! L K BUREAU DOVERNM J WE A 674908 *RARE DUPL The 7 SOCIAL SECURITY ACT and Related Laws April 1978 Edition COMMITTEE ON FINANCE UNITED STATES SENATE RUSSELL B. LONG, Chairman APRIL 30, 1978 The Univer of Michi Bur. or FER 8.1979 Printed for the use of the Committee on Finance BUREAU OR QUERNMENT VERSITY ···; OF The · MIGLIIGAN • P 1811 · LIBRARIES · 95th Congress COMMITTEE PRINT 2d Session I Lave, stabuta ile The SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 21-746 O #13 and Related Laws April 1978 Edition COMMITTEE ON FINANCE UNITED STATES SENATE RUSSELL B. LONG, Chairman APRIL 30, 1978 Printed for the use of the Committee on Finance U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1978 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Bureau of Government KF 3644 1978 COMMITTEE ON FINANCE RUSSELL B. LONG, Louisiana, Chairman HERMAN E. TALMADGE, Georgia ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, Connecticut HARRY F. BYRD, JR., Virginia GAYLORD NELSON, Wisconsin MIKE GRAVEL, Alaska LLOYD BENTSEN, Texas WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY, Maine FLOYD K. HASKELL, Colorado SPARK M. MATSUNAGA, Hawaii DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN, New York CARL T. CURTIS, Nebraska CLIFFORD P. HANSEN, Wyoming ROBERT DOLE, Kansas BOB PACKWOOD, Oregon WILLIAM V. ROTH, JR., Delaware PAUL LAXALT, Nevada JOHN C. DANFORTH, Missouri MICHAEL STERN, Staff Director GEORGE W. PRITTS, Jr., Minority Counsel (II) Bue of bout Gift 2-8-19 PREFACE Since the 92d Congress, numerous laws have been enacted amend- ing the Social Security Act or otherwise directly affecting programs under that act. In order to provide a convenient reference to the Social Security Act as it has been amended by these various laws, this document has been prepared. It includes all of the titles of that act currently in force with all amendments up to April 30, 1978. Also included are the full text of the Federal-State Extended Unemploy- ment Compensation Act, as amended, and pertinent excerpts from the Internal Revenue Code and from various public laws enacted since the 92d Congress. This document is intended to supplement and not to replace the Compilation of the Social Security Laws which is prepared by the Social Security Administration and published from time to time as a document of the House of Representatives. The most recent edition of that Compilation was issued as House Document No. 93-117 (in 2 volumes) and contained the Social Security Act and related laws as amended through January 1, 1973. The Compilation, although not con- taining amendments after that date, does have several features not found in this current document. In particular, the Compilation has far more extensive footnotes, contains an index, and includes excerpts from numerous laws affecting social security programs which are not included in the current document. It is expected that, as subsequent amendments to the Social Security Act and related laws are enacted or as changes are made through the operation of certain automatic provisions of existing law, appropriate revision pages will be printed from time to time. This document has been prepared solely for convenient reference purposes. It does not have the effect of law. (III) CONTENTS SOCIAL SECURITY ACT AS AMENDED: Title I-Grants to States for Old-Age Assistance and Med- ical Assistance for the Aged---- Title II-Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability In- surance Benefits__ Title III-Grants to States for Unemployment Compensa- tion Administration Title IV-Grants to States for Aid and Services to Needy Families with Children and for Child Welfare Services__ Title V-Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Chil- dren's Services____ Title VI [Repealed effective Oct. 1, 1975]. Title VII-Administration__ Title VIII-Taxes With Respect to Employment (super- seded by Chapter 21 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954) Title IX-Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to Employ- ment Security__. Title X-Grants to States for Aid to the Blind_. Title XI-General Provisions and Professional Standards Review Title XII-Advances to State Unemployment Funds----- Title XIII-Reconversion Unemployment Benefits for Sea- men (the provisions of this title have expired) Title XIV-Grants to States for Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled__ Title XV-[Repealed] (See chapter 85, title 5, U.S.C.) --- Title XVI-Grants to States for Aid to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled, or for Such Aid and Medical Assistance for the Aged----- Title XVI-Supplemental Security Income for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled__. Title XVII-Grants for Planning Comprehensive Action to Combat Mental Retardation.. Title XVIII-Health Insurance for the Aged and Dis- abled I Page 1 15 203 207 259 271 273 278 279 295 305 347 349 351 359 361 377 403 405 ! (V) VI Title XIX-Grants to States for Medical Assistance Pro- grams Title XX-Grants to States for Services__ Selected Provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954: Subtitle A-Income Taxes: Chapter 1-Normal Taxes and Surtaxes. Subchapter A, Part IV, Subpart A-Credits Allowable Section 40-Expenses of Work Incentive Programs Section 43-Earned Income_ Section 44A. Expenses for Household and De- pendent Care Services Necessary for Gain- ful Employment__. Subpart C-Rules for Computing Credit for Expenses of Work Incentive Programs- Section 50A____ Section 50B. Subchapter B, Part VI-Itemized Deductions for Indi- viduals and Corporations-- Section 188-Amortization of Certain Expenditures for On-the-Job Training and Child Care Facilities. Section 214-Repealed. Chapter 2-Tax on Self-Employment Income__ Subtitle C-Employment Taxes: Chapter 21-Federal Insurance Contributions Act___ Chapter 22-Railroad Retirement Tax Act___. Chapter 23-Federal Unemployment Tax Act... Chapter 25-General Provisions Relating to Employ- ment Taxes__. Subtitle F-Procedure and Administration: Chapter 61-Information and Returns Chapter 62-Time and Place for Paying Tax_ Chapter 63-Assessments_ Chapter 64 Collection___ Chapter 65-Abatements, Credits and Refunds. Chapter 66-Limitations.. Chapter 67-Interest_. Chapter 68-Additions to the Tax, the Tax, Additional Amounts, and Assessable Penalties__ Chapter 75-Crimes, Other Offenses, and Forfeitures_ Chapter 78-Discovery of Liability and Enforce- ment of Title____ Chapter 79-Definitions___. Chapter 80-General Rules. T 1 1 T T I 1 I I 1 I Page 507 541 557 557 557 557 559 562 562 567 570 570 570 570 581 617 629 662 662 675 676 677 681 685 689 690 695 697 699 699 Revised August 1978 VII Excerpt from the Consumer Credit Protection Act, as amended (P.L. 90-321)_. Excerpts from the Food Stamp Act of 1977, as enacted by sec- tion 1301 of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-113) Selected Unemployment Insurance Laws: Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act, as amended_. Excerpt from Public Law 93-618, the Trade Act of 1974, (Adjustment Assistance for Workers) Excerpt from Title 5,-U.S. Code (Unemployment Benefits for Federal Employees and Servicemen) – Excerpts from Public Laws related to the Social Security Act: Public Law 93-66, as amended__. Public Law 93-233, as amended_. Public Law 93–368_ Public Law 93-480_. Public Law 93-647, as amended. Public Law 94-12- Public Law 94-45. Public Law 94-88---- Public Law 94-164. Public Law 94–182__- Public Law 94-202- Public Law 94-274, as amended Public Law 94-331, as amended. Public Law 94-368___ Public Law 94-375- Public Law 94-401, as amended. Public Law 94-437. Public Law 94-455. Public Law 94-563- Public Law 94-566- Public Law 94-585__. Public Law 95-19--- Public Law 95-30-. Public Law 95-59- Public Law 95-142, as amended. Public Law 95-171. Public Law 95-210___. Public Law 95-216-- Public Law 95–291. Public Law 95-292. I 1 I 1 | T 1 I I I 1 1 1 J | I 1 I 1 1 1 1 Page 703 707 711 718 733 741 749 757 758 758 760 762 765 767 768 771 774 777 778 778 779 781 782 783 785 794 794 795 796 797 802 802 805 817 820 VIII Appendix: Page (i) (v) (vii) (viii) E-Variable Amounts Applicable to Selected Provisions__ (ix) F-Section 215 Under Former Law___ (viii) A—Amending Legislation_ B-Social Security Taxes__ C-Federal Matching Percentages for Welfare Programs: 1975-77 | D-Federal Matching Percentages for Welfare Programs: 1978-79 SOCIAL SECURITY ACT, AS AMENDED AN ACT To provide for the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits, and by enabling the several States to make more adequate provision for aged persons, blind persons, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, public health, and the administration of their unemployment compensation laws; to establish a Social Security Board; to raise revenue; and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, TITLE I-GRANTS TO STATES FOR OLD-AGE ASSIST- ANCE AND MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE AGED¹ Sec. 1. Appropriation Sec. 2. State Old-Age Assistance and Medical Assistance Plans Sec. 3. Payment to States-- Sec. 4. Operation of State Plans- Sec. 5. Administration Sec. 6. Definitions I Page¹ 1 2 5 11 12 12 Appropriation Section 1. For the purpose (a) of enabling each State, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to furnish financial assistance to aged needy individuals, (b) of enabling each State, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to furnish medi- cal assistance on behalf of aged individuals who are not recipients of old-age assistance but whose income and resources are insufficient to meet the costs of necessary medical services, and (c) of encourag- ing each State, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to furnish rehabilitation and other services to help individuals referred to in clause (a) or (b) to attain or retain capability for self- care, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this title. The sums made available under this section shall be used for making payments to States which have submitted, and had approved by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as the “Secretary”), State plans for old-age assistance, or for medical assist- ¹ P.L. 92–603, sec. 303, repealed title I effective January 1, 1974, but such repeal does not apply to Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. 2 This table of contents does not appear in the law. (1) Sec. 1 2 ance for the aged, or for old-age assistance and medical assistance for the aged. State Old-Age and Medical Assistance Plans Sec. 2. (a) A State plan for old-age assistance, or for medical assistance for the aged, or for old-age assistance and medical assistance for the aged must- (1) except to the extent permitted by the Secretary with re- spect to services, provide that it shall be in effect in all political subdivisions of the State, and, if administered by them, be man- datory upon them; (2) provide for financial participation by the State; (3) either provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to administer the plan, or provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to supervise the administration of the plan; (4) (A) provide for granting an opportunity for a fair hearing before the State agency to any individual whose claim for assist- ance under the plan is denied or is not acted upon with reason- able promptness, and (B) that if the State plan is administered in each of the political subdivisions of the State by a local agency and such local agency provides a hearing at which evidence may be presented prior to a hearing before the State agency, such local agency may put into effect immediately upon issuance its decision upon the matter considered at such hearing; (5) provide (A) such methods of administration (including methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of per- sonnel standards on a merit basis, except that the Secretary shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, and compensation of any individual employed in accordance with such methods) as are found by the Secretary to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan, and (B) for the training and effective use of paid subprofessional staff, with par- ticular emphasis on the full-time or part-time employment of re- cipients and other persons of low income, as community service aides, in the administration of the plan and for the use of nonpaid or partially paid volunteers in a social service volunteer program in providing services to applicants and recipients and in assisting any advisory committees established by the State agency; (6) provide that the State agency will make such reports, in such form and containing such information, as the Secretary may from time to time require, and comply with such provisions as the Secretary may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports; 3 Sec. 2(a) (7) provide safeguards which permit the use or disclosure of information concerning applicants cr recipients only (A) to public officials who require such information in connection with their official duties or (B) to other persons for purposes directly connected with the administration of the State plan; (8) provide that all individuals wishing to make application for assistance under the plan shall have opportunity to do so, and that such assistance shall be furnished with reasonable prompt- ness to all eligible individuals; (9) provide, if the plan includes assistance for or on behalf of individuals in private or public institutions, for the establishment. or designation of a State authority or authorities which shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining standards for such institutions; (10) if the State plan includes old-age assistance— (A) provide that the State agency shall, in determining need for such assistance, take into consideration any other income and resources of an individual claiming old-age as- sistance, as well as any expenses reasonably attributable to the earning of any such income; except that, in making such determination, (i) the State agency may disregard not more than $7.50 per month of any income and (ii) of the first $80 per month of additional income which is earned the State agency may disregard not more than the first $20 thereof plus one-half of the remainder; (B) include reasonable standards, consistent with the ob- jectives of this title, for determining eligibiltiy for and the extent of such assistance; and (C) provide a description of the services (if any) which the State agency makes available (using whatever internal organizational arrangement it finds appropriate for this pur- pose) to applicants for and recipients of such assistance to help them attain self-care, including a description of the steps taken to assure, in the provision of such services, maxi- mum utilization of other agencies providing similar or re- lated services; and (11) if the State plan includes medical assistance for the aged- (A) provide for inclusion of some institutional and some noninstitutional care and services; (B) provide that no enrollment fee, premium, or similar charge will be imposed as a condition of any individual's eligibility for medical assistance for the aged under the plan; Sec. 2(a) 4 (C) provide for inclusion, to the extent required by regula- tions prescribed by the Secretary, of provisions (conforming to such regulations) with respect to the furnishing of such assistance to individuals who are residents of the State but are absent therefrom; Foto (D) include reasonable standards, consistent with the ob- jectives of this title, for determining eligibility for and the extent of such assistance; and (E) provide that no lien may be imposed against the prop- erty of any individual prior to his death on account of medi- cal assistance for the aged paid or to be paid on his behalf under the plan (except pursuant to the judgment of a court on account of benefits incorrectly paid on behalf of such indi- vidual), and that there shall be no adjustment or recovery (except, after the death of such individual and his surviving spouse, if any, from such individual's estate) of any medical assistance for the aged correctly paid on behalf of such indi- vidual under the plan; (12) if the State plan includes assistance to or in behalf of individuals who are patients in institutions for mental diseases— D (A) provide for having in effect such agreements or other arrangements with State authorities concerned with mental diseases, and, where appropriate, with such institutions, as may be necessary for carrying out the State plan, including arrangements for joint planning and for development of al- ternate methods of care, arrangements providing assurance of immediate readmittance to institutions where needed for in- dividuals under alternate plans of care, and arrangements providing for access to patients and facilities, for furnishing information, and for making reports; G (B) provide for an individual plan for each such patient to assure that the institutional care provided to him is in his best interests, including, to that end, assurances that there will be initial and periodic review of his medical and other needs, that he will be given appropriate medical treatment within the institution, and that there will be a periodic deter- mination of his need for continued treatment in the institution; (C) provide for the development of alternate plans of care, making maximum utilization of available resources, for recipients who would otherwise need care in such institutions, including appropriate medical treatment and other assist- ance; for services referred to in section 3 (a) (4) (A) (i) and (ii) which are appropriate for such recipients and for such 5 Sec. 3(a) patients; and for methods of administration necessary to as- sure that the responsibilities of the State agency under the State plan with respect to such recipients and such patients will be effectively carried out; and (D) provide methods of determining the reasonable cost of institutional care for such patients; and (13) if the State plan includes assistance to or in behalf of patients in public institutions for mental diseases, show that the State is making satisfactory progress toward developing and im- plementing a comprehensive mental health program, including provision for utilization of community mental health centers, nursing homes, and other alternatives to care in public institu- tions for mental diseases. (b) The Secretary shall approve any plan which fulfills the con- ditions specified in subsection (a), except that he shall not approve any plan which imposes, as a condition of eligibility for assistance under the plan— (1) an age requirement of more than sixty-five years; or (2) any residence requirement which (A) in the case of appli- cants for old-age assistance, excludes any resident of the State who has resided therein five years during the nine years immediately preceding the application for old-age assistance and has resided therein continuously for one year immediately preceding the ap- plication, and (B) in the case of applicants for medical assistance for the aged, excludes any individual who resides in the State; or (3) any citizenship requirement which excludes any citizen of the United States. At the option of the State, the plan may provide that manuals and other policy issuances will be furnished to persons without charge for the reasonable cost of such materials, but such provision shall not be required by the Secretary as a condition for the approval of such plan under this title. (c) Nothing in this title shall be construed to permit a State to have in effect with respect to any period more than one State plan approved under this title. Payment to States Sec. 3. (a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to each State which has a plan approved under this title, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter commencing October 1, 1960- (1) in the case of any State other than Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during each month of such quarter as old-age assistance under the State plan (including Sec. 3(a) 6 expenditures for premiums under part B of title XVIII for indi- viduals who are recipients of money payments under such plan and other insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof)- (A) 3137 of such expenditures, not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to such month as exceeds the product of $37 multiplied by the total number of recipients of old-age assistance for such month (which total number, for purposes of this subsection, means (i) the number of individuals who received old-age assistance in the form of money payments for such month, plus (ii) the number of other individuals with respect to whom expenditures were made in such month as old-age assistance in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care); plus (B) the larger of the following: (i) (I) the Federal percentage (as defined in section 1101 (a) (8)) of the amount by which such expendi- tures exceed the amount which may be counted under clause (A), not counting so much of such excess with respect to such month as exceeds the product of $38 mul- tiplied by the total number of recipients of old-age assist- ance for such month, plus (II) 15 per centum of the total expended during such month as old-age assistance under the State plan in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care, not counting so much of such ex- penditure with respect to such month as exceeds the product of $15 multiplied by the total number of recip- ients of old-age assistance for such month, or (ii) (I) the Federal medical percentage (as defined in section 6(c)) of the amount by which such expendi- tures exceed the maximum which may be counted under clause (A), not counting so much of any expenditures with respect to such month as exceeds (a) the product of $52 multiplied by the total number of such recipients of old-age assistance for such month, or (b) if smaller, the total expended as old-age assistance in the form of medi- cal or any other type of remedial care with respect to such month plus the product of $37 multiplied by such total number of such recipients, plus (II) the Federal per- centage of the amount by which the total expended dur- ing such month as old-age assistance under the State plan exceeds the amount which may be counted under clause (A) and the preceding provisions of this clause (B) (ii), not counting so much of such excess with respect 7 Sec. 3(a) to such month as exceeds the product of $38 multiplied by the total number of such recipients of old-age assistance for such month; (2) in the case of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, an amount equal to— (A) one-half of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as old-age assistance under the State plan (in- cluding expenditures for premiums under part B of title XVIII for individuals who are recipients of money payments under such plan and other insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds $37.50 multiplied by the total number of recipients of old-age assistance for such month; plus - (B) the larger of the following amounts: (i) one-half of the amount by which such expenditures exceed the maximum which may be counted under clause (A), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as ex- ceeds (I) the product of $45 multiplied by the total number of such recipients of old-age assistance for such month, or (II) if smaller, the total expended as old-age assistance in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care with respect to such month plus the product of $37.50 multiplied by the total number of such recipients, or (ii) 15 per centum of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as old- age assistance under the State plan in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care, not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds the product of $7.50 multiplied by the total number of such re- cipients of old-age assistance for such month; (3) in the case of any State, an amount equal to the Federal medical percentage (as defined in section 6(c)) of the total amounts expended during such quarter as medical assistance for the aged under the State plan (including expenditures for insur- ance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof); and (4) in the case of any State whose State plan approved under section 2 meets the requirements of subsection (c) (1), an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan— (A) 75 per centum of so much of such expenditures as are for- Sec. 3(a) 8 1 (i) services which are prescribed pursuant to subsection (c) (1) and are provided (in accordance with the next sentence) to applicants for or recipients of assistance under the plan to help them attain or retain capability for self-care, or (ii) other services, specified by the Secretary as likely to prevent or reduce dependency, so provided to such ap- plicants or recipients, or (iii) any of the services prescribed pursuant to sub- section (c) (1), and of the services specified as provided in clause (ii), which the Secretary may specify as appro- priate for individuals who, within such period or periods as the Secretary may prescribe, have been or are likely to become applicants for or recipients of assistance under the plan, if such services are requested by such individ- uals and are provided to such individuals in accordance. with the next sentence, or (iv) the training (including both short- and long- term training at educational institutions through grants to such institutions or by direct financial assistance to students enrolled in such institutions) of personnel em- ployed or preparing for employment by the State agency or by the local agency administering the plan in the po- litical subdivision; plus (B) one-half of so much of such expenditures (not in- cluded under subparagraph (A)) as are for services provided (in accordance with the next sentence) to applicants for or recipients of assistance under the plan, and to individuals requesting such services who (within such period or periods as the Secretary may prescribe) have been or are likely to become applicants for or recipients of such assistance; plus (C) one-half of the remainder of such expenditures. The services referred to in subparagraphs (A) and (B) shall, except to the extent specified by the Secretary, include only- (D) services provided by the staff of the State agency, or of the local agency administering the State plan in the politi- cal subdivision: Provided, That no funds authorized under this title shall be available for services defined as vocational rehabilitation services under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (i) which are available to individuals in need of them under programs for their rehabilitation carried on under a State plan approved under such Act, or (ii) which the State agency or agencies administering or supervising the adminis- tration of the State plan approved under such Act, are able į apda : 9 Sec. 3(b) and willing to provide if reimbursed for the cost thereof pur- suant to agreement under subparagraph (E), if provided by such staff, and (E) under conditions which shall be prescribed by the Secretary, services which in the judgment of the State agency cannot be as economically or as effectively provided by the staff of such State or local agency and are not otherwise rea- sonably available to individuals in need of them, and which are provided, pursuant to agreement with the State agency, by the State health authority or the State agency or agencies administering or supervising the administration of the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services approved under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act or by any other State agency which the Secretary may determine to be appropri- ate (whether provided by its staff or by contract with public (local) or nonprofit private agencies); except that services described in clause (i) of subparagraph (D) hereof may be provided only pursuant to agreement with such State agency or agencies administering or supervising the admin- istration of the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services so approved. The portion of the amount expended for adminis- tration of the State plan to which subparagraph (A) applies and the portion thereof to which subparagraph (B) and (C) apply shall be determined in accordance with such methods and pro- cedures as may be permitted by the Secretary; and (5) in the case of any State whose State plan approved under section 2 does not meet the requirements of subsection (c)(1), an amount equal to one-half of the total of the sums expended dur- ing such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan, including services referred to in paragraph (4) and provided in accordance with the provisions of such paragraph. (b) The method of computing and paying such amounts shall be as follows: ww (1) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall, prior to the beginning of each quarter, estimate the amount to be paid to the State for such quarter under the provisions of subsection (a), such estimate to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be ex- pended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions of such subsection, and stating the amount appropriated or made avail- able by the State and its political subdivisions for such expendi- tures in such quarter, and if such amount is less than the State's proportionate share of the total sum of such estimated expendi- 21-746 O - 78 2 - i Sec. 3(b) 10 tures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, (B) records showing the number of aged individ- uals in the State, and (C) such other investigation as the Secre- tary may find necessary. (2) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall then certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount so estimated by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, (A) reduced or increased, as the case may be, by any sum by which the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare finds that his estimate for any prior quarter was greater or less than the amount which should have been paid to the State under sub- section (a) for such quarter, and (B) reduced by a sum equivalent to the pro rata share to which the United States is equitably entitled, as determined by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, of the net amount recovered during any prior quar- ter by the State or any political subdivision thereof with respect to assistance furnished under the State plan; except that such increases or reductions shall not be made to the extent that such sums have been applied to make the amount certified for any prior quarter greater or less than the amount estimated by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for such prior quarter: Provided, That any part of the amount recovered from the estate of a deceased recipient which is not in excess of the amount expended by the State or any political subdivision thereof for the funeral expenses of the deceased shall not be considered as a basis for reduction under clause (B) of this paragraph. (3) The Secretary of the Treasury shall thereupon, through the Fiscal Service of the Treasury Department and prior to audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, pay to the State, at the time or times fixed by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the amounts so certified. (c) (1) In order for a State to qualify for payments under para- graph (4) of subsection (a), its State plan approved under section 2 must provide that the State agency shall make available to applicants for recipients of old-age assistance under such State plan at least those services to help them attain or retain capability for self-care which are prescribed by the Secretary. (2) In the case of any State whose State plan included a provision meeting the requirements of paragraph (1), but with respect to which the Secretary finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hear- ing to the State agency administering or supervising the administra- tion of such plan, that— (A) the provision has been so changed that it no longer com- plies with the requirements of paragraph (1), or 11 Sec. 4 (B) in the administration of the plan there is a failure to com- ply substantially with such provision, the Secretary shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State under paragraph (4) of subsection (a) until he is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. Until the Secretary is so satisfied further payments with re- spect to the administration of such State plan shall not be made under paragraph (4) of subsection (a) but shall instead be made, subject to the other provisions of this title, under paragraph (5) of such sub- section. (d) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, the amount determined under such provisions for any State for any quar- ter which is attributable to expenditures with respect to patients in institutions for mental diseases shall be paid only to the extent that the State make a showing satisfactory to the Secretary that total ex- penditures in the State from Federal, State, and local sources for mental health services (including payments to or in behalf of individ- uals with mental health problems) under State and local public health and public welfare programs for such quarter exceed the average of the total expenditures in the State from such sources for such services under such programs for each quarter of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965. For purposes of this subsection, expenditures for such services for each quarter in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, in the case of any State shall be determined on the basis of the latest data, satis- factory to the Secretary, available to him at the time of the first de- termination by him under this subsection for such State; and expendi- tures for such services for any quarter beginning after December 31, 1965, in the case of any State shall be determined on the basis of the latest data, satisfactory to the Secretary, available to him at the time of the determination under this subsection for such State for such quarter; and determinations so made shall be conclusive for purposes of this subsection. Operation of State Plans Sec. 4. In the case of any State plan which has been approved under this title by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, if the Secretary, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency administering or supervising the administration of such plan finds- (1) that the plan has been so changed as to impose any age, residence, or citizenship requirement prohibited by section 2(b), or that in the administration of the plan any such prohibited re- quirement is imposed, with the knowledge of such State agency, in a substantial number of cases; or Sec. 4 12 (2) that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with any provision required by section 2(a) to be included in the plan; the Secretary shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State (or, in his discretion, that payments will be limited to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure) until the Secretary is satisfied that such prohibited requirement is no longer imposed, and that there is no longer any such failure to comply. Until he is so satisfied he shall make no further payments to such State (or shall limit payments to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure). Administration Sec. 5. [Executed. Authorized appropriation for administrative expenses of the Social Security Board under this title for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936.] Definitions Sec. 6. (a) For the purposes of this title, the term "old-age assist- ance" means money payments to, or (if provided in or after the third month before the month in which the recipient makes application for assistance) medical care in behalf of or any type of remedial care recognized under State law in behalf of, needy individuals who are sixty-five years of age or older, but does not include any such pay- ments to or care in behalf of any individual who is an inmate of a public institution (except as a patient in a medical institution). Such term also includes payments which are not included within the mean- ing of such term under the preceding sentence, but which would be so included except that they are made on behalf of such a needy indi- vidual to another individual who (as determined in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secretary) is interested in or concerned with the welfare of such needy individual, but only with respect to a State whose State plan approved under section 2 includes provision for- (1) determination by the State agency that such needy indi- vidual has, by reason of his physical or mental condition, such inability to manage funds that making payments to him would be contrary to his welfare and, therefore, it is necessary to provide such assistance through payments described in this sentence; (2) making such payments only on cases in which such pay- ments will, under the rules otherwise applicable under the State plan for determining need and the amount of old-age assistance to be paid (and in conjunction with other income and resources), 13 Sec. 6(b) meet all the need of the individuals with respect to whom such payments are made; (3) undertaking and continuing special efforts to protect the welfare of such individual and to improve, to the extent possible, his capacity for self-care and to manage funds; (4) periodic review by such State agency of the determination under paragraph (1) to ascertain whether conditions justifying such determination still exist, with provision for termination of such payments if they do not and for seeking judicial appointment of a guardian or other legal representative, as described in section 1111, if and when it appears that such action will best serve the interests of such needy individual; and (5) opportunity for a fair hearing before the State agency on the determination referred to in paragraph (1) for any individual with respect to whom it is made. At the option of a State (if its plan approved under this title so pro- vides), such term (i) need not include money payments to an individ- ual who has been absent from such State for a period in excess of 90 consecutive days (regardless of whether he has maintained his resi- dence in such State during such period) until he has been present in such State for 30 consecutive days in the case of such an individual who has maintained his residence in such State during such period or 90 consecutive days in the case of any other such individual, and (ii) may include rent payments made directly to a public housing agency on behalf of a recipient or a group or groups of recipients of assist- ance under such plan. (b) For purposes of this title, the term "medical assistance for the aged" means payment of part or all of the cost of the following care and services (if provided in or after the third month before the month in which the recipient makes application for assistance) for individ- uals sixty-five years of age or older who are not recipients of old-age assistance (except, for any month, for recipients of old-age assistance who are admitted to or discharged from a medical institution during such month) but whose income and resources are insufficient to meet all of such cost— (1) inpatient hospital services; (2) skilled nursing-home services; (3) physicians' services; (4) outpatient hospital or clinic services; (5) home health care services; (6) private duty nursing services; (7) physical therapy and related services; (8) dental services; Sec. 6(b) 14 (9) laboratory and X-ray services; (10) prescribed drugs, eyeglasses, dentures, and prosthetic de- vices; (11) diagnostic, screening, and preventive services; and (12) any other medical care or remedial care recognized under State law; except that such term does not include any such payments with respect. to care or services for any individual who is an inmate of a public institution (except as a patient in a medical institution). (c) For purposes of this title, the term "Federal medical percent- age" for any State shall be 100 per centum less the State percentage; and the State percentage shall be that percentage which bears the same. ratio to 50 per centum as the square of the per capita income of such State bears to the square of the per capita income of the continental United States (including Alaska) and Hawaii; except that (i) the Federal medical percentage shall in no case be less than 50 per centum or more than 80 per centum, and (ii) the Federal medical percentage for Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam shall be 50 per centum. The Federal medical percentage for any State shall be determined and promulgated in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (B) of section 1101 (a) (8) (other than the proviso at the end thereof); except that the Secretary shall, as soon as possible after enactment of the Social Security Amendments of 1960, determine and promulgate the Federal medical percentage for each State-- (1) for the period beginning October 1, 1960, and ending with the close of June 30, 1961, which promulgation shall be based on the same data with respect to per capita income as the data used. by the Secretary in promulgating the Federal percentage (under section 1101(a)(8)) for such State for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961 (which promulgation of the Federal medical per- centage shall be conclusive for such period), and (2) for the period beginning July 1, 1961, and ending with the close of June 30, 1963, which promulgation shall be based on the same data with respect to per capita income as the data used by the Secretary in promulgating the Federal percentage (under section 1101(a) (8)) for such State for such period (which pro- mulgation of the Federal medical percentage shall be conclusive for such period). ❤ Revised April 1978 TITLE II-FEDERAL OLD-AGE, SURVIVORS, AND DIS- ABILITY INSURANCE BENEFITS SEC. 201. Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and Page¹ Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund___ 20 (a) Creation of Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund (b) Creation of Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund (c) Board of Trustees__ (d) Investment of Funds. (e) Sale of Obligations__. (f) Crediting of Interest on and Proceeds From Sales of Obligations_ (g) Payment From Trust Funds Into Treasury. (h) Trust Funds Used for Payments of Benefits_. (i) Acceptance of Gifts__ SEC. 202. Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Benefit Payments_ (a) Old-Age Insurance Benefits.. (b) Wife's Insurance Benefits--. (c) Husband's Insurance Benefits. (d) Child's Insurance Benefits_. (e) Widow's Insurance Benefits_- (f) Widower's Insurance Benefits. (g) Mother's Insurance Benefits. (h) Parent's Insurance Benefits. (i) Lump-sum Death Payments--- (j) Application for Monthly Insurance Benefits; Retroactive Effect of Application; Waiver of Entitlement. (k) Simultaneous Entitlement to More Than One Type of Insurance Benefit (1) Effect of Entitlement to Survivor Benefits Under Railroad Re- tirement Act__ (m) Minimum Survivor's Benefit--. (n) Termination of Benefits Upon Deportation of Primary Bene- ficiary (0) Application for Benefits by Survivors of Members and Former Members of the Uniformed Services_. (p) Extension of Period for Filing Proof of Support and Applica- tions for Lump-Sum Death Payment…. (q) Reduction of Benefit Amounts for Certain Beneficiaries__ (r) Presumed Filing of Application by Individuals Eligible for Old- Age Insurance Benefits and for Wife's or Husband's Insurance Benefits (s) Child Aged 18 or Over Attending School_. (t) Suspension of Benefits of Aliens Who Are Outside the United States (u) Effect of Conviction of Subversive Activities, etc--. (v) Waiver of Benefits--- (w) Increase in Old-Age Insurance Benefit Amounts on Account of Delayed Retirement.. SEC. 203. Reduction of Insurance Benefits.. (a) Maximum Benefits Payable... (b) Deductions on Account of Work_ (c) Deductions on Account of Noncovered Work Outside the U.S.; Failure To Have Child in Care__ (d) Deductions From Dependents' Benefits on Account of Old-Age Insurance Beneficiary's Noncovered Work Outside the U.S. (e) Occurrence of More Than One Event-.. -- ¹ This table of contents does not appear in the law. 20 21 23 21 24 24 25 27 27 28 28 28 30 30-A 36 39 43 45 46 48 50 51 51 52 53 53 54 61 61 62 64 65 22 ≈ 2228 66 67 67 71 72 73 74 (15) 16 Revised April 1978 | ! SEC. 203. Reduction of Insurance Benefits-Continued (f) Months to Which Earnings Are Charged_-_- (g) Penalty for Failure To Report Certain Events. (h) Report of Earnings to Secretary- (i) Circumstances Under Which Deductions and Reductions Not Required 79-C 79-C (j) Attainment of Age Seventy-. (k) Noncovered Remunerative Activity Outside the United States-- 79-C (1) Good Cause for Failure To Make Reports Required_. 79-D SEC. 204. Overpayments and Underpayments__ (a) Adjustment of Errors in Payments_ (b) When Adjustment or Recovery of Overpayment Not Made_ (c) Nonliability of Certifying or Disbursing Officer. (d) Special Rules Regarding Underpayments___ SEC. 205. Evidence, Procedure, and Certification for Payment___ (a) Authority of Secretary To Make Rules and Regulations To Carry Out Provisions of Title II___ (b) Decisions by Secretary Regarding Rights of Claimants.. (c) Earnings Records Maintained by Secretary; Time Limitation for Revisions (d) Authority of Secretary To Issue Subpenas. (e) Contumacy or Failure To Obey Subpena_. (f) [Repealed.] (g) Review of Secretary's Decision by Court. (h) Finality of Secretary's Decision__. (i) Certification by Secretary for Payment_-- (j) Authority of Secretary To Certify Payment of Benefits to Some- one Other Than the Beneficiary- (k) Settlement of Claims of Incompetents-- (1) Authority of Secretary To Delegate Powers. (m) [Repealed.] (q) Expedited Benefit Payments___ SEC. 206. Representation of Claimants_. (a) (n) Joint Payment of Benefits__ (0) Crediting of Compensation Under the Railroad Retirement Act__ (p) Special Rules in Case of Federal Service_‒‒‒ (a) (b) (c) (b) Court Determination of Fees in Certain Cases- SEC. 207. Assignment SEC. 208. Penalties € 00 (d) False Statements To Obtain Increase in Benefits_ False Statements on Applications.. False Statements Made for Use in Determining Rights to Payments Fraudulent Concealment or Failure To Disclose Events Affecting Initial or Continued Right to Payment__ (e) Willful Conversion of Benefits by Representative Payee_- (f) Furnishing False Information To Obtain Social Security Account Number Representation Before Secretary; Fees for Services Before Secretary (h) Penalty for Misuse of Social Security Number_ SEC. 209. Definition of Wages-- (f) (g) (g) Penalty for Furnishing False Social Security Number With In- tent To Deceive____ (a) Remuneration Excluded____ (b) Payments Under Plan or System Excluded_ (c) Retirement Pay Excluded__ (d) (e) (h) (i) I Sick Pay Excluded--- Payments to or by Trust Exempt From Tax Under Internal Revenue Code Excluded_ Remuneration for Agricultural Labor-When Excluded- Remuneration Paid After Retirement Age-When Excluded. (j) Remuneration Paid to Homeworkers-When Excluded.. Payment of Employee Tax by Employer Excluded. Payments in Kind and Certain Cash Payments for Domestic Employment or Employment Not in Course of Employer's Trade or Business Excluded___. Page 74 79 79-A 79-D 79-D 79-E 79-E 79-E 79-F 79-F 79-F 79-G 83 84 84 85 85 86 86 86 86 87 87 88 8 88aHa7 7 22 2 89 89 90 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 92 93 93 94 94 94 94 95 5558 95 95 95 96 Revised April 1978 17 SEC. 209. Definition of Wages-Continued Moving Expenses of Employees- Tips (k) (1) (m) Payments by Employer Upon or After Termination of Employment (n) Payments by Employer to Survivor of Estate of Former Em- ployee (0) Payments to Employee Entitled to Disability Insurance Benefits- (p) Remuneration Paid by Tax Exempt Organizations_ SEC. 210. Employment Employment; Excluded Employment Defined_ Included and Excluded Service Performed During Pay Period-- (c) American Vessel Defined.. (d) American Aircraft Defined. (e) American Employer Defined. Agricultural Labor Defined___. (g) Farm Defined__ (f) State Defined___ United States Defined. (a) (b) @sszę Ēz o fas Employee Defined____ Covered Transportation Service Defined_. Service in the Uniformed Services Defined_ (m) Member of a Uniformed Service Defined_-- Crew Leader Defined____. Peace Corps Volunteer Service___ SEC. 211. Self-Employment Net Earnings From Self-Employment Defined___ Self-Employment Income Defined. (b) (c) Trade or Business Defined___ (d) (e) (f) (a) (b) Taxable Year Other Than a Calendar Year. SEC. 213. Quarter and Quarter of Coverage_. FI 1 1 I Partnership and Partner Defined_ Taxable Year Defined____. Computing Deceased's Net Earnings From Self-Employment When Partnership Taxable Year Ends Because of Death. Regular Basis.. (g) SEC. 212. Crediting of Self-Employment Income to Calendar Quarters-- Calendar Taxable Year_ (i) SEC. 216. Other Definitions___ I (a) [Repealed.] (b) Wife (c) Widow (d) Divorced Wives, Divorce_ (e) Child (f) 1 Husband (g) Widower (a) Definitions (b) Crediting of Wages Paid in 1937. (c) Alternative Method for Determining Quarters of Coverage for 1937 to 1950_. (d) Amount Required for a Quarter of Coverage. SEC. 214. Insured Status for Purposes of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Benefits (a) Fully Insured Individual_. Currently Insured Individual_ (b) SEC. 215. Computation of Primary Insurance Amount. (a) Primary Insurance Amount_. (b) Average Indexed Monthly Earnings; Average Monthly Wage__ Application of Prior Provisions in Certain Cases-- mda (c) (d) Primary Insurance Benefit Under 1939 Act__ (e) Certain Wages and Self-Employment Income Not To Be Counted Recomputation of Benefits. T (f) (g) Rounding of Benefits_ (h) Exclusion Under Certain Circumstances of Remuneration Paid to Public Health Service Reserve Officer for Service Prior to July 1, 1960___. Cost-of-Living Increases in Benefits. Page 96 96 96 96 96 96 98 98 105 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 108 110 111 112 112 112 112 116 117 119 119 119 119 120 120 120 120 120 123 123 123 124 124 125 125 125 129 131 131 133 134 135 135 136 140 140 140 140 141 141-A 141-A 1 18 Revised April 1978 SEC. 216. Other Definitions-Continued (h) Determination of Status as Wife, Husband, Widow, Widower, Child, or Parent___ (i) Disability: Period of Disability. (j) When Periods of Limitation End on Nonwork Days_ (k) Waiver of 9-Month Requirement for Widow, Stepchild, or Widower in Certain Death Cases, or in the Case of Remarriage to the Same Individual___ (a) Purpose of Agreement (b) Definitions of Terms_. SEC. 217. Benefits in Case of Veterans. (a) Wage Credits for World War II Service_ (b) Insured Status of World War II Veterans Dying Within 3 Years After Separation From Active Service__ (c) Time for Parent of Deceased Veteran To File Proof of Support___ (d) Definition of World War II and World War II Veteran__. (e) Wage Credits for Military Service After World War II_ (f) Waiver of Rights to Civil Service Retirement Annuity by Widow or Child as Condition of Entitlement to Social Security Benefits_ (g) Reimbursement of Trust Fund for Cost of Wage Credits for Certain Military Service--. (h) Wage Credits for American Citizen's World War II Service in Armed Forces of U.S. Allies_. SEC. 218. Voluntary Agreements for Coverage of State and Local Em- ployees (c) Services Covered_ (d) Positions Covered by Retirement Systems. (e) Payments and Reports by States-. (f) Effective Date of Agreement-- (g) Termination of Agreement--- (h) Deposits in Trust Fund; Adjustments- (i) Purpose of Regulations Issued Under This Section_. (j) Result of State Failure To Make Payments Required Under Agreement (k) Instrumentalities of Two or More States__. (1) Delegation of Functions_ (m) Wisconsin Retirement Fund_ (n) Modification of Agreement To Apply to Certain Positions No Longer Covered by Retirement Systems-- (0) Modification of Agreement To Apply to Certain Employees of the State of Utah. (p) Modification of Agreement To Apply to Policemen and Firemen in Certain States__ (q) Time Limitation on Assessments (r) Time Limitation on Credits and Refunds-- (s) Review by Secretary of Assessment; Allowance or Disallowance of Claim for Credit or Refunds_. (t) Review by Court-. (u) Positions Compensated Solely on a Fee Basis__ SEC. 219. [Repealed.] SEC. 220. Disability Provisions Inapplicable if Benefit Rights Impaired--- SEC. 221. Disability Determinations_. (a) Disability Determination To Be Made by State Agency- (b) Federal-State Agreements--. (c) Review by Secretary on His Own Motion of Disability Deter- minations Made by State-- (d) Individual Dissatisfied by Determination Entitled to Hearing--- (e) Reimbursement of States for Cost of Carrying Out Federal-State Agreements (f) Use of Payments by States. (g) Disability Determinations Made by Secretary SEC. 222. (a) (b) (c) (d) Rehabilitation Services__. Referral for Rehabilitation Services_ Deductions on Account of Refusal To Accept Rehabilitation Services Period of Trial Work___. Costs of Rehabilitation Services From Trust Funds_-_. Page 142 145 148 148 149 149 150 151 152 152 154 154 155 156 156 156 157 159 165 166 167 168 168 169 169 170 171 171 171 172 173 175 175 176 176 177 177 177 177 178 178 178 178 178 179 179 179 180 181 Revised August 1978 19 SEC. 223. (a) (b) (c) (d) SEC. 224. Disability Insurance Benefit Payments-- Disability Insurance Benefits.. Filing of Application__. Definitions of Insured Status and Waiting Period___ Definition of Disability- Reduction of Benefits Based on Disability on Account of Re- ceipt of Workmen's Compensation_. Computation of Reduction_. (a) (b) Benefit Payable on Other Than a Monthly Basis--- (c) E (e) (d) No Reduction if Workmen's Compensation Benefit Reduced Because of Receipt of Title II Benefits___ Certification by Individual as to Award or Possibility of Award of Workmen's Compensation Benefits_ Redetermination of Reduction__ (f) Reduction of Auxiliary Benefits Before Reduction of Disability Insurance Benefit_ (g) SEC. 227. (a) (b) SEC. 225. SEC. 226. (a) (b) (c) (d) Qualified Railroad Retirement Beneficiary-Definition…. (e) Widows' and Widowers' Hospital Benefits_. (f) Uninsured Individuals_ SEC. 226A. Special Provisions Relating to Coverage Under Medicare Pro- gram for End Stage Renal Disease__ Transitional Insured Status__. Benefit Rate__ Widow's Benefits-Individual Deceased Prior to Becoming Eligible Under Transitional Insured Status Provisions___.. (c) Widow's Benefits-Individual Deceased After Becoming Eligible Under Transitional Insured Status Provisions__ SEC. 228. (a) (b) (c) Application When Other Reduction or Deduction Under this Title Applicable--- (h) SEC. 229. Suspension of Benefits Based on Disability. Entitlement to Hospital Insurance Benefits___ Requirements for Entitlement-Individual over 65. Requirements for Entitlement-Individual under 65. Limitations-Deemed Entitlement___ (a) (b) SEC. 230. (a) (b) (c) SEC. 231. Benefits at Age 72 for Certain Uninsured Individuals___ Eligibility —— (d) Suspension for Months in Which Cash Payments Are Made Under Public Assistance…. Benefit Amount--- Reduction for Governmental Pension System Benefits. (e) Suspension Where Individual Is Residing Outside the United States (f) Treatment as Monthly Insurance Benefits---- (g) 1 Annual Reimbursement of Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund___ (a) (b) Wages (c) Appropriations SEC. 232. Processing of tax data---- SEC. 233. International Agreements. Definitions Benefits in Case of Members of the Uniformed Services- Deemed Wage Credits for Service after December 1967. Appropriations to Cover Wage Credits. Adjustment of the Contribution and Benefit Base--- Publication in the Federal Register__ The amount of the contribution and benefit base_- Interim contribution and benefit base_-. Benefits in Case of Certain Individuals Interned During World War II____. Definition of Internee__ K (a) Purpose of Agreement_. (b) Definitions (c) Crediting Periods of Coverage; Conditions of Payment of Benefits Regulations (d) (e) Reports to Congress; Effective Date of Agreements___ Page 183 183 184 184 185 186 186 187 188 188 188 188 189 189 190 190 190 190 191 192 193 193 193 193 193 193 194 194 194 195 196 196 197 197 197 198 198 198 198 198 199 199 199-A 199-A 200 201 201 202 202 202 202 202-B 202-B Sec. 201(a) 20 Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund Section 201. (a) There is hereby created on the books of the Treas- ury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the "Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund". The Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund shall consist of the securities held by the Secretary of the Treasury for the Old-Age Reserve Ac- count and the amount standing to the credit of the Old-Age Reserve Account on the books of the Treasury on January 1, 1940, which se- curities and amount the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to transfer to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, and, in addition, such gifts and bequests as may be made as provided in subsection (i) (1), and such amounts as may be ap- propriated to, or deposited in, the Federal Old-Age and Survivors In- surance Trust Fund as hereinafter provided. There is hereby appro- priated to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941, and for each fiscal year there- after, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, amounts equivalent to 100 per centum of— (1) the taxes (including interest, penalties, and additions to the taxes) received under subchapter A of chapter 9 of the In- ternal Revenue Code of 1939 (and covered into the Treasury) which are deposited into the Treasury by collectors of internal revenue before January 1, 1951; and (2) the taxes certified each month by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue as taxes received under subchapter A of chapter 9 of such Code which are deposited into the Treasury by collectors of internal revenue after December 31, 1950, and before January 1, 1953, with respect to assessments of such taxes made before January 1, 1951; and (3) the taxes imposed by subchapter A of chapter 9 of such Code with respect to wages (as defined in section 1426 of such Code), and by chapter 21 (other than sections 3101 (b) and 3111 (b)) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 with respect to wages (as defined in section 3121 of such Code) reported to the Com- missioner of Internal Revenue pursuant to section 1420 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 after December 31, 1950, or to the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegates pursuant to sub- title F of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 after December 31, 1954, as determined by the Secretary of the Treasury by apply- ing the applicable rates of tax under such subchapter or chapter 21 (other than sections 3101(b) and 3111(b)) to such wages, which wages shall be certified by the Secretary of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare on the basis of the records of wages established 21 Sec. 201(b) and maintained by such Secretary in accordance with such re- ports, less the amounts specified in clause (1) of subsection (b) of this section; and (4) the taxes imposed by subchapter E of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, with respect to self-employment income (as defined in section 481 of such Code), and by chapter 2 (other than section 1401 (b)) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 with respect to self-employment income (as defined in section. 1402 of such Code) reported to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue on tax returns under such subchapter or to the Secretary of the Treasury, or his delegate on tax returns under subtitle F of such Code, as determined by the Secretary of the Treasury by applying the applicable rate of tax under such subchapter or chapter (other than section 1401 (b)) to such self-employment income, which self-employment income shall be certified by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare on the basis of the records of self-employment income established and maintained by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in accordance with such returns, less the amounts specified in clause (2) of sub- section (b) of this section. The amounts appropriated by clauses (3) and (4) shall be transferred from time to time from the general fund in the Treasury to the Fed- eral Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, and the amounts appropriated by clauses (1) and (2) of subsection (b) shall be trans- ferred from time to time from the general fund in the Treasury to the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, such amounts to be deter- mined on the basis of estimates by the Secretary of the Treasury of the taxes, specified in clauses (3) and (4) of this subsection, paid to or de- posited into the Treasury; and proper adjustments shall be made in amounts subsequently transferred to the extent prior estimates were in excess of or were less than the taxes specified in such clauses (3) and (4) of this subsection. (b) There is hereby created on the books of the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the "Federal Disability In- surance Trust Fund". The Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund shall consist of such gifts and bequests as may be made as provided in subsection (i)(1), and of such amounts as may be appropriated to, or deposited in, such fund as provided in this section. There is hereby appropriated to the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1957, and for each fiscal year thereafter, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, amounts equivalent to 100 per centum of- (1) (A) 1½ of 1 per centum of the wages (as defined in section 3121 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954) paid after Decem- Sec. 201(b) 22 Revised April 1978 ber 31, 1956, and before January 1, 1966, and reported to the Sec- retary of the Treasury or his delegate pursuant to subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, (B) 0.70 of 1 per centum of the wages (as so defined) paid after December 31, 1965, and be- fore January 1, 1968, and so reported, and (C) 0.95 of 1 per centum of the wages (as so defined) paid after December 31, 1967, and before January 1, 1970, and so reported, (D) 1.10 per centum of the wages (as so defined) paid after December 31, 1969, and before January 1, 1973, and so reported, (E) 1.1 per centum of the wages (as so defined) paid after December 31, 1972, and before January 1, 1974, and so reported, (F) 1.15 per centum of the wages (as so defined) paid after December 31, 1973, and before January 1, 1978, and so reported, (G) 1.55 per centum of the wages (as so defined) paid after December 31, 1977, and before January 1, 1979, and so reported, (H) 1.50 per centum of the wages (as so defined) paid after December 31, 1978, and before January 1, 1981, and so reported, (I) 1.65 per centum of the wages (as so defined) paid after December 31, 1980, and before Janu- ary 1, 1985, and so reported, (J) 1.90 per centum of the wages (as so defined) paid after December 31, 1984, and before Janu- ary 1, 1990, and so reported, and (K) 2.20 per centum of the wages (as so defined) paid after December 31, 1989, and so reported. which wages shall be certified by the Secretary of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare on the basis of the records of wages established and maintained by such Secretary in accordance with such reports; and 1 (2) (A) % of 1 per centum of the amount of self-employment income (as defined in section 1402 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954) reported to the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate on tax returns under subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1956, and before January 1, 1966, (B) and 0.525 of 1 per centum of the amount of self-employment income (as so defined) so reported for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1965, and before January 1, 1968, and (C) 0.7125 of 1 per centum of the amount of self-employment income (as so defined) so reported for any tax- able year beginning after December 31, 1967, and before Janu- ary 1, 1970, (D) 0.825 of 1 per centum of the amount of self- employment income (as so defined) so reported for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1969, and before January 1, 1973, (E) 0.795 of 1 per centum of the amount of self-employ- ment income (as so defined) so reported for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1972, and before January 1, 1974, 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by section 102 (a)(1) of Public Law 95–216. The period at the end of clause (K) is a technical error and should be a comma. Revised April 1978 23 Sec. 201(c) (F) 0.815 of 1 per centum of the amount of self-employment income (as so defined) as reported for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1973, and before January 1, 1978, (G) 1.090 per centum of the amount of self-employment income (as so defined) so reported for any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1977, and before January 1, 1979, (H) 1.0400 per centum of the amount of self-employment income (as so defined) so re- ported for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1978, and before January 1, 1981, (I) 1.2375 per centum of the amount of self-employment income (as so defined) so reported for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1980, and before Jan- uary 1, 1985, (J) 1.4250 per centum of the amount of self-employ- ment income (as so defined) so reported for any taxable year be- ginning after December 31, 1984, and before January 1, 1990, and (K) 1.650 per centum of the amount of self-employment income (as so defined) so reported for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1989, which self-employment income shall be cer- tified by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare on the basis of the records of self-employment income established and maintained by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in accordance with such returns.¹ (c) With respect to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund (here- inafter in this title called the "Trust Funds") there is hereby created a body to be known as the Board of Trustees of the Trust Funds (here- inafter in this title called the "Board of Trustees") which Board of Trustees shall be composed of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Sec- retary of Labor, and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, all ex officio. The Secretary of the Treasury shall be the Managing Trustee of the Board of Trustees (hereinafter in this title called the "Managing Trustee"). The Commissioner of Social Security shall serve as Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Such Board of Trustees shall meet not less frequently than once each calendar year. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to— (1) Hold the Trust Funds; (2) Report to the Congress not later than the first day of April of each year on the operation and status of the Trust Funds dur- ing the preceding fiscal year and on their expected operation and status during the next ensuing five fiscal years; (3) Report immediately to the Congress whenever the Board of Trustees is of the opinion that the amount of either of the Trust Funds is unduly small; 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by sec. 102(a) (2) of Public Law 95-216. Revised April 1978 23-A Sec. 201(c) (4) Recommend improvements in administrative procedures. and policies designed to effectuate the proper coordination of the old-age and survivors insurance and Federal-State unemploy- ment compensation program; and : (5) Review the general policies followed in managing the Trust Funds, and recommend changes in such policies, including neces- sary changes in the provisions of the law which govern the way in which the Trust Funds are to be managed. 21-746 O - 78 3 The report provided for in paragraph (2) above shall include a state- ment of the assets of, and the disbursements made from, the Trust Sec. 201(c) 24 Funds during the preceding fiscal year, an estimate of the expected future income to, and disbursements to be made from, the Trust Funds during each of the next ensuing five fiscal years, and a statement of the actuarial status of the Trust Funds. Such report shall also include an actuarial analysis of the benefit disbursements made from the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund with respect to disabled beneficiaries. Such report shall be printed as a House document of the session of the Congress to which the report is made. (d) It shall be the duty of the Managing Trustee to invest such portion of the Trust Funds as is not, in his judgment, required to meet current withdrawals. Such investments may be made only in interest- bearing obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States. For such pur- pose such obligations may be acquired (1) on original issue at the issue price, or (2) by purchase of outstanding obligations at the market price. The purposes for which obligations of the United States may be issued under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, are hereby extended to authorize the issuance at par of public-debt obligations for purchase by the Trust Funds. Such obligations issued for purchase by the Trust Funds shall have maturities fixed with due regard for the needs of the Trust Funds and shall bear interest at a rate equal to the average market yield (computed by the Managing Trustee on the basis of market quotations as of the end of the calendar month next preced- ing the date of such issue) on all marketable interest-bearing obliga- tions of the United States then forming a part of the public debt which are not due or callable until after the expiration of four years from the end of such calendar month; except that where such average market yield is not a multiple of one-eighth of 1 per centum, the rate of interest of such obligations shall be the multiple of one-eighth of 1 per centum nearest such market yield. The Managing Trustee may purchase other interest-bearing obligations of the United States or obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States, on original issue or at the market price, only where he deter- mines that the purchase of such other obligations is in the public interest. K (e) Any obligation acquired by the Trust Funds (except public- debt obligations issued exclusively to the Trust Funds) may be sold by the Managing Trustee at the market price, and such public-debt obligations may be redeemed at par plus accrued interest. (f) The interest on, and the proceeds from the sale or redemption of, any obligations held in the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insur- ance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund shall be credited to and form a part of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Disability Insurance Trust Fund, respectively. 25 Sec. 201(g) (g) (1) (A) The Managing Trustee of the Trust Funds (which for purposes of this paragraph shall include also the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insur- ance Trust Fund established by title XVIII) is directed to pay from the Trust Funds into the Treasury- (i) the amounts estimated by him and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare which will be expended, out of moneys appropriated from the general fund in the Treasury, during a three-month period by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Treasury Department for the administration of titles II, XVI, and XVIII of this Act and subchapter E of chap- ter 1 and subchapter A of chapter 9 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, and chapters 2 and 21 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, less (ii) the amounts estimated (pursuant to the method prescribed by the Board of Trustees under paragraph (4) of this subsection) by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare which will be expended, out of moneys made available for expenditures from the Trust Funds, during such three-month period to cover the cost of carrying out the functions of the Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare, specified in section 232, which relate to the ad- ministration of provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 other than those referred to in clause (i). Such payments shall be carried into the Treasury as the net amount of repayments due the general fund account for reimbursement of ex- penses incurred in connection with the administration of titles II, XVI, and XVIII of this Act and subchapter E of chapter 1 and subchapter A of chapter 9 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, and chapters 2 and 21 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. A final account- ing of such payments for any fiscal year shall be made at the earliest practicable date after the close thereof. There are hereby authorized to be made available for expenditure, out of any or all of the Trust Funds, such amounts as the Congress may deem appropriate to pay the costs of the part of the administration of this title, title XVI, and title XVIII for which the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare is responsible and of carrying out the functions of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, specified in section 232, which relate to the administration of provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 other than those referred to in clause (i) of the first sentence of this subparagraph. (B) After the close of each fiscal year the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall determine the portion of the costs, incurred during such fiscal year, of administration of this title, title XVI, and title XVIII and of carrying out the functions of the De- Sec. 201(g) 26 partment of Health, Education, and Welfare, specified in section 232, which relate to the administration of provisions of the Internal Reve- nue Code of 1954 (other than those referred to in clauses (i) of the first sentence of subparagraph (A)), which should have been borne by the general fund in the Treasury and the portion of such costs which should have been borne by each of the Trust Funds; except that the determination of the amounts to be borne by the general fund in the Treasury with respect to expenditures incurred in carry- ing out such functions specified in section 232 shall be made pursuant to the method prescribed by the Board of Trustees under paragraph (4) of this subsection. After such determination has been made, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall certify to the Managing Trustee the amounts, if any, which should be transfer- red from one to any of the other of such Trust Funds and the amounts, if any, which should be transferred between the Trust Funds (or one of the Trust Funds) and the general fund in the Treasury, in order to insure that each of the Trust Funds and the general fund in the Treasury have borne their proper share of the costs, incurred during such fiscal year, for the part of the administration of this title, title XVI, and title XVIII for which the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare is responsible and of carrying out the func- tions of the Department of Health, Educaton, and Welfare, specified in section 232, which relate to the administration of provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (other than those referred to in clause (i) of the first sentence of subparagraph (A)). The Managing Trus- tee is authorized and directed to transfer any such amounts in accord- ance with any certification so made.¹ A (2) The Managing Trustee is directed to pay from time to time from the Trust Funds into the Treasury the amount estimated by him as taxes imposed under section 3101 (a) which are subject to refund under section 6113 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 with respect to wages (as defined in section 1426 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 and section 3121 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954) paid after December 31, 1950. Such taxes shall be deter- mined on the basis of the records of wages established and maintained by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in accordance with the wages reported to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue pursuant to section 1420 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 and to the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate pursuant to subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and the Secretary shall furnish the Managing Trustee such information as may be required by the Trustee for such purpose. The payments by the Managing Trustee shall be covered into the Treasury as repayments to the account for 1 Subsection (g) (1) was amended by section 8(d) of Public Law 94-202. See also section 8(f) of Public Law 94-202 which appears in this document on page 773. 27 Sec. 201 (i) refunding internal revenue collections. Payments pursuant to the first sentence of this paragraph shall be made from the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability In- surance Trust Fund in the ratio in which amounts were appropriated to such Trust Funds under clause (3) of subsection (a) of this section and clause (1) of subsection (b) of this section. (3) Repayments made under paragraph (1) or (2) shall not be available for expenditures but shall be carried to the surplus fund of the Treasury. If it subsequently appears that the estimates under either such paragraph in any particular period were too high or too low, appropriate adjustments shall be made by the Managing Trustee in future payments. (4) The Board of Trustees shall prescribe before January 1, 1981, the method of determining the costs which should be borne by the gen- eral fund in the Treasury of carrying out the functions of the Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare, specified in section 232, which relate to the administration of provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (other than those referred to in clause (i) of the first sentence of paragraph (1)(A)). If at any time or times thereafter the Boards of Trustees of such Trust Fund deem such action advisable they may modify the method so determined.¹ (h) Benefit payments required to be made under section 223, and benefit payments required to be made under subsection (b), (c), or (d), of section 202 to individuals entitled to benefits on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of an individual entitled to disability insurance benefits, shall be made only from the Federal Dis- ability Insurance Trust Fund. All other benefit payments required to be made under this title (other than section 226) shall be made only from the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund. (i) (1) The Managing Trustee of the Federal Old-Age and Survi- vors Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund is authorized to ac- cept on behalf of the United States money gifts and bequests made unconditionally to any one or more of such Trust Funds or to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, or any part or officer thereof, for the benefit of any of such Funds or any activity financed through such Funds. (2) Any such gift accepted pursuant to the authority granted in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be deposited in- (A) the specific trust fund designated by the donor or (B) if the donor has not so designated, the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund. 1 Paragraph (4) was added by section 8 of Public Law 94-202. See also section 8(e) of Public Law 94-202 which is reprinted in this document on page 773. Sec. 202(a) Revised April 1978 28 Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Benefit Payments Old-Age Insurance Benefits Sec. 202. (a) Every individual who- (1) is a fully insured individual (as defined in section 214 (a)), (2) has attained age 62, and (3) has filed application for old-age insurance benefits or was entitled to disability insurance benefits for the month preceding the month in which he attained the age of 65, shall be entitled to an old-age insurance benefit for each month, be- ginning with the first month after August 1950 in which such indi- vidual becomes so entitled to such insurance benefits and ending with the month preceding the month in which he dies. Except as provided in subsection (q) and subsection (w), such individual's old-age insur- ance benefit for any month shall be equal to his primary insurance amount (as defined in section 215 (a)) for such month. Wife's Insurance Benefits (b) (1) The wife (as defined in section 216(b)) and every divorced wife (as defined in section 216(d)) of an individual entitled to old-age or disability insurance benefits, if such wife or such divorced wife— (A) has filed application for wife's insurance benefits, (B) has attained age 62 or (in the case of a wife) has in her care (individually or jointly with such individual) at the time of filing such application a child entitled to a child's insurance bene- fit on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such individual, (C) in the case of a divorced wife, is not married, and (D) is not entitled to old-age or disability insurance benefits or is entitled to old-age or disability insurance benefits based on a primary insurance amount which is less than one-half of the primary insurance amount of such individual, shall (subject to subsection (s)) be entitled to a wife's insurance bene- fit for each month beginning with the first month in which she becomes so entitled to such insurance benefits and ending with the month pre- ceding the first month in which any of the following occurs- (E) she dies, (F) such individual dies, (G) in the case of a wife, they are divorced and either (i) she has not attained age 62, or (ii) she has attained age 62 but has not been married to such individual for a period of 10 years. immediately before the date the divorce became effective,¹ 1 Subparagraph (G) was amended by sec. 337 (b) of Public Law 95-216 effective as specified in sec. 337 (c) which appears in this document on p. 811. Revised April 1978 29 Sec. 202(b) (H) in the case of a divorced wife, she marries a person other than such individual, (I) in the case of a wife who has not attained age 62, no child of such individual is entitled to a child's insurance benefit, (J) she becomes entitled to an old-age or disability insurance benefit based on a primary insurance amount which is equal to or exceeds one-half of the primary insurance amount of such indi- vidual, or (K) such individual is not entitled to disability insurance bene- fits and is not entitled to old-age insurance benefits. (2) Except as provided in subsection (q) and paragraph (4) of this subsection, such wife's insurance benefit for each month shall be equal to one-half of the primary insurance amount of her husband (or, in the case of a divorced wife, her former husband) for such month.¹ (3) In the case of any divorced wife who marries— 1 (A) an individual entitled to benefits under subsection (f) or (h), of this section, or (B) an individual who has attained the age of 18 and is entitled to benefits under subsection (d), such divorced wife's entitlement to benefits under this subsection shall, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) (but subject to sub- section (s)), not be terminated by reason of such marriage; except that, in the case of such a marriage to an individual entitled to bene- fits under subsection (d), the preceding provisions of this paragraph shall not apply with respect to benefits for months after the last month for which such individual is entitled to such benefits under subsection (d) unless he ceases to be so entitled by reason of his death. (4) (A) The amount of a wife's insurance benefit for each month as determined after application of the provisions of subsections (q) and (k) shall be reduced (but not below zero) by an amount equal to the amount of any monthly periodic benefit payable to such wife (or divorced wife) for such month which is based upon her earnings while in the service of the Federal Government or any State (or political subdivision thereof, as defined in section 218 (b) (2)) if, on the last. day she was employed by such entity, such service did not constitute "employment" as defined in section 210. (B) For purposes of this paragraph, any periodic benefit which otherwise meets the requirements of subparagraph (A), but which is paid on other than a monthly basis, shall be allocated on a basis equivalent to a monthly benefit (as determined by the Secretary) and such equivalent monthly benefit shall constitute a monthly periodic 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by sec. 334 (a) of Public Law 95-216, effective as specified in sec. 334(f) and subject to the exception specified in sec. 334(g). These subsections are printed in this document on pages 809–810. 1 Sec. 202(b) 30 Revised April 1978 benefit for purposes of subparagraph (A). For purposes of this sub- paragraph, the term "periodic benefit" includes a benefit payable in a lump sum if it is a commutation of, or a substitute for, periodic pay- ments.¹ Husband's Insurance Benefits (c) (1) The husband (as defined in section 216(f)) of an individual entitled to old-age or disability insurance benefits, if such husband- (A) has filed application for husband's insurance benefits, (B) has attained age 62, and (C) is not entitled to old-age or disability insurance benefits, or is entitled to old-age or disability insurance benefits based on a primary insurance amount which is less than one-half of the pri- mary insurance amount of his wife, shall be entitled to a husband's insurance benefit for each month, beginning with the first month after August 1950 in which he be- comes so entitled to such insurance benefits and ending with the month preceding the month in which any of the following occurs: he dies, his wife dies, they are diyorced, or he becomes entitled to an old-age or disability insurance benefit, based on a primary insurance amount. which is equal to or exceeds one-half of the primary insurance amount of his wife, or his wife is not entitled to disability insurance benefits and is not entitled to old-age insurance benefits.¹ (2) (A) The amount of a husband's insurance benefit for each month as determined after application of the provisions of subsections (q) and (k) shall be reduced (but not below zero) by an amount equal to the amount of any monthly periodic benefit payable to such husband for such month which is based upon his earnings while in the service of the Federal Government or any State (or political subdivision thereof, as defined in section 218(b)(2)) if, on the last day he was employed by such entity, such service did not constitute "employment" as defined in section 210. 1 (B) For purposes of this paragraph, any periodic benefit which otherwise meets the requirements of subparagraph (A), but which is paid on other than a monthly basis, shall be allocated on a basis equivalent to a monthly benefit (as determined by the Secretary) and such equivalent monthly benefit shall constitute a monthly periodic benefit for purposes of subparagraph (A). For purposes of this sub- paragraph, the term "periodic benefit" includes a benefit payable in a lump sum if it is a commutation of, or a substitute for, periodic payments. 1 Paragraph (4) was added by sec. 334(a) of Public Law 95-216, effective as specified in sec. 334(f) and subject to the exception specified in sec. 334 (g). These subsections are printed in this document on pages S09-810. : Revised April 1978 Sec. 202(d) 30-A (3) Except as provided in subsection (q) and paragraph (2) of this subsection, such husband's insurance benefit for each month shall be equal to one-half of the primary insurance amount of his wife for such month.1 Child's Insurance Benefits (d) (1) Every child (as defined in section 216(e)) of an individual entitled to old-age or disability insurance benefits, or of an individual who dies a fully or currently insured individual if such child— (A) has filed application for child's insurance benefits, (B) at the time such application was filed was unmarried and (i) either had not attained the age of 18 or was a full-time student and had not attained the age of 22, or (ii) is under a disability (as defined in section 223(d)) which began before he attained the age of 22, and (C) was dependent upon such individual— (i) if such individual is living, at the time such application was filed, (ii) if such individual has died, at the time of such death, or 1 Subsection (c) was amended (in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3)) by sec. 334(b) of Public Law 95-216 effective as specified in sec. 334(f) and subject to the exception speci fied in sec. 334(g). These subsections are printed in this document on pages 809-810. 31 Sec. 202(d) (iii) if such individual had a period of disability which continued until he became entitled to old-age or disability insurance benefits, or (if he has died) until the month of his death, at the beginning of such period of disability or at the time he became entitled to such benefits, shall be entitled to a child's insurance benefit for each month, begin- ning with the first month after August 1950 in which such child be- comes so entitled to such insurance benefits and ending with the month preceding which ever of the following first occurs- (D) the month in which such child dies, or marries, (E) the month in which such child attains the age of 18, but only if he (i) is not under a disability (as so defined) at the time he attains such age, and (ii) is not a full-time student during any part of such month. (F) if such child was not under a disability (as so defined) at the time he attained the age of 18, the earlier of— (i) the first month during no part of which he is a full- time student, or (ii) the month in which he attains the age of 22, but only if he was not under a disability (as so defined) in such earlier month; or (G) if such child was under a disability (as so defined) at the time he attained the age of 18, or if he was not under a dis- ability (as so defined) at such time but was under a disability (as so defined) at or prior to the time he attained (or would at- tain) the age of 22, the third month following the month in which he ceases to be under such disability or (if later) the earlier of- (i) the first month during no part of which he is a full- time student, or (ii) the month in which he attains the age of 22, but only if he was not under a disability (as so defined) in such earlier month. Entitlement of any child to benefits under this subsection on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of an individual entitled to disability insurance benefits shall also end with the month before the first month for which such individual is not entitled to such benefits unless such individual is, for such later month, entitled to old-age in- surance benefits or unless he dies in such month. No payment under this paragraph may be made to a child who would not meet the defini- tion of disability in section 223 (d) except for paragraph (1) (B) thereof for any month in which he engages in substantial gainful activity. (2) Such child's insurance benefit for each month shall, if the indi- vidual on the basis of whose wages and self-employment income the child is entitled to such benefit has not died prior to the end of such Sec. 202(d) 32 month, be equal to one-half of the primary insurance amount of such individual for such month. Such child's insurance benefit for each month shall, if such individual has died in or prior to such month, be equal to three-fourths of the primary insurance amount of such in- dividual. (3) A child shall be deemed dependent upon his father or adopting father or his mother or adopting mother at the time specified in para- graph (1)(C) unless, at such time, such individual was not living with or contributing to the support of such child and— (A) such child is neither the legitimate nor adopted child of such individual, or (B) such child has been adopted by some other individual. For purposes of this paragraph, a child deemed to be a child of a fully or currently insured individual pursuant to section 216 (h) (2) (B) or section 216 (h) (3) shall be deemed to be the legitimate child of such individual. (4) A child shall be deemed dependent upon his stepfather or step- mother at the time specified in paragraph (1)(C) if, at such time, the child was living with or was receiving at least one-half of his sup- port from such stepfather or stepmother. (5) In the case of a child who has attained the age of eighteen and who marries— (A) an individual entitled to benefits under subsection (a), (b), (e), (f), (g), or (h) of this section or under section 223 (a), or (B) another individual who has attained the age of eighteen and is entitled to benefits under this subsection, such child's entitlement to benefits under this subsection shall, not- withstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) but subject to subsec- tion (s), not be terminated by reason of such marriage; except that, in the case of such a mariage to a male individual entitled to benefits under section 223 (a) or this subsection, the preceding provisions of this paragraph shall not apply with respect to benefits for months after the last month for which such individual is entitled to such bene- fits under section 223 (a) or this subsection unless (i) he ceases to be so entitled by reason of his death, or (ii) in the case of an individual who was entitled to benefits under section 223 (a), he is entitled, for the month following such last month, to benefits under subsection (a) of this section. (6) A child whose entitlement to child's insurance benefits on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of an insured indi- vidual terminated with the month preceding the month in which such child attained the age of 18, or with a subsequent month, may again become entitled to such benefits (provided no event specified in para- graph (1)(D) has occurred) beginning with the first month there- after in which he- 33 Sec. 202(d) (A) (i) is a full-time student or is under a disability (as defined in section 223 (d)), and (ii) had not attained the age of 22, or (B) is under a disability (as so defined) which began before the close of the 84th month following the month in which his most recent entitlement to child's insurance benefits terminated because he ceased to be under such disability, but only if he has filed application for such reentitlement. Such reen- titlement shall end with the month preceding whichever of the follow- ing first occurs: (C) the first month in which an event specified in paragraph (1) (D) occurs; (D) the earlier of (i) the first month during no part of which he is a full-time student, or (ii) the month in which he attains the age of 22, but only if he is not under a disability (as so defined) in such earlier month; or (E) if he was under a disability (as so defined), the third month following the month in which he ceases to be under such dis- ability or (if later) the earlier of (i) the first month during no part of which he is a full- time student, or (ii) the month in which he attains the age of 22. (7) For the purposes of this subsection- (A) A "full-time student" is an individual who is in full-time attendance as a student at an educational institution, as deter- mined by the Secretary (in accordance with regulations pre- scribed by him) in the light of the standards and practices of the institutions involved, except that no individual shall be considered a "full-time student" if he is paid by his employer while attend- ing an educational institution at the request, or pursuant to a re- quirement, of his employer. (B) Except to the extent provided in such regulations, an individual shall be deemed to be a full-time student during any period of nonattendance at an educational institution at which he has been in full-time attendance if (i) such period is 4 calendar months or less, and (ii) he shows to the satisfaction of the Secre- tary that he intends to continue to be in full-time attendance at an educational institution immediately following such period. An individual who does not meet the requirement of clause (ii) with respect to such period of nonattendance shall be deemed to have met such requirement (as of the beginning of such period) if he is in full-time attendance at an educational institution immedi- ately following such period. (C) An "educational institution" is (i) a school or college or university operated or directly supported by the United States, or by any State or local government or political subdivision there- B Sec. 202(d) 34 of, or (ii) a school or college or university which has been ap- proved by a State or accredited by a State-recognized or nationally-recognized accrediting agency or body, or (iii) a non- accredited school or college or university whose credits are ac- cepted, on transfer, by not less than three institutions which are so accredited, for credit on the same basis as if transferred from an institution so accredited. (D) A child who attains age 22 at a time when he is a full-time student (as defined in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph and without the application of subparagraph (B) of such paragraph) but has not (at such time) completed the requirements for, or received, a degree from a four-year college or university shall be deemed (for purposes of determining whether his entitlement to benefits under this subsection has terminated under paragraph (1)(F) and for purposes of determining his initial entitlement to such benefits under clause (i) of paragraph (1)(B)) not to have attained such age until the first day of the first month fol- lowing the end of the quarter or semester in which he is enrolled at such time (or, if the educational institution (as defined in this paragraph) in which he is enrolled is not operated on a quarter or semester system, until the first day of the first month following the completion of the course in which he is so enrolled or until the first day of the third month beginning after such time, which- ever first occurs). - (8) In the case of— (A) An individual entitled to old-age insurance benefits (other than an individual referred to in subparagraph (B)), or (B) an individual entitled to disability insurance benefits, or an individual entitled to old-age insurance benefits who was entitled to disability insurance benefits for the month preceding the first month for which he was entitled to old-age insurance benefits, a child of such individual adopted after such individual became en- titled to such old-age or disability insurance benefits shall be deemed not to meet the requirements of clause (i) or (iii) of paragraph (1) (C) unless such child- or (C) is the natural child or stepchild of such individual (in- cluding such a child who was legally adopted by such individual), (D) (i) was legally adopted by such individual in an adoption decreed by a court of competent jurisdiction within the United States, (ii) was living with such individual in the United States and receiving at least one-half of his support from such individual (I) if he is an individual referred to in subparagraph (A), for 35 Sec. 202(d) the year immediately before the month in which such individual became entitled to old-age insurance benefits or, if such individual had a period of disability which continued until he had become entitled to old-age insurance benefits, the month in which such period of disability began, or (II) if he is an individual referred to in subparagraph (B), for the year immediately before the month in which began the period of disability of such individual which still exists at the time of adoption (or, if such child was adopted by such individual after such individual attained age 65, the period of disability of such individual which existed in the month preceding the month in which he attained age 65), or the month in which such individual became entitled to disability insurance benefit, or (III) if he is an individual referred to in either subparagraph (A) or subparagraph (B) and the child is the grandchild of such individual or his or her spouse, for the year immediately before the month in which such child files his or her application for child's insurance benefits, and (iii) had not attained the age of 18 before he began living with such individual. In the case of a child who was born in the one-year period during which such child must have been living with and receiving at least one-half of his support from such individual, such child shall be deemed to meet such requirements for such period if, as of the close of such period, such child has lived with such individual in the United States and received at least one-half of his support from such indi- vidual for substantially all of the period which begins on the date of birth of such child. Ka (9) (A) A child who is a child of an individual under clause (3) of the first sentence of section 216(e) and is not a child of such indi- vidual under clause (1) or (2) of such first sentence shall be deemed not to be dependent on such individual at the time specified in sub- paragraph (1)(C) of this subsection unless (i) such child was liv- ing with such individual in the United States and receiving at least one-half of his support from such individual (I) for the year imme- diately before the month in which such individual became entitled to old-age insurance benefits or disability insurance benefits or died, or (II) if such individual had a period of disability which continued until he had become entitled to old-age insurance benefits, or disability insurance benefits, or died, for the year immediately before the month in which such period of disability began, and (ii) the period during which such child was living with such individual began before the child attained age 18. (B) In the case of a child who was born in the one-year period dur- ing which such child must have been living with and receiving at least one-half of his support from such individual, such child shall be Sec. 202(d) 36 1 1 deemed to meet such requirements for such period if, as of the close. of such period, such child has lived with such individual in the United States and received at least one-half of his support from such indi- vidual for substantially all of the period which begins on the date of such child's birth. Widow's Insurance Benefits (e) (1) The widow (as defined in section 216 (c)) and every surviv- ing divorced wife (as defined in section 216(d)) of an individual who died a fully insured individual, if such widow or such surviving di- vorced wife- 1 (A) is not married, (B) (i) has attained age 60, or (ii) has attained age 50 but has not attained age 60 and is under a disability (as defined in sec- tion 223(d)) which began before the end of the period specified in paragraph (5), (C) (i) has filed application for widow's insurance benefits, or was entitled to wife's insurance benefits, on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such individual, for the month preceding the month in which he died, and (I) has attained age 65 or (II) is not entitled to benefits under subsection (a) or section 223, or (ii) was entitled, on the basis of such wages and self-employ- ment income, to mother's insurance benefits for the month pre- ceding the month in which she attained age 65, and (D) is not entitled to old-age insurance benefits or is entitled to old-age insurance benefits each of which is less than the pri- mary insurance amount of such deceased individual, shall be entitled to a widow's insurance benefit for each month, beginning with- (E) if she satisfies subparagraph (B) by reason of clause (i) thereof, the first month in which she becomes so entitled to such insurance benefits, or (F) if she satisfies subparagraph (B) by reason of clause (ii) thereof- (i) the first month after her waiting period (as defined in paragraph (6)) in which she becomes so entitled to such insurance benefits, or (ii) the first month during all of which she is under a dis- ability and in which she becomes so entitled to such insurance benefits, but only if she was previously entitled to insurance benefits under this subsection on the basis of being under a disability and such first month occurs (I) in the period specified in paragraph (5) and (II) after the month in which a previous entitlement to such benefits on such basis terminated, Revised April 1978 Sec. 202(e) 37 and ending with the month preceding the first month in which any of the following occurs: she remarries, dies, becomes entitled to an old-age insurance benefit equal to or exceeding the primary insur- ance amount of such deceased individual, or, if she became entitled to such benefits before she attained age 60, the third month following the month in which her disability ceases (unless she attains age 65 on or before the last day of such third month). (2) (A) Except as provided in subsection (q), paragraph (8) of this subsection, and subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, such widow's insurance benefit for each month shall be equal to the primary insur- ance amount (as determined after application of the following sen- tence) of such deceased individual. If such deceased individual was (or upon application would have been) entitled to an old-age insur- ance benefit which was increased (or subject to being increased) on account of delayed retirement under the provisions of subsection (w), then, for purposes of this subsection, such individual's primary insur- ance amount, if less than the old-age insurance benefit (increased, where applicable, under section 215(f) (5) or (6) and under section 215 (i) as if such individual were still alive in the case of an individual who has died) which he was receiving (or would upon application have received) for the month prior to the month in which he died, shall be deemed to be equal to such old-age insurance benefit, and (notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (3) of such subsection (w) the number of increment months shall include any month in the months of the calendar year in which he died, prior to the month in which he died, which satisfy the conditions in paragraph (2) of such subsection (w).¹ 1 (B) If the deceased individual (on the basis of whose wages and self-employment income a widow or surviving divorced wife is en- titled to widow's insurance benefits under this subsection) was, at any time, entitled to an old-age insurance benefit which was reduced by reason of the application of subsection (q), the widow's insurance benefit of such widow or surviving divorced wife for any month shall, if the amount of the widow's insurance benefit of such widow or sur- viving divorced wife (as determined under subparagraph (A) and after application of subsection (q)) is greater than— (i) the amount of the old-age insurance benefit to which such deceased individual would have been entitled (after application of subsection (q)) for such month if such individual were still living and section 215(f) (5) or (6) were applied, where appli- cable,, and 2 1 Subparagraph (A) was amended by sec. 204 (a), effective for months after May 1978 and by secs. 334 (c) (1) and 336(a)(1) of Public Law 95-216. The amendment made by sec. 336(a)(1) is effective as specified in sec. 336(c) which is printed in this document on page 811. Subparagraph (B) (1) was amended by sec. 204 (b) of Public Law 95-216. The double comma is a technical error. 21-746 O - 78 - 4 Sec. 202(e) Revised April 1978 38 (ii) 821½ percent of the primary insurance amount of such de- ceased individual, be reduced to the amount referred to in clause (i), or (if greater) the amount referred to in clause (ii). (3) If a widow, before attaining age 60, or a surviving divorced wife, marries- (A) an individual entitled to benefits under subsection (f) or (h) of this section, or (B) an individual who has attained the age of eighteen and is entitled to benefits under subsection (d), such widow's or surviving divorced wife's entitlement to benefits under this subsection shall, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) but subject to subsection (s), not be terminated by reason of such marriage; except that, in the case of such a marriage to an individual entitled to benefits under subsection (d), the preceding provisions of this paragraph shall not apply with respect to benefits for months. after the last month for which such individual is entitled to such bene- fits under subsection (d) unless he ceases to be so entitled by reason of his death.1 (4) If a widow, after attaining age 60, marries, such marriage shall, for purposes of paragraph (1), be deemed not to have occurred.2 (5) The period referred to in paragraph (1)(B)(ii), in the case of any widow or surviving divorced wife, is the period beginning with whichever of the following is the latest: (A) the month in which occurred the death of the fully in- sured individual referred to in paragraph (1) on whose wages and self-employment income her benefits are or would be based, or (B) the last month for which she was entitled to mother's in- surance benefits on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such individual, or (C) the month in which a previous entitlement to widow's in- surance benefits on the basis of such wages and self-employment income terminated because her disability had ceased, and ending with the month before the month in which she attains age 60, or, if earlier, with the close of the eighty-fourth month following the month with which such period began. (6) The waiting period referred to in paragraph (1)(F), in the case of any widow or surviving divorced wife, is the earliest period of five consecutive calendar months- ¹ Paragraph (3) was amended by sec. 336 (a) (2) of Public Law 95-216 effective as spec- ified in sec. 336 (c) which is printed in this document on p. 811. 2 Paragraph (4) was amended by sec. 336 (b) (2) of Public Law 95-216 effective as spec- ified in sec. 336 (c) which is printed in this document on p. 811. (In general, the amend- ment is effective January 1979.) • Revised April 1978 39 Sec. 202(f) (A) throughout which she has been under a disability. and (B) which begins not earlier than with whichever of the fol- lowing is the later: (i) the first day of the seventeenth month before the month in which her application is filed, or (ii) the first day of the fifth month before the month in which the period specified in paragraph (5) begins. (7) In the case of an individual entitled to monthly insurance benefits payable under this section for any month prior to January 1973 whose benefits were not redetermined under section 102(g) of the Social Security Amendments of 1972, such benefits shall not be redetermined pursuant to such section, but shall be increased pursuant to any general benefit increase (as defined in section 215 (i) (3)) or any increase in benefits made under or pursuant to section 215 (i), includ- ing for this purpose the increase provided effective for March 1974, as though such redetermination had been made. (8) (A) The amount of a widow's insurance benefit for each month as determined (after application of the provisions of subsections (q) and (k), paragraph (2) (B), and paragraph (4)) shall be reduced (but not below zero) by an amount equal to the amount of any monthly periodic benefit payable to such widow (or surviving divorced wife) for such month which is based upon her earnings while in the service of the Federal Government or any State (or any political subdivision thereof, as defined in section 218(b)(2)) if, on the last day she was employed by such entity, such service did not constitute "employment" as defined in section 210. (B) For purposes of this paragraph, any periodic benefit which otherwise meets the requirements of subparagraph (A), but which is paid on other than a monthly basis, shall be allocated on a basis equiva- lent to a monthly benefit (as determined by the Secretary) and such equivalent monthly benefit shall constitute a monthly periodic benefit for purposes of subparagraph (A). For purposes of this subpara- graph, the term "periodic benefit" includes a benefit payable in a lump sum if it is a commutation of, or a substitute for, periodic payments.¹ Widower's Insurance Benefits (f) (1) The widower (as defined in section 216 (g)) of an individual who died a fully insured individual, if such widower— (A) has not remarried, (B) (i) has attained age 60, or (ii) has attained age 50 but has not attained age 60 and is under a disability (as defined in section 223(d)) which began before the end of the period specified in paragraph (6), 1 Paragraph (8) was added by sec. 334 (c) (2) of Public Law 95-216, effective as specified in sec. 334 (f) and subject to the exception specified in sec. 334 (g). These subsections are printed in this document on pp. 809–810. Sec. 202(f) Revised April 1978 40 (C) has filed application for widower's insurance benefits or was entitled to husband's insurance benefits, on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such individual, for the month preceding the month in which she died, and (I) has at- tained age 65 or (II) is not entitled to benefits under subsection (a) or section 223, (D) is not entitled to old-age insurance benefits, or is entitled to old-age insurance benefits each of which is less than the pri- mary insurance amount of his deceased wife, shall be entitled to a widower's insurance benefit for each month, be- ginning with- (E) if he satisfies subparagraph (B) by reason of clause (i) thereof, the first month in which he becomes so entitled to such insurance benefits, or (F) if he satisfies subparagraph (B) by reason of clause (ii) thereof- (i) the first month after his waiting period (as defined in paragraph (7)) in which he becomes so entitled to such in- surance benefits, or (ii) the first month during all of which he is under a dis- ability and in which he becomes so entitled to such insurance benefits, but only if he was previously entitled to insurance benefits under this subsection on the basis of being under a disability and such first month occurs (I) in the period specified in paragraph (6) and (II) after the month in which a previous entitlement to such benefits on such basis terminated, and ending with the month preceding the first month in which any of the following occurs: he remarries, dies, or becomes entitled to an old- age insurance benefit equal to or exceeding the primary insurance amount of his deceased wife, or, if he became entitled to such benefits before he attained age 60, the third month following the month. in which his disability ceases (unless he attains age 65 on or before the last day of such third month).¹ (2) (A) The amount of widower's insurance benefit for each month (as determined after application of the provisions of subsec- tions (k) and (q), paragraph (3)(B), and paragraph (5)) shall be reduced (but not below zero) by an amount equal to the amount of any monthly periodic benefit payable to such widower for such month which is based upon his earnings while in the service of the Federal Government or any State (or any political subdivision thereof, as defined in section 218 (b) (2)) if, on the last day he was employed by 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 334 (d) (1) of Public Law 95-216. Revised April 1978 41 Sec. 202(f) such entity, such service did not constitute "employment" as defined in section 210. (B) For purposes of this paragraph, any periodic benefit which otherwise meets the requirements of subparagraph (A), but which is paid on other than a monthly basis, shall be allocated on a basis equiv- alent to a monthly benefit (as determined by the Secretary) and such equivalent monthly benefit shall constitute a monthly periodic benefit for purposes of subparagraph (A). For purposes of this subpara- graph, the term “periodic benefit” includes a benefit payable in a lump sum if it is a commutation of, or a substitute for, periodic payments.¹ (3)(A) Except as provided in subsection (q), paragraph (2), of this subsection, and subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, such wid- ower's insurance benefit for each month shall be equal to the primary insurance amount (as determined after application of the following sentence) of his deceased wife. If such deceased individual was (or upon application would have been) entitled to an old-age insurance benefit which was increased (or subject to being increased) on account of delayed retirement under the provisions of subsection (w), then, for purposes of this subsection, such individual's primary insurance · amount, if less than the old-age insurance benefit (increased, where applicable, under section 215 (f) (5) or (6) and under section 215 (i) as if such individual were still alive in the case of an individual who has died) which she was receiving (or would upon application have received) for the month prior to the month in which she died, shall be deemed to be equal to such old-age insurance benefit, and (notwith- standing the provisions of paragraph (3) of such subsection (w)) the number of increment months shall include any month in the months of the calendar year in which she died, prior to the month in which she died, which satisfy the conditions in paragraph (2) of such sub- section (w).2 (B) If the deceased wife (on the basis of whose wages and self- employment income a widower is entitled to widower's insurance bene- fits under this subsection) was, at any time, entitled to an old-age insurance benefit which was reduced by reason of the application of subsection (q), the widower's insurance benefit of such widower for any month shall, if the amount of the widower's insurance benefit of such widower (as determined under subparagraph (A) and after ap- plication of subsection (q)) is greater than— (i) the amount of the old-age insurance benefit to which such deceased wife would have been entitled (after application of sub- ¹ Paragraph (2) was amended by sec. 334(d) (2) of Public Law 95-216 effective as speci- fied in sec. 334(f) and subject to the exception specified in sec. 334(g). These subsections are printed in this document on pp. 809–810. 2 Paragraph (3)(A) was amended by sec. 204 (c) of Public Law 95-216 effective for months after May 1978. Paragraph (3) (A) was also amended by sec. 334(d)(3) and sec. 336(b)(1) of Public Law 95-216. Sec. 202(f) 42 Revised April 1978 section (q)) for such month if such wife were still living and section 215 (f) (5) or (6) were applied, where applicable,; and (ii) 821½ percent of the primary insurance amount of such de- ceased wife; be reduced to the amount referred to in clause (i), or (if greater) the amount referred to in clause (ii).¹ 1 (4) If a widower, before attaining age 60, remarries- (A) an individual entitled to benefits under subsection (b), (e), (g), or (h), or (B) an individual who has attained the age of eighteen and is entitled to benefits under subsection (d), such widower's entitlement to benefits under this subsection shall, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) but subject to sub- section (s), not be terminated by reason of such marriage.2 (5) If a widower, after attaining the age of 60, marries, such marriage shall, for purposes of paragraph (1), be deemed not to have occurred.³ 3 (6) The period referred to in paragraph (1)(B) (ii), in the case of any widower, is the period beginning with whichever of the follow- ing is the latest: (A) the month in which occurred the death of the fully in- sured individual referred to in paragraph (1) on whose wages and self-employment income his benefits are or would be based, or (B) the month in which a previous entitlement to widower's insurance benefits on the basis of such wages and self-employ- ment income terminated because his disability had ceased, and ending with the month before the month in which he attains age 60, or, if earlier, with the close of the eighty-fourth month following the month with which such period began. (7) The waiting period referred to in paragraph (1)(F), in the case of any widower, is the earliest period of five consecutive calendar months- (A) throughout which he has been under a disability, and (B) which begins not earlier than with whichever of the fol- lowing is the later: (i) the first day of the seventeenth month before the month in which his application is filed, or (ii) the first day of the fifth month before the month in which the period specified in paragraph (6) begins.* (8) In the case of an individual entitled to monthly insurance benefits payable under this section for any month prior to January 1 Paragraph (3) was amended by sec. 204(d) of Public Law 95-216 effective for months after May 1978. The comma preceding the semicolon is a technical error. 2 Paragraph (4) was amended by sec. 336(b)(2) of Public Law 95-216. 3 Paragraph (5) was amended by sec. 336(b)(3) of Public Law 95-216 effective as specified in sec. 336(c) which is printed in this doument on p. 811. • Paragraph (7) was amended by sec. 334(d)(4) (A) of Public Law 95-216. Revised April 1978 43 Sec. 202(g) 1973 whose benefits were not redetermined under section 102 (g) of the Social Security Amendments of 1972, such benefits shall not be redetermined pursuant to such section, but shall be increased pursuant to any general benefit increase (as defined in section 215 (i) (3)) or any increase in benefits made under or pursuant to section 215 (i), includ- ing for this purpose the increase provided effective for March 1974, as though such redetermination had been made. Mother's Insurance Benefits (g) (1) The widow and every surviving divorced mother (as de- fined in section 216(d)) of an individual who died a fully or currently insured individual, if such widow or surviving divorced mother— (A) is not married, (B) is not entitled to a widow's insurance benefit, (C) is not entitled to old-age insurance benefits, or is entitled to old-age insurance benefits each of which is less than three- fourths of the primary insurance amount of such individual, (D) has filed application for mother's insurance benefits, or was entitled to wife's insurance benefits on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such individual for the month pre- ceding the month in which he died, (E) at the time of filing such application has in her care a child of such individual entitled to a child's insurance benefit, and (F) in the case of a surviving divorced mother- (i) the child referred to in subparagraph (E) is her son, daughter, or legally adopted child, and (ii) the benefits referred to in such subparagraph are pay- able on the basis of such individual's wages and self-employ- ment income, shall (subject to subsection (s)) be entitled to a mother's insurance benefit for each month, beginning with the first month after August 1950 in which she becomes so entitled to such insurance benefits and ending with the month preceding the first month in which any of the following occurs: no child of such deceased individual is entitled to a child's insurance benefit, such widow or surviving divorced mother be- comes entitled to an old-age insurance benefit equal to or exceeding three-fourths of the primary insurance amount of such deceased in- dividual, she becomes entitled to a widow's insurance benefit, she re- marries, or she dies. Entitlement to such benefits shall also end, in the case of a surviving divorced mother, with the month immediately pre- ceding the first month in which no son, daughter, or legally adopted child of such surviving divorced mother is entitled to a child's insur- ance benefit on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such deceased individual. Sec. 202(g) 44 Revised April 1978 P (2) Except as provided in paragraph (4) of this subsection, such mother's insurance benefit for each month shall be equal to three- fourths of the primary insurance amount of such deceased individual.¹ (3) In the case of a widow or surviving divorced mother who mar- ries- (A) an individual entitled to benefits under subsection (a), (f), or (h), or under section 223 (a), or (B) an individual who has attained the age of eighteen and is entitled to benefits under subsection (d), the entitlement of such widow or surviving divorced mother to benefits under this subsection shall, notwithstanding the provisions of para- graph (1) but subject to subsection (s), not be terminated by reason of such marriage; except that, in the case of such a marriage to an individual entitled to benefits under section 223 (a) or subsection (d) of this section, the preceding provisions of this paragraph shall not apply with respect to benefits for months after the last month for which such individual is entitled to such benefits under section 223 (a) or subsection (d) of this section unless (i) he ceases to be so entitled by reason of his death, or (ii) in the case of an individual who was entitled to benefits under section 223 (a), he is entitled, for the month following such last month, to benefits under subsection (a) of this section. (4) (A) The amount of a mother's insurance benefit for each month to which any individual is entitled under this subsection (as determined after application of subsection (k)) shall be reduced (but not below zero) by an amount equal to the amount of any monthly periodic benefit payable to such individual for such month. which is based upon such individual's earnings while in the service of the Federal Government or any State (or political subdivision thereof, as defined in section 218(b)(2)) if, on the last day such individual was employed by such entity, such service did not con- stitute “employment" as defined in section 210. (B) For purposes of this paragraph, any periodic benefit which otherwise meets the requirements of subparagraph (A), but which is paid on other than a monthly basis, shall be allocated on a basis equivalent to a monthly benefit (as determined by the Secretary) and such equivalent monthly benefit shall constitute a monthly periodic benefit for purposes of subparagraph (A). For purposes of this subparagraph, the term "periodic benefit" includes a benefit payable in a lump sum if it is a commutation of, or a substitute for, periodic payments.¹ 1 Paragraph (2) was amended and paragraph (4) was added by sec. 334 (e) of Public Law 95-216 effective as specified in sec. 334 (f) and subject to the exception specified in sec. 334(g). These subsections are printed in this document on pp. 809-810. Revised April 1978 Sec. 202(h) 45 Parent's Insurance Benefits (h) (1) Every parent (as defined in this subsection) of an individual who died a fully insured individual if such parent— (A) has attained age 62, (B) (i) was receiving at least one-half of his support from such individual at the time of such individual's death or, if such indi- vidual had a period of disability which did not end prior to the month in which he died, at the time such period began or at the time of such death, and (ii) filed proof of such support within two years after the date of such death, or, if such individual had such a period of disability, within two years after the month in which such individual filed application with respect to such period of disability or two years after the date of such death, as the case may be, (C) has not married since such individual's death, (D) is not entitled to old-age insurance benefits, or is entitled to old-age insurance benefits each of which is less than 821½ per- cent of the primary insurance amount of such deceased individual if the amount of the parent's insurance benefit for such amount is determinable under paragraph (2)(A) (or 75 percent of such primary insurance amount in any other case), and (E) has filed application for parent's insurance benefits, shall be entitled to a parent's insurance benefit for each month begin- ning with the first month after August 1950 in which such parent becomes so entitled to such parent's insurance benefits and ending with the month preceding the first month in which any of the following occurs: such parent dies, marries, or becomes entitled to an old-age insurance benefit equal to or exceeding 822 percent of the primary insurance amount of such deceased individual if the amount of the parent's insurance benefit for such month is determinable under para- graph (2)(A) (or 75 percent of such primary insurance amount in any other case). (2) (A) Except as provided in subparagraphs (B) and (C), such parent's insurance benefit for each month shall be equal to 821½ per- cent of the primary insurance amount of such deceased individual. (B) For any month for which more than one parent is entitled to parent's insurance benefits on the basis of such deceased individual's wages and self-employment income, such benefit for each such parent for such month shall (except as provided in subparagraph (C)) be equal to 75 percent of the primary insurance amount of such deceased individual. (C) In any case in which- (i) any parent is entitled to a parent's insurance benefit for a month on the basis of a deceased individual's wages and self- employment income, and 1 Sec. 202(h) 46 Revised April 1978 (ii) another parent of such deceased individual is entitled to a parent's insurance benefit for such month on the basis of such wages and self-employment income, and on the basis of an appli- cation filed after such month and after the month in which the application for the parent's benefits referred to in clause (i) was filed, the amount of the parent's insurance benefit of the parent referred to in clause (i) for the month referred to in such clause shall be deter- mined under subparagraph (A) instead of subparagraph (B) and the amount of the parent's insurance benefit of a parent referred to in clause (ii) for such month shall be equal to 150 percent of the primary insurance amount of the deceased individual minus the amount (be- fore the application of section 203(a)) of the benefit for such month of the parent referred to in clause (i). (3) As used in this subsection, the term "parent" means the mother or father of an individual, a stepparent of an individual by a marriage contracted before such individual attained the age of sixteen, or an adopting parent by whom an individual was adopted before he at- tained the age of sixteen. (4) In the case of a parent who marries- (A) an individual entitled to benefits under this subsection or subsection (b), (e), (f), or (g), or (B) an individual who has attained the age of eighteen and is entitled to benefits under subsection (d), such parent's entitlement to benefits under this subsection shall, not- withstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) but subject to subsec- tion (s), not be terminated by reason of such marriage; except that, in the case of such a marriage to a male individual entitled to bene- fits under subsection (d), the preceding provisions of this paragraph shall not apply with respect to benefits for months after the last month for which such individual is entitled to such benefits under subsection (d) unless he ceases to be so entitled by reason of his death. Lump-Sum Death Payments (i) Upon the death, after August 1950, of an individual who died a fully or currently insured individual, an amount equal to three times such individual's primary insurance amount, or an amount equal to $255, whichever is the smaller, shall be paid in a lump sum to the per- son, if any, determined by the Secretary to be the widow or widower of the deceased and to have been living in the same household with the deceased at the time of death. If there is no such person, or if such per- son dies before receiving payment, then such amount shall be paid- (1) if all or part of the burial expenses of such insured indi- vidual which are incurred by or through a funeral home or fun- Revised April 1978 47 Sec. 202(i) eral homes remains unpaid, to such funeral home or funeral homes to the extent of such unpaid expenses, but only if (A) any per- son who assumed the responsibility for the payment of all or any part of such burial expenses files an application, prior to the expiration of two years after the date of death of such insured individual, requesting that such payment be made to such funeral home or funeral homes, or (B) at least 90 days have elapsed after the date of death of such insured individual and prior to the ex- piration of such 90 days no person has assumed responsibility for the payment of any such burial expenses; (2) if all of the burial expenses of such insured individual which were incurred by or through a funeral home or funeral homes have been paid (including payments made under clause (1)), to any person or persons, equitably entitled thereto, to the extent and in the proportions that he or they shall have paid such burial expenses; (3) if the body of such insured individual is not available for burial but expenses were incurred with respect to such individual in connection with a memorial service, a memorial marker, a site for the marker, or any other item of a kind for which expenses are customarily incurred in connection with a death and such expenses have been paid, to any person or persons, equitably entitled thereto, to the extent and in the proportions that he or they shall have paid such expenses; or (4) if any part of the amount payable under this subsection remains after payments have been made pursuant to clauses (1), (2), and (3), to any person or persons, equitably entitled thereto, to the extent and in the proportions that he or they shall have paid other expenses in connection with the burial of such insured indi- vidual, in the following order of priority: (A) expenses of open- ing and closing the grave of such insured individual, (B) expenses of providing the burial plot of such insured individual, and (C) any remaining expenses in connection with the burial of such insured individual. No payment (except a payment authorized pursuant to clause (1) (A) of the preceding sentence) shall be made to any person under this sub- section unless application therefor shall have been filed, by or on be- half of such person (whether or not legally competent), prior to the expiration of two years after the date of death of such insured indi- vidual, or unless such person was entitled to wife's or husband's insur- ance benefits, on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such insured individual, for the month preceding the month in which such individual died. In the case of any individual who died out- Sec. 202(i) 48 Revised April 1978 Ka side the forty-eight States and the District of Columbia after Decem- ber 1953 and before January 1, 1957, whose death occurred while he was in the active military or naval service of the United States, and who is returned to any of such States, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Is- lands, Guam, or American Samoa for interment or reinterment, the provisions of the preceding sentence shall not prevent payment to any person under the second sentence of this subsection if application for a lump-sum death payment with respect to such deceased in- dividual is filed by or on behalf of such person (whether or not legally competent) prior to the expiration of two years after the date of such interment or reinterment. In the case of any individual who died out- side the fifty States and the District of Columbia after December 1956 while he was performing service, as a member of a uniformed service, to which the provisions of section 210(1) (1) are applicable, and who is returned to any State or to any Territory or possession of the United States, for interment or reinterment, the provisions of the third sentence of this subsection shall not prevent payment to any person under the second sentence of this subsection if application for a lump-sum death payment with respect to such deceased individual is filed by or on behalf of such person (whether or not legally competent) prior to the expiration of two years after the date of such interment or reinterment. Application for Monthly Insurance Benefits (j) (1) Subject to the limitations contained in paragraph (4), an individual who would have been entitled to a benefit under subsection (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), or (h) for any month after August 1950 had he filed application therefor prior to the end of such month shall be entitled to such benefit for such month if he files application therefor prior to the end of the twelfth month immediately succeeding such month. Any benefit under this title for a month prior to the month in which application is filed shall be reduced, to any extent that may be necessary, so that it will not render erroneous any benefit which, before the filing of such application, the Secretary has certified for payment for such prior month.¹ (2) An application for any monthly benefits under this section filed before the first month in which the applicant satisfies the require- ments for such benefits shall be deemed a valid application only if the applicant satisfies the requirements for such benefits before the Secre- tary makes a final decision on the application. If upon final decision by the Secretary, or decision upon judicial review thereof, such appli- 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 332(a) of Public Law 95-216. Revised April 1978 49 Sec. 202(j) cant is found to satisfy such requirements, the application shall be deemed to have been filed in such first month. (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), an individual may, at his option, waive entitlement to any benefit referred to in para- graph (1) for any one or more consecutive months (beginning with the earliest month for which such individual would otherwise be en- titled to such benefit) which occur before the month in which such individual files application for such benefit; and, in such case, such individual shall not be considered as entitled to such benefits for any such month or months before such individual filed such application. An individual shall be deemed to have waived such entitlement for any such month for which such benefit would, under the second sentence of paragraph (1), be reduced to zero. (4)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), no individual shall be entitled to a monthly benefit under subsection (a), (b), (c), (e), or (f) for any month prior to the month in which he or she files an application for benefits under that subsection if the effect of entitle- ment to such benefit would be to reduce, pursuant to subsection (q), the amount of the monthly benefit to which such individual would otherwise be entitled for the month in which such application is filed. (B) (i) If the individual applying for retroactive benefits is apply- ing for such benefits under subsection (a), and there are one or more other persons who would (except for subparagraph (A)) be entitled for any month, on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such individual and because of such individual's entitlement to such retroactive benefits, to retroactive benefits under subsection (b), (c), or (d) not subject to reduction under subsection (q), then sub- paragraph (A) shall not apply with respect to such month or any subsequent month. (ii) If the individual applying for retroactive benefits is a widow, surviving divorced wife, or widower and is under a disability (as defined in section 223 (d)), and such individual would, except for sub- paragraph (A), be entitled to retroactive benefits as a disabled widow or widower or disabled surviving divorced wife for any month before attaining the age of 60, then subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to such month or any subsequent month. (iii) If the individual applying for retroactive benefits has excess earnings (as defined in section 203 (f)) in the year in which he or she files an application for such benefits which could, except for subpara- graph (A), be charged to months in such year prior to the month of application, then subparagraph (A) shall not apply to so many of such months immediately preceding the month of application as are required to charge such excess earnings to the maximum extent possible. Sec. 202(j) 50 Revised April 1978 (iv) As used in this subparagraph, the term "retroactive benefits" means benefits to which an individual becomes entitled for a month prior to the month in which application for such benefits is filed.¹ 1 Simultaneous Entitlement to Benefits (k) (1) A child, entitled to child's insurance benefits on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of an insured individual, who would be entitled, on filing application, to child's insurance bene- fits on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of some other insured individual, shall be deemed entitled, subject to the pro- visions of paragraph (2) hereof, to child's insurance benefits on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such other individ- ual if an application for child's insurance benefits on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such other individual has been filed by any other child who would, on filing application, be entitled to child's insurance benefits on the basis of the wages and self-employ- ment income of both such insured individuals. (2)(A) Any child who under the preceding provisions of this sec- tion is entitled for any month to child's insurance benefits on the wages and self-employment income of more than one insured individual shall, notwithstanding such provisions, be entitled to only one of such child's insurance benefits for such month. Such child's insurance benefits for such month shall be the benefit based on the wages and self-employ- ment income of the insured individual who has the greatest primary insurance amount, except that such child's insurance benefits for such month shall be the largest benefit to which such child could be entitled under subsection (d) (without the application of section 203 (a)) or subsection (m) if entitlement to such benefit would not, with respect to any person, result in a benefit lower (after the application of section 203 (a)) than the benefit which would be applicable if such child were entitled on the wages and self-employment income of the individual with the greatest primary insurance amount. Where more than one child is entitled to child's insurance benefits pursuant to the preceding provisions of this paragraph, each such child who is entitled on the wages and self-employment income of the same insured individuals shall be entitled on the wages and self-employment income of the same such insured individual. (B) Any individual (other than an individual to whom subsection (e) (4) or (f)(5) applies) who, under the preceding provisions of this section and under the provisions of section 223, is entitled for any month to more than one monthly insurance benefit (other than old-age or disability insurance benefit) under this title shall be entitled to only one such monthly benefit for such month, such benefit to be the largest 1 Paragraph (4) was added by sec. 332(a) of P.L. 95-216. Revised April 1978 Sec. 202(m) 51 of the monthly benefits to which he (but for this subparagraph (B)) would otherwise be entitled for such months. Any individual who is entitled for any month to more than one widow's or widower's insur- ance benefit to which subsection (e) (4) or (f) (5) applies shall be en- titled to only one such benefit for such month, such benefit to be the largest of such benefits. (3)(A) If an individual is entitled to an old-age or disability in- surance benefit for any month and to any other monthly insurance benefit for such month, such other insurance benefit for such month, after any reduction under subsection (q), subsection (e) (2) or (f) (3), and any reduction under section 203 (a), shall be reduced, but not below zero, by an amount equal to such old-age or disability insurance benefit (after reduction under such subsection (q)). (B) If an individual is entitled for any month to a widow's or widower's insurance benefit to which subsection (e) (4) or (f) (5) applies and to any other monthly insurance benefit under section 202 (other than an old-age insurance benefit), such other insurance bene- fit for such month, after any reduction under subparagraph (A), any reduction under subsection (q), and any reduction under section 203 (a), shall be reduced, but not below zero, by an amount equal to such widow's or widower's insurance benefit after any reduction or reduc- tions under such subparagraph (A) and such section 203 (a). (4) Any individual who, under this section and section 223, is en- titled for any month to both an old-age insurance benefit and a dis- ability insurance benefit under this title shall be entitled to only the larger of such benefits for such month, except that, if such individual so elects, he shall instead be entitled to only the smaller of such bene- fits for such month. Entitlement to Survivor Benefits Under Railroad Retirement Act (1) If any person would be entitled, upon filing application there- for to an annuity under section 2 of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, or to a lump-sum payment under section (6) (b) of such Act, with respect to the death of an employee (as defined in such Act) no lump-sum death payment, and no monthly benefit for the month in which such employee died or for any month thereafter, shall be paid under this section to any person on the basis of the wages and self- employment income of such employee. Minimum Survivor's Benefit (m) (1) In any case in which an individual is entitled to a monthly benefit under this section on the basis of a primary insurance amount computed under section 215 (a) or (d), as in effect after December 1978, on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of a • Sec. 202(m) 52 Revised April 1978 deceased individual for any month and no other person is (without the application of subsection (j) (1)) entitled to a monthly benefit under this section for that month on the basis of such wages and self-employment income, the individual's benefit amount for that month, prior to reduction under subsection (k) (3), shall not be less than that provided by subparagraph (C) (i) (I) of section 215 (a) (1) and increased under section 215 (i) for months after May of the year in which the insured individual died as though such benefit were a primary insurance amount.¹ (2) In the case of any such individual who is entitled to a monthly benefit under subsection (e) or (f), such individual's benefit amount, after reduction under subsection (q) (1), shall be not less than- (A) $84.50, if his first month of entitlement to such benefit is the month in which such individual attained age 62 or a subse- quent month, or - (B) $84.50 reduced under subsection (q) (1) as if retirement age as specified in subsection (q) (6) (A)(ii) were age 62 instead of the age specified in subsection (q) (9), if his first month of en- titlement to such benefit is before the month in which he attained age 62. (3) In the case of any individual whose benefit amount was com- puted (or recomputed) under the provisions of paragraph (2) and such individual was entitled to benefits under subsection (e) or (f) for a month prior to any month after 1972 for which a general benefit in- crease under this title (as defined in section 215 (i) (3)) or a benefit increase under section 215 (i) becomes effective, the benefit amount of such individual as computed under paragraph (2) without regard to the reduction specified in subparagraph (B) thereof shall be increased by the percentage increase applicable for such benefit increase, prior to the application of subsection (q) (1) pursuant to paragraph (2) (B) and subsection (q) (4). Termination of Benefits Upon Deportation of Primary Beneficiary (n) (1) If any individual is (after the date of enactment of this sub- section) deported under paragraph (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), (7), (10), (11), (12), (14), (15), (16), (17), or (18) of section 241 (a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, then, notwithstanding any other provisions of this title— (A) no monthly benefit under this section or section 223 shall be paid to such individual, on the basis of his wages and self-employ- ment income, for any month occurring (i) after the month in which the Secretary is notified by the Attorney General that such ¹ Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 205(a) of Public Law 95-216 effective for benefits payable after December 1978. Revised April 1978 Sec. 202(n) 53 individual has been so deported, and (ii) before the month in which such individual is thereafter lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence. (B) if no benefit could be paid to such individual (or if no benefit could be paid to him if he were alive) for any month by reason of subparagraph (A), no monthly benefit under this section shall be paid, on the basis of his wages and self-employment in- come, for such month to any other person who is not a citizen of the United States and is outside the United States for any part of such month, and (C) no lump-sum death payment shall be made on the basis of such individual's wages and self-employment income if he dies. (i) in or after the month in which such notice is received, and (ii) before the month in which he is thereafter lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence. Section 203 (b), (c), and (d) of this Act shall not apply with respect to any such individual for any month for which no monthly benefit may be paid to him by reason of this paragraph. (2) As soon as practicable after the deportation of any individual under any of the paragraphs of section 241 (a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act enumerated in paragraph (1) in this subsection, the Attorney General shall notify the Secretary of such deportation. Application for Benefits by Survivors of Members and Former Members of the Uniformed Services (0) In the case of any individual who would be entitled to benefits under subsection (d), (e), (g), or (h), upon filing proper application therefor, the filing with the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs by or on behalf of such individual of an application for such benefits, on the form described in section 3005 of title 38, United States Code, shall satisfy the requirement of such subsection (d), (e), (g), or (h) that an application for such benefits be filed. Extension of Period for Filing Proof of Support and Applications for Lump-Sum Death Payment (p) In any case in which there is a failure- (1) to file proof of support under subparagraph (B) of sub- section (h)(1), or under clause (B) of subsection (f)(1) of this section as in effect prior to the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950, within the period prescribed by such subparagraph or clause, or 1 (2) to file, in the case of a death after 1946, application for a lump-sum death payment under subsection (i), or under subsection ¹ Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 334 (d) (5) of Public Law 95-216 effective as speci- fied in sec. 334(f) which is printed in this document on p. 809. 21-746 O 78 de 5 Sec. 202(p) 54 Revised April 1978 I (g) of this section as in effect prior to the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950, within the period prescribed by such sub- section, any such proof or application, as the case may be, which is filed after the expiration of such period shall be deemed to have been filed within such period if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary that there was good cause for failure to file such proof or application within such period. The determination of what constitutes good cause for purposes of this subsection shall be made in accordance with regula- tions of the Secretary. Reduction of Benefit Amounts for Certain Beneficiaries (q) (1) If the first month for which an individual is entitled to an old-age, wife's, husband's, widow's, or widower's insurance benefit is a month before the month in which such individual attains retirement age, the amount of such benefit for such month and for any subse- quent month shall, subject to the succeeding paragraphs of this sub- section, be reduced by— (A) 5% of 1 percent of such amount if such benefit is an old- age insurance benefit, 25% of 1 percent of such amount if such benefit is a wife's or husband's insurance benefit, or 1940 of 1 per- cent of such amount if such benefit is a widow's or widower's insurance benefit, multiplied by- (B)(i) the number of months in the reduction period for such benefit (determined under paragraph (6)(A)), if such benefit is for a month before the month in which such individual attains retirement age, or (ii) if less, the number of such months in the adjusted reduction period for such benefit (determined under paragraph (7)), if such benefit is (I) for the month in which such individual attains age 62, or (II) for the month in which such individual attains retirement age; and in the case of a widow or widower whose first month of entitle- ment to a widow's or widower's insurance benefit is a month before the month in which such widow or widower attains age 60, such bene- fit, reduced pursuant to the preceding provisions of this paragraph (and before the application of the second sentence of paragraph (8)), shall be further reduced by— (C) 43240 of 1 percent of the amount of such benefit, multiplied by- (D) (i) the number of months in the additional reduction period for such benefit (determined under paragraph (6)(B)), if such benefit is for a month before the month in which such indi- vidual attains age 62, or Revised April 1978 55 Sec. 202(q) (ii) if less, the number of months in the additional adjusted reduction period for such benefit (determined under paragraph (7)), if such benefit is for the month in which such individual attains age 62 or any month thereafter. (2) If an individual is entitled to a disability insurance benefit for a month after a month for which such individual was entitled to an old-age insurance benefit, such disability insurance benefit for each month shall be reduced by the amount such old-age insurance benefit would be reduced under paragraphs (1) and (4) for such months had such individual attained age 65 in the first month for which he most recently became entitled to a disability insurance benefit. (3) (A) If the first month for which an individual both is entitled to a wife's, husband's, widow's, or widower's insurance benefit and has attained age 62 (in the case of a wife's or husband's insurance benefit) or age 50 (in the case of a widow's or widower's insurance benefit) is a month for which such individual is also entitled to- (i) an old-age insurance benefit (to which such individual was first entitled for a month before he attains age 65), or (ii) a disability insurance benefit, then in lieu of any reduction under paragraph (1) (but subject to the succeeding paragraphs of this subsection) such wife's, husband's, widow's, or widower's insurance benefit for each month shall be re- duced as provided in subparagraph (B), (C), or (D). (B) For any month for which such individual is entitled to an old- age insurance benefit and is not entitled to a disability insurance bene- fit, such individual's wife's, or husband's insurance benefit shall be reduced by the sum of— (i) the amount by which such old-age insurance benefit is re- duced under paragraph (1) for such month, and (ii) the amount by which such wife's or husband's insurance benefit would be reduced under paragraph (1) for such month if it were equal to the excess of such wife's or husband's insurance benefit (before reduction under this subsection) over such old- age insurance benefit (before reduction under this subsection). (C) For any month for which such individual is entitled to a dis- ability insurance benefit, such individual's wife's, husband's, widow's, or widower's insurance benefit shall be reduced by the sum of- (i) the amount by which such disability insurance benefit is re- duced under paragraph (2) for such month (if such paragraph applied to such benefit), and (ii) the amount by which such wife's, husband's, widow's, or widower's insurance benefit would be reduced under paragraph (1) for such month if it were equal to the excess of such wife's, husband's, widow's, or widower's insurance benefit (before re- Sec. 202 (q) 56 Revised April 1978 duction under this subsection) over such disability insurance benefit (before reduction under this subsection). (D) For any month for which such individual is entitled neither to an old-age insurance benefit nor to a disability insurance benefit, such individual's wife's, husband's, widow's, or widower's insurance benefit shall be reduced by the amount by which it would be reduced under paragraph (1). (E) If the first month for which an individual is entitled to an old- age insurance benefit (whether such first month occurs before, with, or after the month in which such individual attains the age of 65) is a month for which such individual is also (or would, but for sub- section (e) (1) in the case of a widow or surviving divorced wife or subsection (f) (1) in the case of a widower, be) entitled to a widow's or widower's insurance benefit to which such individual was first en- titled for a month before she or he attained retirement age, then such old-age insurance benefit shall be reduced by whichever of the following is the larger: (i) the amount by which (but for this subparagraph) such old-age insurance benefit would have been reduced under para- graph (1), or (ii) the amount equal to the sum of (I) the amount by which such widow's or widower's insurance benefit would be reduced under paragraph (1) if the period specified in paragraph (6)(A) ended with the month before the month in which she or he at- tained age 62 and (II) the amount by which such old-age insur- ance benefit would be reduced under paragraph (1) if it were equal to the excess of such old-age insurance benefit (before re- duction under this subsection over such widow's or widower's insurance benefit (before reduction under this subsection). (F) If the first month for which an individual is entitled to a dis- ability insurance benefit (when such first month occurs with or after the month in which such individual attains the age of 62) is a month for which such individual is also (or would, but for subsection (e) (1) in the case of a widow or surviving divorced wife or subsection (f) (1) in the case of a widower, be) entitled to a widow's or widower's in- surance benefit to which such individual was first entitled for a month before she or he attained retirement age, then such disability insurance benefit for each month shall be reduced by whichever of the follow- ing is larger: (i) the amount by which (but for this subparagraph) such dis- ability insurance benefit would have been reduced under para- graph (2), or (ii) the amount equal to the sum of (I) the amount by which such widow's or widower's insurance benefit would be reduced Revised April 1978 Sec. 202(q) 57 under paragraph (1) if the period specified in paragraph (6)(A) ended with the month before the month in which she or he at- tained age 62 and (II) the amount by which such disability insur- ance benefit would be reduced under paragraph (2) if it were equal to the excess of such disability insurance benefit (before reduction under this subsection) over such widow's or widower's insurance benefit (before reduction under this subsection). (G) If the first month for which an individual is entitled to a disability insurance benefit (when such first month occurs before the month in which such individual attains the age of 62) is a month for which such individual is also (or would, but for subsection (e)(1) in the case of a widow or surviving divorced wife or subsection (f) (1) in the case of a widower, be) entitled to a widow's or widower's in- surance benefit, then such disability insurance benefit for each month shall be reduced by the amount such widow's insurance benefit would be reduced under paragraphs (1) and (4) for such month as if the period specified in paragraph (6)(A) (or, if such paragraph does not apply, the period specified in paragraph (6) (B)) ended with the month before the first month for which she or he most recently be- came entitled to a disability insurance benefit. (H) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, if the first month for which an individual is entitled to a widow's or widow- er's insurance benefit is a month for which such individual is also en- titled to an old-age insurance benefit to which such individual was first entitled for that month or for a month before she or he became entitled to a widow's or widower's benefit, the reduction in such wid- ow's or widower's insurance benefit shall be determined under para- graph (1).¹ (4) If- (A) an individual is or was entitled to a benefit subject to re- duction under paragraph (1) or (3) of this subsection, and (B) such benefit is increased by reason of an increase in the primary insurance amount of the individual on whose wages and self-employment income such benefit is based, then the amount of the reduction of such benefit (after the applica- tion of any adjustment under paragraph (7)) for each month begin- ning with the month of such increase in the primary insurance amount shall be computed under paragraph (1) or (3), whichever applies, as though the increased primary insurance amount had been in effect for and after the month for which the individual first became entitled to such monthly benefit reduced under such paragraph (1) or (3).² (5) (A) No wife's insurance benefit shall be reduced under this sub- section- 1 Subparagraph (H) was amended by sec. 331 (c) (2) of Public Law 95-216. 2 Paragraph (4) was amended by sec. 331 (a) of Public Law 95-216. Sec. 202(q) Revised April 1978 58 (i) for any month before the first month for which there is in effect a certificate filed by her with the Secretary, in accordance with regulations prescribed by him, in which she elects to receive wife's insurance benefits reduced as provided in this subsection, or (ii) for any month in which she has in her care (individually or jointly with the person on whose wages and self-employment income her wife's insurance benefit is based) a child of such person entitled to child's insurance benefits. (B) Any certificate described in subparagraph (A)(i) shall be ef- fective for purposes of this subsection (and for purposes of preventing deductions under section 203 (c) (2))- (i) for the month in which it is filed and for any month there- after, and (ii) for months, in the period designated by the woman filing such certificate, of one or more consecutive months (not exceeding 12) immediately preceding the month in which such certificate is filed; except that such certificate shall not be effective for any month before the month in which she attains age 62, nor shall it be effective for any month to which subparagraph (A) (ii) applies. (C) If a woman does not have in her care a child described in sub- paragraph (A) (ii) in the first month for which she is entitled to a wife's insurance benefit, and if such first month is a month before the month in which she attains age 65, she shall be deemed to have filed in such first month the certificate described in subparagraph (A)(i). (D) No widow's insurance benefit for a month in which she has in her care a child of her deceased husband (or deceased former hus- band) entitled to child's insurance benefits shall be reduced under this subsection below the amount to which she would have been entitled had she been entitled for such month to mother's insurance benefits on the basis of her deceased husband's (or deceased former husband's) wages and self-employment income. (6) For the purposes of this subsection— (A) the "reduction period" for an individual's old-age, wife's, husband's, widow's, or widower's insurance benefit is the period- (i) beginning- (I) in the case of an old-age or husband's insurance benefit, with the first day of the first month for which such individual is entitled to such benefit, or (II) in the case of a wife's insurance benefit, with the first day of the first month for which a certificate de- scribed in paragraph (5) (A) (i) is effective, or (III) in the case of a widow's or widower's insurance benefit, with the first day of the first month for which Revised April 1978 59 Sec. 202 (q) 1. such individual is entitled to such benefit or the first day of the month in which such individual attains age 60, whichever is the later, and (ii) ending with the last day of the month before the month in which such individual attains retirement age; and (B) the "additional reduction period" for an individual's widow's, or widower's insurance benefit is the period- (i) beginning with the first day of the first month for which such individual is entitled to such benefit, but only if such individual has not attained age 60 in such first month, and (ii) ending with the last day of the month before the month in which such individual attains age 60. (7) For purposes of this subsection the "adjusted reduction period" for an individual's old-age, wife's, husband's, widow's, or widower's insurance benefit is the reduction period prescribed in paragraph (6) (A) for such benefit, and the "additional adjusted reduction period" for an individual's, widow's, or widower's, insurance benefit is the addi- tional reduction period prescribed by paragraph (6)(B) for such benefit, excluding from each such period— (A) any month in which such benefit was subject to deduc- tions under section 203 (b), 203 (c) (1), 203 (d) (1), or 222 (b), (B) in the case of wife's insurance benefits, any month in which she had in her care (individually or jointly with the person on whose wages and self-employment income such benefit is based) a child of such person entitled to child's insurance benefits, (C) in the case of wife's or husband's insurance benefits, any month for which such individual was not entitled to such bene- fits because of the occurrence of an event that terminated her or his entitlement to such benefits,¹ 1 (D) in the case of widow's insurance benefits, any month in which the reduction in the amount of such benefit was determined under paragraph (5) (D), (E) in the case of widow's or widower's insurance benefits, any month before the month in which she or he attained age 62, and also for any later month before the month in which he attained re- tirement age, for which she or he was not entitled to such bene- fit because of the occurrence of an event that terminated her or his entitlement to such benefits, and (F) in the case of old-age insurance benefits, any month for which such individual was entitled to a disability insurance benefit. (8) This subsection shall be applied after reduction under section 203 (a) and after application of section 215 (g). If the amount of any ¹ Subparagraph (C) was amended by sec. 331(c)(1) of Public Law 95-216. Sec. 202 (q) 60 Revised April 1978 reduction computed under paragraph (1), (2), or (3) is not a multi- ple of $0.10, it shall be reduced to the next lower multiple of $0.10. (9) For purposes of this subsection, the term "retirement age" means age 65. (10) For purposes of applying paragraph (4), with respect to monthly benefits payable for any month after December 1977 to an individual who was entitled to a monthly benefit as reduced under paragraph (1) or (3) prior to January 1978, the amount of reduction in such benefit for the first month for which such benefit is increased by reason of an increase in the primary insurance amount of the indi- vidual on whose wages and self-employment income such benefit is based and for all subsequent months (and similarly for all subsequent increases) shall be increased by a percentage equal to the percentage increase in such primary insurance amount (such increase being made. in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (8)). In the case of an individual whose reduced benefit under this section is increased as a result of the use of an adjusted reduction period or an additional adjusted reduction period (in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (3) of this subsection), then for the first month for which such increase is effective, and for all subsequent months, the amount of such reduction. (after the application of the previous sentence, if applicable) shall be determined— (A) in the case of old-age, wife's, and husband's insurance benefits, by multiplying such amount by the ratio of (i) the num- ber of months in the adjusted reduction period to (ii) the number of months in the reduction period, (B) in the case of widow's and widower's insurance benefits for the month in which such individual attains age 62, by multi- plying such amount by the ratio of (i) the number of months in the reduction period beginning with age 62 multiplied by 1940 of 1 percent, plus the number of months in the adjusted reduction period prior to age 62 multiplied by 1940 of 1 percent, plus the number of months in the adjusted additional reduction period multiplied by 43/240 of 1 percent to (ii) the number of months in the reduction period multiplied by 1940 of 1 percent, plus the number of months in the additional reduction period multiplied by 43/240 of 1 percent, and (C) in the case of widow's and widower's insurance benefits for the month in which such individual attains age 65, by multi- plying such amount by the ratio of (i) the number of months in the adjusted reduction period multiplied by 1940 of 1 percent, plus the number of months in the adjusted additional reduction period multiplied by 43240 of 1 percent to (ii) the number of months in the reduction period beginning with age 62 multiplied J Revised April 1978 61 Sec. 202(s) by 1940 of 1 percent, plus the number of months in the adjusted reduction period prior to age 62 multiplied by 1940 of 1 percent, plus the number of months in the adjusted additional reduction period multiplied by 43/240 of 1 percent. such determination being made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (8).1 (11) When an individual is entitled to more than one monthly benefit under this title and one or more of such benefits are reduced under this subsection, paragraph (10) shall apply separately to each such benefit reduced under this subsection before the application of subsection (k) (pertaining to the method by which monthly benefits are offset when an individual is entitled to more than one kind of bene- fit) and the application of this paragraph shall operate in conjunction with paragraph (3).² Presumed Filing of Application by Individuals Eligible for Old-Age Insurance Benefits and for Wife's or Husband's Insurance Benefits (r) (1) If the first month for which an individual is entitled to an old-age insurance benefit is a month before the month in which such individual attains age 65, and if such individual is eligible for a wife's or husband's insurance benefit for such first month, such individual shall be deemed to have filed an application in such month for wife's or husband's insurance benefits. (2) If the first month for which an individual is entitled to a wife's or husband's insurance benefit reduced under subsection (q) is a month before the month in which such individual attains age 65, and if such individual is eligible (but for section 202 (k) (4)) for an old-age insur- ance benefit for such first month, such individual shall be deemed to have filed an application for old-age insurance benefits— (A) in such month, or (B) if such individual is also entitled to a disability insurance benefit for such month, in the first subsequent month for which such individual is not entitled to a disability insurance benefit. (3) For purposes of this subsection, an individual shall be deemed eligible for a benefit for a month if, upon filing application therefor in such month, he would be entitled to such benefit for such month. Child Aged 18 or Over Attending School (s) (1) For the purposes of subsections (b)(1), (g)(1), (q)(5), and (q) (7) of this section and paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of sec- tion 203 (c), a child who is entitled to child's insurance benefits under subsection (d) for any month, and who has attained the age of 18 but is not in such month under a disability (as defined in section 223 (d)) 1 Paragraph (10) was added by sec. 331(b) of Public Law 95–216. 2 Paragraph (11) was added by sec. 331 (b) of Public Law 95-216. Sec. 202(s) 62 Revised April 1978 shall be deemed not entitled to such benefits for such month, unless he was under such a disability in the third month before such month. (2) Subsection (f)(4), and so much of subsections (b)(3), (d)(5), (e)(3), (g)(3), and (h) (4), of this section as precedes the semicolon, shall not apply in the case of any child unless such child, at the time of the marriage referred to therein, was under a disability (as defined in section 223 (d)) or had been under such a disability in the third month before the month in which such marriage occurred. (3) So much of subsections (b) (3), (d)(5), (e) (3), (g) (3), and (h) (4) of this section as follows the semicolon, the last sentence of subsection (c) of section 203, subsection (f) (1) (C) of section 203, and subsections (b) (3) (B), (c) (6) (B), (f) (3)(B), and (g) (6) (B) of section 216 shall not apply in the case of any child with respect to any month referred to therein unless in such month or the third month prior thereto such child was under a disability (as defined in section 223 (d)).¹ 1 Suspension of Benefits of Aliens Who Are Outside the United States (t) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no monthly benefits shall be paid under this section or under section 223 to any individual who is not a citizen or national of the United States for any month which is- (A) after the sixth consecutive calendar month during all of which the Secretary finds, on the basis of information furnished to him by the Attorney General or information which otherwise comes to his attention, that such individual is outside the United States, and (B) prior to the first month thereafter for all of which such individual has been in the United States. For purposes of the preceding sentence, after an individual has been outside the United States for any period of thirty consecutive days he shall be treated as remaining outside the United States until he has been in the United States for a period of thirty consecutive days. (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any individual who is a citi- zen of a foreign country which the Secretary finds has in effect a social insurance or pension system which is of general application in such country and under which- (A) periodic benefits, or the actuarial equivalent thereof, are paid on account of old-age, retirement, or death, and (B) individuals who are citizens of the United States but not citizens of such foreign country and who qualify for such benefits are permitted to receive such benefits or the actuarial equivalent ¹ Subsection (3) was amended by sec. 334(d)(6) of Public Law 95-216 effective as specified in sec. 334(f) which is printed in this document on p. 809. Revised April 1978 63 Sec. 202(t) thereof while outside such foreign country without regard to the duration of the absence. (3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply in any case where its application would be contrary to any treaty obligation of the United States in effect on the date of the enactment of this subsection. (4) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any benefit for any month if- (A) not less than forty of the quarters elapsing before such month are quarters of coverage for the individual on whose wages and self-employment income such benefit is based, or (B) the individual on whose wages and self-employment in- come such benefit is based has, before such month, resided in the United States for a period or periods aggregating ten years or more, or (C) the individual entitled to such benefit is outside the United States while in the active military or naval service of the United States, or (D) the individual on whose wages and self-employment in- come such benefit is based died, before such month, either (i) while on active duty or inactive duty training (as those terms are defined in section 210(1), (2) and (3) as a member of a uniformed service (as defined in section 210(m)), or (ii) as the result of a disease or injury which the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs determines was incurred or aggravated in line of duty while on active duty (as defined in section 210(1) (2)), or an injury which he determines was incurred or aggravated in line of duty while on inactive duty training (as defined in section 210(1) (3)), as a member of a uniformed service (as defined in section 210 (m)), if the Administrator determines that such individual was dis- charged or released from the period of such active duty or in- active duty training under conditions other than dishonorable, and if the Administrator certifies to the Secretary his determina- tions with respect to such individual under this clause, or (E) the individual on whose employment such benefit is based had been in service covered by the Railroad Retirement Act which was treated as employment covered by this Act pursuant to the provisions of section 5 (k) (1) of the Railroad Retirement Act; except that subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph shall not apply in the case of any individual who is a citizen of a foreign country that has in effect a social insurance or pension system which is of general application in such country and which satisfies subpara- graph (A) but not subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2), or who is a citizen of a foreign country that has no social insurance or pension system of general application if at any time within five years prior to the month in which the Social Security Amendments of 1967 are Sec. 202(t) 64 Revised April 1978 enacted (or the first month thereafter for which his benefits are sub- ject to suspension under paragraph (1)) payments to individuals re- siding in such country were withheld by the Treasury Department under the first section of the Act of October 9, 1940 (31 U.S.C. 123). (5) No person who is, or upon application would be, entitled to a monthly benefit under this section for December 1956 shall be de- prived, by reason of paragraph (1), of such benefit or any other bene- fit based on the wages and self-employment income of the individual on whose wages and self-employment income such monthly benefit for December 1956 is based. (6) If an individual is outside the United States when he dies and no benefit may, by reason of paragraph (1) or (10) be paid to him for the month preceding the month in which he dies, no lump-sum death payment may be made on the basis of such individual's wages and self- employment income. (7) Subsections (b), (c), and (d) of section 203 shall not apply with respect to any individual for any month for which no monthly benefit may be paid to him by reason of paragraph (1) of this sub- section. (8) The Attorney General shall certify to the Secretary such infor- mation regarding aliens who depart from the United States to any foreign country (other than a foreign country which is territorially contiguous to the continental United States) as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to carry out the purposes of this subsection and shall otherwise aid, assist, and cooperate with the Secretary in obtain- ing such other information as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to carry out the purposes of this subsection. (9) No payments shall be made under part A of title XVIII with respect to items or services furnished to an individual in any month for which the prohibition in paragraph (1) against payment of bene- fits to him is applicable (or would be if he were entitled to any such benefits). (10) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no monthly benefits shall be paid under this section or under section 223, for any month beginning after June 30, 1968, to an individual who is not a citizen or national of the United States and who resides during such month in a foreign country if payments for such month to individuals residing in such country are withheld by the Treasury Department under the first section of the Act of October 9, 1940 (31 U.S.C. 123). Effect of Conviction of Subversive Activities, etc. (u) (1) If any individual is convicted of any offense (committed after the date of the enactment of this subsection) under- (A) chapter 37 (relating to espionage and censorship), chapter Revised April 1978 65 Sec. 202(v) 105 (relating to sabotage), or chapter 115 (relating to treason, sedition, and subversive activities) of title 18 of the United States Code, or (B) section 4, 112, or 113 of the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended, then the court may, in addition to all other penalties provided by law, impose a penalty that in determining whether any monthly insurance benefit under this section or section 223 is payable to such individual for the month in which he is convicted or for any month thereafter, in determining the amount of any such benefit payable to such individual for any such month, and in determining whether such individual is entitled to insurance benefits under part A of title XVIII for any such month, there shall not be taken into account— (C) any wages paid to such individual or to any other individ- ual in the calendar year in which such conviction occurs or in any prior calendar year, and (D) any net earnings from self-employment derived by such individual or by any other individual during a taxable year in which such conviction occurs or during any prior taxable year.¹ (2) As soon as practicable after an additional penalty has, pursuant to paragraph (1), been imposed with respect to any individual, the Attorney General shall notify the Secretary of such imposition. (3) If any individual with respect to whom an additional penalty has been imposed pursuant to paragraph (1) is granted a pardon of the offense by the President of the United States, such additional penalty shall not apply for any month beginning after the date on which such pardon is granted. Waiver of Benefits (v) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, in the case of any individual who files a waiver pursuant to section 1402 (h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and is granted a tax exemption there- under, no benefits or other payments shall be payable under this title. to him, no payments shall be made on his behalf under part A of title XVIII, and no benefits or other payments under this title shall be payable on the basis of his wages and self-employment income to any other person, after the filing of such waiver; except that, if thereafter such individual's tax exemption under such section 1402 (h) ceases to be effective, such waiver shall cease to be applicable in the case of bene- fits and other payments under this title and part A of title XVIII to the extent based on his self-employment income for and after the first taxable year in which such tax exemption ceases to be effective and on his wages for and after the calendar year (if any) which begins in or with the beginning of such taxable year. ¹ Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 353 (f) (1) of Public Law 95-216. Sec. 202(w) 66 Revised April 1978 Increase in Old-Age Insurance Benefit Amounts on Account of Delayed Retirement (w) (1) The amount of an old-age insurance benefit (other than a benefit based on a primary insurance amount determined under sec- tion 215(a) (3) as in effect in December 1978 or section 215 (a) (1) (C) (i) (II) as in effect thereafter) which is payable without regard to this subsection to an individual shall be increased by- (A) one-twelfth of 1 percent of such amount, or, in the case of an individual who first becomes eligible for an old-age insurance benefit after December 1978, one-quarter of 1 percent of such amount, multiplied by (B) the number (if any) of the increment months for such individual.¹ (2) For purposes of this subsection, the number of increment months for any individual shall be a number equal to the total number of the months- (A) which have elapsed after the month before the month in which such individual attained age 65 or (if later) December 1970 and prior to the month in which such individual attained age 72, and (B) with respect to which- (i) such individual was a fully insured individual (as defined in section 214(a)), and (ii) such individual either was not entitled to an old-age insurance benefit or suffered deductions under section 203 (b) or 203 (c) in amounts equal to the amount of such benefit. (3) For purposes of applying the provisions of paragraph (1), a determination shall be made under paragraph (2) for each year, begin- ning with 1972, of the total number of an individual's increment months through the year for which the determination is made and the total so determined shall be applicable to such individual's old-age insurance benefits beginning with benefits for January of the year fol- lowing the year for which such determination is made; except that the total number applicable in the case of an individual who attains age 72 after 1972 shall be determined through the month before the month in which he attains such age and shall be applicable to his old- age insurance benefit beginning with the month in which he attains such age. (4) This subsection shall be applied after reduction under section 203 (a). (5) If an individual's primary insurance amount is determined under paragraph (3) of section 215 (a) as in effect in December 1978, 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 203 and sec. 205(b)(1) of Public Law 95-216. The amendment by sec. 205(b) (1) is effective for benefits for months after December 1978. Revised April 1978 67 Sec. 203(a) or section 215 (a) (1) (C) (i) (II) as in effect thereafter, and, as a result of this subsection, he would be entitled to a higher old-age insurance benefit if his primary insurance amount were determined under section 215 (a) (whether before, in, or after December 1978) without regard to such paragraph, such individual's old-age insurance benefit based upon his primary insurance amount determined under such paragraph shall be increased by an amount equal to the difference between such benefit and the benefit to which he would be entitled if his primary insurance amount were determined under such section without regard to such paragraph.¹ Reduction of Insurance Benefits Maximum Benefits Sec. 203. (a) (1) In the case of an individual whose primary insur- ance amount has been computed or recomputed under section 215 (a) (1) or (4), or section 215 (d), as in effect after December 1978, the total monthly benefits to which beneficiaries may be entitled under section 202 or 223 for a month on the basis of the wages and self- employment income of such individual shall, except as provided by paragraph (3) (but prior to any increases resulting from the applica- tion of paragraph (2)(A)(ii) (III) of section 215 (i)), be reduced as necessary so as not to exceed— (A) 150 percent of such individual's primary insurance amount to the extent that it does not exceed the amount estab- lished with respect to this subparagraph by paragraph (2), (B) 272 percent of such individual's primary insurance amount to the extent that it exceeds the amount established with respect to subparagraph (A) but does not exceed the amount established with respect to this subparagraph by paragraph (2), (C) 134 percent of such individual's primary insurance amount to the extent that it exceeds the amount established with respect to subparagraph (B) but does not exceed the amount established with respect to this subparagraph by paragraph (2), and (D) 175 percent of such individual's primary insurance amount to the extent that it exceeds the amount established with respect to subparagraph (C). Any such amount that is not a multiple of $0.10 shall be increased to the next higher multiple of $0.10. 1 Paragraph (5) was amended by sec. 205(b) (2) and (3) of Public Law 95-216 effective for benefits for months after December 1978. Sec. 203(a) 68 Revised April 1978 (2) (A) For individuals who initially become eligible for old-age or disability insurance benefits, or who die (before becoming so eligi- ble for such benefits), in the calendar year 1979, the amounts estab- lished with respect to subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of para- graph (1) shall be $230, $332, and $433, respectively. (B) For individuals who initially become eligible for old-age or disability insurance benefits, or who die (before becoming so eligible for such benefits), in any calendar year after 1979, each of the amounts so established shall equal the product of the corresponding amount established for the calendar year 1979 by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph and the quotient obtained under subparagraph (B) (ii) of section 215 (a) (1), with such product being rounded in the manner prescribed by section 215(a) (1) (B) (iii). (C) In each calender year after 1978 the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register, on or before November 1, the formula which (except as provided in section 215 (i) (2) (D)) is to be applicable under this paragraph to individuals who become eligible for old-age or disability insurance benefits, or who die (before becoming eligible for such benefits), in the following calendar year. (D) A year shall not be counted as the year of an individual's death or eligibility for purposes of this paragraph or paragraph (7) in any case where such individual was entitled to a disability insurance bene- fit for any of the 12 months immediately preceding the month of such death or eligibility (but there shall be counted instead the year of the individual's eligibility for the disability insurance benefits to which he was entitled during such 12 months). (3) (A) When an individual who is entitled to benefits on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of any insured individual and to whom this subsection applies would (but for the provisions of section 202 (k) (2) (A)) be entitled to child's insurance benefits for a month on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of one or more other insured individuals, the total monthly benefits to which all beneficiaries are entitled on the bases of such wages and self-em- ployment income shall not be reduced under this subsection to less. than the smaller of— 1 (i) the sum of the maximum amounts of benefits payable on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of all such insured individuals, or (ii) an amount equal to the product of 1.75 and the primary insurance amount that would be computed under section 215(a) (1) for that month with respect to average indexed monthly earnings equal to one-twelfth of the contribution and benefit base determined for that year under section 230. 1 The word "bases" is a technical error in the law. It should read “basis”. Revised April 1978 69 Sec. 203(a) (B) When two or more persons were entitled (without the appli- cation of section 202(j) (1) and section 223(b)) to monthly benefits under section 202 or 223 for January 1971 or any prior month on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such insured indi- vidual and the provisions of this subsection as in effect for any such month were applicable in determining the benefit amount of any per- sons on the basis of such wages and self-employment income, the total of benefits for any month after January 1971 shall not be reduced to less than the largest of- (i) the amount determined under this subsection without re- gard to this subparagraph, (ii) the largest amount which has been determined for any month under this subsection for persons entitled to monthly benefits on the basis of such insured individual's wages and self- employment income, or (iii) if any persons are entitled to benefits on the basis of such wages and self-employment income for the month before the effec- tive month (after September 1972) of a general benefit increase under this title (as defined in section 215 (i) (3)) or a benefit in- crease under the provisions of section 215 (i), an amount equal to the sum of amounts derived by multiplying the benefit amount determined under this title (excluding any part thereof deter- mined under section 202 (w)) for the month before such effective month (including this subsection, but without the application of section 222(b), section 202(q), and subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this section), for each such person for such month, by a per- centage equal to the percentage of the increase provided under such benefit increase (with any such increased amount which is not a multiple of $0.10 being rounded to the next higher multiple of $0.10); but in any such case (I) subparagraph (A) of this paragraph shall not be applied to such total of benefits after the application of clause (ii) or (iii), and (II) if section 202 (k) (2) (A) was applicable in the case of any such benefits for a month, and ceases to apply for a month after such month, the provisions of clause (ii) or (iii) shall be applied, for and after the month in which section 202 (k) (2) (A) ceases to apply, as though subparagraph (A) of this paragraph had not been appli- cable to such total of benefits for the last month for which clause (ii) or (iii) was applicable. (C) When any of such individuals is entitled to monthly benefits as a divorced spouse under section 202 (b) or (c) or as a surviving di- vorced spouse under section 202 (e) or (f) for any month, the benefit to which he or she is entitled on the basis of the wages and self-em- 21-746 O 78 - 6 Sec. 203(a) 70 Revised April 1978 ployment income of such insured individual for such month shall be determined without regard to this subsection, and the benefits of all other individuals who are entitled for such month to monthly benefits under section 202 on the wages and self-employment income of such insured individual shall be determined as if no such divorced spouse or surviving divorced spouse were entitled to benefits for such month. (4) In any case in which benefits are reduced pursuant to the pre- ceding provisions of this subsection, the reduction shall be made after any deductions under this section and after any deductions under sec- tion 222(b). Whenever a reduction is made under this subsection in the total of monthly benefits to which individuals are entitled for any month on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of an insured individual, each such benefit other than the old-age or dis- ability insurance benefit shall be proportionately decreased. (5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when- (A) two or more persons are entitled to monthly benefits for a particular month on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of an insured individual and (for such particular month) the provisions of this subsection are applicable to such monthly benefits, and (B) such individual's primary insurance amount is increased for the following month under any provision of this title, then the total of monthly benefits for all persons on the basis of such wages and self-employment income for such particular month, as determined under the provisions of this subsection, shall for purposes of determining the total monthly benefits for all persons on the basis of such wages and self-employment income for months subsequent to such particular month be considered to have been increased by the smallest amount that would have been required in order to assure that the total of monthly benefits payable on the basis of such wages and self-employment income for any such subsequent month will not be less (after the application of the other provisions of this subsection and section 202 (q)) than the total of monthly benefits (after the application of the other provisions of this subsection and section 202 (q)) payable on the basis of such wages and self-employment income for such particular month. (6) In the case of any individual who is entitled for any month to benefits based upon the primary insurance amounts of two or more insured individuals, one or more of which primary insurance amounts were determined under section 215(a) or 215 (d) as in effect (without regard to the table contained therein) prior to January 1979 and one or more of which primary insurance amounts were determined under section 215 (a) (1) or (4), or section 215 (d), as in effect after Decem- ber 1978, the total benefits payable to that individual and all other G Revised April 1978 71 Sec. 203(b) individuals entitled to benefits for that month based upon those pri- mary insurance amounts shall be reduced to an amount equal to the product of 1.75 and the primary insurance amount that would be com- puted under section 215 (a) (1) for that month with respect to average indexed monthly earnings equal to one-twelfth of the contribution and benefits base determined under section 230 for the year in which that month occurs. (7) Subject to paragraph (6), this subsection as in effect in Decem- ber 1978 shall remain in effect with respect to a primary insurance amount computed under section 215 (a) or (d), as in effect (without regard to the table contained therein) in December 1978, except that a primary insurance amount so computed with respect to an individual who first becomes eligible for an old-age or disability insurance benefit, or dies (before becoming eligible for such a benefit), after December 1978, shall instead be governed by this section as in effect after Decem- ber 1978. (8) When- (A) one or more persons were entitled (without the applica- tion of section 202(j) (1)) to monthly benefits under section 202 for May 1978 on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of an individual, (B) the benefit of at least one such person for June 1978 is increased by reason of the amendments made by section 204 of the Social Security Amendments of 1977; and (C) the total amount of benefits to which all such persons are entitled under such section 202 are reduced under the provisions of this subsection (or would be so reduced except for the first sentence of section 203 (a) (4)), then the amount of the benefit to which each such person is entitled for months after May 1978 shall be increased (after such reductions are made under this subsection) to the amount such benefits would have been if the benefit of the person or persons referred to in subpara- graph (B) had not been so increased.¹ Deductions on Account of Work (b) Deductions, in amounts and at such time or times as the Secre- tary shall determine, shall be made from any payment or payments under this title to which an individual is entitled, and from any pay- ment or payments to which any other persons are entitled on the basis of such individual's wages and self-employment income, until the total of such deductions equals 1 Sec. 203 (a) was amended by sec. 202 of Public Law 95-216 effective for benefits payable for months after December 1978 and paragraph (8) was added to sec. 203 (a) by sec. 204(e) of Public Law 95-216 effective for benefits for months after May 1978. The words "bene- fits base" in paragraph (6) are a technical error in the law and should read "benefit base". Sec. 203(b) 72 Revised April 1978 (1) such individual's benefit or benefits under section 202 for any month, and (2) if such individual was entitled to old-age insurance benefits under section 202(a) for such month, the benefit or benefits of all other persons for such month under section 202 based on such individual's wages and self-employment income, if for such month he is charged with excess earnings, under the pro- visions of subsection (f) of this section, equal to the total of benefits referred to in clauses (1) and (2). If the excess earnings so charged are less than such total benefits, such deductions with respect to such month shall be equal only to the amount of such excess earnings. If a child who has attained the age of 18 and is entitled to child's insur- ance benefits, or a person who is entitled to mother's insurance bene- fits, is married to an individual entitled to old-age insurance benefits under section 202 (a), such child or such person, as the case may be, shall, for the purposes of this subsection and subsection (f), be deemed to be entitled to such benefits on the basis of the wages and self- employment income of such individual entitled to old-age insurance benefits. If a deduction has already been made under this subsection with respect to a person's benefit or benefits under section 202 for a month, he shall be deemed entitled to payments under such section for such month for purposes of further deductions under this sub- section, and for purposes of charging of each person's excess earnings under subsection (f), only to the extent of the total of his benefits remaining after such earlier deductions have been made. For purposes of this subsection and subsection (f)- (A) an individual shall be deemed to be entitled to payments under section 202 equal to the amount of the benefit or benefits to which he is entitled under such section after the application of subsection (a) of this section, but without the application of the penultimate sentence thereof; and (B) if a deduction is made with respect to an individual's benefit or benefits under section 202 because of the occurence in any month of an event specified in subsection (c) or (d) of this section or in section 222 (b), such individual shall not be consid- ered to be entitled to any benefits under such section 202 for such month. Deductions on Account of Noncovered Work Outside the United States or Failure To Have Child in Care (c) Deductions, in such amounts and at such time or times as the Secretary shall determine, shall be made from any payment or pay- ments under this title to which an individual is entitled, until the total of such deductions equals such individual's benefits or benefit under section 202 for any month- Revised April 1978 73 Sec. 203 (d) (1) in which such individual is under the age of seventy 1 and on seven or more different calendar days of which he engaged in noncovered remunerative activity outside the United States; or (2) in which such individual, if a wife under age sixty-five entitled to a wife's insurance benefits, did not have in her care (individually or jointly with her husband) a child of her hus- band entitled to a child's insurance benefit and such wife's insur- ance benefit for such month was not reduced under the provisions of section 202 (q); or (3) in which such individual, if a widow entitled to a mother's insurance benefit, did not have in her care a child of her deceased husband entitled to a child's insurance benefit; or G (4) in which such an individual, if a surviving divorced mother entitled to a mother's insurance benefit, did not have in her care a child of her deceased former husband who (A) is her son, daugh- ter, or legally adopted child and (B) is entitled to a child's in- surance benefit on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of her deceased former husband. For purposes of paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection, a child shall not be considered to be entitled to a child's insurance benefit for any month in which paragraph (1) of section 202 (s) applies or an event specified in sections 222 (b) occurs with respect to such child. Subject to paragraph (3) of such section 202 (s), no deductions shall be made under this subsection from any child's insurance benefit for the month in which the child entitled to such benefit attained the age of eighteen or any subsequent month; nor shall any deduction be made under this subsection from any widow's insurance benefits for any month in which the widow or surviving divorced wife is entitled and has not attained age 65 (but only if she became so entitled prior to attaining age 60), or from any widower's insurance benefit for any month in which the widower is entitled and has not attained age 65 (but only if he became so entitled prior to attaining age 60). Deductions From Dependents' Benefits on Account of Noncovered Work Out- side the United States by Old-Age Insurance Beneficiary (d) (1) Deductions shall be made from any wife's, husband's, or child's insurance benefit, based on the wages and self-employment income of an individual entitled to old-age insurance benefits, to which a wife, divorced wife, husband, or child is entitled, until the total of such deduction equals such wife's, husband's, or child's insurance benefit or benefits under section 202 for any month in which such individual is under the age of seventy 2 and on seven or more 1 In subsection (c) (1), sec. 302(a) of Public Law 95-216 changed "seventy-two" to "seventy" effective for taxable years ending after Dec. 31, 1981. 2 In subsection (d) (1), sec. 302 (a) of Public Law 95-216 changed "seventy-two" to "seventy" effective for taxable years ending after Dec. 31, 1981. Sec. 203(d) 74 Revised April 1978 different calendar days of which he engaged in noncovered remunera- tive activity outside the United States. (2) Deductions shall be made from any child's insurance benefit to which a child who has attained the age of eighteen is entitled, or from any mother's insurance benefit to which a person is entitled, until the total of such deductions equals such child's insurance benefit or bene- fits or mother's insurance benefit or benefits under section 202 for any month in which such child or person entitled to mother's insurance benefits is married to an individual who is entitled to old-age insur- ance benefits and on seven or more different calendar days of which such individual engaged in noncovered remunerative activity outside. the United States. Occurrence of More Than One Event (e) If more than one of the events specified in subsections (c) and (d) and section 222(b) occurs in any one month which would occasion deductions equal to a benefit for such month, only an amount equal to such benefit shall be deducted. Months to Which Earnings Are Charged (f) For purposes of subsection (b)- (1) The amount of an individual's excess earnings (as defined in paragraph (3)) shall be charged to months as follows: There shall be charged to the first month of such taxable year an amount of his excess earnings equal to the sum of the payments to which he and all other persons are entitled for such month under section 202 on the basis of his wages and self-employment income (or the total of his excess earnings if such excess earnings are less than such sum), and the balance, if any, of such excess earnings shall be charged to each succeeding month in such year to the extent, in the case of each such month, of the sum of the payments to which such individual and all other persons are entitled for such month under section 202 on the basis of his wages and self-employment income, until the total of such excess has been so charged. Where an individual is entitled to benefits under section 202(a) and other persons are entitled to benefits under section 202(b), (c), or (d) on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such individual, the excess earnings of such individual for any taxable year shall be charged in accordance with the provisions of this subsection before the excess earnings of such persons for a taxable year are charged to months in such individual's taxable year. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this paragraph, but subject to section 202(s), no part of the excess earnings of an in- dividual shall be charged to any month (A) for which such indi- vidual was not entitled to a benefit under this title. (B) in which Revised April 1978 75 Sec. 203(f) such individual was age seventy¹ or over, (C) in which such individual, if a child entitled to child's insurance benefits, has attained the age of 18, (D) for which such individual is entitled to widow's insurance benefits and has not attained age 65 (but only if she became so entitled prior to attaining age 60) or widower's in- surance benefits and has not attained age 65 (but only if he became so entitled prior to attaining age 60), or (E) in which such individual did not engage in self-employment and did not render services for wages (determined as provided in paragraph (5) of this subsection) of more than the applicable exempt amount as de- termined under paragraph (8), if such month is in the taxable year in which occurs the first month that is both (i) a month for which the individual is entitled to benefits under subsection (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), or (h) of section 202 (without having been entitled for the preceding month to a benefit under any other of such subsections), and (ii) a month in which the individual did not engage in self-employment and did not render services for wages (determined as provided in paragraph (5)) of more than the applicable exempt amount as determined under paragraph (8).2 (2) As used in paragraph (1), the term "first month of such taxable year" means the earliest month in such year to which the charging of excess earnings described in such paragraph is not prohibited by the application of clauses (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E) thereof. (3) For purposes of paragraph (1) and subsection (h), an in- dividual's excess earnings for a taxable year shall be 50 per centum of his earnings for such year in excess of the product of the appli- cable exempt amount as determined under paragraph (8), multi- plied by the number of months in such year, except that, in deter- mining an individual's excess earnings for the taxable year in which he attains age 70,3 there shall be excluded any earnings of such individual for the month in which he attains such age and any subsequent month (with any net earnings or net loss from self-employment in such year being prorated in an equitable manner under regulations of the Secretary). The excess earn- ings as derived under the preceding sentence, if not a multiple of $1, shall be reduced to the next lower multiple of $1.4 (4) For purposes of clause (E) of paragraph (1)— (A) An individual will be presumed, with respect to any month, to have been engaged in self-employment in such < 1 In subsection (f)(1)(B), sec. 302(a) of Public Law 95-216 changed "seventy-two" to "seventy" effective for taxable years ending after Dec. 31, 1981. 2 Subparagraph (E) was amended by secs. 301(d) and 303(a) of Public Law 95-216. In paragraph (3), sec. 302(b) of Public Law 95-216 changed "age 72" to "age 70" effective for taxable years ending after December 31, 1981. l'aragraph (3) and (4) (B) were amended by sec. 301 (d) of Public Law 95-216. Sec. 203(f) 76 Revised April 1978 month until it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such individual rendered no substantial services in such month with respect to any trade or business the net income or loss of which is includible in computing (as provided in paragraph (5) of this subsection) his net earnings or net loss from self-employment for any taxable year. The Secre- tary shall by regulations prescribe the methods and criteria for determining whether or not an individual has rendered substantial services with respect to any trade or business. (B) An individual will be presumed, with respect to any month, to have rendered services for wages (determined as provided in paragraph (5) of this subsection) of more than the applicable exempt amount as determined under para- graph (8) until it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such individual did not render such services in such month for more than such amount.¹ (5)(A) An individual's earnings for a taxable year shall be (i) the sum of his wages for services rendered in such year and his net earnings from self-employment for such year, minus (ii) any net loss from self-employment for such year. (B) For purposes of this section— (i) an individual's net earnings from self-employment for any taxable year shall be determined as provided in section 211, except that paragraphs (1), (4), and (5) of section 211 (c) shall not apply and the gross income shall be computed by excluding the amounts provided by subparagraph (D), and (ii) an individual's net loss from self-employment for any taxable year is the excess of the deductions (plus his distribu- tive share of loss described in sections 702 (a) (9) of the In- ternal Revenue Code of 1954) taken into account under clause (i) over the gross income (plus his distributive share of in- come so described) taken into account under clause (i). (C) For purposes of this subsection, an individual's wages shall be computed without regard to the limitations as to amounts of remuneration specified in subsections (a), (g)(2), (g) (3), (h)(2), and (j) of section 209; and in making such computation services which do not constitute employment as defined in section 210, performed within the United States by the individual as an employee or performed outside the United States in the active military or naval service of the United States, shall be deemed to be employment as so defined if the remuneration for such services. 1 Paragraph (3) and (4) (B) were amended by sec. 301 (d) of Public Law 95-216. Revised April 1978 77 Sec. 203(f) is not includible in computing his net earnings or net loss from self-employment. (D) In the case of an individual- (i) who has attained the age of 65 on or before the last day of the taxable year, and (ii) who shows to the satisfaction of the Secretary that he is receiving royalties attributable to a copyright or patent obtained before the taxable year in which he attained the age of 65 and that the property to which the copyright or patent relates was created by his own personal efforts, there shall be excluded from gross income any such royalities. (6) For purposes of this subsection, wages (determined as pro- vided in paragraph (5) (C)) which, according to reports received by the Secretary, are paid to an individual during a taxable year shall be presumed to have been paid to him for services performed in such year until it is shown to the satisfication of the Secretary that they were paid for services performed in another taxable year. If such reports with respect to an individual show his wages for a calendar year, such individual's taxable year shall be pre- sumed to be a calendar year for purposes of this subsection until it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary that his taxable year is not a calendar year. (7) Where an individual's excess earnings are charged to a month and the excess earnings so charged are less than the total of the payments (without regard to such charging) to which all per- sons are entitled under section 202 for such month on the basis of his wages and self-employment income, the difference between such total and the excess so charged to such month shall be paid (if it is otherwise payable under this title) to such individual and other persons in the proportion that the benefit to which each of them is entitled (without regard to such charging, without the application of section 202 (k) (3), and prior to the application of section 203 (a)) bears to the total of the benefits to which all of them are entitled. (8) (A) Whenever the Secretary pursuant to section 215 (i) increases benefits effective with the month of June following a cost-of-living computation quarter, he shall also determine and publish in the Federal Register on or before November 1 of the calendar year in which such quarter occurs the new exempt amounts (separately stated for individuals described in subpara- graph (D) and for other individuals) which are to be applicable (unless prevented from becoming effective by subparagraph (C)) with respect to taxable years ending in (or with the close of) the calendar year after the calendar year in which such benefit in- Sec. 203 (f) Revised April 1978 78 crease is effective (or, in the case of an individual who dies during the calendar year after the calendar year in which the benefit increase is effective, with respect to such individual's taxable year which ends, upon his death, during such year).¹ (B) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (D), the exempt amount which is applicable to individuals described in such subparagraph and the exempt amount which is applicable to other individuals, for each month of a particular taxable year, shall each be whichever of the following is the larger- (i) the corresponding exempt amount which is in effect with respect to months in the taxable year in which the deter- mination under subparagraph (A) is made, or (ii) the product of the exempt amount described in clause (i) and the ratio of (I) the average of the total wages (as de- fined in regulations of the Secretary and computed without regard to the limitations specified in section 209 (a)) reported to the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate for the calen- dar year before the calendar year in which the determination under subparagraph (A) is made to (II) the average of the total wages (as so defined and computed) reported to the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate for the calendar year before the most recent calendar year in which an in- crease in the exempt amount was enacted or a determination resulting in such an increase was made under subparagraph (A), with such product, if not a multiple of $10, being rounded to the next higher multiple of $10 where such prod- uct is a multiple of $5 but not of $10 and to the nearest multi- ple of $10 in any other case. Whenever the Secretary determines that an exempt amount is to be increased in any year under this paragraph, he shall notify the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance within 30 days after the close of the base quarter (as defined in section 215 (i) (1) (A)) in such year of the estimated amount of such increase, indicating the new exempt amount, the actuarial estimates of the effect of the increase, and the ac- tuarial assumptions and methodology used in preparing such estimates.2 (C) Notwithstanding the determination of a new exempt amount by the Secretary under subparagraph (A) (and notwith- standing any publication thereof under such subparagraph or any notification thereof under the last sentence of subparagraph (B)), 1 Subparagraph (A) was amended by sec. 301 (a) of Public Law 95-216. See Appendix E for exempt amounts for each year. 2 Subparagraph (B) was amended by sec. 8(i) of Public Law 94-202 and by secs. 301(b) and 353 (a) of Public Law 95-216. Revised April 1978 79 Sec. 203(g) such new exempt amount shall not take effect pursuant thereto if during the calendar year in which such determination is made a law increasing the exempt amount is enacted. (D) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, the exempt amount which is applicable to an individual who has attained age 65 before the close of the taxable year involved- (i) shall be $333.331% for each month of any taxable year ending after 1977 and before 1979, (ii) shall be $375 for each month of any taxable year ending after 1978 and before 1980, (iii) shall be $416.66% for each month of any taxable year ending after 1979 and before 1981, (iv) shall be $458.33% for each month of any taxable year ending after 1980 and before 1982, and (v) shall be $500 for each month of any taxable year end- ing after 1981 and before 1983.¹ Penalty for Failure to Report Certain Events (g) Any individual in receipt of benefits subject to deduction under subsection (c) (or who is in receipt of such benefits on behalf of an- other individual), because of the occurrence of an event specified there- in, who fails to report such occurrence to the Secretary prior to the receipt and acceptance of an insurance benefit for the second month following the month in which such event occurred, shall suffer de- ductions in addition to those imposed under subsection (c) as follows: (1) if such failure is the first one with respect to which an additional deduction is imposed by this subsection, such addi- tional deduction shall be equal to his benefit or benefits for the first month of the period for which there is a failure to report even though such failure is with respect to more than one month; (2) if such failure is the second one with respect to which an additional deduction is imposed by this subsection, such additional deduction shall be equal to two times his benefit or benefits for the first month of the period for which there is a failure to report even though such failure is with respect to more than two months; and (3) if such failure is the third or a subsequent one for which an additional deduction is imposed under this subsection, such additional deduction shall be equal to three times his benefit or benefits for the first month of the period for which there is a failure to report even though the failure to report is with respect to more than three months; 1 Subparagraph (D) was added by sec. 301(c)(1) of Public Law 95-216. See also sec. 301 (c) (2) of Public Law 95-216 which is printed in this document on p. 805. Sec. 203(g) 79-A Revised April 1978 except that the number of additional deductions required by this sub- section shall not exceed the number of months in the period for which there is a failure to report. As used in this subsection, the term "period for which there is a failure to report" with respect to any individual means the period for which such individual received and accepted in- surance benefits under section 202 without making a timely report and for which deductions are required under subsection (c). Report of Earnings to Secretary (h)(1)(A) If an individual is entitled to any monthly insurance benefit under section 202 during any taxable year in which he has earnings or wages, as computed pursuant to paragraph (5) of subsec- tion (f), in excess of the product of the applicable exempt amount as determined under subsection (f) (8) times the number of months in such year, such individual (or the individual who is in receipt of such benefit on his behalf) shall make a report to the Secretary of his earnings (or wages) for such taxable year. Such report shall be made on or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month following the close of such year, and shall contain such information and be made in such manner as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe. Such report need not be made for any taxable year (i) beginning with or after the month in which such individual attained age 70,¹ or (ii) if benefit payments for all months (in such taxable year) in which such individual is under age 701 have been suspended under the provisions. of the first sentence of paragraph (3) of this subsection. The Secretary may grant a reasonable extension of time for making the report of earnings required in this paragraph if he finds that there is valid rea- son for a delay, but in no case may the period be extended more than three months.2 (B) If the benefit payments of an individual have been suspended for all months in any taxable year under the provisions of the first sentence of paragraph (3) of this subsection, no benefit payments shall be made to such individual for any such month in such taxable year after the expiration of the period of three years, three months, and fifteen days following the close of such taxable year unless within such period the individual, or some other person entitled to benefits under this title on the basis of the same wages and self-government income, files with the Secretary information showing that a benefit for such month is payable to such individual. (2) If an individual fails to make a report required under para- graph (1), within the time prescribed by or in accordance with such paragraph, for any taxable year and any deduction is imposed under 1 Sec. 302(c) of Public Law 95-216 changed "72" to "70" effective for taxable years ending after Dec. 31, 1981. 2 Subparagraph (A) was also amended by sec. 301 (d) of Public Law 95–216. Revised April 1978 79-B Sec. 203(h) subsection (b) by reason of his earnings for such year, he shall suffer additional deductions as follows: (A) if such failure is the first one with respect to which an additional deduction is imposed under this paragraph, such addi- tional deduction shall be equal to his benefit or benefits for the last month of such year for which he was entitled to a benefit under section 202, except that if the deduction imposed under sub- section (b) by reason of his earnings for such year is less than the amount of his benefit (or benefits) for the last month of such year for which he was entitled to a benefit under section 202, the additional deduction shall be equal to the amount of the deduc- tion imposed under subsection (b) but not less than $10; (B) if such failure is the second one for which an additional deduction is imposed under this paragraph, such additional de- duction shall be equal to two times his benefit or benefits for the last month of such year for which he was entitled to a benefit under section 202; (C) if such failure is the third or a subsequent one for which an additional deduction is imposed under this paragraph, such additional deduction shall be equal to three times his benefit or benefits for the last month of such year for which he was entitled to a benefit under section 202; except that the number of the additional deductions required by this paragraph with respect to a failure to report earnings for a taxable year shall not exceed the number of months in such year for which such individual received and accepted insurance benefits under section 202 and for which deductions are imposed under subsection (b) by reason of his earnings. In determining whether a failure to report earnings is the first or a subsequent failure for any individual, all taxable years ending prior to the imposition of the first additional deduction under this paragraph, other than the latest one of such years, shall be disregarded. (3) If the Secretary determines, on the basis of information ob- tained by or submitted to him, that it may reasonably be expected that an individual entitled to benefits under section 202 for any tax- able year will suffer deductions imposed under subsection (b) by reason of his earnings for such year, the Secretary may, before the close of such taxable year, suspend the total or less than the total payment for each month in such year (or for only such months as the Secretary may specify) of the benefits payable on the basis of such individual's wages and self-employment income; and such suspension shall remain in effect with respect to the benefits for any month until the Secretary has determined whether or not any deduction is imposed for such month under subsection (b). The Secretary is authorized, Sec. 203 (h) 79-C Revised April 1978 before the close of the taxable year of an individual entitled to benefits during such year, to request of such individual that he make, at such time or times as the Secretary may specify, a declaration of his estimated earnings for the taxable year and that he furnish to the Secretary such other information with respect to such earnings as the Secretary may specify. A failure by such individual to comply with any such request shall in itself constitute justification for a deter- mination under this paragraph that it may reasonably be expected that the individual will suffer deductions imposed under subsection (b) by reason of his earnings for such year. If, after the close of a taxable year of an individual entitled to benefits under section 202 for such year, the Secretary requests such individual to furnish a report of his earnings (as computed pursuant to paragraph (5) of subsection (f)) for such taxable year or any other information with respect to such earnings which the Secretary may specify, and the individual fails to comply with such request, such failure shall in itself constitute justification for a determination that such individual's benefits are subject to deductions under subsection (b) for each month in such taxable year (or only for such months thereof as the Secretary may specify) by reason of his earnings for such year. Circumstances Under Which Deductions and Reductions not Required (i) In the case of any individual, deductions by reason of the provi- sions of subsection (b), (c), (g), or (h) of this section, or the provi- sions of section 222(b), shall, notwithstanding such provisions, be made from the benefit to which such individual is entitled only to the extent that such deductions reduce the total amount which would oth- erwise be paid, on the basis of the same wages and self-employment income, to such individual and the other individuals living in the same household. Attainment of Age Seventy¹ (j) For the purposes of this section, an individual shall be con- sidered as seventy years of age during the entire month in which he attains such age. 1 Noncovered Remunerative Activity Outside the United States (k) An individual shall be considered to be engaged in noncovered remunerative activity outside the United States if he performs serv- ices outside the United States as an employee and such services do not constitute employment as defined in section 210 and are not per- formed in the active military or naval service of the United States, or if he carries on a trade or business outside the United States (other 1 Sec. 302 (a) and (d) changed "seventy-two" to "seventy" effective for taxable years ending after Dec. 31, 1981. Revised April 1978 79-D Sec. 204(a) than the performance of service as an employee) the net income or loss of which (1) is not includible in computing his net earnings from self-employment for a taxable year and (2) would not be excluded from net earnings from self-employment, if carried on in the United States, by any of the numbered paragraphs of section 211(a). When used in the preceding sentence with respect to a trade or business (other than the performance of service as an employee), the term "United States" does not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, or American Samoa in the case of an alien who is not a resident of the United States (including the Common- wealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Sa- moa) and the term "trade or business" shall have the same meaning as when used in Section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. Ga Good Cause for Failure To Make Reports Required (1) The failure of an individual to make any report required by sub- section (g) or (h) (1) (A) within the time prescribed therein shall not be regarded as such a failure if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary that he had good cause for failing to make such report within such time. The determination of what constitutes good cause for purposes of this subsection shall be made in accordance with regu- lations of the Secretary. Overpayments and Underpayments Sec. 204. (a) Whenever the Secretary finds that more or less than the correct amount of payment has been made to any person under this title, proper adjustment or recovery shall be made, under regu- lations prescribed by the Secretary, as follows: (1) With respect to payment to a person of more than the correct amount, the Secretary shall decrease any payment under this title to which such overpaid person is entitled, or shall require such over- paid person or his estate to refund the amount in excess of the correct amount, or shall decrease any payment under this title payable to his estate or to any other person on the basis of the wages and self-employ- ment income which were the basis of the payments to such overpaid person, or shall apply any combination of the foregoing. A payment made under this title on the basis of an erroneous report of death by the Department of Defense of an individual in the line of duty while he is a member of the uniformed services (as defined in section 210 (m)) on active duty (as defined in section 210(1)) shall not be con- sidered an incorrect payment for any month prior to the month such Department notifies the Secretary that such individual is alive. Sec. 204(a) Revised April 1978 79-E (2) With respect to payment to a person less than the correct amount, the Secretary shall make payment of the balance of the amount due such underpaid person, or, if such person dies before payments are completed or before negotiating one or more checks. representing correct payments, disposition of the amount due shall be made in accordance with subsection (d). (b) In any case in which more than the correct amount of payment has been made, there shall be no adjustment of payments to, or recov- ery by the United States from, any person who is without fault if such adjustment or recovery would defeat the purpose of this title or would be against equity and good conscience. (c) No certifying or disbursing officer shall be held liable for any amount certified or paid by him to any person where the adjustment or recovery of such amount is waived under subsection (b), or where adjustment under subsection (a) is not completed prior to the death of all persons against whose benefits deductions are authorized. (d) If an individual dies before any payment due him under this title is completed, payment of the amount due (including the amount of any unnegotiated checks) shall be made (1) to the person, if any, who is determined by the Secretary to be the surviving spouse of the deceased individual and who either (i) was living in the same household with the deceased at the time of his death or (ii) was, for the month in which the deceased individual died, entitled to a monthly benefit on the basis of the same wages and self-employment income as was the de- ceased individual; (2) if there is no person who meets the requirements of para- graph (1), or if the person who meets such requirements dies before the payment due him under this title is completed, to the child or children, if any, of the deceased individual who were, for the month in which the deceased individual died, entitled to monthly benefits on the basis of the same wages and self-employ- ment income as was the deceased individual (and, in case there is more than one such child, in equal parts to each such child); (3) if there is no person who meets the requirements of para- graph (1) or (2), or if each person who meets such requirements dies before the payment due him under this title is completed, to the parent or parents, if any, of the deceased individual who were, for the month in which the deceased individual died, en- titled to monthly benefits on the basis of the same wages and self- employment income as was the deceased individual (and, in case there is more than one such parent, in equal parts to each such parent); Revised April 1978 Sec. 205(b) 79-F (4) if there is no person who meets the requirements of para- graph (1), (2), or (3), or if each person who meets such require- ments dies before the payment due him under this title is com- pleted, to the person, if any, determined by the Secretary to be the surviving spouse of the deceased individual; (5) if there is no person who meets the requirements of para- graph (1), (2), (3), or (4), or if each person who meets such requirements dies before the payment due him under this title is completed, to the person or persons, if any, determined by the Secretary to be the child or children of the deceased individual (and, in case there is more than one such child, in equal parts to each such child); J (6) if there is no person who meets the requirements of para- graph (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5), or if each person who meets such requirements dies before the payment due him under this title is completed, to the parent or parents, if any, of the deceased in- dividual (and, in case there is more than one such parent, in equal parts to each such parent); or sagl (7) if there is no person who meets the requirements of para- graph (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), or (6), or if each person who meets such requirements dies before the payment due him under this title is completed, to the legal representative of the estate of the deceased individual, if any. Evidence, Procedure, and Certification for Payment Sec. 205. (a) The Secretary shall have full power and authority to make rules and regulations and to establish procedures, not inconsist- ent with the provisions of this title, which are necessary or appropri- ate to carry out such provisions, and shall adopt reasonable and proper rules and regulations to regulate and provide for the nature and extent of the proofs and evidence and the method of taking and furnishing the same in order to establish the right to benefits here- under. (b) The Secretary is directed to make findings of fact, and decisions as to the rights of any individual applying for a payment under this title. Upon request by any such individual or upon request by a wife, divorced wife, widow, surviving divorced wife, surviving divorced mother, husband, widower, child, or parent who makes a showing in writing that his or her rights may be prejudiced by any decision the Secretary has rendered, he shall give such applicant and such other individual reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing with re- spect to such decision, and, if a hearing is held, shall, on the basis of 21-746 O - 78 - 7 Sec. 205(b) Revised April 1978 79-G evidence adduced at the hearing, affirm, modify, or reverse his findings of fact and such decision. Any such request with respect to such a de- cision must be filed within sixty days after notice of such decision is received by the individual making such request. The Secretary is further authorized, on his own motion, to hold such hearings and to conduct such investigations and other proceedings as he may deem necessary or proper for the administration of this title. In the course of any hearing, investigation, or other proceeding, he may administer oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses, and receive evidence. Evi- dence may be received at any hearing before the Secretary even though inadmissible under rules of evidence applicable to court procedure.¹ 1 (c) (1) For the purposes of this subsection- (A) The term "year" means a calendar year when used with respect to wages and a taxable year when used with respect to self- employment income.2 (B) The term "time limitation" means a period of three years, three months, and fifteen days. (C) The term "survivor" means an individual's spouse, sur- viving divorced wife, surviving divorced mother, child, or parent, who survives such individual. (D) The term "period" when used with respect to self-employ- ment income means a taxable year and when used with respect to wages means- (i) a quarter if wages were reported or should have been reported on a quarterly basis on tax returns filed with the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate under section 6011 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or regulations there- under (or on reports filed by a State under section 218 (e) or regulations thereunder), (ii) a year if wages were reported or should have been reported on a yearly basis on such tax returns or reports, or (iii) the half year beginning January 1 or July 1 in the case of wages which were reported or should have been reported for calendar year 1937.3 (2) (A) On the basis of information obtained by or submitted to the Secretary, and after such verification thereof as he deems necessary, the Secretary shall establish and maintain records of the amounts of wages paid to, and the amounts of self-employment income derived by, each individual and of the periods in which such wages were paid and such income was derived and, upon request, shall inform any in- 1 The third sentence of section 205(b) was amended by section 4 of Public Law 94-202 effective Mar. 1, 1976. Prior to that date, the appeal period is six months. 2 Subparagraph (A) was amended by sec. 353(f) (2) (A) of Public Law 95-216. 3 Subparagraph (D) was added by sec. 353 (f) (2) (B) of Public Law 95–216. Revised April 1978 79-H Sec. 205(c) dividual or his survivor, or the legal representative of such individual or his estate, of the amounts of wages and self-employment income of such individual and the periods during which such wages were paid and such income was derived, as shown by such records at the time of such request. (B) (i) In carrying out his duties under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall take affirmative measures to assure that social security account numbers will, to the maximum extent practicable, be assigned to all members of appropriate groups or categories of individuals by assigning such numbers (or ascertaining that such numbers have al- ready been assigned): (I) to aliens at the time of their lawful admission to the United States either for permanent residence or under other authority of law permitting them to engage in employment in the United States and to other aliens at such time as their status is so changed as to make it lawful for them to engage in such employment; (II) to any individual who is an applicant for or recipient of benefits under any program financed in whole or in part from Federal funds including any child on whose behalf such benefits are claimed by another person; and (III) to any other individual when it appears that he could have been but was not assigned an account number under the pro- visions of subclauses (I) or (II) but only after such investiga- tion as is necessary to establish to the satisfaction of the Secretary, the identity of such individual, the fact that an account number has not already been assigned to such individual, and the fact that such individual is a citizen or a noncitizen who is not, because of his alien status, prohibited from engaging in employment; and, in carrying out such duties, the Secretary is authorized to take affirmative measures to assure the issuance of social security numbers: (IV) to or on behalf of children who are below school age at the request of their parents or guardians; and (V) to children of school age at the time of their first enroll- ment in school. (ii) The Secretary shall require of applicants for social security account numbers such evidence as may be necessary to establish the age, Sec. 205(c) 80 citizenship, or alien status, and true identity of such applicants, and to determine which (if any) social security account number has previ- ously been assigned to such individual. (iii) In carrying out the requirements of this subparagraph, the Sec- retary shall enter into such agreements as may be necessary with the Attorney General and other officials and with State and local wel- fare agencies and school authorities (including non-public school authorities). (C) (i) It is the policy of the United States that any State (or political subdivision thereof) may, in the administration of any tax, general public assistance, driver's license, or motor vehicle registration law within its jurisdiction, utilize the social security account numbers issued by the Secretary for the purpose of establishing the identifica- tion of individuals affected by such law, and may require any individ- ual who is or appears to be so affected to furnish to such State (or political subdivision thereof (or any agency thereof having adminis- trative responsibility for the law involved, the social security account number (or numbers, if he has more than one such number) issued to him by the Secretary. (ii) If and to the extent that any provision of Federal law hereto- fore enacted is inconsistent with the policy set forth in clause (i) of this subparagraph, such provision shall, on and after the date of the enactment of this subparagraph, be null, void, and of no effect. (iii) For purposes of clause (i) of this subparagraph, an agency of a State (or political subdivision thereof) charged with the adminis- tration of any general public assistance, driver's license, or motor vehicle registration law which did not use the social security account number for identification under a law or regulation adopted before January 1, 1975, may require an individual to disclose his or her social security number to such agency solely for the purpose of administer- ing the laws referred to in clause (i) above and for the purpose of responding to requests for information from an agency operating pur- suant to the provisions of part A or D of title IV of the Social Security Act. (iv) For purposes of this subparagraph, the term "State" includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Vir- gin Islands, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.¹ (3) The Secretary's record shall be evidence for the purpose of pro- ceedings before the Secretary or any court of the amounts of wages paid to, and self-employment income derived by, an individual and of the periods in which such wages were paid and such income was de- 1 Subparagraph (C) was added by section 1211(b) of Public Law 94-455. 81 Sec. 205(c) rived. The absence of an entry in such records as to wages alleged to have been paid to, or as to self-employment income alleged to have been derived by, an individual in any period shall be evidence that no such alleged wages were paid to, or that no such alleged income was derived by, such individual during such period. (4) Prior to the expiration of the time limitation following any year the Secretary may, if it is brought to his attention that any entry of wages or self-employment income in his records for such year is erroneous or that any item of wages or self-employment income for such year has been omitted from such records, correct such entry or include such omitted item in his records, as the case may be. After the expiration of the time limitation following any year- (A) the Secretary's records (with changes, if any, made pur- suant to paragraph (5)) of the amounts of wages paid to, and self-employment income derived by, an individual during any period in such year shall be conclusive for the purposes of this title; (B) the absence of an entry in the Secretary's records as to the wages alleged to have been paid by an employer to an individual during any period in such year shall be presumptive evidence for the purposes of this title that no such alleged wages were paid to such individual in such period; and (C) the absence of an entry in the Secretary's records as to the self-employment income alleged to have been derived by an indi- vidual in such year shall be conclusive for the purposes of this title that no such alleged self-employment income was derived by such individual in such year unless it is shown that he filed a tax return of his self-employment income for such year before the expiration of the time limitation following such year, in which case the Secretary shall include in his records the self-employ- ment income of such individual for such year. (5) After the expiration of the time limitation following any year in which wages were paid or alleged to have been paid to, or self- employment income was derived or alleged to have been derived by, an individual, the Secretary may change or delete any entry with respect to wages or self-employment income in his records of such year for such individual or include in his records of such year for such indi- vidual any omitted item of wages or self-employment income but only- - (A) if an application for monthly benefits or for a lump-sum death payment was filed within the time limitation following such year; except that no such change, deletion, or inclusion may be made pursuant to this subparagraph after a final decision upon the application for monthly benefits or lump-sum death payment; Sec. 205(c) 82 (B) if within the time limitation following such year an in- dividual or his survivor makes a request for a change or deletion, or for an inclusion of an omitted item, and alleges in writing that the Secretary's records of the wages paid to, or the self-employ- ment income derived by, such individual in such year are in one or more respects erroneous; except that no such change, deletion, or inclusion may be made pursuant to this subparagraph after a final decision upon such request. Written notice of the Secretary's de- cision on any such request shall be given to the individual who made the request; (C) to correct errors apparent on the face of such records; (D) to transfer items to records of the Railroad Retirement Board if such items were credited under this title when they should have been credited under the Railroad Retirement Act, or to enter items transferred by the Railroad Retirement Board which have been credited under the Railroad Retirement Act when they should have been credited under this title; (E) to delete or reduce the amount of any entry which is er- roneous as a result of fraud; (F) to conform his records to- (i) tax returns or portions thereof (including information returns and other written statements) filed with the Commis- sioner of Internal Revenue under title VIII of the Social Security Act, under subchapter E of chapter 1 or subchapter A of chapter 9 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, under chapter 2 or 21 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or under regulations made under authority of such title, sub- chapter, or chapter; (ii) wage reports filed by a State pursuant to an agree- ment under section 218 or regulations of the Secretary, there- under; or (iii) assessments of amounts due under an agreement pur- suant to section 218, if such assessments are made within the period specified in subsection (q) of such section, or allow- ances of credits or refunds of overpayments by a State under an agreement pursuant to such section; except that no amount of self-employment income of an individ- ual for any taxable year (if such return or statement was filed after the expiration of the time limitation following the taxable year) shall be included in the Secretary's records pursuant to this subparagraph; (G) to correct errors made in the allocation, to individuals or periods, of wages or self-employment income entered in the rec- ords of the Secretary; G 83 Sec. 205(d) (H) to include wages paid during any period in such year to an individual by an employer if there is an absence of an entry in the Secretary's records of wages having been paid by such employer to such individual in such period; (I) to enter items which constitute remuneration for employ- ment under subsection (o), such entries to be in accordance with certified reports of records made by the Railroad Retirement Board pursuant to section 5(k) (3) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937; or (J) to include self-employment income for any taxable year, up to, but not in excess of, the amount of wages deleted by the Secretary as payments erroneously included in such records as wages paid to such individual, if such income (or net earnings from self-employment), not already included in such records as self-employment income, is included in a return or statement (re- ferred to in subparagraph (F)) filed before the expiration of the time limitation following the taxable year in which such deletion of wages is made. (6) Written notice of any deletion or reduction under paragraph (4) or (5) shall be given to the individual whose record is involved or to his survivor, except that (A) in the case of a deletion or reduction with respect to any entry of wages such notice shall be given to such individual only if he has previously been notified by the Secretary of the amount of his wages for the period involved, and (B) such notice shall be given to such survivor only if he or the individual whose record is involved has previously been notified by the Secretary of the amount of such individual's wages and self-employment income for the period involved. (7) Upon request in writing (within such period, after any change or refusal of a request for a change of his records pursuant to this subsection, as the Secretary may prescribe), opportunity for hearing with respect to such change or refusal shall be afforded to any individ- ual named therein, or by registered mail or by certified mail the Secretary shall make findings of fact and a decision based upon the evidence adduced at such hearing and shall include any omitted items, or change or delete any entry, in his records as may be required by such findings and decision. (8) Decisions of the Secretary under this subsection shall be review- able by commencing a civil action in the United States district court as provided in subsection (g). (d) For the purpose of any hearing, investigation, or other pro- ceeding authorized or directed under this title, or relative to any other matter within his jurisdiction hereunder, the Secretary shall have power to issue subpenas requiring the attendance and testimony C Sec. 205(d) 84 of witnesses and the production of any evidence that relates to any matter under investigation or in question before the Secretary. Such attendance of witnesses and production of evidence at the designated place of such hearing, investigation, or other proceeding may be re- quired from any place in the United States or in any Territory or possession thereof. Subpenas of the Secretary shall be served by any- one authorized by him (1) by delivering a copy thereof to the individ- ual named therein, or (2) by registered mail or by certified mail ad- dressed to such individual at his last dwelling place or principal place of business. A verified return by the individual so serving the subpena setting forth the manner of service, or, in the case of service by reg- istered mail or by certified mail, the return post-office receipt therefor signed by the individual so served, shall be proof of service. Witnesses so subpenaed shall be paid the same fees and mileage as are paid wit- nesses in the district courts of the United States. - (e) In case of contumacy by, or refusal to obey a subpena duly served upon, any person, any district court of the United States for the judicial district in which said person charged with contumacy or re- fusal to obey is found or resides or transacts business, upon application by the Secretary, shall have jurisdiction to issue an order requiring such person to appear and give testimony, or to appear and produce evidence, or both; any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by said court as contempt thereof. (f) [Repealed.] (g) Any individual, after any final decision of the Secretary made after a hearing to which he was a party, irrespective of the amount in controversy, may obtain a review of such decision by a civil action commenced within sixty days after the mailing to him of notice of such decision or within such further time as the Secretary may allow. Such action shall be brought in the district court of the United States for the judicial district in which the plaintiff resides, or has his princi- pal place of business, or, if he does not reside or have his principal place of business within any such judicial district, in the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia. As part of his an- swer the Secretary shall file a certified copy of the transcript of the record including the evidence upon which the findings and decision complained of are based. The court shall have power to enter, upon the pleadings and transcript of the record, a judgment affirming, modi- fying, or reversing the decision of the Secretary, with or without remanding the case for a rehearing. The findings of the Secretary as to any fact, if supported by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive, and where a claim has been denied by the Secretary or a decision is rendered under subsection (b) hereof which is adverse to an individual who was a party to the hearing before the Secretary, because of failure 85 Sec. 205 (i) of the claimant or such individual to submit proof in conformity with any regulation prescribed under subsection (a) hereof, the court shall review only the question of conformity with such regulations and the validity of such regulations. The court shall, on motion of the Secre- tary made before he files his answer, remand the case to the Secretary for further action by the Secretary, and may, at any time, on good cause shown, order additional evidence to be taken before the Secre- tary, and the Secretary shall, after the case is remanded, and after hearing such additional evidence if so ordered, modify or affirm his findings of fact or his decision, or both, and shall file with the court. any such additional and modified findings of fact and decision, and a transcript of the additional record and testimony upon which his ac- tion in modifying or affirming was based. Such additional or modified findings of fact and decision shall be reviewable only to the extent provided for review of the original findings of fact and decision. The judgment of the court shall be final except that it shall be subject to review in the same manner as a judgment in other civil actions. Any action instituted in accordance with this subsection shall survive not- withstanding any change in the person occupying the office of Secre- tary or any vacancy in such office. (h) The findings and decision of the Secretary after a hearing shall be binding upon all individuals who were parties to such hearing. No findings of fact or decision of the Secretary shall be reviewed by any person, tribunal, or governmental agency except as herein provided. No action against the United States, the Secretary, or any officer or employee threof shall be brought under Section 24 of the Judicial Code of the United States to recover on any claim arising under this title. (i) Upon final decision of the Secretary, or upon final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, that any person is entitled to any payment or payments under this title, the Secretary shall certify to the Managing Trustee the name and address of the person so entitled to receive such payment or payments, the amount of such payment or payments, and the time at which such payment or payments should be made, and the Managing Trustee, through the Fiscal Service of the Treasury Department, and prior to any action thereon by the General Accounting Office, shall make payment in accordance with the certifi- cation of the Secretary (except that in the case of (A) an individual who will have completed ten years of service creditable under the Rail- road Retirement Act of 1937 or the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, (B) the wife or husband of such an individual, (C) any survivor of such an individual if such survivor is entitled, or could upon applica- tion become entitled, to an annuity under section 2 of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, and (D) any other person entitled to benefits Sec. 205(i) 86 + under section 202 of this Act on the basis of the wages and self-employ ment income of such an individual (except a survivor of such an indi vidual where such individual did not have a current connection with the railroad industry, as defined in the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, at the time of his death), such certification shall be made to the Railroad Retirement Board which shall provide for such payment or payments to such person on behalf of the Managing Trustee in accord- ance with the provisions of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974): Provided, That where a review of the Secretary's decision is or may be sought under subsection (g) the Secretary may withhold certifica- tion of payment pending such review. The Managing Trustee shall not be held personally liable for any payment or payments made in accordance with a certification by the Secretary. (j) When it appears to the Secretary that the interest of an appli- cant entitled to a payment would be served thereby, certification of payment may be made, regardless of the legal competency or incompe- tency of the individual entitled thereto, either for direct payment to such applicant, or for his use and benefit to a relative or some other person. (k) Any payment made after December 31, 1939, under conditions set forth in subsection (j), any payment made before January 1, 1940, to, or on behalf of, a legally incompetent individual, and any payment made after December 31, 1939, to a legally incompetent individual without knowledge by the Secretary of incompetency prior to certifi- cation of payment, if otherwise valid under this title, shall be a com- plete settlement and satisfaction of any claim, right, or interest in and to such payment. (1) The Secretary is authorized to delegate to any member, officer, or employee of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare designated by him any of the powers conferred upon him by this sec- tion, and is authorized to be represented by his own attorneys in any court in any case or proceeding arising under the provisions of sub- section (e). (m) [Repealed.] (n) The Secretary may, in his discretion, certify to the Managing Trustee any two or more individuals of the same family for joint pay- ment of the total benefits payable to such individuals for any month, and if one of such individuals dies before a check representing such joint payment is negotiated, payment of the amount of such unnegoti- ated check to the surviving individual or individuals may be author- ized in accordance with regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury; except that appropriate adjustment or recovery shall be made under section 204 (a) with respect to so much of the amount of such check as Revised April 1978 87 Sec. 205(p) exceeds the amount to which such surviving individual or individuals are entitled under this title for such month. Crediting of Compensation Under the Railroad Retirement Act (0) If there is no person who would be entitled, upon application therefor, to an annuity under section 2 of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, or to a lump-sum payment under section 6(b) of such Act with respect to the death of an employee (as defined in such Act), then, notwithstanding section 210(a)(9) of this Act, compensation (as defined in such Railroad Retirement Act, but excluding com- pensation attributable as having been paid during any month on account of military service creditable under section 3 (i) of such Act if wages are deemed to have been paid to such employee during such month under subsection (a) or (e) of section 217 of this Act) of such employee shall constitute remuneration for employment for purposes of determining (A) entitlement to and the amount of any lump-sum death payment under this title on the basis of such employee's wages and self-employment income and (B) entitlement to and the amount of any monthly benefit under this title, for the month in which such employee died or for any month thereafter, on the basis of such wages and self-employment income. For such purposes, compensation (as so defined) paid in a calendar year before 1978 shall, in the absence of evi- dence to the contrary, be presumed to have been paid in equal propor- tions with respect to all months in the year in which the employee rendered services for such compensation.¹ Special Rules in Case of Federal Service (p) (1) With respect to service included as employment under sec- tion 210 which is performed in the employ of the United States or in the employ of any instrumentality which is wholly owned by the United States, including service, performed as a member of a uni- formed service, to which the provisions of subsection (1)(1) of such section are applicable, and including service, performed as a volunteer or volunteer leader within the meaning of the Peace Corps Act, to which the provisions of section 210(o) are applicable, the Secretary shall not make determinations as to whether an individual has per- formed such service, the periods of such service, the amounts of re- muneration for such service which constitute wages under the provi- sions of section 209, or the periods in which or for which such wages were paid, but shall accept the determinations with respect thereto of the head of the appropriate Federal agency or instrumentality, and of such agents as such head may designate, as evidenced by returns filed in accordance with the provisions of section 3122 of the Internal ¹ Subsection (o) was amended by sec. 353(f) (2) (C) of Public Law 95-216. Sec. 205(p) 88 Revenue Code of 1954 and certifications made pursuant to this sub- section. Such determinations shall be final and conclusive. (2) The head of any such agency or instrumentality is authorized and directed, upon written request of the Secretary, to make certifica- tion to him with respect to any matter determinable for the Secretary by such head or his agents under this subsection, which the Secretary finds necessary in administering this title. (3) The provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be applicable in the case of service performed by a civilian employee, not compensated from funds appropriated by the Congress, in the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service, Navy Exchanges, Marine Corps Exchanges, or other activities, conducted by an instrumentality of the United States subject to the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense, at installations of the Department of Defense for the comfort, pleasure, contentment, and mental and physical im- provement of personnel of such Department; and for purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2) the Secretary of Defense shall be deemed to be the head of such instrumentality. The provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be applicable also in the case of service performed by a civilian employee, not compensated from funds appropriated by the Congress, in the Coast Guard Exchanges or other activities, con- ducted by an instrumentality of the United States subject to the juris- diction of the Secretary of the Treasury, at installations of the Coast Guard for the comfort, pleasure, contentment, and mental and physical improvement of personnel of the Coast Guard; and for purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2) the Secretary of the Treasury shall be deemed to be the head of such instrumentality. Expedited Benefit Payments (q) (1) The Secretary shall establish and put into effect procedures under which expedited payment of monthly insurance benefits under this title will, subject to paragraph (4) of this subsection, be made as set forth in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection. (2) In any case in which- (A) an individual makes an allegation that a monthly benefit under this title was due him in a particular month but was not paid to him, and (B) such individual submits a written request for the payment of such benefit- (i) in the case of an individual who received a regular monthly benefit in the month preceding the month with re- spect to which such allegation is made, not less than 30 days after the 15th day of the month with respect to which such allegation is made (and in the event that such request is sub- mitted prior to the expiration of such 30-day period, it shall 89 Sec. 206(a) be deemed to have been submitted upon the expiration of such period), and (ii) in any other case, not less than 90 days after the later of (I) the date on which such benefit is alleged to have been due, or (II) the date on which such individual furnished the last information requested by the Secretary (and such written request will be deemed to be filed on the day on which it was filed, or the ninetieth day after the first day on which the Secretary has evidence that such allegation is true, which- ever is later), the Secretary shall, if he finds that benefits are due, certify such benefits for payment, and payment shall be made within 15 days immediately following the date on which the written request is deemed to have been filed. (3) In any case in which the Secretary determines that there is evidence, although additional evidence might be required for a final decision, that an allegation described in paragraph (2) (A) is true, he may make a preliminary certification of such benefit for payment even though the 30-day or 90-day periods described in paragraph (2) (B) (i) and (B) (ii) have not elapsed. (4) Any payment made pursuant to a certification under paragraph (3) of this subsection shall not be considered an incorrect payment for purposes of determining the liability of the certifying or disbursing officer. (5) For purposes of this subsection, benefits payable under section 228 shall be treated as monthly insurance benefits payable under this title. However, this subsection shall not apply with respect to any benefit for which a check has been negotiated, or with respect to any benefit alleged to be due under either section 223, or section 202 to a wife, husband, or child of an individual entitled to or applying for benefits under section 223, or to a child who has attained age 18 and is under a disability, or to a widow or widower on the basis of being under a disability. Representation of Claimants Sec. 206. (a) The Secretary may prescribe rules and regulations governing the recognition of agents or other persons, other than at- torneys as hereinafter provided, representing claimants before the Secretary, and may require of such agents or other persons, before being recognized as representatives of claimants that they shall show that they are of good character and in good repute, possessed of the necessary qualifications to enable them to render such claimants valu- able service, and otherwise competent to advise and assist such claim- ants in the presentation of their cases. An attorney in good standing W Sec. 206(a) 90 who is admitted to practice before the highest court of the State, Terri- tory, District, or insular possession of his residence or before the Su- preme Court of the United States or the inferior Federal courts, shall be entitled to represent claimants before the Secretary. The Secretary may, after due notice and opportunity for hearing, suspend or pro- hibit from further practice before him any such person, agent, or attorney who refuses to comply with the Secretary's rules and regula- tions or who violates any provision of this section for which a penalty is prescribed. The Secretary may, by rule and regulation, prescribe the maximum fees which may be charged for services performed in connection with any claim before the Secretary under this title, and any agreement in violation of such rules and regulations shall be void. Whenever the Secretary, in any claim before him for benefits under this title, makes a determination favorable to the claimant, he shall, if the claimant was represented by an attorney in connection with such claim, fix (in accordance with the regulations prescribed pursuant to the preceding sentence) a reasonable fee to compensate such attorney for the services performed by him in connection with such claim. If, as a result of such determination, such claimant is en- titled to past-due benefits under this title, the Secretary shall, notwith- standing section 205 (i), certify for payment (out of such past-due benefits) to such attorney an amount equal to whichever of the follow- ing is the smaller: (A) 25 per centum of the total amount of such past- due benefits, (B) the amount of the attorney's fee so fixed, or (C) the amount agreed upon between the claimant and such attorney as the fee for such attorney's services. Any person who shall, with intent to de- fraud, in any manner willfully and knowingly deceive, mislead, or threaten any claimant or prospective claimant or beneficiary under this title by word, circular, letter, or advertisement, or who shall knowingly charge or collect directly or indirectly any fee in excess of the maximum fee, or make any agreement directly or indirectly to charge or collect any fee in excess of the maximum fee, prescribed by the Secretary shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon con- viction thereof, shall for each offense be punished by a fine not exceed- ing $500 or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. (b) (1) Whenever a court renders a judgment favorable to a claim- ant under this title who was represented before the court by an at- torney, the court may determine and allow as part of its judgment a reasonable fee for such representation, not in excess of 25 percent of the total of the past-due benefits to which the claimant is entitled by reason of such judgment, and the Secretary may, notwithstanding the provisions of section 205 (i), certify the amount of such fee for pay- ment to such attorney out of, and not in addition to, the amount of such past-due benefits. In case of any such judgment, no other fee may 91 Sec. 208 (c) be payable or certified for payment for such representation except as provided in this paragraph. A (2) Any attorney who charges, demands, receives, or collects for services rendered in connection with proceedings before a court to which paragraph (1) is applicable any amount in excess of that al- lowed by the court thereunder shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not more than $500, or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. Assignment Sec. 207. The right of any person to any future payment under this title shall not be transferable or assignable, at law or in equity, and none of the moneys paid or payable or rights existing under this title shall be subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, or other legal process, or to the operation of any bankruptcy or insolvency law. Penalties Sec. 208. Whoever- (a) for the purpose of causing an increase in any payment author- ized to be made under this title, or for the purpose of causing any payment to be made where no payment is authorized under this title, shall make or cause to be made any false statement or representation (including any false statement or representation in connection with any matter arising under subchapter E of chapter 1, or subchapter A or E of chapter 9 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, or chapter 2 or 21 or subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954) as to- (1) whether wages were paid or received for employment (as said terms are defined in this title and the Internal Revenue Code), or the amount of wages or the period during which paid or the person to whom paid; or (2) whether net earnings from self-employment (as such term is defined in this title and in the Internal Revenue Code) were derived, or as to the amount of such net earnings or the period during which or the person by whom derived; or (3) whether a person entitled to benefits under this title had earnings in or for a particular period (as determined under sec- tion 203(f) of this title for purposes of deductions from benefits), or as to the amount thereof; or (b) makes or causes to be made any false statement or representa- tion of a material fact in any application for any payment or for a disability determination under this title; or (c) at any time makes or causes to be inade any false statement or representation of a material fact for use in determining rights to pay- ment under this title; or Sec. 208(d) 92 (d) having knowledge of the occurrence of any event affecting (1) his initial or continued right to any payment under this title, or (2) the initial or continued right to any payment of any other individual in whose behalf he has applied for or is receiving such payment, con- ceals or fails to disclose such event with an intent fraudulently to secure payment either in a greater amount than is due or when no payment is authorized; or (e) having made application to receive payment under this title for the use and benefit of another and having received such a payment, knowingly and willfully converts such a payment, or any part there- of, to a use other than for the use and benefit of such other person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both, or (f) willfully, knowingly, and with intent to deceive the Secretary as to his true identity (or the true identity of any other person) fur- nishes or causes to be furnished false information to the Secretary with respect to any information required by the Secretary in connec- tion with the establishment and maintenance of the records provided for in section 205 (c) (2); or (g) for the purpose of causing an increase in any payment author- ized under this title (or any other program financed in whole or in part from Federal funds), or for the purpose of causing a payment under this title (or any such other program) to be made when no pay- ment is authorized thereunder, or for the purpose of obtaining (for himself or any other person) any payment or any other benefit to which he (or such other person) is not entitled, or for any other purpose- (1) willfully, knowingly, and with intent to deceive, uses a social security account number, assigned by the Secretary (in the exercise of his authority under section 205 (c) (2) to establish and maintain records) on the basis of false information furnished to the Secretary by him or by any other person; or (2) with intent to deceive, falsely represents a number to be the social security account number assigned by the Secretary to him or to another person, when in fact such number is not the social security account number assigned by the Secretary to him or to such other person; or ¹1 (h) discloses, uses, or compels the disclosure of the social secu- rity number of any person in violation of the laws of the United States; 2 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. 1 Subsection (g) was amended by sections 1211(a) and (d) (2) of P.L. 94-455. * Subsection (h) was added by section 1211(d) (1) of P.L. 94-455. 93 Sec. 209(a) Definition of Wages Sec. 209. For the purposes of this title, the term "wages" means remuneration paid prior to 1951 which was wages for the purposes of this title under the law applicable to the payment of such remunera- tion, and remuneration paid after 1950 for employment, including the cash value of all remuneration paid in any medium other than cash; except that, in the case of remuneration paid after 1950, such term shall not include— (a) (1) That part of remuneration which, after remuneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding subsections of this section) equal to $3,600 with respect to employment has been paid to an individual during any calendar year prior to 1955, is paid to such individual during such calendar year; (2) That part of remuneration which, after remuneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding subsections of this section) equal to $4,200 with respect to employment has been paid to an individual during any calendar year after 1954 and prior to 1959, is paid to such individual during such calendar year; (3) That part of remuneration which, after remuneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding subsection of this section) equal to $4,800 with respect to employment has been paid to an individual during any calendar year after 1958 and prior to 1966, is paid to such individual during such calendar year; (4) That part of remuneration which, after remuneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding subsections of this section) equal to $6,600 with respect to employment has been paid to an individual during any calendar year after 1965 and prior to 1968, is paid to such individual during such calendar year; (5) That part of remuneration which, after remuneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding subsections of this section) equal to $7,800 with respect to employment has been paid to an individual during any calendar year after 1967 and prior to 1972, is paid to such individual during such calendar year; 21-746 O - 78 - 8 (6) That part of remuneration which, after remuneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding subsections of this section) equal to $9,000 with respect to employment has been paid to an individual during any calendar year after 1971 and prior to 1973 is paid to such individual during such calendar year; (7) That part of remuneration which, after remuneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding subsections of this section) equal to $10,800 with respect to employment has been paid to an individual during any calendar year after 1972 and prior to 1974, is paid to such individual during such calendar year; Sec. 209(a) 94 Revised April 1978 (8) That part of remuneration which, after remuneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding subsections of this section) equal to $13,200 with respect to employment has been paid to an individual during any calendar year after 1973 and prior to 1975, is paid to such individual during such calendar year; (9) That part of remuneration which, after remuneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding subsections of this section) equal to the contribution and benefit base (determined under section 230)¹ with respect to employment has been paid to an indi- vidual during any calendar year after 1974 with respect to which such contribution and benefit base is effective, is paid to such individual during such calendar year; (b) The amount of any payment (including any amount paid by an employer for insurance or annuities, or into a fund, to provide for any such payment) made to, or on behalf of, an employee or any of his dependents under a plan or system established by an employer which makes provision for his employees generally (or for his em- ployees generally and their dependents) or for a class or classes of his employees (or for a class or classes of his employees and their dependents), on account of (1) retirement, or (2) sickness or accident disability, or (3) medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with sickness or accident disability, or (4) death; (c) Any payment made to an employee (including any amount paid by an employer for insurance or annuities, or into a fund, to provide for any such payment) on account of retirement; (d) Any payment on account of sickness or accident disability, or medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with sickness or accident disability, made by an employer to, or on behalf of, an em- ployee after the expiration of six calendar months following the last calendar month in which the employee worked for such employer; (e) Any payment made to, or on behalf of an employee or his bene- ficiary (1) from or to a trust exempt from tax under section 165 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 at the time of such payment or, in the case of a payment after 1954, under sections 401 and 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, unless such payment is made to an employee of the trust as remuneration for services rendered as such employee and not as a beneficiary of the trust, or (2) under or to an annuity plan which, at the time of such payment, meets the require- ments of section 165 (a) (3), (4), (5), and (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, or, in the case of a payment after 1954 and prior to 1963, the requirements of section 401 (a) (3), (4), (5), and (6) of the Inter- nal Revenue Code of 1954, or (3) under or to an annuity plan which, 1 See Appendix B. Revised April 1978 95 Sec. 209(i) at the time of any such payment after 1962, is a plan described in sec- tion 403 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or (4) under or to a bond purchase plan which, at the time of any such payment after 1962, is a qualified bond purchase plan described in section 405 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; (f) The payment by an employer (without deduction from the re- muneration of the employee) (1) of the tax imposed upon an employee under section 1400 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, or in the case of a payment after 1954 under section 3101 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or (2) of any payment required from an employee under a State unemployment compensation law; (g) (1) Remuneration paid in any medium other than cash to an employee for service not in the course of the employer's trade or busi- ness or for domestic service in a private home of the employer; (2) Cash remuneration paid by an employer in any calendar quar- ter to an employee for domestic service in a private home of the em- ployer, if the cash remuneration paid in such quarter by the employer to the employee for such service is less than $50. As used in this para- graph, the term "domestic service in a private home of the employer” does not include service described in section 210(f) (5); P (3) Cash remuneration paid by an employer in any calendar year to an employee for service not in the course of the employer's trade or business, if the cash remuneration paid in such year by the em- ployer to the employee for such service is less than $100. As used in this paragraph, the term "service not in the course of the employer's trade or business" does not include domestic service in a private home of the employer and does not include service described in section 210 (f) (5); 1 (h) (1) Remuneration paid in any medium other than cash for agri- cultural labor; (2) Cash remuneration paid by an employer in any calendar year to an employee for agricultural labor unless (A) the cash remunera- tion paid in such year by the employer to the employee for such labor is $150 or more, or (B) the employee performs agricultural labor for the employer on twenty days or more during such year for cash remuneration computed on a time basis; (i) Any payment (other than vacation or sick pay) made to an em- ployee after the month in which he attains age 62 if he did not work for the employer in the period for which such payment is made. As used in this subsection, the term "sick pay" includes remuneration for service in the employ of a State, a political subdivision (as defined in section 218(b) (2)) of a State, or an instrumentality of two or more ¹ Paragraph (3) was amended by sec. 353(a) (1) and (2) of Public Law 95-216. < Sec. 209(i) 96 Revised April 1978 States, paid to an employee thereof for a period during which he was absent from work because of sickness; (j) Remuneration paid by an employer in any year to an em- ployee for service described in section 210(j) (3) (C) (relating to home workers), if the cash remuneration paid in such year by the employer to the employee for such service is less than $100; (k) Remuneration paid to or on behalf of an employee if (and to the extent that) at the time of the payment of such remuneration it is reasonable to believe that a corresponding deduction is allowable under section 217 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; (1) (1) Tips paid in any medium other than cash; (2) Cash tips received by an employee in any calendar month in the course of his employment by an employer unless the amount of such cash tips is $20 or more; (m) Any payment or series of payments by an employer to an employee or any of his dependents which is paid- (1) upon or after the termination of an employee's employ- ment relationship because of (A) death, (B) retirement for dis- ability, or (C) retirement after attaining an age specified in the plan referred to in paragraph (2) or in a pension plan of the employer, and (2) under a plan established by the employer which makes provision for his employees generally or a class or classes of his employees (or for such employees or class or classes of employees and their dependents), 1 other than any such payment or series of payments which would have been paid if the employee's employment relationship had not been so terminated; (n) Any payment made by an employer to a survivor or the estate of a former employee after the calendar year in which such employee died; (0) Any payment made by an employer to an employee, if at the time such payment is made such employee is entitled to disability in- surance benefits under section 223 (a) and such entitlement commenced prior to the calendar year in which such payment is made, and if such employee did not perform any services for such employer during the period for which such payment is made; or (p) Remuneration paid by an organization exempt from income tax under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 in any calendar year to an employee for service rendered in the employ of such organization, if the remuneration paid in such year by the orga- nization to the employee for such service is less than $100.² 1 Subsection (j) was amended by sec. 351(a)(1) and (2) of Public Law 95–216. * Subsection (p) was added by sec. 351(a) (3) (A) of Public Law 95-216. Revised April 1978 Sec. 209(p) 96-A For purposes of this title, in the case of domestic service described in subsection (g) (2), any payment of cash remuneration for such service which is more or less than a whole-dollar amount shall, under such conditions and to such extent as may be prescribed by regulations made under this title, be computed to the nearest dollar. For the purpose of • 1 97 Sec. 209 (p) the computation to the nearest dollar, the payment of a fractional part of a dollar shall be disregarded unless it amounts to one-half dollar or more, in which case it shall be increased to $1. The amount of any pay- ment of cash remuneration so computed to the nearest dollar shall, in lieu of the amount actually paid, be deemed to constitute the amount. of cash remuneration for purposes of subsection (g) (2). For purposes of this title, in the case of an individual performing service, as a member of a uniformed service, to which the provisions of section 210(1) (1) are applicable, the term "wages" shall, subject to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, include as such individ- ual's remuneration for such service only his basic pay as described in section 102 (10) of the Servicemen's and Veterans' Survivor Benefits Act. For purposes of this title, in the case of an individual performing service, as a volunteer or volunteer leader within the meaning of the Peace Corps Act, to which the provisions of section 210(o) are appli- cable, (1) the term "wages" shall, subject to the provisions of subsec- tion (a) of this section, include as such individual's remuneration for such service only amounts certified as payable pursuant to section 5 (c) or 6(1) of the Peace Corps Act, and (2) any such amount shall be deemed to have been paid to such individual at the time the service, with respect to which it is paid, is performed. For purposes of this title, tips received by an employee in the course of his employment shall be considered remuneration for employment. Such remuneration shall be deemed to be paid at the time a written statement including such tips is furnished to the employer pursuant to section 6053 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or (if no state- ment including such tips is so furnished) at the time received. For purposes of this title, in any case where an individual is a mem- ber of a religious order (as defined in section 3121 (r) (2) of the Inter- nal Revenue Code of 1954) performing service in the exercise of duties required by such order, and an election of coverage under section 3121 (r) of such Code is in effect with respect to such order or with respect to the autonomous subdivision thereof to which such member belongs, the term "wages" shall, subject to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, include as such individual's remuneration for such service the fair market value of any board, lodging, clothing, and other per- quisites furnished to such member by such order or subdivision thereof or by any other person or organization pursuant to an agree- ment with such order or subdivision, except that the amount included as such individual's remuneration under this paragraph shall not be less than $100 a month. Sec. 210(a) 98 ¡ Definition of Employment Sec. 210. For the purposes of this title— Employment (a) The term "employment" means any service performed after 1936 and prior to 1951 which was employment for the purposes of this title under the law applicable to the period in which such service was performed, and any service, of whatever nature, performed after 1950 either (A) by an employee for the person employing him, irrespective of the citizenship or residence of either, (i) within the United States, or (ii) on or in connection with an American vessel or American air- craft under a contract of service which is entered into within the United States or during the performance of which and while the employee is employed on the vessel or aircraft it touches at a port in the United States, if the employee is employed on and in connection with such vessel or aircraft when outside the United States, or (B) outside the United States by a citizen of the United States as an employee (i) of an American employer (as defined in subsection (e)), or (ii) of a foreign subsidiary (as defined in section 3121 (1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954) of a domestic corporation (as deter- mined in accordance with section 7701 of the Internal Revenue Code. of 1954) during any period for which there is in effect an agreement entered into pursuant to section 3121 (1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, with respect to such subsidiary; except that, in the case of service performed after 1950, such term shall not include- (1) Service performed by foreign agricultural workers (A) under contracts entered into in accordance with title V of the Agricultural Act of 1949, as amended, or (B) lawfully admitted to the United States from the Bahamas, Jamaica, and the other British West Indies, or from any other foreign country or posses- sion thereof, on a temporary basis to perform agricultural labor; (2) Domestic service performed in a local college club, or local chapter of a college fraternity or sorority, by a student who is enrolled and is regularly attending classes at a school, college, or university; A (3) (A) Service performed by an individual in the employ of his spouse, and service performed by a child under the age of twenty-one in the employ of his father or mother; (B) Service not in the course of the employer's trade or busi- ness, or domestic service in a private home of the employer, per- formed by an individual in the employ of his son or daughter; except that the provisions of this subparagraph shall not be applicable to such domestic service if- 99 Sec. 210(a) (i) the employer is a surviving spouse or a divorced indi- vidual and has not remarried, or has a spouse living in the home who has a mental or physical condition which results in such spouse's being incapable of caring for a son, daughter, stepson, or stepdaughter (referred to in clause (ii)) for at least 4 continuous weeks in the calendar quarter in which the service is rendered, and (ii) a son, daughter, stepson, or stepdaughter of such em- ployer is living in the home, and (iii) the son, daughter, stepson, or stepdaughter (referred to in clause (ii)) has not attained age 18 or has a mental or physical condition which requires the personal care and super- vision of an adult for at least 4 continuous weeks in the cal- lendar quarter in which the service is rendered; (4) Service performed by an individual on or in connection with a vessel not an American vessel, or on or in connection with an aircraft not an American aircraft, if (A) the individual is employed on and in connection with such vessel or aircraft when outside the United States and (B)(i) such individual is not a citizen of the United States or (ii) the employer is not an Amer- ican employer; (5) Service performed in the employ of any instrumentality of the United States, if such instrumentality is exempt from the tax imposed by section 3111 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 by virtue of any provision of law which specifically refers to such section in granting such exemption; (6) (A) Service performed in the employ of the United States or in the employ of any instrumentality of the United States, if such service is covered by a retirement system established by a law of the United States; (B) Service performed by an individual in the employ of an instrumentality of the United States if such an instrumentality was exempt from the tax imposed by section 1410 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 on December 31, 1950, and if such service is covered by a retirement system established by such instru- mentality; except that the provisions of this subparagraph shall not be applicable to- (i) service performed in the employ of a corporation which is wholly owned by the United States: (ii) service performed in the employ of a Federal land bank, a Federal intermediate credit bank, a bank for cooper- atives, a Federal land bank association, a production credit Sec. 210(a) 100 association, a Federal Reserve Bank, a Federal Home Loan Bank, or a Federal Credit Union; (iii) service performed in the employ of a State, county, or community committee under the Production and Market- ing Administration; (iv) service performed by a civilian employee, not com- pensated from funds appropriated by the Congress, in the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service, Navy Exchanges, Marine Corps Ex- changes, or other activities, conducted by an instrumentality of the United States subject to the jurisdiction of the Secre- tary of Defense, at installations of the Department of De- fense for the comfort, pleasure, contentment, and mental and physical improvement of personnel of such Department; or (v) service performed by a civilian employee, not compen- sated from funds appropriated by the Congress, in the Coast Guard Exchanges or other activities, conducted by an instru- mentality of the United States subject to the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Treasury, at installations of the Coast Guard for the comfort, pleasure, contentment, and mental and physical improvement of personnel of the Coast Guard; (C) Service performed in the employ of the United States or in the employ of any instrumentality of the United States, if such service is performed- (i) as the President or Vice President of the United States or as a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner of or to the Congress; - (ii) in the legislative branch; (iii) in a penal institution of the United States by an in- mate thereof; (iv) by any individual as an employee included under sec- tion 5351(2) of title. 5, United States Code (relating to cer- tain interns, student nurses, and other student employees of hospitals of the Federal Government), other than as a medi- cal or dental intern or a medical or dental resident in training; (v) by any individual as an employee serving on a tempo- rary basis in case of fire, storm, earthquake, flood, or other similar emergency; or (vi) by any individual to whom subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code, does not apply because such individual is subject to another retirement system other than the retirement system of the Tennessee Valley Authority); 101 Sec. 210(a) (7) Service performed in the employ of a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or any instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing which is wholly owned thereby, except that this paragraph shall not apply in the case of— (A) service included under an agreement under section 218, (B) service which, under subsection (k), constitutes covered transportation service, (C) service in the employ of the Government of Guam or the Government of American Samoa or any political subdivision thereof, or of any instrumentality of any one or more the fore- going which is wholly owned thereby, performed by an officer or employee thereof (including a member of the legislature of any such Government or political subdivision), and, for purposes of this title— (i) any person whose service as such an officer or employee is not covered by a retirement system established by a law of the United States shall not, with respect to such service, be regarded as an officer or employee of the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof, and (ii) the remuneration for service described in clause (i) (including fees paid to a public official) shall be deemed to have been paid by the Government of Guam or the Govern- ment of American Samoa or by a political subdivision thereof or an instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing which is wholly owned thereby, whichever is appropriate, (D) service performed in the employ of the District of Colum- bia or any instrumentality which is wholly owned thereby, if such service is not covered by a retirement system established by a law of the United States; except that the provisions of this sub- paragraph shall not be applicable to service performed— (i) in a hospital or penal institution by a patient or inmate thereof; (ii) by any individual as an employee included under sec- tion 5351 (2) of title 5, United States Code (relating to certain interns, student nurses, and other student employees of hos- pitals of the District of Columbia Government), other than as a medical or dental intern or as a medical or dental resident in training; (iii) by any individual as an employee serving on a tem- porary basis in case of fire, storm, snow, earthquake, flood, or other similar emergency; or (iv) by a member of a board, committee, or council of the Sec. 210(a) 102 District of Columbia, paid on a per diem, meeting, or other fee basis, or (E) service performed in the employ of the Government of Guam (or any instrumentality which is wholly owned by such Government) by an employee properly classified as a temporary or intermittent employee, if such service is not covered by a re- tirement system established by a law of Guam; except that (i) the provisions of this subparagraph shall not be applicable to services performed by an elected official or a member of the legis- lature or in a hospital or penal institution by a patient or inmate thereof, and (ii) for purposes of this subparagraph, clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (C) shall apply; (8) (A) Service performed by a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a church in the exercise of his ministry or by a member of a religious order in the exercise of duties required by such order, except that this subparagraph shall not apply to service performed by a member of such an order in the exercise of such duties, if an election of coverage under section 3121 (r) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 is in effect with respect to such order, or with respect to the autonomous subdivision thereof to which such member belongs; (B) Service performed in the employ of a religious, charitable, educational, or other organization described in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, which is exempt from in- come tax under section 501(a) of such Code, but this subpara- graph shall not apply to service performed during the period for which a certificate, filed pursuant to section 3121(k) of the In- ternal Revenue Code of 1954, (or deemed to have been so filed under paragraph(4) or (5) of such section 3121(k)) is in effect if such service is performed by an employee- (i) whose signature appears on the list filed (or deemed to have been filed) by such organization under such section 3121(k), (ii) who became an employee of such organization after the calendar quarter in which the certificate (other than a certificate referred to in clause (iii)) was filed (or deemed to have been filed), or (iii) who, after the calendar quarter in which the certifi- cate was filed (or deemed to have been filed) with respect to a group described in paragraph (1) (E) of such section 3121 (k), became a member of such group, Revised April 1978 103 Sec. 210(a) except that this subparagraph shall apply with respect to serv- ice performed by an employee as a member of a group described in such paragraph (1)(E) with respect to which no certificate is (or is deemed to be) in effect;¹ 1 (9) Service performed by an individual as an employee or employee representative as defined in section 3231 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; (10) Service performed in the employ of— (A) a school, college, or university, or (B) an organization described in section 509 (a) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 if the organization is orga- nized, and at all times thereafter is operated, exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to carry out the purposes of a school, college, or university and is oper- ated, supervised, or controlled by or in connection with such school, college, or university, unless it is a school, college, or university of a State or a political subdivision thereof and the services in its employ performed by a student referred to in section 218 (c) (5) are covered under the agreement between the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and such State entered into pursuant to section 218; if such service is performed by a student who is enrolled and regu- larly attending classes at such school, college, or university; 2 (11) Service performed in the employ of a foreign government (including service as a consular or other officer or employee or a nondiplomatic representative); (12) Service performed in the employ of an instrumentality wholly owned by a foreign government— (A) If the service is of a character similar to that per- formed in foreign countries by employees of the United States Government or of an instrumentality thereof; and (B) If the Secretary of State shall certify to the Secre- tary of the Treasury that the foreign government, with re- spect to whose instrumentality and employees thereof exemp- tion is claimed, grants an equivalent exemption with respect to similar service performed in the foreign country by em- ployees of the United States Government and of instrumen- talities thereof; C (13) Service performed as a student nurse in the employ of a hospital or a nurses' training school by an individual who is enrolled and is regularly attending classes in a nurses' training school chartered or approved pursuant to State law; ¹ Subparagraph (B) was amended by section 1(a) of P.L. 94–563. 2 Paragraph (10) was amended by sec. 351 (a) (3) (B) of Public Law 95–216. Sec. 210(a) 104 Revised April 1978 (14) (A) Service performed by an individual under the age of eighteen in the delivery or distribution of newspapers or shop- ping news, not including delivery or distribution to any point for subsequent delivery or distribution; D (B) Service performed by an individual in, and at the time of, the sale of newspapers or magazines to ultimate consumers, under an arrangement under which the newspapers or magazines are to be sold by him at a fixed price, his compensation being based on the retention of the excess of such price over the amount at which the newspapers or magazines are charged to him, whether or not he is guaranteed a minimum amount of compensation for such service, or is entitled to be credited with the unsold newspapers or magazines turned back; (15) Service performed in the employ of an international or- ganization entitled to enjoy privileges, exemptions, and immuni- ties as an international organization under the International Or- ganizations Immunities Act (59 Stat. 669); (16) Service performed by an individual under an arrange- ment with the owner or tenant of land pursuant to which— (A) such individual undertakes to produce agricultural or horticultural commodities (including livestock, bees, poultry, and fur-bearing animals and wildlife) on such land, (B) the agricultural or horticultural commodities produced by such individual, or the proceeds therefrom, are to be di- vided between such individual and such owner or tenant, and (C) the amount of such individual's share depends on the amount of the agricultural or horticultural commodities produced; (17) Service in the employ of any organization which is per- formed (A) in any year during any part of which such orga- nization is registered, or there is in effect a final order of the Sub- versive Activities Control Board requiring such organization to register, under the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended, as a Communist-action organization, a Communist-front organiza- tion, or a Communist-infiltrated organization, and (B) after June 30, 1956;1 (18) Service performed in Guam by a resident of the Republic of the Philippines while in Guam on a temporary basis as a non- immigrant alien admitted to Guam pursuant to section 101 (a) (15) (H)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a) (15) (H) (ii)); 1 Paragraph (17) was amended by sec. 351(a)(1) of Public Law 95-216. 105 Sec. 210(b) (19) Service which is performed by a nonresident alien indi- vidual for the period he is temporarily present in the United States as a nonimmigrant under subparagraph (F) or (J) of section 101 (a) (15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended, and which is performed to carry out the purpose speci- fied in subparagraph (F) or (J), as the case may be; or, (20) Service performed by an individual on a boat engaged in catching fish or other forms of aquatic animal life under an ar- rangement with the owner or operator of such boat pursuant to which— (A) such individual does not receive any cash remunera- tion (other than as provided in subparagraph (B)), (B) such individual receives a share of the boat's (or the boats' in the case of a fishing operation involving more than one boat) catch of fish or other forms of aquatic animal life or a share of the proceeds from the sale of such catch, and (C) the amount of such individual's share depends on the amount of the boat's (or boats' in the case of a fishing opera- tion involving more than one boat) catch of fish or other forms of aquatic animal life, but only if the operating crew of such boat (or each boat from which the individual receives a share in the case of a fishing opera- tion involving more than one boat) is normally made up of fewer than 10 individuals.¹ 1 Included and Excluded Service (b) If the services performed during one-half or more of any pay period by an employee for the person employing him constitute em- ployment, all the services of such employee for such period shall be deemed to be employment; but if the services performed during more than one-half of any such pay period by an employee for the person employing him do not constitute employment, then none of the serv- ices of such employee for such period shall be deemed to be employ- ment. As used in this subsection, the term "pay period" means a period (of not more than thirty-one consecutive days) for which a payment of remuneration is ordinarily made to the employee by the person employing him. This subsection shall not be applicable with respect to services performed in a pay period by an employee for the person employing him, where any of such service is expected by paragraph (9) of subsection (a). 1 Paragraph (20) was added by section 1207 (e) (2) of Public Law 94-455 effective as specified in section 1207 (f) (4) of that act which is printed in this document on page 783. Sec. 210(e) 106 American Vessel (c) The term "American vessel" means any vessel documented or numbered under the laws of the United States; and includes any ves- sel which is neither documented or numbered under the laws of the United States or documented under the laws of any foreign country, if its crew is employed solely by one or more citizens or residents of the United States or corporations organized under the laws of the United States or of any State. American Aircraft (d) The term "American aircraft" means an aircraft registered under the laws of the United States. American Employer (e) The term "American employer" means an employer which is (1) the United States or any instrumentality thereof, (2) a State or any political subdivision thereof, or any instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing, (3) an individual who is a resident of the United States, (4) a partnership, if two-thirds or more of the partners are residents of the United States, (5) a trust, if all of the trustees are residents of the United States, or (6) a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any State. Agricultural Labor (f) The term "agricultural labor" includes all service performed- (1) On a farm, in the employ of any person, in connection with cultivating the soil, or in connection with raising or harvesting any agricultural or horticultural commodity, including the rais- ing, shearing, feeding, caring for, training, and management of livestock, bees, poultry, and fur-bearing animals and wildlife. (2) In the employ of the owner or tenant or other operator of a farm in connection with the operation, management, conserva- tion, improvement, or maintenance of such farm and its tools and equipment, or in salvaging timber or clearing land of brush and other debris left by a hurricane, if the major part of such serv- ice is performed on a farm. (3) In connection with the production or harvesting of any commodity defined as an agricultural commodity in section 15 (g) of the Agricultural Marketing Act, as amended, or in connection with the ginning of cotton, or in connection with the operation or maintenance of ditches, canals, reservoirs, or waterways, not Revised April 1978 107 Sec. 210(j) 1 1 owned or operated for profit, used exclusively for supplying and storing water for farming purposes. (4) (A) In the employ of the operator of a farm in handling, planting, drying, packing, packaging, processing, freezing, grad- ing, storing, or delivering to storage or to market or to a carrier for transportation to market in its unmanufactured state, any agricultural or horticultural commodity; but only if such operator produced more than one-half of the commodity with respect to which such service is performed. (B) In the employ of a group of operators of farms (other than a cooperative organization) in the performance of service de- scribed in subparagraph (A), but only if such operators produced all of the commodity with respect to which such service is per- formed. For the purposes of this subparagraph, any unincorpo- rated group of operators shall be deemed a cooperative organiza- tion if the number of operators comprising such group is more than twenty at any time during the calendar year in which such service is performed.¹ (5) On a farm operated for profit if such service is not in the course of the employer's trade or business or is domestic service. in a private home of the employer. The provisions of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (4) shall not be deemed to be applicable with respect to service performed in connection with commercial canning or commercial freezing or in connection with any agricultural or horticultural commodity after its delivery to a terminal market for distribution for consumption. Farm (g) The term "farm" includes stock, dairy, poultry, fruit, fur-bear- ing animal and truck farms, plantations, ranches, nurseries, ranges, greenhouses or other similar structures used primarily for the raising of agricultural or horticultural commodities and orchards. State (h) The term "State" includes the District of Columbia, the Com- monwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. United States (i) The term "United States" when used in a geographical sense means the States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. Employee (j) The term "employee" means— 21-746 O - 78 - 9 (1) any officer of a corporation; or ¹ Subparagraph (B) was amended by sec. 351(a)(1) of Public Law 95–216. Sec. 210(j) 108 Revised April 1978 (2) any individual who, under the usual common law rules applicable in determining the employer-employee relationship, has the status of an employee; or (3) any individual (other than an individual who is an em- ployee under paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection) who per- forms services for remuneration for any person- (A) as an agent-driver or commission-driver engaged in distributing meat products, vegetable products, fruit prod- ucts, bakery products, beverages (other than milk), or laun- dry or drycleaning services, for his principal; A (B) as a full-time life insurance salesman; (C) as a home worker performing work, according to specifications furnished by the person for whom the services are performed, on materials or goods furnished by such per- son which are required to be returned to such person or a person designated by him; or (D) as a traveling or city salesman, other than as an agent- driver or commission-driver, engaged upon a full-time basis. in the solicitation on behalf of, and the transmission to, his principal (except for side-line sales activities on behalf of some other person) of orders from wholesalers, retailers, con- tractors, or operators of hotels, restaurants, or other similar establishments for merchandise for resale or supplies for use in their business operations; if the contract of service contemplates that substantially all of such services are to be performed personally by such individual; except that an individual shall not be included in the term "em- ployee" under the provisions of this paragraph if such individual has a substantial investment in facilities used in connection with the performance of such services (other than in facilities for transportation), or if the services are in the nature of a single transaction not part of a continuing relationship with the person for whom the services are performed. Covered Transportation Service (k) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), all services per- formed in the employ of a State or political subdivision in connection with its operation of a public transportation system shall constitute covered transportation service if any part of the transportation sys- tem was acquired from private ownership after 1936 and prior to 1951. (2) Service performed in the employ of a State or political subdivi- sion in connection with the operation of its public transportation sys- tem shall not constitute covered transportation service if- 109 Sec. 210(k) (A) any part of the transportation system was acquired from private ownership after 1936 and prior to 1951, and substantially all service in connection with the operation of the transportation system is, on December 31, 1950, covered under a general retire- ment system providing benefits which, by reason of a provision of the State's constitution dealing specifically with retirement sys- tems of the State or political subdivisions thereof, cannot be diminished or impaired; or (B) no part of the transportation system operated by the State or political subdivision on December 31, 1950, was acquired from private ownership after 1936 and prior to 1951; cxcept that if such State or political subdivision makes an acquisition after 1950 from private ownership of any part of its transportation system, then, in the case of any employee who— (C) became an employee of such State or political subdivision in connection with and at the time of its acquisition after 1950 of such part, and (D) prior to such acquisition rendered service in employment in connection with the operation of such part of the transporta- tion system acquired by the State or political subdivision, the service of such employee in connection with the operation of the transportation system shall constitute covered transportation service, commencing with the first day of the third calendar quarter following the calendar quarter in which the acquisition of such part took place, unless on such first day such service of such employee is covered by a general retirement system which does not, with respect to such em- ployee, contain special provisions applicable only to employees de- scribed in subparagraph (C). (3) All service performed in the employ of a State or political sub- division thereof in connection with its operation of a public trans- portation system shall constitute covered transportation service if the transportation system was not operated by the State or political sub- division prior to 1951 and, at the time of its first acquisition (after 1950) from private ownership of any part of its transportation system, the State or political subdivision did not have a general retirement system covering substantially all service performed in connection with the operation of the transportation system. (4) For the purposes of this subsection- (A) The term "general retirement system" means any pension, annuity, retirement, or similar fund or system established by a State or by a political subdivision thereof for employees of the State, political subdivision, or both; but such term shall not in- Sec. 210(k) 110 clude such a fund or system which covers only service performed in positions connected with the operation of its public transporta- tion system. (B) A transportation system or a part thereof shall be con- sidered to have been acquired by a State or political subdivision from private ownership if prior to the acquisition service per- formed by employees in connection with the operation of the system or part thereof acquired constituted employment under this title, and some of such employees become employees of the State or political subdivision in connection with and at the time of such acquisition. (C) The term "political subdivision" includes an instrumen- tality of (i) a State, (ii) one or more political subdivisions of a State, or (iii) a State and one or more of its political subdivisions. Kadaka Service in the Uniformed Services (1) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (4), the term "employ- ment” shall, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, include service performed after December 1956 by an individ- ual as a member of a uniformed service on active duty; but such term shall not include any such service which is performed while on leave without pay. (2) The term “active duty" means "active duty" as described in section 102 of the Servicemen's and Veterans' Survivor Benefits Act, except that it shall also include "active duty for training" as described in such section. (3) The term "inactive duty training" means "inactive duty train- ing" as described in such section 102. (4)(A) Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not apply in the case of any service, performed by an individual as a member of a uniformed service, which is creditable under section 3 (i) of the Rail- road Retirement Act of 1974. The Railroad Retirement Board shall notify the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, with respect to all such service which is so creditable. (B) In any case where benefits under this title are already payable on the basis of such individual's wages and self-employment income at the time such notification (with respect to such individual) is re- ceived by the Secretary, the Secretary shall certify no further bene- fits for payment under this title on the basis of such individual's wages. and self-employment income, or shall recompute the amount of any further benefits payable on the basis of such wages and self-employ- ment income, as may be required as a consequence of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. No payment of a benefit to any person on the 111 Sec. 210(m) basis of such individual's wages and self-employment income, cer- tified by the Secretary prior to the end of the month in which he receives such notification from the Railroad Retirement Board, shall be deemed by reason of this subparagraph to have been an erroneous payment or a payment to which such person was not entitled. The Secretary shall, as soon as possible after the receipt of such notifica- tion from the Railroad Retirement Board, advise such Board whether or not any such benefit will be reduced or terminated by reason of sub- paragraph (A), and if any such benefit will be so reduced or ter- minated, specify the first month with respect to which such reduction or termination will be effective. Member of a Uniformed Service (m) The term "member of a uniformed service" means any person appointed, enlisted, or inducted in a component of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard (including a reserve com- ponent of a uniformed service as defined in section 102 (3) of the Serv- icemen's and Veterans' Survivor Benefits Act) or in one of those services without specification of component, or as a commissioned officer of the Coast and Geodetic Survey or the Regular or Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service, and any person serving in the Army or Air Force under call or conscription. The term includes— (1) a retired member of any of those services; (2) a member of the Fleet Reserve or Fleet Marine Corps Reserve; (3) a cadet at the United States Military Academy, a midship- man at the United States Naval Academy, and a cadet at the United States Coast Guard Academy or United States Air Force Academy; (4) a member of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or the Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps, when ordered to annual training duty for fourteen days or more, and while performing authorized travel to and from that duty; and (5) any person while en route to or from or at, a place for final acceptance or for entry upon active duty in the military or naval service- (A) who has been provisionally accepted for such duty; or (B) who, under the Universal Military Training and Serv- ice Act, has been selected for active military or naval service; and has been ordered or directed to proceed to such place. The term does not include a temporary member of the Coast Guard Reserve. Sec. 210(n) 112 Crew Leader (n) The term "crew leader" means an individual who furnishes individuals to perform agricultural labor for another person, if such individual pays (either on his own behalf or on behalf of such per- son) the individuals so furnished by him for the agricultural labor performed by them and if such individual has not entered into a writ- ten agreement with such person whereby such individual has been des- ignated as an employee of such person; and such individuals furnished by the crew leader to perform agricultural labor for another person shall be deemed to be the employees of such crew leader. A crew leader shall, with respect to services performed in furnishing individuals to perform agricultural labor for another person and service performed as a member of the crew, be deemed not to be an employee of such other person. Peace Corps Volunteer Service (o) The term “employment" shall, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), include service performed by an individual as a volunteer or volunteer leader within the meaning of the Peace Corps Act. Self-Employment Sec. 211. For the purposes of this title Net Earnings From Self-Employment (a) The term "net earnings from self-employment" means the gross income, as computed under Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, derived by an individual from any trade or business carried on by such individual, less the deductions allowed under such subtitle which are attributable to such trade or business, plus his distribu- tive share (whether or not distributed) of income or loss described in section 702 (a) (9) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, from any trade or business carried on by a partnership of which he is a member; except that in computing such gross income and deductions and such distributive share of partnership ordinary income or loss— (1) There shall be excluded rentals from real estate and from personal property leased with the real estate (including such rentals paid in crop shares), together with the deductions at- tributable thereto, unless such rentals are received in the course. of a trade or business as a real estate dealer; except that the pre- ceding provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any income derived by the owner or tenant of land if (A) such income is derived under an arrangement, between the owner or tenant and another individual which provides that such other individual shall produce agricultural or horticultural commodities (includ- ing livestock, bees, poultry, and fur-bearing animals and wild- C 113 Sec. 211(a) life) on such land, and that there shall be material participation by the owner or tenant (as determined without regard to any activ- ities of an agent of such owner or tenant) in the production or the management of the production of such agricultural or horticul- tural commodities, and (B) there is material participation by the owner or tenant (as determined without regard to any activities. of an agent of such owner or tenant) with respect to any such agri- cultural or horticultural commodity; (2) There shall be excluded dividends on any share of stock, and interest on any bond, debenture, note, or certificate, or other evidence of indebtedness, issued with interest coupons or in regis- tered form by any corporation (including one issued by a govern- ment or political subdivision thereof), unless such dividends and interest (other than interest described in section 35 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954) are received in the course of a trade or business as a dealer in stocks or securities; (3) There shall be excluded any gain or loss (A) which is con- sidered under Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as gain or loss from the sale or exchange of a capital asset, (B) from the cutting of timber or the disposal of timber, coal, or iron ore, if section 631 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 applies to such gain or loss, or (C) from the sale, exchange, involuntary conver- sion, or other disposition of property if such property is neither (i) stock in trade or other property of a kind which would prop- erly be includible in inventory if on hand at the close of the tax- able year, nor (ii) property held primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of the trade or business; (4) The deduction for net operating losses provided in section. 172 of such Code shall not be allowed; (5) (A) If any of the income derived from a trade or business (other than a trade or business carried on by a partnership) is community income under community property laws applicable to such income, all of the gross income and deductions attributable to such trade or business shall be treated as the gross income and deductions of the husband unless the wife exercises substantially all of the management and control of such trade or business, in which case all of such gross income and deductions shall be treated as the gross income and deductions of the wife; (B) If any portion of a partner's distributive share of the ordi- nary net income or loss from a trade or business carried on by a partnership is community income or loss under the community property laws applicable to such share, all of such distributive share shall be included in computing the net earnings from self- employment of such partner, and no part of such share shall be - Sec. 211(a) 114 Revised April 1978 taken into account in computing the net earnings from self-em- ployment of the spouse of such partner; (6) A resident of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico shall com- pute his net earnings from self-employment in the same manner as a citizen of the United States but without regard to the provisions. of section 933 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; (7) An individual who is a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a church or a member of a religious order shall compute his net earnings from self-employment derived from the performance of service described in subsection (c) (4) without regard to section 107 (relating to rental value of par- sonages), section 119 (relating to meals and lodging furnished for the convenience of the employer) and section 911 (relating to earned income from sources without the United States) and section 931 (relating to income from sources within possessions of the United States) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; (8) The term "possession of the United States" as used in sec- tions 931 (relating to income from sources within possessions of the United States) and 932 (relating to citizens of possessions of the United States) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 shall be deemed not to include the Virgin Islands, Guam, or American Samoa; (9) There shall be excluded amounts received by a partner pursuant to a written plan of the partnership, which meets such requirements as are prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate, and which provides for payments on account of retirement, on a periodic basis, to partners generally or to a class or classes of partners, such payments to continue at least until such partner's death, if- (A) such partner rendered no services with respect to any trade or business carried on by such partnership (or its successors) during the taxable year of such partnership (or its successors), ending within or with his taxable year, in which such amounts were received, and (B) no obligation exists (as of the close of the partner- ship's taxable year referred to in subparagraph (A)) from the other partners to such partner except with respect to retirement payments under such plan, and (C) such partner's share, if any of the capital of the partnership has been paid to him in full before the close of the partnership's taxable year referred to in subparagraph (A); (10) In the case of an individual who has been a resident of the United States during the entire taxable year, the exclusion from Revised April 1978 115 Sec. 211(a) gross income provided by section 911 (a) (2) of the Internal Rev- enue Code of 1954 shall not apply; and ¿ (11) There shall be excluded the distributive share of any item of income or loss of a limited partner, as such, other than guar- anteed payments described in section 707 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to that partner for services actually ren- dered to or on behalf of the partnership to the extent that those payments are established to be in the nature of remuneration for those services.¹ 1 If the taxable year of a partner is different from that of the partner- ship, the distributive share which he is required to include in com- puting his net earnings from self-employment shall be based upon the ordinary net income or loss of the partnership for any taxable year of the partnership (even though beginning prior to 1951) end- ing within or with his taxable year. In the case of any trade or busi- ness which is carried on by an individual or by a partnership and in which, if such trade or business were carried on exclusively by em- ployees, the major portion of the services would constitute agricul- tural labor as defined in section 210 (f)- Hje (i) in the case of an individual, if the gross income derived by him from such trade or business is not more than $2,400, the net earnings from self-employment derived by him from such trade or business may, at his option, be deemed to be 66% percent of such gross income; or (ii) in the case of an individual, if the gross income derived by him from such trade or business is more than $2,400 and the net earnings from self-employment derived by him from such trade or business (computed under this subsection without regard to this sentence) are less than $1,600, the net earnings from self- employment derived by him from such trade or business may, at his option, be deemed to be $1,600; and (iii) in the case of a member of a partnership, if his distribu- tive share of the gross income of the partnership derived from such trade or business (after such gross income has been reduced by the sum of all payments to which section 707 (c) of the In- ternal Revenue Code of 1954 applies) is not more than $2,400, his distributive share of income described in section 702(a) (9) of such Code derived from such trade or business may, at his option, be deemed to be an amount equal to 66% percent of his distribu- tive share of such gross income (after such gross income has been so reduced); or (iv) in the case of a member of a partnership, if his distributive share of the gross income of the partnership derived from such 1 Paragraph (11) was added by sec. 313(a) of Public Law 95-216. Revised April 1978 115-A Sec. 211(a) trade or business (after such gross income has been reduced by the sum of all payments to which section 707 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 applies) is more than $2,400 and his dis- tributive share (whether or not distributed) of income described in section 702(a)(9) of such Code derived from such trade or business (computed under this subsection without regard to this sentence) is less than $1,600, his distributive share of income de- Sec. 211(a) 116 scribed in such section 702(a)(9) derived from such trade or business may, at his option, be deemed to be $1,600. For purposes of the preceding sentence, gross income means— (v) in the case of any such trade or business in which the income is computed under a cash receipts and disbursements method, the gross receipts from such trade or business reduced by the cost or other basis of property which was purchased and sold in carrying on such trade or business, adjusted (after such reduction) in ac- cordance with the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (6) and paragraph (8) of this subsection; and (vi) in the case of any such trade or business in which the in- come is computed under an accrual method, the gross income from such trade or business, adjusted in accordance with the pro- visions of paragraphs (1) through (6) and paragraph (8) of this subsection; and, for purposes of such sentence, if an individual (including a mem- ber of a partnership) derives gross income from more than one such trade or business, such gross income (including his distributive share of the gross income of any partnership derived from any such trade or business) shall be deemed to have been derived from one trade or business. The preceding sentence and clauses (i) through (iv) of the second preceding sentence shall also apply in the case of any trade or business (other than a trade or business specified in such second preceding sen- tence) which is carried on by an individual who is self-employed on a regular basis as defined in subsection (g), or by a partnership of which an individual is a member on a regular basis as defined in subsection (g), but only if such individual's net earnings from self-employment in the taxable year as determined without regard to this sentence are less than $1,600 and less than 662 percent of the sum (in such taxable year) of such individual's gross income derived from all trades or businesses carried on by him and his distributive share of the income or loss from all trades or businesses carried on by all of the partnerships of which he is a member; except that this sentence shall not apply to more than 5 taxable years in the case of any individual, and in no case in which an individual elects to determine the amount of his net earn- ings from self-employment for a taxable year under the provisions of the two preceding sentences with respect to a trade or business to which the second preceding sentence applies and with respect to a trade or business to which this sentence applies shall such net earnings for such year exceed $1,600. Self-Employment Income (b) The term "self-employment income" means the net earnings from self-employment derived by an individual (other than a non- Revised April 1978 117 Sec. 211(c) resident alien individual) during any taxable year beginning after 1950; except that such term shall not include— (1) That part of the net earnings from self-employment which is in excess of— (A) For any taxable year ending prior to 1955, (i) $3,600, minus (ii) the amount of the wages paid to such individual during the taxable year; and (B) For any taxable year ending after 1954 and prior to 1959, (i) $4,200, minus (ii) the amount of the wages paid to such individual during the taxable year; and (C) For any taxable year ending after 1958 and prior to 1966, (i) $4,800, minus (ii) the amount of the wages paid to such individual during the taxable year; and (D) For any taxable year ending after 1965 and prior to 1968, (i) $6,600, minus (ii) the amount of the wages paid to such individual during the taxable year; and (E) For any taxable year ending after 1967 and beginning prior to 1972, (i) $7,800, minus (ii) the amount of the wages paid to such individual during the taxable year; and (F) For any taxable year beginning after 1971 and prior to 1973, (i) $9,000, minus (ii) the amount of the wages paid to such individual during the taxable year; and (G) For any taxable year beginning after 1972 and prior to 1974, (i) $10,800, minus (ii) the amount of the wages paid to such individual during the taxable year; and (H) For any taxable year beginning after 1973 and prior to 1975, (i) $13,200, minus (ii) the amount of the wages paid to such individual during the taxable year; and 1 (I) For any taxable year beginning in any calendar year after 1974, (i) an amount equal to the contribution and bene- fit base (as determined under section 230) ¹ which is effective for such calendar year, minus (ii) the amount of the wages paid to such individual during such taxable year; or (2) The net earnings from self-employment, if such net earn- ings for the taxable year are less than $400. An individual who is not a citizen of the United States but who is a resident of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, or American Samoa shall not, for the purposes of this sub- section, be considered to be a nonresident alien individual. Trade or Business (c) The term "trade or business", when used with reference to self- employment income or net earnings from self-employment, shall have 1 See Appendix B. Sec. 211(c) 118 the same meaning as when used in section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, except that such term shall not include- (1) The performance of the functions of a public office, other than the functions of a public office of a State or a political sub- division thereof with respect to fees received in any period in which the functions are performed in a position compensated solely on a fee basis and in which such functions are not covered under an agreement entered into by such State and the Secretary pursuant to section 218; ¹ 1 (2) The performance of service by an individual as an em- ployee other than— (A) service described in section 210(a) (14) (B) performed by an individual who has attained the age of eighteen, (B) service described in section 210 (a) (16), (C) service described in section 210(a) (11), (12), or (15) performed in the United States by a citizen of the United States, (D) service described in paragraph (4) of this subsection, (E) service performed by an individual as an employee of a State or a political subdivision thereof in a position com- pensated solely on a fee basis with respect to fees received in any period in which such service is not covered under an agreement entered into by such State and the Secretary pur- suant to section 218, and (F) service described in section 210 (a) (20); 2 (3) The performance of service by an individual as an em- ployee or employee representative as defined in section 3231 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; (4) The performance of service by a duly ordained, commis- sioned, or licensed minister of a church in the exercise of his ministry or by a member of a religious order in the exercise of duties required by such order; (5) The performance of service by an individual in the exer- cise of his profession as a Christian Science practitioner; or (6) The performance of service by an individual during the period for which an exemption under section 1402 (h) of the In- ternal Revenue Code of 1954 is effective with respect to him. The provisions of paragraph (4) or (5) shall not apply to service (other than service performed by a member of a religious order who 1 Sec. 122(c)(2) of the Social Security Amendments of 1967 provides: "Notwith- standing the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section, any individual who in 1968 is in a position to which the amendments made by such subsections apply may make an irrevocable election not to have such amendments apply to the fees he receives in 1968 and every year thereafter, if on or before the due date of his income tax return for 1968 (including any extensions thereof) he files with the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate, in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate shall by regulations prescribe, a certificate of election of exemption from such amendments." 2 Clause (F) was added by section 1207 (e) (2) (B) of P.L. 94-455 effective as specified in section 1207 (f) (4) of that act which is printed in this document on page 783. 119 Sec. 211(g) * has taken a vow of poverty as a member of such order) performed by an individual unless an exemption under section 1402 (e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 is effective with respect to him. Partnership and Partner (d) The term “partnership” and the term "partner" shall have the same meaning as when used in subchapter K of chapter 1 of the In- ternal Revenue Code of 1954. Taxable Year (e) The term "taxable year" shall have the same meaning as when used in subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; and the taxable year of any individual shall be a calendar year unless he has a different taxable year for the purposes of subtitle A of such Code, in which case his taxable year for the purposes of this title shall be the same as his taxable year under such subtitle A. Partner's Taxable Year Ending as Result of Death (f) In computing a partner's net earnings from self-employment for his taxable year which ends as a result of his death (but only if such taxable year ends within, and not with, the taxable year of the partnership), there shall be included so much of the deceased partner's distributive share of the partnership's ordinary income or loss for the partnership taxable year as is not attributable to an interest in the partnership during any period beginning on or after the first day of the first calendar month following the month in which such partner died. For purposes of this subsection— (1) in determining the portion of the distributive share which is attributable to any period specified in the preceding sentence, the ordinary income or loss of the partnership shall be treated as having been realized or sustained ratably over the partnership taxable year; and (2) the term "deceased partner's distributive share" includes the share of his estate or of any other person succeeding, by reason of his death, to rights with respect to his partnership interests. Regular Basis (g) An individual shall be deemed to be self-employed on a regular basis in a taxable year, or to be a member of a partnership on a regular basis in such year, if he had net earnings from self-employment, as defined in the first sentence of subsection (a), of not less than $400 in at least two of the three consecutive taxable years immediately pre- ceding such taxable year from trades or businesses carried on by such individual or such partnership. Sec. 212(a) 120 Revised April 1978 : Crediting of Self-Employment Income to Calendar Years Sec. 212. (a) For the purposes of determining average monthly wage and quarters of coverage the amount of self-employment income derived during any taxable year which begins before 1978 shall- (1) in the case of a taxable year which is a calendar year, be credited equally to each quarter of such calendar year; and (2) in the case of any other taxable year, be credited equally to the calendar quarter in which such taxable year ends and to each of the next three or fewer preceding quarters any part of which is in such taxable year. (b) For the purposes of determining average indexed monthly earnings, average monthly wage, and quarters of coverage the amount of self-employment income derived during any taxable year which begins after 1977 shall- (1) in the case of a taxable year which is a calendar year or which begins with or during a calendar year and ends with or during such year, be credited to such calendar year; and (2) in the case of any other taxable year, be allocated pro- portionately to the two calendar years, portions of which are included within such taxable year, on the basis of the number of months in each such calendar year which are included completely within the taxable year. For purposes of clause (2), the calendar month in which a taxable year ends shall be treated as included completely within that taxable year.¹ Quarter and Quarter of Coverage Definitions Sec. 213. (a) For the purposes of this title- (1) The term "quarter", and the term "calendar quarter", means a period of three calendar months ending on March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31. 2 (2) (A) The term "quarters of coverage" means— (i) for calendar years before 1978, and subject to the provi- sions of subparagraph (B), a quarter in which an individual has been paid $50 or more in wages (except wages for agricultural labor paid after 1954) or for which he has been credited (as determined under section 212) with $100 or more of self-employ- ment income; and (ii) for calendar years after 1977, and subject to the provi- sions of subparagraph (B), each portion of the total of the wages paid and the self-employment income credited (pursuant ¹ Sec. 212 was amended by sec. 351(b) of Public Law 95–216. 2 The word "quarters" appears in the law. It apparently should read "quarter". 1 1 ܐ Revised April 1978 121 Sec. 213(a) to section 212) to an individual in a calendar year which equals the amount required for a quarter of coverage in that calendar year (as determined under subsection (d)), with such quarter of coverage being assigned to a specific calendar quarter in such calendar year only if necessary in the case of any individual who has attained age 62 or died or is under a disability and the re- quirements for insured status in subsection (a) or (b) of section 214, the requirements for entitlement to a computation or recom- putation of his primary insurance amount, or the requirements of paragraph (3) of section 216 (i) would not otherwise be met. (B) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (A)— (i) no quarter after the quarter in which an individual dies shall be a quarter of coverage, and no quarter any part of which is included in a period of disability (other than the initial quar- ter and the last quarter of such period) shall be a quarter of coverage; (ii) if the wages paid to an individual in any calendar year equal to $3,000 in the case of a calendar year before 1951, or $3,600 in the case of a calendar year after 1950 and before 1955, or $4,200 in the case of a calendar year after 1954 and before 1959, or $4,800 in the case of a calendar year after 1958 and before 1966, or $6,600 in the case of a calendar year after 1965 and before 1968, or $7,800 in the case of a calendar year after 1967 and before 1972, or $9,000 in the case of the calendar year 1972, or $10,800 in the case of the calendar year 1973, or $13,200 in the case of the calendar year 1974, or an amount equal to the contribution and benefit base (as determined under section 230) in the case of any calendar year after 1974 and before 1978 with respect to which such contribution and benefit base is effective, each quarter of such year shall (subject to clauses (i) and (v)) be a quarter of coverage; (iii) if an individual has self-employment income for a taxable year, and if the sum of such income and the wages paid to him during such year equals $3,600 in the case of a taxable year begin- ning after 1950 and ending before 1955, or $4,200 in the case of a taxable year ending after 1954 and before 1959, or $4,800 in the case of a taxable year ending after 1958 and before 1966, or $6,600 in the case of a taxable year ending after 1965 and before 1968, or $7,800 in the case of a taxable year ending after 1967 and before 1972, or $9,000 in the case of a taxable year beginning after 1971 and before 1973, or $10,800 in the case of a taxable year be- ginning after 1972 and before 1974, or $13,200 in the case of a taxable year beginning after 1973 and before 1975, or an amount 21-746 O - 78 - 10 Sec. 213(a) 122 Revised April 1978 equal to the contribution and benefit base (as determined under section 230) which is effective for the calendar year in the case of any taxable year beginning in any calendar year after 1974 and before 1978, each quarter any part of which falls in such year shall (subject to clauses (i) and (v)) be a quarter of coverage; (iv) if an individual is paid wages for agricultural labor in a calendar year after 1954 and before 1978, then, subject to clauses (i) and (v), (I) the last quarter of such year which can be but is not otherwise a quarter of coverage shall be a quarter of coverage if such wages equal or exceed $100 but are less than $200; (II) the last two quarters of such year which can be but are not otherwise quarters of coverage shall be quarters of coverage if such wages equal or exceed $200 but are less than $300; (III) the last three quarters of such year which can be but are not otherwise quarters. of coverage shall be quarters of coverage if such wages equal or exceed $300 but are less than $400; and (IV) each quarter of such year which is not otherwise a quarter of coverage shall be a quarter of coverage if such wages are $400 or more; (v) no quarter shall be counted as a quarter of coverage prior to the beginning of such quarter; (vi) not more than one quarter of coverage may be credited to a calendar quarter; and (vii) no more than four quarters of coverage may be credited to any calendar year after 1977. If in the case of an individual who has attained age 62 or died or is under a disability and who has been paid wages for agricultural labor in a calendar year after 1954 and before 1978, the requirements for insured status in subsection (a) or (b) of section 214, the requirements for entitlement to a computation or recomputation of his primary insurance amount, or the requirements of paragraph (3) of section 216(i) are not met after assignment of quarters of coverage to quar- ters in such year as provided in clause (iv) of the preceding sentence, but would be met if such quarters of coverage were assigned to differ- ent quarters in such year, then such quarters of coverage shall instead be assigned, for purposes only of determining compliance with such requirements, to such different quarters. If, in the case of an individual who did not die prior to January 1, 1955, and who attained age 62 (if a woman) or age 65 (if a man) or died before July 1, 1957, the requirements for insured status in section 214 (a) (3) ¹ are not met because of his having too few quarters of coverage but would be met if his quarters of coverage in the first calendar year in which he had any covered employment had been determined on the basis of the period during which wages were earned rather than on the basis of the period during which wages were paid (any such wages paid that 1 1 This reference is to sec. 214(a)(3) as in effect prior to repeal by the Social Security Amendments of 1960 (P.L. 86-778). Revised April 1978 123 Sec. 213(d) are reallocated on an earned basis shall not be used in determining quarters of coverage for subsequent calendar years), then upon appli- cation filed by the individual or his survivors and satisfactory proof of his record of wages earned being furnished by such individual or his survivors, the quarters of coverage in such calendar year may be determined on the basis of the period during which wages were earned.¹ 1 Crediting of Wages Paid in 1937 (b) With respect to wages paid to an individual in the six-month periods commencing either January 1, 1937, or July 1, 1937; (A) if wages of not less than $100 were paid in any such period, one-half of the total amount thereof shall be deemed to have been paid in each of the calendar quarters in such period; and (B) if wages of less than $100 were paid in any such period, the total amount thereof shall be deemed to have been paid in the latter quarter of such period, except that if in any such period, the individual attained age sixty-five, all of the wages paid in such period shall be deemed to have been paid before such age was attained. Alternative Method for Determining Quarters of Coverage With Respect to Wages in the Period From 1937 to 1950 (c) For purposes of section 214 (a), an individual shall be deemed to have one quarter of coverage for each $400 of his total wages prior to 1951 (as defined in section 215 (d) (1) (C)), except where— (1) such individual is not a fully insured individual on the basis of the number of quarters of coverage so derived plus the number of quarters of coverage derived from the wages and self- employment income credited to him for periods after 1950, or (2) such individual's elapsed years (for purposes of section 214 (a) (1)) are less than 7. - Amount Required for a Quarter of Coverage (d) (1) The amount of wages and self-employment income which an individual must have in order to be credited with a quarter of coverage in any year under subsection (a) (2) (A) (ii) shall be $250 in the calendar year 1978 and the amount determined under paragraph (2) of this subsection for years after 1978. (2) The Secretary shall, on or before November 1 of 1978 and of every year thereafter, determine and publish in the Federal Register the amount of wages and self-employment income which an individual must have in order to be credited with a quarter of coverage in the succeeding calendar year. The amount required for a quarter of cov- erage shall be the larger of- (A) the amount in effect in the calendar year in which the determination under this subsection is made, or 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by secs. 351(c) and 352(a) of Public Law 95–216. Sec. 213(d) Revised April 1978 124 (B) the product of the amount prescribed in paragraph (1) which is required for a quarter of coverage in 1978 and the ratio of the average of the total wages (as defined in regulations of the Secretary and computed without regard to the limitations speci- fied in section 209 (a)) reported to the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate for the calendar year before the year in which the determination under this paragraph is made to the average of the total wages (as so defined and computed) reported to the Secre- tary of the Treasury or his delegate for 1976 (as published in the Federal Register in accordance with section 215 (a) (1) (D)), with such product, if not a multiple of $10, being rounded to the next higher multiple of $10 where such amount is a multiple of $5 but not of $10 and to the nearest multiple of $10 in any other case.¹ Insured Status for Purposes of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Benefits Sec. 214. For the purposes of this title- Fully Insured Individual (a) The term "fully insured individual" means any individual who had not less than- (1) one quarter of coverage (whenever acquired) for each calendar year elapsing after 1950 (or, if later, the year in which he attained age 21) and before the year in which he died or (if earlier) the year in which he attained age 62, except that in no case shall an individual be a fully insured individual unless he has at least 6 quarters of coverage; or 2 (2) 40 quarters of coverage; or (3) in the case of an individual who died before 1951, 6 quar- ters of coverage; not counting as an elapsed year for purposes of paragraph (1) any year any part of which was included in a period of disability (as de- fined in section 216(i)). ¹ Subsection (d) was added by sec. 352(b) of P.L. 95–216. 2 P.L. 92-603, section 104 (a), deleted- (A) in the case of a woman, the year in which she died or (if earlier) the year in which she attained age 62, (B) in the case of a man who has died, the year in which he died or (if earlier) the year in which he attained age 65, or "" (C) in the case of a man who has not died, the year in which he attained (or would attain) age 65, except”, and inserted "the year in which he died or (if earlier) the year in which he attained age 62, except". Applicable in the case of a man who attains (or would attain) age 62 after December 1974. In the case of a man who attains age 62 prior to 1975, the number of his elapsed years for purposes of section 215 (b) (3) shall be equal to (A) the number determined under this section as in effect on September 1, 1972, or (B) if less, the number deter- mined as though he attained age 65 in 1975, except that monthly benefits under title II for months prior to January 1973 payable on the basis of his wages and self-employment income shall be determined as though section 104 of P.L. 92-603 had not been enacted. In the case of a man who attains or will attain age 62 in 1973, the figure "65" in sections 214(a)(1), 223(c)(A), and 216(i) (3) (A), shall be deemed to read "64". In the case of a man who attains or will attain age 62 in 1974, the figure "65" in sections 214(a) (1), 223 (c) (1) (A), and 216 (i)(3)(A) shall be deemed to read "63". Revised April 1978 125 Sec. 215(a) 2 Currently Insured Individual (b) The term "currently insured individual" means any individual who had not less than six quarters of coverage during the thirteen- quarter period ending with (1) the quarter in which he died, (2) the quarter in which he became entitled to old-age insurance benefits, (3) the quarter in which he became entitled to primary insurance benefits under this title as in effect prior to the enactment of this section, or (4) in the case of any individual entitled to disability insurance bene- fits, the quarter in which he most recently became entitled to disability insurance benefits, not counting as part of such thirteen-quarter period any quarter any part of which was included in a period of disability unless such quarter was a quarter of coverage. Computation of Primary Insurance Amount ¹ Sec. 215. (a) (1) (A) The primary insurance amount of an indi- vidual shall (except as otherwise provided in this section) be equal to the sum of― (i) 90 percent of the individual's average indexed monthly earnings (determined under subsection (b)) to the extent that such earnings do not exceed the amount established for purposes of this clause by subparagraph (B), (ii) 32 percent of the individual's average indexed monthly earnings to the extent that such earnings exceed the amount estab- lished for purposes of clause (i) but do not exceed the amount established for purposes of this clause by subparagraph (B), and (iii) 15 percent of the individual's average indexed monthly earnings to the extent that such earnings exceed the amount established for purposes of clause (ii), rounded in accordance with subsection (g), and thereafter increased as provided in subsection (i). (B) (i) For individuals who initially become eligible for old-age or disability insurance benefits, or who die (before becoming eligible of such benefits), in the calendar year 1979, the amount established for purposes of clause (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A) shall be $180 and $1,085, respectively. (ii) For individuals who initially become eligible for old-age or disability insurance benefits, or who die (before becoming eligible for such benefits), in any calendar year after 1979, each of the amounts so established shall equal the product of the corresponding amount estab- lished with respect to the calendar year 1979 under clause (i) of this subparagraph and the quotient obtained by dividing— 1 Sec. 215, which provides the basic rules for computing social security benefits, was substantially revised by the Social Security Amendments of 1977. For certain individuals. the law prior to those amendments continues to apply and the former section 215 is printed at the end of this document as Appendix F. Sec. 215(a) Revised April 1978 126 (I) the average of the total wages (as defined in regulations of the Secretary and computed without regard to the limitations specified in section 209 (a)) reported to the Secretary of the Treas- ury or his delegate for the second calendar year preceding the calendar year for which the determination is made, by (II) the average of the total wages (as so defined and com- puted) reported to the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate for the calendar year 1977. (iii) Each amount established under clause (ii) for any calendar year shall be rounded to the nearest $1, except that any amounts so established which is a multiple of $0.50 but not of $1 shall be rounded to the next higher $1. (C)(i) No primary insurance amount computed under subpara- graph (A) may be less than (I) the dollar amount set forth on the first line of column IV in the table of benefits contained in (or deemed to be contained in) this subsection as in effect in December 1978, rounded (if not a multiple of $1) to the next higher multiple of $1, or (II) an amount equal to $11.50 multiplied by the individual's years of coverage in excess of 10, or the increased amount deter- mined for purposes of this subdivision under subsection (i),¹ whichever is greater. No increase under subsection (i), except as pro- vided in subsection (i) (2) (A), shall apply to the dollar amount specified in subdivision (I) of this clause. (ii) For purposes of clause (i) (II), the term "years of coverage" with respect to any individual means the number (not exceeding 30) equal to the sum of (I) the number (not exceeding 14 and disregarding any fraction) determined by dividing (a) the total of the wages credited to such individual (including wages deemed to be paid prior to 1951 to such individual under section 217, compensation under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 prior to 1951 which is creditable to such individual pursuant to this title, and wages deemed to be paid prior to 1951 to such individual under section 231) for years after 1936 and before 1951 by (b) $900, plus (II) the number equal to the number of years after 1950 each of which is a computation base year (within the meaning of subsection (b) (2) (B) (ii)) and in each of which he is credited with wages (including wages deemed to be paid to such individual under section 217, compensation under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 or 1974 which is creditable to such individual pursuant to this title, and wages deemed to be paid to such individual under section 229) and self-employment income of not less than 25 percent of the maximum amount which, pursuant to subsection (e), may be counted for such year, or of not less than 25 percent of the maximum amount which could be so counted for such year (in the case. of a year after 1977) if section 230 as in effect immediately prior to the Revised April 1978 127 Sec. 215(a) enactment of the Social Security Amendments of 1977 had remained in effect without change.¹ (D) In each calendar year after 1978 the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register, on or before November 1, the formula for computing benefits under this paragraph and for adjusting wages and self-employment income under subsection (b) (3) in the case of an individual who becomes eligible for an old-age insurance benefit, or (if earlier) becomes eligible for a disability insurance benefit or dies, in the following year, and the average of the total wages (as described in subparagraph (B) (ii) (I)) on which that formula is based. With the initial publication required by this subparagraph, the Secretary shall also publish in the Federal Register the average of the total wages (as so described) for each calendar year after 1950.¹ (2)(A) A year shall not be counted as the year of an individual's death or eligibility for purposes of this subsection or subsection (i) in any case where such individual was entitled to a disability insur- ance benefit for any of the 12 months immediately preceding the month of such death or eligibility (but there shall be counted instead the year of the individual's eligibility for the disability insurance benefit or benefits to which he was entitled during such 12 months). (B) In the case of an individual who was entitled to a disability insurance benefit for any of the 12 months before the month in which he became entitled to an old-age insurance benefit, became reentitled to a disability insurance benefit, or died, the primary insurance amount for determining any benefit attributable to that entitlement, reentitle- ment, or death is the greater of- (i) the primary insurance amount upon which such disability insurance benefit was based, increased by the amount of each gen- eral benefit increase (as defined in subsection (i) (3)), and each increase provided under subsection (i) (2), that would have applied to such primary insurance amount had the individual remained entitled to such disability insurance benefit until the month in which he became so entitled or reentitled or died, or (ii) the amount computed under paragraph (1) (C). (C) In the case of an individual who was entitled to a disability insurance benefit for any month, and with respect to whom a primary insurance amount is required to be computed at any time after the close of the period of the individual's disability (whether because of such individual's subsequent entitlement to old-age insurance benefits or to a disability insurance benefit based upon a subsequent period of disability, or because of such individual's death), the primary insur- ance amount so computed may in no case be less than the primary insurance amount with respect to which such former disability insur- ance benefit was most recently determined. 1 See Appendix E. Sec. 215(a) Revised April 1978 128 (3)(A) Paragraph (1) applies only to an individual who was not eligible for an old-age insurance benefit prior to January 1979 and who in that or any succeeding month- (i) becomes eligible for such a benefit, (ii) becomes eligible for a disability insurance benefit, or (iii) dies, and (except for subparagraph (C) (i) (II) thereof) it applies to every such individual except to the extent otherwise provided by paragraph (4). (B) For purposes of this title, an individual is deemed to be eligible- (i) for old-age insurance benefits, for months beginning with the month in which he attains age 62, or (ii) for disability insurance benefits, for months beginning with the month in which his period of disability began as pro- vided under section 216 (i) (2) (C), except as provided in paragraph (2) (A) in cases where fewer than 12 months have elapsed since the termination of a prior period of disability. (4) Paragraph (1) (except for subparagraph (C) (i) (II) thereof) does not apply to the computation or recomputation of a primary insurance amount for- (A) an individual who was eligible for a disability insurance benefit for a month prior to January 1979 unless, prior to the month in which occurs the event described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of paragraph (3)(A), there occurs a period of at least 12 consecutive months for which he was not entitled to a disability insurance benefit, or 1 (B) an individual who had wages or self-employment income credited for one or more years prior to 1979, and who was not eligible for an old-age or disability insurance benefit, and did not die, prior to January 1979, if in the year for which the computa- tion or recommendation ¹ would be made the individual's primary insurance amount would be greater if computed or recomputed- (i) under section 215 (a) as in effect in December 1978, for purposes of old-age insurance benefits in the case of an indi- vidual who becomes eligible for such benefits prior to 1984, or (ii) as provided by section 215(d), in the case of an indi- vidual to whom such section applies. In determining whether an individual's primary insurance amount would be greater if computed or recomputed as provided in subpara- graph (B), (I) the table of benefits in effect in December 1978 shall be applied without regard to any increases in that table which may 1 The word "recommendation" is a technical error in the law; it should read “recompu- tation". Revised April 1978 Sec. 215(b) 129 become effective (in accordance with subsection (i) (4)) for years after 1978 (subject to clause (iii) of subsection (i)(2)(A) but without regard to clauses (iv) and (v) thereof) and (II) such individual's average monthly wage shall be computed as provided by sub- section (b)(4). (5) For purposes of computing the primary insurance amount (after December 1978) of an individual to whom paragraph (1) does not apply (other than an individual described in paragraph (4) (B)), this section as in effect in December 1978 shall remain in effect, except that, effective for January 1979, the dollar amount specified in para- graph (3) of subsection (a) shall be increased to $11.50. The table for determining primary insurance amounts and maximum family benefits contained in this section in December 1978 shall be revised as provided by subsection (i) for each year after 1978.¹ Average Indexed Monthly Earnings; Average Monthly Wage (b)(1) An individual's average indexed monthly earnings shall be equal to the quotient obtained by dividing- (A) the total (after adjustment under paragraph (3)) of his wages paid in and self-employment income credited to his bene- fit computation years (determined under paragraph (2)), by (B) the number of months in those years. (2) (A) The number of an individual's benefit computation years equals the number of elapsed years, reduced by five, except that the number of an individual's benefit computation years may not be less than two. (B) For purposes of this subsection with respect to any individual- (i) the term "benefit computation years" means those computa- tion base years, equal in number to the number determined under subparagraph (A), for which the total of such individual's wages and self-employment income, after adjustment under paragraph (3), is the largest; (ii) the term "computation base years" means the calendar years after 1950 and before- P (I) in the case of an individual entitled to old-age insur- ance benefits the year in which occurred (whether by reason of section 202 (j) (1) or otherwise) the first month of that entitlement; or (II) in the case of an individual who has died (without having become entitled to old-age insurance benefits), the year succeeding the year of his death; except that such term excludes any calendar year entirely in- cluded in a period of disability; and 1 Subsection (a) was amended by sec. 201(a) of P.L. 95-216. Sec. 215(b) Revised April 1978 130 (iii) the term "number of elapsed years" means (except as otherwise provided by section 104(j) (2) of the Social Security Amendments of 1972) the number of calendar years after 1950 (or, if later, the year in which the individual attained age 21) and before the year in which the individual died, or, if it occurred earlier (but after 1960), the year in which he attained age 62; except that such term excludes any calendar year any part of which is included in a period of disability. (3) (A) Except as provided by subparagraph (B), the wages paid in and self-employment income credited to each of an individual's com- putation base years for purposes of the selection therefrom of benefit computation years under paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be equal to the product of— (i) the wages and self-employment income paid in or credited to such year (as determined without regard to this subpara- graph), and (ii) the quotient obtained by dividing- (I) the average of the total wages (as defined in regula- tions of the Secretary and computed without regard to the limitations specified in section 209 (a)) reported to the Secre- tary of the Treasury or his delegate for the second calendar year (after 1976) preceding the earliest of the year of the individual's death, eligibility for an old-age insurance bene- fit, or eligibility for a disability insurance benefit (except that the year in which the individual dies, or becomes eligible, shall not be considered as such year if the individual was entitled to disability insurance benefits for any month in the 12-month period immediately preceding such death or eligibility, but there shall be counted instead the year of the individual's eligibility for the disability insurance benefit to which he was entitled in such 12-month period), by (II) the average of the total wages (as so defined and computed) reported to the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate for the computation base year for which the deter- mination is made. (B) Wages paid in or self-employment income credited to an in- dividual's computation base year which- (i) occurs after the second calendar year specified in subpara- graph (A) (ii) (I), or (ii) is a year treated under subsection (f) (2) (C) as though it were the last year of the period specified in paragraph (2) (B) (ii), shall be available for use in determining an individual's benefit com- putation years, but without applying subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. P Revised April 1978 131 Sec. 215(d) (4) For purposes of determining the average monthly wage of an individual whose primary insurance amount is computed (after 1978) under section 215(a) or 215 (d) as in effect (except with respect to the table contained therein) in December 1978, by reason of subsection (a) (4) (B), this subsection as in effect in December 1978 shall remain in effect, except that paragraph (2)(C) (as then in effect) shall be deemed to provide that "computation base years" include only calendar years in the period after 1950 (or 1936, if applicable) and prior to the year in which occurred the first month for which the individual was eligible (as defined in subsection (a) (3) (B) as in effect in January 1979) for an old-age or disability insurance benefit, or, if earlier, the year in which he died. Any calendar year all of which is included in a period of disability shall not be included as a computation base year for such purposes.¹ Application of Prior Provisions in Certain Cases (c) This subsection as in effect in December 1978 shall remain in effect with respect to an individual to whom subsection (a) (1) does not apply by reason of the individual's eligibility for an old-age or dis- ability insurance benefit, or the individual's death, prior to 1979.² Primary Insurance Benefit Under 1939 Act (d) (1) For purposes of column I of the table appearing in sub- section (a), as that subsection was in effect in December 1977, an indi- vidual's primary insurance benefit shall be computed as follows: (A) The individual's average monthly wage shall be deter- mined as provided in subsection (b), as in effect in December 1977 (but without regard to paragraph (4) thereof), except that for purposes of paragraphs (2) (C) and (3) of that subsection (as so in effect) 1936 shall be used instead of 1950. (B) For purposes of subparagraphs (B) and (C) of subsec- tion (b) (2) (as so in effect)- (i) the total wages prior to 1951 (as defined in subpara- graph (C) of this paragraph) of an individual who attained age 21 after 1936 and prior to 1950 shall be divided by the number of years (hereinafter in this subparagraph referred to as the "divisor") elapsing after the year in which the in- dividual attained age 20 and prior to 1951; and (ii) the total wages prior to 1951 (as defined in subpara- graph (C) of this paragraph) of an individual who attained age 21 after 1949 shall be divided by the number of years (hereinafter in this subparagraph referred to as the "divi- sor") elapsing after 1949 and prior to 1951. 1 Subsection (b) was amended by sec. 201(b) of P.L. 95–216. 2 Subsection (c) was amended by sec. 201(c) of P.L. 95–216. Sec. 215(d) 132 Revised April 1978 The quotient so obtained shall be deemed to be the individual's wages credited to each of the years which were used in computing the amount of the divisor, except that- (iii) if the quotient exceeds $3,000, only $3,000 shall be deemed to be the individual's wages for each of the years which were used in computing the amount of the divisor, and the remainder of the individual's total wages prior to 1951 (I) if less than $3,000, shall be deemed credited to the year immediately preceding the earliest year used in computing the amount of the divisor, or (II) if $3,000 or more, shall be deemed credited, in $3,000 increments, to the year immediately preceding the earliest year used in computing the amount of the divisor and to each year consecutively preceding that year, with any remainder less than $3,000 being credited to the year immediately preceding the earliest year to which a full $3,000 increment was credited; and (iv) no more than $42,000 may be taken into account, for purposes of this subparagraph, as total wages after 1936 and prior to 1951. (C) For the purposes of subparagraph (B), "total wages prior to 1951" with respect to an individual means the sum of (i) re- muneration credited to such individual prior to 1951 on the records of the Secretary, (ii) wages deemed paid prior to 1951 to such individual under section 217, (iii) compensation under the Rail- road Retirement Act of 1937 prior to 1951 creditable to him pur- suant to this title, and (iv) wages deemed paid prior to 1951 to such individual under section 231. R (D) The individual's primary insurance benefit shall be 40 per- cent of the first $50 of his average monthly wage as computed un- der this subsection, plus 10 percent of the next $200 of his average monthly wage, increased by 1 percent for each increment year. The number of increment years is the number, not more than 14 nor less than 4, that is equal to the individual's total wages prior to 1951 divided by $1,650 (disregarding any fraction).¹ (2) The provisions of this subsection shall be applicable only in the case of an individual- A (A) with respect to whom at least one of the quarters elapsing prior to 1951 is a quarter of coverage; (B) except as provided in paragraph (3), who attained age 22 after 1950 and with respect to whom less than six of the quar- ters elapsing after 1950 are quarters of coverage, or who attained such age before 1951; and (C)(i) who becomes entitled to benefits under section 202 (a) or 223 after the date of the enactment of the Social Security Amendments of 1967, or ¹ Paragraph (1) was amended by secs. 201(d) (1) and 201(d) (2) of P.L. 95-216. Revised April 1978 Sec. 215(e) 133 (ii) who dies after such date without being entitled to benefits under section 202 (a) or 223, or (iii) whose primary insurance amount is required to be recom- puted under section 215 (f) (2) or (6), or section 231. (3) The provisions of this subsection as in effect prior to the enact- ment of the Social Security Amendments of 1967 shall be applicable in the case of an individual who had a period of disability which began prior to 1951, but only if the primary insurance amount result- ing therefrom is higher than the primary insurance amount resulting from the application of this section (as amended by the Social Secu- rity Amendments of 1967) and section 220.¹ 1 (4) The provisions of this subsection as in effect in December 1977 shall be applicable to individuals who become eligible for old-age or disability insurance benefits or die prior to 1978.2 Certain Wages and Self-Employment Income Not To Be Counted (e) For the purposes of subsections (b) and (d)— (1) in computing an individual's average indexed monthly earnings or, in the case of an individual whose primary insurance amount is computed under section 215 (a) as in effect prior to January 1979, average monthly wage, there shall not be counted the excess over $3,600 in the case of any calendar year after 1950 and before 1955, the excess over $4,200 in the case of any calendar year after 1954 and before 1959, the excess over $4,800 in the case of any calendar year after 1958 and before 1966, the excess over $6,600 in the case of any calendar year after 1965 and before 1968, the excess over $7,800 in the case of any calendar year after 1967 and before 1972, the excess over $9,000 in the case of any calendar year after 1971 and before 1973, the excess over $10,800 in the case of any calendar year after 1972 and before 1974, the excess over $13,200 in the case of any calendar year after 1973 and before 1975, and the excess over an amount equal to the contribution and benefit base (as determined under section 230) in the case of any calendar year after 1974 with respect to which such contribu- tion and benefit base is effective (before the application, in the case of average indexed monthly earnings, of subsection (b) (3) (A)) of (A) the wages paid to him in such year, plus (B) the self-employment income credited to such year (as determined under section 212) ; and (2) if an individual's average indexed monthly earnings or, in the case of an individual whose primary insurance amount is computed under section 215 (a) as in effect prior to January 1979, average monthly wage, computed under subsection (b) or for the purposes of subsection (d) is not a multiple of $1, it shall be reduced to the next lower multiple of $1.3 1 Paragraph (3) was amended by sec. 201 (d) (3) of P.L. 95-216. 2 Paragraph (4) was added by sec. 201 (d) (4) of P.L. 95-216. 3 Subsection (e) was amended by sec. 201(e) of P.L. 95-216. Sec. 215(f) Revised April 1978 134 Recomputation of Benefits (f) (1) After an individual's primary insurance amount has been determined under this section, there shall be no recomputation of such individual's primary insurance amount except as provided in this sub- section or, in the case of a World War II veteran who died prior to July 27, 1954, as provided in section 217(b). (2) (A) If an individual has wages or self-employment income for a year after 1978 for any part of which he is entitled to old-age or disability insurance benefits, the Secretary shall, at such time or times and within such period as he may by regulation prescribe, recompute the individual's primary insurance account for that year. (B) For the purpose of applying subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) (1) to the average indexed monthly earnings of an individual to whom that subsection applies and who receives a recomputation under this paragraph, there shall be used, in lieu of the amounts estab- lished by subsection (a) (1) (B) for purposes of clauses (i) and (ii) of subsection (a) (1) (A), the amounts so established that were (or, in the case of an individual described in subsection (a)(4)(B), would have been) used in the computation of such individual's primary in- surance amount prior to the application of this subsection. (C) A recomputation of any individual's primary insurance amount under this paragraph shall be made as provided in subsection (a)(1) as though the year with respect to which it is made is the last year of the period specified in subsection (b) (2) (B)(ii); and subsection (b) (3)(A) shall apply with respect to any such recomputation as it applied in the computation of such individual's primary insurance amount prior to the application of this subsection. (D) A recomputation under this paragraph with respect to any year shall be effective— (i) in the case of an individual who did not die in that year, for monthly benefits beginning with benefits for January of the following year; or (ii) in the case of an individual who died in that year, for monthly benefits beginning with benefits for the month in which he died.¹ (3) [Repealed.]² (4) A recomputation shall be effective under this subsection only if it increases the primary insurance amount by at least $1.3 (5) In the case of a man who became entitled to old-age insurance benefits and died before the month in which he attained age 65, the Secretary shall recompute his primary insurance amount as provided in subsection (a) as though he became entitled to old-age insurance 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by sec. 201 (f) (1) of P.L. 95–216. 2 Paragraph (3) was repealed by sec. 201 (f) (2) of P.L. 95-216. 3 Paragraph (4) was amended by sec. 201(f)(3) of P.L. 95–216. Revised April 1978 Sec. 215(h) 135 I benefits in the month in which he died; except that (i) his computa- tion base years referred to in subsection (b) (2) shall include the year in which he died, and (ii) his elapsed years referred to in subsection (b) (3) shall not include the year in which he died or any year there- after. Such recomputation of such primary insurance amount shall be effective for and after the month in which he died. (6) Upon the death after 1967 of an individual entitled to benefits under section 202(a) or section 223, if any person is entitled to monthly benefits or a lump-sum death payment, on the wages and self- employment income of such individual, the Secretary shall recompute the decedent's primary insurance amount, but only if the decedent during his lifetime was paid compensation which was treated under section 205 (o) as remuneration for employment. (7) This subsection as in effect in December 1978 shall continue to apply to the recomputation of a primary insurance amount computed under subsection (a) or (d) as in effect (without regard to the table in subsection (a)) in that month, and, where appropriate, under sub- section (d) as in effect in December 1977. For purposes of recomputing a primary insurance amount determined under subsection (a) or (d) (as so in effect) in the case of an individual to whom those subsections apply by reason of subsection (a) (4) (B) as in effect after December 1978, no remuneration shall be taken into account for the year in which the individual initially became eligible for an old-age or disability insurance benefit or died, or for any year thereafter.¹ (8) The Secretary shall recompute the primary insurance amounts applicable to beneficiaries whose benefits are based on a primary insur- ance amount which was computed under subsection (a) (3) effective prior to January 1979, or would have been so computed if the dollar amount specified therein were $11.50. Such recomputation shall be effective January 1979, and shall include the effect of the increase in the dollar amount provided by subsection (a)(1) (C) (i) (II). Such primary insurance amount shall be deemed to be provided under such section for purposes of subsection (i).¹ 1 Rounding of Benefits (g) The amount of any primary insurance amount and the amount of any monthly benefit computed under section 202 or 223 which (after reduction under section 203 (a) and deductions under section 203 (b)) is not a multiple of $0.10 shall be raised to the next higher multiple of $0.10. (h) (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subchapter III of chap- ter 83 of title 5, United States Code, remuneration paid for services to which the provisions of section 210(1) (1) of this Act are applicable and which is performed by an individual as a commissioned officer of 1 Paragraphs (7) and (8) were added by sec. 201 (f) (4) of P.L. 95-216. Sec. 215(h) Revised April 1978 136 4 the Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service prior to July 1, 1960, shall not be included in computing entitlement to or the amount of any monthly benefit under this title, on the basis of his wages and self- employment income, for any month after June 1960 and prior to the first month with respect to which the Civil Service Commission certi- fies to the Secretary that, by reason of a waiver filed as provided in paragraph (2), no further annuity will be paid to him, his wife, and his children, or, if he has died, to his widow and children, under sub- chapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code, on the basis. of such service. (2) In the case of a monthly benefit for a month prior to that in which the individual, on whose wages and self-employment income such benefit is based, dies, the waiver must be filed by such individual; and such waiver shall be irrevocable and shall constitute a waiver on behalf of himself, his wife, and his children. If such individual did not file such a waiver before he died, then in the case of a benefit for the month in which he died or any month thereafter, such waiver must be filed by his widow, if any, and by or on behalf of all his children, if any; and such waivers shall be irrevocable. Such a waiver by a child shall be filed by his legal guardian or guardians, or, in the absence thereof, by the person (or persons) who has the child in his care. Cost-of-Living Increases in Benefits (i) (1) For purposes of this subsection— (A) the term "base quarter" means (i) the calendar quarter ending on March 31 in each year after 1974, or (ii) any other cal- endar quarter in which occurs the effective month of a general benefit increase under this title; (B) the term "cost-of-living computation quarter" means a base quarter, as defined in subparagraph (A) (i), in which the Con- sumer Price Index prepared by the Department of Labor exceeds, by not less than 3 per centum, such Index in the later of (i) the last prior cost-of-living computation quarter which was estab- lished under this subparagraph, or (ii) the most recent calendar quarter in which occurred the effective month of a general benefit increase under this title; except that there shall be no cost-of- living computation quarter in any calendar year if in the year prior to such year a law has been enacted providing a general benefit increase under this title or if in such prior year such a general benefit increase becomes effective; and (C) the Consumer Price Index for a base quarter, a cost-of- living computation quarter, or any other calendar quarter shall be the arithmetical mean of such index for the 3 months in such quarter. Revised April 1978 137 Sec. 215(i) (2) (A) (i) The Secretary shall determine each year beginning with 1975 (subject to the limitation in paragraph (1) (B)) whether the base quarter (as defined in paragraph (1) (A) (i)) in such year is a cost-of- living computation quarter. (ii) If the Secretary determines that the base quarter in any year is a cost-of-living computation quarter, he shall, effective with the month of June of that year as provided in subparagraph (B), increase (I) the benefit amount to which individuals are entitled for that month under section 227 or 228, (II) the primary insurance amount of each other individual on which benefit entitlement is based under this title (including a primary insurance amount determined under subsection (a) (1) (C) (i) (I), but subject to the provisions of such subsection (a) (1) (C) (i) and clauses (iv) and (v) of this subparagraph), and (III) the amount of total monthly benefits based on any pri- mary insurance amount which is permitted under section 203 (and such total shall be increased, unless otherwise so increased under another provision of this title, at the same time as such primary insurance amount) or, in the case of a primary insurance amount computed under subsection (a) as in effect without regard to the table contained therein) prior to January 1979, the amount to which the beneficiaries may be entitled under section 203 as in effect in December 1978, except as provided by section 203 (a) (6) and (7) as in effect after December 1978. The increase shall be derived by multiplying each of the amounts described in subdivisions (I), (II), and (III) (including each of those amounts as previously increased under this subparagraph) by the same percentage (rounded to the nearest one-tenth of 1 percent) as the percentage by which the Consumer Price Index for that cost-of- living computation quarter exceeds such index for the most recent prior calendar quarter which was a base quarter under paragraph (1)(A)(ii) or, if later, the most recent cost-of-living computation quarter under paragraph (1) (B); and any amount so increased that is not a multiple of $0.10 shall be increased to the next higher multiple of $0.10. Any increase under this subsection in a primary insurance amount determined under subparagraph (C) (i) (II) of subsection (a) (1) shall be applied after the initial determination of such pri- mary insurance amount under that subparagraph (with the amount of such increase, in the case of an individual who becomes eligible for old-age or disability insurance benefits or dies in a calendar year after 1979, being determined from the range of possible primary insurance amounts published by the Secretary under the last sentence of sub- paragraph (D)).¹ 1 Clause (ii) was amended by sec. 201 (g) (1) of P.L. 95-216. 21-746 O 78 - 11 Sec. 215(i) 138 Revised April 1978 t (iii) In the case of an individual who becomes eligible for an old- age or disability insurance benefit, or who dies prior to becoming so eligible, in a year in which there occurs an increase provided under clause (ii), the individual's primary insurance amount (without regard to the time of entitlement to that benefit) shall be increased. (unless otherwise so increased under another provision of this title. and, with respect to a primary insurance amount determined under subsection (a)(1) (C) (i) (I), subject to the provisions of subsection (a) (1) (C)(i) and clauses (iv) and (v) of this subparagraph) by the amount of that increase and subsequent applicable increases, but only with respect to benefits payable for months after May of that year.2 (iv) (I) In the case of an individual who is entitled to an old-age insurance benefit that is based on a primary insurance amount deter- mined under subsection (a) (1) (C) (i) (I), such primary insurance amount shall not be increased under this subsection for any year before the year in which occurs the first month with respect to which there is payable to such individual all or some part of such benefit after application of the provisions of section 203 relating to deductions on account of work, or, if earlier, the year in which he attains age 65. (II) In the case of an individual who is entitled to an insurance benefit under subsection (e) or (f) of section 202 that is based on a primary insurance amount determined under subsection (a) (1) (C) (i) (I), such primary insurance amount shall not be increased under this subsection for any year (except as provided in subdivision (III)) before the year in which occurs the first month with respect to which there is payable to such individual all or some part of such benefit after application of the provisions of section 203 relating to deduc- tions on account of work, or, if earlier, the year in which he attains. age 65. (III) Any increase under this subsection which would otherwise be applied to a primary insurance amount except for the provisions of subdivision (II) of this clause, shall apply to such primary insur- ance amount if, during any month of the year in which the increase occurs, any individual is entitled to a benefit under subsection (d), (g), or (h) of section 202 based on such primary insurance amount, and such primary insurance amount is based upon the wages and self- employment income of a deceased individual. G (IV) No primary insurance amount determined under subsection (a) (1) (C) (i) (I) shall be increased under this subsection for any year during which no individual was entitled to any benefit based thereon under section 202 or 223 for any month of such year. (V) In any case in which an increase under this subsection which occurs during any year applies to a primary insurance amount deter- 2 Clauses (iii), (iv), and (v) were added by sec. 201(g) (2) of P.L. 95–216. Revised April 1978 Sec. 215(i) 139 mined under subsection (a) (1) (C) (i) (I), and such an increase oc- curring in a later year does not apply to such primary insurance amount on account of the provisions of this clause, any such increase which occurs in a later year which is applicable to such primary in- surance amount shall be based upon such primary insurance amount as previously increased under this subsection.¹ (v) Notwithstanding clause (iv), no primary insurance amount shall be less than that provided under section 215 (a) (1) without regard to subparagraph (C) (i) (I) thereof, as subsequently increased by applicable increases under this section.¹ (B) The increase provided by subparagraph (A) with respect to a particular cost-of-living computation quarter shall apply in the case of monthly benefits under this title for months after May of the calen- dar year in which occurred such cost-of-living computation quarter, and in the case of lump-sum death payments with respect to deaths occurring after May of such calendar year. (C) (i) Whenever the level of the Consumer Price Index as pub- lished for any month exceeds by 2.5 percent or more the level of such index for the most recent base quarter (as defined in paragraph (1) (A)(ii)) or, if later, the most recent cost-of-living computation quar- ter, the Secretary shall (within 5 days after such publication) report the amount of such excess to the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance. (ii) Whenever the Secretary determines that a base quarter in a calendar year is also a cost-of-living computation quarter, he shall notify the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Com- mittee on Finance of such determination within 30 days after the close of such quarter, indicating the amount of the benefit increase to be pro- vided, his estimate of the extent to which the cost of such increase would be met by an increase in the contribution and benefit base under section 230 and the estimated amount of the increase in such base, the actuarial estimates of the effect of such increase, and the actuarial as- sumptions and methodology used in preparing such estimates. (D) If the Secretary determines that a base quarter in a calendar year is also a cost-of-living computation quarter, he shall publish in the Federal Register within 45 days after the close of such quarter a determination that a benefit increase is resultantly required and the percentage thereof. He shall also publish in the Federal Register at that time (i) a revision of the range of the primary insurance amounts. which are possible after the application of this subsection based on the dollar amount specified in subparagraph (C) (i) (II) of subsection (a) (1) (with such revised primary insurance amounts constituting the ¹ Clauses (iii), (iv), and (v) were added by sec. 201(g) (2) of P.L. 95–216. Revised April 1978 Sec. 215(i) 139-A increased amounts determined for purposes of such subparagraph (C) (i) (II) under this subsection), or specified in subsection (a)(3) as in effect prior to 1979, and (ii) a revision of the range of maximum family benefits which correspond to such primary insurance amounts (with such maximum benefits being effective notwithstanding section 203 (a) except for paragraph (3) (B) thereof (or paragraph (2) thereof as in effect prior to 1979)).¹ (3) As used in this subsection, the term "general benefit increase under this title” means an increase (other than an increase under this subsection) in all primary insurance amounts on which monthly insurance benefits under this title are based. (4) This subsection as in effect in December 1978 shall continue to apply to subsections (a) and (d), as then in effect, for purposes of computing the primary insurance amount of an individual to whom subsection (a), as in effect after December 1978, does not apply (including an individual to whom subsection (a) does not apply in any year by reason of paragraph (4) (B) of that subsection (but the application of this subsection in such cases shall be modified by the application of subdivision (I) in the last sentence of paragraph (4) of that subsection)). For purposes of computing primary insurance amounts and maximum family benefits (other than primary insurance amounts and maximum family benefits for individuals to whom such paragraph (4) (B) applies), the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register revisions of the table of benefits contained in subsection (a), as in effect in December 1978, as required by paragraph (2) (D) of this subsection as then in effect.² 2 1 Subparagraph (D) was amended by sec. 201 (g) (3) of P.L. 95–216. 2 Paragraph (4) was added by sec. 201(g) (4) of P.L. 95-216. See Appendix F for law as in effect on December, 1978. Sec. 216(a) Revised April 1978 140 Other Definitions Sec. 216. For the purposes of this title- (a) [Repealed.] Wife (b) The term "wife" means the wife of an individual, but only if she (1) is the mother of his son or daughter, (2) was married to him for a period of not less than one year immediately preceding the day on which her application is filed, or (3) in the month prior to the month of her marriage to him (A) was entitled to, or on application therefor and attainment of age 62 in such prior month would have been entitled to, benefits under subsection (b), (e), or (h) of section. 202, (B) had attained age eighteen and was entitled to, or on applica- tion therefor would have been entitled to, benefits under subsection (d) of such section (subject, however, to section 202 (s)), or (C) was entitled to, or upon application there for and attainment of the re- quired age (if any) would have been entitled to, a widow's, child's (after attainment of age 18), or parent's insurance annuity under sec- tion 2 of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, as amended. Widow (c) The term "widow" (except when used in section 202 (i)) means the surviving wife of an individual, but only if (1) she is the mother of his son or daughter, (2) she legally adopted his son or daughter while she was married to him and while such son or daughter was under the age of eighteen, (3) he legally adopted her son or daughter while she was married to him and while such son or daughter was under the age of eighteen, (4) she was married to him at the time. both of them legally adopted a child under the age of eighteen, (5) she was married to him for a period of not less than nine months immediately prior to the day on which he died, or (6) in the month prior to the month of her marriage to him (A) she was entitled to, or on application therefor and attainment of age 62 in such prior month would have been entitled to, benefits under subsection (b), (e), or (h) of section 202, (B) she had attained age eighteen and was entitled to, or on application therefor would have been entitled to, benefits under subsection (d) of such section (subject, however, to section 202 (s)), or (C) she was entitled to, or upon application therefor and attainment of the required age (if any) would have been entitled to, a widow's, child's (after attainment of age 18), or parent's insurance annuity under section 2 of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, as amended. Divorced Wives; Divorce (d) (1) The term "divorced wife" means a woman divorced from an individual, but only if she had been married to such individual for Revised April 1978 141 Sec. 216(e) a period of 10 years immediately before the date the divorce became effective.¹ (2) The term "surviving divorced wife" means a woman divorced from an individual who has died, but only if she had been married to the individual for a period of 10 years immediately before the date the divorce became effective.¹ (3) The term "surviving divorced mother" means a woman di- vorced from an individual who has died, but only if (A) she is the mother of his son or daughter, (B) she legally adopted his son or daughter while she was married to him and while such son or daughter was under the age of 18, (C) he legally adopted her son or daughter while she was married to him and while such son or daughter was under the age of 18, or (D) she was married to him at the time both of them legally adopted a child under the age of 18. (4) The terms "divorce" and "divorced" refer to a divorce a vin- culo matrimonii. Child (e) The term "child" means (1) the child or legally adopted child of an individual, (2) a stepchild who has been such stepchild for not less than one year immediately preceding the day on which appli- cation for child's insurance benefits is filed or (if the insured individual is deceased) not less than nine months immediately preceding the day on which such individual died, and (3) a person who is the grand- child or stepgrandchild of an individual or his spouse, but only if (A) there was no natural or adoptive parent (other than such a parent who was under a disability, as defined in section 223 (d)) of such per- son living at the time (i) such individual became entitled to old-age insurance benefits or disability insurance benefits or died, or (ii) if such individual had a period of disability which continued until such individual became entitled to old-age insurance benefits or disability insurance benefits, or died, at the time such period of disability began, or (B) such person was legally adopted after the death of such indi- vidual by such individual's surviving spouse in an adoption that was decreed by a court of competent jurisdiction within the United States and such person's natural or adopting parent or stepparent was not living in such individual's household and making regular contributions toward such person's support at the time such individual died. For purposes of clause (1), a person shall be deemed, as of the date of death of an individual, to be the legally adopted child of such individual if such person was at the time of such individual's death living in such individual's household and was legally adopted by such individual's ¹ Paragraphs (1) and (2) were amended by sec. 337(a) of Public Law 95-216 effective as specified in sec. 337 (c) which appears in this document on p. 811. Revised April 1978 Sec. 216(g) 141-A surviving spouse after such individual's death but only if (A) pro- ceedings for the adoption of the child had been instituted by such indi- vidual before his death, or (B) such child was adopted by such indi- vidual's surviving spouse before the end of two years after (i) the day on which such individual died or (ii) the date of enactment of the Social Security Amendments of 1958; except that this sentence shall not apply if at the time of such individual's death such person was receiving regular contributions toward his support from someone other than such individual or his spouse, or from any public or private welfare organization which furnishes services or assistance for chil- dren. For purposes of clause (2), a person who is not the stepchild of an individual shall be deemed the stepchild of such individual if such individual was not the mother or adopting mother or the father or adopting father of such person and such individual and the mother or adopting mother, or the father or adopting father, as the case may be, of such person went through a marriage ceremony resulting in a purported marriage between them which, but for a legal impediment described in the last sentence of subsection (h) (1) (B), would have been a valid marriage. Husband (f) The term "husband" means the husband of an individual, but only if (1) he is the father of her son or daughter, (2) he was married to her for a period of not less than one year immediately preceding the day on which his application is filed, or (3) in the month prior to the month of his marriage to her (A) he was entitled to, or on applica- tion therefor and attainment of age 62 in such prior month would have been entitled to, benefits under subsection (f), or (h) of section 202, (B) he had attained age eighteen and was entitled to, or on application therefor would have been entitled to, benefits under sub- section (d) of such section (subject, however, to section 202(s)), (C) he was entitled to, or upon application there for and attainment of the required age (if any) he would have been entitled to, a widower's, child's (after attainment of age 18), or parent's insurance annuity under section 2 of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, as amended. or Widower (g) The term "widower" (except when used in section 202(i)) means the surviving husband of an individual, but only if (1) he is the father of her son or daughter, (2) he legally adopted her son or daugh- ter while he was married to her and while such son or daughter was under the age of eighteen, (3) she legally adopted his son or daughter while he was married to her and while such son or daughter was under the age of eighteen, (4) he was married to her at the time both of them Sec. 216(g) 142 legally adopted a child under the age of eighteen, (5) he was married to her for a period of not less than nine months immediately prior to the day on which she died, or (6) in the month before the month of his marriage to her (A) he was entitled to, or on application there- for and attainment of age 62 in such prior month would have been entitled to, benefits under subsection (f), or (h) of section 202, (B) he had attained age eighteen and was entitled to, or on application therefor would have been entitled to, benefits under subsection (d) of such section (subject, however, to section 202 (s)), or (C) he was entitled to, or on application therefor and attainment of the required age (if any) he would have been entitled to a widower's, child's (after attainment of age 18), or parent's insurance annuity under sec- tion 2 of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, as amended. Determination of Family Status (h)(1)(A) An applicant is the wife, husband, widow, or widower of a fully or currently insured individual for purposes of this title if the courts of the State in which such insured individual is domiciled at the time such applicant files an application, or, if such insured indi- vidual is dead, the courts of the State in which he was domiciled at the time of death, or, if such insured individual is or was not so domiciled in any State, the courts of the District of Columbia, would find that such applicant and such insured individual were validly married at the time such applicant files such application or, if such insured indi- vidual is dead, at the time he died. If such courts would not find that such applicant and such insured individual were validly married at such time, such applicant shall, nevertheless be deemed to be the wife, husband, widow, or widower, as the case may be, of such insured indi- vidual if such applicant would, under the laws applied by such courts in determining the devolution of interstate personal property, have the same status with respect to the taking of such property as a wife, hus- band, widow, or widower of such insured individual. (B) In any case where under subparagraph (A) an applicant is not (and is not deemed to be) the wife, widow, husband, or widower of a fully or currently insured individual, or where under subsection (b), (c), (f), or (g) such applicant is not the wife, widow, husband, or widower of such individual, but it is established to the satisfaction of the Secretary that such applicant in good faith went through a mar- riage ceremony with such individual resulting in a purported mar- riage between them which, but for a legal impediment not known to the applicant at the time of such ceremony, would have been a valid marriage, and such applicant and the insured individual were living in the same household at the time of the death of such insured indi- vidual or (if such insured individual is living) at the time such appli- cant files the application, then, for purposes of subparagraph (A) and 143 Sec. 216(h) subsections (b), (c), (f), and (g), such purported marriage shall be deemed to be a valid marriage. The provisions of the preceding sen- tence shall not apply (i) if another person is or has been entitled to a benefit under subsection (b), (c), (e), (f), or (g) of section 202 on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such insured individual and such other person is (or is deemed to be) a wife, widow, husband, or widower of such insured individual under subparagraph (A) at the time such applicant files the application, or (ii) if the Secretary determines, on the basis of information brought to his atten- tion, that such applicant entered into such purported marriage with such insured individual with knowledge that it would not be a valid marriage. The entitlement to a monthly benefit under subsection (b), (c), (e), (f), or (g) of section 202, based on the wages and self-em- ployment income of such insured individual, of a person who would not be deemed to be a wife, widow, husband, or widower of such in- sured individual but for this subparagraph, shall end with the month before the month (i) in which the Secretary certifies, pursuant to section 205 (i), that another person is entitled to a benefit under sub- section (b), (c), (e), (f), or (g) of section 202 on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such insured individual, if such other person is (or is deemed to be) the wife, widow, husband, or widower of such insured individual under subparagraph (A), or (ii) if the applicant is entitled to a monthly benefit under subsection (b) or (c) of section 202, in which such applicant entered into a mar- riage, valid without regard to this subparagraph, with a person other than such insured individual. For purposes of this subparagraph, a legal impediment to the validity of a purported marriage includes. only an impediment (i) resulting from the lack of dissolution of a pre- vious marriage or otherwise arising out of such previous marriage or its dissolution, or (ii) resulting from a defect in the procedure fol- lowed in connection with such purported marriage. (2) (A) In determining whether an applicant is the child or parent of a fully or currently insured individual for purposes of this title, the Secretary shall apply such law as would be applied in determining the devolution of intestate personal property by the courts of the State in which such insured individual is domiciled at the time such applicant files application, or, if such insured individual is dead, by the courts of the State in which he was domiciled at the time of his death, or, if such insured individual is or was not so domiciled in any State, by the courts of the District of Columbia. Applicants who ac- cording to such law would have the same status relative to taking intestate personal property as a child or parent shall be deemed such. (B) If an applicant is a son or daughter of a fully or currently insured individual but is not (and is not deemed to be) the child of such insured individual under subparagraph (A), such applicant shall سے Sec. 216(h) 144 nevertheless be deemed to be the child of such insured individual if such insured individual and the mother or father, as the case may be, of such applicant went through a marriage ceremony resulting in a purported marriage between them which, but for a legal impediment described in the last sentence of paragraph (1)(B), would have been a valid marriage. (3) An applicant who is the son or daughter of a fully or currently insured individual, but who is not (and is not deemed to be) the child of such insured individual under paragraph (2), shall nevertheless be deemed to be the child of such insured individual if : (A) in the case of an insured individual entitled to old-age insurance benefits (who was not, in the month preceding such entitlement, entitled to disability insurance benefits) - (i) such insured individual— (I) has acknowledged in writing that the applicant is his son or daughter, (II) has been decreed by a court to be the father of the applicant, or (III) has been ordered by a court to contribute to the support of the applicant because the applicant is his son or daughter, and such acknowledgement, court decree, or court order was made not less than one year before such insured individual became entitled to old-age insurance benefits or attained age 65, whichever is earlier; or (ii) such insured individual is shown by evidence satisfac- tory to the Secretary to be the father of the applicant and was living with or contributing to the support of the applicant at the time such insured individual became entitled to bene- fits or attained age 65, whichever first occurred; (B) in the case of an insured individual entitled to disability insurance benefits, or who was entitled to such benefits in the month preceding the first month for which he was entitled to old- age insurance benefits- (i) such insured individual- (I) has acknowledged in writing that the applicant is his son or daughter, (II) has been decreed by a court to be the father of the applicant, or (III) has been ordered by a court to contribute to the support of the applicant because the applicant is his son or daughter, and such acknowledgement, court decree, or court order was made before such insured individual's most recent period of disability began; or 145 Sec. 216(i) (ii) such insured individual is shown by evidence satis- factory to the Secretary to be the father of the applicant and was living with or contributing to the support of that appli- cant at the time such period of disability began; (C) in the case of a deceased individual- (i) such insured individual- (I) had acknowledged in writing that the applicant is his son or daughter, (II) had been decreed by a court to be the father of the applicant, or (III) had been ordered by a court to contribute to the support of the applicant because the applicant was his son or daughter, and such acknowledgement, court decree, or court order was made before the death of such insured individual, or (ii) such insured individual is shown by evidence satis- factory to the Secretary to have been the father of the appli- cant, and such insured individual was living with or contrib- uting to the support of the applicant at the time such insured individual died. Disability; Period of Disability (i) (1) Except for purposes of section 202 (d), 202(e), 202(f), 223, and 225, the term "disability" means (A) inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months, or (B) blindness; and the term "blindness" means central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the use of correcting lens. An eye which is accompanied by a limitation in the field of vision such that the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees shall be considered for purposes of this paragraph as having a central visual acuity of 20/200 or less. The provisions of paragraphs (2)(A), (3), (4), and (5) of section 223 (d) shall be applied for purposes of determining whether an individual is under a disability within the meaning of the first sentence of this paragraph in the same manner as they are applied for purposes of paragraph (1) of such section. Nothing in this title shall be construed as authorizing the Secretary or any other officer or employee of the United States to interfere in any way with the prac- tice of medicine or with relationships between practitioners of medi- cine and their patients, or to exercise any supervision or control over the administration or operation of any hospital. (2) (A) The term "period of disability" means a continuous period (beginning and ending as hereinafter provided in this subsection) during which an individual was under a disability (as defined in Sec. 216(i) 146 paragraph (1)), but only if such period is of not less than five full calendar months' duration or such individual was entitled to benefits under section 223 for one or more months in such period. (B) No period of disability shall begin as to any individual unless such individual files an application for a disability determination with respect to such period; and no such period shall begin as to any in- dividual after such individual attains the age of 65. In the case of a deceased individual, the requirement of an appli- cation under the preceding sentence may be satisfied by an application for a disability determination filed with respect to such individual within 3 months after the month in which he died. (C) A period of disability shall begin— (i) on the day the disability began, but only if the individual satisfies the requirements of paragraph (3) on such day; or (ii) if such individual does not satisfy the requirements of paragraph (3) on such day, then on the first day of the first quar- ter thereafter in which he satisfies such requirements. (D) A period of disability shall end with the close of whichever of the following months is the earlier: (i) the month preceding the month in which the individual attains age 65, or (ii) the second month following the month in which the disability ceases. (E) Except as is otherwise provided in subparagraph (F), no appli- cation for a disability determination which is filed more than 12 months after the month prescribed by subparagraph (D) as the month in which the period of disability ends (determined without regard to subparagraph (B) and this subparagraph) shall be accepted as an ap- plication for purposes of this paragraph. (F) An application for a disability determination which is filed more than 12 months after the month prescribed by subparagraph (D) as the month in which the period of disability ends (determined with- out regard to subparagraphs (B) and (E)) shall be accepted as an application for purposes of this paragraph if- (i) in the case of an application filed by or on behalf of an individual with respect to a disability which ends after the month in which the Social Security Amendments of 1967 is enacted, such application is filed not more than 36 months after the month in which such disability ended, such individual is alive at the time the application is filed, and the Secretary finds in accordance with regulations prescribed by him that the failure of such indi- vidual to file an application for a disability determination within the time specified in subparagraph (E) was attributable to a physical or mental condition of such individual which rendered him incapable of executing such an application, and (ii) in the case of an application filed by or on behalf of an individual with respect to a period of disability which ends in or 147 Sec. 216(i) before the month in which the Social Security Amendments of 1967 as enacted, (I) such application is filed not more than 12 months after the month in which the Social Security Amendments of 1967 is enacted, (II) a previous application for a disability determination has been filed by or on behalf of such individual (1) in or before the month in which the Social Security Amendments of 1967 is enacted, and (2) not more than 36 months after the month in which his disability ended, and (III) the Secretary finds in accordance with regulations prescribed by him, that the failure of such individual to file an application within the then specified time period was at- tributable to a physical or mental condition of such individ- ual which rendered him incapable of executing such an application. • In making a determination under this subsection, with respect to the disability or period of disability of any individual whose application for a determination thereof is accepted solely by reason of the provi- sions of this subparagraph (F), the provisions of this subsection (other than the provisions of this subparagraph) shall be applied as such provisions are in effect at the time such determination is made. (G) An application for a disability determination filed before the first day on which the applicant satisfies the requirements for a period of disability under this subsection shall be deemed a valid application only if the applicant satisfies the requirements for a period of disability before the Secretary makes a final decision on the ap- plication. If upon final decision by the Secretary, or decision upon judicial review thereof, such applicant is found to satisfy such re- quirements, the application shall be deemed to have been filed on such first day. (3) The requirements referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) of para- graph (2) (C) are satisfied by an individual with respect to any quar- ter only if— (A) he would have been a fully insured individual (as defined in section 214) had he attained age 62 and filed application for benefits under section 202 (a) on the first day of such quarter; and (B) (i) he had not less than 20 quarters of coverage during the 40-quarter period which ends with such quarter, or (ii) if such quarter ends before he attains (or would attain) age 31 not less than one-half (and not less than 6) of the quarters during the period ending with such quarter and beginning after he attained the age of 21 were quarters of coverage, or (if the number of quarters in such period is less than 12) not less than 6 of the quarters in the 12-quarter period ending with such quar- Sec. 216(i) 148 ter were quarters of coverage, except that the provisions of sub- paragraph (B) of this paragraph shall not apply in the case of an individual who is blind (within the meaning of "blindness" as defined in paragraph (1)). For purposes of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, when the number of quarters in any period is an odd number, such number shall be reduced by one, and a quarter shall not be counted as part of any period if any part of such quarter was included in a prior period of disability unless such quarter was a quarter of coverage. (4) [Repealed.] Periods of Limitations Ending on Nonwork Days (j) Where this title, any provision of another law of the United States (other than the Internal Revenue Code of 1954) relating to or changing the effect of this title, or any regulation issued by the Secre- tary pursuant thereto provides for a period within which an act is required to be done which affects eligibility for or the amount of any benefit or payment under this title or is necessary to establish or pro- tect any rights under this title, and such period ends on a Satur- day, Sunday, or legal holiday, or on any other day all or part of which is declared to be a nonwork day for Federal employees by statute or Executive order, then such act shall be considered as done within such period if it is done on the first day thereafter which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday or any other day all or part of which is declared to be a nonwork day for Federal employees by statute or Executive order. For purposes of this subsection, the day on which a period ends shall include the day on which an extension of such period, as authorized by law or by the Secretary pursuant to law, ends. The provisions of this subsection shall not extend the period during which benefits under this title may (pursuant to section 202 (j) (1) or 223 (b) ) be paid for months prior to the day application for such benefits is filed, or during which an application for benefits under this title may (pursuant to section 202 (j) (2) or 223(b)) be accepted as such. Waiver of Nine-Month Requirement for Widow, Stepchild, or Widower in Case of Accidental Death or in Case of Serviceman Dying in Line of Duty, or in Case of Remarriage to the Same Individual (k) The requirement in clause (5) of subsection (c) or clause (5) of subsection (g) that the surviving spouse of an individual have been married to such individual for a period of not less than nine months immediately prior to the day on which such individual died in order to qualify as such individual's widow or widower, and the require- ment in subsection (e) that the stepchild of a deceased individual have been such stepchild for not less than nine months immediately preced- ing the day on which such individual died in order to qualify as such individual's child, shall be deemed to be satisfied, where such individ- ual dies within the applicable nine-month period, if— 149 Sec. 217(a) (1) his death- (A) is accidental, or (B) occurs in line of duty while he is a member of a uniformed service serving on active duty (as defined in section 210 (1) (2)), unless the Secretary determines that at the time of the marriage in- volved the individual could not have reasonably been expected to live for nine months, or 21-746 O - 78 12 (2) (A) the widow or widower of such individual had been previ- ously married to such individual and subsequently divorced and such requirement would have been satisfied at the time of such divorce if such previous marriage had been terminated by the death of such individual at such time instead of by divorce; or (B) the stepchild of such individual had been the stepchild of such individual during a previous marriage of such stepchild's parent to such individual which ended in divorce and such requirement would have been satisfied at the time of such divorce if such previous mar- riage had been terminated by the death of such individual at such time instead of by divorce; except that paragraph (2) of this sub- section shall not apply if the Secretary determines that at the time of the marriage involved the individual could not have reasonably been expected to live for nine months. For purposes of paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection, the death of an individual is accidental if he receives bodily injuries solely through violent, external, and accidental means and, as a direct result of the bodily injuries and independently of all other causes, loses his life not later than three months after the day on which he receives such bodily injuries. Benefits in Case of Veterans Sec. 217. (a) (1) For purposes of determining entitlement to and the amount of any monthly benefit for any month after August 1950, or entitlement to and the amount of any lump-sum death payment in case of a death after such month, payable under this title on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of any World War II vet- eran, and for purposes of section 216 (i) (3), such veteran shall be deemed to have been paid wages (in addition to the wages, if any, actually paid to him) of $160 in each month during any part of which he served in the active military or naval service of the United States during World War II. This subsection shall not be applicable in the case of any monthly benefit or lump-sum death payment if- (A) a larger such benefit or payment, as the case may be, would be payable without its application; or (B) a benefit (other than a benefit payable in a lump sum unless it is a commutation of, or a substitute for, periodic pay- ments) which is based, in whole or in part, upon the active mili- tary or naval service of such veteran during World War II is determined by any agency or wholly owned instrumentality of the Sec. 217(a) Revised April 1978 150 United States (other than the Veterans' Administration) to be payable by it under any other law of the United States or under a system established by such agency or instrumentality. The pro- visions of clause (B) shall not apply in the case of any monthly benefit or lump-sum death payment under this title if its applica- tion would reduce by $0.50 or less the primary insurance amount (as computed under section 215 prior to any recomputation thereof pursuant to subsection (f) of such section) of the individual on whose wages and self-employment income such benefit or payment is based. The provisions of clause (B) shall also not apply for purposes of section 216 (i) (3). (2) Upon application for benefits or a lump-sum death payment on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of any World War II veteran, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall make a decision without regard to clause (B) of paragraph (1) of this subsection unless he has been notified by some other agency or instru- mentality of the United States that, on the basis of the military or naval service of such veteran during World War II, a benefit described in clause (B) of paragraph (1) has been determined by such agency or instrumentality to be payable by it. If he has not been so notified, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall then ascertain whether some other agency or wholly owned instrumentality of the United States has decided that a benefit described in clause (B) of paragraph (1) is payable by it. If any such agency or instrumentality has decided, or thereafter decides, that such a benefit is payable by it, it shall so notify the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the Secretary shall certify no further benefits for payment or shall recompute the amount of any further benefits payable, as may be required by paragraph (1) of this subsection. (3) Any agency or wholly owned instrumentality of the United States which is authorized by any law of the United States to pay benefits, or has a system of benefits which are based, in whole or in part, on military or naval service during World War II shall, at the request of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, certify to him, with respect to any veteran, such information as the Secretary deems necessary to carry out his functions under paragraph (2) of this subsection. (b) (1) Any World War II veteran who died during the period of three years immediately following his separation from the active mili- tary or naval service of the United States shall be deemed to have died a fully insured individual whose primary insurance amount is the amount determined under section 215 (c) as in effect in December 1978. Notwithstanding section 215 (d) as in effect in December 1978, the primary insurance benefit (for purposes of section 215 (c) as in effect in December 1978) of such veteran shall be determined as provided in this title as in effect prior to the enactment of this section, except that Revised April 1978 151 Sec. 217(c) the 1 per centum addition provided for in section 209 (e) (2) of this Act as in effect prior to the enactment of this section shall be applicable only with respect to calendar years prior to 1951. This subsection shall not be applicable in the case of any monthly benefit or lump-sum death payment if (A) a larger such benefit or payment, as the case may be, would be payable without its application; (B) any pension or compensation is determined by the Vet- erans' Administration to be payable by it on the basis of the death of such veteran; (C) the death of the veteran occurred while he was in the active military or naval service of the United States; or (D) such veteran has been discharged or released from the active military or naval service of the United States subsequent to July 26, 1951.1 (2) Upon an application for benefits or a lump-sum death payment on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of any World War II veteran, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall make a decision without regard to paragraph (1) (B) of this sub- section unless he has been notified by the Veterans' Administration that pension or compensation is determined to be payable by the Vet- erans' Administration by reason of the death of such veteran. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall thereupon report such decision to the Veterans' Administration. If the Veterans' Ad- ministration in any such case has made an adjudication or thereafter makes an adjudication that any pension or compensation is payable under any law administered by it, it shall notify the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the Secretary shall certify no further benefits for payment, or shall recompute the amount of any further benefits payable, as may be required by paragraph (1) of this subsection. Any payment theretofore certified by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare on the basis of paragraph (1) of this subsection to any individual, not exceeding the amount of any accrued pension or compensation payable to him by the Veterans' Administra- tion, shall (notwithstanding the provisions of section 3101 of title 38, United States Code) be deemed to have been paid to him by such Administration on account of such accrued pension or compensation. No such payment certified by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and no payment certified by him for any month prior to the first month for which any pension or compensation is paid by the Veterans' Administration shall be deemed by reason of this subsection to have been an erroneous payment. (c) In the case of any World War II veteran to whom subsection (a) is applicable, proof of support required under section 202(h) may 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 205 (c) of Public Law 95-216. Sec. 217(c) 152 be filed by a parent at any time prior to July 1951 or prior to the expiration of two years after the date of the death of such veteran, whichever is the later. (d) For the purposes of this section- (1) The term "World War II" means the period beginning with September 16, 1940, and ending at the close of July 24, 1947. (2) The term "World War II veteran" means any individual who served in the active military or naval service of the United States at any time during World War II and who, if discharged or released therefrom, was so discharged or released under condi- tions other than dishonorable after active service of ninety days or more or by reason of a disability or injury incurred or aggravated in service in line of duty; but such term shall not include any indi- vidual who died while in the active military or naval service of 燕 ​the United States if his death was inflicted (other than by an enemy of the United States) as lawful punishment for a military or naval offense. (e) (1) For purposes of determining entitlement to and the amount of any monthly benefit or lump-sum death payment payable under this title on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of any vet- eran (as defined in paragraph (4)), and for purposes of section 216 (i) (3), such veteran shall be deemed to have been paid wages (in addition to the wages, if any, actually paid to him) of $160 in each month during any part of which he served in the active military or naval service of the United States on or after July 25, 1947, and prior to January 1, 1957. This subsection shall not be applicable in the case of any monthly benefit or lump-sum death payment if— (A) a larger such benefit or payment, as the case may be, would be payable without its application; or (B) a benefit (other than a benefit payable in a lump sum unless it is a commutation of, or a substitute for, periodic payments) which is based, in whole or in part, upon the active military or naval service of such veteran on or after July 25, 1947, and prior to January 1, 1957, is determined by an agency or wholly owned instrumentality of the United States (other than the Veterans' Administration) to be payable by it under any other law of the United States or under a system established by such agency or instrumentality. The provisions of clause (B) shall not apply in the case of any monthly benefit or lump-sum death payment under this title if its application would reduce by $0.50 or less the primary insurance amount (as com- puted under section 215 prior to any recomputation thereof pursuant to subsection (f) of such section) of the individual on whose wages and self-employment income such benefit or payment is based. The 153 Sec. 217(e) provisions of clause (B) shall also not apply for purposes of section 216(i) (3). In the case of monthly benefits under this title for months after December 1956 (and any lump-sum death payment under this title with respect to a death occurring after December 1956) based on the wages and self-employment income of a veteran who performed service (as a member of a uniformed service) to which the provisions of section 210 (1) (1) are applicable, wages which would, but for the provisions of clause (B), be deemed under this subsection to have been paid to such veteran with respect to his active military or naval service performed after December 1950 shall be deemed to have been paid to him with respect to such service notwithstanding the provisions of such clause, but only if the benefits referred to in such clause which are based (in whole or in part) on such service are payable solely by the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and Geo- detic Survey or Public Health Service. (2) Upon application for benefits or a lump-sum death payment on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of any veteran, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall make a decision without regard to clause (B) of paragraph (1) of this subsection un- less he has been notified by some other agency or instrumentality of the United States that, on the basis of the military or naval service of such veteran on or after July 25, 1947, and prior to January 1, 1957, a benefit described in clause (B) of paragraph (1) has been deter- mined by such agency or instrumentality to be payable by it. If he has not been so notified, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall then ascertain whether some other agency or wholly owned in- strumentality of the United States has decided that a benefit described in clause (B) of paragraph (1) is payable by it. If any such agency or instrumentality has decided, or thereafter decides, that such a benefit is payable by it, it shall so notify the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the Secretary shall certify no further benefits for payment or shall recompute the amount of any further benefits pay- able as may be required by paragraph (1) of this subsection. - (3) Any agency or wholly owned instrumentality of the United States which is authorized by any law of the United States to pay benefits, or has a system of benefits which are based, in whole or in part, on military or naval service on or after July 25, 1947, and prior to January 1, 1957, shall, at the request of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, certify to him, with respect to any veteran, such information as the Secretary deems necessary to carry out his functions under paragraph (2) of this subsection. (4) For the purposes of this subsection, the term "veteran" means any individual who served in the active military or naval service of Sec. 217(e) 154 the United States at any time on or after July 25, 1947, and prior to January 1, 1957, and who, if discharged or released therefrom, was so discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable after active service of ninety days or more or by reason of a disability or injury incurred or aggravated in service in line of duty; but such term shall not include any individual who died while in the active military or naval service of the United States if his death was inflicted (other than by an enemy of the United States) as lawful punishment for a military or naval offense. (f) (1) In any case where a World War II veteran (as defined in subsection (d) (2)) or a veteran (as defined in subsection (e) (4)) has died or shall hereafter die, and his widow or child is entitled under subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code, to an annuity in the computation of which his active military or naval service was included, clause (B) of subsection (a) (1) or clause (B) of subsection (e)(1) shall not operate (solely by reason of such an- nuity) to make such subsection inapplicable in the case of any monthly benefit under section 202 which is based on his wages and self-employ- ment income; except that no such widow or child shall be entitled under section 202 to any monthly benefit in the computation of which such service is included by reason of this subsection (A) unless such widow or child after December 1956 waives his or her right to re- ceive such annuity, or (B) for any month prior to the first month with respect to which the Civil Service Commission certifies to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare that (by reason of such waiver) no further annuity will be paid to such widow or child under such subchapter III on the basis of such veteran's military or civilian service. Any such waiver shall be irrevocable. (2) Whenever a widow waives her right to receive such annuity such waiver shall constitute a waiver on her own behalf; a waiver by a legal guardian or guardians, or, in the absence of a legal guardian, the person (or persons) who has the child in his care, of the child's right to receive such annuity shall constitute a waiver on behalf of such child. Such a waiver with respect to an annuity based on a vet- eran's service shall be valid only if the widow and all children, or, if there is no widow, all the children, waive their rights to receive annuities under subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code, based on such veteran's military or civilian service. (g) (1) In September of 1965, 1970, and 1975, and in October 1980 and in every fifth October thereafter up to and including October 2010, the Secretary shall determine the amount which, if paid in equal in- stallments at the beginning of each fiscal year in the period beginning— (A) with July 1, 1965, in the case of the first such determina- tion, and 155 Sec. 217(h) (B) with the beginning of the first fiscal year commencing after the determination in the case of all other such determinations, and ending with the close of September 30, 2015, would accumulate, with interest compounded annually, to an amount equal to the amount needed to place each of the Trust Funds and the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund in the same position at the close of September 30, 2015, as he estimates they would otherwise be in at the close of that date if section 210 of this Act as in effect prior to the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950, and this section, had not been enacted. The rate of interest to be used in determining such amount shall be the rato determined under section 201 (d) for public-debt obligations which were or could have been issued for purchase by the Trust Funds in the June preceding the September in which the determinations in 1965, 1970, and 1975 are made and in the September preceding the October in which all other determinations are made.¹ (2) There are authorized to be appropriated to the Trust Funds and the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund- (A) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, an amount equal to the amount determined under paragraph (1) in September 1965, and (B) for each fiscal year in the period beginning with July 1, 1966, and ending with the close of September 30, 2015, an amount equal to the annual installment for such fiscal year under the most recent determination under paragraph (1) which precedes such fiscal year.2 (3) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, there is authorized to be appropriated to the Trust Funds and the Federal Hospital In- surance Trust Fund such sums as the Secretary determines would place the Trust Funds and the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund in the same position in which they would have been at the close of September 30, 2015, if section 210 of this Act as in effect prior to the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950, and this section, had not been enacted.2 (4) There are authorized to be appropriated to the Trust Funds and the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund annually, as benefits under this title and part A of title XVIII are paid after September 30, 2015, such sums as the Secretary determines to be necessary to meet the additional costs resulting from subsections (a), (b), and (e), of such benefits (including lump-sum death payments).2 Gratuitous Wage Credits for American Citizens Who Served in the Armed Forces of Allied Countries (h) (1) For the purposes of this section, any individual who the Secretary finds- 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by section 16 of P.L. 94–273. 2 Paragraphs (2) (B), (3), and (4) were amended by section 2(23) of P.L. 94–273. Sec. 217(h) 156 (A) served during World War II (as defined in subsection (d)(1)) in the active military or naval service of a country which was on September 16, 1940, at war with a country with which the United States was at war during World War II; (B) entered into such active service on or before December 8, 1941; (C) was a citizen of the United States throughout such period of service or lost his United States citizenship solely because of his entrance into such service; (D) had resided in the United States for a period or periods aggregating four years during the five-year period ending on the day of, and was domiciled in the United States on the day of, such entrance into such active service; and (E) (i) was discharged or released from such service under con- ditions other than dishonorable after active service of ninety days or more or by reason of a disability or injury incurred or aggra- vated in service in line of duty, or (ii) died while in such service, shall be considered a World War II veteran (as defined in subsection (d) (2)) and such service shall be considered to have been performed in the active military or naval service of the United States. (2) In the case of any individual to whom paragraph (1) applies, proof of support required under section 202 (f) or (h) may be filed at any time prior to the expiration of two years after the date of such individual's death or the date of the enactment of this subsection, whichever is the later. Voluntary Agreements for Coverage of State and Local Employees Purpose of Agreement Sec. 218. (a) (1) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall, at the request of any State, enter into an agreement with such State for the purpose of extending the insurance system established by this title to services performed by individuals as employees of such State or any political subdivision thereof. Each such agreement shall contain such provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this section, as the State may request. (2) Notwithstanding section 210(a), for the purposes of this title the term "employment" includes any service included under an agree- ment entered into under this section. Definitions (b) For the purposes of this section— (1) The term "State" does not include the District of Columbia, Guam or American Samoa. 157 Sec. 218(c) (2) The term "political subdivision" includes an instrumen- tality of (A) a State, (B) one or more political subdivisions of a State, or (C) a State and one or more of its political subdivisions. (3) The term "employee" includes an officer of a State or politi- cal subdivision. (4) The term "retirement system" means a pension, annuity, retirement, or similar fund or system established by a State or by a political subdivision thereof. (5) The term "coverage group" means (A) employees of the State other than those engaged in performing service in connection with a proprietary function; (B) employees of a political subdivision of a State other than those engaged in performing service in connection with a proprietary function; (C) employees of a State engaged in per- forming service in connection with a single proprietary function; or (D) employees of a political subdivision of a State engaged in per- forming service in connection with a single proprietary function. If under the preceding sentence an employee would be included in more than one coverage group by reason of the fact that he performs service in connection with two or more proprietary functions or in connection with both a proprietary function and a nonproprietary function, he shall be included in only one such coverage group. The determination of the coverage group in which such employee shall be included shall be made in such manner as may be specified in the agreement. Persons employed under section 709 of title 32, United States Code, who elected under section 6 of the National Guard Technicians Act of 1968 to remain covered by an employee retirement system of, or plan sponsored by, a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, shall, for the pur- poses of this Act, be employees of the State or the Commonweath of Puerto Rico and (notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this paragraph), shall be deemed to be a separate coverage group. For pur- poses of this section, individuals employed pursuant to an agreement, entered into pursuant to section 205 of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. 1624) or section 14 of the Perishable Agri- cultural Commodities Act, 1930 (7 U.S.C. 499n), between a State and the United States Department of Agriculture to perform services as inspectors of agricultural products may be deemed, at the option of the State, to be employees of the State and (notwithstanding the pre- ceding provisions of this paragraph) shall be deemed to be a separate coverage group. Services Covered (c) (1) An agreement under this section shall be applicable to any one or more coverage groups designated by the State. (2) In the case of each coverage group to which the agreement ap- plies, the agreement must include all services (other than services 1 Sec. 218(c) 158 Revised April 1978 excluded by or pursuant to subsection (d) or paragraph (3), (5), or (6) of this subsection) performed by individuals as members of such group. (3) Such agreement shall, if the State requests it, exclude (in the case of any coverage group) any one or more of the following: (A) All services in any class or classes of (i) elective positions, (ii) part-time positions, or (iii) positions the compensation for which is on a fee basis; (B) All services performed by individuals as members of a coverage group in positions covered by a retirement system on the date such agreement is made applicable to such coverage group, but only in the case of individuals who, on such date (or, if later, the date on which they first occupy such positions), are not eligible to become members of such system and whose services in such positions have not already been included under such agreement pursuant to subsection (d) (3). (4) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall, at the request of any State, modify the agreement with such State so as to (A) include any coverage group to which the agreement did not pre- viously apply, or (B) include, in the case of any coverage group to which the agreement applies, services previously excluded from the agreement; but the agreement as so modified may not be inconsistent with the provisions of this section applicable in the case of an original agreement with a State. A modification of an agreement pursuant to clause (B) of the preceding sentence may apply to individuals to whom paragraph (3)(B) is applicable (whether or not the previous exclusion of the service of such individuals was pursuant to such para- graph), but only if such individuals are, on the effective date specified in such modification, ineligible to be members of any retirement sys- tem or if the modification with respect to such individuals is pursuant to subsection (d)(3). (5) Such agreement shall, if the State requests it, exclude (in the case of any coverage group) any agricultural labor, or service per- formed by a student, designated by the State. This paragraph shall apply only with respect to service which is excluded from employment by any provision of section 210(a) other than paragraph (7) of such section and service the remuneration for which is excluded from wages by paragraph (2) of section 209(h). (6) Such agreement shall exclude— (A) service performed by an individual who is employed to relieve him from unemployment, (B) service performed in a hospital, home, or other institution by a patient or inmate thereof, : Revised April 1978 159 Sec. 218(d) (C) covered transportation service (as determined under sec- tion 210(k), and (D) service (other than agricultural labor or service performed by a student) which is excluded from employment by any pro- vision of section 210 (a) other than paragraph (7) of such section, and (E) service performed by an individual as an employee serving on a temporary basis in case of fire, storm, snow, earthquake, flood, or other similar emergency. (7) No agreement may be made applicable (either in the original agreement or by any modification thereof) to service performed by any individual to whom paragraph (3) (B) is applicable unless such agreement provides (in the case of each coverage group involved) either that the service of any individual to whom such paragraph is applicable and who is a member of such coverage group shall con- tinue to be covered by such agreement in case he thereafter becomes eligible to be a member of a retirement system, or that such service shall cease to be so covered when he becomes eligible to be a member of such a system (but only if the agreement is not already applicable to such system pursuant to subsection (d)(3)), whichever may be desired by the State. (8) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the agree- ment with any State entered into under this section may at the option of the State be modified on or after January 1, 1968, to exclude service performed by election officials or election workers if the remu- neration paid in a calendar year for such service is less than $100. Any modification of an agreement pursuant to this paragraph shall be effective with respect to services performed after an effective date, specified in such modification, which shall not be earlier than the last day of the calendar year in which the modification is mailed or delivered by other means to the Secretary.¹ Positions Covered by Retirement Systems (d) (1) No agreement with any State may be made applicable (either in the original agreement or by any modification thereof) to any service performed by employees as members of any coverage group in positions covered by a retirement system either (A) on the date such agreement is made applicable to such coverage group, or (B) on the date of enactment of the succeeding paragraph of this sub- section (except in the case of positions which are, by reason of action. by such State or political subdivision thereof, as may be appropriate, taken prior to the date of enactment of such succeeding paragraph, no longer covered by a retirement system on the date referred to in ¹ Paragraph (8) was amended by sec. 353(b)(1) of Public Law 95–216. Sec. 218(d) 160 Revised April 1978 clause (A), and except in the case of positions excluded by para- graph (5)(A). The preceding sentence shall not be applicable to any service performed by an employee as a member of any coverage group in a position (other than a position excluded by paragraph (5)(A)) covered by a retirement system on the date an agreement is made applicable to such coverage group, if on such date (or, if later, the date on which such individual first occupies such position), such individual is ineligible to be a member of such system. (2) It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Congress in enact- ing the succeeding paragraphs of this subsection that the protection afforded employees in positions covered by a retirement system on the date an agreement under this section is made applicable to serv- ice performed in such positions, or receiving periodic benefits under such retirement system at such time, will not be impaired as a result. of making the agreement so applicable or as a result of legislative enactment in anticipation thereof. (3) Nothwithstanding paragraph (1), an agreement with a State may be made applicable (either in the original agreement or by any modification thereof) to service performed by employees in positions covered by a retirement system (including positions specified in para- graph (4) but not including positions excluded by or pursuant to paragraph (5)), if the governor of the State, or an official of the State designated by him for the purpose, certifies to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare that the following conditions have been met: (A) A referendum by secret written ballot was held on the question of whether service in positions covered by such retire- ment system should be excluded from or included under an agreement under this section; (B) An opportunity to vote in such referendum was given (and was limited) to eligible employées; (C) Not less than ninety days' notice of such referendum was given to all such employees; (D) Such referendum was conducted under the supervision of the governor or an agency or individual designated by him; and (E) A majority of the eligible employees voted in favor of including service in such positions under an agreement under this section. An employee shall be deemed an "eligible employee" for purposes of any referendum with respect to any retirement system if, at the time such referendum was held, he was in a position covered by such retire- ment system and was a member of such system, and if he was in such a position at the time notice of such referendum was given as required Revised April 1978 161 Sec. 218(d) by clause (C) of the preceding sentence; except that he shall not be deemed an "eligible employee" if, at the time the referendum was held, he was in a position to which the State agreement already applied, or if he was in a position excluded by or pursuant to paragraph (5). No referendum with respect to a retirement system shall be valid for purposes of this paragraph unless held within the two-year period which ends on the date of execution of the agreement or modification which extends the insurance system established by this title to such retirement system, nor shall any referendum with respect to a retire- ment system be valid for purposes of this paragraph if held less than one year after the last previous referendum held with respect to such retirement system. (4) For the purposes of subsection (c) of this section, the following employees shall be deemed to be a separate coverage group- (A) all employees in positions which were covered by the same retirement system on the date the agreement was made applicable to such system (other than employees to whose services the agree- ment already applied on such date); (B) all employees in positions which became covered by such system at any time after such date; and (C) all employees in positions which were covered by such system at any time before such date and to whose services the insurance system established by this title has not been extended before such date because the positions were covered by such retire- ment system (including employees to whose services the agree- ment was not applicable on such date because such services were excluded pursuant to subsection (c) (3) (B)). (5)(A) Nothing in paragraph (3) of this subsection shall author- ize the extension of the insurance system established by this title to service in any policeman's or fireman's position.¹ 1 (B) At the request of the State, any class or classes of positions covered by a retirement system which may be excluded from the agrec- ment pursuant to paragraph (3) or (5) of subsection (c), and to which the agreement does not already apply, may be excluded from the agreement at the time it is made applicable to such retirement sys- tem; except that, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (3) (B) of such subsection, such exclusion may not include any services. to which such paragraph (3) (B) is applicable. In the case of any such exclusion, each such class so excluded shall, for purposes of this sub- section, constitute a separate retirement system in case of any modifi- cation of the agreement thereafter agreed to. Full (6)(A) If a retirement system covers positions of employees of the State and positions of employees of one or more political subdivi- 1 However, see sec. 218(k)(3) and sec. 218(p) of this title. Also see sec. 318(a) of Public Law 95-216 which appears on pp. 808-809 of this document. Sec. 218(d) Revised April 1978 162 sions of the State, or covers positions of employees of two or more political subdivisions of the State, then, for purposes of the preceding paragraphs of this subsection, there shall, if the State so desires, be deemed to be a separate retirement system with respect to any one or more of the political subdivisions concerned and, where the retire- ment system covers positions of employees of the State, a separate retirement system with respect to the State or with respect to the State and any one or more of the political subdivisions concerned. Where a retirement system covering positions of employees of a State and positions of employees of one or more political subdivisions of a State, or covering positions of employees of two or more political subdivi- sions of the State, is not divided into separate retirement systems pur- suant to the preceding sentence or pursuant to subparagraph (C), then the State may, for purposes of subsection (f) only, deem the system to be a separate retirement system with respect to any one or more of the political subdivisions concerned and, where the retirement system covers positions of employees of the State, a separate retire- ment system with respect to the State or with respect to the State and any one or more of the political subdivisions concerned. GRAN (B) If a retirement system covers positions of employees of one or more institutions of higher learning, then, for purposes of such pre- ceding paragraphs there shall, if the State so desires, be deemed to be a separate retirement system for the employees of each such institution of higher learning. For the purposes of this subparagraph, the term “institutions of higher learning" includes junior colleges and teachers colleges. If a retirement system covers positions of employees of a hospital which is an integral part of a political subdivision, then, for purposes of the preceding paragraphs there shall, if the State so desires, be deemed to be a separate retirement system for the employees of such hospital. (C) For the purposes of this subsection, any retirement system estab- lished by the State of Alaska, California, Connecticut, Florida, Geor- gia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mex- ico, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, or Hawaii, or any political subdivision of any such State, which, on, before, or after the date of enactment of this subparagraph, is divided into two divisions or parts, one of which is composed of positions of members of such system who desire coverage under an agreement under this section and the other of which is composed of positions of members of such system who do not desire such coverage, shall, if the State so desires and if it is pro- vided that there shall be included in such division or part composed of members desiring such coverage the positions of individuals who become members of such system after such coverage is extended, be Revised April 1978 163 Sec. 218(d) deemed to be a separate retirement system with respect to each such division or part. If, in the case of a separate retirement system which is deemed to exist by reason of subparagraph (A) and which has been divided into two divisions or parts pursuant to the first sentence of this subparagraph, individuals become members of such system by rea- son of action taken by a political subdivision after coverage under an agreement under this section has been extended to the division or part thereof composed of positions of individuals who desire such cover- age, the positions of such individuals who become members of such retirement system by reason of the action so taken shall be included in the division or part of such system composed of positions of mem- bers who do not desire such coverage if (i) such individuals, on the day before becoming such members, were in the division or part of an- other separate retirement system (deemed to exist by reason of sub- paragraph (A)) composed of positions of members of such system who do not desire coverage under an agreement under this section, and (ii) all of the positions in the separate retirement system of which such in- dividuals so become members and all of the positions in the separate retirement system referred to in clause (i) would have been covered by a single retirement system if the State had not taken action to pro- vide for separate retirement systems under this paragraph.¹ (D) (i) the position of any individual which is covered by any re- tirement system to which subparagraph (C) is applicable shall, if such individual is ineligible to become a member of such system on Au- gust 1, 1956, or, if later, the day he first occupies such position, be deemed to be covered by the separate retirement system consisting of the positions of members of the division or part who do not desire coverage under the insurance system established under this title. (ii) Notwithstanding clause (i), the State may, pursuant to sub- section (c)(4)(B) and subject to the conditions of continuation or termination of coverage provided for in subsection (c) (7), modify its agreement under this section to include services performed by all individuals described in clause (i) other than those individuals to whose services the agreement already applies. Such individuals shall be deemed (on and after the effective date of the modification) to be in positions covered by the separate retirement system consisting of the positions of members of the division or part who desire coverage under the insurance system established under this title. (E) An individual who is in a position covered by a retirement system to which subparagraph (C) is applicable and who is not a member of such system but is eligible to become a member thereof shall, for purposes of this subsection (other than paragraph (8)), be regarded as a member of such system; except that, in the case of any retirement system a division or part of which is covered under 1 Subparagraph (C) was amended by sec. 320 of Public Law 95–216. Sec. 218(d) 164 the agreement (either in the original agreement or by a modification thereof), which coverage is agreed to prior to 1960, the preceding provisions of this subparagraph shall apply only if the State so re- quests and any such individual referred to in such preceding provi- sions shall, if the State so requests, be treated, after division of the retirement system pursuant to such subparagraph (C), the same as individuals in positions referred to in subparagraph (F). (F) In the case of any retirement system divided pursuant to sub- paragraph (C), the position of any member of the division or part composed of positions of members who do not desire coverage may be transferred to the separate retirement system composed of positions of members who desire such coverage if it is so provided in a modi- fication of such agreement which is mailed, or delivered by other means, to the Secretary prior to 1970 or, if later, the expiration of two years after the date on which such agreement, or the modification thereof making the agreement applicable to such separate retirement system, as the case may be, is agreed to, but only if, prior to such modification or such later modification, as the case may be, the in- dividual occupying such position files with the State a written request for such transfer. Notwithstanding subsection (f) (1), any such modi- fication or later modification, providing for the transfer of additional positions within a retirement system previously divided pursuant to subparagraph (C) to the separate retirement system composed of positions of members who desire coverage, shall be effective with respect to services performed after the same effective date as that which was specified in the case of such previous division. (G) For the purposes of this subsection, in the case of any retire- ment system of the State of Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Washington, or Hawaii which covers positions of employees of such State who are compensated in whole or in part from grants made to such State under title III, there shall be deemed to be, if such State so desires, a separate retirement system with respect to any of the following: (i) the positions of such employees; (ii) the positions of all employees of such State covered by such retirement system who are employed in the department of such State in which the employees referred to in clause (i) are em- ployed; or (iii) employees of such State covered by such retirement sys- tem who are employed in such department of such State in posi- tions other than those referred to in clause (i). (7) The certification by the governor (or an official of the State designated by him for the purpose) required under paragraph (3) shall be deemed to have been made, in the case of a division or part (created under subparagraph (C) of paragraph (6) or the corre- 165 Sec. 218(e) sponding provision of prior law) consisting of the positions of mem- bers of a retirement system who desire coverage under the agreement under this section, if the governor (or the official so designated) certi- fies to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare that- (A) an opportunity to vote by written ballot on the question of whether they wish to be covered under an agreement under this section was given to all individuals who were members of such system at the time the vote was held; (B) not less than ninety days' notice of such vote was given to all individuals who were members of such system on the date the notice was issued; (C) the vote was conducted under the supervision of the gover- nor or an agency or individual designated by him; and (D) such system was divided into two parts or divisions in accordance with the provisions of subparagraphs (C) and (D) of paragraph (6) or the corresponding provision of prior law. For purposes of this paragraph, an individual in a position to which the State agreement already applied or in a position excluded by or pursuant to paragraph (5) shall not be considered a member of the retirement system. (8) (A) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), if under the provisions of this subsection an agreement is, after December 31, 1958, made appli- cable to service performed in positions covered by a retirement system, service performed by an individual in a position covered by such a system may not be excluded from the agreement because such position. is also covered under another retirement system. (B) Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to service performed by an individual in a position covered under a retirement system if such individual, on the day the agreement is made applicable to service performed in positions covered by such retirement system, is not a member of such system and is a member of another system. (C) If an agreement is made applicable, prior to 1959, to service in positions covered by any retirement system, the preceding provisions of this paragraph shall be applicable in the case of such system if the agreement is modified to so provide. (D) Except in the case of agreements with the States named in sub- section (p) and agreements with interstate instrumentalities, nothing in this paragraph shall authorize the application of an agreement to service in any policeman's or fireman's position. Payments and Reports by States (e) (1) Each agreement under this section shall provide- (A) that the State will pay to the Secretary of the Treasury, at such time or times as the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare may by regulations prescribe, amounts equivalent to the sum of the taxes which would be imposed by sections 3101 and 21-746 O - 78 - 13 # Sec. 218(e) 166 Revised April 1978 3111 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 if the services of em- ployees covered by the agreement constituted employment as de- fined in section 3121 of such code; and (B) that the State will comply with such regulations relating to payments and reports as the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare may prescribe to carry out the purposes of this section.¹ (2) Where- (A) an individual in any calendar year performs services to which an agreement under this section is applicable (i) as the employee of two or more political subdivisions of a State or (ii) as the employee of a State and one or more political sub- divisions of such State; and (B) such State provides all of the funds for the payment of those amounts referred to in paragraph (1)(A) which are equiv- alent to the taxes imposed by section 3111 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 with respect to wages paid to such individual for such services; and (C) the political subdivision or subdivisions involved do not reimburse such State for the payment of such amounts or, in the case of services described in subparagraph (A) (ii), for the pay- ment of so much of such amounts as is attributable to employ- ment by such subdivision or subdivisions; then, notwithstanding paragraph (1), the agreement under this sec- tion with such State may provide (either in the original agreement or by a modification thereof) that the amounts referred to in para- graph (1)(A) may be computed as though the wages paid to such individual for the services referred to in clause (A) of this paragraph were paid by one political subdivision for services performed in its employ; but the provisions of this paragraph shall be applicable only where such State complies with such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe to carry out the purposes of this paragraph. The pre- ceding sentence shall be applicable with respect to wages paid after an effective date specified in such agreement or modification, but in no event with respect to wages paid before (i) January 1, 1957, in the case of an agreement or modification which is mailed or delivered by other means to the Secretary before January 1, 1962, or (ii) the first day of the year in which the agreement or modification is mailed or delivered by other means to the Secretary, in the case of an agree- ment or modification which is so mailed or delivered on or after January 1, 1962. Effective Date of Agreement (f) (1) Except as provided in subsection (e) (2), any agreement or modification of an agreement under this section shall be effective with ¹ See section 7 of Public Law 94-202 (p. 772 of this document). Revised April 1978 167 Sec. 218(g) respect to services performed after an effective date specified in such agreement or modification; except that such date may not be earlier than the last day of the sixth calendar year preceding the year in which such agreement or modification, as the case may be, is agreed to by the Secretary and the State. (2) In the case of service performed by members of any coverage group- (A) to which an agreement under this section is made applica- ble, and (B) with respect to which the agreement, or modification there- of making the agreement so applicable, specifies an effective date earlier than the date of execution of such agreement and such modification, respectively, the agreement shall, if so requested by the State, be applicable to such services (to the extent the agreement was not already applicable) performed before such date of execution and after such effective date by any individual as a member of such coverage group if he is such a member on a date, specified by the State, which is earlier than such date of execution, except that in no case may the date so specified be earlier than the date such agreement or such modification, as the case may be, is mailed, or delivered by other means, to the Secretary. (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of this sub- section, in the case of services performed by individuals as members of any coverage group to which an agreement under this section is made applicable, and with respect to which there were timely paid in good faith to the Secretary of the Treasury amounts equivalent to the sum of the taxes which would have been imposed by sections 3101 and 3111 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 had such services. constituted employment for purposes of chapter 21 of such Code at the time they were performed, and with respect to which refunds were not obtained, such individuals may, if so requested by the State, be deemed to be members of such coverage group on the date designated pursuant to paragraph (2).1 Termination of Agreement (g) (1) Upon giving at least two years' advance notice in writing to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, a State may ter- minate, effective at the end of a calendar year specified in the notice, its agreement with the Secretary either- (A) in its entirety but only if the agreement has been in effect from its effective date for not less than five years prior to the receipt of such notice; or (B) with respect to any coverage group designated by the State, but only if the agreement has been in effect with respect to 1 See also sec. 318 (b) of Public Law 95-216 which appears in this document on p. 809. Sec. 218(g) 168 Revised April 1978 such coverage group for not less than five years prior to the receipt of such notice.¹ (2) If the Secretary, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to a State with whom he has entered into an agreement pur- suant to this section, finds that the State has failed or is no longer legally able to comply substantially with any provision of such agree- ment or of this section, he shall notify such State that the agreement will be terminated in its entirety, or with respect to any one or more coverage groups designated by him, at such time, not later than two years from the date of such notice, as he deems appropriate, unless prior to such time he finds that there no longer is any such failure or that the cause for such legal inability has been removed. (3) If any agreement entered into under this section is terminated in its entirety, the Secretary and the State may not again enter into an agreement pursuant to this section. If any such agreement is termi- nated with respect to any coverage group, the Secretary and the State may not thereafter modify such agreement so as to again make the agreement applicable with respect to such coverage group. Deposits in Trust Funds; Adjustments (h) (1) All amounts received by the Secretary of the Treasury under an agreement made pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Trust Funds and the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund in the ratio in which amounts are appropriated to such Funds pursuant to subsection (a)(3) of section 201, subsection (b)(1) of such section, and subsection (a) (1) of section 1817, respectively. (2) If more or less than the correct amount due under an agreement made pursuant to this section is paid with respect to any payment of remuneration, proper adjustments with respect to the amounts due under such agreement shall be made, without interest, in such manner and at such times as may be prescribed by regulations of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. (3) If an overpayment cannot be adjusted under paragraph (2), the amount thereof and the time or times it is to be paid shall be certi- fied by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to the Man- aging Trustee, and the Managing Trustee, through the Fiscal Service of the Treasury Department and prior to any action thereon by the General Accounting Office, shall make payment in accordance with such certification. The Managing Trustee shall not be held personally liable for any payment or payments made in accordance with a certifi- cation by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. A Regulations (i) Regulations of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to carry out the purposes of this section shall be designed to make the 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 353(b) of Public Law 95-216. 169 Sec. 218(k) 1 requirements imposed on States pursuant to this section the same, so far as practicable, as those imposed on employers pursuant to this title and chapter 21 and subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.¹ Failure to Make Payments (j) In case any State does not make, at the time or times due, the payments provided for under an agreement pursuant to this section there shall be added, as part of the amounts due, interest at the rate of 6 per centum per annum from the date due until paid, and the Secre- tary of Health, Education, and Welfare may, in his discretion, deduct such amounts plus interest from any amounts certified by him to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment to such State under any other provision of this Act. Amounts so deducted shall be deemed to have been paid to the State under such other provision of this Act. Amounts equal to the amounts deducted under this subsection are hereby appro- priated to the Trust Funds in the ratio in which amounts are deposited in such Funds pursuant to subsection (h) (1). Instrumentalities of Two or More States (k) (1) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare may, at the request of any instrumentality of two or more States, enter into an agreement with such instrumentality for the purpose of extending the insurance system established by this title to services performed by individuals as employees of such instrumentality. Such agreement, to the extent practicable, shall be governed by the provisions of this sec- tion applicable in the case of an agreement with a State. (2) In the case of any instrumentality of two or more States, if— (A) employees of such instrumentality are in positions covered by a retirement system of such instrumentality or of any of such States or any of the political subdivisions thereof, and (B) such retirement system is (on, before, or after the date of enactment of this paragraph) divided into two divisions or parts, one of which is composed of positions of members of such system who are employees of such instrumentality and who desire cover- age under an agreement under this section and the other of which is composed of positions of members of such system who are em- ployees of such instrumentality and who do not desire such cover- age, and G (C) it is provided that there shall be included in such division or part composed of the positions of members desiring such cov- erage the positions of employees of such instrumentality who be- come members of such system after such coverage is extended, then such retirement system shall, if such instrumentality so desires, be deemed to be a separate retirement system with respect to each such 1 Sections 7 and 8(k) of Public Law 94-202 place certain limits on the discretion of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to issue regulations under this sub- section. These provisions appear in this document on pages 772-773. Sec. 218(k) 170 division or part. An individual who is in a position covered by a retirement system divided pursuant to the preceding sentence and who is not a member of such system but is eligible to become a member thereof shall, for purposes of this subsection, be regarded as a member of such system. Coverage under the agreement of any such individual shall be provided under the same conditions, to the extent prac- ticable, as are applicable in the case of the States to which the pro- visions of subsection (d) (6) (C) apply. The position of any employee of any such instrumentality which is covered by any retirement system to which the first sentence of this paragraph is applicable shall, if such individual is ineligible to become a member of such system on the date of enactment of this paragraph or, if later, the day he first occupies such position, be deemed to be covered by the separate retirement system consisting of the positions of members of the division or part who do not desire coverage under the insurance. system established under this title. Services in positions covered by a separate retirement system created pursuant to this subsection (and consisting of the positions of members who desire coverage under an agreement under this section) shall be covered under such agreement on compliance, to the extent practicable, with the same conditions as are applicable to coverage under an agreement under this section of services in positions covered by a separate retirement system created pursuant to subparagraph (C) of subsection (d) (6) or the corre- sponding provision of prior law (and consisting of the positions of members who desire coverage under such agreement). (3) Any agreement with any instrumentality of two or more States entered into pursuant to this Act may, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d)(5)(A) and the references thereto in subsections (d) (1) and (d) (3), apply to service performed by employees of such instrumentality in any policeman's or fireman's position covered by a retirement system, but only upon compliance, to the extent prac- ticable, with the requirements of subsection (d) (3). For the purpose of the preceding sentence, a retirement system which covers positions of policemen or firemen or both, and other positions shall, if the in- strumentality concerned so desires, be deemed to be a separate retire- ment system with respect to the positions of such policemen or firemen, or both, as the case may be. Delegation of Functions (1) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare is authorized pursuant to agreement with the head of any Federal agency, to dele- gate any of his functions under this section to any officer or employee of such agency and otherwise to utilize the services and facilities of such agency in carrying out such functions, and payment therefor Revised April 1978 171 Sec. 218(0) shall be in advance or by way of reimbursement, as may be provided in such agreement. Wisconsin Retirement Fund (m) (1) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of subsection (d), the agreement with the State of Wisconsin may, subject to the provisions of this subsection, be modified so as to apply to service performed by employees in positions covered by the Wisconsin retirement fund or any successor system.¹ (2) All employees in positions covered by the Wisconsin retirement fund at any time on or after January 1, 1951, shall, for the purposes of subsection (c) only, be deemed to be a separate coverage group; ex- cept that there shall be excluded from such separate coverage group all employees in positions to which the agreement applies without re- gard to this subsection. (3) The modification pursuant to this subsection shall exclude (in the case of employees in the coverage group established by paragraph (2) of this subsection) service performed by any individual during any period before he is included under the Wisconsin retirement fund. (4) The modification pursuant to this subsection shall, if the State of Wisconsin requests it, exclude (in the case of employees in the coverage group established by paragraph (2) of this subsection) all service performed in policemen's positions, all service performed in firemen's positions, or both. Certain Positions No Longer Covered by Retirement Systems (n) Notwithstanding subsection (d), an agreement with any State entered into under this section prior to the date of the enactment of this subsection may, prior to January 1, 1958, be modified pursuant to subsection (c) (4) so as to apply to services performed by employees, as members of any coverage group to which such agreement already applies (and to which such agreement applied on such date of enact- ment), in positions (1) to which such agreement does not already apply, (2) which were covered by a retirement system on the date such agreement was made applicable to such coverage group, and (3) which, by reason of action by such State or political subdivision thereof, as may be appropriate, taken prior to the date of the enact- ment of this subsection, are no longer covered by a retirement system on the date such agreement is made applicable to such services. Certain Employees of the State of Utah (0) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d), the agree- ment with the State of Utah entered into pursuant to this section may be modified pursuant to subsection (c) (4) so as to apply to services performed for any of the following, the employees performing serv- 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 321 of Public Law 95–216. Sec. 218(0) Revised April 1978 172 ices for each of which shall constitute a separate coverage group: Weber Junior College, Carbon Junior College, Dixie Junior College, Central Utah Vocational School, Salt Lake Area Vocational School, Center for the Adult Blind, Union High School (Roosevelt, Utah), Utah High School Activities Association, State Industrial School, State Training School, State Board of Education, and Utah School Employees Retirement Board. Any modification agreed to prior to January 1, 1955, may be made effective with respect to services per- formed by employees as members of any of such coverage groups after an effective date specified therein, except that in no case may any such date be earlier than December 31, 1950. Policemen and Firemen in Certain States (p) (1) Any agreement with the State of Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Missis- sippi, Montana, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Ver- mont, Virginia, or Washington entered into pursuant to this section prior to the date of enactment of this subsection may, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d) (5) (A) and the references thereto in subsections (d) (1) and (d) (3), be modified pursuant to subsection (c) (4) to apply to service performed by employees of such State or any political subdivision thereof in any policeman's or fireman's position covered by a retirement system in effect on or after the date of the en- actment of this subsection, but only upon compliance with the require- ments of subsection (d) (3). For the purposes of the preceding sentence, a retirement system which covers positions of policemen or firemen, or both, and other positions shall, if the State concerned so desires, be deemed to be a separate retirement system with respect to the positions of such policemen or firemen, or both, as the case may be.¹ 1 (2) A State, not otherwise listed by name in paragraph (1), shall be deemed to be a State listed in such paragraph for the purpose of extending coverage under this title to service in firemen's positions covered by a retirement system, if the Governor of the State, or an official of the State designated by him for the purpose, certifies to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare that the overall bene- fit protection of the employees in such positions would be improved by reason of the extension of such coverage to such employees. Notwith- standing the provisions of the second sentence of such paragraph (1), such firemen's positions shall be deemed a separate retirement system and no other positions shall be included in such system.2 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 319 of Public Law 95-216. 2 Public Law 90-248, sec. 120(a) (2), added paragraph (2) applicable in the case of any State with respect to modifications of such State agreement under section 218 of the Social Security Act made after January 2, 1968. Section 120 (b) of the Social Security Amend- ments of 1967 provides: "Nothing in the amendments made by subsection (a) shall authorize the extension of the insurance system established by title II of the Social Se- curity Act under the provisions of section 218(d) (6) (C) of such Act to service in any fireman's position." Revised April 1978 Sec. 218(q) 173 Time Limitation on Assessments (q) (1) Where a State is liable for an amount due under an agree- ment pursuant to this section, such State shall remain so liable until the Secretary is satisfied that the amount due has been paid to the Secretary of the Treasury. (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a State shall not be liable for an amount due under an agreement pursuant to this section, with re- spect to the wages paid to individuals, after the expiration of the latest of the following periods— (A) three years, three months, and fifteen days after the year in which such wages were paid, or (B) three years after the date on which such amount became due, or (C) three years, three months, and fifteen days after the year following the year in which this subsection is enacted, unless prior to the expiration of such period the Secretary makes an assessment of the amount due. (3) For purposes of this subsection and section 205(c), an assess- ment of an amount due is made when the Secretary mails or otherwise delivers to the State a notice stating the amount he has determined to be due under an agreement pursuant to this section and the basis for such determination. (4) An assessment of an amount due made by the Secretary after the expiration of the period specified in paragraph (2) shall never- theless be deemed to have been made within such period if— (A) before the expiration of such period (or, if it has pre- viously been extended under this paragraph, of such period as so extended), the State and the Secretary agree in writing to an ex- tension of such period (or extended period) and, subject to such conditions as may be agreed upon, the Secretary makes the assess- ment prior to the expiration of such extension; or (B) within the 365 days immediately preceding the expiration of such period (or extended period) the State pays to the Secre- tary of the Treasury less than the correct amount due under an agreement pursuant to this section with respect to wages paid to individuals in a calendar year as members of a coverage group, and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare makes the assessment, adjusted to take into account the amount paid by the State, no later than the 365th day after the day the State made payment to the Secretary of the Treasury; but the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, shall make such assessment only with respect to the wages paid to such individ- uals in such calendar year as members of such coverage group; or ¹ 1 1 Subparagraph (B) was amended by sec. 353 (b)(3) of Public Law 95–216. Sec. 218(q) 174 Revised April 1978 Į (C) pursuant to subparagraph (A) or (B) of section 205 (c) (5) he includes in his records an entry with respect to wages for an individual, but only if such assessment is limited to the amount due with respect to such wages and is made within the period such entry could be made in such records under such subparagraph. (5) If the Secretary allows a claim for a credit or refund of an overpayment by a State under an agreement pursuant to this section, with respect to wages paid or alleged to have been paid to an indi- vidual in a calendar year for services as a member of a coverage group, and if as a result of the facts on which such allowance is based there is an amount due from the State, with respect to wages paid to such individual in such calendar year for services performed as a member of a coverage group, for which amount the State is not liable by reason of paragraph (2) then notwithstanding paragraph (2) the State shall be liable for such amount due if the Secretary makes an assessment of such amount due at the time of or prior to notification to the State of the allowance of such claim. For pur- poses of this paragraph and paragraph (6), interest as provided for in subsection (j) shall not be included in determining the amount due. - (6) The Secretary shall accept wage reports filed by a State under an agreement pursuant to this section or regulations of the Secretary thereunder, after the expiration of the period specified in paragraph (2) or such period as extended pursuant to paragraph (4), with respect to wages which are paid to individuals performing services as employees in a coverage group included in the agreement and for payment in connection with which the State is not liable by reasons. of paragraph (2), only if the State— (A) pays to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount due under such agreement with respect to such wages, and (B) agrees in writing with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to an extension of the period specified in paragraph (2) with respect to wages paid to all individuals performing services as employees in such coverage group in the period or pe- riods designated by the State in such wage reports as the period or periods in which such wages were paid. If the State so agrees, the period specified in paragraph (2), or such period as extended pursuant to paragraph (4), shall be extended until such time as the Secretary notifies the State that such wage reports have been accepted.¹ 1 (7) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this subsection, where there is an amount due by a State under an agreement pur- suant to this section and there has been a fraudulent attempt on the part of an officer or employee of the State or any political subdivision thereof to defeat or evade payment of such amount due, the State shall 1 Subparagraph (B) was amended by sec. 353 (b) (4) of Public Law 95-216. Revised April 1978 Sec. 218(s) 175 be liable for such amount due without regard to the provisions of paragraph (2), and the Secretary may make an assessment of such amount due at any time. Time Limitations on Credits and Refunds (r) (1) No credit or refund of an overpayment by a State under an agreement pursuant to this section with respect to wages paid or alleged to have been paid to an individual as a member of a coverage group in a calender year shall be allowed after the expiration of the latest of the following periods— (A) three years, three months, and fifteen days after the year in which such wages were paid or alleged to have been paid, or (B) three years after the date the payment which included such overpayment became due under such agreement with respect to the wages paid or alleged to have been paid to such individual as a member of such coverage group in such calendar year, or (C) two years after such overpayment was made to the Secre- tary of the Treasury, or (D) three years, three months, and fifteen days after the year following the year in which this subsection is enacted, unless prior to the expiration of such period a claim for such credit or refund is filed with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Wel- fare by the State.¹ (2) A claim for a credit or refund filed by a State after the ex- piration of the period specified by paragraph (1) shall nevertheless be deemed to have been filed within such period if— (A) before the expiration of such period (or, if it has previ- ously been extended under this subparagraph, of such period as so extended) the State and the Secretary agreed in writing to an extension of such period (or extended period) and the claim is filed with the Secretary by the State prior to the expiration of such extension; but any claim for a credit or refund valid be- cause of this subparagraph shall be allowed only to the extent authorized by the conditions provided for in the agreement for such extension, or (B) the Secretary deletes from his records an entry with re- spect to wages of an individual pursuant to the provisions of sub- paragraph (A), (B), or (E) of section 205 (c) (5), but only with respect to the entry so deleted. Review by Secretary (s) Where the Secretary has made an assessment of an amount due by a State under an agreement pursuant to this section, disallowed a State's claim for a credit or refund of an overpayment under such 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 353 (b) (5) of Public Law 95–216. Sec. 218(s) 176 agreement, or allowed a State a credit or refund of an overpayment under such agreement, he shall review such assessment, disallowance, or allowance if a written request for such review is filed with him by the State within 90 days (or within such further time as he may allow) after notification to the State of such assessment, disallowance, or allowance. On the basis of the evidence obtained by or submitted to the Secretary, he shall render a decision affirming, modifying, or re- versing such assessment, disallowance, or allowance. In notifying the State of his decision, the Secretary shall state the basis therefor. Review By Court (t) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title any State, irrespective of the amount in controversy, may file, within two years after the mailing to such State of the notice of any decision by the Secretary pursuant to subsection (s) affecting such State, or within such further time as the Secretary may allow, a civil action for a re- determination of the correctness of the assessment of the amount due, the disallowance of the claim for a refund or credit, or the allowance of the refund or credit, as the case may be, with respect to which the Secretary has rendered such decision. Such action shall be brought in the district court of the United States for the judicial district in which is located the capital of such State, or, if such action is brought by an instrumentality of two or more States, the principal office of such in- strumentality. The judgment of the court shall be final, except that it shall be subject to review in the same manner as judgments of such court in other civil actions. Any action filed under this subsection shall survive notwithstanding any change in the person occupying the office of Secretary or any vacancy in such office. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 2411 of title 28, United States Code, no interest shall accrue to a State after final judgment with respect to a credit or refund of an overpayment made under an agreement pursuant to this section. (3) The first sentence of section 2414 of title 28, United States Code, shall not apply to final judgments rendered by district courts of the United States in civil actions filed under this subsection. In such cases, the payment of amounts due to States pursuant to such final judg- ments shall be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of this sec- tion and with regulations promulgated by the Secretary. Positions Compensated Solely on a Fee Basis (u) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, an agreement entered into under this section may be made applicable to service performed after 1967 in any class or classes of positions com- pensated solely on a fee basis to which such agreement did not apply 177 Sec. 221(b) prior to 1968 only if the State specifically requests that its agreement be made applicable to such service in such class or classes of positions. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, an agree- ment entered into under this section may be modified, at the option of the State, at any time after 1967, so as to exclude services performed in any class or classes of positions compensation for which is solely on a fee basis. (3) Any modification made under this subsection shall be effective with respect to services performed after the last day of the calendar year in which the modification is agreed to by the Secretary and the State. (4) If any class or classes of positions have been excluded from coverage under the State agreement by a modification agreed to under this subsection, the Secretary and the State may not thereafter modify such agreement so as to again make the agreement applicable with respect to such class or classes of positions. Sec. 219. [Repealed.] Disability Provisions Inapplicable if Benefit Rights Impaired Sec. 220. None of the provisions of this title relating to periods of disability shall apply in any case in which their application would result in the denial of monthly benefits or a lump-sum death payment which would otherwise be payable under this title; nor shall they apply in the case of any monthly benefit or lump-sum death payment under this title if such benefit or payment would be greater without their application. Disability Determinations Sec. 221. (a) In the case of any individual, the determination of whether or not he is under a disability (as defined in section 216(i) or 223(d)) and of the day such disability began, and the determina- tion of the day on which such disability ceases, shall, except as pro- vided in subsection (g), be made by a State agency pursuant to an agreement entered into under subsection (b). Except as provided in subsection (c) and (d), any such determinations shall be the deter- mination of the Secretary for purposes of this title. (b) The Secretary shall enter into an agreement with each State which is willing to make such an agreement under which the State agency or agencies administering the State plan approved under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, or any other appropriate State agency or agencies, or both, will make the determination referred to in sub- section (a) with respect to all individuals in such State, or with respect to such class or classes of individuals in the State as may be designated in the agreement at the State's request. Sec. 221(c) 178 (c) The Secretary may on his own motion review a determination, made by a State agency pursuant to an agreement under this section, that an individual is under a disability (as defined in section 216 (i) or 223 (d)) and, as a result of such review, may determine that such individual is not under a disability (as so defined) or that such dis- ability began on a day later than that determined by such agency, or that such disability ceased on a day earlier than that determined by such agency. (d) Any individual dissatisfied with any determination under sub- section (a), (c), or (g) shall be entitled to a hearing thereon by the Secretary to the same extent as is provided in section 205 (b) with respect to decisions of the Secretary, and to judicial review of the Secretary's final decision after such hearing as is provided in section 205 (g). (e) Each State which has an agreement with the Secretary under this section shall be entitled to receive from the Trust Funds, in ad- vance or by way of reimbursement, as may be mutually agreed upon, the cost to the State of carrying out the agreement under this section. The Secretary shall from time to time certify such amount as is neces- sary for this purpose to the Managing Trustee, reduced or increased, as the case may be, by any sum (for which adjustment hereunder has not previously been made) by which the amount certified for any prior period was greater or less than the amount which should have been paid to the State under this subsection for such period; and the Man- aging Trustee, prior to audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, shall make payment from the Trust Funds at the time or times fixed by the Secretary, in accordance with such certification. Ap- propriate adjustments between the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund with respect to the payments made under this subsection shall be made in accordance with paragraph (1) of subsection (g) of sec- tion 201 (but taking into account any refunds under subsection (f) of this section) to insure that the Federal Disability Trust Fund is charged with all expenses incurred which are attributable to the ad- ministration of section 223 and the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund is charged with all other expenses. (f) All money paid to a State under this section shall be used solely for the purposes for which it is paid; and any money so paid which is not used for such purposes shall be returned to the Treasury of the United States for deposit in the Trust Funds. (g) In the case of individuals in a State which has no agreement under subsection (b), in the case of individuals outside the United States, and in the case of any class or classes of individuals not in- cluded in an agreement under subsection (b), the determinations re- 179 Sec. 222(b) ferred to in subsection (a) shall be made by the Secretary in accord- ance with regulations prescribed by him. Rehabilitation Services Referral for Rehabilitation Services Sec. 222. (a) It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Congress that disabled individuals applying for a determination of disability, and disabled individuals who are entitled to child's insurance benefits, widow's insurance benefits, or widower's insurance benefits, shall be promptly referred to the State agency or agencies administering or supervising the administration of the State plan approved under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act for necessary vocational rehabilitation services, to the end that the maximum number of such individuals may be rehabilitated into productive activity. Deductions on Account of Refusal To Accept Rehabilitation Services (b) (1) Deductions, in such amounts and at such time or times as the Secretary shall determine, shall be made from any payment or pay- ments under this title to which an individual is entitled, until the total of such deductions equals such individual's benefit or benefits under sections 202 and 223 for any month in which such individual, if a child who has attained the age of eighteen and is entitled to child's insurance benefits, a widow, widower or surviving divorced wife who has not attained age 60, or an individual entitled to disability insurance bene- fits, refuses without good cause to accept rehabilitation services avail- able to him under a State plan approved under the Vocational Re- habilitation Act. Any individual who is a member or adherent of any recognized church or religious sect which teaches its members or adherents to rely solely, in the treatment and cure of any physical or mental impairment, upon prayer or spiritual means through the appli- cation and use of the tenets or teachings of such church or sect, and who, solely because of his adherence to the teachings or tenets of such church, or sect, refuses to accept rehabilitation services available to him under a State plan approved under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, shall, for the purposes of the first sentence of this subsection, be deemed to have done so with good cause. (2) Deductions shall be made from any child's insurance benefit to which a child who has attained the age of eighteen is entitled or from any mother's insurance benefit to which a person is entitled, until the total of such deductions equals such child's insurance benefit or benefits or such mother's insurance benefit or benefits under section 202 for any month in which such child or person entitled to mother's insurance benefits is married to an individual who is entitled to disability insur- ance benefits and in which such individual refuses to accept rehabilita- Sec. 222(b) 180 tion services and a deduction, on account of such refusal, is imposed under paragraph (1). If both this paragraph and paragraph (3) are applicable to a child's insurance benefit for any month, only an amount equal to such benefit shall be deducted. (3) Deductions shall be made from any wife's, husband's, or child's insurance benefit, based on the wages and self-employment income of an individual entitled to disability insurance benefits, to which a wife, divorced wife, husband, or child is entitled, until the total of such deductions equal such wife's, husband's, or child's insurance benefit or benefits under section 202 for any month in which the individual, on the basis of whose wages and self-employment income such benefit was payable, refuses to accept rehabilitation services and deductions, on account of such refusal, are imposed under paragraph (1). (4) The provisions of paragraph (1) shall not apply to any child entitled to benefits under section 202(d), if he has attained the age of 18 but has not attained the age of 22, for any month during which he is a full-time student (as defined and determined under section 202 (d)). Period of Trial Work (c) (1) The term "period of trial work", with respect to an individ- ual entitled to benefits under section 223 or 202 (d), means a period of months beginning and ending as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4). (2) For purposes of sections 216 (i) and 223, any services rendered by an individual during a period of trial work shall be deemed not to have been rendered by such individual in determining whether his disability has ceased in a month during such period. For purposes of this subsection the term "services" means activity which is performed for remuneration or gain or is determined by the Secretary to be of a type normally performed for remuneration or gain. (3) A period of trial work for any individual shall begin with the month in which he becomes entitled to disability insurance benefits, or, in the case of an individual entitled to benefits under section 202 (d) who has attained the age of eighteen, with the month in which he be- comes entitled to such benefits or the month in which he attains the age of eighteen, whichever is later. Notwithstanding the preceding sen- tence, no period of trial work may begin for any individual prior to the beginning of the month following the month in which this para- graph is enacted; and no such period may begin for an individual in a period of disability of such individual in which he had a previous period of trial work. (4) A period of trial work for any individual shall end with the close of whichever of the following months is the earlier: (A) the ninth month, beginning on or after the first day of such period, in which the individual renders services (whether or 181 Sec. 222(d) not such nine months are consecutive); or (B) the month in which his disability (as defined in section 223 (d)) ceases (as determined after application of paragraph (2) of this subsection). (5) In the case of an individual who becomes entitled to benefits under section 223 for any month as provided in clause (ii) of subsec- tion (a)(1) of such section, the preceding provisions of this subsec- tion shall not apply with respect to services in any month beginning with the first month for which he is so entitled and ending with the first month thereafter for which he is not entitled to benefits under section 223. Costs of Rehabilitation Services From Trust Funds (d) (1) For the purpose of making vocational rehabilitation services more readily available to disabled individuals who are— (A) entitled to disability insurance benefits under section 223, or (B) entitled to child's insurance benefits under section 202 (d) after having attained age 18 (and are under a disability), or (C) entitled to widow's insurance benefits under section 202 (e) prior to attaining age 60, or (D) entitled to widower's insurance benefits under section 202 (f) prior to attaining age 60, to the end that savings will result to the Trust Fund as a result of rehabilitating the maximum number of such individuals into produc- tive activity, there are authorized to be transferred from the Trust Funds such sums as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to pay the costs of vocational rehabilitation services for such individuals (in- cluding (i) services during their waiting periods, and (ii) so much of the expenditures for the administration of any State plan as is attrib- utable to carrying out this subsection); except that the total amount so made available pursuant to this subsection may not exceed— (i) 1 percent in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, (ii) 1.25 percent in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, (iii) 1.5 percent in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, and thereafter, 21-746 O - 78 of the total of the benefits under section 202 (d) for children who have attained age 18 and are under a disability, the benefits under section 202 (e) for widows and surviving divorced wives who have not attained age 60 and are under a disability, the benefits under section 202 (f) for widowers who have not attained age 60, and the benefits under section 223, which were certified for payment in the preceding year. The selection of individuals (including the order in which they shall be selected) to receive such services shall be made in accordance with criteria formulated by the Secretary C 14 Sec. 222(d) 182 which are based upon the effect the provision of such services would have upon the Trust Funds. (2) In the case of each State which is willing to do so, such voca- tional rehabilitation services shall be furnished under a State plan for vocational rehabilitation services which- (A) has been approved under section 5 of the Vocational Re- habilitation Act, (B) provides that, to the extent funds provided under this subsection are adequate for the purpose, such services will be furnished, to any individual in the State who meets the criteria prescribed by the Secretary pursuant to paragraph (1), with rea- sonable promptness and in accordance with the order of selec- tion determined under such criteria, and (C) provides that such services will be furnished to any indi- vidual without regard to (i) his citizenship or place of residence, (ii) his need for financial assistance except as provided in regula- tions of the Secretary in the case of maintenance during rehabili- tation, or (iii) any order of selection which would otherwise be followed under the State plan pursuant to section 5(a) (4) of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act. (3) In the case of any State which does not have a plan which meets the requirements of paragraph (2), the Secretary may provide such services by agreement or contract with other public or private agencies, organizations, institutions, or individuals. (4) Payınents under this subsection may be made in installments, and in advance or by way of reimbursement, with necessary adjust- ments on account of overpayments or underpayments. (5) Money paid from the Trust Funds under this subsection to pay the costs of providing services to individuals who are entitled to bene- fits under section 223 (including services during their waiting pe- riods), or who are entitled to benefits under section 202 (d) on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such individuals shall be charged to the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, and all other money paid out from the Trust Funds under this subsection shall be charged to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund. The Secretary shall determine according to such methods and pro- cedures as he may deem appropriate― (A) the total cost of the services provided under this subsection, and (B) subject to the provisions of the preceding sentence, the amount of such cost which should be charged to each of such Trust Funds. (6) For the purposes of this subsection the term "vocational reha- bilitation services" shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Voca- 183 Sec. 223(a) tional Rehabilitation Act, except that such services may be limited in type, scope, or amount in accordance with regulations of the Secretary designed to achieve the purposes of this subsection. Disability Insurance Benefit Payments Disability Insurance Benefits Sec. 223. (a) (1) Every individual who— (A) is insured for disability insurance benefits (as determined under subsection (c)(1)), (B) has not attained the age of sixty-five, (C) has filed application for disability insurance benefits, and (D) is under a disability (as defined in subsection (d)) shall be entitled to a disability insurance benefit (i) for each month beginning with the first month after his waiting period (as defined in subsection (c) (2)) in which he becomes so entitled to such insurance benefits, or (ii) for each month beginning with the first month during all of which he is under a disability and in which he becomes so en- titled to such insurance benefits, but only if he was entitled to disability insurance benefits which terminated, or had a period of disability (as defined in section 216(i)) which ceased, within the sixty-month period preceding the first month in which he is under such disability, and ending with the month preceding whichever of the following months is the earliest: the month in which he dies, the month in which he at- tains age 65, or the third month following the month in which his disability ceases. No payment under this paragraph may be made to an individual who would not meet the definition of disability in sub- section (d) except for paragraph (1)(B) thereof for any month in which he engages in substantial gainful activity, and no payment may be made for such month under subsection (b), (c), or (d) of section 202 to any person on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of such individual. In the case of a deceased individual, the requirement of subparagraph (C) may be satisfied by an application for benefits filed with respect to such individual within 3 months after the month in which he died. (2) Except as provided in section 202 (q), such individual's dis- ability insurance benefit for any month shall be equal to his primary insurance amount for such month determined under section 215 as though he had attained age 62, in- (A) the first month of his waiting period, or (B) in any case in which clause (ii) of paragraph (1) of this subsection is applicable, the first month for which he becomes entitled to such disability insurance benefits, and as though he had become entitled to old-age insurance benefits in Sec. 223(a) 184 the month in which the application for disability insurance benefits was filed and he was entitled to an old-age insurance benefit for each month for which (pursuant to subsection (b)) he was entitled to a dis- ability insurance benefit. For the purposes of the preceding sentence, in the case of an individual who attained age 62 in or before the first month referred to in subparagraph (A) or (B) of such sentence, as the case may be, the elapsed years referred to in section 215 (b) (3) shall not include the year in which he attained age 62, or any year thereafter. Filing of Application (b) An application for disability insurance benefits filed before the first month in which the applicant satisfies the requirements for such benefits (as prescribed in subsection (a)(1)) shall be deemed a valid application only if the applicant satisfies the requirements for such benefits before the Secretary makes a final decision on the application. If, upon final decision by the Secretary, or decision upon judicial review thereof, such applicant is found to satisfy such requirements, the application shall be deemed to have been filed in such first month. An individual who would have been entitled to a disability insurance benefit for any month had he filed application therefor before the end of such month shall be entitled to such benefit for such month if such application is filed before the end of the 12th month immedi- ately succeeding such month. Definitions of Insured Status and Waiting Period (c) For purposes of this section- (1) An individual shall be insured for disability insurance benefits in any month if— (A) he would have been a fully insured individual (as defined in section 214) had he attained age 62 and filed ap- plication for benefits under section 202 (a) on the first day of such month, and (B) (i) he had not less than 20 quarters of coverage during the 40-quarter period which ends with the quarter in which such month occurred, or (ii) if such month ends before the quarter in which he at- tains (or would attain) age 31, not less than one-half (and not less than 6) of the quarters during the period ending with the quarter in which such month occurred and begin- ning after he attained age 21 were quarters of coverage, or (if the number of quarters in such period is less than 12) not less than 6 of the quarters in the 12-quarter period end- ing with such quarter were quarters of coverage; 185 Sec. 223(d) except that the provisions of subparagraph (B) of this para- graph shall not apply in the case of an individual who is blind (within the meaning of "blindness" as defined in section 216(i) (1)). For purposes of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, when the number of quarters in any period is an odd number, such number shall be reduced by one, and a quarter shall not be counted as part of any period if any part of such quarter was included in a period of disability unless such quarter was a quarter of coverage. (2) The term "waiting period" means, in the case of any ap- plication for disability insurance benefits, the earliest period of five consecutive calendar months- (A) throughout which the individual with respect to whom such application is filed has been under a disability, and (B) (i) which begins not earlier than with the first day of the seventeenth month before the month in which such ap- plication is filed if such individual is insured for disability insurance benefits in such seventeenth month, or (ii) if he is not so insured in such month, which begins not earlier than the first day of the first month after such seventeenth month in which he is so insured. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this paragraph, no waiting period may begin for any individual before January 1, 1957. Definition of Disability (d) (1) The term "disability” means- (A) inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impair- ment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months; or (B) in the case of an individual who has attained the age of 55 and is blind (within the meaning of "blindness" as defined in section 216 (i) (1)), inability by reason of such blindness to engage in substantial gainful activity requiring skills or abilities com- parable to those of any gainful activity in which he has previously engaged with some regularity and over a substantial period of time. (2) For purposes of paragraph (1)(A)— (A) an individual (except a widow, surviving divorced wife, or widower for purposes of section 202 (e) or (f) shall be deter- mined to be under a disability only if his physical or mental impairment or impairments are of such severity that he is not only unable to do his previous work but cannot, considering his Sec. 223(d) 186 Revised April 1978 age, education, and work experience, engage in any other kind of substantial gainful work which exists in the national economy, re- gardless of whether such work exists in the immediate area in which he lives, or whether a specific job vacancy exists for him, or whether he would be hired if he applied for work. For pur- poses of the preceding sentence (with respect to any individual), "work which exists in the national economy" means work which exists in significant numbers either in the region where such in- dividual lives or in several regions of the country. W (B) A widow, surviving divorced wife, or widower shall not be determined to be under a disability (for purposes of section 202 (e) or (f)) unless his or her physical or mental impairment or impairments are of a level of severity which under regulations prescribed by the Secretary is deemed to be sufficient to preclude an individual from engaging in any gainful activity. (3) For purposes of this subsection, a "physical or mental impair- ment" is an impairment that results from anatomical, physiological, or psychological abnormalities which are demonstrable by medically acceptable clinical and laboratory diagnostic techniques. (4) The Secretary shall by regulations prescribe the criteria for determining when services performed or earnings derived from serv- ices demonstrate an individual's ability to engage in substantial gain- ful activity. No individual who is blind shall be regarded as having demonstrated an ability to engage in substantial gainful activity on the basis of earnings that do not exceed the exempt amount under section 203 (f) (8) which is applicable to individuals described in sub- paragraph (D) thereof. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2), an individual whose services or earnings meet such criteria shall, except for purposes of section 222 (c), be found not to be disabled.¹ (5) An individual shall not be considered to be under a disability unless he furnishes such medical and other evidence of the existence thereof as the Secretary may require. Reduction of Benefits Based on Disability on Account of Receipt of Workmen's Compensation Sec. 224. (a) If for any month prior to the month in which an indi- vidual attains the age of 62- (1) such individual is entitled to benefits under section 223, and (2) such individual is entitled for such month, under a work- men's compensation law or plan of the United States or a State to periodic benefits for a total or partial disability (whether or not permanent), and the Secretary has, in a prior month, received notice of such entitlement for such month, the total of his benefits under section 223 for such month and of any 1 Paragraph (4) was amended by sec. 335 of Public Law 95-216. Revised April 1978 187 Sec. 224(b) benefits under section 202 for such month based on his wages and self- employment income shall be reduced (but not below zero) by the amount by which the sum of— (3) such total of benefits under sections 223 and 202 for such month, and (4) such periodic benefits payable (and actually paid) for such month to such individual under the workmen's compensation law or plan, exceeds the higher of- (5) 80 per centum of his "average current earnings”, or (6) the total of such individual's disability insurance benefits under section 223 for such month and of any monthly insurance benefits under section 202 for such month based on his wages and self-employment income, prior to reduction under this section. In no case shall the reduction in the total of such benefits under sec- tions 223 and 202 for a month (in a continuous period of months) reduce such total below the sum of (7) the total of the benefits under sections 223 and 202, after reduction under this section, with respect to all persons entitled to benefits on the basis of such individual's wages and self-employ- ment income for such month which were determined for such in- dividual and such persons for the first month for which reduction under this section was made (or which would have been so deter- mined if all of them had been so entitled in such first month), and (8) any increase in such benefits with respect to such individual and such persons, before reduction under this section, which is made effective for months after the first month for which reduc- tion under this section is made. For purposes of clause (5), an individual's average current earnings means the largest of (A) the average monthly wage (determined under section 215 (b) as in effect prior to January 1979) used for purposes of computing his benefits under section 223, (B) one-sixtieth of the total of his wages and self-employment income (computed without regard to the limitations specified in sections 209 (a) and 211(b) (1)) for the five consecutive calendar years after 1950 for which such wages. and self-employment income were highest, or (C) one-twelfth of the total of his wages and self-employment income (computed without re- gard to the limitations specified in sections 209 (a) and 211 (b) (1)) for the calendar year in which he had the highest such wages and income during the period consisting of the calendar year in which he became disabled (as defined in section 223 (d)) and the five years preceding that year.¹ (b) If any periodic benefit under a workmen's compensation law or plan is payable on other than a monthly basis (excluding a benefit 1 Subsection (a) was amended by secs. 205(d) and 353 (c) (1) of Public Law 95-216. Sec. 224(b) Revised April 1978 188 payable as a lump sum except to the extent that it is a commutation of, or a substitute for, periodic payments), the reduction under this sec- tion shall be made at such time or times and in such amounts as the Secretary finds will approximate as nearly as practicable the reduction prescribed by subsection (a). (c) Reduction of benefits under this section shall be made after any reduction under subsection (a) of section 203, but before deductions under such section and under section 222(b). (d) The reduction of benefits required by this section shall not be made if the workmen's compensation law or plan under which a peri- odic benefit is payable provides for the reduction thereof when anyone is entitled to benefits under this title on the basis of the wages and self- employment income of an individual entitled to benefits under sec- tion 223. (e) If it appears to the Secretary that an individual may be eligible for periodic benefits under a workmen's compensation law or plan which would give rise to reduction under this section, he may require, as a condition of certification for payment of any benefits under section 223 to any individual for any month and of any benefits under section 202 of such month based on such individual's wages and self-employ- ment income, that such individual certify (i) whether he has filed or intends to file any claim for such periodic benefits, and (ii) if he has so filed, whether there has been a decision on such claim. The Secretary may, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, rely upon such a certifi- cation by such individual that he has not filed and does not intend to file such a claim, or that he has so filed and no final decision thereon has been made, in certifying benefits for payment pursuant to section 205 (i). (f) (1) In the second calendar year after the year in which reduc- tion under this section in the total of an individual's benefits under section 223 and any benefits under section 202 based on his wages and self-employment income was first required (in a continuous period of months), and in each third year thereafter, the Secretary shall re- determine the amount of such benefits which are still subject to reduc- tion under this section; but such redetermination shall not result in any decrease in the total amount of benefits payable under this title on the basis of such individual's wages and self-employment income. Such redetermined benefit shall be determined as of, and shall become effec- tive with, the January following the year in which such redetermina- tion was made. < (2) In making the redetermination required by paragraph (1), the individual's average current earnings (as defined in subsection (a)) shall be deemed to be the product of- Revised April 1978 189 Sec. 225 (A) his average current earnings as initially determined under subsection (a); (B) the ratio of (i) the average of the total wages (as defined in regulations of the Secretary and computed without regard to the limitations specified in section 209 (a)) reported to the Secre- tary of the Treasury or his delegate for the calendar year before the year in which such redetermination is made to (ii) the average of the total wages (as so defined and computed) reported to the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate for calendar year 1977 or, if later, the calendar year before the year in which the reduc- tion was first computed (but not counting any reduction made in benefits for a previous period of disability); and (C) in any case in which the reduction was first computed be- fore 1978, the ratio of (i) the average of the taxable wages re- ported to the Secretary for the first calendar quarter of 1977 to (ii) the average of the taxable wages reported to the Secretary for the first calendar quarter of the calendar year before the year in which the reduction was first computed (but not counting any reduction made in benefits for a previous period of disability). Any amount determined under this paragraph which is not a multiple of $1 shall be reduced to the next lower multiple of $1.¹ (g) Whenever a reduction in the total of benefits for any month based on an individual's wages and self-employment income is made under this section, each benefit, except the disability insurance benefit, shall first be proportionately decreased, and any excess of such reduc- tion over the sum of all such benefits other than the disability insur- ance benefits shall then be applied to such disability insurance benefit. Suspension of Benefits Based on Disability Sec. 225. If the Secretary, on the basis of information obtained by or submitted to him, believes that an individual entitled to benefits under section 223, or that a child who has attained the age of eighteen and is entitled to benefits under section 202(d), or that a widow or surviving divorced wife who has not attained age 60 and is entitled to benefits under section 202 (e), or that a widower who has not attained age 60 and is entitled to benefits under section 202(f), may have ceased to be under a disability, the Secretary may suspend the pay- ment of benefits under such section 202 (d), 202 (e), 202(f), or 223, until it is determined (as provided in section 221) whether or not such individual's disability has ceased or until the Secretary believes that such disability has not ceased. In the case of any individual whose dis- ability is subject to determination under an agreement with a State 1 Sec. 224 (f) was amended by sec. 8(j) of Public Law 94-202 and by sec. 353(c) (2) of Public Law 95-216. Revised April 1978 Sec. 225 189-A under section 221 (b), the Secretary shall promptly notify the appro- priate State of his action under this section and shall request a prompt determination of whether such individual's disability has ceased. For purposes of this section, the term "disability” has the meaning assigned to such term in section 223 (d). Whenever the benefits of an individual entitled to a disability insurance benefit are suspended for any month, the benefits of any individual entitled thereto under subsection (b), (c), or (d) of section 202, on the basis of the wages and self-employ- ment income of such individual, shall be suspended for such month. The first sentence of this section shall not apply to any child entitled to benefits under section 202(d), if he has attained the age of 18 but has not attained the age of 22, for any month during which he is a full- time student (as defined and determined under section 202 (d)). Sec. 226 Revised August 1978 190 Sec. 226. (a) Every individual who- Entitlement to Hospital Insurance Benefits dog (1) has attained age 65, and (2) is entitled to monthly insurance benefits under section 202 or is a qualified railroad retirement beneficiary, shall be entitled to hospital insurance benefits under part A of title XVIII for each month for which he meets the condition specified in paragraph (1), beginning with the first month after June 1966 for which he meets the conditions specified in paragraphs (1) and (2).¹ (b) Every individual who- (1) has not attained age 65, and (2) (A) is entitled to, and has for 24 consecutive calendar months been entitled to, (i) disability insurance benefits under section 223 or (ii) child's insurance benefits under section 202(d) by reason of a disability (as defined in section 223(d)) or (iii) widow's insurance benefits under section 202 (e) or widower's insurance benefits under section 202(f) by reason of a disability (as defined in section 223 (d)), or (B) is, and has been for not less than 24 consecutive months a disabled qualified railroad retire- ment beneficiary, within the meaning of section 7(d) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, shall be entitled to hospital insurance benefits under part A of title XVIII for each month beginning with the later of (I) July 1973 or (II) the twenty-fifth consecutive month of his entitlement or status as a qualified railroad retirement beneficiary described in paragraph (2), and ending with the month following the month in which notice of termination of such entitlement to benefits or status as a qualified railroad retirement beneficiary described in paragraph (2) is mailed to him, or if earlier, with the month before the month in which he attains age 65. (c) For purposes of subsection (a)- (1) entitlement of an individual to hospital insurance benefits for a month shall consist of entitlement to have payment made under, and subject to the limitations in, part A of title XVIII on his behalf for inpatient hospital services, post-hospital extended care services, and post-hospital home health services (as such terms are defined in part C of title XVIII) furnished him in the United States (or outside the United States in the case of inpa- tient hospital services furnished under the conditions described in section 1814(f)) during such month; except that (A) no such pay- ment may be made for post-hospital extended care services fur- nished before January 1967, and (B) no such payment may be 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by sec. 3 (a) of P.L. 95-292. Revised August 1978 191 Sec. 226(d) made for post-hospital extended care services or post-hospital home health services unless the discharge from the hospital re- quired to qualify such services for payment under part A of title XVIII occurred (i) after June 30, 1966, or on or after the first day of the month in which he attains age 65, whichever is later, or (ii) if he was entitled to hospital insurance benefits pursuant to sub- section (b), at a time when he was so entitled; and (2) an individual shall be deemed entitled to monthly insurance benefits under section 202 or section 223, or to be a qualified rail- road retirement beneficiary, for the month in which he died if he would have been entitled to such benefits, or would have been a qualified railroad retirement beneficiary, for such month had he died in the next month. (d) For purposes of this section, the term "qualified railroad retire- ment beneficiary" means an individual whose name has been certified to the Secretary by the Railroad Retirement Board under section 7(d) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974. An individual shall cease to be a qualified railroad retirement beneficiary at the close of the month preceding the month which is certified by the Railroad Retire- ment Board as the month in which he ceased to meet the requirements of section 7(d) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974. } Sec. 226(e) 192 Revised August 1978 (e) (1) For purposes of determining entitlement to hospital insur- ance benefits under subsection (b) in the case of widows and widowers described in paragraph (2) (A) (iii) thereof— (A) the term “age 60” in sections 202(e) (1) (B) (ii), 202(e) (5), 202(f) (1) (B) (ii), and 202 (f) (6) shall be deemed to read “age 65"; and (B) the phrase "before she attained age 60" in the matter follow- ing subparagraph (F) of section 202(e) (1) and the phrase "be- fore he attained age 60" in the matter following subparagraph (F) of section 202 (f) (1) shall each be deemed to read "based on a disability"¹ (2) For purposes of determining entitlement to hospital insurance benefits under subsection (b) in the case of an individual under age 65 who is entitled to benefits under section 202, and who was entitled to widow's insurance benefits or widower's insurance benefits based on disability for the month before the first month in which such individ- ual was so entitled to old-age insurance benefits (but ceased to be en- titled to such widow's or widower's insurance benefits upon becoming entitled to such old-age insurance benefits), such individual shall be deemed to have continued to be entitled to such widow's insurance benefits or widower's insurance benefits for and after such first month. (3) For purposes of determining entitlement to hospital insurance benefits under subsection (b) any disabled widow age 50 or older who is entitled to mother's insurance benefits (and who would have been entitled to widow's insurance benefits by reason of disability if she had filed for such widow's benefits) shall, upon application, for such hospital insurance benefits be deemed to have filed for such widow's benefits and shall, upon furnishing proof of such disability prior to ¹ Subparagraph (B) was amended by sec. 334 (d) (4)(B) of Public Law 95–216. Revised August 1978 193 Sec. 226A(a) July 1, 1974, under such procedures as the Secretary may prescribe, be deemed to have been entitled to such widow's benefits as of the time she would have been entitled to such widow's benefits if she had filed a timely application therefor. (4) For purposes of determining entitlement to hospital insurance benefits under subsection (b) in the case of an individual described in clause (iii) of subsection (b)(2)(A), the entitlement of such indi- vidual to widow's or widower's insurance benefits under section 202 (e) or (f) by reason of a disability shall be deemed to be the entitlement to such benefits that would result if such entitlement were determined without regard to the provisions of section 202 (j) (4).¹ 2 (f) For entitlement to hospital insurance benefits in the case of certain uninsured individuals, see section 103 of the Social Security Amendments of 1965.2 Special Provisions Relating to Coverage Under Medicare Program For End Stage Renal Disease 3 Sec. 226A. (a) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in section 226 or title XVIII, every individual who- (1) (A) is fully or currently insured (as such terms are defined in section 214 of this Act) or would be fully or currently insured if his service as an employee (as defined in the Railroad Retire- ment Act of 1974) after December 31, 1936, were included in the term "employment" as defined in this Act, or (B) is entitled to monthly insurance benefits under title II of this Act or an annuity. under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, or (C) is the spouse or dependent child (as defined in regulations) of an individual. who is fully or currently insured or would be fully or currently insured if his service as an employee (as defined in the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974) after December 31, 1936, were included in the term “employment" as defined in this Act, or (D) is the spouse or dependent child (as defined in regulations) of an indi- vidual entitled to monthly insurance benefits under title II of this Act or an annuity under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974; (2) is medically determined to have end stage renal disease; and (3) has filed an application for benefits under this section; shall, in accordance with the succeeding provisions of this section, be entitled to benefits under part A and eligible to enroll under part B of title XVIII, subject to the deductible, premium, and coinsurance pro- visions of that title. 1 Paragraph (4) was added by sec. 332(a)(3) of Public Law 95-216. 2 Subsections (e) and (f) were formerly (h) and (i). These subsections were redesignated by sec. 1(b) of Public Law 95-292, which repealed former subsections (e), (f), and (g). Subsection (e) also was amended by sec. 3(b) of Public Law 95-292. 3 Section 226A was added by sec. 1 of P.L. 95-292, effective as specified in sec. 6 of that act, which is printed in this document on p. 820. Sec. 226A(b) 193-A Revised August 1978 (b) Subject to subsection (c), entitlement of an individual to bene- fits under part A and eligibility to enroll under part B of title XVIII by reasons of this section on the basis of end stage renal disease- (1) shall begin with— (A) the third month after the month in which a regular course of renal dialysis is initiated, or (B) the month in which such individual receives a kidney transplant, or (if earlier) the first month in which such indi- vidual is admitted as an inpatient to an institution which is a hospital meeting the requirements of section 1861 (e) (and such additional requirements as the Secretary may prescribe under section 1881 (b) for such institutions) in preparation for or anticipation of kidney transplantation, but only if such transplantation occurs in that month or in either of the next two months, whichever first occurs (but no earlier than one year preceding the month of the filing of an application for benefits under this sec- tion); and (2) shall end, in the case of an individual who receives a kidney transplant, with the thirty-sixth month after the month in which such individual receives such transplant or, in the case of an indi- vidual who has not received a kidney transplant and no longer requires a regular course of dialysis, with the twelfth month after the month in which such course of dialysis is terminated. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b)- (1) in the case of any individual who participates in a self-care dialysis training program prior to the third month after the month in which such individual initiates a regular course of renal dialysis in a renal dialysis facility or provider of services meeting the requirements of section 1881 (b), entitlement to benefits under part A and eligibility to enroll under part B of title XVIII shall begin with the month in which such regular course of renal di- alysis is initiated; K (2) in any case in which a kidney transplant fails (whether during or after the thirty-six-month period specified in subsection (b) (2)) and as a result the individual who received such trans- plant initiates or resumes a regular course of renal dialysis, en- titlement to benefits under part A and eligibility to enroll under part B of title XVIII shall begin with the month in which such course is initiated or resumed; and (3) in any case in which a regular course of renal dialysis is re- sumed subsequent to the termination of an earlier course, entitle- ment to benefits under part A and eligibility to enroll under part B of title XVIII shall begin with the month in which such regular course of renal dialysis is resumed. Revised August 1978 193-B Sec. 227(b) Transitional Insured Status Sec. 227. (a) In the case of any individual who attains the age of 72 before 1969 but who does not meet the requirements of section 214(a), the 6 quarters of coverage referred to in paragraph (1) of section 214(a) shall, instead, be 3 quarters of coverage for purposes of determining entitlement of such individual to benefits under sec- tion 202(a), and of his wife to benefits under section 202 (b), but, in the case of such wife, only if she attains the age of 72 before 1969 and only with respect to wife's insurance benefits under section 202(b) for and after the month in which she attains such age. For each month before the month in which any such individual meets the requirements of section 214(a), the amount of his old-age insurance benefit shall, notwithstanding the provisions of section 202 (a), be the larger of $64.40 or the amount most recently established in lieu thereof under section 215 (i)¹ and the amount of the wife's insurance benefit of his wife shall, notwithstanding the provisions of section 202(b), be the larger of $32.20 or the amount most recently established in lieu thereof under section 215 (i).¹ 1 (b) In the case of any individual who has died, who does not meet the requirements of section 214 (a), and whose widow attains age 72 before 1969, the 6 quarters of coverage referred to in paragraph (3) of section 214(a) and in paragraph (1) thereof shall, for purposes of determining her entitlement to widow's insurance benefits under sec- tion 202(e), instead be- (1) 3 quarters of coverage if such widow attains the age of 72 in or before 1966, 1 Sea AnDendix E. Sec. 227(b) 194 Revised April 1978 (2) 4 quarters of coverage if such widow attains the age of 72 in 1967, or (3) 5 quarters of coverage if such widow attains the age of 72 in 1968. The amount of her widow's insurance benefit for each month shall, notwithstanding the provisions of section 202 (e) (and section 202 (m)), be the larger of $64.40 or the amount most recently established in lieu thereof under section 215 (i).¹ (c) In the case of any individual who becomes, or upon filing appli- cation therefor would become, entitled to benefits under section 202 (a) by reason of the application of subsection (a) of this section, who dies, and whose widow attains the age of 72 before 1969, such deceased in- dividual shall be deemed to meet the requirements of subsection (b) of this section for purposes of determining entitlement of such widow to widow's insurance benefits under section 202 (e). Benefits at Age 72 for Certain Uninsured Individuals Eligibility Sec. 228. (a) Every individual who- (1) has attained the age of 72, (2) (A) attained such age before 1968, or (B) has not less than 3 quarters of coverage, whenever acquired, for each calendar year elapsing after 1966 and before the year in which he attained such age, (3) is a resident of the United States (as defined in subsection (e)), and is (A) a citizen of the United States or (B) an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence who has resided in the United States (as defined in section 210(i)) continuously during the 5 years immediately preceding the month in which he files application under this section, and (4) has filed application for benefits under this section, shall (subject to the limitations in this section) be entitled to a benefit under this section for each month beginning with the first month after September 1966 in which he becomes so entitled to such benefits and ending with the month preceding the month in which he dies. No application under this section which is filed by an individual more than 3 months before the first month in which he meets the require- ments of paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) shall be accepted as an appli- cation for purposes of this section. Benefit Amount (b) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the benefit amount to which an individual is entitled under this section for any month shall 1 See appendix E. Revised April 1978 Sec. 228(c) 195 be the larger of $64.40 or the amount most recently established in lieu thereof under section 215 (i).¹ (2) If both husband and wife are entitled (or upon application would be entitled) to benefits under this section for any month, the amount of the husband's benefit for such month shall be the larger of $64.40 or the amount most recently established in lieu thereof under section 215 (i)¹ and the amount of the wife's benefit for such month shall be the larger of $32.20 or the amount most recently established in lieu thereof under section 215 (i).¹ 1 Reduction for Governmental Pension System Benefits (c) (1) The benefit amount of any individual under this section for any month shall be reduced (but not below zero) by the amount of any periodic benefit under a governmental pension system for which he is eligible for such month. (2) In the case of a husband and wife only one of whom is entitled to benefits under this section for any month, the benefit amount, after any reduction under paragraph (1), shall be further reduced (but not below zero) by the excess (if any) of (A) the total amount of any periodic benefits under governmental pension systems for which the spouse who is not entitled to benefits under this section is eligible for such month, over (B) the larger of $32.20 or the amount most recently established in lieu thereof under section 215(i).¹ (3) In the case of a husband and wife both of whom are entitled to benefits under this section for any month- (A) the benefit amount of the wife, after any reduction under paragraph (1), shall be further reduced (but not below zero) by the excess (if any) of (i) the total amount of any periodic benefits under governmental pension systems for which the husband is eligible for such month, over (ii) the larger of $64.40 or the amount most recently established in lieu thereof under section. 215 (i)¹; and 1 See appendix E. (B) the benefit amount of the husband, after any reduction under paragraph (1), shall be further reduced (but not below zero) by the excess (if any) of (i) the total amount of any pe- riodic benefits under governmental pension systems for which the wife is eligible for such month, over (ii) the larger of $32.20 or the amount most recently established in lieu thereof under section 215 (i).¹ 1 (4) For purposes of this subsection, in determining whether an individual is eligible for periodic benefits under a governmental pen- sion system- 21-746 0 - 78 - 15 Revised April 1978 Sec. 228(c) 195-A (A) such individual shall be deemed to have filed application for such benefits, (B) to the extent that entitlement depends on an application by such individual's spouse, such spouse shall be deemed to have filed application, and (C) to the extent that entitlement depends on such individual or his spouse having retired, such individual and his spouse shall be deemed to have retired before the month for which the deter- mination of eligibility is being made. (5) For purposes of this subsection, if any periodic benefit is pay- able on any basis other than a calendar month, the Secretary shall allocate the amount of such benefit to the appropriate calendar months. (6) If, under the foregoing provisions of this section, the amount. payable for any month would be less than $1, such amount shall be Sec. 228(c) 196 reduced to zero. In the case of a husband and wife both of whom are entitled to benefits under this section for the month, the preceding sentence shall be applied with respect to the aggregate amount so pay- able for such month. (7) If any benefit amount computed under the foregoing provisions of this section is not a multiple of $0.10, it shall be raised to the next higher multiple of $0.10. (8) Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, benefit payments under this section to an individual (or aggregate benefit payments under this section in the case of a husband and wife) of less than $5 may be accumulated until they equal or exceed $5. Suspension for Months in Which Cash Payments Are Made Under Public Assistance (d) The benefit to which any individual is entitled under this section for any month shall not be paid for such month if- (1) such individual receives aid or assistance in the form of money payments in such month under a State plan approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI or part A of title IV, or (2) such individual's husband or wife receives such aid or as- sistance in such month, and under the State plan the needs of such individual were taken into account in determining eligibility for (or amount of) such aid or assistance, unless the State agency administering or supervising the administra- tion of such plan notifies the Secretary, at such time and in such manner as may be prescribed in accordance with regulations of the Secretary, that such payments to such individual (or such individual's husband or wife) under such plan are being terminated with the pay- ment or payments made in such month and such individual is not an individual with respect to whom supplemental security income benefits are payable pursuant to title XVI or section 211 of Public Law 93–66 for the following month, nor shall such benefit be paid for such month if such individual is an individual with respect to whom supplemental security income benefits are payable pursuant to title XVI or section 211 of Public Law 93-66 for such month, unless the Secretary deter- mines that such benefits are not payable with respect to such indi- vidual for the month following such month. Suspension Where Individual Is Residing Outside the United States (e) The benefit to which any individual is entitled under this sec- tion for any month shall not be paid if, during such month, such individual is not a resident of the United States. For purposes of this subsection, the term "United States" means the 50 States and the District of Columbia. 197 Sec. 228(h) Treatment as Monthly Insurance Benefits (f) For purposes of subsections (t) and (u) of section 202, and of section 1840 a monthly benefit under this section shall be treated as a monthly insurance benefit payable under section 202. Annual Reimbursement of Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund (g) There are authorized to be appropriated to the Federal Old- Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, and for each fiscal year thereafter, such sums as the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare deems necessary on account of— (1) payments made under this section during the second pre- ceding fiscal year and all fiscal years prior thereto to individuals who, as of the beginning of the calendar year in which falls the month for which payment was made, had less than 3 quarters of coverage, (2) the additional administrative expenses resulting from the payments described in paragraph (1), and (3) any loss in interest to such Trust Fund resulting from such payments and expenses, in order to place such Trust Fund in the same position at the end of such fiscal year as it would have been in if such payments had not been made. Definitions (h) For purposes of this section- (1) The term "quarter of coverage" includes a quarter of cover- age as defined in section 5(1) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937. (2) The term "governmental pension system" means the in- surance system established by this title or any other system or fund established by the United States, a State, any political sub- division of a State, or any wholly owned instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing which provides for payment of (A) pensions, (B) retirement or retired pay, or (C) annuities or similar amounts payable on account of personal services per- formed by any individual (not including any payment under any workmen's compensation law or any payment by the Veterans' Administration as compensation for service-connected disability or death). (3) The term "periodic benefit" includes a benefit payable in a lump sum if it is a commutation of, or a substitute for, periodic payments. Sec. 228(h) 198 Revised April 1978 (4) The determination of whether an individual is a husband or wife for any month shall be made under subsection (h) of sec- tion 216 without regard to subsections (b) and (f) of section 216. Benefits in Case of Members of the Uniformed Services Sec. 229. (a) For purposes of determining entitlement to and the amount of any monthly benefit for any month after December 1972, or entitlement to and the amount of any lump-sum death payment in case of a death after such month, payable under this title on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of any individual, and for purposes of section 216 (i) (3), such individual, if he was paid wages for service as a member of a uniformed service (as defined in section 210(m)) which was included in the term "employment" as defined in section 210(a) as a result of the provisions of section 210 (1), shall be deemed to have been paid- (1) in each calendar quarter occurring after 1956 and before 1978 in which he was paid such wages, additional wages of $300, and (2) in each calendar year occurring after 1977 in which he was paid such wages, additional wages of $100 for each $300 of such wages, up to a maximum of $1,200 of additional wages for any calendar year.¹ (b) There are authorized to be appropriated to the Federal Old- Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Disability In- surance Trust Fund, and the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund annually, as benefits under this title and part A of title XVIII are paid after December 1967, such sums as the Secretary determines to be necessary to meet (1) the additional costs, resulting from subsection (a), of such benefits (including lump-sum death payments), (2) the additional administrative expenses resulting therefrom, and (3) any loss in interest to such trust funds resulting from the payment of such amounts. Such additional costs shall be determined after any increases in such benefits arising from the application of section 217 have been made. Adjustment of the Contribution and Benefit Base Sec. 230. (a) Whenever the Secretary pursuant to section 215 (i) increases benefits effective with the June following a cost-of-living computation quarter, he shall also determine and publish in the Federal Register on or before November 1 of the calendar year in which such ¹ Subsection (a) was amended by sec. 353 (d) of Public Law 95–216. Revised April 1978 199 Sec. 230(c) 1 quarter occurs the contribution and benefit base determined under sub- section (b) or (c) ¹ which shall be effective with respect to remunera- tion paid after the calendar year in which such quarter occurs and taxable years beginning after such year.² 2 (b) The amount of such contribution and benefit base shall (subject to subsection (c)) be the amount of the contribution and benefit base in effect in the year in which the determination is made or, if larger, the product of- (1) the contribution and benefit base which is in effect with respect to remuneration paid in (and taxable years beginning in) the calendar year in which the determination under subsection (a) is made, and (2) the ratio of (A) the average of the total wages (as defined in regulations of the Secretary and computed without regard to the limitations specified in section 209 (a)) reported to the Secre- tary of the Treasury or his delegate for the calendar year before the calendar year in which the determination under subsection (a) is made to (B) the average of the total wages (as so defined and computed) reported to the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate for the calendar year before the most recent calendar year in which an increase in the contribution and benefit base was enacted or a determination resulting in such an increase was made under subsection (a), with such product, if not a multiple of $300, being rounded to the next higher multiple of $300 where such product is a multiple of $150 but not of $300 and to the nearest multiple of $300 in any other case. ³ (c) For purposes of this section, and for purposes of determining wages and self-employment income under sections 209, 211, 213, and 215 of this Act and sections 1402, 3121, 3122, 3125, 6413, and 6654 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, (1) the "contribution and benefit base" with respect to remuneration paid in (and taxable years begin- ning in) any calendar year after 1973 and prior to the calendar year with the June of which the first increase in benefits pursuant to section 215(i) of this Act becomes effective shall be $13,200 or (if applicable) such other amount as may be specified in a law enacted subsequent to the law which added this section, and (2) the "contribution and benefit base" with respect to remuneration paid (and taxable years beginning)— (A) in 1978 shall be $17,700, (B) in 1979 shall be $22,900, (C) in 1980 shall be $25,900, and (D) in 1981 shall be $29,700. 1 See Appendix E. 2 Subsection (a) was amended by sec. 103(a)(1) of Public Law 95-216. 8 Subsection (b) was amended by sec. 8(h) of Public Law 94-202, and by secs. 103 (a) (2) and 353 (e) of Public Law 95-216. f Revised April 1978 199-A Sec. 231(a) For purposes of determining under subsection (b) the "contribution and benefit base" with respect to remuneration paid (and taxable years beginning) in 1982 and subsequent years, the dollar amounts specified in clause (2) of the preceding sentence shall be considered to have resulted from the application of such subsection (b) and to be the amount determined (with respect to the years involved) under that subsection. For purposes of determining employer tax liability under section 3221 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, for purposes of determining the portion of the employee representative tax liability under section 3211(a) of such Code which results from the applica- tion of the 9.5 percent rate specified therein, and for purposes of com- puting average monthly compensation under section 3(j) of the Rail- road Retirement Act of 1974, except with respect to annuity amounts determined under section 3 (a) or (3)(f)(3) of such Act, clause (2) and the preceding sentence of this subsection shall be disregarded.¹ (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the contribution and benefit base determined under this section for any calendar year after 1976 for purposes of section 4022 (b) (3) (B) of Public Law 93-406, with respect to any plan, shall be the contribution and benefit base that would have been determined for such year if this section as in effect immediately prior to the enactment of the Social Security Amendments of 1977 had remained in effect without change.2 Benefits in Case of Certain Individuals Interned During World War II Sec. 231. (a) For the purposes of this section the term "internee" means an individual who was interned during any period of time from December 7, 1941, through December 31, 1946, at a place within the United States operated by the Government of the United States for the internment of United States citizens of Japanese ancestry. 1 Subsection (c) was amended by sec. 103(b) of Public Law 95–216. 2 Subsection (d) was added by sec. 103 (c) of Public Law 95–216. Sec. 231(b) 200 + (b) (1) For purposes of determining entitlement to and the amount of any monthly benefit for any month after December 1972, or entitle- ment to and the amount of any lump-sum death payment in the case of a death after such month, payable under this title on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of any individual, and for purposes of section 216 (i) (3), such individual shall be deemed to have been paid during any period after he attained age 18 and for which he was an internee, wages (in addition to any wages actually paid to him) at a weekly rate of basic pay during such period as follows— (A) in the case such individual was not employed prior to the beginning of such period, 40 multiplied by the minimum hourly rate or rates in effect at any such time under section 206(a)(1) of title 29, United States Code, for each full week during such pe- riod; and (B) in the case such individual who was employed prior to the beginning of such period, 40 multiplied by the greater of (i) the highest hourly rate received during any such employment, or (ii) the minimum hourly rate or rates in effect at any such time under section 206(a)(1) of title 29, United States Code, for each full week during such period. (2) This subsection shall not be applicable in the case of any monthly benefit or lump-sum death payment if (A) a larger such benefit or payment, as the case may be, would be payable without its application; or (B) a benefit (other than a benefit payable in a lump-sum unless it is a commutation of, or a substitute for, periodic payments) which is based, in whole or in part, upon internment during any period from December 7, 1941, through December 31, 1946, at a place within the United States operated by the Government of the United States for the internment of United States citizens of Jap- anese ancestry, is determined by any agency or wholly owned in- strumentality of the United States to be payable by it under any other law of the United States or under a system established by such agency or instrumentality. The provisions of clause (B) shall not apply in the case of any monthly benefit or lump-sum death payment under this title if its application would reduce by $0.50 or less the primary insurance amount (as com- puted under section 215 prior to any recomputation thereof pursuant to subsection (f) of such section) of the individual on whose wages and self-employment income such benefit or payment is based. The provi- sions of clause (B) shall also not apply for purposes of section 216 (i) (3). (3) Upon application for benefits, a recalculation of benefits (by reason of this section), or a lump-sum death payment on the basis of 201 Sec. 232 the wages and self-employment income of any individual who was an internee, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall accept the certification of the Secretary of Defense or his designee concerning any period of time for which an internee is to receive credit under para- graph (1) and shall make a decision without regard to clause (B) of paragraph (2) of this subsection unless he has been notified by some other agency or instrumentality of the United States that, on the basis of the period for which such individual was an internee, a benefit de- scribed in clause (B) of paragraph (2) has been determined by such agency or instrumentality to be payable by it. If the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare has not been so notified, he shall then ascertain whether some other agency or wholly owned instrumentality of the United States has decided that a benefit described in clause (B) of paragraph (2) is payable by it. If any such agency or instrumental- ity has decided, or thereafter decides, that such a benefit is payable by it, it shall so notify the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the Secretary shall certify no further benefits for payment or shall recompute the amount of any further benefits payable, as may be re- quired by this section. (4) Any agency or wholly owned instrumentality of the United States which is authorized by any law of the United States to pay benefits, or has a system of benefits which are based, in whole or in part, on any period for which any individual was an internee shall, at the request of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, certify to him, with respect to any individual who was an internee such information as the Secretary deems necessary to carry out his func- tions under paragraph (3) of this subsection. (c) There are authorized to be appropriated to the Trust Funds and the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1978, such sums as the Secretary determines would place the Trust Funds and the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund in the position in which they would have been if the preceding provisions of this section had not been enacted. Processing of Tax Data Sec. 232. The Secretary of the Treasury shall make available infor- mation returns filed pursuant to part III of subchapter A of chapter 61 of subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, to the Secretary for the purposes of this title and title XI. The Secretary and the Sec- retary of the Treasury are authorized to enter into an agreement for the processing by the Secretary of information contained in returns filed pursuant to part III of subchapter A of chapter 61 of subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. Notwithstanding the provisions Sec. 232 202 Revised April 1978 of section 6103 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, the Secretary of the Treasury shall make available to the Secretary such documents as may be agreed upon as being necessary for purposes of such proc- essing. The Secretary shall process any withholding tax statements or other documents made available to him by the Secretary of the Treas- ury pursuant to this section. Any agreement made pursuant to this section shall remain in full force and effect until modified or otherwise changed by mutual agreement of the Secretary and the Secretary of the Treasury.¹ International Agreements 2 Purpose of Agreement Sec. 233. (a) The President is authorized (subject to the succeeding provisions of this section) to enter into agreements establishing totali- zation arrangements between the social security system established by this title and the social security system of any foreign country, for the purposes of establishing entitlement to and the amount of old- age, survivors, disability, or derivative benefits based on a combina- tion of an individual's periods of coverage under the social security system established by this title and the social security system of such foreign country. Definitions (b) For the purposes of this section— (1) the term "social security system" means, with respect to a foreign country, a social insurance or pension system which is of general application in the country and under which periodic benefits, or the actuarial equivalent thereof, are paid on account of old age, death, or disability; and (2) the term "period of coverage” means a period of payment of contributions or a period of earnings based on wages for employment or on self-employment income, or any similar period recognized as equivalent thereto under this title or under the social security system of a country which is a party to an agree- ment entered into under this section. Crediting Periods of Coverage; Conditions of Payment of Benefits (c) (1) Any agreement establishing a totalization arrangement pur- suant to this section shall provide- (A) that in the case of an individual who has at least 6 quar- ters of coverage as defined in section 213 of this Act and periods of GAM ¹ Section 232 was added by section 8(b) of Public Law 94-202 effective with respect to income reports received after 1977. 2 Section 233 was added by sec. 317(a) of Public Law 95–216. Revised April 1978 Sec. 233(c) 202-A coverage under the social security system of a foreign country which is a party to such agreement, periods of coverage of such individual under such social security system of such foreign coun- try may be combined with periods of coverage under this title and otherwise considered for the purposes of establishing entitlement to and the amount of old-age, survivors, and disability insurance benefits under this title; (B) (i) that employment or self-employment, or any service which is recognized as equivalent to employment or self-employ- ment under this title or the social security system of a foreign country which is a party to such agreement, shall, on or after the effective date of such agreement, result in a period of coverage under the system established under this title or under the system established under the laws of such foreign country, but not under both, and (ii) the methods and conditions for determining under which system employment, self-employment, or other service shall result in a period of coverage; and (C) that where an individual's periods of coverage are com- bined, the benefit amount payable under this title shall be based on the proportion of such individual's periods of coverage which was completed under this title. - (2) Any such agreement may provide that- (A) an individual who is entitled to cash benefits under this title shall, notwithstanding the provisions of section 202(t), receive such benefits while he resides in a foreign country which is a party to such agreement; and (B) the benefit paid by the United States to an individual who legally resides in the United States shall, if less when added to the benefit paid by such foreign country than the benefit amount which would be payable to an entitled individual based on the first figure in (or deemed to be in) column IV of the table in sec- tion 215 (a) in the case of an individual becoming eligible for such benefit before January 1, 1979, or based on a primary insur- ance amount determined under section 215 (a) (1) (C) (i) (I)´ in the case of an individual becoming eligible for such benefit on or after that date, be increased so that the total of the two benefits. is equal to the benefit amount which would be so payable. (3) Section 226 shall not apply in the case of any individual to whom it would not be applicable but for this section or any agreement or regulation under this section. (4) any such agreement may contain other provisions which are not inconsistent with the other provisions of this title and which the President deems appropriate to carry out the purposes of this section. Sec. 233(d) Revised April 1978 202-B Regulations (d) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall make rules and regulations and establish procedures which are reasonable and necessary to implement and administer any agreement which has been entered into in accordance with this section. Reports to Congress; Effective Date of Agreements (e) (1) Any agreement to establish a totalization arrangement entered into pursuant to this section shall be transmitted by the Presi- dent to the Congress together with a report on the estimated number of individuals who will be affected by the agreement and the effect of the agreement on the estimated income and expenditures of the pro- grams established by this Act. (2) Such an agreement shall become effective on any date, provided in the agreement, which occurs after the expiration of the period (following the date on which the agreement is transmitted in accordance with paragraph (1)) during which each House of the Con- gress has been in session on each of 90 days; except that such agree- ment shall not become effective if, during such period, either House of the Congress adopts a resolution of disapproval of the agreement. TITLE III-GRANTS TO STATES FOR UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION Sec. 301. Appropriations_ Sec. 302. Payments to States__. Sec. 303. Provisions of State Laws_ Sec. 304. Judicial Review___ Page 1 203 203 203 206 Appropriations Section 301. The amounts made available pursuant to section 901(c)(1)(A) for the purpose of assisting the States in the adminis- tration of their unemployment compensation laws shall be used as hereinafter provided. Payments to States Sec. 302. (a) The Secretary of Labor shall from time to time certify to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment to each State which has an unemployment compensation law approved by the Secretary of Labor under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act such amounts as the Secretary of Labor determines to be necessary for the proper and efficient administration of such law during the fiscal year for which such payment is to be made. The Secretary of Labor's determination shall be based on (1) the population of the State; (2) an estimate of the number of persons covered by the State law and of the cost of proper and efficient administration of such law; and (3) such other factors as the Secretary of Labor finds relevant. The Secretary of Labor shall not certify for payment under this section in any fiscal year a total amount in excess of the amount appropriated therefor for such fiscal year. (b) Out of the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary of the Treasury shall, upon receiving a certification under subsection (a) pay, through the Fiscal Service of the Treasury Department and prior to audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, to the State agency charged with the administration of such law the amount so certified. Provisions of State Laws Sec. 303. (a) The Secretary of Labor shall make no certification for payment to any State unless he finds that the law of such State, 1 This table of contents does not appear in the law. (203) Sec. 303(a) 204 approved by him under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, includes provision for— (1) Such methods of administration (including after Jan- uary 1, 1940, methods relating to the establishment and mainte- nance of personnel standards on a merit basis, except that the Secretary of Labor shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, and compensation of any individual employed in accordance with such methods) as are found by the Secretary of Labor to be reasonably calculated to insure full payment of unemployment compensation when due; and (2) Payment of unemployment compensation solely through public employment offices or such other agencies as the Secretary of Labor may approve; and (3) Opportunity for a fair hearing, before an impartial tri- bunal, for all individuals whose claims for unemployment com- pensation are denied; and (4) The payment of all money received in the unemployment fund of such State (except for refunds of sums erroneously paid into such fund and except for refunds paid in accordance with the provisions of section 3305 (b) of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act), immediately upon such receipt, to the Secretary of the Treasury to the credit of the Unemployment Trust Fund estab- lished by section 904; and (5) Expenditure of all money withdrawn from an unemploy- ment fund of such State, in the payment of unemployment com- pensation, exclusive of expenses of administration, and for refunds. of sums erroneously paid into such fund and refunds paid in accordance with the provisions of section 3305 (b) of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act: Provided, That an amount equal to the amount of employee payments into the unemployment fund of a State may be used in the payment of cash benefits to individuals with respect to their disability, exclusive of expenses of adminis- tration: Provided further, That the amounts specified by section 903(c)(2) may, subject to the conditions prescribed in such sec- tion, be used for expenses incurred by the State for administra- tion of its unemployment compensation law and public employ- ment offices; and (6) The making of such reports in such form and containing such information, as the Secretary of Labor may from time to time require, and compliance with such provisions as the Secre- tary of Labor may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports; and (7) Making available upon request to any agency of the United States charged with the administration of public works or assist- 205 Sec. 303(c) ance through public employment, the name, address, ordinary occupation and employment status of each recipient of unem- ployment compensation, and a statement of such recipient's rights to further compensation under such law; and (8) Effective July 1, 1941, the expenditure of all moneys re- ceived pursuant to section 302 of this title solely for the purposes and in the amounts found necessary by the Secretary of Labor for the proper and efficient administration of such State law; and (9) Effective July 1, 1941, the replacement, within a reasonable time, of any moneys received pursuant to section 302 of this title, which, because of any action or contingency, have been lost or have been expended for purposes other than, or in amounts in excess of, those found necessary by the Secretary of Labor for the proper administration of such State law. (b) Whenever the Secretary of Labor, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency charged with the admin- istration of the State law, finds that in the administration of the law there is (1) a denial, in a substantial number of cases, of unemploy- ment compensation to individuals entitled thereto under such law; or (2) a failure to comply substantially with any provision speci- fied in subsection (a); the Secretary of Labor shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State until he is satisfied that there is no longer any such denial or failure to comply. Until the Secretary of Labor is so satisfied, he shall make no further certification to the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to such State: Provided, That there shall be no finding under clause (1) until the question of entitle- ment shall have been decided by the highest judicial authority given jurisdiction under such State law: Provided further, That any costs may be paid with respect to any claimant by a State and included as costs of administration of its law. (c) The Secretary of Labor shall make no certification for pay- ment to any State if he finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency charged with the administration of the State law- (1) That such State does not make its records available to the Railroad Retirement Board, and furnish to the Railroad Retirement Board at the expense of the Railroad Retirement Board such copies thereof as the Railroad Retirement Board deems necessary for its purposes; or (2) That such State is failing to afford reasonable cooperation with every agency of the United States charged with the admin- istration of any unemployment insurance law. 21-746 0 - 78 - 16 Sec. 304(a) 206 Judicial Review Sec. 304. (a) Whenever the Secretary of Labor— (1) finds that a State law does not include any provision specified in section 303 (a), or (2) makes a finding with respect to a State under subsection (b) or (c) of section 303, such State may, within 60 days after the Governor of the State has been notified of such action, file with the United States court of appeals for the circuit in which such State is located or with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, a pe- tition for review of such action. A copy of the petition shall be forth- with transmitted by the clerk of the court to the Secretary of Labor. The Secretary of Labor thereupon shall file in the court the record of the proceedings on which he based his action as provided in section 2112 of title 28, United States Code. (b) The findings of fact by the Secretary of Labor, if supported by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive; but the court, for good cause shown, may remand the case to the Secretary of Labor to take further evidence and the Secretary of Labor may thereupon make new or modified findings of fact and may modify his previous action, and shall certify to the court the record of the further proceedings. Such new or modified findings of fact shall likewise be conclusive if sup- ported by substantial evidence. (c) The court shall have jurisdiction to affirm the action of the Secretary of Labor or to set it aside, in whole or in part. The judg- ment of the court shall be subject to review by the Supreme Court of the United States upon certiorari or certification as provided in section 1254 of title 28 of the United States Code. (d) (1) The Secretary of Labor shall not withhold any certifica- tion for payment to any State under section 302 until the expiration of 60 days after the Governor of the State has been notified of the action referred to in paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) or until the State has filed a petition for review of such action, whichever is earlier. (2) The commencement of judicial proceedings under this section shall stay the Secretary's action for a period of 30 days, and the court may thereafter grant interim relief if warranted, including a further stay of the Secretary's action and including such other relief as may be necessary to preserve status or rights. (e) Any judicial proceedings under this section shall be entitled to, and, upon request of the Secretary or the State, shall receive a prefer- ence and shall be heard and determined as expeditiously as possible. Revised April 1978 TITLE IV-GRANTS TO STATES FOR AID AND SERVICES TO NEEDY FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN AND FOR CHILD-WELFARE SERVICES PART A-AID TO FAMILIES WITII DEPENDENT CHILDREN Sec. 401. Appropriation Sec. 402. State Plans for Aid and Services to Needy Families With Children Sec. 403. Payment to States-- Sec. 404. Operation of State Plans_ Sec. 405. Use of Payments for Benefit of Child___ Sec. 406. Definitions Sec. 407. Dependent Children of Unemployed Fathers__. Sec. 408. Federal Payments for Foster Home Care of Dependent Children_ Sec. 409. Community Work and Training Programs…. Sec. 410. Food Stamp Distribution__ Sec. 411. Access to Wage Information___ PART B-CHILD-WELFARE SERVICES Sec. 420. Appropriation Sec. 421. Allotments to States___ Sec. 422. Payment to States-. Sec. 423. Allotment Percentage and Federal Share_ Sec. 424. Reallotment Sec. 425. Definition Sec. 426. Research, Training, or Demonstration Projects_ PART C-WORK INCENTIVE PROGRAM FOR RECIPIENTS OF AID UNDER STATE PLAN APPROVED UNDER PART A Sec. 430. Purpose Sec. 431. Appropriation Sec. 432. Establishment of Programs- Sec. 433. Operation of Program. Sec. 434. Incentive Payment- Sec. 435. Federal Assistance__ Sec. 436. Period of Enrollment_ Sec. 437. Relocation of Participants--- Sec. 438. Participants Not Federal Employees- Sec. 439. Rules and Regulations. Sec. 440. Annual Report----. Sec. 441. Evaluation and Research__. Sec. 442. Technical Assistance for Providers of Employment or Training-- Sec. 443. Collection of State Share__. Sec. 444. Agreements With Other Agencies Providing Assistance to Families of Unemployed Parents----- Page 1 208 ¹ This table of contents does not appear in the law. 208 217 222 223 225 226 229 231 233 234 234 234 234 237 238 238 239 240 240 241 242 245 245 246 246 246 246 247 247 247 247 248 (207) Sec. 401 Revised April 1978 208 PART D-CHILD SUPPORT AND ESTABLISHMENT OF PATERNITY Sec. 451. Appropriation Sec. 452. Duties of the Secretary__ Sec. 453. Parent locator service_. Sec. 454. State plan for child support. Sec. 455. Payments to States---- Sec. 456. Support obligations_ Sec. 457. Distribution of proceeds__ I Sec. 460. Civil actions to enforce child support obligations___ Sec. 461. Regulations Pertaining to Garnishments_ Sec. 462. Definitions I Sec. 458. Incentive payment to localities. Sec. 459. Consent by the United States to garnishment and similar pro- ceedings for enforcement of child support and alimony obligations Page ¹ 1 249 249 251 253 255 256 256 258 258 258-B 258-B 258-C Part A-Aid to Families With Dependent Children Appropriation Section 401. For the purpose of encouraging the care of dependent children in their own homes or in the homes of relatives by enabling each State to furnish financial assistance and rehabilitation and other services, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to needy dependent children and the parents or relatives with whom they are living to help maintain and strengthen family life and to help such parents or relatives to attain or retain capability for the maximum self-support and personal independence consistent with the maintenance of continuing parental care and protection, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this part. The sums made available under this section shall be used for making payments to States which have submitted, and had approved by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, State plans for aid and services to needy families with children. State Plans for Aid and Services to Needy Families With Children Sec. 402. (a) A State plan for aid and services to needy families with children must- (1) provide that it shall be in effect in all political subdivisions of the State, and, if administered by them, be mandatory upon them; (2) provide for financial participation by the State; (3) either provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to administer the plan, or provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to supervise the administration of the plan; 1 This table of contents does not appear in the law. 209 Sec. 402(a) (4) provide for granting an opportunity for a fair hearing before the State agency to any individual whose claim for aid to families with dependent children is denied or is not acted upon with reasonable promptness; (5) provide such methods of administration (including after January 1, 1940, methods relating to the establishment and mainte- nance of personnel standards on a merit basis, except that the Secre- tary shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, and compensation of any individual employed in accordance with such methods) as are found by the Secretary to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan; and ¹ 1 (6) provide that the State agency will make such reports, in such form and containing such information, as the Secretary may from time to time require, and comply with such provisions as the Secretary may from time to time find necessary to assure the correct- ness and verification of such reports; (7) except as may be otherwise provided in clause (8), provide that the State agency shall, in determining need, take into considera- tion any other income and resources of any child or relative claiming aid to families with dependent children, or of any other individual (living in the same home as such child and relative) whose needs the State determines should be considered in determining the need of the child or relative claiming such aid, as well as any expenses reasonably attributable to the earning of any such income; 2 1 In the case of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, Section 402(a)(5) reads as follows: "(5) provide (A) such methods of administration (including after January 1, 1940, methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards on a merit basis, except that the Secretary shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, and compensation of any individual employed in accordance with such methods) as are found by the Secretary to be necessary for the proper and efficient oper- ation of the plan, and (B) for the training and effective use of paid subprofessional staff, with particular emphasis on the full-time or part-time employment of recipients and other persons of low income, as community services aides, in the administration of the plan and for the use of nonpaid or partially paid volunteers in a social service volunteer program in providing services to applicants and recipients and in assisting any advisory committees established by the State agency; and”. 2 P.L. 90-248, sec. 248(c), provides: "Effective July 1, 1969, neither the provisions of clauses (A) through (C) of section 402(a)(7) of such Act as in effect before the enactment of this Act nor the provisions of section 402 (a) (8) of such Act as amended by section 202(b) of this Act shall apply in the case of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or Guam. Effective no later than July 1, 1972, the State plans of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam approved under sec- tion 402 of such Act shall provide for the disregarding of income in making the deter- mination under section 402(a)(7) of such Act in amounts (agreed to between the Secre- tary and the State agencies involved) sufficiently lower than the amounts specified in section 402 (a) (8) of such Act to reflect appropriately the applicable differences in income levels.' "" P.L. 93-647, sec. 101 (c) (1), provides : "Notwithstanding the provisions of section 402(a) of the Social Security Act, in addition to the amounts required to be disregarded under clause (8)(A) of such section, there is imposed the requirement (and the State plan shall be deemed to include the requirement) that for the 15 months beginning July 1, 1975, in making the determination under clause 7), the State agency shall with respect to any month in such year and in addition to the amounts required to be disregarded under clause (8) (A), disregard amounts payable under section 457(a) (1)." Sec. 402(a) 210 (8) provide that, in making the determination under clause (7), the State agency- (A) shall with respect to any month disregard— (i) all of the earned income of each dependent child re- ceiving aid to families with dependent children who is (as determined by the State in accordance with standards pre- scribed by the Secretary) a full-time student or part-time student who is not a full-time employee attending a school, college, or university, or a course of vocational or technical training designed to fit him for gainful employment, and (ii) in the case of earned income of a dependent child not included under clause (i), a relative receiving such aid, and any other individual (living in the same home as such rela- tive and child) whose needs are taken into account in making such determination, the first $30 of the total of such earned income for such month plus one-third of the remainder of such income for such month (except that the provisions of this clause (ii) shall not apply to earned income derived from participation on a project maintained under the programs established by section 432 (b) (2) and (3)); and (B) (i) may, subject to the limitations prescribed by the Secretary, permit all or any portion of the earned or other income to be set aside for future identifiable needs of a dependent child, and (ii) may, before disregarding the amounts referred to in sub- paragraph (A) and clause (i) of this subparagraph, disregard not more than $5 per month of any income; except that, with respect to any month, the State agency shall not disregard any earned income (other than income referred to in subparagraph (B)) of— (C) any one of the persons specified in clause (ii) of subpara- graph (A) if such person— (i) terminated his employment or reduced his earned in- come without good cause within such period (of not less than 30 days) preceding such month as may be prescribed by the Secretary; or (ii) refused without good cause, within such period pre- ceding such month as may be prescribed by the Secretary, to accept employment in which he is able to engage which is offered through the public employment offices of the State, or is otherwise offered by an employer if the offer of such em- ployer is determined by the State or local agency administer- ing the State plan, after notification by him, to be a bona fide offer of employment; or (D) any of such persons specified in clause (ii) of subpara- graph (A) if with respect to such month the income of the per- 211 Sec. 402(a) 1 sons so specified (within the meaning of clause (7)) was in excess of their need as determined by the State agency pursuant to clause (7) (without regard to clause (8)), unless, for any one of the four months preceding such month, the needs of such person were met by the furnishing of aid under the plan; (9) provide safeguards which restrict the use of disclosure of information concerning applicants or recipients to purposes directly connected with (A) the administration of the plan of the State ap- proved under this part, the plan or program of the State under part B, C, or D of this title or under title I, X, XIV, XVI, XIX, or XX, or the supplemental security income program established by title XVI, (B) any investigation, prosecution, or criminal or civil proceeding, conducted in connection with the administration of any such plan or program, and (C) the administration of any other Federal or fed- erally assigned program which provides assistance, in cash or in kind, or services, directly to individuals on the basis of need; and the safe- guards so provided shall prohibit disclosure, to any committee or a legislative body, of any information which identifies by name or address any such applicant or recipient; 2 (10) provide, effective July 1, 1951, that all individuals wishing to make application for aid to families with dependent children shall have opportunity to do so, and that aid to families with dependent children shall, subject to paragraphs (25) and (26), be furnished with reasonable promptness to all eligible individuals; 3 (11) provide for prompt notice (including the transmittal of all relevant information) to the State child support collection agency (established pursuant to part D of this title) of the furnishing of aid to families with dependent children with respect to a child who has been deserted or abandoned by a parent (including a child born out of wedlock without regard to whether the paternity of such child has been established); " 3 (12) provide, effective October 1, 1950, that no aid will be fur- nished any individual under the plan with respect to any period with respect to which he is receiving old-age assistance under the State plan approved under section 2 of this Act; (13) [Repealed].* (14) [Repealed].* (15) provide as part of the program of the State for the provision of services under title XX (A) for the development of a program, for each appropriate relative and dependent child receiving aid under the plan and for each appropriate individual (living in the same home as a relative and child receiving such aid) whose needs are taken into ac- count in making the determination under clause (7), for preventing ¹ See also section 101(c)(1) of Public Law 93–647. 2 Section 402(a)(9) was amended by Public Laws 93-647 and 94-88. 3 Sections 402 (a) (10) and 402 (a) (11) were amended by Public Law 93-647. * See footnote 1 on page 212. Sec. 402(a) 212 or reducing the incidence of births out of wedlock and otherwise strengthening family life, and for implementing such program by assuring that in all appropriate cases (including minors who can be considered to be sexually active) family planning services are offered to them and are provided promptly (directly or under arrangements with others) to all individuals voluntarily requesting such services, but acceptance of family planning services provided under the plan shall be voluntary on the part of such members and individuals and shall not be a prerequisite to eligibility for or the receipt of any other service under the plan; and (B) to the extent that services provided under this clause or clause (14) are furnished by the staff of the State agency or the local agency administering the State plan in each of the political subdivisions of the State, for the establishment of a single organizational unit in such State or local agency, as the case may be, responsible for the furnishing of such services; 1 (16) provide that where the State agency has reason to believe that the home in which a relative and child receiving aid reside is unsuit- able for the child because of the neglect, abuse, or exploitation of such child it shall bring such condition to the attention of the appropriate court or law enforcement agencies in the State, providing such data with respect to the situation it may have; (17) [Repealed]. (18) [Repealed]. (19) provide― 1 In the case of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, section 402(a)(13), (14), and (15) read as follows: 66 (13) provide a description of the services which the State agency makes available to maintain and strengthen family life for children, including a description of the steps taken to assure, in the provision of such services, maximum utilization of other agen- cies providing similar or related services; "(14) provide for the development and application of a program for such family serv- Ices as defined in section 406(d) and child welfare services, as defined in section 425, for each child and relative who receives aid to families with dependent children and each appropriate individual (living in the same home as a relative and child receiving such aid whose needs are taken into account in making the determination under clause (7)), as may be necessary in the light of the particular home conditions and other needs of such child, relative, and individuals, in order to assist such child, relative, and in- dividuals to attain or retain capability for self-support and care and in order to main- tain and strengthen family life and to foster child development; “(15) provide (A) for the development of a program, for each appropriate relative and dependent child receiving aid under the plan and for each appropriate individual (living in the same home as a relative and child receiving such aid) whose needs are taken into account in making the determination under clause (7), for preventing or reducing the incidence of births out of wedlock and otherwise strengthening family life, and for implementing such program by assuring that in all appropriate cases (including minors who can be considered to be sexually active) family planning services are offered to them and are provided promptly (directly or under arrangements with others) to all individuals voluntarily requesting such services, but acceptance of family planning services provided under the plan shall be voluntary on the part of such members and individuals and shall not be a prerequisite to eligibility for or the receipt of any other service under the plan; and (B) to the extent that services provided under this clause or clause (14) are furnished by the staff of the State agency or the local agency ad- ministering the State plan in each of the political subdivisions of the State, for the establishment of a single organizational unit in such State or local agency, as the case may be, responsible for the furnishing of such service;". Revised April 1978 213 Sec. 402(a) (A) that every individual, as a condition of eligibility for aid under this part, shall register for manpower services, training, and employment as provided by regulations of the Secretary of Labor, unless such individual is- (i) a child who is under age 16 or attending school full time; (ii) a person who is ill, incapacitated, or of advanced age; (iii) a person so remote from a work incentive project that his effective participation is precluded; (iv) a person whose presence in the home is required be- cause of illness or incapacity of another member of the house- hold; of (v) a mother or other relative of a child under the age six who is caring for the child; or (vi) the mother or other female caretaker of a child, if the father or another adult male relative is in the home and not excluded by clause (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of this subpara- graph (unless he has failed to register as required by this subparagraph, or has been found by the Secretary of Labor under section 433 (g) to have refused without good cause to participate under a work incentive program or accept employment as described in subparagraph (F) of this paragraph); and that any individual referred to in clause (v) shall be advised of her option to register, if she so desires, pursuant to this para- graph, and shall be informed of the child care services (if any) which will be available to her in the event she should decide so to register; (B) that aid under the plan will not be denied by reason of such registration or the individual's certification to the Secretary of Labor under subparagraph (G) of this paragraph, or by reason of an individual's participation on a project under the program established by section 432 (b) (2) or (3); (C) for arrangements to assure that there will be made a non-Federal contribution to the work incentive programs estab- lished by part C by appropriate agencies of the State or private organizations of 10 per centum of the cost of such programs, as specified in section 435 (b); (D) that (i) training incentives authorized under section 434, and income derived from a special work project under the program established by section 432 (b) (3) shall be disregarded in determining the needs of an individual under section 402 (a) (7), and (ii) in determining such individual's needs the addi- tional expenses attributable to his participation in a program J Sec. 402(a) 214 established by section 432 (b) (2) or (3) shall be taken into account; (E) [Repealed]. (F) that if and for so long as any child, relative, or individual (certified to the Secretary of Labor pursuant to subparagraph (G)) has been found by the Secretary of Labor under section 433(g) to have refused without good cause to participate under a work incentive program established by part C with respect to which the Secretary of Labor has determined his participation is consistent with the purposes of such part C, or to have refused without good cause to accept employment in which he is able to engage which is offered through the public employment offices of the State, or is otherwise offered by an employer if the offer of such employer is determined, after notification by him, to be a bona fide offer of employment- (i) if the relative makes such refusal, such relative's needs shall not be taken into account in making the deter- mination under clause (7), and aid for any dependent child in the family in the form of payments of the type described in section 406(b) (2) (which in such a case shall be without regard to clauses (A) through (E) thereof) or section 408 will be made; (ii) aid with respect to a dependent child will be denied if a child who is the only child receiving aid in the family makes such refusal; (iii) if there is more than one child receiving aid in the family, aid for any such child will be denied (and his needs will not be taken into account in making the deter- mination under clause (7)) if that child makes such refusal; and (iv) if such individual makes such refusal, such individ- ual's needs shall not be taken into account in making the determination under clause (7); except that the State agency shall for a period of sixty days, make payments of the type described in section 406 (b) (2) (without regard to clauses (A) through (E) thereof) on behalf of the rela- tive specified in clause (i), or continue aid in the case of a child specified in clause (ii) or (iii), or take the individual's needs into account in the case of an individual specified in clause (iv), but only if during such period such child, relative, or individual ac- cepts counseling or other services (which the State agency shall make available to such child, relative, or individual) aimed at persuading such relative, child, or individual, as the case may be, Revised April 1978 215 Sec. 402(a) to participate in such program in accordance with the determina- tion of the Secretary of Labor; and (G) that the State agency will have in effect a special program which (i) will be administered by a separate administrative unit and the employees of which will, to the maximum extent feasible, perform services only in connection with the administration of such program, (ii) will provide (through arrangements with others or otherwise) for individuals who have been registered pursuant to subparagraph (A), in accordance with the order of priority listed in section 433 (a), such health, vocational rehabili- tation, counseling, child care, and other social and supportive services as are necessary to enable such individuals to accept em- ployment or receive manpower training provided under part C, and will, when arrangements have been made to provide necessary supportive services, including child care, certify to the Secretary of Labor those individuals who are ready for employment or train- ing under part C, (iii) will participate in the development of operational and employability plans under section 433(b); and (iv) provides for purposes of clause (ii), that, when more than one kind of child care is available, the mother may choose the type, but she may not refuse to accept child care services if they are available; (21) [Repealed]. (22) [Repealed]. (20) effective July 1, 1969, provide for aid to families with de- pendent children in the form of foster care in accordance with section 408; All ¹ Section 402(a) (25) was added by Public Law 93–647. G (23) provide that by July 1, 1969, the amounts used by the State to determine the needs of individuals will have been adjusted to reflect fully changes in living costs since such amounts were established, and any maximums that the State imposes on the amount of aid paid to families will have been proportionately adjusted; (24) provide that if an individual is receiving benefits under title. XVI, then, for the period for which such benefits are received. such individual shall not be regarded as a member of a family for purposes of determining the amount of the benefits of the family under this title and his income and resources shall not be counted as income and resources of a family under this title ; (25) provide (A) that, as a condition of eligibility under the plan, each applicant for or recipient of aid shall furnish to the State agency his social security account number (or numbers, if he has more than one such number), and (B) that such State agency shall utilize such account numbers, in addition to any other means of identification it may determine to employ in the administration of such plan;¹ 1 Sec. 402(a) 216 Revised April 1978 (26) provide that, as a condition of eligibility for aid, each applicant or recipient will be required- (A) to assign the State any rights to support from any other person such applicant may have (i) in his own behalf or in behalf of any other family member for whom the applicant is applying for or receiving aid, and (ii) which have accrued at the time such assignment is executed, (B) to cooperate with the State (i) in establishing the pater- nity of a child born out of wedlock with respect to whom aid is claimed, and (ii) in obtaining support payments for such appli- cant and for a child with respect to whom such aid is claimed, or in obtaining any other payments or property due such applicant or such child, unless (in either case) such applicant or recipient is found to have good cause for refusing to cooperate as determined by the State agency in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secretary, which standards shall take into consideration the best interests of the child on whose behalf aid is claimed; and that, if the relative with whom a child is living is found to be ineligible because of failure to comply with the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph, any aid for which such child is eligible will be provided in the form of protective payments as described in section 406 (b) (2) (without regard to subparagraphs (A) through (E) of such section); 1 2 (27) provide, that the State has in effect a plan approved under part D and operate a child support program in conformity with such plan; 1 3 (28) provide that, in determining the amount of aid to which an eligible family is entitled, any portion of the amounts collected in any particular month as child support pursuant to a plan approved under part D, and retained by the State under section 457, which (under the State plan approved under this part as in effect both during July 1975 and during that particular month) would not have caused a reduction in the amount of aid paid to the family if such amounts had been paid directly to the family, shall be added to the amount of aid otherwise payable to such family under the State plan approved under this part; and 4 (29) effective October 1, 1979, provided that wage information available from the Social Security Administration under the provi- sions of section 411 of this Act, and wage information available (under the provisions of section 3304(a)(16) of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act) from agencies administering State unemployment compen- sation laws, shall be requested and utilized to the extent permitted 1 Sections 402(a)(26) and 402(a) (27) were added by Public Law 93-647. The comma in paragraph (27) is apparently a technical error. Section 402 (á) (26) was amended by Public Law 94-88. See also sections 201(a), 201 (b), and 208 (d) of Public Law 94-88_printed in this document on pp. 765 and 766. 3 Section 402 (a) (27) was amended by Public Law 94-88. See also section 201(a) of Public Law 94-88. ◄ Section 402(a) (28) added by Public Law 94–88. Revised April 1978 217 Sec. 403(a) · under the provisions of such sections; except that the State shall not be required to request such information from the Social Security Administration where such information is available from the agency administering the State unemployment compensation laws.¹ (b) The Secretary shall approve any plan which fulfills the condi- tions specified in subsection (a), except that he shall not approve any plan which imposes as a condition of eligibility for aid to families with dependent children a residence requirement which denies aid with respect to any child residing in the State (1) who has resided in the State for one year immediately preceding the application for such aid, or (2) who was born within one year immediately preceding the application, if the parent or other relative with whom the child is liv- ing has resided in the State for one year immediately preceding the birth. (c) The Secretary shall, on the basis of his review of the reports. received from the States under clause (15) of subsection (a), compile such data as he believes necessary and from time to time publish his findings as to the effectiveness of the programs developed and admin- istered by the States under such clause. The Secretary shall annually report to the Congress (with the first such report being made on or before July 1, 1970) on the programs developed and administered by each State under such clause (15). Payment to States Sec. 403.2 (a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Secre- tary of the Treasury shall pay to each State which has an approved plan for aid and services to needy families with children, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter commencing October 1, 1958— (1) in the case of any State other than Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as aid to families with dependent children under the State plan (including expenditures for premiums under part B of title XVIII for individuals who are recipients of money payments un- der such plan and other insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof)- (A) five-sixths of such expenditures, not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds the product of $18 multiplied by the total number of recipients of aid to families with dependent children for such month (which total number, for purposes of this subsection, means (i) the number of individuals with respect to whom such aid in the form of money payments is paid for such month, plus (ii) the number of other individuals with respect to whom 1 Paragraph (29) was added by sec. 403 (c) of P.L. 95-216. The word "provided" appar- ently should be "provide". 2 See also sec. 508 of P.L. 94-566 which is printed in this document on p. 793. Sec. 403(a) 218 Revised April 1978 expenditures were made in such month as aid to families with dependent children in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care, plus (iii) the number of individuals, not counted under clause (i) or (ii), with respect to whom pay- ments described in section 406 (b) (2) are made in such month and included as expenditures for purposes of this paragraph or paragraph (2)); plus (B) the Federal percentage of the amount by which such expenditures exceed the maximum which may be counted under clause (A), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds (i) the product of $32 multiplied by the total number of recipients of aid to families with dependent children (other than such aid in the form of foster care) for such month, plus (ii) the product of $100 multiplied by the total number of recipients of aid to families with dependent children in the form of foster care for such month; and (2) in the case of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, an amount equal to one-half of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as aid to families with dependent children under the State plan (including expenditures for premiums under part B of title XVIII for individuals who are recipients of money payments under such plan and other insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof) not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds $18 multiplied by the total number of recipients of such aid for such month; and¹ 1 (3) in the case of any State, an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary of Health, Edu- cation, and Welfare for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan- (A) 75 per centum of so much of such expenditures as are for the training (including both short- and long-term train- ing at educational institutions through grants to such insti- tutions or by direct financial assistance to students enrolled in such institutions) of personnel employed or preparing for employment by the State agency or by the local agency administering the plan in the political subdivision, and 2 (B) one-half of the remainder of such expenditures, except that no payment shall be made with respect to amounts ex- ¹ Pursuant to sec. 9 of the Act of April 19. 1950 (64 Stat. 44. 47), the Secretary of the Treasury must also pay to the States, in addition to the amounts produced by sec. 403 (a) of the Social Security Act. an amount ecual to 80 nercent of the State share of assistance expenditures under the State plan with respect to Navajo and Hopi Indians. (See p. 757.) 2 The parenthetical phrase in subparagraph (A) was added by sec. 5(b) of P.L. 93-647. A technical error in that Act indicated that the amendment was to sec. 403(a) (3) (A) (iii) rather than to 403 (a) (3) (A). 219 Sec. 403(a) pended in connection with the provision of any service described in section 2002 (a) (1) of this Act other than services the provision of which is required by section 402(a)(19) to be included in the plan of the State; and ¹ (4) [Repealed]. ¹ In the case of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, section 403(a)(3) reads as follows: "(3) in the case of any State, an amount equal to the sum of the following propor- tions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan- “(A) 75 per centum of so much of such expenditures as are for- 64 (i) any of the services described in clauses (14) and (15) of section 402(a) which are provided to any child or relative who is receiving aid under the plan, or to any other individual (living in the same home as such relative and child) whose needs are taken into account in making the determination under clause (7) of such section, " (ii) any of the services described in clauses (14) and (15) of section 402(a) which are provided to any child or relative who is applying for aid to families with dependent children or who, within such period or periods as the Secre- tary may prescribe, has been or is likely to become an applicant for or recipient of such aid, "(iii) the training (including both short- and long-term training at educa- tional institutions through grants to such institutions or by direct financial assistance to students enrolled in such institutions) of personnel employed or preparing for employment by the State agency or by the local agency adminis- tering the plan in the political subdivision. "(B) one-half of the remainder of such expenditures. "The services referred to in subparagraph (A) shall include only- "(C) services provided by the staff of the State agency, or of the local agency administering the State plan in the political subdivision: Provided, That no funds authorized under this part shall be available for services defined as vocational re- habilitation services under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (i) which are available to individuals in need of them under programs for their rehabilitation carried on under a State plan approved under such Act, or (ii) which the State agency or agen- cies administering or supervising the administration of the State plan approved under such Act are able and willing to provide if reimbursed for the cost thereof pursuant to agreement under subparagraph (D), if provided by such staff, and "(D) under conditions which shall be prescribed by the Secretary, services which in the judgment of the State agency cannot be as economically or as effectively pro- vided by the staff of such State or local agency and are not otherwise reasonably available to individuals in need of them, and which are provided, pursuant to agree- ment with the State agency, by the State health authority or the State agency or agencies administering or supervising the administration of the State plan for voca- tional rehabilitation services approved under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act or by any other State agency which the Secretary may determine to be appropriate (whether provided by its staff or by contract with public (local) or nonprofit private agencies); except that services described in clause (ii) of subparagraph (C) hereof may be provided only pursuant to agreement with such State agency or agencies administering or super- vising the administration of the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services so approved; and except that, to the extent specified by the Secretary, child-welfare services, family planning services, and family services may be provided from sources other than those referred to in subparagraphs (C) and (D). The portion of the amount expended for administration of the State plan to which subparagraph (A) applies and the portion thereof to which subparagraph (B) applies shall be determined in accordance with such methods and procedures as may be permitted by the Secretary.". Section 248(b) of the Social Security Amendments of 1967 also applies : "(b) Notwithstanding subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 403(a)(3) of such Act (as amended by this Act), the rate specified in such subparagraphs in the case of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, shall be 60 per centum (rather than 75 or 85 per centum).". Sec. 403(a) 220 Revised April 1978 (5) in the case of any State, an amount equal to 50 per centum of the total amount expended under the State plan during such quarter as emergency assistance to needy families with children. The number of individuals with respect to whom payments de- scribed in section 406 (b) (2) are made for any month, who may be included as recipients of aid to families with dependent children for purposes of paragraph (1) or (2), may not exceed 20 per centum of the number of other recipients of aid to families with dependent chil- dren for such month. In computing such 20 percent, there shall not be taken into account individuals with respect to whom such pay- ments are made for any month in accordance with section 402(a)(19) (F) or section 402(a) (26). In the case of calendar quarters beginning after September 30, 1977, and prior to April 1, 1978, the amount to be paid to each State (as determined under the preceding provisions of this subsection or section 1118, as the case may be) shall be increased in accordance with the provisions of subsection (i) of this section.¹ (b) The method of computing and paying such amounts shall be as follows: Ch Study (1) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall, prior to the beginning of each quarter, estimate the amount to be paid to the State for such quarter under the provisions of subsection (a), such estimate to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be ex- pended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions of such subsection and stating the amount appropriated or made available by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures in such quarters, and if such amount is less than the State's pro- portionate share of the total sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, (B) records showing the number of dependent children in the State, and (C) such other investigation as the Secretary may find necessary. (2) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall then certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount so esti- mated by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, (A) reduced or increased, as the case may be, by any sum by which the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare finds that his esti- mate for any prior quarter was greater or less than the amount which should have been paid to the State for such quarter, and 1 Subsection (a) was amended by P.L. 94-88, by sec. 3(a)(1) of P.L. 95–171, and by sec. 401 (1) of P.L. 95-216. See also sec. 3(b) of P.L. 95-171 which appears in this document on p. 802. Revised April 1978 220-A Sec. 403(a) (B) reduced by a sum equivalent to the pro rata share to which the United States is equitably entitled, as determined by the Sec- retary of Health, Education, and Welfare, of the net amount re- covered during any prior quarter by the State or any political subdivision thereof with respect to aid to families with dependent children furnished under the State plan; except that such in- creases or reductions shall not be made to the extent that such 21-746 O - 78 - 17 221 Sec. 403(f) sums have been applied to make the amount certified for any prior quarter greater or less than the amount estimated by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for such prior quarter. (3) The Secretary of the Treasury shall thereupon, through the Fiscal Service of the Treasury Department and prior to audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, pay to the State, at the time or times fixed by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the amount so certified. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Federal share of assistance payments under this part shall be reduced with respect to any State for any fiscal year after June 30, 1973, by one per- centage point for each percentage point by which the number of indi- viduals certified, under the program of such State established pursuant to section 402 (a) (19) (G), to the local employment office of the State as being ready for employment or training under part C, is less than 15 per centum of the average number of individuals in such State who, during such year, are required to be registered pursuant to section 402 (a) (19) (A). (d) (1) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A) of subsection (a) (3) the rate specified in such subparagraph shall be 90 per centum (rather than 75 per centum) with respect to social and supportive services pro- vided pursuant to section 402(a) (19) (G). (2) Of the sums authorized by section 401 to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, not more than $750,000,000 shall be appropriated to the Secretary for payments with respect to services to which paragraph (1) applies. (e) [Repealed]. ¹ (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the amount payable to any State under this part for quarters in a fiscal year shall with respect to quarters in fiscal years beginning after June 30, 1973, be reduced by 1 per centum (calculated without regard to any reduction under section 403 (g)) of such amount if such State— (1) in the immediately preceding fiscal year failed to carry out the provisions of section 402(a) (15) (B) as pertain to requir- ing the offering and arrangement for provision of family plan- ning services; or 1 In the case of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, section 403 (e) reads as follows: "(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of subsection (a), with respect to expendi- tures during any calendar quarter beginning after December 31, 1972 (as found neces- sary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the plan) which are attributable to the offering, arranging, and furnishing, directly or on a contract basis, of family planning services and supplies, the amount payable to any State under this part shall be 90 per centum of such expenditures.". Sec. 403(f) 222 Revised April 1978 (2) in the immediately preceding fiscal year (but, in the case of the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1972, only considering the third and fourth quarters thereof), failed to carry out the provisions of section 402(a)(15) (B) of the Social Security Act with respect to any individual who, within such period or periods as the Secre- tary may prescribe, has been an applicant for or recipient of aid to families with dependent children under the plan of the State approved under this part. (g) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the amount payable to any State under this part for quarters in a fiscal year shall with respect to quarters in fiscal years beginning after June 30, 1974, be reduced by 1 per centum (calculated without regard to any reduction under section 403 (f)) of such amount if such State fails to- (1) inform all families in the State receiving aid to families with dependent children under the plan of the State approved under this part of the availability of child health screening serv- ices under the plan of such State approved under title XIX, (2) provide or arrange for the provision of such screening services in all cases where they are requested, or (3) arrange for (directly or through referral to appropriate agencies, organizations, or individuals) corrective treatment the need for which is disclosed by such child health screening services. (h) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the amount payable to any State under this part for quarters in a fiscal year shall with respect to quarters beginning after December 31, 1976, be reduced by 5 per centum of such amount if such State is found by the Secre- tary as the result of the annual audit to have failed to have an effective program meeting the requirements of section 402 (a) (27) in any fiscal year beginning after September 30, 1976 (but, in the case of the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1976, only considering the second, third, and fourth quarters thereof). (i) (1) In the case of any calendar quarter which begins after Sep- tember 30, 1977, and prior to April 1, 1978, the amount payable (as determined under subsection (a) or section 1118, as the case may be) to each State which has a State plan approved under this part shall (subject to the succeeding paragraphs of this subsection) be increased by an amount equal to the sum of the following: (A) an amount which bears the same ratio to $46,750,000 as the amount expended as aid to families with dependent children under the State plan of such State during the month of December 1976 bears to the amount expended as aid to families with dependent children under the State plans of all States during such month, and Revised April 1978 222-A Sec. 403(j) (B)(i) in the case of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Is- lands, an amount equal to the amount determined under sub- paragraph (A) with respect to such State, or (ii) in the case of any other State, an amount which bears the same ratio to $46,750,000, minus the amounts determined under clause (i) of this subparagraph, as the amount allocated to such State under section 106 of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, for the most recent entitlement period for which allocations have been made under such section prior to the date of the enactment of this subsection, bears to the total of the amounts allocated to all States under such section 106 for such period. (2) As a condition of any State receiving an increase, by reason of the application of the foregoing provisions of this subsection, in the amount determined for such State pursuant to subsection (a) or under section 1118 (as the case may be), such State must agree to pay to any political subdivision thereof which participates in the cost of the State's plan approved under this part, during any calendar quarter with respect to which such increase applies, so much of such increase as does not exceed 100 per centum of such political subdivision's finan- cial contribution to the State's plan for such quarter. (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, the amount payable to any State by reason of the preceding provisions of this sub- section for calendar quarters prior to April 1, 1978, shall be made in a single installment, which shall be payable as shortly after October 1, 1977, as is administratively feasible.¹ 1 (j) If the dollar error rate of aid furnished by a State under its State plan approved under this part with respect to any six-month period, as based on samples and evaluations thereof, is— (1) at least 4 per centum, the amount of the Federal financial participation in the expenditures made by the State in carrying out such plan during such period shall be determined without regard to the provisions of this subsection; or (2) less than 4 per centum, the amount of the Federal financial participation in the expenditures made by the State in carrying out such plan during such period shall be the amount determined without regard to this subsection, plus, of the amount by which such expenditures are less than they would have been if the erroneous excess payments of aid had been at a rate of 4 per centum- (A) 10 per centum of the Federal share of such amount, in case such rate is not less than 3.5 per centum, (B) 20 per centum of the Federal share of such amount, in case such rate is at least 3.0 per centum but less than 3.5 per centum, 1 Subsection (1) was added by sec. 401(2) of P.L. 95–216. Sec. 403(j) Revised April 1978 222-B (C) 30 per centum of the Federal share of such amount, in case such rate is at least 2.5 per centum but less than 3.0 per centum, (D) 40 per centum of the Federal share of such amount, in case such rate is at least 2.0 per centum but less than 2.5 per centum, (E) 50 per centum of the Federal share of such amount, in case such rate is less than 2.0 per centum. For purposes of this subsection (i) the term "dollar error rate of aid" means the total of the dollar error rates of aid for (I) payments to ineligible families receiving assistance; (II) overpayments to eligible families receiving assistance; (III) underpayments to eligible families receiving assistance; and (IV) nonpayments to eligible families not receiving assistance due to erroneous terminations or denials, and (ii) the term "erroneous excess payments," means the total of (I) erro- neous payments to ineligible families receiving assistance, and (II) overpayments to eligible families receiving assistance." Operation of State Plans Sec. 404. (a) In the case of any State plan for aid and services. to needy families with children which has been approved by the Sec- retary of Health, Education, and Welfare, if the Secretary, after rea- sonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency ad- ministering or supervising the administration of such plan, finds— (1) that the plan has been so changed as to impose any resi- dence requiremen; prohibited by section 402 (b), or that in the administration of the plan any such prohibited requirement is imposed, with the knowledge of such State agency, in a substan- tial number of cases; or 1 Subsection (j) was added by sec. 402 (a) of P.L. 95-216. 223 Sec. 405 (2) that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with any provision required by section 402 (a) to be included in the plan; the Secretary shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State (or, in his discretion, that payments will be limited to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure) until the Secretary is satisfied that such prohibited requirement is no longer so imposed, and that there is no longer any such failure to comply. Until he is so satisfied he shall make no fur- ther payments to such State (or shall limit payments to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure). (b) No payment to which a State is otherwise entitled under this title for any period before September 1, 1962, shall be withheld by reason of any action taken pursuant to a State statute which requires that aid be denied under the State plan approved under this part with respect to a child because of the conditions in the home in which the child resides; nor shall any such payment be withheld for any period beginning on or after such date by reason of any action taken pursu- ant to such a statute if provision is otherwise made pursuant to a State statute for adequate care and assistance with respect to such child. (c) No State shall be found, prior to January 1, 1977, to have failed substantially to comply with the requirements of section 402 (a) (27) if, in the judgment of the Secretary, such State is making a good faith effort to implement the program required by such section. (d) After December 31, 1976, in the case of any State which is found to have failed substantially to comply with the requirements of section 402 (a) (27), the reduction in any amount payable to such State required to be imposed under section 403 (h) shall be imposed in lieu of any reduction, with respect to such failure, which would otherwise be required to be imposed under this section. Use of Payments for Benefit of Child Sec. 405. Whenever the State agency has reason to believe that any payments of aid to families with dependent children made with respect to a child are not being or may not be used in the best interests of the child, the State agency may provide for such counseling and guidance services with respect to the use of such payments and the management of other funds by the relative receiving such payments as it deems advisable in order to assure use of such payments in the best interests of such child, and may provide for advising such relative that continued failure to so use such payments will result in substitu- tion therefor of protective payments as provided under section 406 (b) (2), or in seeking appointment of a guardian or legal representa- Sec. 405 Revised April 1978 224 tive as provided in section 1111, or in the imposition of criminal or civil penalties authorized under State law if it is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that such relative is not using or has not used for the benefit of the child any such payments made for that purpose; and the provision of such services or advice by the State agency (or the taking of the action specified in such advice) shall not serve as a basis for withholding funds from such State under section 404 and shall not prevent such payments with respect to such child from being considered aid to families with dependent children. Definitions Sec. 406. When used in this part- (a) The term "dependent child” means a needy child (1) who has been deprived of parental support or care by reason of the death, con- tinued absence from the home, or physical or mental incapacity of a parent, and who is living with his father, mother, grandfather, grand- mother, brother, sister, stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, or niece in a place of residence main- tained by one or more of such relatives as his or their own home, and (2) who is (A) under the age of eighteen, or (B) under the age of twenty-one and (as determined by the State in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secretary) a student regularly attending a school, college, or university, or regularly attending a course of vocational or technical training designed to fit him for gainful employment; SİN (b) The term "aid to families with dependent children" means money payments with respect to, or (if provided in or after the third month before the month in which the recipient makes application for aid) medical care in behalf of or any type of remedial care recognized under State law in behalf of, a dependent child or dependent children, and includes (1) money payments or medical care or any type of remedial care recognized under State law to meet the needs of the relative with whom any dependent child is living (and the spouse of such relative if living with him and if such relative is the child's parent and the child is a dependent child by reason of the physical or mental incapacity of a parent or is a dependent child under section 407), and (2) payments with respect to any dependent child (includ- ing payments to meet the needs of the relative, and the relative's spouse, with whom such child is living, and the needs of any other individual living in the same home if such needs are taken into account in making the determination under section 402 (a) (7)) which do not meet the preceding requirements of this subsection but which would meet such requirements except that such payments are made to another Revised April 1978 225 Sec. 406(b) individual who (as determined in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secretary) is interested in or concerned with the welfare of such child or relative, or are made on behalf of such child or relative directly to a person furnishing food, living accommodations, or other goods, services, or items to or for such child, relative, or other in- dividual, but only with respect to a State whose State plan approval under section 402 includes provision for- (A) determination by the State agency that the relative of the child with respect to whom such payments are made has such inability to manage funds that making payments to him would be contrary to the welfare of the child and, therefore, it is neces- sary to provide such aid with respect to such child and relative through payments described in this clause (2); (B) undertaking and continuing special efforts to develop greater ability on the part of the relative to manage funds in such manner as to protect the welfare of the family; (C) periodic review by such State agency of the determination under clause (A) to ascertain whether conditions justifying such determination still exist, with provision for termination of such payments if they do not and for seeking judicial appointment of a guardian or other legal representative, as described in section 1111, if and when it appears that the need for such payments is continuing, or is likely to continue, beyond a period specified by the Secretary; (D) aid in the form of foster home care in behalf of children described in section 408 (a); and (E) opportunity for a fair hearing before the State agency on the determination referred to in clause (A) for any individual with respect to whom it is made. Payments with respect to a dependent child which are intended to enable the recipient to pay for specific goods, services, or items rec- ognized by the State agency as a part of the child's need under the State plan may (in the discretion of the State or local agency admin- istering the plan in the political subdivision) be made, pursuant to a determination referred to in clause (2) (A), in the form of checks drawn jointly to the order of the recipient and the person furnishing such goods, services, or items and negotiable only upon endorsement by both such recipient and such person; and payments so made shall be considered for all of the purposes of this part to be payments described in clause (2). Whenever payments with respect to a depend- ent child are made in the manner described in clause (2) (including payments described in the preceding sentence), a statement of the specific reasons for making such payments in that manner (on which the determination under clause (2) (A) was based) shall be placed Revised April 1978 Sec. 406(e) 225-A 1 in the file maintained with respect to such child by the State or local agency administering the State plan in the political subdivision.¹ (c) The term "relative with whom any dependent child is living" means the individual who is one of the relatives specified in subsection. (a) and with whom such child is living (within the meaning of such subsection) in a place of residence maintained by such individual (himself or together with any one or more of the other relatives so specified) as his (or their) own home. (d) [Repealed].² ← (e) (1) The term "emergency assistance to needy families with chil- dren" means any of the following, furnished for a period not in ex- cess of 30 days in any 12-month period, in the case of a needy child - ¹ Subsection (b) was amended by sec. 3 (a) of P.L. 95–171. 2 In the case of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, section 406(d) reads as follows: "(d) The term 'family services' means services to a family or any member thereof for the purposes of preserving, rehabilitating, reuniting, or strengthening the family, and such other services as will assist members of a family to attain or retain capability for the maximum self-support and personal independence.". Sec. 406(e) 226 under the age of 21, who is (or, within such period as may be specified by the Secretary, has been) living with any of the relatives specified in subsection (a) (1) in a place of residence maintained by one or more of such relatives as his or their own home, but only where such child is without available resources, the payments, care, or services involved are necessary to avoid destitution of such child or to provide living arrangements in a home for such child, and such destitution or need for living arrangements did not arise because such child or relative refused without good cause to accept employment or training for employment- (A) money payments, payments in kind, or such other pay- ments as the State agency may specify with respect to, or medical care or any other type of remedial care recognized under State law on behalf of, such child or any other member of the house- hold in which he is living, and (B) such services as may be specified by the Secretary; but only with respect to a State whose State plan approved under sec- tion 402 includes provision for such assistance. (2) Emergency assistance as authorized under paragraph (1) may be provided under the conditions specified in such paragraph to mi- grant workers with families in the State or in such part or parts thereof as the State shall designate. (f) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), the term "aid to families with dependent children" does not mean payments with respect to a parent (or other individual whose needs such State deter- mines should be considered in determining the need of the child or relative claiming aid under the plan of such State approved under this part) of a child who fails to cooperate with any agency or official of the State in obtaining such support payments for such child. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to make an otherwise eligible child ineligible for protective payments because of the failure of such parent (or such other individual) to so cooperate. Dependent Children of Unemployed Fathers Sec. 407. (a) The term "dependent child" shall, notwithstand- ing section 406 (a), include a needy child who meets the requirements of section 406 (a) (2), who has been deprived of parental support or care by reason of the unemployment (as determined in accordance. with standards prescribed by the Secretary) of his father, and who is living with any of the relatives specified in section 406(a)(1) in a place of residence maintained by one or more of such relatives as his (or their) own home. (b) The provisions of subsection (a) shall be applicable to a State if the State's plan approved under section 402— 227 Sec. 407(b) (1) requires the payment of aid to families with dependent children with respect to a dependent child as defined in subsection (a) when- (A) such child's father has not been employed (as deter- mined in accordance with the standards prescribed by the Sec- retary) for at least 30 days prior to the receipt of such aid, (B) such father has not without good cause, within such period (of not less than 30 days) as may be prescribed by the Secretary, refused a bona fide offer of employment or training for employment, and (C) (i) such father has 6 or more quarters of work (as defined in subsection (d) (1)) in any 13-calendar-quarter period ending within one year prior to the application for such aid or (ii) he received unemployment compensation under an unemployment compensation law of a State or of the United States, or he was qualified (within the meaning of subsection (d) (3)) for unemployment compensation under the unemployment compensation law of the State, within one year prior to the application for such aid; and (2) provides- (A) for such assurances as will satisfy the Secretary that fathers of dependent children as defined in subsection (a) will be certified to the Secretary of Labor as provided in section 402(a) (19) within thirty days after receipt of aid with respect to such children; (B) for entering into cooperative arrangements with the State agency responsible for administering or supervising the administration of vocational education in the State, designed to assure maximum utilization of available public vocational education services and facilities in the State in order to encourage the retraining of individuals capable of being retrained; (C) for the denial of aid to families with dependent chil- dren to any child or relative specified in subsection (a)- (i) if and for so long as such child's father, unless exempt under section 402 (a) (19) (A), is not registered pursuant to such section for the work incentive program established under part C of this title, or, if he is exempt under such section by reason of clause (iii) thereof or no such program in which he can effectively participate has been established or provided under section 432 (a), is not registered with the public employment offices in the State, and Sec. 407(b) 228 (ii) with respect to any week for which such child's father qualifies for unemployment compensation under an unemployment compensation law of a State or of the United States, but refuses to apply for or accept such unemployment compensation; and (D) for the reduction of the aid to families with depend- ent children otherwise payable to any child or relative speci- fied in subsection (a) by the amount of any unemployment compensation that such child's father receives under an un- employment compensation law of a State or of the United States.¹ (c) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, expendi- tures pursuant to this section shall be excluded from aid to families with dependent children (A) where such expenditures are made under the plan with respect to any dependent child as defined in subsection (a), (i) for any part of the 30-day period referred to in subparagraph (A) of subsection (b)(1), or (ii) for any period prior to the time when the father satisfies subparagraph (B) of such subsection, and (B) if, and for as long as, no action is taken (after the 30-day period referred to in paragraph (A) of subsection (b) (2)), under the pro- gram therein specified, to certify such father to the Secretary of Labor pursuant to section 402 (a) (19). (d) For purposes of this section- (1) the term "quarter of work" with respect to any individual means a calendar quarter in which such individual received earned income of not less than $50 (or which is a "quarter of coverage" as defined in section 213 (a) (2)), or in which such individual participated in a community work and training program under section 409 or any other work and training program subject to the limitations in section 409, or the work incentive program estab- lished under part C; (2) the term "calendar quarter" means a period of 3 consecu- tive calendar months ending on March 31, June 30, Septem- ber 30, or December 31; and (3) an individual shall, for purposes of section 407 (b) (1) (C), be deemed qualified for unemployment compensation under the State's unemployment compensation law if— (A) he would have been eligible to receive such unemploy- ment compensation upon filing application, or (B) he performed work not covered under such law and such work, if it had been covered, would (together with any 1 Subsection (b) (2) was amended by section 507 (a) of P.L. 94-566. 229 Sec. 408(a) covered work he performed) have made him eligible to receive such unemployment compensation upon filing application.¹ (e) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Secretary of Labor shall jointly enter into an agreement with each State which is able and willing to do so for the purpose of (1) simplifying the procedures to be followed by unemployed fathers and other unemployed persons in such State in registering pursuant to section 402 (a) (19) for the work incentive program established by part C of this title and in registering with public employment offices (under this section and otherwise) or in connection with applications for unemployment compensation, by reducing the number of locations or agencies where such persons must go in order to register for such programs and in connection with such applications, and (2) pro- viding where possible for a single registration satisfying this section and the requirements of both the work incentive program and the applicable unemployment compensation laws.² Federal Payments for Foster Home Care of Dependent Children Sec. 408. Effective for the period beginning May 1, 1961— (a) The term "dependent child" shall, notwithstanding section 406(a), also include a child (1) who would meet the requirements of such section 406(a) or of section 407, except for his removal after April 30, 1961, from the home of a relative (specified in such section 406(a)) as a result of a judicial determination to the effect that con- tinuation therein would be contrary to the welfare of such child, (2) whose placement and care are the responsibility of (A) the State or local agency administering the State plan approved under section 402, or (B) any other public agency with whom the State agency ad- ministering or supervising the administration of such State plan has made an agreement which is still in effect and which includes provi- sion for assuring development of a plan, satisfactory to such State agency, for such child as provided in paragraph (f) (1) and such other provisions as may be necessary to assure accomplishment of the objectives of the State plan approved under section 402, (3) who has been placed in a foster family home or child-care institution as a re- sult of such determination, and (4) who (A) received aid under such State plan in or for the month in which court proceedings leading to such determination were initiated, or (B) (i) would have received such aid in or for such month if application had been made therefor, 1 Paragraph (3) was amended by section 507 (b) of P.L. 94-566. • Subsection (e) was added by section 507 (d) of P.L. 94-566. Sec. 408(a) 230 or (ii) in the case of a child who had been living with a relative specified in section 406 (a) within six months prior to the month in which such proceedings were initiated, would have received such aid in or for such month if in such month he had been living with (and removed from the home of) such a relative and application had been made therefor; (b) the term "aid to families with dependent children" shall, not- withstanding section 406 (b), include also foster care in behalf of a child described in paragraph (a) of this section— (1) in the foster family home of any individual, whether the payment therefor is made to such individual or to a public or nonprofit private child-placement or child-care agency, or (2) in a child-care institution, whether the payment therefor is made to such institution or to a public or nonprofit private child-placement or child-care agency, but subject to limitations prescribed by the Secretary with a view to including as "aid to families with dependent children" in the case of such foster care in such institutions only those items which are included in such term in the case of foster care in the foster family home of an individual; (c) the number of individuals counted under clause (A) of sec- tion 403 (a) (1) for any month shall include individuals (not other- wise included under such clause) with respect to whom expenditures were made in such month as aid to families with dependent children in the form of foster care; and (d) services described in paragraph (f) (2) of this section shall be considered as part of the administration of the State plan for purposes of section 403 (a) (3); but only with respect to a State whose State plan approved under section 402- (e) includes aid for any child described in paragraph (a) of this section, and (f) includes provision for (1) development of a plan for each such child (including periodic review of the necessity for the child's being in a foster family home or child-care institution) to assure that he receives proper care and that services are provided which are de- signed to improve the conditions in the home from which he was re- moved or to otherwise make possible his being placed in the home of a relative specified in section 406 (a), and (2) use by the State or local agency administering the State plan, to the maximum extent practi- cable, in placing such a child in a foster family home or child-care institution, of the services of employees, of the State public-welfare 231 Sec. 409(a) agency referred to in section 522 (a) (relating to allotments to States for any child welfare services under part 3 of title V) or any local agency participating in the administration of the plan referred to in such section, who perform functions in the administration of such plan. For the purposes of this section, the term "foster family home" means a foster family home for children which is licensed by the State in which it is situated or has been approved, by the agency of such State responsible for licensing homes of this type as meeting the stand- ards established for such licensing; and the term "child-care institu- tion" means a nonprofit private child-care institution which is licensed by the State in which it is situated or has been approved, by the agency of such State responsible for licensing or approval of institutions of this type, as meeting the standards established for such licensing. Community Work and Training Programs Sec. 409. (a) For the purpose of assisting the States in encour- aging, through community work and training programs of a construc- tive nature, the conservation of work skills and the development of new skills for individuals who have attained the age of 18 and are receiving aid to families with dependent children, under conditions which are designed to assure protection of the health and welfare of such individuals and the dependent children involved, expenditures (other than for medical or any other type of remedial care) for any month with respect to a dependent child (including payments to meet the needs of any relative or relatives, specified in section 406 (a), with whom he is living) under a State plan approved under section 402 shall not be excluded from aid to families with dependent children because such expenditures are made in the form of payments for work performed in such month by any one or more of the relatives with whom such child is living if such work is performed for the State agency or any other public agency under a program (which need not be in effect in all political subdivisions of the State) admin- istered by or under the supervision of such State agency, if there is State financial participation in such expenditures, and if such State plan includes- (1) provisions which, in the judgment of the Secretary, pro- vide reasonable assurance that— (A) appropriate standards for health, safety, and other conditions applicable to the performance of such work by such relatives are established and maintained; (B) payments for such work are at rates not less than the minimum rate (if any) provided by or under State law 21-746 O - 78 - 18 Sec. 409(a) 232 for the same type of work and not less than the rates prevail- ing on similar work in the community; (C) such work is performed on projects which serve a useful public purpose, do not result either in displacement of regular workers or in the performance by such relatives of work that would otherwise be performed by employees of public or private agencies, institutions, or organizations, and (except in cases of projects which involve emergencies or which are generally of a nonrecurring nature) are of a type which has not normally been undertaken in the past by the State or community, as the case may be; (D) in determining the needs of any such relative, any additional expenses reasonably attributable to such work will be considered; (E) any such relative shall have reasonable opportunities to seek regular employment and to secure any appropriate training or retraining which may be available; (F) any such relative will, with respect to the work so per- formed, be covered under the State workmen's compensation law or be provided comparable protection; and (G) aid under the plan will not be denied with respect to any such relative (or the dependent child) for refusal by such relative to perform any such work if he has good cause for such refusal; (2) provision for entering into cooperative arrangements with the system of public employment offices in the State looking to- ward employment or occupational training of any such relatives performing work under such program, including appropriate pro- vision for registration and periodic reregistration of such relatives and for maximum utilization of the job placement services and other services and facilities of such offices; (3) provision for entering into cooperative arrangements with the State agency or agencies responsible for administering or su- pervising the administration of vocational education and adult education in the State, looking toward maximum utilization of available public vocational or adult education services and facili- ties in the State in order to encourage the training or retraining of any such relatives performing work under such program and otherwise assist them in preparing for regular employment; (4) provision for assuring appropriate arrangements for the care and protection of the child during the absence from the home of any such relative performing work under such program in order to assure that such absence and work will not be inimical to the welfare of the child; Revised April 1978 Sec. 410(c) 233 (5) provision that there be no adjustment or recovery by the State or any political subdivision thereof on account of any pay- ments which are correctly made for such work; and (6) such other provisions as the Secretary finds necessary to assure that the operation of such program will not interfere with achievement of the objectives set forth in section 401. (b) In the case of any State which makes expenditures in the form described in subsection (a) under its State plan approved under sec- tion 402, the proper and efficient administration of the State plan, for purposes of section 403 (a) (3) and (4), may not include the cost of making or acquiring materials or equipment in connection with the work performed under a program referred to in subsection (a) or the cost of supervision of work under such program, and may include only such other costs attributable to such programs as are permitted by the Secretary.¹ Food Stamp Distribution Sec. 410. (a) Any State plan for aid and services to needy families with children may (but is not required under this title or any other provision of Federal law to) provide for the institution of procedures, in any or all areas of the State, by the State agency administering or supervising the administration of such plan under which any house- hold participating in the food stamp program established by the Food Stamp Act of 1964, as amended, will be entitled, if it so elects, to have the charges, if any, for its coupon allotment under such program deducted from any aid, in the form of money payments, which is (or, except for the deduction of such charge, would be) payable to or with respect to such household (or any member or members thereof) under such plan and have its coupon allotment distributed to it with such aid. (b) Any deduction made pursuant to an option provided in accord- ance with subsection (a) shall not be considered to be a payment de- scribed in section 406 (b) (2). (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no agency which is designated as a State agency for any State under or pursuant to the Food Stamp Act of 1964, as amended, shall be regarded as having failed to comply with any requirement imposed by or pursuant to such Act solely because of the failure, of the State agency administering or supervising the administration of the State plan (approved under this part) of such State, to institute or carry out a procedure, described in subsection (a).2 C 1 P.L. 90-248, sec. 204 (c) (2) provides: "The provisions of section 409 of the Social Security Act shall not apply to any State with respect to any quarter beginning after June 30, 1968." 2 Section 410 was added by section 1 (a) of P.L. 94-585. See also section 1(b) of P.L. 94-585 which is printed on page 794 of this document. Section 410 will be obsolete upon implementation of P.L. 95-113 which eliminates the Food Stamp purchase requirements. Sec. 411(a) Revised April 1978 234 Access to Wage Information Sec. 411. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Sec- retary shall make available to States and political subdivisions thereof wage information contained in the records of the Social Security Administration which is necessary (as determined by the Secretary in regulations) for purposes of determining an individual's eligibility for aid or services, or the amount of such aid or services, under a State plan for aid and services to needy families with children approved under this part, and which is specifically requested by such State or political subdivision for such purposes. (b) The Secretary shall establish such safeguards as are necessary (as determined by the Secretary under regulations) to insure that information made available under the provisions of this section is used only for the purposes authorized by this section.¹ Part B-Child-Welfare Services Appropriation Sec. 420. For the purpose of enabling the United States, through the Secretary, to cooperate with State public welfare agencies in establishing, extending, and strengthening child-welfare services, the following sums are hereby authorized to be appropriated: $196,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, $211,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, $226,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, $246,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, and $266,- 000,000 for each fiscal year thereafter. Allotments to States Sec. 421. The sum appropriated pursuant to section 420 for each fiscal year shall be allotted by the Secretary for use by cooperating State public welfare agencies which have plans developed jointly by the State agency and the Secretary, as follows: He shall allot $70,000 to each State, and shall allot to each State an amount which bears the same ratio to the remainder of the sum so appropriated for such year as the product of (1) the population of such State under the age of 21 and (2) the allotment percentage of such State (as determined under section 423) bears to the sum of the corresponding products of all the States. Payment to States Sec. 422. (a) From the sums appropriated therefor and the allotment available under this part, the Secretary shall from time to time pay to each State- 1 Section 411 was added by sec. 403 (a) of P.L. 95-216. Revised April 1978 Sec. 422(a) 234-A (1) that has a plan for child-welfare services which has been developed as provided in this part and which- (A) provides that (i) the individual or agency designated pursuant to section 2003 (d) (1) (C) to administer or super- vise the administration of the State's services program will administer or supervise the administration of such plan for child-welfare services and (ii) to the extent that child-welfare services are furnished by the staff of the State agency or local agency administering such plan for child-welfare services, a single organizational unit in such State or local agency, as the 235 Sec. 422(a) case may be, will be responsible for furnishing such child- welfare services,¹ (B) provides for coordination between the services pro- vided under such plan and the services provided for depend- ent children under the State plan approved under part A of this title, with a view to provision of welfare and related services which will best promote the welfare of such children and their families, and (C) provides, with respect to day care services (includ- ing the provision of such care) provided under this title (i) for cooperative arrangements with the State health authority and the State agency primarily respon- sible for State supervision of public schools to assure maximum utilization of such agencies in the provision of necessary health services and education for children re- ceiving day care, (ii) for an advisory committee, to advise the State public welfare agency on the general policy involved in the provision of day care services under the plan, which shall include among its members representatives of other State agencies concerned with day care or services related thereto and persons representative of professional or civic or other public or nonprofit private agencies, orga- nizations, or groups concerned with the provision of day care, (iii) for such safeguards as may be necessary to as- sure provision of day care under the plan only in cases in which it is in the best interest of the child and the mother and only in cases in which it is determined, under criteria established by the State, that a need for such care exists; and, in cases in which the family is able to pay part or all of the costs of such care, for payment of such fees as may be reasonable in the light of such ability, (iv) for giving priority, in determining the existence of need for such day care, to members of low-income or other groups in the population, and to geographical ¹In the case of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, section 422(a)(1)(A) reads as follows: "(A) provides that (1) the State agency designated pursuant to section 402(a)(3) to administer or supervise the administration of the plan of the State approved under part A of this title will administer or supervise the administration of such plan for child- welfare services and (i) to the extent that child-welfare services are furnished by the staff of the State agency or local agency administering such plan for child-welfare serv- ices, the organizational unit in such State or local agency established pursuant to sec- tion 402(a)(15) will be responsible for furnishing such child-welfare services,". Sec. 422(a) 236 areas, which have the greatest relative need for extension of such day care, and (v) that day care provided under the plan will be provided only in facilities (including private homes) which are licensed by the State, or approved (as meeting the standards established for such licensing) by the State agency responsible for licensing facilities of this type, and (vi) for the development and implementation of ar- rangements for the more effective involvement of the parent or parents in the appropriate care of the child and the improvement of the health and development of the child, and (2) that makes a satisfactory showing that the State is extend- ing the provision of child-welfare services in the State, with priority being given to communities with the greatest need for such services after giving consideration to their relative financial need, and with a view to making available by July 1, 1975, in all political subdivisions of the State, for all children in need thereof, child-welfare services provided by the staff (which shall to the extent feasible be composed of trained child-welfare per- sonnel) of the State public welfare agency or of the local agency participating in the administration of the plan in the political subdivision, except that (effective July 1, 1969, or, if earlier, on the date as of which the modification of the State plan to comply with this require- ment with respect to subprofessional staff is approved) such plan shall provide for the training and effective use of paid subprofessional staff with particular emphasis on the full-time or part-time employ- ment of persons of low income, as community service aides, in the administration of the plan and for the use of nonpaid or partially paid volunteers in providing services and in assisting any advisory committees established by the State agency, an amount equal to the Federal share (as determined under section 423) of the total sum expended under such plan (including the cost of administration of the plan) in meeting the costs of State, district, county, or other local child-welfare services, in developing State services for the encourage- ment and assistance of adequate methods of community child-welfare organization, in paying the costs of returning any runaway child who has not attained the age of eighteen to his own community in another State, and of maintaining such child until such return (for a period not exceeding fifteen days), in cases in which such costs cannot be met 237 Sec. 423(b) by the parents of such child or by any person, agency, or institution legally responsible for the support of such child. In developing such services for children, the facilities and experience of voluntary agen- cies shall be utilized in accordance with child-care programs and ar- rangements in the State and local communities as may be authorized by the State. (b) The method of computing and paying such amounts shall be as follows: (1) The Secretary shall, prior to the beginning of each period for which a payment is to be made, estimate the amount to be paid to the State for such period under the provisions of subsection (a). (2) From the allotment available therefor, the Secretary shall pay the amount so estimated, reduced or increased, as the case may be, by any sum (not previously adjusted under this section) by which he finds that his estimate of the amount to be paid the State for any prior period under this section was greater or less than the amount which should have been paid to the State for such prior period under this section. (c) If on December 1, 1974, the agency of a State administering its plan under this part was not the agency designated pursuant to section 402(a) (3), subsection (a) (1) (A) of this section shall not apply with respect to such agency but only so long as such agency is not the agency designated under section 2003 (d) (1) (C), and if on December 1, 1974, the local agency administering the plan of a State under this part in a subdivision of the State is not the local agency in such sub- division administering the plan of such State under part A of this title, subsection (a) (1) (A) of this section shall not apply with respect to such local agency but only so long as such local agency is not the local agency administering the program of the State for the provision of services under title XX. Allotment Percentage and Federal Share Sec. 423. (a) The "allotment percentage" for any State shall be 100 per centum less the State percentage; and the State percentage shall be the percentage which bears the same ratio to 50 per centum as the per capita income of such State bears to the per capita income of the United States; except that (1) the allotment percentage shall in no case be less than 30 per centum or more than 70 per centum, and (2) the alloment percentage shall be 70 per centum in the case of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. (b) The "Federal share" for any State for any fiscal year shall be 100 per centum less that percentage which bears the same ratio to Sec. 423(b) 238 50 per centum as the per capita income of such States bears to the per capita income of the United States, except that (1) in no case shall the Federal share be less than 33% per centum or more than 6623 per centum, and (2) the Federal share shall be 663 per centum in the case of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. (c) The Federal share and allotment percentage for each State shall be promulgated by the Secretary between October 1 and Novem- ber 30 of each even-numbered year, on the basis of the average per capita income of each State and of the United States for the three most recent calendar years for which satisfactory data are available from the Department of Commerce. Such promulgation shall be con- clusive for each of the two fiscal years in the period beginning October 1 next succeeding such promulgation: Provided, That the Federal shares and allotment percentages promulgated under section 524 (c) of the Social Security Act in 1966 shall be effective for purposes of this section for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1968, and June 30, 1969.¹ (d) For purposes of this section, the term "United States" means the fifty States and the District of Columbia. Reallotment Sec. 424. The amount of any allotment to a State under section 421 for any fiscal year which the State certifies to the Secretary will not be required for carrying out the State plan developed as provided in such section shall be available for reallotment from time to time, on such dates as the Secretary may fix, to other States which the Secre- tary determines (1) have need in carrying out their State plans so developed for sums in excess of those previously allotted to them under that section and (2) will be able to use such excess amounts during such fiscal year. Such reallotments shall be made on the basis of the State plans so developed, after taking into consideration the population under the age of twenty-one, and the per capita income of each such State as compared with the population under the age of twenty-one, and the per capita income of all such States with respect to which such a determination by the Secretary has been made. Any amount so real- lotted to a State shall be deemed part of its allotment under section 421. Definition Sec. 425. For purposes of this title, the term "child-welfare services" means public social services which supplement, or substitute for, parental care and supervision for the purpose of (1) preventing or 1 Subsection (c) was amended by section 22 of Public Law 94-273. • 239 Sec. 426(b) (2) remedying, or assisting in the solution of problems which may result in, the neglect, abuse, exploitation, or delinquency of children, ( protecting and caring for homeless, dependent, or neglected children, (3) protecting and promoting the welfare of children of working mothers, and (4) otherwise protecting and promoting the welfare of children, including the strengthening of their own homes where pos- sible or, where needed, the provision of adequate care of children away from their homes in foster family homes or day-care or other child-care facilities. Research, Training, or Demonstration Projects Sec. 426. (a) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year such sums as the Congress may determine- (1) for grants by the Secretary— (A) to public or other nonprofit institutions of higher learning, and to public or other nonprofit agencies and or- ganizations engaged in research or child-welfare activities, for special research or demonstration projects in the field of child welfare which are of regional or national significance and for special projects for the demonstration of new meth- ods or facilities which show promise of substantial contri- bution to the advancement of child welfare; (B) to State or local public agencies responsible for admin- istering, or supervising the administration of, the plan under this part, for projects for the demonstration of the utilization of research (including findings resulting therefrom) in the field of child welfare in order to encourage experimental and special types of welfare services; and (C) to public or other nonprofit institutions of higher learning for special projects for training personnel for work in the field of child welfare, including traineeships with such stipends and allowances as may be permitted by the Secretary; and (2) for contracts or jointly financed cooperative arrangements with States and public and other organizations and agencies for the conduct of research, special projects, or demonstration proj- ects relating to such matters. (b) Payments of grants or under contracts or cooperative arrange- ments under this section may be made in advance or by way of reim- bursement, and in such installments, as the Secretary may determine; and shall be made on such conditions as the Secretary finds neces- Sec. 426(b) 240 sary to carry out the purposes of the grants, contracts, or other arrangements. Part C-Work Incentive Program for Recipients of Aid Under State Plan Approved Under Part A Purpose Sec. 430. The purpose of this part is to require the establishment of a program utilizing all available manpower services, including those authorized under other provisions of law, under which in- dividuals receiving aid to families with dependent children will be furnished incentives, opportunities, and necessary services in order for (1) the employment of such individuals in the regular economy, (2) the training of such individuals for work in the regular economy, and (3) the participation of such individuals in public service employ- ment, thus restoring the families of such individuals to independence and useful roles in their communities. It is expected that the individ- uals participating in the program established under this part will acquire a sense of dignity, self-worth, and confidence which will flow from being recognized as a wage-earning member of society and that the example of a working adult in these families will have beneficial effects on the children in such families. Appropriation Sec. 431. (a) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this part. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall transfer to the Secretary of Labor from time to time sufficient amounts, out of the moneys appro- priated pursuant to this section, to enable him to carry out such purposes. (b) Of the amounts expended from funds appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) for any fiscal year (commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973), not less than 3313 per centum thereof shall be expended for carrying out the program of on-the-job training referred to in section 432(b) (1) (B) and for carrying out the program of pub- lic service employment referred to in section 432(b) (3). (c) Of the sums appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) to carry out the provisions of this part for any fiscal year (commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973), not less than 50 percent shall be allotted among the States in accordance with a formula under which 241 Sec. 432(c) each State receives (from the total available for such allotment) an amount which bears the same ratio to such total as— (1) in the case of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, and the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, the average number of recipients of aid to families with dependent children in such State during the month of January last preceding the commencement of such fiscal year bears to the average number of such recipients during such month in all the States; and (2) in the case of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, or in the case of any fiscal year thereafter, the average number of individ- uals in such State who, during the month of January last preced- ing the commencement of such fiscal year, are registered pursuant to section 402 (a) (19) (A) bears to the average number of individ- uals in all States who, during such month, are so registered. Establishment of Programs Sec. 432. (a) The Secretary of Labor (hereinafter in this part referred to as the Secretary) shall, in accordance with the provisions of this part, establish work incentive programs (as provided for in subsection (b) of this section) in each State and in each political subdivision of a State in which he determines there is a significant number of individuals who have attained age 16 and are receiving aid to families with dependent children. In other political subdivi- sions, he shall use his best efforts to provide such programs either within such subdivisions or through the provision of transportation for such persons to political subdivisions of the State in which such programs are established. S (b) Such programs shall include, but shall not be limited to, (1) (A) a program placing as many individuals as is possible in employ- ment, and (B) a program utilizing on-the-job training positions for others, (2) a program of institutional and work experience training for those individuals for whom such training is likely to lead to regu- lar employment, and (3) a program of public service employment for individuals for whom a job in the regular economy cannot be found. (c) In carrying out the purposes of this part the Secretary may make grants to, or enter into agreements with, public or private agen- cies or organizations (including Indian tribes with respect to Indians on a reservation), except that no such grant or agreement shall be made to or with a private employer for profit or with a private non- profit employer not organized for a public purpose for purposes of the work experience program established by clause (2) of subsection (b). Sec. 432(d) 242 (d) In providing the manpower training and employment services and opportunities required by this part, the Secretary of Labor shall, to the maximum extent feasible, assure that such services and opportu- nities are provided by using all authority available to him under this or any other Act. In order to assure that the services and opportunities so required are provided, the Secretary of Labor shall use the funds appropriated to him under this part to provide programs required by this part through such other Act, to the same extent and under the same conditions (except as regards the Federal matching percentage) as if appropriated under such other Act and, in making use of the programs of other Federal, State, or local agencies (public or pri- vate), the Secretary of Labor may reimburse such agencies for services rendered to persons under this part to the extent such services and opportunities are not otherwise available on a nonreimbursable basis. (e) The Secretary shall take appropriate steps to assure that the present level of manpower services available under the authority of other statutes to recipients of aid to families with dependent children is not reduced as a result of programs under this part. (f) (1) The Secretary of Labor shall establish in each State, munic- ipality, or other appropriate geographic area with a significant num- ber of persons registered pursuant to section 402(a) (19) (A) a Labor Market Advisory Council the function of which will be to identify and advise the Secretary of the types of jobs available or likely to become available in the area served by the Council; except that if there is already located in any area an appropriate body to perform such function, the Secretary may designate such body as the Labor Market Advisory Council for such area. (2) Any such Council shall include representatives of industry, labor, and public service employers from the area to be served by the Council. (3) The Secretary shall not conduct, in any area, institutional training under any program established pursuant to subsection (b) of any type which is not related to jobs of the type which are or are likely to become available in such area as determined by the Secretary after taking into account information provided by the Labor Market Advisory Council for such area. Operation of Program Sec. 433. (a) The Secretary shall provide a program of testing and counseling for all persons certified to him by a State, pursuant to section 402(a) (19) (G), and shall select those persons whom he finds suitable for the programs established by clauses (1) and (2) of section 243 Sec. 433(d) 432 (b). Those not so selected shall be deemed suitable for the program established by clause (3) of such section 432 (b) unless the Secretary finds that there is good cause for an individual not to participate in such program. The Secretary, in carrying out such program for in- dividuals certified to him under section 402 (a) (19) (G), shall accord priority to such individuals in the following order, taking into account employability potential: first, unemployed fathers; second, mothers, whether or not required to register pursuant to section 402(a) (19) (A), who volunteer for participation under a work incentive program; third, other mothers, and pregnant women, registered pursuant to sec- tion 402(a) (19) (A), who are under 19 years of age; fourth, depend- ent children and relatives who have attained age 16 and who are not in school or engaged in work or manpower training; and fifth, all other individuals so certified to him. (b) (1) For each State the Secretary shall develop jointly with the administrative unit of such State administering the special program referred to in section 402(a) (19) (G) a statewide operational plan. (2) The statewide operational plan shall prescribe how the work incentive program established by this part will be operated at the local level, and shall indicate (i) for each area within the State the num- ber and type of positions which will be provided for training, for on-the-job training, and for public service employment, (ii) the man- ner in which the information provided by the Labor Market Advisory Council (established pursuant to section 432(f)) for any such area will be utilized in the operation of such program, and (iii) the par- ticular State agency or administrative unit thereof which will be responsible for each of the various activities and functions to be per- formed under such program. Any such operational plan for any State must be approved by the Secretary, the administrative unit of such State administering the special program referred to in section 402 (a) (19) (G), and the regional joint committee (established pursuant to section 439) for the area in which such State is located. (3) The Secretary shall develop an employability plan for each suitable person certified to him under section 402 (a) (19) (G) which shall describe the education, training, work experience, and orienta- tion which it is determined that such person needs to complete in order to enable him to become self-supporting. (c) The Secretary shall make maximum use of services available from other Federal and State agencies and, to the extent not other- wise available on a nonreimbursable basis, he may reimburse such agencies for services rendered to persons under this part. (d) To the extent practicable and where necessary, work incentive programs established by this part shall include, in addition to the Sec. 433(d) 244 regular counseling, testing, referral available through the Federal- State Employment Service System, program orientation, basic educa- tion, training in communications and employability skills, work experience, institutional training, on-the-job training, job develop- ment, and special job placement and followup services, required to assist participant in securing and retaining employment and securing possibilities for advancement. (e) (1) In order to develop public service employment under the program established by section 432 (b) (3), the Secretary shall enter into agreements with (A) public agencies, (B) private nonprofit or- ganizations established to serve a public purpose, and (C) Indian tribes with respect to Indians on a reservation, under which individ- uals deemed suitable for participation in such a program will be pro- vided work which serves a useful public purpose and which would not otherwise be performed by regular employees. (2) Such agreements shall provide (A) for the payment by the Secretary to each employer, with respect to public service employment performed by any individual for such employer, of an amount not exceeding 100 percent of the cost of providing such employment to such individual during the first year of such employment, an amount not exceeding 75 per- cent of the cost of providing such employment to such individual during the second year of such employment, and an amount not exceeding 50 percent of the cost of providing such employment to such individual during the third year of such employment; (B) the hourly wage rate and the number of hours per week individuals will be scheduled to work in public service employ- ment for such employer; (C) that the Secretary will have such access to the premises of the employer as he finds necessary to determine whether such em- ployer is carrying out his obligations under the agreement and this part; and (D) that the Secretary may terminate any agreement under this subsection at any time. (3) [Repealed.] (4) No wage rates provided under any agreement entered into under this subsection shall be lower than the applicable minimum wage for the particular work concerned. (f) Before entering into a project under section 432(b)(3), the Secretary shall have reasonable assurances that- (1) appropriate standards for the health, safety, and other conditions applicable to the performance of work and training on such project are established and will be maintained, 245 Sec. 435(b) (2) such project will not result in the displacement of em- ployed workers, (3) with respect to such project the conditions of work, train- ing, education, and employment are reasonable in the light of such factors as the type of work, geographical region, and proficiency of the participant, (4) appropriate workmen's compensation protection is provided to all participants. (g) Where an individual certified to the Secretary of Labor pur- suant to section 402 (a) (19) (G) refuses without good cause to accept employment or participate in a project under a program established by this part, the Secretary of Labor shall (after providing opportunity for fair hearing) notify the State agency which certified such indi- vidual and submit such other information as he may have with respect to such refusal. (h) With respect to individuals who are participants in public service employment under the program established by section 432(b) (3), the Secretary shall periodically (but at least once every six months) review the employment record of each such individual while on such special work project and on the basis of such record and such other information as he may acquire determine whether it would be feasible to place such individual in regular employment or on any of the projects under the programs established by section 432(b) (1) and (2). Incentive Payment Sec. 434. (a) The Secretary is authorized to pay to any par- ticipant under a program established by section 432(b) (2) an incen- tive payment of not more than $30 per month, payable in such amounts and at such times as the Secretary prescribes. (b) The Secretary of Labor is also authorized to pay, to any mem- ber of a family participating in manpower training under this part, allowances for transportation and other costs incurred by such mem- ber, to the extent such costs are necessary to and directly related to the participation by such member in such training. Federal Assistance Sec. 435. (a) Federal assistance under this part shall not exceed 90 per centum of the costs of carrying out this part. Non-Federal con- tributions may be cash or in kind, fairly evaluated, including but not limited to plant, equipment, and services. (b) Costs of carrying out this part include costs of training, super- vision, materials, administration, incentive payments, transportation, 21-746 O 78 19 - Sec. 435(b) 246 and other items as are authorized by the Secretary, but may not in- clude any reimbursement for time spent by participants in work, training, or other participation in the program. Period of Enrollment Sec. 436. (a) The program established by section 432(b)(2) shall be designed by the Secretary so that the average period of enroll- ment under all projects under such program throughout any area of the United States will not exceed one year. (b) Services provided under this part may continue to be provided to an individual for such period as the Secretary determines (in ac- cordance with regulations prescribed jointly by him and the Secre- tary of Health, Education, and Welfare) is necessary to qualify him fully for employment even though his earnings disqualify him from aid under a State plan approved under section 402. Relocation of Participants Sec. 437. The Secretary may assist participants to relocate their place of residence when he determines such relocation is necessary in order to enable them to become permanently employable and self-sup- porting. Such assistance shall be given only to participants who con- cur in their relocation and who will be employed at their place of relocation at wage rates which will meet at least their full need as determined by the State to which they will be relocated. Assistance under this section shall not exceed the reasonable costs of transporta- tion for participants, their dependents, and their household belong- ings plus such relocation allowance as the Secretary determines to be reasonable. Participants Not Federal Employees Sec. 438. Participants in programs established by this part shall be deemed not to be Federal employees and shall not be subject to the provisions of laws relating to Federal employment including those re- lating to hours of work, rates of compensation, leave, unemployment compensation, and Federal employee benefits. Rules and Regulations Sec. 439. The Secretary and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, shall, not later than July 1, 1972, issue regulations to carry out the purposes of this part. Such regulations shall provide for the establishment, jointly by the Secretary and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, of (1) a national coordination com- mittee the duty of which shall be to establish uniform reporting and similar requirements for the administration of this part, and (2) a regional coordination committee for each region which shall be re- 247 Sec. 443 sponsible for review and approval of statewide operational plans de- veloped pursuant to section 433 (b). Annual Report Sec. 440. The Secretary shall annually report to the Congress (with the first such report being made on or before July 1, 1970) on the work incentive programs established by this part. Evaluation and Research Sec. 441. (a) The Secretary shall (jointly with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare) provide for the continuing evalua- tion of the work incentive programs established by this part, including their effectiveness in achieving stated goals and their impact on other related programs. He also may conduct research regarding ways to increase the effectiveness of such programs. He may, for this purpose, contract for independent evaluations of and research regarding such programs or individual projects under such programs. For purposes of sections 435 and 443, the cost of carrying out this section shall not be regarded as costs of carrying out work incentive programs established by this part. Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing the Secretary to enter into any contract with any organization after June 1, 1970, for the dissemination by such organization of informa- tion about programs authorized to be carried on under this part. Technical Assistance for Providers of Employment or Training Sec. 442. The Secretary is authorized to provide technical assist- ance to providers of employment or training to enable them to partici- pate in the establishment and operation of programs authorized to be established by section 432(b). Collection of State Share Sec. 443. If a non-Federal contribution of 10 per centum of the costs of the work incentive programs established by this part is not made in any State (as specified in section 402(a)), the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare may withhold any action under sec- tion 404 because of the State's failure to comply substantially with a provision required by section 402. If the Secretary of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare does withhold such action, he shall, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the appropriate State agency or agencies, withhold any payments to be made to the State under sec- tions 3(a), 403 (a), 1003 (a), 1403(a), 1603 (a), and 1903 (a) until the amount so withheld (including any amounts contributed by the State pursuant to the requirement in section 402 (a) (19) (C)) equals 10 per centum of the costs of such work incentive programs. Such withhold- Sec. 443 248 ing shall remain in effect until such time as the Secretary has assur- ances from the State that such 10 per centum will be contributed as re- quired by section 402. Amounts so withheld shall be deemed to have been paid to the State under such sections and shall be paid by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to the Secretary. Such payment shall be considered a non-Federal contribution for purposes of section 435. Agreements With Other Agencies Providing Assistance to Families of Unemployed Parents Sec. 444. (a) The Secretary is authorized to enter into an agree- ment (in accordance with the succeeding provisions of this section) with any qualified State agency (as described in subsection (b)) under which the program established by the preceding sections of this part C will (except as otherwise provided in this section) be applicable to individuals certified by such State agency in the same manner, to the same extent, and under the same conditions as such program is appli- cable with respect to individuals certified to the Secretary by a State agency administering or supervising the administration of a State plan approved by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare under part A of this title. (b) A qualified State agency referred to in subsection (a) is a State agency which is charged with the administration of a program- (1) the purpose of which is to provide aid or assistance to the families of unemployed parents, (2) which is not established pursuant to part A of title IV of the Social Security Act, (3) which is financed entirely from funds appropriated by the Congress, and (4) none of the financing of which is made available under any program established pursuant to title V of the Economic Opportunity Act. (c) (1) Any agreement under this section with a qualified State agency shall provide that such agency, will, with respect to all individ- uals receiving aid or assistance under the program of aid or assistance to families of unemployed parents administered by such agency, com- ply with the requirements imposed by section 402 (a) (19) in the same manner and to the same extent as if (a) such qualified agency were the agency in such State administering or supervising the ad- ministration of a State plan approved under part A of this title, and (B) individuals receiving aid or assistance under the program ad- ministered by such qualified agency were recipients of aid under a State plan which is so approved. (2) Any agreement entered into under this section shall remain in effect for such period as may be specified in the agreement by the Sec- 249 Sec. 452(a) retary and the qualified State agency, except that, whenever the Secre- tary determines, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the qualified State agency, that such agency has failed substantially to comply with its obligations under such agreement, the Secretary may suspend operation of the agreement until such time as he is satisfied that the State agency will no longer fail substantially to comply with its obligations under such agreement. (3) Any such agreement shall further provide that the agreement will be inoperative for any calendar quarter if, for the preceding calendar quarter, the maximum amount of benefits payable under the program of aid or assistance to families of unemployed parents ad- ministered by the qualified State agency which is a party to such agreement is lower than the maximum amount of benefits payable under such program for the quarter which ended September 30, 1967. (d) The Secretary shall, at the request of any qualified State agency referred to in subsection (a) of this section and upon receipt from it of a list of the names of individuals rereferred to the Secre- tary, furnish to such agency the names of each individual on such list participating in public service employment under section 433 (a) (3) whom the Secretary determines should continue to participate in such employment. The Secretary shall not comply with any such request with respect to an individual on such list unless such individual has been certified to the Secretary by such agency under section 402 (a) (19) (G) for a period of at least six months. Part D-Child Support and Establishment of Paternity 1 2 Appropriation Sec. 451. For the purpose of enforcing the support obligations owed by absent parents to their children, locating absent parents, establishing paternity, and obtaining child support, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this part. Duties of the Secretary Sec. 452. (a) The Secretary shall establish, within the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare a separate organizational unit, under the direction of a designee of the Secretary, who shall report directly to the Secretary and who shall (1) establish such standards for State programs for locating absent parents, establishing paternity, and obtaining child sup- port as he determines to be necessary to assure that such programs will be effective; ¹ Part D was established by part B of Public Law 93-647 with an effective date of July 1, 1975 except for section 459 which was effective as of January 1, 1975. * The effective date of July 1, 1975 was changed to August 1, 1975 by Public Law 94–46. Sec. 452(a) 250 Revised April 1978 (2) establish minimum organizational and staffing requirements for State units engaged in carrying out such programs under plans approved under this part; (3) review and approve State plans for such programs; (4) evaluate the implementation of State programs established pursuant to such plan, conduct such audits of State programs established under the plan approved under this part as may be necessary to assure their conformity with the requirements of this part, and, not less often than annually, conduct a complete audit of the programs established under such plan in each State and determine for the purposes of the penalty provision of section 403 (h) whether the actual operation of such programs in each State conforms to the requirements of this part; (5) assist States in establishing adequate reporting procedures and maintain records of the operations of programs established pursuant to this part in each State; (6) maintain records of all amounts collected and disbursed under programs established pursuant to the provisions of this part and of the costs incurred in collecting such amounts; (7) provide technical assistance to the States to help them es- tablish effective systems for collecting child support and estab- lishing paternity; (8) receive applications from States for permission to utilize the courts of the United States to enforce court orders for support against absent parents and, upon a finding that (A) another State has not undertaken to enforce the court order of the originating State against the absent parent within a reasonable time, and (B) that utilization of the Federal courts is the only reasonable method of enforcing such order, approve such applications; (9) operate the Parent Locator Service established by section 453; and (10) not later than three months after the end of each fiscal year, beginning with the year 1977, submit to the Congress a full and complete report on all activities undertaken pursuant to the provisions of this part, which report shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (A) total program costs and collections set forth in sufficient detail to show the cost to the States and the Federal Government, the distribution of collections to families, State and local governmental units, and the Federal Government; and an identification of the financial impact of the provi- sions of this part; (B) costs and staff associated with the Office of Child Support Enforcement; Revised April 1978 250-A Sec. 452(b) (C) the number of child support cases in each State during each quarter of the fiscal year last ending before the report is submitted and during each quarter of the preceding fiscal year (including the transitional period beginning July 1, 1976, and ending September 30, 1976, in the case of the first report to which this subparagraph applies), and the disposition of such cases; (D) the status of all State plans under this part as of the end of the fiscal year last ending before the report is sub- mitted, together with an explanation of any problems which are delaying or preventing approval of State plans under this part; (E) data, by State, on the use of the Federal Parent Locator Service, and the number of locate requests submitted without the absent parent's social security account number; (F) the number of cases, by State, in which an applicant for or recipient of aid under a State plan approved under part A has refused to cooperate in identifying and locating the absent parent and the number of cases in which refusal so to cooperate is based on good cause (as determined in accordance with the standards referred to in section 402 (a) (26) (B)(ii)); (G) data, by State, on the use of Federal courts and on use of the Internal Revenue Service for collections, the number of court orders on which collections were made, the number of paternity determinations made and the number of parents located, in sufficient detail to show the cost and bene- fits to the States and to the Federal Government; and (H) the major problems encountered which have delayed or prevented implementation of the provisions of this part during the fiscal year last ending prior to the submission of such report.¹ (b) The Secretary shall, upon the request of any State having in effect a State plan approved under this part, certify the amount of any child support obligation assigned to such State to the Secretary of the Treasury for collection pursuant to the provisions of section 6305 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. No amount may be certified for collec- tion under this subsection except the amount of the delinquency under a court order for support and upon a showing by the State that such State has made diligent and reasonable efforts to collect such amounts utilizing its own collection mechanisms, and upon an agreement that the State will reimburse the United States for any costs involved in making the collection. The Secretary after consultation with the Sec- 1 Paragraph (10) was amended by sec. 504(a) of P.L. 95-30. 1 251 Sec. 453(b) retary of the Treasury may, by regulation, establish criteria for ac- cepting amounts for collection and for making certification under this subsection including imposing such limitations on the frequency of making such certifications under this subsection. (c) (1) There is hereby established in the Treasury a revolving fund which shall be available to the Secretary without fiscal year limitation, to enable him to pay to the States for distribution in accordance with the provisions of section 457 such amounts as may be collected and paid (subject to paragraph (2)) into such fund under section 6305 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. (2) There is hereby appropriated to the fund, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, amounts equal to the amounts collected under section 6305 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, reduced by the amounts credited or refunded as overpay- ments of the amounts so collected. The amounts appropriated by the preceding section shall be transferrred at least quarterly from the gen- eral fund of the Treasury to the fund on the basis of estimates made by the Secretary of the Treasury. Proper adjustments shall be made in the amounts subsequently transferred to the extent prior estimates were in excess of or less than the amounts required to be transferred. Parent Locator Service Sec. 453. (a) The Secretary shall establish and conduct a Parent Locator Service, under the direction of the designee of the Secretary referred to in section 452 (a), which shall be used to obtain and trans- mit to any authorized person (as defined in subsection (c)) informa- tion as to the whereabouts of any absent parent when such information is to be used to locate such parent for the purpose of enforcing support obligations against such parent. (b) Upon request, filed in accordance with subsection (d) of any authorized person (as defined in subsection (c)) for the most recent address and place of employment of any absent parent, the Secretary shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, provide through the Parent Locator Service such information to such person, if such information- (1) is contained in any files or records maintained by the Sec- retary or by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; or (2) is not contained in such files or records, but can be obtained by the Secretary, under the authority conferred by subsection (e), from any other department, agency, or instrumentality, or the United States or of any State. No information shall be disclosed to any person if the disclosure of such information would contravene the national policy or security interests of the United States or the confidentiality of census data. The Sec. 453(b) 252 Secretary shall give priority to requests made by any authorized per- son described in subsection (c) (1). (c) As used in subsection (a), the term "authorized person" means- (1) any agent or attorney of any State having in effect a plan approved under this part, who has the duty or authority under such plans to seek to recover any amounts owed as child support (including, when authorized under the State plan, any official of a political subdivision); (2) the court which has authority to issue an order against an absent parent for the support and maintenance of a child, or any agent of such court; and (3) the resident parent, legal guardian, attorney, or agent of a child (other than a child receiving aid under part A of this title) (as determined by regulations prescribed by the Secretary) with- out regard to the existence of a court order against an absent par- ent who has a duty to support and maintain any such child. (d) A request for information under this section shall be filed in such manner and form as the Secretary shall by regulation prescribe and shall be accompanied or supported by such documents as the Secretary may determine to be necessary. (e) (1) Whenever the Secretary receives a request submitted under subsection (b) which he is reasonably satisfied meets the criteria estab- lished by subsections (a), (b), and (c), he shall promptly undertake to provide the information requested from the files and records main- tained by any of the departments, agencies, or instrumentalities of the United States or of any State. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, whenever the individual who is the head of any department, agency, or instrumen- tality of the United States receives a request from the Secretary for information authorized to be provided by the Secretary under this section, such individual shall promptly cause a search to be made of the files and records maintained by such department, agency, or instru- mentality with a view to determining whether the information requested is contained in any such files or records. If such search discloses the information requested, such individuals shall immediately transmit such information to the Secretary, except that if any infor- mation is obtained the disclosure of which would contravene national policy or security interests of the United States or the confidentiality of census data, such information shall not be transmitted and such individual shall immediately notify the Secretary. If such search fails to disclose the information requested, such individual shall immedi- ately so notify the Secretary. The costs incurred by any such depart- ment, agency, or instrumentality of the United States or of any State in providing such information to the Secretary shall be reimbursed by him. Whenever such services are furnished to an individual specified 253 Sec. 454 in subsection (c)(3), a fee shall be charged such individual. The fee so charged shall be used to reimburse the Secretary or his delegate for the expense of providing such services. (f) The Secretary, in carrying out his duties and functions under this section, shall enter into arrangements with State agencies admin- istering State plans approved under this part for such State agencies to accept from resident parents, legal guardians, or agents of a child described in subsection (c) (3) and, after determining that the absent parent cannot be located through the procedures under the control of such State agencies, to transmit to the Secretary requests for informa- tion with regard to the whereabouts of absent parents and otherwise to cooperate with the Secretary in carrying out the purposes of this section. State Plan for Child Support Sec. 454. A State plan for child support must- (1) provide that it shall be in effect in all political subdivisions of the State; (2) provide for financial participation by the State; (3) provide for the establishment or designation of a single and separate organizational unit, which meets such staffing and organizational requirements as the Secretary may by regulation prescribe, within the State to administer the plan; (4) provide that such State will undertake- S (A) in the case of a child born out of wedlock with respect to whom an assignment under section 402 (a) (26) of this title is effective, to establish the paternity of such child unless the agency administering the plan of the State under part A of this title determines in accordance with the standards pre- scribed by the Secretary pursuant to section 402(a) (26) (B) that it is against the best interests of the child to do so, and (B) in the case of any child with respect to whom such assignment is effective, to secure support for such child from his parent (or from any other person legally liable for such support), utilizing any reciprocal arrangements adopted with other States (unless the agency administering the plan of the State under part A of this title determines in accord- ance with the standards prescribed by the Secretary pursuant to section 402 (a) (26) (B) that it is against the best interests of the child to do so), except that when such arrangements and other means have proven ineffective, the State may utilize the Federal courts to obtain or enforce court orders for support; ¹ 1 - 1 Section 454 (4) was amended by Public Law 94-88. See also section 203(b) of Public Law 94-88 (p. 766 of this document). Sec. 454 254 (5) provide that, in any case in which child support payments are collected for a child with respect to whom an assignment under section 402 (a) (26) is effective, such payments shall be made to the State for distribution pursuant to section 457 and shall not be paid directly to the family except that this paragraph shall not apply to such payments (except as provided in section 457 (c)) for any month in which the amount collected is sufficient to make such family ineligible for assistance under the State plan approved under part A;¹ 1 (6) provide that (A) the child support collection or paternity determination services established under the plan shall be made available to any individual not otherwise eligible for such services upon application filed by such individual with the State, (B) an application fee for furnishing such services may be imposed, ex- cept that the amount of any such application fee shall be reason- able, as determined under regulations of the Secretary, and (C) any costs in excess of the fee so imposed may be collected from such individual by deducting such costs from the amount of any re- covery made; (7) provide for entering into cooperative arrangements with appropriate courts and law enforcement officials (A) to assist the agency administering the plan, including the entering into of fi- nancial arrangements with such courts and officials in order to assure optimum results under such program, and (B) with respect to any other matters of common concern to such courts or officials and the agency administering the plan; (8) provide that the agency administering the plan will estab- lish a service to locate absent parents utilizing— (A) all sources of information and available records, and (B) the Parent Locator Service in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; 2 (9) provide that the State will, in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secretary, cooperate with any other State- (A) in establishing paternity, if necessary, (B) in locating an absent parent residing in the State (whether or not permanently) against whom any action is being taken under a program established under a plan ap- proved under this part in another State, (C) in securing compliance by an absent parent residing in such State (whether or not permanently) with an order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction against such parent for the support and maintenance of a child or chil- dren of such parent with respect to whom aid is being pro- vided under the plan of such other State, and 1 See also sections 201(b) and 203(b) of Public Law 94-88 (pp. 765 and 766 of this document). * See also section 6103 (1) (6) of the I.R.C. (p. 671 of this document). Revised April 1978 255 Sec. 455(a) (D) in carrying out other functions required under a plan approved under this part; (10) provide that the State will maintain a full record of collections and disbursements made under the plan and have an adequate reporting system; (11) provide that amounts collected as child support shall be distributed as provided in section 457; (12) provide that any payment required to be made under section 456 or 457 to a family shall be made to the resident parent, legal guardian, or caretaker relative having custody of or respon- sibility for the child or children; (13) provide that the State will comply with such other re- quirements and standards as the Secretary determines to be necessary to the establishment of an effective program for locat- ing absent parents, establishing paternity, obtaining support orders, and collecting support payments; (14) comply with such bonding requirements, for employees who receive, disburse, handle, or have access to, cash, as the Sec- retary shall by regulations prescribe; and 1 (15) maintain methods of administration which are designed to assure that persons responsible for handling cash receipts shall not participate in accounting or operating functions which would permit them to conceal in the accounting records the misuse of cash receipts (except that the Secretary shall by regulations pro- vide for exceptions to this requirement in the case of sparsely pop- ulated areas where the hiring of unreasonable additional staff would otherwise be necessary).¹ Payments to States Sec. 455. (a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary shall pay to each State for each quarter, beginning with the quarter commencing July 1, 1975, an amount- (1) equal to 75 percent of the total amounts expended by such State during such quarter for the operation of the plan approved under section 454, and (2) equal to 50 percent of the total amounts expended by such State during such quarter for the operation of a plan which meets the conditions of section 454 except as is provided by a waiver by the Secretary which is granted pursuant to specific authority set forth in the law; except that no amount shall be paid to any State on account of furnish- ing child support collection or paternity determination services (other 1 Paragraphs (14) and (15) were added by sec. 502(a) of P.L. 95–30. Revised April 1978 Sec. 455(b) 255-A than the parent locator services) to individuals under section 454 (6) during any period beginning after September 30, 1978.¹ (b) (1) Prior to the beginning of each quarter, the Secretary shall estimate the amount to which a State will be entitled under subsection (a) for such quarter, such estimates to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be expended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions of such subsection, and stating the amount appropriated or made available by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures in such quarter, and if such amount is less than the State's proportionate share of the total sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, and (B) such other investigation as the Secretary may find necessary. 1 Section 455 (a) was amended by secs. 201(c) and 205 of P.L. 94–88, by sec. 3 of P.L. 94-365, and by sec. 4 of P.L. 95-59. See also sec. 508 of P.L. 94-566 which is printed in this document on p. 793. Sec. 455(b) 256 (2) The Secretary shall then pay, in such installments as he may determine, to the State the amount so estimated, reduced or increased to the extent of any overpayment or underpayment which the Secretary determines was made under this section to such State for any prior quarter and with respect to which adjustment has not already been made under this subsection. (3) Upon the making of any estimate by the Secretary under this subsection, any appropriations available for payments under this sec- tion shall be deemed obligated.¹ Support Obligations Sec. 456. (a) The support rights assigned to the State under section 402 (a) (26) shall constitute an obligation owed to such State by the individual responsible for providing such support. Such obligation shall be deemed for collection purposes to be collectible under all applicable State and local processes. (1) The amount of such obligation shall be- (A) the amount specified in a court order which covers the assigned support rights, or (B) if there is no court order, an amount determined by the State in accordance with a formula approved by the Secretary, and (2) Any amounts collected from an absent parent under the plan shall reduce, dollar for dollar, the amount of his obligation under paragraphs (1) (A) and (B). (b) A debt which is a child support obligation assigned to a State under section 402(a) (26) is not released by a discharge in bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Act. Distribution of Proceeds Sec. 457.2 (a) The amounts collected as child support by a State pursuant to a plan approved under this part during the 15 months beginning July 1, 1975, shall be distributed as follows: (1) 40 per centum of the first $50 of such amounts as are col- lected periodically which represent monthly support payments shall be paid to the family without any decrease in the amount paid as assistance to such family during such month; (2) such amounts as are collected periodically which are in excess of any amount paid to the family under paragraph (1) which represent monthly support payments shall be retained by the State to reimburse it for assistance payments to the family during such period (with appropriate reimbursement of the 1 Section 455 (b) added by Public Law 94-88. See also section 206 of Public Law 94-88 (p. 766 of this document). 2 See section 402 (a) (28) (p. 220). Revised April 1978 257 Sec. 457(c) Federal Government to the extent of its participation in the financing); (3) such amounts as are in excess of amounts retained by the State under paragraph (2) and are not in excess of the amount required to be paid during such period to the family by a court order shall be paid to the family; and (4) such amounts as are in excess of amounts required to be distributed under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) shall be (A) retained by the State (with appropriate reimbursement of the Federal Government to the extent of its participation in the financing) as reimbursement for any past assistance payments made to the family for which the State has not been reimbursed or (B) if no assistance payments have been made by the State which have not been repaid, such amounts shall be paid to the family. (b) The amounts collected as child support by a State pursuant to a plan approved under this part during any fiscal year beginning after September 30, 1976, shall be distributed as follows: (1) such amounts as are collected periodically which represent monthly support payments shall be retained by the State to reim- burse it for assistance payments to the family during such period (with appropriate reimbursement of the Federal Government to the extent of its participation in the financing); (2) such amounts as are in excess of amounts retained by the State under paragraph (1) and are not in excess of the amount required to be paid during such period to the family by a court order shall be paid to the family; and (3) such amounts as are in excess of amounts required to be distributed under paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be (A) retained by the State (with appropriate reimbursement of the Federal Government to the extent of its participation in the financing) as reimbursement for any past assistance payments made to the family for which the State has not been reimbursed or (B) if no assistance payments have been made by the State which have not been repaid, such amounts shall be paid to the family. (c) Whenever a family for whom child support payments have been collected and distributed under the plan ceases to receive assistance under part A of this title, the State may- (1) continue to collect amounts of child support payments which represent monthly support payments from the absent parent for a period of not to exceed three months from the month following the month in which such family ceased to receive assist- ance under part A of this title, and pay all amounts so col- lected, which represent monthly support payments, to the family; and (2) at the end of such three-month period, if the State is au- thorized to do so by the individual on whose behalf the collection 21-746 O - 78 - 20 Sec. 457(c) Revised April 1978 258 will be made, continue to collect amounts of child support pay- ments which represent monthly support payments from the absent parent and pay the net amount of any amount so collected, which represents monthly support payments, to the family after de- ducting any costs incurred in making the collection from the amount of any recovery made, and so much of any amounts of child support so collected as are in excess of the payments required to be made in paragraph (1) shall be distributed in the manner provided by subsection (b) (3) (A) and (B). with respect to excess amounts described in subsection (b).¹ 1 Incentive Payment to Localities Sec. 458.2 (a) When a political subdivision of a State makes, for the State of which it is a political subdivision, or one State makes, for another State, the enforcement and collection of the support rights assigned under section 402 (a) (26) (either within or outside of such State), there shall be paid to such political subdivision or such other State from amounts which would otherwise represent the Federal share of assistance to the family of the absent parent an amount equal to 15 per centum of any amount collected and require to be distrib- uted as provided in section 457 to reduce or repay assistance payments.3 (b) Where more than one jurisdiction is involved in such enforce- ment or collection, the amount of the incentive payment determined under subsection (a) shall be allocated among the jurisdictions in a manner to be prescribed by the Secretary.* Consent by the United States to Garnishment and Similar Proceedings for Enforcement of Child Support and Alimony Obligations Sec. 459. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, effective January 1, 1975, moneys (the entitlement to which is based upon re- muneration for employment) due from, or payable by, the United States or the District of Columbia (including any agency, subdivision, or instrumentality thereof) to any individual, including members of the armed services, shall be subject, in like manner and to the same extent as if the United States or the District of Columbia were a private person, to legal process brought for the enforcement, against such individual of his legal obligations to provide child support or make alimony payments. 1 Subsection (c) was amended by sec. 11 of P.L. 95–171. 2 See sections 201(b) and 203(b) of Public Law 94-88 (pp. 765 and 766 of this document). 3 Subsection (a) was amended by sec. 503(a)(1) of P.L. 95–30. * Subsection (b) was amended by sec. 503 (a) (2) of P.L. 95-30. Revised April 1978 Sec. 459(f) 258-A (b) Service of legal process brought for the enforcement of an individual's obligation to provide child support or make alimony payments shall be accomplished by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or by personal service, upon the appropriate agent designated for receipt of such service of process pursuant to regula- tions promulgated pursuant to section 461 (or, if no agent has been designated for the governmental entity having payment responsibility for the moneys involved, then upon the head of such governmental entity). Such process shall be accompanied by sufficient data to permit prompt identification of the individual and the moneys involved." (c) No Federal employee whose duties include responding to inter- rogatories pursuant to requirements imposed by section 461(b) (3) shall be subject under any law to any disciplinary action or civil or criminal liability or penalty for, or on account of, any disclosure of information made by him in connection with the carrying out of any of his duties which pertain (directly or indirectly) to the answering of any such interrogatory.¹ (d) Whenever any person, who is designated by law or regulation to accept service of process to which the United States is subject under this section, is effectively served with any such process or with inter- rogatories relating to an individual's child support or alimony pay- ment obligations, such person shall respond thereto within thirty days (or within such longer period as may be prescribed by applicable State law) after the date effective service thereof is made, and shall, as soon as possible but not later than fifteen days after the date effective service is so made of any such process, send written notice that such process has been so served (together with a copy thereof) to the individual whose moneys are affected thereby at his duty station or last-known home address.¹ (e) Governmental entities affected by legal processes served for the enforcement of an individual's child support or alimony payment obligations shall not be required to vary their normal pay and dis- bursement cycles in order to comply with any such legal process.¹ 1 (f) Neither the United States, any disbursing officer, nor govern- mental entity shall be liable with respect to any payment made from moneys due or payable from the United States to any individual pur- suant to legal process regular on its face, if such payment is made in accordance with this section and the regulations issued to carry out this section.¹ 1 Section 459 was amended by sec. 501 of P.L. 95-30. Sec. 460 Revised April 1978 258-B Civil Actions To Enforce Child Support Obligations Sec. 460. The district courts of the United States shall have juris- diction, without regard to any amount in controversy, to hear and de- termine any civil action certified by the Secretary of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare under section 452 (a) (8) of this Act. A civil action under this section may be brought in any judicial district in which the claim arose, the plaintiff resides, or the defendant resides. Regulations Pertaining to Garnishments ¹ 1 Sec. 461. (a) Authority to promulgate regulations for the imple- entation of the provisions of section 459 shall, insofar as the provi- sions of such section are applicable to moneys due from (or payable by)-- (1) the executive branch of the Government (including in such branch, for the purposes of this subsection, the territories and possessions of the United States, the United States Postal Service, The Postal Rate Commission, any wholly owned Federal corpora- tion created by an Act of Congress, and the government of the District of Columbia), be vested in the President (or his designee), (2) the legislative branch of the Government, be vested jointly in the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives (or their designees), and (3) the judicial branch of the Government, be vested in the Chief Justice of the United States (or his designee). (b) Regulations promulgated pursuant to this section shall— (1) in the case of those promulgated by the executive branch of the Government, include a requirement that the head of each agency thereof shall cause to be published, in the appendix of the regulations so promulgated, (A) his designation of an agent or agents to accept service of process, identified by title of position, mailing address, and telephone number, and (B) an indication of the data reasonably required in order for the agency promptly to identify the individual with respect to whose moneys the legal process is brought, (2) in the case of regulations promulgated for the legislative and judicial branches of the Government set forth, in the appendix to the regulations so promulgated, (A) the name, position, ad- dress, and telephone number of the agent or agents who have been designated for service of process, and (B) an indication of the 1 Section 461 was added by sec. 501(c) of P.L. 95–30. Revised April 1978 Sec. 462(b) 258-C data reasonably required in order for such entity promptly to identify the individual with respect to whose moneys the legal process is brought, and (3) provide that (A) in the case of regulations promulgated by the executive branch of the Government, each head of a gov- ernmental entity (or his designee) shall respond to relevant in- terrogatories, if authorized by law of the State in which legal process will issue, prior to formal issuance of such process, upon a showing of the applicant's entitlement to child support or alimony payments, and (B) in the case of regulations promul- gated for the legislative and judicial branches of the Govern- ment, the person or persons designated as agents for service of process in accordance with paragraph (2) shall respond to rele- vant interrogatories if authorized by the law of the State in which legal process will issue, prior to formal issuance of legal process, upon a showing of the applicant's entitlement to child support or alimony payments. (c) In the event that a governmental entity, which is authorized under this section or regulations issued to carry out this section to accept service of process, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a), is served with more than one legal process with respect to the same moneys due or payable to any individual, then such moneys shall be available to satisfy such processes on a first-come, first-served basis, with any such process being satisfied out of such moneys as remain after the satisfaction of all such processes which have been previously served. - Definitions ¹ Sec. 462. For purposes of section 459- (a) The term "United States" means the Federal Government of the United States, consisting of the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the executive branch thereof, and each and every depart- ment, agency, or instrumentality of any such branch, including the United States Postal Service, the Postal Rate Commission, any wholly owned Federal corporation created by an Act of Congress, any office, commission, bureau, or other administrative subdivision or creature thereof, and the governments of the territories and possessions of the United States. (b) The term "child support," when used in reference to the legal obligations of an individual to provide such support, means periodic payments of funds for the support and maintenance of a child or chil- dren with respect to which such individual has such an obligation, and (subject to and in accordance with State law) includes but is not 1 Section 462 was added by sec. 501 (d) of P.L. 95–30. Sec. 462(b) Revised April 1978 258-D limited to, payments to provide for health care, education, recreation, clothing, or to meet other specific needs of such a child or children; such term also includes attorney's fees, interest, and court costs, when and to the extent that the same are expressly made recoverable as such pursuant to a decree, order, or judgment issued in accordance with applicable State law by a court of competent jurisdiction. (c) The term "alimony," when used in reference to the legal obliga- tions of an individual to provide the same, means periodic payments of funds for the support and maintenance of the spouse (or former spouse) of such individual, and (subject to and in accordance with State law) includes but is not limited to, separate maintenance, ali- mony pendente lite, maintenance, and spousal support; such term also includes attorney's fees, interest, and court costs when and to the extent that the same are expressly made recoverable as such pursuant to a decree, order, or judgment issued in accordance with applicable State law by a court of competent jurisdiction. Such term does not include any payment or transfer of property or its value by an individual to his spouse or former spouse in compliance with any community prop- erty settlement, equitable distribution of property, or other division of property between spouses or former spouses. (d) The term "private person" means a person who does not have sovereign or other special immunity or privilege which causes such person not to be subject to legal process. (e) The term "legal process" means any writ, order, summons, or other similar process in the nature of garnishment, which— (1) is issued by (A) a court of competent jurisdiction within any State, territory, or possession of the United States, (B) a court of competent jurisdiction in any foreign country with which the United States has entered into an agreement which requires the United States to honor such process, or (C) an authorized official pursuant to an order of such a court of competent juris- diction or pursuant to State or local law, and (2) is directed to, and the purpose of which is to compel, a governmental entity, which holds moneys which are otherwise payable to an individual, to make a payment from such moneys to another party in order to satisfy a legal obligation of such individual to provide child support or make alimony payments. (f) Entitlement of an individual to any money shall be deemed to be "based upon remuneration for employment," if such money consists of- (1) compensation paid or payable for personal services of such individual, whether such compensation is denominated as wages, salary, commission, bonus, pay, or otherwise, and includes but is Revised April 1978 Sec. 462(g) 258-E not limited to, severance pay, sick pay, and incentive pay, but does not include awards for making suggestions, or (2) periodic benefits (including a periodic benefit as defined in section 228 (h) (3) of this Act) or other payments to such indi- vidual under the insurance system established by title II of this Act or any other system or fund established by the United States (as defined in subsection (a)) which provides for the payment of pensions, retirement or retired pay, annuities, dependents or sur- vivors' benefits, or similar amounts payable on account of personal services performed by himself or any other individual (not includ- ing any payment as compensation for death under any Federal program, any payment under any Federal program established to provide "black lung" benefits, any payment by the Veterans' Administration as pension, or any payments by the Veterans' Administration as compensation for a service-connected disability or death, except any compensation paid by the Veterans' Adminis- tration to a former member of the Armed Forces who is in receipt of retired or retainer pay if such former member has waived a portion of his retired pay in order to receive such compensation), and does not consist of amounts paid, by way of reimbursement or otherwise, to such individual by his employer to defray expenses incurred by such indivual in carrying out duties associated with his employment. Ga (g) In determining the amount of any moneys due from, or pay- able by, the United States to any individual, there shall be excluded amounts which- (1) are owed by such individual to the United States, (2) are required by law to be, and are, deducted from the remuneration or other payment involved, including but not limited to, Federal employment taxes, and fines and forfeitures ordered by court-martial, (3) are properly withheld for Federal, State, or local income tax purposes, if the withholding of such amounts is authorized or required by law and if amounts withheld are not greater than would be the case if such individual claimed all dependents to which he was entitled (the withholding of additional amounts pursuant to section 3402 (i) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 may be permitted only when such individual presents evidence of a tax obligation which supports the additional withholding), (4) are deducted as health insurance premiums, (5) are deducted as normal retirement contributions (not in- cluding amounts deducted for supplementary coverage), or (6) are deducted as normal life insurance premiums from salary or other remuneration for employment (not including amounts deducted for supplementary coverage). Revised April 1978 TITLE V-MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH AND CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S SERVICES Sec. 501. Authorization of Appropriations--. Sec. 502. Purposes for Which Funds Are Available_ Sec. 503. Allotments to States for Maternal and Child Health Services__ Sec. 504. Allotments to States for Crippled Children's Services__ Sec. 505. Approval of State Plans. Sec. 506. Payments Sec. 507. Operation of State Plans___. Sec. 508. Special Project Grants for Maternity and Infant Care_ Sec. 509. Special Project Grants for Health of School and Preschool Children I I Sec. 510. Special Project Grants for Dental Health of Children_ Sec. 511. Training of Personnel_. Sec. 512. Research Projects Relating to Maternal and Child Health Serv- ices and Crippled Children's Services_. Sec. 513. Administration Sec. 514. Definition Sec. 515. Observance of Religious Beliefs__ Sec. 516. Supplemental Allotments-- Page 1 259 259 260 261 261 264 266 266 1 This table of contents does not appear in the law. 2 Section 501 was amended by sec. 309 (a) of P.L. 95-83. 267 268 269 269 269 270 270 270 Authorization of Appropriations Sec. 501. For the purpose of enabling each State to extend and improve (especially in rural areas and in areas suffering from severe economic distress), as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, (1) services for reducing infant mortality and otherwise pro- moting the health of mothers and children; and (2) services for locating, and for medical, surgical, corrective, and other services and care for and facilities for diagnosis, hos- pitalization, and aftercare for, children who are crippled or who are suffering from conditions leading to crippling, there are authorized to be appropriated $250,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, $275,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970, $300,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, $325,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, $350,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, and for each of the next four fiscal years, and $399,864,200 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1978, and for each fiscal year thereafter." Purposes for Which Funds Are Available Sec. 502. Appropriations pursuant to section 501 shall be available for the following purposes in the following proportions: (1) In the case of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, and each of the next 5 fiscal years, (A) 50 percent of the appropriation (259) Sec. 502 260 for such year shall be for allotments pursuant to sections 503 and 504; (B) 40 percent thereof shall be for grants pursuant to sec- tions 508, 509, and 510; and (C) 10 percent thereof shall be for grants, contracts, or other arrangements pursuant to sections 511 and 512. (2) In the case of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, and each fiscal year thereafter, (A) 90 percent of the appropria- tion for such years shall be for allotments pursuant to sections 503 and 504; and (B) 10 percent thereof shall be for grants, con- tracts, or other arrangements pursuant to sections 511 and 512. Not to exceed 5 percent of the appropriation for any fiscal year under this section shall be transferred, at the request of the Secretary, from one of the purposes specified in paragraph (1) or (2) to another purpose or purposes so specified. For each fiscal year, the Secretary shall determine the portion of the appropriation, within the percent- age determined above to be available for sections 503 and 504, which shall be available for allotment pursuant to section 503 and the por- tion thereof which shall be available for allotment pursuant to sec- tion 504. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, of the amount appropriated for any fiscal year pursuant to section 501, not less than 6 percent of the amount appropriated shall be available for family planning services from allotments under section 503 and for family planning services under projects under sections 508 and 512. Allotments to States for Maternal and Child Health Services Sec. 503. The amount determined to be available pursuant to sec- tion 502 for allotments under this section shall be allotted for pay- ments for maternal and child health services as follows: (1) One-half of such amount shall be allotted by allotting to each State $70,000 plus such part of the remainder of such one- half as he finds that the number of live births in such State bore to the total number of live births in the United States in the latest calendar year for which he has statistics. (2) The remaining one-half of such amount shall (in addition to the allotments under paragraph (1)) be allotted to the States from time to time according to the financial need of each State for assistance in carrying out its State plan, as determined by the Secretary after taking into consideration the number of live births in such State; except that not more than 25 percent of such one-half shall be available for grants to State agencies (admin- istering or supervising the administration of a State plan ap- proved under section 505), and to public or other nonprofit insti- tutions of higher learning (situated in any State), for special 261 Sec. 505(a) projects of regional or national significance which may contribute to the advancement of maternal and child health. Allotments to States for Crippled Children's Services Sec. 504. The amount determined to be available pursuant to sec- tion 502 for allotments under this section shall be allotted for pay- ments for crippled children's services as follows: (1) One-half of such amount shall be allotted by allotting to each State $70,000 and allotting the remainder of such one-half according to the need of each State as determined by him after taking into consideration the number of crippled children in such State in need of the services referred to in paragraph (2) of section 501 and the cost of furnishing such services to them. (2) The remaining one-half of such amount shall (in addition to the allotments under paragraph (1)) be allotted to the States from time to time according to the financial need of each State for assistance in carrying out its State plan, as determined by the Secretary after taking into consideration the number of crippled children in each State in need of the services referred to in para- graph (2) of section 501 and the cost of furnishing such serv- ices to them; except that not more than 25 percent of such one- half shall be available for grants to State agencies (administering or supervising the administration of a State plan approved under section 505), and to public or other nonprofit institutions of higher learning (situated in any State), for special projects of regional or national significance which may contribute to the advancement of services for crippled children. Approval of State Plans Sec. 505. (a) In order to be entitled to payments from allotments under section 502, a State must have a State plan for maternal and child health services and services for crippled children which- (1) provides for financial participation by the State; (2) provides for the administration of the plan by the State health agency or the supervision of the administration of the plan by the State health agency; except that in the case of those States which on July 1, 1967, provided for administration (or supervision thereof) of the State plan approved under section 513 (as in effect on such date) by a State agency other than the State health agency, the plan of such State may be approved under this section if it would meet the requirements of this sub- section except for provision of administration (or supervision thereof) by such other agency for the portion of the plan relat- Sec. 505(a) 262 ? ing to services for crippled children, and, in each such case, the portion of such plan which each such agency administers, or the administration of which each such agency supervises, shall be re- garded as a separate plan for purposes of this title; (3) provides (A) such methods of administration (including methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of per- sonnel standards on a merit basis, except that the Secretary shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, and compensation of any individual employed in accord- ance with such methods) as are necessary for the proper and effi- cient operation of the plan and (B) provides for the training and effective use of paid subprofessional staff, with particular emphasis on the full-time or part-time employment of persons of low income, as community service aides, in the administration of the plan and for the use of nonpaid or partially paid volun- teers in providing services and in assisting any advisory com- mittees established by the State agency; C (4) provides that the State agency will make such reports, in such form and containing such information, as the Secretary may from time to time require, and comply with such provisions as he may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports; (5) provides for cooperation with medical, health, nursing, ed- ucational, and welfare groups and organizations and, with respect to the portion of the plan relating to services for crippled chil- dren, with any agency in such State charged with administering State laws providing for vocational rehabilitation of physically handicapped children; (6) provides for payment of the reasonable cost of inpatient hospital services provided under the plan, as determined in ac- cordance with methods and standards, consistent with section 1122, which shall be developed by the State and included in the plan, except that the reasonable cost of any such services as de- termined under such methods and standards shall not exceed the amount which would be determined under section 1861 (v) as the reasonable cost of such services for purposes of title XVIII; (7) provides, with respect to the portion of the plan relating to services for crippled children, for early identification of chil- dren in need of health care and services, and for health care and treatment needed to correct or ameliorate defects or chronic con- ditions discovered thereby, through provision of such periodic screening and diagnostic services, and such treatment, care and other measures to correct or ameliorate defects or chronic condi- tions, as may be provided in regulations of the Secretary; - M 263 Sec. 505(a) (8) effective July 1, 1974, provides a program (carried out directly or through grants or contracts) of projects described in section 508 which offers reasonable assurance, particularly in areas with concentrations of low-income families, of satisfactorily helping to reduce the incidence of mental retardation and other handicapping conditions caused by complications associated with child bearing and of satisfactorily helping to reduce infant and maternal mortality; (9) effective July 1, 1974, provides a program (carried out directly or through grants or contracts) of projects described in section 509 which offers reasonable assurance, particularly in areas with concentrations of low-income families, of satisfactorily promoting the health of children and youth of school or pre- school age; (10) effective July 1, 1974, provides a program (carried out directly or through grants or contracts) of projects described in section 510 which offers reasonable assurance, particularly in areas with concentrations of low-income families, of satisfactorily promoting the dental health of children and youth of school or preschool age; (11) provides for carrying out the purposes specified in sec- tion 501; (12) provides for the development of demonstration services (with special attention to dental care for children and family planning services for mothers) in needy areas and among groups in special need; Ad (13) provides that, where payment is authorized under the plan for services which an optometrist is licensed to perform, the individual for whom such payment is authorized may, to the ex- tent practicable, obtain such services from an optometrist licensed to perform such services except where such services are rendered in a clinic, or another appropriate institution, which does not have an arrangement with optometrists so licensed; (14) provides that acceptance of family planning services pro- vided under the plan shall be voluntary on the part of the indi- vidual to whom such services are offered and shall not be a pre- requisite to eligibility for or the receipt of any service under the plan; and (15) provides- (A) that the State health agency, or other appropriate State medical agency, shall be responsible for establishing a plan, consistent with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, for the review by appropriate professional health personnel of the appropriateness and quality of care and services fur- Sec. 505(a) 264 nished to recipients of services under the plan and, where applicable, for providing guidance with respect thereto to the other State agency referred to in paragraph (2); and (B) that the State or local agency utilized by the Secre- tary for the purpose specified in the first sentence of section 1864 (a), or, if such agency is not the State agency which is responsible for licensing health institutions, the State agency responsible for such licensing, will perform the function of determining whether institutions and agencies meet the re- quirements for participation in the program under the plan under this title. (b) The Secretary shall approve any plan which meets the require- ments of subsection (a). Payments Sec. 506. (a) From the sums appropriated therefor and the allot- ments available under section 503 (1) or 504 (1), as the case may be, the Secretary shall pay to each State which has a plan approved under this title, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter commencing July 1, 1968, an amount, which shall be used exclusively for carry- ing out the State plan, equal to one-half of the total sum expended during such quarter for carrying out such plan with respect to ma- ternal and child health services and services for crippled children, respectively. Sta (b) (1) Prior to the beginning of each quarter, the Secretary shall estimate the amount to which a State will be entitled under subsection (a) for such quarter, such estimates to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be expended. in such quarter in accordance with the provisions of such subsection, and stating the amount appropriated or made available by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures in such quarter, and if such amount is less than the State's proportionate share of the total sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, and (B) such other in- vestigation as the Secretary may find necessary. (2) The Secretary shall then pay to the State, in such installments as he may determine, the amount so estimated, reduced or increased to the extent of any overpayment or underpayment which the Secretary determines was made under this section to such State for any prior quarter and with respect to which adjustment has not already been made under this subsection. (3) Upon the making of an estimate by the Secretary under this subsection, any appropriations available for payments under this sec- tion shall be deemed obligated. 265 Sec 506(f) : (c) The Secretary shall also from time to time make payments to the States from their respective allotments pursuant to section 503 (2) or 504(2). Payments of grants under sections 503 (2), 504(2), 508, 509, 510, and 511, and of grants, contracts, or other arrangements under section 512, may be made in advance or by way of reimburse- ment, and in such installments, as the Secretary may determine; and shall be made on such conditions as the Secretary finds necessary to carry out the purposes of the section involved. (d) The total amount determined under subsections (a) and (b) and the first sentence of subsection (c) for any fiscal year ending after June 30, 1968, shall be reduced by the amount by which the sum ex- pended (as determined by the Secretary) from non-Federal sources for maternal and child health services and services for crippled chil- dren for such year is less than the sum expended from such sources. for such services for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968. In the case of any such reduction, the Secretary shall determine the portion thereof which shall be applied, and the manner of applying such re- duction, to the amounts otherwise payable from allotments under sec- tion 503 or section 504. (e) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, no payment shall be made to any State thereunder from the allotments under section 503 or section 504 for any period after June 30, 1968, unless the State makes a satisfactory showing that it is extending the provisions of services, including services for dental care for children and family planning for mothers, to which such State's plan applies in the State with a view to making such services available by July 1, 1975, to children and mothers in all parts of the State. (f) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, no payment shall be made to any State thereunder- (1) with respect to any amount paid for items or services fur- nished under the plan after December 31, 1972, to the extent that such amount exceeds the charge which would be determined to be reasonable for such items or services under the fourth and fifth sentences of section 1842 (b) (3) ; or (2) with respect to any amount paid for services furnished under the plan after December 31, 1972, by a provider or other person during any period of time, if payment may not be made under title XVIII with respect to services furnished by such pro- vider or person during such period of time solely by reason of a determination by the Secretary under section 1862(d) (1) or un- der clause (D), (E), or (F) of section 1866 (b) (2) ; or (3) with respect to any amount expended for inpatient hos- pital services furnished under the plan to the extent that such amount exceeds the hospital's customary charges with respect to Sec. 506(f) 266 such services or (if such services are furnished under the plan by a public institution free of charge or at nominal charges to the public) exceeds an amount determined on the basis of those items (specified in regulations prescribed by the Secretary) included in the determination of such payment which the Secretary finds will provide fair compensation to such institution for such serv- ices; or 1 (4) with respect to any amount expended for services furnished under the plan by a hospital unless such hospital has in effect a utilization review plan which meets the requirement imposed by section 1861 (k) for purposes of title XVIII; and if such hospital has in effect such a utilization review plan for purposes of title XVIII, such plan shall serve as the plan required by this subsec- tion (with the same standards and procedures and the same review committee or group) as a condition of payment under this title; the Secretary is authorized to waive the requirements of this para- graph in any State if the State agency demonstrates to his sat- isfaction that it has in operation utilization review procedures which are superior in their effectiveness to the procedures required under section 1861(k). (g) For limitation on Federal participation for capital expenditures which are out of conformity with a comprehensive plan of a State or areawide planning agency, see section 1122. Operation of State Plans Sec. 507. If the Secretary, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency administering or supervising the ad- ministration of the State plan approved under this title, finds— (1) that the plan has been so changed that it no longer com- plies with the provisions of section 505; or (2) that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with any such provision; the Secretary shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State (or, in his discretion, that payments will be limited to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure), until the Secretary is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. Until he is so satisfied he shall make no further payments to such State (or shall limit payments to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure). Special Project Grants for Maternity and Infant Care Sec. 508. (a) In order to help reduce the incidence of mental retarda- tion and other handicapping conditions caused by complications as- C 267 Sec. 509(a) sociated with childbearing and to help reduce infant and maternal mortality, the Secretary is authorized to make, from the sums avail- able under clause (B) of paragraph (1) of section 502, grants to the State health agency of any State and, with the consent of such agency, to the health agency of any political subdivision of the State, and to any other public or nonprofit private agency, institution, or organiza- tion, to pay not to exceed 75 percent of the cost (exclusive of general agency overhead) of any project for the provision of— (1) necessary health care to prospective mothers (including, after childbirth, health care to mothers and their infants) who have or are likely to have conditions associated with childbearing or are in circumstances which increase the hazards to the health of the mothers or their infants (including those which may cause physical or mental defects in the infants), or (2) necessary health care to infants during their first year of life who have any condition or are in circumstances which in- crease the hazards to their health, or (3) family planning services, but only if the State or local agency determines that the recipient will not otherwise receive such necessary health care or services because he is from a low-income family or for other reasons beyond his control. Acceptance of family planning services provided under a project under this section (and section 512) shall be voluntary on the part of the individual to whom such services are offered and shall not be a pre- requisite to the eligibility for or the receipt of any service under such project. (b) No grant may be made under this section for any project for any period after June 30, 1974. Special Project Grants for Health of School and Preschool Children Sec. 509. (a) In order to promote the health of children and youth of school or preschool age, particularly in areas with concentrations of low-income families, the Secretary is authorized to make, from the sums available under clause (B) of paragraph (1) of section 502, grants to the State health agency of any State and (with the consent of such agency) to the health agency of any political subdivision of the State, to the State agency of the State administering or supervis- ing the administration of the State plan approved under section 505, to any school of medicine (with appropriate participation by a school of dentistry), and to any teaching hospital affiliated with such a school, to pay not to exceed 75 percent of the cost of projects of a comprehen- sive nature for health care and services for children and youth of school age or for preschool children (to help them prepare to start 21-746 O - 78 · 21 Sec. 509(a) 268 school). No project shall be eligible for a grant under this section unless it provides (1) for the coordination of health care and services. provided under it with, and utilization (to the extent feasible) of, other State or local health, welfare, and education programs for such children, (2) for payment of (A) the reasonable cost (as determined in accordance with standards, consistent with section 1122, approved by the Secretary) of inpatient hospital services provided under the project, or (B) if less, the customary charges with respect to such services provided under the project, or (C) if such services are fur- nished under the project by a public institution free of charge or at nominal charges to the public, an amount determined on the basis of those items (specified in regulations prescribed by the Secretary) in- ·cluded in the determination of such reasonable cost which the Secre- tary finds will provide fair compensation to such institution for such services, and (3) that any treatment, correction of defects, or after- care provided under the project is available only to children who would not otherwise receive it because they are from low-income fam- ilies or for other reasons beyond their control; and no such project for children and youth of school age shall be considered to be of a comprehensive nature for purposes of this section unless it includes (subject to the limitation in the preceding provisions of this sentence) at least such screening, diagnosis, preventive services, treatment, cor- rection of defects, and aftercare, both medical and dental, as may be provided for in regulations of the Secretary. (b) No grant may be made under this section for any project for any period after June 30, 1974. Special Project Grants for Dental Health of Children Sec. 510. (a) In order to promote the dental health of children and youth of school or preschool age, particularly in areas with con- centrations of low-income families, the Secretary is authorized to make grants, from the sums available under clause (B) of paragraph (1) of section 502, to the State health agency of any State and (with the consent of such agency) to the health agency of any political subdi- vision of the State, and to any other public or nonprofit private agency, institution, or organization, to pay not to exceed 75 percent of the cost of projects of a comprehensive nature for dental care and services. for children and youth of school age or for preschool children. No project shall be eligible for a grant under this section unless it pro- vides that any treatment, correction of defects, or aftercare provided under the project is available only to children who would not other- wise receive it because they are from low-income families or for other reasons beyond their control, and unless it includes (subject to the limitation of the foregoing provisions of this sentence) at least such 269 Sec. 513(a) I preventive services, treatment, correction of defects, and aftercare, for such age groups, as may be provided in regulations of the Secre- tary. Such projects may also include research looking toward the de- velopment of new methods of diagnosis or treatment, or demonstration of the utilization of dental personnel with various levels of training. (b) No grant may be made under this section for any project for any period after June 30, 1974. Training of Personnel Sec. 511. From the sums available under clause (C) of paragraph (1) or clause (B) of paragraph (2) of section 502, the Secretary is authorized to make grants to public or nonprofit private institutions of higher learning for training personnel for health care and related services for mothers and children, particularly mentally retarded chil- dren and children with multiple handicaps. In making such grants the Secretary shall give special attention to programs providing training at the undergraduate level. Research Projects Relating to Maternal and Child Health Services and Crippled Children's Services Ma Sec. 512. From the sums available under clause (C) of paragraph (1) or clause (B) of paragraph (2) of section 502, the Secretary is authorized to make grants to or jointly financed cooperative arrange- ments with public or other nonprofit institutions of higher learning, and public or nonprofit private agencies and organizations engaged in research or in maternal and child health or crippled children's pro- grams, and contracts with public or nonprofit private agencies and or- ganizations engaged in research or in such programs, for research projects relating to maternal and child health services or crippled children's services which show promise of substantial contribution to the advancement thereof. Effective with respect to grants made and arrangements entered into after June 30, 1968, (1) special emphasis shall be accorded to projects which will help in studying the need for, and the feasibility, costs, and effectiveness of, comprehensive health care programs in which maximum use is made of health personnel with varying levels of training, and in studying methods of training for such programs, and (2) grants under this section may also in- clude funds for the training of health personnel for work in such projects. Administration Sec. 513. (a) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall make such studies and investigations as will promote the efficient administration of this title. Sec. 513(b) 270 (b) Such portion of the appropriations for grants under section 501 as the Secretary may determine, but not exceeding one-half of 1 percent thereof, shall be available for evaluation by the Secretary (directly or by grants or contracts) of the programs for which such appropriations are made and, in the case of allotments from any such appropriation, the amount available for allotments shall be reduced accordingly. - (c) Any agency, institution, or organization shall, if and to the ex- tent prescribed by the Secretary, as a condition to receipt of grants under this title, cooperate with the State agency administering or supervising the administration of the State plan approved under title XIX in the provision of care and services, available under a plan or project under this title, for children eligible therefor under such plan approved under title XIX. Definition Sec. 514. For purposes of this title, a crippled child is an indi- vidual under the age of 21 who has an organic disease, defect, or condition which may hinder the achievement of normal growth and development. Observance of Religious Beliefs Sec. 515. Nothing in this title shall be construed to require any State which has any plan or program approved under, or receiving financial support under, this title to compel any person to undergo any medical screening, examination, diagnosis, or treatment or to accept any other health care or services provided under such plan or program for any purpose (other than for the purpose of discovering and pre- venting the spread of infection or contagious disease or for the purpose of protecting environmental health), if such person objects (or, in case such person is a child, his parent or guardian objects) thereto on religious grounds. Supplemental Allotments Sec. 516. (a) (1) For each fiscal year (commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975), there shall (subject to paragraph (2)) be allotted to each State (from funds appropriated for such fiscal year pursuant to subsection (b)) an amount, which shall be in addition to and available for the same purposes as the allotments of such State (as determined under sections 503 and 504), equal to the excess (if any) of— (A) the amount of the allotment of such State (as determined under sections 503 and 504) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 271 Sec. 516(b) 1973, plus the amounts of any grants to such States under sec- tions 508, 509, and 510, over (B) the amount of the allotment of such State (as determined under sections 503 and 504) for such fiscal year which commences after June 30, 1973. (2) No State shall receive an allotment under this section for any fiscal year, unless such State (in the administration of its State plan, approved under section 505) has in effect arrangements which the Secretary finds will provide for the continuation of appropriate serv- ices to population groups previously receiving services from funds made available (for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974) to such State pursuant to sections 508, 509, and 510. (b)(1)(A) There are (subject to subparagraph (B)) hereby au- thorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year (commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975) such amounts as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to make the allotments authorized under sub- section (a). (B) Nothing contained in subparagraph (A) shall be construed to authorize, for any fiscal year, the appropriation under this sub- section of any amount which is in excess of the amount by which— (i) the amount authorized to be appropriated under section 501 for such year exceeds (ii) the total amounts appropriated pursuant to section 501 for such year. (2) If, for any fiscal years, the total amount appropriated pursu- ant to paragraph (1) is less than the total amount allotted to all States under subsection (a), then the amount of the allotment of each State (as determined under subsection (a)) shall be reduced to an amount which bears the same ratio to the total amount appropriated pursuant to paragraph (1) for such fiscal year as the amount of the allotment of such State (as determined under subsection (a)) bears to the total amount allotted to all States under subsection (a) for such fiscal year. TITLE VI-GRANTS TO STATES FOR SERVICES TO THE AGED, BLIND, OR DISABLED = [Title VI was repealed effective October 1, 1975 by Public Law 93-647. See title XX for social services.] • TITLE VII-ADMINISTRATION Sec. 701. Office of Commissioner of Social Security Sec. 702. Duties of the Secretery__. [ Sec. 703. Expenses of the Secretary_- Sec. 704. Reports Sec. 705. Training Grants for Public Welfare Personnel. Sec. 706. Advisory Council on Social Security--- Sec. 707. Grants for Expansion and Development of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs-- Office of Commissioner of Social Security Section 701. [Superseded by section 4 of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1953. Section 701 provided for an Office of Commissioner for Social Security. Section 4 of the Plan provides: "There shall be in the De- partment a Commissioner of Social Security who shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall perform such functions concerning social security and public welfare as the Secretary may prescribe, and shall receive compensa- tion at the rate now or hereafter fixed by law for grade GS-18 of the general schedule established by the Classification Act of 1949, as amended." Under subsequent legislation (5 U.S.C. 5315 (97)), the posi- tion of Commissioner of Social Security is established at level IV of the Executive Schedule.] រ 1 This table of contents does not appear in the law. Page ¹ 273 273 273 274 274 276 1 277 Duties of the Secretary Sec. 702. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall perform the duties imposed upon him by this Act, shall also have the duty of studying and making recommendations as to the most effective methods of providing economic security through social in- surance, and as to legislation and matters of administrative policy concerning old-age pensions, unemployment compensation, accident compensation, and related subjects. Expenses of the Secretary Sec. 703. The Secretary is authorized to appoint and fix the com- pensation of such officers and employees, and to make such expendi- tures, as may be necessary for carrying out his functions under this Act. Appointments of attorneys and experts may be made without regard to the civil service laws. (273) Sec. 704 274 Reports Sec. 704. The Secretary shall make a full report to Congress, within one hundred and twenty days after the beginning of each regular session, of the administration of the functions with which he is charged under this Act. In addition to the number of copies of such report authorized by other law to be printed, there is hereby author- ized to be printed not more than five thousand copies of such report for use by the Secretary for distribution to Members of Congress and to State and other public or private agencies or organizations participat- ing in or concerned with the social security program.¹ 1 Training Grants for Public Welfare Personnel Sec. 705. (a) In order to assist in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of administration of public assistance programs by increas- ing the number of adequately trained public welfare personnel avail- able for work in public assistance programs, there are hereby author- ized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, the sum of $3,500,000, and for each fiscal year thereafter the sum of $5,000,000. (b) Such portion of the sums appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) for any fiscal year as the Secretary may determine, but not in excess of $1,000,000 in the case of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, and $2,000,000 in the case of any fiscal year thereafter, shall be avail- able for carrying out subsection (f). From the remainder of the sums so appropriated for any fiscal year, the Secretary shall make allot- ments to the States on the basis of (1) population, (2) relative need for trained public welfare personnel, particularly for personnel to provide self-support and self-care services, and (3) financial need. (c) From each State's allotment under subsection (b), the Secre- tary shall from time to time pay to such State its costs of carrying out the purposes of this section through (1) grants to public or other nonprofit institutions of higher learning for training personnel em- ployed or preparing for employment in public assistance programs, (2) special courses of study or seminars of short duration conducted for such personnel by experts hired on a temporary basis for the pur- pose, and (3) establishing and maintaining, directly or through grants to such institutions, fellowships or traineeships for such personnel at such institutions, with such stipends and allowances as may be per- mitted under regulations of the Secretary. Ap (d) Payments pursuant to subsection (c) shall be made in advance on the basis of estimates by the Secretary and adjustments may be made in future payments under this section to take account of over- payments or underpayments in amounts previously paid. 1 Section 704 was amended by section 33 of P.L. 94–273. 275 Sec. 705(f) (e) The amount of any allotment to a State under subsection (b) for any fiscal year which the State certifies to the Secretary will not be required for carrying out the purposes of this section in such State shall be available for reallotment from time to time, on such dates as the Secretary may fix, to other States which the Secretary determines have need in carrying out such purposes for sums in excess of those previously allotted to them under this section and will be able to use such excess amounts during such fiscal year; such reallotments to be made on the basis provided in subsection (b) for the initial allotments to the States. Any amount so reallotted to a State shall be deemed part of its allotment under such subsection. (f) (1) The portion of the sums appropriated for any fiscal year which is determined by the Secretary under the first sentence of sub- section (b) to be available for carrying out this subsection shall be available to enable him to provide (A) directly or through grants to or contracts with public or nonprofit private institutions of higher learning, for training personnel who are employed or preparing for employment in the administration of public assistance programs, (B) directly or through grants to or contracts with public or nonprofit private agencies or institutions, for special courses of study or semi- nars of short duration (not in excess of one year) for training of such personnel, and (C) directly or through grants to or contracts with pub- lic or nonprofit private institutions of higher learning, for establishing and maintaining fellowships or traineeships for such personnel at such institutions, with such stipends and allowances as may be per- mitted by the Secretary. (2) Payments under paragraph (1) may be made in advance on the basis of estimates by the Secretary, or may be made by way of re- imbursement, and adjustments may be made in future payments under this subsection to take account of overpayments or underpayments in amounts previously paid. (3) The Secretary may, to the extent he finds such action to be nec- essary, prescribe requirements to assure that any individual will repay the amount of his fellowship or traineeship received under this sub- section to the extent such individual fails to serve, for the period pre- scribed by the Secretary, with a State or political subdivision thereof, or with the Federal Government, in connection with administration of any State or local public assistance program. The Secretary may relieve any individual of his obligation to so repay, in whole or in part, whenever and to the extent that requirement of such repayment would, in his judgment, be inequitable or would be contrary to the purposes of any of the public welfare programs established by this Act. . Sec. 706(a) 276 Advisory Council on Social Security Sec. 706. (a) During 1969 (but not before February 1, 1969) and every fourth year thereafter (but not before February 1 of such fourth year), the Secretary shall appoint an Advisory Council on Social Security for the purpose of reviewing the status of the Federal Old- Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund in relation to the long-term commitments of the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance program and the programs under parts A and B of title XVIII, and of reviewing the scope of coverage and the ade- quacy of benefits under, and all other aspects of, these programs, in- cluding their impact on the public assistance programs under this Act. (b) Each such Council shall consist of a Chairman and 12 other persons, appointed by the Secretary without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competi- tive service. The appointed members shall, to the extent possible, rep- resent organizations of employers and employees in equal numbers and represent self-employed persons and the public. (c) (1) Any Council appointed hereunder is authorized to engage such technical assistance, including actuarial services, as may be re- quired to carry out its functions, and the Secretary shall, in addition, make available to such Council such secretarial, clerical, and other assistance and such actuarial and other pertinent data prepared by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare as it may require to carry out such functions. - (2) Appointed members of any such Council, while serving on business of the Council (inclusive of travel time) shall receive com- pensation at rates fixed by the Secretary, but not exceeding $100 per day and, while so serving away from their homes or regular places of business, they may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of title 5, United States Code, for persons in the Government employed intermittently. (d) Each such Council shall submit reports (including any in- terim reports such Council may have issued) of its findings and rec- ommendations to the Secretary not later than January 1 of the second year after the year in which it is appointed, and such reports and recommendations shall thereupon be transmitted to the Congress and to the Board of Trustees of each of the Trust Funds. The reports re- quired by this subsection shall include (1) a separate report with respect to the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance program under title II and of the taxes imposed under sections 1401 (a), 3101(a), and 3111(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Revised April 1978 277 Sec. 707(d) (2) a separate report with respect to the hospital insurance program under part A of title XVIII and of the taxes imposed by sections 1401 (b), 3101 (b), and 3111 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and (3) a separate report with respect to the supplementary medical insurance program established by part B of title XVIII and of the financing thereof. After the date of the transmittal to the Congress of the reports required by this subsection, the Council shall cease to exist.¹ Grants for Expansion and Development of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs Sec. 707. (a) There is authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, and $5,000,000 for each of the three succeeding fiscal years, for grants by the Secretary to public or nonprofit private colleges and universities and to accredited grad- uate schools of social work or an association of such schools to meet part of the costs of development, expansion, or improvement of (re- spectively) undergraduate programs in social work and programs for the graduate training of professional social work personnel, in- cluding the costs of compensation of additional faculty and admin- istrative personnel and minor improvements of existing facilities. Not less than one-half of the sums appropriated for any fiscal year under the authority of this subsection shall be used by the Secretary for grants with respect to undergraduate programs. (b) In considering applications for grants under this section, the Secretary shall take into account the relative need in the States for personnel trained in social work and the effect of the grants thereon. (c) Payment of grants under this section may be made (after necessary adjustments on account of previously made overpayments or underpayments) in advance or by way of reimbursement, and on such terms and conditions and in such installments, as the Secretary may determine. - 1 See also sec. 372 of P.L. 95-216 which is printed in this document on p. 816. wal (d) For purposes of this section- (1) the term "graduate school of social work" means a de- partment, school, division, or other administrative unit, in a public or nonprofit private college or university, which provides, primarily or exclusively, a program of education in social work and allied subjects leading to a graduate degree in social work; (2) the term "accredited" as applied to a graduate school of social work refers to a school which is accredited by a body or Sec. 707(d) 278 Revised April 1978 bodies approved for the purpose by the Commissioner of Educa- tion or with respect to which there is evidence satisfactory to the Secretary that it will be so accredited within a reasonable time; and (3) the term "nonprofit" as applied to any college or university refers to a college or university which is a corporation or asso- ciation, or is owned and operated by one or more corporations or associations, no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may lawfully inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. Delivery of Benefit Checks Sec. 708. (a) If the day regularly designated for the delivery of benefit checks under title II or title XVI falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal public holiday (as defined in section 6103 of title 5, United States Code) in any month, the benefit checks which would otherwise be delivered on such day shall be mailed for delivery on the first day preceding such day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal public holiday (as so defined), without regard to whether the delivery of such checks would as a result have to be made before the end of the month for which such checks are issued. (b) If more than the correct amount of payment under title II or XVI is made to any individual as a result of the receipt of a benefit check pursuant to subsection (a) before the end of the month for which such check is issued, no action shall be taken (under section 204 or 1631 (b) or otherwise) to recover such payment or the incor- rect portion thereof." TITLE VIII-TAXES WITH RESPECT TO EMPLOYMENT [Note. The provisions of this title are now contained in, and are superseded by, chapter 21 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.] 1 Section 708 was added by sec. 333 of P.L. 95-216. 1 TITLE IX—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS RELATING TO EMPLOYMENT SECURITY Sec. 901. Employment Security Administration Account. (a) Establishment of Account_ (b) Appropriations to Account. (c) Administrative Expenditures_ (d) Additional Tax Attributable to Reduced Credits_. (e) Revolving Fund_. (f) Determination of Excess and Amount To Be Retained in Employment Security Administration Account_.___. Sec. 902. Transfers Between Federal Unemployment Account and Em- ployment Security Administration Account_ (a) Transfers to Federal Unemployment Account__ (b) Transfers to Employment Security Administration Ac- count (c) Report to the Congress___ Sec. 903. Amounts Transferred to State Accounts__ (a) In General___. (b) Limitations on Transfers_. (c) Use of Transferred Amounts. Sec. 904. Unemployment Trust Fund--- (a) Establishment, etc--- (b) Investments I Sec. 906. Unemployment Compensation Research Program_ Sec. 907. Personnel Training-- Sec. 908. Federal Advisory Council__. I I 1 (c) Sale or Redemption of Obligations_ (d) Treatment of Interest and Proceeds. (e) Separate Book Accounts__. (f) Payments to State Agencies and Railroad Retirement Board I (g) Federal Unemployment Account__. Sec. 905. Extended Unemployment Compensation Account- (a) Establishment of Account.. (b) Transfers to Account__ (c) Transfers to State Accounts.. (d) Advances to Extended Unemployment Compensation Account and Repayment.. 1 This table of contents does not appear in the law. Employment Security Administration Account Page 1 279 279 279 280 282 282 283 285 285 285 285 286 286 286 287 288 288 288 288 288 288 290 290 291 291 291 292 292 292 293 294 Establishment of Account Section 901. (a) There is hereby established in the Unemployment Trust Fund an employment security administration account. Appropriations to Account (b) (1) There is hereby appropriated to the Unemployment Trust Fund for credit to the employment security administration account, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961, and for each fiscal year there- after, an amount equal to 100 per centum of the tax (including inter- (279) Sec. 901(b) 280 est, penalties, and additions to the tax) received during the fiscal year under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act and covered into the Treasury. (2) The amount appropriated by paragraph (1) shall be transferred at least monthly from the general fund of the Treasury to the Unem- ployment Trust Fund and credited to the employment security admin- istration account. Each such transfer shall be based on estimates made by the Secretary of the Treasury of the amounts received in the Treas- ury. Proper adjustments shall be made in the amounts subsequently transferred, to the extent prior estimates (including estimates for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960) were in excess of or were less than the amounts required to be transferred. (3) The Secretary of the Treasury is directed to pay from time to time from the employment security administration account into the Treasury, as repayments to the account for refunding internal revenue collections, amounts equal to all refunds made after June 30, 1960, of amounts received as tax under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (including interest on such refunds). Administrative Expenditures (c) (1) There are hereby authorized to be made available for expend- iture out of the employment security administration account for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and for each fiscal year thereafter- (A) such amounts (not in excess of the applicable limit pro- vided by paragraph (3) and, with respect to clause (ii), not in excess of the limit provided by paragraph (4)) as the Congress may deem appropriate for the purpose of— (i) assisting the States in the administration of their un- employment compensation laws as provided in title III (including administration pursuant to agreements under any Federal unemployment compensation law), (ii) the establishment and maintenance of systems of public employment offices in accordance with the Act of June 6, 1933, as amended (29 U.S.C., secs. 49-49n), and (iii) carrying into effect section 2003 of title 38 of the United States Code; (B) such amounts (not in excess of the limit provided by para- graph (4) with respect to clause (iii)) as the Congress may deem appropriate for the necessary expenses of the Department of Labor for the performance of its functions under- (i) this title and titles III and XII of this Act, (ii) the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, (iii) the provisions of the Act of June 6, 1933, as amended, (iv) chapter 41 (except section 2003) of title 38 of the United States Code, and 281 Sec. 901(c) (v) any Federal unemployment compensation law. The term "necessary expenses" as used in this subparagraph (B) shall include the expense of reimbursing a State for salaries and other expenses of employees of such State temporarily assigned or detailed to duty with the Department of Labor and of paying such employees for travel expenses, transportation of household goods, and per diem in lieu of subsistence while away from their regular duty stations in the State, at rates authorized by law for civilian em- ployees of the Federal Government. (2) The Secretary of the Treasury is directed to pay from the em- ployment security administration account into the Treasury as miscel- laneous receipts the amount estimated by him which will be expended during a three-month period by the Treasury Department for the performance of its functions under- (A) this title and titles III and XII of this Act, including the expenses of banks for servicing unemployment benefit payment and clearing accounts which are offset by the maintenance of balances of Treasury funds with such banks, (B) the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, and (C) any Federal unemployment compensation law with re- spect to which responsibility for administration is vested in the Secretary of Labor. If it subsequently appears that the estimates under this paragraph in any particular period were too high or too low, appropriate adjust- ments shall be made by the Secretary of the Treasury in future payments. (3)(A) For purposes of paragraph (1)(A), the limitation on the amount authorized to be made available for any fiscal year after June 30, 1970, is, except as provided in subparagraph (B) and in the second sentence of section 901(f) (3) (A), an amount equal to 95 per- cent of the amount estimated and set forth in the budget of the United States Government for such fiscal year as the amount by which the net receipts during such year under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act will exceed the amount transferred under section 905 (b) during such year to the extended unemployment compensation account. (B) The limitation established by subparagraph (A) is increased by any unexpended amount retained in the employment security ad- ministration account in accordance with section 901(f) (2) (B). (C) Each estimate of net receipts under this paragraph shall be based upon (i) a tax rate of 0.5 percent in the case of any calendar year for which the rate of tax under section 3301 of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act is 3.2 percent, and (ii) a tax rate of 0.7 per- cent in the case of any calendar year for which the rate of tax under such section 3301 is 3.4 percent.¹ 1 Subparagraph (C) was amended by section 211(e)(1) of P.L. 94–566. Sec. 901(c) 282 (4) For purposes of paragraphs (1)(A)(ii) and (1)(B) (iii) the amount authorized to be made available out of the employment security administration account for any fiscal year after June 30, 1972, shall reflect the proportion of the total cost of administering the sys- tem of public employment offices in accordance with the Act of June 6, 1933, as amended, and of the necessary expenses of the Department of Labor for the performance of its functions under the provisions of such Act, as the President determines is an appropriate charge to the employment security administration account, and reflects in his annual budget for such year. The President's determination, after consulta- tion with the Secretary, shall take into account such factors as the relationship between employment subject to State laws and the total labor force in the United States, the number of claimants and the number of job applicants, and such other factors as he finds relevant. Additional Tax Attributable to Reduced Credits (d) (1) The Secretary of the Treasury is directed to transfer from the employment security administration account— (A) To the Federal unemployment account, an amount equal to the amount by which- (i) 100 per centum of the additional tax received under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act with respect to any State by reason of the reduced credits provisions of section 3302(c)(3) of such Act and covered into the Treasury for the repayment of advances made to the State under section 1201, exceeds (ii) the amount transferred to the account of such State pursuant to subparagraph (B) of this paragraph. Any amount transferred pursuant to this subparagraph shall be credited against, and shall operate to reduce, that balance of advances, made under section 1201 to the State, with respect to which employers paid such additional tax. (B) To the account (in the Unemployment Trust Fund) of the State with respect to which employers paid such additional tax an amount equal to the amount by which such additional tax received and covered into the Treasury exceeds that balance of advances, made under section 1201 to the State, with respect to which employers paid such additional tax. (2) Transfers under this subsection shall be as of the beginning of the month succeeding the month in which the moneys were credited to the employment security administration account pursuant to subsec- tion (b)(2). Revolving Fund (e) (1) There is hereby established in the Treasury a revolving fund which shall be available to make the advances authorized by this sub- 283 Sec. 901(f) section. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated, without fiscal year limitation, to such revolving fund such amounts as may be neces- sary for the purposes of this section. (2) The Secretary of the Treasury is directed to advance from time to time from the revolving fund to the employment security admin- istration account such amounts as may be necessary for the purposes of this section. If the net balance in the employment security adminis- tration account as of the beginning of any fiscal year equals 40 percent of the amount of the total appropriation by the Congress out of the employment security administration account for the preceding fiscal year, no advance may be made under this subsection during such fiscal year. (3) Advances to the employment security administration account. made under this subsection shall bear interest until repaid at a rate equal to the average rate of interest (computed as of the end of the calendar month next preceding the date of such advance) borne by all interest-bearing obligations of the United States then forming a part of the public debt; except that where such average rate is not a mul- tiple of one-eighth of 1 per centum, the rate of interest shall be the multiple of one-eighth of 1 per centum next lower than such average rate. (4) Advances to the employment security administration account made under this subsection, plus interest accrued thereon, shall be repaid by the transfer from time to time, from the employment security administration account to the revolving fund, of such amounts as the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, determines to be available in the employment security ad- ministration account for such repayment. Any amount transferred as a repayment under this paragraph shall be credited against, and shall operate to reduce, any balance of advances (plus accrued inter- est) repayable under this subsection. Determination of Excess Amount To Be Retained in Employment Security Administration Account (f) (1) The Secretary of the Treasury shall determine as of the close of each fiscal year (beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961) the excess in the employment security administration account. (2) (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the excess in the employment security administration account as of the close of any fiscal year is the amount by which the net balance in such account as of such time (after the application of section 902 (b) and section 901 (f) (3)(C)) exceeds the net balance in the employment security ad- ministration account as of the beginning of that fiscal year (includ- ing the fiscal year for which the excess is being computed) for which 21-746 O 78 22 - - Sec. 901(f) 284 the net balance was higher than as of the beginning of any other such fiscal year. (B) With respect to the fiscal years ending June 30, 1970, June 30, 1971, and June 30, 1972, the balance in the employment security administration account at the close of each such fiscal year shall not be considered excess but shall be retained in the account for use as provided in paragraph (1) of subsection (c). (3) (A) The excess determined as provided in paragraph (2) as of the close of any fiscal year after June 30, 1972, shall be retained (as of the beginning of the succeeding fiscal year) in the employment secu- rity administration account until the amount in such account is equal to 40 percent of the amount of the total appropriation by the Congress out of the employment security administration account for the fiscal year for which the excess is determined. Three-eighths of the amount in the employment security administration account as of the beginning of any fiscal year after June 30, 1972, or $150 million, whichever is the lesser, is authorized to be made available for such fiscal year pursuant to subsection (c) (1) for additional costs of administration due to an increase in the rate of insured unemployment for a calendar quarter of at least 15 percent over the rate of insured unemployment for the corresponding calendar quarter in the immediately preceding year.¹ 1 (B) If the entire amount of the excess determined as provided in paragraph (2) as of the close of any fiscal year after June 30, 1972, is not retained in the employment security administration account, there shall be transferred (as of the beginning of the succeeding fiscal year) to the extended unemployment compensation account the balance of such excess or so much thereof as is required to increase the amount in the extended unemployment compensation account to the limit pro- vided in section 905 (b) (2). (C) If as of the close of any fiscal year after June 30, 1972, the amount in the extended unemployment compensation account exceeds the limit provided in section 905(b)(2), such excess shall be trans- ferred to the employment security administration account as of the close of such fiscal year. (4) For the purposes of this section, the net balance in the employ- ment security administration account as of any time is the amount in such account as of such time reduced by the sum of— (A) the amounts then subject to transfer pursuant to subsec- tion (d), and (B) the balance of advances (plus interest accrued thereon) then repayable to the revolving fund established by subsection (e). 1 Subparagraph (A) was amended by section 39 of P.L. 94-273. 285 Sec. 902(c) The net balance in the employment security administration account as of the beginning of any fiscal year shall be determined after the disposition of the excess in such account as of the close of the preced- ing fiscal year. Transfers Between Federal Unemployment Account and Employment Security Administration Account Transfers to Federal Unemployment Account Sec. 902. (a) Whenever the Secretary of the Treasury determines pursuant to section 901 (f) that there is an excess in the employment security administration account as of the close of any fiscal year and the entire amount of such excess is not retained in the employment security administration account or transferred to the extended un- employment compensation account as provided in section 901 (f) (3), there shall be transferred (as of the beginning of the succeeding fiscal year) to the Federal unemployment account the balance of such ex- cess or so much thereof as is required to increase the amount in the Federal unemployment account to whichever of the following is the greater: (1) $550 million, or (2) the amount (determined by the Secretary of Labor and certified by him to the Secretary of the Treasury) equal to one- eighth of 1 percent of the total wages subject (determined with- out any information on amount) to contributions under all State unemployment compensation laws for the calendar year ending during the fiscal year for which the excess is determined. Transfers to Employment Security Administration Account (b) The amount, if any, by which the amount in the Federal un- employment account as of the close of any fiscal year exceeds the greater of the amounts specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of sub- section (a) shall be transferred to the employment security adminis- tration account as of the close of such fiscal year. Report to the Congress (c) Whenever the Secretary of Labor has reason to believe that in the next fiscal year the employment security administration ac- count will reach the limit provided for such account in section 901 (f) (3) (A), and the Federal unemployment account will reach the limit provided for such account in section 902 (a), and the extended unem- ployment compensation account will reach the limit provided for such account in section 905 (b) (2), he shall, after consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, so report to the Congress with a recom- mendation for appropriate action by the Congress. Sec. 903(a) 286 Amounts Transferred to State Accounts In General Sec. 903. (a) (1) If as of the close of any fiscal year after the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, the amount in the extended unem- ployment compensation account has reached the limit provided in sec- tion 905 (b) (2) and the amount in the Federal unemployment account has reached the limit provided in section 902 (a) and all advances pur- suant to section 905 (d) and section 1203 have been repaid, and there remains in the employment security administration account any amount over the amount provided in section 901 (f) (3) (A), such ex- cess amount, except as provided in subsection (b), shall be transferred (as of the beginning of the succeeding fiscal year) to the accounts of the States in the Unemployment Trust Fund. - (2) Each State's share of the funds to be transferred under this subsection as of any October 1- (A) shall be determined by the Secretary of Labor and certi- fied by him to the Secretary of the Treasury before that date on the basis of reports furnished by the States to the Secretary of Labor before September 1, and (B) shall bear the same ratio to the total amount to be so transferred as the amount of wages subject to contributions under such State's unemployment compensation law during the preced- ing calendar year which have been reported to the State before August 1 bears to the total of wages subject to contributions under all State unemployment compensation laws during such calendar year which have been reported to the States before August 1.¹ gol Limitation on Transfers (b) (1) If the Secretary of Labor finds that on October 1 of any fiscal year- (A) a State is not eligible for certification under section 303, or (B) the law of a State is not approvable under section 3304 of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, then the amount available for transfer to such State's account shall, in lieu of being so transferred, be transferred to the Federal unem- ployment account as of the beginning of such October 1. If, during the fiscal year beginning on such October 1, the Secretary of Labor finds. and certifies to the Secretary of the Treasury that such State is eligible for certification under section 303, that the law of such State is ap- provable under such section 3304, or both, the Secretary of the Treasury 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by sections 2(20), 3(23) and 23 of P.L. 94–273. 287 Sec. 903(c) shall transfer such amount from the Federal unemployment account to the account of such State. If the Secretary of Labor does not so find and certify to the Secretary of the Treasury before the close of such fiscal year then the amount which was available for transfer to such State's account as of October 1 of such fiscal year shall (as of the close of such fiscal year) become unrestricted as to use as part of the Federal unemployment account.¹ 1 (2) The amount which, but for this paragraph, would be trans- ferred to the account of a State under subsection (a) or paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be reduced (but not below zero) by the balance of advances made to the State under section 1201. The sum by which such amount is reduced shall- (A) be transferred to or retained in (as the case may be) the Federal unemployment account, and (B) be credited against, and operate to reduce (i) first, any balance of advances made before the date of the enactment of the Employment Security Act of 1960 to the State under section 1201, and (ii) second, any balance of advances made on or after such date to the State under section 1201. (3) [Repealed.] Use of Transferred Amounts (c) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), amounts transferred to the account of a State pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) shall be used only in the payment of cash benefits to individuals with respect to their unemployment, exclusive of expenses of administration. (2) A State may, pursuant to a specific appropriation made by the legislative body of the State, use money withdrawn from its account in the payment of expenses incurred by it for the administration of its unemployment compensation law and public employment offices if and only if— (A) the purposes and amounts were specified in the law mak- ing the appropriation, (B) the appropriation law did not authorize the obligation of such money after the close of the two-year period which began on the date of enactment of the appropriation law, (C) the money is withdrawn and the expenses are incurred after such date of enactment, and (D) the appropriation law limits the total amount which may be obligated during a twelve-month period (as prescribed in the law of the State), or during a transitional period of less than ¹ Paragraph (1) was amended by section 3(23) of P.L. 94–273. Sec. 903(c) 288 twelve months caused by a change in the twelve-month period (as prescribed in the law of the State), to an amount which does not exceed the amount by which (i) the aggregate of the amounts transferred to the account of such State pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) during such twelve-month period or transitional period of less than twelve months and the twenty-four preceding twelve-month periods (including the transitional period of less than twelve months if it is within such twenty-four twelve-month periods) exceeds (ii) the aggregate of the amounts used by the State pursuant to this subsection and charged against the amounts transferred to the account of such State during such twenty-four twelve-month periods (and the transitional period of less than twelve months if it is within the twenty-four twelve-month periods). For the purposes of subparagraph (D), amounts used by a State during any twelve-month period or transitional period of less than twelve months shall be charged against equivalent amounts which were transferred and which have not previously been so charged; except that no amount obligated for administration during any such period may be charged against any amount transferred during a twelve-month period or transitional period of less than twelve months earlier than the twenty-fourth preceding twelve-month period (in- cluding the transitional period of less than twelve months if it is within such twenty-four twelve-month periods).¹ Unemployment Trust Fund Establishment, etc. Sec. 904. (a) There is hereby established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the "Unemployment Trust Fund", hereinafter in this title called the "Fund". The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to receive and hold in the Fund all moneys deposited therein by a State agency from a State unemployment fund, or by the Railroad Retirement Board to the credit of the railroad unemployment insurance account or the railroad unemployment insurance administration fund, or otherwise deposited in or credited to the Fund or any account therein. Such deposit may be made directly with the Secretary of the Treasury, with any de- positary designated by him for such purpose, or with any Federal Reserve Bank. Investments (b) It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to invest such portion of the Fund as is not, in his judgment, required to meet 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by section 41 of P.L. 94–273. 289 Sec. 904(e) current withdrawals. Such investments may be made only in interest- bearing obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States. For such pur- pose such obligations may be acquired (1) on original issue at the issue price, or (2) by purchase of outstanding obligations at the market price. The purposes for which obligations of the United States may be issued under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, are hereby extended to authorize the issuance at par of special obliga- tions exclusively to the Fund. Such special obligations shall bear in- terest at a rate equal to the average rate of interest, computed as of the end of the calendar month next preceding the date of such issue, borne by all interest-bearing obligations of the United States then forming part of the public debt; except that where such average rate is not a multiple of one-eighth of 1 per centum, the rate of interest of such special obligations shall be the multiple of one-eighth of 1 per centum next lower than such average rate. Obligations other than such special obligations may be acquired for the Fund only on such terms as to provide an investment yield not less than the yield which would be required in the case of special obligations if issued to the Fund upon the date of such acquisition. Advances made to the Federal un- employment account pursuant to section 1203 shall not be invested. Sale or Redemption of Obligations (c) Any obligations acquired by the Fund (except special obliga- tions issued exclusively to the Fund) may be sold at the market price, and such special obligations may be redeemed at par plus accrued interest. Treatment of Interest and Proceeds (d) The interest on, and the proceeds from the sale or redemption of, any obligations held in the Fund shall be credited to and form a part of the Fund. Separate Book Accounts (e) The Fund shall be invested as a single fund, but the Secretary of the Treasury shall maintain a separate book account for each State agency, the employment security administration account, the Federal unemployment account, the railroad unemployment insurance account, and the railroad unemployment insurance administration fund and shall credit quarterly (on March 31, June 30, September 30, and De- cember 31, of each year) to each account, on the basis of the average daily balance of such account, a proportionate part of the earnings of the Fund for the quarter ending on such date. For the purpose of this subsection the average daily balance shall be computed- (1) in the case of any State account, by reducing (but not below K Sec. 904(e) 290 zero) the amount in the account by the balance of advances made to the State under section 1201, and (2) in the case of the Federal unemployment account- (A) by adding to the amount in the account the aggregate of the reductions under paragraph (1), and (B) by subtracting from the sum so obtained the balance of advances made under section 1203 to the account. Payments to State Agencies and Railroad Retirement Board (f) The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay out of the Fund to any State agency such amount as it may duly requisition, not exceeding the amount standing to the account of such State agency at the time of such payment. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to make such payments out of the railroad unemployment insurance account for the payment of bene- fits, and out of the railroad unemployment insurance administration fund for the payment of administrative expenses, as the Railroad Retirement Board may duly certify, not exceeding the amount stand- ing to the credit of such account or such fund, as the case may be, at the time of such payment. Federal Unemployment Account (g) There is hereby established in the Unemployment Trust Fund a Federal unemployment account. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to such Federal unemployment account a sum equal to (1) the excess of taxes collected prior to July 1, 1946, under title IX of this Act or under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, over the total unemployment administrative expenditures made prior to July 1, 1946, plus (2) the excess of taxes collected under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act after June 30, 1946, and prior to July 1, 1953, over the unemployment administrative expenditure made after June 30, 1946, and prior to July 1, 1953. As used in this subsection, the term "unemployment administrative expenditures" means expendi- tures for grants under title III of this Act, expenditures for the administration of that title by the Social Security Board, the Federal Security Administrator, or the Secretary of Labor, and expenditures for the administration of title IX of this Act, or of the Federal Un- employment Tax Act, by the Department of the Treasury, the Social Security Board, the Federal Security Administrator, or the Secretary of Labor. For the purposes of this subsection, there shall be deducted from the total amount of taxes collected prior to July 1, 1943, under title IX of this Act, the sum of $40,561,886.43 which was authorized to be appropriated by the Act of August 24, 1937 (50 Stat. 754), and 291 Sec. 905(b) the sum of $18,451,846 which was authorized to be appropriated by section 11(b) of the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. Extended Unemployment Compensation Account Establishment of Account Sec. 905. (a) There is hereby established in the Unemployment Trust Fund an extended unemployment compensation account. For the purposes provided for in section 904(e), such account shall be maintained as a separate book account. Transfers to Account (b) (1) Except as provided by paragraph (3), the Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer (as of the close of July 1970, and each month thereafter), from the employment security administration ac- count to the extended unemployment compensation account estab- lished by subsection (a), an amount determined by him to be equal, in the case of any month before April 1972, to one-fifth, and in the case of any month after March 1972, to one-tenth, of the amount by which- (A) transfers to the employment security administration ac- count pursuant to section 901 (b) (2) during such month, exceed (B) payments during such month from the employment secu- rity administration account pursuant to section 901 (b) (3) and (d). If for any such month the payments referred to in subparagraph (B) exceed the transfers referred to in subparagraph (A), proper adjust- ments shall be made in the amounts subsequently transferred. In the case of any month after March 1973 and before April of the first calendar year to which paragraph (2) of section 3301 of the Federal Unemployment Tax Act applies, the first sentence of this paragraph shall be applied by substituting "five-fourteenths" for "one-tenth.” ¹ (2) Whenever the Secretary of the Treasury determines pursuant to section 901(f) that there is an excess in the employment security administration account as of the close of any fiscal year beginning after June 30, 1972, there shall be transferred (as of the beginning of the succeeding fiscal year) to the extended unemployment com- pensation account the total amount of such excess or so much thereof as is required to increase the amount in the extended unemployment compensation account to whichever of the following is the greater: (A) $750,000,000, or (B) the amount (determined by the Secretary of Labor and certified by him to the Secretary of the Treasury) equal to one- eighth of 1 percent of the total wages subject (determined with- 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by section 211(e) (2) of P.L. 94-566. Sec. 905(b) 292 out any limitation on amount) to contributions under all State unemployment compensation laws for the calendar year ending during the fiscal year for which the excess is determined. (3) The Secretary of the Treasury shall make no transfer pursuant to paragraph (1) as of the close of any month if he determines that the amount in the extended unemployment compensation account is equal to (or in excess of) the limitation provided in paragraph (2). Transfers to State Accounts (c) Amounts in the extended unemployment compensation account shall be available for transfer to the accounts of the States in the Un- employment Trust Fund as provided in section 204 (e) of the Federal- State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970. Advances to Extended Unemployment Compensation Account and Repayment (d) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated, without fiscal year limitation, to the extended unemployment compensation account, as repayable advances (without interest), such sums as may be neces- sary to carry out the purposes of the Federal-State Extended Un- employment Compensation Act of 1970. Amounts appropriated as repayable advances shall be repaid, without interest, by transfers from the extended unemployment compensation account to the gen- eral fund of the Treasury, at such times as the amount in the extended unemployment compensation account is determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, to be adequate for such purpose. Any amount transferred as a repayment under this subsection shall be credited against, and shall operate to reduce, any balance of advances repayable under this subsection. Unemployment Compensation Research Program Sec. 906. (a) The Secretary of Labor shall- (1) establish a continuing and comprehensive program of research to evaluate the unemployment compensation system. Such research shall include, but not be limited to, a program of factual studies covering the role of unemployment compensation under varying patterns of unemployment including those in sea- sonal industries, the relationship between the unemployment compensation and other social insurance programs, the effect of State eligibility and disqualification provisions, the personal characteristics, family situations, employment background and experience of claimants, with the results of such studies to be made public; and (2) establish a program of research to develop information (which shall be made public) as to the effect and impact of ex- 293 Sec. 907(c) tending coverage to excluded groups with first attention to agri- cultural labor. (b) To assist in the establishment and provide for the continua- tion of the comprehensive research program relating to the unem- ployment compensation system, there are hereby authorized to be ap- propriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and for each fiscal year thereafter, such sums, not to exceed $8,000,000, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. From the sums authorized to be appropriated by this subsection the Secretary may provide for the conduct of such research through grants or contracts. Personnel Training Sec. 907. (a) In order to assist in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of administration of the unemployment compensation program by increasing the number of adequately trained personnel, the Secretary of Labor shall- (1) provide directly, through State agencies, or through con- tracts with institutions of higher education or other qualified agencies, organizations, or institutions, programs and courses de- signed to train individuals to prepare them, or improve their qual- ifications, for service in the administration of the unemployment compensation program, including claims determinations and ad- judication, with such stipends and allowances as may be permitted under regulations of the Secretary; (2) develop training materials for and provide technical assist- ance to the State agencies in the operation of their training programs; (3) under such regulations as he may prescribe, award fellow- ships and traineeships to persons in the Federal-State employ- ment security agencies, in order to prepare them or improve their qualifications for service in the administration of the unemploy- ment compensation program. ▸ (b) The Secretary may, to the extent that he finds such action to be necessary, prescribe requirements to assure that any person receiv- ing a fellowship, traineeship, stipend or allowance shall repay the costs thereof to the extent that such person fails to serve in the Federal- State employment security program for the period prescribed by the Secretary. The Secretary may relieve any individual of his obligation to so repay, in whole or in part, whenever and to the extent that such repayment would, in his judgment, be inequitable or would be con- trary to the purposes of any of the programs established by this section. (c) The Secretary, with the concurrence of the State, may detail Federal employees to State unemployment compensation administra- Sec. 907(c) 294 tion and the Secretary may concur in the detailing of State employees to the United States Department of Labor for temporary periods for training or for purposes of unemployment compensation administra- tion, and the provisions of section 507 of the Elementary and Second- ary Education Act of 1965 (79 Stat. 27) or any more general program of interchange enacted by a law amending, supplementing or replac- ing section 507 shall apply to any such assignment. (d) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and for each fiscal year thereafter such sums, not to exceed $5,000,000, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. Federal Advisory Council Sec. 908. (a) The Secretary of Labor shall establish a Federal Advisory Council, of not to exceed 16 members including the chair- man, for the purpose of reviewing the Federal-State program of un- employment compensation and making recommendations to him for improvement of the system. (b) The Council shall be appointed by the Secretary without regard to the civil service laws and shall consist of men and women who shall be representatives of employers and employees in equal numbers, and the public. (c) The Secretary may make available to the Council an Executive Secretary and secretarial, clerical, and other assistance, and such perti- nent data prepared by the Department of Labor, as it may require to carry out its functions. (d) Members of the Council shall, while serving on business of the Council, be entitled to receive compensation at rates fixed by the Sec- retary, but not exceeding $100 per day, including travel time; and while so serving away from their homes or regular places of business, they may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 5703 (b) for persons in govern- ment service employed intermittently. (e) The Secretary shall encourage the organization of similar State advisory councils. (f) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and for each fiscal year thereafter such sums, not to exceed $100,000, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. TITLE X-GRANTS TO STATES FOR AID TO THE BLIND¹ Sec. 1001. Appropriation_ Sec. 1002. State Plans for Aid to the Blind_ Sec. 1003. Payment to States-- Sec. 1004. Operation of State Plans__ T 1 1 ││ | T I 1 Page 295 295 297 302 302 302 Sec. 1005. Appropriation for Administration_ Sec. 1006. Definition of "Aid to the Blind". Appropriation Section 1001. For the purpose of enabling each State to furnish financial assistance, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to needy individuals who are blind and of encouraging each State, as far as practicable under such conditions, to furnish rehabili- tation and other services to help such individuals attain or retain. capability for self-support or self-care, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this title. The sums made available under this section shall be used for making payments to States which have submitted, and had approved by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Wel- fare, State plans for aid to the blind. State Plans for Aid to the Blind Sec. 1002. (a) A State plan for aid to the blind must (1) except to the extent permitted by the Secretary with respect to services, pro- vide that it shall be in effect in all political subdivisions of the State, and, if administered by them, be mandatory upon them; (2) provide for financial participation by the State; (3) either provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to administer the plan, or provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to supervise the administration of the plan; (4) provide (A) for granting an opportunity for a fair hearing before the State agency to any individual whose claim for aid to the blind is denied or is not acted upon with reasonable promptness, and (B) that if the State plan is administered in each of the political subdivisions of the State by a local agency and such local agency provides a hearing at which evi- dence may be presented prior to a hearing before the State agency, 1 P.L. 92-603, sec. 303 repealed title X effective January 1, 1974, but such repeal does not apply to Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. * This table of contents does not appear in the law. (295) Sec. 1002(a) 296 such local agency may put into effect immediately upon issuance its decision upon the matter considered at such hearing; (5) provide (A) such methods of administration (including after January 1, 1940, methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards on a merit basis, except that the Secretary shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, and compensa- tion of any individual employed in accordance with such methods) as are found by the Secretary to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan, and (B) for the training and effective use of paid subprofessional staff, with particular emphasis on the full-time or part-time employment of recipients and other persons of low-in- come, as community service aides, in the administration of the plan and for the use of nonpaid or partially paid volunteers in a social service volunteer program in providing services to applicants and re- cipients and in assisting any advisory committees established by the State agency; (6) provide that the State agency will make such re- ports, in such form and containing such information, as the Secretary may from time to time require, and comply with such provisions as the Secretary may from time to time find necessary to assure the cor- rectness and verification of such reports; and (7) provide that no aid will be furnished any individual under the plan with respect to any period with respect to which he is receiving old-age assistance under the State plan approved under section 2 of this Act or aid to families with dependent children under the State plan approved under section 402 of this Act; (8) provide that the State agency shall, in determin- ing need, take into consideration any other income and resources of the individual claiming aid to the blind, as well as any expenses reason- ably attributable to the earning of any such income, except that, in making such determination, the State agency (A) shall disregard the first $85 per month of earned income, plus one-half of earned income in excess of $85 per month, (B) shall, for a period not in excess of twelve months, and may, for a period not in excess of thirty-six months, disregard such additional amounts of other income and resources, in the case of an individual who has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the State agency, as may be necessary for the fulfillment of such plan, and (C) may, before disregarding the amounts referred to in clauses (A) and (B), disregard not more than $7.50 of any income; (9) provide safeguards which permit the use or disclosure of information concerning applicants or recipients only (A) to public officials who require such information in connection with their official duties, or (B) to other persons for purposes directly connected with the administration of the State plan; (10) provide that, in determin- ing whether an individual is blind, there shall be an examination by a physician skilled in diseases of the eye or by an optometrist, which- ever the individual may select; (11) effective July 1, 1951, provide that 297 Sec. 1003 (a) all individuals wishing to make application for aid to the blind shall have opportunity to do so, and that aid to the blind shall be furnished with reasonable promptness to all eligible individuals; (12) effective July 1, 1953, provide, if the plan includes payments to individuals in private or public institutions, for the establishment or designation of a State authority or authorities which shall be responsible for establish- ing and maintaining standards for such institutions; and (13) provide a description of the services (if any) which the State agency makes available (using whatever internal organizational arrangement it finds appropriate for this purpose) to applicants for and recipients of aid to the blind to help them attain self-support or self-care, including a description of the steps taken to assure, in the provision of such serv- ices, maximum utilization of other agencies providing similar or re- lated services. (b) The Secretary shall approve any plan which fulfills the condi- tions specified in subsection (a), except that he shall not approve any plan which imposes, as a condition of eligibility for aid to the blind under the plan- - (1) Any residence requirement which excludes any resident of the State who has resided therein five years during the nine years immediately preceding the application for aid and has resided therein continuously for one year immediately preceding the ap- plication; or (2) Any citizenship requirement which excludes any citizen of the United States. At the option of the State, the plan may pro- vide that manuals and other policy issuances will be furnished to persons without charge for the reasonable cost of such materials, but such provision shall not be required by the Secretary as a condition for the approval of such plan under this title. In the case of any State (other than Puerto Rico and the Virgin Is- lands) which did not have on January 1, 1949, a State plan for aid to the blind approved under this title, the Secretary shall approve a plan of such State for aid to the blind for purposes of this title, even though it does not meet the requirements of clause (8) of subsection (a) of this section, if it meets all other requirements of this title for an approved plan for aid to the blind; but payments under section 1003 shall be made, in the case of any such plan, only with respect to expenditures thereunder which would be included as expenditures for the purposes of section 1003 under a plan approved under this sec- tion without regard to the provisions of this sentence. Payments to States Sec. 1003. (a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to each State which has an approved plan for Sec. 1003 (a) 298 aid to the blind, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter commenc- ing October 1, 1958— (1) in the case of any State other than Puerto Rico, the Vir- gin Islands, and Guam, an amount equal to the sum of the fol- lowing proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as aid to the blind under the State plan (including ex- penditures for premiums under part B of title XVIII for indi- viduals who are recipients of money payments under such plan and other insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof)- (A) 3137 of such expenditures, not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds the product of $37 multiplied by the total number of recipients of aïd to the blind for such month (which total number, for purposes of this subsection, means (i) the number of indi- viduals who received aid to the blind in the form of money payments for such month, plus (ii) the number of other in- dividuals with respect to whom expenditures were made in such month as aid to the blind in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care); plus (B) the Federal percentage of the amount by which such expenditures exceed the maximum which may be counted under clause (A), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds the product of $75 multiplied by the total number of such recipients of aid to the blind for such month; and (2) in the case of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam an amount equal to one-half of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as aid to the blind under the State plan (in- cluding expenditures for premiums under part B of title XVIII for individuals who are recipients of money payments under such plan and other insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds $37.50 multi- plied by the total number of recipients of aid to the blind for such month; and (3) in the case of any State whose State plan approved under section 1002 meets the requirements of subsection (c) (1) an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan- (A) 75 per centum of so much of such expenditures as are for- 299 Sec. 1003 (a) (i) services which are prescribed pursuant to subsec- tion (c)(1) and are provided (in accordance with the next sentence) to applicants for or recipients of aid to the blind to help them attain or retain capability for self- support or self-care, or (ii) other services, specified by the Secretary as likely to prevent or reduce dependency, so provided to such applicants or recipients, or 21-746 O - 78 (iv) the training (including both short- and long-term training at educational institutions through grants to such institutions or by direct financial assistance to stu- dents enrolled in such institutions) of personnel em- ployed or preparing for employment by the State agency or by the local agency administering the plan in the po- litical subdivision; plus (B) one-half of so much of such expenditures (not in- cluded under subparagraph (A)) as are for services provided (in accordance with the next sentence) to applicants for or recipients of aid to the blind, and to individuals requesting such services who (within such period or periods as the Secre- tary may prescribe) have been or are likely to become appli- cants for or recipients of such aid; plus 23 (iii) any of the services prescribed pursuant to sub- section (c) (1), and of the services specified as provided in clause (ii), which the Secretary may specify as ap- propriate for individuals who, within such period or periods as the Secretary may prescribe, have been or are likely to become applicants for or recipients of aid to the blind, if such services are requested by such individ- uals and are provided to such individuals in accordance with the next sentence, or (C) one-half of the remainder of such expenditures. The services referred to in subparagraph (A) and (B) shall, ex- cept to the extent specified by the Secretary, include only— (D) services provided by the staff of the State agency, or of the local agency administering the State plan in the political subdivision: Provided, That no funds authorized under this title shall be available for services defined as voca- tional rehabilitation services under the Vocational Rehabili- tation Act (i) which are available to individuals in need of them under programs for their rehabilitation carried on under a State plan approved under such Act, or (ii) which the State agency or agencies administering or supervising Sec. 1003 (a) 300 the administration of the State plan approved under such Act are able and willing to provide if reimbursed for the cost thereof pursuant to agreement under subparagraph (E), if provided by such staff, and (E) prescribed by the Secretary, under conditions which shall be services which in the judgment of the State agency cannot be as economically or as effectively provided by the staff of such State or local agency and are not otherwise rea- sonably available to individuals in need of them, and which are provided, pursuant to agreement with the State agency, by the State health authority or the State agency or agencies administering or supervising the administration of the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services approved under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act or by any other State agency which the Secretary may determine to be appropriate (whether provided by its staff or by contract with public (local) or nonprofit private agencies); except that services described in clause (ii) of subparagraph (D) hereof may be provided only pursuant to agreement with such State agency or agencies administering or supervising the admin- istration of the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services. so approved. The portion of the amount expended for administra- tion of the State plan to which subparagraph (A) applies and the portion thereof to which subparagraphs (B) and (C) apply shall be determined in accordance with such methods and pro- cedures as may be permitted by the Secretary; and (4) in the case of any State whose State plan approved under section 1002 does not meet the requirements of subsection (c) (1), an amount equal to one-half of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan, including services referred to in paragraph (3) and provided in accordance with the provisions of such paragraph. (b) The method of computing and paying such amounts shall be as follows: (1) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall, prior to the beginning of each quarter, estimate the amount to be paid to the State for such quarter under the provisions of subsec- tion (a), such estimate to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be expended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions of such subsection, and stating the amount appropriated or made available by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures in such quarter, and if such amount is less than the State's proportionate 301 Sec. 1003 (c) share of the total sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, (B) records showing the number of blind individuals in the State, and (C) such other investigation as the Secretary may find necessary. (2) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall then certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount so esti- mated by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, (A) reduced or increased, as the case may be, by any sum by which the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare finds that his esti- mate for any prior quarter was greater or less than the amount which should have been paid to the State under subsection (a) for such quarter, and (B) reduced by a sum equivalent to the pro rata share to which the United States is equitably entitled, as deter- mined by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, of the net amount recovered during a prior quarter by the State or any political subdivision thereof with respect to aid to the blind fur- nished under the State plan; except that such increases or reduc- tions shall not be made to the extent that such sums have been applied to make the amount certified for any prior quarter greater or less than the amount estimated by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for such prior quarter: Provided, That any part of the amount recovered from the estate of a deceased recipient which is not in excess of the amount expended by the State or any political subdivision thereof for the funeral expenses of the deceased shall not be considered as a basis for reduction under clause (B) of this paragraph. (3) The Secretary of the Treasury shall thereupon, through the Fiscal Service of the Treasury Department, and prior to audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, pay to the State, at the time or times fixed by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the amounts so certified. (c) (1) In order for a State to qualify for payments under para- graph (3) of subsection (a), its State plan approved under section 1002 must provide that the State agency shall make available to appli- cants for or recipients of aid to the blind at least those services to help them attain or retain capability for self-support or self-care which are prescribed by the Secretary. (2) In the case of any State whose State plan included a provision meeting the requirements of paragraph (1), but with respect to which the Secretary finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hear- ings to the State agency administering or supervising the administra- tion of such plan, that- (A) the provision has been so changed that it no longer com- plies with the requirements of paragraph (1), or Sec. 1003 (c) 302 (B) in the administration of the plan there is a failure to com- ply substantially with such provision, the Secretary shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State under paragraph (3) of subsection (a) until he is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. Until the Secretary is so satisfied further payments with respect to the administration of such State plan shall not be made under paragraph (3) of subsection (a) but shall instead be made, sub- ject to the other provisions of this title, under paragraph (4) of such subsection. Operation of State Plans Sec. 1004. In the case of any State plan for aid to the blind which has been approved by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Wel- fare, if the Secretary, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency administering or supervising the adminis- tration of such plan, finds— (1) that the plan has been so changed as to impose any resi- dence or citizenship requirement prohibited by section 1002 (b), or that in the administration of the plan any such prohibited requirement is imposed, with the knowledge of such State agency, in a substantial number of cases; or (2) that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with any provision required by section 1002 (a) to be included in the plan; the Secretary shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State (or, in his discretion, that payments will be limited to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure) until the Secretary is satisfied that such prohibited requirement is no longer so imposed, and that there is no longer any such failure to comply. Until he is so satisfied he shall make no further payments to such State (or shall limit payments to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure). Administration Sec. 1005. Executed. Authorized appropriation for administrative expenses of the Social Security Board for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936. Definition Sec. 1006. For the purpose of this title, the term "aid to the blind" means money payments to, or (if provided in or after the third month before the month in which the recipient makes application for aid) medical care in behalf of or any type of remedial care recognized under State law in behalf of, blind individuals who are needy, but does not include any such payments to or care in behalf of any individual who 303 Sec. 1006 is an inmate of a public institution (except as a patient in a medical institution) or any individual who is a patient in an institution for tuberculosis or mental diseases. Such term also includes payments which are not included within the meaning of such term under the preceding sentence, but which would be so included except that they are made on behalf of such a needy individual to another individual who (as determined in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secretary) is interested in or concerned with the welfare of such needy individual, but only with respect to a State whose State plan approved under section 1002 includes provision for- (1) determination by the State agency that such needy indi- vidual has, by reason of his physical or mental condition, such inability to manage funds that making payments to him would be contrary to his welfare and, therefore, it is necessary to provide such aid through payments described in this sentence; (2) making such payments only in cases in which such pay- ments will, under the rules otherwise applicable under the State plan for determining need and the amount of aid to the blind to be paid (and in conjunction with other income and resources), meet all the need of the individuals with respect to whom such payments are made; (3) undertaking and continuing special efforts to protect the welfare of such individual and to improve, to the extent possible, his capacity for self-care and to manage funds; (4) periodic review by such State agency of the determina- tion under paragraph (1) to ascertain whether conditions justify- ing such determination still exist, with provision for termination of such payments if they do not and for seeking judicial appoint- ment of a guardian or other legal representative, as described in section 1111, if and when it appears that such action will best serve the interests of such needy individual; and (5) opportunity for a fair hearing before the State agency on the determination referred to in paragraph (1) for any indi- vidual with respect to whom it is made. At the option of a State (if its plan approved under this title so provides), such term (i) need not include money payments to an indi- vidual who has been absent from such State for a period in excess of 90 consecutive days (regardless of whether he has maintained his residence in such State during such period) until he has been present in such State for 30 consecutive days in the case of such an individual who has maintained his residence in such State during such period or 90 consecutive days in the case of any other such individual and (ii) may include rent payments made directly to a public housing agency on behalf of a recipient or a group or groups of recipients of aid under such plan. : 7 Revised April 1978 TITLE XI-GENERAL PROVISIONS AND PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS REVIEW PART A-GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 1101. Definitions Sec. 1102. Rules and Regulations__ Sec. 1103. Separability Sec. 1104. Reservation of Power. Sec. 1105. Short Title__ Sec. 1106. Disclosure of Information in Possession of Department_. Sec. 1107. Penalty for Fraud-. Sec. 1108. Limitation on Payments to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam____ mat Sec. 1109. Amounts Disregarded Not To Be Taken Into Account in Determining Eligibility of Other Individuals___ Sec. 1110. Cooperative Research or Demonstration Projects___ Sec. 1111. Public Assistance Payments to Legal Representatives. Sec. 1112. Medical Care Guides and Reports for Public Assistance and Medical Assistance__. Sec. 1113. Assistance for United States Citizens Returned From Foreign Countries Sec. 1114. Appointment of Advisory Council and Other Advisory Groups Sec. 1115. Demonstration Projects__. Sec. 1116. Administrative and Judicial Review of Certain Administrative Determinations SEC. 1117. [Repealed.] Sec. 1118. Alternative Federal Payment With Respect to Public Assist- ance Expenditures__ Sec. 1119. Federal Participation in Payments for Repairs to Home Owned by Recipient of Aid or Assistance__. Sec. 1120. Approval of Certain Projects__ Sec. 1121. Uniform Reporting Systems for Health Services Facilities and Organizations Sec. 1122. Limitation on Federal Participation for Capital Expenditures__ Sec. 1123. Program for Determining Qualifications for Certain Health Care Personnel Sec. 1124. Disclosure of Ownership and Related Information__ Sec. 1125. Issuance of Subpenas by Comptroller General_ Sec. 1126. Disclosure by Institutions, Organizations, and Agencies of Owners and Certain Other Individuals Who Have Been Convicted of Certain Offenses. Sec. 1130. [Repealed] Sec. 1131. Notification of Social Security Claimant With Respect to De- ferred Vested Benefits___ PART B-PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS REVIEW Sec. 1151. Declaration of Purpose___ Sec. 1152. Designation of Professional Standards Review Organizations__ Sec. 1153. Review Pending Designation of Professional Standards Review Organizations Sec. 1154. Trial Period for Professional Standards Review Organizations_ Sec. 1155. Duties and Functions of Professional Standards Review Or- ganizations 1 This table of contents does not appear in the law. Page 1 306 308 308 308 308 308 310 311 312 312 313 313 313 314 316 317 318 318 319 319 319 323 324 324 324 324 324 325 326 329 329 330 (305) Sec. 1101(a) Revised April 1978 306 Sec. 1156. Norms of Health Care Services for Various Illnesses or Health Conditions Sec. 1157. Submission of Reports by Professional Standards Review Or- ganizations Sec. 1158. Requirement of Review Approval as Condition of Payment of Claims Sec. 1159. Hearings and Review by Secretary. Sec. 1160. Obligations of Health Care Practitioners and Providers of Health Care Services; Sanctions and Penalties; Hearings and Review_. Sec. 1161. Notice to Practitioner or Provider_ Sec. 1162. Statewide Professional Standards Review Councils; Advisory Groups to Such Councils____ Sec. 1163. National Professional Standards Review Council___ Sec. 1164. Application of This Part to Certain State Programs Receiving Federal Financial Assistance__ Sec. 1165. Correlation of Functions Between Professional Standards Re- view Organizations and Administrative Instrumentalities__ Sec. 1166. Prohibition Against Disclosure of Information_. Sec. 1167. Limitation on Liability for Persons Providing Information, and for Members and Employees of Professional Standards Re- view Organizations, and for Health Care Practitioners and Providers Sec. 1168. Authorization for Use of Certain Funds to Administer the Provisions of This Part.. Sec. 1169. Technical Assistance to Organizations Desiring To Be Desig- nated as Professional Standards Review Organizations_ Sec. 1170. Exemptions of Christian Science Sanatoriums____ Sec. 1171. Memorandums of Understanding; Federal-State Relations Generally Sec. 1172. Annual Reports_. Sec. 1173. Medical Officers in American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands To Be Included in the Professional Standards Review Program_ Part A-General Provisions Page¹ 333 335 335 336 337 339 339 341 342 343 343 343 344 345 345 346 346 346 Definitions Sec. 1101. (a) When used in this Act- (1) The term "State", except where otherwise provided, includes the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and when used in titles IV, V, VII, XI, and XIX includes the Virgin Islands and Guam. Such term when used in titles III, IX, and XII also includes the Virgin Islands. Such term when used in title V and in part B of this title also includes American Samoa and the Trust Ter- ritory of the Pacific Islands. In the case of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, title I, X, and XIV, and title XVI, (as in effect without regard to the amendment made by section 301 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972) shall continue to apply, and the term "States" when used in such titles (but not in title XVI as in effect pursuant to such amendment after December 31, 1973) includes Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam.2 GUN ¹ This table of contents does not appear in the law. 2 Paragraph (1) was amended by section 116(a) of P.L. 94-566 and by sec. 5(e) (2) of P.L. 95-142. Revised April 1978 307 Sec. 1101(a) (2) The term "United States" when used in a geographical sense means, except when otherwise provided, the States. (3) The term "person" means an individual, a trust or estate, a partnerhip, or a corporation. (4) The term "corporation" includes associations, joint-stock com- panies, and insurance companies. (5) The term "shareholder" includes a member in an association, joint-stock company, or insurance company. (6) The term "Secretary", except when the context otherwise re- quires, means the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. (7) The terms "physician" and "medical care" and "hospitaliza- tion" include osteopathic practitioners or the services of osteopathic practitioners and hospitals within the scope of their practice as de- fined by State law. (8) (A) The "Federal percentage" for any State (other than Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam) shall be 100 per centum less the State percentage; and the State percentage shall be that per- centage which bears the same ratio to 50 per centum as the square of the per capita income of such State bears to the square of the per capita income of the United States; except that the Federal percent- age shall in no case be less than 50 per centum or more than 65 per centum. (B) The Federal percentage for each State (other than Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam) shall be promulgated by the Secretary between October 1 and November 30 of each even-num- bered year, on the basis of the average per capita income of each State and of the United States for the three most recent calendar years for which satisfactory data are available from the Department of Commerce. Such promulgation shall be conclusive for each of the eight quarters in the period beginning October 1 next succeeding such promulgation: Provided, That the Secretary shall promulgate such percentage as soon as possible after the enactment of the Social Security Amendments of 1958, which promulgation shall be con- clusive for each of the eleven quarters in the period beginning Octo- ber 1, 1958, and ending with the close of June 30, 1961.1 (C) The term "United States" means (but only for purposes of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph) the fifty States and the District of Columbia. (D) Promulgations made before satisfactory data are available from the Department of Commerce for a full year on the per capita income of Alaska shall prescribe a Federal percentage for Alaska of 50 per centum and, for purposes of such promulgations, Alaska shall not be included as part of the "United States." Promulgations made thereafter but before per capita income data for Alaska for a full ¹ Paragraph (B) was amended by section 22 of P.L. 94-273. ! ⠀ Revised April 1978 Sec. 1101(c) 307-A three-year period are available from the Department of Commerce shall be based on satisfactory data available therefrom for Alaska for such one full year or, when such data are available for a two-year period, for such two years. (9) The term "shared health facility" means any arrangement whereby- (A) two or more health care practitioners practice their pro- fessions at a common physical location ; (B) such practitioners share (i) common waiting areas, ex- amining rooms, treatment rooms, or other space, (ii) the services of supporting staff, or (iii) equipment; (C) such practitioners have a person (who may himself be a practitioner) - (i) who is in charge of, controls, manages, or supervises substantial aspects of the arrangement or operation for the delivery of health or medical services at such common physi- cal location, other than the direct furnishing of professional health care services by the practitioners to their patients; or (ii) who makes available to such practitioners the services of supporting staff who are not employees of such practi- tioners; and who is compensated in whole or in part, for the use of such common physical location or support services pertaining thereto, on a basis related to amounts charged or collected for the services rendered or ordered at such location or on any basis clearly unrelated to the value of the services provided by the person; and (D) at least one of such practitioners received payments on a fee-for-service basis under titles V, XVIII, and XIX in an amount exceeding $5,000 for any one month during the preceding 12 months or in an aggregate amount exceeding $40,000 during the preceding 12 months; except that such term does not include a provider of services (as de- fined in section 1861 (u) of this Act), a health maintenance organiza- tion (as defined in section 1301 (a) of the Public Health Service Act), a hospital cooperative shared services organization meeting the re- quirements of section 501 (e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or any public entity.1 (b) The terms "includes" and "including" when used in a definition contained in this Act shall not be deemed to exclude other things otherwise within the meaning of the term defined. (c) Whenever under this Act or any Act of Congress, or under the law of any State, an employer is required or permitted to deduct any amount from the remuneration of an employee and to pay the amount 1 Paragraph (9) was added by sec. 5(c) (2) of P.L. 95–142. Sec. 1101(c) 308 deducted to the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, then for the purposes of this Act the amount so deducted shall be considered to have been paid to the employee at the time of such deduction. (d) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as authorizing any Fed- eral official, agent, or representative, in carrying out any of the pro- visions of this Act, to take charge of any child over the objections of either of the parents of such child, or of the person standing in loco parentis to such child. Rules and Regulations Sec. 1102. The Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Labor, and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, respectively, shall make and publish such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, as may be necessary to the efficient administration of the functions with which each is charged under this Act. Separability Sec. 1103. If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Act and the application of such provision to other persons or circum- stances shall not be affected thereby. Reservation of Power Sec. 1104. The right to alter, amend, or repeal any provision of this Act is hereby reserved to the Congress. Short Title Sec. 1105. This Act may be cited as the "Social Security Act." Disclosure of Information in Possession of Department Sec. 1106. (a) No disclosure of any return or portion of a return (including information returns and other written statements) filed with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue under title VIII of the Social Security Act or under subchapter E of chapter 1 or subchapter A of chapter 9 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, or under chapter 2 or 21 or, pursuant thereto, under subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or under regulations made under authority thereof, which has been transmitted to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, or of any file, record, report, or other paper, or any information, obtained at any time by the Secretary or by any officer or employee of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in the course of discharging the 309 Sec. 1106(d) duties of the Secretary under this Act, and no disclosure of any such file, record, report, or other paper, or information, obtained at any time by any person from the Secretary or from any officer or employee of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, shall be made except as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe and except as provided in part D of title IV of this Act. Any person who shall vio- late any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. (b) Requests for information, disclosure of which is authorized by regulations prescribed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, and requests for services, may, subject to such limitations as may be pre- scribed by the Secretary to avoid undue interference with his func- tions under this Act, be complied with if the agency, person, or organi- zation making the request agrees to pay for the information or services requested in such amount, if any (not exceeding the cost of furnishing the information or services), as may be determined by the Secretary. Payments for information or services furnished pursuant to this sec- tion shall be made in advance or by way of reimbursement, as may be requested by the Secretary, and shall be deposited in the Treasury as a special deposit to be used to reimburse the appropriations (including authorizations to make expenditures from the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, and the Fed- eral Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund) for the unit or units of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare which furnished the information or services. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this subsection, requests for information made pursuant to the provisions of part D of title IV of this Act for the purpose of using Federal records for locating parents shall be complied with and the cost incurred in providing such information shall be paid for as provided in such part D of title IV. (c) [Repealed.] (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section the Sec- retary shall make available to each State agency operating a program under title XIX and shall, subject to the limitations contained in sub- section (e), make available for public inspection in readily accessible form and fashion, the following official reports (not including, how- ever, references to any internal tolerance rules and practices that may be contained therein, internal working papers or other informal memo- randa) dealing with the operation of the health programs established by titles XVIII and XIX- (1) individual contractor performance reviews and other for- mal evaluations of the performance of carriers, intermediaries, + Sec. 1106(d) 310 and State agencies, including the reports of follow-up reviews; (2) comparative evaluations of the performance of such con- tractors, including comparisons of either overall performance or of any particular aspects of contractor operation; and (3) program validation survey reports and other formal eval- uations of the performance of providers of services, including the reports of follow-up reviews, except that such reports shall not identify individual patients, individual health care practition- ers, or other individuals. (e) No report described in subsection (d) shall be made public by the Secretary or the State title XIX agency until the contractor or provider of services whose performance is being evaluated has had a reasonable opportunity (not exceeding 60 days) to review such report and to offer comments pertinent parts of which may be incor- porated in the public report; nor shall the Secretary be required to include in any such report information with respect to any deficiency (or improper practice or procedures) which is known by the Secre- tary to have been fully corrected, within 60 days of the date such deficiency was first brought to the attention of such contractor or provider of services, as the case may be. Penalty for Fraud Sec. 1107. (a) Whoever, with the intent to defraud any person, shall make or cause to be made any false representation concerning the requirement of this Act, subchapter E of chapter 1 or subchapter A, C, or E of chapter 9 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, or chapter 2, 21, or 23 or section 6011(a), 6017, or 6051 (a) of the In- ternal Revenue Code of 1954 or of any rules or regulations issued there- under, knowing such representations to be false, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. (b) Whoever, with the intent to elicit information as to the date of birth, employment, wages, or benefits of any individual (1) falsely represents to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare that he is such individual, or the wife, husband, widow, widower, former wife divorced, child, or parent of such individual, or the duly authorized agent of such individual, or of the wife, husband, widow, widower, former wife divorced, child, or parent of such individual, or (2) falsely represents to any person that he is an employee or agent of the United States, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. 311 Sec. 1108(d) Limitation on Payments to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam Sec. 1108. (a) Except as provided in 2002(a)(2) (D), the total amount certified by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare under title I, X, XIV, and XVI, and under part A of title IV (exclu- sive of any amounts on account of services and items to which subsec- tion (b) applies)—— (1) for payment to Puerto Rico shall not exceed— (A) $12,500,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1968, (B) $15,000,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1969, (C) $18,000,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1970, (D) $21,000,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1971, or (E) $24,000,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1972 and each fiscal year thereafter; (2) for payment to the Virgin Islands shall not exceed- (A) $425,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1968, (B) $500,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1969, (C) $600,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1970, (D) $700,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1971, or (E) $800,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1972 and each fiscal year thereafter; and (3) for payment to Guam shall not exceed- (A) $575,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1968, (B) $690,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1969, (C) $825,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1970, (D) $960,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1971, or (E) $1,100,000 with respect to the fiscal year 1972 and each fiscal year thereafter. (b) The total amount certified by the Secretary under part A of title IV, on account of family planning services and services provided under section 402 (a) (19) with respect to any fiscal year- (1) for payment to Puerto Rico shall not exceed $2,000,000, (2) for payment to the Virgin Islands shall not exceed $65,000, and (3) for payment to Guam shall not exceed $90,000. (c) The total amount certified by the Secretary under title XIX with respect to any fiscal year- (1) for payment to Puerto Rico shall not exceed $30,000,000, (2) for payment to the Virgin Islands shall not exceed $1,000,000, and (3) for payment to Guam shall not exceed $900,000. (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 502(a) and 512(a) of this Act, and the provisions of sections 421, 503 (1), and 504(1) of this Act as amended by the Social Security Amendments of 1967, and Sec. 1108(d) 312 until such time as the Congress may by appropriation or other law otherwise provide, the Secretary shall, in lieu of the initial allotment specified in such sections, allot such smaller amounts to Guam, Ameri- can Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands as he may deem appropriate. Amounts Disregarded Not To Be Taken Into Account in Deter- mining Eligibility of Other Individuals Sec. 1109. Any amount which is disregarded (or set aside for future needs) in determining the eligibility of and amount of the aid or assist- ance for any individual under a State plan approved under title I, X, XIV, XVI, or XIX, or part A of title IV, shall not be taken into consideration in determining the eligibility of and amount of aid or assistance for any other individual under a State plan approved under any other of such titles. Cooperative Research or Demonstration Projects Sec. 1110. (a) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1957, $5,000,000 and for each fiscal year thereafter such sums as the Congress may determine for (1) making grants to States and public and other nonprofit organiza- tions and agencies for payment part of the cost of research or demon- stration projects such as those relating to the prevention and reduc- tion of dependency, or which will aid in effecting coordination of planning between private and public welfare agencies or which will help improve the administration and effectiveness of programs car- ried on or assisted under the Social Security Act and programs re- lated thereto, and (2) making contracts or jointly financed cooperative arrangements with States and public and other organizations and agencies for the conduct of research or demonstration projects relating to such matters. (b) No contract or jointly financed cooperative arrangement shall be entered into, and no grant shall be made, under subsection (a), until the Secretary obtains the advice and recommendations of spe- cialists who are competent to evaluate the proposed project as to soundness of their design, the possibilities of securing productive re- sults, the adequacy of resources to conduct the proposed research or demonstrations, and their relationship to other similar research or demonstrations already completed or in process. (c) Grants and payments under contracts or cooperative arrange- ments under subsection (a) may be made either in advance or by way of reimbursement, as may be determined by the Secretary; and shall be made in such installments and on such conditions as the Secretary finds necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. → 313 Sec. 1113(a) Public Assistance Payments to Legal Representatives Sec. 1111. For purposes of titles I, X, XIV, and XVI, and Part A of title IV, payments on behalf of an individual, made to another person who has been judicially appointed, under the law of the State in which such individual resides, as legal representative of such indi- vidual for the purpose of receiving and managing such payments (whether or not he is such individual's legal representative for other purposes), shall be regarded as money payments to such individual. Medical Care Guides and Reports for Public Assistance and Medical Assistance Sec. 1112. In order to assist the States to extend the scope and content, and improve the quality, of medical care and medical serv- ices for which payments are made to or on behalf of needy and low- income individuals under this Act and in order to promote better public understanding about medical care and medical assistance for needy and low-income individuals, the Secretary shall develop and revise from time to time guides or recommended standards as to the level, content, and quality of medical care and medical services for the use of the States in evaluating and improving their public assist- ance medical care programs and their programs of medical assistance; shall secure periodic reports from the States on items included in, and the quantity of, medical care and medical services for which ex- penditures under such programs are made; and shall from time to time publish data secured from these reports and other information necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. M Assistance for United States Citizens Returned From Foreign Countries Sec. 1113. (a) (1) The Secretary is authorized to provide tempo- rary assistance to citizens of the United States and to dependents of citizens of the United States, if they (A) are identified by the De- partment of State as having returned, or been brought, from a foreign country to the United States because of the destitution of the citizen of the United States or the illness of such citizen or any of his depend- ents or because of war, threat of war, invasion, or similar crisis, and (B) are without available resources. (2) Except in such cases or classes of cases as are set forth in regu- lations of the Secretary, provision shall be made for reimbursement to the United States by the recipients of the temporary assistance to cover the cost thereof. 21-746 O - 78 (3) The Secretary may provide assistance under paragraph (1) directly or through utilization of the services and facilities of appro- priate public or private agencies and organizations, in accordance - 24 Sec. 1113(a) 314 with argeements providing for payment, in advance or by way of reimbursement, as may be determined by the Secretary, of the cost thereof. Such cost shall be determined by such statistical, sampling, or other method as may be provided in the agreement. (b) The Secretary is authorized to develop plans and make ar- rangements for provision of temporary assistance within the United States to individuals specified in subsection (a)(1). Such plans shall be developed and such arrangements shall be made after consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Defense. To the extent feasible, assistance provided under sub- section (a) shall be provided in accordance with the plans developed pursuant to this subsection, as modified from time to time by the Secretary. (c) For purposes of this section, the term "temporary assistance” means money payments, medical care, temporary billeting, transporta- tion, and other goods and services necessary for the health or welfare of individuals (including guidance, counseling, and other welfare services) furnished to them within the United States upon their ar- rival in the United States and for such period after their arrival, not exceeding ninety days, as may be provided in regulations of the Secre- tary; except that assistance under this section may be furnished beyond such ninety-day period in the case of any citizen or dependent upon a finding by the Secretary that the circumstances involved necessitate or justify the furnishing of assistance beyond such period in that par- ticular case. (d) The total amount of temporary assistance provided under this section shall not exceed- (1) $8,000,000 during the fiscal years ending June 30, 1975, and June 30, 1976, and the succeeding calendar quarter, or (2) $300,000 during any fiscal year beginning on or after October 1, 1976.1 Appointment of Advisory Council and Other Advisory Groups Sec. 1114. (a) The Secretary shall, during 1964, appoint an Ad- visory Council on Public Welfare for the purpose of reviewing the administration of the public assistance and child welfare services pro- grams for which funds are appropriated pursuant to this Act and making recommendations for improvement of such administration, and reviewing the status of and making recommendations with respect to the public assistance programs for which funds are so appropriated, especially in relation to the old-age, survivors, and disability insur- ance program, with respect to the fiscal capacities of the States and the Federal Government, and with respect to any other matters bear- 1 Section 1113 was amended by Public Law 94-44. 315 Sec. 1114(g) ing on the amount and proportion of the Federal and State shares in the public assistance and child welfare services programs. (b) The Council shall be appointed by the Secretary without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appoint- ments in the competitive service and shall consist of twelve persons who shall, to the extent possible, be representatives of employers and employees in equal numbers, representatives of State or Federal agen- cies concerned with the administration or financing of the public assistance and child welfare services programs, representatives of non- profit private organizations concerned with social welfare programs, other persons with special knowledge, experience, or qualifications with respect to such programs, and members of the public. (c) The Council is authorized to engage such technical assistance as may be required to carry out its functions, and the Secretary shall, in addition, make available to the Council such secretarial, clerical, and other assistance and such pertinent data prepared by the Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare as it may require to carry out such functions. (d) The Council shall make a report of its findings and recom- mendations (including recommendations for changes in the provisions of the Social Security Act) to the Secretary, such report to be sub- mitted not later than July 1, 1966, after which date such Council shall cease to exist. (e) The Secretary shall also from time to time thereafter appoint an Advisory Council on Public Welfare, with the same functions and constituted in the same manner as prescribed for the Advisory Coun- cil in the preceding subsections of this section. Each Council so ap- pointed shall report its findings and recommendations, as prescribed in subsection (d), not later than July 1 of the second year after the year in which it is appointed, after which date such Council shall cease to exist. (f) The Secretary may also appoint, without regard to the provi- sions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, such advisory committees as he may deem ad- visable to advise and consult with him in carrying out any of his func- tions under this Act. The Secretary shall report to the Congress an- nually on the number of such committees and on the membership and activities of each such committee. (g) Members of the Council or of any advisory committee appointed under this section who are not regular full-time employees of the United States shall, while serving on business of the Council or any such committee be entitled to receive compensation at rates fixed by the Secretary, but not exceeding $75 per day, including travel time; and while so serving away from their homes or regular places of busi- ness, they may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu Sec. 1114(g) 316 Revised April 1978 of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of title 5, United States Code for persons in Government service employed intermittently. (h) (1) Any member of the Council or any advisory committee appointed under this Act, who is not a regular full-time employee of the United States, is hereby exempted, with respect to such appoint- ment, from the operation of sections 281, 283, and 1914 of title 18 of the United States Code, and section 190 of the Revised Statutes (5 U.S.C. 99), except as otherwise specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection. (2) The exemption granted by paragraph (1) shall not extend- (A) to the receipt or payment of salary in connection with the appointee's Government service from any source other than the employer of the appointee at the time of his appointment, or (B) during the period of such appointment, to the prosecu- tion or participation in the prosecution, by any person so ap- pointed, of any claim against the Government involving any matter with which such person, during such period, is or was directly connected by reason of such appointment. Demonstration Projects¹ Sec. 1115. (a) In the case of any experimental, pilot, or demonstra- tion project which, in the judgment of the Secretary, is likely to assist in promoting the objectives of title I VI, X, XIV, XVI, XIX, or XX, or part A of title IV, in a State or States- (1) the Secretary may waive compliance with any of the re- quirements of section 2, 402, 602, 1002, 1402, 1602, 1902, 2002, 2003, or 2004, as the case may be, to the extent and for the period he finds necessary to enable such State or States to carry out such project, and (2) costs of such project which would not otherwise be in- cluded as expenditures under section 3, 403, 603, 1003, 1403, 1603, 1903, or 2002, as the case may be, and which are not included as part of the costs of projects under section 1110, shall, to the extent and for the period prescribed by the Secretary, be regarded as expenditures under the State plan or plans approved under such title, or for administration of such State plan or plans, or expendi- tures with respect to which payment shall be made under section 2002, as may be appropriate. In addition, not to exceed $4,000,000 of the aggregate amount appro- priated for payments to States under such titles for any fiscal year beginning after June 30, 1967, shall be available, under such terms and conditions as the Secretary may establish, for payments to States 1 Section 1115 was amended by sec. 404 of P.L. 95–216. Revised April 1978 Sec. 1115(b) 316-A to cover so much of the cost of such project as is not covered by pay- ments under such titles and is not included as part of the cost of projects for purposes of section 1110. (b) (1) In order to permit the States to achieve more efficient and effective use of funds for public assistance, to reduce dependency, and to improve the living conditions and increase the incomes of individ- uals who are recipients of public assistance, any State having an approved plan under part A of title IV may, subject to the provisions of this subsection, establish and conduct not more than three demon- stration projects. In establishing and conducting any such project the State shall S (A) provide that not more than one such project be conducted on a statewide basis; (B) provide that in making arrangements for public service employment— (i) appropriate standards for the health, safety, and other conditions applicable to the performance of work and training on such project are established and will be maintained, (ii) such project will not result in the displacement of employed workers, (iii) each participant in such project shall be compensated for work performed by him at an hourly rate equal to the prevailing hourly wage for similar work in the locality where the participant performs such work (and, for purposes of this clause, benefits payable under the State's plan approved under part A of title IV of the family of which such partic- ipant is a member shall be regarded as compensation for work performed by such participant), (iv) with respect to such project the conditions of work, training, education, and employment are reasonable in the light of such factors as the type of work, geographical region, and proficiency of the participant, and (v) appropriate workmen's compensation protection is provided to all participants; and (C) provide that participation in such project by any indi- vidual receiving aid to families with dependent children be voluntary. (2) Any State which establishes and conducts demonstration proj- ects under this subsection may, subject to paragraph (3), with respect to any such project— (A) waive, subject to paragraph (3), any or all of the require- ments of sections 402 (a) (1) (relating to statewide operation), 402(a)(3) (relating to administration by a single State agency), Sec. 1115(b) Revised April 1978 316-B 402 (a) (8) (relating to disregard of earned income), except that no such waiver of 402 (a) (8) shall operate to waive any amount in excess of one-half of the earned income of any individual, and 402(a) (19) (relating to the work incentive program); (B) subject to paragraph (4), use to cover the costs of the proj- ect such funds as are appropriated for payment to such State with respect to the assistance which is or would, except for participa- tion in a project under this subsection, be payable to individuals participating in such projects under part A of title IV for any fiscal year in which such projects are conducted; and (C) use such funds as are appropriated for payments to States under the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 for any fiscal year in which the project is conducted to cover so much of the costs of salaries for individuals participating in public serv- ice employment as is not covered through the use of funds made available under subparagraph (B). (3) (A) Any State which wishes to establish and conduct demon- stration projects under the provisions of this subsection shall submit an application to the Secretary in such form and containing such information as the Secretary may require. Whenever any State sub- mits such an application to the Secretary, it shall at the same time. issue public notice of that fact together with a general description of the project with respect to which the application is submitted, and shall invite comment thereon from interested parties and comments thereon may be submitted, within the 30-day period beginning with the date the application is submitted to the Secretary, to the State or the Secretary by such parties. The State shall also make copies of the application available for public inspection. The Secretary shall also immediately publish a summary of the proposed project, make copies of the application available for public inspection, and receive and consider comments submitted with respect to the application. A State shall be authorized to proceed with a project submitted under this subsection (i) when such application has been approved by the Secretary (which shall be no earlier than 30 days following the date the application is submitted to him), or (ii) 60 days after the date on which such application is sub- mitted to the Secretary unless, during such 60 day period, he denies the application. (B) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) (A), the Secretary may review any waiver made by a State under such para- graph. Upon a finding that any such waiver is inconsistent with the purposes of this subsection and the purposes of part A of title IV, the Secretary may disapprove such waiver. The project with respect to Revised April 1978 316-C Sec. 1115(b) which any such disapproved waiver was made shall be terminated by such State not later than the last day of the month following the month in which such waiver was disapproved. (4) Any amount payable to a State under section 403 (a) on behalf of an individual participating in a project under this section shall not be increased by reason of the participation of such individual in any demonstration project conducted under this subsection over the amount which would be payable if such individual were receiving aid to fam- ilies with dependent children and not participating in such project. (5) Participation in a project established under this section shall not be considered to constitute employment for purposes of any finding with respect to "unemployment" as that term is used in section 407. (6) Any demonstration project established and conducted pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall be conducted for not longer than two years. All demonstration projects established and conducted pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall be terminated not later than September 30, 1980. 317 Sec. 1116(a) Administrative and Judicial Review of Certain Administrative Determinations Sec. 1116. (a) (1) Whenever a State plan is submitted to the Sec- retary by a State for approval under title I, VI, X, XIV, XVI, XIX, or XX, or part A of title IV, he shall not later than 90 days after the date the plan is submitted to him, make a determination as to whether it conforms to the requirements for approval under such title. The 90- day period provided herein may be extended by written agreement of the Secretary and the affected State. (2) Any State dissatisfied with a determination of the Secretary under paragraph (1) with respect to any plan may, within 60 days after it has been notified of such determination, file a petition with the Secretary for reconsideration of the issue of whether such plan con- forms to the requirements for approval under such title. Within 30 days after receipt of such a petition, the Secretary shall notify the State of the time and place at which a hearing will be held for the purpose of reconsidering such issue. Such hearing shall be held not less than 20 days nor more than 60 days after the date notice of such hearing is furnished to such State, unless the Secretary and such State agree in writing to holding the hearing at another time. The Secretary shall affirm, modify, or reverse his original determination within 60 days of the conclusion of the hearing. (3) Any State which is dissatisfied with a final determination made by the Secretary on such a reconsideration or a final determination of the Secretary under section 4, 404, 604, 1004, 1404, 1604, 1904, or 2003 may, within 60 days after it has been notified of such determination, file with the United States court of appeals for the circuit in which such State is located a petition for review of such determination. A copy of the petition shall be forthwith transmitted by the clerk of the court to the Secretary. The Secretary thereupon shall file in the court the rec- ord of the proceedings on which he based his determination as pro- vided in section 2112 of title 28, United States Code. (4) The findings of fact by the Secretary, if supported by substan- tial evidence, shall be conclusive; but the court, for good cause shown, may remand the case to the Secretary to take further evidence, and the Secretary may thereupon make new or modified findings of fact and may modify his previous action, and shall certify to the court the tran- script and record of the further proceedings. Such new or modified findings of fact shall likewise be conclusive if supported by substantial evidence. (5) The court shall have jurisdiction to affirm the action of the Secretary or to set it aside, in whole or in part. The judgment of the court shall be subject to review by the Supreme Court of the United States upon certiorari or certification as provided in section 1254 of title 28, United States Code. Sec. 1116(b) 318 (b) For the purposes of subsection (a), any amendment of a State plan approved under title I, VI, X, XIV, XVI, XIX, or XX, or part A of title IV, may, at the option of the State, be treated as the sub- mission of a new State plan. (c) Action pursuant to an initial determination of the Secretary described in subsection (a) shall not be stayed pending reconsidera- tion, but in the event that the Secretary subsequently determines that his initial determination was incorrect he shall certify restitution forthwith in a lump sum of any funds incorrectly withheld or other- wise denied. (d) Whenever the Secretary determines that any item or class of items on account of which Federal financial participation is claimed under title I, VI, X, XIV, XVI, XIX, XX, or part A of title IV, shall be disallowed for such participation, the State shall be entitled to and upon request shall receive a reconsideration of the disallowance. Sec. 1117. [Repealed.] Alternative Federal Payment With Respect to Public Assistance Expenditures Sec. 1118. In the case of any State which has in effect a plan ap- proved under title XIX for any calendar quarter, the total of the payments to which such State is entitled for such quarter, and for each succeeding quarter in the same fiscal year (which for purposes of this section means the 4 calendar quarters ending with September 30), under paragraphs (1) and (2) of sections 3(a), 403 (a), 1003 (a), 1403 (a), and 1603 (a) shall, at the option of the State, be determined by application of the Federal medical assistance percentage (as de- fined by section 1905), instead of the percentages provided under each such section, to the expenditures under its State plans approved under titles I, X, XIV, and XVI, and part A of title IV, which would be included in determining the amounts of the Federal payments to which such State is entitled under such sections, but without regard to any maximum on the dollar amounts per recipient which may be counted under such sections.¹ 1 Federal Participation in Payments for Repairs to Home Owned by Recipient of Aid or Assistance Sec. 1119. In the case of an expenditure for repairing the home owned by an individual who is receiving aid or assistance, other than medical assistance to the aged under a State plan approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI, or part A of title IV if— (1) the State agency or local agency administering the plan approved under such title has made a finding (prior to making such expenditure) that (A) such home is so defective that con- 1 Sec. 1118 was amended by section 2(23) of P.L. 94–273. Revised April 1978 Sec. 1121(a) 319 tinued occupancy is unwarranted, (B) unless repairs are made to such home, rental quarters will be necessary for such individual, and (C) the cost of rental quarters to take care of the needs of such individual (including his spouse living with him in such home and any other individual whose needs were taken into ac- count in determining the need of such individual) would exceed (over such time as the Secretary may specify) the cost of repairs needed to make such home habitable together with other costs attributable to continued occupancy of such home, and (2) no such expenditures were made for repairing such home pursuant to any prior finding under this section, the amount paid to any such State for any quarter under section 3(a), 403 (a), 1003 (a), 1403(a), or 1603 (a) 'shall be increased by 50 per centum of such expenditures, except that the excess above $500 ex- pended with respect to any one home shall not be included in deter- mining such expenditures. Approval of Certain Projects Sec. 1120. (a) No payment shall be made under this Act with respect to any experimental, pilot, demonstration, or other project all or any part of which is wholly financed with Federal funds made available under this Act (without any State, local, or other non- Federal financial participation) unless such project shall have been personally approved by the Secretary or Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. (b) As soon as possible after the approval of any project under subsection (a), the Secretary shall submit to the Congress a descrip- tion of such project including a statement of its purpose, probable cost, and expected duration. Uniform Reporting Systems for Health Services Facilities and Organizations ¹ Sec. 1121. (a) For the purposes of reporting the cost of services provided by, of planning, and of measuring and comparing the effi- ciency of and effective use of services in, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities, home health agencies, health maintenance organizations, and other types of health services facili- ties and organizations to which payment may be made under this Act, the Secretary shall establish by regulation, for each such type of health services facility or organization, a uniform system for the reporting by a facility or organization of that type of the following information: ¹ Section 1121 was added by sec. 19(a) of P.L. 95-142. See also sec. 19(c) which is printed in this document on p. 800. Sec. 1121(a) 319-A Revised April 1978 (1) The aggregate cost of operation and the aggregate volume of services. (2) The costs and volume of services for various functional accounts and subaccounts. (3) Rates, by category of patient and class of purchaser. (4) Capital assets, as defined by the Secretary, including (as appropriate) capital funds, debt service, lease agreements used in lieu of capital funds, and the value of land, facilities, and equipment. (5) Discharge and bill data. The uniform reporting system for a type of health services facility or organization shall provide for appropriate variation in the applica- tion of the system to different classes of facilities or organizations within that type and shall be established, to the extent practicable, consistent with the cooperative system for producing comparable and uniform health information and statistics described in section 306 (e) (1) of the Public Health Service Act. In reporting under such a sys- tem, hospitals shall employ such chart of accounts, definitions, princi- ples, and statistics as the Secretary may prescribe in order to reach a uniform reconciliation of financial and statistical data for specified uniform reports to be provided to the Secretary. (b) The Secretary shall- (1) monitor the operation of the systems established under subsection (a); (2) assist with and support demonstrations and evaluations of the effectiveness and cost of the operation of such systems and encourage State adoption of such systems; and. (3) periodically revise such systems to improve their effec- tiveness and diminish their cost. (c) The Secretary shall provide information obtained through use of the uniform reporting systems described in subsection (a) in a useful manner and format to appropriate agencies and organizations, including health systems agencies (designated under section 1515 of the Public Health Service Act) and State health planning and devel- opment agencies (designated under section 1521 of such Act), as may be necessary to carry out such agencies' and organizations' functions. G Revised April 1978 319-B Sec. 1122(a) 1 Limitation on Federal Participation for Capital Expenditures ¹ Sec. 1122. (a) The purpose of this section is to assure that Federal funds appropriated under title V, XVIII, and XIX are not used to 1 P.L. 92–603, sec. 221(a), added sec. 1122. Applicable only to a capital expenditure the obligation for which is incurred by or on behalf of a health care facility or health mainte- nance organization subsequent to whichever of the following is earlier: (A) December 31, 1972, or (B) with respect to any State or any part thereof specified by such State, the last day of the calendar quarter in which the State requests that the amendment made by sub- section (a) of this section apply in such State or such part thereof. P.L. 92-603, sec. 221(d), provides: "In the case of a health care facility providing health care services as of December 18, 1970, which on such date is committed to a formal plan of expansion or replacement, the amendments made by the preceding provisions of this section shall not apply with respect to such expenditures as may be made or obligations incurred for capital items included in such plan where preliminary expenditures toward the plan of expansion or replacement (in- cluding payments for studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, and site acquisition, essential to the acquisition, improvement, expansion, or replacement of the health care facility or equipment concerned) of $100,000 or more, had been made during the three-year period ended December 17, 1970." Sec. 1122(a) 320 support unnecessary capital expenditures made by or on behalf of health care facilities or health maintenance organizations which are reimbursed under any of such titles and that, to the extent possible, reimbursement under such titles shall support planning activities with respect to health services and facilities in the various States. (b) The Secretary, after consultation with the Governor (or other chief executive officer) and with appropriate local public officials, shall make an agreement with any State which is able and willing to do so under which a designated planning agency (which shall be an agency described in clause (ii) of subsection (d) (1) (B) that has a governing body or advisory board at least half of whose members represent consumer interests) will- (1) make, and submit to the Secretary together with such sup- porting materials as he may find necessary, findings and recom- mendations with respect to capital expenditures proposed by or on behalf of any health care facility or health maintenance organization in such State within the field of its responsibilities. (2) receive from other agencies described in clause (ii) of subsection (d) (1) (B), and submit to the Secretary together with such supporting material as he may find necessary, the findings and recommendations of such other agencies with respect to capital expenditures proposed by or on behalf of health care facilities or health maintenance organizations in such State within the fields of their respective responsibilities, and (3) establish and maintain procedures pursuant to which a person proposing any such capital expenditure may appeal a recommendation by the designated agency and will be granted an opportunity for a fair hearing by such agency or person other than the designated agency as the Governor (or other chief execu- tive officer) may designate to hold such hearings, whenever and to the extent that the findings of such designated agency or any such other agency indicate that any such expenditure is not consistent with the standards, criteria, or plans developed pursuant to the Public Health Service Act (or the Mental Retardation Facil- ities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963) to meet the need for adequate health care facilities in the area covered by the plan or plans so developed. (c) The Secretary shall pay any such State from the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, in advance or by way of reimburse- ment as may be provided in the agreement with it (and may make adjustments in such payments on account of overpayments or under- payments previously made), for the reasonable cost of performing the functions specified in subsection (b). Wha (d) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), if the Secretary deter- mines that- 321 Sec. 1122(d) (A) neither the planning agency designated in the agreement described in subsection (b) nor an agency described in clause (ii) of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph had been given notice of any proposed capital expenditure (in accordance with such procedure or in such detail as may be required by such agency) at least 60 days prior to obligation for such expenditure; or (B)(i) the planning agency so designated or an agency so described had received such timely notice of the intention to make such capital expenditure and had, within a reasonable period after receiving such notice and prior to obligation for such ex- penditure, notified the person proposing such expenditure that the expenditure would not be in conformity with the standards, criteria, or plans developed by such agency or any other agency described in clause (ii) for adequate health care facilities in such State or in the area for which such other agency has responsibility, and (ii) the planning agency so designated had, prior to submit- ting to the Secretary the findings referred to in subsection (b)— (I) consulted with, and taken into consideration the find- ings and recommendations of, the State planning agencies established pursuant to sections 314(a) and 604 (a) of the Public Health Service Act (to the extent that either such agency is not the agency so designated) as well as the public or nonprofit private agency or organization responsible for the comprehensive regional, metropolitan area, or other local area plan or plans referred to in section 314 (b) of the Public Health Service Act and covering the area in which the health care facility or health maintenance organization proposing such capital expenditure is located (where such agency is not the agency designated in the agreement), or, if there is no such agency, such other public or nonprofit private agency or organization (if any) as performs, as determined in accord- ance with criteria included in regulations, similar functions, and (II) granted to the person proposing such capital expend- iture an opportunity for a fair hearing with respect to such findings; then, for such period as he finds necessary in any case to effectuate the purpose of this section, he shall, in determining the Federal payments to be made under titles, V, XVIII, and XIX with respect to services furnished in the health care facility for which such capital expendi- ture is made, not include any amount which is attributable to deprecia- tion, interest on borrowed funds, a return on equity capital (in the case of proprietary facilities), or other expenses related to such capital Sec. 1122(d) 322 expenditure. With respect to any organization which is reimbursed on a per capita or a fixed fee or negotiated rate basis, in determining the Federal payments to be made under titles V, XVIII, and XIX, the Secretary shall exclude an amount which in his judgment is a reason- able equivalent to the amount which would otherwise be excluded under this subsection if payment were to be made on other than a per capita or a fixed fee or negotiated rate basis. (2) If the Secretary, after submitting the matters involved to the advisory council established or designated under subsection (i), de- termines that an exclusion of expenses related to any capital expendi- ture of any health care facility or health maintenance organization would discourage the operation or expansion of such facility or organization, or of any facility of such organization, which has demonstrated to his satisfaction proof of capability to provide compre- hensive health care services (including institutional services) effi- ciently, effectively, and economically, or would otherwise be incon- sistent with the effective organization and delivery of health services or the effective administration of title V, XVIII, or XIX, he shall not exclude such expenses pursuant to paragraph (1). (e) Where a person obtains under lease or comparable arrangement any facility or part thereof, or equipment for a facility, which would have been subject to an exclusion under subsection (d) if the person had acquired it by purchase, the Secretary shall (1) in computing such person's rental expense in determining the Federal payments to be made under titles V, XVIII, and XIX with respect to services furnished in such facility, deduct the amount which in his judgment is a reasonable equivalent of the amount that would have been excluded if the person had acquired such facility or such equipment by purchase, and (2) in computing such person's return on equity capital deduct any amount deposited under the terms of the lease or comparable arrangement. (f) Any person dissatisfied with a determination by the Secretary under this section may within six months following notification of such determination request the Secretary to reconsider such determination. A determination by the Secretary under this section shall not be subject to administrative or judicial review. (g) For the purposes of this section, a "capital expenditure" is an expenditure which, under generally accepted accounting principles, is not properly chargeable as an expense of operation and mainte- nance and which (1) exceeds $100,000, (2) changes the bed capacity of the facility with respect to which such expenditure is made, or (3) substantially changes the services of the facility with respect to which such expenditure is made. For purposes of clause (1) of the preceding sentence, the cost of the studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, and other activities essential to the acquisi- 323 Sec. 1123(a) tion, improvement, expansion, or replacement of the plant and equip- ment with respect to which such expenditure is made shall be in- cluded in determining whether such expenditure exceeds $100,000. (h) The provisions of this section shall not apply to Christian Science sanatoriums operated, or listed and certified, by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts. (i) (1) The Secretary shall establish a national advisory council, or designate an appropriate existing national advisory council, to advise and assist him in the preparation of general regulations to carry out the purposes of this section and on policy matters arising in the administration of this section, including the coordination of activities. under this section with those under other parts of this Act or under other Federal or federally assisted health programs. (2) The Secretary shall make appropriate provision for consulta- tion between and coordination of the work of the advisory council established or designated under paragraph (1) and the Federal Hos- pital Council, the National Advisory Health Council, the Health Insurance Benefits Advisory Council, and other appropriate national advisory councils with respect to matters bearing on the purposes and administration of this section and the coordination of activities under this section with related Federal health programs. (3) If an advisory council is established by the Secretary under paragraph (1), it shall be composed of members who are not otherwise in the regular full-time employ of the United States, and who shall be appointed by the Secretary without regard to the civil service laws from among leaders in the fields of the fundamental sciences, the med- ical sciences, and the organization, delivery, and financing of health care, and persons who are State or local officials or are active in com- munity affairs or public or civic affairs or who are representative of minority groups. Members of such advisory council, while attending meetings of the council or otherwise serving on business of the council, shall be entitled to receive compensation at rates fixed by the Secretary, but not exceeding the maximum rate specified at the time of such serv- ice for grade GS-18 in section 5332 of title 5, United States Code, including traveltime, and while away from their homes or regular places of business they may also be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 (b) of such title 5 for persons in the Government service employed intermittently. Program for Determining Qualifications for Certain Health Care Personnel Sec. 1123. (a) The Secretary, in carrying out his functions relat- ing to the qualifications for health care personnel under title XVIII, shall develop (in consultation with appropriate professional health 21-746 O - 78 25 2 Sec. 1123(a) 324 Revised April 1978 organizations and State health and licensure agencies) and conduct (in conjunction with State health and licensure agencies) until Decem- ber 31, 1977, a program designed to determine the proficiency of individuals (who do not otherwise meet the formal educational, professional membership, or other specific criteria established for determining the qualifications of practical nurses, therapists, labora- tory technicians, and technologists, and cytotechnologists, X-ray tech- nicians, psychiatric technicians, or other health care technicians and technologists) to perform the duties and functions of practical nurses, therapists, laboratory technicians, technologists, and cytotechnologists, X-ray technicians, psychiatric technicians, or other health care tech- nicians and technologists. Such program shall include (but not be limited to) the employment of procedures for the formal testing of the proficiency of individuals. In the conduct of such program, no indivi- dual who otherwise meets the proficiency requirements for any health care specialty shall be denied a satisfactory proficiency rating solely because of his failure to meet formal educational or professional mem- bership requirements. (b) If any individual has been determined, under the program established pursuant to subsection (a), to be qualified to perform the duties and functions of any health care specialty, no person or pro- vider utilizing the services of such individual to perform such duties and functions shall be denied payment, under title XVIII or under any State plan approved under title XIX, for any health care services provided by such person on the grounds that such individual is not qualified to perform such duties and functions. Disclosure of Ownership and Related Information ¹ 1 Sec. 1124. (a) (1) The Secretary shall by regulation or by con- tract provision provide that each disclosing entity (as defined in para- graph (2)) shall— (A) as a condition of the disclosing entity's participation in, or certification or recertification under, any of the programs established by titles V, XVIII, XIX, and XX, or (B) as a condition for the approval or renewal of a contract or agreement between the disclosing entity and the Secretary or the appropriate State agency under any of the programs established under titles V, XVIII, XIX, and XX, supply the Secretary or the appropriate State agency with full and complete information as to the identity of each person with an owner- ship or control interest (as defined in paragraph (3)) in the entity or in any subcontractor (as defined by the Secretary in regulations) in 1 Section 1124 was added by sec. 3(a)(1) of P.L. 95–142. Revised April 1978 Sec. 1124(b) 325 which the entity directly or indirectly has a 5 per centum or more ownership interest. (2) As used in this section, the term "disclosing entity" means an entity which is— (A) a provider of services (as defined in section 1861 (u), other than a fund), an independent clinical laboratory, a renal disease facility, or a health maintenance organization (as defined in sec- tion 1301 (a) of the Public Health Service Act); (B) an entity (other than an individual practitioner or group of practitioners) that furnishes, or arranges for the furnishing of, items or services with respect to which payment may be claimed by the entity under any plan or program established pursuant to title V or under a State plan approved under title XIX; (C) a carrier or other agency or organization that is acting as a fiscal intermediary or agent with respect to one or more pro- viders of services (for purposes of part A or part B of title XVIII, or both, or for purposes of a State plan approved under title XIX) pursuant to (i) an agreement under section 1816, (ii) a contract under section 1842, or (iii) an agreement with a single State agency administering or supervising the administration of a State plan approved under title XIX; or (D) an entity (other than an individual practitioner or group of practitioners) that furnishes, or arranges for the furnishing of, health related services with respect to which payment may be claimed by the entity under a State plan or program approved under title XX. (3) As used in this section, the term "person with an ownership or control interest" means, with respect to an entity, a person who— (A) (i) has directly or indirectly (as determined by the Sec- retary in regulations) an ownership interest of 5 per centum or more in the entity; or (ii) is the owner (in whole or in part) of an interest of 5 per centum or more in any mortgage, deed of trust, note, or other obligation secured (in whole or in part) by the entity or any of the property or assets thereof; or (B) is an officer or director of the entity, if the entity is orga- nized as a corporation; or (C) is a partner in the entity, if the entity is organized as a partnership. (b) To the extent determined to be feasible under regulations of the Secretary, a disclosing entity shall also include in the information. supplied under subsection (a) (1), with respect to each person with an ownership or control interest in the entity, the name of any other dis- closing entity with respect to which the person is a person with an ownership or control interest. Sec. 1125(a) Revised April 1978 326 Issuance of Subpenas by Comptroller General ¹ 1 Sec. 1125. (a) For the purpose of any audit, investigation, exam- ination, analysis, review, evaluation, or other function authorized by law with respect to any program authorized under this Act, the Comp- troller General of the United States shall have power to sign and issue subpenas to any person requiring the production of any pertinent books, records, documents, or other information. Subpenas so issued by the Comptroller General shall be served by anyone authorized by him (1) by delivering a copy thereof to the person named therein, or (2) by registered mail or by certified mail addressed to such person at his last dwelling place or principal place of business. A verified return by the person so serving the subpena setting forth the manner of service, or, in the case of service by registered mail or by certified mail, the return post office receipt therefor signed by the person so served, shall be proof of service. (b) In case of contumacy by, or refusal to obey a subpena issued pursuant to subsection (a) of this section and duly served upon, any person, any district court of the United States for the judicial district in which such person charged with contumacy or refusal to obey is found or resides or transacts business, upon application by the Comp- troller General, shall have jurisdiction to issue an order requiring such person to produce the books, records, documents, or other information sought by the subpena; and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt thereof. In proceedings brought under this subsection, the Comptroller General shall be repre- sented by attorneys employed in the General Accounting Office or by counsel whom he may employ without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, and the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapters III and VI of chapter 53 of such title, relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates. (c) No personal medical record in the possession of the General Accounting Office shall be subject to subpena or discovery proceedings in a civil action. Disclosure by Institutions, Organizations, and Agencies of Own- ers and Certain Other Individuals Who Have Been Convicted of Certain Offenses 2 Sec. 1126. (a) As a condition of participation in or certification or recertification under the programs established by titles XVIII, XIX, and XX, any hospital, nursing facility, or other institution, 1 Section 1125 was added by sec. 6 of P.L. 95–142. 2 Section 1126 was added by sec. 8(a) of P.L. 95–142. Revised April 1978 327 Sec. 1131(a) organization, or agency shall be required to disclose to the Secretary or to the appropriate State agency the name of any person who- (1) has a direct or indirect ownership or control interest of 5 percent or more in such institution, organization, or agency or is an officer, director, agent, or managing employee (as defined in subsection (b)) of such institution, organization, or agency, and (2) has been convicted (on or after the date of the enactment of this section, or within such period prior to that date as the Sec- retary shall specify in regulations) of a criminal offense related to the involvement of such person in any of such programs. The Secretary or the appropriate State agency shall promptly notify the Inspector General in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare of the receipt from any institution, organization, or agency of any application or request for such participation, certification, or recertification which discloses the name of any such person, and shall notify the Inspector General of the action taken with respect to such application or request. (b) For the purposes of this section, the term "managing em- ployee" means, with respect to an institution, organization, or agency, an individual, including a general manager, business manager, admin- istrator, and director, who exercises operational or managerial control over the institution, organization, or agency, or who directly or in- directly conducts the day-to-day operations of the institution, orga- nization, or agency. Sec. 1130. [Repealed.] Notification of Social Security Claimant With Respect to Deferred Vested Benefits Sec. 1131. (a) Whenever- (1) the Secretary makes a finding of fact and a decision as to— (A) the entitlement of any individual to monthly benefits under section 202, 223, or 228, (B) the entitlement of any individual to a lump-sum death payment payable under section 202 (i) on account of the death of any person to whom such individual is related by blood, marriage, or adoption, or (C) the entitlement under section 226 of any individual to hospital insurance benefits under part A of title XVIII, or (2) the Secretary is requested to do so- (A) by any individual with respect to whom the Secre- tary holds information obtained under section 6057 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or Sec. 1131(a) Revised April 1978 328 (B) in the case of the death of the individual referred to in subparagraph (A), by the individual who would be entitled to payment under section 204 (d) of this Act, he shall transmit to the individual referred to in paragraph (1) or the individual making the request under paragraph (2) any information, as reported by the employer, regarding any deferred vested benefit transmitted to the Secretary pursuant to such sec- tion 6057 with respect to the individual referred to in paragraph (1) or (2) (A) or the person on whose wages and self-employment income entitlement (or claim of entitlement) is based. (b) (1) For purposes of section 201(g) (1), expenses incurred in the administration of subsection (a) shall be deemed to be expenses incurred for the administration of title II. (2) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund for each fiscal year (commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974) such sums as the Secretary deems necessary on account of additional adminis- trative expenses resulting from the enactment of the provisions of sub- section (a). Part B-Professional Standards Review Declaration of Purpose Sec. 1151. In order to promote the effective, efficient, and economi- cal delivery of health care services of proper quality for which pay- ment may be made (in whole or in part) under this Act and in recognition of the interests of patients, the public, practitioners, and providers in improved health care services, it is the purpose of this part to assure, through the application of suitable procedures of pro- fessional standards review, that the services for which payment may be made under the Social Security Act will conform to appropriate professional standards for the provision of health care and that pay- ment for such services will be made- (1) only when, and to the extent, medically necessary, as determined in the exercise of reasonable limits of professional discretion; and (2) in the case of services provided by a hospital or other health care facility on an inpatient basis, only when and for such period as such services cannot, consistent with professionally recognized health care standards, effectively be provided on an outpatient basis or more economically in an inpatient health care facility of a different type, as determined in the exercise of rea- sonable limits of professional discretion. Revised April 1978 329 Sec. 1152(b) Designation of Professional Standards Review Organizations Sec. 1152. (a) The Secretary shall (1) not later than January 1, 1974, establish throughout the United States appropriate areas with respect to which Professional Standards Review Organizations may be designated, and (2) at the earliest practicable date after designation of an area enter into an agreement with a qualified organization whereby such an organization shall be conditionally designated as the Professional Standards Review Organization for such area. If, on the basis of its performance during such period of conditional desig- nation, the Secretary determines that such organization is capable of fulfilling, in a satisfactory manner, the obligations and requirements for a Professional Standards Review Organization under this part, he shall enter into an agreement with such organization designating it as the Professional Standards Review Organization for such area. (b) For purposes of subsection (a), the term "qualified organiza- tion" means- (1) when used in connection with any area- (A) an organization (i) which is a nonprofit professional association (or a component organization thereof), (ii) which is composed of licensed doctors of medicine or osteopathy engaged in the practice of medicine or surgery in such area, (iii) the membership of which includes a substantial propor- tion of all such physicians in such area, (iv) which is orga- nized in a manner which makes available professional com- petence to review health care services of the types and kinds with respect to which Professional Standards Review Orga- nizations have review responsibilities under this part, (v) the membership of which is voluntary and open to all doctors of medicine or osteopathy licensed to engage in the practice of medicine or surgery in such area without requirement of membership in or payment of dues to any organized medical society or association, and (vi) which does not restrict the eligibility of any member for service as an officer of the Pro- fessional Standards Review Organization or eligibility for and assignment to duties of such Professional Standards Re- view Organization, or, subject to subsection (c) (1),¹ (B) such other public, nonprofit private, or other agency or organization, which the Secretary determines, in accord- ance with criteria prescribed by him in regulations, to be of professional competence and otherwise suitable; and - (2) an organization which the Secretary, on the basis of his examination and evaluation of a formal plan which shall be de- 1 Subparagraph (A) was amended by sec. 5 (o) (1) of P.L. 95-142. " Sec. 1152(b) 330 Revised April 1978 veloped and submitted by the association, agency, or organization in accordance with subsection (h) (as well as on the basis of other relevant data and information), finds to be willing to per- form and capable of performing, in an effective, timely, and objective manner and at reasonable cost, the duties, functions, and activities of a Professional Standards Review Organization re- quired by or pursuant to this part.¹ (c) (1) The Secretary shall not enter into any agreement under this part under which there is designated as the Professional Standards Review Organization for any area any organization other than an organization referred to in subsection (b)(1)(A) prior to January 1, 1978, nor after such date, unless, in such area, there is no organiza- tion referred to in subsection (b)(1)(A) which meets the conditions specified in subsection (b) (2).ª (2) Whenever the Secretary shall have entered into an agreement under this part under which there is designated as the Professional Standards Review Organization for any area any organization other than an organization referred to in subsection (b) (1) (A), he shall not renew such agreements with such organization if he determines that— (A) there is in such area an organization referred to in sub- section (b)(1)(A) which (i) has not been previously designated as a Professional Standards Review Organization, and (ii) is willing to enter into an agreement under this part under which such organization would be designated as the Professional Stand- ards Review Organization for such area; (B) such organization meets the conditions specified in sub- section (b) (2); and (C) the designation of such organization as the Professional Standards Review Organization for such area is anticipated to result in substantial improvement in the performance in such area of the duties and functions required of such organizations under this part. (d) Any such agreement under this part with an organization (other than an agreement established pursuant to section 1154) shall be for a term of 12 months; except that, prior to the expiration of such term such agreement may be terminated— (1) by the organization at such time and upon such notice to the Secretary as may be prescribed in regulations (except that notice of more than 3 months may not be required); or (2) by the Secretary at such time and upon such reasonable notice to the organization as may be prescribed in regulations, 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by sec. 5(d) (2) (A) of P.L. 95–142. 2 Date in subsection (c) (1) changed from "January 1, 1976" to "January 1, 1978" by section 108(a) of Public Law 94-182 subject to limitations specified in section 108(b) of the same act, which is reprinted in this document on page 770. Revised April 1978 331 Sec. 1152(g) but only after the Secretary has determined (after providing such organization with an opportunity for a formal hearing on the matter) that such organization is not substantially complying with or effectively carrying out the provisions of such agreement. (e) Where the Secretary finds a Professional Standards Review Organization (whether designated on a conditional basis or other- wise) to be competent to perform review responsibilities, the review, certification, and similar activities otherwise required pursuant to pro- visions of this Act (other than this part) shall not be applicable with respect to those providers, suppliers, and practitioners being reviewed by such Professional Standards Review Organization, except to the extent specified by the Secretary. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall be construed as rendering inapplicable any provision of this Act wherein requirements with respect to conditions for eligibility to or payment of benefits (as distinct from reviews and certifications made with respect to determinations of the kind made pursuant to para- graphs (1) and (2) of section 1155 (a)) must be satisfied.1¹ (f) (1) In the case of agreements entered into prior to January 1, 1978, under this part under which any organization is designated as the Professional Standards Review Organization for any area, the Secretary shall, prior to entering into any such agreement with any organization for any area, inform (under regulations of the Secretary) the doctors of medicine or osteopathy who are in active practice in such area of the Secretary's intention to enter into such an agreement with such organization.² (2) If, within a reasonable period of time following the serving of such notice, more than 10 per centum of such doctors object to the Secretary's entering into such an agreement with such organization on the ground that such organization is not representative of doctors in such area, the Secretary shall conduct a poll of such doctors to deter- mine whether or not such organization is representative of such doctors in such area. If more than 50 per centum of the doctors responding to such poll indicate that such organization is not representative of such doctors in such area the Secretary shall not enter into such an agree- ment with such organization. (g) (1) In any case in which the Secretary has established, within a State, two or more appropriate areas with respect to which Profes- sional Standards Review Organizations may be designated, he shall, prior to designating a Professional Standards Review Organization for any such area, conduct in each such area a poll in which the doc- tors of medicine and doctors of osteopathy engaged in active practice therein will be asked: "Do you support a change from the present local and regional Professional Standards Review Organization area desig- 1 Subsection (e) was amended by sec. 5(a) of P.L. 95–142. 2 Date in subsection (f) (1) changed from "January 1, 1976" to "January 1, 1978" by section 108(a) of Public Law 94-182 subject to limitations specified in section 108(b) of the same act, which is reprinted in this document on page 770. Sec. 1152(g) 332 Revised April 1978 nations to a single statewide area designation?". If, in each such area, more than 50 per centum of the doctors responding to such question respond in the affirmative, then the Secretary shall establish the entire State as a single Professional Standards Review Organization area. (2) The provisions of paragraph (1) shall not be applicable with respect to the designation of Professional Standards Review Orga- nization areas in any State, if, prior to the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary has entered into an agreement (on a condi- tional basis, or otherwise) with an organization designating it as the Professional Standards Review Organization for any area in the State.¹ (h) (1) During the development and preparation by an organiza- tion of its formal plan under subsection (b) (2) or of any modifica- tion of such plan to include review of services in skilled nursing facilities (as defined in section 1861 (j)) or intermediate care facilities (as defined in section 1905 (c)) or review of ambulatory care services, the organization shall consult with the single State agency responsible for administering or supervising the administration of the State plan approved under title XIX for the State in which the organization is located. (2) Such plan and any such modification shall be submitted to the Governor of such State, at the time of its submission to the Secretary, for his comments. (3) The Secretary, before making the findings described in sub- section (b) (2) or a finding regarding the organization's capability to perform review of such services (as the case may be), shall consider any such comments submitted to him by such Governor before the end of the thirty-day period beginning on the date of submission of the plan or of any such modification (as the case may be). (4) If, after considering such comments, the Secretary intends to make findings which are adverse to such comments, the Secretary shall provide the Governor making such comments with the opportunity to submit additional evidence and comments on such intended findings during a period of not less than thirty days ending before the findings became effective.2 Review Pending Designation of Professional Standards Review Organization Sec. 1153. Pending the assumption by a Professional Standards Review Organization for any area, of full review responsibility, and pending a demonstration of capacity for improved review effort with 1 Subsection (g) was added by sec. 105 of P.L. 94–182. 2 Subsection (h) was added by sec. 5(d) (2) (B) of P.L. 95–142. Revised April 1978 333 Sec. 1154(c) respect to matters involving the provision of health care services in such area for which payment (in whole or in part) may be made, under this Act, any review with respect to such services which has not been designated by the Secretary as the full responsibility of such organiza- tion, shall be reviewed in the manner otherwise provided for under law. Trial Period for Professional Standards Review Organizations Sec. 1154. (a) The Secretary shall initially designate an organiza- tion as a Professional Standards Review Organization for any area on a conditional basis with a view to determining the capacity of such organization to perform the duties and functions imposed under this part on Professional Standards Review Organizations. Such designa- tion may not be made prior to receipt from such organization and approval by the Secretary of a formal plan for the orderly assump- tion and implementation of the responsibilities of the Professional Standards Review Organization under this part. (b) During any such trial period (which may not exceed 48 months except as provided in subsection (c)), the Secretary may re- quire a Professional Standards Review Organization to perform, in addition to review of health care services provided by or in institu- tions, only such of the duties and functions required under this part of Professional Standards Review Organization as he determines such. organization to be capable of performing. The number and type of such duties shall, during the trial period, be progressively increased as the organization becomes capable of added responsibility so that, by the end of such period, such organization shall be considered a qualified organization only if the Secretary finds that it is sub- stantially carrying out in a satisfactory manner, the activities and functions required of Professional Standards Review Organizations under this part with respect to the review of health care services pro- vided by or in institutions (including ancillary services) and, in addition, review of such other health care services as the Secretary may require. Any of such duties and functions not performed by such organization during such period shall be performed in the manner and to the extent otherwise provided for under law.¹ (c) If the Secretary finds that an organization designated under subsection (a) has been unable to perform satisfactorily all of the duties and functions required under this part for reasons beyond the organization's control, he may extend such organization's trial period for an additional period not exceeding twenty-four months.² 1 Subsection (b) was amended by sec. 5(b) (1) of P.L. 95–142. 2 Subsection (c) was added (and the former subsection (c) was redesignated as sub- section (d)) by sec. 5(b) (2) of P.L. 95-142. Sec. 1154(d) 334 Revised April 1978 (d) Any agreement under which any organization is conditionally designated as the Professional Standards Review Organization for any area may be terminated by such organization upon 90 days notice to the Secretary or by the Secretary upon 90 days notice to such organization.¹ (e) In determining whether an organization designated on a con- ditional basis as the Professional Standards Review Organization for any area is substantially carrying out its duties in a satisfactory man- ner and should be considered a qualified organization, the Secretary shall follow the procedures specified in section 1152 (h) (concerning the Secretary's consideration of comments of the Governor of the State in which the organization is located).2 Duties and Functions of Professional Standards Review Organizations Sec. 1155. (a) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, but consistent with the provisions of this part, it shall be the duty and function of each Professional Standards Review Organization for any area to assume, at the earliest date practicable, responsibility for the review of the professional activities in such area of physicians and other health care practitioners and institutional and noninstitu- tional providers of health care services (except as provided in para- graph (7)) in the provision of health care services and items for which payment may be made (in whole or in part) under this Act for the purpose of determining whether- (A) such services and items are or were medically necessary; (B) the quality of such services meets professionally recog- nized standards of health care; and S (C) in case such services and items are proposed to be pro- vided in a hospital or other health care facility on an inpatient basis, such services and items could, consistent with the provision of appropriate medical care, be effectively provided on an out- patient basis or more economically in an inpatient health care facility of a different type.³ 3 (2) Each Professional Standards Review Organization shall have the authority to determine, in advance, in the case of- (A) any elective admission to a hospital, or other health care facility, or (B) any other health care service which will consist of extended or costly courses of treatment, whether such service, if provided, or if provided by a particular health 1 Former subsection (c) was redesignated as subsection (d) by sec. 5(b) (2) of P.L. 95-142. 2 Subsection (e) was added by sec. 5(d)(2) (C) of P.L. 95–142. 3 Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 5(d) (3) (B) (i) and sec. 5(o)(2) of P.L. 95-142. Revised April 1978 335 Sec. 1155(a) care practitioner or by a particular hospital or other health care facility, organization, or agency, would meet the criteria specified in clauses (A) and (C) of paragraph (1). (3) Each Professional Standards Review Organization shall, in accordance with regulations of the Secretary, determine and publish, from time to time, the types and kinds of cases (whether by type of health care or diagnosis involved, or whether in terms of other rele- vant criteria relating to the provision of health care services) with respect to which such organization will, in order most effectively to carry out the purposes of this part, exercise the authority conferred upon it under paragraph (2). (4) Each Professional Standards Review Organization shall be responsible for the arranging for the maintenance of and the regular review of profiles of care and services received and provided with respect to patients, utilizing to the greatest extent practicable in such patient profiles, methods of coding which will provide maximum con- fidentiality as to patient identity and assure objective evaluation con- sistent with the purposes of this part. Profiles shall also be regularly reviewed on an ongoing basis with respect to each health care prac- titioner and provider to determine whether the care and services. ordered or rendered are consistent with the criteria specified in clauses (A), (B), and (C) of paragraph (1). (5) Physicians assigned responsibility for the review of hospital care may be only those having active hospital staff privileges in at least one of the participating hospitals in the area served by the Pro- fessional Standards Review Organization.¹ (6) No physician shall be permitted to review— < (A) health care services provided to a patient if he was di- rectly responsible for providing such services, or (B) health care services provided in or by an institution, or- ganization, or agency, if he or any member of his family has, directly or indirectly, a significant financial interest in such institution, organization, or agency. For purposes of this paragraph, a physician's family includes only his spouse (other than a spouse who is legally separated from him under a decree of divorce or separate maintenance), children (including legally adopted children), grandchildren, parents, and grandparents.2 (7)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), a Professional Standards Review Organization located in a State has the function and duty to assume responsibility for the review under paragraph (1) of professional activities in intermediate care facilities (as defined in section 1905 (c)) and in public institutions for the mentally retarded 1 Paragraph (5) was amended by sec. 5(p) of P.L. 95–142. 2 Paragraph (6) was amended by sec. 5(c) (1) (A) and (B) of P.L. 95-142. Sec. 1155(a) 336 Revised April 1978 (described in section 1905 (d) (1)) only if (i) the Secretary finds, on the basis of such documentation as he may require from the State, that the single State agency which administers or supervises the adminis- tration of the State plan approved under title XIX for that State is not performing effective review of the quality and necessity of health care services provided in such facilities and institutions, or (ii) the State requests such organization to assume such responsibility. (B) A Professional Standards Review Organization located in a State has the function and duty to assume responsibility for the review under paragraph (1) of professional activities in intermediate care facilities in the State that are also skilled nursing facilities (as defined in section 1861 (j)), to the extent that the Secretary finds that the performance of such function by the single State agency (described in subparagraph (A)) for that State is inefficient.¹ (b) To the extent necessary or appropriate for the proper perform- ance of its duties and functions, the Professional Standards Review Organization serving any area is authorized in accordance with regu- lations prescribed by the Secretary to- 1 (1) make arrangements to utilize the services of persons who are practitioners of or specialists in the various areas of medicine (including dentistry), or other types of health care, which persons shall, to the maximum extent practicable, be individuals engaged in the practice of their profession within the area served by such organization; (2) undertake such professional inquiry either before or after, or both before and after, the provision of services with respect to which such organization has a responsibility for review under subsection (a) (1); (3) examine the pertinent records of any practitioner or pro- vider of health care services providing services with respect to which such organization has a responsibility for review under subsection (a) (1); and (4) inspect the facilities in which care is rendered or services provided (which are located in such area) of any practitioner or provider. (c) No Professional Standards Review Organization shall utilize the services of any individual who is not a duly licensed doctor of medicine or osteopathy to make final determinations in accordance with its duties and functions under this part with respect to the pro- fessional conduct of any other duly licensed doctor of medicine or osteopathy, or any act performed by any duly licensed doctor of medicine or osteopathy in the exercise of his profession. 1 Paragraph (7) was added by sec. 5(d) (3) (ii) of P.L. 95–142. Revised April 1978 337 Sec. 1155(f) (d) In order to familiarize physicians with the review functions and activities of Professional Standards Review Organizations and to promote acceptance of such functions and activities by physicians, patients, and other persons, each Professional Standards Review Organization, in carrying out its review responsibilities, shall (to the maximum extent consistent with the effective and timely perform- ance of its duties and functions)- (1) encourage all physicians practicing their profession in the area served by such Organization to participate as reviewers in the review activities of such Organizations; (2) provide rotating physician membership of review com- mittees on an extensive and continuing basis; (3) assure that membership on review committees have the broadest representation feasible in terms of the various types of practice in which physicians engage in the area served by such Organization; and (4) utilize, whenever appropriate, medical periodicals and sim- ilar publications to publicize the functions and activities of Pro- fessional Standards Review Organizations. (e) (1) Each Professional Standards Review Organization shall utilize the services of, and accept the findings of, the review com- mittees of a hospital (including any skilled nursing facility, as defined in section 1861 (j), or intermediate care facility, as defined in section 1905 (c), which is also a part of such hospital) or other operating health care facility or organization (other than such a skilled nursing facility or intermediate care facility which is not a part of a hospital) located in the areas served by such organization, but only when and only to the extent and only for such time that such committees in such hospital or other operating health care facility or organization have demonstrated to the satisfaction of such organization their ca- pacity effectively and in timely fashion to review activities in such hospital or other operating health care facility or organization (in- cluding the medical necessity of admissions, types and extent of services ordered, and lengths of stay) so as to aid in accomplishing the purposes and responsibilities described in subsection (a) (1), except where the Secretary disapproves, for good cause, such acceptance.¹ (2) The Secretary may prescribe regulations to carry out the pro- visions of this subsection. (f) (1) An agreement entered into under this part between the Secretary and any organization under which such organization is designated as the Professional Standards Review Organization for any area shall provide that such organization will— 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 5(d) (3) (A) of P.L. 95-142. Sec. 1155(f) Revised April 1978 338 (A) perform such duties and functions and assume such re- sponsibilities and comply with such other requirements as may be required by this part or under regulations of the Secretary pro- mulgated to carry out the provisions of this part; and (B) collect such data relevant to its functions and such infor- mation and keep and maintain such records in such form as the Secretary may require to carry out the purposes of this part and to permit access to and use of any such records as the Secre- tary may require for such purposes. (2) Any such agreement with an organization under this part shall provide that the Secretary make payments to such organization equal to the amount of expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred, as determined by the Secretary, by such organization in carrying out or preparing to carry out the duties and functions required by such agreement. (3) Any such agreement with an organization under this part may be in the form of a grant or an assistance agreement.¹ (g) (1) Where a Professional Standards Review Organization (whether designated on a conditional basis or otherwise) requests review responsibility with respect to services furnished in shared health facilities, the Secretary must give priority to such request, with the highest priority being assigned to requests from organizations located in areas with substantial numbers of shared health facilties. (2) The Secretary shall require any Professional Standards Review Organization which is capable of exercising review responsi- bility with respect to ambulatory care services to perform review responsibility with respect to such services on and after a date not earlier than the date the organization is designated as a Professional Standards Review Organization (other than under section 1154) and not later than two years after the date the organization has been so designated, but any such designated Professional Standards Review Organization may be approved to perform such review responsibility at any earlier time if such organization applies for, and is found capable of exercising, such responsibility.² Norms of Health Care Services for Various Illnesses or Health Conditions Sec. 1156. (a) Each Professional Standards Review Organization shall apply professionally developed norms of care, diagnosis, and treatment based upon typical patterns of practice in its regions (in- cluding typical lengths-of-stay for institutional care by age and diag- 1 Paragraph (3) was added by sec. 5(c) (1) (C) of P.L. 95–142. 2 Subsection (g) was amended by sec. 5(c) (1) (D) of P.L. 95–142. Revised April 1978 Sec. 1156(c) 339 nosis) as principal points of evaluation and review. The National Professional Standards Review Council and the Secretary shall pro- vide such technical assistance to the organization as will be helpful in utilizing and applying such norms of care, diagnosis, and treatment. Where the actual norms of care, diagnosis, and treatment in a Profes- sional Standards Review Organization area are significantly different from professionally developed regional norms of care, diagnosis, and treatment approved for comparable conditions, the Professional Standards Review Organization concerned shall be so informed, and in the event that appropriate consultation and discussion indicate reasonable basis for usage of other norms in the area concerned, the Professional Standards Review Organization may apply such norms in such area as are approved by the National Professional Standards Review Council. (b) Such norms with respect to treatment for particular illnesses or health conditions shall include (in accordance with regulations of the Secretary)- (1) the types and extent of the health care services which, taking into account differing, but acceptable, modes of treatment and methods of organizing and delivering care are considered within the range of appropriate diagnosis and treatment of such illness or health condition, consistent with professionally recog- nized and accepted patterns of care; (2) the type of health care facility which is considered, con- sistent with such standards, to be the type in which health care services which are medically appropriate for such illness or condi- tion can most economically be provided. S (c) (1) The National Professional Standards Review Council shall provide for the preparation and distribution, to each Professional Standards Review Organization and to each other agency or person performing review functions with respect to the provision of health care services under this Act, of appropriate materials indicating the regional norms to be utilized pursuant to this part. Such data concern- ing norms shall be reviewed and revised from time to time. The approval of the National Professional Standards Review Council of norms of care, diagnosis, and treatment shall be based on its analysis of appropriate and adequate data. (2) Each review organization, agency, or person referred to in paragraph (1) shall utilize the norms developed under this section as a principal point of evaluation and review for determining, with re- spect to any health care services which have been or are proposed to be provided, whether such care and services are consistent with the cri- teria specified in section 1155 (a) (1). 21-746 O - 78 - 26 Sec. 1156(d) 340 Revised April 1978 (d) (1) Each Professional Standards Review Organization shall- (A) in accordance with regulations of the Secretary, specify the appropriate points in time after the admission of a patient for inpatient care in a health care institution, at which the physician attending such patient shall execute a certification stating that further inpatient care in such institution will be medically neces- sary effectively to meet the health care needs of such patient; and (B) require that there be included in any such certification with respect to any patient such information as may be necessary to enable such organization properly to evaluate the medical necessity of the further institutional health care recommended by the physician executing such certification. (2) The points in time at which any such certification will be required (usually, not later than the 50th percentile of lengths-of-stay for patients in similar age groups with similar diagnosis) shall be consistent with and based on professionally developed norms of care and treatment and data developed with respect to length of stay in health care institutions of patients having various illnesses, injuries, or health conditions, and requiring various types of health care serv- ices or procedures. Submission of Reports by Professional Standards Review Organizations Sec. 1157. If, in discharging its duties and functions under this part, any Professional Standards Review Organization determines that any health care practitioner or any hospital, or other health care facility, agency, or organization has violated any of the obligations imposed by section 1160, such organization shall report the matter to the Statewide Professional Standards Review Council for the State in which such organization is located together with the recommendations of such Organization as to the action which should be taken with respect to the matter. Any Statewide Professional Standards Review Council receiving any such report and recommendation shall review the same and promptly transmit such report and recommendation to the Secretary together with any additional comments or recommenda- tions thereon as it deems appropriate.¹ Requirement of Review Approval as Condition of Payment of Claims Sec. 1158. (a) Except as provided for in section 1159 and subsection (d), no Federal funds appropriated under any title of this Act (other than title V) for the provision of health care services or items shall be 1 Section 1157 was amended by sec. 13(b) (4) of P.L. 95-142. Revised April 1978 Sec. 1158(d) 341 used (directly or indirectly) for the payment, under such title or any program established pursuant thereto, of any claim for the provision of such services or items, unless the Secretary, pursuant to regulation determines that the claimant is without fault if M (1) the provision of such services or items is subject to review under this part by any Professional Standards Review Organiza- tion, or other agency; and (2) such organization or other agency has, in the proper exer- cise of its duties and functions under or consistent with the pur- poses of this part, disapproved of the services or items giving rise to such claim, and has notified the practitioner or provider who provided or proposed to provide such services or items and the individual who would receive or was proposed to receive such services or items of its disapproval of the provision of such serv- ices or items.¹ (b) Whenever any Professional Standards Review Organization, in the discharge of its duties and functions as specified by or pursuant to this part, disapproves of any health care services or items furnished or to be furnished by any practitioner or provider, such organiza- tion shall, after notifying the practitioner, provider, or other organi- zation or agency of its disapproval in accordance with subsection (a), promptly notify the agency or organization having responsibility for acting upon claims for payment for or on account of such services or items. (c) Where a Professional Standards Review Organization (whether designated on a conditional basis or otherwise) has been found competent by the Secretary to assume review responsibility with respect to specified types of health care services or specified providers or practitioners of such services and is performing such reviews, deter- minations made pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1155 (a) in connection with such reviews shall constitute the conclusive determination on those issues (subject to sections 1159, 1171(a)(1), and 1171(d) (3)) for purposes of payment under this Act, and no reviews with respect to those determinations shall be conducted, for purposes of payment, by agencies and organizations which are parties to agreements entered into by the Secretary pursuant to section 1816, carriers which are parties to contracts entered into by the Secretary pursuant to section 1842, or single State agencies administering or supervising the administration of State plans approved under title XIX.2 (d) In any case in which a Professional Standards Review Orga- nization disapproves (under subsection (a)) of inpatient hospital ¹ Subsection (a) was amended by sec. 22(a) (1) of P.L. 95–142. 2 Subsection (c) was added by sec. 5(d) (1) of P.L. 95-142. - Sec. 1158(d) 342 Revised April 1978 services or posthospital extended care services, payment may be made for such services furnished before the second day after the day on which the provider received notice of such disapproval, or, if such organization determines that more time is required in order to arrange post discharge care, payment may be made for such services furnished before the fourth day after the day on which the provider received notice of such disapproval.¹ Hearings and Review by Secretary Sec. 1159. (a) Any beneficiary or recipient who is entitled to ben- efits under this Act (other than title V) or a provider or practitioner who is dissatisfied with a determination with respect to a claim made by a Professional Standards Review Organization in carrying out its responsibilities for the review of professional activities in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1155 (a) shall, after being notified of such determination, be entitled to a reconsideration thereof by the Professional Standards Review Organization and, where the Professional Standards Review Organization reaffirms such deter- mination in a State which has established a Statewide Professional Standards Review Council, and where the matter in controversy is $100 or more, such determination shall be reviewed by professional members of such Council and, if the Council so determines, revised. (b) Where the determination of the Statewide Professional Stand- ards Review Council is adverse to the beneficiary or recipient (or, in the absence of such Council in a State and where the matter in con- troversy is $100 or more), such beneficiary or recipient shall be entitled to a hearing thereon by the Secretary to the same extent as is provided in section 205 (b), and, where the amount in controversy is $1,000 or more, to judicial review of the Secretary's final decision after such hearing as is provided in section 205 (g). The Secretary will render a decision only after appropriate professional consultation on the matter. (c) Any review or appeals provided under this section shall be in lieu of any review, hearing, or appeal under this Act with respect to the same issue. Obligations of Health Care Practitioners and Providers of Health Care Services; Sanctions and Penalties; Hearings and Review Sec. 1160. (a) (1) It shall be the obligation of any health care practitioner and any other person (including a hospital or other health care facility, organization, or agency) who provides health care services for which payment may be made (in whole or in part) under this Act, to assure that services or items ordered or provided by 1 Subsection (d) was added by sec. 22(a)(2) of P.L. 95–142. Revised April 1978 343 Sec. 1160(b) such practitioner or person to beneficiaries and recipients under this Act- (A) will be provided only when, and to the extent, medically necessary; and (B) will be of a quality which meets professionally recognized standards of health care; and (C) will be supported by evidence of such medical necessity and quality in such form and fashion and at such time as may reasonably be required by the Professional Standards Review Organization in the exercise of its duties and responsibilities; and it shall be the obligation of any health care practitioner in order- ing, authorizing, directing, or arranging for the provision by any other person (including a hospital or other health care facility, organi- zation, or agency), of health care services for any patient of such prac- titioner, to exercise his professional responsibility with a view to assuring (to the extent of his influence or control over such patient, such person, or the provision of such services) that such services or items will be provided- (D) only when, and to the extent, medically necessary; and (E) will be of a quality which meets professionally recognized standards of health care. (2) Each health care practitioner, and each hospital or other pro- vider of health care services, shall have an obligation, within reason- able limits of professional discretion, not to take any action, in the exercise of his profession (in the case of any health care practitioner), or in the conduct of its business (in the case of any hospital or other such provider), which would authorize any individual to be admitted as an inpatient in or to continue as an inpatient in any hospital or other health care facility unless- (A) inpatient care is determined by such practitioner and by such hospital or other provider, consistent with professionally recognized health care standards, to be medically necessary for the proper care of such individual; and (B) (i) the inpatient care required by such individual can- not, consistent with such standards, be provided more economi- cally in a health care facility of a different type; or (ii) (in the case of a patient who requires care which can, consistent with such standards, be provided more economically in a health care facility of a different type) there is, in the area in which such individual is located, no such facility or no such facility which is available to provide care to such individual at the time when care is needed by him. (b) (1) If after reasonable notice and opportunity for discussion with the health care practitioner or hospital, or other health care Sec. 1160(b) 344 Revised April 1978 facility, agency, or organization concerned, any Professional Stand- ards Review Organization submits a report and recommendations to the Secretary pursuant to section 1157 (which report and recom- mendations shall be submitted through the Statewide Professional Standards Review Council, if such Council has been established, which shall promptly transmit such report and recommendations together with any additional comments and recommendations thereon as it deems appropriate) and if the Secretary determines that such health care practitioner or hospital, or other health care facility, agency, or organization, in providing health care services over which such orga- nization has review responsibility and for which payment (in whole or in part) may be made under this Act has (A) by failing, in a substantial number of cases, substantially to comply with any obligation imposed on him under subsection (a), or (B) by grossly and flagrantly violating any such obligation in one or more instances, demonstrated an unwillingness or a lack of ability substantially to comply with such obligations, he (in addition to any other sanction provided under law) may exclude (permanently or for such period as the Secretary may prescribe) such health care practitioner or hospital, or other health care facility, agency, or organization from eligibility to provide such services on a reimbursable basis.¹ (2) A determination made by the Secretary under this subsection shall be effective at such time and upon such reasonable notice to the public and to the person furnishing the services involved as may be specified in regulations. Such determination shall be effective with respect to services furnished to an individual on or after the effective date of such determination (except that in the case of institutional health care services such determination shall be effective in the manner provided in title XVIII with respect to terminations of provider agreements), and shall remain in effect until the Secretary finds and gives reasonable notice to the public that the basis for such determina- tion has been removed and that there is reasonable assurance that it will not recur. (3) In lieu of the sanction authorized by paragraph (1), the Secre- tary may require that (as a condition to the continued eligibility of such practitioner or provider to provide such health care services on a reimbursable basis) such practitioner or provider pay to the United States, in case such acts or conduct involved the provision or ordering by such practitioner or provider of health care services which were medically improper or unnecessary, an amount not in excess of the ¹ Paragraph (1) was amended by secs. 5(e) and 5(o)(3) of P.L. 95–142. Revised April 1978 Sec. 1162(b) 345 actual or estimated cost of the medically improper or unnecessary serv- ices so provided, or (if less) $5,000. Such amount may be deducted from any sums owing by the United States (or any instrumentality thereof) to the person from whom such amount is claimed. (4) Any person furnishing services described in paragraph (1) who is dissatisfied with a determination made by the Secretary under this subsection shall be entitled to reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing thereon by the Secretary to the same extent as is pro- vided in section 205 (b), and to judicial review of the Secretary's final decision after such hearing as is provided in section 205 (g). (c) It shall be the duty of each Professional Standards Review Organization and each Statewide Professional Standards Review Council to use such authority or influence it may possess as a profes- sional organization, and to enlist the support of any other professional or governmental organization having influence or authority over health care practitioners and any other person (including a hospital or other health care facility, organization, or agency) providing health care services in the area served by such review organization, in assur- ing that each practitioner or provider (referred to in subsection (a)) providing health care services in such area shall comply with all obli- gations imposed on him under subsection (a). Notice to Practitioner or Provider Sec. 1161. Whenever any Professional Standards Review Organi- zation takes any action or makes any determination- (a) which denies any request, by a health care practitioner or other provider of health care services, for approval of a health care service or item proposed to be ordered or provided by such practitioner or provider; or (b) that any such practitioner or provider has violated any obligation imposed on such practitioner or provider under section 1160, such organization shall, immediately after taking such action or mak- ing such determination, give notice to such practitioner or provider of such determination and the basis therefor, and shall provide him with appropriate opportunity for discussion and review of the matter. Statewide Professional Standards Review Councils; Advisory Groups to Such Councils Sec. 1162. (a) In any State in which there are located three or more Professional Standards Review Organizations, the Secretary shall establish a Statewide Professional Standards Review Council. (b) The membership of any such Council for any State shall be appointed by the Secretary and shall consist of— Sec. 1162(b) Revised April 1978 345-A · (1) one representative from and designated by each Profes- sional Standards Review Organization in the State; (2) four physicians, two of whom may be designated by the State medical society and two of whom may be designated by the State hospital association of such State to serve as members on such Council; and (3) four persons knowledgeable in health care from such State whom the Secretary shall have selected as representatives of the public in such State (at least two of whom shall have been recom- mended for membership on the Council by the Governor of such State). (c) It shall be the duty and function of the Statewide Professional Standards Review Council for any State, in accordance with regula- tions of the Secretary, (1) to coordinate the activities of, and dissemi- nate information and data among the various Professional Standards Review Organizations within such State including assisting the Secre- tary in development of uniform data gathering procedures and operat- ing procedures applicable to the several areas in a State (including, where appropriate, common data processing operations serving several or all areas) to assure efficient operation and objective evaluation of comparative performance of the several areas and, (2) to assist the Secretary in evaluating the performance of each Professional Stand- ards Review Organization, and (3) where the Secretary finds it neces- sary to replace a Professional Standards Review Organization, to assist him in developing and arranging for a qualified replacement Professional Standards Review Organization. (d) The Secretary is authorized to enter into an agreement with any such Council under which the Secretary shall make payments to such Council equal to the amount of expenses reasonably and neces- sarily incurred, as determined by the Secretary, by such Council in carrying out the duties and functions provided in this section. (e) (1) The Statewide Professional Standards Review Council for any State (or in a State which does not have such Council, the Profes- sional Standards Review Organizations in such State which have agreements with the Secretary) shall be advised and assisted in carry- ing out its functions by an advisory group (of not less than seven nor more than eleven members) which shall be made up of representatives of health care practitioners (other than physicians) and hospitals and other health care facilities which provide within the State health care services for which payment (in whole or in part) may be made under any program established by or pursuant to this Act. (2) The Secretary shall by regulations provide the manner in which members of such advisory group shall be selected by the Statewide Revised April 1978 345-B Sce. 1163(d) Professional Standards Review Council (or Professional Standards Review Organizations in States without such Councils). (3) The expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred, as deter- mined by the Secretary, by such group in carrying out its duties and functions under this subsection shall be considered to be expenses nec- essarily incurred by the Statewide Professional Standards Review Council served by such group. National Professional Standards Review Council Sec. 1163. (a) (1) There shall be established a National Professional Standards Review Council (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Council") which shall consist of eleven physicians, not other- wise in the employ of the United States, appointed by the Secretary without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, govern- ing appointments in the competitive service. (2) Members of the Council shall be appointed for a term of three years, except that the Secretary may provide, in the case of any terms. scheduled to expire after January 1, 1978, for such shorter terms as will ensure that (on a continuing basis) the terms of no more than four members expire in any year. Members of the Council shall be eligible for reappointment.¹ (3) The Secretary shall from time to time designate one of the members of the Council to serve as Chairman thereof. (b) Members of the Council shall consist of physicians of recog- nized standing and distinction in the appraisal of medical practice. A majority of such members shall be physicians who have been recom- mended by the Secretary to serve on the Council by national orga- nizations recognized by the Secretary as representing practicing physicians. The membership of the Council shall include physicians who have been recommended for membership on the Council by con- sumer groups and other health care interests. (c) The Council is authorized to utilize, and the Secretary shall make available, or arrange for, such technical and professional consulta- tive assistance as may be required to carry out its functions, and the Secretary shall, in addition, make available to the Council such secre- tarial, clerical and other assistance and such pertinent data prepared by, for, or otherwise available to, the Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare as the Council may require to carry out its functions. (d) Members of the Council, while serving on business of the Coun- cil, shall be entitled to receive compensation at a rate fixed by the Secretary (but not in excess of the daily rate paid under GS-18 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5, United States 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by sec. 5(f) of P.L. 95-142. Sec. 1163(d) 345-C Revised April 1978 Code), including travel time; and while so serving away from their homes or regular places of business, they may be allowed travel ex- penses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of title 5, United States Code, for persons in Government service employed intermittently. (e) It shall be the duty of the Council to- (1) advise the Secretary in the administration of this part; (2) provide for the development and distribution, among Statewide Professional Standards Review Councils and Profes- sional Standards Review Organizations of information and data which will assist such review councils and organizations in carry- ing out their duties and functions; (3) review the operations of Statewide Professional Standards Review Councils and Professional Standards Review Organiza- tions with a view to determining the effectiveness and compara- tive performance of such review councils and organizations in carrying out the purposes of this part; and (4) make or arrange for the making of studies and investiga- tions with a view to developing and recommending to the Secre- tary and to the Congress measures designed more effectively to accomplish the purposes and objectives of this part. (f) [Repealed] 1 - Application of This Part to Certain State Programs Receiving Federal Financial Assistance Sec. 1164. (a) In addition to the requirements imposed by law as a condition of approval of a State plan approved under any title of this Act under which health care services are paid for in whole or part, with Federal funds, there is hereby imposed the requirement that provisions of this part shall apply to the operation of such plan or program. (b) The requirement imposed by subsection (a) with respect to such State plans approved under this Act shall apply— (1) in the case of any such plan where legislative action by the State legislature is not necessary to meet such requirement, on and after January 1, 1974; and (2) in the case of any such plan where legislative action by the State legislature is necessary to meet such requirement, which- ever of the following is earlier— (A) on and after July 1, 1974, or (B) on and after the first day of the calendar month which first commences more than ninety days after the close of the first regular session of the legislature of such State which begins after December 31, 1973. 1 Subsection (f) was repealed by sec. 5(g) of P.L. 95–142. Revised April 1978 345-D Sec. 1166(b) Correlation of Functions Between Professional Standards Re- view Organizations and Administrative Instrumentalities Sec. 1165. The Secretary shall by regulations provide for such cor- relation of activities, such interchange of data and information, and such other cooperation consistent with economical, efficient, coordi- nated, and comprehensive implementation of this part (including, but not limited to, usage of existing mechanical and other data-gathering capacity) between and among— (a) (1) agencies and organizations which are parties to agree- ments entered into pursuant to section 1816, (2) carriers which are parties to contracts entered into pursuant to section 1842, and (3) any other public or private agency (other than a Profes- sional Standards Review Organization) having review or con- trol functions, or proved relevant data-gathering procedures and experience, and (b) Professional Standards Review Organizations, as may be necessary or appropriate for the effective administration of title XVIII, or State plans approved under this Act. Prohibition Against Disclosure of Information ¹ Sec. 1166. (a) Any data or information acquired by any Profes- sional Standards Review Organization, in the exercise of its duties and functions, shall be held in confidence and shall not be disclosed to any person except (1) to the extent that may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this part, (2) in such cases and under such cir- cumstances as the Secretary shall by regulations provide to assure adequate protection of the rights and interests of patients, health care practitioners, or providers of health care, or (3) in accordance with subsection (b). (b) A Professional Standards Review Organization shall provide, in accordance with procedures established by the Secretary, data and information- (1) to assist Federal and State agencies recognized by the Secretary as having responsibility for identifying and investi- gating cases or patterns of fraud or abuse, which data and information shall be provided by such organization to such agencies at the request of such agencies at the discretion of such Organization on the basis of its findings with respect to evidence of fraud or abuse; and (2) to assist the Secretary, and such Federal and State agen- cies recognized by the Secretary as having health planning or ¹ Section 1166 was amended by sec. 5(h) of P.L. 95-142. G Sec. 1166(b) 345-E Revised April 1978 related responsibilities under Federal or State law (including health systems agencies and State health planning and develop- ment agencies), in carrying out appropriate health care plan- ning and related activities, which data and information shall be provided in such format and manner as may be prescribed by the Secretary or agreed upon by the responsible Federal and State agencies and such Organization, and shall be in the form of aggregate statistical data (without identifying any individual) on a geographic, institutional, or other basis reflecting the vol- ume and frequency of services furnished, as well as the demo- graphic characteristics of the population subject to review by such Organization. - The penalty provided in subsection (c) shall not apply to the disclo- sure of any data and information received under this subsection, except that such penalty shall apply to the disclosure (by the agency receiving such data and information) of any such data and informa- tion described in paragraph (1) unless such disclosure is made in a judicial, administrative, or other formal legal proceeding resulting from an investigation conducted by the agency receiving the data and information. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person to disclose any such infor- mation other than for such purposes, and any person violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $1,000, and imprisoned for not more than six months, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. (d) No patient record in the possession of a Professional Stand- ards Review Organization, a Statewide Professional Standards Review Council, or the National Professional Standards Review Council shall be subject to subpena or discovery proceedings in a civil action. Limitation on Liability for Persons Providing Information, and for Members and Employees of Professional Standards Review Organizations and Statewide Professional Standards Review Councils, and for Health Care Practitioners and Providers ¹ Sec. 1167. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person providing information to any Professional Standards Review Organization or to any Statewide Professional Standards Review Council shall be held, by reason of having provided such informa- tion, to have violated any criminal law, or to be civilly liable under any law, of the United States or of any State (or political subdivision thereof) unless— 1 Section 1167 was amended by sec. 5(n) of P.L. 95–142. Revised April 1978 345--F Sec. 1167(d) (1) such information is unrelated to the performance of the duties and functions of such Organization or such Council, or (2) such information is false and the person providing such information knew, or had reason to believe, that such information was false. (b) (1) No individual who, as a member or employee of any Pro- fessional Standards Review Organization or of any Statewide Pro- fessional Standards Review Council or who furnishes professional counsel or services to such organization or council shall be held by reason of the performance by him of any duty, function, or activity authorized or required of Professional Standards Review Organiza- tions or of Statewide Professional Standards Review Councils under this part, to have violated any criminal law, or to be civilly liable under any law, of the United States or of any State (or political sub- division thereof) provided he has exercised due care. (2) The provisions of paragraph (1) shall not apply with respect to any action taken by any individual if such individual, in taking such action, was motivated by malice toward any person affected by such action. (c) No doctor of medicine or osteopathy and no provider (includ- ing directors, trustees, employees, or officials thereof) of health care services shall be civilly liable to any person under any law of the United States or of any State (or political subdivision thereof) on account of any action taken by him in compliance with or reliance upon professionally developed norms of care and treatment applied by a Professional Standards Review Organization (which has been designated in accordance with section 1152(b)(1)(A)) operating in the area where such doctor of medicine or osteopathy or provider took such action but only if— (1) he takes such action (in the case of a health care practi- tioner) in the exercise of his profession as a doctor of medicine or osteopathy (or in the case of a provider of health care services) in the exercise of his functions as a provider of health care serv- ices, and (2) he exercised due care in all professional conduct taken or directed by him and reasonably related to, and resulting from, the actions taken in compliance with or reliance upon such pro- fessionally accepted norms of care and treatment. (d) The Secretary shall make payment to a Professional Standards Review Organization, whether conditionally designated or qualified, or to any member or employee thereof, or to any person who furnishes legal counsel or services to such organization, in an amount equal to the reasonable amount of the expenses incurred, as determined by Sec. 1167(d) 345-G Revised April 1978 the Secretary, in connection with the defense of any suit, action, or proceeding brought against such organization, member, or employee related to the performance of any duty or function of such organiza- tion, member, or employee (as described in section 1155).¹ Authorization for Use of Certain Funds to Administer the Provisions of This Part Sec. 1168. Expenses incurred in the administration of this part shall be payable from— (a) funds in the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund; (b) funds in the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund; and (c) funds appropriated to carry out the health care provisions of the several titles of this Act; in such amounts from each of the sources of funds (referred to in sub- sections (a), (b), and (c)) as the Secretary shall deem to be fair and equitable after taking into consideration the costs attributable to the administration of this part with respect to each of such plans and programs. The Secretary shall make such transfers of moneys between the funds, referred to in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of the preceding sentence, as may be appropriate to settle accounts between them in cases where expenses properly payable from the funds described in one such clause have been paid from funds described in another of such clauses. The Secretary shall make payments to Professional Standards Review Organizations (whether designated on a conditional basis or otherwise) from funds described in the first sentence of this section (without any requirement for the contribution of funds by any State or political subdivision thereof) for expenses incurred in the performance of duties by such Organizations.2 Technical Assistance to Organizations Desiring To Be Designated as Professional Standards Review Organizations Sec. 1169. The Secretary is authorized to provide all necessary technical and other assistance (including the preparation of prototype plans of organization and operation) to organizations described in section 1152 (b) (1) which— (a) express a desire to be designated as a Professional Stand- ards Review Organization; and GRAN (b) the Secretary determines have a potential for meeting the requirements of a Professional Standards Review Organization; to assist such organizations in developing a proper plan to be sub- 1 Subsection (d) was added by sec. 5(i) of P.L. 95–142. 2 Sec. 1168 was amended by sec. 112 of P.L. 94-182 and by sec. 5(j) of P.L. 95–142. Revised April 1978 345-H Sec. 1171(b) mitted to the Secretary and otherwise in preparing to meet the require- ments of this part for designation as a Professional Standards Review Organization. Exemptions of Christian Science Sanatoriums Sec. 1170. The provisions of this part shall not apply with respect to a Christian Science sanatorium operated, or listed and certified, by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts. Memorandums of Understanding; Federal-State Relations Generally ¹ Sec. 1171. (a) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), no deter- mination made by a Professional Standards Review Organization pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1155 (a) in connection with reviews shall constitute conclusive determinations under section 1158 (c) for purposes of payment under title XIX, unless such orga- nization has entered into a memorandum of understanding, approved by the Secretary, with the single State agency responsible for admin- istering or supervising the administration of the State plan approved under title XIX for the State in which the organization is located (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "State agency") for the purpose of delineating the relationship between the organization and the State agency and of providing for the exchange of data or infor- mation, and for administrative procedures, coordination mechanisms, and modification of the memorandum at any time that additional responsibility for review by the organization is authorized by the Secretary. (2) The requirement of paragraph (1) may be waived by the Secretary if (A) the State agency indicates to the Secretary that it does not wish to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the organization involved, or (B) the Secretary finds that the State agency has refused to negotiate in good faith or in a timely manner with the organization involved. (b) (1) The State agency may request a Professional Standards Review Organization which is entering into such a memorandum of understanding with the agency to include in the memorandum a specification of review goals or methods (additional to any such goals or methods contained in the organization's formal plan) for the per- formance of the organization's duties and functions under this part. (2) If the agency and the organization cannot reach agreement re- 1 Section 1171 was added by sec. 5(d) (2) (D) of P.L. 95-142. Sec. 1171(b) Revised April 1978 345-I garding the inclusion of any such requested specification, the Secre- tary shall review such specification and shall require that the specifi- cation be included in the memorandum to the extent that the Secretary determines that such specification of goals or methods (A) is con- sistent with the functions of the organization under this part and with the provisions of title XIX and the State's plan approved under such title, and (B) does not seriously impact on the effectiveness and uni- formity of the organization's review of health care services paid for under title XVIII and title XIX of this Act. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the State agency may contract with any Professional Standards Review Orga- nization located in the State for the performance of review responsi- bilities in addition to those performed pursuant to this part (and the cost of performance of such additional responsibilities is reimburs- able as an expense of the State agency under section 1903 (a)) if- (1) the State agency formally requests the performance of such additional responsibilities, and (2) the performance of such additional responsibilities is not inconsistent with this part and is provided for in an amendment to the State's plan which is approved by the Secretary under title XIX. (d) (1) Each State agency may monitor the performance of review responsibilities by Professional Standards Review Organizations located within the State, in accordance with a State monitoring plan which is developed after review and comment by such organizations and is approved by the Secretary. The costs of activities of the State agency under and in accordance with such plan are reimbursable as an expense of the State agency under section 1903 (a). (2) A monitoring plan developed and approved under paragraph (1) may include a specification of performance criteria for judging the effectiveness of the review performance of the Professional Stand- ards Review Organizations. If the State agency and the Professional Standards Review Organizations cannot reach agreement regarding such criteria, the Secretary shall assist the agency and organizations in resolving the matters in dispute. (3) (A) Whenever a State agency monitoring the performance of review responsibilities by a Professional Standards Review Organiza- tion under a plan developed and approved under paragraph (1) sub- mits to the Secretary reasonable documentation that the review deter- minations of such organization have caused an unreasonable and detri- mental impact on total State expenditures under title XIX and on the appropriateness of care received by individuals under the State's plan approved under such title, and requests the Secretary to act, the doda Revised April 1978 Sec. 1171(e) 345-J Secretary shall, within thirty days from the date of receipt of the docu- mentation, make a determination as to the reasonableness of the allega- tion by the State agency. If the Secretary determines that the review determinations of such organization have caused an unreasonable and detrimental impact on total State expenditures under title XIX and on the appropriateness of care received by individuals under the State's plan approved under such title, unless the Secretary determines that the organization has taken appropriate corrective action, he shall immediately suspend such organization's authority in whole or in part under section 1158 (c) to make conclusive determinations for purposes of payment under title XIX (and he may suspend such authority for purposes of payment under title XVIII) until he (i) reevaluates such organization's performance of the responsibilities involved and deter- mines that such performance does not have such unreasonable and detrimental impact, or (ii) determines that the organization has taken appropriate corrective action. Any determination made by the Secre- tary under this subparagraph shall be final and shall not be subject to judicial review. (B) The Secretary shall notify the State agency submitting such documentation, and the organization involved, in writing, of his deter- mination, any subsequent actions taken, and the basis thereof, and shall notify the appropriate committees of the United States House of Rep- resentatives and the Senate of any such documentation submitted and the actions taken. (e) (1) The Secretary shall in a timely manner establish procedures and mechanisms to govern his relationships with State agencies under this part (specifically including his relationships with such agencies in connection with their respective functions under the preceding provi- sions of this section). Such mechanisms shall include periodic con- sultation by the Secretary with State agency representatives and representatives of Professional Standards Review Organizations re- garding relationships between such agencies and such organizations (including the appropriate exchange of data and information between such agencies and such organizations) and other problems of mutual concern, and such procedures shall permit the State agency to be repre- sented on any project assessments conducted by the Secretary with respect to a Professional Standards Review Organization located within its State. (2) Each Professional Standards Review Organization shall pro- vide to the State agency for the State in which it is located, upon request, data or information which the Secretary requires such organi- zations to report to him routinely on a periodic basis, and such other data or information as the Secretary authorizes to be disclosed. 21-746 O - 78 27 - Sec. 1172 Revised April 1978 346 Annual Reports ¹ Sec. 1172. The Secretary shall submit to the Congress not later than April 1, 1978, and not later than April 1 of each year thereafter, a full and complete report on the administration, impact, and cost of the program under this part during the preceding fiscal year, includ- ing data and information on— (1) the number, status (conditional or otherwise), and service areas of, and review methodologies employed by, all Professional Standards Review Organizations participating in the program; (2) the number of health care institutions and practitioners whose services are subject to review by Professional Standards Review Organizations, and the number of beneficiaries and recip- ients who received services subject to such review during such year; (3) The imposition of penalties and sanctions under this title for violations of law and for failure to comply with the obliga- tions imposed by this part; (4) the total costs incurred under titles V, XI, XVIII, and XIX of this Act in the implementation and operation of all pro- cedures required by such titles for the review of services to deter- mine their medical necessity, appropriateness of use, and quality; (5) changes in utilization rates and patterns, and changes in medical procedures and practices, attributable to the activities of Professional Standards Review Organizations; (6) the results of program evaluation activities, including the operation of data collection systems and the status of Profes- sional Standards Review Organization data policy and imple- mentation; (7) the extent to which Professional Standards Review Orga- nizations are performing reviews of services for other govern- mental or private health insurance programs; and (8) recommendations for legislative changes. Medical Officers in American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Is- lands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands To Be In- cluded in the Professional Standards Review Program 2 Sec. 1173. For purposes of applying this part (except sections 1155(c) and 1163) to American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, individuals licensed to practice medicine in those places shall be considered to be physicians and doctors of medicine. 1 Section 1172 was added by sec. 5(k) of P.L. 95-142. 2 Section 1173 was added by sec. 5 (1) (1) of P.L. 95–142. TITLE XII—ADVANCES TO STATE UNEMPLOYMENT FUNDS Sec. 1201. Advance to State Unemployment Funds.. Sec. 1202. Repayment by States of Advances to State Unemployment Funds Sec. 1203. Advances to Federal Unemployment Account-- Sec. 1204. Definition of Governor_ I I Page ¹ 347 1 This table does not appear in the law. 2 Section 1201 was amended by section 213 of P.L. 94-566. 348 348 349 Advance to State Unemployment Funds 2 Section 1201. (a) (1) Advances shall be made to the States from the Federal unemployment account in the Unemployment Trust Fund as provided in this section, and shall be repayable, without in- terest, in the manner provided in sections 901 (d) (1), 903 (b) (2), and 1202. An advance to a State for the payment of compensation in any 3-month period may be made if- (A) the Governor of the State applies therefor no earlier than the first day of the month preceding the first month of such 3- month period, and (B) he furnishes to the Secretary of Labor his estimate of the amount of an advance which will be required by the State for the payment of compensation in each month of such 3-month period. (2) In the case of any application for an advance under this sec- tion to any State for any 3-month period, the Secretary of Labor shall- (A) determine the amount (if any) which he finds will be required by such State for the payment of compensation in each month of such 3-month period, and (B) certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount (not greater than the amount estimated by the Governor of the State) determined under subparagraph (A). The aggregate of the amounts certified by the Secretary of Labor with respect to any 3-month period shall not exceed the amount which the Secretary of the Treasury reports to the Secretary of Labor is available in the Federal unemployment account for advances with respect to each month of such 3-month period. (3) For purposes of this subsection- (A) an application for an advance shall be made on such forms, and shall contain such information and data (fiscal and other- (347) Sec. 1201 (a) 348 wise) concerning the operation and administration of the State unemployment compensation law, as the Secretary of Labor deems necessary or relevant to the performance of his duties under this title, (B) the amount required by any State for the payment of compensation in any month shall be determined with due allow- ance for contingencies and taking into account all other amounts that will be available in the State's unemployment fund for the payment of compensation in such month, and (C) the term "compensation" means cash benefits payable to individuals with respect to their unemployment, exclusive of ex- penses of administration. (b) The Secretary of the Treasury shall, prior to audit or settle- ment by the General Accounting Office, transfer in monthly install- ments from the Federal unemployment account to the account of the State in the Unemployment Trust Fund the amount certified under subsection (a) by the Secretary of Labor (but not exceeding that portion of the balance in the Federal unemployment account at the time of the transfer which is not restricted as to use pursuant to section 903 (b) (1)). The amount of any monthly installment so trans- ferred shall not exceed the amount estimated by the State to be required for the payment of compensation for the month with respect to which such installment is made. Repayment by States of Advances to State Unemployment Funds Sec. 1202. The Governor of any State may at any time request that funds be transferred from the account of such State to the Federal unemployment account in repayment of part or all of that balance of advances, made to such State under section 1201, specified in the request. The Secretary of Labor shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount and balance specified in the request; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall promptly transfer such amount in reduction of such balance. Advances to Federal Unemployment Account Sec. 1203. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Federal unemployment account, as repayable advances (without in- terest), such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this title. Whenever, after the application of sections 901 (f) (3) and 902(a) with respect to the excess in the employment security admin- istration account as of the close of any fiscal year, there remains any portion of such excess, so much of such remainder as does not exceed the balance of advances made pursuant to this section shall be trans- ferred to the general fund of the Treasury and shall be credited against, and shall operate to reduce, such balance of advances. 349 Sec. 1204 Definition of Governor Sec. 1204. When used in this title, the term "Governor” includes the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. TITLE XIII-RECONVERSION UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS FOR SEAMEN [This title was added by the 1946 Amendment; however, the program provided by this title has expired.] TITLE XIV-GRANTS TO STATES FOR AID TO THE PERMANENTLY AND TOTALLY DISABLED ¹ 1 Page 2 351 351 353 358 358 Sec. 1401. Appropriation Sec. 1402. State Plans for Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled__ Sec. 1403. Payments to States- Sec. 1404. Operation of the State Plans- Sec. 1405. Definition of Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled…….. Appropriation Section 1401. For the purpose of enabling each State to furnish financial assistance, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to needy individuals eighteen years of age and older who are permanently and totally disabled and of encouraging each State, as far as practicable under such conditions, to furnish rehabilitation and other services to help such individuals attain or retain capability for self-support or self-care, there is hereby authorized to be appro- priated for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this title. The sums made available under this section shall be used for making payments to States which have submitted, and had ap- proved by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, State plans for aid to the permanently and totally disabled. State Plans for Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled Sec. 1402. (a) A State plan for aid to the permanently and totally disabled must (1) except to the extent permitted by the Secretary with respect to services, provide that it shall be in effect in all political subdivisions of the State, and, if administered by them, be mandatory upon them; (2) provide for financial participation by the State; (3) either provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to administer the plan, or provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to supervise the administration of the plan; (4) provide (A) for granting an opportunity for a fair hearing before the State agency to any individual whose claim for aid to the permanently and totally disabled is denied or is not acted upon with reasonable promptness, and (B) that if the State plan is admin- 1 P.L. 92-603, sec. 303, repealed title XIV effective January 1, 1974, but such repeal does not apply to Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. 2 This table of contents does not appear in the law. (351) Sec. 1402(a) 352 Istered in each of the political subdivisions of the State by a local agency and such local agency provides a hearing at which evidence may be presented prior to a hearing before the State agency, such local agency may put into effect immediately upon issuance its deci- sion upon the matter considered at such hearing; (5) provide (A) such methods of administration (including methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards on a merit basis except that the Secretary shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, and compensation of any individual em- ployed in accordance with such methods) as are found by the Secre- tary to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan, and (B) for the training and effective use of paid subprofessional staff. with particular emphasis on the full-time or part-time employment of recipients and other persons of low income, as community service aides, in the administration of the plan and for the use of nonpaid or partially paid volunteers in a social service volunteer program in providing services to applicants and recipients and in assisting any advisory committees established by the State agency; (6) provide that the State agency will make such reports, in such form and containing such information, as the Secretary may from time to time require, and comply with such provisions as the Secretary may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such re- ports; (7) provide that no aid will be furnished any individual under the plan with respect to any period with respect to which he is receiv- ing old-age assistance under the State plan approved under section 2 of this Act, aid to families with dependent children under the State plan approved under section 402 of this Act, or aid to the blind under the State plan approved under section 1002 of this Act; (8) provide that the State agency shall, in determining need, take into consideration any other income and resources of an individual claim- ing aid to the permanently and totally disabled, as well as any ex- penses reasonably attributable to the earning of any such income; except that, in making such determination, (A) the State agency may disregard not more than $7.50 of any income, (B) of the first $80 per month of additional income which is earned the State agency may disregard not more than the first $20 thereof plus one-half of the remainder, and (C) the State agency may, for a period not in excess of 36 months, disregard such additional amounts of other in- come and resources, in the case of an individual who has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the State agency, as may be neces- sary for the fulfillment of such plan, but only with respect to the part. or parts of such period during substantially all of which he is actually undergoing vocational rehabilitation; (9) provide safeguards which permit the use or disclosure of information concerning applicants or recipients only (A) to public officials who require such information 353 Sec. 1403(a) in connection with their official duties, or (B) to other persons for purposes directly connected with the administration of the State plan; (10) provide that all individuals wishing to make applica- tion for aid to the permanently and totally disabled shall have oppor- tunity to do so, and that aid to the permanently and totally disabled shall be furnished with reasonable promptness to all eligible indi- viduals; (11) effective July 1, 1953, provide, if the plan includes pay- ments to individuals in private or public institutions, for the establish- ment or designation of a State authority or authorities which shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining standards for such in- stitutions; and (12) provide a description of the services (if any) which the State agency makes available (using whatever internal orga- nizational arrangement it finds appropriate for this purpose) to appli- cants for and recipients of aid to the permanently and totally disabled to help them attain self-support or self-care, including a description of the steps taken to assure, in the provision of such services, maxi- mum utilization of other agencies providing similar or related services. (b) The Secretary shall approve any plan which fulfills the condi- tions specified in subsection (a), except that he shall not approve any plan which imposes, as a condition of eligibility for aid to the perma- nently and totally disabled under the plan- (1) Any residence requirement which excludes any resident of the State who has resided therein five years during the nine years immediately preceding the application for aid to the permanently and totally disabled and has resided therein continuously for one year immediately preceding the application; (2) Any citizenship requirement which excludes any citizen of the United States. At the option of the State, the plan may provide that manuals and other policy issuances will be furnished to persons without charge for the reasonable cost of such materials, but such provision shall not be required by the Secretary as a condition for the approval of such plan under this title. Payments to States Sec. 1403. (a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to each State which has an approved plan for aid to the permanently and totally disabled, for each quarter, be- ginning with the quarter commencing October 1, 1958— (1) in the case of any State other than Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as aid to the permanently and totally disabled under the State plan (including expenditures for premiums under part B of title Sec. 1403(a) 354 XVIII for individuals who are recipients of money payments un- der such plan and other insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof)— (A) 337 of such expenditures, not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds the product of $37 multiplied by the total number of recipients of aid to the permanently and totally disabled for such month (which total number, for purposes of this subsection, means (i) the number of individuals who received aid to the perma- nently and totally disabled in the form of money payments for such month, plus (ii) the number of other individuals with respect to whom expenditures were made in such month as aid to the permanently and totally disabled in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care); plus (B) the Federal percentage of the amount by which such expenditures exceed the maximum which may be counted under clause (A), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds the product of $75 mul- tiplied by the total number of such recipients of aid to the permanently and totally disabled for such month; and (2) in the case of Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands, and Guam, an amount equal to one-half of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as aid to the permanently and totally disabled under the State plan (including expenditures for premiums under part B of title XVIII for individuals who are recipients of money payments under such plan and other insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds $37.50 multiplied by the total number of recipients of aid to the permanently and totally disabled for such months; and (3) in the case of any State whose State plan approved under section 1402 meets the requirements of subsection (c) (1), an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan- (A) 75 per centum of so much of such expenditures as are for- (i) services which are prescribed pursuant to subsection (c) (1) and are provided (in accordance with the next sen- tence) to applicants for or recipients of aid to the permanently and totally disabled to help them attain or retain capability of self-support or self-care, or (ii) other services, specified by the Secretary as likely to prevent or reduce dependency, so provided to such applicants or recipients, or 355 Sec. 1403(a) (iii) any of the services prescribed pursuant to subsection (c) (1), and of the services specified as provided in clause (ii), which the Secretary may specify as appropriate for in- dividuals who, within such period or periods as the Secretary may prescribe, have been or are likely to become applicants for or recipients of aid to the permanently and totally dis- abled, if such services are requested by such individuals and are provided to such individuals in accordance with the next sentence, or (iv) the training (including both short- and long-term training at educational institutions through grants to such institutions or by direct financial assistance to students en- rolled in such institutions) of personnel employed or prepar- ing for employment by the State agency or by the local agency administering the plan in the political subdivision; plus (B) one-half of so much of such expenditures (not in- cluded under subparagraph (A)) as are for services pro- vided (in accordance with the next sentence) to applicants for or recipients of aid to the permanently and totally disabled, and to individuals requesting such services who (within such period or periods as the Secretary may prescribe) have been or are likely to become applicants for or recipients of such aid; plus (C) one-half of the remainder of such expenditures. The services referred to in subparagraphs (A) and (B) shall, except to the extent specified by the Secretary, include only— (D) services provided by the staff of the State agency, or of the local agency administering the State plan in the politi- cal subdivision: Provided, That no funds authorized under this title shall be available for services defined as vocational rehabilitation services under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (i) which are available to individuals in need of them under programs for their rehabilitation carried on under a State plan approved under such Act, or (ii) which the State agency or agencies administering or supervising the adminis- tration of the State plan approved under such Act are able and willing to provide if reimbursed for the cost thereof pur- suant to agreement under subparagraph (E), if provided by such staff, and (E) Under conditions which shall be prescribed by the Secretary, services which in the judgment of the State agency cannot be as economically or as effectively provided by the staff of such State or local agency and are not otherwise reasonably available to individuals in need of them, and Sec. 1403(a) 356 which are provided, pursuant to agreement with the State agency, by the State health authority or the State agency or agencies administering or supervising the administration of the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services approved under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act or by any other State agency which the Secretary may determine to be appropriate (whether provided by its staff or by contract with public (local) or nonprofit private agencies); except that services described in clause (ii) of subparagraph (D) hereof may be provided only pursuant to agreement with such State agency or agencies administering or supervising the admin- istration of the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services so approved. The portion of the amount expended for administra- tion of the State plan to which subparagraph (A) applies and the portion thereof to which subparagraphs (B) and (C) apply shall be determined in accordance with such methods and procedures as may be permitted by the Secretary; and (4) in the case of any State whose State plan approved under section 1402 does not meet the requirements of subsection (c) (1), an amount equal to one-half of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan, including services referred to in paragraph (3) and provided in accordance with the provisions of such paragraph. (b) The method of computing and paying such amounts shall be as follows: (1) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall, prior to the beginning of each quarter, estimate the amount to be paid to the State for such quarter under the provisions of sub- section (a), such estimate to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be expended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions of such subsection, and stating the amount appropriated or made available by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures in such quarter, and if such amount is less than the State's proportionate share of the total sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, (B) records showing the number of permanently and totally dis- abled individuals in the State, and (C) such other investigation as the Secretary may find necessary. (2) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall then certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount so esti- mated by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, (A) reduced or increased, as the case may be, by any sum by which 357 Sec. 1403(c) the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare finds that his estimate for any prior quarter was greater or less than the amount which should have been paid to the State under subsection (a) for such quarter, and (B) reduced by a sum equivalent to the pro rata share to which the United States is equitably entitled, as determined by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Wel- fare, of the net amount recovered during a prior quarter by the State or any political subdivision thereof with respect to aid to the permanently and totally disabled furnished under the State plan; except that such increases or reductions shall not be made. to the extent that such sums have been applied to make the amount certified for any prior quarter greater or less than the amount estimated by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for such prior quarter: Provided, That any part of the amount re- covered from the estate of a deceased recipient which is not in excess of the amount expended by the State or any political sub- division thereof for the funeral expenses of the deceased shall not be considered as a basis for reduction under clause (B) of this paragraph. (3) The Secretary of the Treasury shall thereupon, through the Fiscal Service of the Treasury Department, and prior to audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, paid to the State, at the time or times fixed by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the amount so certified. (c) (1) In order for a State to qualify for payments under para- graph (3) of subsection (a), its State plan approved under section 1402 must provide that the State agency shall make available to appli- cants for or recipients of aid to the permanently and totally disabled at least those services to help them attain or retain capability for self- support or self-care which are prescribed by the Secretary. (2) In the case of any State whose State plan included a provision meeting the requirements of paragraph (1), but with respect to which the Secretary finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hear ing to the State agency administering or supervising the administra- tion of such plan, that— (A) the provision has been so changed that it no longer com- plies with the requirements of paragraph (1), or (B) in the administration of the plan there is a failure to com- ply substantially with such provision, the Secretary shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State under paragraph (3) of subsection (a) until he is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. Until the Secretary is so satisfied further payments with respect to the administration of such State plan shall not be made under paragraph (3) of subsection (a) but shall instead be made, Sec. 1403(c) 358 subject to the other provisions of this title, under paragraph (4) of such subsection. Operation of State Plans Sec. 1404. In the case of any State plan for aid to the permanently and totally disabled which has been approved by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, if the Secretary after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency administering or supervising the administration of such plan, finds— (1) that the plan has been so changed as to impose any resi- dence or citizenship requirement prohibited by section 1402(b), or that in the administration of the plan any such prohibited re- quirement is imposed, with the knowledge of such State agency, in a substantial number of cases; or : (2) that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with any provision required by section 1402 (a) to be included in the plan; "" the Secretary shall notify such State agency for further payments will not be made to the State (or, in his discretion, that payments will be limited to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure) until he is satisfied that such prohibited requirement is no longer so imposed and that there is no longer any such failure to comply. Until he is so satisfied he shall make no further payments to such State (or shall limit payments to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure). Definition Sec. 1405. For the purposes of this title, the term "aid to the per- manently and totally disabled" means money payments to, or (if pro- vided in or after the third month before the month in which the recipient makes application for aid) medical care in behalf of, or any type of remedial care recognized under State law in behalf of, needy individuals eighteen years of age or older who are permanently and totally disabled, but does not include any such payments to or care in behalf of any individual who is an inmate of a public institution. (except as a patient in a medical institution) or any individual who is a patient in an institution for tuberculosis or mental diseases. Such term also includes payments which are not included within the mean- ing of such term under the preceding sentence, but which would be so included except that they are made on behalf of such a needy indi- vidual to another individual who (as determined in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secretary) is interested in or concerned with the welfare of such needy individual, but only with respect to a State whose State plan approved under section 1402 includes provision for- 359 Sec. 1405 (1) determination by the State agency that such needy indi- vidual has, by reason of his physical or mental condition, such inability to manage funds that making payments to him would be contrary to his welfare and, therefore, it is necessary to pro- vide such aid through payments described in this sentence; (2) making such payments only in cases in which such pay- ments will, under the rules otherwise applicable under the State plan for determining need and the amount of aid to the perma- nently and totally disabled to be paid (and in conjunction with other income and resources), meet all the need of the individuals with respect to whom such payments are made; (3) undertaking and continuing special efforts to protect the welfare of such individual and to improve, to the extent possible, his capacity for self-care and to manage funds; C (4) periodic review by such State agency of the determination under paragraph (1) to ascertain whether conditions justifying such determination still exist, with provision for termination of such payments if they do not and for seeking judicial appoint- ment of a guardian or other legal representative, as described in section 1111, if and when it appears that such action will best serve the interests of such needy individual; and (5) opportunity for a fair hearing before the State agency on the determination referred to in paragraph (1) for any individ- ual with respect to whom it is made. At the option of a State (if its plan approved under this title so provides), such term (i) need not include money payments to an individual who has been absent from such State for a period in excess of ninety consecutive days (regardless of whether he has maintained his residence in such State during such period) until he has been present in such State for thirty consecutive days in the case of such an individual who has maintained his residence in such State during such period or ninety consecutive days in the case of any other such individual, and (ii) may include rent payments made directly to a public housing agency on behalf of a recipient or a group or groups of recipients of aid under such plan. TITLE XV—UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION FOR FED- ERAL EMPLOYEES AND THE EX-SERVICEMEN'S UN- EMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM - [P.L. 89-554, 80 Stat. 378, approved September 6, 1966, repealed title XV of the Social Security Act (68 Stat. 1130; 72 Stat. 1087), and codified the provisions thereof as chapter 85 of title 5 of the United States Code.] TITLE XVI-GRANTS TO STATES FOR AID TO THE AGED, BLIND, OR DISABLED, OR FOR SUCH AID AND MEDI- CAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE AGED¹ Sec. 1601. Appropriation Sec. 1602. State Plans for Aid to Aged, Blind, or Disabled, or for Such Aid and Medical Assistance for the Aged___ Sec. 1603. Payments to States___ Sec. 1604. Operation of State Plans_. Sec. 1605. Definitions 1 1 Page - 21-746 O - 78 28 361 361 367 373 373 Appropriation Section 1601. For the purpose (a) of enabling each State, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to furnish financial assistance to needy individuals who are 65 years of age or over, are blind, or are 18 years of age or over and permanently and totally disabled, (b) of enabling each State, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to furnish medical assistance on behalf of individuals who are 65 years of age or over and who are not recipients of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled but whose income and resources are insufficient to meet the costs of necessary medical services, and (c) of encouraging each State, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to furnish rehabilitation and other services to help individuals referred to in clause (a) or (b) to attain or retain capa- bility for self-support or self-care, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry out the pur- poses of this title. The sums made available under this section shall be used for making payments to States which have submitted, and had approved by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, State plans for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled, or for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled and medical assistance for the aged. State Plans for Aid to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled, or for Such Aid and Medical Assistance for the Aged Sec. 1602. (a) A State plan for aid to the aged, blind, or dis- abled, or for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled and medical assistance for the aged, must- 1 P.L. 92-603, section 301, amended title XVI in its entirety under the title "Supple- mental Security Income for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled," effective January 1, 1974, but pursuant to P.L. 92-603, sec. 303(b), such amendment does not apply to Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virigin Islands. The amended title starts on page 377, this volume. 2 This table of contents does not appear in the law. (361) Sec. 1602(a) 362 (1) except to the extent permitted by the Secretary with re- spect to services, provide that it shall be in effect in all political subdivisions of the State, and if administered by them, be manda- tory upon them; (2) provide for financial participation by the State; (3) either provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to administer the plan, or provide for the establishment or designation of a single State agency to supervise the administration of the plan; (4)(A) provide for granting an opportunity for a fair hear- ing before the State agency to any individual whose claim for aid or assistance under the plan is denied or is not acted upon with reasonable promptness, and (B) that if the State plan is admin- istered in each of the political subdivisions of the State by a local agency and such local agency provides a hearing at which evi- dence may be presented prior to a hearing before the State agency, such local agency may put into effect immediately upon issuance its decision upon the matter considered at such hearing; (5) provide (A) such methods of administration (including methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of per- sonnel standards on a merit basis, except that the Secretary shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, and compensation of any individual employed in accordance with such methods) as are found by the Secretary to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan, and (B) for the training and effective use of paid subprofessional staff, with par- ticular emphasis on the full-time or part-time employment of recipients and other persons of low income, as community serv- ice aides, in the administration of the plan and for the use of nonpaid or partially paid volunteers in a social service volunteer program in providing services to applicants and recipients and in assisting any advisory committees established by the State agency; (6) provide that the State agency will make such reports, in such form and containing such information, as the Secretary may from time to time require, and comply with such provisions as the Secretary may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports; (7) provide safeguards which permit the use or disclosure of information concerning applicants or recipients only (A) to pub- lic officials who require such information in connection with their official duties, or (B) to other persons for purposes directly con- nected with the administration of the State plan; (8) provide that all individuals wishing to make application for aid or assistance under the plan shall have opportunity to 363 Sec. 1602(a) do so, and that such aid or assistance shall be furnished with reasonable promptness to all eligible individuals; (9) provide, if the plan includes aid or assistance to or on be- half of individuals in private or public institutions, for the estab- lishment or designation of a State authority or authorities which shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining standards for; (10) provide a description of the services (if any) which the State agency makes available (using whatever internal organiza- tional arrangement it finds appropriate for this purpose) to ap- plicants for or recipients of aid or assistance under the plan to help them attain self-support or self-care, including a description of the steps taken to assure, in the provision of such services, maxi- mum utilization of other agencies providing similar or related services; (11) provide that no aid or assistance will be furnished any individual under the plan with respect to any period with respect to which he is receiving assistance under the State plan approved under title I or aid under the State plan approved under part A of title IV or under title X or XIV; (12) provide that, in determining whether an individual is blind, there shall be an examination by a physician skilled in the diseases of the eye or by an optometrist, whichever the indi- vidual may select; (13) include reasonable standards, consistent with the objec- tives of this title, for determining eligibility for and the extent of aid or assistance under the plan; (14) provide that the State agency shall, in determining need for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled, take into consideration any other income and resources of an individual claiming such aid as well as any expenses reasonably attributable to the earn- ing of any such income; except that, in making such determina- tion with respect to any individual- (A) if such individual is blind, the State agency (i) shall disregard the first $85 per month of earned income plus one- half of earned income in excess of $85 per month, and (ii) shall, for a period not in excess of 12 months, and may, for a period not in excess of 36 months, disregard such additional amounts of other income and resources, in the case of any such individual who has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the State agency, as may be necessary for the fulfillment of such plan, (B) if such individual is not blind but is permanently and totally disabled, (i) of the first $80 per month of earned Sec. 1602(a) 364 income, the State agency may disregard not more than the first $20 thereof plus one-half of the remainder, and (ii) the State agency may, for a period not in excess of 36 months, disregard such additional amounts of other income and re- sources, in the case of any such individual who has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the State agency, as may be necessary for the fulfillment of such plan, but only with respect to the part or parts of such period during sub- stantially all of which he is actually undergoing vocational rehabilitation, (C) if such individual has attained age 65 and is neither blind nor permanently and totally disabled, of the first $80 per month of earned income the State agency may disregard not more than the first $20 thereof plus one-half of the remainder, and (D) the State agency may, before disregarding the amounts referred to above in this paragraph (14), disregard not more than $7.50 of any income; (15) if the State plan includes medical assistance for the aged— (A) provide for inclusion of some institutional and some noninstitutional care and services; (B) provide that no enrollment fee, premium, or similar charge will be imposed as a condition of any individual's eligibility for medical assistance for the aged under the plan; (C) provide for inclusion, to the extent required by regu- lations prescribed by the Secretary, of provisions (conform- ing to such regulations) with respect to the furnishing of such assistance to individuals who are residents of the State but are absent therefrom; and (D) provide that no lien may be imposed against the property of any individual prior to his death on account of medical assistance for the aged paid or to be paid on his be- half under the plan (except pursuant to the judgment of a court on account of benefits incorrectly paid on behalf of such individual), and that there shall be no adjustment or recovery (except, after the death of such individual and his surviving spouse, if any, from such individual's estate) of any medical assistance for the aged correctly paid on behalf of such individual under the plan; (16) if the State plan includes aid or assistance to or in behalf of individuals 65 years of age or older who are patients in institu- tions for mental diseases- (A) provide for having in effect such agreements or other arrangements with State authorities concerned with mental 365 Sec. 1602(a) diseases, and where appropriate, with such institutions, as may be necessary for carrying out the State plan, including arrangements for joint planning and for development of alternate methods of care, arrangements providing assurance of immediate readmittance to institutions where needed for individuals under alternate plans of care, and arrangements providing for access to patients and facilities for furnishing information, and for making reports; (B) provide for an individual plan for each such patient to assure that the institutional care provided to him is in his best interests, including, to that end, assurances that there will be initial and periodic review of his medical and other needs, that he will be given appropriate medical treatment within the institution, and that there will be a periodic determination of his need for continued treatment in the institution; (C) provide for the development of alternate plans of care, making maximum utilization of available resources, for recipients 65 years of age or older who would otherwise need care in such institutions, including appropriate medical treatment and other aid or assistance; for services referred to in section 1603(a)(4)(A) (i) and (ii) which are appro- priate for such recipients and for such patients; and for methods of administration necessary to assure that the re- sponsibilities of the State agency under the State plan with respect to such recipients and such patients will be effectively carried out; and (D) provide methods of determining the reasonable cost of institutional care for such patients; and (17) if the State plan includes aid or assistance to or in behalf of individuals 65 years of age or older who are patients in public institutions for mental diseases, show that the State is making satisfactory progress toward developing and implementing a comprehensive mental health program, including provision for utilization of community mental health centers, nursing homes, and other alternatives to care in public institutions for mental diseases; Notwithstanding paragraph (3), if on January 1, 1962, and on the date on which a State submits its plan for approval under this title, the State agency which administered or supervised the administration of the plan of such State approved under title X was different from the State agency which administered or supervised the administration of the plan of such State approved under title I and the State agency which administered or supervised the administration of the plan Sec. 1602(a) 366 of such State approved under title XIV, the State agency which administered or supervised the administration of such plan approved under title X may be designated to administer or supervise the admin- istration of the portion of the State plan for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled (or for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled and medical assistance for the aged) which relates to blind individuals and a separate State agency may be established or designated to administer or supervise the administration of the rest of such plan; and in such case the part of the plan which each such agency administers, or the administration of which each such agency supervises, shall be regarded as a separate plan for purposes of this title. (b) The Secretary shall approve any plan which fulfills the condi- tions specified in subsection (a), except that he shall not approve any plan which imposes, as a condition of eligibility for aid or assistance under the plan- K (1) an age requirement of more than sixty-five years; or (2) any residence requirement which (A) in the case of appli- cants for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled excludes any resident of the State who has resided therein five years during the nine years immediately preceding the application for such aid and has resided therein continuously for one year immediately preceding the application, and (B) in the case of applicants for medical assistance for the aged, excludes any individual who resides in the State; or (3) any citizenship requirement which excludes any citizen of the United States. At the option of the State, the plan may provide that manuals and other policy issuances will be furnished to persons without charge for the reasonable cost of such materials, but such provision shall not be required by the Secretary as a condition for the approval of such plan under this title. In the case of any State to which the provisions of section 344 of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950 were applicable on January 1, 1962, and to which the sentence of section 1002 (b) following paragraph (2) thereof is applicable on the date on which its State plan for aid to the aged, blind or disabled (or for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled and medical assistance for the aged) was submitted for approval under this title, the Secretary shall ap- prove the plan of such State for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled. (or for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled and medical assistance for the aged) for purposes of this title, even though it does not meet the requirements of paragraph (14) of subsection (a) if it meets all other requirements of this title for an approved plan for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled (or for aid to the aged, blind, or disabled and med- ical assistance for the aged); but payments under section 1603 shall 367 Sec. 1603(a) be made, in the case of any such plan, only with respect to expendi- tures thereunder which would be included as expenditures for the purposes of section 1603 under a plan approved under this section without regard to the provisions of this sentence. (c) Subject to the last sentence of subsection (a), nothing in this title shall be construed to permit a State to have in effect with respect. to any period more than one State plan approved under this title. Payments to States Sec. 1603. (a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Sec- retary shall pay to each State which has a plan approved under this title, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter commencing October 1, 1962— (1) in the case of any State other than Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during each month of such quarters to the aged, blind, or disabled under the State plan (including expenditures for premiums under Part B of title XVIII for individuals who are recipients of money payments under such plan and other insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof)- (A) 337 of such expenditures, not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to such month as exceeds the product of $37 multiplied by the total number of recipients of such aid for such month (which total number, for purposes of this subsection means (i) the number of individuals who received such aid in the form of money payments for such month, plus (ii) the number of other individuals with re- spect to whom expenditures were made in such month as aid to the aged, blind, or disabled in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care); plus (B) the larger of the following: (i) (I) the Federal percentage (as defined in section 1101(a)(8)) of the amount by which such expenditures exceed the amount which may be counted under clause (A), not counting so much of such excess with respect to such month as exceeds the product of $38 multiplied by the total number of recipients of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled for such month, plus (II) 15 per centum of the total expended during such month as aid to the aged, blind, or disabled under the State plan in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care, not counting so much of such expenditure with respect to such month Sec. 1603(a) 368 as exceeds the product of $15 multiplied by the total number of recipients of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled for such month, or (ii) (I) the Federal medical percentage (as defined in section 6(c)) of the amount by which such expendi- tures exceed the maximum which may be counted under clause (A), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to such month as exceeds (a) the product of $52 multiplied by the total number of such recipients of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled for such month, or (b) if smaller, the total expended as aid to the aged, blind, or disabled in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care with respect to such month plus the prod- uct of $37 multiplied by such total number of such re- cipients plus (II) the Federal percentage of the amount by which the total expended during such month as aid to the aged, blind, or disabled under the State plan exceeds the amount which may be counted under clause (A) and the preceding provisions of this clause (B)(ii), not counting so much of such excess with respect to such month as exceeds the product of $38 multiplied by the total number of such recipients of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled for such month; (2) in the case of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, an amount equal to— (A) one-half of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as aid to the aged, blind, or disabled under the State plan (including expenditures for premiums under part B of title XVIII for individuals who are recipients of money pay- ments under such plan and other insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost there- of), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds $37.50 multiplied by the total number of recipients of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled for such month; plus (B) the larger of the following amounts: (i) one-half of the amount by which such expenditures exceed the maximum which may be counted under clause (A), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as ex- ceeds (I) the product of $45 multiplied by the total number of such recipients of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled for such month, or (II) if smaller, the total expended as aid to the aged, blind, or disabled in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care with respect to such month plus 369 Sec. 1603(a) 400 the product of $37.50 multiplied by the total number of such recipients, or (ii) 15 per centum of the total of the sums ex- pended during such quarter as aid to the aged, blind, or dis- abled under the State plan in the form of medical or any other type of remedial care, not counting so much of any ex- penditure with respect to any month as exceeds the product of $7.50 multiplied by the total number of such recipients of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled for such month; (3) in the case of any State, an amount equal to the Federal medical percentage (as defined in section 61 (c)) of the total amounts expended during such quarter as medical assistance for the aged under the State plan (including expenditures for in- surance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof); and (4) in the case of any State whose State plan approved under section 1602 meets the requirements of subsection (c) (1), an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan- (A) 75 per centum of so much of such expenditures as are for- S (i) services which are prescribed pursuant to subsec- tion (c)(1) and are provided (in accordance with the next sentence) to applicants for or recipients of aid or assistance under the plan to help them attain or retain capability for self-support or self-care, or (ii) other services, specified by the Secretary as likely to prevent or reduce dependency, so provided to such applicants or recipients, or (iii) any of the services prescribed pursuant to sub- section (c) (1), and of the services specified as provided in clause (ii), which the Secretary may specify as ap- propriate for individuals who, within such period or pe- riods as the Secretary may prescribe, have been or are likely to become applicants for or recipients of aid or assistance under the plan if such services are requested by such individuals and are provided to such individuals in accordance with the next sentence, or (iv) the training (including both short- and long-term training at educational institutions through grants to such institutions or by direct financial assistance to stu- dents enrolled in such institutions) of personnel employed or preparing for employment by the State agency or by Sec. 1603(a) 370 the local agency administering the plan in the political subdivision; plus B) one-half of so much of such expenditures (not in- cluded under subparagraph (A)) as are for services pro- vided (in accordance with the next sentence) to applicants for or recipients of aid or assistance under the plan, and to individuals requesting such services who (within such pe- riod or periods as the Secretary may prescribe) have been or are likely to become applicants for or recipients of such aid or assistance; (C) one-half of the remainder of such expenditures. The services referred to in subparagraphs (A) and (B) shall, except to the extent specified by the Secretary, include only- (D) services provided by the staff of the State agency, or of the local agency administering the State plan in the polit- ical subdivision: Provided, That no funds authorized under this title shall be available for services defined as vocational rehabilitation services under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (i) which are available to individuals in need of them under programs for their rehabilitation carried on under a State plan approved under such Act, or (ii) which the State agency or agencies administering or supervising the adminis- tration of the State plan approved under such Act are able and willing to provide if reimbursed for the cost thereof pur- suant to agreement under subparagraph (E), if provided by such staff, and (E) under conditions which shall be prescribed by the Secretary, services which in the judgment of the State agency cannot be as economically or as effectively provided by the staff of such State or local agency and are not otherwise reasonably available to individuals in need of them, and which are provided, pursuant to agreement with the State agency, by the State health authority or the State agency or agencies administering or supervising the administration of the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services approved under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act or by any other State agency which the Secretary may determine to be appropriate (whether provided by its staff or by contract with public (local) or nonprofit private agencies); except that services described in clause (ii) of subparagraph (D) hereof may be provided only pursuant to agreement with such State agency or agencies administering or supervising the admin- istration of the State plan for vocational rehabilitation services so approved. The portion of the amount expended for administra- 371 Sec. 1603(c) tion of the State plan to which subparagraph (A) applies and the portion thereof to which subparagraphs (B) and (C) apply shall be determined in accordance with such methods and procedures as may be permitted by the Secretary; and (5) in the case of any State whose State plan approved under section 1602 does not meet the requirements of subsection (c) (1), an amount equal to one-half of the total of the sums expended dur- ing such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan, including. services referred to in paragraph (4) and provided in accordance with the provisions of such paragraph. (b) (1) Prior to the beginning of each quarter, the Secretary shall estimate the amount to which a State will be entitled under subsection (a) for such quarter, such estimates to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be expended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions of such subsection, and stating the amount appropriated or made available by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures in such quarter, and if such amount is less than the State's proportionate share of the total sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, and (B) such other investiga- tion as the Secretary may find necessary. (2) The Secretary shall then pay, in such installments as he may determine, to the State the amount so estimated, reduced or increased to the extent of any overpayment or underpayment which the Sec- retary determines was made under this section to such State for any prior quarter and with respect to which adjustment has not already been made under this subsection. (3) The pro rata share to which the United States is equitably entitled, as determined by the Secretary, of the net amount recovered during any quarter by the State or any political subdivision thereof with respect to aid or assistance furnished under the State plan, but excluding any amount of such aid or assistance recovered from the estate of a deceased recipient which is not in excess of the amount expended by the State or any political subdivision thereof for the funeral expenses of the deceased, shall be considered an overpayment to be adjusted under this subsection. (4) Upon the making of any estimate by the Secretary under this subsection, any appropriations available for payments under this sec- tion shall be deemed obligated. (c) (1) In order for a State to qualify for payments under para- graph (4) of subsection (a), its State plan approved under section 1602 must provide that the State agency shall make available to applicants for or recipients of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled under Sec. 1603(c) 372 such State plan at least those services to help them attain or retain capability for self-support or self-care which are prescribed by the Secretary. (2) In the case of any State whose State plan included a provision meeting the requirements of paragraph (1), but with respect to which the Secretary finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency, administering or supervising the administration of such plan, that- (A) the provision has been so changed that it no longer com- plies with the requirements of paragraph (1), or (B) in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with such provision, the Secretary shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State under paragraph (4) of subsection (a) until he is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. Until the Secretary is so satisfied further payments with re- spect to the administration of such State plan shall not be made under paragraph (4) of subsection (a) but shall instead be made, subject to the other provisions of this title, under paragraph (5) of such subsection. (d) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, the amount determined under such provisions for any State for any quarter which is attributable to expenditures with respect to indi- viduals 65 years of age or older who are patients in institutions for mental diseases shall be paid only to the extent that the State makes a showing satisfactory to the Secretary that total expenditures in the State from Federal, State, and local sources for mental health serv- ices (including payments to or in behalf of individuals with mental health problems) under State and local public health and public welfare programs for such quarter exceed the average of the total expenditures in the State from such sources for such services under such programs for each quarter of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965. For purposes of this subsection, expenditures for such services for each quarter in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, in the case of any State shall be determined on the basis of the latest data, satis- factory to the Secretary, available to him at the time of the first determination by him under this subsection for such State; and ex- penditures for such services for any quarter beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1965, in the case of any State shall be determined on the basis of the latest data, satisfactory to the Secretary, available to him at the time of the determination under this subsection for such State for such quarter; and determinations so made shall be conclusive for purposes of this subsection. 373 Sec. 1605(a) Operation of State Plans Sec. 1604. If the Secretary, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency administering or supervising the ad- ministration of the State plan approved under this title, finds— (1) that the plan has been so changed that it no longer com- plies with the provisions of section 1602; or (2) that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with any such provision; the Secretary shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State (or, in his discretion, that payments will be limited to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure), until the Secretary is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. Until he is so satisfied he shall make no further payments to such State (or shall limit payments to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure). Definitions Sec. 1605. (a) For purposes of this title, the term "aid to the aged, blind, or disabled" means money payments to, or (if provided in or after the third month before the month in which the recipient makes application for aid) medical care in behalf of or any type of remedial care recognized under State law in behalf of, needy individ- uals who are 65 years of age or older, are blind, or are 18 years of age or over and permanently and totally disabled, but such term does not include- (1) any such payments to or care in behalf of any individual who is an inmate of a public institution (except as a patient in a medical institution); or (2) any such payments to or care in behalf of any individual who has not attained 65 years of age and who is a patient in an institution for tuberculosis or mental diseases. Such term also includes payments which are not included within the meaning of such term under the preceding sentence, but which would be so included except that they are made on behalf of such a needy individual to another individual who (as determined in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secretary) is interested in or con- cerned with the welfare of such needy individual, but only with re- spect to a State whose State plan approved under section 1602 includes provision for- (A) determination by the State agency that such needy indi- vidual has, by reason of his physical or mental condition, such inability to manage funds that making payments to him would be contrary to his welfare and, therefore, it is necessary to provide such aid through payments described in this sentence; Sec. 1605(a) 374 (B) making such payments only in cases in which such pay- ments will, under the 'rules otherwise applicable under the State plan for determining need and the amount of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled to be paid (and in conjunction with other in- come and resources), meet all the need of the individuals with respect to whom such payments are made; (C) undertaking and continuing special efforts to protect the welfare of such individual and to improve, to the extent possible, his capacity for self-care and to manage funds; (D) periodic review by such State agency of the determination under clause (A) to ascertain whether conditions justify such de- termination still exist, with provision for termination of such payments if they do not and for seeking judicial appointment of a guardian or other legal representative, as described in section 1111, if and when it appears that such action will best serve the interests of such needy individual; and (E) opportunity for a fair hearing before the State agency on the determination referred to in clause (A) for any individual with respect to whom it is made. At the option of a State (if its plan approved under this title so pro- vides), such term (i) need not include money payments to an individ- ual who has been absent from such State for a period in excess of ninety consecutive days (regardless of whether he has maintained his resi- dence in such State during such period) until he has been present in such State for thirty consecutive days in the case of such an individual who has maintained his residence in such State during such period or ninety consecutive days in the case of any other such individual, and (ii) may include rent payments made directly to a public housing agency on behalf of a recipient or a group or groups of recipients of aid under such plan. (b) For purposes of this title, the term "medical assistance for the aged" means payment of part or all of the cost of the following care and services (if provided in or after the third month before the month in which the recipient makes application for assistance) for individ- uals who are sixty-five years of age or older and who are not recipients of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled (except, for any month, for recipi- ents of aid to the aged, blind, or disabled who are admitted to or dis- charged from a medical institution during such month) but whose income and resources are insufficient to meet all of such cost- (1) inpatient hospital services; (2) skilled nursing-home services; (3) physicians' services; (4) outpatient hospital or clinic services; 4 375 Sec. 1605(b) (5) home health care services; (6) private duty nursing services; (7) physical therapy and related services; (8) dental services; (9) laboratory and X-ray services; (10) prescribed drugs, eyeglasses, dentures, and prosthetic de- vices; (11) diagnostic, screening, and preventive services; and (12) any other medical care or remedial care recognized under State law; except that such term does not include any such payments with respect to care or services for any individual who is an inmate of a public institution (except as a patient in a medical institution). TITLE XVI—SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME FOR THE AGED, BLIND, AND DISABLED Sec. 1601. Purpose; appropriations-- Sec. 1602. Basic eligibility for benefits__ Sec. 1611. Eligibility for and amount of benefits. (a) Definition of eligible individual_ (b) Amount of benefits__. (c) Period for determination of benefits. Sec. 1612. Income (d) Special limits on gross income_ (e) Limitation on eligibility of certain individuals_ (f) Suspension of payments to individuals who are outside the United States_ (g) Certain individuals deemed to meet resources test_. (h) Certain individuals deemed to meet income test. Sec. 1613. Resources PART A-DETERMINATION OF BENEFITS (a) Meaning of income_ (b) Exclusions from income. Sec. 1614. Meaning of terms__ (a) Exclusions from resources. (b) Disposition of resources_ 21-746 O 78 (a) Aged, blind, or disabled individual. (b) Eligible spouse (c) Definition of child___. (d) Determination of marital relationships_. (e) United States_. (f) Income and resources of individuals other than eli- gible individuals and eligible spouses_ Sec. 1615. Rehabilitation services for blind and disabled individuals.. Sec. 1616. Optional State Supplementation____ Sec. 1617. Cost-of-living adjustments in benefits____ Sec. 1618. Operation of State supplementation programs-. Sec. 1631. Payments and procedures___ - PART B-PROCEDURAL AND GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 1632. Penalties for fraud__ Sec. 1633. Administration Sec. 1634. Determinations of medicaid eligibility. (a) Payment of benefits___ (b) Overpayments and underpayments. (c) Hearings and review. (d) Procedures; prohibitions of assignments; representa- tion of claimants.. (e) Applications and furnishing of information…. (f) Furnishing of information by other agencies. (g) Reimbursement to States for interim assistance pay- ments 1 This table of contents does not appear in the law. 1 I C 29 Page 1 377 378 378 378 378 379 379 379 381 381 381 382 382 384 386 386 386 386 386 389 389 389 389 390 390 392 395 395 396 396 397 397 Purpose; Appropriations Section 1601. For the purpose of establishing a national program to provide supplemental security income to individuals who have attained age 65 or are blind or disabled, there are authorized to be appropriated sums sufficient to carry out this title. 398 399 400 400 401 402 402 (377) Sec. 1602 Revised April 1978 378 Basic Eligibility for Benefits Section 1602. Every aged, blind, or disabled individual who is deter- mined under part A to be eligible on the basis of his income and resources shall, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this title, be paid benefits by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. Part A-Determination of Benefits Eligibility for and Amount of Benefits Definition of Eligible Individual Sec. 1611. (a) (1) Each aged, blind, or disabled individual who does not have an eligible spouse and- (A) whose income, other than income excluded pursuant to section 1612 (b), is at a rate of not more than $1,752 (or, if greater, the amount determined under section 1617)¹ for the calendar year 1974 or any calendar year thereafter, and (B) whose resources, other than resources excluded pursuant to section 1613(a), are not more than (i) in case such individual has a spouse with whom he is living, $2,250, or (ii) in case such individual has no spouse with whom he is living, $1,500, shall be an eligible individual for purposes of this title. (2) Each aged, blind, or disabled individual who has an eligible spouse and- (A) whose income (together with the income of such spouse), other than income excluded pursuant to section 1612(b), is at a rate of not more than $2,628 (or, if greater, the amount deter- mined under section 1617)¹ for the calendar year 1974, or any calendar year thereafter, and (B) whose resources (together with the resources of such spouse), other than resources excluded pursuant to section 1613 (a), are not more than $2,250, shall be an eligible individual for purposes of this title. Amounts of Benefits (b) (1) The benefit under this title for an individual who does not have an eligible spouse shall be payable at the rate of $1,752 (or, if greater, the amount determined under section 1617)¹ for the calendar year 1974 and any calendar year thereafter, reduced by the amount of income, not excluded pursuant to section 1612(b), of such individual. (2) The benefit under this title for an individual who has an eligible spouse shall be payable at the rate of $2,628 (or, if greater, the amount determined under section 1617)¹ for the calendar year 1974 and 1 See Appendix E. 379 Sec. 1611(e) any calendar year thereafter, reduced by the amount of income, not excluded pursuant to section 1612(b), of such individual and spouse. Period for Determination of Benefits (c)(1) An individual's eligibility for benefits under this title and the amount of such benefits shall be determined for each quarter of a calendar year except that, if the initial application for benefits is filed in the second or third month of a calendar quarter, such determina- tions shall be made for each month in such quarter. Eligibility for and the amount of such benefits for any quarter shall be redetermined at such time or times as may be provided by the Secretary. (2) For purposes of this subsection an application shall be con- sidered to be effective as of the first day of the month in which it was actually filed. Special Limits on Gross Income (d) The Secretary may prescribe the circumstances under which, consistently with the purposes of this title, the gross income from a trade or business (including farming) will be considered sufficiently large to make an individual ineligible for benefits under this title. For purposes of this subsection, the term "gross income" has the same meaning as when used in chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. Limitation on Eligibility of Certain Individuals (e) (1) (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B) and (C), no person shall be an eligible individual or eligible spouse for purposes of this title with respect to any month if throughout such month he is an inmate of a public institution.¹ (B) In any case where an eligible individual or his eligible spouse (if any) is, throughout any month, in a hospital, extended care facility, nursing home, or intermediate care facility receiving pay- ments (with respect to such individual or spouse) under a State plan approved under title XIX, the benefit under this title for such indi- vidual for such month shall be payable- 1 (i) at a rate not in excess of $300 per year (reduced by the amount of any income not excluded pursuant to section 1612(b)) in the case of an individual who does not have an eligible spouse; 1 Subparagraph (A) was amended by section 505(a) of P.L. 94–566. Sec. 1611(e) 380 (ii) in the case of an individual who has an eligible spouse, if only one of them is in such a hospital, home or facility through- out such month, at a rate not in excess of the sum of— (I) the rate of $300 per year (reduced by the amount of any income, not excluded pursuant to section 1612(b), of the one who is in such hospital, home, or facility), and (II) the applicable rate specified in subsection (b) (1) (reduced by the amount of any income, not excluded pur- suant to section 1612(b), of the other); and ¹ (iii) at a rate not in excess of $600 per year (reduced by the amount of any income not excluded pursuant to section 1612(b)) in the case of an individual who has an eligible spouse, if both of them are in such a hospital, home, or facility throughout such month. (C) As used in subparagraph (A), the term "public institution" does not include a publicly operated community residence which serves no more than 16 residents.2 (2) No person shall be an eligible individual or eligible spouse for purposes of this title if, after notice to such person by the Secre- tary that it is likely that such person is eligible for any payments of the type enumerated in section 1612(a) (2) (B), such person fails within 30 days to take all appropriate steps to apply for and (if eligible) obtain any such payments. (3) (A) No person who is an aged, blind, or disabled individual solely by reason of disability (as determined under section 1614 (a) (3)) shall be an eligible individual or eligible spouse for purposes of this title with respect to any month if such individual is medically determined to be a drug addict or an alcoholic unless such individual is undergoing any treatment that may be appropriate for his condition as a drug addict or alcoholic (as the case may be) at an institution or facility approved for purposes of this paragraph by the Secretary (so long as such treatment is available) and demonstrates that he is complying with the terms, conditions, and requirements of such treat- ment and with requirements imposed by the Secretary under subpara- graph (B). (B) The Secretary shall provide for the monitoring and testing of all individuals who are receiving benefits under this title and who as a condition of such benefits are required to be undergoing treat- ment and complying with the terms, conditions, and requirements thereof as described in subparagraph (A), in order to assure such compliance and to determine the extent to which the imposition of such requirement is contributing to the achievement of the purposes 1 Clause (ii) was amended by section 502 of P.L. 94–566. 2 Subparagraph (C) was added by section 505 (a) of P.L. 94-566. 381 Sec. 1611(h) of this title. The Secretary shall annually submit to the Congress a full and complete report on his activities under this paragraph. Suspension of Payments to Individuals Who Are Outside the United States (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no indi- vidual shall be considered an eligible individual for purposes of this title for any month during all of which such individual is outside the United States (and no person shall be considered the eligible spouse of an individual for purposes of this title with respect to any month during all of which such person is outside the United States). For purposes of the preceding sentence, after an individual has been outside the United States for any period of 30 consecutive days, he shall be treated as remaining outside the United States until he has been in the United States for a period of 30 consecutive days. Certain Individuals Deemed To Meet Resources Test (g) In the case of any individual or any individual and his spouse (as the case may be) who— (1) received aid or assistance for December 1973 under a plan of a State approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI, (2) has, since December 31, 1973, continuously resided in the State under the plan of which he or they received such aid or assistance for December 1973, and (3) has, since December 31, 1973, continuously been (except for periods not in excess of six consecutive months) an eligible individual or eligible spouse with respect to whom supplemental security income benefits are payable, the resources of such individual or such individual and his spouse (as the case may be) shall be deemed not to exceed the amount specified in sections 1611(a)(1) (B) and 1611(a)(2)(B) during any period that the resources of such individual or individuals and his spouse (as the case may be) does not exceed the maximum amount of resources speci- fied in the State plan, as in effect for October 1972, under which he or they received such aid or assistance for December 1973. Certain Individuals Deemed To Meet Income Test (h) In determining eligibility for, and the amount of, benefits payable under this section in the case of any individual or any indi- vidual and his spouse (as the case may be) who- (1) received aid or assistance for December 1973 under a plan of a State approved under title X or XVI, (2) is blind under the definition of that term in the plan, as in effect for October 1972, under which he or they received such aid or assistance for December 1973, M Sec. 1611(h) 382 (3) has, since December 31, 1973, continuously resided in the State under the plan of which he or they received such aid or assistance for December 1973, and (4) has, since December 31, 1973, continuously been (except for periods not in excess of six consecutive months) an eligible individual or an eligible spouse with respect to whom supple- mental security income benefits are payable, there shall be disregarded an amount equal to the greater of (A) the maximum amount of any earned or unearned income which could have been disregarded under the State plan, as in effect for October 1972, under which he or they received such aid or assistance for December 1973, and (B) the amount which would be required to be disregarded under section 1612 without application of this subsection. Income Meaning of Income Sec. 1612. (a) For purposes of this title, income means both earned income and unearned income; and- (1) earned income means only- (A) wages as determined under section 203 (f) (5) (C) ; and (B) net earnings from self-employment, as defined in sec- tion 211 (without the application of the second and third sentences following subsection (a)(10), and the last para- graph of subsection (a)), including earnings for services described in paragraphs (4), (5), and (6) of subsection (c); and K 1 (2) unearned income means all other income, including-- (A) support and maintenance furnished in cash or kind; except that (i) in the case of any individual (and his eligible spouse, if any) living in another person's household and receiving support and maintenance in kind from such person, the dollar amounts otherwise applicable to such individual (and spouse) as specified in subsections (a) and (b) of sec- tion 1611 shall be reduced by 33% percent in lieu of including such support and maintenance in the unearned income of such individual (and spouse) as otherwise required by this subparagraph, (ii) in the case of any individual or his eligible spouse who resides in a nonprofit retirement home or similar nonprofit institution, support and maintenance shall not be included to the extent that it is furnished to such in- dividual or such spouse without such institution receiving payment therefor (unless such institution has expressly undertaken an obligation to furnish full support and main- tenance to such individual or spouse without any current or - Revised April 1978 383 Sec. 1612(a) future payment therefor) or payment there for is made by another nonprofit organization, and (iii) support and maintenance shall not be included and the provisions of clause (i) shall not be applicable in the case of any indi- vidual (and his eligible spouse, if any) for the period which begins with the month in which such individual (or such individual and his eligible spouse) began to receive sup- port and maintenance while living in a residential facility (including a private household) maintained by another person and ends with the close of the month in which such individual (or such individual and his eligible spouse) ceases to receive support and maintenance while living in such a residential facility (or, if earlier, with the close of the seventeenth month following the month in which such period began), if, not more than 30 days prior to the date on which such individual (or such individual and his eligi- ble spouse) began to receive support and maintenance while living in such a residential facility, (I) such individual (or such individual and his eligible spouse) were residing in a household maintained by such individual (or by such indi- vidual and others) as his or their own home, (II) there occurred within the area in which such household is located (and while such individual, or such individual and his spouse, were residing in the household referred to in sub- clause (I)) a catastrophe on account of which the President declared a major disaster to exist therein for purposes of the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, and (III) such individual declares that he (or he and his eligible spouse) ceased to continue living in the household referred to in subclause (II) because of such catastrophe; ¹ 1 (B) any payments received as an annuity, pension, retire- ment, or disability benefit, including veterans' compensation and pensions, workmen's compensation payments, old-age, survivors, and disability insurance benefits, railroad retire- ment annuities and pensions, and unemployment insurance benefits; (C) prizes and awards; (D) the proceeds of any life insurance policy to the extent that they exceed the amount expended by the beneficiary for purposes of the insured individual's last illness and burial or $1,500, whichever is less; G C ¹ Clause (iii) was added by section 4 of P.L. 94-331 and amended by section 2125 of P.L. 94-455. It is effective only in the case of catastrophes which occur on or after June 1, 1976. See excerpt from P.L. 94-331 on page 777. Sec. 1612(a) Revised April 1978 384 (E) gifts (cash or otherwise), support and alimony pay- ments, and inheritances; and (F) rents, dividends, interest, and royalties. 1 Exclusions From Income ¹ (b) In determining the income of an individual (and his eligible spouse) there shall be excluded— (1) subject to limitations (as to amount or otherwise) pre- scribed by the Secretary, if such individual is a child who is, as determined by the Secretary, a student regularly attending a school, college, or university, or a course of vocational or technical training designed to prepare him for gainful employment, the earned income of such individual; (2)(A) the first $240 per year (or proportionately smaller amounts for shorter periods) of income (whether earned or un- earned) other than income which is paid on the basis of the need of the eligible individual; (B) Monthly (or other periodic) payments received by any in- dividual, under a program established prior to July 1, 1973, if such payments are made by the State of which the individual receiving such payments is a resident, and if eligibility of any individual for such payments is not based on need and is based solely on at- tainment of age 65 and duration of residence in such State by such individual.2 (3)(A) the total unearned income of such individual (and such spouse, if any) in a calendar quarter which, as determined in accordance with criteria prescribed by the Secretary, is received too infrequently or irregularly to be included, if such income so received does not exceed $60 in such quarter, and (B) the total earned income of such individual (and such spouse, if any) in a calendar quarter which, as determined in accordance with such criteria, is received too infrequently or irregularly to be included, if such income so received does not exceed $30 in such quarter; (4) (A) if such individual (or such spouse) is blind (and has not attained age 65, or received benefits under this title (or aid under a State plan approved under section 1002 or 1602) for the month before the month in which he attained age 65), (i) the first $780 per year (or proportionately smaller amounts for shorter periods) of earned income not excluded by the preceding para- graphs of this subsection, plus one-half of the remainder thereof, (ii) an amount equal to any expenses reasonably attributable to the earning of any income, and (iii) such additional amounts of ¹ In addition to the exclusions specified here, see section 2(h) of the Housing Author- ization Act of 1976 which appears in this document on page 778. 2 Subparagraph (B) added by section 9 of Public Law 94-202. The capitalization of the first word is a technical error. Revised April 1978 385 Sec. 1612(b) other income, where such individual has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the Secretary, as may be necessary for the fulfillment of such plan, (B) if such individual (or such spouse) is disabled but not blind (and has not attained age 65, or received benefits under this title (or aid under a State plan approved under section 1402 or 1602) for the month before the month in which he attained age 65), (i) the first $780 per year (or proportionately smaller amounts for shorter periods) of earned income not excluded by the preceding paragraphs of this subsection, plus one-half of the remainder thereof, and (ii) such additional amounts of other in- come, where such individual has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the Secretary, as may be necessary for the fulfillment of such plan, or (C) if such individual (or such spouse) has attained age 65 and is not included under subparagraph (A) or (B), the first $780 per year (or proportionately smaller amounts for shorter periods) of earned income not excluded by the preceding para- graphs of this subsection, plus one-half of the remainder thereof; (5) any amount received from any public agency as a return or refund of taxes paid on real property or on food purchased by such individual (or such spouse); (6) assistance, furnished to or on behalf of such individual (and spouse), which is based on need and furnished by any State or political subdivision of a State; ¹ 1 (7) any portion of any grant, scholarship, or fellowship received for use in paying the cost of tuition and fees at any edu- cational (including technical or vocational education) institution; (8) home produce of such individual (or spouse) utilized by the household for its own consumption; (9) if such individual is a child one-third of any payment for his support received from an absent parent; (10) any amounts received for the foster care of a child who is not an eligible individual but who is living in the same home as such individual and was placed in such home by a public or nonprofit private child-placement or child-care agency; (11) assistance received under the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 or other assistance provided pursuant to a Federal statute on account of a catastrophe which is declared to be a major disaster by the President; and 2 (12) interest income received on assistance funds referred to in paragraph (11) within the 9-month period beginning on the 1 Paragraph (6) was amended by section 505 (b) of P.L. 94-566. 2 Paragraph (11) was added by section 2 of P.L. 94-331 and is effective only in the case of catastrophies taking place after June 1, 1976. See excerpt from P.L. 94-331 on page 777. Sec. 1612(b) 386 Revised April 1978 date such funds are received (or such longer periods as the Sec- retary shall by regulations prescribe in cases where good cause is shown by the individual concerned for extending such period).¹ Resources Exclusions From Resources Sec. 1613. (a) In determining the resources of an individual (and his eligible spouse, if any) there shall be excluded- (1) the home (including the land that appertains thereto);´ (2) household goods, personal effects, and an automobile, to the extent that their total value does not exceed such amount as the Secretary determines to be reasonable; (3) other property which, as determined in accordance with and subject to limitations prescribed by the Secretary, is so essen- tial to the means of self-support of such individual (and such spouse) as to warrant its exclusion; (4) such resources of an individual who is blind or disabled and who has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the Secretary, as may be necessary for the fulfillment of such plan; (5) in the case of Natives of Alaska, shares of stock held in a Regional or a Village Corporation, during the period of twenty years in which such stock is inalienable, as provided in section 7(h) and section 8(c) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; and 2 (6) assistance referred to in section 1612 (b) (11) for the 9-month period beginning on the date such funds are received (or for such longer period as the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe in cases where good cause is shown by the individual concerned for extending such period); and, for purposes of this paragraph, the term "assistance" includes interest thereon which is excluded from income under section 1612(b) (12).³ In determining the resources of an individual (or eligible spouse) an insurance policy shall be taken into account only to the extent of its cash surrender value; except that if the total face value of all life insurance policies on any person is $1,500 or less, no part of the value of any such policy shall be taken into account. Disposition of Resources (b) The Secretary shall prescribe the period or periods of time within which, and the manner in which, various kinds of property must be disposed of in order not to be included in determining an indi- vidual's eligibility for benefits. Any portion of the individual's bene- 1 Paragraph (12) was added by sec. 8(a) of P.L. 95-171. 2 Paragraph (1) was amended by section 5 of P.L. 94–569. ³ Paragraph (6) was added by sec. 9(a) of P.L. 95–171. Revised April 1978 Sec. 1614(a) 386-A fits paid for any such period shall be conditioned upon such disposal; and any benefits so paid shall (at the time of the disposal) be con- sidered overpayments to the extent they would not have been paid had the disposal occurred at the beginning of the period for which such benefits were paid. Meaning of Terms Aged, Blind, or Disabled Individual Sec. 1614. (a) (1) For purposes of this title, the term "aged, blind, or disabled individual" means an individual who- 387 Sec. 1614(a) (A) is 65 years of age or older, is blind (as determined under paragraph (2)), or is disabled (as determined under paragraph (3)), and (B) is a resident of the United States, and is either (i) a citizen or (ii) an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence or otherwise permanently residing in the United States under color of law (including any alien who is lawfully present in the United States as a result of the application of the provisions of section 203 (a) (7) or section 212(d) (5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act). (2) An individual shall be considered to be blind for purposes of this title if he has central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the use of a correcting lens. An eye which is accom- panied by a limitation in the fields of vision such that the widest diam- eter of the visual field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees shall be considered for purposes of the first sentence of this sub- section as having a central visual acuity of 20/200 or less. An individ- ual shall also be considered to be blind for purposes of this title if he is blind as defined under a State plan approved under title X or XVI as in effect for October 1972 and received aid under such plan (on the basis of blindness) for December 1973, so long as he is con- tinuously blind as so defined. (3) (A) An individual shall be considered to be disabled for pur- poses of this title if he is unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than twelve months (or, in the case of a child under the age of 18, if he suffers from any medically determinable physical or mental impairment of comparable severity). (B) For purposes of subparagraph (A), an individual shall be determined to be under a disability only if his physical or mental impairment or impairments are of such severity that he is not only unable to do his previous work but cannot, considering his age, educa- tion, and work experience, engage in any other kind of substantial gainful work which exists in the national economy, regardless of whether such work exists in the immediate area in which he lives, or whether a specific job vacancy exists for him, or whether he would be hired if he applied for work. For purposes of the preceding sen- tence (with respect to any individual), "work which exists in the national economy" means work which exists in significant numbers either in the region where such individual lives or in several regions of the country. C Sec. 1614(a) 388 (C) For purposes of this paragraph, a physical or mental impair- ment is an impairment that results from anatomical, physiological, or psychological abnormalities which are demonstrable by medically ac- ceptable clinical and laboratory diagnostic techniques. (D) The Secretary shall by regulations prescribe the criteria for determining when services performed or earnings derived from serv- ices demonstrate an individual's ability to engage in substantial gain- ful activity. Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (B), an individual whose services or earnings meet such criteria, except for purposes of paragraph (4), shall be found not to be disabled. (E) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraphs (A) through (D), an individual shall also be considered to be disabled for purposes of this title if he is permanently and totally disabled as defined under a State plan approved under title XIV or XVI as in effect for October 1972 and received aid under such plan (on the basis of disability) for December 1973 (and for at least one month prior to July 1973), so long as he is continuously disabled as so defined. (4) (A) For purposes of this title, any services rendered during a period of trial work (as defined in subparagraph (B)) by an indi- vidual who is an aged, blind, or disabled individual solely by reason of disability (as determined under paragraph (3) of this subsection) shall be deemed not to have been rendered by such individual in de- termining whether his disability has ceased in a month during such period. As used in this paragraph, the term "services" means activity which is performed for remuneration or gain or is determined by the Secretary to be of a type normally performed for remuneration or gain. (B) The term "period of trial work”, with respect to an individual who is an aged, blind, or disabled individual solely by reason of dis- ability (as determined under paragraph (3) of this subsection), means a period of months beginning and ending as provided in subpara- graphs (C) and (D). (C) A period of trial work for any individual shall begin with the month in which he becomes eligible for benefits under this title on the basis of his disability; but no such period may begin for an individual who is eligible for benefits under this title on the basis of a disability if he has had a previous period of trial work while eligible for benefits on the basis of the same disability. (D) A period of trial work for any individual shall end with the close of whichever of the following months is the earlier: (i) the ninth month, beginning on or after the first day of such period, in which the individual renders services (whether or not such nine months are consecutive); or 389 Sec. 1614(e) (ii) the month in which his disability (as determined under paragraph (3) of this subsection) ceases (as determined after the application of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph). Eligible Spouse (b) For purposes of this title, the term "eligible spouse" means an aged, blind, or disabled individual who is the husband or wife of another aged, blind, or disabled individual and who has not been living apart from such other aged, blind, or disabled individual for more than six months. If two aged, blind, or disabled individuals are husband and wife as described in the preceding sentence, only one of them may be an "eligible individual" within the meaning of section 1611(a). Definition of Child (c) For purposes of this title, the term "child" means an individual who is neither married nor (as determined by the Secretary) the head of a household, and who is (1) under the age of eighteen, or (2) under the age of twenty-two and (as determined by the Secretary) a student. regularly attending a school, college, or university, or a course of vocational or technical training designed to prepare him for gainful employment. Determination of Marital Relationships (d) In determining whether two individuals are husband and wife for purposes of this title, appropriate State law shall be applied; except that (1) if a man and woman have been determined to be husband and wife under section 216 (h) (1) for purposes of title II they shall be considered (from and after the date of such determina- tion or the date of their application for benefits under this title, whichever is later) to be husband and wife for purposes of this title, or (2) if a man and woman are found to be holding themselves out to the community in which they reside as husband and wife, they shall be so considered for purposes of this title notwith- standing any other provision of this section. United States (e) For purposes of this title, the term "United States", when used in a geographical sense, means the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Sec. 1614(f) 390 Income and Resources of Individuals Other Than Eligible Individuals and Eligible Spouses (f) (1) For purposes of determining eligibility for and the amount of benefits for any individual who is married and whose spouse is liv- ing with him in the same household but is not an eligible spouse, such individual's income and resources shall be deemed to include any income and resources of such spouse, whether or not available to such individual, except to the extent determined by the Secretary to be inequitable under the circumstances. (2) For purposes of determining eligibility for and the amount of benefits for any individual who is a child under age 21, such indi- vidual's income and resources shall be deemed to include any income and resources of a parent of such individual (or the spouse of such a parent) who is living in the same household as such individual, whether or not available to such individual, except to the extent de- termined by the Secretary to be inequitable under the circumstances. Rehabilitation Services for Blind and Disabled Individuals ¹ Sec. 1615. (a) In the case of any blind or disabled individual who— (1) has not attained age 65, and (2) is receiving benefits (or with respect to whom benefits are paid) under this title, the Secretary shall make provision for referral of such individual to the appropriate State agency administering the State plan for voca- tional rehabilitation services approved under the Vocational Rehabili- tation Act, or, in the case of any such individual who has not attained age 16, to the appropriate State agency administering the State plan under subsection (b) of this section, and (except in such cases as he may determine) for a review not less often than quarterly of such indi- vidual's blindness or disability and his need for and utilization of the services made available to him under such plan. (b) (1) The Secretary shall by regulation prescribe criteria for approval of State plans for- needs) provided for eligible individuals under a plan of such State approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI, or part A of title IV. (d) [Repealed]. (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, effective January 1, 1974, each State plan approved under this title must pro- vide that each family which was receiving aid pursuant to a plan of the State approved under part A of title IV in at least 3 of the 6 months immediately preceding the month in which such family became ineligible for such aid because of increased hours of, or increased in- come from, employment, shall, while a member of such family is em- ployed, remain eligible for assistance under the plan approved under this title (as though the family was receiving aid under the plan ap- proved under part A of title IV) for 4 calendar months beginning with the month in which such family became ineligible for aid under the plan approved under part A of title IV because of income and resources or hours of work limitations contained in such plan. (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, except as provided in subsection (e), no State not eligible to participate in the State plan program established under title XVI shall be required to provide medical assistance to any aged, blind, or disabled individual (within the meaning of title XVI) for any month unless such State would be (or would have been) required to provide medical assist- ance to such individual for such month had its plan for medical assist- ance approved under this title and in effect on January 1, 1972, been in effect in such month, except that for this purpose any such individ- ual shall be deemed eligible for medical assistance under such State plan if (in addition to meeting such other requirements as are or may be imposed under the State plan) the income of any such individual as determined in accordance with section 1903 (f) (after deducting any supplemental security income payment and State supplementary payment made with respect to such individual and incurred expenses for medical care as recognized under State law) is not in excess of the standard for medical assistance established under the State plan as in effect on January 1, 1972. In States which provide medical assistance to individuals pursuant to clause (10) (C) of subsection (a) of this section, an individual who is eligible for medical assistance by reason of the requirements of this section concerning the deduction of incurred medical expenses from income shall be considered an individual eligi- ble for medical assistance under clause (10)(A) of that subsection if that individual is, or is eligible to be (1) an individual with respect to whom there is payable a State supplementary payment on the basis of which similarly situated individuals are eligible to receive medical assistance equal in amount, duration, and scope to that provided to individuals eligible under clause (10) (A), or (2) an eligible individ- ⭑ S C Sec. 1902(f) 524 Revised April 1978 ual or eligible spouse, as defined in title XVI, with respect to whom supplemental security income benefits are payable; otherwise that indi- vidual shall be considered to be an individual eligible for medical assistance under clause (10) (C) of that subsection. In States which do not provide medical assistance to individuals pursuant to clause (10) (C) of that subsection, an individual who is eligible for medical assistance by reason of the requirements of this section concerning the deduction of incurred medical expenses from income shall be con- sidered an individual eligible for medical assistance under clause (10)(A) of that subsection. (g) The Secretary may waive suspension under subsection (a) (39) of a physician's or practitioner's participation in a State plan approved under this title and of the prohibition under such subsection of payment for any item or service furnished by him during the period of such suspension, if the single State agency which administers or supervises the administration of the plan submits a request to the Secretary for such waiver and if the Secretary approves such request.¹ Payment to States Sec. 1903. (a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary (except as otherwise provided in this section) shall pay to each State which has a plan approved under this title, for each quarter, begin- ning with the quarter commencing January 1, 1966 (1) an amount equal to the Federal medical assistance per- centage (as defined in section 1905 (b), subject to subsections (g) and (h) of this section) of the total amount expended during such quarter as medical assistance under the State plan (including expenditures for premiums under part B of title XVIII, for individuals who are eligible for medical assistance under the plan and (A) are receiving aid or assistance under any plan of the State approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI, or part A of title IV, or with respect to whom supplemental security income benefits are being paid under title XVI, or (B) with respect to whom there is being paid a State supplementary payment and are eligible for medical assistance equal in amount, duration, and scope to the medical assistance made available to individuals de- scribed in section 1902(a)(10)(A), and, except in the case of individuals sixty-five years of age or older and disabled individ- uals entitled to hospital insurance benefits under title XVIII or who are not enrolled under part B of title XVIII, other insur- ance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof); plus 1 Subsection (g) was added by section 111 of Public Law 94-182 and repealed by Public Law 94–552. A new subsection (g) was added by sec. 7(c) of Public Law 95–142. tr Revised April 1978 525 Sec. 1903 (a) (2) an amount equal to 75 per centum of so much of the sums expended during such quarter (as found necessary by the Secre- tary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan) as are attributable to compensation or training of skilled pro- fessional medical personnel, and staff directly supporting such personnel of the State agency or any other public agency; plus (3) an amount equal to— (A) (i) 90 per centum of so much of the sums expended during such quarter as are attributable to the design, develop- ment, or installation of such mechanized claims processing and information retrieval systems as the Secretary determines are likely to provide more efficient, economical, and effective administration of the plan and to be compatible with the claims processing and information retrieval systems utilized in the administration of title XVIII, including the State's share of the cost of installing such a system to be used jointly in the administration of such State's plan and the plan of any other State approved under this title, and (ii) 90 per centum of so much of the sums expended during any such quarter in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, or the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, as are attributable to the design, development, or installation of cost determination systems for State-owned general hospitals (except that the total amount paid to all States under this clause for either such fiscal year shall not exceed $150,000), and (B) 75 per centum of so much of the sums expended dur- ing such quarter as are attributable to the operation of sys- tems (whether such systems are operated directly by the State or by another person under a contract with the State) of the type described in subparagraph (A) (i) (whether or not designed, developed, or installed with assistance under such subparagraph) which are approved by the Secretary and which include provision for prompt written notice to each individual who is furnished services covered by the plan, or to each individual in a sample group of individuals who are furnished such services, of the specific services (other than confidential services) so covered, the name of the person or persons furnishing the services, the date or dates on which the services were furnished, and the amount of the payment or payments made under the plan on account of the services; plus 1 (4) an amount equal to 100 per centum of the sums expended with respect to costs incurred during such quarter (as found neces- ¹ Subparagraph (B) was amended by sec. 10 of P.L. 95–142. Sec. 1903 (a) 526 Revised April 1978 sary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan) which are attributable to compensation or training of personnel (of the State agency or any other public agency) responsible for inspecting public or private institutions (or portions thereof) providing long-term care to recipients of medical assistance to determine whether such institutions comply with health or safety standards applicable to such institutions under this Act; plus ¹ 1 (5) an amount equal to 90 per centum of the sums expended during such quarter which are attributable to the offering, ar- ranging, and furnishing (directly or on a contract basis) of family planning services and supplies; (6) subject to subsection (b)(3), an amount equal to 90 per centum of the sums expended during each quarter beginning on or after October 1, 1977, and ending before October 1, 1980, with respect to costs incurred during such quarter (as found necessary by the Secretary for the elimination of fraud in the provision and administration of medical assistance provided under the State plan) which are attributable to the establishment and operation of (including the training of personnel employed by) a State medicaid fraud control unit (described in subsection (q)); plus 2 (7) an amount equal to 50 per centum of the remainder of the amounts expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan.2 (b) (1) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, the amount determined under subsection (a) (1) for any State for any quarter beginning after December 31, 1969, shall not take into ac- count any amounts expended as medical assistance with respect to individuals aged 65 or over and disabled individuals entitled to hos- pital insurance benefits under title XVIII which would not have been so expended if the individuals involved had been enrolled in the insurance program established by part B of title XVIII, other than amounts expended under provisions of the plan of such State required by section 1902(a)(34). (2) For limitation on Federal participation for capital expenditures which are out of conformity with a comprehensive plan of a State or areawide planning agency, see section 1122. (3) The amount of funds which the Secretary is otherwise obli- gated to pay a State during a quarter under subsection (a)(6) may not exceed the higher of— 1 Paragraph (4) is effective only through September 30, 1980 as provided by sec. 249B of P.L. 92–603, as amended by sec. 8 of P.L. 93–368 and sec. 309 (b) of P.L. 95–83. 2 Paragraph (6) was added (and the former paragraph (6) was redesignated as para- graph (7)) by sec. 17 (a) of P.L. 95-142. See also sec. 17 (e) which is printed in this document on p. 799. Revised April 1978 Sec. 1903 (f) 527 (A) $125,000, or (B) one-quarter of 1 per centum of the sums expended by the Federal, State, and local governments during the previous quarter in carrying out the State's plan under this title.¹ (c) [Repealed.] (d) (1) Prior to the beginning of each quarter, the Secretary shall estimate the amount to which a State will be entitled under subsections (a) and (b) for such quarter, such estimates to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be expended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions of such subsections, and stating the amount appropriated or made avail- able by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures in such quarter, and if such amount is less than the State's propor- tionate share of the total sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, and (B) such other investigation as the Secretary may find necessary. (2) The Secretary shall then pay to the State, in such installments as he may determine, the amounts so estimated, reduced or increased to the extent of any overpayment or underpayment which the Secre- tary determines was made under this section to such State for any prior quarter and with respect to which adjustment has not already been made under this subsection. Expenditures for which payments were made to the State under subsection (a) shall be treated as an overpayment to the extent that the State or local agency administering such plan has been reimbursed for such expenditures by a third party pursuant to the provisions of its plan in compliance with section 1902 (a) (25). (3) The pro rata share to which the United States is equitably entitled, as determined by the Secretary, of the net amount recovered during any quarter by the State or any political subdivision thereof with respect to medical assistance furnished under the State plan shall be considered an overpayment to be adjusted under this subsection. (4) Upon the making of an estimate by the Secretary under this subsection, any appropriations available for payments under this sec- tion shall be deemed obligated. (e) [Repealed.] (f) (1) (A) Except as provided in paragraph (4), payment under the preceding provisions of this section shall not be made with respect to any amount expended as medical assistance in a calendar quarter, in any State, for any member of a family the annual income of which exceeds the applicable income limitation determined under this paragraph. 1 Paragraph (3) was added by sec. 17(b) of P.L. 95-142. Sec. 1903 (f) 528 Revised April 1978 (B) (i) Except as provided in clause (ii) of this subparagraph, the applicable income limitation with respect to any family is the amount determined, in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secre- tary, to be equivalent to 1333 percent of the highest amount which would ordinarily be paid to a family of the same size without any in- come or resources, in the form of money payments, under the plan of the State approved under part A of title IV of this Act. (ii) If the Secretary finds that the operation of a uniform maxi- mum limits payments to families of more than one size, he may adjust the amount otherwise determined under clause (i) to take account of families of different sizes. (C) The total amount of any applicable income limitation deter- mined under subparagraph (B) shall, if it is not a multiple of $100 or such other amount as the Secretary may prescribe, be rounded to the next higher multiple of $100 or such other amount, as the case may be. (2) In computing a family's income for purposes of paragraph (1), there shall be excluded any costs (whether in the form of insurance premiums or otherwise) incurred by such family for medical care or for any other type of remedial care recognized under State law. (3) For purposes of paragraph (1)(B), in the case of a family consisting of only one individual, the "highest amount which would ordinarily be paid” to such family under the State's plan approved under part A of title IV of this Act shall be the amount determined by the State agency (on the basis of reasonable relationship to the amounts payable under such plan to families consisting of two or more persons) to be the amount of the aid which would ordinarily be payable under such plan to a family (without any income or re- sources) consisting of one person if such plan (without regard to section 408) provided for aid to such a family. (4) The limitations on payment imposed by the preceding provi- sions of this subsection shall not apply with respect to any amount expended by a State as medical assistance for any individual- (A) who is receiving aid or assistance under any plan of the State approved under title I, X, XIV or XVI, or part A of title IV, or with respect to whom supplemental security income benefits are being paid under title XVI, or (B) who is not receiving such aid or assistance, and with respect to whom such benefits are not being paid, but (i) is eligible to receive such aid or assistance, or to have such benefits paid with respect to him, or (ii) would be eligible to receive such aid or assistance, or to have such benefits paid with respect to him if he were not in a medical institution, or T Revised April 1978 529 Sec. 1903 (g) (C) with respect to whom there is being paid, or who is eligible, or would be eligible if he were not in a medical institution, to have paid with respect to him, a State supplementary payment and is eligible for medical assistance equal in amount, duration, and scope to the medical assistance made available to individuals described in section 1902 (a) (10) (A), but only if the income of such individual (as determined under section 1612, but without regard to subsection (b) thereof) does not exceed 300 percent of the supplemental security income benefit rate established by section 1611 (b) (1), at the time of the provision of the medical assistance giving rise to such expenditure. (g) (1) Subject to paragraph (3), with respect to amounts paid for the following services furnished under the State plan after June 30, 1973 (other than services furnished pursuant to a contract with a health maintenance organization as defined in section 1876), the Fed- eral medical assistance percentage shall be decreased as follows: After an individual has received care as an inpatient in a hospital (including an institution for tuberculosis), skilled nursing facility or inter- mediate care facility on 60 days, or in a hospital for mental diseases on 90 days (whether or not such days are consecutive), during any fiscal year, which for purposes of this section means the four calendar quar- ters ending with June 30, the Federal medical assistance percentage with respect to amounts paid for any such care furnished thereafter to such individual in the same fiscal year shall be decreased by a per centum thereof (determined under paragraph (5)) unless the State agency responsible for the administration of the plan makes a showing satisfactory to the Secretary that, with respect to each calendar quarter for which the State submits a request for payment at the full Federal medical assistance percentage for amounts paid for inpatient hospital services (including tuberculosis hospitals), skilled nursing facility services, or intermediate care facility services furnished beyond 60 days (or inpatient mental hospital services furnished beyond 90 days), there is in operation in the State an effective program of control over utilization of such services; such a showing must include evidence that- (A) in each case for which payment is made under the State plan, a physician certifies at the time of admission, or, if later, the time the individual applies for medical assistance under the State plan (and recertifies, where such services are furnished over a period of time, in such cases, at least every 60 days, and accom- panied by such supporting material, appropriate to the case in- volved, as may be provided in regulations of the Secretary), that Sec. 1903(g) 530 Revised April 1978 such services are or were required to be given on an inpatient basis because the individual needs or needed such services; and (B) in each such case, such services were furnished under a plan established and periodically reviewed and evaluated by a physician; (C) such State has in effect a continuous program of review of utilization pursuant to section 1902(a)(30) whereby each admis- sion is reviewed or screened in accordance with criteria established by medical and other professional personnel who are not them- selves directly responsible for the care of the patient involved, and who do not have a significant financial interest in any such institution and are not, except in the case of a hospital, employed by the institution providing the care involved; and the informa- tion developed from such review or screening, along with the data obtained from prior reviews of the necessity for admission and continued stay of patients by such professional personnel, shall be used as the basis for establishing the size and composition of the sample of admissions to be subject to review and evaluation by such personnel, and any such sample may be of any size up to 100 per centum of all admissions and must be of sufficient size to serve the purpose of (i) identifying the patterns of care being provided and the changes occurring over time in such patterns so that the need for modification may be ascertained, and (ii) sub- jecting admissions to early or more extensive review where infor- mation indicates that such consideration is warranted; and ¹ (D) such State has an effective program of medical review of the care of patients in mental hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and intermediate care facilities pursuant to section 1902 (a) (26) and (31) whereby the professional management of each case is re- viewed and evaluated at least annually by independent profes- sional review teams. In determining the number of days on which an individual has re- ceived services described in this subsection, there shall not be counted any days with respect to which such individual is entitled to have payments made (in whole or in part) on his behalf under section 1812.2 (2) The Secretary shall, as part of his validation procedures under this subsection, conduct timely sample onsite surveys of private and public institutions in which recipients of medical assistance may receive care and services under a State plan approved under this title, and his findings with respect to such surveys (as well as the showings of the 1 Subparagraph (C) was amended by section 110 of Public Law 94-182 effective April 1, 1976 2 Paragraph (1) was amended by sec. 20(a) (1) and (2) of P.L. 95-142. See also sec. 6 of P.L. 95-59 which is printed in this document on p. 796 and sec. 20 (c) of P.L. 95-142 which is printed in this document on p. 801. Revised April 1978 531 Sec. 1903 (g) State agency required under this subsection) shall be made available for public inspection.¹ (3) (A) No reduction in the Federal medical assistance percentage of a State otherwise required to be imposed under this subsection shall take effect- (i) if such reduction is due to the State's unsatisfactory or invalid showing made with respect to a calendar quarter begin- ning before January 1, 1977; (ii) before January 1, 1978; (iii) unless a notice of such reduction has been provided to the State at least 30 days before the date such reduction takes effect; or (iv) due to the State's unsatisfactory or invalid showing made with respect to a calendar quarter beginning after September 30, 1977, unless notice of such reduction has been provided to the State no later than the first day of the fourth calendar quarter following the calendar quarter with respect to which such showing was made. (B) The Secretary shall waive application of any reduction in the Federal medical assistance percentage of a State otherwise required to be imposed under paragraph (1) because a showing by the State, made under such paragraph with respect to a calendar quarter ending after January 1, 1977, and before October 1, 1977, is determined to be either unsatisfactory under such paragraph or invalid under para- graph (2), if the Secretary determines that the State's showing made under paragraph (1) with respect to the calendar quarter ending on December 31, 1977, is satisfactory under such paragraph and is valid under paragraph (2).² (4) (A) The Secretary may not find the showing of a State, with respect to a calendar quarter under paragraph (1), to be satisfactory if the showing is submitted to the Secretary later than the 30th day after the last day of the calendar quarter, unless the State demon- strates to the satisfaction of the Secretary good cause for not meeting such deadline. (B) The Secretary shall find a showing of a State, with respect to a calendar quarter under paragraph (1), to be satisfactory under such paragraph with respect to the requirement that the State conduct annual onsite inspections in mental hospitals, skilled nursing facili- ties, and intermediate care facilities under paragraph (26) and (31) of section 1902 (a), if the showing demonstrates that the State has conducted such an onsite inspection during the 12-month period end- ing on the last date of the calendar quarter— aland 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by sec. 20 (a) (3) of P.L. 95-142. Paragraph (3), was added by sec. 20(a) (4) of P.L. 95-142 effective as specified in sec. 20(c) which is printed in this document on p. 801. Sec. 1903 (g) 532 Revised April 1978 (i) in each of not less than 98 per centum of the number of such hospitals and facilities requiring such inspection, and (ii) in every such hospital or facility which has 200 or more beds, and that, with respect to such hospitals and facilities not inspected within such period, the State has exercised good faith and due deli- gence in attempting to conduct such inspection, or if the State dem- onstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that it would have made such a showing but for failings of a technical nature only.¹ (5) In the case of a State's unsatisfactory or invalid showing made with respect to a type of facility or institutional services in a calendar quarter, the per centum amount of the reduction of the State's Federal medical assistance percentage for that type of services under para- graph (1) is equal to 33 per centum multiplied by a fraction, the denominator of which is equal to the total number of patients receiv- ing that type of services in that quarter under the State plan in facili- ties or institutions for which a showing was required to be made under this subsection, and the numerator of which is equal to the number of such patients receiving such type of services in that quarter in those facilities or institutions for which a satisfactory and valid showing was not made for that calendar quarter.¹ (6) The Secretary shall submit to Congress, not later than sixty days after the end of such calendar quarter, a report on- (A) his determination as to whether or not each showing, made under paragraph (1) by a State with respect to the calendar quarter, has been found to be satisfactory under such paragraph; (B) his review (through onsite surveys and otherwise) under paragraph (2) of the validity of showings previously submitted by a State; and (C) any reduction in the Federal medical assistance percent- age he has imposed on a State because of its submittal under para- graph (1) of an unsatisfactory or invalid showing.¹ (h) (1) If the Secretary determines for any calendar quarter begin- ning after June 30, 1973, with respect to any State that there does not exist a reasonable cost differential between the statewide average cost of skilled nursing facility services and the statewide average cost of intermediate care facility services in such State, the Secretary may reduce the amount which would otherwise be considered as expendi- tures under the State plan by any amount which in his judgment is a reasonable equivalent of the difference between the amount of the expenditures by such State for intermediate care facility services and 1 Paragraphs (4), (5), and (6) were added by sec. 20(a) (4) of P.L. 95-142 effective as specified in sec. 20 (c) which is printed in this document on p. 801. Revised April 1978 532-A Sec. 1903 (i) the amount that would have been expended by such State for such services if there had been a reasonable cost differential between the cost of skilled nursing facility services and the cost of intermediate care facility services. (2) In determining whether any such cost differential in any State is reasonable the Secretary shall take into consideration the range of such cost differentials in all States. (3) For the purposes of this subsection, the term "cost differential" for any State for any quarter means, as determined by the Secretary on the basis of the data for the most recent calendar quarter for which satisfactory data are available, the excess of (A) the average amount paid in such State (regardless of the source of payment) per inpatient day for skilled nursing facility services, over (B) the average amount paid in such State (regardless of the source of payment) per inpatient day for intermediate care facil- ity services. (4) For purposes of this subsection, the term "cost" shall mean amounts reimbursable by the State under a State plan approved under this title. (i) Payment under the preceding provisions of this section shall not be made— - (1) with respect to any amount paid for items or services furnished under the plan after December 31, 1972, to the extent that such amount exceeds the charge which would be determined to be reasonable for such items or services under the fourth and fifth sentences of section 1842(b) (3); or (2) with respect to any amount paid for services furnished under the plan after December 31, 1972, by a provider or other person during any period of time, if payment may not be made under title XVIII with respect to services furnished by such pro- vider or person during such period of time solely by reason of a determination by the Secretary under section 1862 (d) (1) or under clause (D), (E), or (F) of section 1866 (b) (2), or by reason of noncompliance with a request made by the Secretary under clause (C) (ii) of such section 1866 (b) (2) or under section 1902 (a) (38); or 1 21-746 - 78 (3) with respect to any amount expended for inpatient hospital services furnished under the plan to the extent that such amount exceeds the hospital's customary charges with respect to such services or (if such services are furnished under the plan by a public institution free of charge or at nominal charges to the public) exceeds an amount determined on the basis of those items 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by sec. (3) (c) (2) of P.L. 95–142. C 40 Sec. 1903 (i) 532-B Revised April 1978 (specified in regulations prescribed by the Secretary) included in the determination of such payment which the Secretary finds will provide fair compensation to such institution for such services; or (4) with respect to any amount expended for care or services furnished under the plan by a hospital or skilled nursing facility unless such hospital or skilled nursing facility has in effect a utili- zation review plan which meets the requirements imposed by sec- tion 1861(k) for purposes of title XVIII; and if such hospital or skilled nursing facility has in effect such a utilization review plan for purposes of title XVIII, such plan shall serve as the plan required by this subsection (with the same standards and proce- dures and the same review committee or group) as a condition of payment under this title; the Secretary is authorized to waive the requirements of this paragraph if the State agency demon- strates to his satisfaction that it has in operation utilization re- view procedures which are superior in their effectiveness to the procedures required under section 1861 (k). (j) (1) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, no payment shall be made to a State (except as provided under this subsection) with respect to expenditures incurred by it for services pro- vided by any institution during any period that an order for suspen- sion of payment (as authorized by this subsection) is effective with respect to such institution. (2) The Secretary may issue a suspension of payment order with respect to any institution if— (A) such institution (i) does not (at the time such order is issued) have in effect an agreement with the Secretary which is entered into pursuant to section 1866; and (ii) did (prior to the time such order is issued) have in effect such an agreement; and (B) (i) The Secretary has been unable to collect (or make satisfactory arrangement for the collection of) amounts due on account of overpayments made to such institution under title XVIII; or (ii) the Secretary has been unable to obtain from such insti- tution the data and information necessary to enable him to deter- mine the amount (if any) of the overpayments made to such in- stitution under title XVIII. (3) Whenever the Secretary issues any order for suspension of payment under this subsection with respect to any institution, he shall submit a notice of such. order to the single State agency (referred to in section 1902 (a) (5)) of each State which he has reason to believe does or may utilize the services of such institution in providing medi- cal assistance under a plan approved under this title. Revised April 1978 532-C Sec. 1903 (m) (4) Any order for suspension of payment issued with respect to any institution under this subsection shall become effective, in the case of any State plan approved under this title, on the 60th day after the date the State agency (referred to in section 1902 (a) (5)) administering or supervising the administration of such plan receives notice of such order submitted pursuant to paragraph (3). Any such order shall cease to be effective at such time as the Secretary is satisfied that the insti- tution is participating in substantial negotiations which seek to remedy the conditions which gave rise to his order of suspension of payments, or that the amounts (referred to in paragraph (2)) are no longer due from such institution or that a satisfactory arrangement has been made for the payment by such institution of any such amounts. Upon the determination of the Secretary that any such order with respect to any such institution shall cease to be effective, he shall forthwith notify each State agency to which he has theretofore submitted notice. under paragraph (3) with respect to such institution. (5) Whenever any order which has been issued by the Secretary under the preceding provisions of this subsection with respect to an institution ceases to be effective, any payment to which any State would (except for the preceding provisions of this subsection) have been entitled under this section on account of services provided by such institution shall be made to such State for the month in which such order ceases to be effective. (k) The Secretary is authorized to provide at the request of any State (and without cost to such State) such technical and actuarial assistance as may be necessary to assist such State to contract with any health maintenance organization which meets the requirements of sec- tion 1876 for the purpose of providing medical care and services to individuals who are entitled to medical assistance under this title. (1) [Repealed]¹ (m) (1) (A) The term "health maintenance organization" means a legal entity which provides health services to individuals enrolled in such organization and which- (i) provides to its enrollees who are eligible for benefits under this title the services and benefits described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4) (C), and (5) of section 1905, and, to the extent required by section 1902 (a) (13) (A) (ii) to be provided under a State plan for medical assistance, the services and benefits de- scribed in paragraph (7) of section 1905 (a); (ii) provides such services and benefits in the manner pre- scribed in section 1301 (b) of the Public Health Service Act (except that, solely for purposes of this paragraph, the term "basic health services" and references thereto, when employed in such section, shall be deemed to refer to the services and benefits de- 1 Subsection (1) added by section 111 of Public Law 94-182 and repealed by Public Law 94-552. Sec. 1903 (m) Revised April 1978 532-D scribed in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4) (C), and (5) of section 1905 (a), and, to the extent required by section 1902(a)(13) (A) (ii) to be provided under a State plan for medical assistance, the services and benefits described in paragraph (7) of section 1905 (a)); and (iii) is organized and operated in the manner prescribed by section 1301 (c) of the Public Health Service Act (except that solely for purposes of this paragraph, the term "basic health serv- ices" and references thereto, when employed in such section shall be deemed to refer to the services and benefits described in section. 1905(a) (1), (2), (3), (4) (C), and (5), and to the extent required by section 1902(a) (13) (A) (ii) to be provided under a State plan for medical assistance, the services and benefits described in para- graph (7) of section 1905 (a)). (B) The duties and functions of the Secretary, insofar as they involve making determinations as to whether an organization is a health maintenance organization within the meaning of subparagraph (A), shall be administered through the Assistant Secretary for Health and in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, and the admin- istration of such duties and functions shall be integrated with the administration of section 1312 (a) and (b) of the Public Health Serv- ice Act. (2)(A) Except as provided in subparagraphs (B) and (C), no payment shall be made under this title to a State with respect to expenditures incurred by it for payment (determined under a prepaid capitation basis or under any other risk basis) for services provided by any entity which is responsible for the provision of inpatient hos- pital services and any other service described in paragraph (2), (3), (4), (5), or (7) of section 1905 (a) or for the provision of any three or more of the services described in such paragraphs unless-- (i) the Secretary (or the State as authorized by paragraph (3)) has determined that the entity is a health maintenance orga- nization as defined in paragraph (1); and (ii) less than one-half of the membership of the entity consists of individuals who (I) are insured for benefits under part B of title XVIII or for benefits under both parts A and B of such title, or (II) are eligible to receive benefits under this title.¹ (B) Subparagraph (A) does not apply with respect to payments under this title to a State with respect to expenditures incurred by it for payment for services provided by an entity which— (i) (I) received a grant of at least $100,000 in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, under section 319 (d) (1) (A) or 330(d) (1) ¹ Subparagraph (A) was amended by sec. 105(a)(1) of P.L. 95-83. Revised April 1978 532-E Sec. 1903 (m) of the Public Health Service Act, and (II) for the period begin- ning July 1, 1976, and ending on the expiration of the period for which payments are to be made under this title has been the recipient of a grant under either such section; and (II) provides to its enrollees, on a prepaid capitation risk basis or on any other risk basis, all of the services and benefits described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4) (C), and (5) of section 1905 (a) and, to the extent required by section 1902 (a) (13) (A) (ii) to be provided under a State plan for medical assistance, the services and benefits described in paragraph (7) of such section; or (ii) is a nonprofit primary health care entity located in a rural area (as defined by the Appalachian Regional Commission)— (I) which received in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, at least $100,000 (by grant, subgrant, or subcontract) under the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965, and (II) for the period beginning July 1, 1976, and ending on the expiration of the period for which payments are to be made under this title either has been the recipient of a grant, subgrant, or subcontract under such Act or has provided serv- ices under a contract (initially entered into during a year in which the entity was the recipient of such a grant, subgrant, or subcontract) with a State agency under this title on a pre- paid capitation risk basis or on any other risk basis; or (iii) which has contracted with the single State agency for the provision of services (but not including inpatient hospital serv- ices) to persons eligible under this title on a prepaid risk basis prior to 1970. (C) Subparagraph (A)(ii) shall not apply with respect to payments under this title to a State with respect to expenditures incurred by it for payment for services by an entity during the three-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this subsection or beginning on the date the entity enters into a con- tract with the State under this title for the provision of health services on a prepaid risk basis, whichever occurs later, but only if the entity demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary by the submission of plans for each year of such three-year period that it is making continuous efforts and progress toward achiev- ing compliance with subparagraph (A)(ii).¹ (3) A State may, in the case of an entity which has submitted an application to the Secretary for determination that it is a health main- tenance organization within the meaning of paragraph (1) and for 1 1 Subparagraph (C) was amended by sec. 105(a) (2) of P.L. 95-83. Sec. 1903 (m) 532-F Revised April 1978 which no such determination has been made within 90 days of the submission of the application, make a provisional determination for the purposes of this title that such entity is such a health maintenance organization. Such provisional determination shall remain in force until such time as the Secretary makes a determination regarding the entity's qualification under paragraph (1).¹ (n) The State agency may refuse to enter into any contract or agreement with a hospital, nursing home, or other institution, organi- zation, or agency for purposes of participation under the State plan, cr otherwise to approve an institution, organization, or agency for such purposes, if any person, who has a direct or indirect ownership or control interest of 5 percent or more in such institution, organiza- tion, or agency, or who is an officer, director, agent, or managing employee (as defined in section 1126(b)) of such institution, organi- zation, or agency, is a person described in section 1126 (a) (whether or not such institution, organization, or agency has in effect an agree- ment entered into with the Secretary pursuant to section 1866 or is subject to a suspension of payment order issued under subsection (j) of this section); and, notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the State agency may terminate any such contract, agree- ment, or approval if it determines that the institution, organization, or agency did not fully and accurately make any disclosure required of it by section 1126 (a) at the time such contract or agreement was entered into or such approval was given.2 (0) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, no payment shall be made to a State under the preceding provisions of this section for expenditures for medical assistance provided for an individual under its State plan approved under this title to the extent that a private insurer (as defined by the Secretary by regulation) would have been obligated to provide such assistance but for a provi- sion of its insurance contract which has the effect of limiting or exclud- ing such obligation because the individual is eligible for or is provided medical assistance under the plan.³ (p) (1) When a political subdivision of a State makes, for the State of which it is a political subdivision, or one State makes, for another State, the enforcement and collection of rights of support or payment assigned under section 1912, pursuant to a cooperative arrangement under such section (either within or outside of such State), there shall be paid to such political subdivision or such other State from amounts which would otherwise represent the Federal share of payments for medical assistance provided to the eligible individuals on whose behalf such enforcement and collection was made, an amount equal to 15 percent of any amount collected which is attrib- utable to such rights of support or payment. 1 Subsection (m) was added by section 202 of P.L. 94-460. 2 Subsection (n) was added by sec. 8 (c) of P.L. 95-142. 3 Subsection (o) was added by sec. 11(a) of P.L. 95–142. Revised April 1978 Sec. 1903 (q) 532-G (2) Where more than one jurisdiction is involved in such enforce- ment or collection, the amount of the incentive payment determined under paragraph (1) shall be allocated among the jurisdictions in a manner to be prescribed by the Secretary.¹ (q) For the purposes of this section, the term "State medicaid fraud control unit" means a single identifiable entity of the State gov- ernment which the Secretary certifies (and annually recertifies) as meeting the following requirements: (1) The entity (A) is a unit of the office of the State Attorney General or of another department of State government which pos- sesses statewide authority to prosecute individuals for criminal violations, (B) is in a State the constitution of which does not provide for the criminal prosecution of individuals by a statewide authority and has formal procedures, approved by the Secretary, that (i) assure its referral of suspected criminal violations relat- ing to the program under this title to the appropriate authority or authorities in the State for prosecution and (ii) assure its assistance of, and coordination with, such authority or authorities in such prosecutions, or (C) has a formal working relationship with the office of the State Attorney General and has formal pro- cedures (including procedures for its referral of suspected crim- inal violations to such office) which are approved by the Secretary and which provide effective coordination of activities between the entity and such office with respect to the detection, investigation, and prosecution of suspected criminal violations relating to the program under this title. (2) The entity is separate and distinct from the single State agency that administers or supervises the administration of the State plan under this title. (3) The entity's function is conducting a statewide program for the investigation and prosecution of violations of all applicable State laws regarding any and all aspects of fraud in connection with any aspect of the provision of medical assistance and the activities of providers of such assistance under the State plan under this title. (4) The entity has procedures for reviewing complaints of the abuse and neglect of patients of health care facilities which receive payments under the State plan under this title, and, where appro- priate, for acting upon such complaints under the criminal laws of the State or for referring them to other State agencies for action. (5) The entity provides for the collection, or referral for collec- tion to a single State agency, of overpayments that are made under 1 Subsection (p) was added by sec. 11(a) of P.L. 95-142. Sec. 1903 (n) 532-H Revised April 1978 the State plan to health care facilities and that are discovered by the entity in carying out its activities. (6) The entity employs such auditors, attorneys, investigators, and other necessary personnel and is organized in such a manner as is necessary to promote the effective and efficient conduct of the entity's activities. (7) The entity submits to the Secretary an application and annual reports containing such information as the Secretary determines, by regulation, to be necessary to determine whether the entity meets the other requirements of this subsection.¹ 1 Subsection (q) was added by sec. 17 (c) of P.L. 95-142 effective as specified in sec. 17(e) which is printed in this document on p. 799. Revised April 1978 Sec. 1905(a) 532-I Operation of State Plans Sec. 1904. If the Secretary, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency administering or supervising the ad- ministration of the State plan approved under this title, finds- (1) that the plan has been so changed that it no longer complies with the provisions of section 1902; or (2) that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with any such provision; the Secretary shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State (or, in his discretion, that payments will be limited to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure), until the Secretary is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. Until he is so satisfied he shall make no further payments to such State (or shall limit payments to categories under or parts of the State plan not affected by such failure). Definitions Sec. 1905. For purposes of this title— (a) The term "medical assistance" means payment of part or all of the cost of the following care and services (if provided in or after the third month before the month in which the recipient makes appli- cation for assistance) for individuals, and, with respect to physicians' or dentists' services, at the option of the State, to individuals (other than individuals with respect to whom there is being paid, or who are eligible, or would be eligible if they were not in a medical institution, to have paid with respect to them a State supplementary payment and are eligible for medical assistance equal in amount, duration, and scope to the medical assistance made available to individuals described in section 1902(a) (10) (A)) not receiving aid or assistance under any plan of the State approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI, or part Å of title IV, and with respect to whom supplemental security income benefits are not being paid under title XVI, who are (i) under the age of 21, (ii) relatives specified in section 406 (b) (1) with whom a child is living if such child, except for section 406(a)(2), is (or would, if needy, be) a dependent child under part A of title IV, (iii) 65 years of age or older, (iv) blind, with respect to States eligible to participate in the State plan program established under title XVI, (v) 18 years of age or older and permanently and totally disabled, with respect to States eligible to participate in the State plan program established under title XVI, Sec. 1905(a) 532-J Revised April 1978 (vi) persons essential (as described in the second sentence of this subsection) to individuals receiving aid or assistance under State plans approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI, or (vii) blind or disabled as defined in section 1614, with respect. to States not eligible to participate in the State plan program established under title XVI, but whose income and resources are insufficient to meet all of such cost- (1) inpatient hospital services (other than services in an institu- tion for tuberculosis or mental diseases); (2)(A) outpatient hospital services, and (B) consistent with State law permitting such services, rural health clinic services (as defined in subsection (1)) and any other ambulatory services which are offered by a rural health clinic (as defined in subsection (1)) and which are otherwise included in the plan; 1 (3) other laboratory and X-ray services; (4)(A) skilled nursing facility services (other than services in an institution for tuberculosis or mental diseases) for individ- uals 21 years of age or older (B) effective July 1, 1969, such early and periodic screening and diagnosis of individuals who are eligible under the plan and are under the age of 21 to ascertain their physical or mental defects, and such health care, treatment, and other measures to correct or ameliorate defects and chronic 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by sec. 2(a) of P.L. 95-210 effective as specified in sec. 2(f) which is printed in this document on p. 803. 533 Sec. 1905(a) conditions discovered thereby, as may be provided in regulations of the Secretary; and (C) family planning services and supplies furnished (directly or under arrangements with others) to in- dividuals of child-bearing age (including minors who can be considered to be sexually active) who are eligible under the State plan and who desire such services and supplies; (5) physicians' services furnished by a physician (as defined in section 1861 (r) (1)), whether furnished in the office, the patient's home, a hospital, or a skilled nursing facility, or elsewhere; (6) medical care, or any other type of remedial care recognized under State law, furnished by licensed practitioners within the scope of their practice as defined by State law; (7) home health care services; (8) private duty nursing services; (9) clinic services; (10) dental services; (11) physical therapy and related services; (12) prescribed drugs, dentures, and prosthetic devices; and eyeglasses prescribed by a physician skilled in diseases of the eye or by an optometrist, whichever the individual may select; (13) other diagnostic, screening, preventive, and rehabilitative services; (14) inpatient hospital services, skilled nursing facility serv- ices, and intermediate care facility services for individuals 65 years of age or over in an institution for tuberculosis or mental diseases; (15) intermediate care facility services (other than such serv- ices in an institution for tuberculosis or mental diseases) for individuals who are determined, in accordance with section 1902 (a) (31) (A), to be in need of such care; (16) effective January 1, 1973, inpatient psychiatric hospital services for individuals under age 21, as defined in subsection (h); and (17) any other medical care, and any other type of remedial care recognized under State law, specified by the Secretary; except as otherwise provided in paragraph (16), such term does not include- (A) any such payments with respect to care or services for any individual who is an inmate of a public institution (except as a patient in a medical institution); or (B) any such payments with respect to care or services for any individual who has not attained 65 years of age and who is a patient in an institution for tuberculosis or mental diseases. For purposes of clause (vi) of the preceding sentence, a person shall be considered essential to another individual if such person is the Sec. 1905(a) 534 Revised August 1978 spouse of and is living with such individual, the needs of such person are taken into account in determining the amount of aid or assistance furnished to such individual (under a State plan approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI), and such person is determined, under such a State plan, to be essential to the well being of such individual. (b) The term "Federal medical assistance percentage" for any State shall be 100 per centum less the State percentage; and the State percentage shall be that percentage which bears the same ratio to 45 per centum as the square of the per capita income of such State bears to the square of the per capita income of the continental United States (including Alaska) and Hawaii; except that (1) the Federal medical assistance percentage shall in no case be less than 50 per cen- tum or more than 83 per centum, and (2) the Federal medical assist- ance percentage for Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam shall be 50 per centum. The Federal medical assistance percentage for any State shall be determined and promulgated in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (B) of section 1110 (a) (8). Notwithstand- ing the first sentence of this section, the Federal medical assistance percentage shall be 100 per centum with respect to amounts expended as medical assistance for services which are received through an Indian Health Service facility whether operated by the Indian Health Serv- ice or by an Indian tribe or tribal organization (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act).¹ 1 (c) For purposes of this title the term "intermediate care facility" means an institution which (1) is licensed under State law to pro- vide, on a regular basis, health-related care and services to individuals who do not require the degree of care and treatment which a hospital or skilled nursing facility is designed to provide, but who because of their mental or physical condition require care and services (above the level of room and board) which can be made available to them only through institutional facilities, (2) meets such standards prescribed by the Secretary as he finds appropriate for the proper provision of such care, (3) meets such standards of safety and sanitation as are established under regulation of the Secretary in addition to those applicable to nursing homes under State law, and (4) meets the re- quirements of section 1861 (j) (14) with respect to protection of patients' personal funds. The term "intermediate care facility" also includes any skilled nursing facility or hospital which meets the re- quirements of the preceding sentence. The term "intermediate care facility" also includes a Christian Science sanatorium operated, or listed and certified, by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, 'The last sentence of subsection (b) was added by section 402(e) of P.L. 94-437. Revised August 1978 Sec. 1905(c) 534-A - Boston, Massachusetts, but only with respect to institutional serv- ices deemed appropriate by the State. The term "intermediate care fa- cility" also includes any institution which is located in a State on an Indian reservation and is certified by the Secretary as meeting the re- quirements of clauses (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection and providing Revised August 1978 Sec. 1905(f) 535 the care and services required under clauses (1). With respect to serv- ices furnished to individuals under age 65, the term "intermediate care facility" shall not include, except as provided in subsection (d), any public institution or distinct part thereof for mental diseases or mental defects.¹ (d) The term "intermediate care facility services" may include services in a public institution (or distinct part thereof) for the men- tally retarded or persons with related conditions if— (1) The primary purpose of such institution (or distinct part thereof) is to provide health or rehabilitative services for men- tally retarded individuals and which meet such standards as may be prescribed by the Secretary; (2) the mentally retarded individual with respect to whom a request for payment is made under a plan approved under this title is receiving active treatment under such a program; and (3) the State or political subdivision responsible for the opera- tion of such institution has agreed that the non-Federal expendi- tures in any calendar quarter prior to January 1, 1975, with respect to services furnished to patients in such institution (or dis- tinct part thereof) in the State will not, because of payments made under this title, be reduced below the average amount expended for such services in such institution in the four quarters immedi- ately preceding the quarter in which the State in which such in- stitution is located elected to make such services available under its plan approved under this title. K (e) In the case of any State the State plan of which (as approved under this title) — (1) does not provide for the payment of services (other than services covered under section 1902(a)(12)) provided by an op- tometrist; but (2) at a prior period did provide for the payment of services referred to in paragraph (1); the term "physicians' services" (as used in subsection (a)(5)) shall include services of the type which an optometrist is legally authorized to perform where the State plan specifically provides that the term "physicians' services", as employed in such plan, includes services of the type which an optometrist is legally authorized to perform, and shall be reimbursed whether furnished by a physician or an optometrist. (f) For purposes of this title, the term "skilled nursing facility services" means services which are or were required to be given an individual who needs or needed on a daily basis skilled nursing care (provided directly by or requiring the supervision of skilled nursing personnel) or other skilled rehabilitation services which as a practical 1 Subsection (c) was amended by sections 8(a) and 8(b) of Public Law 95–292. The word "clauses" in the next to last sentence is a technical error; it apparently should be "clause". Sec. 1905(f) 536 matter can only be provided in a skilled nursing facility on an inpatient basis. (g) If the State plan includes provision of chiropractors' services, such services include only- (1) services provided by a chiropractor (A) who is licensed as such by the State and (B) who meets uniform minimum stand- ards promulgated by the Secretary under section 1861 (r) (5); and Hay (2) services which consist of treatment by means of manual manipulation of the spine which the chiropractor is legally authorized to perform by the State. (h) (1) For purposes of paragraph (16) of subsection (a), the term "inpatient psychiatric hospital services for individuals under age 21" includes only- (A) inpatient services which are provided in an institution which is accredited as a psychiatric hospital by the Joint Commis- sion on Accreditation of Hospitals; (B) inpatient services which, in the case of any individual, (i) involve active treatment which meets such standards as may be prescribed in regulations by the Secretary, and (ii) a team, consisting of physicians and other personnel qualified to make determinations with respect to mental health conditions and the treatment thereof, has determined are necessary on an inpatient basis and can reasonably be expected to improve the condition, by reason of which such services are necessary, to the extent that eventually such services will no longer be necessary; and (C) inpatient services which, in the case of any individual, are provided prior to (A) the date such individual attains age 21, or (B) in the case of an individual who was receiving such services in the period immediately preceding the date on which he attained age 21, (i) the date such individual no longer requires such serv- ices, or (ii) if earlier, the date such individual attains age 22; (2) Such term does not include services provided during any calendar quarter under the State plan of any State if the total amount of the funds expended, during such quarter, by the State (and the political subdivisions thereof) from non-Federal funds for inpatient services included under paragraph (1), and for active psychiatric care and treatment provided on an outpatient basis for eligible men- tally ill children, is less than the average quarterly amount of the funds expended, during the 4-quarter period ending December 31, 1971, by the State (and the political subdivisions thereof) from non-Federal funds for such services. (i) For purposes of this title, the term "skilled nursing facility" also includes any institution which is located in a State on an Indian reservation and is certified by the Secretary as being a qualified skilled nursing facility by meeting the requirements of section 1861(j). Revised April 1978 537 Sec. 1908(a) (j) The term "State supplementary payment" means any cash pay- ment made by a State on a regular basis to an individual who is receiving supplemental security income benefits under title XVI or who would but for his income be eligible to receive such benefits, as assistance based on need in supplementation of such benefits (as deter- mined by the Secretary), but only to the extent that such payments are made with respect to an individual with respect to whom supple- mental security income benefits are payable under title XVI, or would but for his income be payable under that title. (k) Increased supplemental security income benefits payable pur- suant to section 211 of Public Law 93-66 shall not be considered supplemental security income benefits payable under title XVI. (1) The terms "rural health clinic services" and "rural health clinic" have the meanings given such terms in section 1861 (aa), except that (1) clause (ii) of section 1861 (aa) (2) shall not apply to such terms, and (2) the physician arrangement required under section 1861 (aa) (2) (B) shall only apply with respect to rural health clinic services and, with respect to other ambulatory care services, the physician arrangement required shall be only such as may be required under the State plan for those services.¹ 1 Sec. 1906. [Repealed.] Observance of Religious Beliefs Sec. 1907. Nothing in this title shall be construed to require any State which has a plan approved under this title to compel any per- son to undergo any medical screening, examination, diagnosis, or treat- ment or to accept any other health care or services provided under such plan for any purpose (other than for the purpose of discovering and preventing the spread of infection or contagious disease or for the purpose of protecting environmental health), if such person objects (or, in case such person is a child, his parent or guardian objects) thereto on religious grounds. State Programs for Licensing of Administrators of Nursing Homes Sec. 1908. (a) For purposes of section 1902(a) (29), a “State pro- gram for licensing of administrators of nursing homes" is a program which provides that no nursing home within the State may operate except under the supervision of an administrator licensed in the man- ner provided in this section. 1 Subsection (1) was added by sec. 2 (b) of P.L. 95-210 effective as specified in sec. 2(f) which is printed in this document on p. 803. Sec. 1908(b) 538 Revised April 1978 (b) Licensing of nursing home administrators shall be carried out by the agency of the State responsible for licensing under the healing arts licensing act of the State, or, in the absence of such act or such an agency, a board representative of the professions and institutions concerned with care of chronically ill and infirm aged patients and established to carry out the purposes of this section. (c) It shall be the function and duty of such agency or board to— (1) develop, impose, and enforce standards which must be met by individuals in order to receive a license as a nursing home administrator, which standards shall be designed to insure that nursing home administrators will be individuals who are of good character and are otherwise suitable, and who, by training or experience in the field of institutional administration, are quali- fied to serve as nursing home administrators; S (2) develop and apply appropriate techniques, including ex- aminations and investigations, for determining whether an indi- vidual meets such standards; (3) issue licenses to individuals determined, after the appli- cation of such techniques, to meet such standards, and revoke or suspend licenses previously issued by the board in any case where the individual holding any such license is determined substan- tially to have failed to conform to the requirements of such stand- ards; (4) establish and carry out procedures designed to insure that individuals licensed as nursing home administrators will, during any period that they serve as such, comply with the requirements of such standards; (5) receive, investigate, and take appropriate action with re- spect to, any charge or complaint filed with the board to the effect that any individual licensed as a nursing home administrator has failed to comply with the requirements of such standards; and (6) conduct a continuing study and investigation of nursing homes and administrators of nursing homes within the State with a view to the improvement of the standards imposed for the licensing of such administrators and of procedures and methods for the enforcement of such standards with respect to administra- tors of nursing homes who have been licensed as such. (d) No State shall be considered to have failed to comply with the provisions of section 1902 (a) (29) because the agency or board of such State (established pursuant to subsection (b)) shall have granted any waiver, with respect to any individual who, during all of the three calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year in which the requirements prescribed in section 1902 (a) (29) are first met by the State, has served as a nursing home administrator, of any of the stand- - Revised April 1978 Sec. 1909(a) 539 ards developed, imposed, and enforced by such agency or board pursu- ant to subsection (c). (e) As used in this section, the term- (1) "nursing home" means any institution or facility defined as such for licensing purposes under State law, or, if State law does not employ the term nursing home, the equivalent term or terms as determined by the Secretary, but does not include a Christian Science sanatorium operated, or listed and certified, by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts; and (2) "nursing home administrator" means any individual who is charged with the general administration of a nursing home whether or not such individual has an ownership interest in such home and whether or not his functions and duties are shared with one or more other individuals. Penalties 1 Sec. 1909. (a) Whoever- (1) knowingly and willfully makes or causes to be made any false statement or representation of a material fact in any appli- cation for any benefit or payment under a State plan approved under this title, (2) at any time knowingly and willfully makes or causes to be made any false statement or representation of a material fact for use in determining rights to such benefit or payment, (3) having knowledge of the occurrence of any event affecting (A) his initial or continued right to any such benefit or payment, or (B) the initial or continued right to any such benefit or pay- ment of any other individual in whose behalf he has applied for or is receiving such benefit or payment, conceals or fails to disclose such event with an intent fraudulently to secure such benefit or payment either in a greater amount or quantity than is due or when no such benefit or payment is authorized, or (4) having made application to receive any such benefit or payment for the use and benefit of another and having received it, knowingly and willfully converts such benefit or payment or any part thereof to a use other than for the use and benefit of such other person, shall (i) in the case of such a statement, representation, concealment, failure, or conversion by any person in connection with the furnishing (by that person) of items or services for which payment is or may be made under this title, be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof fined not more than $25,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years 1 Section 1909 was amended in its entirety by sec. 4(b) of Public Law 95–142. 21-746 O - 78 41 Sec. 1909(a) 540 Revised April 1978 or both, or (ii) in the case of such a statement, representation, conceal- ment, failure, or conversion by any other person, be guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. In addition, in any case where an individual who is otherwise eligible for assistance under a State plan approved under this title is convicted of an offense under the preceding provisions of this subsection, the State may at its option (notwithstanding any other provision of this title or of such plan) limit, restrict, or suspend the eligibility of that individual for such period (not exceeding one year) as it deems appropriate; but the imposition of a limitation, restriction, or suspension with respect to the eligibility of any individual under this sentence shall not affect the eligibility of any other person for assistance under the plan, regardless of the relationship between that individual and such other person. (b) (1) Whoever solicits or receives any remuneration (including any kickback, bribe, or rebate) directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly, in cash or in kind— (A) in return for referring an individual to a person for the furnishing or arranging for the furnishing of any item or service for which payment may be made in whole or in part under this title, or (B) in return for purchasing, leasing, ordering, or arranging for or recommending purchasing, leasing, or ordering any good, facility, service, or item for which payment may be made in whole or in part under this title, shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $25,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. (2) Whoever offers or pays any remuneration (including any kick- back, bribe, or rebate) directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly, in cash or in kind to any person to induce such person— (A) to refer an individual to a person for the furnishing or arranging for the furnishing of any item or service for which payment may be made in whole or in part under this title, or (B) to purchase, lease, order, or arrange for or recommend purchasing, leasing, or ordering any good, facility, service, or item for which payment may be made in whole or in part under this title, shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $25,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. (3) Paragraphs (1) and (2) shall not apply to— Revised April 1978 540-A Sec. 1909(d) (A) a discount or other reduction in price obtained by a pro- vider of services or other entity under this title if the reduction. in price is properly disclosed and appropriately reflected in the costs claimed or charges made by the provider or entity under this title; and (B) any amount paid by an employer to an employee (who has a bona fide employment relationship with such employer) for employment in the provision of covered items or services. (c) Whoever knowingly and willfully makes or causes to be made, or induces or seeks to induce the making of, any false statement or representation of a material fact with respect to the conditions or oper- ation of any institution or facility in order that such institution or facility may qualify (either upon initial certification or upon recerti- fication) as a hospital, skilled nursing facility, intermediate care facil- ity, or home health agency (as those terms are employed in this title) shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $25,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. (d) Whoever knowingly and willfully— (1) charges, for any service provided to a patient under a State plan approved under this title, money or other consideration at a rate in excess of the rates established by the State, or (2) charges, solicits, accepts, or receives, in addition to any amount otherwise required to be paid under a Stato plan approved under this title, any gift, money, donation, or other consideration (other than a charitable, religious, or philanthropic contribution from an organization or from a person unrelated to the patient)- (A) as a precondition of admitting a patient to a hos- pital, skilled nursing facility, or intermediate care facility, or (B) as a requirement for the patient's continued stay in such a facility, when the cost of the services provided therein to the patient is paid for (in whole or in part) under the State plan, shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $25,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. Sec. 1910(a) 540-B Revised April 1978 Certification and Approval of Skilled Nursing Facilities and of Rural Health Clinics 1 Sec. 1910. (a) (1) Whenever the Secretary certifies an institution in a State to be qualified as a skilled nursing facility under title XVIII, such institution shall be deemed to meet the standards for certification. as a skilled nursing facility for purposes of section 1902 (a) (28). (2) The Secretary shall notify the State agency administering the medical assistance plan of his approval or disapproval of any institu- tion which has applied for certification by him as a qualified skilled nursing facility. (b) (1) Whenever the Secretary certifies a facility in a State to be qualified as a rural health clinic under title XVIII, such facility shall be deemed to meet the standards for certification as a rural health clinic for purposes of providing rural health clinic services under this title. (2) The Secretary shall notify the State agency administering the medical assistance plan of his approval or disapproval of any facility in that State which has applied for certification by him as a qualified rural health clinic. Indian Health Service Facilities 2 Sec. 1911. (a) A facility of the Indian Health Service (including a hospital, intermediate care facility, or skilled nursing facility), whether operated by such Service or by an Indian tribe or tribal orga- nization (as those terms are defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act), shall be eligible for reimbursement for med- ical assistance provided under a State plan if and for so long as it meets all of the conditions and requirements which are applicable generally to such facilities under this title. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a facility of the Indian Health Service (including a hospital, intermediate care facility, or skilled nursing facility) which does not meet all of the conditions and require- ments of this title which are applicable generally to such facility, but which submits to the Secretary within six months after the date of the enactment of this section an acceptable plan for achieving compliance with such conditions and requirements, shall be deemed to meet such conditions and requirements (and to be eligible for reimbursement under this title), without regard to the extent of its actual compliance with such conditions and requirements, during the first twelve months after the month in which such plan is submitted. 1 Section 1910 was amended by sec. 2(d) of Public Law 95-210 effective as specified in sec. 2(f) which is printed in this document on p. 803. 2 Section 1911 was added by section 402(a) of Public Law 94-437 subject to the condi- tions specified in sections 402 (b)-402(d) of that act which are printed in this document on page 782. Revised April 1978 Sec. 1912(b) 540-C Assignment of Rights of Payment Sec. 1912. (a) For the purpose of assisting in the collection of medical support payments and other payments for medical care owed to recipients of medical assistance under the State plan approved under this title, a State plan for medical assistance may- (1) provide that, as a condition of eligibility for medical assistance under the State plan to an individual who has the legal capacity to execute an assignment for himself, the individual is required- 1 (A) to assign the State any rights, of the individual or of any other person who is eligible for medical assistance under this title and on whose behalf the individual has the legal authority to execute an assignment of such rights, to support (specified as support for the purpose of medical care by a court or administrative order) and to payment for medi- cal care from any third party; and (B) to cooperate with the State (i) in establishing the paternity of such person (referred to in subparagraph (A)) if the person is a child born out of wedlock, and (ii) in obtain- ing support and payments (described in subparagraph (A)) for himself and for such person, unless (in either case) the individual is found to have good cause for refusing to coop- erate as determined by the State agency in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secretary, which standards shall take into consideration the best interests of the individuals involved; and G (2) provide for entering into cooperative arrangements (including financial arrangements), with any appropriate agency of any State (including, with respect to the enforcement and collection of rights of payment for medical care by or through a parent, with a State's agency established or designated under sec- tion 454(3)) and with appropriate courts and law enforcement officials, to assist the agency or agencies administering the State plan with respect to (A) the enforcement and collection of rights to support or payment assigned under this section and (B) any other matters of common concern. (b) Such part of any amount collected by the State under an assign- ment made under the provisions of this section shall be retained by the State as is necessary to reimburse it for medical assistance payments made on behalf of an individual with respect to whom such assignment was executed (with appropriate reimbursement of the Federal Gov- ernment to the extent of its participation in the financing of such medical assistance), and the remainder of such amount collected shall be paid to such individual. 1 Section 1912 was added by sec. 11(b) of P.L. 95-142. TITLE XX-GKANTS TO STATES FOR SERVICES¹ Sec. 2001. Sec. 2002. Sec. 2003. Program reporting--. Sec. 2004. Sec. 2005. Sec. 2006. Sec. 2007. Definitions Appropriation authorized_ Payments to States_. Services program planning---. Effective date of regulations published by the Secretary- Evaluation; program assistance__. Page 2 541 541 549 553 555 555 555 Appropriation Authorized Sec. 2001. For the purpose of encouraging each State, as far as practicable under the conditions in that State, to furnish services directed at the goal of- (1) achieving or maintaining economic self-support to pre- vent, reduce, or eliminate dependency, (2) achieving or maintaining self-sufficiency, including reduc- tion or prevention of dependency, (3) preventing or remedying neglect, abuse, or exploitation of children and adults unable to protect their own interests, or pre- serving, rehabilitating or reuniting families, (4) preventing or reducing inappropriate institutional care by providing for community-based care, home-based care, or other forms of less intensive care, or (5) securing referral or admission for institutional care when other forms of care are not appropriate, or providing services to individuals in institutions, there is authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this title. The sums made avail- able under this section shall be used for making payments to States under section 2002. 1 Title became effective October 1, 1975. • This table of contents does not appear in the law. Payments To States Sec. 2002. (a) (1) From the sums appropriated therefore, the Secre- tary shall, subject to the provisions of this section and section 2003, pay to each State, for each quarter, an amount equal to 90 per centum of the total expenditures during that quarter for the provision of fam- ily planning services and 75 per centum of the total expenditures dur- ing that quarter for the provision of other services directed at the goal of- A (541) Sec. 2002(a) 542 (A) achieving or maintaining economic self-support to pre- vent, reduce, or eliminate dependency, (B) achieving or maintaining self-sufficiency, including reduc- tion or prevention of dependency, (C) preventing or remedying neglect, abuse, or exploitation of children and adults unable to protect their own interests, or preserving, rehabilitating, or reuniting families, (D) preventing or reducing inappropriate institutional care by providing for community-based care, home-based care, or other forms of less intensive care, or (E) securing referral or admission for institutional care when other forms of care are not appropriate, or providing services to individuals in institutions, including expenditures for administration (including planning and evaluation) and personnel training and retraining directly related to the provision of those services (including both short- and long-term training at educational institutions through grants to such institutions or by direct financial assistance to students enrolled in such institu- tions). Services that are directed at these goals include, but are not limited to, child care services, protective services for children and adults, services for children and adults in foster care, services related to the management and maintenance of the home, day care services for adults, transportation services, training and related services, employ- ment services, information, referral, and counseling services, the prep- aration and delivery of meals, health support services and appropriate combinations of services designed to meet the special needs of children, the aged, the mentally retarded, the blind, the emotionally disturbed, the physically handicapped, and alcoholics and drug addicts.¹ (2) (A) No payment with respect to any expenditures other than expenditures for personnel training or retraining directly related to the provision of services may be made under this section to any State for any fiscal year in excess of an amount which bears the same ratio to $2,500,000,000 as the population of that State bears to the popula- tion of the fifty States and the District of Columbia. The Secretary shall promulgate the limitation applicable to each State for each fiscal year under this paragraph prior to the first day of the third month of the preceding fiscal year, as determined on the basis of the most recent satisfactory data available from the Department of Commerce.¹ (B) Each State with respect to which a limitation is promulgated under subparagraph (A) for any fiscal year shall, at the earliest prac- ticable date after the commencement of such fiscal year (and in accord- ance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary), certify to the Sec- retary whether the amount of its limitation is greater or less than the 1 See also section 3 of P.L. 94-401 which is printed in this document on page 779. 543 Sec. 2002(a) amount needed by the State, for uses to which the limitation applies, for such fiscal year and, if so, the amount by which the amount of such limitation is greater or less than such need. (C) If any State certifies, in accordance with subparagraph (B), that the amount of its limitation for any fiscal year is greater than its need for such year, then the amount of the limitation of such State for such year shall be reduced by the excess of its limitation amount over its need, and the amount of such reduction shall be available for allotment as provided in subparagraph (D). (D) Of the amounts made available, pursuant to subparagraph (C), for allotment for any fiscal year, the Secretary (i) shall allot to the jurisdiction of Puerto Rico $15,000,000, to the jurisdiction of Guam $500,000, and to the jurisdiction of the Virgin Islands $500,000, which shall be available to each such jurisdiction in addition to amounts avail- able under section 1108 for purposes of matching the expenditures of such jurisdictions for services pursuant to sections 3(a) (4) and (5), 403 (a) (3), 1003 (a) (3) and (4), 1403(a) (3) and (4), and 1603 (a) (4) and (5): Provided, That if the amounts made available, pursuant to subparagraph (C), are insufficient to meet the requirements of this clause, then such amounts as are available shall be allotted to each of the three jurisdictions in proportion to their respective populations. (3) No payment may be made under this section to any State with respect to any expenditure for the provision of any service to any indi- vidual unless- (A) the State's services program planning meets the require- ments of section 2004, and (B) the final comprehensive annual services plan in effect when the service is provided to the individual includes the pro- vision of that service to a category of individuals which includes that individual in the descriptions required by section 2004 (2) (B) and (C) of the services to be provided under the plan and the categories of individuals to whom the services are to be provided. The Secretary may not deny payment under this section to any State with respect to any expenditure on the ground that it is not an expendi- ture for the provision of a service or is not an expenditure for the pro- vision of a service directed at a goal described in paragraph (1) of this subsection. (4) So much of the aggregate expenditures with respect to which payment is made under this section to any State for any fiscal year as equals 50 per centum of the payment made under this section to the State for that fiscal year must be expended for the provision of services. to individuals- (A) who are receiving aid under the plan of the State ap- proved under part A of title IV or who are eligible to receive such aid, or Sec. 2002(a) 544 (B) whose needs are taken into account in determining the needs of an individual who is receiving aid under the plan of the State approved under part A of title IV, or who are eligible to have their needs taken into account in determining the needs of an individual who is receiving or is eligible to receive such aid, or (C) with respect to whom supplemental security income bene- fits under title XVI or State supplementary payments, as defined in section 2007 (1), are being paid, or who are eligible to have such benefits or payments paid with respect to them, or (D) whose income and resources are taken into account in de- termining the amount of supplemental security income benefits or State supplementary payments, as defined in section 2007(1), being paid with respect to an individual, or whose income and resources would be taken into account in determining the amount of such benefits or payments to be paid with respect to an indi- vidual who is eligible to have such benefits or payments paid with respect to him, or (E) who are eligible for medical assistance under the plan of the State approved under title XIX. In any case in which services are provided to individuals to whom the provisions of paragraph (14) are applied, the proportion of the expenditures for such services which are attributable to individuals described in the preceding sentence may be determined on the basis of generally accepted statistical sampling procedures.¹ (5) No payment may be made under this section to any State with respect to any expenditure for the provision of any service to any individual- (A) who is receiving, or whose needs are taken into account in determining the needs of an individual who is receiving, aid un- der the plan of the State approved under part A of title IV, or with respect to whom supplemental security income benefits under title XVI or State supplementary payments, as defined in section 2007(1), are being paid, or (B) who is a member of a family the monthly gross income of which is less than the lower of- (i) 80 per centum of the median income of a family of four in the State, or (ii) the median income of a family of four in the fifty States and the District of Columbia, adjusted, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secre- tary, to take into account the size of the family, if any fee or other charge (other than a voluntary contribution) im- posed on the individual for the provision of that service is not con- sistent with such requirements (including requirements prohibiting 1 Paragraph (4) was amended by section 1(b) of P.L. 94-401, effective October 1, 1975. Revised April 1978 Sec. 2002(a) 545 the imposition of any such fee or charge) as the Secretary shall prescribe. (6) No payment may be made under this section to any State with respect to any expenditure for the provision of any service, other than an information or referral service, family planning services, or a service directed at the goal of preventing or remedying neglect, abuse, or exploitation of children and adults unable to protect their own in- terests, to any individual who is not an individual described in para- graph (5), and— (A) who is a member of a family the monthly gross income of which exceeds 115 per centum of the median income of a family of four in the State, adjusted, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, to take into account the size of the family, or (B) who is a member of a family the monthly gross income of which- (i) exceeds the lower of— (I) 80 per centum of the median income of a family of four in the State, or or (II) the median income of a family of four in the fifty States and the District of Columbia, adjusted, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, to take into account the size of the family, and (ii) does not exceed 115 per centum of the median income of a family of four in the State, adjusted, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, to take into account the size of the family, unless a fee or other charge reasonably related to income is im- posed on the individual for the provision of the service. The Secretary shall promulgate the median income of a family of four in each State and the fifty States and the District of Columbia appli- cable to payments with respect to expenditures in each fiscal year prior to the first day of the third month of the preceding fiscal year.¹ (7) No payment may be made under this section to any State with respect to any expenditure- (A) for the provision of medical or any other remedial care, (except as provided in paragraph (11) (D)²), other than family planning services, unless it is an integral but subordinate part of a service described in paragraph (1) of this subsection and Fed- eral financial participation with respect to the expenditure is not available under the plan of the State approved under title XIX; 1 Paragraph (6) was amended by section 1(c) of P.L. 94-401, effective October 1, 1975. 2 The phrase "(except as provided by paragraph (11) (D))" was added by section 4 of Public Law 94-120 as amended by section 6 of P.L. 94-401 and by section 1(c) of P.L. 95-171 effective only for the period October 1, 1975, to September 30, 1978. Sec. 2002(a) Revised April 1978 546 (B) for the purchase, construction, or major modification of any land, building or other facility, or fixed equipment; or (C) which is in the form of goods or services provided in kind by a private entity; or (D) which is made from donated private funds, unless such funds- (i) are transferred to the State and are under its adminis- trative control, and (ii) are donated to the State, without restrictions as to use, other than restrictions as to the services with respect to which the funds are to be used imposed by a donor who is not a sponsor or operator of a program to provide those services, or the geographic area in which the services with respect to which the contribution is used are to be provided, and (iii) do not revert to the donor's facility or use if the donor is other than a nonprofit organization; or (E) for the provision of room or board (except as provided by paragraph (11) (C) and paragraph (11) (D)¹) other than room or board provided for a period of not more than six consecu- tive months as an integral but subordinate part of a service de- scribed in paragraph (1) of this subsection. With regard to ending the dependency of individuals who are alco- holics or drug addicts, the entire rehabilitative process for such in- dividuals, including but not limited to initial detoxification, short term residential treatment, and subsequent outpatient counseling and rehabilitative services, whether or not such a process involves more than one provider of services, shall be the basis for determining whether standards imposed by or under subparagraph (A) or (E) of this paragraph have been met.² (8) No payment may be made under this section with respect to any expenditure if payment is made with respect to that expenditure under section 403 or 422 of this Act. (9) (A) No payment may be made under this section with respect to any expenditure in connection with the provision of any child day care service, unless— (i) in the case of care provided in the child's home, the care meets standards established by the State which are reasonably in accord with recommended standards of national standard-setting organizations concerned with the home care of children, or (ii) in the case of care provided outside the child's home, the care meets the Federal interagency day care requirements as ap- 1 The phrase "and paragraph 11 (D)" was added by section 4 of Public Law 94-120 as amended by section 6 of P.L. 94-401 and by section 1(c) of P.L. 95-171 effective only for the period October 1, 1975 to September 30, 1978. 2 The last sentence of paragraph (7) was added by section 4 of Public Law 94-120 as amended by section 6 of P.L. 94-401 and by section 1 (c) of P.L. 95-171 effective only for the period October 1, 1975 to September 30, 1978. Revised April 1978 Sec. 2002(a) 547 proved by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Office of Economic Opportunity on September 23, 1968; except that (I) subdivision III of such requirements with respect to educational services shall be recommended to the States and not required, and staffing standards for school-age children in day care centers may be revised by the Secretary, (II) the staffing standards imposed with respect to such care in the case of children under age 3 shall conform to regulations prescribed by the Secre- tary, (III) the staffing standards imposed with respect to such care in the case of children aged 10 to 14 shall require at least one adult for each 20 children, and in the case of school-aged children under age 10 shall require at least one adult for each 15 children, (IV) the State agency may waive the staffing standards other- wise applicable in the case of a day care center or group day care home in which not more than 20 per centum of the chil- dren in the facility (or, in the case of a day care center, not more than 5 children in the center) are children whose care is being paid for (wholly or in part) from funds made available to the State under this title, if such agency finds that it is not feasible to furnish day care for the children, whose care is so paid for, in a day care facility which complies with such staffing standards, and if the day care facility providing care for such children complies with applicable State standards, and (V) in determining whether applicable staffing standards are met in the case of day care provided in a family day care home, the num- ber of children being cared for in such home shall include a child of the mother who is operating the home only if such child is under age 6, 1 except as provided in subparagraph (B).¹ (B) The Secretary shall submit to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, after December 31, 1976, and prior to April 1, 1978, an evaluation of the appropriateness of the requirements imposed by subparagraph (A), together with any recom- mendations he may have for modification of those requirements. No earlier than ninety days after the submission of that report, the Sec- retary may, by regulation, make such modifications in the require- ments imposed by subparagraph (A) as he determines are appropriate.2 (C) The requirements imposed by this paragraph are in lieu of any requirements that would otherwise be applicable under section 522 (d) of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 to child day care services with respect to which payment is made under this section. 1 The requirements of section 2002 (a) (9) are modified during the period October 1, 1975- September 30, 1978 by sec. 7(a) (3) of P.L. 93-647, as amended (see p. 759). Sec. 5 of P.L. 94-401, as amended by sec. 1(b) of P.L. 95-171, added to paragraph (9) (A) (ii) subclause (IV) (effective September 7, 1976 to September 30, 1978) and subclause (V) (effective October 1, 1975 to September 30, 1978). 2 Subparagraph (B) was amended by section 5 of P.L. 95–59. Sec. 2002(a) 548 Revised April 1978 (10) No payment may be made under this section with respect to any expenditure for the provision of any educational service which the State makes generally available to its residents without cost and without regard to their income. (11) No payment may be made under this section with respect to any expenditure for the provision of any service to any individual living in any hospital, skilled nursing facility, or intermediate care facility (including any such hospital or facility for mental diseases or for the mentally retarded), any prison, or any foster family home except- (A) any expenditure for the provision of a service that (i) is provided by other than the hospital, facility, prison, or foster family home in which the individual is living, and (ii) is pro- vided under the State's program for the provision of the services described in paragraph (1), to individuals who are not living in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, intermediate care facility, prison, or foster family home, (B) any expenditure which is for the cost, in addition to the cost of basic foster care, of the provision, by a foster family home, to an individual living in that home, of a service which meets a special need of that individual, as determined under regula- tions prescribed by the Secretary, (C) any expenditure for the provision of emergency shelter provided to a child, for not in excess of thirty days, as a pro- tective service; and (D) any expenditure for the initial detoxification of an alco- holic or drug dependent individual, for a period not to exceed 7 days, if such detoxification is integral to the further provision of services for which such individual would otherwise be eligible under this title.¹ (12) No payment may be made under this section with respect to any expenditure for the provision of cash payments as a service. (13) No payment may be made under this section with respect to any expenditure for the provision of any service to any individual to the extent that the provider of the service or the individual receiv- ing the service is eligible to receive payment under title XVIII with respect to the provision of the service. (14)(A) For purposes of paragraphs (5) and (6), an individual shall, at the option of the State, be deemed to be an individual described in paragraph (5) (B) if, because of the geographic area in which any particular service is provided to him, the characteristics of the community to which it is provided, the nature of the service, the conditions (other than income) of eligibility to receive it, or other 1 Clause (D) of section 2002(a)(11) was added by section 4 of Public Law 94-120 as amended bysection 6 of P.L. 94-401 and by section 1(c) of P.L. 95-171 effective only for the period October 1, 1975 to September 30, 1978. Revised April 1978 549 Sec. 2002(b) factors surrounding its provision, the State may reasonably conclude without individual determinations of eligibility, that substantially all of the persons who receive the service are members of families with a monthly gross income which is not more than 90 per centum of the median income of a family of four in the State, adjusted (in accord- ance with the regulations prescribed by the Secretary) to take into account the size of the family. (B) The provisions of subparagraph (A) shall not be applicable to child day care services furnished to any child other than a child of a migratory agricultural worker.¹ (15) No payment may be made under this section with respect to any expenditure for the provision of any health related service if such service is provided by an entity which has failed to comply with a request made by the Secretary or State agency under section 2003 (d) (1) (J), for so long as such entity remains in noncompliance with such request.2 (16) Any State may refuse to enter into a contract or other arrange- ment with a provider of services for purposes of participation under the program established by this title, or otherwise to approve a pro- vider for such purposes, if any person who has a direct or indirect ownership or control interest of 5 percent or more in such provider, or who is an officer, director, agent, or managing employee (as defined in section 1126(b)) of such provider, is a person described in section 1126(a), and the State may terminate any such contract, arrangement, or approval if it determines that the provider did not fully and accu- rately make any disclosure required of it by section 1126 (a) at the time the contract or arrangement was entered into or the approval was given.³ (b) (1) Prior to the beginning of each quarter the Secretary shall estimate the amount to which a State will be entitled under this sec- tion for that quarter on the basis of a report filed by the State con- taining its estimate of the amount to be expended during that quarter with respect to which payment must be made under this section, to- gether with an explanation of the bases for that estimate. (2) The Secretary shall then pay to the State, in such installments as he may determine, the amount so estimated, reduced or increased to the extent of any overpayment or underpayment which the Secretary determines was made under this section to the State for any prior quar- ter and with respect to which adjustment has not already been made under this subsection. (3) Upon the making of any estimate by the Secretary under this subsection, any appropriations available for payments under this sec- tion shall be deemed obligated. 1 Paragraph (14) was added by section 1(a) of P.L. 94-401, effective October 1, 1975. 2 Paragraph (15) was added by section 3(d) (2) of P.L. 95-142. 3 Paragraph (16) was added by section 8(d) of P.L. 95–142. Sec. 2003 (a) Revised April 1978 550 Program Reporting Sec. 2003. (a) Each State which participates in the program estab- lished by this title shall make such reports concerning its use of Fed- eral social services funds as the Secretary may by regulation provide. (b) Each State which participates in the program established by this title shall assure that the aggregate expenditures from appropri- ated funds from the State and political subdivisions thereof for the provision of services during each services program year (as established under the requirements of section 2002 (a) (3)) with respect to which payment is made under section 2002 is not less than the aggregate expenditures from such appropriated funds for the provision of those services during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, or the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, with respect to which payment was made under the plan of the State approved under title I, VI, X, XIV, or XVI, or part A of title IV, whichever is less, except that the requirements of this subsection shall not apply to any State for any services program year if the payment to the State under section 2002, for each fiscal year any part of which is included in that services program year, with respect to expenditures other than expenditures for personnel training or retraining directly related to the provision of services, equals the allotment of the State for that fiscal year under section 2002 (a) (2). • (c) (1) If the Secretary, after reasonable notice and an opportunity for a hearing to the State, finds that there is a substantial failure to comply with any of the requirements imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of this section, he shall, except as provided in paragraph (2), notify the State that further payments will not be made to the State under section 2002 until he is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply, and until he is so satisfied he shall make no further payments to the State. (2) The Secretary may suspend implementation of any termina- tion of payments under paragraph (1) for such period as he determines appropriate and instead reduce the amount otherwise payable to the State under section 2002 for expenditures during that period by 3 per centum for each of subsections (a) and (b) of this section with respect to which there was a finding of substantial noncompliance and with respect to which he is not yet satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. (d) (1) Each State which participates in the program established by this title shall have a plan applicable to its program for the provi- sion of the services described in section 2002 (a) (1) which— Revised April 1978 Sec. 2003 (d) 551 (A) provides that an opportunity for a fair hearing before the appropriate State agency will be granted to any individual whose claim for any service described in section 2002 (a) (1) is denied or is not acted upon with reasonable promptness; (B) provides that the use or disclosure of information ob- tained in connection with administration of the State's program for the provision of the services described in section 2002 (a) (1) concerning applicants for and recipients of those services will be restricted to purposes directly connected with the administration of that program, the plan of the State approved under part A of title IV, the plan of the State developed under part B of that title, the supplemental security income program established by title XVI, or the plan of the State approved under title XIX; (C) provides for the designation by the chief executive officer of the State or as otherwise provided by the laws of the State, of an appropriate agency which will administer or supervise the administration of the State's program for the provision of the services described in section 2002(a)(1); (D) provides that the State will, in the administration of its program for the provision of the services described in section 2002 (a) (1), use such methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards on a merit basis as are found by the Secretary to be necessary for the proper and efficient op- eration of the program, except that the Secretary shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, or com- pensation of any individual employed in accordance with such methods; (E) provides that no durational residency or citizenship requirement will be imposed as a condition to participation in the program of the State for the provision of the services de- scribed in section 2002(a) (1); (F) provides, if the State program for the provision of the services described in section 2002 (a)(1) includes services to in- dividuals living in institutions or foster homes, for the estab- lishment or designation of a State authority or authorities which shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining standards for such institutions or homes which are reasonably in accord with recommended standards of national organizations concerned with standards for such institutions or homes, including stand- ards related to admissions policies, safety, sanitation, and pro- tection of civil rights; (G) provides, if the State program for the provision of the services described in section 2002 (a) (1) includes child day care services, for the establishment or designation of a State authority 21-746 O 78 42 < - Revised April 1978 551-A Sec. 2003(d) or authorities which shall be responsible for establishing and main- taining standards for such services which are reasonably in accord with recommended standards of national organizations concerned with standards for such services, including standards related to admission policies for facilities providing such services, safety, sanitation, and protection of civil rights; (H) provides that the State's program for the provision of the services described in section 2002 (a) (1) will be in effect in all political subdivisions of the State; (I) provides for financial participation by the State in the provision of the services described in section 2002 ('a) (1) ; and (J) provides that any entity (other than an individual prac- titioner or a group of practitioners) receiving payments for the provision of health related services complies with the require- ments of section 1124, and supplies (within such period as may be specified in regulations by the Secretary or by the State agency which administers or supervises the administration of the plan) upon request specifically addressed to such entity by the Secretary or such State agency, respectively, (i) full and com- plete information as to the ownership of a subcontractor (as defined by the Secretary in regulations) with whom such entity has had, during the previous twelve months, business transactions in an aggregate amount in excess of $25,000, and (ii) full and com- plete information as to any significant business transactions (as defined by the Secretary in regulations), occurring during the five-year period ending on the date of such request, between such entity and any wholly owned supplier or between such entity and any subcontractor.¹ Notwithstanding clause (C), if on December 1, 1974, the State agency which administered or supervised the administration of the portion of the plan of the State for services to the aged, blind, or disabled ap- proved under title VI of this Act which related to blind individuals was different from the agency which administered or supervised the administration of the rest of that plan, the State agency which admin- istered or supervised the administration of the portion of the plan of ¹ Subparagraph (J) was added by section 3(d)(1) of P.L. 95-142. Sec. 2003 (e) 552 Revised April 1978 the State for services to the aged, blind, or disabled related to blind individuals may be designated to administer or supervise the adminis- tration of the portion of the State's program for the provision of the services described in section 2002 (a) (1) related to blind individuals and a separate State agency may be designated to administer or su- pervise the administration of the rest of the program; and in such case the part of the program which each agency administers, or the administration of which each agency supervises, shall be regarded as a separate program for the provision of the services described in sec- tion 2002(a)(1) for purposes of this title. The date selected by the State pursuant to section 2004 (1) as the beginning of the services pro- gram year for each of the separate programs shall be the same. (2) The Secretary shall approve any plan which complies with the provisions of paragraph (1). (e) (1) No payment may be made under section 2002 to any State which does not have a plan approved under subsection (g).¹ 1 (2) In the case of any State plan which has been approved by the Secretary under subsection (d), if the Secretary, after reasonable notice and an opportunity for a hearing to the State, finds— (A) that the plan no longer complies with the provisions of subsection (d) (1), or (B) that in the administration of the plan there is a substan- tial failure to comply with any such provision, the Secretary shall, except as provided in paragraph (3), notify the State that further payments will not be made to the State under sec- tion 2002 until he is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply, and until he is so satisfied he shall make no further payments to the State. (3) The Secretary may suspend implementation of any termina- tion of payments under paragraph (2) for such period as he deter- mines appropriate and instead reduce the amount otherwise payable to the State under section 2002 for expenditures during that period by 3 percent for each clause of subsection (d) (1) with respect to which there is a finding of noncompliance and with respect to which he is not yet satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. (f) The provisions of section 333 of the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 shall be applicable to services provided by any State pur- suant to this title with respect to individuals suffering from drug addiction or alcoholism.2 4 1 The reference to subsection (g) is a technical error in the law. The intended reference is to subsection (d). 2 Subsection (f) was added to section 2003 effective only for the period October 1, 1975 to September 30, 1978 by section 4 of Public Law 94-120 as amended by section 6 of Public Law 94-401 and by section 1(c) of P.L. 95–171. 553 Sec. 2004 Services Program Planning Sec. 2004. A State's services program planning meets the require- ments of this section if, for the purpose of assuring public participa- tion in the development of the program for the provision of the serv- ices described in section 2002 (a) (1) within the State— (1) the beginning of the fiscal year of either the Federal Gov- ernment or the State government is established as the beginning of the State's services program year; and (2) at least ninety days prior to the beginning of the State's services program year, the chief executive officer of the State, or such other official as the laws of the State provide, publishes and makes generally available (as defined in regulations prescribed by the Secretary after consideration of State laws governing notice of actions by public officials) to the public a proposed compre- hensive annual services program plan prepared by the agency designated pursuant to the requirements of section 2003 (d) (1) (C) and, unless the laws of the State provide otherwise, approved by the chief executive officer, which sets forth the State's plan for the provision of the services described in section 2002(a)(1) during that year, including— (A) the objectives to be achieved under the program, (B) the services to be provided under the program, in- cluding at least one service directed at at least one of the goals in each of the five categories of goals set forth in section 2002(a)(1) (as determined by the State) and including at least three types of services (selected by the State) for indi- viduals who are recipients of supplemental security income benefits under title XVI and who are in need of such services, together with a definition of those services and a description of their relationship to the objectives to be achieved under the program and the goals described in section 2002 (a) (1), (C) the categories of individuals to whom those services are to be provided, including any categories based on the in- come of individuals or their families, (D) the geographic areas in which those services are to be provided, and the nature and amount of the services to be provided in each area, (E) a description of the planning, evaluation, and report- ing activities to be carried out under the program, (F) the sources of the resources to be used to carry out the program, (G) a description of the organizational structure through which the program will be administered, including Sec. 2004 554 the extent to which public and private agencies and volun- teers will be utilized in the provision of services, (H) a description of how the provision of services under the program will be coordinated with the plan of the State approved under part A of title IV, the plan of the State. developed under part B of that title, the supplemental secu- rity income program established by title XVI, the plan of the State approved under title XIX, and other programs for the provision of related human services within the State, includ- ing the steps taken to assure maximum feasible utilization of services under these programs to meet the needs of the low income population, (I) the estimated expenditures under the program, in- cluding estimated expenditures with respect to each of the services to be provided, each of the categories of individuals to whom those services are to be provided, and each of the geographic areas in which those services are to be provided, and a comparison between estimated non-Federal expendi- tures under the program and non-Federal expenditures for the provision of the services described in section 2002 (a) (1) in the State during the preceding services program year, and (J) a description of the steps taken, or to be taken, to assure that the needs of all residents of, and all geographic areas in, the State were taken into account in the development of the plan; and (3) public comment on the proposed plan is accepted for a period of at least forty-five days; and (4) at least forty-five days after publication of the proposed plan and prior to the beginning of the State's services program year, the chief executive officer of the State, or such other official as the laws of the State provide, publishes a final comprehensive annual services program plan prepared by the agency designed pursuant to the requirements of section 2003 (d)(1)(C) and, un- less the laws of the State provide otherwise, approved by the chief executive officer, which sets forth the same information required to be included in the proposed plan, together with an explanation of the differences between the proposed and final plan and the reasons therefor; and (5) any amendment to a final comprehensive services program plan is prepared by the agency designated pursuant to section 2003 (d) (1) (C), approved by the chief executive officer of the State unless the laws of the State provide otherwise, and published by the chief executive officer of the State, or such other official as the laws of the State provide, as a proposed amendment on 555 Sec. 2007 which public comment is accepted for a period of at least thirty days, and then prepared by the agency designated pursuant to sec- tion 2003 (d) (1) (C), approved by the chief executive officer of the State unless the laws of the State provide otherwise, and pub- lished by the chief executive officer of the State, or such other official as the laws of the State provide, as a final amendment, to- gether with an explanation of the differences between the pro- posed and final amendment and the reasons therefor. Effective Date Of Regulations Published By The Secretary Sec. 2005. No final regulation published by the Secretary under this title shall be effective with respect to payments under section 2002 for expenditures during any quarter commencing before the be- ginning of the first services program year established by the State under the requirements of section 2002 (a) (3) which begins at least sixty days after the publication of the final regulation. Evaluation; Program Assistance Sec. 2006. (a) The Secretary shall provide for the continuing evaluation of State programs for the provision of the services de- scribed in section 2002 (a) (1). (b) The Secretary shall make available to the States assistance with respect to the content of their services program, and their services program planning, reporting, administration, and evaluation. (c) Within six months after the close of each fiscal year, the Sec- retary shall submit to the Congress a report on the operation of the program established by this title during that year, including- (1) the evaluations carried out under subsection (a) and the results obtained therefrom, and (2) the assistance provided under subsection (b) during that year. Definitions Sec. 2007. For purposes of this title— (1) the term "State supplementary payment" means any cash payment made by a State on a regular basis to an individual who is receiving supplemental security income benefits under title XVI or who would but for his income be eligible to receive such benefits, as assistance based on need in supplementation of such benefits, as determined by the Secretary, and (2) the term "State" means the fifty States and the District of Columbia. か ​Revised August 1978 SELECTED PROVISIONS OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1954 26 U.S.C. 1— Subtitle A-Income Taxes CHAPTER 1-NORMAL TAXES AND SURTAXES SUBCHAPTER A-DETERMINATION OF TAX LIABILITY * * Part IV-Credits Against Tax Subpart A-Credits Allowable * * EK * * SEC. 40. EXPENSES OF WORK INCENTIVE PROGRAMS. (a) GENERAL RULE.-There shall be allowed, as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter, the amount determined under subpart C of this part. (b) REGULATIONS.-The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section and subpart C. * SEC. 43. EARNED INCOME.¹ (a) ALLOWANCE OF CREDIT.-In the case of an eligible individual, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year an amount equal to 10 percent of so much of the earned income for the taxable year as does not exceed $4,000. 1 Section 43 was added by section 204 of Public Law 94-12 and amended by section 2 of Public Law 94-164 and section 401(c) of Public Law 94-455. It is effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1974, and before January 1, 1979. Section 2(d) of Public Law 94-164 governs the treatment of refunds under this section in determining benefits under assistance programs. This section is reprinted in this document on page 767. See also section 103(b) of P.L. 95–30. (557) IRC Sec. 43(b) 558 (b) LIMITATION.-The amount of the credit allowable to a taxpayer under subsection (a) for any taxable year shall be reduced (but not below zero) by an amount equal to 10 percent of so much of the ad- justed gross income (or, if greater, the earned income) of the taxpayer for the taxable year as exceeds $4,000. < (c) DEFINITION.-For purposes of this section— (1) ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL.-The term "eligible individual” means an individual who, for the taxable year— (A) maintains a household (within the meaning of section 44A (f) (1)) in the United States which is the principal place of abode of that individual and- (i) a child of that individual if such child meets the requirements of section 151 (e) (1) (B) (relating to addi- tional exemptions for dependents), or (ii) a child of that individual who is disabled (within the meaning of section 72 (m) (7)) and with respect to whom that individual is entitled to claim a deduction un- der section 151; and (B) is not entitled to exclude any amount from gross in- come under section 911 (relating to earned income from sources without the United States) or section 931 (relating to income from sources within the possessions of the United States). (2) EARNED INCOME. (A) The term “earned income" means— (i) wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compen- sation, plus (ii) the amount of the taxpayer's net earnings from self-employment for the taxable year (within the mean- ing of section 1402 (a)). (B) For purposes of subparagraph (A)— (i) except as provided in clause (ii), any amount shall be taken into account only if such amount is includible in the gross income of the taxpayer for the taxable year, (ii) the earned income of an individual shall be com- puted without regard to any community property laws, (iii) no amount received as a pension or annuity shall be taken into account, and (iv) no amount to which section 871 (a) applies (re- lating to income of nonresident alien individuals not connected with United States business) shall be taken into account. (d) MARRIED INDIVIDUALS.-In the case of an individual who is married (within the meaning of section 143), this section shall apply only if a joint return is filed for the taxable year under section 6013. 559 IRC Sec. 44A(c) (e) TAXABLE YEAR MUST BE FULL TAXABLE YEAR.-Except in the case of a taxable year closed by reason of the death of the taxpayer, no credit shall be allowable under this section in the case of a taxable year covering a period of less than 12 months. * * * * * SEC. 44A. EXPENSES FOR HOUSEHOLD AND DEPEND- ENT CARE SERVICES NECESSARY FOR GAIN- FUL EMPLOYMENT. (a) ALLOWANCE OF CREDIT.-In the case of an individual who maintains a household which includes as a member one or more quali- fying individuals (as defined in subsection (c)(1)), there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year an amount equal to 20 percent of the employment-related expenses (as defined in subsection (c) (2)) paid by such individual during the taxable year. (b) APPLICATION WITH OTHER CREDITS.-The credit allowed by subsection (a) shall not exceed the amount of the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year reduced by the sum of the credits allow- able under- (1) section 33 (relating to foreign tax credit), (2) section 37 (relating to credit for the elderly), (relating to investment in certain depreciable (3) section 38 property), (4) section 40 (relating to expenses of work incentive pro- grams), (5) section 41 (relating to contributions to candidates for public office), (6) section 42 (relating to general tax credit), and (7) section 44 (relating to purchase of new principal residence). (c) DEFINITIONS OF QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL AND EMPLOYMENT- RELATED EXPENSES.-For purposes of this section- (1) QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL.-The term "qualifying individ- ual" means— (A) a dependent of the taxpayer who is under the age of 15 and with respect to whom the taxpayer is entitled to a deduction under section 151 (e), (B) a dependent of the taxpayer who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself, or (C) the spouse of the taxpayer, if he is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself. IRC Sec. 44A (c) 560 (2) EMPLOYMENT-RELATED EXPENSES.- (A) IN GENERAL.-The term "employment-related ex- penses" means amounts paid for the following expenses, but only if such expenses are incurred to enable the taxpayer to be gainfully employed for any period for which there are 1 or more qualifying individuals with respect to the taxpayer: (i) expenses for household services, and (ii) expenses for the care of a qualifying individual. (B) EXCEPTION.-Employment-related expenses described in subparagraph (A) which are incurred for services outside the taxpayer's household shall be taken into account only if incurred for the care of a qualifying individual described in paragraph (1)(A). (d) DOLLAR LIMIT ON AMOUNT CREDITABLE.-The amount of the employment-related expenses incurred during any taxable year which may be taken into account under subsection (a) shall not exceed- (1) $2,000 if there is 1 qualifying individual with respect to the taxpayer for such taxable year, or (2) $4,000 if there are 2 or more qualifying individuals with respect to the taxpayer for such taxable year. (e) EARNED INCOME LIMITATION.- (1) IN GENERAL.-Except as otherwise provided in this sub- section, the amount of the employment-related expenses incurred during any taxable year which may be taken into account under subsection (a) shall not exceed- (A) in the case of an individual who is not married at the close of such year, such individual's earned income for such year, or (B) in the case of an individual who is married at the close of such year, the lesser of such individual's earned income or the earned income of his spouse for such year. (2) SPECIAL RULE FOR SPOUSE WHO IS A STUDENT OR INCAPABLE OF CARING FOR HIMSELF.-In the case of a spouse who is a student or a qualifying individual described in subsection (c) (1) (C), for purposes of paragraph (1), such spouse shall be deemed for each month during which such spouse is a full-time student at an ed- ucational institution, or is such a qualifying individual, to be gainfully employed and to have earned income of not less than— (A) $166 if subsection (d) (1) applies for the taxable year, or - (B) $333 if subsection (d)(2) applies for the taxable year. In the case of any husband and wife, this paragraph shall apply with respect to only one spouse for any one month. 561 IRC Sec. 44A(f) (f) SPECIAL RULES.-For purposes of this section— (1) MAINTAINING HOUSEHOLD.-An individual shall be treated as maintaining a household for any period only if over half the cost of maintaining the household for such period is furnished by such individual (or, if such individual is married during such period, is furnished by such individual and his spouse). (2) MARRIED COUPLES MUST FILE JOINT RETURN.—If the tax- payer is married at the close of the taxable year, the credit shall be allowed under subsection (a) only if the taxpayer and his spouse file a joint return for the taxable year. (3) MARITAL STATUS.-An individual legally separated from his spouse under a decree of divorce or of separate maintenance shall not be considered as married. (4) CERTAIN MARRIED INDIVIDUALS LIVING APART.—If— (A) an individual who is married and who files a sep- arate return— (i) maintains as his home a household which con- stitutes for more than one-half of the taxable year the principal place of abode of a qualifying individual, and (ii) furnishes over half of the cost of maintaining such household during the taxable year, and (B) during the last 6 months of such taxable year such individual's spouse is not a member of such household, such individual shall not be considered as married. (5) SPECIAL DEPENDENCY TEST IN CASE OF DIVORCED PARENTS, ETC.—If— (A) a child (as defined in section 151(e) (3)) who is under the age of 15 or who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself receives over half of his support during the calendar year from his parents who are divorced or legally separated under a decree of divorce or separate maintenance or who are separated under a written separation agreement, and (B) such child is in the custody of one or both of his parents for more than one-half of the calendar year, in the case of any taxable year beginning in such calendar year such child shall be treated as being a qualifying individual de- scribed in subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (c) (1), as the case may be, with respect to that parent who has custody for a longer period during such calendar year than the other parent, and shall not be treated as being a qualifying individual with respect to such other parent. IRC Sec. 44A(f) 562 (6) PAYMENTS TO RELATED INDIVIDUALS.- (A) IN GENERAL.-Except as provided in subparagraph (B), no credit shall be allowed under subsection (a) for any amount paid by the taxpayer to an individual bearing a rela- tionship to the taxpayer described in paragraphs (1) through (8) of section 152 (a) (relating to definition of dependent) or to a dependent described in paragraph (9) of such section. (B) EXCEPTION.-Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to any amount paid by the taxpayer to an individual with respect to whom, for the taxable year of the taxpayer in which the service is performed, neither the taxpayer nor his spouse is entitled to a deduction under section 151 (e) (relating to deduction for personal exemptions for dependents), but only if the service with respect to which such amount is paid con- stitutes employment within the meaning of section 3121 (b). (7) STUDENT.-The term "student" means an individual who during each of 5 calendar months during the taxable year is a full- time student at an educational organization. (8) EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION.-The term "educational orga- nization" means an educational organization described in section 170 (b) (1) (A) (ii). (g) REGULATIONS.-The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.¹ * * * * X Subpart C-Rules for Computing Credit for Expenses of Work Incentive Programs P Sec. 50A. Amount of credit. Sec. 50B. Definitions; special rules. SEC. 50A. AMOUNT OF CREDIT. (a) DETERMINATION OF AMOUNT.- (1) GENERAL RULE.-The amount of the credit allowed by sec- tion 40 for the taxable year shall be equal to 20 percent of the work incentive program expenses (as defined in section 50B(a)). (2) LIMITATION BASED ON AMOUNT OF TAX.-Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the credit allowed by section 40 for the taxable year shall not exceed— (A) so much of the liability for tax for the taxable year as does not exceed $50,000, plus (B) 50 percent of so much of the liability for tax for the taxable year as exceeds $50,000. ¹ Section 44A was added by section 504 of Public Law 94–455, effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1975. 563 IRC Sec. 50A(a) The preceding sentence shall not apply to so much of the credit allowed by section 40 as is attributable to Federal welfare recipient employment incentive expenses described in subsection (a) (6) (B).¹ (3) LIABILITY FOR TAX. For purposes of paragraph (2), the liability for tax for the taxable year shall be the tax imposed by this chapter for such year, reduced by the sum of the credits allowable under- (A) section 33 (relating to foreign tax credit), (B) section 37 (relating to retirement income), (C) section 38 (relating to investment in certain depreci- able property), and (D) section 41 (relating to contributions to candidates for public office). For purposes of this paragraph, any tax imposed for the taxable year by section 56 (relating to minimum tax for tax preferences), section 72(m) (5) (B) (relating to 10 percent tax on premature distributions to owner-employees), section 402 (e) (relating to tax on lump sum distributions), section 408 (f) (relating to additional tax on income from certain retirement accounts), section 531 (relating to accumulated earnings tax), section 541 (relating to personal holding company tax), or section 1378 (relating to tax on certain capital gains of subchapter S corporations), and any additional tax imposed for the taxable year by section 1351 (d) (1) (relating to recoveries of foreign expropriation losses), shall not be considered tax imposed by this chapter for such year.² (4) MARRIED INDIVIDUALS.—In the case of a husband or wife who files a separate return, the amount specified under subpara- graphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (2) shall be $25,000 in lieu of $50,000. This paragraph shall not apply if the spouse of the taxpayer has no work incentive program expenses for, and no unused credit carryback or carryover to, the taxable year of such spouse which ends within or with the taxpayer's taxable year.³ (5) CONTROLLED GROUPS.-In the case of a controlled group, the $50,000 amount specified under paragraph (2) shall be reduced for each component member of such group by apportioning $50,000 among the component members of such group in such manner as the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe. For pur- poses of the preceding sentence, the term "controlled group" has the meaning assigned to such term by section 1563 (a).³ 3 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by section 4 (a) (1) of Public Law 94-401, effective with respect to individuals hired after September 7, 1976. Paragraph (2) was also amended by section 2107(a) of Public Law 94-455. 2 Section 50A(a)(3) was amended by Public Law 93-406 and by sections 1901 (a) (6) and (b)(1) (D) of Public Law 94-455. 3 Paragraphs (4) and (5) were amended by section 2107(a) of Public Law 94-455. IRC Sec. 50A(a) 564 (6) LIMITATION WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES.- (A) NONBUSINESS ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES.-Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the credit allowed by section 40 with respect to Federal welfare recipient employment incentive expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year to an eligible employee whose services are not performed in con- nection with a trade or business of the taxpayer shall not exceed $1,000. (B) CHILD DAY CARE SERVICES ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES.—Not- withstanding paragraph (1), the credit allowed by section 40 with respect to Federal welfare recipient employment incen- tive expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year to an eligible employee whose services are per- formed in connection with a child day care services program, conducted by the taxpayer, shall not exceed $1,000.¹ (b) CARRYBACK AND CARRYOVER OF UNUSED CREDIT.- P (1) ALLOWANCE OF CREDIT.—If the amount of the credit deter- mined under subsection (a) (1) for any taxable year exceeds the limitation provided by subsection (a) (2) for such taxable year (hereinafter in this subsection referred to as "unused credit year"), such excess shall be- (A) a work incentive progam credit carryback to each of the 3 taxable years preceding the unused credit year, and (B) a work incentive program credit carryover to each of the 7 taxable years following the unused credit year, and shall be added to the amount allowable as a credit by section 40 for such years, except that such excess may be a carryback only to a taxable year beginning after December 31, 1971. The entire amount of the unused credit for an unused credit year shall be carried to the earliest of the 10 taxable years to which (by reason of subparagraphs (A) and (B)) such credit may be carried, and then to each of the other 9 taxable years to the extent that, because of the limitation contained in paragraph (2), such unused credit may not be added for a prior taxable year to which such unused credit may be carried. (2) LIMITATION.-The amount of the unused credit which may be added under paragraph (1) for any preceding or succeeding taxable year shall not exceed the amount by which the limitation provided by subsection (a) (2) for such taxable year exceeds the sum of- 1 Section 50A(a)(6) was added by section 401(a)(1) of Public Law 94-12 and was amended (effective with respect to individuals hired after September 7, 1976) by section 4(a) (2) of Public Law 94-401. 565 IRC Sec. 50A(c) (A) the credit allowable under subsection (a) (1) for such taxable year, and (B) the amounts which, by reason of this subsection, are added to the amount allowable for such taxable year and at- tributable to taxable years preceding the unused credit year. (c) EARLY TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT BY EMPLOYER, ETC.- (1) General RULE.-Under regulations prescribed by the Sec- retary— (A) Work incentive program expenses.-If the employ- ment of any employee with respect to whom work incentive program expenses are taken into account under subsection (a) is terminated by the taxpayer at any time during the first 90 days of such employment (whether or not consecutive) or before the close of the 90th calendar day after the day in which such employee completes 90 days of employment with the taxpayer, the tax under this chapter for the taxable year in which such employment is terminated shall be increased by an amount (determined under such regulations) equal to the credits allowed under section 40 for such taxable year and all prior taxable years attributable to work incentive program expenses paid or incurred with respect to such employee.¹ (B) Carrybacks and carryovers adjusted.—In the case of any termination of employment to which subparagraph (A) applies, the carrybacks and carryovers under subsection (b) shall be properly adjusted. (2) SUBSECTION NOT TO APPLY IN CERTAIN CASES.- (A) In general.—Paragraph (1) shall not apply to— (i) a termination of employment of an employee who voluntarily leaves the employment of the taxpayer, (ii) a termination of employment of an individual who, before the close of the period referred to in para- graph (1)(A), becomes disabled to perform the services of such employment, unless such disability is removed before the close of such period and the taxpayer fails to offer reemployment to such individual, (iii) a termination of employment of an individual, if it is determined under the applicable State unemployment compensation law that the termination was due to the misconduct of such individual, 1 Subparagraph (A) was amended by section 2107 (b) of P.L. 94-455. 21-746 O - 78 - 43 IRC Sec. 50A(c) 566 Revised April 1978 (iv) a termination of employment of an individual with respect to whom Federal welfare recipient employ- ment incentive expenses (as described in section 50B (a) (2)) are taken into account under subsection (a), or (v) a termination of employment of an individual due to a substantial reduction in the trade or business opera- tions of the taxpayer.¹ (B) Change in form of business, etc.-For purposes of paragraph (1), the employment relationship between the tax- payer and an employee shall not be treated as terminated— (i) by a transaction to which section 381(a) applies, if the employee continues to be employed by the acquir- ing corporation, or (ii) by reason of a mere change in the form of con- ducting the trade or business of the taxpayer, if the employee continues to be employed in such trade or busi- ness and the taxpayer retains a substantial interest in such trade or business. (3) SPECIAL RULE.—Any increase in tax under paragraph (1) shall not be treated as tax imposed by this chapter for purposes of determining the amount of any credit allowable under subpart A. (d) FAILURE TO PAY COMPARABLE WAGES.- (1) GENERAL RULE.-Under regulations prescribed by the Sec- retary, if during the period described in subsection (c) (1) (A), the taxpayer pays wages (as defined in section 50B (b)) to an employee with respect to whom work incentive program expenses are taken into account under subsection (a) which are less than the wages paid to other employees who perform comparable serv- ices, the tax under this chapter for the taxable year in which such wages are so paid shall be increased by an amount (deter- mined under such regulations) equal to the credits allowed under section 40 for such taxable year and all prior taxable years attributable to work incentive program expenses paid or incurred with respect to such employee, and the carrybacks and carryovers under subsection (b) shall be properly adjusted. (2) SPECIAL RULE. Any increase in tax under paragraph (1) shall not be treated as tax imposed by this chapter for purposes of determining the amount of any credit allowable under sub- part A. 1 Subparagraph (A) was amended by section 401 of Public Law 94-12 and by section 2107 (c) of P.L. 94-455 by adding clauses (IV) and (V) respectively. Revised August 1978 IRC Sec. 50B(c) 567 SEC. 50B. DEFINITIONS; SPECIAL RULES. (a) WORK INCENTIVE PROGRAM EXPENSES.— (1) IN GENERAL.-For purposes of this subpart, the term "work incentive program expenses" means the sum of— (A) the amount of wages paid or incurred by the taxpayer for services rendered during the first 12 months of employ- ment (whether or not consecutive) of employees who are certified by the Secretary of Labor as- (i) having been placed in employment under a work incentive program established under section 432 (b) (1) of the Social Security Act, and (ii) not having displaced any individual from em- ployment, plus (B) the amount of Federal welfare recipient employment incentive expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer for serv- ices rendered during the first 12 months of employment (whether or not consecutive). (2) DEFINITIONS.-For purposes of this section, the term "Fed- eral welfare recipient employment incentive expenses" means the amount of wages paid or incurred by the taxpayer for services rendered to the taxpayer by an eligible employee— (A) before January 1, 1980, or (B) in the case of an eligible employee whose services are performed in connection with a child day care services pro- gram of the taxpayer, before October 1, 1978.3 (3) EXCLUSION.-No item taken into account under paragraph (1) (A) shall be taken into account under paragraph (1)(B). No item taken into account under paragraph (1)(B) shall be taken into account under paragraph 1(A).¹ (b) Wages.--For purposes of subsection (a), the term "wages" means only cash remuneration (including amounts deducted and with- held). (c) LIMITATIONS.— (1) TRADE OR BUSINESS EXPENSES.-No item shall be taken into account under subsection (a) (1) (A) unless such item is incurred in a trade or business of the taxpayer.2 30-975 O - 78 ¹ Section 50 B(a) was amended by section 401 of Public Law 94-12 and section 2107 (d) and (e) of Public Law 94–455. Paragrah (2) of this section was also amended by section 4 (b) and (c) of Public Law 94-401 effective with respect to individuals hired after Septem- ber 7, 1976 whose services are performed in connection with a child day care services program of the taxpayer. 2 Subsections (c) (1) and (c) (4) were amended by section 401 of Public Law 94-12. 3 Subsection (a)(2)(B) was amended by section 1(e) of Public Law 95-171. • 5 IRC Sec. 50B (c) 568 (2) REIMBURSED EXPENSES.-No item shall be taken into account under subsection (a) to the extent that the taxpayer is reimbursed for such item. (3) GEOGRAPHICAL LIMITATION.-No item shall be taken into account under subsection (a) with respect to any expense paid or incurred by the taxpayer with respect to employment outside the United States. (4) MAXIMUM PERIOD OF TRAINING OR INSTRUCTION.-No item with respect to any employee shall be taken into account under subsection (a) (1) (A) after the end of the 24-month period begin- ning with the date of initial employment of such employee by the taxpayer:2 (5) INELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS.-No item shall be taken into ac- count under subsection (a) with respect to an individual who- (A) bears any of the relationships described in paragraphs (1) through (8) of section 152(a) to the taxpayer, or, if the taxpayer is a corporation, to an individual who owns, di- rectly or indirectly, more than 50 percent in value of the outstanding stock of the corporation (determined with the application of section 267 (c)), (B) if the taxpayer is an estate or trust, is a grantor, bene- ficiary, or fiduciary of the estate or trust, or is an individual who bears any of the relationships described in paragraphs (1) through (8) of section 152(a) to a grantor, beneficiary, or fiduciary of the estate or trust, or (C) is a dependent (described in section 152 (a) (9)) of the taxpayer, or, if the taxpayer is a corporation, of an individual described in subparagraph (A), or, if the taxpayer is an estate or trust, of a grantor, beneficiary, or fiduciary of the estate or trust. (d) SUBCHAPTER S CORPORATIONS.-In case of an electing small busi- ness corporation (as defined in section 1371)- (1) the work incentive program expenses for each taxable year shall be apportioned pro rata among the persons who are share- holders of such corporation on the last day of such taxable year, and (2) any person to whom any expenses have been apportioned under paragraph (1) shall be treated (for purposes of this sub- part) as the taxpayer with respect to such expenses. (e) ESTATES AND TRUSTS.-In the case of an estate or trust- (1) the work incentive program expenses for any taxable year shall be apportioned between the estate or trust and the benefi- 569 IRC Sec. 50B(g) ciaries on the basis of the income of the estate or trust allocable to each, (2) any beneficiary to whom any expenses have been appor tioned under paragraph (1) shall be treated (for purposes of this subpart) as the taxpayer with respect to such expenses, and (3) the $50,000 amount specified under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 50A(a)(2) applicable to such estate or trust shall be reduced to an amount which bears the same ratio to $50,000 as the amount of the expenses allocated to the trust under paragraph (1) bears to the entire amount of such expenses.¹ (f) LIMITATIONS WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN PERSONS.-In the case of- (1) an organization to which section 593 applies, (2) a regulated investment company or a real estate investment trust subject to taxation under subchapter M (section 851 and following), and (3) a cooperative organization described in section 1381 (a), rules similar to the rules provided in section 46(e) shall apply under regulations prescribed by the Secretary.2 (g) ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE.- (1) ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE.-For purposes of subsection (a) (1) (B), the term "eligible employee" means an individual- (A) who has been certified by the Secretary of Labor or by the appropriate agency of State or local government as being eligible for financial assistance under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act and as having continuously received such financial assistance during the 90 day period which immediately precedes the date on which such individ- ual is hired by the taxpayer, (B) who has been employed by the taxpayer for a period in excess of 30 consecutive days on a substantially full-time basis, (C) who has not displaced any other individual from em- ployment by the taxpayer, and (D) who is not a migrant worker. The term "eligible employee" includes an employee of the taxpayer whose services are not performed in connection with a trade or busi- ness of the taxpayer. (2) MIGRANT WORKER.-For purposes of paragraph (1), the term "migrant worker" means an individual who is employed for services for which the customary period of employment by one ¹ Paragraph (3) was amended by section 2107(a)(4) of Public Law 94–455. 2 Subsection (f) (3) was amended by section 302 of Public Law 94-12. IRC Sec. 50B(g) 570 Revised April 1978 employer is less than 30 days if the nature of such services re- quires that such individual travel from place to place over a short period of time.¹ (h) CROSS REFERENCE.- For application of this subpart to certain acquiring corpora- tions, see section 381 (c) (24). * * * * SUBCHAPTER B-COMPUTATION OF TAXABLE INCOME E3 * * Part VI-Itemized Deductions for Individuals and Corporations * * * * Sec. 1401. Rate of tax.. Sec. 1402. Definitions Sec. 1403. Miscellaneous provisions__ - * * SEC. 188. AMORTIZATION OF CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FOR CHILD CARE FACILITIES.2 (a) ALLOWANCE OF DEDUCTION.-At the election of the taxpayer, made in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, any expenditure chargeable to capital account made by an employer to acquire, construct, reconstruct, or rehabilitate section 188 property (as defined in subsection (b)) shall be allowable as a deduction ratably over a period of 60 months, beginning with the month in which the property is placed in service. The deduction provided by this section with respect to such expenditure shall be in lieu of any depreciation deduction otherwise allowable on account of such expenditure. (b) SECTION 188 PROPERTY.--For purposes of this section, the term "section 188 property" means tangible property which qualifies under regulations prescribed by the Secretary or his delegate as a child care center facility primarily for the children of employees of the taxpay- ers; except that such term shall not include— (1) any property which is not of a character subject to deprecia- tion; or (2) property located outside the United States. (c) APPLICATION OF SECTION.-This section shall apply only with respect to expenditures made after December 31, 1971, and before January 1, 1982. * * * * 2 Section 188 was amended by section 402 of P.L. 95-30. 3 Section 214 was repealed by section 504 (b) of P.L. 94-455. 4 Page references do not appear in the law. * SEC. 214. [REPEALED] 3 CHAPTER 2-TAX ON SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME * Page 4 571 572 581 1 Subsection (g) was added by section 401 of Public Law 94-12 and paragraph (1)(A) of subsection (g) was amended by section 2107 (f) of Public Law 94-455. Revised April 1978 IRC Sec. 1401 (b) 571 SEC. 1401. RATE OF TAX.¹ (a) OLD-AGE, SURVIVORS, AND DISABILITY INSURANCE.-In addition to other taxes, there shall be imposed for each taxable year, on the self-employment income of every individual, a tax as follows: (1) in the case of any taxable year beginning before January 1, 1978, the tax shall be equal to 7.0 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year; (2) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1977, and before January 1, 1979, the tax shall be equal to 7.10 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year; (3) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1978, and before January 1, 1981, the tax shall be equal to 7.05 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year; (4) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1980, and before January 1, 1982, the tax shall be equal to 8.00 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year; (5) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1981, and before January 1, 1985, the tax shall be equal to 8.05 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year; (6) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1984, and before January 1, 1990, the tax shall be equal to 8.55 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year; and (7) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1989, the tax shall be equal to 9.30 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year.² (b) HOSPITAL INSURANCE.—In addition to the tax imposed by the preceding subsection, there shall be imposed for each taxable year, on the self-employment income of every individual, a tax as follows: (1) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1973, and before January 1, 1978, the tax shall be equal to 0.90 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year; (2) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1977, and before January 1, 1979, the tax shall be equal to 1.00 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year; ¹ Section 1401 was amended by section 1901 (a) (154) of P.L. 94-455. 2 Subsection (a) was amended by section 101(a)(3) of P.L. 95–216. . IRC Sec. 1401(a) Revised April 1978 572 (3) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1978, and before January 1, 1981, the tax shall be equal to 1.05 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year; (4) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1980, and before January 1, 1985, the tax shall be equal to 1.30 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year; (5) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1984, and before January 1, 1986, the tax shall be equal to 1.35 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year; and (6) in the case of any taxable year beginning after Decem- ber 31, 1985, the tax shall be equal to 1.45 percent of the amount of the self-employment income for such taxable year.¹ (c) RELIEF FROM TAXES IN CASES COVERED BY CERTAIN INTERNA- TIONAL AGREEMENTS.-During any period in which there is in effect an agreement entered into pursuant to section 233 of the Social Security Act with any foreign country, the self-employment income of an individual shall be exempt from the taxes imposed by this section to the extent that such self-employment income is subject under such agreement to taxes or contributions for similar purposes under the social security system of such foreign country.2 SEC. 1402. DEFINITIONS. (a) NET EARNINGS FROM SELF-EMPLOYMENT.-The term "net earn- ings from self-employment" means the gross income derived by an individual from any trade or business carried on by such individual, less the deductions allowed by this subtitle which are attributable to such trade or business, plus his distributive share (whether or not distributed) of income or loss described in section 702(a) (9) from any trade or business carried on by a partnership of which he is a member; except that in computing such gross income and deductions and such distributive share of partnership ordinary income or loss— (1) there shall be excluded rentals from real estate and from personal property leased with the real estate (including such rentals paid in crop shares) together with the deductions attribut- able thereto, unless such rentals are received in the course of a trade or business as a real estate dealer; except that the preceding provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any income derived by the owner or tenant of land if (A) such income is derived under an arrangement, between the owner or tenant and another in dividual, which provides that such other individual shall pro- 1 Subsection (b) was amended by section 101 (b) (3) of P.L. 95–216. 2 Subsection (c) was added by section 317 (b) (1) of P.L. 95-216. Revised April 1978 573 IRC Sec. 1402(a) duce agricultural or horticultural commodities (including live- stock, bees, poultry, and fur-bearing animals and wildlife) on such land, and that there shall be material participation by the owner or tenant (as determined without regard to any activities of an agent of such owner or tenant) in the production or the management of the production of such agricultural or horticul- tural commodities, and (B) there is material participation by the owner or tenant (as determined without regard to any activities of an agent of such owner or tenant) with respect to any such agricultural or horticultural commodity; (2) there shall be excluded dividends on any share of stock, and interest on any bond, debenture, note, or certificate, or other evi- dence of indebtedness, issued with interest coupons or in regis- tered form by any corporation (including one issued by a govern- ment or political subdivision thereof), unless such dividends and interest (other than interest described in section 35) are received in the course of a trade or business as a dealer in stocks or securities; (3) there shall be excluded any gain or loss— (A) which is considered as gain or loss from the sale or exchange of a capital asset, (B) from the cutting of timber, or the disposal of timber, coal, or iron ore, if section 631 applies to such gain or loss, or (C) from the sale, exchange, involuntary conversion, or other disposition of property if such property is neither- (i) stock in trade or other property of a kind which would properly be includible in inventory if on hand at the close of the taxable year, nor (ii) property held primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of the trade or business; (4) the deduction for net operating losses provided in section 172 shall not be allowed; (5) if— (A) any of the income derived from a trade or business (other than a trade or business carried on by a partnership) is community income under community property laws ap- plicable to such income, all of the gross income and deduc- tions attributable to such trade or business shall be treated as the gross income and deductions of the husband unless the wife exercises substantially all of the management and con- trol of such trade or business, in which case all of such gross income and deductions shall be treated as the gross income and deductions of the wife; and IRC Sec. 1402(a) 574 Revised April 1978 (B) any portion of a partner's distributive share of the ordinary income or loss from a trade or business carried on by a partnership is community income or loss under the com- munity property laws applicable to such share, all of such distributive share shall be included in computing the net earnings from self-employment of such partner, and no part of such share shall be taken into account in computing the net earnings from self-employment of the spouse of such partner; (6) a resident of Puerto Rico shall compute his net earnings from self-employment in the same manner as a citizen of the United States but without regard to section 933; (7) the deduction for personal exemptions provided in section 151 shall not be allowed; PI (8) an individual who is a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a church or a member of a religious order shall compute his net earnings from self-employment derived from the performance of service described in subsection (c) (4) without regard to section 107 (relating to rental value of parson- ages) and, section 119 (relating to meals and lodging furnished for the convenience of the employer), section 911 (relating to earned income from sources without the United States) and sec- tion 931 (relating to income from sources within possessions of the United States); (9) the term "possession of the United States" as used in sec- tions 931 (relating to income from sources within possessions of the United States) and 932 (relating to citizens of possessions of the United States) shall be deemed not to include the Virgin Islands, Guam, or American Samoa; (10) there shall be excluded amounts received by a partner pursuant to a written plan of the partnership, which meets such requirements as are prescribed by the Secretary, and which pro- vides for payments on account of retirement, on a periodic basis, to partners generally or to a class or classes of partners, such payments to continue at least until such partner's death, if- (A) such partner rendered no services with respect to any trade or business carried on by such partnership (or its suc- cessors) during the taxable year of such partnership (or its successors), ending within or with his taxable year, in which such amounts were received, and (B) no obligation exists (as of the close of the partner- ship's taxable year referred to in subparagraph (A)) from the other partners to such partner except with respect to retirement payments under such plan, and Revised April 1978 574-A IRC Sec. 1402(a) (C) such partner's share, if any, of the capital of the partnership has been paid to him in full before the close of the partnership's taxable year referred to in subparagraph (A); (11) in the case of an individual who has been a resident of the United States during the entire taxable year, the exclusion from gross income provided by section 911 (a) (2) shall not apply; and (12) there shall be excluded the distributive share of any item of income or loss of a limited partner, as such, other than guar- anteed payments described in section 707 (c) to that partner for services actually rendered to or on behalf of the partnership to the extent that those payments are established to be in the nature of remuneration for those services.¹ 1 If the taxable year of a partner is different from that of the partner- ship, the distributive share which he is required to include in com- puting his net earnings from self-employment shall be based on the ordinary income or loss of the partnership for any taxable year of the partnership ending within or with his taxable year. In the case. of any trade or business which is carried on by an individual or by a partnership and in which, if such trade or business were carried on exclusively by employees, the major portion of the services would con- stitute agricultural labor as defined in section 3121 (g)- (i) in the case of an individual, if the gross income derived by him from such trade or business is not more than $2,400, the net earnings from self-employment derived by him from such trade or business may, at his option, be deemed to be 66% percent of such gross income; or (ii) in the case of an individual, if the gross income derived by him from such trade or business is more than $2,400 and the net. earnings from self-employment derived by him from such trade or business (computed under this subsection without regard to this sentence) are less than $1,600, the net earnings from self- employment derived by him from such trade or business may, at his option, be deemed to be $1,600; and (iii) in the case of a member of a partnership, if his distribu- tive share of the gross income of the partnership derived from such trade or business (after such gross income has been reduced by the sum of all payments to which section 707 (c) applies) is not more than $2,400, his distributive share of income described in section 702 (a) (9) derived from such trade or business may, at his Paragraph (12) was added by section 313 (b) of P.L. 95–216. 575 IRC Sec. 1402(a) option, be deemed to be an amount equal to 663 percent of his distributive share of such gross income (after such gross income has been so reduced); or (iv) in the case of a member of a partnership, if his distribu- tive share of the gross income of the partnership derived from such trade or business (after such gross income has been reduced by the sum of all payments to which section 707 (c) applies) is more than $2,400 and his distributive share (whether or not dis- tributed) of income described in section 702 (a) (9) derived from such trade or business (computed under this subsection without regard to this sentence) is less than $1,600, his distributive share of income described in section 702(a) (9) derived from such trade or business may, at his option, be deemed to be $1,600. For purposes of the preceding sentence, gross income means— (v) in the case of any such trade or business in which the income is computed under a cash receipts and disbursements method, the gross receipts from such trade or business reduced by the cost or other basis of property which was purchased and sold in carrying on such trade or business, adjusted (after such reduction) in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (7) and paragraph (9) of this subsection; and (vi) in the case of any such trade or business in which the income is computed under an accrual method, the gross income from such trade or business, adjusted in accordance with the pro- visions of paragraphs (1) through (7) and paragraph (9) of this subsection; and, for purposes of such sentence, if an individual (including a mem- ber of a partnership) derives gross income from more than one such trade or business, such gross income (including his distributive share of the gross income of any partnership derived from any such trade or business) shall be deemed to have been derived from one trade or business. The preceding sentence and clauses (i) through (iv) of the second preceding sentence shall also apply in the case of any trade or busi- ness (other than a trade or business specified in such second preceding sentence) which is carried on by an individual who is self-employed on a regular basis as defined in subsection (i), or by a partnership of which an individual is a member on a regular basis as defined in sub- section (i), but only if such individual's net earnings from self- employment as determined without regard to this sentence in the taxable year are less than $1,600 and less than 66% percent of the sum (in such taxable year) of such individual's gross income derived from all trades or businesses carried on by him and his distributive share IRC Sec. 1402(a) Revised April 1978 576 of the income or loss from all trades or businesses carried on by all the partnerships of which he is a member; except that this sentence shall not apply to more than 5 taxable years in the case of any indi- vidual, and in no case in which an individual elects to determine the amount of his net earnings from self-employment for a taxable year under the provisions of the two preceding sentences with respect to a trade or business to which the second preceding sentence applies and with respect to a trade or business to which this sentence applies shall such net earnings for such year exceed $1,600. (b) SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME.-The term "self-employment in- come" means the net earnings from self-employment derived by an individual (other than a nonresident alien individual) during any taxable year; except that such term shall not include- (1) that part of the net earnings from self-employment which is in excess of- (i) an amount equal to the contribution and benefit base (as determined under section 230 of the Social Security Act)¹ which is effective for the calendar year in which such taxable year begins, minus (ii) the amount of the wages paid to such individual during such taxable year; or (2) the net earnings from self-employment, if such net earn- ings for the taxable year are less than $400. For purposes of clause (1), the term "wages" (A) includes such remu- neration paid to an employee for services included under an agree- ment entered into pursuant to the provisions of section 218 of the Social Security Act (relating to coverage of State employees), or under an agreement entered into pursuant to the provisions of section 3121 (1) (relating to coverage of citizens of the United States who are employees of foreign subsidiaries of domestic corporations), as would be wages under section 3121 (a) if such services constituted employ- ment under section 3121 (b), and (B) includes compensation which is subject to the tax imposed by section 3201 or 3211. An individual who is not a citizen of the United States but who is a resident of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, or Ameri- can Samoa shall not, for purposes of this chapter be considered to be a nonresident alien individual.² (c) TRADE OR BUSINESS.-The term "trade or business" when used with reference to self-employment income or net earnings from self- employment, shall have the same meaning as when used in section 162 (relating to trade or business expenses), except that such term shall not include 1 See Annendir B. • Section 1402(b) was amended by Public Law 94-92,, and by section 1901(a)(155) (A) of Public Law 94-455. 577 IRC Sec. 1402(d) (1) the performance of the functions of a public office, other than the functions of a public office of a State or a political sub- division thereof with respect to fees received in any period in which the functions are performed in a position compensated solely on a fee basis and in which such functions are not covered under an agreement entered into by such State and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare pursuant to section 218 of the Social Security Act; (2) the performance of service by an individual as an em- ployee, other than- (A) service described in section 3121 (b) (14) (B) per- formed by an individual who has attained the age of 18, (B) service described in section 3121 (b) (16), (C) service described in section 3121 (b) (11), (12), or (15) performed in the United States (as defined in section 3121(e) (2)) by a citizen of the United States. (D) service described in paragraph (4) of this subsection, (E) service performed by an individual as an employee of a State or a political subdivision thereof in a position com- pensated solely on a fee basis with respect to fees received in any period in which such service is not covered under an agreement entered into by such State and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare pursuant to section 218 of the Social Security Act, and $ · 1 (F) service described in section 3121(b) (20); (3) the performance of service by an individual as an em- ployee or employee representative as defined in section 3231; (4) the performance of service by a duly ordained, commis- sioned, or licensed minister of a church in the exercise of his ministry or by a member of a religious order in the exercise of duties required by such order; or (5) the performance of service by an individual in the exercise of his profession as a Christian Science practitioner; or (6) The performance of service by an individual during the period for which an exemption under section (h) is effective with respect to him. The provisions of paragraph (4) or (5) shall not apply to service (other than service performed by a member of a religious order who has taken a vow of poverty as a member of such order) performed by an individual unless an exemption under subsection (e) is effective with respect to him. (d) EMPLOYEE AND WAGES.-The term "employee" and the term "wages" shall have the same meaning as when used in chapter 21 1 Subparagraph (F) was added by section 1207 (e)(1)(B) of P.L. 94-455 effective as specified in section 1207 (f) (4) of that act which is printed in this document on page 783. IRC Sec. 1402(d) Revised April 1978 578 (sec. 3101 and following, relating to Federal Insurance Contributions Act). (e) MINISTERS, MEMBERS OF RELIGIOUS ORDERS, AND CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PRACTITIONERS-1 (1) EXEMPTION.-Any individual who is (A) a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a church or a member of a religious order (other than a member of a religious order who has taken a vow of poverty as a member of such order) or (B) a Christian Science practitioner, upon filing an application (in such form and manner, and with such official, as may be prescribed by regulations made under this chapter) together with a statement that either he is conscientiously opposed to, or because of religious principles he is opposed to, the acceptance (with respect to services performed by him as such minister, member, or practitioner) of any public insurance which makes payments in the event of death, disability, old age, or retirement or makes payments toward the cost of, or provides services for, medical care (including the bene- fits of any insurance system established by the Social Security Act), shall receive an exemption from the tax imposed by this chapter with respect to services performed by him as such min- ister, member, or practitioner. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, an exemption may not be granted to an individual under this subsection if he had filed an effective waiver certificate under this section as it was in effect before its amendment in 1967. (2) TIME FOR FILING APPLICATION.-Any individual who de- sires to file an application pursuant to paragraph (1) must file such application on or before whichever of the following dates is later: (A) the due date of the return (including any extension thereof) for the second taxable year for which he has net earn- ings from self-employment (computed without regard to sub- sections (c) (4) and (c)(5)) of $400 or more, any part of which was derived from the performance of service described in sub- section (c) (4) or (c)(5); or (B) the due date of the return (including any extension thereof) for his second taxable year ending after 1967. (3) EFFECTIVE DATE OF EXEMPTION.-An exemption received by an individual pursuant to this subsection shall be effective for the first taxable year for which he has net earnings from self- employment (computed without regard to subsections (c) (4) and (c) (5)) of $400 or more, any part of which was derived from the performance of service described in subsection (c) (4) or (c) (5), and for all succeeding taxable years. An exemption received pursuant to this subsection shall be irrevocable. ¹ See also section 316 of P.L. 95–216 which is printed in this document on p. 807–808. 579 IRC Sec. 1402(g) (f) PARTNER'S TAXABLE YEAR ENDING AS THE RESULT OF DEATH.- In computing a partner's net earnings from self-employment for his taxable year which ends as a result of his death (but only if such taxable year ends within, and not with, the taxable year of the part- nership), there shall be included so much of the deceased partner's distributive share of the partnership's ordinary income or loss for the partnership taxable year as is not attributable to an interest in the partnership during any period beginning on or after the first day of the first calendar month following the month in which such partner died. For purposes of this subsection- (1) in determining the portion of the distributive share which is attributable to any period specified in the preceding sentence, the ordinary income or loss of the partnership shall be treated as having been realized or sustained ratably over the partnership taxable year; and (2) the term "deceased partner's distributive share" includes the share of his estate or of any other person succeeding, by reason of his death, to rights with respect to his partnership interest. (g) MEMBERS OF CERTAIN RELIGIOUS FAITHS.—¹ (1) EXEMPTION.-Any individual may file an application (in such form and manner, and with such official, as may be prescribed by regulations under this chapter) for an exemption from the tax imposed by this chapter if he is a member of a recognized religious sect or division thereof and is an adherent of established tenets or teachings of such sect or division by reason of which he is con- scientiously opposed to acceptance of the benefits of any private or public insurance which makes payments in the event of death, disability, old-age, or retirement or makes payments toward the cost of, or provides services for, medical care (including the bene- fits of any insurance system established by the Social Security Act). Such exemption may be granted only if the application contains or is accompanied by- (A) such evidence of such individual's membership in, and adherence to the tenets or teachings of the sect or division thereof as the Secretary may require for purposes of deter- mining such individual's compliance with the preceding sen- tence, and 21-746 O 78 (B) his waiver of all benefits and other payments under titles II and XVIII of the Social Security Act on the basis of his wages and self-employment income as well as all such benefits and other payments to him on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of any other person, < 1 1 Subsection (g) (formerly subsection (h)) was redesignated by section 1901(a) (155) (B) of Public Law 94-455 which also repealed the former subsection (g). 44 - IRC Sec. 1402(g) 580 and only if the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare finds that- (C) such sect or division thereof has the established tenets or teachings referred to in the preceding sentence, (D) it is the practice, and has been for a period of time which he deems to be substantial, for members of such sect or division thereof to make provision for their dependent members which in his judgment is reasonable in view of their general level of living, and (E) such sect or division thereof has been in existence at all times since December 31, 1950. An exemption may not be granted to any individual if any benefit or other payment referred to in subparagraph (B) became pay- able (or, but for section 203 or 222 (b) of the Social Security Act, would have become payable) at or before the time of the filing of such waiver. (2) TIME FOR FILING APPLICATIONS.-For purposes of this sub- section, an application must be filed on or before the time pre- scribed for filing the return (including any extension thereof) for the first taxable year for which the individual has self-employment income (determined without regard to this subsection or subsec- tion (c)(6)), except that an application filed after such date but on or before the last day of the third calendar month following the calendar month in which the taxpayer is first notified in writ- ing by the Secretary that a timely application for an exemption from the tax imposed by this chapter has not been filed by him shall be deemed to be filed timely.¹ (3) PERIOD FOR WHICH EXEMPTION EFFECTIVE.-An exemption granted to any individual pursuant to this subsection shall apply with respect to all taxable years beginning after December 31, 1950, except that such exemption shall not apply for any taxable year- (A) beginning (i) before the taxable year in which such individual first met the requirements of the first sentence of paragraph (1), or (ii) before the time as of which the Sec- retary of Health, Education, and Welfare finds that the sect or division thereof of which such individual is a member met the requirements of subparagraphs (C) and (D), or (B) ending (i) after the time such individual ceases to meet the requirements of the first sentence of paragraph (1), or (ii) after the time as of which the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare finds that the sect or division thereof 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by section 1901 (a) (155) (C) of Public Law 94-455. 581 IRC Sec. 1403(b) of which he is a member ceases to meet the requirements of subparagraph (C) or (D). (4) APPLICATION BY FIDUCIARIES OR SURVIVORS.-In any case where an individual who has self-employment income dies before the expiration of the time prescribed by paragraph (2) for filing an application for exemption pursuant to this subsection, such an application may be filed with respect to such individual within such time by a fiduciary acting for such individual's estate or by such individual's survivor (within the meaning of section 205 (c) (1) (C) of the Social Security Act). Regular Basis (h) An individual shall be deemed to be self-employed on a regu- lar basis in a taxable year, or to be a member of a partnership on a regular basis in such year, if he had net earnings from self-employ- ment, as defined in the first sentence of subsection (a), of not less than $400 in at least two of the three consecutive taxable years immediately preceding such taxable year from trades or businesses carried on by such individual or such partnership.¹ SEC. 1403. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. (a) TITLE OF CHAPTER. This chapter may be cited as the "Self- Employment Contributions Act of 1954". (b) CROSS REFERENCES.— (1) For provisions relating to returns, see section 6017. (2) For provisions relating to collection of taxes in Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and Puerto Rico, see sec- tion 7651. (3) For provisions relating to declaration of estimated tax on self-employment income, see section 6015. * * * * Subchapter A. Tax on employees. Subchapter B. Tax on employers. Subchapter C. General provisions. SUBTITLE C-EMPLOYMENT TAXES Chapter 21. Federal insurance contributions act. Chapter 22. Railroad retirement tax act. Chapter 23. Federal unemployment tax act. Chapter 24. Collection of income tax at source on wages. Chapter 25. General provisions relating to employment taxes. * CHAPTER 21-FEDERAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS ACT * 1 Subsection (h) (formerly subsection (1)) was redesignated by section 1901 (a) (155) (B) of Public Law 94-455. IRC Sec. 3101 Revised April 1978 582 * * SEC. 3101. RATE OF TAX.¹ * SUBCHAPTER A-TAX ON EMPLOYEES (a) OLD-AGE, SURVIVORS, AND DISABILITY INSURANCE. In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on the income of every indi- vidual a tax equal to the following percentages of the wages (as defined in section 3121(a)) received by him with respect to employment (as defined in section 3121(b))- (1) with respect to wages received during the calendar years 1974 through 1977, the rate shall be 4.95 percent; (2) with respect to wages received during the calendar year 1978, the rate shall be 5.05 percent; (3) with respect to wages received during the calendar years 1979 and 1980, the rate shall be 5.08 percent; (4) with respect to wages received during the calendar year 1981, the rate shall be 5.35 percent; (5) with respect to wages received during the calendar years 1982 through 1984, the rate shall be 5.40 percent; (6) with respect to wages received during the calendar years 1985 through 1989, the rate shall be 5.70 percent; and (7) with respect to wages received after December 31, 1989, the rate shall be 6.20 percent.² (b) HOSPITAL INSURANCE.-In addition to the tax imposed by the preceding subsection, there is hereby imposed on the income of every individual a tax equal to the following percentages of the wages (as defined in section 3121(a)) received by him with respect to employ- ment (as defined in section 3121(b))— (1) with respect to wages received during the calendar years. 1974 through 1977, the rate shall be 0.90 percent; (2) with respect to wages received during the calendar year 1978, the rate shall be 1.00 percent; (3) with respect to wages received during the calendar years 1979 and 1980, the rate shall be 1.05 percent; (4) with respect to wages received during the calendar years. 1981 through 1984, the rate shall be 1.30 percent; (5) with respect to wages received during the calendar year 1985, the rate shall be 1.35 percent; and (6) with respect to wages received after December 31, 1985, the rate shall be 1.45 percent.³ (c) RELIEF FROM TAXES IN CASES COVERED BY CERTAIN INTERNA- TIONAL AGREEMENTS.-During any period in which there is in effect an agreement entered into pursuant to section 233 of the Social Security ¹ Section 3101 was amended by section 1903 (a) (1) of P.L. 94–455. 2 Subsection (a) was amended by section 101(a)(1) of P.L. 95-216. 3 Subsection (b) was amended by section 101 (b) (1) of P.L. 95-216. - Revised April 1978 IRC Sec. 3102(c) 583 Act with any foreign country, wages received by or paid to an individ- ual shall be exempt from the taxes imposed by this section to the extent that such wages are subject under such agreement to taxes or contributions for similar purposes under the social security system of such foreign country.¹ SEC. 3102. DEDUCTION OF TAX FROM WAGES. (a) REQUIREMENT.-The tax imposed by section 3101 shall be col- lected by the employer of the taxpayer, by deducting the amount of the tax from the wages as and when paid. An employer who in any calendar quarter pays to an employee cash remuneration to which paragraph (7)(B) of section 3121(a) is applicable may deduct an amount equivalent to such tax from any such payment of remunera- tion, even though at the time of payment the total amount of such remuneration paid to the employee by the employer in the calendar quarter is less than $50; and an employer who in any calendar year pays to an employee cash remuneration to which paragraph (7) (C) or (10) of section 3121 (a) is applicable may deduct an amount equivalent to such tax from any such payment of remuneration, even though at the time of payment the total amount of such remuneration paid to the em- ployee by the employer in the calendar year is less than $100; and an employer who in any calendar year pays to an employee cash remunera- tion to which paragraph (8) (B) of section 3121 (a) is applicable may deduct an amount equivalent to such tax from any such payment of remuneration, even though at the time of payment the total amount of such remuneration paid to the employee by the employer in the calen- dar year is less than $150 and the employee has not performed agricul- tural labor for the employer on 20 days or more in the calendar year for cash remuneration computed on a time basis; and an employer who is furnished by an employee a written statement of tips (received in a calendar month) pursuant to section 6053 (a) to which paragraph (12) (B) of section 3121 (a) is applicable may deduct an amount equivalent to such tax with respect to such tips from any wages of the employee (exclusive of tips) under his control, even though at the time such statement is furnished the total amount of the tips included in state- ments furnished to the employer as having been received by the em- ployee in such calendar month in the course of his employment by such employer is less than $20.2 (b) INDEMNIFICATION OF EMPLOYER.-Every employer required so to deduct the tax shall be liable for the payment of such tax, and shall be indemnified against the claims and demands of any person for the amount of any such payment made by such employer. (c) SPECIAL RULE FOR TIPS.- (1) In the case of tips which constitute wages, subsection (a) shall be applicable only to such tips as are included in a written 1 S..bsection (c) was added by section 317 (b) (2) of P.L. 95–216. 2 Subsection (a) was amended by section 355 (a) of P.L. 95-216. - IRC Sec. 3102(c) 584 Revised April 1978 statement furnished to the employer pursuant to section 6053 (a), and only to the extent that collection can be made by the employer, at or after the time such statement is so furnished and before the close of the 10th day following calendar month (or, if para- graph (3) applies, the 30th day following the year) in which the tips were deemed paid, by deducting the amount of the tax from such wages of the employee (excluding tips, but including funds turned over by the employee to the employer pursuant to paragraph (2)) as are under control of the employer. (2) If the tax imposed by section 3101, with respect to tips which are included in written statements furnished in any month to the employer pursuant to section 6053 (a), exceeds the wages of the employee (excluding tips) from which the employer is re- quired to collect the tax under paragraph (1), the employee may furnish to the employer on or before the 10th day of the following month (or, if paragraph (3) applies, on or before the 30th day of the following year) an amount of money equal to the amount of the excess. (3) The Secretary may, under regulations prescribed by him, authorize employers- * (A) to estimate the amount of tips that will be reported by the employee pursuant to section 6053 (a) in any calendar year, (B) to determine the amount to be deducted upon each payment of wages (exclusive of tips) during such year as if the tips so estimated constituted the actual tips so reported, and (C) to deduct upon any payment of wages (other than tips, but including funds turned over by the employee to the employer pursuant to paragraph (2)) to such employee dur- ing such year (and within 30 days thereafter) such amount as may be necessary to adjust the amount actually deducted upon such wages of the employee during the year to the amount required to be deducted in respect of tips included in written statements furnished to the employer during the year. (4) If the tax imposed by section 3101 with respect to tips which constitute wages exceeds the portion of such tax which can be collected by the employer from the wages of the employee pur- suant to paragraph (1) or paragraph (3), such excess shall be paid by the employee.¹ SUBCHAPTER B-TAX ON EMPLOYERS * * * 1 Subsection (c) was amended by section 355 (b) of P.L. 95-216. * *k Revised April 1978 IRC Sec. 3111(c) 585 SEC. 3111. RATE OF TAX.1 (a) OLD-AGE, SURVIVORS, AND DISABILITY INSURANCE. In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on every employer an excise tax, with respect to having individuals in his employ, equal to the following percentages of the wages (as defined in section 3121 (a) and (t)) paid by him with respect to employment (as defined in section 3121(b))- (1) with respect to wages paid during the calendar years 1974 through 1977, the rate shall be 4.95 percent; (2) with respect to wages paid during the calendar year 1978, the rate shall be 5.05 percent; (3) with respect to wages paid during the calendar years 1979 and 1980, the rate shall be 5.08 percent; (4) with respect to wages paid during the calendar year 1981, the rate shall be 5.35 percent; (5) with respect to wages paid during the calendar years 1982 through 1984, the rate shall by 5.40 percent; (6) with respect to wages paid during the calendar years 1985 through 1989, the rate shall be 5.70 percent; and (7) with respect to wages paid after December 31, 1989, the rate shall be 6.20 percent.2 (b) HOSPITAL INSURANCE.-In addition to the tax imposed by the preceding subsection, there is hereby imposed on every employer an excise tax, with respect to having individuals in his employ, equal to the following percentages of the wages (as defined in section 3121(a) and (t)) paid by him with respect to employment (as defined in section 3121(b))— (1) with respect to wages paid during the calendar years 1974 through 1977, the rate shall be 0.90 percent; (2) with respect to wages paid during the calendar year 1978, the rate shall be 1.00 percent; (3) with respect to wages paid during the calendar years 1979 and 1980, the rate shall be 1.05 percent; (4) with respect to wages paid during the calendar years 1981 through 1984, the rate shall be 1.30 percent; (5) with respect to wages paid during the calendar year 1985, the rate shall be 1.35 percent; and (6) with respect to wages paid after December 31, 1985, the rate shall be 1.5 percent.3 (c) RELIEF FROM TAXES IN CASES COVERED BY CERTAIN INTERNA- TIONAL AGREEMENTS.-During any period in which there is in effect an agreement entered into pursuant to section 233 of the Social Security Act with any foreign country, wages received by or paid to an individ- ¹ Section 3111 was amended by section 1903(a) (1) of P.L. 94–455. 2 Subsection (a) was amended by sections 101(a)(2) and 315(b) of P.L. 95-216. 3 Subsection (b) was amended by sections 101(b)(2) and 315(b) of P.L. 95-216. IRC Sec. 3111(c) 586 Revised April 1978 ual shall be exempt from the taxes imposed by this section to the extent that such wages are subject under such agreement to taxes or contributions for similar purposes under the social security system of such foreign country.¹ SEC. 3112. INSTRUMENTALITIES OF THE UNITED STATES. Notwithstanding any other provision of law (whether enacted before or after the enactment of this section) which grants to any instrumentality of the United States an exemption from taxation, such instrumentality shall not be exempt from the tax imposed by section 3111 unless such other provision of law grants a specific exemp- tion, by reference to section 3111 (or the corresponding section of prior law), from the tax imposed by such section. SEC. 3113, [Repealed] 2 SUBCHAPTER C-GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 3121. Definitions Sec. 3122. Federal service Sec. 3123. Reductions as constructive payments. Sec. 3124. Estimate of revenue reduction. Sec. 3125. Returns in the case of governmental employees in Guam, American Samoa, and the District of Columbia_ Sec. 3126. Short title__ Page 3 586 615-A 616 616 616 617 SEC. 3121. DEFINITIONS. (a) WAGES.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "wages" means all remuneration for employment, including the cash value of all remuneration paid in any medium other than cash; except that such term shall not include- 1 Subsection (c) was added by section 317(b) (2) of P.L. 95–216. 2 Section 3113 was repealed by section 1903 (a) (2) of P.L. 94-455. 3 Page reference do not appear in the law. 4 See Appendix B. 4 (1) that part of the remuneration which, after remuneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding paragraphs of this subsection) equal to the contribution and benefit base * ( (as determined under section 230 of the Social Security Act) with respect to employment has been paid to an individual by an em- ployer during the calendar year with respect to which such con- tribution and benefit base is effective, is paid to such individual by such employer during such calendar year. If an employer (hereinafter referred to as successor employer) during any calendar year acquires substantially all the property used in a trade or business of another employer (hereinafter referred to as a predecessor), or used in a separate unit of a trade or business of a predecessor, and immediately after the acquisition employs in his trade or business an individual who immediately prior to the acquisition was employed in the trade or business of such prede- G Revised April 1978 IRC Sec. 3121(a) 587 cessor, then, for the purpose of determining whether the successor employer has paid remuneration (other than remuneration re- ferred to in the succeeding paragraphs of this subsection) with respect to employment equal to the contribution and benefit base 1 (as determined under section 230 of the Social Security Act) to such individual during such calendar year, any remuneration (other than renumeration referred to in the succeeding paragraphs of this subsection) with respect to employment paid (or consid- ered under this paragraph as having been paid) to such individual by such predecessor during such calendar year and prior to such acquisition shall be considered as having been paid by such suc- cessor employer; (2) the amount of any payment (including any amount paid by an employer for insurance or annuities, or into a fund, to provide for any such payment) made to, or on behalf of, an employee or any of his dependents under a plan or system established by an employer which makes provision for his employees generally (or for his employees generally and their dependents) or for a class or classes of his employees (or for a class or classes of his em- ployees and their dependents), on account of— (A) retirement, or (B) sickness or accident disability, or (C) medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with sickness or accident disability, or (D) death; (3) any payment made to an employee (including any amount paid by an employer for insurance or annuities, or into a fund, to provide for any such payment) on account of retirement; (4) any payment on account of sickness or accident disability, or medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with sick- ness or accident disability, made by an employer to, or on behalf of, an employee after the expiration of 6 calendar months follow- ing the last calendar month in which the employee worked for such employer; (5) any payment made to, or on behalf of, an employee or his beneficiary- (A) from or to a trust described in section 401 (a) which is exempt from tax under section 501 (a) at the time of such payment unless such payment is made to an employee of the trust as remuneration for services rendered as such employee and not as a beneficiary of the trust, (B) under or to an annuity plan which, at the time of such payment, is a plan described in section 403 (a), or (C) under or to a bond purchase plan which, at the time of such payment, is a qualified bond purchase plan described in section 405 (a); IRC Sec. 3121(a) Revised April 1978 588 (6) the payment by an employer (without deduction from the remuneration of the employee)- (A) of the tax imposed upon an employee under section 3101 (or the corresponding section of prior law), or (B) of any payment required from an employee under a State unemployment compensation law; (7) (A) remuneration paid in any medium other than cash to an employee for service not in the course of the employer's trade or business or for domestic service in a private home of the employer; (B) cash remuneration paid by an employer in any calendar quarter to an employee for domestic service in a private home of the employer, if the cash remuneration paid in such quarter by the employer to the employee for such service is less than $50. As used in this subparagraph, the term "domestic service in a private home of the employer," does not include service described in sub- section (g) (5); (C) cash remuneration paid by an employer in any calendar year to an employee for service not in the course of the em- ployer's trade or business, if the cash remuneration paid in such year by the employer to the employee for such service is less than $100. As used in this subparagraph, the term "service not in the course of the employer's trade or business" does not include domestic service in a private home of the employer and does not include service described in subsection (g) (5);¹ 1 (8) (A) remuneration paid in any medium other than cash for agricultural labor; (B) cash remuneration paid by an employer in any calendar year to an employee for agricultural labor unless (i) the cash remuneration paid in such year by the employer to the employee for such labor is $150 or more, or (ii) the employee performs agricultural labor for the employer on 20 days or more during such year for cash remuneration computed on a time basis; (9) any payment (other than vacation or sick pay) made to an employee after the month in which he attains age 62, if such employee did not work for the employer in the period for which such payment is made; ? 2 (10) remuneration paid by an employer in any calendar year to an employee for service described in subsection (d) (3) (C) (relating to home workers), if the cash remuneration paid in such year by the employer to the employee for such service is less than $100; 3 (11) remuneration paid to or on behalf of an employee if (and to the extent that) at the time of the payment of such remunera- 1 Subparagraph (C) was amended by sec. 356 (a) of P.L. 95-216. 2 Paragraph (9) was amended by section 104 (i) of Public Law 92-603 effective with respect to payments after 1974. 3 Paragraph (10) was amended by section 356(a) of P.L. 95–216. Revised April 1978 IRC Sec. 3121(b) 588-A tion it is reasonable to believe that a corresponding deduction is allowable under section 217; (12) (A) tips paid in any medium other than cash; (B) cash tips received by an employee in any calendar month in the course of his employment by an employer unless the amount of such cash tips is $20 or more; (13) any payment or series of payments by an employer to an employee or any of his dependents which is paid— (A) upon or after the termination of an employee's em- ployment relationship because of (i) death, (ii) retirement for disability, or (iii) retirement after attaining an age spec- ified in the plan referred to in subparagraph (B) or in a pen- sion plan of the employer, and (B) under a plan established by the employer which makes provision for his employees generally or a class or classes of his employees (or for such employees or class or classes of employees and their dependents), other than any such payment or series of payments which would have been paid if the employee's employment relationship had not been so terminated; (14) any payment made by an employer to a survivor or the estate of a former employee after the calendar year in which such employee died; (15) any payment made by an employer to an employee, if at the time such payment is made such employee is entitled to disa- bility insurance benefits under section 223 (a) of the Social Se- curity Act and such entitlement commenced prior to the calendar year in which such payment is made, and if such employee did not perform any services for such employer during the period for which such payment is made; or (16) remuneration paid by an organization exempt from in- come tax under section 501 (a) (other than an organization de- scribed in section 401(a)) or under section 521 in any calendar year to an employee for service rendered in the employ of such organization, if the remuneration paid in such year by the orga- nization to the employee for such service is less than $100.¹ (b) EMPLOYMENT.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "em- ployment" means any service, of whatever nature, performed either (A) by an employee for the person employing him, irrespective of the citizenship or residence of either, (i) within the United States, or (ii) on or in connection with an American vessel or American aircraft under a contract of service which is entered into within the United 1 Paragraph (16) was added by section 356 (b) of P.L. 95–216. 589 IRC Sec. 3121(b) States or during the performance of which and while the employee is employed on the vessel or aircraft it touches at a port in the United States, if the employee is employed on and in connection with such vessel or aircraft when outside the United States, or (B) outside the United States by a citizen of the United States as an employee for an American employer (as defined in subsection (h)); except that such term shall not include— ¹ (1) service performed by foreign agricultural workers (A) under contracts entered into in accordance with title V of the Agricultural Act of 1949, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1461-1468), or (B) lawfully admitted to the United States from the Bahamas, Jamaica, and the other British West Indies, or from any other foreign country or possession thereof, on a temporary basis to perform agricultural labor; 1 (2) domestic service performed in a local college club, or local chapter of a college fraternity or sorority, by a student who is enrolled and is regularly attending classes at a school, college, or university; (3)(A) service performed by an individual in the employ of his spouse, and service performed by a child under the age of 21 in the employ of his father or mother; (B) service not in the course of the employer's trade or busi- ness, or domestic service in a private home of the employer, per- formed by an individual in the employ of his son or daughter; except that the provisions of this subparagraph shall not be applicable to such domestic service if— (i) the employer is a surviving spouse or a divorced indi- vidual and has not remarried, or has a spouse living in the home who has a mental or physical condition which results in such spouse's being incapable of caring for a son, daughter, stepson, or stepdaughter (referred to in clause (ii)) for at least 4 continuous weeks in the calendar quarter in which the service is rendered, and (ii) a son, daughter, stepson, or stepdaughter of such em- ployer is living in the home, and (iii) the son, daughter, stepson, or stepdaughter (referred to in clause (ii)) has not attained age 18 or has a mental or physical condition which requires the personal care and supervision of an adult for at least 4 continuous weeks in the calendar quarter in which the service is rendered; 1 Subsection (b) and paragraph (1) of subsection (b) were amended by section 1903 (a) (3) of P.L. 94–455. IRC Sec. 3121(b) 590 (4) service performed by an individual on or in connection with a vessel not an American vessel, or on or in connection with an aircraft not an American aircraft, if (A) the individual is employed on and in connection with such vessel or aircraft, when outside the United States and (B) (i) such individual is not a citizen of the United States or (ii) the employer is not an American employer; (5) service performed in the employ of any instrumentality of the United States, if such instrumentality is exempt from the tax imposed by section 3111 by virtue of any provision of law which specifically refers to such section (or the corresponding section of prior law) in granting such exemption; (6) (A) service performed in the employ of the United States or in the employ of any instrumentality of the United States, if such service is covered by a retirement system established by a law of the United States; (B) service performed by an individual in the employ of an instrumentality of the United States if such an instrumentality was exempt from the tax imposed by section 1410 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 on December 31, 1950, and if such service is covered by a retirement system established by such instrumen- tality; except that the provisions of this subparagraph shall not be applicable to— (i) service performed in the employ of a corporation which is wholly owned by the United States; (ii) service performed in the employ of a Federal land bank, a Federal intermediate credit bank, a bank for coop- eratives, a Federal land bank association, a production credit association, a Federal Reserve Bank, a Federal Home Loan Bank, or a Federal Credit Union; (iii) service performed in the employ of a State, county, or community committee under the Commodity Stabilization Service; (iv) service performed by a civilian employee, not com- pensated from funds appropriated by the Congress, in the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service, Navy Exchanges, Marine Corps Ex- changes, or other activities, conducted by an instrumentality of the United States subject to the jurisdiction of the Secre- tary of Defense, at installations of the Department of De- fense for the comfort, pleasure, contentment, and mental and physical improvement of personnel of such Department; or 591 IRC Sec. 3121(b) (v) service performed by a civilian employee, not compen- sated from funds appropriated by the Congress, in the Coast Guard Exchanges or other activities, conducted by an instru- mentality of the United States subject to the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Transportation, at installations of the Coast Guard for the comfort, pleasure, contentment, and mental and physical improvement of personnel of the Coast Guard; 1 (C) service performed in the employ of the United States or in the employ of any instrumentality of the United States, if such service is performed- (i) as the President or Vice President of the United States or as a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner of or to the Congress; (ii) in the legislative branch; (iii) in a penal institution of the United States by an inmate thereof; (iv) by any individual as an employee included under sec- tion 5351(2) of title 5, United States Code (relating to cer- tain interns, student nurses, and other student employees of hospitals of the Federal Government), other than as a medi- cal or dental intern or a medical or dental resident in training; (v) by any individual as an employee serving on a tempo- rary basis in case of fire, storm, earthquake, flood, or other similar emergency; or (vi) by any individual to whom subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code, does not apply because such individual is subject to another retirement system (other than the retirement system of the Tennessee Valley Author- ity); (7) service performed in the employ of a State, or any politi- cal subdivision thereof, or any instrumentality of any one more of the foregoing which is wholly owned thereby, except that this paragraph shall not apply in the case of— (A) service which, under subsection (j), constitutes cov- ered transportation service, (B) service in the employ of the Government of Guam or the Government of American Samoa or any political sub- division thereof, or of any instrumentality of any one or 1 Clause (v) was amended by section 1903 (a)(3)(C) of P.L. 94–455. IRC Sec. 3121(b) 592 more of the foregoing which is wholly owned thereby, per- formed by an officer or employee thereof (including a mem- ber of the legislature of any such Government or political subdivision), and, for purposes of this title with respect to the taxes imposed by this chapter- (i) any person whose service as such an officer or em- ployee is not covered by a retirement system established by a law of the United States shall not, with respect to such service, be regarded as an employee of the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof, and (ii) the remuneration for service described in clause (i) (including fees paid to a public official) shall be deemed to have been paid by the Government of Guam or the Government of American Samoa or by a political subdivision thereof or an instrumentality of any one or more of the forgoing which is wholly owned thereby, whichever is appropriate, (C) service performed in the employ of the District of Columbia or any instrumentality which is wholly owned thereby, if such service is not covered by a retirement system established by a law of the United States; except that the provisions of this subparagraph shall not be applicable to service performed— (i) in a hospital or penal institution by a patient or inmate thereof; (ii) by any individual as an employee included under section 5351(2) of title 5, United States Code (relating to certain interns, student nurses, and other student em- ployees of hospitals of the District of Columbia Govern- ment), other than as a medical or dental intern or as a medical or dental resident in training; (iii) by an individual as an employee serving on a temporary basis in case of fire, storm, snow, earthquake, flood or other similar emergency; or (iv) by a member of a board, committee, or council of the District of Columbia, paid on a per diem, meeting, or other fee basis, or (D) service performed in the employ of the Government of Guam (or any instrumentality which is wholly owned by such Government) by an employee properly classified as a temporary or intermittent employee, if such service is not covered by a retirement system established by a law of Guam; 593 IRC Sec. 3121(b) except that (i) the provisions of this subparagraph shall not be applicable to services performed by an elected official or a member of the legislature or in a hospital or penal institution by a patient or inmate thereof, and (ii) for purposes of this subparagraph, clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (B) shall apply; (8) (A) service performed by a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a church in the exercise of his ministry or by a member of a religious order in the exercise of duties required by such order, except that this subparagraph shall not apply to service performed by a member of such an order in the exercise of such duties, if an election of coverage under section 3121 (r) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 is in effect with respect to such order, or with respect to the autonomous subdivision thereof to which such member belongs; (B) service performed in the employ of a religious, charitable, educational, or other organization described in section 501 (c) (3) which is exempt from income tax under section 501 (a), but this subparagraph shall not apply to service performed during the period for which a certificate, filed pursuant to subsection (k) (or the corresponding subsection of prior law) or deemed to have been so filed under paragraph (4) or (5) of such subsection, is in effect if such service is performed by an employee- (i) whose signature appears on the list filed (or deemed to have been filed) by such organization under subsection (k) (or the corresponding subsection of prior law), (ii) who became an employee of such organization after the calendar quarter in which the certificate (other than a certificate referred to in clause (iii) was filed (or deemed to have been filed), or (iii) who, after the calendar quarter in which the certifi- cate was filed (or deemed to have been filed) with respect to a group described in section 3121 (k) (1) (E), became a mem- ber of such group, except that this subparagraph shall apply with respect to service performed by an employee as a member of a group described in section 3121 (k) (1) (E) with respect to which no certificate is (or is deemed to be) in effect; ¹ 1 (9) service performed by an individual as an employee or em- ployee representative as defined in section 3231; 1 Subparagraph (B) was amended by section 1(b) of P.L. 94–563. 21-746 O - 78 -- 45 IRC Sec. 3121(b) Revised April 1978, 594 (10) service performed in the employ of— (A) a school, college, or university, or (B) an organization described in section 509 (a) (3) if the organization is organized, and at all times thereafter is oper- ated, exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to carry out the purposes of a school, college, or univer- sity and is operated, supervised, or controlled by or in con- nection with such school, college, or university, unless it is a school, college, or university of a State or a political sub- division thereof and the services performed in its employ by a student referred to in section 218 (c) (5) of the Social Security Act are covered under the agreement between the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and such State entered into pursuant to section 218 of such Act: if such service is performed by a student who is enrolled and regularly attending classes at such school, college, or university; 1 (11) service performed in the employ of a foreign government (including service as a consular or other officer or employee or a nondiplomatic representative); (12) service performed in the employ of an instrumentality wholly owned by a foreign government— (A) if the service is of a character similar to that per- formed in foreign countries by employees of the United States Government or of an instrumentality thereof; and (B) if the Secretary of State, shall certify to the Secre- tary of the Treasury that the foreign government, with re- spect to whose instrumentality and employees thereof exemp- tion is claimed, grants an equivalent exemption with respect to similar service performed in the foreign country by em- ployees of the United States Government and of instrumen- talities thereof; 2 ་ (13) service performed as a student nurse in the employ of a hospital or a nurses' training school by an individual who is en- rolled and is regularly attending classes in a nurses' training school chartered or approved pursuant to State law; (14) (A) service performed by an individual under the age of 18 in the delivery or distribution of newspapers or shopping news, not including delivery or distribution to any point for sub- sequent delivery or distribution; 1 Paragraph (10) was amended by section 356 (c) of P.L. 95-216. 2 Subparagraph (B) was amended by section 1906 (b) (13) (C) of P.L. 94-455. Revised April 1978 IRC Sec. 3121(b) 595 (B) service performed by an individual in, and at the time of, the sale of newspapers or magazines to ultimate consumers, under an arrangement under which the newspapers or magazines are to be sold by him at a fixed price, his compensation being based on the retention of the excess of such price over the amount at which the newspapers or magazines are charged to him, whether or not he is guaranteed a minimum amount of compensation for such service, or is entitled to be credited with the unsold newspapers or magazines turned back; (15) service performed in the employ of an international organization; (16) service performed by an individual under an arrangement with the owner or tenant of land pursuant to which— (A) such individual undertakes to produce agricultural or horticultural commodities (including livestock, bees, poul- try, and fur-bearing animals and wildlife) on such land, (B) the agricultural or horticultural commodities pro- duced by such individual, or the proceeds therefrom, are to be divided between such individual and such owner or tenant, and (C) the amount of such individual's share depends on the amount of the agricultural or horticultural commodities produced; (17) service in the employ of any organization which is per- formed (A) in any year during any part of which such organi- zation is registered, or there is in effect a final order of the Sub- versive Activities Control Board requiring such organization to register, under the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended, as a Communist-action organization, a Communist-front organiza- tion, or a Communist-infiltrated organization, and (B) after June 30, 1956; 1 (18) service performed in Guam by a resident of the Republic of the Philippines while in Guam on a temporary basis as a non- immigrant alien admitted to Guam pursuant to section 101(a) (15) (H)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a) (15) (H) (ii)); (19) service which is performed by a nonresident alien indi- vidual for the period he is temporarily present in the United States as a nonimmigrant under subparagraph (F) or (J) of sec- tion 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended, and which is performed to carry out the purpose speci- fied in subparagraph (F) or (J), as the case may be; or ¹ Paragraph (17) was amended by section 356(d) of P.L. 95–216. IRC Sec. 3121(b) 596 (20) service performed by an individual on a boat engaged in catching fish or other forms of aquatic animal life under an ar- rangement with the owner or operator of such boat pursuant to which- # (A) such individual does not receive any cash remunera- tion (other than as provided in subparagraph (B)), (B) such individual receives a share of the boat's (or the boats' in the case of a fishing operation involving more than one boat) catch of fish or other forms of aquatic animal life or a share of the proceeds from the sale of such catch, and (C) the amount of such individual's share depends on the amount of the boat's (or the boats' in the case of a fishing operation involving more than one boat) catch of fish or other forms of aquatic animal life, but only if the operating crew of such boat (or each boat from which the individual receives a share in the case of a fishing opera- tion involving more than one boat) is normally made up of fewer than 10 individuals.¹ (c) INCLUDED AND EXCLUDED SERVICE.-For purposes of this chap- ter, if the services performed during one-half or more of any pay period by an employee for the person employing him constitute em- ployment, all the services of such employee for such period shall be deemed to be employment; but if the services performed during more than one-half of any such pay period by an employee for the person employing him do not constitute employment, then none of the services of such employee for such period shall be deemed to be employment. As used in this subsection, the term "pay period” means a period (of not more than 31 consecutive days) for which a payment of remunera- tion is ordinarily made to the employee by the person employing him. This subsection shall not be applicable with respect to services per- formed in a pay period by an employee for the person employing him, where any of such service is excepted by subsection (b) (9). (d) EMPLOYEE. For purposes of this chapter, the term "employee" means (1) any officer of a corporation; or (2) any individual who, under the usual common law rules ap- plicable in determining the employer-employee relationship, has the status of an employee; or 1 Paragraph (20) was added by section 1207(e)(A) of Public Law 94-455 effective as specified in section 1207 (f) (4) of that act which is printed in this document on page 783. 597 IRC Sec. 3121(e) (3) any individual (other than an individual who is an em- ployee under paragraph (1) or (2)) who performs services for remuneration for any person— (A) as an agent-driver or commission-driver engaged in distributing meat products, vegetable products, fruit prod- ucts, bakery products, beverages (other than milk), or laun- dry or dry-cleaning services, for his principal; (B) as a full-time life insurance salesman; (C) as a home worker performing work, according to specifications furnished by the person for whom the services are performed, on materials or goods furnished by such per- son which are required to be returned to such person or a person designated by him; or (D) as a traveling or city salesman, other than as an agent-driver or commission-driver, engaged upon a full-time basis in the solicitation on behalf of, and the transmission to, his principal (except for side-line sales activities on behalf of some other person) of orders from wholesalers, retailers, con- tractors, or operators of hotels, restaurants, or other similar establishments for merchandise for resale or supplies for use in their business operations; if the contract of service contemplates that substantially all of such services are to be performed personally by such individual; except that an individual shall not be included in the term "em- ployee" under the provisions of this paragraph if such individual has a substantial investment in facilities used in connection with the performance of such services (other than in facilities for transportation), or if the services are in the nature of a single transaction not part of a continuing relationship with the person for whom the services are performed. (e) STATE, UNITED STATES, AND CITIZEN.-For purposes of this chapter- (1) STATE. The term "State" includes the District of Colum- bia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. (2) UNITED STATES.-The term "United States" when used in a geographical sense includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. An individual who is a citizen of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (but not otherwise a citizen of the United States) shall be considered, for purposes of this section, as a citizen of the United States. IRC Sec. 3121(f) 598 (f) AMERICAN VESSEL AND AIRCRAFT.-For purposes of this chap- ter, the term "American vessel" means any vessel documented or numbered under the laws of the United States; and includes any vessel which is neither documented or numbered under the laws of the United States nor documented under the laws of any foreign country, if its crew is employed solely by one or more citizens or residents of the United States or corporations organized under the laws of the United States or of any State; and the term "American aircraft" mean an aircraft registered under the laws of the United States. (g) AGRICULTURAL LABOR.—For purposes of this chapter, the term “agricultural labor” includes all service performed— (1) on a farm, in the employ of any person, in connection with cultivating the soil, or in connection with raising or harvesting any agricultural or horticultural commodity, including the rais- ing, shearing, feeding, caring for, training, and management of livestock, bees, poultry, and fur-bearing animals and wildlife; (2) in the employ of the owner or tenant or other operator of a farm, in connection with the operation, management, conserva- tion, improvement, or maintenance of such farm and its tools and equipment, or in salvaging timber or clearing land of brush and other debris left by a hurricane, if the major part of such service is performed on a farm; • (3) in connection with the production or harvesting of any commodity defined as an agricultural commodity in section 15 (g) of the Agricultural Marketing Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1141j), or in connection with the ginning of cotton, or in connection with the operation or maintenance of ditches, canals, reservoirs, or waterways, not owned or operated for profit, used exclusively for supplying and storing water for farming purposes; (4)(A) in the employ of the operator of a farm in handling, planting, drying, packing, packaging, processing, freezing, grad- ing, storing, or delivering to storage or to market or to a carrier for transportation to market, in its unmanufactured state, any agricultural or horticultural commodity; but only if such opera- tor produced more than one-half of the commodity with respect to which such service is performed; (B) in the employ of a group of operators of farms (other than a cooperative organization) in the performance of service described in subparagraph (A), but only if such operators pro- duced all of the commodity with respect to which such service is performed. For purposes of this subparagraph, any unincor- Revised April 1978 IRC Sec. 3121(i) 599 porated group of operators shall be deemed a cooperative organi- zation if the number of operators comprising such group is more than 20 at any time during the calendar year in which such service is performed; ¹ 1 (C) the provisions of subparagraphs (A) and (B) shall not be deemed to be applicable with respect to service performed in connection with commercial canning or commercial freezing or in connection with any agricultural or horticultural commodity after its delivery to a terminal market for distribution for consumption; or (5) on a farm operated for profit if such service is not in the course of the employer's trade or business or is domestic service. in a private home of the employer As used in this subsection, the term "farm" includes stock, dairy, poultry, fruit, fur-bearing animal, and truck farms, plantations, ranches, nurseries, ranges, greenhouses or other similar structures used primarily for the raising of agricultural or horticultural commodities, and orchards. (h) AMERICAN EMPLOYER.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "American employer" means an employer which is— (1) the United States or any instrumentality thereof, (2) an individual who is a resident of the United States, (3) a partnership, if two-thirds or more of the partners are residents of the United States, (4) a trust, if all of the trustees are residents of the United States, or (5) a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any State. (i) COMPUTATION OF WAGES IN CERTAIN CASES.- " (1) DOMESTIC SERVICE. For purposes of this chapter, in the case of domestic service described in subsection (a)(7) (B), any payment of cash remuneration for such service which is more. or less than a whole-dollar amount shall, under such conditions and to such extent as may be prescribed by regulations made under this chapter, be computed to the nearest dollar. For the purpose of the computation to the nearest dollar, the payment of a frac- tional part of a dollar shall be disregarded unless it amounts to one-half dollar or more, in which case it shall be increased to $1. The amount of any payment of cash remuneration so computed to the nearest dollar shall, in lieu of the amount actually paid, be deemed to constitute the amount of cash remuneration for pur- poses of subsection (a) (7) (B). 1 Subparagraph (B) was amended by section 356 (d) of P.L. 95-216. IRC Sec. 3121(i) 600 (2) SERVICE IN THE UNIFORMED SERVICES.-For purposes of this chapter, in the case of an individual performing service, as a member of a uniformed service, to which the provisions of sub- section (m)(1) are applicable, the term "wages" shall, subject to the provisions of subsection (a) (1) of this section, include as such individual's remuneration for such service only his basic pay as described in section 102 (10) of the Servicemen's and Vet- erans' Survivor Benefits Act. (3) PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEER SERVICE. For purposes of this chap- ter, in the case of an individual performing service, as a volun- teer or volunteer leader with the meaning of the Peace Corps Act, to which the provisions of section 3121 (p) are applicable, the term "wages" shall, subject to the provisions of subsection (a) (1) of this section, include as such individual's remuneration for such service only amounts paid pursuant to section 5(c) or 6(1) of the Peace Corps Act. (4) SERVICE PERFORMED BY CERTAIN MEMBERS OF RELIGIOUS OR- DERS. For purposes of this chapter, in any case where an indi- vidual is a member of a religious order (as defined in subsection (r) (2)) performing service in the exercise of duties required by such order, and an election of coverage under subsection (r) is in effect with respect to such order or with respect to the auton- omous subdivision thereof to which such member belongs, the term "wages" shall, subject to the provisions of subsection (a) (1), include as such individual's remuneration for such service the fair market value of any board, lodging, clothing, and other perquisites furnished to such member by such order or subdivision thereof or by any other person or organization pursuant to an agreement with such order or subdivision, except that the amount included as such individual's remuneration under this paragraph shall not be less than $100 a month. (j) COVERED TRANSPORTATION SERVICE. For purposes of this chapter- (1) EXISTING TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS GENERAL RULE.-EX- cept as provided in paragraph (2), all service performed in the employ of a State or political subdivision in connection with its operation of a public transportation system shall constitute cov- ered transportation service if any part of the transportation sys- tem was acquired from private ownership after 1936 and prior to 1951. (2) EXISTING TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS-CASES IN WHICH NO TRANSPORTATION EMPLOYEES, OR ONLY CERTAIN EMPLOYEES, ARE COV- ERED.-Service performed in the employ of a State or political 601 IRC Sec. 3121(j) subdivision in connection with the operation of its public trans- portation system shall not constitute covered transportation serv- ice if- (A) any part of the transportation system was acquired from private ownership after 1936 and prior to 1951, and substantially all service in connection with the operation of the transportation system was, on December 31, 1950, covered under a general retirement system providing benefits which, by reason of a provision of the State constitution dealing specifically with retirement systems of the State or political subdivisions thereof, cannot be diminished or impaired; or (B) no part of the transportation system operated by the State or political subdivision on December 31, 1950, was ac- quired from private ownership after 1936 and prior to 1951; except that if such State or political subdivision makes an acqui- sition after 1950 from private ownership of any part of its trans- portation system, then, in the case of any employee who- (C) became an employee of such State or political subdi- vision in connection with and at the time of its acquisition after 1950 of such part, and (D) prior to such acquisition rendered service in employ- ment (including as employment service covered by an agree- ment under section 218 of the Social Security Act) in con- nection with the operation of such part of the transportation system acquired by the State or political subdivision, the service of such employee in connection with the operation of the transportation system shall constitute covered transportation service, commencing with the first day of the third calendar quar- ter following the calendar quarter in which the acquisition of such part took place, unless on such first day such service of such em- ployee is covered by a general retirement system which does not, with respect to such employee, contain special provisions appli- cable only to employees described in subparagraph (C). (3) TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ACQUIRED AFTER 1950.-All serv- ice performed in the employ of a State or political subdivision thereof in connection with its operation of a public transporta- tion system shall constitute covered transportation service if the transportation system was not operated by the State or political subdivision prior to 1951 and, at the time of its first acquisition (after 1950) from private ownership of any part of its transpor- tation system, the State or political subdivision did not have a general retirement system covering substantially all service per- IRC Sec. 3121(j) 602 formed in connection with the operation of the transportation system. (4) DEFINITIONS.-For the purposes of this subsection- (A) The term "general retirement system" means any pension, annuity, retirement, or similar fund or system estab- lished by a State or by a political subdivision thereof for employees of the State, political subdivision, or both; but such term shall not include such a fund or system which covers only service performed in positions connected with the operation of its public transportation system. (B) A transportation system or a part thereof shall be considered to have been acquired by a State or political sub- division from private ownership if prior to the acquisition service performed by employees in connection with the oper- ation of the system or part thereof acquired constituted employment under this chapter or subchapter A of chapter 9 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 or was covered by an agreement made pursuant to section 218 of the Social Security Act and some of such employees became employees of the State or political subdivision in connection with and at the time of such acquisition. (C) The term "political subdivision" includes an instru- mentality of— (i) a State, (ii) one or more political subdivisions of a State, or (iii) a State and one or more of its political subdivisions. (k) EXEMPTION OF RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE, AND CERTAIN OTHER ORGANIZATIONS.- (1) WAIVER OF EXEMPTION BY ORGANIZATION.- (A) An organization described in section 501 (c) (3) which is exempt from income tax under section 501 (a) may file a certificate (in such form and manner, and with such official, as may be prescribed by regulations made under this chapter) certifying that it desires to have the insurance system estab- lished by title II of the Social Security Act extended to service performed by its employees. Such certificate may be filed only if it is accompanied by a list containing the signature, address, and social security account number (if any) of each employee (if any) who concurs in the filing of the certificate. Such list may be amended at any time prior to the expiration of the twenty-fourth month following the calendar quarter in which the certificate is filed by filing with 603 IRC Sec. 3121(k) │ the prescribed official a supplemental list or lists containing the signature, address, and social security account number (if any) of each additional employee who concurs in the filing of the certificate. The list and any supplemental list shall be filed in such form and manner as may be prescribed by regu- lations made under this chapter. (B) The certificate shall be in effect (for purposes of sub- section (b) (8) (B) and for purposes of section 210 (a) (8) (B) of the Social Security Act) for the period beginning with whichever of the following may be designated by the organization: - (i) the first day of the calendar quarter in which the certificate is filed, (ii) the first day of the calendar quarter succeeding such quarter, or (iii) the first day of any calendar quarter preceding the calendar quarter in which the certificate is filed, ex- cept that such date may not be earlier than the first day of the twentieth calendar quarter preceding the quarter in which such certificate is filed. (C) In the case of service performed by an employee whose name appears on a supplemental list filed after the first month following the calendar quarter in which the certificate is filed, the certificate shall be in effect (for purposes of subsection (b) (8) (B) and for purposes of section 210(a) (8) (B) of the Social Security Act) only with respect to service performed by such individual for the period beginning with the first day of the calendar quarter in which such supplemental list is filed. (D) The period for which a certificate filed pursuant to this subsection or the corresponding subsection of prior law is effective may be terminated by the organization, effective at the end of a calendar quarter, upon giving 2 years' advance notice in writing, but only if, at the time of the receipt of such notice, the certificate has been in effect for a period of not less than 8 years. The notice of termination may be re- voked by the organization by giving, prior to the close of the calendar quarter specified in the notice of termination, a written notice of such revocation. Notice of termination or revocation thereof shall be filed in such form and manner, and with such official, as may be prescribed by regulations made under this chapter. (E) If an organization described in subparagraph (A) employs both individuals who are in positions covered by a IRC Sec. 3121(k) 604 pension annuity, retirement, or similar fund or system es- tablished by a State or by a political subdivision thereof and individuals who are not in such positions, the organization shall divide its employees into two separate groups. One group shall consist of all employees who are in positions covered by such a fund or system and (i) are members of such fund or system, or (ii) are not members of such fund or system but are eligible to become members thereof; and the other group shall consist of all remaining employees. An orga- nization which has so divided its employees into two groups may file a certificate pursuant to subparagraph (A) with respect to the employees in either group, or may file a separate certificate pursuant to such subparagraph with respect to the employees in each group. (F) If a certificate filed pursuant to this paragraph is effective for one or more calendar quarters prior to the quarter in which the certificate is filed, then— (i) for purposes of computing interest and for pur- poses of section 6651 (relating to addition to tax for failure to file tax return or pay tax), the due date for the return and payment of the tax for such prior calendar quarters resulting from the filing of such certificate shall be the last day of the calendar month following the calendar quarter in which the certificate is filed; and (ii) the statutory period for the assessment of such tax shall not expire before the expiration of 3 years from such due date.¹ (H) [Repealed] 1 C (2) TERMINATION OF WAIVER PERIOD BY SECRETARY.-If the Sec- retary finds that any organization which filed a certificate pur- suant to this subsection or the corresponding subsection of prior law has failed to comply substantially with the requirements applicable with respect to the taxes imposed by this chapter or the corresponding provisions of prior law or is no longer able to comply with the requirements applicable with respect to the taxes imposed by this chapter, the Secretary shall give such organization not less than 60 days' advance notice in writing that the period covered by such certificate will terminate at the end of the calendar quarter specified in such notice. Such notice of termination may be revoked by the Secretary by giv- ing, prior to the close of the calendar quarter specified in the notice of termination, written notice of such revocation to the 1 Subparagraph (F) (formerly subparagraph (G)) was redesignated by section 1903 (a)(3)(E) of P.L. 94-455 which also repealed subparagraph (H) and the former sub- paragraph (F). Revised April 1978 605 IRC Sec. 3121(k) organization. No notice of termination or of revocation thereof shall be given under this paragraph to an organization without the prior concurrence of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. (3) NO RENEWAL OF WAIVER.—In the event the period covered by a certificate filed pursuant to this subsection or the correspond- ing subsection of prior law is terminated by the organization, no certificate may again be filed by such organization pursuant to this subsection. (4) CONSTRUCTIVE FILING OF CERTIFICATE WHERE NO REFUND OR CREDIT OF TAXES HAS BEEN MADE.- (A) In any case where— (i) an organization described in section 501 (c) (3) which is exempt from income tax under section 501 (a) has not filed a valid waiver certificate under paragraph (1) of this subsection (or under the corresponding pro- vision of prior law) as of the date of the enactment of this paragraph (or, if later, as of the earliest date on which it satisfies clause (ii) of this subparagraph.), but ¹ 1 (ii) the taxes imposed by sections 3101 and 3111 have been paid with respect to the remuneration paid by such organization to its employees, as though such a certif- icate had been filed, during any period (subject to sub- paragraph (B)(i)) of not less than three consecutive calendar quarters, such organization shall be deemed (except as provided in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph) for purposes of sub- section (b) (8) (B) and section 210(a) (8) (B) of the Social Security Act, to have filed a valid waiver certificate under paragraph (1) of this subsection (or under the correspond- ing provision of prior law) on the first day of the period de- scribed in clause (ii) of this subparagraph effective (subject to subparagraph (C)) on the first day of the calendar quarter in which such period began, and to have accompanied such certificate with a list containing the signature, address, and social security number (if any) of each employee with respect to whom the taxes described in such subparagraph were paid (and each such employee shall be deemed for such purposes to have concurred in the filing of the certificate). (B) Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to any organization if— (i) the period referred to in clause (ii) of such sub- paragraph (in the case of that organization) terminated before the end of the earliest calendar quarter falling 1 Subparagraph (A) was amended by sections 312(b) (2) and 312(f) of P.L. 95–216. (The period following the word "subparagraph" is a technical error in the law.) IRC Sec. 3121(k) 606 Revised April 1978 wholly or partly within the time limitation (as defined in section 205 (c) (1) (B) of the Social Security Act) im- mediately preceding the date of the enactment of this paragraph, or (ii) a refund or credit of any part of the taxes which were paid as described in clause (ii) of such subpara- graph with respect to remuneration for services per- formed on or after the first day of the earliest calendar quarter falling wholly or partly within the time limita- tion (as defined in section 205 (c) (1) (B) of the Social Security Act) immediately preceding the first day of the calendar quarter of enactment of this paragraph (other than a refund or credit which would have been allowed if a valid waiver certificate filed under para- graph (1) had been in effect) has been obtained by the organization or its employees prior to September 9, 1976, or 1 (iii) the organization, prior to the end of the period referred to in clause (ii) of such subparagraph (and, in the case of an organization organized on or before Octo- ber 9, 1969, prior to October 19, 1976), had applied for a ruling or determination letter acknowledging it to be ex- empt from income tax under section 501(c)(3), and it subsequently received such ruling or determination let- ter and did not pay any taxes under sections 3101 and 3111 with respect to any employee with respect to any quarter ending after the twelfth month following the date of mailing of such ruling or determination letter and did not pay any such taxes with respect to any quarter beginning after the later of (I) December 31, 1975 or (II) the date on which such ruling or determination letter was issued.2 (C) In the case of any organization which is deemed under this paragraph to have filed a valid waiver certificate under paragraph (1), if— (i) the period with respect to which the taxes imposed by sections 3101 and 3111 were paid by such organization (as described in subparagraph (A) (ii)) terminated prior to October 1, 1976, or (ii) the taxes imposed by sections 3101 and 3111 were not paid during the period referred to in clause (i) (whether such period has terminated or not) with respect. to remuneration paid by such organization to individuals 1 Clause (ii) was amended by section 312(b) (4) of P.L. 95–216. 2 Clause (iii) was added by section 312(g) of P.L. 95-216. Revised April 1978 607 IRC Sec. 3121(k) who became its employees after the close of the calendar quarter in which such period began, taxes under sections 3101 and 3111— (iii) in the case of an organization which meets the requirements of this subparagraph by reason of clause (i), with respect to remuneration paid by such organiza- tion after the termination of the period referred to in clause (i) and prior to July 1, 1977; or (iv) in the case of an organization which meets the requirements of this subparagraph by reason of clause (ii), with respect to remuneration paid prior to July 1, 1977, to individuals who became its employees after the close of the calendar quarter in which the period referred to in clause (i) began, which remain unpaid on the date of the enactment of this subparagraph, or which were paid after October 19, 1976, but prior to the date of the enactment of this subparagraph, shall not be due or payable (or, if paid, shall be refunded); and the certificate which such organization is deemed under this paragraph to have filed shall not apply to any service with re- spect to the remuneration for which the taxes imposed by sec- tions 3101 and 3111 (which remain unpaid on the date of the enactment of this subparagraph, or were paid after Octo- ber 19, 1976, but prior to the date of the enactment of this subparagraph) are not due and payable (or are refunded) by reason of the preceding provisions of this subparagraph. In applying this subparagraph for purposes of title II of the Social Security Act, the period during which reports of wages subject to the taxes imposed by section 3101 and 3111 were made by any organization may be conclusively treated as the period (described in subparagraph (A)(ii)) during which the taxes imposed by such sections were paid by such organization.¹ (5) CONSTRUCTIVE FILING OF CERTIFICATE WHERE REFUND OR CREDIT HAS BEEN MADE AND NEW CERTIFICATE IS NOT FILED.—In any case where- (A) an organization described in section 501(c)(3) which is exempt from income tax under section 501 (a) would be deemed under paragraph (4) of this subsection to have filed a valid waiver certificate under paragraph (1) if it were not excluded from such paragraph (4) (pursuant to subpara- graph (B) (ii) thereof) because a refund or credit of all or a part of the taxes described in paragraph (4)(A)(ii) was ob- tained prior to September 9, 1976; and ¹ Subparagraph (C) was added by section 312(b)(1) of P.L. 95–216. IRC Sec. 3121(k) 608 Revised April 1978 (B) such organization has not, prior to April 1, 1978, filed a valid waiver certificate under paragraph (1) which is effective for a period beginning on or before the first day of the first calendar quarter with respect to which such re- fund or credit was made (or, if later, with the first day of the earliest calendar quarter for which such certificate may be in effect under paragraph (1)(B) (iii)) and which is ac- companied by the list described in paragraph (1)(A), such organization shall be deemed, for purposes of subsection (b) (8) (B) and section 210 (a) (8) (B) of the Social Security Act, to have filed a valid waiver certificate under paragraph (1) of this subsection on April 1, 1978, effective for the period beginning on the first day of the first calendar quarter with respect to which the refund or credit referred to in subparagraph (A) of this para- graph was made (or, if later, with the first day of the earliest calendar quarter falling wholly or partly within the time limita- tion (as defined in section 205 (c) (1) (B) of the Social Security Act) immediately preceding the date of the enactment of this paragraph), and to have accompanied such certificate with a list containing the signature, address, and social security number (if any) of each employee described in subparagraph (a) of para- graph (4) including any employee with respect to whom taxes were refunded or credited as described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph (and each such employee shall be deemed for such purposes to have concurred in the filing of the certificate). A certificate which is deemed to have been filed by an organization on April 1, 1978, shall supersede any certificate which may have been actually filed by such organization prior to that day except to the extent prescribed by the Secretary or his delegate.¹ (6) APPLICATION OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS TO CASES OF CONSTRUC- TIVE FILING.—All of the provisions of this subsection (other than subparagraphs (B), (F), and (H) of paragraph (1)), including the provisions requiring payment of taxes under section 3101 and 3111 with respect to the services involved (except as provided in paragraph (4) (C)), shall apply with respect to any certificate which is deemed to have been filed by an organization on any day under paragraph (4) or (5), in the same way they would apply if the certificate had been actually filed on that day under para- graph (1); except that- (A) the provisions relating to the filing of supplemental lists of concurring employees in the third sentence of para- graph (1)(A), and in paragraph (1)(C), shall apply to the extent prescribed by the Secretary or his delegate; 1 Paragraph (5) was amended by section 312 (a) (1) of P.L. 95-216. Revised April 1978 608-A IRC Sec. 3121(k) | (B) the provisions of paragraph (1)(E) shall not apply unless the taxes described in paragraph (4) (A) (ii) were paid by the organization as though a separate certificate had been filed with respect to one or both of the groups to which such provisions relate; and (C) the action of the organization in obtaining the refund or credit described in paragraph (5)(A) shall not be con- sidered a termination of such organization's coverage period for purposes of paragraph (3). Any organization which is deemed to have filed a waiver certificate under paragraph (4) or (5) shall be considered for purposes of section 3102 (b) to have been required to deduct the taxes imposed by section 3101 with respect to the services involved.¹ (7) BOTH EMPLOYEE AND EMPLOYER TAXES PAYABLE BY ORGA- NIZATION FOR RETROACTIVE PERIOD IN CASES OF CONSTRUCTIVE FIL- ING.-Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, in any case where an organization described in paragraph (5)(A) has not filed a valid waiver certificate under paragraph (1) prior to April 1, 1978, this paragraph and is accordingly deemed under paragraph (5) to have filed such a certificate on April 1, 1978, the taxes due under section 3101, with respect to services constitut- ing employment by reason of such certificate or any period prior to that date (along with the taxes due under section 3111 with respect to such services and the amount of any interest paid in connection with the refund or credit described in paragraph (5) (a)) shall be paid by such organization from its own funds and without any deduction from the wages of the individuals who performed such services; and those individuals shall have no liability for the payment of such taxes.² (8) EXTENDED PERIOD FOR PAYMENT OF TAXES FOR RETROACTIVE COVERAGE.----Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, in any case where- (A) an organization is deemed under paragraph (4) to have filed a valid waiver certificate under paragraph (1), but the applicable period described in paragraph (4) (A) (ii) has terminated and part or all of the taxes imposed by sec- tions 3101 and 3111 with respect to remuneration paid by such organization to its employees after the close of such period remains payable notwithstanding paragraph (4)(C), or (B) an organization described in paragraph (5)(A) files a valid waiver certificate under paragraph (1) by March 31, 1978, as described in paragraph (5) (B), or (not having filed 1 Paragraph (6) was amended by section 312(b) (3) of P.L. 95–216. 2 Paragraph (7) was amended by section 312(a) (2) of P.L. 95-216. 21-746 O - 78 - 46 Revised April 1978 608-B IRC Sec. 3121(k) such a certificate by that date) is deemed under paragraph (5) to have filed such a certificate on April 1, 1978, or (C) an individual files a request under section 3 of Public Law 94-563, or under section 312 (c) of the Social Security Amendments of 1977, to have service treated as constituting remuneration for employment (as defined in section 3121 (b) and in section 210 (a) of the Social Security Act), the taxes due under sections 3101 and 3111 with respect to services. constituting employment by reason of such certificate for any period prior to the first day of the calendar quarter in which the date of such filing or constructive filing occurs, or with respect to service constituting employment by reason of such request, may be paid in installments over an appropriate period of time, as determined under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, rather than in a lump sum.¹ (1) AGREEMENTS ENTERED INTO BY DOMESTIC CORPORATIONS WITH RESPECT TO FOREIGN SUBSIDIARIES.- (1) AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF FOREIGN SUBSIDIARIES.-The Secretary shall, at the request of any domestic corporation, enter into an agreement (in such form and manner as may be prescribed by the Secretary) with any such corpora- tion which desires to have the insurance system established by title II of the Social Security Act extended to service performed outside the United States in the employ of any one or more of its foreign subsidiaries (as defined in paragraph (8)) by all employees who are citizens of the United States, except that the agreement shall not be applicable to any service performed by, or remuneration paid to, an employee if such service or re- muneration would be excluded from the term "employment" 1 Paragraphs (4), (5), (6), (7), and (8) were added by section 1(c) of Public Law 94-563 effective for services performed after 1950, to the extent covered by waiver certifil- cates filed or deemed to have been filed under section 3121(k) (4) or (5). Paragraph (8) was amended by section 312(d) of P.L. 95–216. 609 IRC Sec. 3121(r) or "wages”, as defined in this section, had the service been per- formed in the United States. Such agreement may be amended at any time so as to be made applicable in the same manner and under the same conditions, with respect to any other for- eign subsidiary of such domestic corporation. Such agreement shall be applicable with respect to citizens of the United States who, on or after the effective date of the agreement, are employees of and perform services outside the United States for any foreign subsidiary specified in the agreement. Such agree- ment shall provide— (A) that the domestic corporation shall pay to the Secre- tary, at such time or times as the Secretary may by regu- lations prescribe, amounts equivalent to the sum of the taxes which would be imposed by sections 3101 and 3111 (includ- ing amounts equivalent to the interest, additions to the taxes, additional amounts, and penalties which would be applicable) with respect to the remuneration which would be wages if the services covered by the agreement consti- tuted employment as defined in this section; and (B) that the domestic corporation will comply with such regulations relating to payments and reports as the Secretary may prescribe to carry out the purposes of this subsection. (2) EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF AGREEMENT.—An agreement entered into pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be in effect for the period beginning with the first day of the calendar quarter in which such agreement is entered into or the first day of the succeeding calen- dar quarter, as may be specified in the agreement; except that in case such agreement is amended to include the services performed for any other subsidiary and such amendment is executed after the first month following the first calendar quarter for which the agreement is in effect, the agreement shall be in effect with respect to service performed for such other subsidiary only after the calendar quarter in which such amendment is executed.¹ 1 (3) TERMINATION OF PERIOD BY A DOMESTIC CORPORATION.-The period for which an agreement entered into pursuant to para- graph (1) of this subsection is effective may be terminated with respect to any one or more of its foreign subsidiaries by the domes- tic corporation, effective at the end of a calendar quarter, upon giving two year's advance notice in writing, but only if, at the time of the receipt of such notice, the agreement has been in effect for a period of not less than eight years. The notice of termination may be revoked by the domestic corporation by giving, prior to the close of the calendar quarter specified in the notice of termina- ¹ Paragraph (2) was amended by section 1903 (a) (3) (F) of P.L. 94–455. IRC Sec. 3121(1) 610 tion, a written notice of such revocation. Notice of termination or revocation thereof shall be filed in such form and manner as may be prescribed by regulations. Notwithstanding any other provi- sion of this subsection, the period for which any such agreement is effective with respect to any foreign corporation shall terminate at the end of any calendar quarter in which the foreign corpora- tion, at any time in such quarter, ceases to be a foreign subsidiary as defined in paragraph (8). (4) TERMINATION OF PERIOD BY SECRETARY.-If the Secretary finds that any domestic corporation which entered into an agree- ment pursuant to this subsection has failed to comply substan- tially with the terms of such agreement, the Secretary shall give such domestic corporation not less than sixty days' advance no- tice in writing that the period covered by such agreement will terminate at the end of the calendar quarter specified in such notice. Such notice of termination may be revoked by the Secre- tary by giving, prior to the close of the calendar quarter speci- fied in the notice of termination, written notice of such revoca- tion to the domestic corporation. No notice of termination or of revocation thereof shall be given under this paragraph to a domestic corporation without the prior concurrence of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. (5) NO RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT.—If any agreement entered into pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection is terminated in its entirety (A) by a notice of termination filed by the domestic corporation pursuant to paragraph (3), or (B) by a notice of termination given by the Secretary pursuant to paragraph (4), the domestic corporation may not again enter into an agreement pursuant to paragraph (1). If any such agreement is terminated with respect to any foreign subsidiary, such agreement may not thereafter be amended so as again to make it applicable with respect to such subsidiary. (6) DEPOSITS IN TRUST FUNDS.—For purposes of section 201 of the Social Security Act, relating to appropriations to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, such remuneration- (A) paid for services covered by an agreement entered into pursuant to paragraph (1) as would be wages if the services constituted employment, and (B) as is reported to the Secretary pursuant to the pro- visions of such agreement or of the regulations issued under this subsection, shall be considered wages subject to the taxes imposed by this chapter. 611 IRC Sec. 3121(m) (7) OVERPAYMENTS AND UNDERPAYMENTS.- (A) If more or less than the correct amount due under an agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection is paid with respect to any payment of remuneration, proper adjust- ments with respect to the amounts due under such agreement shall be made, without interest, in such manner and at such times as may be required by regulations prescribed by the Secretary. (B) If an overpayment cannot be adjusted under sub- paragraph (A), the amount thereof shall be paid by the Sec- retary, through the Fiscal Service of the Treasury Depart- ment, but only if a claim for such overpayment is filed with the Secretary within two years from the time such overpay- ment was made. (8) DEFINITION OF FOREIGN SUBSIDIARY.-For purposes of this subsection and section 210(a) of the Social Security Act, a for- eign subsidiary of a domestic corporation is— (A) a foreign corporation not less than 20 percent of the voting stock of which is owned by such domestic corporation; or (B) a foreign corporation more than 50 percent of the voting stock of which is owned by the foreign corporation described in subparagraph (A). (9) DOMESTIC CORPORATION AS SEPARATE ENTITY.-Each domes- tic corporation which enters into an agreement pursuant to para- graph (1) of this subsection shall, for purposes of this subsection and section 6413(c)(2) (C), relating to special refunds in the case of employees of certain foreign corporations, be considered an employer in its capacity as a party to such agreement separate and distinct from its identity as a person employing individuals on its own account. (10) REGULATIONS.-Regulations of the Secretary to carry out the purposes of this subsection shall be designed to make the re- quirements imposed on domestic corporations with respect to serv- ices covered by an agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection the same, so far as practicable, as those imposed upon employers pursuant to this title with respect to the taxes imposed by this chapter. (m) SERVICE IN THE UNIFORMED SERVICES.-For purposes of this chapter— (1) INCLUSION OF SERVICE.—The term “employment" shall, not- withstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, in- clude service performed by an individual as a member of a uni- IRC Sec. 3121 (m) 612 formed service on active duty; but such term shall not include any such service which is performed while on leave without pay.¹ (2) ACTIVE DUTY.-The term "active duty" means "active duty" as described in section 102 of the Servicemen's and Veterans' Sur- vivor Benefits Act, except that it shall also include "active duty for training" as described in such section. (3) INACTIVE DUTY TRAINING.—The term "inactive duty train- ing" means "inactive duty training" as described in such section 102. (n) MEMBER OF A UNIFORMED SERVICE. For purposes of this chap- ter, the term "member of a uniformed service" means any person appointed, enlisted, or inducted in a component of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard (including a reserve com- ponent of a uniformed service as defined in section 102 (3) of the Servicemen's and Veterans' Survivor Benefits Act), or in one of those services without specification of component, or as a commissioned officer of the Coast and Geodetic Survey or the Regular or Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service, and any person serving in the Army or Air Force under call or conscription. The term includes— M (1) a retired member of any of those services; (2) a member of the Fleet Reserve or Fleet Marine Corps. Reserve; (3) a cadet at the United States Military Academy, a mid- shipman at the United States Naval Academy, and a cadet at the United States Coast Guard Academy or United States Air Force Academy; or (4) a member of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or the Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps, when ordered to annual training duty for fourteen days or more, and while performing authorized travel to and from that duty; and (5) any person while en route to or from, or at, a place for final acceptance or for entry upon active duty in the military or naval service- (A) who has been provisionally accepted for such duty; (B) who, under the Universal Military Training and Service Act, has been selected for active military or naval service; and has been ordered or directed to proceed to such place. The term does not include a temporary member of the Coast Guard Reserve. 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by section 1903 (a)(3)(G) of Public Law 94-455. 613 IRC Sec. 3121'(r) (0) CREW LEADER. For purposes of this chapter, the term "crew leader” means an individual who furnishes individuals to perform agricultural labor for another person, if such individual pays (either on his own behalf or on behalf of such person) the individuals so fur- nished by him for the agricultural labor performed by them and if such individual has not entered into a written agreement with such person whereby such individual has been designated as an employee of such person; and such individuals furnished by the crew leader to perform agricultural labor for another person shall be deemed to be the employees of such crew leader. For purposes of this chapter and chapter 2, a crew leader shall, with respect to service performed in furnishing individuals to perform agricultural labor for another person and service performed as a member of the crew, be deemed not to be an employee of such other person. (p) PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEER SERVICE.-For purposes of this chap- ter, the term "employment" shall, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, include service performed by an indi- vidual as a volunteer or volunteer leader within the meaning of the Peace Corps Act. (q) TIPS INCLUDED FOR EMPLOYEE TAXES.-For purposes of this chapter other than for purposes of the taxes imposed by section 3111, tips received by an employee in the course of his employment shall be considered remuneration for employment. Such remuneration shall be deemed to be paid at the time a written statement including such tips is furnished to the employer pursuant to section 6053 (a) or (if no statement including such tips is so furnished) at the time received. (r) ELECTION OF COVERAGE BY RELIGIOUS ORDERS.— (1) CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION BY ORDER.-A religious order whose members are required to take a vow of poverty, or any autonomous subdivision of such order, may file a certificate (in such form and manner, and with such official, as may be prescribed by regulations under this chapter) electing to have the insurance system established by title II of the Social Security Act extended to services performed by its members in the exercise of duties required by such order or such subdivision thereof. Such certifi- cate of election shall provide that- (A) such election of coverage by such order or subdivision shall be irrevocable; C (B) such election shall apply to all current and future members of such order, or in the case of a subdivision thereof to all current and future members of such order who belong to such subdivision; (C) all services performed by a member of such an order or subdivision in the exercise of duties required by such order IRC Sec. 3121 (r) 614 or subdivision shall be deemed to have been performed by such member as an employee of such order or subdivision; and (D) the wages of each member, upon which such order or subdivision shall pay the taxes imposed by sections 3101 and 3111, will be detc.mined as provided in subsection (i) (4). (2) DEFINITION OF MEMBER.-For purposes of this subsection, a member of a religious order means any individual who is sub- ject to a vow of poverty as a member of such order and who per- forms tasks usually required (and to the extent usually required) of an active member of such order and who is not considered retired because of old age or total disability. (3) EFFECTIVE DATE FOR ELECTION.—(A) A certificate of elec- tion of coverage shall be in effect, for purposes of subsection (b) (8) (A) and for purposes of section 210 (a) (8) (A) of the Social Security Act, for the period beginning with whichever of the following may be designated by the order or subdivision thereof: (i) the first day of the calendar quarter in which the cer- tificate is filed, (ii) the first day of the calendar quarter succeeding such quarter, or (iii) the first day of any calendar quarter preceding the calendar quarter in which the certificate is filed, except that such date may not be earlier than the first day of the twentieth calendar quarter preceding the quarter in which such certifi- cate is filed. Whenever a date is designated under clause (iii), the election shall apply to services performed before the quarter in which the certificate is filed only if the member performing such services was a member at the time such services were performed and is living on the first day of the quarter in which such certificate is filed. (B) If a certificate of election filed pursuant to this subsection is effective for one or more calendar quarters prior to the quarter in which such certificate is filed, then- (i) for purposes of computing interest and for purposes. of section 6651 (relating to addition to tax for failure to file tax return), the due date for the return and payment of the tax for such prior calendar quarters resulting from the filing of such certificate shall be the last day of the calendar month following the calendar quarter in which the certificate is filed; and (ii) the statutory period for the assessment of such tax shall not expire before the expiration of 3 years from such due date. Revised April 1978 IRC Sec. 3121(t) 615 (4) COORDINATION WITH COVERAGE OF LAY EMPLOYEES.-Notwith- standing the preceding provisions of this subsection, no certificate of election shall become effective with respect to an order or sub- division thereof, unless- (A) if at the time the certificate of election is filed a cer- tificate of waiver of exemption under subsection (k) is in effect with respect to such order or subdivision, such order subdivision amends such certificate of waiver of exemption (in such form and manner as may be prescribed by regula- tions made under this chapter) to provide that it may not be revoked, or (B) if at the time the certificate of election is filed a cer- tificate of waiver of exemption under such subsection is not in effect with respect to such order or subdivision, such order or subdivision files such certificate of waiver of exemption under the provisions of such subsection except that such certificate of waiver of exemption cannot become effective at a later date than the certificate of election and such certificate of waiver of exemption must specify that such certificate of waiver of exemption may not be revoked. The certificate of waiver of exemption required under this subparagraph shall be filed notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (k) (3). (s) CONCURRENT EMPLOYMENT BY TWO OR MORE EMPLOYERS.-For purposes of sections 3102, 3111, and 3121 (a) (1), if two or more related corporations concurrently employ the same individual and compen- sate such individual through a common paymaster which is one of such corporations, each such corporation shall be considered to have paid as remuneration to such individual only the amounts actually dis- bursed by it to such individual and shall not be considered to have paid as remuneration to such individual amounts actually disbursed to such individual by another of such corporations.¹ (t) SPECIAL RULE FOR DETERMINING WAGES SUBJECT TO EMPLOYER TAX IN CASE OF CERTAIN EMPLOYERS WHOSE EMPLOYEES RECEIVE INCOME FROM TIPS.-If the wages paid by an employer with respect to the employment during any month of an individual who (for services performed in connection with such employment) receives tips which constitute wages, and to which section 3102 (a) applies, are less than the total amount which would be payable (with respect to such employment) at the minimum wage rate applicable to such individual under section 6(a) (1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (determined without regard to section 3 (m) of such Act), the wages so paid shall be deemed for purposes of section 3111 to be equal to such total amount.2 1 Subsection (s) was added by sec. 314(a) of P.L. 95-216 effective with respect to wages paid after December 31, 1978. 2 Subsection (t) was added by sec. 315(a) of P.L. 95–216. Revised April 1978 IRC Sec. 3122 615-A SEC. 3122. FEDERAL SERVICE. In the case of the taxes imposed by this chapter with respect to service performed in the employ of the United States or in the employ of any instrumentality which is wholly owned by the United States, including service, performed as a member of a uniformed service, to which the provisions of section 3121 (m) (1) are applicable, and including service, performed as a volunteer or volunteer leader with- in the meaning of the Peace Corps Act, to which the provisions of section 3121(p) are applicable, the determination whether an indi- vidual has performed service which constitutes employment as de- fined in section 3121 (b), the determination of the amount of remunera- tion for such service which constitutes wages as defined in section 3121(a), and the return and payment of the taxes imposed by this chapter, shall be made by the head of the Federal agency or instru- mentality having the control of such service, or by such agents as such head may designate. The person making such return may, for convenience of administration, make payments of the tax imposed under section 3111 with respect to such service without regard to the contribution and benefit base limitation in section 3121 (a) (1), and he shall not be required to obtain a refund of the tax paid under section 3111 on that part of the remuneration not included in wages by reason of section 3121 (a) (1). Payments of the tax imposed under section 3111 IRC Sec. 3122 616 with respect to service, performed by an individual as a member of a uniformed service, to which the provisions of section 3121 (m) (1) are applicable, shall be made from appropriations available for the pay of members of such uniformed service. The provisions of this section shall be applicable in the case of service performed by a civilian em- ployee, not compensated from funds appropriated by the Congress, in the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service, Navy Exchanges, Marine Corps Exchanges, or other activities, conducted by an instrumentality of the United States subject to the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense, at instal- lations of the Department of Defense for the comfort, pleasure, con- tentment, and mental and physical improvement of personnel of such Department; and for purposes of this section the Secretary of De- fense shall be deemed to be the head of such instrumentality. The provisions of this section shall be applicable also in the case of service performed by a civilian employee, not compensated from funds ap- propriated by the Congress, in the Coast Guard Exchanges or other activities, conducted by an instrumentality of the United States sub- ject to the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Transportation, at installa- tions of the Coast Guard for the comfort, pleasure, contentment, and mental and physical improvement of personnel of the Coast Guard; and for purposes of this section the Secretary of Transportation shall be deemed to be the head of such instrumentality.¹ SEC. 3123. DEDUCTIONS AS CONSTRUCTIVE PAYMENTS. Whenever under this chapter or any act of Congress, or under the law of any State, an employer is required or permitted to deduct any amount from the remuneration of any employee and to pay the amount deducted to the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, then for purposes of this chapter the amount so deducted shall be considered to have been paid to the employee at the time of such deduction. SEC. 3124. ESTIMATE OF REVENUE REDUCTION. The Secretary at intervals of not longer than 3 years shall estimate the reduction in the amount of taxes collected under this chapter by reason of the operation of section 3121 (b) (9) and shall include such estimate in his annual report. SEC. 3125. RETURNS IN THE CASE OF GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES IN GUAM, AMERICAN SAMOA, AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. (a) GUAM.-The return and payment of the taxes imposed by this chapter on the income of individuals who are officers or employees of ¹ Section 3122 was amended by section 1903(a) (4) of Public Law 94-455. 617 IRC Sec. 3126 the Government of Guam or any political subdivision thereof or of any instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing which is wholly owned thereby, and those imposed on such Government or political subdivision or instrumentality with respect to having such individuals in its employ, may be made by the Governor of Guam or by such agents as he may designate. The person making such return may, for convenience of administration, make payments of the tax imposed under section 3111 with respect to the service of such individ- uals without regard to the contribution and benefit base limitation in section 3121 (a) (1). (b) AMERICAN SAMOA.-The return and payment of the taxes imposed by this chapter on the income of individuals who are officers or employees of the Government of American Samoa or any political subdivision thereof or of any instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing which is wholly owned thereby, and those imposed on such Government or political subdivision or instrumentality with respect to having such individuals in its employ, may be made by the Governor of American Samoa or by such agents as he may designate. The person making such return may, for convenience of administra- tion, make payments of the tax imposed under section 3111 with respect to the service of such individuals without regard to the contribution and benefit base limitation in section 3121 (a) (1). (c) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.-In the case of the taxes imposed by this chapter with respect to service performed in the employ of the District of Columbia or in the employ of any instrumentality which is wholly owned thereby, the return and payment of the taxes may be made by the Mayor of the District of Columbia or such agents as he may designate. The person making such return may, for convenience of administration, make payments of the tax imposed by section 3111 with respect to such service without regard to the contribution and benefit base limitation in section 3121 (a) (1).¹ SEC. 3126. SHORT TITLE. This chapter may be cited as the "Federal Insurance Contributions Act." CHAPTER 22-RAILROAD RETIREMENT TAX ACT Subchapter A. Tax on employees. Subchapter B. Tax on employee representatives. Subchapter C. Tax on employers. Subchapter D. General provisions. SUBCHAPTER A-TAX ON EMPLOYEES Sec. 3201. Rate of tax. Sec. 3202. Deduction of tax from compensation. 1 Section 3125 was amended by section 1903(a) (5) of P.L. 94-455. IRC Sec. 3201 618 SEC. 3201. RATE OF TAX. In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on the income of every employee a tax equal to the rate of the tax imposed with respect. to wages by section 3101 (a) plus the rate imposed by section 3101 (b) of so much of the compensation paid in any calendar month to such employee for services rendered by him as is not in excess of an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable "wages" as defined in section 3121 for any month.¹ SEC. 3202. DEDUCTION OF TAX FROM COMPENSATION. (a) REQUIREMENT.-The tax imposed by section 3201 shall be col- lected by the employer of the taxpayer by deducting the amount of the tax from the compensation of the employee as and when paid. If an employee is paid compensation after September 30, 1973 by more than one employer for services rendered during any calendar month and the aggregate of such compensation is in excess of an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable "wages" as defined in section 3121 for any month, the tax to be deducted by each employer other than a subordinate unit of a national railway-labor- organization employer from the compensation paid by him to the employee with respect to such month shall be that proportion of the tax with respect to such compensation paid by all such employers which the compensation paid by him to the employee for services rendered during such month bears to the total compensation paid by all such employers to such employee for services rendered during such month; and in the event that the compensation so paid by such employers to the employee for services rendered during such month is less than an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable "wages" as defined in section 3121 for any month, each subordinate unit of a national railway-labor-organization employer shall deduct such proportion of any additional tax as the compensation paid by such employer to such employee for services rendered during such month bears to the total compensation paid by all such employers to such employee for services rendered during such month. An em- ployer who is furnished by an employee a written statement of tips (received in a calendar month) pursuant to section 6053 (a) to which paragraph (3) of section 3231 (e) is applicable may deduct an amount equivalent to such tax with respect to such tips from any compensation of the employee (exclusive of tips) under his control, even though at the time such statement is furnished the total amount of the tips included in statements furnished to the employer as having been received by the employee in such calendar month in the course of his employment by such employer is less than $20.² 1 Section 3201 was amended by P.L. 94–93 and by section 1903(a) (6) of P.L. 94-455. 2 Subsections (a) and (b) were amended by section 1903 (a) (7) of P.L. 94–455. 619 IRC Sec. 3202(c) (b) INDEMNIFICATION OF EMPLOYER.-Every employer required under subsection (a) to deduct the tax shall be liable for the pay- ment of such tax and shall not be liable to any person for the amount of any such payment.¹ (c) SPECIAL RULE FOR TIPS.- (1) In the case of tips which constitute compensation, subsec- tion (a) shall be applicable only to such tips as are included in a written statement furnished to the employer pursuant to section. 6053 (a), and only to the extent that collection can be made by the employer, at or after the time such statement is so furnished and before the close of the 10th day following the calendar month (or, if paragraph (3) applies, the 30th day following the quarter) in which the tips were deemed paid, by deducting the amount of the tax from such compensation of the employee (excluding tips, but including funds turned over by the employee to the employer pur- suant to paragraph (2)) as are under control of the employer. (2) If the tax imposed by section 3201, with respect to tips which are included in written statements furnished in any month to the employer pursuant to section 6053 (a), exceeds the compen- sation of the employee (excluding tips) from which the employer is required to collect the tax under paragraph (1), the employee may furnish to the employer on or before the 10th day of the fol- lowing month (or, if paragraph (3) applies, on or before the 30th day of the following quarter) an amount of money equal to the amount of the excess. (3) The Secretary may, under regulations prescribed by him, authorize employers- (A) to estimate the amount of tips that will be reported by the employee pursuant to section 6053(a) in any quarter of the calendar year, (B) to determine the amount to be deducted upon each payment of compensation (exclusive of tips) during such quarter as if the tips so estimated constituted actual tips so reported, and (C) to deduct upon any payment of compensation (other than tips, but including funds turned over by the employee to the employer pursuant to paragraph (2)) to such employee during such quarter (and within 30 days thereafter) such amount as may be necessary to adjust the amount actually deducted upon such compensation of the employee during the quarter to the amount required to be deducted in respect of tips included in written statements furnished to the employer during the quarter. (4) If the tax imposed by section 3201 with respect to tips which constitute compensation exceeds the portion of such tax which can 1 Subsections (a) and (b) were amended by section 1903(a)(7) of P.L. 94–455. IRC Sec. 3202(c) 620 be collected by the employer from the compensation of the em- ployee pursuant to paragraph (1) or paragraph (3), such excess shall be paid by the employee. SUBCHAPTER B-TAX ON EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVES Sec. 3211. Rate of tax. Sec. 3212. Determination of compensation. SEC. 3211. RATE OF TAX. (a) In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on the income of each employee representative a tax equal to 9.5 percent plus the sum of the rates of tax imposed with respect to wages by sections 3101 (a), 3101 (b), 3111(a), and 3111(b) of so much of the compensa- tion paid in any calendar month to such employee representative for services rendered by him as is not in excess of an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable "wages" as defined in section 3121 for any month.¹ (b) In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on the income of each employee representative a tax at a rate equal to the rate of excise tax imposed on every employer, provided for in section 3221(c), for each man-hour for which compensation is paid to him for services rendered as an employee representative. SEC. 3212. DETERMINATION OF COMPENSATION. The compensation of an employee representative for the purpose of ascertaining the tax thereon shall be determined in the same manner and with the same effect as if the employee organization by which such employee representative is employed were an employer as defined in section 3231(a). SUBCHAPTER C-TAX ON EMPLOYERS Sec. 3221. Rate of tax. SEC. 3221. RATE OF TAX. (a) In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on every em- ployer an excise tax, with respect to having individuals in his employ, equal to 9.5 percent of so much of the compensation paid in any calen- dar month by such employer for services rendered to him as is, with respect to any employee for any calendar month, not in excess of an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable "wages" as defined in section 3121 for any month, except that if an employee is paid compensation by more than one employer for services rendered during any calendar month, the tax imposed by this section. shall apply to not more than an amount equal to one-twelfth of the 1 Section 3211(a) was amended by Public Law 94-93 and by section 1903 (a)(8) of Public Law 94-45ð. 621 IRC Sec. 3221(c) current maximum annual taxable "wages" as defined in section 3121 for any month of the aggregate compensation paid to such employee by all such employers for services rendered during such month, and each employer other than a subordinate unit of a national railway- labor-organization employer shall be liable for that proportion of the tax with respect to such compensation paid by all such employers which the compensation paid by him to the employee for services ren- dered during such months bears to the total compensation paid by all such employers to such employee for services rendered during such month; and in the event that the compensation so paid by such em- ployers to the employee for services rendered during such month is less than an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable "wages" as defined in section 3121 for any month each subordinate unit of a national railway-labor-organization employer shall be liable for such proportion of any additional tax as the com- pensation paid by such employer to such employee for services ren- dered during such month bears to the total compensation paid by all such employers to such employee for services rendered during such month. Where compensation for services rendered in a month is paid an employee by two or more employers, one of the employers who has knowledge of such joint employment may, by proper notice to the Secretary, and by agreement with such other employer or employers as to settlement of their respective liabilities under this section and section 3202, elect for the tax imposed by section 3201 and this section to apply to all of the compensation paid by such employer for such month as does not exceed the maximum amount of compensation in respect to which taxes are imposed by such section 3201 and this sec- tion; and in such a case the liability of such other employer or em- ployers under this section and section 3202 shall be limited to the dif- ference, if any, between the compensation paid in any calendar month by the electing employer and the maximum amount of compensation to which section 3201 and this section apply.¹ (b) The rate of tax imposed by subsection (a) shall be increased by the rate of tax imposed with respect to wages by section 3111(a) plus the rate imposed by section 3111(b).2 (c) In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on every employer an excise tax, with respect to having individuals in his employ, for each man-hour for which compensation is paid by such employer for services rendered to him during any calendar quarter, at such rate as will make available sufficient funds to meet the obligation to pay supplemental annuities at the level provided under section 3(j) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 as in effect on Decem- 1 Subsection (a) was amended by Public Law 94-93 and by sections 1903 (a) (9) (A) and 1906(b) (13) (G) of P.L. 94-455. 2 Subsection (b) was amended by section 1903(a) (9) (B) of P.L. 94–455. 21-746 O 78 - - 47 IRC Sec. 3221(c) 622 ber 31, 1974 and administrative expenses in connection therewith. For the purpose of this subsection, the Railroad Retirement Board is directed to determine what rate is required for each calendar quarter. The Railroad Retirement Board shall make the determinations pro- vided for not later than fifteen days before each calendar quarter. As soon as practicable after each determination of the rate, as provided in this subsection, the Railroad Retirement Board shall publish a no- tice in the Federal Register, and shall advise all employers, employee representatives, and the Secretary, of the rate so determined. With respect to daily, weekly, or monthly rates of compensation such tax shall apply to the number of hours comprehended in the rate to- gether with the number of overtime hours for which compensation in addition to the daily, weekly, or monthly rate is paid. With respect to compensation paid on a mileage or piecework basis such tax shall apply to the number of hours constituting the hourly equivalent of the compensation paid. Each employer of employees whose supplemental annuities are reduced pursuant to section 3 (j) (2) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 or section 2(h) (2) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974 shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this subsection an amount equivalent in each month to the aggregate amount of reductions in supplemental annuities accruing in such month to em- ployees of such employer. If the credit so allowed to such an employer for any month exceeds the tax liability of such employer accruing under this subsection in such month, the excess may be carried forward for credit against such taxes accruing in subsequent months but the total credit allowed by this paragraph to an employer shall not exceed the total of the taxes on such employer imposed by this subsection. At the end of each calendar quarter the Railroad Retirement Board shall certify to the Secretary with respect to each such employer the amount of credit accruing to such employer under this paragraph dur- ing such quarter and shall notify such employer as to the amount so certified.¹ (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (c) of this sec- tion, the tax imposed by such subsection (c) shall not apply to an employer with respect to employees who are covered by a supple- mental pension plan which is established pursuant to an agreement reached through collective bargaining between the employer and em- ployees. There is hereby imposed on every such employer and excise tax equal to the amount of the supplemental annuity paid to each such employee under section 2(b) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, plus a percentage thereof determined by the Railroad Retirement 1 Subsection (c) was amended by sections 1903 (a) (9) (C) and 1906(b)(13)(G) of P.L. 94-455. 623 IRC Sec. 3231(a) Board to be sufficient to cover the administrative costs attributable to such payments under section 2(b) of such Act. SUBCHAPTER D-GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 3231. Definitions. Sec. 3232. Court jurisdiction. Sec. 3233. Short title. SEC. 3231. DEFINITIONS.¹ 1 (a) EMPLOYER. For purposes of this chapter, the term "employer" means any carrier (as defined in subsection (g)), and any company which is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by one or more such carriers or under common control therewith, and which operates any equipment or facility or performs any service (except trucking service casual service, and the casual operation of equipment or facilities) in connection with the transportation of passengers or property by rail- road, or the receipt, delivery, elevation, transfer in transit, refrigera- tion or icing, storage, or handling of property transported by railroad, and any receiver, trustee, or other individual or body, judicial or otherwise, when in the possession of the property or operating all or any part of the business of any such employer; except that the term "employer" shall not include any street, interurban, or suburban elec- tric railway, unless such railway is operating as part of a general steam-railroad system of transportation, but shall not exclude any part of the general steam-railroad system of transportation now or hereafter operated by any other motive power. The Interstate Com- merce Commission is hereby authorized and directed upon request of the Secretary, or upon complaint of any party interested, to deter- mine after hearing whether any line operated by electric power falls within the terms of this exception. The term "employer" shall also include railroad associations, traffic associations, tariff bureaus, demurrage bureaus, weighing and inspection bureaus, col- lection agencies and other associations, bureaus, agencies, or organi- zations controlled and maintained wholly or principally by two or more employers as hereinbefore defined and engaged in the perform- ance of services in connection with or incidental to railroad trans- portation; and railway labor organizations, national in scope, which have been or may be organized in accordance with the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended (45 U.S.C., chapter 8), and their State and National legislative committees and their general committees and their insurance departments and their local lodges and divisions, established pursuant to the constitutions and bylaws of such organizations. The term "employer" shall not include any company by reason of its being engaged in the mining of coal, 1 Section 3231 was amended by section 1903 (a) (10) of P.L. 94-455. IRC Sec. 3231(a) 624 the supplying of coal to an employer where delivery is not beyond the mine tipple, and the operation of equipment or facilities therefor, or in any of such activities. (b) EMPLOYEE.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "employee" means any individual in the service of one or more employers for com- pensation; except that the term "employee" shall include an employee of a local lodge or division defined as an employer in subsection (a) only if he was in the service of or in the employment relation to a carrier on or after August 29, 1935. An individual shall be deemed to have been in the employment relation to a carrier on August 29, 1935, if- (1) he was on that date on leave of absence from his employ- ment, expressly granted to him by the carrier by whom he was employed, or by a duly authorized representative of such carrier, and the grant of such leave of absence was established to the satis- faction of the Railroad Retirement Board before July 1947; or (2) he was in the service of a carrier after August 29, 1935, and before January 1946 in each of 6 calendar months, whether or not consecutive; or (3) before August 29, 1935, he did not retire and was not re- tired or discharged from the service of the last carrier by whom he was employed or its corporate or operating successor, but― (A) solely by reason of his physical or mental disability he ceased before August 29, 1935, to be in the service of such carrier and thereafter remained continuously disabled until he attained age 65 or until August 1945, or (B) solely for such last stated reason a carrier by whom he was employed before August 29, 1935, or a carrier who is its successor did not on or after August 29, 1935, and before August 1945 call him to return to service, or (C) if he was so called he was solely for such reason un- able to render service in 6 calendar months as provided in paragraph (2); or (4) he was on August 29, 1935, absent from the service of a carrier by reason of a discharge which, within 1 year after the effective date thereof, was protested, to an appropriate labor rep- resentative or to the carrier, as wrongful, and which was fol- lowed within 10 years of the effective date thereof by his rein- statement in good faith to his former service with all his seniority rights; except that an individual shall not be deemed to have been on August 29, 1935, in the employment relation to a carrier if before that date he was granted a pension or gratuity on the basis of which a pension was awarded to him pursuant to section 6 of the Railroad Re- 625 IRC Sec. 3231(d) tirement Act of 1937 (45 U.S.C. 228f), or if during the last pay- roll period before August 29, 1935, in which he rendered a service to a carrier he was not in the service of an employer, in accordance with subsection (d), with respect to any service in such payroll period, or if he could have been in the employment relation to an employer only by reason of his having been, either before or after August 29, 1935, in the service of a local lodge or division defined as an employer in subsection (a). The term "employee" includes an officer of an em- ployer. The term "employee" shall not include any individual while such individual is engaged in the physical operations consisting of the mining of coal, the preparation of coal, the handling (other than movement by rail with standard railroad locomotives) of coal not beyond the mine tipple, or the loading of coal at the tipple. (c) EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVE.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "employee representative" means any officer or official repre- sentative of a railway labor organization other than a labor orga- nization included in the term "employer" as defined in subsection (a), who before or after June 29, 1937, was in the service of an employer as defined in subsection (a) and who is duly authorized and designated to represent employees in accordance with the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C., chapter 8), as amended, and any individual who is regu- larly assigned to or regularly employed by such officer or official representative in connection with the duties of his office. Ma (d) SERVICE. For purposes of this chapter, an individual is in the service of an employer whether his service is rendered within or with- out the United States, if- (1) he is subject to the continuing authority of the employer to supervise and direct the manner of rendition of his service, or he is rendering professional or technical services and is integrated into the staff of the employer, or he is rendering, on the property used in the employer's operations, other personal services the rendition of which is integrated into the employer's operations, and (2) he renders such service for compensation; except that an individual shall be deemed to be in the service of an employer, other than a local lodge or division or a general committee of a railway-labor-organization employer, not conducting the princi- pal part of its business in the United States, only when he is rendering service to it in the United States; and an individual shall be deemed to be in the service of such a local lodge or division only if— (3) all, or substantially all, the individuals constituting its membership are employees of an employer conducting the prin- cipal part of its business in the United States; or (4) the headquarters of such local lodge or division is located in the United States; IRC Sec. 3231(d) 626 and an individual shall be deemed to be in the service of such a general committee only if— (5) he is representing a local lodge or division described in paragraph (3) or (4) immediately above; or (6) all, or substantially all, the individuals represented by it are employees of an employer conducting the principal part of its business in the United States; or (7) he acts in the capacity of a general chairman or an assistant general chairman of a general committee which represents in- dividuals rendering service in the United States to an employer, but in such case if his office or headquarters is not located in the United States and the individuals represented by such general committee are employees of an employer not conducting the prin- cipal part of its business in the United States, only such propor- tion of the remuneration for such service shall be regarded as compensation as the proportion which the mileage in the United States under the jurisdiction of such general committee bears to the total mileage under its jurisdiction, unless such mileage for- mula is inapplicable, in which case such other formula as the Rail- road Retirement Board may have prescribed pursuant to section 1(c) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 (45 U.S.C. 228a) shall be applicable, and if the application of such mileage for- mula, or such other formula as the Board may prescribe, would result in the compensation of the individual being less than 10 percent of his remuneration for such service, no part of such remuneration shall be regarded as compensation; - Provided, however, That an individual not a citizen or resident of the United States shall not be deemed to be in the service of an employer when rendering service outside the United States to an employer who is required under the laws applicable in the place where the service is rendered to employ therein, in whole or in part, citizens or residents. thereof; and the laws applicable on August 29, 1935, in the place where the service is rendered shall be deemed to have been applicable there at all times prior to that date. (e) COMPENSATION. For purposes of this chapter— (1) The term "compensation" means any form of money remu- neration paid to an individual for services rendered as an em- ployee to one or more employers. Such term does not include (i) the amount of any payment (including any amount paid by an employer for insurance or annuities, or into a fund, to provide for any such payment) made to, or on behalf of, an employee or any of his dependents under a plan or system established by an em- 627 IRC Sec. 3231(e) ployer which makes provision for his employees generally (or for his employees generally and their dependents) or for a class or classes of his employees (or for a class or classes of his employees and their dependents), on account of sickness or accident dis- ability or medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with sickness or accident disability, (ii) tips (except as is provided under paragraph (3)), (iii) the voluntary payment by an em- ployer, without deduction from the remuneration of the employ- ee, of the tax imposed on such employee by section 3201, or (iv) an amount paid specifically-either as an advance, as reimburse- ment or allowance for traveling or other bona fide and nec- essary expenses incurred or reasonably expected to be incurred in the business of the employer provided any such payment is identified by the employer either by a separate payment or by specifically indicating the separate amounts where both wages and expense reimbursement or allowance are combined in a single payment. Compensation which is earned during the period for which the Secretary shall require a return of taxes under this chapter to be made and which is payable during the calendar month following such period shall be deemed to have been paid during such period only. For the purpose of determining the amount of taxes under sections 3201 and 3221, compensation earned in the service of a local lodge or division of a railway- labor-organization employer shall be disregarded with respect to any calendar month if the amount thereof is less than $25. Compensation for service as a delegate to a national or inter- national convention of a railway labor organization defined as an "employer" in subsection (a) of this section shall be disregarded for purposes of determining the amount of taxes due pursuant to this chapter if the individual rendering such service has not pre- viously rendered service, other than as such a delegate, which may be included in his "years of service" for purposes of the Rail- road Retirement Act.¹ (2) An employee shall be deemed to be paid compensation in the period during which such compensation is earned only upon a writ- ten request by such employee, made within six months following the payment, and a showing that such compensation was earned during a period other than the period in which it was paid. An em- ployee shall be deemed to be paid "for time lost" the amount he is paid by an employer with respect to an identifiable period of ab- 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by section 4 (b) of P.L. 94–547. f IRC Sec. 3231(e) 628 sence from the active service of the employer, including absence on account of personal injury, and the amount he is paid by the em- ployer for loss of earnings resulting from his displacement to a less remunerative position or occupation. If a payment is made by an employer with respect to a personal injury and includes pay for time lost, the total payment shall be deemed to be paid for time lost unless, at the time of payment, a part of such payment is specifically apportioned to factors other than time lost, in which event only such part of the payment as is not so apportioned shall be deemed to be paid for time lost. (3) Solely for purposes of the tax imposed by section 3201 and other provisions of this chapter insofar as they relate to such tax, the term "compensation" also includes cash tips received by an employee in any calendar month in the course of his employment by an employer unless the amount of such cash tips is less than $20.1 (f) COMPANY.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "company" includes corporations, associations, and joint-stock companies. (g) CARRIER.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "carrier" means an express company, sleeping-car company, or carrier by rail- road, subject to part I of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C., chapter 1). (h) TIPS CONSTITUTING COMPENSATION, TIME DEEMED PAID.-For purposes of this chapter, tips which constitute compensation for pur- poses of the tax imposed under section 3201 shall be deemed to be paid at the time a written statement including such tips is furnished to the employer pursuant to section 6053 (a) or (if no statement including such tips is so furnished) at the time received; and tips so deemed to be paid in any month shall be deemed paid for services rendered in such month. W SEC. 3232. COURT JURISDICTION. The several district courts of the United States shall have juris- diction to entertain an application by the Attorney General on behalf of the Secretary to compel an employee or other person residing within the jurisdiction of the court or an employer subject to service of proc- ess within its jurisdiction to comply with any obligations imposed on such employee, employer, or other person under the provisions of this chapter. The jurisdiction herein specifically conferred upon such Fed- eral courts shall not be held exclusive of any jurisdiction otherwise pos- sessed by such courts to entertain civil actions, whether legal or equi- ¹ Section 3231 (e) was amended by Public Laws 94-92 and 94–93. 629 IRC Sec. 3302(a) table in nature, in aid of the enforcement of rights or obligations aris- ing under the provisions of this chapter. SEC. 3233. SHORT TITLE. This chapter may be cited as the "Railroad Retirement Tax Act." CHAPTER 23—FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT TAX ACT Sec. 3301. Rate of tax__. Sec. 3302. Credits against tax--- Sec. 3303. Conditions of additional credit allowance_-- Sec. 3304. Approval of State laws. Sec. 3305. Applicability of State law.. Sec. 3306. Definitions_ I 1 Sec. 3307. Deductions as constructive payments__ Sec. 3308. Instrumentalities of the United States_ Sec. 3309. State law coverage of certain services performed for nonprofit organizations or governmental entities___ 1 Page¹ 629 629 634 639 644 647 658 659 Sec. 3310. Judicial review. Sec. 3311. Short title.. SEC. 3301. RATE OF TAX.2 There is hereby imposed on every employer (as defined in section 3306 (a)) for each calendar year an excise tax, with respect to having individuals in his employ, equal to— (1) 3.4 percent, in the case of a calendar year beginning before the first calendar year after 1976, as of January 1 of which there is not a balance of repayable advances made to the extended un- employed compensation account (established by section 905 (a) of the Social Security Act); or (2) 3.2 percent, in the case of such first calendar year and each calendar year thereafter; 1 659 660 661 of the total wages (as defined in section 3306 (b)) paid by him during the calendar year with respect to employment (as defined in section 3306 (c)). SEC. 3302. CREDITS AGAINST TAX.³ (a) CONTRIBUTIONS TO STATE UNEMPLOYMENT FUNDS. (1) The taxpayer may, to the extent provided in this subsec- tion and subsection (c), credit against the tax imposed by section 3301 the amount of contributions paid by him into an unemploy- 1 Page references do not appear in the law. 2 Section 3301 was amended by section 1903 (a) (11) of Public Law 94-455 and by section 211(b) of Public Law 94-566 (effective with respect to remuneration paid after December 31, 1976). 3 Section 3302 was amended by section 1903(a)(12) of Public Law 94-455. IRC Sec. 3302(a) 630 ment fund maintained during the taxable year under the unem- ployment compensation law of a State which is certified as provided in section 3304 for the 12-month period ending on Octo- ber 31 of such year. C (2) The credit shall be permitted against the tax for the tax- able year only for the amount of contributions paid with respect to such taxable year. (3) The credit against the tax for any taxable year shall be permitted only for contributions paid on or before the last day upon which the taxpayer is required under section 6071 to file a return for such year; except that credit shall be permitted for contributions paid after such last day, but such credit shall not exceed 90 percent of the amount which would have been allowable as credit on account of such contributions had they been paid on or before such last day. (4) Upon the payment of contributions into the unemployment fund of a State which are required under the unemployment com- pensation law of that State with respect to remuneration on the basis of which, prior to such payment into the proper fund, the taxpayer erroneously paid an amount as contributions under an- other unemployment compensation law, the payment into the proper fund shall, for purposes of credit against the tax, be deemed to have been made at the time of the erroneous payment. If, by reason of such other law, the taxpayer was entitled to cease paying contributions with respect to services subject to such other law, the payment into the proper fund shall, for purposes of credit against the tax, be deemed to have been made on the date the return for the taxable year was filed under section 6071. (b) ADDITIONAL CREDIT.-In addition to the credit allowed under subsection (a), a taxpayer may credit against the tax imposed by section 3301 for any taxable year an amount, with respect to the un- employment compensation law of each State certified as provided in section 3303 for the 12-month period ending on October 31, of such year, or with respect to any provisions thereof so certified, equal to the amount, if any, by which the contributions required to be paid by him with respect to the taxable year were less than the contributions such taxpayer would have been required to pay if throughout the taxable year he had been subject under such State law to the highest rate ap- plied thereunder in such 12-month period to any person having indi- viduals in his employ, or to a rate of 2.7 percent, whichever rate is lower. 631 IRC Sec. 3302(c) (c) LIMIT ON TOTAL CREDITS.- (1) The total credits allowed to a taxpayer under this section shall not exceed 90 percent of the tax against which such credits aro allowable. (2) If an advance or advances have been made to the un- employment account of a State under title XII of the Social Security Act, then the total credits (after applying subsections (a) and (b) and paragraph (1) of this subsection) otherwise allow- able under this section for the taxable year in the case of a tax- payer subject to the unemployment compensation law of such State shall be reduced- (A)(i) in the case of a taxable year beginning with the second consecutive January 1 as of the beginning of which there is a balance of such advances, by 10 percent of the tax imposed by section 3301 with respect to the wages paid by such taxpayer during such taxable year which are attribut- able to such State; and (ii) in the case of any succeeding taxable year beginning with a consecutive January 1 as of the beginning of which there is a balance of such advances, by an additional 10 per- cent, for each such succeeding taxable year, of the tax imposed by section 3301 with respect to the wages paid by such tax- payer during such taxable year which are attributable to such State; (B) in the case of a taxable year beginning with the third or fourth consecutive January 1 as of the beginning of which there is a balance of such advances, by the amount determined by multiplying the wages paid by such taxpayer during such taxable year which are attributable to such State by the per- centage (if any) by which- (i) 2.7 percent, exceeds (ii) the average employer contribution rate for such State for the calendar year preceding such taxable year; and (C) in the case of a taxable year beginning with the fifth or any succeeding consecutive January 1 as of the beginning of which there is a balance of such advances, by the amount determined by multiplying the wages paid by such taxpayer during such taxable year which are attributable to such State by the percentage (if any) by which— (i) the 5-year benefit cost rate applicable to such State for such taxable year or (if higher) 2.7 percent, exceeds IRC Sec. 3302(c) Revised April 1977 632 (ii) the average employer contribution rate for such State for the calendar year preceding such taxable year. The provisions of the preceding sentence shall not be applicable with respect to the taxable year beginning January 1, 1975, or any suc- ceeding taxable year which begins before January 1, 1980; and, for purposes of such sentence, January 1, 1980, shall be deemed to be the first January 1 occurring after January 1, 1974, and consecutive tax- able years in the period commencing January 1, 1980, shall be deter- mined as if the taxable year which begins on January 1, 1980, were the taxable year immediately succeeding the taxable year which began on January 1, 1974.¹ (3) If the Secretary of Labor determines that a State, or State agency, has not— (A) entered into the agreement described in section 239 of the Trade Act of 1974, with the Secretary of Labor before July 15, 1975, or (B) fulfilled its commitments under an agreement with the Secretary of Labor as described in section 239 of the Trade Act of 1974, then, in the case of a taxpayer subject to the unemployment compen- sation law of such State, the total credits (after applying subsections (a) and (b) and paragraphs (1) and (2) of this section) other- wise allowable under this section for a year during which such State or agency does not enter into or fulfill such an agreement shall be reduced by 15 percent of the tax imposed with respect to wages paid by such taxpayer during such year which are attributable to such State.2 (d) DEFINITIONS AND SPECIAL RULES RELATING TO SUBSECTION (c).— (1) RATE OF TAX DEEMED TO BE 3 PERCENT.—In applying sub- section (c), the tax imposed by section 3301 shall be computed at the rate of 3 percent in lieu of the rate provided by such section. (2) WAGES ATTRIBUTABLE TO A PARTICULAR STATE. For pur- poses of subsection (c), wages shall be attributable to a particu- lar State if they are subject to the unemployment compensation law of the State, or (if not subject to the unemployment com- pensation law of any State) if they are determined (under rules or regulations prescribed by the Secretary) to be attributable to such State. (3) ADDITIONAL TAXES INAPPLICABLE WHERE ADVANCES ARE RE- PAID BEFORE NOVEMBER 10 OF TAXABLE YEAR.—Paragraph (2) of subsection (c) shall not apply with respect to any State 1 This sentence was added to paragraph (2) by Public Law 94-45 subject to the condi- tions specified in section 110(b) of such Public Law (see p. 763). It was amended by sec- tion 201 of P.L. 95-19, subject to the same conditions (see p. 795). 2 Paragraph (3) was amended by Public Law 94-45. 633 IRC Sec. 3302(d) for the taxable year if (as of the beginning of November 10 of such year) there is no balance of advances referred to in such paragraph. (4) AVERAGE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION RATE.-For purposes of subparagraphs (B) and (C) of subsection (c)(2), the average employer contribution rate for any State for any calendar year is that percentage obtained by dividing— (A) the total of the contributions paid into the State unem- ployment fund with respect to such calendar year, by (B) the total of the remuneration subject to contributions under the State unemployment compensation law with re- spect to such calendar year. For purposes of subparagraph (C) of subsection (c) (2), if the average employer contribution rate for any State for any cal- endar year (determined without regard to this sentence) equals or exceeds 2.7 percent, such rate shall be determined by increas- ing the amount taken into account under subparagraph (A) of the preceding sentence by the aggregate amount of employee pay- ments (if any) into the unemployment fund of such State with respect to such calendar year which are to be used solely in the payment of unemployment compensation. (5) 5-YEAR BENEFIT COST RATE.—For purposes of subparagraph (C) of subsection (c) (2), the 5-year benefit cost rate applicable to any State for any taxable year is that percentage obtained by dividing- (A) one-fifth of the total of the compensation paid under the State unemployment compensation law during the 5-year period ending at the close of the second calendar year pre- ceding such taxable year, by (B) the total of the remuneration subject to contributions. under the State unemployment compensation law with re- spect to the first calendar year preceding such taxable year. (6) ROUNDING.-If any percentage referred to in either sub- paragraph (B) or (C) of subsection (c) (2) is not a multiple of .1 percent, it shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of .1 percent. (7) DETERMINATION AND CERTIFICATION OF PERCENTAGES.—The percentage referred to in subsection (c)(2) (B) or (C) for any taxable year for any State having a balance referred to therein shall be determined by the Secretary of Labor, and shall be certi- fied by him to the Secretary of the Treasury before June 1 of such year, on the basis of a report furnished by such State to the Secretary of Labor before May 1 of such year. Any such State report shall be made as of the close of March 31 of the taxable year, and shall be made on such forms, and shall contain such IRC Sec. 3302(d) 634 information, as the Secretary of Labor deems necessary to the performance of his duties under this section. (e) SUCCESSOR EMPLOYER.-Subject to the limits provided by sub- section (c), if— (1) an employer acquires during any calendar year substan- tially all the property used in the trade or business of another person, or used in a separate unit of a trade or business of such other person, and immediately after the acquisition employs in his trade or business one or more individuals who immediately prior to the acquisition were employed in the trade or business of such other person, and (2) such other person is not an employer for the calendar year in which the acquisition takes place, then, for the calendar year in which the acquisition takes place, in addition to the credits allowed under subsections (a) and (b), such employer may credit against the tax imposed by section 3301 for such year an amount equal to the credits which (without regard to sub- section (c)) would have been allowable to such other person under subsections (a) and (b) and this subsection for such year, if such other person had been an employer, with respect to remuneration subject to contributions under the unemployment compensation law of a State paid by such other person to the individual or individuals described in paragraph (1). SEC. 3303. CONDITIONS OF ADDITIONAL CREDIT AL- LOWANCE. (a) STATE STANDARDS.—A taxpayer shall be allowed an additional credit under section 3302 (b) with respect to any reduced rate of contributions permitted by a State law, only if the Secretary of Labor finds that under such law- (1) no reduced rate of contributions to a pooled fund or to a partially pooled account is permitted to a person (or group of persons) having individuals in his (or their) employ except on the basis of his (or their) experience with respect to unemploy- ment or other factors bearing a direct relation to unemployment risk during not less than the 3 consecutive years immediately pre- ceding the computation date; (2) no reduced rate of contributions to a guaranteed employ- ment account is permitted to a person (or a group of persons) having individuals in his (or their) employ unless— (A) the guaranty of remuneration was fulfilled in the year preceding the computation date; and (B) the balance of such account amounts to not less than 22 percent of that part of the payroll or payrolls for the Revised April 1978 635 IRC Sec. 3303(b) 3 years preceding the computation date by which contribu- tions to such account were measured; and (C) such contributions were payable to such account with respect to 3 years preceding the computation date; (3) no reduced rate of contributions to a reserve account is permitted to a person (or group of persons) having individuals in his (or their) employ unless- (A) compensation has been payable from such account throughout the year preceding the computation date, and (B) the balance of such account amounts to not less than five times the largest amount of compensation paid from such account within any 1 of the 3 years preceding such date, and (C) the balance of such account amounts to not less than 212 percent of that part of the payroll or payrolls for the 3 years preceding such date by which contributions to such account were measured, and (D) such contributions were payable to such account with respect to the 3 years preceding the computation date. For any person (or group of persons) who has (or have) not been subject to the State law for a period of time sufficient to compute. the reduced rates permitted by paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of this subsection on a 3-year basis (i) the period of time required may be reduced to the amount of time the person (or group of persons) has (or have) had experience under or has (or have) been subject to the State law, whichever is appropriate, but in no case less than 1 year immediately preceding the computation date, or (ii) a reduced rate (not less than 1 percent) may be permitted by the State law on a rea- sonable basis other than as permitted by paragraph (1), (2), or (3). (b) CERTIFICATION BY THE SECRETARY OF LABOR WITH RESPECT TO ADDITIONAL CREDIT ALLOWANCE.-1 (1) On October 31 of each calendar year, the Secretary of Labor shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the law of each State (certified by the Secretary of Labor as provided in section 3304 for the 12-month period ending on such October 31), with respect to which he finds that reduced rates of contributions were allowable with respect to such 12-month period only in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a). (2) If the Secretary of Labor finds that under the law of a single State (certified by the Secretary of Labor as provided in section 3304) more than one type of fund or account is maintained, and reduced rates of contributions to more than one type of fund 1 Subsection (b) was amended by sections 1903 (a) (13) and 1906(b) (13) (C) of P.L. 94-455. IRC Sec. 3303(b) 636 or account were allowable with respect to any 12-month period ending on October 31, and one or more of such reduced rates were allowable under conditions not fulfilling the requirements of sub- section (a), the Secretary of Labor shall, on such October 31, certify to the Secretary of the Treasury only those provisions of the State law pursuant to which reduced rates of contributions. were allowable with respect to such 12-month period, under condi- tions fulfilling the requirements of subsection (a), and shall, in connection therewith, designate the kind of fund or account, as defined in subsection (c), established by the provisions so certi- fied. If the Secretary of Labor finds that a part of any reduced rate of contributions payable under such law or under such pro- visions is required to be paid into one fund or account and a part into another fund or account, the Secretary of Labor shall make such certification pursuant to this paragraph as he finds will assure the allowance of additional credits only with respect to that part of the reduced rate of contributions which is allowed under provisions which do fulfill the requirements of subsec- tion (a). + (3) The Secretary of Labor shall, within 30 days after any State law is submitted to him for such purpose, certify to the State agency his findings with respect to reduced rates of con- tributions to a type of fund or account, as defined in subsection (c), which are allowable under such State law only in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a). After making such findings, the Secretary of Labor shall not withhold his certification to the Secretary of such State law, or of the provisions thereof with respect to which such findings were made, for any 12-month period ending on October 31 pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) unless, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency, the Secretary of Labor finds the State law no longer contains the provisions specified in subsection (a) or the State has, with respect to such 12-month period, failed to comply sub- stantially with any such provision. (c) DEFINITIONS.-As used in this section- (1) RESERVE ACCOUNT.-The term "reserve account" means a separate account in an unemployment fund, maintained with re- spect to a person (or group of persons) having individuals in his (or their) employ, from which account, unless such account is exhausted, is paid all and only compensation payable on the basis of services performed for such person (or for one or more of the persons comprising the group). (2) POOLED FUND. The term "pooled fund" means an unem- ployment fund or any part thereof (other than a reserve account 637 IRC Sec. 3303 (c) or a guaranteed employment account) into which the total con- tributions of persons contributing thereto are payable, in which all contributions are mingled and undivided, and from which compensation is payable to all individuals eligible for compensa- tion from such fund. (3) PARTIALLY POOLED ACCOUNT.-The term "partially pooled account" means a part of an unemployment fund in which part of the fund all contributions thereto are mingled and undivided, and from which part of the fund compensation is payable only to individuals to whom compensation would be payable from a re- serve account or from a guaranteed employment account but for the exhaustion or termination of such reserve account or of such guaranteed employment account. Payments from a reserve ac- count or guaranteed employment account into a partially pooled account shall not be construed to be inconsistent with the provi- sions of paragraph (1) or (4). (4) GUARANTEED EMPLOYMENT ACCOUNT.—The term “guaran- teed employment account" means a separate acccount, in an un- employment fund, maintained with respect to a person (or group of persons) having individuals in his (or their) employ who, in accordance with the provisions of the State law or of a plan there- under approved by the State agency, (A) guarantees in advance at least 30 hours of work, for which remuneration will be paid at not less than stated rates, for each of 40 weeks (or if more, 1 weekly hour may be de- ducted for each added week guaranteed) in a year, to all the individuals who are in his (or their) employ in, and who continue to be available for suitable work in, one or more distinct establishments, except that any such individual's guaranty may commence after a probationary period (in- cluded within the 11 or less consecutive weeks immediately following the first week in which the individual renders services), and (B) give security or assurance, satisfactory to the State agency, for the fulfillment of such guaranties, from which account, unless such account is exhausted or terminated, is paid all and only compensation, payable on the basis of serv- ices performed for such person (or for one or more of the persons comprising the group), to any such individual whose guaranteed remuneration has not been paid (either pursuant to the guaranty or from the security or assurance provided for the fulfillment of the guaranty), or whose guaranty is not renewed and who is otherwise eligible for compensation under the State law. 21-746 O - 78 - 48 IRC Sec. 3303(c) 638 (5) YEAR. The term "year" means any 12 consecutive calendar months. (6) BALANCE.-The term "balance", with respect to a reserve account or a guaranteed employment account, means the amount standing to the credit of the account as of the computation date; except that, if subsequent to January 1, 1940, any moneys have been paid into or credited to such account other than payments thereto by persons having individuals in their employ, such term shall mean the amount in such account as of the computation date less the total of such other moneys paid into or credited to such account subsequent to January 1, 1940. (7) COMPUTATION DATE.-The term "computation date" means the date, occurring at least once in each calendar year and within 27 weeks prior to the effective date of new rates of contributions, as of which such rates are computed. (8) REDUCED RATE.-The term "reduced rate" means a rate of contributions lower than the standard rate applicable under the State law, and the term "standard rate” means the rate on the basis of which variations therefrom are computed. (d) VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS.-A State law may, without being deemed to violate the standards set forth in subsection (a), permit voluntary contributions to be used in the computation of reduced rates if such contributions are paid prior to the expiration of 120 days after the beginning of the year for which such rates are effective. (e) PAYMENTS BY CERTAIN NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS.-A State may, without being deemed to violate the standards set forth in sub- section (a), permit an organization (or a group of organizations) de- scribed in section 501 (c) (3) which is exempt from income tax under section 501(a) to elect (in lieu of paying contributions) to pay into the State unemployment fund amounts equal to the amounts of com- pensation attributable under the State law to service performed in the employ of such organization (or group). (f) TRANSITION.-To facilitate the orderly transition to coverage of service to which section 3309(a)(1)(A) applies, a State law may provide that an organization (or group of organizations) which elects before April 1, 1972, to make payments (in lieu of contributions) into the State unemployment fund as provided in section 3309 (a) (2), and which had paid contributions into such fund under the State law with respect to such service performed in its employ before Janu- ary 1, 1969, is not required to make any such payments (in lieu of contributions) on account of compensation paid after its election as heretofore described which is attributable under the State law to service performed in its employ, until the total of such compensation equals the amount— - 639 IRC Sec. 3304(a) (1) by which the contributions paid by such organization (or group) with respect to a period before the election provided by section 3309 (a) (2), exceed (2) the unemployment compensation for the same period which was charged to the experience-rating account of such organiza- tion (or group) or paid under the State law on the basis of wages paid by it or service performed in its employ, whichever is appropriate.¹ (g) TRANSITIONAL RULE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION AMENDMENTS or 1976.-To facilitate the orderly transition to cover- age of service to which section 3309 (a) (1) (A) applies by reason of the enactment of the Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1976, a State law may provide that an organization (or group of organizations) which elects, when such election first becomes avail- able under the State law with respect to such service, to make pay- ments (in lieu of contributions) into the State unemployment fund as provided in section 3309 (a) (2), and which had paid contributions into such fund under the State law with respect to such service per- formed in its employ before the date of the enactment of this sub- section, is not required to make any such payment (in lieu of con- tributions) on account of compensation paid after its election as heretofore described which is attributable under the State law to such service performed in its employ, until the total of such compen- sation equals the amount- - (1) by which the contributions paid by such organization (or group) on the basis of wages for such service with respect to a period before the election provided by section 3309 (a) (2), exceed (2) the unemployment compensation for the same period which was charged to the experience-rating account of such orga- nization (or group) or paid under the State law on the basis of such service performed in its employ or wages paid for such service, whichever is appropriate.2 SEC. 3304. APPROVAL OF STATE LAWS.³ (a) REQUIREMENTS.-The Secretary of Labor shall approve any State law submitted to him, within 30 days of such submission, which he finds provides that- (1) all compensation is to be paid through public employment offices or such other agencies as the Secretary of Labor may approve; (2) no compensation shall be payable with respect to any day of unemployment occurring within 2 years after the first day of the first period with respect to which contributions are required; 1 Subsection (f) was amended by section 122 of P.L. 94–566. 2 Subsection (g) was added by section 122 of P.L. 94-566. 3 Section 3304 was amended by sections 1903 (a)(14) and 1906 (b) (13) (C) and (E) of of P.L. 94-455. IRC Sec. 3304(a) Revised April 1977 640 (3) all money received in the unemployment fund shall (ex- cept for refunds of sums erroneously paid into such fund and except for refunds paid in accordance with the provisions of sec- tion 3305(b)) immediately upon such receipt be paid over to the Secretary of the Treasury to the credit of the Unemployment Trust Fund established by section 904 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1104); (4) all money withdrawn from the unemployment fund of the State shall be used solely in the payment of unemployment com- pensation, exclusive of expenses of administration, and for re- funds of sums erroneously paid into such fund and refunds paid in accordance with the provisions of section 3305 (b); except that- (A) an amount equal to the amount of employee payments into the unemployment fund of a State may be used in the payment of cash benefits to individuals with respect to their disability, exclusive of expenses of administration; and (B) the amounts specified by section 903 (c) (2) of the Social Security Act may, subject to the conditions prescribed in such section, be used for expenses incurred by the State for administration of its unemployment compensation law and public employment offices; (5) compensation shall not be denied in such State to any otherwise eligible individual for refusing to accept new work un- der any of the following conditions: (A) if the position offered is vacant due directly to a strike, lockout, or other labor dispute; (B) if the wages, hours, or other conditions of the work offered are substantially less favorable to the individual than those prevailing for similar work in the locality; (C) if as a condition of being employed the individual would be required to join a company union or to resign from or refrain from joining any bona fide labor organization; (6) (A) compensation is payable on the basis of service to which section 3309 (a) (1) applies, in the same amount, on the same terms, and subject to the same conditions as compensation payable on the basis of other service subject to such law; except that- (i) with respect to services in an instructional, research, or principal administrative capacity for an educational insti- tution to which section 3309 (a) (1) applies, compensation shall not be payable based on such services for any week com- mencing during the period between two successive academic years or terms (or, when an agreement provides instead for a similar period between two regular but not successive terms, Revised April 1978 641 IRC Sec. 3304(a) during such period) to any individual if such individual per- forms such services in the first of such academic years (or terms) and if there is a contract or reasonable assurance that such individual will perform services in any such capacity for any educational institution in the second of such academic years or terms, (ii) with respect to services in any other capacity for an educational institution (other than an institution of higher education) to which section 3309 (a) (1) applies, compensa- tion payable on the basis of such services may be denied to any individual for any week which commences during a period between two successive academic years or terms if such individual performs such services in the first of such aca- demic years or terms and there is a reasonable assurance that such individual will perform such services in the second of such academic years or terms, (iii) with respect to any services described in clause (i) or (ii), compensation payable on the basis of such services may be denied to any individual for any week which commences during an established and customary vacation period or holi- day recess if such individual performs such services in the period immediately before such vacation period or holiday recess, and there is a reasonable assurance that such individual will perform such services in the period immediately follow- ing such vacation period or holiday recess, (iv) with respect to any services described in clause (i) or (ii), compensation payable on the basis of services in any such capacity may be denied as specified in clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) to any individual who performed such services in an educational institution while in the employ of an educa- tional service agency, and for this purpose the term "educa- tional service agency" means a governmental agency or governmental entity which is established and operated ex- clusively for the purpose of providing such services to one or more educational institutions, and ¹ G (B) payments (in lieu of contributions) with respect to serv- ice to which section 3309 (a) (1) applies may be made into the State unemployment fund on the basis set forth in section 3309 (a) (2); 2 (7) an individual who has received compensation during his benefit year is required to have had work since the beginning of such year in order to qualify for compensation in his next benefit year; 1 Subparagraph (A) was amended by sec. 115(c) of P.L. 94-566, sec. 302(c) of P.L. 95-19, and sec. 2 of P.L. 95–171. * Subparagraph (B) was amended by section 506(b) of P.L. 94-566. * IRC Sec. 3304(a) Revised April 1978 642 (8) compensation shall not be denied to an individual for any week because he is in training with the approval of the State agency (or because of the application, to any such week in train- ing, of State law provisions relating to availability for work, active search for work, or refusal to accept work); (9) (A) compensation shall not be denied or reduced to an in- dividual solely because he files a claim in another State (or a contiguous country with which the United States has an agree- ment with respect to unemployment compensation) or because he resides in another State (or such a contiguous country) at the time he files a claim for unemployment compensation; (B) the State shall participate in any arrangements for the payment of compensation on the basis of combining an individ- ual's wages and employment covered under the State law with his wages and employment covered under the unemployment compen- sation law of other States which are approved by the Secretary of Labor in consultation with the State unemployment compensation agencies as reasonably calculated to assure the prompt and full payment of compensation in such situations. Any such arrange- ment shall include provisions for (i) applying the base period of a single State law to a claim involving the combining of an individual's wages and employment covered under two or more State laws, and (ii) avoiding duplicate use of wages and employ- ment by reason of such combining; (10) compensation shall not be denied to any individual by reason of cancellation of wage credits or total reduction of his benefit rights for any cause other than discharge for misconduct connected with his work, fraud in connection with a claim for compensation, or receipt of disqualifying income; (11) extended compensation shall be payable as provided by the Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970. (12) no person shall be denied compensation under such State law solely on the basis of pregnancy or termination of pregnancy; 1 (13) compensation shall not be payable to any individual on the basis of any services, substantially all of which consist of participating in sports or athletic events or training or prepar- ing to so participate, for any week which commences during the period between two successive sport seasons (or similar periods) if such individual performed such services in the first of such seasons (or similar periods) and there is a reasonable assurance 1 Paragraph (12) was amended, effective for 1978 and subsequent-year certifications, by section 312 of P.L. 94–566. Revised April 1978 IRC Sec. 3304(a) 643 that such individual will perform such services in the later of such seasons (or similar periods); 1 (14) (A) compensation shall not be payable on the basis of services performed by an alien unless such alien is an individual who was lawfully admitted for permanent residence at the time such services were performed, was lawfully present for pur- poses of performing such services, or was permanently residing in the United States under color of law at the time such services were performed (including an alien who was lawfully present in the United States as a result of the application of the provi- sions of section 203 (a) (7) or section 212 (d) (5) of the Immi- gration and Nationality Act),2 (B) any data or information required of individuals applying for compensation to determine whether compensation is not pay- able to them because of their alien status shall be uniformly required from all applicants for compensation, and (C) in the case of an individual whose application for com- pensation would otherwise be approved, no determination by the State agency that compensation to such individual is not payable because of his alien status shall be made except upon a preponder- ance of the evidence; 1 (15) the amount of compensation payable to an individual for any week which begins after March 31, 1980, and which begins in a period with respect to which such individual is receiving a governmental or other pension, retirement or retired pay, annuity, or any other similar periodic payment which is based on the previous work of such individual shall be reduced (but not below zero) by an amount equal to the amount of such pension, retire- ment or retired pay, annuity, or other payment, which is reason- ably attributable to such week; 13 - (16) (A) wage information contained in the records of the agency administering the State law which is necessary (as deter- mined by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in regulations) for purposes of determining an individual's eligibil- ity for aid or services, or the amount of such aid or services, under a State plan for aid and services to needy families with children approved under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act, shall be made available to a State or political subdivision thereof 1 Paragraphs (13), (14), and (15) were added (and the former paragraph (13) was redesignated as (16)) by section 314 of P.L. 94-566 effective for certifications starting 1978 (1979 in the case of States whose legislatures have no regular session in 1977). 2 Subparagraph (A) was amended by section 302 (a) of P.L. 95-19. 3 Paragraph (15) was amended by section 302(e) of P.L. 95–19. Revised April 1978 IRC Sec. 3304 (c) 643-A when such information is specifically requested by such State or political subdivision for such purposes, and (B) such safeguards are established as are necessary (as de- termined by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in regulations) to insure that such information is used only for the purposes authorized under subparagraph (A);¹ (17) all the rights, privileges, or immunities conferred by such law or by acts done pursuant thereto shall exist subject to the power of the legislature to amend or repeal such law at any time.¹ (b) NOTIFICATION.-The Secretary of Labor shall, upon approving such law, notify the governor of the State of his approval. (c) CERTIFICATION.-On October 31 of each taxable year the Secre- tary of Labor shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury each State whose law he has previously approved, except that he shall not certify any State which, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency, the Secretary of Labor finds has amended its law so that it no longer contains the provisions specified in subsection (a) or has with respect to the 12-month period ending on such October 31 failed to comply substantially with any such provision in such sub- section. No finding of a failure to comply substantially with any pro- vision in paragraph (5) of subsection (a) shall be based on an applica- tion or interpretation of State law (1) until all administrative review provided for under the laws of the State has been exhausted, or (2) with respect to which the time for judicial review provided by the laws 1 Paragraph (16) was added (and the former paragraph (16) was redesignated as (17)) by section 403(b) of P.L. 95–216. IRC Sec. 3304(c) Revised April 1978 644 of the State has not expired, or (3) with respect to which any judicial review is pending. On October 31 of any taxable year after 1971, the Secretary of Labor shall not certify any State which, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency, the Secretary of Labor finds has failed to amend its law so that it contains each of the provisions required by reason of the exactment of the Employment Security Amendments of 1970 to be included therein, or has with respect to the 12-month period ending on such October 31, failed to comply substantially with any such provision. On October 31 of any taxable year after 1977, the Secretary shall not certify any State which, after reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing to the State agency, the Secretary of Labor finds has failed to amend its law so that it contains each of the provisions required by reason of the enact- ment of the Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1976 to be included therein, or has with respect to the 12-month period ending on such October 31, failed to comply substantially with any such provision.¹ (d) NOTICE OF NONCERTIFICATION.-If at any time the Secretary of Labor has reason to believe that a State whose law he has previously approved may not be certified under subsection (c), he shall promptly so notify the governor of such State. (e) CHANGE OF LAW DURING 12-MONTH PERIOD.-Whenever- (1) any provision of this section, section 3302, or section 3303 refers to a 12-month period ending on October 31 of a year, and (2) the law applicable to one portion of such period differs from the law applicable to another portion of such period, then such provision shall be applied by taking into account for each such portion the law applicable to such portion. (f) DEFINITION OF INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION.-For pur- poses of subsection (a) (6), the term "institution of higher education" means an educational institution in any State which— (1) admits as regular students only individuals having a certificate of graduation from a high school, or the recognized equivalent of such a certificate; (2) is legally authorized within such State to provide a pro- gram of education beyond high school; (3) provides an educational program for it which awards a bachelor's or higher degree, or provides a program which is acceptable for full credit toward such a degree, or offers a pro- gram of training to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation; and (4) is a public or other nonprofit institution.2 1 Subsection (c) was amended effective starting with certifications for 1978 by section 312 of P.L. 94-566. The first reference to "the Secretary" in the last sentence apparently should refer to "the Secretary of Labor." 2 Subsection (f) was added by section 115(c) (5) of P.L. 94–566. Revised April 1977 IRC Sec. 3305(a) 644-A SEC. 3305. APPLICABILITY OF STATE LAW 1 (a) INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE.-No person required un- der a State law to make payments to an unemployment fund shall be relieved from compliance therewith on the ground that he is en- gaged in interstate or foreign commerce, or that the State law does not distinguish between employees engaged in interstate or foreign commerce and those engaged in intrastate commerce. (b) FEDERAL INSTRUMENTALITIES IN GENERAL.-The legislature of any State may require any instrumentality of the United States (other than an instrumentality to which section 3306 (c) (6) applies), and the individuals in its employ, to make contributions to an unem- ployment fund under a State unemployment compensation law ap- proved by the Secretary of Labor under section 3304 and (except as - ¹ Section 3305 was amended by sections 1903 (a)(15) and 1906(b) (13) (C) of P.L. 94-455. 645 IRC Sec. 3305(d) provided in section 5240 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (12 U.S.C., sec. 484), and as modified by subsection (c)), to comply other- wise with such law. The permission granted in this subsection shall apply (A) only to the extent that no discrimination is made against such instrumentality, so that if the rate of contribution is uniform upon all other persons subject to such law on account of having in- dividuals in their employ, and upon all employees of such persons, respectively, the contributions required of such instrumentality or the individuals in its employ shall not be at a greater rate than is required of such other persons and such employees, and if the rates are deter- mined separately for different persons or classes of persons having individuals in their employ or for different classes of employees, the determination shall be based solely upon unemployment experience and other factors bearing a direct relation to unemployment risk; (B) only if such State law makes provision for the refund of any contribu- tions required under such law from an instrumentality of the United States or its employees for any year in the event such State is not certified by the Secretary of Labor under section 3304 with respect to such year; and (C) only if such State law makes provision for the payment of unemployment compensation to any employee of any such instrumentality of the United States in the same amount, on the same terms, and subject to the same conditions as unemployment compen- sation is payable to employees of other employers under the State unemployment compensation law. (c) NATIONAL BANKS.-Nothing contained in section 5240 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (12 U.S.C. 484), shall prevent any State from requiring any national banking association to render re- turns and reports relative to the association's employees, their remu- neration and services, to the same extent that other persons are re- quired to render like returns and reports under a State law requir- ing contributions to an unemployment fund. The Comptroller of the Currency shall, upon receipt of a copy of any such return or report of a national banking association from, and upon request of, any duly authorized official, body, or commission of a State, cause an examina- tion of the correctness of such return or report to be made at the time of the next succeeding examination of such association, and shall thereupon transmit to such official, body, or commission a complete statement of his findings respecting the accuracy of such returns or reports. (d) FEDERAL PROPERTY.-No person shall be relieved from compli- ance with a State unemployment compensation law on the ground that services were performed on land or premises owned, held, or possessed by the United States, and any State shall have full jurisdic- tion and power to enforce the provisions of such law to the same extent IRC Sec. 3305(d) 646 and with the same effect as though such place were not owned, held, or possessed by the United States. (e) BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATOR.-[Repealed.] (f) AMERICAN VESSELS.-The legislature of any State in which a person maintains the operating office, from which the operations of an American vessel operating on navigable waters within or within and without the United States are ordinarily and regularly supervised, managed, directed and controlled, may require such person and the officers and members of the crew of such vessel to make contributions to its unemployment fund under its State unemployment compensa- tion law approved by the Secretary of Labor under section 3301 and otherwise to comply with its unemployment compensation law with respect to the service performed by an officer or member of the crew on or in connection with such vessel to the same extent and with the same effect as though such service was performed entirely within such State. Such person and the officers and members of the crew of such vessel shall not be required to make contributions, with respect to such service, to the unemployment fund of any other State. The permis- sion granted by this subsection is subject to the condition that such service shall be treated, for purposes of wage credits given employees, like other service subject to such State unemployment compensation law performed for such person in such State, and also subject to the same limitation, with respect to contributions required from such per- son and from the officers and members of the crew of such vessel, as is imposed by the second sentence (other than clause (B) thereof) of subsection (b) with respect to contributions required from instru- mentalities of the United States and from individuals in their employ. (g) VESSELS OPERATED BY GENERAL AGENTS OF UNITED STATES.- The permission granted by subsection (f) shall apply in the same manner and under the same conditions (including the obligation to comply with all requirements of State unemployment compensation laws) to general agents of the Secretary of Commerce with respect to service performed by officers and members of the crew on or in con- nection with American vessels- (1) owned by or bareboat chartered to the United States, and (2) whose business is conducted by such general agents. As to any such vessel, the State permitted to require contributions on account of such service shall be the State to which the general agent would make contributions if the vessel were operated for his own account. Such general agents are designated, for this purpose, instru- mentalities of the United States neither wholly nor partially owned by it and shall not be exempt from the tax imposed by section 3301. The permission granted by this subsection is subject to the same con- 647 IRC Sec. 3306(a) ditions and limitations as are imposed in subsection (f), except that clause (B) of the second sentence of subsection (b) shall apply. (h) REQUIREMENT BY STATE OF CONTRIBUTIONS.-Any State may, as to service performed, and on account of which contributions are made pursuant to subsection (g)- (1) require contributions from persons performing such serv- ice under its unemployment compensation law or temporary dis- ability insurance law administered in connection therewith, and (2) require general agents of the Secretary of Commerce to make contributions under such temporary disability insurance law to make such deductions from wages or remuneration as are required by such unemployment compensation or temporary disability insurance law. (i) General Agent as Legal ENTITY.-Each general agent of the Secretary of Commerce making contributions pursuant to subsection (g) or (h) shall, for purposes of such subsections, be considered a legal entity in his capacity as an instrumentality of the United States, separate and distinct from his identity as a person employing individ- uals on his own account. (j) DENIAL OF CREDITS IN CERTAIN CASES.-Any person required, pursuant to the permission granted by this section, to make contribu- tions to an unemployment fund under a State unemployment com- pensation law approved by the Secretary of Labor under section 3304 shall not be entitled to the credits permitted, with respect to the un- employment compensation law of a State, by subsections (a) and (b) of section 3302 against the tax imposed by section 3301 for any tax- able year if, on October 31 of such taxable year, the Secretary of Labor certifies to the Secretary of the Treasury his finding, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency, that the unem- ployment compensation law of such State is inconsistent with any one or more of the conditions on the basis of which such permission is granted or that, in the application of the State law with respect to the 12-month period ending on such October 31, there has been a substan- tial failure to comply with any one or more of such conditions. For purposes of section 3310, a finding of the Secretary of Labor under this subsection shall be treated as a finding under section 3304 (c). SEC. 3306. DEFINITIONS.¹ (a) EMPLOYER.-For purposes of this chapter— (1) IN GENERAL.-The term "employer" means, with respect to any calendar year, any person who (A) during any calendar quarter in the calendar year or the preceding calendar year paid wages of $1,500 or more, or ¹ Section 3306 was amended by section 1903 (a) (16) of P.L. 94–455. IRC Sec. 3306(a) 648 (B) on each of some 20 days during the calendar year or during the preceding calendar year, each day being in a dif- ferent calendar week, employed at least one individual in employment for some portion of the day. For purposes of this paragraph, there shall not be taken into account any wages paid to, or employment of, an employee per- forming domestic services referred to in paragraph (3). (2) AGRICULTURAL LABOR.-In the case of agricultural labor, the term "employer" means, with respect to any calendar year, any person who- (A) during any calendar quarter in the calendar year or the preceding calendar year paid wages of $20,000 or more for agricultural labor, or (B) on each of some 20 days during the calendar year or during the preceding calendar year, each day being in a dif- ferent calendar week, employed at least 10 individuals in employment in agricultural labor for some portion of the day. (3) DOMESTIC SERVICE.-In the case of domestic service in a private home, local college club, or local chapter of a college fra- ternity or sorority, the term "employer" means, with respect to any calendar year, any person who during any calendar quarter in the calendar year or the preceding calendar year paid wages in cash of $1,000 or more for such service. (4) SPECIAL RULE.-A person treated as an employer under paragraph (3) shall not be treated as an employer with respect to wages paid for any service other than domestic service referred to in paragraph (3) unless such person is treated as an employer under paragraph (1) or (2) with respect to such other service.¹ (b) WAGES.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "wages" means all remuneration for employment, including the cash value of all remuneration paid in any medium other than cash; except that such term shall not include- (1) that part of the remuneration which, after remuneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding para- graphs of this subsection) equal to $6,000 with respect to employ- ment has been paid to an individual by an employer during any calendar year, is paid to such individual by such employer during such calendar year. If an employer (hereinafter referred to as successor employer) during any calendar year acquires substan- tially all the property used in a trade or business of another em- ployer (hereinafter referred to as a predecessor), or used in a sepa- 1 Subsection (a) was amended, effective with respect to wages paid after 1977, by sec- tion 114(a) of P.L. 94-566. 649 IRC Sec. 3306(b) rate unit of a trade or business of a predecessor, and immedi- ately after the acquisition employs in his trade or business an individual who immediately prior to the acquisition was employed in the trade or business of such predecessor, then, for the purpose of determining whether the successor employer has paid remunera- tion (other than remuneration referred to in the succeeding para- graphs of this subsection) with respect to employment equal to $6,000 to such individual during such calendar year, any re- muneration (other than remuneration referred to in the succeed- ing paragraphs of this subsection) with respect to employment paid (or considered under this paragraph as having been paid) to such individual by such predecessor during such calendar year and prior to such acquisition shall be considered as having been paid by such successor employer; ¹ 1 - (2) the amount of any payment (including any amount paid by an employer for insurance or annuities, or into a fund, to provide for any such payment) made to, or on behalf of, an employee or any of his dependents under a plan or system established by an employer which makes provision for his employees generally (or for his employees generally and their dependents) or for a class or classes of his employees (or for a class or classes of his em- ployees and their dependents), on account of- (A) retirement, or or (B) sickness or accident disability, (C) medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with sickness or accident disability, or (D) death; (3) any payment made to an employee (including any amount paid by an employer for insurance or annuities or into a fund, to provide for any such payment) on account of retirement; (4) any payment on account of sickness or accident disability, or medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with sickness or accident disability, made by an employer to or on behalf of, an employee after the expiration of 6 calendar months following the last calendar month in which the employee worked for such employer; (5) any payment made to, or on behalf of, an employee or his beneficiary— (A) from or to a trust described in section 401(a) which is exempt from tax under section 501 (a) at the time of such payment unless such payment is made to an employee of the 1 Paragraph (1) was amended, effective for wages paid after 1977, by section 211 (a) of Public Law 94-566. 21-746 O - 78 - 49 IRC Sec. 3306(b) 650 trust as remuneration for services rendered as such employee and not as a beneficiary of the trust, or (B) under or to an annuity plan which, at the time of such payment, is a plan described in section 403 (a), or (C) under or to a bond purchase plan which, at the time of such payment, is a qualified bond purchase plan described in section 405 (a); (6) the payment by an employer (without deduction from the remuneration of the employee) — (A) of the tax imposed upon an employee under section 3101 (or the corresponding section of prior law), or (B) of any payment required from an employee under a State unemployment compensation law; (7) remuneration paid in any medium other than cash to an em- ployee for service not in the course of the employer's trade or business; (8) any payment (other than vacation or sick pay) made to an employee after the month in which he attains the age of 65, if he did not work for the employer in the period for which such pay- ment is made; (9) remuneration paid to or on behalf of an employee if (and to the extent that) at the time of the payment of such remunera- tion it is reasonable to believe that a corresponding deduction is allowable under section 217; (10) any payment or series of payments by an employer to an employee or any of his dependents which is paid— (A) upon or after the termination of an employee's em- ployment relationship because of (i) death, (ii) retirement for disability, or (iii) retirement after attaining an age speci- fied in the plan referred to in subparagraph (B) or in a pen- sion plan of the employer, and (B) under a plan established by the employer which makes provision for his employees generally or a class or classes of his employees (or for such employees or class or classes of employees and their dependents), other than any such pay- ment or series of payments which would have been paid if the employee's employment relationship had not been so terminated; or (11) remuneration for agricultural labor paid in any medium other than cash.¹ (c) EMPLOYMENT.-For purposes of this chapter, the term “employ- ment” means any service performed prior to 1955, which was employ- 1 Paragraph (11) was added by section 111 (a) of Public Law 94–566. 651 IRC Sec. 3306(c) ment for purposes of subchapter C of chapter 9 of the Internal Reve- nue Code of 1939 under the law applicable to the period in which such service was performed, and (A) any service, of whatever nature, per- formed after 1954 by an employee for the person employing him, irrespective of the citizenship or residence of either, (i) within the United States, or (ii) on or in connection with an American vessel or American aircraft under a contract of service which is entered into within the United States or during the performance of which and while the employee is employed on the vessel or aircraft it touches at a port in the United States, if the employee is employed on and in connection with such vessel or aircraft when outside the United States, and (B) any service, of whatever nature, performed after 1971 outside the United States (except in a contiguous country with which the United States has an agreement relating to unemployment compensa- tion) by a citizen of the United States as an employee of an American employer (as defined in subsection (j) (3)), except-¹ (1) agricultural labor (as defined in subsection (k)) unless- (A) such labor is performed for a person who— (i) during any calendar quarter in the calendar year or the preceding calendar year paid remuneration in cash of $20,000 or more to individuals employed in agricultural labor (not taking into account labor performed before January 1, 1980, by an alien referred to in subparagraph (B)), or (ii) on each of some 20 days during the calendar year or the preceding calendar year, each day being in a dif- ferent calendar week, employed in agricultural labor (not taking into account labor performed before Janu- ary 1, 1980, by an alien referred to in subparagraph (B)) for some portion of the day (whether or not at the same moment of time) 10 or more individuals; and (B) such labor is not agricultural labor performed before January 1, 1980, by an individual who is an alien admitted to the United States to perform agricultural labor pursuant to sections 214(c) and 101(a) (15) (H) of the Immigration and Nationality Act; 2 (2) domestic service in a private home, local college club, or local chapter of a college fraternity or sorority unless performed for a person who paid cash remuneration of $1,000 or more to individuals employed in such domestic service in any calendar quarter in the calendar year or the preceding calendar year; 3 The matter preceding paragraph (1) was amended by section 116(b) of Public Law 94-566. Paragraph (1) was amended, effective for wages paid after 1977 for services after 1977, by section 111(b) of Public Law 94–566. Paragraph (2) was amended, effective for wages paid after 1977 for services after 1977, by section 113 of Public Law 94–566. IRC Sec. 3306(c) 652 (3) service not in the course of the employer's trade or business performed in any calendar quarter by an employee, unless the cash remuneration paid for such service is $50 or more and such service is performed by an individual who is regularly employed by such employer to perform such service. For purposes of this paragraph, an individual shall be deemed to be regularly em- ployed by an employer during a calendar quarter only if- (A) on each of some 24 days during such quarter such in dividual performs for such employer for some portion of the day service not in the course of the employer's trade or busi- ness, or (B) such individual was regularly employed (as deter- mined under subparagraph (A)) by such employer in the performance of such service during the preceding calendar quarter; (4) service performed on or in connection with a vessel or air- craft not an American vessel or American aircraft, if the em- ployee is employed on and in connection with such vessel or air- craft when outside the United States; (5) service performed by an individual in the employ of his son, daughter, or spouse, and service performed by a child under the age of 21 in the employ of his father or mother; (6) service performed in the employ of the United States Gov- ernment or of an instrumentality of the United States which is- (A) wholly or partially owned by the United States, or (B) exempt from the tax imposed by section 3301 by virtue of any provision of law which specifically refers to such section (or the corresponding section of prior law) in granting such exemption; (7) service performed in the employ of a State, or any political sub livision thereof, or any instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing which is wholly owned by one or more States or political subdivisions; and any service performed in the employ of any instrumentality of one or more States or political sub- divisions to the extent that the instrumentality is, with respect to such service, immune under the Constitution of the United States from the tax imposed by section 3301; (8) service performed in the employ of a religious, charitable, educational, or other organization described in section 501 (c) (3) which is exempt from income tax under section 501 (a); (9) service performed by an individual as an employee or em- ployee representative as defined in section 1 of the Railroad Un- employment Insurance Act (45 U.S.C. 351); 653 IRC Sec. 3306(c) (10)(A) service performed in any calendar quarter in the em- ploy of any organization exempt from income tax under section 501 (a) (other than an organization described in section 401(a)) or under section 521, if the remuneration for such service is less than $50, or (B) service performed in the employ of a school, college, or university, if such service is performed (i) by a student who is enrolled and is regularly attending classes at such school, college, or university, or (ii) by the spouse of such a student, if such spouse is advised, at the time such spouse commences to perform such service, that (I) the employment of such spouse to perform such services is provided under a program to provide financial assistance to such student by such school, college, or university, and (II) such employment will not be covered by any program of unemployment insurance, or (C) service performed by an individual under the age of 22 who is enrolled at a nonprofit or public educational institution which normally maintains a regular faculty and curriculum and normally has a regularly organized body of students in attendance at the place where its educational activities are carried on as a student in a full-time program, taken for credit at such institu- tion, which combines academic instruction with work experience, if such service is an integral part of such program, and such insti- tution has so certified to the employer, except that this subpara- graph shall not apply to service performed in a program estab- lished for or on behalf of an employer or group of employers, or (D) service performed in the employ of a hospital, if such service is performed by a patient of such hospital; (11) service performed in the employ of a foreign government (including service as a consular or other officer or employee or a nondiplomatic representative); (12) service performed in the employ of an instrumentality wholly owned by a foreign government- (A) if the service is of a character similar to that per- formed in foreign countries by employees of the United States Government or of an instrumentality thereof; and (B) if the Secretary of State shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury that the foreign government, with respect to whose instrumentality exemption is claimed, grants an equivalent exemption with respect to similar service per- formed in the foreign country by employees of the United States Government and of instrumentalities thereof; ¹ 1 1 Subparagraph (B) was amended by section 1906(b) (13) (C) of Public Law 94-455. A IRC Sec. 3306(c) 654 K (13) service performed as a student nurse in the employ of a hospital or a nurses' training school by an individual who is en- rolled and is regularly attending classes in a nurses' training school chartered or approved pursuant to State law; and service performed as an intern in the employ of a hospital by an in- dividual who has completed a 4 years' course in a medical school chartered or approved pursuant to State law; (14) service performed by an individual for a person as an in- surance agent or as an insurance solicitor, if all such service per- formed by such individual for such person is performed for re- muneration solely by way of commission; (15)(A) service performed by an individual under the age of 18 in the delivery or distribution of newspapers or shopping news, not including delivery or distribution to any point for subsequent delivery or distribution; (B) service performed by an individual in, and at the time of, the sale of newspapers or magazines to ultimate consumers, under an arrangement under which the newspapers or magazines are to be sold by him at a fixed price, his compensation being based on the retention of the excess of such price over the amount at which the newspapers or magazines are charged to him, whether or not he is guaranteed a minimum amount of compensation for such service, or is entitled to be credited with the unsold newspapers or magazines turned back; (16) service performed in the employ of an international organization; (17) service performed by an individual in (or as an officer or member of the crew of a vessel while it is engaged in) the catch- ing, taking, harvesting, cultivating, or farming of any kind of fish, shellfish, crustacea, sponges, seaweeds, or other aquatic forms of animal and vegetable life (including service performed by any such individual as an ordinary incident to any such activity), except- (A) service performed in connection with the catching or taking of salmon or halibut, for commercial purposes, and (B) service performed on or in connection with a vessel of more than 10 net tons (determined in the manner provided for determining the register tonnage of merchant vessels under the laws of the United States); or (18) service which is performed by a nonresident alien indi- vidual for the period he is temporarily present in the United States as a nonimmigrant under subparagraph (F) or (J) of sec- tion 101 (a) (15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as 655 IRC Sec. 3306(f) amended (8 U.S.C. 1101 (a) (15) (F) or (J)), and which is per- formed to carry out the purpose specified in subparagraph (F) or (J), as the case may be. (d) INCLUDED AND EXCLUDED SERVICE. For purposes of this chap- ter, if the services performed during one-half or more of any pay period by an employee for the person employing him constitute em- ployment, all the services of such employee for such period shall be deemed to be employment; but if the services performed during more than one-half of any such pay period by an employee for the person employing him do not constitute employment, then none of the serv- ices of such employee for such period shall be deemed to be employ- ment. As used in this subsection, the term "pay period” means a period (of not more than 31 consecutive days) for which a payment of remuneration is ordinarily made to the employee by the person employing him. This subsection shall not be applicable with respect to services performed in a pay period by an employee for the person employing him, where any of such service is excepted by subsection (c) (9). (e) STATE AGENCY.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "State agency" means any State officer, board, or other authority, designated under a State law to administer the unemployment fund in such State. (f) UNEMPLOYMENT FUND.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "unemployment fund" means a special fund, established under a State law and administered by a State agency, for the payment of compen- sation. Any sums standing to the account of the State agency in the Unemployment Trust Fund established by section 904 of the Social Security Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1104), shall be deemed to be a part of the unemployment fund of the State, and no sums paid out of the Unemployment Trust Fund to such State agency shall cease to be a part of the unemployment funds of the State until expended by such State agency. An unemployment fund shall be deemed to be main- tained during a taxable year only if throughout such year, or such portion of the year as the unemployment fund was in existence, no part of the moneys of such fund was expended for any purpose other than the payment of compensation (exclusive of expenses of adminis- tration) and for refunds of sums erroneously paid into such fund and refunds paid in accordance with the provisions of section 3305(b); except that (1) an amount equal to the amount of employee payments into the unemployment fund of a State may be used in the payment of cash benefits to individuals with respect to their disability, exclu- sive of expenses of administration; and IRC Sec. 3306(f) 656 (2) the amounts specified by section 903 (c) (2) of the Social Security Act may, subject to the conditions prescribed in such section, be used for expenses incurred by the State for adminis- tration of its unemployment compensation law and public em- ployment offices. (g) CONTRIBUTIONS.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "con- tributions" means payments required by a State law to be made into an unemployment fund by any person on account of having individ- uals in his employ, to the extent that such payments are made by him without being deducted or deductible from the remuneration of indi- viduals in his employ. (h) COMPENSATION.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "com- pensation" means cash benefits payable to individuals with respect to their unemployment. (i) EMPLOYEE.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "employee" has the meaning assigned to such term by section 3121 (d), except that subparagraphs (B) and (C) of paragraph (3) shall not apply. (j) STATE, UNITED STATES, AND AMERICAN EMPLOYER.-For pur- poses of this chapter- (1) STATE. The term "State" includes the District of Colum- bia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. (2) UNITED STATES.-The term "United States" when used in a geographical sense includes the States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. (3) AMERICAN EMPLOYER. The term "American employer" means a person who is- (A) an individual who is a resident of the United States, (B) a partnership, if two-thirds or more of the partners are residents of the United States, (C) a trust, if all of the trustees are residents of the United States, or (D) a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any State. An individual who is a citizen of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands (but not otherwise a citizen of the United States) shall be considered, for the purposes of this section, as a citizen of the United States.¹ (k) AGRICULTURAL LABOR.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "agricultural labor" has the meaning assigned to such term by subsec- tion (g) of section 3121, except that for purposes of this chapter sub- paragraph (B) of paragraph (4) of such subsection (g) shall be treated as reading: 1 Subsection (J) was amended by section 116 (b) (2) of Public Law 94-566. 657 IRC Sec. 3306(o) "(B) in the employ of a group of operators of farms (or a coop- erative organization of which such operators are members) in the performance of service described in subparagraph (A), but only if such operators produced more than one-half of the commodity with respect to which such service is performed;". (1) CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION.- [Repealed.] (m) AMERICAN VESSEL AND AIRCRAFT.-For purposes of this chapter, the term "American vessel" means any vessel documented or numbered under the laws of the United States; and includes any vessel which is neither documented or numbered under the laws of the United States nor documented under the laws of any foreign country, if its crew is employed solely by one or more citizens or resi- dents of the United States or corporations organized under the laws of the United States or of any State; and the term "American air- craft" means an aircraft registered under the laws of the United States. (n) VESSEL OPERATED BY GENERAL AGENTS OF UNITED STATES.- Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (c) (6), service per- formed by officers and members of the crew of a vessel which would otherwise be included as employment under subsection (c) shall not be excluded by reason of the fact that it is performed on or in con- nection with an American vessel- (1) owned by or bareboat chartered to the United States, and (2) whose business is conducted by a general agent of the Secre- tary of Commerce. For purposes of this chapter, each such general agent shall be con- sidered a legal entity in his capacity as such general agent, separate and distinct from his identity as a person employing individuals on his own account, and the officers and members of the crew of such an American vessel whose business is conducted by a general agent of the Secretary of Commerce shall be deemed to be performing services for such general agent rather than the United States. Each such general agent who in his capacity as such is an employer within the meaning of subsection (a) shall be subject to all the requirements im- posed upon an employer under this chapter with respect to service which constitutes employment by reason of this subsection. (0) SPECIAL RULE IN CASE OF CERTAIN AGRICULTURAL WORKERS. (1) CREW LEADERS WHO ARE REGISTERED OR PROVIDE SPECIALIZED AGRICULTURAL LABOR.-For purposes of this chapter, any indi- vidual who is a member of a crew furnished by a crew leader to perform agricultural labor for any other person shall be treated as an employee of such crew leader- IRC Sec. 3306(o) Revised April 1978 658 (A) if— (i) such crew leader holds a valid certificate of regis- tration under the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963; or (ii) substantially all the members of such crew oper- ate or maintain tractors, mechanized harvesting or crop- dusting equipment, or any other mechanized equipment, which is provided by such crew leader; and (B) if such individual is not an employee of such other person within the meaning of subsection (i). (2) OTHER CREW LEADERS.-For purposes of this chapter, in the case of any individual who is furnished by a crew leader to perform agricultural labor for any other person and who is not treated as an employee of such crew leader under paragraph (1)— (A) such other person and not the crew leader shall be treated as the employer of such individual; and (B) such other person shall be treated as having paid cash remuneration to such individual in an amount equal to the amount of cash remuneration paid to such individual by the crew leader (either on his behalf or on behalf of such other person) for the agricultural labor performed for such other person. (3) CREW LEADER.-For purposes of this subsection, the term. "crew leader" means an individual who- (A) furnishes individuals to perform agricultural labor for any other person, (B) pays (either on his behalf or on behalf of such other person) the individuals so furnished by him for the agricul- tural labor performed by them, and (C) has not entered into a written agreement with such other person under which such individual is designated as an employee of such other person.¹ (p) CONCURRENT EMPLOYMENT BY TWO OR MORE EMPLOYERS. For purposes of sections 3301, 3302, and 3306 (b) (1), if two or more related corporations concurrently employ the same individual and compensate such individual through a common paymaster which is one of such corporations, each such corporation shall be considered to have paid as remuneration to such individual only the amounts actually disbursed by it to such individual and shall not be considered to have paid as remuneration to such individual amounts actually disbursed to such individual by another of such corporations. 2 1 Subsection (o) was added by section 112 of Public Law 94-566. 2 Subsection (p) was added by sec. 314 (b) of P.L. 95-216 effective with respect to wages paid after December 31, 1978. Revised April 1978 658-A IRC Sec. 3307 SEC. 3307. DEDUCTIONS AS CONSTRUCTIVE PAYMENTS. Whenever under this chapter or any act of Congress, or under the law of any State, an employer is required or permitted to deduct any amount from the remuneration of an employee and to pay the amount deducted to the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, then for purposes of this chapter the amount so deducted shall be considered to have been paid to the employee at the time of such deduction. Revised April 1977 IRC Sec. 3309 (b) 659 SEC. 3308. INSTRUMENTALITIES OF THE UNITED STATES. Notwithstanding any other provision of law (whether enacted before or after the enactment of this section) which grants to any instru- mentality of the United States an exemption from taxation, such in- strumentality shall not be exempt from the tax imposed by section 3301 unless such other provision of law grants a specific exemption, by refer- ence to section 3301 (or the corresponding section of prior law), from the tax imposed by such section. SEC. 3309. STATE LAW COVERAGE OF SERVICES PER- FORMED FOR NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES. (a) STATE LAW REQUIREMENTS. For purposes of section 3304 (a) (6) — (1) except as otherwise provided in subsections (b) and (c), the services to which this paragraph applies are- (A) service excluded from the term "employment" solely by reason of paragraph (8) of section 3306 (c), and (B) service excluded from the term "employment" solely by reason of paragraph (7) of section 3306 (c); and ¹ (2) the State law shall provide that a governmental entity or any other organization (or group of governmental entities or other organizations) which, but for the requirements of this para- graph, would be liable for contributions with respect to service to which paragraph (1) applies may elect, for such minimum pe- riod and at such time as may be provided by State law, to pay (in lieu of such contributions) into the State unemployment fund amounts equal to the amounts of compensation attributable under the State law to such service. The State law may provide safe- guards to ensure that governmental entities or other organizations so electing will make the payments required under such elections." (b) SECTION NOT TO APPLY TO CERTAIN SERVICE. This section shall not apply to service performed— (1) in the employ of (A) a church or convention or association of churches, or (B) an organization which is operated primarily for religious purposes and which is operated, supervised, con- trolled, or principally supported by a church or convention or association of churches; (2) by a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a church in the exercise of his ministry or by a member of a religious order in the exercise of duties required by such order; 1 Paragraph (1) was amended by section 115 (a) of Public Law 94-566 effective with respect to services performed after 1977. 2 Paragraph (2) was amended by section 506(a) of P.L. 94-566 and section 302(b) of P.L. 95-19. IRC Sec. 3309(b) 660 (3) in the employ of a governmental entity referred to in para- graph (7) of section 3306(c), if such service is performed by an individual in the exercise of his duties- (A) as an elected official; (B) as a member of a legislative body, or a member of the judiciary, of a State or political subdivision thereof; (C) as a member of the State National Guard or Air National Guard; (D) as an employee serving on a temporary basis in case of fire, storm, snow, earthquake, flood, or similar emergency; or (E) in a position which, under or pursuant to the State law, is designated as (i) a major nontenured policymaking or advisory position, or (ii) a policymaking or advisory posi- tion the performance of the duties of which ordinarily does not require more than 8 hours per week; (4) in a facility conducted for the purpose of carrying out a program of- 1 (A) rehabilitation for individuals whose earning capacity is impaired by age or physical or mental deficiency or injury, or (B) providing remunerative work for individuals who be- cause of their impaired physical or mental capacity cannot be readily absorbed in the competitive labor market, by an individual receiving such rehabilitation or remunerative work; (5) as part of an unemployment work-relief or work-training program assisted or financed in whole or in part by any Federal agency or an agency of a State or political subdivision thereof, by an individual receiving such work relief or work training; and (6) by an inmate of a custodial or penal institution.2 (c) NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS MUST EMPLOY 4 OR MORE.—This sec- tion shall not apply to service performed during any calendar year in the employ of any organization unless on each of some 20 days during such calendar year or the preceding calendar year, each day being in a different calendar week, the total number of individuals who were em- ployed by such organization in employment (determined without regard to section 3306 (c) (8) and by excluding service to which this section does not apply by reason of subsection (b)) for some portion of the day (whether or not at the same moment of time) was 4 or more. (d) [Repealed] ³ 3 SEC. 3310. JUDICIAL REVIEW. (a) IN GENERAL.-Whenever under section 3303 (b) or section 3304 (c) the Secretary of Labor makes a finding pursuant to which he 1 Paragraph (3) was amended by section 115 (b) (1) of P.L. 94-566. 2Paragraph (6) was amended by section 115(b) (2) of P.L. 94-566. Subsection (d) was repealed by section 115 (c) (2) of P.L. 94-566. 661 IRC Sec. 3311 is required to withhold a certification with respect to a State under such section, such State may, within 60 days after the Governor of the State has been notified of such action, file with the United States court of appeals for the circuit in which such State is located or with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, a peti- tion for review of such action. A copy of the petition shall be forthwith transmitted by the clerk of the court to the Secretary of Labor. The Secretary of Labor thereupon shall file in the court the record of the proceedings on which he based his action as provided in section 2112 of title 28 of the United States Code. (b) FINDINGS OF FACT.-The findings of fact by the Secretary of Labor, if supported by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive; but the court, for good cause shown, may remand the case to the Secretary of Labor to take further evidence, and the Secretary of Labor may thereupon make new or modified findings of fact and may modify his previous action, and shall certify to the court the record of the further proceedings. Such new or modified findings of fact shall likewise be conclusive if supported by substantial evidence. (c) JURISDICTION OF COURT; REVIEW. The court shall have juris- diction to affirm the action of the Secretary of Labor or to set it aside, in whole or in part. The judgment of the court shall be subject to review by the Supreme Court of the United States upon certiorari or certification as provided in section 1254 of title 28 of the United States Code. (d) STAY OF SECRETARY OF LABOR'S ACTION.- (1) The Secretary of Labor shall not withhold any certifica- tion under section 3303 (b) or section 3304 (c) until the expiration of 60 days after the Governor of the State has been notified of the action referred to in subsection (a) or until the State has filed a petition for review of such action, whichever is earlier. (2) The commencement of judicial proceedings under this section shall stay the Secretary of Labor's action for a period of 30 days, and the court may thereafter grant interim relief if war- ranted, including a further stay of the Secretary of Labor's ac- tion and including such other relief as may be necessary to preserve status or rights." 1 (e) PREFERENCE.-Any judicial proceedings under this section shall be entitled to, and, upon request of the Secretary of Labor or the State, shall receive a preference and shall be heard and determined as expe- ditiously as possible.¹ SEC. 3311. SHORT TITLE. This chapter may be cited as the "Federal Unemployment Tax Act." S * * 1 Subsections (d) and (e) were amended by section 1906(b)(13) of P.L. 94-455. IRC Sec. 3501 662 CHAPTER 25-GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO EMPLOYMENT TAXES SEC. 3501. COLLECTION AND PAYMENT OF TAXES. The taxes imposed by this subtitle shall be collected by the Secretary and shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States as internal- revenue collections. SEC. 3502. NONDEDUCTIBILITY OF TAXES IN COMPUT- ING TAXABLE INCOME. (a) The taxes imposed by section 3101 of chapter 21, and by sections 3201 and 3211 of chapter 22 shall not be allowed as a deduction to the taxpayer in computing taxable income under subtitle A. (b) The tax deducted and withheld under chapter 24 shall not be allowed as a deduction either to the employer or to the recipient of the income in computing taxable income under subtitle A. SEC. 3503. ERRONEOUS PAYMENTS. Any tax paid under chapter 21 or 22 by a taxpayer with respect to any period with respect to which he is not liable to tax under such chapter shall be credited against the tax, if any, imposed by such other chapter upon the taxpayer, and the balance, if any, shall be refunded. SEC. 3504. ACTS TO BE PERFORMED BY AGENTS. In case a fiduciary, agent, or other person has the control, receipt, custody, or disposal of, or pays the wages of an employee or group of employees, employed by one or more employers, the Secretary, under regulations prescribed by him, is authorized to designate such fiduci- ary, agent, or other person to perform such acts as are required of em- ployers under this title and as the Secretary may specify. Except as may be otherwise prescribed by the Secretary, all provisions of law (including penalties) applicable in respect of an employer shall be applicable to a fiduciary, agent, or other person, so designated but, except as so provided, the employer for whom such fiduciary, agent, or other person acts shall remain subject to the provisions of law (in- cluding penalties) applicable in respect of employers. * * ** ** * Subtitle F-Procedure and Administration Chapter 61. Information and returns. Chapter 62. Time and place for paying tax. * * * CHAPTER 61-INFORMATION AND RETURNS 663 IRC Sec. 6001 Chapter 63. Assessment. Chapter 64. Collection. Chapter 65. Abatements, credits, and refunds. Chapter 66. Limitations. Chapter 67. Chapter 68. Chapter 69. Chapter 70. Chapter 71. Chapter 72. Chapter 73. Chapter 74. Chapter 75. Chapter 76. Chapter 77. Chapter 78. Chapter 79. Chapter 80. General Rules. Interest. Additions to the tax, additional amounts, and assessable penalties. General provisions relating to stamps. Jeopardy, bankruptcy and receiverships. Transferees and fiduciaries. Licensing and registration. Bonds. Closing agreements and compromises. Crimes, other offenses, and forfeitures. Judicial proceedings. Miscellaneous provisions. Discovery of liability and enforcement of title. Definitions. Sec. 6001. Notice or regulations requiring records, statements, and special returns Sec. 6011. General requirements of return, statement, or list. Sec. 6017. Self-employment tax returns___ Sec. 6020. Returns prepared for or executed by Secretary_. Sec. 6050A. Reporting requirements of certain fishing boat operators_ Sec. 6051. Receipts for employees--- Sec. 6053. Reporting of tips_-_. Sec. 6061. Signing of returns and other documents_ Sec. 6064. Signature presumed authentic___ Sec. 6065. Verification of returns_. Sec. 6071. Time for filing returns and other documents_ Sec. 6072. Time for filing income tax returns_. Sec. 6081. Extension of time for filing returns_. 21-746 O - 78 Sec. 6091. Place for filing returns or other documents. Sec. 6101. Period covered by returns or other documents_ Sec. 6103. Publicity of returns and disclosure of information as to persons filing income tax returns_ Sec. 6109. Identifying numbers____. ¹ This table of contents does not appear in the law in this form. - 50 Page 1 663 664 664 664 665 665 667 668 668 668 668 668 669 669 SEC. 6001. NOTICE OR REGULATIONS REQUIRING REC- ORDS, STATEMENTS, AND SPECIAL RE- TURNS. 670 Every person liable for any tax imposed by this title, or for the collection thereof, shall keep such records, render such statements, make such returns, and comply with such rules and regulations as the Secretary may from time to time prescribe. Whenever in the judg- ment of the Secretary it is necessary, he may require any person, by notice served upon such person or by regulations, to make such returns, render such statements, or keep such records, as the Secretary deems 670 674 IRC Sec. 6001 664 sufficient to show whether or not such person is liable for tax under this title. * * SEC. 6011. GENERAL REQUIREMENT OF RETURN, STATE- MENT, OR LIST. (a) GENERAL RULE.-When required by regulations prescribed by the Secretary any person made liable for any tax imposed by this title, or for the collection thereof, shall make return or statement ac- cording to the forms and regulations prescribed by the Secretary. Every person required to make a return or statement shall include therein the information required by such forms or regulations. * * (b) IDENTIFICATION OF TAXPAYER.-The Secretary is authorized to require such information with respect to persons subject to the taxes imposed by chapter 21 or chapter 24 as is necessary or helpful in se- curing proper identification of such persons. * * * SEC. 6017. SELF-EMPLOYMENT TAX RETURNS. Every individual (other than a nonresident alien individual) hav- ing net earnings from self-employment of $400 or more for the taxable year shall make a return with respect to the self-employment tax im- posed by chapter 2. In the case of a husband and wife filing a joint return under section 6013, the tax imposed by chapter 2 shall not be computed on the aggregate income but shall be the sum of the taxes computed under such chapter on the separate self-employment income of each spouse. * * * بار ** * * ** ** ** *k SEC. 6020. RETURNS PREPARED FOR OR EXECUTED BY SECRETARY. (a) PREPARATION OF RETURN BY SECRETARY.-If any person shall fail to make a return required by this title or by regulations prescribed thereunder, but shall consent to disclose all information necessary for the preparation thereof, then, and in that case, the Secretary may pre- pare such return, which being signed by such person, may be received by the Secretary as the return of such person. (b) EXECUTION OF RETURN BY SECRETARY.- (1) AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY TO EXECUTE RETURN.-If any person fails to make any return (other than a declaration of esti- mated tax required under section 6015) required by any internal revenue law or regulation made thereunder at the time prescribed 665 IRC Sec. 6051(a) therefor, or makes, willfully or otherwise, a false or fraudulent return, the secretary shall make such return from his own knowl- edge and from such information as he can obtain through testi- mony or otherwise. (2) Status of RETURNS.-Any return so made and subscribed by the Secretary shall be prima facie good and sufficient for all legal purposes. * ** * * SEC. 6050A. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CERTAIN FISHING BOAT OPERATORS. (a) REPORTS.—The operator of a boat on which one or more indi- viduals, during the calendar year, perform services described in section 3121(b) (20) shall submit to the Secretary (at such time, and in such manner and form, as the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe) information respecting- (1) the identity of each individual performing such services; (2) the percentage of each such individual's share of the catches of fish or other forms of aquatic animal life, and the per- centage of the operator's share of such catches; (3) if such individual receives his share in kind, the type and weight of such share, together with such other information as the Secretary may prescribe by regulations reasonably necessary to determine the value of such share; and (4) if such individual receives a share of the proceeds of such catches, the amount so received. (b) WRITTEN STATEMENT.-Every person making a return under subsection (a) shall furnish to each person whose name is set forth in such return a written statement showing the information relating to such person contained in such return. The written statement required under the preceding sentence shall be furnished to the person on or before January 31 of the year following the calendar year for which the return under subsection (a) was made.¹ SUBPART C-INFORMATION REGARDING WAGES PAID EMPLOYEES SEC. 6051. RECEIPTS FOR EMPLOYEES. (a) REQUIREMENT.-Every person required to deduct and withhold from an employee a tax under section 3101 or 3402, or who would have been required to deduct and withhold a tax under section 3402 (deter- mined without regard to subsection (n)) if the employee had claimed no more than one withholding exemption, shall furnish to each such ¹ Section 6050A was added by section 1207(e)(3) of P.L. 94-455 effective for calendar years after 1976. IRC Sec. 6051(a) Revised April 1978 666 employee in respect of the remuneration paid by such person to such employee during the calendar year, on or before January 31 of the succeeding year, or, if his employment is terminated before the close of such calendar year, on the day on which the last payment of remunera- tion is made, a written statement showing the following: (1) the name of such person, (2) the name of the employee (and his social security account number if wages as defined in section 3121 (a) have been paid), (3) the total amount of wages as defined in section 3401(a), (4) the total amount deducted and withheld as tax under sec- tion 3402, (5) the total amount of wages as defined in section 3121(a), and (6) the total amount deducted and withheld as tax under sec- tion 3101. In the case of compensation paid for service as a member of a uni- formed service, the statement shall show, in lieu of the amount re- quired to be shown by paragraph (5), the total amount of wages as defined in section 3121(a), computed in accordance with such section and section 3121 (i) (2). In the case of compensation paid for service. as a volunteer or volunteer leader within the meaning of the Peace. Corps Act, the statement shall show, in lieu of the amount required to be shown by paragraph (5), the total amount of wages as defined in section 3121 (a), computed in accordance with such section and section 3121 (i) (3). In the case of tips received by an employee in the course of his employment, the amounts required to be shown by paragraphs (3) and (5) shall include only such tips as are included in statements furnished to the employer pursuant to section 6053 (a). The amounts required to be shown by paragraph (5) shall not include wages which are exempted pursuant to sections 3101 (c) and 3111 (c) from the taxes imposed by sections 3101 and 3111.¹ (b) SPECIAL RULE AS TO COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS OF ARMED FORCES. In the case of compensation paid for service as a member of the Armed Forces, the statement required by subsection (a) shall be furnished if any tax was withheld during the calendar year under section 3402, or if any of the compensation paid during such year is includible in gross income under chapter 1, or if during the calendar year any amount was required to be withheld as tax under section. 3101. In lieu of the amount required to be shown by paragraph (3) of subsection (a), such statement shall show as wages paid during the calendar year the amount of such compensation paid during the 1 Subsection (a) was amended by section 317 (b) (3) of P.L. 95–216. Revised April 1978 666-A IRC Sec. 6051(b) calendar year which is not excluded from gross income under chapter 1 (whether or not such compensation constituted wages as defined in section 3401(a)). (c) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS.-The statements required to be furnished pursuant to this section in respect of any remuneration shall be furnished at such other times, shall contain such other information, 667 IRC Sec. 6053(b) and shall be in such form as the Secretary may by regulations pre- scribe. The statements required under this section shall also show the proportion of the total amount withheld as tax under section 3101 which is for financing the cost of hospital insurance benefits under part A of title XVIII of the Social Security Act. (d) STATEMENTS TO CONSTITUTE INFORMATION RETURNS.—A dupli- cate of any statement made pursuant to this section and in accord- ance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary shall, when required by such regulations, be filed with the Secretary. (e) RAILROAD EMPLOYEES.- (1) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT.-Every person required to deduct and withhold tax under section 3201 from an employee shall include on or with the statement required to be furnished such employee under subsection (a) a notice concerning the pro- visions of this title with respect to the allowance of a credit or refund of the tax on wages imposed by section 3101 (b) and the tax on compensation imposed by section 3201 or 3211 which is treated as a tax on wages imposed by section 3101 (b). (2) INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED TO EMPLOYEES.-Each person required to deduct and withhold tax under section 3201 during any year from an employee who has also received wages during such year subject to the tax imposed by section 3101 (b) shall, upon request of such employee, furnish to him a written statement showing- (A) the total amount of compensation with respect to which the tax imposed by section 3201 was deducted, (B) the total amount deducted as tax under section 3201, and (C) the portion of the total amount deducted as tax under section 3201 which is for financing the cost of hospital insur- ance under part A of title XVIII of the Social Security Act. * * * * * * SEC. 6053. REPORTING OF TIPS.¹ (a) REPORTS BY EMPLOYEES.-Every employee who, in the course of his employment by an employer, receives in any calendar month tips which are wages (as defined in section 3121(a) or section 3401(a)) or which are compensation (as defined in section 3231 (e)) shall report all such tips in one or more written statements furnished to his em- ployer on or before the 10th day following such month. Such state- ments shall be furnished by the employee under such regulations, at such other times before such 10th day, and in such form and manner, as may be prescribed by the Secretary. (b) STATEMENTS FURNISHED BY EMPLOYERS.-If the tax imposed by section 3101 or section 3201 (as the case may be) with respect to 1 See section 2111 of P.L. 94-455 which is printed in this document on page 783. IRC Sec. 6053(b) 668 tips reported by an employee pursuant to subsection (a) exceeds the tax which can be collected by the employer pursuant to section 3102 or section 3202 (as the case may be), the employer shall furnish to the employee a written statement showing the amount of such excess. The statement required to be furnished pursuant to this subsection shall be furnished at such time, shall contain such other information, and shall be in such form as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe. When required by such regulations, a duplicate of any such statement shall be filed with the Secretary. * *k * * * SEC. 6061. SIGNING OF RETURNS AND OTHER DOCU- MENTS. Except as otherwise provided by sections 6062 and 6063, any re- turn, statement, or other document required to be made under any provision of the internal revenue laws or regulations shall be signed in accordance with forms or regulations prescribed by the Secretary. * ** * * SEC. 6064. SIGNATURE PRESUMED AUTHENTIC. The fact that an individual's name is signed to a return, statement, or other document shall be prima facie evidence for all purposes that the return, statement, or other document was actually signed by him. SEC. 6065. VERIFICATION OF RETURNS. Except as otherwise provided by the Secretary, any return, declara- tion, statement, or other document required to be made under any pro- vision of the internal revenue laws or regulations shall contain or be verified by a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury. * * * * SEC. 6071. TIME FOR FILING RETURNS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. k (a) GENERAL RULE.-When not otherwise provided for by this title, the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe the time for filing any return, statement, or other document required by this title or by regulations. ** C SEC. 6072. TIME FOR FILING INCOME TAX RETURNS. (a) GENERAL RULE. In the case of returns under section 6012, 6013, 6017, or 6031 (relating to income tax under subtitle A), returns made on the basis of the calendar year shall be filed on or before the 15th day of April following the close of the calendar year and returns made 669 IRC Sec. 6091(b) on the basis of a fiscal year shall be filed on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the fiscal year, except as otherwise provided in the following subsections of this section. * * * ** SEC. 6081. EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING RETURNS. (a) GENERAL RULE.-The Secretary may grant a reasonable ex- tension of time for filing any return, declaration, statement, or other document required by this title or by regulations. Except in the case of taxpayers who are abroad, no such extension shall be for more than 6 months. * * ** * * SEC. 6091. PLACE FOR FILING RETURNS OR OTHER DOCUMENTS. * (b) TAX RETURNS.-In the case of returns of tax required under authority of part II of this subchapter- ! (1) PERSONS OTHER THAN CORPORATIONS. (A) GENERAL RULE.-Except as provided in subparagraph (B), a return (other than a corporation return) shall be made to the Secretary- P (i) in the internal revenue district in which is located. the legal residence or principal place of business of the person making the return, or (ii) at a service center serving the internal revenue district referred to in clause (i), as the Secretary may by regulations designate. (B) EXCEPTION.-Returns of— (i) persons who have no legal residence or principal place of business in any internal revenue district, (ii) citizens of the United States whose principal place of abode for the period with respect to which the return is filed is outside the United States, (iii) persons who claim the benefits of section 911 (relating to earned income from sources without the United States), section 931 (relating to income from sources within possessions of the United States), or sec- tion 933 (relating to income from sources within Puerto Rico), (iv) nonresident alien persons, and (v) persons with respect to whom an assessment was made under section 6851 (a) (relating to termination assessments) with respect to the taxable year, IRC Sec. 6091(b) 670 ** shall be made at such place as the Secretary may by regula- tions designate. (2) CORPORATIONS.- (A) GENERAL RULE.-Except as provided in subpara- graph (B), a return of a corporation shall be made to the Secretary- (i) in the internal revenue district in which is located the principal place of business or principal office or agency of the corporation, or (ii) at a service center serving the internal revenue district referred to in clause (i), as the Secretary may by regulations designate. (B) EXCEPTION.-Returns of— (i) corporations which have no principal place of business or principal office or agency in any internal revenue district, (ii) corporations which claim the benefits of section 936 (relating to possession tax credit)¹, (iii) foreign corporations, and (iv) corporations with respect to which an assessment was made under section 6851 (a) (relating to termina- tion assessments) with respect to the taxable year, shall be made at such place as the Secretary may by regula- tions designate. * * * ** SEC. 6101. PERIOD COVERED BY RETURNS OR OTHER DOCUMENTS. When net expenses provided for by this title, the Secretary may by regulations prescribe the period for which, or the date as of which, any return, statement, or other document required by this title or by regula- tion shall be made. SEC. 6103. CONFIDENTIALITY AND DISCLOSURE OF RE- TURNS AND RETURN INFORMATION. (a) GENERAL RULE.-Returns and return information shall be confidential, and except as authorized by this title- (1) no officer or employee of the United States, (2) no officer or employee of any State or of any local child support enforcement agency who has or had access to returns or return information under this section, and (3) no other person (or officer or employee thereof) who has or had access to returns or return information under subsection (e) (1) (D) (iii) or subsection (n), 1 Clause (11) was amended to read as shown here effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1979 by section 1052 of P.L. 94–455. 671 IRC Sec. 6103(1) shall disclose any return or return information obtained by him in any manner in connection with his service as such an officer or an employee or otherwise or under the provisions of this section. For purposes of this subsection, the term "officer or employee" includes a former officer or employee. (1) DISCLOSURE OF RETURNS AND RETURN INFORMATION FOR PUR- POSES OTHER THAN TAX ADMINISTRATION. (1) DISCLOSURE OF CERTAIN RETURNS AND RETURN INFORMA- TION TO SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION AND RAILROAD RETIRE- MENT BOARD.—The Secretary may, upon written request, disclose returns and return information with respect to (A) taxes imposed by chapters 2, 21, and 24, to the Social Security Administration for purposes of its administration of the Social Security Act; (B) a plan to which part I of subchapter D of chapter 1 applies, to the Social Security Administration for purposes of carrying out its responsibility under section 1131 of the Social Security Act, limited, however to return information described in section 6057 (d); and * M (C) taxes imposed by chapter 22, to the Railroad Retire- ment Board for purposes of its administration of the Rail- road Retirement Act. * * * (5) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE. Upon written request by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the Secretary may disclose information returns filed pursuant to part III of subchapter A of chapter 61 of this subtitle for the purpose of carrying out, in accordance with an agreement entered into pursuant to section 232 of the Social Security Act, an effective return processing program. (6) DISCLOSURE OF RETURN INFORMATION TO FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES.- (A) RETURN INFORMATION FROM INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE.-The Secretary may, upon written request, dis- close to the appropriate Federal, State, or local child sup- port enforcement agency- (i) available return information from the master files of the Internal Revenue Service relating to the address, filing status, amounts and nature of income, and the number of dependents reported on any re- turn filed by, or with respect to, any individual with respect to whom child support obligations are sought IRC Sec. 6103(1) 672 to be established or enforced pursuant to the provi- sions of part D of title IV of the Social Security Act and with respect to any individual to whom such sup- port obligations are owing, and (ii) available return information reflected on any return filed by, or with respect to, any individual described in clause (i) relating to the amount of such individual's gross income (as defined in section 61) or consisting of the names and addresses of payors of such income and the names of any dependents re- ported on such return, but only if such return in- formation is not reasonably available from any other source. (B) RESTRICTION ON DISCLOSURE.-The Secretary shall disclose return information under subparagraph (A) only for purposes of, and to the extent necessary in, es- tablishing and collecting child support obligations from, and locating, individuals owing such obligations. ** * * * (p) Procedure and Recordkeeping.— * * * * * x (4) SAFEGUARDS.-Any Federal agency described in subsection (h)(2), (i) (1), (2) or (5), (j) (1) or (2), (1)(1), (2), or (5), or (o)(1), the General Accounting Office, or any agency, body, or commission described in subsection (d) or (1)(3) or (6) shall, as a condition for receiving returns or return information- (A) establish and maintain, to the satisfaction of the Sec- retary, a permanent system of standardized records with respect to any request, the reason for such request, and the date of such request made by or of it and any disclosure of return or return information made by or to it; (B) establish and maintain, to the satisfaction of the Sec- retary, a secure area or place in which such returns or return information shall be stored; (C) restrict, to the satisfaction of the Secretary, access to the returns or return information only to persons whose duties. or responsibilities require access and to whom disclosure may be made under the provisions of this title; (D) provide such other safeguards which the Secretary determines (and which he prescribes in regulations) to be necessary or appropriate to protect the confidentiality of the returns or return information; (E) furnish a report to the Secretary, at such time and containing such information as the Secretary may prescribe, 673 IRC Sec. 6103(p) which describes the procedures established and utilized by such agency, body, or commission or the General Accounting Office for ensuring the confidentiality of returns and return information required by this paragraph; and (F) upon completion of use of such returns or return information * (i) in the case of an agency, body, or commission described in subsection (d) or (1) (6), return to the Secre- tary such returns or return information (along with any copies made therefrom) or make such returns or return information undisclosable in any manner and furnish a written report to the Secretary describing such manner; and (ii) in the case of an agency described in subsections (h) (2), (i) (1), (2), or (5), (j) (1) or (2), (1) (1), (2), or (5), or (o) (1), the commission described in subsection (1) (3), or the General Accounting Office, either— (I) return to the Secretary such returns or return information (along with any copies made there- from), (II) otherwise make such returns or return infor- mation undisclosable, or (III) to the extent not so returned or made undis- closable, ensure that the conditions of subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E) of this paragraph con- tinue to be met with respect to such returns or return information. except that the conditions of subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E) shall cease to apply with respect to any return or return information if, and to the extent that, such return or return infor- mation is disclosed in the course of any judicial or administrative proceeding and made a part of the public record thereof. If the Secretary determines that any such agency, body, or commission or the General Accounting Office has failed to, or does not, meet the requirements of this paragraph, he may, after any proceedings for review established under paragraph (7), take such actions as are necessary to ensure such requirements are met, including refus- ing to disclose returns or return information to such agency, body, or commission or the General Accounting Office until he deter- mines that such requirements have been or will be met. * IRC Sec. 6109(a) 674 SEC. 6109. IDENTIFYING NUMBERS. (a) SUPPLYING of Identifying NUMBER.-When required by reg- ulations prescribed by the Secretary: (1) INCLUSION IN RETURNS.-Any person required under the authority of this title to make a return, statement, or other docu- ment shall include in such return, statement, or other document such identifying number as may be prescribed for securing proper identification of such person. (2) FURNISHING NUMBER TO OTHER PERSONS.—Any person with respect to whom a return, statement, or other document is re- quired under the authority of this title to be made by another person shall furnish to such other person such identifying num- ber as may be prescribed for securing his proper identification. (3) FURNISHING NUMBER OF ANOTHER PERSON.—Any person re- quired under the authority of this title to make a return, state- ment, or other document with respect to another person shall request from such other person, and shall include in any such return, statement, or other document, such identifying number as may be prescribed for securing proper identification of such other person. (4) FURNISHING IDENTIFYING NUMBER OF INCOME TAX RETURN PREPARER.-Any return or claim for refund prepared by an income tax return preparer shall bear such identifying number for securing proper identification of such preparer, his employer, or both, as may be prescribed. For purposes of this paragraph, the terms "return" and "claim for refund" have the respective mean- ings given to such terms by section 6696 (e). For purposes of this subsection, the identifying number of an indi- vidual (or his estate) shall be such individual's social security account number. (b) LIMITATION.- (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), a return of any person with respect to his liability for tax, or any statement or other document in support thereof, shall not be considered for purposes of paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (a) as a re- turn, statement, or other document with respect to another person. (2) For purposes of paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (a), a return of an estate or trust with respect to its liability for tax, and any statement or other document in support thereof, shall be considered as a return, statement, or other document with respect to each beneficiary of such estate or trust. (c) REQUIREMENT OF INFORMATION.-For purposes of this section, the Secretary is authorized to require such information as may be necessary to assign an identifying number to any person. 675 IRC Sec. 6155(a) (d) USE OF SOCIAL SECURITY ACCOUNT NUMBER.-The Social secu- rity account number issued to an individual for purposes of section 205 (c) (2) (A) of the Social Security Act shall, except as shall other- wise be specified under regulations of the Secretary, be used as the identifying number for such individual for purposes of this title. *k ** * ** CHAPTER 62-TIME AND PLACE FOR PAYING TAX * * * * * * * ** SEC. 6151. TIME AND PLACE FOR PAYING TAX SHOWN ON RETURNS. (a) GENERAL RULE.-Except as otherwise provided in this section, when a return of tax is required under this title or regulations, the person required to make such return shall, without assessment or notice and demand from the Secretary, pay such tax to the internal revenue officer with whom the return is filed, and shall pay such tax at the time and place fixed for filing the return (determined without regard to any extension of time for filing the return). SEC. 6152. INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS. (a) PRIVILEGE TO ELECT TO MAKE INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS.— * * * * * * (3) EMPLOYEES SUBJECT TO UNEMPLOYMENT TAX.-[Repealed.] (b) DATES PRESCRIBED FOR PAYMENTS OF INSTALLMENTS.— (1) FOUR INSTALLMENTS.-In any case (other than payment of estimated income tax) in which the tax may be paid in four in- stallments, the first installment shall be paid on the date prescribed for the payment of the tax, the second installment shall be paid on or before 3 months, the third installment on or before 6 months, and the fourth installment on or before 9 months, after such date. *k * ** * (2) TWO INSTALLMENTS.-In any case (other than payment of estimated income tax) in which the tax may be paid in two install- ments, the first installment shall be paid on the date prescribed for the payment of the tax, and the second installment shall be paid on or before 3 months after such date. * ** SEC. 6155. PAYMENT ON NOTICE AND DEMAND. (a) GENERAL RULE.-Upon receipt of notice and demand from the Secretary, there shall be paid at the place and time stated in such notice the amount of any tax (including any interest, additional amounts, additions to tax, and assessable penalties) stated in such notice and demands. IRC Sec. 6161(a) 676 SEC. 6161. EXTENSION OF TIME FOR PAYING TAX. (a) AMOUNT DETERMINED BY TAXPAYER ON RETURN.- (1) GENERAL RULE.-The Secretary, except as otherwise pro- vided in this title, may extend the time for payment of the amount of the tax shown, or required to be shown, on any return or declaration required under authority of this title (or any installment thereof), for a reasonable period not to exceed 6 months (12 months in the case of estate tax) from the date fixed for payment thereof. Such extension may exceed 6 months in the case of a taxpayer who is abroad. * * * * * *k CHAPTER 63-ASSESSMENTS * * * SUBCHAPTER A-IN GENERAL * * * * SEC. 6201. ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY. *** (a) * * EMPLOYMENT TAXES. * S * * * * * (4) Erroneous credit under section 39 or 43.-If on any return or claim for refund of income taxes under subtitle A there is an overstatement of the credit allowable by section 39 (relating to certain uses of gasoline, special fuels, and lubricating oil) or sec- tion 43 (relating to earned income), the amount so overstated which is allowed against the tax shown on the return or which is allowed as a credit or refund may be assessed by the Secretary in the same manner as in the case of a mathematical error appearing upon the return.¹ * * * * SEC. 6205 SPECIAL RULES APPLICABLE TO CERTAIN ¹ Section 6201 (a) (4) was amended by section 204 (b) (2) of Public Law 94-12. (a) ADJUSTMENT OF TAX.- (1) GENERAL RULE.-If less than the correct amount of tax imposed by section 3101, 3111, 3201, 3221, or 3402 is paid with respect to any payment of wages or compensation, proper adjust- ments, with respect to both the tax and the amount to be deducted, shall be made, without interest, in such manner and at such times the Secretary may by regulation prescribe. (2) UNITED STATES AS EMPLOYER. For purposes of this sub- section, in the case of remuneration received from the United 677 IRC Sec. 6301 States or a wholly-owned instrumentality thereof during any cal- endar year, each head of a Federal agency or instrumentality who makes a return pursuant to section 3122 and each agent, desig- nated by the head of a Federal agency or instrumentality, who makes a return pursuant to such section shall be deemed a sepa- rate employer. (3) GUAM OR AMERICAN SAMOA AS EMPLOYER. For purposes of this subsection, in the case of remuneration received during any calendar year from the Government of Guam, the Government of American Samoa, a political subdivision of either, or any in- strumentality of any one or more of the foregoing which is wholly owned thereby, the Governor of Guam, the Governor of Ameri- can Samoa, and each agent designated by either who makes a return pursuant to section 3125 shall be deemed a separate employer. (4) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AS EMPLOYER.—For purposes of this subsection, in the case of remuneration received during any calen- dar year from the District of Columbia or any instrumentality which is wholly owned thereby, the Mayor of the District of Columbia and each agent designated by him who makes a return pursuant to section 3125 shall be deemed a separate employer. (b) UNDERPAYMENTS.-If less than the correct amount of tax im- posed by section 3101, 3111, 3201, 3221, or 3402 is paid or deducted with respect to any payment of wages or compensation and the under- payment cannot be adjusted under subsection (a) of this section, the amount of the underpayment shall be assessed and collected in such manner and at such times (subject to the statute of limitations prop- erly applicable thereto) as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe. * * 21-746 O - 78 ** Sec. 6301. Collection authority. Sec. 6302. Mode or time of collection_. Sec. 6303. Notice and demand for tax- Sec. 6305. Collection of certain liability. Sec. 6313. Fractional parts of a cent. Sec. 6314. Receipt for taxes---- Sec. 6331. Levy and distraint__ Sec. 6334. Property exempt from levy. m CHAPTER 64-COLLECTION 51 ** * 1 This table of contents does not appear in the law in this form. ** SEC. 6301. COLLECTION AUTHORITY. The Secretary shall collect the taxes imposed by the internal revenue laws. * * Page 1 677 678 678 678 679 679 679 680 IRC Sec. 6302(a) 678 SEC. 6302. MODE OR TIME OF COLLECTION. (a) ESTABLISHMENT BY REGULATIONS.-If the mode or time for col- lecting any tax is not provided for by this title, the Secretary may establish the same by regulations. (b) DISCRETIONARY METHOD.-Whether or not the method of col- lecting any tax imposed by chapters 21, 31, 32, 33, section 4481 of chapter 36, section 4501 (a) of chapter 37 is specifically provided for by this title, any such tax may, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, be collected by means of returns, stamps, coupons, tickets, books, or such other reasonable devices or methods as may be necessary or helpful in securing a complete and proper collection of the tax. (c) USE OF GOVERNMENT DEPOSITARIES.-The Secretary may authorize Federal Reserve banks, and incorporated banks or trust companies which are depositaries or financial agents of the United States, to receive any tax imposed under the internal revenue laws, in such manner, at such times, and under such conditions as he may prescribe; and he shall prescribe the manner, times, and conditions under the receipt of such tax by such banks and trust companies is to be treated as payment of such tax to the Secretary. SEC. 6303. NOTICE AND DEMAND FOR TAX. 1 (a) GENERAL RULE.-Where it is not otherwise provided by this title, the Secretary shall, as soon as practicable, and within 60 days, after the making of an assessment of a tax pursuant to section 6203, give notice to each person liable for the unpaid tax, stating the amount and demanding payment thereof. Such notice shall be left at the dwelling or usual place of business of such person or shall be sent by mail to such person's last known address. (b) ASSESSMENT PRIOR TO LAST DATE FOR PAYMENT.-Except where the Secretary believes collection would be jeopardized by delay, if any tax is assessed prior to the last date prescribed for payment of such tax, payment of such tax shall not be demanded under subsection (a) until after such date. SEC. 6305. COLLECTION OF CERTAIN LIABILITY. (a) IN GENERAL.-Upon receiving a certification from the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, under section 452 (b) of the Social Security Act with respect to any individual, the Secretary shall assess and collect the amount certified by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, in the same manner, with the same powers, and (except as provided in this section) subject to the same limitations as if such amount were a tax imposed by subtitle C the collection of which would be jeopardized by delay, except that- 679 IRC Sec. 6331 (a) (1) no interest or penalties shall be assessed or collected, (2) for such purposes, paragraphs (4), (6), and (8) of sec- tion 6334(a) (relating to property exempt from levy) shall not apply, (3) there shall be exempt from levy so much of the salary, wages, or other income of an individual as is being withheld there- from in garnishment pursuant to a judgment entered by a court of competent jurisdiction for the support of his minor children, and (4) in the case of the first assessment against an individual for delinquency under a court order against such individual for a particular person or persons, the collection shall be stayed for a period of 60 days immediately following notice and demand as described in section 6303. (b) REVIEW OF ASSESSMENTS AND COLLECTIONS.-No court of the United States, whether established under article I or article III of the Constitution, shall have jurisdiction of any action, whether legal or equitable, brought to restrain or review the assessment and collection of amounts by the Secretary or his delegate under subsection (a), nor shall any such assessment and collection be subject to review by the Secretary in any proceeding. This subsection does not preclude any legal, equitable, or administrative action against the State by an indi- vidual in any State court or before any State agency to determine his liability for any amount assessed against him and collected, or to recover any such amount collected from him, under this section. *k * * ** * SEC. 6313. FRACTIONAL PARTS OF A CENT. In the payment of any tax imposed by this title, a fractional part of a cent shall be disregarded unless it amounts to one-half cent or more, in which case it shall be increased to 1 cent. SEC. 6314. RECEIPTS FOR TAXES. (a) GENERAL RULE.-The Secretary shall, upon request, give receipts for all sums collected by him, excepting only when the same are in payment for stamps sold and delivered; but no receipt shall be issued in lieu of a stamp representing a tax. * SEC. 6331. LEVY AND DISTRAINT. (a) AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OR DELEGATE.-If any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay the same within 10 days after notice and demand, it shall be lawful for the Secretary to collect such tax (and such further sum as shall be sufficient to cover the ex- penses of the levy) by levy upon all property and rights to property * * * *k IRC Sec. 6331(a) 680 (except such property as is exempt under section 6334), belonging to such person or on which there is a lien provided in this chapter for the payment of such tax. Levy may be made upon the accrued salary or wages of any officer, employee, or elected official, of the United States or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of the United States or the District of Columbia, by serving a notice of levy on the employer (as defined in section 3401(d)) of such officer, employee, or elected official. If the Secretary makes a finding that the collection of such tax is in jeopardy, notice and demand for immediate payment of such tax may be made by the Secretary and, upon failure or refusal to pay such tax, collection thereof by levy shall be lawful without regard to the 10-day period provided in this section. (b) SEIZURE AND SALE OF PROPERTY.-The term "levy" as used in this title includes the power of distraint and seizure by any means. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) (3), a levy shall extend only to property possessed and obligations existing at the time thereof. In any case in which the Secretary may levy upon property or rights. to property, he may seize and sell such property or rights to property (whether real or personal, tangible or intangible). * * * * * SEC. 6334. PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM LEVY. (a) ENUMERATION.-There shall be exempt from levy- ** * *k * (4) UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS.-Any amount payable to an individual with respect to his unemployment (including any por- tion thereof payable with respect to dependents) under an unem- ployment compensation law of the United States, of any State, or of the District of Columbia or of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. * * (6) CERTAIN ANNUITY AND PENSION PAYMENTS.-Annuity or pension payments under the Railroad Retirement Act, benefits under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, special pension payments received by a person whose name has been entered on the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard Medal of Honor roll (38 U.S.C. 562), and annuities based on retired or retainer pay under chapter 73 of title 10 of the United States Code. (7) WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION.-Any amount payable to an individual as workmen's compensation (including any portion thereof payable with respect to dependents) under a workmen's compensation law of the United States, any State, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 681 IRC Sec. 6413(a) (8) JUDGMENTS FOR SUPPORT OF MINOR CHILDREN.-If the tax- payer is required by judgment of a court of competent jurisdic- tion, entered prior to the date of levy, to contribute to the support of his minor children, so much of his salary, wages, or other in- come as is necessary to comply with such judgment. CHAPTER 65-ABATEMENTS, CREDITS, AND REFUNDS * * ** * * SUBCHAPTER A-PROCEDURE IN GENERAL * * SEC. 6401. AMOUNTS TREATED AS OVERPAYMENTS. (a) ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION AFTER LIMITATION PERIOD.-The term "overpayment" includes that part of the amount of the payment of any internal revenue tax which is assessed or collected after the expiration of the period of limitation properly applicable thereto. (b) EXCESS CREDITS.-If the amount allowable as credits under sec- tions 31 (relating to tax withheld on wages), 39 (relating to certain uses of gasoline, special fuels, and lubricating oil), and 43 (relating to earned income credit), exceeds the tax imposed by subtitle A (re- duced by the credits allowable under subpart A of part IV of sub- chapter A of chapter 1, other than the credits allowable under sec- tions 31, 39, and 43), the amount of such excess shall be considered an overpayment. * (c) RULE WHERE NO TAX LIABILITY.-An amount paid as tax shall not be considered not to constitute an overpayment solely by reason of the fact that there was no tax liability in respect of which such amount was paid. * * * * * * SUBCHAPTER B-RULES OF SPECIAL APPLICATION * * * * * * SEC. 6413. SPECIAL RULES APPLICABLE TO CERTAIN EMPLOYMENT TAXES. (a) ADJUSTMENT OF TAX.— (1) GENERAL RULE.-If more than the correct amount of tax imposed by section 3101, 3111, 3201, 3221, or 3402 is paid with respect to any payment of remuneration, proper adjustments, with respect to both the tax and the amount to be deducted, shall be made, without interest, in such manner and at such times as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe. 1 Section 6401 was amended by section 204 (b) (1) of Public Law 94-12, and by section 701(f) of P.L. 94-455. For effective dates see section 209 (b) of Public Law 94-12 as amended by section 401(c)(1)(A) of Public Law 94-455. IRC Sec. 6413(a) 682 Revised April 1978 (2) UNITED STATES AS EMPLOYER. For purposes of this subsec- tion, in the case of remuneration received from the United States or a wholly-owned instrumentality thereof during any calendar year, each head of a Federal agency or instrumentality who makes a return pursuant to section 3122 and each agent, designated by the head of a Federal agency or instrumentality, who makes a return pursuant to such section shall be deemed a separate employer. (3) GUAM OR AMERICAN SAMOA AS EMPLOYER.-For purposes of this subsection, in the case of remuneration received during any calendar year from the Government of Guam, the Government of American Samoa, a political subdivision of either, or any instru- mentality of any one or more of the foregoing which is wholly owned thereby, the Governor of Guam, the Governor of American Samoa, and each agent designated by either who makes a return pursuant to section 3125 shall be deemed a separate employer. (4) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AS EMPLOYER.-For purposes of this subsection, in the case of remuneration received during any cal- endar year from the District of Columbia or any instrumentality which is wholly owned thereby, the Mayor of the District of Columbia and each agent designated by him who makes a return pursuant to section 3125 shall be deemed a separate employer. (b) OVERPAYMENTS OF CERTAIN EMPLOYMENT TAXES.-If more than the correct amount of tax imposed by section 3101, 3111, 3201, 3221, or 3402 is paid or deducted with respect to any payment of remuneration and the overpayment cannot be adjusted under subsection (a) of this section, the amount of the overpayment shall be refunded in such man- ner and at such times (subject to the statute of limitations properly applicable thereto) as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe. (c) SPECIAL REFUNDS.- 1 See Appendix B. G (1) IN GENERAL.-If by reason of an employee receiving wages from more than one employer during a calendar year the wages received by him during such year exceed the contribution and benefit base (as determined under section 230 of the Social Security Act)¹ which is effective with respect to such year, the employee shall be entitled (subject to the provisions of section 31 (b)) to a credit or refund of any amount of tax, with respect to such wages, imposed by section 3101 or section 3201, or by both such sections, and deducted from the employee's wages (whether or not paid to the Secretary), which exceeds the tax with respect to the amount of such wages received in such year which is equal to such contribution and benefit base. The term "wages" as used in this paragraph shall, for purposes of this paragraph, include "compensation" as defined in section 3231 (e). Revised April 1978 683 IRC Sec. 6413(c) (2) APPLICABILITY IN CASE OF FEDERAL AND STATE EMPLOYEES, EMPLOYEES OF CERTAIN FOREIGN CORPORATIONS, AND GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES IN GUAM, AMERICAN SAMOA, AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. (A) FEDERAL EMPLOYEES.-In the case of remuneration re- ceived from the United States or a wholly-owned instrumen- tality thereof during any calendar year, each head of a Fed- eral agency or instrumentality who makes a return pursuant to section 3122 and each agent, designated by the head of a Federal agency or instrumentality, who makes a return pur- suant to such section shall, for purposes of this subsection, be deemed a separate employer, and the term "wages" includes for purposes of this subsection the amount, not to exceed an amount equal to the contribution and benefit base (as deter- mined under section 230 of the Social Security Act)' for any calendar year with respect to which such contribution and benefit base is effective, determined by each such head or agent as constituting wages paid to an employee. (B) STATE EMPLOYEES.-For purposes of this subsection, in the case of remuneration received during any calendar year, the term "wages" includes such remuneration for serv- ices covered by an agreement made pursuant to section 218 of the Social Security Act as would be wages if such services con- stituted employment; the term "employer" includes a State or any political subdivision thereof, or any instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing; the term "tax" or "tax imposed by section 3101" includes, in the case of services cov- ered by an agreement made pursuant to section 218 of the Social Security Act, an amount equivalent to the tax which would be imposed by section 3101, if such services constituted employment as defined in section 3121; and the provisions of this subsection shall apply, whether or not any amount de- ducted from the employee's remuneration as a result of an agreement made pursuant to section 218 of the Social Security Act has been paid to the Secretary. (C) EMPLOYEES OF CERTAIN FOREIGN CORPORATIONS.—For purposes of paragraph (1) of this subsection, the term "wages" includes such remuneration for services covered by an agreement made pursuant to section 3121 (1) as would be wages if such services constituted employment; the term “emplover" includes any domestic corporation which has entered into an agreement pursuant to section 3121 (1); the term "tax" or "tax imposed by section 3101," includes in the case of services covered by an agreement entered into pursu- 1 See Appendix B. ; IRC Sec. 6413(c) 684 ant to section 3121(1), an amount equivalent to the tax which would be imposed by section 3101, if such services constituted employment as defined in section 3121; and the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection shall apply whether or not any amount deducted from the employee's remuneration as a result of the agreement entered into pursuant to section 3121(1) has been paid to the Secretary. (D) GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES IN GUAM.-In the case of remuneration received from the Government of Guam or any political subdivision thereof or from any instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing which is wholly owned thereby, during any calendar year, the Governor of Guam and each agent designated by him who makes a return pur- suant to section 3125 (a) shall, for purposes of this subsection be deemed a separate employer. - (E) GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES IN AMERICAN SAMOA.—In the case of remuneration received from the Government of American Samoa or any political subdivision thereof or from any instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing which is wholly owned thereby, during any calendar year, the Governor of American Samoa and each agent designated by him who makes a return pursuant to section 3125(b) shall, for purposes of this subsection, be deemed a separate employer. (F) GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUM- BIA. In the case of remuneration received from the District of Columbia or any instrumentality wholly owned thereby, during any calendar year, the Mayor of the District of Co- lumbia and each agent designated by him who makes a re- turn pursuant to section 3125 (c) shall, for purposes of this subsection, be deemed a separate employer. シ ​- (3) APPLICABILITY WITH RESPECT TO COMPENSATION OF EM- PLOYEES SUBJECT TO THE RAILROAD RETIREMENT TAX ACT.-In the case of any individual who, during any calendar year, receives wages from one or more employers and also receives compensa- tion which is subject to the tax imposed by section 3201 or 3211, such compensation shall, solely for purposes of applying para- graph (1) with respect to the tax imposed by section 3101(b), be treated as wages received from an employer with respect to which the tax imposed by section 3101 (b) was deducted. (d) REFUND OR CREDIT OF FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT TAX.—Any credit allowable under section 3302, to the extent not previously allowed, shall be considered an overpayment, but no interest shall be allowed, or paid with respect to such overpayment. 685 IRC Sec. 6501(c) * * CHAPTER 66-LIMITATIONS * Sec. 6501. Limitations on assessment and collection_. Sec. 6502. Collection after assessment.. Sec. 6511. Limitations on credit or refund. ** Sec. 6513. Time returns deemed filed and tax considered paid Sec. 6521. Mitigation of effect of limitation in case of related taxes under different chapters‒‒‒‒‒ * SEC. 6501. LIMITATIONS ON ASSESSMENT AND COLLEC TION. Page 1 685 686 686 688 (a) GENERAL RULE.-Except as otherwise provided in this section, the amount of any tax imposed by this title shall be assessed within 3 years after the return was filed (whether or not such return was filed on or after the date prescribed) or, if the tax is payable by stamp, at any time after such tax became due and before the expiration of 3 years after the date on which any part of such tax was paid, and no proceeding in court without assessment for the collection of such tax shall be begun after the expiration of such period. (b) TIME RETURN DEEMED FILED.- 688 (1) EARLY RETURN. For purposes of this section, a return of tax imposed by this title, except tax imposed by chapter 3, 21, or 24, filed before the last day prescribed by law or by regulations promulgated pursuant to law for the filing thereof, shall be con- sidered as filed on such last day. * (2) RETURN OF CERTAIN EMPLOYMENT TAXES AND TAX IMPOSED BY CHAPTER 3.—For purposes of this section, if a return of tax im- posed by chapter 3, 21, or 24 for any period ending with or within a calendar year is filed before April 15 of the succeeding calendar year, such return shall be considered filed on April 15 of such calendar year. (3) RETURN EXECUTED BY SECRETARY.-Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of section 6020 (b), the execution of a return by the Secretary pursuant to the authority conferred by such section shall not start the running of the period of limita- tion on assessment and collection. * (c) EXCEPTIONS.- (1) FALSE RETURN.-In the case of a false or fraudulent return with the intent to evade tax, the tax may be assessed, or a proceed- ing in court for collection of such tax may be begun without assessment, at any time. (2) WILLFUL ATTEMPT TO EVADE TAX.—In the case of a willful attempt in any manner to defeat or evade tax imposed by this title ¹ This table of contents does not appear in the law in this form. IRC Sec. 6501(c) 686 (other than tax imposed by subtitle A or B), the tax may be assessed, or a proceeding in court for the collection of such tax may be begun without assessment, at any time. (3) NO RETURN.-In the case of failure to file a return, the tax may be assessed, or a proceeding in court for the collection of such tax may be begun without assessment, at any time. (4) EXTENSION BY AGREEMENT.-Where, before the expiration of the time prescribed in this section for the assessment of any tax imposed by this title, except the estate tax provided in chapter 11, both the Secretary and the taxpayer have consented in writing to its assessment after such time, the tax may be assessed at any time prior to the expiration of the period agreed upon. The period so agreed upon may be extended by subsequent agreements in writ- ing made before the expiration of the period previously agreed upon. ** * ok SEC. 6502. COLLECTION AFTER ASSESSMENT. (a) LENGTH OF PERIOD.-Where the assessment of any tax imposed by this title has been made within the period of limitation properly applicable thereto, such tax may be collected by levy or by a proceed- ing in court, but only if the levy is made or the proceeding begun— (1) within 6 years after the assessment of the tax, or (2) prior to the expiration of any period for collection agreed upon in writing by the Secretary and the taxpayer before the expiration of such 6-year period (or, if there is a release of levy under section 6343 after such 6-year period, then before such release). * ** The period so agreed upon may be extended by subsequent agreements in writing made before the expiration of the period previously agreed upon. The period provided by this subsection during which a tax may be collected by levy shall not be extended or curtailed by reason of a judgment against the taxpayer. * (b) DATE WHEN LEVY IS CONSIDERED MADE.-The date on which a levy on property or rights to property is made shall be the date on which the notice of seizure provided in section 6335 (a) is given. * * SEC. 6511. LIMITATIONS ON CREDIT OR REFUND. (a) PERIOD OF LIMITATION ON FILING CLAIM.--Claim for credit or refund of an overpayment of any tax imposed by this title in respect of which tax the taxpayer is required to file a return shall be filed by the taxpayer within 3 years from the time the return was filed or 2 years from the time the tax was paid, whichever of such periods expires the later, or if no return was filed by the taxpayer, within 2 years from the time the tax was paid. Claim for credit or refund of any overpayment of any tax imposed by this title which is required 687 IRC Sec. 6511(d) to be paid by means of a stamp shall be filed by the taxpayer within 3 years from the time the tax was paid. (b) LIMITATIONS ON ALLOWANCE OF CREDITS ANd Refunds.— (1) FILING OF CLAIM WITHIN PRESCRIBED PERIOD.—No credit or refund shall be allowed or made after the expiration of the period of limitation prescribed in subsection (a) for the filing of a claim for credit or refund, unless a claim for credit or refund is filed by the taxpayer within such period. (2) LIMIT ON AMOUNT OF CREDIT OR REFUND. (A) LIMIT WHERE CLAIM FILED WITHIN 3-YEAR PERIOD.—If the claim was filed by the taxpayer during the 3-year period prescribed in subsection (a), the amount of the credit or re- fund shall not exceed the portion of the tax paid within the period immediately preceding the filing of the claim, equal to 3 years plus the period of any extension of time for filing the return. If the tax was required to be paid by means of a stamp, the amount of the credit or refund shall not exceed the portion of the tax paid within the 3 years immediately preceding the filing of the claim. (B) LIMIT WHERE CLAIM NOT FILED WITHIN 3-YEAR PE- RIOD.-If the claim was not filed within such 3-year period, the amount of the credit or refund shall not exceed the por- tion of the tax paid during the 2 years immediately preceding the filing of the claim. (C) LIMIT IF NO CLAIM FILED.-If no claim was filed, the credit or refund shall not exceed the amount which would be allowable under subparagraph (A) or (B), as the case may be, if claim was filed on the date the credit or refund is allowed. * * * (d) SPECIAL RULES APPLICABLE TO INCOME TAXES.- * * * * * * * * (5) SPECIAL PERIOD OF LIMITATION WITH RESPECT TO SELF- EMPLOYMENT TAX IN CERTAIN CASES.-If the claim for credit or refund relates to an overpayment of the tax imposed by chapter 2 (relating to the tax on self-employment income) attributable to an agreement, or modification of an agreement, made pursuant to section 218 of the Social Security Act (relating to coverage of State and local employees), and if the allowance of a credit or refund of such overpayment is otherwise prevented by the oper- ation of any law or rule of law other than section 7122 (relating to compromises), such credit or refund may be allowed or made if claim therefor is filed on or before the last day of the second year after the calendar year in which such agreement (or modi- IRC Sec. 6511(d) 688 fication) is agreed to by the State and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. * * * * * SEC. 6513. TIME RETURN DEEMED FILED AND TAX CON- SIDERED PAID. * * * ** ** * * * (c) RETURN AND PAYMENT OF SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES AND INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING.-Notwithstanding subsection (a), for purposes of section 6511 with respect to any tax imposed by chapter 3, 21, or 24— (1) If a return for any period ending with or within a calendar year is filed before April 15 of the succeeding calendar year, such return shall be considered filed on April 15 of such succeeding calendar year; and (2) If a tax with respect to remuneration or other amount paid during any period ending with or within a calendar year is paid before April 15 of the succeeding calendar year, such tax shall be considered paid on April 15 of such succeeding calendar year. * * * * * * (e) PAYMENTS OF FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT TAX.-Notwithstanding subsection (a), for purposes of section 6511 any payment of tax im- posed by chapter 23 which, pursuant to section 6157, is made for a calendar quarter or other period within a calendar year shall, if made before the last day prescribed for filing the return for the calendar year (determined without regard to any extension of time for filing), be considered made on such last day. ** * SEC. 6521. MITIGATION OF EFFECT OF LIMITATION IN CASE OF RELATED TAXES UNDER DIFFER- ENT CHAPTERS. (a) SELF-EMPLOYMENT TAX AND TAX ON WAGES.-In the case of the tax imposed by chapter 2 (relating to tax on self-employment income) and the tax imposed by section 3101 (relating to tax on em- ployees under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act)--- (1) If an amount is erroneously treated as self-employment income, or if an amount is erroneously treated as wages, and (2) If the correction of the error would require an assessment of one such tax and the refund or credit of the other tax, and (3) If at any time the correction of the error is authorized as to one such tax but is prevented as to the other tax by any law or rule of law (other than section 7122, relating to compromises), then, if the correction authorized is made, the amount of the assess- ment, or the amount of the credit or refund, as the case may be, authorized as to the one tax shall be reduced by the amount of the 689 IRC Sec. 6601(b) credit or refund, or the amount of the assessment, as the case may be, which would be required with respect to such other tax for the correc- tion of the error if such credit or refund, or such assessment, of such other tax were not prevented by any law or rule of law (other than section 7122 relating to compromises). (b) DEFINITIONS. For purposes of subsection (a), the terms "self- employment income" and "wages" shall have the same meaning as when used in section 1402 (b). *k * * * * * SEC. 6601. INTEREST ON UNDERPAYMENT, NONPAY- MENT, OR EXTENSIONS OF TIME FOR PAY- MENT, OF TAX. (a) GENERAL RULE.-If any amount of tax imposed by this title (whether required to be shown on a return, or to be paid by stamp or by some other method) is not paid on or before the last date pre- scribed for payment, interest on such amount at an annual rate estab- lished under section 6621 shall be paid for the period from such last date to the date paid. CHAPTER 67-INTEREST * ** * * * * (b) LAST DATE PRESCRIBED FOR PAYMENT.-For purposes of this section, the last date prescribed for payment of the tax shall be de- termined under chapter 62 with the application of the following rules: (1) EXTENSIONS OF TIME DISREGARDED.--The last date prescribed for payment shall be determined without regard to any extension of time for payment. (2) INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS.--In the case of an election under section 6152 (a) to pay the tax in installments— (A) The date prescribed for payment of each installment of the tax shown on the return shall be determined under section 6152 (b), and (B) The last date prescribed for payment of the first in- stallment shall be deemed the last date prescribed for pay- ment of any portion of the tax not shown on the return. (3) JEOPARDY.-The last date prescribed for payment shall be determined without regard to any notice and demand for pay- ment issued, by reason of jeopardy (as provided in chapter 70), prior to the last date otherwise prescribed for such payment. * * (4) LAST DATE FOR PAYMENT NOT OTHERWISE PRESCRIBED.-In the case of taxes payable by stamp and in all other cases in which the last date for payment is not otherwise prescribed, the last date. for payment shall be deemed to be the date the liability for tax arises (and in no event shall be later than the date notice and demand for the tax is made by the Secretary). * - * * IRC Sec. 6601(e) 690 (e) APPLICABLE RULES.-Except as otherwise provided in this title- (1) INTEREST Treated as tax.—Interest prescribed under this section on any tax shall be paid upon notice and demand, and shall be assessed, collected, and paid in the same manner as taxes. Any reference in this title (except subchapter B of chapter 63, relating to deficiency procedures) to any tax imposed by this title shall be deemed also to refer to interest imposed by this section on such tax. (2) NO INTEREST ON INTEREST.-No interest under this section shall be imposed on the interest provided by this section. (3) INTEREST ON PENALTIES, ADDITIONAL AMOUNTS, OR ADDITIONS TO THE TAX. Interest shall be imposed under subsection (a) in respect of any assessable penalty, additional amount, or addition to the tax only if such assessable penalty, additional amount, or addition to the tax is not paid within 10 days from the date of notice and demand therefor, and in such case interest shall be imposed only for the period from the date of the notice and de- mand to the date of payment. (4) PAYMENTS MADE WITHIN 10 DAYS AFTER NOTICE AND DE- MAND. If notice and demand is made for payment of any amount, and if such amount is paid within 10 days after the date of such notice and demand, interest under this section on the amount so paid shall not be imposed for the period after the date of such notice and demand. M * * * * * * (g) LIMITATION ON ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION.-Interest pre- scribed under this section on any tax may be assessed and collected at any time during the period within which the tax to which such interest relates may be collected. * * * CHAPTER 68-ADDITIONS TO THE TAX, ADDITIONAL AMOUNTS, AND ASSESSABLE PENALTIES * Sec. 6651. Failure to file tax return or to pay tax. Sec. 6652. Failure to file certain information returns_. * 1 The table of contents does not appear in the law in this form. Sec. 6656. Failure to make deposit of taxes-- Sec. 6659. Applicable rules____ Sec. 6674. Fraudulent statement or failure to furnish statement to em- ployee Sec. 6676. Failure to supply identifying numbers_ Page 1 690 692 694 694 695 695 691 IRC Sec. 6651(b) SEC. 6651. FAILURE TO FILE TAX RETURN OR TO PAY TAX. (a) ADDITION TO THE TAX.-In case of failure- (1) to file any return required under authority of subchapter A of chapter 61 (other than part III thereof), subchapter A of chapter 51 (relating to distilled spirits, wines, and beer), or of subchapter A of chapter 52 (relating to tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, and cigarette papers and tubes), or of subchapter A of chapter 53 (relating to machine guns and certain other firearms), on the date prescribed therefor (determined with regard to any exten- sion of time for filing), unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect, there shall be added to the amount required to be shown as tax on such return 5 percent of the amount of such tax if the failure is for not more than 1 month, with an additional 5 percent for each addi- tional month or fraction thereof during which such failure con- tinues, not exceeding 25 percent in the aggregate; (2) to pay the amount shown as tax on any return specified in paragraph (1) on or before the date prescribed for payment of such tax (determined with regard to any extension of time for payment). Unless it is shown that such failure is due to reason- able cause and not due to willful neglect, there shall be added to the amount shown as tax on such return 0.5 percent of the amount of such tax if the failure is for not more than 1 month, with an additional 0.5 percent for each additional month or fraction there- of during which such failure continues, not exceeding 25 percent in the aggregate; or (3) to pay any amount in respect of any tax required to be shown on a return specified in paragraph (1) which is not so shown (including an assessment made pursuant to section 6213(b)) within 10 days of the date of the notice and demand therefore, unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect, there shall be added to the amount of tax stated in such notice and demand 0.5 percent of the amount of such tax if the failure is for not more than 1 month, with an additional 0.5 percent for each additional month or frac- tion thereof during which such failure continues, not exceeding 25 percent in the aggregate. (b) PENALTY IMPOSED ON NET AMOUNT DUE.-For purposes of- (1) subsection (a) (1), the amount of tax required to be shown on the return shall be reduced by the amount of any part of the tax which is paid on or before the date prescribed for payment of the tax and by the amount of any credit against the tax which may be claimed on the return, IRC Sec. 6651(b) 692 (2) subsection (a)(2), the amount of tax shown on the return shall, for purposes of computing the addition for any month, be reduced by the amount of any part of the tax which is paid on or before the beginning of such month and by the amount of any credit against the tax which may be claimed on the return, and (3) subsection (a) (3), the amount of tax stated in the notice and demand shall, for the purpose of computing the addition for any month, be reduced by the amount of any part of the tax which is paid before the beginning of such month. * * * * *** * SEC. 6652. FAILURE TO FILE CERTAIN INFORMATION RETURNS. (a) (b) OTHER RETURNS.-In the case of each failure to file a statement of a payment to another person required under authority of section 6041 (relating to certain information at source), section 6042(a) (2) (relating to payments of dividends aggregating less than $10), section 6044 (a) (2) (relating to payments of patronage dividends aggregat- ing less than $10), section 6049 (a) (2) (relating to payments of in- terest aggregating less than $10), section 6049 (a)(3) (relating to other payments of interest by corporations), or section 6051 (d) (re- lating to information returns with respect to income tax withheld), in the case of each failure to make a return required by section 6050A (a) (relating to reporting requirements of certain fishing boat op- erators), and in the case of each failure to furnish a statement re- quired by section 6053 (b) (relating to statements furnished by em- ployers with respect to tips), or section 6050A (b) (relating to state- ments furnished by certain fishing boat operators), on the date pre- scribed therefor (determined with regard to any extension of time for filing), unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect, there shall be paid (upon notice and demand by the Secretary and in the same manner as tax) by the person failing to so file the statement, $1 for each such statement not so filed, but the total amount imposed on the delinquent person for all such failures during the calendar year shall not exceed $1,000. (c) FAILURE TO REPORT TIPS.-In the case of failure by an em- ployee to report to his employer on the date and in the manner pre- scribed therefor any amount of tips required to be so reported by sec- tion 6053 (a) which are wages (as defined in section 3121 (a), or which are compensation (as defined in section 3231 (e)) unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect, there shall be paid by the employee, in addition to the tax im- posed by section 3101 or section 3201 (as the case may be) with respect to the amount of tips which he so failed to report, an amount equal to 50 percent of such tax. T 693 IRC Sec. 6652(d) (d) RETURNS BY EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS AND BY CERTAIN TRUSTS.— (1) PENALTY ON ORGANIZATION OR TRUST.—In the case of a fail- ure to file a return required under section 6033 (relating to returns by exempt organizations), section 6034 (relating to returns by cer- tain trusts), or section 6043 (b) (relating to exempt organiza- tions), on the date and in the manner prescribed therefor (deter- mined with regard to any extension of time for filing), unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause there shall be paid (on notice and demand by the Secretary and in the same manner as tax) by the exempt organization or trust failing so to file, $10 for each day during which such failure continues, but the total amount imposed hereunder on any organization for failure to file any return shall not exceed $5,000. (2) MANAGERS.-The Secretary may make written demand upon an organization failing to file under paragraph (1) speci- fying therein a reasonable future date by which such filing shall be made, and if such filing is not made on or before such date, and unless it is shown that failure so to file is due to reasonable cause, there shall be paid (on notice and demand by the Secre- tary and in the same manner as tax) by the person failing so to file, $10 for each day after the expiration of the time specified in the written demand during which such failure continues, but the total amount imposed hereunder on all persons for such failure to file shall not exceed $5,000. If more than one person is liable under this paragraph for a failure to file, all such per- sons shall be jointly and severally liable with respect to such failure. The term "person" as used herein means any officer, di- rector, trustee, employee, member, or other individual who is un- der a duty to perform the act in respect of which the violation G occurs. (3) ANNUAL REPORTS.-In the case of a failure to file a report re- quired under section 6056 (relating to annual reports by private foundations) or to comply with the requirements of section 6104(d) (relating to public inspection of private foundations' annual reports), on the date and in the manner prescribed there- for (determined with regard to any extension of time for filing), unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause, there shall be paid (on notice and demand by the Secretary and in the same manner as tax) by the person failing so to file or meet the publicity requirement, $10 for each day during which such failure continues, but the total amount imposed hereunder on all such persons for such failure to file or comply with the requirements of section 6104(d) with regard to any one annual report shall not exceed $5,000. If more than one person is liable under this paragraph for a failure to file or comply with the 21-746 O - 78 - 52 IRC Sec. 6652(d) 694 requirements of section 6104(d), all such persons shall be jointly and severally liable with respect to such failure. The term "per- son" as used herein means any officer, director, trustee, employee, member, or other individual who is under a duty to perform the act in respect of which the violation occurs. * * ** * * * * SEC. 6656. FAILURE TO MAKE DEPOSIT OF TAXES. (a) PENALTY.-In case of failure by any person required by this title or by regulation of the Secretary under this title to deposit on the date prescribed therefore any amount of tax imposed by this title in such government depositary as is authorized under section 6302 (c) to receive such deposit, unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect, there shall be imposed upon such person a penalty of 5 percent of the amount of the underpayment. For purposes of this subsection, the term "under- payment" means the excess of the amount of the tax required to be so deposited over the amount, if any, thereof deposited on or before the date prescribed therefor. (b) PENALTY NOT IMPOSED AFTER DUE DATE FOR RETURN.—For purposes of subsection (a), the failure shall be deemed not to continue beyond the last date (determined without regard to any extension of time) prescribed for payment of the tax required to be deposited or beyond the date tax is paid, whichever is earlier. * * * * ** SEC. 6659. APPLICABLE RULES. (a) ADDITIONS TREATED AS TAX.-Except as otherwise provided in this title- (1) The additions to the tax, additional amounts, and penalties provided by this chapter shall be paid upon notice and demand and shall be assessed, collected, and paid in the same manner as taxes: :*. (2) Any reference in this title to "tax" imposed by this title shall be deemed also to refer to the additions to the tax, additional amounts, and penalties provided by this chapter. (b) PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSING CERTAIN ADDITIONS TO TAX.-For purposes of subchapter B of chapter 63 (relating to deficiency pro- cedures for income, estate, gift, and chapter 42 taxes), subsection (a) shall not apply to any addition to tax under section 6651, 6654, or 6655; except that it shall apply- (1) in the case of an addition described in section 6651, to that portion of such addition which is attributable to a deficiency in tax described in section 6211; or 695 IRC Sec. 6676(b) (2) to an addition described in section 6654 or 6655, if no return is filed for the taxable year. * * * * * * SEC. 6674. FRAUDULENT STATEMENT OR FAILURE TO FURNISH STATEMENT TO EMPLOYEE. * In addition to the criminal penalty provided by section 7204, any person required under the provisions of section 6051 or 6053 (b) to furnish a statement to an employee who willfully furnishes a false or fraudulent statement, or who willfully fails to furnish a statement in the manner, at the time, and showing the information required under section 6051 or 6053(b), or regulations prescribed thereunder, shall for each such failure be subject to a penalty under this subchapter of $50, which shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as the tax on employers imposed by section 3111. * * SEC. 6676. FAILURE TO SUPPLY IDENTIFYING NUMBER. (a) CIVIL PENALTY.-If any person who is required by regulations prescribed under section 6109— * * * (1) to include his identifying number in any return, statement, or other document, (2) to furnish his identifying number to another person, or (3) to include in any return, statement, or other document made with respect to another person the identifying number of such or other document, fails to comply with such requirement at the time prescribed by such regulations, such person shall pay a penalty of $5 for each such fail- ure, unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause. (b) DEFICIENCY PROCEDURES NOT TO APPLY.-Subchapter B of chapter 63 (relating to deficiency procedures for income, estate, gift and chapter 42 taxes) shall not apply in respect of the assessment or collection of any penalty imposed by subsection (a). CHAPTER 75-CRIMES, OTHER OFFENSES, AND FORFEITURES Sec. 7201. Attempt to evade or defeat tax-. Sec. 7202. Willful failure to collect or pay over tax. Sec. 7203. Willful failure to file return, supply information, or pay tax__ Sec. 7204. Fraudulent statement or failure to make statement to em- ployees Sec. 7206. Fraud and false statements_ Sec. 7207. Fraudulent returns, statements, or other documents_ 1 This table of contents does not appear in the law in this form. Page¹ 696 696 696 696 696 697 N IRC Sec. 7201 696 SEC. 7201. ATTEMPT TO EVADE OR DEFEAT TAX. Any person who willfully attempts in any manner to evade or defeat any tax imposed by this title or the payment thereof shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. SEC. 7202. WILLFUL FAILURE TO COLLECT OR PAY OVER TAX. Any person required under this title to collect, account for, and pay over any tax imposed by this title who willfully fails to collect or truthfully account for and pay over such tax shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be guilty of a felony and, upon con- viction thereof, shall be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. SEC. 7203. WILLFUL FAILURE TO FILE RETURN, SUPPLY INFORMATION, PAY TAX. Any person required under this title to pay any estimated tax or tax, or required by this title or by regulations made under authority thereof to make a return (other than a return required under authority of section 6015), keep any records, or supply any information, who willfully fails to pay such estimated tax or tax, make such return, keep such records, or supply such information, at the time or times required by law or regulations, shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. SEC. 7204. FRAUDULENT STATEMENT OR FAILURE TO MAKE STATEMENT TO EMPLOYEES. In lieu of any other penalty provided by law (except the penalty provided by section 6674) any person required under the provisions of section 6051 to furnish a statement who willfully furnishes a false or fraudulent statement or who willfully fails to furnish a statement in the manner, at the time, and showing the information required under section 6051, or regulations prescribed thereunder, shall, for each such offense, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both. ** * * * * SEC. 7206. FRAUD AND FALSE STATEMENTS. Any person who- * (1) DECLARATION UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY.-Willfully makes and subscribes any return, statement, or other document, which contains or is verified by a written declaration that it is 697 IRC Sec. 7651 made under the penalties of perjury, and which he does not be- lieve to be true and correct as to every material matter; or (2) AID OR ASSISTANCE.-Willfully aids or assists in, or pro- cures, counsels, or advises the preparation or presentation under, or in connection with any matter arising under, the internal reve- nue laws, of a return, affidavit, claim, or other document, which is fraudulent or is false as to any material matter, whether or not such falsity or fraud is with the knowledge or consent of the per- son authorized or required to present such return, affidavit, claim, or document; * * shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than 3 years; or both, together with the costs of prosecution. SEC. 7207. FRAUDULENT RETURNS, STATEMENTS, OR OTHER DOCUMENTS. Any person who willfully delivers or discloses to the Secretary or his delegate any list, return, account, statement, or other document, known by him to be fraudulent or to be false as to any material matter, shall be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both. Any person required pursuant to sections 6047 (b) or (c), 6056 or 6104 (d) to furnish any information to the Secretary or any other person who willfully furnishes to the Secretary or such other person any information known by him to be fraudulent or to be false as to any material matter shall be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both. * * * * * * * * * * CHAPTER 78-DISCOVERY OF LIABILITY AND ENFORCEMENT OF TITLE * * * * * SEC. 7651. ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION OF TAXES IN POSSESSIONS. Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, and except as otherwise provided in section 28(a) of the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands and section 30 of the Organic Act of Guam (relat- ing to the covering of the proceeds of certain taxes into the treasuries of the Virgin Islands and Guam, respectively)— (1) APPLICABILITY OF ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS.-All provi- sions of the laws of the United States applicable to the assessment and collection of any tax imposed by this title or of any other liability arising under this title (including penalties) shall, in " IRC Sec. 7651 698 H respect of such tax or liability, extend to and be applicable in any possession of the United States in the same manner and to the same extent as if such possession were a State, and as if the term "United States" when used in a geographical sense included such possession. (2) TAX IMPOSED IN POSSESSION.-In the case of any tax which is imposed by this title in any possession of the United States— (A) INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTIONS.-Such tax shall be collected under the direction of the Secretary, and shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States as internal revenue col- lections; and (B) APPLICABLE LAWS.-All provisions of the laws of the United States applicable to the administration, collection, and enforcement of such tax (including penalties) shall, in re- spect of such tax, extend to and be applicable in such posses- sion of the United States in the same manner and to the same extent as if such possession were a State, and as if the term "United States" when used in a geographical sense included such possession. (3) OTHER LAWS RELATING TO POSSESSIONS.-This section shall apply notwithstanding any other provision of law relating to any possession of the United States. (4) CANAL ZONE.-For purposes of this section, the term "pos- session of the United States" includes the Canal Zone. (5) VIRGIN ISLANDS. (A) For purposes of this section, the reference in section 28(a) of the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands to "any tax specified in section 3811 of the Internal Revenue Code" shall be deemed to refer to any tax imposed by chapter 2 or by chapter 21. (B) For purposes of this title, section 28 (a) of the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands shall be effective as if such section had been enacted subsequent to the enactment of this title. * ** ** * * SEC. 7655. CROSS REFERENCES. (a) IMPOSITION OF TAX IN POSSESSIONS.- For provisions imposing tax in possessions, see— (1) Chapter 2, relating to self-employment tax; (2) Chapter 21, relating to the tax under the Federal Insurance Con- tributions Act; (3) Chapter 37, relating to tax on sugar. 699 IRC Sec. 7805(a) (b) OTHER PROVISIONS.- For other provisions relating to possessions of the United States, see— (1) Section 933, relating to income tax on residents of Puerto Rico ; (2) Section 6418 (b), relating to exportation of sugar to Puerto Rico. CHAPTER 79-DEFINITIONS SEC. 7701. DEFINITIONS. (a) When used in this title, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof- (1) PERSON.-The term "person" shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, associa- tion, company or corporation. * * * * (3) CORPORATION.-The term "corporation" includes associa- tions, joint-stock companies, and insurance companies. (4) DOMESTIC.-The term "domestic" when applied to a cor- portion or partnership means created or organized in the United States or under the law of the United States or of any State. * * * 1 * (7) STOCK.-The term "stock" includes shares in an association, joint-stock company, or insurance company. * * ** * (9) UNITED STATES.-The term "United States" when used in a geographical sense includes only the States and the District of Columbia. P (10) STATE. The term "State" shall be construed to include the District of Columbia, where such construction is necessary to carry out the provisions of this title. (11) SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY AND SECRETARY.- * (A) SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY.-The term "Secretary of the Treasury" means the Secretary of the Treasury, per- sonally, and shall not include any delegate of his. (B) SECRETARY.-The term "Secretary" means the Secre- tary of the Treasury or his delegate. Ek * * * * CHAPTER 80-GENERAL RULES SEC. 7805. RULES AND REGULATIONS. (a) AUTHORIZATION.-Except where such authority is expressly given by this title to any person other than an officer or employee of the Treasury Department, the Secretary shall prescribe all needful rules and regulations for the enforcement of this title, including all rules and regulations as may be necessary by reason of any alteration of law in relation to internal revenue. IRC Sec. 7805(a) 700 (c) PREPARATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF REGULATIONS, FORMS, STAMPS, AND OTHER MATTERS.—The Secretary shall prepare and dis- tribute all the instructions, regulations, directions, forms, blanks, stamps, and other matters pertaining to the assessment and collection of internal revenue. ** * ** ak SEC. 7851. APPLICABILITY OF REVENUE LAWS. (a) GENERAL RULES.-Except as otherwise provided in any section of this title- *k ** (1) SUBTITLE A.- (A) Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 6 of this title shall apply only with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1953, and ending after the date of enactment of this title, and with respect to such taxable years, chapters 1 (except sec- tions 143 and 144) and 2, and section 3801, of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 are hereby repealed. * ** * (C) Any provision of subtitle A of this title the applica- bility of which is stated in terms of a specific date (occurring after December 31, 1953), or in terms of taxable years ending after a specific date (occurring after December 31, 1953), shall apply to taxable years ending after such specific date. Each such provision shall, in the case of a taxable year sub- ject to the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, be deemed to be included in the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, but shall be applicable only to taxable years ending after such specific date. The provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 superseded by provisions of subtitle A of this title the appli- cability of which is stated in terms of a specific date (occur- ring after December 31, 1953) shall be deemed to be included in subtitle A of this title, but shall be applicable only to the period prior to the taking effect of the corresponding provi- sion of subtitle A. *k * * * (3) SUBTITLE C.-Subtitle C of this title shall apply only with respect to remuneration paid after December 31, 1954, except that chapter 22 of such subtitle shall apply only with respect to remu- neration paid after December 31, 1954, which is for services per- formed after such date. Chapter 9 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 is hereby repealed with respect to remuneration paid after * *k 701 IRC Sec. 7852(b) December 31, 1954, except that subchapter B of such chapter (and subchapter E of such chapter to the extent it relates to subchapter B) shall remain in force and effect with respect to remuneration paid after December 31, 1954, for services performed on or before such date. * * (e) REFERENCE TO OTHER PROVISIONS. For the purpose of apply- ing the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 or the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to any period, any reference in either such code to another provision of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 or the Internal Reve- nue Code of 1954 which is not then applicable to such period shall be deemed a reference to the corresponding provision of the other code which is then applicable to such period. SEC. 7852. OTHER APPLICABLE RULES. * * * * * * * * (b) REFERENCE IN OTHER LAWS TO INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1939. Any reference in any other law of the United States or in any Executive order to any provision of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 shall, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof, be deemed also to refer to the corresponding provision of this title. * * " Revised April 1978 Excerpt From the Consumer Credit Protection Act, as Amended (P.L. 90-321) * * Sec. 301. Findings and purpose. 302. Definitions. * * TITLE III—RESTRICTION ON GARNISHMENT * 303. Restriction on garnishment. 304. Restriction on discharge from employment by reason of garnishment. 305. Exemption for State-regulated garnishments. 306. Enforcement by Secretary of Labor. 307. Effect on State laws. ܕ * § 301. Findings and purpose (a) The Congress finds: (1) The unrestricted garnishment of compensation due for per- sonal services encourages the making of predatory extensions of credit. Such extensions of credit divert money into excessive credit payments and thereby hinder the production and flow of goods in interstate commerce. (2) The application of garnishment as a creditors' remedy fre- quently results in loss of employment by the debtor, and the result- ing disruption of employment, production, and consumption constitutes a substantial burden on interstate commerce. (3) The great disparities among the laws of the several States relating to garnishment have, in effect, destroyed the uniformity of the bankruptcy laws and frustrated the purposes thereof in many areas of the country. (b) On the basis of the findings stated in subsection (a) of this sec- tion, the Congress determines that the provisions of this title are neces- sary and proper for the purpose of carrying into execution the powers of the Congress to regulate commerce and to establish uniform bank- ruptcy laws. § 302. Definitions For the purposes of this title: (a) The term "earnings" means compensation paid or payable for personal services, whether denominated as wages, salary, commission, bonus, or otherwise, and includes periodic payments pursuant to a pension or retirement program. (703) 704 Revised April 1978 (b) The term "disposable earnings" means that part of the earnings of any individual remaining after the deduction from those earnings of any amounts required by law to be withheld. (c) The term "garnishment" means any legal or equitable procedure through which the earnings of any individual are required to be with- held for payment of any debt. § 303. Restriction on garnishment (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) and in section 305, the maximum part of the aggregate disposable earnings of an individual for any workweek which is subjected to garnishment may not exceed (1) 25 per centum of his disposable earnings for that week, or (2) the amount by which his disposable earnings for that week exceed thirty times the Federal minimum hourly wage prescribed by section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 in effect at the time the earnings are payable, whichever is less. In the case of earnings for any pay period other than a week, the Secretary of Labor shall by regulation prescribe a multiple of the Federal minimum hourly wage equivalent in effect to that set forth in paragraph (2). (b)(1) The restrictions of subsection (a) do not apply in the case of- (A) any order for the support of any person issued by a court of competent jurisdiction or in accordance with an administrative procedure, which is established by State law, which affords sub- stantial due process, and which is subject to judicial review. (B) any order of any court of bankruptcy under chapter XIII of the Bankruptcy Act. (C) any debt due for any State or Federal tax. (2) The maximum part of the aggregate disposable earnings of an individual for any workweek which is subject to garnishment to enforce any order for the support of any person shall not exceed— (A) where such individual is supporting his spouse or depend- ent child (other than a spouse or child with respect to whose sup- port such order is used), 50 per centum of such individual's disposable earnings for that week; and (B) where such individual is not supporting such a spouse or dependent child described in clause (A), 60 per centum of such individual's disposable earnings for that week; except that, with respect to the disposable earnings of any individual for any workweek, the 50 per centum specified in clause (A) shall be deemed to be 55 per centum and the 60 per centum specified in clause (B) shall be deemed to be 65 per centum, if and to the extent that such earnings are subject to garnishment to enforce a support order with respect to a period which is prior to the twelve-week period which ends with the beginning of such workweek. Revised April 1978 705 (c) No court of the United States or any State, and no State (or offi- cer or agency thereof), may make, execute, or enforce any order or process in violation of this section.¹ § 304. Restriction on discharge from employment by reason of garnishment (a) No employer may discharge any employee by reason of the fact that his earnings have been subjected to garnishment for any one indebtedness. (b) Whoever willfully violates subsection (a) of this section shall be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. § 305. Exemption for State-regulated garnishments The Secretary of Labor may by regulation exempt from the provi- sions of section 303 (a) and (b) (2) garnishments issued under the laws of any State if he determines that the laws of that State provide re- strictions on garnishment which are substantially similar to those pro- vided in section 303 (a) and (b) (2).¹ § 306. Enforcement by Secretary of Labor The Secretary of Labor, acting through the Wage and Hour Divi- sion of the Department of Labor, shall enforce the provisions of this title. § 307. Effect on State laws This title does not annul, alter, or affect, or exempt any person from complying with, the laws of any State (1) prohibiting garnishments or providing for more limited garnishments than are allowed under this title, or (2) prohibiting the discharge of any employee by reason of the fact that his earnings have been subjected to garnishment for more than one indebtedness. * * * * 1 Sections 303 and 305 were amended by sec. 501 (e) of P.L. 95–30. * * ! Revised April 1978 707 Excerpts From the Food Stamp Act of 1977, as Enacted by Sec- tion 1301 of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 (Public Law 95-113) Sec. 6. (a) * Sec. 11. (a) ** * * * * ** * * * * (g) No individual who receives supplemental security income bene- fits under title XVI of the Social Security Act, State supplementary payments described in section 1616 of such Act, or payments of the type referred to in section 212(a) of Public Law 93-66, as amended, shall be considered to be a member of a household for any month, if, for such month, such individual resides in a State which provides State supplementary payments (1) of the type described in section 1616(a) of the Social Security Act and section 212 (a) of Public Law 93-66, and (2) the level of which has been found by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to have been specifically increased so as to include the bonus value of food stamps. * * ** * (j) The Secretary, in conjunction with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, is authorized to prescribe regulations per- mitting applicants for and recipients of social security benefits to apply for food stamps at social security offices and be certified for food stamp eligibility in such offices in order that the application and certification for food stamp assistance may be accomplished as effi- ciently and conveniently as possible. * [Note: The next page of this document is page 711] 21-746 O · 78 53 Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act, As Amended Excerpt From Public Law 91-373, August 10, 1970 * Title II-Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Program Short Title Sec. 201. This title may be cited as the "Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970”. Payment of Extended Compensation State Law Requirements Sec. 202. (a) (1) For purposes of section 3304(a) (11) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, a State law shall provide that payment of ex- tended compensation shall be made, for any week of unemployment which begins in the individual's eligibility period, to individuals who have exhausted all rights to regular compensation under the State law and who have no rights to regular compensation with respect to such week under such law or any other State unemployment compen- sation law or to compensation under any other Federal law and are not receiving compensation with respect to such week under the unem- ployment compensation law of Canada. For purposes of the preced- ing sentence, an individual shall have exhausted his rights to regular compensation under a State law (A) when no payments of regular compensation can be made under such law because such individual has received all regular compensation available to him based on em- ployment or wages during his base period, or (B) when his rights to such compensation have terminated by reason of the expiration of the benefit year with respect to which such rights existed.¹ (2) Except where inconsistent with the provisions of this title, the terms and conditions of the State law which apply to claims for regular compensation and to the payment thereof shall apply to claims for extended compensation and to the payment thereof. ¹ Paragraph (1) was amended by section 116(d)(1) of P.L. 94–566. (711) Extend. Unemp. Comp. Act 712 Individuals' Compensation Accounts (b) (1) The State law shall provide that the State will establish, for each eligible individual who files an application therefor, an extended compensation account with respect to such individual's benefit year. The amount established in such account shall be not less than whichever of the following is the least: (A) 50 per centum of the total amount of regular compensation (including dependents' allowances) payable to him during such benefit year under such law. (B) thirteen times his average weekly benefit amount, or (C) thirty-nine times his average weekly benefit amount, re- duced by the regular compensation paid (or deemed paid) to him during such benefit year under such law; except that the amount so determined shall (if the State law so pro- vides) be reduced by the aggregate amount of additional compensation paid (or deemed paid) to him under such law for prior weeks of unem- ployment in such benefit year which did not begin in an extended benefit period. (2) For purposes of paragraph (1), an individual's weekly benefit amount for a week is the amount of regular compensation (including dependents' allowances) under the State law payable to such indi- vidual for such week for total unemployment. Extended Benefit Period Beginning and Ending Sec. 203. (a) For purposes of this title, in the case of any State, an extended benefit period- (1) shall begin with the third week after whichever of the following weeks first occurs: (A) a week for which there is a national "on" indicator, or (B) a week for which there is a State "on" indicator; and (2) shall end with the third week after the first week for which there is both a national "off" indicator and a State "off" indicator. Special Rules (b) (1) In the case of any State- (A) no extended benefit period shall last for a period of less than thirteen consecutive weeks, and Revised April 1977 713 Extend. Unemp. Comp. Act (B) no extended benefit period may begin by reason of a State "on" indicator before the fourteenth week after the close of a prior extended benefit period with respect to such State. (2) When a determination has been made that an extended benefit period is beginning or ending with respect to a State (or all the States), the Secretary shall cause notice of such determination to be published in the Federal Register. Eligibility Period (c) For purposes of this title, an individual's eligibility period under the State law shall consist of the weeks in his benefit year which begin in an extended benefit period and, if his benefit year ends within such extended benefit period, any weeks thereafter which begin in such extended benefit period. National "On" and "Off" Indicators (d) For purposes of this section- (1) There is a national "on" indicator for a week if, for the period consisting of such week and the immediately preceding twelve weeks, the rate of insured unemployment (seasonally adjusted) for all States equaled or exceeded 4.5 per centum (de- termined by reference to the average monthly covered employ- ment for the first four of the most recent six calendar quarters ending before the close of such period). (2) There is a national "off" indicator for a week if, for the period consisting of such week and the immediately preceding twelve weeks, the rate of insured unemployment (seasonally adjusted) for all States was less than 4.5 per centum (deter- mined by reference to the average monthly covered employment for the first four of the most recent six calendar quarters ending before the close of such period).¹ State "On" and "Off" Indicators (e) For purposes of this section- (1) There is a State "on" indicator for a week if the rate of insured unemployment under the State law for the period consist- ing of such week and the immediately preceding twelve weeks— 1 Subsection (d) was amended by section 311(a) of P.L. 94-566 effective for weeks beginning after December 31, 1976. Prior to this effective date, subsection (d) includes the following sentence: Effective with respect to compensation for weeks of unemployment beginning before December 31, 1976, and beginning after December 31, 1974 (or, if later, the date established pursuant to State law), the State may by law provide that the deter- mination of whether there has been a national "on" or "off" indicator beginning or ending any extended benefit period shall be made under this subsection as if the phrase "4.5 per centum," contained in paragraphs (1) and (2), read "4 per centum." Revised April 1977 (A) equaled or exceeded 120 per centum of the average of such rates for the corresponding thirteen-week period ending in each of the preceding two calendar years, and Extend. Unemp. Comp. Act 714 (B) equaled or exceeded 4 per centum. (2) There is a State "off" indicator for a week if, for the period consisting of such week and the immediately preceding twelve weeks, either subparagraph (A) or subparagraph (B) of para- graph (1) is not satisfied. Effective with respect to compensation for weeks of unemployment beginning after March 30, 1977 (or, if later, the date established pursuant to State law) the State may by law provide that the deter- mination of whether there has been a State "on" or "off" indicator beginning or ending any extended benefit period shall be made under this subsection as if (i) paragraph (1) did not contain subparagraph (A) thereof, and (ii) the figure "4" contained in subparagraph (B) thereof were "5"; except that, notwithstanding any such provision of State law, any week for which there would otherwise be a State "on" indicator shall continue to be such a week and shall not be deter- mined to be a week for which there is a State "off" indicator. For purposes of this subsection, the rate of insured unemployment for any thirteen-week period shall be determined by reference to the average monthly covered employment under the State law for the first four of the most recent six calendar quarters ending before the close of such period.¹ 1 Rate of Insured Unemployment; Covered Employment (f) (1) For purposes of subsections (d) and (e), the term "rate of insured unemployment" means the percentage arrived at by dividing— (A) the average weekly number of individuals filing claims for weeks of unemployment with respect to the specified period, 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by Public Law 94-45. Effective for weeks beginning after March 30, 1977 paragraph (2) was further amended by section 311(b) of Public Law 94-566. Prior to that effective date, paragraph (2) contains the following sentence: Effective with respect to compensation for weeks of unemployment beginning before March 31, 1977, and beginning after December 31, 1973 (or, if later, the date established pursuant to State law), the State may by law provide that the determination of whether there has been a State "on" or "off" indicator beginning or ending any extended benefit period shall be made under this subsection as if paragraph (1) did not contain subpara- graph (A) thereof. 715 Extend. Unemp. Comp. Act as determined on the basis of the reports made by all State agencies (or, in the case of subsection (e), by the State agency) to the Secretary, by (B) the average monthly covered employment for the specified period. (2) Determinations under subsection (d) shall be made by the Secretary in accordance with regulations prescribed by him. (3) Determinations under subsection (e) shall be made by the State agency in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary. Payments to States Amount Payable Sec. 204. (a)(1) There shall be paid to each State an amount equal to one-half of the sum of— (A) the sharable extended compensation, and (B) the sharable regular compensation, paid to individuals under the State law. (2) No payment shall be made to any State under this subsection in respect to compensation for which the State is entitled to reimburse- ment under the provisions of any Federal law other than this Act. 1 (3) In the case of compensation which is sharable extended com- pensation or sharable regular compensation by reason of the provision contained in the last sentence of section 203 (d), the first paragraph of this subsection shall be applied as if the words "one-half of" read "100 per centum of" but only with respect to compensation that would not have been payable if the State law's provisions as to the State "on" and "off" indicators omitted the 120 percent factor as provided for by Public Law 93-368 and by section 106 of this Act.¹ (4) The amount which, but for this paragraph, would be payable under this subsection to any State in respect of any compensation paid to an individual whose base period wages include wages for services to which section 3306 (c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 applies shall be reduced by an amount which bears the same ratio to the amount which, but for this paragraph, would be payable under this subsection to such State in respect of such compensation as the amount of the base period wages attributable to such services bears to the total amount of the base period wages.2 1 The reference to "section 106 of this Act" is apparently intended as a reference to section 106 of Public Law 93--572 which added paragraph (3) to this section. 'Paragraph (4) was added by section 212 of Public Law 94-566, effective for compensa- tion for weeks of unemployment beginning after December 31, 1978. Extend. Unemp. Comp. Act 716 Shareable Extended Compensation (b) For purposes of subsection (a) (1) (A), extended compensation paid to an individual for weeks of unemployment in such individual's eligibility period is sharable extended compensation to the extent that the aggregate extended compensation paid to such individual with respect to any benefit year does not exceed the smallest of the amounts referred to in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of section 202 (b)(1). Shareable Regular Compensation (c) For purposes of subsection (a) (1) (B), regular compensation paid to an individual for a week of unemployment is sharable regular compensation- (1) if such week is in such individual's eligibility period (deter- mined under section 203 (c)), and (2) to the extent that the sum of such compensation, plus the regular compensation paid (or deemed paid) to him with respect to prior weeks of unemployment in the benefit year, exceeds twenty-six times (and does not exceed thirty-nine times) the average weekly benefit amount (including allowances for depend- ents) for weeks of total unemployment payable to such individual under the State law in such benefit year. Payment on Calendar Month Basis (d) There shall be paid to each State either in advance or by way of reimbursement, as may be determined by the Secretary, such sum as the Secretary estimates the State will be entitled to receive under this title for each calendar month, reduced or increased, as the case may be, by any sum by which the Secretary finds that his estimates for any prior calendar month were greater or less than the amounts which should have been paid to the State. Such estimates may be made upon the basis of such statistical, sampling, or other method as may be agreed upon by the Secretary and the State agency. Certification (e) The Secretary shall from time to time certify to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment to each State the sums payable to such State under this section. The Secretary of the Treasury, prior to audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, shall make payment to the State in accordance with such certification, by transfers from the extended unemployment compensation account to the account of such State in the Unemployment Trust Fund. ŷ 717 Extend. Unemp. Comp. Act + Definitions Sec. 205. For purposes of this title- (1) The term "compensation" means cash benefits payable to individuals with respect to their unemployment. (2) The term "regular compensation" means compensation pay- able to an individual under any State unemployment compensa- tion law (including compensation payable pursuant to 5 U.S.C. chapter 85), other than extended compensation and additional compensation. (3) The term "extended compensation" means compensation (including additional compensation and compensation payable pursuant to 5 U.S.C. chapter 85) payable for weeks of unemploy- ment beginning in an extended benefit period to an individual under those provisions of the State law which satisfy the require- ments of this title with respect to the payment of extended com- pensation. (4) The term "additional compensation" means compensation payable to exhaustees by reason of conditions of high unemploy- ment or by reason of other special factors. (5) The term "benefit year" means the benefit year as defined in the applicable State law. (6) The term "base period" means the base period as deter- mined under applicable State law for the benefit year. (7) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Labor of the United States. (8) The term "State" includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.¹ 1 (9) The term "State agency" means the agency of the State which administers its State law. (10) The term "State law" means the unemployment compensa- tion law of the State, approved by the Secretary under section 3304 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. (11) The term "week" means a week as defined in the applicable State law. Approval of State Laws Sec. 206. Section 3204 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 is amended by inserting after paragraph (10) (added by section 121 (a) of this Act) the following new paragraph: "(11) extended compensation shall be payable as provided by the Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970;". 1 Paragraph (8) was amended by section 116(d) (2) of Public Law 94-566. Is Trade Adjustment Assistance 718 Effective Dates Sec. 207. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b)- (1) in applying section 203, no extended benefit period may begin with a week beginning before January 1, 1972; and (2) section 204 shall apply only with respect to weeks of un- employment beginning after December 31, 1971. (b) (1) In the case of a State law approved under section 3304(a) (11) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, such State law may also provide that an extended benefit period may begin with a week estab- lished pursuant to such law which begins earlier than January 1, 1972, but not earlier than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. (2) For purposes of paragraph (1) with respect to weeks beginning before January 1, 1972, the extended benefit period for the State shall be determined under section 203 (a) solely by reference to the State "on" indicator and the State "off" indicator. (3) In the case of a State law containing a provision described in paragraph (1), section 204 shall also apply with respect to weeks of unemployment in extended benefit periods determined pursuant to paragraph (1). (c) Section 3304 (a)(11) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (as added by section 206) shall not be a requirement for the State law of any State- (1) in the case of any State the legislature of which does not meet in a regular session which closes during the calendar year 1971, with respect to any week of unemployment which begins prior to July 1, 1972; or (2) in the case of any other State, with respect to any week of unemployment which begins prior to January 1, 1972. * * * ** 1 Excerpt From Public Law 93-618, The Trade Act of 1974 ¹ * * * * CHAPTER 2-ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE FOR WORKERS Subchapter A-Petitions and Determinations SEC. 221. PETITIONS. (a) A petition for a certification of eligibility to apply for adjust- ment assistance under this chapter may be filed with the Secretary of Labor (hereinafter in this chapter referred to as the "Secretary") 1 This chapter is effective April 3, 1975, and terminates September 30, 1982. 719 Trade Adjustment Assistance by a group of workers or by their certified or recognized union or other duly authorized representative. Upon receipt of the petition, the Secretary shall promptly publish notice in the Federal Register that he has received the petition and initiated an investigation. (b) If the petitioner, or any other person found by the Secretary to have a substantial interest in the proceedings, submits not later than 10 days after the date of the Secretary's publication under subsection (a) a request for a hearing, the Secretary shall provide for a public hearing and afford such interested persons an opportunity to be present, to produce evidence, and to be heard. SEC. 222. GROUP ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. The Secretary shall certify a group of workers as eligible to apply for adjustment assistance under this chapter if he determines- (1) that a significant number or proportion of the workers in such workers' firm or an appropriate subdivision of the firm have become totally or partially separated, or are threatened to become totally or partially separated, (2) that sales or production, or both, of such firm or subdivi- sion have decreased absolutely, and (3) that increases of imports of articles like or directly com- petitive with articles produced by such workers' firm or an ap- propriate subdivision thereof contributed importantly to such total or partial separation, or threat thereof, and to such decline in sales or production. For purposes of paragraph (3), the term "contributed importantly" means a cause which is important but not necessarily more important than any other cause. SEC. 223. DETERMINATIONS BY SECRETARY OF LABOR. (a) As soon as possible after the date on which a petition is filed under section 221, but in any event not later than 60 days after that date, the Secretary shall determine whether the petitioning group meets the requirements of section 222 and shall issue a certification of eligibility to apply for assistance under this chapter covering work- ers in any group which meets such requirements. Each certification shall specify the date on which the total or partial separation began or threatened to begin. (b) A certification under this section shall not apply to any worker whose last total or partial separation from the firm or appropriate subdivision of the firm before his application under section 231 occurred- < (1) more than one year before the date of the petition on which such certification was granted, or Trade Adjustment Assistance 720 (2) more than 6 months before the effective date of this chapter. (c) Upon reaching his determination on a petition, the Secretary shall promptly publish a summary of the determination in the Fed- eral Register together with his reasons for making such determination. (d) Whenever the Secretary determines, with respect to any certi- fication of eligibility of the workers of a firm or subdivision of the firm, that total or partial separations from such firm or subdivision are no longer attributable to the conditions specified in section 222, he shall terminate such certification and promptly have notice of such termination published in the Federal Register together with his rea- sons for making such determination. Such termination shall apply only with respect to total or partial separations occurring after the termination date specified by the Secretary. SEC. 224. STUDY BY SECRETARY OF LABOR WHEN INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION BEGINS INVESTIGATION; ACTION WHERE THERE IS AFFIRMATIVE FINDING. (a) Whenever the International Trade Commission (hereafter referred to in this chapter as the "Commission") begins an investiga- tion under section 201 with respect to an industry, the Commission shall immediately notify the Secretary of such investigation, and the Secretary shall immediately begin a study of— (1) the number of workers in the domestic industry producing the like or directly competitive article who have been or are likely to be certified as eligible for adjustment assistance, and (2) the extent to which the adjustment of such workers to the import competition may be facilitated through the use of exist- ing programs. (b) The report of the Secretary of the study under subsection (a) shall be made to the President not later than 15 days after the day on which the Commission makes its report under section 201. Upon mak- ing his report to the President, the Secretary shall also promptly make it public (with the exception of information which the Secretary deter- mines to be confidential) and shall have a summary of it published in the Federal Register. (c) Whenever the Commission makes an affirmative finding under section 201 (b) that increased imports are a substantial cause of seri- ous injury or threat thereof with respect to an industry, the Secretary shall make available, to the extent feasible, full information to the workers in such industry about programs which may facilitate the adjustment to import competition of such workers, and he shall pro- vide assistance in the preparation and processing of petitions and ap- plications of such workers for program benefits. 721 Trade Adjustment Assistance Subchapter B-Program Benefits PART I-TRADE READJUSTMENT ALLOWANCES SEC. 231. QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS FOR WORKERS. Payment of a trade readjustment allowance shall be made to an adversely affected worker covered by a certification under sub- chapter A who files an application for such allowance for any week of unemployment which begins after the date specified in such certifica- tion pursuant to section 223 (a), if the following conditions are met: (1) Such worker's last total or partial separation before his application under this chapter, occurred― (A) on or after the date, as specified in the certification under which he is covered, on which total or partial separa- tion began or threatened to begin in the adversely affected employment, and (B) before the expiration of the 2-year period beginning on the date on which the determination under section 223 was made, and (C) before the termination date (if any) determined pur- suant to section 223(d); and (2) Such worker had, in the 52 weeks immediately preceding such total or partial separation, at least 26 weeks of employment at wages of $30 or more a week in adversely affected employment with a single firm or subdivision of a firm, or, if data with respect to weeks of employment are not available, equivalent amounts of employment computed under regulations prescribed by the Secretary. SEC. 232. WEEKLY AMOUNTS. (a) Subject to the other provisions of this section, the trade read- justment allowance payable to an adversely affected worker for a week of unemployment shall be— (1) 70 percent of his average weekly wage (but not in excess of the average weekly manufacturing wage), reduced by (2) 50 percent of the amount of the remuneration for services performed during such week. (b) Any adversely affected worker who is entitled to trade read- justment allowances and who is undergoing training approved by the Secretary, including on-the-job training, shall receive for each week in which he is undergoing any such training, a trade readjust- ment allowance in an amount (computed for such week) equal to the amount computed under subsection (a) or (if greater) the amount of any weekly allowance for such training to which he would be Trade Adjustment Assistance 722 entitled under any other Federal law for the training of workers, if he applied for such allowance. Such trade readjustment allowance shall be paid in lieu of any training allowance to which the worker would be entitled under such other Federal law. (c) The amount of trade readjustment allowance payable to an adversely affected worker under subsection (a) for any week shall be reduced by any amount of unemployment insurance which he receives, or which he would receive if he applied for such insurance, with respect to such week; but, if the appropriate State or Federal agency finally determines that the worker was not entitled to unem- ployment insurance with respect to such week, the reduction shall not apply with respect to such week. (d) If unemployment insurance, or a training allowance under any Federal law, is paid to an adversely affected worker for any week of unemployment with respect to which he would be entitled (determined without regard to subsection (c) or (e) or to any disqualification under section 236 (c)) to a trade readjustment allowance if he applied for such allowance, each such week shall be deducted from the total num- ber of weeks of trade readjustment allowance otherwise payable to him under section 233 (a) when he applies for a trade readjustment allowance and is determined to be entitled to such allowance. If the unemployment insurance or the training allowance paid to such worker for any week of unemployment is less than the amount of the trade readjustment allowance to which he would be entitled if he applied for such allowance, he shall receive, when he applies for a trade readjustment allowance and is determined to be entitled to such allowance, a trade readjustment allowance for such week equal to such difference. (e) Whenever, with respect to any week of unemployment, the total amount payable to an adversely affected worker as remuneration. for services performed during such week, as unemployment insurance, as a training allowance referred to in subsection (d), and as a trade readjustment allowance exceeds 80 percent of his average weekly wage (or, if lesser, 130 percent of the average weekly manufacturing wage), then his trade readjustment allowance for such week shall be reduced by the amount of such excess. (f) The amount of any weekly payment to be made under this section which is not a whole dollar amount shall be rounded upward to the next higher whole dollar amount. SEC. 233. TIME LIMITATIONS ON TRADE READJUSTMENT ALLOW- ANCES. (a) Payment of trade readjustment allowances shall not be made to an adversely affected worker for more than 52 weeks, except that, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary- 723 Trade Adjustment Assistance (1) such payments may be made for not more than 26 addi- tional weeks to an adversely affected worker to assist him to complete training approved by the Secretary, or (2) such payments shall be made for not more than 26 addi- tional weeks to an adversely affected worker who had reached his 60th birthday on or before the date of total or partial separation. In no case may an adversely affected worker be paid trade readjust- ment allowances for more than 78 weeks. (b) (1) Except for a payment made for an additional week under subsection (a) (1) or (a) (2), a trade readjustment allowance may not be paid for a week of unemployment beginning more than 2 years after the beginning of the appropriate week. (2) A trade readjustment allowance may not be paid for an addi- tional week specified in subsection (a) (1) if the adversely affected worker who would receive such allowance did not make a bona fide application to a training program approved by the Secretary within 180 days after the end of the appropriate week or the date of his first certification of eligibility to apply for adjustment assistance issued by the Secretary, whichever is later. (3) A trade readjustment allowance may not be paid for an addi- tional week specified in subsection (a) if such additional week begins more than 3 years after the beginning of the appropriate week. (4) For purposes of this subsection, the appropriate week- (A) for a totally separated worker is the week of his most recent total separation, and (B) for a partially separated worker is the first week for which he receives a trade readjustment allowance following his most recent partial separation. SEC. 234. APPLICATION OF STATE LAWS. Except where inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter and subject to such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, the avail- ability and disqualification provisions of the State law- (1) under which an adversely affected worker is entitled to unemployment insurance (whether or not he has filed a claim for such insurance), or (2) if he is not so entitled to unemployment insurance, of the State in which he was totally or partially separated, shall apply to any such worker who files a claim for trade readjust- ment allowances. The State law so determined with respect to a sepa- ration of a worker shall remain applicable, for purposes of the preceding sentence, with respect to such separation until such worker becomes entitled to unemployment insurance under another State law (whether or not he has filed a claim for such insurance). Trade Adjustment Assistance 724 PART II—TRAINING AND RELATED SERVICES SEC. 235. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. The Secretary shall make every reasonable effort to secure for adversely affected workers covered by a certification under subchapter A of this chapter counseling, testing, and placement services, and sup- portive and other services, provided for under any other Federal law. The Secretary shall, whenever appropriate, procure such services through agreements with cooperating State agencies. SEC. 236. TRAINING. (a) If the Secretary determines that there is no suitable employ- ment available for an adversely affected worker covered by a certifica- tion under subchapter A of this chapter, but that suitable employment (which may include technical and professional employment) would be available if the worker received appropriate training, he may approve such training. Insofar as possible, the Secretary shall provide or assure the provision of such training on the job. (b) The Secretary may, where appropriate, authorize suppemental assistance necessary to defray transportation and subsistence expenses for separate maintenance when training is provided in facilities which are not within commuting distance of a worker's regular place of resi- dence. The Secretary shall not authorize payments for subsistence exceeding $15 per day; nor shall he authorize payments for trans- portation expenses exceeding 12 cents per mile. (c) Any adversely affected worker who, without good cause, refuses to accept or continue, or fails to make satisfactory progress in, suitable training to which he has been referred by the Secretary shall not there- after be entitled to payments under this chapter until he enters or resumes the training to which he has been so referred. PART III-JOB SEARCH AND RELOCATION ALLOWANCES SEC. 237. JOB SEARCH ALLOWANCES. (a) Any adversely affected worker covered by a certification under subchapter A of this chapter who has been totally separated may file an application with the Secretary for a job search allowance. Such allowance, if granted, shall provide reimbursement to the worker of 80 percent of the cost of his necessary job search expenses as pre- scribed by regulations of the Secretary; except that such reimburse- ment may not exceed $500 for any worker. (b) A job search allowance may be granted only— (1) to assist an adversely affected worker in securing a job within the United States: ; 725 Trade Adjustment Assistance (2) where the Secretary determines that such worker cannot reasonably be expected to secure suitable employment in the commuting area in which he resides; and (3) where the worker has filed an application for such allow- ance with the Secretary no later than 1 year after the date of his last total separation before his application under this chapter or (in the case of a worker who has been referred to training by the Secretary) within a reasonable period of time after the con- clusion of such training period. SEC. 238. RELOCATION ALLOWANCES. (a) Any adversely affected worker covered by a certification under subchapter A of this chapter who has been totally separated may file an application with the Secretary for a relocation allowance, subject to the terms and conditions of this section. (b) A relocation allowance may be granted only to assist an ad- versely affected worker in relocating within the United States and only if the Secretary determines that such worker cannot reasonably be expected to secure suitable employment in the commuting area in which he resides and that such worker- (1) has obtained suitable employment affording a reasonable expectation of long-term duration in the area in which he wishes. to relocate, or (2) has obtained a bona fide offer of such employment. (c) A relocation allowance shall not be granted to such worker unless- Ma (1) for the week in which the application for such allowance is filed, he is entitled to a trade readjustment allowance (deter- mined without regard to section 232 (c) and (e)) or would be so entitled (determined without regard to whether he filed applica- tion therefor) but for the fact that he has obtained the employ- ment referred to in subsection (b) (1), and (2) such relocation occurs within a reasonable period after the filing of such application or (in the case of a worker who has been referred to training by the Secretary) within a reasonable period after the conclusion of such training. Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, a relocation allowance shall not be granted to more than one member of the family with respect to the same relocation. (d) For the purposes of this section, the term "relocation allowance" means- (1) 80 percent of the reasonable and necessary expenses, as specified in regulations prescribed by the Secretary, incurred in 21-746 O 78 54 S Trade Adjustment Assistance 726 transporting a worker and his family, if any, and household effects, and (2) a lump sum equivalent to three times the worker's average weekly wage, up to a maximum payment of $500. Subchapter C-General Provisions SEC. 239. AGREEMENTS WITH STATES. (a) The Secretary is authorized on behalf of the United States. to enter into an agreement with any State, or with any State agency (referred to in this subchapter as "cooperating States" and "cooperat- ing States agencies" respectively). Under such an agreement, the co- operating State agency (1) as agent of the United States, will receive applications for, and will provide, payments on the basis provided in this chapter, (2) where appropriate, will afford adversely affected workers who apply for payments under this chapter testing, counsel- ing, referral to training, and placement services, and (3) will other- wise cooperate with the Secretary and with other State and Federal agencies in providing payments and services under this chapter. (b) Each agreement under this subchapter shall provide the terms and conditions upon which the agreement may be amended, suspended, or terminated. (c) Each agreement under this subchapter shall provide that un- employment insurance otherwise payable to any adversely affected worker will not be denied or reduced for any week by reason of any right to payments under this chapter. (d) A determination by a cooperating State agency with respect to entitlement to program benefits under an agreement is subject to re- view in the same manner and to the same extent as determinations under the applicable State law and only in that manner and to that extent. (e) Section 3302(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (relat- ing to credits against Federal unemployment tax) is amended by inserting after paragraph (3) the following new paragraph: "(4) If the Secretary of Labor determines that a State, or State agency, has not- "(A) entered into the agreement described in section 239 of the Trade Act of 1974, with the Secretary of Labor before July 1, 1975, or "(B) fulfilled its commitments under an agreement with the Secretary of Labor as described in section 239 of the Trade Act of 1974, then, in the case of a taxpayer subject to the unemployment compensation law of such State, the total credits (after applying 727 Trade Adjustment Assistance subsections (a) and (b) and paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of this section) otherwise allowable under this section for a year during which such State or agency does not enter into or fulfill such an agreement shall be reduced by 15 percent of the tax imposed with respect to wages paid by such taxpayer during such year which are attributable to such State.". SEC. 240. ADMINISTRATION ABSENT STATE AGREEMENT. (a) In any State where there is no agreement in force between a State or its agency under section 239, the Secretary shall arrange under regulations prescribed by him for performance of all necessary functions under subchapter B of this chapter, including provision for a fair hearing for any worker whose application for payments is denied. (b) A final determination under subsection (a) with respect to entitlement to program benefits under subchapter B of this chapter is subject to review by the courts in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided by section 205 (g) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. sec. 405 (g)). SEC. 241. PAYMENTS TO STATES. (a) The Secretary shall from time to time certify to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment to each cooperating State the sums neces- sary to enable such State as agent of the United States to make pay- ments provided for by this chapter. The Secretary of the Treasury, prior to audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, shall make payment to the State from the Adjustment Assistance Trust Fund established in section 245 in accordance with such certification. (b) All money paid a State under this section shall be used solely for the purposes for which it is paid; and money so paid which is not used for such purposes shall be returned, at the time specified in the agreement under this subchapter, to the Secretary of the Treasury and credited to Adjustment Assistance Trust Fund. (c) Any agreement under this subchapter may require any officer or employee of the State certifying payments or disbursing funds under the agreement or otherwise participating in the performance of the agreement, to give a surety bond to the United States in such amount as the Secretary may deem necessary, and may provide for the payment of the cost of such bond from funds for carrying out the purposes of this chapter. SEC. 242. LIABILITIES OF CERTIFYING AND DISBURSING OFFICERS. (a) No person designated by the Secretary, or designated pursuant to an agreement under this subchapter, as a certifying officer, shall, in the absence of gross negligence or intent to defraud the United States, be liable with respect to any payment certified by him under this chapter. Trade Adjustment Assistance 728 (b) No disbursing officer shall, in the absence of gross negligence or intent to defraud the United States, be liable with respect to any pay- ment by him under this chapter if it was based upon a voucher signed by a certifying officer designated as provided in subsection (a). SEC. 243. RECOVERY OF OVERPAYMENTS. (a) If a cooperating State agency or the Secretary, or a court of competent jurisdiction finds that any person- (1) has made or has caused to be made by another, a false state- ment or representation of a material fact knowing it to be false, or has knowingly failed or caused another to fail to disclose a material fact; and (2) as a result of such action has received any payment under this chapter to which he was not entitled, such person shall be liable to repay such amount to the State agency or the Secretary as the case may be, or either may recover such amount by deductions from any sums payable to such person under this chap- ter. Any such finding by a State agency or the Secretary may be made only after an opportunity for a fair hearing. (b) Any amount repaid to a State agency under this section shall be deposited into the fund from which payment was made. Any amount repaid to the Secretary under this section shall be returned to the Secretary of the Treasury and credited to the Adjustment Assistance Trust Fund. SEC. 244. PENALTIES. Whoever makes a false statement of a material fact knowing it to be false, or knowingly fails to disclose a material fact, for the purpose of obtaining or increasing for himself or for any other person any payment authorized to be furnished under this chapter or pursuant to an agreement under section 239 shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. SEC. 245. CREATION OF TRUST FUND; AUTHORIZATION OF APPRO- PRIATIONS OUT OF CUSTOMS RECEIPTS. (a) There is hereby established on the books of the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the "Adjustment Assist- ance Trust Fund" (referred to in this section as the "Trust Fund"). The Trust Fund shall consist of such amounts as may be deposited in it pursuant to the authorization contained in subsection (b). Amounts in the Trust Fund may be used only to carry out the provisions of this chapter (including administrative costs). The Secretary of the Treasury shall be the trustee of the Trust Fund and shall report to the Congress not later than March 1 of each year on the operation and status of the Trust Fund during the preceding fiscal year. (b) (1) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Trust Fund, out of amounts in the general fund of the Treasury attributable 729 Trade Adjustment Assistance to the collections of customs duties not otherwise appropriated, for each fiscal year ending after the date of the enactment of this Act, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter (including administrative costs). (2) There are authorized to be appropriated to the Trust Fund, for purposes of training (including administrative costs) under section 236 such sums as may be necessary. SEC. 246. TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS. (a) Where a group of workers has been certified as eligible to apply for adjustment assistance under section 302 (b) (2) or (c) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, any worker who has not had an application for trade readjustment allowances under section 322 of that Act denied before the effective date of this chapter may apply under section 231 of this Act as if the group certification under which he claims coverage had been made under subchapter A of this chapter. (b) In any case where a group of workers or their certified or recog- nized union or other duly authorized representative has filed a petition under section 301 (a) (2) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, more than 4 months before the effective date of this chapter and (1) the Commission has not rejected such petition before the effective date of this chapter, and (2) the President or his delegate has not issued a certification under section 302 (c) of that Act to the petitioning group before the effective date of this chapter, such group or representative thereof may file a new petition under sec- tion 221 of this Act, not later than 90 days after the effective date of this chapter. For purposes of section 223 (b) (1), the date on which such group or representative filed the petition under the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 shall apply. Section 223 (b) (2) shall not apply to workers covered by a certification issued pursuant to a petition meeting the requirements of this subsection. (c) A group of workers may file a petition under section 221 cover- ing weeks of unemployment (as defined in the Trade Expansion Act of 1962) beginning before the effective date of this chapter, or covering such weeks and also weeks of unemployment beginning on or after the effective date of this chapter. (d) Any worker receiving payments pursuant to this section shall be entitled- (1) for weeks of unemployment (as defined in the Trade Ex- pansion Act of 1962) beginning before the effective date of this chapter, to the rights and privileges provided in chapter 3 of title III of such Act, and (2) for weeks of unemployment beginning on or after the effective date of this chapter, to the rights and privileges provided - Trade Adjustment Assistance 730 in this chapter, except that the total number of weeks of unem- ployment, as defined in the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, for which trade readjustment allowances were payable under that Act shall be deducted from the total number of weeks of unem- ployment for which an adversely affected worker is eligible for trade readjustment allowances under this chapter. (e) The Commission shall make available to the Secretary on re- quest data it has acquired in investigations under section 301 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 concluded within the 2-year period end- ing on the effective date of this chapter which did not result in Presi- dential action under section 302 (a) (3) or 302 (c) of that Act. SEC. 247. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this chapter- (1) The term "adversely affected employment" means employ- ment in a firm or appropriate subdivision of a firm, if workers of such firm or subdivision are eligible to apply for adjustment assistance under this chapter. (2) The term "adversely affected worker" means an individual who, because of lack of work in adversely affected employment- (A) has been totally or partially separated from such employment, or (B) has been totally separated from employment with the firm in a subdivision of which such adversely affected em- ployment exists. (3) The term "average weekly manufacturing wage" means the national gross average weekly earnings of production workers in manufacturing industries for the latest calendar year (as officially published annually by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor) most recently published before the period for which the assistance under this chapter is furnished. (4) The term “average weekly wage" means one-thirteenth of the total wages paid to an individual in the high quarter. For pur- poses of this computation, the high quarter shall be that quarter in which the individual's total wages were highest among the first 4 of the last 5 completed calendar quarters immediately before the quarter in which occurs the week with respect to which the com- putation is made. Such week shall be the week in which total sepa- ration occurred, or, in cases where partial separation is claimed, an appropriate week, as defined in regulations prescribed by the Secretary. (5) The term "average weekly hours" means the average hours worked by the individual (excluding overtime) in the employment from which he has been or claims to have been separated in the 52 weeks (excluding weeks during which the individual was sick 731 Trade Adjustment Assistance or on vacation) preceding the week specified in the last sentence of paragraph (4). (6) The term "partial separation" means, with respect to an individual who has not been totally separated, that he has had— (A) his hours of work reduced to 80 percent or less of his average weekly hours in adversely affected employment, and (B) his wages reduced to 80 percent or less of his average weekly wage in such adversely affected employment. (7) The term "remuneration" means wages and net earnings derived from services performed as a self-employed individual. (8) The term "State" includes the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; and the term "United States" when used in the geographical sense includes such Commonwealth. (9) The term "State agency" means the agency of the State which administers the State law. (10) The term "State law" means the unemployment insurance law of the State approved by the Secretary of Labor under section. 3304 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. (11) The term "total separation" means the layoff or severance of an individual from employment with a firm in which, or in a subdivision of which, adversely affected employment exists. (12) The term "unemployment insurance" means the unem- ployment insurance payable to an individual under any State law or Federal unemployment insurance law, including chapter 85 of title 5, United States Code, and the Railroad Unemploy- ment Insurance Act. (13) The term "week" means a week as defined in the applicable State law. (14) The term "week of unemployment" means with respect to an individual any week for which his remuneration for services performed during such week is less than 80 percent of his average weekly wage and in which, because of lack of work— (A) if he has been totally separated, he worked less than the full-time week (excluding overtime) in his current occu- pation, or (B) if he has been partially separated, he worked 80 per cent or less of his average weekly hours. SEC. 248. REGULATIONS. The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. SEC. 249. SUBPENA POWER. (a) The Secretary may require by subpena the attendance of wit- nesses and the production of evidence necessary for him to make a determination under the provisions of this chapter. Trade Adjustment Assistance 732 で ​(b) If a person refuses to obey a subpena issued under subsection (a), a United States district court within the jurisdiction of which the relevant proceeding under this chapter is conducted may, upon petition by the Secretary, issue an order requiring compliance with such subpena. SEC. 250. JUDICIAL REVIEW. (a) A worker, group of workers, certified or recognized union, or an authorized representative of such worker or group, aggrieved by a final determination by the Secretary under the provisions of section 223 may, within 60 days after notice of such determination, file a petition for review of such determination with the United States court of appeals for the circuit in which such worker or group is located or in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The clerk of such court shall send a copy of such petition to the Secretary. Upon receiving such petition, the Sec- retary shall promptly certify and file in such court the record on which he based such determination. (b) The findings of fact by the Secretary, if supported by sub- stantial evidence, shall be conclusive; but the court, for good cause shown, may remand the case to the Secretary to take further evidence, and the Secretary may thereupon make new or modified findings of fact and may modify his previous action, and shall certify to the court the record of the further proceedings. Such new or modified findings of fact shall likewise be conclusive if supported by substan- tial evidence. (c) The court shall have jurisdiction to affirm the action of the Secretary or to set it aside, in whole or in part. The judgment of the court shall be subject to review by the Supreme Court of the United States upon certiorari or certification as provided in section 1254 of title 28, United States Code. * UCFE/UCX EXCERPTS FROM * TITLE 5 U.S.C.-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES CHAPTER 85.-UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION LOY SUBCHAPTER I—EMPLOYEES GENERALLY Sec. 8501. Definitions__. 8502. Compensation under State agreement… 8503. Compensation absent State agreement. - 8504. Assignment of Federal service and wages_ 8505. Payments to States -- 8506. Dissemination of information_ 8507. False statements and misrepresentations 8508. Regulations -- SUBCHAPTER II-EX-SERVICEMEN 8521. Definitions; application--- 8522. Assignment of Federal service and wages. 8523. Dissemination of information... 8524. [Repealed.] 8525. Effect on other statutes__ | I I I SUBCHAPTER I-EMPLOYEES GENERALLY 1 f I I I 1 1 Page 733 735 735 736 736 737 738 738 739 739 739 740 § 8501. DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this subchapter— (1) "Federal service" means service performed after 1952 in the employ of the United States or an instrumentality of the United States which is wholly or partially owned by the United States, but does not include service (except service to which sub- chapter II of this chapter applies) performed— (A) by an elective official in the executive or legislative branch; (B) as a member of the armed forces; (C) by Foreign Service personnel for whom special sepa- ration allowances are provided under chapter 14 of title 22; (D) outside the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands by an individual who is not a citizen of the United States; P (733) UCFE/UCX 734 (E) by an individual excluded by regulations of the Civil Service Commission from the operation of subchapter III of chapter 83 of this title because he is paid on a contract or fee basis; (F) by an individual receiving nominal pay and allow- ances of $12 or less a year; (G) in a hospital, home, or other institution of the United States by a patient or inmate thereof; (H) by a student-employee as defined by section 5351 of this title; (I) by an individual serving on a temporary basis in case of fire, storm, earthquake, flood, or other similar emergency; (J) by an individual employed under a Federal relief program to relieve him from unemployment; (K) as a member of a State, county, or community com- mittee under the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service or of any other board, council, committee, or other similar body, unless the board, council, committee, or other body is composed exclusively of individuals otherwise in the full-time employ of the United States; or (L) by an officer or a member of the crew on or in con- nection with an American vessel- (i) owned by or bareboat chartered to the United States; and (ii) whose business is conducted by a general agent of the Secretary of Commerce; if contributions on account of the service are required to be made to an unemployment fund under a State unemployment compensation law under section 3305 (g) of title 26; (2) "Federal wages" means all pay and allowances, in cash and in kind, for Federal service; (3) "Federal employee" means an individual who has per- formed Federal service; (4) "compensation" means cash benefits payable to an indi- vidual with respect to his unemployment including any portion thereof payable with respect to dependents; (5) "benefit year" means the benefit year as defined by the applicable State unemployment compensation law, and if not so defined the term means the period prescribed in the agreement under this subchapter with a State or, in the absence of such an agreement, the period prescribed by the Secretary of Labor; (6) "State" means the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands;¹ 1 Paragraph (6) was amended by section 116(e) (1) of P.L. 94-566. 735 UCFE/UCX (7) "United States", when used in a geographical sense, means the States; and (8) "base period" means the base period as defined by the applicable State unemployment compensation law for the bene- fit year.¹ § 8502. COMPENSATION UNDER STATE AGREEMENT. (a) The Secretary of Labor, on behalf of the United States, may enter into an agreement with a State, or with an agency administering the unemployment compensation law of a State, under which the State agency shall— (1) pay, as agent of the United States, compensation under this subchapter to Federal employees; and (2) otherwise cooperate with the Secretary and with other State agencies in paying compensation under this subchapter. (b) The agreement shall provide that compensation will be paid by the State to a Federal employee in the same amount, on the same terms, and subject to the same conditions as the compensation which would be payable to him under the unemployment compensation law of the State if his Federal service and Federal wages assigned under section 8504 of this title to the State had been included as employment and wages under that State law. (c) (Repealed.) (d) A determination by a State agency with respect to entitlement to compensation under an agreement is subject to review in the same manner and to the same extent as determinations under the State unemployment compensation law, and only in that manner and to that extent. (e) Each agreement shall provide the terms and conditions on which it may be amended or terminated. § 8503. COMPENSATION ABSENT STATE AGREEMENT. (a) In the case of a Federal employee whose Federal service and Federal wages are assigned under section 8504 of this title to a State which does not have an agreement with the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary, under regulations prescribed by him, shall, on the filing by the Federal employee of a claim for compensation under this sub- section, pay compensation to him in the same amount, on the same terms, and subject to the same conditions as would be paid to him under the unemployment compensation law of the State if his Federal service and Federal wages had been included as employment and wages under that State law. However, if the Federal employee, with- out regard to his Federal service and Federal wages, has employ- ment or wages sufficient to qualify for compensation during the 1 Paragraph (8) was added by section 214 (b) of P.L. 94-566. UCFE/UCX 736 benefit year under that State law, then payments of compensation under this subsection may be made only on the basis of his Federal service and Federal wages. (b) A Federal employee whose claim for compensation under sub- section (a) of this section is denied is entitled to a fair hearing under regulations prescribed by the Secretary. A final determination by the Secretary with respect to entitlement to compensation under this sec- tion is subject to review by the courts in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided by section 405 (g) of tile 42.¹ 1 Ga § 8504. ASSIGNMENT OF FEDERAL SERVICE AND WAGES. Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor, the Fed- eral service and Federal wages of a Federal employee shall be assigned to the State in which he had his last official station in Federal service before the filing of his first claim for compensation for the benefit year. However— (1) if, at the time of filing his first claim, he resides in another State in which he performed, after the termination of his Federal service, service covered under the unemployment compensation law of the other State, his Federal service and Federal wages shall be assigned to the other State; (2) if his last official station in Federal service, before filing his first claim, was outside the United States, his Federal service and Federal wages shall be assigned to the State where he resides at the time he files his first claim.2 § 8505. PAYMENTS TO STATES. (a) Each State is entitled to be paid by the United States with respect to each individual whose base period wages included Federal wages an amount which shall bear the same ratio to the total amount of compensation paid to such individual as the amount of his Federal wages in his base period bears, to the total amount of his base period wages.3 (b) Each State shall be paid, either in advance or by way of reim- bursement, as may be determined by the Secretary of Labor, the sum that the Secretary estimates the State is entitled to receive under this subchapter for each calendar month. The sum shall be reduced or in- creased by the amount which the Secretary finds that his estimate for an earlier calendar month was greater or less than the sum which should have been paid to the State. An estimate may be made on the basis of a statistical, sampling, or other method agreed on by the Secretary and the State agency. (c) The Secretary, from time to time, shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the sum payable to each State under this section. The 1 Section 8503 was amended by section 116 (e) (2) of P.L. 94-566. 2 Section 8504 was amended by section 116(e) (3) of P.L. 94–566. ³ Subsection (a) was amended by section 214(a) of P.L. 94-566. 737 UCFE/UCX Secretary of the Treasury before audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, shall pay the State in accordance with the certifica- tion from the funds for carrying out the purposes of this subchapter. (d) Money paid a State under this subchapter may be used solely for the purposes for which it is paid. Money so paid which is not used for these purposes shall be returned, at the time specified by the agree- ment, to the Treasury of the United States and credited to current applicable appropriations, funds, or accounts from which payments to States under this subchapter may be made. (e) An agreement may— (1) require each State officer or employee who certifies pay- ments or disburses funds under the agreement, or who otherwise participates in its performance, to give a surety bond to the United States in the amount the Secretary considers necessary; and (2) provide for payment of the cost of the bond from funds for carrying out the purposes of this subchapter. (f) In the absence of gross negligence or intent to defraud the United States, an individual designated by the Secretary, or desig- nated under an agreement, as a certifying official is not liable for the payment of compensation certified by him under this subchapter. (g) In the absence of gross negligence or intent to defraud the United States, a disbursing official is not liable for a payment by him under this subchapter if it was based on a voucher signed by a certi- fying official designated as provided by subsection (f) of this section. (h) For the purpose of payments made to a State under subchap- ter III of chapter 7 of title 42, administration by a State agency under an agreement is deemed a part of the administration of the State unemployment compensation law. § 8506. DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION. (a) Each agency of the United States and each wholly or partially owned instrumentality of the United States shall make available to State agencies which have agreements under this subchapter, or to the Secretary of Labor, as the case may be, such information con- cerning the Federal service and Federal wages of a Federal employee as the Secretary considers practicable and necessary for the deter- mination of the entitlement of the Federal employee to compensation under this subchapter. The information shall include the findings of the employing agency concerning— (1) whether or not the Federal employee has performed Fed- eral service; (2) the periods of Federal service; (3) the amount of Federal wages; and (4) the reasons for termination of Federal service. UCFE/UCX 738 The employing agency shall make the findings in the form and man- ner prescribed by regulations of the Secretary. The regulations shall include provision for correction by the employing agency of errors and omissions. This subsection does not apply with respect to Federal service and Federal wages covered by subchapter II of this chapter.¹ (b) The agency administering the unemployment compensation law of a State shall furnish the Secretary such information as he con- siders necessary or appropriate in carrying out this subchapter. The information is deemed the report required by the Secretary for the purpose of section 503 (a) (6) of title 42. § 8507. FALSE STATEMENTS AND MISREPRESENTATIONS. (a) If a State agency, the Secretary of Labor, or a court of com- petent jurisdiction finds that an individual (1) knowingly has made, or caused to be made by another, a false statement or representation of a material fact, or know- ingly has failed, or caused another to fail, to disclose a material fact; and (2) as a result of that action has received an amount as com- pensation under this subchapter to which he was not entitled; the individual shall repay the amount to the State agency or the Secretary. Instead of requiring repayment under this subsection, the State agency or the Secretary may recover the amount by deductions from compensation payable to the individual under this subchapter during the 2-year period after the date of the finding. A finding by a State agency or the Secretary may be made only after an opportunity for a fair hearing, subject to such further review as may be appro- priate under sections 8502(d) and 8503 (c) of this title. (b) An amount repaid under subsection (a) of this section shall be- (1) deposited in the fund from which payment was made, if the repayment was to a State agency; or (2) returned to the Treasury of the United States and credited to the current applicable appropriation, fund, or account from which payment was made, if the repayment was to the Secretary. § 8508. REGULATIONS. The Secretary of Labor may prescribe rules and regulations neces- sary to carry out this subchapter and subchapter II of this chapter. The Secretary, insofar as practicable, shall consult with representa- tives of the State unemployment compensation agencies before pre- scribing rules or regulations which may affect the performance by the State agencies of functions under agreements under this subchapter. 1.Subsection (a) was amended by section 313 of P.L. 94-566. 739 UCFE/UCX SUBCHAPTER II-EX-SERVICEMEN § 8521. DEFINITIONS; APPLICATION. (a) For the purpose of this subchapter- (1) "Federal service" means active service, including active duty for training purposes, in the armed forces which either began after January 31, 1955, or terminated after October 27, 1958, if- K (A) that service was continuous for 90 days or more, or was terminated earlier because of an actual service-incurred injury or disability; and (B) with respect to that service, the individual- (i) was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable; and (ii) was not given a bad conduct discharge, or, if an officer, did not resign for the good of the service; (2) "Federal wages" means all pay and allowances, in cash and in kind, of Federal service, computed on the basis of the pay and allowances for the pay grade of the individual at the time of his latest discharge or release from Federal service as specified in the schedule applicable at the time he files his first claim for compensation for the benefit year. The Secretary of Labor shall issue, from time to time, after consultation with the Secretary of Defense, schedules specifying the pay and allow- ances for each pay grade of servicemen covered by this sub- chapter, which reflect representative amounts for appropriate elements of the pay and allowances whether in cash or in kind; and (3) "State" means the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.¹ (b) The provisions of subchapter I of this chapter, subject to the modifications made by this subchapter, apply to individuals who have had Federal service as defined by subsection (a) of this section. § 8522. ASSIGNMENT OF FEDERAL SERVICE AND WAGES. Notwithstanding section 8504 of this title, Federal service and Fed- eral wages not previously assigned shall be assigned to the State in which the claimant first files claim for unemployment compensa- tion after his latest discharge or release from Federal service. This assignment is deemed as assignment under section 8504 of this title for the purpose of this subchapter.² § 8523. DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION. (a) When designated by the Secretary of Labor, an agency of the United States shall make available to the appropriate State agency 1 Paragraph (3) was amended by section 116(e) (4) of P.L. 94-566. 2 Section 8522 was amended by section 116(e) (5) of P.L. 94-566. UCFE/UCX 740 or to the Secretary, as the case may be, such information, including findings in the form and manner prescribed by regulations of the Secretary, as the Secretary considers practicable and necessary for the determination of the entitlement of an individual to compensa- tion under this subchapter. (b) Subject to correction of errors and omissions as prescribed by regulations of the Secretary, the following are final and conclusive. for the purpose of sections 8502 (d) and 8503 (c) of this title : (1) Findings by an agency of the United States made in ac- cordance with subsection (a) of this section with respect to- (A) whether or not an individual has met any condition specified by section 8521 (a) (1) of this title; (B) the periods of Federal service; and (C) the pay grade of the individual at the time of his latest discharge or release from Federal service. (2) The schedules of pay and allowances prescribed by the Secretary under section 8521 (a) (2) of this title. § 8524. [Repealed.] § 8525. EFFECT ON OTHER STATUTES. (a) [Repealed]. (b) An individual is not entitled to compensation under this sub- chapter for any period with respect to which he receives— (1) a subsistence allowance under chapter 31 of title 38 or under part VIII of Veterans Regulation Numbered 1(a); or (2) an educational assistance allowance under chapter 35 of title 38. * * * * ** * Revised April 1978 Excerpts From Public Law 93-66, As Amended TITLE II-PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT Part B-Provisions Relating to Federal Program of Supplemental Security Income Supplemental Security Income Benefits For Essential Persons Sec. 211. (a) (1) In determining (for purposes of Title XVI of the Social Security Act, as in effect after December 1973) the eligibility for and the amount of the supplemental security income benefit pay- able to any qualified individual (as defined in subsection (b)), with respect to any period for which such individual has in his home an essential person (as defined in subsection (c))- (A) the dollar amounts specified in subsection (a) (1) (A) and (2) (A), and subsection (b)(1) and (2), of section 1611 of such Act, shall each be increased by $876¹ for each such essential person, and - (B) the income and resources of such individual shall (for purposes of such title XVI) be deemed to include the income and resources of such essential person; except that the provisions of this subsection shall not, in the case of any individual, be applicable for any period which begins in or after the first month that such individual- (C) does not but would (except for the provisions of sub- paragraph (B)) meet- (i) the criteria established with respect to income in sec- tion 1611(a) of such Act, or (ii) the criteria established with respect to resources by such section 1611(a), (or, if applicable, by section 1611(g) of such Act). Kg (2) The provisions of section 1611(g) of the Social Security Act (as in effect after December 1973) shall, in the case of any qualified 21-746 O - 78 - 55 1 Under section 1617 of the Social Security Act, the amount $876 is increased to reflect cost-of-living changes. The amounts (on a monthly basis) are shown in item 2 of appendix E for 1975 and later years. (741) P.L. 93-66 742 individual (as defined in subsection (b)), be applied so as to include, in the resources of such individual, the resources of any person (de- scribed in subsection (b) (2)) whose needs were taken into account in determining the need of such individual for the aid or assistance referred to in subsection (b) (1). (b) For purposes of this section, an individual shall be a "qualified individual" only if- (1) for the month of December 1973 such individual was a recipient of aid or assistance under a State plan approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI of the Social Security Act, and (2) in determining the need of such individual for such aid or assistance for such month under such State plan, there were taken into account the needs of a person (other than such indi- vidual) who- (A) was living in the home of such individual, and (B) was not eligible (in his or her own right) for aid or assistance under such State plan for such month. (c) The term "essential person", when used in connection with any qualified individual, means a person who- (1) for the month of December 1973 was a person (described in subsection (b) (2)) whose needs were taken into account in determining the need of such individual for aid or assistance under a State plan referred to in subsection (b) (1) as such State plan was in effect for June 1973, (2) lives in the home of such individual, (3) is not eligible (in his or her own right) for supplemental security income benefits under title XVI of the Social Security Act (as in effect after December 1973), and (4) is not the eligible spouse (as that term is used in such title XVI) of such individual or any other individual. If for any month after December 1973 any person fails to meet the criteria specified in paragraph (2), (3), or (4) of the preceding sen- tence, such person shall not, for such month or any month thereafter be considered to be an essential person. Mandatory Minimum State Supplementation of SSI Benefits Program Sec. 212. (a) (1) In order for any State (other than the Common- wealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands) to be eligible for payments pursuant to title XIX, with respect to expenditures for any quarter beginning after December 1973, such State must have in effect an agreement with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Secretary") whereby 743 P.L. 93-66 the State will provide to individuals residing in the State supple- mentary payments as required under paragraph (2). (2) Any agreement entered into by a State pursuant to paragraph (1) shall provide that each individual who—- (A) is an aged, blind, or disabled individual (within the meaning of section 1614(a) of the Social Security Act, as enacted by section 301 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972), and (B) for the month of December 1973 was a recipient of (and was eligible to receive) aid or assistance (in the form of money payments) under a State plan of such State (approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI, of the Social Security Act) shall be entitled to receive, from the State, the supplementary pay- ment described in paragraph (3) for each month, beginning with January 1974, and ending with whichever of the following first occurs: (C) the month in which such individual dies, or (D) the first month in which such individual ceases to meet the condition specified in subparagraph (A); except that no individual shall be entitled to receive such supple- mentary payment for any month, if, for such month, such individual was ineligible to receive supplemental income benefits under title XVI of the Social Security Act by reason of the provisions of section 1611(e) (1) (A), (2), or (3), 1611 (f), or 1615 (c) of such Act. (3) (A) The supplementary payment referred to in paragraph (2) which shall be paid for any month to any individual who is entitled thereto under an agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection, shall (except as provided in subparagraphs (D) and (E)) be an amount equal to (i) the amount by which such individual's "December 1973 income" (as determined under subparagraph (B)) exceeds the amount of such individual's "title XVI benefit plus other income" (as determined under subparagraph (C)) for such month, or (ii) if greater, such amount as the State may specify. (B) For purposes of subparagraph (A), an individual's "December 1973 income” means an amount equal to the aggregate of— (i) the amount of the aid or assistance (in the form of money payments) which such individual would have received (including any part of such amount which is attributable to meeting the needs of any other person whose presence in such individual's home is essential to such individual's well-being) for the month of Decem- ber 1973 under a plan (approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI, of the Social Security Act) of the State entering into an agree- ment under this subsection, if the terms and conditions of sụch plan (relating to eligibility for and amount of such aid or assist- ance payable thereunder) were, for the month of December 1973, the same as those in effect, under such plan, for the month of S P.L. 93-66 744 June 1973, together with the bonus value of food stamps for January 1972, as defined in section 401 (b) (3) of Public Law 92-603, if, for such month, such individual resides in a State which provides State supplementary payments (I) of the type described in section 1616(a) of the Social Security Act, and (II) the level of which has been found by the Secretary pursuant to section 8 of Public Law 93-233 to have been specifically increased so as to include the bonus value of food stamps, and (ii) the amount of the income of such individual (other than the aid or assistance described in clause (i)) received by such individual in December 1973, minus any such income which did not result, but which if properly reported would have resulted in a reduction in the amount of such aid or assistance. (C) For purposes of subparagraph (A), the amount of an individ- ual's "title XVI benefit plus other income" for any month means an amount equal to the aggregate of- (i) the amount (if any) of the supplemental security income benefit to which such individual is entitled for such month under title XVI of the Social Security Act, and (ii) the amount of any income of such individual for such month (other than income in the form of a benefit described in clause (i)). (D) If the amount determined under subparagraph (B)(i) in- cludes, in the case of any individual, an amount which was payable to such individual solely because of- (i) a special need of such individual (including any special allowance for housing, or the rental value of housing furnished in kind to such individual in lieu of a rental allowance) which existed in December 1973, or (ii) any special circumstance (such as the recognition of the needs of a person whose presence in such individual's home, in December 1973, was essential to such individual's well-being), and, if for any month after December 1973 there is a change with respect to such special need or circumstance which, if such change had existed in December 1973, the amount described in subparagraph (B) (i) with respect to such individual would have been reduced on account of such change, then, for such month and for each month thereafter the amount of the supplementary payment payable under the agreement entered into under this subsection to such individual shall (unless the State, at its option, otherwise specifies) be reduced by an amount equal to the amount by which the amount (described in subparagraph (B)(i)) would have been so reduced. (E) (i) In the case of an individual who, for December 1973 lived as a member of a family unit other members of which received aid 745 P.L. 93-66 (in the form of money payments) under a State plan of a State approved under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act, such State at its option, may (subject to clause (ii)) reduce such individ- ual's December 1973 income (as determined under subparagraph (B)) to such extent as may be necessary to cause the supplementary pay- ment (referred to in paragraph (2)) payable to such individual for January 1974 or any month thereafter to be reduced to a level designed to assure that the total income of such individual (and of the members of such family unit) for any month after December 1973 does not exceed the total income of such individual (and of the members of such family unit) for December 1973. (ii) The amount of the reduction (under clause (i)) of any individ- ual's December 1973 income shall not be in an amount which would cause the supplementary payment (referred to in paragraph (2)) payable to such individual to be reduced below the amount of such supplementary payment which would be payable to such individual if he had, for the month of December 1973 not lived in a family, members of which were receiving aid under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act, and had had no income for such month other than that received as aid or assistance under a State plan approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI of the Social Security Act. (b) (1) Any State having an agreement with the Secretary under subsection (a) may enter into an administration agreement with the Secretary whereby the Secretary will, on behalf of such State, make the supplementary payments required under the agreement entered into under subsection (a). (2) Any such administration agreement between the Secretary and a State entered into under this subsection shall provide that the State will (A) certify to the Secretary the names of each individual who, for December 1973, was a recipient of aid or assistance (in the form of money payments) under a plan of such State approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI of the Social Security Act, together with the amount of such assistance payable to each such individual and the amount of such individual's December 1973 income (as defined in subsection (a)(3)(B)), and (B) provide the Secretary with such additional data at such times as the Secretary may reasonably require in order properly, economically, and efficiently to carry out such administration agreement. (3) Any State which has entered into an administration agreement under this subsection shall, at such times and in such installments as may be agreed upon between the Secretary and the State, pay to the Secretary an amount equal to the expenditures made by the Secretary as supplementary payments to individuals entitled thereto under the agreement entered into with such State under subsection (a). P.L. 93-66 746 (c) (1) Supplementary payments made pursuant to an agreement entered into under subsection (a) shall be excluded under section 1612(b)(6) of the Social Security Act (as in effect after December 1973) in determining income of individuals for purposes of title XVI of such Act (as so in effect). (2) Supplementary payments made by the Secretary (pursuant to an administration agreement entered into under subsection (b)) shall, for purposes of section 401 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972, be considered to be payments made under an agreement entered into under section 1616 of the Social Security Act (as enacted by sec- tion 301 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972); except that nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to waive, with respect to the payments so made by the Secretary, the provisions of subsection (b) of such section 401. (d) For purposes of subsection (a) (1), a State shall be deemed to have entered into an agreement under subsection (a) of this section if such State has entered into an agreement with the Secretary under section 1616 of the Social Security Act under which— (1) individuals, other than individuals described in subsection (a)(2) (A) and (B), are entitled to receive supplementary pay- ments, and (2) supplementary benefits are payable, to individuals described in subsection (a) (2) (A) and (B) at a level and under terms and conditions which meet the minimum requirements specified in subsection (a). (e) Except as the Secretary may by regulations otherwise provide, the provisions of title XVI of the Social Security Act (as enacted by section 301 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972), including the provisions of part B of such title, relating to the terms and conditions under which the benefits authorized by such title are payable shall, where not inconsistent with the purposes of this section, be applicable to the payments made under an agreement under subsection (b) of this section; and the authority conferred upon the Secretary by such title may, where appropriate, be exercised by him in the administration of this section. (f) The provisions of subsection (a) (1) shall not be applicable in the case of any State- (1) the Constitution of which contains provisions which make it impossible for such State to enter into and commence carrying out (on January 1, 1974) an agreement referred to in subsection (a), and (2) the Attorney General (or other appropriate State official) of which has, prior to July 1, 1973, made a finding that the State Constitution of such State contains limitations which prevent 747 P.L. 93-66 such State from making supplemental payments of the type described in section 1616 of the Social Security Act. * * Part D-Provisions Relating to Medicaid Coverage of Essential Persons Under Medicaid Sec. 230. In the case of any State plan (approved under title XIX of the Social Security Act) which for December 1973 provided medical assistance to persons described in section 1905 (a) (vi) of such Act, there is hereby imposed the requirement (and such State plan shall be deemed to require) that medical assistance under such plan be pro- vided to each such person (who for December 1973 was eligible for medical assistance under such plan) for each month (after December 1973) that— (1) the individual (referred to in the last sentence of section 1905 (a) of such Act) with whom such person is living continues to meet the criteria (as in effect for December 1973) for aid or assistance under a State plan (referred to in such sentence), and (2) such person continues to have the relationship with such individual described in such sentence and meets the other criteria (referred to in such sentence) with respect to a State plan (so referred to) as such plan was in effect for December 1973. Federal matching under title XIX of the Social Security Act shall be available for the medical assistance furnished to individuals eligible for such assistance under this section. Persons in Medical Institutions Sec. 231. For purposes of section 1902 (a) (10) of the Social Secu- rity Act, any individual who, for all (or any part of) the month of December 1973- (1) was an inpatient in an institution qualified for reimburse- ment under title XIX of the Social Security Act, and (2) (A) received or would (except for his being an inpatient in such institution) have been eligible to receive aid or assistance under a State plan approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI of such Act, and (B) on the basis of his status as described in subparagraph (A), was included as an individual eligible for medical assistance under a State plan approved under title XIX of such Act (whether or not such individual actually received aid or assistance under a State plan referred to in subparagraph (A)), P.L. 93-66 748 shall be deemed to be receiving such aid or assistance for such month and for such succeeding month in a continuous period of months if, for each month in such period- (3) such individual continues to be (for all of such month) an inpatient in such an institution and would (except for his being an inpatient in such institution) continue to meet the conditions of eligibility to receive aid or assistance under such plan (as such plan was in effect for December 1973), and (4) such individual is determined (under the utilization review and other professional audit procedures applicable to State plans approved under title XIX of the Social Security Act) to be in need of care in such an institution. Federal matching under title XIX of the Social Security Act shall be available for the medical assistance furnished to individuals eligible for such assistance under this section. Blind and Disabled Medically Indigent Persons Sec. 232. For purposes of section 1902 (a) (10) of the Social Security Act, any individual who, for the month of December 1973 was eligible for medical assistance by reason of his having been determined to meet the criteria for blindness or disability (established by a State. plan approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI of such Act), shall be deemed for purposes of title XIX to be an individual who is blind or disabled within the meaning of section 1614(a) of the Social Se- curity Act for each month in a continuous period of months (begin- ning with the month of January 1974), if, for each month in such period, such individual continues to meet the criteria for blindness or disability so established by such a State plan (as it was in effect for December 1973), and the other conditions of eligibility contained in the plan of the State approved under title XIX (as it was in effect in December 1973). Federal matching under title XIX of the Social Security Act shall be available for the medical assistance furnished to individuals eligible for such assistance under this section. Extension of Section 249E of Social Security Amendments of 1972 Sec. 233. Section 249E of the Social Security Amendments of 1972 is amended by striking out "October 1974" and inserting in lieu thereof "July 1975". ! * Revised April 1978 P.L. 93-233 749 Excerpts From Public Law 93-233, As Amended Eligibility of Supplemental Security Income Recipients for Food Stamps Sec. 8. (a) *** [NOTE: Subsections (a) and (b) of section 8 are no longer effective as a result of the amendments made by P.L. 95-113, the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977.] (c) For purposes of section 6 (g) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 and subsections (b) (3) and (f) of this section, the level of State supple- mentary payment under section 1616 (a) shall be found by the Secre- tary to have been specifically increased so as to include the bonus value of food stamps (1) only if, prior to October 1, 1973, the State has entered into an agreement with the Secretary or taken other positive steps which demonstrate its intention to provide supplementary pay- ments under section 1616 (a) at a level which is at least equal to the maximum level which can be determined under section 401(b)(1) of the Social Security Amendments of 1972 and which is such that the limitation on State fiscal liability under section 401 does result in a reduction in the amount which would otherwise be payable to the Secretary by the State, and (2) only with respect to such months as the State may, at its option, elect. (d) Upon the request of the State of California the Secretary shall find, for purposes of the provisions specified in subsection (c) of this section, that the level of such State's supplementary payments of the type described in section 1616(a) of the Social Security Act has been specifically increased for any month after June 1976 so as to include the bonus value of food stamps if— (1) the State law as in effect for such month specifically pro- vides for increases in such payments on account of increases in the level of benefits payable under title XVI of the Social Security Act in a manner designed to assure that, whenever a cost-of-living increase in the level of benefits payable under such title XVI be- comes effective for any month after June 1976, the amount of the State supplementary payment payable, for each month with respect to which such cost-of-living increase is effective, to any individual or to any individual with an eligible spouse, will be increased by such amount as is necessary to assure that- (A) the aggregate of (i) the amount payable for such month to such individual, or to such individual with an eligible spouse, under such title XVI, and (ii) the amount payable for such month to such individual, or to such indi- vidual with an eligible spouse, under the State's supplemen- tary payments program, T P.L. 93-233 Revised April 1978 750 will exceed, by an amount which is not less than the monthly amount of such cost-of-living increase (plus the monthly amount of any previous cost-of-living increases in the level of benefits payable under title XVI of the Social Security Act which became effective for months after June 1976) — (B) the aggregate of the amounts which would otherwise have been payable, to such individual (or to such individual with an eligible spouse), under such title XVI and under the State's supplementary payments program for such month under the law as in effect on June 1, 1976; and (2) such month is (A) the month of July 1976, or (B) a month thereafter which is in a period of consecutive months the first of which is July 1976 and each of which is a month with respect to which the conditions of paragraph (1) are met. As used in this subsection, the term "cost-of-living increase in the level of benefits payable under title XVI of the Social Security Act" means an increase in benefits payable under such title XVI by reason of the operation of section 1617 of such Act; except that the cost-of-living increase in the level of benefits payable under such title XVI which became effective for the month of July 1976 shall be deemed (for purposes of determining the amount of the required excess referred to in the matter following subparagraph (A) and preceding subpara- graph (B) in paragraph (1)) to have provided an increase of $3.00 per month in the case of an individual without an eligible spouse and $4.50 per month in the case of an individual with an eligible spouse. (e) Section 401(b)(1) of the Social Security Amendments of 1972 is amended by striking out everything after the word "exceed" and inserting in lieu thereof: "a payment level modification (as defined in paragraph (2) of this subsection) with respect to such plans." (f) The amendment made by subsection (e) shall not be effective in any State which provides supplementary payments of the type de- scribed in section 1616(a) of the Social Security Act the level of which has been found by the Secretary to have been specifically increased so as to include the bonus value of food stamps.¹ 1 Continuation of Certain Demonstration Projects Sec. 11. (a) If any State (other than the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or Guam) has any experimental, pilot, or demonstration project (referred to in section 1115 of the Social Security Act)— 1 Section 8 was amended by sec. 8 of P.L. 94-44, by sec. 2 of P.L. 94-365, by P.L. 94–379, by sec. 3 of P.L. 95-59, and by sec. 1302 of P.L. 95-113. Also see sec. 6(g) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 which is printed in this document on p. 707. Revised April 1978 P.L. 93-233 751 (1) which (prior to October 1, 1973) has been approved by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Secretary"), for a period which ends on or after December 31, 1973, as being a project with respect to which the authority conferred upon him by subsection (a) or (b) of such section 1115 will be exercised, and (2) with respect to the costs of which Federal financial par- ticipation would (except for the provisions of this section) be denied or reduced on account of the enactment of section 301 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972, then, for any period (after December 31, 1973) with respect to which such project is approved by the Secretary, Federal financial partici- P.L. 93-233 752 pation in the costs of such project shall be continued in like manner as if- (3) such section 301 had not been enacted, and (4) such State (for the month of January 1974 and any month therafter) continued to have in effect the State plan (approved under title XVI) which was in effect for the month of October 1973, or the State plans (approved under titles I, X, and XIV of the Social Security Act) which were in effect for such month, as the case may be. (b) With respect to individuals- (1) who are participants in any project to which the provi- sions of subsection (a) are applicable, and (2) with respect to whom supplemental security income bene- fits are (or would, except for their participation in such project, be) payable under title XVI of the Social Security Act, or who meet the requirements for aid or assistance under a State plan approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI of the Social Security Act of the State in which such project is conducted (as such State plan was in effect for July 1973), the Secretary may waive such requirements of title XVI of such Act (as enacted by section 301 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972) to such extent as he determines to be necessary to the successful opera- tion of such project. (c) In the case of any State which has entered into an agreement with the Secretary under section 1616 of the Social Security Act (or which is deemed, under section 212 (d) of Public Law 93-66, to have entered into such an agreement), then, of the costs of any project of such State with respect to which there is (solely by reason of the pro- visions of subsection (a)) Federal financial participation, the non- Federal share thereof shall- (1) be paid, from time to time, to such State by the Secretary, and (2) shall for purposes of section 1616(d) of the Social Security Act and section 401 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972, be treated in like manner as if such non-Federal share were sup- plementary payments made by the Secretary on behalf of such State pursuant to such agreement. Social Services Regulations Postponed Sec. 12. (a) Subject to subsection (b), no regulation and no modifi- cation of any regulation, promulgated by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as the "Secretary") after January 1, 1973, shall be effective for any period which begins prior to October 1, 1975, if (and insofar as) such regulation or modi- 753 P.L. 93-233 fication of a regulation pertains (directly or indirectly) to the provi- sions of law contained in sections 3(a)(4)(A), 402(a)(19)(G), 403(a)(3)(A), 603(a)(1)(A), 1003(a)(3)(A), 1403(a)(3)(A), or 1603 (a) (4) (A), of the Social Security Act. (b) (1) The provisions of subsection (a) shall not be applicable to any regulation relating to "scope of programs", if such regulation is identical (except as provided in the succeeding sentence) to the pro- visions of section 221.0 of the regulations (relating to social services) proposed by the Secretary and published in the Federal Register on May 1, 1973. There shall be deleted from the first sentence of subsection (b) of such section 221.0 the phrase "meets all the applicable require- ments of this part and". (2) The provisions of subsection (a) shall not be applicable to any regulation relating to "limitations on total amount of Federal funds payable to States for services", if such regulation is identical (except as provided in the succeeding sentence) to the provisions of section 221.55 of the regulations so proposed and published on May 1, 1973. There shall be deleted from subsection (d) (1) of such section 221.55 the phrase "(as defined under day care services for children)"; and, in lieu of the sentence contained in subsection (d) (5) of such section 221.55, there shall be inserted the following: "Services provided to a child who is under foster care in a foster family home (as defined in section 408 of the Social Security Act) or in a childcare institution (as defined in such section), or while awaiting placement in such a home or institution, but only if such services are needed by such child because he is under foster care.”. (3) The provisions of subsection (a) shall not be applicable to any regulation relating to "rates and amounts of Federal financial participation for Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam”, if such regulation is identical to the provisions of section 221.56 of the regu- lations so proposed and published on May 1, 1973. (4) The provisions of subsection (a) shall not be construed to pre- clude the Secretary from making any modification in any regulation (described in subsection (a)) if such modification is technically neces- sary to take account of the enactment of section 301 or 302 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 553 (d) of title 5, United States Code, any regulation described in subsection (b) may become effective upon the date of its publication in the Federal Register. Sec. 13. (a) *** * * * ** P.L. 93-233 754 Medicaid Eligibility for Individuals Receiving Mandatory State Supplementary Payments (c) In addition to other requirements imposed by law as conditions for the approval of any State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act, there is hereby imposed (effective January 1, 1974) the requirement (and each such State plan shall be deemed to require) that medical assistance under such plan shall be provided to any individual- (1) for any month for which there (A) is payable with respect to such individual a supplementary payment pursuant to an agree- ment entered into between the State and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare under section 212 (a) of Public Law 93-66, and (B) would be payable with respect to such individual such a supplementary payment, if the amount of the supple- mentary payments payable pursuant to such agreement were estab- lished without regard to paragraph (3)(A)(ii) of such section 212(a), and (2) in like manner, and subject to the same terms and condi- tions, as medical assistance is provided under such plan to individ- uals with respect to whom benefits are payable for such month under the supplementary security income program established by title XVI of the Social Security Act. Federal matching under title XIX of the Social Security Act shall be available for the medical assistance furnished to individuals who are eligible for such assistance under this subsection. ** ** * * * * ** Payment for Services of Physicians Rendered in a Teaching Hospital Sec. 15. (a) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the provisions of section 1861 (b) of the Social Security Act, shall, subject to subsection (b) of this section, for the period with respect to which this paragraph is applicable, be administered as if paragraph (7) of such section read as follows: "(7) a physician where the hospital has a teaching program approved as specified in paragraph (6), if (A) the hospital elects to receive any payment due under this title for reasonable costs of such services, and (B) all physicians in such hospital agree not to bill charges for professional services rendered in such hospital to individuals covered under the insurance program established by this title.". (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the provisions of section 1832 (a) (2) (B) (i) of the Social Security Act, shall, subject 755 P.L. 93-233 to subsection (b) of this section, for the period with respect to which this paragraph is applicable, be administered as if subclause II of such section read as follows: "(II) a physician to a patient in a hospital which has a teach- ing program approved as specified in paragraph (6) of section 1861 (b) (including services in conjunction with the teaching pro- grams of such hospital whether or not such patient is an in- patient of such hospital), where the conditions specified in para- graph (7) of such section are met, and". (b) The provisions of subsection (a) shall not be deemed to render improper any determination of payment under title XVIII of the Social Security Act for any service provided prior to the enactment of this Act. (c) (1) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall ar- range for the conduct of a study or studies concerning (A) appropri- ate and equitable methods of reimbursement for physicians' services under titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act in hospitals which have a teaching program approved as specified in section 1861 (b)(6) of such Act, (B) the extent to which funds expended under such titles are supporting the training of medical specialties which are in excess supply, (C) how such funds could be expended in ways which support more rational distribution of physicians manpower both geographically and by specialty, (D) the extent to which such funds support or encourage teaching programs which tend to dispro- portionately attract foreign medical graduates, and (E) the existing and appropriate role that part of such funds which are expended to meet in whole or in part the cost of salaries of interns and residents in teaching programs approved as specified in section 1861 (b) (6) of such Act. (2) The studies required by paragraph (1) shall be the subject of an interim report thereon submitted not later than March 1, 1975, and a final report not later than March 1, 1976. Such reports shall be submitted to the Secretary, the Committee on Finance of the Senate, and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representa- tives, simultaneously. (3) The Secretary shall request the National Academy of Sciences to conduct such studies under an arrangement under which the actual expenses incurred by such Academy in conducting such studies will be paid by the Secretary. If the National Academy of Sciences is will- ing to do so, the Secretary shall enter into such an arrangement with such Academy for the conduct of such studies. (4) If the National Academy of Sciences is unwilling to conduct the studies required under this section, under such an arrangement with the Secretary, then the Secretary shall enter into a similar P.L. 93-233 756 Revised August 1978 arrangements with other appropriate nonprofit private groups or asso- ciations under which such groups or associations shall conduct such studies and prepare and submit the reports thereon as provided in paragraph (2). (5) The Social Security Administration shall study the interim report called for in paragraph (2) and shall submit its analysis of such interim report to the Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives not later than June 1, 1975. The Social Security Administration shall study and submit its analysis of the final report to the Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives by June 1, 1976.¹ (d) The provisions of subsection (a) shall apply with respect to cost accounting periods beginning after June 30, 1973, and prior to October 1, 1978.2 Basisof Medicare Payment for Services Provided by Agencies and Providers Sec. 16. In the administration of titles V, XVII, and XIX of the Social Security Act, the amount payable under such title to any provider of services on account of services provided by such hospital, skilled nursing facility, or home health agency shall be determined (for any period with respect to which the amendments made by sec- tion 233 of Public Law 92-603 would, except for the provisions of this section, be applicable) in like manner as if the date contained in the first and second sentences of subsection (f) of such section 233 were December 31, 1973, rather than December 31, 1972. Postponement on Effective Date of Certain Requirements Imposed With Respect to Payment for Physical Therapy Services Sec. 17. (a) In the administration of title XVII of the Social Security Act, the amount payable thereunder with respect to physical therapy and other services referred to in section 1861(v)(5)(A) of such Act (as added by section 151(c) of the Social Security Amend- ments of 1972) shall be determined (for the period with respect to which the amendment made by such section 151 (c) would, except for the provisions of this section, be applicable) in like manner as if the "December 31, 1972", which appears in such subsection (d)(3) of such section 151, read "the month in which there are promulgated, by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, final regulations 1 Subsection (c) was amended by sections 7(a) and (b) of P.L. 93–368. 2 Subsection (d) was amended by section 7(c) of P.L. 93-368, section 1 of P.L. 94-368, and section 7 of P.L. 95-292. 757 P.L. 93-368 implementing the provisions of section 1861 (v) (5) of the Social Security Act". Modification of Provisions Establishing Supplemental Security Income Program Sec. 19. (a) Section 303 (c) of the Social Security Amendments of 1972 is amended to read as follows: "(c) Section 9 of the Act of April 19, 1950 (64 Stat. 47) is amended to read as follows: “SEC. 9. Beginning with the quarter commencing July 1, 1950, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay quarterly to each State (from sums made available for making payments to the States under section 403 (a) of the Social Security Act) an amount, in addition to the amount prescribed to be paid to such State under such section, equal to 80 per centum of the total amount of contributions by the State toward expenditures during the preceding quarter by the State, under the State plan approved under the Social Security Act for aid to de- pendent children to Navajo and Hopi Indians residing within the boundaries of the State on reservations or on allotted or trust lands, with respect to whom payments are made to the State by the United States under section 403 (a) of the Social Security Act, not counting so much of such expenditure to any individual for any month as exceeds the limitations prescribed in such section.." (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 301 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall make payments to the 50 States and the District of Columbia after December 31, 1973, in accordance with the provisions of the Social Security Act as in effect prior to January 1, 1974, for (1) activities carried out through the close of December 31, 1973, under State plans approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI, of such Act, and (2) administrative activities carried out after December 31, 1973, which such Secretary determines are necessary to bring to a close activities carried out under such State plans. 21-746 O - 78 * << Excerpt From Public Law 93-368 Sec. 8. Section 249B of the Social Security Amendments of 1972 is amended by striking out "June 30, 1974" and inserting in lieu thereof "June 30, 1977". 56 * ** * * P.L. 93-480 758 *** Sec. 4(a) (b) The Civil Service Commission and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall submit to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, and to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service and the Committee on Finance of the Senate, on or before March 1, 1975, a report on the steps which have been taken, and the steps which are planned, to enable the Secretary of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare to make the determination and certification referred to in section 1862 (c) of the Social Security Act. If such report is not submitted to such committees on or before March 1, 1975, the date specified in such section (as amended by this section) shall be deemed to be July 1, 1975, rather than January 1, 1976. Excerpts From the Social Services Amendments of 1974 Public Law 93-647, as Amended Excerpt From Public Law 93-480 Sec. 3(a) *** * * * * * * * * (f) Any child day care service provided under any plan of a State approved under part A, or developed under part B, of title IV of the Social Security Act must meet the requirements applicable, under subsection (a) (9) of section 2002 of the Social Security Act, as amended by this Act, to child day care services with respect to which payment is made under that section. The requirements imposed by this subsection are in lieu of any requirements that would otherwise be applicable under section 522(d) of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 to child day care services provided under any plan of a State approved under part A, or developed under part B, of title IV of the Social Security Act.¹ (g) Section 12(a) of Public Law 93-233 is amended by striking out "January 1, 1975" and inserting "October 1, 1975" in lieu thereof. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 12(a) of Public Law 93– 233, the Secretary may make any modification in any regulation de- scribed in that section if the modification is necessary to implement the provisions of this part. * * * 1 Provision modified for October 1, 1975-January 31, 1976. See section 7(a) (3). Revised April 1978 P.L. 93-647 759 (j) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of section 2002 (a) of the Social Security Act, as amended by this Act, the limi- tation imposed by such paragraph (2) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975, with respect to any State shall be the allotment of the State for that fiscal year as determined under section 1130 of the Social Security Act. In determining, for the purposes of that limita- tion, the total amount of the payments made to any State with re- spect to expenditures during fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975, there shall be included the amount of any payments made to the State that are chargeable against the allotment of the State for the fiscal yeaṛ beginning July 1, 1975, under such section 1130. Report by the Secretary Sec. 4. Prior to July 1, 1977, the Secretary shall submit to the Con- gress a report on the effectiveness of the program established by title XX of the Social Security Act, as amended by this Act, during cal- endar years 1975 and 1976, together with recommendations, if any, for improvements in that program. Sec. 7. (a) (1) *** (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 2004 of the Social Security Act, as amended by this Act, the first services program year of each State shall begin on October 1, 1975, and end with the close of, at the option of the State- (A) the day in the twelve-month period beginning October 1, 1975, or (B) the day in the twelve-month period beginning October 1, 1976, which is the last day of the twelve-month period, established by the State as its services program year under that section. Notwithstand- ing the provisions of subsection (b) of section 2003 of the Social Se- curity Act, as amended by this Act, the aggregate expenditures required by that subsection with respect to the first services program year of each State shall be the amount which bears the same ratio to the amount that would otherwise be required under that subsection as the number of months in the State's first services program year bears to twelve. (3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection or section 3(f), payments under title IV or section 2002 (a) (1) of the Social Security Act with respect to expenditures made prior to October 1, 1978, in connection with the provision of child day care services in day care centers and group day care homes, in the case of children between the ages of six weeks and six years, may be made without P.L. 93-647 760 Revised April 1978 regard to the requirements relating to staffing standards which are imposed by or under section 2002 (a) (9) (A)(ii) of such Act, so long as the staffing standards actually being applied in the provision of the services involved (A) comply with applicable State law (as in effect at the time the services are provided), (B) are no lower than the corresponding staffing standards which were imposed or required by applicable State law on September 15, 1975, and (C) are no lower, in the case of any day care center or group day care home, than the corresponding standards actually being applied in such center or home on September 15, 1975.¹ Sec. 101(a) *** (c) (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 402 (a) of the Social Security Act, in addition to the amounts required to be dis- regarded under clause (8) (A) of such section, there is imposed the requirement (and the State plan shall be deemed to include the re- quirement) that for the 15 months beginning July 1, 1975, in mak- ing the determination under clause (7), the State agency shall with respect to any month in such year and in addition to the amounts required to be disregarded under clause (8) (A), disregard amounts payable under section 457 (a) (1). Excerpt From Public Law 94-12, the Tax Reduction Act of 1975 TITLE VII-MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SEC. 701. CERTAIN UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION. (a) (b) MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENTS.-The Secretary of Labor shall, at the earliest practicable date after the enactment of this Act, pro- pose to each State with which he has in effect an agreement entered into pursuant to section 102 of the Emergency Unemployment Com- pensation Act of 1974 a modification of such agreement designed to cause payments of emergency compensation thereunder to be made in the manner prescribed by such Act, as amended by subsection (a) of this section. Notwithstanding any provision of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974, if any such State shall fail 1 Paragraph (3) was added by sec. 3 of P.L. 94-120 and was amended by sec. 2 of P.L. 94- 401. and by sec. 1(d) of P.L. 95-171. 761 P.L. 94-12 or refuse, within a reasonable time after the date of the enactment of this Act, to enter into such a modification of such agreement, the Sec- retary of Labor shall terminate such agreement. SEC. 702. SPECIAL PAYMENT TO RECIPIENTS OF BENEFITS UNDER CERTAIN RETIREMENT AND SURVIVOR BENEFIT PRO- GRAMS. (a) PAYMENT.-The Secretary of the Treasury shall, at the earliest practicable date after the enactment of this Act, make a $50 payment. to each individual, who for the month of March 1975, was entitled (without regard to sections 202(j)(1) and 223(b) of title II of the Social Security Act and without the application of section 5(a)(ii) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974) to- (1) a monthly insurance benefit payable under title II of the Social Security Act, (2) a monthly annuity or pension payment under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1935, the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, or the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, or (3) a benefit under the supplemental security income benefits program established by title XVI of the Social Security Act; except that, (A) such $50 payment shall be made only to individuals who were paid a benefit for March 1975 in a check issued no later than August 31, 1975; (B) no such $50 payment shall be made to any individual who is not a resident of the United States (as defined in section 210 (i) of the Social Security Act); and (C) if an individual is entitled under two or more of the programs referred to in clauses (1), (2), and (3), such individual shall be entitled to receive only one such $50 payment. For purposes of this subsection, the term "resident" means an individual whose address of record for check payment pur- poses is located within the United States. (b) RECIPIENT IDENTIFICATION.-The Secretary of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare and the Railroad Retirement Board shall provide the Secretary of the Treasury with such information and data as may be needed to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to ascertain which individuals are entitled to the payment authorized under subsection (a). (c) COORDINATION WITH OTHER FEDERAL PROGRAMS.-Any payment made by the Secretary of the Treasury under this section to any indi- vidual shall not be regarded as income (or, in the calendar year 1975, as a resource) of such individual (or of the family of which he is a member) for purposes of any Federal or State program which under- takes to furnish aid or assistance to individuals or families, where eligibility to receive such aid or assistance (or the amount of such aid or assistance) under such program is based on the need therefor of the P.L. 94-12 762 individual or family involved. The requirement imposed by the pre- ceding sentence shall be treated as a condition for Federal financial participation in any State (or local) welfare program for any calen- dar quarter commencing after the date of enactment of this Act. (d) APPROPRIATIONS AUTHORIZATION.-There are hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provi- sions of this section. (e) PAYMENT NOT TO BE CONSIDERED INCOME.-Payments made under this section shall not be considered as gross income for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. Excerpt From the Emergency Compensation and Special Unemployment Assistance Extension Act of 1975 * * ** Public Law 94-45 * ** Study and Report by Secretary of Labor Sec. 104. The Secretary of Labor shall conduct a study and review of the program established by the Emergency Unemployment Com- pensation Act of 1974 and the program established under title II of the Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974 and shall submit to the Congress not later than January 1, 1977, a report on such study and review. Such study and review shall include- (1) the employment, economic, and demographic characteristics of individuals receiving benefits under either such program, (2) the needs of the long-term unemployed for job counseling, testing, referral and placement services, skill and apprenticeship training, career-related education programs, and public service employment opportunities, and (3) an examination of all other benefits to which individuals receiving benefits under either such program are eligible together with an investigation of important factors affecting unemploy- ment, a comparison of the aggregate value of such other benefits plus benefits received under either such program with the amount of compensation received by such individuals in their most recent position of employment. Modification of Agreements Sec. 105. The Secretary of Labor shall, at the earliest practicable date after the date of the enactment of this Act, propose to each State with which he has in effect an agreement under section 102 of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974 a modification. 763 P.L. 94-45 of such agreement designed to provide for the payment of the emer- gency compensation benefits allowable under such Act by reason of the amendments made by this part. Notwithstanding any provision of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974, if any State fails or refuses, within the three-week period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, to enter into such a modification of such agreement, the Secretary of Labor shall terminate such agreement. * * Repayment of State Loans Sec. 110. (a) Section 3302 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sen- tence: "The provisions of the preceding sentence shall not be appli- cable with respect to the taxable year beginning January 1, 1975, or any succeeding taxable year which begins before January 1, 1978; and, for purposes of such sentence, January 1, 1978, shall be deemed to be the first January 1 occurring after January 1, 1974, and consecu- tive taxable years in the period commencing January 1, 1978, shall be determined as if the taxable year which begins on January 1, 1978, were the taxable year immediately succeeding the taxable year which began on January 1, 1974.”. (b) (1) The amendment made by subsection (a) shall not be appli- cable in the case of any State unless the Secretary of Labor finds that such State has studied and taken appropriate action with respect to the financing of its unemployment programs so as substantially to accomplish the purpose of restoring the fiscal soundness of the State's unemployment account in the Unemployment Trust Fund and permit- ting the repayment within a reasonable time of any advances made to such account under title XII of the Social Security Act. For pur- poses of the preceding sentence, appropriate action with respect to the financing of a State's unemployment programs means an increase in the State's unemployment tax rate, an increase in the State's unem- ployment tax base, a change in the experience rating formulas, or a combination thereof. (2) The Secretary of Labor shall promptly prescribe and publish in the Federal Register regulations setting forth the criteria according to which he will determine the requirements of the preceding paragraph. (3) Immediately after he makes a determination with respect to any State under paragraph (1), the Secretary of Labor shall publish such determination, together with his reasons therefor, in the Federal Register. P.L. 94-45 764 TITLE III-LOANS TO THE UNEMPLOYMENT FUND OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS Sec. 301. (a) The Secretary of Labor (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Secretary") may make loans to the Virgin Islands in such amounts as he determines to be necessary for the payment in any month of compensation under the unemployment compensation law of the Virgin Islands. A loan may be made under this subsection for the payment of compensation in any month only if— (1) the Governor of the Virgin Islands submits an application therefor no earlier than the first day of the preceding month; and (2) such application contains an estimate of the amount of the loan which will be required by the Virgin Islands for the pay- ment of compensation in such month. (b) For purposes of this section— (1) an application for loan under subsection (a) shall be made on such forms and shall contain such information and data (fiscal and otherwise) concerning the operation and administration of the unemployment compensation law of the Virgin Islands as the Secretary deems necessary or relevant to the performance of his duties under this section; (2) the amount required by the Virgin Islands for the payment of compensation in any month shall be determined with due allow- ance for contingencies and taking into account all other amounts that will be available in the unemployment fund of the Virgin Islands for the payment of compensation in such month; and (3) the term "compensation" means cash benefits payable to individuals with respect to their unemployment, exclusive of ex- penses of administration. (c) Any loan made under subsection (a) shall be repayable (with- out interest) not later than January 1, 1979. If after January 1, 1979, any portion of any such loan remains unpaid, the Virgin Islands shall pay interest thereon, until the loan is paid in full, at a rate equal to the rate of interest in effect under section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. If at some future date the Federal Unemployment Tax Act shall be made applicable to the Virgin Islands, then, any amount of principal or interest due on any such loan remaining unpaid on such date shall be treated, for purposes of section 3302 (c) (3) of the Inter- nal Revenue Code of 1954, as an advance made to the Virgin Islands under title XII of the Social Security Act.¹ (d) No loan may be made under subsection (a) for any month beginning after September 30, 1977. The aggregate of the loans which may be made under subsection (a) shall not exceed $15,000,000.¹ ¹ Subsections (c) and (d) were amended by Public Law 94–354. 765 P.L. 94-88 (e) There are authorized to be appropriated from the general fund of the Treasury such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section. ** * * Excerpts From Public Law 94-88 TITLE II—AMENDMENTS RELATING TO SOCIAL SECURITY ACT TEMPORARY WAIVERS OF CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN STATES Sec. 201. (a) If the Governor of any State, which has an approved State plan under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act, submits to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Secretary"), a request that any provi- sion of section 402 (a) (26) of the Social Security Act or section 402 (a) (27) of such Act not be made applicable to such State prior to a date specified in the request (which shall not be later than June 30, 1976) and- (1) such request is accompanied by a certification, with respect to such provision, of the Governor that the State cannot imple- ment such provision because of the lack of authority to do so under State law, and (2) such request fully explains the reasons why such provi- sion cannot be implemented, and sets forth any provision of State law which impedes the implementation thereof, the Secretary shall, if he is satisfied that such a waiver is justified, grant the waiver so requested. (b) During any period with respect to which a waiver, obtained under subsection (a) with respect to section 402(a)(26)(A) of the Social Security Act, is in effect with respect to any State, the provi- sions of section 454 (4) and (5) of such Act shall be applied to such State in like manner as if the phrase "with respect to whom an assign- ment under section 402 (a) (26) of this title is effective" did not appear therein, and the provisions of section 458 of such Act shall be applied to such State in like manner as if the phrase "support rights assigned under section 402 (a) (26)" read "child support obligations". * ** * * ** ** (d) The Secretary shall from time to time, submit to the Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, full and complete reports (the first of which shall not be later than September 15, 1975) regarding any re- quests which he has received for waivers under subsection (a) and any waivers granted by him under such subsection, and such reports shall include copies of all such requests for such waivers and any sup- porting documents submitted with or in connection with any such requests. P.L. 94-88 766 SUPPORT ASSIGNMENTS BY RECIPIENTS DURING TRANSITIONAL PERIOD Sec. 203. (a) In the case of any State the law of which on August 1, 1975, meets the requirements of section 402(a) (26) (A) of the Social Security Act, the requirements of such section shall be effective, with respect to individuals who are recipients on August 1, 1975, at such time as may be determined by the State agency, but not later than the time of the first redetermination of eligibility required after August 1, 1975, and in any event not later than February 1, 1976. (b) In the case of any State described in subsection (a), the pro- visions of section 454 (4) and (5) of the Social Security Act shall, during the period beginning August 1, 1975, and ending December 31, 1975, be applied, with respect to all recipients of aid under the State plan of such State (approved under part A of title IV of such Act) who have not made an assignment pursuant to section 402 (a) (26) (A) of such Act, in the case of such State in like manner as if the phrase "with respect to whom an assignment under section 402(a)(26) of this title is effective" did not appear therein, and the provisions of sec- tion 458 of such Act shall, during such period, be applied in the case of such State in like manner as if the phrase "support rights assigned under section 402(a)(26)” read "child support obligations”. * * * Sec. 208. (a) *** * * PAYMENTS TO STATES FOR CERTAIN EXPENSES INCURRED DURING JULY 1975 Sec. 206. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, amounts ex- pended in good faith by any State (or by any of its political sub- divisions) during July 1975 in employing and compensating staff per- sonnel, leasing office space, purchasing equipment, or carrying out other organizational or administrative activities, in preparation for or implementation of the child support program under part D of title IV of the Social Security Act, shall be considered for purposes of section 455 of such Act (as amended by this Act), to the extent that payment for the activities involved would be made under such section (as so amended) if section 101 of the Social Services Amendments of 1974 had become effective on July 1, 1975, to have been expended by the State for the operation of the State plan or for the conduct of activities specified in such section (as so amended). PROTECTION OF CHILD'S BEST INTEREST * (d) (1) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall sub- mit to the Congress any proposed standards authorized to be pre- Revised April 1978 P.L. 94-114 767 scribed by him under section 402(a) (26) (B) of the Social Security Act (as added by the Social Services Amendments of 1974 and as amended by subsection (a) of this section). Such standards shall take effect at the end of the period which ends 60 days after such proposed standards are so submitted to such committees unless, within such period, either House of the Congress, adopts a resolution of disap- proval. (2) For purposes of this subsection, the term "resolution" means only- (A) a concurrent resolution of the two Houses of the Congress, the matter after the resolving clause of which is as follows: "That the Congress does not approve the standards (as authorized under section 402 (a) (26) (B) of the Social Security Act) transmitted to the Congress on .", the blank space being filled with the appropriate date; and (B) a resolution of either House of the Congress, the matter after the resolving clause of which is as follows: "That the does not approve the standards (as authorized under section 402(a) (26) (B) of the Social Security Act) transmitted to the Congress on " with the first blank space being filled with the name of the resolving House, and the second blank space being filled with the appropriate date. > (3) The provisions of subsection (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) of sec- tion 152 of the Trade Act of 1974 shall be applicable to resolutions under this subsection, except that the "20 hours" referred to in sub- sections (d) (2) and (e)(2) of such section shall be deemed to read "4 hours". * * * * * Excerpt From Public Law 94-114 * * *k *k *k SEC. 6. All property conveyed to tribes pursuant to this Act and all the receipts therefrom referred to in section 5 of this Act, shall be exempt from Federal, State, and local taxation so long as such prop- erty is held in trust by the United States. Any distribution of such receipts to tribal members shall neither be considered as income or resources of such members for purposes of any such taxation nor as income, resources, or otherwise utilized as the basis for denying or reducing the financial assistance or other benefits to which such mem- ber or his household would otherwise be entitled to under the Social Security Act or any other Federal or federally assisted program. Revised April 1978 767-A P.L. 94-164 Excerpt From Public Law 94-164, As Amended Sec. 2. (a) ** (d) DISREGARD OF REFUND.-Any refund of Federal income taxes made to any individual by reason of section 43 of the Internal Rev- enue Code of 1954 (relating to earned income credit) shall not be taken into account as income or receipts for purposes of determining the eligibility, for the month in which such refund is made or any month thereafter of such individual or any other individual for bene- fits or assistance, or the amount or extent of benefits or assistance, under any Federal program or under any State or local program financed in whole or in part with Federal funds, but only if such individual (or the family unit of which he is a member) is a recipient P.L. 94-164 768 of benefits or assistance under such a program for the month before the month in which such refund is made.¹ 1 * * * Excerpts From Public Law 94-182 PREVAILING CHARGE LEVEL FOR FISCAL YEAR 1976 Sec. 101. (a) Section 1842 (b) (3) of the Social Security Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: "Notwithstanding the provisions of the third and fourth sentences preceding this sentence, the prevailing charge level in the case of a physician service in a particular locality determined pursuant to such third and fourth sentences for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975, shall, if lower than the prevailing charge level for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1975, in the case of a similar physician service in the same locality by reason of the application of economic index data, be raised to such prevailing charge level for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975.". (b) The amendment made by subsection (a) shall be applicable with respect to claims filed under part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act with a carrier designated pursuant to section 1842 of such Act and processed by such carrier after the appropriate changes were made in the prevailing charge levels for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975, on the basis of economic index data under the third and fourth sentences of section 1842 (b) (3) of such Act; except that (1) if less than the correct amount was paid (after the application of subsection (a) of this section) on any claim processed prior to the enactment of this section, the correct amount shall be paid by such carrier at such time (not exceeding 6 months after the date of the enactment of this section) as is administratively feasible, and (2) no such payment shall be made on any claim where the difference between the amount paid and the correct amount due is less than $1. * * * * UPDATING OF THE LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO NURSING HOMES Sec. 106. (a) Section 1861 (j) (13) of the Social Security Act is amended by striking out "(21st edition, 1967)" and inserting in lieu thereof "(23d edition, 1973)". 1 Subsection (d) was amended by section 402 of Public Law 94-455. 769 P.L. 94-182 (b) Subject to subsection (c), the amendment made by subsection (a) shall be effective on the first day of the sixth month which begins after the date of enactment of this Act.¹ (c) Any institution (or part of an institution) which complied with the requirements of section 1861 (j) (13) of the Social Security Act on the day preceding the first day referred to in subsection (b) shall, so long as such compliance is maintained (either by meeting the ap- plicable provisions of the Life Safety Code (21st edition, 1967), with or without waivers of specific provisions, or by meeting the applicable provisions of a fire and safety code imposed by State law as provided for in such section 1861 (j) (13)), be considered (for purposes of titles XVIII and XIX of such Act) to be in compliance with the require- ments of such section 1861 (j) (13), as it is amended by subsection (a) of this section. GRANTS FOR CERTAIN EXPERIMENTS AND DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS Sec. 107. Nothing contained in section 222 (a) of Public Law 92-603 shall be construed to preclude or prohibit the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare from including in any grant otherwise authorized to be made under such section moneys which are to be used for payments, to a participant in a demonstration or experiment with respect to which the grant is made, for or on account of costs incurred. or services performed by such participant for a period prior to the date that the project of such participant is placed in operation, if— (1) the applicant for such grant is a State or an agency thereof, (2) such participant is an individual practice association which has been in existence for at least 3 years prior to the date of enact- ment of this section and which has in effect a contract with such State (or an agency thereof), entered into prior to the date on which the grant is approved by the Secretary, under which such association will, for a period which begins before and ends after the date such grant is so approved, provide health care services for individuals entitled to care and services under the State plan of such State which is approved under title XIX of the Social Security Act, (3) the purpose of the inclusion of the project of such associa- tion is to test the utility of a particular rate-setting methodology, designed to be employed in prepaid health plans, in an individual practice association operation, and (4) the applicant for such grant affirms that the use of moneys from such grant to make such payments to such individual prac- ¹ Date of enactment was Dec. 31, 1975. P.L. 94-182 770 tice association is necessary or useful in assuring that such asso- ciation will be able to continue in operation and carry out the project described in clause (3). PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS REVIEW ORGANIZATION STARTUP DEADLINE Sec. 108. (a) Subsections (c) (1) and (f)(1) of section 1152 of the Social Security Act are each amended by striking out "January 1, 1976" and inserting in lieu thereof "January 1, 1978". (b) The amendments made by subsection (a) shall not apply in any area designated in accordance with section 1152 (a)(1) of the Social Security Act where- (1) the membership association or organization representing the largest number of doctors of medicine in such area, or in the State in which such area is located if different, has adopted by resolution or other official procedure a formal policy position of opposition to or noncooperation with the established program of professional standards review; or (2) the organization proposed to be designated by the Secre- tary under section 1152 of such Act has been negatively voted upon in accordance with the provisions of subsection (f) (2) thereof. STUDY REGARDING COVERAGE UNDER PART B OF MEDICARE FOR CERTAIN SERVICES PROVIDED BY OPTOMETRISTS Sec. 109. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall conduct a study of, and submit to the Congress not later than 4 months after the date of enactment of this section a report containing his find- ings and recommendations with respect to, the appropriateness of reimbursement under the insurance program established by part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act for services performed by doctors of optometry but not presently recognized for purposes of reimbursement with respect to the provision of prosthetic lenses for patients with aphakia.¹ * * * * * * * TITLE II-PROVISIONS RELATING TO FOOD STAMPS PROVIDED TO AFDC FAMILIES FOOD STAMP DISTRIBUTION TO AFDC FAMILIES Sec. 201. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the final date for compliance with regulations in implementation of section 10 (e) (7) 1 Date of enactment was Dec. 31, 1975. Revised April 1978 P.L. 94-202 771 of the Food Stamp Act of 1964, as amended, may be extended until October 1, 1976.¹ Sec. 3. The persons appointed under section 1631 (d) (2) of the Social Security Act (as in effect prior to the enactment of this Act) to serve as hearing examiners in hearings under section 1631(c) of such Act may conduct hearings under titles II, XVI and XVIII of the Social Security Act if the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare finds it will promote the achievement of the objectives of such titles, notwithstanding the fact that their appointments were made without meeting the requirements for hearing examiners appointed under section 3105 of title 5, United States Code; but their appoint- ments shall terminate not later than at the close of the period ending December 31, 1978, and during that period they shall be deemed to be hearing examiners appointed under such section 3105 and subject as such to subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code, to the second sentence of such section 3105, and to all of the other provisions of such title 5 which apply to hearing examiners appointed under such section 3105.2 Sec. 6. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d) (5) (A) of section 218 of the Social Security Act and the references thereto in subsections (d) (1) and (d) (3) of such section 218, the agreement with the State of West Virginia heretofore entered into pursuant to such section 218 may, at any time prior to 1977, be modified pursuant to subsection (c) (4) of such section 218 so as to apply to services per- formed in policemen's or firemen's positions covered by a retirement system on the date of the enactment of this Act by individuals as employees of any class III or class IV municipal corporation (as defined in or under the laws of the State) if the State of West Virginia 66 1 The provision of the Food Stamp Act referred to by this section reads as follows: (e) The State agency of each State desiring to participate in the food stamp program shall submit for approval a plan of operation specifying the manner in which such program will be conducted within the State, the political subdivisions within the State in which the State desires to conduct the program, and the effective dates of participation by each such political subdivision. In addition, such plan of operation shall provide, among such other provisions as may by regulations be required, the following: (1) *** (7) notwithstanding any other provision of law, the institution of procedures under which any household par- ticipating in the program shall be entitled, if it so elects, to have the charges, if any. for its coupon allotment deducted from any grant or payment such household may be entitled to receive under title IV of the Social Security Act and have its coupon allotment distrib- uted to it with such grant or payment; and (8) * * *** 2 Section 1631 (d) (2) of the Social Security Act as in effect prior to repeal by this Act read: 21-746 O Excerpts From Public Law 94-202 "(2) To the extent the Secretary finds it will promote the achievement of the objectives of this title, qualified persons may be appointed to serve as hearing examiners in hearings under subsection (c) without meeting the specific standards prescribed for hearing ex- aminers by or under subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5. United States Code. See also sec. 371 of P.L. 95-216 which is printed in this document on p. 815-816. " - 78 *k · 57 P.L. 94-202 772 has at any time prior to the date of the enactment of this Act paid to the Secretary of the Treasury, with respect to any of the services per- formed in such positions by individuals as employees of such municipal corporation, the sums prescribed pursuant to subsection (e) (1) of such section 218. For purposes of this subsection, a retirement system which covers positions of policemen or firemen, or both, and other positions, shall, if the State of West Virginia so desires, be deemed to be a sepa- rate retirement system with respect to the positions of such policemen or firemen, or both, as the case may be. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (f) of section 218 of the Social Security Act, any modification in the agreement with the State of West Virginia under subsection (a) of this section, to the extent it involves services performed by individuals as employees of any class III or class IV municipal corporation, may be made effective with respect to- (1) all services performed by such individual, in any police- men's or firemen's position to which the modification relates, on or after the date of the enactment of this Act; and (2) all services performed by such individual in such a position before such date of enactment with respect to which the State of West Virginia has paid to the Secretary of the Treasury the sums prescribed pursuant to subsection (e) (1) of such section 218 at the time or times established pursuant to such subsection (e) (1), if and to the extent that— (A) no refund of the sums so paid has been obtained, or (B) a refund of part or all of the sums so paid has been obtained but the State of West Virginia repays to the Secre- tary of the Treasury the amount of such refund within ninety days after the date that the modification is agreed to by the State and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. Sec. 7. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no regulation and no modification of any regulation, promulgated by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, after the date of enactment of this Act, shall become effective prior to the end of the eighteen-month period which begins with the first day of the first calendar month which begins after the date on which such regulation or modification of a regulation is published in the Federal Register, if and insofar as such regulation or modification of a regulation pertains, directly or indirectly, to the frequency or due dates for payments and reports required under section 218(e) of the Social Security Act. Sec. 8. (a) This section may be cited as the "Combined Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance-Income Tax Reporting Amend- ments of 1975”. * C * 773 P.L. 94-202 (e) Any persons the Board of Trustees finds necessary to employ to assist it in performing its functions under section 201 (g) (4) of the Social Security Act may be appointed without regard to the civil service or classification laws, shall be compensated, while so employed at rates fixed by the Board of Trustees, but not exceeding $100 per day, and, while away from their homes or regular places of business, they may be allowed traveling expenses, including per diem in lieu of sub- sistence, as authorized by law for persons in the Government service employed intermittently. (f) The Secretary shall not make any estimates pursuant to section 201 (g) (1) (A)(ii) of the Social Security Act before the Board of Trustees prescribes the method of determining costs as provided in section 201 (g) (4) of such Act. The determinations pursuant to sec- tion 201(g) (1) (B) of the Social Security Act with respect to the carrying out of the functions of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare specified in section 232 of such Act, which relate to the administration of provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (other than those referred to in clause (i) of the first sentence of sec- tion 201(g) (1) (A) of the Social Security Act), during fiscal years ending before the Board of Trustees prescribes the method of making such determinations, shall be made after the Board of Trustees has prescribed such method. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall certify to the Managing Trustee the amounts that should be transferred from the general fund in the Treasury to the Trust Funds (as referred to in section 201 (g) (1) (A) of the Social Security Act) to insure that the general fund in the Treasury bears its proper share of the costs of carrying out such functions in such fiscal years. The Managing Trustee is authorized and directed to transfer any such amounts in accordance with any certification so made. * * * (k) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 218(i) of the Social Security Act, nothing contained in the amendments made by the pre- ceding provisions of this section shall be construed to authorize or require the Secretary, in promulgating regulations or amendments thereto under such section 218 (i), substantially to modify the pro- cedures, as in effect on December 1, 1975, for the reporting by States to the Secretary of the wages of individuals covered by social security pursuant to Federal-State agreements entered into pursuant to sec- tion 218 of the Social Security Act. P.L. 94-274 774 Excerpts From Public Law 94-274, as Amended Section 1. This Act may be cited as the "Fiscal Year Transition Act". TITLE I Sec. 101. (a) For the purposes of sections 222(d) (1), 421, 506(d), 516, 705, 901 (e) (2) and (f), 902, 905(b)(2), 1108, 1115, and 2002 (a) (2) of the Social Security Act, the term "fiscal year" includes the period of July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, and the exercise of authority pursuant to these provisions for that period shall be sub- ject to the conditions stated in the following paragraphs: (1) notwithstanding the provisions of section 222(d)(1) (42 U.S.C. 422 (d) (1)), the amount authorized to be transferred from the trust funds pursuant to that section in the period beginning July 1, 1976, and ending September 30, 1976, may not exceed 1.5 per centum of the total of the benefits certified for payment in the first quarter of the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975, and the amount authorized to be transferred from the Trust Funds in the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1976, may not exceed 1.5 per centum of the total of the benefits certified for payment in the preceding twelve months; (2) the fixed dollar allotment to each State under section 421 (42 U.S.C. 621) shall be $17,500; (3) the reduction required by section 506(d) (42 U.S.C. 706 (d)) shall be the amount by which the sum expended from non- Federal sources for that period is less than one-fourth the sum expended from such sources for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968; (4) the amount allotted to each State under section 516 (42 U.S.C. 716) shall be the excess of one-fourth the amount of the allotment for the State under sections 503 and 504 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 703 and 704), for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, plus the amount of any grants to the State under sections 508, 509, and 510 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 708, 709, and 710), over the amount of the allotment of the State under sec- tions 503 and 504 of that Act for the period; (5) the limitation imposed by section 705 (b) (42 U.S.C. 906 (b)) on the amount that may be available for carrying out sec- tion 705 (f) shall be $500,000 for that period; (6) the percentage referenced in the second sentence of section 901(e)(2) (42 U.S.C. 1101 (e) (2)) shall be reduced to 10 per centum for the purpose of advances to be made in that period; (7) notwithstanding the provisions of section 901(f)(3)(A) (42 U.S.C. 1101(f) (3)(A)), for the fiscal year beginning Octo- 775 P.L. 94-274 ber 1, 1976, the excess in the employment administration account shall be retained until the amount in such account is equal to 160 per centum of the amount of the total appropriation by the Con- gress out of the account for the period July 1, 1976, through Sep- tember 30, 1976, and $37,500,000 or three thirty-seconds of the amount in the employment security administration account, whichever is the lesser, is authorized to be made available for that period under the conditions provided therein; (8) the determinative calendar year for the purpose of a transfer to the unemployment account pursuant to section 902(a) (42 U.S.C. 1102(a)), at the beginning of the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1976, shall be calendar year 1975; (9) the determinative calendar year for the purposes of a trans- fer to the extended unemployment compensation account pur- suant to section 905(b)(2) (B) (42 U.S.C. 1105(b)(2)(B)), at the beginning of the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1976, shall be calendar year 1975; (10) the limitations imposed by section 1108 (42 U.S.C. 1308) on amounts certified by the Secretary shall be one-fourth of the limitations imposed by that section with respect to the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976; (11) the dollar limitation imposed by section 1115 (42 U.S.C. 1315) on the amount available for payments to the States for the cost of projects under that section shall be $1,000,000 of the aggregate amount appropriated for payments to the States for the period; and (12) notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (A) of section 2002 (a) (2) (42 U.S.C. 1397a (a) (2)), the limitation imposed by that subparagraph on payments with respect to expenditures by a State for the period shall be one-fourth of the limitation imposed on such payments with respect to expenditures by the State for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975; and not- withstanding the provisions of subparagraph (D) of section 2002 (a) (2), the maximum allotments under that subparagraph for the period shall be $3,750,000 for Puerto Rico, $125,000 for Guam, and $125,000 for the Virgin Islands, but nothing in this Act shall apply to the second sentence of section 2002 (a) (2) (A). (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 503 and 504 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 703 and 704), the fixed dollar allot- ment to each State under each of these sections for the period of July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, shall be $17,500. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1101 (a) (8) (B) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1301 (a) (8) (B)), the Federal P.L. 94-274 776 percentages promulgated under that subparagraph in 1974 shall be conclusive for each of the nine quarters in the period beginning on July 1, 1975, and ending on September 30, 1977. (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 2006 (c) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397e (c)), the report on the operation of the program established by title XX of that Act during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, shall include the operation of that program and during the period of July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, shall be submitted to the Congress prior to April 1, 1977. Sec. 102. For the purposes of section 401 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972 (42 U.S.C. 1382e note), the term "fiscal year" includes the period of July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, and the limitations imposed by section 401(a) on the amount payable to the Secretary by a State shall be one-fourth of the non-Federal share of expenditures as aid or assistance for quarters in calendar year 1972, as determined under that section. TITLE II Sec. 201. The period of July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, shall be treated as a fiscal year for the purpose of the following provi- sions of law: * * (11) section 305 (b) of the Social Security Amendments of 1972 (Public Law 92-603, 42 U.S.C. 401 note); (12) sections 201 (a), (b), and (g) (1), 302(a), 403 (g), 424, 431, 502, 901 (b), (c), and (f), 903 (a)(1) and (b) (1), 1203, 1817(a), and 1841 (h) and (i) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401 (a), (b), and (g)(1), 502(a), 603 (g), 624, 631, 702, 1101 (b), (c), and (f), 1103 (a)(1) and (b)(1), 1323, 1395i (a), and 1395t (h) and (i)); * * * * (36) sections 103 (e) and 111(d) of the Social Security Amend- ments of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 426a (c) and 1395i-1); and * * * Sec. 204. The period of July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, shall be treated as part of the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975, for the purposes of the following provisions of law: * *: (7) the following provisions of the Social Security Act: section 201 (c) (42 U.S.C. 401 (c)); sections 403 (c) and (f) (42 U.S.C. 603 (c) and (f)); section 423 (c) (42 U.S.C. 623 (c)); Revised April 1978 P.L. 94-331 777 section 1118 (42 U.S.C. 1318); section 1817(b) (42 U.S.C. 1395i (b)) section 1841 (b) (42 U.S.C. 1395t(b)); * * * * * * Excerpts From Public Law 94-331, As Amended * 1 * * * SEC. 2. EXCLUSION FROM INCOME UNDER THE SUPPLE- MENTAL SECURITY INCOME PROGRAM. (a) IN GENERAL.-Section 1612(b) of the Social Security Act is amended- * * (1) by striking out the word "and" which appears at the end of paragraph (9), (2) by striking out the period at the end of paragraph (10) and by inserting in lieu thereof "; and", (3) by inserting the following new paragraph: "(11) assistance received under the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 or other assistance provided pursuant to a Federal statute on ac- count of a catastrophe which is declared to be a major disaster by the President.". (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.-The amendments made by this Act shall be applicable only in the case of catastrophes which occur on or after June 1, 1976.2 * * * SEC. 4. AMENDMENT TO SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY IN- COME PROGRAM. (a) IN GENERAL.-Section 1612(a)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act is amended- 1 Paragraph (7) was amended by section 3(c) of Public Law 94-368. 2 Subsection (b) was amended by sec. 6 of P.L. 95–171. (1) by striking out the word "and" which appears at the end of clause (i) thereof and by inserting a comma in lieu of such word, and (2) by inserting immediately before the semicolon at the end thereof the following: ", and (iii) support and maintenance shall not be included and the provisions of clause (i) shall not be ap- plicable in the case of any individual (and his eligible spouse, if any) for the period which begins with the month in which such individual (or such individual and his eligible spouse) began to receive support and maintenance while living in a residential fa- cility (including a private household) maintained by another person and ends with the close of the month in which such indi- vidual (or such individual and his eligible spouse) ceases to re- ceive support and maintenance while living in such a residential P.L. 94-331 Revised April 1978 778 facility (or, if earlier, with the close of the fifth month following the month in which such period began), if, not more than 30 days prior to the date on which such individual (or such individual and his eligible spouse) began to receive support and maintenance while living in such a residential facility, (I) such individual (or such individual and his eligible spouse) were residing in a house- hold maintained by such individual (or by such individual and others) as his or their own home, (II) there occurred within the area in which such household is located (and while such individ- ual, or such individual and his spouse, were residing in the house- hold referred to in subclause (I)) a catastrophe on account of which the President declared a major disaster to exist therein for purposes of the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, and (III) such in- dividual declares that he (or he and his eligible spouse) ceased to continue living in the household referred to in subclause (II) because of such catastrophe". (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.-The amendments made by this Act shall be applicable only in the case of catastrophes which occur on or after June 1, 1976.¹ * * * * * * Excerpt From Public Law 94-368 * * * * Sec. 4. The amendments made by sections 2 and 3 of this Act shall be effective with respect to periods beginning after June 30, 1976; except that, for the twelve-month period beginning July 1, 1976, the amendments made by section 3 shall be applicable with respect to claims filed under part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act (after June 30, 1976, and before July 1, 1977) with a carrier desig- nated pursuant to section 1842 of such Act and processed by such car- rier after the appropriate changes were made pursuant to such section 3 in the prevailing charge levels for such twelve-month period under the third and fourth sentences of section 1842 (b) (3) of the Social Security Act. * * Excerpt from Public Law 94-375 * * * * * * * * * * ** Section 1. This Act may be cited as the "Housing Authorization Act of 1976". Sec. 2. (a) * * * * * * * :k (h) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the value of any assistance paid with respect to a dwelling unit under the United States Housing Act of 1937, the National Housing Act, section 101 of the 1 Subsecton (b) was amended by sec. 7 of P.L. 95-171. Revised April 1978 779 P.L. 94-401 Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, or title V of the Housing Act of 1949 may not be considered as income or a resource for the purpose of determining the eligibility of, or the amount of the benefits payable to, any person living in such unit for assistance under title XVI of the Social Security Act. This subsection shall become effective on October 1, 1976. * ** * * * * * Excerpts From Public Law 94-401, As Amended * * * * * ** Sec. 3. (a) For purposes of title XX of the Social Security Act, the amount of the limitation (imposed by section 2002 (a) (2) of such Act) which is applicable to any State for the fiscal period beginning July 1, 1976, and ending September 30, 1976, or which is applicable to any State for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1977, and the fiscal year ending September 30, 1978, shall be deemed to be equal to whichever of the following is the lesser: (1) an amount equal to— (A) 106.4 per centum of the amount of the limitation so imposed (as determined without regard to this section) in the case of such fiscal period, or (B) 108 per centum of the amount of the limitation so imposed (as determined without regard to this section) in the case of such fiscal year ending September 30, 1977, and such fiscal year ending September 30, 1978, or (2) an amount equal to (A) 100 per centum of such limitation for such fiscal period or either such fiscal year (as determined without regard to this section), plus (B) an amount equal to the sum of (i) 75 per centum (in the case of such fiscal period) or 100 per centum (in the case of such fiscal year) of the total amount of expenditures (I) which are made during such fiscal period or year in connection with the provision of any child day care serv- ice, and (II) with respect to which payment is authorized to be made to the State under such title for such fiscal period or year, and (ii) the aggregate of the amounts of the grants, made by the State during such fiscal period or year, to which the provisions of subsection (c)(1) are applicable.¹ (b) The additional Federal funds which become payable to any State for the fiscal period or either fiscal year specified in subsection (a) by reason of the provisions of such subsection shall, to the maxi- mum extent that the State determines to be feasible, be employed in such a way as to increase the employment of welfare recipients and other low-income persons in jobs related to the provision of child day care services.2 ¹ Subsection (a) was amended by sec. 1(a) (1), (2) and (3) of P.L. 95-171. 2 Subsection (b) was amended by sec. 1(a) (4) of P.L. 95-171. P.L. 94-401 780 Revised April 1978 (c) (1) Subject to paragraph (2), sums granted by a State to a qualified provider of child day care services (as defined in paragraph (3)(A)) during the fiscal period or either fiscal year specified in sub- section (a), to assist such provider in meeting its Federal welfare recipient employment incentive expenses (as defined in paragraph (3) (B)) with respect to individuals employed in jobs related to the pro- vision of child day care services in one or more child day care facilities of such provider, shall be deemed, for purposes of title XX of the Social Security Act, to constitute expenditures made by the State, in accordance with the requirements and conditions imposed by such Act, for the provision of services directed at one or more of the goals set forth in clauses (A) through (E) of the first sentence of section 2002 (a) (1) of such Act. With respect to sums to which the preceding sen- tence is applicable (after application of the provisions of paragraph (2)), the figure "75", as contained in the first sentence of section 2002 (a) (1) of such Act, shall be deemed to read "100". - • (2) The provisions of paragraph (1) shall not be applicable— (A) to the amount, if any, by which the aggregate of the sums (as described in such paragraph) granted by any State during the fiscal period or either fiscal year specified in subsection (a) exceeds the amount by which such State's limitation (as referred to in subsection (a)) is increased pursuant to such subsection for such fiscal period or year, or (B) with respect to any grant made to a particular qualified provider of child day care services to the extent that (as deter- mined by the Secretary) such grant is or will be used— (i) to pay wages to any employee at an annual rate in excess of $5,000, in the case of a public or nonprofit private provider, or (ii) to pay wages to any employee at an annual rate in excess of $4,000, or to pay more than 80 per centum of the wages of any employee, in the case of any other provider. (3) For purposes of this subsection— (A) the term "qualified provider of child day care services", when used in reference to a recipient of a grant by a State, includes a provider of such services only if, of the total number of children receiving such services from such provider in the facility with respect to which the grant is made, at least 20 per centum thereof have some or all of the costs for the child day care services so furnished to them by such provider paid for under the State's services program conducted pursuant to title XX of the Social Security Act; and (B) the term "Federal welfare recipient employment expenses" means expenses of a qualified provider of child day care services Revised April 1978 P.L. 94-437 781 which constitute Federal welfare recipient employment incentive expenses as defined in section 50B (a) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or which would constitute Federal welfare recipient employment incentive expenses as so defined if the provider were a taxpayer entitled to a credit (with respect to the wages in- volved) under section 40 of such Code.¹ (d) (1) In the administration of title XX of the Social Security Act, the figure "75", as contained in the first sentence of section 2002 (a) (1) of such Act, shall, subject to paragraph (2), be deemed to read "100" for purposes of applying such sentence to expenditures made by a State for the provision of child day care services during the fiscal year ending September 30, 1977, or the fiscal year ending September 30, 1978. (2) The total amount of Federal payments which may be paid to any State for either such fiscal year under title XX of the Social Security Act at the rate specified in paragraph (1) shall not exceed an amount equal to the excess (if any) of— (A) the amount by which such State's limitation (as referred to in subsection (a)) is increased pursuant to such subsection for such year, over (B) the aggregate of the amounts of the grants, made by the State during such year, to which the provisions of subsection (c) (1) are applicable.2 * * * * * * * Excerpts From Public Law 94-437 ** * * * * * Section 1. This Act may be cited as the "Indian Health Care Im- provement Act". * TITLE IV-ACCESS TO HEALTH SERVICES ELIGIBILITY OF INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE FACILITIES UNDER MEDICARE PROGRAM * * 1 Subsection (c) was amended by sec. 1(a)-(4) of P.L. 95-171. 2 Subsection (d) was amended by sec. 1(a) (5) and (6) of P.L. 95–171. 3 Subsection (a) added section 1880 to the Social Security Act. * 3 Sec. 401. (a) * * *³ (c) Any payments received for services provided to beneficiaries. hereunder shall not be considered in determining appropriations for health care and services to Indians. (d) Nothing herein authorizes the Secretary to provide services to an Indian beneficiary with coverage under title XVIII of the Social Security Act, as amended, in preference to an Indian beneficiary without such coverage. P.L. 94-437 782 Sec. 402. (a) * * *1 (b) The Secretary is authorized to enter into agreements with the appropriate State agency for the purpose of reimbursing such agency for health care and services provided in Service facilities to Indians who are eligible for medical assistance under title XIX of the Social Security Act, as amended. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, payments to which any facility of the Indian Health Service (including a hospital, inter- mediate care facility, or skilled nursing facility) is entitled under a State plan approved under title XIX of the Social Security Act by reason of section 1911 of such Act shall be placed in a special fund to be held by the Secretary and used by him (to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts) exclusively for the purpose of making any improvements in the facilities of such Service which may be necessary to achieve compliance with the applicable conditions and requirements of such title. The preceding sentence shall cease to apply when the Secretary determines and certifies that sub- stantially all of the health facilities of such Service in the United States are in compliance with such conditions and requirements. * (d) Any payments received for services provided recipients here- under shall not be considered in determining appropriations for the provision of health care and services to Indians. SERVICES PROVIDED TO MEDICAID ELIGIBLE INDIANS *: ** * * ** Sec. 403. The Secretary shall include in his annual report required by section 701 an accounting on the amount and use of funds made available to the service pursuant to this title as a result of reimburse- ments through titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act, as amended. * * * * * ** * REPORT * * Excerpts From Public Law 94-455 * * Sec. 101. Short Title. This Act may be cited as the "Tax Reform Act of 1976”. * * * * Sec. 1207. *** * (f) Effective Dates.- * * * * * * * * * 1 Subsection (a) added section 1911 to the Social Security Act. ** * * * * * :k * Revised April 1978 P.L. 94-563 783 * (4) SUBSECTION (e)¹. (A) The amendments made by paragraphs (1) (A) and (2) (A) of subsection (e) shall apply to services performed after Decem- ber 31, 1971. The amendments made by paragraphs (1) (B), (1)(C), and (2) (B) of such subsection shall apply to taxable years ending after December 31, 1971. The amendments made by paragraph (3) of such subsection shall apply to calendar years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act. (B) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), if the owner or operator of any boat treated a share of the boat's catch of fish or other aquatic animal life (or a share of the proceeds there- from) received by an individual after December 31, 1971, and before the date of the enactment of this Act for services per- formed by such individual after December 31, 1971, on such boat. as being subject to the tax under chapter 21 of the Internal Reve- nue Code of 1954, then the amendments made by paragraphs (1) (A) and (B) and (2) of subsection (e) shall not apply with respect to such services performed by such individual (and the share of the catch, or proceeds therefrom, received by him for such services). * * * * * * SEC. 2111. EMPLOYER'S DUTIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE RECORDING AND REPORTING OF TIPS. * (a) SUSPENSION OF RULINGS.-Until January 1, 1979, the law with respect to the duty of an employer under section 6041 (a) of the Inter- nal Revenue Code of 1954 to report charge account tips of employees to the Internal Revenue Service (other than charge account tips in- cluded in statements furnished to the employer under section 6053 (a) of such Code) shall be administered- * (1) without regard to Revenue Rulings 75-400 and 76-231, and (2) in accordance with the manner in which such law was administered before the issuance of such rulings. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.-This section shall take effect on January 1, 1976. * * * * Ek ** Excerpt From Public Law 94-563, As Amended * * * * ** Sec. 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no refund or credit of any tax paid under section 3101 or 3111 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 by an organization described in section 501 (c) 1 Subsection (e) of section 1207 amended sections 3121(b), 1402(c) (2), 3401(a), 6050A, and 6652(b) of the Internal Revenue Code and sections 210(a) and 211(c).(2) of the Social Security Act. P.L. 94-563 784 Revised April 1978 (3) of such Code which is exempt from income tax under section 501 (a) of such Code shall be made on or after September 9, 1976, by reason of such organization's failure to file a waiver certificate under section 3121(k) (1) of such Code (or the corresponding provision of prior law), if such organization is deemed to have filed such a certifi- cate under section 3121(k) (4) of such Code (as added by the first section of this Act). Sec. 3. In any case where- (1) an individual performed service, as an employee of an organization which is deemed under section 3121 (k) (5) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to have filed a waiver certificate under section 3121 (k) (1) of such Code, at any time prior to the period for which such certificate is effective; (2) the taxes imposed by sections 3101 and 3111 of such Code were paid with respect to remuneration paid for such service, but such service (or any part thereof) does not constitute employment (as defined in section 210 (a) of the Social Security Act and sec- tion 3121 (b) of such Code) because the applicable taxes so paid were refunded or credited (otherwise than through a refund or credit which would have been allowed if a valid waiver certificate filed under section 3121(k) (1) of such Code had been in effect) prior to September 9, 1976; and (3) any portion of such service (with respect to which taxes. were paid and refunded or credited as described in paragraph (2)) would constitute employment (as so defined) if the orga- nization had actually filed under section 3121 (k) (1) of such Code a valid waiver certificate effective as provided in section 3121(k) (5) (B) thereof (with such individual's signature appearing on the accompanying list), the remuneration paid for the portion of such service described in paragraph (3) shall, upon the request of such individual (filed on or before April 15, 1980, in such manner and form, and with such official, as may be prescribed by regulations made under title II of the Social Security Act) accompanied by full repayment of the taxes which were paid under section 3101 of such Code with respect to such remun- eration and so refunded or credited (or by satisfactory evidence that appropriate arrangements have been made for the repayment of such taxes in installments as provided in section 3121(k) (8) of such Code), be deemed to constitute remuneration for employment as so defined. In any case where remuneration paid by an organization to an individual is deemed under the preceding sentence to constitute re- muneration for employment, such organization shall be liable (not- withstanding any other provision of such Code) for repayment of 785 P.L. 94-566 any taxes which it paid under section 3111 of such Code with respect to such remuneration and which were refunded or credited to it.¹ * Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the "Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1976". * * Excerpts From Public Law 94-566 * ** * * SEC. 116. EXTENSION OF FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION LAW TO THE VIRGIN ISLANDS. * * * * * ** (f) EFFECTIVE DATES.- (1) SUBSECTIONS (a), (c), AND (d).-The amendments made by subsections (a), (c), and (d) shall take effect on the later of October 1, 1976, or the day after the day on which the Secretary of Labor approves under section 3304 (a) of the Internal Reve- nue Code of 1954 an unemployment compensation law submitted to him by the Virgin Islands for approval.2 (2) SUBSECTION (b).-The amendments made by subsection (b) shall apply with respect to remuneration paid after Decem- ber 31 of the year in which the Secretary of Labor approves for the first time an unemployment compensation law submitted to him by the Virgin Islands for approval, for services performed after such December 31.³ (3) SUBSECTION (e).-The amendments made by subsection (e) shall apply with respect to benefit years beginning on or after the later of October 1, 1976, or the first day of the first week for which compensation becomes payable under an unemployment compensation law of the Virgin Islands which is approved by the Secretary of Labor under section 3304 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.4 (g) TRANSFER OF FUNDS.-The Secretary of Labor shall not approve an unemployment compensation law of the Virgin Islands under sec- tion 3304 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 until the Governor of the Virgin Islands has approved the transfer to the Federal Unem- ployment Trust Fund established by section 904 of the Social Security 1 Sec. 3 was amended by sec. 312(e) of P.L. 95-216. 2 Subsections (a), (c), and (d) amended section 1101 (a) (1) of the Social Security Act, section 5(b) of the Act of June 6, 1933, sections 202(a)(1) and 205(8) of the Federal- State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970, and section 102(b)(1)(C) of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974. 3 Subsection (b) amended sections 3306 (c) and 3306(j) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. 4 Subsection (e) amended sections 8501 (6), 8521(3), and 8522 of title 5 of the United States Code. P.L. 94-566 786 Act of an amount equal to the dollar balance credited to the unem- ployment subfund of the Virgin Islands established under section 310 of title 24 of the Virgin Islands Code. PART II-TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS SEC. 121. FEDERAL REIMBURSEMENT FOR BENEFITS PAID TO NEWLY COVERED WORKERS DUR- ING TRANSITION PERIOD. (a) GENERAL RULE.-If any State, the unemployment compensa- tion law of which is approved by the Secretary under section 3304 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, provides for the payment of compensation for any week of unemployment beginning on or after January 1, 1978, on the basis of previously uncovered services, the Secretary shall pay to the unemployment fund of such State an amount equal to the Federal reimbursement for any compensation paid for a week of unemployment beginning on or after January 1, 1978, to any individual whose base period wages include wages for previously uncovered services. (b) PREVIOUSLY UNCOVERED SERVICES. For purposes of this sec- tion, the term "previously uncovered services" means, with respect to any State, services- K (1) which were not covered by the State unemployment com- pensation law, at any time, during the 1-year period ending December 31, 1975; and (2) which- (A) are agricultural labor (as defined in section 3306(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954) or domestic services referred to in section 3306(c) (2) of such Code (as in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act) and are treated as employment (as defined in section 3306 (c) of such Code) by reason of the amendments made by this Act, or (B) are services to which section 3309(a)(1) of such Code applies by reason of the amendments made by this Act. (c) FEDERAL REIMBURSEMENT.— (1) IN GENERAL.-For purposes of this section, the Federal reimbursement for compensation paid to any individual for any week of unemployment shall be an amount which bears the same ratio to the amount of such compensation as the amount of the individual's base period wages which are attributable to previously uncovered services which are reimbursable bears to the total amount of the individual's base period wages. 787 P.L. 94-566 (2) REIMBURSABLE SERVICES. For purposes of determining the amount of the Federal reimbursement for compensation paid to any individual for any week of unemployment, previously uncovered services shall be treated as being reimbursable— (A) if such services were performed- (i) before July 1, 1978, in the case of a week of unemployment beginning before July 1, 1978; or (ii) before January 1, 1978, in the case of a week of unemployment beginning after July 1, 1978; and (B) to the extent that assistance under title II of the Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974 was not paid to such individual on the basis of such services. (3) DENIAL OF PAYMENT.-No payment may be made under subsection (a) to any State in respect of any compensation for which the State is entitled to any reimbursement under the pro- visions of any Federal law other than this Act or the Federal- State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970. (d) EXPERIENCE RATING OF CERTAIN EMPLOYERS.-The unemploy- ment compensation law of any State may, without being deemed to violate the standards set forth in section 3303(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, provide that the experience-rating account of any employer shall not be charged for the compensation paid to any individual whose base period wages includes wages for previously uncovered services which are reimbursable under subsection (c) (2) to the extent that such individual would not have been eligible to receive such compensation had the State law not provided for the pay- ment of compensation on the basis of such previously uncovered services. (e) CERTAIN NONPROFIT EMPLOYERS.-The unemployment compen- sation law of any State may provide that any organization which elects to make payments (in lieu of contributions) into the State unemploy- ment compensation fund as provided in section 3309(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 shall not be liable to make such pay- ments with respect to the compensation paid to any individual whose base period wages includes wages for previously uncovered services. which are reimbursable under subsection (c) (2) to the extent that such individual would not have been eligible to receive such compen- sation had the State not provided for the payment of compensation on the basis of such previously uncovered services. (f) PAYMENTS MADE MONTHLY.-Payments under subsection (a) shall be made monthly, prior to audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, on the basis of estimates by the Secretary of the amount payable to such State for such month, reduced or increased, as the case may be, by any amount by which the Secretary finds that his 21-746 O - 78 - 58 P.L. 94-566 788 estimates for any prior month were greater or less than the amounts which should have been paid to such State. Such estimates may be made on the basis of such statistical, sampling, or other methods as may be agreed upon by the Secretary and the State. (g) DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this section- (1) STATE. The term "State" includes the District of Colum- bia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. (2) SECRETARY.-The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Labor. (3) BENEFIT YEAR.-The term "benefit year" means the benefit year as defined in the applicable State unemployment compen- sation law. (4) BASE PERIOD.-The term "base period" means the base period as defined by the applicable State unemployment compensation law for the benefit year. (5) UNEMPLOYMENT FUND.-The term "unemployment fund" has the meaning given to such term by section 3306 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. (h) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.-There are authorized to be appropriated from the general fund of the Treasury such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. * * * * * * * TITLE IV-NATIONAL COMMISSION ON UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION SEC. 411. NATIONAL COMMISSION ON UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSA- TION. (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION.-There is established a National Commission on Unemployment Compensation (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Commission") which shall consist of thirteen members who shall be appointed as follows: (1) Three members appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate. (2) Three members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. (3) Seven members appointed by the President. In making appointments under the preceding sentence, the President pro tempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Represent- atives, and the President shall consult with each other to insure that there will be a balanced representation of interested parties on the Commission. The Commission shall consist of at least one represent- 789 P.L. 94-566 ative of labor, industry, the Federal Government, State government, local government, and small business. The President shall designate one of the members to serve as Chairman of the Commission. Seven members shall constitute a quorum. Any vacancies in the Commission shall not affect its powers, but shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made. (b) DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION.-The Commission shall study and evaluate the present unemployment compensation programs in order to assess the long-range needs of the programs, to develop alterna- tives, and to recommend changes in the programs. Such study and evaluation shall include, without being limited to— (1) examination of the adequacy, and economic and adminis- trative impacts, of the changes made by this Act in coverage, ben- efit provisions, and financing; (2) identification of appropriate purposes, objectives, and future directions for unemployment compensation programs; including railroad unemployment insurance; (3) examination of issues and alternatives concerning the rela- tionship of unemployment compensation to the economy, with special attention to long-range funding requirements and desir- able methods of program financing; (4) examination of eligibility requirements, disqualification provisions, and factors to consider in determining appropriate benefit amounts and duration; (5) examination of (A) the problems of claimant fraud and abuse in the unemployment compensation programs (B) the ade- quacy of present statutory requirements and administrative pro- cedures designed to protect the programs against such fraud and abuse and (C) problems of claimants in obtaining prompt proc- essing and payment of their claims for benefits and any appro- priate measures to relieve such problems; (6) examination of the relationship between unemployment compensation programs and manpower training and employ- ment programs; (7) examination of the appropriate role of unemployment com- pensation in income maintenance and its relationship to other social insurance and income maintenance programs; (8) conduct of such surveys, hearings, research, and other activities as it deems necessary to enable it to formulate appro- priate recommendations, and to obtain relevant information, attitudes, opinions, and recommendations from individuals and P.L. 94-566 790 organizations representing employers, employees, and the general public; (9) review of the present method of collecting and analyzing present and prospective national and local employment and unemployment information and statistics; (10) identification of any weaknesses in such method and any problem which results from the operation of such method; (11) formulation of any necessary or appropriate new tech- niques for the collection and analysis of such information and statistics; and (12) examination of the feasibility and advisability of develop- ing or not developing Federal minimum benefit standards for State unemployment insurance program. (c) POWERS OF THE COMMISSION.- (1) HEARINGS.-The Commission, or, on the authorization of the Commission, any subcommittee or members thereof, may, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section, hold such hearing, take such testimony, receive such evidence, take such oaths and sit and act at such times and places as the Commission may deem appropriate and may administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses appearing before the Commission or any subcom- mittee or members thereof. (2) STAFF.-Subject to such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Commission, the Chairman shall have the power to (A) appoint and fix the compensation of an executive director, and such additional personnel as he deems advisable, without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, and without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates, except that the executive director may not receive pay in excess of the maximum annual rate of basic pay in effect for grade GS-18 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of such title and any additional personnel may not receive pay in excess of the maximum annual rate of basic pay in effect for grade GS-15 of such General Schedule, and (B) obtain temporary and intermittent services of experts and consultants in accordance with the provisions of section 3109 of title 5, United States Code. (3) CONTRACTS.-The Commission is authorized to negotiate and enter into contracts with organizations, institutions, and Revised April 1977 791 P.L. 94-566 individuals to carry out such studies, surveys, or research and prepare such reports as the Commission determines are necessary in order to carry out its duties. (d) COOPERATION OF OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES.- (1) INFORMATION.-Each department, agency, and instrumen- tality of the Federal Government is authorized and directed to furnish to the Commission, upon request made by the Chairman, and to the extent permitted by law, such data, reports, and other information as the Commission deems necessary to carry out its functions under this section. (2) SERVICES.-The head of each department or agency of the Federal Government is authorized to provide to the Commission such services as the Commission requests on such basis, reim- bursable and otherwise, as may be agreed between the depart- ment or agency and the Chairman of the Commission. All such requests shall be made by the Chairman of the Commission. (3) DEPARTMENT OF LABOR.-The Department of Labor shall provide support for the Commission and shall perform such other functions with respect to the Commission as may be required by the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. (e) PAY AND TRAVEL EXPENSES.- (1) MEMBERS SERVE WITHOUT PAY.—Except as provided in para- graph (2), members of the Commission shall serve without pay. (2) TRAVEL EXPENSES.-While away from their homes or regu- lar places of business in the performance of services for the Commission, members of the Commission shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, in the same manner as persons employed intermittently in the Government service are allowed expenses under section 5703(b) of title 5 of the United States Code. (f) INTERIM REPORT.-The Commission shall transmit to the Con- gress not later than September 30, 1978, an interim report.¹ (g) FINAL REPORT.-The Commission shall transmit to the Presi- dent and the Congress not later than July 1, 1979, a final report containing a detailed statement of the findings and conclusions of the Commission, together with such recommendations as it deems advisable.¹ - (h) TERMINATION.-On the ninetieth day after the date of sub- mission of its final report to the President, the Commission shall cease to exist. (i) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.-There are hereby author- ized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. ¹ Subsections (f) and (g) were amended by section 303 of P.L. 95–19. P.L. 94-566 792 TITLE V-MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SEC. 501. REFERRAL OF BLIND AND DISABLED INDIVIDUALS UNDER AGE 16, WHO ARE RECEIVING BENEFITS UNDER THE SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME PROGRAM, FOR AP- PROPRIATE REHABILITATION SERVICES. * * * (a) (b) PUBLICATION OF CRITERIA.-The Secretary shall, within 120 days after the enactment of this subsection, publish criteria to be employed to determine disability (as defined in section 1614(a)(3) of the Social Security Act) in the case of persons who have not attained the age of 18. * * * * * SEC. 503. PRESERVATION OF MEDICAID ELIGIBILITY FOR INDIVID- UALS WHO CEASE TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME BENEFITS ON ACCOUNT OF COST-OF- LIVING INCREASES IN SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS. * * In addition to other requirements imposed by law as a condition for the approval of any State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act, there is hereby imposed the requirement (and each such State plan shall be deemed to require) that medical assistance under such plan shall be provided to any individual, for any month after June 1977 for which such individual is entitled to a monthly insur- ance benefit under title II of such Act but is not eligible for benefits under title XVI of such Act, in like manner and subject to the same terms and conditions as are applicable under such State plan in the case of individuals who are eligible for and receiving benefits under such title XVI for such month, if for such month such individual would be (or could become) eligible for benefits under such title XVI except for amounts of income received by such individual and his spouse (if any) which are attributable to increases in the level of monthly insurance benefits payable under title II of such Act which have occurred pursuant to section 215 (i) of such Act, in the case of such individual, since the last month after April 1977 for which such individual was both eligible for (and received) benefits under such title XVI and was entitled to a monthly insurance benefit under such title II, and, in the case of such individual's spouse (if any), since the last such month for which such spouse was both eligible for (and received) benefits under such title XVI and was entitled to a monthly insurance benefit under such title II. Solely for purposes of this sec- tion, payments of the type described in section 1616 (a) of the Social Security Act or of the type described in section 212 (a) of Public Law 93-66 shall be deemed to be benefits under title XVI of the Social Security Act. *k * * * * * ** 793 P.L. 94-566 SEC. 508. STATE EMPLOYMENT OFFICES TO SUPPLY DATA IN AID OF ADMINISTRATION OF AFDC AND CHILD SUPPORT PROGRAMS. (a) IN GENERAL.-Section 3 (a) of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment of a national employment system and for cooperation with the States in the promotion of such system, and for other purposes", approved June 6, 1933 (29 U.S.C. 49b (a)), is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: "It shall be the further duty of the bureau to assure that such employ- ment offices in each State, upon request of a public agency administer- ing or supervising the administration of a State plan approved under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act or of a public agency charged with any duty or responsibility under any program or activity authorized or required under part D of title IV of such Act, shall (and, notwithstanding any other provision of law, is hereby author- ized to) furnish to such agency making the request, from any data contained in the files of any such employment office, information with respect to any individual specified in the request as to (A) whether such individual is receiving, has received, or has made application for, unemployment compensation, and the amount of any such compen- sation being received by such individual, (B) the current (or most recent) home address of such individual, and (C) whether such individual has refused an offer of employment and, if so, a description of the employment so offered and terms, conditions, and rate of pay therefor.". (b) PROVISION FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES.-For purposes of section 403 of the Social Security Act, expenses incurred to reim- burse State employment offices for furnishing information requested of such offices pursuant to the third sentence of section 3 (a) of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment of a national employ- ment system and for cooperation with the States in the promotion of such system, and for other purposes", approved June 6, 1933 (29 U.S.C. 49b (a), by a State or local agency administering a State plan approved under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act shall be considered to constitute expenses incurred in the administra- tion of such State plan; and for purposes of section 455 of the Social Security Act, expenses incurred to reimburse State employment offices for furnishing information so requested by a State or local agency charged with the duty of carrying out a State plan for child support approved under part D of title IV of the Social Security Act shall be considered to constitute expenses incurred in the administration of such State plan. P.L. 94-585 Revised April 1977 794 L SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. . * Excerpts From Public Law 94-585 * * Sec. 1. (a) *** (b) Administrative costs incurred by a State plan for aid and serv- ices to needy families with children, approved under Part A of title IV of the Social Security Act, in conducting procedures (described in section 410 of such Act, as added by subsection (a) of this section) in connection with the food stamp program shall be paid from funds appropriated to carry out the Food Stamp Act of 1964, as amended. Sec. 2. (a) * * * * * * Excerpts From Public Law 95-19 This Act may be cited as the "Emergency Unemployment Compen- sation Extension Act of 1977". TITLE I-AMENDMENTS TO THE EMER- UNEMPLOYMENT GENCY COMPENSA- TION PROGRAM * * SEC. 106. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENTS. The Secretary of Labor shall, at the earliest practicable date after the date of the enactment of this Act, propose to each State with which he has in effect an agreement under section 102 of the Emer- gency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974 a modification of such agreement designed to provide for the payment of emergency compensation under such Act in accordance with the amendments made by this title. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if any State fails or refuses, within the 3-week period beginning on the date the Secretary of Labor proposes such a modification to such State, to enter into such a modification of such agreement, the Secretary of Labor shall terminate such agreement effective with the end of the last week which ends on or before the last day of such 3-week period. * * * * * * * Revised April 1978 P.L. 95-30 795 TITLE II—REPAYMENT OF STATE LOANS SEC. 201. REPAYMENT OF STATE LOANS. (a) GENERAL RULE.-The last sentence of section 3302 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (relating to reduction in credits against unemployment tax) is amended by striking out "January 1, 1978" each place it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "January 1, 1980". * (b) STATE REQUIREMENTS.-The amendment made by subsection (a) shall not apply in the case of any State unless the Secretary of Labor finds that such State meets the requirements of section 110(b) of the Emergency Compensation and Special Unemployment Assistance Ex- tension Act of 1975. * * * * * * Excerpts From Public Law 95-30 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) SHORT TITLE.-This Act may be cited as the "Tax Reduction and Simplification Act of 1977”. * * ** * TITLE IV-MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SEC. 401. AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE WORK INCENTIVE PROGRAM. (a) MATCHING FUNDS DISREGARDED.-The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Secretary of Labor are authorized to carry out the work incentive program under title IV of the Social Security Act from the sums appropriated pursuant to this Act with- out regard to the requirements for non-Federal matching funds con- tained in sections 402 (a) (19) (C), 402 (a) (19) (G), 403 (a) (3) (A), 403 (d), and 435 of the Social Security Act. (b) AUTHORIZATION.-There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out the work incentive program under title IV of the Social Security Act, as modified by this Act (in addition to any sums other- wise appropriated pursuant to title IV of such Act), $435,000,000 for fiscal year 1978 and $435,000,000 for fiscal year 1979. * * * * 796 SEC 504. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. * * * (c) SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT.—The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall submit to the Congress not later than June 30, 1977, a special supplemental report, with respect to activities undertaken pursuant to part D of title IV of the Social Security Act during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, and during the transitional period beginning July 1, 1976, and ending September 30, 1976. Such report shall, with respect to such transitional period, contain all the data and information specified in clauses (A) through (H) of section 452(a) (10) of such Act (as amended by subsection (a) of this section), and with respect to the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, contain all such data and information which was not included in the report made by such Secretary to the Congress on June 30, 1976, pursuant to section 452(a) (10) of such Act, as in effect on such date. SEC. 505. CERTAIN AFDC PAYMENTS. * * * For purposes of determining the amount payable to the State of Georgia under section 403 (a) of the Social Security Act on account of expenditures made by such State as aid to families with dependent children under its State plan approved under part A of title IV of such Act during calendar quarters, beginning after June 30, 1975, and prior to January 1, 1977, there shall be included as an offset against such expenditures amounts which- (1) were collected as child support by the State pursuant to a plan approved under part D of such title IV, and (2) were retained by the State pursuant to, and in accordance with the provisions of, section 457(a)(2) or section 457(b) (1) of such Act. * * * * * Excerpts From Public Law 95-59 * * DEFERRAL OF IMPLEMENTATION OF CERTAIN DECREASES IN MEDICAID MATCHING FUNDS * * SEC. 6. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (g) of sec- tion 1903 of the Social Security Act, the amount payable to any State for the calendar quarters during the period commencing April 1, 1977, and ending September 30, 1977, on account of expenditures made under a State plan approved under title XIX of such Act, shall not be decreased by reason of the application of the provisions of such subsection with respect to any period for which such State plan was in operation prior to April 1, 1977. Revised August 1978 P.L. 95-142 797 * * SEC. 4(a) * * * * * Excerpts From Public Law 95-142, as amended SHORT TITLE SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the "Medicare-Medicaid Anti- Fraud and Abuse Amendments”. * * SEC. 7. (a) * * * * * (c) Section 204 (a) of Public Law 94-505 (42 U.S.C. 3524) (relat- ing to annual reports of the Health, Education, and Welfare Inspector General) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following sen- tences: "Such report also shall include a detailed description of the cases referred by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to the Department of Justice during the period covered by the report, an evaluation of the performance of the Department of Justice in the investigation and prosecution of criminal violations relating to fraud in the programs of health insurance and medical assistance provided under titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act, and any recommendations with respect to improving the performance of such activities by the Department of Justice. Promptly, after the Inspector General submits such a report to Congress, the Attorney General shall report to Congress concerning the details of the disposition of the cases referred to the Department of Justice and described in the In- spector General's report.". - * *k * * * * SUSPENSION OF PRACTITIONERS CONVICTED OF MEDICARE- OR MEDICAID- RELATED CRIMES * * * * * * (d) Section 332 (c) of the Public Health Service Act (relating to considerations in the designation of health manpower shortage areas) is amended by inserting after paragraph (2) the following new paragraph: * * * "(3) The extent to which individuals who are (A) residents of the area, members of the population group, or patients in the medical facility or other public facility under consideration for designation, and (B) entitled to have payment made for medical services under title XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act, cannot obtain such services because of suspension of physicians from the programs under such title.". (e) (1) The amendment made by subsection (d) shall apply with respect to determinations and designations made on and after the date of the enactment of this Act. * * * ** P.L. 95-142 798 STUDY AND REVIEW OF MEDICARE CLAIMS PROCESSING SEC. 12. The Comptroller General of the United States shall con- duct a comprehensive study and review of the administrative structure established for the processing of claims under title XVIII of the Social Security Act, for the purpose of determining whether and to what extent more efficient claims administration under such title could be achieved- - (1) by reducing the number of participating intermediaries and carriers; (2) by making a single organization responsible for the proc- essing of claims, under both part A and part B of such title, in a particular geographic area; (3) by providing for the performance of claims processing functions on the basis of a prospective fixed price; (4) by providing incentive payments for the most efficient organizations; or (5) by other modifications in such structure and related procedures. The Comptroller General shall submit to the Congress no later than July 1, 1979, a complete report setting forth the results of such study and review, together with his findings and his recommendations with respect thereto. * SEC. 14(a) (b) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall develop the standards, criteria, and procedures described in subsection (f) of section 1816 of the Social Security Act (as added by subsection (a) (5)) not later than October 1, 1978. (c) The amendment made by paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (a) to the extent that they require application of standards, criteria, and procedures developed under section 1816 (f) of the Social Security Act shall apply to the entering into, renewal, or termination of agree- ments on and after October 1, 1978. SEC. 17(a) (d) Except as provided in subsection (c), the amendment made by subsection (a) (2) shall apply to agreements entered into or renewed on or after the date of enactment of this Act. ** ** ** * (d) Section 402 (a)(1) of the Social Security Amendments of 1967 (Public Law 90-248), as amended by section 222 of the Social Security Amendments of 1972 (Public Law 92-603), is amended- (1) by striking out "and" at the end of subparagraph (H); 799 (2) by striking out the period at the end of subparagraph (I) and inserting in lieu thereof "; and”; and (3) by adding after subparagraph (I) the following new subparagraph: "(J) to develop or demonstrate improved methods for the in- vestigation and prosecution of fraud in the provision of care or services under the health programs established by the Social Se- curity Act.". (e) (1) The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to calendar quarters beginning after September 30, 1977. (2) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall estab- lish such regulations, not later than ninety days after the date of en- actment of this Act, as are necessary to carry out the amendments made by this section. REPORT ON HOME HEALTH AND OTHER IN-HOME SERVICES SEC. 18. (a) Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall sub- mit to the appropriate committees of the Congress a report analyzing, evaluating, and making recommendations with respect to, all aspects (including the availability, administration, provision, reimbursement procedures, and cost) of the delivery of home health and other in-home services authorized to be provided under titles XVIII, XIX, and XX of the Social Security Act. (b) Such report shall include an evaluation of the coordination of such services provided under the different titles, and shall also include recommendations for changes in regulations and legislation with re- spect tó (1) the scope and definition of such services provided under such titles; (2) the requirements for an individual to be eligible to receive such services under such titles; (3) the standards for certification of providers of such services under such titles and (as appropriate) the uniformity of such standards for the programs under the different titles; (4) procedures for control of utilization and assurance of quality of such services under such titles, including (as appro- priate) the licensing and accreditation of agencies providing such services, a certificate of need program with respect to the offer- ing of such services, and the development and use of norms and standards for review of the utilization and quality of such services; (5) methods of reimbursement for such services, including (A) methods of comparing costs incurred by different providers of 800 such services in order to determine the reasonableness of such costs and (B) methods which provide for more uniform reimbursement procedures under titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act; and (6) the prevention of fraud and abuse in the delivery of such services under such titles, the reasons for such recommendations, an analysis of the impact of implementing such recommendations on the cost of such services and the demand for such services, and the methods of financing any rec- ommended increased provision of such services under such titles. (c) In developing the report the Secretary shall consult with pro- fessional organizations, experts, and individual health professionals in the field of home health and other in-home services and with pro- viders, private insurers, and consumers of such services. * SEC. 19. (a) * * * * *k ** * * *k * (c) (1) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall es- tablish the systems described in section 1121 (a) of the Social Security Act (added by subsection (a) of this section) only after consultation with interested parties and- (A) for hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and intermediate care facilities, not later than the end of the one-year period, and (B) for other types of health services facilities and organiza- tions, not later than the end of the two-year period, beginning on the date of enactment of this Act. (2) (A) The amendments made by subsection (b) shall apply with respect to operations of a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or inter- mediate care facility, on and after the first day of its first fiscal year which begins after the end of the six-month period beginning on the date a uniform reporting system is established (under section 1121 (a) of the Social Security Act) for that type of health services facility. (B) The amendments made by subsection (b) shall apply, with re- spect to the operation of a health services facility or organization which is neither a hospital, a skilled nursing facility, nor an intermedi- ate care facility, on and after the first day of its first fiscal year which begins after such date as the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare determines to be appropriate for the implementation of the reporting requirement for that type of facility or organization. (C) Except as provided in subparagraphs (A) and (B), the amend- ments made by subsection (b) (2) shall apply, with respect to State plans approved under title XIX of the Social Security Act, on and af- ter October 1, 1977. G 1 Revised August 1978 P.L. 95-142 801 SEC. 20. (a) *** * * * * (c) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the amendments. made by this section shall be effective on October 1, 1977, and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall promptly adjust payments made to States under section 1903 of the Social Security Act to reflect the changes made by such amendments. (2) The amount of any reduction in the Federal medical assistance percentage of a State, otherwise required to be imposed under section 1903 (g)(1) of the Social Security Act because of an unsatisfactory or invalid showing made by the State with respect to a calendar quar- ter beginning on or after January 1, 1977, shall be determined under such section as amended by this section. Subparagraph (B) of para- graph (4) of section 1903 (g) of such Act, as added by this section, shall apply to any showing made by a State under such section with respect to a calendar quarter beginning on or after January 1, 1977.¹ * PROTECTION OF PATIENT FUNDS SEC. 21. (a) Section 1861 (j) of the Social Security Act is amended by striking out "and" at the end of paragraph (13) and inserting im- mediately after such paragraph (13) the following new paragraph: "(14) establishes and maintains a system that (A) assures a full and complete accounting of its patients' personal funds, and (B) includes the use of such separate account for such funds as will preclude any commingling of such funds with facility funds or with the funds of any person other than another such patient; and”. * (b) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall, by regulation, define those costs which may be charged to the personal funds of patients in skilled nursing facilities who are individuals receiving benefits under the provisions of title XVIII, or under a State plan approved under the provisions of title XIX, of the Social Secu- rity Act, and those costs which are to be included in the reasonable cost or reasonable charge for extended care services as determined under the provisions of title XVIII, or for skilled nursing and intermediate care facility services as determined under the provisions of title XIX, of such Act. * * (c) (1) The amendments made by subsection (a) shall be effective on the first day of the first calendar quarter which begins more than six months after the date of enactment of this Act. (2) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall issue the regulations required under subsection (b) within ninety days after the date of enactment of this Act. * * * 1 Paragraph (2) was amended by section 8(e) of P.L. 95–292. * * P.L. 95-171 802 Excerpt From Public Law 95-171 * SEC. 3. (a) *** (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, Federal financial participation in aid to families with dependent children under a State plan approved under section 402 of the Social Security Act, for quarters (with respect to which expenditure reports were timely filed by the State) during the period beginning with the calendar quarter in which Public Law 90-248 was enacted and ending with the first calendar quarter of 1977, shall not be denied, on or after October 1, 1977, by reason of the provision of goods, services, or items in the form of a check which is drawn jointly to the order of the recipient. and the person furnishing such goods, services, or items and which shows the purpose for which the check is drawn, or by reason of the failure of the State to meet the requirement of the last two sentences of section 403 (a) of such Act or the failure of the State (or any political subdivision thereof) to carry out the functions and duties prescribed in clauses (A), (B), (C), and (E) of section 406 (b) (2) of such Act, regardless of the form in which the aid involved was paid, if (and to the extent that) the amount of such aid was correct and the payment of the aid in that form did not result in assistance in cases or in amounts not authorized by or under part A of title IV of such Act. * SECTION 1. (a) * * *** Excerpts From Public Law 95-210 * (c) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the "Secretary") shall conduct a study of the feasibility and desirability of imposing a copayment for each visit to a rural health clinic for rural health clinic services under part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act, instead of the deductible and coinsurance amounts otherwise required under section 1833 of such Act with respect to the provision of such services. The Secretary shall re- port to the appropriate committees of Congress, not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, on such study and on any recommendations he may have for changes in the provisions of part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act to reflect the findings of such study. * * ** (e) Any private, nonprofit health care clinic that- 803 (1) on July 1, 1977, was operating and located in an area which on that date (A) was not an urbanized area (as defined by the Bureau of the Census) and (B) had a supply of physicians insuffi- cient to meet the needs of the area (as determined by the Secre- tary), and (2) meets the definition of a rural health clinic under section 1861 (aa) (2) or section 1905 (1) of the Social Security Act, except for clause (i) of section 1861 (aa) (2), shall be considered, for the purposes of title XVIII or XIX, respec- tively, of the Social Security Act, as satisfying the definition of a rural health clinic under such section. * ** SEC. 2. (a) * * * ** * (f) (1) The amendments made by this section shall (except as other- wise provided in paragraph (2)) apply to medical assistance pro- vided, under a State plan approved under title XIX of the Social Security Act, on and after the first day of the first calendar quarter that begins more than six months after the date of enactment of this Act. * 21-746 O - 78 * M (2) In the case of a State plan for medical assistance under title XIX of the Social Security Act which the Secretary determines requires State legislation in order for the plan to meet the additional requirements imposed by the amendments made by this section, the State plan shall not be regarded as failing to comply with the require- ments of such title solely on the basis of its failure to meet these addi- tional requirements before the first day of the first calendar quarter beginning after the close of the first regular session of the State legis- lature that begins after the date of enactment of this Act. 59 * * DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS FOR PHYSICIAN-DIRECTED CLINICS IN URBAN MEDICALLY UNDERSERVED AREAS SEC. 3. (a) The Secretary shall provide, through demonstration projects, reimbursement on a cost basis for services provided by physi- cian-directed clinics in urban medically underserved areas for which payment may be made under title XVIII of the Social Security Act and, notwithstanding any other provision of such title, for services provided by a physician assistant or nurse practitioner employed by such clinics which would otherwise be covered under such title if pro- vided by a physician. (b) The demonstration projects developed under subsection (a) shall be of sufficient scope and carried out on a broad enough scale to allow the Secretary to evaluate fully— 804 (1) the relative advantages and disadvantages of reimburse- ment on the basis of costs and fee-for-service for physician- directed clinics employing a physician assistant or practitioner; nurse (2) the appropriate method of determining the compensation for physician services on a cost basis for the purposes of reimburse- ment of services provided in such clinics; (3) the appropriate definition for such clinics; (4) the appropriate criteria to use for the purposes of desig- nating urban medically underserved areas; and (5) such other possible changes in the provisions of title XVIII of the Social Security Act as might be appropriate for the efficient and cost-effective reimbursement of services provided in such clinics. (c) Grants, payments under contracts, and other expenditures made for demonstration projects under this section shall be made in appro- priate part from the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund (estab- lished by section 1817 of the Social Security Act) and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund (established by sec- tion 1841 of the Social Security Act). Grants and payments under contracts may be made either in advance or by way of reimbursement, as may be determined by the Secretary, and shall be made in such installments and on such conditions as the Secretary finds necessary to carry out the purpose of this section. With respect to any such grant, payment, or other expenditure, the amount to be paid from each trust fund shall be determined by the Secretary giving due regard to the purposes of the demonstration projects. (d) The Secretary shall submit to the Congress, no later than Janu- ary 1, 1981, a complete, detailed report on the demonstration projects conducted under subsection (b). Such report shall include any recom- mendations for legislative changes which the Secretary finds necessary or desirable as a result of carrying out such demonstration projects. (e) As used in this section, the terms "physician assistant" and "nurse practitioner" have the meanings given such terms in section 1861 (aa) (3) of the Social Security Act. REPORT BY THE SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE ON MENTAL HEALTH AND OTHER CENTERS SEC. 4. (a) The Secretary shall submit to the Congress, no later than six months after the date of enactment of this Act, a report on the advantages and disadvantages of extending coverage under title XVIII of the Social Security Act to urban or rural comprehensive mental health centers and to centers for treatment of alcoholism and drug abuse. 805 (b) The report submitted under subsection (a) shall include evalua- tions of- (1) the need for coverage under such title of services provided by such centers; (2) the extent of present utilization of such centers by individ- uals eligible for benefits under such title; (3) alternatives to services provided by such centers presently available to individuals eligible for benefits under such title; (4) the appropriate definition for such centers; (5) the types of treatment provided by such centers; (6) present Federal and State funding for such centers; (7) the extent of coverage by private insurance plans for serv- ices provided by such centers; (8) present and projected costs of services provided by such centers; (9) available methods for assuring proper utilization of such centers; (10) the effect of allowing coverage for services provided by such centers on other providers and practitioners; and (11) the need for any demonstration projects for further eval- uation of the need for coverage for services provided by such centers. * * * SEC. 301. (a) * *** *** * * Excerpts From Public Law 95-216 SECTION 1. This Act, with the following table of contents, may be cited as the "Social Security Amendments of 1977”. * * * * * * * STUDY OF UNIVERSAL COVERAGE *k * (c) (1) (2) No notification with respect to an increased exempt amount for individuals described in section 203 (f) (8) (D) of the Social Security Act (as added by paragraph (1) of this subsection) shall be required under the last sentence of section 203 (f) (8) (B) of such Act in 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, or 1981; and section 203 (f) (8) (C) of such Act shall not prevent the new exempt amount determined and published under section 203 (f) (8) (A) in 1977 from becoming effective to the extent that such new exempt amount applies to individuals other than those described in section 203 (f) (8) (D) of such Act (as so added). * * * * * * * * SEC. 311. (a) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare is directed to undertake, as soon as possible after the date of the enact- 806 ment of this Act, a thorough study with respect to the extent of the cov- erage under the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance programs and under the programs established by title XVIII of the Social Security Act. The study shall examine the feasibility and desirability of covering, under such social security programs, Federal employees, State and local governmental employees, and employees of non-profit organizations who are not now covered. The study shall include alter- native methods of accomplishing such coverage together with any appropriate alternatives to extending coverage to such employees. (b) With respect to each major alternative method or proposal included in the study described in subsection (a), such study shall also include an analysis of the changes which would be required in the pro- grams established by the Social Security Act and in any other systems or programs (such as retirement, survivorship, disability, and health programs) affecting the individuals who would be covered under such social security programs under such alternative method or pro- posal. Such analysis shall include the structural changes required in such programs, the financial impact of such changes, and the effect of such changes on the benefit rights and contribution liabilities of the affected individuals. (c) In conducting the study required by subsection (a), the Secre- tary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall consult, as appropriate with the Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of the Office of Man- agement and Budget, and the Chairman of Civil Service Com- mission, and those officials shall provide him with such information and assistance as he may require. The Secretary shall also solicit the views of other appropriate officials and organizations. (d) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall submit to the President and the Congress, not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, a report of the findings of the study required by subsection (a) together with his recommendations for any appropriate legislative changes. * * * SEC. 312. (a) * * * * (c) In any case where- (1) an individual performed service, as an employee of an organization which is deemed under section 3121(k) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to have filed a waiver certificate under section 3121(k) (1) of such Code, on or after the first day of the applicable period described in subparagraph (A)(ii) of such section 3121(k) (4) and before July 1, 1977; and (2) the service so performed does not constitute employment (as defined in section 210 (a) of the Social Security Act and sec- S * * - * 807 tion 3121 (b) of such Code) because the waiver certificate which the organization is deemed to have filed is made inapplicable to such service by section 3121 (k) (4) (C) of such Code, but would constitute employment (as so defined) in the absence of such sec- tion 3121 (k) (4) (C), the remuneration paid for such service shall, upon the request of such individual (filed on or before April 15, 1980, in such manner and form, and with such official, as may be prescribed by regulations made under title II of the Social Security Act) accompanied by full payment of all of the taxes which would have been paid under section 3101 of such Code with respect to such remuneration but for such section 3121(k) (4) (C) (or by satisfactory evidence that appropriate arrangements have been made for the payment of such taxes in installments as pro- vided in section 3121(k) (8) of such Code), be deemed to constitute remuneration for employment as so defined. In any case where remu- neration paid by an organization to an individual is deemed under the preceding sentence to constitute remuneration for employment, such organization shall be liable (notwithstanding any other provision of such Code) for payment of the taxes which it would have been re- quired to pay under section 3111 of such Code with respect to such re- muneration in the absence of such section 3121 (k) (4) (C). * * * ** * REVOCATION OF EXEMPTION FROM COVERAGE BY CLERGYMEN SEC. 316. (a) Notwithstanding section 1402 (e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, any exemption which has been received under section 1402(e) (1) of such Code by a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a church or a Christian Science practitioner, and which is effective for the taxable year in which this Act is enacted, may be revoked by filing an application therefor (in such form and manner, and with such official, as may be prescribed in regulations made under chapter 2 of such Code), if such application is filed- (1) before the applicant becomes entitled to benefits under sec- tion 202(a) or 223 of the Social Security Act (without regard to section 202 (j) (1) or 223 (b) of such Act), and (2) no later than the due date of the Federal income tax return (including any extension thereof) for the applicant's first taxable year beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act. Any such revocation shall be effective (for purposes of chapter 2 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and title II of the Social Security Act), as specified in the application, either with respect to the appli- cant's first taxable year ending on or after the date of the enactment of this Act or with respect to the applicant's first taxable year begin- ning after such date, and for all succeeding taxable years; and the 1 808 applicant for any such revocation may not thereafter again file appli- cation for an exemption under such section 1402(e) (1). If the appli- cation is filed on or after the due date of the applicant's first taxable year ending on or after the date of the enactment of this Act and is effective with respect to that taxable year, it shall include or be accom- panied by payment in full of an amount equal to the total of the taxes that would have been imposed by section 1401 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 with respect to all of the applicant's income derived in that taxable year which would have constituted net earnings from self- employment for purposes of chapter 2 of such Code (notwithstanding section 1402 (c) (4) or (c) (5) of such Code) except for the exemption under section 1402 (e) (1) of such Code. (b) Subsection (a) shall apply with respect to service performed (to the extent specified in such subsection) in taxable years ending on or after the date of the enactment of this Act, and with respect to monthly insurance benefits payable under title II of the Social Secu- rity Act on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of any individual for months in or after the calendar year in which such indi- vidual's application for revocation (as described in such subsection) is filed (and lump-sum death payments payable under such title on the basis of such wages and self-employment income in the case of deaths occurring in or after such calendar year). * * ** SEC. 317. (a) (b) (1) * * * * *** * * - K * (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, taxes paid by any individual to any foreign country with respect to any period of employment or self-employment which is covered under the social secu- rity system of such foreign country in accordance with the terms of an agreement entered into pursuant to section 233 of the Social Security Act shall not, under the income tax laws of the United States, be deductible by, or creditable against the income tax of, any such individual. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT WITH ILLINOIS TO PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN SEC. 318. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d) (5) (A) of section 218 of the Social Security Act and the references thereto in subsections (d) (1) and (d) (3) of such section 218, the agreement with the State of Illinois heretofore entered into pursuant to such section 218 may, at any time prior to January 1, 1979, be modified pursuant to subsection (c) (4) of such section 218 so as to apply to 809 services performed in policemen's or firemen's positions covered by the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund on the date of the enactment of this Act if the State of Illinois has at any time prior to the date of the enactment of this Act paid to the Secretary of the Treasury, with respect to any of the services performed in such positions, the sums prescribed pursuant to subsection (e) (1) of such section 218. For purposes of this section, a retirement system which covers positions of policemen or firemen shall, if the State of Illinois so desires, be deemed to be a separate retirement system with respect to the positions of such policemen or firemen, as the case may be. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (f) of section 218 of the Social Security Act, any modification in the agreement with the State of Illinois under subsection (a) of this section, to the extent that it involves services performed by a policeman or fireman in posi- tions covered under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, shall be made effective with respect to- (1) all services performed by policemen or firemen, in positions to which the modification relates, on or after the date of the en- actment of this Act; and (2) all services performed by such individuals in such positions before such date of enactment with respect to which the State of Illinois has paid to the Secretary of the Treasury the sums pre- scribed pursuant to subsection (e) (1) of such section 218 at the time or times established pursuant to such subsection (e) (1), if and to the extent that— (A) no refund of the sums so paid has been obtained, or (B) a refund of part or all of the sums so paid has been obtained but the State of Illinois repays to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount of such refund within 90 days after the date that the modification is agreed to by the State and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. SEC. 334. (a) * * * ** (f) The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to monthly insurance benefits payable under title II of the Social Secu- rity Act for months beginning with the month in which this Act is enacted, on the basis of applications filed in or after the month in which this Act is enacted. (g) (1) The amendments made by the preceding provisions of this section shall not apply with respect to any monthly insurance benefit payable, under subsection (b), (c), (e), (f), or (g) (as the case may be) of section 202 of the Social Security Act, to an individual— 810 (A) to whom there is payable for any month within the 60-month period beginning with the month in which this Act is enacted (or who is eligible in any such month for) a monthly peri- odic benefit (within the meaning of such provisions) based upon such individual's earnings while in the service of the Federal Government or any State (or political subdivision thereof, as defined in section 218(b) (2) of the Social Security Act); and (B) who at time of application for or initial entitlement to such monthly insurance benefit under such subsection (b), (c), (e), (f), or (g) meets the requirements of that subsection as it was in effect and being administered in January 1977. (2) For purposes of paragraph (1)(A), an individual is eligible for a monthly periodic benefit for any month if such benefit would be payable to such individual for that month if such individual were not employed during that month and had made proper application for such benefit. (3) If any provision of this subsection, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of this section shall not be affected thereby, but the application of this sub- section to any other persons or circumstances shall also be considered invalid. ** SEC. 336. (a) * * * * * * * * (c) (1) The amendments made by this section shall apply only with respect to monthly benefits payable under title II of the Social Secu- rity Act for months after December 1978, and, in the case of individ- uals who are not entitled to benefits of the type involved for December 1978, only on the basis of applications filed on or after January 1, 1979. (2) In the case of an individual who was entitled for the month of December 1978 to monthly insurance benefits under subsection (e) or (f) of section 202 of the Social Security Act to which the provisions of subsection (e) (4) or (f)(5) applied, the Secretary shall, if such benefits would be increased by the amendments made by this section, redetermine the amount of such benefits for months after Decem- ber 1978 as if such amendments had been in effect for the first month for which the provisions of section 202(e) (4) or 202(f)(5) became applicable. (d) Where- (1) two or more persons are entitled to monthly benefits under section 202 of the Social Security Act for December 1978 on the basis of the wages and self-employment income of a deceased 811 individual, and one or more of such persons is so entitled under subsection (e) or (f) of such section 202, and (2) one or more of such persons is entitled on the basis of such wages and self-employment income to monthly benefits under subsection (e) or (f) of such section 202 (as amended by this section) for January 1979, and (3) the total of benefits to which all persons are entitled under section 202 of such Act on the basis of such wages and self-employ- ment income for January 1979 is reduced by reason of section 203(a) of such Act as amended by this Act (or would, but for the first sentence of section 203(a) (4), be so reduced), then the amount of the benefit to which each such person referred to in paragraph (1) is entitled for months after December 1978 shall in no case be less after the application of this section and such section 203 (a) than the amount it would have been without the application of this section. DURATION-OF-MARRIAGE REQUIREMENT SEC. 337. (a) Section 216(d) of the Social Security Act is amended by striking out "20 years" in paragraphs (1) and (2) and inserting in lieu thereof in each instance "10 years”. (b) Section 202(b)(1)(G) of such Act is amended by striking out “20 years" and inserting in lieu thereof "10 years”. (c) The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to monthly benefits payable under title II of the Social Security Act for months after December 1978, and, in the case of individuals who are not entitled to benefits of the type involved for December 1978, only on the basis of applications filed on or after January 1, 1979. PART D-STUDY WITH RESPECT TO GENDER-BASED DISTINCTIONS STUDY OF PROPOSALS TO ELIMINATE DEPENDENCY AND SEX DISCRIMINATION UNDER THE SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM SEC. 341. (a) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, in consultation with the Task Force on Sex Discrimination in the Department of Justice, shall make a detailed study, within the Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Social Security Administration, of proposals to eliminate dependency as a factor in the determination of entitlement to spouse's benefits under the pro- gram established under title II of the Social Security Act, and of proposals to bring about equal treatment for men and women in any and all respects under such program, taking into account the practi- cal effects (particularly the effect upon women's entitlement to such benefits) of factors such as- 812 (1) changes in the nature and extent of women's participation in the labor force, (2) the increasing divorce rate, and (3) the economic value of women's work in the home. The study shall include appropriate cost analyses. (b) The Secretary shall submit to the Congress within six months after the date of the enactment of this Act a full and complete report on the study carried out under subsection (a). * * * * * * PART F-NATIONAL COMMISSION ON SOCIAL SECURITY ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION SEC. 361. (a) (1) There is hereby established a commission to be known as the National Commission on Social Security (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission"). (2) (A) The Commission shall consist of— (i) five members to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, one of whom shall, at the time of appointment, be designated as Chairman of the Commission; (ii) two members to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and (iii) two members to be appointed by the President pro tem- pore of the Senate. (B) At no time shall more than three of the members appointed by the President, one of the members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, or one of the members appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate be members of the same political party. (C) The membership of the Commission shall consist of individuals who are of recognized standing and distinction and who possess the demonstrated capacity to discharge the duties imposed on the Com- mission, and shall include representatives of the private insurance industry and of recipients and potential recipients of benefits under the programs involved as well as individuals whose capacity is based on a special knowledge or expertise in those programs. No individual who is otherwise an officer or full-time employee of the United States shall serve as a member of the Commission. (D) The Chairman of the Commission shall designate a member of the Commission to act as Vice Chairman of the Commission. (E) A majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number may conduct hearings. (F) Members of the Commission shall be appointed for a term of two years. 813 (G) A vacancy in the Commission shall not affect its powers, but shall be filled in the same manner as that herein provided for the appointment of the member first appointed to the vacant position. (3) Members of the Commission shall receive $138 per diem while engaged in the actual performance of the duties vested in the Com- mission, plus reimbursement for travel, subsistence, and other neces- sary expenses incurred in the performance of such duties. (4) The Commission shall meet at the call of the Chairman, or at the call of a majority of the members of the Commission; but meetings of the Commission shall be held not less frequently than once in each calendar month which begins after a majority of the authorized mem- bership of the Commission has first been appointed. (b) (1) It shall be the duty and function of the Commission to con- duct a continuing study, investigation, and review of- (A) the Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance program established by title II of the Social Security Act; and (B) the health insurance programs established by title XVIII of such Act. (2) Such study, investigation, and review of such programs shall include (but not be limited to)- (A) the fiscal status of the trust funds established for the financing of such programs and the adequacy of such trust funds to meet the immediate and long-range financing needs of such programs; (B) the scope of coverage, the adequacy of benefits including the measurement of an adequate retirement income, and the con- ditions of qualification for benefits provided by such programs including the application of the retirement income test to unearned as well as earned income; (C) the impact of such programs on, and their relation to, public assistance programs, nongovernmental retirement and annuity programs, medical service delivery systems, and national employment practices; (D) any inequities (whether attributable to provisions of law relating to the establishment and operation of such programs, to rules and regulations promulgated in connection with the admin- istration of such programs, or to administrative practices and procedures employed in the carrying out of such programs) which affect substantial numbers of individuals who are insured or otherwise eligible for benefits under such programs, including inequities and inequalities arising out of marital status, sex, or similar classifications or categories; (E) possible alternatives to the current Federal programs or particular aspects thereof, including but not limited to (i) a 814 phasing out of the payroll tax with the financing of such programs being accomplished in some other manner (including general revenue funding and the retirement bond), (ii) the establishment of a system providing for mandatory participation in any or all of the Federal programs, (iii) the integration of such current Federal programs with private retirement programs, and (iv) the establishment of a system permitting covered individuals a choice of public or private programs or both; (F) the need to develop a special Consumer Price Index for the elderly, including the financial impact that such an index would have on the costs of the programs established under the Social Security Act; and (G) methods for effectively implementing the recommendations of the Commission. (3) In order to provide an effective opportunity for the general public to participate fully in the study, investigation, and review under this section, the Commission, in conducting such study, investigation, and review, shall hold public hearings in as many different geographi- cal areas of the country as possible. The residents of each area where such a hearing is to be held shall be given reasonable advance notice of the hearing and an adequate opportunity to appear and express their views on the matters under consideration. (c) (1) No later than four months after the date on which a majority of the authorized membership of the Commission is initially appointed, the Commission shall submit to the President and the Congress a special report describing the Commission's plans for conducting the study, investigation, and review under subsection (b), with particular reference to the scope of such study, investigation, and review and the methods proposed to be used in conducting it. (2) At or before the close of each of the first two years after the date on which a majority of the authorized membership of the Com- mission is initially appointed, the Commission shall submit to the President and the Congress an annual report on the study, investiga- tion, and review under subsection (b), together with its recommenda- tions with respect to the programs involved. The second such report shall constitute the final report of the Commission on such study, in- vestigation, and review, and shall include its final recommendations; and upon the submission of such final report the Commission shall cease to exist. - (d) (1) The Commission shall appoint an Executive Director of the Commission who shall be compensated at a rate fixed by the Commis- sion, but which shall not exceed the rate established for level V of the Executive Schedule by title 5, United States Code. 815 (2) In addition to the Executive Director, the Commission shall have the power to appoint and fix the compensation of such personnel as it deems advisable, in accordance with the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments to the competitive serv- ice, and the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title, relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates. (e) In carrying out its duties under this section, the Commission, or any duly authorized committee thereof, is authorized to hold such hearings, sit and act at such times and places, and take such testimony, with respect to matters with respect to which it has a responsibility under this section, as the Commission or such committee may deem advisable. The Chairman of the Commission or any member author- ized by him may administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses appear- ing before the Commission or before any committee thereof. (f) The Commission may secure directly from any department or agency of the United States such data and information as may be necessary to enable it to carry out its duties under this section. Upon request of the Chairman of the Commission, any such department or agency shall furnish any such data or information to the Commission. (g) The General Services Administration shall provide to the Com- mission, on a reimbursable basis such administrative support services as the Commission may request. (h) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section. (i) It shall be the duty of the Health Insurance Benefits Advisory Council (established by section 1867 of the Social Security Act) to provide timely notice to the Commission of any meeting, and the Chairman of the Commission (or his delegate) shall be entitled to attend any such meeting. PART G-MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS APPOINTMENT OF HEARING EXAMINERS SEC. 371. The persons who were appointed to serve as hearing exam- iners under section 1631(d) (2) of the Social Security Act (as in effect prior to January 2, 1976), and who by section 3 of Public Law 94-202 were deemed to be appointed under section 3105 of title 5, United States Code (with such appointments terminating no later than at the close of the period ending December 31, 1978), shall be deemed appointed to career-absolute positions as hearing examiners under and in accordance with section 3105 of title 5, United States Code, with the same authority and tenure (without regard to the expiration of such period) as hearing examiners appointed directly under such section 3105, and shall receive compensation at the same rate as 21-746 O - 78 - 60 816 hearing examiners appointed by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare directly under such section 3105. All of the provisions of title 5, United States Code, and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, which are applicable to hearing examiners appointed under such section 3105, shall apply to the persons described in the preceding sentence. REPORT OF ADVISORY COUNCIL ON SOCIAL SECURITY SEC. 372. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 706(d) of the Social Security Act, the report of the Advisory Council on Social Security which is due not later than January 1, 1979, may be filed at any date prior to October 1, 1979. * * * REIMBURSEMENT FOR ERRONEOUS STATE SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENT SEC. 405. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secre- tary of Health, Education, and Welfare is authorized and directed to pay to each State an amount equal to the amount expended by such State for erroneous supplementary payments to aged, blind, or disabled individuals whenever, and to the extent to which, the Secretary through an audit by the Department of Health, Education, and Wel- fare which has been reviewed and concurred in by the Inspector General of such department determines that- (1) such amount was paid by such State as a supplementary payment during the calendar year 1974 pursuant to an agreement between the State and the Secretary required by section 212 of the Act entitled "An Act to extend the Renegotiation Act of 1951 for one year, and for other purposes", approved July 9, 1973, or such amount was paid by such State as an optional State supplementa- tion, as defined in section 1616 of the Social Security Act, during the calendar year 1974. (2) the erroneous payments were the result of good faith reli- ance by such State upon erroneous or incomplete information supplied by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, through the State data exchange, or good faith reliance upon incorrect supplemental security income benefit payments made by such department, and (3) recovery of the erroneous payments by such State would be impossible or unreasonable. (b) There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are neces- sary to carry out the provisions of this section. * 1 Revised August 1978 817 P.L. 95-291 Public Law 95-291 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) there is authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year which ends on September 30, 1979, not to exceed $543,000,000, to remain available. until expended, to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to any State the amount determined by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the "Secretary”), in accordance with the succeeding provisions of this Act, to be payable to the State in settlement of the unpaid claim of the State against the United States for reimbursement of expenditures made by the State prior to October 1, 1975, with respect to services (and related adminis- trative costs) which the State asserts were provided (or incurred) under an approved State plan pursuant to title I, IV-A, VI, X, XIV, or XVI of the Social Security Act. (b) For purposes of this Act, the term "unpaid claim" of any State means (subject to the succeeding sentence) the total amount of Federal reimbursement for expenditures of the type specified in subsection (a) which has not been paid to such State prior to the date of enactment of this Act. In determining such total amount in the case of any State, any portion thereof attributable to expenditures made in any fiscal year with respect to which the provisions of section 1130 of the Social Security Act (as then in effect) were applicable shall be reduced (but not below zero) by the excess (if any) of (1) the aggregate of the portion of such total amount attributable to expenditures made in such year and the total amount of the Federal reimbursement paid prior to the date of enactment of this Act to such State with respect to expend- itures made in such year, over (2) the State's allotment determined under such section 1130 for such year. SEC. 2. (a) In the case of that portion of the unpaid claim of a State that the Secretary determines was asserted against the United States, in the form and manner prescribed by the Secretary with respect to the filing of claims under titles I, IV-A, VI, X, XIV, and XVI of the Social Securty Act, prior to April 1, 1977, the Secretary shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury for payments to the State the sum of- (1) an amount equal to 38 percent of so much of such portion as does not exceed $50,000,000; (2) an amount equal to 35 percent of so much of such portion as exceeds $50,000,000 but does not exceed $150,000,000; and (3) an amount equal to 21 percent of so much of such portion as exceeds $150,000,000; except that the percentage specified in paragraph (1) shall be 58 percent and the percentage specified in paragraph (2) shall be 50 P.L. 95-291 Revised August 1978 818 percent in the case of a State if the portion of the unpaid claim of such State referred to in the preceding provisions of this subsection equals or exceeds 85 percent of the sum of (A) such portion and (B) the total amount of Federal reimbursement for expenditures of the type specified in the first section of this Act which has been paid to such State prior to the date of enactment of this Act but with respect to which formal steps have been initiated by the Secretary to recover such reimbursement. (b) (1) In the case of the portion of the unpaid claims of a State that the Secretary determines meets the requirements of subsection (a), except that the claim was asserted, in the form and manner pre- scribed by the Secretary, on or after April 1, 1977, but prior to the ninety-first day following the date upon which this Act is enacted, the Secretary shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment to the State, subject to paragraph (2), an amount equal to 15 percent of so much of such portion as he finds to be for the provision of serv- ices that he finds the State provided and for which he has not pro- vided reimbursement, but the expenditures for which were reimburs- able under title I, IV-A, VI, X, XIV, or XVI of the Social Security Act prior to April 1, 1977, or, if not services the expenditures for which were reimbursable, are services of a similar kind and are not otherwise reimbursable under this Act. (2) The Secretary may not certify for payment to any State under the authority of this subsection an aggregate amount that exceeds 5 percent of that State's allotment for the fiscal year 1973 of social serv- ice funds under titles I, IV-A, X, XIV, and XVI of the Social Securi- ty Act, as determined in accordance with section 1130 (b) of such Act, less the amount certified for payment to the State under subsection (a) of this section. (3) The Secretary shall have no authority, by regulations or other- wise, to extend the time period specified in paragraph (1) or to waive the time limit for assertion of a claim. SEC. 3. (a) Except with respect to amounts paid by the Secretary to a State prior to April 1, 1977, no State is entitled to reimbursement of expenditures described by the first section of this Act, except as pro- vided by this Act. (b) Neither the Secretary nor any other official of the Federal Government may seek to recover any amount paid to a State prior to April 1, 1977, or pursuant to this Act, as reimbursement of expen- ditures made by the State of the type described by the first section of this Act. SEC. 4. (a) The Secretary is authorized to enter into agreements with any State in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and agreements entered into prior to the enactment of this Act, to the extent not inconsistent with the terms hereof, shall have the same force Revised August 1978 P.L. 95-291 819 and effect as agreements entered into subsequent to enactment of this Act. (b) In the absence of an agreement, a State dissatisfied with a determination by the Secretary under this Act may, by application to the Secretary within 60 days after the date of notice to the State of that determination, obtain the Secretary's review of that determina- tion. If the application requests a hearing, the Secretary shall conduct a hearing after reasonable notice to the State, and shall, on the basis of evidence adduced at the hearing, affirm, modify, or reverse his determination. If the Secretary does not preside at the reception of the evidence at the hearing, the decision of the presiding official or body shall be the decision of the Secretary. (c) No court of the United States has jurisdiction to entertain any action seeking the review of any determination or finding of the Secre- tary under this Act, or otherwise seeking to compel a determination by the Secretary to certify for payment any claim described by the first section of this Act; except that the appropriate district court shall have jurisdiction over any action seeking enforcement of an agreement of the kind referred to in subsection (a). SEC. 5. (a) Amounts appropriated under the first section of this Act shall be first applied in settlement of the portions of unpaid claims described in section 2(a). If, after that payment, the amounts remain- ing are insufficient to pay the amounts established by section 2(b) with respect to the portions of unpaid claims asserted under section 2(b), the Secretary shall certify for payment with respect to each such portion an amount that bears the same relationship to that portion as the total of such remaining available amounts bears to the total of all portions of unpaid claims asserted under section 2(b). (b) A reduction effected by subsection (a) of this section in the amount payable to a State under section 2 (b) does not give rise to an entitlement of the State to the difference between the amount payable under section 2(b) (without regard to subsection (a) of this section) and the amount payable under section 2(b) after application of sub- section (a) of this section. (c) In the event that the amount appropriated pursuant to the first section of this Act exceeds the payable portions of unpaid claims under subsections (a) and (b) of section 2, the amount paid to any State receiving a payment computed with respect to paragraph (3) of section 2(a) shall be increased (to the extent of such excess) by an amount equal to the difference between the amount it received under section 2(a) and the amount it would have so received if the per- centage in such paragraph had been 25 percent. SEC. 6. The Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to each State, out of amounts appropriated pursuant to the first section of this Act, all P.L. 95-292 820 Revised August 1978 amounts certified by the Secretary as payable to that State under the terms of this Act. Excerpts From Public Law 95-292 SEC. 6. The amendments made by the preceding sections of this Act shall become effective with respect to services, supplies, and equipment furnished after the third calendar month which begins after the date of the enactment of this Act, except that those amendments providing for the implementation of an incentive reimbursement system for dialysis services furnished in facilities and providers shall become effective with respect to a facility's or provider's first accounting period which begins after the last day of the twelfth month following the month of the enactment of this Act, and those amendments providing for reimbursement rates for home dialysis shall become effective on April 1, 1979. SEC. 8. (a) * * * (c) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall, by regulation, define those costs which may be charged to the personal funds of patients in intermediate care facilities who are individuals. receiving medical assistance under a State plan approved under the provisions of title XIX of the Social Security Act, and those costs which are to be included in the reasonable cost or reasonable charge for intermediate care facility services as determined under the pro- visions of such title. (d) (1) The amendments made by subsections (a) and (b) shall become effective on July 1, 1978. (2) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall issue the regulations required under subsection (c) within 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act but not later than July 1, 1978. APPENDIX A AMENDING LEGISLATION Laws enacted since the 92nd Congress which amend or directly affect the Social Security Act or the other related Acts included in this docu- ment are listed below. For a listing of prior laws amending the Social Security Act see House Document 93-117, Compilation of the Social Security Laws, p. 675-677. Private Law Private Law 93–107, approved December 31, 1974 (88 Stat. 2386). Public Laws Public Law 93-53, approved July 1, 1973, (87 Stat. 134). Public Law 93-58, approved July 6, 1973 (87 Stat. 141). Public Law 93-66, approved July 9, 1973 (87 Stat. 152). Public Law 93-69, approved July 10, 1973 (87 Stat. 162). Public Law 93-233, approved December 31, 1973 (87 Stat. 947). Public Law 93-256, approved March 28, 1974 (88 Stat. 52). Public Law 93-329, approved June 30, 1974 (88 Stat. 288). Public Law 93-335, approved July 8, 1974 (88 Stat. 291). Public Law 93–368, approved August 7, 1974 (88 Stat. 420). Public Law 93-406, approved September 2, 1974 (88 Stat. 829). The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-445, passed over veto October 16, 1974 (88 Stat. 1305). Public Law 93-480, approved October 26, 1974 (88 Stat. 1454). Public Law 93-484, approved October 26, 1974 (88 Stat. 1459). Public Law 93–490, approved October 26, 1974 (88 Stat. 1459). Public Law 93-572, approved December 31, 1974 (88 Stat. 1869). The Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974. Public Law 93-618, approved January 3, 1975 (88 Stat. 1978). The Trade Act of 1974. Public Law 93-647, approved January 4, 1975 (88 Stat. 2337). The Social Services Amendments of 1974. Public Law 94-12, approved March 29, 1975 (89 Stat. 26). The Tax Reduction Act of 1975. Public Law 94-44, approved June 28, 1975 (89 Stat. 235). Public Law 94 45, approved June 30, 1975 (89 Stat. 236). The Emergency Compensation and Special Unemployment Assistance Ex- tension Act of 1975. Public Law 94-46, approved June 30, 1975 (89 Stat. 245). Public Law 94-48, approved July 1, 1975 (89 Stat. 247). Public Law 94-88, approved August 9, 1975 (89 Stat. 433). (i) ii Revised April 1978 Public Law 94-92, approved August 9, 1975 (89 Stat. 461). Public Law 94–93, approved August 9, 1975 (89 Stat. 466). Public Law 94-120, approved October 21, 1975 (89 Stat. 609). Public Law 94–164, approved December 23, 1975 (89 Stat. 970). The Revenue Adjustment Act of 1975. Public Law 94–182, approved December 31, 1975 (89 Stat. 1051). Public Law 94-114 (S. 1327), approved October 17, 1975 (89 Stat. 577). Public Law 94-202, approved January 2, 1976 (89 Stat. 1135). Public Law 94-273 (S. 2445), approved April 21, 1976 (90 Stat. 375). The Fiscal Year Adjustment Act. Public Law 94-274 (S. 2444). approved April 21, 1976 (90 Stat 383). The Fiscal Year Transition Act. Public Law 94–331 (H.R. 10051), approved June 30, 1976 (90 Stat 781). Public Law 94-354 (H.R. 13069), approved July 12, 1976 (90 Stat 888). Public Law 94-365 (H.R. 14484), approved July 14, 1976 (90 Stat. 990). Public Law 94–368 (H.R. 13501), approved July 16, 1976 (90 Stat. 997). Public Law 94-375 (S. 3295), approved August 3, 1976 (90 Stat. 1067). The Housing Authorization Act of 1976. Public Law 94-379 (H.R. 14514), approved August 10, 1976 (90 Stat. 1111). Public Law 94-401 (H.R. 12455), approved September 7, 1976 (90 Stat. 1215). Public Law 94-437 (S. 522), approved September 30, 1976 (90 Stat. 1400). The Indian Health Care Improvement Act. Public Law 94-455 (H.R. 10612), approved October 4, 1976 (90 Stat. 1520). The Tax Reform Act of 1976. Public Law 94-460 (H.R. 9019), approved October 8, 1976 (90 Stat. 1945). The Health Maintenance Organization Amendments of 1976. Public Law 94-547 (H.R. 14041), approved October 18, 1976 (90 Stat. 2523). Public Law 94-552 (H.R. 12961), approved October 18, 1976 (90 Stat. 2540). Public Law 94-563 (H.R. 15571), approved October 19, 1976 (90 Stat. 2655). Public Law 94-566 (H.R. 10210), approved October 20, 1976 (90 Stat. 2667). The Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1976. Public Law 94-569 (H.R. 7228), approved October 20, 1976 (90 Stat. 2699). Public Law 94-585 (H.R. 13500), approved October 21, 1976 (90 Stat. 2899). Revised August 1978 iii Public Law 95–19 (H.R. 4800), approved April 12, 1977 (91 Stat. 39). The Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 1977. Public Law 95-30 (H.R. 3477), approved May 23, 1977 (91 Stat. 126). The Tax Reduction and Simplification Act of 1977. Public Law 95-59 (H.R. 1404), approved June 30, 1977 (91 Stat. 255). Public Law 95-83 (H.R. 4975), approved August 1, 1977 (91 Stat. 383). Public Law 95–113 (S. 275), approved September 29, 1977 (91 Stat. 913). The Food and Agriculture Act of 1977. Public Law 95–142 (H.R. 3), approved October 25, 1977 (91 Stat. 1175). The Medicare-Medicaid Anti-Fraud and Abuse Amendments. Public Law 95-171 (H.R. 3387), approved November 12, 1977 (91 Stat. 1353). Public Law 95-210 (H.R. 8422), approved December 13, 1977 (91 Stat. 1485). Public Law 95-216 (H.R. 9316), approved December 20, 1977 (91 Stat. 1509). The Social Security Amendments of 1977. Public Law 95-291 (H.R. 11370), approved June 12, 1978 (92 Stat. 304). Public Law 95-292 (H.R. 8423), approved June 13, 1978 (92 Stat. 307). о ; Revised April 1978 APPENDIX B SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF ANNUAL EARNINGS SUBJECT TO SOCIAL SECURITY TAX Years 1937-50 1951-54 1955-58 1959-65 1966-67 1968-71 1972 1.973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Years 1937-49 1950-53 1954-56. 1957-58__. 1959 1960-61__ 1962_ 1963-65 1966- 1967- 1968__ 1969 1970_ 1971-72___ 1973_ 11 11 1 Amount is adjusted automatically for increases in earnings level under section 230 of the Social Security Act. PAYROLL TAX RATES FOR EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES (EACH) [In percent] I│ │11 111 It … 11 1974–77__. 1978_. 1979-80__. 1981. 1982-84 1985 1986-89_. 1990-2010_ 2011 and later.. 11 ││ I│ 111 II !!! 1│ 11 1111 II 1 I │I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I · ! 1 1 1 1 1 } 1 F 1 1 1 1 1 I │││ II | I I I 1 1 Old-age and survivors insurance 1.0 1. 5 2.0 2. 0 2. 25 2. 75 2.875 3. 375 3.5 3. 55 3. 325 3. 725 3. 65 4. 05 4. 3 4. 375 4. 275 4. 330 4. 525 4. 575 4. 750 4. 750 5. 100 5. 100 1 1 I Disability insurance 0.25 .25 · 25 • 25 . 25 · 35 .35 . 475 .475 .55 .55 .55 .575 .775 .750 .825 .825 . 950 .950 1. 100 1. 100 Subtotal, cash Hospital insurance benefits 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.25 2.5 3.0 3. 125 3. 625 3. 85 3.9 3.8 4. 2 4. 2 4. 6 4. 85 4. 95 5. 05 5. 08 5. 35 5. 40 5.70 5.70 6. 20 6. 20 I [ I 1 11 1 I T 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 111 I 1 1 1 .6 .6 .6 1 . 6 1.0 0. 35 · 5 1 • 1 1 9 1.00 I 1. 05 1. 30 1. 30 1. 35 1. 45 1. 45 1. 45 Maximum taxable earnings 1 $3,000 3, 600 4, 200 0 4,800 6, 600 7,800 9, 000 10, 800 13, 200 14, 100 15, 300 16, 500 17, 700 22,900 25, 900 29, 700 (¹) Total 1. 0 1. 5 2.0 2. 25 2.5 3. 0 3. 125 3. 625 4. 2 4. 4 4. 4 4. 8 4. 8 5. 2 5. 3 5. 85 6. 05 6. 13 6. 65 6. 70 7. 05 7. 15 7.65 7. 65 (v) vi Revised April 1978 Years 1951-53__ 1954-56. 1957-58__ 1959. G 1960-61__ 1962__. 1963-65--- 1966. 1967__ 1968__ 1 I 1 1 II 1969 1970_. 1971-72. 1973_ 1974-77__ ! 1 1978. 1979-80_ _ 1981_ 1982-84. 1985_ II 1 11 I !!! 11 I│ …… ││} 1 1 1 1 L I│ I ││ I I I J 1 I 1 TAX RATES FOR SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS I …… 1 1 I 1 1 … Į I 1 FI I 1 I 1 I | 1 1 11 1986-89. 1990-2010_. 2011 and later___. │││ }│# 1 I 1 1 1 III ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1 | I 1 1 │││ | 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 | } I I .I I 1 I 1 1 1 T Old-age and survivors insurance 2. 25 3.0 3.0 3. 375 4. 125 4. 325 5. 025 5. 275 5. 375 5. 0875 5. 5875 5. 475 6. 075 6. 205 6. 185 6. 0100 6. 0100 6. 7625 6. 8125 7. 1250 7. 1250 7. 6500 7. 6500 [In percent] 1 | 1 Disability insurance 0.375 .375 375 • .375 .375 .525 525 • . 7125 .7125 825 825 .795 .815 1 1. 0900 1. 0400 1. 2375 1. 2375 1. 4250 1. 4250 1. 6500 1. 6500 Subtotal, cash benefits 2.25 3. 0 3.375 3.75 4. 5 4. 7 5. 4 5. 8 5.9 5. 8 6. 3 6. 3 6.9 7.0 7.0 7. 1 7. 05 8.00 8. 05 8.55 8.55 9.30 9.30 I } 11 I ││ 1 Hospital insurance ↓ 1 I ………│ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬│ …… 11 11 I 1 0.35 .5 . 6 .6 .6 .6 1. 0 9 1.00 1. 05 1. 30 1. 30 1. 35 1. 45 1. 45 1. 45 Total 2. 25 3.0 3. 375 3. 75 4. 5 4. 7 5. 4 6. 15 6. 4 6. 4 6.9 6. 9 7.5 8.0 7.9 8. 1 8. 1 9.3 9. 35 9.90 10.00 10.75 10.75 APPENDIX C FEDERAL PERCENTAGE AND FEDERAL MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PERCENTAGE, EFFECTIVE JUL. 1, 1975–SEPT. 30, 1977 (FISCAL YEARS 1975, 1976, 1977 AND TRANSITIONAL QUARTER JUL. 1, 1976–SEPT. 30, 1976) State Alabama.. Alaska. Arizona.. Arkansas. California_ Colorado. Connecticut. Delaware District of Columbia... Florida.. Georgia... Guam Hawaii. Idaho. Illinois Indiana. lowa_. Kansas. Kentucky Louisiana.. Maine. Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan.. Minnesota. Mississippi...... Missouri. Federal matching percentage State financial assistance State medical assistance expenditures expenditures (Federal medical assistance percentage) (Federal percentage) 65.00 50.00 56.09 65.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 52.60 62.34 50.00 50.00 64.64 50.00 52.75 52.37 50.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 52.05 65.00 54. 42 Source: 39 F.R. 33020, Sept. 13, 1974. State 73.79 50.00 60.48 74.60 New Hampshire. 50.00 New Jersey. New Mexico…. Montana………. Nebraska.. Nevada…. 54.69 50.00 New York……. 50.00 North Carolina……. 50.00 North Dakota. 57.34 Ohio…. 66.10 Oklahoma. 50.00 Oregon. 50.00 Pennsylvania. 68. 18❘ Puerto Rico. 50.00❘ Rhode Island…. 57.47 | South Carolina. 57. 13 South Dakota…. 54.02❘ Tennessee. 71.37 Texas. 70.45 | Utah……. 60.74❘ Vermont. 50.00 Virgin Islands. 51.62 Virginia.. 50.00 Washington_ 55.26 West Virginia.. 78.00 Wisconsin.. 60.66 Wyoming.. (vii) Federal matching percentage State financial assistance State medical assistance expenditures expenditures (Federal medical (Federal percentage) assistance percentage) 56.75 50.00 50.00 58.73 50.00 65.00 50.00 64.23 50.00 50.51 61.58 52.54 50. 13 50.00 52.22 65.00 59.78 65.00 56.29 65.00 64.46 50.00 52.24 50.00 65.00 53.92 50.00 61. 10 53.46 50.00 62.58 50.00 71.84 50.00 67.81 50.71 55.46 65.42 57.29 55.11 50.00 57.00 71.93 63.80 68.88 60.66 68.98 68.02 50.00 57.01 51.64 70. 16 58.53 53.44 APPENDIX D FEDERAL PERCENTAGE AND FEDERAL MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PERCENTAGE, EFFECTIVE OCT. 1, 1977–SEPT. 30, 1979 (FISCAL YEARS 1978 AND 1979) State Alabama.. Alaska. Arizona. Arkansas California Colorado. Connecticut.. Delaware. District of Columbia……. Florida. Georgia.... Guam. Hawaii. Idaho Illinois Indiana.. lowa. Kansas Kentucky Louisiana. Maine. Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi... Missouri.. Federal matching percentage State financial State medical assistance assistance expenditures expenditures (Federal medical assistance percentage) (Federal percentage) 65.00 50.00 56.46 65.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 51.72 62.02 50.00 50.00 50.53 50.00 53.18 50.00 50.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.29 65.00 56.29 Source: 41 F.R. 44880, Oct. 13, 1976. State 72.58❘ Montana……. 50.00 Nebraska Nevada.. 60.81 72.06 New Hampshire. 50.00 New Jersey………… 53.71 | New Mexico……………. 50.00❘ New York…. 50.00 | North Carolina. 50.00 North Dakota.. 56.55❘ Ohio. 65.82 Oklahoma... 50.00 Oregon_ 50.00 Pennsylvania. 63.58 Puerto Rico. 50.00❘ Rhode Island…. 57.86 | South Carolina. 51.96 South Dakota…. 52.35❘ Tennessee. 69.71❘ Texas. 70.45❘ Utah 60. 74❘ Vermont……. 50.00❘ Virgin Islands 51. 62 | Virginia………… 50.00 Washington. 55.26 West Virginia. 78.00 Wisconsin. 60.66 Wyoming…. (viii) Federal matching percentage State financial assistance State medical assistance expenditures expenditures (Federal medical (Federal percentage) assistance percentage) 56.78 50.00 50.00 58.73 50.00 65.00 50.00 64.23 50.00 50,51 61.58 52.54 50.13 50.00 52.22 65.00 59.78 65.00 56.29 65.00 64.46 50.00 52.24 50.00 65.00 53.92 50.00 61.10 53.46 50.00 62.85 50.00 71.84 50.00 67.81 50.71 55.46 65.42 57.29 55. 11 50.00 57.00 71.93 63.80 68. 38 60.66 68.98 68.02 50.00 57.01 51.64 70. 16 58.53 53.44 APPENDIX E-VARIABLE AMOUNTS APPLICABLE TO SELECTED PROVISIONS [Note: See Appendix B for Tax Rates and Bases] 1. Retirement test exempt amounts: Year 1977. 1978 1979. 1980_ 1981. 1982 1983 ││ Year 1975___ 1976_ 1977_ 1978__ 1979 _ _. J I 1 II 1 I 1 I For persons under age 65 Monthly amount $250 270 290 (2) 8.0 6. 4 5.9 6. 5 (³) (2) Percentage increase 1 Individual Annual amount Special benefits 2 $69.60 74. 10 78.50 83.70 (*) Couple $3,000 3, 240 3, 480 (2) (2) $104. 40 111. 20 117.80 125. 60 (3) (2) (2) 8 8 1 Effective 1982, the age at which the retirement test ceases to apply will be reduced from 72 to 70. • Amount is increased automatically to reflect increases in average wages. 2. Increased benefit levels under automatic provisions: Special minimum For persons age 65–72 1 Monthly amount $9.00 9.00 9.00 $250.00 333.33 375.00 6 11. 50 (³) 416. 67 458. 33 Monthly amount of- 500. 00 (2) factor 3 Individual Annual amount Supplemental security income $157.70 167. 80 177.80 189. 40 (5) $3,000 4, 000 4, 500 5, 000 5, 500 Couple $236. 60 251.80 266. 70 284. 10 (5) 6, 000 (2) Essential person $78.90 84.00 89.00 94, 80 (5) 1 This percentage is applied to increase social security benefits effective June of each year and supple- mental security income benefits effective July of each year. (For persons becoming eligible for benefits after 1978, these percentages are applied to increase the benefit determined by the basic formula for years after the 2d year before they reach age 62, die, or become disabled.) • Under secs. 227 and 228. • Under sec. 215(a)(1)(C) (i) (II). • Under sec. 1611. 'Automatically increased as Consumer Price Index rises. • Effective for months after December 1978, automatically increased thereafter as Consumer Price Index rises. (ix) 3. Formulas for determining benefit amounts under 1977 act: For Determining Primary Insur- For Determining Maximum Fam- ance Amount (PIA): ily Benefit 90 percent of Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIMĚ) up to "A"; plus 32 percent of AIME above "A” but not above "B"; plus 15 percent of AIME above "B.” Year of worker's 1st eligibility or death ¹ 1979_ 1980__ Year 1978__ 1979_ Year 1951. 1952__ 1953___. 1954. 1955__ 1956__ 1957-- 1958. 1959. 1960 1961__. 1962. 1963. 1964__ 1965-- 111 T 111 1 The year in which the insured individual first becomes eligible for an old-age insurance benefit (generally age 62), or for a disability insurance benefit, or (if he did not become eligible for either) the year of his death Automatically increased as wage levels rise. 1 4. Quarter of coverage amount: [NOTE: Prior to 1978, an individual generally gained one quarter of coverage under social security for every calendar quarter in which he earned $50 or more in covered wages.] 1 1 Automatically increased as wage levels rise. 5. Average annual wages for indexing purposes: Average wages I 1111 ………11 1111 1 I 1 1 1 I I E I 1111 11 1 I 11 [I } 1 1 I│ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 11 ……… 1│ 1 11 1 1 I 1 11 ……│ 11 1 11 ………1 FI FI !! I 41 | 11 · 1 11 I 1 t I …… | 1 I 1 I I 1 X I I I 1 150 percent of PIA up to "C"; plus 272 percent of PIA above ""@"" but not above "D"; plus 134 percent of PIA above "D" but not above "E"; plus 175 percent of PIA above "E." A $180 (2) I $1,085 (2) $250 (1) Year $2,769 1966__ 2,945 1967__ 3,089 1968. 3, 226 1969. 3, 350 1970.-. 3, 540 1971. 3,747 1972. 3, 852 1973. Annual earnings under social security required for— 1 quarter of 2 quarters of 3 quarters of 4 quarters of coverage coverage coverage coverage 1 I ORD 3,980 1974__ 4, 148 1975.. 4, 572 1978_ 4,712 1979_ 4,787 1980_ 4, 283 1976-- 4, 461 1977. 1 1 1 I│ I B 1 11 ↓││ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ I │ 1 11 | │ ││ $500 (1) 111 11 ││{ I 11 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬│ 1111 11 ││41 !! ││ | 11 $230 (2) 1│1 1 11 11 11 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬1 1 │ ……│ с 1 ……… I 1 11 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬│ ………│ ………│ I 11 11 ││1 I 11 │ 1 14 $750 (1) 1 ││ 1 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬↓ I … I I $332 (2). 1 I I 1 1 … I 1 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 I E $433 (2) 1 $1,000 (1) Average wages $4, 997 5, 311 5, 683 5,977 6, 288 6, 670 7, 250 7,580 8, 031 8, 631 9, 226 9, 779 NOTE.-Amounts to be used for indexing have not yet been promulgated. The amounts shown in the table above were provided by the Social Security Administration to the 1978 Advisory Council and can be used as approximations. xi 6. Year of coverage amount: [NOTE: For purposes of section 215 (a) (1) (C) (i) (II), a "year of coverage” for years prior to 1978 equals 25% of the maximum amount of earnings subject to tax as shown in Appendix B.] Year: 1978 1979 1 Increases automatically as wage levels rise. Amount $4,425 (¹). APPENDIX F-SECTION 215 UNDER FORMER LAW Note: The 1977 Social Security Amendments greatly modified the manner of computing social security benefits. In a number of cases, however, the former law continues to be applied. The basic benefit com- putation section as previously in effect is reprinted in this appendix. Computation of Primary Insurance Amount Sec. 215. For the purposes of this title- (a) The primary insurance amount of an insured individual shall be determined as follows: (1) Subject to the conditions specified in subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this section and except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, such primary insurance amount shall be whichever of the following amounts is the largest: (A) the amount in column IV of the following table (or, if larger, the amount in column IV of the latest table deemed to be such table under subsection (i) (2) (D)) on the line on which in column III of such table appears his average monthly wage (as determined under subsection (b)); (B) the amount in column IV of such table on the line on which in column II appears his primary insurance amount (as determined under subsection (c)); or (C) the amount in column IV of such table on the line on which in column I appears his primary insurance benefit (as determined under subsection (d)). (2) In the case of an individual who was entitled to a disabil- ity insurance benefit for the month before the month in which he died, became entitled to old-age insurance benefits, or at- tained age 65, such primary insurance amount shall be— (A) the amount in column IV of such table which is equal to the primary insurance amount upon which such disability insurance benefit is based; except that if such individual was entitled to a disability insurance benefit under section 223 for the month before the effective month of a new table (whether enacted by another law or deemed to be such table under subsection (i) (2) (D)) and in the following month became entitled to an old-age insurance benefit, or he died in such following month, then his primary insurance amount for such following month shall be the amount in column IV of the (xiii) xiv new table on the line on which in column II of such table ap- pears his primary insurance amount for the month before the effective month of the table (as determined under subsec- tion (c)) instead of the amount in column IV equal to the primary insurance amount on which his disability insurance benefit is based. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "primary insurance amount" with respect to any individual means only a primary insurance amount determined under paragraph (1) (and such individual's benefits shall be deemed to be based upon the primary insurance amount as so determined); or (B) an amount equal to the primary insurance amount upon which such disability insurance benefit is based if such primary insurance amount was determined under paragraph (3). (3) Such primary insurance amount shall be an amount equal to $9.00 multiplied by the individual's years of coverage in excess of 10 in any case in which such amount is higher than the individ- ual's primary insurance amount as determined under paragraph (1) or (2). For purposes of paragraph (3), an individual's "years of coverage" is the number (not exceeding 30) equal to the sum of (i) the number (not exceeding 14 and disregarding any fraction) determined by di- viding the total of the wages credited to him (including wages deemed to be paid prior to 1951 to such individual under section 217, compen- sation under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 prior to 1951 which is creditable to such individual pursuant to this title, and wages deemed to be paid prior to 1951 to such individual under section 231) for years after 1936 and before 1951 by $900, plus (ii) the number equal to the number of years after 1950 each of which is a computation base year (within the meaning of subsection (b) (2) (C)) and in each of which he is credited with wages (including wages deemed to be paid to such individual under section 217, compensation under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 which is creditable to such individual pursuant to this title, and wages deemed to be paid prior to 1951 to such individual under section 229) and self-employment income of not less than 25 percent of the maximum amount which, pursuant to subsection (e), may be counted for such year. Revised April 1978 Sec. 215(a) XV TABLE FOR DETERMINING PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT AND MAXIMUM FAMILY BENEFITS BEGINNING JUNE 1978 (Primary insurance benefit under 1939 Act, as modified) If an individual's primary in- surance benefit (as deter- mined under subsec. (d)) is- At least- $16.21 16.85 17.61 18.41 19.25 20.01 20.65 21.29 21.89 22.29 22.69 23.09 23.45 23.77 24.21 24.61 25.01 25.49 25.93 26.41 26.95 27.47 28.01 28.69 29.26 29.69 30.37 30.93 31.37 32.01 32.61 33.21 33.89 34.51 35.01 35.81 36.41 I 37.09 37.61 38.21 39. 13 39.69 40.34 41. 13 41.77 42.45 43.21 43.77 44. 45 44.89 But not more than- $16.20 16.84 17.60 18.40 19.24 20.00 20.64 21.28 21.88 22.28 22.68 23.08 23.44 23.76 24.20 24.60 25.00 25.48 25.92 26.40 26.94 27.46 28.00 28.68 29.25 29.68 30.36 30.92 31.36 32.00 32.60 33.20 33.88 34.50 35.00 35.80 36.40 37.08 37.60 38.20 39. 12 39.68 40.33 41.12 41. 76 42.44 43.20 43.76 44.44 44.88 45.60 21-746 O - 78 - 61 ။ (Primary insur- ance amount effective for June 1977) Cr his primary insurance amcunt (as determined under subsec. (c)) is- $114.30 116. 10 118.80 121.00 123.00 125.80 128. 10 130.10 132.70 135.00 137.20 139.40 142.00 144.30 147.10 149.20 151.70 154.50 157.00 159.40 161.90 164. 20 166. 70 169.30 171.80 174.10 176.50 179.10 181.70 183.90 186.50 189.00 191.40 194.00 196.30 198.90 201.30 203.90 206.40 208,80 211.50 214.00 216.00 218.70 221.20 223.90 226.30 229.10 231.20 233.50 236.40 238.70 240.80 243.70 246.10 248. 70 251.00 253.50 256.20 258.30 261.10 263.50 265.80 (Average monthly wage) Cr his average monthly wage (as determined under subsec. (b)) is- S At least- $77 79 81 82 84 86 88 90 91 93 95 97 98 100 102 103 105 107 108 110 114 119 123 128 133 137 142 147 151 156 161 ||| 165 170 175 179 184 189 194 198 203 208 212 217 222 226 231 236 240 245 250 254 259 264 268 273 278 282 287 292 296 301 306 But not more than- P $76 78 80 81 83 85 87 89 90 92 94 96 97 99 101 102 104 106 107 109 113 118 122 127 132 136 141 146 150 155 160 164 169 174 178 183 188 193 197 202 207 211 216 221 225 230 235 239 244 249 253 258 263 267 272 277 281 286 291 295 300 305 309 IV (Primary insurance amount) The amount referred to in the preceding paragraphs of this subsection shall be $121.80 123.70 126.60 128.90 131.20 134.00 136.50 138.60 141.40 143.80 146.20 148.50 151.30 153.70 156.70 158.90 161.60 164.60 167.30 169.80 172.50 174.90 177.60 180.40 183.00 185.50 188.00 190.80 193.60 195.90 198.70 201.30 203.90 206.70 209.10 211.90 214.40 217.20 219.90 222.40 225.30 228.00 230. 10 233.00 235.60 238.50 341. 10 244.00 246.30 248.70 251.80 254.30 256.50 259.60 262.10 264.90 267.40 270.00 272.90 275. 10 278. 10 280.70 283.10 V (Maximum family benefits) And the maxi- mum amount of benefits payable (as provided in sec. 203(a)) on the basis of his wages and self- employment income shall be- $182.70 185.60 189.90 193.50 196.80 201.00 204.80 207.90 212.10 215.70 219.30 222.80 227.00 230.60 235. 10 238.50 242.40 246.90 251.00 254.80 258.80 262.40 266.50 270.60 274.60 278.30 282.10 286.20 290.40 293.90 298.10 302.00 305.90 310. 10 313.70 318.00 321.70 326.00 329.90 333.60 338.00 342.00 345.20 349.50 353.40 357.80 361.70 366.10 371. 10 378.80 384.90 392.50 400.00 406.00 413. 70 421.20 427. 20 434.90 442.60 448. 50 456.10 463.80 469.80 Sec. 215(a) Revised April 1978 xvi TABLE FOR DETERMINING PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT AND MAXIMUM FAMILY BENEFITS BEGINNING JUNE 1978-Continued I (Primary insurance benefit under 1939 Act, as modified) If an individual's primary in- surance benefit (as déter- mined under subsec. (d)) is- At least- But not more than- || (Primary insur- ance amount effective for June 1977) Or his primary insurance amount (as determined under subsec. (c)) is- 268.50 270.70 273.20 275.80 278.10 281.00 283.00 285.60 288.30 290.50 293.30 295.60 297.90 300.60 303.10 305.70 307.90 310.30 313.00 315.40 318.20 320.20 322.50 324.80 327.40 329.60 331.60 334.40 336.50 338.70 341.30 343.50 345.80 347.90 350.70 352.60 354.90 357.40 359.70 361.90 364.50 366.60 368.80 371. 10 373.70 375.80 378.10 380.80 382.80 385.10 387.60 389.90 392.10 393.90 396.10 398.20 400.40 402.30 404.40 406. 20 408.40 410. 20 412. 60 414.60 (Average monthly wage) Or his average monthly wage (as determined under subsec. (b)) is- At least- 310 315 320 324 329 334 338 343 348 352 357 362 366 371 376 380. 385 390 394 399 404 408 413 418 422 427 432 437 441 446 451 455 460 465 469 474 479 483 488 493 497 502 507 511 516 521 525 530 535 539 544 III 549 554 557 561 564 568 571 575 578 582 585 589 592 But not more than- 314 319 323 328 333 337 342 347 351 356 361 365 370 375 379 384 389 393 398 403 407 412 417 421 426 431 436 440 445 450 454 459 464 468 473 478 482 487 492 496 501 506 510 515 520 524 529 534 538 543 548 553 556 560 563 567 570 574 577 581 584 588 591 595 IV (Primary insurance amount) The amount referred to in the preceding paragraphs of this subsection shall be 286.00 288.30 291.00 293.80 296.20 299.30 301.40 304.20 307.10 309.40 312.40 314.90 317.30 320.20 322.90 325.60 328.00 330.50 333.40 336.00 338.90 341. 10 343.50 346.00 348.70 351.10 353. 20 356. 20 358,40 360.80 363.50 365.90 368.30 370.60 373.50 375.60 378.00 380.70 383, 10 385.50 388. 20 390.50 392.90 395.30 398.00 400.30 402. 70 405.60 407.70 410. 20 412.80 415.30 417.60 419.60 421.90 424. 10 426.50 428.50 430.70 432.70 435.00 436.90 439.50 441.60 V (Maximum family benefits) And the maxi- mum amount of benefits payable (as provided in sec. 203(a)) on the basis of his wages and self- employment income shall be- 477.40 485. 10 491.10 498.70 506. 20 512.50 519.90 527.50 533.60 541. 20 548.80 554.90 562.50 569.90 576.30 583.90 591.30 597.40 605.10 612.70 618.60 626.30 633.80 639.90 647.50 655.10 662.70 665.70 669. 70 673.40 676.30 680.10 683.80 687.10 690.80 694.60 697.70 701.60 705.40 708.40 712.10 715.80 719.00 722.80 726.70 729.50 733,40 737.10 740. 20 744.10 747.80 751.60 753.90 756.90 759.30 762.30 764.50 767.50 769.90 772.80 775.20 778. 20 780.50 783.50 Revised April 1978 Sec. 215(a) xvii TABLE FOR DETERMINING PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT AND MAXIMUM FAMILY BENEFITS BEGINNING JUNE 1978—Continued 1 (Primary insurance benefit under 1939 Act, as modified) If an individual's primary in- surance benefit (as deter- mined under subsec. (d)) is- At least- But not more than- || (Primary insur- ance amount effective for June 1977) Or his primary insurance amount (as determined under subsec. (c)) is- 416.70 418. 70 420.70 422.80 424.90 426.90 428.90 431.00 433.00 435. 10 437.10 439.20 441.40 443. 20 445. 40 447.40 448.60 449.90 451.50 453.10 454.80 456.40 458.00 459.80 461.20 462.80 464.50 466.10 467.70 469.40 471.00 472.60 474.20 475.90 477.40 478.90 480.40 481.80 483.20 484.50 485.80 487.20 488.60 489.80 491.10 492.50 494.00 495.30 496.70 498.00 499.40 500.70 502.00 503.30 504.70 506.00 507.50 508.80 510.20 511.50 512.80 514.10 515.50 516.80 (Average monthly wage) Or his average monthly wage (as determined under subsec. (b)) is- At least- 596 599 603 606 610 613 617 621 624 628 631 635 638 642 645 649 653 657 661 666 671 676 681 686 691 696 701 706 711 716 721 726 731 736 741 746 751 756 761 766 771 776 781 786 791 796 801 806 811 816 821 826 831 836 841 846 851 856 861 III 866 871 876 881 886 But not more than- 598 602 605 609 612 616 620 623 627 630 634 637 641 644 648 652 656 660 665 670 675 680 685 690 695 700 705 710 715 720 725 730 735 740 745 750 755 760 765 770 775 780 785 790 795 800 805 810 815 820 825 830 835 840 845 850 855 860 865 870 875 880 885 890 IV (Primary insurance amount) The amount referred to in the preceding paragraphs of this subsection shall be 443.80 446.00 448. 10 450.30 452.60 454.70 456.80 459. 10 461.20 463.40 465.60 467.80 470.10 472.10 474.40 476.50 477.80 478.20 480.90 482.60 484.40 486. 10 487.80 489.70 491.20 492.90 494.70 496.40 498. 20 500.00 501.70 503.40 505. 10 506.90 508.50 510. 10 511.70 513.20 514.70 516.00 517.40 518.90 520.40 521.70 523. 10 524.60 526:20 527.50 529.00 530.40 531.90 533.30 534.70 536.10 537.60 538.90 540.50 541.90 543.40 544.80 546.30 547.60 549. 10 550.40 V (Maximum family benefits) And the maxi- mum amount of benefits payable (as provided in sec. 203(a)) on the basis of his wages and self- employment income shall be- 785.60 788.90 791. 10 794.00 796.50 799.50 802.50 804.80 807.90 810. 70 814.70 818.50 822.40 826.10 830. 10 833.70 836. 10 838.40 841.50 844.50 847.40 850.50 853.50 856.40 859.60 862.60 865.60 868.60 871.50 874.60 877.60 880.70 883.80 886.70 889.90 892.70 895.40 897.80 900.40 903.00 905.40 907.90 910.40 912.90 915.40 918.00 920.50 923.00 925.60 928.00 930.60 933. 10 935.70 938. 10 940.80 943.00 945.70 948. 10 950.70 953.20 955.70 958.20 960.80 963.20 Sec. 215(a) Revised April 1978 xviii TABLE FOR DETERMINING PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT AND MAXIMUM FAMILY BENEFITS BEGINNING JUNE 1978—Continued 1 (Primary insurance benefit under 1939 Act, as modified) If an individual's primary in- surance benefit (as deter- mined under subsec. (d)) is- At least- But not more than- 11 (Primary insur- ance amount effective for June 1977) Or his primary insurance amount (as determined under subsec. (c)) is- P 518. 20 519.60 521.00 522.30 523.70 525.10 526.30 527.60 529.00 530.40 531.70 533.00 534.50 535.90 537.30 538.40 539.80 541. 20 542.60 543.80 545. 20 546.60 547.80 548.90 550.20 551.50 552.60 553.80 555,10 556. 20 557.50 558.80 559.80 561.10 562.40 563.60 564.80 566.00 567.30 568.40 569.70 571.00 572.00 573.30 574.60 575.70 577.00 578.20 579.40 580.60 581.90 583. 10 584.20 585.50 586.70 587.90 589. 20 590.30 591.40 592.60 593.70 594.80 595,80 597.10 (Average monthly wage) Or his average monthly wage (as determined under subsec. (b)) is- At least- 891 896 901 906 911 916 921 926 931 936 941 946 951 956 961 966 971 976 981 986 991 996 1,001 1,006 1,011 1,016 1, 021 1,026 1,031 1,036 1, 041 1,046 1,051 1,056 1,061 1, 066 1,071 1, 076 1,081 1,086 1, 091 1,096 1, 101 1, 106 1, 111 1, 116 1, 121 1,126 1, 131 1, 136 1, 141 1, 146 1, 151 1, 156 1, 161 ||| 1, 166 1, 171 1, 176 1, 181 1, 186 1, 191 1, 196 1, 201 1, 206 But not more than- 895 900 905 910 915 920 925 930 935 940 945 950 955 960 965 970 975 980 985 990 995 1,000 1,005 1,010 1, 015 1,020 1,025 1,030 1.035 1,040 1,045 1,050 1,055 1,060 1,065 1, 070 1,075 1,080 1, 085 1,090 1,095 1, 100 1, 105 1, 110 1, 115 1, 120 1, 125 1, 130 1, 135 1, 140 1, 145 1, 150 1, 155 1, 160 1, 165 1. 170 1, 175 1, 180 1. 185 1, 190 1, 195 1, 200 1, 205 1,210 IV (Primary insurance amount) The amount referred to in the preceding paragraphs of this subsection shall be 551.90 553.40 554.90 556.30 557.80 559.30 560.60 561.90 563.40 564.90 566.30 567.70 569.30 570.80 572.30 573.40 574.90 576,40 577.90 579. 20 580.70 582.20 583.50 584.60 586.00 587.40 588.60 589.80 591.20 592.40 593.80 595. 20 596.20 597.60 599.00 600.30 601.60 602.80 604. 20 605.40 606.80 608.20 609.20 610.60 612.00 613. 20 614.60 615.80 617.10 618.40 619.80 621. 10 622.20 623.60 624.90 626.20 627.50 628. 70 629.90 631.20 632.30 633.50 634.70 636.00 V (Maximum family benefits) And the maxi- mum amount of benefits payable (as provided in sec, 203(a)) on the basis of his wages and self- employment income shall be- S 966.00 968.30 970.90 973.50 976.00 978.30 981.00 983.40 985,90 988.50 991.00 993.50 996. 10 998.60 1,001.00 1,003. 60 1, 006. 20 1,008. 50 1, 011. 10 1, 013. 60 1,016. 20 1,018. 60 1,020. 70 1, 023. 20 1,025. 30 1,027.80 1, 029.90 1,032. 20 1,034.50 1, 036. 70 1,039. 10 1,041. 30 1,043. 40 1,045.90 1,048.00 1,050.50 1, 052.60 1,054. 80 1,057. 10 1, 058. 40 1, 061.70 1,064.00 1, 066. 10 1,068.50 1,070.70 1,073. 10 1,075. 30 1, 077.60 1,079. 70 1, 082. 20 1, 084. 40 1, 086. 70 1,088. 80 1,091. 10 1, 093. 40 1, 095.80 1,098, 00 1, 100. 20 1, 102. 20 1, 104. 30 1, 106.50 1, 108.60 1, 110.60 1, 112. 90 Revised April 1978 xix Sec. 215(a) TABLE FOR DETERMINING PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT AND MAXIMUM FAMILY BENEFITS BEGINNING JUNE 1978-Continued 1 (Primary insurance benefit under 1939 Act, as modified) If an individual's primary in- surance benefit (as deter- mined under subsec. (d)) is- At least- But not more than- || (Primary insur- ance amount effective for June 1977) Or his primary insurance amount (as determined under subsec. (c)) is— 598. 20 599.30 600.40 601.60 602.70 603.80 605.00 606. 10 607.20 608.30 609.50 610.60 611.70 612.80 613.80 614.90 616.00 617.00 618. 10 619.10 620.20 621.30 622.30 623.40 624.40 625.50 626.60 627.60 628.70 629.70 630.80 631.80 632.90 633.90 634.90 635.90 636.90 637.90 638.90 639.90 640.90 641.90 642.90 643.90 644.90 645.90 646.90 647.90 648.90 649.90 650.90 651.90 652.90 (Average monthly wage) Or his average monthly wage (as determined under subsec. (b)) is- At least- 1,211 1, 216 1, 221 1,226 1, 231 1,236 1,241 1,246 1,251 1,256 1,261 1,266 1, 271 1,276 1, 281 1,286 1,291 1,296 1, 301 1,306 1,311 1,316 1, 321 1, 326 1,331 1,336 1, 341 1, 346 1, 351 1,356 1,361 1, 366 1,371 1,376 1,381 1, 386 1,391 1,396 1, 401 1,406 1,411 1,416 1, 421 1,426 1,431 1,436 1, 441 1,446 1, 451 1,456 1, 461 1,466 1,471 1,476 1,481 ||| 1, 486 1, 491 1, 496 1, 501 1,506 1,511 1,516 1,521 1,526 But not more than- 1, 215 1,220 1, 225 1,230 1, 235 1, 240 1, 245 1,250 1,255 1,260 1,265 1, 270 1,275 1, 280 1, 285 1,290 1,295 1,300 1, 305 1, 310 1, 315 1,320 1,325 1, 330 1,335 1,340 1,345 1,350 1,355 1, 360 1,365 1,370 1,375 1,380 1, 385 1,390 1, 395 1,400 1, 405 1, 410 1, 415 1,420 1,425 1,430 1,435 1,440 1, 445 1,450 1, 455 1,460 1.465 1, 470 1, 475 1, 480 1,485 1, 490 1, 495 1,500 1, 505 1,510 1, 515 1,520 1,525 1, 530 IV (Primary insurance amount) The amount referred to in the preceding paragraphs of this subsection shall be 637. 10 638.30 639.50 640.80 641.90 643.10 644.40 645.50 646.70 647.90 649.20 650.30 651.50 652.70 653.70 654.90 656.10 657.20 658.30 659.40 660.60 661.70 662.80 664.00 665.00 666.20 667.40 668.40 669.60 670.70 671.90 672.90 674.10 675.20 676.20 677.30 678.30 679.40 680.50 681.50 682.60 683.70 684.70 685.80 686.90 687.90 689.00 690.10 691. 10 692.20 693.30 694.30 695.40 696.40 697.40 698.40 699.40 700.40 701.40 702.40 703.40 704.40 705.40 706.40 V (Maximum family benefits) And the maxi- mum amount of benefits payable (as provided in sec. 203(a)) on the basis of his wages and self- employment income shall be- 1, 114.90 1. 117.00 1, 119.00 1, 121. 20 1, 123. 20 1, 125. 40 1, 127.50 1, 129.60 1, 131.60 1, 133. 80 1, 135.90 1, 138.00 1, 140.00 1, 142. 20 1, 144. 10 1, 146. 10 1, 148.00 1,150.00 1, 152.00 1, 154.00 1, 155.90 1, 157. 90 1, 159.80 1, 161. 90 1, 163.80 1, 165. 80 1, 167. 70 1, 169. 70 1, 171. 70 1, 173. 70 1, 175. 60 1, 177. 70 1, 179. 60 1, 181. 60 1, 183. 40 1, 185. 30 1, 187. 10 1, 189.00 1, 190.80 1, 192. 70 1, 194. 60 1, 196. 50 1, 198.30 1,200. 20 1, 202.00 1,203.90 1,205. 70 1, 207.70 1, 209.50 1, 211. 40 1, 213. 20 1, 215. 10 1, 216.90 1, 218.70 1,220.50 1,222.20 1,224.00 1,225.70 1,227.50 1, 229. 20 1, 231.00 1, 232. 70 1,234.50 1,236.20 Sec. 215(a) Revised April 1978 XX TABLE FOR DETERMINING PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT AND MAXIMUM FAMILY BENEFITS BEGINNING JUNE 1978-Continued (Primary insurance benefit under 1939 Act, as modified) If an individual's primary in- surance benefit (as déter- mined under subsec. (d)) is- At least- But not more than- || (Primary insur- ance amount effective for June 1977) Or his primary insurance amount (as determined under subsec. (c)) is- K (Average monthly wage) Or his average monthly wage (as determined under subsec. (b)) is— At least- 1, 531 1,536 1, 541 1,546 1,551 1, 556 1,561 1,566 1,571 1,576 1,581 1, 586 1,591 1,596 1, 601 1,606 1, 611 1,616 1, 621 1, 626 1, 631 1,636 1, 641 1,646 1,651 1, 656 1, 661 1,666 1, 671 1,676 1,681 1,686 1,691 1,696 1, 701 1,706 1, 711 1, 716 1, 721 1, 726 1, 731 1,736 1, 741 1, 746 1, 751 1,756 1, 761 1,766 1, 771 1, 776 1, 781 1, 786 1, 791 1,796 111 1, 801 1,806 1, 811 1, 816 1, 821 1,826 1,831 1,836 1, 841 1, 846 But not more than- 1,535 1, 540 1,545 1, 550 1, 555 1, 560 1, 565 1,570 1,575 1, 580 1,585 1,590 1, 595 1,600 1,605 1,610 1,615 1, 620 1,625 1,630 1, 635 1,640 1,645 1,650 1,655 1,660 1, 665 1,670 1,675 1,680 1,685 1.690 1. 695 1,700 1, 705 1, 710 1, 715 1, 720 1,725 1, 730 1,735 1,740 1, 745 1,750 1,755 1, 760 1,765 1, 770 1,775 1,780 1,785 1, 790 1,795 1,800 1,805 1, 810 1, 815 1,820 1, 825 1, 830 1,835 1,840 1, 845 1, 850 IV (Primary insurance amount) The amount referred to in the preceding paragraphs of this subsection shall be 707.40 708.40 709. 40 710.40 711.40 712.40 713.40 714.40 715.40 716.40 717.40 718.40 719.40 720.40 721.40 722.40 723.40 724.40 725.40 726.40 727.40 728.40 729.40 730.40 731.40 732.40 733.40 734.40 735.40 736.40 737.40 738. 40 739.40 740.40 741.40 742. 40 743. 40 744. 40 745.40 746.40 747.40 748.40 749.40 750.40 751.40 752.40 753.40 754. 40 755.40 756.40 757.40 758.40 759.40 760.40 761.40 762.40 763.40 764.40 765.40 766.40 767.40 768.40 769.40 770.40 V (Maximum family benefits) And the maxi- mum amount of benefits payable (as provided in sec. 203(a)) on the basis of his wages and self- employment income shall be 1, 238.00 1, 239. 70 1, 241. 50 1, 243. 20 1,245.00 1,246. 70 1,248.50 1,250.20 1,252.00 1, 253. 70 1, 255. 50 1, 257.20 1, 259.00 1, 260. 70 1,262.50 1,264. 20 1, 266. 00 1, 267.70 1,269.50 1,271. 20 1,273.00 1, 274. 70 1,276. 50 1, 278. 20 1, 280.00 1, 281. 70 1,283.50 1, 285. 20 1, 287.00 1,288. 70 1,290.50 1, 292. 20 1,294.00 1, 295. 70 1,297.50 1, 299. 20 1, 301.00 1, 302. 70 1, 304. 50 1, 306. 20 1, 308.00 1, 309. 70 1, 311. 50 1, 313. 20 1, 315.00 1, 316. 70 1,318.50 1, 320. 20 1, 322.00 1, 323.70 1, 325. 50 1,327, 20 1, 329.00 1, 330.70 1, 332.50 1, 334. 20 1, 336.00 1, 337.70 1, 339. 50 1, 341. 20 1,343.00 1, 344. 70 1, 346. 50 1, 348. 20 Revised April 1978 Sec. 215(a) xxi TABLE FOR DETERMINING PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT AND MAXIMUM FAMILY BENEFITS BEGINNING JUNE 1978-Continued (Primary insurance benefit under 1939 Act, as modified) I If an individual's primary in- surance benefit (as deter- mined under subsec. (d)) is- At least- M But not more than- 11 (Primary insur- ance amount effective for June 1977) Or his primary insurance amount (as determined under subsec. (c)) is— (Average monthly wage) ||| Or his average monthly wage (as determined under subsec. (b)) 695 is- At least- 1,851 1,856 1,861 1,866 1,871 1,876 1,881 1,886 1, 891 1, 896 But not more than- 1,855 1,860 1,865 1,870 1,875 1,880 1,885 1, 890 1,895 1,900 1, 905 1, 910 IV (Primary insurance amount) The amount referred to in the preceding paragraphs of this subsection shall be 771.40 772.40 773.40 774.40 775.40 776.40 777.40 778.40 779.40 780.40 781.40 782.40 V (Maximum family benefits) And the maxi- mum amount of benefits payable (as provided in sec. 203(a)) on the basis of his wages and self- employment income shall be- 1,350.00 1, 351. 70 1, 353.50 1, 355. 20 1, 357.00 1,358.70 1,360.50 1, 362. 20 1, 364. 00 1, 365. 70 1, 367.50 1, 369. 20 Average Monthly Wage (b)(1) For the purposes of column III of the table appearing in subsection (a) of this section, an individual's "average monthly wage" shall be the quotient obtained by dividing— (A) the total of his wages paid in and self-employment income credited to his "benefit computation years" (determined under paragraph (2)), by (B) the number of months in such years. (2) (A) The number of an individual's "benefit computation years" shall be equal to the number of elapsed years (determined under para- xxii graph (3) of this subsection), reduced by five, except that the number of an individual's benefit computation years shall in no case be less than two. (B) An individual's "benefit computation years" shall be those com- putation base years, equal in number to the number determined under subparagraph (A), for which the total of his wages and self-employ- ment income is the largest. (C) For purposes of subparagraph (B), “computation base years" include only calendar years in the period after 1950 and prior to the earlier of the following years- (i) the year in which occurred (whether by reason of section 202 (j) (1) or otherwise) the first month for which the individual was entitled to old-age insurance benefits, or (ii) the year succeeding the year in which he died. Any calendar year all of which is included in a period of disability shall not be included as a computation base year. (3) For purposes of paragraph (2), the number of an individual's elapsed years is the number of calendar years after 1950 (or, if later, the year in which he attained age 21) and before the year in which he died, or if it occurred earlier but after 1960, the year in which he attained age 62.1 For purposes of the preceding sentence, any cal- endar year any part of which was included in a period of disability shall not be included in such number of calendar years. (4) The provisions of this subsection shall be applicable only in the case of an individual- (A) who becomes entitled to benefits under section 202(a) or section 223 in or after the month in which a new table that appears in (or is deemed by subsection (i) (2) (D) to appear in) subsec- tion (a) becomes effective; or (B) who dies in or after the month in which such table be- comes effective without being entitled to benefits under section 202(a) or section 223; or (C) whose primary insurance amount is required to be recom- puted under subsection (f) (2). (5) [Repealed.] Primary Insurance Amount Under Prior Provisions (c) (1) For the purpose of column II of the latest table that appears in (or is deemed to appear in) subsection (a) of this section, an in- ¹ P.L. 92–603, section 104 (b), deleted "before (A) in the case of a woman, the year in which she died or, if it occurred earlier but after 1960, the year in which she attained age 62, M (B) in the case of a man who has died, the year in which he died or, if it occurred earlier but after 1960, the year in which he attained age 65, or (C) in the case of a man who has not died, the year occurring after 1960 in which he attained (or would attain) age 65. For" and inserted "before the year in which he died, or if it occurred earlier but after 1960. the year in which he attained age 62. For". See footnote to sec. 214 (a) (1) for effective date. xxiii dividual's primary insurance amount shall be computed on the basis of the law in effect prior to the month in which the latest such table became effective. (2) The provisions of this subsection shall be applicable only in the case of an individual who became entitled to benefits under section 202 (a) or section 223, or who died, before such effective month. Primary Insurance Benefit Under 1939 Act¹ (d) (1) For purposes of column I of the table appearing in subsec- tion (a) of this section, an individual's primary insurance benefit shall be computed as follows: (A) The individual's average monthly wage shall be determined as provided in subsection (b) (but without regard to paragraph (4) thereof) of this section, except that for purposes of paragraph (2) (C) and (3) of such subsection, 1936 shall be used instead of 1950. (B) For purposes of subparagraphs (B) and (C) of subsection (b) (2), an individual whose total wages prior to 1951 (as defined in subparagraph (C) of this subsection) - (i) do not exceed $27,000 shall be deemed to have been paid such wages in equal parts in nine calendar years after 1936 and prior to 1951; (ii) exceed $27,000 and are less than $42,000 shall be deemed to have been paid (I) $3,000 in each of such number of calen- dar years after 1936 and prior to 1951 as is equal to the integer derived by dividing such total wages by $3,000, and (II) the excess of such total wages over the product of $3,000 times such integer, in an additional calendar year in such period; or (iii) are at least $42,000 shall be deemed to have been paid $3,000 in each of the fourteen calendar years after 1936 and prior to 1951. (C) For the purposes of subparagraph (B), "total wages prior to 1951" with respect to an individual means the sum of (i) re- muneration credited to such individual prior to 1951 on the records of the Secretary, (ii) wages deemed paid prior to 1951 to such individual under section 217, (iii) compensation under the Rail- road Retirement Act of 1937 prior to 1951 creditable to him pur- suant to this title, and (iv) wages deemed paid prior to 1951 to such individual under section 231. (D) The individual's primary insurance benefits shall be 45.6 per centum of the first $50 of his average monthly wage as com- ¹ Subsection (d), as it appears here, is applicable only to individuals who become eligible for old-age or disability insurance benefits or die prior to 1978. Otherwise, the provisions of subsection (d) as it appears on pages 131-133 apply. xxiv puted under this subsection, plus 11.4 per centum of the next $200 of such average monthly wage. (2) The provisions of this subsection shall be applicable only in the case of an individual- (A) with respect to whom at least one of the quarters elapsing prior to 1951 is a quarter of coverage; (B) except as provided in paragraph (3), who attained age 22 after 1950 and with respect to whom less than six of the quar- ters elapsing after 1950 are quarters of coverage, or who attained such age before 1951; and (C) (i) who becomes entitled to benefits under section 202(a) or 223 after the date of the enactment of the Social Security Amendments of 1967, or (ii) who dies after such date without being entitled to benefits under section 202 (a) or 223, or (iii) whose primary insurance amount is required to be recom- puted under section 215 (f) (2) or (6), or section 231. (3) The provisions of this subsection as in effect prior to the enact- ment of the Social Security Amendments of 1967 shall be applicable in the case of an individual- (A) who attained age 21 after 1936 and prior to 1951, or (B) who had a period of disability which began prior to 1951, but only if the primary insurance amount resulting therefrom is higher than the primary insurance amount resulting from the ap- plication of this section (as amended by the Social Security Amendments of 1967) and section 220. Certain Wages and Self-Employment Income Not To Be Counted (e) For the purposes of subsections (b) and (d)— (1) in computing an individual's average monthly wage there shall not be counted the excess over $3,600 in the case of any calendar year after 1950 and before 1955, the excess over $4,200 in the case of any calendar year after 1954 and before 1959, the excess over $4,800 in the case of any calendar year after 1958 and before 1966, the excess over $6,600 in the case of any calendar year after 1965 and before 1968, the excess over $7,800 in the case of any calendar year after 1967 and before 1972, the excess over $9,000 in the case of any calendar year after 1971 and before 1973, the excess over $10,800 in the case of any calendar year after 1972 and before 1974, the excess over $13,200 in the case of any calendar year after 1973 and before 1975, and the excess over an amount equal to the contribution and benefit base (as determined under section 230)¹ in the case of any calendar year after 1974 with re 1 See Appendix E. XXV spect to which such contribution and benefit base is effective of (A) the wages paid to him in such year, plus (B) the self-employ- ment income credited to such year (as determined under section 212); and (2) if an individual's average monthly wage computed under subsection (b) or for the purposes of subsection (d) is not a multi- ple of $1, it shall be reduced to the next lower multiple of $1. Recomputation of Benefits (f) (1) After an individual's primary insurance amount has been determined under this section, there shall be no recomputation of such individual's primary insurance amount except as provided in this sub- section or, in the case of a World War II veteran who died prior to July 27, 1954, as provided in section 217 (b). (2) If an individual has wages or self-employment income for a year after 1965 for any part of which he is entitled to old-age insurance benefits, the Secretary shall, at such time or times and within such period as he may by regulations prescribe, recompute such individual's primary insurance amount with respect to each such year. Such recom- putation shall be made as provided in subsections (a) (1) (A) and (C) and (a)(3) as though the year with respect to which such re- computation is made is the last year of the period specified in subsec- tion (b)(2)(C). A recomputation under this paragraph with respect to any year shall be effective— (A) in the case of an individual who did not die in such year, for monthly benefits beginning with benefits for January of the following year; or (B) in the case of an individual who died in such year, for monthly benefits beginning with benefits for the month in which he died. (3) In the case of any individual who became entitled to old-age insurance benefits in 1952 or in a taxable year which began in 1952 (and without the application of section 202 (j) (1)), or who died in 1952 or in a taxable year which began in 1952 but did not become entitled to such benefits prior to 1952, and who had self-employment income for a taxable year which ended within or with 1952 or which began in 1952, then upon application filed by such individual after the close of such taxable year and prior to January 1961 or (if he died without filing such application and such death occurred prior to Janu- ary 1961) by a person entitled to monthly benefits on the basis of such individual's wages and self-employment income, the Secretary shall recompute such individual's primary insurance amount. Such recom- putation shall be made in the manner provided in the preceding sub- sections of this section (other than subsection (b) (4) (A)) for com- xxvi putation of such amount, except that (A) the self-employment income closing date shall be the day following the quarter with or within which such taxable year ended, and (B) the self-employment income for any subsequent taxable year shall not be taken into account. Such recomputation shall be effective (A) in the case of an application filed by such individual, for and after the first month in which he became entitled to old-age insurance benefits, and (B) in the case of an appli- cation filed by any other person, for and after the month in which such person who filed such application for recomputation became entitled to such monthly benefits. No recomputation under this paragraph pur- suant to an application filed after such individual's death shall affect the amount of the lump-sum death payment under subsection (i) of section 202, and no such recomputation shall render erroneous any such payment certified by the Secretary prior to the effective date of the recomputation. (4) Any recomputation under this subsection shall be effective only if such recomputation results in a higher primary insurance amount. (5) In the case of a man who became entitled to old-age insurance benefits and died before the month in which he attained age 65, the Secretary shall recompute his primary insurance amount as provided in subsection (a) as though he became entitled to old-age insurance benefits in the month in which he died; except that (i) his computa- tion base years referred to in subsection (b) (2) shall include the year in which he died, and (ii) his elapsed years referred to in subsection (b) (3) shall not include the year in which he died or any year there- after. Such recomputation of such primary insurance amount shall be effective for and after the month in which he died. (6) Upon the death after 1967 of an individual entitled to benefits under section 202 (a) or section 223, if any person is entitled to monthly benefits or a lump-sum death payment, on the wages and self- employment income of such individual, the Secretary shall recompute the decedent's primary insurance amount, but only if the decedent during his lifetime was paid compensation which was treated under section 205 (o) as remuneration for employment. Rounding of Benefits (g) The amount of any primary insurance amount and the amount of any monthly benefit computed under section 202 or 223 which (after reduction under section 203 (a) and deductions under section 203 (b)) is not a multiple of $0.10 shall be raised to the next higher multiple of $0.10. Remuneration of Certain Public Health Service Officers¹ (h) (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subchapter III of chap- ter 83 of title 5, United States Code, remuneration paid for services to which the provisions of section 210(1) (1) of this Act are applicable 1 Subsection title is not included in the statute. xxvii and which is performed by an individual as a commissioned officer of the Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service prior to July 1, 1960, shall not be included in computing entitlement to or the amount of any monthly benefit under this title, on the basis of his wages and self- employment income, for any month after June 1960 and prior to the first month with respect to which the Civil Service Commission certi- fies to the Secretary that, by reason of a waiver filed as provided in paragraph (2), no further annuity will be paid to him, his wife, and his children, or, if he has died, to his widow and children, under sub- chapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code, on the basis of such service. (2) In the case of a monthly benefit for a month prior to that in which the individual, on whose wages and self-employment income such benefit is based, dies, the waiver must be filed by such individual; and such waiver shall be irrevocable and shall constitute a waiver on behalf of himself, his wife, and his children. If such individual did not file such a waiver before he died, then in the case of a benefit for the month in which he died or any month thereafter, such waiver must be filed by his widow, if any, and by or on behalf of all his children, if any; and such waivers shall be irrevocable. Such a waiver by a child shall be filed by his legal guardian or guardians, or, in the absence thereof, by the person (or persons) who has the child in his care. Cost-of-Living Increases in Benefits (i) (1) For purposes of this subsection- (A) the term "base quarter" means (i) the calendar quarter ending on March 31 in each year after 1974, or (ii) any other cal- endar quarter in which occurs the effective month of a general benefit increase under this title; (B) the term "cost-of-living computation quarter” means a base quarter, as defined in subparagraph (A)(i), in which the Con- sumer Price Index prepared by the Department of Labor exceeds, by not less than 3 per centum, such Index in the later of (i) the last prior cost-of-living computation quarter which was estab- lished under this subparagraph, or (ii) the most recent calendar quarter in which occurred the effective month of a general benefit increase under this title; except that there shall be no cost-of- living computation quarter in any calendar year if in the year prior to such year a law has been enacted providing a general benefit increase under this title or if in such prior year such a general benefit increase becomes effective; and (C) the Consumer Price Index for a base quarter, a cost-of- living computation quarter, or any other calendar quarter shall be the arithmetical mean of such index for the 3 months in such quarter. xxviii (2) (A) (i) The Secretary shall determine each year beginning with 1975 (subject to the limitation in paragraph (1) (B)) whether the base quarter (as defined in paragraph (1)(A) (i)) in such year is a cost-of- living computation quarter. (ii) If the Secretary determines that the base quarter in any year is a cost-of-living computation quarter, he shall, effective with the month of June of such year as provided in subparagraph (B), increase the benefit amount of each individual who for such month is entitled to benefits under section 227 or 228, and the primary insurance amount of each other individual under this title (but not including a primary insurance amount determined under subsection (a) (3) of this section), by an amount derived by multiplying each such amount (including each such individual's primary insurance amount or benefit amount under section 227 or 228 as previously increased under this subpara- graph) by the same percentage (rounded to the nearest one-tenth of 1 percent) as the percentage by which the Consumer Price Index for such cost-of-living computation quarter exceeds such index for the most recent prior calendar quarter which was a base quarter under paragraph (1)(A) (ii) or, if later, the most recent cost-of-living com- putation quarter under paragraph (1) (B). Any such increased amount which is not a multiple of $0.10 shall be increased to the next higher multiple of $0.10. (B) The increase provided by subparagraph (A) with respect to a particular cost-of-living computation quarter shall apply in the case of monthly benefits under this title for months after May of the calen- dar year in which occurred such cost-of-living computation quarter, and in the case of lump-sum death payments with respect to deaths occurring after May of such calendar year. (C) (i) Whenever the level of the Consumer Price Index as pub- lished for any month exceeds by 2.5 percent or more the level of such index for the most recent base quarter (as defined in paragraph (1) (A) (ii)) or, if later, the most recent cost-of-living computation quar- ter, the Secretary shall (within 5 days after such publication) report the amount of such excess to the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance. (ii) Whenever the Secretary determines that a base quarter in a calendar year is also a cost-of-living computation quarter, he shall notify the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Com- mittee on Finance of such determination within 30 days after the close of such quarter, indicating the amount of the benefit increase to be pro- vided, his estimate of the extent to which the cost of such increase would be met by an increase in the contribution and benefit base under section 230 and the estimated amount of the increase in such base, the xxix actuarial estimates of the effect of such increase, and the actuarial as- sumptions and methodology used in preparing such estimates. (D).If the Secretary determines that a base quarter in a calendar year is also a cost-of-living computation quarter, he shall publish in the Federal Register within 45 days after the close of such quarter, a determination that a benefit increase is resultantly required and the percentage thereof. He shall also publish in the Federal Register at that time (along with the increased benefit amounts which shall be deemed to be the amounts appearing in sections 227 and 228) a revision of the table of benefits contained in subsection (a) of this section (as it may have been most recently revised by another law or pursuant to this paragraph); and such revised table shall be deemed to be the table appearing in such subsection (a). Such revision shall be deter- mined as follows: (i) The headings of the table shall be the same as the headings in the table immediately prior to its revision, except that the parenthetical phrase at the beginning of column II shall reflect the year in which the primary insurance amounts set forth in column IV of the table immediately prior to its revision were effective. (ii) The amounts on each line of column I and column III, except as otherwise provided by clause (v) of this subparagraph, shall be the same as the amounts appearing in each such column in the table immediately prior to its revision. (iii) The amount on each line of column II shall be changed to the amount shown on the corresponding line of column IV of the table immediately prior to its revision. (iv) The amounts on each line of column IV and column V shall be increased from the amounts shown in the table immedi- ately prior to its revision by increasing each such amount by the percentage specified in subparagraph (A) (ii) of this paragraph. The amount on each line of column V shall be increased, if neces- sary, so that such amount is at least equal to one and one-half times the amount shown on the corresponding line in column IV. Any such increased amount which is not a multiple of $0.10 shall be increased to the next higher multiple of $0.10. (v) If the contribution and benefit base (determined under section 230) for the calendar year in which the table of benefits is revised is lower than such base for the following calendar year, columns III, IV, and V of such table shall be extended. The amounts on each additional line of column III shall be the amounts on the preceding line increased by $5 until in the last such line of column III the second figure is equal to, or exceeds by less than $5, one-twelfth of the new contribution and benefit base for the calen- XXX G dar year following the calendar year in which such table of bene- fits is revised. The amount on each additional line of column IV shall be the amount on the preceding line increased by $1.00, until the amount on the last line of such column is equal to the last line of such column as determined under clause (iv) plus 20 percent of the excess of the second figure in the last line of column III as ex- tended under the preceding sentence over such second figure for the calendar year in which the table of benefits is revised. The amount in each additional line of column V shall be equal to 1.75 times the amount on the same line of column IV. Any such in- creased amount which is not a multiple of $0.10 shall be increased to the next higher multiple of $0.10.¹ (3) As used in this subsection, the term "general benefit increase under this title” means an increase (other than an increase under this subsection) in all primary insurance amounts on which monthly insur- ance benefits under this title are based. 1 Clause (v) was amended by sec. 103(d) of P.L. 95–216. о UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06519 7058 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DATE DUE AUG 0 3 1962 เวล Bureau of Govt. KF 3644 1978 Li U.S. Laws, Statutes etc. The social secur- ity act. shing: Tarenta 66-2241 1634-28 Murf 000 00 CyOb 12 CYOL tall D JAN 03 1981 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD 13 Cleares S 2001 19.03 4 ** وح 11 +