutely necessary for our intercourse with the external world; and the faculty of doing so is so intimate a part of our con- stitution that we cannot conceive ourselves divested of it. Yet in order to imagine ourselves destitute of this faculty, we have only to suppose that the eye should receive its impressions as the ear does, and should apprehend red and green, bright and dark, without placing them side by side; as the ear takes in the different sounds which compose a concert, without attributing them to different parts of space. The peculiar property thus belonging to vision, of perceiving position, is so essential to us, that we may readily believe that some particular provision has been made for its existence. The remarkable me- chanism of the eye (precisely resembling that of a camera obscura,) by which it produces an image on the nervous web forming its hinder part, seems to * Or rather through the focal centre of the eye, which is al- ways near the centre of the pupil. LIGHT. - 107 have this effect for its main object. And this me- chanism necessarily supposes certain corresponding properties in light itself, by means of which such an effect becomes possible. The main properties of light which are concerned in this arrangement, are reflexion and refraction : re- flexion by which light is reflected and scattered by all objects, and thus comes to the eye from all : and refraction, by which its course is bent, when it passes obliquely out of one transparent medium into another; and by which, consequently, convex transparent sub- stances, such as the cornea and humours of the eye, possess the power of making the light converge to a focus or point; an assemblage of such points forming the images on the retina, which we have mentioned. Reflexion and refraction are therefore the essential and indispensable properties of light; and so far as we can understand, it appears that it was necessary that light should possess such properties, in order that it might form a medium of communication between man and the external world. We may consider its power of passing through transparent media (as air) to be given in order that it may enlighten the earth ; its affection of reflexion, for the purpose of making colours visible ; and its refraction to be bestowed, that it may enable us to discriminate figure and po- sition, by means of the lenses of the eye. In this manner light may be considered as consti- tuted with a peculiar reference to the eyes of ani- mals, and its leading properties may be looked upon as contrivances or adaptations to fit it for its visual office. And in such a point of view the perfection of the contrivance or adaptation must be allowed to be very remarkable. 3. But besides the properties of reflexion and re- fraction, the most obvious laws of light, an extraor- dinary variety of phenomena have lately been dis- covered, regulated by other laws of the most curious kind, uniting great complexity with great symmetry. We refer to the phenomena of diffraction, polarisa- 108 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. tion, and periodical colours, produced by crystals and by thin plates. We have, in these facts, a vast mass of properties and laws, offering a subject of study which has been pursued with eminent skill and intelligence. But these properties and laws, so far as has yet been discovered, exert no agency what- ever, and have no purpose, in the general economy of nature. Beams of light polarised in contrary di- rections exhibit the most remarkable differences when they pass through certain crystals, but mani- fest no discoverable difference in their immediate impression on the eye. We have, therefore, here, a number of laws of light, which we cannot perceive to be established with any design which has a refer- ence to the other parts of the universe. Undoubtedly it is exceedingly possible that these differences of light may operate in some quarter, and in some way, which we cannot detect; and that these laws may have purposes and may answer ends of which we have no suspicion. All the analogy of nature teaches us a lesson of humility, with regard to the reliance we are to place on our discernment and judgment as to such matters. But with our present knowledge, we may observe, that this curious system of phenomena appears to be a collateral result of the mechanism by which the effects of light are pro- duced; and therefore a necessary consequence of the existence of that element of which the offices are so numerous and so beneficent. The new properties of light, and the speculations founded upon them, have led many persons to the belief of the undulatory theory; which, as we have said, is considered by some philosophers as demon- strated. If we adopt this theory, we consider the luminiferous ether to have no local motion; and to produce refraction and reflexion by the operation of its elasticity alone. We must necessarily suppose the tenuity of the ether to be extreme; and if we moreover suppose its tension to be very great, which the vast velocity of light requires us to suppose, the iiGHT. 109 vibrations by which light is propagated will be trans- verse vibrations, that is the motion to and fro will be athwart the line along which the undulation travels; and from this circumstance all the laws of polarisa- tion necessarily follow. And the properties of trans- verse vibrations, combined with the properties of vi- brations in general, give rise to all the curious, and numerous phenomena of colours of which we have spoken. If the vibrations be transverse, they may be re- solved into two different planes; this is polarisation : if they fall on a medium which has different elasticity in different directions, they will be divided into two sets of vibrations; this is double refraction ; and so on. Some of the new properties, however, as the fringes of shadows and the colours of thin plates, follow from the undulatory theory, whether the vibrations be transverse Or not. - It would appear, therefore, that the propagation of light by means of a subtle medium, leads necessarily to the extraordinary collection of properties which have recently been discovered; and, at any rate, its propagation by the transverse vibrations of such a medium does lead inevitably to these results. Leaving it therefore to future times to point out the other reasons (or uses if they exist) of these newly discovered properties of light, in their bearing on other parts of the world, we may venture to say, that if light was to be propagated through transpa- rent media by the undulations of a subtle fluid, these properties must result, as necessarily as the rainbow results from the unequal refrangibility of different colours. This phenomenon and those, appear alike to be the collateral consequences of the laws im- pressed on light with a view to its principal offices. Thus the exquisitely beautiful and symmetrical phenomena and laws of polarisation, and of crystal- line and other effects, may be looked upon as indi- cations of the delicacy and subtlety of the mechanism by which man, through his visual organs, is put in K I 10 TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS. communication with the external world; is made ac- quainted with the forms and qualities of objects in the most remote regions of space; and is enabled, in some measure, to determine his position and relation in a universe in which he is but an atom. 4. If we suppose it clearly established that light is produced by the vibrations of an ether, we find con- siderations offer themselves, similar to those which occurred in the case of sound. The vibrations of this ether affect our organs with the sense of light and colour. Why, or how do they do this? It is only within certain limits that the effect is produced, and these limits are comparatively narrower here than in the case of sound. The whole scale of co- lour, from violet to crimson, lies between vibrations which are four hundred and fifty-eight million mil- lions, and seven hundred and twenty-seven million millions in a second; a proportion much smaller than the corresponding ratio for perceptible sounds. Why should such vibrations produce perception in the eye, and no others? There must be here some peculiar adaptation of the sensitive powers to these wonderfully minute and condensed mechanical mo- tions. What happens when the vibrations are slower than the red, or quicker than the blue 2 They do not produce vision: do they produce any effect? Have they any thing to do with heat or with electricity ? We cannot tell. The ether must be as susceptible of these vibrations, as of those which produce vision. But the mechanism of the eye is adjusted to this lat- ter kind only; and this precise kind, (whether alone or mixed with others,) proceeds from the sun and from other luminaries, and thus communicates to us the state of the visible universe. The mere material