GL 424.5 C2 A 594584 B86 Prit museum Shells & the Canaries Gaylord Bros Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 QL 424.5 ·C2 886 LIST OF THE SHELLS OF OF THE CANARIES IN THE COLLECTION OF THE - BRITISH MUSEUM. (Not Hist) Hept COLLECTED BY MM. WEBB AND BERTHELOT. DESCRIBED AND FIGURED BY PROF. ALCIDE D'ORBIGNY, In the "Histoire Naturelle des Iles Canaries.” LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1854. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. THE specimens of Shells in the following List marked B.M. were received from Professor Alcide d'Orbigny, as the type specimens described by him in the "Histoire Naturelle des Iles Canaries, par MM. P. Barker-Webb et Sabin Berthelot, Membres de plusieurs Académies et Sociétés savantes. Ouvrage publié sous les auspices de M. Guizot, Ministre de l'Instruction publique. Paris, 1834-44, 4to, 2 tomes." The specimens are on their original cardboard trays, named by M. d'Orbigny, and marked with their special habitats. 1 Sept. 1854. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. 343160 LIST OF THE MOLLUSCA OF THE CANARIES. The species marked with a dagger (†) were not found by MM. Webb and Berthelot, but placed in the list on other authority. Class I. CEPHALOPODA. Order I. OCTOPODA. Fam. 1. OCTOPIDÆ. 1. OCTOPUS VULGARIS, Lamk., Webb & Berth. îles Canaries, ii. 14. Sepia octopodia, Linn. Sepia octopus, Gmelin. Polypus octopodia, Leach. 2. OCTOPUS CUVIERI, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 16. Octopus macropus, Risso. 3. ARGONAUTA HIANS, Solander, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 17. Argonauta Argo, Linn. Argonauta nitida, Lamk. 6 SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. Fam. 2. SEPIDÆ. 4. SEPIA OFFICINALIS, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 20. 5. SEPIA HIERREDDA, Rang, Webb & Berth. l. c. ü. 21. 6. SEPIA BERTHELOTI, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 21. Fam. 3. LOLIGIDE. 7. Loligo vulgaris, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 23. Loligo major, Rondel. Sepia Loligo, Linn. Fam. 4. SPIRULIDE. 8. SPIRULA PERONII, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 24. Nautilus spirula, Linn. Spirula prototypus, Peron. Class II. PTEROPODA. Fam. 1. HYALIDÆ. 9. HYALEA TRIDENTATA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 27. Anomia tridentata, Linn. Hyalæa papilionacea, Bory. Hyalæa cornea, Roissy. Hyalæa Forskalii, Lesueur. Cavolina natans, Abild. 10. HYALEA GIBBOSA, Rang, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii, 28. 11. HYALÆA QUADRIDENTATA, Lesueur, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 28. 12. HYALEA LONGIROSTRA, Lesueur, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 29. 13. HYALEA LABIATA, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 29. B.M. SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 7 14. HYALEA TRISPINOSA, Lesueur, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 29. 15. CLEODORA CUSPIDATA, Quoy, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 30. Hyalæa cuspidata, Bosc. 16. CLEODORA PYRAMIDATA, ď’Orb.,Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 30. Clio pyramidata, Browne. Hyalæa lanceolata, Gmel. Cleodora lanceolata, Quoy. Hyalæa pyramidata, d'Orb. 17. CLEODORA SUBULA, Quoy, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 31. Creseis spinifera, Rang. Hyalæa subula, d'Orb. 18. CLEODORA VIRGULA, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 31. Creseis virgula, Rang. Hyalæa virgula, d'Orb. 19. CLEODORA ACICULATA, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 31. Creseis aciculata, Rang. Hyalæa aciculata, d'Orb. 20. CUVIERIA OBTUSA, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 32. Cleodora obtusa, Quoy. Cuvieria columella, Rang. Class III. GASTEROPODA. Order I. HETEROPODA. Fam. 1. ATLANTIDEÆ. 21. HELICOPHLEGMA KERAUDRENII, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 35. Atlanta Keraudrenii, Rang. 8 SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 22. ATLANTA PERONII, Lesueur, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 36. 23. HELICONOÏDES INFLATA, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 36. Atlanta inflata, d'Orb. 24. HELICONOÏDES BULIMOIDES, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 37. Atlanta bulimoides, d'Orb. Order II. NUDIBRANCHIA. Fam. 1. DORIDÆ. 25. Doris PUNCTATA, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 38. t. 4. f. 1-5. 26. DORIS CANARIENSIS, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 39. 27. Doridigitata BertheloTI, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 40. t. 4. f. 6–8. 28. POLYCERA WEBBII, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 41. t. 4. f. 8-10. Fam. 2. EOLIDIDÆ. 29. GLAUCUS RADIATUS, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 42. Doris radiatus, Gmelin. Glaucus atlanticus, Blumenb. Glaucus hexapterygius, Cuvier. Glaucus australis, Peron. Order III. TECTIBRANCHIA. Fam. 1. APLYSIDÆ. 30. APLYSIA OCELLATA, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 44. t. 5. f. 1-4. B.M. SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 9 Fam. 2. BULLIDÆ. 31. BULLA AMPULLA, Gmelin, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 45. B.M. Order IV. PULMOBRANCHIA. Fam. 1. LIMACIDE. 32. LIMAX CANARIENSIS, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 47. t. 3. f. 1–3. 33. LIMAX CARINATA, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 47. t. 3. f. 48. 34. TESTACELLA MAUGEI, Féruss., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 48. Testacella haliotidea, Ledru. 35. TESTACELLA HALIOTIDEA, Drap., Webb & Berth. 7. c. ii. 49. Testacella europea, Roissy. 36. CRYPTELLA AMBIGUA, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 50. t. 1. f. 1-12. Testacellus ambiguus, Féruss. Parmacella calyculata, Sow. Cryptella Canariensis, Webb & Berth. Fam. 2. COLIMACIDÆ. 37. VITRINA LAMARCKII, Lowe, Webb & Berth. 1. c. B.M. ii. 53. B.M. Helicolimax Lainarckii, Féruss. Vitrina Teneriffe, Quoy. 38. HELIX CONSOBRINA, Féruss., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 54. B.M. 39. HELIX MALLEATA, Féruss., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 54. t. 1. f. 15-17. B.M. Helix bidentalis, Lamk. 40. HELIX SARCOSTOMA, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 54. t. 1. f. 13, 14. B.M. A 5 10 SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 41. HELIX LACTEA, Müller, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 55. B.M. 42. HELIX POUCHET, Féruss., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 56. B.M. Helix Adansonii, Webb & Berth. 43. HELIX PLICARIA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 56. B.M. Helix plicatula, Lamk. 44. HELIX SAULCYI, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 56. t. 3. f. 9-11. 45. HELIX VILLIERSI, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 57. t. 3. f. 12–14. 46. HELIX GAUDRYI, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 57. t. 3. f. 15-17. ? B.M. 47. HELIX ADVENA, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 58. t. 1. f. 18-20. B.M. 48. HELIX PISANA, Müller, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 58. Helix rhodostoma, Drap. B.M. Helix planata, Chemn. 49. HELIX ORBIGNYI, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 59. t. 2. f. 31-33. B.M. 50. HELIX CELLARIA, Müller, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 59. B.M. Helix nitida, Drap. 51. HELIX MARITIMA, Drap., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 60. B.M. 52. HELIX LANCEROTTENSIS, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 60. t. 1. f. 24-26. B.M. 53. HELIX MONILIFERA, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 61. t. 1. f. 21, 22. B.M. 54. HELIX LEMNISCATA, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 61. t. 1. f. 23. B.M. 55. HELIX TIARELLA, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 62. t. 1. f. 26-28. B.M. 56. HELIX DIAPHANA, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 62. SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 11 57. HELIX ROSETTI, Michaud, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 62. t. 1. f. 32-34. B.M. Helix phalerata, Webb & Berth. 58. HELIX TUMULORUM, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 63. t. 1. f. 29-31. ? B.M. 59. HELIX TÆNIATA, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 63. t. 3. f. 18-20. B.M. 60. HELIX ARGONAUTULA, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 64. t. 2. f. 13-18. B.M. 61. HELIX CYCLODON, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 64. t. 2. f. 1-3. B.M. 62. HELIX DESPREAUXII, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 65. t. 3. f. 21-23. B.M. 63. HELIX BERTHELOTII, Féruss., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 65. t. 2. f. 46. B.M. 64. Helix leNS, Féruss., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 66. t. 2. f. 79. B.M. 65. HELIX LENTICULATA, Féruss., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 66. t. 2. f. 10-12. B.M. 66. HELIX AFFICTA, Féruss., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 66. t. 3. f. 24-26. ? B.M. Carocolla planaria, Lamk. 67. BULIMUS VENTRICOSUS, Drap., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 67. B.M. Cochlicella ventrosa, Féruss. Helix acuta, Webb & Berth. 68. BULIMUS TERVERIANUS, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 67. t. 2. f. 26. B.M. 69. BULIMUS DECOLLATUS, Brug., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 68. B.M. Helix decollata, Müller. 70. BULIMUS OBESATUS, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 68. t. 2. f. 20. B.M. Helix obesata, Féruss. 12 SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 71. BULIMUS BŒTICATUS, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 69. t. 2. f. 19. B.M. Helix bæticata, Féruss. 72. BULIMUS BADIOSUS, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 69. t. 2. f. 22. B.M. Helix badiosa, Féruss. 73. Bulimus pupa, Brug., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 69. B.M. Helix pupa, Féruss. 74. BULIMUS MOQUINIANUS, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 70. t. 2. f. 24. B.M. 75. BULIMUS ROCCELLICOLA, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 70. t. 2. f. 23. B.M. 76. BULIMUS VARIATUS, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 71. t. 2. f. 25, 27. B.M. B. Bulimus myosotis, Webb & Berth. 77. Bulimus helVOLUS, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 71. t. 2. f. 21. B.M. 78. BULIMUS BAMBOUCHA, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 72. Helix bamboucha, Féruss. B.M. 79. BULIMUS WEBBII, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 72. t. 6. f. 1, 2. B.M. Achatina folliculus, Webb & Berth. 80. BULIMUS VITREUS, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 72. t. 6. f. 28. B.M. Achatina vitrea, Webb & Berth. 81. BULIMUS PAROLINIANUS, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 73. t. 2. f. 29 & t. 3. f. 27. B.M. Achatina Paroliniana, Webb & Berth. 82. PUPA DEALBATA, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 74. B.M. †83. PUPA MACULOSA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 74. Fam. 3. LYMNEIDEÆ. 84. Physa acuta, Drap., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 74. B.M. SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 13 85. PHYSA FONTINALIS, Drap., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 75. B.M. Planorbis bulla, Müller. Bulla fontinalis, Linn. Bulimus fontinalis, Brug. 86. ANCYLUS STRIATUS, Quoy & Gaim., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 75. Fam. 4. CYCLOSTOMIDÆ. B.M. 87. CYCLOSTOMA ELEGANS, Drap., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 76. B.M. Nerita elegans, Müller. Turbo elegans, Gmelin. 88. CYCLOSTOMA CANARIENSE, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 76. t. 2. f. 31 & t. 6. f. 3, 4. Cyclostoma lævigatum, Webb & Berth. Order V. PECTINIBRANCHIA. Fam. 1. MELANIDE. 89. CHEMNITZia CampanellÆ, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 78. Melania Campanella, Philippi. B.M. ? B.M. 90. EULIMA DISTORTA, Desh., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 78. B.M. Melania distorta, Desh. 91. RISSOA CANARIENSIS, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 78. t. 6. f. 5-7. B.M. 92. LITTORINA CANARIENSIS, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 78. t. 6. f. 8-10. B.M. 93. LITTORINA AFFINIS, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 79. t. 6. f. 11, 13. B.M. 94. PLANAXIS LÆVIGATA, ďOrb. Specimen lost: not described. 14 SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 95. SCALARIA PSEUDOSCALARIS, Risso, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 80. Turbo pseudoscalaris, Brocchi. Scalaria lamellosa, Lamk. 96. SCALARIA WEBBII, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 80. t. 6. f. 14-16. B.M. B.M. Fam. 2. TROCHIDE. 97. TURRITELLA TRIPLICATA, Philippi, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 80. B.M. Turbo triplicata, Brocchi. 98. PHASIANELLA PULLA, Payr., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 81. B.M. Turbo pullus, Gmelin. 99. TURBO RUGOSUS, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 81. B.M. 100. MONODONTA BERTHELOTII, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 81. t. 6. f. 17-20. B.M. 101. TROCHUS FRAGARIOIDES, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 82. Trochus tessellatus 8, Gmelin. Monodonta Olivieri, Payr. 102. TROCHUS CRASSUS, Maton, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 82. B.M. 103. TROCHUS RICHARDII, Philippi, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 82. B.M. Monodonta Richardi, Payr. 104. TROCHUS MAGUS, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 82. B.M. 105. TROCHUS CANDEI, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 82. t. 6. f. 21–23. 106. TROCHUS SAULCYI, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 83. t. 6. f. 24-26. SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 15 Fam. 3. IANTHINIDE. 107. IANTHINA FRAGILIS, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 83. Helix Ianthina, Gmelin. Ianthina bicolor, Menke. 108. IANTHINA NITENS, Menke, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 84. Ianthina prælongata, Payr. Fam. 4. NERITIDÆ. 109. NATICA PORCELLANA, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 84. t. 6. f. 27, 28. B.M. B.M. Fam. 5. VOLUTIDÆ. 110. CONUS BETULINUS, Gmelin, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 85. B.M. 111. CONUS PAPILIONACEUS, Brug., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 85. 112. CONUS GUINAICUS, Brug., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 85. B.M. 113. CONUS PROMETHEUS, Brug., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 85. B.M. 114. VOLUTA NEPTUNI, Gmelin, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 85. B.M. 115. VOLUTA PORCINA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 85. B.M. 116. VOLUTA PROBOSCIDALIS, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 86. 117. MITRA NIGRA, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 86. B.M. Voluta nigra, Chemn. Mitra Melaniana, Lamk. 118. MITRA ZEBRINA, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 86. t. 6. f. 29-31. B.M. 119. MITRA EBENUS, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 86. 16 SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. Fam. 6. CYPRIDE. 120. CYPRÆA LURIDA, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 87. 121. CYPRÆA PYRUM, Gmelin, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 87. 122. CYPRÆA SPURCA, Linn., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 87. B.M. B.M. B.M. 123. MARGINELLA GLABELLA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 87. B.M. Voluta glabella, Linn. 124. MARGINELLA LINEATA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 87. B.M. Voluta persicula, var. Gmelin. 125. MARGINELLA GUANCHA, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 88. t. 6. f. 32-34. B.M. 126. RINGICULA AURICULATA, Desh., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 88. B.M. Marginella auriculata, Menardi. Fam. 7. CASSIDE. 127. CASSIS FLAMMEA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 88. Buccinum flammeum, Linn. 128. CASSIS SULCOSA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 89. B.M. Buccinum undulatum, Gmelin. 129. CASSIS TESTICULUS, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 89. Buccinum testiculus, Linn. B.M. 130. DOLIUM LATILABRE, Kiener, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 89. Malea latilabris, Valenc. 131. DOLIUM GALEA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 89. Buccinum galea, Linn. B.M. 132. DOLIUM PERDIX, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 89. B.M. Buccinum perdix. SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 17 Fam. 8. BUCCINIDE. 133. COLUMBELLA RUSTICA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 90. B.M. Voluta rustica, Linn. 134. BUCCINUM MUTABILE, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 90. B.M. 135. BUCCINUM RETICULATUM, Linn., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 90. B.M. 136. BUCCINUM SCALARIFORME, Kiener, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 90. B.M. 137. BUCCINUM CANARIENSE, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. 7. c. ii. 91. B.M. 138. PURPURA VIVERRATOIDES, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 91. t. 6. f. 38. B.M. 139. PURPURA HÆMASTOMA, Lamk.,Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 91. t. 6. f. 39, 40. B.M. Buccinum hæmastoma, Linn. 140. TEREBRA FAVAT, Adanson, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 92. B.M. Terebra senegalensis, Lamk. 141. CERITHIUM NODULOSUM, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 92. B.M. Cérite, Adans. Goumier, Adans. 142. CERITHIUM VULGATUM, Brug., Webb & Berth. l. c. B.M. 143. CERITHIUM LIME, Brug., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 93. B.M. Cerithium Latreillii, Payr. 144. CERITHIUM PERVERSUM, Lamk., Webb & Berth. 7. c. ii. 93. Fam. 9. MURICIDÆ. 145. MUREX TRUNCULUS, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 93. B.M. B.M. 18 SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 146. Murex BLANDARIS, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 93. B.M. 147. MUREX SAXATILIS, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 93. B.M. 148. TRITON NODIFERUM, Lamk., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 94. B.M. 149. TRITON PILEARE, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 94. B.M. Murex pileare, Linn. Triton succinctum, Lamk. 150. TRITON CUTACEUM, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 94. Murex cutaceum, Gmelin. 151. TRITON SCROBICULATOR, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 94. Murex scrobiculator, Gmelin. †152. RANELLA ABBREVIATA, Lowe, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 94. Order VI. SCUTIBRANCHIA. Fam. 1. HALIOTIDE. 153. HALIOTIS TUBERCULATA, Linn., Webb & Berth. B.M. ? B.M. 1. c. ii. 95. t. 7. f. 1. Ormier, Adans. Haliotis striata, Gmelin. 154. SCISSURELLA BERTHELOTI, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 96. t. 7. f. 2-5. Fam. 2. FISSURELLIDÆ. 155. EMARGINULA ELONGATA, Costa, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 96. B.M. ? B.M. B.M. SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 19 Order VII. CYCLOBRANCHIA. Fam. 1. PATELLIDÆ. 156. PATELLA CRENATA, Gmelin, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 97. t. 7. f. 6-8. B.M. Patella cærulea, Lamk. 157. Patella LowEI, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 97. t. 7. f. 9, 10. B.M. 158. PATELLA CANDEI, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 98. t. 7. f. 11, 12. B.M. 159. Patella GUTTATA, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 98. t. 7. f. 13, 15. B.M. Fam. 2. CHITONIDEÆ. 160. CHITON FASCICULARIS, Gmel., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 99. B.M. 161. CHITON CANARIENSIS, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 99. t. 7. f. 16-19. B.M. Class IV. LAMELLIBRANCHIA. Fam. 1. OSTRACIDÆ. 162. OSTREA COCHLEAR, Poli, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 100. B.M. 163. OSTREA CRISTA-GALLI, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 100. B.M. Mytilus crista-galli, Linn. 164. SPONDYLUS GÆDEROPUS, Linn., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 101. B.M. Fam. 2. PECTINIDÆ. 165. LIMA INFLATA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 101. Pecten inflatus, Chemn. 20 SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 166. Lima SQUAMOSA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 101. B.M. Ostrea lima, Linn. 167. LIMA BULLATA, Turton, Webb & Berth. l.c. ii. 101. B.M. 168. PECTEN JACOBEUS, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 102. Ostrea Jacobæa, Linn. B.M. 169. PECTEN PUSIO, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 102. B.M. Ostrea Pusio, Linn. 170. PECTEN CORALLINOIDES, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 102. t. 7. f. 20-22. B.M. Fam. 3. AVICULIDÆ. 171. AVICULA TARENTINA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 102. B.M. Fam. 4. MYTILIDÆ. 172. Pinna ruDIS, Linn., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 103. B.M. 173. MYTILUS ELONGATUS, Chemn., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 103. B.M. 174. MODIOLA COSTULATA, Risso, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 103. t. 7. f. 23–25. B.M. Fam. 5. ARCACIDÆ. 175. PECTUNCULUS PILOSUs, Lamk., Webb & Berth. 7. c. ii. 104. B.M. Arca pilosa, Linn. 176. ARCA NOÆ, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 104. B.M. 177. ARCA IMBRICATA, Poli, Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 104. Arca clathrata, Lamk. SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 21 Fam. 6. CHAMACIDÆ. 178. CHAMA GRYPHOIDES, Linn., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 104. Fam. 7. CARDIACIDE. 179. CARDIUM COSTATUM, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. B.M. ii. 104. B.M. Pectunculus caman, Adans. 180. CARDIUM TUBERCULATUM, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 105. B.M. 181. CARDIUM EDULE, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 105. B.M. 182. CARDITA CALYCULATA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 105. B.M. Chama calyculata, Linn. Jun. Cardita sinuata, Lamk. 183. CARDITA CORBIS, Philippi, Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 106. B.M. Fam. 8. CYTHERIDE. 184. CRASSATELLA DIVARICATA, d'Orb.,Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 106. B.M. Venus divaricata, Chemn. Venus contraria, Gmelin. Crassatella contraria, Lamk. 185. VENUS VERRUCOSA, Linn., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 106. Chama elonisse, Adans. B.M. Venus Lemani, Payr. 186. VENUS PITAR, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 106. B.M. Chama Pitar, Adans. 22 SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. Fam. 9. TELLINIDÆ. 187. Donax TRUNCULUS, Linn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 107. Donax anatinum, Lamk. Donax fabagella, Lamk. 188. PSAMMOBIA VESPERTINA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. 1. c. ii. 107. Solen vespertinus, Gmel. Fam. 10. LUCINIDE. 189. LUCINA ADANSONII, d'Orb., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 107. t. 7. f. 26-28. B.M. B.M. B.M. ? Lucina columbella, Lamk. 190. LUCINA LACTEA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 108. B.M. Tellina lactea, Linn. 191. LUCINA PECTEN, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 108. B.M. Lucina reticulata, Poli. 192. LUCINA DIVARICATA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 108. B.M. Tellina divaricata, Linn. Fam. 11. MACTRACIDÆ. ii. 108. 193. MACTRA STRIATELLA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. 194. MACTRA RUGOSA, Chemn., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 109. Lutraria rugosa, Lamk. Fam. 12. PETRICOLIDÆ. ii. 109. 195. Saxicava ARCTICA, Philippi, Webb & Berth. l. c. Solen minutus, Linn. B.M. B.M. B.M. SHELLS OF THE CANARIES. 23 Mya arctica, Müller. Donax rhomboides, Poli. Hiatella arctica, Lamk. Rhomboides rugosus, Blainv. Fam.? 13. BRACHIOPODA. 196. TEREBRATULA TRUNCATA, Lamk., Webb & Berth. l. c. ii. 109. Anomia truncata, Linn. APPENDIX. THE following List of Marine Testaceous Mollusca, collected by Mr. Robert MacAndrew, F.R.S., during a month passed in the Canary Islands in 1852, is extracted from his Essay on the Geographical Distribution of the Testaceous Mollusca in the North Atlantic and neighbouring Seas," Liverpool, 1854, 8vo. Messrs. Webb and Berthelot's collection contains only 124 marine species; in this list the number is raised to 273, and 170 are new to the fauna of the district. The number inserted before the name refers to the number in M. d'Orbigny's work and this list; and the others marked with B.M. are in the British Museum, specimens having been kindly presented by Mr. MacAndrew. ACEPHALA LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Depth. Ground. Frequency, &c. faths. Teredo shore frequent; in the stock of an anchor. Gastrochæna cuneiformis.' 2-60 coral frequent. 195. Saxicava arctica…………. 12-40 sand not frequent. Venerupis irus shore frequent. Corbula nucleus 16 sand & m. not fr.; Lancerote. Neæra cuspidata 20-35 mud costellata 20-35 mud Pandora obtusa 12-40 sand rare; Teneriffe. valves; Teneriffe. frequent. rostrata? 12 sand 1 valve. Thracia phaseolina 12-60 sand pubescens 40-60 sand not fr.; Orotava. valves? Solecurtus candidus 12-40 sand coarctatus.. 20-40 Solemya Mediterranea 12 188. Psammobia vespertina 12 costulata Ferroensis 30 valves; frequent. mud 1 spec. and valves. m.& weed rare; Lancerote. sand & m. frequent; Lancerote. 30-60 sand & m. very frequent. sand rare; Teneriffe. B 26 APPENDIX. Depth. Ground. Frequency, &c. frequent; Lancerote. very frequent. 1 valve; Teneriffe. rare; dead valves fre- quent; Teneriffe. valves. 12-16 sand & m. frequent; young; Lancerote. 12-16 sand & m. frequent; Lancerote; Tellina incarnata distorta faths. sh.to16 sand 12-60 sand balaustina. 25 mud serrata 12-40 mud 187. Donax anatinus? shore Ervilia castanea. (new) 193. Mactra subtruncata?. stultorum Cytherea chione. Venetiana 12-16 35 12-40 sand 20-35 mud sand B.M. (new?) 20-35 mud (new ?)…………………. 50 sand 185. Venus verrucosa………. B.M. casina ?.. ... species obtained at Gibraltar&Madeira. rare; Lancerote. 1 valve; Teneriffe. frequent. rare; Teneriffe. rare; white; obtained in the Mediterranean and Madeira. 1 specimen; Orotava ; large, thin, with brown spots. 12-60 sand & m. very frequent; small, with much colour. and coloured. Circe minima 20-40 sand fr.; finely laminated 50 sand rare; valves. 12-50 sand .... frequent. 16-70 sand frequent. 40-70 sand sh.to60 rocks rocks rare; Orotava; small. frequent. 16-20 sand Astarte incrassata triangularis 182. Cardita calyculata Cardium echinatum 16-40 sand not frequent. frequent; small. 12-60 s. & weed fr.; bright colour. rusticum papillosum Norvegicum fasciatum 30 16 189. Lucina Adamsoni leucoma...... flexuosa....... 192. divaricata 191. pecten spinifera transversa (minute)...... apicalis Diplodonta rotundata Kellia rubra suborbicularis ... mud mud rare; valves; Teneriffe. rare. 12-16 m. &weed frequent; Lancerote. 12-16 m. &weed frequent; Lancerote. 20-60 sand & m. rare. 16-30 sand & m. rare. sh.to60 sand rare. 20-35 sand & m. frequent. 12-35 sand & m. several; Lancerote. 12-16 sand & m. frequent; yellowish. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. 12-60 sand shore 12-20 mud rare. very rare; Lancerote. moderate. APPENDIX. 27 Frequency, &c. Depth. Ground. faths. B.M. Modiola tulipa - ? 50 B.M. Crenella rhombea marmorata 178. Chama gryphoides. Arca lactea... 177. tetragona antiquata imbricata Siculus 171. Avicula Tarentina 172. Pinna rudis……………. sand rare. 12-50 cor. & sto. frequent; allied to M. Petagna, Scacchi. 12-60 gra.& wd. frequent. 1 valve; Orotava. 50 12-60 m.& stone frequent. 12 20-60 sand 20-35 mud 40 sand moderate; valves. frequent; valves; Te- neriffe. rare; valves; Teneriffe. 1 valve; Orotava. Pectunculus glycimeris... 30-50 sand & m. frequent. 30 sand frequent. 20-50 mud rare; valves. sh.to35 rare. 166. Lima squamosa hians subauriculata. Pecten maximus.... sh.to70 sand & m. frequent; valves. 12 sand & m. rare; valves. 12-60 sand & m. rare. 12-60 s. & coral frequent; fragments opercularis ? 40-60 sand • 170. corallinoides 168. pusio pes-felis.. 12-50 50 sand coral and young valves. rare; 1 living; small. 12-50 cor.& wd. 'moderate. frequent; valves. rare; valves. gibbus 164. Spondylus gæderopus sh.to70 20-40 sand & m. rare. frequent; valves and fragments. 162. Ostrea 30-40 sand rare. GASTEROPODA PALLIOBRANCHIATA. Argiope decollata 196. truncata. Neapolitana 60 60 60 s. & coral/rare; Orotava. s. & coral rare; Orotava. s. & coral rare; Orotava. 60 s. & coral rare; 1 sp.; sp.; Orotava. 9. 14. Hyalæa trispinosa tridentata vaginella surface PTEROPODA. 20-50 mud rare. 20-50 mud rare. rare. 22. Atlanta Peronii shore frequent. 17. Creseis spinigera surface frequent. surface frequent. surface frequent. 20. Cuvieria 20 mud rare. 24. Spirialis 50 sand rare. B 2 28 APPENDIX. GASTEROPODA PROSOBRANCHIATA. Depth. Ground. Frequency, &c. faths. 161. Canariensis (new) 160. Chiton fascicularis......... sh.to20 rock & w. frequent; a small va- riety upon red weed in 12 to 20 fath. rare; Orotava. frequent; same spe- cies as at Mogador. shore shore rock rock 156. Patella crenata shore rock rare. 159. guttata shore rock rare. 157. Lowei shore rock Įrare. 158. Candei shore rock rare. Gussonii 12-50 weed rare. Dentalium dentalis 50 sand one small specimen ; Orotava. rubescens 12-20 sand & m. frequent. (new?)……………. 12-50 sand frequent. Umbrella Mediterranea ?.. 40-60 sand rare; small. Gadinia Garnoti shore rare. Calyptræa Sinensis 16-30 sand rare. Fissurella reticulata shore rock rare. gibba sh.to60 sand rare. ... B.M.?155. Emarginula elongata 20-60 sand rare. Emarginula reticulata 40-60 sand ... rare; small. 153. Haliotis tuberculatus shore rocks frequent. Trochus zizyphinus 40-60 sand conulus 20 sand crenulatus 12 sand rare; fragm. & young. 1 specimen; Bocaina Channel. frequent. magus 16-20 sand fr.; Bocaina Channel. striatus 12 sand frequent; Lancerote. 106. granulatus Saulcyi .... 40-60 sand rare; variety; Orotava. shore rocks frequent. shore rocks frequent. shore rocks frequent. 60 frequent; minute; 60 60 Orotava. frequent; minute; Orotava. frequent; minute; Orotava. moderate. B.M.100.Monodonta Bertheloti shore rocks Solarium luteum 99. Turbo rugosus Fossar Adansoni shore 1 spec.; Lancerote. 25-60 sand & w. several; Orotava; one 12-60 sand & m. frequent; small. shore sp. Santa Cruz. rare; Lancerote. APPENDIX. 29 Depth. Ground. faths. Frequency, &c. 98. Phasianella pullus 107. Ianthina fragilis.. exigua B.M. Littorina striata. ... 12-60 sand frequent. shore abundant. shore high w. rocks not frequent; small. jabundant. 98. affinis neritoides high w. rocks frequent; probably a high w. rocks frequent. Pedipes Auricula Ferminii? B.M. 91. Rissoa Canariensis B.M. Rissoa costata shore rocks frequent. shore rocks 40-60 sand ... 12-60 sand variety of preceding. rare; Orotava. frequent; Orotava. frequent; Orotava & Lancerote. parva 12 purpurea 12 sand & m. frequent; Lancerote. sand & m. frequent; Lancerote. elata ? 40-60 sand frequent; Orotava. textilis 40-60 sand frequent; Orotava. crenulata 12-60 sand frequent. B.M. 40-60 sand frequent; Orotava. B.M. 40-60 sand frequent; Orotava. B.M. 40-60 sand B.M. 40-60 sand frequent; Orotava. frequent; Orotava. B.M. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. B.M. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. B.M. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. 12 sand rare; Lancerote. Jeffreysia? Skenea 97. Turritella triplicata Cæcum trachea glabrum.. ... 142. Cerithium vulgatum fuscatum adversum 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. 12-50 sand & m. frequent; small. ...... 50 sand 12-50 sand sh.to16 sand & m. frequent. shore rocks sh.to16 rocks freq. dead, 2 living, at frequent; Orotava. frequent. frequent. low w.; Lancerote. reticulatum sh.to16 sand frequent. angustinum 60 sand rare; Orotava. 95. Scalaria pseudoscalaris shore rocks frequent. 96. Webbii 25 mud rare; Santa Cruz. cochlea 12 mud rare; 1 sp.; Lancerote. shore 16 shore B.M. crenata clathratula? clathrus.... (new) rare (1 specimen). 12-16 s. & weed mod. frequency; spire 40-60 sand somewhat resem- bling Chemnitzia. rare; concentrically grooved or striated; small. rocks several. sand rare. .. 30 APPENDIX. Scalaria Depth. Ground. faths. 40-60 sand Frequency, &c. rare; resembling pre- ceding, but not striated. 25 mud rare; Santa Cruz. Aclis ? (new?) 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. (new?)... 12 sand rare; Lancerote. 90. Eulima distorta 12-60 sand rare. nitida..... 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. Stylifer ? 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. Chemnitzia rufa. sand elegantissima indistincta.... 40-60 sand (new) 40-60 sand 16 sh.to60 sand rare; Lancerote. moderate. freq.; small; pupa- shaped, banded, sp. at Pantellaria. rare. Odostomia conoidalis………….. 12–60 sand moderate. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. Eulimella Scillæ... 20 shore mud 1 spec.; Santa Cruz. ... 50 ... sagra? bicallosa Neritina viridis Truncatella Montagui Scissurella Bertheloti rare; Lancerote. very rare; Orotava. B M. 109. Natica porcellana sand & m. frequent. Natica millepunctata. 16-40 sand & m.rare. 20 sand & m. 1 spec.; Santa Cruz. 12-16 sand & m. moderate. sh.to60 sand & m. rare. 12-16 sand & m. frequent; Lancerote. Lamellaria perspicua (new) 12 40-60 sand & m.rare; Lancerote. sand rare. Cancellaria (new)... 12-20 sand rare; small, white; sp. at Gibraltar. (new) 12-20 sand Cerithiopsis tuberculare 40-60 sand rare; ditto, brown. rare; Orotava. B.M. Ranella lævigata 20-60 sand 146. 147. Murex corallinus Edwardsii Brandaris 12-30 sand shore shore saxatilis... shore rare; Orotava, &c. rare. rocks frequent; Lancerote. rare. rare. shore rare; white. 138. 139. Purpura hæmastoma viverratoides Buccinum minus (new) or Purpura . shore rocks frequent. shore 12-16 20 moderate. frequent. 1 spec.; Santa Cruz; species at Mogador. APPENDIX. 31 Depth. Ground. Frequency, &c. faths. 135. Nassa reticulata. sh.&16 sand incrassata shore moderate; Lancerote. frequent; Lancerote. 134. mutabilis ? shore variabilis shore frequent; small. frequent. 137. Canariensis ?. 40 sand prismatica. 20-40 mud rare; Orotava. frequent. 136. scalariformis? 20 mud rare. 132. Dolium perdix sh.to60 rare; fragments. 140. Terebra shore .... rare; Grand Canary. 20 Fusus Maroccanus. rostratus sh.to20 s. & coral rare; Lancerote. mud rare; Santa Cruz. pulchellus 40 sand rare; Orotava. 148. Triton nodiferum shore rare; Lancerote. 150. cutaceum shore rare; Lancerote. 149. pileare shore rare; Grand Canary. 20-40 sand rare. sh.to40 rare. 118. Mangelia purpurea Lefroyii..... striolata. Vauquelina linearis Ginniniana gracilis teres Pleurotoma elegans balteata.. Mitra columbellaria fusca zebrina 133. Columbella rustica. 111. cribella .... Conus Mediterraneus papilionaceus 122. Cypræa spurca ... 12 sand & m. rare; Lancerote. 12-60 sand & m. moderate. 12 sh.& 25 sand & m. moderate; Lancerote. sand & m.rare; Lancerote. 12-25 sand & m. frequent; Lancerote. 20 mud rare; Santa Cruz. 25-60 sand & m.rare; Santa Cruz. 40-60 sand frequent; Orotava. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. 12-60 sand & m. rare. 50 sand 1 specimen; Orotava. 12-60 sand & m. rare. shore rocks frequent. shore rocks frequent. 12-30 sand & m. frequent. shore rocks frequent. shore rocks 12-30 sand shore rocks frequent. moderate. ; frequent; Lancerote and Grand Canary; not in Teneriffe whiter in colour than Mediterranean specimens. 12 & 20 sand & m. rare. rocks frequent; dead. 120. 121. shore lurida.. shore rare. pyrum shore rare. moneta shore rare. pulex..... 12 sand & m. rare. 32 APPENDIX. Cypræa candidula? Ovula spelta?. 123. Marginella glabella Depth. Ground. Frequency, &c. faths. 12-50 sand moderate; white; sand very small. 40-60 sh.to15 sand & m. frequent. rare; Orotava. 125. guancha. 20-60 sand & m. frequent. 12-16 sand & m. rare. shore rocks rare. shore rocks rare. GASTEROPODA OPISTHOBRANCHIATA. 30. Aplysia ocellata hybrida ? Cylichna cylindracea. truncata mammillata (new) (new) Philine aperta Amphisphyra hyalina 31. Bulla ampulla hydatis Cranchii. B.M. shore rocks frequent; Orotava. sh.to12 rocks & s. moderate. 12-50 sand & m. frequent. 12-50 sand & m. frequent. 40-60 sand rare; Orotava. 12-60 sand & m. frequent; white; stri- ated and banded with opake white. 12 &16 sand & m. rare; species at Car- thagena, Spain. 12-20 sand & m. rare; Lancerote. rare; Orotava. frequent. 60 sand ... sh.to60 sand shore 12 mud • 1 specim.; Santa Cruz. shore frequent. freq.; Grand Canary. CEPHALOPODA. 8. Spirula Peronii Octopus shore {frequent. sh.& 20 rocks & s. moderate. Printed by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. CATALOGUES OF THE ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTION IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. I. VERTEBRATA. List of Mammalia. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. 1843. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of the Mammalia. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. Part 1. Cetacea. 12mo, 1850. 4s., with Plates. Part 2. Seals. 12mo, 1850. 1s. 6d., with Woodcuts. Part 3. Hoofed Quadrupeds. Section I. (Ungulata furci- peda) 1852, with Plates of Genera, 12s. This work contains the description of the genera and species, and figures of the chief characters of the genera. List of Mammalia and Birds of Nepaul, presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., to the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. GRAY and G. R. GRAY. 1846. 2s. List of Birds. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. &c. Part 1. Raptorial. Edition 1, 1844; edition 2, 1848. 3s. Part 2. Passeres. Section I. Fissirostres. 1848. 2s. Part 3. Gallinæ, Grallæ and Anseres. 1844. 2s. The other sections of the Passerine birds are in progress. List of British Birds. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. &c. 1850. 4s. List of the Eggs of British Birds. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. &c. 1852. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of Reptiles. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. &c. Part 1. Tortoises, Crocodiles and Amphisbænians. 1844. ls. Part 2. Lizards. 1845. 3s. 6d. Part 3. Snakes (Crotalidæ, Viperidæ, Hydridæ and Boidæ). 1849. 2s. 6d. Part 4, completing the Snakes (Colubrida), is in prepara- tion. Catalogue of Amphibia. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. Part 2. Batrachia Gradientia. 12mo, 1850. 2s. 6d. with Plates of the Skull and Teeth. 2 Catalogue of Fish. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. Part 1. Cartilaginous Fish. 12mo, 1851. 3s. With two Plates. These Catalogues of Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fish, contain the characters of all the genera and species at present known; the latter are illustrated with figures of the genera. List of British Fish; with Synonyma. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. &c. 1851. 3s. List of Osteological Specimens. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. &c. and G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. 1847. 2s. II. ANNULOSA. Catalogue of Lepidoptera. By G. R. GRAY, F.L.S. Part 1. Papilionidæ, with coloured figures of the new spe- cies. £1:5s. 4to, 1852. List of Lepidopterous Insects. Part 1. Papilionida, &c. By E. DOUBLEDAY, F.L.S. 1844. 2s. 6d. Part 2. Erycinidæ, &c. 1847. 9d. Part 3. Appendix to Papilionidæ, Erycinidæ, &c. 1848. 9d. List of Hymenopterous Insects. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. Part 1. Chalcididæ. 1846. 1s. 6d. Part 2. Additions to Chalcididæ. 1848. 2s. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects. By FREDERICK SMITH, M.E.S. Part 1. Andrenidæ, &c. 1853. 2s. 6d., with Plates. Catalogue of Dipterous Insects. Part 1. 1848. 3s. 6d. Part 2. 1849. 3s. 6d. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. Catalogue of Homopterous Insects. Part 1. 1850. 3s. 6d. Part 2. 1850. 5s. Part 3. 1851. 3s. 6d. Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects. Part 1. 1852. 2s. 6d. Part 2. 1853. 3s. 6d. Part 3. 1849. 3s. Part 4. 1849. 6s. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. Part 4. 1852. 4s., with Plates. By F. WALKER, F.L.S. Part 3. 1853. 1s. 6d. The Catalogues of Hymenopterous, Dipterous, and Homopte- rous Insects contain the description of the species in the Museum which appeared to be undescribed. 3 Catalogue of Hemipterous Insects. By W. S. DALLAS, F.L.S.&c. With Plates, Part 1. 1851. 7s. Part 2. 1852. 4s. The Catalogue of Hemiptera contains the description of the new species in the Museum Collection, and figures of the more interesting genera. Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects (with characters of new species). Part 1. Cetoniadæ. 1847. 1s. Part 2. Hydrocanthari. 1847. F.L.S. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. &c. 1s. 3d. By A. WHite, By A. WHITE, F.L.S. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. By F. SMITH, M.E.S. By F. SMITH, M.E.S. Part 3. Buprestidæ. 1848. 1s. Part 4. Cleridæ. 1849. 1s. 8d. Part 5. Cucujidæ. 1851. 6d. Part 6. Passalidæ. 1852. 8d. Part 7. Longicornia, with Plates, 1853. 2s. 6d. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. List of Crustacea; with Synonyma. By A. WHITE. 1847. 2s. List of Myriapoda. By G. NEWPORT, F.R.S. &c. 1844. 4d. List of British Lepidoptera; with Synonyma. By J. F. STE- PHENS, F.L.S. Part 1. 1850. 5s. Part 2. 1852. 2s. Part 3. 1853. 9d. List of British Aculeate Hymenoptera; with Synonyma, and the description of some new species. By F. SMITH. 1851. 2s. List of British Anoplura, or Parasitic Insects; with Synonyma. By H. DENNY. 1s. List of British Crustacea; with Synonyma. By A. WHITE, F.L.S. 1850. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of Entozoa; with Plates. By W. BAIRD, M.D., F.L.S. 1853. 2s. III. MOLLUSCA. Catalogue of the Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., &c. Part 1. Cephalopoda Antepedia. 1849. 4s. Part 2. Pteropoda. 1850. 1s. Part 3. Placuniadæ and Anomiada. 1850. 4d. Part 4. Brachiopoda Ancylopoda; figures of genera. 1853. 3s. Containing the characters of the recent and fossil genera, and the descriptions of all the recent species at present known. Catalogue of Phaneropneumona or Operculated Terrestrial Mol- lusca. By Dr. LOUIS PFEIFFER. 1852. 5s. Catalogus Concharum Bivalvium. By M. G. P. DESHAYES. Part 1. Veneridæ, &c. 1853. 3s. 4 List of British Mollusca and Shells; with Synonyma. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. Part 1. Acephala and Brachiopoda. 1851. 3s. 6d. Nomenclature of Mollusca. By Dr. W. BAIRD, F.L.S. &c. Part 1. Cyclophorida. 1851. 1s. 6d. IV. RADIATA. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa. By G. Busk, F.R.S. &c., with characters and figures of all the species. Part 1. Chilostoma. 1852. 17s. Catalogue of the Echinidæ or Sea Eggs. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. Part 1. Echinida irregularia. 12mo, with Plates. Containing the characters of all the known genera and species, and illustrated with figures of the new species. List of British Radiata; with Synonyma. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. 1848. 4s. List of British Sponges; with Synonyma. By Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S. 1848. 10d. V. BRITISH ZOOLOGY. List of the British Animals; with Synonyma and references to figures. 10d. Part 1. Radiata. By Dr. J. E. GRAY. 1848. 4s. Part 2. Sponges. By Dr. J. E. GRAY. 1848. Part 3. Birds. By G. R. GRAY. 1850. 4s. Part 4. Crustacea. By A. WHITE. 1850. 2s. 6d. Part 5. Lepidoptera. By J. F. STEPHENS. 1850. 5s. Part 6. Hymenoptera. By F. SMITH. 1851. 2s. Part 7. Mollusca Acephala and Brachiopoda. By Dr. J. E. GRAY. 1851. 3s. 6d. Part 8. Fish. By A. WHITE. 1851. 3s. Part 9. Eggs of British Birds. 2s. 6d. Part 10. Lepidoptera (continued). 1852. 2s. By G. R. GRAY. 1852. By J. F. STEPHENS. Part 11. Anoplura or Parasitic Insects. By H. DENNY. 1s. Part 12. Lepidoptera (continued). By J. F. STEPHENS. 1852. 9d. Part 13. Nomenclature of Hymenoptera. By F. SMITH. 1853. 1s. 8d. Part 14. Nomenclature of Neuroptera. 1853. By A. WHITE. N.B.-These Catalogues can be obtained at the Secretary's Office in the BRITISH MUSEUM; of Messrs. LONGMAN & Co.; or of any Bookseller. June 1853. NOV 25 1919 Bates. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06449 7186