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COMPOSITE AND STEEL: THEIR APPLIANCES: HOW HANDLED; SAFETY DE- VICES. WITH THE STANDARD RULES AND REG- ULATIONS CONNECTED THEREWITH. ' NOTE : —The Author of “THE SCIENCE OF RAILWAYS" served for fifty years as a railway oflicer and employe. However. in writing The Science of Railways. and in its many subsequent editions and revisions (to meet the ever changing con. ditions of the Service) he and those interested in the publication of the work. have had throughout. the active advice and aid of practical experts. familiar with every branch of railway operation: men who know. The books are. therefore. authoritative. and are as valuable to railway men as standard text books are to Lawyers, Doctors. ' Civil Engineers and other representative men. - CHICAGO CROPLEY PHILLIPS COMPANY 1919 '0'!’ , \ )IQ‘ Copyright by CROPLEY PHILLIPS COMPANY 1919 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED é‘ '1.;?é3a;'Z%§113L15&k-‘h<€- WE ‘I - 4.?- >: wuyu g; -T~'l§<;':1:3l Ema-a ’7 ~11?“ W. 9/; (s 2/“ CONTENTS ' PAGE » ~ INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. Classification of Cars ' CHAPTER II. The Development of the American Car CHAPTER III. Car Construction, Section I Car Material, Section II 1. . . . . _ CHAPTER IV. The Underframing, Sills, Body Bolster, Cross Frame Ties, Truss Rods and Flooring . CHAPTER V. Draft Gear and Coupling . CHAPTER VI. The Freight Car Truck—Types CHAPTER VII. Car Wheels and Axles CHAPTER VIII. Truck Details . CHAPTER IX. Brake Rigging, Hand Brakes, Law as to Brakes, Foundation Brake, Brake Shoe, Brake Beam, Slack Adjusters, Passenger High Speed Foundation Brakes, Air Brake Hose . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER X. The Freight Car Superstructure, Framing, Roofing, Sheathing, Doors and other Parts . . . . CHAPTER XI. Standard Safety Appliances * for Freight Cars. CHAPTER XII. Standard Box Cars, Typical Freight Car Bodies, Box, Flat, Gondola, Ore, Stock, Tank, Refrig- erator,etc.......... CHAPTER XIII. The Passenger Car—Framing, Platform, Trucks......... CHAPTER XIV. Steel Passenger Cars . CHAPTER XV. The Steel Freight Car CHAPTER XVI. Stenciling Cars . .\ . CHAPTERXVII. Painting Cars . . .- . . 339691 v 1 13 23 40 133 158 213 235 286 312 ‘352 396 416 470 507 562 589 598 iii INTRODUCTIQN As usually understood in railway parlance in America, the term “Cars” denotes the vehicles used by railways in the con- duct of their business of transportation. Cars are divided into various classes, as will be seen later, according to the service they perform or the materials from which they are chiefly constructed.’ The vehicle used in the conduct of freight trafi‘ic is commonly called a “Car”; that used in the con- duct of passenger business, a “Coach”; and that used by a rail- way for its own purposes a “Work Car.” Frequently the cars of a railroad arereferred to as its equip- ment, but this may be said to be a careless use of the term, as the equipment of a railroad embraces not only its cars, but also all other necessary and equally important adjuncts of its busi- ness—such as its locomotives, .shops, stations, yards, bridges, etc. The purposes conserved by the car equipment of a railway are,‘ however, both numerous and varied, and it represents a depart- meut in railway operation equal in importance to any other department thereof. Hence, the construction and maintenance of cars require a distinct department in the organization of railways, and has become a science demanding as much thought, attention; and skill as any other great department, whether it be that of construction of roadway, maintenance of track, operation and maintenance of motive power, acquisition of traffic, or admin‘ istration of finance and accounts. ' ' . During the past few years, car practice has undergone radical changes, and in fact is now in a course of rapid evolution, due, amongst other factors, to the difference in the principal car ma‘ terials now used, the requirements imposed by state and federal laws, the demand for increased tonnage in freight haulage and increasied safety in both passenger and freight service, together with the necessity of compliance with the standards and recom- . mended practices of the Master Car Builders’ Association. These V INTROD UCTION changes have been many and of the greatest importance, the new cars being often quite difierent in construction from former cars; the details of their underframing, trucks, and superstructures being altogether novel, besides representing general types likely to soon become standards. These and many other new features, including modern car appliances, of much interest to car and train men, are inserted in this new edition, which faithfully represents the most ap- proved car design and practice. Amongst other matters of the greatest importance, the official and authoritative tandards and ‘recommended practices of the Master Car Builders’ Association rules as tocar details and parts, are given in full herein. The tendency of present car practice and the various opinions 'of the diflt‘erent schools of car-thought among practical car. men, regarding car parts and the proper methods of dealing with the same, are also stated, as illustrating the present trend of afiairs in the car world. The current Master Oar Builders’ Rules gov- erning the condition of, and repairs to, cars and also Loading Rules, are given apart in supplementary form. vi CHAPTER I. CLASSIFICATION OF CARS. Broadly speaking, Railway Cars may be divided into classes: ‘ ' 1. According to the materials from which they are chiefly constructed. '2. According to the commercial service which they per- form. - , ‘ Under the classification as to material, they may be divided into - A. Wooden Cars‘. B. Composite Cars. C. Steel Cars. Wooden cars have wooden underframing and superstruc- tures, and are termed such, even if they have steel centers and all-metal trucks. The composite car is one composed of a combination wood and metal frame; if they have wooden superstructures and steel underframes, they are now generally called “steel underframe cars.” If beside-p a steel underframe, cars have steel upper frames w1th wooden sheathing, they are usually called “steel frame cars.” By “steel car” is prop- erly meant a car entirely or almost wholly constructed of steel, although the term is often applied to steel-frame cars. The "all-steel” car is wholly constructed of steel in all its parts. Under the classification of cars as regards their principal service, they may be briefly divided into three. classes: (1) Those used in Freight Service. (2) Those used in Passenger Service. (3) Those used by a railroad for. its purposes in such work as construction or the maintenance of its.property of all kinds. ' Amplifying this, the Master Car Builders’ Association has adopted as its Recommended Practice, the following classifica- 1 2 CARS tion of cars, as the official designations thereof, with-the object of harmonizing the terms used in designating the difierent kinds of cars in each class, according to their physical require- ments. ‘The advantages of this classification, as regards its use in telegraphing and notation, together with its uniform application to all railroads throughout the country, are so obvious that this classification is here given in full: DEFINITIONS AND DESIGNATING LETTERS OF GENERAL SERVICE PAS’ SENGER EQUIPMENT CARS. Class “B.” “BA”—— Baggage Car. A car run in passenger service, having wide side doors for the admittance of baggage, with or with- out windows or end doors. ' “BE”-— Baggage Express. A car similar to baggage, used for either baggage or express matter. “BH"— Horse or Horse and Carriage Express. A car run in passenger service for the transporting of fine stock, fitted with stalls (movable or stationary) and space left for car- ’ riage or horse equipment. - “BM”—-Milk Car. Exclusively for the transportation of milk, being a car for thi purpose and fully equipped for handling in passenger trains. “BR”-—— Refrigerator Express. A car run exclusively in pas- ,; senger service and fitted with ice 'bunkers or boxes, and suitable to carry produce, oysters, fish or any commodity l requiring icing in transit. ' "“BX”— Express Car. Exclusively for express matter, having suitable side doors, with or without end doors or windows. Class “C.” “CA”— Combined Car, Baggage and Passenger. A car having two compartments, one suitable for transporting baggage, the other- fitted with seats for passengers, the two compart- ments separated by bulkheads. ' . “CS’F— Combined Smoking and Baggage Car (Club Car). A car having two compartments, separated by bulkheads, one compartment suitable for transporting baggage, the other CARS 3 fitted with seats or chairs and used as smoking car; at times equipped with buffet or bar. “OO”-— Combined car having three separate compartments,- separated by bulkheads, one compartment suitable for trans- porting baggage, one for mail fitted with suitable apparatus for sorting and classifying mail, and the other fitted with seats for the transportation of passengers. “CB”— Business Car. A special type of car for the convenience of business men, used as smoker and fitted with tables or desks, carrying stationery and fitted with typewriters and carrying regular stenographers. ' Class “D.” “DA”— Dining Car. Regular dining car, for the use of pas- sengers in transit, fitted with regular kitchen, tables, chairs or seats, with or without bar, carrying cooks and waiters. “DB”— Buffet Car. Car for the transportation of passengers and fitted with small broiler or buffet to serve simple meals to passengers; cooking and serving done on removable tables by regular porter in charge of car. With or without facilities for serving liquor. “DC”— Café Car. A car fitted with kitchen, usually in center of car, one end used as cafe where meals are served, also liquor and smoking allowed, the other end of car fitted with either regular dining room or smoking and card room; carrying cooks and waiters. “DG”— Grill Room Car. Very similar to café car. “DO’G— Cafe Observation Car. Car fitted with café at one end, kitchen in center or extreme end, having observation com- partment fitted with stationary or movable tables and obser- vation platform at rear. “DP”— Dining and Parlor Car. A car fitted with dining com‘ partment, kitchen and compartment for passengers, fitted with chairs, stationary or otherwise, carrying regular cooks and waiters. ' Class “E.” “EQV— Electric Street Railway Service Car, direct current, for transportation of passengers; without automatic coup- lings. ‘ 4 CARS “EP”— Electric Passenger Car, for long hauls or suburban service, multiple unit and fitted with automatic couplings and air brakes. Third rail, trolley or pantagraph contact. “EB”— Electric Baggage Car, for long hauls or suburban service, multiple unit with automatic couplings and air brakes and suitable for the transportation of baggage. Third rail, trolley or pantagraph contact._ “EM”— Electric Mail Car, for use in United States Mail Serv- ice, fitted with side doors, with or without mail hooks, and suitable apparatus for the sorting and classifying of mail en route. With or without end doors or windows. “EC”-— Electric Combined. A car for long hauls or suburban service, multiple unit with automatic couplings and air brakes. This car is. made up of two compartments, sepa-. rated by bulkheads, one suitable for the transportation of baggage and the other fitted with seats or chairs for the use of passengers. Third rail, trolley or pantagraph con- tact. . “EG”— Gasoline Motor Propelled Car, for inspection or private use, or use in suburban service, hauling one or more trailers. , “ED”—— Gasoline Motor Car. Gasoline engine or engine serv- ing to run dynamo to furnish electricity for axle motors. Car to' be used for inspection, private use, or as motive power to haul trailer or trailers; fitted with storage cells and with or without booster. ' “ES”— Electric Passenger Car. For long hauls orsuburban service; multiple unit, and fitted with automatic couplings and air brakes. Operating power, storage battery. Class “M.” “MA”— Postal Car. For use of United States Mail Service, fitted with side doors, with or without mail-bag hook, and having suitable apparatus for the sorting and classifying of mail in transit, with or without end doors or windows. “MB”— Baggage and Mail. A car having‘ two compartments, one for baggage and one for mail, separated by bulkheads“; - the mail end fitted with suitable apparatus for sorting and classifying mail, and with or without mail-bag catchers, CARS 5. with or without end doors or windows, and having suitable side doors. “MP”—— Postal Car. Suitable for transporting newspapers or large mail packages for United States Mail Service, having side doors and fitted with stanchions, with or without end doors or windows. I “MR”-— Postal Storage Cars. For United States Mail Service, ' suitable to carry mail in bulk, without appliances for sort- ing or classifying, fitted with side doors and stanchions and with or without end doors or windows. “MS”—- Mail and Smoker. A combined car having two separate /' compartments, separated by bulkheads, one compartment suitable for the transportation, sorting and classifying of mail, the. other fitted with seats or chairs to be used by passengers as smoking car. -~ ' “MBE”— Combination Baggage, Mail and Express Car. A car having three compartments, each entirely separate from the other for handling its individual class of business. Class “P.” “PA”— Passenger Car. A car for‘ordinary short haul subur- ban service, with seats and open platforms. “PB”— Passenger Car. A vestibule (wide or narrow) car for through service, fitted with seats or reclining seats, and having toilet rooms for men and women, also wash basins. “PE”— Emigrant or Colonist Car. A second-class passenger car, with floors either bare or fitted with matting, used expressly for emigrant trade on trains where low rate of fare is charged. “PS”— Sleeping Car. A car for passenger service having seats that can be made up into berths, and usually having one or more separate stateroom compartments, also toilet and washroom facilities for men and women, and smoking com- partment for men. Some cars of this class are all compartments, and some compartment and observation combined. “PN”— Passenger car used exclusively as smoking car, with seats or chairs and fitted with cuspidors or having matting or bare floor. I 6 CARS “P0”— Observation Car. A car having observation compart- ment at one end and fitted with either berth facilities, parlor chairs or compartments, usually run in first-class service. “PV”-— Private cars used as ofiicers’ or private individual’s car and railroad pay car—usually composed of sleeping compartments, dining compartments, observation endpand with kitchen, servants’ quarters and toilet and bathroom.~ “PT”'—'1:ourist Car. A second-class sleeping-car, fitted usually ' with cane seats convertible into berths and used mostly on transcontinental trains; cars fitted with smoking compart- ment, toilet and washroom. “PC”— Passenger, Parlor or Chair Car. A car fitted with individual stationary or movable chairs, used on trains for daylight runs and having toilet and washrooms. Class “I.” “IA”— Instruction Cars for use of employes, usually run'from one point to another in passenger trains. NOTE— If. it is so desired, a small letter “E” can be placed after the larger designating letters to indicate electric lighting, and small “G” for gas lighting, also figures showing approxi- mate length of car or length of baggage or mail compartment. ‘ GENERAL SERVICE FREIGHT EQUIPMENT CABS. Class “X.” “XM”— Box Car. General service, suitable to lading which should be kept from‘ the weather. A box car is a closed car having side and end housings and roof, with doors in sides or sides and ends. ' “XA”— Automobile Car. Box car of similar design to general service car, having exceptionally large side doors or end doors. ‘ “XF”-— Furniture Car. Box car of similar design to general service car, except usually greater capacity in cubic feet. “XV”— Box Car, Ventilated. Similar to ordinary box, only having ventilation, and suitable for the transportation of produce orv other foodstuffs not needing refrigeration. CARS 7 “XI”'-— Box Car, Insulated. A boxcar having walls, floor and roof insulated, not equipped with ice bunkers or baskets. This car ordinarily used for transporting vegetables, freight, etc. Class “R.” “RA”——- Meat and Provision Refrigerator. A car equipped with insulation and brine ‘ice tanks without ventilating devices. “RB”—- Beer and Ice Refrigerator. A car with body and doors equipped with insulation, having no ice tanks or ‘ventilating devices. “RM”—- Refrigerator or Produce Car. A car suitable for carry- ing commodities that need icing in transit. This car is equipped with two or more ice bunkers or baskets and suitable means for draining off melted ice or briny water. This car has side and end housings, roof and side doors, usually insulated, with trap doors in roof for admittance of ice and salt; also water seals inside of car. “RS”—- Standard Refrigerator. A car equipped with insula- tion, ice tanks and ventilating devices. Class “V.” “VA”— Vegetable Ventilator. A car equipped with insulation, but having common box car end and side doors which afford no protection against heat or cold. "‘VS”— Standard Ventilator. A car equipped with insulation, including insulated side, end and top openings, and venti- lating devices without ice tanks. Class “S.” “SM”— Stock Car. This car is for transportation of stock on the hoof, and is equipped with roof, slatted sides and side doors, and single or double deck. With or without feed or feed and water troughs. ' “SD”— Stock Car. Composite having drop doors in floor and means of housing in sides and making drop-bottom box car. “SP”—-- Stock Car. Used in poultry trade, fitted with roof and sides usually of wire netting, fitted with shelves for storing era, of poultry and leaving space for poultrymen, feed baggnd watering facilities. 8 CARS ‘Class “G.” “GA”——- Gondola Car. This car has sides and ends; open at . top,v and drop bottom; suitable for general coal or ore trade, stone or general trade. . . “GE”—— Gondola car having drop bottoms and drop ends; suit- able for general coal or ore or mill trade. “GG”—— Gondola Coke Car. Gondola car fitted with coke racks and having drop bottoms._ .“GD”—— Gondola car having side-dump arrangement. “GM”-— Gondola Car. Suited to mill trade, having solid bot- tom, low sides and drop ends to facilitate twin shipments. “GB”— Gondola Car. A car with solid bottom, sides and ends, and open on top; suitable for mill trade. ‘Class “H.” “HM”—— Hopper Car. Similar in general design to gondola car, having sides and bottom ends and open at top, equipped with hopper bottom and self-cleaning. “HT”— Hopper (Twin). Similar to ordinary hopper, only equipped with two or more hopper doors instead of one. “HD”—— Hopper car equipped with side-dump hoppers. “HC”—-Hopper car equipped with coke racks. NOTE—If any of these hopper cars are provided with root or cover for protection ofcontents, the letter “R” should be aflixed to the regular symbol to designate its special class of‘ service. Class “F.” “FM”—— Ordinary flat car for general service. This car has flooring laid over sills and without sides or ends. “FG”— Flat or gun truck car for special transportation of heavy ordnance. - “FW”—— Flat well-hole car forspecial transportation of plate glass, etc. This car is a flat car with hole in middle to , enable lading to be dropped down on account of clearance limits. “FB”—- Flat car having skeleton superstructure, suitable for carrying barrels, known as “Barrel Rack Car.” “FL”-— Flat logging car or logging truck. This is ei er an ordinary flat car, or car consisting of two trucks fltt d with CARS ' 9 cross supports over truck bolsters; the trucks connected- by a skeleton of flexible frame and logs loaded lengthwise on cross supports. Class “T.” “TM”- Tank car for general service. This car is for general oil or liquid service, and consists of a steel tank mounted on frame or mounted directly on cradles over truck bolsters. It is equipped with one or two safety release valves, and is emptied by valves or valve at bottom. At the top is a dome, with or without manhole, and openings through which the tank may be filled. “TA”—- Acid Tank. Of same general construction as oil tanks. “TG”—- Tank car having glass or glass-lined tanks, for use in hauling mineral waters and other special products. “TS”-— Tanks for special commercial service. “TW”— Tank car having wooden tank, instead of steel, and used for water, pickles, etc. Class “N.” “NM”- Freight train‘ service caboose for convenience of trainmen. This caboose is mounted on four wheels and has lookout at top over roof. It is fitted with bunks or benches and a stove for cooking and heating purposes, also tank for storage of drinking and washing water, and small tool storage boxes. “NE”— Caboose mounted on eight wheels and longer than four- wheel caboose, but of the same general design. Class “Y.” _“YM”-— Yard Poling Car. This car used in hump classification and flat-yard classification. This car is usually fitted with small house or protection and benches, tool box and stove, a counterweighted pole on each side and running board or step near the ground for convenience of yardmen. It is protected with safety appliances and, when in use, coupled to an engine. “YA”—- Yard pick-up car for use of car droppers and yardmen I in'performance of their duty. It might be termed a “Car Dropper’s Car.” It is protected by house, around which 10 ,_ ' CARS runs a platform and railing, a long running board on sides near ground and is fitted with benches, tool box and stove. No'rE—The capacity of car can be shown by affixing two figures after designating letter: for instance, “80” would mean 80,000 pounds capacity; “10” would ~mean 100,000 pounds capacity; “60” would mean 60,000 pounds capacity. Where tanks are ‘in question the capacity numbers should indicate capacity in gallons instead of pounds. GENERAL SERVICE MAINTENANCE OF’ WAY ‘EQUIPMENT CABS. Any of the following classes of equipment, having special heating appliances for the protection of commodities against freezing, to be covered by afiixing the letter “H” to the desig- nating symbol. “SH”— Horse Car. A car specially fitted for the transporta- - tion ~of horses in freight service. Weed Burner —-A car equipped with machinery for propelling itself, or otherwise, and burning weeds along the track as it proceeds. Ditching Car ——A car equipped with machinery for propelling itself, or otherwise, and excavating ditches along the sides of the track as it proceeds. ‘Rail Saw —A car equipped with machinery for sawing track rails and similar material. a i . Rail Bender ——A car“ equipped with machinery for bending track rails and similar material. Grass Cutter ——A car equipped with machinery for propelling itself, or otherwise, and cutting grass along the track as it proceeds. ' . Track Layer -—A caryequipped with machinery for propelling itself, or otherwise, and laying the track ahead of it as it proceeds. ~ . “MWB”— Ballast Cars. All descriptions of cars used for the purpose of carrying ballast for the laying of new right of way and repairs. The car used generally for this work is of the gondola type, with side or center dump. “MWD”— Dump Cars." On the type of contractors’ car\ used for building up fills; the body of the car dumps, being raised by means of counterweight, air or hand power. CARS 11 wan..." .. “MWF”— Flat Car. Used for transporting rails, ties or ballast and for storage of wrecking trucks, or gathering scraps along right of way. These cars are at times equipped with low sides, about 10 or 12 inches high. - “MWS”— Steam Shovel. Car equipped with donkey engine housed in. Having a boom of wood or steel and the end of which is a shovel orscoop. It may be propelled by its own power or by means of a locomotive and run as a car in freight trains, being equipped with safety appliances. The cubic capacity of shovels, in yards, can be indicated by figures after classification letters. “MWW”—Wrecking Derrick. A derrick used for wrecking purposes, having donkey engine to raise and lower booms and hoists; engine housed in and on separate platform with boom, is pivoted in center of car frame in order that . it can be worked on either sides or ends; usually fitted with anchor beams to be used for heavy lifting. Fitted with safety appliances and propelled by means of locomo- tive.‘ Lifting capacity in tons Shown by means of figures. “MW ”—Wrecking Derrick. This derrick has boom and hoist fitted to frame of flat car and lifting done by means ofhand power; propelled by locomotive. ' “MW V”—-Wrecking Derrick. This derrick has boom and hoist‘ fitted to flat car and having drum at one end to furnish means of hoisting; steam furnished to donkey engine, run- ning drum, by means‘ of flexible steam line from attached locomotive; propelled by locomotive. "MW ”—Tool and Block Oar. A car used for carrying all descriptions of tool equipment and blocking. This car has side and end housings and roof, also end platforms. There are doors in sides and ends and usually windows. It is fitted inside with proper racks and boxes for storage of tools. ' “MW ”— Caboose and Tool Car. Similar to tool car, but having one end fitted up as a caboose, with bunks, stove and water storage, with or without lookout, and is used in either work or wrecking trains. I 12 ' cares “MWH”—- Hand car. This car is flat and mounted on four. wheels and propelled by means of pushing; known as “Push Car.” - - ‘ “MWL”— Hand Car. This is a small flat car, with or without seats, mounted on four wheels and propelled by means of cranks or hand levers. “MWG”-- Section Gang or Track Inspection Car. Flat car, with or without seats or tool boxes, and equipped with single or double cylinder gasoline engine serving as motive power. . l _ “MWX”— Boarding Outfit Car. ‘This includes cars used for I boarding, sleeping or cooking: purposes in-construction and similar work. “MWE”— Ballast Spreader and Trimmer. A car with blades or wings for spreading or trimming ballast. ' -"‘MW ”-- Ballast Unloader. A car equipped with machinery for pulling a plow through cars loaded with ballast. “MWP”— Pile Driver. A car equipped with machinery for pile driving. - “MWK”—F Snow-removing Car. A car equipped with any spe- cial device for removing snow from between or alongside of rails. . . ‘ “MWM”—- Store-supply Car. A car equipped for handling material to be distributed for railway use. CHAPTER II. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN CAR. The history of American car construction is a long record of evolution. Beginning with only the experience of wagon and coach makers as a guide, the railroad men having to do with car construction have gradually perfected each detail which enters into the completed modern car. They have taken up each requirement as it appe red and have admirably met the needs of transportation. A a consequence we now have, instead of the open flat or gondola car of the early railroad days, special freight cars 6for handling stock, bulk freight, furniture, carriages, liquids, barrels, ore, dairy prod- uce, dressed meats, fruits, ordnance, etc. Also instead of the stage coach like car we now have in passenger service the sumptuous coach, chair car," parlor car, sleeping car, and private car together with special dining cars, buffet cars, smoking and observation cars. The barest necessities re- quired in the caring for passengers are now superseded by the most modern luxuries. Comfortable cushioned seats. sanitary ventilation, carpeted floors, evenly distributed heat- ing, brilliant lighting, continuous vestibuled trains and practically all the comforts and accommodations of home life ‘ are furnished for the railway traveler. The first recorded use in this country of cars on railroads for carrying passengers was on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in 1830. In that year the first fifteen miles of that system had been completed to Ellicot’s Mills. The cars used were adaptations of the Conestoga wagons which were common in that territory as freight wagons for transporting over the highways the large amount of goods and produce which was then being handled at Baltimore as a market. The long wagon box like body was constructed with high sides, the driver's seat being located across the front and the facilities for entering at the rear. A cover was placed over the part assigned to the passengers. This was fitted between the 13 14 CARS posts with loosely draped curtains for protection. Some of the cars were constructed strong enough to carry passengers on the roof when the weather permitted. Each of the cars in the brigade, as it was called, was drawn by two horses. They made in regular service, what was for _ that ‘time, the remarkable speed of twelve miles an‘hour. It is generally admitted that the original regular service of a complete passenger train with steam engine as the motive power was on the Mohawk & Hudson Railroad be- tween Albany and Schenectady, N. Y., in 1831. This railroad now is a part of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. The cars were similar in design to .the old stage coach with its outside and inside seats. There was ‘the space for luggage both on top'and under the outside seats" at each end. The simple lever brake which answered for the highway was also used as was the method of suspending the body on long strap springs. The precedent for. this practice was found in England where coaches of this same type had already been in use. Indeed the modern English railway coach is still built on the plan of separate coach like compartments with the doors for each at the sides of the car. In order to make larger cars two or more coach bodies were joined together and so framed as to form a single car. At first only two pairs of wheels were used under these long cars. Later, as an improvement, double trucks were introduced, each truck having four wheels. An early departure from the coach design was made when a short four-wheeled‘ rectangular car was ‘built. This car was carried by semi-elliptical springs resting‘ on the journal boxes which were outside of the wheels instead of inside as had been the custom with most four-wheel cars. End doors and short platforms were provided but there were no steps and the draft rigging had no spring attachment of any sort. The gabled and shingled roof, small ' rectangular windows and sheathing running lengthwise of the body were evidently copied from house construction and gave the car the appear- ance of a small shed placed on wheels. The interior was of the most severely plain finish, the walls ‘being simply painted. The two hard bench like seats extended lengthwise of the car, one on eachside. However, these cars were short lived. CARS 15 About 1835 there appeared the long car built somewhat on the lines of the modern passenger car. The body of the car was rectangular in construction and it was carried on two four wheeled wooden trucks. The sides of the car were panelled, being framed between the window rails and the sills, but no truss rods were used. The short platforms were greatly improved by the addition of steps and hoods. Double cross Seats were arranged on one side of the car, the opposite side having the old long bench extending from end to end. All the windows were stationary. Ventilation, however, was obtained through panels, between the windows, which could be raised or lowered. The interior of the car was finished in plain beaded siding which was painted a light drab. The outside was painted yellow. This particular car was thirty- two‘ feet long over the end sills, thirty-seven feet long over the platform timbers and eight and one-half feet wide over the side sills. The trucks had a wheel base of four feet and nine inches while the spoked wheels were thirty-three inches in diameter. The body bolster was of wood as was also the entire truck frame. Wooden brake shoes also were used. With this car as an origin there has been change after change in small details and large until the present construc- tion of passenger cars has resulted. Wooden trussing of the sills was succeeded by iron truss rods, over-hanging wooden platforms have been replaced by steel vestibuled platforms, single reversible seats replaced the double benches placed back to back. Thus improvements have been made for com- fort, convenience and strength. As early as 1836-37 efiorts were made to furnish sleeping accommodations for passengers while en route; The Cumber- land Valley Railroad fitted up a passenger car with berths. The car was divided into four sections each of which had three berths, upper, middle and lower. Although crude in its con- struction this car was kept in service until 1848 when it was abandoned. Various ‘other means were devised to furnish sleeping quarters. But with them all there were no bed clothes supplied. The coarse mattress and pillow did not appeal to the traveler. These efforts resulted solely in sup- _ plying a means of resting which indeed was more comfortable 16 CARSv than sitting on the straight hard benches all night. In 1859 George M. Pullman experimented with some day coaches of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, converting them-into sleeping cars. The cars, as changed, were a decided improvement over - past efforts to meet the wants of the public. They were very well received and were kept regularly in service. In 1864 Mr. Pullman built, at the shops of this same company, the ' sleeping car “Pioneer” which was the first car built on the lines of present sleeping cars. It was a foot wider than pre vious cars and two and a half feet higher. As a consequence several of the bridges and all of the station platforms had to be altered before the car could be run over the road. A raised deck and an improved truck were also among the changes in design which were introduced. As completed this car became the standard as to height and width for future Pullman sleepers. Parlor cars for daylight travel naturally followed the solu- tion of the sleeping car problem.‘ These added materially to the comfort and luxury of travel as they were fitted up solely to meet these requirements. Together with the sleepers they were soon considered as a necessary equipment of first-class trains. Another step of the car building and car operating com- pany, which had been organized by Mr. Pullman, was the intro- duction of the “hotel” car “President” in 1867. Arrangements were made for placing portable tables between the seats of a sleeping car, one end of which was partitioned ofi as a kitchen and pantry. In 1868 a complete car devoted solely to the furnishing of meals, the “Delmonico,” was put into regular service. During all these general changes made in passenger cars, minute and careful study was made of the various details entering into their construction. Baggage, express, mail and even horse cars were constructed to be handled in trains run- ning as fast or faster than those carrying passengers. The railway mail service which was conceived in 1864 and has increased every year, takes for its exclusive use no small part of the railway companies’ equipment. These cars have to be ‘especially constructed to meet the requirements of the govern- CARS _ 17 ment' and at the same time they, are elaborately fitted up with everything which will assist in the work of distributing mail while the trains are in motion. The various investigations of the problem as to how to suc- cessfully heat these trains resulted in the setting aside first of " the stove and then the independent system of hot water heat- ing as‘ utilized with the Baker heater and the final adoption ' of steam from the locomotive as the heat generating medium. Practically all of the passenger cars used in sections of the country which have cool weather are now equipped with con- tinuous steam pipes under the cars which connect to radiators inside. These radiators are arranged to heat the car directly or by auxiliary hot water circulation, and at the present time the modern Vapor Heating Systems which produce a more uniform heat are rapidly coming into general use. * The closed or vestibuled train‘was an early study. In 1852 patents were issued for a canvas covering to connect adjoining cars and form a covered passageway between them. These covers were used on the Naugatuck Railroad in Connecticut, but were abandoned about 1861 after nearly four years’ trial. In 1887 the narrow vestibule, which enclosed only the landing between the steps, was brought out. This was followed by the standard or wide vestibule which extends the .full width ‘ of the car and has drop doors over the steps to make the platform level all the way across the car. In the early days the tallow candle held in a sort of lantern and suspended at each end of the car was the only method of illumination. Oil lamps and gas and electric lights are now the general means of lighting according to the location of the railway and the character of its-train service. Improve- ments in each of these systems have been and are still constantly being made. Where it is possible to reach a charging station, the gas lamp, supplied from storage reser- voirs under the car, is much better and safer light than the oil lamp. The gas systems have been reduced now to prac- tically two types, that using Pintsch gas and that using I"The subjects of lighting and heating passenger trains are treated in another volume relating to trains. 18 ' _ ‘CARS acetylene gas'. -Electric lighting of trains is also of two types: first, that in which a dynamo is operated in one, ‘generally the baggage car for lighting all the cars in the train. The second system is that in whicha dynamo is geared or belted to a truck axle on each car. While the car is in motion sufiicient current is generated to illuminate the lamps and also charge. a storage battery which is called upon to- supply current for the lamps whenthe car is at rest. _ The introduction of the power brake on passenger trains required the use of some sort of‘ coupler which would-leave ~no slack between the cars, but at the same time the cars should have relative motion vertically without loosening the coupling. ' This necessity brought out‘ the Miller platform, consisting of the spring buffer and vertical plane coupler or “hook” as it was commonly termed. With the introduction of the auto- matic coupler of the Janney type for freight cars the Miller “hook” has!) been superseded by the former coupler. The gen- eral idea of the buffer, however, has been retained on all types of continuous platforms. ' V - In 1827 a railroad was. ‘built between Boston and Quincy. It was a crude affair, and was constructed for the purpose-of handling granite for use in the Bunker Hill monument. This was one of the first places where cars on rails were .used for transporting freight. The cars were of the plainest and simplest type, being very much like the heaviest styles of push or,“dollie” cars now used by railroads. They were hauled by horses. The wheels were entirely outside the body, the axles being arranged for ‘inside journals. About 1829 the 'Carbondale Railroad was opened by the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company between the head of their canal at Honesdale, » Pennsylvania, and the mines vat Carbondale, a. distance of sixteen miles. The cars were pulled partly by stationary steam engines and partly by horses. This was also the first place where a steam locomotive was used 'to handle the freight trains, the initial trip of the engine being made. in August, 1829. ' ~ . As an improvement over the heavy “dollie” car of the Boston and Quincy Railroad cars were constructedof lighter ‘material. They were widenedvby placing the journals outside CARS , 19 the wheels and letting the wheels project up into the framing of the car, but not.far enough to disturb the flooring. Sides were fitted to the car; at first they were shallow, but gradually higher ones were used until the gondola car was evolved. This car also was originally designed to be hauled by horses. A step toward the modern type of double trucked eight wheeled car was the use of two of these light four wheeled cars without the sides under a special framework made to carry firewood. This framework rested on bolsters through which king bolts attached it to the cars. This same manner of using two cars for long loads was also used on the Boston and Quincy Rail- road. Almost all improvements in freight equipment of railroads have been along such lines; adaptations to the local and immediate conditions and requirements. It was but a simple change from the double car to a regularly designed car having special trucks and with the draft rigging attached directly to the car body. The necessity for a more permanent covering than could be obtained with tarpaulins brought out the construction of a framework over the simple fiat car. Thus we have the beginning of the American Box Car. Until 1848 there was very little change made in the designs and construction of freight cars. They had increased to about ten tons capacity, the dead weight being nearly as high. The roofs were sometimes covered with duck that was painted and sanded. Draw bars of the link and pin type with spring attachment had then come into general use. However, it was not until almost 1880 that any move was made to increase the generally adopted standard capacity (ten tons) of the cars. And this in spite of the fact that there was a great‘ demand for larger and stronger cars capable of taking greater loads. Even the Master Car Builders’ Association in 1877. deprecated the idea of building cars for carrying more than ,ten tons of freight. Nevertheless the demand for larger cars increased. As a consequence the standard was gradually increased, the cars being strengthened for taking fifteen, then twenty and twenty-five tons of lading until the thirty ton car was developed about 1888 for general service with approx- imately the proportion of the modern car. It must be noted that with all the advances in the carrying capacity of the D 20 . CARS freight car there was no material departure from the original form of construction as used on the old standard ten ton car of 1848. The rule of thumb method of design and construction had remained in force and continued to do so for some time afterward. Notable examples of the results of this method of construction were the many large capacity cars which did not hold up, but sagged down in the center and also onto the side bearings. This created a prejudice against these large cars which was very nearly fatal to their adoption. The cars were hard to handle on the road and were continually break- ing down. However, about this time more accurate attention was paid to the proper proportioning of the various parts to stand up properly under their particular strains. This tech- nical study of the car building problem gradually improved the situation and paved the way for larger cars of either part steel or all steel construction for carrying forty, fifty and even fifty-five tons of lading each. The introduction of steel into the car body was gradual. Until the Columbian Exposi- tion in 1893 at Chicago there was no real attempt made to develop its use. A steel car had been built in 1890, but it did not in itself create favorable impressions. ‘Nevertheless it opened the way for the useof steel for many parts of the car, the use of which today is nearly universal. In the development of the freight car, the causes producing the rapid evolution of the steel freight car were ‘of the most compelling character, especially after the frequent failures found in large wooden cars whose use had been brought about in an attempt to obtain a lower unit cost of transportation by making said cars of very large capacity. With the steel car, these causes were: 1. The growing demand for this' increased capacity, which led to building huge wooden cars; which had behind it the desire to increase tonnage without increasing the length of the train. 2. _The need of greater structural strength to resist operating stresses. 3. The approaching equalization of the, costs of steel and suitable car lumber. 4. Greater economy— due to the longer life of steel cars and i. the smaller cost of maintaining them in proper condition. ' 5. Considerations as to safety, both as to lading and as to passengers. ' 1— CARS _ 21 Still, when the radical change in design from wood to steel is considered, the rapidity with which steel cars have been introduced is indeed most remarkable. The first steel cars were built about 1896-7, with a capacity of from 40 to 50 tons, exceeding by two-thirds that of the former wooden car. Up to 1897, there were few definite attempts to adopt the all-steel car. In that year the Pittsburgh, Bessemer & Lake Erie Rail- road ordered a number of 100,000 pounds capacity all-steel cars. The success of this undertaking created such a favorable impression that the construction of some nineteen thousand steel cars occurred within the next two years. Since then, the steel freight car has advanced by leaps and bounds, as likewise steel passenger cars, both of whose progress will be described herein later; in the chapters thereon. Suffice it to say, that railroads have now practically ceased building wooden cars, either freight or passenger. ' Not only. are freight cars still increasing in size, but also their number has risen enormously to meet the needs of our fast growing country and traflic; there being now in the United States alone over 2,300,000 freight cars owned by railroads and 140,000 owned by car companies or private owners. Private car lines own 54,000 refrigerator cars; rail- 'roads own 49,000 such cars. For the transportation of automobiles alone, there are 43,000 cars built specially for this purpose. - ' The transitory stage when wooden cars were going out and steel cars were coming in, is already past.‘ In the evolu- tion of the freight car, the wooden car has gone under, and the steel car arisen, according to the doctrine of the survival of the fittest. In' the long heavy trains of today, ascending steep grades and propelled by tremendously powerful locomo- tives, the weaker wooden car breaks in two, bursts its gears, and causes Wrecks to such an extent that many railroads now refuse to haul wooden cars unless they are strengthened by being fitted out with steel underfram'es, heavy center sills, and efiicient draft gear or else draft-arms of steel so riveted to the underframing as to prevent the sills from spreading. As illustrating the present car status, one large railroad now has the following proportion of the difierent types of cars: 22 a _ CARS Steel cars, 40 per cent; steel underframe cars, 40 per cent; wooden cars, 20 per cent. Smaller roads have more wooden cars, but their number is daily decreasing even with the smallest of our railroads.- At present, the type most in favor is the large capacity freight car, of from 60 to 80 tons, with steel underframe and steel upperframe having wood sheathing bolted to the latter, to take the place of both the lining and sheathing found in former wooden cars. On account of the still slightly favorable balance in the comparative cost of ‘wood used for said lining- and sheathing, this type may last for a time and prevail over large areas; metal plates being used for roofing, and the wooden floor remaining for proper blocking of the lading. However, this type is only a transitory one, as all car ‘men now admit that in the future, not far distant, all freight cars will be of the all~steel type. This subject will be treated of fully, later on; but it may here be noticed that there are already in use in the United States many thousands of the all-steel freight car. ' CHAPTER III. SECTION I. CAR CONSTRUCTION. In the construction of cars there are problems to‘ be met by the designer that, are peculiar to thee-individual railroad. The physical characteristics of the road are often the limiting features. A road that has many tunnels, a large number of which are comparatively small in section, will have to build its cars to suit these conditions. In order to make the best use of all the space available the car body itself will be made to just clear the limiting obstructions. All projecting attach- ments will be made as short as possible. Even narrow platforms will be provided at the ends of the freight cars for the brakeman’s use when the train is passing through the tunnels. The eaves of the passenger cars will be very low and the clear-story will be quite high when the size of the oval shape tunnel prevents the use of a more generous car section. The total length and width of cars is often limited on mountain roads by the sharp curves and projections on the inside of the curve. This is especially the situation with passenger equipment, in the building of which there is a marked tendency to lengthen out the cars. Sometimes the maximum allowable wheel loading will prevent the use of cars of large capacity. It is thus that the car builder is often hemmed in by many obstacles in his efiorts to supply the demands for cars, and the peculiar appearance of the cars he builds is often due to the necessities of the case. A design or practice that is eminently suited to the conditions of a given locality will very often not answer the purpose at all at another place. Thus the progressive Master Car Builder will continue to bring out a special design of car as each new requirement of the service makes it advisable to prepare special equipment. 23 24 CARS Car construction should be of the very besti long experience proves that true economy dictates that cars should be con- structed of only the very best materials combined with the best engineering skill, first class workmanship, and the most approved of modern appliances. Cars thus constructed would, if properly maintained, not only be truly the most economical in the end, but would produce increased net earnings by being kept more days in revenue service, and fewer days ‘on the repair tracks where they not only produce no revenue but increase the railroads’ expenses and freight damage claims -—thus trebly decreasing net earnings. Nevertheless, the present practice of some roads appears neither to be based upon this plainly apparent truth nor to recognize the consequence of going contrary to it. It is all well enough to save a few dollars, but it is evidently absurd, by skimping on car materials or construction, to proceed to build cars that will not stand even two years’ service without having to be sent to the car shops and practically rebuilt. The money saved on first-cost is thus wasted ten to twenty times over, in repairing such shoddy cars—a fact well known to men in the car department. ,' In this section we will deal solely with Car Construction, pointing out the general tendencies nowadays; in the following section, we will treat of car materials in detail, although certain parts of this section such as car insulation also have to do with the materials used therein. ~ In constructing a car, the design selected should be that one which is truly most economical for general use on all railroads, so as to handle its lading in the most eflicient manner, and, therefore, to also be so durably constructed as to keep the car out of the repair shop. Further, a car may cost $5 or $10 more for its regular upkeep, but it may save two or three times that amount in weight hauled about uselessly; a considerable factor in increasing or decreasing net earnings. On the other hand, a car should not be designed solely with a view 'to lowering the cost of its upkeep. The weight of a car is a serious matter, and manifestly it is not good business to put weight into a car solely for occasional hard or special . service. The cost of upkeep may thus be less, in truth, but a CARS 2 5 in practice only the average service of a car should be con- sidered in designing that car. As a general rule, it is best to make the new car design ‘a little fine, and then strengthen it in its weak points; thus obtaining a sufliciently strong car of the minimum weight. This is plainly more sensible from an economical standpoint, than building a car like a battleship. There is, of course, considerable difference of opinion as to this among car men, but still the above principle is the correct mechanical one; it has stood the test of time, and should be followed as far as possible. Yet, to illustrate the personal peculiarities of opinions, one railroad recently built a car of 60,000 pounds capacity that had a light weight of 48,000 pounds; while another road built a car of 80,000 pounds capacity with a light weight of only 36,000 pounds—and still both companies were satisfied with their cars! ’ ~ - Of course in some cases, with some types or classes of cars, the design and construction of a car are absolutely fixed by authoritative railway associations or by law, either state or federal. Thus, tank cars must be constructed strictly according to Master Car Builders’ Specifications for Tank Cars;* while postal cars must be built exactly according to United States Government specifications for postal cars, in- cluding every detail of material and construction for every part of such cars. In this connection, it is interesting to here notice that four types of construction are permitted by postal specifications for the underframing of such cars: 1. IHeavy center sill construction, the center sills acting as the main carrying members. 2. Side carrying construction, the sides of the car acting as the main carrying members, having their supports at the bolsters. 3. Underframe con- struction in which the load is carried by all the longitudinal members. The superstructure framing may be of steel, or of wood reinforced as per Railway-Mail-Service specification plan No. 1. 4. Combination construction, in which the side frames carry a part of the load, transferring the same to the center sills at points remote from the center plate, for the purpose of utilizing uniform center sill area.. Steel castings ‘See Chapter XII of this book for these specifications. 26 CARS may be used as parts of the steel underframe, in any of the above types. Passenger car construction has made enormous progress in the last six years, especially in- all-steel cars. In freight car construction, the railways are now awakened to the need of improved construction, so as to more fully protect the lading and" endure modern operating stresses. As a rule, each railroad has its own practice, to which cars built for it con- form more or less accurately. All the car failures of today do not lie with the smaller and older cars; there are freight. cars of large capacity still in service that are a reproach to both their designers and owners. There have been a number of instances where 60,000 and 80,000 pound steel underframe cars have been found too weak to withstand the shocks received in service. Leaky roofs, broken doors, pulled out drawbars, broken trucks, and racked superstructures are the result of this poor car designing orconstruction. Fairness, however, compels the admission that often this is caused by false economy enforced by managers upon car departments; also, the operating department frequently handles cars so roughly as to prematurely break down anything short of a solid steel ingot. Both these causes result in daily train delays, overtime, damage to freight, and large increase in the cost of car maintenance. What is imperatively demanded today is a car that will stand up to the requirements of present traflic conditions, no matter what the capacity of the car may be. A standard freight car should be determined upon and adhered to by all our roads. All-metal trucks should be required ‘under all cars without further delay. _ A standard minimum strength for freight cars, a matter largely‘ depending on the draft-gear and its attachments, and a minimum strength for underframes, should be fixed upon with the idea of adequately protecting whatever road is handling the cars, not only from damage to its own cars, but also from excessive claims or expenditures for damages done to foreign ‘cars. In the first steel cars, too light material‘was used, especially in the center sills. As a ‘ result, there was not sufficient strength in the car to resist - the bufiing shocks, which the center sills must take care of. CARS _ 27 These sills therefore buckled, and had to be cut loose and straightened out again, and cover or strengthening plates applied. Unfortunately, this faulty ‘ designing of car parts is still persisted in, in some quarters, as may be observed in any car shop or repair yard. In some of the new all-steel and steel underframe equipment but lately constructed, the center sill has often been reduced to such a small area of cross-section that cars fitted with such are no stronger, if as strong, as the former wooden cars. This has reached such a pass that the Master Car Builders’ Association now proposes to fix minimum limits for the cross-sectional area of center sills. Freight cars continue to increase in size; the new eastern coal cars are. of 90 tons capacity, and flat cars of 100 tons capacity are in service. Hence, there is increasing need of so strengthening cars as to enable them to .safely carry these heavier loads. There are many problems, not the least of which is the varying weights of cars, of themselves and as compared with their various capacities; the difierences between which among cars of the same type and class ofier , many perplexities to car builders and designers. If box cars were standardized, such variations in weight for this large class of cars would be greatly reduced. The American Railway Association, probably the most powerful official association of railways in our country, now has under consideration the determination of a standard box car, which, when finally and fully specified, will doubtlessly be adopted by the Master Car Builders because of the many advantages arising from the creation and maintenance of such a car. In the structural-steel car, we already have practically a » fair sort of standard car, for most purposes; but car men unite in demanding one fixed standard type or design for each» of the various kinds and classes of cars. This is most important to the car-user, because standard equipment is always more economical than special equipment. The more cars are standardized, the vgreater the facility of making, and the less the cost of repairs. Serious delays often ensue at present on account of special patented car-parts not being on ' hand to effect repairs; sometimes even the manufacturer is 28 _ CARS ' temporarily out of ‘them at the time. There are tens of thou- sands of special car-parts on the market and in use on cars, and no road can keep them all in stock. For this reason, the demand for standards becomes daily more imperative. Already we have increasing accuracy in standardizing wheels, - axles, bolsters, arch-bars, brakebeams, couplers, air-brake hose, etc.; and each year the Master Car Builders standardize other parts of the car. , ' ' ‘ Standard parts can always be kept in stock, not only by the roads but also by the -makers thereof. The latter can also make and sell them to the roads at lower cost. In rail- road car shops and yards, the repairs are made more quickly and cheaply, as the men do not have to contend with a multi- ' tude of special devices and parts peculiar to each patented article. The American Railway Association and Master Car ' Builders have already adopted the inside measurements for a standard box car of a certain length, as will be seen later. This standardization of cars and their parts has the powerful and energetic support of the Master Car Builders Association, one of the most influential railway‘bodies in the country, and of undisputed authority on car and car construc- tion, as it is composed of leading oificials engaged in designing, constructing, or maintaining the car equipment of railroads or of private car companies or other companies owning and operating 1,000 cars or over. By its adoption from time to time, of Standards and Recommended Practices, in car con- struction, this association is rapidly standardizing the car equipments of nearly" all our railroads, adding thereto new and advanced rulings at all of its annual conventions. By adopting anything as a Recommended Practice, the association puts the stamp of its approval upon it, as providing a basis by which to properly design or limit certain parts of a car. It does not compel railroads to make changes, and it may be years before such Recommended Practices, having successfully stood the tests of time and experience, become Standards and are adopted as such by this association. Still, such Recom- mended Practices represent the best thought _as to correct car practice, of this expert body of car men, and, as such, they carry the greatest weight next to Standards. CARS 29 For the sake of brevity, we have adopted for use in this book,‘ the following abbreviations of much used titles and phrases: Home Car—A car on a railroad to which that car belongs. Home Road—The road which owns a certain car, or upon which the home of a private car is located. Foreign Car—A car on a road to which it does not belong. Foreign Road—Any road other than the home road. Private Car—A car having other than railroad ownership. I. C. C.—Interstate Commerce Commission. Am. Ry. Assn—American Railway Association. M. C. B.-—-Master Car Builders. M. C. B. Assn.—Master Car Builders’ Association. Rec. Practice—Recommended Practice. ' By “Interchange” is meant the joint use of cars by rail- road companies. In the case of freight billed to a point beyond the limits of the railroad accepting it for shipment, it is billed through to its destination; the car in which it was originally loaded being transferred to the next road whose tracks bear it onward to its ultimate destination, and so on until the car with its freight reaches its goal. Such a car is said to be ofiered by the first road in interchange (service), and to be received in interchange by the second and other roads—that is, provided said other roads do so accept it in interchange. They may not so choose, but, under certain rules and conditions, in which the condition of the car cuts a large figure, they have the privilege and may prefer to unload the original car and reload the freight into another car, sending the latter on to its destination; As to which road shall pay the cost of this transfer, the delivering or receiving road, depends upon the Car Service Rules of the Am. Ry. Assn. governing this matter. But when transfer is due to defective equipment that is not. safe to run according to M. C. B. Rules, if repairs cannot be made while car is under load, then the first or delivering road must pay the cost of such transfer. For this reason, railroads must keep their cars in proper order, if they wish to avoid this expense; and obviously, it is much to their interest to keep all their 30 CARS cars in such shape as ‘to be accepted in interchange ‘with other roads. 7 ‘ " l' A‘ ' " ' 1 ' Each railroad prescribes its own rules regarding the construction, rebuilding, and‘repairs of "its own cars while on the home road. Concerning the condition of, and repairs to, foreign cars- on its line, the code of rules termed the M. C. B. Rules for Interchange of Traffic now regulates this matter concerning foreign cars. These rules specify when or not cars are toube accepted in interchange, whether empty or loaded. This code of rules is published by us as a supple- ment to'this book, and should receive the close and constant study of car men, as they are recognized by all the principal railroads of the United States and‘ Canada as oflicial and authoritative, and therefore, strictly ‘to be followed in hand- ling or repairing foreign cars, whether freight or passenger. These rules provide for the care of foreign cars, inter- changing of freight cars with other roads and the settlement for cars, ‘besides the settling of other disputes between roads through the Arbitration Committee of the M. C. B. Association. They determine whether the car owner, delivering road, or receiving road, is responsible for damages to cars, and explain as to how vand who shall repair them, also stating the use of the various cards placarded on cars needing repairs, etc. Rules for billing are laid down, rules as to the disposition of worn-out or hopelessly damaged cars, rules as to the furnish- ing of materials for repairs, and, finally, full price-lists not only of many kinds of cars, car parts and material, but also the charges for labor with the number of hours allotted for each job. Plainly, all car men should have this code at their fingers’ ends. Above all else, with cars in general, it is most important that they should always be kept in good order, especially the remaining wooden cars, old steel cars, and all cars of small tonnage. Statistics as to the causes of the principal train accidents, as determined by the I. C. C. for several years after 1902, show that of 177 such accidents, 96 were caused by defective or weakened equipment. There is today a much more rapid deterioration of rolling stock than there was a few years ago. Often the cause is laid to defective car CARS ' 31 material 01 faulty construction, whereas a large part of it arises from the harder service and severer stresses to which cars are now subjected, and from the mixing of strong heavy cars in trains with lighter, weaker ones, besides the rough handling that many cars receive. Due to the overdoing of the modern craze for speeding up and expecting super-efiiciency, much of the damage is done in the yards where trains are made up or dispersed to tracks. Here much of the weaker car equipment receives its death blow. Inordinate demands for the maximum number of cars switched per hour forces the switching of cars at too high a speed, especially in hump yards, where vast damage is done. Engineers unaccustomed to the heavier power and longer trains of today also cause damage to cars by suddenly starting or stopping their trains. An example of the terrific stresses encountered in modern freight service was given recently by a 100-carloaded train of about 7,000 tons, on which an air- hose burst. A dynamometer-car happened to be in the train, and its instruments proved that the resulting shock was 977,000 pounds! Small wonder that two new steel cars on that train were telescoped. Nevertheless, were cars themselves properly constructed of sufficiently strong materials to enable the combinations thereof to resist present operating stresses of average magnitude, undoubtedly the break-in-twos and damages to cars would be greatly reduced, especially if ~the wooden car is—as it should rightly now be——forbidden use in. heavy trains or interchange traific. .The day of the all-wood freight car has forever passed. True, there still linger on branch lines and small roads some relics of the early car age of wood, but even these are greatly changed, above all as regards their underframing, from the . old 10, 20, and 30 ton wooden cars with their short draft timbers and wooden sills. Cars with such draft timbers will not now be accepted in interchange or handled by our rail- roads, as they continually break down, especially if caught by an impact between heavy steel cars. Like the weakest link in a chain, the wooden-sill car is always the first to give way when “yanked up” short by a heavy locomotive hauling a long train of cars. Their draft attachments, old style triple 32 CARS valve, small 8-inch cylinders, and general construction keep them most of the time on the repair tracks. Where wooden cars still survive, they are reinforced with steel center sills or complete steel underframes, and their draft gear is always strengthened. Even so, the wooden car is doomed to soon disappear, for several reasons: one of which is that its annual deterioration is vso much greater than that of steel cars; and, hence, its life is shorter. The M. C. B. allowance for annual depreciation, upon the yearly depre- ciated value, is 6 per cent ‘for wooden cars as against 5 per cent for steel ones. This, however, is merely an arbitrary rule, probably established for uniformity’s sake, and is only tentative; for we have not yet used steel cars long enough to actuallyknow just what the average life of the steel car is. In the case of steel hopper cars, we know that the steel floor and sheets will last. 20 years, the rest of the car about 40 years; and, at 'a small cost, the whole car can be made as good as new again. Further, wooden cars now deteriorate more rapidly every year, due to the increasing destructive- ness of the heavier impacts they now receive from huge steel cars. It would, therefore, seem probable that the proper pro- portion for annual depreciation is approximately 7' per cent for wood as against 4% per cent for steel. But, in any event, the longer life of steel cars proves that real economy dictates their preference over wooden ones. As steel cars are already nearly as cheap as those of wood, the factors of safety, security from end shocks, and increased tonnage make it but a question of a short time till the sight of .a wooden car will be a rare one. Car construction will then deal almost entirely with metallic materials, and the present problems of steel-car building—heating and refrigerating, insulation and ventila- tion, etc., will be satisfactorily solved to suit both ladings and passengers. As regards general car deterioration, the following M. C. B. rules‘governing the settlement for cars destroyed on foreign lines, are here of interest—giving, for freight cars, the depre- ciation due to age, per year, figured upon the yearly depre- ciated value of the same: CARS 33 Wooden Car Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 per cent All-Steel_Car Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 per cent Car Bodies with Steel Underframes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61/; per cent - Steel Underframe, flat cars, wood floors . . . . . . . . . . .- . . .5 per cent Tanks of Tank-Cars handling non-corrosive substances 4 per cent Tanks of Tank-Cars handling corrosive substances. . . . 5 per cent Trucks other than All-Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 per cent Trucks, All-Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 per cent The allowances for depreciation shall in no case exceed 60 per cent of value new. N o depreciation is allowed on the Air Brake Apparatus. Cars are still growing in average size, for the use of larger cars, other things being equal, permits larger net earnings therefrom. The M. C. B. Assn. contemplates the speedy retire- 'ment from freight service of all cars under 60,000 pounds capacity; a step certain to take place very soon, not only as regards these cars, but also regarding the cars of 60,000 pounds capacity for the following reasons: 1. Such cars cannot as a rule be handled in heavy trains. 2. Because many industries will not load them. In the meantime it is suggested that railroads in general should confine all such light equipment to local business on their own lines. Cars of 70 to 80 tons are now common, with coal cars of from 90 to 100 tons. In fact, their size is circumscribed only by the delimitations set by the tunnels, bridges and other clearances, and the permissible load‘ per wheel on rails and bridges. Length, width, height, and weight all have their limits, and some of said limits are already plainly insight (as regards car construction) for cars intended to travel on foreign roads whose tunnels, etc., will impose limits less than those encountered on the home road. In the transition from wood to steel in passenger car con- struction, one of the most important features was long neg- lected, and indeed still remains a matter of concern to car builders—the question of the proper insulation of metal cars. This was evidenced in early steel cars, which had to be given an unusual and expensive amount of heating surface, and even then such care were cold in winter. In steel freight cars, trouble was had both from sweating and from the excessive heating or chilling of the lading. For this reason, we have in this book gone quite deeply into the subject of 34 _ ' ‘CARS insulation, not only for steel cars but also concerning the needs of special cars such as refrigerator, ventilated, and other cars of that kind. . Cars get into defective condition either because‘ theywere poorly designed or ‘badly constructed—through faulty car- engineering, or managerial desire to save on first cost, or poor shop-work—besides failing through lack of proper mainten' ance. In many such cases, their rebuilding, vpractically, will well repay the cost thereof many times over, in at least three ways: 1. By reducing the cost of future maintenance. 2. By increasing earnings through giving cars more days of revenue service. 3. By preventing damage to lading and thus avoiding damage claims. This last item is important, as an extremely large number of box cars have roofs, sides, or ends which allow moisture to penetrate into the cars, thereby damaging such commodities as flour, grain, cement, etc. Others have defects permitting grain, e_tc., to leak through, causing heavy losses to the railroads every year. - All these are remediable defects, and‘ careful car construction avoids or speedily repairs them. . Given a properly constructed car, the best way is to see that timely and proper attention is continuously given to its maintenance. This always results in a net decrease in the total cost of maintenance over any given period of time. As car men know, true economy lies in keeping cars in 100 per cent condition. Concerning passenger cars, better construction and‘ added facilities have been universally introduced, induced by keen .. competition and moral and statutory obligations to provide for the increased‘ safety of passengers Among these are the use vof gas and electricity for lighting; appliances for ' heating‘them by steam, vapor, etc.; fitting up of all cars with air brakes; raising of platforms to. a uniform height and arranging‘ that the sills as well as the platforms coincide, so that in the event of collision, the full strength of the cars opposes their tendency to telescope. These, together with better car-wheels, brake beams, 'etc., are now everywhere in common use. 'i CARS ‘ 35 In the chapters dealing with the freight car and its com- ponent parts, we explain the present weaknesses and needs of such equipment. A committee of the M. C. B. on Car Construction has remarked lately as follows: “For new cars, a greater strength should be required. Transportation require- ments have increased greatly in the past ten years. Heavy freight locomotives, including Mallet road engines, greater efforts‘ to pass cars through yards quickly, and rougher handling of cars have increased the strains to cars, due to end shock, at least 50 per cent. Manufacturers of couplers, draft gears, draft attachments, etc., are all busy increasing the strength of their specialties, and are generally aiming to double the original strength.” To furnish the ‘maximum revenue returns, the money expended for first cost, repairs, and the dead weight should all three be a minimum. The outside car builder builds his cars to sell, and is not as careful as railroad car builders are to make the cars strong enough. Cars should be built for reasonably long service; not so that they have to be practically rebuilt every three or four years or else scrapped. The rail- roads of this country have built heavy equipment—they have heavy train service to meet. _The smaller roads have no need for the same strength of equipment as the larger ones, but the same car built for the light railroad service also goes into service on the railroad’ where the heavy service exists. rLherefore this car too, must be strong enough to stand the service on that road. There is, in fact, a medium ground where weight, strength, and low cost of maintenance will meet. While excessive light weight of car means a high per cent of possible revenue, it also often means high cost of maintenance, as no structure subject to shock can be whittled ' down too far without increasing the liability to earlier failure and an increased repair account. Proper car construction calls for the happy medium. 36 ‘ CARS PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS FOR ECONOMIES IN FREIGHT CAR REPAIRS)“ BY MR. H. H. HARVEY, e. o. o. B. a Q. R. R. A short time ago our secretary asked me to present a paper for the club and I was on the point of declining on account of anything I could prepare sufiering by comparison with the many excellent papers previously read before the Western Railway Club. I Before doing so it occurred to me. that by presenting a paper on theabove named subject I might start something and others who took part in the discussion would bring out points of great value to all of us, and with this end in view I agreed to comply with his request. It hardly seems necessary to say anything about the increased size of locomotives, longer trains, rougher handling of cars in switch yards, etc., as compared with conditions only a few years ago as you are all familiar with these changes. Neither is it necessary to call attention to the gradual general increase in the cost of freight car repairs or the necessity for economy in everything pertaining to the opera- tion of our railroad, as you are all familiar with this also and are no doubt making special efforts to keep expenses down to a minimum in your particular department. So far as the freight car repair problem is concerned one of the most important questions at the present time is to get rid of short draft timbers extending only to body bolster and secured to draft sills by only about four seven-eighth or one- inch bolts. Cars so equipped are not safe to handle in the heavy tonnage trains in general use on all of our larger trunk lines, and if owners wish to continue them in service, they should placard them and keep them on their own rails regard- less of the capacity of the cars. Only recently I saw a box car that had been given heavy general repairs, repainted and made practically new above sills, and it had six five by eight longitudinal sills, with short‘ ‘From a paper read before The Western Railway Club. CARS ' 37 draft timbers depending entirely on the vertical bolts with which they were attached to draft sills. Work of this kind is not economical, nor is it safe, and it should be discouraged in every possible way. This, however, is not what I had in mind, but it is such a good example of what should not be done that I cannot forego the opportunity of mentioning it. Many economical practices in freight car repairs have been brought out in the past few years and would invite your attention to some that have come to my notice. ‘ Before mentioning them I wish to state that few if any of them are original with me and that most of them are in quite general use on various roads, but they will‘ serve as reminders to bring out others. (1) Welding or piecing out old bolts. Bolts 78-inch and over in diameter can be welded or pieced out to any desired length under a Bradley hammer at a saving of at least $15.00 per thousand bolts and will give satisfactory service. ' (2) Old leg-inch truss rods from dismantled cars may be made into brake shafts by upsetting lower end and trueing . up drum under hammer, and drawing upper end down to proper size for ratchet wheel for a distance of about four feet. This makes a good stifi shaft, at a' considerable saving over cost when made of'new iron. (3) Column bolts for arch bar trucks may be made from old 13/8-inch body truss rods, by upsetting the two ends about four or five inches, trueing up under a hammer and leaving center of bolt 1% inches. (4) Old 1%-inch truss rods from dismantled cars may be hammered down under a Bradley hammer into 2x1/2 inches flat, 1 inch, 1%, inch or 1% inch round, at a saving from $5.00 to $12.00 per ton over new iron. This of course, does not apply where roads have their own rolling mill. (5) Coupler pockets cracked or broken at rivet holes may be pieced out at considerable saving. (6) Coupler pockets may be made from old arch bars from dismantled cars. (7 )7 Draft springs that have taken a permanent set may be heated, stretched to proper length and retempered. 38 " CARS (8) Flanges may‘ be sheared from old truck channels, and the‘web made into plates for strengthening wooden draft sills between end sill and body bolster. (9) Brake shafts from dismantled box and stock cars may be cut off and made into shafts for coal and flat cars. (10) Brake rod jaws from dismantled cars may be cut off and used in making'rods for repair work. (11) Metal brake beams from dismantled cars may be used for repair work on system light capacity cars, or in changing from wood to metal beains. , (12) Very good brake beam hanger supports may be made from old arch bars, which, when riveted to channel type spring plank make an economical way to change from outside to inside hung brakes. (13) Many malleable castings may be replaced with forgings or pressings ‘made from scrap at shops, at a less cost than price of malleable; carlin pockets are a good example of this. ' (14) Old wrought iron‘ body ‘bolsters may be sheared to size and made into deadwood plates, carrier irons, tie straps and many other things. , (15) A very good bottom brake shaft support may be' made from old arch bar tie straps. (16) The good part of broken sills, and good sills from dismantled cars may be made into sill splices, at a saving of about one dollar per splice. (17) The bottom two-thirds of short pieces of second- hand sills can be used in making running board saddles, grain strips, blind girth, cripple posts, etc. (18) Lining from dismantled cars, if carefully removed, can be used in repairing other cars. (19) Lower course of roof boards from dismantled ,_ cars can, if carefully removed, be used in repair work. (20) Good sheathing on dismantled cars, if carefully removed, may be used below side and end doors, in making end doors for repair work, also for sheathing on bunk and company service cars. CARS 39 (21). If a'road uses grain door nailing strips on inside of side door posts, old flooring from dismantled cars may be used to good advantage in making these strips. I (22) Oak carlins from dismantled cars can be made into first-class outside cross braces for side doors. (23) Good second-hand brasses may be rebored alnd relined at considerable saving; if filled brasses are used it is often necessary only to rebore them. (24) Second-hand nuts, if promptly picked up from around repair tracks, can usually be reclaimed by simply giving them an oil bath. (25) It pays to remove nuts from broken stub ends of bolts by hand, rather than in a‘ machine. (26) Cracks in floors of box cars can be calked with oakum and much flooring saved. (27) Use 'fiooring not to exceed six inches in width in box cars and avoid renewal account of shrinkage cracks that will cause leakage of small grain. (28) Use plates at least three inches square under verti- cal rod heads at side plate, also under heads of bolts going through sills to prevent them pulling down into plate and sills. This only applies to cars with wooden sills and plates. (29) The ends of old box cars may be greatly strength- ened by applying leg-inch end lining, extending from corner post to corner post. Many grain leaks may be avoided by fitting this lining tight to floor and at girth. The road with which I am connected has found it a good proposition to build at their own shops from five to seven hundred stock cars per year to use up good material from dismantled cars, which would otherwise have been sold as scrap. - These are 36-foot ears with steel center sills, treated intermediate and side sills, and in practically all cases we have been able to use second-hand material in their construc- tion, with the exception of the lumber, steel sills, post pockets, brasses, bolts, etc. This second-hand “material is carefully inspected, worked over and worn parts removed, so' that cars are just as good as if all new material had been used in their construction. 40 , CARS In closing, I. again want to mention that many of these practices are in general use, and no claim is made for any- thing original. SECTION II. CAR MATERIAL. Car material may be divided into three general classes: ,, A. Metallic—made of various metals. B. Composite—made up of various compositions, with or without the use of metals. ' C. Wooden—made from lumber. The value, desirability, and availability of all such mate-v rial for use in cars depend ‘upon its: (1) Durability; (2) Strength; (3) Comparative economy, and, (4) Adapta- bility to the use intended. ' The stresses or strains to which materials used in con- struction are subject, may be classified as those of: Tension, tending to pull material apart; Compression, tending to com- press or crush it, and Torsion, tending to twist it. The strength of the material, as concerns the first, is called its Tensile Strength, or the number of pounds per square inch of cross- section that is required to pull apart a specimen of a mate- rial. By itself, it is by no means a safe guide for indicating the value or quality of, say, a steel or an iron; and as to that, even tensile strength and ductility combined are not con- clusive proof of good steel, as so many other elements enter in, to affect the quality. The Tensile Strength may be varied .at will by the maker, from very soft to hard, in any of the grades, and without much difference in the expense, simply by the amount of the carbon allowed to remain in the steel. The difierence in the expense comes in, in the character of the stock used, vand the care and time taken in melting down and refiningthe metal, so as to give it density, homogeneity, and body—those points which show up in a long life of hard service. Still, it is of the first importance, and especially with metals, the Tensile Strength is always given by the manufacturer, or is ascertained for the Car Department by the Purchasing Agent, or by appropriate tests. The principal car ‘materials are lumber, steel, forgings, hardware stock, paint, hairfelt, piping, airbrake hose, etc. \ CARS 41 Where the M. C. B. Assn. has thus far prescribed standards for any such material, only such standard material should be used in car construction. Paint is treated of, ‘in this book, as a separate chapter; whilst M. C. B. airbrake hose is treated of fully in Chapter vIX. Besides the costs of car parts, the code of MIC. B. Rules in the supplement to this book also gives the standard cost of all car material in common use. This is useful for purposes of cost-comparison for car builders having to do with home cars, besides its official value in esti- mating and billing costs of repairs on foreign cars. When using material for repairs to foreign cars for which .the M. C. B. Assn. has adopted specifications as a standard, the material must comply with the requirements of those speci- fications. “Any company repairing foreign cars with wrong material (and not in compliance with M. C. B. Rules 17 to 27, inclusive) shall be liable to the owners (of the car) for the cost of changing such car to the original standard,” is also a requirement of the M. C. B. Assn. This last would be a costly mistake to make, in many case, and hence the need of familiarity with both this and present M. C. B. material- standards. METALS. The metals commonly used in car construction‘ may be divided into: Steels, Irons, Composite Metals, and other Simple Metals. The Steels include: Structural, Forgings, Castings, Pressed Shapes, Mild, Rivet, Spring, and Sheet or Plate Steel. The Irons include: Malleable Castings, Wrought Iron, Chilled Cast Iron, Refined Merchant Bar, and special irons such as galvanized, corrugated, sheet, etc. The Com- posite Metals comprise journal-box brasses, other bearings, brass, and a variety of other metallic compounds for orna- ments, car-step treads, floors, roofs, and other parts of cars, particularly passenger cars. Other metals used are tin, lead, copper wire of different degrees of hardness and ductility, etc. These materials come in a great variety of shapes for car use, including hundreds of patented car parts and devices, with a great number of special castings and pressed steel shapes designed for use as bolsters, platforms, girders, etc. The most common are: Angles, Channels, I-beams, T-beams, 42 CARS Z-bars, Bolts, Flat (thin or sheets; thicker or plates), Sheath; ing, Paneling, Interior Finish, etc. M. C. B. Rule 17 allows the substitution of malleable iron standards for grey iron standards, M. C. B., and vice versa. With steel, however, M. C. B. standards plainly prescribe the kind of steel to be used and its chemical composition; and these standards must be rigidly adhered to for steels, owing to the fact that steel members of a car are nearly always the most important parts of a car, and beneath the car floor, the steel used must be standard. Metallic sheathing is coming into increased use in cars, both steel and wooden. It makes an attractive exterior, pro; vides cellular air-chamber insulation, is easily renewed in sections, is fireproof and durable, and reduces cost of main- tenance. On all-steel or semi-steel passenger cars, steel interior finish will soon be the- general rule. Various manu- facturers already make specialties of it, furnishing it in many pleasing and elegantly finished forms, including doors, seats, and window frames for passenger cars. Steel sheet and plate material now form a large part of the stock in shops, and when formed and pressed, are of great use. Such material must possess the qualities of: Strength, ductility, durability, general workability, and low cost. If possible, they should be so constituted or artificially protected as to be both anti-corrosive and rust-inhibitive (rust-resisting), to insure long life. Black, painted, galvanized or otherwise plated sheets, sometimes specially faced, are available for the last named qualities, coming in flat, corrugated, and other forms. Some steel sheets resist corrosion less than good iron ones do; and of course the value of a galvanized sheet is superior to one of plain iron or steel exposed to the elements. In theory, all car metals should be thoroughly tested at the car shops where they are received, to avoid frauds, substi- tutions, and subsequent and unexpected car weaknesses. However, few shops have even the simplest testing apparatus; a testing plant being an expensive affair to purchase and operate, and the expert services required being costly. For this reason, tests are generally made at the manufacturer’s by an inspector employed by the railroad purchasing material, CARS 43 ‘under conditions and specifications mutually agreed upon and duly set forth in their contracts. The United States Govern- ment in its Specifications for Postal Cars requires that: “The physical and chemical properties of all material used in the car framing shall be in accordance with the latest Standard Specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials . . .” as regards structural steel, steel plates, shapes and bars; for wrought iron, iron bars, iron plates, steel castings, malleable castings, and for grey-iron castings. The M. C. B. Assn. has prescribedstandards for the mate- rial, especially metal, used in many parts of both freight and passenger cars, above all in the underframing, draft gear, couplers, etc., as will be seen later on in this book; appropriate tests therefor being also provided. Besides these‘ specifications and tests for Air Brake Hose, heat treated knuckle pivot pins, etc.,‘the following are the M. C. B. standards for Welded Pipe, Wrought Iron Bars, and Steel and Iron Chain—those for other metal materials being given herein under the headings .to.-which they naturally belong: PIPE, WELDED, SPECIFICATIONS FOR. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE. - I. MANUFACTURE. 1. Process—(a) Steel used in the manufacture of pipe shall be of a soft, weldable quality made by the Bessemer process. (b) The wrought iron used in the manufacture of pipe shall be double-refined. . v (c) All pipe 2 in. nominal diameter or under may be butt- welded, but all pipe larger shall be lap-welded. II. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS. 2‘. Tension'Test—‘The material shall conform to the follow- ing minimum requirements as to tensile properties: Steel. W. 'I. Tensile strength, lb. per sq. in . . . . . . . 50,000 45,000 Elastic limit, lb. per sq. m . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 . . . . . . . . . . Elongation in 8 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 12' f <— 44 CARS 3. Hydrostatic. Tests-E-All pipe shall be tested to the fol- [lowing hydrostatic pressures: , _. Standard Grade Pipe. Extra Strong Pipe. Single Thickness. Double Thickness. Size ‘ Butt Lap Butt Lap % 700 . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 . . . . . . . . . . . . M 700 . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 . . . . . . . . . . . . % 700 . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 700 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . % 700 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 700 . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 700 , . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1%, 700 1,000 1,500 2,500 2 700 1,000 1,500 2,500 - 2% . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 3 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,000 . . . . .. 2,000 3% . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 4 . . . . . . . . . . . .' 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 4. Flattening Test—A section of pipe 6 in. long shall be placed in a compression machine with the weld at the top and flattened until the distance between the plates of the machine is ,60 per cent of original external diameter for wrought iron and 25 per cent for steel pipe. The pipe shall not show any opening, except that opening of the weld will not be considered cause for rejection. 5. Bend Test—A sufficient length of pipe to be bent cold 180 deg. around a mandrel the diameter of which is 18 times the nominal diameter of the pipe without any opening of weld or cracks in any portion of pipe. 6. Test Specimens—Test specimens shall consist of sec-I tions cut froma pipe; they shall be smooth on the end and free from burrs. 7. Number of Tests—One of each of the above tests shall be made from each diameter of pipe for each 2,000 ft. or less. III. WEIGHTS. ‘ . 8. Weights—The standard weights for pipes of various - inside diameters are as follows: i CARS 45 Standard Grade Pipe Extra Strong Pipe Single Thickness Double Thickness Wgight' of Weight of Nominal Outside L112: Qutside Pipe £1” N f Diameter, Diameter, threaded Dla'meter' Lm'. t" Tho’ 0d In. In. with In‘ Flam ma 8 ‘ Couplings Ends % . 405 . 25 . 405 . 31 27 % . 540 . 43 . 540 . 54 18 %‘ . 675 .57 . 675 . 74 18 % . 840 . 85 . 840 1 . 09 14 34 1.050 1.13 1.050 1.47 14 1 1.315 1.68 1.315 2.17 11% 1% 1.660 2.28 1.660 3.00 11% 1% 1.900 2.73 1.900 3.63 11% 2 2.375 3.68 2.375 5.02 11% 2% 2.875 5.82 2.875 7.66 8 3 3.500 7.62 3.500 10.25 8 3% 4.000 9.20 4.000 12.51 8 4 4.500 10.89 4.500 14.98 8 Ten per cent of each lot shall be weighed and a comparison ' made with the sample. All pipe shall be rejected that varies more than 5 per cent from that given in the above table. IV. WORKMAN SHIP AND FINISH. 9. workmanship—The finished pipes shall be circular within 0.002 in. All pipe shall be provided with the prevailing standard thread, which will make a tight joint when tested to the internal hydrostatic pressure at the mills. The threads shall not vary more than one and one-half turns either way when tested with a Pratt and Whitney standard gauge. All burrs at the end shall be removed. _, . (b) Couplings—Each pipe shall be provided with a stand- ard coupling, having clean-cut threads tapped straight through and of such a pitch diameter that will make a tight joint. Coupling may be wrought iron or steel. ‘ 10. Finish—The finished pipe shall be reasonably straight and free from injurious defects. 9’ 46 oaRs v. INSPECTION AND REJECTION. 11. Inspection—(a) The inspector representing the pur- , chaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manufacturer shall afiord the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. . l I . (b) The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of the material in his own laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests, however, shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. (c) All tests and inspection shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. ' 12. Rejection—Material which, subsequently to above tests at the mills or elsewhere, and its acceptance develops weak spots, cracks or imperfections, or is found to have injurious defects, will be rejected and shall be replaced by the manufac- turer at his own expense. ’ 13. Rehearing—Samples tested in accordance with this specification, which represent rejected material, shall be pre- served for 14 days from date of test report. In case of dissat- isfaction with results of tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within that time. WROUGI-IT IRON BARS REFINED, SPECIFICATIONS F OR. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE. I. MANUFACTURE. 1. Process—The finished product shall consist either of new muck-bar iron or a mixture of muck-bar iron and scrap, but shall be” free from any admixture of steel. Muck bars shall be made wholly from puddled iron. II. .PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS. 2. Tension Tests—Unless otherwise specified, the ‘iron shall conform to the following requirements as to tensile properties: CARS 47 Tensile strength, lbs. per sq. in. . . .47,000—53,000 Elongation in 8 in., minimum per cent . . . . . . . ..22 3 _Permissible Variation in Physical Properttes—(a)Ten- sile Strength—Large sections reduced or flats and rounds of W, in. or under may show a tensile strength of 45,000— 52,000 lb. per sq. in. ' (b) Elongation—Twenty per cent of the test specimens representing one size may show the following percentage of elongation in 8 in.: 1A in. or over, tested as rolled . . . . . . . .20 per cent Under ll/z in., tested as rolled . . . . . . . . .16 per cent Reduced by‘ machining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 per cent Flat Bars: . 3/8 in. or over, tested as rolled . . . . . . . .18 per cent Under ‘Y8 in., tested as rolled . . . . . . . .16 per cent RedtTced by machining . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . .16 per cent 4. Bend Tests—(a) Gold-bend Test—For round, square and hexagon bars under 2 sq. in. in section, and for flats less than % in. thick, shall bend cold around a pin the diameter of which 'is equal to the diameter or thickness of the speci- men. For rounds, flats and hexagon bars, 2 sq. in. or over in section, and for all flat bars over % in. in thickness, around a pin the diameter of which is equal to twice the diameter or thickness of the specimen. ('b) ,Hot-bend Test—The test specimen, when heated to a temperature between 1,700 and 1,800 deg. F. (light cherry red), shall bend through 180 deg. without fracture on the outside of the bent portion, as follows: For round, flat and hexagon bars under 2 sq. in. in section, flat on itself; for round, flat and. hexagon bars 2 sq. in. and over in section, around a pin the diameter of which is equal to the diameter or thickness of the specimen. (c) Nick-bend Test—The test specimen, when nicked 25 per cent around the round bar, and along one side for flat bars, with a tool having a 60-deg. cutting edge, to a depth of not less than 8 or more than 16 per cent of the diameter or thickness I of the specimen, and broken, shall not show 48 CARS more than 10 per cent of the fractured surface to be crystal- line. 5. Test Specimen—Tension and bend test specimens shall be of the full section of material as rolled, if possible, other- wise the specimens shall be machined from vthe material as ‘rolled; the axis of the machined specimen shall be located at any point one-half the distance from the center to the surface of round bars, or from the center to the edge of flat bars, and shall be parallel to the axis of the bar. 6. Number of Tests—(a) All bars of one .size shall be piled separately. One bar from each 200 or less shall be selected at random and tested as specified. (b) If any test specimen from the bar originally selected to represent a lot of material contains surface defects not visible before testing, but visible after testing, or if a tension~ test specimen breaks outside the middle third of the gauge length, one retest from a bar will be allowed. ' ‘ III. PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN GAUGE. 7 Permissible Variations—(a) Round bars. shall con- form to the standard M. C. B. limit gages. _ (b) Flat Bars—Thickness shall not vary more than cor- responding diameter for rounds: thus, 1 in. thick could vary from 0.9905 to 1.0095 in. (1) Sizes under 3 in. wide shall not be more than ,1, in. under or over size in width. (2) Sizes 3 in. and over shall'not be under size or more than 1’; in. wider than ordered. IV. FINISH. 8. Finish—The bars shall be smoothly rolled and free from slivers, depressions, seams, crop ends, and evidences of being burned. V. INSPECTION AND REJECTION. 9. Inspection—(a) The inspector representing the pur- chaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manufacturer shall afford the CARS V 49 inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. ' (b) The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of the material in his own laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests, however, shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. (c) All tests and inspection shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. 10. Rejection—Material which, subsequently to the above tests at the mills or elsewhere, and its acceptance, develops weak spots, cracks or imperfections, or is found to have injurious defects, shall be rejected and shall be replaced by the manufacturer at his own expense. 11. Rehearing—Samples tested in accordance with this specification, which represent rejected material, shall be , pre- served for 14 days from date of test report. In case of dissatisfaction with results of tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing. within that time. CHAIN, SPECIFICATIONS FOR. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE. I. MANUFACTURE. ,1. Process—The chain may be made of either iron or soft steel. Chain {g in. in diameter or less may have links twisted, if so specified on the order; all other sizes shall have straight links. II. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS. 2. Proof Test—All chain shall be proof-tested in ‘accord- ance with Table No. 1 and shall stand these loads without deformation. The manufacturer shall furnish a certificate of proof test to the purchaser or his representative. 4. Tensile Test—A piece of chain 2 ft. long will be taken from every 200 ft. or less of each size presented for shipment and tested to destruction in accordance with Table No. 1. 5. Length—The length of 100 links, inside to inside of end links, shall not exceed by more than 2 per cent the figures given in Table No. 1. 50 CARS TABLE No.1 {3 , STEEL CHAIN IRON CHAIN E :5 Maxi- "531-1 mum Wt. m 2% L565" ii‘? Min. Min. Min. Min. g3 Link Lb'_’ Proof Break- Elon- Proof Break- Elon- .,a In _ Test gaitgn, Test Vmfmg gags? , 2° Lb'.’ Cent. Lb'.’ Cent. % 102.0 0.75 1,050 8,800 12 1,400 2,800. 8 ‘lie 114.7 1.00 3,000 6,000 12 2,500 5,000 8 % 114.7 1.50 4,000 8,000 12 8,400 0,800 8 "/16 127.5 2.00 5,500 11,000 15 4,650 9,300 10 1/2 153.0 2.50. 7,000 14,000 15 6,000 12,000 10 % 178.5 4.10 11,000 22,000 15 9,250 18,500 10 % 204.0 0.00 10,000 82,000 15 18,500 27,000 10 % 255.0 8.00 22,000 44,000 15 18,500 87,000 10 v 1 280.5 10.00 29,000 ‘58,000 15 24,500 49,000 10, 1% 808.0 13.00 80,000 72,000 15 80,500 01,000 10 1% 858.5 10.00144,000 88,000 15 82,000 74,500 10 1% 420.0 22.00 02,500 125,000 15 58,000 100,000 10 1% 479.7 ‘30.00 90,100 180,820 15 75,000 150,000 10 2 555.5 40.00 110,000 220,000 15 98,500 187,000 10 6. 7. Weight—The average weight‘ per ft. shall not exceed that given. in Table No. 1 and shall not vary more than 8 per cent below. ' Workmansht'p—All chain shall be free from links that III. WORKNIANSHIP AND’ FINISH. have been burned or overheated, or show cracks~ or flaws, whether caused by welding, bending, forging, overlapping, or due to handling of original material in manufacture. 8. Finish—All chain shall have a smooth, workmanlike finish, and the diameter of the bar at the welds shall not be perceptibly larger or smaller than the bar. 7' 9. Paint—Chains shall not be painted before inspection. 1v. INSPECTION AND R-EJECTION. 10. Inspection—(a) chaser shall have. free entry, at all times while work on the contract‘ of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of The inspector representing the pur- ‘ CARS ’ -' 51 the manufacturer's works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. I (b) The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of the material in his own laboratory or 'elsewhere. Such tests, however, shall be made at the expense ‘of the purchaser. (c) All tests and inspection shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. 11. Rejection—Material which, subsequently to the above tests at the mills or elsewhere, and its acceptance, develops weakness or imperfections, or is found to have injurious defects, will be rejected and shall be replaced by the manu~ facturer at his own expense. 12. Rehearing—Samples tested in ‘accordance with this specification, which represent rejected material, shall be pre- served for 14 days from date of test report. In case of dissat~ isfaction with results of tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within that time. The Association also has now under consideration the adoption of standards for the following: Elliptical Springs; Refrigerator-Car Insulating Materials; Galvanized Sheets; Malleable Iron Castings; Steel Castings; Rivet Steel and Rivets; Mild Steel Bars; Steel Plates and Structural Steel. In default of such data for steel, the following are the Standard Specifications of Manufacturers, adopted by The Association of American Steel Manufacturers: Special Open-Hearth Plate and Rivet Steel. Testing and Inspection—All tests and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment. The tensile strength, limit of elasticity and ductility shall be determined from a standard test piece cut from the finished 52 " ‘ CARS material. The standard shape of the test piece for sheared plates shall be as shown by the following sketch: (Fig. 1). is’ ‘i ,Ahcmél $1.-.- Bannister .... _. . 5 ,9 Not less than?’ :£ t r -O? opgoooxjéoo AW!’ .——r ‘z ; g A. boo-3 0.-.”... ..J Pleatobeofsamethicknesasthephte Specimen ffiirg'Tlest of Steel. ._ 0n tests cut from other material the test piece may be either the ‘same as for sheared plates, or it may be planed or turned parallel throughout its entire length, and in all cases where possible, two opposite sides of the test piece shall be the rolled surfaces. The elongation shall be meas- ured on an original length of 8 inches, except as specified. Rivet rounds and small bars shall be tested of full size as rolled. Four test pieces shall be taken from each melt of finished material, two'for tension and two for bending; but in case either test develops flaws, or the tensile piece breaks out- side of the middle third of its gauged length, it may be dis- carded and another test piece substituted therefor. Annealed Test Pieces—Material which is to be used with- out annealing or further treatment shall be tested in the condition in which it comes from the rolls. When material is to be annealed or otherwise treated before use, the speci- men representing such material shall be similarly treated before testing. Every finished piece of steel shall be stamped with the melt number. Rivet steel may be shipped in bundles securely wired together, with the melt number on a metal tag attached. All plates shall be free from injurious surface ‘defects and have a workmanlike finish. Flange or Boiler Steel: Maximum Phosphorus,_ .06 per cent. Maximum Sul- phur, .04 per cent. Physical Properties—Special Open-hearth Plate and Rivet Steel shall be of three grades: Extra Soft, Fire Box, and Flange or Boiler Steel. Fire Bow Steel—Ultimate strength, 52,000 to 62,000 pounds per square inch. Elastic limit, not less than one-half the CARS 53 ultimate strength. Elongation, 26 per cent. Cold and Quench bends, 180 degrees flat on itself, without fracture on outside of bent portion. ' Flange or Boiler Steel—Ultimate strength, 55,000 to 65,000 pounds per square inch. Elastic limit, not less than one-half the ultimate strength. Elongation, 25 per cent. Cold and Quench bends, 180 degrees flat on itself, without fracture on outside of bent portion. Boiler Rivet Steel—Steel for Boiler Rivets shall be made of extra soft grade. \ Modifications in Elongation for Thin and Thick Material— For material less than 153' inch, and more than 5.5, inch in thickness, the following modifications shall be made in the ‘requirements for elongation: ~ . Extra Soft Steel. Ultimate strength, 55,000 lbs. per sq. in. Elastic Limit, not less than % the ultimate strength. Elonga- tion, 28 per cent. Cold and Quench Bends,,180 degrees flat on itself, without fracture on outside of bent portion. Flange or Boiler Steel: Ultimate Strength, 55,000 to 65,000 lbs. per sq. in. Elastic Limit, not less than % the ultimate strength. Elongation, 25 per cent. Cold and Quench Bends, 180 degrees flat on itself, without fracture on outside of bent portion. Variation in Weight—The variation in cross-section or weight of more than 2% per cent from that specified will be sufficient cause for rejection, except in thecase of sheared plates, which‘ will be covered by the following permissible variations: Plates 12% pounds per square foot or heavier, up to 100 inches wide, when ordered to weight, shall not average more than 2% per cent variation above or 2% per cent below the theoretical weight. When 100 inches wide and over, 5 per cent above or 5 per cent below the theoretical weight. Plates under 12% pounds per square foot, when ordered to weight, shall not average a greater variation than the following: Up to 75 inches wide, 2% per cent above or 2% per cent below the theoretical weight; 75 inches wide up to 100 inches wide, 5 per cent above or 3 per cent below the theoretical weight. When 100 inches wide and over, 10 per cent above or 3 per cent below the theoretical weight. 54 CARS Structural Steel—Steel may be made by either the open- hearth or Bessemer process. All tests shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment. The tensile strength, limit of elasticity, and ductility, shall be determined from a standard test piece cut from the finished material. The standard shape of the test piece for sheared plates shall be as shown by the following sketch (Fig. 2): ,8" ,About 3' .S,,___ ._.B.=!.alls!..$.=.¢1i_°.'!-.__ ' Not less than 9' o& I _ - r‘‘'} 0 2 Q Q Q Q ' Q J ; 2 ' ~———---* liii'if‘iréifém-iatnw. Piece to be of same thickners as the . Fig. 2. Specimen for Test of Steel. _ On tests cut from other material the test piece may be either the same as for sheared plates, or it may be planed or turned parallel throughout its entire length, and in all cases where possible, two opposite sides of the test piece shall be the rolled surfaces. The elongation shall be meas- ured on an original length of 8 inches, except as modified otherwise. _Rivet rounds and small bars shall be tested of full size as rolled. Two test pieces shall be taken from each melt or blow of finished material, one for tension and one for bending; but in case either test develop flaws, or the tensile test piece breaks outside of the middle third of its gauged length, it may be discarded and another test piece substituted therefor. Material which is to be used without annealing or further treatment shall be tested in the condition in which it comes from the rolls. When material is to be annealed or otherwise. treated before use, the specimen rep- resenting such material shall be' similarly treated before testing. Marking: Every finished piece of steel shall be stamped with the blow or melt number stamped on'the ends. Rivet and lacing steel, and small pieces for pin plates and stifieners, may be shipped in bundles securely wired together, with the blow or melt number on a metal tag attached.. Finished bars shall be free from injurious seams,’ flaws or cracks, and have a workmanlike finish. Maximum Phos- CARS 55 phorus allowed: .08 per cent. Structural Steel shall be of three grades: Rivet, Railway Bridge, and Medium. Steel for Railway Bridges—Ultimate strength, 55,000 to 65,000 lbs. per sq. in. Elastic Limit, not less than % the ultimate strength. Bending Test (same as for open-hearth steel). Medium Steel: Ultimate Strength, 60,000 to 70,000 lbs. per sq. in. Elastic Limit, not less than % the ultimate strength. Bending Test, same as above. Variation in Weight—~The variation in cross-section or weight of more than 2% per cent from that specified will be sufiicient cause for rejection, except in the case of sheared‘ plates, which will be covered by the following permissible variations: Plates 12% pounds per square foot or heavier, up to 100 inches wide, when ordered to weight, shall not average more than 2% per cent variation above or 2% per cent below the theoretical weight. When 100 inches wide and over, 5 per cent above ‘or 5 per cent‘below the theoretical weight. Plates under 12% pounds per square foot, when ordered to weight, shall not average a greater variation than the following: Up to 75 inches wide, 2% per cent above or 2% per cent below the theoretical weight; 75 inches wide up to 100 inches wide, 5 per cent above or 3-per cent below the theoretical weight. When 100 inches wide and over, ' 10 per cent above or 3 per cent below the theoretical weight. Structural O'ast- Iron—Except when chilled iron is speci— fied, all castings shall be of tough gray iron, free from injurious cold-shuts or blow-holes, true to pattern, and of a workmanlike finish. Sample pieces one inch square, cast from the same heat of metal in sand moulds, shall be capable of sustaining on a clear span of 4 feet 8 inches a central . load of 500 pounds when tested in the rough bar. with both iron and steel car parts, resistance to corrosion is an important feature, especially as regards sheets and plates, and a proper understanding of the causes of metallic decay through rust and corrosion, is here quite necessary. After the era of Old Time Irons came‘ the Bessemer and Open Hearth processes, and soft or mild steel was added to the catalogue of car metals. The wonderful improvement in toughness, ductility, and strength caused the appreciation 56 ‘ CARS of these products to be tempered by the realization that these virtues had been gained, by the sacrifice of some of that necessary quality—durability. Nothing will emphasize a or illustrate to a greater degree the desire to get maximum ton- nage at minimum cost than. the decadence in quality when comparing the old time hand irons with the modern metals, shot through from one process to the other, with the metal often in a constantly distorted state. The consequent strains have their inevitable result in the tendency of the metal to rapidly. disintegrate under corrosive influences. After all these years of research and of improved metallurgy of iron and steel, no product made from iron ore and containing 99 or more per cent of elemental iron is rust-proof. Rust itself represents the union of the iron with the oxygen of the air, thus forming iron oxide or rust. Iron ore, from which all ‘ iron or steel is derived, is iron oxide in its natural state. This is rusting; whereas corrosion is not the even surface formation of oxide, but the isolated and localized disintegra- tion of the metal which we sometimes term “pitting.” The old time irons did not corrode; they rusted. No one can reasonably expect to get a ferrous metal free from rusting. This rusting can, however, be largely prevented by a protec- tive coating. , The theory of chemical electrolysis has never been dis- proved. According to this well established theory, corrosion is due to the electrolytic action taking place between segrega- tions, which are groups of impurities scattered through the metal. In ordinary iron and steel sheets the metallic impuri- ties represent a percentage varying from .40 per cent to 1.25 . per cent, and in addition this high percentage of impurities will be found collected in groups rather than uniformly diffused throughout the sheet. Toncan metal has a small percentage of metallic impurities; the Carbon, for instance, rarely exceeding .01 per cent as compared with an average of .12 to .18 per cent carbon in Steel sheets. In addition, this small percentage of impurities is thoroughly and uniformly difiused throughout the whole sheet. There are no groups to act ,as poles, inciting the galvanic action which occurs between a negative and a positive pole upon CARS 57 the application of moisture. .It is owing to this action that the material is drawn away from one spot in a sheet of high impurity and improper workmanship, and deposited or placed at another spot, leaving pit holes, and producing corrosion deposits or cones, giving the sheet a “tubercular” appearance. A metal is anti-corrosive because of its purity, care in physical manipulation, its subjection to proper . calorific influences, its density, and its homogeneity. All these render it immune, practically, from the action of chemical electrolysis. The corrosion of iron and steel, as made today, is a serious‘ problem. The problem is not only individual but general. It necessitates frequent repairs and replacements, especially in sheet-metal forms, although the rapid destruction of any iron or steel product may be eliminated and its action prevented by proper methods of manufacture. Due to this electrolytic action, the higher the percentage of impurities in the ele- mental iron, the greater the segregation which results, and the greater the corrosion that covers the sheet with pits. No iron or steel can withstand conditions which wood, stone, or por- celain alone can endure. Adding to sheet metal, impurities which will withstand the action of acid, does not necessarily improve the durability of the product, in actual railway service. It is possible, by surface-hardening or by the addition of certain metals, to make an iron product or one of steel, with one specific object. in view, and that is to resist the-acid test—and the acid test only. Still, this doping with added ingredients to make a metal stand the Accelerated Sulphuric Acid Test, does not prove either its durability or its ability to resist extreme corrosive influences. Well made iron can resist it, but, after 'all, time and its experience alone can prove its durability. The addition of other impurities is almost certain, in fact, to greatly shorten the life of the steel or iron product. Too much reliance should not be put by car men on the acid test, to prove the worth of car metals. Of course there are special causes of corrosion in railway service, such as the salt-water drippings of refrigerator-cars which have become such a menace to safety—through cor- 58 0.4128 rosion of bridge metals and destruction of brake-gear, etc.,——- as to lately call for ‘serious attention from'railway men, and for special protection by galvanizing the metals of such cars and special rules permitting the removal of such brine only ‘at stated points. But nowadays, the amply destructive influence of the elements is added to by the chemical-laden air surrounding car metals, especially the sulphur found in engine smoke and the drippings from ladings of coal con- .taining such a large proportion of sulphur as greatly to corrode the metals of coal cars. - In the use and application of any iron base sheets, care should be exercised that no connection is made with or no metal which may be of a different elemental nature brought ‘ into contact with the iron base material. For instance, cop- per nails driven through iron or steel roofing set up a strong galvanic action, causing early dissolution of the material in the immediate vicinity of the nails. Iron or steel when exposed to the air, especially if mois- 'ture'be present, unites chemically with the oxygen of the air ‘to form iron oxide or ‘iron rust as it is commonly called. This surface coating of rust partly protects the metal beneath it, but, being friable and-porous, if it is further exposed to rain, etc.,¥tl_1en the underlying metal is rusted deeper, until .in time the metal is entirely -eaten up by rust. For this reason iron and-steel must" be provided with protective coat- ings in order to prevent this oxidation and ensuing rust; be " this coating composed of paint; or secured by galvanizing the‘metal by dipping it in a.zinc bath; or electro-plating it with nickel or other metal; or other method of surfacing the metal. The subject of protectingsteel cars and iron and steel car parts by paint ‘is treated of in a later chapter in this book. However, we will say here that good sheets or plates of iron or steel protected by any reliable surface coating will‘ give permanent results, if properly maintained, so far as rust is concerned. Corrosion is another matter, as before stated. Poor sheets, even though coated, will last only as long as the coating does, causing in the end excessive labor charges for ‘frequent replacements of such poor material. CARS’ ‘ 59 Natural oxidation or rusting is somewhat auto-protective, yet it is both unsightly and harmful. Absolutely pure iron does not rust; and already certain United States firms are making irons so relatively pure as to be guaranteed for com- paratively long wear. Suchirons may yet become common, but, at present, our ordinary irons rust rapidly. Therefore we seek to avoid it by the application of a protective coating, which is either a scientifically designed paint or a metallic coating of zinc, tin or terne—the latter being an inferior kind of tin-plate in which the tin used is alloyed with a large percentage of lead. This coating of a metal with hot zinc is termed “galvanizing” and the purer the zinc is, the better the protection. Zinc makes an excellent protective coating because of its moderate cost, ease of uniform application, and general resistance to atmospheric influences. Nickel is generally electrically deposited on metal—this method being called electroplating—and it forms an excellent protection.‘ How ever, owing to its high cost and method of application, it is confined for railway use to small parts of passenger cars; other parts of such cars being also‘ sometimes copper-plated by the same method. Tin is generally used for domestic utensils, leaving zinc practically the sole field for railroad purposes. Thin steel sheets are somewhat soluble in molten zinc, a portion of the steel thus dissolved in the hot bath forming an alloy of zinc and steel, thus becoming a part of the coating of the steel sheets afterwards dipped in the bath; thus form- ing an alloyed coating which is much more subject to atmos- pheric influences, rain, etc., than a pure zinc coating. Pure metals, carefully treated, are not thus soluble in such hot zinc baths, and only such should be used in car construction, where the exposure, oxidation, and corrosion are the maxi- mum because of the nature of railway service. In galvan-' izing, only the highest grade of best western spelter (zinc) should be used, and the thicker the coating, the longer life the protective coating will have. The metal should first be carefully cleaned, by suflicient immersion in acidulated baths if possible, and so manipulated in the zinc bath as to give 60 I CARS a heavy, uniform and thorough coating, the base metal itself being of a texture porous enough ‘to permit the spelter to bite down deeply and coat thickly without possibility of flaking under the severest treatment in handling and fabricating. It is usually made in sheets 2 feet wide and from 6 to 9 feet long. 'The M. C. B. Standard for galvanized sheets should be always required. Regardless, however, of the coating applied to any product made from iron ore, the life of the product depends ultimately upon the base, because no coating is infallible, and in the application and during the service the coating is often impaired. A small surface defect in the coatings brings the base into contact with atmospheric conditions, which now- adays are acid to a relatively high degree, requiring the use of a better base metal than needed prior to the last decade. This emphasizes the necessity of a durable base. Kalamined Iron is sheet iron coated ‘with an alloy of zinc, lead, tin, and nickel in the proportion of 29 lbs. of tin, 75 lbs. of zinc, 100 lbs. of lead, and 3 to 6 ounces of nickel. This alloy melts at a lower temperature than. zinc, and gives a more durable compound as" well as a thinner and more adhesive coating. What we call Planished Iron is a substitute for .Russia Iron, made by a secret Russian process, which forms a‘ chemical compound of iron upon its surface at the same time that it is highly polished, so that it is not likely to rust. In this connection, it may be said that the age of iron for use in car construction is about over, and steel has now almost entirely replaced it. This tendency was hastened by the fact that steel can now be made quite cheaply, while possessing the advantages of greater strength with less weight than iron car parts. Steel braces, for instance, are as cheap as iron ones, and are 25 per cent stronger and stifier than iron ones of the same dimensions. ~Wrought' iron axles are not now being used with new cars; and malleable iron ‘castings are decreasingly being used. Only the chilled cast-iron car wheel still remains in large use, though it is necessarily also doomed to disappear as the size of freight cars increases to the point where iron wheels cannot stand up to the stresses CARS ‘ 61 had, in wheel sizes now permissible; and already steel wheels are being put under the largest freight cars now becoming the general type for through traffic. For various car parts, many expert car builders differ as to whether rolled steel, pressed steel, or cast steel are the most desirable. In many cases, however, rolled or pressed steel shapes can be used where, obviously, steel castings cannot. Cast steel parts weigh less for other parts than members built up of various pressed or rolled steel shapes riveted together and carrying the same load, because the metal in castings may be properly distributed in proportion to stresses. In built-up construction, the metal overlaps at the joints and this, together with the rivet-heads, makes an additional weight which in cast construction is avoided. In the latter, reliance is placed on a single solid member, and, as there are no joints, there is no chance of their being imperfect or becoming loose. The advantage in cast steel to the car builder is also very great. To produce a platform of the built-up type, at least 8 different classes of material are required. This comes from 8 different manufacturers, often located far apart, and obtaining it involves much delay, storing, and congestion in the car plant, etc., together with much traveling through the car shop departments for cutting, I shaping, drilling, and so on, with the use of timing and‘ ’ tracing methods, so as to have all the parts completed at the same time. When cast steel is used, but one material is purchased from a single plant, only one piece is handled and that in carload lots, and when it arrives it is immediately ready and available for application without storage or rehandling, facilitating completion of the car by leaving more car plant machinery available for other work. Steel one-piece castings are now being increasingly used, especially in passenger cars, for body bolsters, truck bolsters, truck side frames, center frames, end frames, and combined platforms and double body bolsters. As regards its qualities, the authoritative United States Government Specifications for Postal. Cars prescribes, for instance, that for sills and car framing, cast steel may be used instead of rolled steel with the same allowable stress 62 _ " CARS limits except for tension stress, which must be at least 20 per cent less than those allowed for rolled steel. These same Specifications permit the use of cast steel for parts of the car underframe, and direct that all rolled steel plates or shapes used in the framing are to be made by the open hearth process; and permit the use of cast steel, rolled steel, pressed steel, or built-up construction for end sills or center sills. Draft sills maybe cast steel; body bolsters, either of cast steel or of built-up construction. As to whether rolled or pressed steel parts should be used for certain car parts, car men' differ. - Standard sections of rolled material cannot always be secured from the manufacturers on short notice; and -many claim that pressed steel posts and braces, for example, are lighter per unit of strength, because they can be formed to the required shape, and can be formed with - suflicient surface at the ends for the number of rivets required to develop their full strength, whereas many rolled forms require ~gusset plates for this purpose. Many of the above named metal car parts now conform to the oflicial M. C. B. Standards therefor; and, in fact, this fixing of standards for all car material not only is inevitable 'but is rapidly proceeding, "thanks to that Association. The advantages of standardization of parts and material and the immense value thereof are too widely recognized nowadays by car builders and railroads to here need detailed explana- tion; but the net result is ofthe greatest importance to rail- roads because of the great savings effected thereby. Car material and parts especially need standardizing because of the huge expense to roads of constantly carrying on hand a largestock with which to repair or replace the hundreds of difierent types of car parts now in use-ea burden growing greater every year. With such standards, there will be less trouble as to the repairs made on cars by foreign roads which are not equipped with the special parts originally built into the cars. They would be able to keep on hand a much smaller stock that will meet all demands for home or foreign cars, thus avoiding the delays necessary for sending away for the necessary parts or material required on damaged cars; thus CARS - 63 increasing the days of revenue service from cars speedily returned from the repair tracks. The M. C. B. Assn. is rapidly standardizing all the many kinds of materials used in car construction and repairs; and this, together with its standardizing of the parts of the car from roof to wheels, promises relief to many vexatious prob- lems encountered at present in car shops. These M. C. B. standard car parts are given herein as they occur under the various chapters appropriate thereto, and should be carefully studied. COMPOSITE MATERIALS. There is used in car construction a great variety of what may be called Composite Materials, inasmuch as they are not simple homogeneous materials like wood or iron, but are made by combining several kinds. This class covers admixtures such as hairfelt, stony materials like cement or concrete, and special substances like rubber, asphalt coatings, etc. Paint is fully covered herein in the chapter on that subject; while rubber as used for hose for train air, steam, or signal con- nections is later dealt with under the M. C. B. Standards therefor. The cements, concretes, sawdust and cement mix- tures, etc., used- for the flooring of passenger equipment cars, especially those of steel, ‘need no special description. Some of them are so well known and are in such general use, as to be almost national standards; and many of‘them in which _ a more or less liquid composition is used, are secrets, unlike journal hearings or brasses, which are also of a composite nature. \ _ Some of them are used as substitutes for wood, such as Agasote, and are used for headlining, side panels, floors, and ‘outside roofs. They often are insulating and sound-deadening, and can be planed, scraped, molded or sawed. Such material must not contain rosin or ‘acids injurious to paint or steel; and must stand changes of temperature and humidity, besides not warping, blistering,‘ or separating. These qualities must also he possessed by another class resembling leather, such as Pantasote, Fabrikoid, etc., most of which are made‘ of two or more pieces of cloth or canvas with the warp running in different directions; coated with secret compositions; greatly / f 64 CARS resembling leather, and thus used for curtains, upholstery, and interior decoration. Such materials, together with hair- felts, special felts, etc., are especially largely used in steel passenger cars because of their insulating and sound-deadening qualities, and in both them and refrigerator cars because of their value as non-conductors of heat and cold. Indeed, the problem of proper insulation for such cars has become of such vast importance, especially since the advent of the steel car, that the problem is now engrossing the earnest attention of all car men. If steel passenger cars are not properly insulated, they are so hot in summer and cold in winter, and noisy all the time, that they are unfit for service. This arises‘ from the great conductivity of steel as compared with wood. With the refrigerator car, improper insulation causes so rapid a loss of the ice used to keep its contents cool, as not only to cause great ice expense, but by reason of the ice melting, the contents of the ‘car will spoil, causing heavy damage claims.’ In the latter cars, special car construction is required, but with both the‘ refrigerator and the steel passenger car, special insulating material must be used. In order to properly understand this subject, we must first comprehend the prin- ciples of physics involved in Insulation. INSULATION. The matter of the proper insulation of certain kinds of cars is of such vital concern to railroads and shippers of com- modities, that it is hard to explain why it has not received greater attention in the past. It is certain that‘ in the ordi- nary refrigerator car more than half the ice is melted in summer by heat which preventably enters through the walls and roof of the car, thus entailing a great and needless waste and expense which could largely be saved by the use of proper and sufl‘icient car insulation material. If improperly insulated, the steel freight car may spoil its lading; while ' the steel passenger car is intolerably rackety, is roasting hot in summer, and in winter double the amount of heating sur- face has to be provided, at a greatly increased expense, in cases where the best of insulation is not provided in the car. “a, CARS 65 A large proportion of the food we eat is transported long distances in refrigerator cars, and the public health therefore demands that such cars should be free from germs, odors, and decomposing material. Insulating car material must therefore be aseptic, germless, and odorless. It should be an absolutely sanitary sterile material to fit it for use in a car carrying food products. However, the greatest damage to certain perish- able products such as meats, fruits, dairy products, etc., is caused by the temperature inside the car rising to a point where the lading rots or is spoiled; while during cold weather, the heat escapes, the load freezes, and if fruit, it is ruined. Both these tendencies are retarded if not wholly prevented by proper insulation material properly applied, which though ‘somewhat expensive as to first-cost to roads or companies, yet in the end, it is doubly economical—by saving/excessive ice-cost and damage claims. A well insulated car is insurance against claims; and 500 such cars are a better investment than 1,000 poorly insulated ones, as is proved by the claim depart‘- ments of railroads using faultily insulated-carsf The insula- tion of refrigerator cars must give adequate protection against climatic changes, no matter how severe, from torrid heat- to intense cold. For this reason, this class of cars now receives serious attention, especially as it has been found that steel box cars often ruin their ‘lading by sweating, unless properly insulated. The function of car insulation is to prevent outside heat or cold from afiecting the temperature within a car. Of course, it is impossible to absolutely stop the passage of out- side heat or cold into car bodies; hence, the value of any car insulating material is only comparative, though always most ‘important. How effective an insulating material is, depends on whether it is a good or poor non-conductor of heat or cold. A heat and cold insulator or non-conductor is a material which by its structure and nature retards or obstructs the passage of heat or cold through itself. The metals are very good conductors of heat and cold, and are therefore worse than worthless as insulators; whereas certain other materials, such as wood, with its millions of minute air-containing cells, is so poor a conductor as to be practically a non-conductor 00 ' 081198 or insulating material. In fact, the accepted theory is that those materials which are filled with minute air-cells are the most perfect insulators and oppose the greatest resistance to the passage of heat and cold through themselves. Hair, felts, various vegetable fibres, etc., contain such air-cells, and are therefore valuable materials for car insulation; the more air they thus hold, the better they are for insulating purposes. Of course, the denser the insulator is, the more perfect bar- rier it is to outside heat or cold, if such insulator is a good one. " The requisites for a good car-insulating material are as follows: It must be highly efiicient as a non-conductor of ' heat and cold; must be fire-proof, economical, non-absorbent, sanitary, easily cleansed, easy to apply, permanently vermin~ proof, odorless, unaffected by moisture or heat, without joints or cracks, and be light in weight yet sufficiently strong. It must be flexible (to bend with the torsion of the car), cohesive (must not flake, crack, or fall apart owing to train vibrations), durable (must not rot or decay, thus saving‘ repairs and replacements), and be protective, preventing injury to the metal in steel cars. Manifestly, few if any of the present car insulating mate- rials now on the market can fulfill all or even a majority of these requirements. However, some of them come within a reasonable distance of so doing, especially the vegetable-fibre felts now so largely installed in the best refrigerator cars. 01! course, it is desirable that such material be fire-proof, but some of the so-called fire-proof car insulating materials have not a high insulating value; and in other cases, only the out- side of the material is treated with the fire-proofing composi- tion, so that it will remain undamaged upon the application of fire for a considerable period of time. Asbestos Fibrofelt, made by the Union Fibre Co., is one of the new types that combine both fire-proof and insulating qualities, and thus marks a new era in car insulation. As regards the comparative value of diflerent kinds of car insulating material, it may be tested either practically, by actual application to cars, or academically, by submitting specimens to colleges or companies possessing the necessary CARS 67 apparatus and experts to make a report thereon. There are different testing machines and test boxes for testing such material; the general principle implying the obtaining of com- parative results under constant conditions, doing away with the various variable factors which affect vitally the value of such tests and often produce varying results with the self- same material. The general idea is that of using a small box made from the material, supplied with ice on the inside of the box, and equipped with thermometers to obtain the differ- ence in temperatures. The best method of deciding whether one insulation is more eflicient than another is to measure the quantity of heat transmitted through each insulation by conduction only. Heat radiation, on the other hand, depends on the color and comparative smoothness of the radiating surface. For this reason, refrigerator cars should be painted white or a light silvery grey, as they tend to reflect the radiant heat of the sun; while dark colors, especially red, will absorb heat, thus adding to the ice meltage. Little has been said about insulation or the construction of the walls, roof and floor in order to prevent the outside 'heat from coming into the cooled space. Scarcely any of the materials which were in the past accepted as proper for this purpose are‘now admitted to be of any value. The spaces between the exterior layers of board and the interior layer were filled in the old days with materials which were then considered proper non~conductors of heat. Among these may be mentioned ashes, wood shavings, cane shavings, chopped straw, mineral wool, peat dust, rice husks, sawdust, pumice stone and charcoal. - All these loose packings have this common drawback, they become packed tight in a short time by the shaking of the cars, thus leaving the upper parts of the spaces empty. Moreover, in some materials the comparatively large weight must be considered, and in most cases their strong tendency to absorb moisture. The materials themselves not only lose their insulating power but decay, and give ofi ofiensive odors; the decay also attacking the woodwork of the entire car which soon begins to rot. None of these loose materials are used at the present day since it is known that it is more advisable 68 CARS to leave the space hollow than to use a filling material that is faulty. Concerning hollow spacing, we may say that it was largely used formerly, in connection with such materials as boards, paper, wool-felt, etc., to insulate cars, though generally with poor success. Of course a car thus insulated by paper, boards, and air-space or dead-space is a little cheaper at first-cost, but the slightest experience proves its wasteful- ness and worthlessness to both shipper and car owner. A step forward was taken with the use for insulation, of cow-hair, washed and quilted, its‘ high efficiency arising from the large amount of air, per cubic inch, that is imprisoned in the interlacing of the hair by the quilting process. This mate- rial had serious faults, however, owing especially to the occluded fat in it, which made it subject to nitrogenous decay, especially in the presence of heat and moisture. It thus not only tainted the food stuffs carried in refrigerator cars, but itself disintegrated and fell apart, as can be seen in cars that have had four years or so of service. This is almost invariably true at the plate and belt rails of such cars ‘thus insulated. From a sanitary standpoint, also, ‘cow-hair was bad, because when an animal dies of disease, even though . its meat is not used, still the hair is, since the hide goes to- the tannery. Other insulating car materials have been developed since then, that possess both high insulating qualities and yet do not decay nor become offensive. In fact, some of them have as high as 30 per cent greater insulation efl‘iciency than hair felt. Probably the most important type among these is that making use of certain vegetable fibres felted together and then quilted between layers of heavy waterproof paper. Among the most suitable. of- such fibres are hennequin or sisal, hemp, flax, etc. Sisal is cheaper than hemp and resists moisture better—a valuable quality for refrigerator car use; but, as yet, neither sisal nor hemp have been put to this use, although both are chemically permanent vegetable fibres, as is flax, also. Of’ course, various flexible felts are still largely used; but the vegetable fibre ones seem to be the best yet devised, for obvious reasons. CARS . _ ' 69 The extreme length of fibre is in its favor as a non-conduc- tor inasmuch as a large proportion of long fibres must lie athwart the passage of heat, while hair which is but little longer than the thickness of the felt will in the case of many individual hairs, lie parallel in the direction of the passage of heat. It is known that heat passes in the same direction as the fibre with much more readiness than it passes at right angles across the fibre. Hence, such vegetable fibres often make the best kind of insulation. If paper is to be used for car insulation, either as a sepa- rate layer by itself, or to inclose fibre or other mats or felts, ‘it should be a standard insulating paper which will remain quite unaffected by water. Concerning the insulating mate— rial used for flooring in cars, especially steel cars, fuller details will be given later herein. The result of the test made by several railroads some years ago has been that every refrigerator car built since then' by those who were familiar with said result, and in cases where the roads were not absolutely limited as to cost, now carries 50 to 100 per cent more insulation than was the prac- tice in the past. Thus, where formerly two layers of insulating material such as Linofelt, were deemed suflicient, four layers are now used, as a rule, where the best is demanded. Three or four layers are regarded as profitable and far better than the former 2-ply style. Four layers are enough, though 6-ply is highly satisfactory, and new cars are being built with 5 and 6 layers, in some cases. This test proves that while undoubtedly there will be secured greatly increased efficiency by the use of at least '4-ply ‘insulation it is doubtful if the protection should be increased to 6-ply insulation. However, experience in past years in endeavoring to protect perishable freight against frost and freezing shows that the bottom tier of fruit or vege- tables next to the floor is always affected first by frost. This being true, it is recommended that the sides and ends of the new cars be supplied with 4-ply insulation and the tops and bottoms 5-ply insulation. A typical insulation material for cars, one used in over one-half of the refrigerator cars in service on our railroads, 70 ' . CARS is Linofelt (Union Fibre Co.), a flexible material 1/2 inch thick, quilted between two sheets of Linocel paper—a heavy black waterproof paper of the highest quality, weighing 90 pounds per 1,000 square feet. The complete Linofelt weighs 42 pounds per 100 square feet. As a matter of interest and probable guide in framing specifications I for car insulation of this type of material, we append the following: 7 Specifications and sizes of sheets for a refrigerator car 40 feet 9% inches long, 9 feet 13/8 inches wide, and 8 feet 1 inch high, outside measurements. (Supplied by the Union- Fibre Co., Winona, Minn.) Union Fibre Company’s Linofelt Refrigerator Car Insula- tion 1/3-inch thick, made of degum'med flax fibre, chemically prepared, clean and odorless, with the best quality of- black 3-ply, 90-pound waterproof ’ paper on each side of the vflax fibre filling, quilted to the fibre with a good quality of thread, the rows of stitches to be not more than 5 inches apart, edges to be bound with paper to prevent fraying. Insulation, with paper, should weigh not less than 42/100 of a pound per square foot. Insulation. must be furnished in rolls or pieces of the following widths and lengths: (E4128 71 SIZE AND LOCATION Sq. ft. per 1 piece N 0. pcs. per car Total sq. ft. 28% in. wide x 104 in. long between car- lines at center of car, upper intermediate and lower layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . 30%in. wide x 104 ‘in. long between car- lines, upper, intermediate and lower layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23% in. wide x 104 in. long between car- lines at hatches, upper, intermediate and lower layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 in. wide x 30 in. long between hatches, upper, intermediate and lower layers. . 11 in. wide x 104 in. long between end car- lines and end plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18% in. wide x 23% in. long, hatch plug, upperlayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9% in. wide x 23% in. long, hatch plug, lower layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 in. wide x 551 in. long, outside layer at sides and end of car from door post to door post . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89% in. wide x 531% in. long, inside layer at sides and ends of car from door ppst to door post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89% in. wide x 533% in. long, intermediate layer on sides and ends of car from door post to door post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16% in. wide x 56% in. long, outside layer over side doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12% in. wide x 51% in. long, inside and intermediate layers over side doors. . . . 17 in. wide x 31% in. long, inside, inter- mediate and outside layers side doors. . 25%_in. wide x 480 in. long, upper, inter- mediate and lower layers between center sub-sills of car floor . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 18% in. wide x 480 in. long, upper inter- mediate and lower layers between inter- mediate sub-sills of car floor . . . . . . . . . . 17% in. wide x 480 in. long, upper, inter- mediate and lower layers between in- termediate and side sub-sills of car floor 20.583 22.208 16.972 2.083 7.944 ' 3.010 1.567 371 . 160 329 .419 330 . 659 ‘ 6.299 4.493 3.719 85.000 60 . 833 59 . 167 30 18 123 . 500 666 . 250 101.833 37.500 47.667 12.040’v 12 .535 742 . 319' 658 . 838 661.318 12.598 v17.973 89 . 250 255.000 365.000 355 . 000 Grand Total, per car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. . . 129 4158.621 7 2 CARS Material and workmanship must be first class, in every respect, and satisfactory to the railroad company’s inspector. To be of practical value to the car man, tests of‘ insulating material should be of different. kinds, in addition to the aca- demical tests we have spoken of. As to the comparative worth of different insulators regarding their heat and cold resisting ~properties, some'car men content themselves with accepting so-called manufacturer’s tests, which often are made under / <4 ae'B OAR? - . > ATERPROOF APER‘ 7/5”B 0.4120 -=> ‘Q? 7/9 "BOARD . WITERPROOFPAPER \ 749 "B 0/1121) *- AIR SPA CE == ./ ZQ"BOA 1w 4-WITERPRO0FPAPEI? ___ > (:57 *\ 7/61’50ARD 3 Fig. 3. Linofelt Insulation for Refrigerator Cars. Union Fibre Company. such varying conditions as to be worthless, and which always are open to the suspicion of self-interest on the part of the material manufacturer. Other car men have generally con- fined their tests of the material to the amount of ice used on a given run on the road, often with slight regard to differences of temperature in a given season; and on cars using the mate- rial in combination with other materials under divers con- ditions of travel and temperature so difierent as to give results of only the most general kind. In two summer runs’ only 10 days apart, the amount of ice used may vary as much as 15 CARS 73 per cent- And other variations may be caused by high winds, length of time car is- in motion, how long car doors are left open to receive lading and other varying factors vitally affect- ing this crude ice-usage test. Contrast this with proper tests made by recognized author- ities under'constant conditions, an example of which is here given concerning difierent types of car insulation. The meltage. of ice per day coming through 100 square feet, at a. difference of 40 degrees, in the specimens tested above, was as follows: Type 1: 64.8 lbs- Type 2: 93.4 lbs. Type 3: 187.0 lbs. Besides indicating proper heat-test methods, the above results show both the comparative worthlessness of the ordinary hollow-space-and-paper insulation, and the value of vegetable fibrofelts over the others. a Not only must such insulating material have high efiiciency as an insulator, but it must also be able to withstand the hard and racking service it will encounter in railroad service, without going to pieces or falling apart. To insure this quality, the material must be given certain mechanical tests, before its acceptance. A Shaking-Down Test of a vegetable- fibre felt and of a hair felt lately conducted was as follows: The material to be tested was put across the end of boxes in sheets of 34 by 48 inches, arranged in such a manner that a sprocket wheel with three sprockets raised the boxes two inches and let them fall. .This wheel revolved at the rate of sixty revolutions per minute, giving the material 180 two inch lifts and drops per minute. This was kept up ten hours per day for seventeen days. The materials were then tested as to their tensile strength thus: A piece 9 by 30 inches was firmly suspended from a‘ temporary vise and weights attached to the bottom edge until the breaking point was reached. In the case of the fibrofelt, this was 223 pounds, far exceeding the hair felt in tenacity, even as it had in stability by the first test. Other tests can easily be devised in any car shop, if so desired. Its fireproof qualities can be compared, its non-absorbency tried out, its weight ascertained, and its flexibility and ability to stand up proven by actual tests. 74 CARS - LUMBER. Lumber used in car construction should possess the quali- ties of strength, durability and light weight. Economy is also a highly desirable factor, but in view of the comparative scarcity of proper car lumber and the rising price of timber of all kinds (which bid fair to rise still higher) car men must pay the market price, no matter what it is, until steps are taken to provide metal substitutes for all possible car parts where wood is now used. Weight is another factor of great importance, other things being equal, as' affecting net earn- ings as regards hauling unnecessary dead weight; and when it is possible, as it is today, to make a saving of 6,000 pounds in the light weight of a car by using certain kinds of lumber as against other kinds, this factor merits the earnest con- sideration of every car department. ‘Owing to the decreasing quantity of possible car lumber, . the timbers nowv in most general use include some regarded as impossible for use, in the past, when oak, the best pine, and hickory were the standards in general use. The last is now too expensive for car use; the present timbers in use nowadays being pine, poplar, oak, fir, elm, cypressand spruce. Other woods are also coming into use, and all of them, like the ones named above, have their own special car use and limits of usage in the car. The M. C. B. Association has ruled that “white pine, yellow pine, fir, or cypress may be used when repairing siding, when of equal grade or quality to the material standard to the car. Fir, oak, or southern pine may be substituted for each other in renewing or splicing longitudinal sills.” With the rapid disappearance of the forests in our country, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain suitable car lumber, especially of the higher grades and in lengths fit for sills, framing, etc., except at prohibitive prices for certain kinds of car timber. This scarcity and exorbitant prices have been large factors "in hastening the introduction of steel cars and steel car parts under wooden cars. ‘ So far has this gone, that car builders already have trouble in obtaining the proper grade of lumber for even the modern steel freight car which CARS 75 has a single wooden sheathing with no lining; and when obtained, it is often not properly seasoned, owing possibly to its thickness, which exceeds that of the sheathing on the old wooden cars. This green timber naturally shrinks, after being put on such steel cars, allowing the lading to either leak out or be damaged by exposure to the elements, with consequent frequent damage claims therefor. Owing to the excessive demand for lumber and the greedy haste of lumber- men to market their product, car men have now, more than ever before, to be on the alert'to prevent the purchase of such improperly seasoned timber, or, failing in that, to keep it from being put into a car until seasoned. In all cases the companies are not equipped with sufficient dry kiln capacity, especially to handle the thick sheathing, etc., which has to remain in the dry kilns longer than was necessary with the former thinner sheathing. No matter by whom seasoned, good car practice absolutely forbids the use of any wooden car- parts except those properly cured. Due to the high cost of lumber, railroads have been led to adopt various methods and chemicals for the better preserva- tion of car timber, especially for those parts to which water has access with consequent rapid rotting thereof. Owing to the exhaustion of the available supplies of the more durable and harder woods formerly and exclusively used in car build- ing, railroads now are largely resorting to chemical treatment of the softer and cheaper woods they are now forced to use, in order to preserve their life; and they have found the investment therein a profitable one, especially where a road has facilities for so treating its car lumber. Some car men advocate for this purpose the empty-cell or zinc chloride process, as being cheaper and giving life to the lumber equal to mechanical life; others use ordinary salt, saturating the timber with the same by various methods. Still others use creosote containing as large an amount as is possible and economical, of the preservative acids found in this distillate—the timber being first steamed, placed in a vacuum, and then subjected under heavy pressure to 'the action of the preservative solution, followed by placing it again in a vacuum. By this means, the preservative is driven 76 CARS into the wood, especially. in sap wood, car decking, etc., though rarely penetrating hard wood over one inch all around. Car sills and decking especially have been thus treated, and undoubtedly it lengthens the life of the lumber very ‘much. It is possible to use it in stock cars, but not in box cars for decking, on account of its odor, which might be absorbed by flour or other lading. It may be noted that this creosote treatment cannot be used for_car parts that show externally and are therefore painted, and to this extent, its use is limited, on account of the ‘fact that it is vimpractical to paint timber after it has been creosoted. Most roads in this country have a standard color for their cars, and they would not want to change that color to black in order to please the wood preservers. If any road should desire to change their stock car color to black, then the creosoted timber would be ideal, for the cars would be permanently painted, providing the timber was framed before it was treated. . There are also now on the market many different wood preservatives, mostly designed for use with ties, some of I ‘which will—and many‘ of which will not—prevent, to a ' profitable degree, decay in new lumber and stop decay in old lumber, and all “warranted” to save both the lumber and the labor cost of replacing rotten wood. The best of them possess considerable penetrating power, antiseptic quality, and staying power. With the practical disappearance of the forests east of the Rocky Mountains, car builders have had to go either to Canada or even farther afield in order to obtain suitable car , lumber, and already the Pacific Coast promises to be the final source whence ample supplie’s 'may be had. ‘Of these western woods, the best for car purposes are Douglas fir, western hemlock, and western spruce, all three of which may be had in almost unlimited quantities at reasonable prices. As they are practically all new .car timber, and undoubtedly will soon form the main reliance in car-shops, a word or two concern- ing them is of interest to car men. ‘ _ One of the best known car woods is Douglas fir, of which the United States Forestry Bureau reports that it “may per- haps be considered as the most important of American woods CARS 7 7 . . . As a structural timber, it is not surpassed, and prob- ably it is most widely used and known in this capacity.” _'_l‘he superior qualities and merits of this wood have been widely recognized by our railway engineering stafis as embodying to a great degree the prime requisites of great strength, durability, light weight, and ease of handling and working. As a strong wood with a record, of extreme dura- bility when exposed to weather, it is widely used in freight car construction, where it has the additional advantage of being 8.1 pounds lighter per cubic foot than its nearest com- petitor. In many shops it is used for all purposes in car construction except for draft timbers. It is especially valuable for refrigerator cars where dampness is constantly present; sills of it after 14 years’ service under such cars showing neither decay nor deterioration. Enormous quanti- ties of this “future timber reliance of the nation,” officially styled “the strongest wood‘ for its weight in the country,” exist on the Pacific Coast; for though the annual cut amounts to one-eighth‘of all the lumber cut for all purposes in the United States in the year of greatest supply, estimates show _ that there is enough of this timber now standing to supply the market for 150 years. Another valuable car wood is Western Hemlock, of which the United States Forestry Bureau says: “The Western Hemlock has now to contend mainly with a prejudice which is based upon a knowledge of the eastern tree alone. The wood of the Western Hemlock is far superior to that of the eastern tree. . . And its qualities entitle it to rank among the valuable timber trees of this continent. . . In strength, ease of working, and freedom from warp and decay, Western Hemlock differs greatly from the eastern species. It possesses all the strength requisite for ordinary building material.” Another car wood is Western Spruce, which because of its entire lack of taste and odor is particu- larly valuable for use in refrigerator cars, etc. It is a very white, straight-grained wood of tough fibre, light weight, and easily worked. All three of the above car woods are among the few remaining in this country in commercial quantities and procurable at advantageous commercial valuations. 78 ' _ CARS The following oflicial tests ' made by the United States Government of difierent woods named therein, are both instructive and indicative of some of the above facts. SUMMARY OF TESTS OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF TIMBERS ' ' By U. S. Government Forestry Department ’ TRANSVERSE STRENGTH TEST A Authority Lbs ._ per Authority Lbs. per Trautwine sq. m. Pittsburg Testing Laboratory sq. 1n. White oak,AAmerican . . . . . .600 Fir, cut 4 months (average of 11 tests). . .849 White pine, American. . . . .450 Fir, after 13 years’ servlce as stringer Yellow pine, American. .. . . 500 _ (average of 4 tests) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . .588 Pitch pine, American . . . . . .550 ‘ F11‘, after 12 years’ service as budge Georgia pine, American. . .850 chord (average of 4 tests) . . . . . . . . . . .690 ‘ TENSILE STRENGTH Oak, all classes . . . . . . . . . 10,000 Fir, cut 4 months (average of 5 tests) . 10,872 Pine, all classes . . . . . . ..10,000 Fir, after 13 years’ service as stringer Fir or spruces . . . . . . . . . 10,000‘ (average of 4 tests). . . . . . . . . 10,932 (x) Fir, after 12 years’ service as bridge chord (average of 4 tests). . . . . . . . . 11,132 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH‘ , White oak . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;.7000 Fir, cut 4 months (average of 2 tests). . 6097 White pine . . . . . . . . . . . . .5400 Fir, after 13 years’ service as stringer ' Norway pine... .. . . . . . . .6300 _ (averageof 4 tests). .0 . . . . . . . ._ . . . . ..8057 Georgia pine . . . . . . . . . . . .8500 F11‘, after 12 years’ service as budge chord (average of 4 tests) . . . . . . . . . . .8607 TEST B 2 inch x 2 inch x 30inch Clear Beams. Douglas Fir e Oak White Oak No. of Modulus of No. of Modulus of No. of Modulus of tests rupture tests rupture tests rupture 423 8350 80 7600 90 8600 TEST C Douglas Fir—Green Timber Bending Test—Span 15 ft. Fiber stress Modulus of Modulus of Calculated at elastic _ rupture ‘ elasticity shear Sizes No. of Lbs. per Lbs. per 1000 lbs. lbs. per ins. - tests sq. in. sq. in. . per sq. in. sq. in. 8x16 191 3968 - 5983 1517 ‘ 269 5x 8 84 3693 5178 1533 172 2x12 27 3721 ' 5276 1642 256 2x10 ' 26 3160 ' 4699 1593 189 2x 8 29 3593 5352 1607 171 The M. c. B. Association has prescribed full oflicial specifi- cations for all kinds of timber now in use as car and locomo- tive lumber; .all ofwhich should be carefully noted, as vitally oARs 79 affecting permissible lumber for repairing foreign .cars. It will be noted that some kinds of lumberv can be used for but few purposes, such .as decking, etc.; while others can be used for almost any car part, where lumber is generally or per- missibly used. ' In 1910 a joint committee of the American Railway Master Mechanics’ Association and the M. C. B. Association working in conjunction with‘ the Railway Storekeepers’ Association and the various Lumber Manufacturers’ Associations, sub- mitted specifications and grading rules for car and locomotive lumber, which, on motion, were ordered submitted to letter ballot and adopted as Recommended Practice. They are as follows: In order to have standard descriptions of the various woods used by railroads, the following standard names for car and locomotive lumber were agreed upon by the Joint Committee: 1‘ - LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS Description of various woods used by railroad companies for car and locomotive lumber. , 1. Ash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To cover White, Black, Blue, Green and Red Ash. 2. Basswood . . . . . . . . . .-.To cover Linden, Linn, Lind or Lime- . tree. 3. Beech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To cover Red and White Beech. 4. Birch . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . .To cover Red, White, Yellow and Black - Birch. ’ 5. Buckeye . . . . . . . . . . . . .To cover wood from Horse-chestnut tree. 6. Butternut . . . . . . . . . . .To cover wood from tree of that name, also known as White Walnut. I 7. Cherry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To cover Sweet, Sour, Red, Black and Wild Cherry. 8. Chestnut . . . . . . . . . . . . .To cover wood from tree of that name. 9. Cottonwood . . . . . . . . . .To cover wood from tree of that name. (Do not confuse with Popple or Poplar.) 10. Cypress . . . . . . . . . . . ..To cover Red, Gulf, Yellow and East _ Coast Cypress, also known as Bald Cypress. 11. Elm—soft . . . . . . . . . . .To cover White, Water, Grey, Red or Slippery and Winged Elm. 80 CARS 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Elm—rock . . . . . ._ . . . .To cover Rock or Cork Elm. . Douglas Fir . . . . . . . . .To cover Yellow, Red, Western, Wash-i mgton, Oregon, Puget Sound Fir or Pine, Norwest and West Coast Fir. Gum . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . .To cover Red Gum, Sweet Gum or Satin Walnut. 7 Hemlock . . . . . . . . . . .'.To cover Southern and Eastern Hem- lock; that is, Hemlock from all States east of and including Minnesota. Western Hemlock. . . . .To cover Hemlock from the Pacific . Coast. H ickory .- . . . . . . . . . ..To cover Shellbark, Kingnut, Mocker- ' nut, Pignut, Black, Shagbarkv and Bitternut. Western Larch . . . . . . .To cover the species of Larch or Tam- arack from the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast regions. M aple—soft . . . . . . . . .To cover Soft and White Maple. M aple—hard . . . . . . . .To cover Hard, Red, Rock and Sugar , - Maple. . v ~ White Oak . . . . . . . . . ..To cover White, Burr or Mossy Cup, Rock, Post or Iron, Overcup, Swamp Post, Live, Chestnut or Tan Bark, Yellow or Chinquapin and Basket or Cow Oak. Red oak . . . . . . . . . . . ..To cover Red, Pin, Black, Water, Willow, Spanish, Scarlet, Turkey, Black Jack, or Barn and Shingle or' Laurel Oak. Pecan . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To cover wood from tree of that name. Southern Yellow PineTo cover Long-leaf and Short-leaf Yel- low Pine grown in the Southern States. White Pine . . . . . . . -. . .To cover wood from tree of that name grown in Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Canada. Norway Pine . . . . . . . .To cover Norway or Red Pine grown in Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Canada. Idaho White Pine. . . .To cover variety of White Pine grown in ' ' western Montana, northern Idaho and eastern Washington. Western Pine . . . . . . . .To cover timber known as White Pine grown in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon and Wash- ington; sometimes known as Western Yellow or Ponderosa Pine, or Cali- iiprnia White Pine or Western White me. CARS ' 81 29. Poplar . . . . . . . . . . . . ..To cover wood from the Tulip Tree, otherwise known as Whitewood, Yel- low Poplar and Canary Wood. 30.. Redwood . . . . . . . . . . . .To cover wood from tree of that name. 31. Spruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To cover Eastern Spruce; that is, the , Spruce timber coming from points east of and including Minnesota and Can- ada, covering White, Red and Black Spruce. 32. Western Spruce . . . . . ..To cover the Spruce timber from the Pacific Coast. 33-. Sycamore . . . . . . . . . . . .To cover wood from tree of that name, otherwise known as Buttonwood. 34. Tamarack . . . . . . . . . . .To cover Tamarack or Eastern Tamar- ack, . grown in States east of and in- cluding Minnesota. 35. Tupelo . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To cover Tupelo Gum and Bay Poplar. 36. Walnut . . . . . . . . . . . . .To cover Black Walnut (for White Wal- nut, see Butternut). CLASSIFICATION, GRADING AND DRESSING RULES FOR NORTHERN PINE CAR MATERIAL, INCLUDING WHITE AND NORWAY PINE AND EASTERN SPRUCE. - 1. Norway Pine. To cover Norway or Red Pine grown in Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Canada. White Pine to cover wood from tree of that name grown in Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Canada. Spruce to cover Eastern Spruce; that is, the Spruce tim- ber coming from points east of and including Minnesota and Canada, covering White, Red and Black Spruce. 2. Northern Pine Lumber shall be graded and classified according to the following rules and specifications as to quality, and dressed stock shall conform to the subjoined table of standard sizes, except where otherwise expressly stipulated between buyer and seller. 3. Recognized defects in Northern Pine are knots, knot- holes, splits, shake, wane, wormholes, pitch pockets, torn grain, loosened grain, sap, sap stain, checks and rot. 82 ' _ CARS KNOTS . Knots shall be classified as pin, small and large or coarse, as to size, and round or spike, as to form, and as sound, loose, encased, pith and rotten, as to quality. " A pin knot is sound and shall not exceed 1/2 inch in diameter. Fig. 4. A small knot is larger than a pin knot and shall not- . exceed 1% inches in diameter. . Fig. 5. A large or coarse knot is one of any size over 1% inches inv diameter.‘ Fig. 6. - ' A round knot is oval or circular in form. A spike knot is one sawn in a lengthwise direction. Fig. 7. The mean or average diameter of knots shall be consid- ered in applying and construing these rules. I A sound knot is one solid across its face; is as hard as the wood it is in and is so fixed by growth or position that it will retain7 its place in the piece, Fig. 8. ' A loose knot is not firmly set, but still retains its place - in the piece. Fig. 9. A pith knot is a sound knot with a pith hole not more than 14-inch in diameter. i ‘ An encased knot is one surrounded wholly by bark or pitch. - Fig. 10. ' A rotten knot is one not as hard as the wood it is in. PITCH. Pitch pockets are openings between the grain of the wood containing more or less pitch or bark, and shall be classified as small, standard and large pitch pockets. A small pitch pocket is one not over 1/8 of an inch wide. Fig. 11. A standard pitch pocket is one not over 1%; of an inch wide, or 3 inches inlength. ' A large pitch pocket is one over 3/8 of an inch wide or over 3 inches in length. , ' A pitch pocket showing ‘open on both sides of the piece 1/8 of an inch or more in width shall be considered the same as a knothole. ; EXHIBIT A—NORTHERN WHITE PINE. lg 4. 7 in Knots. P 5. Fig. Small and Round Knot. F Spik ig. 6. i e Knot. J- .7 ,L‘ .3" " Fig. 8. Fig 9 Loose ‘Knot. a,‘ Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Small Pitch Pocket. ' ~$¢_A§_-35~,».57‘§¢. . ~31 a». CARS 87 Wane is bark, or the lack of wood, from any cause, on edge. ser. White or bright sap shall not be considered a defect in any of the grades provided for and described in these rules, except where stipulated. M ISCELLANEOUS. Defects in rough stock caused by improper manufacture and drying will reduce grade, unless they can be removed in. dressing such stock to standard sizes. _ All lumber ,for uses described in these i'ules shall be inspected on the face side to determine the grade, and the face side is the side showing the best quality or appearance. Chipped grain consists in a part of the surface being chipped or broken out in small particles below the line of the cut, and as usually found should not be classed as torn grain, and shall not be considered a defect. Torn grain consists in a part of the wood being torn out in the dressing. It occurs around knots and curly places, and is of four distinct characters; slight, medium, heavy and deep. Slight torn grain shall not exceed 3,12 of an inch in depth, , medium {E of an inch, and heavy 1,4; of an inch. Any torn grain heavier than 1,4; of an inch shall be termed deep. The grade of all regular stock shall be determined by the number, character and position of the defects visible in any piece. The enumerated defects herein described admissible in any grade are intended to be descriptive of the coarsest pieces such grades may contain, but the average quality of the grade shall be midway between the highest and lowest pieces allowed in the grade. Lumber and timber sawed for specific purposes must be inspected with a view to its adaptability for the use intended. All dressed stock shall be measured strip count, via: Full size of ‘rough material necessarily used in its manufacture. Lumber must be accepted on grade in the form in which it was shipped. Any subsequent change in manufacture or i 88 . CARS mill work will prohibit an inspection for the adjustment of claims, except with the consent of all parties interested. The foregoing general observations shall apply to and govern the application of the following rules. The rules referred to under the five following paragraphs govern 4 or 6 inch strips, and are intended to cover strips used for car siding, car lining and car roofing. B and Better White Pine—Material of this grade shall be practically clear and free of all defects, except will admit of not exceeding four pin knots, and bright ‘sap not to exceed 25 per cent of the face of the piece. . ‘ C .and Better Norway Pine—Bright sap is no defect in this grade and stained sap will be admitted to the extent of not exceeding 1%; the surface of the face of the piece, if not in combination with other defects. This grade shall be free from shake, rot and splits, but will admit of not exceeding four pin knots. No. 1 Common White Pine, Norway Pine and Eastern Spruce—This grade admits of small sound knots, but shall be free from large or coarse knots, knotholes, should have practically no shake, wane or rot, but will admit of bright ‘sap to any extent. ' No. 2 Common White Pine, Norway Pine and Eastern Spruce—This grade is similar to No. 1, described above, except that it will admit of spike knots, bright or stained‘ sap, ‘slight shake, slight wane on reverse side, but not a serious combination of any of these defects. No. 3 Common White Pine, Norway Pine and Eastern Spruce—This grade, in addition to the defects mentioned in No. 2, described above, will also admit of large or coarse knots, more shake, sap, wane on ‘reverse side that does not affect the tongue or groove and torn or loosened grain, checks, pin wormholes and splits, but no loose knots or knotholes, nor a serious combination of the defects named. No. 1 Common Norway Pine Car Decking or Flooring— This grade will admit of sound knots, any amount of sap, and'shall be free from shake, wane, rot and large or coarse spike knots. , ,_ - ' CARS " 89 STANDARD LENGTHS. ‘ Car Siding—8, 9, 10 and 12 feet or multiples. .Car Roofing—5 feet or multiples. » Car Lining—8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 feet or multiples. Car Decking—9 and 10 feet or multiples. All orders shall be shipped in standard lengths; unless otherwise specified, but no lengths of either car siding, lining or roofing shall be shipped except in the lengths specified or multiplesxthereof. Those who do not desire stock shipped in multiple ‘lengths should so specify. . I CLASSIFICATION, GRADING AND DRESSING RULES FOR SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE CAR 'MATERIAL. 1. Southern Yellow Pine—To cover Longleaf and. Short- leaf Yellow Pine grown in the Southern States. 2. Southern Yellow Pine Lumber shall be graded and classified according ‘to the following rules and specifications as to quality, and dressed stock shall "conform to the subjoined table of. standard sizes, except where otherwise expressly stipulated between buyer and seller- 3. Recognized defects in Southern Yellow Pine are knots, knotholes, splits (either from seasoning, ring hearts or rough handling), shake, wane, red heart, pith, rot, rotten streaks, dote, red heart, wormholes, pitch streaks, pitch pockets, torn grain, loosened grain, seasoning or kiln checks and sap, sap stains and imperfect manufacture. KNO'IS. Knots shall be classified as pin, standard and large, as to size; and round and spike, as to form; and as sound, loose, encased, pith and rotten, as to quality. ’ A pin knot is sound and not over % ,inch in diameter. Fig. 12. A standard knot is sound and not over 1% inches in I diameter. Fig. 13. \ A large linot is one any size over 1% inches in diameter. Fig. 14. ’ A round knot is oval or circular in form. 1' "III' a’ 0 Fig. 13. Standard Knot Fig. 14. Large Knot. Fig. 15. Spike Knot. EXHIBIT B - SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. " Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Loose Knot. Pith Knot. Fig. 18 Fig. 19. Encased Knot. Rotten Knot. CARS , 93 A spike knot is one sawn in a lengthwise direction. Fig. 15. The mean_ or“ average diameter of knots shall be considered in applying and construing these rules. A sound knot is one solid across its face; is as hard as the wood it is in and is so fixed by growth or position that it will retain its place in the piece. A loose knot is one not held firmly in place by growth or position. Fig. 16. A pith knot is a sound knot with a pithhole not more than % inch in diameter. Fig. 17. An encased knot is one surrounded wholly or in part by bark or pitch. Where the encasement is less than % of an inch in width on both sides, not exceeding one-half the cir- cumference of the knot, it shall be considered a sound knot. Fig. 18. A rotten knot is one not as hard as the wood it is in. Fig. 19. PITCH. Pitch pockets are openings between the grain ofthe wood containing more or less pitch or bark, and shall be classified as small, standard and large ‘pitch pockets. Fig. 20. A small pitch pocket is one not over 1/8 of an inch wide. A standard pitch pocket is one not over % of an inch wide or 3 inches in length. A large pitch pocket is one over 1%; of an inch wide or over 3 inches in length. A pitch pocket showing open on both sides of the piece 1/8 of an inch or _more in width shall be considered the same as a knothole. A pitch streak is a well-defined accumulation ofpitch at one point in the piece, and when not suificient to develop a well-defined streak, or where fibre between grains is not saturated with pitch, it shall not be considered a defect. Fig. 21. - A small pitch streak shall be equivalent to not over one- I twelfth the width and one-sixth the length‘of the piece it is in. t A standard pitch streak shall be equivalent to not over one-sixth the width and one-third of the length of the piece it is in. (See Exhibit C.) . EXHIBIT C. Fig. 20. \ Pitch Pocket. Fig. 21. Pitch Streak. CARS - 95 ' WANE. Wane is bark, or the lack of wood, from any cause, on the edge. . SAP. Bright sap shall not be considered a defect in any of the grades provided for and described in these rules, except where stipulated. SHAKE. Shakes are splits or checks in timbers which usually cause a separation of the wood between annual rings. Through Shake—A shake which extends between two faces of a timber. Ring Shake—An'opening between the annual rings. MISCELLANEOUS. Defects in rough stock caused by improper manufacture I and drying will reduce grade, unless they can be removed in dressing such stock to standard sizes. - All stock except car sills and framing shall be inspected on the face side to determine the grade. Stock surfaced one side, "the dressed surface shall be considered the face side. Stock rough or dressed two sides, the best side shall be con- sidered the face, but the reverse side of all such stock shall not be more than one grade lower. _ - Pieces of siding, lining or roofing with 13g ‘of an inch or more of tongue will be admitted in any grade, provided ‘it does not run more than one-third the length of the piece. In all grades lower than B and better, wane on the reverse side, not exceeding one-third the width and one-sixth the length of any piece is admissible; provided the wane does not extend _ into the tongue, or over one-half the thickness below the groove. . Chipped grain consists in a part of the surface being chipped or broken out in small particles below the line of the cut, and as usually found shall not be classed as torn grain and shall not be considered a defect. Torn grain consists in a part of the wood being torn out in dressing. It occurs around knots and curly places, and is of four distinct characters—slight, medium, heavy and deep. 96 CARS Slightly torn grain shall not exceed ,1, of an inch in ' depth; medium, 11'? of an inch; heavy, 1/8 of an inch‘; any torn grain heavier than 1,43 of an inch 'shall be termed deep. Loosened grain consists. in a point of one grain being torn loose from the next grain. It occurs on the heart side of the piece and is a serious defect, especially in flooring. Rot, Dote and Red Heart—Any form of decay which may be evident either as a dark-red discoloration not found in the sound wood, or the presence of white or red rotten spots, shall be considered as a defect. ' Firm red heart shall not be considered a defect in any of the grades of Common Lumber. The grade of all regular stock shall be determined by the number, character and position of the defects visible in any piece. The enumerated defects herein described admissible in any grade are intended to be descriptive of the coarsest pieces such grades may contain, but the average quality of the grade shall be midway between the highest and lowest pieces allowed in the grade. ~ Lumber and timber sawed for specific purposes must be inspected with a view to its adaptability for the use intended. All dressed stock shall be measured strip count, viz. Full size of rough material necessarily used in its manufacture. Equivalent means equal, and in construing and applying these rules, the' defects,.whether specified ‘or not, are under- stood to be equivalent in damaging effect to those mentioned applying to stock under consideration. Lumber must be accepted on grade in the form in which it ‘was shipped. Any subsequent change in manufacture or millwork will prohibit an inspection for the adjustment of claims, except with the consent of all parties interested. The foregoing general observations shall apply to and govern the application of the following rules: B and Better Car Siding, Lining and Roofing will admit any two of the following, or their equivalent .of combined defects: Sap stain not to exceed 5 per cent; firm red heart not to exceed 15 per cent of the face; three pin knots; one standard knot; three small pitch pockets; one standard pitch pocket; one standard pitch streak; slight torn grain, or small CARS 97 kiln or season checks. Where no other defects are contained, six small pin wormholes will be admitted. Select Oar Siding will admit of one standard pitch streak, one standard pitch pocket, or their equivalent; and, in addi- tion, will admit of not_ exceeding five pin knots and two standard knots, or their equivalent; 10 per cent sap stain; firm red heart; slight shake; heavy torn grain; defects in manufacture or seasoning checks. Pieces otherwise good enough for B, but containing a limited number of pin worm- holes shall be graded select. This grade is intended to be accumulated from running B and Better stock, and will con- sist of all the droppings which do not contain defects in excess of those mentioned in this paragraph. No. 1 Common Oar Siding will admit of the following \ defects or their equivalent: Sound knots, not over one-half of cross section of the piece at any point throughout its width; ‘ three pin knots or their equivalent; wane 1/2 inch deep on edge not exceeding 1% inches wide and one-half the length of the piece; torn grain; pitch pockets; pitch; sap stain; seasoning checks; slight shakes; firm red heart and a limited number of small wormholes well scattered. This grade is intended to be worked from fencing stock, either kiln or air dried. Select Car Lining and Roofing will admit of one standard pitch streak; one standard pitch pocket, or their equivalent, and, in addition, sound knots not over one-half the width of the piece in the rough; 10 per cent sap stain; firm red heart, slight shakes; heavy torn grain; defects in manufacture, or seasoning checks. Pieces otherwise good enough for B, but containing a limited number of pin wormholes shall be graded select. This grade is intended to be accumulated from run ning B and Better stock, and will consist of all the droppings which do not contain defects in excess_of those mentioned in this paragraph. - ' No. 1 Common Gar Lining and Roofing will admit of the following defects or their equivalent: Sound knots not over one-half the cross section of the piece at any point- throughout its length; three pin knots or their equivalent; torn grain; 98 CARS pitch pockets; sap stains; seasoning checks; firm red heart, I and a limited number ‘of pin or small wormholes well .scat- tered. This grade is intended to be worked from fencing stock, either kiln or air dried. Standard Patterns—(Insert B/P reference, showing net sizes after working.) " ‘ All-heart Oar Decking or Flooring will admit sound knots not over one-third of the cross section of the piece at any pointthroughout its length, provided they are not in groups; pitch pockets; firm red heart; shake and seasoning checks which do not go through the piece; loose or heavy torn grain, or other machine defects, which will lay without waste or will not cause a leakage in cars when loaded with grain. Must be strictly all heart on both sides and both edges. Heart Face Gar Decking or Flooring will admit of sound knots not over one-third the cross section of the piece at any point throughout its length; provided they are not in groups; pitch pockets; firm red ‘heart; shake and seasoning checks which do not go through the piece; loosened or heavy torn grain, or other machine defects, which will lay without waste, or will not cause a leakage in cars when loaded with grain. -Will admit of any amount of sap provided all of the face side of the piece is strictly all heart. ' No. 1 Common Oar Decking or Flooring will admit vof sound knots not over one-half the cross section of the piece at any point throughout its length, provided they are not in groups; pitch pockets; sap stain; firm red heart; shake and , seasoning checks which do not go through the piece; a limited number of pin wormholes; loosened or heavy torn grain, or other machine defects, which lay without waste, or will not cause a leakage in cars when loaded with grain. STANDARD LENGTHS. Carv Siding—8, 9, 10 and 12 feet or multiples. , Car Lining—8, 9, 1'0, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 feet or multiples. Car Roofing—5 feet or multiples. Car Decking or Flooring—9 and 10 feet or multiples. All orders shall be shipped in ‘standard lengths, unless otherwise specified, but no lengths of either car siding, lining CARS LUMBER 55c r/o/vs. JHOWING 7.5 $6 Hem. A.“ alarm 4'11 a" feral. JURFAGI 88' Fig. 22. 100 O'ARS .. multiples thereof. or roofing shall be shipped, except in the lengths specified or Those who do not desire stock shipped in multiple lengths should so specify. CAR SILLS AND FRAMING. No. 1 Common Heart Oar S'llls and Framing will admit of sound 'knots, provided they are not in groups, the mean or average diameter of which shall not exceed two (2) inches; pitch; pitch pockets; slight shake; seasoning checks, or other Q defects which will not ‘impair its strength more than the defects aforementioned. Must be sawed from sound timber, _ ‘f free from doty or rotten red heart and true to measurements, if or at least the measurements at no point on the sill shall '‘ be less than the size required. I Measurement of the girth at any ‘point throughout the T. length of the piece must show at least 75 per cent heartwood. Cubical contents shall ‘not be used as basis for obtaining f percentage of heartwood under this rule. No. 1 Common Oar Sills and Framing will admit of sound knots, provided they are not in groups, the mean or average i diameter of which shall not exceed two (2) inches; pitch ; 1 pitch pockets; slight shake; seasoning checks; sap; sap stain, or other defects which will not- impair its strength more than the defects aforementioned. Must be sawed true, to measure- ' not more than 14 inch scant when dry or part dry. ments and from sound timber free from doty or rotten red heart; must be square cornered, except that one (1) inch of wane on one corner or one-half (14;) inch of wane on two corners is admissible. - ‘ i " _ Sizes up to 6 inches in width shall measure full when green, _ and not more than 1/8 inch scant when dry or part dry. Sizes 6 to 12 inches in width shall measure full when greenand 12 to 16 inches in width shall measure full when green and not more than 3/8v inch scant when 'dry or part dry.‘ Unless otherwise specified, 1/4 inch shall be allowed for each side which" is 'to be dressed. In'pieces 3 by “6 inches and under when ordered in lengths exceeding 30 feet, sound knots shall not exceed one-quarter the width of the face through ‘ which they project, and the grain shall not cross sufliciently to impair the strength. Sizes . CARS 101 CLASSIFICATION AND GRADING RULES FOR LOCOMO- TIVE, FREIGHT AND PASSENGER CAR OAK. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. Those who are not familiar with the anatomy of the oak tree should, when reading over these rules, take into consid- eration that the rule describes the poorest piece that goes into the grade and that a large percentage is above the grade described. 1 ' DEFINITION or OAK FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. The term “Construction Oak” means all such products of Oak in which the strength and durability of the timber is the controlling element in its selection and use. The following is a list of products which are recommended for consideration as “Construction Oak.” I. CONSTRUCTION oAK. (A) " - ((1%) Cover Maintenance of Way Material. ) . (D) Locomotive Timbers: Sills, End and Truck Timbers. (E) Car Timbers: Car Framing, including Upper Framing,‘ Car Sills,F End and Truck Timbers, Car Decking, Inside Lining. ( ) (G) (H) _ _ , (I) Cover Maintenance of Way Material. II. STANDARD DEFECTS. Definition of “Defect”—Fault, Blemish, Mark of Imper- fection' that will materially injure the. strength. Measurements which refer to the diameter of knots or holes shall be considered as referring to the mean or average diameter. II. (A) KNOTS. Sound Knot—A sound knot is one which is solid across its face, and which is as hard as the wood surrounding it; it may be any color and contain checks. Fig. 23. Loose Knot—A loose knot is one not firmly held in place by growth or position. Fig. 24. ' Pith Knot—A pith knot is a sound knot with a pith hole not more than 14 inch in diameter in the center. Fig. 25. 102 CARS Rotten Knot—A rotten knot is one that is not sound and not as hard as the wood surrounding it. Fig. 26. Pin Knot—A pin knot is a sound knot not over 1% inch in diameter. Fig. 27. Standard Knot—A standard knot is a knot not over 2 inches in diameter. Fig. 28. Large Knot—A large knot is a sound knot more than 2 inches in diameter. Fig. 29. Round Knot—A round knot is one which is oval or cir- cular in form. Spike Knot—A spike knot is one sawn in lengthwise direc- tion. The mean or average width shall be considered in measuring this knot. Fig. 30. Bird Peck—Bruises apparently caused by bird peeks during the growth process of the timber. Considered no defect. Fig. 32. 0 Fig. 23. Sound Knot. Fig. 24. Loose Knot. . Fig. 25. Pith Knot. 1 _ Fig. 26. Rotten Knot. 40 V\> Fig. 27. Pin Knot. Fig. 28. Standard Knot. Fig. 29. ' ' Fig. 30. Spike Knot. . Fig. 31. Burl Knot. Fig. 32. Bird Peck. 108 CARS II. (B) worm DEFECTS. Pin Wormholes—Pin wormholes are very small holes caused by minute insects or worms. These holes usually are not over ‘1% inch in diameter, or smaller, and the wood sur- rounding them is sound and does not show any evidences of the Wormhole having any eifect on the wood other than the opening. Fig. 33. Spot Worm Defects—(Also known as Flag Worm Defects.) Spot worm defects afia caused, like pin wormholes, by minute insects or worms working on the timber during its growth. The size of the hole is about the same as pin wormholes, but the surrounding wood shows a colored spot as evidence of the defect. This spot is usually sound and does not affect the strength of the piece. Fig. 34. Grub Wormholes—Grub wormholes are usually from about 14, to 96 inch in width and vary in length from about 131; inch Fig. 33. Pin Worm Defects. Fig. 34. Spot Worm Defects. F18. 37. i / Metal Rafting Pinhole. Fig. 35. Grub Wormholes. 110 CARS to 1 inch, and are caused by grub worms working in the wood. Fig 35. Wooden Rafting Pinholes—This defect sometimes appears on river timber which has been rafted and holes bored in the solid wood for tying the timber, and a solid plug or pin driven in the hole filling it completely (Fig. 36). These defects must be treated and considered the same as knot defects. Fig. 36. Wooden Rafting Pinholes. Ordinary metal rafting pin or chain dog hole is considered no defect (Fig. 37). II. (c) SAP. Definition of “Sap”—The alburnum of a tree—the exterior part of the wood next to the bark; sap wood not considered a defect. Sound Heart—The term sound heart is used in these rules whenever heart of piece is split or opened and shows on CARS 111 outside of piece and its condition is sound and solid, not decayed. Openings between annual rings are checks not con- sidered a defect. 11. (n) WANE. Wane is bark or lack of wood from any cause on edges of timber. \ II. (E) SHAKES. ‘ Definition of “Shakes”—-Shakes are splits or checks in timber which usually cause a separation of the wood between the annual rings. Ring Shakes—Ring shakes are openings between the annual rings usually showing only on the end of the timber. Throughl Shakes—Through shakes are shakes which extend between two faces of the timber. Checks—A small crack in the wood due to seasoning; not considered a defect. ~ . " i H. (F) GRAIN. Crooked or Cross Grain—Crooked or cross grain occurs where the grain crosses the piece within a section of 24 inches in running length of the piece. This is only considered a defect in certain smaller sizes of dimension for specific pur- poses. ‘ 11. (e) no'r. Any form of decay which may be detected as giving the timber a doty or rotten texture vis a rot defect, including what is commonly known as dry rot. Water stain, or what are sometimes. called scalded or burned spots, usually caused ‘by timber lying in the water under certain conditions before it is sawed, and- burned spots where the timber is improperly piled green, not considered defects, as they do not afiect the strength of the piece. 112 CARS’ ii III. STANDARD NAMES FOR CONSTRUCTION OAK. Standard names for Construction Oak timbers; White Oak and Red Oak. Unle'ss specially mentioned, these terms include the following: ' White Oak. Red Oak. White Oak. Red Oak. Burr or Mossy Cup Oak. Pin Oak. Rock Oak. ' Black Oak. Post or Iron Oak. Water Oak. Overcup. Willow Oak. Swamp Post Oak. Spanish Oak. Live Oak. Scarlet Oak. Chestnut or Tan Bark Oak. Basket or Cow Oak. 7 Yellow or Chinquapin Oak. Turkey Oak. Black Jack or Barn Oak. Shingle or Laurel Oak. Term: Mixed Oak means any kind of oak. 1V. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL OAK TIMBERS. (1-) General‘ Requirements—Except as noted, all struc- tural timbers shall be white oak, to be, sound timber and sawed specified sizes; free from~ ring shakes, crooked ‘grain, rotten knots, large knots in groups, rot, dote and wane in amounts greater than allowed in these specifications. (2) Boxed Hearts—Boxed hearts are permitted in pieces ' 5 by 5 square and larger. The center of the heart shall be boxed as near the center of the piece as practical, and not to exceed 30 per cent of the pieces can have the center of the heart nearer than 11/2 inches from any face; 20 per cent may show 'one heart face, corner or edge, not to-exceed 75 per cent of the length of the piece. Iv.—(3j WANE. EXPLANATION. The term 20 per cent of number of pieces or amount shipped refers to each item and size of each car shipped. ‘ (a) Pieces 5 by 5 to 8 by 8 square may show 1 inch wane, ‘side measurement on any two corners or edges, and this wane not to exceed more than 25 per cent of the length of O'ARS 113 the piece singly, or 50 per cent in aggregate. In the absence of wane aon all corners excepting one, the one corner may contain wane 50 per cent of the length of the piece as above described; not to exceed 20 per cent -of number of pieces may have this defect. (b) Pieces over 8 by 8, including 12 by 12, square may show 1% inches wane, side measurement, edge of any two 'corners or edges, and this wane not to exceed more than 331,4; per cent of the length of the piece /singly, or 66% per cent ‘in aggregate. In the absence of wane on all corners excepting one, the one corner may contain wane 66% per cent of the ‘length of the piece as above described; not to exceed 20 per cent of number of pieces may have this defect. (c) Pieces over 12 by 12 square may show 1% inches, side measurement, any two corners or edges, and this wane not to extend more than 40 per cent of the length of the piece singly, or 80 per cent in aggregate. In the absence of wane on all corners excepting one, the one corner may contain wane 80 per cent of the length of the piece as above described; not to exceed 20 per cent of number of pieces may have this defect. _ (d) In event that pieces have two faces as wide as above described and two faces narrower, the proportion of the amount of wane is admissible. (e) Pieces 1 inch to 5 inches thick, not exceeding 8 inches wide, are governed by defect specifications above mentioned, with the exception that they shall not contain wane, and not to exceed 20 per cent of pieces 2 inches and thicker may show sound heart on one face; pieces under 2 inches thick must be free of heart. Pieces 8 inches and wider may contain wane as per paragraphs b and d. V , (f) Rough sizes of structural timber shall not vary more than 1,4 inch scant of specified size. Dressed sizes may be 1/2 inch scant after dressing. V.—(B) LOCOMOTIVE TIMBER oAK. PASSENGER CAR DIMENSION oAK. REFRIGERATOR CAR ‘DIMENSION OAK. 1 Thickness cut to order, widths cut to order, lengths cut to order. Unless otherwise noted, must be cut from white oak. 114 ' CARS This stock, wherever practical, should be cut outside the heart. and must be free of heart shake in pieces under 6 by 6 square. No attempt should be made to box the heart in pieces smaller than 5 by 7, unless heart is very small and tight. When heart is well boxed it must be firm and tight, and the center of the heart must not be nearer than 2 inches from any face. Must be sawed full to sizes with square edges, and cut from sound timber and free from wormholes, with the exceptionof a few small pin wormholes Well scattered, and an occasional spot worm. None of these defects, however, to affect the serviceability of the piece for the purpose intended. Must be free from split, rot or dote, large, loose, rotten or unsound knots, or, in other words, free of all defects affecting the strength and durability of the piece. Sound standard knots well scattered not considered a defect. v.—(c) FREIGHT can TIMBER. Freight car dimensions, including all cars other than refrigerator and passenger cars. Sizes cut to order. Unless otherwise ordered, must be sawed from good merchantable white or red oak timber. This stock must be free of rot, ‘shakes and splits, large, loose, rotten or unsound knots, any of which will materially impair the strength and durability of the piece for the purpose intended. This stock is intended to work full size and length without waste for side posts, braces and end sills, end plates, drafting timbers, cross ties, etc., used in the construction ‘of ordinary freight or stock cars. 0n pieces 3 by 4 inches or equivalent girth measurement and larger (nothing under 2 inches thick), heart check showing on one corner, admitted on 20 per cent of the pieces in each car shipment. Well-boxed, sound hearts admitted in this material in pieces 5 by 6 and larger. 0n pieces 3 ‘by 4 to 6 by 6, inclusive, or equivalent girth measurement and larger (nothing under 2 inches thick), in absence of heart defects,‘ wane on one corner, 64-inch side measurement, admitted on‘ not to exceed 20 per cent of the number of pieces in each car shipment. ' Pieces over 6 by 6 square may contain 1 inch wane, side measurement, on one corner, with other conditions same as 3 by 4 to 6 by 6 sizes. ' CARS ' 115 CLASSIFICATION AND GRADING RULES FOR DOUGLAS FIR CAR AND LOCOMOTIVE MATERIAL. . 1. The term “Douglas Fir” will cover the timber known likewise as Yellow, Red, Western, Washington, Oregon or Puget Sound Fir or Pine, Northwest and West Coast Fir. 2. Douglas Fir Lumber shall be graded and classified according to the following rules and specifications as to qual- ity, and dressed stock shall - conform to the subjoined table of standard sizes, except where otherwise expressly stipulated between buyer and seller. ' 3. Recognized defects, in Douglas Fir are knots, knotholes, splits, checks, wane, rot, rotten streaks, wormholes, dog or picaroon holes, pitch seams, shake, pitch pockets, chipped grain, torn grain, loose grain, solid pitch, stained heart, sap stain and imperfect manufacture. KNOTS. Knots shall be classified as‘ pin, small, ‘standard and large, as to size; round and spike, as to form, and tight, loose and rotten, as to quality. A pin knot is tight and not over % inch in diameter. Fig. 38_. - . A small knot is tight and not over % inch in diameter. Fig. 39. . A standard knot is tight and not over 1% inches in diameter. Fig. 40. . ' A large knot is tight and any size over 1% inches in diameter. Fig. 41. A round knot is oval or circular in form. A spike knot is one sawn in a lengthwise direction. Figs. 42 and 43. The mean or average diameter of knots shall be considered in applying and construing these rules. A tight knot or sound knot is one solid across its face, is as hard as the wood it is in, and is so fixed by growth or position that it will retain its place in the piece. 116 CARS A loose knot is one not held firmly in place by growth or position. Fig. 44. A rotten knot is one not as hard as the wood it is in. Fig. 45. " .- (See Exhibit D—Douglas Fir.) .. EXHIBIT D —- DOUGLAS FIR. Fig. 40. _ Standard Knot. Fig. 41. Large Knot. <$0 , Fi . 42. Large Spike Knot. .Afl . a.» . s .. at... A. s at». . .mmewsk a. w . at. ._ .. M . h L“. i . Sat... v . Fi 43. Small Spike Knot. Fig. 44. Loose Knot. Fig. 45. Rotten Knot. ' Fig. 46. Pith Knot. Fig. 47 Cluster of Knots. PITCH. Pitch pockets are openings between the grain of the wood, containing more or less pitch and surrounded by sound grain wood; they shall be classified as small, standard and large pitch pockets. A small pitch pocket is one not over 17$ of an inch wide. Fig. 49. A standard pitch pocket is one not over % of an inch wide, or 3 inches in length. A large pitch pocket is one over ‘if; of an inch wide or over 3 inches in length. Fig. 50. A pitch shake or seam is a clearly defined opening between the grain of the wood and may be either filled with granulated pitch or not, but in either case is considered a defect in any of the grades hereinafter described. Fig. 48. Solid Pitch. Fig 50. Large Open Pitch Pocket. ‘if. I a t. if s I e . I‘. It’ A . . . . . it» “1.. 00;. i . l . .- it“. a . . l *iI-JIMJI; rut.» . | 2.. . . i. l s . 6113-!‘ wee-‘l flu; Fig. 49. Small Closed Pitch Pocket. v: Q 11.11,‘ v; 858» was‘) . ..~ . $51!‘!!! .!£.‘l a. .dll, » .. .... n. .. ‘issues (it. it 1 . i. .. .09..‘1 “A 7.1MA1 . . . . .. gitebrhuti .. . . - l I- i \\.v .. .irilllllil;illii..l Fig. 51. Small Pitch Streak. CARS 125 A pitch streak is a well-defined accumulation of pitch at one point in the piece, and when not sufficient to develop a well-defined streak, or where fiber between grains is not saturated with pitch it shall not be considered a defect. A small pitch streak shall be equivalent to not over one— twelfth the width and one-sixth the length of the piece it is in. Fig. 51. . 4 A standard pitch streak shall be equivalent: to not over one~sixth the width and one-third of the length of the piece it is in. WANE. Wane is bark, or the lack of wood, from any cause on edge. SAP. Bright sap shall not be considered a defect in any of the grades provided for and described in these rules, except where stipulated. . ~ - "Sap stain shall not be considered a defect, except. as pro- vided herein. ‘ Discoloration of the heart of the wood, or stained heart, must not be confounded with rot or rotten streaks. The pres- ence of rot is indicated by decided softness of the wood where it is discolored or by small white spots resembling pin worm- holes. M IS CELLANEOUS. Defects in rough stock caused by improper manufacture and drying will reduce grade, unless they can be removed in dressing such stock to standard sizes. . All stock, except car sills and framing, shall be inspected on the face side to determine the grade. Stock surfaced one side, the dressed surface shall be considered the face side. Stock rough or dressed two sides, the best side shall be con-. sidered the face, but the reverse side of all such stock shall not be more than one grade lower. ' Chipped grain consists in a part of the surface being chipped or broken out in small particles below the line of the cut, and as usually found, should not be classed as ‘torn 126 CARS grain, and shall be considered a defect only when it unfits .the piece for use intended. - Torn grain consists of a part of the wood being torn out in dressing. It occurs around knots and curly places, and is of four distinct characters—slight, medium, heavy and deep. Slight torn grain shall not exceed 75%; of an inch in depth; medium 11$ of an inch, and heavy 1,4; of an inch. Any torn grain heavier than 1,4; of an inch shall 'be' termed deep. Loosened grain consists in a point of one grain being torn loose from the next grain. It occurs on the heart side of the piece, and is a serious defect, especially in flooring. The grade of all regular stock shall be determined by the _ number, character and position of the defects visible in any piece. The enumerated defects herein .described admissible, - in any grade are intended to be descriptive of the coarsest piece such grades may contain, but the average quality of the grade shall be midway between the highest and lowest pieces allowed in the grade. ' Lumber and timber sawed for specific purposes must be inspected with a view to its adaptability for the use intended. All dressed stock shall ‘be measured strip count, 'via: Full size of rough material necessarily used in its manufacture. Equivalent means equal, and in construing and applying these rules, the defects allowed, whether specified or not, are understood to be equivalent in damaging effect to those men- tioned applying to stock under consideration. Lumber must be accepted on grade in the form in which it was shipped. Any subsequent change in manufacture or millwork will prohibit an inspection for the adjustment of claims, except with the consent of all parties interested. The foregoing general observations shall apply to and govern the application of the following rules: The rules referred to under Sections 38, 39 and 40 govern 4-inch or 6-inch strips, and are intended to cover strips used‘ ' for car siding, car roofing and car lining. The term “Edge Grain” is here used as synonymous with vertical grain, rift-sawn, or quarter-sawed. The term “Flat Grain” is synonymous with slash grain or plain sawed. 38. No. 2 Clear and Better Edge Grain—Material of this grade CARS 127 shall be well manufactured, with angle of grain not less than forty-five degrees. This stock shall be kiln-dried and prac- tically free from all defects, but will admit of bright sap on the face; not exceeding three small close pitch pockets not over 2 inches long, one pin knot, ‘slight roughness in dressing, but not a serious combination of these defects. 39. N0. 2 Clear and Better Flat Grain—Material of this grade shall be Well manufactured. The stock shall be kiln-dried and practically free from all defects, but will admit of bright sap on the face; not exceeding three small close pitch pockets not over 2 inches long, one pin knot, slight roughness in dressing, but not a serious combination of these defects. 40. No. 3 Clear—Material of this grade shall be sound com- mon lumber and will admit of roughness in dressing, bright sap, and also may contain five pin, three small and one stand- ard knot and five pitch pockets in any continuous 5 feet of length of the piece; or any combination of tight knots or pitch pockets equivalent to those mentioned above. This . grade particularly refers to stock used for inside lining of freight cars. - ’ Standard Car Decking or Flooring—Material of this grade shall be well manufactured from sound live timber and shall be free from splits, shakes, rot, bark or waney edges, and“ unsound knots, or pitch pockets, pitch seams or large knots which would weaken the piece for the use intended. This grade will admit of sound knots not to exceed one-third width of the piece, provided they are not in clusters, and sap. Common Car Sills and Framing—Material of this grade shall be well manufactured from sound live timber, sawed full size to sizes ordered and free from rot, unsound knots, cross grain, bark or waney edges or shakes, but will admit of sap and any number of sound knots, provided they are notv in clusters, and do not exceed one—third width of piece; pitch - pockets or pitch seams that would not weaken the piece for the purpose intended. - Sizes up to 6 inches in width shall measure full when green, and not more than 1,4; inch scant when dry or part dry. Sizes 6 to 12 inches in width shall measure full'when green and not more than 1/4, inch scant when dry or part dry. Sizes 128 CARS 12 to 16 inches in width shall measure full when green and not more ‘than inch scant when dry or part dry. Unless otherwise specified, 1/4 inch shall be allowed for each side which is to be dressed. In pieces 3 by 6 inches and under when ordered in lengths exceeding 30 feet, sound knots shall not exceed one-quarter the width of the face through which they project, and the grain shall not cross sufiioiently to impair the strength. 44. STANDARD LENGTHS. Car Siding—8, 9, 10 and 12 feet or multiples. Car Roofing—5 feet or multiples. Car Lining—8, 9, 10,12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 feet or multiples. Car Decking—9 and 10 feet or multiples. All orders shall be shipped in standard lengths, unless otherwise specified, but no lengths of either car siding, lining or roofing shall be shipped, except in the lengths specified or multiples thereof. Those who do not desire stock shipped in multiple lengths should sospecify. CLASSIFICATION AND GRADING RULES FOR CYPRESS CAR MATERIAL. 1. Cypress to cover Red, Gulf, Yellow and East Coast Cypress, also vknown as Bald Cypress. 2. Cypress Lumber shall be graded and classified accord- ing to the following rules and specifications as to quality, and dressed stock shall conform to the subjoined table of standard sizes, except where otherwise empressl'y stipulated between buyer and seller. 3. Recognized defects in Cypress are knots, knotholes, sap, wormholes, shake, season ‘checks, splits and wane. KNOTS. Knots shall be classified as standard and small, as to size, and sound or rotten, as to quality. A standard knot is sound and not to exceed 11/4 inches in diameter. Fig. 52. ' EXHIBIT F—CYPRESS. Fig. 53. Small Sound Knot. / Fig. 55.‘ Two Small Sound Knots Equal to One Standard Knot. Fig. 54. Rotten Knot. CARS 131 A small knot is one not exceeding ~34 inch in diameter. Fig. 53. _, A sound knot is one solid across its face, is as hard as the wood it is in. a A rotten knot is one not as hard as the wood it is in. Fig. 54. ' SAP. Stained sap- or bright sap shall not be considered a defect in the material specified in these rules. SEASON CHECKS. Ordinary season checks are such as occur in lumber prop- erly covered on yard or season checks of equal size in kiln- dried lumber. WANE. Wane is bark or lack of wood from any cause on edge. MISCELLANEOUS. The grade of all regular stock shall be determined by the number, character and position of the defects visible in any _ piece. The enumerated defects herein described admissible in any grade are intended to be descriptive of the coarsest pieces such grade may contain, but the average quality of the grade shall be better than the coarsest pieces allowed in the grade. . - Lumber sawed for specific purposes must be ‘inspected with a view to its adaptability for the use intended. All dressed stock shall be measured strip count, via: Full size of rough material necessarily used in its manufacture. Lumber must be accepted 'on grade in the form in which it was shipped. Any subsequent change in manufacture or millwork will prohibit an inspection for the adjustment of claims, except with the consent of all parties ‘interested. The foregoing general observations shall apply to and govern the application of the following rule. The rule referred to in the_ following section is intended to govern 4-inch or 6-inch strips and to cover strips used for car siding, car roofing and car lining. 132 CARS CAB ROOFING Ann SID'ING. “C and Better” Grade—This-grade will admit ‘sound knots, stained sap, pin wormholes, very slight shake and other defects, but none that will prevent the use of each piece in its full width and length for car roofing and car siding; may be randpm or specified lengths and maybe worked to pattern specified and graded from pattern side or SZS and C. M. and graded from the. better side. CAR LININ G. Shall be specified widths and s to 20 inches in- length. Will admit. tight knots, stained sap, pin wormholes, slight shake and other defects, but none that will prevent the use‘ of each piece in its full width and length for car-lining pur- poses. - CHAPTER IV. THE UNDERFRAMING—SILLS—BODY BOLSTER—CROSS FRAME TIES—TRUSS RODS AND FLOORING. Sills—In the construction of a car the first part that is put together is the under framing. This is true of any sort of car, flat, gondola, box or special. The structure upon which the car depends is the rectangular frame work of the longitudinal sills, and the end sills, body bolster and center cross~tie timbers. These various parts are indicated on ‘Plate 1., which illustrates a standard Box Car. Center sills No. 48; Inside Intermediate sills No. 49; Outside Intermediate sills No. 50; Side sills No. 51; End sills No. 52; Center cross ties No. 58 and Body Bolster, the component parts of which are indicated by numbers 116, 117, 173, 174. Of the main longitudinal sills there are always four, the two center and the two side sills; sometimes six, when two intermediate sills are used, and frequently with high capacity cars, eight when two more intermediate sills are added. With the cross-tie timber or "Needle Beams” and the body bolster on the under side, and bolted to each sill, and the end sills framed to each longitudinal sill to which they are held by the truss rods (No. 149 Plate I) which pass through the end sills over the body bolster and under the cross-tie timbers, ‘ a construction is obtained which can be used as a car itself, or a super-structure added to make box, gondola or other cars. . - The, longitudinal sills are of oak, fir or southern pine, generally one of the last two. Carefully inspected pieces only are used for these timbers, the importance of which is self evident. The end sills and cross-center ties are of White Oak, only solid pieces of wood being used. In the selection of the sizes of timber to be used a great deal is dependent upon experience and standard practice. It is very desirable if consistent to have all the long sills in a car of the same 133 134 . CARS cross section, and this practice ' is usually followed when a \ car has a super-structure which can be depended upon to assist in carrying the load. The sills vary in general between a section of 41/2"x 8" to a section of 5"x 9". Sometimes the intermediate sills are lighter, the dimension adopted depend- ing upon the strength desired, the kind of car being con- structed and the requirements of the particular service for which it was designed. In passenger cars this is more fre- quently the case than with freight cars. However, in the construction of flat cars the side sills will ordinarily be increased in depth. This is done to get a longer bearing for the stakes which are often used to hold the load on the car, and also to stifien the sides of the car so‘that it can withstand the shocks due to sliding heavy and concentrated loads onto ‘the car. As this kind of car has no upper framing to help support the load, the sill must be made of ample section to stand it alone. Gondola cars also are sometimes built with the side sills of greater depth than the remainder of the longitudinal sills. _ The longitudinal sills are framed with tenons into the end sills, the whole structure being held in place as mentioned before by the truss rod. Fig. 57 shows thegeneral method of framing and securing the end sills of’ cars without end plat- forms. _ As a means of protecting the framing of the corners of the car, corner plates of either pressed steel or malleable iron are used (Plate I, No. 168). They are usually the full depth of the sill and extend far enough from the corner each way to get good‘ support for the retaining bolts. Sometimes the outside truss rods hold them to the end sills, a cast iron filling block being used around the rod and between the corner plate and sill. This block is used because the soft wood of the sheathing is not strong enough to stand the pressure under the truss rod nut. At times a pocket or cavity is formed on this corner plate to make a convenient place for resting the push pole, often used in moving the car by an engine on the adjoining track. This has sometimes given it the name of push pole plate. Similar (Plate 1, No. 169-170) ' plates or hands, but narrower, are used upon the super- STANDARD AMERICAN BOX FREIGHT CAR. . Particuiarizing every part of the car. Each part is given a number by which it ma be recogn zed and easily referred to.‘ The following are the names b w ich the diiferent arts of the car are known: center. 49 811 s, inside intermediate. 50 Sills, outside ‘ s . . ra timber filling block. 56 Door ‘ ost. 56 Batting tlmlger. '57 Deadwood. 58 Center cross tie. 59 Cyiin or block. 60 Reservoir block. 61 Post, end. 62 Post. corner. 68 Post, transom. 64 Post, intermediate. 65 Post, ladder. 66 Braces, end. 67 Braces, transom and corner. 68 Braces, transom and intermediate. 69 Braces, intermediate and door post. 70 Side glrths. 71 End girths. 72 Side plate. 73 End plate. 74 Carlines. D. O O '1 b‘ 0. door top a . Side door closed sto . 98 End door. 99 End door closed stop. 100 Hand brake platform. d . 102 Grain door battens. 103 Grain oor a . 104 Grain door leaf battens. 105 ; . Beveled grain strips. 106 Turnbuckle block. 107 Pin lifter bracket, ad sill. 108 Pin lifter brscklet, deadwood. 109 Draw bar e. Q} handle. 127 Side door bracket. 128 Side door hasp. 120 de door seal pin. 130 Side door stagle. 131 Side door open clasp. 18 S e door closed clasp. 133 d 2 i Sid d Si et door w d e oor open s o . bracket wed e. ‘()3 doorehgog era 1 7 E d door bracket. 138 En door ha p 39 End door seal pin 1 nd door staple 14 n 001 bracket wed e. 1 n 00!. 0 en clas . 43 nd door open stop. 144 Gran door floor block. Grain _ lrlilolgr giilgesé il46d Grailnldoor guid ~ . ran 0 r 148 Grain door leaf hinges. 149 Longitudinal truss (redo d1H5p h'fioks' buckle. 151 Draw bar loop. 2 raw bar followers. springs. 154 Draw bar carrier and brake step. 165 Draw bar. 156 Draw n. e. e 16 side bearln . 117 Body bolster wedge fill- ing. 118 ody bolster c Post and brace Blocket. brake wheel 121 and brake ratchet. l. 123 Hand 172 End door chafin stri s. 17 Bod plate. 174 Body bolster bottom plate. 1 5 Klllijg bolt. 176 gll‘lJ eg? 177 8 Side door chafing strip. 179 Side door threshold plate. 180 End door threshold plate. 181 Carllne strap bolt. 182 Counter brace rods. 183 Corner post rods. 184 Intermediate post rods. 185 Door post rods. 186 Corrugated iron roofina. 187 Brake cylinder. 188 Auxil- iary reservoir. 189 Auxiliary reservo r release valve. 190 Triple valve 1 £35111) p. 192 (gait 1out colck. 196 P in pipe. 4 ' ‘r0 _ ressure re a 11 ng va ve. ressure retninin . I197 Cylinder lever. 198 Floating lever. 199 Floatin lever liiul‘cti'hvrg pg)?! Cylinder lever and floatlné lever connection. 201 Cy¥ln 1- er truck lever connection. 02 Cylinder \ever and mm brake connec ion. 203 Floating lever and live truck lever connection. 204 Hand brake chain. 205 Train pipe angle cock. 206 Train pipe coupling. 207 Train lpe lcloupltllng' hgse. 208 Brake lever gulde- 209 End plate tie rod. 210 str- ne e ro . i Fig. 56. ‘1 CARS 135 structure to strengthen the corner framing of the girths and plates. Body Bolster—These are sometimes called Transoms, Body Transoms or Cross Bearers. They are the cross beams over the trucks ‘near the ends of the cars, by means of which the weight of the car structure and its lading is transmitted to the center plates around which the trucks swivel. They are the main support of the car. Upon the strength of the bolster depends the success of the car design. On account of the limited space and varying conditions with each car, there "if (b C IN4 . a 9004! nvuuufl '11-‘— "7 A2‘! ‘ "’ 1.9 " " 2 ' , 8‘ I8‘ 8 I a o 4 I—1-9-lL0 l l -. . ' ' Fig. 57. Method of Framing and Fastening End Sills. l-iélfl-é‘ii-Jtihé. :2’ 4,; /2'—-e-4§i1-—/z}—'—Mg~ 8' ' has been no general standard of construction used. Each case has to be decided for itself and consequently there are numerous types and forms of bolsters in common use. They all are either iron or steel in the built up or solid form. Fig. 58 illustrates a common form of bolster built of two wrought iron plates with cast iron filling pieces between them over the side bearing. Another filling casting is also usually inserted between them in the space between the draft timbers which project through them. This form of bolster is also shown on Plate 1, where No. 173 is the top or tension plate and No. 174 is the bottom or compression plate. Whatever the 136 CARS n\\\\s. w\.\\\_ Son-mam 3.2% so: “smack? .wm .mrm CARS 187 design or material of the bolster, it is always bolted to all the sills with usually two bolts to each sill. Another form of bolster is shown in Fig. 59. This is made up of steel plates pressed into the desired shapes and riveted together. Its detail needs no explanation. Fig. 60 showing a cast steel bolster is also very clear as to its construction. Fig. 61 illustrates the Bettendorf I beam Bolster. These are made of two I Beams which are bound together in a @- usnaw rm “urn . ______-_-¢-—_——- Fig. 59. i’ Pressed Steel Body Bolster. parallel position by bands riveted to the flanges at each end and at the center. The Beams themselves as shown are shaped by off-setting the web at each end so that the vertical depth is less than at the center where the full shape of the I Beam is preserved. ' The illustrations Figs. 62, 63, 64, 65 and 66 show some of the bolsters of the types already indicated which are in gen- eral use. The Commonwealth bolsters are of the cast steel type, while the Simplex bolsters are of the built up or plate 5320mm ~00 . u da .wwmm 3.60 see L958 \e & Est-Q b *w ~195- Jwsilts +l. alirellh . 5.3T \ t 1, \ , .- \. my. \wmnl’ at. .w 3.9/1 smut... .vifitv e .luwx ...v .1 fl. F‘Ill'l if h " lb h ‘@383 ugh-Q 61 D05‘ @955 5m. 2.. wogouaol m wows. woaw we??? 140 CARS . type. The Williamson-Price bolster is also of the built up type, the filling pieces of which are both cast or malleable iron and rolled Z bar. ‘ Cross Frame Tie Timbers—Cross frame tie timbers (Plate 1, No. 58) of needle beams are the transverse beams under ‘the sills between the body bolsters. Their purpose is to tie ' the sills together, preserving the spacing and also to act as Fig. 62. Commonwealth Body Bolster. supports for the truss rod bearings. They assist materially in stiffening the sills to which they are' bolted. The top of the cross-tie timber is usually gained for a depth of 5% inch for each of the sills, thus forming a shoulder on each side of the center and intermediate sills, and for the inside of the side sills: Truss Rods—The truss rods (Plate 1, No. 149) are used Fig. 63. -. Commonwealth Separable Body Bolster. for the purpose of overcoming the deflection of' the longi- tudinal sills when the car is loaded. (in flat cars reverse truss rods are also used, an example of this construction being shown on Plate VI. These are added to give the same rigidity to this class of car that is given the other kinds by the super- structure. The number of rods and their strength will depend upon CARS 141 the load to be carried and also on the kind of car. Flat and Gondola cars will need proportionately more support from this source than the various forms of Box or Stock cars, as the former lacks the support afforded by theside framing of the latter. The trussing is secured by passing the rods through the end sills, over bearings on the body bolster, and under bearings on the cross-tie timbers. The bearings, saddles or king posts (Plate 1, No. 110) are usually made deep enough ' to ‘raise the rod nearly to the flooring. As illustrated in Fig. Fig. 64. Simplex Body Bolster. 58 a block is often secured between the sills on top of the body bolster, and the bearing then- rests on top of this blocking. Fig. 64 shows deeper saddles which are secured directly to the body bolster. For the same reason that a deeper saddle gives a better truss, the queen posts (Plate 1, No. 111) on the cross-tie timbers‘ are made as deep as possible. Between the queen posts at the center of the car, turnbuckles (Plate Fig. 65. Simplex Body Bolster. I, No. 150) are located. After the rod is in place and the end nuts drawn down so that the rod just projects through them, the turnbuckles are turned up to set the rod in place. Later when the framing is all completed the turnbuckles are drawn up more. Usually they are tightened enough to give the sills about one inch camber. A block (Plate 1, N0. 106) or key is then passed through the opening in the turnbuckles. This is secured from dropping out by keys through it. Sometimes the diameter over the threads at the ends of 38353..» no _ a . ESSEM lo _ .wwiflllllllli , _ . ll . mm _ MRI . ML 9 a... _. o .009 Pa um Infill .. doaflom 35m moEméomEdEEP .ww .mrm Tlilllill T In J CARS 143 each half of a complete rod is the same as the body of the rod. The usual practice, however, is to make this diameter about one-quarter of an inch longer. The threads for the nuts are all right handed, half of those for the turnbuckles are also right handed the other half beingleft handed. The threads are cut td the United States Standard for the differ- ent sizes of rods. This is true also of all other rods as well as bolts. Flooring—After the under framing is erected the flooring is laid. This is usually all of pine, either Norway or South- ern. With box cars, however, the floor boards at the door way are sometimes of oak. The general practice is to use shiplapped flooring, 1% inches to 2% inches thick, the thicker material being used more especially on stock and flat cars. The shiplapped boards are used because of the ease with which a broken or worn out board can be replaced. In fact a tongued and grooved floor on a freight car is a- very rare thing at the present date. The boards are usually laid cross-wise of the car and are spiked to each sill. Special. arrangements, however, are made for individual classes of cars, and all kinds of cars which have inclined floors for assisting in unloading the lading, usually have the flooring laid so that the load will slide along the grain of the wood, as this helps materially in the handling of the commodity._ The Master Car Builders’ Association in 1901 adopted as standard the following specification. “Flooring shall be‘ of three kinds: square edge'd, dressed all over, shiplapped, or tongued and grooved, dressed all over, in accordance with the section shown.” See Fig. 282. The following are the M. C. B. Specifications (Rec. Prac- tice) for cast _ steel bolsters such" as we have just shown: When the manufacturer is ready to make a shipment of material he shall notify the purchaser of that fact and await the arrival of the purchaser’s inspector, to whom he shall furnish free any assistance and labor needed to make satis- factory inspection test and prompt shipment. The manufac- turer shall protect all castings so that they do not become covered with rust. At his option the inspector may require that any or all castings be subjected to sand blast in‘ order 144 CARS to make an examination of the surface for checks or cracks. ' Theyv shall not be painted before being inspected unless other- wise specified. " Process—Castings furnished under these specifications shall be made by the open-hearth, process in accordance with the best foundry methods. '’ ' From the coupon described in section 12 (a), which has satisfactorily passed the physical requirements, borings shall be taken for chemical analysis. ' Physical Properties and Tests—Physical Properties—The physical properties of steel shall be as follows: Ultimate ten- sile strength, pounds per square inch, not under 60,000.] Yield point (by “drop of beam”), not under 50 per cent of ultimate tensile strength. Elongation in 2 inches, per cent not less than 1,400,000 divided by the ultimate tensile strength. Annealing—Test coupons shall be annealed with the cast- ings before they are, detached. To determine the quality of annealing, the inspector will have one of the test coupons mentioned in section 12 (b) cut halfway through and broken off from the casting for examination of the fracture. If, in his opinion, the annealing has not been properly done, he may require the casting to be reannealed, using the'second test coupon for examination in this case. If after annealing or reannealing any casting is so much out of gauge as to require heating in order to bring it within the gauge it shall again be reannealed before. it may be accepted. Sampling—For the purpose of determining whether the physical and chemical requirements are complied with, the inspector shall select at random one casting from each melt. From this casting the two physical and chemical test coupons shall be removed by the inspector, one of them shall be sub- jected to physical test, but if the coupon cast-ing proves unsound the other coupon shall be used in its stead for this purpose. The manufacturer shall have cast on each truck side two test coupons having a cross section of 1%, by 1% inch and 6 inches long. These coupons are to be used for physical and ,chemical tests and their location upon the cast- ing shall be specified by the purchaser. There shall be two additional coupons of a cross section not less than the average CARS 145 cross section of, the casting. These coupons are to be used to determine the character of the annealing as specified in section 11. Variation in Weights—Truck sides shall not vary more than 3 per cent above or 2 per cent below what has been determined as the normal weight of the casting except that in case the casting has met all requirements save that of overweight, it may be accepted at the maximum allowable weight here specified. For the purpose of this requirement the normal weight shall be previously agreed upon between the purchaser and ‘the manufacturer. 6. Chemical Composition—The steel shall conform to the following requirements as to chemical composition: Carbon . . . . . .not below 0.20 or above 0.30 per cent Manganese . . . . . . . . . . . . . .not above 0.70 per cent Phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .not above 0.05 per cent Sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .not above 0.05 per cent Ladle Analysis—To determine whether the material con- forms to the requirements specified in section 6, an analysis shall be made by the manufacturer from test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not less than 1,4 inch beneath the surface of the’ test ingot. A copy of this analysis shall be given to the purchaser. Check Analysis—A check analysis may be made by the purchaser from a test coupon representing each nielt, and this analysis shall conform to the requirements of section 6. Sampling for Chemical Analysis—From the coupon described in section 12 (a), which has satisfactorily passed the physical requirements, borings shall be taken for chemical analysis. Physical Properties—The physical properties of the steel shall be as follows: Ultimate tensile strength, pounds per square inch, not less than 60,000. Yield point (by drop of beam), not less than‘ 50 per cent of the ultimate tensile strength. Elongation in 2 inches per cent, not less than 1,400,- 000 divided by the ultimate tensile strength. 11. Annealing—All castings shall be thoroughly annealed. Test coupons shall be annealed with the casting, before they are detached. To determine the quality of annealing, the 146 CARS inspector will have one of the test coupons mentioned in sec- tion 12 (b) cut halfway through and broken ofi from the casting for examination of fracture. If, in his opinion, the annealing has not been properly done, he may require the castings to be reannealed, using the second test coupon for examination in this case. If after annealing or reannealing any casting is so much out of gauge as to require heating in order to bring it within the gauge, it shall again be annealed before it may be accepted. 12. Sampling-r-For the purpose of determining whether the physical and chemical requirements are complied with, the inspector shall select at random one casting from each melt. From this casting the two physical and chemical test coupons shall be removed by the inspector, one of them shall be sub- jected to physical test, but if the coupon casting proves unsound the other coupon shall be used in its stead for this purpose. ' (a) Coupons—The manufacturer shall have cast upon each bolster two test coupons having a cross section of 1%; by 1% inch and 6 inches long. These coupons are to be used for physical and chemical test and their location upon the casting shall be specified by the purchaser. (b) There should be two additional coupons of a cross section not less than the average . cross section of the casting, which coupons are to be used to determine “the character of the annealing as specified in section 11. Weights—Bolsters shall not vary. more than 3 per cent above nor 2 per cent below that which has been determined upon as the normal weight of the casting, except that in case the casting has met all requirements save that of overweight, it may be accepted at the maximum allowable weight here specified. For the purpose of this requirement the normal weight shall be previously agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer. ‘ ‘ ' 15. M arising—Each casting shall have the following markings cast upon it in raised letters and figures: (a) Initials of Railroad Company. (b) Month and year in which cast, thus, 6-12. (0) Manufacturer’s serial number and trade marks (or other designation). (d) M. C. B. S. CARS . .147 workmanship—They shall conform to the dimensions shown on drawings and shall be free from rust, scale, blow- holes and shrinkage cracks. A Rejection—In case the test pieces selected do not meet the specifications, all castings from the entire melt shall be , rejected. From each casting rejected by the inspector under these specifications he shall cause to be chipped the "S” of the letters M. C. B. S. which are specified in section 15 '(d). In order to understand the nature and design of the under- frame of a car, it must be remembered that it is a framework which has two functions to perform: First, to carry the weight of the floor, lading, and body of the car safely; and, second, to receive and withstand the buffing and pulling stresses the car suffers in a train, and this in such fashion as to damage neither the car body and its lading nor the underframe itself. In both freight and passenger cars, the underframe, and body are rigidly connected, and thus mutually stiffen and strengthen one another. The under- frame proper includes all the framing below the floor, includ- ing platform, draft timber and gear, etc., butdoes not include the trucks. In the next chapter, draft-gear and couplers are treated of in detail. ' > ' - The strains which an underframe has to withstand vary, and depend a great deal on the design and arrangement of the body bolsters, side sills and body framing. With substan- tial side sills and body bolsters, compressive strains can be transmitted by the latter and thus part of the compressive load can be taken care of by the side sills. However, there is a limit to the load the side sills can take care of which is based on the ratio of length to the‘ least radius of gyration, the length being considered as the maximum distance between adjacent floor beams. In the case of cars with wood body side framing it would appear desirable to provide sufficient Y area at the- smallest section of the center sills to take care of end strains, allowing the side sill to carry only its proportion of the vertical loads due to lading, weight of superstructure and an allowance for vibration. Freight car underframes with very few exceptions are considered sufficiently stifiened by the floors of the car, be it 14s _ CARS composite or steel. This -is economical" construction, inasmuch as the floor is necessary anyhow. The general question of resistance of the car towards longitudinal shocks is not receiv- ing the attention that it should. Suppose a car, weak in that direction, fails in a long train. It will naturally cause a wreck and suffer damage, but what is ‘more significant, all the other cars, weak or strong, will suffer likewise. Therefore, all the cars offered in interchange should be made of a certain standard strength. We have standards and specifications for bolsters, wheels, arch bars, axles, bolts, brake beams, couplers, hose, and dozens of other details, but we have none for the car itself. Occasionally we hear persons advocating a standard car for all the roads, and rightly too, but until such a time we should have specifications covering the minimum strength longitudinally so as to make the trains of a uniform resisting strength. Cars do not, as a rule, fail because of the weight of their lading; nearly always it is because there is something rad- ically wrong about the car, either in its design, or because it has not been kept in proper repair. Complaint is often made that there is now much more rapid deterioration of rolling stock than there was a few years ago; and investiga- tion shows that an enormous percentage of these failures arise from defects or faults in the underframing, including the draft gear and its attachments thereto. Under the tremen- dous impacts met with in the long heavy freight trains of today, even oak sills crack—they are not strong enough to resist modern buffing shocks when caught between two of the present huge steel cars. Some roads are still putting wooden material into their underframes, but this practice is bound to speedily disappear as a useless waste, owing to the rapidity with which these cars are disabled in heavy service. In some cases when the center sillsv are broken, they are replaced by steel sills. In any case, center sills should be strengthened by the use of filling or ‘packing pieces secured between them, butting against the end, sill, and extending beyond the body bolster towards the center of the car a dis- tance at least as much as that between the bolster and the end sill—this also for draft gear purposes. Allowance should l .17‘ 5:" . ,dl %_ 12;: a’ %-q:! a § 5 _5_ _ 1| 1’- g . 1% 5* it I 4T ‘H?- I ' '-'_~ 1 I ' .1 | I; l l i N ' —¢- Q ,1 5: .P'9 5 1 l 13 ll ' l m l 1' ~ ——¢-5'-' ____|a'_._ rial: 1F OAK. I; I 22 IF PINEQR FIR. I : . ;. . _ ' -? o Q o ITgé l e l“ I :2 l I . i H: . _. _.__ __43'__. 4L2 ~a~_- 9‘ £4 1?— FiGE- SPLICING OF CENTER SILLS. .c'f = ' .ch. 5 p 5" 4- 5- w. 5 ‘3"1 I‘? _ ft ‘'5 was SECTION A.A. [j y ' m ' F“~' ' ' I .1 u: r—-—-9'X I‘; 5 . l 1: : i- . — —— ' - . w fair W’ ‘ l l l9 0 Ll I. 9'—_— —*'~— 4'E_—->g¢ ~*-— —9';-_ -- n _| I ; 'lE'-“—‘_‘l_ 6%‘ ' " 1"“ a“ "—16'a‘"“ —— "'4? Lm__,_l_~ "' ,l I 5FL GE BACK OF END SILL- _ i - . g -t-;-—$—-—é—-'—%- Ln, _ F IGF-SPLICINC OF INTERMEDIATE AND SIDE SILLS". Rs \ r/ L ‘ ‘END FOR HOPPER DOOR OPERATING SHAFT. 99 _./a_ I _ 4_' l I" I r-MZXQ PIECES BUTT HERE TO BDLSTER SIDE PANEL SECTION QC. MASTER 611R BUIIIDERS'HSSOCIHTIQN. STANDARD SPLICING or STEEL. s||.|_s. v STANDARD SPLICING OF WOODEN SILLS. STANDARD END FOR ‘HOPPER DOOR OPERATING SHAFT. a is, REVISED SIDE SI Ll- . FIED. ‘’ SPLICING OF STEEL SILLS. SECTION D. D. m g. as. ISOSJLIA. . , "a. CARS 149 be provided therein for the M. C. B. coupler side clearance of 2% inches. For cars with wooden sills, the M. C. B. Rules permit the substitution of oak, fir or southern pine for one another in renewing or splicing longitudinal sills. Draft timbers must not be spliced. Longitudinal sills may be spliced at both ends, except that not more than two adjacent sills may be spliced at the same end of the car; and the splicing of any sill between cross-tie timbers will not be allowed by the Association. Full details of the M. C. B. Rules governing the permissible splicing of sills, both wood and steel, together with numerous drawings illustrating the same, with the bolts, etc., will be found under M. C. B. Rule 22 in the supplement to this volume containing the Code of Rules. See Fig. 68. In this connec- tion, we may say that the comparison between steel and wooden cars is based upon the compressive strength of wood. The fact is that wooden sills fail from splitting or bending, and from bending only when not properly supported; prac- tically never from compressive weakness alone. With a view to decreasing this chronic destructiveness of wooden cars, railroads have been compelled to strengthen the underframing of their cars in various ways; either by putting in steel sills, or by using metal draft arms, or by putting in complete steel underframes. When these are part of wood and part of metal, they are generally called com- posite underframes. The general condition and age of cars have to be taken into consideration as to what method of reconstruction should be used most economically to enable them to cope with modern severe service shocks. Their con- dition and age may not justify the expense of applying any of the above named proper reinforcements _of a car, in which ‘ case it is better to junk them and apply the scrap credit to new cars. For many of the older types, some roads are using metal draft arms, which cost only one-third as much as com- plete steel underframes. Many are not worth even this expenditure, especially among the old 20 and 30 ton cars, and this is why the latter are now about disappearing, as both too weak and too small for present shippers’ demands. 150 CARS STEEL UNDERFRAMES. The day of wooden underframing is now past, though a number of old cars equipped therewith may be seen about the country, used now almost entirely for local tramc on home roads. Sills, body bolsters, cross-frame ties, etc., are now made of metal. The truss-rods have become fish-belly girders, pressed steel forms, or been abolished in even indirect forms. The wooden car had to undergo great changes, or go under in the struggle for existence in the same train with modern steel cars with which they competed. If a box car is loaded, the superstructure considerably‘ assists the center sills in their work; if empty, the conditions are no better than with a flat car. Steel is now the word for underframes, ' and its use has established the use of the temporary term “steel underframe cars”—an appellation fated to soon dis- appear as distinctive, as in a few years all cars will have none other than steel underframes. As early as 1913, of the freight cars not all-steel built that year, 7,871 were all-wood (including underframe); 7,745 had composite underframes; 39,966 had steel underframes, and 22,207 had both steel under- frames and steel upperframes. The stresses due to bufling and pulling had increased tremendously over what they‘ - formerly were, and hence the railroads had either to scrap their old cars, or equip them with complete steel underframes, with steel draft arms extending beyond the bolster, with or without the addition of steel center-plates and trucks. In the transition from wooden to steel underframes, the mistake was frequently made, in the laudable endeavor to keep the car’s light weight down to a minimum, of making the center-sill construction far too light for either safety or durability, and of not making suflicient use of cover-plates to bind the steel center sills together. The importance of low fibre stresses apparently was not understood in the .early designing of steel underframes, and the result was that steel underframe cars were often so constructed as to be really weaker than the old wooden cars. Like errors are still being ,made, as a matter of fact, as may be seen‘ every day in our car shops, where one beholds cent'er sills buckled and distorted in significant fashion, as the results not of accidents, either, CARS 151 but simply oi‘ ordinary service impacts. In some new all- steel and steel upperframe (and underirame, of course) cars, the cross-sectional area of the center sills has been so reduced that they are no stronger than wooden cars. Steel underframes when properly constructed have shown up well in accidents. The chief difliculty is to properly tie the superstructure to the underframe so that it will not rack loose. It the center sills and side sills have ample strength to hold up the corners, the end braces and corner braces may be omitted in steel cars. Experiments show that provisions should be made in designing a steel underframe box car to take care of an impact blow of 350,000 pounds transmitted throughout all the sills; for box cars with wooden side frames, of a blow of 300,000 pounds; of 200,000 pounds for those with steel side frames. Fig. 69. Sub-Sills for Strengthening Old Cars. The Bettendorf Company. The application of steel center sills to old cars will no doubt prolong their life. This is now being done by almost every railroad on cars built just prior to the advent of all- steel underframe box cars, but care should be taken‘ to see that sufficient metal is provided to withstand the present serv- ice requirements, keeping in view a margin of safety for the future, as no doubt it would be desirable to maintain in service for at least ten years cars to which these steel center sills are applied. . A type of steel sub—sills used for strengthening old cars is shown in Fig. 69. Generally, it may be said that there are four types of underframes: (1) Those carrying the weight equally on all 152“ ' CARS the sills; (2) those carrying it on the center sills only; (3) those carrying it on the side sills only; and, (4) those carrying it on both sides and center sills. Of these, the first is the most largely used with wooden cars and in repairing them. In type two, there are no real side sills, the super- structure being attached to the angles, and the weight of the body resting on the side-bearings as well as on the center- plate; the center sills being girders of various forms tied together in different fashions. The cross-bearers (equivalent to the needle-beams of wooden cars) are transverse members of the steel underframe between the bolsters, helping to dis- tribute the weight of" the car, and in some types, tying the various sills together. In this last case the cross-bearers usually have a filler between the center sills ‘and thus extend acrossthe car. In such cars, the term Cross ,Tie is applied only to those members whose sole function is to tie center and side sills together. In type three, the car sides carry all the weight, the center sills being used only for bufiing and pulling. A common form uses two I-beams running the full length of the‘ car in one piece, and held up by three cross- bearers which run under and are fastened to said beams—a substantial body bolster being used, as the weight is carried at the ends of the bolsters. Type four is only a combination of types two and three, deep center sills being used together with cast-steel construction which adapt it for. passenger car use. Whether the freight car uses any of these types, depends largely on its lading and use; and some of them have both _ heavy center sills and fairly heavy side sills. The center girder type of center-sill construction is now by far the most common; use being made of steel channels or of pressed steel shapes, each of which has its partisans. One of the best types, having the greatest strength for a given weight, has continuous center sills, the cover-plates extending through the body bolsters as ‘far as the- construction will permit, with auxiliary cover-plates at ’the center, both top and bottom. A still better one has a continuous cover-plate over the top, also on the bottom throughout except at the ends where it is omitted to make room for the draft attach- ments, etc. ' CARS 153 Cover-platesare now almost universally used to bind the center sills together, making of them a compact and durable girder. Cars having a center-sill construction without cover- plates, and using diagonal braces from the outer ends of the body ‘bolsters, needle-beams, and end sills to the center sills, frequently fail. Riveting draft arms made of pressed steel shapes to center sills having no cover-plate or other means of tying the center sills together, also results in frequent serious damage to lading and equipment. Where structural steel channels are used for center sills, the practice is to extend them to the end sill to serve as draft sills. It has been customary when fish-belly type center sills are used, to provide pressed steel Z-shape draft sills and splice them to the center sill web plates projecting through the bolster. There is a tendency on the part of designers today to do away with the splice by extending the web plates of center sills and providing outside angles to form the draft sill using a continuous cover-plate. Where pressed steel center sills and cover-plates are used, the prac- tice has been followed of extending this construction to the end sill, bringing the cover-plate too near the end of the sill. This construction requires the use of web plates about 1% inch thick, so as to provide suificient bearing area for draft lug rivets. When draft sills have sufiicient net area behind the bolster stop, the splice may well be dispensed with. The M. C. B. requirement is that the space between steel center sills shall be 127/8 inches. As to the types of steel center sills, their diversity in design, length of cover-plates, arrangement of cross-bearers, etc., may be seen in the common kinds shown in Fig. 70. . V The following are the general opinions and recommenda- tions of experienced car builders, in view of the continuing weakness of certain types of metal underframes: Existing Steel or Steel Underframe Cars, which have less strength than that specified below, should be classified with wooden cars, and subject to the same rules for combination defects: _ Area of center sills not less than 16 square inches. Ratio of stress to end strain not more than 0.09. / 154 CARS The length of center or draft sill members, or part of member between braces, to be not more than 20 d. where “d" is the depth of the member, measured in the direction in which buckling might take place. =[ _— _ = . TYPE A TYPE 8 TYPE C TYPE 0 ‘I I’ ‘I "I J L .l L J J L J L‘ L. J TYPE E TYPE F TYPE 6 TYPE N Fig. 70. ' Typical Sections of Modern Center Sills. For new cars the area of steel center sills should not be less than 24 square inches. Ratio of stress to end load, not more than 0.06. Fig. 71. Cast Steel Needle Beams. Commonwealth Steel Company. The length of center or draft sill members, or part of member between braces, to be not more than 20 d. where “d” is the depth of the member, measured in the direction in which buckling might take place. Even where steel sills of comparatively large cross-area were used, it sometimes happens that the underframing gives way, owing to a lack of their proper anchorage. The . CARS 155 F lg. 72. Ralston Patent Steel Underframe for Freight Cars. Ralston Steel Car Company. Fig. 73. Steel Underi’rame i’or Freight Cars. American Car and Foundry Co. 156 CARS anchorage of center sills may be accomplished in various ways, the more common methods being by means of cover-plates, or diagonal braces. The value of such braces increases the value of the center sills. Cover-plates add direct value, and diagonal braces add partial value, depending on their angu- larity. Braces at right angles to the center sills add no value to the .center sill area, unless specifically designed as hori- zontal girders of sufficient strength to transfer all of the end strains from the draft to the side framing, in which case the side framing must perform the functions of center sills, and must be subject to the same rules. The value of braces at point of minimum strength may be added to the center sill area, taking effect in the horizontal plane in which such value lies. 1 / nm'J-m ‘ I W I V Fig. 74. Pressed Steel Underframe for 50-Ton Capacity Box Car. All agree that the limit for the maximum strength of the underframe is based on the minimum cross-sectional area of center sills; but the widest diversity, both as to theory and practice, prevails among car men, as to the minimum amount of this cross-sectional area. One large road uses 24 inches or more for this area; whilst another uses two 15-inch chan~ nels properly reinforced, but without continuous cover-plate, with results satisfactory to itself, at least. Some roads are putting in 35-inch and even 40-inch areas into their new equipment. One railway has some 30,000 cars having an area of 19.8 inches, and finds that sufiicient for the class of traflic in which its cars are employed. Roads on which exceedingly heavy trains are handled, may find it desirable to use heavier construction even at the expense of hauling heavier dead weight; but others protest against the 500 pounds to the cost CARS 157 of pulling a car, which the above mentioned 16 and 24 inch requirements would add to the weight of a car. All agree, _‘ however, that the cars should be built for ten years’ service or so, not for four or five years; and this depends largely on ‘the life of the underframing, which must be so constructed as to have a correspondingly long life. ' To illustrate various parts and types of modern steel underframes, we show cast steel needle-beams, Fig. 71; the box girder type of underframe, Fig. 72; the fish-belly type of underframe, Fig. 73, and ‘ side and end sills in Fig. 74. CHAPTER V. DRAFT GEAR AND COUPLING. / The method of attaching car to car in order to make the connected line of vehicles a_complete train is, it will readily be supposed, a matter of prime importance. It is a matter that in marked degree affects the structure of the car. Not only does the safe movement of the train depend upon it but the act of coupling or detaching cars is one involving danger to human life. Hence much thought has been given to the devices that should be adopted. The subject has received the'a'ttention of Congress and the “Safety Appliance Acts” provide, amongst other things, that “it shall be unlawful for any * * * common carrier to haul or permit to be hauled or used on its line any car used in moving interstate traffic not equipped with couplers coupling automatically by impact and which can be uncoupled without the necessity of men going between the ends of the cars.” The law also made provision for the fixing of a stand- ard height for drawbars for freight cars. The heights so pre- scribed are: Standard-gauge roads, 341/2 ‘inches; narrow- gauge roads, 26 inches, maximum variation between. loaded and empty cars, 3 inches. . ' The term draft gear embraces the whole combination of draft attachments and coupler'attachments. It includes draft arms, automatic couplers, drawbar housings, uncoupling ar- rangements, bufier blocks, dead wood, safety appliances, and special fixtures. Of these, the coupler is composed of several distinct parts; the term drawbar being generally used synony- mously with coupler, though now being largely used to mean the part thereof behind the coupler head. In the same way, draft gear proper now generally means the apparatus which connects the coupler drawbar with the car sills. In connec- ' tion with the draw-bar housings, it is necessary to consider the complete attachment or fastening of the coupler to the 158 CARS 159 car. At the end of the coupler drawbar is secured a pocket or yoke which is of suflicient dimensions to enclose the springs, etc., of that particular type of draft gear. The coupler is held in place by the carry-iron, and, by the follower-plates which extend through this pocket or yoke and engage the housings on the draft timbers or metal draft members. I 414 1 1a.... - 411/. ..LlL. _. _: ~ Ila/ea‘ Cored/g" Ho/es. cored‘; 3 Drawing A. Drawing B. Fig. 75. The draft gear carry-iron is a plate which extends under- neath the draft sills and supports the draft gear. A drawbar carry-iron is a U-shaped strap fastened to the underside of the end sill and supporting the outer end of the drawbar. The springs are called draft springs; while the follower plates are plates which bear against each end of a draft spring, and transmit the tension or compression (the pulling or bufling) on the drawbar to the draft springs and to the draft members or timbers. The M. C. B. standard for such followers requires them to be of wrought iron or open hearth steel, 1% inches thick for tandem spring gear; 21,4, inches 160 _ CARS thick for twin spring and for friction gear. These followers are confined in their movements back and forth by the front and back stops, the M. C. B. standards for which are shown in Fig. 75. The yoke is a pocket strap, which contains these springs and followers, and is the means of attaching the drawbar to the draft gear; it is generally U-sh'aped. The draft key is used in some forms of draft gear. The deadwood is a piece of wood fastened to the end sill on wooden cars, and usually arranged with a metal face—— called a striking plate—to take ‘the blow from the coupler horn when cars are coupled by impact. Sometimes the carry- iron and striking-plate are made of one steel casting, for use with steel or wooden cars.\' In addition to the deadwood, buffer blocks are sometimes used, being metal blocks secured either to the deadwood or end sill, two to each end of the car, and projecting out just far enough to take the entire blow of impact without interfering with the operation of the couplers. The term buffer is also applied to a cushioning apparatus (using buffer springs, usually) applied to the end of a. car to receive and absorb shocks. While generally con- fined to passenger equipment cars, others are now being de- vised for use onfreight cars, such as the Gould Coupler Co.’s Friction Striking Plate Buffer for Freight Cars shown in Fig. 76 and in Fig. 77. This device is well adapted to wooden cars with inefficient spring draft gears, and here the cast- steel base contains the friction parts replacing the ‘ordinary buffer blocks. Similar devices having high friction capacity in bufling shocks, help greatly to protect car attachments and lading, and, as they often are inexpensive means of prolong- ing the life of cars and draft gears, they are likely to be increasingly adopted, especially with the tremendous shocks suffered in modern freight service. ' In order to offset these heavy shocks to cars and their whole underge'ar, no doubt steel underframes efiect a mate- rial improvement in various ways, but there is still room for the latter, when we consider the multitude of light cars, weak rigging, broken yoke rivets, loose and split draft timbers, and light couplers, still in service. The draft gear is a most important factor in the question of car maintenance and other CARS 161 ---—--- --_-- a - - - - -.--o .5, III )1 TrR"-' ~--------p-----_-------,-- '3' ‘#1 Fig. 76. Friction Striking Plate Buffer for Box Cars. zl’Cwrfg \ 'ssrsessses? ''‘'\~'-____. 0' _ ._ ,9__. A] Housing Wedge Wedge Plate Leaf Springs Pin Cotter Pin Cover Plates l Spring Wear Plates Bottom Wear Plate Top Wear Plate Cotter Pins 162 CARS expenses resulting from car failures and delays due to “break- in-twos” on the road. It is generally the only device that we apply to a car to protect it and its lading from damage. It has no other function to perform. It must destroy shocks from impact, shocks from pulling, and shocks due to the recoil of its draft gear. It is claimed by car experts that cars are damaged in switch yards 20 to 1 for those damaged on the road; and, while it is true that better draft gear is still needed, that more careful operation, especially in switching, Fig. 77. Detail of Gould Friction Striking Plate Buffer. \ is still more urgently needed to prevent damage to the whole undergear of freight cars, nevertheless, a poor draft gear causes more or less damage to the entire car, particularly in case of a box car, where it is destructive to both car and lading. A reasonable estimate of the cost of repairs to freight cars occurring through draft gear alone, is approximately ninety million dollars a year: this with the resultant loss and damage claims, cost of switching bad-order cars to and from repair tracks, delay to trafiic and consequent overtime, CARS . 163 amount to about $250,000,000 annually, caused by draft gear troubles. It is an important factor in keeping the average daily mileage of freight cars down to 25 miles—a great source of lost efficiency. The principal troubles were with the old style of underframingz—l. Short draft timbers, which must go, as cars equipped with them are now not accepted in inter- change. 2. Not enough distance between bolster and end sill. Some kinds of draft gear work up close to the body bolster and so cannot get proper riveted connections to pro- duce good construction. 3. Couplers insufficiently attached. Heavy couplers must be firmly attached to handle greater stresses that the new M. C. B. coupler will transmit to the underframe. At present, standard draft lugs, their attach- ment to sills, and also draft sills show weakness. 5. Im- proper clearance on side-bearings; they should be increased on railroads with short-radius curves. 6. Truck n'uts fall- ing off. ' With the wooden car, there were always two draft timbers. The purpose of such members is to carry the drawbar hous- ings and transmit the pull to the car framing in such fashion as not to put too great a strain on either part, and thus save both car-damage and train delay. These draft members are the most important present feature of car construction, and, although they are now either coincident with or so framed with the center sills as to form a component part thereof, yet, they still present difliculties if not carefully constructed and supported. In the old wooden car they extended from the deadwood to the body bolster, or through the latter to the butting timber, being usually made of white oak. Their use is now forbidden, so much trouble did they cause in modern service. What with draft bolts breaking, drafts, end sills, center sills and couplers pulling out and drafts working back and forth four to five inches at times, allowing the air hose to be out enough to apply the air brakes, thereby delaying the train, they have proved their utter worthlessness nowadays. The short wooden drafts dropped down causing wrecks, and when making couplings, sometimes the end of the car broke down, making it very unsafe for trainmen and liable to incur 164 ' CARS’ damage suits. Hence, the M. C. B. Association decreed their utter abolition henceforth. The greatest difficulty is due to the way of fastening draft gear to draft sills, together with occasional weakness in the sills. With steel underframes, when structural steel channel center sills are used, they generally are extended to serve as draft sills; with fish-belly type center sills with cover-plates, it is best to extend the web plates of such sills for this purpose, avoiding the splicing of them, as said before. All steel center sills have the M. C. B. standard space of 12% inches between center sills. This Association also proposes that “after Oct. 1, 1916, all cars of less than 60,000 pounds capacity, having wooden or metal draft arms which do not extend beyond the body bolster, will not be accepted in inter- change.” Draft arms that extend only that far should never be used in any case. Draft timbers should be held securely to center sills, end sills, and deadwood by not less than six .7/8-inch bolts or five 1-inch bolts. In all cases apply the draft gear that will destroy the greatest amount of shock without recoil. Many hold that it is not the occasional heavy shock but , the great multiplicity of the smaller shocks that wears out ' cars, and hence, that a moderate capacity gear will pay in the end, rather than trying to obtain a capacity which will take care of the maximum shock, which may come only once a week or month; Still, most car men agree that draft gear should have ample strength to overcome very heavy shocks if the extra expense can be stood, making the gear as light as possible so as not to increase the dead weight of the car overmuch. The steel car has no “give” like the wooden car ‘ has, and so it needs increased draft gear capacity to cut down its coupler and draft gear troubles. The all-wood car had some give which helped out the gear, but with a properly designed steel underframe or steel car conditions changed, - and the gear had to absorb the whole shock. Here, too, one of the difiiculties is that we have to stay within a limitation of 2% or 3-inch travel in the travel of the draft gear, and have to build the drawbars within a limit of one square foot. If a movement of 5 or 6 inches could be had they could make the \ CARS A 165 friction parts take up much more shock, and with 5 or 6 square feet a stronger drawbar could be built. 1 At present, the first is out of the question, because we could not keep the air hose coupled, and the second equally so, because of the increased expense. Improvement could be had, however, by eliminating rough switching, for on roads where the speed of switching has been cut down to 2 miles or so an hour, millions of dollars have been saved each year in both car repairs and freight claims, even after putting on more switch engines and crews. - In cases where it is found that to equip the cars with steel underframes would cost more than it was advisable to put into old cars, metal draft arms have been placed under such cars. Continuous steel construction or long metal arms with open bolsters, locking them with both the top and bottom members are still being used, but the best "type is that in which these arms, which are now mostly cast steel, extend back through the body bolster four feet or so, together with open cast steel body bolsters. Draft arms made of pressed steel plates riveted to center sills which have no cover plates frequently fail. In most cases, the draft arms are locked to the top flanges of the body bolster, making them perfectly stationary. This protects the draft bolts, and by these drafts extending through the bolster it keeps them from spreading, supports the center sills and the end of the car, and the coupler is always carried up to the standard height. In a late design, the compression timbers are placed in line between the needle-beams, and from each needle-beam to the butting face of the metal draft arm. They should be fitted in so tight that a jack is required to get them in place, and they should be at least 5 inches'by 6 inches. This type of reinforcing, including a modern friction gear can be applied to a car'for about $140.00, and is quite eflicient, standing up well under hard service. 'Fig. 78 shows steel draft sills, fastening to end sill and bolster; Fig. 79, cast steel draft sills with pockets and stops cast integral; Fig. 80, metal draft arms applied to wooden center sills; Fig. 81, cast steel transom draft gear with rein- forcement for old cars, and Fig. 82, steel transom draft ‘gear 166 CARS applied to wooden sills. The casting of the stops integral with the arms is an excellent feature, as it does away with the shearing of the rivets used to fasten the stops to the draft sills or members. There are a great many forms of draft gears in use in this country, all of which have been developed with the idea of taking care of the pulling and bufiing strains which come on the drawbar, and by easing it up, bringing these forces to bear gradually, thus absorbing the shocks and preventing them from damaging the car and lading. All may, however, be divided into two classes: 1. Those in which the drawbar Fig. 78. Steel Draft Sills Arranged for Fastening to Both Body Bolster and End Sill of Freight Cars. pull is taken up wholly by some combination of springs, com- monly called Spring Draft Gear, and 2, Those which have springs also, but in addition make use of some sort of friction arrangement to absorb the heaviest strains, allowing the springs to take care of the ordinary pulls. The last is called Friction Draft Gear. Draft springs are attached to the draw- bar and kept in bounds by the follower plates. Like nearly all other main springs about a car, they are helical or spiral springs, known as double-coil, triple-coil, etc., springs, accord- ing as two, three or more springs are combined together by placing one inside the other. Twin Spring Gear is one which two springs are arranged alongside of each other; Tandem Spring Gear when they are arranged in tandem. Draft gear must protect the car by absorbing shocks. whether due to pulling, bufiing or the recoil produced by the .' Fig. 79. Cast Steel Draft Sills with Pockets and Stops Cast Integral. The Bettendorf Company. 168' CARS parts of the draft gear itself. To perform this function, springs varying from 18,000 to 60,000 pounds capacity were used and gave good protection in the past when cars were light, trains short, speed slower, and engines less powerful than today. But the day has passed when it was the practice to use one or two simple springs between the followers for a draft gear. Not only are the springs twice as powerful, but they are so combined in spring gears as to offer great re- sistance to shocks, though modern heavy cars and trains have largely called for the use of friction gear to back up the springs. There are many kinds of both tandem and twin spring gears now on the market, differing from one another in type, Fig. 80. Economy Draft Arms Applied to Center Sills—Body Bolster Dropped to Show the Recess. weight, strength, yokes and other attachments. A tandem spring gear with the Murray Keyoke is seen in Fig. 83; another very good type, in the Miner Tandem Spring Gear, Fig.‘ 84; and another in the Buckeye Tandem Spring Gear in Fig. 85. A twin spring gear of modern type is shown in the Buckeye Twin Spring Gear, Fig. 86; a very popular one in the Twin Spring Gear with Universal Yoke and Attachments, Fig. 87; another in the Twin Spring Gear with Double-Keyed Yoke, Fig. 88; and another in the Farlow Spring Draft Gear with Twin Springs, Fig. 89. A special kind called a transom draft gear is seen in Figs. 81 and 82. Under former conditions spring draft gear gave satis- factory service, but time has changed this. The capacity of draft springs is limited to their safe recoil effect, which, of course, exactly equals the capacity of the springs to resist CARS 169 Fig. 81. Application of Cast Steel Transom Draft Gear with Reinforce- ments for Old Cars. Commonwealth Steel Company. OH S2170 Fig. 82. Cast Steel Transom Draft Gear. Commonwealth Steel Co. CARS 171 buffing shocks. The damage resulting from this recoil (or “kick-back") is every severe on cars in transit, and is hard on the lading, couplers, attachments and other parts of a car. With steel cars the steel end sills are often so massive and the capacity of the spring gears so disproportionately low that the coupler head is continually being hurled against the end sill until finally it breaks. As conditions of service became more severe, more powerful draft gear was necessary. Greater capacity was demanded without increasing the recoil—in fact, it was felt desirable to reduce this recoil. These qualities could not be had by increasing the capacity of the springs as this would obviously increase the recoil. Hence, after much experimenting the friction draft gear was devised to meet these new conditions. . Fig. 83. Murray Keyoke for Use with Tandem Spring Draft Gear. By friction draft gear is meant any sort of draft gear in which the draft springs do not do all the work, but make use of friction to take up the shocks beyond the capacity of the springs. The principle is that arising from the friction be- tween different pieces of metal pressed against each other with great force. This friction between separate rough metal pieces is great, and causes a large part of the energy delivered by two cars striking against each other, to be used up in over- coming this friction. One fine feature with such gear is that it practically does away with all shocks due from recoil, and if it did nothing else it would still be enough better than the old spring gear to warrant its substitution for the latter. The use of friction gear is now imperative with present conditions, and many railroads, recognizing this fact are now replacing Fig. 85. Buckeye-Tandem Spring Draft.Gear. Buckeye Steel Castings Co. ‘.1 .LJ a’ - 6;’ mmbar and vertical fhimble rlvefs should be headed on amosife sides. Q]. D. an?‘- )‘mone fhan la—"cleamnrev /Yo -5 '1' Y4'Rlve {5X d ifll' i _',___\ "L l l l l ) ~ A more Illa/7,3? i' ’ l/o/e for min/fact n 7" a ml IRON ELI-MB Q ger car 215 'Wro /' Ira v-/ I‘ ‘I ‘ I\as\\\\~\‘ . 1' f amen ‘I 25- l WRUT lRON DRAW BAR GUIDE 4- bercar I /'—2;"——-@ Fig. 84. Miner Tandem Spring Gear. W. H. Miner. MINER DRAFT-RIGGING B. R.&P. RY. HOPPER CARS ' CLASS “(3" SPRINGS. IANUFAO'URED W. H. M l NER cmcnm "YNE ROOKflRV' \ CARS 173 their spring gear with friction gears that have from three to four times the shock-absorbing capacity of a spring gear. Such gear should have practically no recoil. It has high Fig. 86. Buckeye Twin Spring Draft Gear. Buckeye Steel Castings Co. eiliciency, and is the best draft gear yet produced. The original friction gear had 21/2 inches travel as compared with spring gear’s lift-inch travel. Now, some makes of friction gear have a travel of 3% inches; and long travel is the most efficient travel; it is not only desirable but also very effective in absorbing hard blows. This, added to other notable qualities helps solve many draft gear troubles. It has been tested in every way, in the laboratory, by ramming bumping- posts; and by long road service, and has proved its great and incontestable superiority over all other present draft gears. Draft springs are destroyed by heavy shocks, but with good friction gear this failure can be reduced to a very low figure, for the reason that the draft springs in such a gear are not driven solid, even though the gear receives a shock suflicient to close it. It decreases the number of couplers broken, and after five years’ service is equally efficient as new ones in absorbing shocks. It costs far less to maintain cars equipped with it than cars equipped with spring gear. If there be some who distrust it still it is likely that this is largely because 174 _ ~' ones they do not yet understand how shocks can be absorbed by friction. ' There is still some diversity of opinion among railroad men as to which is best, spring-gear or friction-gear. Many‘ yet, hold to a spring-gear, while others hold the friction-_ gear to be a “life-saver.” The former ask: Does the good , obtained from the friction-gear warrant the extra expense for it? While a spring~gear is probably cheaper than a'friction- gear as regards first-cost, it will certainly cost far more in the, long run in paying for repairs and damages on account of poor ‘protection. Some railroads are still applying spring draft gear to cars which is of too small a capacity for the service it is subjected to. These gears should be replaced by high capacity friction gears, as this will assuredly‘ effect a big saving in the end. 'It is’ significant that even as,_early as- 1918 ,only' 51,017 of‘ the freight-cars built that year were equipped with spring draft gear, while 77,089 used some type of friction gear. ' . ' There are many types and makes of friction draft gear, and it remains to be seen which type is the best. The ideal _ type of friction-gear should have high shock-absorbing capacity; be easy and economical to maintain; should exclude small parts which may be easily broken or damaged; and-it should not‘ be complicated, thus making it easy for the aver- age repair man to handle it when necessary. - It should have some means of compensating for slack which may occur, due to wear of parts of the device, and this without reducing the length of travel, as reduction in travel-'means reduction in efiiciency. . Such a device should also be inspected regularly the same as the air-brake, and ‘its construction should make such inspection easy. . The following statement .gives the actual comparative service performance of spring-gears and friction-gears, and clearly establishes the superiority of the friction-gear. 3 '6 8 m 2 c: ' 5;: =32 1?“ Ga . g 2 8 $3 2 5" 2 8.2 8 o . _ O m PQM Elli-4 mesa: EGO-t Various Types of Spring-Gears. .1,526 710 2,421 3,143‘ 207 Various Types of Friction-Gears 168’ 93 438 86 12 CARS . ‘ 4 - . ->'\\\ '\\\\\l / [Hill \\\\\\ ' ‘ ‘I,’ IZ;%|1 :l ' “Sill ‘i -. ///,., I ‘I 119/ \ ~ 1 I 2 ‘ Jew! 1.4’ .ll UNlVERSAL ATTACHMENTS & was FER. TWIN Seams Game “tween; Dru" Gun Arm‘mncm co, NICAQO Fig. 87.; ‘ Twin Spring Draft Gear with Universal Yoke and Attachments. Universal. Draft Gear _Attachment Co. ‘ ' r 176 was KPPLJQKHON , UNIVERSAL A'TTACHMENTS 4 AND ooueuz KEY YOKE. ‘rvvm "(5" spnmas. thou/£384“. (mm-r GLAR AtvA'c mama to CvuCAbO Fig. 88. Universal Draft Gear Attachment Company. \\ . \\__ s A\\‘ r _ I — = k‘ - _. a’ Universal Double-Keyed Yoke-with Twin Springs. CARS 177 The majority of the spring gears were applied to wooden cars, which, to a certain extent, form a cushion themselves and greatly protect the parts susceptible to failures. In order to obtain a correct comparison, only defects that are common I Fig. 89. Farlow Spring Draft Gear with Twin Springs. The T. H. Syming- ton Company. to both wooden and steel cars were considered, otherwise the results would be much more favorable to the friction gear. It is interesting to note that on 4,805 cars equipped with the friction gears there were 828 failures, or 17 per cent of the total number of cars, while of the 15,000 cars equipped with 178 ' - CARS spring gears 12,211 or‘ 81 per cent failed, a difference of 64 per cent in favor of the friction device. As examples of friction draft gears, may be mentioned the ‘Miner Friction Draft Gear, Class A-18 with Two-Part Cast Steel Yoke with Key Connection to Coupler, Fig. 90; the Buck- eye Frictio Gear with Yoke, Fig. 91; a friction draft gear with Universal Keyed Yoke and attachments, Fig. 92; and the 'Farlow-Westinghouse Two-Key Draft Gear, Fig. 93. The yoke is one of the most important parts of any draft gear, and is either riveted or keyed to the end of the drawbar. Of late years, in connection with riveted back and front stops, it has been subjected to much criticism because of its failures; being replaced by other attachments, largely on account of the pocket rivets being in shear under impact. In present day railroading, with 50 and 60 ton cars and humpeyard switch- ing, some yoke attachments are undoubtedly too weak; but, wrought iron or steel yokes should not necessarily be rejected, and they are still widely used with favorable results compar- able to other parts of the draft gear. Forged steel yokes are now being replaced by cast steel yokes, as cheaper and pos- sessed of ample strength. The failures of yokes are due to shocks‘, but the wrought iron or steel yoke with 1%,x5-inch section riveted to the coupler with two lift-inch rivets are being operated with. very few failures, although the keyed ' type of yoke is now the more popular. In all yokes, the design and distribution of metal should be such as to preserve a minimum efliciency of at least 50 per cent above supposable stresses, and the rivet~holes should be ‘so proportioned as to reduce to the lowest chances the shearing off of the rivets. During the past two years, a large number of cast steel drawbar yokes have been applied to new cars. These usually weigh from 155 to 195.pounds, depending on the type of draft gear used. With key-connected cast steel yokes it is possible to change the couplers without disturbing the draft gear or yoke, thus avoiding much of the handling in the shop and repair yards which is necessary with the old riveted type of yoke. The rivets which have for years been a source of heavy maintenance expense are entirely eliminated. As regards strength, .yokes now manufactured are required / /////////g L- c 1 .3 ¢/ III/Il/II/ll/I/II \\\\\ g .111!!!’ (III/Ila 07A "'1 \\\\\\\‘§~ . * -:.- l l 4 ll /=7.-,,,,* -=!I’// //////// . : \\\“\\<'\\I 001/1.‘ _ 1 r I I: \\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i \\\\\\\\<. . x \. a ‘a \ \ \ \ .\ \ S I -“_ t \ "-v -\. .\ O . ._ ., I | | Z:'5;.’////////:%i ,l_ 9 ‘2' '2' l1 4 | /.__0 Musf be exact 2»_ 0;’ 3f // "/1510, I Paft 0-4666 g/lmer, Pm , L. - - \a D t _ x 0 t t, Z \_ z l—-- __\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘\> a {471:1 4 -—- o - t‘ i ' I Pei-i I02’ FOLLOWER Wrof Iron 2 per car Followers sawed accuralelq lo dlmeflslofls. (nor shared) rough edges and burrs removed YOKE KEY Wrof Iron II \ .\\ \_ ‘ \‘ m _— r / // 01/1/11 Ir/II. '. 'f/l/ \\\\ \\ \\\\\\\ /?//////////////m5 '- ’. .\ '- A \ in "we , ._ _ . ' _ I ' i . . ' is “— . "' f:I. A’‘ ‘I E ' ‘m 1! '1 i. I Mall Zi'T-Zi' , r/r . \\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\ ‘II’ If!’ 1 J JIM/:11! I \-.\\\ "\\ ~~_ .C_~i_J:::JT#- Cpsf Steel yoke, Part 04842 (Two pieces). \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ 1 I \\‘ vise-ism ‘we. .0. . , e... ////d If! I l‘ I \\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\ l/III/I/I/l/ll - .\'\\\\\\\\\\\\ I!’ 1.1111111’!!!- \\\‘.\\\\\\\\\\“\ w in: 04 _ 4 a‘ I \\ \\\\\\\\\\ I‘ ---—-------“r-"—'= -. W; :J;:' .1134}: _.:.:_-::4_:::__¢-_-::::::: .r. .3: ‘a | r-mv; l" > 3: ."k‘. 5 i i '“v ,/i V | | : -_._/___L--..-_.L_J | ' Paff. 0-4667 _ ~ DRAFT GEAR CARRY IRON ‘ Wra! Iron 2 Per car WASHER FOR YOKEICY 1m" 2 Per a” Fig 90. Miner Friction Draft tear. ! ._m h» \\\\\\ fl— -_ . . IIIII 'IIIlllllllll'llllmllllll.‘ :\\\\\§\ \- - \‘ \ .. s -. .1 ZR/vefs ( /2 ' l‘ I ‘ \ ll 5. I: \‘-|l ‘ I -, :\ 4'4, — / / / Z. III, I ‘Bo/f5 mfh L064’ Nufs MINER FRICTION DRAFT GEAR CLASS "A48" TWO PART CAST STEEL YOKE WITH KEY counscraou TO COUPLER N. Y. C. LINES GONDOLA CARS IAIUI'ICYURI. .1 W. H. I l I E R ‘vi-c nounv- cmcm CARRY IRON SAFETY CLIP STEEL 4 Per car \V. H. Miner. Fl .91. Buckeye Friction Draft Gear. -%uckeye Steel Castings Company. ‘ 0812 ' SHVD' //”/r/1r~/v// 4' ‘ . - ' a”. 1.7””, //l/// , _ _ ...~ .. ' mill‘ | \ "' ill! I‘: l | will ll " - ' APPUCA‘HON UNNERSM. KEYED YOKE 8t macunms FRICYION DRAFT GEAR To . STEEL FREIGHT CARS Umvllm but" in! A'r'racuncw Cc Cmcaue Fig. 92. - _ - Universal Attachments for Friction Draft Gear. Universal Draft Gear Attachment Company. - CARS 181 to pull not less than 350,000 to 360,000 pounds ultimate and have an elastic limit of 200,000 pounds. The correct ‘harness for any draft gear should provide for a limited key travel, to protect the cushioning device and distribute buffing shocks on the car underframe in line with its greatest strength. On some of the modern devices. over- Fig. 93 Farlow-Westinghouse Two-Key Draft Gear. The T. H. Symington Company. load is distributed at six places on the car underframe. With the yoke connected coupler, the drawbar side-thrust is often 25 per cent of the tractive effort exerted, and this extra train resistance considerably decreases the tonnage that can be hauled, besides increasing the locomotive's fuel consumption. Proper attachments minimize this loss. In hauling around curves, the coupler key should take a diagonal position in the slots, under slight spring tension. This will give ample side play to the coupler, permitting the tractive power to be applied closer to the pivotal center of the car truck. This shortens 182 CARS the pulling length of the car, and relieves side strain and wear on flanges, rails, brasses, and wedges. It also reduces the possibility of derailment. Such attachments should pos- sess flexibility enough to enable them to pass easily around the curves of the ordinary railroad. The weakest point under bufiing shock, is believed to be the draft stops which are r i a> Drawbar and Yoke Returned to an Automatic Coupling Position. Forsyth Radial Keyed Yoke. Fig. 95. YOKE Foe TWIN _ ._ i __ __ lgrgHou-ls {Rut}; . l l _ _ <— 5"—* "9.” an I / --i>—_ : ': , =0 _ w T C) ‘i \l'! {Zr—\- I'Rao- ':..“ / WsorJQoN oz STEEL. l l i = lli ‘i ‘=2’ ‘ p» g‘ | l'w—fll 4h, . 5:: = _ k M‘ ' ‘ a: '2” 13° .. o - ,. I: ‘ r it Z 52 u. F-l gé/inoi're is‘: .l ,n L in a: as... *r YOKE Fora FRICTION GEAR AG; sEwISEA-A. \\\‘ :\ in “Ia 1L - MASTER 611R Bvllnms’nssommwi. . l i STANDARD AUTOMATIC COUPLER YOKE. '9 1, u UNCOUP-l-ING ATTACHMENTS. REVISED- Jen-1'35», Fig. 94. CARS ' 183 riveted to the center sills with nine ‘lg-inch rivets each, driven into {é-inch holes. Some car men take this as convincing proof that a yoke rigging with riveted draft stops is wholly inadequate for modern service, claiming that in every day service, ultimate bufiing shocks are met with which are far beyond the capacity of the riveted yoke attachment. Their ideal rejects yokes, yoke rivets, draft stops, or follower plates to break or maintain; and includes a device which makes it impossible to jam the springs. ‘ The standard M. C. B. coupler yoke is shown in Fig. 94. The rear of the yoke is formed with 'ig-inch radius at inside corners, and is fitted with filler block of wrought iron or steel, having 1-inch radius ends, and is secured by one %-inch counter sunk rivet. The standard M. C. B. Inspectors’ Gauges for this yoke are found in Fig. 99. The M. C. B. key’ is 5x1% inches, so as to secure correctness and uniformity in the size of the key slot. ' ‘ Due to the present enormous sidestrains, yoke‘ and draw- bar ‘side clearance mean, if insufficient, both many bad-order cars and increased expense, resulting from the excessive wear and failures of couplers, sheared-off yoke rivets, distorted draft~gear, and unnecessary wear of journal ends and brasses, center bearings, etc. For this reason, new types, such as the Forsyth Radial Keyed Yoke (Fig. 95) permit connection with the drawbar by means of _. key or of yoke rivets (when key is not available), and allow both yoke ‘and drawbar to swing freely into the straight lineeof draft or buff on curves, thus eliminating the injurious side strains, especially on cross- overs or when cars are backed onto sharp industrial curves; Always, if keys are extended through center sills, the key- slots should be made so long that there will be no danger of the keys striking the ends of the slots before full travel of the gear is reached, especially on curves, when keys are, of course, at a slant to the sills. - - Types of the various kinds now in general use may be _ seen in Figs. 82, 83, 85, 86, 89, 90, 91 and 93; ,both the solid type and the hinged or two-part types being therein repre- sented. Some of them make use of a single key, others of keys, and a late type has three keys in use. The advo- 184 CARS cates of the solid type—which is generally made of cast steel —claim that it shows fewer failures than the two-piece types, whose joining point is obviously a weak place. However, the two-piece kind has its own advantages, and therefore is still in common use. At present, the solid cast steel yoke ranks highest in popular favor amongst car men. No part of the draft gear is more important than the . Fig. 96. Gilman-Brown Emergency Knuckle. Railway Appliances Company. ordinary automatic coupler now exclusively in use on all cars, both freight and passenger; its use being made manda- tory by federal law. There are many different types, varying more or less; but all consisting of parts named, or corre- sponding in function to, the coupler head, shank, knuckle, knuckle pin, lock or locking-pin, and lifter or lock lever. If we could put a draft gear between the coupler and the car that would absorb the heaviest shock, there would be no couplers broken, as the latest couplers are strong enough to last as long as the life of the car. But as it stands today, there is much trouble; on one large system the number of couplers pulled out and broken has almost doubled during the past year. For every coupler, there have been 7 knuckle- pins which have failed, showing this to be about the weakest part of the coupler. While knuckles wear out in service, there are a great many of them that break from shocks, and, CARS 165 here again, the draft gear that will relieve the coupler, will aid the v.knuckle. Defective lock blocks are, however, respon- sible for 1,993 defects out of a total of 3,000 coupler defects tabulated by one road. The uncoupling chain is the .most prolific cause of defects to uncoupling mechanisms, as out of a total of 4,701 defects of this kind, 2,324 cover the‘ defective chains. It is readily understood that when a knuckle is broken out, the coupler is practically of no use until a new one has been substituted. On account of the great number of couplers and knuckles in use it is practically impossible to always have on Fig. 97. Hins‘on Emergency Knuckle. a train a knuckle to suit the individual case of breakage. With this idea in view an emergency knuckle has been designed which can be applied to any type of coupler body, and which will answer for all ordinary purposes until the train can reach a point where the proper knuckle ‘can be obtained. This knuckle and its mode of operation is shown in Figs. 96 and 97. Because of the imperative need of uniformity as regards .the couplers of cars, especially in interchange freight service, ' the M. C. B. Ass’n finally adopted a temporary Standard Automatic Coupler, as shown in Fig. 98, which gives the standard contour line; the coupler shank, however, being of standard dimensions throughout, for all types of couplers. As regards the mechanism of the coupling details, all that is required to be standard is the general outline of the parts. 186 ' ‘ \ CARS As a check on the finished coupler, the Association established gauges for the coupler, knuckle, coupler shank, and I, ‘yoke; see Fig. 99. There are many kinds of couplers in use which are strictly M. C. B. standard, each being designed with differ- ent methods for opening, closing and locking the knuckle. Conforming as they do to the standard contour, each is capable of being operated in connection with any other, especially as the law has rigidly fixed the height of the drawbar. ‘ The M. C. B. Ass’n has also fixed standard specifications for couplers, their parts, knuckle pivot pins, knuckles; and has provided for. full tests thereof. These, together with the legal height of couplers and the uncoupling arrangements for M. C. B. couplers are as'follows: ' . The couplers will be subject to the inspection and test of the . . . . . . . . . . . . Railroad Company as to their workings, general condition and strength. The test and inspection will be made at the place of manufacture. All necessary assistance and labor for making inspection, tests and ‘prompt shipment shall be furnished by the manufacturer free of charge. Coup- lers shall be ordered as far as practicable in lots of 1,000. For each 1,000 ordered, the manufacturer shall furnish 1,013 and 6 additional knuckle pivot pins, and in the event of additional couplers or knuckle pivot pins being required to carry out the tests, they shall be furnished free of cost by the manufacturer. The word “Coupler” as here used includes the bar itself and the contained parts within the head, such .as locks, knuckle throws, etc. Manufacture—The couplers furnished under these specifica- tions shall be made of steel in accordance with the best foundry methods and shall not be painted. All parts shall be well annealed throughout. The testing machine approved by the M. C. B. Ass’n shall be used‘ for the testing of couplers. '11. Test No. LStriking Test on Closed Knuckle ofv Completed _ Coupler, Taking“ Sample for Test No. 1--After the inspection by the manufacturer and the . . . . . . . . railroad inspector, as per sections 38 and 40, the latter shall select ‘one complete coupler, taken at random, from each of the lots as provided for in section 39 and subject them to the following test: Preparation for test No. 1: As a preliminary, the coupler RADII NOT BUTT FOR FRICTION GEAR. MAX. ‘THIS DISTANCE TO BE USED FOR FRICTION DRAFT GEAR I. LESS THAN I; lZé-NO PROJ EC'I'IONS HERE NOTE:- THE. TOTAL LIFT ‘OF LOCKING PIN SHALL NOT BE M .. ORE THAN 6, OPERATED EITHER FROM TOP 0 M, ALLTOP-LIFT COUPLERS nusr HAVE'A I-ILF. ELET FOR LOCKING DEVICE LOCATED IMMEDIATELY ABOVE LOCKING PIN HOLE. ON ALLNEW TYPES OF COUPLERS AFTER _ MINIMUM THICKNESS 9F FRONT WALL OF COUPLER To BE I§,_ _ HE BACK OF BUTT To INSIDE FACE OF aoérscuzs. USED FOR ATTACHING YOKES T0 COUPLER B 5T0 F, UTTS. WHEN KNUCKLE IS CLOSED ITS CONTOUR MUST COINCIDE WITH com'ouR or HEA . f I- COUPLEP’A'IAY BE MADE WITH EITHER 530R bi BUTTS OF slzrpr seam. ali- MAx - l. BUTT FOR SPRING GEAR. G THIS DISTANCE TO BE SPRING DRAFT GEAR PQOUECTIONS HERE SURFACES G TO BE GROUND SQUARE TO STANDARD FOR EXISTING CARS. TYPES AHER JAN. |- was NOT MORE THAN l’. LESS THAN 1'. ‘nus. DIMENSION To BEOF SUFFICIENT LENGTH_T0 ALLOW APPLICATION or a CUTTER nmoucu PIN snow we. STANDARD FOR EXISTING CARS. TYPES AFTER JANA-I303. NO‘I’Ei- THE KEY SLOT snownr ON raz oaAwmss 0F was a; coueusa su‘rr HAY senses ON ALL STANDARD SIZES OF COUPLER eu'r‘rs DRAFI' GEAR STOPS. LESS THAN-I: OPEN :5 ' casm CUTTER LUG. 55‘ FORM OF CONTOUR LINE. GAR COUPLER. STANDARD conroua LINE. , STANDARD DRAFT GEAR s'roPs. 2mg“. STANDARD KEY SLOT FOR .s'xs" ' AND 5"X7"SHANK$. DIMENSIONS R VISED IBIL SE - C- C. 0|- “ \ . ' ..- I SUFFICIENTLY ro CLEAR 'T" r... / , _ THIS LINE. \‘m' a ‘ n" t'" g“ . . lb \ Wu, - y 5 Max-55 _ ' NOTE:- THE KEY sLoT SHOWN_ 5|‘ IE4,- _- ON THE DRAWINGS OF THE 65 m5 sii.‘ m" NOT LESSTHAN'I ' . 33"T¢_ERS$E.TEAESYSIEESU?>$° ,; g 56- ‘I _ MCB.T'-.MPORARY STANDARD FOR EXISTING CARS. COUPLER BUTTE” A. T 5} ON ALL NEw TYPES AFTER JANA-i903 _____ - _____ _.._ . __. _----— "58 r ‘| \ 3 - -----"-~ -——- : -- ,._» ’,,J 5‘ _-. ‘IT: q- l’ as? 4 . =" r , I . G , NOTMORETHANI. \I/\ ta‘! f\i/\. i _ L \. f: ’///////% L '.\\J?\\J ' \J' \J < 3 "I ‘~~ X‘! / ——NOT LESST ' --1 ‘~-e - TI l'\~ /\ = = - 1 % / W " '14 l‘ = l‘~ a :--=/= I“ I re. %////////////////////////////////////////. “N “LE "U51 OPEN - 4 "'"L'JT" i l ,,_ SECTION _ \—_--“ SUFFICIENTLY TO CLEAR “2' ____as_,_,i- ,. 5. - 9" BUTT FOR FRICTION EITK'A- - "51E; 54.‘ -_ a 5;‘ “' -i- “B ' “Is-""5, ' B - CI; R-ial-g- RAuIINoT Lass TIIANI' E ‘9 5A ' A __ 2'4“ MIN. - all; x“ mi a G41”? G ‘rm; DISTANCE TO 3: uses FOR 23.—— g A ' F1 . 1 i m‘ FRICTION DRAFT GEAR L}? r__\ i - I; :12;\, . '3‘ 1“ Lam, l_ ' ‘I _j_ _ _ \ _ii_l'}"j_ it NOT LEss THAN Ii ' émmx M n— ' '6 I \ I G‘ ht a, ‘ . m d) . , Torr >- z ‘w rm mun z- ___ v ..m as MAL " __ 2| < _ _._ _ 5! a‘! E ‘3 ‘3: l 32 i5 rimmun MM 4-}: . 5g / MI‘NIMun MAX. 4% - /mN Mu" <.- a 2g 3 m MIN. 4-‘ _ 1\ ~ MIN. 4' ° :3.’ . z m z - 3 ANY VARIATION FRO 1 THESE DIMENSIONS MUST BE IN sxcEss, ANY VARIATION mon THESE DIMENSIONS MUST BE Ismail _. , a" _ an. L ’ F3 / " 4 R: 0 GT ~-|-_ -T--|-- l}]/ L ‘2_ ..l z J, L '_ _l___l. J. T .- ' I , g g i t 12% NO PROJECTlONS HERE —— a .1 c _ - . _. _ I NOTE:- THE TOTAL LIFT OF LOCKING PIN SHALL NOT BE '_'_ -__ y r‘ V1 ' ~ ~ MORE THAN 6', OPERATED EITHER mon TOP or BOTTOM. . rug % ALLT -L.\FT COUPLERS r1usT HAVE'Ali‘LEYELET FOR LOCKING //fi )fi é DEVICE LocATEo lMMEDlATELY ABOVE LOCKING FIN IIoLE. THIS DIMENSION To BEOF Y _- - ~ - 0N ALLNEW TYPES OF COUPLERS AFTER JANUARY_|_|SOS igmlzgimroihzrgérgggéiélkw, KEY SLOT FOR .3 X 7 SHANK. KEY SLOT FOR 5X5‘ SHANK. MINIMUM THICKNESS pF FRONT wALL or COUPLER T0 at 11' T u . ‘ “VIE; '——~: —~———13 THE DIMENSIONS_FROM THE sum or BUTT T0 lNSIDE FAcEToF “R0 G“ H" “Low um’ . /// . l /r// __NUCKLE BE aoglgtcflzs. w Hv_5c_ E 5 44/ __3_ I}, RIvETs To an; usEo ‘FOR ATTACHING YOKES T0 COUPLER Bu'r'rs. - 1; 5 =5 ‘,1, ~35“ a‘-- 51- al I HEN KNugKLE Is cLosEo rrs CONTOUR MUST coINcIoE WITH ' —— ' ' ' CoNTouRAF HEAD. ~ —7 I couPLEe MAY BE MADE wrm EmIER argon Ag BUTTS RscARnLsss E) C ..C > O. C ' OF sIzE or SHANK. _ z: m, i all; - ’ /'=i —- C) 0.4;} [ o 0.: o as 2. a__ ‘£4 RM" Nmassmmt-w; mcsTEMPoRARY STANDARD FOREXlSTING cARs. ET, r M I? A '1?“ ~ . > . - ‘ 1' . _’_‘_:'_. I v \_ y I Is gag-on ALL NEW TYPES AFTER JANi-l Isoe. DRAMNGT_ DRAWING E‘ _ %.,,/// Viz/j '73 3 e . DRAFT GEAR STOPS. , - I . . <- NOT mm: “IAN-I. 4 .- ‘5' - h x 4 - ' “- v - _ ‘ — - N .‘ f; E .LNOT LESS TNAN~[ ‘ \ ' f WW I . KNUCKLE MUST OPEN ' CTlON al ‘- MAX - Elg- 4' MIN.“ ZI'E _ F“- // ._I_— la‘ ' -'~-£- FORM OFCONTOURLINE. (92 BUTT ma SPRING GEARE": 21am‘; 2:: “mm r__‘l I 2,15‘- . , G ‘:R G P IN DRA _ D , ,_~ ,. T ASTER GAR Blllll ERS ASSOCIATION {Jilin-7— I“ ‘.2. 7;" STANDARD AUTOMATIC COUPLER. .J ‘.0 i ",1 Z l . 2 STANDARD couroua LINE. - é" ._ SUFFICIENT LEN" _ o m a . 11H ___r_ _T_\ I z I3’ 5 STANDARD DRAFT GEAR STQPS. RWRAMG? l:.. Li‘; ‘ ,. '5 Ieoaml “TWP-74: _4_ \I '_ ‘z’ 2 STANDARD KEY SLOT FOR S'XS" ' ‘w I G s- mnggzcnous HERE -I§'_~_] 1 ND 5nx7u SHANKS. V ‘i I r‘ SURFACES MARKED a T0 at GROUND 1 r -- a van om: gens "' sauARE To GAUGE. I I 44:! l— T ‘ Q’é'iflucflg'ifu'gugps'gfi Guumlilg-m " REVISED i911. A; I :1 mass. _ ' u , ‘I I, ‘ EDGE smu. s: MALLEABLE n'Qb/v o/e STEEL. mu M: ctr/Emu mun/.5717”; orua fan-mt! WIT/l flit 1714M! I! I’ W fill/Kl‘ P/A/ A101! 70 5! 6744'” RR T/l: 1 '0 Mir .9!‘ ail/V! MTZA’ML, 41/014’! III/I50 Tllll‘lfil'S-i. MASTER 611RBUIIIDERS'ASSOCIATION.v . H’ ' STANDARD BEARING. WEDGE & LID. ‘n ' FQR JOURNAL 5 >< s". ' rm GENE/£11. ARRANBEMEM: _______ "v.95: Sl/EET,‘ 7 F01? Jul/MAL aox.______-__~____ __ 555 M557: 8 W THE U0 SPRING MAYBEUffl/VY DESIGN/MIDI)!” EESECl/flffl TO THE LID BYANY P171407’ [CABLE MET/10D mow/0:0 THAT/Th'flfi/(S PROPERLY ON THE STINLMRD 50)’ AND 15 0F 771E DESIGNATED $50770” Z'X If A’R/VET' 0f,’ NUT MflYBf USED INSTEAD flffl 0077517 INHl/VGE PM! If PREFERRED Fig. 177. v.4»; rm HUG”, 0'5!!! 1'. Cal/fill.‘ GAUGES AND YOKE. ” MASTER mm BIIIIIIERs'IIssIIcIIIIIIIII , -. ‘x ' j. ; STANDARD lNSPECTORS GAUGES FOR COUPLER SHANK AND YOK ‘T; —-—_+ _ -- "I— ' STANDARD LIMIT GAUGES. i newsman sea - r‘“ KNUCKLE LIMIT GAUGE. Flg.99. k&¥J-£+-i:>j3‘“ W 7 W, ' . 1L. I “M a . Q0 ' ' "W F "~ 5. A -_.. i J o I g‘ ‘ = *1 Q a “ _. 038.3. 022 Djrnxzm 2a. 00 636000 HEM. How. 202 ' CARS The horizontal plane containing the axis of the shank of the coupler must bisect the vertical dimensions of the,knuckle and end of the guard arm. All new types of couplers put on the market after January 1, 1909, must have a dimension of 9% inches from back of coupler horn to inside face of knuckle, and the face or front end of coupler have a minimum- thickness of 1%, inches. The length of the standard temporary coupler head from back of striking horn to coupling face of closed knuckle is fixed at 12%, inches for existing cars. The M. C. B. Temporary Standard Coupler is an M. C. B. coupler with an elongated head as just stated. Heavy couplers must be sufficiently attached. All knuckles to be of steel, all knuckle-pins to be of special steel, core to be round and annealed after heating, to eliminate all strains—- thus giving uniform strength throughout. All ‘couplers must close by impact. Springs in couplers must decrease. In 1913, the M. C. B. coupler was increased in weight from 300 to 500 pounds in practice to obtain additional strength. Cars having couplers with stem or spindle attachments or American continuous draft rods will not be accepted in inter- change after September 1, 1914. Couplers ‘that exceed the ' distance of 51/Sinches between the point of the knuckle and the guard arm measured perpendicularly to the guard arm, must have defective parts renewed to bring the coupler within gauge. The use of malleable iron couplers or open knuckle-s is forbidden in repairing foreign cars. Guard Arm: vertical dimensions at end of, fixed at 7 1A; inches as minimum. Strik- ing Horn: To be arranged so as to touch the striking-plate before the back of the head of the coupler strikes the ends of the draft-timbers—the vertical height being not less than 3% inches. Coupler Shank: There is to be no projection on the bottom of the coupler shank from the line of the horn back for 111/2 inches to provide for proper movement of shank on carrier iron—the shank to be 5 by 7 ~inches not less than 20%, inches back of the head. Coupler Butt: For friction draft gear 5x5x9% inches; back wall of butt, =54 inch thick; width of butt, 5 inches; not less than 1% inches for yoke gib shoulder of the SEQ-inch butt GENERAL ARRANGEMENT Foa - . srmnmu DROP TEST MACHINE mes. couPLEss a AXLES. 13:00.; Era-3.5:! 'MASTERBAR Rummy 262 ._.:m Qflumwmzd .Hmdm 0mm mxmmdl s r =.... = c Fig. 103 001.1 IOFr-ZD Z] Tlflflg In """F‘"".Y"-'{'T. Fig. 104. MASTER GllR BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. ‘ '1 STANDARD JERK TEST. cuuvlawll \nul - ' JERK TEST r-a' FQLLOWER ' H75. ON E THUS- SC. SPMNG M 'l HOUBINO 0672. STRIKI N6 TEST "I m . I. ~n- " .- v... n“ v. m»!- Ian-In M w w.- un- vim-w - ~0- MHSTER’ 611R BUIIIDERS’HSSOGIHTION. "a: m was an. — ‘ m STANDARD JERK TEST. ,7 s'rnmme TEST. _ Fig. 105. 'Mll ‘use! . In‘ mm firm-‘m I ‘$00M!- MllSTER 611R BUILDERS’HSSOCIHTION. ' ..----............-................_.I "ANDARD FACE TEST , .__.-A,_,_- Fig. 106. ‘n "m E a .m ..m .m . .m m & a? . Ex " 2mm mm“ .M ‘xenon A-A “swam-a ~ MASTER can BUIhDERS'ASSOGIllTION. Fig. 107. m mm“. ..a m Maj . M. t . m a STANDARD SEPARATE KNUCKLE TEST. "a: "I? I‘Illllill "57 Am III‘IUII Fig. 108). CARS 203 to provide for increased length of gib, and a radius of fl; inch on the yoke gib shoulder butt. Knuckle: Vertical dimension not less than 9 inches as minimum, and of not more than 1 inch for the diameter of core hole in lug of knuckle to prevent the recurrence of the slotted knuckle weakness—the solid knuckle to be used for all'repairs and in all new couplers. Knuckle Pivot Pin must be of steel, 1% inches in diameter, of sufficient length to per- mit applying a % inch cotter pin‘: below the coupling lug. Lock Lift: Underneath coupling arrangement adopted as an alternate standard. Lift to be in the central longitudinal vertical plane of the coupler located between the striking horn and contour lines, and operate from the top by an upward movement—the total lift of locking pins to be not more than 6 inches, and all couplers to have a 111;; inch eyelet for locking device located immediately above locking pin hole. Lock Set: For new equipment only-such couplers allowed as have a lock set on or within the head and which do not depend upon the uncoupling lever to hold up the lock. Lock Bearing Surface on tail of coupler knuckle: Minimum area not less than 4 square inches. Lock Bearing Surface on wall of coupler; effective area equal to or greater than that on knuckle tail. “ S'ide Clearance of Couplers: Total to be 2% inches. Spac- ing between coupler horn and buffer beam to be 1% inches for all Spring Gear, and 2%.‘ inches for all Friction Gear. The M. C. B. gauge for worn couplers (and wheel defects) is given later on herein, in Fig. 148. All proper car inspec- tion should include the frequent use of this gauge on couplers, for the detection of defects in couplers that have become so worn and distorted as to be weakened to a point where only a shock but slightly greater than usual will lead to an accident and consequent damage out on the road. A modern cast-steel coupler, the Simplex is shown in Fig. ,109. The head contains but three parts—the lock, lifter and ‘knuckle, with no small parts at all. The lock is a drop steel forging; the knuckle and lifter being ground to accurate con- tour, and gauges used on all parts 'to insure interchangeability, besides meeting all M. C. B. requirements. 204 CARS Anotherv well-known coupler, the Pitt passenger Coupler, has given eflicient service on 4,500 all-steel passenger cars, Fig. 110. Like all other high grade couplers, it combines great flexibility of curvature, wide lateral movement in stirrup, Fig. 109. Modern Simplex Coupler, Closed. a flexible pivoted head, together with great strength in the details of a heavy head and knuckle, forged wrought-iron stems, etc. A widely-used freight coupler is the Sharon, Fig. 111, made in more than 100 dilferent styles, and com- \plying with M. C. B. and U. S. Safety Appliance standards. It has a lock and knuckle thrower combined in one piece, an efficient knuckle thrower and lock set, can be operated from top or bottom, and is economical. Other well-known couplers are the Major Underlift Coupler, Fig. 112; the Penn Coupler for Freight Cars, Fig. 113; the _Gould Z, the Latrobe, etc. Among other couplers is a type designed to meet the demand for greater strength under severe service, here repre- En. So. 8:» 15 impugn: Oasis... goOonfia. as 82.5% 00. Lock s 75p Lack (if? for 75p Operafing Coup/er Pafenfed ‘I. 7,‘ A t t 3. a? T1 ‘~ 7*“ ‘a’ i 71 1 a? "5 1.‘ - i .1‘ l— l l 0, “m a - .J l \ _ I‘Jia ' a Conga/egmgzupler . Supper; p,“ Sharon Top Operated Freight Coupler l<___._. <___.__ 2,,’ he’ '1. 1s’- .21? ' Jain—— g— Q I“ 9i —+\ Comp/eh Coup/er Pq fen *ed. Sharon Bottom Operated h Freight Coupler- 357 Fig. 111. Sharon Top and Bottom Operated Freight Couplers. knack/e Pm Knuckle + _ Pafenfed, ‘u > 5 Q Char/n l/a/e Cap for . . Coffom Operaflhg Lo ck Coup/er RWLen/ed Paferfied '1? ‘WI ‘nu 3“ ‘(h l _ J J, i‘ L Calif/fig 6' _-_iI_—l I a . E‘. 507400? Lac/r Alf?‘ for Baffom Cpera'bng Coup/er Pflfem‘ed. Par-is of Charon Coup/er Fig. 112. The Major Top and Bottom Oper- ated Freight Coupler. The Buckeye Steel Castings Company. 208 CARS sented by the Buhoup Three-Stem Janney Coupler for Freight Cars, which gives good service on heavy cars, is superior to many ordinary single stem couplers. As seen in Fig. 114, it is attached to the car by three stems, the regular center draft spring being reinforcedby two side-stem springs. The use of these three springs, it is claimed, does not increase the rebound from bufiing shocks, as the two side springs operate only under a draft strain, being however, applied under suflicient compression to always keep the head in a Fig. 113. Penn Coupler for Freight Cars. McConway & Torley Co. central position. It has the desirable feature of a rotating head pivoted to the three draft stems, allowing a flexible movement to the head on the stems, thus relieving the car from side strains on curves, facilitating the coupling of cars on curves, and reducing the flange wear on wheels. Owing to the great desirability of standardizing couplers, the ‘large number of present designs increasingly tends to an- noyance and difficulty in replacing lost or broken parts, espe- cially out on the road. There are now over 430 different pat- CARS ‘.209 terns of couplers, and it is high time to standardize them in all their parts. Couplers of increased weight are still in the development stage. Similarly, the advantages possible in the wedge-lock designs are so apparent as to warrant further experiments, as the wedge-lock principle is applicable to all couplers. The M. C. B. Ass’n is experimenting with a new contour, still in the developing, which bids fair to be rec- ommended for adoption in the end. This has been termed Buhoup 3-Stem Janney Coupler for Freight Cars. McConway & Torley Company. the Krakau or straight line contour. It provides for a parallel coupler face and face of the knuckle, both perpendicular to the‘ center line of the shank. The advantages claimed for it are that it provides greatly increased strength through the hub of the knuckle and in the front face of the coupler head, and it shortens the average length of the lever arm from pivot to bufling face and will practically stop the bending of the knuckle under bufling shocks. Furthermore, owing to the increase in the longitudinal clearance to 1%; inch when in the coupled position, provision is made for the vertical angling between couplers when passing over humps without putting a strain on the couplers, and, in boiling on curves, as well as on a straight track, the wedging due to the knuckle engaging 210 CARS the face of coupler head and the face of the guard arm of the mating coupler is' avoided. The proposed contour will couple at a greater angle than the present coupler. . The disadvantages of this contour are: A lesser maximum angle through which this contour will swing when. coupled; the amount of slack in the heads when coupled together; and, the last portion of the knuckle closing is had by momentum when coupling on curves—though this last would not hold on‘ large radius curves, as the new couplers will adjust themselves to straight track conditions up to the limit of side clearance. _, The M. C. B. Ass’n has lately developed two experimental types of couplers, from which a more or less permanent stand- ard is to be decided. It has provided a coupler that will stand an ultimate load of at least 75 per cent over that of the couplers previously used, at the same time increasing the ulti- mate loads per pound weight of coupler over 10 per cent. These new couplers are therefore a decided improvement over former ones, and they are now in the hands of the railroads to see what they will do in actual service. SAFETY CHAINS Among other methods of attaching cars together is that by _. using chains. These are of two kinds: Permanently attached or S'afety Chains, and Loose Chains carried for chaining up special cars under conditions out of the ordinary; also wreck- ing chains. Safety Chains are attached permanently to the ends of cars; the chain to be fastened to the inside of the end sill by draft springs and followers, so as to cushion any ’ jerk that may come upon them. These chains are, however, in the opinion of others, best attached to the longitudinal sills and not secured in any way to the end sills, in order to avoid injury to the latter in case the safety chains are called into vuse. This last fairly seems to be the best practice. Not many freight cars are so equipped; mostly flat or drop- end gondola cars, generally steel cars. On some roads, a limited number of' refrigerator, stock, horse, and special ven- tilated box cars are equipped with safety chains for the .pur- pose of running such cars in passenger trains and having said chains coupled to the regular passenger car safety chains in such service. If all flat and drop-end gondola cars were CARS 211 fitted with such permanent hooks attached to the center sills between the bolsters and end sills, when two cars have to be chained together on account of carrying a double load or other purpose, a short chain can be attached to these hooks close to the center, and the cars can be fastened together in a much better manner. - A good many road-s oppose the use of safety chains for the following reasons: To permit of the cars passing freely around curves, there must be considerable slack in such ‘chains when coupled, and the further away from the center of the car these chains have to be located, the greater the amount of slack necessary. It has been found that when couplers give way, the jerking, due to the slack in these chains, breaks the hooks and links and cracks or pulls off the end sill. The necessary slack above referred to will not prevent the movement of two cars carry- ing double load relatively to one another due to drawbar springs and slack, consequently the loads are apt to shift and require rehandling. It is not found practicable to place these chains nearer to the center of the car than the position shown on M. C. B. Sheet “A,” on account of location of longitudinal sills and dead blocks; also on account of interference with air brake angle cocks and hose. It was supposed that a per; manent safety chain could be used placed closer to the center, perhaps’ attached under the end sills to the longitudinal sills or draft sills and crossed under the coupler, in which case the chain could have been hooked up fairly tight, but objec- tion is raised to this on the ground that it would interfere with the coupler and air brake connections seriously, which objec- tion is valid. The. hooks on ‘both chains are made alike for the reason that either hook is strong enough. In most cases, the per- manent safety chains are efiicient, and have held the cars together when the couplers failed. With large steel cars in heavy trains, the need of strong safety chains securely at- tached to the car frame, makes their placing on all freight cars more imperative. " Permanent safety chains should be applied to all flat and ‘drop-end gondola cars which are used in hauling twin and 212 CARS triple shipments of lading, for the following reasons. 1. ‘To provide a safety device in caseof failure of the coupler, thus ' preventing the lading from dropping to the track. 2. The permanent safety chain is a labor-saver and when not applied to Such cars used in this trade, necessitates chaining the cars together with temporary chains. 3. ,When used in other service, in case of failure of coupler, it provides a means for hauling the car to shop without the use of a wrecking chain and, therefore, is an advantage. With wooden cars, the chain must be securely anchored, and if to the endls'ill, the latter is in turn fastened by lug bolts, body truss-rods, and anchor rods to the sills. With steel cars, the method shown in Fig. 115 has proved 'very satisfactory. The same illustration-shows also the M.-C. B. permanent safety chains for both Steel and wooden ‘cars, the methods of attaching the same, and the temporary chains used with double loads. For interchange service, a common temporary chain is necessary and has been provided for- chaining crippled , cars together, as well‘ as for use in twin or triple shipments. This chain is not necessary where cars are fitted with per- manent safety chain. In either case, the cars must be blocked apart, to take up the, slack of from 18 to 20 inches, to prevent the double load being disarranged and falling on or from the car. mm m "an", mlinwnmumnzunm “Warm-raw?" 4' woman .‘I' new d' J m ‘if - - murnomzm "III-‘Ml’ PERMANENT SAFETY CHAINS NR WOCXEN WERHIAME FRHGHT CARD. 4'?‘ a“, 'onM-s IVE/M156“; WCAMMMGWWMWIM a _ -a':=1‘ tin—- um" __ ‘ _ ‘ m ‘if ‘ _ PERMANENT SAFETY CHAINS FOR STE FREIGHT CARS. I ‘ MASTER elm BUILDERS ASSOCIATION. REcoMMENoEo PRACTICE FOR PERMANENT SAFETY CHAINS FOR woooEN UNDERFRAME FREIGHT CARS. PERMANENT SAFETY CHAINS FOR sTEEI. UNDERFRAME FREIGHT CARS. rzmoRAav STAKE POCKETS FOR eoNooLA CARS. TEMPORARY cmuns roa oousLE LOADS. NDERFRAME REVISED 1905-: I. \ i Fig. 115. CHAPTER VI. THE FREIGHT CAR TRUCK— TYPES The wheel, in conjunction with the motive power, may be said to be the essential thing in the art of transportation. It is the thing that makes locomotion possible. One or two hewn circular logs beneath a wider plank was probably the first conception of the wheel, such vehicles being in fact in use before the dawn of Christianity. In the rounded log the wheel and axle were in one, but in process of time, and in order to minimize friction the axle was cut down. - ‘ The wheel remained a solid.piece of wood through the center of which the axle passed. ‘Then the slab of wood forming the wheel was strengthened by cross bars,'the axle became a part of the frame of the vehicle and the wheel alone was made to revolve. ' The spoke, the felloe and the hub were the developments. of ages, simple as they may seem to us. It is remarkable that in one of the highest manifestations of the art of transporta- tion it should transpire that a return to first principles should be made, for the modern car wheel and axle revolve in unison and the wheel disdains the felloe, the hub and the spoke, or possesses them only in rudimentary forms. Yet the wheel of the railway is strikingly distinctive from all forms that ever preceded it—the flange by which it is kept on' the track, the conical tread designed partially to facilitate passing over curves and partially to keep the wheels central upon the rails, and the axle bearings outside the wheel so that the gauge of the track should not circumscribe the width of the vehicle, are its especial distinctions. The word truck in one of its earlier meanings indicated ~ simply a small wheel. By natural adaptation it came in time to include low vehicles used for the carriage of- goods and in due season became the appellation for that part of the rail- way car which furnishes‘ it with the means of movement. The car truck is in fact mechanically a small car of itself, with 213 214 CARS Plate III //7 ‘ . d .------,_--= ‘Us. "lea/é’ . ‘cart?- ‘1'1"’ " ‘ L. i Fig. 116. STANDARD AMERICAN FREIGHT CAR TRUCK. 1 Double plate wheel. 2 Wheel flange. 3 Wheel tread. 4 Wheel rim. 5 Wheel brackets. 6 Wheel hub. 7 Axle. 8 Axle Wheel Seat. ;9 Axle dust guard seat. 10 Axle journal. 11 Axle Collar. 12 Axle Journal bearing. 13 Journal bearing key. 14 Truck column. 15 Brake hanger hook. 16 Truck column guide. 17 Brake hanger arm. 18 Brake hanger pin. 19 Brake head. 20 Brake Shoe key. 21 Brake shoe. 22 Brake lever fulcrum. 23 Brake lever safety loop. 24 Dead brake lever. 25 Live brake lever. 26 Brake lever connecting rod. 27 Dead brake lever guide. 28 Dead brake lever guide hook- 29 Brake beam truss rod. 30 Brake beam. 31 Arch bar. 32 Inverted arch bar. 33 Tie bar. 34 Column bolt. 35 Journal box. '36 Journal box lid. 37 Journal box bolt. 38 Truck bolster. 39 Truck bolster plate. 40 Truck bolster transom bars. 41 Truck bolster strut. 42 Truck bolster spring plate. 43 Springs. 44 Spring Seat. 45 Truck golsgler Sid; bearing. 46 Truck bolster center plate. 47 Journal box us guar . > . CARS 215 four or six wheels'placed under each end of the car body and carrying its weight.* - ' The car truck of the present day is, in common with other railway appliance-s, the result of evolution and may be ‘said to have been brought into being by the exigencies of railroad construction in America. The object sought and attained is - to enable short wheel-bases to be used in connection with long car bodies. The American Freight Truck (Plate III) Fig. 116, con- sists of four wheels, two axles, four journal boxes and a frame ‘in which these are guided or secured, this frame trans- ferring the weight of the car and its load from its center through the boxes and journals to the wheels. The truck is center-bearing and connected only at one point with the car body, hence it is free to move around this point and adjust itself to any position demanded by the curvature of the track. The essential members of a truck it will be noted are: Wheel, (Plate III, No. 1') Fig. 116; Axle, (Plate III, No. 7); Journal Boxes, (Plate III, No. 35); Arch Bars, (Plate III, Nos. 31, 32); Tie Bars, (Plate III, No. 33); Truck Columns, (Plate III, No. 14); Bolster, (Plate III, No. 38); Springs, (Plate III, No. 43). Wheels—These are circular frames or disks revolving on an axis, which support the truck upon the rails and upon which the vehicle moves. They were at first very much like the ordinary wheels of a common wagon and were guided by a flange or lip on the outside of the rail. The flange on the wheel was a later device. That part of the axle on which the journal-bearing rests, is called the journal—the journal box containing the journal, journal bearing and key, besides holding the packing for lubrication. This bearing is a metal block on which the load rests—a key or wedge being used to hold the bearing in place and distribute the load equally. The Spring Plank is a transverse member of the truck; it lies underneath the truck bolster, and the bolster springs rest upon it. It is bolted to the lower arch-bar of the truck- trame in rigid-bolster trucks, said ‘bar itself resting on the ‘In England the word “truck” is never used in this connection. but is descriptive of the freight car as a whole. The truck there is known as a. “bogie.” 216 _ ‘ CARS journal-bearings. These arch-bars form the top and bottom members of a diamond-arch truck side-frame; being attached to the bolster guides or truck-columns by column bolts, and to the journal boxes by the journal-box bolts. The springs carried on the spring plank and supporting the truck bolster . on which the weight of the car rests, are variously known as .‘ “truck springs,” “bolster springs,” “bearing springs,” and ‘body springs.” The helical or spiral spring is the kind com- monly used for freight cars; elliptical springs being used for passenger trucks, and only occasionally for caboose car trucks and livestock, or for some of the special house or steel freight cars. _ ' ~ . The car axle is the metal shaft of wrought iron or steel upon which a pair of wheels is mounted, both rigidly secured to the axle. The practice is to hold the wheels to the axle by close fitting of the parts, the wheels being forced onto the axle by heavy hydraulic pressure of not less than 30 tons. The parts of the axle, beginning at the middle are known as Center, Neck, Wheel-Seat, Dust-Guard Bearing, Journal and Collar. The Bolsters are cross-beams or members on the under side of a car body, located at the center of a truck, and through which the weight of the car is transferred. The Body Bolster, fastened to the longitudinal sills, transmits their load from‘ the sills to the Truck Bolster, which in turn trans- fers the load to the springs as just explained above. A double body bolster—a wide one with two cross-beams is used on cars ' vequipped with six-wheel trucks. Both kinds of bolsters are equipped with Center-Plates, the male one (that on the body bolster) fitting into the female one—the one on the truck bolster. The Center-Pin or kingbolt passes through both . center-plates, thus allowing thev truck to swivel about it, ‘although the stress is borne by said Center-Plates. Both bolsters are also fitted with Side-Bearings, at each end of each bolster, to reduce friction in going around curves, and to keep the car from rolling or rocking too’ much on the Center- Plates, permitting the truck to turn without too much friction. Freight car trucks may be ' classified according to the . bolster suspension as (1) Rigid and (2) Swing Motion. Ac- GENERAL PLAN—HIGH FREIGHT Tnvcx. 60.000 Lss. CAPACITY. May“ In ‘MIC’ 9" 11:1? imp? [ Ass-way. oo.ooo. [ Plate N Fig. 117. CARS . 217 cording to their general design they may be classified as (1) Diamond Trucks and (2) Shaped Metal Trucks. Swing Motion _Trucks may be further distinguished as (1) those carrying the bolster. by pivoted hangers and (2) ‘those carrying the bolster by rollers. There are various special designs of each type. , ' j ‘ - Figure 117, Plate IV, illustrates a type of the “Rigid” Dia- mond truck which is in common use still, but mostly on small capacity cars. It will be noticed that this truck also has a channel iron spring plank, a practice which is very much in favor when the 'arch bar truck is used. Fig. 118. Commonwealth Truck. Ano'the'r arch bar rigid truck is shown in Fig. 118, which illustrates one style of the Commonwealth Truck. This com- bines the standard arch bars with especially designed bolster ’ and column castings. It is claimed for this truck that it has all the strength'of the ordinary arch bar truck, is exceedingly flexible, easily following the irregularities of the track, and is light and strong. ‘ . . . The truck-shown in Fig. 119, which is a design prepared by' the Middletown Car Works, is another good example of, the rigid arch bar truck. The special bolster which is pro- vided is made up of standard sections as rolled by the Amer- ican Iron and Steel Association, thus facilitating repairs in 218 ' CARS ' .5 L4 é hr c; C) 65c‘. H ".5 we ‘ Fi Truck .—Midd CARS 219 @EEEEEEELE . 3228:» . T . L -214". @1113 .. ._,/____ r-'/ a-___|.-_. J :1 .- _ — a — q 4‘ .. . d _ - . ".7. _ _ 1 m. . . . u .a _ _ . _ M l. :...... .. u _ ._ _ . .1 I: H t: _ . ._ _ u a _ _ _ qeqanw: _ _ . _ .- 532: e v _ _ _ . _ s 222.55 E & e: 3% . _ _. a. a ‘i i _ .8 _ _ a; Q. .~ . I _ 3 2 a . a: _ . 1!. u _ a: R. recess. 2.“: r I—r/ - ‘\IP‘ l—J/ ‘I L...“ .f 8.2:: 2a.? _ Him. Hm? . . . _ wlmunccilwier fl£¥§r=gl -- & M . l..."..u...:.\.i . v. a! . Ipl . ....... II. ‘Ill '1." 1|.- l 220 ‘ CARS Mmsxmhx *0)»: QUE am-WQQQ ZUOIOM. UTE. .5 SE CARS 221 any part of the country. Another special feature shown here is the scheme for suspending the brake beams from inwardly projecting arms from the column castings. 1*” ‘“‘T a!’ ;‘ ‘ 'l -! CI) is‘ SEQ " i "Q 3 1'.‘ b I" . 85’ r: at 1. 2h i=5 "a > 1; fig ‘5 g5: » >1 - 2:: to :4 .- 2“ s, .' . E E x: {E "n: P- ‘I Fig. 122. Of the rigid shaped metal style of truck the Fox-Solid Pressed Steel truck shown in Fig. 120 illustrates all the points. It is to be noted that the truck sides and bolster are 1 222 _ CARS all combined in one rigid construction. The springs, instead of being under the bolster are here placed in special recesses over the journal boxes. i 5 s 3 g§. U 5 5 ‘ga = as. E at; g a i = g Q .grc nan mm cm m i- t _ I’: \ 3_ _ __ _ 5 -.-=-. / ~.- ' Ii ' i"; r. = r' p K g I’ I l \. . ' i‘ . I | i: ." _ H - e ~~ : n _. '4» I ‘ .fi , Fig. 123. The Pressed Steel truck frame shown in Fig. 121 and 122 is of the Schoen- patent type. This also is ‘a perfectly rigid >:na_n>z .mqnnr . 4. ECO.» £3222; 0......2. wmczoznwzuaz.‘ . 0x222... 9.3.7... Nw... u. 312...... .... f. Jflllw 224 'O'ARS' ! truck and has the same method for holding the springs as is used on the Fox truck. In “Swing Motion” trucks the design is to allow a limited lateral motion in addition to the vertical motion on the springs so that the lateral movements of the wheels may be absorbed and not imparted to the car itself. The claim is made that v ‘T ' r_-B‘.--—-4 Fig. 125. 30-Ton Swing Motion Truck. the use of the Swing Motion truck results in decreased flange wear on wheels, reduces the racking of the car‘ as a whole and makes the riding of the car easier. It is admitted, how- ever, that’on account of its simple construction the “Rigid” truck is cheaper to build and maintain. Swing Motion Trucks are shown in the illustrations of the Schoen pressed steel Diamond Truck and the American Cast Steel Truck. (Figs. 123, 124.) The drawing (Fig. 125) illustrates the construc- tion of a 30 ton Swing Motion Truck. ‘u- 7' halfiwifls ‘w;- ' \i-a- < Ava" - L Fig. 144. Cracks in Steel Wheel Due to , Brake Burns. ' --a Fig. 145. Steel Wheel- Seamy or Shelled. o s ‘v CARS 253 such wheels if flanges are at all close to the sharp flange limit, when in their judgment the appearance of the wheel, particularly the appearance of the rim, indicates a weakened condition of the metal that might produce a failure. Steel Wheel: Shell Outs. Steel Wheel: Shell Outs. Fig. 144 shows cracks in a steel wheel due to brake burns and Fig. 145 shows a wheel shelled or seamy, perhaps from brake burning. Figs. 146 and 147 show shell outs. It can be noticed in this connection, however, that shell outs on steel wheels differ in their nature from those on cast-iron wheels; the shell outs in steel wheels being laminated in structure, in other words, the metal appears to have been built up in thin layers instead of being one solid piece. 254 CARS Concerning the inspection of steel-tired wheels, it is neces- sary to keep the keenest lookout for checks in the tire. Neglect to so do sometimes leads to serious accidents like the one later alluded to by us, which was caused by the burst- ing of a tire which a number of inspectors had previously inspected but found nothing wrong with it. Yet investigation showed: That the fracture of the tire was occasioned by the presence of deep‘ thermal cracks in the tread, one of which had separated the metal of the tire to a depth of one-half its thickness and had an area of over Ill/5., square inches: That these cracks were visible on the surface of the tread and the edge of the outer end of the tire. A series of observations of this kind could properly be placed before car inspectors for their information and guidance. 'Methods of inspection may need revision to meet current conditions of railway service, wherein is shown a marked tendency to increase the working stresses, and in so doing decrease the margin in strength remaining between them and the rupturing loads of the materials. Inspection for the dis- covery of occasional structural defects and inspection for noting approach to the limit of endurance of materials are quite distinct problems, the latter presenting great difficulties. High wheel loads and the introduction of high-speed brakes are factors in the present case. Nearly always, ‘the wider and longer cracks are conspicuous, fully admitting of discov- ery upon proper inspection of the tire. Such cracks in steel have grave significance. They lead to early ultimate failure, especially when the causes that occasioned their formation are aided and combined with independent straining forces. The shrinkage strains are always present in the cold tire, and they alone would have a tendency to complete the fracture of the tire when a thermal crack had reached a certain stage of development. With the wheels now commonly used, tapping them with a hammer will not indicate anything. The most approved method of inspection at present is by actual observa- tion of the car wheels. And above all is this necessary with the steel-tired wheel. Some railroads occasionally purchase, and some manufac- turers supply, wheels already mounted on axles, both of them CARS 255 of specified design and material; the tests of which vary with different roads. As a rule, the best and general practice contemplates the mounting of wheels in the railroad shop, where the wheels and axles are assembled. - In selecting and mounting wheels, the recommended prac- tice of the Association is as follows: MOUNTING WHEELS. First. That wheels with flanges worn to a thickness of 111;; inches or less shall not be remounted. Second. That the thickness of flanges of wheels fitted on the same axle should be equal and should never vary more than 11,; inch. Third. That in mounting wheels, new or second hand, the standard wheel check gauge should be used in the following manner: After one wheel is pressed into position, place the stop “A” - or “B” of the check gauge against the inside of the flange of the wheel with the thinner flange with the corresponding tread stop “C” or “D” against the tread of the wheel. Press the other wheel on the axle until the opposite tread stop comes in contact with the tread with the corresponding gauge point “E” or “F” in contact with the outside of the thicker flange. 7 I The M. C. B. Rules also direct that‘: Wheels on the same axle must be of the same circumference. In no case shall two wheels be mounted on the same axle when the thickness of their two flanges together will exceed the thickness of one normal and one maximum flange, or 2% inches. New wheels must not be mated with second-hand wheels. Prick punching or shimming the wheel fit must not be allowed. To these rules may be added: Second-class wheels showing a tendency to wear at the throat, and likewise wheels showing a tendency to wear away from the flange, should be mated together. Too great care cannot be exercised in properly mating / the wheels, which means mounting'two wheels of the same size on an axle. After they have been mated, they aresb'ored to the proper size, the wheel fit being turned to such a.:size as will allow the wheels to be forced onto the axle .under heavy pressure. The axle is fitted to the wheel, not the wheel to the axle. This fit must be such that wheels for cars of 60,000 pounds capacity will go on their axle at not less than 256 ‘ 0412s 35 tons and not more than 45 tons pressure \;V7 for 80,000 pound capacity cars, not less than 45 nor more than 55 tons pressure, and for 100,000 pounds capacity cars, not less than 55 nor more than 65 tons pressure—said pressure being always applied hydraulically. If less pressure forces a wheel into place, remove it from the axle and replace it by another which will fit properly. If a greater pressure than is allowed is used, and the wheel bursts, the railroad has to suffer the loss, as ' it is not here chargeable to the manufacturer. Wheels mounted too closely together produce a stepped tread on each of them; when too far apart, cut flanges and thin flanges result. .A stepped tread will also be produced it one wheel is mounted closer to the center than its mate. It can thus be seen that a careful mating and mounting of wheels in tho onmnanv’a qhnnn is: mnnt. nnsmntial- Tncnrrect practice in either leads to serious results. The following standard terms and gauging points for wheels and track have been adopted by the M. C. B. 1. Track rails are the two main rails forming the track. 2. Gauge of Track is the shortest distance between the heads of track rails. _ 3. Base Line, for‘ wheel gauges, is a line parallel to the axis 01' the wheels drawn through the point of intersection of tread with a line perpendicular to the axis, and passing through the center of the throat curve. 4. Inside Gauge of Flanges is the distance between backs of flanges of a pair of mounted wheels measured on the base line. _ 5. Gauge of Wheels is the distance between the outside face of flanges of a pair of mounted wheels measured on a line parallel to the base line, but 5/8 inches ‘further from the axis of the wheels. 6. Thickness of Flange is the distance measured parallel to the base line between two lines perpendicular thereto, one drawn through the point of measurement of “inside gauge of flanges,” and the other drawn through the point of meas- urement of “gauge of wheels.” 7.‘ Width of Tread is the distance measured parallel to the base line from a line perpendicular thereto, drawn through I . THIN FLANGE- vvnzu was -: woqqA: sac-Am aw \ H FLANGE THINNCH'AND G€BOIGAUBEQ€ ~ QQ'I’QIAQJV"! 5*‘Quub ~ev 5: RE Our-47:0 wulu I'Acé-sDgfllbYaofl TR“: AND rm or rLANq: YOU=H£5 ‘a, w-mu. SNDVLD was a: flzrwuuvgo, .rrrn LIMIT GAUGE ' T GAUGE , , FOR REMOUNTING cAsr 1so~ WHEELS WITH \ _ FOR REMOUNTING CAST mos WHEELS. CAST ' PRIOR TO manta STANMRD HEAD AND FLANGE. PPTCBBSTANDARD TREAD AND FLANGE ADOPTED worm) Pmoa T0 I909- I ‘Di-r3 ‘svcea :1.“- 4L‘ 5‘ nasal. VERTICAL Fl-ANGE Whcn Uwa: ‘reveal: AN? PA» - or FAcz‘ -_ WPQEHLQHOULD Ne-r a: REMOUNYLD 1. e4. ‘ 9. ‘ 431-7-— -' all: n . _,__.._ as .10 06'—-——— MASTER can BUILDERS’HSSOGIATION. ' STANDARD LIMIT GAUGE FOR REMOUNTING CAST IRON WHEELS. STANDARD WHEEL CIRCUMFERENCE MEASURE FOR CAST IRON WHEELS. STANDARD WHEEL CIRCUMF'ERENCE MEASURE FOR CAST IRON WHEELS. , l i Fig. 149. pg...” . -—'G~kUGE over ALL-514%‘ _, 5 ____.. _... ,__.. 0F -*rREAD~—1m“饓‘q _ ‘ pk. i & BASE LINE o|= GAUGE. f . ~—\NSIDE G GE 0? FL uses-41532 -61, _ r g, k GE DISTA 4-6,} :1 mm or: walrus-4'7}; — - " _4'_5'___‘ tn.» ..TFEQFTRACK 4' 3% awe—5 OF euARDmD wms RFLL '5'—*\r---—-I _euARD RAIL AND FROG WING eAueE. BASE use MINIMUM 1- 5332 " ,aéf'aag w |"->l STANDARD 4L6 z_9 .. MmsTANcE. ) 64 L3“ 1:; ‘ 4L7 l6 —-—'_—"'>‘ DIAMETED OF Wl-fiEL IS BE MEASUDED ON LINE A-B CH’LLS MUST HAVE AN INSIDE DDOFILE U" THA SUCH row _ . T WILL DDODUCE THE ExAcT CON'IOUQ . ,, or TQEAD AND FLANGE As SHOWN. m . g I, THE FINISHED WHEEL h |_ __.. ' STAMP SIZES 0F _\ . 4 _ . -- _ SLOTSONEACH \ =3; 3;; ENLARGED DEIAILOP’ _ _3. ..‘3‘ slot: OFGAUGE. g; (15$ ‘*7 —\ CURVE AT">< *5’; L13- ] l gT—la ‘, a u I 1:]! \ s ‘"—""| i at: , - l .M {22m 1; I - _ sass-WE: ‘>4 ‘ %/ D _ -|._ "9 7— - ‘ a" 1 . -LsAsE LINE ‘i- '_ "f3 . ,seé $1 '25'_ l 6 _416g'_>- SLOPE l" m 20"] 15% GALK-Ifl—PCL: 8 ' l"‘—I_TAPQ'IN "m \ \. 3' WHEEL MOUNTING AND cHEcK GAUGE.- than” ' 2“ ie—‘Ei" V time. 575$ \7, ' WHEEL TDEAD AND FLANGE. Fa? WHEEL DEFECT AND WORN COUPLER UMIT GAUGE, MASTER 611R BUILDERS'HSSOCIIITION. STANDARD TERMS a GAUGING POINTS FOR wHEELs &TRACK._ STANDARD GUARD RAIL a FROG wmc GAUGE. STANDARD WHEEL MOUNTING AND CHECK oAucE. STANDARD WHEEL DEFECT AND WORN COUPLER Lmrr GAUGE._ ‘ 22mm FLVQNGE THW'SSS GAUGE FOR STANDARD WHEEL TREAD AND FLANGE _ I . Tmcljg; Hgijsggmggrgmmms STANDARD FLANGE THICKNESS GAUGES FoR cAs-r mon WHEELS MSouoSTEELANDSTEEL'flREDWHEELa. Foizsouo ' STEEL mam 112:0 WHEELs AND FLANGE THICKNESS, HEIGHT AND THROAT RADlU-Sfi-q, '1 . GAMES FOR $01.10 sTEEL AND sTEEL TIRED wHEELs ,T " .- Fig. 148. CARS 257 the point of measurement of “gauge of wheels” to the outer edge of tread. 8. Check Gauge Distance is the distance measured parallel to the base line between two lines perpendicular thereto, one drawn through the point of measurement of “inside. gauge of flanges” on either wheel, and the other,’ drawn through point of measurement of “gauge of wheels” on mate wheel. 9. Over All Gauge is the distance parallel to base line from outer edge of one wheel to the outer edge of mate wheel. The above-mentioned gauge distances are either directly or by inference as follows: Feet Inches Inside gauge of flanges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 5 7—32 Gauge of wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 7 11—16 Thickness of flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 11—32 Width of tread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 4 11-32 Check gauge distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . 6 29—64 Over all gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 4% These are all shown in Fig. 148, which shows the M. C. B. Standard Gauge for locating the wheels on the ‘axle; all axles to be carefully marked at the exact central point between the centers of the journals. Thus, in mounting wheels, they should be carefully gauged from this center, so_ that they should not only be equidistant from that center but also the correct distance from each other. Immediately after being pressed on an axle, every wheel must be carefully inspected for a cracked hub. In this same figure are shown the standard M. C. ‘B. tread and flange of wheels, both iron and steel, together with M. C. B. gauges for wheel defects, and maximum and minimum flange-thickness gauges for cast-iron, solid steel, and steel- tired wheels. In Fig. 149 is depicted the standard M. C. B. limit gauge for remounting cast-iron wheels; also standard M. C. B. wheel circumference measure for cast-iron wheels. The oflicial gauge for, and determination of, wheel defects such as flat spots, shelled out places, broken or worn flanges, worn tread, etc., are fully described in the M. C. B. Code of Rules from Rule 68 to 83, both inclusive. These cover the defects of both iron and steel wheels. For the corresponding data as to passenger car wheels, see M. C. B. 258 . CARS Rules 13 to 15 inclusive, under head of "Passenger Equip- ment,” which further direct that: The gauges for condemning worn flanges of steel and steel-tired wheels under passenger cars to be the same as are used for worn flanges of same kind of wheels under ‘freight cars; thegauges for condemning worn flanges of cast-iron wheels under passenger cars to be the same as are used for the same defect and purpose with cast- iron car wheels under freight cars of 80,000 pounds capacity or over. It may be seen from the above that special gauges (pret- erably micrometers) should be used when turning axles and boring wheels, and should be kept in good condition and tested frequently enough to make sure of their correctness. Boring mills should be tested frequently enough to insure wheels being bored true and central. All gauges should also be so tested, by comparison with master gauges kept at the shops and yardsfor this purpose. CAST-IRON WHEELS. The cast-iron or chilled-iron wheel as it is commonly called, is now’ and long has been the wheel generally used under freight cars. As to whether it will long remain so in the future, is now a moot question depending upon several important railroad matters still pending. This standard chilled wheel is cast solid and chilled hard in the tread and flange, leaving the wheel tough in the center. This chilling is a kind of crystallization produced when melted cast iron is cooled suddenly, and is usually efiected by bringing the molten iron in contact with a cold metal mold, generally made of iron. This sudden cooling produces a clear white iron to a depth of from 1,4; to 3/4 of an inch, which is called a “chill," and is often harder than tempered steel, thus giving the tread an extremely hard wearing surface. The plates of this wheel are formed by a sand mold and dry sand core, whereby the cooling of the melted metal is retarded, resulting in a strong iron structure. The opening in the hub is a dry sand. core, and the slow cooling of the metal here produces a strong open grain, necessary for the machine work required for per- feet axle fit. ' 1mm mo H011 mo Puma-sat mums ‘a ‘o 'W ‘091 ‘Sta 260 - CARS’ The scientific casting and subsequent heat-treatment of this chilled wheel are parts of the processes through which it passes, and have brought this wheel to a high state of efficiency for a cast-iron structure. For fifty years it ‘was the standard wheel for all kinds of equipment, fairly keeping pace until recently with the carrying capacity and growth of cars. Ninety-five per cent of our present freight cars are equipped with chilled wheels, and about 90 per cent of the 50-ton cars have them. The .M. C. B. Ass’n. recommends these wheels for freight service as follows: 625-lb. Chilled Iron Wheel for 30-ton cars 675-lb. Chilled Iron Wheel for 40-ton cars 725-1b. Chilled Iron Wheelfor 50-ton cars The ordinary M. C. B. chilled wheel is seen in Fig. 150. As to their comparative cost, they are at present by tar the most economical, as regards their first cost, which is less than one-half-that of any freight car wheel of steel. As to their relative value for heavy steel cars, opinions still difler. The M. C. B. specifications for 33-inch chilled wheels for cars of maximum gross weights not toexceed 95,000, 132,000, and 161,000 pounds, are as follows: SPECIFICATIONS FOR 33-INcII CAST-IRON WHEELS FOR cans 0F MAX- IMUM GROSS WEIGHTS, NOT TO EXCEED 95,000 PGUNDS, 132,000 AND 161,000 POUNDS. I. MATERIAL AND CHILL. The wheels shall show clean, gray iron in the plates, except at chaplets, where mottling to not more than 1/2 inch from same will be permitted. The depth of pure white iron shall not exceed 1 inch nor be less than 1/2 inch in the middle of the tread. (a) It shall‘ not exceed 1 inch in the middle of the tread nor be less than 3/,_=, inch in throat for wheels having a maximum weight of 625 pounds. (b) It shall not exceed 1 inch in the middle of the tread nor be less than 17g inch in the throat'for wheels having a maximum weight of 675 pounds. (c) It shall not exceed 1 inch in the tread nor be less than 1/2 inch in- the throat for wheels‘ having a maximum weight of 725 pounds. _ \ CARS 261 (d) The depth of white iro'n shall not vary more than 1,4 inch around the tread on the rail line in the same wheel. II.‘ PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS. Sampling—When ready for inspection, the wheels shall be arranged in groups, all wheels of the same date being grouped together, and for each 100 wheels which pass inspection and are ready for shipment, two representative wheels shall be taken at random, one of which will be subjected to the drop test. ' Drop Test—The wheels shall conform to the following drop- test requirements: . ‘ (a) The test wheel shall be so placed on the three sup- ports, with flange turned downward, that the tup will strike centrally on the hub. When tested in accordance with the following conditions, the wheel shall stand the following specific number of blows: TABLE 1 Wt. of Wheel Weight of Tup Height of Drop Number of Pounds Pounds Feet Blows 625 200 ' 9 - _ 10 675 200 10 12 725 200 _ 12 i 12 Thermal Test—Should the test wheel stand the given num- ber of blows without breaking into two or more pieces, the inspector will then subject the other wheel to the following test: (a) Preparation—The wheel shall be laid with the flange downward in the sand and a channel way 1% inches wide and 4 inches deep must be molded with green sand around the wheel. The clean tread of the wheel must form one side of the channel way and the clean flange must form as much of the bottom as its width will cover. (b) Test—The above described channel must be filled with molten cast iron, which shall be hot enough, when poured, so that the .ring which is formed, when the metal is 262 CARS cold, shall be solid' or free from wrinkles or layers. . The time when pouring ceases must be noted, and two minutes later an examination of the wheel must be 'made. If the wheel is found broken in pieces. or if any cracks in the plate extend through or into the rim, all wheels of the same tape size as the wheel broken will be rejected. ' Drop-Test Machine—The three supports shall not be more than 5 inches wide. The anvil shall be supported on rubble masonry at least two feet deep and shall weigh not less than 1,700 pounds. The striking face of the tup shall be 8 inches in diameter and be flat. ' III. RETEST. , Number of Tests—In making the drop test, should the test wheel break into two or more pieces with less than the required number of blows, then the second wheel shall be taken from the same lot and similarly tested. If the second wheel stands the test it shall be optional with the inspector ‘whether he shall test the third wheel or not. If he does not - do so, or if he does and the third wheel stands the test, the .100 wheels will be accepted as filling the requirements of the drop test. ' . Dimensions—The normal diameter of the wheel produced by the chill must be the M. ‘C. B. standard 33 inch, measured at a point 2% inches from the outside of the tread of the wheel. Wheels furnished under this specification shall not vary more than 1/4: inch above or below the normal size meas-' ured on the circumference and the same wheel shall not vary more than 31g inch in diameter. The thickness of the flange shall be regulated by the maximum and minimum flange thickness gauges adopted by the M. C. B. Ass’n. All wheels shall be taped with M. C. B. standard design of ‘wheel circum- ference tape, having numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 stamped 1/8 inch apart, the figure 3 to represent the normal diameter 103.67 inches circumference. The figure 1,, the smallest, and the figure 5, the largest. All wheels furnished under these specifications shall con- form to the respective sections shown by the M. C. B. drawings CARS 263 for difierent weights of wheels, and weights shall be as follows: Maximum Gross Weight Maximum Weight of Minimum Weight of of Car Wheel Not Exceeding Wheel Not Less Than Pounds Pounds Pounds 95,000 025 015 132,000 075 665 161,000 725 715 In case of wheels ordered with cores smaller in diameter than the standard, the additional weight should be considered as an addition to the normal weight and paid for by the pur- chaser. Weights given in the above table are based on M. C. B. Standard drawings covering wheel design, adopted in 1909. Wheels that are under minimum weight will be set aside and not further considered. Wheels that are over the maximum weights will be at the expense of the manufacturer. Workmanship—Chills shall have an inside profile that, in the finished wheel, will produce the exact form of the flange and tread contour shown by the M. C. B. drawings adopted ‘in 1909. The body of the wheel must be smooth and free from slag, shrinkage or blow holes. The tread shall be free from deep and irregular wrinkles, slag, chill cracks and sweat or beads in the throat, and swelled. rims. All wheels shall be numbered consecutively in accordance with the instructions from the railroad company purchasing them, and shall have the initials of such railroad company, also the wheel number, the weight of the wheel and month, day and year when made, plainly formed on the outside plate of casting. No two wheels shall have the same number. All wheels shall also have the name and place of manufacture plainly formed on the outside plate in casting. Wheels conforming to the requirements and furnished under this specification shall have the letters M. C. B. 1909 plainly formed on the outside plate in casting. _ Lt in any lot of wheels submitted for test the test wheel fails to meet the requirements of the drop, chill or thermal test, then all of the wheels in tape number and weight correspond- ing to the test wheel will be rejected. In case the rejection 264 CARS ‘I. is for high chill, weak breaking strength or failure in the thermal test, the test will be continued in the next higher number of tape size. If the rejection is for low chill, the test will be continued in the next lower number tape size. The standard M. C. B. 33~inch cast-iron wheels are shown in Figs. 151, 152 and 153. A variety of this wheel is the nickel-chrome chilled iron car "wheel seen in Fig. 154 which, while more expensive than Fig. 154. Nickel-Chrome Chilled Iron- Wheel. the ordinary chilled wheel, is said to have four times as great flange strength and twice as much mileage capacity under 50-ton cars. Tests of comparative mileage cost are said to reduce its cost to one-half of the ordinary chilled wheel's, and only one-third that of the steel wheel's mileage cost. It is quite probable that if chilled wheels are to be used under the latest huge cars, some special alloy of cast iron like this will have to be resorted-to eventually. ~ ' _i_ 33" CAST IRON WH 5 ma CARS or MAXIMUM eao'ss Monro excess 95000 LBS. ‘, mum; gm: Bummans'nssocmnon. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR SE'CAST IRON WHEELS FOR CARS OF MAXIMUM GROSS WEIGHT . NOT TO EXCEED $5000 L85. ml! '|\ . '_ _33-__ FINIBCD M Simon STANDARD CORE 6' DIAM 33" CAST IRON WHEELS FOR CARS OF MAXIMUM GROSS WEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED I3Z.OOO LBS .f. i Fig. 152. MASTER can BUIhDERS'llSSOGIllTION. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE - FOR 33"CAST IRON WHEELS FOR CARS OF MAXIMUM GROSS WEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED ISZOOO LBS. a-L' JO '- w 61 [ STANDARD CORE 6% DlAM 45' _ 33" CAST IRON WHEELS FOR CARS OF" MAXIMUM .GROSS WEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED IGLOOO LBS. MASTER cm; BUILDERS’ASSOGIHTION. ' 33" CAST mom 'wHEELs FOR CARS or MAXIMUM canoes WEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED ISLOOO LBS. / Fig. 153 DIAMETER or w MEASURED 6N uNl A-l TIRE FASTENING FOR STEEL TIRED WHEELS . PLANE GAUGE FOR SOLID STEEL WHEELS MASTER CIIR BUIIIIIERS’IISSOGIIITION. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR MINIMUM THICKNESS FOR sTEEL TIREs‘. WHEEL TREAD AND FLANGE FOR sTEEI. AND STEEL TIRED wHEELs. ROTUNDITY AND PLANE- GAUGES FOR SOLID sTEEI. WHEELS. TIRE FASTENING FOR STEEL TIRED WHEELS. , WHEEL cIRcuMFERENcE MEASURE ‘9 FOR STEEL AND STEEL TIRED WHEELS. I T’ m‘ on ME,§TOEPEASJREDOILIIAQI - WHEEL TREAD AND FLANGE FOR STEEL AND STEEL TIRED WHEELS 11 -\ ~-\~ \ I QEWTIRE SURING LINE ‘CRITICAL ' ‘ME ' GRADUKI'IM on TAP! ‘m u smug Arm STEEL TIRE. SHRINKAGE FASTENING ONLY, WHEEL CIRCUMFERENCE MEASURE FOR STEEL AND STEEL TIRED WHEELS. FIG. ' STEEL WHEEL. MINIMUM THICKNESS FOR ‘STEEL TIRES. IZOTUN -m' qAueE FoR 33'02 3602 as‘ SOLID STEEL WHEELS ‘I ‘ _ Fig. 155. CARS ' 265 The ordinartr chilled wheel, even under 50-ton cars, carries a minimum guaranteed time service of six years. The makers " of these wheels allege that out of.a million of such wheels under 50-ton cars, less than 1 per cent fails. Still, they have requested of the M. C. B. Ass’n. that this guarantee be now reduced, and they have submitted the following schedule to the Association: ' Weight of car. Weight of load. Total weight. Average mile— Ton miles. ' . age per-year. 30-ton car. 15 tons 30 tons 45 tons 8000 360,000 40-ton car. 20 tons 40 tons 60 tons 8000 480,000 50-ton car . 25 tons 50 tons 75 tons 8000 600,000 30-ton car, 360,000 ton miles, .6 years—2,160,000 ton miles guar. 40-ton car, 480,000 ton miles, 4% years—2,160,000 ton miles guar. 50-ton car, 600,000 ton miles, 3% years—2,160,000 ton miles guar. We ask for guarantee: 6 years—625-pound wheel. 5 years—675-pound wheel. 4 years—~725-pound wheel- The 6-year guarantee for the 30-ton car using the 625-pound wheel was satisfactory to both maker and user, but when the cars increased in capacity from 30 to 50, tons, or 66% per cent, and the wheel only increased from 625 to 725 pounds, or 16 per cent, the service conditions materially changed. For, the tread surfaces of the three classes of M. C. B. chilled wheels are identically the same, and the heavier the loads, the more severe the service on the tread metal. If, therefore, chilled wheels are to be used under modern heavy cars, obviously considerable increase must be made in both weight and contour of the chilled wheel. The makers confidently advertise their ' ability to design a chilled wheel for even 100-ton cars. Whether they can make them or not for such capacities, depends on several things, but most car men do not believe the chilled wheel can be made strong enough for such cars. The excessive weight of such wheels, even if possible to make them, would be ample to condemn them, unless special alloys are used. Quite a number of the freight cars of 100,000 pounds capacity, built immediately after their advent in 1898, were provided with cast-iron wheels of the lighter designs, and as practically all cars of the capacity named, built in the earlier 266 _ CARS’ years, were for mineral traflic, the combination of light wheels and heavy work resulted in more frequent failure and rapid wear than was desirable. Notwithstanding the fact that the weight of the cast-iron wheel has “been increased from time to time, it cannot be said that cast-iron wheels in general use today give as good results for cars of 100,000 pounds capacity, as were obtained with similar wheels for cars of 60,000 pounds capacity. These conditions, coupled with the construction of cars having capacities as high 'as 140,000 pounds carried on eight wheels, without doubt extended the use of the steel wheel ‘and stimulated production. The increase in ‘weight alone is a great drawback. As compared with a cast-steel wheel weighing only 600 pounds, we might have a 900-pound chilled wheel, making a difference of 2,400 pounds in car light weight, and this for even a 70-ton car. _ To increase their factor of safety, the makers of chilled wheels seek to increase the thickness of the flange 1,5 inch; this increase to be placed on the back of the flange and below the tread line and center of the wheel; alleging that this will enable the wheel to carry the heaviest car now in service. Any' considerable increase in flange thickness, however, will interfere with road clearances, such as frogs, switches, and crossings; and although the several thousands of wheels with this added 14, inch are now operating. safely, yet a further increase of flange will have to be made for cars of over 70 tons capacity. That point will be impossible, because of the enormous expense involved in altering such clearances all over the country. For this reason, it seems that the ordinary ' chilled wheel has limits beyond which it cannot safely go, and, hence, for cars of 80 tons or over, it must give way to the steel freight car wheel. It may here be noted that recent tests‘ on chilled wheels with brakeshoes, show that metal added to the rim does not decrease the stress on the wheel, which is proportional to the difference in temperature between the hub and the rim. It‘ also shows that the M. C. B. plate design might be improved,‘ by making its inside a smooth curve with a comparatively large radius, instead of reversing the curvature of the plate and giving it as sharp a curve as it is now made with. CARS _ 267 STEEL'TIRED WHEELS. A steel-tired wheel is one with a steel or iron center,’ with a steel tire which is usually shrunk on, welded, bolted, or fastened by retaining-rings to the center. The Tire is a heavy band of steel forming the rim of a wheel to impart strength to it and resist wear. Face Plates, known as Front and Back Face Plates, connect the tire and hub. Also, the part surrounding the hub and connecting it with the tire is called a Center Filling Piece or Skeleton. A Wheel Center .is a hub and center filling Piece combined; it is sometimes in one piece, sometimes made up of two parts—ethe hub and center filling piece. A retaining ring is a ring used to fasten a tire to the wheel. There are several kinds in car wheel use, including: Double Lip Retaining Ring—one of the common methods of securing tires; Mansell Retaining Ring, using a ring of L or U shaped cross-section which secures tire to wheel, firmly holding every part of the tire, no matter into how many pieces it may be ruptured. The Key Ring Tire Fastening is composed of two rings, one of U shaped cross-section, the‘ other nearly rectangular; the former holding tire and wheel together, the latter holding the U ring in place and filling up the groove in the tire. When both rings ‘of this last device are in place, the outer lip of the groove in the tire is slightly hammered over, thus gripping the second or key ring and retaining it in its place. There are other devices, such as the Gibson, but most retaining rings are similar to the above types. . The use of steel-tired wheels was brought about, years ago, at a time when cast, or wrought-steel wheels were not yet being made. The steel-tired wheel was required for the severe use and demands for safety of locomotives, tenders, and, later, of passenger equipment. Lacking solid steel wheels, the steel-tired wheel performed useful and indispen- sable functions under such rolling stock, despite their high first cost and occasional rupture. They were gradually improved, resulting in the standard bolted type, where the steel tire is shrunk on and then securely bolted, the bolt passing through the tire as well as the wheel center. Great 268 CARS improvements were made in both tire fastenings and tire steel; tires being now made of crucible steel or open-hearth steel—the weldless rolled steel tire being about the best. The M. C. B. Recommended Practice for the Minimum Thickness for Steel Tires of steel-tired car wheels, requires the tire to be 1 inch thick, measured normal to the tread and radial to the curved portions of the flange through the thinnest part within 4% inches from the back of the flange—the thick- ness from the latter part to the outer edge of the tread to be Fig. 156. Steel-Tired Wheel: Cast-Iron Plate Center: Tire Held by Shrink- age and Bolts. not less than 1/2 inch at the thinnest part. When the wheel is new, a small groove is cut in the outer face of the tire, at a radius 17g inch less than that of the tread of the tire when worn to the prescribed limit. This is done to facilitate inspec- tion. This is illustrated in Fig. 155, which gives the standard M. C. B. wheel circumference measure for steel and steel- tired wheels; the wheel tread and flange for such wheels; and the two methods of retaining-ring fastening, besides the shrinkage fastening alone; all of these approved by the M. C. B. Ass’n. CARS - 269 The various kinds of steel-tired wheels formerly in most common use, were: Iron Plate Center Type: Using shrinkage and bolts, Fig. 156; using shrinkage, rivets and double-lip retaining ring; using shrinkage, rivets, and Mansell retaining ring; using shrinkage, bolts, and Mansell retaining ring; using shrinkage and Gibson retaining ring; using shrinkage and shoulder. Except the first named, all these are now obsolete on American railways. Using a cast-steel plate center, other kinds employed the same devices—bolts, rivets, rings, etc.—-as the above types of wheels. Other combinations of parts of steel-tired passenger car wheels in use were as follows: Cast Iron Spider with steel plates secured by bolts; Cast Iron\_ Spoke-Center with tire secured by shrinkage, bolts, and retaining-rings; Cast Iron Spoke-Center with tire secured by shrinkage and Mansell retaining-rings; Cast Iron Plate Center, with tire secured by welding. Others were: Cast: Iron Double-Plate Center type: (a) Having internal rib's, tire secured by shrinkage and Gibson retaining-ring; (b) Having internal ribs, tire secured by shrinkage and Mansell retaining-ring; (c) Having internal spokes, tire secured by bolts and Mansell retaining- rings; (d) Tire secured‘ by shrinkage and Mansell retaining- rings. The Wrought-Iron Disc-Center type had:—Tire secured by shrinkage and Mansell retaining-rings: Tire secured by shrinkage and double-lip retaining-ring: and Tire secured by shrinkage and Internal-Lock. Another kind has a Cast Steel Plate Center—the bolted type of coach wheel. Those with steel centers and the M. C. B. fastenings just shown alone survive; the rest are obsolete. The M. C. B. Standard steel-tired wheels are 33, 36, and 38 inches in diameter; wheel centers of 28, 31, and 33 inches being allowed. The good points of the steel-tired wheel we have already enumerated; as a rule it rendered good service, but with the advent of cheaper cast steel and wrought steel wheels than formerly, it is likely that this kind of wheel will soon dis- appear entirely. Its defects are those to be expected of any 270 CARS built-up wheel; unless firmly locked together in all its parts, it will shake loose in time, and cause serious trouble. The M. C. B. tire fastening should always be rigidly insisted upon; but, even if great care is taken, careless inspection will over- look thermal or heat cracks in this wheel. The worst defect of the steel-tired wheel can most briefly be illustrated by reference to a serious accident lately caused by the failure of a steel tire on a passenger truck, as depicted in Fig. 157. The wheel on which the tire was broken was known as a single-plate, solid-center wheel; the tire was applied to the wheel center by shrinkage, and there were two retaining rings Fig. 157. Broken Tire with Thermal Cracks. which clamped the tire, one on each side, being held in posi- tion by 10 or 12 rivets. The shrinkage of the tire upon the wheel center was the chief element of strength or resistance which kept it in place when intact. When fractured this resistance was lost, and only the strength of the rivets of the retaining rings would then be available for holding it in place. Successive side lurches of the car, common to all train movements, overcame the strength of the rivets by flange blows, ultimately forcing the tire off the Wheel center. From the design of the wheel the retaining rings can act in two capacities—to hold fragments of a broken tire against outward centrifugal forces, and to restrain the tire against lateral thrust parallel to the axis of the axle. The latter movement or tendency would ordinarily be an inward one, since the wheel flanges are on the inside. Investigation showed that the tire exhibited deep thermal cracks, the extension of which under unusual stress, resulted in the rupture of the tire and the derailment of the train. CARS ., 271 It is possible that here, as in other cases, allowance could be made for imperfect material, faulty manufacture, or improper fastening of tire to wheel center, but the real factor was the heat crack. The greatest. factor in the case is the application of the brakes. The tread is suddenly heated by the friction of the brake shoe and the tire expanded before the center is affected, no doubt causing wide fluctuations in the magnitude of the shrinkage strains. Momentarily the tire may be left with very little shrinkage resistance when there is sudden application of the brakes, thus laying the last straw of strain on an already overtaxed wheel. In conclusion, it appears that the retaining rings and rivets in the construction of the wheel did not have adequate strength, shrinkage resistance having been lost, to hold the fractured tire on its wheel center: That the fractured tire, insecurely held, was forced off its wheel center by side thrusts usual to train movements, thus precipitating the derailment: That the formation and extension of these cracks was due to the heat generated under the brakeshoe: That adequate means should be employed to hold a tire of this type on its wheel center independent of shrinkage resistance. STEEL \VHEELS . The development of the all-steel wheel came about first, from the need of a substitute for the steel-tired wheel, for use under engines, tenders and passenger cars : and, second, by its application to modern heavy cars, especially steel cars, and 'those designed for the heaviest mineral and coal traffic—all cases where the cast-iron'wheel was plainly not strong enough for the severe service or great' load. Even in the early stages. of the development it was apparent that wrought steel wheels could be produced at prices which would warrant their in- troduction in lieu of steel-tired wheels, and consequently a considerable number of them are now in service under pass- enger cars and the heavier locomotive tenders. The results obtained in such service indicate equal safety, with decreased investment and maintenance cost, as compared with those formerly used. 272 , CARS ' Wrought steel wheels are now used in large numbers for freight carrying cars. The length of time in such service has not been suflicient to give really- conclusive information as to the relative economy of the wrought steel and cast iron wheels, especially the cast iron wheels conforming to the recently strengthened designs, and made under improved methods of manufacture. The data available, however, indicates that in the wrought steel wheel at present prices the cast iron wheel has found a competitor, and that a further reduction in the price of the steel wheel will probably lead to its more extended use for freight car purposes. Solid steel wheels are no longer an experiment: hundreds I of thousands of them are now in use‘ under cars of all kinds, and their superior safety value, great durablity, and ultimate economy have been amply demonstrated. Their application to cars increases those cars’ carrying capacity greatly: in the case of the 100,000 to 110,000 pounds nominal carrying capacity cars, they increase the permissible load to- 120,000 pounds by using them instead of the common chilled iron wheel. As there is no doubt of the wheel having ample strength to permit obtaining the full capacity of the axles, this increase in capacity not only adds to the earnings of the cars, but assists in keeping them always provided with a full set of steel wheels, as this kind of wheel only is the standard for cars of over 100,000 pounds marked capacity. The construction of many freight-carrying cars of over 100,000 pounds capacity still further broadens the field for the use of the steel wheel, and makes necessary the further strengthening of the cast-iron wheel on the lines already indi- cated by the makers. Already there are in service many cars of 90 to 100 tons capacity—a prohibitive size for ordinary chilled wheels, and hence making the use of steel wheels under such cars obligatory. For steel wheels the records of the mileage of a number of wheels under 100,000 pounds capacity cars in freight service show that an average of about 180,000 miles per wheel has been obtained without reaching a condition requiring turning. This mileage represents from 18 to 22 years of service under the average freight car. CARS 273 Accurate information regarding the mileage of cast iron wheels under cars of 100,000 pounds capacity is, unfortunately, not available, but from records made in 1907 it was found that the average age of a number'of wheels removed from service from cars of 100,000 pounds capacity, was 'four years, corres- ponding to a mileage of from 32,000 to 40,000 per wheel. As there can be no question as to the relative strength of an equal section of wrought steel and cast iron, it would seem that for cars of 100,000 pounds capacity and over, the steel wheel must have preference from this view point. They are being used on gondola and hopper cars of 50 tons and over, for mill and mineral use; those under 50 tons still being of cast iron, as a rule. ' Experience shows that steel wheels exhibit remarkably few flange defects, the feature that is the weakest point in the cast iron wheel. Another advantage is their comparatively small weight—the Davis wheel, for instance, weighing only 600 pounds. Steel wheels are made of either cast steel or wrought (forged, rolled) steel. M. C. B. Rule 70 permits the substitu- tion of forged steel wheels for cast-steel ones, as of equal strength and present approximate cost. _ The wrought-steel wheels weigh more than the best cast-steel ones, so far, due probably to the superior strength of the metal used for the cast- steel wheel. Generally, steel wheels are sold at. so much per wheel, without regard to the price per pound. The solid cast-steel wheel is seen in Fig. 158; a solid rolled steel wheel in Fig. 159, and the solid forged freight car wheel in Fig. 160. ' The standard M. C. B. specifications governing dimensions, composition, tolerances, etc., for solid wrought steel wheels for freight and passenger car service are as follows: Process—The steel shall be made by the open-hearth process. A sufiicient discard shall be made from the top of each ingot from which the blanks are made, to insure freedom from injurious piping and undue segregation. 274 CARS Fig. 158. Davis Cast Steel Wheel: \Veight—33-inch, 600 lbs.; 36-inch, 675 lbs. Fig’. 159. Solid Rolled Steel Wheel. CARS 275 Chemical Composition—The steel shall conform to the following requirements as to chemical composition. ACID. BASIC. Carbon . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . 0.60 —0.80 0.65 -0.85 per cent Manganese . . . . . . . . . . . 0.55 —0.80 0.55 —0.80 per cent Slllcon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15 —0.35 0.10 —0.30 per cent Phosphorus. . . . . . . .not over 0.05 not over 0.05 per cent Sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . .not over 0.05 not over 0.05 per cent Fig. 160. Solid Forged and Rolled Steel Freight Car Wheel. Carnegie Steel Company. Ladle Analyses—To determine whether the material con- forms to the requirements specified in the above section, an analysis shall be made by the manufacturer from a test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt. A copy of this analysis shall be given to the purchaser or his representative. Check Analyses—A check analysis may be made by the purchaser from any one or more wheels representing each melt and this analysis shall conform to the requirements speci- fied above. A sample may be taken from any one point 276 CARS in the plate; .or two samples may be taken, in which case they shall be on radii at right angles to each other. Samples shall not be taken in such a way as to impair the usefulness of the wheel. Drillings for analysis shall be taken by boring en- tirely through the sample parallel to the axis of the wheel; they shall be clean from scale, oil, and other foreign sub stances. All drillings from any one wheel shall be thoroughly mixed together. Wheels should be furnished rough. bored and with faced hubs and have a contour of tread and‘ flange as rolled or machined according to recommended practice Sheet M. C. B. —C. They should conform to dimensions specified within the following tolerances: ‘The height of flanges'should not be more than 1/8 inch over and must not be under that specified or 1 inch. Thickness of flange shall not vary more than 133 inch over or under that specified. The radius of the throat shall not vary more than {E6— inch over or under that specified. The thickness of rim to be measured between the limit of wear groove and the top of the tread at the point where it joins the fillet at throat of flange. The average thickness of service metal of all wheels in any shipment must not be less than 1% inches measured from the limit of wear groove to top tread. The thickness of rim should in no case be less than ‘133' inches under that specified. Thev width of rim shall not be more ' than Mo, inch less nor more than 1/8 inch over that specified. The thickness of the plate of the wheel shall not-be less than 3/4 inch at the point where the plate joins the fillet at the rim and’ not less than1 inchat the point where the plate joins the fillet at the hub. Intermediate minimum thickness to be pro- portional. The limit of wear groove to be located as shown in Sheet M. C. B.——C. The diameter of rough bore shall not vary more than 3;; inch above or below that specified. When not specified the rough bore shall be 1/1, inch less in diameter than the finished bore subject to the above limitations. The hub diameter may be either 10 inches or 11 inches in diam- eter as specified with a maximum variation of 1/8 inch below. The thickness of the wall of the finished bored hub shall not vary more than 5/8 inch at any two points on the same wheel. The length of hub shall not vary more than 1%; inch over or CARS 277 WW" under that specified. The depression of the hub must be made so that the distance from the outside face of the hub to the line “AB” shall not exceed 1&2; inches for wheels used on 5%- inch axles and under and 11% inches for wheels used on 6 by 11-inch'axles. Black spots will be allowed within two inches of the face of the hub, but must not be of such depth that they will not bore out and give clear metal at finished size of bore. The eccentricity between the tread at its center line and the rough bore shall not exceed 63; inch. The maximum height of block marks must not be greater than 61; inch. All wheels shall be gauged with a ring gauge and the opening between the gauge and tread at any one point shall not exceed {3' inch. Wheel shall be gauged with a ring gauge placed concentric and perpendicular to the axis of the wheel. All points on the back of the rim equidistant from the center shall be within a varia- tion of {2; inch from the plane, of the same gauge when so placed. Wheels shall not vary more than five tapes under nor nine tapes over the size called ‘for: The tape sizes shall be marked in plain figures on each wheel. Wheels must be mated to tape sizes and shipped in pairs. Gauges and tape‘ _ used shall be M. C. B. Standard or Recommended Practice as follows: _ . Wheel circumference measure, M. C. B. Standard, Sheet C. Maximum flange thickness gauge, M. C. B. Standard, Sheet 16. e a» Minimum flange thickness gauge, M. C. B. Standard, Sheet 16. Rotundity gauge, M. C. B., Sheet C. Plane Gauge, M. C. B., Sheet C. Gauge for measuring service metal, M. C. B., Sheet C-l. The name or brand of the manufacturer, date, and serial number shall be legibly stamped on each wheel; also pur- chaser’s name and serial number, if specified. The tape‘ size shall be legibly marked on each wheel. Sheet M. C. B. C-2. The wheel shall be free from injurious defects, and shall have a workmanlike finish. Wheels shall not be offered for inspection if covered with paint, rust, or any other substance - to such an extent as to hide defects. Inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry at all times while work 278 CARS m .n'x'tflw‘w-r - .- — . . . - -v - v... _ - , ,. , _“ A a .‘ I. ‘o a.‘ . .g _ A n ' - - -. -‘ ‘.- _ w _ " , ' - .‘|_ '. . ' ' - ' > ‘ ‘ . _- , . ‘ - _. _ _ on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturers’ work which concern the manu- facture of the material ordered. The manufacturer’ shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities and necessary gauges to satisfy him that the wheels are being fur- nished in accordance with these specifications. Tests and in- spection at the place of manufacture shall be made prior to shipment, and free of cost to the purchaser. The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of material in his own laboratory or elsewhere as may be decided by the purchaser. Such tests,'however, shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. All tests and inspection shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the opera- tion of the works. Wheels that show injurious defects while being finished by the purchaser shall be rejected, and manu- facturer properly notified. Samples of rejected material must be preserved at the laboratory of the purchaser for one month ‘from date of test report. In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the test, manufacturer may make claim for a re- hearing in that time. . Standard steel wheels of the M. C. B. Ass’n. are 33, 36 and. 38 inches in diameter; wheel centers of 28, 31 and 33 inches being permitted by the Association. ' The M. C. B. Recommended Practice for'33-inch, 36-inch and 38-inch solid- steel wheels, for various sizes of standard axles, is shown in Fig. 161, Fig. 162 and Fig. 163. The M. C. B. Recommended Practice for the gauge for measuring steel wheels to restore contour is shown in Fig. 164; the M. C. B. Recommended Practice for branding of solid steel wheels, with details of the letters and figures for same are shown in Fig. 165. GAR AXLES The car axle is a shaft made of wrought iron or steel upon which a pair of wheels is mounted, both wheels being rigidly fastened to the axle, making a hydraulic press fit, as before stated. The parts of the axle are: Center of Axle: Axle‘ Collar, a rim or enlargement at the end of the axle which receives the end thrust of the journal bearing; Axle Wheel Seat or Wheel Seat or Wheel ::-n\ . |-. in. \-__-_ J‘. _l\ .v ’' eaueuq POINT GAUGING PQINT . ‘____4i - II‘; .2 -3! . 54 ~ . 8 < ,_ _ _ . ease LINE: | T I" 1% means; . I n '4 I -a I ' ,5 2'1" 25 \ 2 aa 1 a- k 9 ‘k z " a w :- Z '1 J m 2 0 ‘n’ U! o. 7,, '6 a 5 w I.‘ IO “U, g i" i -—l‘.; ’ '6 '4' ‘ ‘ -z "5 I :> Z L- 15'. n“ _ I ‘ I ‘— 0 .2 3 5 m z '0 _ _ oz 2 4i“ - .° _ Foe ‘SW59: AXLES 2 séxIo \ K . I MUST NOT BJKGEED ""I 4-H’ 32 lg BASE LINE I 33" DIA. ON LINE AB FOR 6 X II AXLE I MIISTER GAR Iamuns'nssocmnou. FOR 410(8', s'xs'; aii'x Io’. AND 6"xll"AxI.Es. , Fl:- 161. qnucqmqgépo ‘r _. - qAuqmq - m1" ‘— ‘ *“i: ‘i x - A f ’ _ a. I l “ THAN é Lg?‘ . .ggifi é a MUST NOT / I q- ‘n , g E Excsso /%‘ He 2 NOT Lass _ ' \ N01‘ LESS " ‘ " / THAN , ' ------ lb‘ogu’mk—fi to" be 'u'ol - . FOR d'xu‘ AXLE H DlA---—>I 1“, | 8 ‘x $79 \ ____ s 1 bill‘ as MASTER cm; BlllhDERS'llSSOtlllllON. RECOMMENDED PRAc'rIcE FOR as'soun STEEL WHEELS 1 FOR _ M'xai s'x egslé'x lo'mw G'XII'AXLES. L | 36183162. G‘Aue‘x'fiépo‘ T GAuGIINeI Flinn-r ' ‘5" 5 - , ‘ -4——— I, ‘- 5" a j 23- IE . § 5.. < ‘ ~ ‘7' ‘a ' < I:_ I - 8 I BASE UNEI a ll . __ iBASE UNE BAsE LINEI - J! m ‘ “ - . ' 352 {BOSE L‘NE . . A I .. _— l _u it: . D n ‘.m — .a- w .I" ’ 64- ~ '5' iST * ' T ‘4 T; 5&— - 2'1- ii? I- 2?;— 232 < A In , .. z \3/ _l \‘b I NOT Less ( % ‘I'H Iu . z 5 3 lo 2 g 0 15 o m In. MUST ~0TII~2% EK'EED NOT LESS . ' THAN NOT Less Q’ THAN ~ 7. , I l6 . “IE: / I " _ ' ' . .. 4- .. / '13“, Via—— ,3’ Q3 ' 5' .1 <5 0 .1 .5 - . ’= ': *KB- I ‘I i > I ill F0 53w AxLEs EQR e XII AXLE 0 5L Io ‘Q I ' I r I ’ MASTER GAR BUIIIIJERS ASSOCIATION. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR _38" soup sTEEI. wHEELs FOR 1 471m: s'x e‘: six Io". AND 6'x|_|.”AxLEs. Fig. 16?. IT'“'"J [ n» It!‘ __ %_ 4.- r ‘— ONE THUS 51' I 7%.. ‘ ~ ,‘—'L-;" J . _.. ' | “Ii ‘Q’ . H1‘ ""9 ' _“""“ —*— EL: - ‘Ff-‘g 1,.» e -* f ‘ I I r “l— __ s_l_ 3' E, . ‘795'. " —“\2e" . ‘F’ . IT'K 1- "f l ,5- i : 1 o "a - -> 3' 1—5 . w“ l qt; f 17h’ /I I p A . I I Y‘ L ._ ' / 1 I LT‘. . ‘f’ T LN‘ ‘ ‘1%. if __ ,/ , // I,’ \ 4 : i =1: it” I _:F__ a“ 1.. ' / I’ ' ° :‘1 - L "-.; "E - n *2,’ // ’ " ". - 12E ' i :u ‘a; 5 ~_- —: .3; / /’ I," l ' 1 . SCALE :x -._ _. J " 1- I,’ ’, ll ‘\ i " a l i l : : : :‘h 1% / ’ l I EL ' I l = = I 5 Eu. s cm: TO as ‘f’ /, I l -—r M ‘ .~ _ : scmeso o FRouT _ I g x _ - = u = " ’ ’ “m l t s ' 71"?“ ~‘ : a, ‘ i ‘5- 3 fiat“: I.’ i ..l “2 _+ , .i d A: a) ‘E E TAPER l'nl 1 'L— “l2 ‘b: t "' ">7 .' " "'1 is is 23k = .0 l ' l" z .,_.|.. _ m- ' “'l 8 3- I n _ I l A " M’ a 1— 15' ——r- .- 4 .- ‘—'~_li"lz I = '6 7" l -' ‘ l": l "2 ' J __——*‘___ ‘3" : _ 3L2" : “and A.‘- |r‘'1| ‘:5 " our. ‘mus 51' DR\\.\_ Fog .4§'|._ . '- L |*%" , ALL-D 65.R\VET 5 on: 'mus e-r. " I“ . ‘.N- ALL‘D -.~ ' ‘m i l 3- —| -- ' "n I%I_. .0] — D F 6 i‘_%- N I l‘- 1‘ on: THUS 51-. T T 9‘" I E E‘: Y '-;°—- ,_ :El" —-— -- _ — . I H L" ‘ an»; ,, I I —- *4“: one Tuus I I I gm " I I 2 ,l T .1- | I n - m “st—— -- ~ \- .. I g} I | .. kg‘ .352 — || | - a I - [f 3"‘ 'l I T . n on: THUS 7| -+ j H's‘ , I l 3.: [174 L. :-,' L i ' 2' —_’| i111; , I6 . T i i m “.2 a, : OldiLTl us 51', I u '1'" J— ‘ . '“ =12 ' g in! | _ I ) ._.. I on Y 4 I ' _J HUS I ' J as A = u ‘I spams STEEL _ l 5 Tuus A- n‘i' ' m A‘ HS 611 BUILD 'l-lSSOBlllTIU . | | nus A- E M . RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR GAUGE FOR MEASURING STEEL WHELS TO RESTORE OONTOUR. Fig. 154. - - \ l a ' DETAIL 'oF LETTER$ AND FIGURES FOR DEPTWYTTILETTER BRANDING soLIo STEEL. WHEELS MASTER OAR BIIIIIIIERS' ASSOCIATION. RECOMMEI‘lQPOEFI‘D PRACTICE _ I BRANDING OF SOLID STEEL WHEELE AND DETAILS I ' OF LETTERS AND FIGURES. BRANDING 0F SOLID STEEL WHEELS Fig. 165. CARS 27 9 Fit—the part of the axle that goes into the hub of a wheel. This last part is made truly cylindrical and very slightly larger than the axle seat of the wheel. This Axle Seat is the inside surface of the hole in a car wheel which comes in contact with the axle. The Axle Journal is that part of the axle on which the journal bearing rests. All these parts together with the Neck and the Dust Guard Bearing of the axle may be seen in Fig. 116. ‘Steel has almost entirely superseded wrought iron as a material ‘for making forged car axles of all kinds, and iron axles are no longer being purchased in any quantity. Even using the stronger grades of steel, axle prices are steadily becoming cheaper, and the demand for greater safety, added to the difficulty of securing in quantity the required high grade of wrought iron, is gradually rel- egating the iron axle to the background. Some roads having facilities for making their own axles, and also enough high grade scrap iron, still make their own iron- axles, generally using the dimensions of the standard M. C. B. iron axle, which hitherto have: proved ample for keeping the maximum fibre, stresses within safe limits, where good hammered iron is used. In the selection of steel for axles, care has to be taken as to its chemical and physical properties, as with iron axles, and its method of manufacture also has much to do with its successful use. The resultant axle should have: A high elastic limit: freedom from internal stresses: and, above all, it should be uniform in structure and strength. These requirements apply to both iron and steel axles. Initial ductility in an axle such as a wrought- iron one, does not insure the retention of this property under severe and prolonged conditions. A soft iron axle is easily ruptured by repeated alternate loads of low magnitude which would cause no deteriorationv in a high grade steel axle. This, plus ultimate economy, plus modern greater-safety demands, is consigning the iron axle to the oblivion of disuse. Axles are sold at a base price per pound, plus certain extras for size, workmanship, and special quality. All axles are lathe cut to exact length and centered with sixty degree centers. They may be furnished either smooth forged all over; rough turned on journals and wheel-seats,‘ or rough turned all over, according to the requirements of the ‘specifications of the buyer. \ 280 CARS 'any clearly defined open seams. ~ where they are made. drop test for iron axles of its class. I The Master Car Builders’ Association has adopted five standard axles, and these are now in. general use by the railroads. The dimensions of these axles (which are known by their letters as Axle A,‘ Axle B, etc.) and the standard dust-guards are shown in Fig. 166. . The specifications for standard M. C. B. iron axles are as follows: 1. All axles must conform in shape to the dimensions shown in the blue prints which will be furnished by the R. B- Company. 2. All axles must be. cut off and faced to exact lengths and to be centered with 60 degree centers in the manner indicated in blue prints, so as to prevent lathe centers from bottoming. Axles must be made of double-work fagoted scrap, 16 per cent of new bar iron worked into the center of the axles being allowed if desired. Axles must be well hammered and free from They must finish in the lathe with journal free from flaws in the shape of holes, pieces shelled out, or open seams large enough, so that with a knife blade scale or dirt can be removed from such seams or open seams showing a clear opening of one thirty—second inch or over, and being more than 1 inch long. The maker ’s name or initials must be stamped plainly on each axle. ' 3. All axles are to be inspected and tested at the works The shall be notified when they are ready for inspection. Under no circumstances shall car axles be shipped from the works where they are made‘ until they have been tested, inspected and accepted by a proper representative of the company. 4. For each one hundred axles or fraction thereof ordered, one additional axle must be furnished for test. This axle will be selected at random from the pile, and subjected to the prescribed If it stands the test the one hundred axles or fractional part thereof that it represents, will be inspected, and only those accepted that are made in a workmanlike manner and are free from defects mentioned in these specifications. All axles received are subject to rejection if they do not finish in the lathe in accordance with the require- \\ ._ FRET‘- CENTER TO CENTER OF JOURNAL. 6‘-6" P i " 1“ a- 5" 7;— —- \ v —* \ "I _. AXLE E DESIGNED TO CARRY : ' I I II "A? 50. S. ‘as!’ ' -~ ,,,~ TI-IIs Poanou TO EE A srEAIsI-IT ‘PIPER _g; f , , I: THE MATERIAL roe ‘nus AXLE Is'ro BE IN AccoRDNoE wrrIH - 6 v; ‘m SPECIFICATIONS OF THE M135 ASSOCIATION. OFTHE‘I'WO PDETI N5 , 'MARKED'A'WHICHARETOBE LEFT UNFINISHED, ONE or THESE M 5T - I as srmsro wmI-rIIE HEAT DR sLow NUMBER AND THE OTHER .34., - I . sTAMPED wrm THE NAME oI= THE MANUFACTURER, , - , _ g r u) . if ‘ .3“ r“ u T 'Hz—E—E————————3-6i— -~--_ . I! = T-ci QvERA1;I=—— ——— ' ~ " I AXLE D DESIGNED TO cADDY ' I 58.000 LBS. T10 M II’) I I I THE PODTION mBEAsTDAIGHTTADED-—-— I EENTDE TO CENTRE OF JOUQNF— -_ . ‘..k. I ‘J? Y I ‘*P 1—._..' : $4851: _- —— - L— ——‘— —-— '—_-_—_ FQOM CENTPE TO CENTIPE G'JOLDNALS —— 4 -——— — ~-—-——- - ——--———- TOTAL LENGTH OVEDALL———~ —————— - _— I—-—- - _ - _ FQOM TOTAL LENGTH CNEDALL —-—7 4-2 ——- ——- _- -_ — 9" °" -—7?——,'" I2’ 33' ' I. . ‘ '\1 L Iéflé . a, . I “W , I’ _ / I I I f’ l . I AXLE. C DESIGNED TO CAPPY I c ..L. .I,___ __--w_ _AQQQJEBS. ____ __ MID“: “7 | ‘I, TI-ns poDTIoN To BE A STRAIGHT TADED _-1 ‘II’ I “ll : I LI Fig. 166. ~ HTTP—7?; - t3" r—zp; Ev-PI—J "Eh-I? _ I l l AXLE B DESIGNED TO CADPY i i 3 -..¢ as :iv _ _ 22.090 LBS; ____ _ _ m m {IT “P THIs DoDTIoN TO BE A STDAIGHT TADED ‘I‘ ‘If 7 L_I_ I \JQ ~ - I I -—*-—-— -—- —FDoM CEN'I'DE TO CENTDE oFJousN/us- -: ',.—_ ’ ,1 i . _ _ _ _ _ _ mam-m mm --- -_ -- .___ MASTER GAR BUILDERS ASSOCIATION. '-— 1' Z" 7"‘ “'M'" . -__l_ STANDARD AXLES. STANDARD DusT GuARDs. . t Z '6 ‘6W’: "5 '2 STANDARD IIIANNER or TAKING BORINGS FOR ' . AXLE A DEeIGNED TO CAI-aw I I QMTOEIESIHQXIJES A w, ‘m: ,1, -...o ‘I, ll? _ _ I5.000 LBS. LIL, q _ I _ 1 II- ‘I’ ' v ‘II “.I' I I nus DoDTIoN TO BEA STDAIGHT TADED -—~ ‘I!’ ‘Y = J‘ I ' I - I ' 1.. 1 4- ' ' ./ I ‘_L__’_. ._—____ __ -_l .—_'__I'_ _ R. I- T I ' ” __—__55D—CETTDFTDENTQEBTJWE—lg* T ‘ a ' __ ___. _ ____.—'____ ______, __ - ___:__ 4: -—"___ ___ cine-Famo- "-1"- I—————-————- - —-——-—— “TOTAL LENGTH OVED ALL 8. — SKfimv-wmm I E‘ongq'i'cfixus ,___ CARS 281 ments herein given. The manufacturer must furnish, free of charge, the axles that are to be tested, the testing apparatus, and the assistance necessary to enable the inspector to make a satisfactory inspection and test. Axles will not be accepted if the diameters fall below the dimensions for forged sizes given in the blue prints, or if exceeding those dimensions by more than 17$ inch. Car axles in the rough must not have less than the prescribed minimum ' weight, nor more than the prescribed maximum weight for axles of their class. AXLE DROP TEST. 5. All axles will be tested physically by drop test. The testing machine must conform in all essential parts to the drawings adopted by the Master Car Builders’ Association. These essential parts are: The points of supports on which the axle rests during test must be three (3) feet apart from center to center; the tup must weigh 1,640 pounds; the anvil which is supported on springs, must weigh 17,500 pounds; it must be free to move in a vertical direction; the springs upon which it rests must be twelve in number, of the kind described on drawing, and the radius of the supports and of the striking face on the tup in the direction of the axis of the axle must be five (5) inches. When an axle is tested it must be so placed in the machine that the tup will strike it midway between the ends, and it must be turned over after the first and third blows, and when required after the fifth blow. After the first blow the deflection of the axle under test' will be measured in the manner specified below. 6. It is desired that the axles when tested as specified above shall stand the number of blows at the heights specified in the following table without rupture, and without exceeding, as the result of the first blow, the deflections given. \ Height of Axle. No. Blows. Drop Deflection M. O. B., 4%, by 8 inch journals. . . . 5 21% ft. 7% in. M. C. B., 5 by 9 inch journals. . . . . 5 29 ft. 61’; m. M. C. ., 5% by 10 inch :iournals.. 5 36 ft. 55in. 282 CARS 7. Axles will be considered as having failed on drop test and will be rejected if they rupture or fracture in any way, or if the deflection resulting from the first blow exceeds the following: M. C. B. axle, 4%, by 8 inch journals . . . . . . . .8% inches. M. C. B. axle, 5 by 9 inch journals . . . . . . . H81’; inches. M. C. B. axle, 5% by 10 inch journals . . . . "611;; inches. In order to measure the deflection, prepare a straightedge as long as the axle by reinforcing it on one side, equally at each end, so that when it is laid on the axles the reinforced parts will rest on- the collars of the axle, and the balance of the straightedge not touch the axle at any place. Next place the axle in position for test, lay the straightedge on it, and measure the distance from the straightedge to the axle at the middle point of the latter. Then, after the first blow, place the straightedge on the now bent axle in the ‘same manner as before, and measure the distance from it to that side of the axle next to the straightedge at the point faigthest away from the latter. The difierence of the two ‘ measurements is the deflection. _ The following are the M. C. B. Standard specifications for steel axles for passenger and freight equipment cars: ' 1. Process—The steel shall be made by the open-hearth process. 2. Chemical Composition—The steel shall conform to the following requirements as to chemical composition: Carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.38 —— 0.52 per cent. Manganese . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.40 --~ 0.60 ‘ ‘ - Phosphorus, not over. . . . . 0.05 ‘ ‘ \ Sulphur, not over . . . . . . .. 0.05 “ Analysis—An analysis shall be made by the manufacturer from a test ingot taken during the vpouring of each melt, to deter- mine the percentage of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulphur and silicon. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not less than 14 in. beneath the surface of the test ingot. A copy of this analysis shall be given the purchaser or his representative. This analysis shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 2. A check analysis shall be ‘made from the finished material representing each melt, by the purchaser or his representative, and shall meet the requirements specified in Section 2. CARS 283 Drop Tests—The axles shall conform to the following drop- test requirements: (a) The test axle shall be so placed on the sup- ports that the tap will strike it midway between the ends. It shall be turned over after the first and third blows, and when required after the fifth blow. When tested in accordance with the following conditions, the axle shall stand the specified number of blows without fracture, and the deflection after the first blow shall not exceed that specified in Table No. 1. _ Weight of Tup, lb. Size (Iwf Axle, Dis— n. Capac- ‘life 1640 2200 fiig ‘:8 W... . 0 am up‘ Height Num- Max. Height Num- Max. J 81 Dla'm- Lb- Ports, of her Deflec- of her * Deflec- om'n ‘ C at Ft’ Drop of tion, Drop, of tion, enter Ft. Blows In. Ft Blows In. 43458 4% 60000 a ‘s4 5 7% 5 89 5% 80000 3 43 5 6y 534110 5% 100000 3 4s 7 452 0 111 67,118 3 . . . . . 40 7 5% (b) The deflection is the diiference between the distance from a straightedge to the middle point of the axle, measured before the first blow and the distance measured in the same manner after the blow. The straightedge shall rest only on the collars or the ends of the axle. Drop Test Machine—The anvil of the drop-test machine shall be supported on 12 springs, as shown on the M. C.\B. drawings, and shall be free to move in a vertical direction, and shall weigh 17,500 lbs. The radii of the striking face of the tup and of the supports shall be 5 inches. Number of Tests—(a) One drop test shall be made from each melt. ‘Unless otherwise specified, not less than 30 axles shall be ofi’ered from any one melt. (b) If the test axle passes the physical tests, the inspector shall draw a straight line 10 in. long parallel with the axis of the axle, and starting with one end of it he shall prick-punch this line at several points. A piece 6 inches long shall be cut oif from this same axle so as to leave some prick- punch- marks on each piece of axle. Drillings for chemical analysis shall be taken by using a %-inch drill and drilling in the cut-off 284 CARS end 50 per cent of the distance from the center to the circumfer- ence and parallel with the axis of the axle. . Workmanship—All axles shall be made and finished in a workmanlike manner and all journals and wheel seats shall be roughturned. In centering, unless otherwise specified, 60-degree centers shall be used with large diameter of countersink not less than "/8 inch and with clearance drilled 1/2 inch deep. The axles shall be free from injurious defects and shall have a workmanlike finish. _ Permissible Variation—The axle shall conform in size and shape to the standard M. C. B. drawings (see Fig. 166). Length shall not be 'less than shown and not more than 332 inch over. Marking—The manufacturer ’s name or brand, melt number and month and year when made shall be legibly stamped on each axle on the unfinished ‘portion, unless otherwise specified. Storing—If, as a result of the inspection and tests, more axles are accepted than the order calls for, such accepted axles in excess shall be stamped by the inspector with his own name, and will then be piled and allowed to remain in stock at the works, subject to further orders from the purchasing agent. On,,receipt ~of further orders, axles once accepted will not be subjected to further test. In all cases the inspector will keep an accurate record of the melt numbers and the number of axles in each melt, which are stored and will transmit this information with each report. Inspection—(a) The inspector shall examine each axle in each melt for workmanship, defects, and to see whether the axles conform to the dimensions given on the order or tracing, or whether they conform to the specifications. All axles not satis- factory in these respects shall not be considered further. If in this inspection defects are found which the manufacturer can remedy while the inspector is at the works, he may be allowed to correct such defects. (b) The inspector representing the pur- chaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufac- turer’s works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manufacturer shall afiord the inspector, free of'cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. (c) The-pur- . Fig. its,‘ J MASTER GAR BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR ' AiLE' 'rEsr, T b, _L ——vl '~—--—— --ai;_- .-__ _4 MASTER 611R BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. l}: 75-—-—--—-\— STANDARD BEARING, wens: a. go. FOR JOURNAL 3%"x7'! g!l.l _ NOTE ‘ u _ . slam»; #5055 afmtu‘ut ..M. an "an un M ..n- m. I "'" n .CIICIBLED'ETIIOD ‘ 2')! II‘ @6113; our m: ems-mi alums/ms or In: my men/rm mrnmsmumn or m: mus: MM; ‘a: srmuno. " DIE U0‘)! 5! uf'mvy mfg/mu ,qflp wjfiy “Wu W55; 1 MET 0!? MI)’ MAYBE USED INSTEAD 0N1 601707 INHINGE Fill If Pfitfffififl). Fig. 169- ' any CARS 285 O ' chaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of the material in his own laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests, however, shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. (d) All tests and inspection shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the v.‘ rks. Rejection—Material which, subsequ-.itly to above tests at the mills or elsewhere, and its acceptance, develops any imper- fections, shall be rejected and shall be replaced by the manu- facturer at his own expense. Rehearing—Samples tested in accordance with this specifica- tion, which represent rejected material, shall be preserved for 14 days from date of test report. In case of dissatisfaction with results of the tests, the manufacturer may make claim for- a rehearing within that time. The M. C. B. Recommended Practice for the Axle Test is shown in Fig. 168. ' - M. .C. B. Rule 86 gives a full table showing the prescribed limits for axles. 1. For cars marked with “capacity,” of from 30,000 to 140,000 pounds capacity. 2. For cars marked “max- imum weight,’ ’ of from 58,000 to 210,000 pounds maximum weight. 3. Tank-Cars marked “Limit Weight I”—58,000 to 210,000 pounds. 4. Tank-Cars marked “Limit Weight II”—58,000 to 210,000 pounds. These are important and should be studied, as they are oflicial standards. ‘ The M. C. B. method of taking borings for axles is given in Fig. 166. CHAPTER VIII. TRUCK DETAILS. The Journal is that part of the axle on which the J ournal. ‘Bearing rests: see Figure 116 (Plate III). The Journal Box is a metal box inclosing the Journal of the axle, the Journal Bear- ing, and the Key or Wedge, besides holding the Packing, oiled to‘ lubricate the axle. The Journal Box Lid covers an opening ' in the end of the journal box, by means of which oil and packing are supplied, and journal bearings are inserted or removed. These ' covers or lids are made of cast iron, malleable iron, pressed steel, and sometimes of wood. They are usually closed by a flat Spring designed to hold the lid in place. The key or wedge we have before described. As to the journal bearing, a standard shape has been adopted " by the M. C. B., but the composition of the metal composing it has not yet been specified. The lead-lined bearing is one covered with a thin sheet of lead over the brass or other base, to make it self-fitting on the journal.‘ This bearing, often called the Journal Brasses, is often made of Babbitt metal in some of its many combinations of sundry metals. Babbitt metal is generally com- posed of nine parts of tin and one of copper: other varieties being—Copper one, tin ten, with one of antimony: copper one, tin 50, antimony ‘five parts: etc. The term is usually applied to any white alloy, as distinguished from the box metals or Brasses, in which copper predominates. A committee of the M. C. B. Association lately proposed the following specifications for journal box brasses: Composition of shell—10 to 30 per cent of lead; tin, not over 7 per cent; copper, for the remaining per cent. Composition of Lining—Lead, tin, optional per cent; antimony, not over 14 per cent. Great variation as to these exists in practice‘ amongst the railroads, and hence the Association did not accept these chemical formulas. They would seem, however, to fit the purpose for which thus recommended. 286 . a w?‘ *vu— -—- .f-_-; [A —- -5%”_- -—§%—— --»| _ _wwmmnéiffl' s U i—‘——"8'—__'“"| . g; . i' Y4. = L- L‘_ .L'_l ' ', Q.__ _ P» _l 91“ _Z/k-____, 6’J/h'0r 11 ALL R/VET 0R NUT MAY BE USED INSTEAD (IF/7 CUTTER \~~ ~\__ ‘ s ~ s s s s s 6 ' .3’cnvmr -ro L‘E/Vrn: ( ANYSU/MBLEM/STGI/MFDMIVEE USED. 1 SECTION OF 80X MAY 5! MADE [III/£7? C/IPC'l/lfll? 0)? 50””?! 8620"’ Tiff Q7175? ll/Vfi filmy/050 All THE EMA/77111 0/1MEM5/0M5 £195 flollfli’ffl 7'0.- . MASTER CAR BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. STANDARD JOURNAL BOX 8. CDNTAINED PARTS. FOR JOURNAL 3%.”.x7" FOR FREIGHT cans ~\ _ s////////,,,. \ é/l/q/y/ F0” JOURNAL Box .M....__.______,..,s£z snzer 2 l4 I'M BUR/NE Wfoozauo “.55: 511551 3 —ze'—-,-- —— —-5%‘-- -_ -— ---5§;'—~ -_ L— — _. ___.__/0"_ ___(_.___ SECTION OF 80X MAY BE MIME f/Tb’E/P CIRCZ/Z/Il? 01? 5671/41?! BELOW 7'”! CENTER Z/IVI. PA’UV/HED All THE ES‘SEIVUJZ DIMEMSIONJ' ARE ADHE/PFD 7'0. WHEN JOURNAL 80X IS MADE w' maze-4.91: IRE/K 1950116770” l/V THICK/WES 0F METAL l/VD COR/N6‘ 7'0 LIE/I76” WEIGHT Id‘ PEPM/J-S/filf, PROV/if” All 77/5 [J-SF/V 77/11 U/ME/YJ/O/VJ WHICH AFFECT l/VTf/FCfi/fl/VG'EAB/L/T Y All/0 7716 PROPER F/TTI/VE 0F (‘ONYX/"£0 B48775. fl/PE Hal/[RED 7'0. _ MASTER CAR BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. WIDTH 0F BOA OVER ALL . HERE L! ITS SHOULD ‘.mcs W 1:91. msrem or 7 moses. .1: snow" n RE ., / sea was me. " PROCEEDINGS liq, STANDARD JOURNAL BOX. FOR JOURNAL 3%"x7'f FOR FREIGHT CARS. "I 1| é FOR GENE/ML AHRANGEMENT _..-..-.....s[£ sun-r, / ///\- / ///,/ ra/r BEARING.WEUGE&LID. ............ “$5.5 s/lszr. 3 N OTE 1; m5 urn/00 arm/arms 0055 N07 PERM/T or mews ms LETTERS M.C.B.-0N 111.»: SIDE arms ‘Jul/MAL BOX, THEY MAY BE PLACL'D or m: rap, I BETWEEN THE runs: was me n/rcumsznr \ Fig. 171. CARS 287 Malleable iron or steel-backed journal-bearings cannot be used in repairing foreign ears, according to M. B. C. rules. The same authority forbids, in cars built after October 1, 1915, the use of journal-bearings other than M. C. B. standard, for cars used in interchange service. Bearings are solid or filled; either made of one metal (simple or compound), or are made of one metal and faced with another softer one, such as lead, by which the bearing more quickly and smoothly fits the axle. Fig. 187. Buffalo Journal Box. Pratt Letchworth Company. The M. C. B. standard journal boxes with their contained parts —together with wedge gauges—for journals of all sizes up to the 6 by 11 inch one, are given in Figs. 169 to 182, inclusive; the 6 by 11 inch one being shown in Figs. 183 to 186, inclusive. Heretofore, journal boxes have largely been made of cast-iron, but under the new heavy capacity cars they frequently have their sides knocked out by heavy shocks. In any journal box, the pres- sure of the springs on its flat side should hold the lid tightly closed, thus preventing dust and grit from entering, with no clat- tering or lifting from vibration, and no wear on the bolt or lug. 288 CARS The lid must be self-closing, easily opened for inspection, and face and binge must be M. C. B. standards. Coil springs are now used, besides the ordinary flat spring, to close the lid; and, in some cases like ‘the Buffalo box, the two types of springs are combined, as witness Fig. 187. This is a malleable iron box, that is of both the self-closing and locked-tight types. The M. C. B. Association has adopted standards for Journal- Box Bolts; for which see Fig. 188. These bolts are on either side of the journal box which they secure between the‘ arch bars and the Pedestal Tie Bar. The Pedestal Tie Bar is a bar extending across the mouth of a Pedestal Jaw underneath a journal box, and is bolted to the jaws of the pedestal. Column Bolts are bolts pass- ing through arch bars and holding both the truck frame together and the, Truck Column (or “Bolster Guide Bar”) in place. The Truck Bolster Guide Block is a cast-iron shoe for the end of a truck bolster, which slides vertically between the Columns or Bolster Guide Bars. The Dust-Guard is a thin piece of wood, leather, felt, asbestos, or other material inserted‘ in the dust-guard chamber at the back ' of a journal box and fitting closely around the Dust-Guard Bear- ing of the Axle. Its function is to exclude dust and grit, and prevent the escape of oil and packing/from said box. The part of a journal box most likely to give trouble is the hinge pin, as it is on constant duty; and while this duty is light, the fact that it is unremitting will develop defects, if any exist. The results of such defects are box lids missing, inoperative, or, by reason of wear of bolt, inefi‘ective. - The standard M. C. B. arch bars, column bolts and journal-box bolts for cars of 80,000 and 100,000 pounds capacity are shown in vFig. 188. The standard M. C'. B. pedestal for journals 3% by 7 inches is seen in Fig. 191 ; and the standard M. C. B. passen- ger car pedestals for journals 4% by 8 inches and 5 by 9 inches are shown in Fig. 192. The arch bar truck for freight cars was for many years prac- . tically standard. Numerous designs intended to replace it were developed from time to time, but the archv bar type retained its position as a favorite, and has given excellent service under both freight cars and locomotive tenders. With the increase in the weight and capacity of freight cars, however, the problems of ~b_-- --——- -—6h-— —_ -—'}1—— --—\| i H____ _ / I . | , L -::::::. 7//////////'//// _ i] "" " _ \\\ \‘ / All i f F i l i l _ ___.I I ‘. \ \ H .3 ' w '''' " \~\\ \Yr ' l I ._§\\~ ‘ , I‘ . \ it ‘e - 1.32.1..- __ __., min___g e I ., I . _. 5g... ..~ .. _.__., , )l 8' .214 0_r41u¢__ _____ _ ' _-. l I" \ ~ . ‘. I 1|’: \ \~ ‘a - I ll ‘ _ e I a i :[1 ‘~.\ ‘~~.__ I l | \ I -I' ~_._‘ I §. . ul ,1 s I I III 1 ' I l r l I 3 .~ 5 ‘In 2‘- a‘|:’| I I i :-'_~|._ ____________ "r L ' \ ' '//////////;/////. . ,_¢,___ _— .._ -mm zux'uTnc— __._ _ L --—5e-l .71 i ' \Q 'IIWSl/ITMEMIMMVEl/Jlfl I m a‘ aox my a: m: 070:0 aka/m m sow: man in‘ mm? 1014:; mm 412 ms Essa/rm mm; M: 000mm r0. MASTER 011R vrunners’ ASSOCIATION. STANDARD JOURNAL BOX & CONTAINED PARTS. FOR JOURNAL 4%“xs? ‘I ' %%eh j;%€2 f \\ | r-F-q . I g a" . . FF”— “1 5 _ - '1 1r Q l I I f || I ‘ I / i I ' l '/ l ; W? J, I a l/ a - T 2 i .52 - l. ,. . | . I! 11 3i l i I. 1i is 1s 1 Fl 1' a-[é' zlh F ._:L--_. ..e ' is - - | _/ | P— —— -—--—- —!-——— s v ! _____ 8%.; >___ ___.-. ---—- r l- .. _ ~..__._.__ __ , s V 1 - NOTE 3 ' -> 1 1! m5 armor of Mam/Iva pars Ivor Pzkmr 6f “"' ‘— 5y‘— “'4 Pucmo THE LE rrms M c B 0” mg $10: or m: ‘Ml/[Mill BOX. THE! Ill/"BE PLACED 0” "It 70!’ sznrzm m: mus: ‘us & mt 411m BM sow! Fig. 173. 5567/0” 0F 80X MAY B! MADE [If/(£7? (106014’? GI? Sol/AR!‘ 8510"! 71/! (ll/Til? UNI. mar/0:0 m 7n: ssszlvmz amino/am; ARE‘ Ami/[kin ra._ r/nE/vvau 1m sax I; ma: air/mu new new. 195006770” l/v vac/misc ar METAL . AND COR/N6 70 06/17:” WEIGHT 1;! PfR/iI/JJ/Blf. Prov/0:0 All 71/! [JJf/VT/M U/MEMSIOMS rm/CH AFFECT INTERCHfi/VGFAB/L/TY All/0 rn: two/w? r/r TING or {Mm/Hid puns. A’?! ‘Aw/min r0. _ MASTER (311R BUILDERS'HSSOGIHTION. STANDARD JOURNAL Box, FOR JOURNAL 4'/4"xe". ,_ _-_._.__ ._7,r___ __..' Iléqi \\ ¢ \ / /% a | lull *— ’_.fn-_ __,__, a . 752-. ._ -_.. -0» l li——--—_'———‘- ——-8k'— —- -— w» * —- - 3 =29 . > MASTER GAR BUIBDERS'HSSOGIHTION. STANDARD BEARING. wave: a 1.10. FOR JOURNAL 4Wxe'2 My 77/: BENERIL DINAWSIGNS-Uf THE LID mifflffl an: rvllln'lln nu! IW'PL‘ METHOD MUD 73W 1mm FMPIFLY ON THE WNMHD 80X div-[75 0F f/(E DISISNITED 5567/0” Z'Xb' \ IRIYETM NUT'MJYBE mm 11157540 0F‘ GOTIEI? [NH/"GE PIN IF PUEFCPREO. l 1,. ii - r- -'*'- 1 . a, _— 3 -—'_7.— _I l = ‘ ‘l’ I E , ‘I’, s. ' i I i ' _ =~s. ' 1.. .i- _ I :4" \ I ME in | / h;- I. ' / / \ . in . my‘ ‘1) .---_;£_- -___. _ .1 i1 ’ K‘ / "fl. / ./ .:= z. ._._.2__.... .. . 45° ._.. | *~_-_ ~-_.-_-__. _._.._ ._-—_._._- 2g‘ 1 ..i sm/M a‘ sax AMY 5! m0: £1705? cma/uk ‘an sou/1.95‘ mow {mi/NI. moms: All m- ssaavmz mums/ms m: Mill/FED r . ‘ mx A!‘ MA‘ 0' M15481! 090V, REM/CHM M! THICKIVt-ai or If”: .wo cam/vs ro Hal/rm was/17 Id‘ PIP/10661815. Mar/0:0 All Mt wsnvr/u 011M! WHICH JFFEL'T l/YTt'IPC/lfl/VGEMAIJTY MW Till‘ Wm M'TTIIVE 0F :0 0. IF m:- mrn/oo Woman/M; 00:: mar Pt/PM/T or PMCI/VG 1w: 15mm; in. c. s. an rue‘ SIGFOI' 7w: Jed/Mn: 8013M” my 8: Frau-0 av 77/! 701-.‘ arr/rt: THE HINGE’ £05 M0 THE JRCH BAR 85107‘. MASTER cm; Bummsns'nssocmnou. srANoARo JOURNAL Box. FOR JoURNAL s‘x 9'.‘ Fig- 175. cares 289 maintaining these trucks have increased enormously; not the least of these is the cracking of the arch bars, and the construction of. this type of truck makes repairs in a case of this kind slow and expensive. Broken column bolts are another source of annoyance and expense, and the difficulty of keeping the various bolts supplied with nuts is well illustrated by the fact that recently on the west- ern district of the New York Central a ton 'of nuts was used for this purpose in one day. In view of these conditions, and the proportion which car maintenance repair bills have assumed, the general adoption of a type of truck which will give better service under heavy equipment than the arch bar type would seem worthy of the most careful consideration. There are several satisfactory designs of the cast-steel frame truck now in use, and it is probable that it is in this direction the railroads will have to turn to find relief. This type should have proper nuts or bolts, and a Spring ‘Cotter or a spring key put into every bolt, to keep the nut in place, thus preventing the arch bar from spreading when the nuts fall oif. In fact, all truck nuts should fasten with double nuts, spring cotters, or some nut-lock, for undoubtedly many accidents occur from loss of truck nuts en route. The M. C. B. rule, as above quoted, pre- scribes an alternative to using double nuts, and should be strictly obeyed. A Lock-Nut is the outer one of a pair of nuts on one bolt which by screwing up separately to a tight bearing, locks the inner nut. A large‘ number of special forms of Lock-Nuts and Nut- Locks, which serve the same purpose, are in use today, many of them simple, effective and inexpensive. Gold punched nuts, castel- lated nuts, three-thread nut-locks and positive nut-locks and bolt fasteners that prevent bolts from turning anda backing out, are now in service. The best of these are not spring or jam nuts, but lock-nuts—a nut that locks itself upon the thread of a bolt, and which no amount of vibration can loosen. The presént consensus of opinion is that the old .type of Dia- mond Arch Bars should be abandoned, because it causes so many wrecks and so much trouble, as to be quite prohibitive. Many thousands of them are defective structurally, especially because of light arch bars and of arch bar bolts not properly fastened. Of course when this type of side-frames for trucks is used in pressed steel or cast-steel forms, many of the present objections are over- i 290 ' _ 0412s ' ’ ' come; and there are many of the cast-steel ones doing excellently today. But, here as with the original shape composed of a number of parts held together only by bolts, great care must be taken to - see that if nuts are used, they are properly secured by one of the above-mentioned suitable devices. As to other truck side-frames, we give here the standard M. C. B. specifications for cast-steel truck side-framesz— 1. When the manufacturer is ready to make a shipment of material he shall notify the purchaser of that fact and await the arrival of the purchaser ’s inspector, to whom he shall furnish free any assistance and labor needed to make satisfactory inspection test and prompt shipment. 2. Manufacturer shall protect vall castings, so that they do not become covered with rust. 3. Clean- ing—At his option the inspector may require that any or all cast- ings .be subjected to sand blast in order to make an examination of the surface for checks or cracks. 4. Painting—They shall not be painted before being inspected unless otherwise specified. 5. - Process—Castings furnished under these specifications shall be made by the open-hearth process in accordance with the best foundry methods. 6. Chemical Composition—The steel shall con-k form to the following requirements as to chemical composition: Carbon . . . . . .not below 0.20 or above 0.30 per cent Manganese . . . . . . . . . . . . . .not above 0.70 per cent Phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .not above 0.05 per cent ' Sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .not above 0.05 per cent '7. Ladle Analysis—To determine whether the material con- forms to the requirements specified in. Section 6 an analysis shall be made by the 'manufacturer, from test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not ' less than 54 inch beneath the surfacer of the test ingot. A copy of this analysis shall be given the purchaser. 8. _ Cheek Analysis ——A check analysis may be made by the purchaser from a test cou- - pon, representing each melt, and this analysis shall conform to_ the requirements of Section 6. - 9. Sampling for Chemical Analysis—From the coupon de- scribed in Section 12 (a), which has satisfactorily passed the physical requirements, borings shall be taken for chemical analysis. I CARS __ 291 10. Physical Properties—The physical properties of steel shall be as follows: (a) Ultimate tensile strength, pounds per square inch, not under 60,000. (b) Yield point (by “drop of beam”), not under 50 per cent of ultimate tensile strength. (c) Elonga- tion in 2 inches per cent not less than 1,400,000’ divided by the ultimate tensile strength. ' 11. Annealing—Test coupons shall be annealed with the cast- ings before they are detached. To determine the quality of an- nealing, the inspector will have one of the test coupons mentioned in Section 12 (b) cut half way through and broken off from the casting for examination of the fracture. If, in his opinion, the annealing has not been properly done, he may require the casting to be reannealed, using the second test coupon for examination in this case. If after annealing or reannealing any casting is so much out of gauge as to require heating in order to bring it within the gauge it shall again be reannealed before it may be accepted. 12. Sampling—For the purpose of determining whether the physical and chemical requirements are complied with, the in- spector shall select at random one casting from each melt. From this casting the two physical and chemical test coupons shall be removed by the inspector; one of them shall be subjected ‘to physical test, but if the coupon casting proves unsound the other coupon shall be used in its stead for this purpose. ‘ (a) Physical Test Coupons—The manufacturer shall have cast on each truck side two test coupons having a cross section of 1% by 1% inches and 6 inches long. These coupons are to be used for physical and chemical tests and their location upon the casting shall be specified by the purchaser. (b) Annealing Coupon—There shall be two additional coupons of a cross section not less than the average cross-section of the casting. These coupons are to be used to determine the character of the annealing as specified in Section 11. i 13. Variation in Weights—Truck sides shall not vary more than 3 per cent above or 2 per cent below what has been determined as the normal weight of the casting except that in-case the casting has met all requirements save that of overweight, it may be accepted at the maximum allowable weight here specified. For the purpose of this requirement the normal weight shall be previously agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 292 ’ CARS 14. Workmnship—They shall conform to the dimensions shown on the drawings and shall be free frogn rust, scale, blowholes and shrinkage cracks. 15. Marking—Each casting shall have the‘following markings cast upon it in raised letters and figures: (a) Initials of Rail- road Company. (b) Month and year when cast, thus,'6-12. (c) Manufacturers’ serial ‘number and trade mark (or other designa- tion). (d) M. C. B. S. I ' 16. Rejection—In case the test pieces do not meet the specifi- cations, all castings from the entire ,melt shall be rejected. All castings which fail to meet the requirements of the proof test shall be rejected. - 17. Removal of S.——From each casting rejected by inspector under these specifications, he‘ shall cause to be chipped the “ S” of the letters M. C. B. S. which are specified in Section 15 (d). ' The M. C. B. Recommended Practice for Truck Sides of Cast Steel with the Limiting Dimensions for 80,000, 100,000 and 140,- 000 pounds capacity cars are shown in Fig. 18.9 and the Ganges for same in Fig. 190. ' The advantage is obvious of thus providing safe truck sides interchangeable for the given capacity of cars ; besides its tendency to eliminate those of weaker design. Also, it should produce the ' highly desirable result of stopping the creation of countless widely varying truck sides such as has hitherto prevailed; few of them being interchangeable with each other, thus compelling costly de- lays in sending for new ones in case they were seriously damaged. I Side frames in common use today are shown in Figs. 193 to 197, inclusive. The Buckeye Channel Section Truck Frame, Fig. 198, has the same weight and vertical strength of the ordinary “T” Section Frame, but its makers claim that its side flanges make it 100 per cent stronger transversely. The Buckeye Pedestal Truck Frame has the same advantages as the last named, but has also the added advantages of eliminating the journal box bolts and tie bars, with no load on the safety bolt, as seen in Fig. 199; the wheels being changed with a minimum of labor, it is said. Journal Springs are springs supporting the weight of the car, which are placed directly over the journal,'and which usually rest on the journal box under the truck frame. A Pedestal Spring is one that rests on a journal box between the jaws of a pedestal. CARS 293 Fig. 193. Cast-Steel Truck Side Frames. Fig. 194. Andrews Cast-Steel Freight Car Truck Side Frame for Use With- out Tie Bars. Fig. 195. Andrews Cast-Steel Freight Car Truck Side Frame for Use with Short Tie Bars. 294 ' CARS Both of these are, like the generality of freight car truck springs, helical springs of various kinds. Elliptical springs are used almost exclusively for the bolster springs of passenger cars; two or more of them being used, bound together by a Spring Band—a wrought~iron strap, which embraces the plates at the center. Ellip- Fig. 196. ' Fig. 197. y ’ Bettendorf Cast-Steel Side Frame for Freight Cars. tical Springs are termed double, triple, quadruple,‘ etc., according to the number of springs thus fastened together. They are made of two or more sets of parallel plates of constantly decreasing length. The “set” of elliptical springs is the total amount of bend or compression of which the spring is capable. The standard M. C. B. Springs and Spring-Caps for freight car trucks are exhibited in Fig. 200. Those for 140,000 pounds cars are shown in Fig. 201. ‘ IYWE- W/cw‘aFBox may or MADE Elfl/E/E clear/LAB oe spans: anon’ 7w: cE/vrfie u/vs, Maw/0:0 ALL THE Ewe'lvrml. £0 WHEN JOI/EAML 80X MMADE 0F MALLEAJLE IEO»; IPEDUGT/M FITTING OF GONTA/NED HQETJ, HIE ADI/[£50 7' 0. MASTER 6BR BUILDERS’ HSSOGIHTION. sTANoARo JOURNAL BOX FOR PASSENGER cARs. JOURNAL 5'x 9'.’ Fig. 178. MASTER CHRBUIhDERS’HSSOGIilTlON. JOURNAL BOX AND CONTAINED PARTS. FOR JOURNAL Sié'X IO'. FOR FREIGHT CARS. Fa? Jul/FM: Bax‘ sn- sum J1,‘ f0}? Ef/Wl/VG, W506‘? M0 4/0__ _ __-_ ._ n - - --"-_ (2. I mseai/Mm/vam m 724/(5 JIM/0,4)?” 00 A6 (I650 04/ M. c. 8. JOURNAL 50x F01? 5'X9"./00/mm. Fig. 179. SECTION 6.6‘ SECTION B. B. SECTION OF BOX MAY BE MADE EITHER CIRCULAR OR SQUARE BELOW THE CENTER LINE AND MATERIAL, MAY BE CAST IRON, MALLEABLE IRON, PRESSED STEEL OR CAST STEEL, PROVIDED ALL THE ESSENTIAL DIMENSIONS ARE ADHERED T0. WHEN JOURNAL BOX IS MADE OF MATERIAL OTHER THAN CASTIRON, REDUCTION IN THICKNESS OF METAL AND CORING TO LIGHTEN WEIGHT IS PERMISSIBLE PROVlDED ALL THE ESSENTIAL DIMENSIONS WHICH AFFECT INTEHCI-IANGEABILITY AND THE PROPER FITTING OF CONTAINED PARTS ARE ADHERED T0. ~ IFTHE METHOD OF MANUFACTURE DOES NOT PERMIT 0F PLACING THE LETTERS 'PLCBI' ON THE SIDE OF THE JOURNAL BOX. THEY MAY BE PLACED ONTHE TOP BETWEEN THE HINGE LUG AND SEAT 0F TRUCK SIDES. MASTER CIIRpEIJpIhBIEBéEEéQCIATION. FOR JOURNAL 5'/z"X IO" FOR FREIGHT CARS. 6.56770” A A. for GENERAL AA’PANGE‘ME/VZ - .SEétfiHEEL/O. F01? ems/Ive, Wm AND up.-- ___,._ _-..._..__/2 Fig. 180. ~~as~ -+-.--~ 00 t.__.__._._-7 1.5% "77 \ ‘/ $4 L W i s72;— 4_-_ _. I . 3 .l "' ? ____ _'L_-'-___.__—l::-_-._-: I | l »‘ Ovzv 77/5 mam [mew/ms on/zz 2065mm mm .‘ MOM/H575? OFHI/VLZfl/W/DlE 70 AEJHNMRD. m: ua MAYBE army/mum; warn/v)’ DES/FED 77l/CK/VEJG. M B. Til/S up, HINGE-HIV A/VD 607727? ARE ‘SAME x9’ A/vmm A6 .wam/MMGB. HATE l5, H906‘Et‘0/N65 0F (ass. 6,, . MASTER cm; BUILDERS-ASSOCIATION. STANDARD JOURNAL BEARING,WEDGE AND LID. FOR JOURNAL SEXIO". Fol? GENERAL ARRANGEMENL_$£E..$HE£Z' IO. POI? JOURNAL BOXv .,._-.. ---- n- .. n. -.J/. wznazsmuise'as mos-mean ass/2H‘, ‘ 4mm AWV/flffl 7W‘ Irlrafilrs maerfizrav 77/: 5mm BOX/Ml 0 or r r / ’ .mre'a sfma/v 2'x%3'. ” /" 05579‘ A BIVWYBE L650 INS T 540 0‘71'0777517 Ill! HINGE fl/I/ IF Mt‘fiffiffl. Fig. 181. WEI/0 SEPIA/6 MYE'éF/WY MS/GWA/Yfl/iMYfi 6567/1750 70 THE U0 BY/WYHWCT/Oiflf HEN. Gm. a 055:2 "£1.39: 4.23:. 1:23.? mzi Q: 335w 1:31:32 Fig. 199. Buckeye Pedestal Truck. Buckeye Steel Castings Company. CARS 297 The following are the M. C. B. Specifications for Helical Springs for freight and passenger equipment cars:— 1. The steel shall be made by the open hearth, electric, or cru- cible processes. - 2. Chemical Composition—The steel shall conform to the fol- lowing requirements as to chemical composition: -\ _ Bars 1 in. and under Over 1 in. Carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.90—1.10 per cent 0.95-1.15 per cent Manganese, not over. . . 0.50 per cent - 0.50 per cent Phosphorus, not over. . 0.05 per cent 0.05 per cent Sulphur, not over... . . 0.05 per cent 0.05 per cent 3. Analysis—An analysis shall be made by the manufacturer from a test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt, to deter- mine the percentage of carbon, ‘manganese, phosphorus, Sulphur and silicon. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not less than 1%, inch beneath the surface of the test ingot. A copy of this analy- sis shall be given the purchaser or his representative. This analy- sis shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 2. 4. Check Analysis—A check analysis shall be made by the purchaser or his representative from the finished material repre- senting each lot as specified in Section 5, and shall meet the require- ments specified in Section 2. 5. Number of Chemical Testa—One sample from each 500 springs or less shall be taken. If the springs are small, the entire spring shall be taken; if large, a section weighing 1;& pound shall be cut from any part of the spring. The sample shall be stamped as soon as chosen with the inspector ’s stamp. If the sample for chemical analysis is cut off hot, it shall be cooled in such a way as not to harden it. 6. Tests—( a) Free Height—Place each spring on a flat plate, and measure the distance between the plate and the other end of the spring. This measurement is the free height. (b) Solid Height—Place the measured springs, either singly or in lots, in the testing machine and apply a load at least 25 per cent greater than the capacity of‘ the springs, then measure the distance between the two plates of the machine. This is the solid - height. 298 CARS (c) Set—Remove the load and again measure the free height at the same point in the circumference at which the first free height was taken. If now the second free height is less than the first by more than 3%; inch the spring or springs will be regarded as having taken permanent set and willbe excluded from further consider- ation. ‘ measure the height. 7. Number of Tests—Unless otherwise specified, 10 per cent of all springs will be subjected to the above tests." 8. Compression Tests—All springs shall be" compressed solid at least six times before submitting them for inspection and tests. Unless otherwise specified, all springs shall be tested after being assembled. ' Dimen-s'lons—Height—All springs shall not vary more than 1/8 inch from specified height or 113 inch from specified diameter. Weight—Ten per cent of the springs shall be weighed, and if any springs are found that weigh less than the specified minimum, the ' whole lot shall be weighed, and all springs that weigh less than the minimum shall be excluded. Finish—The bars shall be free from injurious defects and shall be rolled within 0.01 inch of the specified diameter. Marking—The bars shall be marked as specified by the pur- chaser. I Inspections—The, inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry at all times while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer ’s works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The man- ufacturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with the specifications. The purchaser may make the tests to govern the. acceptance or rejection of the material in his own laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests, however, shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. All tests and inspection shall. be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. ‘ Rejectlon'——Material which, subsequently to the above tests at (d) Working Height—Apply the specified working load and‘ the mills or elsewhere, and its acceptance, develops imperfections ; If? ‘"6 a); Bflfi/NG-FLMG _ v ' l/fi awn/~04 new 2' cm secrm um" ammarm 64m: 3173 fiw'ms v li/VGTN fiND FILLETS 0F BEARING- kiln/gnu“. ‘ WMEMEW SE6TIM 6AM ‘ -T I 500M580}?! M056‘ 3%): Tue/am‘. mm was sawa‘fixs'aoumm 5x3- ' EMMFZIMSE‘A/VU \S/flf £06 54065 z___. r ‘#9'4''__ \ ‘E ‘ '1' _ S'xa'Joufi/‘m. ' mwnrMomsmnavm/afi _ _ ' 1_ _ JIFX/fll/Wfi/VAZ J00 gunman/arms awtJxs'A/m azx/awmmzs. Efiffl’gmf’vgfmfi i ‘B EMMG'I‘ZMQ 4N0 J/flf [-05 6406f ——' .976— _— LE/VET/l A/VU fillflli 0F’ ‘BER/NG- 7H0. £70m \ MASTER (311R BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. “: L ENG rn nun f/LLETS or BEARING _ 4813821001711!“ r~—- —Jis- -~--k—- —4§;— — ~| ' 0mm: of raP or WEDGE. Winn/us 5141mm 5 wsoat—umammmm star/M Ell/6L‘. JOURNAL BEARING AND WEDGE GAUGES _FOR JOURNALS Mix-I.’ zmfxai' s‘xs'nm: snbno'. Cl/Kl’i 0’. TOP OF 78'1940/05. BEAM/V6“ W-LM/TUQI/VAL JL'CT/O’V 6701/65 ‘3? L— . 8%- ZE/va'n/ m0 1mm; or 51mm; xs'mmu r_-‘__-.s;g'-_ AZ‘; ——| m a‘ Top 0'' W606i. 78‘ M0105 354191176 4N0 IYEW-ZDYEIIWNAL .YCTDY 64065 BEARING G WEDGE GAUGES Fig. 182. 3' H > 0. O i. MHSTER 811R BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. STANDARD JOURNAL BOX AND CONTAINED PARTS FOR JOURNAL e">< 11 " FOR FREIGHT CARS. F00 ‘1011/7141 80X - ___ __ __ _..______ SEE $15571 _ I28. In? Elli/NE, 175065 Ill/D l/fl ______ __,,_ - _ ,, __ -JEC . JOUfiA/AL BEAR/N6‘ M0 [Vt-‘ME GIVGES--. ,, _ _ __,,_ _ _ . I4A . Fig. 183. QARS " 299 or does not come within the permissible variations given above,. will be rejected and shall be replaced‘ by the manufacturer at his own expense. Rehearing—Samples tested in accordance with this specification, which represent rejected material, shall be preserved for 14 days from date of test report. In case of dissatisfaction with results of tests, the manufacturer may make a claim for a rehearing within that time. Each railroad usually has its own standards and specifications for springs, and generally furnishes them to the truck or car builders. The new heavy cars have compelled the use of much more powerful springs, and combinations thereof into nests or groups of such springs. One new grouping consists of four nests of three double~coiled springs each, and has an extension beyond the side frame to allow the attachment of a bridge which carries the side bearing at the center of the truck; the bridge ‘being bolted to the bolster extensions. Each group of springs consists of three nests of an outside coil of 1% inch diameter wire, 5 inches outside diameter, with an inside coil of ‘193' inch wire, 2% inches outsidediameter. The springs work at 40,000 pounds stress in the bar when the car is loaded to a 10 per cent overload. The free height is 11% inches with a total deflection, free to solid, of 1% inches. ~ The M. C. B. Association now authorizes a standard spring for 140,000 pound capacity cars with arch bar trucks, such as some roads are already using. The line of investigation thus far made covers the use of alloy steel springs. If alloy steel springs, which - will stand about 35 per cent more stress whfii solid, can be fur-‘ m'shed, it will be possible to adopt springs with suificient flexibility for trucks having 51/2 by 10 inch journals without any change whatever in the space now allotted for springs. For trucks having 6 by 11 inch journals it would then be advisable to use five springs, of exactly the same details as the four springs used for the 5% by 10 inch journals, which will require the same height and about 40 per cent more width for spring space. It would then be ad visable to make the bolster for the 140,000 pounds capacity truck somewhat ‘wider, in order to avoid, to some extent, increasing the depth. ' 300 CARS The Spring Plank receives the load from the springs, and in . the rigid form of truck the load is then passed through the spring plank directly to the arch bars or truck sides. With a swing— motion truck, the spring plank is suspended by Hangers from the transoms through which the load is transmitted to the truck sides. As with bolsters and transoms, standard forms of channels and I-beams are often used for spring planks. Special channels, called ‘ ‘ Truck Channels,” are used; and steel castings for all three of the above parts are now in common use. A Spring Plank Bearing is a casting on which the spring plank rests; a Spring Plank Bolt being a horizontal bolt connecting the spring plank and the truck columns. The Spring Plank Safety Hanger is a U-shaped strap of iron attached to the transoms and passing under the spring plank, so as to hold it up in case the swing hangers or their attach- ments should break. 7 The Truck Bolster is now made either of iron or steel, the use of wood therefor having ceased, especially with the present large cars. Formerly, wood, either alone or with alternate layers of plates of iron, was commonly used for the bolster. \ With the wooden bolster was used (for rigid trucks) a Truck Bolster Truss Rod, a rod attached near the ends of the wooden bolster and pass- ing over a Central Truss Block. In swing-bolster trucks, rods of a similar nature are sometimes used and are termed Transom Truss Rods. Commercial shapes, especially of steel, are gener- ally used for bolsters, although many special pressed- or cast-steel truck bolsters are now in service. The cast-steel bolsters especially predominate, and are gradually excluding the others from the field. Various types of both body and truck bolsters, combined and " alone, are shown in Fig. 193 and in Figs. 202 to 213 inclusive. ‘ The following are the M. C. B. Specifications for cast-steel bolsters :— 1. When the manufacturer is ready to make a shipment of material he shall notify the purchaser of that fact and await the arrival of the purchaser ’s inspector, to whom he shall furnish free any assistance and labor needed to make satisfactory inspection test and prompt shipment. 2. The manufacturer shall protect all castings so that they do not become covered with rust. , ' ‘ ‘ FRONT VIEW SECTION OF BOX MAY BE MADE EITHER CIRCULAR OH SQUARE. BELOWTHE C N TERIAL MAY BE CAST IRON, MALLEABLE D ALL M IRON, PRESSED STEEL 0R CAST STEEL, PROVIDE THE ESSENTIAL DE OF‘ MATERIAL OTHER THAN cAST IRON REDUCTION IN TNIcxNEss or METAL AND COHING To LIGHTEN wEIsNT Is PERMISSIBLE PROVIDED ALLTHE ESSENTIAL DIMENSIONS WHICH AFFECT INTERCHANGEABILITY AND TIIE PROPER FITTING 0F coNTAINEn PARTS ARE ADHEHED To. IFTHE METHOD OF MANUFACTURE DoEs NoT PERMIT OF PLACING THE LETTERS "Mn-IAI'ONTHE SIDE 0F TNE .IouRNAL BOXJHEY MAY BE PLAcED DNTHE TOP BETWEEN THE HINGE Lue AND SEAT OF TRUCK SIDES. MASTER 6BR BUIIiDERS'ASSOClIlllON. STANDARD JOURNAL BOX FOR FREIGHT CARS- F’OR JOURNAL 6'')( II". M? GINA-‘RM ARRANGE/WEN!" - - $55 SHEET.-- I24. Aw? aEARI/vs, #5065 AND z/0____ ,,_ - -,, _----~lzc. JOURNAL BEARING MID new: 640659. -..- _-_,.- - - - - 14A. if’. MINIMUM-4 ' \ a{ a.” i - . at- .' - , __L_____ “o m \ 5 a ' l _- ” _‘ \ ,‘I ‘\ . n , ‘ I f - . . ; : . l o , l ‘I -_N ‘l __ ________ ‘We | " l ' ._ , 1' | ----Z —————— —— ‘\ | l \ 1 i‘ I ‘ \ ,- l ‘I \ ‘m A : a I '. a -.. \ 1' if : ‘I I n ‘\ ‘l , i ._ , ‘I I i 4 ' 4,, ‘1 I| I“ Q‘! 9’ 5:0. n-l. I1 \- -, a ‘run: SURFALZTO a: ‘1% H; 7' ‘E “"1 “runner: Baron; LJNlN§ i: i: ' — ' is mwuza- _ n I‘ _ ‘I 1t" ,1 _. a: ' . . s _~ . - (f a, 3° I | . ' ~ I. t ' Fa§:___.l ''° 5 I . L——=s—-l -- I . A v in . ,- . - - x z‘. .1. '3 ll‘ fr- '1!- \ I. _ -- ‘n! Q’ a’ - ‘ r .- L I"! no a a g I —-:—/.-=r-'-- | in . ‘° .- a s S. r ~ —~- 5 a |-—-z' I §"‘F'—'l'i'_J'—~ v. if I \ omx Tuzqsuéml. mnmsxousogam, TOGETHER wrru THE 7:; ‘i O DIRHETZH OF MIN 5- PIN HOLE 5TRNDR39- a1." _3 . I ___|, - 'g'sm. 1 .. 5 .1. w- H 23' P I‘ri—w "‘° "i- MHSTER 011R BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. .7 l l 0| I J i saw- ‘5 . \ ‘ l-—-—-.5F“ ‘ :5'—-l - SEcJt-B. I -' . ______-| ‘STANDARD JOURNAL BEARING, WEDGE AND LID- q' _ i ' E "’ :. 1’ FOR JOURNAL e" x u'. .5 '1! l FOR GENERAL ARRANGEMENT. ______ _ -ssz sn££r__/24. " r " =1 - FOR JOURNAL BOX __________ __;, -.__,,____IZB. 5 g 1 JOURNAL BEARING AND mesa: aAua£s__-..__-..- _ I4A. Li's-e, 'L =* ' ... ..- ‘ u .- I - , as.‘ ammo mum/rs mortar an mzsunmno sax 41m IS or 111: ass/mm: xenon :13!‘ 2 4 M57 ORIIW we: can mmm on cone» mums: PIN If PIPEFEII‘RED. \ Fig. 185. cr WEDGE - anus; FOR uouRNAI. BOX wnnens.‘ \ Glufifl FOR JOURNAL BEARING}. "ETHI- fiflET-T} MASTER GAR BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. STANDARD JouRNAL BEARING AND WEDGE GAUGES FOR JOURNAL G'Sul". m1? GENERAL fl‘RRANGE/WENZ _ ; _ _ SEE .SHEEL I2-A . FOR JOURNAL BOX __________ __ .,_ ,,_ _ _ l2-B . FOR- BEA/TING, nae-pa: AND no ____ _ _ .. __ ., _ __ IZ-C I Fig.186. CARS 301 Fig. 202. Cast-Steel Truck and Body Bolsters for Freight Cars. Fig. 203. Simplex Body Bolster with Cast-Steel Web Filler in Position on Simplex Truck Bolster, with Susemihl Roller Side Bearings. Fig. 204. Fig. 205. ‘ Box-Shape Cast-Steel Truck Bolster for Freight Cars. 302 ‘ CARS Fig. 206. ' ' I-Shape Cast-Steel Truck Bolster for 30-Ton and 40-Ton Capacity Freight Cars. Fig. 207. Gould Improved Z-Type Cast-Steel Truck Bolster for Freight Cars. Fig. 208. Simplex Truck Bolster for 40-Ton Capacity Cars. ‘ ~ ‘4;,’ Q’ ‘ - Fig. 209. . Bettendorf Truck Bolster and Spring Plank for Freight Cars. ' Fig. 210. Empire Truck Bolster for Freight Cars. BOTTOM ARCH BARS AND COLUMN AND JOURNAL BOX BOLTS. FOR 80.000 LBS. CAPACITY CARS. CENTER, PLATE. TOP ARCH BOTTOM m BAR MASTER CAR BUILDERS’BSSOCIHTION. . [STANDARD ARON-BARS AND COLUMN AND JOURNAL BOX BOLTS; FOR ".000 LIS.‘ AND IO'OMO LIS- CAPAGITY DANS. STANDARD CENTER PLATE . BARS AND COLUMN AND *JBOX BOLTS FOR‘ IOQOOO cAPAcITY cARs. FIE. Loss Suouuo BE PROVIDED A'FE' To PREVENT Box BOLTS FROM RAG F’ce Spams BoL'r CLEARANcES- PLAN or: Spams SEAT. 0F BRAKE HANGER KET. WmTH cs Suns Fianna Asovs 40 Ton Jouaum. Box,A|.so BOLSTEQ SO “ 5. Guns: ATX'X,SHOULDBE Fox '70 -- 6"_ SIDE FRAME ai-I'H“ CoNFoRM To VIII-B. STANDARI: i-X ‘mo 9e: 22' ID 2% “'3 £0 a‘) t‘ h. MASTER CAR BUIhDERS'IlSSOCUlTION. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FO TRUcK SIDES. CAST STEEL,LIIITING DIMENSIONS FOR _ ' 80000,!00000 AND 140000 LBS, OAPACiTY CARS- Flg. 189. Is A MlNIMUM DIMENSION. Q??? i mvzrs I Rmr ron TIE DAR 0;; am %;$ g R» PM 3: l 5.’! L I L-x-sg I-®L-—— @——-~I~ ——l—, ~ (9 ou-rsIDE BRAKE HANGER 'Ii’iésxfifi'ilillféin GAUGE GAUGE r-zF-‘q n— -—5'-- fr- ‘i’ ,4— —ei,' -— -q_§ .T ' ,r ,r ~i@ “Q L COLD ROLLED STEEL BOLTS TO BRAKE HANGER PiN GAUGE- BE USED WITNJOURNAL BOX BOLT HOLE SPACING GAUGE. ': i ' ' TI '~——e—+-e— - ‘pi-1"‘; STRAIGHTENING AND JOURNAL BOX soLT SPACING GAUGE WITH BRAKE HANGER sPAcINq GAUGE ATTAcI-IED. Tin]? I Y _ P _ _ _ . T @— —'.<—- @ — I Trig coLuMN GUIDE GAUGE. __ _~ — -_ @ __ _ . _-- _ ‘xi’ in y I l 4: " * a“ "* ' a _-_[_ [ET—Ila ‘T _ :- :2 l a l _ A_ _ H b T . r}; | __J I o 1 I a‘): I‘, l ‘i. din- wil- . . l p—Q—J jflL—Ih—Il n—-—- @ ---—---_-|i __ M Q ‘ I BDLSTER OPENING qAuqE. D EEIHEEHEIEHEIZEHEHSHIEEEEHEEESEW Efliliiil’. IHSIZQEYIEHREIRHEHEEIMEEIEEHEIEEIBEEQIHI51] TISSHEHEIHEEIEHEZIEHESETUBEIEHBQEEQQP; jgmmsmmimm 9 MASTER GIIR BUIIIDERS ASSOCIATION. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE I FOR GAUGES FOR cAsT STEEL TRUCK SIDES FOR soooo, IOOOOO AND I4000O LBS, CAPACITY FREIGHT cARs. SQUARING GAUGE FOR J°vR~lL 90! JOURNAL aox nIvET I-IDLE AND SPRING SEAT- GAUGE- Fig. 190. CARS 303 Fig. 211. Monitor Truck Bolster with Creco Roller Side Bearings for Freight Cars. Chicago Railway Equipment Company. 304 CARS 3. Cleaning—At his option the inspector may require that any or all castings be subjected to sand blast in order to make an examination of the surface for checks or cracks. 4. Painting—They shall not be painted before being inspected unless otherwise specified. Fig. 212. Cast-Steel Truck Bolster for 70-Ton Capacity Cars. Fig. 213. Compo Truck Bolster for Freight Cars. 5. Process—Castings furnished under these specifications shall be made by the open-hearth process in accordance with the best foundry methods. 6. Chemical Composition—The steel shall conform to the fol- lowing requirements as to chemical composition: Carbon . . . . . .not below 0.20 or above 0.30 per cent ‘ Manganese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .not above 0.70 per cent Phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .not above 0.05 per cent ' Sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .not above 0.05 per cent O'ARS v 305 7. Ladle Analysis—To determine whether the material con- forms to the requirements specified in Section 6, an analysis shall be made by the manufacturer from test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not less than. 1/4 inch beneath the surface of the test ingot. A copy of this analysis shall be given to the purchaser. 8. Check Analysis—A check analysis may be made by the pur- chaser from a test coupon representing each melt, and this analysis shall conform to the requirements of Section 6. 9. Sampling for Chemical Analyst's—From the coupon described in Section 12 (a), which has satisfactorily passed the physical requirements, borings shall be taken for chemical analysis. 10. Physical Properties—The physical properties of the steel shall be as follows: Ultimate tensile strength, pounds per square inch, not less than 60,000. - Yield point (by drop of beam), not less than 50 per cent of the ‘ ultimate tensile strength. Elongation in 2 inches per cent, not less than 1,400,000 divided by the ultimate tensile strength. 11. Almcaltng—All castings shall be thoroughly annealed. Test coupons shall be annealed with the casting, before they are detached. To determine the quality of annealing, the inspector will have one of the test coupons mentioned in Section 12 (b) out half way through and broken ofi from the casting for exami- nation of fracture. If, in his opinion, the annealing has not been plroperly done, he may require the castings to be reannealed, using the second test coupon for examination in this case. If after annealing or rearmealing any- casting is so much out of gauge as to require heating in order to bring it within the gauge, it shall again be annealed before it may be accepted. 12. Sampling—For the purpose of determining whether the physical and chemical requirements are complied with, the inspector shall select at random one casting from each melt. From this cast~ ing-the two physical and chemical test coupons shall be removed by the inspector; one of them shall be subjected to physical test, but if the coupon casting proves unsound the other coupon shall be used in its stead for this purpose 306 _ ‘ CARS (a) Physical Test Coupons—‘The manufacturer shall have. cast upon each bolster two test coupons having a cross section of 1% by 1% inches and 6 inches long. These coupons are to be used _ i for physical and chemical test and their location upon the casting shall be specified by the purchaser. " c , (b) Annealing Coupons—There should be- two additional cou- pons of a cross section not less than the average cross section of the casting, which coupons are to be used to determine the character of the annealing as specified in Section 11. ' 13. Weights—Bolsters shall not vary more than 3 per cent above nor 2 per cent below that which has‘ been determined upon as the normal weight of the casting, except that in case the casting has met all requirements save that of overweight, it may be ac- cepted at the maximum allowable weight here specified. vFor the purpose of this requiremeht the normal weight shall be previously agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 14. Workmanshlp—They shall conform to the dimensions shown on drawings and shall be free from rust, scale, blowholes and shrinkage cracks. 15. Marking—Each casting shall have the following, markings cast upon it in raised letters and figures: (a) Initials of Railroad Company. (b) Month and year in which cast, thus, 6-12. (0) Manufacturer ’s serial number and trade marks (or other designation) . ‘ ' (d) M. C. B. S. 16. Rejection—In case the test pieces selected do not meet the specifications, all castings from the entire melt shall be rejected. 17. Removal of S—From each casting rejected by the in- W > spector' under these specifications he shall cause to be chipped the “ S” of the letters M. C. B. S. which are specified in Section 15 (a). _ _ . The standard M. C. B. standard center plate is seen in Fig. .188, its bearing area being 100 square inches; Some car men think that this area is not sufficient for cars of steel construction: The upper plate, that on the body bolster is often called the male plate; that on the truck bolster, the female plate. Custom has fixed their present position, but there are many eminent car men who think that the plates are upside down; the female plate from STANDARD PEDESTAL. FOR JOURNALS 3%"X1'. I Fig. 191. P‘ MHSTERGAR BUIhDERS'IlS'SOBIHTIONI ' n "P G /40000 Las. CARS (ms 73 7:51. swarm/~45 TRUCKS} $56770” A-B 1i‘? . 4'" _ \\ I!!EI§§€ZZ% T //// Ti IQ, s%~~= QNQJ or 9% ‘Iris l‘m‘ @ h If __*1 ,i'RAD. r—F-J. -___ JEC770N SHOW/N6 RECESS FOR BOLT/15405 Ill/SPRING CA PS TEA/BARS. F/VE BARS Mao/4, 7.3 %'Lo/va MPfRED 70 60%.‘ ' " ' a’ ' 7474' - ~ - 77%: ‘ NOR/‘44L W7‘. OFEACHIJF/l/E BARS 231.85. MIN/MUM zzms. .502, - - '- 'zw' - 6LBS-702.’ 6'4~, ours/05 0m 0Fl£ F/VE CO/LJ 52a’; mam/£27.: HE/6HT5: F/RS TF/VE COILS 8%’ FREE,’ 62's’ SOL/D,‘ 7%! 7400L55, CAP'YJfiOOLBS. ' ‘SECOND ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' 2/00 ' ' 5500 ' C L US 7' ER 0F SPRINGS HE/GHTS MTHOUTCAPS, BKr'F/PEE; 6%’SOL/D; 7%‘47500LBS: CAP')’, GOOOOLBS. Fig. 201. MASTER 611R BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR ' spams FOR mopoo LBS. CARS (CAST STEEL SIDE FRAME TRUCKS) SPRIN “ " Sfimmra'p 80000 45.5 CARS 505 BAR rfiucms). /00000 106. CARS (Am-H BAR TRUCKS) 54-0‘ 5507/04! 29-0’ Se'cr/a/v .Ts-c“ 14-5‘ SPRING "B " 70000 .400 oms (ARCH 00;? _TRuc/ns) ' sscmw .‘s-c' Smmv 60000 155 CARS (ARCH EAR TRUCKS). SECTION 23g p A-B” 5501/0” 2-5‘ I _l _ i ‘ ‘ _ 0a Wz'fiia 6 5M5‘ \ | p ' ' I / ' ‘ _ if — '__... £1007‘ 540.5, FDWEAFS / 0m, ssgfava' 1205050 70 72?. 000m; 23 ‘as; Mw/Mz/M 07: 2245: Joe. 4 a: 52? 0”” “PM” 7” 9050,’ E 3 4B”: [go/4 _Jzzajys [P50 7” a”. n 5 f , I v m 599 I I , 73/’ NORMAL m: arm/13:’- " 1 6% I . J 6 P " w-W' 5% - - 1,5 ,0 l ”m’w‘ 0'7"” If m‘ MEWR’MMW/Wwvwzzuqioz " I ' I7 1 ' ' " " 0' - . . . 2w , . 3 , s . . . .5‘ .23 quirk-,5, acfimi's u’ 7”” ‘ a may” 85‘ w ‘ ' - - 2:’ m0 - 6 702 , , , 4 _ mag/nu IVZfl/‘EIO//£"F0649M251&5'M/MMO”WZZ£1£1 ~6'02. " - . ' 05 0/4M0r 15’ F000 00 ’ " M, 1 . n 5 - 007547504457, firm”? was ‘5},’ 210;;yf50/[5 aé "HF/{76 a .F” u . , , r 75/ Ms 5 , 2_ 77rd to”; g/ - . . - 2- I - - .. 4 0 - - 0:. 0 5000, 7 29000100 mm,’ 50000405. . I , _ e n . ”Hiwsdywfiww 5%.?” Egzsww Jgagmmmypk ,flolm 4 5'0 4 I Mejia/‘7075:0000 0,; F955, 5;]; 50,,“ 71' mmsfwlamln CWT-570! ulnar/{ram Calls , axe/00:13:?’ ' -~ L" - - 7;- - 4%’ . 0'23‘ I530 . - .3060 - * ' P I ' 1 . 2/00 . , m - ”imli'm“? 09/15 4 n.- ' 4 v - CAI/$751? 0r sop/#55 , ‘71/575’? "F W”: - 2:’ . . . . . . 2100 . . 0500 . u: in» p.‘ , ' .-. ‘ 0276/03 0717/00 \ q ‘I _ ‘N 5405755 0;- Jpfil/A/Gs . ” ' ' l/E/GWZT 000007-040; az'rriqsjsim/n; 74130000156047. 5400010: 51’ Smnv ” 00000 .405 0405 (PEDESTAL mun/rs) 100000 £50. 0405 (fave-aim 70001159 l'_'— 8' _' — "—' r / /A\\ , GP 60000 L50.‘ CARS (PEAESML 701/0119) MASTER GAR'BUIIIDERS’HSSOCIHTION. - I/////// r <_ T, / . - *si / _~ RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR —--—6%" -—- 4"Mrl/l/JJUJBT1 ._.. ‘Earle—u.‘ ' Twm/gmlqé’m, 57,5'1006, my 79 7573 ' 77mm /EHR/%'flll, 703200, 0:12:50 70 em‘ E'E-%-6//4‘ a’ 2", 65' .02,’ (2. l MHZ/5r, MMLSQMVIMW "7,3314: 1,; - . I I4 - / . . . norm /0 . 2:10.: aqzammunnaus 1002 . - -21“'/0-0. . .ln-z. , ‘elm/4.‘. I -/:,/.r- '_,4- - ' - All/4750M 7; z: 0011. 46' _ mraarP/M Arm/1. 8’, 2:" CM 435' . M”! "M1 Wm“ 6’? 251w" "9 - Sec-rm Snowms Alf/647$, [ECO/l 7490205221445; 'azmm arr/mam #:1511751!!!” 7%7154' Isl/P: 65 SZOOIQ‘U'IU" ‘ma: 05mm‘ 11! m; 7}‘?m52W4'6‘Z/M14g Wrzoaaam BO - E:s-6%-4;.55’w. . 7000-. . 2.7%. . 6*’3700- - 71¢?‘ 1 ze.7&‘..sz'-6§’fl$fl' 119060, mspoi “HEADS cumze or m: Cum 0: was; (404722 0: smwes - IN SPQJNG Caps. 00007-1? - - n. .. ,.. “,5,” ' " P’ 005 _j _ w N» Fig. 200. CARS 307 its position underneath catching the dirt and dust, producing a grinding action destructive to the metal. Many hold that the clearance of 1,5 inch is too small, and that it should be 14 inch, as where the plates are cast integral with the bolsters they are often very rough, and considerable expense is entailed by having to machine them. The larger clearance would lessen this trouble, but with such integral-cast plates, the king pin holes are worn oblong, in any event, and the outside flange is often broken 06, thus con- Flg. 214. Baltimore Ball Center Bearing. T. H. Symington Company. demning the bolster. For these reasons, many now favor the use of removable center plates; the slight increase in cost of such plates being more than offset by their advantages, in their opinion. Others wish to increase the size of the female plate. The drop- forged center plate is coming into increasing use, and gives better service than the cast-steel ones. There are many difierent kinds and types of center plates. Most of them are plain in pattern, while others have ball bear- ings, or use cones or rollers, etc. The steel roller bearing plate 308 CARS gives the truck free radial travel, lessening train resistance and preventing derailments. Both the ball-bearing and cone-disc types have many advocates; they are shown in the Baltimore Ball bear- ing plate, Fig. 214, and the Barber Roller Center Bearing, Fig. 215. When a car passes a curve, its body naturally tilts, and part of its weight is carried on the Side Bearings. The location and u ‘71 -- “wimp. m..." Wm" Fig. 215. Rollway Center Plate with Cone Disk Rollers. clearance of these bearings are of great importance. Sometimes the inside wheels on curves rise clear of the rail, at high speeds, due to an excessive spread of the side bearings, and deraihnent ensues. For this reason, the'M. C. B. Association is now con- sidering an arrangement of the coming standard truck bolsters, so as to give them adjustable side bearings. This derailment tendency is due to the comparatively short distance between truck centers CARS 309 on the ordinary freight car, especially with some of the new rigid high capacity steel cars which occasionally leave the rails where other more flexible cars pass over the curve safely. Box cars with ladings of high centers of gravity also influence this tendency, especially with the increase in height of car sides beyond the safety point. In these last, derailment occurs even on straight track, due - to excessive side bearings and clearances which allow the car to roll from side to side, until the lateral thrust lifts the wheel ofi the rail. The tendency to frequent derailment depends much on the location of the center of gravity of the car. This accounts for much of the trouble with refrigerator cars that are loaded up to their roofs with ice; and with high side gondolas of large capacity, having a relatively high center of gravity. With such gondolas, decreasing the clearance often stops the trouble. Such cars, gen- erally having %-inch clearance or more, when they strike short or reverse curves or sudden elevations, start up motions that lift their wheels ofi the rails, especially with stiff cars or. those of very large capacity. After such cars are limbered up, they are able to take the torsion of the curves even without any change in the side- bearing clearance. In some cases, raising the center plates and allowing %-inch instead of 14-inch clearance with certain cars sufliced. Of course, the correct car is one carrying its load on its center plates, leaving the side bearings just clear. Trouble arises, how- ever, from the fact that the side clearance diminishes more or less on- all types of cars with service, and it is diflicult and expen- sive to maintain the proper side-bearing clearance on cars of steel construction with metal body and truck bolsters unless adjustment is provided for in their design. In any case, the spread of side bearings must be taken into consideration along with the side- bearing clearance, The widest difieremce prevails among our railways as to this spread of the side bearings; and for this reason, a committee of the M. C. B. Association lately so stated, while recommending that as there are but few 140,000-pound cars now in service, that 50 inches be taken as the spread for such cars; the spread for the 80,000 and 100,000-pound cars to be decided upon later. This, however, was rejected by the Association. At pres‘ 310 ' CARS cut one road will have a car with ‘55-inch clearance close up to the center plate, and another will have a 3-inch clearance with a spread out over the rail. One road in its specifications for 80,000 pounds capacity cars, box and flat, fixes the distance from center to center of side bearings at 5 feet; the bearings being, for the box car, two of 10 inches by 175 inch, of pressed steel, for each bolster, each bearing to be riveted to the bolster with 4 rivets of ‘A; inch each. For the flat car, malleable iron was specified. Adjustable side bearings will probably soon be generally adopted for the above reasons. A large bearing area is always necessary with all side bearings, and theyshould be self-lubricating and dustproof, if possible without undue expense. The clearance should be adjusted as readily for a roller side bearing as for the solid kind. ‘The present tendency is to attach the roller side bearing to the body bolster rather than to the truck bolster; the adjustable plate being attached to the truck bolster. The Rec- ommended Practice of the M. C. B. Association for the side-bear- ing bearing clearance for new cars is as follows:— Minimum Maximum ‘ Per Side Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/8 inch 156 inch Total ‘(one truck) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,4 inch 5/8 inch Generally the side bearings have been flat blocks or plates of steel or iron attached to both body and truck bolsters. But there are now many different kinds in wide use and many of them efiicient. The most common types are the anti-friction, ball-bearing, gravity, rocker, and roller kinds. One of these, the J oliet, Fig. 216, is so constructed that when a car passes around an ordinary curve, the rollers of the bearing run between high-carbon steel plates : while on very sharp curves, the rollers run free from the upper plate, and the load is carried on large trunnions. . The Miner Single Side Bearing as applied to truck bolsters for freight cars is shown in Fig. 217 ; the rocker type of bearing, in Fig. 218 ; the Susemihl type in Fig. 203 ; and the Creco Roller type in Fig. 211. ' ' 42' 3:83’): /? ZS'fee/p/ofe hardened "my, I/I/ id'w, MIINER SINGLE ROLLER SIDE BEARING AS APPLIED TO TRUCK BOLSTER$ FOR FREIGHT EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED BY M l N E R cmcaeo W. ll. "rue IODKERY" Fig. 217. Miner Single Roller Side Bearing. W. H. M'Iner CARS . 311 Fig. 218. Car-dwell Rocker Side Bearing. Cardwell Mfg. Co. . CHAPTER IX. BRAKE RIGGING. HAND- BRAKES. LAW As T0 BRAKEs. FOUNDATION BRAKE; BRAKE SHOE; BRAKE BEAM; sLAcK" ADJ'USTERS; PASSENGER HIGH SPEED FoUN'pATIoN BRAKES; AIR BRAKE HOSE. Schemes for. the braking of cars for years afforded a fertile field for the inventor. Many ideas’ were worked out which had i for their principal vobject the application of the retarding force to the rail. On account of the slowness of action and the tendency to cause derailmen-ts these forms were entirely abandoned. Various methods have been developed for applying the brake shoes to the circumference of the wheels. The earliest forms consisted of a ‘simple metal bar with a wooden shoe or a plain wooden stick which was so arranged as a lever that pressure could be applied directly to the wheel tread. Improvements over this resulted in the use of brake beams with wooden. shoes, which were operated by hand through a lever or a hand wheel. In-the early eighties there was an evident need for power brakes. Various types of bufier, mo- mentum, steam, air, electric, and vacuum brakes were devised. None of them had been tried out in Height service although a few had been used on passenger cars. In order to determine what each type could do and also to find out the exact requirements of a power brake for long freight train service, a series of tests were made on the Chicago, Burlington &_ Quincy Railroad under the auspices of the Master Car Builders’ Association in 1887. As a result of these tests and supplementary ones in the followingyear, it was demonstrated that the quick action, automatic air brake was the best type for freight service. Today this is a standard portion of the equipment of all new cars. By Brake Rigging is meant the whole combination of detail‘ parts, by means of which the movement of a car is retarded. For many years all train braking was done by manual power. That has now given place to automatic mechanical devices operated by com- pressed air which are used to the exclusion of other systems on all passenger and freight car equipment.* *The subject of the Air Brake as regards its construction and operation is fully treated in another volume of this series. 312 CARS 313 The “Safety Appliances Acts” of 1893 and 1903 provide that I it shall be “unlawful for any common carrier engaged in interstate commerce by railway to use on its line any locomotive engine in moving interstate traflic not equipped with a power driving-wheel brake and appliances for operating the train-brake system or to run any train in such traflic * * * I that has not suflicient number of cars in it so equipped with power or train brakes that the engineer on the locomotive drawing such tra' can control its speed without requiring brakemen to use the common hand brake for that purpose,” and that “whenever *. * * any train is operated with power or train brakes, not less than fifty per centum of the cars in such train shall have their brakes'used and operated by the engineer of the locomotive drawing such train; and all power-braked cars in such train which are associated together with said fifty per centum shall have their brakes so used and operated. ” Provision is made in the act that the Interstate Commerce Com- mission may from time to time increase the minimum percentage of power or train-brake cars to be used. In accordance with this provision, the I. C. G. has raised this percentage to eighty-five per cent, all brakes in the train to be associated together. By the term “Foundation Brake Gear’ ’ is meant all the parts by which the pressure of the air in the brake cylinder is trans- mitted to the wheels; the levers, rods, brake beams, etc., by which the piston-rod of the brake cylinder is connected to the brake shoes in such a way that when air pressure forces the piston out, the brake shoes are forced against the wheels. It is of the greatest importance that this foundation gear be correctly designed. It seems impos’sible to have a standard design that will perform sat- isfactory service on all the difierent kinds of underframes and trucks, but there still remains an opportunity to increase the braking efliciency by a careful study of the foundation gear. Brakes are now beginning to be put on each side of the wheel, for instance, not only with passenger cars but also with heavy steel freight cars; a combination valuable both for its increase in brak- ing power and because this double or clasp brake prevents axles rolling out of their bearings. The use of clasp brakes, formerly prohibitive with freight equipment on- account of its cost, is now made imperative by the long trains and huge cars of today. Figs. 314 - CARS 417 and 419 illustrate the latest improvement in clasp brakaappli- cation for passenger trucks. In some cases, the clasp brake has been found to be less efii' cient than the single-shoe brake because of incorrect design and application- of the foundation gear. One road found that by stif- fening up the members of the foundation gear, it is now able to decrease the stops some~ 200 or 300 feet, on many of its trains. Indeed, no part of the car offers such a chance for the inventive genius of man to improve, as the brake rigging; for, while its different parts are being rapidly standardized by the M. O. B. Association, at the same time there is a vast field for him who can mechanically combine the three brake requisites: Simplicity (in- cluding few parts); Durability (embracing fitness for the job); and Economy—not necessarily first cost but ultimate cost. The M. C. B. Recommended Practice demands only 70 per cent of the light weight of the car as the maximum brake power on- freight cars, yet the technical ‘problem is still unsolved mainly because of faulty mechanical application of the power. - The precursor of all effective freight car brakes was the Hand Brake. Even today, the U. S. Act of 1910 requires that all cars, both freight and passenger, shall be equipped with ‘ ‘ eflicient hand brakes, ’ ’ in addition to the air brake requirements; ‘ ‘provided that in the loading and hauling of long commodities requiring more than one car, the hand brakes may be omitted on all save one of the cars while they are thus combined for such purpose.” Some cars have hand brakes at only one end, supplied with and applied by a wheel; while others have hand brakes with wheels or their equivalents (frequently ratchet devices) at both ends of the car —-this last applying‘especially to passenger cars. In any case, the hand brakes must work harmoniously with the power brakes. The ' U. S. requirements and M. C. B. Standards regarding the hand brake are illustrated in Fig. 220. I The hand brake is an apparatus ‘designed to permit of brakes being applied by hand.. When cars are being switched in yards, ‘ or when left dependent upon themselves on grades, they must rely on such brakes. Their essential parts are as follows, outside of the parts they have in common with the air brake: Brake Shaft— an- iron or steel‘ shaft, usually vertical (horizontal in some types) MAY BE DJ'HED PIEFEEABLE IG TEETH nor LESS rum :4 weer"; I i i l . r—PPEFE RABLE i6 TAPER a'm l2 MINIMUM la‘ ' S'Mmlmum MALLEABLE IRON, WROUGHT mom on arses ' TAPER z'm la‘ i i i ._q 4,5 ‘i l Mitt-2"" pPBEFER i MINIMUM 5 \ ,. 55*. I K PLAN ' . @nmmun 11E- Pwsrs RABLESé‘j MINIMUM sip- MIN:- a ,FORM OF BRAKE SHAFT STEP a‘i OF HACHET WHEELAPAVVL — KEV TOP BRAKE SHAFT SUPPORT SHALL BE rAsn-meo Warn N01‘ LESS THA~ é,“ Bou's on mvers ‘EMS-{AFT wrmou-r wew ———-\'_ rmmmum I ‘ . a . \\\\\\\ \\\\\\\ THERE sum. 6: A aileron; METAL CONNECTION BETWEEN BRAKE sue: ‘AND PIVOT OF PAWL é J mvo'rso upon A son’ on Rlver UFO‘ A TRUNNION SECURED BY NOT as on Less THAN g 50.1’ on mvz'r ' I; ._ I ~M|ymuu usxAsloNaL 0!? Swiss “amen Q’ sou‘ RIVETEDOVER NUT -—‘ --— 0 -~ MINIMUM If SUITABLE 001159 OI? films PREFERABLE l' MINIMUM Q ANY EFFICIENT ARRANGEMENT OF RACHET-WHEEL AND PAWL MAY BE D Fig. 220. PLATE A Pnssemscsafl 4 "Immune: h CARS . 315 and having a hand wheel at one end, by means of which a chain connected to the brake levers may be wound upon the shaft, and the brakes thus applied to the wheels. The connections are the Rods and Chains connecting the Shaft with the Brake Levers.- The Shaft Step is the bearing which holds the lower end of the‘ brake shaft—generally consisting of a U-shaped iron bar or strap, the upper ends of which are fastened to the car body, with a hole in the bar that receives the end of the shaft. The use of the half- yoke (half U) as a shaft step, is now forbidden by the M. C. B. The Ratchet Wheel and Brake Pawl are fastened to a suitable metal device attached to the roof; the upper end of the shaft being Fig. 221. Perfect Brake “'hee]. .Dayton Malleable Iron Co. guided by an attachment also placed on the roof. In some cases the ratchet wheel has the ratchet upon the under side, instead of upon its edge; the pawl being automatically pressed upwards against the teeth by a counterweight called the Brake Paw] Dog, without being adjusted by the brakemen ’s foot. In other instances, the ratchet wheel has its escapement controlled by springs. A good type of modern brake wheel is shown in Fig. 221. For flat and gondola cars, the pawl and ratchet are secured close to the floor of the car, ordinarily on the end sill, and the shaft is just high enough to be operated conveniently by the train- men. If the shaft cannot project far enough above the roof to make it convenient to operate, a step is provided for the trainmen to stand upon when manipulating the hand brake—a construction now made compulsory by custom. The M. C. B. standard height 316 , CARS of brake shaft for standard box cars, from top of rail to top of shaft, is 144 feet. The same authority also condemns the half-yoke still largely used, and takes as. its ‘Recommended Practice a U-shaped carrier-iron for brake-shaft bow for new cars. A welded brake shaft is also forbidden by it and other authorities. The M. C. B. Standards for hand brakes are the same as the U. S. Safety Appliance Standards, and are as follows:— BOX AND OTHER HOUSE CARS HAND BRAKES Each box or other house car shall be equipped with an efiicient hand brake which shall operate in harmony with the power brake thereon. The hand brake may be of any efiicient design, but must provide the same degree of safety as the design shown on Plate A (Fig. 220). The brake shaft shall not be less than one and one-fourth (1%,) inches in diameter, of wrought iron or steel without weld. The brake wheel maybe flat or dished, not less than fifteen (15), pref- erably sixteen (16) , inches in diameter, of malleable iron, wrought iron or steel. The hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. The brake shaft shall be located on end of ear, to the left of and not less than seventeen (17) nor more than twenty-two (22) inches from center. There shall be not less than four (4) inches clearance around rim of brake wheel. Outside edge of brake wheel shall be not less than four (4) inches from a vertical plane parallel with end of car and passing through the inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler horn against the buffer block or end sill. Top brake shaft support shall be fastened with not less than one-half (1,5) inch bolt or rivets. (See Plate A.) A brake-shaft step shall support the lower end of brake shaft. A brake-shaft step which will permit the brake chain to drop under the brake shaft shall not be used.v U-shaped form of brake-shaft step is preferred. (See Plate A.) Brake shaft vshallbe arranged ' _ with a square fit at its upper end to secure the hand-brake wheel; said square fit shall be not less than seven-eighths (‘T/8) of an inch square. Square~fit taper; nominally two (2) in twelve (12) inches. GARS 317 (See Plate A.) Brake chain shall be of not less than three- eighths (‘95), preferably seven-sixteenths (173) inch, wrought iron or steel, with a link on the brake~rod end of not less than seven- sixteenths (11;), preferably one-half _ (1,5) inch, wrought iron or steel, and shall be secured to brake-shaft drum by not less than one-half (1,5) inch hexagon or square-headed bolt. Nut on said bolt shall be secured by riveting end of bolt over nut. (See Plate A.) Lower end of brake shaft shall be provided. with a trunnion of not less than three-fourths (1%,), preferably one (1), inch in diameter, extending through brake-shaft step and held in operating position by a suitable cotter or ring. (See Plate A.) Brake-shaft drum shall be not less than one and one-half (Ill/2) inches in diameter. (See Plate A.) Brake ratchet wheel shall be secured to brake shaft by a key or square fit; said square fit. shall be not less than one and five-sixteenths (1.153’) "inches square. When ratchet wheel with square fit is used, provision shall be made to prevent ratchet wheel from rising on shaft to disengage brake pawl. (See Plate A.) Brake ratchet wheel shall be not less than five and one-fourth~ (51/4), preferably five and one-half (5%), inches in diameter and shall have not less than fourteen (14), pref- erably sixteen (16), teeth. (See Plate A.) If brake ratchet wheel is more than thirty-six (36) inches from brake wheel, a brake-shaft support shall be provided to support this extended upper portion of brake shaft; said brake-shaft support shall be fastened with not less than one-half (1,5) inch bolts or rivets. The brake pawl shall be pivoted upon a bolt or rivet not less than five- eighths (éé) of an inch in diameter, or upon a trunnion secured by not less than one-half (1,5) inch bolt or rivet, and there shall be a rigid metal connection between brake shaft and pivot of pawl. Brake wheel shall be held in position on brake shaft by a nut on a threaded extended end of brake shaft; said threaded por- tion shall be not less than three-fourths (9/4) of an inch in diam- eter; said nut shall be secured by riveting over or by the use of a lock-nut or suitable cotter. ‘Brake wheel shall be arranged with a square fit for brake shaft in hub of said wheel; taper of said fit, nominally two (2) in twelve (12) inches. (See Plate A.) In some kinds of brake gear, arrangements are made whereby the shaft can be dropped; a device necessary for use especially on cars occasionally used for logging purposes, where it would other- 318 CARS wise be necessary to remove the brake shaft entirely at times, to avoid injury from the lading overhanging the end of the car. Such a device is the Vertical Drop Brake Shaft (Fig. 222) whose mechanism besides conforming to the I. C. C. requirements, has its shaft square instead of the less desirable round shape in cross section. Fewer pieces are necessary than with the round shaft; Fig. 222. Vertical Drop Brake. no keys or pins to shear oflz‘, work loose or get lost; brake chain winds on separate sleeve casting or drum which fits upon end of shaft and turns with it; sleeve free to turn with shaft, but always held in place on brake-shaft step; use of sleeve eliminates wear on shaft as well as bending and shearing strains at shaft ’s end—the shaft being stiffened by sleeve; preventing weakening of shaft by drilling for attachment of chain; lugs and flanges prevent sleeve from lifting out of step, take up wear and strain, etc.; all of which offer many advantages in this type of gear. CARS 319 In some brake gears, the shaft is permanently located and worked horizontally; in others, its normal position is vertical, but it can be shifted to a horizontal position when necessary, as seen in the Feasible Drop Brake Rigging, Fig. 223, which is made of refined malleable iron in such fashion as not to extend beyond the stake pockets. It is readily raised or lowered with brakes on or ofl‘, and is adaptable to end sills of flat logging or drop-end gondola cars. Still another rigging is that of the ratchet type as applied to hopper cars and drop-end gondolas, Figs. 224 and 225. no'um mm GU! Fig. 223. Feasible Drop Brake Staff. The step, wheel and sleeve are still largely made of malleable iron, although steel is increasing in favor for these parts. Cast- iron is not permissible for any of them. The strict regulations of the American Railway Association require: That all cars on freight trains shall be equipped with power brakes, and that every truck wheel under each car in passen- ger service shall be braked; that 70 per cent of the total empty weight of a freight car should be used in estimating the braking power, and 90 per cent for a car in passenger service; and that brakes should be so arranged that they can be applied not‘ only from the locomotive but from each car in the train. 320 CARS ' ‘.1 Fig. 224. Ratchet Brake Applied to Hopper Car. Fig. 225. Ratchet Brake Applied to Drop-End Gondola. CARS $1 Fig. 226. American Automatic Slack Adjuster Applied to Brake Cylinder. American Brake Company. 322 CARS seemed to the brake beam by an Eye or Clip. To take up the varying slack in the brake rigging, there are now several. well-known devices in use, all designed to keep the gear capable of exerting its maximum pressure on the brake shoe. Types of these are Figs. 226 and 227. All take up the slack be- tween the cylinder and the brake shoe, so that the piston travel will not be too great. To prevent the ends of the brake shoes from coming into contact ‘with the wheels when brakes are re- leased, use is made of a Brake Beam Adjusting Hanger, a link attached to the truck by a Beam Adjusting Hanger Carrier, and ’ 24/ Fig. 227. W‘Vestinghouse Latest Improved. Slack Adjuster. ‘The M. C. B. standard brake beam, its details, master gauge, :and gauges for its parts, together with their contours, are seen in Fig. 228. _ The types in general use are shown in Figs. 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234a, 234b, 235,236, 237, 238, 239 and 24,0. . M. C. B. requirements as to standard brake beams are: Stand- ard heights of brake beams when- measured from the top of the rail to the center of the face of new shoes to be as follows: For inside hung beams, 13 inches; for outside hung beams, 14% inches. Attachments for safety hangers shall be 51 inches from center to center. The angle of the lever fulcrum shall be 40 degrees from .the vertical. The lever-pin hole shall be either 2 or 3 inches in front of the top of the brake-head lugs; the variations in either direction not to exceed 113 inch, and holes to be made straight and aumvzs MARINE M60’ VSRFETY mm — maszxwz— __-- warm—(I, ANGLE OFSLOT 40 FROM VERTICAL. fiIMKE BEAM. LETTE MAQK S'rau'r No.l 0R MARKING OF STRUT. IfiAS/fl.‘ mans/ml )UQWT'RE F/YHI-SIIGE RM’ wales HUNG 5EAM5 Isms. Fora/ma: HIMIG 550m 145m Nor Lass Tum g'I-Ilsn. To l-rs CAPPCI I I Lu—L‘II Fem-BA HEAVY PIPE , _. .=n ‘ ' ' __ q . =53—~ a LIMITING OUTLINE F'OR BRA um? HIV nau- MUG:- KE BEAMS. 'l n _3_ F 38 . ,f, I 35+ 60‘ OUTLINES APPLY ONLY To No.2 BEAM ‘AND omx TO sEAMs uses orv cans UILT AF'I'ER JANUARY LI9OB. 4, -,s|‘+ - Elli. __ 3L‘ I*-7§_~Iz _ — |I;’{Z—~-—'I ‘as. I i 'Imvl‘nxls‘l' 2 ' ‘is? "‘*' ' : ‘sa- r-I LIMITING CONTOUR GAUGE-WIDTH‘ - 1'. :z LIMITING CONTOUR GIAUGE'HEAD. MASTER GIIR BUILDERS’ IISSOGIIITION. STANDARD BRAKE BEAM. STANDARD MARKING or STRUT. STANDARD BRAKE arm GAUGE AND DETAILS. STANDARD umrme ouruue FOR BRAKE sums. STANDARD LEVER PIN HOLE GAUGE. ' STANDARD MASTER FOR BRAKE BEAM GAUGE.‘ STANDARD LIMITING cou'roua GAUGE-HEAD. STANDARD Lmlrme couroua ewes -imo-r|-|. _l FIB. 228. Fig. 229. Q‘NTRAL. STEEL BRAKE BEAM Fig. 230. Fig. 232. 324 GARS Fig. 233. . _ . . , NATIONAL HQLELDW ERAKE BEAM Fig. 235. CARS " 325 Fig. 237. Simplex Brake Beam. Fig. 238. The "Waycott” Freight Brake Beam. Fig. 239. The Damascus Standard Brake Beam. 326 ~ - CARS true by drilling, reaming, or broaching, and to be not less than 13% inches nor more than 1% inches- in diameter. Brake beam hangers are to be "'78 inch in diameter. On cars built after Sept. 1, 1909, it will not be permissible to hang brake beams from any portion-of the body of the car. The brake-beam hanger shall be attached to some rigid portion of the truck. The space from cen- ter to center of brake heads shall be 60 inches, with an allowable variation of 1/8 inch in either. direction. The brake-beam gauge determines the following dimensions and adjustments: Limiting outline of brake beam; length of beam; proper alignment of the heads in relation to each, other; proper location of pin hole and center of strut; and angle of lever fulcrum. ' Vanderbilt Brake Beam. The M. C. B. Specifications for the standard brake beam No. 1 are :— - Initial Load—Apply an initial load of 4,000 pounds, then reduce it to 'zero. Test Load—Apply a test load of 6,500 pounds, and under this load measure the deflection which is desired to' be {g inch or 0.0625 inch, but shall not exceed 0.07 inch. Load to Failures-If desired the beam may then be loaded ,until failure occurs. Under this test the maximum load borne by the beam shall not be less than 20,000 pounds. Sampling—For each 500 brake beams or less which pass inspection and are ready for shipment, one representative beam shall be taken at random and subjected by the com- pany manufacturing the beams, in the presence of the railroad.com- pany’s inspector to the above test, in a suitable machine. In» case a brake beam shall fail in the test described herein, then a second beam shall be taken from the same lot and similarly tested. If CARS 327 the second beam stands the test, it shall be optional with the inspector whether he tests a third beam or not. If he does not do so, or if he does so and the third beam stands the test, the 500 beams or less shall be accepted as fulfilling the requirements of this test. The beams shall be equipped with suitable heads and shoes, and the shoes placed in contact with castings representing the tread of the wheel. When mounted in this manner, the load shall be applied to the fulcrum in the normal line of pull. Rejection—A lot of 500 brake beams or less submitted for test, that fail to meet the prescribed test, will not be accepted. Indi- vidual beams which do not conform to the standard dimensions and those that have physical defects will not be accepted. Fig. 241. Davis Truss Brake Beam. Davis Brake Beam Company. Many car builders think a stronger brake beam is needed for extra heavy work, and accordingly a committee of the M. C. B. Association prepared diagrams and specifications for a No. 2 Standard Brake Beam. but the Association has twice rejected it, largely because three of the largest roads in the country after long investigation found that from 70 to 75 per cent of their defective beams were removed on account of worn brake heads, indicating that if beams were properly hung and the locations for hanger holes and hanger brackets were standardized, a large number of failures could be prevented. Certainly, even using the best brake beam, the practice of attaching it to the truck with a pot-hook' hanger of small dimensions, or with the hook and eye hanger, or the U-shaped hanger attached to the beam with a small bolt to hold it in place, accidents are bound to happen often, by the beam dropping, causing its destruction, and producing derailments or other damage. By using a more substantial hanger having a more 328 CARS substantial bolt to holdv it in its proper position, failures will be greatly reduced. As shown by the preceding illustrations, brake beams are of the solid type or the trussed type. The solid type is sometimes used for light freight service, but more often for heavy service, especially on freight equipment. It is made from I-beams, deck beams, I-beams and deck beam sections combined, channels, special shapes, etc. The trussed kinds are sometimes one-piece steel cast- ings or made of pressed steel; but generally they are made up of three parts—the compression member, the strut, and the tension member or brake-beam truss-rod. PAT. AUTOMATIC ADJUSTABLE NEVER ‘NTERNAL KEY LOOSE HEADS ~ SAFETY LOCKING No my sen WEAKNESS OOLLARS “o RIVET HOLES TH EAM WITH BACK BONE ._._§ 33 m0 i-B 3 z‘ or 2g . mrzmuu. spnmc TAKES up ALL WEAR NO DANG ER NO THREADED or WHEEL ' TENSION MEMBER FLANGE CUTTING ONE PIECE PAT: TO CRYSTALIIE Tamas STRUT AND BREAK Fig. 242. Huntoon “Emergency” P. C. Beam for Steel and Other Passenger Equipment. Joliet Railway Supply Company. One of the best of the trussed kind is the Davis truss, shown in Fig. 241, where. the truss is formed of one solid bar, giving it a. great advantage over built-up brake beams. Its makers claim this strength for it: Service Load at Center Deflection No.2 Freight 12,000 pounds ' 1% inch No.3 Freight 15,000 pounds 1’; inch No.4 High Speed 30,000 pounds 11,; inch No.4 High Speed 45,000 pounds 332 inch Figure 242 illustrates another trussed beam, exhibiting its avoid- ance of the stated weak points of brake beams, and having only - ‘lg-inch deflection at 40,000 pounds load, according to its manu- facturers. Its weight of only 185 pounds is quite low. C'ARS 329 M. C. B. Rule 3, Interchange Code, states that after October 1, 1916, cars equipped with brake beams other than all-metal will not be accepted in interchange: The brake hangers must have an angle as near as possible to 90 degrees from a line drawn from the cen- ter of the brake shoe to the center of the axle when the shoes are half worn. As a rule, with trussed beams, the best are those in which the truss rods pass through the compression member and are secured thereto without the use of a nut‘. The Brake-Beam Safety Hanger is a metal strap or chain sus- pended from a truck frame and surrounding a brake beam, so that in case the Brake-Beam Hanger fails, the beam will not drop to the track. The form generally used is a chain, having two or three long %-inch links. It is often given little attention, so long as it can be seen hanging to the truck. Its strength, inadequate at any time, is generally negligible when called on to do its work, as usually the metal links are worn down to one-half or one-third of their original thickness. The M. C. B. consider this device inefii- cient, and a source .of expense from a maintenance standpoint. Unless they are designed with a strength at least equal to the load imposed upon the brake-beam hangers, and to prevent undue wear, they will certainly not be efficient in time of emergency. With the present lack of interchangeability and uniformity of brake-beam design, it is impracticable to design a standard safety hanger which would be generally applicable. The remedy lies in properly designing, carefully manufacturing, and frequently in- specting brake-beam hangers and—connections. Further, Bake-Beam Hangers should be hung so that the cen- ter line of the hanger makes a right angle with a line drawn from the center of the wheel, to connect with the central point of con- tact of the brake shoe against the wheel. The proper placing of these hangers is of great importance. More than once, serious difliculties have arisen because of faulty hanging that has resulted in falling beams, worn heads, lost shoes, flattened wheels, and brakes that either would not properly apply or promptly release, because the connection of the beam to the truck was faulty. On one of our large roads, 75 per cent of the defective brake beams found were removed on account of worn brake heads; whereas if the beams had been correctly hung and the locations for the hanger holes and hanger brackets were standardized, a large num- 330 CARS ber of failures would be prevented. The failure of the compres- ‘ ' sion and tension members are largely due to poor fits between the heads, struts, and other members. Improperly hung beams are a great and constant trouble to all roads; they drop off the car, and often cause wrecks thereby. Moreover, it is difiicult to maintain the shoes properly on the truck if the beams are not hung right; ' Fig. 245$. Brake Heads for Ajax Brake Beams. for as soon as they are applied, they take a falseposition, wear of rapidly, and then the beam becomes defective due to a worn head. What is also needed, is a more substantial hanger with a heavier bolt to hold it in its place. The M. C. B. Standard Brake Shoe and Key are shown in Fig. 243. The head is attached to the brake beam, and the shoe, held to'the head by a long slim piece of metal called a. key. Many heads are adjustable, some of them automatically so. Such heads . xiii; _L {/0 I” | . - HEID All/674001011010’ we: mavzo-A- X’ ‘I 1' FULL 05F”! DVDMLUT I17’ RAD/15. Dim‘! BETH/BIN (‘f/l7?‘ L005 "HEAD Szc'rlou A-B. WW1‘ - 680 L075- ._R;2'_'__ .___2;§"__4 WM 'Mnxn .nnn- C-ISMIXIMUM, 4.: MINI/WW IM THIS TKICKIVE . i25- AA-IS MAX. WIDTH FOR CENTER LUG BRAKE AEAD GAUGE. B-IS MIN. WIDTH FOR CENTER LUG LINEC-IS MIN. HEiGHT or SLOT m CENTER OF‘ LUG MEASURED FROM BACKOF sHoE _ . EIGHT or SLOT m CENTER or LUG MEASURED mom BAcKorsnoE AR N UN: 2- iii; THICKNESS OF END was on BACK OF SHOE ' BRAKE SHOE GAUGE STANDARD BRAKE HEAD,SHOE AND KEY. STANDARD GAUGES FOR BRAKE HEAD &SHOE. Fig. 243. CARS ‘ 331 require no setting; they adjust themselves to the contour of the wheels, insuring even wear, automatically taking up all wear be- tween head and sleeve, and also not becoming loose or rattling. Such heads and others of difl’erent kinds are seen in Figs. 244, 245, 246 and 247. The brake shoe is a piece of metal shaped to fit the tread of a car wheel, its purpose being to retard the revolution of the wheel through friction caused by its pressure with more or less Fig. 246. . Adjustable Brake Heads. Buffalo Brake Beam_Company. force against the wheel. It is attached to the brake head or ‘brake block by a key or some other form of fastening It has been the '- subject of much investigation and experiment to ascertain the most suitable metal to be employed. Many patented shoes as to form and composition have been placed upon the market. The shoe should vary in composition for ‘diflferent kinds of service; thus one kind will be required for chilled wheels, another for steel tired driver wheels and another for steel tired coach wheels, and so on. 332 ' ' CARS The following are the M. C. B. Standard Specifications for brake shoes: _ " . _ Kc'nds'of Test—Shoes shall be tested for coefiicient of friction and for wear upon the Master Car Builders ’ Association testing machine, or upon a machine with equivalent characteristics. Coeyfiet'ent of Friction Test—Cast-Iron Wheel—Shoes shall de- velop .upon the cast-iron wheel, in effecting stops from an initial speed of 40 miles per hour, a mean coefl‘icient of friction of not /////// v//////y/ 3 / , was? \ \\\\‘» 1 ‘s \‘ K \ //// I,// //l I '//”’ T l‘vv“ I)“ Q Q. .147‘. L '- ' / /‘/’//§//¢///"'””’”’_’ // \\\ -. l Fig. 247. . ' . Self-Adjusting Head and Sleeve for C'reco Freight Brake Beam. less than: (a) 22 per cent when the brake-shoe pressure is 2,808 pounds. (b) 16 per cent when the brake-shoe pressure is 6,840 pounds. Steel-Tired WheeL—Shoes shall develop upon the steel or steel-tired wheel, in effecting stops from an initial speed 7 of 65 miles per hour, a mean coeflicient of friction of not less than: (a) 12% per ‘cent when the brake-shoe pressure is 6,840 pounds. (b) 11 per cent when the brake-shoe pressure is 12,000 pounds. (c) No limitation is placed‘ upon the rise in coeflicient of friction at the end of the stop. ‘ CARS * - 333 Fig. 248. Plain Cast Iron Shoe. l _ Fig. 250. Fig. 251. Lappin Brake Shoe. Corning Brake Shoe. Fig. 252. Fig. 253. Diamond “S” Brake Shoe. Streeter Brake Shoe. 334 a ‘ ‘ ‘ CARS Fig. 254. Fig. 255. “U” Brake Shoe. Fig. 256. , Fig. 257. Lappin Steel Back Shoe. Streeter Steel Back Shoe. Fig. 258. , Fig. 259. Safety Wire Back ‘Shoe. Improved Steel Back and Tug Shoe. 0 CARS 335 Shoe-Wear Test—'Cast-Iron Wheel—Shoe wear shall be deter- mined upon the cast-iron wheel by making not less than 100 appli- cations of the shoe to the wheel, under pressure of 2,808 pounds, and at a constant peripheral speed of the wheel of 20 miles per hour. At each application, the shoe shall remain in contact with the wheel during 190 revolutions of the latter and between appli- cations the‘ shoe shall remain out of contact during 610 revolutions of the wheel. Under these conditions, the shoe shall lose in weight not more than 0.8 of a pound for each 100,000,000 foot-pounds of work done. ‘Steel-Tired Wheel—“Shoe wear shall be determined , Fig. 260. Interlocking Brake Shoe. l upon the steel or steel-tired wheel by making not less than ten ; stops from initial speed of 65 miles per hour and under a pressure of 12,000 pounds. Ten- minutes shall intervene between succes- sive applications of the shoe. Under these conditions the shoes shall lose in weight not more than 4.0 pounds from each 100,000,- 000 foot-pounds of work. N ate—When a shoe, not entirely metallic in its composition, is tested for wear, its actual loss in weight shall be increased in the ratio which the density of the cast iron bears to the mean density of the abraded parts of the shoe, in order to determine the weight which is to be compared with the specifi- cations. - - Gauging—That the back of the shoe be made to conform to the gauge shown, Sheet M. C. B. 17. Drawings—In 1912 the draw- ing of the brake head was. changed to show the hanger hole 0 336 , ' 0.412s straight with a radius of % inch at each end to accommodate the straight hanger with filleted corners. ' " In connection with the brake shoe problem the following outline of its development is interesting.* Practically all these 'diiferent ‘styles of shoe are found in use at the present time. V The Plain Cast-Iron Shoe consists of a body of unchilled cast iron- having a lug or connecting part formed with the body metal. This shoe has high frictional qualities, and has been largely used on all classes vof railway equipment. The Congdon Brake Shoe, with a body of unchilled cast iron and inserts of wrought iron in the wearing face to prolong the life of the shoe, was introduced in 1876, and marks the first step in the improvement of the ordinary cast-iron shoe. This construction produces a very durable shoe, extensively used on chilled wheels at the present day. It is not suitable for use on steel-tired wheels because of the liability of hard spots to form on the face of the insert and groove the .tire. The Lappt'n Brake Shoe—The difliculties attending the ‘use of the preceding shoe on steel-tired wheels, brought forth in 1884 an improvement in cast-iron shoes. This consists in chilling the body metal, forming alternate hard and soft areas on the wearlng face, producing a shoe of 'great durability which will not injure the steel ‘tire. The Corning Brake Shoe—Introduced in 1896 as an improve- ment on the preceding, consists of a body of hard iron, cast about an insert of soft iron located in the wearing face. This construc- tion guarantees a positive area of soft metal for frictional efie'ctp durability,’ being obtained by the chilling of the body metal ‘against the insert and end chill blocks. The Diamond “8” Brake Shoe—In the efiort to increase the wearing qualities or durability of the cast-iron shoe, the preceding designs were successful, but at some expense of friction or with bad effect on the wheel tread. In 1897 the Diamond “S” Shoe was introduced as one ‘of high durability, secured at a minimum expense of retarding effect. This was obtained by casting the body metal about a bundle of expanded sheet steel, forming a com- 'posite structure of cast iron and soft steel. This, as the shoe wears \. *American Brake Shoe and Foundry Co. CARS 337 down, presents a bearing face of unchilled iron interwoven with‘ strands of steel which delay the rapid grinding of the cast iron, and produce high retardation without injury to the wheel tread. The Streeter Brake Shoe—In view of the fact that a shoe of hard iron when cast about an insert is structurally weak, the Streeter shoe was brought out in 1899 'as an improvement on the past practice. It consists of a body of soft non-chilling iron surrounding a spiral insert of chilled iron extending the length of the wearing face of the shoe. This construction guarantees a posi- tive relation of hard and soft metal producing a brake shoe of uniform qualities and great ‘durability. The “U” Brake Shoe—The function of the brake shoe being primarily the generation, of friction, the ‘ ‘U’ ’ type of shoe was introduced in 1900 as an improvement over the preceding face chilled shoes in which the hardened surfaces come in direct con- tact with the wheel tread. ' - The “U” shoe consists of a body of hard iron having tapered ends projecting beyond the length of the ordinary shoe, the exten- sions being heavily chilled from the inclined surface. This con- struction provides a brake shoe having unchilled or soft iron con- tact with the wheel equal in extent to the full ‘face of the ordinary shoe. The hardest metal is in the extended ends, which, by their large‘ expanse of smooth surface away from the wheel, radiate the heat from friction more rapidly and are not so liable to break on account of high heating as shoes ‘provided with the face chill. This construction produces a shoe of maximum durability and frictional qualities. Y The Herron Reinforced Shoe—Shoes with hard body and inserts being structurally weak, are liable to be broken. The Herron improvement, introduced in 1890, is a means of strengthening the insert shoe. It consists of the application of one or more rods of wrought metal in the body of the shoe lengthwise just above the inserts. These rods serve to hold the parts of the body metal together and prevent fracture. ‘ The Lappin Steel Back Reinforcement—While the preceding invention materially strengthens the brake shoe, the location of the reinforcement within the body metal of the shoe, permits it to be destroyed before the shoe has been worn out. To accomplish the ‘338 - CARS ' I same resultsas regards strengthening the shoe and yet permit it to remain longer in service, the flat steel plate located at the back of the shoe was introduced in 1893. This consists of a‘ plate of wrought metal having openings through which the‘ body metal flows and anchors, located flush with the back of the shoe. This construction permits the shoe to be worn, to the plate before removal. The Diamond “S” Reinforcement, as shown in Fig. 252, con- sists of a bundle of expanded sheet steel about which the body metal is cast. The steel strands extending to the back of the shoe .serve as a bond and prevent fracture throughout the life of the cast iron. _ . r The Streeter Steel Back is similar to the Lappin back previously noted, and was introduced in 1900. It consists of a plate of mild steel imbedded in the back of the shoe, the body metal flowing up. through dovetailed openings along the edge of the plate for anchor- age. This steel back difiers from the Lappin, and is an improve- ment thereon, in having two turned up projections which form reinforcing points to support the Christie lug, preventing failure of the lug when the shoe is worn to the plate. The Safety Wire Back, introduced in 1902, provides a rein- forcement to the cast-iron body which extends to the attaching lug. The ordinary cast-iron lug is weak, and this defect is magnified when the body metal is of chilling iron, as the thin section at the top of the lug becomes very ‘brittle. The Safety Wire Back forms the top of the lug with loops of wrought'metal, entirely eliminating the possibility of breakage in the lug; at the same time the ex tended end of the wrought metal loops furnish admirable rein- forcement for the main body of the shoe. The Improved Steel Back and Steel Lug Shoe—The steel back reinforcement previously mentioned consists of steel plates curved longitudinally to fit the shoe, but fiat transversely. These plates being located flush with the back of the shoe, aiford insuflicient anchorage and stiffness to the body metal, which when worn thin is liable to fall away from the plate. The improved design of back, introduced in 1904, provides 'a plate arched transversely as well as longitudinally. The transverse curve permits the outer edges of theback to be slightly submerged in the body metal, and the process of curving opens the cut-outs GAR8 539 g» 11.—T.- .lru - along the center of the plate so as to form tapered openings into which the body metal flows and is securely anchored. This con- struction furnishes a stronger anchorage for the body metal and a stififer support than is possible with the flat- plates. This con- struction also embodies a wrought lug formed integral with the steel back, permitting the shoe to be worn to the limit of the cast- iron body without the possibility of failure under any conditions of service. The Interlocking Brake Shoe—Another special form of shoe is illustrated in Fig. 260, which shows the “Interlocking” Brake Shoe. The shoe itself is practically entirely worn out before any part of it is thrown away. The illustration shows how a partially ‘ worn shoe is inserted in the face of a new shoe, the old shoe then being used up before the new shoe touches the wheel. Steel-back shoes must be removed if 1/2 inch thick or less; grey iron shoes, if 3/1, inch thick or less. All inserts must extend, in new shoes, to a depth equal to at least one-half of the total depth of the shoe, as required by the M. C. B. The prevalence of thermal cracks in brake shoes is a con- spicuous feature. They are present commonly, if not invariably, in shoes, even those which have been- but a short time in service. The conditions of exposure are the same, for the time being, for the rubbing surfaces of the shoe and the tire. The same tenden- cies necessarily exist for the formation of thermal cracks in each, but more accentuated in the shoe. The determination of brake shoe efiiciency is now, after many years of tests, fairly‘ well solved, and the values of brake resist- ance and the rate- of wear approximately understood. The heavier cars and severer service all have led to the necessity of obtain- ing higher brake pressures and to the wider use of clasp brakes on steel freight cars. All the points concerning the clasp brake are not yet fully understood; and the steel-back shoe still breaks in'the middle, sometimes. The prime brake shoe requisites of high friction, long life, and a clear-through reinforcing of the shoe, are hard to obtain in actual railroad service. In the last tests, six kinds were tested, such as the Diamond “S” (flanged and un- flanged), the steel-back Lappin, etc., on- the M. C. B. brake shoe testing machine, upon a steel-tired wheel under brake shoe pres- sures of 12,000, 14,000, 16,000 and 18,000 pounds. The initial '1 340 - CARS . speed of the machine was 65 miles per hour, with 9 stops made at each pressure, the shoe having been given a full bearing sur- face, and then weighed before the test. Taken as a whole, the results - of the tests were generally satisfactory. ‘ The M. G. B. Recommended Practice for High Speed Founda- tion Brake Gear for passenger service for 6-wheel trucks and for 4-wheel trucks is shown in Figs. 261, 262 and 263. The fundamentals of this gear are: Braking power to be 90 per cent of the light weight of the car; equalized pressure in brake cylinder, 60 pounds per square inch; maximum pressure in brake cylinder, 85 ‘pounds per square inch; maximum stress in levers, ' 23,000 pounds per square inch; maximum stress in rods, except jaws, 15,000 pounds per square inch, no rod to be less than % inch in diameter; maximum stress in jaws, 10,000 pounds per square inch; maximum shear on pins, 10,000 pounds .per square inch, diameter of pins to provide a bearing surface not to exceed 23,000 pounds per square inch—all of which are M. C. B. re- quirements. - ‘The M. C. B. standards for Air Brakes on freight cars, and the standard location of Main Air Pipe on same, are given in Fig. 264. ‘ ' The fundamentals for freight car air brakes, M. C. B. Rec. Practice are: Maximum train pipe pressure, 70 pounds per square ' inch; all levers to be 1 inch in thickness; all pins to be 1332 inches in diameter; all jaws and clevises made of 5/4 inch by 2% inch iron; 'all rods, % inch in diameter; and angle of ‘brake-beam lever, 40 de- grees with vertical; maximum brake power of freight car, 70 per cent of the light weight of the car. In 1909, the use of malleable iron was discontinued, the truck connections to be made of round iron or steel not less than 1% inches in diameter; and, later, the use of cast steel for truck lever connections was permitted. A standard bottom rod for use with all-steel or steel-tired wheels with inside- hung brakes was adopted; the additional lever being so devised that the hand brake and air brake work in harmony on .double hand brake cars. For brake cylinders larger than 8 inches or for brake cylinder pressures over 50 pounds per square inch, the size of brake rods and levers should be increased, if necessary, so’ that the fiber stresses shall not exceed 15,000 pounds per square inch for rods and 23,000 pounds per square inch for levers. Brake I'm-ll -...w'sn..=x..z.. 4.1 - W H! . ,< are-Ii, B-CS-A DIE (ASE OF n15 FZD‘T/NG LEVER FULCA’UM CONNECT/0N AND CHAIN MA AND CYLINDER AND FLOATING LEVER CUVNECTIGN (BCZ-AJAND INTERMEDIATE ‘LEVER CONNECTION (5-67‘4) MADE / 0N5 PIECE ‘IT/E?£%LlgilgAI/NG HVE 134376.‘ B-CJ-eflfif‘ifi. ., m, gum-caul- BEBE?! m m n “Ell! 900"’ -nEll . -. .1 ; ngjl IFIEZI H - m _ ,_. meals!- w 5 AK: BIA/‘IS SHOULD I“ I MAX/MUN LOAD AT MIWLE W MAP! OF 2 Z, 000 L8 . ’ H117 02mm? (£727? ‘a .‘.\ "I i._-_.0'_ -—-zs‘-——~ ' ‘L % J,‘- Iz-T‘ - M/Zm/yfi LEVER _—2‘ I _ HJWMFP/Wfilf/f? ‘a . S a . I ') L—-—m/,z—-—-—.wrzs—-—~' \ MIA’! LEA/GT??? Jfl/f 67/7 ' Y 814-! #10’! Jn'W/ff' 15V!” 1 - :j—- . 4/ -—/:' HM are/mum? 7220 01001750? 71:20 7000?’ [0mm ‘ film/t MASTER GAR BlllhDERS’llSSOGlhTlllll. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR HIGH SPEED FOUNDATION BRAKE GEAR FOR PASSENGER SERVICE. SCHEDULE FOR 6- WHEEL TRUCKS. WI!!! 'ImPfiM'fl/l” ‘A’!!! HIGH SPEED FOUNDATION BRAKE GEAR Fig. 261. TIELE 17 Stilt-0015 8. M0 M5 fill’!!! mam: 70M” [A I‘; ' ' (fl/MB? ‘EYE! ‘fill-l §¢§EHH __mlznl ‘411-5 curs/as 1w 6 saw/rs: Mm ' 90:19‘ "N Bil/Em MWMIM M I ,._ in” fl/lflt’” SIM” (II/f - ._-_— 2Ls=—- ‘ E-ll-B L‘IZ/IYJZW it?!” —_ :LQL— - fill/7M1!!!’ If!!!” W0’ _——- —; n/ m u/r 071-— J-zi-J IIIIIMA?‘ ([127 I‘ _.__2'. F155 TIME/277 I]: my m1 FIN/70.2 f/IM l8 "' r-rz-z ‘av/my cm HIGH SPEED FOUNDATION- BRAKE GEAR. fErAT/M 67,05 f-RMIIVG Fan Eu‘mmv EVDIZ’AMIMF my aaooo AND maooqa aPAc/n' 04m. 60000, 80000 4w 100mm Gama/TY 64m FRAMING 0F Box CARS. 4.- EZmflaw mu- .574: Emu/Ms m 60000-4:- cammv 6406. FOR FOR WHEEL TRUCKS FRAMING or sex cARs. MASTER can Bummsas'nssoclmlou. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE HIGH SPEED FOUNDATION BRAKE GEAR PASSENGER SERVICE, SOHEDULE FOR Fig. 262. AW ' . IMF/IE Ill/0,6 Ill/r £1. -( 2'1‘. Fm!!! mum” KM IZMfll/é'lfllfi flat/WNW A .- =:;:===I.-:::.'_._‘_: vumvanwo ‘— ‘— ==c=:;=$1 w _- MASTER m BUIhDERS’ASSOGIATION. azcouusflozo PRACTICE ; FOR ' men 9250 FOUNDATION BRAKE GEAR 3 FOR ~ PAssqimsER SERVICE. SCHEDULE FOR _ 4- WHEEL 'mucxs. Fig. '263. Q mm Mlkwraarw M’J/fl! 190/76 a - WI'J'IF! l/lfli my” JIM/f If w” in)“ mm: IIW CHAIN } ‘"41" Mrs/M IWVG' F”? 517171! CYZl/Vflfz?! 119/7617? 776/174‘ 8 0707515‘ 01? f0’? Jill!- C Yl/fiit'z? PFISSl/FIS lid/f 50 I’fll/dfli P177 500/VI! l/VGI. II!‘ 672! 0f'i/Pl/f! #006‘ [AI 31?!” 1472775 50 727/77 7”! flail‘ JYFZSS .57/Ill l/YL'IV. 1'01? 170).?‘ II] 23000 45 77/5 ffli/V J/JIIVJ' I71)’ [if Will’!!! 70 W03‘ I I . 19045‘ l/VZ IflZJ’ ffli ill/f P/IKY A”; [[15 ill/V J it'll? MIR/[I7 Pl/S/l fiflfl "1.3 U l/YV flfi’lg WA! 01' Ill/7012' fill/if 027 "In FZZZJJZ Ml’! I01 #07’ [16:20 la'fldfl 12.51/[i J'Wlfi’l ' 5 F27? SOJI/Pf #7627. fl’? ‘[1277! ~ if Iii/[J Iii/71:’! 7'42’ [Siflf/IZ filA'l/S/I/Vfir // X If ,7 4///// 2(0/f/VM’! IVA)?’ 8! ll’ {fl-ff *2 Jill/{7177.101 17706!‘ ([127? dl/lf/If A’fl/Vi alllzrgfiwzrz/r . 4;’ MM l/xlflf/[d’ III 4%: MI "Milli/[17 III/f III/VJ #14? 11W ,2! £00)’ 0/ mix wr [Iii ifl/ll' [/7277 :07 /£' A70 \ fM/YDV (If; 0! (amen?! 0F!’ WIIMJ‘ .f/ld/M’ .970”! if Mill/950 - ~I! .— NIPPLE ' Y. s I: “.lmsnmu ' s 0 ’ 14,656”! ‘I O 0 {our )ldzzr //' an! I - i l c - 0 I116‘ g'IJWWfiMT/IW 0/'' ‘L ‘If n ' T 1W1 ‘ i "5 an I i‘ In -|. l 07.0046? 1!}??? ., g ‘a t [0'0 “Ply/17”! flI/Il i/F/V/f if}?! ‘R,’ I flfliif. [Mir/m’ flf'fi’fllffi a Dill/Z ff/ifl #7)’ WI?!’ 77 Sfl/f 77!!” n— Ill/U [II/f [M/iié'FI/I ‘w 4' ifMZI/ZW cam-am! ' ‘E "- ' IMMI 0%’ M 51742 . C" ‘- ~anvil/0,16lime? cu STZAZ SfZZY/‘lt’fl ‘Na ° % II IZMf/M [[1297 £17k!!!‘ G ENE RAL ARRANOEM ENT. [4' I!” ‘II.’ 0» 6001/1!!! III/V Ill/J II’! 6 I < l I {WI/00’ 0/‘1/1/0’ fill? .P/l’! 0.0‘ iii/(ill, [iii {'I‘I I'T'flari—"I‘ 'lflfi L Pl/V ‘r401’: :- FOR cARs .BUILT AFTER JAN, I, 1915. wsleume ssrwzsu s'lo'oo LBS, AND 5 I @ 49$ <9 39 <9 @ <9 "k 1, “Ks—1“ § 11' fl’lfl ll/lf'lI/fl - JIM/WW’ - assay/2:25;” - W71!” 73”” A M” [fl/Mfl‘l/fl/V/fd/[JM J'fif/Yé/A’ 70 iii-1277700’ armwmr /i0l m‘ AND K2‘ TR CYLINDER AND KI TRIPLE. L85, LIGHT WEIGHT, USE IO" AIR BRAKE CYLINDER IPLEZ FOR-CARS UNDER THIS WEIGHT USE B" " ‘MASTER GIlR BUIhDERS’IlSSOGIIlTION. STANDARDS FOR AIR BRAKES ON FREIGHT CARS. snuomo Locmou '01- MAIN AIR PIPEION FREIGHT cARs. mm! [M Jazz: m a! a!!! 1!”! 427/ Ill/[[15 ‘ Fig. 264, > 9’? : "a - = e e e "gr-1 Tilt/10277 Cl/m’L'f/JI ‘w. ‘ l I I I I l | x X Irma/i” m’ 57171 ( ‘Q mam ll ' - ' ' '1. rlmuw/r/w 0m 5r!!! 44:11.2 "v. CARS 341 chain shall be of not less than % inch, preferably 1% inch, wrought iron or steel, with a link on the brake rod end of not less than {£6 inch (preferably % inch) wrought iron or steel, and shall be secured to brake shaft drum by not less than ‘1,42 inch hexagonal ~ or square-head bolt—the nut on said bolt to be secured by riveting end of the bolt over nut. Air-Brake Hose are flexible tubes made of rubber and canvas, located one at each end of the car, and connected to the air pip- ing. They are used to make a flexible connection between con-_ secutive cars and thus allow the air‘ which operates the brakes to pass through from one end- of the train to the other, or to as much of it as is coupled up. The following are the M. C. B. standard specifications for air-brake hose: I. MANUFACTURE 1. All hose shall be soft and pliable and not less than four- ply. They shall be made of rubber and cotton fabric, each the best of its kind for the purpose. II. _ PH-YSICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 2. Hose shall be subjected to the following tests, which‘ must be made at a room temperature of not less than 65 degrees F. 3. Friction Test—The quality of friction shall be determined by suspending a 20-pound weight from the separated end of the duck of one of the 1-inch test specimens described in Section 9, the force being applied radially. The separation shall be uniform and regular, and the average speed shall not exceed 8 inches in 10 minutes, the distance being measured while the weight is still in place. ' 4. Stretching Test—Test specimens from tube and cover will be quickly stretched until the _2-inch marks are 10 inches apart and immediately released. They will then be re-marked as at first within ten seconds after starting to release and again stretched to 10 inches between the new marks, remaining so stretched for 10 minutes. The specimens shall then be completely released, and within 30 seconds after starting to release the distance between the marks last applied will be measured, and the initial set must not be more than 54 inch. At the end of ten minutes the distance 342 CARS between the marks will again be measured, and the final set must not be more than 1% inch. These test specimens may be cut from the tube and cover of the friction test specimen, but shall not be used for tensile test. _ 5. Tensile Strength—Test specimens from tube and cover shall be pulled in a tensile machine with a test speed of 20 inches per minute. The inner tube must have a tensile strength of not less than 800 pounds or more than 1,200 pounds per square inch, I and the cover not less than 7 00 pounds or more than 1,100 pounds per square inch. The elongation shall be ,such that the marks originally 2 inches apart, stretch to at least 10 inches before specimen breaks. If the tensile strength in, pounds per square inch is greater than that required, the sample may be accepted, providing the per cent increase in elongation is equal to or greater than the per cent increase in tensile strength in pounds per square inch above the maxi-mum figure. 6. Tensile Strength of Duck—From the 3-inch section remain- ing after the friction, stretching and tensile tests are made, a strip of duck the entire length of this section will'betaken. One piece will be cut 3 inches wide and parallel with the warp threads of the duck, another piece will be cut 3 inches wide and parallel with the filler threads. The tensile strength of each of these pieces shall be determined in the usual manner by the use of'standard M. C. B. grips (see Fig. 265) placed 1 inch apart directly opposite one another on the center of'the test section. The section- thus tested must develop a tensile strength of at least 225 pounds per inch for both warp and filler threads. The rate of separation of the grips shall be approximately 20 inches per minute and in no case shall the test be counted when the duck breaks in the grips. 7. Porosity Test—The remaining 17 inches shall be mounted and placed in a test rack, the circumference will be measured and the hose filled with air at 140-pound pressure per square inch, the rubber cover shall be cut from clamp to clamp (taking care not to injure the duck) and this pressure maintained for 5 minutes. At the end of this time the hose will be submerged in water to determine whether the inner tube is porous. The escape of air through the tube shall be distinct enough so that the porosity will not be confused with the escape of air which ‘is confined in the structure of the hose. ~ In the event the hose fails on bursting test 3rd. .9210 M 0 870 . .. n .. . M. .\ . . w h .- . E I a A uN....DD.Tr V“ . .WII W L I . //r . mil w a. .. Cir. a .. a. _. . I i. 0 .. _ .. mm . . 58 n I W...“ A. . . n. a. i A Y r? (34.15.23 In» .2 ,\—\I \~.- . u. m , Ozn 41cm- 02,00. in n. . l .. r.. m‘ . I a w - d a . h n I A.“ rx GEL . J/E. . {Q OZ" 411C“ I a MPG“ otfll-wlcm 2L. 10.0 0.3920 (San I4 THREADS PEI m. 5' 8 02M J-ICM. UD>GU "Va-Z’ Em. mam. Es memo .msgmmgfiosm g 41.1.“. it? 344 ~- ' _ 0412s. at the point at which cut was made for porosity test and a satis- factory hydraulic test is not obtained, the porosity and hydraulic test will be repeated onranother piece of hose. _ 8. Bursting Test—The section of hose which was used for ‘porosity test shall then be subjected to a hydraulic pressure of 200 pounds per square inch, 'under which pressure it shall not expand more than 1% inch in circumference for air-brake hose and %% inch for air signal hose, nor develop any small leaks or defects. After the above tests, this section shall then stand a hydraulic pressure of 500 pounds per square inch for 10 minutes without bursting or developing any leaks or defects. 9. Test Specimen—A hose shall be selected at random and a section 5 inches long cut from one end. Two. sections, each 1 inch ' long, shall be cut from the 5-inch section for making the friction, stretching and tensile tests, the remaining 3-inch section shall be used for making the tests on the duck or additional tests which may be desired on the tube and cover. Stretching and tensile _ specimens shall be cut from tube and cover with a die having the dimensions shown in Fig. 266. ' 10. Number of Tests—For each lot of 200 pieces of hose one extra hose shall be furnished free of costs for test purposes. III. PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS O ts'd I 'd Tgckllé/zsl of u 1 e um e - Leligir’h’ Diameter, Diameter, cagigeduon, ' - In. In. In. Air-Brake Hose Maximum . . . . . . . . . . . . 22% 2% 1%; %2 Minimum . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2%6 1% %2 Air-Signal Hose Maximum . . . . . . . . . . 22% 1% 1%.; - ‘54:: Minimum . . . . . . . . . . . . 22' 11%: 1% ' 11432 IV. " WORKMANSHIP ANDY FINISH 11. Workmanshtp—(a) Tnbe—sThe ‘tube shall be made-either . by hand or machine. It shall be free from’ holes and imperfec- tions, and in joining must be so firmly united to the cotton fabric " CARS ' 345 that it will meet the friction tests prescribed in Section 3. The tube shall be of such a composition and so cured as to successfully meet the requirements of tests given in Sections 4 and 5, the tubes to be not less than 332 inch thick. _‘ (b) Cover—The cover shall be of the’ same quality of rubber as the tube and shall not be less than 11¢; inch thick, and shall meet , the requirements of tests given in Sections 4 and 51 (c) Duck—The canvas or duck used as a wrapping for the hose shall be made of long fiber cotton, loosely Woven, and shall sis-_- \ 3.1.. _ T . 3.. ______x ,_ . Fig. 266. Specimen for Air-Hose Tests. l weigh not less than 22 ounces per linear yard, 40 inches wide. The canvas or duck shall be frictioned with rubber on both sides and shall be applied on the bias and edges lapped at least 1,4,, inch and not sewed. ' ' 12. Finish—The hose shall be smooth and regular in size throughout its entire length. V. MARKING 13. Serial Number—Each lot'of 200 or less shall bear the manufacturer ’s serial number, commencing at 1 on the first of the year and continuing consecutively until the end of the year. 14. Label—Each length of hose shall have vulcanized on it the label for air-brake hose of red rubber, as shown under the specifications for “Label for Air-Brake Hose.” This label shall be applied around the hose at a point 6 inches from the end and with the top of the lettering toward the center of the hose. 346 CARS VI. INSPECTION AND REJECTION 15. Inspection—(a) The manufacturer shall afl‘ord the in spector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being' furnished in accordance with these specifi~ cations. ' . (b) The purchaser may make the tests and inspection to govern the acceptance or rejection of the material in his own . laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests and inspection shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. ‘ I (c) All tests and inspection shall be so conducted as not to . interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. 16. Rejection—Material which, subsequently to above tests at the mills or elsewhere, and its acceptance, develops .weak spots or imperfections, within three months from date of shipment and prior to being placed in service, or fails to pass any one of the tests herein required, will be rejected and shall be replaced by the manufacturer at his own expense. , 17. Rehearing—Samples tested in accordance with this specifi- cation, which represent rejected material, shall be preserved for 14 days from date of test report to the manufacturer. In case of dissatisfaction with results of the tests, the manufacturer may make clai'mfor a rehearing within that time. - SPECIFICATIONS AND TESTS FOR WOVEN AND COMBI- NATION WOVEN AND IWRAPPED AIR-BRAKE HOSE All air-brake hose under this specification is to consist of not less than three plies of woven, braided or knitted fabric, or of two or more‘ plies of canvas wrapping surrounded by at least one ply of woven, knitted or braided fabric. The hose should be flexible without kinking easily. The rubber, fabric or duck should be the best of its kind made for the purpose, and no rubber substitute or short fiber fabric will be allowed. ' The inner tubes should be composed of three calendars of rub- ber and not less 'than £2 inch thick at any point. Should a machine-madetube be used, it must not be less than 1,5 inch thick at any point. It must be free from holes and imperfections, and in joining it must be so firmly united to the cotton fabric that it can not be separated without breaking or splitting the tube. CARS ' 347 Each ply of the hose should be separated by a distinct layer of rubber, and over this is to be a cover 11; inch thick, and at each end a 133 inch cap should’ be vulcanized on, the cover and the cap to be of the same material at the inner tube. The hose is to be furnished in 22-inch lengths, and variations exceeding 14 inch from this length will not be permitted. The rubber caps at each end are not to be less than 11;; inch nor more than ‘5% inch thick. The inside diameter of the hose must not be less than 1% inches ‘nor more than 1116 inches, nor must the outside diameter be less than 23’; inches nor greater than 233, inches. I The hose must be smooth and regular in size throughout its entire length. Each length of hose must‘ have vulcanized on it the label for . air-brake hose of white or red rubber, as shown under the specifi- cations entitled “Label for Air-Brake Hose.” Each lot of 200 or less must bear the manufacturer ’s serial number, commencing at ‘ ‘ I’ ’ on the first of the year and continu~ ing consecutively until the end of the year, and the serial number should not be duplicated, even though the hose bearing the original numbers be rejected. For each lot of 200, one extra hose must be furnished free of cost. TESTS TO WHICH SAMPLES \V-ILL BE SUBJECTED Bursting Test—All hose selected for test will have a section 5 inches long cut from one end and the' remaining 17 inches will then be subjected to a hydraulic bursting pressure of 400 pounds per square inch for ten minutes, which it must stand without failure. At a pressure of 100-pounds per square inch it must not expand more than 17./i inch vin diameter or change in length more than 1,4 inch, nor develop any small leaks or defects. Friction Test—A section 1 inch long will be taken- from the 5-inch piece previously cut off, and the quality determined by sus- pending a 20-pound weight to the separated and, the force “being applied radially, and the time of unwinding must not exceed 8 inches in ten minutes. . , Stretching Test—Another section 1 inch long will be cut from the balance of the 5-inch piece and ‘the inner tube or lining will be separated from the ply and cut at the lap. Marks two inches apart will be placed on this section, and then the section will be _ 348 CARS ‘quickly stretched until the marks are 8 inches apart and imme- diately released. The section will then be remarked as at first and stretched to 8 inches and will remain so stretched ten minutes. It will then be released and ten minutes later the distance between the marks last applied will be measured. In no case must the test piece break or show a permanent elongation of ' more than 14 inch between the marks last applied. ' One-inch strips will also be taken from the cover and will be subjected to the same test. Tensile Test—Another section 1 inch long will be cut from the remainder of the 5-inch piece and the rubber tube or lining will be separated from the ply and cut at the lap. It will then be reduced in the middle for a distance of 2 inches by 1A; inch wide parallel. The parallel section shall be spread to the full width of 1 inch at the,-end by curves of 1/2 inch radius. This specimen shall be stretched uniformly by gripping the enlarged ends, and in no case should the tensile strength per square inch be less than 400 pounds, nor‘ the elongation at the time of failure less than 8 inches, measured by marks placed originally 2 inches apart before breaking. If the test hose fails to meet the required tests the lot from which it was taken may be ‘rejected without further examination and returned to the manufacturer, who shall pay the freight charges in both directions. If the test hose is satisfactory the entire lot will be examined and those complying with the specifications will be accepted. The M. C. B. standard Coupling and Packing Ring, and the Label for Air-Brake Hose are shown in Fig. 267. The location of the Air-Brake Label is six inches from the end. In mounting the air hose, the coupling should be applied to the end near which the label is located, so that the drawbar will not obscure the same when an inspector is on the right forward or left back side of the car, thus making it unnecessary for him to go between the cars to inspect the hose. The label should show towards the side of the car in such a; position that the car inspector can readily see it. The use of the former square label (see Fig. 268) on the hose is optional with a road wishing to keep a hose ‘ record in this manner, but‘ the new label must be used in any event. It itself contains provisions for all the records necessary A.B.C. ROAD _ n-— 6 NAME OF’ MANUFACTURER ‘SERIAL NUMBER A LABEL FOR AIR-BRAKE HOSE. i' 1 \\\\\\\\\\\ LABEL ‘To BE MADE OF E50 RUBBER VULCANIZED To CovEizA'r LOCATION SHOWN. LEI-meme AND Flsurazs MUST BE N01‘ LESS THAN {HIGH _ANo STAND IN REpEF- No'r Lass THAN POSITION OF AIR BRAK‘E IIIOSE LABEL O-N MOUNTED HOSE. AND BOLTING LUGS OF’ CLAMPS MASTER CAR BUIhDERS’ASSOCIllTION. STANDARD LABEL FOR A|R BRAKE HOSE. STANDARD COUPLING AND PACKING Rme FOR AIR BRAKE HOSE. , STANDARD POSITION OF AIR BRAKE HOSE LABEL on MOUNTED HOSE. _it: - ‘AND BOLTING LUGS or CLAMPS. Tie—J: 5__ 2| -—> STANnARD COUPLINGANDPACKING Rme FbRAIRBRAIG l-rosE. Fig. 267. ' CARS 349 for keeping track of the hose. The M. C. B. Association has secured a trade mark covering this label, and‘ grants to manufacturers authority to apply it to air-brake hose and steam hose meeting the M. C. B. specifications. The latest changes in such hose are slight and are given above. Better service for hose made accord- ing to said specifications over those of 1905, has notably been had, because of the strictness of the specifications and the cer- tainty that hose containing more rubber must now be used. The temperature at which tests shall be made has lately been raised 15 degrees. SEIIIIII. numn M. c. B. STD. NAM E OF ROAD 03 I'23456 M'I'laalunlz % l23456 n'lR'I89IIllII2 NAME OF MANUFACTURER 3--—03 Fig. 268. Master Car Builders’ Standard Hose Brand. The average life of air-brake hose is now about two years. A great many roads not following M. C. B. specifications are now getting even a better hose, especially for head end service. If such hose is a better grade than that called for by the M. C. B. requirements, the M. C. B. label should not be put thereon, some M. C. B. members say: although it is hard to see just why, inas- much as said hose comes up to (and surpasses) the M. C. B. requisites. When the old rectangular label is used, in addition to the M. C. B. label, a space of at least two inches should be left between the two labels. After October 1, 1914, no new hose should be purchased or applied unless it bears the M. G. B. band label. 350 CARS .m .0 .2 e20 825 seem 5. as. .ME .23: as 5. at: 2 as 2 5;: SE. {a e as a: 3:2... . . .3 a E a: = as a: a: 3.. a: use E e as < n: a: “a: 5 ass. as: s E. 5.. 3 a. . .. .5. =5: e .5 = 5555.2 5.. as»; s :35: 5 .25. 32s 3 3 .= .. Lfiifiegaa .2322 25:8. 32:23. 5e. 3 sin, sausage-Ma : @ . a. sea 3:.‘ EB sausage £3 a: 2:-.. 53: =53. 3:... NOTE 2- .Mvzrm E< MZPQMHEQ “a! “35-: E mi: 823 .= “as: 5 :5 353.0 8: “>3 555.! 525: :5: .u :5 .E. .2: £536 53 :22 .._ t: 52:35.“. E: 855.4 mkomemm \\ ._ mm. m... Ema: . -- . v s / n. n W W ..-.n----:--..--§. is: m m mm 2228 . z n. m “I mm .... --w=_s--..--..= 55---. ..... a: s2: as m m mm -..-..--..-fi<._ 22: .2 3 n m mm C . flu" F. n l I E m mm. D r AHMED 10 C" No __ INITIAL! "TE an muzm mun n I DEFEUS .oU Xy— . \ "it u . .%w illll Mimi}! JBIS 3383590 CARS 351 The M. C. B. Association has adopted a standard Air-Brake Defect Card, to be attached as near the car number as possible, to report to division terminals such defects as are found by train- men, and which require the brake to be cut out. The use of this card is defined as follows: If car can be placed between air-brake cars, wire the card near triple valve where it can be readily seen. If car must not be placed between air-brake cars, wire card to brake pipe near angle cock at each end of the car. The color of the card is red; its size 314 by 9 inches, including the stub, which is ‘3%, by 2% inches. The card is to be fitted with eyelet, as seen in Fig. 269, and each card supplied with suitable wire for attaching it to the car. ‘ - CHAPTER X THE FREIGHT CAR SUPERSTRUCTURE; FRAMING—ROOF- ING—SHEATHING—DOORS AND OTHER PARTS Framing—The framing of freight cars above the sills is very much the same for all classes with the exception of the open topped types, such as Gondola cars. The most common type of enclosed car is the box car, and a treatise of its. general design will outline the methods used for all styles. The frame work consists of the posts (Plate I, Nos. 55, 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65), Braces (Plate I, Nos. 66, 67, 68 and 69), Side Plates (Plate I, No. 72), End Plates (Plate I, No. 73), ' Carlines (Plate I, No. 74), Purlines (Plate I, No. 76), Ridge Pole (Plate I, No. 75) and Girths (Plate I, Nos. 70 and 71). These when all properly secured in place form the framing to which the covering peculiar to the kind of car being ‘built is secured. The plates, connected together in the form of a rectangle having the same outside dimensions as the side and end sill construction, are “elevated on the posts. These are either framed directly into the plates‘ and the sills with mortises and tenons or are set into metal pockets which are framed into the plates and sills by means of round or rectangular projections. The whole structure is then tied together with framing rods. Braces, placed in the panels to preserve'the vertical position of the frame, are framed to fit their respective locations without tenons, or any special fastening other than, at times, the metal pockets such as are also used for ‘the post (Plate I, N o. 119). They are held in place by the sheathing on the outside and the lining and flooring 'on the inside. The heavy thrust of the braces on the top of the side door posts is guarded against by fitting a strip between the door posts and nailing it to the underside of the plate. The thrust on the corner posts is taken’ up by the upper corner plate and a strap bolt secured‘ to the side plate and passing through the end plate. One or more “ girths or nailing strips are secured to the posts and braces with nails or screws. Carlines, placed at proper intervals, extend from 352 0.412s ' s53 side plate to side plate and support the purlines and ridge pole to which the roof is secured. - ' There are varied styles adopted in the construction of frames, though none of them involves principles dififerent from those indicated. The variations in arrangement are due mostly to the experience of the designer and the facilities at hand for the construction and care of the car. The main desire is to distribute the material so as to form a truss lengthwise of the car to assist in carrying the load and at the same time have suflicient stifi‘ness to resist the lateral pressure from the load. Figure 270 shows a common form of side framing. Another form, in general use also, is shown in Fig. 271. This illustrates the use of post and brace pockets which are also shown in the outline (Fig. 330) of a modern stock car. The usual method of end framing employed is illustrated in Fig. 272, the dimensions indicated, of course, being varied to suit the particular car. 1 When the car does not have an end door or when the door is located at the side next to the corner post, the end framing shown in Fig. 27 3 is sometimes used. This does not make as stiff a frame to withstand pressure from the inside, because there is only one full sectioned post instead of two, as in Fig. 272. Naturally the stronger construction is in more general use both with and with- out end doors. As a recommended practice the M. C. B. Association has adopted the styles of framing shown in Fig. 274 for the sides and ends of cars with the capacities indicated. Posts—The posts are designated as door posts (Plate 1, No. 55), body posts, of which there are two kinds, the intermediate post (Plate 1, No. 64) and the transom posts (Plate 1, No. 63), corner posts (Plate I, No. 62), and end posts (Plate I, No. 61). The body posts are usually of white oak or long-leaf southern pine. As mentioned. above they are made thick enough to stand the outward thrust of the lading, 2% inches by 5 inches to 6 inches being the most common dimensions selected. The corner and door posts are almostv always made of white oak. In sections they are more nearly square, the inside corner being gained out to receive the lining that is secured across the face of theyintermediate posts. The sizes usually met with are from five to five and one-half 354 CARS inches square, although occasionally larger sections are. used. The end posts are invariably made heavier than the body posts. Fig. 270. Arrangement of Side Framing. n _ . 1?‘ .f'fil "I" 3“ l l .v r . I l I l =.‘. L ‘0* ‘Q; a Q '| ‘2- Jr 3' " s I! 1 d’ a? 1 __3 1L _;' :3 l l : I; g . z ,' l I i. : i w “ L- _ "f .. "if 5'' ‘ ‘t, g,’ mas’ §" ‘r v“ 2* | Q.“ ‘J W -—-—— . Fig. 271. Arrangement of Side Framing. The shifting of imperfectly loaded material causes such excessive strains onjathese posts that they are ordinarily made very deep. Instead of having the sheathing cover these posts they usually CARS 355 a m‘ \ . 01 0 _---__- ._l). 12 \ '1 h l ‘u l I \ I 0 I l \ I ll '1 l ‘I ‘I ' m 430'Pine ll.’ I01‘ 1!‘! 4' on F1 a. u l“..- ‘ 8'l+_._...__.___:.___ "61.6" Pf'fiidtng i-Jv----_-_ T E 3 -c _I. a h ' a a“ u -a -a ~10 Fig. 272. End Frame Construction. project out beyond it and thus gain in strength in the proper direction for stifiness. Of course, the outside corners are then gained to form a place for securing the sheathing. This same method is frequently used also on all the other posts of the car, 356 CARS more often, however, with the door and corner posts. When extra precautions are desired, a band of flat iron is secured by bolts to the side of the post. This iron is then bent at right angles at both ends of the post and secured to the sill and plate by lag screws or bolts. The reinforcing construction makes a very rigid .. '0 n _ 2.. ...; 8*" i _ a } Enddoor I opening a | ' . v - - .i .: iig ' i a A? It a Q a‘)? - Q l | I l l a a I i ' | ‘ | l I a ll " a: ' |---”1--i (E |-----”:-—-1 l l l i | a | I f a’ ' -d.' 2 = ' Fig. 273. End Frame Construction. El\\i// /3 |l\/// l 1.r ‘ ' Mumvwé‘wmm flqurmwmm , , wwmowarrau dammwmmm FRAMING 0F‘ BOX CARS. Fig. 274. 'Master Car Builders’ Recommended Framing. and strong post, and one that will last under the severe strains of service much longer than the simple wooden post. Braces—Compression braces (Plate I, Nos. 66, 67, 68 and 69) are usually made of the same material as the body posts, white oak and southern pine being the most common woods used. They are ordinarily-of the same thickness as the body posts, but they never project, as‘ the posts sometimes do, beyond the outside faces O'ARS' 357 of the sills and plates. When the brace is to be subjected to a tensile strain it is made of iron, in the form of a strap or a long rod, and it is usually designated as a brace rod (Plate I, No. 182). Braces are called “Right-hand” or “Left-hand” according to the inclination of their top to a person facing the car. “ Plates—The side plates (Plate 1, No. 72) are usually made of the same material as the sills with a thickness at least that of the posts. Usually the plate is slightly thicker. It is not less than five inches deep, with the top face beveled to suit the pitch of the roof. However, the top face is at times left square to suit the framing of the carlines. In that event a filling block is used on top of the plate, which is beveled to the roof pitch. On account of its small dimensions and because the roof boards are nailed to it, this block is made of oak. The end plates (Plate 1, No. 73) are of oak, but sometimes hard pine is substituted. At the ends where it is framed to the side plate by mortises to suit the double tenons on the side plate it has the same depth as the outside face of the side plate and fill- ing block, if the latter is used. The depth at the center is made to suit the roof pitch. It is gained out to receive the purlines and pole. ,- , In order that the sides of the car may assist in carrying the load, it will be seen that the side framing of the freight car forms a truss which is designed to strengthen the car, and is composed of the various posts, sills, plates and compression braces or brace rods. As a rule, the truss used for this side framing is either the Pratt or Howe type, in the former of which all the braces are tension members, while in the latter they are all compression members. The Pratt truss is rarely used alone for this side truss; ing, but is generally combined with the Howe truss—the latter being usually furnished with vertical posts alongside of the vertical tension members. As ordinarily built, the freight car is not a perfect truss, for the middle panel (containing the door) lacks braces or counterbraces. Long cars are reinforced with strong trusses of the bridge or roof type, besides being strength- ened by body truss rods. The roof of the car is supported by the carlines or rafters— bars of wood or metal which extend across the top of the freight car and are let into or otherwise fastened to the plate. On these 358 _ CARS .carlines rest the purlines, longitudinal pieces of wood or metal extending from one end'of the car to the other, the center one of which is called the ridge pole. To these purlines are fastened the roofing material, whether composed of boards or metal plates. A sub- carlin'e is a strip of wood under the main carline of refrigerator cars, used to support the sub-roof of such cars. The purlines, though usually made of metal in all-metal roofs, are generally rectangular ‘pieces of timber, used as nailing strips as well as supports for the roofing ‘proper (see Plate I), and are gained into and fastened to both the end plates and carlines. Generally, they are not continuous pieces of wood; the joints, however, being always made over a carline. The ridge pole is usually twice as wide as the other purlines, and has its top face beveled to suit'the .. roof pitch on each side of the car. The carlines formerly were invariably made of oak, but other woods are now being used, and the metal carlines promise to re- place wood altogether, being used exclusively in all-steel and other metallic car roofs. The pressed-steel carlines are the strongest and lightest carlines made today, and are better than wood or wood and metalcombined. These and various other structural shapes should have large bearing surfaces for ridge pole and purlines; should compel no changes in the car framing, and should be strong enough to ensure long life. Different types of these carlines are - seen in Figs. 275, 276, 277, 278 and 279. They are made for inside or outside roofs, with or without pockets, and increase the inside height of the car. With such cars often goes a metallic end plate such as Fig. 280, especially metal roofs. With wood carlines, the under side is made straight across, the top being tapered to the roof pitch, the material being about 1% inches thick to 1% inches—more carlines being used if greater strength is desired. Usually, they are three feet apart. There is a variety of ways and details for framing the carlines to the side plates. If the carline is shallow a single thick tenon is used; if the depth will allow it a double tenon is used. When a mortise and tenon joint is used some sort of tie is necessary; strap bolts (Plate I, No. 181) secured to the ends of the carline; passing through the plate and sheathing; a short rod running through the first purline and side plate; a framing ‘rod (Plate I, No. 210) along side or underneath the carline extending through the plate and CARS 359 Fig. 275. Western Steel Car-line. , Fig. 276. Steel Angle Roof Carline. _lfi Q _, Fig. 277. Cleveland Type-B Pressed Steel Cariine for Wood Framing. Cleveland Car Specialty Company. Fig. 278. _ Standard Type-L Pressed Steel Carline for Steel or Wood Framing. Cleveland Cur Specialty Company. A» Fig. 279. Cleveland Pressed Steel Channel Carline for Outside Roofs. Cleveland Car Specialty Company. Fig. 280. Pressed Steel End Plate. Cleveland Car Specialty Company. 360 CARS sheathing with the nuts exposed at both ends. These ties are usually placed on every other carline. A more simple framing of the .carline is to lip the carline over the top of the plate which is left square or gained to receive the carline. It is then secured by screws to the plate with a framing rod at every other carline. One of the most troublesome problems in box car construction is the roof, the difficulties about which are so great that all of them cannot yet be said to have been overcome, although the increased attention lately paid to car roofing has resulted in marked improvement therein. Still, the number of freight cars now in service that will fail under a water test is much too large; but the practice of submitting the roofs to leakage-tests before assigning the cars to certain kinds of service has recently been given more consideration, and railways increasingly recognize that they must do their part by systematic attention-to the in- spection and maintenance of‘! roofs if satisfactory results are to be had. In new orders for cars, difierent types of roofs are being placed in sufiicient numbers of each kind, to permit of fair tests and comparisons of said types being secured. One important rail- road now has but little roof trouble, because it has certain regu- lations in force which make it necessary to give the roofs frequent attention and thus prevent the development of slight and com- paratively important defects. That particular road is fortunate because its ,cars are not so generally interchanged as those of other roads. If it,is not possible to give the roofs systematic and fre- quent attention in order tokeep them in first-class condition, then it is not only desirable, but necessary, that a type of roof be used which will not need such attention. The functions of the car roof are two: To protect the lading and to strengthen the car. The supporting frame thereof must have sufficient strength to carry the roof and also to tie the sides andends of the car together. If the roof is rigid, as in some of the metal roofs, it stiifens the upper part of the car, just as rigid underframes stiifiien- the lower or bottom part of the car. Further, the present severe service of freight cars causes a great increase in leaking and damaged roofs as well as in bulged or broken ends and side doors damaged or missing. The stresses to which a box ' car roof is subjected, even with the strongest of framing in the body of the car, are such that it must be given va reasonable amount - CARS 361 of attention when it is placed in service, and must not be prac- tically neglected, as is too often the case. A good freight car roof should be absolutely weather-proof, economical in first cost and maintenance, and of such design and construction that the shocks and vibrations incident to the service will not impair its efiiciency. It should have long life, the minimum dead weight, the least cave-width, the greatest cubic capacity, and hence the greatest earning capacity; and it should stand the fire hose test to prove that it is impervious to the elements. Its shape must also be such that it is both safe and easy to walk over, and not liable to injury on this account. ’ Freight car roofs are constructed of wood or of metal, or of both combined. There are in use five- general types of roof con- struction: 1. The double-board roof. 2. The single-board roof covered with metal sheets or plates. 3. The sheet-metal roof pro- tected by a single layer of roughly matched boards. 4. The all- metal or metallic roof. 5. The so-called plastic roof, consisting of an inside wooden roof covered with plastic materials of different kinds, with an outside roof built over that to protect said materials from injury. These plastic materials at first were tar paper, asphalted canvas, etc., but now (especially when used in ventilator or refrigerator cars) they are generally made of very heavy-layers of woolen or other fibre felt, sometimes saturated with compounds tending to preserve not only the materials but also the upper and lower boarding with which it comes in contact. The metal roof covered with boards is now generally called an Inside-Metal Roof, while by Outside-Metal Roof is meant one that has a metal cover- ing over a single layer of boards. The double-board or all-wood roof is still the one in largest use. In the construction of this roof, only the best seasoned timber (white pine, Douglas fir, etc.) should be used. A common practice is to use boards dressed on both sides and edges to a uniform size _of about % by 51/8 inches and have two semi-circular grooves of 1%, inch diameter on one side, near each edge. The purpose of these grooves in the top course of boards is to catch and carry off as much of the water as possible, keeping it out of the joints; these same grooves in the under course catch and carry off such of the water as penetrates the joints of the top course. As the grooves in the under course are apt to become clogged with dirt 362 CARS ' sometimes the two grooved sides are placed in contact so as to increase the size of the channel for carrying 01f the water. The boards of both courses are nailed to the plates, purlines and ridge pole. Wooden screws are sometimes used in place of nails, but / .\~\'<\\\'\ >\>=‘.// &:\}&\>§\KK\\\\\:= ; 5.,’ / {nliég‘g-Ea/ \\*l .-'s .- 6:1,» I \ATQZE aaéme/bewmsnewzmnnns— \ ‘\\\\\\ <\\\\>\\‘= -' -;-_ ////;;:"”.//// I\$‘\T\=-afi°/J%‘M"’4§Q Wi-éns.grzfia\v 7 e1:@,5///a;¢~,0/Z”//"",/7/\\\\§‘§\°§==€ yrlazl/A/JI/ljm, ,. aw Amwvzm A.\ \\%M'. . Fig. 281. Double Board Roof. they are expensive and troublesome. The edges and faces of the' boards are always heavily coated with paint before they are laid. The pitch of the roof varies from 1% to 2 inches rise per foot. The steeper the pitch the better the protective qualities of the roof but the more dangerous to the trainmen who have to pass over it. The construction of a double board roof is shown in Fig. 281. ‘new l2 FEETFQOM -— l ‘_i' or swL-ro UNILS‘I'OSHOI 1 . ncnowrmp or ' ;_|_ ;, e -————————_3 meo'rru-iorsmeov ; o L g‘ ‘ .4 _ LATITUDINM. _ . ~ ‘ i‘; - RUNNING some as Ewen ‘H '9 - b __ .— as"... a l mew 0F LArrruumAL RUNNING _-~—_-—— A-—" ' Mdrw‘lfbm _. . HEIGHT AT EAVES- 5,2; 0,- c ,2 g - ~ ..M an; , m: -- {WIDTH AT “V55 ---. a’ REAR "TAU-meme. "4.! ‘LL _ _ _N. Kmn 0F DRAF’Y AR COUPLER SHANK 5'7.“ ' ANDSTYLEOFBQAKE Ems ._7|- _,,_ s I (WOODOQMCTAL) TO BE ~ \ -- sHowNoNsmz was A1’ 1 n! ..g f- Ennoeoncuooromnaow: . I ‘~ ~- k Bot 51-5125 10 SHOW // HEIGHTAND womb-Ewes // z \ l on OUTSIDE or so: SILLS a.__-_-—, w LATITumN'AL' | l I .I 1 was i I ,, Rurmme BoARo l5 FLUSH ‘ . ,, WITH EAvEs, THE HEIGHT 3 I \ , SHOULD BE GIVEN TO TOP | | | l l STOCK CAPS MOQE THAN l2 FEET FPOM TOP _‘ 54 OF PAIL TO EAVES TO I l I *l as LATITuDIN // Ra AL RUNNING q // STYLE orcot PLEP. l E OF EAR \ / 1 STYLE or REA: Armcmmis . =_;______ ORMETALTOBESTENO o sTYLEoFDeAETcE/m ORONEND . . . . ——-— T ‘Tasmania... ‘l’ 4* We W nastiness“... ° “" 5‘ “i ’*' a‘ 9*" x " . 'l ,AnEusEooQmsTmcEcJoc FLO |-_ _._. _ ' ._ 4 PNIIALS |FAxLEs ARE‘. . O R I Ne" - 6379"” a" - A a . u: _ 7 . . - COUPLER s m:- ON ours: 02: spasms. a 43 65 7}‘ a}, 92' an,» 1.»,- w cow-r’ ': {a slaw-ring own- Rfkfwm 1190 Gina‘! 19m- / I r. YOKE \ O R BHANK. *7 LENGTH OOFT. STYLE 0? RAFT GEAR META 1L '(C) Q) SIDING E OF REAPATT I assesses.“ ’ ' ' ... _Jr'l AMS " ' " COUPLER SHANK 5x2: gig/HOOD ogNMsi‘ToléLgrréggAT L“ “4 mm’ STYLE OF DRAFT GEAR» z" OWN cm - Y0K: ATTACHMENT QENDOPONEND or ROOFING AND LlN ING METAL BRAKE BEAM J: TRUCK soLs'TERs To ' snow suz: omoumm. AND LETTEFB'MQB'IF' MOB. “(@— ‘®“ ‘ '” _ “i— * - ' _(5 - ‘@T MASTER can BUIhDERS’IlSSOGIATION. CNESlDEG'TDUCK NTPUCK IRANSOM. STANDARD UARKINO OF FREIGHT CARS. STANDARD FLOORING. ROUGH AND FINISHED. STANDARD SIDINGI,‘ ROOFING AND LINING. STANDARD SIGNAL LAMP SOCKET. STYLE or DRAFT GEAR . YOKE'. ATTACHMENT BEAHs COUPLER SHANK iNSIDE LENGTH OOF'I.’ .3 METAL BRAKE 3 _ 1 Ir‘: a, ‘ MARKING OF FREIGHT CARS- P-q. SIGNAL. LAMP SOCKET 1 F18- 282. CARS 363 Fig. 283. Interior View of‘ Box Car with Franklin Flexible Metallic Root. Fig. 284. Hutchins' Sectional Metal Inside Roof. 364 CARS This form of roof, made up of tongued boards, sometimes has the boards grooved on its face only on the upper boards. The M. O. B. standard Roofing is shown in Fig. 282. Fig. 285. Hutchins' Improved All-Steel Cariine Roof. Fig. 286. Hutchins’ Outside Metal Roof. PARTS OF HUTCHINS’ TYPE "D" ROOF. A, Lock Roll Joint. B, Torsion Eave Bead. C, Galvanized Roofing Sheets. E, Galvanized Joint Eave Filler Piece. F, Galvanized Center Hood. G. Galvanized Saddle Cover. The single-board roof covered with metal (or outside-metal roof) is slightly more costly than the double-board roof, but when properly constructed of durable materials not only sheds water far better but also has a longer life, though liable to injury through being walked on, and more diflicult to rigidly fasten the \ CARS 365 OI_n>O0.0rmZU Ob: mOOIZQ 00. 016.900 n32 me 3333. 2 .. ‘it: “a: .//A ii. a"): Q‘ HPWIBJ. Zahara “in pre HLQN kg‘ ‘Jinx-urn Ocqwam Zmdbr. 200w. mcUNEOm . 3m. N3. 20. » 9.85m 26: fioi. fiioumobiadEaa OE. wooasm 03:25? 3G6 CARS roof and hand brake appliances to. At first tin was used, but is now obsolete because it wears out so_ rapidly and is so easily injured; its place being taken by iron or steel sheets, generally galvanized or Lohmannized -to prevent rusting and consequent decay. The inside-metal roof is also much used, it is made of corrugated metal—iron, steel or zinc sheets, covered with boards and resting on roof strips. Metallic sheets, when used for car roofing, have their joints made and closed in' various ways,- but all are designed to prevent water from penetrating to the interior. The metallic roofs are now generally all-steel, some kinds using steel carlines, while others have no ridge poles or purlines. Others have their c‘ai'lines outside, of the roofing sheets. Instead of roofing boards they often use ilg-inch galvanized steel plates with rolled steel carlines, the drainage’ of the roof being through the ridge ' pole and carlines'. The cave application is important, and should eliminate all strains from the roofing sheets. Often they provide for ventilation at the sides and ends of the car. One of the larger systems has a solid riveted roof, with air spaces at the sides to pro- vide for ventilation, which was applied to about 110 cars a year and a half or two years ago, and has given splendid satisfaction—so great satisfaction, in fact, thatv cars in service or under order to the number of 10,000, either have or are being equipped with it. The argument is constantly being advanced that it is necessary to have a flexible roof on all box cars to provide against the various stresses to which the superstructure is subjected. The designers of the solid riveted roof under consideration argue that it has been found necessary to develop rigid underframes and that it is just as neces- sary' to have a rigid roof, the former stifiening the box at its lower end and the latter at the top. Roofs of these difierent types are shown in Figs. 283, 284, 285, 286 and 287, a type of the plastic car roof is shown in Fig. 288. An important adjunct of the box car roof is the Running Board (see Plate I), by means of which the trainmen pass over the train. The ‘M. C. B. Standard, therefore, as part of the U. S. Safety Appliances ordered by the I. C. C., provides that each box car shall have one longitudinal running board. On outside metal roof cars there shall be latitudinal extensions from longitudinal running board to edge of roof above ladder locations, except on refrigerator cars where such latitudinal extensions cannot be CARS 367 )‘o. well.‘ Q Us... a In meoug‘o. Em. wwm. magnum. wieoamg OE. ween. 368 CARS applied on account of ice hatches. Latitudinal extensions shall not be less than twenty-four inches in width. Longitudinal running board to be not less than 18, preferably 20, inches wide, and to extend along the center of the roof the full length of the car; to be continuous from end to end, and not cut or hinged at any point—provided that the length and width of running boards may be made up of a number of pieces securely fastened to saddle blocks with screws or bolts. Running boards shall be made of wood and securely fastened to car. The ends of longitudinal running. boards shall be not less than 6 nor more than 10 inches from a vertical plane parallel with the end of the car and passing through inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler horn against the bufier block or end sill, and if more than 4 inches from edge of roof of car shall be securely supported their full width by substantial metal braces. ' The running board is usually made of three 1 by 6-inch strips supported on hardwood cleats (or saddles of wood or metal for metal roofs) at proper intervals. The braces or brackets for the extensions beyond the car ends are made of steel or wrought iron, with a cleat fastened by bolts. Sometimes the middle board is made thick and forms a peak for the cap of the roof, being gouged out to fit snugly over the roof boards; the boards at each side being secured on short cleats. Gondola and flat cars usually have no running boards; on tank cars, as will be seen later, they are ordinarily placed on the side of the car. After the underframing is erected, the flooring is laid, such timber as the different kinds of pine, Douglas fir, etc., being largely used for this purpose. With box cars, the floor boards at the doorway are made‘ of oak or other hardwood, if not too expensive. The boards are usually laid crosswise of the car and are spiked to the sills. The M. C. B. Standard for flooring may be seen in Fig. 282. It prescribes "that flooring shall be of three kinds: Square-edged, dressed all over; ship-lapped, dressed all over; tongued and grooved, dressed all over. Metal plates and other materials have been used, but it seems that freight car floors must continue to be made of wood, to secure proper blocking of the lading. The general practice is to use ship-lapped flooring, because of the ease with which a broken or worn out board can be replaced; tongued and grooved boards being rarely used in freight CARS 369 cars. For stock and flat cars, thicker flooring is ordinarily used, because of the rougher wear and tear they receive. I The girths (Plate I, Nos. 70 and 71) are stifiening pieces for the framing as well as nailing strips for the sheathing. Sometimes they are called belt rails. They are usually made thick enough to fill the space between the sheathing and lining and extend from 7/8 inch to 1 inch inside of the posts and braces. When made of a solid piece of wood it is gained out to receive all the posts'and braces. A much better construction is to use approximately square filling blocks and nailing strips which extend between braces and posts at the proper location and then use a board as the girth about 1% inches by 6 inches across the inside faces of the posts and braces. This girth is secured to each post and brace by screws as well as to the blocks, and is usually made of oak. For cars of‘ ordinary size a single girth is all that is required but frequently two are used. - The sheathing (Plate I, No. 88) of a car is the covering placed on the side outside of the frame work. The material used is generally dressed and matched boards of best quality white pine; however, the particular kind of lumber used is governed by considerations of cost. It is essential that it should be well seasoned or kiln dried, otherwise the natural shrinkage will be so great that the car will soon cease to be weather-proof. As a rule the boards are surfaced on both sides to a thickness of from % to 74; inches. They are tongued and grooved and are >_ beaded on the outside face, a “V” groove being sometimes used. They are applied with vertical joints and nailed securely to the plates, braces, girths and sills. The number of nails to each board depends on the width of the board, steel wire nails being preferred to cut nails. Usually one nail is driven blind at each nailing place. The standard M. C. B. Sheathing is illustrated in Fig. 282. Trouble occasioned by water following beading or grooves in horizontal sheathing is best overcome by bevelling the top outside corner of each board. This will eliminate the gutter effect of the sheathing where it is not entirely tight. Vertical sheathing is best, if accompanied by economical and convenient design of side framing, though’ the truss form of the framing lends itself naturally to horizontal sheathing. Often the sheathing shrinks so _ 370 ' CARS much as to be quite open, causing anxiety to car men on account of possible damage to lading; especially nowadays when good fully kiln-dried lumber is hard to obtain at all times. This is one reason why metal is being more and more recommended for sheathing, especially with steel upper frame cars. For this purpose, both iron and steel, galvanized or specially treated, flat and cor- rugated are now being extensively employed. The inside sheathing is called lining (Plate I, No. 89). It is run lengthwise of the car on the sides and across the car at the ends. In quality it is “second” or “common” grade of white pine or any suitable lumber, matched and grooved. This lining - does not extend to the floor, but is usually raised at least 1% inches above it by spacing blocks which are nailed close to the floor. at each post. At the end of the car it extends up to the plate. At the floor and against the outside sheathing is secured a triangular piece of lumber called the “grain strip’ ’ (Plate 1, N o. 105). This is of such dimensions that all grain which might get in behind the lining will be thrown out from under the lining onto the floor where it can be readily reached when unloading the car. If necessary, additional provision is made for letting out the ’ grain where the post and braces come together at the floor ' line. A hole is simply cut through the bottom board of the lining. This triangular grain strip and the opening in the lining is also used above the girths where the lining extends to the plate at the ends of the car, and above the lower girth when two are used on the sides with the lining extending up to the second._ The M. C. ,B. Association has adopted as a standardthat the sec- tion of siding or sheathing and lining shall be as shown in Fig. 282 ; the Recommended Practice for the ends of the car, from the floor to the underside of the carline, calling for planks 1% inches thick. This inside lining of freight cars is nailed to the inside of the posts, and in box cars ‘it extends only half way up the sides of the car to the girths, being carried up to the carlines at the ends, as just stated. We speak later of the modern steel car with outside steel frame and the lining and sheathing combined in one; the frame being left exposed, and the inside lining becoming inside sheathing. This is shown for the M. C. B. standard type in Fig. 289. In order to reduce the shrinkage of the side planks, this combined lining and sheathing should be made narrower in width than usual. - L- - Jil/‘Jo/‘J HEW/W flfl‘IIl/YI - m—ml‘m : 070 Ml” WWI” MM am BOX CAR END DOOR. . ‘ LP . zROUNDED CORNERS OF noose ac. 0F STOCK CARS. MASTER 6BR BUIIIDERS ASSOCIATION. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR BOX OAR END DOOR ROUNDED CORNERS OF DOORS &C. OF STOCK OARS. LINING FOR OUTSIDE FRAMED CARS. AXLE FOR GENERATOR PULLEY. new‘. .\ LINING FOR OUTSIDE FRAMED CARS. " Fig. 289. cites 371 Ordinarily, in this type of car, the material is used in 5%, inch widths, but some roads use planks only 3%, inches wide, the lining 1% inches thick being connected to the members of the metal framework by %-inch carriage bolts. The lower side board is cut in 1/5 inch at the floor level to allow the floor planks to pass under the edge. At the ends of the car, the floor board is gained 1/2 inch to allow the lower end lining‘ board to fitbelow the floor level, thus insuring a tight fit. ,_ x810. “am In a “-_ ‘B _ I ~ . _a a (“A-"3:12;." , ‘a’ ‘y * ‘.0 ; 13x5“ '1‘ n! l ‘I g '.: LL" -.; _ ~_ ' Tpu ' l /; IF . ' : . i . I , : E g 5 a ! i a I : : R ‘z ' I \ E .s ._. _ s i . | ‘ o i q ‘I! A ‘ it E I; x ‘\ l 7"“ ~ ‘ ‘ I. I , 2 --—1 '. i i l .r "I x i I ' ' p - A 0 ’ \\ I s XIX"! » p ‘l ' I‘ In H, ‘ l] k" ‘ E a .__._ °._.."== -’- - * "" _i - -~—-‘ ~ ll 0 1 . 9 c i Q I I . I . s . n. a 0A _1 w Fig. 290. Box Car End Door. The End Door is a- small door _at the end of a freight car located from half way up to the roof. The M. C. B. Recommended Practices for box car end doors and end door fixtures are shown in Fig. 289. In some kinds of automobile cars, one end of the car is arranged in the form of a double swinging door. There is no fixed rule for the location of end doors, though they are generally placed in the center between the posts and above the girth. Their usual construction and method of suspension are seen in Fig. 290. Ordinarily, the construction of the end door is about the same as that of the side door, but on a smaller scale; and what is said 37 2 CARS herein as to side doors applies with almost equal force to the end door. If the end door is locked from the inside, a pin and bracket are used; if on the outside, a hasp and staple with proper provision for sealing. Formerly, such end~ doors were common, being especially em- ployed for loading lumber, etc., but each year fewer new cars with end doors are being built. , At present, those so built are, in some cases, quite small—'24 inches or so—being often hinged and hung from above or below, besides the kind that slides on metal strips. In some cars, end doors are located near the top of the car; others have two small end doors, one near the roof, the other near the floor. Ventilator cars, besides having side ventilator doors (in addition to regular side doors), also often have sliding end doors, half or more of which is made up of slatted openings. In modern cars, end doors are of very substantial nature and cannot be entered or pilfered, which has always been one of the draw- backs to this door. Further, yard clerks in obtaining accurate seal records of end doors, ran great risk of personal injury on account of the inconvenient location of these doors. Cars were . pilfered, and claims paid on account of no end-door seal record, in many instances on our roads.‘ New cars are, therefore, being built without end doors, especially the all-steel cars and those with steel /ends, in both of .which end doors- are rarely put in. If put in, with such cars,- they are very small and are hinged. Many. roads are permanently‘ fastening them in place, on most of their old cars, leaving end doors operative only on short box cars. This indicates that with the’ advent of the 40-foot box car, the end door will gradually disappear. 3 For the above reasons, the M. C. B. committee on this subject has suggested, the following recommendations, in view of the fact that there ‘sometimes are .special lengths or designed pieces of lumber that cannot go in the side door, and hence have to go in through the end door:— (a) End doors used for loading lumber in box cars are essen- tial only on roads having long lumber loading in box cars as an essential feature of traffic. (b) End doors must be so con- structed that when closed they lock automatically, by means of a lock accessible only-:from the inside of the car, thus avoiding the CARS 373 necessity of taking seal records. (c) Seal appliances now in use, and not accessible from the ground or from end ladders, should be revised to be so accessible to promote the safety of employees. This, however, is hardly possible, as regards locking end doors automatically on the inside, for the large class of ventilator cars used for hauling fruit and vegetables must necessarily have ven- tilator doors at both top and bottom, being provided with means for closing the solid door and alsofor applying the seals when the end door is closed. During the winter such perishable products coming from the south must have end doors open for ventilation, while on reaching the cold north, said doors must be closed‘ and the car made as frost-proof as possible. Still, ventilators should be put in ends in such a manner that no one can enter the car; and, all the recent cars built have the end doors put in solidly so that they cannot be removed. They also mostly have inside locks, which is the best way to close such doors and keep them in shape. With many automobile cars, it is impossible to seal the end doors; some of them have double doors, which, when used as automobile ears, open out, while an inside door (which can convert the car into a grain car) is closed. In fact, no general rule can be laid down in this matter, to cover all possible cases. The important detail of the End Construction of freight cars was largely neglected in the past, until investigations of box car repairs led to a realization of the ever-increasing damage to box car ends with the attendant expense thereof. Weak end construction gave trouble in three ways; it did not provide adequate resistance to prevent the lading from bursting or bulging out the ends under the severe shocks encountered in shifting the cars or in rough service on the road; also, combined with other poor construction, cracks and openings "developed, causing leakage of grain and other commodities; and, lastly, great loss of revenue ensued from such faulty cars being frequently laidofi? from service and put on repair tracks for end repairs. The standard con- struction on box cars, until lately, was to use a light inside lining and the standard outside sheathing fastened to the wooden end and corner‘ posts, thus making the end only a very little stronger than the sides of the car, to resist shifting loads and end shocks. This was very hard on lumber, as it left only the posts to resist present hard thrusts. 374 CARS The great number . of cars with burst and bulged-out ends proved that wooden ends without metal. reinforcement no longer meet modern railroad demands. Metal ends and metal reinforce- ments were accordingly tested and found to be much superior to wooden ends. On one road, 65 per cent of its freight cars were found unfit to transport grain, due to defective ends, even though they had steel underframes. In many cases, the end of the car appears tight and leakage-proof when the car is standing still, but the vibrations during transit open up the cracks and allow the grain to leak out, especially with the heavier equipment and longer trains of today. In practice, various methods are in vogue to strengthen car ends. Some car men strengthen the corner posts and secure them to the sides of the car, using 2%-inch lumber and carrying it up 4 feet in height, southat the inside lining would assist in resisting Fig. 291. Cleveland Pressed Steel End Tie Band for Box and Stock Cars. Cleveland Car Specialty Company. stresses. This materially strengthens the end, if the end is properly _ secured to'the sides of the car. On another road, the end is also reinforced at the bottom of the lining for the full width of the car by placing a 1,4-inch steel plate on the outside of the lining, extending about 9 inches above the floor and riveted to the end and corner posts. The lower edge of this plate is flanged at the bottom and is riveted to the end sill cover-plate. This not only stifiens the ends but is an additional precaution against the leak- age of grain at that point. Also, the end construction for new cars, with two vertical 4-inch Z-bars and 1%-inch end lining satisfies some other roads. Speaking generally, steel cars should have steel plate ends. Other cars are equipped with end stifi’eners—reinforcing mem- bers extending across the end of a freight car to prevent it from bulging or breaking out. One such device is called an “end tie band, a specimen of which is given in Fig. 291. This band has its ends bent and fastened to the side of the‘ car, thus tying the end of the car securely together. CARS 375 The future practice seems to favor all-metal ends for box cars, especially as some kinds of steel ends even now cost only $15.00 more than standard wooden ends, and last much longer. These metal ends can be used either with or without wood lining; some roads employing such lining to stop sweating when it rains, especially if .grain is to be carried in the car. When using metal ends without wood lining, the inside surface of the plates must have no projections, such as bolt or rivet heads, as the I. O. 0. Regulations prescribe that in a freight car used to carry dangerous explosives, special care must be taken ‘ ‘to have no projecting nails or bolts or exposed pieces of metal which may work loose or produce holes in packages of explosives during transit,’ ’ The design must be such that rivet heads will not project. If there is to be no interior wood lining, and projection of the rivets cannot be avoided, it would seem that the above regulations require a special wood lining to be placed in the end of a car of this kind at least as high as the lading reaches. One railroad employs a 14-inch steel plate fastened to the end sill and extending up under the sheathing; a heavier inside lining than usual being used, and the sheathing bolted to the frame and held by clamps. On another railway, it was discovered that 65 ‘ per cent of the cars unfit for use in grain service had wooden ends. Another road had _many cars with ends bulged out, the same bad results occurring equally with cars of old and new design, although they all had wooden ends, plainly indicating that such ends as were used in the past and found adequate, are quite unsuited for present railroad service. This last road reinforced its wooden ends ' with the heaviest wooden construction, but still found much difl‘iculty with its ends, because of the damage caused by shifting loads. Finally, after much experimenting, this road adopted for its box cars the steel end shown in Fig. 292, which proved so successful that it is now being used on both new equip- ment and in rebuilding and strengthening old cars. vWhen applied to a. wooden car, the lower edge of the end is flanged and fits under the floor plank of the car, effectually preventing the leakage of grain at the end. This road made some very severe tests with box cars loaded with car wheels, and tried to destroy the cars. - With the heavy reinforced wooden end cars-ends that cost only $15.00 less than steel ends—the cars were practically destroyed; 376 (JARS rm while those equipped with steel ends, had simply to take off a small section of the end, repair it, and quickly return the car to service. This road is lining these steel-end cars with wood, to stop sweating in case of rain. i , o. .. .1: a; - ‘p ufl’elk'fo‘izifivw 3‘ .{gtaflg , ‘11' cooeuzn 311A.“ 8'; , nape“ seamsom' 5' . ' Fig. 292. Steel End for Freight Cars. Concerning this type of steel end, its great strength, as com pared to the wooden end, prevents damage to both the car and the lading because of shifting loads and thus reduces the time the car must be held out of service for repairs. The steel construction is CARS ' 37'? lighter than that of wood; the old style wooden end on a certain class of New York Central cars weighed 1,863 pounds; a better design of reinforced wooden epd weighed 1,790 pounds; and the steel 'end for the same class of car weighs 1,607 pounds. No end posts are used with the steel end and the inside length of the car is thus increased by about one foot, with a corresponding increase in the cubical contents of the car. There is no possibility of the ends becoming loose and thus allowing grain or similar lading to leak out, as is so often the case with the wooden construction. If the end is seriously damaged it has a considerable value as scrap, while the wooden end is valueless. ' The end is made in two parts to facilitate erection on the re- pair tracks or where an overhead' crane ‘is not available. If de- sirable the two parts may be riveted together in advance, if it is desired to apply them at shops where there is a good crane sefvice. The two-part end has the additional advantage of re- duced expense for replacement if one-half should be seriously damaged and need renewal. Since the lower half of the end is usually subjected to the greater punishment due to shifting loads, it is made slightly heavier than the upper half being IA inch thick, as compared to 134; inch for the upper half. The reduction in thickness of the upper half is estimated to save about 300 pounds in the weight of the car. The lower half of the end is said to be equivalent in strength to a flat steel plate "/8 inch in thickness. One railway in a recent order for 300 fifty-foot furniture cars and 500 forty-foot automobile cars—all of 40 tons capacity with steel underframes—required all of them equipped with rein- forced or steel ends, specifying the Van Dorn pressed steel freight car end, which is seen in Fig. 293. This end is a heavy steel plate corrugated into concentric rings, and it has proved very efiicient, although some prefer the Murphy end. To meet the demands of those desiring a two-piece end of this type, there is the two-piece Van Dorn section steel end‘shown in Fig. 294. It is made of heavy pressed steel, the two sections being riveted together along the horizontal center line. The ends are further reinforced by tie rods at the top, which are continuous throughout the car and pass through both ends—a special patented feature of the Van Dorn end. 378 CARS Fig. 293. Van Dorn One-Piece Steel End for Box Cars. Pyle-National Electric Headlight Company. Fig. 294. Van Dorn Two-Piece Steel End for Box Cars. ‘Pyle-National Electric Headlight Company. CARS 379 In reinforcing wooden ends by means of the diagonal braces mentioned in the above M. G. B. suggestions as to car .ends, emphasis must be laid on the fact that the braces must not run from the corners to the ridge but from the center sills to the side plates each end of the braces being attached to the longitudinal car members, either directly or through other members, by fasten- ings suficient'in strength to develop the full strength of the end. The following is the Recommended Practice of the M. C. B. Association for Box Car End Design and Strength: New cars should have steel plate ends 14 inch thick, reinforced between corner posts with the equivalent of either two vertical steel braces with a total section modulus of not less than 9; or one vertical and two diagonal steel braces with a total section modulus of not less than 10; or three horizontal steel braces with a total section modulus of not less than 10. New cars may have the following alternative arrangement: Three or more steel braces, two of which run diagonally, with a total section modulus of not less than 12%, and wood lining 1%, inches thick. ' To concentrate strength at a point near floor line on vertical center line of car, diagonal braces should extend from the center sills to the side plates, and not from the bottom corner to the ridge. The attachments for the braces and the members to which they are attached must be sufficiently strong to realize the full strength of the braces. Hardwood or yellow pine may be considered equivalent to the steel members, if the section‘ modulus is four times as great. Wooden posts and braces should be set in metal pockets not less than 1% inches deep, and must be held in place by adequate tie rods. , Lining at car ends should be supported at intervals not greater than 30 times the thickness.v Two 4 by 3-inch Z-bars, 12.4 pounds per foot, have a total' section modulus of 9.84. Two 5-inch I-beams, 9.75 pounds per foot, have a total section modulus of 9.6. Three 4-inch I-beams, 9.5 pounds per foot, have a total section modulus of 10.2. 380 CARS Three 3-inch Z-bars, 14.2 pounds per foot, have a total section modulus of 10.3. Type of ends similar to Van Dorn ends, made of 1;5,-inch plate, or Murphy ends, with the lower half made of 174-13611 corrugated .__—_.____.___-_ ...-_._-.__ l . q.“- M; ‘4..’ U‘ 3,.- ‘ - 4 '- Er- _— . .unflsttllill _ Krflfllfllldnkl'l . . Isiilruhti tzrlut. automate rill-Fuh- .. 3.... . . . ll’ If [.1 \co‘ - . . ‘filer/.2! .i w... s v ‘a '5' a I“ 1|- . i.| I .4 o . all “.~_I. '1 aui~ . 6L all .1. l1 IIUIQI~ \ oo\~s\.our\-h\.\4 .i ‘III‘VHal-uhk' v or. I eh‘ i... e... I t: It In .. ‘Wu-In -. o. v I!’ a. ‘ I’ has .r we; '\.J..irI-¢.w . is’. o o a i o d . 'lln\\r\\\fiod$< .| . u I . L l - .- lu.‘ .- s v.7). \v\.i.ll\.\\zr - ll - , .llln nun. villi-r; vitriol-still- - )0, U filix 5:‘ :1 i t"; :I rfi ’.' ‘F q ,1 I '1 i. ‘i H I I‘. l ‘I MI I U'LTC- 1 i ii" is ii is. ‘"3— .a . .. i g l.||.\IJ'iuIn. IwwolW-l|.il.illl.o.| I. IT... _ i. I . .l. Lu " a a fire... .1 .swrvlllloilll ‘Iflllllll-l llllloollll . ._ utl _I .l\|.l...iv .II' . e I.‘ blolillllorl '- e... Ill-1! IIIIIJ I“. - . .l . .. . I. .oe . .l .l a . Q.) l- .1 lie’ I .h "U h... 0_ ‘oz’! y‘s-. l_hvf|n.|N"J.ll‘..rdvJ4vl"q|J-l§."u| u" hnnnnufl I I “ll.- - .o In . n .0 \ I'll'l k .. . . .1, ..| III...- In‘ I ‘0.1. raids‘; .hl n In ‘I. . .. l ‘dillirrlls " DJ! ‘Ill'ullulll ; I Fig. 295. Box Car Door—Batten. ,~ plate, ‘and the upper half with fag-111C111 corrugated plate, may be substituted for those described. The simplest and most commonly used form of door (Plate I,_ 92) is the “batten” door. Its construction is not complicated which has probably been the reason for its general use. The boards of which it is made are similar to those used for the siding CARS ' 381 of the car. These are clinch nailed to three or more battens as indicated in the illustration, Fig. 295. Another form of construction sometimes used is the framed door which consists of a hardwood frame to which a panel of sheathing is applied as indicated in the illustration, Fig. 296. This construction, however, is very expensive and is not used to any great extent. The rails are subject to rotting out on account of the water which is caught on them as it runs off from the - Bm- % x2I'Hanytr e9 4 N 5: X x a drain immg __,. re“ -. . ‘MI I '.'..9 l '-I ‘I i 2' Fig. 296. Box Car Door—Framed. panels. A better construction of framed door and one more in general use is shown in Plate 1. In this the panel of sheathing completely covers the rails (Plate I, Nos. 94, 95 and 96) and is made flush with the stiles (Plate I, 93). This door will shed the rain freely and there are no places for it to lodge and cause decay. The material used for the frame is usually ash rather than oak, because it is less liable to distortion, a trouble which seriously interferes with the working of car doors. The stiles and rails are secured to each other by mortises and tenons or by gaining, either 382 . , CARS form of construction being used as suits the particular ideas of the designer. ' The framing and the boards composing the panel must be securely fastened together preferably with screws. In the suspension of doors it is necessary to so arrange the details that there will be no chance for the rain to beat in around them and thus damage the lading. If the style of hanging makes a cap over the top of the door to act as a water-shed there is no need of any further protection. However, if no shed is thus provided a special cap or protecting covering has to be used. This is noticeable in the details of the doors shown. , Side doors are made to slide backwards and forwards for open- ing and shutting, usually opening to the right. There are two general methods of construction; first supporting the door at the bottom and second, suspending it from the top. In the first method the door slides by means of two cast-iron grooved shoes secured to it by bolts with square or oval heads let in flush with the inside face of the door on a track which is a bar of wrought iron usually 37/2 inch by 2 inch section. The groove of the shoes should be ample in depth and width to prevent cramping if the track be bent. The track is as long as the door is wide with the width of the door opening added. It is blocked out from the side of the car with cast-iron brackets bolted, the nuts of which should be on the inside of the sill. The door is kept in place and guided at the top by a cap which may be a hard wood strip rabbeted to fit over and hold the door. A more'ei'tficacious and stronger method is to use a strap of iron to lip over the door which is a little lighter than that used for the track and support it in place by a strip of lumber. Sometimes hooked hangers are _ secured to the top of the door which lip over this guiding strap _ with the idea of providing an auxiliary means of support for the door if the bottom rail or shoe should in any way become defective or be lost. A space is left between the door and the cap to pro- vide against bulging of the door caused by swelling of the lumber. The door is usually prevented from running back off its track by a stop of wood or cast iron (Plate I, No. 134) attached to the side of the car. The. stop is fastened to the car by one or two lag screws or bolts extending throu h the siding and into the girth or into one of the posts or braces. The stop need not be used S'ENHNG ISTOBE “CB Skim SECTIW,W£ f 2 I L i l ' scum AS can slums . ""‘ " X; F swanswmmsvmnmssumvmm W ‘\"F v ‘cl/1 .n, . g _ . I } i x g 2 i> 5 _ ‘ms 2 ,L ____ ____‘5’ 7. _.. . . . I I . . -_ _Q' '4; "1 s ‘ ‘\r _ _ _ _ _ _ __7_@1 \ \ _I _‘L _L . g n ‘\ \ ‘\ ‘\ mamas ‘\ \ a .. .+i \ \ \ \ w _ = \ \ - Y ‘\ ‘ ‘ ‘\ wk‘; 0" :gg \\ ‘\ ‘l \\ mm CARS m . . suJ'RMs Boar aural: : 3 ‘\ ‘\ \\ \\ 10?: “105 {an \ \ \ \l. AT‘IH;_ : g \ ‘\ \ |32 \ \ \ ‘ - ,3 .I ‘ \ \ \ _-__- I.‘ \\ ‘ \‘ ' \ u R- 2___- 1'5- \ \‘ i ‘\ ‘\ go as. THERE uus'r nor be ‘\ \ \\ \ E’; " 1‘. THAN Two soTToM . \\ \ \‘ 50 g a {neon cinncsRAcKz-rs suP- \ \ \ \ _q 5 5! ._ -__ ~Po rma an an IN ANY ‘ " \ ' - -,--- "2‘ ,l “we g=§ g’ POSITIOMAND NOT LESS ‘\ ‘.- -.; P §2H=c---- THAN 'runzesa‘rronnoon ----——--\-\;——— , —\-—-L\—————-----—-= -- — —;- Ir, - w 5,’ sum: BRACKETS SUPPORTING \ Museums: \ E'- 5 ,- THE own In ‘rue onos: \ \ ‘ \ 0 ° “ d 2 POSITION \ ‘\ \ "71‘ '° _ Z n E ' \ \ | ‘ 5 5! ul ¢=\ ' \ \ ' 'II a '51 ' £613...-“ a X \\ z \ I \ \ . 2's - \ \- - 1 g: j- . ’> 2'. , , /\ NOT MORE THAN 5\9' FROM TOP OF RAIL . ~ , i l- . P M'- E 7 MIT‘ “I310; noon FAsrENsR i We sou’: . l El 0.,‘- \ PREFERABLV SKO'FROM 1'09 OFRAIL AND _N Q0583 noon STOP MALL IRON WEN DOOR STU‘ MALLIRON MASTER GAR BUILDERS’ ASSOOIHTION. STANDARD BOX CAR OUTSIDE HUNG SIDE DOOR. r~ '—1 / ll v sac‘rlau #9 DO” Mm MILLJMN Fig. 297. f - .' - .- - .-.- -..~l.- L l’-l",-l.- L + fit I I‘ - i -'- and; "' T T "' 1 "‘ ' s AA . A . _ ......... ‘__-_1 -si II I J! II n a 'II n .\- ' ...,,~ _ ‘I - . ' m u. ' _ , 7‘. 1“. ~:\ :9}: i; it I DL. 10R N9 122(ZR£\36P.Ac:S _. I f‘ I?3L ' ‘A; , -- -_3 .m ,- ,;, "“ -1——4II.-i-._Ilt II IKII II‘II II* II II t r I’ I‘ié'liifix HéI-l'fl , . .1 ‘ Neiz swans “use we o.u.s. SECTION A—A. WATER TABLE 0. SECTION C—C. a it s. _ ii ie— arise '1 I" Itli'ii’idlii "- _-.l "term as: I I ‘?/E’RO0VE seq—“use. t _ |' ’ E1 IBiro su _ » NemMALLmoN 'l'_ NEIB. CJ. 3 s esoovz To a: can: a. Fig. 298. STANDARD BOX OAR FLUSH SIDE DOOR. DL,. FOR 1; Riva’- (T QI—JF 11' f I I I if 1;? i7 HRS’ ASSOCIATION. CARS 383 if the end of the track is turned in and bolted to the car. A closed door stop (Plate I, No. 97) is also provided to hold the door in the correct position in front of the door opening. It is of oak and is secured by bolts to the door post as shown. The sus- pension illustrated in Fig. 295 shows the general scheme of sup- porting doors from the bottom and guiding them at the top. The second method of placing doors, viz., by supporting from the top, may be described as follows: A track (Plate I, No. 177), is supported immediately above the door, cast-iron thimbles at each bolt, or a strip of wood extending the length of the track, being used. The hangers (Plate I, No. 125), are of malleable or wrought iron, each fastened to the door with bolts. They are at times made plain but more frequently are provided with some form of cast or friction rollers, or sheaves, on which the door rolls. The door is guided and kept in place by cast-iron brackets (Plate I, No. 127). These may be arranged to allow the proper clearance or an additional space may be allowed so that a wedge may be inserted in a slot provided for that purpose when the door is closed, thereby shutting it tighter. Sometimes a gravity button of cast iron or wood faced with a wrought-iron plate is hinged with a bolt or lag screw to each lower corner of the door. This button will swing or can be forced into place when the door is shut, accomplishing the same purpose as the wedge. There are two kinds of freight car doors, classified regarding their relative position to the side of the car; Outside-Hung Side Doors and Flush~Side Doors. The M. C. B. Standard doors of these two kinds are shown in Figs. 297 and 298. _ The M. C. B; Recommended Practice for the rounded corners, etc., of stock cars is illustrated in Fig. 289. Flush or inside doors should always be absolutely flush, in either their open or closed positions. This type of door adapts itself to stock and refrigerator cars as well as to other box cars. With it the car door cannot be scraped ofl’, although it has the disadvantage of encroaching on the loading space. Usually, car doors slide on the top door- track, being then termed overhung doors; the underhung door being one supported and sliding on a rail below the door. A grain door is generally a close-fitting movable door on the inside of a box car, by which the lower part of the door opening is closed when the car is loaded with grain, to prevent the latter from 384 - CARS ‘- D escaping. Such doors are usually so made that they can be thrown over on one ‘side of the doorway or be suspended from the roof, and thusbe out of the way when they are not in use. Very few cars, however, are now fitted with such doors, and ordinarily a temporary arrangement is used which is nailed in place. Some- times a burlap covering is used to prevent the grain leaking out at the joints. What is called a grated door is one consisting of a wooden frame with iron or wooden bars, used on cars for carry- ing fruit, live stock, etc. The weakest part of the box car superstructure has long been the side door, designed for loading goods into a car or removing them therefrom. Despite the many attempts made to improve the general type, it was, as a rule, sadly neglected, and still is so poorly constructed that its weak points have not yet been overcome ' and car door and door post failures remain so frequent as to present a costly problem to railroads. The car door is to the car what the link is to the chain, determining its value as a safe carrying unit; and, as such unit, the car is no better than its doors'make it. Also, no car door is better than itsfoundation, and no foundation is better than its anchorage. A great part of the responsibility for the heavy cost of maintenance is traceable to .low ‘car door efliciency, and that spells lost revenue, death or injury to employees, and heavy damage claims on account of lost or spoiled lading. Grain leakages, waste of- employees’ time, and cost of continual door repairs, all show that the three essentials of car-door integrity, ultimate economy, and safety are far from being obtained so far. Doors get loose, hang by one corner, are easily pried open and pilfered, swing out and side—swipe passing trains, tearing the doors off and causing damage and injury to cars and passengers, and frequently falling on the tracks and causing wrecks. For these reasons, the best doors now have a chain at the bottom of the door, the chain sliding on a metal rod, to prevent the door swing- ing out too far from the side of the car, whether the door is open or closed. _ The idea of cheapness has so far prevented the making of substantial parts that would sustain the shocks and strains to which a freight car door is constantly subjected. Yet a dollar saved in first cost often means $5- to $500 lost in the end; it may mean a loss or damage claim exceeding the original cost of even the '7 CARS’ 385 whole car. Like all other cheap articles, the car door on which two or three dollars has been saved, swells up the cost of repairs enormously, later on. For example, although it would cost only fifty cents more per car to put on three hangers instead of two yet false economy often still puts only two instead of the three hangers recommended by the M. C. B. Association, thereby cans-- ing loss of both money and time, in the end. Here, as elsewhere, the small additional expense is compensated by many advantages, besides ultimate economy. The inferior car door causes both direct and indirect losses to railways that in many ways interfere with net earnings. The cheap and poor car door falls ofi' or is destroyed in a way to put a car out of service every 30 minutes in our country, as statistics show. On 20 miles of track of one of our large terminals, 250 car doors fell ofi in 30 days, and this is by no means unusual at other terminals. The loss from doors falling oif is merely a small part of the expense incurred by using inferior car doors, for damaged freight claims mount up into formidable sums. Carry- ing grain in cars with such doors is often an expensive matter to rail- roads. The records of one road showed that 20 to 28 per cent of cars arriving leaking, was due to faulty doors. One railway paid out in one year for grain lost in transit, $200,000, and taking statistics as a guide, $40,000 of this was due to door or post failures. Grain shippers say that $1,700,000 worth of grain is ‘annually lost in transit, of which $340,000 is due to low car door efi'iciency—all to save a few dollars on the door ’s first cost. Another railroad, through the same cause, lost on 125 miles of its road $100,000 by freight car pilfering; yet every door was in place and was counted safe at the loading sheds. And, as to this, the real danger with 90 per cent of doors is not in their coming off, but in their deceptive appearance and presumption of ‘ ‘ security.” Poor car doors may mean, for instance, the degrading of a car of hay entailing a selling loss to the shipper of several times the cost of growing and shipping said hay; or a loss and damage claim on valuable merchandise that would pay for the installation of good doors on a hundred cars. Poor doors entail enforced car idleness during periods of car shortages, meaning lost revenue measured in terms of per diem value of a car, at the least; deten- tion of merchandise shipments en route, due to necessary repairs; 386 ' CARS \ death or injury to employees through dislodged doors; reputation 'for poor service and loss of shippers’ patronage due to disgruntled shippers, and waste of employees’ time through operating cars with poor doors. Good car doors should possess the following requisites: They should the proof against rain, frost, air, moisture, cinders, and dust, beside being safe from burglars; they should be economical in first cost and maintenance combined; and should not. only be grain-proof but have an air-tight fit if possible. They should require very little clearance, if grain doors for elevators and for platforms extending above the bottom of the car; and, in all box cars should, when closed, wedge against the top, bottom and sides of the car. Burglar-proof brackets should be furnished forth, and the doors be fit for installation in rebuilt cars. They ought to ‘be easily operated, with the weight of the door supported by the wheels thereof only. while the door is being operated. The doors must open and close easily, without sticking or binding, under all conditions; and it should not be necessary to use crowbars, patent car-door starters, or like instruments to release the door from its closed position, thus wasting much time of the employees besides frequently damaging the door, car, or both, due to faulty door 'design. The best type requires not over two minutes to place the doors in position ready for loading grain, while ordinary ' grain doors require from one to two hours’ time to equip the car ready for loading grain. In unloading grain cars, it should take only about half a minute to open the door and have the grain- flowing into the receptacle; while the ordinary grain door wastes 5 to 15 minutes in so doing. Double doors are necessary on automobile cars, but in general both they and the old type grain doors should be eliminated on grain cars. The new types are better, having auxiliary top doors which avoid necessity for temporary grain doors, with their expense for installation, ' burlapping, etc.; the grain sampler being thus able to get samples by simply opening the top door without having to open the main door. For this and other reasons, an increasing number of this type of door is being introduced. Such. doors are made of wood, metal, or of wood and metal combined, the number of all-steel doors being on the increase. One of such steel doors is shown in Fig. 299. CARS 387 The type with auxiliary top door is seen in the Williams All- Service Car Door, Fig. 300. This is a combined steel and wood door. It is steel-hinged, each side having two parts, so arranged that the door can swing in either direction, and capable of being released when there is only a G‘inch space between elevator and car side. The flanged portion of the door sill prevents leakage and makes it water-proof. The upper folding doors are 'made of wood bound with iron straps, and fold up into the roof; the steel portion of the door weighing 600 to 700 pounds. It can be re- Fig. 299. All-Steel Door for Box Car. leased in 5 seconds, and replaced and closed in the same time; thus allowing a car of grain to be unloaded in 25 minutes. This car can also be used as an ordinary boi car. The ordinary grain door, Plate I, No.-101, is really a continua‘ tion of the lining across the door opening, and is therefore of the same height. There are many kinds in use, covered by patents; but the difliculty formerly was to devise a door that is both durable and undetachable. Instead of using a collapsible grain door, many roads still use only a cheap slab door which usually is thrown aside when the car is unloaded, as they consider this practice more economical than to attempt to apply and keep in repair any form of permanent grain door. The old style of grain door is seen in Fig. 301. Other grain doors are shown in Figs. 302, 303 and 304. An all-steel freight car door is depicted in Fig. 305. A two- piece door for an automobile car is shown in Fig. 329. . 388 CARS 1 j i. I i_ . i; .- g ‘i. k‘ ' n P" Williams’ All-Service Car Door: Exterior View. l IQ. . ' CARS 389 The Jones Car Door is displayed in Fig. 307. The Rumsey door has pressed-steel posts, recessed and firmly anchored at top and bottom, being held against lateral spread by the resistance of anchor bolts that pass through the feet of carlines. Another type has the door placed directly over the opening, which it is forced to fit by the side flaps of the refrigerator car door (Edman Car Door), thus insuring an air-tight fit on all sides of the door, and eliminating from grain cars the leakage of Fig. 301. Grain Door. grain or entrance of water, the door posts of the refrigerator cars being rabbeted with a rubber insulator. One of the Camel Doors has a 10-foot opening, and is intended for automobile cars, being double, with one part 4 feet and the other 6 feet in width. The 4-foot door is equipped with a movable post which has an auto- matic locking device at the top and is substantially fastened at the bottom when the door is in a closed position—the post wedging between the side plate of the car and the sill, thus giving the necessary support to the upper portion of the car. Side Door Fastenings are a hasp (Plate I,’ No. 128) staple - (Plate I, No. 130) and pin (Plate I, No. 129). These are made in various forms either of cast, malleable or wrought iron. Care should be taken that they are so securely attacked with bolts that doom gnaw 6325mm omwoEO so». 2m . its; . e/i 5 8.32 2 85;: =3 2 2.5:: g n l m .8 Si 55; 33:: . A l n . s2 55 35% . 0 9:.uo.o<¢ I. 4. ... O m u :25 so See :3 .5: 2.3 1.. 352.3 2: 3 2.2 .339. 323 :8 5.: 5:. an: I é. - ‘on, so ‘:2. =0! .. re‘. 4 “a #7. I 0:! . 5.81.93. 22. :3 - tlfiufl . .. E;- = 5235:: l (5.8.‘ t. S I. I 25 ll]- r;- E; 2 :15 .2. a. F:- > to we‘ :51‘ r; B _Z I. QFJOB no n-Iu >u>.¢ than. 3‘ no 320 baa—cl who: Hal. l. l l _ ,1 lo; . @ Q air CARS , 291 I W .4 '11 JB, I? .. qr: §I____l=- e; r _-_...'_ l“"'___ ‘1' — t: r j —~E___.e fiss- r... “I 1 -__._.. ____,_ T- : ' -—- P h-D _" I 1 "- 31 5-_ "hr 6 —- i g; I 1: { T'z'g5 1 —-h J »m .-E_ Fig. 303. \ Canale’s Patent Grain ‘Door. 392 - CARS SINGLE 000}? II: D ‘Wagner/impala ma a oouare boon Q’ "M 45/10 v/Eww-‘poan 0! am) new” "6'4 INSIDE VIEW OF 000}? DOWN L a SF 0 l U Q l ' . was a Widows“ 1; Dorrzounzs SHOWIZHPUP —|— -T ~ — ~ * ~ — ~ — — — — _0- — | I i R -fi _ d- _ — _ — _ w — — — ——- — - | J . I I ' _- - _ _ — — _ Q _ q I - - r' If? ‘it 1",‘: ‘c n I ksusuo am]: “"515 - mgr. LMSCREW I I “'i Mi °““{ 1 a: :21 i ' ' we: ' e-1 N’ L'rtlflli ' g 2 yo] ' ' I 4‘ .s'l'srfi ' ', o Bu'flo“ “Home e .21‘: is e o I __ .5 ““E ,, u/vcn Nil/LS . L -._ ‘z ' ° : ‘I: ?\“L LPG—"'0 o o ‘ 0 IF ' S OR‘ I. "OJ _ 1 3 a U “- Go "scsgwg .- ' [_.-_ a14- -25$CREW =1 .! mue- iscnews Fig. 304. McGuire’s Star Grain Door. they cannot be removed when the door is closed. The pin is per- forated near its point so that a wire or tin strip can be passed through it for the purpose of sealing. The fact that a perfectly satisfactory car door is so difficult to attain has led manufacturers to .make -a specialty of this par- ticular part of a car. Doors must have sufiicien-t fastenings, not only to hold them securely in place, but also in their proper place, 1M . _ "MM. stir. sneaks-m. .=/. A I! a n ............. I a" _ . _. n . ||HH|| |llliillhililllllllzwnv .. RnW-IF _ I .(uin n is we owe? _ I itu .9“. x l. M. "a . .a 6 . . a Fwepcemsmunll Us 1! S02 \9535 SQQHQAS smwl I i I | _ QI r an... ./ Ru} . lbs I: T =3 9 I' I "’I Es 5'0’ 5'2!’ ' a I<-/32- a 4's?’ 9 ‘I o _' ° "_______2______°_._ ‘‘ e r soqoo Fig. 305. All-Steel Door for Steel Frame Box Cars. HALF DISTfl/YCE FROM 5 \ filmmaker/M: Mani 'Om/wmae BOLTS- SPHCE HS sflaW/l MGZ/VM’AL MIN 1‘? IL f'xg'wnorlRo/v G—ze cmqr WfDGQ @ msmv (‘LC/IT n/msz ? '~ . a 01mm mm urxr mam: 2m “$8,255” (‘LE/IT WROT IRON SUIVIf [ L INCH l/AIL 5 mon/“cinch “1305611678 ' I’Mce'o 01V fl/ifi/rl/fil CI,” UNL”. Fig. 307. Jones’ Car Book. \ CARS 393' besides protecting them from being pilfered. The present wooden doorstops put on without being reinforced—a little fastening with only a single %-inch bolt to hold the hasp and a staple fastened through a single doorstop that will easily split open-are manifestly inadequate to either protect the lading or withstand the shock of the application of the ordinary quick-action air-brake, Fig. 308. National Safety Car Door Fastener. which tears out many door fastenings. If our doors are still defective, the ordinary fastenings of said doors are worse, when they can be opened with a stone by any thief who desires to plunder the car of its lading. Not only the doors but their fastenings must be made so substantial as to defy both thieves and weather. All sorts of ‘car locks have been invented, but most of them and the seals soon prove ineflicient because the door is not strong enough, or the door shoes or hasps are so faultily designed that they can be manipulated without leaving traces of robbery. When the car can be tampered with in this way, leaving no trace'of its having ‘394 CARS been entered, railroads are put to much needless expense in trying to trace the shortage. Designed to make the car burglar-proof are several types of locks and fastenings such as the National Safety Car Fastener, Fig. 308, where the safety lugs on the staple lie beneath the hasp so that the hasp and staple cannot be separated unless turned at right angles, which is impossible when the fasteners are locked POSITION WHEN LOCKED. Fig. 309. Dayton Freight Car Door Lock. Dayton Malleable Iron Company. and sealed. A good modern lock is 'the Dayton Freight Car Door Lock, Fig.'309. An Automatic Car Door Lock is shown in Fig. 310. In all freight car door locks, the nuts should be inside of the car, and should be so secured as to withstand the severest service shock without becoming loose or lost. There are various devices by which this can be attained, and it should properly be often inspected, to see that the lock and its attachments are in the best of condition. Some looks, like the aforesaid Automatic, has a rear lock to lock the door open, thus preventing damage while traveling (empty while the front lock locks the door shut. CARS 395 0 Fig. 310. Automatic Car Door Lock. Railway Utility Company. CHAPTER XI is STANDARD SAFETY APPLIANCES FOR FREIGHT CARS One of the most important and diflicult problems confronting car men is the proper application, location, and maintenance in correct condition, of safety appliances, to conform to the Federal law as expressed in the orders of the Interstate Commerce Com- mission, whose full powers to regulate and compel the use of such devices are conferred by said law. The M. C. B. Association had previously adopted standards as to certain of such appliances, but in 1911 the United States Safety Appliance Standards, as contained in the‘ order of the said I. C. C. dated March 13, 1911, were at once adopted as Standards by the M. C. B. Association. This last powerful association insists upon full and strict compliance with these legal standards on the part of all railroads in the country be- longing to it. The time limit set by the I. C. C. for the completion of the equipping of all cars with these standard appliances expires July 1, 1916; after which date failure of a railroad to have any of its cars so equipped, subjects it to severe legal penalties. The law applies to both freight and passenger cars, and to both old and new cars alike. There are over 250 different items on a freight car which may constitute a violation of this law, and it requires careful study to become acquainted with them all. Hence, car foremen, inspec- tors, repairmen, etc., must know exactly what the law requires as . to each part of a freight car. At each shop‘there should be one or more inspectors specially educated as to this law and then - detailed to instruct and check up those who are engaged in apply- ing or repairing safety appliances. These instructors would be under some official of the mechanical department of the road especially well qualified and trained to follow up safety appliances, and to act as final authority on this subject for his company. Applying properly these devices is not the only important part of ‘the problem; each road must equally emphasize the absolute 396 CARS 397 necessity of maintaining all the details of cars which have once been correctly equipped with the proper appliances. In any event, in making partial repairs to cars which have not been so equipped, it is good practice to make and locate these devices in accordance with the law, which must be fully complied with. The wrong- repairs proposition here is one of the biggest parts of the trouble, due to both ignorance of the law and carelessness in complying with its provisions as to details. Naturally, there is much variation among car men in the manner of applying the safety appliances to cars. One road, let a large number of one class of cars go out for service with handholds two inches shorter than the law requires; which will subject that road to severe fines, if detected by the United States inspectors working under authority of the I. C. 0. Similarly, as to what ought to be the clearance on a caboose car grab-handle, opinions of car men still diifer as to whether or not the hold at the middle of the handle should dip down and clear, so that the hand can go around it. These and other differences of opinion and car practice, as to just what the law demands, exist not only between different railroads but even between the government inspectors themselves, thereby causing much trouble. .Many car men do not know yet just how the safety appliances are to be put on cars to comply with the law. The remedy for all this lies in the systematic education of car men as regards this subject, so that cars will not leave shops or the hands of repairmen with mistakes that constitute plain viola- tions of the law. To this end, some roads are getting out illus- trated pamphlets giving the law more or less fully, and sending out special instructors to their shops. The roads are making every effort to comply with the law, and in view of the great importance of this matter to all car men, inspectors, etc., we here give full data as to it, together with the M. C. B. plates illustrating the number, dimensions, locations, and manner of application of these safety appliances to all classes and kinds of freight cars in com- mon use. These should be carefully studied and frequently con- suited by all engaged in car building or repairing or inspecting cars. In 1911, M. C. B. designating marks for freight cars equipped with U. S. Safety Appliances were adopted by that association both for cars built prior to July 1, 1911, and those built after 398 ~ ‘CARS ‘ that date. These markings will be found herein in the chapter on Stenciling Cars. ' The car parts covered by the law are as follows: Automatic Coupler; Running Boards, Hand Brakes and Brake Steps; Ladders and End Ladder Clearance; Automatic Uncoupling Attachments, Sill Steps and Handholes. Of these last, there are several kinds of handholds: Roof, Side and End, both vertical and horizontal, for tank-cars, tank-head handholds, besides Safety Railings; while for caboose cars, there are side-door, cupola, and end-platform hand- holds, also platform steps and running boards. Of these parts, we have already treated of the Automatic Coupler; of the Standard Running-Board for box and other house cars in Chapter X, and have described the Standard Hand Brake and Brake Steps for box and‘ other house cars in Chapter IX, the Standard Hand Brake being shown in Fig. 220, and the Standard Brake Chain in Fig. 94. The last named figure also shows the Standard Uncoupling Attachments. With these additions just mentioned, the U. S. and M. C. B. Standard Appliances are as follows: - _ ' > Sill Steps—Four: Minimum cross-sectional area one-half by one and one-half inches, or equivalent, of wrought iron or steel. Min; imum length of tread, ten, preferably twelve inches. Minimum clear depth, eight inches. One near each end on each side of car, so that there shall be not more than eighteen inches from end of car to center of tread of sill step. Outside edge of tread of step shall be not more than four inches inside of face of side of car, prefer- ably flush with side of car. Tread shall be not more than twenty- four, preferably not more than twenty-two inches above the top of rail. Sill steps exceeding twenty-one inches in depth shall have an additional tread. Sill steps shall be securely fastened with ' not less than one-half inch bolts with nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over,'or with not less than one-half inch rivets. Ladders—Four: 'Minimum clear length of tread s- Side ladders, sixteen inches; end ladders, fourteen inches. Maximum spacing ‘ between ladder treads, nineteen inches.‘ Top ladder tread shall be located not less than twelve nor more than eighteen inches from roof at eaves. Spacing'at ladder treads shall be uniform, within a limit of two inches from top ladder tread to top tread of sill step. Hardwood treads, minimum dimensions one and one-half by CARS 399 two inches. Iron or steel treads, minimum diameter five-eighths of an inch. Minimum clearance of treads, two, preferably two and one-half inches. One on each side, not more than eight inches from right end of car; one on each end, not more than eight inches from left side of car; measured from inside edge of ladder stile or clearance of ladder treads to corner of car‘. Metal ladders without stiles near corners _of cars shall have foot guards or upward projections not less than two inches in height near inside end of bottom treads. Stiles of wooden ladders will serve as foot guards. Ladders shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half inch bolts with nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over, or with not less than one-half inch rivets. Three-'eighths inch bolts may be used for wooden treads which are gained into stiles. End-Ladder Clearance—No part of car above end sills within thirty inches from side of car, except bufl’er block, brake shaft, brake wheel, brake step, running board or uncoupling lever shall extend to within twelve inches of a vertical plane parallel with end of car and passing through the inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler horn against the buffer block or end sill, and no other part of end of car or fixtures on same above end sills, other than exceptions herein noted, shall extend beyond the outer face of buffer block. Roof HandhoZds—One over each ladder. One right-angle han-dhold may take the place of two adjacent specified roof hand- holds, provided the dimensions and locations coincide, and that an extra leg is securely fastened to car at point of angle. Min- imum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clear length, sixteen inches. Minimum clearance, two preferably two and one-half inches. On roof of car: One in-line with, and running parallel to, treads of each ladder, not less than eight, nor more than fifteen inches from edge of roof, except on refrigerator cars where ice hatches prevent, when locations shall not be less than four inches from edge of roof. Roof handholds shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half inch bolts ‘with nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over, or with not less than- one-half inch rivets. Side Handholds_Four: [Tread of side ladder is a side hand- hold.] Minimum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clear length, sixteen inches. Minimum clear- 400 - , CARS ' ance, two, preferably two and one-half inches. Horizontal: One near each end on each side of car. Side handholds shall be not less than twenty-four nor more than thirty inches above center line of coupler, except as provided above, where tread of ladder is a handhold.‘ Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than eight inches from end of _ car. Side handholds shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half inch bolts with nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over, or with not less than one-half inch rivets. ' Horizontal End Handholds—Eight or more. (Four on each end of car.) _ [Tread of end ladder is an end handhold] Minimum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clear length, sixteen inches. A handhold fourteen inches in length may be used where it is impossible to use one sixteen inches in length on end sills. Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half inches. One near each side on each end of car, not less than twenty-four nor more than thirty inches above center line of ‘ coupler, except as provided above, when tread of end ladder is an‘ end handhold. Clearance of outer end of handhold s all be not more than eight inches from side of car. One near each side of each end of car on face of end sill or sheathing over end sill, projecting outward or downward. Clearance of outer end of hand- hold shall not be more than sixteen inches from side of car.- On each end of cars with platform end sills six or more inches in width, measured from end post or siding and extending entirely across end of car, there shall be one additional end handhold not less than twenty-four inches in‘ length, located near center of car, not less than thirty nor more than sixty inches above platform end sill. Horizontal end handholds shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half inch bolts with nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over, or with not less than one-half inch rivets. Vertical End Handholds—Two on full-width platform end-sill cars, as heretofore described. Minimum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clear length, eighteen, . preferably twenty-four inches. Minimum clearance, two, prefer- ably two and one-half inches. One on each end of car opposite ladder, not more than eight inches from ‘side of car; clearance of bottom end of handhold shall be not less than twenty-four nor more than thirty inches above center line of coupler. Vertical , CARS ' 401 end handholds shall be securely fastened with not less than one- half inch bolts with nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over, or with not less than one-half inch rivets. Uncoupling Levers—Two: Uncoupling levers may 'be either single or double, and of any eflicient design. Handles of uncoups ling levers, except those shown in Fig. 101, or of similar designs, shall be not more than six inches from sides of car. ‘Uncoupling levers of design shown, v'Fig. 101, and of similar designs shall conform to the following prescribed limits: Handles shall be not more than twelve, preferably, nine inches from sides of cars. Center lift arms shall be not less than seven inches long. Center of eye at end of center lift arm shall be not more than three and one-half inches beyond center of eye of uncoupling pin of coupler when horn of coupler is against the buffer block or end sill. Ends of handles shall extend not less than four inches below bottom ' of end sill, or shall be so constructed as to give a minimum clear- ance of two inches around handle. Minimum drop of handles shall be twelve inches; maximum, fifteen inches over all. ‘ Handles of uncoupling levers of the “rocking” or “push-down” type shall be not less than eighteen inches from top of rail when lock block has released knuckle, and a suitable stop shall be provided to pre- vent inside arm from flying up in case of breakage. One on each end of car. When single lever is used it shall be placed on left side. of end of car. HOPPER CARS AND HIGH-SIDE GONDOLAS WITH FIXED ENDS Hand Brakes—Number: same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions: same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. The brake shall be located on end of car to the left of, and not more than twenty-two inches from center. Application: same as specified for ‘ ‘Box and other house cars.’ ’ Brake Step—Same as specified for ‘ ‘Box and other house cars. ’ ’ Sill Steps—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars. ’ ’ Ladders—Number: same as specified for ‘ ‘Box and other house cars.” Dimensions: same as specified for “Box and other house cars,” except that top ladder’ tread shall be located not more than 402 (JARS four inches from top of car. Location: same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Application: same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Side Handholds-Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Horizontal End Han-dholds—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Vevzttcal End Handholds—Same as spec- ified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Uri-coupling Levers—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ End Ladder Clearance—No part of car above end sills within thirty inches from side of car, except buffer block, brake shaft, brake wheel, brake step or uncoupling lever shall extend to within twelve inches of a vertical plane parallel with end of car and pass-4 ing through the inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler horn against the buifer block or end sill, and no other part of end of car or fixtures on same above end sills, other than exceptions herein noted, shall extend beyond the outer face of buffer block. DROP-END HIGH-SIDE GONDOLA CARS Hand Brakes—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. The brake shaft shall be located on end of car to the left of center- Applied, same as specified for “Box and other. house cars.” Sill Steps—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Ladders—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars,” except that top ladder tread shall be located not more than four inches from top of car. One on each side, not more than eight inches from right end of car, measured from inside edge of ladder stile or clearance of ladder treads to corner of car. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars. ’ ’ Side Handholds—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ ' Horizontal End H andholds-Four: Dimensions, same as spec- ified for “Box and other house cars.” One near each side of ‘each end of car on face of end sill. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than sixteen inches from side of car. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars. ’ ’ CARS 403 Uncoupling Levers—Same as specified for ‘tBox and other house cars.” End Ladder Clearance—No part of car above end sills within thirty inches from side of car, except bufit‘er block, brake shaft, brake wheel or uncoupling lever, shall extend to within twelve inches of a vertical plane parallel with end of car and passing through the inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler horn against the buffer block or end sill, and no other part of end of car or fixtures on same, other than exceptions herein noted, shall extend beyond the outer face of bufier block. FIXED-END LOW-SIDE GONDO'LA AND LOW-SIDE HOP- PER CARS \} [Cars with sides thirty-six inches or less above the floor are low-side cars.] Hand Brakes—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. The brake shaft shall be located on end of car, to the left of and not more than twenty-two inches from center. Application, same as specified for ‘ ‘ Box and other house cars. ’ ’ ‘ Brake Step—Same as specified for ‘ ‘Box and other house cars. ” Sill Steps—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Side Handholds—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars. ” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars. ’ ’ Horizontal: One near each end on each side of car, not less than twenty-four nor more than thirty inches above center line of coupler, if car construction will permit, but handhold shall not project above top of side. Clearance of outer end of hand- hold shall‘ not be more than eight inches from end of car. Appli- ‘ cation, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Horizontal End Handholds—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” One near each side on each end of car not less than twenty-_four nor more than thirty inches above center line of coupler, if car construction will permit. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than eight inches from side of car. One near each side of each end of car on face of end sill, 404 CARS » Q projecting outward or downward. Clearance of outer end of hand- hold shall be not more than sixteen inches from side of car. Appli- cation, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Uncoupling Levers—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars. ’ ’ . End-Ladder Clearance-No part of car above end sills within thirty inches from side of car, except bufier block, brake shaft, brake wheel or uncoupling lever, shall extend to within twelve inches of a. vertical plane parallel with end of car and passing through the inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler‘ horn against the bufier block or end sill, and no ‘other part of end of car or fixtures on same, other than exceptions herein noted, shall extepd beyond the outer face of bufier block. DROP END LOW-SIDE GONDOLA CARS Hand Brakes—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. The brake shaft shall be located on end of car to the left of center. Applied, same as‘ specified for “Box and other house cars”, Sill Steps—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Side Handholds—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Horizontal: One near each end on each side of car, not less-than twenty-four nor more than thirty inches above center line of coupler, if car construction will permit, but handholdv shall not project above top of side. Clearance of outer end of hand- hold shall be not more than eight inches from end of car. ‘Appli- cation, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” End Handholds—Four: Dimensions, same as ' specified for “Box and other house cars.” Horizontal: One near each side of each end of car on face of end sill. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be notmore thansixteen inches from side of car. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Uncoupling Levers—Same as specified for “Box. and other ‘house cars. ’ ’ End-Ladder Clearance—No part of car above end sills within thirty inches from side of car, except buffer block, brake shaft, CARS 405 brake wheel or uncoupling lever, shall extend to within twelve inches of a vertical plane parallel with end of car and passing through the inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler horn against the bufier block or end sill, and no other part of end of car or fixtures on same, other than exceptions herein noted, shall extend beyond the outer face of buffer block. FLAT CARS [Cars with side twelve inches or less above the floor may be equipped the same as flat cars. - Hand Brakes—same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be’ safely operated while car is in motion. The brake shaft shall be located on the end of car to the left of center. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars. ” Sill Steps-Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Side Handholds—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Horizontal: One on face of each side sill near each end. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than twelve inches from end of car. Application, same as specified for f‘Box“ and other house cars.” - End HandhoZds—Four: Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Horizontal: One near each side of each end of car on face of end sill. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than sixteen inches from side of car. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Uncoupling Levers—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” TANK CARS WITH SIDE PLATFORMS Hand Brakes—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. The brake shaft shall be located on end of car to the left of center. Applied, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” 406 _ CARS Sill Steps—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Side Handholds—Four or more. Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Horizontal: One on face of each side sill near each end. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than twelve inches from end of car. If side safety railings are attached to tank bands, four additional vertical handholds shall be applied, one over each sill step and securely fastened to tank or tank bands. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” ‘ ‘ \ End Handholds—Four: Dimensions, same as specified for "‘Box and ‘other house cars.” Horizontal: One near each side of each end of car on face of end sill. " Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than sixteen inches from side of ‘car. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Tank-Head Handholds—Two: [Not required if safety railing runs around ends of tanla] Minimum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half inches. Clear length of handholds shall extend to within six inches of outer diameter of tank at point of applica- tion. Horizontal: One across each head of tank, not less .than thirty nor more than sixty inches above platform. Tank-head handholds shall be securely fastened. ‘Safety Railings—One continuous safety railing running around ‘sides and ends of tank, securely fastened to tank or tank bands at ends and sides of tank; or two running full length of tank at sides of car supported by posts. Not less than three-fourths of an inch, iron. Running full length of tank, either at side sup- ported by posts or securely fastened to tank or tank bands, not less than thirty nor more than sixty inches above platform. Safety railings shall be securely fastened to tank body, tank bands or posts. Uncoupling Lever—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars. ’ ’ _ V End-Ladder Clearance—No part of canabove end sills within thirty inches from side of car, except buffer block, brake shaft, brake-shaft brackets, brake wheel or uncoupling lever, shall extend to within twelve inches of a vertical plane parallel with end of car and passing through the inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler horn against the bufl’er block or end sill, and no CARS 407 other part of end of car or fixtures on same above end sills, other than exceptions herein noted, shall extend beyond the outer face of buffer block. TANK CARS WITHOUT SIDE SILLS AND TANK CARS WITH SHORT SIDE SILLS AND END PLATFORMS Hand Brakes—N umber, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. The brake shaft shall be located on end of car'to the left of center. Applied, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Running Boards—One continuous running board around sides and ends; or two running full length of tank, one on each side. Minimum width on sides, ten inches.~ Minimum width on ends, six inches. Continuous around sides and ends of cars. On tank cars having end platforms extending to bolsters, running boards shall extend from center to center of bolsters, one on each side.- If side running boards are applied below center of tank, outside edge of running boards shall extend not less than seven inches beyond bulge of tank. The running boards at ends of car shall be not less than six inches from a point vertically above the inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler horn against the buffer block, end sill or backstop. Running boards shall be securely fastened to tank or tank bands. Sill Steps—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” One near each end on each side under side handhold. Outside edge of tread of step shall be not more than four inches inside of ' face of side of car, preferably flush with side of car. Tread shall be not more than twenty-four, preferably not more than twenty- two inches above the top/of rail. Application: same as specified for “Box and other‘; house cars.” Ladders—[I f running boards are so located as to make ladders necessary.] Two on cars with continuous running boards. Four on cars with side running boards. Minimum clear length of tread, ten inches. Maximum spacing of treads, nineteen inches. Hard- wood treads, minimum dimensions one and one-half by two inches. Wrought-iron or steel treads, minimum diameter five—eighths 408 CARS of an inch. Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one- half inches. On cars with continuous running boards, one at right end of each side. On cars with side running boards, one at each end of each running board. Ladders shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half inch bolts or rivets. , Side Handh0lds_Four or more. Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Horizontal: One on face of each side sill near each end on- tank cars with short side sills, or one attached to top of running board projecting outward above sill steps or ladders on tank cars without side sills. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than twelve inches from end of car. If side safety railings are attached to tank or tank bands, four additional vertical handholds shall be applied, one over each sill step and securely fastened to tank or tank bands. Application: same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” End Handholds—Four: Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Horizontal: One near each side of each‘ end of car on face of end sill. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than sixteen inches from side- of car. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Tank~Head Handholds—Two: [N at required if safety railing runs around ends of tanla] Minimum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half inches. Horizontal: One across each head of tank, not less than thirty nor more‘ than sixty inches above plat- form on running board. Clear length of handholds shall extend to within six inches of outer diameter of tank at point of applica- tion. Tank head handholds shall be securely fastened. Safety Railings—One running around sides and ends of tank, or two running full length of tank. Minimum diameter, seven- eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clearance, two and one-half inches. Running full length of tank, not less than thirty nor more than sixty inches above platform orirunning board. Safety railings shall be securely fastened to tank or tank bands and secured against end-shifting. " V I Uncoupling Levers—Same as specified for ‘ ‘Box and other house cars.’ ’ End-Ladder Clearance—No part of car above end sills within thirty inches from side of car, except buffer block, brake shaft, \ CARS 409 brake-shaft brackets, brake wheel, running boards or uncoupling lever, shall extend to within twelve inches of a vertical plane parallel with end of car and passing through the inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler horn against the buffer block or end sill, and no other part of end of car or fixtures on same, above end sills, other than exceptions herein noted, shall extend beyond the outer face of bufier block. TANK CARS WITHOUT END SILLS Hand Brakes—Number, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. The brake shaft shall be located on end of car to the left of center. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Brake Step-Same as specified for “Box and other house cars. ’ ’ Running Boards—One: Dimensions, Minimum width on sides, ten inches. Minimum width on ends, six inches. Continuous around sides and ends of tank. If running boards are applied below center of tank, outside edge of running boards shall extend not less than seven inches beyond bulge of tank. Running boards at ends of car shall be not less than six inches from a point vertically above the inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler horn against the buffer block, end sill or backstop. Running board shall be securely fastened to tank or tank bands. . Sill Steps—Four: [If tank has high running boards, making ladders necessary, sill steps must meet ladder requirements] Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” One near each end on each side, flush with outside edge of running board, as near end of car as practicable. Tread not more than twenty-four, preferably not more than twenty-two inches above the top of rail. Steps exceeding eighteen inches in depth shall have an additional tread and be laterally braced. Sill steps shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half inch bolts with nuts out- side (when possible) and riveted over, or with one—half inch rivets. Side HandhoZds-eFour or more: Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Horizontal: "One near each 410 CARS end on each side of car over sill step on- running board,‘ projecting downward not more than two inches from outside edge of running board. Where such side handholds are more than eighteen inches from end of car, an additional handhold must be placed near each end on each side not more than thirty inches above center line of coupler. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than twelve inches from end of car. If safety railings are on tank, four additional vertical handholds shall be applied, one over each sill step on tank. Application, same as specified for ‘ ‘ Box and other house cars. ’ ’ End Handholds—Four: Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Horizontal: One near each side on each end of car on running board, projecting downward not more than two inches from edge of running board, or on end of tank not more than thirty inches above center line of coupler. Applicatiom'same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Safety Railings—One: Minimum diameter, seven-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clearance, two and one- half inches. Safety railings shall be continuous around sides and ends of car, not less than thirty nor more than sixty inches above running board. Safety railings shall be securely fastened to tank or tank bands, and secured against end-shifting. Uncoupling Levers—Number, same as‘ specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars,” except that minimum length of uncoupling lever shall be forty-two inches, measured from center line of end of car to handle of lever. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars,” except that uncoupling lever shall be not more ' than thirty inches above center line of coupler. _ End-Ladder Clearance—No part of car above bufier block within thirty inches from side of car, except brake shaft, brake- shaft brackets, brake wheel or uncoupling lever, shall extend to within twelve inches of a vertical plane parallel with end of car and passing through the inside face of knuckle when closed with ' coupler horn against the buffer block or backstop, and no other part of end of car or fixtures on same, above buffer block, other than exceptions herein noted, shall extend beyond the face of buffer block. CARS 411 CABOOSE CARS WITH PLATFORMS Hand Brakes—Each caboose car shall be equipped with an efiicient hand brake which shall operate in harmony with the power brake thereon. The hand brake may be of an eflicient design, but must provide the same degree of safety as the design shown, Fig. 220. Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. The brake shaft on caboose cars with platforms shall be located on platform to the left of center. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Running Boards-One longitudinal running board. Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Full length of car, center of roof. ' [0n caboose cars with cupolas, longitudinal running boards shall extend from cupola to ends of roof.] Outside metal-roof cars shall have longitudinal extensions leading to ladder ' locations. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Ladders—Two: Dimensions, none specified. .One on- each end. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Roof Handholds—One over each ladder. Where stiles of lad- ders extend twelve inches or more above roof, no other roof hand- holds are required. Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” On roof of caboose, in line with and running parallel to treads of ladder, not less than eight nor more than fifteen inches from edge of roof. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Cupola Handholds—One or more. Minimum diameter, five- eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half inches. One continuous hand~ hold extending around top of cupola, not more than three inches from edge of cupola roof. Four right-angle handholds, one at each corner, not less than sixteen inches in clear length from point of angle, may take the place of the one continuous hand- hold specified, if locations coincide. Cupola handholds shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half inch bolts with nuts outside and riveted over, or with not less than one-half inch rivets. Side Handholds—Four: Minimum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clear length, thirty-six \ 412 GAR/S’ inches. Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half inches. One near each end on each side of car, curving downward toward center of car from a point not less than thirty inches above platform to a point not more than eight inches from bottom of car. Top end of handhold shall be not more than eight inches from outside face of end sheathing. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” End HandhoZds—Four: Dimensions, same as specified for ‘ ‘Box and other house cars. Horizontal: One near each side on each end of car on face of platform end sill. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than sixteen inches from end of platform end sill. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” End Platform Handholds—Four: Minimum diameter, five- eighths of an‘ inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half inches. One right-angle handhold on each side of each end, extending horizontally from door post to corner of car at approximate height of platform rail, then down- ward to within twelve inches-of bottom of car. Handholds shall ‘ be securely fastened with bolts, screws or rivets. Caboose-Platform Steps—Safe and suitable box steps leading to caboose platforms shall be provided at each corner of caboose. Lower tread of step shall be not more than twenty-four inches above top of rail. . Uncoupling Levers—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” CABOOSE CARS WITHOUT PLATFORMS Hand Brakes-Number, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be ‘safely operated while car is in motion. The brake shaft on caboose cars without platforms shall be located on end of car to the left of center. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house. cars.’ " Brake Step—Same as specified for ‘ ‘Box and other house cars. ’ ’ Banning Boards—Number, same "as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars. ’ ’ Full length of car, center of roof. [On caboose cars with cupolas, longitudinal running boards shall extend from D CARS 413 cupola to ends of roof.] Outside metal-roof cars shall have lat- itudinal extensions leading to ladder locations. Application, same as specifiedfor ‘ ‘Box and other house cars.” Sill Steps—Same as specified for “Box and other house cars. ’ ’ Side-Door Steps—Two: [if caboose has side doom] Minimum length, five feet. Minimum width, six inches. Minimum thick- ness of tread, one and one-half inches. Minimum height of back- stop, three inches. Maximum height from top of rail to top of tread, twenty-four inches. One under each side door. Side-door steps shall be supported by two iron brackets having a minimum cross-sectional area seven-eighths by three inches or equivalent, each of which shall be securely fastened to car by not less than two three-fourths inch bolts. Ladders—Four: Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Location, same as specified for “Box and other house cars,” except when caboose has side doors, then side ladders shall be located not more than eight inches from doors. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” End-Ladder Clearance—No part of car above end sills within thirty inches from side of car, except buffer block, brake shaft, brake wheel, brake step, running board or uncoupling lever, shall extend to within twelve inches of a vertical plane parallel with end of car and passing through the inside face of knuckle when closed with coupler horn against the buffer block or end sill, and no other part of end of car or fixtures on same above end sills, other than exceptions herein noted, shall extend beyond the outer face of buffer block. Roof Handholds—Four: Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’.’ One over each ladder, on roof in line with and running parallel to treads of ladder, not less than eight nor more than fifteen inches from edge of roof. Where stiles of ladders extend twelve inches or more above roof, no other roof handholds are required. Roof handholds shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half inch bolts with nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over, or with not less than one-half inch rivets. ' Cupola Handholds—One or more. Minimum diameter, five- eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half inches. One continuous cupola 414 CARS handhold extending around top of cupola, not more than three inches from edge of cupola roof. Four right-angle handholds, one at each corner, not less than sixteen inches in clear length from point of angle, may take the place of the one continuous handhold specified, if locations coincide. Cupola handhold shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half inch bolts with nuts outside and riveted over, or with not less than one-half inch rivets. Side Handholds-_Four: Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.’ ’ Horizontal: One near each end on each side of car,_not less than twenty~four nor more than thirty inches above center line of coupler. Clearance of outer end ‘of handhold shall be not more than eight inches from end ‘of car. Application, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Side-Door Handholds—Four: Two curved, two straight. Min- imum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half inches. One curved handhold, from a point at side of each door opposite ladder, not less than thirty-six inches above bottom of car, curving away from door downward to a point not more than six inches above bottom of car. One vertical handhold at ladder side of each door, from a point not less than thirty~six inches above bottom of car to a point not more than six inches above level of bottom of ' door. Side~door handholds shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half inch bolts with nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over, or with not less than one-half inch rivets. Horizontal End Handholds—Number, same as specified for - “Box and other house cars.” Dimensions, same as specified for “Box and other house cars.” Location, same as specified for “Box and other house cars,” except that one additional end hand- hold shall be on each end of cars with platform end sills as here- tofore described, unless car has door in center of end. Said hand~ hold shall be not less than twenty-four inches in length, located near center of car, not less than thirty nor more than sixty inches above platform end sill. Application, same as specified for "‘Box and other house cars.’ ’ Vertical End Handholds—Same as specified for ‘ ‘ Box and other house cars. ’ ’ . Uncoupli/ng Levers—Same as specified for ,“Box and other house cars. ’ ’ soxaornsnnouacm - PLATE‘; nun Mr: Maw‘ W I m In mm nu 'rur. - run arm-“sum: was run It.“ ml Anwquucur w m A‘I'Iw * a: PLAN-'8...“ Au. causation" fume». 80ers fmrmv s: new row wuoxu men» who ARI o o onus , ALL I.“ on OYIIL m MQKWOL“ um. um. _ , mmnun mm: was} uusoue rams a. mums ZPIlII-IABLY 2k i a Fig. 31:1- i ‘ z x ‘ .l -‘.-* l n E g E -_L sonaomeanouszms _ 2: ,'_ (“min-lawman”) I -— w ‘_ Pun-:0 : :5 1: E- K _ Mmwmwmn, I — ' k5‘ : : ; i— me am an. nun-41'- rm _ -_ | n' E ; g ' ___ m _ “mun-‘man _ u- — I _ - _ , l sum-amt. :— E :4 I - f w‘ \ a“... a E "a 1» Hm‘ . i ' lo ‘ ? comes. ‘L , mlaursnmimnnlk R I mm eocrsfnwmvuusumwmnrnuns .- - g1"- IlunluclqlnmmmsnI-zs. - - _Al-LIMG!$TIIL_LMMu-MIW L Q l lnuunm. _ _ mmgzmormuuqumé‘ mm a‘rnruuaur z!- ' ‘Km—‘I - n 1': -,...., ) '5 5.6.! ' g I ’ bun. § . 1“ E: s, , go ;:I cum‘ =5 z ‘i is . 2°: ' ' _ :3 l is g 3 g; '§§ ' i BE 5: L s = z " '5: §: l-— gg ‘ ‘I’ ' "‘~ :5‘! . Z 5,5 is Q [ “LPNs-y si— . g; ,. a5, \ M =5: .L i ' " 5; ' . : 4 'H :5 a _, l-uuu. | L 5 5—1 13”] .§\ 3 2 .4 ' K'MMI ‘ ._._ , l|_{-_~L==9 15:‘ E ' ]_ [It | || H H Macaw-en 7 am”, D '5 \ ,2 '1 ? {arm . m’flwlmnqml' I n,‘ '_ ‘l +__ ‘iii-i: . .nm - Fl Him-1 ‘I I ’ ‘I in!“ ’ l \ wavm\ - H5. 312. '- 1— g} , 5 . a . a n | l - HOPPER CAR-5&HDGH-61DE GONDOLA ""m 5 § 6 a n 'wm1 FIXED Enos I E ; i I we mu um nous, rum WW! new 5 i - . ' - PLATE s. new» or i: w J- -' '1",- ' MW : t ' i I rmsm :mwsmumsuicm'wunnn. mama‘ mm) 2 z- ' nu armies : rut. n M unanimous I: Hi‘ i or RAND small: x: PLATE Xarm I - - - - I r z mmrllmorwcmlmnrrm caveman» mu. am mum-mm "(new run 1‘ as uni-‘In \juv. . "mammal": mmm'wund Id'tm m llmmwusnsrnrwru uszn. ALL rs nmro [anew mm MM"! I: unto M M run» voueu ME “mm: mm chm were hit) ALL ‘RUN ‘I ‘YIIL LAMR "M‘MNQLM E “:NlffllhmcKwAlJ-mml ; i I mantras-“mug; 5 3 . d - 121- 5 i " 9 a i r 5 I * i 5.: -f' Q l _ v _I‘ :- . I 8i 2 ii 1;‘ if: “- :2 J E f E; . 5: _J ' (i; m 53 i ‘ 'a‘a: . a: . sf .3 3%; 4“ xi :5. .J > 7 $5 -a it 23 5; 2i. - ‘* i‘ 5 2: J a "i -| k: men. I: G 3‘ 1 5 v V J‘ I i ’_|— \ l z~ < ‘ i .l g, l I \ .1 K _ MASTER cm; Bunmlans'nssocmuou. ‘econ. “ml. HOPPIRCAIBOiHIQN-SIMW HITHHXIDB‘DS (we mm anunmm u'M mu.) (manna-manna“) mwlmmmmm MI‘I'All-l‘llfln'. __ mnzrmowmagmszlnnAam mm mu‘ m - BILA'II'II'IIII- uJJi 55 ‘O 50)- Eba F12; g is‘ 2:3 gun-=3 Ginsu L0 Iu‘m git-£0 it‘: . .lllzmmganllgmg. 22°: 5300 2.5; Hui-03:: BIS“ lvgL d052— lO Nil 7 i - r i. mm 4'. MASTER 611R BUlhDERS’llSSOBIllTIOR. .535 555F312 IE2: Fig. 314. U _| X \ u éumnn _ ash—l ‘F’ ‘mu. .|< 5.5.: #558 maauanmvmlnmam. soul's fouuuw a: usmmmonum mum Alzqunmim'o anus. ALLIRG‘ on 511:. “momma-mm {HIILM Mm. can“: oran- uoum 11mm R lwlmomsz'maaw unrugqwunqm wnruuam. LJJ Ix|=l .g “0.0 22$.“ LO twill 1 WVIUMIUNIMSIB‘I MRUMOFSIIO' 5 : u m ‘ 3 z I g 5 i 3 i : T ~ _ . I g I ' I nor-m W m an t - I j_ i (cusmuumnwumm IU- . g - f‘ run! q_ a a" | . WPLAYIMWIM _ _ _ _ ,, Rf‘: ': ' \ '- nun-mum" mmAMurnmlluln-mlnvuz . WWI- ‘ILI- l7" TIIADJVN“ MIDID,$IL ‘I'll . MAI-“WI “MAW‘M 0 mum“. mu “Mr-awn. M'univu cum" .1 PLAYI'ITII‘ Iznnulmn'umm Iuvuuum _ cl) A“ mu~lw1n Yuma“. _' _" ‘our: fomruwuuuzn row W new. man All um!» mro 07a.“ ALI- ucon on ann um. "magnum [mow T mamun CAI-AIME‘ WALL-m m n. I ~ u rrnlvuulu 1.}. _- I B. 9 1 = . 1 m i a i/ \J 2 .- J u m‘ 0' INUOI PAC‘ 6; l1 RANK 0' INBIDI PAC‘ D? W’ KNUCNLI. WITH GOU'LI-I "DIN AQAINBY BUFIII ILO‘K "IND HILL. -. _m" um AWNQY IUI’III ILBCK UR IND ‘ll-L. Q. A‘. J ._|_. "h “H .. - ky$=l=ouni ' Emma-ml _9 nunmuv wagon _ mawwwmu Mnclcraiocovm ' . —- -_--—|1| . 5:. ‘"{MNUN I — . i ' I _ 1 fun-nu; \ '2\ E ! Ali G _ i Li \_p ‘iii-‘jinn l \ i \i . " ‘ - mm. 315. . 1,1 = L - mo men-sun: W (all. we‘. nun a?“ run) (mm mm mun-1) PLATE H ! Ml‘! mu m menu-sul- _ » :M'ra-"m'lm-maaa“ mum's luau. |-T-' i Q ii is l __ I . m i’ inn‘. "UMMNWINAY ‘Um M“ OR - T = ‘*5. j‘ v i u .T FLANGOF "III MUG-film MUM WITH (0M WMAIMT MPH-R MGR GRIND Ill-L. ’ P'L'Mlwmmi'ruzwnjuu mumu. Fig. 316. E'. mAn-ucrw-unaumnxuvm rumour-am amino-r ‘(H-Mfr.“ T 3!: B _ rum-mo LOW-SIDE. qonoou I: g l ' rm- means. L _L (alumni sou “'ORLB‘ m no‘) (minimum DQDSILLb) PLATE J O au- sYI-P M Iguanas“ ‘rut. '\ I ‘I'Nll M1‘ Win in w“ QArré-lqunr'l'inqmmraluna" T JD "glfirrlruorm'mammatum .1’ man: WILL "QUIT-flu m1’- ' m “mauve-alumna. :1; _ i IMORMW%NIILM - "1'1" 453 junmnmguorm a: n is ‘ "y" ‘2 T“ l ' 5 ll $5 I _ be mom 1 lg; Q T G. l m fa @ _-._ .3; 35 J $2M".- 8’ t ‘.m *2- TH (“i=3 §" z§§ _' i?! -- "-452 “a rig; e. . =5“ a. mm s. - -L-zi. :15 ' ""5?" m iiirwfii" q? ssmm . i . DROP—DID LOW-SDI. GMBOLA 0R6 (mu wrru am a" on Lzuum ml) PL \ 43:1 0 .....J _4 m PLAI‘IMDVIBAIRWY IN (MAL. ' - m vcrluu Oil-‘run’. _ WWII—[LCD > mumluswwuuAnlamntnmt O Amman. a“ nu "wan: nun-um nu. n:- mAInI-nm 07 um "Tm? I WAL numb-mum“ mun-nu we! Knvumwum'm HA7 ll U.“- I I “I :ovmvnucnou mu. mfllftl-Y. ALL noun-ml." fmriuu. M-L non nulls. may“ mu 'L I'M" I“! I}; KNL la—ll— -“__-_- PLAN‘ N‘ INN" PM! 0!‘ GLOIID MMQKI-I WII'N ‘NH-‘N 5 A 5 i ‘a s 1‘ : Ill“ .8 :' \ E 3 ' a :5 1 9 ml- mu . E? __ d m!’ 1 '2 In“ 1 _ _ 1h *1 . l . \ “mu”, LI—4 ‘\2 ‘ k “in”; l Wmuuu’umzam— ‘ ‘Mm D g I c F‘; * 5 I i 2 1L‘; r?!“ Q .I 11> ‘ "5' 5 H H1 1700'“!- 1 _r - MASTER m BUIhDERS’HSSOGIATION. T T | l .i a ' u i .i 2 : ' 3 muww-mneqounomam g I E (mwmamso'onuuoylm) Li ‘ l (mm mm m an“) PLATE 1 TIDMTILMWIITIIIW , mezmuaurur. , g mumuorummsmma’grzknm . woman: mm “mm 1 ‘B— - gm‘l‘ljm. IlAFH-IIAH'M rwruuan. Ilruueau'r mama-sum - mmnmm&'nm.m_ . “m... *"uxr— - ' g . mlmonsmnmmhnmm ‘ "WM Manama z'rwmnurzl'i T f I E ‘ .; n..." J 2' t a g s 1 . , ,5 3 8 .5 mar lug!“ megs on 1 Tu- I“ m‘ 0" INSIDL PM‘ Of GLODGD MUM WIT“ mum Edi I. "NED. lflilé'l PM‘ OF NDIN MNNST nun-m mon END MU.- nonn A§A__ I10’ I RAIL MASTER 011R BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. Fig. 3202i ‘w . \_\+-: n1 1 ) ;. u :I n.. L .‘J'TZ-Y- Mi“) .“mllll- mmvmmm ‘TI-‘T. FLA (unvmn smunz‘an “Mm gvwulnnmanzumt was) MW’ WAY.“ :‘rvatnam. :mumldmuqmcmm ‘madman-nun. ' ALL nous a mvzmlfmm m5. wins; on. mum. mama: will if“; MN‘O'INIIRMO'M MINI" “UH-ll mmmlurrum flmDlN-L. ' u_ %\ i . |._._,,-._e' " ; _ -__6._ Mu__"..__h_ .7 .. WIT" no)“ ma MM? ‘Um m 0R Mb JILL. m1 QT .: M “guru-immune!“ mmnamwuma'qn. P [Iva-u. '2' l a? g, .a l 8 i chm I Tum-um: m sin-Mm M1! I‘ ' MASTER cm; Bulnnrns'nssocmnou. _ . TANK CARS WITHOUT SIDE-SILLB ‘ &TANK CARS WITH SHORT SlDE-SILLB fiEND-PLATFOW PLATE 0 \ ' t ' mum-nun 5. r1 - q nmmun ‘nus PLAT‘! mowammqmzm- m WM, ran bun» 6:: ‘ran. ran BETAILsorMmMIbuMRXI-YIJY. ran MIANQZHLNT or uncbw’ufli Afi'wnm at: rmvn‘i‘n‘rtn ' ‘d’ S Omnom :ILL. sftrfmmm "(5050": t. Yin: Q nomzmfl'AL um muwszwnm l6‘ LUOG‘I n 00mm‘ IWLMTM HAY It 05¢». Au. mnxmn {mm ALL. mu mo'run. uncut was momma.» D u. u. HININIIH CLLARINCE "AEL won Til-AN‘ Mucus trauma-r z'i. MASTER GAR BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. an Annv "Aswan" (:LunAuc a . \ an albtama NANDHOL A w | WLKNQTN HA1 II. ALB pairs; were Eamon. ALI- IION OI QYI‘L NANDNOL I_'\INIMUI1 GLLARANCK WAL Pnzrumuu 1i. ~ In ‘Am uu. srzr uuqwnzu u‘ c O non-MAI. um mmawnm 18'“ I‘ mums, us». a: IHIMBIA. \. HANMI-DO t‘ v E. , MASTER TANK cAR's WITHOUT END-BILLS PLATE P TM ll PLAT! ‘NMARRAMEHLNY m qlritlug GAR BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION. >- , Amman z I E g E g ; CABOOSE CARS wrm Pum'oans :6 ~ Ia‘ PmTE. Q I CLEARMGE - IO 6' mm _ z — z‘ mun-mm _ "' '5' 8' 'Mmfilu - mmrm _ :4 - lb annuarnummflm'rtAa'rw. lmmumonmnms: mm u'um ‘n1 CANNOY _ W "WM mm!!!" slam-alarm a APFLIEQ H'LIRQTH MAY BE USED. ALL sons 1:‘ awn; {mm nun ALL IRON OR STEEL "Mm ‘MIN DIA. run. W on“; W a’ Y 1i‘: D MASTER 611R BUILDERS’HSSOGIHTION. Flg- sun: was?" aeusfru "591* Au. ornu lours umvvra imum some {Mum a: usao run wanna mu» wmcn AR: was: mra 41m“. ALI. mm on mun moon! "use mammal.» franc-IA. nmmun CLLARANCL or~.\_. Man mucosa nAuancu-aa 1' PR u'uuunv 2';- LOCATION of LADDER strum: m RtLA‘I'ION To am: PM MAY 5: Rzvinszfi [1U- cAsoosa cARs WITHOUT PLATFORMS PL_AT£ R mm mm: wows Aumqmzur m among m can“; an: nxr. 'BI DITAHA 0' HAND ML“! 'LAYlfi @YIIY- '0' AIRANQKHM 0' UNCWH-INQ ATYACNHQNT In. run’: ‘8a 1': IT. MASTER CAR BUIIIDERS’ASSOGIATION. CARS 415 SPECIAL RULINGS OF THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION 1. Gondola and ballast cars with swinging side doors at lad- der locations may be considered as cars of special construction. Ladders and handholds need not be applied to swinging side doors. A side vertical handhold shall be placed on corner post , of such ears, as nearly as possible over sill step. 2. High-side gondolas and ballast cars with end platforms 18 inches or more in length may be considered as cars of special construction. Ladders should be placed on such cars as prescribed for high-side gondolas and hopper cars, with sill step under ladder, \ or as near under ladder as car construction will permit. 1 3. Ladders, etc.; The spacing of top ladders shall be taken “ from cave of roof at side of car, whether longitudinal running 1, board is used or not. 4. Box and other house cars, automobile cars with swinging- ‘end doors: End Ladders—These are cars of special construction- iend ladders to be placed as nearly as possible in designated vlocation. I 5. High-side drop-bottom ore cars of narrow construction are fto be regarded as cars of special construction. On such cars off- set sill steps may be applied where, owing to the construction of / the car, the standard sill steps would foul the oil-box and prevent the proper opening of the lid. 6. Air Hose are not to be regarded as fixtures, as that word is used in that part of orders relating to ‘ ‘ End Ladder Clearance.’ ’ The applications of these devices to difierent kinds of cars are shown in Figs. 311 to 326, inclusive. I l l l f; ._\ *On November 2, 1915, I. C. C. Order of March 4, 1911, was extended for a period of ‘12 months from July 1, 1916. On April 12, 1917, I. C. C. Order of November 2, 1915, was extended for a further period of eight months from July 1, 1917. CHAPTER XII - STANDARD BOX CARS. TYPICAL FREIGHT CAR BODIES: BOX, FLAT, GONDOLA, ORE, sTocK, TANK, REFRIGERATOR, ETC. The railway world is just now witnessing' a tremendous revolu- tion in,the design, types, and construction of freight cars in com- mon use, as well as in the radical change in the principal material from which they are constructed. Beginning a few years_ ago, this car revolution is now in full swing, and promises to greatly change both general car practice and design in the near future. Already , this has led to the evolution of a number of novel types of freight cars fiest fitted to survive the hard service of today and aptly accommodated to present railroad circumstances as influenced by modern commercial demands; the_tendency being ever towards thie development of the most efficient cars intended to serve certain classes of traflic in a way conducive to both better. service aiud ultimate railroad economy. Thus, the number of classes of cars designed for special purposes has increased, and all along the likne freight car capacity has increased even faster. \‘ To produce a lower unit cost of transportation, the capacity ‘' of freight cars has grown rapidly. To increase the tonnage with-. out increasing the length of the train, the capacity of freight . cars has risen from the former 30 and 40 ton cars to those of 50, 60, and now of 70, 80, 90, and even 100 tons capacity. There is a constant pressure on the part of shippers of light and bulky articles for a car of a size permitting the shipment of the maximum amount that can be loaded. Competition has been responsible for the building of cars so large as to be positively unsafe for use in some parts ‘of the country; huge unvvieldly structures that soon rack loose, offer great resistance to pulling, and are too large to go through tunnels. On the other hand, the private ownership of’ cars has resulted in the building of many of these private cars with reference to the most convenient sales unit and with no regard for the economy of railroad service. Thus, for instance, we have oil 416 \-~ CARS 417 (tank) cars of widely varying capacities, yet the roads pay the same “per diem” for each, although one car may have. twice the capacity of another such car. Cars are either purchased from car builder companies or are built in railroad shops, though sometimes obtained by both ways combined. Some roads have not the necessary facilities needed for building cars, and hence have to buy all their new cars from private car builders. Others are so equipped as to be able to turn out a number of new cars from their shops each year, besides attending to the repairing of present equipment. Such com- panies thus affect considerable economies, in addition to constantly maintaining an eflicient force of skilled car men of all kinds. This is a matter of great importance to the car department, as repairs must be made promptly if loss of revenue (due to damaged cars whose repairing is unduly delayed) is ever to be avoided, with its bad eifect on net earnings for 'the company. This past year has witnessed grave deterioration in railway rolling stock; one large road alone having over 15,000 freight cars on the hospital list, with battered flooring, rotten roofs, twisted underframes, smashed couplers, etc. And although this has been partially offset by the purchase of some 16,000 new cars during May, double the number of new cars ordered for the same month last year, still both economy and wise forethought condemn both the decreasing of shop forces and repair-capacity as well as the general loss of revenue resulting therefrom. Concerning the general box car, it may be said that the present tendency seems to doom the all-wooden superstructure to speedy and total disappearance, its place being taken by other types, pos- sibly for the near future by the steel underframe and steel upper~ frame types with single wooden sheathing, and, ultimately, by the all-steel car. These last two types are in this work regarded as coming under the head of “steel cars,” and will be treated of in the chapter on that subject. As will be seen below, but few wooden box cars are now being ordered. Even as early as 1913, of the freight cars actually built, only 7,237 were all-wood, being only half the amount built in 1912; the others built in 1913 being 70,631 all-steel and 108,610 having steel underframes with more or less wooden superstructures. The cars ordered during that year were as follows:—— ‘ 418 CARS CLASSIFICATIONS or FREIGHT "CARS ORDERED - DURING 1913 . Steel , frame and Com- steel Steel posite All- under- under- under- steel frame fregme frsame Wcfiod Not a b c spec. Total ~Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 20,457 20,296 5,234 3,339‘ 3,640 53,066 6 6 206 Refrigerator . . . . . . . . . . . 505 4,934 1 _ 1 750 , Hopper, includ. Ore. 31,460 - . . . . . . . . . 405 151 32,016 Gondola, including General Service. . . 19,919 . . . 10,229 1,240 329 120 31,837 Coal (not otherwise V specified)... . . . . . . 1,710 . . . . . . 40 2 1,050 2,802 Coke (not otherwise / ' . specified)......... 1,512 1,512 Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,225 3,535 875 371 150 6,156 Flat, includ. Logging 4,168 . . . . . . . . . 2,646 591 7,405 Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,881 . . . 24 . . '. . . . .. . . 1,905 Caboose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 602 . . . 268 27 917 Miscellaneous. .. . . . . 1,627 . . . 346 355 495 87 2,910 Total . . . . . . . . . . . 62,377 22,207 39,966 7,745 7,871 6,566 146,732 Due to the frequent troubles arising from the use of small old style box cars nowadays, the M. C. B. Association is trying to arrive at some plan for retiring such cars as these, of 40,000 and 50,000 pounds capacity from active service, or from use in interchange in any event. Some railroads will not now accept such cars in interchange, owing to their frequently breaking down; and they therefore transfer the lading to other larger and stronger cars better ablev to bear the stresses of modern heavy service. The, M. C. B. Association has already adopted this Rule: “After October‘ 1, 1916, all cars of less than 60,000 pounds capacity having wooden or metal draft arms which do not extend beyond the body bolster, will not be accepted in interchange.” Besides this, rail- way opinion approves the prohibition of the use of 40,000'pound , capacity cars in interchange at an early date, to be soon fol- lowed by a like ban on the 50,000 pounds capacity car. ‘In fact, some roa'ds favor speedy prohibition of the 60,000 pounds ‘capacity car likewise, for interchange, use. The M. (J. B. Rules already permit the rejection of the former two classes of cars, and allow the lading to be transferred; a permission now taken advantage . of, on some railroads The number of these cars now in service are shown in the following table: CARS 419 NUMBER OF CARS IN REVENUE SERVICE Of each of the constructions named below, as of January 1, /,cars are involved in this question, but the point is this: 1914. 4 . . ' . 0,029 lb 40,022 lb 00,092 lb 60,000 less 50,000 lb. 00.000 lb. lb- All steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . 161 445 Steel underframe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 492 98,674 Steel center sills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 2,217 34,317 Metal draft arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 11,197 9,192 110,835 Wooden draft timbers, extending through body bolsters . . . . . . . 29,122 31,413 1,746 166,614 Wooden draft timbers extending to body bolsters . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,522 12,875 5,515 227,881 Grand total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,867 55,624 19,323 638,766 Metal body bolster . . . . . . . . . . . 29,727 37,712 17,188 428,758 American continuous draft gear 6,359 2,796 23 29,617 NOTE—Summary of all cars according to capacity compiled from 138 replies to M. C. B. Circular N o. 20, Retirement of 40,000 and 50,000 pounds capacity cars. There are ‘about 2,700,000 freight cars in this country, and of these only about 120,000 are causing all the trouble, limiting our- selves to the 40,000 and 50,000 pounds capacity cars. However, some of the 60,000 pounds capacity cars give four times as much trouble as regards repairs, break-downs, etc., as the 80,000 pound ones; the true criterion of car efficiency as regards repair-economy, being not the capacity but the strength of the car. struction marks many of the old 60,000 and 80,000-pound cars; though railroads are now thoroughly strengthening all their cars that were built before 1912 or so. Thus, refrigerator cars have light capacities, comparatively, yet their use is prolonged in the public service. So with stock cars, the western roads have a great many 50,000 pounds capacity cars still in use. On stock and furniture cars, one cannot carry the full capacity of such cars; in cars marked 80,000 pounds capacity one cannot put an 80,000-pound load. If the 60,000-pound furniture car is not barred out, the same is true of the stock car and the 50,000-pound furniture car. Only 2,900 stock A large number of cars built years ago were of from 40,000 to 50,006 Weak con- , ‘420 - - CARS pounds capacity, yet the load carried by them, stock, never exceeds 24,000 pounds. It is said that it costs $8 more per car for coal consumption alone, to transport cattle from Chicago to New York in the new high capacity steel cars, than in the present smaller cars. In any case, nevertheless, nothing gives a road more trouble than a lot of old'stock cars whose use entails a number of claims against the company. The stock car is as important as any other car, often more so; and when one of them is wrecked and a lot of stock killed, it quickly runs into large money. It is useless to build 60,000 to 100,000-pound cars to carry live stock, as not over 24,000 pounds of stock can be carried in the 60,000-pound cars,land 40,000 pounds of stock in a 100,000-pound car. Still, all the present small capacity stock cars must be so strengthened as to meet modern railroad con- ditions, or else be withdrawn from interchange service. Each year has seen more and different parts of the box car standardized by the M. C. B., and soon its superstructure will follow suit, thus greatly tending to economy, reduction in stock at yards and shops, avoidance of delay in repairing and necessity of sending to manufacturers for parts thereof, besides ease in hand- ling, determination of clearances, etc. Some years ago, the Ameri- can‘ Railway Association decided upon a standard 36-foot box car, but almost immediately the traffic departments of our roads began to ask for a‘ variety of different sizes of cars, and today very few railroads limit themselves to buying or building 36-foot cars. It would, therefore, be a great benefit all around if standards were adopted for the principal dimensions of 40-foot and 50-foot freight cars. It may here be said that in- view of the still increas- ing size of box cars, some of the old standard dimensions would not hold. However, we give here the Standard Dimensions for Box Care as adopted by the American Railway Association in 1901 and later modified:— (1) That the dimensions of the Standard Box Car is 36 feet in length, 8 feet 6 inches in width and 8 feet in height, .all inside dimensions. Cross section, 68 square feet; capacity, 2,448 cubic feet. The side door opening to be 6 feet in width. . (2) That the Standard ‘36-foot car he consideredlthe unit for the establishment of minimum carload weights; and that where necessary in any classification territory to recognize cars under 36 feet in length it shall'be by a reduced minimum of 2% per CARS ' 421 cent for 35-foot cars and 5 per cent for cars 34 feet 'or under, inside dimensions. ' (3) That for cars over 36 feet in length the percentage of. increase of the minimum weights shall be as follows: For cars of 37 feet and 38 feet 10 per cent over the minimum for the 36-foot car. For cars of 39 feet and 40 feet 25 per cent over the minimum for the 36-foot car. For cars of 41 feet and 42 feet 40 per cent over the minimum for the 36-foot car. For cars of 43 feet and 44 feet 55 per cent over the minimum for the 36-foot car. For cars of 45 feet and 46 feet 65 per cent over the minimum for the 36-foot car. For cars of 47 feet and 48 feet 70 per cent over the minimum for the 36-foot car. For cars of- 49 feet and 50 feet 80 per cent over the minimum for the 36-foot car. For cars over 50 feet 150 per cent over the minimum for the 36-foot ‘car. (4) That any diminution of revenue incident to the minimum proposed in the accompanying schedule shall be adjusted in the rate. (5) That the minimum carload weights of heavy articles, such as iron, brick, lumber, minerals, etc., should as fast as practicable be advanced to the stenciled capacity of the car. (6) That no box cars of larger dimensions than those prescribed for the Standard Car shall be hereafter Iconstructed, and that all owners and builders of cars be officially notified of the adoption of this resolution. That six inches above any given length shall be rated as even length in feet of whatever length it may approx- imate. Lengths of over six inches shall take the minimum of the next greater length; thus, a length of 38 feet 6 inches shall be rated as a 38-foot car; one of a fraction over 38 feet 6 inches as a 39-foot car. ' This standard box car is shown in Fig. 327. In May, 1914, the American Railway Association ordered that the dimensidns for the standard box car should be strictly adhered to, except in the construction of special equipment such as auto- mobile cars: That special equipment should not exceed the inside dimensions of 40 feet 6 inches in length, 8 feet 6 inches in width, and 9 feet in height, with maximum outside dimensions of 9 feet 2 inches in width at 13 feet above the top of the rail; And the Association requested the M. C. B. Association “to design and adopt a standard frame for closed cars in accordance with the Diagrams Showing Inside Measurements of the Standard Box Car Ac Adopted by the American Railway Association October 23, 1901 .__.. g '- 6 '4 857M?” 1 "mm. maximum Section. Cross Section. ' Fig. 327. Standard 36-Foot Box Car. American Railway Association. CARS 423 present standard inside dimensions of box cars.” For box cars built on low trucks, the height from top of rail to upper edge of caves is 12 feet 1% inch; the width of caves at ‘that height being 9 feet 7 inches, and the height to top of floor being 3 feet 6 inches above rail. To obtain these particular dimensions it may here be explained that the limiting measurements of all the roads in the country were tabulated and chartered, and a composite of the maximum dimensions of a car which could be run over the roads of the country was developed; the work being carried on through three years. On many of the western roads it was found that they are building a car 40 feet in length, as they are also on most of the eastern roads—the western roads stating that they themselves had a class of traific to handle which requires larger cars than those recommended. Hence, many railroads demanded that the 40-foot box car be made the standard. Inquiry among the roads compos- ing the American Railway Association elicited the following facts: Four-fifths of the roads favor adopting a standard frame for box cars; about half of them prefer to retain the present standard height of 8 feet inside, as well as the standard width of 8 feet 6 inches, in a longer car, rather than to increase both the length and height; one-sixth of them were willing to increase width, height and length. Half of the roads prefer to adhere to the present standard; a few favoring a 6-inch increase of height. The Association was equally divided as to favoring or opposing a box car 40 feet 6 inches long, 9 feet high, and 8 feet 6 .inches wide, with maximum outside dimensions of 9 feet 2 inches wide at 13 feet above the top of the rails. The reasons given by these roads for favoring or opposing any change in the present standard box car are instructive, and were as follows: Favoring: On account of the use of steel under- frame cars, the maintenance cost will not be any greater for a longer car than for a shorter car, and the unit capacity of the car would be increased. The cost of construction is only slightly in- creased, but not in proportion to the gain in cubic capacity. The same is true as to operation and maintenance; better suited for certain class of traffic, '5. 6., lumber, and bulky commodities such as grain, hay, cotton, etc. Will have tendency to reduce length of train by getting the tonnage in fewer cars. Several roads favor 424 CARS a longer car, but do not think it practicable to make any change in height because changing center of gravity will increase danger of derailment. Opposing: More expensive construction, operating and main- tenance without any relative increase in earnings per car, and will not sufficiently assist in moving commodities to warrant the increased expense incident to first cost and additional weight to be hauled in service. Also the average loading- is below the capacity of 36 foot car, which would increase the dead haul. Will deteriorate more rapidly on account of greater vibration. By making cars higher, as proposed, would add to danger of accident ' caused by derailments on curves and imperfectly surfaced tracks, on account of increased swaying motion of cars. Majority of commerce handled today has been adjusted to present standard capacity. Present size large enough for many important clearances. The necessity for an absolutely rigid set of standards for all freight cars used in interchange has led the American Railway Association to request the‘ M. C. B. Association to prepare designs ' therefor; and a committee of the latter is now at work on the same, as standardization, especially of sizes, is sure to come. This will lead to greater economy in the, matter of continually rdevising new types of cars to fill special requirements, which‘has now gone to extremes on many roads. In this connection, the classification of cars made by the M. C. B. Association and given in Chapter I of this volume, should be carefully studied; for freight cars, there are two general classes. 1. General Service, Freight Equipment Cars, and 2 General Service, Main-tenance of Way Freight Cars. Of the first class, the chief are the bog: and other house cars, illustrations of . which are given in Plate I of this volume, Plate VII of Portfolio 2, and in Plate V, Fig. 328. Present lengths of box cars are from 36 to 40 feet; their ton- nage capacity ranges from- 30 to 80 tons for cars in general use. For automobile cars, the following are average figures: 30 tons capacity, 36! feet long and 8 feet 6 inches high; 40 tons, 36 feet long, 8 feet 6% inches high, 8 feet 6 inches wide; another of 40 tons is 40 feet long, 8 feet high, and 8 feet 6 inches wide. The furniture car is 50 feet long, 9 feet wide, and is 10 feet to bottom of carline. Most of the automobile and furniture cars have wooden 4-1," GENERAL PLAN—BOX CAR- '80,000 LBS. CAPACITY.) 113.328. CARS 425 I..H.& I\I.S. _I _ I) () ( ‘I'm!— l \l \ "|MNN||-yI . \\ [Inn nu \|'_\\ It-‘lu Fig. 329. Steel Undert'rame 40-Ton Capacity Box Car for Automobile Traffic. Length, 36 ft.; Inside Width, 8 ft. 6 in.: Height, 8 ft. 6% in. - AL‘I‘UMHHH 1 ‘ . . nflvburu: n- n \ -.. Weight. 39.000 lbs.: Inside Barney & Smith Car Co. I 426 CARS upper'frames, steel underframes, and strong ends made of steel or reinforced wood. Most of these two kinds are of 40 tons - capacity. Automobile cars, Fig. 329, have exceptionally large side doors or end doors, and usually have a double deck half way between the main floor and the roof. Other automobile cars are shown in Figs. 329 and 439. ' Stock cars are from 35 to 40 feet long, about 8 feet 6 inches wide, and from 7 to 8 feet 8 inches high; varying in capacity from 30 to 50 tons. The common wooden stock car is shown in Fig. 330, Plate VI. These cars are designed for transporting live animals, generally cattle, horses, sheep, hogs, etc. They are roofed over but not tightly enclosed at the ends and sides. Sometimes they are double-decked for the carriage of. smaller animals such as hogs, calves, sheep, etc. Formerly they were provided with appliances for feeding and watering such animals, according to state laws regulating the same. The federal law requiring the unloading of stock every 28 hours for feeding and watering is now strictly enforced; and hence has made such feeding and watering appliances on such cars unnecessary. Special forms of these cars are Poultry Cars, with wire-screened sides; with two, three, or more decks; and with or without coops; and Horse Cars, with or without separate stalls _ or partitions, padded or unpadded. A Box Stock Car ‘is an ordinary box car-with large grated openings for ventilation, but excluding rain. This ‘last is now but little used, except for horses. Some roads have special grain cars; on others they are made by reconstructing stock‘ and other house cars, so as to be in a- condition to handle grain, temporarily or permanently, by cleaning and lining them with burlap, heavy odorless paper, etc., so as to prevent grain leakage. Seven‘ western roads in 1914 announced that in addition to their former equipment they had 20,650 new large grain cars available. New grain cars show increased carry- ing capacity; formerly they carried 40,000 to 60,000 pounds, while the new cars carry 80,000 pounds.- Refrigerator cars are nearly all of 30 tons capacity, as are most of the ventilator cars. Convertible cars are those so built as to be converted, without ~. reconstruction, from one type or use to another. - Thus M. C. B. Class SD is a stock car having drop doors in its floor, with means of housing in the sides, thus making drop-bottom box cars; see Fig. 331. A general service steel frame stock car is depicted in GENERAL PLAN—STOCK CAR. 60, 000 Les. CAPACITY. F18- 330. CARS 427 Fig. 332. A car for use as a Heater, Ventilator, or Refrigerator car is illustrated in Fig. 333. This class includes cars changeable from center-dump gondola to side-dump gondola, and others, similar to the Hart gondola, shown in Figs. 334 and 335. The last- named is used as either a flat-bottom gondola or a center-drop one, as desired. Fig. 331. _ Interior View of Steel Underframe 30-Ton Capacity Drop-Bottom General Service Car. Weight, 40,000 lbs.; Inside Length, 36 ft.; Inside Width, 8 ft. 6 in.: Inside Height, 8 ft. Ralston Steel Car Company. Because of their general utility, these convertible cars are rapidly increasing in both number and types, on account of their economy in operation and ability to dispense with the furnishing of other cars by railroads. There are a number of roads where traflic conditions are such that during certain seasons of the year the transverse movements of empty box and stock cars amounts to a considerable item. Thus the mileage of one road out of St. Louis 88f? S’HVO Fig. 332. Steel Frame 40-T0n Capacity Drop-Bottom General Service Car. Weight, 45,000 ibs.; Inside Length, 40 ft.; Inside Width, 8 ft. 8 in.; Inside Height, 7 ft. 9 in. National Dump Car Company. Fig. 333. Steel Underframe 30-Ton Capacity Combined Heater. Ventilator and Refrigerator Car. Weight. 43.400 lbs. Alcohol Heating and Lighting Company's System. 430 CARS Fig. 334. All-Steel 50-Ton Capacity Ore Car. Hart Convertible Car with one-half of floor raised, showing method of converting from side to center dump. The end boards are moved in so that the inside length of the car, when used as center dump, is the length of the raised portion of the floor. , I CARS 431 and Kansas City alone amounted to 4,511,170 miles each year; an equal number of empty box cars being hauled to these points from the stock-loading territory for bringing back general mer- chandise. This made a total empty-car mileage of 9,023,420 miles each year, moved at a cost of $162,000. In order to obtain box cars when the shortage became acute, it had been the custom to take stock cars, thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting them, and covering the roof and entire inside surface of the cars with tar paper, at a cost of $5 to $6 per car, and then loading them with certain kinds of freight. This road thus treated about 3,000 cars Fig. 335. All-Steel 50-Ton Capacity Drop-Bottom Gondola. Weight. 43,300 lbs.; Inside Length, 40 ft.; Inside Width, 9 ft. 6 in.; Inside Height, 4 ft. 3 in. National Dump Car Co. during six years with considerable success, but the car construction was such that the sides could not be made entirely proof against leakage. To ofiset this condition, an ofl‘icial of the road devised a car to fit the case; a car built in the same manner as a box car, which, with the exception of the slats—is leak-proof in every respect. To convert this stock car into a box car, it is only necessary to cover the openings between the slats with an odorless asphalt paper, at a cost of $1.50 per car for labor and material, which with the 50 cents charged for cleaning and disinfecting, as required by the government, makes a total of $2.00 per car. This type of car, which can also be used by southwestern cotton-carrying railroads in the spring months, is shown in Fig. 336. By loading 432 CARS these cars in both directions and saving one-half the empty car mileage, the 2,000 convertible cars would prevent the necessity of owning 1,000 cars—making a net saving of about $102.50 per car per year. These cars may be used for general merchandise, cotton, hay, and indeed all freight moving in packages, bales. boxes, barrels or like containers. They are of 80,000 pounds capacity, and have an outside steel frame superstructure. Interior of Car When Prepared Interior of Car When Prepared for Merchandise Shipments. for Shipments of Stock. Fig. 336. Convertible Box and Stock Car. Another box car of this type, here used for both grain and coal, is a Burnett hopper-bottom’ grain car used by the Canadian Pacific. The hinge of the hopper (Fig. 337), is made by inter- locking the edge of the door and the car floor, making it a con- tinuous hinge which instead of weakening the edge, strengthens it as would the use of an angle-the load always tending to tighten the joint. The hopper door is hinged at the bottom, and is almost vertical; it has no closing-shaft but is closed by hand and secured by a shaft having projections which engage the edge of the door at difierent points. The grain doors, formed by sec- tions of the floor at the doorway folding against the doorpost, are thoroughly reinforced and easily maintained in good condition. In building the cars, each hopper is filled with flaxseed, which is then hammered, and the hoppers are made absolutely tight under CARS 433 this test—the severest test possible with the exception of water. This hopper door arrangement increases the car's weight about 800 pounds compared with a car not fitted with grain door equipment, Fig. 337. Burnett General Service Box Car. Interior View, Showing Grain Door and one Open Hopper. but with cars so fitted, this difi'erence is diminished by the weight of the grain door and fittings. The maintenance cost of the ordinary door and fittings, including the usual nailing strips on doorposts, estimated at from $6 per car per year and upwards, is thus eliminated in'this car. The additional cost of applying the hopper bottom and folding grain doors is approximately $50 per car. 434 CARS Where ordinary grain doors are used a force of men is engaged at elevators in removing nails from the doorposts and inside lining and getting the cars ready for load, while the hopper bottom car this force, as well as the shipping of temporary grain doors back to the point of loading, is almost entirely done away with, thus effecting an additional saving. Besides this, it can be unloaded in about one-third the time ordinarily consumed in un- loading a box car. The development of this car resulted from the desirability of securing a car suitable for carrying coal in one direction and grain in another, thus avoiding to a large extent empty car mileage and the hauling of other cars for coal. Fig. 339. Steel Frame 75-Ton Capacity Flat Car. Weight, 44,000 lbs.; Length of Platform, 34 ft. 6% in.; \Vidth of Platform, 10 ft.; Height, Rail to Top of Platform, 3 ft. 2 in. The Flat Car is a platform upon wheels, having the floor laid over the sills, and is without any housing or body above. It is used to transport such coarser kinds of freight as need no protec- tion from the elements, and is of such character that it is not liable to depredations. Practically all modern flat cars are all- steel or have steel frames; ranging in capacity from 40 to 110 tons, and being from 34 to 70 feet 8 inches in length, with an average width of 8 feet to 10 feet, and a height from top of platform to top of rail of from 3 feet 2 inches to 4 feet 2 inches. In Fig. 338 is shown the ordinary wooden flat car. Flat cars often use overhung truss rods or hog chains to strengthen the car and keep its ends from dropping, just as the underhung ones do the same for the middle of such flat cars as use truss rods. A Barrel Car is a flat car racked so as to carry many barrels; being made very long and the racks very high in order'to make up a carload weight. A modern flat car is shown in Fig. 339. A, 100- a’ - _V 1.‘? _ _ "_i': l u; _____=1_-:_=-_r-:fi . \ L"‘-“-'-—-—.r—r— _- _,_.__.| ‘I i r— v»;- : .21 ' _91’; ‘_— -\s'14§-‘- _ILIH 113‘; t. ' | I; g‘ Lfiiijé‘eiifriigi _] “ _‘1, vs‘ ~ — — —-I"|'._ _ A Gasman.’ PLAN-i-Fns'r Can}. 90.000 ‘LBS. Camem, F18. 338. Fig. 340. Steel Frame 100-Ton Capacity Four-Truck Flat Car. ‘Weight, 90,000 lbs.: Length of Platform. 70 ft. 7 ln.; \Vldth 0! Platform 8 ft. 6 in. McGuire-Cummings Mfg. Co. 436 CARS ton flat car, Fig. 340, uses at each end two 4-wheel trucks, or 16 wheels to the car, in order not to exceed the wheel load allowed. The weight of this last car is 90,000 pounds; length of platform, 70 feet 7 inches; width of platform, 8 feet 6 inches. Fig. 341. Wooden 42% Tons Capacity Hopper Bottom Gondola Car. Weight. 40,700 lbs.; Inside Length, 36 ft.; Inside Width, 8 ft. 61,4 in.; Inside Height, 4 ft. 3 in. American Car & Foundry Co. Fig. 342. All-Steel 50-Ton Capacity Drop-Bottom Gondola. Weight, 40.300 lbs; Inside Length, 40 ft.; Inside Width, 9 ft. 6% in. Inside Height, 4 ft. 2 in. A gondola is a car with sides and ends but without a roof covering, used to transport freight in bulk; being sometimes dis- tinguished as high-side or low-side gondolas, drop-bottom or hopper- bottom gondolas, etc. In all gondolas the floor is normally level. The side planks and ends are permanently attached, or are remov- able or are ‘hinged; the ends are often hinged so as to allow of the use of twin cars for long timber, etc. Gondolas are mostly used for the transportation of lumber and coal, and are provided according to the service they are placed in, with various appliances CARS 437 to facilitate the handling of the freight, such as hopper bottoms, inclined floors for coal, etc. The hopper bottom gondola, Fig. 341, is one having a level bottom and one or more hoppers equipped with drop doors for discharging the load. The drop-bottom gondola is one with level floor having a number of doors; Fig. 342. These cars are now nearly all of all-steel construction, as are the solid bottom gondolas. These last also often have drop ends. Gondolas are generally of 50 tons capacity. Fig. 343. Dumping Position of the Two-Way Side Dump Car. Dumping Angle, 49 Degrees. The Body Bolsters of Cast Steel Have Cast Integral with Them Center Plates, Side Bearings, and Spring Pockets. The Latter Contain Coil Springs Which Absorb the Shock as the Body Dumps. FitzHugh, Luther & Company. A variety of this class is known as side-dump cars, usually dumping their load in two ways (on either side), the body carrying the load being so cradled by supports that the load can be dumped by the machinery attached thereto and actuated generally by com- pressed air which is often taken directly from the air brake train line into a storage reservoir. These cars, ordinarily of 30 tons capacity, and made of steel, composite, or steel underframe con- struction, are shown in Figs. 343, 344-21, and 344-b. A Billet Car is a low-side gondola built of steel throughout, for the transfer of hot steel billets or other heavy material. Fig. 344-21. Ali-Steel 30-Ton Capacity Two-Way Side Dump Car. Operated by Compressed Air. Inside Length, 24 ft. The Kilbourne and Jacobs Mfg. Co. \ .0 En. “tic. USE-:5.“ @330: cm 25 ‘Had-35. was 3:51 02. £58: 5 En. "$0-? 440 CARS The steel gondola, with cross-section and longitudinal section of the same, is shown in Plate-VII of Portfolio 2. The ordinary wooden gondola is seen in Plate VIII, Fig. 345. ' A stake is a piece of timber inserted in a pocket on the sides and/ends of flat cars to hold the load in, place; the sides of gondolas being sometimes held in the same, way. The side stiffen- ing pieces on steel gondolas and hopper cars are also often called stakes. The M. C. B. Recommended Practice as to permanent stake pockets is as follows: The method of securing permanent stake pockets to cars of wooden construction is by U-bolts; to cars of steel construction, by rivets or U-bolts; Malleable Iron is to be used in the manufacture of said pockets, and stakes should be located to suit the construction of the car or the requirements of the service, but should not be placed farther apart than 4 feet ' from center to center. The M. C. B. dimensions for temporary stake pockets are: For flat cars and gondolas with sides less than 30 inches high, 4 inches wide by 5 inches deep; for gondolas with sides over 30 inches ‘high, 4 inches wide by 4 inches deep. The M. C. B. plan for the longitudinal spacing of temporary stake pockets is given in Fig. 115. In place of the vulnerable old style strap pocket, various modern kinds have been introduced, one of which, the Collapsible Stake Pocket, is applicable to sides and ends of gondolas. ‘When not in service, the pocket drops to the side _ of the car, thereby increasing the inside width of car for any form of lading, as well as preventing damage to either pockets or lad- ing, besides maintaining its shape, and being always available for - ‘stakes of M. C. B. dimensions, as shown in Fig. 346. A Hopper Car is one with a floor sloping from the ends or sides to one or more hoppers, which will discharge the entire load by gravity through the hopper doors. They now are nearly all of all~steel construction, though some have wooden sides and ends with steel frames; and they generally are of 50 tons capacity. In length they average 30 feet, the larger ones being about 40 feet . 3 inches. Their inside width averages 9 feet, and their height from rail to top of body is from 9 feet 8’ inches to 10 feet 8 inches. The M. G. B. standardfor the 2-inch square end for hopper-door operating shaft is given in Fig. 68. When used to carry coal, these cars like all others carrying coal, should use galvanized piping under the ‘car, because of greater economy GENERAL PLAN—GoNnoLA CAR. 80.000 Les. CAPACITY. Fig- 345. CARS 44 1 maintenance and more satisfactory brake operation, as water dripping from coal contains chemicals which soon rust out and Fig. 346. Collapsible Stake Pockets Applied to Gondola Car. Fig. 347. All-Steel 50-Ton Capacity Hopper Car. Weight, 43,600 lbs; Inside Length. 31 ft. 6 in.; Inside Width, 9 ft. 4 in.; Capacity. Level Full, 1,790 cu. ft. destroy unprotected iron and steel. The ordinary styles of hopper cars most largely used are seen in Figs. 347 and 348. An Ore Car is a hopper car made especially for carrying iron or other ores. Because of the great weight relative to its bulk, 442 CARS ore cars are usually made shorter and hence of less cubic capacity than other kinds of hopper cars. Nearly all of them are of all- Fig. 348. All-Steel 50-Ton Capacity Hopper Car. Weight, 36,800 lbs; Inside Length, 30 ft.; Inside Width, 8 ft. 9 in.; Length Over End Sills, 33 ft. 3 in.; Height, Rail to Top of Body, 10 ft. 8 in.; Extreme Height, 11 ft. 4 in.; Capacity, Level Full, 1,858 cu. ft. .AM o. GARFIELD _, Y 1199 ~ ‘ Fig. 350. All-Steel 60-Ton Capacity Ore Car. Weight, 42,300 lbs.; Inside Length, 23 ft. 10% in.; Inside Width, 9 ft. 10 in.; Inside Height, 6 ft. 9% in. steel construction, and of from 50 to 60 tons capacity. They average 16 to 23 feet long inside, with a width of from 8 to 9 feet. An ore car of former type is seen in Plate IX, Fig. 349. Modern types of ore cars are seen in Figs. 350 and 35]. _41. _.I. 1.9. Mal ‘i L__ __ __._.-l....._./__“;ll ' GENERAL PLAN—ORE, Cam, v" T _ s _ s A. m . m ..d .% M \~.L|.|. u. 94 2 u . in‘: _ _ M .. L .. M. ii m ; a Essa an .. Nil-2%,“ @ w 2+ __ -_ —-J-'-MM Am— :L— ..i .ll. 3 . _ it \ " [.wiv |L...s\.._i lswwwwi l .“r . . l ii [353?! ii i. ll .\\..ni i 'L lqhvinzldJ Fig. 349. CARS 443 Figures 351-a and 351-b show ballast cars—cars used for the purpose of laying new right of way or repairs; such cars are generally of the gondola type, with side or center dump. Those here shown are of the center dump kind, and depicts them in the act of spreading ballast over the right of way. Caboose cars are affected by the laws passed by various states, prescribing standards of construction therefor. The wooden eight- Fig. 351. All-Steel 50-Ton Capacity Ore Car. Weight. 32,600 lbs.; Inside Length, 17 ft. 1 in.; Inside Width. 8 ft. 6 in.; Capacity, Level Full, 650 cu. ft. wheel caboose is giving way to the eight-wheel steel underframe caboose; the superstructure being always of wood, as seen in Figs. 352 and 353. A Tank Car is one the body of which consists of a tank for carrying liquids, such as oil, molasses, vinegar, etc. The tank itself is usually a metal cylinder, but is also made of wood, and some- times of rectangular shape. Glass-lined tanks are in use for carry- ing mineral water and liquids which would attack metal. Their capacity is from 8,000 gallons or 40 tons to 12,000 gallons or 50 tons, averaging about 33 feet 6 inches tank-length, with an extreme height from top of rail of about 13 feet 5 inches. There is no light-weight marking on tank cars, owing to the very great dif- . _0 I‘ 444 ' CARS l ference in the weights of the L different commodities they carry; for it was found that marking them with weight and capacity caused much contention between shippers and consignees. ‘Fig. 351-9.. .Rodgers Ballast Car. National Dump Car Company. m. i B (u 1, ..v . .5 , _, I _ eg-ZJQJ’IIfw-v'hfiflifia * I’ I ‘w uh ‘ ~ hi‘- i‘ - u.‘ u- we -. q '0 ._ o ‘ _ . ‘Iago. £.-_ '4. -_ r ‘=_ ‘pi. .i. 0",, ' .- p I y"i.;,p"‘v . A ‘o Q _-I 0* 4 ‘ "Flair-".19. ink" ‘t: ilk-$5,533; 2511452‘ f,- __\ - I ‘ I’ ‘b a. . _ ml .gfflfé‘ ,l'vfa‘." fl. .~ 0 ,\::lgz‘.- “Fl-i " \- "'39s 1,. ,f ! im-‘i- “- e ""33?!- 3'1’4? ' "" -.-~- - a I ,‘ ' _ ' '4?" i’ '9 *‘b - “'69: o. ‘t 1 _:,-.-- e -- --. . Qv ‘.0 gag-2.12 ‘I. i o . _ . .3 5%", F A. * ‘~ - .J F‘ 31‘ 1" ix. . ' --....—. .. '4‘; _,_. ,{fi fr‘’ -~ T ‘l . “1 ; i ~ ,.‘7~'*'.2' ' i g, p’ "‘£%'.fl'br?;§ 1 ‘f: 5, p ’ X . "‘ _ ; i l: M l M ii I . I » l. Y .- '.\ " 1. . c ~ 1 .2,‘ .» H» <- _@ dos-~15‘ 3.1.. _--.. Mali-Cos, “a _ Fig. 351-10. ’ Rodgers Ballast Car. National Dump Car Company. One of the faults of tank cars is the bad construction of the discharge valves. There is a great deal of trouble from leaking. The tanks move on their frames, the valves are often corroded and leaky, and thus the contents of the tank are lost. The present discharge valve is indeed a poor device, and should be speedily CARS 445 Fig. 352. Fig. 353. Steel Underframe 8-Wheel Caboose. Weight, 35,900 lbs. improved. Some think that the tank should be held in place with head blocks instead of anchoring the tank to the underframe, by a saddle riveted to the underframe. If the end sills are distorted 446 CARS by movement of the loaded tank, increase the sectional area of I the center sills (55-pound channels), reinforcing the head blocks, and having two heavy steel castings. Of attachments employed for securing the tank to the underframe, one device is known as the “Lind” cast'steel center attachment, by which the tank is firmly secured against shifting, both laterally and longitudinally, besides permitting free expansion of tank and the removal of tank from underframe without cutting out rivets; a point of importance in making repairs. If possible, all efficient tank , attachments should fulfill these same prime requirements. Concerning the question of the continued use service of old tanks, originally mounted on wooden underframes‘; also, whether old tanks transferred to new steel underframes should not be put on the same basis as tank cars built after 1903 (that. is, to be required to stand 60 pounds pressure), the tests of the latter showed that a tank which stood 20 pounds water pressure without leaking, would withstand shocks received during transportation, when filled with liquids of the same viscosity as water. However, the M. C. B. committee examining into this matter, deems it unwise ‘to permit the unrestricted transfer of old tanks to steel under- frames, especially when they are to carry inflammables such as gasoline. In testing tanks, air pressure, steam pressure, or hot water must not be used, as they do not insure the detection of leaks as well as cold water. The interval between the required - hydraulic tests should be shorter as the age of the tank increases. Definite efforts should be made to retire from transportation all tanks which cannot meet the test requirements. Further, distinc- tion should be made between cars carrying inflammables and those carrying products not involving the safety question. The M. C. B. ‘Association has also ordered that tank cars, empty or loaded, shall be rejected after January 1, 1915, if the safety valves are not stenciled to show that they have been adjusted, etc., within the time-limit required by Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of the M. C. B. specifications for Tank Cars. These M. C. B. specifications for tank cars are as follows :— Definitions: Tank Car—any car to which one or more tanks, ' used for carrying liquids or compressed gases, are permanently attached. Tank Cars shall be divided into two classes, Ordinary and Special. An Ordinary Tank Car is one used for the trans~ OARS 447 l portation of inflammable products, the vapor pressure of which at a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit, does not exceed 10 pounds per square inch. This class may also include cars for the transportation of non-inflammable products, the vapor pressure of which, at a temperature of 100 degrees F., does not exceed 25 pounds per square inch. Special Tank Car. One used for the transportation of inflammable products, the vapor pressure of which, at a temperature of 100 degrees F., may exceed 10 pounds per square inch. GENERAL REQUIREHEN TS '(a) Tank cars offered for movement over the lines of a rail- road must conform to the following specifications. (b) Designs for “special” tank cars must be submitted to the Master Car Builders ’ Association for approval. (c) Tanks which bear evidence of damage by fire must be withdrawn from transportation service, provided, that where the damage to the tank is local only, or con- fined to a section- which can be replaced, the railroad and the car owner may, after a joint inspection, agree that all damaged material shall be replaced and the tank made absolutely safe for transportation service; but before being returned to service, the tanks and fittings must be again submitted to the prescribed hydraulic test and properly stenciled. (d) Tanks which do not meet the prescribed tests shall be withdrawn from transportation service. - SPECIFICATIONS FOR ORDINARY TANK CARS, OTHER THAN WOODEN UNDERFRAME CARS No tank cars built hereafter shall be accepted for transportation unless equipped with steel underframing or with reinforced shell. The design and construction of the car throughout must be at least as strong as the following detailed specifications. Steel or iron tanks constructed subsequent to 1903 must be designed for a bursting pressure of not less than 240' pounds per square inch. When riveted, all longitudinal and head seams must be double- riveted. Where head blocks are not used, head seams need not be double-riveted. Dome heads and covers must be made of either cast or pressed steel, or of malleable iron. 448 CARS ' The joint of the dome cap must be made tight against vapor pressure, and when necessary to insure this a satisfactory gasket must be used. _ Tanks must be carefully inspected and tested before being put into service, again at an interval of ten years, and after that at intervals of not over five years; with the exception that where tanks are used for carrying corrosive products, deterioration is to be expected in a shorter time, and the’ first test period shall then be reduced to five years. Tanks requiring this five-year test shall be those used for carrying chemicals, such as acids, ammonia liquors, and such other products as hereafter may be specified. Provided, that any tank damaged to the extent of requiring re- newal of sheet, or extensive reriveting or recaulking of seams, shall be re-tested before being returned to service. All tests shall be made by completely filling the tank with water of a temperature which shall not exceed 7 0 degrees F. during test. The prescribed pressure must be held for not less than ten minutes after the tank has been caulked tight, and may be applied in any suitable manner. The tests for tanks built prior to 1903 shall be at 40 pounds per square inch, and for tanks built since that date at 60 pounds per square inch, which they must stand without leak or evidence or distress. After January 1, 1915, all tanks tested to less than 60 pounds pressure shall be stenciled “Not to be used for liquids requiring the inflammable placards under the I. C. C. regulations.” After January 1, 1918, all tanks in transportation service shall be subjected to the full test requirements of 60 pounds per square inch. ' Tanks when tested must be stenciled with the date, pressure at which tested, place where test was made, and by whom, as follows: Tested ' (date) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure (pound per square inch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At (place) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By (name of firm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The tank-car owner shall be responsible for the proper carry- ing out of all inspections and tests and stenciling, and for the certification of the tests to the Bureau for the Safe Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles. CARS 449 Safety Valves—By January 1, 1915, all tanks carrying products that give off volatile inflammable vapors at or below a temperature of 80 degrees F., and having a vapor pressure of not more than 10 pounds per square inch at a temperature 'of 100 degrees F., shall be equipped with 5-inch safeiftaféés of approved designs (Figs. 354 and 355), and ‘these valves shall be set to open at a pressure of 12 pounds per square inch. Provided, that when the lading is such as not to give 0E inflammable vapors (as determined by flash point from Tagliabue’s open-cup tester as used for test of burning oils) at a temperature below 80 degrees F., the settingiof the 8-pound valves to 12 pounds may be deferred to such time as the valves require removal. All required pressures for safety valves are subject to a tolerance of one pound above or below that specified. One valve shall be provided for a capacity of 6,500 gallons or less, and two valves for a capacity of more than 6,500 gallons. Where tanks carrying such products are divided into-com- partments, each compartment must be provided with a safety valve. Safety valves must be tested and adjusted if necessary (a) on new cars, before the cars are put into service; (b) on existing cars, by January 1, 1916; and thereafter on. all cars at intervals of not over two years. When valves are tested, the date, pressure to which tested, ‘place where test was made, and by whom, must be stenciled on the body of the tank, near the end and adjacent to the stenciling for test of tank, as follows: ‘ Tested (date) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure (pound per square inch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At (place) . . . . . . . . . . .k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . By (name of firm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In addition to stenciling on body of car, there shall be stamped on body of valve, in 1/4 or %-inch figures, the date of test and pounds pressure to which valve was tested. Date of test ontank and last date on valve must correspond. The test may be made without the removal of the valve from the car, provided the valve unseats at a total pressure corresponding with the area of the seat multiplied by the required pressure Valves improperly set, or not 450 CARS L—— 3 -n‘ l g N! " 01 HP 0‘ _lL_ I L 5,. 6r-_l Cl. ' l N a 04.6. i i - g g . an on: - immune HOL£ s I ' i _ _-__,_--_ - _..--L_ at. m I NUT LOCK ‘reaps THREAD\ Fig. 355. M. C. B. Alternative 5-inch Safety Valve for Tank Cars. I- qlll - a.- )A I'm I m‘ ' Fig. 354. M. C. B. Standard 5-inch ‘Safety Valve tor Tank Cars. CARS 451 tested and stenciled at proper intervals, shall constitute defects for which the owner shall be responsible. The tank-car owner shall be responsible for certification of tests to the Bureau for the Safe Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles. Cer- tificates of all tests of tanks and their safety valves shall be sent to the Bureau for the Safe Transportation of Explosives and . Other Dangerous Articles, in such form as may be prescribed by the Bureau. ' 4 Five-Inch Safety Vents with Lead Disks—Tank Cars carrying volatile non-inflammable products whose vapor pressure at a tem- perature of 100 degrees F. does not exceed 25 pounds per square inch, may be provided with vents depending on frangible lead disks for safety, which vents shall be of approved design, as shown by Fig. 356, or the disks to be of a thickness that shall insure rupture at a pressure not higher than 30 pounds per square inch. Tank cars carrying non-inflammable or non-volatile material, such as sulphuric acid, vinegar, linseed oil, cottonseed oil, lard oil; fish oil, tannery products, glucose, molasses, calcium chlorid, caustic soda, silicate of soda, etc., need not be provided with 5-inch safety valves, but each tank must have a small open vent or valve, equal to not less than 2 inches in diameter (see Fig. 357.) If, for any reason, splashing of the liquid or contamination by moisture is to be avoided, a 2-inch vent with frangible lead disk, of a thick- ness which will insure rupture at a pressure not higher that 30 ' pounds, should be used in place of the 2-inch open vent (Fig. 357.) The center-sill construction of the underframe between bolsters must have an,’ effective cross-sectional area of at least 30 square inches, distributed as shown in Fig. 358, or equivalent. Each car must be equipped with steel body and truck bolsters, steel couplers, and a draft gear of approved design, having a capacity of at least 60,000 pounds. Particular attention must be given- to the long- .itudi‘nal anchorage of the tanks, which must be thoroughly sub- stantial, to prevent injurious end-shifting. The preferable method of securing tank against end-shifting is by anchoring the tank to the underframe at some one point, rather than by confining it between the head blocks, as the necessary play between tank and head blocks too often results in damage to the head, bending of the underframe at the bolsters and breakage of the discharge nozzles. 452 - CARS ullejmqqwsm 6 l m 1 N7’ FILLET away To Qhtw 601.7 ntqa ‘r83’ ' ' PART ssctqr'q-q. HOOD CR‘? IBM. m 6 ~~79d€4 "I". ix ; ‘.—-~—-/'-Bé.0/q__ I, i . i Fig. 356. M. C. B. 5-Inch Safety Vent with Lead Disk for Tank Cars. x\\\\“\\\ \§§\\\\\\\\\ FACES MARKED 'D"AND ‘reams MUST BE 'runuzo AT THE SAME sa-r'nm TO INSURE UNIFORM CLAMPING OF’ LEAD DLSK Fig. 357. M. C. ‘B. 2-inch Frangible Lead Disk of Vent for Tank Cars. I-l-V‘ld HMS JO M‘NNQU-OIG in. man amt-ms sum: 01 IJ-V‘H HIM? mm ‘ll-$8‘ m A" mm CROfl-SECHONAL MIA 0' ‘ ‘fl-DUI’ 3031.". Fig. 358. M. C. B. Center 8111 Construction for Tank Cars. CARS ' 1.5-5 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR LONGITUDINAL AN- CHORAGE OF TANK TO UN DERFRAME Tank connection: Shearing area of rivets, 25 square inches For tanks of 8,500 gal~ Bearing area of rivets, 20 square inches. lons capacity or over. Shearing area of rivets, 18 square inches. rFor tanks of less than Bearing area of rivets, 14 square inches. 8,500 gallons capacity. Frame Connection: Shearing area of rivets, 12% square inches For tanks of 8,500 gal- Bearing area of rivets, 10 square inches. \ lons capacity or over. Shearing area .of rivets, 9 square inches. For tanks of less than- Bearing area of rivets, 7 square inches. L 8,500 gallons capacity. Tanks must be secured from turning on the underframes either by means of an anchorage or by dome yokes, and must also be secured to underframe by means of tank straps, two for tanks not‘ more than 76 inches in diameter, and four for tanks of greater diameter, or their equivalent. The sectional area of dome yokes and tank bands must at no place be less than 97.’; of a square inch, or 1 inch round iron upset to 1%; inch at threaded end. Cars having no underframe, with tank securely riveted to body bolsters, do not require dome yokes or tank bands. Explanation: A threaded end, 1% inch in diameter or more, with a body consist- ing of a flat band 2 by % inch, or equivalent section, or round iron 1 inch in diameter, will be accepted as meeting the requirements. The dome yoke proper which passes around the dome may be a rod 1% inch in diameter, or its equivalent, to which is secured the strap or rod which is fastened to the underframe. The sectional area of dome-yoke strap must be the same as required for tank straps. Where tanks are equipped with a greater number of tank bands than called for, the total sectional area of all bands will be considered as meeting the requirements, if they equal the total sectional area of the rods specified. Steel underframe tank cars in which the tank is secured from end-shifting by means of head blocks, must have a longitudinal clearance for tank valve extension of not less than 6 inches on each side of valve. If discharge valves are used, the valves must be so located that breakage of the con-_ 454 ' CARS nection pipe will not unseat the valve. Preferably the top of the discharge-valve handle should be within the tank, but in the event that it is carried through the dome, leaking must be prevented by packing and cap nut. If the car has no underframe the tank shall at bottom must be at least 5/8 of an inch thick, and all circum- ferential seams in bottom sheet, except head seams, must be double- riveted. Each car must be equipped with air brakes of a capacity equal to not less than 70 per cent of the light weight of car, and at least one hand brake operating the brakes of both trucks. There shall be a push-pole pocket at every corner of the car. Where, from the construction of the car, the push-pole pockets can not well be placed on the body, they must be applied to the trucks, so placed above the journal boxes that the push-pole will push toward the center of the truck. Each truck must have a strength equal to or greater than the strength of the axles used. All tank cars at home on a railroad must be inspected by inspectors in the employ of that railroad company, and when such tank cars meet the requirements herein set forth, the legend shown by Fig. 359 _ must be stenciled on each tank head, with the initials of the rail- road company making such inspection and the date the inspection is made. If foreign tank cars and individual tank cars at home on foreign lines, stenciled with the legend ‘ ‘ M. C. B. Construction” by a foreign road, are ofiered for movement over another railroad, and some of the details do not conform to the requirements of the tank-car specification, a report of same should be made through the proper ofiicers to the ofiicial in charge of equipment, and the car allowed to proceed until further notice. SPECIFICATION FOR OLD TANK CARS HAVING WOODEN UN DERFRAMES Tank cars having wooden underframes, of railroad or individual ownership, will be required to conform to the requirements of the “ Specification for Ordinary Tank Cars,” relating to test of tanks, ' safety valves, test of safety valves, 5-inch safety vents with lead disks, 2-inch vent hole or small valve with lead disk, dome yokes, tank straps, tank-valve extension clearance, discharge valve, brakes, push-pole pockets, trucks, etc., and inspection for compliance with M. C. B. specification, and, in addition, must be as strong as the- construction covered by the following detailed specification: CARS 455 Where tank cars are fitted with cast-iron dome heads and covers not sufliciently strong to stand the necessary 40 pounds hydraulic test, they must be replaced by others of cast or pressed steel, or of malleable iron. Tank heads less than 115 of an inch thick, bear- \ . I“ , mama" _TI— » M\LM-"" 0. o. l q . u .0”; =- ~°-—~o o o o 0 01+ . ' '0 mmAuoo-aa oooooooarL“ 0A1’: mil-tam \‘SC - e" l __—q .--‘T I" l'1 ‘Pm-‘1| II n ' I I | u ' u : ' l i ‘:0 ' n n i. n ' | ..JJ l‘l "I “-4! II I‘ ' l ‘ . I. ll. . I‘ '. |\ l | q _Jk! _ '__J___ 0' I I‘ i "I II :t t‘ Figure 359 M. C. B. Legend to Show Compliance with Specification. ing evidence of damage from impact with head blocks, should be reinforced at bottom by means of steel plate shoes 1% inch thick, riveted to head and shell. If cars are not equipped with intermediate sills, the under- frames must have two center sills, each not less than 5 inches wide by 10 inches deep, or the equivalent in strength. If the car is equipped with intermediate sills, the center sills must not 456 ' CARS be less than 5 inches wide by 9 inches deep, or the equivalent in strength. Center sills must not be spaced more than 18 inches apart. Where draft timbers are underneath the center sills, the space between the center sills must be filled in with timbers not less in depth than center sills, extending from end sill to the center of nearest cross-beareror cross-timber, provided the latter is located not less than 4 feet 6 inches from center of bolster. On cars where the draft arrangement is between center sills, the filler timber must be extended to the cross-tie timber when the cars go to shop for repairs to center sills. Center sills and filling timbers must be securely bolted together by means of %»inch bolts. On cars having center_ or intermediate sills not less than 10 inches wide by 10 inches deep, which may be made up of two 5 by 10 inch sills bolted together, the filling timbers may be omitted. End sills not reinforced by buffer blocks must not be less than 9 inches wide by 1.0 inches deep. End sills 6 inches -wide by 12 inches deep, reinforced with bufier blocks not less than 6 inches wide by 10 inches deep and of sufiicient length to‘ overlap center sills, will be accéptable as a substitute for 9 by 10 inch end sills. On existing cars, if buffer blocks are used for the purpose of reinforcing end sills which do not come within the specified requirements, the buifer blocks in no case must be less than 4 inches thick nor end sills less than 6 inches thick. The total strength of the end sill and bufier block must be equal to the strength of the construction specified. Draft timbers secured to inside ‘of center sills and extending to cross-bearer or cross-timber will be accepted as a substitute for filling timbers referred to above. Where center sills are 9 inches wide by 10 inches deep, or over, and draft timbers are placed between same, they need not extend farther back than body bolster, provided they are adequately secured to center sills by means of seven Zg-inch bolts or their equivalent, and butt against body bolster. Draft timbers located underneath the center sills must not be less than 4 inches wide by 8 inches deep, and each draft timber must be held to center sills, end sills and bufier blocks - by means of seven or more 'T/S-inch bolts or six 1-inch bolts. Where an arrangement for supporting draft timbers is substituted for one or more bolts and the construction is of equal strength, the same will be acceptable. Draft timbers extending beyond bolster must be B .M L; _ in \?////////////////// .. .z . PAM, \ ... . W mw=n§a,..¢.%w aéascsé /% ditwflvnvflofi :1. // glib» W . . a // L-- “- "r-irk- sf Fig. 360. M. C. B. Minimum Requirements for Tank Cars with Wooden Underframes. CARS _ 457 secured to center sills by additional bolts. The draft gear and draft attachments must be at least as strong as the design shown in Fig. 360. Cars should be provided with draft-gear stops gained into draft timbers or heeled on end sills, filler timber or body bolster, and secured with five %-inch bolts; but cars having stops gained into draft timbers or heeled on end sills, filler timber or body bolster, secured with three iii-inch bolts, may be continued in service until such time as they go to shop for repairs, when five bolt stops must be provided. In all cases, tail yokes or attach- ments of equal strength must be used. Tail bolts, tail straps, or American continuous draft gear, will not be accepted. I Head blocks must not be less than 10 inches wide unless rein- forced by metal plates, and of sufi'icient depth to extend at least 6 inches above bottom of tank, and may be made of two pieces bolted together and bolted to underframe by means of not less than four ‘78-inch vertical bolts. They must be cut out to suit curve of tank. The ends of each head block should preferably be tied to corresponding end of head block at the other end of car by means of rods not less than 1 inch in diameter, with 11/8-inch threaded ends, and each head block supported at center by means of a substantial casting securely bolted to end and center sills. ‘Where the construction of the car does not permit of this fastening‘, the following may be substituted: The ends of each head block tied to corresponding end of head block at the other end of car by rods not less than 1 inch in diameter, with 11/8-inch threaded ends, and each head block secured by two stay rods 1 inch in diameter anchored to center sills; Or, head block supported at center by means of a substantial casting securely bolted to end and center sills and two 1-inch rods passing diagonally through head block toward bolster and secured to underframe; Or, head block secured by two stay rods 1% inches in diameter, anchored to center sills; Or, head block secured by two stay rods 1 inch in diameter, anchored to center sills, and two 1-incli rods passing diagonally through head block toward bolster and secured to underframe; Or, head block secured by two stay rods 1 inch in diameter, anchored to center sills, and two straps not less than % inch thick and 3 inches wide, passing over head blocks and securely fastened to under- frame. 458 ' CARS SPECIFICATION FOR SPECIAL TANK CAR FOR CARRY- ING VOLA‘TILE INFLAMMABLE PRODUCTS WITH A ' VAPOR TENSION OF OVER TEN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH AT A TEMPERATURE OF 100 DEGREES F. ‘For these cars the tanks may be either welded or riveted; with or without steel underframes. The welded tank is preferred on account of tightness. Where riveted tanks are used, all longitud- inal and head seams must be double riveted. Heads must be not less than 1/2 inch thick; and if head blocks are used, heads must not be less than 5/8 inch thick. 7 . Domes of steel plate, preferably drawn without vertical seam-s, riveted or welded to the shell proper. Dome must have a capacity to provide for an expansion of 3% per cent of the contents of the tank, measuring from the inside top to shell to the top of the dome. Cover for dome may be secured either by screw joint, by bolting, or by yoke with center screw. Lid must be provided with suitable gasket to insure tightness against the escape of gas under pressure. V The safety valves to be of the same pattern as those used for other inflammable products, set to blow at a pressure of 20 pounds gauge pressure, with a tolerance of 1 pound above or below that pressure. The safety valves must be tested and adjusted, if neces- sary, at intervals of not over six months, and the pressure and date of the last test shall be plainly stenciled on the body of the valve, as follows: I Tested (date) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure (pounds per square inch) . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . At (place) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By (name) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The test may be made without the removal of the valve from the car; provided the valve unseats at a total pressure correspond- ing with the area of the seat multiplied by 20 pounds. Valves improperly set, or not tested at proper intervals and stenciled, shall constitute defects for which the owner shall be responsible. The barrel, ends and dome to be lagged with a thickness of 2 inches of 85' per cent carbonate of magnesia, or its equivalent, covered ‘with sheet-iron jacket 14:, inch thick. Tank before lagging, CARS 459 to be well painted.v The sheets of the jacket to be lapped so as to shed rain and maintain the dryness of the lagging. Tank to be tested before being put into service and once every two years thereafter with a cold-water pressure of 100 pounds per square inch, which it must stand without leakage or evidence of distress. The tank car owner shall be responsible for the proper carrying out of all tests and inspections. Tanks, when tested, must be stenciled with pressure, date and place where test was made, and by whom, as follows: ' Tested (date) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Pressure (pounds per square inch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At (place) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By (name) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If discharge valves are used, the valves must be so located that breakage of the connection pipe will not unseat the valve. Preferably the top of the discharge-valve handle should be within the tank, but in the event it is carried through the dome, leakage must be prevented by packing and cap nut. An alternative arrangement by which the valve is placed on top of the car and the contents of the car discharged by air, will be accepted. In some convenient location on either the sides or ends of the car shall be stenciled the words: “For Liquefied Petroleum Gas.” On the side of the dome shall be stenciled: “Caution: Liquefied * Petroleum Gas (Casing Head Naptha) : ' Before removing manhole cover, safety valve must be lifted and held open until the internal pressure, if any, is relieved. ’ ’ All other requirements for these special tank cars to be the same as those for Ordinary Tank Cars. The designs for these Special Tank Cars to be submitted .to the M. C. B. Association for approval. SPECIFICATIONS FOR SPECIAL TANK CAR FOR TRANS~ PORTATION OF LIQUEFIED CHLORINE GAS , Liquefied chlorine gas may be shipped in a lagged tank car of approved design, which shall be tested before put in service with a cold-water pressure of 300 pounds per square inch, and stenciled in accordance with the requirement in this respect of the specification for ordinary tank cars. Car shall be provided with 460 CARS an approved design of small safety valve and. fusible seal, which must be so located that in case the car became involved in a fire the seal would be exposed. The designs for these special tank cars to be submitted to the M. C. B. Association for approval. A Refrigerator Car is a box car suitable for. carrying- com- modities that need icing in transit, and is therefore. equipped with one or more ice bunkers, and suitable means for drawing off melted ice or briny water. It has side doors and doors in the roof-(hatches) for admitting ice and salt. The temperature usually desired in these cars is about 40 F. or 8 degrees above freezing. These cars are often converted into Heater Cars during cold weather when it is desired to transport perishable products, by simply placing in said cars suitableheating apparatus. The doors of these cars must fit tightly, and be of heavy insulated construction in keeping with the rest of the car‘. The piping under such cars must, accord- ing to M. C. B. rules, be galvanized to protect it from the corrosion due to accidental leakage of briny water. This brine if allowed to drip through the floor, damages the car appliances, brakes, rails, bridges, etc., and is especially hard on brake beams, often corrod- ing and thus weakening them .so that they drop ofl’ and occasionally cause wrecks. ‘ For this reason the M. C. B. Association ruled that “After- October 1, 1915, no cars carrying products requiring for their ~refrigeration the use of ice and salt, will be accepted in inter- change unless equipped with suitable devices for retaining the brine between icing stations.” The following is the Recommended Practice of the Association in this connection:— ‘ ' 1. All salt-water drippings should be retained in the ice tanks and drained off only at icing stations. 2. The total capacity of drain openings should not exceed the capacity of traps, and the capacity of both drains and traps should be sufficient to release all ‘drippings within the time limit of icing the train. ' 3. The mechanism adopted for handling drain valves should. be simple and positive, and so designed as to insure closing the valves before hatch plugs can be returned to their places. 4. Salt drippings should be conducted from ice tanks through the drain valves above described and thence to the outside of cars through the regular traps and drain pipes. ‘ a // U REFRIGERATOR CAR DOOR FASTEN ER AND LA FLARE INSULATION by )7)!’ l3 barbed fin: nouuv- cum .- ‘,1 '1 . nap ofdaor m be ‘<5 a \1 covered In?!) zinc, ' M fl ~'_ fumed donn / 'md) F“ "' s/(Ie d'dooc secured W. N. MINER {r—f— /j-'—-|-— 1‘— 11' s -l *3. i .1“ i f/nned roof/09 mils nalomrt'apan PATENTED IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. OTHER PATENTS PENDING. Z/nc; no nails 10 mp surface Zmc flasheddann on edge ml fa door post only. 6‘—-aj' Carr/age oa/fs g'CarnaqeDc/b Seal Plate, Paft D-IZM p imw; 5 r f i a WWW" Bloc/r m shown fir ba/fs 2 Seal Pin, Pm 04220 O Defafls shom'oy anal leaf/on of pad/oak m'fh mre seal and of seal on/ In pofferns 042/4 and D-/ 20 7414; 4'-o' 77resho/d-p/ofe finned. 23(4: 4'-6' 70119, of f/Ires/ro/d as add/fiana/ supper-f for floor/'09. Lower Keeper, Pa” 04238 Sect/on of 6—H [Carr/09¢ bolts, nufs an oufs/de, galvanized Ho/es of rods pluy9ed NOTE — /MPO/? T/FN 7'!— Lock-bar guide-phase Paff Nil? 0227-22 and 04223-24 mg‘ ml!) foo and Def/om edges of door Amman: from cenfer of bar f0 cenfer of r/ghf-hand bo/f m keepers. e I‘ ‘ I % — .--,,- I, . Locafe keepers accurafe/g f0 d/menslons g/ven from my ~‘- ‘4-------»--< Mama- Ends of bo/fs f0 be five/ed over ours mside corner of "WW/7004.1 obor rounded as shown Doors musf be hung fa have é'c/earance a// around excepf 0f Do/fom wh/eh must be near/g f/ffed f0 fhreshald-pbfe. Care musf be falter; f0 bore o// spr/n; holes exact/q fhesame depfh, as shown, fa msure equal compress/on on a// spr/ngs and the prqoer sef fo fhe msu/af/on. _x 17w /3 barbed aporf N9 6 Canvas, secured finned mlls ‘nor over 0M ,4 me, a ‘Nd/3 \ bra/“fangs; main/gem? 090,-’ . L/nseed 01/ appl/ed f0 edges of doors musf be dry before Net‘? a le, d1‘ hd \ ., I ' . Is‘pringlrzn/Zsg'lzj'rfvoid mm_ 7( ~ - IN apply/[)9 canms' _ corners m 1 rad/us Top end ‘be/ow Canvas msu/afron offer belna app/led mus,‘ be coded w/fh 1mm insulaflon, ba/fom ‘ have fhresho/d haf fallow Spring sfnp fo pro/ed faf'rom face ofposf ‘ Sfeel sonny. “WWW. Cur/"armada a‘f'ar five/masses of M’Gcarws Fu//-s/ze defm/ of IDSUhf/Ofl 0/ fhre’J/JO/d 15' M5? -4 Seer/on at J—ff Secf/an or‘ 6-0. I R/qh/ hand door Left hand door Fig. 361. Miner Refrigerator Car Door Fastener and L. Flare Insulation. W. H. Miner. CARS 461 In Portfolio 2, Plate VII, may be seen a general view of a refrigerator and ventilator car, with a section through the ice-box or tank. Such cars have a blind floor—a layer of boards under the sub-floor and fastened to nailing-strips secured to the bottoms of the sills; and also a blind lining—a thin layer of boards between the outside sheathing and the inside lining, and sometimes called “the intermediate lining.” Many of such cars have special door fasteners one of which is seen in Fig. 361. About 80 per cent of refrigerator cars now have steel underframes, with all-metal trucks, the arch-bar type of the latter being discarded as defective because of its frequent failures. The cast-iron wheel is also being abandoned, because the heavy tare weight of these cars often breaks such wheels down. The M. C. B. Association has adopted 48 inches as the minimum height of the refrigerator car floor above the top of the rail; and has recommended to the Maintenance of Way Association that 44 inches be adopted as the maximum height of freight house plat- form, to avoid trouble in opening the car doors at the freight houses. By the term “refrigerator” is meant the chamber constituting the main body of the car, in which the paying load is carried. If used as a meat car, it is furnished with hanging boards or meat timbers—transverse bars (resting usually on bogus plates) to which the load of meat is suspended from books. The M. C. B. Recom- mended Practice requires for fresh meat cars, ice-tanks of a minimum capacity of 5,000 pounds; for fruit and dairy cars, of 3,000 pounds per tank or 6,000 pounds per car. The loss and damage due to improper or insuificient refrigera- tion is still great, but is now being rapidly reduced very much, thanks to better icing service and especially to better insulation, which in improved refrigerator cars gives 16 per cent greater capac- ity when icing is not required. The M. C. B. Association will soon likely adopt standard refrigerator car heat-insulation materials, which it is now considering. ‘ In the White Enamel Refrigerator Car system, each bulkhead has 5 sections of Bohn syphons, these syphons raising up under roof and there locking, while the ice grates fold up against the end of the car. The modern bulkheads are of galvanized pressed _ steel. 462 I ' ones The cars used for refrigeration must always be suitablewehicles specially constructed and strong enough to withstand the trans- portation of the lading in heavy trains up steep grades, with safety to the property they carry. One large road has found it necessary to forbid the use of refrigerator cars or others for loading danger- ous explosives requiring specially prepared and placarded cars, on account of sparks getting through the hatches or ventilators, and because such car floors are sometimes flooded from ice bunkers. The floor of the car must be kept perfectly dry, so that the air in the car will be free from moisture; and the car must have ice-capacity suflicient to keep its lading in good condition. The ice must last from the loading station to the next icing point or the delivery point of the connecting road. Most of them‘ are intended to transport eggs, cheese, fruit, butter, etc., and such perishable freight as will not contaminate other articles in. the same car, or leave an odor in the car that will make it unfit to transport dairy line freightu For this reason, fresh meat or fish must not be loaded in such cars which carry a general lading, unless packed in ice in boxes or barrels; nor hides, onions, cabbages and like freight. What are known as Ventilator Cars, Box Fruit Cars, Ventilated Box Cars, or Fruit Cars, are similar to the ordinary box car, but have arrangements for ventilation that fit them for the. safe trans- portation of fruit, produce, or other food stuffs not requiring refrig- eration. Such cars generally have special-end doors for the ven- tilation of the lading at the top and bottom; being open in the South and closed in the North, during winter. By a Milk Car is meant one similar to a refrigerator car, but generally built for operation in passenger trains, for carrying fresh milk in cans. The growing demand for convertible cars, cars that can be used for more than one purpose, is exemplified by the increased construction of cars that besides being used as refrigerator cars, can also be used as heater or ventilator cars or\ both. Where the earning power of such special equipment justifies the additional first cost, they can be useful as refrigerator cars in summer and heater cars in winter, making such a-car available for service and a revenue producing one during the entire year. We have just shown a combined refrigerator and ventilator car; others are avail- able for use as heater or refrigerator cars. CARS 463 A Heater Car is one equipped with heating apparatus, for carrying fruits, vegetables, or other perishable products during cold weather. Refrigerator cars are sometimes used for this pur pose. A Heater Box is a box applied to refrigerator cars for heating purposes. A Car Heater is any apparatus for heating cars by convection—that is, by conveying hot water, steam, or warmed air into or through a car. Steam heating in passenger cars is usually replaced in freight cars by special heating apparatus. Formerly this last was eflFected by portable or removable heaters, but a recent decision of the I. C. C. has ruled that portable heaters cannot be used after 1918 for heating freight cars in transit or in motion, though they may be used for heating cars before loading or for heating cars which reach their destination when the weather is too cold to permit of their being unloaded- thus saving the expense and trouble of running such cars into round houses. The objection to using portable heaters in transit, in addition to the constant expense, is the increasing fire hazard endangering both life and property, the ineificiency of such practice as the freight nearest the stove is kept too warm while at the extreme distance from the stove it may be freezing. There is little or no circulation of the air in cars so heated and by the natural laws of gravitation the warm air rises to the roof of the car instead of going underneath and around the load where it is needed, and such heaters inside the car take up loading space. There is the objection to opening the doors frequently which is necessary for inspection and care of the stoves, and finally the vitiation of the air is injurious to food products and it would endanger human life to be inside cars so heated. With such cars, one essential is to find a fuel that would not produce smoke, soot, or gases injurious to the car or its lading. The burner must be automatic in its action, safe and acceptable to the railroad companies to handle in theirv trains without having caretakers accompany the shipment. Also, the fuel supply must be such as to burn continuously during the entire trip without‘ replenishment, if possible. The fuel must be a safe one to use, and must be so located and supplied to the burners as not to endanger car or lading. The fuel must be low in cost and a supply of it available everywhere. 464 CARS One of the very best systems now in large use on railroads here and in. Canada is that of the Alcohol Heating and Lighting Company, which is shown installed in Fig. 333, in a combined Heater, Ventilator and Refrigerator Car. The car is similar in construction to the Standard Railway Refrigerator Car; the heating Fig. 362. Phantom View of Heater Box. Alcohol Heating and Lighting Company's System. system comprising two heater boxes placed at each side of the car, under the floor. A phantom view of the heater box is seen in Fig. 362. Each box contains two alcohol supply tanks and two burners. Above the boxes and just under the floor, running length- wise of the car, are four horizontal ducts or flues, two for heated air direct from the heater boxes and two for the cooler or return air which is conducted back to the heaters for reheating. Through Fig. 363. Automatic Burner for Alcohol Heater. Alcohol Heating and Light- ing Company's System. the ducts the warm air passes in both directions to the ends of the cars, where it rises through vertical ducts into the ice chambers, which ‘act as chimneys and liberate the warm air near their upper grated openings, as shown in Fig. 364. The heaters are equipped with automatic burners, Fig. 363, which produce a clean smokeless flame 5 inches high. The fuel used is denatured alcohol; each car having reservoir capacity of 24 gallons, or enough to keep one burner in each box going continuously for eight 24-hour days; CARS 465 each burner using one-half pint per hour at a cost of 2%, cents. This car using this system was approved by the Bureau of Explosives, and roads accept it without accompanying attendants. The alcohol causes no fumes and does not afiect the lading. Cost of installation of this system in car is about $150. ,A i Fig. 364. Section Through Refrigerator Car Equipped with the Alcohol Heat- ing and Lighting Company’s System, Showing Location of Heater, Passages, and Flow of Air Currents. The Economy Freight Car Heater, Fig. 365, uses kerosene oil as a fuel, which is everywhere obtainable and lower in cost than any other fuel available for such a purpose. They save the expense of installation, and may be returned by freight or express. They are far better than stoves and free from danger of fire if properly secured. The burner is 5 inches in diameter. Inside the burner is a water tube 3 inches in diameter, fed from a water reservoir, preventing the overheating of the metal parts and providing for the immediate extinction of the flame should the Heater be over- turned. Both water and oil reservoirs are galvanized iron and have 466 CARS baflle plates to prevent the swashing of the liquids. The oil reservoir holds two gallons. This will maintain a steady flame for about twenty-four hours. Fig. 365. Economy Freight Car Heater. When used in refrigerator cars the heaters are placed in the ice tanks, one at each end, and are attended to without breaking seals. They are readily raised and lowered through the ice hatches. When used in box cars they are placed between the doors, one or two being used according to the temperature. The Gold Improved Storage Heater is shown in Fig. 366. CARS 4‘7 _ Q‘ -_—--{_---_-.'---_J -.-.- -~..-._ '3 T. Fig. 366. Gold's Improved Storage Heaters, as Applied to a Refrigerator Car. Gold Car Heating & Lighting Co. .- am- ------@’4'-- a 4!! ---~T V II semi ' /\ r " o i "W- l t T ‘ nl K” “a p Q I [I . 3‘ |<———-—/0/g Owrf'ms—.-- i ‘ I i ‘a; -- --- e6,3---- ->| \I- J l I it" , 'é'lfcys e/hirfi/f \ i | i a XE/nsu/afi'an Q’ \ a wan/Ivan}, ~ 1“ 4 Abil/rgifnjal ‘Q ~ \ (b layurlyeponsef Redfirpll' ‘ Ii? f5’? é'Ca/fannmd law/cg \ N ‘ I ' .I . l. l§ 6 EPbI'JfiQQ/filqg' , | N /£@8I'IY8POI7J¢J‘ Red. Fbper 1 ’* 3x3 is.» see ‘air/l; , é'lreysbne fidllf'E/f ZZFmm/‘ng' .91 i g XEJ/m'a/app “1: § gfrzg'm - ‘ , (g * 2&2 "rP “a ’= ' u M‘ 4 I z,’ ' ' Rh‘ \\ E \c J“ . fixes Lin/'09 ~\ a, Q "Q 0] \ I I , [K ‘N \ V? .'.r:-...: gm \ a 990 'Crer51'b9hg—1— 5*, \ No.16 Ga/n-lmn ' j'flibeslas Ava/n’ 5 i ’ eeafem'zy , 5 E [nay/alien i s _| lSegsfvne/{airfr'e/f i a“. Ngi/in'q Sir/p I ‘N x6; Kl? ? / fag/ire Mrpa/mf fiedfirp er I : fixai'm? 1 I . Masfic "brief mofi'n __ . I r . . g I t I I“: l w ‘i’ - I J r ill. : I/ # l ‘a; l 3 Z, 5. 7 ' ‘ ~ I | .\ ----/a- I G I i ~ : a ' I ,,'~& ‘ l a J : aka; '2 l Half Section Through Express Refrigerator Car. Fig‘. 367. Half Section Through Express Refrigerator Car. CARS 469 A modern steel underframe refrigerator car for express service, equipped for operation in passenger trains, is shown in Fig. 367, and illustrates the kind of insulation now most in vogue for such cars. It is fifty feet long over end sills, weighs 86,000 pounds and has a capacity for 60,000 pounds of lading and 14,000 pounds of ice. This type also has running boards on their roofs, fitting them for use in freight trains. Particular attention has been given to the insulation. On top of, and riveted to the underframe mem- bers, is a layer of No. 16 galvanized iron, over which a course of one-eighth inch asbestos paper is applied. There is an air space between this and the thirteen-sixteenth inch deafening floor, on top of which is a layer of one-half inch Keystone hair felt held in position by seven-eighths inch wood furring. To the latter is nailed a single course of three-eighths inch yellow pine, which supports the second course of one-half inch Keystone hair felt, the latter also being held in position by seven- eighths inch nailing strips. These in turn‘ support another course of three-eighths inch yellow pine, on top of which is laid the third course of one-half inch Keystone hair felt. This insulation is all located below the main floor, between three-inch by six-inch yellow pine nailing sills. Resting on the four nailing sills and the two four-inch by eight and three-fourth-inch side sill fillers, is a course of thirteen-sixteenth inch by five and one-fourth inch yellow pine forming the sub-floor. A layer of Neponset red paper is applied between this and the main floor, which is of thirteen-sixteenth inch by three and one-fourth inch yellow pine. Over the main floor, except at the ice bunkers, is placed water- proofing and Mastic flooring, and this also extends up the sides of the car for six inches. This permits the floor of the car to be cleaned by flushing with water. The insulation of the sides, ends and roof is similar to that of the floor, three courses of one-half- inch Keystone hair felt and a layer of Neponset red paper being used; and it will be noticed that three air spaces are provided. The Bohn system of refrigeration is used, and also the Bohn all-steel collapsible bulkheads. The hatch covers are placed in the lower deck of the roof, and each bunker.’ has a capacity for 7,000 pounds of ice. The ice grates are made of white oak bars and when not in use can be folded back in a three-inch recess in the end of the car, thus leaving the ends flush. CHAPTER x111 THE PASSENGER CAR—FRAMING, PLATFORM, TRUCKS. Included in the denomination “passenger cars,’ ’ are various kinds that might not strictly be so considered, but the custom is to describe as passenger cars all that are regularly used in passenger trains or-are fitted up for that service. In this classi- fication then we find baggage, mail and express cars, besides those specially arranged to carry passengers in various degrees of ease and comfort. Different combinations are sometimes made in a single car; baggage and mail, and baggage, mail and smoking room are some of these. Other examples of cars fitted up en- tirely for a single service are mail, baggage, smoker, coach, chair, sleeper, dining and private cars. In all cases the general con- struction of the car framing is the same. I The specially arranged diagram shown in Plate X, Fig. 368, illustrates in detail the different parts of passenger, bufl’et, sleep- ing and observation cars. It also‘ outlines the special equipment supplied for heating and lighting, together with a vestibuled and an observation platform. From the former average length of- fifty feet for passenger cars, this dimension has increased to the following average lengths for modern passenger equipment, all of which now nearly always have the six-wheel truck-the width of the car depending, to- gether with the height, on the physical conditions of the roads, their clearances, tunnels, bridges, etc.:— ‘ Steel Vestibuled Day Coach, seventy feet five inches to seventy- two feet six inches: Steel underframe chair car, vestibuled, over end sills, seventy feet. Steel, open platform day coach, over body, sixty feet. Steel vestibuled dining car, over end sills, seventy-two feet up to eighty feet. Wooden observation parlor car, eighty-three feet eight inches, and wooden vestibuled day coach, over end sills, sixty-two to sixty-nine feet. _ In Portfolio 2 will be found illustrations of the 'following passenger carsz—Day Coach, Buffet, Sleeping Car, Observation 470; ing bri e. 70 Body side-bearing pillar. 71 Body-bolster. 720ut- 222 Hoiwawgigfi fmmthegg‘é Zfiflgglwcggfeplsgiltgsufilggsg' 3 7o _ _ , r I i " ._ v V ._-, "_ ___ 2‘ ‘me D Y'tmnsmn pillar‘ 73 Intem‘adme WWW-2.111.; pull?" 3353353‘. bott0m1..e2ggAsh-plt door‘. 231 Ash-pit door niinalo. 232Coal 395 - ' ,, ' '. ~' ' I 74 Body'tmnsom center—bearing P11132423??? ggfi‘afi'igfitbar 3331!]; box. 233 Feed door. 234 Feed door handle. 285 Safety plate handle. 39; -.___i3 ‘7 AMERICAN PASSENGER, BUFFET—SLEEPING AND OBSERVATION CARS. 03 we so: 299 p 5., ~ '9’ w PLATE XI. 1, _ , , ___ i___, I ' +1—I _ I -‘—' 3 u I _L - _. a ' atzs'sri'mzif' ""1221. E ‘.5? " 7'1”: l‘ "96:: - e w I. ._ . I l _. . , ,5 5.. us'r OF THE VARIOUS PARTS on runs}: cans. snn ILLUSTRATION snowmo sans, PLATE II. ,, 3”.-__---r_h..—:i'l—='—-n .__~._._l£-; 7 ---.._- -1l-_n~ ’ ~ \ 'i: l TRUCKS AND THEIR ATTACHMENTS. AUTOMATIC WATER-RAISING SYSTEM. 5;} W]; 175 Water tank. 176 Air tank. 177 Drip cock In air tank. 178 .pj-é 5 w‘hgexllfgmzr 6831,3132‘? $23513‘? 1?; iiéifififiz‘fing 3 if; Air pressure governor. 179 Check-valve 1n alr pipe. 180 Water 1, -. - . 181 Three-way cock. 182 Stem of three-way cock. 183 -ri rivets. 9 Steel tire. 10 Trend of wheel. 11 Flange ‘an? 5"" 3211:2531. 11812 Journal box. 13 Journal-box cover. 14 Journal-box Mam aim“)! 1'51“: “1&4 i511‘ Vent‘ fggm lggaféglgaalg}; e1.18? ewntcr cover-spring. 15 Journal-box cover-bolt. 16 Journal-bearing or swim"- "5 0“ ° 0 8811 81-11! R - P P - brass. 17 Pedestal. 18 Pedestal bolts. 19 Pedestal tie-bar. 20 Pedestal stay-rod. 21 Pedestal brace. 22 Wheel- iece. 23 Out- LAVATORY FITTINGS IN SMOKR‘G ROOM‘ 7 7 a side wheel-piece. 24 End-piece of truck-frame. 25 rid-piece plate. 188 Hot water when 139 Hot water D‘ it‘, bowl’ 190 Cold 606. :. ‘15 564 —— _ _ 1,? ,_,_;,:A__:_W_T_w‘w V_: ___:f_!?¢__i‘~____ 36 End 91608.01‘ end 8111 corner-918":- 2701381118 "amwm- wont" water pipe to bow . 191 Combined hot on cold water cock. 192 - 4.1 <\ ' I[01031011fflvfojfifiojvjqqofiojohjvlq ""' '"'" l " ‘ side transom plate- 29 Transom corner-Plats 3° Transom "n85- Wash-bowl or basin. 193 Basin plug. 194 Basin coupling. 195 Basin 805 I 7 566‘ .‘t ‘ rod- 31 Transom “'“Bs'md sea.“ 32 Tmnwm "'“Bs'wd "she" 33 waste'pipe. 196 Slab. 1m Riser. 198 Towel-holder. m Towel-holder 3 7 {Wk Transom chflfink-Plme- 34 Middle "81180111- 35 Middl“ ‘ransom bracket. 200Water cooler. 201 Water cooler faucet. 202 Water ‘ _‘ l to. 36 Safet -beam. 87 Safety-beam iron. 38 Safety-bum tie- lass or mmmcn 203 water 1388 bracket 120%. 89 Middleysafety-beam. 40 Center-pin. 41 Center-bearing g g ., I9‘ llllllnh—q—t 1‘ 1' . arch-bar. 42 Center-bearing stool. 48 Body center-plate. 44 WATER CLOSET_ Truck center-plate. 45 Center-plate block. 46 Center-bearingbeam. ' a 7 I 47 Center-bearing arch-bar. 48 Center-bearing inverted arch-bar. 204 Floor ipe. 215 Iron hopper. 208 Cover for iron hopper. 207 I . 49 Center-bearing beam- late. 50 Center-bearing beam-strips. 5i Dump pan. Porcelain bowl. 209 Drip tray. 210 Seat. hinge. 211 _ _ . _ ; l v‘ - I z-__~\., ‘ Truck-bolster. 52 True -bolster chafing-plate. 53 Spring-beam. Operat ng lever. 212 Sliding rod. 213 Supply pipe. 214 Vent pipe. '25 - , A . a , _ I ‘ p t ._ _;_v__": I I‘ i 54 Spring-beam chafing-plate. 55 Bolster-spring ca . 56 Bolster- 215 Water tank. 216 Toilet paper holder. 217 Coat hook. 18 37a _~\ .. _ _ .: _ - I” I ‘ . _ I U ‘ ,_ spring seat. 57 Bolster-springs.l £8 Sprglig-band. 62-tSIprln8-1wimk. Stained glass art-window. 37a ,1 7 _ " ' J ' ' I ' _. .‘w _ ———’_l . l. . —— F a ‘numb,’ . lank beari . wing- ngers. pper 5 ng- ' . . _ , v . r 7 _ _ M1125? ggrgt. 63 Lower :vgving-hnnger pivot. 64 Swing-hanger pivot- HEATING SYSTEM—OOMBIh ED HOT WATER APID STEAM. - l w bearing. 65 Swing-hanger staple. 66 Swing-hanger staple casting. 67 Truck sided-waxing. 68 Sideqwaflng bridge_ 69 Body slde_bear_ 219 Baker 11681.81‘. 220 Expanding generator 0011. 221 Inner 0011. or; - .77E ualizln -bars rln mg “Him” ‘1 gflngfiock, gochecmham 31 check. as Outside casing. 237Inslde casing. 2388moke flue. 239Slnoke 394 cap‘ 79 Equalizing-bar Sp flue base. 240 T0 of heater. 241 Ring for Russia-iron top. 242 _ l‘ chain honk‘ 82 Check'cmm loop' Bacheck'cham eye-bolt‘ “(meek- Smoke pipe. 243 gamper. 244Circulating drum. 245 Combination 354 _Q _ _ g ‘ p n .7 p w 4 _ I I v ‘ I ‘I H z I p I p ‘I _ ‘ I 1 ‘ i‘ I K ' : hffi‘ chain chaflnB-Plate- drip cock. 246Fiilling flannel.l 247lSafe2t5y) galve. l‘248kF2qor galvie. 353 _ r-‘_._' I . _. a V _ . _ 7 _. _ a _ p . . 7 i ., _ _ .1 ,; __, _I .I _ _ _ _ . _. a: . _ - . . _' .. . I. V _ . 1‘- _ _ _ I , .. , "I r. ~ direct steamboat 11g 24 Aug eva ve. team so e no re n 52; 1 ,- I :f- -——- H . 5 ' ~ . V _ ~ ______ —-——— I _ __ ..,, -— _ _ P _ _V 7- _' V = f ‘ _ p : _ _____ ‘ l _ V i D V V V “as A; :1. AIR BRAKE. AIR SIGNAL AND HAND BRAlsisEBAppfiaATtii' heater)- 251 Steam inlet to acket. 252Steam outlet. from acket. 253 320 iE- __.¢Zlw;= ; y . _ I . .- . 1 ~ - ., .. V _ . ,. _ _ ; g v _ v _ _ ‘ ‘ “£5,926: '74 3'9 86 Brake-himgef- 37 Brake'hanger c8" ,8!‘- 90 Tm‘e'd md ‘ Steamclrculstingplge. 254 ct waterclrculatlngplpe. 255 eat Radi- 322 _fi. ,i ll '67 p ‘ . _ ‘i.’ TM‘ /265. justing-hanger carrier. 89 Brake-hanger pln. russe wggiRen ators. 256Foot‘guar over heater-pipes. 257 Blow-oi! for water. 258 266 ‘JV '7 H; a . V w h l‘ ‘t ‘ ~ _‘ £\‘+‘\v I F26‘, orakobeam- 91 Hollowbrake-beam "2131-8116 safety-5R8?- . 8' Blow-off forsteam. 259Handle fol'steam blow-off. 260Automatlc 6 ,1 =_ I “re-I" M J‘ ; x 79 a". “A” > V lease spring. 94 Upper balance-8mm:- % Lower balance-,fpflgg- water trap. 261An le drip valve. 262Retu1'n _bcnd. stsstcum hose. 1 2 .v I,’ , _Iv. ‘kid! I . ‘ _ ‘no 0. ‘ 6° \ “m 65 QGBBIBDOG-BPTUIK 1‘0d- 97 Bmke‘h?ad- gsggilfe'igoefimggggzagstsfi 264Hose-band. 265 team hose coupling (Gibbs). 266 Steam hose '53 v.“ '65 p‘. ’ ‘. t - A v "j: v I ’ m ‘ ‘— - I ._-) \ “0 6 Eflfmwfmotétesiigeer iiiiig-iiiiffl 1:flulccrum. 166 Cnesntgr-brake transom. coupling (sewam' 267 End steam valve' 164 ‘'86 414 ‘412 408 . - I . ‘ ‘ ._ .- ' - 1v ‘ .576 u 68, ,6, H“ 62 104 Center brake-beam. 105 Center brake-hanger. 106 Center-brake LIGHTING APPARATUS AND FIXTURES—GAS ELECTRIC M Th8 M; _l T l n \ . v - __ ‘ I ‘ p.‘ 8mm“, ,mogegmmgkek,,,e,,e_,p,m , mofwlmm LIGHT. Em . WW3, W335? DIA AM SHoWIgIqEgIE DIFFERENT PARTS or PASSEh GER, BUFFET- . _ ..,__ a‘. i ,6, b lance-s ring. 1 enter- re s a ance-sp ng r ‘a I _— r J bake-910%— "1 Crescent unk- lmcreswnnmk'hanger' "3 Equal‘ 268Filling valve cover. 269 Filling pipe. 270 Holder valve. 271 C _ 1 - I \\ a: izing brake-lever. 114 Truck brake-lever. 115 Truck-lever ful- ks home“ mGas holder supports. 27;; CM. gang‘, 274 Reg,,_ \_, cl-um.I 116Dead truck-lever. 117 Live truck-lever. liSBrake-lever “on 275 pipe to 18m , 276 Main gas cock (in closet). Wrrn VES‘I'IBULI him OBSERVATION PLATFORMS, Gas AND Ensc'rnxc LIGHT, BAKER Hanna AND STEAM HEATING, &c. stop. 119 Inside connecting-rod. 12) Outside connecting—rod- 121 77Bmltet gaslamp. 278 lobe. 279Globe holder. 280Center sus- Particularizing the dllferent parts thereof and giving the technical names by which they are known by those com shed with the car do rtment of railroad . I H _ v 9 '0 The right hand portion of the chart illustrates the construction of a passenger coach having seats with reversible bit is and a Baker heatefioom. The left hagd ‘ is at once 3 Chan and an Encycloyedm' each part of the car being given a number 80 m“ it may be recognized and , _ rtion illustrates the construction 0 a bufiet slec ing car with berth l quickly referred to‘ the who“, being chasm“! and" Bub-IIMI Lower brake-0011118014011- 122 Adlusflng tum-buckle- 123 Upper brake’ tension lamp. 281 Four-arm lamp. 282 Electric bulbs. 283 Vesti- The wide vestibule latform is added to the coach end of the car with a Pintsch gas lamp in the dome and outside else to corner lights. The four wheel truck used ooac sect‘ on and sem's' "be but!“ k‘t'chen- the smoking and W116‘ T001118. find an obs ‘ m connection. 1% Hand brake-connection. 1% Brake-chain shaft. 126 oule lamp 284 Glass bowL 235 Glass Gama 235 Globe hinge. 287 ‘ad observation 0 of me car is such as is used in the construction of these heavy modem cm l n the h and of the car is such a. is used very largely in the construction of American passenger coaches, although six wheels are often used. The ol'i'giigilffui'fi gilgw‘iigliiii‘o'iliilo re'ar' Brake racheb-Wheel- 127 Brake hand'wheel- 1m Rachet'brake- 129 Spring catch. 288 Reflector. 289Cluster. 290 Plug for cluster. 81 eeplng or H ‘3° assessments-crass 533%" Check e2 mass is“ ma c" is?" vEs'rmULE A... moon. 8 1.. . carrier. 132Cy n or ever. y n or ever i‘ 1‘ tips, 295 Body casting. .. F nos. 7 cut ator. out at ng ' tep nger brace. 882 Extens on folding step. 383 Extension step truss-rodq sen-post. 426 Over-hang truss-rod seat. 427 Brace-rod 484 Lotte lever connecting-rod. 185 Brake cylinder. 136 Cylinder front-head. chimney. 299 Burner cook. 30) Roof casting. 301 Gas way. 802 hinge. 384 ‘Side-stems’. 385 Side-stem thimble. 386 _Side-stem washer. 42 Brace. 429 Brace-rod 430 Stud. 431 Window posts. 487 Deck 2:81;‘; (ringlxdihrgifnzfi‘gecl‘k‘golitsmugindgr-Eazhes 7%, land.‘ deck cemng' 5298mm panel‘ 530 Blink ‘pron’ 531 Hammock hook- BUFFET KITCHEN I37 Cylinder back'hm- 138 Allwmaflc slack'adjusw" 139 Auto‘ Thimble. 303 Reducing elbow. 304 Smoke bell. 305Gas we hang- 336 vestibule end of car. 337 Vestibule door. 338 vestibule door spring. 387 Slde-stem pm. 388 Center-stem. 889 Inner gulde center- 432 Sheathilt rail. 43: Sheathing furring. 435 Plate. 436 Body window screens. 490 Deck screen-post 491 Outside h 'thi 4°92 532 mmmock' 533 Mirrors‘ 584 Electric push—buttons‘ sa‘r’Annuncmmr ' matlc pressure-11381118101‘ f0!‘ High speed Bmke- 14° Piston-travel ers. 306Ventilator. 307 Electric connector. 808 Electric res. 309 lock. $19 vestibule door drop-handle. 340 vestibule door hinges. stem. 390 Center-stem spring. 391 Center-stem pin. 392 Follower end-plate. 427 Rafter. 438 Roof boards. 439 Clear-story. 440 Deck Upper wainscot panel 493 Lower Wainscot anel 4984 8‘: hing- box. “Tabla WTable leg' sssTable hook-plates‘ 539 HM hooks‘ 573 Bun“- 574 Overhead W be $8 k 5 recorder. 141 Piston Omsshefld- I42 Alum"? maervoir- “3 Electric switch-board. 310 Platform electric lamp. 811 vestibule 841 vestibule door guard-rod 342 Glass in vestibule door. 343 \‘es- center-stem. 393Pressure bar. 394 Short buffer-plate. 395 Thres- end-sills. 44' Deck sill. 442 Deck sill facing. 443 Deck post. 444 Back. 496 Head roll ' 497 Back band 4% Aprm ‘ 9?) on. 4% 540 smoking room‘ 541 Smokmg mom pmels‘ 542 Wainscot mnels— a r n I 75 S“ nor“ for overhead Auxiliary reservoir bands 144 Auxiliary reservoir mocks- Wi electric corner-light. 312 Electric berth light. 313 Electric deck fac- tibule dome. 344Vestlbule hood. s45 Diaphramface-plate. 846111- hold plate. 396 Foot plate. 397 Safety coupling chain. ass Safety ‘ ' ms“ 4 S‘mend water tank. 576 Overhead water tank tiller 577 ' . Deck panels 445 Deck late. 446 U r deck carlins. 447 - - ' - 5433M“- 5'44 wlndm' “Twin-rod. 545 Window dra r . . ' n . . ' ‘p9 from Overhead Release-cock or bleeder- 146 Pipe '0 auxin"! Ye§¢"°"~ 147 ing 11 ht. 314 Combined gas and electric chandelier. 315 Electric ner face-plate. 347 Diaphram. 348 Top face-plate guide. 349 B9t- coupling hook. pound carlins. 448 Deckpsash. 449 Degrsash lintel 450 Deckgggh :51]; QSQZiSZkE‘iooS'QQZ‘ZZEWM" 502m)“ mu‘ “striker smut‘ 547m "waive" 548 C‘m‘muous basket ‘gig QzioBbggg“ :13“ tigblgggrgldlirg aqgg glosfztl' 515mlD Bracket for bread Triple v81V0- "8 Check'valve 0886- 149 Bfsnch 9196- 150 Cut- lights sdes. 315 Side ‘amp. 317 Side lamp bracket. 818 Side lamp tgm face-plate guide. 350 Face-plate buffers. 351 Face-plate chaln. CAR FRAMING‘ ETC‘ openers. 451 beck sash pivot 452 Deck sash uli. L53 Ceiling. 454 rack brackets. 55OBasket rack rod. 551 Basket rack nettinfi- 552 582 late rack. 583 saucer rack 5543",“ b: r so’ °§nned Boodl- out cock. 151 Strainer tee. 152 Pressure retaining valve. 158 chimney, 352 Back gravity-bar. 353 Front face- late gravity-bar. 854 (Jrav- Inside deck cornice. 455 Inside lining. 456 nslde cornice fascia SE Parcel and umbrella rack. 5530bservation end of car. 554 Revolv- 586 China closet. 587 Shelves for las w- 5:; i 580 Mgwh "18' pipe mgr-assure retaining valve. 154 Train brakc'pive- 155 Pipe ity-bar fulcrum-bolt. 355 Chain-sheave racket. 356 Chain sheave. 899 End-sill. 400 Side—sill knee~lron. 401 Side-sill. 402 Sill tie- board. 457 Dull sash hinge. 458 inside window sill. 450 Pilaster CTIONS AND SLEEPING BERTHS. 1118 shall‘. 5660hair base casting. 590 Hot water 501 Milk 502 Dri gt 8 “Ell-98‘ Um' 580 Coflee' name‘ 156 Tee an,“ m conductors vplve. 1'127An8r1i2n220p2p8133 COUPLING APPARATUS AND DRAFT GEAR. 357 End post. 858 vestibule ggzd 1garh‘ne. 350 Water drlip.f 360Plat; rods. 4?}flSéll agd P181436” tie-rod. 404 Bridging. 405 Floor timber base 460 Pllsster. 461 Pilgster cap. 462 window cove molding, 505L011" berm 507 Upper berth down an Upper berm up Gas pi% Sink 595' Qaninzp'Jgé- 59:}! (Ilgédbgvrteggfsalgéatth 594 ' ‘. - - - . - . . . . . ' ' ' - v ' - - e - gdlsiugltfglg. vaillsvlekirxbmlggligggf'oicg Xinigrod brake ose. its Alr- 3191111181‘ coupler. 320 Automatic vertical-plane coupler ..41 “"11 '°°' 36‘ R00! apron 1m 0m hood 383 P M Ol'm r00 brace 81' 001’ Deafening ceiling 408 Cross“ “Inher- 463 Window @8111 - 464 Window 8*116- 466 Window aash- mwin- 509 Bert-h from panel. upper pm 510 Berth from. lower mn- DOOR AND TRIMMR‘GS- am‘- I R r . carlins- 364 Platform roof end carlins. 865 Platform floor andmat- ‘ 409 Body truss-rod. 410 Body queen- st. 411 Body ueen- st dow glass. 461W dow in. 468 W1 d _ hose coupling. 154 Signal hose coupling- 165 318118111088- 166 A!" Knuckle- wKlmcklbpm- 323 Drawbar- 3'34 5mm“- ,335 Dlgi’gm'g ting. 366Platform trap-door. 36? Platform sill. 368 Platform short brace. 412 Turn-buckle. 413 Truss- anchor-iron. 414 russPfod l n ow lock ‘69 window 'wp' 5" Benn ‘mm mored slgnalbolw 167 TF8“! signal Pipe- 168 Train Sign“! 5'01?‘ “"9- 3% Draft‘gp'm strap'bon‘s' 3:77 Draws!“ “3' ran’ all]. 819 Platform end sill. 370 Platform rail-post. 371 Base washer stub-ends. 415 Truss- lank. cock. 1!» Signal branch-pipe to car discharge valve. 170 Signal 8 ring followers. 329 ail~bolt or stem, 330 Dmwbgr curry-iron, panel 5,2 86m, h h ions. can Lcliig dick‘: in L0 k “13 “d ‘'1 ker' 11mm" _ 6, mg 513 Berth 6“ D u l 55., n r. c er 00:. Q4 Lockerpa els. 470 Rafter col-ice. 471 Window blind sash. 472 Window blind slats. . ring from . Be ' ha tc an not me‘ Car door‘ 558 Top doomau- 559 Middle n “6 Tnmsplank ca 4" Belt ran‘ 473 Window and mum“. a‘ mdow blind H“ m window lstpvi 516 mesh 5slgxetyrtll’iosgring c in. 515 Berth chain pul- door-rail. 560 Bottom door-rail. 561 Lower door panels. 562M ddie - 7 Berth mattre s. 518 Be th (1 s RKERS' . for rail-post. 372 Platform-rail. 873 Platform rail chain. 374 Plat 418 Belt. rail cap. 419 ompression beam. 420 Auxli ry compression shade. 47613050m bar had . 477 Shad l h. ' m 8 r om. an“ I 563 Upper door sash 564 Lower door sash- 566 MA ‘ . branch-FIDO to 01" (1159113118 valve. 171 C8!‘ litnll'v‘lve- 172 3i!‘ 1 In." d'a'b" c"ry'ir°n'8853% Urzoiuphng 19W?!‘- 3‘ UlcouPlllR form tie-rod. 375 End sill tie-rod. 876 Platform te. 377 Platform beam. 421 Compression beam brace. 422 Counter brace. 423 Coun- fringe. 479 Slide 850 or:20 Ogtslde windgwmsitfib :fitlc Wlglsoihtiifi 2g%1111§&?:81'1n519 Phgguti'gi mgfliiilpéno'l 521 Berth c'urmms. sash- i“. 566 Door Bash lock- 567 Door knob. “8 Door holder. 56: 606 H.‘ “a m hwr m Tau 1.‘ : : . ' uni cord 17! Signs] cord hanger. 174 Anglo fitting. shaft. 834 Uncouvling rod. re t t mbers. step riser. I78 Tread board. 879 Step iron. Step hanger. 3211 121' brace rod. 424 Hog-chain or overhang truss-rod- 425 Oval-hang cornice board. 482 Vflindow panel. 4811 Outside window molding- Berth portitiongshso Head boanrd 51:7 hovc‘ifir‘ln'i’i‘of “$8150.23 Efemuilrlder “ML 570 Escumneon‘ 571 Do“ hing” m um‘ p - p. . . “..— . ' (l ' s‘ I ' 1- lg. 368 . . r a‘ I ' : AS. in. CARS 471 Car, Postal Car, Buffet Car, Dining Car, Compartment Sleeping Car, and Pullman Sleeping Car, together with details of said cars. The width varies in different parts of the country and on difi‘erent roads from nine to eleven feet 'measured over the side sills. The average height of passenger cars from the top of‘ the rails to the top of the clear story roof is about fourteen feet, three inches. ' But few railroad companies build their own passenger cars, evidently because it has been demonstrated that the work can be more cheaply and efiectively performed by private car manufac- turers making a specialty of this business. The floor framing is, in general construction, very similar to that of freight cars, ‘consideration being made for the difierence in length. The material for ‘the longitudinal sills is usually long leafed Southern yellow pine, while white oak is selected for the end sills and cross-tie timbers. However, these latter members are very often made of bulb-iron or deck beams. With a very long car, a second set of cross-tie timbers is used, placed between the ones at the center of the car and the body bolster. The longitudinal sills are at least six in number, but for all the most modern large cars there are eight. A general idea of the framing of the floor timbers can be obtained from Fig. 369, which also shows the platform timbers, the double bolster for a six-wheel truck and the truss rods which are used only under the outside sills. . Practically all the various types of bolsters used for freight cars are adaptable for passenger cars. When a four-wheeled truck is used under a light car, the single bolster is usually placed about six feet from the outside face of the end sill. However, when a six—wheel truck is to be used, there is a little more complica- tion in the arrangement of bolsters. ‘The six-wheeled truck. was introduced because of the great weight to be carried. For the same reason the double transom arrangement is used. Although slightly more expensive than the single transom, this’ double ar- rangement is much‘ more preferable, because the load is dis’ tributed more widely and the end of the car is held up from sagging, due. to the shorter distance from the end sill to the first bolster. The space between the two bolsters is spanned by a d- ‘all 9"‘. I“. “we, 7%. v/V/W/l. 'i'iilyi'aomlul Fi . 369. Passenger Car Floor Framing. CARS 47 3 built up beam (a trussed design being shown in Fig. 369) to which the center plate is secured. This center plate is ordinarily about eight feet from the outer faceof the end sill for cars using six-wheel trucks. 'The floors of passenger cars are usually double, the first layer being at least one inch thick, matched and grooved, placed diag- onally across the car. The top or finished course is about seven- eig'hths of an inch thick, matched and grooved and extends length- wise of the car. Yellow pine is used considerably for both courses, maple is also selected for the upper layer, especially in the aisles. Special precautions are also taken in the flooring to deaden. the sounds, a layer of tar or building paper being put on top of the sills under the lower floor course. Further precautions are to seal up the space between the longitudinal sills and fill the open- ings with some sound deadening material, such as saw-dust or mineral wool. The side framing of passenger cars is composed of posts, plates, tie rods, belt and panel rails, panel furring and the need- ful bracing, Fig. 368. The full length posts, with the exception of those at the corners, are window posts; they range in size, the dimensions depending on the requirements of the window sash and blinds or curtains; one and one-fourth by four inches is probably the aver- age size used. The posts are framed to both sill and plate with tenons, which are usually one and one-fourth inches thick, those entering the sill being three inches long and of a driving fit for ‘ the purpose of giving the car lateral stiffness. - The plates vary in size from two by five to four by six inches; the latter size, or one approximating it, is used when.- the plate is set on edge, as is usual in baggage and express cars. For passenger cars it is preferable to apply it with the side up, be- cause it is desirable to have as much room above the windows _ as possible, and even with this, the space is insufiicient when the window has but one sash, that is when it is without a transom. In such cases the plate is provided with slots, which permit the sash to ascend until stopped by the roof boards. The plate is secured by vertical rods placed at intervals of about three feet or at every second post; these rods are either of three-eighths- 474 CARS inch iron and have one-half-inch screw ends or are one-half-inch ' throughout, the former plan being adopted to reduce weight; but the reduction is small when compared ' with the total weight of the structure. ' v The outer edges of the posts are notched to receive the belt, and, between this and the sill, one, but usually two, panel rails. The belt rail was formerly, and is in many instances yet, a part of the outside finish, and is in that case not less than two and one- half inches thick, one and one-fourth inches of which, or the thickness of the panels and battens, project beyond the face of the posts. ‘ The width is about four inches, the protruding por- tion being beveled on top where it comes in contact. with the outside window sill, and grooved or rabbeted on the lower edge to receive the panels or siding. Usually the belt rail is of the same thickness as that of the panel rails, which is one and one- half inches, and is, like these, let in flush with the face of the post. To avoid the cutting away of the posts more than this is absolutely necessary, and at the same time add to the rigidity of the frame by locking the joints, the gains in these are not more than one inch deep, the remaining one-half inch being taken from the rails themselves. The rails are secured in place with wood screws, the panel rails with one and the belt with two to each bearing. _ Above the belt, when the space between the windows is not so narrow that the posts themselves occupy the whole of ‘it, three or four blocks, termed window panel furring are provided. These are of pine or some other soft wood, are from seven-eighths to one and one-fourth inches thick, and of the same width as the window posts when the inside panel is not let in flush, in which case they are the thickness of this, narrower. The furring blocks rest in shallow gains cut in the sides of the posts, and are fastened with glue and nails. ' The bracing in the side frames of passenger cars is of necessity con-fined to the space below the windows, and as this is compara- tively low and the different members constituting the truss are limited in size, this cannot be relied upon to carry the weight without truss rods, but if - properly constructed will materiallyaid in doing so. There are several different styles of bracing, each of which is claimed to ‘be the best by those using it; generally CARS 475 speaking, that in which the members are long and the joints con- sequently less numerous is less apt to sag, although it possesses the disadvantage that it cannot be adjusted when once out of shape without removing the outside covering. Figure 370 illustrates a common form of framing and side- trussing. In addition to the framing the sides and ends also are blocked in. That is, blocks not less than seven-eighths inch thick are carefully fitted to each opening between posts and ‘braces. These blocks are either set in and glued against stops or'the posts are slightly gained ‘to receive them. As a result of this blocking, the car side is made a practically continuous board, giving it great rigidity and strength. The principal members of the end frames of passenger cars are the corner and door posts. Both are shaped in the form of a quarter circle, the radius of which is usually five and one-half and five inches, respectively. The corner post is framed to the plate with a tenon, but is secured to the sill with screws only; the supplemental posts, however, which are so securely attached to it with both glue and screws, so as to make the whole prac- tically one piece, have tenons at the lower ends also. A lintel of the same circular section as the door posts themselves, and usually also of wood, although cast-iron arches are sometimes used, connects these at the top and forms a rectangular opening with slightly rounded corners. The top of the door opening is also frequently a semi-circle, elliptic, or perfectly straight, with sharp corners, the latter mostly for both the end and side doors of baggage and kindred cars, it being in that case often nothing‘ more than a piece of board covering the lower edge of the plate. The studding and belt and panel rails are the same as those at the sides, although the former are ‘perhaps one or one and one-half inches narrower when end windows are omitted, as is the case in sleeping cars and frequently in day coaches also. The ‘ braces are in that case—that is, if braces are introduced at all to stiifen the frame-longer and extend to the angle formed by the junction of the door post with the plate. The end plate is usually two and one-half or three inches thick and from fifteen to seventeen inches-wide in the center; this last dimension being governed by the pitch of the rafters, which also determines the outline to which the upper edge is shaped. The Fig. 370. Passenger Car Side Framing. CARS 477 plate is secured to the side plate and deck sills with joint bolts and to the end sill with four five-eighth-inch tie rods. Fig. 371. Passenger Car End Framing. In the construction of- roofs of passenger cars a clere-story or upper deck is generally used, this form of construction advantageous for purposes of ventilation and light. The clere- story or deck side is composed of a sill and plate, and posts sepa~ rating these. The posts and tie rods passing through these, cor- 47 8 ~ CARS respond in number and location to the side window panels, there being as many decks as there are side windows. The rafters which form the connection between the deck sill and side plate are usually not less than one and one-half inches thick, about five inches wide at the lower end, two and one-half inches at the upper end; both edges are curved to a given radius or shaped to whatever other outline the fancy of the designer may select. The rafters are attached to the plate with at least two large screws in each and to the deck sill with a pin and tenon or a tenon and a small joint bolt; they are spaced about eighteen inches from centers, when this is practicable—in a day car there is one to- every window and panel. The deck carlines, which are spaced to correspond with the rafters, are one and one-half by two inches, and are also curved, but to a much larger radius. An iron carline is introduced either every six feet, or at every second panel, for the purpose of strengthening the roof vertically. It is a flat bar of five-eighths or three-fourths by two inch iron set on edge and bent to conform to the contour line of the roof and deck; the ends are bent at right angles where they meet the plates, and are attached to these with two one—half-inch bolts in each. The iron, or compound carline, as it is designated, because it is attached to the sides or between the wooden rafters and deck carlines, is placed flush with the upper edges of these, but the . vertical portions project from the deck sides the full width of the iron; to let them in flush would cut in two both the sill and plate. The projections are, however, not objectionable, because they are usually hidden by the deck screens. The roofs of passenger cars‘are usually covered with tin, can- vas being sometimes used. The tin, or whatever other material the roof proper may be composed of, is supported by the roof boards. These are tongued and grooved strips of from five-eighths to three-fourths of an inch thick, which are applied longitudinally and securely held in place by screws or nails. It is advisable to use as wide boards as possible; these are made sufficiently pliable to form the required convex surface by partially cutting through them, if necessary, longitudinally at intervals of from two to three inches; ordinarily, however, boards not much wider than this are used. For the roof ends it is necessary to use very nar- row, thin and pliable strips and apply them in two layers to obtain I CARS 479 the required thickness; in- most cases, straight grained pine or poplar will answer this purpose, but when the curves are very severe bass wood is used. The outside covering of passenger cars is generally of yellow poplar; that wood being non-resinous and having a close grain affords a good foundation for paint. It goes without saying that it must be well seasoned and free from sap. The form of exterior generally adopted dispenses with panels as they are expensive to maintain, being liable to check and split. Narrow tongued and grooved boards are used. To obtain the best effect, the strips should be very narrow, from one and one-half to two inches, exclusive of the tongues, or be centerbeaded if they are double this width. The form of these so-called heads, but which are in reality grooves, is semicircular or V-shaped with either sharp or rounded corners, the latter being the more popular; the grooves are very minute and do not exceed three-sixteenths of an inch. The boards are secured in place in all properly con- structed cars by blind nailing through the tongues, with glue applied at the back and joints; if more than two inches wide some additional nails are driven through the face of the boards also. . The construction of the deck side exterior varies with the arrangements made for windows and ventilation. In, the case of stationary windows, a light covering surrounds the openings and covers the face of the frame and a sofiit board and eaves molding complete the finish. When the deck sash is on hinges for purposes of ventilation, a screen is placed several inches distant from the windows, and this, with the addition of a narrow fascia board and molding, forms the exterior. The inside lining is principally arranged for decorative efiect. The inside lining or finish is generally as follows: The wains- coting, as that portion below the windows and above the truss plank is termed, is either composed of narrow matched and headed strips applied longitudinally, or of three members, two rails and a panel. Both the upper and lower rails in that case are three-v fourths of.an inch thick and about six inches wide, the former requiring to be substantial, as the seat, back, arms and stops are attached to it. The rails are rabbeted to receive the panel which is one-half—inch thick. There is usually no great attempt made 480 a CARS to ornament this part of the finish; the edges of the rails are, however, chamfered or molded, and sometimes a series of grooves or beads is cut in the panel. On the upper wainscot rail rests the inside window sill; this ' is about one-half by four inches, {and is nailed to the above rail and to the window sill furring. 11 some cases a window sill cap and belt molding under the sill proper are added, but ordinarily nothing more than a single member is used. The wood work above the ' windows is usually arranged in much the same fashion as that below these and with rails and panels of about the same thickness. Sometimes nothing more than these three members are used, in which case the panel be- comes a belt molding, its surface being variously shaped, beaded and carved. In other cases the rails are continuous, but the panels are in short sections, usually corresponding in length to the width of one or more windows. They are separated by stiles framed in between the rails with a mortise and tenon. The edges of both the stiles and rails are chamfered, or molded, and grooved to receive the panels. The panels may be flat and surface carved, be beaded or have raised centers, which may be left plain or be ornamented with carved rosettes, beads, etc. The space between the windows is lined with panels which are applied vertically. These are about three-fourths of an inch thick, and usually very elaborately ornamented with grooves and carving. ' At the junction of the side and head lining is a large molding to properly terminate the. wall finish; and supplementing this, very often a narrow fascia board, the lower edge‘of which is notched or in some other way ornamented. Some additional work is required at the ends unless the ceiling is hipped, in which case the side finish is simply continued until it meets the door opening. In other cases the additional space is paneled. The deck finish consists of a one-half-inch facing aroundv the window openings, a cornice at the deck ceiling and a more or less ornamental deck sill facing with one or more moldings. ' The head lining is either a painted canvas or of three-ply veneer, the center of which is of one-eighth-inch poplar. It is manufactured in molds of the exact curve required and in sections ‘ corresponding in length. to the spacing of the side windows. These CARS 481 sections are secured in place with nails and the whole surface is divided off into panels by narrow moldings, some of which are necessary to cover the joints. The veneer head lining is always more or less decorated, but is usually not painted, although this is done in some instances, especially when the design is partially in relief. The saloon and other partitions are built up of stiles, rails and panels, much in the same manner as a door is constructed and are of a design in keeping with the finish at the sides; the stiles and rails are about one and one-fourth inches thick. The interior of baggage and similar cars is not so elaborate. The sides and ends are lined with matched and beaded boards of the usual dimensions, which are applied horizontally. Ordinarily there is no head lining in such cars; the roof boards are beaded on the under side and the rafters, deck sills and plates, etc., are dressed and chamfered; a molding and fascia board at the junc- tion of the roof and lining complete the finish. A distinctive feature of passenger equipment is the platforms at the ends of the car and the devices used for coupling, Fig. 368. The Miller hook and platform was one of the early devices which was designed to meet the requirements of the situation. It mate- rially aided in the smoothness of handling passenger trains and reduced to a minimum the jerking in stopping and starting trains. Illustrations (Figs.'372, 373, 374 and 375) show the original drawings of the Miller device, which remained practically un- changed in its general plan up to the time of its retirement by the M. C. B. Coupler, and three-stem buffer. The hooks or couplers were generally solid forged iron or steel castings. The bolt con- nection was sometimes changed to a strap or yoke. Flat followers are to be made of wrought iron or open-hearth steel, one and five- eighth inches thick for tandem spring gear and two and one-fourth inches thick for twin spring and friction gear. The draw and buffer springs~ shown in the drawings are of the volute type, but the general practice became to use springs of the same dimen~ sions and resistance as those used in freight cars. The drawbar side or stop castings were modified so that their removal when removing springs or follower plates was avoided, this being accom- plished by using loose wrought bars bolted to the castings in place of the lower retaining flange. 482 CARS The bufier as shown is an iron or steel forgin‘g consisting of three parts, the head, the bar and the stem. The stem passes through the spring and bufi'er spring beam, in the rear of which it is fitted with a strong cotter to retain it. The shoulder formed by the junction of the stem with the bar bears directly on the Fig. 372. Miller Platform and Hook. spring, if this is of the volute pattern, but if it is a spiral a plate must be provided. The bar is rectangular in section to prevent turning, the guide is retained in its socket by a plate attached to the face of the end timbers. A pair of three or four-inch timbers, termed platform timbers, which resemble the draw timbers in shape, extend back to the CARS 483 bolster, and are bolted to the intermediate and end sills, together with the draw timbers form the foundation of the platform. The two short beams, the platform sills framed in between the end sills and end timber, may be dispensed with if the intermediate Fig. 373. Miller Platform and Hook. floor timbers, and consequently the platform timbers also, can be placed to meet the requirements of the platform floor. The platform end timber, which is in its largest cross section eight inches wide and seven inches deep, and otherwise shaped as shown, is kept in place by two three-quarter-inch rods usually running back to the transom, and in addition to this by two five- eighth-inch rods located close to the platform sills, but extending 484 CARS through the end sill only. The end timber, which is raised above the platform timbers one inch, or the thickness of the floor so as to be flush with this, carries the end railing, uncoupling lever, brake shaft and coupler guide or stop. The railings, ordinarily of wrought iron, are supported on four wrought-iron tapering Fig. 374. Miller Platform and Hook. w ../4, , r i / a"; -ll_:lfi_‘ rfl-r-_, . . I u lul- r - r r r r Fig. 375. Miller Platform and Hook. posts, which are firmly attached to the timber by means of nuts, - and are braced by large cast-iron washers or sockets. The un- coupling lever, which passes through a slot in the timber, and is pivoted to the under side of this by suitable trunnion plates, is connected with the coupler by a short chain; the upper or handle’ end of the lever is confined within a guide usually formed in one piece with the railing, and which is shaped with several notches for the reception of the lever when it is desired to lock the hook in the uncoupling position. CARS 485 On the opposite side is placed a cast-iron stop designed to limit the lateral motion of the hook enough to prevent uncoupling. This casting is secured by a seven-eighth-inch bolt passing both through it and the end timber, and is maintained in its vertical position laterally _by a one-half by three-inch bent bar, which also does duty as a step for the brake shaft, and in the other direction by a brace attached to one of the draw timbers. To prevent uncoupling the hook has an inclined face, and in addition is acted upon by a two-leaf spring placed alongside of it, which is kept in place by the two carry irons, the second or back hanger, serving as a fulcrum; the spring is strained to any de- sired degree by a bolt and bracket provided for this purpose. The main carry iron is attached to the under side of the truss beam by four three-quarter-inch bolts; its position is oblique and several inches from the center line, and on its proper dimensions and adjustment greatly depends the automatic ‘action in coupling. In addition to doing duty as a support to the side spring, the back hanger serves as a safety hanger to the drawbar; it does not, however, carry the drawbar as long as all the parts are in proper repair. ‘ The original form of the J anney platform and coupler are shown in Figs. 376, 377 and 378. The principal member is a lever or combination yoke pivoted on a one and one-half-inch bolt, which is located a few inches above the draw-bar, and passes through the draft timbers, the holes in which are bushed with iron ferrules to guard against wear. The connection of the upper arm with the bufier equalizer and spring is effected through a one and one-‘ quarter-inch T bolt. As- the buifers are intended to move outward whether the draw-bar moves in the same or a contrary direction, the latter must be able to act in the first case on the portion of the yoke above the fulcrum, or the upper arm, and _in the other case on the lower arm. The upper connection is made with a T bolt and post or horn fitted to a slot in the drawbar; the lower by simply bringing the yoke which surrounds the drawbar in contact with the protruding end ‘of the post. The bufiers are two in number. They are retained by malleable iron guides let into and bolted to the end timber, and attached to the equalizer, by the use of which as flexible a connection as is 486 CARS .Eaofifinfi hoccwh .wbm .wrm CARS 487 Em. “.3. .Hebsmv. 6529.3. 488 CARS obtained with a single bufier is insured. The equalizer is sup- ported by the draft or main knee timbers, which are provided with suitable mortises and guides for that purpose. The buffers and equalizer are either malleable castings or forged iron; the latter is usually preferred, because it is more reliable, and can be produced at very nearly the same cost. The combination yoke is always a casting (malleable or steel.) The construction of the platform itself is in the main not altered. A change is, however, made in the form and fastening of the end timbers, but not for the reason that any feature of _ M n — m— *— mm'i' .. T I’ ~ . / ,1 x ,1 ‘» “size-‘1°35 »( -- ° ' Egr ~' 16 -~—~: ' '- - __2-_ _l_ lino-5.: ‘xi- .lll“ ,. --:- I . v I. , ,; “27' i 5.. . 7 WF-QOKQ—I A g“. . Fig. 378. J anney Platform. the coupler or buffers requires this. It is composed of two sepa- rate pieces, one of which, the inner piece, is three and one-half inches thick by five inches wide, and of the usual length; it rests on the knee timbers, which are cut down at the ends to receive it, and is secured to them by one five-eighth-inch bolt through each, those passing through the main knee timbers also assisting to retain the drawbar carry iron. The outer piece is six inches thick for a distance of three feet, the remaining one and one-half feet at each end being reduced to the same thickness as that of the main end timber. Its width is six and three-quarter inches at the center line, five and one-quarter inches where the bufiers are attached,‘ and tapering from those points to the ends. This timber is, like the first, fastened to the platform timbers with vertical bolts, to the draft timbers with the iron straps that cover the ends of these, and to the end sill by two three-quarter~inch rods. ti, Q9 117, . .Wa u, Inc-i! M. ..§.i'~..~ _. I. _ . m n. . Inmfiiii . .Jw." ..fmm '- @\“\| r I... _m ..c \Q | at... I 1R m _ PASSENGER CAR PLATFORM AND COUPLER. F18. 379. CARS 489 These two platforms were the first ones of their types. From them all the various modified devices have been derived. In their original form they are not now in very extensive use. A more modern platform framing and draw bar arrangement is shown in Fig. 379. Many passenger cars are now equipped with vestibules which are not only a convenience to passengers and others in passing from one car to another but have the effect of steadying the train by making it practically a continuous and solid structure. The vestibule, it is claimed, in addition to answering these purposes, decreases the resistance of the atmosphere on the train and also tends to obviate telescoping of the cars in the event of collision. There are two kinds of vestibules in general use, known as wide and narrow. The narrow was the first to be used. Its doors enclose only the platform between the steps. The general con- struction of a narrow vestibule is illustrated in Figs. 380 and 381. The platform on which the vestibule is located is strengthened by plating the platform timbers with iron, as shown; this, as well as the strengthening of the side frames of the body, is necessary to obtain the proper resistance to the strain produced by the fric- tion of two vestibule or diaphragm plates in con-tact. Another change is the form and size of the buffers. These constitute prac- tically the only changes required in the construction of the plat- forms and draw gears. The buffer bars or stems are hinged to a cast-steel plate, which takes the place of the ordinary buifer heads. They are hinged '- to permit adjustment on curves and a third stem, which is in the center of the plate, is provided to take the strain when in contact with a car equipped with the ordinary Miller or single stem buifer. To close the opening between this buffer plate and the platform end timber, and thus make the platform continuous, a thin wrought- iron plate which slides on a recessed plate of cast iron on the end timber is attached to the buflfer head. - The so—called vestibule plate is in the form of an inverted U, the ends of which are attached to the buffer with rivets or counter- sunk headed bolts, the whole forming an opening which is three feet wide and nearly seven feet high. Its face is wplaned. To obtain a practically dust and rain proof joint between a pair of these plates an arrangement of levers and springs is provided in s I I I l I I I I Fig. 380. Narrow Vestibule_ II m“ ‘I n \\\| n I - a "o ..W. D _ ._ .....a..,. Mt‘ .mnl I. \\..\...U""... . ' i‘. _>_— _— a ‘K O O O s gm. “E. 22.3% <¢w£d5m .- ..J' _ Knit...’ - 492 CARS the platform hood, the springs to give the desired compression, 'which is nearly equal to that of the bufl’ers, "and the levers to compensate for the angularity produced when the cars are one. curve. A single equalizer like that employed for the buffer would answer the purpose if it were convenient to introduce it on a line with the points of attachment of the ‘frame plate. The arrange- ment used consists of two bars or stems which are attached to the vestibule plate with‘ ball and socket joints by means of suitable castings and are guided boxes secured to the end carline and side walls of the vestibule. The spiral compression springs are located on these stems between shoulders ,formed on them and the ends of a pair of vertical levers which have their fulcrums on the side walls and whose upper ends are connected by short chains to the ends of a horizontal equalizer which in its turn is ful- crumed-to a timber framed in above the end plate of the car. This cross-timber and the brackets forming the side walls of the vestibule are substantially and securely fastened with corner irons and bolts. The connection between the vestibule plate and the framing of the vestibule is made with heavy sheet rubber or can- vas which is shaped like the folds of an accordion. The ceiling of the vestibule is dome-shaped and is furnished with a lamp; there are also provisions for ventilation. The doors fold back upon themselves, so as to be less in the way when open. ‘They are usually decorated, with bevel-edged plate glass and brass grills. All the attachments of the platforms are also very elabo- rate; the ornamented railings and brackets, brake wheels, etc., are of polished brass, and the floor and treads on thesteps are covered with corrugated rubber mats. The wide_ vestibule is of practically the same general con- struction as the narrow vestibule. The exception being in the location of the doors. These are placed out practically. flush, with the sides of the car and the whole platform is then enclosed. Large panes of glass are used above the line of the window rail of the car, in both the side doors and the end framing of the platform. Trap doors let down flush with the floor of the plat- form and cover the openings over the steps behind the side doors. The ‘trucks used on passenger cars differ from those used on freight cars, being as a rule more elaborate. The four andv six- wheel types are illustrated in detail in Figs. 383, 384 and 385. .1 Glass 25-124. : chests/125‘ I .—_.4 '0 T we w n I) (1 Q U WIDE VESTIBULE. Fig. 382. CARS 493 ll ‘Ill-lull .JH I.‘- If‘? . ass...“ i. . mint F... .1" .. I. IIIILQ-nnlr // 1 mm.“ .. nmwl \ L, .1: _ ,9... \\.\\. .llll/ M8535” has» agate? w0>rm Om 1mm? 5'0’ — _._- ml 5 2- ' I_'__._';O,,- 4— -- -¢-/oa-- - —- - 1\ 2 5 ‘r; r—-—-— HEW. www. 10:73:33; Howmwmumme OE. .Hecewm. 494 CARS .MSZF wfimozbvsaoh a Mo 38> ozpoonmeom < .wwm .wrm . . .. . ,. .1 1 ll. [I / I . / 1,’, f. we .. fr... a... 5 M. M / ll. @2842; be" 55 but. Ham. “an. > $335320 Amos. on w. mmmhséiea ‘macaw. 1 _496 CARS Following is a list of namesof parts of passenger car trucks indicated in the foregoing ‘illustrations: Perhikikieieieoqwwwwwwwmwwmi-ll—ll-ll-Ji-ll-ll-il-l 9°91!““Pl-‘PPYPSDWF‘FPIPP’PEP:\‘$’=P‘t>9°l\°l-‘9°89°fi?°P'P$”P°1-‘ Wheel. Axle. J ournal-box. J ournal-box lid. Pedestal. Pedestal Tie-bar. Pedestal Stay-rod. Pedestal-brace. Pedestal-brace Tie-bar. Wheel-piece. Outside Wheel-piece Plate. - Inside ‘Wheel-piece Plate. Wheel-piece Truss-rod. Arch-bar. Inverted Arch-bar. Auxiliary Arch-bar. End-piece of Truck-frame. Transom. 4 MIDDLE TRANSOM FOR SIX-WHEELED TRUCK. OUTSIDE TRANSOM FOR SIX-WHEELED TRUCK. Transom Tie-bar. Transom Truss-rod. Transom Truss-block. Transom Truss-rod Washer.‘ Transom Chafing-plate. Transom-casting. Transom-pillar. Truck-bolster. Truck-bolster Chafing-plate. Lateral-motion Spring. Lateral-motion Spring-pin. SPRING-BEAM. Q . . Spring-plank. Spring-plank Bearing. Spring-plank Safety Strap. . Swing-hangers. CARS 497 47. Upper Swing-hanger Pivot. Lower Swing-hanger Pivot. Swing-hanger Pivot-bearing. Swing-hanger Friction-block. Safety-beam. MIDDLE SAFETY-BEAM. Safety-beam Block. Axle Safety Bearing. Axle Safety-strap. Axle Safety-bearing Thimbles. Safety-beam Tie-rod. SAFETY-BEAM IRON. Truck Side-bearing. SIDE-BEARIN G BRIDGE. Truck Center-plate. Center-plate Block. CENTER-BEARING BEAM. ' CENTER-BEARING ARCH-BAR. CENTER-BEARING INVERTED ARCH-BAR. Check-chain. I Truck Check-chain Hook. Truck Check-‘chain Eye. Equalizing-bar. l Equalizing-bar Spring-cap. Equalizing-bar Spring-seat. Bolster Springoseat. Bolster Spring-cap. Spring-block. J ournal-spring. . ‘Equalizing-bar Spring. Bolster-spring. Truck-frame Knee-iron. Brake-head. . Brake-beam. . . Brake Eye-bolt. Brake-hanger Brake-hanger Carrier Brake-beam Safety-chain. 498 CARS ' ' ' '- ' 89. Brake Safety-chain Eye-bolt.‘ 90. Brake Safety-strap. ' w 91. Release-spring. - l 92. Brake-lever. 93. Brake-lever Fulcrum. 94. Brake-lever Guide. 95. Brake-lever Stop. 96. Brake-lever Sheave. 97. Lower Brake-rod. 98. Brake-shoe. I 104. King-bolt or Center-pin. 1 12. ‘Journal-bearing. 114. Stop-plate. 115. Dust-guard. . y - . 120. Brake-beam Adjusting-hanger Carrier. 121. Brake-beam Adjusting-hanger. 123. Brake-beam Adjusting-hanger Clip. 124. Brake-beam Adjusting-hanger Plate. 130. ‘ END-SILL CORN ER-PLATE. 131. TRANSOM CORNER-PLATE. Names ‘of parts in capital letters in‘ the foregoing list are special to six-wheel car-trucks. ' - The follbwing are the Safety Appliances for Passenger Train Cars prescribed by law and made standard by the M. O. B. Asso- ciation: - PASSENGER TRAIN CARS WITH WIDE VESTIBULES. Hand Brakes—Each passenger car shall be equipped with an eflicient hand brake, which shall operate in harmony with the . power brake thereon. Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. Handholds: Side—Eight: Minimum diameter, five-eighths of an inch of metal; minimum clear length, sixteen inches; minimum clearance,‘ one and one-quarter, preferably one and one-half inches. .Location, vertical—one on each vestibule door post. Side hand- holds shall be securely fastened with bolts, rivets or screws. End—Four: Minimum diameter, five~eighths of an inch wrought iron or steel; minimum clear length, sixteen inches. CARS 499 Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half, inches. Handholds shall he flush with or project not more than one inch beyond vestibule face. Horizontal: One near each side on each end, projecting downward from face of vestibule end sill. Clear- ance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than sixteen inches from side of car. End handholds shall be securely fastened with bolts or rivets. When marker sockets or brackets are located so that they cannot be conveniently reached from platforms, suit- able steps and handholds shall be provided for men to reach such sockets or brackets. . Uncoupling Levers-Uncoupling attachments shall be applied so they can be operated by a person standing on the ground. Minimum length of ground uncoupling attachment, forty-two inches, . measured from center line of end of car to handle of attachment. On passenger-train cars used in freight or mixed train service, the uncoupling attachments shall be so applied that the coupler can be operated from left side of car. . - PASSENGER-TRAIN CARS WITH OPEN END PLATFORMS. Each passenger-train car shall be equipped with an efiicient hand brake, which shall operate in harmony with the power brake thereon. Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. End Handholds—Four: Minimum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clear length, sixteen inches. Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half, inches. Handholds shall be flush with or project not more than one inch beyond face of end sill. Horizontal: One near each side of each end on face of platform end sill, projecting downward. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than sixteen inches from end of end sill. End handholds shall be securely fastened with bolts or rivets. , End Platform Handholds—Four: [Cars equipped with safety gates do not require end platform handholda] Minimum clear- ance, two, preferably two and one-half, inches, metal. Horizontal from or near door post to a point not more than twelve inches from corner of car, then approximately vertical to a point not more than six inches from top of platform. Horizontal portion shall be not 500 CARS less than twenty-four inches in length nor more than forty inches above platform. End-platform handholds shall be securely’. fas- tened with bolts, rivets, or screws. . Uncoupling Levers—Uncoupling attachments shall be applied so-they can be operated by a person standing on the ground. Mini- mum. lengthv of ground uncoupling attachment, forty-two inches, measured from center of' end of car to handle of attachment. On passenger-train cars. used in freight or mixed train service, the uncoupling attachments shall be so applied that the coupler can be operated from left side of car. ' PASSENGER-TRAIN CARS WITHOUT END PLATFORMS. Hand Brakes—Each passenger-train car shall be equipped yvith an efiicient'hand brake, which shall operate in harmony with the power brake thereon. Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion.- Sill Steps—Four; " Minimum length of tread, ten, preferably twelve, inches. Minimum cross-sectional area, one-half by one and one-half inches or equivalent, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clear depth, eight inches. One near each end on each side, not more than twenty-four inches from corner of car to center‘ of tread of sill step. Outside edge of tread of step shall be not more than two'inches inside of face of side of car. Tread shall be not more than twenty-four, preferably not more than twenty-two, inches above the top of rail. Steps exceeding eighteen inches in depth shall have an additional tread-and be laterally braced. Sill steps shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half-inch bolts with nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over, or with not less than .one-half-inch rivets. Side Handholds—Four: Minimum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clear length, sixteen, prefer- ably twenty-four, inches. Minimum clearance, two, preferably-two and one-half, inches. Horizontal or vertical: One near each end on each side of car over sill step. If horizontal, not less than twenty-four nor more than thirty inches above center line of coupler. If vertical, lower end not lessthan eighteen. nor more than twenty-four inches above center line of coupler. Side hand- holds shall be securely fastened with bolts, rivets or screws. CARS 501 O End HandhoZds—Four: Minimum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clear length, sixteen inches. . Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half, inches. Horizontal: One near each side on each end, projecting downward from face of end sill or sheathing. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than sixteen inches from side of car. Handholds shall be flush with or project not more than one inch beyond face of end sill. End handholds shall be securely fastened with bolts or rivets. When marker sockets or brackets are located so that they cannot be conveniently reached from platforms, suit- able steps and handholds shall be provided forl'men to reach such sockets or brackets. End Handrails-Four [011 cars with projecting end-sills]: Minimum diameter, five-eighths of an inch, wrought iron or steel. Minimum clearance, two, preferably two and one-half, inches. One on each side of each end, extending horizontally from door post or vestibule frame to a point not more than six inches from corner of car, then approximately vertical to a point not more than six inches from top of platform end sill; horizontal portion shall be not less than thirty nor more than sixty inches above platform end sill. End handrails shall be securely fastened with bolts, rivets or screws. - _ Side-Door Steps—One under each door: Minimum length of tread, ten, preferably twelve, inches. Minimum cross-sectional area, one-half by one and one-half inches or equivalent, wrought iron or steel. .Minimum clear depth, eight inches. Outside edge of tread of step not more than two inches inside of face of side of car. Tread not more than twenty-four, preferably not more than twenty-two, inches above the top of rail. Steps exceeding eighteen inches in depth shall have an additional tread and be laterally braced. Side-door steps shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half inch bolts with nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over, or with not less than one-half inch rivets. A vertical handhold not less than twenty-four inches in clear length shall be applied above each side-door step on door post. ' Uncoupli'ng Levers—Uncoupling attachments shall be applied so they can be operated by a person standing on the ground. Minimum length of ground uncoupling attachment, forty-two 502 . CARS inches, measured from center line of end of car to handle of at- tachment. On passenger-train cars used in freight or mixed train service, the‘ uncoupling attachment shall be so applied that the coupler can be operated from the left side of car. Cars of con- ' struction not covered specifically in the foregoing sections, relative to handholds, sill steps,- ladders, hand brakes and running boards, 4 may be considered as of special construction, but shall have, as nearly as possible, the same complement of handholds, sill steps. 4 ladders, hand brakes and-running boards as are required for cars of the nearest approximate type. “Right” or “left” refers to side of person when facing end or side of car from ground. To provide for the usual inaccuracies of manufacturing and for wear, where sizes of metal are specified, a total variation of five per cent -below.size given is permitted. The term Blind-End Car is sometimes used to designate non- vestibuled cars, though, more properly, it is a car without end ' doors, either non-vestibuled or with open platforms. The cafe- parlor or parlor café car is a combined‘café and parlor car. The ' cafe coach or kitchen is a combined coach and café car, for use on, trains where a dining car could not be profitably run. The other passenger cars are described, in Chapter I of this book, under classes B, C, D, and P. All types are now equipped with anti-telescoping devices, devices of special end framing that-usually combine the end sills and a plate generally backed by special springs for 'bufi’er use. As regards the depreciation due to age,- passenger .cars' are, by M. C. B. rules‘, exposed to threeper cent loss annually upon the yearly depreciated value ‘of the same; to continue, but not to exceed fifty per cent of its original value; this applying" equally to the bodies and trucks of such cars. On account of its superior merits and higher degree \of efficiency, the clasp or double type of brake is now generally used on such ‘ _- cars, as the single shoe type does not come up to the requirements of passenger car needs, and because a pressure ‘of 9,000 pounds on the clasp brake is equal to or better than 18,000 pounds on the single shoe kind. _ 1 Other features of the passenger’ car are ‘quite distinctive, but ‘ - there should be more standards for its various parts. These need not specify all details, but cover only the features which affect interchangeability. CARS 503 The details of the six-wheel truck have already been shown; all passenger cars have swing bolsters; and the windows in sleep- ing and parlor cars are generally double, to enclose an air-space and prevent draughts and radiation of heat. Truss-rod anchor- irons fastened to the sills near the bolsters are sometimes used. Some passenger cars use the arched roof, or turtle-back roof, which has a curved surface and has no upper deck or clere-story. In passenger cars, carlines are divided into main carlines, passing entirely across the car; short carlines or deck carlines, which are confined to the upper deck; and rafters, which are confined to the lower deck. The main carlines are usually compound, i. e., built up of wood and iron. They sometimes pass directly from side to side of the car, across and under the upper deck, being here called continuous or straight car-lines; but usually they are bent to the profile of the clere-story, and are then termed profile carlines. There is no doubt that the decorating of cars used in passenger‘ service was, up to a few years ago, carried to extremes. Such embellishments as carving and turning were so freely used that it was an impossibility to thoroughly glean the cars and the lambrequins and heavy curtains that were in ‘common use on parlor cars were a menace to health. In the desire to get away from the overdecorative efi'ect, however, the idea of ‘simplicity has in some cases been ‘carried out to an extent that makes the cars not only appear‘I severely plain but sometimes unfinished. It is by no means beyond the bounds of possibility to obtain sim- plicity and still retain beauty, and while the lack of decoration is probably due to a desire to keep the cost of the car at a mini- mum, it should be borne in mind‘that the traveling public is likely to prove critical in matters of this kind and cars with a reasonable amount of decoration, both inside and out, are more likely to help the passenger department in getting and retain-ing business than are those in which the decorative feature is neglected. The use of metallic sheathing, usually of steel, for both steel and wooden passenger cars, is on the increase; it is durable, fire- proof, and adapted for use on the exterior of such cars, whether they have steel or wooden frames. Such sheathing is' furnished in panels or slats of required size, and fastened on side of car with rivets on steel frames, and screws on wood frames, the method of fastening not being discernible from the exposed surface. an - ' CARS Concerning draft gear, a typical one for passenger cars is the McConway and Torley Buhoup three-stem equipment—an im- proved form of the original J anney draft gear. The coupler head is connected to the center stem and the two side stems, and its movement to either side of the center- line of the car is resisted by the side-stem springs. The center-stem is backed by the draft- springs proper, which are held in a pocket between the sides and which absorb most of the shock. The bufier-plate is backed by two buffer-stem springs, which aid in absorbing bufier shocks. This, like other eflicient passenger-car gear, unites maximum strength and flexibility with economical main-tenance. -It has three ‘draft stems instead of only one (see Plate III of Portfolio 2), three springs instead of one, and produces greater flexibility between cars, by means of a rotating head pivoted to three stems, with side-motion stirrup—thus relieving the platform from strains on ‘curves and tangents and making the train run more steadily. Also, this type is adapted to any style of platform without change of draft timbers, and greatly increases the platform ’s life. Regarding floors, passenger cars are more‘ complex than freight cars, especially as noiselessness has to be attained in the former to make travel endurable to travelers. This problem, greatly in- creased since the introduction of steel passenger cars, supposes certain essentials for correct flooring for passenger equipment. 1. Lower-dead load of plate with maximum strength. 2. Shaping, by dove-tailing or other union, to thoroughly anchor the composi- tion or material. 3. This union to make the strongest possible construction. 4. The smallest amount of composition or material to be used; and 5, an unsupported span of forty-eight inches to be obtained. Most of these floors use pressed steel forms and concrete or a special composition such as is seen in Chanarch Car Flooring (Fig. 386), the Karbolith Flooring (Fig. 387), and the Ferrinoclave Flooring (Fig. 388). In all passenger cars without such special floorings, the floor consists of two and sometimes three courses of boards, called re- ' spectively the flooring, intermediate floor, and deafening ceiling, the latter being on the under side of the sills. With steel passenger cars, concrete or other heavy compositions are floor necessities, because of the tendency of metal to repeat noise. For the steps of passenger cars, specially metalled treads are often used, the CARS 5% best types having a gritty substance imbedded in the form of strips in some metal surface to keep the foot from slipping. The hand brakes on such cars are so arranged as to work harmoniously with the power brakes, and often have special devices for accele- rated motion in case their quick application is necessary. This is usually obtained by some sort of gearing. The plates of Portfolio 2 exhibit many details of passenger cars, such as Water-Rising System, Heating System, Lighting Fig. 386. Flexolith Composition Laid Over Chanarch Metal Flooring. pGeneral Railway Supply Company. . -;___. Fig. 387. Karbolith for Steel Passenger Train Cars. American Mason Safety Tread C0. Systems—gas, electric, etc., Car Framing, Air and Hand Brakes and Signal Pipe; Trucks, Draft Gear, etc. However, a new era in passenger car construction has arrived. The building of new wooden passenger care was practically stopped a year or more ago and most roads are applying steel underframes and ends to the older cars as fast as money can be obtained for the work, with the result that there are now 3,566 less wooden passenger cars in service than there were two years ago, so with the general use of steam heat and electric lights passenger travel on steam railroads is steadily growing safer. The fact that in 1912 the number of passengers killed in train accidents was only one for each 251,000,000 passenger miles, has enabled insurance 0 Con firefe Fig. 388. Ferrinoclave Floor Covering. Brown Hoisting Machinery Company. companies to pay double and triple indemnities for such accidents, and, as stated before, the conditions are steadily improving. It must be always remembered, however, that it is important that all passenger equipment cars be constructed to withstand very heavy shocks, as the draft gears on this class of cars are rather light and the car body must take more of the shock proportionately than is the case with freight cars. CHAPTER XIV STEEL PASSENGER CARS In this country, our former light wooden coaches with open plat- forms and link~and-pin couplers, hauled at comparatively low speeds by light engines, gave satisfactory service in their day, until the in- creasing speed of passenger trains led to frequent accidents with consequent telescoping of the coaches and resulting loss of life. To avoid this, the Miller and the J anney couplers and strong platforms were introduced with beneficial results, until the growing use of heavier passenger cars, greater speed, and more powerful engines proved the inadequacy of these devices unsupported by other ar- rangements, and finally led to the use of the narrow vestibule, which, in its turn, accomplished good results till heavier equipment, especially in sleeping cars, ultimately forced the adoption of the wide vestibule. The Pullman Company about this time commenced ,to strengthen its cars by the use of heavy steel platforms and steel "floor construction extending back beyond the body bolsters, rein- forced by steel corner and door posts and steel transoms, making this wooden car unusually strong, and constituting the best car construction of its day. Due to competition, the speed was still increasing, however, with resulting greater damage to coaches, although the Pullmans held their own in the same accidents where the coaches were reduced to kindling wood. This induced rail- roads to build their coaches practically as strong as the sleeping \ cars, especially in through passenger trains, and the solid wide- vestibule train became general throughout the country. - A steel passenger car was built in 1890, but did not create a favorable impression; and the first real practical step towards the use of steel in the car body of passenger equipment was taken during the Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893 by the Illinois Central, which used a simple design of a side door pas- senger car. The use of steel in other parts of the car other than the body eventually led to a further consideration of the subject as regards the car body; but not until 1897 were definite attempts 507 508 CARS made to adopt all-steel cars. In that year, the Pittsburg, Bes- semer, and Lake Erie ordered a number of all-steel gondola cars of 100,000 pounds capacity, which made such a favorable impres- sion that during the next two years some 19,000 steel cars were constructed. The development of steel passenger cars was slower than that of steel freight cars, largely because the development of the former was left almost entirely to car building companies, and not with the railroads themselves; the former direction of improvement of passenger ‘cars having been along the lines of decoration and luxury, rather than strength or increase of capacity in proportion to dead weight. However, the use of steel in passenger car con- struction has come on just as certainly as steel took the place of wood in bridges, tenders, and freight car framing; the use of steel passenger equipment being initiated by the Illinois Central in the fall of 1902 by the introduction of the steel-frame side-door suburban car, because of the marked advantages of this type of construction. The first modern experimental all-steel passenger car for through traific was built, in quantities, ‘by the Southern Pacific in 1906, and by the Pennsylvania Railroad. __ In the next year, 1907, the latter ordered 200 of these cars, and, later, moved by a serious accident with heavy loss of life in the subways of Paris through the use of wooden cars which became ignited, the Pennsylvania concluded to build steel passenger cars for use in its tunnel under the Hudson River. This started the construction of steel cars, the first idea being to avoid the danger of fire, which was speedily followed by an appreciation of their greater strength; and this by January 1, 1909, there were in service 629 all-steel passenger cars. The movement received its great impetus in the East because of the electrification of the steam roads entering New York City and the possible dangers ' if wooden equipment were to be used in connection with the use of electric power in the long tunnels. In the West, on the Harriman Lines, steel cars were introduced because of the belief that they would prove safer and more economical to maintain than wooden equipment. The publicity departments of the roads which first started to introduce the steel equipment were not slow to realize the advertising value of having all-steel cars on their limited trains, and this undoubtedly had some considerable influence in 0.112s 509 inducing the other roads, especially those in competitive territory, to adopt such equipment for their better class trains. The speed of trains is an element of great economic importance, especially in a country with widely scattered trade and-trafl‘ic centers, like America; and in connection with suburban passenger trafiic, to lessen speed or delay trains adds to the cost of operat- ing. The demands of passengers for increased speed together with insistence upon greater safety, and the growing importance of safe elevated and subway service in cities, led to the general adoption of the steel car and the gradual disappearance of the wooden pas- senger car. The better class of wooden cars now in service can be used on slow trains or on divisions where the traffic is light, until their deterioration will permit their replacement by steel cars, without imposing an unnecessary burden on our railways. But where traffic is heavy and is operated at high speed, steel cars are increasingly necessary and demanded by the public. The most important reasons which brought the desirability of introducing steel passenger cars prominently before the railroads were as follows: ( 1) The burning of wooden cars in wrecks, and the frequent destruction of human life by fire. (2) The splinter- ing of the large wooden sills, etc., when the cars were wrecked, causing injury and death. (3) The scarcity of lumber suitable for sills, stringers, etc., and the threatened exhaustion of such material. (4) In collision with steel freight cars, which were being introduced in great numbers, the passenger equipment was more liable to destruction than was the case with the wooden freight cars. (5) Increased speeds, greater train lengths, and larger capacity cars. _ ‘ Together with the demand for stronger cars, went the economic desire for longer ones. The very long timbers required for pas- senger car sills are already very expensive and hard to get in quantity, and the price of lumber increases rapidly; whereas steel sills, for instance, can now be had cheaply, in abundance, and of full lengths, as can all other steel car parts. Steel cars can be painted quite as cheap as wooden ones; and not only is steel interior car finish more abundant, easier to apply, and cheaper each year, but it adds to the strength of the car when properly designed, the reverse of all these being the case with wood finish. Indeed, there are many other economical features in the steel car. 510 CARS Considering the radical change in design‘ from wood to steel in passenger train cars, the rapidity with which steel cars have been introduced is most remarkable. From 629 all-steel passenger cars in use January 1, 1909, the number rose during the next four years to 6,642, or over 1,000 per cent; and by 1914, the roads had in general stopped ordering wooden cars, as experts already had agreed that the all-steel car was unquestionably better than other car- types, and, with such cars properly reinforced at their ends, it was the most advanced car up to date. While still in a more or less experimental state, as concerns the best type of design to properly resist and dissipate end shocks and afiord the greatest protection to both car and lading, still their behavior in wrecks and in rough service indicates both their economic value and general efficiency as to wear and tear, plus safety to their passengers. In fact, most of our roads now use nothing but all-steel cars on their high-class passenger trains. Even as early as 1913, of passenger cars built in that year, 2,165 were all-steel, 364 had steel underframes, and 442 were all- wood. The law regulating postal cars resulted in all but three of those cars being of all-steel construction. The passenger cars ordered that same year were as. follows:- a ' Com- - Steel posite All- under- under- Not steel frame frame Wood speci- d f fied Coaches and Smoking, including ' .Comb. Coach and Smoking. . ‘1,472 50 11 105 6 Parlor and Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 2 . . . 2v Dining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 104 8 Comb. Passenger and Baggage. 135 4 . . . 17 . . . Comb.PassengerandMail.... 3 Baggage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 339 65 ' 15 26 3 Comb. Baggage and Mail. . . .. 200 34 . .. 1 ..~. . . Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 185............ 2 Other Combination . . . . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . . . 10 1 Private . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 3 Gas-electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1 . . . 15 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 4 14 12 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,765 171 29 177 37 CARS 51] The percentage of new wooden cars placed in service has dropped from 51.4 in 1909 to about 2 per cent nowadays. One large road which had in 1914, 3,000 all'steel passenger and freight cars, had then the following percentage of cars in service: All-steel, 40 per cent; Steel Underframe, 40 per cent; Wooden, 20 per cent. On 247 railroads operating 227,754 miles and owning 57,493 pas- senger cars, there were then 7,271 all-steel cars, 3,296 steel under- frame cars, and 46,926 wooden cars. Of these, 2,236 wooden cars were retired in that year alone. The present number of passenger cars in service in the U. S. and the average cost of all-steel cars of the various classes, are as follows:— _ Number ‘M85258 Postal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582 $11,000 Mail and Baggage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,672 ' 10,000 Mail, Bagga e and Passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584 10,000 Baggage an Passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,600 10,000 Baggage or Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,259 8,500 Passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,487 12,800 Parlor, Sleeping, Dining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,405 22,000 Business . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740 15,000 Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 20,000 The first cost of the first steel passenger cars was approximately 20 per cent greater than wooden cars of the best existing types, per passenger; but on account of the increasing cost of lumber _ and the decreasing cost of making steel cars, the cost of the steel car will soon be equal to, if not less than, that of wooden cars. At the present time, in fact, many steel cars cost no more than equivalent wooden ones. Besides this, the steel car has a far longer life, costs less to maintain, is more easily and cheaply re- paired, and more quickly returned to revenue service. When worn out, everything about a steel car has a market value ‘as scrap, which is not the case with the wooden car. As to comparative weights, at first the early steel cars were much heavier than wooden ones; but greater practice. in the con-- struction of steel cars and the use of lighter parts thereof are rapidly being developed, effecting a corresponding reduction in the difference in weight between the two types. Some steel coaches 512 . CARS have a dead weight per passenger of less than 1,400 pounds; and it is doubtful if the first-class wooden coaches which they replaced, weighed much less than that. On the other hand, some roads use all-steel coaches which have a dead weight of 1,700 pounds per passenger. .The questions of developing the car as regards strength- ening it without unduly adding to its weight, of increasing its capacity in proportion to dead weight, are of extreme interest and importance; but the above factors give the new steel cars such great advantages over wooden ones as to promise, in a few years to banish the latter, save on minor roads or branch lines. Fur- ther, the general use of steel cars makes the train as a whole more symmetrical in strength—instead of having both light and heavy cars in the same train as formerly, with the lighter ones menaced with destruction in cases of collision. In designing steel passenger cars, it is always necessary to keep the weight as low as possible, consistent with safety. Other- wise the expense of operating the equipment will prove a burden. There is a considerable variation in the weight per passenger in the difierent designs of steel cars now in use, and more will have to be known about the behavior of the various types of cars in wrecks before the car which is to be perpetuated can be selected. It is not much of a problem to design a steel passenger train car which will operate safely. It is a tremendous problem to design one which at one and the same time afiords' ample safety and is the cheapest to operate and maintain. The term “steel car” has nowhere been defined with sufl‘icient ' authority to establish its mean-ing. In this work, however, we assume that it includes all cars, freight and passenger, of all-steel construction or having steel upper frames as well as steel under- frame cars. Where a wooden car simply has metal trucks even together with metal draft arms, it will be called a wooden car. The car with steel upper and underframes, sometimes called a steel-frame car, is properly called a steel car, no matter if wood is used for roof, sheathing or lining; for with its steel frame work and proper attention to the construction of the hoods and .end frame to prevent telescoping, it can be made of suflicient strength to ensure safety, and the danger of fire and splinters will be so far reduced as to be neglible in case of wreck. This is particularly true of splinters, which are not nearly so serious CARS ' 513 a matter when the heavy framing timbers are replaced by steel members. - The use of steel will probably make few if any essential dif- ference in the general types of passenger cars as regards their shape and body parts. For obvious reasons, neither the length or capacity of steel passenger cars will be appreciably increased; the questions concerning principally the material to be used in place of wood, and the interior details together with the steel underframe. Passengers must now be provided with greater safety than in the former wooden car, together with equal comfort; the problems of heating, lighting, and ventilation being common to both steel and wooden cars. The improvements in air-brakes for the modern heavy high-speed steel passenger trains running at times as fast as eighty miles an hour, permit the maximum brake cylinder pressure to be applied on a train of 10 cars in four seconds. For the purpose of shortening even this, some roads contemplate the installation, on steel trains, of the type of brake equipment used in the New York subway, known as the electro-pneumatic, which will not only cut the time of application in half, but by means of the electric control, it applies all the brakes simultaneously, thus both shortening the stop and preventing shocks. For steel pas- senger cars, claspbrakes are now exclusively used. These not only shorten -the stop but also aid greatly by equalizing the eifects of pressures on the wheels, journal-bearings, and trucks, and by min- imizing lost motion which effects the brakes through increased piston travel, besides lessening the tendency toward wheel sliding ‘when the brakes are applied. Cars in which steel is largely used may be classified as Steel Underframe, Steel Frame, and Steel Cars. All three kinds have their ardent advocates who claim superior advantages for their own preference among these three classes. The number of vari- ations among the three kinds is already large. Some of the steel underframe cars have steel ends; whilst among the steel frame cars some have steel ends, others wooden ones. Also, some of the steel frame cars have steel sheathing over their wooden sides and ends, and yet others have these parts made up either of metal plates or panels riveted or otherwise fastened together. Some steel frame cars have wooden sheathing but steel interior finish, and are sometimes then termed all-steel cars. Further complicat— 514 CARS , ing any definite classification, some cars are equipped with cast- steel or built-up metal end framing attached to the platform and underframe of the car, so as to lessen the danger in collisions. The weights vary—‘of course—with the pattern, class, and type of the car, but the comparisons made between them as to the important matter of dead weight are too often obscured by misleading state- ments—such as that the all-steel passenger car weighs 20 per cent more than the steel frame car, etc. Obviously, much depends on the construction and other factors involved, which largely afiect the weight. One system which has a large number of steel frame passen- ‘ ger cars in service claims that this type “is very much superior to a large proportion of the steel equipment now being turned, out, due to being lighter than steel and, also, to the fact that steel sheathing in itself is a safeguard only against fire and is not as good a protection, in the case of most of the accidents that .happen on railroads, ‘as steel underframes and framing properly designed.” This road is of opinion that the danger of the train taking fire from the locomotive in case of wreck is largely . eliminated by the use of steel mail cars which are placed next to ' the engine. It claims that with a steel frame and a reinforced end construction, such cars are probably as safe from telescoping as some of the steel cars which have been built. Others claim that the steel underframe cars with reinforced ends, compared to an all-steel car of equal strength, is actually heavier, and will cost as much as or more than an all-steel car. Many such comparisons are really between the wooden car and the all-steel car, altogether ignoring the just-named type of steel underframe car. One authority states: HThose who have been in close touch with the development of the steel car industry, know that at the present time, steel cars cost and weigh no more than equivalent wooden cars.” The steel underframe does not appear to be a satisfactory or permanent development. There is but little saving either in weight or cost over the all-steel construction, and it is difficult to see how the same strength in caseof accident can be obtained. Experience will show whether the wood superstructure can be secured in such a way as to prevent working as the car gets old, but as it cannot be arranged to carry any weight this appears questionable. It can sales 515 hardly be regarded except as an intermediate step between all— wood and all-steel construction. However, the weight of steel cars is being reduced by improvement in the art of steel car construc- tion. And, while each is entitled to his own opinion, yet most car men agree that the all-steel passenger car will eventually replace all other types for use on main lines, or wherever high speed or heavy traffic obtains. - The use of the steel passenger car has brought with it many new problems and an assortment of more diverse opinions than any other change that has occurred in car equipment. The con- struction of the wooden car gradually developed along fairly uniform lines and was the result of years of evolution; whereas the-steel car sprang into full and vigorous life almost at a bound, ’ with the inevitable result that many types of steel car construction, especially in the underframing, were so immature and defectite as to fail to meet the test of hard service, much less wrecks. Some steel cars were built like battleships, with so much dead weight as to be impossible, economically, even though they were amply able to resist rough service; while, on the other hand, others were fashioned so slenderly as to give way even ‘in the switching yards. An excess of metal was used in some parts of the car, a deficiency in others. Each car builder was a law unto himself, until finally the various railway associations compelled certain re- quirements as to strength, the insistence upon which has led to our present fairly efl‘icient types. ' Amongst the various steel-car problems still in the solving are those of insulation; outside finish-wood or steel sheathing over wooden sides, or steel plate; end construction; anti-telescoping devices; floor—design and material; roof construction—clere-story or oval; underframing—center girder, side girder, etc.; proper heating at low cost; and, greatest of all, minimum weight with maximum safety to passengers in case of wrecks or collisions. This last problem involves three factors: adequate strength to carry the load; suflicient strength to prevent the car’s collapsing or crush~ ing in wrecks; 'and eflicient brakes. The last we have spoken of; this is a matter that likely will soon be made law by the I. C. C. This same authority will probably also prescribe the size and weight of both freight and passenger cars; and it may impose limitations upon the maximum speed permitted passenger trains, in the 516 CARS interest of the safety of passengers, unless the associated railways take united action thereon, as some of them are already suggest- ing. Such speed limitation will not only greatly reduce the destructive action of undue speed and heavier trains upon the permanent way, as well as the number of accidents, but will cause changes in steel passenger car construction. . . The use of steel permits a distribution of material to better advantage than is possible with wood. When steel is disposed in the shape of a deep plate girder with a thin web and heavy flanges, a large moment of inertia and a high moment of resistence is ob- tained per unit of weight, which cannot be had in wood, as there is not room enough available in car construction for the volume of - wood required. Forsyth figured that the comparative strength of wood for equal weight was as 1 to 1.5 in favor of steel; but a better knowledge of the relative value of wood and steel in car construction, has led the designer to abandon the basis of the ultimate strength of the material, and to substitute- therefor the basis of elastic limit; and, finally, to select a ratio of 4 to 1 as the relation of the elastic limit of steel, as used in cars, to that of good timber. In facthit was a lack of this knowledge that has been the cause of some of the defective steel cars that have been built, even comparatively recently. In using steel, there is a great opportunity to use the super- structure as an- aid in strengthening the car. The whole side of the steel passenger car below the windows often is a compound steel girder, made up of the deep plate girder with numerous posts riveted to it, with a stifl’ side plate connecting them at the top. Such cars frequently have side eaves—steel plates running along- the eaves or edges of the roof. In some designs, the side sills are done away entirely, and the whole side of the car is designed as a deep plate girder to carry most of the load to the bolster. As'regards cost, the first-cost of many steel cars is now about 20 per cent more than equivalent wooden cars. But the ultimate ‘cost, which is the real and final test of the actual value of the steel car as an investment, includes not only the first-cost, but also the important factors of: Durability, length of life, endurance of wear and tear and of exposure to the elements; Wreck-Survival, the comparative damage done therein; Repair~Cost, relative cost and facility in making repairs; and as a corollary to the last, CARS 517 revenue service ‘time gained by the quickness in getting the car back into earning service. All these are heavily in favor of the wooden car. As concerns its durability, sufficient time has not yet elapsed since steel cars were put into large service, to give definite data thereon, but it may be said that the life of the ordinary steel car will probably be at least four times as long as that of a cor- responding wooden one—which is in itself a proof of the far greater cheapness of the steel car. The life of a steel car depends, - to a considerable extent upon the condition of its paint, as steel wastes much faster than wood whose paint has worn 011‘. Here, however, the steel car possessesthe advantage, in the all-steel car, in that it may be rapidly dried after painting, by bakingthe paint on the steel, instead of applying it and then using the ordinary air-drying ‘system which is compulsory with wooden cars; thus effecting a saving of about 1'0’ days in the painting of a steel car; a large item in car and revenue-service economy. The proper insulation - of steel cars is a problem that still invites the serious attention of car builders. In this, the use of good high-grade insulating material has done much to facilitate the use and adoption of the steel car, for unless the car is efiiciently insulated, not only will maintenance and operating costs be high, but also passengers will not ride in them and they become useless as revenue producers.‘ Another trouble with steel cars is that of properly heating and ventilating them; and for this reason, it is necessary that the lining of passenger cars must be insulated throughout. When of metal, this lining is riveted to the framing, and is an advantage from the standpoints of strength, weight, and cost, but it must be correctly insulated so that heat may not be lost from the car by conduction during cold weather; although this heat may not compare with that carried oil? by adequate ventilation. Steel-car insulation should possess the following properties: Highest insulation value; Good sound-absorbing qualities; Flex- ibility, ease of application, and adaptability to irregular surfaces; Light Weight; Moisture Proof; Fire Proof, and permanently Vermin Proof. Many steel care now in use are _not satisfactorily insulated; they are hot in summer, cold in winter, and noisy all the time. These defects have to be overcome, because there soon will be no substitute for the steel car; it has come to stay, the replacement 513 CARS " ‘ of wooden cars on account of safety ‘alone suificing to effect this radical change. The cost of certain classes of steel cars is still high, and any change after their completion entails great and needless expense. Hence, proper‘ insulation should be installed when the car is built, rather than afterwards. On account of steel ’s high conductivity of heat, cold, and sound, the insulating material must be of the very best, and in sufficient quantity. It must be as light as possible, so as not to unduly increase the already great weight of the car. It must be able to stand up by itself; and must be self-supporting, so‘ as to permanently remain in its place, because glue or cement will not long hold an insulation to a steel wall, on account of the metal not being porous and thus not giving the glue a chance to grip it fast. Besides, the vibration of the car breaks the glue; all glues are short-lived especially when subjected to vibrations or variations'of temperature, as in a car. Further, the use of .wooden blocks or iron bands or frames is unsatisfactory. - The greatest difificulty is the application of the material to or in the frame of the car, although this is sometimes overcome by its being manufactured to fit exactly the place desired in the car frame, or by its being stifi’ enough to be easily sawed to shape, like a board is. Out to a squeezing fit, it must remain in place, follow- ing any curve found in passenger cars, even in the roofs.‘ There are three general methods of steel car insulation: Wood lining; by placing insulating material on the outside of steel lining; by placing insulating material on the outside of the steel lining, and on the inside of the steel sheathing. Experiments have been made also with other methods, such as completely filling the space between sheathing and lining with block magnesia and mag- nesia cement. The problem that presents itself is: Given a car body with a comparatively smooth exterior surface protected by several coats of paint, double walls, painted on both sides—if of steel—isolated air spaces rather large in volume between the walls, an inside cubic volume in which the air must be continually re- xnewed, and a window surface of about one-third the area of the side walls. ‘ If the spaces between the lining and the sheathing are properly isolated, little is gained by also insulating the sheathing. Better results are obtained by using double windows, as when single CARS 519 windows are used, the air close to them is hot in summer and cold in winter. , ' On several occasions various railroads have tried filling the wall spaces solid with an insulating material, and where it did not shake down, it was found to increase the insulation efficiency by twenty per cent; still, by the correct use of double insulation, almost as good results are now obtained. It was found impossible to use granulated cork for such solid filling, as it settles and shakes down, which would likely cause condensation. To break the con- tinuity of the steel plates by the use of felt, etc., tends to reduce radiation through steel post sections. If this is not done, the steel plates are apt to sweat, the same as cold water pipes running through a warm room. There are a number of steel car insulators now in large use, most of them felts or interwoven fibres of difierent kinds, some of which are fireproof, although heretofore it has been regarded as necessary to sacrifice some insulating value to obtain fireproofing. Those now most in favor are Asbestos Fibrofelt, which purports to be entirely fireproof; Agasote, whose insulation practically equals ' that of wood; Feltlino, which weighs one pound per square foot for one-inch thickness and two pounds for two-inch thickness, etc.; Nycinsul, weighing per square foot eleven ounces for the one-quar— ter-inch thickness, 16 ounces for one-half-inch thickness of twenty- se'ven ounces per square foot for the usual courses; and Salamander, weighing per square foot eleven ounces for the three-quarter-inch three-ply kind or twenty-two ounces. per square foot for two courses. Cork itself weighs eleven ounces per square foot for use between the walls of steel cars. But even allowing that in a steel car weighing one hundred thousand porinds that a saving of five hundred and eighty pounds can be made by using cork, that is only one-half of one per cent of the car’s total weight. And, in general, the weight of the present insulations is not enough to merit serious attention compared to its efficiency and reasonable cost. These materials are now so high-grade that with a steel coach standing on a siding exposed to the sun in hot weather, a diiference of one degree in temperature was actually found in its favor, even with insulation only on the outside of the steel coach, compared with a wooden coach on the same siding. 520 CARS For car floor insulation of steel cars, the material must be both a non'conductor of heat and cold and a sound-deadener; besides being light-weight, fireproof, durable, economical, sanitary, and vermin-proof. For steel cars, the floors are generally much different from those in wooden cars, and there are a number of kinds in popular use, the usual type being of metal covered with concrete or some other composition. They not only save putting in wooden floors, but frequently outwear.two or three wooden ones. They should be non-absorbent and thus kept in a clean and sanitary condition by flushing with the hose, etc., and then mopping them dry. Also, they must be fairly flexible and without joints or cracks. Sometimes wooden ‘floors are used, additional insulating material being placed below it, or a sub-floor being made use of. On one road, in addition to a cement-covered metal-base floor, an underfloor covered with ‘insulation is installed; the cement of the upper floor being covered with one-half inch of cork. The underframes for steel passenger cars must be specially designed and quite able to carry the increased load of such cars, which with the high speed at which steel passenger trains run, ' calls for special and strong underframes. For such cars of a length of at least 70 feet, there are four types of underframes‘, each of which is in use and has its own partisans. Because of the difliculty of inspecting the car with deep side sills, this type has gradually fallen in disfavor; its place being taken by the deep center sill, though its use interferes with axle-lighting and allows the inspection of only one, side of the underframe at a time. Moreover, on 60-foot spans, its use requires so much'weight of metal as not to be economical. The type where the weight is carried on both side and center sills is a good one, using cast- steel construction in addition which often includes body bolster, platform, end framing, side and center sills as far back'of the bolster as is necessary to form a strong connection with the center sills. As regards steel cars in general, the box girder center con- struction continually grows in favor, although there are many who still favor the side-girder kind, especially for freight cars. The side-girder construction utilizes the greater strength on the side framing without superflous weight, and it is possible that greater framing strength may prove necessary. With equal strength of CARS 521 side framing the side-girder car may be made lighter than the center-girder type, and the weight of steel passenger cars is one of the most serious problems to be faced by any railroad not having a level line. American passenger equipment was already excessively heavy per passenger carried with wood construction, and the use of steel has increased this weight from ten to twenty per cent, which is a most serious matter. Apparently side-girder cars, as so far constructed, have a decided advantage over the center-girder type in their light weight and greater strength in case of accident tending to crush in the side of the car. This will probably lead to the use of this type on roads on which weight is of importance. Now that grade crossings are being done away with, the necessity for transverse strength for the latter purpose has diminished. The weight of the box-girder is certainly a drawback, but recent passenger cars eschew the use of the side-girder. A strong steel passenger car for heavy service should have a center sill area of forty-five square inches braced against buckling and a strong and efiicient draft gear. For lighter service, steel cars may have a center sill area of thirty-two square inches. Steel passenger cars use either four or six-wheel trucks, the latter being always used under the heavy cars. Some new cars weighing from 100,000 to 116,000 pounds are using four-wheel trucks; those weighing more, the six-wheel truck. Cars with six- wheel trucks do not necessarily have better riding qualities, than those with four wheels. The use of the four-wheel truck saves 18,000 pounds per car, and is therefore advisable, unless the car is too heavy—so much so, that the weight per journal exceeds 1,500 pounds per inch of length, which is the limit of permissible loading. Steel-car bodies of the enclosed kind, such as box cars and passenger train cars, are of rigid construction and have a high torsional resistance; hence there is no need for flexibility between the car body and trucks, and for an even distribution of the load upon the wheels all the time, even in taking or leaving curves, where the load is thrown upon the two diagonal corners of the car, with resultant gripping of the side bearings, and, often, with worse results in the form of wrecks due to broken wheels, rails, etc. Steel cars will always be rigid though devices such as roller side bearings may ease the strain. It is claimed that the balanced side-bearing truck gets more even distribution of the load on the 522 CARS Fig. 389. Commonwealth Center Frame Applied to Commonwealth 6-Wheel Passenger Truck. Commonwealth Steel Company. Fig. 390. Commonwealth Center Frame Applied to 4-Wheel Commonwealth Passenger Train Truck. wheels than center-bearing trucks. Various special trucks are also coming into use under steel passenger cars; a number of roads having adopted distinctive trucks of their own for their steel passenger equipment. The Truck Center Frame is a. frame made of one piece riveted to the side frames or wheel pieces of steel passenger trucks, and CARS 523 ' . taking the place of the transoms in old types. Two of the best kinds of such center frames are the Commonwealth Center Frames for six and four-wheel passenger trucks, Figs. 389 and 390. Such frames have the desirable advantages of economy, easy inspection, ideal flexibility, strength, safety, the ‘substitution of one strong’ frame-piece for hundreds of small pieces, strength at the “joints,” and the fact that they are and remain square, being of only one piece. a The ordinary forms of underframes installed under such cars are shown in Figs. 391, 392, 393, 394 and 395. Under all of them the draft gear must be especially strong, as a substitute for the elasticity of the former wooden underframing. Draft gear is better was I .~ - "a" . ----- -- I. g. n ._ ._ _ . - ! My . 3. . - “Jig It)’: I ~46;- Mb a - r"- l 1 il‘ '3 - k g ,1 - 1 3 ti . . incur’ a I. 311.. , _ WW » \ _ _ Q ‘stiggt- ;z-af, :.-= , *_ - _ -,.- - ‘warm/nu- 5 I 2 T m f - I V was,» -- ' = . $253.’. M1 . ,1 m!- L ,1,’ _ (yr-ew- He.’- J'. _ a _ a: £1 . , A 4’) '9 ‘#7031’! 5,“. ---- --!'612.-_-.--~i-flr":;;; 43'15-----1l»--2'87-+Talk.2;45--~L~---33$Z_;€+_____,_;},f_._____4__“___,;,f_______j ’ ‘ ‘ I’ vcsfomla ----------- "-3 Fig. 391. Underframe of Pennsylvania Railway Steel Passenger Train Cars, Class P70. and more easily applied with steel cars, but for heavy passenger. service special arrangements are necessary to ensure comfort to passengers and the avoidance of shocks. The general framing of the body of steel passenger cars is shown in Figs. 396 and 397. Their side framing is seen in Fig. 392, and in Fig. 398. The construction of the ends of passenger cars has received much attention, and its strength ‘now is much greater than in the wooden car. The structure, above all the ends, has been so developed as to be as nearly indestructible as is possible with the avoiding of injury to the human load. The platform, vestibule, and its hooded covering are often so constructed that they will collapse under a less shock than is required to crush in the end of the car itself—this “give” tending to absorb the shock of collision, and prevent damage to both car body and passengers. =50 wEEQ 63w SEZRM aezmhcomusm we EbcoO View. BQZ .Nmm .mrm l0. |||.|:o..|v| o.-. IIIIJQJMII' .- 1 III I- . \? .§_é\€NWiiI||1I-|| ii I 1M N . . ibis . o . .laJflm‘a-il." wvh m ema- I. . ill. 1 iilfllll .. - i ill-124. KID..- .. is e A. a! . . . “Salinas 31. mm .Jbrts Jen .1 n -\ n in a — Nmwowum. . .— Q a id . . , e t. . H. _ . i a i ... T. 1% -i- .. .vPiwnw i |.._ (13‘ - -. -llvwwwli. - is.» 1“ tmwexviii. vpEiI— 1. 1w L l .4 I n e 1 l I . . . 17 "a mlU. 1.1 . . . . .. .n .|.~ u ... 3. | _ _ . illillll IW Ill in l. Ill. lililil '1 l mmw I .f. 0 a .H. a I. . . . . . . . I. . O r. _ _ a . .\ _.. . . t w P. . _ i n \ g. _ .. en. Lea 3‘ . eilx ... EMS is». Me e. .rs .. _ uses. ms 387“. - -{tifw _ t e H .N . . o a. 4st... ... _ ..... wfiuwmuiw . 0k 388:2?“ . Y. o . n . U . . . ‘9% .. . . .I. .. _ 3d . . in J N m3.‘ 'MJQQ h“ _ H — hm l _ _ a h in; big E v .n .fl q; gravel w. .2: _ :Qiiliiiili- Entufitvéownms . ‘7.1.-.- ....-.l.-.-.-ill.|....1-.-. - i l- I.allll\\\_l~omllllllll l ' lllllJ x256 Loot B autos“. m as... . _ _ ... - tm. _ .1 s .? Tl! ll | Ilcl _T\|. I e. are a _ f . thins? ill-Iv‘ 35*... my? CARS 525 Fig. 393. Stee! Underframc for Passenger Train Cars. Fig. 394. Steel Underframe for Passenger Train Cars. 526 ‘ CARS With an eight-foot space between car bodies in a train of ten care, this gives eighty feet of shock-absorbing space, which is ample. The ends of these cars are therefore peculiarly designed to prevent telescoping, the common forms of some are seen in Figs. 400 and 401. All agree that steel underframe cars having wooden posts are not nearly so strong or so safe as the steel cars with steel end Fig. 395. Steel Underframe for Atlantic Coast Line Day Coach. I posts, due to the danger in collisions of cars over-riding the steel underframe and telescoping the car body. In such accidents, the point of maximum shock is never over twenty inches above the floor line—the U. S. Postal Car Specifications give it as eighteen inches—and hence the end posts are reinforced for \about four feet above that line, by steel angles riveted to the Z-bar end posts. In most cars use is made of strong vertical members to prevent cars over-riding each other; such members being generally of steel, sometimes riveted to other parts of the car body or platform, or, C 'AR S 527 again, being part of a steel casting that comprises other parts of the car, as in Figs. 402 and 403. In the collapsible platform and vestibule, the longitudinal sills stop at the end sill of the car body proper, the end of which is Fig. 396. Steel Frame for Pennsylvania Railway Day Coach. sheathed with a heavy plating, the body resting on the side bearing as well as on the center plate. A special truck is used, whose center plate is nearer the rail than usual, in the center girder underframe where it bears all the weight. The aforesaid plate extends in one piece vertically from the roof to the bottom of the end sill (Fig. 404), with the idea that if the shock is not absorbed by the 528 CARS Fig. 397. ‘a... .m ..... ............ .......... -........................... __________ N akin-“0...--- _ '.. ‘__.__,u:.._._...4..'___...' _....'._. .“TLQQ: . L ............... l :___.i'_'_'.'.'.'.'IIIIIIifIIZTZIZLLIZZZ'II2:111? 1 ,f1" _ Fig. 398. Side Construction of Pennsylvania Railway Steel Passenger Train Cars. vestibule members, before the car body end can be crushed, this plate will tend to pull the roof downward. -v Here, to further offset the effect, pressed steel shapes in the nature of anti-climbers, found on many steel cars, are placed below the buffer beam and platform. For vestibule center posts extra heavy steel beams are used. fastened securely above and I CARS 529 ‘n I | a | | l l I I l I l a I 0 O 9 O 0 O O O O fiz'ri'z'lii' _ Fig. 400. End Construction of Pennsylvania. Railway Steel Passenger Train Cars. 530 CARS below. The intermediate posts are also reinforced by angles four feet six inches long, riveted to the inside to prevent over-riding. The steps, vestibule doors, and hood all collapse when the rivets shear on the sill extensions, still further absorbing the shock before the car roofs are pulled down to form a cushion between the cars. The vestibule is separate from the body, and if damaged, can cheaply and quickly be replaced or repaired. I ‘r -.- -1- .' l'_-_-_---....... , . -__-_-5//, ..--.,‘_--_-.6-“/;‘ _ u 12's /: fr- Mbuk Endfmmlng 3mm” aICcnIIrofCar bed/Ind hum/n’ Fig. 401. End Construction of New York Central & Hudson River Railway Dining Car. In this connection, we may here note the strong reinforced end construction for passenger cars designed by the Pullman Company, by means. of which a large number of comparatively modern wooden cars still in service can be rebuilt with steel underframing and ends, and be almost as safe as steel-frame cars (Fig. 405.) The end construction consists of two lengths of I-beams bent to the form of deep U’s, the legs of which are inserted from under- neath through suitable apertures in the combination body bolster CARS 531 and platform end casting used in Pullman underframes; the loca- _tion of said apertures and the I-beams being so bent that the legs of the U’s towards the center of the car form the door-posts (Fig. 406), while the outer legs serve as a substantial portion of the vestibule framing to which the diaphragms may be attached. The upper end of the I-beams are firmly secured in the superstructure framing; the number of riveted joints throughout being purposely ' Fig. 402. Commonwealth Steel Company’s Upright End Frame in One Piece. and Commonwealth Combined Platform and Double Body Bolster for vestibuled Cars. reduced to a minimum, so that in case of a collision the failure of such joints is not depended on to provide a cushioning effect for the blow, the principal resistance to which would be the legs of the U’s and other members. This Company, in both its new and its older reinforced cars offers the car further protection by attach- ing the end wall framing, made up of Z-bars secured to the cast-steel underframe end construction and to a heavy channel deck end sill, above the doorway, the latter also serving as a means of attachment for the upper ends of the door posts. It also fits old 532 CARS cars thus reinforced, with steel sheathing, giving such original wooden cars as near an approach to steel cars as seems possible. The use of such steel sheathing for passenger cars has given rise to the so-called sheathed car, which has many advantages, though it seems at present as if the cost and weight of the additional ' metal, when applied to wooden-sided cars especially, would prevent its extensive use except on such special and costly cars as would Fig. 403. Commonwealth Steel Company’s Upright End Frame in One Piece, and Commonwealth Combined Platform and Double Body Bplster for Non-Vestibuled Cars. warrant the expenditure. From the artistic standpoint, it is more pleasing than the boilerplate-looking all-steel car of some makes, and it should be less noisy than the riveted cars whose large steel plates often partake of the nature of sounding boards. This is not. the case where small sheathing units are used, thanks to the baked paint between the insert metal slats and the sections riveted to the car frame. The sheathing comes in small panels or slats for use on either wood or steel cars; the sections being fastened CARS 533 with rivets on steel frames or screws on wooden ones. The insert slats are dipped in a mixture of oil and color and driven into place, ,thus hiding the screw or rivet heads. When part of the sheathing is injured, repairs are quickly made by cutting and driving out A Fig. 404. Collapsible Platform and Vestibule on All-Steel Car. the damaged parts, and driving new ones into place. On a plate car, similar damage would require much rivet cutting and straight- ening of plates. Such sheathing facilitates the practice of the baking of paint on all steel parts before they are put together. The sheathing is 534 CARS furnished with two ‘coats of priming baked on, and is immediately ready when applied to the car, to receive the body color and varnish, ' thus saving the time generally required for priming, surfacing, and. n-~u--¢__-____-< n.- Fig. 405. Side Elevation; Reinforced Car End Construction. Pullman Co. rubbing. With riveted plate exteriors, the rivets must be painted after application; and these rivet-heads offer points for the dis- integration and scaling of the paint, which are not found in sheathed cars. It is necessary to shop these cars only every fifteen to . CARS 535 Fig. 406. Perspective View of Cast Steel End Framing with Reinforcing Members in Place. Fig- 407. Commonwealth Steel Company’: Cast Steel Bufier Sill for Passenger Train Cars. 536 ' CARS eighteen months, while wooden and riveted plate cars go to the shop every ten or twelve months. I No‘ greater aid has been given steel passenger car construction than the present use of cast-steel parts, particularly at the ends of " the‘car, comprising many parts in one single piece of metal. Such castings are lighter, stronger, less expensive, and more permanently e-fiective than built up types, as the metal is better distributed and there are no loose or imperfect joints possible. We have seen the upright end frame attached to the combined platform and double body bolster, as well as the one-piece cast-steel platform with other ' attachments. Cast-steel buffer sills, combined end and buffer sills, and one piece buffer ‘sill and anti-telescopic plate are shown respectively in Figs. 407, 408 and mo. The cast-steel platform as now provided for blind end cars, comprises the bufling sill having recesses for the buffer foot plates, holes and brackets for the buffer stems, pockets'for the bufi‘mg 'device, brackets for safety chains, lugs for draft gear, brackets for drawbar carry irons, anti-telescoping plate, extensions of the center sills and bottom chords of the side sills, all of the double body bolster members including side bearing arches and extending ' for a distance of over fourteen feet inward from the end of the car to a point considerably back of the truck center, and counting rivets, gusset plates and connecting angles, combining more than 1,000 pieces into a single, powerful, shock-absorbing element of less weight than fabricated material of the same strength."v The cast-steel platform and double body bolster for vestibule cars com- prises all the parts enumerated for blind end cars, and in addition, includes the exposed platform longitudinal members, step risers and end sill, measures over seventeen feet in length, is _made of a single piece, and is also of less weight than fabricated material of the same strength. The M. C. B. Recommended Practice for platform safety chains for passenger train cars is as follows: Chains to be located fourteen and one-half inches each side of center; to be suitably attached to under side of platform members, and to be of such length that when extended horizontally, the chain with hook shall measure twelve and three-quarter inches from face of end member to bearing point of hook, and the chain with eye shall measure two and three-quarter inches from face of end member CARS 537 Fig. 408. Commonwealth Steel Company's Cast Steel Combined End and Butter Sill. ' Fig. 409. Commonwealth Steel Company's One-Piece Cast Steel Buffer Sill and Anti-Telescoping Plate for Non-vestibuled Cars. to hearing point of eye. The hook shall be not more than one and one-quarter inches thick transversely, and the eye shall not be less than one and one-half inches wide or less than four inches long in its opening. When facing end of car, the chain with hook shall be on the left, and the chain with eye on the right hand side- 538 CARS ‘With steel cars, the roof must be sufficiently strong to bear the car when turned upside down, without collapsing. Steel cars have steel roofs, made up of steel roofing sheets supported by and fastened to steel carlines or ceiling-beams as they are called in passenger cars. The circular roof (also called the oval, elliptical, arched, or turtle-backed roof) is another type of roof, that has no clere-story at all. The circular roof has been extensively intro- duced on steel passenger cars on account of its lightness and sim- plicity of construction. It has the objection that deck sash ven- tilation cannot be employed. The Pullman Company while using the clere-story roof have, however, discontinued the use of deck sash ventilation, so tha't evidently in their opinion this objection Fl lllgllwjflilill .. .1. l l "T lIIHIIF' t hm." " __ w " l§=Fz=i ‘Lesa: lzzsssirs] i _ -l ! nit-lint llLLLy Fig. 410. Circular or Oval Roof for Passenger Train Cars. is not important. The deck sash is, however, of value in a stand- ing car, and when properly screened is certainly advisable in hot weather, especially when the road is dusty. The Canadian Pacific has compromised on this question and is using a roof of approx- imately circular form with deck sash. The strength and simplicity of the circular roof are retained with the ventilating qualities of, the clere-story type. , Baggage, postal, and express cars especially use this roof (Fig. 410) as it is cheaper to build and maintain than the clere-story roof, and fits the purposes of such cars. For other steel cars, the clere-story generally prevails, because of its assistance in lighting, ventilating, and decorative effects. With either type, the carlines must be so shaped as to aid in fastening the roof and the inner ceiling or ' finish together; sufficient insulation (here called headlining) being inserted between the two to intercept cold or heat. The specifica- tions for roofs for U. S. Postal Cars, herein given later, may be regarded as authoritative for both roof and carlines; and it has been noted that they have been found, in accidents where steel CARS 539 cars have rolled over, to afford suflicient roof strength to prevent serious roof distortion in such cases. Opinion amongst car builders and railroads is still divided as to which is the preferable material for interior finish, wood or steel. There is today very little difference in cost, and both kinds ' are in use. With the ample protection afforded by a steel car against injury to passengers, there does not appear to be any serious objection to wood interior finish on the grounds of safety, but it should always be reduced within reasonable limits. Wood is ‘ more ornamental than steel as heretofore applied, and is of use as a better insulator for the car than steel finish. Its advocates claim that it gives a more pleasing finish to the car, does not appreciably afiect the car’s strength, and is practically as safe as the steel finish. Indeed, many cars classed as all-steel, have such a wood finish. The use of a small amount of wood for such parts as window sash, mouldings, seat arm-rests, window capping, etc., is not objectionable, as it has certain desirable advantages over steel, and therefore wood is used for such details to a con- siderable extent. In many cars, few persons can detect the presence of wood, yet they are practically fireproof. Nevertheless, it appears probable that, in the future, steel finish will be almost exclusively used for steel cars in place of wood. This steel finish must, of course, be insulated to prevent radiation, and the best method of its application is still in question. Its advocates, who aim at eliminating wood wherever possible, enumerate steel ’s advantages as follows: Non-Com- bustible; Prevents splintering in wrecks; Easily removed, if neces- sary to repaint the inside of steel car sheets; Increases interior width of car; Avoids trouble in steel car due to different expan- sions of wood and steel; Becomes cheaper each year, whereas suitable wood grows more expensive; Easier to train or obtain men to apply it than wood; Easier to repaint than wood; Advan- tageous from building standpoint in handling and making, as it is made in factories, and more men can work in a car at a time in applying it. In the all-steel car the steel lining can be securely riveted to the framing and adds somewhat to the strength of the complete structure, but as steel is a good conductor, it carries away the heat of a body coming in contact with it, and, therefore, will 540 CARS always feel cold, even when the temperature in the car is suf- ficiently high. Satisfactory results have been realized from the > use of a double steel lining between seats, forming a hot-air duct, extending from the heater pipes to the window sill, with outlet through small holes in the lining proper, located immediately below the window sill. Wood lining requires considerable wood furring, and adds weight to the car without adding to the strength. As the steel frame of a long passenger car may vary as much as one- half inch between extremes of temperature it is necessary to make allowance in the construction of the wood lining for this variation in length. As a car with metal lining riveted to the framing has the advantage in strength, weight, and cost, it will gain in favor; in fact, it would be at present universally preferred if all railroad. shops had practical experience with steel lining, and the necessary proficiency and machinery for its manufacture. The advantages of wood over steel as a non-conductor can be reduced by proper insulation correctly applied; a matter becoming better understood and attended to each year. Sometimes the interior finish, in whole or part, consists of a composite material made fireproof and waterproof, and which when applied in the same way as steel to the ceiling and below the window-sills, is not objectionable. Wood finish will soon be a novelty on new cars. Already the problems of repairs, insulation, and the appearance of steel finish are being solved, and much of it is as handsome and comfortable as was the finish in the old wooden cars. Made largely of sheet steel by process welding equip- ment, it possesses lightness, strength, durability, and often real beauty. Steel sash, single and double sheet car partitions, car seats, integral window-frames, doors made of hollow metal with the interior of the door ventilated to prevent the collection of moisture (after being dipped in enamel and repeatedly baked to keep 011‘ rust) together with steel parts for exterior finish, are largely used. Steel finish especially adapts itself to the present revolt against the expensive and over-elaborate wooden finish for- merly the fashion in passenger cars; although in some cases this revolt has gone too far and robbed the American passenger car of that distinctive type of artistic beauty which made them at once the pride of Americans and'a treat to the eyes of tired men and women. Despite the disappearance of the fancy mouldings, CARS 541 frettings, and carvings of yore, steel finish gives both an- artistic and elegant efiect, and is becoming more so each year. The general conditions concerning steel cars and the proper structural construction of their parts, may well be described briefly by the specifications given below, as prescribed by the U. S. Government for postal cars, and which apply to postal cars of thirty to sixty feet, with mail apartments of eight to thirty feet, and alley apartments of six to fifteen feet. While these specifications were drawn up with the view to making postal cars as strong and stiff as possible, still they correspond, in general, to the rules which govern the construction of most steel passenger cars. At present practically all postal cars are made of all-steel. ,- The following specification, dated March 28, 1912, and cor- rected to June 24, 1912, is for the construction of steel and steel - underframe full postal cars. It will also govern in the case of steel and steel underframe mail apartment cars. GENERAL 1. Type—Postal cars may be built according to any of the following types of construction: I. Heavy center sill construction, the center sills acting as the main carrying member. II. Side carrying construction, the sides of the car acting as the main carrying members, having their support at the bolsters. III. Underframe construction in which the load is carried by all the longitudinal members of the lower frame. The super- structure framing may be of steel or of wood reinforced as per Railway Mail Service specification plan No. 1. IV. Combination construction in- which the side frames carry a part of the load, transferring same to the center sills at points remote from the center plate for the purpose of utilizing uniform center sill area. Steel castings may be used as parts of the underframe in any of the above types. 2. Materials—All rolled-steel plates and shapes used in the car framing shall be made by the open-hearth process. 3. The physical and chemical properties of all material used in the car framing shall be in accordance with the latest standard spec. ifications of the American Society for Testing Materials, as follows: 542 CARS The standard specification for structural steel for bridges, for steel plates, shapes, and bars; the standard specification for wrought iron, for iron bars and plates; the standard specifications for steel castings, for malleable castings, and for gray iron castings. 4. Workmanship—All workmanship throughout the car shall be first class. The jointing of the car framing shall be made so that the structure as a whole shall be built to dimensions specified, and all joints exposed to the weather shall be made tight against leakage. 5. Live Loads—The car body shall be designed to carry the specified live load in addition to its own dead weight under service conditions. Where no live load is specified the maximum capacity of car, as determined by wheel loads given in paragraph forty-five, shall be used as a basis for calculations. 6. Bufiing—The maximum end shock due to bufiing shall be assumed as static load of 400,000 pounds applied horizontally at the resultant line of the forces acting at the center line of the buffing mechanism and at the center line of draft gear, respectively, and shall be assumed to be resisted by all continuous longitudinal underframe members below floor level, provided such members are sufficiently tied together to act in unison. 7. Details—All connections, except those specified in paragraph twenty-five, shall be designed for the maximum strain to which the member connected shall be subject, and secondary stresses in any members caused by eccentric loads shall be properly combined with the direct stresses in such members. The maximum fiber stress in any member subject to both direct and secondary stresses may be taken at twenty per cent greater than those given in paragraph twenty-eight, but the direct stresses considered alone must not exceed the allowable stresses given in said paragraph. 8. The minimum distance between centers of rivet holes shall be three diameters of the rivet, and the minimum distance between the center of the rivet hole and a sheared edge shall be not less than one and one-half times the diameter of the rivet. 9. Below the floor line, framing connections of floor beams, posts, etc., may be of rolled steel, pressed plate, or cast steel, and above the floor line such connections may also be of malleable iron. Connection for I beams, channels, or tees may also be made CARS 543 by coping the flanges and bending the web to ‘form a knee, and for angles by coping one leg and bending the other. 10. The use of fillers in the underframe and superstructure shall be avoided wherever possible. ‘ 11. All holes for rivets or bolts in the underframe, super- structure, and outside finish shall bedrilled or punched and reamed to size and fairness. No drifting of holes will be allowed. In deducting rivet or bolt holes to obtain the net area of any section they shall be taken at one-sixteenth inch larger than the diameter of the rivet or bolt. The efi'ective area of a rivet shall be taken as its area before driving. 12. All rivets when driven must completely fill the holes and have full concentric heads or countersunk when required. 13. Center Sills—The center sills may be built up or composed of rolled or pressed ‘shapes, either with or without cover plates, and cast~steel draft sills or end construction may be used in con- nection with any of the above types, with suitable riveted con- nections at splices. Built-up center sills may be either of uniform depth or of the fishbelly shape and may be composed of rolled shapes, web plates, flange angles, and cover plates. If preferred, the web plates may be flanged and angles omitted. When flange angles are used they shall be connected to the webs with a suf- ficient number of rivets to transfer the total shear at any point in a distance equal to the depth of the sill at that point. When cover plates are used they must extend at least two rows of rivets at each end beyond their theoretical length. 14. Bolsters and Cross Bearers—The body bolsters and cross bearers may be of either cast steel or built-up construction, with ample connections at center and side sills to transmit the, calculated vertical shear. 15. Floor Beams—Transverse floor beams may be of rolled or press shapes, with suitable connections at center and side sills. 16. Floor Supports—Longitudinal floor supports shall be sup- ported at each transverse floor member. 17. End Sills—The end sills may be either of rolled or pressed shapes, built~up construction or cast steel, with ample connections at center and side sills. They must be designed for the maximum vertical loads to which they may be subject and also for the as- \ ‘544 CARS sumed horizontal ‘loads transferred from vertical end members as specified in paragraph twenty-six. SIDE FRAME 18. General-In calculating the stresses in the side frame, its efiective depth when designed as a truss or girder may be taken either as the distance between centers of gravity of the side plate and side sill or as the distance between centers of gravity of belt rail and side sill. At the side—door openings the bending mo- ment caused by the vertical shear at doorposts shall be considered as being resisted by the section above and below door openings, and the sum of the direct stresses and those due to bending at such sections shall not exceed the stresses specified in paragraph twenty- eight. A suificient proportion of any reinforcing members added to these sections shall be extended far enough beyond the door- posts at each side that their reaction can be taken care of by the side frame without exceeding the limit specified for stresses. 19. Posts—The sum of the section moduli taken at any hor- izontal section between floor line and top line of windows, of all posts and braces on each side of car, located between end posts, shall be not less than 0.30 multiplied by the distance in feet between the centers of end panels, a panel length being considered as the distance between lines of rivets in adjacent vertical posts. 20. Sheathing—Outside sheathing plates of steel or iron shall be not less than one-eighth inch in thickness. ROOF -' 21. General—The roof may be of either the clere-story or turtleback type, depending on the standard contour of the railroad for whose service the cars are built. In the clere-story type the deck plates shall be in the form of a continuous plate girder extend- ing from upper-deck caves to deck sill, and either built up of pressed or rolled shapes or pressed in one piece from steel plates. The carlines may be of either rolled or pressed steel shapes extend- ing in one length across car from side plate to side plate or may extend only across upper deck. In the latter case the lower deck carlines may be formed by cantilever extensions of the side posts orby independent members of pressed or rolled shapes. In CARS 545 the turtleback type the carlines may be,of either pressed or rolled shapes extending in one length across car between side plate and side plate or may consist of cantilever extensions of the posts. 22. CarZines—The projected area of the portion of roof in square feet supported by carlines divided by the sum of the section moduli of the carlines must not be more than 100. 23. Roof Sheets—Roof sheets, if of steel or iron, shall be of a minimum thickness of 0.05 inch and either riveted or welded at their edges. ' END CONSTRUCTION 24. Vertical End Members—The sum of the section moduli of all vertical end members at each end shall be not less than sixty- five, and the section moduli of the main members, either forming or adjacent to the door posts, shall be not less than seventy-five per cent of this amount. 25. The horizontal reactions ‘of all vertical end members at top and bottom shall be calculated from an assumed external hor- izontal force applied eighteen inches above floor line, to all vertical members in the proportions given in above paragraph, such force being of sufficient amount to cause bending of all vertical members acting together, and top and bottom connections of vertical mem- bers shall be designed for these reactions. 26. Except where vertical end members shall bear directly against or be attached directly to longitudinal members at either top or bottom, the assumed reactions shall be considered as loads applied to whatever construction is used at end sill or end plate, and both these last-named members shall have section moduli, respectively, suflicient to prevent their failure horizontally before that of the vertical end members. 27. End Plate—The end plate may be 9. rolled or pressed section or of built-up construction and shall extend across end of car from side plate to side plate, with ample connections at ends, or shall be of other satisfactory construction to withstand the assumed loads given above. 28. Stresses-All parts of the car framing shall be so pro- portioned that the sum of the maximum unit stresses to which any member is subject shall not exceed the following amounts in pounds per square inch, except as modified in paragraphs, seven, twenty- 546 CARS five and twenty-six. These stresses, unless otherwise stated below, are for steel having an ultimate tensile strength. of from 55,000 to 65,000 pounds per square inch. Where other materials are used, they shall bear the same proportion to the ultimate strength of the , material used. " _ - Bolsters of Rolled Steel-Stress shall not exceed ‘12,500 pounds‘ per square inch. Sills and Framing of Rolled Steel—Stress shall not exceed ' 16,000 pounds per square inch. When cast steel is used the allowable stresses may be the same as for rolled steel, except tension stresses, which must be at least twenty per cent less than those allowed for rolled steel as specified above. ' For members in compression the above stresses shall be reduced in accordance with the usual engineering practice. ' ‘ Pounds per Rivets (rivet steel) square inch Shear other than buifing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10,000 Bearing other than buffing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 Shear, bufi‘ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 _ Bearing, buffing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,000 29. Floor—Subfloor of postal cars to be of iron or steel plate, upper or wearing surface to be of matched wooden flooring, maple or rift-sawed yellow pine or fir, laid longitudinally, or composition, preference in order named. If composition is used, the wearing surface between doors and the standing surface in front of letter tables and paper racks shall be of wood, cork, or other suitable material. Proper insulation, including air space, should be pro- vided between upper and lower courses. Floor strips for w'cod upper course should be bolted to subfioor. Composition, flooring may be secured by corrugated, keystone, or equivalent style of plate or by wire fastening anchored to subfioor. 30. Interior Finish—Inside, side, and end linings and head lining of postal cars to beef flat or corrugated steel plate, com- position board or wood, properly secured to the car framing. 31, Insulation—Suitable fabric or material shall be used as an insulation against cold or heat in the side and end walls and roof of steel postal cars, securely fastened as the nature of the material may require for efficiency and durability. CARS 547 The insulating specifications proposed to be used by each rail- road company should be submitted to the department for approval. 32. Doors, Windows and Skylights—Postal cars to be equipped with such side doors, end doors, side windows and skylights as are shown on the standard plans of the Railway Mail Service. Storm or double windows to be provided where required. Doors and win- dows may be made of wood, combination wood and metal, or metal; preference in order named, and when glazed the glass shall be double strength. Windows should be made of two sash sections. The upper section should be double the area required and should be divided; the lower half to be fitted with glass and the upper half screened, so suspended that glass or screened section may be used as desired. Where design makes this impracticable, any equivalent screen application may be accepted. Doors and windows to have suitable weather stripping. Trimmings and locks to be the railway company ’s standard. Skylights shall contain five square feet, glazed with not less than one-quarter inch thick rough glass. , 33. Lighting—Lighting of postal cars primarily to be with electricity or gas, mantles to be used where practicable, with pro- vision for emergency light. Distribution of light shall be as shown on the standard plans of the Railway Mail Service. Electric-light installations on postal cars shall include distribution, preferably by condulet system with separate circuits, cut-outs, and switch board regulation. The generator, distribution, battery boxes, and their equipment, train connectors, charging plugs, other accessories, and all wiring to be as per the railway company ’s standard practice. Gas-lighting installation on postal cars to be in accordance with the railway company ’s standard practice. ‘ . 34. H eating—Heating of postal cars primarily to be with steam or hot water. Pipes are to have suitable protection guards of wire or perforated metal. Pipes located behind paper-rack sections shall not occupy space exceeding twenty inches in height and four inches from wall of car. Where service conditions require, an auxiliary coal-burning stove of safety pattern shall be furnished, complete with coal box and firing tools, smokpjack properly screened, and protection guards. The stove and coal box to be securely attached. 548 CARS The train pipe steam line to be applied and equipped with end valves, steam hose and couplings, as per M. C. B. requirements and the railway company ’s standard. Requirements of the Post Oflice Department embody three main points: First, sufficient heat to keep the postal car or apart- ment comfortably warm; second, proper distribution of heat, par- ticularly throughout that part of the car occupied by letter cases and paper racks. (care should be taken not to have excess of heat around the letter cases), and third, an arrangement of pipes to avoid interference with distributing facilities. To obtain the results outlined above the Department will require postal cars and apartments to be equipped with sufiicient amount of radiation to make the floor of the car comfortable and to obtain a temperature of sixt'y-five degrees between the side doors at a point of five feet above the floor line, and to maintain such tem- perature under the most adverse weather conditions to which the car is subjected when in service. Suflicient radiation should be provided in the end of the car containing hopper and washstand to maintain a temperature of at least forty~eight degrees in that location. All coal-burning stoves furnished as an auxiliary or emergency. heat must be" of a safety pattern or design, properly guarded by metal casing so as to prevent over-heating of closely-surrounding objects and damage which might result therefrom. 35. Ventilation—Ventilation of postal cars of clere~story design to be accomplished preferably by means of self-acting ventilators, having intake and exhaust working in conjunction. Four such ventilators per side for seventy and sixty-foot cars; three per side in fifty and forty-foot cars, and two per side in mail apartments placed to obtain maximum results. Other deck sash to have clear glass and to be placed in fixed position without screens. Trimmings of deck sash to be railway company ’s standard. Postal cars not having clere-story roofs are to have a sufficient equipment of self-acting ventilators in the roof. 36. Vestibule—Postal cars are to be equipped with railway com- pany’s standard short vestibule, preferably with outside buffer springs, and with diaphragms when needed for communicating between cars. CARS 549 37. Couplers and Draft Gears—The details of the coupler and draft gear to be in accordance with M. C. B., and United States safety appliance requirements, and the practice of the railroad for which the cars are built. 38. Bujfing M echanism—The details of the bufling mechanism to be in accordance with the practice of the railroad for which the cars are built. 39. Brake and Signal Equipment—Postal cars to be equipped with automatic air brakes and signal equipment of the latest design, railway company ’s standard. Hand brakes in accordance with United States safety-appliance standards. Brakes to be applied to all wheels and to be preferably arranged inside on four-wheeled trucks. The braking power should not be less than 80 per cent of the light weight of the car, based on sixty pounds air pressure in the air-brake cylinder. Suitable cord or attachments shall be furnished for convenient operation of the conductor ’s valve and train-signal system. TRUCK 44.. General—Trucks may have either the built-up metal or cast-steel frames and may be either of the four-wheel or six-wheel type, within the limit of wheel loads given below. For cars equipped with one cast-iron brake shoe per wheel the effective maxi- mum emergency brakeshoe pressure must not exceed 18,000 pounds per shoe. When two brake ,shoes per wheel, or one shoe per wheel having a higher coefi‘icient of friction than cast iron, are used, the wheel loads may be increased to the allowable carrying capacity of the M. C. B. standard rules. - 45. Wheel Loads—Maximum weight of loaded cars must not exceed 15,000 pounds per wheel for M. C. B. standard axle having five by nine-inch journals, or 18,000 pounds per wheel for M. C. B. standard axle having five and one-half by ten-inch journals. 46. Details—Wheels shall be either all-steel or steel-tired. All other truck details, including body and truck center plates and side bearings, shall be in accordance with M. C. B. requirements and the practice of the railway for whose service the cars are built. 550 CARS 47. Painting—The painting of car body and trucks shall be in accordance with the railway company ’s specifications for steel cars. Light-color enamel paint to be used for interior finish. 48. Lettering and numbers—The lettering and numbering of postal cars to conform to Railway Mail Service requirements and the railway company 's standards. Typical modern steel passenger cars are shown in Figs. 411, 412, 413, 414, 415 and 416. General types of trucks for such cars are seen in Figs. 417, 418, 419 and 420. Of these trucks, the Commonwealth Top Equalizer Passenger Trucks (Figs. 417 and 419) represent the latest and highest adaptation for the clasp brake, as the brake shoes and heads are in full view and are easily t'vrnzo NTATLQ \usu. 'IAlLWAY Im-fl: "Erin: Fig. 411. Steel Postal and Express Car. Weight, 83,500 lbs.; Length Over ‘ Buffers, 64 ft. 5%in. inspected, applied or removed; their accessibility adding to safety, and a saving in time and labor being effected. There are a large number of passenger trucks, as with underframes, for steel pas- senger cars, of a great variety of types, though the tendency is now more towards some kind of pedestal trucks. For those desiring some data for purposes of comparison or information, we give the following average weights and lengths of various passenger cars of wood and steel:— Wooden observation parlor car; weight, 132,000 pounds; length, eighty-three feet eight inches. Steel vestibuled observation car; weight, 135,000 pounds; length, 80‘feet five inches. Steel vestibuled parlor-cafe car; weight, 140,000 pounds. Steel frame parlor car; weight, 140,000 pounds. Wooden vestibuled day coach; weight, 95,000 pounds; length, sixty-nine feet seven inches. Steel vestibuled day coach; weight 127,000 pounds; length, seventy-two feet six, w‘ I‘ I’: I: m" 0 UNlTIZD STATIS MAIL muLwM' POST OFHCI’. “v -u-| .‘ ‘ ° - M Q ~ - I_I¢\l§l\‘\ln Fig. 412. Steel Baggage and Postal Car. Buffers, 63 ft. 2% in. Weight. 118.700 lbs.; Length Over. Barney & Smith Car Co. 552 CARS Fig. 413. Steel Vestibuled Day Coach. Weight, 116,000 lbs; Length Over Body, 70 ft. 5% in. _ Fig. ‘414. Steel Frame Vestibuled Day Coach, with Steel Sheathing Below Windows. \Veight, 120,000 lbs.; Weight of Two Trucks. 39.000 pounds. Fig. 415. Steel Vestibuled Dining Car. American Car & Foundry Co. inches, while another of the same kind weighs 116,000 pounds, and is seventy feet five inches long. Steel frame day coach; weight, 150,000 pounds. Steel vestibuled dining car; weight, 152,000 pounds, while another of the same kind weighs 155,000 pounds, and is seventy-two feet long. Steel underframe vestibuled dining I CARS l 553 car; weight, 132,000 pounds; length, seventy feet. Vestibuled dining car with steel frame and ends; weight, 175,000 pounds— the six-wheel trucks weighing here 50,000 pounds, while on other Fig. 416. Steel vestibuled Sleeping Car. Weight, 150,000 lbs. The Pullman Company. . Fig. 417. Commonwealth Top Equalizer 4-Wheel Passenger Train Truck. Commonwealth Steel Company. cars such six-wheel trucks weigh only 39,000 pounds. vestibuled dining car with steel frame and sheathing; weight, 139,000 pounds; length, eighty feet. Steel vestibuled sleeping car; weight, 142,000 pounds. As car men are greatly interested in the comparative behavior of the modern steel car in wrecks and collisions, we give here a few cases that partly elucidate the subject, although each acci- 554 ' . CARS dent is really a separate study in itself, as the circumstances vary so, and it is generally hard to classify them, still in such accidents, the steel passenger car has shown up to good advantage in wrecks where Wooden cars would have been badly smashed or entirely destroyed; though it is not yet known exactly what steel types will really compare, and which one of each kind, class, and type will be perpetuated. In all such accidents, fair comparisons ‘ . ‘i 5310' , w‘ ‘ 1' than. ‘gin/19'“ -Qalgf'ngh .. . l- _ -'_I .'.' I‘ l.- ' ' l'1I:_'.'-.'.'.'.'Ig'lbid;;,)il:I' "If." ' ' ''>-—-—-----7T7v‘‘b(af$%W-"' ‘ -'- -' Fig. 418. Six-Wheel Steel Truck. Standard Steel Car Co. are hard to make, as just stated, but the known facts at least form some basis for judgment on steel cars. With heavy steel trains, heavier engines were needed to. haul them. These heavier engines with steel trains behind them, running at high speed, became, in accidents, more destructive than trains in days of wooden cars; indeed, we have records of the complete destruction of steel sleeping cars in rear-end collisions, for it is quite impos- sible to build a steel car that can resist the shock in such an accident from a train running sixty miles an hour. Any one look CARS Fig. 419. Commonwealth Top Equalizer 6-Wheel Passenger Train Truck. Commonwealth Steel Company. 556 CARS r ; ‘vu- _.'\_ ‘ _. ing at one of the huge passenger engines standing at a station and at a steel car, can imagine the result of a collision between them. There is little doubt that even steel sleeping cars would give way under such a terrific impact. In one recent collision, the wooden cars of one train were smashed to kindling, while the steel car next to the engine on the other train was but slightly damaged. This may be compared with a very similar collision on another road, the speed of the approaching train here, as in the former case, being about forty miles an hour; the other train being practically at a standstill, as the former train ran into it, from behind. In the former Fig. 420. Slx-XVheel Truck with Side Frame and Pedestals Forged in One Piece. J. G. Brill Company. collision, the two rear cars were practically demolished, the third car badly damaged, and a number of passengers killed. In the latter case, none of the cars were destroyed, though several had their ends badly damaged, although no passengers were killed— the shock of the collision being absorbed by the crushing (i the platforms and vestibules, as shown in Fig. 421. This was one of the most severe wrecks that steel cars have been in, and its study is therefore of special interest. A characteristic of this illustrated steel car design is that it is of uniform strength for any cross-section throughout the length of the car. There are strong vertical members at the end to prevent one car from telescoping another, and the roof, in addition to being sufficiently strong to keep from collapsing when it is CARS 557 Fig. 421. Crushed End of Steel Parlor Car After \Vreck. turned up-side-down, is so braced as to afl'ord considerable resist- ance to end stresses. With a construction of this type the car will start to give way at the point of impact, as it would in any other case, but the heavy vertical members and the manner in which they are tied to the framework, together with the roof 558 - CARS braces, cause a sort of pulling-in efiect, drawing the roof and side framing inward, into the 'zone where they ofier the most resistance, giving the damaged end a “mushroom appearance.” While the force of the blow is first communicated to the small areas of the ends which may be in! contact, and these parts crumble and give way, it is quickly transmitted to the other parts of the structure which offer more and more resistance as the stress is distributed throughout the whole cross-section, until the force of the blow is entirely absorbed. In other words, the blow is cushioned by offering a yielding resistance suflicient to absorb the shock while the end is giving way, thus protecting the body of the car. Other car designers, however, do not always agree with this kind of construction; their general idea being either to have a special collapsible vestibule to absorb the shock and protect the car body, or to provide extra heavy end construction. The trouble with this last plan is, that if the cars are made too strong, so that some part will not give way and absorb the shock, the lives of the passengers will possibly be in as great danger as if the car was too weak. As the car'will give way first at the point of impact, it is conceivable that the vestibule could be made con- siderably stronger than the cross-section through the body of the car, but the difference in strength should not approach the point where the body of the car will be in danger of crushing or crumbling. In another accident, an older car constructed of wood, behind steel cars, was crashed into by a heavy locomotive, and was com- pletely destroyed with large loss of life. In another, great damage was done by the wooden car being forced through the end of a steel car. In fact, the great damage to cars is not from wrecks due to derailment, but to collisions, in which if the cars were so solidljr built that there would be neither “give” nor telescoping proper, probably many passengers would be hurled about so violently as to be killed or badly injured. How the 7 giving or crushing of the end of a steel car may protect passengers and the car body itself, is shown in Fig. 422. In derailment, the steel car has behaved wonderfully well. In a recent derailment of a fast express train running at terrific speed to make up lost time, the engine and cars ran along the CARS 559 cross ties until the engine hit one side of the bridge, tore its foundation and fell with it half a dozen feet to the creek bed. Six steel coaches were flung to the other side of the track and turned over in a cornfield, the first near the edge of the little stream. Two rear coaches—an observation dining car and a Pullman—re- mained upright on track bed. None of the steel coaches was much damaged, but all were scarred by rails, ties and earth, and with comparatively little repair all can be replaced in service. Injuries to passengers were caused principally by falling and being thrown about in the coaches, though some were cut by flying glass. Fig. 422. How End of Steel Car Protected Car. proof of the safety resulting from the use of steel cars, for bad the cars been wooden ones, past experience shows that a heavy loss of life would have taken place then and there. Regarding the passenger cars of the future, several forces are already moving to compel the adoption of steel cars exclusively, owing both to motives of ultimate economy on the part of rail- ways and to the insistent demand of the public for all-steel cars because of the greater safety to passengers obtained by their use. The kind of federal legislation that will eventually be passed regarding passenger cars is foreshadowed by several bills intro- duced in Congress, of which the Stevens Bill for the regulation of railway equipment is typical. It is made unlawful for carriers after ten years to use any passenger-train cars not constructed of steel or with steel underframe, unless the commission shall 560 CARS extend the time, and no new passenger-train cars not of steel or I with steel underframe are to be added after the date of passage of the bill, the commission having authority to permit during the ten years the use of passenger-train cars not constructed of steel ‘ or with steel underframe. The I. C. C. recognizes that even ten years from now, there will be many more or less wooden cars available for further valuable service with reasonable safety, especially on minor roads where few and small trains are operated --above all, with cars of special construction and strength like the Pullmans. Y ' ' ' In five years, lately, some 16,000 passenger train cars were built, or at the rate of 3,200 cars per year. Two of the largest car builders estimate that 3,500 all-steel passenger cars can be built each year with present facilities, and a canvas shows that the maximum number of all-steel cars per year that can be built is about 4,630. An I. C. C. report gives the annual maximum capacity of various car building plants of this country, as follows:— - American Car & Foundry:- Jefl’ersonville, Ind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . ..300 St. Charles, Mo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 480 Berwick, Pa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 600 Wilmington, ' Del . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . 300 > 1,680 Standard Steel Car Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., plant at _ Butler, Pa., New Castle, Pa., and Hammond, Ind .... .. 420 Pressed Steel Car Company, McKees Rocks and Pittsburgh, Pa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . 360 Barney & Smith Car Company, Dayton, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Harlan 8a Hollingsworth Corporation, Wilmington, Del. . . . 250 Wason Car Company, Springfield, Mass.£ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 180 Laconia Car Company, Laconia, N. H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 The Pullman Company, Pullman, 111.: _ Passenger equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,200 Pullman cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 --—— 1,800 CARS 561 If all the wooden and composite cars are to be replaced, about 46,926 cars will be needed; and the average cost for the 23,692 steel coaches being taken to be only $12,800, the total cost for this new passenger equipment would be $614,619,100. Besides this, about $300,000,000 worth of fairly good and serviceable equip- ment would have to be destroyed or sold for scrap. One steel car designer estimates that steel passenger train cars can be built for ‘about twelve cents per pound, as compared to about two and one- ' half cents per pound for steel freight cars. A steel car builder states that all-steel passenger coaches cost from $14,000 to $17,000 each, averaging about $15,000; while others list such cars at $16,500 each. The cost of the other steel passenger train cars we have already given elsewhere. Building passenger cars is a slow process, and is generally regarded as not nearly so profitable as building freight cars of equivalent’ value. Still, it is only a question of time till legislation requires all passenger cars to be all-steel. CHAPTER xv THE STEEL FREIGHT OAR The causes leading to the introduction of the steel freight car were; Demand for larger‘ car capacity; Need of greater structural strength to resist present severe operating stresses of freight service; and the approaching equalization of the costs of steel and high grade car lumber, particularly for framing. Begin- ning with the use of steel for certain parts of the trucks and underframing, the steel underframe car was evolved, since which the use of steel has been extended to other parts of freight cars until we have developed the present steel-frame and all-steel freight cars. The first steel freight cars, as before stated, were built in 1896-7, of forty and fifty tons capacity, thus exceeding by two- thirds the capacity of former freight cars; and their immediate success led to the rapid increase of the steel freight car. Some of the early steel— cars were built with a view to keeping the light weight of the car down “to a minimum, with the inevitable result in those days of steel inexperience, that some of them were really weaker than the standard wooden freight car. The men handling cars in the yards believed that all cars built of steel could stand much rougher handling than wooden cars, and this increased the resultant damage to the defective types of steel freight cars. However, as further experience was had, the art of constructing such steel cars has rapidly advanced so far that, in view vof present and future circumstances, all the leading car experts agree that before long the prevailing type will be the steel car-by which term ,we mean those having steel underframes with either steel-frame or all-steel superstructures. Cars with simply steel underframes are not classed as steel cars. Q The majority of car men agree that ultimately the freight _ car will be all-steel; and even today there is no good argument against steel for complete framing so constructed that the car sides carry part of the load. The change from wood to steel in freight car construction resulted in the abandonment of designs 562 CARS 563 that had almost become standardized, and led to the appearance of many new types. Yet, outside of the question of design, there is the problem of how far to go in the use of steel in‘ the super- structure; whether it is better when composite (wood and steel combined), or all-steel. In all freight cars it would seem that the wooden floor must be retained, in order to secure proper blocking for the lading; but outside of this feature, the use of wood is slowly disappearing, with the possible exception (for some time) of wooden sheathing for steel-frame freight cars. The comparative weight of cars is of the greatest importance, and herein the steel freight cars are commencing to show to marked advantage. Even in 1898, the steel self-clearing hopper car had a dead weight of only 36.36 per cent of the paying load as against 45.7 per cent in the wooden hopper car which it replaced; and with some new steel hopper cars when loaded, eighty per cent of the total weight hauled by the engine is paying, and only twenty per cent dead weight—an economic factor of the greatest importance in freight service. . The advantages of the steel freight car, in addition to those before mentioned, are its survival in wrecks‘, its long life, greater revenue service, and the fact that when the car is worn out, all of it has a certain value as scrap. Many prophecies have been made as to the possible length of life’ of all-steel freight cars, and its estimates have varied over a wide range. Steel freight cars in considerable numbers have now been in service since 1896, and from the observations which have been made of their condition it can safely be said that the life of the floor and hopper sheets will vary from fifteen to twenty years, and that the life of the rest of the car will be double that of the floor sheets, or from thirty to forty years. New floors and hopper sheets can be put in a hopper car at an expenditure of roughly seventy-five dollars for material and fifty dollars for labor—a total of about $125. When this is done the cars are said to be in practically as good condition as when new. The mistake was made in many of the cars which were designed in the earlier stages of steel freight car develop- ment—and in some of the later stages as well—of making the center sill constructions too light and in not using a cover plate or heavy box girder construction. When new floor sheets are applied it is therefore necessary in some cases to reinforce the 5641 ' 0412s ' center sills, but this is not generally the case. Naturally, as the steel cars in service have grown older, and more and more have been built, it has become necessary for roads to provide more extensive facilities for making repairs to, them. This, in turn, has acted to still further reduce the cost of repairs to such cars. ‘ Already, the general cost of maintenance of steel freight cars is only a fraction of what it is for wooden cars, when the steel car is properly constructed. Of 207,684 freight cars built last year, only 7,237 were of all-wood construction (only one-half the amount of all-wood cars 5 built the year before); 48,000 others using the old wooden super- structure, while the rest were steel. This year the class of freight equipment is exceptionally high-grade, ‘the extensive use of steel cars‘being most noticeable. By far the larger part are of all-steel construction, especially in hopper cars and, hardly less so in flat and gondola cars. The number of all-steel box cars ordered was small; steel frame and steel underframe box cars comprising almost all the box cars ordered. Concerning the material used in these cars, it may be noted that for plates, posts, braces, etc., plain‘ rolled steel shapes are used; for the more irregular members, pressed steel shapes are largely adopted. _, Channels, I-beams, Z-bars, angles, etc., are in great use;; cast-steel parts and combinations thereof being confined, in freight cars, almost entirely to trucks and bolsters. As regards construction, the widest diversity is observed amongst box cars with steel upper and underframes, especially among such parts as the sills. This is illustrated in Fig. 423. The heavy lines in the drawings indicate the cover-plates used with these sills. The use of such plates is now a general practice, as it is considered a very desirable feature; for, besides adding to the rigidity of the structure, it increases the net area of section and therefore reduces the fibre stress to a reasonable figure. Freight cars do not, as a rule, fail because of the weight of r the lading, but principally because of stresses transmitted through the coupler. Such is the magnitude of the end shock that now has to be withstood, that it would seem advisable to assume an end strain of at least 200,000 pounds on the center-sills of box cars with steel side frames and 300,000 pounds for those supplied with wooden side-frames. Some of the thirty-six-foot cars with CARS ' 565 steel body framing have an average stress per square inch behind the bolster that is too high for safe practice; and this stress should be reduced by increasing the area of center-sills, especially where cross-bearers transmit to center-sills part of the car body ’s weight, thus adding to the bending moment of said sills. In the forty- foot cars with steel body framing, the maximum combined stress at the center of the car is still somewhat high. As to that, the forty-foot cars with wooden body framing have far too high a _ | J I til I I [ I, l V YYPEE — ' YYPEK O 1 I l ‘I _ 1 1 d v 10:! "a L Types of Center Sllls Showing the Dlverslty in Design, Arrange- ment of Cross Bearers, Length of Cover Plates, Etc., as Applied to Box Cara With Steel Side Frames. Fig. 423. stress, in many cases, and the sill area should be increased. Failure to, observe such precautions accounts for the numerous failures of center-sills found in all car shops. Other things being I equal, the side sills should not be so deep as to make inspection difl‘icult; easy inspection means better inspection,'and when made diflicuit by covering the parts which should be easily accessible, defects will be missed by car inspectors. With the increasing impacts cars new sustain, draft gears are demanding increased ‘attention. One large road found that, as the 566 CARS results of the shifting impact tests in its own yards, its cars must be prepared to stand an end shock of at least 250,000 pounds. After some exhaustive service tests, 'the Westinghouse Company however, say that their own gear, which has capacity of from 140,000 to 160,000 pounds, is equal to all the demands of service, other than wreck shocks, which nothing will ever completely absorb. It is the opinion of the M. G. B. Engineers that a friction draft gear should have a capacity for resistance of from 150,000 to 200,000 pounds, which would make a total resistance of from 300,000 to 400,000 pounds, as the gear is operative on both ends of the car. _ ' The M. C. B. Association is now paying great attention to draft gears, which will likely lead to higher capacities and greater travel of gears. The perfect draft gear has not yet been found, but it should fulfill the following requisites: Simplicity—Large wearing surface—Easy movement at beginning of stroke—Large absorption of work with low recoil—Easily assembled-No delicate adjustment of parts—and, when closed, all yielding parts are to be out of action. It must be admitted that draft gear engineers have been handicapped by the limitations set by railroads. To absorb 200,000 pounds and over in a movement of from two to two and one-half inches, in a fraction of second of time, is cer- tainly a large problem in mechanics. . An example of one of the best of these gears is the Butler- Piper Friction Draft Gear (The Butler Drawbar Attachment 00.‘), Figs. 423-A and 423-B, both of which have a capacity of 200,000 pounds, and are widely used here and in foreign countries. By the use of steel in hoppers, gondolas, and box cars, the car sides act as trusses which carry that part of the load which comes to the sides; unlike wooden cars, wherein the braces are compression members and the rods are generally inadequate, as - tension members, to take up much of the lading load. In a steel _ frame for a box car, both posts and braces are riveted to sills and plates, and the posts contribute lateral strength, both by their‘ inherent strength due to their cross-section, and by their bowstring action. As their load is increased, this action comes more and more into play, stiffening the posts and preventing bulging. Z-bar posts are therefore now largely used. The steel end framing can be thoroughly tied, and this weak part of the ordinary box car is CARS 567 immensely strengthened in the steel box car. With the side fram~ ing members securely riveted, it will be observed that there can be no fore and aft working of the body (“weaving”) to loosen the nailing of the sheathing, which is quite a gain in maintenance results. In steel gondolas or hoppers, the side plate stiffening Fig. 423i-a. Butler-Piper Friction Draft Gear, No. 350. For 9%-inch Yoke or combined with Any Side Link Attachment. Capacity, 200,000 lbs. Butler Drawbar Attachment Co. Fig. 423-b. Butler-Piper Friction Draft Gear. No. 370. For 61,5-inch Yoke or combined with Any Side Link Attachment. Capacity, 200,000 lbs. Butler Drawbar Attachment Company. angles or stakes are angle-irons riveted to the side plates, and serve the same purpose as the wooden stakes on wooden cars. In some of the new large capacity steel freight cars, use is made of six-wheel trucks to carry their great load, and their use is rapidly increasing. In Fig. 424 is shown a recent high-capacity truck with only four wheels; but many car men predict that the six-wheel freight car truck will eventually be used under all new steel freight cars of maximum capacity. 568 CARS In prevalent designs of steel cars, the underframe is almost rigid, and as a result there are many times when the load is almost lifted oif one of the center-plates on curves. Frequent derailments have provedv that with steel freight cars, the friction between the body and the truck must be reduced, either by increas- ing the clearance of the side-bearings, or by putting on roller side- bearings, or by some other method. The all steel roof is a comparatively new development, and con- sists of moderately heavy steel sheets, usually about sixteen. U. S. gauge, resting on steel carlines; the latter being an integral part of the roof. In some cases, the sheets extend from side to side Fig. 424. 140,000-lb. Capacity Freight‘Truck. of the car; in others, the sheets are divided, extending from the caves to the ridge-pole. On all such steel sheets, the galvanizing is about 1.8 ounces per. square foot on both sides of the sheet. It is claimed that this kind of roof lightens the weight of the car; but to the objection raised against it which apply to all outside-metal roofs with their wear and corrosion, is also added that of the metal ’s tearing out, due to its rigid application. This, however, is being rapidly overcome, and we now have several flexible all- metal roofs at our disposal. This roof is more expensive than other kinds, but probably will be used on all new steel cars. Some metal roofs dispense with carlines altogether, the junction of the roof sheets being so formed as to take their place by adding suf- ficient rigidity to the roof to enable it to fulfill its functions. CARS 569 In all~steel cars, arrangements must be made for,ventilation, to protect the lading from sweating and excessive heat which might injuriously affect many high grade commodities. In Fig. ~125 is shown a modern steel box car, in which the sides and ends are made from panels flanged inwardly and riveted together on the inside of the car, to prevent. corrosion at the rivets and facil- itate the removal of panels when damaged. The caves are made of special rolled shape, designed to form a column along the upper edge of the sides, and permitting of inside riveting. The roof sheets run longitudinally, and are lapped over the caves and each other. The running board and bridge—which are in one piece— Fig. 425. Bettendorf All-Steel Box Car. are made from checkered plate pressed into a U-shape and flanged for riveting to the roof sheets. This construction gives both transverse and longitudinal strength, and still allows for the torsion required of the car on curves and rough track. At each top corner of the ends is a specially designed ventilator, to prevent condensation upon the roof and side sheets, thus keeping moisture off the lading besides preventing corrosion. Steel end doors, steel side doors, and steel hatches and grain doors make the car fit to meet the needs of any freight service. Generally, steel plate is used for the sides and ends, but in some all-steel cars, corrugated iron or steel sheets are used, Fig. 426. Another all-steel box car is seen in Fig. 427, of 100,000 pounds capacity. Its weight is 50,000 pounds, and its inside measure- ments are: Length, forty feet five inches; width, eight feet ten inches; height, nine feet one inch. The height at eaves Fig. 426. All-Metal Box Car. Toncan Metal. Fig. 427. . ‘ Pennsylvania Railway Steel Box Car. CARS 571 is twelve feet ten inches; width at eaves, nine feet two inches. Length over end sills, forty-two feet six inches. Truck centers are thirty-two feet six inches apart. The center sills are of the fish- belly type, built up of three-eighth-inch pressed steel U or channel shaped sections, placed back to back. They extend from end sill to end sill, and are twenty inches deep for a distance of eight Fig. 428. Steel Roof and ‘Voodoo Lining of Pennsylvania Railway Steel Box Car. feet eleven inches on either side of the central line of the car.’ There is a three-eighth-inch top cover-plate, two feet two inches wide, extending the full length; while four-inch by four-inch by nine- sixteenth-inch angles reinforce the sills on the inside at the bottom. The car has a wooden floor and a seven-eighth-inch wooden lining. The roof sheets (Fig. 428) are about three thirty-second-inch thick, ‘ and are spot welded to carlines of U-section and three sixteenth-inch thick. A one-eighth-inch space is provided between the roof sheets and the side sheets where the former turn down over the eaves, to allow for ventilation. The body bolster sections are U-shaped, 572 CARS i; placed seven and three-eighth inches back to back. There are no longitudinal stringers, and the transverse floor supports are pressed U-sections, six and three-quarter inches deep. The end sills are pressed steel and have a vertical flange for about eight inches up the end of the car and are riveted to the end sheets. The side sills consist of six inch by four inch by three-eighth inch angles, with the four inch flanged horizontal and turned inward, and riveted to the back there is a four inch by three and one~ha1f inch by three-eighth inch bulb angle. Diagonal braces of pressed U- section extend from the outer end of the end sills to the center sills at the bolster. The side plate is a six inch by four inch by three-eighth inch angle. There are no braces employed in the body w ‘ .-,-.~~ IOO ~ooc ' L ._ Fig. 429. All-Steel 50-Ton Capacity Box Car. Weight, 37,400 lbs.; Inside Length, 40 ft.; Inside Width, 8 ft. 10% in.; Inside Height, 8 ft. 2 in. framing and the posts are of U-section pressed in the sheets. There are two end posts, one on either side of the center line of the car with an additional post, having a wood filler, at the center. - Nailing strips are provided for the wooden lining. The side sheathing is one-eighth inch thick and the end sheathing five- sixteenths inch thick. ‘ Other common types of all-steel box cars are Figs. 429 and 430. All hopper cars are now all-steel, Figs. 431 and 432, as are nearly all ore-cars, and also gondola cars, Figs. 434 and 435. Very many flat cars have steel underframes, especially the high capacity ones, while all of them have wooden floors. All tank bars are now fitted with steel frames of varying designs, with various methods of attaching the tank proper to the car. A CARS 573 n nun small-IQ; - Fig. 430. All-Steel 50-Ton Capacity Box Car. Weight. 39,000 lbs.; Inside Length, 36 ft.; Inside Width, 9 ft. 6 in.; Inside Height, 8 ft. Fig. 431. All-Steel 50-Ton Capacity Hopper Car. Weight, 44,000 lbs.; Inside Length 32 ft.; Inside Width, 6 ft. 6 in.; Capacity, Level Full, 1,450 cu. ft. variation, the steel Barber Four-Point-Bearing flat car, is shown in Fig. 433. A southern road now uses seventy-ton steel hopper cars weigh- ing 58,600 pounds, of which 38,700 pounds is in the body, and 19,900 in the trucks. This is several thousand pounds heavier than would generally be needed in seventy-ton cars, but these ones were built to stand very severe service. Their length over strik- 574 CARS ing-plates is forty-one feet five inches. The ratio of paying load to total weight of loaded car is 72.5 per cent. Several roads are using steel gondolas of from seventy to ninety tons, in some cases using six-wheel trucks under them. Steel flat cars are now in Fig. 432. All-Steel lO-Ton Capacity Twin Hopper Car. Weight, 14,800 lbs.; Inside Length, 13 ft.; Inside \Vidth, 6 ft. 6 in.; Capacity, 5, . 225 cu. ft. The Kilbourne & Jacobs Mfg. Co. Fig. 433. Barber Four-Point Bearing Flat Car. Standard Car Truck Co. service with a capacity of 100 tons. One of the ninety-ton high- side gondolas is shown in Fig. 436. Cars larger than 120,000 pounds capacity, if mounted on four- wheel trucks, often bring pressures on the journal~bearing which cause a large increase in the troubles with wheels and axles, CARS 575 Fig. 434. All-Steel 50-Ton Capacity Ore Car. Weight, 32,000 lbs.; Inside Length. 18 ft. 10 in.; Inside Width. 8 ft. 6 in. National Dump Car Company. .576 CARS Fig. 435. All-Steel 50-Ton Capacity Drop-Bottom Gondola. Car. Fig. 436. Ninety-Ton Gondola Car Mounted on New Design of Six-\Vheel Trucks. CARS 577 besides producing frequent hot boxes. The passenger six-wheel truck is too expensive and complicated for satisfactory use in freight service, and hence has rarely been so employed. With ninety-ton cars, and the usual ten per cent overload, a six-wheel truck is practically compulsory. Therefore, with the car just depicted, a six-wheel truck was used which permits the use of the ordinary five and one-half by ten inch M. O. B. journal-box, while at the same time the weight is equalized, and the truck is given the necessary flexibility. We show the details of this truck in ~ Fig. 437. ‘ The maximum outside dimensions of this type, Fig. 436, of the coming freight car, are, on- the inside—nine feet six inches wide, six feet six and one-half inches high, and forty-five feet six and one-quarter inches long. As its first load, it took on ninety-five tons of coal. The design is of the continuous center¢sill type; cross-beams being used to prevent deflection of the center-sills in such a long car, thus transmitting load to car sides, which (as plate girders) carry it to the bolsters, whence it is transferred. to the center-plates. Inside stakes are used, thus doing away with the undesirable body cross-ties, and acting as powerful side stifi‘eners near the top chord angle of the side plate. Commercial shapes are largely used, special castings being found at only a few points. The center-sills consist of two fifteen inch 33-pound channels, continuous for the full length over end sills, and set‘ apart twelve and seven eighths inches with the flanges extending outwards, employing a five-sixteenths‘inch top cover plate extend~ ing continuously between the bolsters. Because of the great weight, two- bolsters set thirty-six inches apart have been used, and a large casting fitted between the center-sill channels connects the two and includes the center-plate. The side-bearings are attached to a properly shaped casting, forming a bridgebetween the two bolsters ; they are located at a radius of three feet nine and one-half inches from the,truck center. A large part of the load is carried, by the sides of the car which consist of one-quarter inch steel plates eighty-seven inches in width and 138 inches long; the vertical joints between these sheets being made by one-quarter inch splice plates on the inside, and the double stakes as these points are set in enough to allow for them. Each car has two sets of brake rigging—auxiliary reservoir, triple valve, brake cylinder, etc. The .eseezem Eopmokv em vsotoz £029 .80 psmmoarm woszmzvfl Eoskvifim > .vmw .mwrm s . a .i .QVK @ewNewvwk in u D at — .r/ > 8, _._ _ H z... a __ a... 0 c _ I a.‘ .— l : 1|- _ film I'll. l a a lllll ‘lb g lllllllbl|llllfli Tl oxtub .QQQ uhfih Ne N L. llllllll .llwkoeRwoQQseS Qmkrlll llllllll airs St...“ a h (- . as.‘ i. . ..r .70 _ J» _?u _ _ \ _ \\ _ ||||ll|_* Le limes mm. is A ll l.l|| l o W”, -i e 0.7 w J._ v i .z; \ 15 .v . a» $4477 _ a < 5 . \ Q , _ I “ llil. HI! . ii _ _ flLrll 9- llk IF I T... l I i ‘o T l lilitceoeseaheillililli FFQJQAQQ QQxosm. 4 man-Tithe . 0 .7 ‘gt \vg I'll-t. .\\\ . \\\..\.\ ehvi... elliliaKa in I ‘St; will _\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.\\\\\\~.‘IIIEP... \ gleam r .m _ g _ E _ . til» CARS 579 truck has no pedestals—a noyelty—and consists of a cast-steel side frame in two parts and of peculiar shape, to carry three journal- boxes at'four feet six inch centers. Many car men believe that the kind of steel freight car most advisable, is the steel framed single-sheathed box and other house car; and in fact this type is rapidly growing in favor both here and in Canada. Of this type, there are two sub-types of this steel upper and underframe car; the kind with outside sheathing, and that with inside sheathing. Neither kind has a separate lining, the sheathing acting as both lining and sheathing. As we saw, the wooden car was finally replaced by the box car fitted with com- plete steel underframe and metal trucks. While having many ad vantages over the old wooden car, the steel underframe car devel- oped some troubles peculiar to itself, the most important being due to the fact that the body being carried on a rigid frame and not held together by the strains resulting from its weight, as in the old trussed cars, has a tendency to develop slack in the super‘- structure. This in turn afl‘ects the roof and sheathing. One principal trouble with outside sheathed cars is that, after they have been in service a comparatively short time, the sheathing fre- quently loosens at the end sill and at the side sills near the bolsters with resultant leakage of grain. Later on, Mr. C. A. Seeley designed the first steel superstructure box car, which was of the outside sheathed type. In 1902, the Norfolk and Western built 100 of these calls, and in 1909 it had 2,700 of them in service, whilst the Rock Island and Frisco had 5,000 similar ones. All were outside sheathed, and as regards leak- age at the sills it was found that they were but little better than the old wooden superstructure box cars. Probably for this reason, these roads have since turned to the inside sheathed type. In 1908 the Canadian. Pacific Railway designed a steel frame inside sheathed box car. This car avoided the disadvantage of the outside sheathed car which had not been accomplished by the steel frame cars constructed up to that time, and at once obtained a further reduction in weight and provided for cheapness of maintenance by the use of steel superstructure, without the ad- ditional lumber required by the outside sheathed car. With prac- tically no preliminary experimenting 500 of these cars were built and since, over 30,000 have been built similar to the first cars, .580 CARS with. the exception of several refinements of details, such as corner and door posts, end doors and side plates, and joining of flooring , and lining. . These changes have not aifected the general design of the car, but are the improvement that have been introduced from time to time to reduce weight and simplify the construction. The steel frame sheathed car has several advantages over the types previously used, notably in that the tare ton weight is low in proportion to the capacity. There ‘is such a variation in the figures used for the cost of hauling per ton-mile, that no attempt is made to say what the saving would amount to, but the advantage of having a car equal, if not superior to other cars in all respects, weighing from 1,000 to 5,000 pounds less will appeal to all traffic and operating men. Not only is there that much less dead weight to haul when the car is empty or partly loaded but additional lading can frequently be carried. The actual limit on'the'paying load that can be carried in a properly designed car is the total weight on the axles. Thus, a car having five-inch‘by nine-inch axles with such a tare weight that, when deducted from the capacity of the axles, allows the car to be safely loaded to 88,000pounds could, if dead'weight be reduced by 3,000 pounds, safely carry a paying load of 91,000 pounds and retain the same strength. Thus the actual capacity of the car is increased almost four per cent with a better ratio of paying to dead load. With the wooden superstructure, it had been thought necessary to assist the superstructure by heavy roof“ construction, some go- ing so far as to use difierent methods of diagonal bracing, but with the steel car ‘it has been found that there is no appreciable local movement of the framing in the heaviest service which makes a simple proposition of the roof as it has only to take care. of itself. This presents a simpler problem to roof designers, making it possible to design a roof much lighter, without neces- sity for use of purlines or ridge poles to strengthen the car. It is obvious that unnecessary weight in the roof raises the center of gravity, and increases the tare weight and cost and has other dis‘ advantages. ~As there is no appreciable movement in the framing, thislighter roof can be used, thus lessening the cost and lowering the center of gravity. Car builders diifer as to kind of roof to be installed on such cars, some of them covering the steel roof with a CARS . 581 cheap grade of timber boards to protect it, as many galvanized roofs wear out far too rapidly. Last year there were about 75,000 box cars with steel under and upperframes with single sheathing in service, including the outside sheathed kind. But with all of them there is no question about the ability of the steel frame structure to carry considerably greater loads, both vertically and due to end shocks, than the wooden upper frame car, on account of the diagonal braces assist- ing in transmitting the strain throughout the side. Some employ rolled steel sections for center-sills, having a smaller net area than many consider good car practice as to sills; and here, espe- cially, continuous cover plates should always be used on such center sills. Further, the steel frame car adapts itself readily to standard construction, and the cars of this kind now being built are in general much alike, although the Pennsylvania has built a number of such cars with a framing different from the others in many respects. Experience proves that the wind resistance of the inside- sheathed box car, as compared to outside sheathed cars, may be ignored. In brief, owing to its many advantages, an enormous number of this type of freight car is being ordered and built. One of its best features is the facility of making repairs and their low cost, particularly if structural steel is used for the upper framingw—a practice nfiow almost universal. Such rolled steel shapes seldom need’ renewal even when the car is wrecked, as they can easily be restored to their original shape at any car repair plant; whereas wood has to be replaced, and pressed steel shapes would require special’ dies to re-form them. Pressed steel costs more than stock rolled steel, and is often weakened by flattening out the ends of posts and braces where they connect with sills or plates. Using structural shapes, repairs are largely a question of labor. The cars with steel upperframes are not entirely rigid, and will endure slight distortion without injury. This capacity ‘for twisting is to be desired, as it allows a car to adjust itself to curves and rough track. In addition to being five and one-half inches narrower than the outside of the sheathing of a wooden car, the superstructure is protected by the framing, so that a side swipe that would do serious damage to an outside sheathed car frequently does not touch the lining and is resisted by the framing without damage to the posts 582 . ’ CARS or braces. Frequently it is found that a side swipe that would almost demolish the sides of a wooden car only bends the steel framing, and in making repairs, the lining is merely removed, posts and braces straightened and the original lining replaced, the whole cost being the comparatively small labor charge. J acking frames are being installed at all of the principal repair points of roads having a quantity of such cars, and with these frames many jobs that would ordinarily require the car to be cut apart, thus taking several days, can be done in a few hours without cutting rivets. With structural steel, no material need be carried in stock for repairs except that used generally for all cars; while with wooden cars, the amount of material necessary to be kept in stock for repairs rapidly increases with the age of the car. This is not so with the steel frame car. i The problem of upper framing here depends very much on how the sheathing is to be applied, whether vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. As a rule, it has been extended horizontally for all-_ steel frame cars except the pressed steel frame. Vertical sheath- ing is, however, the best, as it protects the lading against water. In horizontal sheathing, rain gets in at the joints, which is a serious objection in grain shipments. The M. C. B. Recommended Practice for lining for outside framed cars, with dimensions, is illustrated in Fig. 289. Single sheathing now varies, in practice, for this type of car, from one and one-quarter to five-eighths inches thick, and three and one-quarter to five and‘ one-quarter inches wide. Some roads are using corrugated galvanized steel sheathing with good results, as its application is as simple as a wood lining; No. 13 gauge sheets, lapped and riveted, are used, four inches of the bottom sheet being straightened at the floor, resting on the side sills with the boards superimposed upon them- to make a tight joint. Such is the rigidity of the car that the paint sealing the joints of this car, is generally unbroken. In fact, steel or iron lining will likely be used considerably, if no damage occurs from heat, cold, or sweating. Insulation will probably not be used to any extent, as it adds to the cost and weight of the car without affording protection to the lading other than that secured by a wooden lining. The most popular construction for the frame is that having nine panels with the end panels braced diagonally, for cars forty CARS 583 feet or more in length, and the same for thirty-six-foot cars, omitting one panel. On certain roads, the diagonal brace has been omitted on the side panels, as also has been the brace from the end panel. Where these are omitted, the corners of the car do not seem to be sufficiently supported. The diagonal brace extend- ing from side plate to end sill is a very desirable feature, and should always be retained, especially in the end panel where it is in tension, due to its share of bearing the lading. It relieves stress on the side sill near the bolster, and also ties together the lower corner of the side frame. The diagonal braces used in the end framing tend to keep the end framing of the car square, and dispensing with them will likely‘ lead to a loosening of the riveted joints uniting the posts with the plates and underframe. Z-bars set‘ behind the end sills, using channel end sills with steel cover plate, is always a good construction. The Canadian Pacific has used two four-inch Z-bars end posts of 8.2 pounds per foot, with one and three-quarters inch lining, and it' has given good service. This road now proposes to use two five-inch end posts of 11.6 pounds per foot, with a two and three-quarter inch lining for a height of four feet, and one and three-quarter inch linin‘g above that. The single thickness end makes convenient the application of single- thickness grain-tight end doors. ' The disadvantages of this type of car are the end construction and the shrinkage of lumber in side and end lining; the last of which demands special attention. The car is a good type when proper lumber is used and due care in building the car is taken. The grading, drying, and painting of the lumber require much more attention than anything else in this kind of car. Yellow pine, fir, and some spruce have been used; the advantage of spruce in lightness being offset by its slow drying. The diificulty of getting proper and well-dried lumber is the main trouble here. On some of the first cars of this type, ‘green timber was used, and hence it shrunk, giving the cars an unsightly appearance. Even so, the cars could have been tightened for $4.00 per car, were it not that this was rendered unnecessary because no claims for damaged lading resulted from the use of said cars. The lining should not be matched before drying, as it warps and curls, making it difficult to secure a tight fit. The rough size of the lumber should be at least one-quarter inch greater than the 584 CARS finished dimensions. One railroad ’s practice is that a piece of lining of full cross-section subjected to a temperature of 170 degrees F. for ninety-six hours, should not lose more than six per cent in weight, and samples losing ten per cent must not be used till further dried. Lumber from yards often shows twenty-five to thirty per cent loss due to moisture, which proves the importance of drying lumber properly. It requires, also, careful judgment as to the length of time lumber should be kept in the lumber-drying kilns. Nearly all the car plants of roads now making large use of this type of car, are equipped with dry kilns, the additional cost being only one dollar per car for present requirements over past ones. Proper drying makes the car side practically one board; but, in any event, this occasional shrinkage is a trifling argument against this kind of car. Fig. 438. Steel Frame 40-Ton Capacity Box Car. \Neight, 37.100 lbs.; Inside Length, 36 ft.; Inside Width, 8 ft. 6 in.; Inside Height, 8 ft. The defects in the sheathing that must be most closely watched are shakes or splits that extend obliquely downward into the car which must be knifed 'n with paste before the car is painted. The edges of the lining should be painted, and we have found this can be done more easily and thoroughly by dipping the boards and putting them through between two rubber scrapers which re- moves the surplus paint leaving the edge thoroughly coated. This gives a thin coat of paint on the inside of the car which is an CARS '585 Fig. 439. Steel Frame 40-Ton Capacity Box Car for Automobile Traffic. \Veight, 39,100 lbs.: Inside Length, 40 ft. 6 in.; Inside Width, 8 ft. 6 in.; Inside Height, 9 ft. 3 in. Fig. 440. Steel Frame 50-Ton Capacity Hopper Car. Weight, 38,600 lbs; Inside Length, 30 ft. 9 in.; Inside Width, 8 ft. 91/,- in.: Capacity, Level Full, 1,595 cu. ft. 586 . CARS advantagein causing the lumber to dry more uniformly and dimin- ishes the tendency to warp. Narrow boards have the advantage of having less tendency to warp, and also if the lumber should not be thoroughly dry, there is less total shrinkage for each board making the space between the edges narrower. The steel work \ “ Fig. 441. Steel Frame 55-Ton Capacity Solid Bottom Gondola Car with Drop Ends. Weight, 46,000 lbs.; Inside Length, 46 ft.; Inside Width, 8 ft. 9 in.; Inside Height, 2 ft. 61,; in. ' Capacity, level full, 1,015 cu. ft. Fig. 442. Steel Frame for 40-Ton Capacity Steel Frame Box Car. and roofing are painted the same as other cars. This considerable space has been given to the grading and drying, and painting of lumber, as we have found that these factors have required much more attention than everything else combined in connection with the car. Examples of this car are exhibited in Figs. 438 and 439, the last being the ordinary steel-frame automobile car. Steel frame hopper and gondola cars are seen in Figs. 440 and 441. CARS 587 With a view to lessening damage to freight, one railway in a recent order for 1,000 box cars, required that special attention be given to making them burglar-proof, waterproof, and grain and leakage-proof, as well as providing a smooth style of interior intended to reduce to a minimum the destruction of package freight in paper bags, boxes, etc. This car (see Fig. 442) uses the Posson I-beam carline. The car is of the general Canadian Pacific type, Fig. 443. Canadian Pacific Railway Steel Frame Box Car, Equipped with an All-Steel Roof. Designed by R. W. Burnett. Master Car Builder. fr‘om which the Erie type differs in having a flat (strap) member which reaches from the end sill upward to the top of the vertical members of the next panel. A Canadian Pacific steel frame car is seen in Fig. 443. This car is a steel-frame one of 80,000 pounds capacity, weighing 36,000 pounds, and is of the horizontal sheathed kind. It has structural steel frames, channel center-sills, and Z-bar side-fram- ing. It is thirty-six feet long, eight feet six inches wide, and eight feet high inside. It is furnished with a steel roof of arch shape 588 CARS Fig. 444. The Burnett Metal Roof; Exterior and Interior Views. and without carlines, purlines, or ridge pole. The roof sheets are so formed that they interlock at the edges; and over the joints on the outside there are U-shape cap pieces extending the width of the car, and provided with a certain amount of ventilation through their ends, as seen in Fig. 444. CHAPTER XVI STENCILING CARS In the early days of railroading the carrier was content simply to transport the freight over his own line, and, if it was to be delivered to a connection, to unload it at his own terminus and let the connection take it. But in these days a shipment of freight may, for instance, be loaded at New York and unloaded at San Francisco without ever leaving the car in which it was first placed. Consequently such a car will traverse the lines ‘of many companies in carrying its load from point of origin to destination. It follows that the freight cars of the different railroad companies of the country are scattered in what would seem to be the wildest confusion all over the country. It is apparent that under such circumstances it is of great moment that the carrier who takes a car from another road should be able to tell at a glance its salient mechanical features so that he may know how to handle it and how most quickly and efficiently to inspect it as to its condition. Accordingly .every freight car is marked in various ways by letters or figures painted by means of stencil plates (hence the term “ stenciling”), which indicate the style or dimensions of certain of its parts such as the length and width, the style of coupler, draw bar attachments and brake beam; the size of journal and axle, the kind of air-brake with which it is equipped, etc. As this is a matter of concern to all shippers and railroad companies, and as its eflicacy depends upon uniformity of practice by railroads generally, the M. C. B. Association eventually adopted as Standards certain rules on the subject. Similarly, in order that the markings might be standard for all freight equipment, the Association adopted uniform heights and dimensions for letters and figures for all specified markings, besides certain styles therefor, so that uniform stencils might be prepared and used on all freight cars. 589 590 Units The M. C. B. standards are as follows :- . That on all box cars standing more than twelve feet from top of rail to eaves, the height and width at eaves be stenciled in three-inch letters on side of car as near the bottom as convenient; if running board is flush with eaves, the height should be given to top of latitudinal running board. All classes of cars ‘are to have size of coupler, style of rear attachments, kind of draft gear, and style of brakebeam stenciled in two or three inch letters on each side of car at opposite ends, or on each end of car directly above coupler, where design of car permits it. Where the kind of draft gear implies the style of rear attachments, the marking for the latter may be omitted: that where the construction of the track permits, trucks shall be stenciled on each side, giving the size of journal, and the letters “M. C. B.” if the axle is M. C. B. standard axle. If the axle is not M. C. B. standard, use dimen- sions from center to center of journal in place of M; C. B. This stenciling to be in one or two-inch letters, and to be put on end or side of bolster .in Diamond trucks, and on side truck frame in center on pedestal type of trucks. Initials of the road should also appear in letters one or two inches high on one side of bolster or transom of each truck. Flat cars should be stenciled with length of car over end sills, measured at the center; the stencil ‘ ‘ Length-—-—feet” to be located on side of car. Drop-end gondola cars should be stenciled with length of car inside of drop-end doors, measured at the center; this stencil “Inside length --- feet” to be located on side of car. The M. C. B. Recommended Practice for uniform lettering of cars is as follows: 1. That Roman letters and figures of the design shown on Sheet M. G. B., Fig. 445, be used. 2. That the sizes of these letters and figures be confined to one, two, three, four, seven and nine inches. 3. That seven and nine-inch letters or figures be used for the initials, names and numbers for the sides of cars, and four-inch letters or figures for the lettering on the doors and ends of cars. 4. That for other car-body markings on sides and ends, such as capacity, couplers, brake beams, class of car, date built, outside and inside dimensions, and markings inside of car, two or three-inch letters and figures be used, with the following STANDARD LETTERING FOR FREIGHT CARS. 2_ 81 MASTER Bummaamssocmuou ~ O'ARS 591 exceptions: '(a) ‘All weight marks to be three or four-inch letters or figures. (b) Trust marks, patent marks and other private marks should be one-inch letters or figures. 5. That all marks on trucks be confined to one or two-inch letters or figures. 6. That stenciling on air-brake cylinders or reservoirs be one-inch letters or figures. These various M. C. B. rules are illustrated in Figs. 282 and 445. The M. C. B. standard marking on freight equipment cars is as follows:--- ' 1. Freight Equipment Cars that have a superstructure which will permit should be stenciled with markings on sides of car, in the following order: Lettering (Initials or name of Road), Number, Capacity, Light Weight. g This marking is to be located as nearly over the truck as the lettering will permit, preferably to the left of center line of side of car. On box and other house care where doors slide to the left, the above marking may be placed to the right of center line ' of side of car. On any other cars where the construction makes it necessary, this marking may be placed either to the‘ right of center line of side of car, or in the center of side of car. The distance from the center line of coupler to the bottom of car num- ber to be normally two feet four and one-half inches, with a min- imum dimension of one foot ten and one-half inches, and a max- imum of two feet‘ ten and one-half inches. The spacing of the remaining markings to be as shown on diagram. The ends to show ‘ the initials or name of road, car number and light weight, in the upper half of end of car. On box or other house cars having end doors this lettering should be so located that it will not be obscured when doors are open. Flat and low-sided gondola cars should show the lettering (initials or name of road), number, capacity and light weight on the side of car in the best available location offered by the con- struction of the car. Suggestions as to the arrangement of this lettering are shown on the diagrams. When possible the sizes of lettering and figures should correspond with present Recom- mended Practice. The end marking on flat care may be omitted. Side and end doors should be stenciled with the initials or name of 592 i CARS ' \ read either on the outside or inside of door. If placed on the inside the stenciling should be so located that it will not be defaced by the sliding of the door. ' The ‘ ‘ date weighed’ ’ shall include the symbol ‘of station where weighed. On steel underframe gondola cars, the maximum height of number above the center line of the coupler is one foot five inches. The word ‘ ‘ weight ’ ’ is to be preceded by the word ‘ ‘ new. ’ ’ The M. C. B. Standard Marking of Freight Cars, with loca- tions thereof, is fully shown in Fig. 282. The M. C. B. rules as to weighing- and stenciling cars are as follows:-“ (a) ‘Each new car must be weighed separately and the light weight, capacity in pounds, :1: station symbol and the date (month and year) must be marked thereon at the car works, under the supervision of the owner ’s inspector. vThe accuracy of the scales used must be certified to by a railroad scale inspector appointed by the car owner. These provisions to be incorporated in the contract covering the purchase of. the equipment. “ (b) Wooden and steel underframe cars should be reweighed and remarked at least once. every twelve months during the first twoyears the car is in service, and thereafter once every twenty- four months. All-steel cars should be reweighed and restenciled at least once every thirty-six months. A car must be clean when weighed for marking. The station symbol and the date (month and year) of each reweighing should be marked the same as pro- vided for new cars in paragraph (a). “ (c) When a car is materially changed by repairs, alterations - or repainting, it should be reweighed and remarked. ‘ ‘ (d) Any car‘ without marking or which has not been reweighed and remarked within the prescribed period should be immediately reweighed and marked. If the ear is reweighed at any time and is found to have a variation of over one per cent between the marked and the actual weight, it should be immediately remarked. When a car is remarked the car owner should be notified of the old and of the new weights, with place and date. The proper officer to whom these reports should be made will be designated in ‘ The Ofiicial, Railway Equipment Register. ’ ’ ’ ‘ Iand cubical capacity except for flat and tank cars. CARS 593 Besides requiring the installation of safety appliances on cars, the federal law requires the marking of cars accordingly; and the M. C. B. Association has therefore adopted the following designat- ing marks for cars equipped with such appliances:— For cars built 'on or after July 1, 1911: UNITED STATES SAFETY ‘APPLIANCES, STANDARD. For cars built prior to July 1, 1911: UNITED STATES SAFETY APPLIANCES. The above markings to be used on each side of the car; letters, if stenciled, to be not less than one inch in height and as per M. G. B. standards for lettering for freight cars, Fig. 445; letters, if on' a metal badge plate, to be not less than one- sixteenth-inch and have not less than one-eighth-inch bar or stafi. The arrangement of the words to be as near as possible as shown above. A metal badge plate, three and one-half by ten inches, with the proper marking is preferred, one plate to be secured on each side of the car by four bolts or rivets,“ if on metal cars, and by four bolts or screws, if on wooden cars, the bolts, rivets or screws to be not less than one-quarter-inch diameter. The badge plate to be of metal as shown on drawing below. ’ uumsu STATES “ SAFETY-APPLIANBES Us STANDARD is, 594 cities , In the Interchange Code of Rules of the M. C. B. Association, issued as a Supplement to this book, will also be found other oificial rules concerning stenciling, as regards the following mat- ters; Marking of Brakebeams; Marking of Tank-Car Safety- Valves; Marking of Car equipped with Steel Wheels; Marking of Air and Steam Hose, Pipe, and Couplings; Marking so as to show the month and year when the car was originally built, etc. These rules direct that each new freight car must be weighed separately and the light weight, capacity iri, pounds, and cubical capacity, except for flat and tank cars, together with the station symbol and the date (month and year) must be marked on said car at the car works. All freight cars except tank cars are to have their light weight and capacity, - or their light weight and maximum weight, stenciled on them. After October 1, 1915, cars not having stenciled ‘on them when they were built new, will not be accepted in interchange. As to tank cars, the M. C. B. Association requirements as to their stenciling will be found under “Specifications, M. C. B., for Tank Cars” in Chapter XII, of this book. The following rules regulate the M. C. B. Placard Board:— The space available for placards should not be less than sixteen inches by twenty-four inches on each end and each side of car. House cars with sufi’icient space available on Wood siding, or ex- posed lining, should have a rectangular space, painted black, on each side and each end. QOther house cars should be provided with placard boards, made of soft wood, not less than sixteen by twenty-four by one inch. The vertical edge should be reinforced with metal protection, and the bolts fastening the boards to the car should not be less than six in number, and should pass through the metal reinforcing pieces, three through each. The boards may be made of more than one piece, and should then be tongued and grooved. The distance from the floor line of car to bottom of board should be not less than four feet six inches. Routing boards, preferably the same size as the placard boards described, should be placed on the side of the car, as near as v I possible to the door seal. The light weight of car should be stenciled on each car. The cross frame tie, when exposed, furnishes a convenient place on which to show the weight, but- when this place is not available CARS 595 some other means should be provided. In addition to this, the length of the ‘cylinder end of the cylinder lever should be shown so that no calculation would be necessary to determine the proper cylinder lever for the car. It may be found desirable by some railroad companies to mark each lever in a manner to indicate the schedule to which each belongs and the location of each in the brake rigging, and if this is done it is suggested that the marking be the same as indicated. TABLE I. Schedule Light weights Type of Size of Brake Logiaztulilluitlidle Designation of Cm- Truck Cylinder of Brake (Lbs) Beam 100,000 A. to 6-wheel 16 inches 28,000 lbs. - 137,000 - - 80,000 A-l. to 6-wheel 14 inches 22,000 lbs. ’ 100,000 70,000 B. to 4-wheel 14 inches 28,000 lbs. 90,000 . 50,000 B-l. to 4-wheel 12 inches 22,000 lbs. 7 0,000 C. 50,000 } l and less. 4-wheel 10 inches 15,200 lbs. There have been brought together in Table I the distinctive data of each schedule so that by referring to the table there can be found quickly the correct schedule for any particular car. Here the location of levers and rods are designated by letters, the first letter in the designation distinguishes between body and truck. The second letter distinguishes between the levers and the connections. The figure following the second letter is the dis- tinctive number for the lever or connection; and following this figure is the schedule letter to which the lever or connection belongs. Thus B-C2-B means body connection number two (second from cylinder piston rod), of schedule “B”; also T-L2-B would mean truck lever number two for schedule ‘ ‘B. ’ ’ The M. C. B. Association has recommended to the American Railway Association that stenciling on the end of freight cars be 596 p , cans S omitted, because of the liability of making errors the stenciling of weights, the increase in the amount of work involved thereby, and the danger to employees, for whom it is unsafe either to ‘ stencil or make use of the ladder to get up near the top of the car to enter the weight. In fact, the majority of roads do not now stencil weight on car ends. ' Formerly it was done principally I for reading weights when the cars were on the scale tracks; but the inspector now can and should make use of the stenciling on the side of the car. The bars below the number and abovethe initial marking are not included in the M. C. B. markings, and not many roads use them nowadays. ' The name of the road in full should-be put in some manner in ‘some place on the car. One objection to this is that, in the steel outside frame car, the outside frame reduces the stenciling space on the car and greatly interferes with getting the stencils on them. For this kind of car, use may yet be made of ‘bridge plates with smal- ler ‘letters, giving the data as to coupler, brakebeam, class of car, date it was built, outside and inside dimensions, and the markings on inside of car. This will make a better appearance for such type of cars. In any case, where a railroad has the same initials as another road, the name in full should be put in some part of the car where it may be readily seen. It is also proposed to use separate letters placed on each side of the car near the door hasp of house cars for seal record purposes, so that such records can be taken by letters. The following practice for stenciling fast freight line cars is recommended: 1. The half of sides of car on which the doors do not slide, to show the name of the “Fast Freight Line, ’ ’ spelled out in full, and the car number, in the Fast Freight Line series, immediately below it. In the same panel and within two feet of the sill shall appear, in letters not over four inches high, the name of the railroad company owning or contributing the car, and between the same and the sill shall, appear the light weight of the car, with such other information as it is found, advisable to give in connection with same. ' 2. Side doors to bear the initials of the road to’ which the car belongs, or the name of the line on which the car is used, together with the number of the car. CARS 597 3. The ends to show the initials, in the “Fast Freight Line,” with the car number, in the Fast Freight Line series, and the light weight just below them; no other marks will appear on ends of car. 4. The half sides of cars on which the doors do slide, to be reserved for advertising symbols or trade marks where used. The use of profuse lettering in this panel is to be discouraged, however, and it is recommended that only the simplest trade marks or advertising signs shall be used; the capacity of the car to appear near the sill in this same panel. The American Railway Association urges that strict attention he paid to the standard locations for, and uniform marking of all freight cars, as set by the M. C. B. standards, and that in re- lettering or repainting old cars, the marks should be replaced in the proper location, regardless of the old location of said marks. R I A G.L GLOBE LINE .--‘I\ .322. "w _.- , (if: nan-‘c.5000 :3 ‘ . “m- D on _ mm‘- 11- i @e O 'O {by Fig. 447. Marking Fast Freight Line Cars. Among other things, the neglect to place the light weight on cars causes confusion to both roads and shippers, involving all in delay and expense. Private car lines do not follow the M. C. B. practice of stenciling the light weight on the car, which often leads to trouble in, billing freight loaded on them. The loading of re- frigerator cars is, in a way, estimated and corrected by weighing the car after it is unloaded, but even the ice still in the car is thus included therein. , The present tendency is to stencil the light weight and max- imum load on all new cars, especially as practically all new cars are steel or steel underframe construction with general use of the twenty-four-inch minimum cross-sectional area of the center-sills; although many still oppose the marking on even steel and steel underframe cars unless such cars actually have a safety factor suflicient to carry the maximum load marked on them, and are also strong enough in both truck and superstructure to be properly so stenciled. ' CHAPTER XVII PAINTING CARS ~All cars are painted with the primary object of protection. The coloring of the paint is a secondary consideration. It is chosen on the strength of its durability or‘ color retaining prop- erties and its attractiveness. Paint, as is well known, is a mechan- ical mixture of a pigment and a carrying vehicle. After being spread over the surface to be covered this vehicle dries or hardens and, with the pigment held in suspension, it forms a coating which protects the painted part from the deteriorating eifects of the weather. This coating presents a smooth, impervious surface to the elements and thus, excludes the moisture which is the principal cause of the decay of wood and the rusting of iron‘or steel. ' _ - ' , , In general there are four qualities of a good paint for use on_ railway cars. First, durability; second, covering power; third, drying qualities; fourth, ease of application. These all apply to paints used both on passenger and freight equipment. By dur- ability of course is meant its ability to withstand the effects ‘of all sorts of exposure at the same time retaining its original color. Covering power refers both to the amount of surface over which a given quantity of the paint can be spread and also to its ability to thoroughly hide the ground color or unpainted surface to which it is applied. Drying qualities refer to its ability to harden or dry more or less rapidly. Ease of application means the ease with which it can be spread over the surface to be painted without leaving heavy streaks and rolled up or hardened pieces. Naturally the best paint, is one which will retain its color . longest, withstand the exposure best, spread over and thoroughly cover the largest surface and at the same time dry reasonably quickly as well as spread out easily when being applied. No one paint excels in. all these qualities. The choice of a paint then depends on a careful analysis of the conditions of the service and the facilities for applying the paint. A paint that has durability, ' can be easily applied and spreads well, can be made to dry quicker 598 CARE’ 599 by the addition of special preparations called ‘ ‘ driers.” The usual vehicle in paint does not dry by evaporation alone. The absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere sets up a chemical action which changes the vehicle into a somewhat resinous state through— out. which are held the particles of the pigment. This oxidization is often assisted by these driers which act on the oil, as a ferment, causing a more rapid absorption of the oxygen. In the painting of wooden freight cars a linseed oil paint is used the same as for house painting. The particular color of the paint is a matter of th ' personal opinion of those in charge of the car department as well as the desire of the freight department of the road. For a long time many roads endeavored to keep their cars distinctive by using a coloring peculiar to their equipment. One road would paint the entire body of the car with a “catchy” or ‘.‘gaudy” color; another would make their particular “catch- iness” appear in the color of the side doors; still another would have a wide band all around the car painted in an odd color, while still another would paint the ends in a different shade or color from the rest of the car. A few roads still retain this practice but by far the larger number are painting the bodies of all freight cars with a dark red or brownish mineral paint. Three coats of paint are usually called for, the first of which is applied directly to the wood which has been surfaced in the‘ mill before erecting. At least twenty-four hours should elapse between the application of each consecutive coat. The most durable results are obtained when each of these coats is applied with a brush. Spraying on paint is now generally abandoned, though once a common practice on many large railroads. In every case, though, the last coat is brushed in, as it seems to bind the paint' better and leaves a smoother and glossier finish than the spraying process. As ex- plained, to this smooth finish is due the durability and protecting qualities of the paint. After the last coat of the body color is applied and has had time to dry the lettering and “blacking off” is done. “Blacking ofl’” consists in painting with black, usually an asphaltum paint, all the exposed metal used on the body of the car, such as rod ends; corner bands; door hangers; locks, stops, rails, etc, The lettering and special marking are sometimes outlined by the use of pounce patterns. These patterns are made of thick paper on 600 CARS which is drawn the outline of the letter or device it is desired to trans- fer. Small holes are then cut through the paper at short intervals along these lines. When the pattern is held against the car and the powder brush is rubbed on it, a little of the powder passes through each hole, which leaves on the car a very plain outline of the figure. With this as a guide the figure can then be readily painted in. . Two coats of paint are ordinarily called for when this method is used. Another way to put on the lettering, cheaper and ‘as sat- isfactory, is to use a pattern out of which the complete figure is cut. With this a “dauber’ ’ is used in place of a brush. As a consequence of being able to use a thicker paint with a ‘ ‘dauber” . than with a brush only one coat is ordinarily required. These _ patterns are made of heavy paper or a thin sheet metal. The latter is more satisfactory as the centers of the letters can be held rigidly in place by small wires soldered across the openings, while with the paper patterns the figures can be cut out only in skeleton and a brush is needed to finish up the letters where the binding pieces are left across the'openings. Besides the painting of cars which is visible from the ‘outside there is considerable painting done during construction which is entirely covered up. All mortised and tenoned joints, butting joints of posts, braces and sills, the top and outside faces of side and end sills, the top and outside faces of side and end plates, all woodwork against which metal is placed, etc., receive a. heavy coat of either mineral or creosote paint. Paint is also applied to the ends and edges of all roof boards before they are laid. When a double board roof is used the top of the first course is thoroughly painted before the second course is laid. All painting which is finally covered up is invariably done with a heavy or thick paint, a precaution which results in saving the wood, thus giving a. longer life to the car. The most satisfactory way to paint metallic roofs where the metal is exposed to the weather is to give it three coats of a good mineral paint. Galvanized iron will not take paint readily but if the first coat is made thin and is well brushed out it will aid materially in the life of the paint. ‘ In the painting of passenger cars a much greater refinement is necessary for the exposed parts of the car both inside and out, . - than is practised on the freight equipment. During the construc- CARS 601 tion of the car the same attention is given to painting the joints, etc., as outlined for freight cars. It is to the exterior that the painter has to give his careful attention. While painting freight cars he has to beware only of frost and rain. A variation of the temperature does not materially affect his work and any amount of moisture less than a rain appears to make little diiference in the appearance of the cars. With passenger cars this is entirely dif- ferent. An even temperature and a dry atmosphere are almost essential to perfect results. As a consequence especial buildings are prepared for painting this class of cars. Elaborate arrange- ments are made to keep the temperature steady and evenly dis- tributed. The aim is to keep the room at seventy degrees F. An excess of moisture is also avoided, care being taken to thoroughly drain away the wash water used in scrubbing down the cars. Instead of using a simple linseed oil paint the paint is made up with considerable spirits of turpentine and “japan drier” in the vehicle. This is made necessary by the finish that it is desired to obtain. An oil paint will not entirely obliterate the graining of the wood and the finishing varnish that is used cannot be suc— cessfully applied over an oil paint. The complete obliterating of the grain of the wood gives the background for the beautiful finish that is'so distinctive of passenger cars. The varnish that is finally applied is the real protective coating and to it is due, with slight qualifica- tions the durability of the paint. These qualifications consist simply in requiring that the surfacing coats are properly prepared and applied, and that the varnish itself is up to the proper grade. With these conditions satisfied the car should be prepared so that with occasional varnishings and patchings it will last from eight to ten years before the paint will have to be entirely removed and a new foundation coat applied. There are four distinct parts in the painting of the exterior of a passenger car: first, the preparation of the wood; second, the surfacing; third, the application of the body color and mark- ings; and fourth, the finishing with the varnish covering. To begin, the car must be carefully sand papered and then dusted. All grooves and corners must be thoroughly cleaned as well as all flat surfaces. It is then ready for the surfacing which consists in applying first a priming coat, then the “rough stufi’ ’ and finally, after puttying and glazing, rubbing down to a smooth 602 CARS surface with sand paper alone or pumice stone and water. The body color is then applied, the requisite number of coats being deter- mined by the nature or kind of color chosen. An opaque pigment will naturally call for fewer applications than one which is more transparent or does not possess good covering qualities. Usually three coats will answer, twenty-four hours being allowed between coats for thorough drying of each. When the last coat of body color is dry the car is ready for the lettering and striping after which the finishing varnish is applied. The lettering is always I outlined by pounce patterns and is worked in with a brush. Some; times the letters are only painted a distinctive color, at other times gold, silver or aluminum leaf is used which adheres to the outlined letter that has previously been marked in with gold size japan. These practices apply also to the marking and striping. Three coats of varnish are always used with forty-eight hours between. each. Then after at least seventy-two hours’ time allowed for final complete drying the car is ready for service. In following this general scheme of exterior coach painting there are two general methods used. They are the oldest, called the lead and foil method and its opposite, in which the use of lead is entirely dispensed with. There are strong advocates of both systems who give both technical and practical proof of their faith. However, it is suflicient to say ‘that there are good grounds for using either method. In painting a car by the lead and oil method it is first primed with a mixture of “Keg-lead,” raw oil, turpentine and japan drier, the proportions of each being varied to suit the tastes and experiences of the Master Painter. After seventy-two hours the second coat canbe applied. It is made up of the same ingredients with a little coloring added. This coat requires about forty-eight- hours to dry before the puttying and'glazing can be done. The putty used is naturally a hard drying putty. All nail holes are well filled with this, a putty knife being used to press it into the recesses. A little putty is left projecting above the level of the surrounding surface, as an allowance for shrinkage. In cases where wood of a resinous nature is used for such places as corner and door posts an application of a coat of gum shellac dissolved in alcohol is made either directly on the wood or over the coat of priming, which should have as little oil in it as possible. When CARS 603 coarse or open grained woods are used such as walnut, oak or ash, a thin putty or glazing is pressed or scraped into the pores with a broad-bladed knife called a French scraper. This is ordinarily done over the second priming ‘coat at the same time as the puttying of the nail holes. After about sixteen hours or when the putty has hardened, three or four coats of a surfacer or “rough stufi” are applied twenty- four hours apart. ‘This "rough stufi” is a mixture which must possess toughness and cohesiveness to ‘prevent cracking. It must also be hard and totally non-absorbent of water, consequently it cannot be porous in the slightest degree. Its constituents are selected according to the personal experience of the painter in charge. , Often a prepared compound can be advantageously used. A guide coat or .thin paint of some color distinctively difierent in shade from the rough stuff is at times used over the last applica- tion of rough stufl’ to assist in locating the uneven spots. The ' rubbing down of the rough stuif with pumice stone and water is an art which is acquired only by considerable practice. - It must be carefully done so as to avoid scratching or rubbing too close. After completion the car is washed and dried with chamois skin. It is then allowed to dry ofl’ thoroughly. In- order to avoid the liability of accidents to the work from water being absorbed by the rough stuff during the process of rubbing down as outlined above, a great many painters use a putty instead of the coats of rough stuff. This is applied with a French scraper to all flat surfaces. All the open grained wood is glazed at the same time. After drying for twenty-four hours it is sand papered down smooth. The processes just outlined apply equally as well to the system of painting when white lead is eliminated. The primer and rough stufl‘ are mixed without the use of white lead; they are applied in the same way and are rubbed down with pumice stone and water or sand papered after glazing instead of using rough stuff the same as explained for the lead and oil method. Following the surfacing the body color is applied, the striping and lettering is done, which is followed by three coats of finishing varnish. . It ordinarily takes about eighteen days to paint the exterior of a car when the glazing and sand papering method is followed. 604 ' cans Twenty-eight days is the time required when the rough stufi is rubbed down ‘with pumice stone and water. ' ' The painting of the interior of a car is now being done in the plainest way. All wood work is finished in its natural color. It is carefully sand papered and dusted after which it receives its protecting covering ofv oil and varnish. When the head lining is made of veneer it is treated the same as the rest of the interior wood finish. At times it is painted a flat color on which some simple gilt striping is done, after which it is varnished. If the head lining is made of cloth it has to receive special attention. The piece of cloth cut to the proper .size is stretched on a frame. It is then treated to a paste filler, after which a ground work of a lead paint is applied. Sometimes two- coats are used before the design and vfinal color is applied.v After drying the head lining is then put in place on the car and finally treated to the finishing coat of varnish. The ends of cars are usually damaged a great deal by the cutting action of the cinders from the locomotive. This is especially the case with cars that are habitually run in the train close to the locomotive‘. As a means of protecting the paint covering as well as the wood itself, the ends are sometimes sanded. This sanding consists in throwing a sharp fine sand on the fresh paint before it is dried. The sand adheres to the paint and thus forms a hard gritty covering which is not so susceptible to the action of the cinders. Of course the finishing coats of varnish are not applied to this sanded portion of the car. The roofs are painted according to the covering used. If a canvas roof is used with copper flashings the roof boards are painted with a heavy coat of white lead before the canvas and ' copper are laid. Then after the canvas is fastened in place another coat of the white lead is painted over it. After this is thoroughly dry it is given two coats of a linseed oil mineral paint, the. color suiting the shade used on the sides. The metallic portions of the roof covering over the hoods at each end of the car are usually sanded the same as outlined above for the ends. With tin roofs, the tin, after being laid in place, is painted with a linseed oil paint, ordinarily three coats being applied, the first of which is “flat” or very thin and well brushed out. CARS . 605 The trucks of passenger cars do not receive the careful attention - that the bodies do. This is natural because any attempt to make a fine finish would not be justified on account of the conditions of their service. With the dust, dirt and oil all over them a paint covering is needed that will stand the service and still have a clear appearance when washed or rubbed off. A'plain linseed oil and mineral paint is used, a single coat being applied after priming with a lead and mineral primer. At times the trucks are'striped for the appearance, a coat of varnish being finally applied to them. This same finish is given to the platforms and steps of the car. Platform sills (if of steel construction), truss rods, queen posts, brake rigging, draw bars and all exposed metal parts of the car are painted with an asphaltum paint and finally the steam, air brake and air signal hose couplings are painted. The first two receive a coat of black asphaltum paint and the last is _ painted red as a distinctive mark. Maximum paint protection is a necessity in railway service, and nowhere more so than on cars. The factors affecting this have been given; and, also, the diiferent localities through which the cars are to run, influence'to a certain extent the materials to be used in painting said cars. The bestmaterials obtainable for painting and varnishing are really the most economical in the long run. It is false economy to consider only the first cost when painting passenger equipment, as it may lead to frequent renewal and avoidable expense. It is useless to expect good and lasting results when poor paints and varnishes are used on cars. Railway colors should be fast and should last; he made of fine and‘natural pigments, not of chemical substitutes; be ground to the utmost fineness and smoothness that is possible, in the best machines, under the most skillful direction, and ground in the best J apans. Nearly all railroads have their standard colors, but the most pleasing colors are harmonious combinations properly applied under direction of competent master painters. Many roads have adopted standard formulas for their colors; and some have their own chemistsv test the materials. To determine the actual relative value of paint stock, service tests should be made, under normal conditions, of all paint materials for car use. As it would take too long for this, if made on cars, test panels are often employed, observing actual conditions in preparing the panels, \ 606 CARS with exposure such as it would have to meet on the car. Such panels are cut from the same piece, and finished with the same priming, surfacing, and coloring material (together with the same number of coats of varnish) in exactly the same manner as a new - passenger coach; all‘ these operations being performed by one man at as nearly the same time as possible. The results of such tests, should be carefully studied and compared, after the panels have been subjected to appropriate exposure; the panels being, in some cases, filed away for future reference. One peculiarity has been noted—that our southern climate is more severe on varnished surfaces than our northern climate. Also, it will be found in many cases that the air-dried finish on the steel car does not behave like that on the test panels, the test panels ‘being much shorter lived than the cars. _ The priming coat should always be peculiarly penetrating, going deep-into the grain of the wood; also, it should be moisture proof,'filling the pores and enfolding the fibres so ‘perfectly that the . wood may be soaked in hot or cold water without raising the grain. The priming must be tenacious, gripping the fibres as if it were grown fast ‘in them; and it should be elastic, not dusting, blister~ ing, peeling, or cracking. The loading coat is largely the same as the priming coat, but with more body. Next comes the leveling coat, with the same tenacity as the former two, and with all the elasticity it ought to have. It should dry hard, rub down freely, and make a solid, perfectly smooth, and durable surface on which the varnish stands out with brilliant efiect. Surfacers should be applied to all joints and the under side of battens before nailing on, as good ones exclude dampness. Work well into nail holes, as they greatly assist in retaining-the putty. - The big saving in paint is in the lasting finish it gives—the months it adds to the shopping periods. So, in laying out a schedule for painting operation, it must be remembered that the extra protection depends .upon the varnish; for whenever service ‘ exceeds the life of the varnish, the whole paint structure is en- dangered, which meansextra expense for additional time and mate- rials necessary for renewals. A varnish that keeps cars in good condition fifteen months instead of twelve, gives a saving of twenty ‘per cent of the varnishing cost. The best car varnishes now keep a car in good condition for eighteen months instead of twelve, thus saving one-third of the varnishing cost. For chair CARS 607 cars and coaches which must necessarily be cleaned at terminals, a tough durable elastic varnish is required, which does not lose its gloss under this rough treatment; one that does not mar easily, and can- be rubbed. For refrigerator cars, the varnish must resist temperature changes, alkali, and terminal. scrubbing. It should preserve the natural color of the wood, leave no odor, and not contaminate the products packed in such cars. At first, it took six to eight weeks to get the finish on a pas- senger car, but new methods and systems have revolutionized the art of car painting, saving more than the shopping time of lead and oil. They also do the work better and cheaper, and their result lasts longer. Many of the new surfacers, however, were of poor grade; a surfacer that rubs too easily, has not the substance in it and cannot last. To get a car out of the shop earlier by one or two days is haste that makes waste, if that car must come back to the shop five or six months earlier. The varnish may be the best in the world, but the surfacer is its foundation. As to stain- ing, the careful painter makes his own stain. Venetian red is superior to lampblack, if the color allows of its use. . Thin with turpentine. Use moderate pressure and lump pumice in rubbing; use a half elastic bristle brush. For the painting of iron and steel in trucks, when new, use two coats of some steel protecting paint, asphaltum or carbon, for freight car trucks. ‘By the nature of things, the quality of finish secured in seven days cannot equal that of one requiring fifteen days. For certain ‘ classes of work the seven day system will answer, and satisfactory results are had by proper systems which ‘recognize the occasional necessity of getting out ears with the utmost speed. There are several well-known systems, as a sample of which we here give the Murphy seven day system for both steel and wooden cars:— lst day-Steel car primer. ‘ 2nd day—Putty in the morning and knife coat steel car surfacer, full body, in afternoon. . 3rd day—Brush coat of Steel Car Surfacer, reduced, in morning. Guide coat in afternoon.‘ 4th day-'-Rub with block pumice or Eureka Rubbing Stone and water. Late in afternoon coat of M. V. 00. Japan Color. 5th day—Morning, second coat of Japan Color, required. After- " noon, stripe and ornament. 608 CARS 6th day—Coat of Murphy Perfect Railway Body. 7th day—Coat of Murphy Perfect ‘Railway Body. _ Some seven-day systems, together with the hurried method of cleaning cars at terminals and caring for them en route, are alleged, not without reason, to be the real cause of a considerable amount of so-called paint failures. With the advent of the steel freight and passenger cars, new problems in car painting arose, and other methods became neces- sary. After much experimenting these latter seem to now be well on the road' to solution, and the adoption of standard practices varying ‘but slightly ‘is new general. With the certainty that within a few years nearly all cars will be made of steel, this matter has become of great importance and has received much attention, as the whole life of the steel car depends on the protection and preservation of the metal by coating it with some rust inhibitive material, here generally a paint. As in the case of the composite car, rust and corrosion are the formidable foes of the steel car. ' If these were vanquished, the steel car body would be everlasting. The problem of the preservation of steel is not new, but its artistic. protection and preservation from rust and corrosion is a new problem, as passenger cars must be so painted and maintained as always to "present a pleasing appearance to the public eye. Numerous mixtures claiming to prevent ' this rusting are on the market; some are fair, but many even of these are fit for uselonly with structural steel in bridges and buildings rather than on cars. The all-important point in the painting of iron or steel sur- faces is to have these‘ surfaces thoroughly cleansed and entirely rid of rust, scale and grease, before applying the paint. To accom- plish this, sandblasting is now resorted to, supplemented sometimes by the use by hand of scrapers, wire brushes, emery cloth, etc., in more obscure places and the more uneven surfaces. Sandblasting is largely confined to the outside surfaces, and the latter practices to the inside portions of the car and to cars that are to be repainted—sandblasting being generally used only with new cars that are being painted for the first time. N o paint should ever be applied to iron or steel except under the most favorable~ con- ~ ditions;- paint is‘ meant to protect the metal, not merely to cover it over. " ' CARS 609 At first, much difficulty was had in properly applying paint to steel cars, owing principally to the fact that the importance of thoroughly cleansing the metal before putting on the paint was then not correctly appreciated. The mistake was made of using the same methods for painting steel cars~ as were then used for painting wooden ones. To show how elaborate a method that was, we tabulate the time and work below of a. job using surfacer-s, _ colors, and varnishes containing a relatively large amount of artificial driers and varnish gums, in order to obtain the artistic finish desired for the interior of the car:— HEADLINING 1st day—Apply ‘one coat and stipple after application. , _ 2nd day—Stand for drying. 3rd day—Applyone coat and stipple after application. 4th day—Stand for drying. 5th day—Apply one coat and stipple after application. Smns ABOVE WINDOW SILLS AND ENDS ' 1st day—Apply one coat or primer. 2nd day—Stand for drying. 3rd day—Apply one coat surfacer. 4th day—Necessary puttying and glazing. ‘ 5th day—Apply. as many coats surfacer as are necessary to make a level surface. 6th day— Same as 5th day. _7th day—Rub down with emery cloth and linseed oil. 8th day—Apply one coat of ground color. 9th day—Apply one coat of ground color. 10th day—Apply one coat of ground color. 11th day—Apply one coat and stipple after application. 12th day-Apply one coat rubbing varnish. ' 13th day—Stand for drying. 14th day—Apply one coat rubbing varnish. 15th day—Stand for drying.’ 16th day—Apply one coat rubbing varnish. 17th day—Stand for drying. 18th day—Rub with oil and pulverized pumice stone. 610 CARS Smns BELOW Wmnows 1st day-Apply one coat or priming. 2nd day—Stand for drying. 3rd day—Apply one coat surfacer. 4th day—Necessary puttying and glazing. . 5th day—Apply as many coats surfacer as are necessary to make a level surface. 6th day—Same as 5th day. 7th day—Rub down with emery cloth and linseed oil. 8th day-Stand, awaiting bringing up other work. 9th day— Stand, awaiting bringing up other work. 10th day—Apply one coat bronze green. 11th day—Apply one coat/bronze green. 12th day—Apply one coat of rubbing varnish. 13th day—Stand for drying. _ 14th day—Apply one coat of rubbing varnish. 15th day-Stand for drying. 16th day—Apply one coat of rubbing varnish. l7th'day—Stand for drying. 18th day—Rub with oil and pulverized pumice stone. The results of'such system of air-drying paints on steel were, quite often, more than poor. Due to imperfect cleansing, the paint soon flaked or cracked 01f, exposing the metal beneath to the elements, thus causing its rapid erosion and speedy ruin, and hence making this neglect a doubly expensive matter. Later, it was’ found that the artificial driers and gums used in hastening‘ _ the time of drying and hardening of the various coats, caused paints and varnishes to increase in hardness and brittleness, rendering them likely to crack or chip—this being increased by the excessive expansion and contraction of steel. This expansion is twice as great as that of wood, and therefore requires-more elastic. coatings than were formerly'used on wooden cars. After from four to six months’ , service, the interiors of the cars were often inpoor condition, due to varnish cracks and checks, eighty per cent of them having the varnish checked through to the surfacer. The exteriors of the cars were generally in fair condition. ' This serious condition, afterI such short service, indicated the need of radical revision in the methods of painting steel cars. CARS ' 611 Before assembling the parts used in the construction of new steel equipment, all of- them were therefore (as they are now) sand- blasted and given one good coat of linseed oil at once, or placed in a room warmer than the outside temperature, to prevent con- densation of moisture on the steel. Nearly always nowadays the steel is thus painted right after the sandblasting. However, one road claims that ninety-nine per cent of the steel it uses in building its steel cars is free from corrosion or rusting, and hence it omits the sandblasting. This road considers and uses red lead as a rust- inhibitive, retarding if not preventing rust action. Some of its steel cars, it claims, have now been in constant service for from‘ eight to ten years with nothing but the first painting, and said cars are still in excellent condition, it alleges. Nevertheless, sand- blasting is well nigh the universal practice before the first painting of a car. In the search for a new system of steel car painting, the bak- ing process was discovered and developed, and is now receiving more attention than any other method. 0 The baking of paints and varnishes on metal has long been in common use, but as applied to passenger cars it is still distinctly and entirely new.‘ Already it has passed the experimental stage, ‘as may be seen from the fact one large road recently baked 1,000 of its steel cars in its own ' ovens. As this process is coming into widespread use, a brief description of it is not amiss here. The baking process, consists in applying a coat of paint to a steel car, and then shunting the car into large specially con- structed ‘ ‘ ovens, ’ ’ where a high temperature is obtained usually by means of steampipe coils arranged alongside of the walls and ‘on the floors of the ovens. After remaining in the oven three or four hours, the car is drawn out, allowed to cool, given another coat, re- baked again, and so on, ufitil the car is finished. The ovens are gen- erally of the kind shown in Figs. 448 and 449, being double-walled buildings with insulating material between the walls. Small open- ings near the floor and also the roof-ventilators are used to admit and eject the air necessary for drying the paint and carrying off the volatile matter. Automatic ventilation and steam-regulation will probably soon be adopted for use in these ovens. ' To prepare a car body for enameling, remove all grease with gasoline and, if necessary, sandblast the surface to remove all 612 CARS the rust and scale. This must be done to insure a perfect and lasting job. Immediately after sandblasting give the surface a thorough dusting and apply a coat of priming enamel. Never let a sandblasted job remain over night without priming, as it will rust in a very short time. A steel passenger car when shopped for general repairs can be completed in less than half the time by Fig. 448. Exterior of Oven Used for Baking Paint on Steel Cars. I the enameling process than by our present air drying system, if there are proper facilities for doing the work. If the work is properly done, enameling will outwear the air-dried job by two years or more service, and the surface of the car is easier cleaned and the appearance is 100 per cent better. Cars may be finished on schedule time, temperature and weather conditions more care- fully regulated, and there is no interference by workmen of other trades while the paint is drying. It seems more economical, taken altogether, and will likely become more and more so, as practice CARS 613 improves. The life of the baked paint is greatly increased, and it is more impervious to gas and moisture than the same vehicle unbaked. Late developments of this process are the baking of SI r" * w-‘w‘a . ,. 5 wIii it I. % B—a-l‘mx or a p w ' :<‘*“"I II‘- 4 _l L ‘Ii Fig. 449. Steel Car in Oven. the interior separately from the outside, by electric heaters sus- pended from the ceiling of the car, the doors and windows being closed tight. Results and indications at this time seem to justify our ex- pectations that the new process of baking will give, over the present air drying system: (a) Longer life of material applied. (b)A general appearance as good or better. (0) Less cost of material at no increase in the labor charge. (11) A considerable 614 CARS saving of time for shopping cars, which results in a saving of shop space.‘ (6) Complete sanitation for old cars. These ad- vantages are ofiset by the initial cost'of installation and operating cost of the oven. ‘ Paints foi: steel have different functions than those for wood; therefore in painting equipment constructed with wood and steel these functions should be carefully noted. Paint is absorbed into the pores of steel only to a limited extent, and for this reason a different quality of paint is required to secure stronger clinging effects than that of the pores of wood. While it is undoubtedly true ‘that sandblasting gives a slightly roughened surface which aids materially in holding the paint to steel, it is necessary to assist an oil paint with something that is better as an adherent to steel than linseed oil. The fewer the number of coats of paint on. steel which will give the maximum protection, the longer the wearing and the better service will the paint coats give. The pigment and vehicle must be such as to exclude from the steel surfaces all moisture and gases. It matters not what coating is to be applied, special atten- . tion should be given to the application of the priming coat, espe- cially on metal. Where previously the seven or eight-coat system was used, it ‘has been found that three coats of paint would give the desired capacity and ample protection to the steel. One well-known rail- ' road today uses a five-coat system, applied as follows: primer, bodycolor, varnish color and two coats of varnish. The priming coat is made with an inhibitive pigment as a fundamental require- ment and ‘a vehicle of good adhering quality. The prime factor of the second coat lies in the vehicle which must be the very best moisture and gas resister that can possibly be obtained. The pigment was also a very good inhibitive. The steel plates are dipped in these two first coats and baked at 240 degrees F. for twelve hours. Cars so painted have been in service thirty months, without the slightest indication of destruction of the paint. The outside surface was entirely free from checks and cracks and as ‘ a general assertion, the paint was in excellent condition. The paint coats must be of such material that the vehicle or combinations of oils and varnishes ‘give the pigment a coating which will resist to its utmost capacity the passage of moisture and gases. The pigment must also be alkaline to a slight extent CARS . 615 and electrolytically positive to the steel. Some varnishes are better than others; some become flat after rubbing, others look the same ‘as if air-dried, when baked on- steel cars. Paints and varnishes have been worked up so that they are specially adapted for the baking process; the greatest requisite being greater elasticity. Many roads have exact formulas for their various baking mixtures already well defined, the majority of which are successful. All roads using steel passenger cars are experimenting with non~drying ' and semi-drying oils for use on freight cars, with surfacers and varnishes. If a paint can be dried artificially without the use of liquid driers, its life and durability will be increased. As J apans or other driers are not used in the baking process, this feature alone makes this process very much worth while in car painting. The general use of steel cars has restored to high favor as a paint, comparatively pure red lead, especially as a rust-inhibitive, to prevent iron or steel from rusting. Used for such a purpose, it had a high reputation for 100 years, being also largely used in England as a priming coat for wood. Unfavorable opinions con- cerning it arose principally because of its past impurity. Com- mercial specimens often contained from fifteen to thirty per cent of litharge, from which red lead is made by roasting said litharge. The remedy for this was found to lie in grinding the litharge to an impalpable powder before roasting it. In a gallon of mixed red lead containing twenty pounds of dry red lead of the ordinary kind, there are about three pounds of litharge. One pound of litharge is enough to make about three gallons of a lead Japan drier; so, in a gallon of such mixed red lead paint there is enough to make eight or ten gallons of drier. No wonder such paint har'dens in the pail, and that it is hard to apply, stiif in working, hard to brush out, and apt to lie unevenly on a surface. However, practically pure red lead is at last easily obtainable, and it makes a much superior paint to ordinary red lead. In painting steel cars, for which it is now largely used, some roads therefore call for pure red lead. One such railroad specifies that red lead should contain not less than ninety-five per cent of true red lead. In a seven years’ test of nineteen paints made under auspices of the American Society for Testing Materials, three paints were officially reported first class. In two of these the 616 CARS active pigment was red lead containing ninety-seven per cent of true red lead, proving that such high grade red lead is excellent not only for- priming and body coats but also for the surface. If it is the right kind, it makes a-good finishing coat. Such red lead brushes out easily like white lead, giving a smooth uniform film. A gallon of such paint costs from three to: six per cent more than that mixed by hand, if millground with seven per cent of oil, and put up in steel packages like paste white lead; but a gallon of pure red lead will cover from one-third to one-half more surface than a gallon of the old kind—the net result being a great economy in its‘ use. It can be flowed on with a full brush, and coal cars are sometimes painted this way.- Three things are necessary for a complete surfacing system for steel carsz—l. The surfacing must stay put. 2. It must entail the least possible time in the shop. 3. All of its coats must amalgamate into one solid and enduring coat. Ordinary clean- ing of a steel car leaves small patches of rust. Unless every particle of rust is disposed of, it causes the finish to peel off and show ugly scars. Steel is not porous in the sense that wood is porous; but under the microscope it shows ragged indentations and crevices. A good steel car primer, fine and penetrating, works in under the particles of rust, incorporates them with itself as a pigment, and fastens itself firmlyto the steel, gripping the ragged fibres permanently. It should flow easily; dry to an extra hard- ness; ‘ dry rapidly, and have long life. Many‘ quick-drying primers disintegrate in a little while, crumble away, and go to dust. With the liquid primer for steel cars often goes a heavy-bodied paste surfacer. For good practical work, three coats are needed; five coats for the very best work. Give each coat of, steel car surfacer twenty-four hours to dry. Putty on first coat and follow with as many coats as desired. The final coat, when dry, may be stained; a thin wash coat being suflicient. As an example of present practice, we give here a well-known system for steel car painting, the Murphy system:- 1st working day—One coat steel-car primer. 3rd working day—First coat steel-car surfacer. 4th working day—Second coat steel-car surfacer. 5th working day—Third coat steel-car surfacer. 6th working day—Fourth coat steel-car surfacer. \ CARS 617 7th working day—Stain. 8th working day—Bub with Eureka Rubbing Stone and water. 9th working day-Sandpaper and apply first coat Murphy body color. a 10th working day—Second coat Murphy body color. 11th working day—Ornament. 12th working day—Coat Murphy finishing varnish. 14th working day—Second coat of Murphy finishing varnish. 15th working day—Final coat of Murphy finishing Varnish. One large railway system has not made any very radical changes in its paint specifications, using the same coats for both wood and steel. Two hundred of its steel passenger cars painted seven years ago with a well-known surfacing system, are, it says, making a very fine showing; the‘ cars having first been thoroughly sandblasted, then primed and surfaced in the old style way. This, however, is quite exceptional these days; most roads hav- ing adopted new systems and specifications for painting their steel car equipment. One railroad gives. the following schedule for painting its steel passenger trucks, underframes, and car bodies:— Trucks—before assembling—all surfaces on truck parts throughout including concealed surfaces (but not including wheels and axles) must be covered with one coat of suitable surfacer and ‘the rough ' and uneven surfaces glazed with “surfacer composition; ’ ’ four coats of surfacer being added‘, rubbed down with linseed oil and emery cloth; two. coats of desired colpr material added, followed by stripingand lettering; and finally finished with three coats of finishing varnish. The outside of the roof must be finished with one coat of heavy protective paint, followed by one coat of a mixture composed by volume of three parts of mixed ground color - and' one. part of the protective coating used. The top surface and edges of the headlining vshould be painted with two coats of some preservative or color paint. The interior of the car should receive very careful attention, in order to produce the desired finish. On another railway, after the cars .are cleansed, the outside and underneath parts are given two additional coats of good linseed oil paint with twenty-four hours between coats. After the last coat is dry, the necessary stenciling is done. It is claimed that this method insures four to six years’ service without repainting—this for cars that have been painted at least once before. 618 I CARS Still another railroad paints its cars immediately after sand- blasting. After twenty-four hours, the sides and ends of the body are given a second coat of paint; and twenty four hours later, they are stenciled and released for service. On new cars, laps and joints are given a heavy coat of red lead or carbon black before the car is assembled. New trucks get two coats of carbon black; repainted trucks getting but one coat. ' For repainting its cars, one road cleanses its cars with scrapers, wire brushes, benzine, and _waste. They are then primed with freshly mixed pure red lead and linseed oil; and finished with ' two coats of good high grade carbon black carrying the maximum quantity of linseed oil. It is claimed that this method gives the maximum wear with no-increase in the cost. If there is leeway as to time and cost, the car after sandblasting is to be primed with red lead mixed with raw linseed oil, and finished with two coats of carbon black carrying the maximum quantity of raw lin- seed oil to which has been added a portion of extending oil—the last coat "being applied only,to the sides and ends of the super- structure. I ' When refrigerator cars have steel ends, those parts in the . interior of the car should have at least one coat of paint to protect ‘them from dampness. All other roofed steel or part steel cars such as automobile cars, should have all exposed steel parts given at least one coat of paint. It does not pay to paint the interior of steel coal cars, or hopper or,ore cars, and hence it is not generally done. As yet no successful means for protecting the- interior of cars designed to carry such freight as, coal has been found, as the coal dropping into the car scales the paint, and sulphur and other ' ‘chemicals in the coal attack the unprotected surface of the metal. Rust can be guarded against by cleansing the metal properly in the first place, and cementing all joints with good red lead. (END) ~ IN DEX PAGE Abbreviation of American Railway Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Abbreviation of Common Car Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Abbreviation of Master Car Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >. . . 29 Abbreviation of Master Car Builders’ Association . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . 30 Causes of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Effect of, on steel cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553 _ Number passengers killed per passenger mile . . . . . . . . . . . 505 ,Acld Test for Purity of Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Adjusting Height of Couplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Advisability of Standard Freight Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Agasote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . .63, 519 Air Brake— ‘ Arnerlcan Railways Association regulation on . . . . . . . . . . .. 319 Defect Card, M. C. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 351 Freight Cars—M. C. B. Location of Air Pipe on . . . . . . . . . .. 340 Freight Cars—M. C. B. Location of Air Pipe on . . . . ..Illus. 341 _ Fundamentals of, for Freight Cars, M. C. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 340 _ High Speed Foundation for Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Air Brake_Hose— _ ‘ Coupling and Packing Ring. M. C. B. Standard . . . . . . .Illus. 349 Label for M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 M. C. B. Specifications for, andTests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 341 Woven and Combination woven and wrapped, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 346 Air Drying System of Painting Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 610 Air Hose, I. C. C. Rulings on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 415 Alcohol Heater for Heating Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 464 All Metal Ends for Box Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 375 All Metal Roofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 All Metal Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26, 229 All Steel Cars, Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 569 All Steel Cars, Freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 562 All Steel Cars, Freight, Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 387 All Steel Cars, Interior Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 540 All Steel Cars, Passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507 All Steel Roofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .366, 568 All Steel Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223, 521, 550 All Steel Versus Steel Frame, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 All Steel Wheels .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 238 American Continuous Draft Rods, M. C. B. Prohibition of. . . . . 202 American Passenger Buffet, Sleeping and Observation Car I Has. 471 American Railway Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 American Railway Association Standard Box Car . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 American Society for Testing Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615 American Steel Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 223 Anti-Climbers for Passenger Cars to prevent telescoping . . . . . . 528 Anti-Friction Center Plates of various types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 Anti-Telescoping Device for Passenger Tram Cars . . . . . . . . . 502, 536 Arch Bars, M. C. B. Standard for 80,000 to 100,000 lbs. capacity Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .Illus. 289 Arch Bars, Old Type of, now being abandoned . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l 289‘ Arch Bars, Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Asbestos Fibrofelt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 519 Ash, M. C. B. Specifications for............................. 79 619 620 INDEX Asphaltum Paint.‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pggg Association of American Steel Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51 Automatic Car Door Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 395 Automatic Couplers (also see couplers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Automobile Cars, Direction as to painting of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automobile Cars, Double Doors for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..373, 386 Automobile Cars, End Doors, Double Swinging . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 Automobile Cars, General Structure of Modern . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 425 Automobile Cars, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6 Automobile Cars, Steel Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 585 Axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Axle Test, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 285 Axles, Care to be used in selection of steel for . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 279 Axles, Center, Neck, Wheel-Seat, Journal, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 216 Axles, Drop Test, M. C. B. for Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . . ..281, 283 Axles, For Cars marked “Capacity” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 285 Axles, For Cars marked “Maximum Weight” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 285 Axles,.How Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 279 Axles, Iron, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 280 Axles, Parts of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216, 278 Axles, Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 225 Axles, Specifications for, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Axles, Standard, also Standard Dust Guards, standard manner of Taking'Borings for analysis of . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . .Illus. 281 Axles, Steel, M. C. B. specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 282 Axles, Steel superseding wrought iron as material for . . . . . . .. 279 Axles, Test Machine, M. C. B. for testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 285 , Babbitt Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 Baggage and Mail Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Baggage Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Baggage Express, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Baking System for Painting Steel Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 Balanced Side Bearing Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 521 Balanced Side Bearing Truck, Use of with enclosed steel cars. 521 Ballast Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443 Ballast Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 444 Ballast Cars, M. C. B. Classlfication of various kinds of. . . .10, 12 Ball Bearing Center Plates, Types of . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 08 Barber Four Point Steel Flat Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 573 Barber Side Bearing Truck. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Barrel Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 434 Bars, ‘Arch, and their use in Diamond Arch Trucks (see also Arch Bars) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-289_ Bars, Wrought Iron, Refined, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . .. 46 Basswood, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 79 Beams, Brake, see Brake Beams. Beams, for Floor, U. S. Government PostaLSpecifications for. . 543 Bearings, Journal . .l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 286 Bearings, Journal, Malleable Iron or Steel Backed Foorbidden. . 287 Bearings, Journal, M. C. B. Standard Bearing Wedge and Lid, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 287 Bearings, Journal, Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Bearings, Side, See Side Bearings. Beech, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Belt Rail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 474 Bettendorf I Beam Bolster. . . . .i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .Illus. 139 Billet Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 437 Birch, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 79 Blacking off in car painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 599 'Blind End Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..502, 536 Boarding Outfit Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Body Bolster, Functions of; Types of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 135 Bolster Springs. Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 227 I N DE X 621 PAGE Bolsters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Bettendorf Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 301, 302 Bettendorf I Beam . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 137 Bettendorf Truck ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus 302 Box Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus 301- Cast Ste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus -138 Cast Steel, for 7 0 Ton Capacity Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus 304 Cast Steel, I Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 302 Cast Ste , M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 143 Cast Steel, Truck and Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 301 Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus 140 Compo . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus 304 Empire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 302 Gould Improved Z Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 302 Monitor . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June. 303 Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 227 Pressed Steel Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 137 Rigid and Swing Motion Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Simplex . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- .Illus. 141, 301, 302 Truck, Function of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 300 Williamson Pries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 142 Wrought Iron Plate. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 136 Bolts, Arch Bar, M. C. B. Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 288 Bolts, Column, M. C. B. Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 288 Bolts, Column, Functions of and Truck Columns . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Bolts, Journal Box, M. C B. Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 288 Bolts, Journal Box, Use of and Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 288 Bolts and Nuts, Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 227 Box Car, American Railway Asociation 36 Ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 420 American Railway Association Standard . . . . . . . .. . .Illus. 422 American Railway Association Standard Dimensions for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 420 American Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Automobile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 425 Convertible, for- carrying coal or grain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 432 Convertible from ordinary Stock Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 426 Fruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 462 General Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ill'us. 425 M. C. B. Recommended Practice for End Design . . . . . . .. 379 M. C. B. Ruling on Cars less than 60,000 lbs. capacity. . .. 418 Reasons given by roads for and against changing standar ee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steel superstructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 579 Stenciling, M. C. B for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 590 Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 426 Ventilated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 462 Box Girder Type of Center Sills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 520 Box Journal and contained parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215, 286 Box Journal Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . .. 288 Box Journal Bolts, M. C. B. Details and Dimensions . . . . . . . . .. 288 Braces for Freight Car superstructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 Braces for Side Frame of Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 Brake Beam— Adjusting Hanger Carrier Clip and Plates for . . . . . . . . . . . .' 322 Davis Truss Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Different Kinds of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 323. 328 Hanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 326 Hanger, Angle of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Huntoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 328 Improperly Hu‘ng.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 330 M. C. B, and Marking of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illue. 323 ' M. C. B., Requirements as to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 322 M. C. B.. Specifications and Tests for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 326 Safety Hanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 329 Solid or Trussed Types. . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 328 Trussed Type of and Requisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 328. 622 , INDEX ' PAGE Brake Burns on Car Wheels, Causes of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 242 Brake Chain for Hand Brakes, ‘M. C. B. Specifications for. . . . 317 Brake Clasp, Advantages of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 502 Brake Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 340 Brake, Feasible Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Brake, Vertical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 318 Brake Gear, Foundation .' . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . 313 Brake_Gear, Foundation, M. C. B. Recommended Practice for High Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 341 .Brake Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . ..314 Arranged to work harmoniously with power brake . . . . . . '. . 505 Feaslble Drop Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 319 Ratchet Brake Applied to Drop End Gondola . . . . . . ..Illus. 320 Ratchet Brake Applied to Hopper Cars . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 320 Ratchet Brake for Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 315 Standard, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 316 . S. Requirements as to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 314 Vertical Drop Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 318 Brake Head, Adjustable and Self Adjusting Kinds of. . . . . . . 330 Brake Head and. Shoes, Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . 227 Brake Head Shoe and Key and Standard Gauges for Brake Head and Shoe, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 331 Brake Pawl and Brake Pawl Dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 315 Brake Pawl and Brake Pawl Dog, M. C. B. Standards . . . . . . . 317 Brake Rigging, What it Includes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 312 Brake Shaft or- Staff of Hand Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 314 M. C. B. Dimensions and Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 316 M. C. B. Standard Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 316 Brake Shoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 and Key, M. C. B. Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 330 Efficiency Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Examples of Many Kinds of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 336 M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 , Various Kinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus., 333 335 Brake Slack Adjusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..321, 322 Brake Staff. See Brake Shaft. - . Brake Wheel, Perfect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jllus. 315 Brake Wheels, M. C. B. Dimensions and Location . . . . . . . . . .316, 317 Brasses for Journal Box, M. C. B. Proposed Specifications for. 286 - Buckeye Friction Draft Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 179 Buckeye, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 79 Buckeye Pressed Steel Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 233 Buckeye Tandem Spring Draft Gear . . . . . . . .., . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 172 Buckeye Twin Spring Draft Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 173 Buhoup Three Stem Janney Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 209 Buhoup Three Stem Janney Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . .. 208 Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . .160, 482 Buffer Bars used in Passenger Cars. . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Buffer Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._. . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . .._ . . . . .. 160 Buffer Friction Striking Plate for Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . .. 160 Buffer Sills for Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 535, 537 Buffet Car, M. C. B. Classification of. . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Buffing Shocks, Steel Underframes an improvement to... . .. 160 Bulkheads, Bohn’s Collapsible Steel, for Refrigerator Cars. . .. 469 Bulkheads for, Refrigerator Cars . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 461 Bunkers, Ice for Refrigerator Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 469 Bunkers Ice, Ice Capacity of,,M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . .. 469 Burlap, Use of in Grain Carrying Cars . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 Burner, Automatic, for Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 464 Burnett Hopper Bottom Convertible Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '432 Business Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Butler-Piper Friction Draft Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 566 Butternut, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . .._ . . . . . . . . . .. 79 INDEX 623 PAGE Caboose Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443‘ Four and Eight Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 445 M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 U. S. Safety Appliances for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 U. S. Safety Appliances for . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 411 Caboose and Tool Car, M. C. B‘. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Cafe Car, M. C. B. Classification of... . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cafe Observation Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cafe Coach or Kitchen'Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502 Cafe Parlor Car. . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502 Car Construction and Problems Involved in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23, 471 By using good material from dismantled cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Depreciation in value, Annual of Cars, Underframes, Trucks and Tanks, M. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Difference in_ Weight and Capacities of certain Freight Cars, relatively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Economic Values of using best materials, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . Example of heavy stress in modern train . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 558 Greater Strength for Cars now necessary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lumber for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..74-132 Metals used in, and what they include . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 New era in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 505 Practical suggestions for economical repairing of Freight 36 O U I I I O I I O O 0 O O O I O O I O l I I I I I I l O I O I I Q I I l Q I o O I I I 0 I o I Progress in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Rebuilding of Cars often economical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 Size of Cars, Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Standardization of Cars and Car Parts, and Advantages thereof ' Steel Freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564 To Withstand Heavy Shocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 506 Wooden Cars, giving way to steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..31, 417, 564 Car Heating (also see Heaters for Cars) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 463 Car Materials— Accelerated Sulphuric Acid Test for Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Chemical Electrolysis, effect on metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56 Composite Materials, Kinds o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 Galvanizing of Metals, How effected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Insulation of Car Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..33, 64 Iron being repgaced by steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Iron, Special inds, Kalamined, Planished, etc . . . . . . . . . .. 60 Lumber, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..78-132 Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Principal Ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40- Qualities upon which value depends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Repairing Foreign Cars with wrong kinds of . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 Rustmg of Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56 Salt Water Drippings, effect on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Steel Cast, Advantages of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Steel Cast, Parts made from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62v Steel, M. C_. B. Standard for composition must be adhered to 42 Steel, Specifications for, American Association Steel Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51, 541 Stresses to which they are subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 Testing of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42 Car Service, how classified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Card, Air Brake, Defect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Carlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 Compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 478 Different Types‘ of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 359 Freight Car Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 357 Passenger Car Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Postal Car, U. S. Government Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . 545 Profile for Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 503 Steel, for All Steel Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 358 624 1 ' INDEX PAGE 8arry Iron, Drawbar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 ars— - Classification and Designation of M. C. B. Recommended - Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~12 Classification of Kind of Service they perform. . . .- . . . . . . . . 1 Classification of Material constructed from . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Construction of (See Car Construction) ' Convertible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 Convertible Box and Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Convertible Center to Side Dump Gondola. . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . 427 Convertible Coal or Grain Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 Convertible Hart Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 Convertible Hart Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus.: 430 Convertible Heater Ventilator, Refrigerator Type . . . . .427 , 462 Convertible Heater Ventilator, Refrigerator . . . . . . ..Illus. 429 Damaged in Switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Evolution of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..13—22 First Recorded use of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 Freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . .416, 562 Classification of those ordered during 1913 . . . . . . . . .. 418 Heater . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .427, 463 Heaters for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 463 Heating of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 How Obtained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 Increase in size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27, 33 Insulation of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Lighting of . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 Lumber, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..78-132 M. C. B Annual Depreciation in value of . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 502 Material (See Car Material) Passenger (See also Steel Passenger Car) . . . . . . . . . . . .470, 507 Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications for . . . . . . . . . 541 Safety Appliances for . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .396-415 Safety Appliances for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 415 Steel, (See Steel Cars). _ . ,Castings, Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Cast Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Advantages of for Car Use. . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 May Alternate with Rolled Steel—U. S. Postal Cars . . . . .. 61 Use in the car Underframe. . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Cast Steel Bolsters, M. C. B. Specifications for. .- . . . . . .- . . . 143 Cast Steel Bolsters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 138 Cast Steel Needle Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 154 Cast Steel Passenger Car Parts . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 536 Cast Steel Truck Side Frames, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . .. 290 Center Filling Piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 267 Center Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 Center of Axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 278 Center Piece of Wheels . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 235 Center Pin, Locatlon and Funct1ons. . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Center Plate— Anti-Friction Type of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 Ball Bearing Type . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . .~ 308 Baltimore Ball Center Bearing. . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JZlus, 307 Barber Roller Center Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 308 M. C. B. Standard. . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 289 M. C. B. Standard Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 306 Roller Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 307 Center Sills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 133 Anchorage of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Application to old Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 151 Area of when too small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Area Recommended for Steel ones . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .153, 521 Center Girder Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Continuous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 INDEX 625 - PAGE Center Sills, Cover Plates to be Used with. . . . . . . . . . .150, 152, 564 Examples of Showing Diversity Cover Plates, etc. . . . . . . . 153 Examples of’ Showing Diversity Cover Plates . . . .Illus. 565 Fish Belly Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153, 571 If Area is small, must use Continuous Cover Plates with 27, 581 . C. B. Requirements as to space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Minimum Strength and Area of Cross Section . . . . . . . . . . .. 151 Of Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications for . . . . . . 541 Of Steel Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 565 Splicing of, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 149 Steel Ones Often Faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 150 Strengthening of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 148 ._Typical Sections of Modern.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 154 Chain, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Platform Safety for Passenger Cars, M. C. B. Recom- mended Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 210 Safety Permanent, for Wooden and Steel Underframe Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 211 Safety Permanent, Hook for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 211 Safety Permanent, Reasons for and against use of . . . . . . . . 211 Chair Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Chanareh Metal Flooring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 504 Chemical Electrolysis and Its Action on Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Cherry, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 79 Chestnut, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 79 Chipped Rim of Wheels, How Incurred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 246 Circular Roofs for Passenger Train Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 538 Clasp Brake, to Act on both Sides of Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 > Clasp Brake, Power as Compared with Single Shoe Type . . . . .. 502 Classifications of Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Classification, M. C. B. Specifications with Grading and Dressing Rules for all kinds of Lumber, Hard and Soft, including defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-132 Clearance of Side Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 568 Coach, Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 470 Coach, Day, 0 en Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 470 Coach, Day, S eel Vestibuled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 552 Code of Rules, M. C. B. for Interchange of Traffic . . . . . . . . .. 30 Collapsible Platform and Vestibule for Steel Passenger Cars. 530 Collar of Axle, Location and Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 278 Collisions and Wrecks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 553 Colonist Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . .. 5 Column _Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .“'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 M. C. B. Standard for Cars of 80,000 and- 100,000 lbs. capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . 288 Combined Car, Baggage and Passenger, M. C. B. Classification 2 Baggage, Mail and Express, M. C. B. Classification . . . . .. 5 Mail, Passenger and Baggage, M. C. B. Classification . . . . . . 3 Smoking and Baggage, M. C. B. Classification . . . . . . . . . . 2 Commonwealth Bolsters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 140 Commonwealth Center Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z. 523 Comr‘rrnonwealth Top Equalizer, Six Wheel Passenger Train rue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commonwealth Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 217 Composite Materials for Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 Compound Carlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Compression, Definition of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Convertible Cars (See under Cars Convertible) Cork, for Car Insulation Purposes. . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 Corner Plates End Sill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 134 Corrosion—- Differs from mere rusting of metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 How it can be avoided . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Nature of and Causes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 That due to Salt Water or Coal Water Drippings . . . . . . . . . . 57 . 626. INDEX PAGE Cottonwood, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Coupler Parts of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202, 203 Coupler Yoke, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . .. 183 Coupler Yoke, M. C. B. Gauges for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Coupler Yoke, M. C. B. Gauges for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .Illus. 187 Couplers and Parts, Attachments, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 158 .Automatic and Parts thereof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 184 Automatic and Parts, Inspection of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Automatic and Parts, Knuckle Pivot Pin, M. C B. Speci- fications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Automatic and Parts, M. C. B. Marking of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Automatic and Parts, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . 186 Automatic and Parts, M. C. B. Specifications for . . .Illus. 187 Automatic and Parts, Method of measuring axial distor-‘ tion and knuckle closure in Test No. 1 and Test No. 2.. 187 Automatic and Parts, Test and" Testing Machine . . . . . . . .. 186 Automatic and Parts, Testing Machine, M. C. B.. . . .Illus. 203 Couplers, Adjusting Height of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 199 Buhoup Three Stem Janney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 208 Buhoup Three Stem J'anney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 209 Cast Steel, Simplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 203 Cast Steel, Simplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 204 Gillman Brown Emergency Knuckle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 184 Heavy Ones and Attachments of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 202 Height of, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 198 Hinson Emergency Knuckle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 185 J'anney Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Krakau M. C. B., etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 209 Malleable Iron ones forbidden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . ' . . . . . . 202 Major Top and Bottom Operated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 207 M. C. Gauge for worn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 03 Number of Different Kinds and Types in use . . . . . . . . . . . .. 208 Parts of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..202, 203 Pitt Passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 204 Pitt Passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 205 Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications for . . . . . . . . 549 Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 204 Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 205 Side Clearance of M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Straight Line Contour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Tests of M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 201 Top, Bottom and Side Operated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 204 Uncouphng Arrangement for M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Wedge Lock Type . . . . . . . ."I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 With American Continuous Draft Rods, Forbidden. . . .' . . . . 202 Coupler and Platform for Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 Janney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .18, 485 Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 481 Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Cover Plates: Continuous One, Tep and Bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 152 Desirability of Us1ng..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 152 For Use under Steel Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564 Must Always be Used with Center ,Sills of Small Area of Cross Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coverings of Passenger Car Roofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 478 Cow Hair, Used as Car Insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Cracks in Car Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 250 Creosote Used to Preserve Lumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Cross Bearers or Cross Ties of Steel Underframes . . . . . . . . . . .. 152 Cross Frame Tie Timbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 140 Cross Ties, Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 152 Cypress, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Damaging Cars in Switching, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Date Weighed, to be Stenciled on Cars . . . . . . . . . . .. .- . . . . . . 592 Davis Brake Beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 INDEX 627 PAcn Davis Cast Steel Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 Dayton Freight Car Door Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 394 Day Coach (See Coach Day). Deadwood of the Underframe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ 160 Decorating of Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 Decoration of Steel Passenger Cars: Wood versus Steel In- terior Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 Deck Carlines for Passenger Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Defect Card for Air Brakes; Use of location, etc, M. C. B. . 350 Defect Gauge for Wheels, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Definitions and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Definitions and Designating Letters of Cars, M. C. B . . . . . . . . Delays Due to Use of Special Patented Car Parts . . . . . . . . . . 27 Depreciation and Deterioration, Annual of Freight Cars, Trucks, Underframes and Tanks, M C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation and Deterioration, Annual of Passenger Cars. .32, 502 Deterioration of Rolling Stock. . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 417 Development of the American Freight Car, History of . . . . . . . . 13 Development of the American Passenger Car, History of. . ._.‘.. 13 Diamond Arch Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Dining and Parlor Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Dining Car, Introduction of first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 Dining Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Dining Car, N. Y. C. & H. R. Ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 524 Dining Car, Steel Vestibuled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3. . 470 Dining Car, Steel vestibuled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 552 Ditching Car. M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Dog for Pawl of Hand Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Doors, Freight Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 371 All Steel.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 387 Automobile,‘ Double Ones Necessary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Two Piece Type............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 387 Details of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 380 End OIOOOI'OQOIIOIOOI'OOOO I I I I I O I O I I I I O I o n o c O 0 I I 0 I e OI Framing, Weaknesses of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 M. C. B. Recommendation as to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 New Cars being built without them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 372 Seal Records of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3 Fasteners or Fastenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 Flush Side Door for Box Car, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 385 General Construction: Batten and Framed Types of. . .380-381 Grain— Losses caused annually by poor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Nature and Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .383, 387 New Types—Auxiliary Top Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Old Style and Examples of: Canale, Chicago, Rabbeted, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 389-392 Temporary kind now largely used and made of cheap slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Williams All-Service. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 Grated Doors for Cars Carrying Fruit, Live Stock, etc.. 384 Hangers for Doors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jones Car............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 393 O I O I Illlll......'.'l.llii I O O 0 t 0 O O o I I I I 0 I O U"...- 3 Automatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 395 Dayton Freight Car Door . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 National Safety Car Door Fastener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Losses Caused by Pilfering Owing to Unsubstantial. . . .372, 385 Losses direct and indirect, caused bv poor . . . . . . . . . . . .384, 385 Outside Hung and Flush Types, Standard M. C. B.. .‘Illus. 383 Outside Hung Box Car Door, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 385 I 628 INDEX PAGE Doors, Freight Car, Posts of Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 353 ' eel, for Rumsey Car- Door . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 Proper Anchorage of Door most important. . . . . . . . . . .. 384 Requisites for Good ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 386 ‘Rounding Comers of Stock Cars. . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illtts. 371 Rounding Corners of Stock Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Side Door, Construction and Suspension of. .' . . . . . . . . . . . .. 382 Damages done by their falling off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 385 Weakest part of Car superstructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 Stenciling of End Door, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591 Stenciling of Side Door, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591 Stops for, and their present weakness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 382 Suspension of: Underhung and Overhung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382, 383 Doors, Posts for Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 475 Double Board Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 361 Doublle Blpdy Bolster used on Cars Equipped with Six Wheel 216 rue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . Double Lip Retaining Ring for Steel Tired Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Douglas Fir, One of the Best Present Car Woods . . . . . . . . . . .. 76 M C B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. Government Tests of, compared with other woods. . . . 78 Draft Arms: Economy Applied to Center Sills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 168 M. C. B. Forbid acceptance in interchange when draft arms do not extend beyond body bolster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 418 Metal Used to Strengthen Underframes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Not to be Riveted to Center Sills without Cover Plates. . . . 165 Draft Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 158, 566 American Continuous Draft Rod Type Forbidden . . . . . . . .. 202 Annual Losses to Railroads caused by poor. . 1= . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Apglication of Cast Steel Transon, with reinforcements for 1d Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 169 Buhoup Three Stem Passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 504 Carry Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Cast Steel Transom Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 168 Draft Timbers must never be spliced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Failure of Former Short Draft Timbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 163 Farlow-Westinghouse Two Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 181 Functions of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 162,166 Friction Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Buckeye . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 179 Butler-Piper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 567 Examples of various kinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 174 Miner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 179 Strength as compared with Spring Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 178 Universal Attachments for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 180 Westinghouse Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 566 Old Wooden Members disappearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 163 Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 504 McConway and Torley Buhoup Three Stem . . . . . . . . . .. 504 Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications for . . . . . . . .. 549 Spring Gear: Buckeye Tandem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ill,us. 172 Buckeye Twin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 173 Miner Tandem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jllus. 173 Present Springs much more powerful . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 168 Tandem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 166 Twin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....166 Two Kinds of: Tandem and Twin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 166 Draft Gear Stops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182- Draft Gear Transom, Cast Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 170 Draft Sills: ' Cal‘ c o o o o a I o o on. o o o o on... n I o o o - u o a e e - e e e u e e e e o e c o gast Steel, With Pockets and Steps Integral . . . . . . . . .Illus. % teel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steel Arranged for Fastening to both bolster and end sill of Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 166 PAGE Drawbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 158 - and Yoke Returned to an automatic coupling position Illus. 182 Ca Iron of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 159 Heig t of, Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 158 Housing, Spring Pockets, Follower Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Side Thrust of Drawbar and Its Effect, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Drop Bottom Gondola Car . . . . . . . . . . . .~ A . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 Dumg Car: o enter, also Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 M. C. B. Clasification of . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Two Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 437 Two Way Side Dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 438,439 Dust Guard of Axle: Location and Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 226 Dynamometer Car: Used to Record Shock, Pull, etc . . . . . . . . . .. 31 Eaves of Steel Roof of Steel Freight Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569 Economy Draft Arms Applied to Center Sills . . . . . . . . .Illus. 168 Economy Freight Car Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . . . 465 Electric Baggage Car, M. C. B.'Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Combined Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Mail Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Passenger Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Street Railway Service Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . 3 Electro Plating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Electro Pneumatic Brake, suggested for Fast Steel Trains. . . . . 513 Electrolysis, Chemical, and Its Effect on Metals . . . . . . . . . . .. 56 Elliptical Roof for Passenger Train Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538 Elliptical Springs, M. C. B. Plans specifications for standard. . 51 Elliptical Springs, Nature, Kinds and Use on Passenger Cars.. 294 Elm, Rock, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Elm, Soft, M. C. B. S ecification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 79 Emergency Coupler uckles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 185 Emigrant Car,.M. C. B. Clasification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 End Construction of Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 Braces to run from Center Sills to Side Plates-not the reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 MetalEnds found superior to wooden ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 End Construction of Passenger Train Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . .. 545 Pullman Style of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 530 End Construction—Side Elevation—Pullman . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 534 End Doors of Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 End Framing and Reinforcing members in place . . . . . . ..Illus. 535 Commonwealth Steel Company’s Upright . . . . . . ..Illus. 531, 532 Passenger Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 Steel Freight Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 566 Wooden Freight Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 End Plates of Freight Cars, Superstructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 End Posts of Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 End Sills of Underframes . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. . . . . 133 End Stiflfenersor Tie Bands for Freight Cars . . . . . . ..». . . . . . . . 37 End Stiffeners or Tie Bands, Cleveland Pressed Steel. . has. 374 Ends, Steel, for Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 376 Van‘Dorn and N. Y. Central Types of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Van Doi'n One Piece Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 378 Van Dorn Two Piece Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 378 Experimental Couplers, M. C. B. . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Explosives, Not to be Carried in Refrigerator Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Express Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Fahrikoid, Composite Car Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 Face Plates, Back and Front of Steel Tired Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Farlow S ring Draft Gear With Twin Springs . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 177 Farlow- estinghouse Two Key Draft Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 181 Fastenings, Door, Side and End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 Fast Freight Line Cars, Stenclllng of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596 Fast Freight Line Cars, Stenciling of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 597 630 I . INDEX , PAGE Feasible Drop Hand Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Feeding and Watering Appliances: Twenty-Eight Hour Law 9 for Stock . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 Feltlino, Insulator for Cars. . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 Felts as Insulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 519 Ferrinoclave Car Flooring . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 504 Fibrofelt, a Car Insulator.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 519 Filling Blocks for TrussRods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Flange, Thickness of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 256 Flanges, Inside Gauge of,‘ Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 256 Flat Car: Barber Four Point Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 574 Four Truck, Sixteen Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . ..\ . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 435 General Planv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 435 . C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Barrel Rack Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Gun- Truck, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Logging, M. C. B. Classification°of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ordinary, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Transporting Rails, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,. . . 11 Well Hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 M. C. B. Stenciling of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 590 Modern Construction, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 434 U. S. Safety Appliances for. .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Floor of Freight Car . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 Height above Top of Rail. . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 461. Refrigerator Car Floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 461 Steel Cars still retain wooden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 563 Wooden Ones retained, to Block Lading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 369 Floor of Passenger Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .471, 473, 504 Construction, when Two Floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 Insulation of Steel Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520 Special Floors and Concrete, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 . Three Floors specified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 504 Flooring: . Ferrinoclave ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. .Illus. 506 Flexolith _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 505 Karbolith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 505 Standard, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ..143,368 Followers or Follower Plates, M. C. B. Standard . . . . . . . . . . . .. 159 Foreign Car, Definition of Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 Foreign Cars, Repairs to, M. C. B. Specifications as to material 41 Foreign Road, Definition of Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Forsyth Radial Keyed Yoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 182 Foundation Brake (See Brake Foundation). ' Fox Patent Pressed Steel Freight Car Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Fox Patent Pressed Steel Freight Car Truck . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 219 Frames, Truck Center: Commonwealth Center Frame Applied to Six Wheel Passen— ger'Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 522 Framing»: G and Fastening.End Sills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . . . . 135 and Side Trusslng Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 Arrangement of Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 354 Body of Steel Passenger CCars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 End Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 355 End of Passenger Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 477 Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 472 Freight Cars above sills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Side of Freight Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 353 Side of Passenger Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 476 INDEX ' 631 PAGE CarSIIIOODOIOO O O C I O I IIIOOIOIIIIC. I I I I .00 U ‘ ' . . ‘.416, Evolution of New Types . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19, 21 History of Development of American Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 History of Development of Steel. ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Marking of, M. C. B. Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 363 Standard American Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 135 Trucks for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Specifications for Freight Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Wheels for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 213 Freight Train Service Caboose, M.» C. B. Classification of. . . . 9 Friction Draft Gear, (See also Draft Gear) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Friction Striking Plate Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Friction Striking Plate Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 161, 162 Fruit Cars, Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Furniture Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Furniture Car, Size Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 Galvanized Roof Sheets for Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Galvanized Sheets, M. C. B. Standard, contemplated . . . . . . . .. 51 Galvanizin of Metals. Method and Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Gasoline otor Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Gasoline Motor Propelled Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . 4 Gauge, Inside of Flanges, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Gauge of Track, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Gauge of Wheels, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 256 Gauges of Axles, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Automatic Car Coupler, Contour Line and Limit Gauge, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 And Yoke Gauges, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 183 And Yoke Gauges, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 187 Limit Gauge for Remounting Cast Iron Wheels . . . . . . . . .. 257 Gauges Wheel . Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 257 Wheel Defect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Gear Brake: (See Brake). , General Service Stock Car- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 428 Gibson Retaining Ring for Steel Tired Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 267 Gillman-Brown Emergency Knuckle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . . .Illus. 184 Girths of Freight Car superstructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 369 Gold Improved Storage Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 467 Gondola Cars: Coke Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Convertible, Center or Side‘ Dump Kind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 427 Drop Ends, Drop Bottoms, M. C. B. Classification of... .. 8 Drop Ends, Drop Bottoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . .. 436 Hart Convertible Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . ..427 High Side, Low Side, Drop Bottom and Hopper-Bottom Gondolas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 436, 437 I. C. C. Special Ruling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Side Dump Operated by Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . .. 437 Side Dump Operated by Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 438, 439 Steel, Drop Bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illrus. 576 Steel Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 440 Steel Frame Solid Bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 586 Stenciling of, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 590 U. S. Safety Appliances for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 401 Wooden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 Gould Friction Striking Plate Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 162 Grain Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 426 Burnett Hopper Bottom Car for . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 433 Converted into, temporarily from Box Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 426 Special, combined Stock and Grain Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 426 ' 632 - ~ I N DEX - PAGE Grain Door (See Doors, Grain). - Grain Strip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 370 Grass Cutter, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Grated Door (See Doors Grated). Grill‘ Room Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Guide Block of Truck Bolster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 288 G'rum, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Hair Felt‘, Use of for Car Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68 _ Hand Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Handholds for Freight Cars, U. S. Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 399 Hart Convertible Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 427 Hatches of Refrigerator Cars for Admitting Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 469 Heater Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 463 Heater Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 464 Heater Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .427, 463 Heaters for Cars; Alcohol Heating and Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 464 Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 467 I. C. C. Ruling on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Portable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Heating of Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,504 Heating of Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications for.. 547 H'elical or Spiral Springs, for Car Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 , ' M. C. B. Specifications for Use in Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Hemlock, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 Hemlock, Western, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 Hemp and Its Use as Car Insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68 Hickory, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 High Speed Foundation Brake Gear for Passenger Service. . .. 341 I-l'inson Emergency Knuckle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 185 Home Car, Definition of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 Home Road, Definition of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Hook, Miller and Platform . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Hooks for SafetyChains, M. C. B . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211, 537 ' Hopper Bottom Gondola Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 Hopper Bottom Gondola Cars Paying Load of New Steel 70 Ton Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 Hopper Cars, General Description of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 Hopper Door Operating Shaft, End, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 M. C. B Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 572 Steel Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 585 Twin Side Dump, etc., M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . .. . S. Safety Appliances for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. v401 Various Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441, 442 Horizontal versus Vertical Sheathing for Freight Cars . . . . . . .. 582 Horse Cars, M. U. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2,10 Hose for Air Brakes: (See Air Brake Hose). Howe Truss as Used in Car Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 357 Hub of Wheel............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..235 Hutchins’ Improved All Steel Carline Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 364 Sectional Metal Inside Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 363 Type D Outside Metal Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 364 Ice Tanks of Refrigerator Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 461 Ice Tanks, M. C. B. Capacity of required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 461 Idaho White Pine, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Inside Lining of Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 370 Inside Lining of Freight Cars, M. C. B. Standard . . . . . . . . . . . .. 370 . Inside Metal Roof of Freight Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Inside Sheathed Box Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579 Instruction Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 I N DEX 633 PAGE Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 By Hollow or Air Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Conductors and Non-Conductors and Meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Functions of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 LaFlare for Refrigerator Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 461 Necessity of Proper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 f oors of Steel Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520 Of Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specification for . . . . . . . . 546 Of Refrigerator Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Of Steel Freight Cars, to resist sweating, etc . . . . . . . . . .. 33, 6 Of Steel Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64, 517 Problem or Steel Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64, 517 Tests of Different Kinds: Value of Same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67, 72 Insulating Materials, Comparative Value of Different'Ones. . . . . .68 Cow Hair and Other Felts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68 Future M. C. B. Specifications for Refrigerator Cars . . . . 51 Good Quality Necessary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Insulating Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Requisites of Eificient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 517 Tests of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 72 Various kinds ‘in use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 Vegetable Fibers, Hemp, Hennequin, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68 Fibrofelt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 66 Linofelt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Interchange of Traffic. What is Meant by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 M. C. . Rules Governing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 Interior Finish of Passenger Cars: Advantages claimed for Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 Composite . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540 Postal Car, U. S. ‘Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wood versus Steel.....'....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 539 I. C. C. Abbreviation of Interstate Commerce Commission . ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accelerated Sulphuric Acid’Test for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 57 Chain, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Compared with Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..> . . . . . . . .. 60‘ Corrosion of, Causes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..55, 58 Kalamined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Kinds of, Used in Car Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .., . . . . . . 60 Oxidation or Rusting of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Planished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Protection of, by Galvanizing and method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Refined Wrought Iron Bar, M. C. B. Specifications for. . . . 46 Russian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Superseded by Steel for Car Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Wrought Bars, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46 Janney Platform and Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Jones Car Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. us. 393 Journal of Axle, Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215, 279, 286 Journal Box and Contained Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215, p and contained parts, M. C. B. or all Journals, including new 6 inch x 11 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 287 Bearings, M. C. B.: (See Bearings, Journal). Bolts, Functions of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Standard M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 288 Brasses, M. C. B., Proposed Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 ‘Buffalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 287 Dust Guards, M. C. B. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 288 Dust Guards, Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 226 Formerly Cast Iron—now Steel or Malleable Iron . . . . . . .. 287 Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Wedges, Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Journal Springs . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 Kalamined Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Karbolith Flooring n | o - a . a 4 a . 1 0 I p I I a o - I n o u 4 - n . , , . , . I . ' I - ¢ - . . 634 ‘ INDEX PAGE Key or Wedge of Journal Box. ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 Key Ring_T1re Fastening for Steel Tired Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Kiln Drying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Knots in Timber, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 82- Knuckle of Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Krukau Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Label for Air Brake Hose, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 Ladders for Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 398 End Clearance of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 I. C. C. Special Rulings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 Safety Apliances for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 398 Lead-Lined Journal Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 286 Lettering on Cars, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 590 Lettering on Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications for. . 550 Lettering, Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 228 Lever, Marking of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 595 Light Weight to be Stenciled on Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .594, 597 Lighting of Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications for.. 547 Lighting System for Passenger Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17, 505 Lming of Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Combined Lining and Sheathing, M. C. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 370 Combined Lining and Sheathing, M. C. B. . . . . . . . ..Illus. 371 Standard, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Lining and Sheathing Combined, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 582 Lining for Outside Framed Cars, M. C. . Recommended Practice 582 - Lining, Inside, for Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 479 Lining Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 540 Linocel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Linofelt for Use as Car Insulator . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70 Specifications using ‘it for refrigerator Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Tests of, for Insulatlon and Physical Qualities . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Looks, Door, Gram Door, etc. (See also Door Locks). 393 Look Nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..289 Lohmannized Roof Sheets for Cars . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 366 Longitudinal Sills of Underframe._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133, 527 1 Lumber for Car Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 74 Chemical’ Treatment of, for Preservation of Lumber by various Processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 For Steel Frame Freight Cars, Shrinkage of . . . . . . . . . ..-. .. ' Proper Klln Drying of, necessary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..75, 584 Tests‘ of such Lumber before Using . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 584 M. C. B. Classification, Specifications, with Grading and dressing Rules for All Kinds of Lumber, Hard and Soft, including defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78-132 U. S. Government Tests'of .various woods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 78 Mail Service, First Introduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 Major Top and Bottom Operated Freight Coupler . . . . . . ..Illua- 207 Malleable Castings, Practical Speclfications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 227 Malleable Iron Bearings are not to be used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Malleable Iron Castings, FutureM. C. B. Standards for . . . . .. 51 Mansell Retaining Rlng for Steel Tired Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 267 Maple, Hard, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 Maple, Soft, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Marking of Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..363, 592 M. C. B. Ass’n, Nature and Authority of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 M. B. Abbreviation of, Master Car Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 M. C. B. Association’s Standardization of Car Equipment. . . .. 28 M. C. B. Classification of Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 M. C. B. Lumber Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..78-132 M. C. B. Rules for Interchange of Traffic. .._ . . . . . . . . .._ . . . . . .. 29 M. C. B.t Rules—Indexed under special subJect of WhlCh they trea . M. C. B. Safety Appliances and Illustrations . . . . . . . ._ . .396-415 Meat and Provision Refrigerator Car, M. C. 4B. Classification of 7 Metal Ends for Box Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 5 Metal parts of Car, Painting of . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605 INDEX 635 22 PAGE Metals: Parts conforming to M. C. B. Standard and Recommended Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Used in Car Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Metallic Sheathing for Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 For Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 503 Middleton Car Works Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 218 Mild Steel Bars, Future M. C. B. Standards for . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Milk Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Milk Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Miller Hook and Platform for Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 ‘her Friction Draft Gear . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 179 per Tandem Spring Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 17 3 [urphy Systems of Car Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..607, 616 [urray Keyoke for Use with Tandem Spring Draft Gear. .Illus. 171 Name of Railroad to be Stenciled on Car in Full . . . . . . . . . . . . 596 Narrow Vestibule of Passenger Car, First Introduced . . . . . . . . . 489 National Car Door Fastener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 393 Neck of Axle, Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Needle Beam of Underframing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 140 Norway Pine, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Nut Locks necessary with Arch Bar Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 289 Nycinsul, Insulating Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 519 Oak, . S. Government Tests of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 78 Oak, Red, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Oak, White, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Observation Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Observation Car, Wooden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 470 Ore Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 441 Ore Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 430, 442,443, 575 Ore Cars, I. C. C. Rulings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 415 Outside Metal Roofs of Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Outside Sheathed Box Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579 Ovens for Baking Paint on Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 ,Over All Gauge, Definition of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Oxidation of Steel and Iron, Causes and Prevention of . . . . . . .. 59 , Painting of Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3". . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598 Automobile Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 618 Baking Process versus Air Drying System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 613 For Painting Steel Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 611 Ovens used in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 Coal or Hopper Cars, Interior not painted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 ' Coats—Color, leveling, loading, priming, varnishing, requisite qualities for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..602, 606 Enameling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599 Interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . 604 Non-Drying and Semi-Drying Oils for. . .' . . . . . . . . . . . .615 Paints: Asphaltum_for Blackin Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .599, 605 Four Qualities of the est . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598 Red _Lead and Its Value for ‘Car Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .611, 615 Should be of-the best . . . . . . . . . . .< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606 Panels, Test for Judging of Paints. . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 605 Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications for . . . . . . . . .. 550 Pounce Patterns, Hose Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 599 Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . .611, 615 Refrigerator Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g . . . . . . . 618 Re-Painting of Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,18 Sand Blasting, Importance of, before Painting Steel Cabrg,8 611 636 I N DE~X . PAGE Painting of Cars, Surfacers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 603 Systems of : - ' Air Drying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . 610 Baking Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 Baking Process—Exterior of Oven Used for. .. .Illus. 612 Eighteen Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . .. 609~ Five Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 614 Lead and Oil Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 602 Murphy Seven Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607 Fifteen Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616- Surfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .609, 616 Three Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 599 . Trucks— Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607 Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605, 617 Varnishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .602, 606 Panels and Slats for Sheathing of Steel Passenger Car . . . . . . . . .v 503 Panels, to Test Paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 605 Pantasote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Paper for Insulation, Its General Value for . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Neponset Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 469 Parlor Car, First Introduced . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Parlor Car, M. C. B. Classification of. .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Passenger Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 Decoration of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479, 503 End Construction, specially'strong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507 Pullman Reinforced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .507, 530 First Ones in U. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Floor Framing..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 471 Floor Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 472 Floors for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .471, 473,504 History of the Development of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6 Outside Covering for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 479 Painting of—(See Painting Cars). Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 473 Posts - . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 473 Roofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..477, 478 Safety Appliances for, U. S. Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..498-502 Side Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 Steel (See also Steel Passenger Cars) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 470 Patterns, Pounce for Car Painting. . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599 Pawl of Hand Brake, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘ 315 Paying Load Increase in, by Introduction of Steel 70 Ton , Capacity Hopper Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 Pecan, M. C. B. Specification for. .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 Pedestal for Journals 3% in. x 7 in, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 289 Pedestal for Journals 414 in. x 8 in. and 5 in. x 9 in. M. C.z B. 289 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . us. Pedestal Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 550 Pile Driver, M. C. B. Classification of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; 12 Pine: Idaho White, Norway, Southern Yellow, Western, W'hite, . C. B. Classifications of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Pipe, Welded, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Pitt Passenger Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 204,205 Planished Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Plastic Car Roof for Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 361 Plates of Freight Car Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..._ . . . . . . . 357 Plate of ‘Ordinary Chilled Iron Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Platform of Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 481 and Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 489 Collapsible and Vestibule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.. . . . 527 Collapsible and Vestibule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 533 ‘ Janney . . . . ., . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 486, 487, 488 Janney and Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 485 INDEX ' 637 ' , PAGE. Platform of Passenger Cars, Miller and Hook . . . . . . . . . . ..~.18, 481 iller and Hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ .Illus. 482, 484- Safety Chains for, M. C. B. Recommended Practice . . . . . . . . 53 ' Pockets, Push of Underframe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134- Pockets, Stake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 440 Collapsible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 441 Temporary and Permanent, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . 440 Poplar, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 81 Portable Heaters for Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Posts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 353 Postal Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Steel and Express. . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 550; U. S. Government Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25, 541 Postal Storage, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Pounce Patterns for Car Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ f’ . . 599 Pratt Truss . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357' Private Car, Definition of Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Private Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Progress in Car Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Pullman Car . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16, 553 Purlines . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 Push Pole Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Rail Bender, M. C. B. Classification of‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Rail Saw . . . . . . . .» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ralston Patent Steel Underframe for Freight Cars . . . . . ..Illus._155 Ratchet Hand Brake for Freight Cars . . . . . . . .’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Ratchet Wheel of Hand Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..315, 317 - Recommended Practice, Abbreviation of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Red Oak, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 Redwood, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Refrigerator Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 Bohn System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4'69 Capacities of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 Convertible, Growing Demand for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 _ Convertible Into Heater, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . 427, 460. Door, Edman for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 Special Fasteners for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 461. Explosives, not to be carried in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46?. Floor, Minimum height of above Top of Rail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461. Ice Tanks, M. C. B. Capacity of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461.. Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64, 61 M. C. B. Classification of: _ . ' Beer and Ice Refrigerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Meat and Provision Refrigerator. . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Refrigerator Express Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2 Refrigerator or Produce Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - Standard Refrigerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 M. C. B. Rulings on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 Salt Water Drippings from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 Steel . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 White Enamel Refrigerator Car System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461 Reinforcement of Wooden Cars.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 Re-Painting Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 Requisites of Proper Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." . . . . . . 66' Retaining Rings for Steel Tired Wheels . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Rivet Steel, Future M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . .., . . . 51 Roller Side Bearings . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 568 Rolling Stock,‘ Deterioration of . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Roof, ,Freight Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . _. 357 All Steel Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “361,568,v Burnett Steel Roof for Box Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588., Double Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .Illus. 363 , Franklin Flexible Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 363 Functions of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 638 ' I N DE X PAGE Roof, Freight Car, Hutchins’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 3,67 . Hutchins’ Improved All Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 364 Outside Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 364 Sectional Metal Inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 363 Importance of Systematic Care of . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 M. C. Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 363 Metal: . . . . Inside . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .361, 366 Outside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 361 Metallic, How Painted‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 600 Outside Iron Roof, Chicago Cleveland Car Roofing Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.‘.............Illus. 365 Pai ting of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 604 Pla tic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 361 Running Board, Important Adjunct to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 366 Wooden, Single and Double Board . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 361 Roof, Passenger Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . 477 ' Carlines for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .357, 478, 503 Covering for . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Kinds of, Clere Story, usual type . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . ..47 7, 538 ' Oval, (Circular, Elliptical or Turtle Back) . . . . . ..503, 538 ‘ Painting of . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 Postal Car, U. S. Spepifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..544 ' Steel Roof . . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .538, 617 Rounding of- Corners of Stock Car Door, M. C. B . . . . . . .Illus. 371 Rumsey Freight Car Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 389 ' Running Board for Freight Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . .366, 368 Standard M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Russian _ Iron . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Rusting of Iron and Steel, Causes of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Effect of upon them . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 _ - How it can be avoided...."....' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59 Safety Appliances, U. S. for All Kinds of Freight Cars. . . . .396-415 Safety Appliances, U. S. for All Kinds of Freight Cars. . . .Illus. 415 Safety Appliances, U. S. for Passenger Train Cars. . . . . . .498-502 Safety Appliances, M. C. B,. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus; 315 Safety Chains for Cars . . . . . . . . . . . .z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Safety Chains for Freight Cars, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 212 Safety Hanger for Brake Beam: (See Brake Beam Safety ~ ' - Hanger). ' .Safety Valves of Tank Cars, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . 449 Safety Vents of Tank Cars, -M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Salamander, Insulating Material . . . . . . '. -. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 Salt Water Drippings, Must be Retained between Stations. . . . 460 - Sand Blasting of Steel Cars before Painting them . . . . . . . ..608, 611 Schoen Pressed Steel Truck Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 220 Schoen Steel Truck Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 221 Seamy Treads of Wheels, Causes of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 242 Section Gang or Track Inspection Car, M. C. B. Classification of 12 Shaft Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Sharon Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 ‘ Sharon Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 206- Sharp Flanges of Wheels, Causes of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 I Examples of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Sheathed Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Sheathing of Freight Car . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 ’ ‘ Horizontal versus Vertical Appllcation of Same . . . . . . ..363, 582 Inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 ' Standard, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . ..Illus. 363 Sheathing of Postal Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544 ' Sheathing, Metallic for Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 Sheathing, Steel for Steel Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..503, 532 Sheet Metal Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v . . . . . . . . . . . "36 Shelled Out VV-heels, Causes of: Examples of . . . . . . . . . . . . ..244, 253 4» INDEX .. ' 639 PAGE Shoes: (See Brake Shoes). > > - Shrinkage of Lumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583 Side Bearings: . Adjustable Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . 310 Cardwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 311 Im rtance of Clearance and Location of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 101 et . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 311 Location and Functions of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216, 308, 310 M. vC. B. Clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 310 Miner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . .Illus. 311 ‘ Produces Derailments, if insufficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 308 Side Clearance, M. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 Forms a russ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Framing of Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 353 Steel Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 567 Side Framing of Passenger Cars, Forms a Truss. . . ..' . . . . . . . . 47.4 ooden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 Side Frames, Andrews Cast Steel, For use with and without - ars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 293 Side Frames, Bettendorf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 294 Side Frames of Truck: ‘ Arch Bar Type of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Buckeye Channel Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 295 Buckeye Pedestal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 296 Cast Steel, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 290 Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications for . . . . . . . . . 541 Side Girder versus Center Girder Construction for Underframe. . 521 Sills, Center General Use of 24 Inch Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Sills for Steel Frame and All Steel Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..509, 565 Sills of Steel Underframes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..! . . . . . . 151 Sills, Splicing of Steel and Wooden, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Simplex Body Bolster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. ‘141 Simplex Coupler‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . 203 Single Board Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 361 Single Board Roof ‘covered with metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 Six Wheel Trucks for 100 Ton Flat Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 232 Skeleton of Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Slack Adjusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 American Automatic Slack Adjuster, applied to Brake Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 321 Westinghouse Latest Improved Slack Adjuster . . . . . . .Illus. 322 Sleeping Car, First Efforts made to furnish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Steel vestibuled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 553 Slid Flat Wheels, Causes of . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242 Snow Removing Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . ." . . . . . . . . .. .12 Southern Yellow Pine, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Speed of Train an Important Economic Element . . . . . . . . . . . .. 509 , Splicing of Draft Timbers not allowed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 149 Spraying on of paint now abandoned . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . 599 Spring Caps, M. C. B. for Truck Springs ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 Spring Caps, M. C. B. for Truck Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illua. 297 Spring Gear: ' . Farlow, with Twin Springs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..177 Tandem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Twin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . 166 With Universal Yoke and Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 175 Spring Plank, Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . 300 ' Bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 For Rigid Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 For Swing Motion Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 300 Function and Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215, 300 Safety Hanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 I e40 ' . INDEX v Springs in General: PAGE and-Spring Caps—M C. B Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 297 Elliptical and Helical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Elliptical used almost exclusively for Passenger Cars. . . . .4 294 Helical or Sp1ral............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 216 MC. B. Standard for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Springs Truck: _ ‘ Alloy Steel Springs stand 35% more stress. . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . 299 ~ ‘Body Bearing and Bolster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 M; C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L- . . . . .. 299 M. C. B. Specifications for 140,000 lbs. capacity Cars with Arch Bar Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 297-2'99 Nests and Grouping of . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 299 - ‘ Pedestal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 292 Spruce, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . .. 81 .Spruce, U. S. Government Tests of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Spruce, Western . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Staff Brake: (See Brake Shaft). .‘Stakes for Flat Cars and Gondolas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 M. C. B. Spacing for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 440 Standard American Freight Car Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 214 Standard Terms, M. C. B. and Gauging Points for Wheels, and ' Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 ‘Standard Ventilator, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Standardization of Car Parts, Advantages of . . . . . . . . . . . .26, 27, 62 Steam ‘Shovel, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 ‘Steel, as used in Car Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..41, 513 ' Corrosion and Rusting of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 For Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications for . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43, 61, 541-550 Introduction of, ' in underframes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62 . Specifications for Cast, Boiler. Flange, Extra Soft, Mild, - Rivet, Structural, Open Hearth, Plate Steel, With Tests, ' ' American Steel Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51 Strength of as compared with wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21, 516 i - Superseding Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Steel Cars: " . .. Baggage and Postal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 551 Causes Leading to its Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..7 4, 562 Definition of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512 History of Development of . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Insulation of . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . 64 Lack of “Give” in them, and effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 164 Painting (See under Painting). Steel, Cast, Advantages of for Car Construction . . . . . . . . . . . ..60, 61 Lighter in weight than built up parts . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Pressed versus Rolled (Structural) Steel for Steel Freight . Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6] Steel Castings? Rivet Steel and Rivets, Mild Steel Bars; Steel Plates and Structural Steel, M. C. B. Standards .contem- OOIOUDIGIIIIO O O 0 I C O O I o U O O O l I O O O O O I I O Q Q I l.’ I I O O U O OI 'Steel, Chain, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49. Steel Ends for Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Steel Frame‘ Freight Cars: ‘Forty Ton Capacity Box Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 584 Ore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 575 Sheathed and Single Sheathed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .579, 580 Use of Z Bars for .Framing of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . 566 Steel Freight Cars: All Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 562 Advantages Claimed for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 563 Box Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .569, 570, 573 \ Construction of Box Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564' * Hopper, Ore, Gondola, Flat Cars, nearly all steel . . . . . .572, 573 Hopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 573 I- Must increase. side clearance or use Roller Side Bearings. . 568 Paying Loads compared with Wooden Cars . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . 563 Ventilation, How Secured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 569 I N DE X 641 . , PAGE Steel Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507 Clasp Brake Used Exclusively on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . 513 Definition of Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 512 Floors of and various kinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .504, 520 Four or Six Wheel Trucks used on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 General Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515 History of Its Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 508 Insulation of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517 Interior Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 Painting of: Baking Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .509, 517 ~ Side Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 528 Steel Lining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39 Stevens Bill relating to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559 Weight of Steel and Wooden Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 Weight per passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512 Wrecks of—how they compare to wooden cars . . . . . . . . . .. 553 Steel Plates and Superstructural Steel, Future M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51 Steel Wheels, Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Stenciling of Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . 589 M. C. B. Rules Governing. . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 Steps of Passenger Cars, metalled treads often used . . . . . . . .. 504 Stock Cars: Convertible into drop bottom box Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 426 Dimensions and Capacities of average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 Feed and Watering Appliances no longer needed . . . . . . . . .. 426 General Construction of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 426 General Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 425 General Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 426 M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -Rounded Corners for, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 371 Twenty-Eight Hour Law Concerning Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 Type—Convertible into Grain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 426 Store Supply Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Straight Line Contour Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 209 Structural Steel, Future M. C. B. Standards for . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 Structural Steel, Repairs to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 581 Sub-Sills for strengthening old cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 151 Summers’ Balanced Side Bearing Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 232 Superstructure of Freight Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 352 Superstructural Framing of Postal Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Swing Motion Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 224 Switching, Damage to cars in. ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 162 Sycamore, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 81 Tamarack, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Tank Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 443 Construction, Functions, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 Discharge Valves of Frequently Faulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 444 Leakage of—a serious problem . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 444 M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 M. C. B. Safety Valves, Vents and Disks for Tanks . . . . .. 446 M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..446-460 U. S. Safety Appliances for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Water Test of . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 Widely Varying Capacities of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443 Tension, Definition of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 Tests for Couplers M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 201 Testing Value of Insulating Materials . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . .66, 72 Threads, U. S. for Bolts and Nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 143 Tie Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 288 Tires for Steel Tired Car Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 267 Minimum Thickness for, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Tool and Block Car, M. _C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Torsion, Definition of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Tourist Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ _ 6 Track Layer, ,M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 642 INDEX PAGE Transom Draft Gear, Cast Steel . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 170 Tread of Wheels.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 235 Treads, Seamy, of Car Wheels, causes of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 Truck Bolster Guide Block. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Truck Center Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522 Truck Sides—Gauges for Cast Steel, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 289 Truck Sides, Limiting Dimensions . . B . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus- 289 Truck Standard American Freight Car. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 214 Trucks: All Metal and Composite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 All Metal Cast Steel vs. Structural Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Two Classes of, Rigid and Swing Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 216 Trucks, Freight Car, American Standard. Essentials of. . . . . . . . 215 High Freight Truck, General Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 217 Painting of, Practical Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Practical Specifications for Freight Truck Side Frames, Cast Steel, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 Six Wheel Equalizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 578 Six Wheel....- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 567 140,000 lbs. Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. .Illus. 568 Trucks, Passenger Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .492, 521 For Steel Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .521. 550 Four Wheeled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 493, 494 Painting of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605, 617 Six Wheeled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 495 Trucks, Types of :‘ Balanced Side Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . 230, 521 Barber Side Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ilms. 232 Bettendorf Truck for 70 Ton Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 233 Buckeye Pressed Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 233 Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Commonwealth Top Equalizer for 6, wheel passenger. .Illus. 555 Four Wheel for New Large Capacity Freight Cars of Steel, O O I O O O O I O O O O I O O I 0 I l I I O C I O I ‘), o o o a o a o oouoooooooooooo u a a . n 4 e ’ - ~ u u - ~ . o s n a a e .6. Roller Side Bearing. . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Schoen Pressed Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 221 Side Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 230 Six .Wheel for 100 Ton Flat Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 232 Six Wheel Freight Car Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 231, 567 Six Wheel with Side Frame and Pedestal forged in one piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 556 Summers Balanced Side Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 232 Swing Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Tupelo, M. C. B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Truss Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Twenty-Eight Hour Stock Law . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 426 . Twin Spring Draft Gear with Universal York and Attach- ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has. 17 5 Uncoupling Arrangements, M. C. B. Recommended Practice. . . 199 Uncoupling Device, Tennis “C” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Illus. 201 Uncoupling Levers, U. S. Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Underframes; I For Steel Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. 568 For Use Under Steel Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520 Four General Types of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25, 151, 520 .Postal Cars, U. S. Government Specifications for . . . . . . . . . 541 Pressed Steel for 50 Ton Capacity Box Car . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 156 Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150, 514, 523 Steel for Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 155 Steel for Passenger Cars . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'.Illus. 525, 526 Various Kinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523-526 Various methods used in strengthening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 INDEX 3 e43 PAGE Underframing : Essential Parts and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Principal Troubles with Former Styles of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 163 Steel, Painting of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .617 U. S. Government, Specifications for Postal Cars . . . . . . . . . .541-550 U. S. Government Requirements as to Hand Brakes . . . . . . . . . . 314 U. S. Government Tests of Timbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 78 U. S. Safety Appliances for Coupling Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 158 U. S. Safety Appliances for Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .396-415 U. S. Safety Appliances for Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 415 U. _S. Safety Appliances, marking on of—on Cars . . . . . . . . . . .. 593 Universal Attachments for Friction Draft Gear . . . . . . .. I Hus. 180 Universal Double Keyed Yoke with Twin Springs . . . . . . . . .Illus. 176 Van Dorn Steel Ends for Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 377 Varnishes for Car Painting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02, 606 Vegetable Ventilator, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Ventilated Box Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569 Ventilator Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .372, 373, 426, 461 Ventilator, Heater and Refrigerator Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 427 Vertical Drop Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 318 Vestibuled Parlor Cafe Car, Steel Frame For . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 528 Vestibuled Train, Introduction of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Vestibules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Vestibules, Narrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illfus. 490, 491 Vestibules, Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 121m. 493 Walnut, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 81 Water Rising System for Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 505 Weed Burner, M.‘C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Weighing of Freight Cars,- M. C. B. Rules for . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 592 Reweighing of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘592 Western Larch, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 Western Pine, M. C. B. Classification of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Western Spruce, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 81 ...I..I-'....'...... O I O O I I I 00......- l Q I Q Q I 0 I 0 c I i Q 0' Cast Iron, M. C. B. Recommended Practice for 38 in.. .Illus. 261 M. C. B- I I O I I O O I I O O I O I Q I I I I I I I D I O O I O I I O 0 I U I O O 0 Chilled Iron, M. C. B. Standard for various capacities. . . . . 260 Method of Manufacture, Qualities of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 258 Nickel Chrome . . . . . . . . . . . .> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 264 Replaced by Steel.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 266 Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 240 Davis Cast Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ilms. 274 Definition of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 215 Deterioration of after twelve years’ service . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 251 Development of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Examples of seamy shelled out and other defects in and Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242-253 Hub of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 M. C. B. Branding of solid Steel Wheels and details of letters and figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 279 M. C. B. Gauge for measuring steel wheels to restore con- tour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . us. 279 M. C. B. Recommended Practice for 33 in., 36 in. and 38 in. solid steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 279 Mounting of, M. C. B. Recommended Practice . . . . . . . . . . . .. 255 Second Hand ones not to be mated with new ones . . . . . . . . . 255 Service Guaranteed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Standard Hydraulic Pressure for Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 256 gtatistics showing accidents due to defective . . . . . . . . . . . .. 236 cc : Branding of M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Comparative Cost of . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 238 Development of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 For Steel Freight Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 Gauges for M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 644 . INDEX‘ - PAGE Wheels, Steel, Continued. ' Increase Carrying Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 , M; C. B. Standard Various sizes of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Mileage of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Practical Specifications for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Solid Forged and Rolled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 275 Solid Rolled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 274 Steel Tired Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Illus. 268 M. C. B. Standard . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . .268, 289 Need for Careful Inspection of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 ‘Thermal Cracks in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Illus. 270 Tire Fastenings for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Tire Fastenings for M. C. B. . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 Various kinds . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘269 Why Introduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Wheel and Track, Gauge Distances for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Y 256 Wheel Seat or Wheel Fit of Axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 White Oak, M. C._ B. Specification for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 White Pine, M. C. B. Specification for. . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Wide Vestibule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492 Williamson-Fries Body Bolster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illus. 142 Wrecks . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553 Wrecking Derrick, M. C. B. Classification of various kinds. . . . . 11 Wrought Iron Bars, M. C. B. Specifications for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Yard Pick Up Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Yard Poling Car, M. C. B. Classification of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Yoke of Draft Gear: ' ‘ Forged Steel and Cast Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Forsyth Radial Keyed Yoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 . Functions and Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160, 178 Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Key and Slot for, M. C. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 M. C. B. Standard . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ill'u-s. 183 Zinc and Its Use in Galvanizing Iron and Steel. . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . 59 ' SEP 16 1919. “KIRKMAN’S SCIENCE OF RAILWAYS: Books .of Especial Interest and Value to ENGINEMEN, TRAINMEN and SHOPMEN For the convenience of those interested particularly in‘ certain lines of work, “Kirkman’s Science of Railways” is divided and sold in groups, as follows: Special prices for these groups are made to railway employes, and payment may be made on the monthly instalment plan, if desired. The books are bound in half leather, and are a handsome addition to any library. GROUP A, MOTIVE POWER DEP’T. Locomotive and Motive Power Department. Engineers’ and Firemen’s Handbook. Locomotive Appliances. Electricity Applied to Railways. Air Brake—~Construction and Working,_ Vol. 1. Air Brake—Construction and Working, Vol. II. _ , . Operating Trains. Portfolio of Locomotives. Portfolio of Air Brake—Westinghouse. 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