Z 56 D52 DUPL A 598639 Visi VODILLA 1877 401 SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE HALIM UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NOUS TI'FHOR Athimildir SHOUERIS PENINSULAM AMONAM MUUTTA! CLECUMSPICE MIMBALHALLALHAMDULIAH!! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII N's 56 • D52 A Compend of Demotic Shorthand By Godfrey Dewey, AB, Ed M (Harvard) , Author of Relativ Frequency of English Speech Sounds, Personal Shorthand, etc Personal Shorthand is a sientific development of accepted short- hand principles. Demotic Shorthand is a revolutionary shorthand experiment. It abandons 2 of the most firmly establisht funda- mental principles of English language shorthand — single stroke signs for simple sounds, and small signs for vowels — and in so doing achievs a shorthand sistem of unique and unprecedented simplicity: simpler to write and easier to learn than longhand itself, on which it is based. Demotic Shorthand is for the busy man or woman who has no time to master any “standard” sistem of shorthand, however good. Because of its unique simplicity yu can begin to write Demotic Shorthand, accurately, for your own personal purposes, as soon as yu hav masterd the basic alfabet; yet the literal stile, expressing every sound explicitly, is only as long as longhand, while the ful stile, completely presented in this Compend, is les than 1 as long as longhand. For personal correspondence, original composition of any kind, lecture, conference, or telefone notes, abstracts or memoranda in short, for any longhand purpose, and for many purposes for which longhand is inadequate – Demotic Shorthand wil save for i of your time and effort. Your notes need never be transcribed, for they ar permanently and explicitly legible, by yu or by any other Demotic Shorthand writer. This Compend presents the complete basic alfabet; every prin- ciple, with illustrations of each; every abbreviation, whether for word or affix; and enuf instructions for study to enable the apt or mature student to master the ful stile of Demotic Shorthand. How to study First study thoroly the simple sounds which yu use in speaking English, as shown by key words on basic alfabet page; giving special attention to the long vowels, which ar repre- sented strictly in accord with international usage and with the true fonetic relations between the sounds. Then study and practis the signs and sounds of the basic alfabet; singly, in pairs, and in groups; speaking the name of the sound each time as yu write the sign, watching yourself write and hearing yourself speak. Order and spacing of basic alfabet page, and colums and rows of alfabet at top of page 3, suggest various good groupings of the signs and sounds for practis. Speld as recommended by Simplified Spelling Board I Gen lib wewey 11-41-37 나 ​ten, bet - - k ) g LULELE 1 ാ Basic Alfabet 24 CONSONANTS 13 VOWELS Sound Sign Name As in Sound Sign Name As in р 1 pî pin, cup a at am, pat, (pair) b bî bin, cub a a alms, part, ma t 1 ti е et edge, let d 1 di den, bed ê age, late, may e ki come, back i it is, sit, army l gî gum, bag Î î ease, seat, me f f ef fan, safe ot odd, not V ev van, save Ô awed, naught ħ 1 eħ thigh, bath U ut up, ton, (turn) a 1 1 est thy, bathe a ar about, utter, na- tion, china S es seal, race O 0 open, tone, show z ez zeal, raise u ut full, could s l S eſ assure, rush นิ û ſool, shoe l ez azure, rouge 4 DIFTHONGS l es choke, rich Sound Sign Name As in å a a aisle, pint, by ej joke, ridge oil, point, boy m em met, him a vai out, power, now n en net, thin u u n en ink, thing I WORDSIGN 1 lê laid, deal di the r rê raid, dear 6 auxiliary signs W wê wet, quit jog у yê yet, you capsign hr hê head, who dot n meron - i l U. pure, few 8 o U * x Copyright 1923 by Godfrey Dewey. Copyright in Great Britain. All rights reservd 2 .. ba 8 l S z : V o o & v 8 а a - Х © - Basic alfabet clast by form of signs pn b 2 t 1 dike fn h 1 asl l lis l 3 с m W n y у r 1 h U V e - ê. i í a U 0 o å u û a al ü sti, Signs The size, form, and slope of the signs of Demotic Shorthand ar similar to ordinary longhand. All upstrokes ar substantially straight. This Compend shows correct relativ sizes, which must be followd, and best actual sizes, which should be followd. Keep your writing small. Writing by sound Demotic Shorthand writes by sound the simplest written record of the spoken word – disregarding common spelling. To write any word, join together in order the signs representing the sounds of that word. To read any word, pronounce together in order the sounds represented by the signs. That's all. Thus: giv years long course good like found evri med giv yîrz loŋ kors gud lak faind A le en el V am am every made estges Geresh Joinings No rules ar necessary for joining any sign to any other. 3 suggestions wil be helpful. Write circles preferably inside a curv, outside an angle, or with left motioni. Slight angles should be rounded off 2. A slight vertical jog may be written between 2 single stroke signs that would otherwise join without an angle 3. very, war, proper, rail; 2 far quick not not to sed 1 3 poem, idea At fefe my uh a no Punctuation All punctuation marks except dash and hifen may be written just as in longhand 1. Write commas below the line of writing, just as in longhand. Indent paragrafs as in longhand, or if preferd mark the end of a paragraf by writing a small cross insted of the usual period. 3 Capsign Write a small cross above the line just before any word to capitalize it ?. Do not mark obvious capitals, such as the first word of a sentence, or proper names occurring in an address or salutation. Dot A dot may be written beside any sign that has been written light, to indicate that it should be red as if written hevy 3. Similarly, a small circle may be written beside any hevy sign to show that it should be red as if written light. dash hifen; 2 Jack Gray; 3 calm back ; 4 came = X rebe e nere le This is the complete literal stile of Demotic Shorthand, only as long as longhand. The first 7 lines of page 7 ar written in this literal stile. 3 rules — for stroke omission, vowel omission, and hook joinings — and short forms for some of the commonest words and affixes of English, com- plete the ful stile of Demotic Shorthand, les than ; as long as longhand. The last 8 lines of page 7 ar written in this ful stile. Stroke omission When t d ħ or ^ is initial, or preceded only by s or r, the initial upstroke may be omitted. When n is final, or followd only by s z l r or i, singly or in combination, the final upstroke may be omitted.2 When t or h (but not d or ^), is final, or followd only by s zlr or li, the final downstroke may be omitted.3 Iether tick of h may be omitted when the remaining tick forms a sharp angle with the following sign.4 1 did stil things; ? even once only; 3 right partly earth; 4 how here woty do error A Z Vowel omission Mediala may usually be omitted. Medial u may often be omitted. In words of more than one sillable other short medial vowels may sometimes be omitted. better action real must come purposes activ possible together a l my en is el Hook joinings Tether left motion or right motion hook may be written for iether s or z, distinguishing z from s by shading only. Iether hook may be tipt in iether direction to secure no angle or sharp angle joinings. Other things being equal, prefer left motion hook for s, right motion hook for z.3 most certain himself reasons; 2 say since house those; 3 force stores of عا 2 od s pot % est on se 2 2 4 Commonest words Study, practis, and use these forms, which wil make up over 1 of all your writing. The downstroke is the caracteristic or essential part of any consɔnant sign. This fact wil explain such short forms as be for me she we which yu etc. a great b not 2 they about had 1 now this / all has of time Lo an hay Ś ) Nj1 on to / and he one up n isan any her or upon 1 ar him other o V us as his U n. our was at y I out we ( / 6 be 2 if shal wel been in she wer before D. own into should li what but N is S SO when by 다 ​n it l such which can e its that who could little the wil do 1 me their ( with 2 first more them would 6 for my there 0 ? h yu from no these 1. your 5 ; indeed V re- kom: 7 : complete the fo اه W -S ord ما که Affixes This table of short forms for some of the common- est affixes of English givs: 1 commonest spelling of each, 2 usual pronunciation, showing by parentheses sounds omitted in short form, 3 shorthand form, 4 examples of its use. Prefixes in- be- i(n)-; wh b(i)- ; ; between al- de- @(1)-; L; always d(i)-; , ; demand by be ; ; r(i)- ; ; report con- fore- k(@n- ; f ; consider foto f(or)-; ; foremost Suffixes wants wishes -s -Z -(e)z; 2n; hands -z taxes -ed askt painted -t Ft -d -(e)d; v: stored ; I handed 2/4 Z 17 -ing, -ings bilding -(i)ŋ, -(i)ŋz; meetings rd 88 -ly reasonably -li; ; nearly one -tion, -tions ) statements 21 -ness -ne(s); ; kindness -ful, -fully -f(u), –f(u)], -f(u)li ; 112 ; successful ed carefully ed Wordsigns may often be used as affixes, and vice versa. Frases The sign for the may be joind to a preceding particle or other word with which it grammatically belongs. Such frases ar unmistakable, as the sound of h is never final in English. of the to the that the for the as the on the by the ar the and the in the is the with the hav the not the 2 2 2 ( U Practis Read, and write, the shorthand on page 7. For further practis and instructions see Reader and Examination. In all your practis, always, read everything that yu write. ; training af or por pa really ; nation -Sən, Sənz; 11:11 reconditions All -m(en) t, -m(en)ts; ] ; government ! of e business business 1 was the ų ✓ 6 / ( 2 ما در / د امر ر ا ا ا ب 2 ۔ / 2 - اکا ر ا ا /7/ root. estett to sl. - .با ما . رانا ع ال ا - yot ang sah, wortet. 2 ا رہا ، ا وم ا , ما bon کا ما 1 2 20 ا 리 ​ا Bulb etlobello indt zo ب / مه هر بار۔ 2 ۔ نیه - ۔ کو2 / - کار کر - را رها /2 ہے رملہ مر / همه ، اوے ۔ ۔ - / سوا کو /22 /// ا . / مه م م ) . 720 7 اه 20/ / / - IL ll the esl pofrathe // // 4/ . / 07 7 ( 7 10 / ه a as orth :ہ 2/ 7 Demotic Shorthand has one and only one sign for each and every sound, and one and only one sound for each and every sign. Niether alternativ signs nor disjoind marks ar necessary to express exactly and in ful any word of English - the former feature unique, the latter shared only by Personal Shorthand. To a unique degree, also, the grafic structure of Demotic Shorthand corresponds to the fonetic structure of the English language, as determind by exhaustiv analisis of the relativ frequency of every word, sillable, and sound of 100,000 words of representativ English. To an exceptional degree, far more than the semi-script sistems just now so popular in this country, more even than the true script sistems so highly developt in Germany, Demotic Shorthand bilds on the penmanship and structural features of longhand: not merely the much-exploited one-slope feature, but also the equally and more important uniform line of writing and uniform joinings. Because of its utter simplicity, accurate correspondence with the fonetic facts of English, and complete harmony with the grafic principles of longhand, the literal stile of Demotic Shorthand is peculiarly adapted to be the first reading and writing of the yungest children. In addition to the fundamentally important features just mentiond, Demotic Shorthand, as compared with longhand, has simpler letter forms, no capital letters of different and more complex form, and, most important of all, no spelling to be learnd — for with a fonetic spelling one can write correctly any word he hears, or pronounce correctly any word he sees, simply by writing or reading for each simple sound one invariable sign. To complete your mastery of Demotic Shorthand, or to increase your speed, use the remotic Shorthand Reader and Examination. To read wel-written shorthand or to write shorthand for com- parison with accurately written forms is the best possible practis. The Reader provides 32 pages of ful stile Demotic Shorthand, together with a complete fonetic print key which affords valuable practis on the fonetic basis of the sistem. Personal advice from an experienst teacher on your individual problems is a great help in studying any subject. 'The Examination givs just such personal individual assistance in your study of Demotic Shorthand. The most effectiv way to learn is to teach. Learn Demolic Shorthand with a frend, and teach it to others. To introduce a frend to the study of Demotic Shorthand for personal correspondence, write the most interesting sentence or so, or occasional words, of a personal letter in Demotic Shorthand, and enclose copy of this Compend as a key. No other key is required. Extra copies of this Compend wil be furnisht at 25° each, or 5 for $1. Demotic Shorthand series — Compend, Reader, and Examination --- $2 postpaid Forest Press Lake Placid Club, N Y 8 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 111 3 9015 06447 7279