A 593283 ARTES LIBRARY 18172 VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE .. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ا نستان ا ا TUEBOR CIRCUMSPICE CRIS PÍNINSULAM AZTNAN МИНОНИ ان QE 35 .K62 } 、、 5 } } 4. 1 } ! } 1 } ! ↑ Į 1 : } ! } } 1. .! **** t { 4 GEOLOGICAL Her hass Whate ESSAY S. BY RICHARD KIRWAN, Esa. F.R.SS. Lond, & Edin. M.R.I.A. OF THE ACADEMIES OF OF STOCKHOLM, UPSAL, BERLIN, MANCHESTER, PHILADELPHIA; OF THE MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY OF JENA, &C. AND INSPECTOR GENERAL OF HIS MAJESTY'S MINES IN THE KINGDOM OF IRELAND, LONDON: PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY, BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET, FOR D. BREMNER, (SUCCESSOR TO MR. ELMSLY) STRAND $ 1799. 1 C " 1 PREFACE. S GEOLOGY is the fcience that treats of the various relations which the different conſtituent maſſes of the globe bear to each other. It at once unfolds and fhews how to read the huge and myſterious volume of inanimate nature, of which MINERALOGY fupplies the alphabet. The inftruction it conveys is our fureft guide in refearches for the various valuable fubftances buri- ed under the earth's furface, and pow- erfully affifts us in the ſublime inveſtigation of the hiſtory of the planet we inhabit. Singularly diverfified, and intricately com- plicated, as the local arrangement of ſub- terraneous ſubſtances may appear, yet that its mazes are not without a clew, may rea- dily be inferred, and with certainty con- cluded, from the practical fkill which feveral miners are known to poffefs in many parts of the world. Uncombined, however, with any general theory, the knowledge thus at- A 2 tained, རྭ iv PREFACE. tained, is generally imperfect, being circum- fcribed within the limits of the diftricts wherein their operations are exerciſed, linked with their peculiar circumftances, and more over, frequently darkened and perplexed with notions either falfely affumed, or errone- oufly generalized. It is to men of far fuperior acquirements that Geology owes its origin and progreſs. John Gottlob Lehman firft traced the genuine outlines of this fcience: Eminently fkilled in general phyfics, practical mining,. mineral- ogy, and chymiftry, fully acquainted with the circumſtances attending the fituation of moſt minerals relatively to each other, in numerous and extenfive tracts of different countries, he was enabled to deduce from multiplied obfervations fome general con- clufions, which have fince, with few excep- tions, been verified in all parts of the world. This fagacious obferver foon found that priority or pofteriority of formation was a prominent feature diftinguiſhing various elevations of the globe, and a circumſtance. demanding the ftricteft attention in deter- mining the probable preſence of particular minerals, as well as in devifing and pre- fcribing PREFACE. fcribing the mode of extracting them. Hence aroſe the denominations of PRIMARY or PRIMEVAL, and of SECONDARY moun- tains. And thus Geology was found con- nected with the ancient hiftory of the globe. The connexion thus difcovered between the modern and ancient ftate of the Earth foon excited the curiofity, and fired the imagination of fome fpeculative philofo- phers, better verfed in mathematics, aftro- nomy, and geography, than in chymical or mineralogical knowledge, yet all defirous of tracing the origin of the globe, and ap- plying Geology to their feveral ſyſtems. Thus COSMOGONY was grafted on Geology. Among many vifionary theories, moſt of which have now funk into oblivion, I fhall fingle out one as claiming fome notice from its artful ſtructure and deceptive appearance of folidity. In the formation of this theory, Genius (I mean Genius in its primitive fenſe, the fublime talent of faſcinating Invention, and not the energetic power of patient, pro- found, and fagacious Investigation) unhap- pily prefided. Yet dazzled by the fplendid A 3 but vi PREFACE. but deluſive ſcenery prefented by an ardent imagination foaring to the fource of light, and rending from its flaming orb the pla- netary maſſes that furround it, then mark- ing with daring and overweening confidence fancied fucceffive epochs of the confolidated fabrick of the terraqueous globe, the pub- lic attention was long arrefted by the ma- gic repreſentation, and the underſtanding nearly betrayed into a partial, if not a total affent to it. On examining this theory more ſeriouſly, we may obferve, that two facts, both of which were erroneouſly extended by ana- logy, and blended with a few inconteſtable truths, formed the bafis of all that was not purely imaginary in its ftately ſtructure. It was well known that flinty or filiceous fubftances entered into the compofition of common glaſs, and alſo that fuch fubftan- ces form one of the principal conſtituent parts of the globe; it is alfo certain that many of theſe ſubſtances reſemble glaſs in colour, tranfparency, luftre, hardneſs, and ſpecific gravity; and as glaſs originates from fuſion in a ſtrong heat, it was thence in- ferred that theſe ſubſtances alſo derived their 8 origin PREFACE. vii it origin from a fimilar fufion in an intenſe heat; and as in our planetary fyftem fuch heat could be fufpected only in the SUN, was concluded that thefe fubftances were produced in, or rather formed a part of that luminary, from which, they together with the other planets were detached by the for- tuitous fhock of a COMET. Our globe thus originating, required, it was faid, many thousand years to cool to fuch a degree as to allow the vapours that accompanied it to condenſe into water, and this water was fo abundant as to cover it to the height of fome miles; excavations however were at length formed, into which this liquid gradually funk; hence the origin of our feas and oceans. Organic particles (of undefined origin) unit- ing by unknown plaſtic power, peopled the feas with shellfish, and ſtocked the continents, when fufficiently cooled to fupport them, with land animals. Farther, as fhells are known to confift of an earth fimilar to that which forms lime- ſtone or marble, it was inferred, that after a feries of ages, the immenſe maffes of cal- careous ſubſtances, whether found in plains, or forming mountains, originated from ac- cumulated comminuted ſhells, the remains A 4 or Viil PEEFACE. or traces of which are found in many of them at this day. This proud gigantic theory was, however, like another Goliath, foon demoliſhed by a common flint or pebble, the very ſubſtance it fprung from; common glafs, effentially contains an alkaline falt to which alone it owes its fufibility; filiceous fubſtances con- tain none, and are abfolutely infuſible when unaſſociated with any. Maquer found them infufible not only in furnaces, but in the ftill incomparably fuperior heat of the con- centrated folar rays, as did Geyer, Lavoifier, and Ehrman, in the again higher heat of in- flamed oxygen. Hence the hypotheſis grounded on the affumed identity of theſe fubftances and common glafs, vaniſhed like the unembodied vifions of the night. With reſpect to limeſtone, the other pillar on which this theory refted, Cronfted, Ferber, Born, Arduino, and Bergman, demonſtrated the exiſtence of numerous and immenfe mountains, in which not only no veftiges of fhells could be traced, but whofe inter- nal ſtructure or pofition were incompatible with the fuppofition of an origination thence derived. This gaudy illuſion being diffipated, the internal PREFACE. ix internal ſtructure of the globe was more patiently and foberly inveſtigated. Moun- tains offering their conftituent materials more confpicuouſly to view, were generally vifited and principally confulted; the chy- mical properties, and diftinctive characters, of their component maffes, their external relations, whether of pofition, fuperpofition, form, direction, or extenſion, the connexion of a peculiar conſtitution, with the abſence or preſence of metallic, or other valuable ſubſtances, and finally, the preciſe height of the whole over the level of the fea, were now carefully attended to, recorded and publiſhed in moft parts of the civilized world. In this magnificent difplay of the inter- nal arrangement of the globe, many philo- fophical obfervers acquired diftinguiſhed eminence from tedious, laborious, painful, but fucceſsful, exertions. TILAS, GME- LIN, CRONSTED, FERBER, PALLAS, CHAR- PENTIER, BORN, WERNER, ARDUINO, DE LUC, SAUSSURE, and DOLOMIEU, are names confecrated to IMMORTALITY; to which I ſhould be proud to add that of a diftinguiſhed young countryman of our own who has lately travelled into the eaſt, if X PREFACE. if his modefty had not as yet prevented the publication of his obfervations. I am forry to add, that in this highly intereſting career of inquiry, of the firſt importance to civilized fociety, and de- manding the moft powerful co-operation, few POTENTATES except our own auguft Monarch, the late amiable fovereign of France, and the illuftrious female fovereigns of Ruffia, particularly the immortal bene- factreſs of mankind, CATHARINE THE GREAT, have taken any concern*. No enterprize however can affuredly reflect more lafting ſplendour on their reigns, or more effectually promote the repofe of their ſubjects, by attracting, abſorbing, and even exhaufting the activity of fiery fpirits whofe energies may otherwiſe be pernicioufly em- ployed in diſturbing the conftitution of the ftate, inſtead of exploring that of nature †. As *The Prince of Brazil may alſo participate of the fame honourable mention, having, as I am informed, lately fent to explore the natural hiſtory of that exten- five region. Portugal, in Signor Camera, now poffeffes real mineralogical ability. + Perhaps the ſhare which fome noted ſcientific men have lately taken in the convulfions of a neighbouring country, may feem to invalidate the above affertion, but PREFACE. XI 1 As no work compriſing the generality of this object has as yet appeared in the Engliſh language, though ſeveral valuable fragments bearing fome relation to it may be noticed, I thought I ſhould make no unacceptable prefent to the public, by collecting and exhibiting to its view, the moſt important obfervations that occur in the works of the celebrated writers I have already mentioned, and of many others lefs generally known; the whole connected by fuch theories as ap- peared to me moſt probable, either deviſed by others, or refulting from my own re- flections. COSMOGONY, an object, con- fidered in its totality, above the reach of human underſtanding, I fhould have avoided but it fhould be remarked, that of the votaries to natural knowledge, many became the victims of that direful ty- ranny, fuffering either death as Lavoifier and Diedrich, or exile as Bournon, De Mazieux, La Peyroufe, &c. The few whofe names ftill remain enrolled in the ever execrable annals of anarchy, were nevertheleſs in reality guiltless of its enormities, being reftrained from oppoſi- tion, by the then all prevailing terror. The pretended philofophic reformers of metaphyfics, morality, and politics, and the frantic enemies of chriſtianity alone prepared, ex- cited, and acted thoſe atrocious tragedies, in compariſon of which the accumulated cruelties of ancient tyrants, and of pagan and chriftian perfecutions, are lost to the fight, meddling xii PREFACE. meddling with, had it not been for the per- nicious influence, I obferved fome falfe but ingenious ſyſtems of it to have on perfons in other refpects far from ignorant, and the evident agreement I diſcovered between the account of it given by MoSES and the moſt certain and ftriking geological obfer- vations. This work was ready for the prefs in June, 1798, but the confufion arifing from the rebellion then raging in Ireland, prevented the impreffion. An op- portunity however occurred of fending the manuſcript to Germany, where I knew its tranſlation would be attended with notes, which might confiderably improve the in- tended fubfequent publication in Engliſh. The German tranflation I have lately re- ceived, accompanied with many notes, fome of which are very valuable, being ex- tracted from the Journal of Travels through Peru, by Mr. Helm, publiſhed in Germany in 1798, and containing the only exact mi- neralogical account extant of that intereſting country; theſe I have inferted and fub- joined to the prefent publication, with fuch other remarks as I thought worthy of notice. TABLE TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Preface Introduction Of the primeval State of the Globe Of the Deluge Of fubfequent Catastrophes Of the Decompofition and Difintegration Of Lapidification of Stony Subftances Of Mountains iii I 7 54 87 107 143 154 OF PRIMITIVE MOUNTAINS AND COM- POUNDS 163 Granite 166 Gneiss, and Shiftofe Mica 173 Siliceous Shiftus, and Bafanite 176 Jafper 177 Hornftone 178 Quartz 179 Pitchftone 180 Hornblende, and Hornblende Slate 181 Indurated Lithomarga Argillite + 182 183 Trap { xiv CONTENTS. Trap Page A 185 204 7 Serpentine, and Pottflone Porphyry Shiftofe Porphyry Sandstone Rubbleftone 205 1 207 1 208 } 2II Farcilite (Puddingftone), Breccias, and Marlite Granular Limeſtone Gypfum, Fluors Topaz Rock Polygenous OF SECONDARY MOUNTAINS AND COMPOUNDS Calcareous. Limeſtone Swineftone Porous Limeſtone 211 213 220 221 221 2-224 228 2330 235 Marlite, and calcareous Sandstone 235 Chalk 236 Gypfum 238 Argillaceous. Argillite Ibid. Indurated Clay 242; Shale 243 Iudurated CONTENTS. XV Page Indurated Lithomarga 243 Rubbleftone 244 Sandstone (Argillaceous or ferrugi- nous) 244 Porphyry 247 Trap, and Baſalt 247 Hornblende 252 Breccias, and Farcilite 252 Siliceous. Hornftone 254 Jafper 255 Farcilites, and Breccias 255 Siliceous Sandstone 256 Semiprotolite 256 OF VOLCANIC MOUNTAINS Enumeration of Strata. OF THE INTERNAL ARRANGEMENT 259 263 IN MOUNTAINS 281 Of Coal Mines 290 Of common Salt and its Mines 350 Of the Sea Ibid Of rock Salt 368 Of Salt Springs and Lakes 387 OF METALLIC MINES 399 Native Metals 400 Sulphur- xvi CONTENTS, 1 Sulphurated Metals Calciform Ores Of metallic Veins 419 423 Of Ores found in primeval Mountains 427 Ores found in fecondary Mountains 430 Of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth. 433 Notes 500 ERRATA. Page 1 Line 4 for ſhall · • 8 laft line "bave. 10 line 7 forms 13 17 that 17 17 all 233 25 36 37 44 567 22 6 25 2 M ES QU 111 • prevails.. Argillaceous Earths • • Decompofed Requires Montarmiata • "Peperino, . 16 113 5 114 I 118 24 123 16 And for 125 5 Lapidifcence 127 15 Preadamtic 131 laft line -it. 147 7 after abforb 150 3 16 168 25 440 19 were 457 4 --- nor • • 465 8 Cart(bad • Read bould baving form that almoſt all Dele the comma' after only Read at prevail Martial argillaceous Earth Diffolved Require Montamiata Piperino Lapidefcence Preadamitic the concreted mafs moiſture Dele Vitriolic which in its Read forming a falt which in its turn thus in 1775 turn thus in Swifferland in 1775 are but not Carlſbad 1 A few others of flight moment are left to the indulgence of the reader. GEOLO- T + GEOLOGICAL ESSAYS. ON THE PRIMITIVÉ STATE OF THE GLOBE AND ITS SUBSEQUENT CATASTROPHES. N In the inveſtigation of paſt facts dependent on natural cauſes, certain laws of reafoning ſhould inviolably be adhered to. The firſt is, that no effect fhall be attributed to a cauſe whofe known powers are inadequate to its production. The fecond is, that no cauſe ſhould be adduced whofe exiftence is not proved either by actual experience or approved teſtimony. Many natural phe- nomena have arifen or do arife in times or places fo diftant, that well conditioned tef- timony concerning them cannot without manifeſt abſurdity be rejected. Thus the inhabitants of the Northern parts of Eu- rope, who have never felt earthquakes nor feen volcanos, muft nevertheleſs admit, from B ( 2 ) I from mere teftimony, that the first have been, and that the fecond do actually exiſt. The third is, that no powers fhould be afcribed to an alleged cauſe but thoſe that it is known by actual obſervation to poſſeſs in appropriated circumſtances. To theſe laws I mean ftrictly to conform in the fubfequent inquiry, and on this con- formity to reft its merits. To them I fhall appeal in examining the various fyftems I may have occafion to mention. To thoſe who may regard this inquiry as fuperfluous, and confider the actual ſtate of the globe as alone entitled to philofophical attention, I fhall beg leave to obferve, that its original ſtate is fo ftrictly connected with that which it at prefent exhibits, that the latter cannot be properly underſtood without a retroſpect to the former, as will amply be fhewn in the fequel. Moreover recent experience has fhewn that the ob- fcurity in which the philofophical know- ledge of this ftate has hitherto been in- volved, has proved too favourable to the ftructure of various ſyſtems of atheiſm or infidelity, 8 ( 3 ) infidelity, as theſe have been in their turn to turbulence and immorality, not to en- deavour to diſpel it by all the lights which modern geological refearches have ftruck out. Thus it will be found that geology naturally ripens, or (to ufe a mineralogical expreffion) graduates into religion, as this does into morality. So numerous indeed and fo luminous have been the more modern geological reſearch- es, and fo obviouſly connected with the object we have now in view, that fince the obfcuration or obliteration of the primitive traditions, ſtrange as it may appear, no pe- riod has occurred fo favourable to the illuf- tration of the original ſtate of the globe as the preſent, though fo far removed from it. At no period has its furface been tra- verfed in fo many different directions, or its ſhape and extent under its different mo- difications of earth and water been fo nearly aſcertained, and the relative denſity of the whole fo accurately determined, its folid conſtituent parts fo exactly diftinguiſh- ed, their mutual relation, both as to pofi- tion and compofition, fo clearly traced, or B 2 purſued (4) purfued to fuch confiderable depths, as within theſe laſt twenty-five years. Neither have the teftimonies that relate to it been ever fo critically examined and carefully- weighed, nor confequently fo well under- ftood, as within the latter half of this cen- tury. The introduction of teftimony into re- fearches merely philofophical has been, I am well aware, objected to by many, but in the prefent cafe the objection evidently originates in inattention to its object. All philofophical reſearches are grounded either on experiment or obfervation fingly or jointly, and the confequences clearly dedu- cible from them. Where recourfe cannot be had to experiment, as in the preſent cafe, there obſervation fingly muſt be re- forted to, but as objects even of obſerva- tion are not of daily occurrence, and many of them muſt have exifted at diftant inter- vals of time and place, recourſe muſt be had to its records, and confequently to teſti- mony. Aftronomy furniſhes us with a caſe in point. This is a fcience purely philofo- phical, yet aftronomers have never hesitated to ( 5 ) to admit the obſervations of an Hipparchus or a Ptolemy. In effect, paſt geological facts being of an hiſtorical nature, all aṭ- tempts to deduce a complete knowledge of them merely from their ſtill fubfifting con- fequences, to the exclufion of unexception- able teftimony, muſt be deemed as abfurd as that of deducing the hiſtory of ancient Rome folely from the medals or other mo- numents of antiquity it ſtill exhibits, or the ſcattered ruins of its empire, to the exclu- fion of a Livy, a Salluft, or a Tacitus. That great changes have taken place on the furface of the globe fince the commence- ment of its exiſtence, changes that for fome thouſand years have not been repeated, is allowed on all hands. What then fhould render thefe facts and the circumftances attending them unſuſceptible of teſtimony? not furely their improbability or difcrepance with actual obfervation, fince their reality is confeffed by all; with refpect to fome of them I can think of no reafon but one, and that indeed at the first blufh fufficiently plauſible, namely, that their exiſtence pre- ceded that of the human fpecies; this cer- tainly B 3 1 ( 6 ) 17 tainly proves that the knowledge of the hiftorian that relates them (fuppofing him to have any) was not 'as to fuch facts ob- tained by human means. But if in a feries of facts, diſcovered by an inveſtigation to which the witnefs was an utter ftranger, an exact agreement with the relation of the hiftorian be diſcerned, not barely as to the fubftance of the facts but even as to the order and fucceffion of their exiſtence, in ſuch caſe it muſt be acknowledged that the relation is true, let the knowledge of the hiftorian have been obtained how it may. If its primary fource cannot be hu- man, it muſt have been fupernatural, and moft affuredly worthy of credit even in fuch inftances as have not as yet been cor- roborated by obſervation, or perhaps are incapable of fuch additional proof. ſuch an account of the primeval ſtate of the globe and of the principal cataſtrophe it anciently underwent, I am bold to ſay Mofes preſents to us, and I make no doubt of demonftrating in the following Effays. Now ESSAY ( 7 ) ESSAY I. ON THE PRIMEVAL STATE OF THE GLOBE. THE firſt remarkable fact that prefents itſelf to our notice on confidering the pri- mitive ſtate of the globe is, that its ſuper- ficial parts, at leaſt to a certain depth, muſt have originally been in a foft or liquid ftate. This fact is inferred from the ſhape it at prefent exhibits, which, as aftrono- mers tell us, is, that of a fpheroid com- preffed at the poles, the polar diameter be- ing found feveral miles fhorter than the equatorial; nor is it at the poles only that this compreffion is obfervable, but in all the higher degrees of latitude, nearly in proportion to their proximity to the poles. This fhape it evidently could not affume unleſs to a certain depth its fuperficial parts were in a foft or liquid ftate. Some geolo- gical obfervations alfo indicate that its com- ponent parts, even thoſe that are at preſent B 4 the ( 8 ) ! A the moſt folid, were originally in a foft ftate. Thus in the mountains of Quedlice and Portficellet in Norway, which confift of an argillaceous pudding ſtone, the fili- ceous pebbles it contains are obſerved to be compreffed to the thickneſs of about of an inch in the lower parts of the mountains, but to increaſe in fize and roundnefs in proportion as their fituation is higher.- 1. Bergm. Erde Befch. 182. and in the Vivarois the loweſt ſtrata of primitive lime- ftone have been found of the thickneſs of only of an inch*, but in proportion to their heighth in the mountain their thick- nefs increaſes, until at its fummit it ar- rives to thirty or forty feet. 1. Soulavie, 178. Mr. Ferner made the fame obferva- tion in England†, but it is needleſs to in- fift further on this point, as it is now ge- nerally allowed. With respect to the interior and more central parts, they have been hitherto in- * This, however, does not always happen, I Sauff. 195, for the reafon given ibid. 453. + 1 Roz. 8vo. p. 64. and Gruber in Carniola. Phy. Arbeit. 2d. Stuck. 3. acceffible, ( 9 ) L acceffible, nothing can be determined from immediate obfervation, but we may col- lect with fufficient certainty, and it is now generally acknowledged, that at the time of the creation, and for many centuries af- ter, they contained immenfe empty ca- verns, and confequently confifted of mate- rials fufficiently folid to refift the preffure of the enormous mafs of liquid fubftance placed over them. See Bofcovich, and 4 La Metherie 15. The liquidity thus proved to exiſt in the more fuperficial parts of the globe, com- prehending even thoſe that are now moſt ſolid, muſt have proceeded either from ig- neous fufion or folution in water. The hy- potheſis of igneous fufion wars with every notion which experiment has taught us to form either of fire or its fuel, or the pro- perties and appearances of the various fub- ſtances ſuppoſed to be fubjected to it, as I have fhewn at large in a former differtation contained in the Tranfactions of the Iriſh Academy; the latter perfectly accords, and much more perfectly than I was then aware of, with all the properties and characters that ( 10 ) - that all the folids now known exhibit, thofe confeffedly of volcanic origin folely ex- cepted. The difficult folubility in water of moſt of the folids which the globe at preſent ex- hibits, and the immenfe quantity of that fluid requiſite to effect their folution, forms the only difficulty that has hitherto embar- raffed geologifts, though it has prevented fcarce any of them from admitting that fo- lution. Moſt of them have ſuppoſed that at that early period fome menftruum ex- ifted capable of effecting it. This diffi- culty, however, proceeds folely from inatten- tion to the firſt demonſtrated fact, namely, that the globe at its origin, at leaſt to a certain depth, was a liquid mafs; therefore the folids that at prefent compofe it were not originally in a folid ſtate, whoſe con- verfion into a ſtate of liquidity would cer tainly require more water than is known to exift, but were at the very commence- ment of their exiſtence in that ſtate of mi- nute divifion which aqueous folution re- quires, but which no known exiſting quan- tity of that fluid would be able to effect, Now ( II ) Now it is a well known chemical fact, that lefs of any menftruum is requifite to keep a ſolid ſubſtance in folution, at leaſt for a fhort time, than originally to diffolve it. Yet if the quantity of aqueous fluid re- quifite even to keep the mafs of folids in folution were too fmall, as poffibly it may have been, this would only haften the ſe- cond general fact, to which I now proceed, namely, the cryftallization, precipitation, and depoſition of theſe folids. But before I enter on this event it will be neceffary to confider more particularly the ſtate of this original chaotic fluid. The water which conftituted this men- ftruum, being in a liquid ftate, muſt have been heated at leaſt to thirty-three degrees, and poffibly much higher. Secondly, it contained the eight generic earths, all the metallic and femi-metallic fubftances now known, the various fimple faline ſubſtances, and the whole tribe of inflammables, fo- lid, and liquid, which are of a fimple na- ture, variouſly diſtributed, forming upon the whole a more complex menftruum than any that has fince exiſted, and con- fequently , : ( 12 ) fequently endued with properties very dif- ferent from any with which we have been fince acquainted. Hence elementary fire or the principle of heat muſt have been coeval with the crea- tion of matter, and the general properties of gravitation and elective attraction may be fuppofed of equal date. The proportion of the different materials contained in the chaotic fluid to each other, may be ſuppoſed upon the whole nearly the fame as that which they at preſent bear to each other, the filiceous earth being by far the moſt copious, next to that, the fer- ruginous, then the argillaceous and calca- reous, laſtly, the magneſian, barytic, Scot- tifh, and Iargonic, in the order in which they are named, the metallic fubftances (except iron) moſt ſparingly; in particular parts, however, of this polygenous fluid a very different proportion must have ob- tained (as in fome parts of the globe) ſome fpecies of earth or metal, &c. have ever- more been found more copious than in others. Some geologifts, as Buffon, and of late Dr. Hutton, have excluded calca- reous ( 13 ) pro- reous earth from the number of the primeval, afferting the maffes of it we at preſent be- hold, to proceed from ſhell fiſh. But in addi- tion to the unfounded ſuppoſition, that ſhell fiſh or any animals poffefs the power of ducing any fimple earth, theſe philofophers fhould have confidered that before the exiſt- ence of any fiſh the ftony maffes that in- cloſe the baſon of the fea muſt have exifted, and among theſe there is none in which calcareous earth is not found. Of this cir- cumſtance indeed Buffon was ignorant, the analyſes that prove it being unknown to him. Dr. Hutton endeavours to evade this argument by fuppofing the world we now inhabit to have arifen from the ruins and fragments of an anterior, and that of another ſtill prior, without pointing at any original. If we are thus to proceed in in- finitum I fhall not pretend to follow him, but if he ftops any where, unlefs he alfo ſuppoſes his primitive globe abſolutely dif- ferent from that which we inhabit, (and with fuch I do not meddle) he will find the fame argument equally to occur. In a fluid conſtituted as that juſt men- tioned, it is evident from the laws of elective # ( 14 ) elective attraction, that the various folids diffuſed through it muſt ſoon have coalefced in various proportions according to the laws of this attraction and the prefence or proxi- mity of the ingredients, and thus have cryf- tallized into different groups, which defcend- ed to and were depofited on the inferior folid kernel of the globe *. In thofe tracts in which the filiceous, and next to it the argillaceous earth moſt abounded, (and fuch tracts appear to have been by far the moſt extenſive) granite and gneifs appear to have been firſt formed, and their formation may thus be explained: Both theſe rocks confift of quartz, felſpar and mica, in a variable proportion, but the quartz and felſpar are generally the moft copious. Theſe ſtones are themſelves compofed of filiceous and argillaceous particles, and particularly the firſt, principally of filiceous, the two latter admitting alſo the argillaceous and a ſmall proportion of the calcareous, the magneſian and in fome inſtances of the barytic. Now of theſe earths, that ſhould coalefce firſt, which * Mr. De Luc's opinion that ftones were formed by mere depofition, is refuted by Charpentier. Saxony, P. 304, 305. with ( 15 ) with an equally ſmall affinity to water was at the fame time moſt plentifully contain- ed in it, its particles being more within the reach of each other's attraction. Hence we may conclude that the quartz firſt cryſtal- lized, ſcarce ever indeed, perfectly, from the diſturbance that muſt have occurred in fuch an immenfe body of an heterogeneous fluid, nor perfectly pure by reafon of its af- finity to argil and calx*. Next to this fel- fpar, containing a ſmaller proportion of filex and a larger of the other earths, proportions which, from their eafy fufibility, alfo appear to exhibit the maximum of attraction of theſe earths to each other when filex and argil prevail, muſt have cryftallized next, and laſtly the mica, a ſtone in which the proportion of filex to argil is ftill fmaller. The portion of water difengaged from thefe earths gradually afcended and made room for new hoots, which attaining the fore, going before they were perfectly hardened, adhered to them cloſely, and thus at laſt vaft uniform blocks were formed; where the ſhoots had not attained a certain degree * Lime water precipitates Silex, from Liquor Sili- cum, 22 An. Chy. 110. See 6 Sauffure, 186. of វ ( 16 ). of hardneſs, or the fofter ingredient, viz. the mica abounded, the gneifs was formed; and where the proportions requifite to form fel- fpar were deficient, the other granitic in- gredients being prefent, fhiftofe mica was formed. Hence we may underſtand how it happened that gneifs fhould fometimes be found in granite*, and fometimes maſſes of granite in the midſt of gneifs, and why in mountains, granite, gneifs and ſhiftofe mica frequently alternate with each other. Charpent. 390†. As the fluid from which theſe cryſtal- lized granitic maffes fubfided was of the moſt heterogeneous kind, it is not to be wondered at that various metallic fub- ſtances, and particularly iron, and even fome traces of carbon and plumbago, fhould fome- times occur in them. 2 Sauff. 451. 2 Bergm. Jour. 1790. 532. In other tracts where the fame earths oc- curred, but not in the proportions fitted to produce granitic ingredients, other maffes of the filiceous genus, as filiceous fhiftus, fili- * Werner kurze Claffif. 9, 10. 6 Sauff. 195. +He fhews them to be coeval, p. 396 and ante, and 8 Sauff. 55. 7 ceous ( 17 ) ceous porphyries, jaſpers,&c.were formed by a leſs perfect and confuſed cryſtallization, or partly cryſtallized and partly depofited, as in 6 Sauff. 128, § 1574. In various places argillites, hornblende flates, ferpentines and other primeval ſtones of various denominations muſt have arifen according to the predominant proportion of their ingredients by a more or lefs perfect or partial cryftallization. 4 La Methe- rie, 86. Metallic fubftances (all of which I ſup- poſe to have originally exifted in their com- plete metallic ſtate) and particularly iron, of all others the moſt copious, muft in fun- dry inſtances have met and combined with fulphur, the ſubſtance to which all, and particularly iron, have the greateſt affinity, and thus pyritous ſubſtances and fulphurat- ed ores originated. Petrol, fpecifically lighter indeed than water, but involved in the cha- otic fluid, meeting fulphur to which it has an affinity, with it formed a liquid fpe- cifically heavier, which gradually involved and was abforbed by carbonic particles which were thus collected and precipitated. It is a fact at preſent well eſtabliſhed, C that ( 18 ) that in the act of cryſtallization a very con- fiderable degree of heat is generated. Judg- ing by analogy, how great then muſt have been the heat produced by the cryftalliza- tion of fuch immenfe quantities of ftony maffes as took place at this period? the immediate effect of which muſt have been an enormous and univerfal evaporation, fweeping over the furface of the heated fluid according to the inequality of its di- fufion and of the cauſes that produced it in various tracts. The heat thus produced muſt have been ftill farther increafed in confequence of an event which naturally refulted from the de- gree at firſt excited. For in confequence of the heat and evaporation, the quantity of the chaotic fluid (the univerſal menftruum), as alſo its ſpecific gravity, were diminiſhed, and thus the ſubſtances contained in it (of which it was not the moſt natural folvent) were ſtill more difpofed to precipitation, as ufually happens in fuch cafes; thus then the ferruginous particles naturally not fo- luble while in their metallic ſtate in any fluid, and of which immenfe quantities ex- ifted, were rapidly and copiouſly precipitat- 7 ed; ( 19 ) ed; the aqueous particles intercepted be- tween them muft in that cafe have been decompofed, and an immenfe quantity of inflammable air fet loofe, the heat thus pro- duced increafing with the maffes operated up- on, muſt have rifen at laſt to incandefcence; in that circumſtance the oxygen abforbed muſt have been in great meafure expelled, and in its naſcent ſtate meeting and uniting with the inflammable air muſt have burſt into flame. The progreſs of fuch high de- grees of heat muſt have difengaged all the oxygen contained in the contiguous chaotic fluid, which uniting partly with with more metallic iron, partly with the fulphurated and partly with the carbonic and bitu- minous fubftances, muſt have occafioned a ſtupendous conflagration, the effects of which may well be ſuppoſed to have ex- tended even to the folid bafis on which the chaotic fluid repofed, and to have rent and ſplit it to an unknown extent. That flame fhould thus burft from the bofom of the deep is not a forced fuppofi- tion, but has frequently been verified in lat- ter times. I fhall only mention one in- C 2 ftance ( 20 ) ftance which happened in the beginning of this century, when flames burſt out of the fea near Tercera, and an ifland was ele- vated*. Theſe volcanic eruptions, many of which feem to have taken place at this period, chiefly in the fouthern hemifphere, were attended with important confequences; the firſt muſt have been the diffufion of a con- fiderable heat through the whole maſs of the chaotic fluid, by which means the oxy- gen and mephitic airs diſperſed through it muſt have been extricated, and thus gradu- ally formed the atmoſphere. The fecond was the production of fixed air from the union of oxygen with the ig- nited carbon; this at firft rofe into and dif- fuſed itſelf through the atmoſphere, but in proportion as the chaotic fluid cooled it was gradually abforbed by it. This abforbtion occafioned the precipitation, and more or lefs regular cryſtallization of the calcareous earth, the greater part of which being much more foluble than the other earths, * 6 Phil. Tranſ. Abridg. 2d Part, 203. ftill ( 21 ) ftill remained in folution after the others had, for the most part, been depofited. This explains why many of theſe primitive calcareous maffes are of all others the freeſt from foreign admixture. In fome in- ftances, however, it muſt have happened that the calcareous particles intermixed with other earths were faturated before the reunion and depofition of the other earths, and hence, in fome countries, ftrata of primitive calcareous maffes occur in thé midſt of gneifs, or alternating with it; but theſe inſtances are very rare * That the formation of fixed air was an event fubfequent to the formation of moſt of the primeval ftones, appears from the obfervation, that the calcareous earth found in the compofition of primeval ſtones is in a cauſtic ſtate. 44 Roz. 206. The immenfe maffes concreted and de- pofited on the interior nucleus of the carth formed the primitive mountains. It may, perhaps, be thought that this depofition fhould be equally diffufed, and fhould con- ftitute only an even cruft over this interior nucleus, but fuch a difpofition is contrary * See Charpentier, 399, 402, 403. 4 C3 to ( 22 ) to the nature of cryftallization, between whoſe ſhoots an interval always intercedes, if not too fudden. The water first dif charged of its diffolved contents, and there- by heated, moved upwards, being preffed by the circumambient denfer fluid, which was too heterogeneous to mix with, and be diluted by it. The depofit already form- ed affording to the fucceeding portions of the charged fluid a bafis whofe points of contact were fo much the more numerous as its height was greater, thereby deter- mined theſe portions to a fimilar depofition, until the diminiſhed denfity or exhauſtion of the menftruum diminiſhed or put an end to the number and extent of the points of contact of the depofited maffes with the folids contained in the menftruum. In fome cafes alfo, particularly after the chao- tic fluid was heated by the cauſes already mentioned, and a confiderable evaporation had enfued, the cryſtallization might have begun at the furface, as we fee happen to fome falts and to lime-water. Thus ex- tenfive ftrata might have been fucceffively depofited, moſtly in an horizontal, but of- ten # ( 23 ) ten from accidental ruptures during their fall, in an oblique, or nearly vertical, pofi- tion. Thus far we are led by general ana- logies, without the affiftance of romantic or gratuitous hypotheſes, and the view of the fubject, thus obtained, is fufficient for the explanation of moſt of the obſervations hitherto made on the ftructure of primitive mountains. The formation of plains is eafily under- ftood; in the wide intervals of diftant mountains, after the firſt cryſtallized maffes had been depoſited, the folid particles ſtill contained in the chaotic fluid, but too dif- tant from each other's ſphere of attraction to concrete into cryftals, and particularly thoſe that are known to be leaft difpofed to cryſtallize, and alſo to have leaſt affinity to water, were gradually and uniformly depo- fited. Of this nature argillaceous particles are known to be, intermixed as may well be expected with a large proportion of filiceous and ferruginous particles of all others the moft abundant, and fome par- ticles of the other earths; by thefe com- pound and flightly concreted earths the fur- C 4 face (24) face of plains were originally covered. In procefs of time thefe earths undoubtedly received an abundant increaſe from the de- compofition of primitive mountains, but this being an event of a poſterior date need here be only curforily mentioned. The next important event neceffary to fit the globe for the reception of land ani- mals, was the diminution and recefs of the chaotic fluid in whofe bofom the mountains. were formed, and the confequent diſcloſure of the dry land. This event was the natu- ral confequence of the operation of the pre- ceding volcanoes, by theſe the bed of the ocean was fcooped, moſt probably as we fhall hereafter fee, in the Southern hemi- fphere. But no change or tranſpoſition of the folid materials depofited from the cha- otic fluid could lower its level, unleſs the inferior nucleus of the globe could receive it within its hollow and empty caverns; this admittance it gained through the numerous. rifts occafioned by the antecedent fires; at firſt rapidly, but afterwards more flowly, in proportion as the perpendicular height of the fluid was diminiſhed, and thus the emerged ( 25 ) emerged continent confifting of mountains and plains was gradually laid bare and dried, and by drying, confolidated. The diſcloſure of the actual continents, as I have juſt hinted, appears to have been gradual. The tracts at firſt uncovered were thoſe whoſe height over the prefent feas amounts to 8500 or 9000 feet, or more. This height comprehends moſt of the Eaſtern heights of Siberia, between lati- tude 49° and 55°, and of the extenfive re- gions of Great Tartary, Thibet, the defert of Coby or Chamo, and China, reaching in fome places to latitude 35°, and extending in the Northern parts from the fources of the Irtifh, long. 95°, and in the more Southern from the heads of the Ganges and Bourampooter, long. 80°, Hohanho and Porentfho to long. 190° at the leaft, and, perhaps, ſtill farther into the unknown parts of Eaſtern America. In Europe, only, the fummits of the Alps, Pyrenees, and of a few other moun- tains, were uncovered, but in Americà the narrow but long chain of the Cordeliers muſt have raiſed its fummits far above the ocean; ( 26 ) ocean; this fact is a neceffary inference from that which I am next to mention. The level of the ancient ocean being lowered to the height of about 8500 or 9000 feet, then, and not before, it began to be peopled with fish. I fhall, therefore, from its fimilitude to our prefent feas hencefor- ward denote it by this denomination, to diſtinguiſh it from the chaotic fluid, whofe compofition was fo different and contained no fiſh. That the creation of fifh was an event fubfequent to the emerfion of the tracts juſt mentioned and to the reduction of the waters to the height I have ſtated, is prov- ed by the obfervations of all thoſe who have vifited thoſe countries. Pallas informs us that the immenfe defert of Cobea or Cha- mo forms a flat platform whofe elevation can be compared only to that of Quito in Peru (which Bouguer has the wn to amount to upwards of 9000 feet), and that the plains of the Moguls all along to the Chi- nefe wall are nearly of the fame height*. *1 Act. Petrop. 1777, p. 38. Major ( 27 ) Major Rennel, in his account of the map of India, tells us, that the country of Thibet is one of the higheſt in Afia, being part of that elevated tract which gives rife not only to the rivers of India and China, but to thofe of Siberia and Tartary. The Southern ridge of the mountains of Bou- tan (Thibet) rifes, he fays, about a mile and a half above the plains of Bengal, and may be ſeen in a horizontal diſtance of one hundred and fifty miles, p. 93 and 94, which indicates a height of fifteen thouſand feet, or allowing for refraction according to Dr. Mafkelyne's rule, eleven thouſand nine hundred and eighty-one feet *. According to Abbé Man's calculations, *The Mountains of Chineſe Tartary, N.E. of the Chineſe wall, have been found, by barometrical mea- furement, to be 15810 feet, 1 Bergm. Erdekuzel 172. If the miſtake amounted even to 3000 feet, which is the moſt that can be fuppofed, ftill their height would ex- ceed 12000 feet. The afcent to Tartary is fuch, that ſome parts of it have been aſcertained to be 15000 feet above the furface of the Yellow fea, 2 Staunton 206. See alfo p. 508. The mountain that divides Kiangfce province from that of Chantung, the fource of the river, is about 7000 feet high. of ( 28 ) of all others the most accurate and the moſt moderate, the height of the Ganges and Hohanho, even at one thoufand miles diſtance from the ſea, muſt be three thou- fand fix hundred and thirty feet *. But Ma- jor Rennel has fhewn in the Philofophical Tranſactions, 1781, p. 90, that the head of the Ganges is two thoufand miles diftant from the ſea, therefore the country it flows from is elevated at leaſt eight thouſand eight hundred, or nine thouſand feet. Now in thefe elevated tracts no marine fhells or petrifactions are found in the body of any mountain, nor in any ftone, not even in limeſtone, though it abound, parti- cularly about the fources of the Amour, Herm. 1 Chy. An. 1791, p. 155. But all the calcareous maffes that occur are either what are called faline like Carrara marble, or fo fine grained foliated as to appear nearly compact, but of the primitive kind. This abfence of marine fhells and petrifactions from fuch extenfive regions has attracted the particular notice of all travellers into theſe parts as they are fo abundantly found in all lower tracts of the globe, Gmelin, 45, * Phil. Tranf. 1779. Phil. ( 29 ) Phil. Tranf. 254. Pallas, 1 Act. Petrop. 44. Patrin, 38 Roz. 227. And though falt ſprings and lakes are found in the higheft plains, Pallas, ibid. 38, and even coal mines in the mountains, yet no organic remains accompany theſe mines as they do in the lower tracts of the globe, Patrin, 38 Roz. 226. Pallas indeed remarks fome few pe- trifactions have been found in the rifts even of granitic mounts, but theſe he rightly judges were depoſited there at the time of the deluge; ibid. 44. Hence I think it follows evidently that theſe tracts were indeed formed in the bo- fom of the primitive ocean, like all others, but that they were uncovered before the creation of fifh, and fince they contain limeſtone, that this ftone does not neceffa- rily and univerfally originate from commi- nuted fhells, as Buffon and others have ad- vanced *. That fiſh did not exift until the level of the ocean was depreffed to about eight thouſand five hundred feet, may alfo be inferred with * See alfo Charpentier's Demonftration of Buffon's Error, p. 399 and 402, &c. equal ( 30 ) equal evidence from this obfervation, that though ſeveral lofty mountains at preſent exiſt, which far exceed that height, yet no petrifactions or fhells are incorporated in the rocks or ftrata that form them*. This De la Peyrouſe attefts with refpect to the Pyrenees, which yet are moftly calcareous. Traite des Mines de fer, 336. Nor are any found in Santo Velino, the higheſt of the Appenines, its height being eight thoufand three hundred feet, whereas they abound in thoſe that are lower. In the Savoyan Alps, Salenche, Saleve, Mole, the Dole, all of which are calcareous, but below the height of ſeven thouſand feet, contain pe- trifactions, but the Buet, which is alfo cal- careous for the greater part, but whoſe height exceeds ten thouſand feet, contains Sauffure paffim. But quere if the Buet be not fecondary? 7 Sauff. 296, and 1 none. * Shell fifh appear to be of all others the moſt an- cient; perhaps the reafon might be, that they could live in water more turbid with heterogeneous ingredients, and more fouled with Petrol, than other fifh, or be- cauſe the fea was originally more falt. Many amphibious marine animals require the exiſtence of land to produce their young. See 38 Roz. 283. Sauff. ( 31 ) Sauff. § 590; it is not, though in vol. 7 he feems to ſay it is. And reciprocally of the mountains that contain petrifactions embodied in their maſs, none reaches to the height of eight thou- fand fix hundred feet. With refpect to the Hartz, Lafius remarks, that no petri- factions are found in the mountains whofe height exceeds two thouſand three hun- dred and ten feet, Lafius, 148; and Re- novants, p. 76, afferts, that none of thoſe of Siberia on either fide of the Altai exceed two thouſand Paris feet. Nay Pallas does not allow to calcareous mountains that con- tain petrifactions (which on this account he judges to be formed in the fea) above thir- teen or fourteen hundred feet, 1 Act. Pe- trop. 59; but a view of the mountains of Switzerland fhews that many of them are much higher. The neareſt approach I have met with, to the limits I have affigned to the height of the ancient ocean when it began to be peopled with fiſh, is an obſervation of Mr. De Luc's, that he found cornua ammonis petrified on mount Grenier, whoſe height is feven thoufand eight hundred feet, 2d Lettres ( 32 ) Lettres à la Reine, 227; and another of Baron Zoits on the mountain of Terglore in Carniola, that petrifactions were found in limeftone at the height of between thir- teen and fourteen hundred German lachters; taking fuch to be equal to thoſe of the Hartz, the height was eight thouſand five hundred Engliſh feet nearly, and hence I have extended the limits to eight thouſand five hundred feet, yet it does not appear by Mr. De Luc's relation that theſe petrifac- tions were imbodied in the ftone or rock which conftitutes the mountain, and there- fore may well be only relics of the deluge. He alſo fays that the chain of Jura abounds in marine remains; but Jura confifts of two chains, the higheft of which confifts of primeval limeftone in which no petri- factions are found, and this is the higheſt, 30 Roz. 275, and and II Annales Chy. 265, but the lower chain certainly abounds in them. Fichtel alſo remarks that ftill higher on the mountains of Terglore no petrifactions are found imbodied, Mineral Aufsatz, p. 4. After this elevated tract of the globe had been uncovered, there is no reaſon to fup- poſe that it long remained diveſted of ve- getables 8 ( 33 ) (33 getables or unpeopled by animals, being in every reſpect fitted to receive them. The fevere degree of cold which at preſent dif- treffes theſe countries during the winter months, is folely owing to their diſtance from, and elevation over, the actual feas (as I have elſewhere fhewn), circumſtances that did not exiſt at this period. That the retreat of the fea from the low- er parts of our preſent continents was gra- dual and not fully effected until after the lapfe of feveral centuries, many reaſons in- duce us to believe. 1°. Both fides of the Al- taifchan platform exhibit fecondary moun- tains (fo I call all thoſe which contain marine fhells or other remains of animal or vege-. table ſubſtances between their ftrata, or incorporated in the rocks or ſtones of which they confift) both of the calcareous and ar- gillitic kind, in which marine ſhells abound, Renov. 75; theſe therefore muſt have been formed before the fea had receded far from theſe parts, and muſt have been the work of many years. 2do. Not only in every region of Europe, but alſo of both the old and new continents, Ꭰ D whofe 1 ( 34 ) whofe fituation is inferior to that above mentioned, immenfe quantities of marine fhells either difperfed or collected have been diſcovered. In the province of Touraine in France, at one hundred miles diftance from the fea, there exiſts at a depth of eight or nine feet a heap of fhells of nine leagues in furface, and upwards of twenty feet in depth, many of which are thofe of the neighbouring feas, a collection which cer- tainly required many years to accumulate. -Mem. Paris, 1720. p. 524, 540. Moft of thefe fhells are placed on their flat and not on their convex furface-Ibid. which fhews they muſt have been gently depofited, and not huddled together by a fudden and violent inundation. In fome places fhells of different fpecies are thus accumulated, but in others they are regularly arranged in families.-1 Bergm. Erdekug. 251. 262. 6 Roz. 120. Widem. Verwandl. 118.. Mem. Par. 1747. 1059. which fhews alſo that they were neither fuddenly nor pro- mifcuouſly collected. Many fmaller but fimilar accumulations occur in England, as may be ſeen in the Philof. Tranf. and Ray's Difcourfes, 8 ( 35 () 35 Diſcourſes, and in Peru 2 Don Ulloa's Voy. 197. and alſo in Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland, Sweden, &c. which being gene- rally known and acknowledged it is need- lefs to detail, but it deferves particular at- tention, though many of them are found at a depth of from eight to one or two hundred feet under the ſurface of the earth,- and at ſtill greater depths from the ſurface of mountains, yet fcarce any are found lower than the actual ſurface of the bed of the fea.-1 Bergm. Erde, 176. 2 Wms. 183, contra, but this is in the Atlantic, a fea newly formed. Some indeed are found that do not now occur in the neighbouring coaft, becauſe they are of the kind called Pelagica, which exiſt only at great depths, as Don Ulloa has fhewn, 2 Voy. 197. or becauſe the temperature of the actual feas is unfit for them, as the ancient feas, from the ſmaller extent of the ancient continents, muſt have been much warmer; nay the number of theſe unknown fhells is daily diminiſhing. We may alſo remark that the loweſt countries, as Brabant and Holland, contain moſt of them. In particular tracts of Ruf- D 2 fia ( 36 ) 1 fia they are alſo very copious, becauſe theſe tracts were longer covered by the fea than moſt other countries, as will be fhewn in a future Effay. 4°. Trees of different kinds and various ve- getables have been found in great depths in our modern continents, and even under lofty mountains, as at Meiffen in Heffia, and often mixed with marine remains. Some parts of the earth on which thefe trees grew must therefore have been dry land, while thofe parts in which the trees are found were covered by the ſea, therefore the retreat of the fea muſt have been gra- dual. Many I am fenfible aſcribe theſe depofitions to the ravages of the univerfal deluge, and in fome cafes, I believe, juſtly, but as they are often under hills or moun- tains, whofe ftrata are regularly diſpoſed, a regularity that can fcarce be fuppofed to take place during the turbulence of a de- luge, in theſe caſes it appears their depofi- tion muſt be afcribed to more tranquil caufes. 5º. Trees have often been found depofited near the fummits of many mountains at heights in which from the degree of cold which ( 37 ) which at preſent prevails on them they could not grow, therefore they muſt have grown when the temperature of theſe fum- mits was warmer, and conſequently when they were leſs elevated over the ſurface of the fea, and lefs diftant from it. See the Note in 1 Berg. Erdekugel, 253 of the. Pholades and De Luc. Laſtly,-Stratified mountains of various heights beneath eight thouſand feet exiſt in different parts of Europe, and of both con- tinents, in and betwixt whofe ftrata various fubftances of marine, and fome vegetables of terreftrial origin repofe, either in their natural ſtate or petrified; the regularity and uniformity of theſe ftrata ſtrongly indi- cate a cauſe whofe action was regular and uniform and long continued; now tides are the only cauſe of this nature with which we are acquainted; fudden and violent in- undations and of fhort continuance are in- compatible with ſtratifications fo regular and numerous. In fome few inftances, it , is true, much irregularity and confufion prevails amongſt the ftrata, from the diffo- lution, elapfion, or different compreffion of fome of thefe ftrata, or from their inter- D 3 ruption * ( 38 ) ruption during their formation, by the introduction of extraneous rocks projected amongſt them by adventitious caufes, as earthquakes or volcanoes; or the tides themſelves may have fometimes been ren- dered irregular by ftorms, currents or the irregular profile of the fhores, as we daily obferve. But even in theſe cafes the length of time neceffary for the formation of the ſtrata excludes all fufpicion of ſhort and tu- multuary inundations. We alſo obſerve, that though the ftrata themſelves are not arranged in the order of the ſpecific grayities of the materials that compofe them, the lighter being frequently placed beneath the heavier, yet within each ftratum the materials that compoſe it are almoſt always arranged according to the laws of their gravitation. 1 Bergm. Erde, 179. Theſe phenomena fully prove that the retreat of the ſea from the vicinity of the lofty mountains and elevated platforms that firft emerged was not fudden, but continued for feveral ages, and that the various ftra- tified ſecondary mountains at preſent ex- ifting were formed within it during its re- treat, ( 39 ) treat, and after the creation of fifh. The mode of their formation now claims our attention. To form as juſt an idea of the formation of fecondary mountains as the nature of an object inſcrutable to human eyes can allow us*, we muſt obſerve, 1º. That the greater part of the particles of folid matter contained in the chaotic fluid being depofited before the creation of fish, the various materials that enter into the compofition of ſecondary mountains muſt have been furniſhed either by the deſtruction of ſuch of the primary as exiſted in the fea, but either from want of fo- lidity or the fmallneſs of their mafs were too feeble to reſiſt its impetuofity when ani- mated by ftorms, and being by continued friction reduced to atoms, or rolled into tumblers, were either diffuſed through, or hurried along by the agitation of the waters, or were crumbled to pieces by earthquakes, and variouſly diſperſed through the ocean, or theſe materials were ejected in immenſe heated maſſes, by fubmarine volcanoes, inta the bofom of the waves, to be by them * 1 Sauff. 529. D 4 farther ( 49 ) farther comminuted, difintegrated, or des compofed. The various folids thus diffufed at differ- ent periods of time through the vaſt body of the ocean, muſt have been gradually precipitated and depofited on fuch folid maffes as refifted the progreffive motion im- preffed upon the precipitating maffes by that tumultuous element; hence they ap- plied to and reſted on the low lateral fur- faces of many of the moft confiderable pri- mary mountains, or were accumulated on the ſcabrous but firmly rooted fragments of fuch of thofe mountains as were before deſtroyed, intombing the fhell-fish that ad- hered to or reſted upon theſe fragments, and arrefting by their initial foftnefs the various funk woods and fuch other vegetable or animal fubftances as chanced to be mixed with thefe precipitating maffes, or were fubfequently borne upon them. Trees na- turally affumed the fituation that afforded leaſt reſiſtance to the currents that conveyed them, and hence the uniformity that has been obferved very frequently in their po- fition. Theſe depofitions, when during their deſcent they attained a certain degree of ( 41 ) (41 of denſity, muſt have proved fatal to the various ſpecies of fiſh which were involved in them, and hence the origin of the more folid pifcine remains at prefent found in them; the fofter parts being deſtroyed by putrifaction, in this manner, but after long intervals of time, the fucceeding ftrata ap- pear to have been formed, but they did not attain their prefent folidity until after the retreat of the ſea, and through the operation of cauſes which I fhall preſently mention. From the circumſtances here ſtated, we may eaſily account for feveral of the moſt general geological obfervations, as, 1º. Why ftratified hills have always been found repoſing on primary rocks, or inveſt- ing primary mountains, as on granite, gneifs, argillite, &c. as Ferber, Born, Pallas, Ger- hard, Charpentier, Werner, Sauffure, &c. atteft*, not as matters of opinion, but as facts they have conftantly been witneffes to. Doctor Hutton, indeed, thinks this obſervation does not hold true with refpe& to Scotland, or even with reſpect to the greater part of Britain, becauſe in traverſ * 1 Gerh. Gefch. § 77. ing (42) ing the greater part of that iſland he ſeldom met with granite; but it is plain from what has been faid, that it is not on the furface it ſhould be expected, but under the fupe- rior ftrata, therefore the Doctor's obferva- tions, but not his affertions, are perfectly confiftent with thofe of all other geologifts. However Mr. Everſman of Berlin, who re- fided fome years in Scotland, tells us that the fundamental rock (Grund gebirge) of Scotland is a maſs of the granitic kind, I Bergm. Jour. 1789, 495; and Dr. Afh re- lates that not only near Aberdeen, but in the more fouthern parts, extenfive granitic mountains often occur, 1 Chy. Ann. 1792, 115. The truth is that the whole of Bri tain feems to have been formed of ftrata, refting upon and intercepted between maffes of granite or other primitive rocks, at depths in moſt places not eaſily acceſ fible. 2do. Why the ftrata of fecondary moun tains are generally elevated in the direction that faces the next primitive mountains, though frequently diſtant from them, being, as we have ſeen originally, formed againſt, and along the floping fides of thoſe moun- tains, ( 43 ) tains, and the feparation occafioned by the courſe of waters that formed the vallies that intercede between them*. The feem- ing exceptions to this rule arife either from the finking of the primitive mountain to which the fecondary faced, as happened to that which ftood where the lake of Geneva is now placed, whoſe bottom is chiefly granite, or fome other primitive rock, as Mr. Sauffure atteſts, 1 Sauff. 15, and there- fore the elevation of the ftrata of the Mole, Saleve, &c. face the lake, Id. p. 222, 223, &c. or becauſe theſe ftratified hills were originally independent, being formed on the fragments of primitive mountains, as already faid. Hence alſo we may explain an important obfervation made by Mr. Schrieber on the mountain of Gardette, which conſiſts of limeſtone fuperimpofed on gneifs; he ob- ſerved that where they joined, the gneiss had penetrated into the body of the lime- ſtone, but the limeſtone did not penetrate into that of the gneifs, whence he juſtly inferred, that the limeftone was in a foft * 5 Sauff. 293. ftate, ( 44 ) ftate, but the gneifs already confolidated, when the contact took place; 36 Roz. 359. Similar to this is the obſervation of Mr. Sauffure, I Sauff. 528, that a pud- dingſtone with a calcareous cement or ar- gillaceous grit is generally interpofed be- twixt the uppermoſt ſtrata of the primary and the loweſt of the fecondary ſtrata as the foft fecondary matter inveloped the pebbles or gravel on the furface of the pri- mary; this he obferved in the Alps, the Vofges, the Cevennes, &c. This is alfo conſtantly obſerved in coal mines, where femi-primigenous ftrata (Todliegendes) a fandftone or breccia, with a calcareous or argillaceous cement, forms the laſt ſtratum immediately over the primitive rock. Many, indeed moſt, of the obſervations hitherto made, are explicable on theſe prin- ciples, which, not to extend this part of the Effay beyond its due limits, I here omit. The retreat of the fea appears to have continued through the rifts already men- tioned, or poffibly through others ſubſe quently made, probably until a few cen- turics before the deluge. Its ceffation long before ( 45 ) before the deluge I infer from the hardneſs which the mountains muſt have acquired to withstand the fhocks they muſt have underwent during that cataſtrophe. To acquire this hardneſs a long period of time was neceffary, both for their deficcation and the infiltration of thofe particles to which the ſtrata of fecondary mountains owe their folidity. ary I do not by this pretend that the ſecond- ftrata had not acquired a certain degree of folidity in a few minutes, even after their depofition, and confequently long be- fore their emerfion; on the contrary, this muſt ſoon have been acquired in the ſame manner as we find calcareous depofits to harden at the bottom of falt-pans, and tea- kettles, while full of liquor, and tartar in hogfheads of wine, and pouzzolana mortar, &c. but this hardnefs is moderate in com- pariſon of that which they acquired by de- ficcation and continued infiltration, as we daily experience in moift limestone quar- ries, where though the ftone is originally hard, yet it becomes much harder when dried. The induration effected by infiltra- tion is ftill more confiderable, as by it the minuter ( 46 ) minuter particles of bodies are conveyed into the minuteſt interftices. Hence we fee that traps and bafaltic pillars are always harder at the bottom than at the top, Cronst. § 267, and the upper ftrata of limeſtone, particularly of that fpecies called freeftone, are always fofter near the fur- face of the quarry than at a greater depth; that fuch infiltration is not an imaginary proceſs, let it be explained, how it may, and confequently that the hardneſs of the lower ftrata does not proceed merely from the preffure of the upper, appears by an elegant obfervation of M. Werner's, that where various ftrata of a different nature occur, the petrifactions that are found in the inferior, are frequently filled with the matter of the fuperior inftead of that of the ftratum which contains them, Wedem. Umwandl. 118. The petrified ſhells found in clay or argillites are commonly com- preffed and flatted, as Mr. Bergman re- marks, as argil hardens by contraction, but thofe found in limestone retain their pri- mitive fhape, as theſe harden chiefly by infiltration. I now proceed to the Mofaic account of thefe ( 47 ) thefe events, "In the beginning God cre- "ated the heaven and the earth," that is to fay, the firft event in the hiftory of this globe was its creation, and that of all the planets then known. "And the earth was without form and "void," that is to fay, that the earth at the time of its creation was without form, &c. therefore another terraqueous globe did not previouſly exift in a complete ftate out of the ruins of which the preſent earth was formed, as fome have lately imagined; without form and void the Hebrew has Tohu and Bohu. Ainſworth remarks that Tohu fignifies a ſtate of confufion, and Bohu a ftate of vacuity; fee Pool's Synopfis. That is to fay, that the earth was partly in a chaotic ftate, and partly full of empty cavities, which is exactly the ftate, which from the confideration of the fubfequent phenomena, I have fhewn to have been neceffarily its primordial ſtate. "And darkneſs was on the face of the deep," confequently light did not at firſt exiſt. The deep, or abyfs, properly denotes an immenfe depth of water, but here it fignifies, as Mede and Eftius obferve, the mixed ( 48 ) 1 mixed or chaotic mafs of earth and water. -David, whofe knowledge was derived from Mofes, and who probably poffeffed a lefs abridged copy of Genefis than we do, exprefsly tells us that the earth was covered with water; " the abyfs, like a garment, was its covering." Pfalm civ. v. 6. 46 Hence we fee that the water was from the beginning in a liquid ftate (and not in that of ice) as I have mentioned; and con- fequently elementary fire, or the principle of heat, exifted from the beginning. "And the ſpirit of God (or rather a fpi- "rit of God) moved on the face of the wa- ters;" here fpirit denotes an inviſible elaf- tic fluid, viz. the great evaporation that took place foon after the creation, as foon as the folids began to cryftallize, as I have fhewn. Of God, is a well known Hebrew idiom, denoting great; moved, or rather hovered, over the waters. David here mentions a fact which he undoubtedly took from Mo- fes, though omitted in our prefent copies of Genefis, and this fact is effential to our theory, namely, that "the waters ſtood above the mountains." Pfalm civ. v. 6, Therefore the mountains were formed in the ( 49 ) the bofom of the waters, as I have ftated. Nay, he uſes an expreffion that moſt proba- bly hath hitherto been ill underſtood, that "God fixed the earth on its baſis, from " which it ſhall not be removed for ever.' "" This appears to me to denote the depofition of the folids contained in the chaotic waters, on the folid kernel of the globe, from whence they ſhould never be removed, nor indeed have they ever ſince. "And God faid, Let there be light, and "there was light;" here we may obferve that facts only, were revealed to Mofes or the perſon (moſt probably Adam) from whom their tradition defcended. The words choſen by Mofes, or this perſon, were fuch as coincided with his own no- tions, or were most intelligible to an igno- rant people. The phrafes, God faid, God faw it was good, God called, uſed in this chapter, are mere anthropological phraſes, fuited to the conception of thoſe to whom theſe facts were related, for religious and moral, and not merely for ſcientific purpoſes. To men of fcience their fignification could not be ambiguous. God faid," fignifying no more than that events naturally poffible r E took ( 50 ) took place by virtue of the laws of their production, which laws God had eſtabliſhed. "God faw it was good," fignifies merely that it was good, and the expreffion "God called," denotes no more than that it re- ceived fuch a name. The production of light ſtands next in the order of events recorded by Mofes, as it does in our theory, and moſt probably denotes the flames of volcanic eruptions, the Hebrew certainly bears this fignifica- tion. The period of its exiſtence Mofes called day, evidently from its reſemblance to true days, which could have exiſted only at a ſubſequent period, namely after the fun had gained its luminous powers. "And God faid, Let there be a firma- "ment in the midſt of the waters, and let "it divide the waters from the waters. Here Mofes indicates the production of the atmoſphere, the word which in our tranſ- lation is rendered firmament* moft properly * Some interpreters think firmament implies fomething folid, becauſe the general opinion of the Heathen ori- ental fages was, that the heavens were folid, as if the true fenfe of the Hebrew was to be derived from falfe opinions deviſed many ages after Moſes. fignifies ( 51 ) 1 } fignifies expanſe, or an expanded or dilated fubftance; than which a more proper name could not furely be chofen for the atmo- ſphere. "To divide the waters from the waters," that is, to ſeparate and contain vapours, which is one principal uſe of the atmoſphere. << 66 "And God faid, Let the waters under "the heavens be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear, and it "was fo." This is the fifth event which Mofes places in the fame order of fucceffion that mere philofophical confiderations af- fign to it. 1 The word appear is remarkable, as it feems to denote that the diſcloſure of the earth was fucceffive, and had not from the beginning fully and completely taken place. The events immediately fubfequent I omit, as not relating to geology, and fhall only mention the creation of fifh, a fact of great importance in the theory of the earth; this, Mofes, as well as philoſophy, tells us happened after the feparation of the waters from the dry land and primitive mountains. He alſo relates that the crea- tion E 2 ( 52 ) tion of land-animals was fubfequent to that of fiſh; a fact which geological obfer- vations alfo indicate, for their remains are always found near the furface of the earth, whereas thoſe of fiſh are found at the great- eft depths. This order of fucceffion is not only allowed by Mr. Buffon, but made one of the principal pillars of his fyftem. I Epoque's de la Nature, p. 231, in 8vo. Here then we have feven or eight geo- logical facts, related by Mofes on the one part, and on the other, deduced folely from the moſt exact and beſt verified geo- logical obſervations, and yet agreeing per- fectly with each other, not only in fubftance, but in the order of their fucceffion. On whichever of thefe we beftow our confi- dence, its agreement with the other de- monftrates the truth of that other. But if we beſtow our confidence on neither, then their agreement must be accounted for. If we attempt this, we fhall find the improba- bility that both accounts are falſe, infinite; confequently one muſt be true, and, then, fo muſt alſo the other. That two accounts derived from fources totally diftinct from and independent on 7 each ( 53 ) each other ſhould agree not only in the ſub- ſtance but in the order of fucceffion of two events only, is already highly improbable, if theſe facts be not true, both fubftantially and as to the order of their fucceffion. Let this improbability, as to the fubſtance of the facts, be reprefented only by then the improbability of their agreement as to feven events is 7 I' ΙΟ To that is, as one to ten million, and would be much higher if the order alfo had entered into the computa- tion. E 3 ESSAY ( 54 ) ESSAY II. ON THE DELUGE. HAVING, I flatter myſelf, eſtabliſhed, in the preceding Effay, the credit due to Mofes on mere philofophic grounds and ab- ſtracting from all theological confiderations, I fhall not fcruple taking him as a guide as far as his teftimony reaches, in tracing the circumſtances of the moſt horrible cataſtro- phe to which the human and all animal fpe- cies, and even the terraqueous globe itſelf, had at any period fince its origin been ex- pofed. His teftimony is indeed in ſubſtance confirmed by the traditions of many ancient nations, which may be ſeen in Grotius de Veritate, Huet Queſt. Alnet, lib. ii. chap. xii. Eufeb. Prep. Evang. lib. ix. &c. and there- fore needleſs to adduce; it is more to our purpoſe to prove it by geological facts, of which there are ſome that ſeem to me per- fectly conclufive. Ift, According to Don Ulloa, fhells were found on a mountain in Peru at the height of ( 55 ). of 14220 feet, 2 Buff. Epoque, 268. Mem. Par. 1771, p. 439, in 8vo. 1 Gentil Voy. 116, in 8vo. Now I have already fhewn, in the former Effay, that no mountains higher than 8500 feet were formed fince the crea- tion of fish, or, in other words, that fifh did not exift until the original ocean had fubfided to the height of eight thouſand five hundred feet above its preſent level. There- fore the fhells found at more elevated fta- tions were left there by a ſubſequent inun- dation. Now an inundation that reached fuch heights could not be partial, but muſt have extended over the whole globe. 2dly, The bones of elephants and of rhi- noceri, and even the entire carcafe of a rhi- noceros have been found in the lower parts of Siberia. As theſe animals could not live in fo cold a country, they muſt have been brought thither by an inundation from warmer and very diftant climates, betwixt which and Siberia mountains above nine thouſand feet high intervene *. It may be replied that Siberia, as we have al- ready fhewn, was not originally as cold as it is at preſent; which is true, for pro- * See Howard, 219, 220. E 4 bably ( 56 ) bably its original heat was the fame as that of many iſlands in the fame latitude at this day, but ftill it was too cold for ele- phants and rhinoceri, and between the climates which they might have then inhabited, and the places they are now found in, too many mountains intercede to ſuppoſe them brought thither by any other means but a general inundation. Befides, Siberia muſt have attained its preſent tem- perature at the time thefe animals were tranſported, elſe they muſt have all long ago putrified. 1 3dly, Shells known to belong to fhores under climates very diftant from each other are in fundry places found mixed promif- cuouſly with each other; one fort of them, therefore, muſt have been tranſported by an inundation; the promifcuous mixture can be accounted for on no other fuppofi- tion. Theſe appear to me the moſt unequivocal geologic proofs of a general deluge. To other facts generally adduced to prove it, another origin may be afcribed; thus the bones of elephants found in Italy, France, Germany, and England, might be the remains of fome brought to Italy by Pyrrhus or the Carthaginians, ( 57 ) , Carthaginians, or of thofe employed by the Romans themfelves; fome are faid to have been brought to England by Claudius. 4 Phil. Tranf. Abr. 2d part, 242. When theſe bones, however, are accompanied with marine remains, their origin is no longer ambiguous. Thus alfo the bones and teeth of whales, found near Maeftricht, are not decifively of diluvian origin, as whales have often been brought down as low as lat. 48°. 34 Roz. 201. Nay fome- times they ſtrike on the coaſt of Italy. I Targioni Tozzetti 386. Yet, to explain the leaſt ambiguous of theſe phenomena, without having recourſe to an univerſal deluge, various hypotheſes, have been framed. Some have imagined that the axis of the earth was originally parallel to that of the ecliptic, which would produce a perpetual fpring in every latitude, and confequently that elephants might exift in all of them. But the ableft aftronomers having demon- ftrated the impoffibility of this paralleliſm, it is unneceffary to examine its conſequences; it only deſerves notice that the obliquity of the equator is rather diminiſhing than in- creaſing. 1 ( 58 ) creafing. See La Lande in 44 Roz. 212. Befides, why are thefe bones accompanied by marine remains? Others, from the nu- tation of the earth's axis, have fuppofed that its poles are continually fhifting, and confequently that they might have origi- nally been where the equator now is, and the equator where the poles now are; thus Siberia might have, in its turn, been under the equator. But as the nutation of the earth's axis is retrogreffive every nine years, and never exceeds ten degrees, this hypo- thefis is equally rejected by aſtronomers. 44 Roz. 210. 2 Bergm. Erde Kugel 305. The pyramids of Egypt demonftrate that the poles have remained unaltered theſe three thouſand years. The 3d hypothefis is that of Mr. Buffon, to which the unfortunate Bailly has done the honour of acceding; according to him the earth, having been originally in a ſtate of fufion, and for many years red hot, at laft cooled down to the degree that ren- dered it habitable. This hypothefis he was led to imagine from the neceffity of ad- mitting that the globe was, at leaſt to a certain diſtance beneath its furface, origi- nally ( 59 ) nally in a ſoft ſtate; the ſolution of its folid parts in water he thought impoffible, falſely imagining that the whole globe muſt have been in a ſtate of folution, whereas the figure of the earth requires the liquidity of it only a few miles beneath its furface. Epoques, 10 and 35. If he had trod the path of experiments he would have found both the hardneſs and tranfparency, of what he calls his primitive glafs, and thinks the primitive fubftance of the globe, namely, quartz, to be altered in a ſtrong heat with the lofs of 3 per cent. of its weight, and that fo far from having been a glaſs, that it is abſolutely infufible: The lofs of weight, he must have feen, could be afcribed to nothing elſe but the lofs of its watery par- ticles, and that, therefore, it muſt have been originally formed in water; he would have found that fome felfpars lofe 40 per cent. and others at leaſt 2 per cent. by heat; he would have perceived that mica, which he thinks only an exfoliation of quartz, to be in its compofition effentially different. He certainly found their cryf- tallization inexplicable, for he does not even attempt to explain it. But i ( 60 ). But waving this, and a multitude of other infuperable difficulties in his hypothe- fis, and adverting only to the folution he thinks his theory affords, of the phenome- non of the exiſtence of the bones of ele- phants, and the carcafe of a rhinoceros` in Siberia, I fay it is defective even in that re- ſpect. For allowing his fuppofition that Siberia was at any time of a temperature fo fuited to the conftitution of theſe animals that they might live in it, yet the remains lately found in that country cannot be ſup- pofed to belong to animals that ever lived in it. ift, Becauſe though they are found at the diſtance of feveral hundred miles from the ſea, yet they are furrounded by genuine marine vegetables, which fhews that they were brought thither together with thoſe vegetables. 2dly, Becauſe they are generally found in accumulated heaps, and it is not to be imagined that while alive they fought a common burial place no more than they at prefent do in India. 3dly, Becauſe the rhinoceros was found intire and unputrified, whereas if the coun- try ( 61 ) - - try was warm when he perifhed this could not have happened. 4thly, Becauſe in no very diſtant lati- tude*, namely, that of Greenland, the bones of whales, and not of elephants, are found on the mountains, confequently that latitude muſt have been in that ancient pe- riod fufficiently cold to maintain whales, as it is at this day; and that cold we know to be very confiderable, and incompatible with the proximity of a climate fuited to elephants. 17 N. Comment. Petropol. 576. 1 Act. Petrop. 55. Renov. 73. There- fore the animals whofe remains are now found in Siberia could not have lived in it. The 4th hypothefis is that of Mr. Ed- ward King, but much amplified and en- larged by Mr. De Luc. This juftly cele- brated philofopher is of opinion that the actual continents were, before the deluge, the bottom or bed of the ancient ocean, and that the deluge confifted in the ſub- merfion of the ancient continents, which confequently form the bottom or bed of our actual oceans, confequently our actual * The bones were found in latitude 55°. mountains 1 (-62) mountains were all formed in the antedi- luvian ocean, and thus fhells might be left on their higheſt fummits. In this hypotheſis the ancient continents muſt have exifted in thofe tracts now co- vered by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; if ſo, I do not fee how the elephants could have been brought into Siberia, or a whole rhinoceros found in it: For Siberia being then the bottom of fome ocean, the fea muſt have moved from it to cover the ſink- ing continents, inſtead of moving towards it, to ſtrew over it their ſpoils.—If it be faid that theſe animals were carried into the fea before the flood, then, affuredly, the rhinoceros fhould have been devoured, and only his bones left. To fay nothing of the incompatibility of this ſyſtem with the principal geologic phe- nomena mentioned in my former Effay, and of the deftruction of at leaſt all the graminivorous fiſh that muſt have followed from their transfer to a foil not fuited to them, it is evidently inconfiftent with the Mofaic account of this cataſtrophe, which account theſe philofophers, however, admit. Mofes afcribes the deluge to two prin- cipal } ( 63 ) cipal cauſes, a continual rain for forty days, and the eruption of the waters of the great abyfs. Now to what purpoſe a rain of forty days to overwhelm a continent that was to be immerfed under a whole ocean? He tells us the waters increaſed on the con- tinents a certain number of days, refted thereon another period of days, and then returned. Do not thefe expreffions imply a permanent ground on which they increaſed and reſted, and from which they afterwards retreated? As the retreat followed the ad- vance, is it not clear that they retreated from the fame ſpaces on which they had be- fore advanced and reſted? Mr. De Luc replies, that in the 13th verſe of the 6th chapter of Genefis, it is faid the earth fhould be deftroyed, and that Mr. Michaelis fo tranflates it. However it is plain, from what has been juſt men- tioned, that Mofes did not underſtand ſuch a deſtruction as ſhould cauſe it to diſappear totally and for ever; he tells us that the waters food 15 cubits over the higheſt mountains; now as he has no where men- tioned the antediluvian mountains, but has the poſtdiluvian, it is plain that it is to theſe his ( 64 ) } 1 his narration relates, and thefe, he tells us, were at the time of the deluge covered with water, and uncovered when the wa- ters diminiſhed; he never diftinguiſhed the poft diluvian from the antediluvian, and therefore muſt have confidered them as the fame. Nor did Noah himſelf believe the ancient continents deſtroyed, for he took the ap- pearance of an olive branch to be a fign of the diminution of the flood. This he cer- tainly believed to have grown on the an- cient continent, and could not expect it to have ſhot up from the bottom of the ſea.- M. De Luc tells us that this olive grew on an antediluvian ifland, and that thefe iſlands, being part of the antediluvian ocean, were not flooded-it is plain, how- ever, Noah did not think fo, elfe he would not judge the appearance of the olive to be a fign of the diminution of the waters.— Where is it mentioned, or what renders it neceffary to infer that iſlands exifted before the flood? If iſlands did exift, and were to eſcape the flood, fo might their inhabitants alfo, contrary to the exprefs words of the text. 12 It ( 65 ) It would furely be much more convenient for Noah, his family, and animals, to have taken refuge in one of them, than to remain pent up in the ark. The dove, Mofes tells us, returned the firſt time ſhe was let out of the ark, finding no place whereon to rest her foot; fhe confe- quently could not difcover the iſland, whereas the raven never returned, plainly becauſe he found carcaffes whereon to feed, therefore theſe carcaffes were not ſwallow- ed up, as Mr. De Luc would have it. Mofes tells us that at the ceffation of the flood the fountains of the deep were ſtopped or fhut up; therefore, in his apprehenfion, inſtead of the ancient continents finking into the deep, the waters of the abyss flowed from their fources upon that con- tinent and again returned; from all which it follows that this hypotheſis is as indefen- fible as the foregoing. A Paffing over the fyftems of Burnet, Woodward, and Whifton, which have been repeatedly refuted, I recur to the ac- count of this great revolution given by Mo- ſes himſelf, taken in its plain literal ſenſe, as the only one that appears perfectly con- F fiftent, ( 66 ) fiftent, with all the phenomena now known, of which I fhall find occafion to mention many; he plainly afcribes it to a fupernatural caufe, namely the cxprefs in- tention of God to puniſh mankind for their crimes. We must therefore conſider the deluge as a miraculous effufion of water, both from the clouds and from the great abyſs; if the waters, fituated partly within and partly without the caverns of the globe, were once fufficient to cover even the high- eſt mountains, as I have fhewn in the for- mer Effay, they muſt have been fufficient to do fo a fecond time when miraculously educed out of thofe receptacles. Early geologifts, not attending to theſe - facts, thought all the waters of the ocean infufficient; it was fuppofed that its mean depth did not exceed a quarter of a mile, and that only half of the ſurface of the globe was covered by it; on thefe data Keil com- puted that twenty-eight oceans would be requifite to cover the whole earth to the height of four miles, which he judged to. be that of the highest mountains, a quan- tity at that time confidered as extravagant and incredible, but a further progrefs in mathematical (67) mathematical and phyfical knowledge has fince fhewn the different feas and oceans to contain at leaſt forty-eight times more wa- ter than they were fuppofed to do. Mr. De La Place, calculating their aver- age depth, not from a few vague and par- tial foundings, for fuch they have ever been (the polar regions having been never found- ed, particularly the Antarctic), but from a ftrict application of the theory of tides to the height to which they are known to rife in the main ocean, demonſtrates that a depth, reaching only to half a league, or even two or three leagues, is incompatible with the Newtonian theory, as no depth under four leagues can reconcile it with the phenomena *.-The vindication of the Mofaic hiftory does not require near fo much. The extent of the fea is known to be far greater than Keil fuppofed, that of the earth fcarcely paffing of the furface of the globe. 1 Lulolff, p. 233, § 244. I The poffibility and reality of the deluge being thus eſtabliſhed, I fhall next endea- vour to trace its origin, progrefs, and ſtill * Mem. Paris, 1776, p. 213. F 2 permanent ( 68 ) t permanent confequences. That it origin- ated in and proceeded from the great fouth- ern ocean below the equator, and thence ruſhed on the northern hemifphere, I take to be a natural inference from the following facts: ift, The fouthern ocean is the greateſt collection of waters on the face of the globe *. 2d, In the northern latitudes beyond 45° and 55° we find the animal fpoils of the fouthern countries, and the marine exuviæ of the fouthern feas, but in the fouthern latitudes we find no remains of animals, vegetables or ſhells belonging to the north- ern feas, but thofe only that belong to the neighbouring feas. Thus in Siberia, to re- turn to the already frequently mentioned phenomenon, we find the remains of ele- phants and rhinoceri accompanied by ma- rine vegetables, and alfo with fhells that do not belong to the northern ocean. I Epoques, 418. 1 Act. Petropol. 55. They muſt therefore have been conveyed thither * In many parts of the fouth fea no bottom can be found. Mem. Philofoph. &c. concernant la decou- verte de l'Amerique. Paris, 1787. by ( 69 ) by the more diſtant Indian fea overflowing thefe parts; as the elephants very naturally crowded together on the approach of the inundation, they were conveyed in flocks, and hence their bones are found in accu- mulated heaps, as fhould be expected *. But in Greenland, which is ſtill more dif- tant, only the remains of whales are found on the mountains. Crantz Hiftoire Gene- rale des Voy. vol. xix. 105. So in the fouthern latitudes, as at Talcaguana in Chili, latitude 36° S. the fhells found on the tops of the hills are thoſe of the neigh- bouring fea. 2 Ulloa Voy. p. 197. So thofe found on the hills between Suez and Cairo are the fame as thofe now found in the Red Sea. Shaw's Voyages, vol. ii. and thoſe that exiſt in the calcareous rocks that ſerve as a bafis to Egypt, are fuch as are found in the neighbouring feas. Volney Egypt, 8, 9. 3dly, The traces of a violent ſhock or impreffion from the ſouth are as yet per- ceptible in many countries. This Mr. Pa- * The elephantine remains found in Ruffia were con- veyed thither from Perfia. F 3 trin ( 70 ) ነ trin attefts as to the mountains of Dauria on the fouth eaft limits of Siberia; he tells us that the more eaſtern extremities of the mountains appear to be broken off by the impetuofity of an ancient ocean ruſhing from eaſt to weft; that the fragments car- ried to the weft in fome meaſure protected the more weftern. 38 Roz. 230. 238. And that in general the mountains of this country were fo difordered (by the fhock) that the miners are obliged to work at ha- zard. Ibid. 226. Steller makes the fame remarks on the mountains of Kamfchatka, 51 Phil. Tranf.. Part ii. p. 479. and ob- ſerved that the S. end of Bering's iſland is much more ſhattered than the N. extremity. 2 Nov. Nord. Beytr. 262. Storr, Hoepfner, and Sauffure, inform us that the inunda- tion that invaded Swifferland proceeded from the fouth, but its impreffion was mo- dified by another event which I ſhall pre- fently mention. 1 Helvet. Mag. 173. 175. and 293. 4 Helvet. Magaz. 307. Lafius tells us that the mountains of the Hartz ſuggeſt the fame inference. Hartz. 95. Many of the fiſh found on the flates of La Bolca ( 71.) Bolca are thofe of the South Sea. Accad. 288. 5 Ir. 4thly. The very fhape of the continents which are all ſharpened towards the fouth, where waſhed by the fouthern ocean, indi- cate that fo forcible an impreffion was made on them as nothing but the mountains could refift, as the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Cormorin, the fouthern extremity of New Holland, and that of Patagonia; Fofter's Obfervations, p. 11, 12. To thefe geological proofs perhaps I may be permitted to add the tradition of the or- thodox Hindus, that the globe was divided into two hemifpheres, and that the fouth- ern was the habitation of dæmons that warred upon the gods. 3 Afiatic Reſearches, 51 and 52. This war is commonly thought to be an allegorical defcription of the flood, and hence the olive branch, denoting a di- minution of the flood, became a ſymbol of peace. Did not Noah refide on the borders of the fouthern ocean, otherwife he could not fee that the great abyfs was opened? and did not an inundation from the fouth-eaſt drive the ark north-weſt to the mountains F 4 of (`72 ) 2 of Armenia? Theſe conjectures are at leaſt conſiſtent with the moſt probable no- tions of the primitive habitation of man, which I take to be near the fources of the Ganges, (as Jofephus exprefsly mentions) the Bourampooter and the Indus, from which, as the temperature grew colder, mankind defcended to the plains of India. This unparalleled revolution, Moſes in- forms us, was introduced by a continual rain for forty days. By this the ſurface of the earth muſt have been looſened to a con- fiderable depth; its effects may even have been in many inftances deftructive; thus in Auguſt, 1740, feveral eminences were ſwept away, nay the whole mountain of Lidſheare, in the province of Wermeland in Sweden, was rent afunder by a heavy fall of rain for only one night. 27 Schwed. Abhand, 93. This loofening and opening of the earth was in many places, where the marine inundation ſtagnated, an uſeful ope- ration to the foil fubfequently to be formed, as by theſe means fhells and other marine exuviæ were introduced into it which ren- dered it more fertile. By this rain alſo, the falt water was diluted, and its perni- } cious } ( 73 ) ร cious effects both to foil and freſh water fiſh in great meaſure prevented. The de- ſtruction of animals ferved the fame pur- poſes, and might, in many inſtances, be neceffary to fertilize a foil produced by the decompofition of primary mountains; from the animals thus deftroyed the phoſphoric acid found in many ores may have origin- ated. But the completion of this cataſtrophe was undoubtedly effected, as Mofes alfo ſtates, by the invaſion of the waters of the great abyſs, moſt probably, as I have ſaid, that immenfe tract of ocean ftretching from the Philipine iflands, or rather from the Indian continent on the one fide to terra firma on the other, and thence to the fouthern pole; and again from Buenos Ayres to New Holland, and thence to the pole.-Tracing its courfe on the eaſtern part of the globe, we fhall fee it impelled northwards with refiftless impetuofity against the continent which at that time probably united Afia and America. 1 Phy- fical. Arbeit. p. 13. 1 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 278 and 294. This appears to have been torn up and ſwept away (except the iſlands that ( 74 ) > that ſtill remain, fome of which are primi- tive mountains, and feem torn from the con- tinent. Staunton's Voy. to China, 4to. p. 310.) as far north as latitude 40°; its fur- ther progreſs appears to have been ſomewhat checked by the lofty mountains of China and Tartary, and thofe on the oppofite Ameri- can coaſt; here then it began to dilate it- felf over the collateral countries; the part checked by the Tartarian mountains form- ing, by fweeping away the foil, the defart of Coby, while the interior or middle tor- rent preffed forward to the pole; but the interior furge being ſtill more reſtricted by the contiguous, numerous, and elevated mountains of eaſtern Siberia and America, muft at laſt have arifen to a height and preffure which overbore all refiſtance, daſh- ing to picces the heads of thofe mountains, as Patrin and Steller remark, and bearing over them the vegetable and animal ſpoils of the more fouthern, ravaged or torn up continents, to the far extended and in- clined plains of weſtern Siberia, where its free expanfion allowed it to depoſit them. Hence the origin of the bones and tufks of elephants and rhinoceri found in the plains, ク ​or ( 75 ) (75 or inconfiderable fandy or marly eminences in the north western parts of Siberia, as Mr. Pallas rightly judges. If now, returning to the fouth, we con- template the effects of this overwhelming invaſion on the more fouthern regions of India and Arabia, we fhall, where the coafts were undefended by mountains, diſcover it excavating the gulphs of Nanquin, Ton- quin, and Siam, the vaſt Bay of Bengal, and the Arabic and Red Seas. That the fouthern capes, promontories, and head- lands, were extenuated to their prefent ſhape by the deluge, and not by tides or the currents ftill obferved in thofe feas, may be inferred from the inefficacy of thofe feebler powers to produce any change in them for many paft centuries. The chief force of the inundation feems to have been directed northwards in the meridians of from 110 to 200 eaft of Lon- don. In the more weſtern tracts it appears to have been weaker; the plains of India I fufpect to have been lefs ravaged, or per- haps their fubfequent fertility may have been occafioned by the many rivers by which that happy country is watered. Not f . ( 76 ) fo thofe of Arabia; their folid bafis, refift- ing the inundation, was obliged to yield its loofer furface, and remains even now a fandy defart, while the interior more moun- tainous tracts, intercepting, and thus col- lecting, the waſhed off foil, are, to this day, celebrated for their fertility, 2 Nie- buhr, 45 and 320. Irifh edition. To a fimilar tranſportation of the ancient vegeta- ble foil, the vaſt fandy defarts of Africa, and the barrennefs of moſt of the plains of Perfia, may be attributed. The progrefs of the Siberian inundation once more claims our attention; that it muft have been here for fome time fta- tionary may be inferred from its confine- ment between the Altaifchan elevation on the fouth, and the Ouralian mountains on the weſt, and the circumpolar mountains on the fide of Greenland. Hence the ex- cavations obſerved on the northern parts of the former, and the abrupt declivities on the eaſtern flanks of the latter, while the weſtern diſcover none. New reinforce- ments from the fouth-eaſt muſt at length have furmounted all obftacles; but the fub- fequent furges could not have conveyed fuch ( 77 ) (77 fuch a quantity of fhells or marine produc- tions as the firſt, and hence, though many are found on the more northern plains, ſcarce any are found on the great Altaif- chan elevation. The mafs of waters now collected and ſpread over the Arctic regions, muſt have defcended partly fouthwards over the de- farts of Tartary, into countries with which we are too little acquainted to trace its ra- vages, but from the oppofition it muſt have met in theſe mountainous tracts, and the repercuffion of their craggy fides, eddies muſt have been formed to which the Caf- pian, Euxine, and other lakes may have owed their origin. Part alfo muſt have extended itſelf over the vaft tracts weſt of the Ourals, and there expanded more freely over the plains of Ruffia and Poland down to latitude 52°, where it muſt have met with and be oppofed by the inundation originating in the weſtern parts of the Pa- cific ocean, this fide the Cape of Good Hope, and thence impelled northwards and weftwards in the fame manner as the eaft- ern inundation already defcribed, but with much lefs force, and fweeping the conti- nents ( 78 ) nents of South America (if then emerged) and of Africa, conveying to Spain, Italy, and France, and perhaps ſtill farther north, elephants and other animals, and vegetables hitherto fuppofed partly of Indian and partly of American origin. That the courſe here affigned is not ima- ginary, appears from the fhells, vegetables, and animal remains of thoſe remote cli- mates, ftill found in Europe, and from the diſcovery both of the European and the American promifcuouſly mixed with each other at Fez. 1 Bergman Erde Kugel, 252.249. So in Germany, Flanders, and Eng- land, the ſpoils of the northern climates, and thoſe of the ſouthern alfo, are equally found; thus the teeth of arctic bears, and bones of whales, as well as thofe of ani- mals of more fouthern origin, have been diſcovered in thofe parts. Sauffure alſo has found traces in Swifferland of an inunda- tion from the north. 7 Sauff. 216. The effect of the encounter of fuch enor- mous maffes of water, rufhing in oppofite directions, muſt have been ſtupendous, it was ſuch as appears to have ſhaken and fhattered. ( 79 ) 1 ſhattered fome of the folid vaults that fup- ported the fubjacent ftrata of the globe. To this concuffion I aſcribe the formation of the bed of the Atlantic from latitudė 20° fouth up to the north pole. The bare in- ſpection of a map is fufficient to ſhew that this vaft ſpace was hollowed by the impref- fion of water; the protuberance from Cape Frio to the river of the Amazons, or La Plata in South America, correfponding with the incavation on the African fide from the river of Congo to Cape Palmas; and the African protuberance from the Straits of Gibraltar to Cape Palmas, an- fwering to the immenfe cavity between New York and Cape St. Roque. The de- preffion of fuch a vaft tract of land cannot appear improbable when we confider the fhock it muſt have received, and the enor- mous load with which it was charged. Nor is fuch depreffion and abforption unexam- pled, fince we had frequent inftances of mountains ſwallowed up, and fome very lately in Calabria. * The * The Bay of Galway appears to have been origi- nally a granitic mountain, fbattered and fwallowed during this cataſtrophe, for fragments of granite are found i }; ( 80 ) The wreck of fo confiderable an integrant part of the globe muft of neceffity have convulfed the adjacent ſtill fubfifting con- tinents previouſly connected with it, rent their ftony ftrata, burſt the ſtill more folid maffes of their mountains, and thus in fome cafes formed, and in others prepared, the infular ſtate to which thefe fractured tracts were reduced; to this event, therefore, I think, may be afcribed the bold, fteep, and abrupt weſtern coaſts of Ireland, Scot- land, and Norway, and the numerous ifles that border them, as well as many of thoſe of the West Indies. 2 Wms. 162. The Britannic islands feem to have acquired their infular ſtate at a later period, though it was probably prepared by this event; found on its northern fhore, though none in the neigh- bouring mountains, which are chiefly argillitic. Alfo a vaſt maſs of granite called the Gregory, lately ftood on one of the ifles of Arran, 100 feet at leaſt above the level of the fea, 10 or 12 feet high, as many broad, and about twenty in length. Though the whole mafs of the island confifts of compact limeftone, and no gra- nitic hill within 8 or 10 miles of it. This was flattered by lightning in 1774- The general motion of the Atlantic is as yet from N. to S. Howard, 355. Staunton's Voyage to China. but 1 1 ( 81 ) but the bafaltic maffes on the Scotch and Irish coafts, and thofe of Feroc, appear to me to have been rent into pillars by this concuffion. During this elemental conflict, and the craſh and ruin of the fubmerged continent, many of its component parts muſt have been reduced to atoms, and difperfed through the fwelling waves that ufurped its place. The more liquid bitumens muſt by the agitation have intimately mixed with them. They muſt alſo have abſorbed the fixed air contained in the bowels of the funk continent; and further, by this vaſt continental depreffion, whofe derelinquiſh- ed ſpace was occupied by water, the level of the whole diluvial ocean muſt have been funk, and the fummits of the higheſt mountains muft then have emerged. In this ſtate of things it is natural to ſuppoſe that if iron abounded in the ſubmerged continent, as it does at this day in the northern countries of Sweden, Norway, and Lapland adjacent to it, its particles may have been kept in folution by the fixed air, and the argillaceous, filiceous, and carbonaceous particles may have been G long (82) 4 long fufpended. Thefe muddy waters mixing with thofe impregnated with bitu- men, the following combinations muſt have taken place: 1°. If carbonic matter was alfo contained in the water, this unit- ing to the bitumen, muſt have run into maffes no longer fufpenfible in water, and formed ſtrata of coal. 2do. The calces of iron by the contact of bitumen were in great meaſure gradually reduced, and to- gether with the argillaceous and filiceous precipitated on the fummits of feveral of the mountains not yet emerged, and thus formed bafaltic maffes, that, during deficca- tion, ſplit into columns; in other places they covered the carbonaceous maffes already de- pofited, and by abforbing much of their bitu- men rendered them lefs inflammable, and hence the connexion which the fagacious Werner obferved between bafalts and coal. The fixed or oxygen air, erupting from many of them, formed thofe cavities, which be- ing filled by the fubfequent infiltration of fuch of their ingredients as were fuperfluous to their bafaltic ftate, formed calcedonies, zeolytes, olivins, bafaltines, fpars, &c. Hence moſt of the mountains of Sweden that } : ( 83 ) that afford iron, afford alfo bitumen *. Hence alſo the aſphalt found with Trap † and under baſalts, and in balls of calcedo- ny found in Trap §. This I take to be the laſt ſcene of this dreadful cataſtrophe, and hence fhells are fel- dom found in theſe baſalts, they having been previously depofited, though fome other lighter marine vegetable remains have fometimes been found in them ||; fome ar- gillaceous or ſandſtone ſtrata may alſo have been depofited at this period. On this account, however, of the for- mation of the bafalts which crown the fum- mits of ſeveral lofty peaks, I lay no more ſtreſs than it can juſtly bear; I deliver it barely as an hypothefis more plauſible than many others. It has been objected to the Mofaic ac- count that the countries near Ararat are too cold to bear olive trees. Tournfort, who firſt made this objection, fhould re- collect, that at this early period, the Caf- * Berg. Jour. 1789, p. 2005. + Berolding on Mercury, p. 38 and 240. Von. Salis 171. 3. Nofe. 146. $10 Naturforsch. 43. G 2 I have lately feen ſhells in the bafalts of Ballycastle. pian ( (84 84 ) pian and Euxine feas were joined, as he himſelf has well proved. This circum- ſtance furely fitted a country lying in the 38th degree of latitude to produce olives. (which now grow in much higher latitudes) at preſent chilled only by its diftance from the fea. A more plauſible objection arifes from the difficulty of collecting and feeding all the various fpecies of animals now known, fome of which can exift only in the hotteft, and others only in the coldeſt climates; it does not however appear to me neceffary to ſuppoſe that any others were collected in the ark but thoſe moſt neceſſary for the ufe of man, and thoſe only of the gramini- vorous or granivorous claffes, the others were moſt probably of fubfequent creation. The univerfality of the expreffions, Gen. chap. vi. ver. 19. "Of every living thing, "of all fleſh, two of every fort ſhalt thou bring into the ark," feem to me to im- ply no more than the fame general expreſ- fions do in Gen. chap. i. ver. 30. "And "to every beaſt of the earth, and to every "fowl of the air, have I given every green herb for meat;" where it is certain that only ( 85 ) only graminivorous animals are meant. At this early period ravenous animals were not only not neceffary but would have been even deſtructive to thoſe who had juſt ob- tained exiſtence, and probably not in great numbers. They only became neceffary when the graminivorous had multiplied to ſo great a degree that their carcaffes would have ſpread infection. Hence they appear to me to have been of poſterior creation; and to this alſo I attribute the exiſtence of thoſe that are peculiar to America and the torrid and frigid zones. The atmoſphere itſelf must have been exceedingly altered by the conſequences of the flood. Soon after the creation of ve- getables, and in proportion as they grew and multiplied, vaft quantities of oxygen muſt have been thrown off by them into the then exifting atmoſphere without any proportional counteracting diminution from the refpiration or putrefaction of animals, as theſe were created only in pairs, and multiplied more flowly; hence it muſt have been much purer than at prefent; and to this circumſtance, perhaps, the longe- vity of the antediluvians may in great mea- G 3 fure ( 86 ) • fure be attributed. After the flood the ſtate of things was perfectly reverfed, the furface of the earth was covered with dead and putrifying land animals and fish, which copiouſly abforbed the oxygenous part of the atmoſphere and fupplied only mephitic and fixed air; thus the atmoſphere was probably brought to its actual ſtate, con- taining little more than one-fourth of pure air and nearly three-fourths of mephitic. Hence the conftitution of men muſt have been weakened and the lives of their en- feebled pofterity gradually reduced to their preſent ſtandard. To avoid theſe exhala- tions it is probable that the human race continued for a long time to inhabit the more elevated mountainous tracts. Do- meſtic diſturbances in Noah's family, briefly mentioned in holy writ, probably induced him to move with fuch of his defcendants as were moft attached to him, to the re- gions he inhabited before the flood, in the vicinity of China, and hence the early origin of the Chineſe monarchy. ESSAY ( 87 ) ESSAY III. OF SUBSEQUENT CATASTROPHES. A SHOCK fo violent and univerfal as that which pervaded the globe during the dilu- vian revolution must have produced not only innumerable alterations in the whole extent of its furface, cndlefs to detail (and belonging rather to the natural hiſtory of its particular geographic divifions than to a general furvey of the whole), but alſo have prepared, by loofening its bafis, many other changes that took effect fome centuries af- ter, as I have already hinted; of theſe, however, fome are fo important, by their connexion either with the paſt tranſactions of the inhabitants of the globe, or with the actual external appearance or fubterraneous ſtate of the countries with which we are beft acquainted, that they cannot be to- tally paffed over in filence; fuch are the total feparation of Aſia from America, the coarctation of the Baltic, the feparation of G 4 the ( 88 ) the Cafpian from the Black Sea, and the junction of this with the Mediterranean, and of the Mediterranean with the Ocean; and, laſtly, the feparation of Ireland from Britain, and of Britain from the Continent. Thefe events are either totally omitted by hiſtorians, or only flightly mentioned by that hiſtory, from its mixed nature, ftiled fabulous; in fuch cafes imagination has commonly taken up the pen of the hif- torian, but poffeffing neither the inclina- tion nor the talents neceffary for convert- ing natural hiſtory into romance, the ac- count I fhall give of them muſt be very ſhort, and ſuch as is fuggefted by the moſt probable traditions or actual appearances. 1º. Of the feparation of Afia from Ame- rica, we have no traditional account; it is certain, however, that they were once joined, as the inhabitants of the 'former paffed into the latter; they ftill approach each other very nearly in the northern parts, and the intermediate fpace is filled with iſlands. The junction immediately after the flood I ftated in my former Effay to have reached fo low as latitude 40, be- cauſe I find America peopled by nations of different ( 89 ) different characters, degrees of civilization, and languages; fuch varieties could fcarcely occur among a people inhabiting the fame climate, and formed to the fame habits. As Cain was originally banished from his brethren, ſo I imagine malefactors anciently were into the colder deferted climates, by their civilized brethren in Afia, and thus the Efquimaux originated, that are equally found in both continents, and other fa- vages; and hence the predatory difpofition of the Scythian tribes. That the poſtdilu- vian junction did not reach lower than la- titude 40°, I infer from the abfence of elephants from the warmer regions of America. The utter feparation of both continents was moſt probably the effect of excavations by volcanoes; at leaſt this caufe is adequate to fuch an effect, and it ftill exifts in the moſt northern parts. The fuperior fertility of the weſtern coaft of America may ariſe from the lavas ejected on that coaſt. 2d. That the Baltic in all its branches was anciently much more extended than at preſent, many reaſons induce us to believe; but principally the ſtate in which we at prefent ( 90 ) 1 prefent find the immenfe plains of South- ern Ruffia from Peterſburgh to Pultowa. Theſe plains for fome hundred miles to the ſouth of Peterſburgh are ſtill a moraſs, and farther ſouthwards they are covered with fand, pebbles, and petrified ſhells *. This water is not, indeed, falt, but nei- ther was the Baltic fo originally, and is but flightly fo at prefent, for it ſeems to have been formed by the confluence of the various rivers that flow into it, which at laſt burſt a paſſage into the German ſea; by communication with this it became falt. At preſent there are three paffages by which they communicate, at firft robably but one; to the opening of the two laft the re- duction of this fea to its prefent limits is owing. 3d. The ancient communication between the Cafpian, the Lake of Aral, and the Black Sea, before the opening of the Thra- cian Boſphorus, which enabled theſe feas to diſcharge themſelves into the Mediterra- nean, is rendered highly probable, if not * Schwed. Abhand. 1773, 181, &c. 2 Bergm. Erde kugel. 215. demonftrated, ( 91 ) i demonſtrated, by Pallas, 3 Pallas Reife, 368. He obferved, that between the ri- vers Sarpa and Volga, from Zarzycin down to the Cafpian Sea, the land flopes with confiderable indentures and abrupt promon- tories as if it had been an ancient coaft, and continues on the fame level on the eaſt of the Wolga in the fandy defert of Narym, and in the more fouthern ſteppes or deferts between the Wolga and the Jaick or Ural. The fhells which abound in this extenfive flat exactly refemble thoſe of the Caſpian, and are different from thoſe of the adjacent rivers; thefe deferts are moreover covered with fand, contain abun- dance of falt and falt lakes, and produce only fuch vegetables as grow on falt marſh- es; whereas the upland that borders this flat contains a genuine black fertile foil, and no fhells reſembling thoſe of the Caf- pian, but only thofe of ancient date, fuch as thofe found in other countries, and of the forts called Pelagica, that belong to the deepeſt feas. Hence he collects that the level of the Cafpian before it was reduced to its prefent limits was ninety feet higher than at prefent; thus it was enabled to communicate ( 92 ) communicate with the Euxine by the fea of Afoph, In this ftate it muſt have re- mained from the period of the deluge until about 1800 years before our Æra, the moſt probable date of the feparation of theſe feas, as Mr. Fofter has fhewn in a learned me- moir in the Gottingen Magaz. 1780. p.140. Buffon pretends the rupture of the ifth- mus that ſeparated this fea from the Medi- terranean preceded the deluge mentioned by Mofes, merely it fhould feem to con- tradict that moft authentic hiftorian, for he affigns no reafon independent of his own hypotheſis, and is deftitute of the ſupport even of the moft fabulous tradition. Epoques, 8vo. p. 291. I The rupture of the ifthmus was proba- bly fudden and total, and conſequently effected by an earthquake. To diſcover its effects, we must first confider the ante- cedent ftate of the Mediterranean : The Mediterranean, before its union with the Black Sea and the Ocean, was moſt probably a bafon much narrower and fhal- lower than at prefent; for though it receiv- ed feveral confiderable rivers, the Nile, the Rhone, 6 ( 93 ) Rhone, and the Po*, yet fince even now evaporation from its furface is fufficient to prevent it from overflowing, not…ithſland- ing that the Ocean on the one ſide, and the Euxine on the other, flow into it, we may well ſuppoſe that when it communi- cated with neither, evaporation kept its level much lower; when, therefore, by the rupture of the Thracian ifthmus on the one fide, and of the African which joined Ceuta with Gibraltar on the other, the wa- ters of both were poured in upon it, an immenfe preffure took place on its bed, under which it funk and fell into the in- ferior cavity of the globe; during this tre- mendous tumult the iſlands of Sicily, Sar- dinia, Corfica, and thoſe of the Archipe- lago were torn off, and Italy was lengthened to its preſent ſhape. Fortis Dalmatia, 173. The neighbouring fhores of France and Spain, and more eſpecially thofe of Africa as being much lower, and thoſe of Greece and Aſia, muſt have been inundated to a great extent, and hence the faline fub- * Allowance fhould be made for rains as well as for rivers. See Howard's Theory of the Earth, 34. ftances ( 94 ) ſtances ſtill exifting in the adjacent parts of Africa, &c. As the fouthern parts of Italy ftill abound in fulphur and other inflammable ſubſtances, fo probably did the contiguous parts of the bed of the Mediterranean, and by the im- menſe friction which they muſt have ſuf- fered during this fall and the hollows that interceded the abrupted maffes the firſt fubterraneous fires might have been kind- led and the beds of the actual volcanoes pre- pared, which however did not probably acquire fufficient ftrength to burst through the incumbent earthy ftrata until fome ages after, as I conjecture from the filence of Homer with refpect to Etna, whofe won- ders, had they exifted in his time, he pro- bably would not have overlooked. The feparation of Sicily from Italy is vouched by ancient traditions, as may be feen in Pliny, Ovid, and Claudian. Zancle quoque juncta fuiſſe Dicitur Italiæ, donec confinia pontus Abftulit, & media tellurem reppulit unda. Ovid. Metam. Lib. 15. v. 290. Trinacria ( 95 ) Trinacria quondam Italiæ pars una fuit, fed pontus & æftus Mutavere fitum, rupit confinia Nereus Victor, & abfciffo interluit æquore mon- tes. Claudian. De Rapt. Proferp. Lib. 1. The ſteep abrupt coafts from Genoa to Leghorn, deſcribed by Ferber in his twen- ty-ſecond letter, muſt be afcribed to the rupture of the ſtrata, as tides, ſcarcely fen- fible in this fea, cannot be even ſuſpected of having acted fo powerfully upon them. The rapidity of the Rhone, and of moſt of the rivers that fall into this fea on the Eu- ropean fide, alſo indicate the great inclina- tion of the ftrata of the interior countries towards it, a natural confequence of the depreffion of their primitive fupport. The mountains of Swifferland difcover alfo vef- tiges of a fhock on the fouth eaft, as I have already noticed, the detail of which I leave to the many excellent geologiſts of that country. The communication of the Euxine with the Ocean by means of the Mediterranean, being thus formed, its level gradually ſub- fided, the canal which joined it with the . Cafpian 7 ( 96 ) Cafpian dried up; as few great rivers fall into this (only the Wolga and the Ural) it was foon reduced by evaporation to its preſent level, which is faid to be lower than that of any other fea, and thus the falt de- ferts that border it, were formed, and its feparation from the Aral effected. 5º. The entire feparation of Great Bri- tain from the Continent muſt have hap- pened long after the deluge, and that of Ireland from Great Britain at a ftill later period; for wolves and bears were anciently found in both, and theſe muſt have paſſed from the Continent into Britain, and from this into Ireland, as their importation can- not be fufpected. Thefe events, as I already ſaid, muſt have been prepared and have commenced by the fhock communicated during the rupture and depreffion of the bed of the Atlantic. The divulfive force that feparated Britain from Germany, feems to have been directed from north to fouth, but gradually weakened in its progrefs. Hence that iſland is ſharpened to the north- wards, but the impreffion muſt have been confiderably weakened by the oppofition of the granitic mountains that form the Shetland ( 97 ) Shetland and Orkney Ifles. The loofer ſtructure of the calcareous or argillaceous and arenaceous materials of the more fouth- ern parts offered leſs reſiſtance, was more eafily preyed upon, and gave way to, what is now called, the German ocean, while theſe materials themſelves were ſpread over Weftphalia, &c. or formed the fubfoil of Flanders, Holland, and the fand banks on its coaft. The rupture of the iſthmus that joined Calais and Dover was probably ef- fected by an earthquake at a later period, and gradually widened by tides and currents. Ireland was protected by Scotland from the violence of the northern fhock, hence its ſeparation from Scotland appears to have been late and gradual. That from Eng- land was probably diluvial and effected by a fouthern fhock. All theſe changes happened at leaſt three thouſand fix hundred years ago, and I fee no reaſon to think that the general level of the ocean has fince been altered, but that of the continents feems to have varied con- fiderably, being in fome places higher and in others lower than anciently. The depreffion of continents originates H from ; ( 98 ) t from two cauſes; the firft is the diminution of the waters that anciently pervaded them ; the ſecond is the fliding away of the infe- rior argillaceous ftrata; to fay nothing of caufes merely contingent, as earthquakes and inundations. After the deluge, the earth on which it reſted 150 days, and from which it very flowly retired, muſt have been drenched with water; vegetation quickly enfued, and twenty centuries ago moft countries are known to have been covered with trees, and many until a much later period; in thefe circumſtances an infinity of ſmall ri- vulets muſt have been formed, which poured their ſtreams into the great rivers arifing from their confluence; while the furface of the earth was protected by fo- refts from the immediate influence of the fun, the moiſture repleniſhing its interior muſt have remained. Again, as we fee the craggy fummits of many of the higheſt mountains, now decompofing, being cor- roded by air and moiſture, we muſt ſup- poſe that the fame caufes have operated in the most ancient times, and that previous to their action theſe fummits were much 6 higher, ་ ( 99 ) L higher, and confequently better fitted for collecting vapours than at preſent, but in modern times, from the extenfion of agri- culture to countries where it never before was introduced, and the increaſing multi- plication of mankind, the foreſts have in great meaſure diſappeared; the earth laid bare yields its waters to evaporation; the mountains lowered, no longer collect or condenſe the fame quantity of vapour, the rivulets ceaſe, or are reduced to rills, and the earth freed from its pervading moiſture has naturally funk to a lower level. Hence moſt rivers were anciently much more con- fiderable than at prefent, as we may fee by the wide extended vales through which they run, the monuments of their ancient mag- nitude. Not only bogs have in fome in- ftances been known to flide over lower ad- jacent plains, but even portions of land feemingly more folid. Thus in France, near Meudon, in 1787, a whole fide of a hill, covered with trees, defcended 50 feet upon, and covered to the height of 70 feet, a neighbouring plain; its defcent lafted fix years. 43 Roz. 19. It was occafioned by laying bare a bed of clay, which, by im- bibing H 2 ( 100 ) bibing rain was tumefied and loofened. In Bohemia alfo, fo late as the year 1770, a great part of the mountain of Ziegenberg flid down 38 fathom to the Elbe with its trees ſtill ſtanding partly erect and partly inclined. This was afcribed to the ſolution of its inferior-ftratum, an argillaceous fand- ſtone, whofe argillaceous part was carried off by rain to which it had incautiouſly been expoſed. Reufs Bohemia, 55 In fome places the furface of the earth has been elevated by the particles carried down by rain from greater elevations, or the gradual diſintegration of the ſtony ſub- ſtances that covered them, or by various local and contingent events. Hence many remains of antiquity depofited on the an- cient furface are now found at confiderable depths, particularly in countries long de- rafted. The effects of volcanoes in altering the face of the globe feem to me much more circumfcribed than many late writers have afferted: few mountains, and thoſe eaſily * See alfo Mem. Par. 1746, 1119, in 8vo. in notes; and Mem. Par. 1769, p. 500, in 8vo. and 5 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 260, for that of Tauria in 1786. diftinguiſh- ( 101 ΙΟΙ ) diſtinguiſhable, owe their origin to them; neither Vefuvius nor Etna were formed by them, as is evident by the maſs of Nep- tunian ſtones that compoſe them; their effufions feldom reach to a great diſtance, none above 100 miles. Of ancient volca- noes now extinct, few can be traced by undoubted characters or hiftoric accounts. Sidonius Apollinaris, lib. 7. Epift. 1. men- tions one near Vienne in Dauphiné which burned about the year 469; but by his ac- count it is not clear whether it was a vol- cano or a pfeudo volcano; I ſuſpect the latter. Tacitus alfo, at the end of the 13th Book of his Annals, mentions a volcano, or ra- ther pfeudo volcano, that ravaged the country of the Jutiones; this is faid by many to be that of the Ubians; if fo, it' muſt have been in the neighbourhood of Cologn, where fome pfeudo volcanic re- mains are traced. On no fubject have philofophers been leſs cautious of the delufions of imagination than on this of volcanoes: the aſtoniſhment ex- cited by their awful phenomena feems to have affected even the underſtanding of fome H 3 ( 102 ) fome of their ſpectators. The author of many celebrated treatifes on volcanoes, lately travelling into Scotland, exclaimed, at the fight of every black ſtone he met with, that it was lava, as I was informed by one of his companions *; even the very excellent Sir William Hamilton has fre- quently been feduced from the ſimple path of obfervation, to which, notwithstanding, he profeſſed to adhere, into the mazes and errors of a baſeleſs fyftem †. In a letter to Sir John Pringle, May '1776, he tells us that "Wherever bafaltic pillars like thoſe "of the Giant's Cauſeway in Ireland are "found, there without doubt a volcano "muſt have exifted, for they are mere lava.' At preſent, however, I believe none will pretend that the volcanic origin of theſe pillars is out of the reach of doubt. He tells us that Vefuvius and Ætna were form- ed by a ſeries of volcanic eruptions ‡, though there is no certain proof that the former was fo formed, and it is demonftra- * Mr. Macie, a gentleman of the moft exact and ex- tenſive mineralogical knowledge. + Ouvres de Hamilton, p. 10. + Ouvres de Hamilton, p. 11. ble ( 103 ) ble that the latter exifted as a mountain before it became a volcano. Padre Torre, who has given a good defcription of Veſu- vius, infifts that its primitive ſtamina, if I may fo call them, are not volcanic, but that it should rather be confidered as an extenſion of the Appenines; the number of Neptunian ftones it throws up, as may be ſeen in Gioeni's Lithography of Vefu- vius, confirms this opinion; that the cal- careous ftrata are covered to a great depth with lava cannot be doubted, but that the whole mafs of Vefuvius confifts of volcanic ejections has not been proved; it is faid that in finking a well near the fea fhore, beds of lava have been found at great depths, but how eaſily may have the mother ſtones of lava, hornblende, and fhiftofe horn- blende, be miſtaken for lava itſelf! With respect to Ætna there can be no doubt. Dolomieu found immenfe heaps of fea fhells in its north-eaſt flanks at the height of near 2000 feet over the ſurface of the fea. Hence he juſtly concludes that this volcano exifted as a mountain before it was uncovered by the fea; he adds, that at the height of about 2400 feet there are regular H 4 ( 104 ) regular ftrata of grey clay filled with ma- rine fhells; theſe ftrata muſt then have been depofited while the mountain was a forming under the fea; it contained alſo, he fays, prifmatic lava, but the word lava, particularly with the addition prifmatic, can now impoſe on no one *. He farther affirms, that in particular parts of this mountain, calcareous ftrata exiſt under the lava.- So alfo Count Borch, in his Letters on Sicily and Malta, informs us, that the original ftone of which Etna confifts is granite mixed with jafper, nei- ther of which, furely, are lava; he fays, that it abounds in mines of lead and copper, neither of which are ever found in lava, though their fragments may. This laft mentioned geologiſt pretends that Ætna is at least 8000 years old, which he infers from the beds of vegetable earth which he diſcovered betwixt different beds of lava. Yet Dolomieu exprefsly tells us that fuch earth does not exist between beds of lava, Ponces, 472. and thus deſtroys the founda- tion of thofe calculations that afcribe to the * Ponces, 465, 466, &c. globe ( 105 ) globe an antiquity incompatible with the Mofaic hiſtory. Even if vegetable earth were found betwixt beds of lava, yet no conclufion relative to their age could fairly be deduced from that circumftance, as fome lavas become fertile much fooner than others. Thus Chevalier Gioanni in 1787 found la- vas projected in 1766 in a ſtate of vegeta- tion, while other lavas much more ancient ftill remained barren. Dolom. Ponces, 493. And in particular, it is well known that beds of volcanic afhes and pumice vegetate fooner than any other*. I have been led into this detail by ob- ferving how fatal the fufpicion of the high antiquity of the globe has been to the cre- dit of the Moſaic hiſtory, and confequent- ly to religion and morality; a fufpicion grounded on no other foundation than that whoſe weakneſs I have here expoſed. Dolomieu tells us, that Canon Recupero denied having ever expreffed any doubt on that head, and could not conceive why a late celebrated traveller fhould endeavour to render fufpicious the orthodoxy of his L Ferber Italy, 169. M. belief. ( 106 ) * belief, So far from having been perfe- cuted on that account, he had a penſion from the court of Naples to his death, with many teftimonies of esteem and re- gard. Ponces, 471. } 1 } F ESSAY ( 107 ) ESSAY IV. ON LAPIDIFICATION. ANY earthy fubftance whoſe integrant particles naturally cohere with ſufficient force to refift the power of gravity, while one part of them only is fupported and can- not be ſeparated by mere fcraping with the nail, is called a ftone; when they may be feparated by the nail, but not by an in- ferior force, they may be called indurated earths; but this being the limit, ſubſtances that thus cohere are alfo frequently deno- minated from either extreme, being fome- times called earths, and fometimes ftones. When this coheſion is artificially produced, particularly by fire, they are called from the confideration of other properties, brick, porcelain, glass, &c. Hence the power of coheſion may be confidered as the cauſe of induration; but this power itſelf is derived from two ſources, namely, the general attraction, or gravita- tion, ( 108 ) tion, of all particles of matter to each other*, and the ſpecific attraction of the in- tegrant particles of one fpecies of matter, either to each other, or to thoſe of another fpecies; both theſe forts of attraction are ſo much the ſtronger, and, confequently, fo is alfo the refulting hardneſs, as the points approaching to contact are more numė- rous and nearer to each other † in the fame mafs, and theſe are capable of becoming fo much the more numerous as the particles that preſent them are more minutely di- vided; their furface (relatively to their maffes) being increafed in proportion to their divifion. Hardness is properly that fort of coheſion that refifts divifion by abraſion, or fciffion, its oppofite is foftness. Firmness is that co- herence which refifts percuffion, and its oppofite is brittlenefs, or fragility. Brittle- nefs arifes from the elafticity of the par- ticles ftruck, and may be poffeffed in a high degree by fubftances of great hardnefs, as is evident in glaſs, ſteel, bell-metal, &c. in * Except thoſe of the igneous element. + For exact contact perhaps never takes place. all ( 109 ) all of which the approximation to contact ſeems to be very near, but the points be- twixt which this intimate approximation takes place are not very numerous, as ap- pears by the low ſpecific gravity of glaſs; with refpect to ftony ſubſtances, the fpeci- fic attraction of filiceous particles, and alſo that of argillaceous particles to each other, feems to be the greateft, that of calcareous ſubſtances next greateſt, and that of mag- neſian particles leaſt, in moſt inſtances. Earthy fubftances acquire a ftony hard- nefs either from cryftallization more. or lefs perfect or confufed, concretion, cemen- tation, or ſubſtitution of unorganic to or- ganic matter. Each of thefe modes of Lapidification I ſhall now confider. Cryſtallization, when perfect, is an ope- ration by which the component particles of bodies are fo arranged in uniting to each other, as to affume a regular internal, and external form; to effect this arrangement they muſt be minutely divided, have liberty of motion, be placed at a due diſtance from each other, and be undisturbed by a force fuperior to that of their mutual attraction; in ( 110 ) in proportion as theſe circumſtances more or lefs perfectly prevail or fail, the cryſtal- lization is more or leſs perfect or confuſed, as explained in the firſt volume of my Mi- neralogy, chap. 1. § 2. As bodies may be minutely divided either by igneous folution, that is, fufion, or by folution in a liquid menftruum, cryſtalliza- tion may in in appropriate circumftances take place either in the dry, or in the liquid way; in the dry way, however, much more difficultly than in the liquid, becauſe the particles are too much crowded together; hence the moſt perfect cryftallizations thus formed, are produced in the act of fublima- tion, as I have often obferved in expoſing different mineral fubftances to Parker's lens; and often alfo in crucibles, particu- larly with reſpect to magneſia, and ſtones of that genus. The cryftallizations formed by mere fuſion are always imperfect, or ra- ther rudiments of cryſtals, as the lamellated or ftriated, or granular appearances of the different metals, and metallic ores. But the natural cryſtals of ſtony ſub- ſtances were all (except a few found in lavas) formed in the moift or liquid way, no ( III } no known natural heat being fufficient to produce their fufion, and the circumſtances that accompany them being incompatible with igneous fufion, as will be fhewn in the laſt of theſe Effays. Nay, fome cryf- tals are found which by no poffibility could be the refult of previous fufion, even though every other neceffary circumftance ſhould concur, namely, thofe which with, or without an intermediate prifm, are termi- nated by a pointed pyramid at both ends, as thoſe of quartz and calcareous fpar fome- times are; for cryſtals formed by previous fuſion muſt neceſſarily adhere to fome baſis in contact with them while in fufion, elſe they could not be fupported, but theſe could adhere to none without altering their ſhape. That filiceous earth is foluble in fimple water, when fufficiently comminuted, ap- pears from various obfervations. Mr. Gen- fanne in the mines of Cramaillot in Franche Compté, remarked that the water that tranfuded through the rocks that formed the vault of the works, produced concre- tions that refembled ftalactites, but were in reality quartz; they alſo fometimes ap- peared ( 112 ) peared on the timber of the mine; this ob- ſervation he attended to for ſeveral years. Hift. de Langued. vol. 2. p. 28, &c. 1 Buf- fon Mineralogy, 48. Mr. De Laffone found the furface of a fandſtone which had the year before been inveſted with a filiceous cruft, nearly as hard as agate, the particles of which it was formed muft therefore have been conveyed and depofited by wa- ter. Mem. Par. 1774, p. 13, in 8vo. Berg- man found filex in the waters of Upfal, but in fmall quantity; Klaproth in a much larger, in the waters of Carlſbad, 1 Klap. 335. 340. and though this water contains an alkali, yet it is not to this that the fili- ceous matter is indebted for its folubility, for the alkali is fully aerated; and Wef- trumb detected it in many more, as did Santi in the waters of Pifa. Nott's tranfla- tion, p: 53. The only queftion is, whether it ſhould be faid to be mechanically fuf- pended? that it is truly diffolved, appears to me most confonant to truth; as Dr. Black, however, ſeems to think otherwife, any opinion oppoſite to that of a philofopher of his acknowledged ability, deferves, before it be admitted, the ftricteft examination; the ( 113 ) 5 the following proofs will, I hope, appear fatisfactory. 1º. The Doctor himfelf found in an Eng- liſh gallon of Rykum water 21,83 gr. of filiceous earths, and 3 only of cauſtic na- tron; though cauftic alkali has the power of diffolving filiceous earths, yet, ſurely, it cannot diffolve upwards of fix times its weight of that earth, therefore, in this in- ſtance, the ſolution of fo large a quantity of filex cannot fairly be attributed to the natron; among a variety of conjectures to explain this fact, the Doctor thinks it moſt probable that common falt and Glauber's falt had been applied to the earthy and ftony ftrata, which contain mixtures of filex and argil; that theſe falts were in part decompounded by the attraction of theſe earths for the alkali of the neutral falt ; that part of the acid had been diffipated or changed into fulphur and fulphureous gas by the fimultaneous action of inflammable matter, and that the compound of alkali and earthy matter had afterwards been long expoſed to the action of hot water. But this explanation the Doctor allows to be merely conjectural. I fhould think that if I the ( 114 ) 1 the filiceous matter had been decompofed by its affinity to the alkali, the alkali would have ſtill adhered to it in the quantity ne- ceffary to hold it in folution, which we find it does not. Let this inftance be com- pared with any other cafe of folution; when a metal or an earth is diffolved by means of a menftruum, if that menftruum be withdrawn, or faturated with fome other fubftance, does not the fubftance it had diffolved immediately fall, unleſs the new compound be alfo a menftruum for it? Thus, if magneſia be diffolved in water by means of fixed air, or of a common acid, does it not fall as foon as the fixed air has cvaporated, or as foon as the common acid is faturated with an alkali? But in the cafe before us the alkali is for the moſt part faturated, and yet the filex remains in folu- tion for years: this inftance is therefore of a totally different nature from that of the cafes adduced, and the folution must be attributed to the attractive power of the menftruum that ftill holds it in folution, namely, water. In fact, the term, folution, denotes two different forts of action: first, that of the menftruum ( 115 ) menftruum on the integrant or component parts of the aggregate to be diffolved, whereby it ſeparates them from each other; and, 2do that by which it holds them in ſolution when ſeparated. The firſt ſort of action is that which the Doctor fays he never obſerved water to poffefs with re- fpect to filiceous earth, nor do I contend for it; the ſecond he certainly does not dif- claim expreſsly, and his own experiment proves it to exiſt in water; with refpect to that earth, it is true, he feems to think this the effect of a mechanical fufpenfion, rather than that of a chemical attraction, becauſe he could never diffolve flint, ever fo finely pulverized, in mere water; but this argues only a defect of the firſt ſpecies of action, for furely the reafon of this in- folubility is, that no artificial pulverization is ever fufficiently minute. Thus we find, that argil once baked, is very difficultly, or ſcarce at all foluble in any acid, let it be ever fo finely pulverized; and though acids be its natural menftruums, yet if this argil be ſtill more fubtilly divided, as it is by che- mical agents in the act of precipitation, or even after precipitation, while ftill moiſt, I 2 it ( 116 ) it is then eaſily ſoluble in appropriate acids.; and to come clofer to the cafe conteſted, the Doctor will allow that cauftic alkali is the natural menftruum of filiceous earths. Yet Mr. Macie obferved, that powdered flints were ſcarce at all acted upon even by boil- ing fixed alkali, and the very little that was diffolved was foon precipitated again in the form of minute flocculi on expofure to the air (a proof that it was argil, and not filex); but the precipitate obtained from liquor filicum by marine acid diffolved even when dry, and very readily in this alkali, and while ſtill moift did fo very copiouſly, even without the affiſtance of heat *. It is, therefore, plain, that the infolubility of filex in water, in common caſes, ſhould be attri-* buted to the defect of a divifion fufficiently minute; the divifion requifite to render it foluble in water fhould, perhaps, be ftill more minute than that requifite to diffolve it in fixed alkalies, or rather the particles fhould be ſtill more difcrete, in order to enable them to be furrounded by a fuffi- cient quantity of water. Mechanical fuf- * Phil. Tranf. 1791, p. 385. penfion ( 117 ) penfion is not very difficultly diftinguiſhable from chemical folution. Filtration com- monly feparates particles fo fufpended, at leaſt if ſeveral times repeated, and the li- quor gently heated; of this we have a re- markable inftance in the cafe of iron pre- cipitated by the Pruffian alkali. 2do. Silex is found in the afhes of all vegetables, as Mr. Bergman atteſts, § 172. Anmerk and Ruckert, but principally in the bambou reed, in whoſe joints even a pebble hard enough to cut glafs has been difcovered, Macie's Memoir above quoted. It is plain, then, that this earth is con- tained in the water imbibed by plants; the fmall proportion of it that generally occurs in a given quantity of water, is no proof of a mere mechanical fufpenfion, for this may and ſhould be attributed to the rare occurrence of particles fufficiently minute to be taken up by water; I fay it ſhould be attributed to this circumſtance, becauſe, in ſome caſes, namely, where this circum- ſtance occurs, its proportion is very con- fiderable: thus, Stucke found that accord- ing to his experiments 20 oz. of water col- lected in the internal cavities of bafaltic columns I 3 04 ( 118 ) columns ſhould contain 14 grains of filex. In this caſe the water percolating the pores of the bafalt muſt have collected the mi- nuteſt filiceous particles that occurred: here not a particle of alkali was found; but on the contrary, a large proportion of aerated magneſia and argil. Stucke unterſuck, 119. 3dly. Zeolite is alfo foluble in water, as Mr. Bergman has fhewn. 3 Bergm. 255. Laſtly, to Dr. Black's authority I fhall op- pofe that of a chymift equally refpectable, that of Mr. Klaproth, who tells us, that from his own experience he has learned that in favourable circumftances filex is fo- luble in water, without the co-operation of a fixed alkali, and that the hypothefis of the Doctor to explain the ſolubility of filex, was no way requifite. 2 Klapr. 108. There are few examples, however, of the cryſtallization of ftony fubſtances at this day, the reafon, of which is very obvi- ous: all theſe fubftances were originally created in that ſtate of minute divifion which watry folution and cryſtallization requires; and the greater part of theſe have long fince entered into a ſtate of combina- tion or accretion, from which mere water can, ( 119 ) can, only in a great length of time, or perhaps never, difengage very many of them. This remark is particularly appli- cable to the formation of cryſtals of the filiceous genus; of which genus, when pure and unmixed, 1000 parts water can take up only one, and whofe perfect cryf- tallization, moreover, requires perfect reft, undiſturbed even by the alternate rarefac- tion and condenſation of the atmoſphere, as may be deduced from this circumſtance, that theſe cryſtals are always found in ca- vities well fecured from the free communi- cation of the air, as in the veins and cavi- ties of mountains, or in hollow ftones called geods, or in rifts, &c. where the air has had acceſs, or any diſturbance taken place, the cryſtallization is imperfect, being merc- ly granular or diſtorted. Some have attri- buted the ancient folution of ftones of the filiceous genus, to fome imaginary men- ftruum which, they fay, has long fince been deſtroyed or faturated. This fuppofi- tion is both abfurd and gratuitous: abfurd, becauſe it is grounded upon another fuppo- fition, which evidently is fo, namely, that filiceous fubftances were at firſt formed in I 4 a concrete 2. ( 120 ) a concrete ftate, that they might by this fictitious menftruum be immediately after reduced to a diffolved ftate. Gratuitous, becauſe no trace of fuch a menftruum can be found; even the fparry acid, the only known acid menftruum of filiceous fub- ftances, has never been found in filiceous cryſtals, and the quantity of it known to exiſt, is infinitely too ſmall to effect ſuch a folution, and its affinity to filiceous earths is ſmaller than to earths of other genera, to which, confequently, it would prefer- ably unite. An alkaline menftruum would be much more congenial, if any trace of it could be found. In modern times it is only the filiceous particles that have efcaped combination, or have, by fome means, been detached from it, and often widely diſperſed, or thinly ſcattered through other ftony maffes, and flowly collected by the minute drops of water that circulate through theſe maſſes, that can in appropriate circumftances form cryſtals, the drops of water gradually eva- porating in thefe hollows, and depofiting the filiceous fubftances, firſt on the baſis to which they adhere, and afterwards on each other. ( 121 ) other. The annual alterations of heat and cold which prevail even at the greateſt depths, though ever ſo ſmall, are fufficient in a great length of time to condenfe, pro- mote, and carry off, thefe vapours: this circulation of vapours in the interior parts of the earth, has been lately proved by Baron Trebra in his third letter. That even filiceous cryftals were formed in water, appears not only from the fore- going general reaſoning, but from various concomitant circumſtances. 1°. Baron Vel- theim lately found fome in a lonely retired fpot, that ſeemed recently formed, being as yet foft. 1 Gerh. Geſch. 17. 2°. All of them, even the moſt ſolid and compact, lofe fome part of their weight when ex- poſed to a ſtrong heat, and many of them decrepitate; the weight thus loft is mere water. Thus zeolytes lofe from 5 to 18 per cent. as is well known; and in Kla- proth's experiments compound fpar lofes 45 per cent. opals from 6 to 18; fhorl from 7 to 9; turmaline lofes 15 per cent. Bra- filian topas 20; common flints 5; and red quartz 3 per cent. 1 Klapr. Beytr. 41 Roz. 95. Fleaurieu de Bellvieu found Car- rara ( 122 ) 1 rara marble, heated below calcination, to lofe I IT उ part of its weight. 3º. Pebbles filled with water fome- times occur; nay, Ferber obferved in the mineral cabinet of Pifa, a round quartz cryftal, half filled with water, and even containing an infect. If it be faid, the water was introduced through a chink, I afk, how the infect could be introduced? for the chink, if there were any, was fo fmall, that Ferber could fcarce believe his eyes when he perceived the water, whereas the wonder would ceaſe if there were a perceptible chink*. Inftances of the ſame kind have frequently occurred. 4°. Gerhard well remarks that ftones formed in the dry way, being heated to rednefs, become ſtill harder, or at leaſt re- main equally hard; but thofe formed in the moiſt way being fo treated, become fofter: now filiceous cryſtals, thoſe of quartz for inftance, become fofter when heated to redneſs, therefore they muſt have been formed in the moiſt way † As to calca- * Italy, 434, 21ft letter. +2 Gerh. 118. rcous ( 123 ) reous fpars, they have often been formed by art in the moiſt way, but, furely, never by igneous fufion; Sauffure obferved fome formed in a bottle of aerated water. 1 Sauff. 270. 2 Sauff. § 1097, in note. 5º. Siliceous cryftals are found in the cavities of calcareous ftones, where theſe are fo fituated that infiltrations from the for- mer claſs may paſs into them; thus Mr. Sauffure found cryftals of quartz in a cal- careous mafs of 400 feet in extent, which leaned againſt a mountain, formed of quartz and mica, on the fide adjacent to this gra- nilitic rock. 2 Sauff. 118. 6º. Siliceous ftalactites have lately been found in Montarniata, hanging from Pe- perino, and alfo in the form of an incruf- tation ſuperficially inveſting lavas; now this ftone is infufible in the ftrongeſt heat, therefore it does not owe its origin to vol- canic heat, but muſt have been formed by tranfudation, or infiltration through the lavas after they had cooled; in ſtructure, tuberofity, rugofity, &c. it exactly refem- bles calcareous ftalactites; fee Chy. An. 1796, 589, &c. Laſtly, ( 124 ) 1 Laftly, Siliceous folutions in fixed alkali, after the alkali has been fuper-faturated with an acid, being flowly evaporated, de- pofit the filex in the form of cryftallized grains, which fhews, that filex can cryf- tallize in mere water, when the proportion of water neceffary to hold it in folution is flowly diminiſhed. 1 Klapr. 211. { The next mode or immediate caufe of Lapidification is concretion, that is, the cloſe union of earthy particles to each other, without any fort of cryftallization, but arifing merely from their approximation to each other after the expulſion of the fuperfluous water; thus clays are indurated, and many forts of ſtone of the argillaceous genus are formed, particularly when calces of iron, petrol, or carbonaceous fubftances are found in them; bricks have often been formed in this manner by mere folar heat. in hot and dry climates. That the hard- neſs thus refulting is derived from their clofer union and the expulfion of water, is clearly proved by the contraction of their dimenfions which they experience, and their lofs of weight; the Poliſh and Hun- garian * 1 ( 125 ) garian huts formed of clay, are a further proof of the induration thus produced *. We may, however, remark, 1º. that ſome proportion of water is always neceffary to promote this lapidiſcence, for earths that have all their water expelled, remain in duft, or if a confiderable proportion be ex- pelled, they remain much fofter, and hence to harden them, fome water muſt be add- ed; this Dolomieu remarked with refpect to lavas. Ponces, 417.-20. That the di- menfions of fome compounds that acquire a ſtony hardneſs by concretion, are ſome- times increaſed, namely, when they abforb air; the compound, for inftance, that forms Pouzzolana expands while it hardens, as its ferruginous part abſorbs the oxygen of water. Water, in fome fmall proportion, ſeems even an effential ingredient in many fpe- cies of ftone, even the hardeſt; quartz, for inſtance, loſes its tranfparency when de- prived of it. In theſe caſes the water ſeems to be folidified by a lofs of great part of its ſpecific heat, in the fame manner as that * Schwed. Abhand. 1770, 195. contained } 1 1 ( 126 contained in Glauber's falt is now known to be. The hardneſs induced by deficcation in ftones of the filiceous genus has been often remarked; thus, Delius obferved, that Hungarian opals when firſt dug up, are fo foft as to be friable betwixt the fin- gers; but by expofure to the air and fun only for a few days, they acquire a ftony hardneſs. 44 Roz. 48. and Sauffure tells us, it is well known to all mineralogifts, that moſt ſtones, even granites, are harder on the furface than in the interior of moun- tains. 6 Sauff. 319. That many argilla- ceous ftones are foftened by water, and hardened by expoſure to the air, is a mat- ter of general obfervation. Bergm. Journ. 1789. 724. Even calcareous ftones are hardened by deficcation; this fact I often obferved with reſpect to compact limeſtone taken from a quarry level with the furface of the earth, not only the fuperior ftrata, but even the inferior were much lefs hard while in the quarry than in a few days after they were taken out of it and expofed to the air; this 6 has ( 127 ) has often been obſerved by others. Mem. Par. 1746. 1075. 1 La Mether. 12. That calcareous concretions of a ftony hardneſs have been formed in modern times, and ftill continue to be formed, particularly in the vicinity of ſprings ſtrong- ly impregnated with calcareous or calcareo fulphureous matters, as in Derbyſhire, Bo- hemia, &c, is quite notorious; and that vaſt maſſes of limeftone have within a few centuries concreted in the fame manner, may be collected from the diſcovery of va- rious artificial fubftances within thoſe maffes. As thefe, however, have been by fome, afcribed to fome fictitious Preadam- tick periods, I fhall quote one, which, without very violent fuppofitions indeed, cannot be attributed to any other but very modern times. In working a block of ſtone raiſed near Paris, the barrel of a piftol was found imbedded in the midſt of it. 1 Buff. Mineral. 39. Stalactitic con- cretions of modern formation, and even ar- tificial, are too well known to require any illuſtration; but are alſo a full proof of the formation of ftones by concretion, or at leaft, a commenced cryftallization; and perfect ( 128 ) perfect calcareous fpar has been found in a ftalactitic form. 1 Bergm. Journal, 1792, 218. The third cauſe of lapidification is ce- mentation, fee Black on Geyfer, p. 22, that is the introduction of particles, either of the fame or of a different ſpecies, into the inter- ftices of fubftances that either did not ad- here at all to each other previous to this introduction; or at leaft were of a loofer or leſs indurated texture. Thus Sauffure tells us, that in the neighbourhood of Mef- fina, where grits are quarried near the ſea fhore, the cavities formed by their extrac- tion are foon filled with fea fand, which in a few years is folidified, having its particles agglutinated by the calcareous matter intro- duced by the fea water. I Sauff.§ 305. p. 248. Bowles remarks, that in the neighbourhood of Cadix, the fea poffeffes the fame power, as the fragments of brick, mortar, &c. thrown on the fhore, are, after a certain time, cemented with the fand and fhells into an uniform mafs of ſtone. Bowles' Spain, 99. Flurl relates, that fragments of rocks are cemented together, even at this day, by ſtreams impregnated with cal- careous ( 129 ) careous matter, and depoſiting it on and between theſe fragments, at Hugelfing in Bavaria. Flurl Bavaria, 23, 24. Mr. De la Faille, an Academician of Rouen, ob- ferves, that the fea near Chatelaillon after a ftorm throws up a fort of mud on which, after a few days, a fpecies of fhell-fifh, cal- led griffites, appear, and foon after, the whole hardens into a ftone as folid as the hardeſt limeftone. 20 Roz. 43, in note*. But, perhaps, no where does this effect take place fo quickly as at Crainburg, near the banks of the Save; for in quarrying a ftra- tum of ſtone, it was obſerved, that the frag- ments, if not immediately removed, were in a fhort time fo firmly cemented by the river water that oozed through the banks, that they required to be quarried over again. 2 Born Phyſ. Arbeit 8vo. in note; and hence the ingenious author, Mr. Gruber, clearly deduces the origin of breccias. In many cafes calces of iron minutely divided form the whole of the cement; or at leaſt powerfully contribute to the cementing power of other earths. Zimmermann *See alfo Mem. Par. 1721. 343, 8vo. I K mixed ( 130 ) mer. mixed one part filings of iron and three parts fand, ſprinkled, or rather covered them with water, and let them ſtand fix months, at the end of which period he found the veffel burſt by the expanſion of the oxy- genated iron, and the fand fo firmly com- pacted, that the mafs thus formed could not be broken but by a chifel and ham- Henckel Origine des Pierres, 405 in note; and that this induration may, and does take place at great depths in the ſea, is evidently proved by the obfervations of Rinman. Mem. Stock. 1770, related by Gadd, that an iron anchor long depofited in the fea, had hardened into ſtone all the fand, clay, and fhells, which furrounded it, to a pretty confiderable diſtance; and is farther confirmed by a fimilar obfervation of Mr. Edward King, Phil. Tranf. 1779, p. 35, that a violent ſtorm having laid bare part of the wreck of a man of war that had been ſtranded 33 years before, ſeveral maffes, confifting of iron, ropes, and balls, were found covered over with a hard fub- ſtance which upon examination appeared to be fand concreted and hardened into a kind of ftone: that which concreted round the ( 131 ) the rope, retained the impreffion of that part of the ring to which the rope was faftened in the fame manner as the im- preffions of extraneous foffils are often found in various ftrata. Alfo round the iron handle of a braſs cannon that remain- ed in the ſea a much longer time, a much harder incruftation of fand was found, in- clofing cockles, mufcles, limpets, oyſters, &c. all fo firmly fixed, and converted into a ſubſtance ſo hard, that it required as much force to ſeparate or break them, as to break a fragment of any hard rock. Ib. 40, 41. It appears alfo, that a very fmall pro- portion of calx of iron is fufficient to pro- duce induration, when diffuſed through the maſs of earthy matter, not only by the ob- fervation of Rinman above related, but alſo by that of Mr. King on the induration cauſed by the point of a nail, in the paper above quoted. Stones already formed, may be ſtill fur- ther indurated by the infiltration of flight- ly oxygenated iron; thus Dr. Fothergill ha- ving watered pieces of Portland ſtone with water impregnated with iron ruft, found it in a few years to have acquired a ſenſi- K 2 ble ( 132 ) * ble degree of fuch hardneſs as to yield a metallic found, and refift any ordinary tool. Phil. Tranf. 1779, 44. That a proceſs of the fame nature has been, and ſtill is, carried on in the inte- rior parts of the earth, wherein hardneſs is induced or increaſed by the infiltration of particles of the fame, or of a different, nature, appears by many obfervations, of which I fhall only mention a few, as being perfectly decifive. 1º. Mr. Werner obferved in the moun- tain of Zeigelberg, ftrata of blue clay and compact red iron ſtone, to alternate ſeveral times with each other, and that each had peculiar petrifactions not found in the other; for inſtance, only turbinites were found in the one, and in the other only chamites, or mufcullites, &c. which fhews thefe de- pofitions were not fimultaneous, but ori- ginated at different periods of time. Now the petrifactions found in the 'ftratum of the blue clay, when placed under the iron ftone, were conſtantly filled with the fer- ruginous matter of that ftone, and, on the contrary, the petrifactions found in the iron ſtone, when under the ftratum of clay, were ( 133 ) were filled, at leaſt in the parts contiguous to the clay, with argillaceous matter, but the hardness of the iron ftone prevented it from receiving much of the argillaceous matter. Wedem. Umwandl. p. 118. 2º. The petrifactions found in chalk are frequently filled with filiceous matter, and fo hardened as to give fire with fteel. Now chalk itſelf is found conftantly to contain more or leſs of minute filiceous particles; it is, therefore, to the infiltration of theſe that this increaſed hardneſs is to be attri- buted. 3º. It is remarked, that coloured mar- bles (of the compact kind) are generally harder than the white, as by infiltration or otherwiſe they received, either during or after their formation, particles of another fpecies, by which their interftices were filled. Nadault. 1 Buffon Mineral. 342. 4°. The calcareous Farcilite called Amen- la, is formed of rounded calcareous maffes of extreme hardnefs, cemented by a calca- reous cement. Now near the furface where the calcareous cementing matter could not be fo abundant, thefe ftones are but looſely connected or united, but at greater depths, K 3 for ( 134 ) for the contrary reaſon (there being more calcareous matter incumbent) the cement becomes fo hard that the maffes it forms cannot be ſeparated but by exploſion with gunpowder; per Sauvages Mem. Par. 1746, 1086, in 8vo. That the cementing matter was of pof- terior formation, is evidently inferred from the veins of calcareous fpar that run through the rouned maffes, but which never pafs into the cement, as the fagacious author well remarks, p. 1091. 5°. Gufman attefts, that he has feen petrofiliceous breccias, whofe calcareous cement originated from their own decom- pofition. Lithophy. Mitfian. 114. 6°. The refuſe ſtones thrown out of mines are frequently hardened again by the mat- ter ariſing from their difintegration and de- compofition, as Lafius obferved at Ramelf- berg. Hartz. 283 and 3. De Luc Let- tres à la Reine, 298. Sometimes a com- menced cryſtallization is found in theſe adventitious accumulations. Flurl Bavaria, 565. It fometimes happens that a cement which was originally a mere confuſed ag- gregation, 6 1 ( 135 ) } gregation, becomes, after ſome ages, fo mi- nutely comminuted by folution, as to cryf- tallize into a tranfparent matter; this, Mr. Nadault obferved in the fragments of a very ancient rampart, in feveral fathoms of which the ftones were connected, not by mortar, but by a tranſparent fubftance (a fpar) into which the calcareous particles of the mortar were converted by the infiltra- tion of rain water *; the fame effect ſeems alfo naturally to take place in many lime- ftones of a looſe fpungy texture, the water that pervades part of their maſs gradually conveying into another part of the fame mafs fuch particles as it can diffolve: theſe being thus brought into a clofer union with each other, cryftallize, and induce an ad- ditional hardneſs in that part of the mafs in which they ſettle. The hardnefs thus produced is the refult, not of one, but of feveral fucceffive infiltrations, and hence various degrees of hardneſs are obferved to take place between the looſe and ſpungy extremity of the ftone, and the extremity which has received its maximum of folidity. Per Nadault, 1 Buffon Mineral. 391. I K 4 Calcareous # ( 136 ) Calcareous maffes of this fort have been obſerved by the Abbé Sauvages* and others. In Mr. Greville's cabinet there are many hornſtones, in which the gradual tranſition from an indurated clay into filiceous hard- neſs and fracture, may be evidently dif cerned. It has been afked, what becomes of the water that conveys theſe cryſtallizing particles? The anſwer is eaſy; all ftones, and even the denfeft metals, contain va- cuities; theſe act as capillary tubes, and foon reconvey the water to the upper fur- face, from which it gradually evaporates. Of the hardneſs induced by obfcure and confuſed cryſtallizations pervading ftony maffes, we have an indubitable proof in many impure gypfums, which undoubt- edly coalefced by cryftallization, though the cryſtalline grains are fcarcely difcern- ible. The cements are of many different forts, but more generally of the fame fpecies as the ftone cemented. Sometimes they run in veins; fometimes they are difperfed through the whole mafs invifibly to the * Mem. Par. 1746, 1105, in 8vo. naked ( 137 ) naked eye, or viſible only in a ſtrong light, or by a lens; fometimes very visible in mi- nute fhining fpecks: thus, in the calcareous clafs they are more frequently parry, but often alſo filiceous or ferruginous; fome- times argillaceous or pyritous, more rarely gypfeous or fluoric-in the argillaceous they are commonly ferruginous, but fometimes calcareous or filiceous, &c. and, as lately has been diſcovered, fometimes carbon- aceous. The laſt known mode of inducing ftony hardness, is SUBSTITUTION; that is, the in- troduction of ftony, and, fometimes, of metallic fubſtances, into organic bodies whether of the vegetable, or of the animal kingdoms, in proportion as the particles of thefe organic fubftances are deſtroyed by putrefaction, ſo as to affume the place, and, confequently, the form and figure of thefe, as if caft in the fame mould. The mineral fubftances, thus moulded, are called petrifactions in the moſt proper fenſe of the word; but, by many, particu- larly by the Germans, this word is ufed in a loofer fenfe, to denote any organic fub- ftance found buried at great depths in the earth, ( 138 ) earth, or embodied in ftone, whether con- verted into ſtony matter or not. The hardneſs thus induced, arifes from the proximity of the ftony particles to each other, and the fuperior attraction of theſe particles, in compariſon of thofe of the or- ganifed fubftances whofe place they oc- cupy. The mechaniſm of petrifaction, I con- ceive to be ſhortly this, organic fubftances petrified, are either found in water, re- plete with the ftony matter found in petri- factions, or, they are inclofed in earths, fands, or ſtones; in both cafes the firſt ſtep in the procefs of petrifaction, is the eſcape of the hydrogen and part of the car- bon of which the organiſed ſubſtance con- fifts. If this fubſtance be ſurrounded by water ſtrongly impregnated, the ftony par- ticles are immediately attracted and fubfti- tuted in the place occupied by the particles that eſcaped; but if the patrifaction takes place more quickly than water can ſupply the ftony particles, then no petrifaction takes place, and hence the fofter organiſed fubftances are ſcarce ever found petrified. The process is thus continued by gradual putrefaction V ( 139 ) 1 * putrefaction on the one part, and gradual infinuation of ſtony particles on the other, until the petrifaction is completed. Shells, bones, and woods, are the fub- ſtances that decay moft flowly, and there- fore are moſt frequently found petrified; but the fibrous parts of thefe decay more flowly than the fofter or medullary, and thence the difpofition of the ftony particles introduced, muft, neceffarily, be as differ- ent as the diſpoſition and form of the fi- brous particles were, whofe form and place they affume. We muſt alſo conceive that the petrifaction is at first imperfect, and not abfolutely completed until long after it has penetrated into the interior of the organic fubftances. The minute interſtices at first left, are afterwards gradually filled up, though in fome inftances contrary ap- pearances occur. In fome cafes, alfo, the interior or more central parts of the of the organiſed ſubſtance firſt decay, while the exterior remains found; in fuch cafes the petrifying operation takes place only in the interior: this has often been obferved in woods where the wood is of a fpecies that ſtrongly refifts putrefaction, or ( 140 ) or the water in which it is lodged is but flightly impregnated with petrefcent par- ticles, the petrifaction very flowly takes place; of this we have a memorable in- ſtance in one of the timbers that fupports Trajan's bridge over the Danube, fome miles below Belgrade. About the year 1760, the emperor of Germany being defirous to know the length of time neceffary to com- plete a petrifaction, obtained leave from the fultan to take up and examine one of thefe timbers. It was found to have been converted into an agate, to the depth only of half an inch; the inner parts were flightly petrified, and the central ftill wood. Un- doubtedly the timber employed was of the kind leaſt ſubject to rot, and the Danube is not known to contain any notable quantity of filiceous particles; but the fact is im- portant, as it proves to a demonftration, that filiceous particles are foluble in water, are taken up by wood, that petrifactions arc carried on in appropriate circumſtances in modern times, and the fucceffive procefs of petrefcence as above ftated. Jufti Gefch. des Erdkorpers, 267. 1 Gerh. Geſch. 222. But in the moſt favourable circumſtances, that ( 141 ) (141 that is, where the wood is of a fpecies more fufceptible of putrefaction, and the water in which it is immerfed, richly impreg- nated with ftony particles, petrifaction takes place much more quickly. Don Ul- loa tells us, that north of Quito, at the foot of mount Anlagua, there is a river that petrifies any fort of wood or leaves that are thrown into it, and that he had whole branches thus petrified; the fibres of the rind, even the ſmalleſt fibres of the leaves, and the meanders of the fibrilla being equally difcernible as when fresh cut from the tree. All the rocks in this river, he obferves, are covered with a cruft little inferior in hardneſs to the rocks themfelves. This matter, he adds, faftens much more eaſily on corruptible fubftances, and frequently forms a lapidcous tegument round the leaves, &c. * Mr. Stedel found the pieces of elm left in a fountain, near Ulm, be- come petrified in ſeven years †. The petrifaction induced in woods fur- rounded by fands, or inclofed in ftones, * Ulloa's Voyages, p. 377, Irish edition. + 6 Roz. 8vo. 3d part, p. 18. originates ( 142 ) 1 originates exactly from the fame cauſes, and is produced in the fame manner. Mr. Glediſch obferved one of the roots of a pine. tree ſtill in a ſtate of vegetation, converted into the calcareous petrifaction called Ofteo- colla: it was furrounded by fand, and part of the wood in a rotten ftate remained in the center of the root. Mem. Berl. 1748, p. 49, 50. This fame petrifaction, which exactly reſembled the root of a tree, Margraff ana- lyfed, and found it to yield volalkali from fome remains of the putrid wood that were ftill contained in it. 1 Margr. 246. 261 and that putrefaction ever precedes petr faction, may be deduced from the exiſtence of fixed vegetable alkali in the marls that furround petrifactions, and the volalkali alſo often obtained by diftilling them; fee Gefner's Differtation in 6 Roz. in 8vo. 2d part, p. 20, &c. Several lakes or other waters that an- ciently poffeffed a petrifying power, have fince loft it by having imparted the greater part of the ftony particles they contained to ſuch ſubſtances as were capable of re- taining them. ESSAY (( 143 143 ) F ESSAY V. ON THE DECOMPOSITION AND DISINTE- GRATION OF STONY SUBSTANCES. Decompofition confifts in the feparation of the conftituent parts of a ftone or other fub- ſtance, and may be either total or partial. Difintegration denotes the ſeparation only of the integrant parts; both often take place in the fame ſubſtance. The only cauſes of mere difintegration as yet known, are the viciffitudes of the at- moſphere; the abforption and congelation of water; the fudden dilatation or contrac- tion produced by the former, particularly when extreme, cannot but loofen the texture of moft ftony fubftances, and when aided by the abforption of water, ſtrongly tend to feparate them. The water thus received in their minuteſt rifts, being afterwards fro- zen, burſts them with incredible force, of which frequent inftances occur in the northern countries, and in the more ele- vated (144) vated mountains of the fouthern, where the moſt ſudden tranſitions of heat and cold, and the highest degrees of the latter fre- quently prevail; and hence the broken crag- gy ftate of their loftieft fummits. The known external caufes of decom- poſition, are water, oxygen, and fixed air. The internal caufes are, the baſes moſt capable of forming an union with the ex- ternal, as faline fubftances, fulphur, flightly oxygenated calces of iron, or of manganefe, lime, argil, bitumen, carbon, and mephi- tic air, which is certainly contained in many ftony ſubſtances, as Dr. Priestley has fhewn in the firft volume of his laft edition, p. 64; but as to its nature and effects it is at preſent too little known: all theſe are af fifted by a looſe texture, of the ſubſtance acted upon. Saline fubftances, particularly when (rela- tively to their mafs) they prefent a large furface, are diffolved by water, and, con- ſequently, the ftones, of which they ſome- times form a component part, are decom- pofed; thus muriacite, which confifts of 27 per cent gypfum, 14 common falt, 5 mild calx, and 53 of micaceous fand, muſt be ( 145 ) be decompofed when long fubjected to the action of water. Sulphur promotes decompofition by ab- forbing oxygen, while it is thus converted into vitriolic acid; but moiſture is alfo re- quifite. To this cauſe the decompofition of fuch ſtones as contain pyrites is to be attributed; it feldom acts, however, unleſs united to fome metallic fubftance; and hence its combinations with argil, unleſs affifted by heat, are not ſenſibly decom- pofed, or only in a great length of time. Calces of iron, moderately oxygenated, are the moſt general caufe of decompofition, particularly when affifted by a looſe tex- ture, and the other caufes of difintegration; thefe act by abforbing a greater proportion of oxygen and fixed air, but require alfo the affiftance of moiſture. By this abforp- tion they gradually fwell, and are difunited from the other constituent parts of the ſtone into whofe compofition they enter.-When leaſt oxygenated their colour is black, or brown, or bluiſh; and in fome inſtances, when united with argil and magneſia, grey, or greenish grey; the former in pro- portion as they become more oxygenated become L ( 146 ) become purple, red, orange, and, finally, pale yellow; the latter become at firft blue, then purple, red, &c. Iron, in its perfect metallic ftate, or at leaft but flightly oxygenated, alío decom- poſes water; but if expofed to the air it becomes farther oxygenated, and the com- pound in which it enters gradually withers, as Dr. Higgins obferved, in imitating pouz- zolana, on Cements, 124. But ſtones into whofe compofition calces of iron highly oxygenated feem to have originally entered, are very difficultly decompofed, as red jafpers, &c. as they already poffefs nearly as much as they can abforb. Manganefe, when flightly oxygenated, is known to attract oxygen ftrongly, particular- ly with the affiftance of heat and moiſture ; hence it is, in many cafes, a principle of decompofition, as in fidero calcites, &c. it alfo frequently affifts or promotes that ef- fected by calces of iron. Lime, from its attraction to fixed air, and its folubility in water, muft promote, in favourable circumftances, the decompofi- tion of ftones, of which it forms a con- ftituent ( 147 ) ſtituent part; to it the decompoſition of felfpars, and many zeolites, may, in part, be attributed *. Argil, when its induration does not ex- ceed 7, muft, by the common annual vi- ciffitudes of heat and cold, gradually become rifty, abforb, foften, and fwell, and thus promote difintegration, and decompoſition. Bitumen is faid to form the cement of fome limeftones, and, probably, of various other fpecies. Bowles found it fo in va- rious parts of Spain, and Flurl in Bavaria; and to its fufion and withering (probably by attracting oxygen) he attributes the difin- tegration of feveral compact limeftones in Bavaria. p. 78. Carbon has lately been found in feveral fpecies of ſtone; as it powerfully attracts oxygen, to it we may, perhaps, attribute the difintegration of many of them, as marls, marlites, fome, argillites, fhales, &c. Mephitic air (the azote of the French) by its property of forming nitrous acid, when, during its nafcent ftate, it is gradually * That the calx is in a cauftic ftate, fee Pelletier's analyfis. 20 Roz. 422. 7 and 17. 7 I, 2 brought ( 148 ) brought into contact with the oxygen or the atmoſphere, in a moderately dry ſtate, may alſo promote decompofition; calcareous ſtones are known to contain it in pretty confiderable proportion, and thoſe that con- tain animal remains, probably, moft; from this confideration we may derive fome ex- planation of a very remarkable phenomenon related by Mr. Dolomieu. 36 Roz. 116. "All the houſes of Malta are built of a fine grained limeſtone, of a looſe and ſoft "texture, but which hardens by expofure "to the air. There is a circumſtance "which haftens its deftruction, and reduces "it to powder, namely, when it is wetted 66 by fea water; after this it never dries, but "is covered by a faline effervefcence, and a "cruft is formed fome tenths of an inch * 6 thick, mixed with common falt, nitre, "and nitrated lime; under this cruft the ftone moulders into duft, the cruft falls SK off, and other crufts are fucceffively form- ed, until the whole ftone is deſtroyed. "A fingle drop of fea water is fufficient to produce the germ of deftruction; it forms "a fpot which gradually increafes and fpreads like a caries through the whole "mafs ( 149 ) "maſs of the ſtone; nor does it ſtop there, "but, after fome time, affects all the 66 66 neighbouring ftones in the wall. The "ſtones moſt fubject to this malady are "thoſe that contain moft magneſia; thoſe "which are fine grained, and of a clofe texture, refift moft." Short as this ac- count is, it appears from it, that the lime- ftone of Malta contains both calcareous earth and magnefia, but moſt probably in a mild ftate; and the ftone being of the loofer kind, is of the fpecies which is known to contain moft mephitic air. Mr. Dolo- mieu fhews at the end of his tract on the Lipari iſlands, that the atmoſphere of Mal- ta, in fome feafons, when a fouth wind blows, is remarkably fouled with mephitic air, and at other times, when a north wind blows, remarkably pure; and hence, of all others, moft fit for the generation of nitrous acid.-Again, fea water, befides common falt, contains a notable proportion of mu- riated magneſia, and a ſmall proportion of felenite. From thefe data we may infer, that, when this ftone is wetted by fea water, the felenite is decompofed by the mild magneſia contained in the ſtone, and intimately L 3 ( 150 ) intimately mixed with the calcareous earth; of this decompofition, two refults deſerve I attention, 1. The production of vitriolic Epfom; 2. The extrication of mephitic air, the muriated magnefia of the fea wa- ter ferving, during this extrication, the purpoſe of attracting and detaining a ſuf- ficiency of moisture. This air, thus flowly generated, and meeting the dry oxygen of the atmoſphere, forms nitrous acid, highly mephitifed, but it foon acquires a due pro- portion of oxygen by deoxygenating the vitriolic contained in the Epſom ſalt, which by fucceffive depredations of this fort is gradually deſtroyed. Part alfo muft unite to the mild calx, which in its turn is de- compoſed by the remaining mild magneſia ; more mephitic air is fet loofe, and more nitrous acid is produced, until the ſtone is deſtroyed; how the alkaline part of the nitre, which is one of the products refult- ing from the decompofition of this ſtone, is formed, is as yet myfterious; Is it not from the tartarin lately difcovered in clays and many ftones? ftones? I am as yet inclined to think that it is derived from the putrefac- tion of vegetable and animal ſubſtances; and ( 151 ) and though nitrous acid formed of oxygen and air, from putrefying fubftances, be found united, not only to the abſorbent earths to which it is expofed, but alſo to a fixed alkali; yet I fhould rather ſuppoſe that the alkali is conveyed into thoſe earths by the putrid air, than newly formed; and the reafon is, that tartarin, notwithſtand- ing its fixity, is alfo found in foot, and in the fame manner may be elevated in putrid exhalations. As to the common falt, faid alfo by Dolomieu to be found in the blif- ters of this mouldering ſtone, I am as yet in doubt, for common falt was alſo ſaid to accompany the native nitre found in the pulo of Appulia, yet Klaproth in analyſing this nitrated earth could find none; fee Zimmerman's account of this native nitre. 36 Roz. 111. 113, and 1 Klap. 319. So alfo when the calx of iron contained in ftones is but flightly oxygenated, it may, by reaſon of the cloſe texture of the ſtone, remain undecompofed for ages; but if by any accident, as fracture, or contact with fome faline matter, or the alternate recep- tion and diſmiſſal of water, the reception of more oxygen is facilitated, a decompo- fition L4 ( 152 ) fition will commence, which, as in the former cafe, will fpread like a caries, be- caufe the lefs oxygenated part of the iron takes oxygen more eaſily from the more oxygenated part, than from the atmoſphere, by reaſon, that the abforbed abſorbed oxygen is more condenfed than it is in the atmo- ſphere. Thus, iron inferted into a highly oxygenated folution of vitriol of iron, and which, therefore, refuſes to cryftallize, will take up the exceſs of oxygen, and thus re- ftore the folution to a cryftallizable ſtate; or as calx of tin takes up oxygen from calces of filver, antimony, &c. in the beautiful experiments of Pelletier. 12 An. Chym. 229, &c. Hence, alfo, ferruginous ftones near, or upon, the furface of the earth, being more expofed to air and moiſture, and the dif- ruptive action of growing vegetables whoſe roots pierce through their minuteſt rifts, and, by fwelling, burft them, are more expoſed and ſubject to decompofition. Wa- ter carries down the ferruginous particles into the lower ftrata, and forms there thofe illinitions and maffes of pifiform argillaceous iron ore, which Buffon and others have, without ( 153 ). without fufficient reafon, derived from de- cayed vegetables *. Bafalt, when pure, ftrongly refifts de- compofition, or its furface alone bears any marks of it; the argillaceous, filiceous, and calcareous ingredients, and part of the fer- ruginous, foon recombining and forming a hard cruft, which invefts and protects the remainder of the ftone;-but wacken is very easily decompofed, and hence the baſalts or traps into whofe compoſition it enters, yield cafily to the decompofing principle. Some granites, I may ſay moſt,' are in appropriate circumſtances not diffi-` cultly decompofed; the mica and felfpar are chiefly affected; the fame may be alfo faid of moſt ſandftones, particularly thoſe whoſe cement is argilaceous or ferruginous, and many porphyries, and gneiſs. * See alfo Flurl Bavaria, 191, 192. OF ( 154 ) OF MOUNTAINS. AMONG the various inanimate objects which Nature has fo profufely ſcattered around us, there are none which at firſt fight convey ſo awful an impreffion of the power of its great Author, as thoſe ſtu- pendous maffes we call MOUNTAINS; none in which reflection difcovers more con- vincing proofs of wifdom and beneficence, than in their diverſified heights and arrange- ment, exactly fuited to the varieties of their geographic pofition and the general economy of the globe. Without them the earth would be little more than a fandy defert, and the atmoſphere a peftilential receptacle of noi- fome exhalations; by conducting the elec- trical fluid, and the principle of heat, they contribute to the production of rain, which fertilizes the former, and purifies the latter. Their elevation enables us to extract me- tallic, combuftible, faline, and other fub- ſtances, whofe ufe is indifpenfable, yet which in flat fituations, from the impoffibility of drawing off the water, we could not ob- tain. Among the ftony fubftances they prefent 7 1 ( 155 ) prefent us, many are applied to building, ánd to various arts; many are the harbin- gers of metallic or other valuable fubftances, and many others, both ftony and metallic, exift, whofe uſes, through the unpardonable neglect of former ages, are as yet unknown; mankind unacountably forgetting that the principal occupation originally affigned to them was to cultivate, that is, to labour on, and extract every poffible advantage from the earth, and the fubftances it contains. Nor is the wiſdom of the geographic pofition of mountains, and of the degrees of their diverfified elevation, fuited thereto, leſs obvious and ſtriking; thus, in the north- eaft parts of our continent, the vaſt Afiatic platform, from which fo many mountain- ous chains branch forth, afforded, in the infancy of the globe, an habitation for man and animals; while inferior regions, for the purpoſe of completing their arrangement, ftill remained buried in the bofom of the deep. The height of theſe mountains that raiſe their lofty fummits in the eaſtern parts, is proportioned to the courſe which their mighty rivers muſt hold in the exten- five empires of Indoftan and China, and fitted ( 156 ) fitted to produce the refreſhing blaſts necef- fary to moderate the ardour of thofe fultry climates; whereas, in the more weſtern tracts, the fame reaſons not exiſting, the elevations are far leſs conſiderable. In the fouthern parts of Europe, the accumulated and exalted maffes of the Alps, Appenines, and Pyrenees, difpenfe the fame bleffings as in the north-eaſt part of Afia; and on the other hand, in Africa and Arabia, im- menfe fandy plains occur, whofe heated furface produces thofe alternations of at- moſpheric currents that occafion the mon- foons, and the varieties of ſeaſon requiſite for the fertility of the tropical regions. In common language, mountains are diftinguished from hills only by annexing to them the idea of a fuperior height, not affigning to either the exact height that fhould entitle it to its particular denomi- nation. Geologiſts have aimed at greater prccifion; Pini and Mitterpachter call any earthy elevation a mountain whoſe declivity makes with the horizon an angle of at leaſt 13°. and whoſe perpendicular height is not lefs than of the declivity. Mitterp. 182. Werner calls a mountain high, when its perpendicular 1 ( 157 ) perpendicular height exceeds 6000 feet; mid- dlefized, when its height reaches from 3000 to 6000 feet; and low, when its height is beneath 3000 feet. Berg. Kal. 176. Be- twixt the tropics, the boundaries of vege- tation are fixed at the height of about 12000 feet; in the temperate climates at from 5 to 8000; and within the polar circle ftill lower. > Before I proceed farther, I muſt notice an ill-founded opinion, advanced by a late highly refpectable philofopher, the reverend Doctor Michel; Tranf. for 1760, vol. 51, p. 584. namely, that they were forced up from the earth, and, confequently, not formed by precipitation from a fluid, as I have ſtated in my firft Effay; this notion was fuggefted to him " by remarking," he fays, "that, in all high and mountainous "countries, the ftrata lie in a fituation more “inclined to the horizon than the country itfelf; the mountainous countries being generally, if not always, formed out of "the lower ftrata of the earth-from this "formation of the earth, it will follow, "that we ought to meet with the fame "kinds of earths, ftones, and minerals, ap- 3 (C pearing (158) * 66 pearing at the furface, in long narrow flips, and lying parallel to the greateſt "rife of any long ridges of mountains; and fo " in fact we find them." The only proofs he gives of this difpofition are, that the "Andes have a chain of volcanoes extend- 6.6 66 ing 5000 miles, which are all, probably, "derived from the fame ftratum; and that "another chain, parallel to thefe, runs at "leaſt 100 leagues; and that the gold and "filver mines worked by the Spaniards, are found in a direction parallel to theſe. It muſt be evident, that here is not even the fhadow of a proof, not a fingle ftratum common to the plains and mountains is mentioned, much lefs a fucceffion of ftrata, which alone could afford a proof. The Andes and American mountains were moft inju- diciouſly chofen, as, in refpect to their compofition, they are perhaps of all others the leaſt known, having never been de- fcribed by any mineralogift; nor has the ſtratum, on which inflammation depends, in any volcano been ever known by obſer- vation. But of the very reverſe of his opinion, numberless inftances might be adduced. Though the ftrata of mountains are ( 159 ) I } are often inclined to the horizon; yet many are perfectly horizontal, as will be feen in a fubfequent Effay. I fhall at preſent quote only one inftance, namely, that of the mountain of Kinneculla in Weft Goth- land; it confifts of five different ftrata, all horizontal, the laft repofes on granite; and of this, and this only, the neighbouring plains confift: the four others are found only in the mountain. Now by Dr. Michel's account, all of them fhould be found in the plains, and the ftratum that is higheſt in the plain, ſhould alſo be higheſt in the mountain; whereas the only one common to the plain and mountain, is that which is loweſt in the mountain. 29 Swed. Abhandl. 24. 5 Bergm. 115, 128. 3 Bergm. 214. It rarely happens, that the ftrata of mountains conform to their convexity, and bend into the valleys. Mem. Par. 1747, 1082 in 8vo. Mountains are faid to have their courſe in that direction of their length in which they defcend, and grow lower, or in the direction of the ftream of a river, when any runs parallel to them. The courfe of mountains is feldom uniform. Bourguet and Buffon pretend that in two parallel chains, 1 ( 160 ) chains, the faliant angle of the one con- ſtantly correſponds with the internal angle of the other, but fubfequent Geologifts utterly deny this correfpondence, except where a river runs between them. Sauffure and De Luc deny it to take place in the Alps. 1 Sauff. 402, 411. 2 Sauff. § 920. Fortis in Dalmatia, 459. Pallas in Siberia, Act. Petrop. p. 40, and 1 Nev. Nord. Betyr. 294. Gentil in Eaſt Indies, Mem. Par. 1781, p. 433; hence the fan- taſtic though beautifully decorated theory of Buffon, refting principally on this foundation, falls to the ground. As not only groups of mountains, but even fingle mountains are formed of va- rious materials, their claffification cannot be deduced from the nature of fubftances thus variable and diverſified. It muſt then be founded on fome general relation of the maffes of which they confift, with other ſubſtances foreign to the mineral fyftem; and of theſe relations, the moít general, and to which all other properties of moun- tains are cafily referable, is that of their priority, or their pofteriority, to the exift- ence of organized fubftances. Hence their primary (161 primary divifion is into primeval and ſe- condary or Epizootic. And the epizootic mountains are ſtill farther diſtinguiſhable into original and derivative. The claſs of fecondary, and, perhaps, alfo that of primary, 'may be fubdivided into inert and ignivomous, into volcanic, and pfeudo vol- canic. The volcanic have indeed hitherto been generally referred to the fecondary mountains, but as feveral of the Andes are faid to be volcanic whofe height.ex- ceeds that of any known fecondary moun- tain, for instance, Catopaxi, and as the ma- terials of volcanic mountains have been found in fome primary mountains, it is highly probable, that primary mountains alfo may fometimes be the feat of volcanos, hence I fhall treat of theſe apart. The most extenfive montanic ranges com- monly confift of three chains, of which the internal are generally primary and the external ſecondary; the internal is generally narrow and often fharp, the external broad- er and more extenfive. See Pallas Act. Petropol. Vol. 1. 30. Gentil. Mem. Par. 1781, 433. 1 Sauff. 189. 30 Roz. 275. 39 Roz. 401. Defcrip. Pyren. 144. . M Some ( 162 ) Some mountains diverge from a high extenſive platform, as the numerous chains that ſhoot from the Altaiſhan Platform. Pallas ibid. Others fhoot like branches, from fome confiderable trunk, others appear retiform, croffing each other in various directions, and fome few ſtand fingle. Many mountains are fteep on one fide and gently inclined to the plains on the other: the ſteepneſs often ariſes from the rupture of the ſtrata, often from their de- compofition, being more expoſed to rain and impetuous predominant winds on one fide than on the other. The gentle inclina- tion often proceeds from the unequal exten- fion of the ſtrata, the lower being the moft extenfive, and the higher gradually nar- rower; often alfo from the failure and de- preffion of the lower ftrata. The caufes of which are to be fought for in the na- tural hiftory of the different countries in which they occur. The appropriation of different parts of the globe to fome particular fpecies of ſtone environing it, is contradicted too evi- dently by notorious facts to be now ad- mitted. See 5 Sauff. 461. CHAP. ( 163 ) CHAP. I. OF PRIMITIVE MOUNTAINS. THE principal character of primeval mountains, is the abfence of all organic re- mains from the interior part of their maſs and the compofition of the ftones and rocks of which they confift. I fay from the compofition*, becaufe between theſe rocks and in their veins and cavities fuch remains are fometimes, but very rarely, found ac- cidentally depofited through rifts pofterior- ly choaked up, and often on their fummits, being left there by the deluge. Pallas Loc. Cit. 44. Prince Le Gallitz. Minera- logy, p. 27. 2° They commonly form the higheſt ridges in any chain, and the moſt extenſive: this Pallas atteſts with reſpect to the Ura- lian and Altaifhan chains, Born of the Tranfylvanian and Hungarian, Tilas and Bergman of the Swedish, Haller and Sauf- Haidinger 7. Mem. Par. 1747, 1072. M 2 fure 3 ( 164 ) 1 fure of the Swifs, Charpentier of the Saxon, Ferber of the Bohemian, La Peyroufe of the Pyrenees; but frequently alfo when in- termixed with fecondary mountains their height does not exceed 2 or 300 feet. 3º They never cover fecondary moun- tains, but are often covered by them. Mem. Par. 1747, 1082. Nor do they lean on the fecondary, but the fecondary often lean upon them and cover their flanks and inveſt them; but they often cover each other. 4° They are fometimes ſtratified, but more frequently in huge blocks: their ſtrata never alternate with fecondary ſtrata. Some are unigenous, confifting for the greater part, at leaſt, of one ſpecies of ſtone or aggregate; fome polygenous, confifting of various fpe- cies, alternating with, or paffing into, or mixed with each other. The materials of which they conſiſt, or which they contain in different inſtances, are granites and ftones of the granitic claffes, as granitines, granitells, granilites, fienite, grunftein, or gneifs, fhiftofe mica, filiceous fhiftus, bafanite, hornflate, fhiftofe or horn porphyry, } ( 165 ) porphyry, jaſper, petrofilex, quartz, pitch- ſtone, hornblende, hornblende flate, argil- lite, trap, wacken, mandelſtein, porphyry, ferpentine, pott ſtone, ſand ſtone, breccias, pudding ſtone, rubble ſtone, granular lime- ftone, fluors, gypfum, topaz rock; for fand ſtone and rubble ſtone may be pri- meval, being formed after the cryftalliza- tion of the greater maffes. Some of theſe are common both to pri- meval and ſecondary mountains, as trap, argillite, porphyry, fandſtone, breccias; pa- rafitic ftones are omitted, Among primeval mountains a diftinc- tion may be eſtabliſhed betwixt thoſe whoſe exiſtence preceded that of fixed air, and thofe of pofterior formation; though in fome parts of the globe mountains of the moſt ancient denomination, as thofe of granite and gneifs, feem contemporaneous with the exiftence of fixed air, becaufe mountains of the fame denomination could not all have been exactly coeval; thoſe, however, whofe exiftence was ſubſequent to that of fixed air, are very rare. Among primeval ſtones we may alſo diſtinguiſh the M 3 original, ( 166 ) original, as granite, gneifs, &c. and the derivative, as rubble ftone, breccias, &c. § I. Of Granite, and Granitic Compounds. By granitic compounds, I mean granit- ines, granitells, and granilites. As they are frequently found in the ſame mountain; among granitincs and granilites, I com- prehend fienite, according to the proportion of its ingredients; and among granitells I reckon grunftein. Granite is moſt commonly found in huge blocks, feparated from each other by rifts irregularly difpofed; but it has alſo been found forming ftrata, either vertical or nearly fo, or horizontal, in Siberia. Renov. 37. Ferb. Act. Petropol. 1782, 2 Part, p. 201. 4 N. Act. 285. 1 Berg. Jour. 1791, 85, Charp. 389, and in the Pyrenees, La Peyroufe traité des Mines de Fer, p. 329, and Defcript. des Pyrenees, 172; and by Sauff. 6 Sauff. 317. 322: fometimes it is found in rounded blocks with earth be- tween them, La Peyroufe Loc. Cit. 332. The 1 3 1 ( 167 ) * The largeſt maſs of granite is that called the Pearl diamond, thirty miles from the Cape of Good Hope; its circumference is half a mile, and its height about 400 feet. Phil. Tranf. 1778, 102. In Dauoria it is frequently fhot through or impregnated with calcareous particles, or contains primitive limeftone as a con- ſtituent part, or calcareous fpar; per Pa- trin, 38 Roz. 231. 235. 7 Sauff. 83. It is alfo frequently fhot through with calces of iron; fometimes it contains red or brown hæmatites, or compact brown iron ſtone, or tin ſtone, as in Lefke, G. 62, &c. Some- times galena, or native filver, or black co- balt ore. 2 Widenm. 1004; gold, copper, biſmuth, martial and arfenical pyrites, and molybdena more rarely. 7 Sauff. 274. 2 Lenz. 335. Flints have alfo been found in nefts in it in Bohemia. Werner's Cron- ftedt. 138. And various parafitic ſtones fee 2 Lenz. 334. and Garnets, 3 N. Nord. Beytr. 175. Layers of limeftone are never found in it, but lumps of gneifs fometimes Werner Kurze Claffif. 9. Argillite has alſo been found ftuck in granite. Born Hungary, 207. A lump of cryftallized cal- are. M 4 careous ( 168 ) careous fpar has been found in the midst of a block of granite, not occupying a par- ticular ſpace, but entering into the com- pofition of a particular part of the granite. 39 Roz. 9. And at Gedre and Gavernie, it has been obferved incloſed between ſtrata of primitive limeſtone. 13 An. Chy. 166. Granite, with fienites and grunftein, is found on the fummit of Mont Blanc, 7 Sauff. 280. 288. Nay the whole moun- tain confifts of it. Ibid. 385. The higheſt mountains are of the granitic kind, and froin their partial decompofition afford lofty fpires and various grotefque figures; they are commonly covered with mofs. Pallas 1 Act. Petropol. 24, 25. 1 Saufſ. § 131. It is one of the rocks moft univer- fally diffuſed through the globe. Voight Prack. 29. Lafius thinks it the bafis of all the mountains in the Hartz. Lafius, 65. Maffes of granite are often found at a dif- tance from the mountains to which they belong; theſe, incredible as it may feem, have, in ſome caſes, been carried off by an immenſe torrent. Thus in Thus in 1775, a fudden foutherly wind having partly dif- folved, and partly loofened, an enormous mafs ( 169 ) mafs of ice, it was carried down to a nar- row paffage, which ſtopped for fome time the waters that ufually flowed down through that paffage; but thefe at laſt col- lecting, forced it down that paffage, and daſhed it with fuch infuperable violence againſt the obftructing rocks, as to bear down in its defcent, to confiderable dif- tances, granitic maffes of feveral hundred cubic feet. 1 Helvet. 9, 10. In fome cafes, where higher mountains of another claſs intervene, theſe blocks might have rolled down, or have been carried down, from granitic mountains, originally much higher, but fince degraded, and before the vallies that now feparate them from the intervening mountains were formed. Such as are found on the fummits of mountains, might have been the remains of the de- compofition of ſtill larger and higher maffes; or may have been fhattered by lightning. Some may have been bolted off by the fhock of an earthquake; fome may have been fragments of a granitic mountain fwallowed up, after various convulfions, by the earth (as near Geneva; fee 33 Roz. 8.); and fome may be regenerated granite, re- fulting ( 170 ) fulting from the reunion of the fand of a decompofed granite. Granite and fienite have, in fome inftances, been found fuper- impoſed on other rocks of the primeval clafs. Pallas found granite repofing on argillite; and fienite, on argillite or gneiss. 3 Helyet. Magaz. 175. 2 Pallas Reifs, 517. 520. And alfo Soulavie in the Cevennes, 3 Soulav. 162. And La Peyrouſe in the Pyrenees, Sur les Mines de Fer, 329. Or on ferpentine, or a compound of ferpentine and Iade. Ibid. Voight on hornblende flate at Ehrenberg. 2 Berg. Jour. 1790, 300. Soulavie on primeval limeftone; and not piercing through it, as ſome have imagined, for a gallery was worked through the lime- ſtone under the granite, without meeting the granite. I Soulavie France Meridionale, 374, 375. 377, 378; and the anonymous author of Deſcription des Pyrenees, 144. But maſſes of granite have often tumbled on limestone, and hence have been erroneouſly thought to have originally repoſed on it, per Ferber, Act. Petrop. 1783, 298, 299. But far oftner, and almoſt univerſally, gra- nite ferves as a bafis on which other rocks, both primitive and fecondary, reft. Thus, it (171) it underlays argillites, gneiss, and limeftone, moſt commonly, per Ferber, Act. Petrop. 1782, 2 part, 208. granular limeſtone, jaf- per, breccias, ferpentine, and porphyry. I Gerh. Geſch. 66. 3. Soulavie, 72. Ferber Bohemia, 106. And in the Alps, gneiss, Shiftofe mica, argillite, hornflate, and lime- ftone, repofe on fienite. 3 Helvet. Mag. 175. 4 Helvet. Mag. 267. 312. 315, The mountain of Taberg in Sweden, refts on grunſtein, conſiſting of felfpar and horn- blende. 2 Bergm. Jour. 1789, 2002. It is alfo frequently furrounded and inveſted with rocks of various fpecies, which lean on it at various heights, but which its fummit furpaffes. Thus in the Tyrole, the granite pierces through, and rifes above, the argillite that ſurrounds its Ferber Italy, 46. And in the Pyrenees. 13 An. Chy. 164. It fometimes alternates, and fometimes is mixed with other ftones, fee § 20. It fometimes decompofes into concentric lay- crs. Charp. 31. Granite is alfo fometimes newly formed, not as to its individual component particles, but in reſpect to the reunion of the grains that compoſe it. A ftratum of this fort, Mr. ( 172 ) Mr. Gerhard met with at Schreiberhau in Silcfia, and D'Arcet near Bareges, over ar- gillite and limestone. I Ger. Gefch. 68. This regeneration takes place, as Lafius well remarks, when the granitic fand lies in a damp fituation, and fcreened from a free acceſs of air; thus he found granitic fand, employed in filling a dyke in the Elbe, to have hardened to fuch a degree, in the ſpace of fixty years, as not only to prevent the paffage of water, but to prefent folid maffes, fcarcely diftinguifhable from native original granite, and, where conti- guous to this laft, to be difficultly ſeparated from it by a blow. Lafius Hartz, 91, 92. Friefbben, 189. Mr. De La Coudroniere alfo obferved on the banks of the Miffiffippi, mountains of fand half converted into gra- nite, and in the midft of one of them a branch of green oak petrified. 21 Roz. 237. Granite is alfo found in veins, and confe- quently of modern formation, as Werner obferves. Werner Enftehung der Gange, § 49. and I Sauff. § 600, 601. Bartol- lozzi found a paffage anciently wrought to extract cryſtals in mount Baveno, filled by a vein of regenerated granite, 21 Roz. 468. Lavoifier ( 173 ) Lavoifier alfo found near the mountain of St. Hypolite, two alternating beds of in- durated granite, or, as he calls it, true gra- nite, intercepted betwixt two beds of gra- nitic fand that lay over each: this muſt have been regenerated granite, formed by infiltration from the fuperior granitic fand. Mem. Par, 1778, 439. Sauffure found it alſo in the fiffures of gneifs. 1 Sauff. 601. Pallas thinks that all ftratified granite is formed of the decompofed grains of the primitive blocks. 2 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 366. § 2. Of Gneiss, and Shiftofe Mica. I treat of thefe together, as they are chiefly diftinguiſhed from each other by the abſence, or prefence, of felfpar; in moſt other particulars they agree, infomuch, that fome authors (1 Gerhard Gefch. § 62.) comprehend both under the name of gneiss. Stellftein alfo is another name by which it is often denoted. Gerh. Ibid. and Berg. Kalend. Both are ſtratified. 1 Ger. Geſch. § 51, and generally in the direction of the mica. Voight Prack. 32. Gneifs ( 174 ) Gneifs frequently contains huge maffes or layers of granular limestone, as Sauffure obferved in Mount Simplon. 37 Roz. 7: And Charpentier in Saxony. Charp. 173, 174. And blocks of granite perfectly incor- porate with, and paſs into it. Charp. 391. 2 Sauff. § 676, and 8 Sauff. 64. And huge maffes of felfpar. 1 Gerh. Gefch. 85. Or vaſt layers of porphyry, as at the mountain of Kimerſdorf, either argillaceous, or petro- filiceous. 2 Berg. Jour. 1790, 455, 456, 457. Often alſo ſtrata of hornblende flate; and hornblende fometimes enters into its compofition. Berg. Kal. 202. Trap alfo has been found in it. 4 Helv. Mag. 546. It is alſo remarkably metalliferous; moſt of the Saxon and Bohemian mines are feated in it. Berg. Kal. 203. Shiftofe mi- ca alfo contains, fometimes, beds of pri- meval limestone, or hornblende flate. Berg. Kal. 204. Alſo calcareous fpar, fappare, and garnets, as already mentioned. In metallic fubftances it is nearly as rich as gneifs. Mountains of gneifs are not fo high nor fo fteep as thofe of granite, Mount Rofe in Italy, and a few others, excepted; and their fummits are generally more round- ed. ( 175 ) ed. Gneifs refts moftly on granite, but fometimes on argillite, porphyry, ferpentine, granular limeftone, or trap. Per Charpentier. 4 Helvet. Mag. 545, 546. 2 Lenz. 341. Or fandſtone. 2 Lenz. Ibid. It ſometimes underlays granite (fee gra- nite). At Montevideo in Mexico Granite and gneifs alternate with each other. 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, 193. It fometimes alternates with argillite. 5 Sauff. § 1219. Sometimes with granular limeftone. Charp. 2 Lettere Oritologice al Signor Arduino. Shiftofe mica alfo refts on granite, or porphyry. 2 Lenz. 345. It underlays argillite, lime- ſtone, and ſandſtone. 2 Lenz. 345. Voight Prack. 38. Where gneifs is contiguous to granite, its quartz and felſpar are more apparent, and the micaceous part lefs predominant. 1 Gerh. Geſch. 78. And where moſt diſtant from granite, the contrary happens, and it often graduates into argillite. Ibid. Or into filiceous fhiftus. Id. 83. The nearer it is to metallic veins, the more earthy or fofter it becomes. Id. 80. Charp. 79. That gneifs and granite were frequently at leaſt contemporaneous, appears from this, that metallic (176) metallic veins run without interruption from one to the other. Charp. 256. Sometimes a difintegrated granite reappears in the form of gneifs. Flurl Bavaria, 3:0. § 3. Siliceous Shiftus, and Bafanite. In upper Lufatia an entire mountain is formed of it. Karſten on Leſke, G. p. 21. Charp. 24. And no petrifactions are found in it. Ibid. 26. And in Siberia, per Her- man, in 1 Berg. Jour. 1791, 82, and as Re- nov. 31. fays of blue hornflate, which I fuppofe to be either filiceous fhiſtus, or ba- fanite. It is alfo found in the Alps between gneiſs and hornftone. 4 Helv. Mag. 115. Yet Werner in Pabft's catalogue, p. 236, places it among fecondary rocks; Voight places it among the primary (but confounds it with filiciferous argillite. Prack. 43), and Charpentier, 4 Helv. Mag. 547. Schlan- genberg in Siberia moftly conſiſts of it, mixed with hornblende and felfpar. Renov. 86 and 89. It is found among the primitive rocks of Altai. Renov. 86. He calls it hornfhiefer. It frequently occurs in argillitic mountains. ( 177 ) mountains. 2 Lenz. 351. It often makes right angles with the argillite, and paffes into it. 3 Helv. Mag. 252. It frequently forms high grotefque cliffs, repofes on, and even ſtrongly adheres to granite. 2 Frieſle- ben, 203. Charp. 22. It feems to be what Lafius calls filicited trap. N. 73. whoſe ſpecific gravity is 2,685. Lafius, 124. When black it ſeems intermediate between fili- ceous ſhiftus and Lydian and quartz. Friefleben, 201. Others alfo call it horn- fels. When mixed with hornblende it looks greenish grey, and becomes heavier. Frieſleben, 208. May it not be the petro- filex, 2 Sauff. 4°. § 1045. and which he call palaiopetre. Vol. 5, in 8vo. § 1194 ? The only difference is, that its tranfpa- rency feems greater than that of filiceous fhiftus. The thinnefs of the lamella of Sauffure's feems to proceed from horizontal cracks. See alfo 5 Sauff. in 8vo. p. 77, § 1223. § 4. Jaſper. 1 Mountains of ſtriped jafper occur in Si- beria, and often with breccias, but with- > N out ( 178 ) (178 1 out petrifactions, per Herman. 1 Berg. Jour. 1791, p. 84 and 94. Of red jafper, Ibid. 88. And alſo of green jafper. 2 Gme- lin, 81. (French.) It often forms thick ftrata in mountains of ſhiftofe mica in the Ap- penines. Ferber Italy, 109. and in Siberia, 2 Herm. 281. In Saxony it is found alter- nating with, and fometimes mixed with, compact red iron ſtone. 2 Berg. Jour. 1788, 485.. In the fouth of France it occurs repofing on granite, and underlaying baſalt. 3 Sou- lavie, 72. In the Altaiſchan mountains it has never been found in contact with gra- nite, but it ſometimes underlays argillite. 6 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 115. § 5. Hornftone, Petrofilex. This is one of thoſe ftones which occurs of primary, as well as of fecondary forma- tion. In Siberia, mountains of hornftone in which fragments of hornblende and fel- fpar are difperfed, occur. Renovantz, 31. And hornſtone penetrated with limeſtone, is found in mighty layers in Douria, but without 1 (179) without petrifactions. 1 Chy. Ann. 1791. 155 and 345. And Patrin in 38 Roz. Ac- cording to Dolomieu, 44 Roz, 247, petro- filex is found only in primitive mountains; but the contrary will be fhewn in Chap. II. § 4. At Menard in Forez, it is frequently found mixed with pitchſtone, per Bowman. 30 Roz. 377. But query, May we not diſtinguiſh with Sauffure a primary and fecondary? Near Bidart black hornftone is found alternating in thin layers with a coarfe (feemingly primary) limeftone. De- fcript. Pyren. 2. Sauffure found it on the fummit of Mont Blanc. 7 Sauff. 275.287. $ 6. Quartz. The mountain of Kultuck, on the S.W. end of the lake Baikal, 350 feet high, and 4800 long, and ftill broader, confifts en- tirely of milk-white quartz; per Laxman 1 Chy. An. 1785, 265. Alſo Flinzberg in Lufatia, almoſt entirely. 2 Berg. Jour. 1789, 1054. There is alfo an extenfive narrow ridge of quartz, fome miles long, in Bavaria, 2 Berg. Jour. 1790, 529, &c. Flurl N 2 ( 180 ) Flur Bavaria, 309. Monnet mentions a rock of quartz 60 feet high. 17 Roz. 163. Mountains of it alfo occur in Thuringia. Voight Prack. 69. and in Silefia. Ġerh. Beytr. 87. and in Saxony. 1 Berg. Jour. 1788, 269. and in layers between gneifs and flate mica. 2 Lenz. Alfo in Scotland. 2 Wms. 52. It is not metalliferous. Wer- ner Kurze Claffif. 15. Petrol is often found in it. 1 Berg. Jour. 1791, 91. The moun- tain of Swetlaia-Gora, among the Uralian, conſiſts of round grains of quartz, white and tranfparent, and of the fize of a pea, united without any cement. 2 Herm. 278. $ 7. Pitchftone. In Mifnia, it forms entire mountains. 2 Berg. Jour. 1788, 491. And in other mountains huge ftrata that alternate with porphyry, and as they contain abundance of quartz and felſpar may be called pitch- ftone porphyry. Ibid. and I Emerling, 264. I do not find it mentioned among primi- tive ftones, except when a porphyry; fee Ι Karften ( 181 ) 1 Karſten in Lefke. It is often the ſubſtance of which petrified wood confifts. It fome- times alternates with granite. Charp. 63. } § 8. Hornblende and Hornblende Slate. Mountains of black hornblende exiſt in Siberia. Revantz. 32. as the Tigereck. 4 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 192. and others men- tioned by 2 Herm. 271. Frequently mixed with quartz, mica, or felfpar, or fhorl, and either greenish or black. Ibid. But it is more commonly found in mighty ftrata, as in Saxony; or ftill oftener as a conftituent part of other primeval rocks, as in fienite and grunſtein; fometimes in layers in gneifs, or granular limeſtone, or argillite; and fome- times in horn porphyry. 2 Berg. Jour. 1788. 508. 1 Lenz. 325. 1 Emerling, 325. or in the gullies of granite. Herm. Ibid. horn- blende flate was obferved among the prime- meval rocks on the afcent of Mont Blanc. 7 Sauff. 241. 253. mixed with plombago. Ibid. and on its fummit. Ibid. 289. Strata of fhiftofe hornblende occur fome- times in gneifs, as already mentioned. At Miltiz N 3 ( 182 ) 1 1 1 Miltiz a ftratum of it has been found over granular limeſtone. Voight Prack. 33. In lower Silefia it has been found on fienite. 4 Berl. Beob. 349. 349. Granite ſometimes refts on it. 2 Berg. Jour. 1790, 300. Voight Mineral. Abhandl. 25. Hence there can be no doubt of its being a primitive ſtone. A mountain of it exifts in Tranfylvania. I Bergb. 40. Nay, granite has been found in it. 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, 171. It is fre- quently mixed with mica, more rarely with viſible quartz. Emerling. § 9. Indurated Lithomarga. This often occurs in the rifts, or joints, or intervals, of beds of gneifs, porphyry, ferpentine, and alſo in topaz rock, and, therefore, muſt be primitive, if not deriv- ing from decompofition. It often alſo forms nefts in traps, bafalts, or amygdoloids. Emerl. 359. § 10. 1 ( 183 ) 1 § 10. Argillite. It forms whole mountains, Voight Prack, 38. But more commonly, only par- tially enters into them, as in Saxony. Charp, 175. Or entire ftrata, as at Zil- lerthal in Tyrole, its mountains are of gentle afcent. There is no doubt of its being often pri- mitive, for in Saxony it frequently alter- nates with gneifs and fhiftofe mica. 3 Helvet. Mag. 190. 1 Berg. Jour. 1792, 536. And with primitive limeſtone. 8 Sauff. 144. And in Hanover granular limeſtone is found betwixt its layers. 1 Bergm. Jour. 1791, 306. We have alſo ſeen that both granite and gneifs often reft upon it. Both Karſten 3 Helvet. Mag. and Mon- net in 25 Roz. 85, fufficiently eſtabliſh this diftinction. There are two forts of it par- ticularly to be attended to, the harder and the fofter; the harder border upon and of- ten paſs into filiceous fhiftus, or baſanite, or hornblende flate. The fofter border upon or pafs into trap, or wacken, or rubble N 4 ſtone, 7 ( 184 ) ftone, or rubble flate, or coticular flate, or indurated clay, and the harder often gra- duate into the fofter. 3 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 169. Or border upon the muriatic genus and paſs into fhiſtoſe chlorite, or fhiſtoſe talc, or gneifs or fhiftofe mica. It often contains quartz, both in veins and betwixt its laminæ. Voight Prack. 41. More rarely felfpar, fhorl, garnets or hornblende and granular limeſtone. Berg. Kal. 205, 206. The fofter forts are remarkably metallifer- ous. Bergm. Kal. Voight Prack. 40. The famous mountains of Potofi confiſt of it chiefly. 1 Bergm. Jour. 1792, 545. In. Saxony it is found in primitive limeſtone, 2 Bergm. Jour. 1792, 134, and often mixed with it, as in Lefke, G. 328. It is fo much the more filiciferous as it approaches more to granitic mountains. Lafius 121. It paffes into rubble ſtone. 2 Bergm. Jour. 1788, 498. In the argillites of the Py- renees no organic remains are to be found. Deſcrip. Pyren. 27. Sauffure found it in the fnowy regions of Mount Blanc. 7 Sauff. 256. § II. 1 ( 185 ) § II. Trap. On the fubject of this rock I muſt enter into a long detail, on account of the various falſe or imperfect defcriptions given of it, and the various fpecies of ftones that have, on that account, been erroneouſly denoted by this appellation. In the first place it muſt be allowed that as this name is come to us from Sweden, the deſcription and properties of it given by the moſt exact Swediſh Mineralogiſts ſhould be thoſe which we ſhould alſo adopt and denote by that name. Among thofe Mi- neralogifts I felect Cronstedt, Bergman, Wallerius and Hermelin. Cronstedt defines trap to be a rock formed of foft martial jaſ- per, or an indurated martial clay. § 265 of Brunich's, or 267 of Engeftrom's English tranflation. "Its colour is dark grey, as "that of the top of Kinneculla, and that "of Kunneberg in Weft Gothland, or :( black, as that of Stahlberget in Dalarne, or Hallefors, Salbergmine, Norberg in “Weſtmanland and Ofterfilverberget in "Dalarne; or grey, as that of Dalwick, or "bluish, ( 186 ) GC 1 bluiſh, as that of Ofterfilverberget, or deep "brown, as that of Gello in Norway, or CC. reddish, as that of Bragnas in Norway, or "Dalſtugun in Dalarne. It forms whole "mountains, as Hunneberg, or Drammen, "but is oftener found in the form of veins "in mountains of another kind, running in 6C a ferpentine manner acroſs the direction "of the rock. Where it is preffed clofe "it feems to be perfectly free from he- terogenous ſubſtances. But where not pref- "fed, it appears lefs homogeneous. When 66 very coarſe, it is interfperfed with felfpar, "but it is not certain that the finer forts "contain any. Befides there are fome fibrous particles in it, and fomething that " reſembles calcareous fpar, but which does "not effervefce with acids, and melts as 66 eaſily as the ſtone itſelf into a black folid glafs " We have of that found on the fummit of Kinneculla, (which conſequent- . ly is leaft compreffed and apparently con- tains heterogenous particles) 2 fpecimens in Lefke's cabinet G. 252. and S. 145. The colour is grey, as Cronstedt deſcribed, from a vifible mixture of black hornblende and white quartz; but the hornblende in far (187) far greater proportion; its luftre 2, or o; and that of the quartz 1, or o; a few par- ticles of yellowith felfpar may alſo be dif tinguiſhed in both. Cronstedt diftinguiſhes three varieties, namely, the coarſe grained fpicular, the coarſe grained granular, and the fine grained: theſe laſt he calls touch Stone, which are thofe already mentioned of Hellefors, Norberg, Dalwich, and Dolftu- gun. The fracture of the firft, which are from the fummit of Kinneculla, I found to be the coarſe grained earthy; hardneſs 9; fpecific gravity of one fpecimen 2,949, of another 2,947. Calcined it cracks and reddens, and on effaying it, yields 12 or more per cent. of iron; no other fort of 166 << CC ore is found in it, unleſs now and then "fomewhat fuperficial in its fiffures, for it "is commonly cracked, even to a great 6c depth, in acute angles, or in the form "of large rhomboidal dice. By expo- fure to the air it flightly decays, and "leaves a brown powder." The fine grained black, which Cronstedt called touchſtone, is now allowed to be that now called ba- falt, and, confequently, differing from trap only in grain, and in being, apparently, 3· more ( 188 ) more homogeneous; fee Karften on 1 Lefke, 201, But its compofition is evidently the fame, as will appear, ftill more clearly, from Bergman's account. 66 66 66 Bergman in his letter to Vantroil, p. 392, tells us, "that trap is generally found in fquare irregular cubes, whence it pro- bably obtained its denomination on ac- "count of fome fimilarity with ſtones uſed "for ſtair-cafes. It is alſo found in prif- "matic triangular forms, though rarely; as alfo in the form of immenfe pillars, "as thofe called traelftenar at the foot of Hunneberg, which have feparated them- "felves from the remaining part of the bed." And in his account of the mountains of Weſt Gothland, he fays, that in the fpring feaſon, this ſtone often cracks into rhombic fragments. 5 Berg. 116, 117. On com- paring the bafaltic pillars of Staffa with the fine grained traps, he found their co- lour, fracture, and hardneſs, the ſame; the fpecific gravity of the Staffa pillars was 3,000, that of the trap 2,990. Their re- lation to fire, and to acids, the nature and proportion of their component parts, he found alfo to agree as nearly as poffible. Voutroil, (189) } He Voutroil, 394, &c. 3 Bergm. 212. tells us, that in Sweden it forms flender veins in primeval mountains. Ibid. 214. Wallerius alfo adheres to Cronstedt's defini- tion. He calls it corneous trapezius. Sp. 172. Its colour, he tells us, is black, grey, blu- iſh, greenish, or reddiſh; the black forms a fort of touchſtone, and takes a poliſh,- occurs in mountains divided into cubes or rhomboidal figures; fracture conchoidal, fometimes preſenting fcaly, fometimes fpi- cular, concretions; hardneſs 9, fpecific gra- vity 2,800; heated quickly, it decrepitates; if more flowly, it hardens, and at laſt melts into a folid black glafs. It fometimes flightly effervefces with acids. It contains from 8 to 15 per cent. of iron. He refers it to the fame mountains as Cronstedt. Baron Hermelin alfo calls the upper ftratum of Kinneculla, a trap, and refers to Cron- ftedt; he allows it from 8 to 16 per cent. of iron. Schwed. Abhandl. 1767, 26. but he means iron in its metallic ftate. Hence we may infer, with Bergman, that the cloſe grained trap and bafalt are exactly the fame, both as to external and internal cha- racters, and that the fine grained differs from + ( ( 190 ) from the clofe grained, only in the mi- nuteneſs of the particles that compoſe them, arifing folely from compreffions as Cron- ſtedt well remarked. The quantity of iron, we fee, is variable, from 8 to 16 per cent. in the dry way; but in the moiſt way, Bergman found it to amount to 25 per cent. This, however, I believe is rather too much; I believe it rather to be from 12 to 22 per cent. and hence from the difference of a finer or coarfer grain, the variation of the ſpecific gravity from 2,800, or at leaſt from 2,78 to 3,000, or 3,021. The fpe- cific gravity of ferrilite I marked too low, for I find it 2,800. Many are inclined to place trap among aggregates, or compound ftones, on ac- count of the number of foreign ftones that are often found ftuck in it, and which I have already enumerated in my firſt volume; but as this compofition is neither determi- nate nor conftant as it is in granites and porphyries, I think it proper to leave it among the fimple ftones, all of which are fufceptible of fuch compound appearances; notwithſtanding the eafy fufibility of trap and bafalt in clay crucibles, Klaproth found ( 191 ) found it infufible in a crucible made of charcoal. 1 Klapr. 7. Probably becauſe the iron, to which it owes its fufibility, had abſorbed too great a quantity of carbon, and was thus converted into plombago; or, rather, becauſe the iron to which its fufi- bility is due, was reduced to a metallic ftate. Gerhard tells us, that a ftone, which he calls jafpis trapezius, and which, he fays, is the trap, and corneus trapezius of Walle- rius, was not melted in a clay crucible. 2 Gerh. Geſch. 22. N. 52. poffibly it may have been a real jafper that he uſed, or perhaps a trap fo highly impregnated with carbon as to be difficultly fufible. Renovantz tells us, that the Ruffian go- vernment of Olonitz abounds in mountains of trap, feveral fpecimens of which occur in Lefke S. from N. 90 to N. 109; but all of them are not genuine trap, for inſtance, N. 94, of which I found the fpecific gra- vity to be only 2,747; and as Karſten re- marks only a few fpecks of acicular horn- blende are difcernible in it; its colour is dark greenish grey, from a mixture of mi- nute white ſpecks, and in fome places brownish grey; its fracture uneven or earthy; (192) earthy; hardneſs 9, it therefore contains a mixture of wacken. Sienite is alſo often mistaken for trap; thus the fpecimen in Lefke, S. 1316, ap- proaches nearly to trap, but its specific gra- vity is only 2,713; its colour is dark grey, from a mixture of white particles of various fizes, with a ground which at firſt fight appears black, but on cloſe inſpection, or viewed through a lens, appears reddish black. Luftre o; tranfparent where thin, 1 or 2; the tranfmitted light is whitiſh and yellow- iſh; fracture coarſe grained earthy; hard- nefs 9. Again, the fpecimen S 504; Kar- ften calls a "ftone in which a large pro- 66 portion of quartz and hornblende are "mixed, and perhaps a variety of trap." This is N. 4. of Voight's firſt collection; and in the catalogue annexed to his Geo- logical Letters, p. 68, he calls it a gra- 1 CC "nitic mixture of hornblende and a whit- ifh grey quartzy fubſtance." Yet he does not allow it to be a quartz, becauſe it dif- ficultly gives fire with fteel. Afterwards in his Mineralogical Deſcription of Ilmenau, he calls it a " granitic mixture of horn- blende, quartz, and felfpar," p. 8. In (C the ( 193 ) { . 1 the next page he calls it a grunſtein, as hornblende is the principal ingredient. In his fecond catalogue, p. 13, N. 5, he calls it a granitic mixture of black hornblende and white compact felfpar, and thinks it may be called a fienite; its colour is fpeckled grey, from a viſible mixture of black horn- blende and a greyish white ſtone, which has, indeed, a quartzy appearance, with nearly an equal proportion of hornblende and fome dark red knobs, that appear to be dull garnets. Luftre of the hornblende, in a direct view 2, in an oblique o; of the white ſtone I or o; tranfparency of the hornblende o, of the white ftone 1, tranf- mitting a yellowish light; fracture, coarſe grained earthy, tending to the uneven; hardneſs 9; ſpecific gravity 2,933; hence it appears to be a trap; and the white ſtone cannot be a common felfpar, elfe its fpe- cific gravity would be lower. Lafius thinks that trap and bafalt can be diftinguiſhed only by their ſituation in their natural abodes. (Lagerftadt.) Baſalt, he ſays, never has any regular direction, whereas trap has both di- rection and dip. Hartz. 128. Yet Karften, near Winneburgh, found bafalt in ftrata O that ( 194 ) that dipped to the E. under an angle of 60°, ſtretching from N. to S. 1 Bergm. Jour. 1788, 337. Werner cites other in- ſtances in 2 Bergm. Jour. 1788, p. 890 and the annexed note. Charpentier alſo men- tions layers of it, p. 19. Widenman com- prehends both trap and wacken under the fame fpecies, though they differ much in fpecific gravity, and hardnefs, and grain; and wacken never contains compact felſpar, as trap often does: Charpentier diftin- guiſhes them exactly, though he thinks the Swedes did not. Saxony, p. 187. Hence he conſtantly denotes both trap and baſalt by the name baſalt. According to Werner, bafalt, wacken, hornblende, and fhiftofe porphyry, are of the fame formation; the Swediſh mineralogiſts, he thinks, compre- hended them all under the name of trap. 2 Berg. Jour. 1789. Yet it is evident that neither Cronstedt, Wallerius, nor Bergman, confounded hornblende and trap: as to bafaltic pillars (except thoſe of Hunneberg) they appear not to have been acquainted with them; Bergman indeed knew them, and diftinguiſhed them only as varieties, as I do. 7 Karften ( 195 ) Karſten, in his catalogue, of the Lefkean cabinet, denotes both trap and baſalt by the name of bafalt, except in the geogra- phical part; he thinks trap ſhould be rec- koned an aggregate of hornblende, felſpar, and quartz, the quartz only viſible in white fpecks, and the felfpar in oblong particles, imbedded as in ſhiftofe porphyry, and the hornblende the prevailing ingredient. Note to Lefke, G 269. Specular and magnetic iron ſtone, and calcareous fpar, he thinks peculiar to it, as garnets to flate mica; Charpentier and Nofe alfo conftantly denote what I call trap, by the name of baſalt. Dolomieu in 44 Roz. 256, deſcribes trap by contraſting its characters with thofe of a ftone, which he calls roche de corne; a ſtone which he diftinguiſhes from horn- blende, and whofe characters are defcribed only by contraſting them with thoſe of trap. As I can form no idea of this ſtone, I con- fefs the whole to me is unintelligible. Fau- jas in his treatiſe on traps, p. 2, juſtly re- marks that "the denomination roche de 66 corne is purely ideal, and only ferves to "lead into error. The Germans avow they do not know how to tranflate it. I 02 Berg. ( 196 ) Berg. Journ. 1792, 459, and 2 Berg. Journ. 1792, 468, in note. The learned anony- mous author of a defcription of the Pyrenees, fays, "this denomination has been applied to fo many different ſubſtances, that I dare not uſe it." Pref. XV. Faujas, deriving his knowledge from the Swedes, has given the beſt account of traps hitherto extant; it is only to be regretted that he has omitted its external characters: he allows it can be diftinguiſhed from bafalt only by local circumftances. The name bafalt he confines to this fubftance when of volcanic origin; an origination to which it is well known he is ſtrongly attached, and which I have endeavoured to refute in the firſt volume of my Mineralogy: he does not dif- tinguiſh it from wacken. This feems, how- ever, to be the fixth variety of his homo- geneous traps. Karſten thinks trap compounded of horn- blende, quartz, and felfpar, and certainly the ingredients of theſe are found in it, but not in the fame proportion as in any mixture of the three, as I have already fhewn: he does not extend this compofition to baſalt; yet, whatever are the ingredients of trap, the fame 1 ( ( 197 ) ſame muſt be thoſe of bafalt, as they differ only in folidity and figure, and the folidity arifes entirely from compreffion, as Cron- ſtedt has remarked; the various cryſtallized ftones that may occur in trap, are merely paraſitic, and baſalt is not deftitute of them, only they are ſmaller. To form an idea of the compoſition of this ſtone and the adjacent ſpecies, we muſt confider the educts of its analyſis, by Berg- man, Gerhard, Faujas, and Sauffure: thefe are, Baſalt of Che- Bafalt and com- Bafalt. pact trap. Bafalt of Staffa. Bafalt of Antrim. nevari in the Vivarois. Bergman *. Gerhard + Faujas ‡. Faujas. Faujas. | Silex.....50 60 40 46 40 Argil 15 ΙΟ Calx..... 8 8 Magneſia. 2 20 16 20 12 10 8 5 3 6 Iron.. 25 22 21 22、 2.4 * 3 Bergm. + Crell Beytr. 3 Stucke, p. 5- Faujas Sur les Traps, 66, &c. 03 (198) A Trap, or Pierre A decayed de Carne Dure. Bafalt. Prifmatic po- rous Lava from Iceland. Sauffure*. Gerhard + Gerhard‡ Silex... 51 33 62 Argil.. 16,6 Calx... 8,4 Magnef. 3 35,5 20 2,5 2 O Iron... 12 29 16 This is evidently imperfect. of yellow calx. Hence, taking Bergman's analyſis for a ftandard, we learn, 1°, That the filiceous part may be increaſed or diminiſhed I दु with- out any change of the fpecies, the argilla- ceous, the calcareous may be increaſed, but not diminiſhed. The magneſia may be abſent, and the iron may be diminiſhed a few grains. 2º. We learn to diſtinguiſh decayed ricket- ty bafalts from porous lavas. In the firſt, we find the quantity of iron much the fame as in undecayed bafalts, for 29 per cent. of the yellow calx contains nearly the fame quan- tity of metallic iron as 25 of the black calx, which is that found in baſalt, but the quan I 2 Sauffure, 135. + 1 Crell Beytr. ibid. 10, 11. ‡ Ibid. 12. tity ( 199 ) tity of filex is diminiſhed confiderably; the proportion of argil, on the other hand, is doubled, and that of calx reduced, where- as in the lava the quantity of filex is in- creaſed, and alfo that of argil fomewhat, but that of calx and that of iron confide- rably diminiſhed: this may go a great way towards deciding the controverfy touching the fufpicious foffils of Fulda, &c. With reſpect to the kindred ſpecies of rocks or ftone, we may lay it down as a certain truth, that if the proportion of one or more of the conftituent parts of bafalt or trap be notably altered (the others re- maining with refpect to each other in the original proportion, or one of them vaniſh- ing), either the fpecific gravity, colour, or hardneſs, or all three, will alſo be altered; a notable alteration is, that which exceeds the limits already mentioned. Thus, if the proportion of filex be increaſed to its utmoſt limit nearly, and that of iron di- miniſhed about, the other ingredients con- ftant, we fhall have toadſtone, and the whins whoſe ſpecific gravity exceeds or amounts to 2,780. If the quantity of iron be reduced to 10 or 12 per cent. we ſhall probably have 0 4 the } (200) 3 the lighter whins, whofe fpecific gravity is between 2,72 and 2,78, and to theſe the name of whin fhould exclufively be confined, the heavier being traps. If the quantity be reduced to 7 or 8 per cent. this will pro- bably form the hornflate of Voight, or, if it contains felſpar, the ſhiftofe porphyry of Wer- ner*. If the proportion of filex be increaf- ed, and the argil eliminated, and the iron nearly fo, with fome addition of carbon, then we ſhall have filiceous fhiftus. On the other hand, if the proportion of filex be at its lowest limit nearly, and that of argil increaſed 2 or 3 fifths, and that of magnefia increaſed to 12 or 15 per cent. that of iron being conftant, or nearly fo, and that of calx diminiſhed a few grains, we fhall have hornblende. 50 Silex 30 Argil Again 15 Calx 5 Iron fhould I imagine give wacken, Charp. 186; this is fometimes effer- verfcent, ibid. and if the calx be eliminated, and in its place, iron ſubſtituted, ferrilite will refult. * I believe there must be fome error in Weigleb's analyſis, or it was filiceous fhiftus he analyſed. Laftly, ( 201 ) Laſtly, 46 filex, 26 argil, 8 magneſia, 4 calx, 14 iron, gives the heavier argillites whoſe ſpecific gravity paffes 2,800. As in the ſeries of colours exhibited in the prifmatic spectrum, feven principal colours are diſtinguiſhed, notwithſtanding the nu- merous ſhades through which they paſs into each other; fo I think a natural feries of ftones might be formed, taking in not only the compoſition, but alſo the texture, grain, and ſpecific gravity: even imaginary compo- fitions when grounded on analogy, are of ufe towards fixing our ideas until real and fecure analyſes are obtained. ! That trap is often of primeval and often of fecondary formation, will appear by the obfervations I fhall now mention, and thoſe that will occur in the next chapter. 1º. It is found in huge ftrata in the midſt of gneifs, per Charpentier, 4 Helv. Mag. 545, 546, and cryſtalliſed mica in the midſt of it. Gerhard found veins of it in the midſt of gneifs, at Krobſdorf in Silefia, 3 Crell. Beytr. 3 Stuck. 7. And Reufs, in Bohemia, Mittel. Geb. 94, 196; alſo in granite, 2 Berl. Beob. 197, Ferb. 4 Helv. Mag. 156. 2º. It has been found alternating with granite 3 (202) granite near St. Malo, Faujas Trap 86, and with gneifs, Charp. 187. 3º. The nearer trap is to granite, the har- der it becomes, which fhews they originated at the fame time, Lafius, 121. Veins of quartz about one foot deep, have been found on the ſurface of a mountain of trap, 1 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 143, 145. Mandelſtein (or Amygdaloid) fometimes belongs to primary, fometimes to fecondary mountains, Werner, 13; it forms whole mountains in the terri- tory of Deux Ponts, Lafius 259; in Nor- way it repoſes on granite, Haiding 52. Wacken is alfo found in gneifs and flate mica, Charp. 81. 3 Helv. Mag. 236; it even alternates with gneifs, Charp. 187. As trap contains aerated calx, it is plain its formation was fubfequent to that of fixed air; but fo alſo were fome granites and other primitive ſtones, for it is not to be imagined that all were every where formed at the fame exact time. Trap fometimes alternates with argillite, as at Leidenberg, 1 Nofe 209. Sometimes with ferpentine, 1 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 146. Black limeſtone has frequently been miſ- taken for trap, Nofe Samlung 274, 278. I am (203) I am convinced that ferpentine alſo, eſpeci- ally when containing hornblende, has been taken for trap, and vice verfa. Porphyry containing zeolyte has alſo been thought a trap, Lefke G. 237. Primeval trap is frequently metalliferous, per Ferber, 4 N. Act. Petropol. 286; it con- tains iron and copper ores, Ronov. XII. 1 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 140, 143. At Schei- benberg a ſhaft has been driven under fome bafaltic pillars that stood upright on the fummit of the mountain, but nothing ba- faltic was found, Charp. 224, 2 Bergm. 1. 849, 852: the pillars are alſo ſupported by horizontal ſtrata, ibid.: fo that the idea of their being thrown up from underneath is perfectly refuted. Near the lake Onega it is found refting on primitive limeſtone, 1 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 137, and fometimes on argillite, ibid. 149, and the argillite on gra- nite, ibid.; fometimes on a quartzy gneifs, 3 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 173. § 12. (204) § 12. Serpentine and Pottftone. Serpentine is often found in layers alter- nating with granular limeſtone, Berg. Ka- lend. 215, or underlaying it, 8 Sauſs. 87, and under gneifs, per Charp. 4 Helvet. Mag. 546; and in his Saxony, p. 398, he fhews them to be of contemporaneous formation. Zobtenbeg, in Lower Silefia, conſiſts entire- ly of ferpentine, in which ſome hornblende is found; its ftrata are nearly vertical, 4 Berl. Beobacht. 353. Whole mountains of green ferpentine are alſo found in Siberia, 1 Berg. Journ. 1791, 99, 102; in fome it contains white felfpar, and alternates with jafper, ibid. 103. So alfo mountains of it exiſt near Genoa, where it is called gabbro; when it contains veins of white fpar, it is called pol- verezza, Ferber Italy, 118, 119. It forms part of Rabenberg, and is found between gneifs, Charp. 175. It is not metalliferous, Wern. K. Claffif. 14; however, magnetic iron ſtone and veins of copper fometimes traverſe it, Berg. Kalend. 216. The moun- tain I ( 205 ) tain of Skiolſdafport in Norway, confiſts en- tirely of pottftone, Waller. de Montibus, p. 59; and ſeveral occur in Jemptland in Sweden, and fome in Tyrol, Haiding 63; they repoſe on ftellſtein or hornſlate. Afbeftiform fteatite is likewife found at great heights in the afcent of Mount Blanc, 7 Sauff. 253, and common ftea- tites at the fummit, ibid. 280. Serpen- tine near the White Sea, has been found feated on trap, 1 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 149. and fometimes on talky quartz, ibid.; fome- times on a quartzy gneifs, 3 Neve Nord. Beytr. 173. The mountain of Regelberg in Germany, which conſiſts of ferpentine, is magnetic, its fouth fide attracts the north pole of a magnet, and its north fide the ſouth pole, 1 Chy. Ann. 1797, 99, 1 N. Berg. Journ. 257. § 13. Porphyry. Porphyry has been found under gneifs and alternating with it, and metallic veins tra- verfe both without interruption or devia- tion, or any alteration in their metallic con- tents, 1 ( 206 ) tents, per Charpent. 4 Helvet. Mag. 545; hence he juſtly confiders them as of contem- porary formation. It has alſo been found in the midſt of ſhiftofe mica, Berg. Kal. 211, and reciprocally gneifs has been found in the midſt of porphyry by Widenman, 4 Helv. Mag. 163. Clay porphyry forms whole mountains in Lower Hungary, but hornſtone porphyry feldom does, 1 Berg. Journ. 1789, 600; it there repoſes on gra- nite, Haiding, 42. Porphyritic mountains form cones, and porphyry like baſalt ſometimes covers other hills, per Werner, 1 Berg. Journ. 1789, 607 (this however may be fecondary). Por- phyry is alſo often found in a columnar form like bafalt. See 2 Berg. Journ. 1790, 325. Haiding, 48. The faxum metalliferum in Hungary, is a difintegrated porphyry, but in the Palatinate it is a difintegrated amygdaloid (mandel- ftein) that forms the faxum metalliferum, per Lafius in 1 Beg. Journ. 1791, 312. Porphyry generally forms whole moun- tains, compofed of mighty ftrata; they repoſe fometimes on granite, 6 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 115; fometimes on gneifs, Hai- dinger, ( 207 dinger, 46. Charpentier mentions a fort of ſtone which he calls porphyraceous, though he does not aſcribe felfpar to it. It confifts, he ſays, of quartz and indurated clay of va- riable hardneſs, and containing nefts of clay of different colours, or lithomarga. It ſeems rather a ſort of ſand-ſtone, Charp. 69. In Siberia it never underlays granite, Nev. Nord. Beytr. 115. The porphyries with a baſe of indurated clay, frequently contain calcedonies, carne- lians, amethyfts, or zeolyte, 2 Lenz. 363, Lefke G. 235, 237. That with a bafis of hornftone, often contains galena, black blende, fulphur pyrites, fulphurated biſmuth, fidero calcite, or molybdena, 2 Lenz. 365, Berg. Kal. 211, 2 Berg. Journ. 1793, 214. That which contains zeolyte has often been miſtaken for trap, Lefke G. 237. § 14. Hornflate of Charpentier. Shiftofe Porphyry of Werner. This Charpentier reckons among the pri- mitive rocks, 4 Helv. Mag. 547. Renovantz alfo ( 208 ) alfo found it among the primitive rocks of Altai, Renov. 86, and Patrin mixed with gra- nite and hornblende on the borders of the Baikal, 38 Roz. 227, 229. Mountains of it are found in Siberia, Renov. 31; and Schlangerberg chiefly confifts of it with in- terſperſed hornblende and felfpar, ibid. 86. Alfo in Bohemia, where it fometimes re- pofes on, and fometimes underlays trap, Reuff. Bohemia XXXII. and III.; the mountain of Schlofsberg confifts almoft entirely of it, 1 Berg. Journ. 1792, 222; that of Bilinirftein forms pillars like baſalt, ibid. 237, and Reuff. M. Geb. 100; and fome alfo in Saxony, Charp. 29. Saufſure diſcovered it near Pfaf- fenfprung intercepted between ſtrata of gneifs, 7 Sauff. Sauff. 91. § 15. Sandftone. This ftone is generally reckoned among the fecondary, yet where no organic re- mains are found in it, where it does not reſt on any fecondary ftone, where no fecondary ſtone enters in its compo- fition, I do not fee why it may not be aggregated ( 209 ) aggregated to the primary. Sand amongſt the convulfions occafioned by the volcanic irruptions before the creation of animals, muſt have been formed, and even indepen- dently of theſe ſome muſt have been depo- fited, during or after the cryftallization of the various fubftances contained in the chaotic fluid, fee 5th Sauff. 294. Mount Jorat and the Coteau de Boitly, near Geneva, 1 Sauff. 246, 349, feem to be primeval; fo alfo the fandſtone found in the island of Bornholm, 5 Berl. Beobacht. Alſo that men- tioned in 2 Sauff. § 763, which graduates into gneifs, muft alfo be primary, though it contains tumblers (caillous roulés). The fandſtone near Lifchau, in the vicinity of Prague graduates into hornſtone, and even into granite. Mr. Rofler even thinks it to have been originally a granite, whoſe fel- fpar was decompofed into clay, which then cemented the quartzy grains; a moſt in- genious and probable conjecture, 1 Bergbau, 339 and 341. Moft of the arenilitic mountains of Bo- hemia, on both fides of the Elbe, appear to me primitive, by Reus's defcription, fee Reufs P 96, ( 210 ) 96, &c. in the E. and N. parts of Bohemia, many of them are ſplit, or form columns re- fembling bafalts, 2 Berg. Journ. 1792, 70. In Bohemia, fandftones with an argilla- ceous cement alternate with thofe whoſe ce- ment is filiceous, Reufs. In Kinneculla, the loweſt ftratum incumbent on granite feems alfo to be primitive, over it the fecondary ftrata repoſe, 29 Swed. Abhand C. 29, 5 Bergm. 126. In Brainſdorf in Saxony, it paffes into fhiftofe mica and alternates with argillite, 2 Crell. Beytr. 64. In Riegelfdorf it forms the fundamental rock on which femiprotolite immediately lies, which is covered by other fecondary ftrata, 2 Berg. Journ. 1790, 285. Near Oyben and other tracts of Saxony, no petrefactions or conchylaceous impreffions are found in it, though in that of Pirna adjoining, they are found, Charp. 24 and 26; it fometimes repofes on hornflate, Charp. 24. The mountain Steinthal, in the Voſges, of red fandítone, is confidered, by Baron Diedrich, as primeval. 2 Diedr. Gites des Minerais, 209, 210. The fandſtone men- tioned ( 211 ) tioned in 6 Sauff. 81, which alternates with primitive limeftone, muſt alſo be primitive. § 16. Rubble Stone. This alfo is generally thought to be only of fecondary formation; Voight and Lafius, indeed, judge it to be among the moſt an- cient of thefe, yet in the circumſtances mentioned in the laft fection, it ſeems to me to rank among the primary. The rubble ftone found in Siberia, on the banks of the Iffet, near Kamyſchenka, mixed with fragments of ferpentine, feems to be primitive; it is not ftratified, but in huge maffes, Chy. An. 1793, 512, and 2 Herman, 312. § 17. Farcilite (Pudding ftone), Breccias and Marlites. Breccias, confifting of fragments of jafper and flints, cemented by indurated, or rather lapidified clay, occur frequently in Siberia they are ſtratified, and appear to be primi- tive, on the banks of the Sentelek, 1 Berg. P 2 Journ. ( 212 ) Journ. 1791, 83. Whole mountains of marlite are found in the fame vicinity; in fome, breccias, porphyry, jafper, ftratified ſandſtone, and marlite, alternate with each other; and, therefore, as the Jaſper is always primitive, ſo muft, in this inſtance, all the others, ibid. Alfo an entire mountain of farcilite, containing flints, ſtuck in a quartzy bafis, has been difcovered there, ibid. 89. The argillitic farcilites found by Mr. Sauf- fure, defcending from the mountain of Bal- me to the Valorfine, 2 Sauff. § 692. appear to me to be primary; they conſiſt of round- ed primeval ſtones in an argillitic cement. A mountain of farcilite exifts in Siberia, near the rivulet Tulat, confifting of rounded fragments of jafper, calcedony, aigue marine, and carnelian, in a quartzy cement, 1 Berg. Journ. 1791, 81 and 106. Some farcilites with an argillaceous cement, are alfo found in Dauria, per Patrin, 38 Roz. 22, which he thinks fecondary; but by my definition at leaſt, muſt be primary, as no petrifactions are found in that country. At Meifenheim, in the Palatinate, over, and adjoining to vaſt maſſes of trap, there are immenfe heaps, and even a mountain of farcilite, ( 213 ) farcilite, 1 Berg. Journ. 1791, 310. The famous mountain of Monferrat, near Barce- lona, feems to be a breccia formed of fand- ſtone, quartz, and bafanite, in a calcareous cement, by Bowles's defcription, Bowles, 402. Sauffure alſo thinks farcilites may be primitive, 8 Sauff. 290. § 18. Granular Limestone. That this ſtone is primeval, and not formed of fhells, is now generally agreed upon, fee Werner, Voight, Charpentier, Sauffure, Ferber, Herman, &c. no petrefac- tions are ever found in it, nor does it ever reſt on, or alternate with ſecondary rocks; its height frequently exceeds 7 or 8000 feet, and it often underlays primitive rocks. Whole mountains of primeval limeſtone are found in Stiria, Carinthia, and Carniola, Berg. Kal. 214; and in Swifferland, 4 Helv. Mag. 116; and in the Pyrenees, La Peyroufe, 336; that of Carrara in Italy is well known, Fenſter anhors, Jungfrau, Schreckhorn, in Swifferland, all exceed 10,000 feet in height, 4 Helv. Mag. 115, 116; alſo in Scot- P 3 ( 214 ) Scotland, being probably that which Wil- liams calls mountain limeſtone, 1 Williams, I 58; it often preſents lofty fpires like granite, 8 Sauff. 332. Mountains entirely formed of primitive limestone are not commonly ftratified, but confift of huge blocks without any regular dip or direction, like granitic mountains, Lafius Hartz, 60, 175, 176; yet in poly- genous primeval mountains it is frequently found in ſtrata; thus in Dauria, near the vil- lage of Pechova, it alternates with filiceous fhiftus, 38 Roz. 298. At Altenberg, near the lake of Neven- berg it forms ftrata, 4 Helv. Mag. 306. Mr. Sauffure on Simplon, found it inter- cepted between layers of fhiftofe mica, Roz. 7 ; in Saxony it frequently alternates with fhiſtofe mica and argillite, Werner, K. Claffif. 14, and huge ftrata of it have been found in gneifs, and fhiftofe mica and argil- lite, Charp. 85, 86, 87, 174, 201, 400. Berg. Kal. 214; and between fienite and hornblende flate, Voight, Prack. 48, The unigenous limeſtone mountains of Carniola are ſtratified, but contain no petrifactions, 2 Phyf. Arbeit. 3, 4, 7. One of the moſt fingular ( 215 ) ! fingular mountains of this fort is that of Filabres, Bowles's Spain, 149. It confifts of a block of white marble, three miles in cir- cumference and 2000 feet high, without any mixture of other ftones or earths, and fcarce any fiffures; hence the notion of Buf- fon, that calcareous ftones of the fort we call primitive, are of fecondary formation, and refult from the tranfudation of lapidific juices from fuperior ftrata of conchyferous lime- ſtone, is evidently groundleſs; where? and how high muſt have been the ftrata of fhelly limeſtone from whofe tranfudation fuch a mountain as this, or Schreckhorn, could have refulted? Primitive limeftone is not always white, nor is the grain of it always very per- ceptibly fcaly or lamellar, but approaches by reafon of its minutenefs, fo nearly to the compact, as to paſs for fuch; nay, it is faid fometimes to diſcover a ſplintry fracture, but very rarely; fometimes its texture ap- proaches to the fibrous, 1 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 137. It is frequently dark iron grey, or reddish brown, both in Siberia and in the Alps, and hence has been taken for trap, as already mentioned. So the mountain of Rauſchenberg on the frontiers of Bavaria is formed } PA (216) formed of limestone feemingly compact, filled with ſpar and without petrifactions, 2 Bergm. Journ. 1789, 926. So the weft fide of the Ourals is a chain of mountains of com- pact limeſtone in which no petrifactions are found, or only a few ſcattered impreffions, per Pallas, 1 Act. Petrop. 48. The moun- tains of Wetterhorn, Wellhorn, and Burg- horn, are primitive limeftone, whofe frac- ture is faid to be fplintry, and their colour greyish yellow, 4 Hel. Mag. 272, 273. A ſtratum of it free from petrifactions exifts in Toſchnitz in the foreft of Thuringia, but this to me appears fufpicious, Voight Prack. 48. As fome traces of marine acid are found in fecondary limeftones, Bergi. Vor- lefung. 278, and Georgi in Act. Petropol. 1782, 278, and none are found in primitive limeſtone, this may be a good teſt for dif tinguiſhing them. The ftratum of yellowish and bluish grey limeftone, found in the midſt of a mountain of fandftone called Kalkberg in Bohemia, Reufs Bohemia, 117, feems to me primitive, though its fracture is ſplintry, paffing to the uneven. This ftone often contains a mixture of various other fpecies; in Dauria it often contains ( 217 ) उ contains 50 per cent. of filex. 1 Chy. Ann. 1791, 155. being of cotemporary forma- tion. In Switzerland, Schreckhorn, Fen- ſteraahors, and Jungfrau, conſiſt of lime- ſtone mixed with flints and minute quartz. 4 Helvet. Mag. 116. In Stiria it is fo mixed with mica as to refemble gneifs, or ſhiſtofe mica. Werner K. Claffif. 15. and Wild montagne faliferes 30; fometimes of it is argil and quartz, 38 Roz. 232. Sometimes even hornblende, actinolites, af- beftus, fteatites, and ferpentine, are found mixed with it. Wern. K. Claffif. 14. Berg. Kalend. 214. Charpent. 400. 1 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 137. and fhorl in Siberia. 1 Chym. Ann. 1791, 345. Its fiffures are often filled with ſpar, and fometimes with quartz. Feṛ- ber Italy, 450. Renov. xiii. It fometimes enters in aggregates of the granitic kind, forming fingular groups; fee the excellent memoir of Mr. Le Febre on this ſubject in 39 Roz. 354. As 1º. A fragment of quartz, mica and limeſtone, confufedly cryſtallized. 2º. Again actinolite, fteatites, quartz, fel- fpar, and granular limeftone; another with garnets, both thefe from the Pyrenees; another of ſhiftofe mica, with compreffed ovoidal 1 (218) ovoidal limeſtone; another from Iceland, in which ſteatites, fhorl, and cryſtallized mica, are imbedded in the limeſtone, from Sib- bo in Iceland; hence there is no fpecies of ſtone with which our limeſtone may not be affociated, or into which it may not enter, or which excludes it: it has been found in the centre of a block of granite, in Tyrole, 39 Roz. 9. and rounded agates have been found in it, in Idria, 3 N. Act. Petropol. 262. Of metallic fubftances, few, at leaſt in Europe, are found in it, and theſe are ga- lena, magnetic iron ftone, and, rarely, black blende. 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, 176. Lately alſo ſome ſcattered flips of the black and red filver ores, and fulphur pyrites. Charp. 401. Berg. Kalend. 215. 2 Berg. Jour. 1792, 133 in note. But in Siberia the richeſt copper mines are found in it. 1 Chy. Ann. 1793, 511. It often repoſes on granite, 1 Chym. Ann. 1793, 510. Renov. 32. Gerh. Gefch. 66. or on gueifs. Charp. 217. or on argillite. Ferber Italy, 30. 4 N. Act. Petrop. 285. or on porphyry. Ibid. On the other hand, it often underlays, or is covered by, granite or gneiss. 1 Chy. Ann. 1791, 155. 4 Helv. Mag. 314 and 546. Charp. 218. 39 Roz. 4 1 (219) 39 Roz. 9. per Dolomieu 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, 174, 175. or argillite, Lafius, 178. or primeval trap. 4 N. Act. Petropol. 286. Near Averdach, Lafius found it between ftrata of argillite. 1 Berg. Jour. 1791, 306. Sauffure found gneifs inclofed between its ftrata. 8 Sauff. 201. The bluish or reddifh grey of Saxony is mixed with argillite. 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, 169; fometimes with hornblende, and then is remarkably fufible. Ibid. 171. In the mountain of Campo Longo, not far from St. Gothard, it is found mixed with tremolite, and ftratified, 41 Roz. 89. at the height of 6400 feet. When ſtratified its ſtratification is always imperfect. 1 Wil- liams, 58. Yet 2 Wms. 22 and 26, it is faid to occur frequently regularly ſtratified. Marlite. This alfo forms whole mountains with, out any trace of ſtratification or animal re- mains, fome of which are alfo metalli- ferous in Siberia. 2 Herman, 312. § 19. ( 220 ) § 19. Gypfum, Fluor. Fluor, in an earthy or fandy form, has been found at the depth of fixty feet, in a vein of quartz, at Kobola Poiana in Upper Hungary. Emerling Mineralog. 516. But compact fluor is faid to form whole ftrata in the mountains of the foreft of Thuringia. Voight Prack. 70. and Werner Enfteh. der Gange 111. and hence he counts it among primitive ſtones. Gypfum has been found on Mount St. Gothard mixed with mica, 44 Roz. 183. but fuch inftances are exceeding rare, and by Pallas it has been found affociated with felfpar in Siberia. 5 Nord. Beytr. 280. Ba- rofelenite is found in confiderable beds in Savoy. Werner Gange, 111. Might not all theſe combinations take place in the chaotic fluid? Fluors are alfo found in the cavities of granite at Baveno; in that cafe they are. parafitic. Pini Mem. Surla Cryſtallization des Felfpars, p. 28. § 20. ( 221 ) 1 § 20. Topaz Rock. The component parts of this fingular aggregate I have already mentioned in my firft volume of Mineralogy; it is reckoned among the primitive, both by Werner and Voight; it forms part of a mountain near Averbach in the metalliferous mountains (Erzgebirge) of Saxony, but no metal has as yet been found in it. Various other anomalous aggregates daily occur. $ 21. Of polygenous primeval Mountains. Heretofore it was fuppofed, that prime- val mountains were entire; or, if in an undi- vided mountain, maffes of primeval ſub- ftances occurred, that they formed collateral parts, without either being fubjected to the other; confequently, all ſtratified moun- tains were confidered as fecondary, and called undigenous (flotzgebirge); but of late, in many primeval mountains, ftrata have been difcovered of different kinds, fuperimpofed one upon the other; nay, in fome, different aggregates ( 222 ) 1 aggregates of the primeval have been ob- ferved confuſedly mixed with each other: a few inftances of both I ſhall here adduce. 1º. In the Solatarifchian mountains in Siberia, argillite, porphyry, and granite, al- ternate. Renov. 37*. So alfo in the Gram- pians in Scotland. 1 Bergb. 399. 2º. The mountain of Gardette, in the ſouth of France, confifts of granite at bot- tom, over that gneifs, and over that lime- Schrieber. 36 Roz. 355. ſtone, per 3º. In the circle of Miſnia, granular lime- ſtone alternates with hornblende flate, and is partly mixed therewith, and hence fufible; in this, ſhiftofe, hornblende, felſpar, quartz, and mica, are difcerned. 1 Berg. Jour. 1789. 171. 4°. At Ehrenberg, near Ilmenau, granite, ſhiſtoſe hornblende, porphyry, and argil- lite alternate with each other. Voight Prack. 21. 5°. At Schneeberg, argillite alternates with gneifs and flate mica. 3 Helv. Mag. 190, from Charpentier. 6º. Swucku, in the Norwegian chain, * If I underſtand the author right; the text is to me fomewhat obfcure. confifts (223) A confiſts of petrofilex and porphyry. Waller: de Montibus, 59. 7. Hornflate often alternates with trap. 3 Helvet. Mag. 241. 8°. In Chalances, in Dauphiné, gneifs and primitive limeftone are jumbled, or mixed together. 24 Roz. 381. 9°. Sauffure defcribes Mount Jovet, in Savoy, as confifting of feveral alternating ftrata of ſtriated ſteatites, ferpentine, horn- blende, and a micaceous and quartzy lime- ftone, which is undoubtedly primitive. 2 Sauff. 398. 10°. On the banks of the Selinga, in Dauria, the mountains confift of granite, hornblende, and hornflate, fometimes al- ternating, fometimes mixed, per Patrin, 38 Roz. 227. And near the Ingoda, horn- flate and granite alternate. Ibid. 229. 11°. All the primitive ftones being in fome place or other coeval, feem fo mix- ed as to paſs into each other, though as to their nature totally different from each other; for inſtance, gneifs and primitive limeſtone. Charp. 201. granite and argil- lite. Ibid. 283. In the mountain Silber- berg in Bavaria, granite, gneifs, and fhif- tofe (224) tofe mica, are confufedly mixed with each other. Flurl. 255, 256. CHAP. II. OF SECONDARY OR EPIZOOTIC MOUNTAINS. § I. Theſe are either marigenous or alluvial. The diftinctive character of fecondary mountains is the preſence of organic re- mains either in their natural, or petrified ſtate, (or at leaſt of their impreffions below the furface) either entering into, and form- ing the compofition of the ftony ſubſtan- ces of which thefe mountains confift, or imbedded in them, or lying between their ftrata, or under them; there may be fome, however, as thofe which evidently derive their origin from the difintegration of primi- tive mountains, in which no organic re- mains may be found, as the carboniferous hills. In great chains, the fecondary cal- careous are generally on the outfide; with- in them the argillitic, and the primary in the midft. 1 Sauff. 402. Pallas, Gentil, Ferber, Born, &c. but elſewhere they fre- quently ( 225 ) quently lie promifcuouſly with each other. The fecondary, even when otherwife inde- pendent, always reft on, and cover, primary; but very commonly alfo they lean on their fides or inveſt them. 2 Sauff. 338. § 919. but they are never covered by primary. 1 Gerh. Gefch. 125. Lehm. flotz. Gebirge, 169. 13 Ann. Chy. 164. 167, &c. 164. 167, &c. Quartz and felfpar in an arenaceous form are often found in them, and alfo mica, as in the fe- condary ſtrata of Mansfeld, 1 Gerh. Geſch. § 72. Between primary and fecondary ftrata, commonly a ſtone or fubftance of a middle nature, participating of both, inter- venes, as Sauffure has well remarked, as far- cilite, or fandſtone, or breccia. 1 Sauff. § 594, p. 528. the reafon of whichI have given in my firſt Effay; this obfervation was firſt generalized by Mr. Sauffure: the ſtone itſelf is called todt liegendes; I call it, from its con- ftitution, femiprotolite, being femiprimige- nous. Sometimes petrifactions are found in the upper ftrata, and none in the lower, I Sauff. § 409. p. 333. and Lafius. The ſtrata of ſecondary mountains are ſo much the more irregular or inclined as they ap- proach nearer to primary mountains. 1 Sauff. Q I § 287. 1 (226) § 287. Secondary mountains or ftrata are not all of equal antiquity, thofe in which ammo- nites and belemnites only are found, ſeem the moft ancient; and, next to thefe, thofe in which madrepores and millepores are found. Some are derivative, being formed fubfe- quently to the production of organic fub- ſtances, and originating from difintegration. The principal character by which deri- vative mountains are diftinguifhed, confifts in their exhibiting vegetable fubftances, or petrifactions, or at leaſt their impreffions, or land fhells, as thofe of fnails, or fluviatile fhells, with either none, or ſcarce any ma- rine remains, though fome of diluvian cri- gin may exhibit theſe alſo. Secondary mountains are either formed of one ſpecies of ſtone, or of ftrata of differ- ent ſpecies, one covering or alternating with the other; the former I call unigenous, the latter polygenous: thefe are commonly ftra- tified, the former often not. In fome, dif- ferent fpecies are jumbled together, thefe I call faraginous; they are by fome called tertiary, as refulting from the ruins of other mountains, tumultuouſly and promifcuouſly heaped together. The fubftances that form fecondary ( 227 ) fecondary mountains are either calcareous, of which there are various fpecies, or argil- laceous, or filiceous, or arenilitic, or ferrugi- nous, or faliniferous, or carboniferous; of both theſe laſt mentioned I fhall treat of apart. The ftrata of fecondary mountains frequently correfpond with each other both in number, fpecies, and thickneſs, in differ- ent mountains, not very diftant from each other, as in Weſt Gothland, &c. Although no certain order prevails in the diſpoſition of ſecondary ftrata, yet there are particular diſpoſitions, which, according to Voight, 2 Berg. 1793, 211, are conſtantly excluded; thus coal is never found under primitive argillite, &c. but he certainly, in his other inſtances, only proves that pri- mitive ſtones are not found over fecondary. According to Dolomieu, no ftratum of cryſtalliſed, or granularly foliated ftone, is ever found in fecondary mounts. 8 Sauff. 284. he must except gypfum. Q 2 § 2. го (228) 1 § 2. OF CALCAREOUS MOUNTAINS. Limestone. During the laſt period of the cryſtalliza- tion of calcareous ftones, fifh were created, hence fome of theſe mixed with, and dif- turbed the cryftallization; the ftones, how- ever, which were formed in theſe circum- ſtances, have a much more compact grain than limeftones of fubfequent formation, which were folidified by a more partial cryf- tallization. In fome inftances, vaft maffes or banks of coral have their intervals filled up with cryftallized calcareous matter; the ſtony maffes thus formed, are, confequently, not divided in ftrata, but rather irregularly rifted like primeval maffes; of this fort is the mountain of Iberg in the Hartz. La- fius, 180. The petrifactions are fcarcely difcernible until the ftone is fomewhat wi- thered. Ibid. 214. and feveral of the higheſt calcareous mountains of the Vivarois. i Soulavie, 13. as that of Vinezac. Ibid. 190. and the rocks of Bidon. Ibid. 192. and fome in Siberia. 4 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 191. ་ were { ( 229 ) 1 were thus formed. But more frequently this limeftone forms ftratified mountains; as at Burren, in the county of Clare; the loweſt ftrata of theſe are the broadeft, the fucceed- ing ftrata narrower, fo that the afcent is like that of ſtairs; their height is from 600 to 1200 feet above the level of the fea; no other fpecies of ſtone interpofes between them. In many inftances, however, thin beds of clay, ochre, and even flints, or hornſtone, (and agates near the Volga. 3 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 162.) occur between limeftone ftrata. (2 Herm. 302.) Voight Prack. 109, 110. 11 Ann. Chy. 226, 1 Soulavie, 189. or even in the midſt of a limestone rock. I Sauff. 197. In Bohemia the interceding hornftone has been found of the thickneſs of five or fix inches. Reufs Mittel Gebirge, 38, 39. This argil and the filiceous ftones are evidently the refult of tranfudation or percolation. In Savoy, Saleve, the Dole, and the Mole, are ftratified, an inftructive account of which may be ſeen in Vol. I. of Sauffure's Voyages. The fhells found in limeſtone ſtrata are commonly entire; fome preferve their internal mother of pearl glofs, Q 3 and T (230) and do not therefore appear to have been rolled or tranſported, but rather to have been fucceffively accumulated in nume- rous families; and, therefore, not of diluvial origin. In fome, the calcareous matter is regularly cryftallized, but more commonly confufedly; frequently only the impreffions of fhells remain; in their rifts calcareous fpar or granular limeſtone often occurs. Some limeſtones appear to be of late origin, for the fhells found in them are of common garden fnails; fuch occur in Siberia, fee 7 Kaifer Accad. Naturforfh, 411. 3 Crell. Chy. Archives, 261. Vaſt caverns are frequently formed in the interior of theſe mountains, or even in plains whoſe fubftratum is calcareous rock; theſe evi- dently refult from the erofion or folution of the fofter calcareous particles by water; fee Pilkington's Derbyshire, 63. In the Cevennes, conchiferous limeſtone ſtrata at the fummit repofe on argillitic, and theſe again on limeftone whofe fhells are of a different kind, 1 Genfanne Hift. Langue- doc, 260, 261. Secondary limeſtone mountains always repofe mediately or immediately on fome primeval ſtone; thus in Siberia they have for ( 231 ) for a baſis granite, porphyry, or hornblende. Renov. 75, 76. 3 Ann. Chy. 163. In Sax- ony they repofe on granite. Charp. 51. fometimes on granular limeftone. 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, 166. fometimes on argillite, fometimes on fandſtone. Ibid. In Sweden they often bear on fandftone. 1 Bergm. Erde. Befchrib. 226. in Swifferland they reft on argillite or gneifs. Ferber, Briefe, 9, 10, &c. or calcareous farcilite, or femi- protolite. 4 Helv. Mag. 116, 117. 1 Berg. Jour. 1790, 176. The calcareous moun- tains of the Vicentine and Veronefe have alſo a primeval bafis. Ferber Italy, 44. In Stiria and Carinthia a micaceous argillite. Ibid. 45. or granite, or ftelſtein. 1 Phy. Arbeit. 106. or in Bohemia on ſandſtone. Reufs Bohemia, xxxi. and alfo in the Hartz. Lafius, 221. in St. Domingo on granite. 31 Roz. 174. in Auftria and Stiria on horn- flate, argillite, ftelftein, or granite, per Stoulz Phy. Arb. 83. thoſe of Auvergne on granite. 32 Roz. 186. and 39 Roz. 189. in Hainault on argillite. 25 Roz. 85. at Ivry in Burgundy on granite. 2 Mem. Di- jon, 1782, 121. 132. On the other hand, this ſtone is covered, fometimes by ſandſtone as on the N. extremity of Jura. 1 Sauff. Q 4 281. ( 232 ) 281. 2 Berg. Jour. 1790, 321. and in the Hartz fometimes by rubble, ſtone. 1 Berg. Jour. 1793, 199. or by a calcareous brec- cia. Ferber Italy, 10. In Saxony a bed of it upwards of one hundred feet thick is found covered with clay and ferruginous fand, to the depth of fixty or eighty feet. Charp. Saxony, 6. Calcareous ftrata often cover, indifcriminately, both primeval and fecondary mountains, as in the foreſt of Thuringia. 2 Berg. Jour. 1790, 315. It often alternates with marlite and fwineftone, Wern. K. Claffif. 17. In the Hartz it is found between rubble ftone and argillite. 1 Berg. Jour. 1793, 207. In the mountain of Voirons it is incloſed in calcareous grit. 1 Sauff. 217 and 248. In Bavaria it alternates with argillite and marlite. Flurl, 44. The fuperior ftrata of limeſtone are commonly the fofteft, the in- ferior are harder and denfer; the loweſt are generally thin. 1 Soulavic. 178. Some contrary inftances occur in Swifferland, but then a different compofition alfo takes place. Sometimes calcareous mountains are rent in various directions, and then preſent poly- gonal ( 233 ) (233 gonal pillars, quadrangular, pentangular, &c. like bafalts, as at Ruoms and Bidon, in Soulavie, 194. 200. the Vivarois. 1 In Saxony a ruſty limeſtone is found refem- bling a fandy indurated clay, this breaks into prifms; it is there called planar. Charp. 49, In Europe, limeftone is feldom metalli- ferous, the ores moft frequently found in it are galena, the ſparry iron ore, fulphur py- rites, and copper pyrites. 2 Lenz. 380. and pure fulphur. 1 Herm. 14. I 2. Swine Stone. This is either compact, flaty, or, porous ; it commonly contains no petrifactions. Voight Prack, 105. yet that of Kinneculla contains many, per Hermelin Schwed. Ab- handl. 1767, 28. but, as he alſo ſays, the fame ftratum contains fome common lime- ftone, it is probable it is in that the petri- factions are found; much may alfo depend on the degree in which the unctuous mat- ter exifts in them; Flurl Orogr. Briefe 76. mentions petrifaction to be found in it. I Nofe (234) 1 Noſe Forfetz. 75. but impreffions of fiſh, or of fhells, infects, or leaves, are often found on this ftone. 2 Lenz. 381. it fometimes contains flints. Lafius, 130. and Elumenb. from Voight's Mag. V. B. 1 St. p. 19. men- tions a brown fwineſtone in which belem- nites are contained. Blumenb. Natur. Gefch. 601, and Flurl Bavaria, 78. It commonly repoſes on marlite. Lenz. 382. fometimes on compact limeftone. 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, 167. I ftrongly fufpect that fwineſtone is in ſome caſes a primeval lime- ſtone, penetrated with petrol. Mr. Wil- liams thinks petrol is found in all limeſtone, in greater or leffer quantities; in Scotland he fometimes found it of the confiftence of an ointment, in the cavities of limestone. I Wms. 235. 3. Oviform Limestone. This is not common; the balls or glo- bules have for the moſt part a grain of ſand in the middle. 2 Lenz. 381. 4. Porous ; 1 (235) 4. Porous Limeftone. In Often contains impreffions of leaves, and fometimes wood. 1 Helvet. Mag. 9. Siberia it fometimes covers granite, and contains petrifactions. Renov. 27. theſe are evidently of diluvial origin; thoſe found in high fummits in Peru, are probably con- tained in this fpecies of ftone, and of the fame origin. 5. Marlites, and calcareous Sandstone. Bituminous marlite commonly bears im- preffions of fish, generally of carps; often. of marine plants; often alfo native copper, or copper pyrites, or vitreous copper ore; it frequently refts on femiprotolite. 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, 214. Calcareous fandſtone frequently forms whole mountains, as thoſe of Voirons and Boiffy in Savoy. 1 Sauff. 215. 247. Common marlites often alter- nate with clay. Voight Fulda, 15. they fometimes contain gypfum, fpar, mica, fand; frequently fhells, or petrifactions, ammonites, ( 236 ) ammonites, pectinites, tubulites, and im- preffions of leaves of oak. 2 Lenz. 382. flints are alfo found in marl. I Gerh. Gefch. 124. In Swifferland calcareous fandftones, as in Jorat, repofe on femipri- migenous breccia. 4 Helv. Mag. 118. Struvius obferved, near Cully, a calcareous farcilite. 2 Berg. Jour. 1791, 242. Char- pentier obſerved near Priefnitz, in Saxony, a fort of marlite that refembles granite. Charp. 61. it is alfo found of all colours, and beautifully variegated, and regularly ftratified, in Scotland. 2 Wms. 35. In Bavaria, marlites, or indurated marl, alternate with fandftone. Flurl Bavaria, 555. and fometimes with fand. 3 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 28. Hills of femilapidified marl frequently occur in Carinthia, Car- niola, and in the Tridentine, and Venetian territory. 3 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 28. It has alfo been found between ftrata of limestone and of argillite. Ibid. 6. Chalk. Chalk feems to refult from the precipi- tation of calcareous matter, impregnated 3 with ( 237 ) (237 with as much fixed air as was neceffary to precipitate it, and no more; the water that held it in folution feems alfo to have been charged with a finall proportion of argil, and a far larger of filex in its ultimate ftate of divifion; hence the calcareous matter was not cryſtallized, and its interpofition in a large proportion prevented the filex alfo from cryſtallizing. From fucceffive preci- pitations beds of chalk, moſtly in a hori- zontal pofition, have refulted; but by the fucceffive infiltration of water, the filiceous particles were gradually reunited, and form- ed with the addition of a few of the calcare- ous and argillaceous genus, thofe irregularly. fhaped concretions, known by the name of flints, which are found difperfed in regular ftrata through the chalk. 1 Berg. Jour. 1791, 317. 2 Bergb. 384. Their regular ftratifications proceeds from the uniform denfity of each ftratum of chalk, through which they were infiltrated: it muſt not be imagined that thoſe found on the furface of chalk were always on the furface, as the primitive furface was long blown or waſhed off; hence petrified fhells are often found in chalk, and even converted into calcedony. Lafius, (238) ܆ Lafius, 106. and vice versa, from a fimilar percolation calcareous fpar is found cryſtal- lized in the fame grottos or hollows, in which rock cryſtal is found, under immenſe maſſes of granite. 2 Sauff. 131. Flints them- felves often contain petrifactions. Ferber Italy, 383. Woodward's Catalogue, and Lefke, S. 209, &c. The petrifactions found in chalk are echinites, pectinites, chamites, mytilites, corallites, &c. 2 Lenz. 396, but metallic fubftances are never found in it. Werner K. Claffif. 19. Berg. Kal. 232. yet in France martial pyrites are faid to be found in it, 39 Roz. 358. 7. Gypfum. Mountains, but more frequently hills, only of gypfum, occur in different parts of France, Italy, Spain, Poland, &c. many alſo exiſt in Aſia, in which it is commonly ftratified and horizontal, but ſome are maf- five. Ferber 4 N. Act. Petropol. 289. Mountains of it occur alfo in the N. Archi- pelago, between Afia and America, per Steller, 18 Roz. 41. and to the cafy folu- रे bility (239) Quartz, cal- bility of fubftances of this fort, the dif parition of the intervening continent may in great meaſure be owing. cedony, agates, hyacinths, hornftone, ſpar, and boracite, have been found in the gyp- fum; alſo green and grey copper ore, and galena. 2 Lenz. 398. 27 Roz. 70. and fal gem. and fulphur in the Ourals. 1 Herm. 14. Petrifactions feldom, but impreffions of leaves and fish, have occurred in 1 Berg. Erde. 253. 2 Lenz. 398. Voight Prack. § 59. Townſend found fome in that of Spain. Vol. I. p. 144. and fome alfo occurs in the vicinity of the White ſea, in hills of gypfum. 1 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 144. The mountains frequently contain caverns. La- fius, 204. it commonly alternates with marl, or marlite, fometimes with fandſtone, and, rarely, with limeftone. Berg. Kalend. 235. Flurl found it between ftrata of com- pact limeſtone, without any trace of marl. Bavaria, 79. its different families alfo alter- nate with each other; fometimes it only forms veins in calcareous mountains. Bowles, 374. fometimes it is found on the fummit of a calcareous mountain. Bowles, 131. Where it forms hills or mountains, the (240) the upper ftrata are always impure, being fouled by argil, or marl, the higheſt ftrata being always argillaceous or marly. In Swifferland Sauffure notices a mountain formed of an aggregate of gypfum, fand, and argil. 2 Sauff. 528. In Auſtria rocks of gypfum of a white, grey, greenish or red- diſh colour, occur. 1 Phy. Arbeit. 85. It often repoſes on fandſtone. Voight Prack. 107. fometimes on fecondary limeftone. Mem. Par. 1763, 39, in 8vo. ſometimes on marlite. 6 Sauff. 37. In the Hartz it is covered by fecondary limeftone. Lafius, 233. and fo almoſt conſtantly in Saxony. Charp. 350. At Aix, near Avignon, it is immediately covered by bituminous mar- lite, and with pifcine remains, but does not alternate with it. 6 Sauff. 41. That it is of modern formation admits of no doubt, after the curious obfervations of Werner in his letter to Lefke. 2 Biblioth. du Nord. 73 and 82. yet Sauffure found it in a fhif- tofe form mixed with mica near St. Go- thard. 7 Sauff. 178. § 3. ( 241 ) § 3. Argillaceous. Under this head I comprehend not only ftones, &c. of the argillaceous genus, but alfo fuch fandſtones, porphyries, breccias, as bear an argillaceous cement. I. Argillite. There can be no doubt but argillite is frequently of fecondary origin; Ferber ac- knowledges it to be partly primeval, and partly fecondary. 4 N. Act. Petropol. 289. Gruner found ammonites in the argillite near Meyringen in Swifferland. 3 Helv. Mag. 191. in a fpecimen from Heffia, mytilites occur; fee Lefke, G. 339. Voight found a limestone with petrifactions, be- tween ftrata of argillite. 1 Mineral. Ab- handl. 86, 87, 88. It often contains pif- cine remains betwixt its laminæ, Lafius, 105. Sauffure found argillitic ftrata inter- mixed with black marble. I Sauff. 401. In the Hartz impreffions of reeds, ruſhes, R and ( 242 ) and pectinites, are found on it where it adjoins to rubble ftone. Lafius, 103. 105. Sometimes it hardens and grows more fili- ceous from the bottom upwards. Lafius, 105. Sometimes it is harder at greater than leffer depths. Idem, 102. In the Hartz it alternates with, and fometimes is intimately mixed with, rubble ftone. Lafius, 138. It alfo paffes into fandſtone. Idem, 105. At Kinneculla it alternates with aluminous flate and marlite. 29 Schwed. Abhandl. 26. כג. Indurated Clay. Pectinites, chamites, mytilites, turbi- nites, &c. have been found in it, alſo ſpar, gypfum, quartz, fulphur pyrites, martial ochre, common falt, vitriol, and alum, 2 Lenz. 403. It often alternates with limeſtone, gypſeous, and fandſtone ſtrata. Lenz. Ibid. In Saxony it has been found alternating with thin beds of argillaceous iron ore, filled with fhells. Charp. 8. Is not the ſtriped jafper 1 Berg. Jour. 1791, p. 97. in Siberia, in which petrifactions are found, rather an indurated or lapidified clay ? 3. Shale ( (243 243 ) : 3. Shale (Shiefer thon). Impreffions of reeds or fern, fometimes of mufculites, mytilites, &c. are found on it. 2 Lenz. 378. Alternates with coal and fand- ftone. Voight Prack. Paffes into argillite, marl, fandſtone, and rubble ftone. 2 Lenz. Ibid. 4. Bituminous Shale (Brandfchiefer). This is generally found in ftratified moun- tains that contain argillaceous iron ſtone. It forms thick ftrata which alternate with that ore, and with fhale, marlite, or cala- mine, and many petrifactions. 1 Emmerl. 291. and Werner's Letter to Lefke in 2 Biblioth. du Nord, 81. 5. Indurated Lithomarga. It fometimes bears the impreffions of reeds; and is found ftratified in coal mines. Emmerl. 357· 359· It paffes into indurated clay, or moun- tain ſope, or ſteatites. Emmerl. Ibid. R 2 6. Rubble ( 244 ) i 6. Rubble Stone, or Slate. Petrifactions, as hyfteriolites, mytilites, &c. are found in it, or impreffions of reeds, or ruſhes, and madrepores, at the depth of 1200 feet. Lafius, 206. Lefke, G. 874. Wern. K. Claffif. 18. It fometimes covers conchiferous limeſtone. 1 Berg. Jour. 1793, 199. It is frequently metalliferous; the fubftances of that fort it bears are galena, copper, and fulphur pyrites, bifmuth and cobalt. 2 Lenz. 391. It alternates with, and frequently paffes into, argillite and fandſtone. 2 Lenz. Ibid. A filiceous fand- ſtone mixed with argillite at Bornholm, is called a rubble ſtone, 5 Berl. Beob. Berl. Beob. 94. hi- therto it occurs principally in the Hartz. 7. Argillaceous, or ferruginous Sandfione. Sandſtone, with an argillaceous or ferru- ginous cement, frequently forms whole ftra- tified mountains in Saxony and Bohemia. Charpent. 41, &c. the ftrata are often of confiderable thickneſs, and horizontal; the 6 uppermoſt (245) uppermoft and lowermoft often the looſeft; the interior of each ftratum the hardeſt. Ibid. 44. The loweſt parts contain petri- factions. Ibid. The cement is argillo-ferru- ginous. In Normandy the ferruginous ſandſtone, called rouffier, confifts of calca- reous gravel in a ferruginous cement; it contains oftracites, Mem. Par. 1763, 404, in 8vo. 81, in 4to. but more commonly the granular part is of the filiceous genus. Werner, 17. The petrifactions found in ſandſtone are moſt commonly orthoceratites, chamites, tellinites, oftracites, &c. and often the im- preffions of leaves and fifh. Charp. 44, 45. 47. 2 Lenz. 389. hence it cannot be a dif- integrated granite, as fome have imagined. It fometimes contains fhells converted into calcedony. Lafius, 225. 3 de Luc, 15. It is feldom metalliferous, Werner, 18. yet the vitreous copper ore, malachite, cinnabar, fulphur pyrites, iron ftone, fometimes oc- cur in it. 2 Lenz. 389. Lafius, 146. But query, if in the fecondary? In Saxony its loweſt ſtrata repofe on granite, or argillite. Charp. 45. in Bohemia chiefly on granite. Reufs Bohemia, 100. 103. 110, &c. yet I ftrongly R 3 1 t (246) * ftrongly incline to think the Bohemian fandſtone, mentioned by Reufs, primeval. In Swifferland it fometimes leans or refts on fecondary limeſtone, as at Mount Emen- thel, 4 Helv. Mag. 118. or repofes on it. 2 Mem. Lauf. Part II. 17. 5 Sauff. 283. In the territory of Ilmenau, Voight found it repoſing on ſecondary limeftone. Voight, 53. 55. It paffes into argillite, rubble ſtone, or wacken. 2 Lenz. 389. Lafius, 145, 146. 151. It alternates with unguilite (Nagel fluhe) in Swifferland 1 Berg. Jour. 1790, 174. and in Bavaria. Flurl, 88. In the Hartz it forms the higheſt ftratum of moſt of the mountains, Lafius, 148. co- vering argillite. Id. 150. yet this ſtratum contains no petrifactions, though the lower ftrata do; but this is mere chance. Mem. Par. 1747, 1059, in 8vo. Ibid. Sometimes it covers fwineftone. Id. 225. When fomewhat withered, the ferrugi nous part often fails, then it appears porous; yet theſe pores often contain iron in an ochry form, which fufficiently indicates their origin. Lafius, 149. 8. Porphyry. 1 ( 247 ) (247 8. Porphyry, In Bohemia fhiſtoſe porphyry ſeems to be fometimes a fecondary rock, for impref- fions of leaves have been detected betwixt its laminæ. Reufs Mittel Gebirg. 101, 102. In the Hartz porphyry alternates with a red argillite, which is ſecondary; for a petrified nautilite was found in it. Lafius, 154. 110. In Saxony it fometimes covers a fecondary limeſtone, and therefore muſt be ſecondary. Charp. 49. who remarks that it bears a ſtrong reſemblance to granite. Ibid. 50. 9: Trap, and Bafalt. The conftitution of this ſtone has been already fufficiently difcuffed in the firſt chapter we have there fhewn, alſo, that in fome places it is of primeval origin; but now it will be made to appear that it is of- ten, alſo, of ſecondary origin, as it will be fhewn to repoſe on ſtones evidently of that origin. R 4 The ( 248 ) 4 The mountain of Kinneculla, in Weſt Gothland, is ftratified: its higheſt ftratum is trap; the next to that is argillite; and to this reddish brown compact limeſtone: under theſe fwine ftone, and a mixture of gypfum and fwine ftone, and a grey flaty limeſtone, in which petrifactions are found: below this fandſtone; and under that gra- nite. Swed. Abhand. 1767, 25, &c. Petri- factions are alfo found in the compact limeſtone. Id and 5 Bergm. 124. Hence, as this trap is incumbent on fecondary ſtones, it muſt alfo be itfelf fecondary; and Faujas, approving of Bergman's reaſons, al- lows this trap not to be of volcanic origin; fee his tract on traps, p. 12. and yet it is fonorous like bafalts, which on that account has been thought volcanic. Some Swediſh mineralogifts imagined the trap was only invefted, but not underlayed, by the other ſtrata, apparently inferior to it, but both Bergman and Hermelin have proved the contrary. To demonftrate the falsehood of this opinion more fully, we have only to obferve, that at Pohlberg, in Saxony, where bafaltic pillars repofe on gneifs, a gallery has been puſhed into the gueifs, under the bafalt, ( 249 ) baſalt, without meeting it, fo that it is plain it had not pierced up through the gneifs, but was barely laid over it, per Charpent. 223. 4 Helv. Mag. 546. 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, 258. Werner obferved the fame at Anaberg in Saxony, where the baſalt re- poſed on clay, into which a gallery was worked without meeting the baſalt, though under it. 2 Berg. Jour. 1788, 851. and Faujas in the . . . ., near Mezinc, where the pillars repofe on coal. Recherches fur les Volc. Eteints, 338. In Heffia the bafaltic or trap mountain, called Noll, repofes on blue compact lime- ſtone, which contains petrifactions, as Mr. Riefs, who lately defcribed it, obferves. I Berg. Jour. 1792, 373. But the moſt con- fiderable bafaltic mountain in Heffia, is that called Meiffener; it is above 1200 feet high, the fummit is formed of baſalt, but the inferior ftrata are coal, and bituminous and carbonated wood. I Berg. Jour. 1789, 274. 1 Berg. Jour. 1792, 378. This trap or baſalt muſt then be fecondary. In Bohemia the bafalt of Lufchitz refts partly on compact limeftone, partly on ar- gillaceous marl. Reufs M. Gebirg. 72, 73. In i (250) In Scheibenberg the bafalt paffes into wac- ken, which paffes into clay; the clay into quartzy fand, and this lies on gneifs. 2 Berg. Jour. 1788. 1 In the environs of Sortino, in Sicily, Do- lomieu found trap covering a limestone that abounded in fhells, a circumftance that embarraffed him exceedingly, as he thought it a lava, but could not diſcover from whence it iffued. 25 Roz. 192. Ba- faltic pillars are fometimes of an extraordi- nary length, thoſe of Stolpe, in Saxony, ex- ceed 300 feet without any articulation or divifion, Charp. 37. and in the Ifle of Fe- roe, 120 feet long, and 6 feet in diameter. Nofe Samlung. 138. Bafaltic pillars are fometimes dilated in the middle, and in- curvated; this dilatation and curvature Sou- lavie diſcovered to proceed from a nucleus of a foreign ſtone in the part dilated; yet frequently this nucleus was found only in one pillar; but the bending of that pillar obliged, by its preffure, the next pillar to bend alfo, as did this the next, and thus the whole range of them was incurvated. This obfervation evidently proves that all the pillars were originally in a foft ftate, and formed 3 (251) formed a coherent mafs, for if they were originally as diftant from each other as at preſent (in the mountain of Antraigues, where he made this obſervation), they could not prefs one on the other, and, confe- quently, that theſe pillars did not affume the columnar form by cryftallization, but by difruption, as I have elſewhere fhewn. It alfo deferves to be remarked, that the gra- nitic nucleus did not appear in the leaft altered; a fign, furely, that it had experi- enced no heat, and, confequently, that the ſoftneſs of the baſalt did not proceed from its having been in a ftate of fufion. 2 Sou- Javie, 76 and 51. • In a mountain of Bohemia, bafalts have been found ſtanding on clay, which formed of the whole mountain; and, therefore, could not have arifen from the decompofi- tion of the baſalts, as fome have imagined clay to do in a fimilar cafe. Reufs Bohemia, 177. Impreffions of leaves or fhells have fometimes been found on it. Lenz. 374. or on the marl contained in its cavities. I Chy. Ann. 1792, 70. and Bruckenman found muſcle fhells, and ammonites, and corallites, in bafalt of the pretended extinct volcanoes of France. 1 Chy. Ann. 1794, 103. (252) 1 103*. It is found imperfectly ftratified in various parts of Scotland. 1 Williams, 58 and 71. He obferved columnar baſalts to be perfectly vertical, when the ftratum they repoſed on was horizontal; but oblique if the ftratum was inclined. 2 Williams, 38. On the weſtern declivity of Snowden, ba- faltic pillars reft on hornftone. Aikin Wales, 99. 10. Hornblende. This has very unexpectedly been proved to be fometimes of fecondary formation, for Baron Afh has prefented to the muſeum of Gottingen a number of fhells, moſtly telli- nites, filled with ftriated fhining horn- blende, found in the Crimea. Blumenb. Handb. Natur. Gefch. 579, in note. II. Argillaceous and calcareous Breccias, and Farcilites. Lafius obferved, argillite, quartz, and hornſtone, ſtuck in an argillaceous cement, forming a rubble ſtone breccia in the Hartz; its ſpecific gravity 2,579. Lafius, 143, 144. * Doctor Richardfon lately diſcovered, and fhewed me, fhells in the bafalts of Ballycastle. The ( 253 ) The hill of Morsfeld, in the Palatinate, in which mercurial ores are found, is com- poſed of vaſt layers of argillaceous breccia, betwixt which thin ftrata of argillite are intercepted, per Lafius, 1 Berg. Jour. 1791, 308; on thefe impreffions of fiſh are diſ- cerned. Ibid. 309. Whole mountains of cal- careous breccias are met with at the foot of the Suabian Alps, in Swifferland (the Nagel Aluhe), and Italy (Marmo Brecciato). 2 Wi- denman, 1036. A calcareous farcilite, there called amenla, is found in France, extending fix miles from Montmoirac to Rouffon; it confifts of heaps of calcareous rounded peb- bles agglutinated by a calcareous cement, and intermixed with fhells; it does not form ftrata, but rather immenfe heaps; the upper pebbles are not fo perfectly cemented as the lower. Mem. Par. 1746, p. 723, &c. Another of the fame kind in Carniola. 2 Phy. Arbeit. 8. (See p. 97.) Alfo the mountain of Rigeberg is formed of tumblers of limeſtone and hornftone and a red argillaceous ftone cemented by a cal- careous cement. 7 Sauff. 188, and Mon- ferrat. (Sec Bowles.) § 4. (254) § 4. Siliceous. 1. Hornftone. According to Baron Born, petrifactions: have been found in a white hornftone near Lehotka, in Hungary. Letter 21, p. 212. In the peak of Derbyſhire it is ſaid to be found in ftrata twelve feet thick, even not always ftratified, and alfo in limeftone. 6 Phil. Tranſ. Abr. Part II, 192. Petrifac- tions are found in it, Whitehurſt, 233, 234. Hills, confifting of hornſtone, penetrated with calcareous particles, and paffing into marlite, have been obferved in Auftria. I Phy. Arbeit. 80, 81. Another quarry of this ftone, with petrifactions, exifts in the Dut- chy of Luxemburg, defcribed by Nofe, I Chy. Ann. 1789, 425. That alfo which is fo frequently intercepted betwixt beds of com- pact limeſtone, muſt be ſecondary; fee 6 Sauff. 82. It is itſelf often the ſubſtance of petrifactions. Flurl Bavaria, 571. 2. Jafper. (255) 2. Jafper. Madrepores are faid to have been obferv- ed in red jaſper, in Hungary. 2 Lempe. Mag. 76. Alſo in the red jafper of Breſcia, Ferber Italy 33. This Bergman alſo men- tions in his Phyf. Geo. 304, but juſtly quef- tons it. Lafius, p. 207, tells us he found a nautilus petrified in red jaſper, near Elbin- gerode. Striped jafper with petrifactions, is faid alfo to be found in Siberia. 1 Bergm. Jour, 1791, 97. Herman doubts it: I ſuſpect that in all the ſuppoſed inſtances of . fecondary jafper, the word jafper has not been taken in the ftricteſt ſenſe. 3. Farcilites, and Breccias. A fort of breccia formed of iron nails agglutinated by a filiceous cement has been taken out of the Danube, and ano- ther out of a canal in Hungary. 1 Phyſ. Arbeit. 79. In Siberia whole mountains of filiceous farcilites are found confifting of rounded pebbles of jafper, calcedony, and carnelian, (256) carnelian, ftuck in a filiceous cement. I Bergm. Jour. 1791, 81. Some alſo of filiceous breccias. Ibid, and in the ſequel. I mention theſe here, as it may be doubted whether they are primeval or not. Farcilitic mountains are alfo common in the north of Scotland, and the Weſtern Highlands. 2 Williams, 51. 4. Siliceous Sandstone. In the ports of Domich and Campara, in the ifle of Arbe, on the coaft of Dal- matia, Abbé Fortis found oftracites in a filiceous fandſtone. Dalmatia 355. See alſo in Lefke, G. 793, &c, feveral petrifac-. tions in this fort of fandftone. The hill of Platenberg confiſts of ſandſtone with a cal- cedonic cement; it contains fhells convert- ed, by expulfion of the calcareous matter, into calcedony. Lafius, 284, 285. 5. Semiprotolites (Rothe tod liegendes). Theſe ſtones I call by this name, as being partly of primeval, and partly of ſubſequent, origin; they conſiſt of pebbles, or of frag- ments, ( 257 ) ments, or of fand of primeval origin, com- pacted and cemented by an argillaceous or calcareous, or filiceous cement of pofterior origin; hence they generally form the low- eft ftratum that feparates primeval rocks and fecondary ftrata. From their compofi- tion they come under the denomination either of farcilites, breccias, or fandftones. In fome places this fand has been accumulated into vaft heaps fo as to form mountains 6 or 700 feet high, and then compacted by an adventitious cement, Of this fort are the mountains of Hertzberg, and Kaul- berg near Ilefeld, in which the fand is ce- mented by a ferruginous cement, and con- tains fragments of porphyry, and alfo veins. of iron ſtone, and manganefe, and ftrata of coal, with impreffions of reeds, ruſhes, and other plants, Lafius 249, and 280. The red colour is evidently from iron. The femiprotolite of Wartburg near Eifenach, contains rounded lumps of gra- nite and ſhiftofe mica: fubftances found in the neighbouring mountains. The femipro- tolite of Goldlauter confifts entirely of por- phyry, as do the primeval mountains of that district. That of Kiffhauferberg in S Thuringia, (258) 1 1 Thuringia, contains rounded argillites from the neighbouring mountains of the Hartz. Petrified wood is found in this laft. Voight's Letters, 19, 20. According to Voight, the femiprotolite found under coal has a filice- ous cement, and contains few primitive ftones, Lettres fur les Montagnes, 31. Sauffure made the fame obfervation on thofe which he found on the defcent of Trient, which interceded between the pri- mary and fecondary mountains. 2 Sauff. § 699. He even remarked long before, that primeval and fecondary rocks were al- moſt always ſeparated by a ſandſtone or far- cilite, 1 Sauff. § 594. Where the ſecond- ary ſtrata are calcareous, the femiprotolite has a calcareous cement, See Lehm. 168. Semiprotolite is always red, by reafon of the ferruginous particles by which it is ce- mented; its diffufion or expanſion is un- equal, being frequently horizontal or even, but fometimes depreffed, and in other in- ſtances much elevated. Moſt of the fuper- impoſed ftrata partake of this inequality, and are its natural confequences. Hence the protuberances and depreffions, other- wife called moulds, obſerved in them. Charp. • Saxony, 2 ( 259 ) Saxony, 371. It refts on granite. Ibid, 370, 371. $5. To form a clear idea of the ftructure of polygenous fecondary mountains, I fhall exhibit an enumeration of the ftrata dif- covered in fome of them in various parts of Europe, with fome, though not an accurate defignation of their thickneſs, as abfolute preciſion is not here neceffary. Of the ftrata from Ilefeld to Mansfield, and round the Hartz. Lehman, 163. Lafius, 278, and Gerhard, 109. Enumeration of Strata. Fathoms. Inches. i Vegetable earth more or lefs 2 Swine ſtone 6 3 Gypfum ..from 4 to 30 4 An arenaceous compound of. clay, chalk, and fand, from 12 to 5 Afh grey compact limeſtone 6 Argilliferous limeſtone 7 Induraed clay 8 Calciferous clay 9 Calciferous clay flate.. 10 Black flightly cupriferous marlite 11 Ablackerditto, and poor in copper S 2 20 2 HO ** I 16. 6 I 12 N. ( 260 ) -1 Fathoms 12 N. 1o repeated 13 Rich bituminous marlite 14 Bituminiferous and cupriferous. fand. 15 Calciferous and argilliferous gra- vel .... 16 Blue clay from 17 Red friable ferruginous ſandſtone mixed with clay and mica ... 18 Red hard femiprotolite from... 20 to.... 19 Red filiceous and ferruginous fanditone. 20 Sandy kraggſtone. 21 Ditto... Hja I Inches 4 I 2 to 8 60 16 314 I 22 Browniſh red flaty wacken CO 8 ΙΟ 23 Liver-coloured ditto 24 Bluish black ditto 25 Clay flate. 26 Coal 27 Clay flate, with impreffions of leaves, and reeds • 28 Black flaty trap 29 Red femiprotolite 30 The primeval rock a 15. 30 H H Ha Note 1. According to Lehman, the ftrata after No. 18 are exceptions to a ge- neral rule, namely, that femiprotolite fhould be the laft ftratum; but he fays, that in this cafe he found ftrata under it; I believe, (261) 1 I believe, however, that it is not an excep- tion, but that the fucceeding ftrata were indeed lower, but not exactly under the 18th, for it is not by boring, but by level- ling the external extremities of the ftrata that he judged of their fuperimpofition. Lehm. 169. Note 2. The denominations were fre- quently corrected from Lafius, and the fpecimens Lafius referred to, and fome- times from Gerhard. Strata of Derbyshire. Whitehurft's Theory, 182. 1 Coarfe fandſtone 2 Slate clay • 3 Conchiferous lamellar limeſtone, the lami- næ intercepting thin ftrata of flale ………. 4 Amygdaloid (toadſtone) Yards 120 120 50 16 5 Compact limeftone, like No. 3 6 Amygdaloid..... 7 Lamellar limeftone, like No. 3 8 Amygdaloid .. 9 50 46 бо 22 Limeſtone as the former.... Not yet cut through Note 1. In the limeftone, No. 3, ores of zinc, pyrites, compact barofelenite, fluors, and petrifactions are found. S 3 2. The (262) t 2. The ftrata of amygdaloid are pro- greffively more folid as they lie deeper. 3. The ftrata of limeftone and amyg- daloid are feparated by ftrata of light blue clay with a tinge of green (probably wack- en) of from 1 to 6 feet thick. Theſe con- tain nodules of fpar and pyrites, and it is remarked that from them the hot fprings flow. They are alfo ftrongly calciferous, Ibid. 187. Order of the Strata near Bouillet, from Struvius, 2 Mem. Lauf. 52, and 2 Bergm. Jour. 1791, 246, I Mould 2 Puddingſtone 3 Indurated marl 4 Sandſtone 5 Indurated marl 6 Limeſtone 7 Clay. 8 Gypfum 9 Grey rock (a mixture of gypfum, clay, and ſand.) P. 28 10 A calciferous, and fome- what indurated clay, which he calls Pierre de corne 11 Granite Of Kinneculla. 29 Schwed. Abhand. 27 per Hermelin. • Mould 1 Trap 2 Argillite, with thin lay- ers of marlite and alu- minous flate 3 ftratified compact limeftone 4 Swineſtone and aluminous flate 5 Sandflone, alſo ſtratified 6 Granite 1 CHAP 1 (263) CHAP. III. OF VOLCANIC MOUNTAINS. Volcanic Mountains are generally of a conic form, yet all conic mountains muſt not therefore be deemed volcanic; for even granitic mountains (as Achterman in the Hartz. Lafius 17,) to fay nothing of porphy- ritic mountains, often prefent that fhape. The internal primordial ftructure of vol- canic mountains is much more difficultly diſcoverable than that of any other fpecies of mountains. Theſe laft, with few ex ceptions, have remained materially unalter- ed for feveral centuries; the former, at leaft fuch of them as are best known to us, have been convulfed, and evifcerated feveral times, even in the fame century. Thus their ancient component ftony maffes lie buried under their modern adventitious ejections. Neptun mountains have been perforated to great depths for the purpoſe of extracting metallic ores, and their con- tents ſtrictly examined by perfons accurately fkilled in mineralogy; but as lavas contain no metallic veins, and as even fome dan- SA ger ! (264) ger has been apprehended in excavating them to great depths*, they have only been fuperficially obferved, and often by perfons not only deftitute of competent mineralogical knowledge, but who have openly profeffed either their ignorance or their contempt of it. One of them ex- prefsly tells us, that, "Nomenclators have "for a long time retarded the progrefs of "natural geography." "The mind of a "nomenclator is conftantly warped by his 2 fpecimens, he obliges nature to conform "to the ſyſtem of his cabinet. But the man of genius, to whom nomenclature is no- thing," (that is, who does not regard the effential differences of various fubftances) << 66 66 compares ſubſtances in their reſpective "fituations, ftudies their alteration, com- "bines theſe facts with cach other, and obliges nature to difcover what ſhe was, by what the at prefent is, &c." The man of genius whom here quotes was fo ill inſtructed, as to confound pottſtone and fhorl, and granite and lava. The con- * Collini Lettres fur les Montagnes, p. 45. † 4 Soulavi, 306. ' temner (265) temner of nomenclature himfelf tells us that granite often confifts of quartz fingly, and that quartz does not refift the action of acids *. The opinion at prefent moſt generally re- ceived concerning the ftructure of volcanic mountains, is, that they confift folely and entirely of volcanic ejections: to me, how- ever, it feems highly improbable. The volcanoes with which we are beft acquaint- ed are Vefuvius and Etna; of Hecla we know but little, and ftill lefs of the Afiatic and American volcanoes; now with reſpect to Vefuvius we may obferve, 1º. That it is a mountain of thirty miles in circumference, and above three thouſand fix hundred feet in height. In the year 79 of our Æra it was at leaſt as high as that at prefent called Somma, which nearly furrounds it: fince the year 79 of our Æra, in which its moſt confiderable eruption happened, the firft recorded in hiſtory, there were about 29; of theſe, that of 1631 and 1794, were the greateſt: that of 79 confifted chiefly of fand and aſhes, and produced over the town of Pompei an elevation of about eighty feet; in the laft * 1 Soulavie, 454, 455. eruption, : (266 ( 266 ) cruption, the lava was a mile in breadth, and at moſt twelve feet deep, fo that the mean height produced by each of thefe thirty eruptions cannot certainly be deemed to exceed twenty feet; then in 1700 years thefe eruptions produced an elevation of the mountain amounting only to fix hun- dred feet. In antecedent times, or at leaſt for 1000 years before, the eruptions, if any, muſt have been inconfiderable, fince they are mentioned by no hiftorian or poet. What reafon then have we to think that the enormous bulk and height of the whole mountain confift of an accumulation of eruptions ſtill more ancient, and of which we have no account? The lava found under the fea furniſhes certainly none, as lava has frequently been known to flow into the ſea. 2º. Many reaſons may lead us to think that the internal nucleus of Vefuvius is cal- careous; though probably under the calca- reous, vaſt maſſes of trap, hornblende, and argillite, alfo exift, with abundance of ful- phur pyrites, coal, and bitumen. Ferber remarks that the volcanic country round Vefuvius is entirely calcareous. Gioeni af- fures us that of the ejections are of that nature, + 1 (267) • nature, p. xxxiv. He adds, that primeval ftones are found, not indeed near the crater, nor on the exterior beds of lava, but on the ftratum of mould which clothed the moun- tain before the cone was formed, and un- der all that appears volcanic; and though, through prejudice, he fuppofes them ejected by the volcano, yet he fays the date of fuch ejections precedes that of all the lavas that can at preſent be diftinguifhed, p. xxxvi, and vii; nay, more, lamellar fwineſtone has been found in horizontal ſtrata, p. 13. Pa- dre Torre is of the fame opinion, but his fentiments, through his ignorance of mine- ralogy, has been treated by the more zealous volcaniſts either with pity, or with con- tempt; yet Ferber, one of the moſt emi- nent mineralogifts of this century, alfo thinks that limeſtone exifts under the vol- canic matter, adding, that large maffes of it with calcareous fpar have been ejected, Letter XI, p. 165. Near Salerno he dif- covered argillite under the limeſtone, p. 166. · See alfo Strange, in Phil. Tranf. 1775, P. 28. Of the ſtructure of Ætna I have already treated in Effay III. I fhall only add, that its * ( 268 ) its height exceeding 10000 feet, and its cir- cumference 130 miles, that circumſtance alone renders it incredible that its whole bulk is volcanic. Though it flamed fome centuries before our Era, yet there is no reafon to think it did fo before the age of Homer: and how little it has been altered by its numerous fubfequent eruptions, ap- pears from the ruins of an ancient temple, which, though the temple was built long before our Æra, are ftill extant and uncover- ed. As its lavas are moſtly porphyritic, there is great reafon to fuppofe that its primitive bafis was a porphyry, with vast beds of coal, pyrites, and bitumen, interpofed. The reaſon that feems principally to have induced philofophers to believe that volca- nic mountains owed their origin to fubter- raneous fires, was the production of monte nuses, a mountain of confiderable height, thrown up by a volcano in forty-eight hours; but it ſhould be confidered, that this mountain differs in its ſtructure alfo from all other volcanoes, for it confifts, not of beds of real, or fuppofed, lava, but of in- durated volcanic afhes, pumice, and frag- ments of lava, intermixed with each other, Diedrich's : (269) Diedrich's note on Ferber Italy, p. 169. a ftructure very different from that of Ve- fuvius, Ætna, or Hecla. The internal heat of volcanoes feems much lower than is commonly believed, if we may be allowed to eſtimate it either from the circumftances of its focus, the weakneſs of its effects, or the low heat of the ejected lava: this heat feems to have originated from the decompofition of water by pyritous maffes, particularly by that fpe- cies of pyrites that contains iron nearly in its metallic ftate; the fulphureous part of the pyrites being excluded from the contact of pure air, muſt have been fufed by this heat, and its fufion promotes the ignition and fufion of iron in a very moderate heat, as Van Diemau and his affociates have prov- ed; thus the beds of coal were heated, and the bituminous fulphurated maffes of ſtone and earth gradually foftened and liquified by the fufed fulphur and bitumen contained in them, but all this while no flame can be fuppofed to exiſt, for want of pure air; or only momentary flashes unattended with any increaſe of heat, as in Diemau's expe- riments at laft, however, the femiliquified mais, (270) 1 } mafs, after violent ftruggles and efforts, is propelled by the elaſtic vapours to the crá- ter of the volcano, where commonly meet- ing leſs refiftance, it rifes, there meeting atmoſpheric air, the fulphureous and bitu- minous vapours are at laſt fired with dread- ful exploſions, and immenfe volumes of flame; the coal is incinerated, and the li- quified matter or lava finally expelled. It is only then at the mouth of the volcano that the greateſt heat is produced; but great as it may be, the mafs of inflamed matter being incomparably fmaller than that of the lava, the increaſe of heat re- fulting to the whole of this muſt be very moderate. Hence we fee, why eruptions that happen after long intervals of reſt are by far the moſt violent, and attended with the greateſt heat, as the air in the crater, and, perhaps, alfo in the interior cavities, becomes, during fuch intervals, much purer, and, conſequently, more capable of exciting heat. In treating of the origin of bafalt, I have given many inftances of the low heat ex- perienced by lavas. Sir William Hamilton, in his account of the late dreadful eruption 6 of 1 (271) 1 of Vefuvius, on the 15th of June, 1794, tells us, that the town of Torre del Greco was fo quickly furrounded with red hot lava, that the inhabitants thought they had ſcarcely time to fave their lives, yet ſeveral of them, whofe houfes were thus furrounded while they were in them, faved themfelves by coming out of their tops the next day. It is evident, that if this lava had been hot enough to melt even the moſt fufible ftones, theſe perſons muſt have been fuffocated; nay, though the lava continued red hot the next, and even on the fucceeding days, yet on the 16th many walked over it; fee Phil. Tranf. 1795, P. 86. With respect to ancient volcanoes now extinct, there is fcarce any part of Europe, or even of the globe, in which they have not been thought to exift, for trap and ba- falt have been found almoft in every coun- try; and fince the year 1767, theſe have been by many ſuppoſed indubitable teſti- monies of an ancient volcano. In France, Languedoc, Provence, but particularly, Ve- varois, and Auvergne, have been fuppofed torn up by numerous volcanoes; many, however, have been by fubfequent lefs pre- judiced ( 272 ) 1 4 Y } judiced obfervers effaced off their lift*. One of the moſt remarkable, the Coupe de Aifa, is very accurately defcribed by Mr. Faujas he takes the black trappofe matter that defcends from the fummit of the mountain to a torrent at its foot where it forms pillars, to have been a ſtream of la- va. To a German mineralogift who lately examined that mountain, it appeared in a very different light; he tells us, that the whole mountain is formed of trap, and co- vered by vegetable earth; that a current of water laid bare the part which to Mr. Fau- jas appeared a bed or ſtream of lava, but did not effentially differ from any other part of the mountain; fee Haiding. Ge- birg's Arten, p. 38, in the note. As to the trappofe mafs, called roche rouge, mentioned by Faujas, Recherches fur les Volcans, &c. p. 364. which he thinks burst out of a granitic rock, and though in fufion, inftead of fpreading and flowing horizontally, that it raiſed itſelf without any ſupport to the height of 100 feet; an event, which, as being contrary to * See 5 Sauff. 6 Sauff. 127. 25 Roz. 174. the " (273) the nature of liquids, appears to me impof- fible; I fhould rather ſuppoſe it a prime- val trap, contemporary with granite, and de- pofited by the fluid that contained both; in that ſpot the trappoſe matter was in greater plenty, and, therefore, raiſed to a greater height. In this manner the ex- iftence of many trappofe elevations in Le Forez, mentioned by Bournon in 35 Roz. may be explained. I fhall only add, that the celebrated Mr. Charpentier, of Frey- burg, having examined all the fuppoſed vol- canic products of Vivarois and Velay, judg- ed them to be barely pfeudovolcanic. 4 Helv. Mag. 179. In Italy the Euganean mountains have been judged volcanic by many; yet as, ac- cording to Strange, they confift of, what he calls, lava and granite, few at preſent may be diſpoſed to embrace that opinion, unleſs fuch as judge granite itſelf to be of igneous origin. In Germany, and particu- larly in Heffia, Habichtswald and fome other mountains were deemed volcanic by the late worthy, and highly ingenious, Mr. Rafpe, but fome months before his death he told me, he had long given up that opi- T nion. ( 274 ) nion. A volcanic origin has been aſcribed to many others, chiefly on the ground of their containing bafaltic pillars, but the nep- tunian origin of thoſe of Bohemia has been demonftrated by Reufs; of many of thofe of Fulda by Karſten; and of moſt of thoſe near the Rhine by Nofe; and of fome of them by Mr. Sauffure; one of them, indeed, he feems to think volcanic. In all cafes where doubts may be entertained, whether a hill, or mountain, is volcanic, or neptunian, our judgment may, in my opinion, be by the following maxims: governed 1º. Where trap, or baſaltic columns, ap- pear on, or form the body of the hill or mountain, of their ufual black, bluifh, or greyish black, colour, there the hill or mountain may be deemed neptunian, at leaft fo far as concerns thefe; fuch as are found on actual ignivomous mountains muſt have been thrown out with other neptunian ſtones, but in that cafe they are never erect, and, commonly bear fome marks of heat. 2º. Where maffes of fhiftofe porphyry occur, of a greyish black, afh grey, blackiſh blue, or greenish colour, and the felfpar ap- t pear (275) ¡ pear uninjured by heat, they, and the parts they repofe on, are neptunian. 3°. Difintegrated, or decayed, porphyries, or traps, wacken, and amygdaloids, may be diftinguiſhed from indurated volcanic fand and aſhes, piperino, pouzzolana, porous lava, refpectively, by local circumſtances, and the changes which low degrees of heat produce in them, compared with the changes which the fame variations of heat occaſion in the real volcanic products that reſemble them. Wacken containing mica can never be ambiguous. Beds of real vol- canic afhes, if ancient, are always inter- rupted or interceded by beds of earth, which fome, without any proof, would have to be vegetable earth; and, if by this appella- tion, they mean no more than earth fit for vegetation, the appellation is juft; but if they mean that fuch earth was in all in- ftances fuch as had produced vegetables, they are certainly miſtaken, as Dolomieu has already noticed; this earth having been merely washed down by rain from the cin- ders and fragments of lava, with which it was originally mixed; wacken preſents no fuch appearance; the ſtate of fuch beds of volcanic T 2 ( 276 ) volcanic fand and afhes will be eafily appre- hended, by confidering the ftrata found in the promontory of Catanea, as exhibited by Count Borch in his Sicilian Mineralogy, p. 300. 1 Porous black lava 2 Loofe earth 3 Porous, reddifh, hard, lava 4 Looſe earth 5 Porous, reddiſh, hard, lava Feet. Inches. 10 3 8,7 412 I • 87/2 ΓΣ 6 Looſe earth, full of afhes 31/2 7 Hard, black, lava, or indurated afhes. 10/18/20 8 Loofe earth, full of athes 3 x Z 10 Loofe earth 9 Hard lava, like No. 7 11 Hard, black, porous, lava 12 Looſe earth 13 Hard, porous, black, lava 14 Black fand • 15 More tranfparent fand, whofe depth was not diſcovered... I 8- 812/2 413/2 I 91 3 I 6/3/3/2 3 31 14 I Who does not fee that ſuch thin beds of earth muſt have been formed in the man- ner I mentioned, and could never have been in a ſtate of vegetation? 4°. Volcanic ejections never prefent any undecom- ( 277 ) undecompofed pyrites; or at leaſt thefe muſt be of pofterior formation. Again, whether a hill on which fire has evidently acted, has been a volcano, or a pfeudo volcano, can be decided only by lo- cal circumftances, and the more or less. par- tial effects of the fire it endured; this I cannot better illuftrate, than by preſenting the reader an account of the hill of Kamer- berg in Bohemia, which Baron Born deem- ed an ancient volcano, but which Mr. Reufs, from local circumftances, has fhewn to have been a pfeudo volcano; in deſcribing the external circumftances of this hill they both agree. It ſtands on a baſis of micaceous clay flate (fhiftofe mica), perfectly free from all connexion with the neighbouring hills: its length, from E. to W. is 1420 feet; its breadth, from N. to S. 720 feet, and it is one of the higheſt in the circle of Egra; its ſhape oblong conic; its ſtony maffes lie bare on the S.W. fide, they prefent rhomboids exactly fitted to each other; its fummit, which is 95 feet higher than the furrounding field, difcovers a cavity of 9 feet in depth, and 30 feet in diameter, overgrown with vegeta- tion. About 60 fathom to the fouthwards, T 3 an (278) an excavation was practifed to extract ma- terials for a road, and in this the internal ſtructure of the hill may be feen: the ftrata are nearly horizontal, and fo much the loofer as they are nearer the ſurface; in de- nominating the foffils, both authors vary; the denominations of each referring to the particular opinion of each, relatively to the origin of the appearances. BORN. No. 1. Black compact lava, with femitranfparent grains of fhorl. No. 2. Red, porous, fpungy lava. No. 3. Black and yellow, porous, lava. 1 No. 4. The fame as No. 2, but in minute frag- ments. REUSS. Greyish black baſalt, with olivins of various fizes, fracture compact, uneven, fp. gr. 2,96, unaltered by heat. Reddish brown earthy flagg, with numerous mi- nute pores. Brownish black earthy flagg, with fome minute fcarcely visible pores, and fome large cellular, alter- nating; it contains alfo grains of quartz that have loft their luftre, but give fire with ſteel, No. 5. Compact, but ſomewhat An earthy flagg, con- taining ( ) 279) любит 279 BORN. REUSS. fomewhat porous lava, taining bits of half burnt containing fragments of clay. grey flate. No. 6. Argillite, of This, Reufs could not which one fide has its fur- face inlaid with white glaſs. No. 7. Argillite, overlaid with black lava. No. 8. Grey pumice. No. 9. Unripe black pumice. No. 10. Red and yel- low, unripe pouzzolana. No. 11. Yellow and brown clay, mixed with pouzzolana. No. 12. Greyish black, fomewhat rifty, compact lava. find. Neither of theſe could be found; the higheſt of the earthy flags had its ſpe- cific gravity 2,038. Fragments of earthy flags, more or leſs difintegrated or withered. Trap or bafalt, fomewhat altered by heat, being flight- ly porous, and rifty. To prove this hill to have been only a pfeudo volcano, Reufs ftates, that ſtrata of. coal lie at no great diftance from it, and, probably, underlay it at a confiderable depth. 2. That in various parts of Bohemia, theſe ftrata of coal have been known to have ta- ken fire, and to have produced appearances reſembling the foregoing. 3°. That on the S.W. part of the hill, bafalt or trap exifts F T 4 in ( 280 ) 1 1 in beds, perfectly unaltered. 4°. That the alternations of earthy flags with half burned clay, might proceed from the alternations of marl, which is known to be eaſily fufible with clay. 5. The fuppofed crater is much too inconfiderable, and may proceed from the contraction of the ftrata that had been torrified or ignited. 1 + 属 ​ESSAY ( (281 281 ) ་ } ESSAY VI. OF THE INTERNAL ARRANGEMENT OF MOUNTAINS. THE materials of which mountains con- fift, are difpofed either in irregular heaps, or piles variouſly interſected by rifts; or in beds or ftrata feparated from each other by rifts, often horizontal, or varying from that direction by an angle of from 5 to 40 de- grees, and fometimes much more confide- rably, approaching even to a vertical pofi- tion. The ftrata of mountains are moſt frequently in the direction of their declivity, yet fometimes their courfe is directly op- pofite, or countercurrent: the beſt manner of determining the angle of their courſe is by diſcovering that of their rifts, Charp. 80. it chiefly depends on the unevenneſs of the fundamental ground that ſupports them. Ibid. 57. According to 1 Sauff. 502, moſt of the elevated granitic mountains in Swifferland are formed of immenfe vertical pyramidal (282) 1 pyramidal laminæ, parallel to each other, that is, piles fomewhat inclining from the unequal diftribution of their weight, a diſpo- fition that may well be expected from colla- teral cryſtallizations; but this difpofition is not univerfal, for they have been found in Saxony horizontally ftratified, Charp. 17 and 389. and in the Pyrenees, &c. fee Eſſay V. § 1. much leſs can it be faid that this ver- tical pofition is general, for the ſtrata of gneifs (which is only a modification of gra- nite) are generally horizontal, Charp. 80, 81 and 191. and commonly very regular, diſcovering no traces of a violent fhock. Ibid. 81. Mount Rofe, next to Mont Blanc, the higheſt in Europe, confifts alfo of gneifs, which Mr. Sauffure found horizontally ſtratified. 37 Roz. 17. 105. 8 Sauff. 113. Shangin, who lately (1786) travelled over the Altaiſchan mountains, being con- fulted by Pallas, whether he found any vertical layers or ftrata therein, anſwered, he had not; but that he found them per- fectly horizontal on the banks of the river Tſchary. 6 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 113. Mountains of primitive limestone are fre- quently in irregular piles, but often alſo horizontally ( 283 ) horizontally ftratified. Charp. 48. 216. Siliceous fhiftus is alfo often horizontally ftratified. Charp. 22. Many argillites, par- ticularly roof flates, are generally faid to have nearly a vertical poſition; but Voight has ſhewn that it is only their lamellæ that are fo fituated, their horizontal feams, and their walls, diſcovering their true pofition: their verticality arifing only from the drain of the water, and, confequently, their con- traction in that direction; hence thofe that are moſt filicited, as they contract lefs, dif- cover lefs verticality: fometimes horizontal ftrata overlap on both fides. 38 Roz. 289. I Sauff. § 447. Sometimes they are flanked on both fides with vertical ftrata. Ibid. § 339. Much confufion prevails in the ftructure of the Pyrenees, and of the Grizon moun- tains, and thofe on the border of the Bai- kal, and other great lakes, as may be ſeen in D'Arcet Pyrenees, 63. Ferb. Briefe Min. Inhalt. II. Patrin, &c. from the caufes mentioned in Effay III. / The perturbed ſtate of the ftrata often proceeds from the decompofition of inter- nal beds of pyrites, to which water has had acceís; ( 284 ) accefs; this appears to be the cauſe of the alterations obferved in the mountain of Ra- benberg, on the frontiers of Saxony. Charp. 253. In this mountain, a double direction of the ftrata of gneifs is obferved; between both the ftrata are vertical, and a large intermediate ſpace is filled with iron ore: but this mountain contains beds of pyrites and vaft fwallows; moft probably then the pyrites fwoll, uplifted the whole, and the diffolved iron flowed into the vacuity, from which the water afterwards drained off on the fides. In fecondary mountains, particularly the calcareous, the greateſt diſorder often pre- vails, though in general their ſtratification is horizontal. Charp. 49. 39 Roz. 356. The vertical pofition of the ftrata fome- times proceeds from the fubverfion of fome of them, but fometimes alfo from calm de- pofition on primeval mountains, as I have hinted in my firft Effay, and is more fully explained by Mr. De la Metherie, in 42 Roz. from p. 30 to 306. Gruber alſo fhews this irregular pofition to proceed from internal cavities, to common in lime- ftone ( 285 ) ftone mountains, occafioned moſt proba- bly, by the erofion of the interior by water. 2 Phy. Arbeit. 4, 5. The calcareous mountains of Savoy are often arched like a lambda, probably from the finking of the intermediate ftrata, the intermediate remaining horizontal. 1 Sauff. 361. Sometimes they affume the form of the letters Z. S. C. or of a disjointed OC the convexities facing each other. Ibid, § 467, 475. So alfo in the Pyrences, they fometimes overlap, from an unequal diſtribution in their original formation. See Defcrip. Pyr. 42. and bend various ways. Ibid, 72, and 102, and 162. where they affume a ſpiral form, or that of a horfe- fhoe placed horizontally. According to Lehman, moft fecondary ſtrata preſent hollows or moulds, (as they are called,) from internal depreffion. Lehm. flotz. 137. But fometimes alfo elevations, from an original elevation in the funda- 'mental ftone. In Scotland, all the fecondary ftrata in the vicinity of primeval mountains, are nearly vertical; but at a greater diſtance they 1 ( 286 ). they approach more to an horizontal di- rection. 1 Bergm. Jour. 1789, 495, per Everfman. 66 The late ingenious Mr. Whitehurſt was led to imagine a greater regularity in the arrangement of ſtrata, than is really found in them: he tells us, p. 178, "that they invariably follow each other as if it were in an alphabetical order, or a ſeries of num- "bers, whatever be their denomination." -"not that they are alike in all the dif- "ferent regions of the earth, either in qua- lity or in thickneſs, but that their order "in each particular part, however they 66 66 may differ in quality, yet they follow "each other in regular fucceffion, both as "to thicknefs and quality, infomuch, that 56 by knowing the incumbent ftratum, toge- "ther with the arrangement thereof in any 6 C particular part of the earth, we may come "to a perfect knowledge of all the inferior (6 (6 beds, fo far as they have been previouſly difcovered, in the adjacent country." With respect to the ftrata that accompany coal, he obſerves that "fome inſtances are apparently, but not really, contradictory to this rule." Thefe obfervations are far from 3 (287) 1 from being univerfally true. univerfally true. For to fay nothing of the coal mines in the valley of Plauen, in Saxony, where the ftrata, though near each other, vary in thickneſs, from a few inches, to fome feet, and that of coal, from 2 to 32 feet; nor of that in Mount Saleve, where the ftrata of coal, though in a calcareous mountain, vary confiderably, or of many others, he himſelf tells us that the lower ftrata appear at the ſurface at Bonfal Moor, p. 188. And Mr. Pil- kington, a later, and very exact writer, tells us, that in different fiuations, the arrange- ment is not always the fame. 1 · Pilk. Derbyſhire, 55. And even when the ar- rangement is the fame, the ftrata differ in thicknefs in different parts of the coun- try, p. 56. Again, Mr. Whitehurft tells us, that wherever the ftratum No. 1, a coarfe filiceous breccia or ſandſtone is found, No. 2, an indurated clay is found under it. And, wherever this indurated clay appears on the furface, No. 3; that is limeftone, appears under it, p. 192. How- ever true this may appear in Derbyshire, though even there, this arrangement does not hold true in the coal mines, it is far from : (288) from being fo in other countries, as is evi- dent. See 2 Mem. Lauf. 17, 2 part, and 52. He alſo obſerved that the ftrata of limeſtone contain fiffures filled with lead ore, but that thefe ftrata are feparated by beds of toadſtone above 30 feet thick, into which, he ſays, neither the lead ore, nor any other mineral penetrates; yet the lead vein never fails of being found in the cor- refponding fiffure of the inferior bed of limeſtone, p. 191, 193. Neither is this obfervation perfectly exact. Mr. Barker of Bakewell informed Mr. Werner, that the lead ore in many parts pierced through the toadſtone. Werner Gange, 139. Mr. Pil- kington alfo tells us, that in the middle of it, lead veins 10 inches thick have been found, and in other places the lead has been found fcattered through it. And that the vein in the inferior ftratum of limeftone, fo far from fo far from correfponding, fquints 4 or five yards from the fuperior vein; into thefe errors Mr. Whitehurst was betrayed by his fondnefs for the eruptive or plutonic theory. Moft of his other general obfervations being grounded on this imaginary theory, are found to be delufive, or 1 (289) or to hold good only in Derbyſhire and a few other countries. The true reafon why many of the ftrata of England and Scotland appear fo dif- ordered, is to be deduced from the fhocks that Great Britain encountered at the pe- riod of the general deluge. This is not a mere hypothetical caufe, but fupported by undeniable proofs; and it is by a combination of the oppofite impreffions, from N. to S. and from S. to N. with the modifications which the obſtructions arifing from the mountains of Scotland, and the interven- tion of Ireland between it and the Atlantic, that the various phenomena of its ftrata may moft fecurely be explained; but fuch an explanation can be attempted only after a minute and accurate examination of the whole iſland. Of the dykes, otherwiſe call- ed Лlips, troubles or faults, I fhall treat in the following effay. The ftrata of fecondary mountains, ge- nerally, when not perturbed, afcend to- wards the primitive. 2 Mem. Lauf. 2 part, 25, in note, being formed upon them, or defcending from them by difintegration. U ESSAY ( 290 ) ESSAY VII. ON COAL MINES. MINERAL, or pit coal, is a fubftance whofe external characters are too well known to require any ſpecification. Its weight with reſpect to water, extends from 1,23, to 1,500. The lighteſt is the beſt. The object of this effay is to indicate the foils in which it is found, and the cir- cumſtances attending them, thence to de- duce a theory both of its origin and of the ſtate in which it now appears, together with the fituations in which it moſt pro- bably exifts, and may be diſcovered. CHAP. I. § I. Of Carboniferous Soils, and their attendant circumftances. By carboniferous foils, I mean the various forts of earth or ftone among or under which coal is uſually found. .6 Theſe 1 ( 291 ) Thefe foils are either chiefly argillaceous, or arenilitic, or both together, or of the trap kind, or calcareous. The circumftances of theſe and of the coal found among them moft worthy of notice, are the following. 1º. They commonly form diſtinct ſtrata, or beds one over the other to a great depth. The ftrata of coal are ufually called feams; it is very feldom found in irregular heaps, or in veins. 2°. Thefe feams are ſcarce ever found fingle, but thofe whofe thickneſs does not exceed 14 or 15 inches, are rarely worked. At Whitehaven 5 were lately worked, at Newcaſtle 3, at Liege 20. The higheſt and next the ſurface are generally the worſt, but the deepeſt are not always the beſt. 3°. The thickneſs of different beds of coal is variable, from half an inch or leſs to 5 or 6 feet; but not unfrequently it amounts to 25 or 30 feet, and in fome rare inftances, to 80 feet or more. No fuch feam as this laft has occurred in Great Britain. T 4°. Seams of coal generally occupy a con- fiderable extent both in length and breadth, and whatever the thickneſs of each may be, it is commonly conftant for a confider- U 2 able } (292) 1. able ſpace, as a mile, or two miles; inftances of a contrary kind ſeldom occur, unleſs the ſeam be diſturbed by fome obftruction, or at the extremities of a coal foil, or in an extent exceeding two miles*. 5. In the fame ftratum, if exceeding 3 or 4 feet in thicknefs, the coal is feldom exactly of the fame quality. 6º. Different ſeams of coal are ſeparated from each other, by at leaſt one, but gene- rally by feveral ftrata of earth or ſtone, as will be fhewn in the fucceeding fections 1;5 theſe, in a confiderable extent, preſerve alſo an uniform thickneſs. 7°. The uppermoft feam of coal is com- monly ſoft and dufty, it is vulgarly called fimut. 8º. Seams of coal, and alfo their con- comitant ftrata, are generally parallel to each other, unlefs an uncommonly thick ftratum of earth, 150 or 200 feet thick, in- tervenes †. Their number and order are alfo fimilar, to a confiderable extent, yet variable in the fame diftrict and foil. 9. In many of the concomitant ftrata, I * 1 Wms. 62, &c. 6 Lempe, 50. 2 Gerh. Betyr. + Morand Arts and Metiers, Voly. 63. 1 Jars, zgo. 6 Lempe, 50. ; particularly ( 293 ) particularly of fhale, bituminous fhale, in- durated clay, and fandſtone, particles of coal are found interſperſed. 10º. The ftrata that immediately cover coal, and thence called its roof, are ſhale, bituminous fhale, or fandftone; rarely any other. But they are often alfo found at a great diſtance above it. 11°. The ftrata on which coal repofes, and thence called its floor, fole, or pave- ment, are alfo fandſtone, fhale, indurated clay, or femiprotolite*. This laſt would, I believe, in moft cafes, be found in its floor, if the mines were funk deep enough to reach it. Granite has alſo been found in its floor in a few inftances. In trap foils, trap or bafalt is faid to form fometimes. the roof, and fometimes the fole of a feam of coal, but in ftrictnefs, I believe, fhale moſtly intervenes. 12°. Impreffions of plants, particularly of the cryptogamia and culmiferous kind, are moft frequently found on the fhale and bi- tuminous fhale that accompany coal, or which are found in coal mines, fometimes on ſandſtone, but very rarely on the coal it- * 8 Buff. in 8vo, 232, 233. Semiprotolite is a red- diſh ſandſtone, or breccia, already mentioned. U 3 felf. ( 294 ) (294 felf. Roots alſo frequently appear in the in- durated clay. Trees carbonated, or bitumi- nated fometimes repofe on coal, or are found under it. Fluviatile fhells, muſcles, and land fnails, often occur; fea fhells feldom. 13°. Argillaceous iron ore is fometimes met with among the carboniferous ftrata. of an argillaceous foil; and martial pyrites ei- ther found or much oftener oxygenated, and mixed with the fubftance of the coal. 14°. The Stretch or courfe of feams of coal, and of their attendant ftrata, is com- monly between E. and W. or N.E. and S.W. There are however a few excep- tions to this rule. 15°. The dip of coal is exceeding varia- ble, fometimes nearly horizontal, fome- times from 25 to 45 degrees, fometimes 75°, rarely approaching ftill more to the perpendicular. 16° The uniform courſe of ſeams of coal, and of the ftrata that accompany them, is frequently interrupted by obftructions call- ed flips, dykes, troubles, faults, &c. Theſe never fail to elevate, or depreſs, the ſtrata beyond them; or rather, the ſtrata on each fide of them are found at different heights. This obfervation is general, being found to hold ( 295 ) hold good in every part of Britain, as well as on the Continent. The inequality of the height amounts from a few inches to 120 feet, but fo great an inequality is rare, and has been found only in Derbyſhire. In Germany it feldom exceeds, and ſcarcely amounts to 50 feet. 17°. It has been obferved in Britain that. if the flip overhangs on one fide, and con- ſequently forms an acute angle with the feam of coal which it cuts, the continua- tion of the ftratum will be found lower on the other fide of the flip, and confequently vice verfa if it recedes from or forms an obtufe angle with the feam of coal on the one fide, the continuation of the feam will be found higher on the C Ža other, as in the figure, where a and b denote the interrupted feam of coal, and c the obſtruction or flip*. 18° Theſe flips fometimes confift of indurated clay, fometimes of fandſtone, both different from fuch as form the ftrata, but more frequently of ſome ſpecies of * 5 Ir. Acad. 275. 1 U 4 ftone (296) 1 ſtone that never compofe the ftrata of coal mines, except, perhaps, rocks of the trap fpecies; their thickneſs or extent amounts in various mines, from a few inches to fe- veral yards. Nodules of coal are fometimes found among them, and water is frequently lodged in them. They often deſcend from the furface to the greateſt known depths. 19° The difpofition of the ſtrata below the ſurface ſeldom conforms to the figure of the turface. The former is often regu- lar, when the latter is broken and uneven, and vice verfa, very frequently the ftrata dip into a hill againſt the rife of the ſurface, or croſs it in a right or diagonal line*. 20° The deepeſt mines known, are thoſe of the county of Namur, fome of which are ſaid to defcend 2400 feet. 21° The feams of coal where in contact with their roof, floor, or flip, have a ſmooth poliſhed gliftening furface, Morand and 8 Buffon Mineralogy, 275, which ſhews they were originally foft. *Wms. 114 Genfanne hift. Langued. 36, 37. 8 Buff. Mineralog. 8vo. 230, 231. § 2. ( 297) § 2. ! Of Argillaceous Soils. Theſe confiſt chiefly of indurated clay, which the miners commonly call clunch, and when much mixed with calx of iron, bind; or of fhale, or bituminous fhale; which miners, if I miſtake not, call bat; or of a decaying porphyry, which the miners call rotten ftone; the argillaceous ftone men- tioned by Whitehurft is, I believe, the fame porphyry in a firmer ftate; fragments of ftone they call ratchill. If among feveral ſtrata of thefe, only one or two of fandſtone oc- cur, I ftill call the foil argillaceous, and 'not arenilitic. The foils about Whitehaven, and New- caftle, are of this fort. At Newcastle the firſt ſtratum is a fandy clay about 4 fathom in depth, fucceeded by a brown ferruginous clay mixed with mica, as this is by a white micaceous fandſtone, under which lies a bituminated clay mixed with mica, par- ticles of coal, and pyrites, with calcareous incruftation in the rifts, and under that lies the first feam of coal 6 inches thick, repofing (298) repofing on a thick ftratum of indurated clay, the fucceeding beds refemble the fore- going. At Whitehaven, under a bed of common clay of 7 or 8 fathom, and II fathom of fandy clay, a bed of natural clayey carbon or culm of 3 fathom is found, and under fome beds of indurated, and fome of micaceous clay, one of iron ore, one of fandſtone, feams of good coal occur. 2 Ir. Acad. 163. 163. At Alfreton Common, after a ftratum of clay 7 feet thick, and another of ſtony fragments called rachill 9 feet thick, we meet with feveral beds of clay, more or leſs indurated, to the depth of 118 feet, and then find only fmut. The bed of true coal is 40 feet lower. Whitehurst's Theory, 211. here ſandſtone does not occur. At Weft Hallam, the ſtrata are much the fame, fmut, the firſt in- dication of coal, is met with, but at the depth of about 56 feet, and under it clunch, with argillaceous globular iron ore, and roots running through the clunch. Pilkington, 81. and a bed of foft coal occurs about 53 feet lower. The beft feam is found only at the depth of 214 feet. Whitehurſt, 212. To theſe I may add the coal mines at He- truria, ( 299 ) truria, in Staffordſhire, as under the Rat- chill, though a limestone bed. only I foot thick occurs, the fucceeding beds are ſand, and two beds of indurated clay, (then pro- bably fhale) and coal. At Lichfield, to a bed of black clay 4 feet thick, and a bed of what is called rotten- ſtone 6 feet thick, there fucceeds a bed of indurated clay, 18 feet thick (there called marl), and to this a bed of coal of 4 feet; under this lie other beds of indurated clay, one of which is white, of various thickneſs, and laft, at the depth of 85 feet a bed of coal appears of the thicknefs of 30 feet. 2 Ir. Acad. 166. At Colebrook Dale, the ftrata are re- markable; after 3 feet of brick clay and 15 of potter's clay, a feam of mut, I foot thick occurs; under this what is there call- ed blue bat, 3 feet; then 7 feet of fand- ftone; then a feam of coal 4 feet; under this white flip, that is, potter's clay; under which is another bed of coal, fucceeded by other beds of clay and coal, of various thick- nefs. Ibid. At Baldo, near Falkirk, in Scotland, af- ter 7 feet of clay, and 33 of flate (proba- bly ( 300 ) bly fhale), there occurs alfo a bed of lime- Stone 3 feet thick, but it is fucceeded by a bed of earth and fhale 6 feet, which covers a bed of coal of from 2 to 6 feet. 6 Phil. Tranf. abridg. Part II. p. 223. In the Princefs's fhaft, at Dolau, in Germany, the ftrata are, grey calciferous clay, a fatter, not effervefcent, a whitish micaceous flate, bluish flate, bluifh fandftone, fhale, a feam of coal, 2,5 feet thick, repoſing on bluifh fandftone; with feveral alternations of the above with feams of coal; and, at laft, femiprotolite. 2 Ger. Gefch. 156. At Drim Glofs, in Ireland, under 48 feet of clay and rubbleſtone, we meet a ſoft ar- gillaceous ftone 30 feet thick; then 35 feet of indurated clay, and 15 of fhale co- vering 4,5 of coal. Whitehurst, 246. Some- times, but very rarely, coal is covered only by one ftratum: thus at Ozegow, in Up- per Silefia, a feam of coal is found immedi- ately under 18 or 24 feet of clay; the fame circumftance occurs in fome mines in the county of La Mark, only with the inter- pofition of fhale. Georgi alfo obſerved an inftance of this fort in Dauria, near the ri- ver Argun and Schilca. 2 Gerh. Beytr. 159. The ( 301 ) The ftrata that occurred in finking a ſhaft at Ilkeſton, in Derbyshire, are very numerous; and the thickneſs of thoſe of the fame denomination, various; after 6 feet of foil and clay, there occurred 4 of fhale; 18 inches of argillaceous iron ore; a feam of coal 15 inches thick; then clunch, grey ftone, blue ftone, black fhale, iron ftone, fhale, blue bind, bituminous fhale, blue clunch, blue bind, coal, 18 inches; black clunch, 4 inches; then a fort of can- nel coal, 9 inches thick; blue clunch, bind, light coloured ftone 4 feet thick, a greyish blue ftone as hard as flint, 6 feet, a very light coloured ſtone, 14 feet, bind, grey ſtone, blue bind, foft coal, 2,5 feet; bind, 6 feet, foft coal, 13 inches; black clunch, light coloured clunch, bind, 11 feet; coal, not an inch thick; black clunch 3 feet; clunch and bind, 25 feet; hard coal, 6 feet; clunch, 3 feet. Pilkington, 82. At Pinxton church (near Alfreton, as ap- pears by the map) the ftrata are, 6 feet of foil and clay, black fhale, with coal fhreds; bind, ftone, a crumbly ſtone, bind, hard fhale, intermixed with ftone, clunch with iron ore, bind, with ftripes of coal, grey fhale, (302) fhale, with fhreds of black ftone; yellow fandſtone, fandy fhale, a filiceous ftone, grey ſtone, with coal ftripes, bind, 3 feet of fmut; and 5 feet 10 inches of hard coal; the whole depth 77 feet. Pilkington, 86. At Newhall, in Derbyshire, the ſtrata are 12 feet of blue earth; 48 of black earth, then 3 feet of coal; then 3 feet of blue bind, covering 6 of hard coal; under this lie 3 feet of blue bind, covering 7 of a fofter coal. Pilkington, 91. In the valley of Plauen, in Saxony, feve- ral coal mines are found, whofe ftrata are thus deſcribed by Charp. 54. Under the mould, there occur clays of various colours, white, grey, reddish, or greenish; in fome places 3 or 4 feet, in others 50 or 60 feet deep and there vulgarly called marl; 2°. then an arenaceous ftratum, from a few inches to one foot thick, and of various colours. 3. Grey, or bluish indurated clay, whofe thickneſs is as variable as that of the firft ftratum. 4. Another arenaceous ftratum, as No. 2. 5°. A ftill harder clay, of variable thickneſs, like No. 1. 6'. Shale, from I to 3 feet thick; and, laftly, coal of differ- ent goodness, from 2 to 32 feet thick this coal (303) coal contains vitriolic acid, and in the ftrata, vegetable impreffions, and fome of muſcles; bituminated wood has alfo been found in it, p. 58. At Nicderherfmdorf, in the fame valley, coal has been found under a ftony conglo- meration of argillaceous porphyry, and ar- gillite, 12 feet thick, but inmediately co- vered by 36 feet of greeniſh and variegated fhale; this coal abounds in pyrites. 2 Berg. Jour. 1792, 136, &c. At Pottſchapel the ftrata are, mould of various thickneſs, from 16 to 20 feet; then dark yellow, and greenish grey indurated clay, with impreffions of plants, particularly of reeds, fulphur pyrites, and fragments of galena, of variable thickneſs, from 40 to 120 feet, under which coal is found; fome- times with the intervention of a ftratum of bituminous fhale 2 or 3 feet thick: the feam of coal is from 18 to 40 feet thick, 6 Lempe, 43, &c. It repofes on indurated clay, as this does on a porphyritic rock. Ibid. 52. In the coal mines near Bilin, in Bohemia, the ftrata are, greyish mould, 2 feet; whit- ith grey clay, 5 feet; reddish brown fand, 20 feet; ( 304 ) 20 feet; bluish grey clay, 10 feet; fhale with pyrites and vegetable impreffions, 18 feet; coal, 48 feet thick. Reufs Mittel Geb. 42. The direction of the coal is from S.W. to N.E. Ibid. 45, its dip is contrary to the declivity of the hill. At the foot of the mountain of Gangel- hof, which is partly porphyraceous and partly trappofe, there is a coal mine, the firft ftratum of which is mould, about 2. feet thick; the fecond, fand mixed with mica, 6,5 feet; the third, clay, 6,5 feet; the fourth, fhale; the fifth, coal, repoſing on trap. Reufs Mittel Gebirg. 92. In the coal mines of Rive de Gier, the ftrata are, 1º. mould, 8 or 10 feet deep; then a far- cilite with mica, 5 feet; another minuter grained; a coarfe fanditone, in fome places covered with thale bearing vegetable im- preffions; a micaceous fandftone; bitumi- nous fhale; a feam of coal, 6 inches thick; fanditone, 10 fect; ditto flightly bitumi- nated: ditto, bituminous thale; thale, bi- tuminous fhale, coal, 18 fect. 180. 13 Roz. § 3. (305) § 3. Of Arenilitic, or Sandſtone Soils. At Bagelt, in North Wales, after 45 feet of gravel and fand, we meet with a bed of ſhale 9 feet thick; then argillaceous ſand- ſtone; and another bed of fhale, under which a bed of coal is found; beneath theſe, indurated clay, fandſtone, and coal, alternate with each other to a confiderable depth; the ſandſtone in fome ſtrata is 44, and in one 90 feet thick; in one inftance a bed of fhale, with fhells of fiſh, covers the coal. Whitehurſt, 242. The next mine of this fort I fhali men- tion, is that of Blakelow, near Macclesfield, which I owe to Mr. Mills; as he is well fkilled in mineralogy, his defcription is much more accurate than any of the fore- going, therefore I fhall give it more at large. The firſt ftratum confifts of clay and gra- vel, 15 feet thick; this is followed by a bed of ſhale of the enormous depth of 102 feet; after which a thin feam of mut appears; under this a filiceous fandſtone mixed with X mica, (306) mica, 25 feet; then a foft grey lamellar fandſtone mixed alfo with mica, about 2 feet, this is here called grey beds; then ſhale alternating with the grey beds to the depth of about 4 feet; under the last bed of fhale another feam of coal is found, 14 inches thick, and under it a grey indurated clay; this is fucceeded by a compact, fili- ceous, and fomewhat micaceous ſandſtone, 36 feet thick; under which, after three al- ternations of grey beds and fhale, a ftratum of nodular iron ftone occurs, 4 feet thick; then a bed of fhale, covering another of coal, which repoſes on grey clay; this bed of coal increaſes in .tlicknējs as it rifes in the hill. The grey clay is fucceeded by a con- glomeration of fhale and fandſtone, 30 feet thick, under which lies a feam of coal fo mixed with pyrites as not to be worked; the dip of this coal is to the N.E. nearly 26°. Here we may obferve, that ſhale con- ftantly covers coal, and that iron ftone is found, and mica, and the beds as elſewhere, vary in thickneſs. 3 Ir. Acad. 50. In the ſhaft of St. Sophia, at Wettin, after 1 foot of mould, there occur 5 fathom of a brown ſtone, and 6 of bituminous fhale, which is fucceeded 6 2 ! ( 307 ) fucceeded by reddiſh blue fomewhat mi- caceous, ſandſtone flate, as this is by a cal- careous breccia filled with flints and whofe cement is filiceous; this repofes on a grey micaceous fandftone, which is followed by a blue limeſtone, under which lies a coarſe micaceous fhale; then common fhale co- vering a bed of coal, 2,5 feet thick, but mixed with pyrites; after this fhale and coal alternate, until all terminate in red femiprotolite. 2 Gerh. Beytr. 152. In the ſhaft of Dorothea at Lobegin, we meet the following ftrata, mould, a pale yel- low calciferous clay, yellow iron ſhot fand, 6 fathom of greyish black flate (fhale, as I fuppofe) fomewhat micaceous, a grey brec- cia, with a filiceous cement formed of ftea- tites, quartz and flints, 4,5 fathom thick, then fhale covering a feam of coal about 4 feet thick, then a fine grained fomewhat fparry fandſtone, another ftratum of the above breccia, fhale, coal, and fandftone. 2 Gerh. Beytr. 154. At Ibenburen, in the county of Tuklen- burg, after 3 or 4 feet of clay, we meet 6 feet of flaty micaceous fandftone, and un- der it a thin bed of coal, then a bed of ſhale, X 2 one (308) In one of coal, and three of fandſtone; laſtly a bed of fhale covering another of good coal, 8 feet thick. 2 Gerh. Geſch. 157. the coal mine of Boferup, in Scania, the firſt ſtratum is mould fomewhat clayey and fandy 12 feet, a grey argillaceous ſandſtone with iron ore, 20 feet, fucceeds; then a bed of coal only I foot, repofing on indurated martial clay, then a yellowish fandftone, 7 feet, a fandy fhale 3 fect, covering a py- ritous coal 2 feet thick. Schwed. Abhand. 1773. The mine at Helfingham is fome- what fingular; below a bed of fandftone 36 feet thick, appears a feam of coal, 2 feet, then fhale 12 feet, fandftone 6 feet, and, laftly, coal I foot. Ibid. In the coal pits of Shubley, in the pariſh of Dronfield, in Derbyshire, under 90 feet of fanditone there are 33 of blue bind, and 21 of black ſhale, covering 3 of coal, under which is a bad fort, called dirt, and again, 2 feet of coal. Pilkington, 87. In the coal pits of Morileben, and Wefenſleben, in the principality of Halberstadt, the following ftrata occur, mould, of variable thickneſs, a ferruginous fandy clay, 6 feet, grey clay, from 18 to 24 feet, brown ferruginous fand- ſtone, ( 309 ) ſtone, whitiſh grey fandftone, bluiſh fand- ſtone, a bluish flaty and fandy argillocalcite, indurated flaty clay, a bluish flaty argillo- calcite, coal, from 10 to 18 inches thick (Gerhard, 105), fhale, 6 or 8 feet, black flaty, indurated, clay, grey argillaceous fand- ſtone, from 24 to 30 feet thick, flaty indu- rated clay, grey fandy argillocalcite, with pyrites intermixed. Lehm. 184. At Al- thal in the foreft of Thuringia, a feam of coal repoſes on white ſandſtone, but ſome- times immediately on granite. 2 Berg. Jour. 1790, 322. At Themmin in Bo- hemia, the ftrata are, mould, turfy earth, ferruginous fandftone, marl, coarfe fand- ſtone, ſhale, coal, repofing on fandſtone, 2 Berg. Jour. 1791, 57. Near Mannebach, coal is found in a rift of a porphyritic mountain covered with fhale, and floored with fandftone, in feveral fucceffive ftrata. Voight, 9, 10. In the neighbourhood of Liege there are upwards of 40 feams of coal one above the other; they are feparated from each other by coarſe, or fine grained, fandſtone, frequently mica- ceous, and fometimes by black reddiſh ſhale. 1 Jars. 288. 292. the uppermoft feams are X' 3 often (310) often the beft; in the fame ftratum the coal is often of different qualities in differ- ent diſtricts. At Aix la Chapelle, the coal alfo lies between ftrata of fandftone, and fhale or indurated clay. It is moſtly na- tural carbon. 1 Jars. 306. Of Trappofe, or bafaltic Soils. At Bally Caſtle, 60 feet of trap or whin, cover 24 of ſhale; under which a yellow fandſtone 42 feet, covers 21 of coal; this refts on go feet of grey fandſtone, which cover another feam of coal 5 feet thick. Whitehurft. At Borrowftounneſs in Scot- land, a ftratum of trap or whin is the im- mediate roof of a feam of coal; and at Hillhouſe near Lithlingow, a thin feam of coal is found below a ftratum of columnar bafalt. At Bathgate hills, ftrata of coal and bafalt alternate with each other. 1 Wil- liams, 70. Carbonated wood is frequently found under trap, whin, or bafalt. At Stackhouſe, in Weſterwald, after 6 feet of mould, we meet 6 of whin or wac- ken; then fome ſtrata of brown or grey clay; under which the firft ftratum of car- bonated (311) bonated wood appears; fometimes the firſt ftratum is black, being mixed with whin or wacken; the 2d a grey clay; the 3d a yellow clay; and then a bed of whin or wacken; but the coal is always covered by blue or grey clay, its depth from 11 to 14 fathom. 1 Berl. Beob. 52. 56. Neither petrifactions nor vegetable impreffions are found in it, 58. but cryſtals of ſelenite and pyrites abound. The thickness of the ſtra- tum continually decreaſes in receding from Stackhaufen, 106. 108. Wood coal and bituminous ſtone coal frequently accompany each other; fometimes, as at Meifen, the ftone coal is uppermoft, and the wood coal under it; but at Toplitz, in Bohemia, the wood coal is uppermoft. 110. At Meifen in Heffia, galleries have been puſhed upwards into the fide of the hill, 900 feet under its fummit. 1°. Into fand- ſtone, then into clay, and, laftly, into a bed of coal from 6 to 90 feet thick, over this lies a maſs of trap or bafalt, 600 feet high: the courſe of the coal is horizontal, and the bafalt in fome places penetrates down to the clay; where the coal is fome fathom thick it forms ftrata, that next the baſalt X 4 is ( 312 ) is the beſt and moſt bituminous. 1 Berg. Jour. 1792, 379. Under that is a flighter kind repofing upon wood coal; under which is a ftratum, ill defcribed, but which I take to be a mixture of difintegrated coal and clay. 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, 275. 280. Be- tween Mezin and Velay, natural carbon is found under trap or bafalt, and repofing on granite. 2 Soulavie, 235. 237. yet Fau- jas 8 Buff. Mineral. in 8vo. tells us, he . always obferved a bed of femiprotolite interceding between the coal and the gra- nite; Faujas alfo obferved bafaltic pillars repoſing on a ſeam of coal, and not pierc- ing through it; yet there interceded be- tween them a thin bed of grey clay; the ftratum of coal was 3 inches thick, it refted on another of grey clay, under which was another thick feam of coal. Faujas Re- cherches fur les Volcans Eteints, 388. The beds of clay, he obferved, proceeded with- out interruption into the mountain, which fhews they did not proceed from the de- compofition of the bafalt. Ibid. 339. Of ( 313 ) Of calcareous Soils. ī Near Milhant and St. George, coal is found in a fecondary calcareous mountain, but covered by bituminous and pyritiferous clay. 11 Ann. Chy. 272. Near Kratigen in Swifferland, a thick bed of coal is found in the midst of limeftone. Ferber Briefe Mineralog. Inhalt. 24. At Multhorp in Sweden, a coal reſem- bling cannel coal is found inclofed in ftrata of aluminous fhale, over which 2 ftrata of limeſtone repoſe. Mem. Stock. 1767, 35. At Alais, the coal is fo mixed with lime- ftone as to afford lime after combuftion. 8 Buff. Mineral. 8vo. 189. Between the calcareous ftrata of Mount Saleve in Swifferland, there are thin feams of coal, roofed and floored with grey or brown calciferous fhale. 1 Sauff. § 246. This coal feems to be of the nature of can- nel coal. Ibid. At Lobegin near Wettin, the ftrata are, 1. Mould of various thick- nefs, then loam 6 feet thick, red fand, feet, flaty argillaceous ftone, 10 feet, grey fwineſtone, 10 feet, grey limeſtone, alter- nating with an iron fhotſtone, both con- 7 taining, (. 314 ) taining, the first white, the other red baro- felenite, from 12 to 18 feet, a grey argillo- calcite of variable thicknefs, fhale with fhreds of coal, black indurated clay with neſts of calcareous earth and fulphur py- rites, coal, felenitic fpar (barofelenite), coal, 3,5 feet, under which lies a bad kind, grey limeſtone 3 or 4 feet, black fhale, and limeftone, more or lefs argillaceous. Lehm. 180. I Strata of limeftone, of various thicknefs, colour, and quality, are very common in the coal fields of Scotland; at Blackburn, in Weft Lothian, a ftratum of limeftone, 6 or 7 feet thick, is the immediate cover of a feam of caking coal 5 or 6 feet thick. At Carlops a ftratum of coal is found beneath a limestone quarry. 1 Williams, 73. 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, 495. The limeſtone of Coal fields contains a variety of fhells, coral, and other marine productions, blended in the heart and compofition of the ftone. 2 Wil- liams, 26. At Anzin, near Valenciennes, there is a tract in which horizontal beds of limeſtone, marlite, and chalk, alternate, under theſe are ſandſtone and fhale, between which coals lie. 11 Ann. Chy. 273. In fome ! ( 315 ) fome of the pits at Liege the ſtrata are, 1. mould, 2. clay, 3. a fandy martial clay, 4. a calciferous fand, 5. chalk with flints, from 42 to 72 feet thick, under this va- rious beds of ſandſtone and fhale. Morand Arts and Metiers, &c. In the coal pits of Pirken, in Bavaria, ten ſeams of coal very near each other, alter- nate with fhale, marl, and fwineftone; the fwineſtone abounds in marine fhells of all forts, and the marl ftill more; theſe ſtrata form an angle with the horizon, of from 74 to 76 degrees. Flurl Bavaria, 103, 104. CHAP. II. FEW problems occur in the natural hiſ- tory of minerals of more difficult folution than that of the origin and formation of mineral coal and its mines muſt have been, before Lavoifier had diſcovered that it was a conſtituent part of fixed air; but this degree of knowledge being gained, we muft, of courſe, allow that carbonic fub- ſtance is of equal antiquity with fixed air, and this air being a component part of many (316) many of the folid fubftances which form the great mafs of the globe, it is equally evi- dent that it muſt be coeval with thoſe ſubſtances, and, confequently, muſt have preceded the exiſtence of animals and vege- tables, as I have ftated in my firft Effay. Before this important diſcovery, three folutions of this problem were propofed, two of which have ftill fome footing, and the third being almoſt generally received, I muſt previouſly fhew the infufficiency of all of them, as an apology for introducing my own. According to the firft opinion, which is that of Mr. Genfanne and fome other mi- neralogiſts, pit coal is nothing elſe than an earth or ſtone, chiefly of the argillaceous genus, penetrated and impregnated with petrol or afphalt. Kilkenny coal or natu- ral carbon demonftrates the infufficiency of this folution, for this coal contains nei- ther petrol nor other bitumen; beſides, the quantity of earthy or ftony matter in the moſt bituminous coal, bears no proportion to the weight of that coal; bituminous coal is capable of being charred, and then it is a fubftance almoft entirely reſembling vegetable ( 317 ) I 30 vegetable charcoal, which, on combuſtion, fcarcely leaves of its weight of argil or ftony matter: neither can any be faid to be a bitumen, for when charred, its volume is diminiſhed at moft, whereas bitumen, even the moſt compact, either leaves no coaly matter, or at moft, only an incon- fiderable quantity. The next, and ftill the moſt prevailing opinion is, that all mineral coal is of vege- table origin, that it ariſes from the immenſe forefts with which the earth was originally covered, which by various fubfequent re- volutions were buried under thoſe vaſt ſtrata of earth which at prefent cover mineral coal; theſe woods, it is faid, were mineral- ized by fome unknown procefs, but of which the vitriolic acid was the principal agent; by means of this acid the oils of the different fpecies of wood were con- verted into bitumen, and a coaly fubftance. was formed, as in the procefs for making æther; in fupport of this opinion it is al- ledged, 1. that in many of the various ſtrata that cover coal mines, and particularly in the fhale or indurated clay, diately cover feams of coal, which imme- vegetable im preffions ( 318 ) preffions are found. 2. That wood, actually converted into coal, is frequently obferved among ftrata of mineral coal, and, in fome, whole trees are found, fome parts of which are in their original vegetable ſtate, and the remainder converted into coal. I fhall first obviate the confequence de- duced from thefe obfervations, and then ſtate the principal objections to this ſyſtem. That vegetable impreffions are often found in the ftrata that cover coal, or on thofe on which it repofes, is a certain fact, but this fact may be better accounted for in the theory I fhall preſently propofe; the impreffions obferved are thoſe of herbaceous plants, as ferns, &c. and theſe, of all others, contain leaft oil; their exiftence has, there- fore, no connexion with the converſion of vegetables into coal; the impreffions of refiniferous plants, which alone are capa- ble of furniſhing moſt oil, have never been diſcovered on the ftrata that accompany coal, and the trees found are commonly birch or oak. As to the agency of the vi- triolic acid, it is very different from that which has been ſtated, no vegetable oil has ever been converted by it into petrol, nor has (319) has it ever been known to have contributed to the formation of any real bitumen; its agency however, in converting fome ípe- cies of wood into coal, when bitumen is otherwiſe ſupplied, is not denied; it acts upon, decompofes, and is decompofed, by the refinous part of the wood, or its oil, and leaves the carbonaceous part untouched; but this carbonaceous part would never be bituminated and converted into coal if real bitumen were not prefent, as appears the obſervation of Arduino, who found the timber employed in fupporting ancient mines, and which had ftood many centu- ries in the midſt of pyrites and vitriolic waters, blackened indeed, but not in the leaſt bituminated; whereas wood anciently' depoſited in the muddy bed of the Lagune, about Venice, was in fome degree bitumi- nated, having received bitumen from the fea water. Fraboni del Antracite, 11. In this cafe the wood was firft decompoſed by putrefaction, and afterwards fomewhat bi- tuminated. Hence it is allowed that fome fragments of wood may have its texture, in great meaſure deftroyed by the vitriolic acid, and be afterwards bituminated; yet its I (320) its texture is never totally deſtroyed, but may be diſcerned by the help of the nitrous acid, as Mr. Fraboni has fhewn *. Thus that fpecies of coal called wood coal is formed, in which vitriolic acid is always found, but it is eafily diftinguished from true mineral coal, as it burns more weakly, with a difagreeable fmell, and abounds in vitriolic acid; whereas true mineral coal contains this acid only acci- dentally, emitting moft frequently no acid in diftillation, but only volalkali, as Mr. Lavoifier has fhewn. Mem. Par. 1778, 436. The afhes of wood coal afford fome traces of fixed alkali †, whereas true mi- neral coal contains none, at leaft Model found none in that of Newcaftle. 1 Model, 456. This fhews that mineral coal does. not originate from wood depofited in or out of the fea :-Yet as it may be replied, that nature probably poffeffes means of mineralizing vegetables, with which we are unacquainted, perhaps the following ob- See my Mineralogy, vol. 2, p. 61. +2 Gerh. Beytr. 271. Fabroni, 58. Venel. fur la Houille, 3 fervations (321) fervations may be deemed the moſt con- clufive. 1º. Coals are commonly found in ftra- tified mountains, and form ftrata, of which, however, they may differ one from the other in thickneſs, each preferves its own for a confiderable ſpace, as half a mile, a mile, or two miles; but in mines of wood coal no fuch uniformity takes place; on the contrary, in the moſt confiderable of theſe an uniform decreaſe of thickneſs from the place in which the wood was first heaped, is ob- ferved; thus in the famous mine of wood coal, in the Wefterwalds in the territory of Orange Naffau, the thickness of the ftratum is obferved continually to decreaſe as it extends from Stockhaufen. 1 Berl. Beob. 106. 108. and Morand, in Defcrip- tion des Arts and Metiers, p. 10, folio. 2°. Seams of real mineral coal, and thofe of earth or ftone that accompany them, are obferved, while uninterrupted by flips or dykes, to lie parallel to each other to a great extent, and even after fuch interrup- tion, whether elevated or depreffed, ftill to maintain their parallelifm. But in mines of wood coal, notwithſtanding the contrary affertion Y (322) affertion of Morand, Ibid. p. 8, 9. late ob- fervations have afcertained that no fuch paralleliſm, nor even any diftinct number of ftrata prevail, but the whole appears to be one ftratum irregularly divided by maffes of clay or ſtone; this has been proved in the Wefterwalds (the very place in which Mo- rand, mifled by fuperficial obfervers, had afferted a regular ſtratification to have taken place,) after an accurate examination by Mr. Becker fecretary to the Mining Board of that country, 1 Berl. Beob. 101. 103. and by Fabri in his account of the mine of wood coal at Bruchliz. 1 Lempe Mag. 142. 3°. Mines of wood coal prefent fudden elevations or depreffions in the fame ftra- tum; mines of real mineral coal never. I Berl. Beob. 58. 4°. There are no flips or dykes in wood coal mines, i Berl. Beob. 58. thofe of ge- nuine coal abound in them. 5. Wood coal is frequently covered with round fragments of quartz, 1 Lempe. Mag. 143. genuine coal never. 6º. There is at preſent in the Muſeum of Florence, a cellular fandftone, the cells of which are filled with genuine mineral coal. Fabroni 6 (323) Fabroni Dal Antracite, 10. Could this have been originally wood? 7°. According to Voight Prack. Geb. 80, 81. genuine coal is feldom found in plains, but wood coal frequently is. Ibid. Reflecting on theſe facts, it appears to me highly probable, that real mineral coal does not originate from vegetable ſubſtances of any fort; the reſemblance obferved be- tween bituminated carbonated wood and mineral coal, arifes from the fimilarity of their compofition, both being formed of car- bon and bitumen, but by no means evinces the filiation of the latter from the former. The third opinion relative to the origin of pit coal is, that of the celebrated Arduino ; he thinks it entirely of marine formation, originating from the fat and unctuofity of the numerous tribes of animals that inha- bit the ocean. Fabroni, 12. 14. This opi- nion refts fimply on the obfervation, that fea fhells, or their impreffions, are fre- quently found in coal, in Italy, or at leaſt in, or on, the ftrata that accompany them, but it is fully contradicted by the much more general obfervation, that the traces of land and not of marine vegetables are found Y 2 on (324) 1 on the ftrata that cover feams of coal in all countries, or on thoſe on which theſe ſeams reft, or on both: that fea fhells are fcarce ever found among them in other countries, and much leſs the bones of fiſh: that, on 1 the contrary, reeds or ruſhes, and fluviatile fhells, have been found in the ftrata that cover coal. Morand, 8. That common falt is never found in coal mines, except when in the neighbourhood of falt ſprings, 2 Gerh. Geſch. 144. but, on the contrary, alum and vitriol, which are never found in the ſea. 3 Mem. Lauf. 321. That in the deferts near the Cafpian, on which the fea is known to have refted for perhaps many cen- turies, no coal mines are found: that the unctuofity of marine animals fhould rather float than fink in the fea;-that there is no known inftance of its having been ever con- verted into a bitumen. The opinion which I now propofe, is grounded on the following facts: 1º. Granite has been known fometimes to contain fmall veins of coal. 30 Roz. 378. per Bournon, and Lavoifier in Mem. Par. ∙1778, 440. 2. Plombago, which is natural carbon combined (325) combined with a certain proportion of iron, has alſo been found in granite, 2 Berg. Jour. 1790, 532. and in ſhiftofe mica. 2 Sauff. 450, 451. 3°. Hornblende, a ſtone which enters into the compofition of many rocks of the gra- nitic order, as fienite, and grunftein, and of many granitines, and of moft traps, and of many bafalts, has lately been found to con- tain carbon. Lampadius, 184. Hornblende is alfo often found in gneifs, and ſtill oftener in porphyry; carbon has alſo been diſco- vered in filiceous ſhiftus by Wiegleb, 1 Chy. Ann. 1788, p. 50 and 140. and in bafanite by Lampadius and Humbolt. 2 Chy. Ann. 1795, 114 and 3. Again, bitumen alfo is found in various ftones, and flows from various mountains; in Mount Caucafus there is a fountain of it that flows into the fea, and finks to the bottom. 3 Defcouvertes Ruffes, 83, 84. Mr. Mills diſcovered a bitumen whoſe ſpe- cific gravity was 1,284, immediately under a trap (he calls it lava). Phil. Tranf. 1790, 83. 87. It has been found in quartz, 1 Berg. Jour. 1791, 91. in the cavities of trap in Derbyſhire, 1 Pilk. 178. and in Y 3 black i (326) black marble. Ibid. 178. Fortis alfo ob- ferved it in black marble in the Ifle of Bua, on the coaſt of Dalmatia, tranfuding in the heat of the day, and congealed into drops at night*. Williams made the fame ob- fervation in Scotland, 1 Williams, 235. and Triewald in Sweden. Swenfk. Hand- ling. 1740, 203. Its exiſtence in bitumi- nous mailite, and bituminous fhale, is well known. Pallas difcovered bitumen in the limeſtone on the banks of the Volga; I Defcouv. Ruffes, 462. and in Bavaria there are fountains of it in mountains conſiſting of fandftone and limeftone, that alternate with each other. Flurl, 89. A whole lake of afphalt is faid to exift in the Ifle of Trinidad, in South America, which is liquid in fummer, and folid in winter. Phil. Tranf. 1789, 65. And feveral in Siberia, 1 Defcouv. Ruffes, 384, &c. and Perfia. Fountains of bitumen have been found in coal mines. Mem. Par. 1747, 1031, in 8vo. Hence it evidently follows, that carbonic * Travels to Dalmatia, Eng. Edit, in 4to. p. 177. ſubſtance, (327) fubftance, and petrol entered into the ori- ginal compofition of the ftones already enumerated, and therefore are derived from the primordial chaotic fluid, in whoſe bo- fom moſt ſtones were formed. I must farther obferve, that it is ad- mitted that moſt mountains were originally much higher than at prefent, having been fucceffively degraded and lowered by vari- ous fubfequent accidents; particularly by difintegration and decompofition. That many of the granitic and porphyritic order, particularly thoſe in which hornblende is found, and thofe of the trappofe order, and filiceous fhiftus, are moſt ſubject to this degradation and decompofition, and thofe of the calcareous and argilitic genera, are leaſt ſubject to it. It is alſo known, that the higheſt mountains, from the greater viciffitudes of heat and cold, and the im- petuous fhocks of the atmosphere, to which (every thing elſe being equal) they are moſt expoſed, are moſt ſubject to this deſtructive operation, That feveral mountains have been entire- ly deſtroyed by decompofition. That the higheſt mountains condenſe moſt Y 4 water, (328) water, which gradually trickling down their fides, carries off moſt of their difintegrated parts. From theſe facts it may justly be inferred, 1º. That natural carbon was originally contained in many mountains of the gra- nitic and porphyritic order; and alſo in filiceous fhiftus, and might, by difintegra- tion and decompofition, be feparated from the ftony particles. 2º. That both petrol and carbon are often contained in trap, fince hornblende very frequently enters into its compofition. My opinion, therefore, is, that coal mines or ftrata of coal, as well as the mountains or hills in which they are found, owe their origin to the difintegration and decompofition of primeval mountains, ei- ther now totally deſtroyed, or whoſe height and bulk, in confequence of ſuch diſinte- gration, are now confiderably leffened. And that theſe rocks anciently deſtroyed, contained moſt probably, a far larger pro- portion of carbon and petrol, than thoſe of the fame denomination now contain, fince their difintegration took place at ſo early a period. On (329) 1 On this fuppofition, I think the forma- tion of coal mines, and moft of the cir- cumſtances attending them, may naturally be accounted for. And firft, as to the feams of coals.them- felves and their attendant ftrata, they muſt have refulted from the equable diffu- fion of the difintegrated particles of the primitive mountains, fucceffively carried down by the gentle trickling of the nu- merous rills that flowed from thofe moun- tains, and, in many cafes, more widely diffuſed by more copious ftreams. By this decompofition the felfpar and hornblende were converted into clay, the bituminous particles thus fet free, reunited and were abforbed partly by the argil, but chiefly by the carbonaceous matter with which they have evidently the greateſt affinity, fince they are feparable by boiling water from the former, and fcarcely by the ſtrongeſt heat in clofe veffels from the lat- ter, and even in an open fire, only by a heat much fuperior to that of boiling water. The carbonic and bituminous particles thus united, being difficultly mifcible with wa- ter, and ſpecifically heavier, funk through the } (330) the moiſt, pulpy, incoherent, argillaceous maffes, and formed the loweft ftratum, un- lefs in cafes where their proportion to the argillaceous particles was fo fmall, that the latter had fubfided and coalefced before the former could have been reunited, in that cafe the clayey particles formed the lower ftratum of indurated clay. But if the pe- trol were in the greateſt proportion, it fre- qnently funk firſt in the form of a foft bi- tumen, carrying with it the clay and forming beds of fhale, or bituminous fhale, ac- cording to its proportion. By oxygenation it becomes fpecifically heavier than water. In ſome caſes, femiprotolite* formed the lower ftratum. This happened when fer- ruginous particles were moft abundant and feparated before the difintegration, or at leaft, the decompofition of the ftony par- ticles could be effected. In other obvious cafes, porphyry feems to form the lower ftratum, namely, where primitive porphyry formed the ſubſtance of the plains over which the difintegrated particles were diffuſed; and this feems, fre- * See 1 Effay, p. 44. L quently (331) I quently the café in Saxony and England. It is only at ſtated periods of fucceffive years that the difintegrated particles thus dif- fuſed, formed maffes fufficiently confiderable to allow the liberation of a fufficient quan- tity of carbonaceous and bituminous par- ticles to form diftin&t ftrata of coal and earthy matter; from the regularity of theſe periods, the regularity of the fimilar com- pofition of the diffufed particles, and the uniformity of their diffufion, the regular thickneſs and parallelifin of the ſtrata na- turally originated. As theſe ſtrata were formed, not under the ſea, but long after the emerſion of their parent mountains from its boſom, hence it it is that marine fhells, or the impreffion of marine vegetables, are fcarce ever found in them, Mem. Par. 1747, 1073. not even in thoſe of Whitehaven, which dip and are worked under it; but, on the contrary, trees and fluviatile fhells are frequently found among the ftrata; thofe of White- haven ſtretch under the fea, becauſe the fea covers what before the infular ſtate of Britain was land; but in Italy, and other parts contiguous to the Mediterranean and Adriatic, ( 332 ) } Adriatic, marine remains more frequently occur, from the cauſes mentioned in Effay III. The herbs whofe impreffions very generally occur on the fhale that immedi- ately covers coal are, as Morand obferves, thoſe that grow on low and moift grounds*, as fome fpecies of the cryptogamia. It is true that Juffieu, Mem. Par. 1718, and 42 Roz. 450, thought theſe herbs to be pecu- liar to the Eaft and Weft Indies; but Mr. Blumenbach, in this more advanced ſtage of the botanic ſcience, judges them to be perfectly unknown †, as indeed fhould be expected; fuch foils fo compofed and fo fituated being ſcarcely to be met with, and if they were, that fpecies may at this time be eaſily fuppreffed by other more numerous tribes: fomc, however, much reſemble the ferns that now exiſt in the adjacent coun- try. Mem. Par. 1747, 1033. The im- preffions of theſe herbs is eaſily accounted for from the foft oleaginous ftate of the ſhales on which they are found, which rea- dily received their print, and retained it * Morand Art du Charbonier, in Defcript. des Arts, &c. p. 170. + Hanbuch der Natur. Gefch. 703. long 1 ( 333 ) : long after the originals had decayed. This circumftance fully proves the foft original ftate of theſe ftones, and that the ftrata had experienced no violent concuffion ever fince their formation, which dates from the re- moteft antiquity, as the flighteſt friction would irretrievably efface thefe impreffions, and, confequently, that the numerous re- volutions, and eruptions of lavas from fub- terraneous fires, which many theorists fup- pofe to have taken place, are purely vifion- Nevertheleſs, that fome derangement of the ftrata, but gentle and gradual, has taken place fince their formation, is evident from their diflocation on different fides of, what is called, a flip, dyke, or trouble. The effect of this obftruction we have already mentioned; when it leans on one fide, for inſtance to the caft, and, confequently, overhangs the ftrata of coal placed to the eaſtwards, the continuation of the ſtrata of coal, and their concomitants, will often be found lower on the western fide. ary. To underſtand the reaſon of this pheno- menon we must remember that where it takes place with the circumſtances juſt men- tioned, the flip is always a ſubſtance more or lefs different from any that form the ftrata ( 334 ) ftrata in the coal mine, and when a ftone, that it is a ftony mafs that refifts decom- pofition, whilft the maffes that formed the ftrata underwent that operation. 2º. That no traces of fracture or com- preffion of the ftrata are found at con- fiderable diſtances from it, and, conſequently, that it did not roll down from the difinte- grated mountain from which theſe ftrata originate, at any time after the formation of the ftrata, otherwife, from its great weight, fome traces of oppreffion would be ob- ſerved; conſequently, it exiſted in the ſpot where it ftands, before the ftrata were form- ed, and as its height is ſo conſiderable as to reach through all the ftrata, it muſt have obftructed their extenfion for a confiderable time, though at laft the ftreaming waters. muſt have conveyed the difintegrated par- ticles beyond it; the preffure therefore on the fide on which the ftrata were firft form- ed, muſt have been much more confiderable than on the fide on which the ftrata of later formation repofe, and muft have puſh- ed the upper and moſt moveable extremity of the flip, gradually towards the fide on which there was leaft preffure and refift- ance; on that fide it must therefore over- hang; (335) i hang: this preffure being of earlier date than that on the oppofite fide, muſt have had a more confiderable effect in depreffing each particular ftratum, by fqueezing out the watry particles entangled in them, and forcing their integrant particles into clofer contact than could have been produced (the times being unequal) in thofe of later for- mation, and, confequently, the ftrata muſt be lower. This explanation, I own, I am not perfectly fatisfied with, and only ac- quiefce in, until a fuller account of the cir- cumſtances of theſe flips is obtained. Where fuch a connexion between the inclination of the flip, and the elevation or depreffion of the ftrata has not been obferved, and I do not find that it has in France, Flanders, or Germany*, yet the unequal pofition of the ftrata on each ſide of it conftantly has, and is attributed by Mr. Charpentier, with great ſhew of reaſon, partly to the unequal eleva- tion of the bafis on different fides of the flip, and, in fome cafes, to the fliding away of fome of the lower ftrata. Saxony, 373. In Vol. VI. of the Phil. Tranf. abridg. Part II. * Charp. 373, Morand Defcription des Arts et Me- tiers, in folio, Charbonier, 58. 1 Jars. 291. p. 185. (336) p. 185. the fituation of metallic ftrata diflocated by fuch obftructions is repre- fented as the very reverfe of that which takes place in coal mines, and its explana- tion is much more natural. That the cauſes affigned by Charpentier, muſt have operated in fome cafes, is evident from this, that a fimilar diflocation of the ftrata has been obferved where the inter- vening flip was only a few inches thick, as at Zwickhaw. 6 Lempe, 55. and no dif- location at all, or fcarce any, where the flip was of confiderable extenfion. Ibid. In the firſt cafe, therefore, the rift occupied by the flip muft have been occafioned by the rupture of the ftrata, and afterwards filled up from above, by the fubftance of the flip in the latter cafe, the ufual con- fequence of the flip must have been coun- teracted by the inequality of the foil. In both the cafes obferved, the fubftance of the flip was a grey indurated clay, with fome fuperficial traces of lead ore and ful- phur pyrites, and fome calcareous fpar. It is in vain, therefore, that volcanifts, or rather plutoniſts, afcribe thefe flips, and the difor- ders that accompany them, to fubterraneous eruptions. (337) eruptions. Muſt a mere indurated clay be deemed a fubterraneous eruption? Can a mafs of it a few inches thick occafion a great disturbance, while one much more confiderable, either occafions none at all, or a much ſmaller? Would not a conic elevation of both the fides of a difrupted ftratum be the natural refult of fuch an impreffion from below? A pofition, how- ever, which the difrupted carbonaceous ſtrata never preſent. The courſe or direction of the ftrata has been obferved to be moft generally towards fome point between E. and W. or N.E. and S.W. becauſe the winds from theſe points are moſt frequent, in Europe at leaſt; and by theſe and the viciffitudes of heat and cold, moiſture and drynefs, that feverally accompany them, difintegration and de- compofition are moſt promoted. The varieties of the dip arife from the inequalities of the bafis to which the ftrata always conform. Morand, 62. When the dip forms what is called a horſe-ſhoe, defcending from one mountain or hill, and afcending on the oppofite, it is becauſe the difintegrated particles defcended from both, Ꮓ and ( 338 ) ; and the waters found the fame level. Laft- ly, coal is fcarcely ever found between cal- careous ftrata, becaufe carbon feldom ex- ifts in limeftones, except that which forms a conſtituent part of fixed air; and calca- reous mountains are leſs ſubject to diſinte- gration than thofe of granite, porphyry, and trap. The origin of coal mines from dif- integration and decompofition, which I have hitherto explained, is by far the moſt general, but in fome particular cafes, coal ſeems alſo to have orginated, and ſtill to ori- ginate from tranfudation through fubftances imperfectly decompofed or recompofed after difintegration. Of the firft we have an in- ſtance in the argillaceous mountain of St. Georges near Milhant. II An. Chy. 272. at of the height of this mountain there is a ftratum of coal which cuts the mountain in two; this muſt have been formed by tranfudation from the upper part before it had hardened; fo alfo in the valley, between the mountains Juffon and Chaminelle, in Dauphiné, there are feve- ral ftrata of farcilite, compacted by a calca- reous cement, and between them fome in- confiderable feams of coal are found, which 5 feem ( 339 ) 1 feem to have flowed from the contiguous calcareous mountains, for the ftony maffes of which theſe mountains confift, preſent at intervals black fpots, which ſmell like fwineſtone. 11 An. Chy. 271. Moſt of the coal found in or under confiderable maffes of limeftone, feems to have been formed in this manner. Near Kratigen, in Swifferland, a thick bed of coal is found in the midſt of limeſtone; but in the vicinity, petrol and foft bitumens are found in the limeſtone. Ferber Briefe Min. Inhalt. 24. We have, according to Mr. Genneté, a ftill more evident inftance of this mode of pro- duction of coal, from a fubftance fubfe- quently recompofed in the coal mines of Liege; there a fpecies of fandftone is found, called by the country miners agaz, in which there are veins through which a bitumen, or rather a bitumen impregnated with car- bon, tranfudes, which forms feams of coal at prefent, and in 40 years fill up the parts already worked. The mafs of this fand- ſtone in the territory of Liege is, he ſays, to that of coal as 25 to 1; nay, Mr. Buffon, from whom I extract this paffage, affures us, he faw himſelf fome coal which had Z 2 Ꮓ newly 1 (340) newly tranfuded in this manner. 2 Buff Mineral. in 8vo. p. 204, 206. In all theſe cafes it is plain, the fand originally formed by difintegration, had again by the opera- tion of petrefcent juices, coalefced into a ftony ſubſtance, before the carbonaceous ingredient had been fevered from it. It alſo not unfrequently happens that the pro- portion of petrol is not fufficient to carry off the difengaged carbon, and in theſe cafes the coal muſt remain diſperſed in the cavities of the fandftone; hence the fhreds of coal often obferved in fandftone, but of a bad kind, not being fufficiently impreg- nated with petrol. Charp. 7, and 46. Hence alſo in many parts of Swifferland there is fcarce a fandhill without nefts of coal. 4 Helv. Mag. 119. The connexion obferved between trap, bafalt, and coal mines, feems to indicate that theſe ftony fubftances contain fome proportion of carbon, and orginally a much greater. That hornblende does contain it has been already mentioned, as alſo that trap contains petrol. Bafalt, if it contains any carbon, contains leaft, but as trap abounds in hornblende is cafily decom- i pofible, ! ( 341 ) pofible, and generally accompanies bafalt, it is to its decompofition that I think the ftrata of coal found under it may be afcrib- ed; fome have thought that the coal next under it, is always of that kind that difficult- ly burns, which the vulcanifts afcribe to its having been charred by the melted lava (fo they call trap and baſalt) that flowed over it; but they are evidently deceived, for the coal next to the trap is frequently the moſt inflammable and bituminous, as at Meiffen. 1 Berg. Jour. 1792, 379. The coal found under trap, is chiefly of vegetable origin, but above it true mineral coal which originated from the trap itſelf frequently occurs, as at Meiffen, &c. This vegetable coal is formed of trees proftrated by the deluge, accidently covered with trap, at its laſt period, as al- ready fhewn, and bituminated by the petrol flowing from the trap; hence at Meiffen, its loweſt ftrata, to which a fufficient quan tity of petrol could not reach, is the worst. 1 Berg. Jour. 1792, 378. Carbonated wood is often found in various coal mines, not becauſe the coal derived its origin from wood, but becauſe the carbonic part of the wood was preferved, and as it were em- balmed Z 3 (342) balmed by the petrol of the original coal mine, whereas in other places the wood decayed as ufual. To confirm this theory, I fhall now pro- cced to fhew its conformity to actual ap- pearances, by proving the identity of the materials that form the ftrata, with thoſe of the mountains, from whofe difintegration and decompofition I have afferted the ftra- ta to have originated. 1º. The coal mines in the valley of Plauen, are fkirted with mountains of ar- gillaceous porphyry, and fienite, which fre- quently alternate with each other. Charp. 51. the fienite confifts of hornblende and fleſh red felfpar, and very little quartz; the porphyry alſo contains red and bluiſh felfpar, quartz minutely divided, and indu- rated clay, blue, red, and greeniſh. Charp. 50. 2 Berg. Jour. 1792, 153. accordingly the coal ftrata confift entirely of clay and fand of the fame variety of colours. Some bivalved muſcles, as well as vegetable im- preffions are found in fome of theſe ſtrata; the muſcles are probably fluviatile, as the impreffions are of freſh water plants; but I fhould not be ſurpriſed if marine fhells fhould (343) fhould alfo be found among them, as the porphyritic and fienitic hills are furmount- ed with limeftones, in which thefe fhells are plentifully found. Charp. Ibid. and fome of theſe might undoubtedly crumble down with the difintegrated ſtones on which they repofed; the wood probably grew on the mountains at the time of their decom- pofition. 2º. The hills about Potchapel coal mines are entirely of argillaceous porphyry, con- taining only minute grains of quartz, and of which the felfpar is frequently converted into clay, hence the coal ftrata here con- fift entirely of clay. 6 Lempe, 41. 3°. From From porphyraceous mountains, not very diftant, the ftrata of the coal mines in the valley of Planitz, placed be- tween them, and of thoſe of Zwickau, Bockwa, and Reinfdorf, are evidently de- rived; the porphyry is argillaceous, and abounds in quartz, the quartz often contains mica, and is then called there a fandſtone, its colour is often red, green, blue, or white, alternates with layers of clay, and red, ſoft, ferruginous, ſandſtone, and foon withers when expoſed to the air. Charp. 294. Accordingly 24 ( 344 ) Accordingly in the coal mines under the mould, we firſt meet grey and reddiſh clay, then a ftratum of quartzy fand 13 feet, then a fine grained fandſtone, with organ- ic impreffions, and balls of agate or calce- dony; under this, indurated clay, and ſhale, paffing into the bituminous fort; under this the coal lies. Ibid. 300, 301. 4°. The coal mines of Wilkiſchen near Kladrau, in Bohemia, are bordered by, and fituated on the declivity of mountains of granite, and micaceous argillite; in the fields. where they are found, blocks of granite repofe on the ſurface. The ftrata that cover the feams of coal confiſt of a greyiſh white clay, micaceous fand and fhale, with vege- table impreffions, which ftrata, as Ferber juſtly obſerves, were formed by the difinte- gration and decompofition of the adjacent mountains. Bohemia, 300, 303*. 2 Berg. Jour. 1791, 56. all the ſtrata finally repoſe on granite, as he obſerved: the depth of theſe mines is only 36 feet. 5°. The chain of mountains adjacent to *See the English tranflation at the end of Born's Letters from Hungary. 3 Rive (345) 1 2 Rive de Gier confift of granite and gneifs; the valley betwixt thefe and the river Gier, prefents fandftones and breccias proceeding from their difintegration, 11 Ann. Chy. 270. and accordingly the coal mines are formed of ftrata of fandftone, but chiefly of fhale, more or lefs bituminated, as we have already obferved. 6º. The chain of mountains in Langue- doc, that extends from Andufe to Villefort, confift of primitive fandſtone, and abounds in iron mines; it is accompanied by a foil that originated from difintegration, and in this, coal covered with bituminous fhale is found in heaps between the arenilitic rocks. Mem. Par. 1747, 1028. 1033. Mr. Ton- fon found the coal mine of Oedinburg in Hungary, covered with fandftone, but the neighbouring rocks were fhiftofe mica. Hungary, 40. 7°. On the fide of a granitic mountain, near St. Hypolite, Lavoifier found the fol- lowing ſtrata, red clay, black fandy earth, gravel mixed with felfpar, gravel indurated into true granite, the fame in a looſe form, both theſe alternating with each other; fhale, bituminous fhale, with vegetablé im- preffions, ( 346 ) preffions, with thin veins of coal, and at laft, granite. Mem. Par. 1778, 440. Here we evidently ſee the origin of coal from the mere detritus, or difintegration of granite. Elſewhere alfo coal covered with fandſtone repoſes immediately on granite, 2 Berg. Jour. 1790, 322. the fandftone then moft probably proceeded from the granite. One of the mountainous ridges of Languedoc, called Servas, confifts of limestone richly impregnated with Petrol; now in one of the ravines of this mountain, beds of fand, and of a highly bituminated coal, alternate with each other. Mem. Par. 1746, 1081, in 8vo. Is it not then certain that this mountain was degraded by difintegration? That the bituminated coal feparated, and formed a diſtinct ftratum, leaving the ftony part in the form of fand? And, that from fucceffive difintegrations the multiplied ſtra- ta arofe? Some fhells are found over the coal, partly marine (viz. turbinites) and partly thoſe of land fnails, Ibid. 1082. the former from the limeftone, the latter muſt have been produced long after the moun- tain had emerged from the fea: an exact confirmation of the prefent theory. 82. Near F ( 347 ) 8°. Near the river Angara, in Siberia, there are different ftrata of coal, 3 or 4 inches thick, ſeparated from each other by argillaceous and arenaceous ftrata, but with- out any organic remains. 38 Roz. 226. This river is furrounded by primitive moun- tains, from whofe difintegration theſe ftrata evidently proceed; a difintegration that pro- bably preceded the production of organic fubftances. 9°. The dip of the feams of coal at Whitehaven is from E. to W. and of thoſe of Newcaſtle from W. to E. which fhews that both proceeded from the interior in- termediate mountains. The practical inferences from this theory are, 1º. That coal is never to be expected in primeval mountains, as granite, gneifs, &c. but that on the fides of thefe, particularly if very high, or in the hanging level that flopes from them to fome river or valley, it may be fought. 2º. That there is ſtill a greater probability of finding it in the neighbourhood of moun- tains of argillaceous porphyry, as thofe are ſtill more fubject to diſintegration. 3º. That ( 348 ) 3°. That it may be fought with probabi- lity of fuccefs in fandftone mountains, if ſandſtone and clay alternate, or ſandſtone, clay, and argillaceous iron ore. 4. That in any elevated land in which ſandſtone and ſhale, with vegetable impref- fions, or indurated clay and fhale, or bitu- minous fhale, form diſtinct ftrata, or clay, iron ore, and fhale, with or without ftrata of fand, coal may well be expected. 5°. That if fandſtone be found under limeſtone, or if they alternate with each other, and, particularly, if indurated clay and fhale form any of the ftrata, they afford a probable indication of coal; otherwife coal is very rarely found in, or under, limeftone. 6º. That coal is very feldom found with argillite, and fuch as has been is of the un- inflammable kind. 7°. That where trap, or whin and clay, alternate, and more eſpecially trap and fand- ftone, coal may be expected; it is often, but not regularly, found under baſalt:- Wood coal is fometimes found under both. Laftly, that coal frequently burfts out on the furface, or on the fides of hills, in a withered (349) withered ſtate, which diffufes itſelf to a diſtance from its origin, and requires an experienced miner to trace it truly to the ſeam to which it belongs. 1 1 1 1 1 ESSAY ¿ ( 350 ) ESSAY VIII. OF COMMON SALT AND ITS MINES. Common falt is found either in a liquid or in a folid form, and in greater plenty than any other falt whatſoever. In the liquid form it is found in the fea, in falt lakes, and in falt fprings; as both theſe laſt, however, proceed from maffes of falt contained in the earth, in a folid form, I fhall poftpone their confideration to that of falt in a folid form. $1. I. Of the Sea. The fea, comprehending under that name the different oceans, the Mediterranean, Euxine, and Baltic, is undoubtedly the moſt conſiderable mine of any fort exifting in any known part of the globe, fince judg- ing from indifcriminate experiments of its whole weight nearly, is faline mat- रु ष्ठ ter; (351) ter; the extremes are 32 and, or 3 per cent. or 4 per cent. nearly. Phipps found the weight of its faline contents at the back of Yarmouth fands nearly, Lat. 53°. and Bergman found that taken up in the latitude of the Canaries to contain about Ι 24 of its weight of faline matter; but theſe quantities, even in the fame latitude, are variable, there being lefs in rainy than in dry, and greater in ſtormy than in calm weather (if the degrees of heat be not very different), as ftorms powerfully promote evaporation. Near land alfo, and particu- larly near the mouth of great rivers, it is evident the proportion of faline matter muſt be ſmaller than at a confiderable dif- tance from them. It has been generally imagined that at great depths the fea water is more falt, though lefs naufeous, than at the furface, but Mr. Bladh has completely proved, that to the depth at leaſt of 50 fathom, there is no difference. 35 Mem. Stock. Neither does the mere mere differ- ence of latitude caufe any conſiderable difference in the proportion of faline mat- ter contained in fea water, as appears by the experiments of Phipps, Baumé, and I Pages; } (352) Ι Pages; and hence it is evident that the fea does not derive its faltnefs from any moun- tains of falt contained in it, as fome have thought, for in that cafe more would be daily diffolved in the hot than in the cold climates. Phipps in latitude 80° N. 60 fathom under ice, found the water to contain of faline matter that is, 3,54 per cent. and Pages in latitude 81°, found 4 per cent. or, the temperature I do not mention, as it could make no difference where fuch minute quantities are concerned. In lat. 74° nearly, or 3,6 per cent. Phipps; 4,75 per cent. by Pages; but I fancy this muſt be a miſtake. In lat. 60° Phipps found T I 28 I TT 28,29 , and Pages, or 3,5 per cent. in lat. 59° in the German Sea; in lat. 53° Phipps found on the back of Yarmouth fands, but I ſuſpect.fome fault in this experiment, as the ſpecific gravity afcribed to the water that contained it, does not at all agree with fo finall a proportion of faline matter. Lavoifier fcarcely got 2 per cent. from fea water taken up, as he was informed, 4 leagues from Dieppe, and Monnet ſtill leſs. See Mem. Par. 1772, p. 349. in 8vo. and Monnet Nouvell. Hydrolog. 209. Either the } ( 353 ) the water was not taken up at that diſtance from the ſhore, or they evaporated it too much, and too ftrongly, by which means the marine acid, and even the falt itfelf, was, in great meaſure, volatilized. up Pages tells us, that from ſea water taken in latitude 45° and 39 N. in the ocean, he obtained 4 per cent. of faline matter; and Beaumé analyfed fome taken up by Pages in lat. 34° and 14°, and found each to contain about 4 per cent. and in lat. 25° N. Pages found fea water to contain 3,75 per cent. and in latitude 10° 3,66; yet in lat. 4 it contained but 3,5 per cent. which agrees with Bladh's obfervations which I ſhall preſently mention. In the fouthern latitudes Pages found the proportion of faline matter fomewhat greater. Lat.....49° 50' he found the fea 4,1666 per cent. of water to contain 46° 00'. 40º 30'... 25° 54'.. 20° co... But in l. 1° 16'.... faline matter. • 4,5 ·4 .4 · 3,9 • 3,5 * See the Table prefixed to Vol. III. of Pages' Voy. A a In ( (354 354 ) : In the Mediterranean, the proportion of faline matter is faid to be much greater, namely,, a quantity almoft incredible; Dr. Hales is faid to have found it, this proportion, however, feems too fmall if the water was taken at a diftance from the mouth of the great rivers *. According to 2 Tournefort Voy. 410, the Euxine and Cafpian feas are lefs ſalt than the ocean, and fo alfo is the Baltic, as we ſhall preſently fee. The fpecific gravity of fea water taken up at different latitudes, has alſo been ex- amined with great accuracy by Mr. Bladh, of whofe obfervations I fhall here give an extract; he reduced his experiments to the fpecific gravity the water would have at 20° of the Swed. Thermometer, that is, 68° of Fahr. and I have reduced them to that it would have at 62° of Fahr. fup- pofing the dilatability of the falt water to be the fame as that of diftilled water, and in effect, Lambert found that even a fatu- rate folution of common falt expanded be-. tween the temperatures of ice and boiling ** 1 Monro Min. Waters, 105. water ፡ ( 355 ) 7 water only more than pure water, 1000 and the marine folutions being very weak muſt expand much lefs. The formula I followed is laid down in the firſt Volume of my Mineralogy. Bladh counts his lon- gitude from Teneriffe. Lat. Long. Sp. Gr. at 68° Sp. Gr.at 520 N. E. 59° 39'. 8° 48′. 1,0266.. 1,0272 57° 18'. 18° 48'. 1,0263...... 1,0269 W. 57° I'... 1° 22′.... 1,02669..... 1,0272 54° 02'. 4° 4.5'. 1,0265 1,0271 44° 32..... 2° 04'.. 1,0270 ...1.0276 E. 44° 07'.. 1° 00'... 00'......1,02705. 1,02705..... 1,0276 40 41'... 0° 30. 1,0270 1,0276 • 34° 40'. 29° 50′.. 24° 00'... W. oo'.. 2° 32'.. 3° 24. 1° 18'. • 1,0274 • 1,0280 1,0275 1,0281 1,0278 .....1,0284 13° 28'. · 1,0275 1,0281 16° 36'. 3° 37.. 1,0271 1,0277 14° 56' 3° 46'. 1,0269 I,C275 10° 30'. 30'... 20'.. 5° 50'... 3° 28'. ༡༠ 1° S. 25'... 3° 3° 49'. 1,0266 1,0272 1,0268 1,0274 3° 26'. • 1.0265 1,0271 30′......1,0267 1,0273 ०० 3° 40'... 1,0271 • 1,0277 5° 10° 10.. oo'.. 6° 00'.. 1,0271 • 1.0277 6° oso • 1,0279 1,0285 14° 40′. co´.. 1,0278 ► 1,0284 20° 06'.. 5° 30. 1,0279 .. 1,0285 25° 45'...... 2° 22'.. 1,0275 1,0281 E. 30° 37° 37 25'………... 7° ...68° 12'... . 1,0273 • 13'.. .... 1,0? 70 1,0279 1,0276 A a 2 As 22 ( 356 ) As the higher ſpecific gravity denotes the greater proportion of faline matter, hence he justly infers that in the Atlantic and Ethiopic oceans, the fea is charged with moſt falt near the tropics, and becomes lefs impregnated near the line from the quan tity of rain that ufually prevails there: we alfo fee that the fouthern ocean is more falt than the northern, the reafon of which probably is, that it is the original ocean in which all falt was at firſt contained, and by communication with which, the northern feas were falted, as fhewn in Effay II. By Wilke's experiments it appears, that the Baltic is much lefs falt than the ocean, and that it is falter under a weſterly than under an eaſterly wind; and ſtill falter when a N.W. wind prevails. His expe- riments were made at 9° of the Swedish thermometer, or 48° Fahr. I have reduced them to the temperature of 62°. At 48° 1,0047 1,0075 1,0126 1,0105 At 62° 1,0039 Wind at E. 1,0067 Ditto at W. 1,0118 Storm at W. 1,0098 Wind at N.W. 33 Schwed. Abhand. 67. Hence ( 357 ) Hence we clearly fee, that the faltneſs of the Baltic proceeds from the weſtern ocean, and alſo perceive the influence of ſtorms. The correſpondence betwixt the ſpecific gravity of the fea water and its proportion of faline matter cannot be made out with much preciſion, as it contains two or three fpecies of falts whofe proportion to each other is variable, and Dr. Watſon's table, the beſt ſtandard for determining the pro- portion of falt, was formed only on folu- tions of common falt; yet as common falt is by far the moſt copious ingredient in fea water, and as the Doctor owns that his falt was not perfectly pure, it will be found to determine the proportion of faline matter ve- ry nearly in all the cafes to which it reaches. It was formed at temperatures from 46° to 55°, hence I have fuppofed it at the me- dium of 50°, and calculated what the pro- portions relative to the preſent object ſhould be at the temperature of 62° in the fol- lowing table. ! A a 3 Salt ( 358 ) Salt Specific Gravity 1,0283 24 I 23 1,0275 I 26 1,0270 Σ 27 I 1,0267 28 1,0250 1785 उठ I 1,0233 उद्र 1,0185 I • 144 1,0033 13 / 8 1,0105 ...T88 ठ 1,004 1,0023 What degree of confidence we may re- poſe in the indications concluded from Dr. Watſon's experiments, may be difcerned in the following inftances. Briffon diffolved 2 oz. of the pureſt com- mon falt in 16 oz. of diftilled water, and found the ſpecific gravity of the folution 1,0790 in the temperature of 14° of Reau- mur, that is, 63°,5 of Fahr. this folution then contained of its weight of falt; now by Doctor Watfon's table, a folution con- taining of falt has its ſpecific gravity 1,074, and this being reduced to that which it would have at 62° is 1,0732; here then the difference is T, which I attribute to the fuperior gravity of pure falt. Again, Bergman found the ſpecific gravity of ſea 9 6 water ( 359 ) water taken up in lat. 28° N. near the Ca- naries, 1,0289 in the temperature of 15° on the Swediſh fcale, equal 60° of Fahr. and he found the faline contents, and this ſpecific gravity being reduced to the temperature of 62°, is 1,0286, and by the laft table we ſee that Doctor Watfon gives it 1,0283 at 62° of Fahr. as the common falt was here mixed with other falts, we fee the agreement is nearer. It is true Lord Mulgrave found the fpe- cific gravity of fea water taken up at the back of Yarmouth fands, to be 1,0280 in the temperature of 53° Fahr. or 1,0273 at the temperature of 62°, and yet he found the faline contents only, nearly, whereas by Doctor Watfon's table, either the fpe- cific gravity fhould be 1,023, or if this were rightly taken, which I believe it to have been, the faline contents fhould exceed This difference I attribute to a fault in the conduct of the experiment, the evapo- ration having been either too quick, or too far puſhed, or both together; either way much of the falt, and of the acid of the earthy falts, muft have been loft. As to the fpecies of falts found in fea water, they 27 A a 4 may (360) may be reduced according to the moſt ex- act experiments hitherto made, only to three, viz. common falt, muriated magneſia, and felenite, now and then a very ſmall proportion of Epfom falt, and of aerated lime has been difcovered. Bergman in the ſea water he examined and above mention- ed, found 3,29 per cent. of common falt, 0,869 per cent. of muriated magnefia, and about,001 of felenite, and the quantity of ſea water he examined was about 5,52 Eng- liſh pints, wine meaſure. Monnet in fea water, taken up near Nantz, found 3,4 per cent. of common falt, nearly 1 per cent. of muriated magneſia, and about 0,0008 of felenite. In three other experiments made on fea water, taken up near Dunkirk, Dieppe, and Granville, he found the fame falts, and alſo a minute proportion of Ep- fom. Baumé *, who examined the fea waters taken up by Pages in lat. 34° and 14°, found each to contain 4 per cent. of common falt, 0,12 per cent. of felenite, and a ſmall proportion of a falt, which he calls magneſia of common falt, and yet pretends * Mem. Par. 1787, 547. that (361) that its bafis burns to lime. This falt he did not weigh, but decompofed it by an alkali, and found its bafis dried at 212°, to amount to about 0,4 per cent. but the quantity of neutral falt formed by its acid he does not notice. He alfo found 0,12 per cent. of felenite, and afferts, that the fea water contained alfo Glauber, but in fo minute a proportion that he could difcover none, not recollecting that his calcareous falt would decompofe it if there had been any; it is poffible, however, that fuch mi- nute proportions might coexiſt without meeting each other. Neither Lavoifier's nor Monnet's experiments on the fea water near Dieppe, are much to be depended upon, as neither of them appear to have operated on genuine fea water, for, as al- ready faid, that water fcarcely contained, or at leaſt they extracted from it, ſcarcely 2 per cent. of faline matter, of which far the greater part was common falt, and the next moſt copious part was muriated mag- nefia, and next to that felenite. Both found an exceeding minute proportion of Epſom, and Lavoifier fays he found o,o8 per cent. of Glauber; but Monnet, though he ope- rated (362) rated on the fame quantity of water, viz. 20 pints, or 40 pounds, found no Glauber. On examining theſe analyſes, it is evident, that none of them, except Bergman's, were properly conducted. I I 2 5 I omit the experiments made by perfons unacquainted with the nature of magneſia, and am convinced that the experiments of all thoſe who attribute lefs than 3,8 per cent. of faline matter, or, to genuine fea water taken up in the northern ocean, un- leſs in particular circumſtances, are faulty: the mean quantity feems to be 4 per cent. or, the extremes and; the fpecific gravity of fea water containing is 1,0275 in the temperature of 62°; Briffon, it is true, found the ſpecific gravity of ſea water up i in the bay of St. Brieux in Brit- tanny, to be only 1,0263 in the tempera- ture of 63°,5 Fahr. which would be 1,0264 at the temperature of 62°. But as two fmall rivers empty themſelves in that bay, and the water might have been taken up during the ebb, I look on this water to con- tain a mixture of freſh. Glauber's falt is faid to have been found in the water of the Mediterranean. Mem, Par. 1763, p. 326, taken (363) A 326, in 8vo. The Epfom, extracted from the ſea water at Harwich, Newcaſtle, Ly- mington, &c. is as to its acid part, artifi- cial; the mother. liquor of pyrites being added after the feparation of the common falt. That the fea was originally much more falt than at prefent, will be fhewn in the fequel. What was, or is, the primary caufe of the faltneſs of the ſea, has been the ſubject of much difcuffion, and yet not only that cauſe, but even the reafon why the parti- cular falts already mentioned, and no other, exiſt in it, and alſo that, of the proportion to each other in which they are found, ſeem to me not difficult to explain, but in order to do ſo we muſt recur to the prin- ciples laid down in Effay I. 1º. That all ſubſtances incapable of far- ther analyfis, muſt be deemed fimple until future experiments teach us otherwife. 2º. All fimple fubftances muſt have been coeval with the creation, and have exifted in the chaotic fluid, and, originally at leaſt, in an uncombined ftate, the component parts of water alone excepted. Now both the acid, and alfo natron or foda, • (364) foda, the baſis of common falt, are fimple fubftances in this fenfe, as we know of no proceſs, either of art or of nature, by which either of them can either be decompofed or formed. That foda is not the product of vegetation appears by the experiments. of Mr. Du Hamel. Mem. Par. 1767, as he found the quantity of foda in kali to decreaſe progreffively in fucceffive annual growths of the plant fown in lands diſtant from the fea. Both the acid and bafis must therefore have originally exifted, though in an uncombined ftate, in the chaotic fluid. Again, of all mineral acids, the moſt abundant are the marine and vi- triolic; and of all baſes to which they may unite, calcareous earth, natron, and mag- nefia, are thofe which are found in the greatest plenty iron, it is true, is found perhaps as plentifully as any of them, but then its combinations with either of thoſe acids would immediately be decompofed by any of the above-mentioned fubftances. Farther, it cannot be pretended that the vitriolic acid is an original fubftance; it is evidently formed of fulphur and pure air, and this air owed its extrication to volca- nic ( 365 ) nic heat, as fhewn in Effay I. therefore it could not have obtained as early a poffeffion of the above-mentioned baſes as the marine. This point is important, and may be proved in another manner: If the vitriolic and marine acids were coetaneous, they muſt have obtained a fimultaneous poffeffion of the bafes to which they both have the ftrongeſt affinity, viz. natron and calcare- ous earth, and, as after poffeffing the na- tron, there was ſtill a fufficiency of calca- reous earth to faturate the refidue of both of them, there fhould neither at firft nor at preſent be any fuch thing in the fea as mu- riated magnefia, of which, however, it con- tains, as we have feen, nearly 1 per cent. but the fea would at firft contain Glauber, common falt, and muriated and vitriolated lime, and foon after (as Glauber's falt and muriated lime decompofe each other,) it would contain common falt and gypfum, and at laft, as gypfum is decompofed by aerated magneſia, we ſhould have in the fea at this day, common falt and Epfom falt only, or at moſt only common falt, Epfom and felenite, it being poffible that there might not be enough of magneſia to de- compofe (366) compofe all the felenite at firft formed; but ftill we fhould find no muriated mag- neſia, and Epſom falt fhould be much more abundant than we find it, as it is ftill more foluble than common falt. Since, there- fore, the fea does not contain thefe falts in the proportions juft mentioned, but does exhibit a falt in a large proportion, which in the hypothefis of the coetaneity of the marine and vitriolic acids it could not contain, that hypothefis is plainly falfe*: On the contrary, if the marine acid be ſuppoſed to be more ancient than the vi- triolic, (a fuppofition the truth of which has been proved,) then we fhall find the faline contents of the fea to be juſt fuch, and in the fame proportion, as experiments prove them to exift in it at prefent; for if marine acid was more ancient than the vi- triolic, then it poffeffed the natron and cal- careous earth previouſly to the exiſtence of the vitriolic; and as muriated lime is de- compoſed by aerated magneſia, we ſhould * Perhaps the foda originally contained in the chaotic fluid helped the folution of filiceous fubftances, or, ra- ther, maintained it for fome time. have (367) have common falt and muriated magneſia, and alfo muriated lime, as the aerated mag- nefia cannot be ſuppoſed to have been ſuffi- ciently abundant to precipitate all the mu- riated lime after the exiftence of the vitriolic acid: as this acid was a firft fulphureous, could not decompofe the common Tail but as there was a fufficiency, and even a fuperabundance of lime, or aerated lime, it is to this it would moft. eafily unite, or if any of it were fufficiently oxygenated to de- compofe the common falt, the vitriolated natron and Glauber's falt, thus formed, would immediately be decompoſed by the muriated lime, and thus the fea would at laft, after the interval of fome years, poffefs what it now exhibits, common falt, muri- ated magnefia, and felenite; the common falt in the greateſt proportion, as it is the bafis to which the marine acid has the greateſt affinity; the muriated magneſia fhould be the next moft abundant, as it was formed by the decompofition of the muri- ated lime; calcareous earth being the fub- ftance to which the marine acid unites moſt willingly after alkalies, and, confe- quently, originally muriated lime exifted in 3 great (368 great abundance*: befides, muriated mag- neſia is exceeding foluble: Selenite would, indeed, if we confider the quantity of it originally formed, be more abundant were it not for its fparing folubility, for 500 or 600 parts of water are required to diffolve πηρ ༣༥ ne part of it, confequently it cannot be as abundant in fea water as the more foluble falts. Hence alfo we fee why no traces of alum were ever difcovered in the fea, though it is much more foluble than fele- nite, as acids unite to argil lefs willingly than to calcareous earth or magnefia, and, therefore, none was originally formed in the chaotic fluid. § 2. Of Common Salt in a folid Form, or Rock Salt. Rock falt is found in immenfe maffes in each of the four great divifions of the globe. In Europe it is found in England, Spain, Auftria, Stiria, Hungary, Tranfylvania, Po- land, Swifferland, &c. The principal obfervations concerning it are, * Hence, perhaps, the fuperior fize of the moſt an- cient fhell fifh. 1º. That 1 (369) # 1. That it is found moſtly in ftrata, but fometimes, though rarely, in veins, as near the banks of the Ebro, Bowles, 374. and at Friedenberg in the Dutchy of Salfburgh. 3 Mem. Lauf. 388. and fometimes it con- ftitutes whole mountains. 2º. The ſtrata are parallel to each other, horizontal or undulating, commonly inter- lined with thin ftrata of clay, or gypfum; thus they are found in Hungary, Born Hun- gary, 140. 144. And in Auſtria and Tran- fylvania. 1 Gerh. 144. In Permia and Si- beria. Maquart, 67. In Swifferland. 2 Mem. Lauf. and Wild's Tracts, and in fome parts of Spain. Bowles, 376. The loweſt ftrata are the thickeft, the upper gradually thinner. Mem. Par. 1762, 1055, in 8vo. But fometimes theſe heterogeneities, inſtead of lying between the ftrata, are diſperſed in the falt, as at Wilickfa, and in England. Maquart, 59. 2 3. That it is frequently mixed with bi- tuminous clay, and fometimes with that and pyrites, as in the county of Salfburgh, Bavaria, Stiria, &c. 3 Mem. Lauf. and II Ann. Chy. 66. 1 4º. That it generally repofes on a bed of indurated B b ( 370 ) indurated clay. Born. 3 Decouv. Ruffes, 134. 5°. That it is almoft always accompanied with gypfum, either mixed with the ſtrata that cover the falt, or forming one of thoſe ftrata, or at leaſt conftituting hills or hil- locks in the vicinity of falt mines; this has been obferved in Upper Auftria, Hungary, and Tranfylvania, by Born. Hungary, 144. or mixed with it. Ibid. 165. And in Spain by Bowles, 164. By Count Razomuſki in Salfburgh. 3 Mem. Lauf. 388, &c. By Guettard in the mine of Wilickfa in Poland. Mem. Par. 1762, p. 1055, in 8vo. By Pal- las in that of Illetzki in Siberia. 3 Defcou- vertes Ruffes, p. 419. 6º. Gypfum is alſo conftantly found under the indurated clay on which ſalt rock re- pofes. 2 Mem. Lauf. Part II. 7. + 7. It is generally found among fecondary ftrata, either in valleys, plains, or moun- tains, on the defcent, or at the foot of, or furrounded by, primary mountains of gra- nite, gneifs, primitive limeſtone, &c. At Arzew near Algiers, the falt pits are fur- rounded by mountains, in winter they are a lake, in fummer folid. Shaw's Travels, 6. 229. • → (371) 229. The falt mines of Wilickfa are in an elevated valley at the foot of the Carpathian mountains, and thofe of Salfburgh, Bavaria, Calabria, and Spain, are at the foot of mountains. Mem. Par. 1762, p. 1069, in 8vo. But it alſo exiſts in primeval mountains in Siberia, as falt lakes are found in them, per Pallas, 1 Born, Phy. Arbeit, 21, and in the defert primitive plain of Cobea. 1 Act. Petrop. 38. formed at the earlieſt period of the exiſtence of the globe, when the ſea was abundantly more falt than at preſent. 8'. It is alfo found, though very rarely, at great heights, though never at the fum- mit of a hill: it is faid that the falt mine of Arbonne in Savoy, is nearly in the ſnowy region; more commonly at confiderable depths. The mine of Torda in Hungary, lies at the depth of 36 feet, Born, 141. that of Wilick fa at the depth of 500. Mem. Par. 1762, 8vo. p. 1055. that of Durenberg at the depth of 1320 feet. 3 Mem. Lauf. 290. Some others in Siberia are within a few feet of the furface. At Norwich at the depth of 120 feet. 3 Jats. 332. In fome parts only 100. 2 Phil. Tranſ. abr. 523. 9°. The ftrata that cover rock ſalt are mould Bb 2 ( 372 ) mould, marl, clay more or leſs indurated, frequently coloured and bituminous, fand often micaceous, limeftone, gypfum, fand- ftone with an argillaceous cement. cement. At Pefackna in Hungary, the ftrata are mould, black ſpotted clay mixed with mica, mica- ccous fand, black ſtrong ſmelling clay, under which the falt repoſes. 1 Gerh. Geſch. xiii. So alfo the foil that furrounds and covers the mine of Illetfki in Siberia is fandy. I Herman, 38, 39, &c. 3 Defcouv. Ruffes, 134. Near Mingranilla in the province of Valentia in Spain, there are hillocks of falt. covered with gypfum. Bowles from ſeve- ral adjacent circumſtances concludes, with great probability, that the gypfum was ori- ginally covered with limeſtone to the height of Soo feet, which was waſhed off by an- cient inundations. The whole is on a de- fcent, for you defcend to arrive at the hil- locks. Spain, 164. 166. At Wilickfa the trata are fand, clay or marl flate, lime- ftone: even when limeſtone does not form one of the ftrata, it is at leaſt found in the neighbourhood, or furrounding the falt mines. At Norwich the ftrata that cover the falt are fand and indurated (perhaps bituminated) clay or fhale. 3 Jars. 332. At (373) At Torda, in Hungary, the upper ftratum is alfo indurated clay; at Mingranilla, gypfum. 10°. Marine remains have frequently been detected in the ftrata that cover rock falt; thus at Wilickfa, fea fhells are found in the clay that forms one of the ftrata that cover it. Mem. Par. 1762, p. 1055, in 8vo. and the bones of land animals. 8 Lempe Mag. 47. nay madrepores and bivalves are found in the falt. Maquart 51. 16 Roz. 463. the concomitant limeſtone alfo contains marine petrifactions. 11°. Many mountains entirely confifting of falt have been difcovered. The falt mountain of Cordona in Valentia, is from 4 to 500 feet high, and about three miles in circumference. Bowles 406. Fortis men- tions feveral in Calabria, attended with fome of gypfum, ſeveral in the ſtates of Algiers and Tunis are mentioned by Shaw, p. 229. and another in the province of Aftrachan, 3 Buff. Min. 8vo. p. 371. the falt in this, however, contains a mixture of foreign in- gredients, the nature of which has not been accurately determined. The falt of the mountain Jibbel Hadiffa is of a pur- Bb 3. plish 1 (374) ! pliſh colour and bitter, but whether the bitterness proceeds from glauber, or muri- ated lime, or magnefia, or fome two of them, is not known, but that it proceeds from one or other of them is certain, as this bit- terneſs is eafily mashed out. In the pro- vince of Yakoutz, in Siberia, near the river Kaptindei there is a mountain of falt 180 feet high, and 120 in length, but at of its height it is covered with a ſtratum of red clay, which reaches to its fummit. Gmelin Voy. 342, cited by Maquart, 82. उ I Patrin fufpects that many granitic moun- tains contain falt, which, he thinks, has been the cauſe of the deftruction of many of them, and at this day promotes the de- compofition of many that ſtill exift; hence he derives the falineferous, fandy plains of Siberia. 4 Nev. Nord. Betyr, 167, 174. but it more commonly, at leaſt, proceeds from falt fprings beneath the fand. See I Herman Uber die Uralifch. Erze Gebirge, 36. 12. Rock falt is of various colours; white, red, orange, purple, blue, and green; the white contains argil, and muriated magneſia, rarely gypfum and muriated lime; the ( 375 ) the red and orange contain gypfum and glauber; the blue manganeſe, and the green copper, per Haffenfraz, 11 An. Chy. 74. theſe colours are, however, fometimes op- tical illufions. 13°. The quantity or maſs of ſalt already diſcovered in many mines is enormous. The mine of Torda is from 30 to 40 fa- thom thick, its form, where worked, cir- cular, and its diameter 14 fathoms; that of Colofer has its thickneſs 60 fathoms, and its diameter 50. Born. Hungary, 140, 143. to fay nothing of the parts not yet worked. The mine of Karaulnaia Gora, in Siberia, is 60 fathom long, 9 or 10 broad, its depth, as yet unknown, it having been worked only to the depth of 3 feet. 3 Defcouv. Ruffes, 145. The famous mine of Wilickfa, in Poland, is, according to Mr. Coxe, 6691 feet long, 1115 broad, and 743 deep, as far as its extent is known. 1 Coxe, 197. The ftratum of rock falt at Norwich, in Che- fhire, is 50 feet thick. Dundonald on the Salt Manufacture, p. 2. Add to this, the falt mountains I have juſt mentioned, and the vast quantities of falt yearly extracted in different parts of the world from falt fprings, Bb 4 ( 376 ) * fprings, and falt lakes, almoſt all of which flow from maffes of rock falt. On weighing the various circumſtances juſt mentioned, it muſt appear very evident that rock falt derives its origin from the fea, and that the ſpaces which it now oc- cupies were originally vaft hollows fuc- ceffively filled with fea water at diftant in- tervals during the period of the diminution of the level of the ſea, to nearly its preſent height, that is, antecedently to the general deluge. Its divifion into ſtrata; the paral- lelifm of theſe ftrata; their horizontality, where the level of the bafis would allow of it; the undulations obferved on its furface; the marine fhells found, not only in the ftrata that cover it, but even between thofe of the falt itſelf; the thin beds of argil, and particularly thofe of gypfum, inter- cepted very frequently between its ftrata; all beſpeak a marine origin, and its inland fituation, and the great heights at which it is ſometimes found, prove its depoſition to have happened during the retreat of the fea. To form a juſt idea of the mode of its formation, we muft obferve, that the fea originally (377) ད T I 36 originally contained much more faline mat- ter than at preſent, for it is now deprived of thoſe vaſt faline maffes that exist in every quarter of the globe, as fhewn in the 12th ob- fervation, which originally had exifted in the chaotic fluid; it is therefore not a harsh con- clufion, that it originally contained twice more faline matter, than it at prefent does, and fince at preſent, it contains about of its weight at a medium, that originally it contained part of its weight of falt. This being premiſed, we may ſuppoſe the hollows that form its prefent mines, to have been originally filled by the fea, and afterwards abandoned for fome time after its retreat. In this interval the aqueous part would naturally evaporate, and form a bed of faline matter, but at the return of a fpring tide thefe hollows would again be filled; the clayey particles would fubfide before this fecond portion of water could be evaporated; and the gypfum would alfo be depofited long before the cryftallization of the falt; and thus the beds of clay and gypfum intercepted between the ſtrata, ac- cording to the fecond obfervation, would be formed. Hence it would neceffarily follow, ( 378 ) I follow, that the loweft ftratum of falt ſhould be the thickeft, for in proportion as the cavity was filled with depofited falt, in the fame proportion its capacity for con- taining fea water was diminiſhed, and con- fequently the fucceeding ftrata were pro- greffively thinner. It may be aſked, why all hollows and cavities did not equally be- come falt mines, fince the ſea water during its retreat muſt have equally filled all of them? The anſwer is eafy: thofe cavities could only become falt mines, whoſe bot- tom and fides contained fufficiently denſe ſtrata of clay, particularly bituminated clay, thefe alone could detain the fea water, and prevent its percolation; hence as ſtrata of argil are very rare in primitive moun- tains, the hollows of primitive mountains, except in a few rare inftances, contain none. Hence alfo gypſeous mountains, hills, or hillocks, are frequently found without falt; the falt is never found without gyp- fum, unleſs the gypſum were waſhed off by fubfequent inundations, for as gypfum re- quires a large portion of water for its folu- tion, it would be depofited long before the water could either evaporate or run off, and therefore ( 379 ) therefore did not require that the fea fhould be reſtrained by clay, or bituminated clay; both the time and the evaporation requifite to its depofition is 100 times fmaller than requifite for the depofition of common falt. The various ftrata that at prefent cover the mines of rock falt, proceed from the difin- tegration and decompofition of the pri- mitive mountains, at whofe feet they lie, after the retreat of the fea; hence, not only fea fhells, but the bones of land animals, are fometimes found in them, according to the 10th obfervation. With respect to the mountains of falt mentioned in the 11th obſervation, there is great reaſon to think that they were alſo originally formed in vaft cavities, but that the earthy and ftony ſubſtances that formed thefe cavities were carried off by fubfequent inundations; it deferves to be remarked, that theſe moun- tains have been obferved only in countries bordering on the Mediterranean and Caf- pian, namely in the province of Valentia, in Spain; near Algiers, in Africa; in Cala- bria; aud in the province of Aftrachan.. Now it is well known, that both theſe feas had once ravaged all the neighbouring coun- tries (380) tries with irreſiſtible violence, and probably diminiſhed, though not deftroyed, the faline mountains. Hence no hillock of gypfum, or any trace of it, is found near the falt mountain of Cordona, and Bowles exprefsly tells us that the falt mine of Mingranilla was once covered with earth and ftone to the height of 800 feet, though at preſent it is only covered with a flight ftratum of gypfum, all the fuperior earthy and ftony matter having been fwept away by floods. Spain 164, 166. The great and cautious geo- logiſt Sauffure obferved in various inftances, indications of the deftruction of mountains by inundations. 2 Sauff. 127. 5 Sauff. 441. 6 Sauff. 91, 154, 244. that near the Kaptindei, in Siberia had evidently its fides torn off by an ancient inundation. Some may perhaps imagine, that if falt mines were formed before the univerfal de- luge, their falt fhould be diffolved in that immenfe mafs of waters; to thefe I would obferve, that the falt mountain of Cordona has been expoſed to rain ever fince the de- luge, and even waſhed by a river, and yet it ftill fubfifts; the other faline mountains above mentioned muſt alſo have withſtood innumerable 1 " (381) innumerable floods of rain, fuch as gene- rally fall in hot countries, for falt, though when pulverifed and agitated it be ſoluble in three times its weight of water, and in a fhort time, yet when in large maffes and at reft, requires a very confiderable ſpace of time to diffolve it, even in ten times its weight of water; thus Bergman found falt kept in agitation, foluble in 10 times its weight of water in one minute, but when at reft the fame quantity of falt (only 4 drams) required 34 hours for its fo- lution. 5 Berg. 114. In Tranſylvania a rivulet of freſh water flows over a ftratum of falt without any contamination of falt, being preferved from it by a ftratum of earth which it depofits. Wild, fur les Salines de Bex, 120. See alfo 2 Defcouv. Ruffes, 34. In many inftances, bitumen flowing from the neighbouring mountains, muſt have entered into thefe cavities when filled with fea water, and during its evapo- ration; this mixing with the clay already contained in the water, or that accom- panied the bitumen, muſt have enveloped the falt, and prevented its regular cryſtal- lization, and after the bitumen had flowed out, } ( 382 ) J out, the infpiffated faline mafs muft, by fu- perincumbent preffure, have been forced into the veins through which the bitumen had flowed, and thus the falt veins in the mountains of Salfburgh, Bavaria, &c. may have originated. Among the many fanciful hypotheſes of Mr. Buffon to explain the origin of mine- rals, no inftance occurs in which the pow- ers of his imagination have proved fo evi- dently infufficient to impofe even upon himſelf, as in his attempt to explain the origin of fea falt. This we muſt infer from the glaring contradictions into which he falls. In the firft volume of the fupplement to his Natural Hiſtory*, he tells us, that acids and alkalies fhould rather be confidered as products of art, than as natural fubftances, but in the third volume of his Mineralogy (a fubfequent work) he tells us, the fea was originally acidulous, and acquired its alkali only from the deftruction of organized fub- ftances. Before we advance further, let us examine this pofition; thefe organiſed ſub- *Page 66, 8vo edition. † Page 347: ftances (383) ftances muſt be either of the animal or vegetable tribe. Now no marine animals could live in the fea before it became falt no more than they now can in freſh water, and ſtill lefs in acidulous water; it was not therefore from any alkali refulting from the deftruction of theſe, that it became falt, nor, indeed, are fiſh known to contain any; neither could it derive its falt from the de- ſtruction of vegetables, for the kali and other vegetables that contain the baſis of fea falt, acquire it from the fea, and con- tain none when at a diſtance from it; but his embarraffment does not end here. Ac- cording to him, 1 Epoques, p. 132. Anno Mundi, 30 or 35000, the globe was fuffi- ciently cooled to permit the condenſation of the watery vapours that furrounded it; the fea was thus formed, it covered the earth to the height of 13000 feet, and nothing but the fummit of fome few mountains furpaffed it. Yet at this period, he ſays, the fea began to be peopled with ſhell and other fiſh, with which no fpecies at preſent known exactly correfponds, as cornua am- monis, &c. of a prodigious fize, and theſe ſubſiſted from anno mundi 30 or 35000 to ✔ anno ( 384 ) anno mundi 40 or 45000, when the fea, which at firft was too hot for our prefent race of fish, became too cold for thoſe an- cient fpecies. Here he feems to have for- gotten the origin of falt; for if theſe fiſh exiſted when the fea covered the whole. earth to the height of 13000 feet, where could the vegetables have grown from whoſe deftruction the acidulous fea, he ſays, ac- quired the baſis of common falt? He has even deprived himſelf of the refource of deriving this bafis from kali, or any known vegetable, for he tells us, that the earth was at this period too hot to bear any known fpecies of vegetables He even afferts that fish and vegetables originated at the fame time. How then could the fea have acquired the falt neceffary for the exiſtence of fish? even if the Andes, Mont Blanc, the Tartarian mountains, and a few others rifing above 13000 feet, did bear kali or fome other imaginary alkaliferous vegeta- bles, How could the fea acquire this alkali, fince, according to him, it never covered them? and if it had, How many millions, * 1 Epoques, p. 140, 141. (385) of years would be requifite for the produc- tion of ſo much as enters into the compo- fition of all the falt now in the fea, and in the earth? The vaft fize of the moft an- cient fpecies of fish he afcribes to the great heat which he gratuitouſly ſuppoſes the fea to have originally poffeffed, whereas it may, with greater probability, be attributed to the greater quantity of falt and calcareous matter, as felenite, originally contained in it; in this reſpect, at leaſt, it is certain that the ancient fea differed from the preſent. No other geologift has attempted to ac- count for the origin of the alkaline part of fea falt; none, except Mr. De Luc, has felt the importance of fearching into the origin of the faline mafs at prefent con- tained in the fea*; Dr. Halley imagined * Il eſt indubitable pour tout geologue attentif et éclairé, que la mer actuel eſt le refidue d'un liquide dans le quel fe font formés tant nos ſubſtances minerales que notre atmoſphere, il n'eft donc pas indifferent davoir preſent à l'efprit que ce refidue contient encore la mag- nefie, la terre calcaire, l'acide vitriolique, et probablement d'autres fubftances tenues que nous ne connoiffons pas encore, et dont la connoiffance pourrait nous conduire à des defcouvertes fur les aperations paffées, &c. 40 Roz. 362 that Сс ( 386 ) that the faltneſs of the fea proceeds from the quantities daily carried into it by rivers, and, confequently, that it conftantly in- creaſes, but if they anciently conveyed into it no more than they do at preſent, an in- numerable ſeries of ages would have been requifite to render it as falt as it now is. Surely no river can convey into it as much as the river Cardonero, which washes a mountain of falt, and yet at the diſtance of nine miles from the mountain not a par- ticle of falt can be diſcovered in its water, and Bowles, who remarks this peculiarity, affirms he made a number of experiments on the water of rivers at their mouths, and never could diſcover any, though fome- times he had elfewhere detected To part of falt. Spain, 407. 409. we muft, there- fore, fuppoſe, as he was not ignorant of chymistry, that he ufed the great teſt of marine acid, the ſolution of nitrated filver ; this difcovers I grain of falt in 43000 grains 1 of falt does not carry off I 4300 4 3 0 0 O I Toʊo of water, and if a river waſhing a mountain part in fo warm a climate as that of Spain, How little can other rivers contain not placed in fuch favourable circumftances? How few pafs 6 i through ! ( 387 ) through any ſtrata of the earth containing falt? How few, therefore, can we fuppofe to contain it in any proportion ever fo mi- nute? Dr. Rotheram found that Thames water, taken up at Billingſgate, impreg- nated, as it may be fuppofed to be, with fea falt from the quantity ufed in London, and waſhed into it by various drains, does part of falt. 2 Watſon's I not contain Eſſays, p. 99, 100. Of Salt Springs and Lakes. Geologiſts, in general, have paid-but little attention to falt fprings and lakes; they have ſuppoſed their contents to be the ſame as thoſe of the ſea, though in fact they are very different either with refpect to the fpecies of falt they contain, or their propor- tion, or both; this will appear from the few inftances I fhall adduce out of many; for falt fprings, in particular, are much more numerous than the known mines of rock falt: there are many in England, as in Cheshire, Worceſterſhire, Staffordſhire, Hampshire, &c. Several in France, Swif ferland, Stiria, Siberia, &c. Germany alone Cc 2 is ( 388 ) is faid to afford upwards of three hun- dred *. Hungary and Siberia abound in falt lakes. The circumſtances accompanying falt ſprings are much the fame as thofe attend- ant on rock falt; thefe fprings are found iffuing chiefly from fecondary ftrata, and the hills they proceed from are frequently gypfeous, or at leaſt contain that ſubſtance; they are often furrounded by limestone ſtrata, and theſe generally cover indurated clay. Sometimes they iffue from gypſum, as at Frankenberg. Charp. Saxony, 377. Sometimes from indurated clay; fome- times from limeſtone or marl, rarely from fandſtone. 2 Mem. Lauf. Part II. 8. De- fcript. Pyrenées, 25. Sometimes they lie very deep, and are covered with various ftrata; thus at Altkofen, they lie at the depth of 575 feet; the uppermoft ftratum is clay 5 Saxon fathom thick; the next bluish grey ftone-marl 24 fathom, under this is a browiſh red looſe marl 10 fathom, in which are fome thin widely feparated ftrata of gypfum; this is fucceeded by 41 2 Mem. Lauf. Part II. p. 5. fathom (389) 4 fathom of lamellar gypfum, with a few interrupted ftrata of clay, and, laſtly, 2,5 fathom of pure lamellar gypfum, under which the falt water is found. Charp. 377. Sometimes they burſt forth from very ele- vated fituations, as thofe of Spain. Defcript. Pyren. 25. At Shoncbach, falt fprings were diſcovered at the depth of 240 feet; at Dorrenberg, at the depth of 729, I Gerh. Gefch. 134. The faliniferous hill Konigſhorn in Weftphalia, conſiſts of marly limeſtone repofing on femiprotolite; in the adjacent plains there are feveral falt fprings. 1 Klaproth, 356. The falt ſpring of Pyr- mont iffues from a reddiſh iron fhot mica- ceous fandftone; it lies deep, and is raifed by a pump. 1 Weftr. Abhandl. 281. Some have faid that falt fprings are never found above rock falt, but always lower. 2 Mem. Lauf. Part II. p. 11. the contrary, how- ever, has been obferved in England, for falt fprings were diſcovered both above and below the level of the Norwich bed of rock falt, the upper being impregnated by reſting on the bed of falt, and the lower by run- ning from it. 2 Watſon, 39. Moſt of the falt fprings in Germany, Salfburgh, mode. Cc 3 (390) Salfburgh, Stiria, and Swifferland, particu- larly the famous fprings of Aigle in the Canton of Berne, are thought to proceed from falt difperfed through, or involved in bituminous indurated clay or gypſum. Salt fprings are frequently diſcovered by the vegetables that grow near them, and which are peculiar to faline foils, as Tri- glochin Maritimum, Salicornia, Salfolakali, Aftertripolium, Glaux Maritima, &c. In Siberia falt fprings have been found in valleys betwixt hills of jafper, 3 Deſcou- vertes Ruffes, 161, and thofe of Navarre iffue from primitive limeſtone. Defcript. Pyren. 25, 26. hence they are not ftran- gers to primitive mountains. Klaproth analyfed feveral of the falt fprings of Konigfhorn in Weftphalia, he found them all to contain, befides com- mon falt, from 1 to 5 of muriated 375 725 lime, a fmaller proportion of felenite, but only of muriated magneſia, the pro- ग् व ड ठ ठ I 18 portion of common falt was only at moft; though thefe fprings flow through marl, yet as aerated lime does not decom- 1 Klaproth, 355, &c, poſe (391) * pofe muriated magnefia, the almoft en- tire abfence of this falt cannot be derived from that caufe; the rock falt therefore, from whence this fpring flows, muſt have been depofited before the muriated calx originally contained in the fea had been decompoſed by aerated magnefia. Weftrumb analyfed the falt fprings of Pyrmont, and found them to contain, be- fides common falt, alfo muriated magnefia, and a very minute proportion of Glauber, and felenite; but in the old fpring of Lune- burgh, he found a much larger proportion of theſe falts; for 100 parts of this brine, by his analyfis, contained 25 of common falt, 0,2 nearly of muriated magnefia, and fomewhat lefs of Glauber and felenite. Hellot analyfed the falt fprings of Mont- morot in the year 1760, a period at which the nature of magneſia was not known in France; befides common falt he found in them both Glauber, felenite, and muriated (magneſia) deliquefcent falts, with fome particles. of bitumen. Mem. Par. 1762, 546, in 8vo. The quantity of falt yearly extracted from falt fprings is aftonishing, as the few inftances Cc 4 ( 392 ) inftances I fhall now mention abundantly fhew; a fingle pit at Norwich yields at an average, 4000 ton, or 80000000 pounds. 2 Watſon, 41. the fprings at Koningſhorn, in Weftphalia, 11850511 pounds. 1 Kla- proth, 359. the old falt fpring of Luneburg yields 75600 gallons of brine in 24 hours, and computing the gallon to weigh 81b, (and it muſt be more) it yields 604800 lb. of brine, of which is faline matter, almoſt entirely common falt, equal 151200lb. or above 55 million yearly. 1 Weftr. Abhandl. 295. What then muſt be the yield of all the other known fprings in different parts of the world, and how immenfe the quan tity of common falt? Of Salt Lakes. 1 Salt lakes are evidently the refult of the accumulation of the ftreams of falt fprings; they are found principally in Siberia and the Crimea, fome alfo in Ruffia, and many in Africa, often on the fummit of moun- tains. * * As on Bogdo. 2 Defcouv. Ruffes, 30. and in the Crimea. 1 Bergb. 301, 302. I On ( 393 ) On the mountain of Tfchernayer, one of thoſe that form the chain of Inderfki, there is a falt lake environed by hillocks of дур- fum, and its bottom is clay; the falt fre- quently cryſtallizes in the fhallow parts in- to a folid cake by reafon of the evaporation during the fummer, for it is fupplied by fubterraneous falt fprings. Pallas 3 Defcouv. Ruffes, 419, 430. that of Bufskunzatzkoi on the banks of the Volga is about 30 miles in circumference. 2 Defcouv. Ruffes, 34. Gmelin mentions another called Jamicha, whofe water is faturated with falt. Voy. p. 100. all have gypfum in their vicinity. Maquart 84. 2 Defcouv. Ruffes, 31. Near Schafkojam, in Ruffia, there are three falt lakes fupplied by falt fprings. 1 Defcouv. Ruſſes, 45, 46. In the neighbourhood of Aftrachan there are feveral falt marshes. 3 Deſcouy. Ruffes, 85. the Cafpian itſelf may be regarded as a vaft falt lake, receiv- ing its falt from the neighbouring fprings, 3 Defcouv. Ruffes, 80. it contains rather more of glauber than of common falt. Ibid, 85. The lake Afphalt, otherwife called the dead fea, contains more faline matter than any other known lake or water; Lavoifier found it to contain 44 per cent, that is 6 of common (394) common falt and 38 of a mixture of mu- riated magneſia and muriated lime; he found its ſpecific gravity 1,24061, but in what temperature he does not tell, probably at 10° of Ream. Mem. Par. 1778, p. 69, 71. Briffon at the temperature of 63,5 of Fahr. found it 1,2403. Gravités Specif. 399. No exact analyſis has been given of the waters of any other lake; but from the ex- iftence of Glauber's falt, and muriated lime in feveral of them, it is plain that their compoſition is very different from that of the ocean. The Glauber found in the Mediterranean, and in the waters of Peccais that communicate with it, is eafily ac- counted for, it being the product of the nu- merous volcanoes that actually exiſt in its iflands, or vicinity. 3 Bergm. 268. but in the neighbourhood of feveral falt fprings and falt lakes the exiſtence of volcanos has not even been fufpected, its origin muft, therefore, be deduced from other caufes. With refpect to the Cafpian, theſe are not difficultly traced; this fea waſhes the feet of feveral mountains containing pyrites and * Mem. Par. 1763 p. 326, in 8vo. 1 other (395) other fulphurated ores*; thefe in a ſtate of oxygenation either fall or are washed into and thus, much of the common falt muſt in a courſe of ages have been decom- pofed; the traces of fuch accidents ítill exift, as vitriols have been difcovered buried in the ancient fandy bed of that feat. In other cafes the Glauber might have arifen from a mixture of native fulphur, or py- rites and common falt; that pyrites fre- quently penetrate or ſhoot through various ſtones of all the genera, is well known; by long expoſure to the air and moiſture they are at laft vitriolized, and their acid preys on any baſis to which it has an affinity. Thus Werner in an old mine at Scharfen- berg found felenitic cryftals in the rifts of a heap of granite dug out of a mine 200 years before, and in that part only of the granite which had withered by expofure to the air, and, confequently, the cryſtals were of recent formation: the matrix of the mine was a calcareous fpar, and pyrites ftill exift in it, hence the origin of the vi- triolic acid is evident. 2 Biblioth. du Nord, 73.77. 3 Defcouv. Ruffes, 83. + Ibid. 93. Again, J ( 396 ) 1 Again, in a cavern near Hildesheim, one fide of which is formed of red argillite, and the other of bituminous marlite, with which it is alfo vaulted, and the whole covered limeſtone, Glauber is found cryftallized in the argillite; as there are falt mines near Hildesheim, it is probable that fome ex- ifted in the argillite; the marlite alfo fre- quently contains native fulphur, and thus the exiſtence of the vitriolic acid cannot be ambiguous. per Hofmeifter, 1 Chy. Ann. 1790, 46. The Glauber thus formed is itfelf frequently decompofed, and the na- tron which formed its bafis fet free, or at leaſt left in a hepatic ſtate; this decompo- fition arifes from a mixture of petrol or bi- tumen, which, in a long courſe of time, gradually deoxygenates the vitriolic acid, and leaves it in the ſtate of fulphur. Thus in the territory of Debrezin near the lake Bogod in Hungary, natron is found in a ftate of effloreſcence, but mixed with a greaſy ſubſtance, and fome proportion of Glauber, Mem. Berl. 1770, 13. 16, 17, and in the neighbouring lakes of Derctfke and Soboflo nothing but Glauber is found. 2 Chy. Ann. 1795, 126. In the neighbour- hood ( 397 ) hood of the lakes, Glauber is found mixed with petrol, and frequently in the ſtate of a hepar, fee Pazmand's Treatife in Vol. I. of Wafferberg's Differtations, p. 417. On the coaſt of the fea of Azof there are falt marſhes, but the falt is mixed with fulphur, and hence the falt is often in an hepatic ftate. 1 Bergbau, 301. From theſe hepars the fulphur may gradually be chafed by fixed air, and thus the alkali fet free from it. Patrin alfo found liver of fulphur in fome falt lakes of Siberia. 4 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 196. In other places, however, the decompofition of common falt cannot be attributed to vitriolic acid: thus natron is found in vaſt quantities in India, in pits by the fea fide, mixed with a confiderable pro- portion of brown ferruginous earth. Tranf. of the Society of Arts and Manufactures for 1788, Vol. VI. Mr. Keir examined fome parts of this natron which had been refined, and found it to contain 58,8 per cent. of mild alkali, 17,2 of common falt, and only 24 of water, the unrefined con- tained 1 per cent. of the earth, which paffes through the filter, impedes the cryftalliza- tion, and alters the fhape of the cryftal, (in ( 398 ) (in this refpect it reſembles the imperfect alkali mentioned by 3 Bergm. 268). Here, as no trace of the vitriolic acid is found, I attribute the decompofition of the common falt to the ferruginous clay, which in a hot climate may in à long courfe of time de- compoſe it, for in a ſtrong heat clay is known to poffefs this power, particularly if ferru- ginous, and what a firong heat may effect in a fhort time, a weaker heat may effect in a long time; hence, as Mr. Bergman obferves, the natron found in the earth, both in In- dia and Africa, is free from common ſalt at the furface, but becomes contaminated by it fo much the more, as it defcends deeper * * 3 Berg. 267. ESSAY ( 399 ) ESSAY IX. ON METALLIC MINES. To treat this fubject as amply as even the preſent ſtate of our knowledge concerning them would admit, is not my intention; ſuch a treatiſe would require an entire vo- lume: my purpoſe is fingly to give a general idea of their formation in the different ſtates in which they are known to exift; and of the fort of mineral foil, if I may fo call it, or country in which particular kinds of them are moſt generally fituated. Moſt metals (under which name I here comprehend alfo femimetals) are found in four ſtates, native, fulphurated, calciform, or faliniform. со § r. Of Native Metals. The metallic fubftances moft commonly found in a native ftate, are gold, filver, pla- tina, ( 400 ) tina, mercury, copper, biſmuth, nickel, and arfenic, more rarely iron, antimony, tin, and lead. Originally, it is probable, all metals exiſt- ed in the chaotic fluid perfect and unconta- minated, as alfo in a minuter ſtate of divifion than any earthy ſubſtance, and all (except iron) in a much ſmaller quantity; this mi- nuter ftate of divifion I infer from their greater divifibility at this day, for a minuter quantity of a metallic fubftance diffolved in any menftruum may be detected by appro- priated precipitants than of any earth their high ſpecific gravity feems to proceed from a cloſer union, and, confequently, a minuter divifion of their integrant particles; their diſtance from cach other, (arifing from the fmallnefs of their quantity,) prevented them from uniting with each other as readily as the earths; the minutenefs of their divifion kept them long fufpended, and with the earths none of them could combine for want of affinity, while in their metallic ftate; this ſtate, however, after the extri- cation of the oxygen, could not long con- tinue. The cryftallized ftate in which they are often 1 I (401) often found, is alſo a full proof of their mi- nute diviſion and of their ancient folubility in water; if it were by any acid their fo- lution was effected, as fome have imagined, that acid would ftill be found in thofe cryſtals. The various ramifications which they exhibit when diffuſed through ftony fubftances proceed from thé diftribution of the rifts which they fill up. Native Gold. Of all metals gold is most frequently found native. According to Bergman, it is more univerſally diffuſed than any other metal, except iron; this may be a confe quence of its great divifibility and want of affinity to other ſubſtances, as oxygen, ful- phur, &c. hence at the emerſion of prime- val mountains, it remained entangled or diſperſed through the ftony maffes of many of them wherever thefe were permeable to water; the golden particles were, however, in a courfe of ages, waſhed and carried down in minute rills into the neighbouring plains until arrefted by fome obſtacle long enough to fuffer the gold to depofit; Dd thefe (402) theſe minute particles being thus brought into contact in the minuteſt ſtate of divi- fion, united with each other by virtue of their integrant affinity, fometimes involv- ing fandy particles, and thus formed thoſe fhapeleſs maffes, of various fizes, which are ſometimes met with in various countries, and lately in the county of Wicklow; that theſe lumps were never in fufion is evident from their low ſpecific gravity, and the grains of fand found in the midſt of them. I found the ſpecific gravity of a lump found in the county of Wicklow, of the ſize of a nutmeg, to be only 12,800, whereas after fuſion it was 18,700, and minute grains of fand appeared on its furface. Hence many rivers were anciently auriferous, which now ceaſe to be fo; as the Tagus, Po, Pactolus. Heber. Pliny lib. xxxiii, cap. 4. and though in France fome are still aurife- rous, yet it appears, by the teſtimony of Diodorus, that they were much more. abundantly fo in former ages. Hence alfo native gold is feldom alloyed with any metal, except filver or copper, to which it * Lib. v. cap. 19. 1 has ( 403 ) has the greateſt affinity, and which are alfo leaſt liable to a combination with fulphur or acids. It is oftener found in iron ores than in any other, becauſe theſe are far more univerſal and abundant than any other, particularly in a more or lefs indurated and brittle, brown or reddish brown iron ſtone; though originally it was depofited in pri- meval mountains, yet from them by fub- ſequent operations of nature it has fre- quently been depoſited in fecondary maffes, yet ftill it is most frequently found in quartz, felſpar, &c. fometimes in gypſum, barofelenite, &c*. Native Silver. Silver, in proportion to the quantity of it that exifts, is much more feldom found na- tive than gold, by reaſon of its affinity to fulphur; it was depoſited in the fame man- Teas e as gold, and its cryftallization proves it was once in a diffolved ftate. The metals it i moft commonly alloyed with, and to h it has the greateſt affinity, are cop- W * Werner Gange, 150. Dd 2 per, (404) per, and antimony, in the abſence of lead, mercury, tin, and bifmuth. The ſtony ſubſtances it affects moſt are quartz, barofelenite, calcareous fpar, fluors, fidero- calcite, more rarely hornftone, flints, agates, aſbeſtus, ſteatites, and phoſphorite. It is rarely and only in minute quantities in fe- condary mountains. Lehm. flotz. Geſch. 210. Native Copper. In proportion to the quantity of copper in other ſtates, native copper is ſtill rarer than native filver, though there is ſcarce any mine in which fome quantity of it has not been detected; it is more frequent in Siberia than elſewhere. It is feldom ab- folutely free from fulphur. The ftony fub- ſtances it affects moft are quartz, baro- felenite, fometimes zeolyte, fluors, and gncifs. It is frequently accompanied with red iron ochre, red copper ore and mala- chite. Its affinity to fulphur, fufficiently accounts for its fcarcity. It is fometimes found in fecondary mountains. flotz, 210. L m. Native ( 405 ) 405) Native Iron.. This is ſtill ſcarcer than the foregoing, as it is eafily oxygenated and fulphurated. The vaft maffes found in Siberia and Pery ſeem to have originally been agglutinate by petrol, and left bare, when the furroad- g earthy or ftony maffes either withered r were waſhed off. Native Bifmuth. Generally found with ores of grey or bright white cobalt ores. Native Arfenic (See poft Arfenic Pyrites). Found only in the veins of primeval mountains (Emmerling) Lehm. flotz, 126. fo alfo Mifpickel. Lehm. Ibid. accompa- nied by red filver ore, or galena, orpiment, fulphurated cobalt, fulphurated nickel, fparry iron ore, grey copper ore, fulphur and copper pyrites. Native Mercury. In clay in fecondary mountains. Lehm. flotz, 214. D d 3 § 2. ( 406 ) ! со § 2. Of Sulphurated Ores. The formation of fulphurated ores was formerly confidered as fcarcely expli- cable, fulphur being fuppofed infoluble in water; hence many imagined, that depofit ed at Aix la Chapelle, and other ho fprings, not to have exifted in the waters, but to have been formed out of them; Bergman, however, removed this diffi- culty, and has fhewn that hepatic air is really contained in fuch fprings; my own experiments have fhewn that diſtilled water takes up of its bulk of this air, and con- fequently that a cubic foot of water may well contain 1152 cubic inches of this air, which are equal to 374 grains of fulphur; now water takes up fulphur when in an aerial ſtate, for no other reaſon, ſurely, but becauſe when in that ftate it is moſt minutely divided; therefore originally, when fulphur was in the minuteſt ſtate of divifion it was equally foluble in water, and ftill continues to be fo when in the fame circumſtances. Hahneman found that 1000 2 उ 7 grs. (407) grs. of cold water would take up 2,3 of fulphur when this was in the ſtate of hepa- tic air. § 67 in note. Again, metallic fubftances are foluble in water various ways; thus calx of lead is foluble in alkali, and lime, and precipitable therefrom by hepatic air. 1 An. Chy. 53. and is more attract- ed by lime than by other earths. Ibid. and hence lead mines are often found in lime- ftone; fo alfo mercurial calces are foluble in lime water. Ibid, 61. Even the perfect metals when fufficiently divided are foluble in water; thus Cronstedt has fhewn that filver is taken up by water, and depofited on the ſurface of rifts in Chriſtiana Pit, in Norway. 17 Mem. Stock. 272. Mercury is alſo in fome degree foluble in water, for water that has long boiled over it gains an anthelmintic power; fo alfo is regulus of arfenic, for water takes up part of it, as Hahneman has fhewn. Uber die Arfen. Vergift. § 28. and the folubility or fufpendi- bility, (as fome may chooſe to call it,) in mere water may be affirmed of all other ſubſtances when fufficiently divided, for they differ only in degree; when therefore water impregnated with fulphur meets with Dd 4 I 1 OO ( 408 ) with that charged with any metal, it pre- cipitates with and unites to that (gold and platina excepted;) the fulphurated metal thus precipitated in the ſtate of the mi- nuteſt diviſion, is itſelf ſoluble in water, as may be proved in many inftances. Baron Trebra found pieces of wood that had been left 200 years in an old mine covered with calcareous fpar, black or vitreous filver ore and red filver ore, both of which are fulphu- rated. 1 Chy. An. 1786, 77. Brinkman found copper pyrites newly formed in a heap of the refufe of copper pyrites which had anciently been roaſted, and out of which the copper had been extracted. I An. Chy. 1785, 264. Three circumftances have contributed to deceive thofe mineralogiſts and geologiſts that have denied the folu- bility of fulphur, metals and fulphurated, ores; the firft is that after boiling perhaps a few grains of thoſe ſubſtances in perhaps 1000 times their weight of water, they could not after long boiling, find any per- ceptible lofs of weight in them, not con- fidering that their ſcales could not diſcover a lofs of part of a grain, which per- haps was all that 1000 parts water could I O O diffolve. (409) diffolve. The fecond is, that having pul- verifed them as minutely as could be ef- fected by art, they thought them fufficiently ſo, whereas they ſhould perhaps be divided into parts equal to the millionth part of a grain.. The third, that they did not con- fider that recent precipitates are much more foluble than thoſe whoſe conſtituent or integrant parts have been united for a confiderable time. Thus Hahneman found that common orpiment requires 5000 times its weight of water to diffolve it; but that recently formed by precipitation with he- patic air, required only 1000 times its weight of water, though it contained a much larger proportion of fulphur than common orpiment. Uber Vergift. § 34. Arfenico fulphurated waters have been de- tected in Cornwall. 6 Phil. Tranf. abr. Part II. p. 186, 187. and antimony has been found in a ftate of ſolution in the mine of Santa Cruz de Mudela in Spain. Bowles, 26. Beauman alfo found the walls of an old mine at Munfterappel ſmeared with native cinnabar that had tranfuded. Berolding, 174. 179. Mountains, as fhewn in Effay I. were formed (410) formed by a more or lefs perfect cryſtalliza- tion; thoſe leaſt perfectly cryftalliſed thus far reſembled thofe formed by mere depo- ſition, that after a certain degree of defic- cation their maffes were capable of a much clofer approach to each other, or of what builders commonly call fettlement. From fuch fettlement cracks and rifts muſt have enfued, many alſo may have proceeded from earthquakes, fee Advers. N. 162, Theſe rifts originating from the formation of the ſtrata themfelves, and not from the relation or poſition of the ftrata with re- fpect to each other, muft have pervaded and croffed them in various directions, fuch rifts are called veins. To thefe as to a lower point the waters ftill remaining in the minute interftices of the ftony maffes muſt have faced, flowly conveying all the particles which remained uncombined with the ftony maffes, as being fuperfluous to their formation, or for want of affinity, and yet fufficiently comminuted to be foluble in water. Of thefe, the moſt foluble were firſt carried off, namely, the earthy, and be- ing depofited on the furfaces of the rift, formed, what are called, the veinftones. Subfequent (411) Subſequent infiltrations gradually carried in- to them the leſs foluble particles, namely, the metallic; in fome cafes, however, the metallic particles feem to have been firft depofited, probably becauſe the earthy were far more diſtant. With reſpect to fulphu- rated metals in particular, whether they were conveyed in their fulphurated ſtate, or whether thefe rifts were at firft ftored with hepatized water, by which the metallic fo- lutions were gradually precipitated as foon as they arrived; or whether, on the contra- ry, the rifts were first filled with metallic folutions, and the metals gradually precipi- tated by the accefs of hepatized water, I ſhall not pretend to decide; probably each cafe might have taken place according to the va- rious circumſtances that might have occur- ed; fulphurated ſtreams are even now found in the mines of Cornwall, 6 Phil. Tranf. abr. Part II. 185, and fraught with earthy matter, and that fulphur and vitriolic acid may be found in granite, ſee 2 Sauff. 300. The cryſtallization obfervable in theſe veins both of ftony and metallic, or fulphura- ted metallic fubftances, was the confequence in the one caſe of the diminution of the watery menftruum, (412) menftruum, and in the other of flow pre- cipitation. The waters were flowly dimi- niſhed, partly by evaporation, which Baron Trebra has fhewn to take place in the inte- rior of mountains *, and partly by flow dribbling through the minuter rifts of the bottom of the veins. Where fuch rifts do not occur, the waters depofited their con- tents between the ftrata of which the moun- tains confift. Hence we fee why metallic veins feldom occur in granitic mountains, or thoſe of jaſper and the harder ſtones, as their texture is too cloſe to permit the percolation of water, at leaſt in fufficient plenty, and becauſe their rifts were previ- oufly occupied and filled with ftony maffes, as being more foluble, and therefore foon- eſt conveyed into them; thus filex fuffi- ciently comminuted, is foluble in about 1000 times its weight of water, or even lefs; whereas metallic fubftances require much more; but if the granitic ftones are * See his firft Letter, Vom. Innern der Gebirge. + Thus Stucke found that 20 oz of water, or 9600 grains, contained 14 grains of filex. Chy. Unterfuch. 119. It was accompanied with aerated magneſia and argil. in ( 413 ) in a ſtate of decompofition, as in the lower mountains they often are in Cornwall, &c. there they may be metalliferous. On the other hand, gneifs, and fhiſtofe mica, ar- gillaceous porphyry, and argillites, being much fofter, are the principal abodes of metallic ores. In Saxony tin ore is found between the layers of granite. 1 Lempe Mag. 103. 106. For a farther account of veins, I must re- fer to Werner's and Gerhard's celebrated Treatifes, as they are not the direct object of this Effay. The formation of entire ftrata of fulphur- ated ores feems more difficult to explain on the principles here ftated, as they oc- cupy ſpaces not previouſly empty, but filled with another fubftance. This difficulty will, however, vanifh when it is confidered, 1º. That the matter which at firſt poſ- feffed the ſpace now occupied by the ful- phurated metallic fubftances, was, at the time of its exclufion, 'in a looſe or flightly coherent ſtate. 2º. That the fulphurated ores are more or lefs perfectly cryſtallized. 3°. That cryſtallizing fubftances exert a force 霉 ​(414) force indefinitely ſtrong in removing all ob- ftacles. Thus water on the point of cryf- tallizing into ice, burfts even metallic vef- fels; and thus alum cryftallizing by infen- fible evaporation, in the midst of a turbid folution of clay, repels the clayey particles from the ſpace occupied by its cryſtals. 4°. That the fulphurated ores thus found in ftrata, are never fo free from heteroge- neous mixtures as thofe found in veins *. Sulphurated Silver Ores. Theſe moſt commonly accompany each other; thus the vitreous filver ore is accom- panied often by the red, alfo by galena, or blendes, or mixed with fulphur pyrites, or iron ochre, or fiderocalcite, or hepatic py- rites, fee 2 Pabft's Catal. and Lefke's. The red filver ore is often accompanied by the brittle antimoniated, or mixed with iron py- rites, or blende, or fiderocalcite, or bright white cobaltic ore, or a finall portion of galena, or copper pyrites, the light red often with native arfenic or orpiment. * Lafius, 423. Monnet Mineralog. 265, 266. The ! 1 ( 415 ) The ores generally mixed with each other are thoſe, 1º. That have the fame mineral- izer, and fame degree of folubility. 2°. Thoſe which are ſoluble in different degrees, but which in point of local fituation are near- eft each other. Thefe ores are always in veins, and never found forming ſtrata, and yet ſcarce ever in granitic mountains. Wer- ner Gange, 165. Gerh. Mineralog. 222. Sulphurated Copper Ores. 1 Copper pyrites is frequently accompanied with grey copper ore, or mixed with ar- fenical pyrites or galena, or black or brown blende, or fulphur pyrites. It is found both in veins and ftrata. Wideman. But chiefly in veins. Gerh. Min. 231. The grey copper ore, befides antimony, which it always, and lead and filver, which it often, contains, is moftly accompanied by copper pyrites, or galena, fparry iron ore, fulphur pyrites, brown and yellow blende. It is found in fecondary, as alfo in primary, mountains, but chiefly in theſe laft. 2 Emmerling, 244. per Lehman, that which (416) 1 which contains filver is never found in fe- condary mountains. Lehm. Flotz. Geſch, 125. ·Black copper ore is found with copper py- rites, grey copper ore, malachite or green calx of copper alfo with the purple copper ore, or iron ochre. Sulphurated Iron. It occurs in ftrata in bellies and in veins; the ftriated frequently accompanies galena; it is itſelf accompanied by fiderocalcite, or the fparry iron ore, or ochre, or galena, rarely (as at Menidot near St. Lo in Nor- mandy) by cinnabar. Monnet Vitrioliz, 15, 16. That in veins has been found accom- panied with cobalt and filver ores. Charp. 211. Sulphurated Tin. Is accompanied by copper pyrites, it is very rare, and found only in primary or derivative mountains. Sulphurated Lead. It is frequently accompanied with brown, or yellow, or black blende, copper or ful- 5 phur (417) phur pyrites, arfenical pyrites, or ſparry iron ore; fometimes with red filver ore, or calamine, cobalt or native arfenic. It is found in primary and fecondary mountains, but oftener in primary. Gerh. Mineral. 247. Sulphurated Zinc. The blendes are generally accompanied with galena, grey copper ore, fulphur pyrites; the black, often with the above, or arfenical pyrites, or copper pyrites; more rarely with the white iron ore, or magnetic iron ftone. Found only in primary mountains, Lehm. Flotz. 126. Sulphurated Mercury. Accompanied with iron ftone, fulphur pyrites, and arſenical pyrites, ochre, native mercury, galena, green, blue, or grey, cop- per ore. Berolding, 209, &c. In Idria it forms ftrata. Lehm. 220. In the Palatinate and Idria it is found in fecondary moun- is, but that of Almaden is found in veins andſtone, which appears to be primi- . Bowles, 40, &c. E.e Sulphurated : (418) Sulphurated Antimony. With fulphur pyrites and iron ochre; chiefly, if not folely, found in primary mountains. Lehm. Flotz. 126. 220. There are very few mines of it known. Sulphurated Cobalt. With fulphurated nickel, native ochre, red calx of cobalt, native biſmuth, fulphur- ated filver ores, copper and arfenical pyrites, and fulphur pyrites, vitreous copper ore, galena, blende, fparry iron ore. Found both in primary and fecondary mountains, particularly in the troubles of theſe laît. Lehm. 220. Sulphurated Bifmuth. With native bifmuth, fparry iron ore, tinſtone, arfenical or copper pyrites. Sulphurated Nickel. With fulphurated cobalt, and fulphurated filver ores. Arfenical Pyrites. Found only in primeval mountains, of- tener in layers than in veins. Emmerl. Lehm. 126. 1 1 ( 419 ) 126. Accompanied by tinftone, galena, black blende, fparry iron ore, fulphur and copper pyrites. Orpiment. Found principally in fecondary moun- tains; yet, per Lehm. Flotz. 126, only in primary; but he contradicts this in p. 214. Is not accompanied by any other ore but realgar. Realgar. Principally in primary mountains, ac- companied by native arfenic, galena, red filver ore, fometimes by cobalt, fulphur py- rites, grey copper ore, brown blende, grey and red manganeſe. Sulphurated Uranite. Accompanied by galena, copper pyrites, iron ochre, fometimes by bright cobalt ore, red calx of cobalt, or vitreous filver ore. Of Calciform Ores. Calciform ores are formed by infiltration. 10 Buff. 197. # Ee 2 Calciform (420) # Calciform Copper Ores. Accompanied by each other, alfo by cop- per pyrites, vitreous copper ore, and brown iron ſtone, and iron ochre. Calciform Iron Ores. Magnetic iron ftone frequently forms layers in primitive mountains, as in gneifs and fhiftofe mica, nay, it forms entire moun- tains; fometimes it is alfo found in fecond- ary mountains.-Accompanied by fulphur, or magnetic pyrites, or copper or arfenical pyrites. Specular iron ore found partly in veins, partly in layers, and, perhaps always, only in primitive mountains. Emerling. Ac- companied by compact red iron ftone, mag- netic iron ſtone, fulphur pyrites, rarely with copper pyrites, or arfenical pyrites, or ga- lena, or tinftone.-Compact red iron stone found in veins and layers accompanied by red hematites. 1 Red hematites found in veins, but princi- pally forming confiderable layers. Compact brown iron ftone found in veins, and vaft ftrata in fecondary mountains. Voight } (421) Voight Pract. 113. Accompanied with fparry iron ore, or brown hematites, rarely with fulphur pyrites, or copper ores. Sparry iron ore found in primary moun- tains, but only in veins, or veinftones; alfo in fecondary mountains. Accompanied by brown iron ſtone, or fiderocalcite, and very rarely filver ore. Defcrip. Pyren. 13. Upland argillaceous iron ftone found in fecondary mountains only. Accompanied by calamine, or galena, fometimes with fulphur pyrites. Emeril, in Spain it is found in ferrugi- nous fandſtone, or in iron ſtone. Calciform Ores. The white accompanied by each other, and galena, iron ochre, fulphur and copper pyrites, calciform copper ores, fometimes by brown iron ftone, or brown blende, Calciform Tin Ores. Found in veins, or layers, only in prime- val mountains, as granite, gneifs, fhiftofe mica, and ſcattered in the difintegrated maffes of theſe mountains, but never in calcareous. Ee 3 (422) calcareous. Werner Gange, 165. Lehm. 125. Accompanied with fulphur, copper, or arſenical pyrites, wolfrom, molybdena, iron ochre, black, and rarely with brown blende. Seldom or never with filver ores, lead ores, or cobalt ores, or with barofelenite, calca- reous fpar, or gypfum. Native Turpeth. Found with galena in Morsfeld. Berold- ing, 219. Calciform Zinc Ores. econdary moun- Found only tains, Emerling, never in granitic, gneiffy, or fhiſto micaceous. Werner Gange, 165. Accompanied with iron ochre, galena, white lead ore, compact brown iron ſtone. Calciform Cobalt. Found principally in fecondary moun- tains, but alſo in primary. Accompanied by other cobalt ores, iron ochre, native fil- ver, many copper ores, fulphur pyrites, the red accompanying many other ores. Calciform (423) Calciform Manganefe. The grey, or bluish, or brownish black, is frequently accompanied with red or brown compact iron ſtone, or fparry iron ore. The red is found with the gold ores of Nagaya, brown blende, galena, grey copper ore, copper pyrites, realgar. Tungflenite. Found only in primitive mountains. Uranitic Ores. Miccompanied by compact red and brown ron ftone, iron ochre, fome- times with olive copper ore, or black or yellow cobalt ores. Some veins were originally open, as ap- pears from the rounded ftones and petrifac- tions found in them; thus in the granitic mountain of Pangel in Silefia, there is a vein whofe inclination is 70°. filled with glo- bular bafalt. 2 Berl. Beob. 197. So alfo the veins of wacken, called butzen wac- ken in Joachimftahl in Bohemia, in which trees and their branches, &c. are found. 1 Chy. Ee 4 } (424) 1 Chy. Ann. 1789, 131. See alfo Werner Gange, § 44, &c. But that all veins were originally open to day and filled from above, feems to me improbable. 1°. Becauſe ful- phurated ores could not thus be formed, as the waters containing them would im- mediately be precipitated by contact with the atmoſphere, and nothing but a flow, gra- dual, and fucceffive, precipitation, ſkreened from the atmoſphere, can account for their cryſtallizing in perfect cryftals of confider- able fize. 2°. Becauſe inundations con- veying only metallic particles, without any mud yet flowing from the furface of the earth, is highly improbab yet they muſt have been fuch, elfe all veins would be filled with depofited mud. 3°. Regulus of arfenic, which is found in many veins, could not thus be conveyed, as it would be immediately oxygenated by expoſure to the atmoſphere. 4. Becauſe the quantity of fulphurated metals that could be conveyed in a ſtate of ſolution, as it muſt have been to cryſtallize if held in pure water, would be too ſmall, even in the greateſt veins, to afford any confiderable crystallization, fo that numberlefs fucceffive inondations one knows (425) knows not whence, and fucceffive evapo- rations must be fuppofed. 5°. In fome veins the ore is found adhering chiefly to the roof, as in that of Philip Ludwig át Gablau in Silefia. 1 Gerh. Geſch.. 251. Muſt not that have been formed by per- colation? 6°. Becauſe we are led to fuch fuppofition by no proof alogy, whereas the theory of fucceffive percolation is ground- ed on the obſervation of metallic fubftances being thus conveyed at this day, as already fhewn. Some mines are found at great heights, as that of Crumhubell in Silefia, which contain galena and filver ore. Mem. Berl. 1771. Whence could the inunda- tion proceed that could overflow and fill them? And how often muſt it have been re- newed for a ferics of years before any con- fiderable quantity of metal could have been depoſited? The objections to the theory of percola- tion do not feem to me of any weight: The first objection, namely, that veinſtones of different fpecies croſs each other in the fame mountin, only fhews that particles of ftone of ifferent fpecics were diſperſed in different parts of the fame mountain, and 3 were (426) were affembled by water flowing in differ- ent paffages and at different Æras. The ſecond objection, that veinſtones, if firſt formed, would obftruct the paſſage of me- tallic particles into the vein, is juſt the fame that Charpentier and Gerhard made to the theory of petrifactions; for the cal- cedonic parte for inftance, that form the interior of many fhells muſt have tra- verfed the calcareous, 6 Sauff. 83. and in ſome inſtances even filiceous; yet this ob- jection is, in this inftance, justly difregard- ed. Befides, how many veinſtones are ſtill penetrated with metallic particles? Are not cryftals of calcareous fpar found in the midſt of balls of agate? Lafius, 264. Sce 1 Berl. Beob. 372. and in quartz, 7 Sauff. 84. The third objection, namely, that wa- ters could not circulate below the bed of rivers, is equally, and obviouſly, inconclu- five numberlefs particles of water that netrate mountains may have no connexion with the bed of rivers. How many fta- lactitic concretions are found in the caverns of Kilkenny, Derbyshire, &c. far below the level of the adjacent rivers? The fourth objection, that no metallic particles are 4 pe- found ( 427 ) : found in the rocks adjacent to veins, may be anſwered by ſaying, that the metals have been long ago carried out of them; befides the proportion may be fo fmall as to elude all reſearch, as in the mines of Ramelſberg. See Schlutter, Chap. IX. hence gold is not found in the mountains, out of which, nevertheleſs, it is yearly conveyed by inun- dations, and 2 Sauff. 411. Mem. Par. and filver as in Cronstedt's obfervation. More- over all the advantages fo ingeniouſly de- duced by Werner, from obferving the va- rious antiquity of metallic veins, and of their contents, are equally applicable to the theory of percolation. Veinftones, originating only from the mi- nute particles detached from any combina- tion, and having (except lime) no particular connexion with any metal, are indifferently found with them. ORES FOUND IN PRIMEVAL MOUNTAINS. The ores found in primeval mountains, are principally and commonly the follow- ing: In ( 428 ) In Granitic Mountains. From 2d Lenz. Flurl Bavaria, 256. Tinſtone, galena, compact brown iron ftone, fulphur pyrites, hematites, blende, bifmuthic, cobaltic, arfenical pyrites, and molybdena, rarely magnetic iron ſtone, 1 Chy. Ann. 1797, III. hence copper and filver ores feem excluded, though native gold, filver, or copper, are not. In Gneiss. ; Silver ores, martial, copper and arſenical pyrites, magnetic iron ſtone, lead ores, tin ores, blende, and cobalt. 1 In Shiftofe Mica. Ores of iron, copper, tin, lead, cobalt, and antimony. In Stellftein. Ores of copper, or filver, or lead. In Hornblende Slate. Sulphur pyrites, copper orc. Aikin Wales, 119. In (429) In Argillites. Ore of filver, copper, lead, fulphur py- rites, blende, calamine. Aikin Wales, 21, antimonial and mercurial ores; hence ores. of cobalt, &c. are excluded. The great belly of ore in the Paris mountain is found under aluminous flate. Aikin Wales, 136. In Shiftofe Chlorite. Sulphur pyrites, octohedral magnetic iron ftone. In Grunftein. That formed of hornblende and mica fometimes affords ores of copper, or iron, or fulphur pyrites. In Clay Porphyry. (Saxum Metalliferum Bornii.). Ores of filver, copper, iron, lead, blende, and antimony. In Hornftone Porphyry. Sparry iron ore, fulphur pyrites, galena, black blende, bifmuthic orcs. # In الم (430) } In Serpentine. Specular iron ore, magnetic iron ſtone, fulphur pyrites. In Trap. Specular iron ore, magnetic iron ſtone, fulphur pyrites. In Wacken. Iron ſtone, fulphur pyrites, manganeſe. In primitive Limestone. Magnetic iron ſtone, fulphur pyrites, cop- per pyrites, galena, yellow ende. No veins are found in fandftone, or horn- flate. Charp. 27. IN SECONDARY MOUNTAINS. In compact Limestone. Copper pyrites, fparry iron ore, fulphur pyrites, galena, cinnabar. Bowles, 64. J Marlite. Cinnabar. Berolding, 45. In ( 431 ) In bituminous Marlite. (Lehm. 218.) Copper ores. In Chalk. Pyrites. Monnet Mineralog. 339. Cinnabar. In filiciferous Sandstone. In argillaceous Sandstone. Vitreous copper ore, malachite, iron ſtone, fulphur pyrites, cinnabar. Berolding, 39. In Rubblefione. Bowles, 12. Copper pyrites, fulphur pyrites, galena, bifmuthic and cobaltic ores. In Clay. In blue or grey clay pyrites moſt eaſily vitriolizable. Monnet Mineralog. 339. In Gypfum. Green calx of copper, copper pyrites, grey copper ore, galena, alfo fulphur and bitu- men. In (432) In Strata of Coal. (Lehm. 219.). - Native filver, copper and fulphur pyrites, galena, manganeſe. Metallic Strata found in fecondary Mountains. (Lehm. 220.) Iron ſtone, fulphur pyrites, calamine, cin- nabar. ESSAY 1 ( 433 ) ESSAY X. ON THE HUTTONIAN THEORY OF THE EARTH. On this theory I have already made fuch remarks as appeared to me fufficient to fhew its inconfiftency with actual appear- ances, in a memoir inferted among thofe of the Royal Iriſh Academy, in the fifth vo- lume; to theſe Dr. Hutton has ſince thought proper to reply with much acrimony, in an enlarged republication of his theory, form- ing two thick 8vo volumes; a detailed ex- amination of all he has there advanced would neceffarily be as voluminous; but, if I miſtake not, wholly fuperfluous. It will be fufficient to fubvert the fundamental principles upon which his fyftem is con- ftructed, and occafionally to point out the abfurdities that flow from it: to fulfil this taſk we need only examine a few chapters of his work. Ff In (434) In his first chapter, he endeavours to eí- tabliſh the fundamental points of his theory, which may be comprized in the following propofitions: 1º. That the foil which ferves as a bafis for vegetation is nothing but the materials. collected from the deftruction of the folid land, and that it, and the materials of which mountains are formed, are gradually de- tached, and unceasingly carried forwards by the circulation and propulfion of water into the unfathomable regions of the fea, and, confequently, that in fome indefinite time the land muſt be deſtroyed; but is after- wards to be renovated by ſubſequent opera- tions; thefe operations, which lead partly to deſtruction and partly to renovation, he calls the natural operations of the globe. 2º. That the dry land which we now in- habit, was formed in the ocean, from mate- rials conveyed into it, from an anterior ha- bitable earth, and in particular that calca- reous earth, or limeſtone, originates from marine animals. 3°. That the loote materials thus col- lected, muſt have been confolidated by heat and congelation from a previous fufion; and not (435) not by accretion, or cryftallization from water. Laſtly, that the fubftances thus conſoli- dated, have been elevated to their actual height over the feas and ocean, by extreme heat, and expanded by an amazing force, and form our preſent continents. Examination of the first Propofition. This confifts of feveral parts; 1º. That all our actual foil, or the actual furface of the earth, confifts of particles detached from the more folid land, and that all moun- tains are in a ſtate of increafing decompo- fition. 2º. That this foil, and thofe par- ticles, detached by decompofition, are ne- ceffarily carried into the abyffes of the ocean. 3. That in confequence of this conftant decay and deftruction, all our mountains muft in time be levelled, and our continents deſtroyed. To juftify this conclufion, the two firſt mentioned facts fhould be eſtabliſhed in their univerfality; for if all foil does not arife from decompofition, and if all moun- tains are not in a ſtate of decay, there is no Ff 2 room ( 436 ) room to fuppofe that the former conftantly travels to the fea, nor that all the latter will ever be levelled. Now all foil does not arife from decompofition, for a calcareous foil often covers a clay that contains no limestone, and the folid rock under this, is often of the granitic kind; of this I have already quoted an inſtance obferved at Do- lau in Germany, where an effervefcent calciferous clay covers another which does not effervefce, and confequently of a totally different naturc. Sauffure alfo remarks that the fand near Aliaffon appears not to have been abraded from any rock, but to have cryftallized on the ſpot whereon it is depo- fited. 5 Sauff. § 1375. Therefore thefe foils did not arife from the decompofition of the ſtones at leaſt, on which they reſt; nor are all mountains fubject to decay, for inſtance, ſcarce any of thoſe that conſiſt of red granite. The ftone of which the runic rocks are formed have withſtood decompo- ſition theſe 2000 years, as their characters evince, and of this fort of granite whole mountains are formed in Sweden and Fin- land. 19 Schwed. Abhand. 221. 223, 24. Patrin alfo remarks the fame indeftructili- £ lity ( 437 ) lity of granites near Lyons. 4 Nev. Nord. Beytr. 170. This univerfal degradation of mountains is alfo denied by that great ob- ferver, Mr. Monnet; fee his Mineralogy, p. 61, in the note. Bafaltic pillars in gene- ral bid defiance to decay, as is evident from their angles; even where this degradation takes place, it is in a degree conſtantly de- creaſing, and, confequently, muſt ceaſe long before the period at which the mountains could be levelled with the plains, either through the protection of vegetation, as Mr. de Luc has amply fhewn in his 28th and 29th, &c. Letters to the Queen, or through other caufes; for the rocks that ſtood at the entrance of the port of Alex- andria, though continually beaten by the waves thefe 2000 years, ftill fubfift in their ancient integrity, as Dolomieu has well re- marked. 42 Roz. 50. However I fhall readily allow that in many places much of the foil has arifen from the decompofition of the ſtone whereon it refts, or was con- veyed by the ancient extenfion of rivers or floods from circumjacent mountains; but I muſt deny that it is in general true that it travels, ever fo flowly, to the fea, as where Ff 3 there ( 438 ) 1 there is no declivity, there is no reaſon to ſuppoſe that either it or the water that falls upon it are carried forward; and thus, by far the greater part of the earth's fur- face is circumftanced. Even in cafes where the progrefs of detached particles has been at firſt forwarded by declivities, it is after- wards frequently arrefted by the expanſion of the waters that convey them. For instance, in lakes where theſe particles are for the moſt part depoſited; hence Mr. Aikin could diſcover ſcarce any earthy particles in the waters of the lake Bala, in the midſt of Wales. See his Tour, p. 24. and as to ftones of any bulk, Bowles has fhewn, that none, not even of thoſe that have been rounded by rolling, arrive at the fea. Bowles Spain. 506,&c. But the moſt important miſtake in this part of the Doctor's Theory confifts in his fuppofition, that the fand and foil conveyed to the fea, by many and even moft, great rivers, are depofited in the unfathomable depths of the ocean; whereas nothing is more certain than that they are depofited at the mouths of thofe rivers, or at a ſmall diſtance from thoſe mouths, and there form prolongations of the land that incroach on 1 the ༣ > ( 439 ) the fea; among innumerable inftances, I fhall quote only a few. Notwithſtanding the rapidity of the Rhone, it was from its depofitions that the plains of Crau and Camarque, in lower Languedoc, were formed, and what is carried into the fea is rejected on the fhore by the currents of the Mediterranean, as Mr. Pouget has fhewn. Mem. Par. 1775, 562. Dolomieu has proved that great part of lower Lombardy has been won from the fea by the depofi- tions of the Po; and inſtead of the fea's retreating from Ravenna, as many have imagined, that the land has been extended by the fame caufe, much beyond that city. 42 Roz. 47, &c. All the ancients agree that the greater part of Egypt originated from the depofitions of the Nile, and at this day, the fludge depofited at its mouth forms fhoals which are elevated above the level of the river by the waves of the fea which repel the fand and mud, as Volney obſerved. Egypt, p. 31. and hence the old town of Damietta, anciently fituated near the fea, is now by the prolongation of the land, 2 leagues from it. 42 Roz. 196.— In the fame manner Holland, and great Ff4 part (440) ī part of Flanders, and the fhoals on their coafts, originated from the depofitions of the Rhine, Meufe, Schelde, &c. as is gene- rally acknowledged, and is evident from the fluviatile fhells difcovered in fundry excavations. The greater and more rapid rivers, as the Ganges, and Bourampooter, after depofiting the greater part of the fand and mud with which they are charged, at their mouths, and forming extenfive Deltas, convey fome part into the fea, but to no great diſtance, as Major Rennell has ob- ferved. Hence there is no reafon whatfo- ever to fuppofe that inland waters convey any portion of earth into the unfathomable depths of the fea, but there are many that may perfuade us, that not a particle is car- ried to any confiderable diſtance from the coafts. Mariners were accuſtomed for fome centuries back to diſcover their fituation by the kind of earth or fand brought up by their founding plummets, a method which would prove fallacious if fallacious if the furface of the bottom did not continue invariably the fame. Fortis in his travels through Dalmatia, p. 282, relates that urns thrown into the Adriatic upwards of 1400 years, fo far (441) far from being covered with mud, were found in the fame fituation as they could be ſuppoſed to have been the first day of their fall; therefore notwithſtanding many particles of earth are by rivers conducted to the fea, yet none are conveyed to any dif- tance, but are either depofited at their mouths, or rejected by currents or by tides*. And the reafon is, becauſe the tide of flood is always more impetuous and forcible than the tide of ebb, the advancing waves being preſſed forward by the countleſs number be- hind them, whereas the retreating are preff- ed backward by a far fmaller number, as muſt be evident to an attentive fpectator, and hence it is that all floating things caft into the ſea, are at laſt thrown on fhore, and not conveyed into the mid regions of the fea, as they should be if the reciprocal undulations of the tides were equally pow- erful. Frifi in fome of his mathematical treatiſes remarks, that if any conſiderable maſs of matter were accumulated in the interior of the ocean, the diurnal motion of the globe would be diſturbed, and confe- * See 1 Varen. chap. 18, prep. 9. I quently (442) ↓ quently it would be perceptible, a pheno- menon, however, of which no hiſtory or tradition gives any account. Polybius, fe- duced by the fame reaſons as Dr. Hutton, imagined that the Black Sea, which is fo narrow, and into which fo many great rivers diſcharge themſelves, would in fome centu- ries be filled up, and by computation it may be fhewn it ſhould. See Buff. Hiſt. 70, 2 &c. and 154. and yet after more than 20 centuries that have fince elapfed, we have no reaſon to think that it is at prefent fhal- lower than in his time, on the contrary, its furface has been narrowed by immenſe pro- longations of the continent, and in this manner, if the rivers did not gradually de- creaſe, it would probably at laſt be nearly filled, but not by any elevations in the middle (which would be the conſequence of the Doctor's theory), of which there is not the leaſt appearance. So the whole country about Peterſburg was formed by depofitions from the Neva, and even ſtrata of ſtone were thus formed, for a boat, and human ribs, and reeds, were found under the ftony ftratum. I Nev. Nord. Betyr. 133. Here perhaps we might ſtop, as this. principal (443) principal foundation of the Doctor's theory being fubverted, it were needlefs to detect its remaining defects; but as he may reply, that if only one particle were detached from the moft folid rocks in 4000 years, and only off particle carried into the mid regions of the deep in the fame ſpace of time (a fuppofition it would be difficult to difprove), in fome immenfe future period the folid land of our continent would be deftroyed, a cataſtrophe which he imagines. has already ſeveral times happened, it will be neceffary to fhew from the inconfiftency of his hypothefis with actual appearances, that whatever may happen in future, no- thing of this fort has heretofore happened. Examination of the fecond Propofition. That the dry land which we now inha- bit was formed in the bofom of the ocean, I have already proved in the former eſſays; though not from the materials of a former habitable globe, of which the Doctor brings no proof but what has been juſt refuted; but that all calcareous earth originates from fea animals, I muſt deny; on the contrary, 4 we (444) ! ។ we have ſtrong reafon to think that marine animals obtain calcareous earth from their food, for it is well known that fea water contains felenite; and with refpect to land animals, it is faid that hens produce eggs without ſhells when deprived of acceſs to mortar or other calcareous matter; whether this be true or not, it is certain that all ani- mals and moſt vegetables, take in calcareous earth with their food, of which it appears to be an effential ingredient, therefore, an habitable earth fimilar to ours, (and fuch Dr. Hutton fuppofes) could not have ex- iſted at any period without that earth. But whether habitable or not habitable, unleſs the Doctor will alfo fuppofe the globe to have exiſted without any ſtone, he cannot confiftently with actual appearances fuppofe it to have exifted without this earth, as there is no fpecies of ftone (except a few of the rareft) into whofe compoſition it does not enter, confequently it muſt have exifted in thofe that formed the bafis of the ſea, and therefore have preceded the ex- iftence of fea animals. The Doctor indeed allows that vaft maffes of calcareous matter exift in which no animal remains can be difcovered, } ( 445 ) diſcovered, but thefe, he fays, were cryſtal- lized by fufion, which obliterated all trace of animal matter, P. 322, 325. the truth of this affertion we fhall now exa- mine. Examination of the third Propofition. To decide the queftion how fuch con- tinents as we now have, could have been elevated above the fea, from materials collected at its bottom (as he thinks he has proved in his firſt propofition) we muſt, he fays, examine how they could have been confolidated into maffes of the greateſt ſo- lidity having neither water nor vacuity be- tween their various conftituent parts, nor in the pores of theſe conſtituent parts themſelves; but we have already fhewn that there is no reafon to think that our continents have arifen from the materials. collected at the bottom of the fea, from the detritus of a former continent, nor is it true that minerals contain no water in their compofition or between their pores but the very reverfe is the truth as we ſhall pre- fently fee. There are but two ways, the Doctor + (446) Doctor tells us, by which fpungy bodies may be confolidated and fubftances formed into maſſes of a regular ſtructure; the one of thefe is congelation from a fluid ftate by cold; the other by accretion from a folution in water, p. 44. This laft mode he rejects for reaſons which I fhall foon examine, and adopts the firſt, principally from the al- leged impoffibility of applying the ſecond. The only direct reaſons he adduces are the following. 1° Flints are found perfectly infulated both in chalk and fand, and their form de- monſtrates that they have been introduced by injection, and have congealed from a ftate of fufion; but to defcribe theſe con- vincing appearances, would, he fays, re- quire à too prolix detail; inſpection alone he thinks fufficient; yet to Mr. De Luc and other geologifts, infpection, it ſeems, has fuggeſted a very different theory. This fort of injection, of whofe ingrefs not the leaft trace is to be found, feems to me im- poffible; it is to be noted that flints are. found in ftrata, and at different heights, and placed with the utmoſt regularity, appearances utterly incompatible with this theory. I 1 } ( 447 ) theory. Many other folid objections to it are urged by Mr. De Luc, in the Monthly Re- view for 1790, p. 209, to which I refer, but a demonſtration of its falfehood has lately been diſcovered, for 126 filver coins have been found inclofed in flints, at Grinoc, in Denmark. Schneider Topograph. Mineral. 114. and an iron nail at Potſdam, Ibid. 2º Pieces of foffil wood have been found penetrated with flinty matters, in theſe the injected flint appears to him to to have been in a fimple fluid ftate, and not in a ſtate of folution in water, firft, be- cauſe however little of the wood is left un- penetrated, the divifion, he fays, is always diſtinct between the injected part and that which is not penetrated by the fluid flint, there is no partial impregnation nor any gradation of the flintyfying operation, ast muſt have been if the filiceous matter had been depofited from a folution; and fecond- ly becauſe the termination of the flinty impregnation has affumed fuch a form, as would naturally happen from a fluid flint penetrating that body. Mr. De Luc, however, who has feen all thefe fpecimens of foffil wood, thinks their various appear- ances (448) : ances contradict the Doctor's hypothefis*, and indeed fpecimens occur whofe appear- ances are abfolutely incompatible with it; for inſtance, thofe in which the ligneous fibres are diſtinctly petrified, fo that each of them may be feparated from the other, and thofe which exactly exhibit the traces of organization. Could theſe arife from a mere fiery injection that ſhould deftroy all fibres, and form an uniform maſs? and in every cafe what ſhould be- come of the ligneous part diſplaced by the injection? it could not evaporate or be burned, for the Doctor fuppofes a compref- fion which fhould prevent all evaporation, and it was not driven out, for the place it paffed through fhould be diſcerned, but this is one of the many inconfiftencies of his fyſtem which the Doctor has entirely over- looked. In fome cafes, only the worms that corroded the wood are petrified. What confined his melted flint to thefe only? Sec Neret's paper in 17 Roz. Whereas that * Monthly Review, 1790, p. 211. + 17 Roz. 303, &c. and 6 Nev. Nord. Beytrage 118. and Fougeroux in Mem. Par. 1759, quoted in 10 Buff. Sup. 191. water (449) water has frequently a petrifying power is notorious and evident, as the petrifaction of wood inferted in fuch water reaches as high as the water reaches, and no higher, and the water is found impregnated with the fame ftony matter as that of the petri- faction. See the inftance recorded at the end of the first volume of Don Ulloa's Voyages, and the petrifaction of the wood of Trajan's Bridge, mentioned in the 4th Effay. That petrifactions proceed from water impregnated with the petrifying matter appears alſo from this, that wood petrified by iron is more plentifully found in the vicinity of martial fprings. I Nev. Nord. Betyr. 135. neither is the first fact on which the Doctor principally relies ge- nerally true. Collini in the 12th chapter of his Voyages, p. 166, French edition, tells us that in fome fhells converted into agates, the filiceous impregnation is par- tial and gradual. J'ai obfervé que dans même noyau furtout de turbinite, les degrés de lapidification varioient de mani- ere, qu'il etoit totalement converti en agate tranſparente au fommet et qu'à meſure G g qu'on (450) qu'on remontoit vers l'ouverture de la co- quille la lapidification n'avoit produit qu'une pierre moins dure et opaque, juſqu' à la partie fuperieure du noyau qui n'a- voit acquis qu'une tres legere cohefion. 3°. Foffil alkali called trona has been found in the ſouthern parts of Africa, cryftallized in a peculiar manner, which, contrary to the habit of common foda, does not effervefce nor liquify in a mo- derate heat, and as the Doctor thinks, contains no water of cryftallization, and therefore muſt have been in a ſtate of fufion immediately before its congelation and cryftallization. If it has been fuſed, it muſt have been fo in circumftances very different from thofe in which the Doctor ſuppoſes ſuch extraordinary fufions to have taken place, for it is found not running in veins in beds of rock falt, as Doctor Monro ſuppoſed, but on the ſurface of the earth* forming a cruft at moſt an inch thick, con- fequently, if fufed, moft of its fixed air muſt have eſcaped, whereas it contains fomewhat more of this than common foda does. * 35 Schwed Abhandl. 131. Through (451) Through the goodneſs of Dr. Black, I obtained nearly an ounce of this ſubſtance, and found its internal structure nearly as mentioned; it did not effervefce in a flight heat as common foda does, but it did effervefce in a heat of 300°, and therefore loft water; but to determine the quantity of this water, I faturated the trona with vi- triolic acid, and found it to contain 34 per cent nearly of fixed air, 41,9 of mere al- kali, and 1,8 of reddiſh fand, the remaining 22,3 grains were therefore water. This proportion of water is indeed much ſmaller than that contained in 100 parts of com- mon foda, and the proportion of fixed air is greater; but this arifes from the different circumſtances of its cryftallization. Com- mon foda is cryſtallized in mere water, this on the contrary germinated from the earth, and was expofed to a burning fun; and it is well known that falts cryſtallized at a high temperature contain lefs water than thoſe in a low. It is evident how- ever, it was not fuſed, elſe the few grains of fand found in it would have been vitri- fied. His remaining proofs being indirect, confiſting in objections to the theory of G g 2 the ( 452 ) the aqueous folution of minerals, I fhall confider under that head: as for his ar- guments from the ſtructure of ſeptaria, I do not perceive their force, and there- fore paffing them by, I fhall now ſtate my reaſons for rejecting the opinion that mine- rals owe their folidity to congelation from fufion. 1 My first objection to this theory is, that it is grounded on a fuppofition (or at leaſt we may infer from it) that at fome paft period a degree of heat prevailed under the ocean fuperior to any that has ever been known to exift, and which must have taken effect in circumftances the leaft fa- vourable to its production and exertion; thus in the Doctor's hypothefis, the enor- mous mountains of calcareous matter in which no animal remains have been de- tected, fuch as are found in Swifferland, Tyrole, Siberia, &c. were fufed, and not only fufed but cryftallized by this heat: to form fome idea of the heat requifite to effect this fufion, we muſt recollect that the heat produced in the focus of a large burning glaſs, is much fuperior to any that can be produced in any furnace, but much inferior 8 ( 453 ) inferior to that produced by pure air acting on burning charcoal, and yet neither La- voifier nor any other experimenter has been able to fuſe the ſmalleſt viſible particle of pure limeſtone in this prodigious heat. Mr. Sauffure indeed, has of late fucceeded in melting a particle of it, but fo fmall that it could be difcerned only by a microſcope. What then muſt have been the heat necef- fary to melt whole mountains of this matter? Judging then from all we at preſent know of heat, ſuch a high degree could only be produced by the pureft air acting on an enor- mous quantity of combuſtible matter: now Ehrman obferved that the combuſtion of 280 cubic inches of air acting on charcoal, was not able to effect the fufion of one grain of Carrara marble, from whence it is apparent that all the air in the atmoſphere, nor in ten atmoſpheres, would not melt a ſingle mountain of this ſubſtance of any ex- tent, even if there were a fufficient quantity of inflammable matter for it to act upon. Judging alfo of fubterraneous heat by what we know of that of volcanoes, no fuch heat exifts; the higheſt they in general produce is that requifite for the fufion of the volcanic Gg 3 glafs, (454) glafs, called obfidian, which Sauffure found not to exceed 115° of Wedgewood, but ba- faltine, which requires 140° of Wedge- wood, is never melted in the lavas of Etna; how little capable then would volcanic heat be to effect the fufion of Carrara marble, which, according to the fame excellent au- thor, would require a heat of upwards of 6300° of Wedgewood, if this pyrometer could extend fo far? And in what circum- ftances does Doctor Hutton fuppofe this aftoniſhing heat to have exifted, and even ftill to exift? Under the ocean in the bow- els of the earth, where neither a fufficient quantity of pure air nor of combuftible mat- ter capable of ſuch mighty effects can with any appearance of probability be ſuppoſed to exift; and without theſe, fuch degrees of heat cannot even be imagined without flying into the region of chimeras. Volca- noes give no countenance to ſuch a ſuppo- fition, their heat is not commonly greater than that which may be effected by the abforption of fulphur by various metallic ſubſtances, as the Dutch philofophers have lately fhewn. To this train of reaſoning Doctor Hutton anfwers, p. 253, "That it 66 was (455) And P. 35, "was improper to try his theory by fire." There may be fome difficulty "in conceiving the modifications of fubter- "raneous heat; but as on the one hand we (6 are not arbitrarily to affume an agent for "the purpoſe of explaining events, or cer- "tain appearances, which are not under- "C ftood, fo on the other we must not re- "fuſe to admit the action of a known pow- "er, when this is properly fuggefted by ap- pearances; and though we may not un- "derſtand the modifications, capacity, and regulation of this power, we are not to neglect the appropriating to it as a cauſe, thofe effects that are natural to it, and 66 66 66 which, fo far as we know, cannot belong "to any other." Much is here untruly ſuppoſed with refpect to the known power of heat, which I fhall not now notice, but fingly examine how far its operation is fug- gefted by the actual ftate and appearance of mineral fubftances. My next objection then to the Doctor's theory is, that the actual ſtate of all mine- rals preſents appearances incompatible with the fuppofition that they originated from heat or fufion. 1°. Almoſt all ſtones lofe fome h Gg 4 part ( 456 ) part of their weight*, and are altered either in their hardneſs, luftre, colour, or permea- bility, to light, when heated; could this happen if to heat they owed their origin? the affiftance of compreffion in this and the following inftances is in vain invoked. The ingredients of granite are found dif- tinct and ſeparate from each other, and the felfpar opake and without blebs; now if theſe ingredients were fufed they would run into each other, and the felfpar would either have blebs, or if melted in a high heat would form a tranſparent glaſs; the quartz would alſo become opake, as it al- ways does on being heated, the mica alfo would have been vitrified, therefore the ap- pearance of this aggregate is incompatible with the ſuppoſition of its having been fuſed. Sir James Hall attempts an an- ſwer to this objection, which I fhall ex- amine hereafter. 2º. Granularly foliated limeſtone, in which no animal remains exift, and which the Doctor would perfuade us was cryſtal- lized by fufion, is often fod feated on * See Effay IV. argillite, (457) argillite, and even intercepted between the laminæ of argillite; yet the argillite, (one of the moſt fuſible of all ſtones,) not only diſcovers no marks of fufion, nor even of having been heated; Is not this impoffible on the fuppofition that the limeſtone was melted? The Doctor tells us, that fhells originally exifted in limeſtone, but were deſtroyed by heat; but here he contra- dicts his own hypothefis, namely, that the fufion took effect under a compreffion that prevented the volatilization of all aerial fluids; if he fays they remain, but unaltered in their form, I afk, how they came to remain unaltered in their form in a heat fufficient to melt them, as they do in many filiceous ftones? for in company with thefe, which according to him were in fuſion, they alſo ſhould have been fuſed. Again, ftrata of granular limeſtone are of- ten intercepted between ſtrata of gneifs, and even alternate with them, and me- tallic veins paſs without interruption through each, a proof of their coeval formation; but where the vein paffes through the lime- ftone it is deftitute of metal; and even the metallic fubftances found in each differ both in nature and pofition, as Charpentier has (458) has obferved. Lettere Oritologice al Sr Ar- duino. - Now it is evident that the heat which could melt the limeftone fhould melt alfo the ftrata of gneifs, which is much more fufible, and confound both. This obfervation alfo proves that metals were not thrown up in a ſtate of fufion into the veins that contain them (another opi- nion of Dr. Hutton's), elſe ſome would be found in that part of the vein that tra- verfes the limeſtone. To theſe confiderations I fhall add a de- monſtration that pure limeſtone, ſuch as Carrara marble, did not originate from ſhells; it is this, phoſphoric acid is found in moſt ſhells *, but none is found in pure lime- ſtone, Mem. Turin. 1789, 63. and its abſence cannot be attributed to fufion, for phoſpho- ric acid is indeſtructible by heat. 3. Stony fubftances are often found fu- perimpoſed on clay, which has not the ap- pearance even of having been baked; how could that happen if both were heated from beneath? 4. Various filiceous cryftals, and fome gems are found terminated by perfect py- * See Mr. Hatchett's curious paper in Phil. Tranſ, 1799, Part II. ramids ( 459 ) ramids at both ends, without any mark of adherence; if theſe were formed in water fuch formation may be conceived, as the primordial particles might be fupported by that fluid, but they cannot be ſuppoſed, to have been formed by fufion, as during that operation they muſt have been ſupported by fome folid to which they would afterwards adhere, and thus their fhape on feparation would be deſtroyed. 5°. The impreffions of fhorls and other ftones more fufible than quartz, are often found deeply engraved in it; they muſt therefore, if in fufion, have congealed, while the quartz was ftill in fufion which is a contradiction in terms. 6°. Pure minute filiceous cryſtals are found difperfed even in Carrara marble; the granular limeftone of Dauria and Swif ferland abound in filiceous and argillaceous particles; now if thefe calcareous maffes had been fufed, this could not happen, as thefe fubftances are fluxes to each other, and run into a common mafs. Fluors and gypfum have alfo been found cryſtallized in the midſt of fubftances into which, if fuſed, they ſhould flow, and with them, by the (460) the laws of affinity, form one common maſs, as is daily experienced. 7°. Shells, in their natural fhape and with their natural pearly luftre, have been found imbedded in flints and hornftones ; Could this happen if the flints, &c. had been melted? if it could, why are they ne- ver found in granite or gneifs, &c? Again, as to metallic fubftances and ores, they equally diſclaim an igneous origin. Thus, 1°. Gold is found native in large maſſes in the county of Wicklow, many fpecimens, to all external appearance even when examined with a microſcope, per- fectly free from ftony ſubſtances. I have examined one of theſe ſpecimens, and found its ſpecific gravity only 13. but after it had been melted its ſpecific gravity amounted to 18. and many fandy particles appeared on its furface; thefe, therefore (and perhaps fome vacuities), were originally difperfed through its maſs, which could not happen if it had originated from fufion, fince by the laws of gravity the grains of fand ſhould float on its furface, as they afterwards did when it was really fufed. Mr. Alcohorn, I am informed, fawed a piece of this found in ( 461 ) in Wicklow, and found grains of quartz and ironſtone in the middle of it. In the fame manner native filver is often found in- ternally mixed with quartz, 2 Roz. 197, which could not happen if the filver had been fufed. 2°. The fulphurated filver ore is fre- quently found incorporated with calx of iron; now if it had been formed by fufion, this could not happen, as the fulphur would unite preferably to the iron. 3°. Cryſtallized amalgamas of filver and mercury are found in the Dutchy of Deux Ponts. Could theſe have been formed by heat? Magnetifm is deftroyed by heat, and magnets cannot be formed by fufion, but they may by ruft and water, therefore that iron ore was never fufed. 3. Specular iron is found lining the in- fide of gun barrels in which water had been decompofed, by fufion this compound would be deftroyed; the natural was not there- fore formed by fufion. 5°. Galena may be imitated in the dry way, but imperfectly, for that fo formed does not decrepitate when heated, whereas the natural does, therefore this was not formed by fufion. 6º. Pyrites • (462) 6°. Pyrites may be formed by fufion, but fuch pyrites differs much from the natural, the natural is yellow, the artificial never; the natural is fcarcely fufible, the artificial eafily; the natural contains abundance of fulphur and yields it by diſtillation; artifi- cial cannot be made to yield any. 7º. Cinnabar may alſo be formed by heat, but the artificial differs from the native; the native is almost always of a compact or foliated texture, whereas that formed by heat is fibrous or ftriated. 8'. So alfo regulus of antimony fulphur- ated by nature takes up upwards of 35 per cent. of fulphur, but by fufion the fame quantity of regulus cannot be made to take up 30 per cent. of fulphur. 9°. Blendes, or fulphurated zinc ores, contain a large proportion of water, which could not happen if they were produced by fufion, but is not furprifing if they were formed in water; moreover fulphur and zinc can ſcarcely be brought to unite in the dry way. 10. Native precipitate, per fe, or oxygen- ated mercury, is frequently diffufed through bituminous clay or ilates; heat would im- mediately 6 (463) this ore mediately feparate the oxygen, therefore was formed in the moiſt way. 11°. Cobalt and bifmuth are found united in cobaltic ores, but thefe metals do not mix with each other in fufion, there- fore they were not formed by it. -12°. In the cobalt ore, called reticular cobalt, we fee the cobalt running in veins through quartz, and yet the quartz on each fide remains untinged, which could not happen if the cobalt had been in fufion. In many caſes we ſee the quartz tinged red by cobalt, whereas if fufion had taken place, the tinge fhould have been blue. 13°. White calx of manganefe blackens when heated, now this calx is found na- tive, therefore this was never heated. 14°. Sulphur if heated in contact with oxygen, muſt have been converted into vi- triolic acid; and for the fame reafon, no na- tive regulus, but rather calx of arfenic, ſhould exift, therefore the abfence of oxygen in a heat that could be produced only by oxygen, is a new fuppofition to be added to the Huttonian theory. Thefe inftances I think fufficient to prove, (464) prove, that the actual state and appearance of minerals are not due to previous fuſion. water. The Doctor indeed, feems to reft the neceffity of admitting his theory chiefly on the impoffibility of afcribing the acknow- ledged original fluidity or foftneſs of mine- rals to any other caufe but igneous fuſion. There are juſt two ways, he fays, by which porous bodies may be confolidated, and formed into maffes of a regular ſtructure, namely, congelation from a fluid ſtate by cold, and accretion by cryftallization from His arguments againſt this laſt widely difperfed through his whole work, or at leaft, the principal among them, I fhall now confider, but expreſſed in my own words, as the author's ftatements are intolerably perplexed and diffufe, and more- over frequently refer to that part of his theory which I have already refuted, name- ly, that all minerals were originally collect- ed at the bottom of the fea from the mate- rials of an anterior continent, and confe- quently in a pungy porous ftate, as he calls it. 1º. If it was from a folution in water that minerals were formed, it is impoffible to 1 (465) to conceive how theſe maſſes ſhould have been confolidated without any viſible water in their compofition; the anſwer to this is obvious; falts daily cryftallize in water, without retaining any visible in their com- pofition. Barytic lime acquires a ftony hardneſs on being barely flacked *. The depofitions of the fprings of Cartſbad, in Bohemia, the cruft formed in common tea kettles are other inftances of ftony maffes formed in water without retain- ing any viſible in their compofition. Doc- tor Black can tell him, " that when con- cretions of filiceous earth are once form- ed, and afterwards receive frequent ad- ditions of the fame matter, which in- finuating itſelf into the pores of the con- cretion is fixed there, and increaſes their denfity and folidity, the mafs may in time acquire a furpriſing degree of hardneſs, the petrifactions of Geyfer are undoubtedly form- ed in this manner, and fome of them are fo denſe and hard, that they can hardly be diftinguiſhed from agate or calcedony. 3 Edin. Tranf. p. 114. The obfervations of * Annales de Chym. p. 278, 283. H h Rinman, ( 466 ) Rinman, and Mr. Edward King, quoted at large in my 4th Effay, are alfo full to the purpoſe. 2. The Doctor infifts, that if water had been the menftruum by which confolidating matter had been introduced into the inter- ftices of ftrata, then water fhould be con- fidered as an univerfal menftruum, in con- tradiction to chemical principles, for there are ftrata confolidated by calcareous ſpar, by fluors, by fulphureous or bituminous fubftances, by filiceous matter; all which fubftances are infoluble in water. P. 53. he afferts that no filiceous body having the hardneſs of flint, nor any cryftallization of that fubftance, have ever been formed ex- cept by fufion. From this paragraph one would be apt to infer that flints and filice- ous cryſtals have in fome experiments been formed by fufion, whereas the truth is, that no flint or pure filiceous cryftal have ever been known to have been fufed, except the microſcopic particle fufed by Sauffure, as al- ready mentioned, and that the fufibility of filiceous matter in any known heat, with- out the affiftance of fluxes, which enter into the compofition of the refulting com- pound, ( 467 ) pound, is as much or more oppoſite to che- mical principles than the folubility of fili- ceous matter in water, I fay more oppofite, becauſe filiceous particles have, frequently been found diffolved in water, as I have Thewn in many inftances, both in the 4th and 7th Effays, and therefore need not here repeat. The infolubility of filiceous matter proceeds from its integrant affinity: thus Mr. Macie found powdered flints in- foluble. Phil. Tranf. 1791. 385. hence when it is fufficiently comminuted, as I have ſhewn it originally to have been, there is no obstacle to its folution. Water cannot, however, be called an univerfal menftruum, as a menftruum is a fluid whofe fpecific affi- nity to the particles of a folvend is greater than the integrant affinity of the ultimate particles of the folvend to each other. His affertion that ftrata are folidified by fpars, filiceous matter, fluors, &c. is perfectly chi- merical, and reſts folely on his own peculiar opinion that they were originally depofited in a foft ftate, but hardened by the con- gelation of thofe fufed fubftances; whereas their hardness proceeds generally, merely from their own integrant attraction, as Hh 2 thewn ( 468 ) F fhewn in the 4th Effay. From what elſe can the hardneſs even of a fubftance con- gealed after fufion proceed? 3. Sulphur is found combined with al- moſt all metals; a combination, he ſays, that could be formed only by fufion, as fulphur is infoluble in water. This affertion alfo is contradicted by facts: fulphur has been repeatedly found diffolved in water in the form of hepatic air; I have fhewn that a cubic foot of water may contain 374 grains of fulphur, and according to Bergman, it may contain much more. See 2 Weftrumb. 117, 130. Copper pyrites have been found newly produced, as fhewn in my 7th Eſſay, and alſo the red filver ore. Monnet afferts martial pyrites to be daily formed, Vitriolization, p. 11. he alfo found that calces of iron and fulphur unite in the moift way. Diffol. p. 57. That copper and fulphur unite in the moiſt way, See 1 Chy. Ann. 1794, 296. Blende is unluckily quoted by the Doctor, as from the difficulty of uniting fulphur and zink in the dry way, and the quantity of water it contains it prima facie befpeaks an aque ous origin. Cinnabar and antimony are 8. alfo (469) alfo fulphurated metallic compounds, and may by art be formed both in the dry and the moift way, but the compounds formed in the dry way differ from the natural, as already feen; there are many compounds. formed by nature in the moift way, with the detail and manner of whofe formation we are not acquainted; for inftance nitre, which nature forms in a manner we have not yet diſcovered; the Doctor will not affuredly thence conclude that it therefore was formed by fufion. 4°. The Doctor next proceeds to the ex- amination of the bituminous fubftances, and tells us that oily and refinous ſubſtances originate from vegetation, and from a col- lection of thefe at the bottom of the fea there are formed ftrata which have after- wards undergone various degrees of heat, and were variouſly changed in confequence of that heat according as the diftillation of the more volatile parts was fuffered to proceed, p. 69. and in his 8th chapter, which pro- feffedly treats of the formation of coal, he tells us, that many coal ftrata are found in a charred ftate, which indicates that their more volatile oleaginous or fuliginous mat- ter had been ſeparated by fubterraneous Hh3 heat } (470) heat at the bottom of the ocean. To this we are alſo to add all the fuliginous matter that ariſes from burning bodies on the fur- face of the earth, which ultimately fettled at the bottom of the fea. Moreover, the Scotch rivers run into the ſea tinged brown by mofs water, which leaves on evaporation, a fubftance much refembling foffil coal; therefore we may conceive an immenſe quantity of inflammable vegetable ſub- ftance diffolved in water carried into the fea by all the rivers on the earth, for an inde- finite ſpace of time, and cannot heſitate in fuppofing it ſeparated from the water and precipitated by the continual action of the fun and atmoſphere, to the bottom of the fea; there it muſt form a body of a moſt uniform ſtructure, and breaking with a po- liſhed furface, and more or leſs fufible in fire, and burning with more or lefs flame and fmoke, in proportion as it ſhould be diſtilled or infpiffated by more or leſs fub- terranean heat. p. 579, &c. and though beds of fandſtone are frequently placed above and below the ftrata of coal, yet, he adds, we do not find any fand mixed in the ftrata of the coal itſelf. This (471) 4 This account of the origin of mineral coal appears to me as improbable as that of the origin of ftony ſubſtances, and in fome refpects, more extraordinary, as will appear by examining it in detail. 1º. According to this hypothefis, all fu- liginofities arifing from combuftion on the furface of the earth are finally carried into the fea; this refts on the fuppofition, that all foil is gradually carried into the ſea, a notion which has been already refuted. 2º. It is fuppofed that all rivers carry vegetable carbonaceous matter into the ſea, and that it is there depofited, and yet no proof is given that any river depofits the vegetable matter that tinges them, and on the contrary it appears from the Doctor's own words, that this vegetable carbon- aceous matter is depofited, only in the cafe where the water is feparated from it by evaporation. If the action of the fun and atmoſphere has the power of produc- ing fuch a feparation without evaporation, the Doctor fhould adduce fome experiment to that purpoſe, and not content himſelf with mere affertion; but the fact is, depofi- tions of even flimy inflammable matter H h 4 are (472) are exceeding rare, and muft, like many others, be made in the rivers themſelves, asi in the canals in Holland, or at their mouths, and there is no reaſon to think that it is the vegetable matter that dif colours fome rivers that is ever depoſited, but the more folid turfy particles that are carried off by the rivers that flow through bogs or the particles that accidently fall into them; the vegetable matter found in the canals of Holland does not form a par- ticular ftratum, but is mixed with mud, no fuch ftratum has been found in the ex- cavation made in Holland to the depth of 240 feet, as may be ſeen in Varenius and Mufchenbroeck, nor in that made in the ftrata formed by the depofitions of the Seïne examined by Guettard, Mem. Par. 1753. nor in that made in Egypt, though the foil was intirely formed of the depoſitions from the Nile, nor has any ſuch coaly matter been ever brought up in any found- ings; hence I conclude that the exiſtence of fuch ftrata at the bottom of the fea is purely imaginary. 3. If our beds of mineral coal had been formed in the fea, we fhould find fea fhells among 1 (473) among them, whereas fluviatile fhells are by far the moſt common, when any are found. Sea fhells occur very rarely, and thefe are merely adventitious, as I have ſhewn in the preceding Effays. 4°. Suppoſing even that vegetable mat- ter had been conveyed into the fea, and there had formed particular ftrata, the dif tillation of thefe ftrata is equally incon- ceivable; to diftil coal a great heat is ne- ceffary; to diſtil it fo as to expel the oily matter, an incandefcent heat would be required, and even by this the laſt portions of bitumen cannot be expelled, moreover an immenfe quantity of inflammable air is produced: if our beds of coal had under- gone that operation, would not various figns of it appear? Would not bitumen be found in the neighbourhood of thoſe beds of coal from which it had been expelled? Would not the fulphur alfo be diſtilled from the pyrites found in the coal? Yet neither in the coal mines of Kilkenny, the coal of which is of all others moſt complete- ly deſtitute of bituminous matter, nor any where near them, is the leaft trace of bitumen ( 474 ) bitumen to be found, and the pyrites re- main in their uſual integrity. Would not fome of the neighbouring ftones appear fuſed by this heat? Yet no trace of fuſion is feen in any coal mine. Would not the ftrata of coal itſelf appear bloated and puf- fed, inſtead of affuming a regular foliated texture? Would not the fuperior earthy or ftony ftrata be diſordered by the vehe- ment expulfion of air? Yet no fuch difor- der, but in general a great regularity, is obferved. How comes it to paſs, that the few fhells, and the by far more numerous leaves that are found in coal mines, difcover not the leaſt mark of having endured any heat? And yet the interſtices of the coal are frequently lined with lamellar quartz, particularly in the coal mines of Kilkenny; a new proof that the quartz was never fufed. After thefe remarks, I think it needlefs to enlarge farther on this fubject, or inquire why coal mines are confined to fecondary hills, or inquire how fixed air had acquired its carbonic matter, and ſhall only add that · the Doctor's affertion, that fand is never found (475) found mixed in the ftrata of coal, is not true. See Charp. p. 7. and 2 Buff. Miner. p. 189, in 8vo. Even ſtrata of falt appear to the Doctor to have been formed by fufion; but the only proof he adduces is, that the falt rock of Cheſhire lies in ftrata of red marl, and that the regular ftructure of the floating marly ſubſtance in the body of the falt is inexplicable on any other fuppofition but the fufion of the falt. The intermixture of marl and clay in beds of falt, I have al- ready explained, and its exiftence in them is a certain proof that the falt was not fuſed, for if it were, it would by the mix- ture of theſe ſubſtances be decompoſed, at leaſt in part, whereas no trace of uncom- bined alkali is found in common falt mines; the fea fhells, and alfo wood, often found between the ftrata difcover no fign of the application of heat; befides falt was never in any experiment found cryftallized after fufion. Of metallic ores enough has been already faid; I ſhould not, however, forget in digging the ruins of the ancient town of Chatelet feveral iron tools were found, the wooden handles of which were converted into ( 476 ) $ into hematites, the organization of the wood ſtill remaining; they lay buried during 1600 years. 10 Buffon Suppl. 197. This ore then muſt have originated in the moiſt way. Having thus fhewn that the origin and preſent ſtate of no fpecies of mineral can, with any appearance of probability, be af cribed to fufion, I fhould here conclude this Effay, as it were idle to inquire how our continents could be raiſed, by a cauſe of whoſe exiſtence we have no proof, did I not think it neceffary to expofe the fallacy of fome, and the falfehood of others of Dr. Hutton's replies to the objections I made to his fyftem on a former occafion. I fhall not indeed always confine myſelf to his own words, as this would be often intolerably tedious, but I fhall ftrictly ſtate the ſubſtance of each. P. 206. The Doctor denies that he had "that all foil is made from the de- "compofition or detritus of ftony fubſtan- faid, 66 - "ces," yet page 13, he ſays, “a foil is no- thing but the materials collected from "the deftruction of the folid land;" this requires no comment. Ibid. (477) Ibid. He denies that he had ſaid, "that "foil is conftantly waſhed away, but only "that it is neceſſarily waſhed away, that is, occafionally." This is a mere play upon words, conftantly is as often taken for cer- tainly as perpetually, fee Johnſon's Diction- ary; but I am fure neceffarily was never ufed as fynonymous to occafionally. Ibid. He apprehends "I have miſappre- "hended Mr. De Luc, when I afferted on his 66 6f authority, that foil is not always carried away by water, even from mountains.' The paffages of Mr. De Luc are too long and too numerous to be here inferted; they may be found in the 27th and 28th, and following letters to the Queen; on pe- rufing them it will eaſily be feen which of us has miſapprehended the meaning of that celebrated Geologift. '' p. 208. He cenfures me for advancing, "that his conclufion relative to the imper- fect conſtitution of the globe falls to the ground, and the pains he takes to learn by what means a decayed world may be " renovated are fuperfluous." "" In reply to which he afferts, "that the object of his theory is to fhew that this CC decaying ( 478 ) << (6 66. decaying nature of the folid earth is the very perfection of its conftitution as a living world, and therefore it was proper he "ſhould ſhew how the decayed parts ſhould "be renovated." P. 210. He puts me a ftring of quef- tions. "Does he mean to fay, that it is "not the purpoſe of this world to provide "foil for plants to grow in?" I answer, provifion for this purpoſe has long ago been made and does not require daily renewal. "Does he ſuppoſe that foil is not remove- "able with the running water off the ſur- "face?" I answer, that all that is move- able is not moved; all the water that falls on the furface does not run to the fea, but is either foaked, evaporated, or fucked in by vegetables; that which runs is often ſtopped in its courſe, and the molecules of foil abraded and carried from fome ſpots are often annually recruited by vegetation, ex- cept in a few particular fituations, as on the fides of hills much expoſed to winds, and even there the abraſion is fcarce ever total. "Does he think it is not neceffary to re- 66 place the foil which is removed?" I an- fwer, it is not, neither always nor every ·6 where. ་ (479) J where. The Doctor fays, " He required no "more than this gradual removal of foil;" but in the firſt place, he required this re- moval to be univerfal and complete, and in the next place, that this foil fhould at laſt be ſeated in the unfathomable abyffes of the ocean, notions which I have fhewn to be unfounded, and he himſelf partly owns to be fo in the note to page 14 of his new publication. P. 211. The Doctor charges me with denying what he afferts in his theory, name- ly, That the folid parts of the globe are "in general compofed of fand, gravel, ar- gillaceous and calcareous ftrata," and with adding, "that this cannot be affumed "as a fact, but rather the contrary; that it "holds true only of the furface, and that "the baſis of the greater part of Scotland is evidently a granitic rock, to fay nothing "of the continents both of the old and new 66 world, according to the teftimony of all "mineralogifts," in anfwer to which, he tells us, that this general propofition he ftill maintains as a fact, and that after vifiting moſt parts of Scotland and obtain- ing good information with regard to thofe parts (480) $ parts which he had not feen, 14 66 "perhaps "that he can "with fome confidence affirm, that (ex- cept the north-west corner) inſtead of the "bafis of the greater part of Scotland being granitic rock, very little of it is fo, not part." His countryman, Mr. Williams, by profeffion a miner, and who certainly has vifited all parts of Scot- land, and particularly noted the ſubterra- neous, gives us a very different account. Vol. II. p. 13. he tells us, "that the moun- "tains of Ben-Nevis in the Highlands are chiefly compofed of red granite, and that "it is found in great abundance in many "other parts of Scotland . . . . . but without "the leaſt appearance of ſtratification ;' and "That grey granite is very P. 19, "common in many parts of this iſland both in high and in low lands, north and fouth;" and p. 33," that Scotland is re- "markable for a great number and variety "of granites." Mr. Everfman, a German mineralogiſt, who refided fome years in Scotland, and vifited moſt parts of it, is ftill more expreſs; he tells that the fundamental rock (Grund- gebirge confifts of a granitic aggregate (grani- (481) nitic aggregate (granitartigen maffe), 1 Berg. Jour. 1789, p. 495. The Doctor indeed tells us, that along the coaft of Galloway to Inve- rary, he examined every fpot between the Grampians and Tweedale mountains, yet could fee no granite in its place; but Doctor Afh in a letter to Mr. Crell, 1 Chy. Ann. 1792, p. 115, informs him, that from Galloway, Dumfries, and Berwick, there is a chain of mountains, commonly fhiſtoſe, but often alfo granitic: and Mr. Grotſche, another German mineralogift, who had vifited Scotland, affirms, that the Grampian mountains confift of micaceous limeſtone, gneifs, porphyry, argillite, and granite, alter- nating with each other. 1 Bergb. 399. Moſt probably the Doctor examined only the fur- face, where he ſhould not always expect to meet that which I called the baſis the fuperi- or ftrata; the glaring inconfiftencies that oc- cur in page 215 I need not mention, as they cannot eſcape notice. my P. 216. He upbraids me with " forming notions of geology from the vague opinion of others and not from what I "had feen." Muft not many of thofe who 66 embrace his opinions, do he expects will I i the (482) the fame? Does he think that from a view of Britain fingly, a geology can be formed? Yet this is all he boafts to have feen; though I have not travelled with my eyes fhut, yet I felicitate myſelf with being ac- quainted, not merely with the opinions, but with the facts related by a Ferber, who has travelled through Germany, Italy, and England; by a Pallas, and Patrin, and Her- man, who traverfed Ruffia, and Siberia; by a Born, who vifited Hungary; by a Sauffure, who made us fo well acquainted with the Alps; by Carbonieres and La Peroufe, who viewed and examined the Pyrenees; by Charpentier, who inveſtigated fo ably the internal ſtructure of Saxony; by Lafius, who diſplayed that of the Hartz; and by many more whom I have occafion- ally quoted in the preceding Eflays. I ſuppoſe it will be thought reaſonable to pay more attention to thefe, than (to ex- preſs myſelf in the mildeſt terms) to the a priori conclufions of any man, unſupported by facts, and contradicted by all natural appearances. As to the tendency of his - fyftem to prove that this globe had properly 1peaking no beginning, I fhall take no far- 8 ther ( 483 ) i ther notice of it; all he fays he means is, "that in tracing back the natural opera- "tions which have fucceeded each other "6 we come to a period in which we can- "not ſee any farther. This, however, is not "the beginning of thofe operations which pro- "ceed in time. . . . nor is it the eſtabliſh- ing of that which in the courſe of time "had no beginning, it is only the limit of "our retrofpective view of thofe operations "which have come to paſs in time, and “ have been conducted by fupreme intelli- 66 gence." p. 223. Let the reader under- ftand this as he can: but whether the Doctor can fee fo far or not, there muſt have been a primitive globe, or this globe was eternal; if there was a primitive globe, it muſt have had calcareous earth underived from ſhell fish, or not reſemble ours. P. 226. As I had advanced in my for- mer paper, that the interior parts of the earth, at the depth of a few miles might have been originally, as at prefent, a folid mafs, the Doctor afks, "how a naturalift who "had ſeen a piece of Derbyſhire marble, or 66 any other limeftone, could make that fuppofition?" As if any marble or lime- Ii 2 ftone (484) 1 ſtone had ever been taken from the depth of a few miles! and as if the ſea itſelf, from whence he derives all, did not require a folid body to fupport it. P. 227. He enters on a refutation of my notions of the confolidation of ſtrata, which he contrives fo to diſtort, miftate, and per- plex, that to disentangle them from his dif- ingenuous mifreprefentations would require too tedious a difcuffion; my own ſtatement may be ſeen in the preceding Effays, and differs but little from the fentiments of fome or other of the moſt enlightened na- turalifts of this age, Sauffure, Werner, De Luc, La Metherie, &c. Yet as I had quoted the induration of Pouzzolana mortar (not common mortar as he miftates) under wa- ter, he ſays, "One would imagine I was 66 writing to people of the laſt age," and takes no notice of the ftalactite formed un- der water, which I had quoted from Mr. Smeaton's obfervations, though both are full proofs of the general fact, that ftony concretions may be formed in water, though their interſtices were originally filled with water. What too will he fay to Dolo- mieu's obſervation, that many ſtones harden by ( 485 ) by fprinkling them with water? Ponces, 417. and to many other inſtances which I have quoted in Effay IV? He furely can- not think that more regard is to be had to his a priori reaſoning about the difficulty of expelling water from the interſtices of con- creting maffes, than to known facts. P. 236. After obferving that I had taken great pains to refute the notion of a ſub- terraneous heat fufficient to melt all mine- ral fubftances, he tells us, "that he gives 66 "" 66 ❝ed. himſelf very little trouble about that fire, "and takes no charge with regard to the procuring of that power, as he had not "founded his theory on the fuppofition of "fubterraneous fire; however that fire pro- perly follows as a conclufion from thoſe appearances on which the theory is found- ... he does not pretend to prove "demonftrably that the fuſed minerals had "been even hot; however that conclufion "alfo naturally follows from their having "been in fufion, it is fufficient for him to "demonſtrate that theſe bodies muſt have "been more or lefs in a ſtate of foftnefs "and fluidity, without any ſpecies of folu- "tion; he does not ſay that this fufion was " without Ii 3 ( 486 ) "without heat, but if it had, it would an- "fwer equally well the purpoſe of his << (C theory.” And p. 237 he owns, "I have juſtly remarked the difficulty of fire burn- ing below the earth and fea, but fays it "is not his purpofe to endeavour to remove "thofe difficulties which perhaps only exiſt "in the fuppofitions made on that occa- "fion. . . . . It is furely one thing to employ "fire and heat to melt mineral bodies, in CC 66 fuppofing this to be the cauſe of their "conſolidation, and another thing to ac- knowledge fire or heat as having been "exerted on mineral bodies, when it is "proved by actual appearance that theſe "bodies had been in a melted ftate; here 66 are diftinctions which would be thrown 66 away upon the vulgar," &c. I confefs I am one of the vulgar, and can underſtand nothing in this paradoxical paragraph; I cannot conceive how minerals could be melted without heat, unleſs miraculouſly, nor the difference between the employ- ment of heat, and the exertion of heat, and plainly fee, that it would be idle in me to argue with a perſon who thinks he can. P. 238. He tells us, "He does not avoid meeting 66 ( 487 ) <6 meeting the queſtion of providing the "materials for fuch a mineral fire as may "be required; but it must not be put in "the manner I have put it, that is, as if he "had made that fire a neceffary condition, <6 or principle of conſolidation, whereas he "had inferred the exiſtence of an internal "heat from the proofs he had given that ſtony ſubſtances had been in a fluid ſtate 66 66 of fufion, and if thefe be juft then my arguments are uſeleſs." And in p. 243, he tells us, "that according to his theory "the ſtrata of this earth are compoſed of "materials which came from a former earth, particularly the combuftible ſtrata "that contain plants. Let us then ſuppoſe "the fubterraneous fire fupplied with its "combuſtible materials from this fource, "the vegetable bodies growing on the fur- "face of the land. Here is a fource pro- "vided for mineral fire which is inexhauſt- 66 66 ible, or unlimited, unleſs we circumfcribe "it with regard to time and the neceffary ingredients." As to the firſt part of this paragraph, I have fufficiently refuted it by fhewing that there is no general appear- ance, which neceffarily fuggefts a former ftate Ii 4 ( 488 ) 1 1 ftate of fufion of all minerals; let us then examine the latter part, in which I conceive the Doctor has egregiouſly deceived him- felf. According to his theory then the minerals of this earth were melted by the combustible vegetables that grew on a for- mer earth for an indefinite length of time; this earth, however, the Doctor ſuppoſes to have been inhabited like the prefent*; moſt of theſe vegetables, therefore, muſt have been confumed, as at prefent, by theſe an- cient inhabitants, and many muſt have de- cayed. There remained only fuch quan- tities of them carried into the fea as are at preſent ſo conveyed, and when there, they muſt have rotted or been decompofed as at prefent; and only fuch as efcaped de- compofition could ferve as fuel for his mi- neral heat; but in an indefinite ſpace of time must not all of them have been de- compofed? How then, even in that unli- mited duration which the Doctor gratui- toufly claims, could fuch a collection of combuftibles be accumulated, and in fuch a perfect ſtate as would be neceffary to fur- * Page 177, 188. 273. nih f ( 489 ) niſh a degree of heat fufficient to melt, I do not ſay a mountain, but even a frag- ment of quartz? Where has he diſcovered or read that ſuch unmixed ftrata as would be required in his hypothefis, were ever found at the mouths of rivers, where fome part at leaſt of thoſe combuſtibles muſt have been depoſited in the fame manner as he ſuppoſes them to have been at the bottom of the fea? How detain the hydrogen? Where find the oxygen, equally neceffary? On whatever fide we view this hypotheſis, nothing but improbability or impoffibility offers itſelf to our view. The Doctor tells us, p. 143, that " We "must not eſtimate the proportion of ma- "terials anciently employed in fufing mi- "nerals by that which is actually found in this earth, this he allows is deficient, and " is only the fuperfluity of that which was employed." If we are not to judge of the paſt by analogy with the preſent world, I own I am at a lofs how to judge; the Doctor gives no eſtimate, but finds it much more convenient to leave the whole in- volved in obſcurity. P. 247, &c. He reproaches me with mifcon- (490) mifconceiving, or miſrepreſenting, a paſſage of Mr. Dolomieu, wherein I make him ſay, that ſubterraneous heat is not even equal to that of our common furnaces, and the Doctor affirms, that if I had quoted the text inſtead of giving my own interpreta- tion, I could not have offered a ſtronger confirmation of his theory. I fhall, there- fore, now give him the words of Mr. Do- lomieu, which were taken, not from the Journal de Phyfique, Mai, 1792, as the Doctor believed, but from the Preface to his Account of the Pontian Islands, p. 8; the words are, "Le feu des Volcans n'a point d'intensité il ne peut pas vitrifier les "fubftances les plus fufibles tels que les fhorls, il produit la fluidité par une ef- 66 22 pece de diffolution par une fimple dila- "tion qui permet aux parties de gliffer les "unes fur les autres." It is this laſt opi- nion it ſeems the Doctor regretted, I had not quoted, as it alludes to a myſterious - kind of fufion, which Mr. Dolomieu then admitted, and which the Doctor confe- quently thought favourable to his own, as it participated of the fame incomprehenſi- bility. But this great geologiſt has fince ( cleared ( 491 ) cleared up this point and perfifts in denying the great heat of volcanos. I fhall now quote his own words. Journ. de Phyf. for 1794. p. 118. Le feu des volcans n'a pas une grande intenſité il ne produit pas une chaleur proportioné à ce qu'on preſumeroit de fon grand volume, on approche d'un courant de laves fans eprouver cette ardeur vive & cuifante que l'on reffent près des verres & des metaux en fufion on peut monter deffus pendant qu'il coule, &c. and p. 121. prefque tous les phenomenes ac- ceffoires favorifent mon opinion fur la fluidité des laves qui ne feroit alors qu'une fimple folution par le fouffre & qui n'exigeroit qu'une chaleur peu fuperieure à celle neceffaire pour tenir en fufion le fouffre pur. The info- lent tone the Doctor affumes in the fuc- ceeding pages would call for the fevereſt reprehenfion did it not ſtill more properly meet it in the fentiments it muſt naturally excite in the minds of every unprejudiced philofophic reader. • P. 253-257. He examines my anſwer to the argument he deduced from the appa- rent fuſion of the native regulus of manga- neſe, and concludes by remarking that " ❝ obſervation my f (492) "obfervation on this occafion, looks as if I 66 were willing to deſtroy by infinuation the "force of an argument that proves the the- ory of mineral fufion, and wiſh to render 66 doubtful, by a ſpecies of fophiftry, what, in "fair reafoning, I cannot deny." To this compliment I ſhall make no reply, but barely ftate Mr. La Peroufe's teftimony and the conclufion I drew from it. Mr. La Perouſe relates that he found the native regulus among the iron mines of Sem; that it exifts in feparate lumps like the artificial, but much larger, and that its figure exceeding- ly refembles that of the artificial," and that "this exact refemblance ought, it ſhould "feem, to induce us to think it was pro- "duced by fire. That it is very pure, "and contains no part attractable by the "magnet." Hence it is plain Mr. La Pe- roufe is inclined to think it was produced by fufion; but I did not think myſelf obliged to adopt this opinion; Mr. La Pe- roufe's propenfity to believe it a product of fire, was grounded on the great refem- blance of this native regulus to the artificial; this, however, did not convince me, as by the fame mode of reaſoning, moſt other native (493) native metals might alſo be afcribed to fu- fion, a notion entertained by none but Doctor Hutton. Local circumſtances muſt concur in fuggeſting fuch an opinion; now I knew that here local circumftances con- tradicted it; for the manganefe was found in the mountain of Rancié, a mountain of primitive limeftone, and among iron ores, moſt of which are hematitic, as Mr. La Peroufe informs us in his Traité fur les Mines de Fer, p. 8, and 53. neither of which were ever fufpected to be of igneous origin except by Doctor Hutton. Hence I concluded the manganefe could not be deemed to originate from fufion; the cir- cumſtance of its being found in lumps ſeemed to me a confirmation of this rea- foning, as it is well known that reguli arifing from fufion are always difcrete and ſeparate when the melting heat is not ſuf- ficient, and a defect of this fort could fcarce be found in fuch a heat as Doctor Hutton would have us to adopt, as accord- ing to him it could melt quartz, and muſt have melted the primitive limeſtone of which this mountain is formed, therefore the fize of the maffes produced makes part of the evidence that this regulus is not a product of ( 494 ) of fuſion, whatever the Doctor may allege to the contrary; but the Doctor answers "that with regard to the nature of the fire 66 by which the fuſion had been produced, "I am much mistaken if I imagine that "the reduction of the reguline or metallic manganefe depends on the intenſity of "the heat; it depends on the circum- "ſtances proper for the feparation of "the oxygenating principle of the calx." I ſuppoſe he means the reduction of the calx of manganefe, for the reguline or metallic manganefe being already re- duced, requires no reduction; then in oppofition to the Doctor I do fay that the reduction of the calx or feparation of the oxygenating principle by fufion fo as to ob- tain a pure regulus does require a very in- tenſe heat, and that no known circum- ſtance fuperfedes the neceffity of fuch heat. This I aver, not only on my own experience, but on that of every chymift in Europe. The words of Bergman are inten- fiffimo qui in laboratorio parari poffit igni ex- ponitur. 2 Berg. 203. he tells us that he himſelf could obtain only minute difcrete reguli; but that Gahn by applying a most in- tenfe heat obtained a larger. p. 202. See alſo Klaproth ( 495 ) ་ Klaproth 1 Chy. Ann. 1789, p. 11. and 3 Gren. § 3409. therefore the fize depends on the heat applied. The Doctor cannot furely fuppofe me a ſtranger to the necef- fity of ſeparating the oxygen. I was the firſt that publiſhed the proceſs for the reduction of manganeſe, in Engliſh in the year 1784. Hence the fallacy of his train of reaſoning and the injuſtice of his reproaches are evi- dent. P. 258. He reproaches me with not com- prehending how coal, an infufible fub- ſtance, could be ſpread into ftrata by any degree of heat, after he had given three 4to pages endeavouring to explain how all the different degrees of infufibility were produced; a fufficient fpecimen, he fays, of my underſtanding, at leaſt of his theory. He need not, however, confine himſelf to this fpecimen, for many other parts of his theory are to me equally incomprehenfible, as I have already often noticed; his explana- tion of this point in particular, I do not yet comprehend, for all coal appears to me infu- fible, except he means by fufion the intumef cence that takes place in certain fpecies of coal from the liquefaction of the bitumen contained in them which makes them cake A but (496) but not flow, but this partial liquefaction of the bitumen is not a real fufion of the whole compound, but rather ſimilar to that which takes place in borax and ſome other falts, from water* previous to their real fu- fion, and has never been confounded with it by any correct writer. Now no one that has ever ſeen coal thus partially liquefied can comprehend how, if the liquefied part were ſpread ever fo widely, it could form ſtrata of a texture and appearance, fo totally dif- ferent as thoſe we behold in coal mines, nor confequently how the one can be identified with the other. P. 259. His remarks on my obfervation on the cryſtallized trona, continued through five whole pages, are too perplexed and te- dious to be here repeated. The upſhot of my argument was fimply this, ſuppoſing that trona is deprived of its water of cryf- tallization, and yet found cryftallized (a circumſtance which I had then no oppor- tunity of examining), it would only prove that in this particular folitary inftance, that * And to this Wallerius very juftly compares it. 2 Syft. Miner. p. 100. alkali ( 497 ) alkali was cryftallized by fufion, but yet that was not the general mode in which cryftallized mineral alkali was produced, for that immenfe quantities of it were elſewhere found cryftallized, but all fur- niſhed with the water of cryftallization, and therefore from that ſolitary inſtance which might accidentally be produced, no general inference could be drawn; fince that time I have on examination found that in the inftance mentioned by the Doctor, the trona was not deprived of its water of cryf- tallization, but only contained much lefs of it than ufual. The Doctor, p. 163, cen- fures me for not informing him whether thofe maffes of mineral alkali which I faid to be cryſtallized, retaining their water of cryftallization were found in what may be properly termed their mineral ftate, or whether they were transformed from their mineral ſtate by the influence of the atmo- ſphere. In anſwer to which, I fhall tell him, that if he means by a mineral ſtate a fubterraneous ftate, neither they nor the trona were fo found; but if he means a ſpontaneous production of nature in the Kk mineral } (498) mineral kingdom, they are found fo cire cumſtanced, not produced from any folid mafs but from a ſtate of aqueous folution. The mineral alkali found on the fea coaſt in India, mentioned in the 6th vol. of the Society of Arts, of London, reſembles tro- na in ſome reſpects, for Mr. Keir, who examined it, tells us that it is in an inter- mediate ftate, between that of cryftals, which hold a large portion of water, and that of alkali dried as much as it can be. Ibid 141. it is true that this parcel was marked refined to diftinguish it from ano- ther fort much more impure, but it does not appear to have undergone any operation of art, in the account given of it, p. 265, &c. The Doctor fuppofes the granite which I faid was formed in the Mole, conftruct- ed in the Oder, was nothing more than fand compacted by mud, and regrets I had not been more particular in my deſcription of it. To fatisfy him then, I ſhall farther add, that it was fo compact that it could fcarce be feparated from the real granite to which it was contiguous by a blow, and could not be diſtinguiſhed in colour or co- hefion from natural granite, even by the moft ( 499 ) moſt experienced mineralogift; fee Prince Gallitzin's 1st Letter to Crell, p. 30, or his Treatife on Minerals, p. 23. Other in- ftances of regenerated granite may be ſeen in my 6th Effay, article Granite. f 1 1 Kk 2 : NOTES. (500) NOTE S. Native Gold. Page 21. Charpentier fhews that calcareous earth does not proceed from ſhells, and is often contempora- neous with gneifs; fee his deſcription of Saxony, p. 399. 402.403. P. 25. Siberia, and probably all other primeval tracts, whether plain or mountainous, were originally much higher than at preſent, having been lowered by difinte- gration, to which primeval rocks are moſt ſubject, par- ticularly the higheſt. P. 46. Some fecondary mountains appear to have been formed by fluviatile inundations, and difintegration, as the carboniferous, &c. P. 79. The earthquake that was felt in Canada in 1663, overwhelmed a chain of mountains more than 300 miles long. Clavigero's Hiftory of Mexico, p. 221. P. 403. In Mexico, native gold and other metals are chiefly found in fecondary mountains or hills. Helm, 300. Thefe are undoubtedly thoſe which I call DE- RIVATIVE, having arifen from the accumulation of the difintegrated particles of primeval mountains, as they lie at the foot of, and follow the courfe of, the primeval mountains. Few parts of Spaniſh America contain maffes of fea fhells. 2 Clavigero's Hiſtory of Mexico, Engliſh edition, p. 249. Theſe fecondary mountains were not therefore formed under the fea, but, like the carboniferous, aroſe from the difintegration of the primeval. The fame may be faid of many of the metalliferous mountains of Siberia and Cornwall, which confiſt moſtly of ſecond- ary granite. 8 P. 414. ( 501 ) P. 414. But in Mexico, fulphurated filver ores occur in mountains of granite, gneifs, and argillite. Helm. P. 417. In Guancavelica in Mexico, a vein of cin- nabar, 80 yards thick, is accompanied with galena, man- ganeſe, and arſenic. Helm. P. 420. In Iouricocha near Pafcho, a belly of porous brown ironflone is found, half a mile long and 15 fathom în thickneſs, containing native filver thinly diſperſed through it. But in the midst of it there runs a vein of white argil in which the filver abounds. Helm. Is it not evident, that the filver originally difperfed in this. porous mafs was conveyed by water into this argil? P. 421. At Maijos, the fparry iron ore is found in fecondary argillitic mountains, accompanied with gold, copper pyrites, and galena. P. 428. Near Cordova in Mexico, fome veins of copper ore are found in mountains of red and grey gra- nite. Helm. P. 429. In primeval blue argillite, of which the Cordelieres principally confift, the fame ores occur, together with thofe of gold, filver, and galena, and the fparry iron ore, in veins. The famous argentiferous coniform mountain of Potofi, which is 28 miles in cir- cumference, confifts of yellow hard argillite. At La Paz, the higheſt point of the Cordelieres, there is an auriferous conglomeration of yellow clay and rounded flints, in a fragment of which, that had lately fallen down, lumps of gold, weighing from two to twenty pounds, were found, and ſome of an ounce weight are ftill found. Helm. P. 431. In conglomerations of marl, gypfum, lime- ſtone, and fragments of porphyry, native gold, and filver ores abound in the ftratified mountains of Cufco. Alfo 3 native (502) native filver, and compact ores of copper and lead. Helm. P. 431. Behind Guancavelica, the argillite graduates into calcareous fandſtone, as does this into fimple lime- ftone; all equally rich in gold, filver, and mercury. Helm. P. 454. Spallanzani has alfo attempted to prove the heat of volcanoes to be very intenſe, but he is refuted by Dolomieu, fee Magazin Encyclop. An. 2d. Vol. I. P. 226. P. 468. Mr. Hatchett, in a paper lately read before the Royal Society, has fhewn from the experiments of Mr. Wiſeman, that martial pyrites and fulphurated filver ores, are even now formed in the moift way. Phil. Tranf. 1799. Nay, filver that has lain long in the fea has been found fulphurated and muriated, though ful- phur can be detected in fea water by no teft, which proves the truth of Mr. De Luc's affertion, that the fea may contain fubftances as yet unknown. Mr. Gar- dener informs me, he has found a coating of gold co- loured martial pyrites on the fhells of a fort of fhell fiſh called clamp fiſh, in a creek in Eaſt Florida. may P. 492. It at least be doubted whether the man- ganefe in queftion be in its perfect metallic ftate, as Chaptal in his Chapter on Ores, fince publifhed, bas omitted it: But if it be found to be fo, this proves no- thing in favour of Dr. Hutton's Theory, as we may fuppofe all metals to have been originally formed in their perfect ftate. THE END, { A BOOKS Printed for D, BREMNER (Succeffor to Mr. ELMSLY) in the Strand. Elements of Mineralogy, 2 Volumes 8vo. 2 An Effay on the Analyſis of Mineral Waters, 8vo. 3 Geological Effays, 8vo. 4 An Effay on Phlogifton, and the Conftitution of Acids, 8vo. 5 An Effay on the Temperature of Different Lati- tudes, 8vo. The above by Richard Kirwan, Eſq. F. R. S. 6 A Deſcription of the Minerals in the Lefkcan Mu- feum, by D. L. G. Karften; Tranflated by G. Mitchell, M. 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Tranflated from the German, with the addition of Notes, and Statiſtical Tables, &c. by Jofiah Dornford, Efq. LL. D. 3 Vol. 8vo. 12. Princefs Coquedoeuf and Prince Bonbon, a Hiſtory as Ancient as it is Authentic; Tranflated from the Neuftrian Tongue into French by M Degbacobub, and from French into Engliſh, by R. C. F. R.'S. &c. &c. 8vo. 13 A Treatise on the Effects and various Preparations of Lead, by M. Goulard. 12mo, Printed by Thomas Bensley, But Court, Fleet Street, London. : “.. E UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06448 7211